Miami Gazette April 23, 1936 - May 13, 1937

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Eighty-Eighth Year





Whole Numb r 6218



JURIES DRAWN An impressive I'vice took place at t. Mal'y's Episcopal church FOR MAY lERM Easter afternoon when the Rev.



BUYERS DO NOT LIKE Mrs. Rolly Monger' enterLained iTO WillWET SEN D CHECKS · To anti Walter Rob ert!! PI'iJ son. purty ~J friendK Thur~dllY evenH A GROWERS SUNBURNED POIATOES • • • lng, Allrll a surprlll for MI'. Mr: Geol rge MeOhio potato growers 10 t con- ~onget·, l.he occasion being .hi · WHO HAVE CONTDACIS Ke ev Apl'il a so n. hlrth anlllv 1' h ev Illng '1) siderable mon y last yeaI' becallse MI'.



13, 0


16, 8S Tu und Mr~. John J. Schaefl'er administer d Jurors for the MIlY term of I', 17, the rite of baptism to two children r~lll'y . Lc Edward ', son of Mr_ lind MI·s. com 01 OJ!! I pleas Court in Warl'en ~-- - - - - - \\ ilK spe'nt in playing galllcs and the.)' did not plant .theil· s~ed Club Met At The Little 1_ Laat P. B. nyder, and Hal'old Edward, county weI" urawn at the court Friends' Home News deeply cnl/ugh 1.0 protect the grow ut u late hour del iciolls refr sh- M oneyI T I 0 B., I n F u U Pa,ment son of 1Ilr. and Mrs. Harold house Monday. Th re were tweni.ymenls we I'e ~er ved . Thos present For Frida, AfternOO1l of Oblillation. In La.t .. in g tuber Crom Ull uurn and lilese Miller, of Oayton_ Th~ spon ~ol.'~ MI'~ . M,urglll' t !\fuI'LIn, III com. . ' . ' were I\1r. and Mrs. \. . Turner, four m~mes c1rawn fOl' petit jury 'th '1 . d ... J L M blemished potatoes were reJMteti Adju.tmen t Plan were th grandparents, Mr. and Mr. and MI·s. Guy Turner, M'L and pany WI "r. an lu iS.,. . en h h d . 0 t \'.' d d 'W en t ey " el'e gra ed for sale ac Mrs. Le Tumer alltl son Oti s, Mr. Mrs. W. E. MilIer1 of Waynesville; serv ice and flfteen (oJ' serv ice vn d en h a II , wa III ay on .. e nes ay cor d'Ing to E . B . ' T uSl!lng, ' ' ' s llcciul. The Woman' Auxiliary or the the 'ttreat grandfather, Mr. Alfred the May grand jury. and Mrs. harll's Blakeley, Mr. Ohio wh~at gl'OW 1'9 who madeai .el'noon. .I S., III . vege l EI bl e gar demng, ' . . O. . U and Mrs. Raymond St. John and fo r crop adjustm nt allPlicatiollS The grand jury ' ha~ b~n Sll mEpiscopal church met Friday Rowett, \\nd the great uncl~, Mr. !'fl': and Mr . Edwin ~Ilatt, of PoLato planters huuId be inEdwllJ:d Rowett,. both. of Zanesville moned lor Monday, May 4, at ten afternoon at ~he LittJ Inn with "Yll mll1gton, called on fnends here sp cted before they are to b e used three children, all of Jsmestown; con t racts beIol'e JanU81'Y 6, 1936, onner and and who adjusted thcir wheat o'clock and the' pelit jury fot' Wednesday. to find j llst how deeply the MI'. and M\·s. Ray M,·S. ChaJ'!es Frazier as hostess. daughter Judith Aryn, Mr. and acreage according to 'the Lerms of Tuesday, May 19, at nine o'clock. Miss Kate Hall is quit.c ill. will place seed in the ground. Thi Rev. John J. Schal'ft'er conducted Mrs. gal'! Rolland, Mr. and Mrs. th applicaLion will rcceive beneThe . following grant.! jurors Mr_ 'a nd 1\hs . N. P. lyburn, o{ can be. done by placing the planter the devotion a.nd aHer the busi· fit payments of approximately $1,were drawn: Clyde Whitaker Mol'- VVnshingt.on, . II., we're dinner on a level floor and lowering the Lon BeckeLt, and Ruru s Conner. 500 ,000_ Guy Dowdy, O. S. U., who nes session the followin'g program row; Mrs. L. S. Shawhan, Leba- gil t..'! Sunday of. Mrs. Anna Cad- planting shoe as fill' as possible. super i. cd the- wheat adjuJitment non; W_ C_ Manning, Clarksville; wallader and Miss larn Lile, was given: The distance that the planter J)rogram in Ohio says there will be Charles S' t ewart, Lebanon; Rich010, "I Heard th 1\hs. Anna Catlwullad,e r i. re- wheels raise off the fl oo r i.~ th about 14 000 furmers eligibl e for ard Snook, South Lebanon; W. c!)vel'ing satisfacto rily from the extreme depth ihn t the planter Je us Say"-Mrs. Ethan Crane, payment. . Turton, Lebanon; John Adam s, effect of th fall down stairs she will plant seed. Replacement of Mrs. J. D. Bolin, accompanist, . _. Wayne vin; Emmet Stewart, s ustrlined 11 (ew weeks ugo. MOlley was appropriated by Conworn planter shoes with new ones Reading, "A Family in BrotherFrank Wr)ght 1/5 senously sick Lo land Ch I B F 111' g ress to makc these payments, at his home in Ferry. ve ; ar es eam, '.·an In Mrs. Ida Bosler, 01' Dllyton, wi1\ p rmit deeper planting. Homer C. Geol·ge, Lebanon; Charhood"---Mrs. 0_ L. Crane_ which will be made only after the dined wltb h I' ni ce, Miss KathPermitting potatoes to Jie on the "Missions in Haiti" Mrs. Mrs. L. D. Chiles is visiting les Carron, Mo r~'owi Mrs. William erine ollins, unday. ground fOl' considerable periods at ==========:::==, farm er'!; compliance with the Frazier. t'elatives tn Dayton. I E. tanton, Miamisburg; harJes Mr~. Lena Hartsock Icalled OIl hu I'vest time sometimes causes Mrs. Sarah Lippcncott sel'i- contemplated wh eat: progt'am ha I Rogers, Lebanon; harles Vanderbeen checked by members of the reJatives near Five Poillt and sUllb urn, but mo t of t.his type of qusly sick. Book review, "In the Steps of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Davis and voort, Harveysburg; Allison Gil- Cen terville unday after-noon. local committee. These payment! blemi~h occurs during the growing His Master" - Mi s Katherine Miss Rachel were Columbus visi- lum, Lebanon . Mr. and Mr . Clarence Mend n- are in full settlement of the Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sht~rwood, of season. Pota es which are tossed Prendergast. i tors, Monday. ' ! For petit jury service, the fol- Columbus called on Minse Annie illto crates as they are picked up hall and children VI'~l'e guest ot obligations of th-e secretary of 010 "Far From My Heavenly lowing names w re drawn: C. L. and Mame Browne, Fl'iday after- or which are dumped into contain- friends in Dayton several days 1a L r agriCUlture to Ohio wheat growers, , Mrs. Edith Harris Clnd Mrs. ' M'1l Lab ' . C A G The money paid to wheat growHome"- Mrs. E. C. Orane, I . • . J er, anon, . . ray, noon. el' fror considerable height·s will week, . . Ronald Hawke were sl10PPlng III Waynesv ille' Albert Urton ers is -ellti rely separate from any Mr~. Belth Doane .and Mr. be brUIsed enough to hurt their "Ups and Downs of .Life"- Mrs Dayton Tuesday CI arkBVI'11 e: 'CI I'ff Han k s, 0 r.e goma .' M.r. and Mrs. John B. Gons wel'e payments made under the new soil 1 harles tarbuck, of Wilmington, sale. Potatoes which are dug be· Edith Harris. Th H t M . R b ict l' conservation law , 'and the wheat orrow, 0 er t cal led on Mrs_ Mary L. Adams, tore they are ripe have tender guests of Mil'. and Mrs. . ., Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Chapman and l oma8 un er, Carpenter at Middletown, Satur- payments will not in any way afMiSSIOnary notes tly MTS. L.'· H· ·M r . L" M H en'd crson were m - Anderson ' Franklin', . 1 . A COl'unday. sltins which will scutt'· and give day night. Gor d on, Mn. B ert H artsoc, k Mrs. . . . Woonesday. n 11 ' Wayne viii ., J en nie Grahau1 , fect a farmer's eligibility to . ClnelOn8tl, . -them a bad appearance for 'market W. H. Allen, Mrs: J • D. Boltn. Harveysburg ; Dave Holmes, Lebqualify for payments under the MI·s. Charles Myers, '01 Cincln- soil conservation law. Local expen At the conclusIon of the proMr. C. A. Deppe, of Franklin, anon: Fred Braddock, Waynesn.ati, spent several daJ'S last week ses for checking compliance on gram a .dainty lunch was served. lnd., was the week-end guest Of vi11e: D. A. Thackars, SpringlJoro; with her mother, Ml· . Kezia1 wheat acreage will be deducted M1'8. Dausy Snyder was a guest at Dr. a .d Mrs. E. F. Deppe: Clarence Hayes Blanchester; Revs . In times of lIicknes Sind sorrow Thompson. the meeting. Stump, Lebanon: Lou Rosenber- we realize I.he value of the sympafrom wheat growers' checks. ---_ _ _ R. F. Hatfield, Boyd Henderson, thy and hel pIullle s of our true v. M. Armitage and Ed Ramby ger Clarksville; J. W. Snell, Har- fl'iend . Mrs. Mary C. Cross is expected veysburg; Omar Hollingsworth, to arrive home thi week from p nt Sunday at Indian Lake. Th e olemnity of <Ie~l th binds Oregonia; larencil' RyC', WaynesThe Wayne Townsh ip Mothers' Englewood, Florida, wllere she Ule members of a family more club will meet al; the grade build- spent the winter. Ralph Branstrator, who has ville; Raymond Moore, Waynes· closely to~ther. spent the past yeal' in Florida, ville; Glenn Hawthorne, Frunklin; In the grave of our kllndred we jng on Thursday, Apl'il 3D, at 2 xpeets to return home May 1. Robert Jone" L ban on ; Russell Ml's_ Carl Croll has returned to drop all trivial difl'erencEiS and up· p.m., instead of on the regular Drake, Morrow; Clara LiJe, Wayday, Friday_ The change was made her home in Franklin after spend Misses Trillena and Margaret nesville; C. H _ Creighton, Frank- lift ou r eyes eo the seren ity of the because of the track meet at. Leb- ing the past week with her parents sky to which the IIpirit !has flown. WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH -Edwards were guests of O. J. lin: and William Null, Lebanon. A check for $23,544 as Warre-n Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sheehan. To one who hlls suffel'ed bodily anon on Friday, May I. Rev. G. C. Dibert, Pastor Edwards and tamny at Springfield hare in the current dis· count.y's Election of officers will take pain t h ' release fl'om it come a Sunday: Sunday school at 9:30 Tuesday. Mrs. n. H. Harlsock and Mrs. tribution 01 1936 auto license tag place at this time. A snort proa bl ssing of peace. a_ m. Morni~g worship at 10 :30. Ethan Crane anti -daugtJter, Nancy, fees made ~y the state auditor, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gray and Mr John L vi, son of Thom . and Aq :>!snw JO .ltU!iSlsuo:> 'IUUJ~ was received last week by County The sermon subject will b, and Mrs. Egbert, of Cincinnati, Frunk LeMay Jr, and a talk by were Dayton visitors today_ at LeamtngRuth Levi, was bOl'n Allditor Will R. Lew!s. "Going Ou~ by Faith, Not Know- were Sunday guests of Mr. and ton, In the P rovince of Ontario, l'tlrs. Kenncth Hough, has been Of this amount whtch represents Joe Tinney attendMr. and M,·s. ing Where." auanged. Mrs. J . H. Sackett will Mrs. J, H. Smith. Canudu, October 4, 1869 and total col1e~tion of $32,700, the ed the Cuneral of a relative at Thllre will 'b e a flhort mlleting have charge of the devotions. county receives $19,619 which wi11 nnouneement hag been made pa~sed away quietly, Monday, Hamilton, last Thurg(Jay. 'Members of the "Argunot" of the official bond at the close be transferred to the road fund. bJidge club were guest of Mrs. of the annual Warren coun.ty April IS, 1936. of the morning ,setvice. Mrs. Everett Kenrick, of Cen- Twenty.three per cent of the total The youngest son olf twelve Epworth League at 6 :4& p. m. Ronald Hawke at The Littl-e Inn track meet and field day to be terville, spent unday with he~ collectio ns or $7,621 is retained by h Id at the fairgraund3 on Friday, children he STew to mlanhood in Evening s rvice at 7 :30 p, m. Saturday afternoon. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hopkins. tbe state while five per cent, May 1. A Paul Porter, superinten- this beautiflll lake rt!gion, in W dnesday: Bible study and Ir. and Mrs. Wilbur F. Clark dent of schoo ls at Morrow is serv 'which his family wa !highly reprayer meeting at 7 :30 p. m. 'Mr. and, Mrs. A. R. 'Earnhart amounting to '1636, goes to the pent Sunda~ in ~ayton, tbe ing a chairman of the co~mittee s pecled and widely known by reaand sons were supper guests of state equalization fund. The re~ --t d son of theil' upright character and glle ts of their lIon-ln-law and _ The Waltlle Township music Mr. and Mrs. Gilb ~rt Frye, Wed- mainder, $23,5~4, is a\J()tted to ST. MARY'S CHURCH da'ughter Mr_ and Mrs Pa))] Flory' In charge of the 1936 even an , . I h Wanen county for distribution as , . will be assi ted by a committee gk'cat physlca strengt. fcstival in which the music classes nesday evening. Re.... J. J. Schaetrer, Reetor follows: of the grades participated, took W. C. Smith, minister of the ~ composed of Sllperintendents R. A I~ ea rly manhood he acc0",1Second Sunday after Eaater, Mr. and Mrs. Fred SherWOOd, of To Franldin ...... ...... ....... $1,000 Alnil 26, Church school .t 9.30; WaYIl sville and Ferry Churches Young, Mason, Ralph FI'ancis, paYfled an elder brolhe:~ to Oh~o place Tuesday nIght with a large Columbus, were guests of M~'_ To Harveysburg ., ..... .... ,. 76 of Christ, was called to Akron be..' Harveysburg, and J. W. Lob, where he ~1et and mat:rlled Mattie audience present, every available Mornini' Prayer nd sermon at and Mrs. Clarence Edwards, last To Lebanon . .., .. .............. , I,S76 of th& iJlneSil of hi s sister. W sv'lle Crew of Ilcar Wayn~svlllle. cause space in the gym being taken. 10 :30. The United Thank offering ayne I , Al . d t' d I To Mason .. .......... ,.. ... ... 260 J. W. Newberg will ' serve as waYf\ In us rlO~ atl a over The program was carried , out week. win-be pre!lented at this service, Mrs. R. A. donner will enter"'" T P Van of neat and beautIful surroundTo Morrow .. ..... . . ....... 226 successfully and much credit is " . . cIerk 0 f th e cour<;,,-, Mr$. Viola Carey i slowly tain the New Centul'Y club at her Vorhis, of Miami Univer ity, as of- mgs, Mr_ L~v l labored early and, due ,the music instructor, Mr. To Pleasant Plain ... , .. . 25 ST. '1UGUSTINE CHURCH home on Fourth street, Friday icial starter and referee; Charles late and while young a~d strong Ru ell Frank for the progress 'Of recovering from an iIlnes oC alTo South · Lebanon ... ... .. 76 most two months duraton. Father Newton. Paltor afternoon. To Springboro .... .. ,... .., 1'16 James and Ralph Mills as official su~ re d a unstl'oke which WIlS 80 his pupils. at St. Augustine's ch.urch g a:n r~galndell To Waynesville ............ .. 22~ R. D. Collett, H. A. om 11, A. Mr. and Mra. E, C. Crane and scorers; and L. A. Garst, R. MatS~rtOUS he never 8 every Sunday ', morning. d To County . ..... . . ........ 19,619 F. Melloh and J. C. Hawke att ndchildren were guetlts of M.r. a nd ton and R. A I Smith as timers. hl~ early health ~n v g~'r.. ut eFunds allott d to municipalities ed Masonic inspection at New No trophies will be awarded but sp Ite days of pam he remained a ·M1'8. Paul Boororn, of near BeUFRIENDS MEETING mu ' t be used for street maintenBurlington, Wed-Qcsday nlght. 'bb '11 b I . to first s~c faithful a nd willing worker. He roo, un ay. nons. WI e g Iven . , ,,. " d • First-day 801\001 at 9 :8Ga. m. b k S d ance and repairs while the county ond a.nd third place winners in was a kInd anc1 10Vllllt, husban Me_Inc for Worlhlp at 10 :80 Mrs. A. H. Stubbs entel·tai'ned a allotment goes to the road fund . No opposition to. proposals of Mr. and .·Mrs. Geo1Jge Hamilton h v t lind fatber and a good neIghbor to m. thil state highway department to ~roup of little folk ' Saturday for repairs. en • .. _ _ and 'Mr. and Mrs. Lee MorriS, of ____ 01I who knew hi m. absorb 59.72 additional miles of afternOOn for the pleas ure of het' Further distributions from the Dayton, were guests of Mrs. He is survived by hi~: widow, a econdary roads in the state daughter Yvonne, who ·celebl'ated FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST Amanda Maflt lind Mrs. Sarah 'Uson Wellington, and daugbter state will be made as a final check Carl Smith, Mtnllter MUlTay, Sunday. . Helen, her hu sband John Ells- system for Tl1flintenanee purposes her sixth birthday. Games and re.- is mad~ on 1936 license receipts. PelTY Thorn... Supt. of Bible four separate public freshments featured the occa ion. The present distribution is in adworth mith and th ir children, developed School .' M1'. and Mrs. Earl Holland ~nter The April meeting of th Happy Miriam and Patrici~ olf Dayton, hearillgs held Monday morning vallce of II definite cbec;k and Mrs. J. P. Fromm, Mrs. E. F. Sunday School 9 :80 a. m. taaned on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Hour Chlb was held Tuesday of Ohio, by his brothers AJ{red and and afternoon at the courthou80 Earnhart, Miss Marjorie Earnhal'\ totals fOl' the state a s a whole, ap·Communion 18 :46 a. ·m. Elmer P~tersOI'l and son Jimmie, last week at th.e home of Mrs. L. GOl'doll Levl of . Lleamington, in Xenia. Mrs. F.rBnk Hess, Mr. and Mr • L . proximately $6,600,000. Bermon . 11 a. m., o! DaytQlI, and Mr. and lin, Ray E. Hocket;t, with seventeen mem- OntaTio, and' by a host Clf relativ~8 Roa.ds and, mileage involved in --C. St. John, Mrs. Glen Bland and Conner and d.uehter, Judith Ann. ben answering to roll call. the hcllrin.g s were as follows: 4 :30 M and friends. • BIRD SPECIES 31)0 M H ~A YNESVIUE CHURCH OF n. yer yman a.tten d· e d REPORTED IN OHIO After the sliort bU8ine~s session For some Years he has spent 1iti mile, from Yellow Springs to the Mr. and Mrs. , Bert Hartaoclt CHRIST Xenia-Fairfle1i1 road, 19.81 mles Eastern Star inspec~ion at Harthe program commit~ee pr' e .sented winters with Helen, in Dayton, visited their dauglater. Mias Betty , 'veysburg, W~d ne sday ir.ight. \ Carl Smith, liinuter of the Waynesville-Bellbrook-FairNearly 3qO species and subat the General Roapital, Cinc:in- a very intere,sting prog1'8.m, con- und soon after his re.turn to his Not A DenominatloD lIau, . Sunday, and found her sisting of sevJlTal readings, jokes own 'home, a few weeks ago, he fields roads in Gre~me and Warren Mrs. Mary Etta Surface. who is sllecies of birds have been found Jenny C. Bradley, Supt. counties, 21.21 miles of road from very ill, was taken to Miami in Ohio, according to Dr_ LawrapidlY ,recovering from her recent and· an Easter egg hunt, which told hi devoted wife thsit he would BeJlbrook to Spring Valley to Valley !lospitul this morning, for rence E. Hicks. He has written a 9 :30, Bible school; music by bV everyone present. nof get weli and that he was not was ",njoyed illn~81. Paintersville to Bowersville, 10.40 observation and beatment. riew study of Ohio bird life jUlt j un ior choir. . At the close of the program, the alraid to die. oTon published by the state biological mllel! of the Xenia-South 10 to 10 :80, lesson period. Jesus Mr. Leander Carey, Mi.. Bertha hoeteas, assisted by Mrs. Rhodes ' ., Owners of Ohio orc:hards should urvey at O. S. U. Carey and Mr . .Walter Carey, of Bunnell and Mn. Frank Braddock Weep not fol' him tha~ s gone be- road in Greene and MadisOn. counlooks at 'Wealth and ·ponrty-1.u ties remember the words of Dr. John I Some of these are rare visitors -tore, . . 16:19-31. Golden text: The rich near ,Dodds, were dinner guest. of serv~d a delicious salad course. The state department at present Harvey Kellogg, .me~icaJ director, but 181 are known to have nested Each one departed at a late Upl ift your tl'~stmg ..eyesj , and poor meet 'together, Jehovah Mrs. Flo1lSie Carey, Sunday. the is the maker of them all - Pro· occasion celebratln, 14n. Car<ey's hour, thankhJII' the hostess for a And know that 111 thEI Fatlter s maintains 108:26 miles of second- ~att1e Creek. SanitarIum, who says in Ohio, pro Hicks reports. The ary r oads in Greene county. The appie 18 good for breakfast, average number of species per verbs 22;2. birth anDi~raarJ. " l' very p_kuant_.f_tern. oon_ . . house, - - -... - • . dinner, and supper and may be county was fOUlld to be 108 He dwells in Paradis'e. 10 :46, Lord'i SUJ)per. Charlet Whitaker, -who .xpecte aNTERT~IN ' ' AT DINNER CHARLES SHERWOOD eaten b~tw_een meals ad libitum. [t "Itbough fhe number il!. somewhat 7 ;00 p. m. Chriltian Endeavor. to "aduate from the department D' l ES lN SPRINGFIELD stands rn importa1lce at the. head higher for northern cOLlnUea than How to eonquer ollr fean-I John of mechanical enrineerinc. O. S. of 600 varieti!s ~f_edibJe fruits." lor those in ~he south. Fifty-nine On Monday evenine, April' ' 13, Wo wish to thank an who bave 4.1S-21. in June, already haa a j)osltioD Mr. and Mrs. Ray Conner enter- 0 kindly minfslered to us in. oar F ifneral services for Charles species are known to have n~ted . 7146, evanceliltle services. the Aluminum CorporatioD of talned a small company at 6 Gnow.-our neighbors and friendl; Slterwood, 83 yeare old, whose MRS. AN,,!A CADWALLAI;»ER ill all 88 counties. Wednelday, 3 :30 p. m. Jamor Ann.U'leIL Ne.. KenalDcton, Pa. SUFFERS BROKEN, HIP Dr. Hieke. formerly a. member o'clock dinner in celebration 01 the our physician, J. W. Ward; c:k!ath occurred at the 1. O. O. F. choir pra«tc.. 7 :30, prayu and of the Ohio St4te fac:lllt,., __ ftftb birthday of their daughter minister, Rev. T. M. Scarff Home, Sprina1'leld, Wednesday of Bible study: 8:80, choir p...etice. lie.'. ~itl, Ladiee' Plaia Dnavisited every tow1U!bip 'in eftI'J Judith Ann, and the twelfth of Mr. Jame; MtClure. last week, w-ere beld in the chapel Mrs. Anna Cadwallader Buffered ----~ .-. et cleaned and l)re...d, 50 ceats: Mattie C. Levi. and Children. of Miami cemetery PTlday after- a broken hip when !lhe fell in her county In his study of t~ date', Ladles Sprlne Coats, 70 Ce'llte; Mias Emopne WooJlaTd. The I bird life. - - noon, . R8V_ Harry S. Mable, of the Iroom at the Friends Bome lien'. Rata el-.ned and blocked, pesta ..ere Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fertilization of Ohio wbeat Lebanon Baptilt church, offtelet- thia mOl"nin,. Seven hUlldNCl Ranr, CODDtJ &G cent.. Quick Cleuen, Kathf11l Newton and lin. Sarah Hill, of Lebanon; Mr. ud Mn. Lon field. with 80me form of nltropn. ine. Burial w.. in Miami eem.tH"y Mra. oadwall~er was 1'eCover. farman 'Who dQ Dot ..... elaetric- ~.nd.Dball, lip. Mr. Sherwood wu a Dative of iDe from injuriel received in a. Beelcett, 1Ir. and )(n~ m:.rl HoI- OU8 fertilizer this year Is recem· it, available at tbelr t . . . . . . .... &ad Ruflla COQII". mended by E, E. Barnes, acronom Warren -COQftt7 and apent hu fall doWll .talrs several weeke in a IDnQ . . . . tUN. UIat tiaq •• - lat, Ohio Arricultural Eppari. emire Itf. In tile ~ &lid and tllil. n.... of her ml fortune . . .tad electrldtr 00 tu.. " " red elonr ISHdlnp are mot Station. A IIIIne, dlo... aD RaneJabllrJr ..iPborhoodl aDd at cometi .. a mat shock to 01 til... wIlo ...... .. ....,... We... 8eptealo Iiou. 10 e, In tIIIa l.ebuon. Be . . . bMII a ",ldent frlelu'" ... tbaa--.aadaD of ... _ ........... lor~ 1M III





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chool High Spots

aid lhllt. lhey had 1\ever lefD the of account. g)'m () \\('11 deeoraU!d b.fore. To f ('Bivin .'ronn. IIdmlnilltrator ot til(' be'nuty of tp. (,l'n~ was added th.' t'. tllt~ uf {'uthcrirll' (O~. Fr3ner, thl' j'xqui item·s· of mllny lovely (0 ' d I' 3) gown.'. ontlllull on aill

,I 11lhll·R. Th. Iluth I'Ild \\ Il th 1m I'il hllJr hidul'n in nr ~'l'lIu\\" and whit CI'l'PC' _ _ _ _ __ - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ ,_ oCo I )( \\ 8rd ~hl'Qll'r, pnp,'r. The ,.,.mch 1.10" I WII lllul'"d ' S"holar,hip T e.La , l"opholllorC'-Thto)moBil!g", R01 I, h~Il'1: pN&:"rnm. A framed plctule t\(lV, skip IIn,l jump. inn ret k J{1l1'111'1l ~o n~ to aPIH'llr S~"ior Claaa PI.,. A Decided )",Itl..ttf ..nel Vl'ln:l !\lat' Hun ter . of th~' latt' 1\11', Farllhal\ WilS un!·'It'll'Ilt!(\, W i nficl I !'{'lIn, 0, U I"dl. 'un lind .fun' f1 itrl o(>k Sucn.. Wayne.villl.' .,·nt ~o hl~11 ,choo] .TuniOl"ll,-Uori~ SUI'foc6, Mat'gi t vdl iI by thl' grC'.st.-gr ncldnughtl'r ('!'hi.i I't'POlt i, . ubjl'ct ' to servet! th Illlllch. The ~cniot' I " "lay, "Whi. per. tLld"nt~ to IA'banon )o't. :utul'- 1'innl'Y lind (jlellll ' oolll\r,1. Ann(! Weltz. TIlt' program w s a han e). litany coml'lim n~l the clal'.~ on inl{ WaliA," which wu pre enti'd rill)!, 1'1 it I ,t try ouf for the Srllio1",,-:-Anna L e J'a~e , J.ane folio"'. : the oriJ.:'inality of the SC,cn lind (Continued on Page 3) ' 11·I · cl-. ·,·t·, teunl. '\'n ~.·n .: ,·illc 0 k. C~c)l l1ar'tnlan. Jolin Kell.. R-tnlRl"k., bl1 ~uperiTltendcnt J . . ,II ... , ' Six t-h C.-lLd., S~tion Two . plnrtld tIll 'l' on the counts t lint, ner, Ruth S:lll~bul'Y and ROberl t. L(ltz; @oolo, lIIr. Frenk; tributt' 11 on 1\1' l'oll- R 'hn Surrace, nlln \ GI nna Wl)ol )'J, Jan OLlk an,1 by }[i~s LlIe ; po m by !\Ii , Mc- ! [al'ilyn \"hitaller and 'k'ran<' S j{c) r ck,·t t. Th Sl' !olk~ arc not ---Kim'ey; song' hy cntire Job nt'. " 11 W at this, their fprlllcr ['('Cord .. S Y,e ntll Grade H onor Roll, See. I unveiling of picture by . _ _ __ ~htlws that lheir !lchola. tic attain}'r ida Elli~. Wdtz. Seco"d Grade 111l'nl have Oil neon i",u'ut. Th e Til ommitt ill 'lud d Mi!<l"c P rr t ~1ll' lter s-Glll(\y~1 rt' 'lilt. frOm two , ubj ects. chemis. Eiahth Grade New. Laura McKin cy, Eva RecMr and Wa lt l' Johnson J L'. , Richard tl Y I nd!:li h IT ha d not be n The total oores of. the eighth A lice Cnmpbell. berry. New Sui.. tl'i/'>utlon is ordered. I l'ceivC'·j at the time of th . wt"itihg grad~ a hiev ment te l wer as ____ The inventory of CharI D. Ilf tlliq articl(l. The ,. \uaining fuJlow~: Mar)' E a lA!l'I1ay, 1&8 Firat Grade New. Third Grad., G\~i l~'m Jnne$ ilIl'd II .ult against onk, administrator f the state )'Iluc"~ were well (\j ~trib ut(ld pOint; ,arol Ludington, 16'7; a mi Eal'nhllrt nte.rlainecl the Thl.' third gfllid hono1" 1"011 - I'/lul nt, KUIT, cl aI, f(Jr I' covt'ry (1f Amos Coo k, deceased, W op(lmonl,i lh' other sebool!> ill the urah 1il1!!);,147; ilarjoTie Dakin boy. and gil'ls of th fir ·t gro<! IH l fillth A nna .r()hn!! tlnd ,Janicl' B ur- (If H""~('~~ivn of I' 01 's t-tlt.e Ilnd prov d. "\, t",. h ~ F rl'd ay at ter- nett" <!uma'·cs. 1'11(> uJllounl 'Cluimed i~ .. .; 8ri t 0 -,e II a rt man, 141 ; h el' bl I·t h,1uay pany " The, adjudication and determinRoy ro kelt has the L1i~titiction Betty Bernard , 136, no on. Game wer play d and r ---,~200 . ali on of the illh rltallce tax on of hn ring ~C!n tw O til' t Flace . Ther were 202 que tiQns. freshm nts were erved hy l\Ii~ Fifth Grade Section Tbr e (; (>11('\'a May Tufts fil d a s uit t h estate of Bli A. Russe ll, de. Thet<c 8tudents will rep resent Naomi. W' Ul'C very glad to have UKuinst IviUe Tuft for divOTCC ceru; d, is to be given to all per''~rr n hI unty at Oxford ,t the '" h Ii t d hnrJ~s Ormlol'C (In th h nor roll The Chlll''''C is "I'O! no .... ) ct ~ Juniora WIll Efttelttain Se,uora .~ e avc a n w r gru cr. ' , . 1 1'0 ' ., q' .ons int l' ted. liullli niversity cllstriet to ts on ,. . ' Bobby Angle, Bobby came from fot' thiS tel"l'll .. ,1l!1l"1e~ I . the on Y A s uit \\'l\~ liIud by ina J. 'I ,> I Th ' rty ~tu denl in 15 Th JUDlor Rnd senior bonquet ~'Idl t o ne to have thIS honor thl~ y a 1'. Willlwth eru Oeor'Yc Wilmouth The "ill of Roberta MaTch n a ~n'. I , . b' 1 d f F'd A .),H own. I .. PaUly, u", wa admitted to h~)nl"Ship !'ubjects will represent 12!14 eDI~g p an~) 1 b or lldaY't PtThl 'l'he honor 1'011 :for this term in- I A b bl C(lT divot e. The charge ... ~ ," . t • thO te t. I ' Inner 'W'1 e serve a e . . r or ay .aem y . n~~I\let of dllt u • probate. Fred L. Pauly was npIlI"ren coun Y In loS 5 I General Denver hotel at Wilming . eludes: Mlldrc(.) BOUl'nc, DavId On Fliday, Apl'i) 17, an ' cm· ' pointed )( cutOl·. L. S. hawhnn , k N 80ml E arn hIIf, t B af-. bly wac coIled for th lu\lowinl! High S.,boo'l Honor Roll ton and a motion picture will be H al" t soc, P b l C t Heber D. Williams and Jam es V. Fr . hman- Mnrgie Gu~tin, opa]j' enjoyed afterwards in the Murphy , ~:~a Sh~:~:~ Alln Welt7. IUld RiCh- f I'bor Day progrllm Itivcn by th Jo'hn E. o:~minj trator Mulford were named npnrni el" • lIenderson and Elma POinsett. theatre. B bb • t b th f It ~eventh ~I'acl : . I of the estate' or Ella Bunnell de- The inventory of Hel n L. E~rno y seem 0 e e avor e I Song, group; ,3 vol IOn!;, Ruth .,..' . h name in our room thi year !fe c used, til \d hi applicatIon for a hart, ex('cu rJX of L e CfltutC 01 . J on. h B . Bcun, d cea~c, d was IIP. SheE'ts'" Poem '''rr "Dorothy have ~ ix little boys namell 'Bobby' . certificate of transfer. . FO'ran dT;1 °Fngll' MOIl·Fth? d JEI,llal~L, hester B. awyers, g uardian of pI·oved. Tl"&cl. Eliminatio... wen HA y nll "' I~r limB 'nut.fa I" lIS; Glurlys B I'n ice Sawyer, dec nsed Rulh 1. Brown, guol'dian 01 Nor.. . po m, '" mig's eau I u ly 111 d h ' fi I H ' fil h The eitmlllatlon for the county Bill JI[elloh' tor "Trees' b " IS nil acco,u nt. man . Brown , mInor, I cd cr track meet, t o 1>e held May 1, w~re IN Y I l' y, IIJ t B· thY I In I't'~tlrd to to estate of "Em ma first and final account, ' . . I orma ,ove Yi po·em, u e e A l'un off last FrIday. Those who WIll B s.t" by 0 pa ) F'II! II(5.,. ,,!. ~[ . B 0 d en- ' Sev r, dclcccll~eJ, . mlerLelloTa E. Gal"t"ard lind Earl W. .• ' Frank , rep rese nt Waynesville in these" . t son, a nllllls tratOr I ordered to Gephart, dec ased, executors of events are as follows: nMuerJgnve ome annou n.~t'mcn !'II') surl'end(>l' bond,. j lhe estate of Malina BuffingE)r, . .. r. ames VI' prese"t un . lllll . • hc H lgCh school- mlle, Willard Fur- gold bask tbolJ fr 1m the ba, k etbllil In l'egUdJ'd to td el.Slta~eb 0t~ :My~1' deeea. etd, filed tbelr first and final nas, harIes Ja.mesj 1i!mile, Wil. b f. 19:32 1 30 ymlln, I!C a . ,( JS 1"1 u l(ln I S Mcoun, la1'd Furnas, Cberles James ; 44.0 OYA$t 10m I t'~t d' . th f· th ordor'il. J(1 Rie Hyman xocu- I Ib rt t. John, xecutor of the ree wall p an nor 0 e yd dash, John Boger, Earl Sheets; h 1 b ']d" .. b tri)!, flIed her fmal account. slllte of Hanhah Elizabeth t. rlL p em Th e WI'11 0 f A I fit e d h'I IIlV . 220 yll. dash , John Boger, Earl ~e 00T Ult mg. o' b I" r or nna' " l:JU Iass R OW- J 0 h n , d eeas (, ntory ay ree WtlS gilven y .. OXIC • • t • beets; 100 yd. dash, J ohn Boger, k tt tn, decca pd, was admItted to A cel'ttiled copy of th entry Earl Sheets ; discu , Cbnrles Davis, ac e . ('ourt.. alvin E. Rowan \\Ias a p- determining the inheritance tax on John B oger, llooert Satterthwaite; Th e -s;.;r.:,r P rc>m pointed xecutol" of, no ban cl be- the state oi Benj a min F. Burd ge, shot put, John Boger, harles III the dhnly Ii,~hte-d and beau- ing required . )o't'ank Hodgen, WU- decen~, i to be certified. Da"i ,'Earl Sheets; high jump, tiIully decoratecl gym the annual liom Bacon and John Foley, 1"., The inventOl'y 01 Clura B. Pi er John Boger, Fra.nk LeoMn)" Donald enjol' prom wa h eld Saturday wt1·o appointed appraisers_ Bon, ad mlniJItrnhix of t he estate Fou]ks; pole vaun, not final. evening. To t he eXceptionally f:l'ood 'fhf;! will of <teol'g . Barnbnrt, of Mary A. Pierson, deceased, wa Grades--100 yd _ da h (ovea; 105 music of Ned 8.-1)",n'8 orchestra. d cca ed, 'II ad lnitted to court. approved. Ibs. ). Robert Preston, Howard the 'eniol', a nd gu 'sts danced from , D. lurk Van Ilmp and Ollie J. The state of Hannah E lizabeth Sheetel"; 75 yard dash (85 - 105), eight until twelve o'clock. . Van Ilmp filed their petition for t. J ohn, decca ed, was foun d to Billy MeUoh, Winfield Scott; 50 The cIa. s colors being yellow leave to ndopt Irene Raney. The be exempt -fro.m inheritance tax. ' yd da h (under 85), Ronald Seli - and white, the gym ' floor was hearing is et for Apl'il 20, 1936. tella. M. Willis, executrix of bury, Owen Hartsock; shot put fenced in by a. cillver yellow and Tn the matter of the estate of the e tate of Char]es L. Willis, de(over 106), Emerson Miller; broad white picket tence, t be nortb end Elizabeth Ireland, deceased, dis. ceased, filed her affidavit In lieu

On Mundo)" April 20, at 3 p. m. all pupil. in th Itrlldl' building nsernblt'd in the DIU ie room for II


Olt!h. ,," I'









Cary'l Jewelry


Lebanon, Ohio EXPERT WATCH REPAIRING On!,. Genuine M.terl."

Prompt Service Store ope n until 9 p. m.

t-----------.. . .


A sk t or a

'Miamiaburg Permanent Air Seal 8urial Vault

I)- A










For Sale only by

Your Funeral Director = ~=--""-======::. McCl ure Funeral Home Pb~De

W a "nel';;lIe, 0_













---SQ " ,

., ..

- ...

Damage by Frost to State Highways


Netloael BaaIa

Willa Dra.. . . E,tat.. S.ul" WAVNESVI LLE. OHIO I


Stanley &Koogler·

'T h.e , Darton Power ond ' Light CompORt'

Auctioneers JESSE STANLEV P.o •• 320, N.w 8 ...11 •••••• OW«.

EAIU. KOOGLER D.~._ P.o_ KEa.o.......



•• •••••••••••••••


FOR SALE FOR SALE Seed corn, old yeBow. shelled, 95 0/0 or mote germination. $3.00 per bu. W.O. Bertdan. Lytle. a23.30· , I FOR SALE-Refrigerator, porcelain lined, 100 Ibs. capacity, in excellent condition Also curtain sb:etcher•. R. H. Hartsock. a2S

for '


JUST RECEIVED lar,. line ot Paint Brush", all siles and priCei Also paper hanring brushea. R. 1>.

Plus This Newspaper At Reduced Price

(Jpllett, Hardware,

FOR SALE--Wbite abeU paper. 10e per toll, at tH ¥laml Gaze"e omee.

ERE'iS an Qfler that will appeal to all-American Boy Magazine and this newspaper at a special combination bargain price. The American Boy is the favorite magazine of more than 500,000 boys and yOWlg men. Its fiction carries boys on the wings of , adventure to all parts of the world. Its sports articles by famous coaches and athletes are studied by cham· pions. Here you wiU 6nd the finest stories on sports, aviation, business, school activities, humor, and travel. Even lit its repar price of $1.00 a year, The Ameri-

FOR SAt.E-Enallqe ,1.00 ,pet ton. Dodds.; ROQDlla aDd WafPlanta. oS-tf


PIPE, ' VALVES &!Id FITTINGS for Water. a.. Steam WeDa


can Boy is considered a bargain. But now you may


obai.n it and this new.paper. , , ••


Phone 99R8,

Waynetlville, Ohio.


S.nd Your Order To


Phone 78J

.. _ _' ,

Both One Year For


Centerville, Ohio,

"ark seta done in a ji8'y- apd you haye the reet of the day to Ipend .. you wiAh, At the preeeat low rates, the COlli, of the electri';ity to operate your Ilpplianeee ,u very UttJeaU you need.

F. 'T. Martin' Or No Charge

You, can reaUy indulge that urge to get out of doo" and relax-if you are ODe of thOle lD.~em womeu who Ole electrical appliaoc:ee to ¥teu bOUJework. With your electric w.aber, iroaer, .weeper, mixer, ete.. ,our

!IO ~

ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN four Cattle. hOgB!.. sheep and ealv.. to Norris-Brock \,jt.., live wire and pri3gresllive ftrm l')r the hljrbul market prices and good lenice. Union Stock Yard,' Cincla_tl, 0. Tune in on Radio Station WCltY 12:25 to 12:30 p. m. for our dall, market reports,



'ILI .... Wldeapfftd dam... to ltall! hlghwa,. from thl "ven frOl1.l of die put winter t. 'abown graphicall, iD the above iIIuttatiDo pre· pared b, lob "aata. Jr•• Di.rectol tf BiBb.,.,..

. '1M .............. dam:aKtd

repl'ell81lted state hljthwa,. in the ea.tern ., southern lectionl of tbe It&te hI

created aD emerpucJ demand .. approxJmatelJ ".000.000 over an" abov. tlte fundI anotted the R ilril WQ Depar1DleDt for 11188.,



·.v.,B...,wq ............... IhI.rtv.. 'e

1_ .,

tile , . , . " ~ lb..,. ......

1te OD


.d ClatU'D m.. tne ad 8pra)' P1UDPI. Pbnabiq .. B..ttq hpplla lowed pliniaN hiRhut Quiit)' at TIle JIoe1dn. Kille 00•• Z .... Olio. Write .. f . prIMe. ..

'i"l4 :1:::.=~=



fence wire ~nd staplee, U.27; Trul ChaR. J. Schwartz, rood, $4.50. wher~ Mr. Wan and ramlll III iet!1I ot Public N!alra, IK'werare make th .. ir new homt>. rental, $18.75; Lebanon Lumber Mr. and Mrs. Chall Thomp on c)., lumber, ,22,1)0; Van Camp have be~n en l('rl~ining hiM jitter. !'llOIH' 0., sand and gravel, $19.81 The P. T. A. met. 0 11 lnl't Wed. MI'. and MI'S. E. E. Way of n~ar D. R. Smith, paint, $27; Lingo ne aday evening Ili the gym lind ShBl'onvill.,. an I their Kue~t.~ wet IJnruwat·c ('0., nails, wa!'h I' , hin- held their regular mecti rut, aitel' l'ali(,fs at tho home of MI'. lind ges, wire, bults, $47.65; layton which Supt. Porler of .MOI'rOW MrM. W. Tichenol', Sunday lark, posts, $75; Lebanon Lumber schools and Alfred Watkin!\, the afternoon. Co., lumber, $171.05; Johnsto n & 1iolinist and musicul dlt'ector, were John~ton, lumbel', $232.40; Al & introduced. Ev ry one enjoy d Dan De-Anlfulo, storage of Frank- lht'm very much . LIBERATING MONEY " • • lin $36.66; Mr. and Mrs. George Beckett l\ti>ls Aut· I'a Pot rson ubmil, Announce'm ant that the Ohio ( . d F P' 2) ~ sedan, BI ' & ' R H. D. Branth COllI Cont,"ue ron age ..,4; all' I.e oy, coal, $0.50; and son spent Wednesday with her 1tell to n mujor operation at Me governm nt survey action commit deceased, filed his app]ioalion fOI' Colun,lJu Blank Book Mfg Co., par nts, Mr. and, Sherman 'Iellon's hospital in Xenia last To millions of our citii\(lns, the cost of living is a problem-and t e will continue to 1unction was all ol'der Ijil'ecling the, tl'ansfer of vendor's license, $4.50; Lingo Fenill. week. constant wrestling with a recalcitrant budget is essentiul to making made by John M. Ca1'en, executive I'eal cfltale . Ilanlw ur '0., service on heatrola Mrs. Eva MaCDonald WilS in Tile local teacher. , James Beam both ends meet. ' secretal'Y to Oovernol' Martin L. 7Gc; H. D. William, See'y. rental olumbu s Thursday. Myra Haydock ond Ruby Smith As a consequence. anything that cuts the cost of necessities, and Davey a nd 11 memb r of action Marriage Lic:enl.ea of te nt, $60; Clayton Clarls, Miss Rhea Mc arren wall here nt(>I'tained lh faculty of the eRpccially foods, to the consumer, is in the interest of v,e ryone and group, which WfiS named by th Albert Norv II, former, of Way· goal'll rail post, $8.10; Zain past week On account of sickValley Town . hip schooll\ on all businesses. Reasonable prices for foods r es ulL in lat'ger purcha 'gov rnor to c rl~y out as ful' a~ n . vill -, and Miss In z Hayslip, AI'mitag, gravel, $67 L.20; J. K. ness. I Wedn(>~clay ' yening at Lhe home and a wid t· variely of purchases. When the food item is cut possible recommendation. made by hou s ke 'P r, of Or gonia. .. 'p ncer, grav el, $18!1.30; Blair & Mr. and Mrs. Cnrl I\loore entet'I llf ;\(r. 'and Mr,;. Jame~ Beam. otherinhom bud "'et I'tems may be I·nct'eased. This "new" money goes the Sherrill SUl·vey. The futllre or James Ernesl Kite, sa le!'\man of L I d t il5813 I 111 J . IT'II ' h t'b 'I' • ; I wined f. olloWing .wilh Mr. , and arl relativ 1:8.e ItI Ol'rville, '. IS t hlo.gues o. to buy .automobiles and labor-saving appliances, for silv ings, for vnca- the commitLec waR in doubt be- L bunon and Mi s Audr y Ailee'ri ClDcmnatl 011 ary Works, all, $33.21; party ontheFndny evenIng: tion ,for ducati on fol' children, for reading matter and entertainment cause of lack of funds. but Mr. Hutchin tlon, of I.cbanon. Klinge,r-Dills 0., Sll1!cial ste I ~frs. Wilbur Hawke, MI'. and Mrs. ' Mrs. V rgo Milchnel' and dllughThal makes better busin ss in the myriad indust.r'ies affected, and Cllren said thaE Tt would continue. R'eal £allll:e Traflafera lreads, and pins and bolis, $4.71; 11I1.1I'old Beckett, Mr. and Mrs. ClinL t I' suffcred $light injuries unday causes th rn to employ more men, to increase advertising and to ex- 'rhe state emergency board has Elln Bunnell deceaSled to J ohn am Smith Junk Yard, parts, $7:- 1 Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. morning when the car in pand plants. A great conomie circle is started, ever wide(ling, ever been advanci.n~ $1.000 a month for E. Bu nnell. Inl;t No . .885 in Frank- ' 50; KIiJlgef-DiIls 0., grad r model BC('kett. ,they ~C!r riding .collided with a touching mOre indll tries and individuals. ,committee expenses. Mr. aren lin. . $1715.5(); Trustees Of Public AfMesdames Edith Lukens, Rose cul' deiven by MrR. I.ouise Lacey Considerable progress hIlS already been ' made in holding down th s rves without salary, but the Erncst Groves el al to Glenn fairs, ligl!t bill, $9.82; Smil h's arr, Mary Tucller and Eva Mac of Wilmington. The accident occost of food, through the sin11lle and effective me!l.ns of eliminating other two m mbers, Tully C. and harl ott C;Ok, inl~t No. 129 I ervice Station, recharge battery Donald attended Eastern 1.01' In- cuned at th covered bridge just and reducing "in·between" cost those expenses which are creatcd Taylor and Harry Silvel', are paid. in Franklin. Iand oil, $:~ 1.14; Famous Auto Sup- sp elion at Martinsville las t Fri . wes t of thi village. Altho~gh the along' the way as food products are.tirought from producer to con urner .. • • Mary Oliver et al to Emma ply Co., tires and nuts, $21:'98; day night. cars w re damnged con Iderab!y The estimated total number of Wellnel' rcal ' lale in Morrow. I Pierce Service Station, gasoline, About one hundred MaRons at- none of the occupant!! was serlcientific di~tl'ibuting methods, couJ)led with aggressive advertiSi ng and selling have made it possible to cut the margin of profit. A~ a Ohio real estate foreclo ore 'durMoaey' Elpha Sene to Collins '$44.25; Maineville Gilrage, gaso- tended Masonic Insp~ction here ously hurt. result, the public has been saved millions of dollars, and the gre~t In- ing February was 1, L'70, involvinJr Wright 40 ncr s in learcr~k line, $12.96; A. C. Miurell, gaso- la t Saturday ev'ening. Mi$f\ Emma Whit received word I~ne, $49.96; W. A. I~us ,ga~o- ~hs. Lis a Curll who has ~a, t week of lhe death ~f her sister du stlilll machine which mploys men and pays taxes has be n bmul- 102 farms and 1,077 properties township. at d t.hrough jncreased purchasing power. classed a residential, business 01' M. L. Par hull, decca. cd, to hne, $10.37; Waynesville SerVice ~erjously ill is able to be out again Ill-Ia\ MI'. N. H. WhIte of KokTh movement to till further reduce ,t he spread between pro- vacant platted land, according to Ida M. Parshall, et nl, real estate Station, gasoline, $71.12; Walter MI'. 'and Mrs. Ira Hartsock nf 01110, Ind. ducor and consumer continuQs. And It ill in the intel'est of. all Lout its data collected by Secretary of in Wayne ville. Bot~, gasO~ine, $50:72; Jame Dayton visit.ed her siat r, Mrs. Jo 'I.'h Ladies' Aid of the Friends progress should be unint rl'upted. State GeoTge . Myers and comMary A. Poinsett, deceased, to Servic e S~tlon, gasolt?e, $16.36; Davi ' and MI'. Davis ov er th e hurch met with Mrs, A. J. piled by the Governor's Farm and John R. P insett, 12 acrcs in Henry Ludmgton gasoline $29.8]; we k-end. Lunlpkin on Thursday. Home Protedive Committee in I arer k township. Blair Miller, gasoline, $10.66; Mr. and Mrs. Will Mal·tin or 11 0 InCl' Hollingsworth receiv-ed cooperation with Ohio tate Ellen Dohel'ly to Elicne Louise Gri wold Servi~ Station, gasoline Dayton were unday guest of MI'. word on Frirlay of tlie death ot university. Th state total is de- Farl y, I'eal es~te in Hamilton and Supplies, $314.11; Allen N. and Mrs. Ira Syi'erd and son. his mothel', Mre. Simon Hollingsr~ved from eighty-nve county township. , Rapp. fuel, $3.26; A. & , P. Mrs. Mary Tucker, MI. s Lucill~ worlll, at the- home of a daughter 8 :00 MU8ic and weather foreea t.. eriffs' reports to Secl'etal'Y Mary B. Don on to Milo A. Tea Co., tood, $3; BI:ur & Leroy, Tucker and Mrs. Wm, E. Ogle in Montana. Funeral services and 8 :OG Th Passenger Pig on- H. El. Eswine, ·Noturalist. Myers which covered] ,152 sales Fealy and Lucil B. lPeaJy , inlot fu I, 6.60; F. A. HUdson Feed bee were Dayton vi 'itors last burial wer held at Lawton, Ok la, Co., fuel, $12.75; A . . B. Kaufman Saturday. on Monday. 8 :16 'Making County 4-H Club Plans -W. H. Palmer, tate 4-H Club and an estimate of forty-five sale No. 27 in Franklin. John Bra.nde.nburg to Cynthia & Co., clothing, $1.98; Morrow Mr. and Mrs. G~ Wall and SOil ' _ _ _ __ _ based on pOlluJation in the three Leader. 8 :26 Orchestra direcwd by Edwin Stainbrook. unreported counties. February Sorrell, real estate in Franklin Lumber Co., fuel, $5.95; Chas. J. are visiting their parents here, Try The Miami Gazette For A . Schwartz, food $3; Elbert Wallace prior to leaving fOr California ' Year. sales represent a decrease when township. 8 :40 The Farm Kitchen Goe Modern- Miss Thelma Benlt, home compared to the 1,292 sal~ in the Philip Wood to Amos E. D Witt IGA Store, food, $2; Great A,. &; P management specialist. previous month and an incre/lse and Mabel DeWitt, rCB,1 estate in I Tea Co., food, $89.76; Blalr " 8 :60 An wers to Farmer' Questions--dialog. Leroy fu I, ,36.76; J. R. Coffman, 11 :00 Milk for the Family- Miss Betty Reid, Educationol Dircct~r, when compared to the 1,017 sales Franklin township. February 1935. Farm sale prices H len Hawke and Ethan J, fQod, $12.76; Do)!1I. Fry, s~lter, in Columbus Milk Council. ~ averaged 69,'76 per cent of the Lewis to Ida M. Panlhal1, real $10; Joseph H_ Fedders Supply Co. 9 :10 Orchestra directed by Edwin Stainbrook. 11uel , $16.25; Franklin Ice & Fuel 9 :25 Fal'm Forum- Group diseussion led by J. P. Schmidt, Superyisor, judgment and 8/1.83 per cent of e tate In Waynesv ille. the. appraised valuation, and other Anr1a ..stamp to Mattie S. Gray Co ..' fu~l, $82.50; Greenwood Ohio Farm rs' Institute5. properties 74.21 per cent on the inlot No. 198 in L eban l>n. Dairy, milk, U.08; A. D. Grape9:45 Joun and J ny ramatic skit. judgment and 72.39 per cent of Lucy D. Smith, by Ildministravine, food, $5; Garrison's Grocery 9 :55 t.o 10 Music and wE\Bther forecast. the valuation, it was said. tOl' to Mary Snethen, inlot No. milk, $2.56; Mrs. Leonard Ha~ha• • " 164 in Lebanon. ' way, milk, $2.66; Home DalfY, "J!ootleggers in Ohio are on the William E. Smith to Dorothy milk, $13.23; Kaufman's clothing run." This was the tatcment made W. ThorntoD, inlot No. 138 in $24.38; Kroger Grotery " .Bakby HumphrCf, chief of tbe division i Franklin. ing Co., lood, $39.76; LeWIS " of enforcement of the Depart- , Emma N. B am, deceased, ~o I Drak-e, Inc., fuel, $8.26; Loveland of Liquor Control harles E. Beam, et al in lot No .' Grocery Co., food, $6; W. A. ment la~t week as he ended' 876 in Franklin. ' Lullens, Dairy, milk, $3,84; MorCOLUMBUS--Plans are under we definitely commit WPA to the 1irst yeat as enforcement chief in Jos. W. Swi sler to The Fed- TOW Lumber Co" f~eL, $18; H. E. way fot continuation of Works und~rtakil\g of Mw projects be- charge of 145 trained liquor ral Union Life In uranl!e Co., 100 & H. D. McVey, food, $17.26; Progress Administration activit.ies yond the end of June. But' if and agents, He estimated that liquor acres in Harlan town hip. Robt. Reichel, food, $8; Sibcy'l in Ohio during the flscal year when Congress authori:US us to · raids made during hi first year in Walter Simpson to FI'ank Simp- Dairy, milk, $8.84; H. E. Stoke8, which' lItarts July ' 1, it was an- go thead, we must be able to move office resulted in a lo s!'! of approxi- son 47.50 lIcres in al em town- milk, 5Gc; T. U. Woodrey, food, . $3; Wund Dry Goods Co., clothing nounced by l!>r. Carl Watson, WPA smoothly ana without delay into mately $2,<100,000 to bootleggers Shi~. •administrator' for Ohio, following another year of operations, and in and operators of iIlcgol stills. In larence Sherwood ,and Lena $5; Zehringhurst Dairy, milk, $6.In this climate, ,OU n .... instruction from Wa hington, It preparing for that we are asurning 8,085 raids there were 8,414 Sh rwood to Elwood Ault, real 12; Roy D'Autremont, milk, food and fuel, RFC. $1.12;' H.' C. had been a umed by some that that there will be no redieal change person arrested and 4,567 CO'l\- e. tate in Lebanon. WPA migh be vastly curtailed or in WPA organization and proce- ' victions obtsined. Agents destroyMartha Graham to Clara E. Gll- Hamilton, food and fuel, $70.36; Jiquidated alter June 30, when the dure. We want especially to take ed hundreds 0-£ stills and thou!- mour inlot. No.7 in / LE!barJon. Arley Hudson, tood and milk, $6.present legislation authorizing the full advantage of the experie"\Ce$ ands of gallon~ of ill gal whi!;key, ' 56; Allen N. Rapp, reI, $,1 5.60 i WPA program ~xpires. "Whether we have I already gained, so that if alcohol, mMh, becr and wine, Bill. A1low~d 'S chwartz's Grocery, ood, $16.75; Get renee that coats 1_, beeaule It etubbotnly fi&bte WPA actually will carryon tor WPA goes through 1936 and into Humphrey claimed. Smarts Garage, gasoline, $1.85; Elbert Wallace IGA Store, food ruat and lasts yean lonller. Red Brand Fence Civee you double rUlt protection I It figbte .urlace NIt another ye,ar in Ohio a.nd other 1937 its work will b C(lm increas- I - - - - - -- . Griswold ervice tation gasoline and milk. $87.94; Dr. J. E. Witham with a Oalvannealed (beat treated) aine coatiD& states depends ' upon Congre "Dr. ingly effective and . valuable to SCHOOL HIGH SPOTS ~3.96; neif's Electric Shop., lamps medical llCrvices. $46; Dr. A. N. MtTCH THICKER thl.ll on ordinary &alvl.llUired Watson a erted. "P,rcsident Roose Ohio." ond ill 1!1!, $3; Lingo Hardwal'e Vandeman, medical services, $27; fence wire. And its real copper bearin& .teel fichta velt has recommended lin appropr • • • (Continued from 'plre 2) lamps, !lockets . and waste pa- Dr. S. S. Stahl, medical services, deep rust, too. Come In and look over our ItOdt.. ,lion of $1,600,000,000 together Engineer Harry E. Neal 6f the on Tu~sday and Wednesday, even- per bl\sket, $4.70; Acme Plumb- $9; Frank Sherwood Co., c1othin~ with legislation to continue the traffic bureau of the State De- ing of last week, was a decided ing Supply 0., area drain, $3.27; $13.25; Dr. S. L. Burkhardt, medlprogra'm for another 12 months partment of Highways I optimis- success. Ticket ales were unusual- Lebanon l'tIoderni~ing Co., wood cal services, $12; L. H. Brown, and Congressional hearings on the tic over the decreased highway ly large and the financial r~tuTns stain, paint, sand paper, turp., food, $6; Lewis & Drake, Inc., $5.16; Lingo Hardware Co., roof- fuel, $3.25; Union Gas & Elec., questiOn are now being he.ld. It is traffic aceident and d nth toll more than satisfactory. impo!l!!ible to predict th~ final which · was noted in the first This play, a. mystel'Y in three lng, nails, crews, spikes, etc., C9., gas anil elec., ,5.02; Morrow form thi legislation, wilt assume, 4uart~r of the current year. "The acts, was difficult to prOduce and $9.20; Van amp Stone Q. gravel Feed & Supply Co., fuel, $6.60; and so we can't determine the record indicate$ that we are moch credit must be given .to the \ and sand, $50.72; Lebanon Farm- Allen N. Rapp. fuel, $3.26; Mrs. Phone 25 Wayne.ville, Ohio conditions under which the WPA making progress," he said. Engi- ca$t of characterll, to the costing ers' Co-op. Co., cement, $77.50; Mary Richar~son, shelter, $6.60; thr"-MonLh period shows nearly ix f.wer accidents a day and that - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : " " - - - - - - - - - - ' the d aths pel', accident dropped ISSUED EVERT THURSDAY from one in 13.0 accidents to one in 14.8 .. In 1,618 accid· at pOllorrlel ... - ents repol'tcd dUl'in~ the <Iuurter 0Ii.e P_L.. . ...... :................ N o. 111 Entered. ville, Ohio, a. liJe~"n4 at CIaWa,n .... an there were lOll per ons killed Ilnd ' •••crlpllo. Pr •••• SI.IIO • Year Matt~ !18G injured. During the first three months of 1935 there were 2,102 APRIL 23, 1936 156 reported accidents, wit Ii e:::: _ _ fatalities and 1,470 inJuries.

hi alwa.y "itk U8, and hl!.tory i" priblarily auggle .. The fir. t of makt's hi .. tot,y C8l\iJy alld the second pro ... iul iOl' dt'amatizutioll. lzulion will do much to make hlstol'Y alive ~n'd intRJ'(!sting to aU ----!.- - - .....,--


Newa From "' arren County Court Houae

New Burlington



~ro~, gr~ve







Farm hight 1 alks, April 27




Best of the News Direct



From the Ohio State Capitol


Waynesvl·lle Farmers' Exchange Com ' pany

mQo"~~n~~~~~~~n,ne~~alp~ntedod ~~ ~e ~mm~te~udtoM~Ga~'~O~anon~mberC~,dOHf~m~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~======~==~==~

~"~~dkR~~~ciIH~bnM \ $Wl.~; J~n~on & khMton . ..~~~~~~~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 ae Delme Mattox, a master crooK, \ lumbet, $64.35; Emel'Y Ross, ex-



Highway Department Marks Streams

''--~ _

_ _~ _ _--...J

NBlGMATIOM of.U riv.rl lad fonaatloa of motorlata u nil .. I30DftIliace of........ • ..,. ID Olalo II bei... UD'.naU. la' aa....... • .. 1M .,... Dl...... of tile Sta&. AI.bateu... of lta- ..~ ......., ~t, MIIOrdI.. III rl.,... .Dd! . . . . . .. ..... ,.. DINdor .rob .radel', . . . . alter . . . ." ....... of..... ......., .......leIalD, ,radIce b.r .... Stat. 0. _ _ of . . m.n aDd

U ...... ....-cI ." atate Ill'" f . the






lean .. . . . . .NMI.. , . , . . , • of ....

".... .......


and Earl Conner as nis associate, ' penses, $11.80; Lebanon Ice " Dr. Rosmer, carried t he more ~ri- Coal Co., coal, $18 i Schilling' OUs parts. John Kellner played the I Food Market, janitor 'supplies, 60c P~ pf Nemo, the lunatic. Pemin- I Chas. J. Schwartz, oxydol, . amine parts were played by Anne monia, bOn ami. scrub brushes', Crane, as the wife of Mike ~gS ' $2_06; Trustees of Public Alfairs, (Albert Hawke), ·J ane Cook as Dr. light, gas, sewel'age service, $9.15; Rosmer's n;ece, Fran",.. Ellis aSI Lebanon Ice & Coal Co.,. coal, $20. JUlia Nelson, Phyllis Colletts 80; Dr. K nnQn Dunhlllm, x-ray Queenie the colored washwomlln, and examination, $17 .~O; Dr. Kenand Ruth Sa.!isbury and Marjorie non Dunham, professionll1 services, Earnbrt as the Hatch sisters, who $36; Warrell C. BreIdenbach, were very psychic. V;ncent GTlft'y pneumothorax treatm~:nt, $10; as the owner of the Witch House, l\1iami Valley Hospital, opr. room, t and LaMar Earnhart as the stran- gloves, drugs, Ib-tory room, . $79; t ger, completed the cast. Helen Doughman, board and care The ca.ting committee consisted Clifford Doughman, $7 ; Mrs. ~ra of IIr. Garst, M:i8~' Roe and Mr. Eltzroth, board and care, Ahce Bl'1Iddoct, . Stat'key, $fi; Jam~ Moore, board Kembers of the senior class and care, Lucy Moore, $6; Mrs. utved a. uehers, and had charge Lule Gabbard, board Ilnd of the Itagit'1g, costuming, light- Lincoln Gabpard, $6; l'lrs. in.., properties, sound effec~ Holland, board and car4l, Vernon ticket. and publicity. Holland, $10; Mrs. Marg'a ret Jon," board a,nd care, Ollle Galrdiner, $6; T_......... For 'B _IE Re"';e. ~(rs. Oma Osborne, board and care The teacben held their regular Walter Ba.rlow and Frarlk BalUngmeetlnc last Wednelday eVening er, $22; Stillwater Silnatorium, aDd beard lIr. FerlUson review hospitalization of Edw, Hensey, Tuch1nc of History Tbrough $108.50; Burroughs Addin.. MachDram.tic Preientation," ine Co., addinr mch. '1; ElUilon B1lllbud. Columbu8 Blink Book Co., . BWoJor. maiDtalDtI the author, supplies, $5.76; The Outfitto au.J aothilla but. ten, aet of rubber ,5.50; of dat. ad • ~ord of dry and H. H: William I, lnQ1Mllt, . . . . . . . . . enntL AIlei .leo U2.20: Linl'o ....b the ..... ·-..thod of bo.rd, SOc; Gria"ol. at:&. . .... "-b~ i,ttema, tlOD, ..... 011. tire, and


tIM ".....



























Illll'ting T hl' t rac k " aJjlh ll" JlUllid l'~ , 1,I-t :-\ntlll'dny "cnld li/1' hl." " "hi t.., co rn." /lnu nilothl tIll' lhire 1\11,1 (llurth .Iq,n' IS m:1n~' :tJlollter .cil' ntifie WOlld er


,d I11t




I'l' <"I 1\ ~·Il'·d 1111 thl' 1'"llf" illl!' ,undid tf": MI. nnll ;\11.. IInny LCI i, :'Ill. IIn,1 .'h~ . :tanll'Y l1~\i1,y. :\!J', lind l\Tr~, I lI r lolph Hildtbf \'Ill. .11', nni! Mr . J, B. ,h upnwn, :\lr<, flu'sdl ,\Vibon, lit 1', nn,l III I $, H(>l1ry nur~c. :Ur, lind MrA. Kat! Bolienb('l\(I\'r, Mr, lind ll'~, l'lal'('n (\ R;rc and Mr. R. V. o\l('(t. [r$, R, D, 011 III I\a~ II t


(uk n In 'b~ demit.

hr lin vi I\' lit Antioch College • Iliul'd,,~', Api'll 25, during Antinch'. fOUl,th annulIl Sclcnc Vay, mon!!.' thl high ~chool" invited to I'j,it 1 It... CllmplJ!l fOI' that eve nt l1le 'fi ve locllt~d in Wart' n county - Waynl'lwilk, Franklin, Kinlt!' Mill s, Lebunon nnll pt'ingboro. Oy r lW () hUlldl'l'd high sc hoob in contral and llouthern hio have be£'11 ilwited to cnd ~tudents anr! fuculty \, ho are parti ularly inter(')sl d in , jence, TIl(' morning program will con"i~t of four brid talk. by member of the ntioch s ientific faculty, A fter lunch the Ilroup will vil'it nti ch's GI n Helen to II the geological exacilvalion now under way at the 'fOIl'l (l U S 40.000-yeur· o ld "Yl'lIow . prillg," I\ill

Aid I pun801'Ing a talking motion I,idu 1'& ' . "Ilynumit.· 11l'III1Y" 111111 a cOlm dy ca rtoon, to IJ~' l(iVl'n III Lytll' \lull, tl1la "'1 iduy (!\'<.·nlnlC, Apl'iI ~4, by th dOtill1l Picture Servic(' 0 M nay ton ,. . ~,~~~=~=~_==--_!""'""~~~~l\

Worrisome l)ctails

I1c r ~.

Mr. and


Allt' ll Enll'ick alte nd ed th e 1\1, E, chur ch sel'vice lit Wllyn l;!sville Sunday mOl'l1ing Rnd in cO Olpllny wit li It v, a nd Mr _ Jesse Klin e und son of Del.r it , \ ere din ner g u st s of MI'. Rnd M1'8. lls1'l'Y Co rn t'lJ ncar F ny_ M1'. ,a nd 1I1rs, F.. B, L ngl\.c 1'1' , M rs, ussie Hardy, Horace Ilnd Ern e, t. F'o u1ks Rl,lcnt Sunday with M r, un d Ml'S. George Davis n or Bata via, Ohio. Th e lhird group of t h Ladie

Haying Taken Up My Reaidence In Waynesville I Am

Prep·...ed To Do

ndel' t he blll'dell of cli ents find 't worr iRo lllc 1.0 handle the co un t lc!IiI amall dt't uila that arise i n a fun eral ser vice, W have so )l ('l'fect d o ur ol'ganizati n tha t v c ~y phase of t he el'emony. from cemeLc·ry matter to eal'ds of sympathy, 8.1 taken care of without bo t her t o the CIi Ollt, Th e rc~ ult i~ a flawl ess sel'vice that places a minimum of strain upon the gl'id- t dckc.n. 801'I' OW,

Plumbing & Electrical


J. E. McClure

Work of All Kind.

Pennsylvania Railr oa d's , mil ·a- minute sp cd it shawl' R lH~W streamlined coal-burning (eduction of mol'c lhan on -thil'u 10CO~lotjve will pass thl'oug~ Way· lin wind r sh't~ncc., At ~oximum nesvllle at 9 :27 a. m , Apl1 l 29,'pc ds the saving IS eqmvalent to In ai'll' 3 0 hOI'S POW\P·· T he "trcan! Tnin Th e new con i-bu rning strea m· lining Blurts with the p'not and a line r is inte nd ed f OI' hig h.speed I round' l14,)lle" at the' IrQn! of th through pa se nger se.rvic.e . At a. boiler, It extend" bnlck, below th e


plane oi the smoke de ll ectal', in long , w eping lines to the cub, from which it i ontinu d to inelude the tendcr ' 0 that tb t! ell ine \ alld tend!' I' tlppenf as R single u.nit. The 10eom(lliv is painke d a ilar k • hronze, with letLt'rs and nu me rals in gold,

The W , p, A. Women' P r jets Ill' sponso1'in~ a fashion show , t o be hel d at lhe Lebanon high school aud ito t'llim on MU I·day ai.tcrnoon, May 2 a 2 :30 p. m, Garments t o be model ed al'e t ho e which have be n mad e on sewing projects. I=========-'======:--====±=:== :=====~F=~'============ The pu r po e of this show i to and James H ain e moto red to give the public a c1~ r e r id ea of Blanche~t l' Sunday., wha t is b eing aone y the women ~Ir. E, J, Cllrmo ny of Spri ngon WPA. ALLEN HUFFMAN fi ld visited his molttl'r, Mrs. Mar y Republican Candidate for Everyone cordially invited to at· armony, Monday evening. Warren County Recorder. Primary t end. No admission will be charged Rt'v, and M ~ . J esse Kline, Mr. A son of Ohio is to da y re nde l'- Amateur Carpentn. Can Make Donald Klin an d on , Jr, of - .election May 12, 1936. 'EMERGENCY PEACE ing on un usunl service to t he F eahuu To Gj"e Slto .... .. Spac~ D h 'oil ' were over-ni"'h t guest IJ " ' , CAMPAIGN CONFERENCE peop I 0 f h Ilia m co ec,lng man y or Add to Con"oniellce unday night of M.. , .. and Mrs. ARTHUR HAMIL TON of their oncien t folk tu nes, har_____ 'A 11('0 Enll'ick. Candidate for .Representative to monizing tb m, and having ChinBuilt-in fe ut ut()s whi~h w ill add Mr, lind i\irs, J ame Bar ton and General Assembly, subject to Plans are Defng formulated for Republican primary May 12, 1936. t\le one day conference of the ese Christian poets write hymns to the storage, pace 01' which will Fon of n al' New Bu rl ington wero pl'ov ilie other COllvEln icnces in a 'undll Y gueS1s 01 Mr. and Mrs. Your support will be appre· Emergency Peace Campaigl; t9 be to · the se centuries-old tuneS, Protes or BIiSli M, Wiant, ,yho hom Ca n be easily .:onstl'ucted by G ()rg Grny. ciated, held in Dayton, Tuesday April 28, .,~rr. an d Mrs, WI' lbu:r "'harton ... under the executive chairmanship carries on t his rc £larch as a mi - mos t li ma t eur carpE,ntel" , ac:cO I'dHAYES C. KEEV ER slonary-teacher in the Music De- ing to t he hOlllC mana cmen spe. vi ited the forme r's , isle r, Mrs. of S. C. Britton, Candidate for se~ond tenn for The program tor the day will in- pal'tment of Yenching University, cia lis~ lit O. S. "U, The buil t-in Min nie humard, ,al. St. Elizabeth Commissioner of Wall' n countY. elude a morning se sion to b held Peking, China, ill a son of Mrs, reat ul'e cftn be p]a CiKl jn bedroo m Uos pital, Dayton, 'T hursday, 1rs. RepubJica.n Primary Election, at the ' Biltmore hotel at !l :45 W. A. Wiant, of Springfield, Ohio, easily b cause t here" they can b e r humll'r d was eriou oly injUl'ed in Tuesday, May 12, 1986. and tbe Inte Rev. , William A , cover d to hide an)' defects of a f all. o'clock, th e theme to be discussed , Wiant, who was n promine nt m em- curre ntry. _ I l\fr, and M,l: , Grover White and being, "How serious is the threat bel' of the Ohio Annual Conierof another World War?" A civic once of the Methodist Epi 'copal A dr ~ in g l!1ble clan bt' made b y children 6t Mason we-r e dinn~r luncheon at 12 :15 o'clOCk a t tbe hurch. He hIlS three br other bracing a broad shill! agtl inst the gu is Sun day of Mr. and Mrs. Biltmore will be followed by an also in the Methodist mini try : th wall ' at a convenient height, It is , alvin Longac re and famil y. then covered \ ith a gathered i rs. ,M ary Ca rm ony. in om· afternoon session anel Pleetinge of Rev. J. D. Wiant of Bradfor d, the R ev, Stanley W, Wia nt of ehint?, cretonne, 'till' gingham pony with Mr . and 'M'I'!\, W. F . discussion groupe. e space can be Clark, wer entertained t(l dinner "The signrticance and procedure Hamilton , Ohio" DJ\d the Rev., Paul fl ounce, Stora .. " , of the Emergency Peace Campaign P. Wiant. o( F oochow, China, provided by bu i\d inl~ a, win dow Su nda y at !;he home of l\lr. and will be the luncbeon topic and One pi Prof, Wiant's outstand- ea t, which is onl y a 101lg box with Mra. P aul Flory in Dayton, and "What 'changes should be made in ing ~ontributions to China is his a hin $:ed cover, ,also called on MI'. and Mrs. Everthe present forejgn policy of the preparation and edition of HOIII s in which Iroom mu t b e ett lru k and little son. ' " a provided for a n um bet of bo y can 11.1 Mr, andM Mrs, Donald Hlldley, United States ?", th~ afternoon "H ymns 0 f U n i ve:rsa I P raise, h I I 1 f m bc a l'langed so each boy has a T . nd 1'9, Ther ia Jon es and questlon. Mrs. Charlotte Reeve Ch 'st' ~I Ian ymna 'h' ahr~e y dt0'b ~pace to him If b y building bunks JIl r. a nd Mrs. Elmer Groves atConover will preside, at the after- Ch' mese s ources, w l C 1 use y" , • nded the entC1:tamment gIVen by ' noon session. d t P resbYt "," Tl'A.. n. P ro- I f or th~ boy . Ii there is a ny dis. te a Il Me th O)S, tI F' 'd' C M ' An open mass meeting will be testant Episcopal, Baptist, Con- lpste fO l ' homemade beds, the boy 10 n gl a1l'e orp" a t ."em.orlal -e g atl' ona I eh ul'c"es L ' Ch'100 an d mi IV' "'kt be l'cminded t h"t' T homa Hall , Day ton, Satur day evening. held at , 8 o'clock at the N. C. R. ... 1n r ' . ' Scho~lho~~e at which time the also by the independent Church of J cffe" on had b ui!t in b ed t ad at l'tlr, and Mrs. Stanley Badey question What ean the people of Christ in hina, This n ew hymnal Mont lc 11 0. If I:hlld re n must t udy the United State!! do to prevent has 500 hymns, 450 of them newly in a 1'00111 wher e there ia not pace their Government from going to translated and revised, and 50 Ilo ugi\ lor a desk, a wide,' hinged w~r and t~ promote world peace?" newly cQmpo~e d by Chin e e poe ts, helf w it'h legs that pull o,u t will Will be dISCUSsed. A large numhe~ of the tunes ate make.a good ~tudy tabl • taken from these early Chinese A !lim pla thing lik e a rod for the , I thi method of announcHEA'I1LATOR will make 10ur RADIO COURSE GIVEN sources - folk-songs, t r ade.songs, bedroom clo et so t hat gal'menta ing my candidacy fOl' the Republifireplace a real source ot comfort ' FOR CHOIR LEADERS boat-son~s, temple chants, and can be hung On it f r om hangers can n omination for Sheriff and enjoyment. It elimioates &a00)" lute, tunes. \\ 11\ a dd t o th e cia et space. A tier Warr n County, Ohio. iog smoke aod colc! dt'att~UUs f rna II Sh 0 I ves p Ia!:e d qUI' te hig h I intend to see a!\ many of Choir leaders in Warren county Prof, Wiant not only plays the 0 hUll to net)' corner of the toom aD d cburches are invited to take a piano, pipe organ and violin, but 'will ta ke care, of shoe which personally as time will 10 adjoiDioB rooms. free course in church music, to be a ,number of Chinese ancient in- oth r l> i!<e would be in the way on but In the meantime 1'Mm ..,ro+.f" 1 The work can be quickly done broadcast from the O. S. U. radio struments, including the lute, He 1he clos'e t floor, If the family a k you to considel' my qual with little: ioconvenience. And you station, WOSU. is a graduate of Ohio We kvan boa_ts someone who is handy with tions for' this office. I lJ.ave been tbe Marshal of will find that tbe moderate colt i,' Prof, M. Etnett Wilson, depart- and Boston Ilniv,ersitie s, 'a nd lne t ools, ):I la~e!!, b, e d isignell lor more thaD oSset by the new comfort i h I I t , and fu!!l savio". durlog cool . ptin. ment of music, will be the instruc- I New England Con servatory of ~ tor ng ot$,., s I ( m g l'ays for Viilag~ of Frlln~lin, Ohi , f,o r .. tor. Broadcasts 8l'e set for 5.45 Music. He is now at home on cloth es can b e mad.!, or pl aces twenty-se~en (27) years, ~d weatber. that pel'iou I have ,endeavored to pletefall infor;n: alion. Ask us for com p. m. on six suC!c.essive Saturd~y furlough, pursuing graduate rna e fo r long mirrol's. mus ica1 studies at Bo tOD "UniverH en;--;-hlch -;'hc)-\-v-e-:x;-c(>l'Siv e th e ben of my ability to perform evenings, the first on April 18.' and fulfill the duties of that office. Subj ds to be covered are sity. yellow pigment s holilld be culled In addition I have been a special deputy sheriff of this county f or in lnte July or August. , tlon of chOirs, and selectIon of One tablespoon of formalin twelve (12) years and by reason Phone 14 Wayne.Tille. Ohio music. Professor Wilson is a , added to a pint ot II mixture of thereof am thoroughly familiar church ol'ganist and choir director , equal Jlarts milk an(l 'water is an with the 'office. In so doing I have acquired much of long ex~rience. 'rhe State Teachers Retll'ement excellent poi on for Hies. _ __ _" __ • System has turned $27,500,000 . ----valuabTe experience and intortna~ tion in the enforcement , of the Ohio buys half of the potatoes into the channels of trade during laws of the State and in tbe deteeea~en in tbe state, its 'f irst'lIlteen years of operation, !lccording to a l'ecenf report of ita tion of crime. Donald Surface if; ill with the Corn or sunflowers will provide secretary, W. E, Kershner, These have become personally I mumps, August shade for the poultry flock lunds have been place<l circulaacquainted with 1aw enforcement Mr. and , Mrs, HlIirvey Burnet, officers and police (I~'D'Jllrt.m""nr,a l tion through the teachers who reMrs. MBl'garet Johns and Mrs. throug lwut a large part of this ceived them as pensions on retireWalter K;enrick spent Thursday in State: And they have co-operated ment or as refunds upon their withdrawal from teacbjng service. Dayton, and worked with me on. many ocMr. and Mrs, {;eonard Gray who casions in the detection of crime. The money to meet such pensions or withdrawals was ' pr()vided by retul'n~d hom , M.ichigan, spent By )'eoson of my many contin yearly payments by the t1!!lchers. several days laSt week with their uous )tears of experience in poUce by the 10cIII school district, and par~nts, Mr, and ,;Mrs. <*orge work, I feel that '1 am acquainted Grny, ' by the state, with condition s existing in t his Ml'S, Cassie Hardy of Dayton Coun~y. And that I am well pre' The Retit'enumt System, now in its sixteenth year of opel'ation, spent 1a t week at t he home of pared and qualilled to meet the" conditions as they aITive. bas paid $16,605,885 in pensions Mr. and Mr$, E, B, Longacre, Henry Fox of nea,t Mianlisbtirg II nominated and el<ected I and ,10,853,644 in I'efunds to teachers on with<lra. wal from entertained a number of friends at pledge to the citizens of Warren service, or to th ir beneficiaries in a dance a.t Lytle Ha~l, Saturday County, Ohio, a fair and impar' t.ial administration of myoftlceand case of death while i~ el'Vice. The evening, Miss Geneva Mae will dedicate myself and my oftlce latter figul'es r epresent actual to the enforcement of the laws of deposits by teachers plus a.ccumu- a. week-end guest gnret Mays in W this IItate, the investigation a nd lated inttrest. M,r. and Mrs, the 'detectlon of crime, and t he --an --protection of the Ii.,ea _ . ,-- Ohio--~bas as great acreaee of "con and 80n uf farm wOCldlots a8 is planted to dinner guestR 5Ulloal1 property of oUr citizena. corn in the state each year. F. Mr~. George Reeder I bereby reapectfully Dean, extenaion foreater, O. S. U., 'Mrs. Calvin LOlR,"W er.t, I.IU!1port at the ..p tbe present 8,168,989 acres B. Lonpcre, Kn. lIil.dl~d of Is 1. per cellt more tUIi and lin. Culie


Political Announcements

Wl!rk' admittE'(! as membtn of thE' W uyn ~villc Gl'an(£e Saturday evening. A numucl' of GQlI1IC r~ (rum here fltlenued. Ml''' , Murgul' ,t John!! ntel.tain' N I to IlillllCI' Fl'lday. 1\11'1\, l~ Ji ~ ab eth Smith and Mrl'. u s~ i~ H artly oC By ton Bn(I Ml'~, F.. B. Lorl):!-



J. P. Larrick

Waynelville, Ohio ~~-_-"'!-~-~-~-~-=-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~;;;:~;,.~-!!-!!-!'!!-~-~",'~ . ~::;;~~;;:=::;;;~~:;;;:~;.' Phone 58R2

- - - - --


SCOTT H. McCLURE Repu b lica n Candida te for County Com miaaioner. F, f T I L. .,. armer 0 urt ecreeR' ~ own sh ip, Q tax payer

Your support


'II be apprec."ated \

WI ,



To The Voterl of Warren County I am a. candidate for County Commi sione,r of Warr n County' on tbe Republican ticket subject to the will of the voter at the Primary e lection to be held on May 12th, 1936. I have lived in Washington Township since 1901, and h a ve served as Town hip Trustee during the pa t 14 yeal·S. '1 believe my experience gained as uch Trustee qualifies me for the, office I seek. I ha e 11 ver been a candidate fO,r county office. , Your support and ballot marked as below will be ~incerely appreciated , • FOR COU NTY COMMISSIONER ,.


Fred' J. ' Hagemeyer . , - Pol.

To 1"he Voters Of W a r ren County Ohio



W. H. Madden and Co'.mp.ny


~~:;~~~i~:~hes~~~~rr~h~r~:::~:: ! RETI'REMEN'-J- ilCYSTEM I

Qa8llty Prlatlal

Lyt' e



w. ,







":"Pol. .Ad",


+ The Mla.l



Eighty-Eithtb Year






Whole Number 621 ()




LOCOMOTIV~E ACE FOR SHERIFF COMMITTEEMEN HIGH.SPEED A e eglltion from citiz~nry AND COMMISSIONER schools and many PAYMENT OF TAXES .START WORK ON THE w re the stntirln ourWednesday morning when the I'enn!lylvania HOLDING INTEHEST Application haa been made by NEW SOIL PHOGRAM RaiJroa(I's new sf..l'eam}ined coal.



Annual inspection of Miami Chapter No. 107 O. E, S. will take place Friday evening, May 1, 'Dinner at 6 o'clock will be follow· ed by wOl'k at 8 o'clock.


.. - ...- - -

Mra. lela Weller of C.DteniJIe Ga"e a Talk 0.. "On.1o of Family Nama"

Croup Will Repre.ent Warren C01Inty at Diatrict Teat. At , Oxford Next S aturday




Ross H. Hartsock, trea.surer ot Warrt!n ounty, to tbe tax commission of Ohio tor extension ot time for the CU1'I'ent c:ollection of lllJCes until May 9, 1936. , Books will be clolled and penalty a·r 10 per cenll will be added after that date, o,ccording to Treasurer Hartsock

burning locomotive, 1\ picture of in last week's Gazette, passed tl,rough. The new lo co motive is intended , for high·speed thl;"Ough passenger ervicc,

Every Far m In The COllllty Muat wbich appeared Be Included In Tbia

----_ ---


and Ha .."me,er BeJi.ved

To Be Leadi" .. Other Candidatea

The thirty stud nts who will Thirty-five locul committeemen ... With the primary election less The Apllil mlleting ot ' the t han two weeks distant, political began work this week on Lhe new compo!!e Wart'cn county's scha lCentury Club was held at soil conservation program in War. arship team ntceed in the di _ interest in Warren county is home of Mn. Raymond Conner on ~=========;-===o trict competition at Miami Un!ren county. These men will vi it centered in th rsnks of the Re· Friday the 24th. Memberlli were Mr. and Mr9, . 0 xf ord on next Satur day, ' publicans, notably in tne rac~ for b FI' B • tF arr d were ' verSlty eVC1'y f al'm'In each township in all present except one, (Mrs. Cross in Dayton on us ness a ay. May 2, were announced Saturday ., the county and fill out 'a work nominations for sheriff and county not yet having retul:'ned from the commis ioner, sheet showing the crops grown on Mr. and Mrs. Oharles Satterth· by County Superintendent C. H. sun ny south), waite were Lebanon visitors on Bohl. ' each fal·m. in 1935. From this in· Ob servers generally agree The program was in charge of Friday, ' Examinations were held at M E formation a 1935 soil depleting William "Beebe" Graham, Frank. Mrs, Crabbe and Mrs. Clifford rs. Mary tta Su..face, 72 base for each farm can be estab. · E h h Lebanon to select the team but years old, pas ed away at Miami Mr. and Mrs. 0, M. Ridge were lin marsha) who covered himself Ridge, MISS mma Heig way was t e l ti It d . th lished. Farm operators are urged business visitor in Cincinnati, with glory during a bank robbery Th e opening number was a :~n;~: g~I~~:e o:n~,r~u~~~tyh. Harris ~:::.:aand ::Ud:~~~ ~ere equi;;;; ~;~i1Y 2~~ ~~~~~~;t:~I.' ni'::s":a: to cooperate with their local com· in that town, ha the nominaUon Friday. piano solo by Sara Conner entitled IT'itteemen in giving this informa· to take a second set of exa.mina. short dura~ion, in hand. although a fellow-tow ns· "Fairies Everywh re". MI'S , Surface was a native of tion eve n if they do not intend Mr, and Mrs. Vernon . Mainoua tions before· the final selections Mrs. Myer Hyman nnd Mrs, A. man, Charles L. Bakel' has been . . to try and comply for a grant of T. Polinsky were in Cincinnati making a spirited bid but is be· Mrs. Crabbe gave a vivid descrip. and children were Sunday guests were announced. Warren county and hud hverl In thO f 11 t t L . 'J tlon of a hip to Nevada by way of Mt. and Mrs. Ralph Linn. liaved to lack the necessary Nine WlI:rren count.y schools are and ncar Waynesvill e fat' more :::'{?Inle y IS t a , s ~ els els_er . W ed ne ~day. represented On the scholarship 1" I er, coun y agrlcu t ura agent. 01 the acenic Canadian Rockies strength to wrest tbe place on the d bt ' This information must be obtain d and California, some yearll ag9, , Mr, and Mrs. J. B, Chapman team, all of the schools in the than th.irjty years, f Mr. and Mrs. Will Brndley hav ticket from. Graham. and contrasted the country as It entertained the Five Hundred ' county excepting Franklin and M U~V1~ en;'~~~k ou~ aug ~~Si tor every farmer before a ba e moved into the Lamb prop'rty on Picking the two high men in the ~banon, being eligible to co m- Mrs. CoslM B I cr'D ntyne~VMl ei can be set for any faTm. was then, with the improvement in dinner club, Saturday night. race {or the county commission 1'6. • . ' rown, a;Y on, rs. M M' . Third street. the hlgbways and general condi· tt I nd'lanapo I'. d 1'" Iller. states The Roxanna Canning Oompany pete, Kings Mills placed nine on I h ar I s III e, nomination is a more difficult task, IS, an. f tho f t·that dthe glV· Mrs. ·Myer Hyman and family tions found when making a recent announc& they are now reo ady to the team with Morrow and Way· M Alb t OJ W i l l i n g 0 IS In orma 10,,! oes not althougn at the present time Fred t' I ra. er eaveI', aynesv e bl' at th f I attended the, funeral of a relative visit, Irl'igatinn is about to be contract for sweet corn. nesvilJe having five each. ltras ie I Funeral services cOnlduc~1 by 0 Ill' e e armeT n any way. Hagemeyer, wbose farm where, he 10 Cincinnati, Sunday, completed and will trans'iorm the townshIp has four, Springboro 'a.nd I Rev, G. C. Dibert. ~ere l~e]d at tho TtohC~e arAe IIno paPfers or cdontracts re 'ides lies )lartly in Ma sie townMrs, May Cook, of' Dayton, Otterbein two each and Sou th St bl' F desert into a garden spot. I H thO Th sign. a arm er oes to , I u "'s unera omc IS urs· . 1: Mr and Mrs N B Polr f hip. i~ conceded an edge ov r ft .1 b ' II I I qualify for payments 18 0 reduce " '" If, 0 Hayes Keever and Scott McClure. Mrs. Ida Weller of ' Centervllle visited her daughter Mrs, ' E, C. Lebanon, ijlue BaJJ and Mason one d each .;.y ~ ' el'no~n an,. ur a was n his soil depleting crops in 1936 Day~n, were guests of 'MT. and gave an interesting talk on the Crane and family, Sunday 'e vening Mr. Hag meyer long active in The following students will enlain! ceme ry. !'elow that of 1935 on the same Mrs. Robel't Davis on Sunday. Misses Trillena and Margaret "Origin of Fami1y NameB," She Warren county politics but never . Rn"mond Fal'r, aged 40 year., 1'arming unit. In addition new Mr, an d ',,~t;8, O, J , K. P re ton enter a candidate for county office. is " be sai.d that after the times of Edwards spent Sunday with Dr. tel' the district competition: Chemisb'y- F'red Tye, Kings' died from a stroke of apoplefY se«lings of legumes sbo uld tained relatives from Washington gaining considerable strength and William t~e Conqueror and Rich· Gale E, Russum a nd family In Mills, and Florence Miller, Kings Monday evening s hortlll after 7 made. C. H. and Cincinnati, Sunday, ard the LIon Hearted, names ,of. Dayton, according to reports, Is expected o'~lock. at his home in Springboro, Lo~al committeemen wiU ex· Mills, Both eleventh grade. ' sons began to be developed from to lead his opponents in the voting <kneral Science-Dean Kiphart He wa an employe of the Frigid- plain in detail to each farm opera· The Roxanna Canning Company ane'week from Tuesday. • that of the parent, as tUcb.rd·son, Mn, Susie Montgomery, of Cen. terville, was the guest of Mrs, Massie and William Collier, Kings aire corporution and hmd work-ed tor just how his fot:'m fits into this announce they aTe now ready to William-son, Rob\lrt-lIOn. Republican leaders are u;.ging contract for Bweet corn, all day Monday as uSluaL The program, Others were given names from Alice Hartsock and Jamily severa l Mills. Both ninth grade. all voters within their ranks to go , Physics--Ralph Whitaker, Mor- attack came without w[lrn ing. ' , - - -- - • Bome characteristic, or occupation d~ys last ~eek. to the poUs in the primary, supMr, and Mrs, Charles Wolcott, af! Carpenter, Apln the colors-row, and Cecil A. Hariman, Wa,:/· Mr. Fart', was the SOTI of M, J . not only candidates who porting Anna Haines of Piqua, visit.ed Mrs. B.lacle, White, Green were used, O. J. Edwards, of Springfield, nesvi1le. Both Twelfth grade. . Fort', of Springboro andl formedy and other relatives here Sunday. have opposition, but thOse whose or direetionl as North, West, spent. a few days this w~k with Algebra- Deloris Cornett, Mor- Iive'd in Waynesville where his names are entered on the bB.Uots South, Eastman. Even the families hi sisters, Misses Trillena and row and Elma Poinsett, Waynes· father operat d a jewEilry store, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J . Wright alone. of the 400 might. be traced to a Margaret Edwards, and a grand on of the late Dr. ville. Both ninth grade. and so n, of Columbus, visited M",. In t he commi$9ion race Scott H. Plane Geometry.,-Ru sell Tye, Farr. He is surv.lved by his widow, very plebeian ancestry in early Mrs, J , P • F romm, M n, E . F , Dean E. Stanley, Lebanon a~ Wright's old home here un day, McClure is expected to poll heavtenth grade and and parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. J . Kings Mills, English hiBtory, Earnh.rt and ~US8 Marjorie Earn· torney, will be tbe guest apeakel' Mr, an'd Mrs. Harvey Pinckard ily not only in Franklin townllhip MillS Ruth Conner'a fine rendi. hart attended Eutern Star in· Jane Wilson, Kil)g Mills, eleventh Farr, Saturday evening when members . FUn ral services were held at of Lebanon Grange No, 1462 will of CincinnatI, apent Sunday at the but other ections of the county as tion of plano lelections-- "Gold- Bpection at Wilmington, Mond a}, grade. II hes" and "Robins RAturn," were night. Am erican History- Rutb Scott., the ReCormed church in Spring· join with Farmers Gra.nge No, 13 home of Mr, and Mrs, Leonard well. Like lJagemeyer, Mr. McClureis a farmer and a resid~nt greatly enjoyed, Kings Mills and Clinton DuVall, boro th is Thursday 'Bfternoon, at their rellular meeting here, Tinney. Dr, Mary L, Cook, president of of TurUecreek township. During 'the social hour the Springboro, B,oth twelfth grade. Burinl in Springboro cemetery, Officers or t he Lebanon grange Mrs. L. B, Hall, of Columbus, Hagemoyer hat! served as trueWorld History- Roy Crockett, ho~s.' served 'delicious Nfresh. the Warren Oount)' Medical So· Mrs. Mary Jalle Finch, aged 91, will have charge of the program, was the week-end gue~t of h er tee of Washington township lor menta to the ,m emben and guesta, ciety, attended a conference of Waynesville, and He]en Thorn· died at her home in Hmrveysburg There will be music and special ' parenta, Mr . and 'Mrs. Harry Mc- the last 14 years, and in this the Ohio State 'JUdlcal Association bury 'Massie. Both tenth grade, in Columbus, SURday. capacity has proven to be a mOllt First Year ~atln-Wanda Shep- 'l'uesday ni ht, April 28. She is numbers by the Lebanon grange Ginne!!!!. · rvl'v~d by two sons, Captal' n orchestra; Jr"-Short play, "Mother su efficient public servant. Otterbein, tenth grade, and herd, ~ " Mr, Van Pelt and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Frye, of Charles Garner, of Colum bus, and oays Her Say", a reading by M. A. Fulkerson were week.end In Wayne township John O. Dayton, and Mr. and Mrs, Burnett Lucy Mulfor!i, Blu e Ball, ninth Roberta Be~ham; and the address guests of Mia. Fulkerson's sister nt Hawke, the local committeeman Robert, at home, grade. Butterworth, of Lebanon, were F uneral services were held this, of the evemng by Mr. Stanley. Culver, Indiana. Mary Second 1('ear Latin ior many years, is being 0ppolled dinner gueats of Mr. and Mrs. Thursday afternoon at the Mc--- • - Louise Ault, Springbor\l, tenth by Mrs. Mary B. Chapman and Gilbert Frye on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs, Phil Zepf, of grade and Phll1ip L, Morgan, Clure F un eral Home. Burial was even the clo est pOlitical observers College Hill, Cinci nnati, spent made in Miami cemetery. ST. MARrs CHURCH Mra, Edna Mi.n, Vlho was in Otterbein, eleventli grade. will not forecast the outcome of J . Milton Earnhal't,for years Sunday with Mrs. Zepf's parents, this race. ll.v. J. J. Seh....r, Rector Miami Valley hospital for treatFirst Year 'French-Jean WhitWilliam W. Fraze.r, 80 years prominent in county pOlitics, will Mr. and .Mrs. George ,J. Smith, Third Sunday after Easter, ment, hu returned to the home of acre, Morrow, Marian Girton, George E, Young, Lebanon atold, died at his home near Utica observe his , ninetieth birthday at a May 3, Church school at 9:30; her brother and slster-In·ln.w, Mr, ' Kings Mills Both eleventh gl·a de. Mr, and Mrs. Gilbert Frye were torney, is seeking the nomination ' E ' , sermon and Holy Communion ~t and Mrs. • C, Coyle, Second Year 'French.- 'Dottie Wednesday night after an illness dinner to be given by his family dinner cuests of Mr. and Mrs, for t he, court of the judge of 10:30. Mr. an d M1'8.., C B M.organ, of Green, Kings Mills and H oward of several yellrs du ration. A and friends at the Grang~ Hall in Burnett Butterworth in Lebanon common pleas, being opposed by Lebanon, Sunday. Saturday e.vening. Dayton, Mr. andH1'8, Sam Mere- Innis, Kings M,iIl s. Bot h twelflh daughter and two sons survive, William E, Hoffer, Franklin, Earnhart ,is a personal friend Funeral services ,will be held in ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH 'ditb and daughters were guests of grade. State chairman Ed, Schor and of Senator A. V. Donahey, with' Messrs Elmer and Walter Shee· Father Newtoa. Paster Mrs. Suaie Evanl, Tuesd.y even. English - I - Rut h Browning the Uticl\ church Saturday afte~· Clarence J, Brown are scheduled the Constltu· han, J. C. Hawke and Robert D. whom he attended noon at 2 :30 and burial will be in Mason and William Carr. Mas ie, Mass at St. Aucu.tlne', church ing. tional Convention in Columbus in Collett attended a banquet given to speak (ton ight). Thursday, at a ~iami cemetery. Both ninth grllde. every Sunda, momlnc. 1912, Earnhart represente d War. ,by the Shell Oil company at th meeting in Elk's Home, Lebanon, Charles Middleton, and grand. English II- Ruth Stacy, Massie, Funeral services JOI' John p, ren county in t he convention and Netherland Plaza in Cincinnati to Wht<!1r'a11 central, executive and sons, Robert and Leroy PeterB, and Edn,lIo Achte1!man, Morrow. Smith, 60 years old, who died Sat"IENDS MEETING precinct committeemen and introduced the doub]e lia'bility bill Thursday, nignt. Flrat-day Scbool at 9 :80 •• m. Dayton, called on Mr. Middleton's both tenth grade, urday night at midnight, at, his on bank depo/lits, which became a women of Warren county have )feetlnlr for WOHhtp at 10:80 sister, Mrs, Sarah Lippincott, who English III - Vergene Swank, home; East Apple street , Dayton The WaynesVille Gar den club been invited to attend. m. is serioUe1y sick alld Mr, and Mrs, Morrow, and Glenna Woolard, were conducted Tuesday after· law by a majority of over 220,000 will meet at the home Ilf Mrs, A large delegation of W.yne Earnhart was born on a farm Walter Elzey, Friday afternoon, Waynesville, Both eleventh grade. noon at the residence, lBilfial was , H, E, Stokes, Tuesday afternoon, township Republicans is expected near Lebanon, but retired several Jane Cook, English IV FERRY CHURCH or CHRIST Mr. • nd lin. R, E. Frank, Mr. W II d V" S'd in Miami cemetery, years ago. He has gained a reputa- May 5. This is the time f~r the to attend this meeting. Carl SlnJth, lIta1ater aynesvi e, an lVIa.n Dl er,. Surviving ate his widOW, Ida N, tion in this rerion as Ii keen pollti. annual exchange of plants and and Mn. L, A. Garat and :Mr. and Petr, Thomas, Supt. 01 Blbl. seeds, IIH. I. O. Brown enjoyed a trip to King!' Mms. twelfth grade. Smith i a son, Russell Smith; a cal observer. Sehool granddau"hter, Marcia Ann Smith Split Roc" Xent"c"" Sunda, Mr. and Mn, Harry Spencer and Sunda, SebooJ It :10 L m. .. " y , IOl1la from...ClDctuatt on tIM river• two sisterll, Mra. Hatitie Davis, U. S. MARINE CORPS ,TO dau,hten, of Mlamilbuflf, Mr••I)d' .00mmIl81011 It:.a .. m. , lteamer, IIland Q\lIID. Xenia, a.nd Mrs, Elsie C.meron, Sarmoll 11 I. ..... ACCEPT ~RE MEN Mn, Will HutcbilllO!\ and family, CONSE~RVA110N Mr, and MH. Fred BO"ll'n, of Dayton, and two broth en, Joe ' of Dayton, Vlere Sunday, rueltll , Re.... and IJf.n. G. C. Dibert .nd S~uth Charlelton, called Friday, Smith, Spring Valley and Melville The United State. Marine OOrpl at Mr. and Mra, Cbarl.. James ' "ATNltaVILU CHUaCH ~qhter 1Iartha, IIH. M."lDle aftemoon to lee their aunt, Mra, C. ,Smith, Xenia, ta now acceptlnr youna men for ellAIIT \ and lamil" One hundred and tw.nt.,-ft-t. Hataelel and Kn. lIartha Bouah Emma Pierce. Mrs. Mar:YE.All~nll ... d 86, enlistment. Upon ell latmen. t . acres of crop land on ,o ne farm in Carl . . . . IIlaWer att.elBded the district conference MH, Lena Hartllock attended It . hi; tll ' Ulne s theile ,0UDr men wUl be lent to Mr. and Mrs. N, P. Blatt and, W 111 b _..a Not A Dtaomlaatloa of the lIethodWt clJurch at Brad- the clau play at Reeseville, Clin· a erdan e1g M md on s t Sat' the Marine Co, rps base at San tamily, of New Lexington, O'bio, arren couty w e terr.c..... or passe away on ay 1IOorn na . . , fanned on contour this year. Bay J.nD, O. BncIIe" 8upt. ton county, Friday night. Her ford, 1'bunday of 'laat week. . law ""nd Dle,o, Callfomla, for tramln,. .nd Mr. and Mrs. M, D. Baird and W'tt f "H·..1.1 d F arm ' er son-U1· • ' I e, owner '0 1 ... an e ome 0 f h th h 9 :80, Bible acbooL IAuon 9x12 Rup dullted and vacuo grandson Kenneth Hartsock honor daughter Mr. and Mrs, Ray Har. • The Marine Corps offel'8 steady ,dau,hter, of Lewistown, Indiana, located one mile north of LebanoD Jeaul teach.. I .....D..., humil- umecl, '1,00; Curtain., aoc a pair; pupil, took the leading part in the rison in Lebanon. femPlormenttlwith fan oPPdortw:'tty we~e OweeRk·e.nUd gu]CII ta ot Mr, and on State Route 48 is coojleratm. ity'. and IJI'&tJtude, Luke 17: 1-19. Drapel, 60c. pair; Silk Bed. play. ~ l ' be Id 1;JIis or promo on, ree e u<!atlon, Mrs, • • ng esby. , hiS 801'1 conservation proj eet . . unera serVlces wer'e • In t F Golden teXt, Ephealana 4.32. spread II, U,21i and up; Lamp The condltloll of Mr~, An~o Thursday afternoon at l~he Oswald travel and adventure. The ~anne Mrs, J. Will Haynie and her on his iann, ' MUllic, junior choir. , shadel, 86c and up, Quick Olean- Cadwallader, Vlho su!taaned m· Funeral Home and , burial _as Corps also offers a ~plendld o~h RaJ h G The ]oca] Soil Con.ervation 10 :46, Lord'. Suppet. portunity for those mterested 10 daur tel'" Mrs, p reegor, . u:·.~ en Kathry~ lIendenhall Iller jurle. in a fall laat week and was ta ' d thl ti; Harry Thuma and Mrs. Ran. Camp located - 2 , mi. eut of ' Leb7 p. m. Cbrlattao Ell!1eavor, .ubtaken to IIcClellan hospital, Xenia made m ..lIIaml ceme .....l~y, , , • are . six . daughter!, sPoTrh e ~_.a , e..... ~s. I to th e f our all RUI!!~Il, of ColumbuB, wer!.! anoJ) ill assisting Mr. Witte in tbil Surviving ject--"What ShaD 1 Do For a A party compri8in, lib, D, R. remain. lIerloul. , __ rme. three of whom !tve In Lebanon" f "h rth Th i guests of Mrs. Haynie's brotbe.r ', project. They have rearrlUl,ed Living'" Genest. 4 :1·2, Ill', and Mn. Will Pierce, Miss Saliabury, 1JIn, lIarve, By., IIH. , corners 0 ~ e ea • ey are n Mrs. Hal'rlson, B~)'es Keevet' Ch' th Ph'IIi' G Mr, J. H. Smith and Mrs, Smltl) on the fields on this farm and strip 7 :46, livan..,Uatlc m....... D. R. Smith, MH. B0811 Harteoc:k, Frances Peirce and, Newhart, and lOa, e 1 PPll':~S, uam, Wednesday. cropping will be practiced on • .,.. -Weclndd.y, 8:80 p. m., junior lira. J. K. Pluton, lira. l(ark of Care" Ohio, MI:tI, Jessie Hob· and Mrs. Howard Fullkerth, f W'I . gto Panama and the Hawanan Islands. I I 45 k B F M choir practice. e~an 0 I mm . n, They are also stationed on naval Mra, E, C. Crane and cjJIldren, proxmate y v acres. Thil ..-os rs. ran Rog.n, lira. Vef'JJ Simpson, lin. blu, Kn, Jobn Robb'ins and son, 7 :30, pfijer and Blbl. atucl"t. E. F. Deppe, lin. Bo,. Ellis, I(ra. of Cln~lnnatl, called on Mrs, Mrs. Leroy EIlIa, of 'Waynesville, va...Is patil' ro 109 th e A8 Ia tie water Master Jimmie Weltz and MiQ that the lalld will be terrae" and Mrs, Ida H owe,~, f Da.,ton. th ta I A ' d th every 10 to 16 rods and the .trtpa 8 :80, choir practice. Emn ElUa, lira. A. T. Polluk7 Emma Peirce, Sunday afternoon. and' three B0118, E d war d e cou 0 mertCA an • Emma Hei,bway represented St. VliIl be alternatel, planted to alld III1a Doria Salisbarr .t&ead.. - - - ' Mary's Church school at the com, wheat., and 1P'ftIII..--.. TId. riff William and Charles, .1It' of Leb- Welt Indies. WATNUVILLB . . &. ""'IU.'~II. "bneflt bridp" at llakatewah IIr. and lira. A. O. G y For further information' write Bishop's Rally in Christ Church, _._• _ to, The Marine COrpl Reerultina Dayton, SaiurdaJ afternoon. Pfracuce w~ prevnt h..., ~~ . .... O. Co DIMrt. . . . . Countl'J Club, CinclDuatl, Satur- 'VisIted frieDda hi Sprinlr Valley anon. Station, 814 New Poat Oftlce rom can.lna .erioa e..-_ Sullda~: SUDda, .Mol .at _ aftemooa. The aAW w.. lIonda, mal.... BalldJq, Chl~. lIHnot.. II .... Della V.ubl.,Ill' aneilir. daIIlqe. L m. I(ollll...' wonhtp at lJIOuorH b, • IOn_ of Ne.. ' ___ rt _ . Howard BanoD aD. "qhtv. IIr TbiI aoU eo......... " '.... The aeriDon pb,.. wDl be. lOll', ~ of wIdoh 1Ir., dd Va. J. B. Rich ...... ., nd lira. TODl Buton. 111'. " ' ," . . . fa W QuIt fOl' tM . . ." JI!!II IWtHurJa • •• IAbaun Tiatton tocIaJ· na:I:'lf"::dre.. Bql ... aDd hanatl.. lDaebiDIIni CbuIea Sar. 1Ir. .... lin. , aM 1IdII.... At ., :00 Po .. we wl1I beIiD • ' •• aad lin. ....... L. Ta,1or School and COlllm',",I't7I[c:lub err .hoal. . . acljaaW aad repair- Will 8eh. . . del ,..." ___ttl of . . . . . . tile _~ • Do WltIa i ..." of 8aa Pra1aeI.eo, c.Hfonla, . . Hptar m.~ eel well In &cITulce fit ...... " • blrt1ada7 di*Mr a\ .~f~~ . . . . . "TIll <*alb ... ....." OIl ...... , . , . ot lin. TQIor'a 8:80 o'eloek. wID" ..... A bJf .... MIa, Mr. ad .... III of ...... IhrecHtIl









Birthday Dinner


!<>..:!' • Fneenda' Home New.

---,-_ ...---














AfW ·-. . .

h S ots SC h00I H19 ,____-"'.. .P

......----.~--~.,-' - - - - ...



\\'c1( ome- no~

Friday and Saturday May 1 and 2 Urt, the date tor t.he annulIl ('uun!y Fair tnu~ic ft'slival of all !!cllo01~ in the Jll op"~11 1 ilf bu a coli"eum at ~ ~o uthwesh'rn district of Ohio at. lh(' fair ~rou in L banon. Thi ~ - . _ - - - - --~-- - - ' : - " - ' - - . Minmi niVEr Ity, Oxlord: Fridu y will b po, Hiblc Iy if thl' yotllt'S Gr."" Siudenta Prt-a.,nl MUaic ~liIIl'l' all '·l ora Dorll glll~ and l is set for Rolo day. Reba Ed\\an]s of the CUll111y pru'e n , one-mill Featini Robert Laey, B nn. ,Furnas, Rob- pianL t, Fl'nnk LeMay, trump tel' levy at th prinllu'y election on (H' t Pre ton ~nd WIllIam Strou~e hartes.Fil'e~, tromboni~ t, Kather- tay 12. . a. II trnmp chorus. tne miih and Vivian onner, J... T,urnl't' ):Iointed out that The grade studcntll I'r('fit'llled Three stud nts of the vocalist~,will repre~nt Wayne- lluch 11 building could be u ed os th ir aunulll mu.ic f . th·al heglade, lair Dibert, France ville on that day. a basketball court and a ~ a di: play rot'(~ n I, rge Cl' wd la,t Tue~d'IY J ohns. nnd Tommy Runte!", preIlturday will be devoted room lmd a !lining hall. 'Phil fl oor ('\·ening. Each one of th eighth songs that they had writ- orche t)'a, band and choru cou ld be similar to the one in the rllde , ling a group of songs 1\ iI- ~I!nted te n themselv s. certs; each will be graded 8C- gYlllna iuan in "he Oakwood High lu trolions of th kind of work hcing done. Tit!! seni or ol'chClstn Th feslival wa. arranged by Mr cording to it wOI·k. A ChOl'US of ·cho(ll. The ' building could be gave several numhel-. , :lS did Hie I"rank, with the help or the teach- twenty-five girls from Waynesville el'c.ct ed n or th present dining hih chool will be among the list hall. junior ol'che tm also; the two ' l'S' of lhe grades taking part. of c~ntestant. Th e ' chorus ounty uperintcndt1nt Bohl we rt! later combin d, Jl('cial fea- Warren County M\I,ic Feltj~aI t.ur inc Iud d a du et by J 8ckie On May 6, all sch ool in ,the given a rating Of excellent last made Ii few gencral remarks at the I :me and Bonnie Pet 1'5, of the county wilJ participate in a mu ic year and it i hoped that they elln nd oC MI'. TU'rn er'l\ talk. third grade, mu ic by th~ toy festiva l to be pre nt-ed by the do the same this ycar. I ndividu.a l TI'aek Meet Witlt blind, a choru s of farm r boys glee club of the various school May Cal,.ndar M.)rrow nnn goil'ls from th sixth gude, a Each school is to 00 given a Friday, May 1-Warr~n In the individual tratk meet O!HI -O ct operetta ·by lhe seventh musical representatictn of about t.raek meet. ' \ ith Monow in every eve nt, losing gradt', f all,lring Margaret Mays, ten minutes of orne foreign Saturday, May 2District only the broad jump. The ru nnel'S Alton E rnbart and Ruth Conner country. The Waynesville glee state scholurship tests. showed gl' at ina but arc still o nli an amatellr houl' by the eighth club will rel'resent ~rance, s ingDistrict hiJ(h • aturday, May in need of constant practice for gl'Ude. tudents takirig part in this ing French .ongs and executing school music festival. the county meet May 1. There was la ~ t number were Jame Bourne French dance!!. T ues d ay, Mlly 5 - W a r r e n . 0nlY one r cord broken, but IL as &Ilnouncer, Eiul Mendenhall all The program will be given in eoun t y opere tta. . 1doclI not count OffiCllllJy. 'd Cring Bosby, Anna Campbell and tb~ Town Hall at Lebanon Ilnd M 8 d S t d It wa~ F nay, ay an a ur ay. b I B tty Bernard as tap dancers, wi1l begin at eight o'clock. M 9 h'lO K t k t k d rok(m by A bert. Hawke, of Way, IIY. t - en uc y rae lin ncsville, in the 100-yard dash. Mary Eva LeMay, Doris Davis, t cnlll mee. harIotLe Hartman and Sa.rah Sou fb';'.,atern Diatrict Mu.ic Thursday, May 14--Freshmen I The re~or~ hIlS been 10.3 seconds. . , I Hawke Il t Ime was 10.1 seconds. t ea f or seOlor glr s, Thursday, May 14 _ Senior Kelly, of Morrow, ron a very close second. A.lI entrants made B 0)' 'Deca thl on. Ii h ' . 11 ts 'd M 15 d S t I ay , an a ur< ay 11 a oWlllgs 1Il a ven. . F nay, M y 16 D' t . t t k t Sum mary oi ~,ven ta 18 as follows ric 7rac Btn~ '1 100 yard da h: Time 10,1 eca sun d-ay, ~sl u ay 1 acca aurd 1 t A H k W '11 eate service. on s, S, . aw e ayn SVl e M d ~ 18--8 . d 2nd, Kelly, f or.row, 3 rd, Berger, eOlor ay, Morrow. on ay, 8y Tuesday, May 19 and Wedne M'l R t' 5 30 ' te day May 20- Second semester I e un: Ime : .mmu 8; , 1st, W. FurnQ8, Wayne vl11c; 2nd, exams. C. James, Waynesville; 3rd, CorFriday, May 22 - Commencement. mant, Morrow; 4th, Corwin, ~lot:-


~~.~ c:..:. •

-." 'I.


'. '

It does BEAT llli 110W mu~h time wOIne n 8ave by USOIS eledri~aJ

appliances to help with the

housework. Work i DOW done in half the time fonne rly r equired, and with le88 e ffort. And at present low eleetric rat e~ th e co st o f runni ~ g s u c h appliances i8 extremely low.

The Darton Power ODd liuht Compon, f



Second Grade





Pleal Proc"ed in,1




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~ :~.P

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SeYllnth Grade





The second grade is very so rry On Tuesday, April U. the 7th ROOT FOR AND CONSIC N that Donald Brown is sick. We grade of the citizend rour Ca ttl e, hogl! I h eep an d caIV~I . Ihad n meeting h" hope he will oon be well. hlP cub. At t IS time t.h y electe tlf Norrll-Brock 01.., Ii'V. wire and ,the following officers: pro>gresaive firm f?r the hiarhut Two Senior. Raft" flil'h on Teat President, Robert Zimmerman; market priees and good semee. Two member of the seniot Vice-President Geneva Routzahn' . Unlon Stoek Yarela' Ci nclo_ U. O. , , ' Tune In on Radio Station WVKY class, Jao& .cook and Cecil Hart- ecretnry, MI't'tha Martin; News 12 :211 to 12 :80 p~ m. for our dan, market rellom. mnn, mnked high in the general Reporter, Mu,rgaret ?tlays.

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DEC. 31, 1915

815,000 JOB H 0 L 0 • "-.


ing theru~ tra nsfer of real eatate-. J~~ h~~li~U~ d~ee~ Moses B. Hazeltine, tnstee of



Stanley I Koogler Auctioneer. nlSE STANLEY Plo.. 110, N•• B.Ua.toa, 0.1.. EARL KOOGLER





I •••






l'(, ~ poD

In the case of Tb& Waynesville National Bank, of Waynesville, Saturday, l\fa.y 23 - Alumni rO~alt mile, Tiime 2 :49 minutes; : The ~as.e of The LQveland Muir versu Ray F. Mills, et ai, confirmbanquet. 1st, W. Furnas, Waynesville; 2nd, ual BU1ldlll~ and Loan Company ation, deed Sind di t.ribution was Friday, May 29, and Saturday, C. James, Wayt1lesv ille ; 3rc, Whit- V~l'S~S Rattle Kr bll, et aI, was ordere~. Title was quieted in the case of May aO":""State track meet. acre, Morrow; ,U b, Hob on, Mor- dl III I ed. , Clifford Stroud and Evelyn Stroud In the case of C.'ane and Breed row. Scien ce Da,. Tr ip versus the unknown trusteell, des. 220 yard dasb, time 27 seconds: Casket Company versus C. C. MillA group eOnsi Ung of Robert con and members of the Baptist er, et aI, controversy ha been lIyman and Wilton Hartsock, 1st, A Hawke, Waynesville; 2nd, hurch of Muddy Creek. et al. !reshmen general science students Kelly, Morrow; ard, Shc ts, Way- fully paid and satisfied. In the case of Altha Rae Thomas In the c e 01 Gwilym E . Jones Lenard Franer and Donald nesville; 4th, Woods, Morrow. versus Dal E. Thoma, motion versus Paul M. Karr, et aI, serv880 yard reIn: 1 t, WaynesFoulks, senior physics students, R. was granted as to alimony pen. ice by publicatioll is ordered. F. Hatfield, science instructor and ville; 2nd, Morrow. dente lite. In the case of Jo ph F. Hall Broad jump, ;l6' 3": 1st, Camps, Carl Ferguson, algebra instructor, The case 01 the St, Louis Casket ~ersus A. F.Crockett a nd Lillian attended Scien.e& Day at Antioch Monow; 2nd, Thomas, Wayn* Company, et ai, versus C. W. College, Yellow Springs, Ohio, ville; ard, Hob Ion, Morrow; 4th, M. Crockett, title is quieted a8 to Unglesl)y, wall di missed. defendant!. LeMay, Wayne8v~Ue. Saturday, April 25. In the casn of Lena Layrl~ the matter of the will of WebIn Pole vault, 910 2" : 1st, Thomas, Tbe program was planned for versus Andre,w Zepf, et '8l, conthose especially interested in Waynesville; 2nd, Allen, Waynes- s ter E. Woolwine, dec ased, t he firmation ,deed and distribution. will is to be admitted to Probate science; others who wished to b - ville. was ordered. A balance ot $4,Court. High jump, Ii' 3" ~ lBt, Sattercome acquainted with the facilities 633.72 is dUel, of the institution were also wel- thwaite, Wayne.sville; 2nd. LeMay Confirmation, de d IUId distribuWaynesville; Srd, Foulks, Waynes· tion was ordered in the case of comed. Proba,. Cour t Rice K. Evans versus R. Pierce The tTip proved a. very inter- ville; 4th, Camps, Morrow. Irma T. ~haw han, adminl unShot Put, 38' 9,.,,: lat, Boger, Evans, et. al. esting anti Buccessful one. The trix of the eiltat" of Samuel FurThe calOe of BUlline 8 Corn ers, group as a wbole enjoyed thO day Waynesville; 2I],d, Davis, Waynesman Gallaher, deceased. flIed ber Inc;, versus Carl Rou b and Daisy ville; 3rd, Chllrleston, Morrow; flrst, ftnalliiild distributive acSchoolm..tera' Club M,.eb at Snyder is dismissed . 4th, Hobson, Morrow. Otterbeio In the case of Daisy Roush count. The eigbth account of Mary The Warren County School- The J un ior aD'ct Senior BUlque t Snyder versus Fred S. Snyder, ser Chapman, gUlardian of Stanley R. maters' Club met at Otterbein, The General Denver hotel of viee by publication is ordered. last Tuesday evening. Following Wilmington wa the scene of a deIn the case of the Union J oint Chapman, itlcompetent , was apthe steak dinner at six o'clock, lightful banquet given by the Stock La nd Bank, of Detroit, a and confirmed bi th~ group adjourned to the l audi- juniors in honor oJl the senior clalls corp., versus William J osepb CarSa~ by Edward C. Morey. ad • tor;ium for the on Friday, Apri l •. roJl, et ai, judgment was allowed ministrator of the estate of John Stu dents from Otterbein school Th~ dinner menu included: the plaintiff from the defendants. presente d a short play, sevent veal broth and rice, french ft'ied William Joseph Carroll. James A. Lerch, de~ease d, were a pprovreadings a nd vocal and instrumen- potatoes, stuffed pork chops, early Lamb, Ol'll Lam b, Lou ise Can - ed. ~ tal music. It is orde cd the l rene Raney June peas, ice cream and cake, mella, unkn own heirs of Norma Lester Miller, Wa rren county and coffee and rolls. Carroll, decea$ed, and Helen Will, be and iB to 11 legal interetlts and agent, d iecussed 4·H Club activi· purpose the child of D. Clark Van 'With Mr. Lotz acting as toa t. in the sum of ,2857.28. ties in t hill county, expressing his master, the following program wall In the case of Stella Ma.y Wal- Camp an d Ollie J. Van Camp. lace ve s us Harry E. Wallace, Albert St, John, exeeutor of the apprec ia.tion for the cooperation given: he had received from the scbools service by publication is ordered estate of Hannab E lizabeth St. Invocation-Dolores Clark.



It Y"unIC. holar hip tela'" .. ven a h 2B. \' Vunald Each of th(>S~ two studentt made a score of ~,inety percent or Foulk", \' ocsl ~o lo--Mr, Frank. above. This pl~ce them in the up· Juni".. tOIl!'.t- - l.\ral'git' Tinney. ,'er ten IK"r(lent of the 4700 F cult>, tOllst-Mr. lIalfl pl!l. ~e l1ior, who t410k the tests. The te t. Senior tOl\~t-Fran~, Elli. covered English, Th remainder r lhe program sO'inl ,c iencCo, mathematics, in luded n pil'ture ~h(lw nt the Fcicnco, a mI r,~ading and language. lUi ph~' Th ateI', which WIIS Ei.hth Grade greatly njoyed by nil. Perfect Rpellers for the week of Third Crade April la to 17 were Marjorie The Third Grade hllll composed hu tts, Margaret Vint, Anna Mae n vegctabl catalogu planting Watkins, Wilma Thomas and time is here. All the vegetables Betty Ruddu clk:. are making th it' appearance in During this week wc also had this catulogu , thr e achi evem~nt' test!! in Fourth GTade E;nglish and II'terature. The results • were' as follows: The pupil in the fourth grllde First tes Betty Ruddock, 1st who hav e made perf ct gl'8des in sp ling tor tb III t week are: place; Ethel Young, 2nd place. Edi~h Bl'ilain, Elizaueth Curtis; eeond te t- Bi1ly ritler, 1st Erwin L wis, Mary Miller, Doro. place; Herb rt Smith lind Winithy Michael, Oennis Morgan, ,field , coU, 2nd place. Evelyn Thomp on Elva W sterThIrd te$t- Harold Ruthe rnlan, Robet·t Woollllrd and Ruth ford, 1st plac,e; Billy pitler, 2nd Gates. ' place. ~mliur

.,~............,Jt.... -..............................--"" ........ % ........................ % ........ .... r ....r .......... ' ... r.,j~


F OR Ice Box. W. N. Sears, Waynesville .a3 0 HIGH QUALITY Woodburn Beed corn, carefuny graded and.. test· ed. G. T. Blair, Lebanon, phon e 191. Route 123 on Franklin road. FOR SALE -


d~m7· old


t he estate of Abbie E. Haseltine, yellow" sheJ1ed, 95% _or more deceased ftld bis fou rtb account . ger~ination. per lfu. ~ Iri t~ mattl~r of tbe will of Web- BergdaJl, Lytle. ,,23·80


ster E. Woollwine, deceased, it Is F OR SA LE-Slightly used Auto ordered that original paPers and Gas Prelsure .Range. Tl!ble Top. auth~ntlcated transcript be record· Enameled oven. P riced to sell. R. ed in t he will r ecords of the Pro- D. Collett, H~rdware, Pbone 99R3, bate Court. Waynesville. ' The second account of liar)' E. Quayle aruardian of Thom.. Jamea FOR SALS-White Ibelt paper, ud M~ry Jane Qua,..e, minon, 10c per roll, at the Miaml approved, allowed and conlrm G...tte oSc.. ed by the court. FOR SALE-=-EnIUa.. ,1;00 per The fint ~~nd final account of ton, Doclcll, RODoa and Wa)'· Blanche Bake" admintatratriz of nellViUe PlaDta. o8-tf t he estate of 'Wflllarn B. BradbDr7 I PIPE, VALVES Alld FlTTIkGS deceased , Wall approved, aUowed for W••r, G.. Steam W.... and con6rmecl by the court. and Spl'&)"lq. etatern haDel, DeeTM court approved, allowed trio and 8p1'&), pump.. Plamw.. • and confirmed the . eeond aeeount Beatlq SlIppl_ 10wMt prlc. and f Ed hil'but Quall\7 at The . Boekleto ward S. Bretne" pardian KiD. 00.. Xenia, Ohlo. Write al of Tobias B:retney, incompetent. for pne.. ' ml ' The court approved. . allowed _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~__



confirmed th4~ fint and In" ac· POR RENT count ot William S. Haselton, Hecutor of til:. estate of, .G race Hazelton, de~:eaaed. FOR RENT-Corn ground. Oeo The tin!!l aCClount of CHo-rp WUJ. Waterhoa.e. · dUO' liam Himes, administrator of estate of PauUne Him" , chtceued WANTED wu 'approv~, allowed aDd firmed b, the court. W ANTED-Chlld'. IIlarb I chalr, The court approved. Addre. lin. WID CuamlDl, and cODftrm~1 the ftnt auel Orqonla, a. 1. .aO· account of ~lrI S. C~, UIMtU•• 1 tor of the eltatl of ... 0. wAJft'SD - - Corn; will .,a, deceued. ' ~ , . . . 0.0. 1Ia1d..


TIle 4nt ~fIHl ~


!:-ot':.'it~ "



w:o..; :.~~~ dO-



Farm hight 7 alhs, May 2 8 ;00 Music a nd weather ' forecas t. S :06 A Noted Central Ohio Pi~ n Roost-H. E . E8wine, naturalist. · 8:16 Improving the Agriculture of a Community- Ralph M. Foltz, In tructor, Vocational Agricul~Ui"e, Bremen. 8 :26 Orchestra diree~d by Edwin Stainbrook. 8 :40 Clothing Chat- Miss Eunice Teal, ElCtenlion Clothing Specialist 8 :50 Color in the Garden- L. C. Chadwick, Horticulture Department 9 :00 The Story of "Milk BotUcs--Russell Fifer, student ' in Dairy Technology. 9 :10 Orcncst.ra directed by Edwin Stainbrook. 9 :26 Things Any Farmer Can Do To Prevent Erosion- R. H. Morri~ Agronom ist for Soil Conservation Service, ZainesvilJe. 9 1:l6 . Ag College Mirror- nob rt Clark, Iris Craig and K~ nneth publication staff, The Agricultural Student. 9:46 Joan and Jerry-dramatic skit. 9 :56 to 10 Music and weather forecast.


Best of the News Direct

We have a large stock of Oood Used Cars at low prices.

From the Ohio State Capitol COLUMBUS - Added precautions will be taken) this year by the State' Department of Health to a88Ul'e proper sanitation at toUl'ist campa throughout Ohio. it was lInnounced by Dr. Walter H. Hartung, state director of health.


A closer and more detailed inspec. tion of tbe c.mps will be made before permits to operate are is· Bued, Dr. Hartung eaid, becauBe it is reported that 80me camps last year did not comply fully with the l'egul.Uons, which involved

Come in and see the greatest ·.values ever offered in used ca'rs.


Facing Springtime '

Several Good Dependable Trucks.

....- - - - - B y Gloria L a n c ! - - - - -....


Phone 326 '


,.,.. t, llMi,

110'' ' ,


....... _.

Ins to the atlll nrfMe, .....tIq tb .... " 'ace' Not actually. tile IIttl. faciall~ to UIro1r oC "I ... hi tbat eltc..a on aad aecretloDa. Tbe of COU"", but there are t ngl geDtle pelletr.UoQ or oa. brbU. Rlil yOII plaDIIIDI to lIIeet Bprlng


ean .Ilel ahould be dODe to make ,0UI'I a fnIb, dewy eom1l1ulon. YoU DOW, Wlllter monthe have DOl bMa partlcularl, kJnd to your 'ace. WIlell you pasl ,0111' halld oftr Uae a _ roo t&JI reel tiny _.,. ...._ oae IIkID which mellt;d IMt ,... ban bleD boaI'dlDl d ~b ,.1 lido t.M po.... Re.CIfttIq tbe face 101' ~:r:.Ji ....It_



loosen the dirt uul on wIlIo1l ...... become embeclcled la &Iae . . . . ... any haJ'II lIttl. ca.,. ,,*It ....,. formed OD tile _ 11111 ... _ _ ..... ---away, allo...,.. UIea to . . . , . . tll3h' wute ..... T ill! cn.llapet . . . . . . . ..... brlaUea wWeJ. are ....... 11& ti.:l.enda 10 ...., 410 .... IrrIIate


I.' 1 :;,')IIl<IUVe aktla TIlle 1InIIa II Il ~ .i.. . r~'·G ilIrn Clnded .., ~




1'.1' £1(.lft3 wltll , ............. . . .


t .


i ~'. " II . '.


",~ : ~cll a tlloroaP ........

). 'r''' ~1 ' •• 11~1IU1

......l~.. ,. r, ' ·' l

oUr IIdII _


~ . . . . . . . . . . ..


Marria. . Life ••••• ~.

• From \tarren County·Coart HoaH (Coatinued Froo Pace I) wu admitted U, COllrt. U. G. Coo· "er was ' appoluted execuu,r and W. 1'. Eltarotb. H. R. Clark and T E. Glua we... named apprail!el'!!. The adoption of Marl' Louise IIOJ_ bJ Georp Buchan.n and ..." II. Buchanan wu ,ranted. Sal. bJ' Leora R. Corwin. adaaiaJlRator of the estate of Fir.... D. deeeaaed, "..... ........ ............. wldot of Bob-

Jam~ M. Lambert, paper worker, and M~. Mary Swallow, both of Franklin.

Real £.tate l'ftI •• fer. Cora .',McF'adden to C. G. Thelma Erbeck. l'ell1 Ma on. Frances B. Lewi;a to Miles Davis and Elizal)et_1 C. Davia, acres in Turtlecreel, townahip. CatheTine E. Frame!;', dee....d, to Cal'vin FraneI'. irnot No. '1.0 ID

Franklin . IIlDnie L. Georp A. LA'nalln. 1nre:... Deerfield QeoqIa BoWJU' Cain to Georp .. ~ioMIdtD. I . ........ dee..... elected tate ill De..... ~!rJIII~. wUJ, J:baIIa . . . . J: I aacl


... S...........





















rfb. 'for The Miami a..etW


(IllY evenfng, in honOf of her tenth vi itor Tut'llday. . the d4!ath, Sunday of David, the hil·thday. Harold Whitaker received word little !Ion or ,Mr. and M • Morris The Ea t rn ·tllr in.pection WI1!c\ }'l'ol. Farr rn· .lr. and Mr!'l. -All n Emrick, Mrs. Monday or the d(>ath of hi!! grand MlIll!t· lit theit homl' npal' Zimmer. held ItlsL W~llnc day evening with /lnd II ucial 11l1'loral' t J.)hns and Mr~. Wnltcr lIlother, M.·s. Etta Surface; of mn':!. The funcI'1l1 was Wednesdl\Y about one hundl'Ctl in atlendance l'hurch Thuw· Kenrick \11 n' Dayton visilors F;i. \\-'aynellvillc, at. Miami Valley afternoon at. thc residence and Dinner was served earlier in the dny eYening. 1t the linalles. on I day. hospital. bul'ial ai Miami. burg. evening. Mrs. Marie! McMullen of of the COUl'~e. Mr .. Elbel't Wnllaco nnd II1rs. Mr. and Mr • Leon ali bury, son Hill . boro, deputy g'ra~d matron ofl J.~dwi~ F . McKall . Olle the L~\\I It T.homas went to Detroit, nnd daughter of Wa hington C. H "THE HOME OF CIFTS" lb twenir·fir t ~I n)cL wa pres· nl()!;t highly I'espcctt d citizens of MICh., Well?el:'da y and I'etul'ned were e ntertain d to dinner unday enL and much enJoyed by all. our community clied in Miami Thursday \Hth 8 n ew Iludson car lit the hom of Mr. and Mr. Lebanon, Ohio , Mr. lyde Levicy lin ~n quite nil y hospital Dnyton Thur d: y for Mr. B.~d. 11' . Wallace. lien Emrick. EXPERT WATCH nilrn t. Hi d 8th vva cau.ed by Ml's. Wllhom R gel'S of Ma on, ' 1\' SIck !:he pa t week. REPAIRING FOR SALE M ' P I Ad ' d.J ht I .1'. lind Mr . Guy Routzahn and Mrs. A nna H arr.. .1 V1... 1tmg at l)11(!Umonin "hich followed an I. au n erR an .. nug er d h _ . . • d M G F d I h aug ters werc wllek·end guests t h e home of Mr. and Mrs. EdWin operation fOI' rcmQval of n tumor ,m r a. eorge Olc an , (aug - , h . , h Under the burden of family. in the colon Fun eml services wet'l:! leI' of Miamisbu rg, spent PridllY f.t clatter s mot . el', Mrs. ~ary F'OR LE - Thl'!!e-quart4!r sl~e hidnkel' and • , . . 'th lh . 1\~ 1\'" R BomtnoLt lInd :fam ily nt Tlppe. P rompt Service sorrOw. clients find it Mr . Mane GI'ay and famIly helcj at the home Ml(mduy aClerWI ell' au nt, ~rs. " el!~ ogel's . ' Wh itt' M e~ 1 Bed, !-p l'ings and worrisome .to handle the noon Besides his' wife' he M·. and lIhs. llu'rold Whituker c8no~ ~Ity. . nlattr S, all in good condition. spent. last uturday here,. Stol1e Opoon until 9 p. m. . ,is 1 h' ld d M d Fl'lends here recel'ted wOl'd of countlesismall d tails that , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-"" InqUire at Gazette offic(J. MISS Mary o.l·olyn L\lkens i sU I'"ived by one daughter, Irl!. ane. c I re~ olov (In ay . to arise in a funeral serv ice. lhe vi tim of the mumps. Harold Whita er of incinnati. th II' beauttful bungalow, whlch We have 80 pCI'fected our The funeral of Mrs. Clyde . Thonla Haydock Leo Co they l'ecently I' modeled . organization that every leaver of )faywood, U1inois was Thomas Taylor and ~on Robert of 11' : Emily Thackers of Spring. phase of the ceremony. h Id at Bucyrus last aturday Jamc town and T. C. Hayd ock of boro is vj iting at the homes f fl'om eemet ry matters morning and burial '!Vas nlo.<lc in this place went to Cincin.anti un. It r daughters, 1I1.·s. S. H. Burnett ALLEN HUFFMAN to cllrtl~ of sympaMiamj cemetery in the aft rnoon oay fOL' the ball g(lme. nnd h s, .Earl BU~'n tt al~d family Repuhli an Candidate for J Will Appreciate Your Support and Vote thy! are taken CU1'0 of about four o'clock. Mr . Cleaver Mrs. J. B. Frcclh oT Ollkland, Mrs. M~l'garet Jo~ns spe-nt Wanen County Recorder. Primary without bother to the For had made many friends in this aH f .• ill the Ru est of bel' mothel', 1I1'1uay w~th her s1ster and election 148Y 12. 1036. 7 client. The result is a community and het· death came us Mrs. Warn I' 1\lol'r is. brother, M1ss Mal'y Cook ~d flaw)e~B service that plnces quite a shock to all. Mi es lyra HaY'dock anu Ruby Parry Cook at Waynesville. ARTHUR HAMILTON a minimum of strain upon Dr. W; E. Oglesbee who has mith IItlended . E, . In pectlon . ~r. and !'it's. E. B. Longael'e Candidate for Repre:ent&Uve to the grief·stricken. At Republican P rimary Election May 12. been quite sick, is again able to' be at Wilmington, M(>ndoy evening. VISited lhelr aunt, Mrs. Mnry General Assembly, subject to out to the crelight of all of his - .~ Brand nburg at Midland City. Rel>ublican primary May 12, 1936. ,I nuay afternoon. frleotls. Your upport will be appre· Miss Lucille Tucker i home this ~rove Mr. and frs. Thet'l Jon (I and ciated. . -......--.....___~~_...._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..." week acc nt of 'IIn --n were dinner guests unday of on ou 1 e s, Our community was sadly HAYES C. KEEVER Mr. and MI·s. Geo Wall and 8Qn ~hocked on I t ~Ionday wh n it Ir. and h s. J. B. Jone . . Mrs. Alice Clal'k was u Dayton Candidate for second term f(lr left Mond ay f' or Ca I'f I orma. 1eceived the sad MWS of th death Mr, and Mrs. Rhodes Bunnell of Mrs. Mary AHEm of Lebanon. ~_!""'!!'!!!!!.!!'!.~_~ _....'!!!!!!'!!!!!!~'!!!!!!~'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!' onnnlssioner ot Wanen county. R~pu bUcnn Primary Election, and daughter Carbl visited Mr_. MI's. Allen was a former resident Tuesday, May 12. 1036. adie Reason Sunday -evening. of tbis place for many years. 0 ·Mr. and Mrs. W. P. McCarren , Funeral services were held Thul'sMrs. Laura Shidaker and Mi !l day afternoon at OBwald Funeral , I Am A Candidate For The Republican Nomination , Anna MacDonald spent Sunday home in L banon , willi interm ent I tak thi method of announcFor afternoon in Dayton with Mr. in Miami c metery. ing my candidacy for the RepubliVOTE FOR cnn nomination for Sherifi' of McCarrin's mother ano at the home of Mr. and Mr8. Everett Mis es Dorothy Webb , and Warren County, Obio. Andromedia Thompson and Wnl. I intend to see as many of you Villars of Spring Valley. Mr. Harry Wilson of Dayton ha Thomp on of Dayton spent Sun· per onally as time will permit The Primary Election Ie To Be Held on Tuesday. Republican Candidate for County Commilbeen visiting at the home of hie day afternoon witb Mr. and Mis but in the meantime respectfu lly May 12th and I Certainly Will Appreciate Any parents, Mr, and Mrs. Fl'ank Thompson's brothEl1' nnd uncle ask you ,to con ide I' my qualiJicaaioner. Support I May . Receive at Your Hand •. Wilson. who is confined to his home here. tions fOl' this office, lifT. Robert Gordon bas accepted Mr. and Mr . Shellie Bondul'ant I have been the Marshal of t hE> Farmer of Turtlecreek Town_hip, a tax payer Relpectfully. a position with Mr. Everett Villars Mr. Stanley Bon<turnnt, Mi ses Village of Franklin, Ohio, f or Anna Bondurant and Mary Kath· (27) years. During in Spring Valley. The senio.I class play will be leen Thompson and Ru sell that period I have -endeavored to given on the evening of the 15 Bondurant of this ,plnee saw Geno the best of my ability to perform . . . .IIIIi. . ._ . . . . . . .IIIIii. . . .IIiI~IIiI__.P.O.I.• A .".V•.• '-_~--~~---.:;;._..;.-----...;;.__~----,,, 01 May. The title of the play is Au~ry in "The Re~l River Vall y" and fulfill the duties of that office. "What About Betty?" at the Climar theater in Wilming- 10 addition I have been a special ~~~~~~~~~~~~~!'!""~~~~~~!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!~~~!!'!!!!!!! The many lriends of .Mrs. Mary to n on Saturday evening, deputy sberiff of th's county f or Mr/!. Lucy P'ishb.augh and twelve (12) years and by reasoll Allen, widow of the late Amos Allen, will be sorry to learn of her daughter spent Sulndo.y with the tbereof am thol'ougbly familiar death in Lebanon. Funeral services Jordan family hel'.~, with the office. will be held on Thursday of thi Mr. Almon Ferr~s who has been In so (]oing I have acquired mucb week. under the doctor's (~are is improved valuable experience and informaMr. Wilbur Williams has been Mrs. ~erry G. Wells and daugh tion in the enforcement of the I am a candidate for County Commissioner of quite sick for the past week. ters Marie and Alta were tl.onday laws of the State and in the detecWarren County on the Republican ticket subject to Quarterly meeting of tlHl caller of Mr. and Mrs. K. E. tion of crime. the will of the voters at the Primary election to be Friends will be held here On next Thhompson and Mal'y Kathleen I have become personally h eld on May 12th, 1936. Saturday morning. e~~. Z II N 1 I acquainted with law enforcement ' ___ • _ • ea as lost h r only ollle r8 and police departments . I have Jived in Wa hington Township since 1901, and have served as Township Trustee during cow last week with milk fever. throughout a large part of t.his Gr... StaiDS the past 14 years. I believe my experience gained as Mr. and Mrs. Helrman. Williams, State• . And they have eo·operated su ch Trustee qualifies me for the office I seek. 1. Mrs. Mary Powell, Mrs, Perry and worked with me on many ocGrass stains or those from other h ave never been a candidate for county office. Wells, Mr. a'nd Mrs. Morgan ' easions in the detection of crime. green foliag-e can be removed Brandenbul'g and family atlended 1 By reason of my many continYour-support and ballot marked as below will from clothes with soap, hot water, Sunday UOU8 years of experience in police church at Clal'lcsville be sitlcer ely appreciated and vigQrous rubbing. Javelle work, I feel that I am. acquainted evening. water will remove any brown tinge Rufu s Roberts and family of with conditions existing in t his that remains after wa bing, FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER neal' Kingman visited Perry Wells County. And that I am well pre· Sponging witb alcohol will take and family here, r,ecently. pared and qualified to meet t bese the stains fiom fabrics which can. Irs, Alida Rich and daughter conditions as they arrive. no~ be wasbed. visited the Gray family in W4!l l. If nominated and elected I - - -_ - ...----11 man Sunday. I am endeavoring t o reach ij}e many voters lwhom pledg~ to the citizens of Warren I have been unable to meet personally, due to being ·l\lrs. Myrtle Libecap Il"d oehers County, Ohio, a fair and impar. -Pol. Adl'. confined to my home with an attack of t he "flu". of F'l'anklin are visiting Mr. and ti81 administration of myofficeand Miss Myra Haydock spent the Ml·S. J ames Gray in Wellman. will dedicate myself and my office J hereby take this method of soliCIting your sup- . week·en d in Chicago, where she Mrs. Nettie ray and Claude to tbe enforcement of the law!! of port at the Republican Primary, Tue,sday, May 12 was the guest of Miss Jo Keleh GI'IlY were visiting Mrs. Imog-en e this state, the investigation and 1936. • whose marriage to Mr. Alfred Voi!lrs and family Sunday, the deiectjoh of cl'ime. and the I -have never held public office, but believe my Claudy took place Saturday evenMrs. Judd Wilson and She.r. protection of the lives and experience and ability qualify me for the office which ing. man Wil on visited the Gray propel·ty of our citiz~ms. 1 seek, and your upport will be gratefully appreciated Raymond Reeves is still confined family at Wellman Sunday. I hcreby l'espe.ctfully solicit __. _ _ _ your support at the coming to his home with grippe: Primary. 'M~. and Mrs. Grant Phillips and (Signed) son have moved into their new William E. (B eebe ) Graham house. - - , -C Littl~ Keith I.ongacre is a Poi. Adv. Pupils of tile 8th grade took tlleir final exams at the high school victim of the mumps: The Ladies Aid will m eet next building on Friday. Inspection of the Masonic Lodge Wednesday, May 6 at the home of ~~~--"'!""~~-----:I wok place Wednesday evening of Mrs. CeUa Graham. with Mrs. Kurtis and Mrs. Vuker assistant -tsr; !!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!~!!'!!!!!!!!'! hostesses. A large crowd enj9yed the talking motion picture "Dynamite Tractor. It Implement. Denny" at Lytle hl.I1 Friday evenE. J. ' Me-Iml'dl, w~1 bOWD New ..el U-a At MODey Sa-riD. Ina. Price. Mr. and Mra. qlyde Wharton E.pert of Chic ••o, win pe....D• were Lebanon visitors Friday. . allr lie at the MI....1 Hot.l. MI.. Betty RClutzahn enter- Da,tOll, Ohio, OD T .......,. . .d PHONE "7IR. LEBANON, OHIO tained i everal little, friend. Thurs- W.....d.,., Ma, 'th .nel e.... 'rom 1 : 00 p. m. to ".00 'p . m. aDeI 6 100 p. m. to 1,00 p. m.,.. PI.... Dote date. .... carefall,., A.k tbo Hot.1 Clerk for the .D umL.r. of M,.. M.,mLardi'. "oms. Onl,. 'm _ .re iDYited.

Cary'. Jewelry S p


.Late 'Classified Ads.

Worrisome Details



P0I'·ltiea1 Announcements

Wayne Township Voters Central Committeeman


Mary ·B. Chapman


h ('

To The Voters of Warren

J. E. McClure

T Th V Of e oteri Warren County Ohio


Waynesville, Ohio

11---..----. . . . . . . . .- ............

Common. Pleas Judge





Your support will be appreciated



To The Voters of Warren

Wlilla.. E.




C••dldete I'or


Court 01 CO..DlO. PI••• Wa..... Co••t~, Oblo





New Burlington


For Common Pleas Judge

I_X....-:-W........ IL_LI_AM____.E._H......;......O_FF......;...ER-!


Massey·Harns• &New Idea Karl W. Mlnat



P ___atlDI


When ' You Build. your home or campI ,Iuild this Firepl.ce th.i Circul.tes He.t

In this cUm.te, JOU n....

RED BRAND FENCE Get renee th.t coat, lest, becaWie it ItUbbomly fichta rusl: and lastl yean lanser. Red Brand Peace civu ' y ou double rult protection I Jt ficht' a ur/ace ruat with OalVIIIDealccl (heat treatCd) Irinc YtTCH THICKER than OIl ordma.,. p1yaD1M r_ wire. And ita real ~ bearlaa steel flcbtl . . rust, too. Come In and look _ O\U' ItOcIr.




THB Heatilator Fireplace actually eire,,"'t., J~_..t-Ukes .

the warmth ordina.rily wasted up the chimoey aDd IeDd.

It t~ every corner of the room aDd to cODDecti:n$ rooms. This means Dew comfort and a real saving in heaung COltS during cool spring and faU weather.

In addition, you know btl/ore you build that tor Fi~eplace will alway. , and wtlf not smoke. Ask ua information, and prices.


H. and

The Meia'harcf. Rapture Shield ret.ins ttt. ruptvre OD th•••er.,. c.. e ..e,.rdl •• ~ of 01' l_tioD-DIQ m.tter hOw mvco' YOll exe-rei • ., Uft, Oil' atrain. n. MeiDb...eli Rupttn" Shield .i. .Idflfull, moleled to _cis. indio .Id••l .... D..tbt m.1&-. f.l .. teeth. (No Ie, .tr.p, .DeI .0 coumber.ome ............ m••ta). It I~ waterproof,, pr.cotic.lI,. ' ...... t ..... tl .. aDd WOl'D whil. haeld., 01' .I..pi••, (co.t_oa.l,. CIIa,. aDeI ni,ht) a1lol1l DO 1_,0" ....1..... CAUTION-. .___ 01 iml... to,.. wIIo eep,. tWa .otl...... .................. MEINHARDI



ma, ...

I'.... ,.......

H.................. .......

Ia...,. '01' Do ... ...laetto_ ..... _ ........ ..... N........ , •

......h • ..,. ........ , . . . . ... ...




Eighty-Eighth Year




BOARD EXTENDS SCHOOL CLOSING DATE TO MAY 27th Action Tak_ to CGmply With New State Foundatlon

EASTERN STAR Miami haJlter No. 107 O. will me t in regular sessio!l da~ evening, May 11, at Visiting members welcome. Mary Eal11hort, .W. Minnie F,'omm, Sec'y.

E. S. Mon7::30.





Extension of the closing date of Wayne township ~cho'ols until May 27 was annout\ced following the regular mooting of t he board of eduCAtion last Monday night. R 8~on for the longer tenn i8 to' comply with the provisions of the new state founilaUon progl'l1m, elf~ctive January 1, 1936 which Bpecifie that all school districts are required to h'o ld 180 days of 8chool if they are to parUdpate in the distribution of state funds. Dismissal date for the local school would, under the .old plan,

Whole Number 6220



Submitting to WPA Nest Step in Local 1m· provemea't

CLEAN-UP DAY By order of Mayor A. K. Day, F,l'iday and Saturday, May Iii and 16 has been named as clean UIJ dllY. All trash plnced at the curb will bln-emoved by the cily. C. P. Joy, Street Commissioner

BUSINESS, CIVIC LEAPERS UNITE IN LOCAL CAMPAIGN .Publicity Will B& P...... ted W-.Iy On Economic Trutba



Actuated by the same high mintled, patriotic motives which have alwf.\YIi prompted tbelr eflort& a group of our leading busin-eB!I and proie!lsional men have ~igniIi Cd th' ' t .elr Wl'11 Lngness 0 ' give of their time and money to promote a c,ampaign of economic education to Improve lhe general weltar~ and de velopment of Waynesville. Communities do not stand IItill. They must prosper and progre88 or Bulfel' and decay Every resident of. Waynesville should be vitally in· tel'csted in Its future, What will be tn.e. future of Waynesville? The answel' dep ends upon the degree of success which this C8~paign enjoys. 'Co.Operation From AU

Plnns fot" Waynesvillic's propo ed , . , 'Mrs. WalteL' Shool18n was elected se wer 'sys~enl and lIewage disp06al Ralph Linn made Q bUSiness trip president of the Mother's club jJlant have received the ap»l'oval . Miss Barbara Jean Haines, of to Cincinnati, Tuesday. f Or 1936-37, at the May meeting of the statc hcalth d> Funeral services for Will R. Dayton. visited' the Betnard h"u., m" , ,,'pal' tent't m ,I which wa one day earlier that its WIU! announced at the I'cguhlr meet.. Lewis, 'auditor of Warren coun.ty , ~unday. Mrs. L. D. Chiles has boon very regulal' meetin'" day. ,log 0f W aynesvi'II c cO~lOcil 'lI" monday who died suddenly Mond,ay morn. The Roxanna Cnnnl' ng om"any sick at her home on street. .. , h t. .. now ready .- lo. Other officers are Mrs, Eth I nlg ing at the Dilatush.Williams announces they are A communication received from Clinic in Lebanon, from an ' acl! Ute- contract for sweet corn. Potted flowers for Mothers" Sackett, vioo president, Mrs. Lois !\fulford, secretary and M.ra. Denn the Ohio department indicated its Day and also plants for porch heart attack, wel'& held at the 'I d M F rank Wright, who ... r. anre. Moss, treasUrer. e.,t,imute would call foi' an expendboxes, A. H. Stu bbs. 't f • t J' 0 wald Funeral Home, Lebanon, h b 'k a t t h e1l" . h l:nne in The meeting was filled with rc- 1 UI'C o· appl'o;x:Jma ely $127,000, ae een v ry SIC this Thurllday afternoon and F I I 'err)" are s ow Y re\!overing lTvin Mllliord, who Is emjlloyed views of the past years wOl·k. The wh ic h figure WOllld illclude a dis·1 I f th burial was in Lebanon cemetery. .a t the Fairley Hardware store, hh lJI'ade lUQch chairman's report posa pant 0 e IDIO!lt modern M Le ' h d b ' 'h Mr and M AI' 1) k f been very sick with grip. showed an. IImazing amount of type. ' . l' Will a een In ~ e verge D· ~ a 1'5. v~n ~ e, 0 work don.e-. The lligh school lunch • In the meantime MOlrton B. Shep- 0 a nervpus collapse for several \ ay 11, re anno u~ctng ,l 0 birth have been ' Friday, May 22. ' The Roxanna Conning Company committee's chAirmaJ!. lold of the herd, ,Dayton engllll~er engaged months O~d entered lihe hospital ~f a lion JamoC AlvllI, }'1'lday, May First of the final echool obser· announces th&y are now. ready to new stiver purchased as well as hy WaytleRvllJ.e council to draw up f~r a p~l'lod of rest and Ob8eL'Va- ' other nchievemcnls. PI' limlnoJ'1 plans fOI,· the locsl l~odn bdut h.l~ condition wu n.o t co~ M.r. and Mrs. Ray Mainous anel vonces will be held Sunday, May CQntract for sweet corn. 1 17, when the annual baccalaureate . , p , t, 'II f 'th W 81 ere cntleal and the news of hIS 80n D ' onald were dinner guests e f nlces will be held. Julia Henderson spent lligh spots In the treasurers reo rOJec WI con er WI m'l d th h k h' 'd 1 The ultlmnt,e succe 8 of any last week in Dayton, the auest of port (grade lunch) al'e a s follows: Bllckenderfer, Warren county's ,a. _ CAfmef ~s ad s th°C tOh IS WI e I Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Mainous on mpaign ef th; kind depend. ment exercises ate scheduled for e . , WPA tat' clrc ... 0 nen 9 roug out the S May 22, while the annual reunion her 90n, Donald, and fa.mily. Balance Se-ptember 11, 1935, . pres n Ive, on present- county H was 66 " t . unday. upon two things: $59.76; tottvl deposits. $907.05 :1 ing the project to district and H' ye.. rs 0' age. First, a comprehEnsive knowlof !.he alumni alllociation 'jVill be Mr. and 'M rs. Estol Inskeep, of total checks, $8l* :I.!)!)' net balance state WP.A I e h way the son of the Mr. and Mrs. James McDonald edge of those fundamental factors Saturday evenin", May 23. Springfield, were week-el'\d g~ts $80.88. ' This confet'ence is expected to ate,J O' . n. . R, and Sarah Ev~ns are announcing the arrival of 0 that make fot' a successful com. Supel'intendent J . W. Lou has at the homo of J. P. Larrick, and . , It ' d I i · t ' LeWIS. HIS par~ts were native daughter at their h.O'me, Sunday, The grade .lunch has finished ,Its 1'e u In 0' nt e estimates on the 'W arre n countians and rus f th munity ~ announced lenlor examinationll for family. wOl'k for thlS 'leal' but the hl~h ewer proj~ot with figures ~$ was ;'e.ll 1m f dad er May 3. econd, the. co-operation of every Mal! 19 and 20, whlJ.& yeer-end Mrs. Oliver Davis, Mrs. Nettie school h,lnch will continue until to what percentage of the total h o~ /~m:r an Potted flowers for Mothers' resident of the communi!,y, te8~ will ~ h'e~~ fO~ 2~1 other Kepler, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ever. the end of the year: fCo , t ,the !edleral governmcnt will :o~u~;;:.r~f a;ea~. e anon or Day and alro plantA 'f or porch l'Ilotivated by a desil'e to make y an. hart aJld Miss RAchel Davis w.ere The finance commIttee has made urnt!!h fOr abor ancl ho much ,. boxes. A. II. Stubbs. Waynesvill a better place in gl'a es on Extension of the school c10eing in Xenia, Saturday ev~ing to a canvaJi of the township the past will be providcd by WPA fOr In 1905 Will I£wls was electeil which to Ii"e, raiher than a desire date until ~e fourth week of May see their un~le 'Charley Phillips, week to provide 0 fund for begin- ' material Il!ld rental ~ f equipment county treasurer and served a 'Mr. and Mrs. I. O. Brown spent for profit, a few of eur citizens Ding next year. '68.27 has bee"O It is expected tlmt the looal !hree year term. He was reelected the week-end with the fO'rmer's having underwritten the cost of • t,Jrings the local schools under the who is serioullly sick. provisions 8p-eeified in the new received »ropo. al will be suhmi.tted to WPA lD 1908 and served until 1910 parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. :Brown this campaign to make this. knowOhio foundation pl'ogram, and MI'!!. Fred B. Henderson will It wa~ moved and seconded thot as an $88,000 projeci~. when ~ retired from olfle-e. in Versailles, Ohio. ledgc available to every resident. takes care of dismissals aJ1owC<! undergo an operation at the Dill the Sfcretary express in a letter to The municipality's share, which For a .numbe~ of years he was Ml' . Frank Andrews and L)'VO of this town, Once each week for the next 12 durin&, two Warren COUltLY fair hospital in Dayton, Friday morn- Ule teachers the appreciation of would I l'a; d by s~ bond iS8ue, engaged 10 the Insurance bU8ines!! 80nB, of Dayton, weN recent days and the day following Thanks Ing. the eJub for their cooperation in cannot be . ascertainel~ until plans ond wall conn~cted with bot~ the guests of 'Mrs. Andrew's mother, weeks, there will appear On this giving. the building of programs the past have been approved q'y WPA. Leb~non NatIonal and Cltu:enl MI'S, Emma Haml·lton. page nn editorial covering some , MI'. and Mrs. J. P. Larrick and yea'r. ba nk bet ore °h Under the old law, fair days A apecitll mecting of council National " ~ ei r conpha!16 ot economics that every oidwere counted as school days inas- daughters and\ Mr. Keith Walton In the room popularity cont""t will be held fol\owinl~ word from Bohdatlon' . :Mr. and MI'!!. J. p, Larriek at- zen should be familiar with. Also, ..., Engineer Blickende.rj~er. In 1926 M r, Le WIS was appo t n"-... tended the funeral 01 a cou in in there will appear in anothel' part' much as clas es were con.v ened visited in Celina and Springfield, M~s 'Campbell's room received the and dlsmi sed later, 176 or more reee-ntly. most votes and Mrs. Ke-rsey's sec. Alvin Impson was appointed a ed co~nty auditor to jill out th N M'port Kentucky, Friday night. of our paper an illustrated supple- . dt.)'s being considered a nineMrs. Peter Demos, ()f New ond. member of WayrtoeilviJlle fire de- u~explr~d te;m of Charles Moullts Mrs. George Hartsock $lid Mr. mentary article. This paper Is month standard tenn., spent the ~k.end at the Frank LeMay Jr" accompani ed pariment to succeed Harold w 0 reslgne at that time be· proud to submit to its readen Other business transacted by the \tome of her parents, Mr. and Mrs by hi mother at the pinno played 0 born, Who offered his resigna- cause of failing health, He was Dnd Mrs. Hannan Surface pent th 8e vital factA. I ted t 4te t the the week-end with Mrs. Hartsock's board included the purchase of a Oliver ' Davis. twO' comet solos- Tbe End of a ion at Monday nigh't's meeting. eNovember ec 0 el a. ct .y~rthatrm a Next week the ftrst articles will d sistler, Mrs. Margaret Thomas, at power lawn mower. Perfect Day and An Old Refrain. · impson, recommended b.y Chief e Ion year an appear. Join in supporting this A letter was read at the meetMiss Clara Lile and ft{liss Emma I'lrish Folk and Personalities," a W. B, Squi res, was .appointed by ~as r' elected in .1930 an~ again Piqull. communal eftort by lendinlr your ing from R. F. Hatfkld, local Heig~",:ay were in Xe nia today paper, was present~d and read by Mayor A. K. Day, the action being In 1934, . .At the t~me of his deat~ " Mr. and Mrs. Donald Henderson assistance Ilnd $UPPOTh Paule and teacher who is resigning to accept and ViSIted Mrs .Anna Cadwallader Mrs Kelln-eth H'ough Refreshments approved by cotincil. he was In the liecond year of hiS and children, of ' Dayton, were tonside1' how you. can make WaJe position &$ assistant eounty at McClellan hospital. were served by Mrs. Westerman, ... ~ ......- - third term, in the office. dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. neflville a better place in which to superintendent of schools follows: . Mr. Wilbur Hainee, who reeel'ltly Mrs. )[ary Lawson, Mrs, Mabel MARY ETTA SURFACE He was a member of tbe Baptist George Henderson and family Sun live. If you will ·do this in eo"Due to the tact that I have Be- returned .from Old Mexieo, and Davis, Mrs. Luddington and Mrs. church and of the Lebanon Lodge day. operation with your neigbbon 'M ary Etta Surface- was born of Elks . oep t e d a POSI'tl on as alsI Stant Joseph Raln_, of Cincinnati, Joe Tinney. • there can be but on answer 'r e.... - W . March 24, 1864, near MaineVille, ' Surviving are one daughter, Mothers' Day will be observed f C(jun t y superi n te n d en t 0..... ar- visited their Irrandmother, Mrs. - - • garding tbe outcome-SUCCESS. . h Warren. County. Ohio, and deMrs. Miriam Ranker, and a sister, at the Church of Christ, Lord's . ot I J h d t ren COUl'l y Ie 00 s, 0 n Will Kezian Thompson, Sun~y. ' Remember that this great to be eOl'llli~el'ed as an applicant parted this Jif~ April ' 27, 1936, Ml'8. Lura Shimp, both of Lebanon Day morning. A potted plant will paign coml!,fl to y.ou through eam~ for a pO!ition of teacher in Ute Dr. Mary L. Cook attended the aged 72 yeers, one month and His wife preceded him in death be given to the oldest and young- courtesy and efiorta of ita IPOllJ Wayne Twp. sehools for the com- First Cou.neilor diatrict meetlnlr of three days, On Se;ptember 22/ three !f1onths ago. est mother present. sors. Tb following orpnizatiollll . ing year. the Ohio State Medical Al!8Ociation 1882 al)e was united in marriage E. L. Thomas and H. A. Cornell, and individuals by their flnaneial 1'1 wish to take this opportunity in ,~i1mington, Tuesday. to Daniel Vi. Surface and to this Clyde Everhart, of Middletown, in company with Wayne Smith~ of support are malcing this eampai«n to ex. p~e88 my a.ppre,eiation of the Mr. and 'MI'8. E. ' L. Thoma!!, Mr The Woman's Foreign Mission- union were bO'.rn fOllr daugh~rs; and his gr~ftdpa:rents, Mr. and New Burlington, and C. K. Kimes, possible: ' t'I m,,.... r 8 O(lIe conllld eratl on gtv~ me by til e nd M J C H k tI J pay ,~ ~"d we :nes day .."fter- Mrs. Josie Whitaker, of Waynes- u 011 ....D ' f C I of Centerville attended t}teShrine Waynesvi IIe National Bant.... Wayne Twp. Board 01 Education aFro I'll. d' M' aW e , -Hn·rts· k· noon at the home o.f Mrs. J. B. ville, Ohio, Mrs. Vella arown, of mrs. ver aVIS, 0 orw n. Ceremonial i~ Columbus, Friday. James ' E. McClur&, Waynesvw.; h 12 It has bee mm an n. R . H . a oc Crabbe with Ml'8. Dan Collette Dayton, Ohio, Mrs. Roxy IJett of Just two hours after Palll'-s for t e put years., n .attended Eaatem. Star in....... tion death. his, Flilyd Drug Store, R. D, Collett, W. B. 1 to It the hi .... ty.... -,...... and Mrs. Mary Cross assistant ho~t IndianapOlis, Indiana, and Mrs. Consign your 'Wool to the Ohio M dd .. CDR S ·til W a p ea8ure ave ......... at Lebanon Thuncla.yevenln, McQueen, l7, of Miamisburt, died a en.... 0., . • ml, a.,board members and lun e n l t e n - ' f!IISeJI, Lena Cleaver of Wayne ville, Ohio Wool Growers Coopet'ativc AflSO- neaville Farmers' Exchan-, Earl .. II f h ith' d at ihe same hospital, of pneu- . ti R' l'b 1 :L .. ~ dent.!! under whom I bave had the Annual inspection of Miami Mrs. Dibert presented the Stew. a 0 w om w Dlne gran cIa on. eeeive a r era oaSn C, C.oyle, J. R. Gibbons, Real Art privilege to work." 'Chapter No, 107 O. E. S. was held ard hip program on the 'subject, children, many other relatives and monia. advance. Get full valu~ for your Beauty hop, Ro " Simp..... . f' d ' y.oung McQ~n is survived b'l I' h It' Id W '11 .. - ... Frida ni"ht Th I nspec,.,n, 0 fR cer "The Sha1'Ing Life." lien 18 so. aynesvi e C. M . ",,0 0 b't Sl· ..... ed R F Hatfteld I S, surVlVe. 1 I'f 11 ted his mother, five brothers and tour c IP w en I zer, A . K . Da'I, L. 'u Q. • • • was Hiss Malie McMullen, of Hills' Missionary song-UTile. Word of near Y le se was conver Fa~mer8' Exchange Company, Gordon, C. I. Satterthwaite, Erwlp. boro, Deput;y Grand M..t1'on. A Qod Must Go", was sung and Mrs in the United Bl'ethren church, eis;er~. " d bl f n al Ellis , Ralph E. Hastinl'll, R. H. . .. ' dinnet: preeeded the work. I)ibert conductoJ the Devotions and while not identH;ying hersceU m resslve ou e. u ar serS. A. R~nger, ot Loosburg, Smith, and Kathryn Mendenball. 'th h h Jc ·h I' d vices for tbe tWo "oung men wel'll Republican candidate for congress with "According to the Word" as WI · any ,c urc y~.. B e Ive a " Prof, Wendall G. F~rr. of Wil- subject. ohri tion liCe true to her under- be.ld . at the Methodist church In, was caU!ng on . in"'~n ~UI aU,-d ~iann• Quar- Durin" .the busin'ess sessi on Mrs stan d'109 0 f lUi .• - requlfamen . ts an d 'Mlamisbu ... ....., Monday afternoon, frIends here Thursday a.ttemoon ...... , ~ ~--I 'Ueeti.. f Frtell.l- t W .. , , with a large concoursl!' of rela.tives of last week. Mr. Ringer is a terl y .n. 0 "" a ay- Day, correspondin....ecretn1.'y in- practIce . 10. Meeti np a t 10-:- formed U8 that she... had ., subscribed Funeral serviees for Mrs. nesv IJIe, :M a y Her heart was ev'er open, her and friends in attendance and former resident of Waynesville. ' 280 p •m Sarah .Lippincott, 88 yean 0ld, 80 a . .m. .And .... • for the Epworth Herald for a year han ds ever· exte n d ,ed to th ose burial was made in a double grave 9x 1 2 Ru&'8 dusted and vacuo 'L._ d' h k' d ' d Ii I in Miamls~urg cemetery. who passed away at _r 'hom. ill Waynesville Farmera' Gralltre I to be sent to Della Olsen, a mis- nee ' lng er m care an e p. umed, U.OO; Curtains, SOc a pair; Waynesville Morula, afternOoll, reported & large. attendance ' at 1aionazy in Malfl-ya. Her suffering altlilJugh of short Card of Tb&Dk, Drapes, 50e a pair; Silk Bed~ With the primary for what hM were held thia, Thul'tlday aftel'- their meetbl,i' Saturday ni8ht when r The. followIng program prepared du·ration was intenll~. but was b I ;iSh to ex~ress ~~b sincer: spreads, $1.~5 and up; Lamp b een termed 0111& of the moat imnoon at the Chureb of Christ, the Leb&"llon Grance funtished a ~y Mrs. F, U. , LeMay WQ!l ~njoyed: borne with .,atience. ' t ~n 8 to relatIVes, MIg 0.1'& an 8hades, 35c and up. Quiek Clean- portant general elections in the Rev. ' C. W. S_.o'" oftleiatln.... h j foroftheir help and kmdtime ex- Iers, Kath ryn Men de nh a, I) Mgr. , ......, • very ~ntertainin, FOIfl'lUll which ' riano 8010, 'Sun,day Morning "rt i not dying'-:-no, not dying" friends pressione sympathy at the history of t he , nations eeheduled Burial wall I" Miami eemetery. consisted of orchestra ..~ectiona, ~himeB,,, • Ruth Conner} reading The body in which t~e soul ·ltas, of the i1Jness and (leath of my husMr, and Mrll. Walter Whitaker for next Tuesday, local interest ill Mn. Lippincott 'Was the wido-w a .hon play and , a re-.dlna by f .T~e Christian Woman sR~PO~: lived has 8erved its purpose as a band, Paul Everhart, and my entertained at a 6 :30 o'clock ' centered in racet! for local tepnof Edward Lippincott, who passed Roberta Benham. Dean E. Stanl!!), Btbhty to the Alcohol QU~8tton, hou e for tbe soul, Sind is now laid brother Floyd McQueen; also for ' dinner on Wednesday; April 29, sentative to the Warrell> eo~DCJ' away fifty yean -Co. She had been Lebaoon attorney 11''' the lpeakar . Mre, W. Clarki book reVIew on aside, that the soul may enjoy the many beautiful floral tribute!!. Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Loti, Mr. and committee, and candidate. teekiD. ill, for about loutter&n weeD, of a · • - • world tJe~ce, Mrs. ,F, U:, LeMaYi a higher ana better life. Mt'II. Paul Everhart Mrs. RUflSeLl Frank, 'Mr. and Mrs. . the nomination ,for sherifl eOID complication of dlae.... IN LOVING MEMORY . readinl, 'Lovl!' SOCIeties, Mrs. D ! Wade Turner Miss Alice Campbell missioner, all on the RepubUcaIl A dau,hter of the late Nathan : € '. Rid&,ei so1o, "Sinl, Sing, Birds . Card of Tltaak. , Mi!e Nel1i.e V. Atkinson, 71 years Mrs. Day and Miss Dorothy Day. ticket. ' and Amanda Ki111 Kiddleton, abe of dal'lin, 101lIl and brothel'll on the Wing" Vivian Conner. We wLsh to $illcelrely thank all Id d' d F 'd . MI · In Wayne township, vote" will ' i ' d d i"""b 11 ' 0 ,Ie rL ay ev-e.mng ay , The Soeiety adjourned to meet OUr tlen s an ne II!;U 01'S W Ose t tL h f '" . ~ Mrs. L. H. Gordon, Mrs. Ronald decide between John C. Hawk•• was born in Be1Ibrook but Ii v.d Sohn and Carlen Runyon who went ' . k' d t ' .1 t b a n e ome .o .. eT mece, mrS. ,almost her • .ntire Ufe in W aynea- away OIl M.., Ith. 1981, with Mn. R . A. Conner in June. . In ness 0 us tn o~r recen e..... W'th . L b Sh Hawke, Mre. Emma H. McClure who has represented , d' .. f t ",mma I am In e anon. e ' this area en ville where Ihe . . . ' well and Just a yea.. aao .&oilaJ ~- - - reavementi ma e It' l)l.-ulr or us 0 ha d b' eeon i II f 0.,.. th e pas t severa1 and. M~. hrt Hartsock littlmdel;l the Warren cOllnty Republiean COMMISSIONERS TO ' bear, monthl. ' the annual convention of the committee for many yea..., .... favor&blJ lmoWll. Sba had been a Our B1Id a~d Carlen member of the Churc:b of Christ away; NAME SUCCESSOR The Jramily_ She iii survived by one sister; Woman's Auxllilary of the South- Mary B. Chapman, a newcomer In 66 yeana and as 10111 as her heeJth The call was suddell, ' the I.e . - - ." Mrs.. Mattje Hollin-worth, of near ern Ohio diocese of the EpiscoPlll politics: permitted, attended the! A lucceuor to Will R. WIS, church, which wos held in Zanes- 'In t.h.1l' RepubUcan rue for the was seven, county auditor W'hose death ocI. 01'8l0nia, and. eeveral nieces and Tel'UlarlJ. We little tltougJrt that creath nephewll among whom a re Max ville, Wednesday and Tbursday. sheriff nomination WUliam 'Beetw n' .... 0 - broth"r Char caned urly Monday, will be ap.. f Gra ' ham I'S bell'eved to have t'"S u rvt.... .. , .... "' , 1Mel'. Paul Evernart, 25 years 0 age, and Glen Hollinpworth, of Ore· Mr. and Mt'II. D. A. Stump and 1_ E. Middleton, of Da)'toD: her Onl, tIloee who haYe lolt can MIl pointed by the county commis- of Mlanlisburg, FrIday at Ionia. upper hand over Charles ,La........- u_ __ ... _ f __I sion.n to Rn. until someone is V II Da t son Paul and Mrs. Luella Kronour, Baker, Frankll·n. ..-_ . .t, - - _n .._ D , .Iee.-d Miami a ey.1- , Funeral servicee were beld at 0 f~' I bUl'&', were guellu, 0f Mr. n .......•, I...... can ...a_ II 0 . .in.No-emb. ... to ' lUI out after 1 yon, _lam. Three eandl'da'~Mek the 110-' f~_a Ith ~u . ~.",we . a few _ys 0 pneu- the "'-wald Funeral Home I'n Leb~ vqs-'" t _...._ . IIr. Lewla' unexpired term ending v. and Wa Iter E Iaey S un day. w .. til' aaD ; aev_ 0_.. The Ilowera .... plaee UpOil ill Karch, 1919. monia. He was a of Wayn .. allon, TlMeday afteomoon, May 6, Mr. and 111'8. Willie Flannery inatlon for two POIIta on tM and ~ ORe "a• • mar wltIl... and ville, the )'ounpr of Mr. aDd and burial in LeJJ.DQn eemed II Be h"l B II f county commlaelon. · The, aN -...._ _.. T-h....... -ID_" 10 t B d d an ra.wenne.. _... Harem~. -",-...aa...., -. _ . •• Of J08 a 'a a IIU~IC RSTIVAL Mn. Fred .,. • ' dletoWII, vialtona aty,tb0...... "'AU X_ . • - • who lIMp beae&tla, He wu a the lIedIo-' •of 'K r. ud lin. John TnaclwaJ'1 towuhip, Scott lleet... II II~ . - . - T. Will ..... ,~• • •,. Th' ...... IOboob of tlae count)' dlat church in ad .... MAlONIC NOTICI SUlld., aneftooll. ~~~.P ud B.,.. ....... To MY' 11M J01l to lew. ucl ,."..... til. alillual lIIulle blehly re&peeted all of Ids ... - ......... WUl....A. LUna. of ...,.......1 til put, ,..... ..,.. ....... erowd hi 1Oc:lateS. He had, 101M tUM Stated co......lea&ioft of WqMr. and lin. FI'IIOk T.,t... of a.pllblleea ~ . ~..... ..- .......... ~ ... 01lIo t. tJae ....... IOI'I'OW . . • . . .,... .... fa 1Abu01l To.. been all emploJ8 PrlPIah'e aemu. ~ No. 1. . . . . A.. II. s.. l'Naeiaeo, wllo ....f t b.- tM corporatloa. .,...., • .,.....,1IQ II. V....... of .... 'l'aJlOr'a to of , .••.., , ,...... of Qrue,.~ ftI-




t -







.... , ,.
















.... __,

11."'' ... &aD"'' '.



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.., • ",.. "...... ...


hool HI h ---~--. -

Third Grad••

luDdaeon at d " aad lIq, t me, Midnig ht ma, be lid as II n a c rt1f\"nuddy ." taring out cat ecordin , to his ranking . l olh r tim B. II .he nods in a of tht' window with . o~n.,thi nK of Tho>' ho plan to attend Miami I hair ur Ik-s lit etch d on the hunllin longing In her ('yes to exproflt tl greatly b:v being able to hpal'lh, Buddy benellth her l lllon. the unkn(\.wn Ngion. beyond inspect the college. n(lth'e. her pri. on wall. Hl'r ,oultu l yowl, One trnil ¢bul'~~cteri~tic of hcr howevC'r, I'crninds one of eerie Junior kind "hkh l\lidn! h hM condes- ClIlIH in n far·off jungle. "Savilg e Gold," the lost prctur shows that will be IIh wn cUlIl 11 to auopt is Ihl"hab it ! fly1 cntcl'ta in the opiniun by th junior class, was ~iv n inle lit an a~!IBilnnt, if arQuscd to Midnij:lh i~ a~ strunge B cr~at(Jr linger. Bnd le~vin~' him, or h r, as Il!I th name b , tow d upon Thursdll}", pril 30, in the ym. her, a It proved to be ery UCCt!i<Sflll. the co e may be, a scratch for a fnct which, howe"cr, does not The juniOr cia s has pl'oflted V\l~'y ·OU\' nir. se 11\ to hav e. upset her ordel'ly ex· Being 'kept in the house muc.h istenc in tqe least. much in the pallt school year by giving lhese picture lIhow...


-- .-.-~~

incoll1pl"te at pt sent but will be I annuullced .Ilon.

The Third G I'nll" hns b,.'11 IJ\I"~' I Southw•• lern Di;;;iet Muaie ColI1lTl"SI IlJC /l honk lIolled the "AB("I ' of l1\althln nd." It comlsts ' F •• ti,..1 or t\ health rhyme oonel'l'nil1~ I'll h Th tril>. Lo xford F,rida}" nnd Srtluf(lay proved very fruitCul for 11 tier fI r Ih l\lphabet. llIembe r 01 th music deportm ent. an Part)' n Friday the ratings for the

On Thu1"5day, April 80, the fr~ htnnn lao s enterta ined th", hiKh h 01 and faculty at a IIIIVcI'ty party. Games and Il peanuL rooting cont ~t featuN<! the lIfl'air. The winnet of the contest \\a. Wylodin Kurti S. Later re" fJ shmc nt., consisting of weiner .$.lndwich ~,oookies, cocoa and lollypop WlOre ~erved. The chapN'. on~ w rc 1r. and l\fts, CJ:larl A ntlerson and Mr. and l\ln. Dan .011 Ue Th!' party wa lljoy~ by

soloists Ill" as follows: Knthel'lne tnith, vocalis t, vcry good; VilLan onner, i t cali. t, very good; Frank L May, trum· peter, exc Ilent; ChaTles Fires, trombo nist, very good; Reba Edwards, pianist, excelle nt. Saturda y the girls' chorus re· caived a Tating of. ver¥ good for their two number s "Ring On, Sweet Angelu s" and "Lift Thine Eyes." . Many attracti ons proved entertaining for tho pupils all after· everyo ne. noon, Bands and orche tras gave County Track Meet concert s, the variou dormito ries Th Warren County track m were open for inspect ion and ' liS held at the fairgro unds in sOl'ved lunches . Tho first ten nior L banoo la t Friday. Re_ults aTe scholar ship winner of all countie s


han. tru t Glider tile at ~ of 081 Ullt, pt.. Sehool, eel b, the ""iIl of Demas Gattery ! ,46; Bt'rt Banta, janitor at emor deceaBt'd, Lo pay certain accoun t.. iaT lIall, ,20; Ivin,-JallH!llon Orue Harry Z. Gray) .dmiDl strator of Co" tht'rmo meter for Mt!mor ial the estate of Lizzie Drake, deeeas· 1 nan 60c; Jeff Thompson, tuning n l, wall authori zed to ell e.ertain 11iano ut Memorial l1all, ,2; real e.taltc at private aale. Trell Ul'l'l' of • tatl', cloth. laude Heath, guardia n of Graee (Contin ued on Page 3) K. and Mary Louille Rcat.h, minor" filed his Arlit Dnd final aCcou,nt. George McClul'C, cxecllto r of the ,.------~~----\ estate of Maud Fette-r, decealled, was authori zed to distribu te proceeds of sale amount ing of U~83, Lawren ce S. Shl1Vfha n, trustee 01 the tru,s~ created by the will of "THE HOME OF GIFTS" Deman Gllttery , deceasl!i.l, filed his

Car y'a Jew elry


"Pal" (A theme for a Lit rature Class, fil'~o~:~~LJ;.t·woOIWine, who was Leba non, Ohio by Ev~IYn Furna ) nanted executo r in the will of Web Pal Is my dog, nd the greates t EXPER T WATC H stej' E. Woolwine, deeelitted, reiusREPAI RING fri nd I vcr had. ed to l),Ceept said trust. Margar et Only CeDl.liDe M.teria Early one Septem ber mornin g, l. L. Martin was appoint ed xecutri x Pill came to Olll house. He i Common Plell. Procoe din,. Probate Court no bond being nothing but a tramp dog, but what requir~ d. harl\,!s --Prom pt Servi ce d L is that C mparcd to friend hip? J. Waggo ner, C. C. E~la The case oj W ~I1tcr S. Updyke an . A certified copy of the entTy, S. Shawhan wel' appointed Store open until 9 p. m_ When he came, I gave him his ver~u John LeRo)f Updyke ap. , et tIl' dl.'tefOlining the inhC1'itan~ tax. on prai sers. breakfa st, and he stayed. He i is ordered placed 'on the trial the estate of Eli A. RUBSell, deHnrr¥ Jones, Jobn Hardin g und often called "the dog with nine docket for this tenn. cea. cd, is to be certified withou t Jack Beedle were named apprais . lives," becau e of his many ex· In the case of Will O. Gu tin delay, era of the estat6 DC SlIJ'ah Lucas, perience8. When he had bcen , with versus illage- of Waynesville, the Ask fOl' a [n lhe Illatter of tile cstat of deceas ed. me but 11 few days and was doing motion of the plaintiff WBS over. Cath~rine Ranker , deceased, disMiam A cel'tilled copy of the entry isburg Perm anent hi duty, 10 ' and behold~a horse r uled. The demumer of the de- tlibulio n was ordered . Will J. determ ining the Inherita nce tax kickoo him and knocked his cye I ndant was overrul ed and Conc rete th Ranker , admini strator, filed hil'l on the estate of '""!!~~~!!!!~!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!'!"' 1 out. hades WeisWhen he wa just recovering ~ Air Seal Buria l Vault from this acciden t, the baker l'an defend ant is to answcr th petl- first and final accoun t. The e tate of Cuthcl'ine J. Up. llllln, decea.~ed, is to be certifie d over him and broke his back. When tion of the plaintil'l' on or before For Sale only by dyke, decea ed, was ;found to be witholl t delay. ' ~lay Hi, 1936. he would get down&tairs, I would f W. Chester Maple, executo eJCcmpt r 0 I from inherita nc tax. 11\ tb e ca"e have to carry him back up the 1 Your Fune ral Direc~or Iter. Updyke .. of WII Walter CI an r Wn.9 1'~und to be the estate of George E. Shields, stairs. Someti me later in his life v Cr su J 0 h II LeRo Y Updyk '" et al , insane and is to be admitte d to decease d, :filed his second and final he was run over again by an partitio n of reaJ e tote is ord el'ed the Dayton State Hospita l. McCl ure Funer al Home accoun t. automo bile, but not aetious ly in· In the I:a of P.W . Br'e hm G Emma d 'ured. 'He was often called ffthe versus Laura R W. Peirce GI was appoint ed PLo Wa,.e." ';lIe, O. Sheet/I. et aI, servilte a .. 7 eor~e tin J oy Ms~r: exec· admini stratrix of the estate of 1-__ ___ ___ ___.....: arithmetic. dog," because he walk· by pu bl "Icatlon is ord ere d f or B utor of the estate of WIlham H. How II pdrce, decea"ed and flIed en· Glosser, decease d, fLIed th if "'-t ' , Sh eets. ed On three legs and carried one. J8nlln e .... " bon-'l~ of "'500 and final accoun t. with sureties . 'I' Pal loves to scare up rats and In the case o:f Th<! l',iiami Vailey . 'l'he invento ry of Harry Z. Gray Louie N. Se.ttlemyer was apmice, put wben they run from Builtlin g and Lo'all Ass ciation admini stratol' with the will aD- pointed admini stratrix of the e· the'r shelter Pal runs al 0 and the vers U• oD. Clark Van Camp and 01 - nex d ot the estate of Lizzie tate of Francell A. Nickleeon, demi:e are left to go and come at lie J. Vl\n Camp, judgme nt in the Drake, deceased, was approv ed. cea ed, and filed bond of $600 their free will. 65 WI.'8 allowed "'"e sum 0 f "'66611 '!' v·, wjth sureties . Karl Brown, A. H. '"~ Minni Carnah an, admini stra. I . tir. In the summe r of 1980, Pal wa pam u. TurlJer . and Karl Dakin trix of th estate of David P. run 0 er by a mowing machine, B I.nldt.he cas~ fJfLThe MIAsmi V. atl~ey Carnah an, deceaRed, filed her in- named appraiscTS. while. Daddy was mowing hity. It UI III g an u 0 E . McClure, adminl atraoal1 ssocla Inven tory. torJamel! , of the estate oj Annet~ cut his two front legs almost off. v,er us D. Clark Va.n Camp and 01Ethei M. Lett Giles, admini stra· Ragcrs deeca. ed, filed' hi Daddy carried him in, and' with the he J. Van Camp, JUI~gmcnt first , ROOT FOR. AltD CONSI GN in the tl'ix of the state of Am A . ' 'd of a darning needle and cord sum of $1181.2 7, W IS allow ,our Cattle, ho~ IheeR and calv.. d the Lett, decease d, filed her schedul e and flnal lIecount. :~ring, he sewed them on. We plaintiff. to NorrJa-Broek CI.., IIv.. wire and of debt. In the matter of the estate of prorre..lve ftrm f'lr the then bandaged, his legs, and I~ ~he ell e of Th Millmi ~al!ey Sales by Cath rine Dugan, ad. !l~~d ~us;;~ ~r::ea8ed, sale ot ~:r~:tsf:!t~::..~. ~I~~l!:"~-o. made a bed for him On the b.ack Buildm g and Loan A n t minlst ~ltrix {If th estate of II . porch where it was cool. It was a versll D. Clark Van Camp OClal1o .. . . Tune In on Radio Station WCKY alld 01- , barles A. Dugan, decea.sed, were loletA I. Ro~er8, admln15tratrlll 12 :2& to 12 :80 p. m. lor oor daD, box with a mattres s made of straw lie J. Vap Camp, judgme nt in the I approv ed ~nd cOllfirmed. of the eetate of G. Frank Roe-ers, market reporta. and a moaquito netting over the 8U~ 0: $1344.6 7, W~IS allowed the Clarenc c L. Shurl:s! was appoint - deceased, filed her first and final ~~~==~~==~~=;:~ top to keep thl 11 es ott l\im. pIa III ti fl'. • ed admini strator of the estate of accoun t. Within a month Pal was on hi The. case of OeUa Whltak er Mary E. Shurts, deceal!ed, and Marri... feet and able to get around and v. rs~s Charles Seve'r, et aI, was filed bond of 1,000 with sureties . Paul Chri tiansen , dally worker look practic ally the same, with the dIsmIssed. A,lbert Mostener, Ed. Keltnilr lUId ()I Morrow and Miss Gaynel l excepti on of a few Ilcars. During Elias Robison were named ap- Holien, student 0.1 Morrow. his illnes , I fed him very couple New Suit. praisers. of hours and "petted " him. Raymond J. Schal!fer filed a In the case of BeUlah Shutt' "eal E.tate Treade rs A few years aftEtr this, our suit again t V. N. Brown hutts Newburg, admini stratrix Of the Edward L. Hornba ck and Emma home burned to the ground and for replevin . estate of Walter Shuff, dec.eased, B. HC)rnback to Edwar d B. Stuk. Pal, the dog with an iron const'itu The Madison Buildin g Assoeia · ver us John Knell, et aI, the repor~ ~nborg and Florence M. StukeD' tion, survive d it. During this fire, tion filed a Stlit agai'nst Joseph T. of the apprais ers was approv ed. l!qrg, real estate in Turtl ecr~ek "Old Boss" and "Fannie," a Gel" I Gordon and. J~nniE' Gordon , to I The a9ditio nal bond of $4,00 0 of township. man police dog, died fronl home· correct deed. the admini sttatrix was approv ed Virgini a K. Van HorJle to WHsickness. A suit was filed loy Comine r· and sale 01 real estate was ordered mel' Harris, l'eal' estate in Frankpflone 78J For the sake of identifi cation, I cial Credit Co., a c'orp., against The invento ry of Carl V. Dun- lin township. ~~~~~~~~=~~~~ will give a descriptjon of, him. He Lynn Black, $Uperilfltenden t of ham, admlni trato:r of the estate of Lillian D. Burkel to WilJiam a is a small fox terrier, light brown Highwa y Contro l,et. aI, far reo John Bennet t, decease d ,was ap- Burkel, 113.64 acres in Hamilt on with black spots on his bllck. He plevin and dam ages in the ,sum provem . towllsh ip. hall a brown eye and a hole where of $100. The eoart authori zed L. S. Sha1V WOTARY PUBLI C NanniI' Stewar t and Elmer the other one should be. = Stewar t to Marion L. Baty ,a nd Na.-. I · . . . . The care and love 1 have given Jiannah F. Baty 10.24 aerea iD WI... Dra_ • • Elta ... SeU'" this dog gave my great iDspiration I. , b iurcNe k towDship. , for' becoming a nu rse, which I ex· WAYM ESVIL U, OHIO Lewis H. Whitak er to Mary J. pect to be in the nea't future. MOD r.J) ~ 1& ~ ° ffl! CI ' Taylor, et al, real estate in Mallon. One day while mother was get· IMJnll®~l1fIDl1llt~~ l!!J1f Ui\IlUlJ(;Il1J(~mUil ~~Ii11DWlg) FOR JALE DATES CALL Alfred Kindre d to Fenill Rqbln. tlng some vegetab les from the son, inlot No. 248 in Frankli n. garden she heard a strange noise, Andr ew and Emma Zapf to Lena and thought a wild animal had Layritz , real estate il1 Harlan escaped from the zoo. It made the ._'f' '\ town hip. stran~est no~e, just like a lone =The Miami Valley Bulldi! ), and wolf howling . Mother ran to t h e · Loan AII8Qciatloll to Jobn E. 1Iinre house, and after she t hought sbe '. inlot No. 8liB in FranklIn. had reached saf~ty, sbe looked William E. l'ox to William B. . . ._ aao, M_ . .rIIatrt... ow. around and saw it was Pal. He had ;:;;;::: Runyan , 36 acree ia Clearcreek lost his voice, and he still doe it <:::' town, hip. sometim es to this day. EARL KOOGL ER Maud Fetter, decease d, by ex. Pal has a specia.l chai r and I Da~'" PII... ecutor, · to Madillo n 'McKinsey, indon't think anyone 'o;oul d move him ItE _ _ .... lot No. 2 In Waynesville. Yeu can do almost anythin g to the Mary HlUInah Frye to J. WH. chair but Pal is very peniste nt ber E...nhart 6 acre. in Clearand usually keeps his seat. creek toW1llblp. "Mldll aad Af,"," Leiter '\Fr7 .,« ai, toJ. ~.===.========:: (A .lIteratu re theme by Glenna Wilber Eamha rt, 6 aerea In Clear POalA L& Woolar d) ereek toWDIhfp. Speakl n, of eats, I am well ac. Ralph W. Clav.n eer to .Jame. rOR SALI l- Call Hopldn a 101' quainte d with a feline , wblch Allen _nd SUII, AUn, lnlot NO, ,' frelb eut • .,aneu e. , meritll a few wordl of praiae or ,'.;.: 816 In FrankUII. • ,!'t -o; displeasure, I know not which. Earl St . .Clair Fif. fatat. IIJ FOR SALE -l Turean R.oOlter SAMUE . . .. L GOMP EBS The title , ' have given to this Tnetee to Bertha and Clintoll' Jear old) and 6 henl, O. (1 M. o eaule lIa. ever Ibad a more attemp t to write an essa, may eug among othn school., at nl"bt. Peen., real e.tate tn Turtlec:reek Rlqe devoted antli abl41 ehamplon . a" Hill young manhood coincided gest mystery , but it is only a townlh ip. than American labor did in the with. period in which I.bor . . . dusky fersian cat who bears the person of Samuel Gol1lpert, and making its Aut William F. Thompeon. ck!ceuf d, FOR SALE- -We have the Famou e lerious e!rom the powerful AmeriClllD Fede!'a· to unite into trade Unlonl. Gom· name "Midni ght and After." The to Lewia E. Thompson, real ••tate Boas Oven. for lingle and double tlon of Labor 18 the li'vinlf monu· perl had joined the ciearm .kerl name is merely the result of a burner stoVet. B. O. Collett Hardin TurtleereeJc iownalj1p. . ment to hlB etfortll. ~t was this union at the nge of lollrtee n and whim of the owner, no doubt Bug orcaniz ation Emma wbleh Lou ended Lewis the soon ,rose ~o Charles B. ware. nce In tho ERB'iS an ofter that will appeal to aU-Am erkan eloquent pel'JIl&nent monument in leQder'lbip toof promine gested by the jet-blac k color of that Jrl'Oop, and Lewis, re~l el,t ate In Wayne mile. Boy Magazine and this newspa per at a special the nationa l HI~R QUALI TY Woodb um aeed capital '~IOwn in tbe then in the American labor mova. t he 'o bject under observa on. IIketch, in which. the nlan's hult· ment as l'.. whole. combination bargain rriee. The Americ an Boy is the eO~, careful ly rraded and tettHe waa amollt Bill. All ...... Midnig ht, as she is commonly ful career...lll ....mbowled. . the mQst ijlOl1C:1t ial t\~rellin the favorite magazine 0 more than 500,000 boys and ed; G. T. Blair, Lebano n, phone Blanch ester A living Oil Co., wage ruolil' for 'l'easona . called., for bfe formati on' of the American Fed, the name having been short yoWtg men. Its fiction carries boys on the wings of workin~ hours \lDde~ humane er.tlon of Labor 191. Route 128 on Fra.nkU.. road. County Comml llionera , trip ened to in 1881, Cofor aervinar the conven ience of adventure to aU parts of the world. Its sports articles working conditions were the aa ita Viee·Pr esident for one year lumbWl, $,1.95:. L. H. GordoD,.auo aBO·m7· rapid utteran ce, is by no means Jr1).11I to whieh he cIe~t~d his lite. and thereaf ter aa Ita by famous coaches and athletes are studied by chamPrealde nt line for Cbunty Commission .... n). BALm -White ahelf paper, Comper s commo was born n. Her tn London. fOT the res~ of his life, with Ole proud bearing , in pions. Here you will find the 6nest stories on sports, January 27, 1850. into 1\ :>jtifully exception of one year. trip to Columbus, ,a.16; Oregon ia itself would convince even the 100 P'" roll, at the ....... aviation, business, school activities, humor, and travel poor family. Poverty ellt hiG edu· Gompers, de' pite radical be· Bdd~ Co., atiarle Irori. lor C. H. aasette olle.. most con finned skeptie of ber cation and Mnt him t~ wOl'k at 1l'mnings,-did Rot aupport Even at its regular price of $1.00 a year, 1be Ameri1OC1a1~ n.l ement WPA project , ,18.88 ; I'OR SALE -EuUa p ,1.00 the a,e of ten. When he wa,s iatii theories and wall always aristoc ratic ancestr y. can Boy is considered a bergain . But now you may an ,.. thirteen , hi. family migrate d to ~dvocate of conelllation aad Blair Ii LeRoJ, land ad travel, It may be that it is because she obcain it and this newspa per. • • • . ' toil. Doddl, IIoanp a alld W.,. America and settle I in the ~Jencefvl adjultm ent of labor db, '19.20; AClDe Plumll in. Sapp.,. 1l...m. Plaau. wishes to be ditt'erent, that Mid· Iqualld East stele Hct on of Now i,ule!!. 'fb~ fuereaaine Importance oI-U YO'I'k. Co., Boil, tile, ete •• ,36.18; W. C. PIn, VALVIII . . ITt'l'Q night elevateti her stubby nose (·f the lahor movement of whleb IQI Followin.r b1a f,,~j ' '" :i.:;>t- I . J _ wn" Turton , cement for Court Bo.... the ali,htea t mention of milk. aad eloqun t far Wata au _ .... atepe, he . . . apprent .J in th: 'J ..;:;t'lDnnleader made baaeme nt, ,,5; Natlolljil LaM u4 unquuThie, ·111 itself, is unique. With • CIItua ..... __ clrar maIdna irUilJltl'l" bec,,'.!£~ I . ; '1 •. hJy, one of thehim, IDGIIt Co., Jqot Had, . ., ... , tou of bel' head, Midnight It bad a labor IN'pnizl .tion., '.~ 1:: ....... .. . ilJdlvldua.lI ill reeeaat Amer6 Johllatoll, J-nlb_ , '.,...eal hours an4~presJ Ive 11\ .n'! . :.\ history•. an expression which plainly ,,"" IIrtl cnt:"•.:.: \ 1_ wbadow fra.., elled December lI, geau "!!adam prefer! Born 4)th~ bel:!. J.!1 •.• j :: ~ AJ. 01 L., by that tIae FoUell. ja. . .. in the torm of meat, if JOu please.' t~ .,.. ~: Ine major f ..... Ia . . Pe1I1I lIorlo...... ... _ IMIaw, ~":_;I .• I mlailt ;qnl add lito. that fl ' ~ aile •• ta .. It, ilia too. 1.,.4 Your Or~er To'· _ .1(,:). '. 'roo U1. . . . . . trIIIaI e. AIIDOIt daD, lIi6nlc ht lorrete . . ~.' .• ' '''::tOIl tlGf; Brow MM'._~ ~ry • Com bw .....e. ...... . her role 01 tile dtpilec l lad, . enDQ'Il to "oot "rouP • to ..... 'POD




Qu ali ty Pr int ing




F. ', . Ma rtIn


Auc tion eer



Or No Cha rge

Cen terv ille, Ohio

T il e M I- ._ I

L. M.

"G az et te


StaD~y &Koogler Au ctio nee r.







.. ".

Plu 8 Th is Ne ws pa pe r



~ • . l •.





At Red uce d Pri ce


th On e Ye ar Fo r



I. ,.,






and uniYll'llitiea In Ohio, acc:ording to Dlrect"r M. Ray Allison of the Dt'partment of Finatlce. Tht' puhli IUUED EVERY THURSDAY cation carrietl many inteJ'e~ling fact~ concerning the financi~1 elC_ . . . . . . . ........... " ....... N •• 1Il En at 'Po.tottle. at Way.... - pel)ditures of the stale and is illusL -' tl. P 1__ '1 10 Y Ville, OhIo. a. a.c:"rid CIa.. Mall S..... trated with nUmerous gra{lhs ami " . _a r ..., • • ear Matter uti.racU"e colored chart~. The r pOI·t i . a\lthen~ic und in bound MAY 7, 1930 volumes is for use ill official and =~================== educational 1\ Ide, Directo\, Allison said. IT JUST DOESN'T WORK

mf>ri(,8'fj Newe8t


• • •

All want higher 'standards of living. AU want larger salaries and wagea. That desire has been reflected in laws and regulation s design.ed to achi ve that happy end. Unfortunat ly, basic Iacts are often forgotten. On the theory . that higher priC(!S would result in bigher wages, we have been given laws restricling the production of n cessiLies. We have vote-d laws restricting or penalizing methods of dl tributing necessities that lower prices through greater effici ncy, faster turnover, and smaller 'profits, in an effort to ncour81:fe less effici nt business. But the only ·income that counts to an individual is "real income" -income m asured in the light of purchasing power. A dollar is nothing but a measure of value. Two dollars that will buy twenty · h '11 b pounds of sugar are not aI!' valuable as one dollar w h IC WI uy twenty-five. . This is not an argument for forcing prices down to profitless levels. It i an argumen against laws or pra.etices which force prices. dire~tly or indirectly, to artificial levels, to the detrime-nt of the public. It is an esta~1i hed fact that purchasing power always lags far behind law-made boosts in price structure. If it Is made illegal to dist:ibute nnd ell pr(Jdu'Cts in the most economl9 manner, the 125 mIllion American consumers are going to lIufi'er. Supply and demand is stilI the economic law. It cannot be ciJ'cumvented without courting disaster. Legislation and special class taxlltion to penalize pne group to aid anoth r- Iegislation .that would promote scarcity of neeea iLies-legislation that forgets the consumer, robs every family in the nation by increasing household bills,



7alks, Ma y 11

8 :00 Music and weather forecast. 8;05 Spring Wild Flowers-H.'E. E wine, naturalist. 8;16 4-H Club Work in Licking County-4-H Club members directed by C. B, Alspach, Oounty Agl. Agent, Newark. 8 :40 What is a Good Kitchen Tool?- Miss 'Thelma Beall, Extcm,ion Home Management 'S pecialist. 8;60 The Correc~ Cit.y View of Farming-V. R. Werb, Rural Economics Dept. 9 ;00 How Your Milk' Supply is Safilguarded-L. H. Burgwald, Dai;y Technology Dept. 9:10 Music 9;25 Solving Farm Building Probl ms-R. C. Miller, Extension Ag!. Eng. SpeciaU*1;, 9 ;35 Answers to Farmen' Qllel!tion~ialog. 9 :4.' Joan and Jcrry--dramatie skit. 9 :1(5 t,o 10 MUlic and weather forecast.

An extensive display numeroull 81'Ueles mnnufacturec:l by inmates at all state penal instution will be Installed in the lo'bby of Ohio penitentilll'Y within n few days. Th ex.hiblt will inc1ulle shirts, shocs, ov ralls and other articles of aJJparel made by th inmates, a well as office and borne furniture and other item s. Although the articles will each indicate the price none will be for sale, Warden Jam~ C. Woodard . saId. He pointed out that state laws 'prohibit the sale o'f prison made good!! on the open nlarket. The object. of the display is , to acquaint visitor. with what is being done at Ohio penal institution in rehabilitation field s. • • • A stlltement of nppreciationfol' the relief work of members of the Ohio National Guard 'and Naval Militia dUl'in~ the flood ,a few weeks ago was made by Adjutant General Emil F. Marx in the current "Ohio Guardsman," ollicia] , publication of the "'uard ~ and Naval Militia. "The recent Rood in the. Ohio river valley gave to the Ohi,o National Guard and Ole Naval Militia an opportunity to demonstrate their practical worth to tlie citizemy of Ohio," Genetsl Marx wrote. "One ot the featuI'es that impressed me 11l0st was their instant and whOle-hearted response to duty. It was a difficult situation with which to cope and it was gratifying that the Guard anll Naval Militia were able to a~d



ALMOST 2.000.000 people a year nll\\ rOlk, parI in America's new_ indoor sport-visiting a rodi(' \1rnarlr-,15t Thf ~ne abovf repeal" tsell every Frida) ni gh l t fll!tl1 ,,, Rlid' ri l) IAth!'fl 1200 fans who hay waited months for ticktts sc:t' dncf 1,..3' Ip IC<l Orat!onerte's weekly con~l:

==============,-=====:=-':'====--=-=~==== News From", 4'.Jrren County Court House

Ollie Cardiner, $6; Mrs. Julia Hoi. land, care of Varnon Molland, $10: Mrs. Oma. Osborne, care of (Continued Fran Pilge 2) \Volter Barlow, $11; Mrs, Dma ing for inmates, Ohio Hosp ital fo\" Osborne, care of Frank Ballinger E]lili)Jties, $51.32; Drs. Edw. & $ll; ~\Vi & Drake, Inc., fuel Robt. llJair, examinati(IQ of ehil- fUl'nhhed relief families, $22.75. dr n for sdmi sion Industl'ial Home, $2: The Oflic(j Outfttters, ' NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT clips and bands 'for A uditOl"1I Office $1.50; Stanley Elll'nhart, P. Estat~ of Howell Peirce, M., stamps fOJ" Probate ourt, $G;, cea!'l~ d. The Wc.stel·n tnr, publicatioll of Notice, is hereby given that notice for ' Common PI as Court, Emma W. Peirce whose Post Office $1.20; The Leban on Patl'iot, Address is ,Wayne'lvill , Ohio, has publication of notice lor Cpmmon been duly appointed a.~ AdminisPleas ourt, $1.20; The Office Out trntrix of th estate of Howell fitte-r, I'ental of typewriter fot Peirce late of Wnrl'Cll County, Pl'obat Court, $4; Wm. HuJi'ord, Oblo, Jccensed. Shel"ift', s heriff's quarterly expenSe Dated this 30th day of April account, $38,68; Oregonia Bridge 1 !l36. Co., l' intorcing steel Iror Fail'RALPH H. CAREY, graunds WPA Project $13.98: Clay Judge of the Probate Court ton (Jlm'k, posts :tor F'~tirg:rounds ",7-1~-2 ( Warren County, Ohio flll1ce, 17.50j ' .Tohnston & John'-

-------- -


h~~~~~~~r~ ~~:~~_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ buns fu~r~~~u. a.nd fence, $274-"9; J. K. ·~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~=~;_~_

homes by the flood. Thc number of letters of, appreciatiOn received in the office or Governor Martin L, Davey and in th adjutant 'generaI's office indicated the fine performance given by the two organizations."

Spencer, travel, $245.42; John J. Barr, pay 1'011, $71.60; Johnson Myer., pay ~'oll, $106.60 '; M. C. POlman, pay r oll, $248.<l0; Earl Ba ore, pay roll, $194.20; V. M. Armitage pay roll, $106.. 20: Hany Mount, pay roll, $172.40;' Carl Dakin, pay roll, $1131; H. L. Schuyler', pay roll, $148,60; E, W Bal'kalow, stone, $3; ReJ[ H. ParMI'. and Mrlj. Clint Taylor enter ker, servicea 0 c;hai nmal1l, $J.9,60; tained the' following guest last J. L, Du.nn, servi~es liS, mecban Friday night: Mr. s\1d Mrs. Harold anic, $57,60; J. L. Dunn" services Beckett, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur as mechanic, $4,80 E. W. Knapp, Hawke, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Lukens services nft "'rader o""ra,tor, '22', d M d M G ..., • I'~ ,. an M r. ' an eorge Beckett, Collins Motors, cr.evrolet . mnste" d M I'S.P L '" r. Wan r'11s . . , ReaSOn off coach, "'275', Blair & ,Leroy, gravel 'I' near S aynesvl gueb ta 0' " $9'.90', Cla"ton CIUt'g, g"ard ral'l M d' R e wered # ,.. rll. a Ie eason an roth er, posts. $17.50', The Cl ' nCI·l'na!.l· 01'1 M L" t ' • r.M C. M Ippmco t. Works Co., gasoline, $,2.41.': Robel.t T k d ' rs. ar)/ Gardiner, gasoll'ne, 19.07', d M ucM e1" an H family en.~rtaine ' 1's. ary at'lan and Frank Snerwood Co., gasoll·.ne, $n •• h " nepS ewd 01 near New Burlington 44', Cincinnati Oil Wor'ks Co., 1I!22. 77', Zal'n on M ' un ay. d M Ed M F I f supplies and gilr ,.i.~ 'f' ine. ,. r. an rs.. c ar and 0 At'll1l'ta"'e, "'ra\'eJ, <1379.96. Brook-~ .... 'I' Dayton are spending ~veral days Fireproof Gar8g~, gasolinc~, $33.83 at 'M their L'll' home here. 'Fred's Store~ C. d ' clothing f"'" rnl'shed rs.I I lan' arr accompllntc relief lamii"', Yoculn's Store, '1 0 f d " '22,' .. severa pUpl s to x or last food furnished relief , family, Saturday. $ Th G A & ~ 6; c reat • P, Tea Co.,. Spray lof' nelll' Chade~.. 8~ICk, ml'lk .Mrs. t nertha II d d Wj]-d tood, '2".50', • 0/ ~ mmg on ca e on 111 en nn 1l]6.G3·, Barr · Bro , food, '219."0', l' h S d fte .. • ., re abves ere un ay a rnoon East En(l Coal Co" fuel, '29,76,' and Wlla an overnight ilOd Monday ,. Fred's Store, clothing, $3.1~6; R. C guest of he-r niece, Mrs. Ed Clark Hamilton,1ood, $26.7",' M 'S, John d 'I " an faml y. Harding, siheltel', $2', Kro<per GroRev. and Mrs. Williams nnd Il" family of Spring Valley called on cery & Baking Co., food, $65.26; Chris Murphy lOA Storl~, food, D ' 'I' Miss Anna e·Board', oldest cbild ehange Co., fucJ, $26; Yocum's, of Mr. and' Mrs. Amos DeBoard, f d ~30 · Store" 00, .. .73'; E., H. diee! 'about nQon Saturday and GI kl f d $' 60 G R R funeral services' were held at tho oee er. 00, .... ; , . oss Methodist church on Tuesday man, food, $20.50; The Great A. & P. Te~ Co., ;.food, $16.2:6 ; East afternoon. Burial was made in tbe End Coal Co., fuel, $42.25; Fred's Clarksville cemetery. Store, clothing, $17.93; H.omer C. Miss Anna MacDonald is on the George, mi Ik, ,4.80; F. A. Rudson .Ick lilt. Feed Co., fuel, $12.75; Mrs. LeonMiaa Ev.IJD McCarren spent the ard Hathawa'y, milk. $2:4.0; Mra. week-end with per parenti at Wal. John Harding, Shelter, '2r. H. C. hondin,. ' liamilton. fuel, $16.25; Kroger I Mn. Sadie REason spent a few Grocery" Baking Co./ food,. $80; ' at' the home of Mr. and Mn. Mrs, Floria Little, shelter, $5 i Luk KeUar Hoak. ens Dairy, m,lk, $3.60; Morrow Don't forret the senior class Food & Supply Co., fue'l; '13; pia, Friday nig'h~ May 15, "What Chris Murphy IGA Store, food, IA:~ull,, ' Be~)''' is the title ' 01 the $17.25; Pine Crest Dairy, m.ilk, play. $:!3.52; Sibcy's DatTY, milk, $3.60; I Plana are being made for T 'G 'Ik s9 90 A Friell~ Quarterly meetln." this racY!J roc ry, ml , T ,I. : • .. H. Turner, shelter, ,'5; '~aynel. Saturday morning at the Friends' ville Far1l1crs' Excpange Co., fuel, Chureh. ,$ 16.25; Dr. John Zettel, riapair of • -glasses, lor r~1ief family, $:~; Mary GJUtaNHOUSE VEGaTABLE ' k , shI ' '1'; ~g R • I• GarL. Coo e ter, DAY', THURSDAY, MAY 7 rison's Gl'oeery, milk, $2.4·0; E. H --Gloeckler, milk, $19.90; N, )IQsel', Tbil! Ohio Eaperiment Station clothing, $4; Zehringhul$t DaJry, nOUDce, tbe eighth annual 8reen. milk, $0; Dr. Henry M. Brow1l, vegetable da, for Thursday medical services, $74.75; Ur. Edw. lIa, ." leae. C. Morey, medical senlc ta. ,94; A tour throurb the greenhouses Dr. Jean A. Nock, medical mcet will be held at 10 L m. at 'Which '6; Dr. S. Sterling Stahl, lInedical time the ezperlmeDti tn prorreaa se~cel, $41; Bedi X,ing, nuiaillr wUl be dJlcnJAed, Amoq the u- fumlsbed relief lalllm.., "ll; Lee . . . . .ta to be dncrlbed will be Callahan, transpon.Uon nUet . . . . ~ breedlq of family, ,80. E. H. , . . .IiM. . wptabl-. 1D0iatart ,.rden IUdil farnllhld . . . . . . . tomato... to- tamil)" ,a.80; Muon 1!III1W~.t, tnataaata, 001II- prclea aeeda, ,lUI; .Mlaa, aad maa. care of e_Gl'd' ~. ._


USED CARS. . ,..


Best of the News Direct From the O hio State Capitol


COLUMBUS-The new 1936 eame with New York university, "Official Ohio llirhway ')lap" haa October 3, and the test with PittsJ>een published ' and i.e , now avail- burg, October 10, will han price able for di tribution, it waa an- scales ranging fro~ ,1.10 for nounced by Director John Jas~r general admi88ion to ,S.60 for Jr. of the State, Department of bOll seats, with reserved seats at Highways. ~ section of the map '2.50; The Indiana contest on calls attention to the fact that October 2' and the tilt ~itb the State Hlpway Patrol offers Oblcaao on November 7 will' have twenty.four hour seniee a"d that prices of ,1.10 general U.25 rethe near at patrol station .hould served and box. For the be telephoned in caae Iof accident Michiean event, November 21, or emergency. A liat of the t;wenty general admission will be ,2.20; seven district stations. with the reserved '3; and box "; Season phone number of each. is c~ried- books were. iDereased from ,9.60 Key traftle I&.ws and regulations in to $10 for resel'Vild seats and condensed , form are printed on from 11.50 to 'la.~O for box the revene side of th m-.p, to- · .seats. FacuJty seuon books will ..,ther "'i~h iJlultrations of be $7.60 and student: books ', 6.00. typical standard waming sirna Season books wi)) go on sale late used along Ohio's highway. this month and Individual game Director Jaster said that the map tickets in September. il the mOlt complete of any ever , . , . • luued b, the State Department The 1985 annual report of the of Hirnwa-. State Department of Finance on • • a ll state departmentlJ, institutions ,• Aflnouncement of price, for tna, and ageneie. he. been , compillla five hom,e Ohio State football and is beln .. issued stats oftlclalll . , .. ' the game. next faU was made by thepubllc hbrarles , throughout Ohio State UJiivenrity Athletic state and to the heads of political board lut week. ' Th~ opening BCienee departments of collete.







We have a large stock of Good Used Cars at low prices. Come in and see the greatest ' values ever offered in used cars. I S everal Good Dep,e ndable lTrucks. "


Le b ~no Oh-1.0 , n,

~1.60',~YneS~eFa· rmers'Ex~r~~:~:~::~:~~=~~~:::=~~~~~:::::~~~~~::::~~:



























--,ified Ads.

A .... \dI.U

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

huM. or Mr... II. )oj, 8lo'lcl'lI. Mrs. J. L, M~'DtJ('nh8n had ('harge Ilr thl'

dl,Yotitlrl lind op nul th(' with Il 'I:riplUI'(! reuding.


Mi. ~ BlizaQc,th Grlldy. of LehOI)on, IIU i< pl"~'nt and announced of I . S. .,,I thaL . r['(.fe~sor Rec~(', G Will spr:lk to the ard n COllnly. cubs Ilnu flower lovers of , [lrren at


To The Voten Of Warren County Ohio


; LC'Mon text: . I take thi~ method of announ~­ LuiJ<Q 1 :1-14; mil' ml' c~nd~dacy tor the R~pubh. be thou mer ' ic~n nOllllDst)On (o~ SherIff of (ul 1.0 ml' .1\ ' l' nn Luk'e L8 :13. Wunen ounty OhiO. • A 1 I intend to see as many of you pot 1 ant. will, be given t.o the

olelllan Pr !!SUIX' F R ~ALE Gasolinc naDl~I' . onlpldc with nIl Hllrman Hall, May 20, at p. m. per onlll1y as time will pel'mit younge. t Hnd olUe t mothe)' prestwon. In ' pcrfe ondiLion. but in the mellntiOle respectfully ent. in honor or !\tuthllr's Day, 56R21. 1'. E m rson E arn haTt gave a S peelB ' 1 M ther',1 Day music. M "W'ld FI ,. " 'h' h a " you to con •IdeI' my qua I'd\ca· talk J. R AI.E - Thrlle.quart{'r !\ir.c on . I . DWCIS,. II IC tions for this office, ] 0 45 L wos both IJ1lcl'~tmg and mstruct. : oru's Supper. Wliit.c l\fl.'tal ,Ded. ~pl'ingi'\ :md ivc I have been tl) Mat:shal of the 7 :00 p. m. Chl'iistian Endeuvol' mtl ttl'C • aU in good condition, the closc of th 01 ling re- Village of Franklin, Ohio, f. or subj ect.: "Th Golden Rul in th~ Inquire at Gazette office. ~. t (2") D 'L[ "C I 3 TALKS ON WILD FLOWERS rrc hment. WPI'U !>erveu by 1hc·,,'en y-s~ven I years. .urmg c om. o. :16.·25. hQst 59 and h<'r a i Uln~. that ?el'lod I bave _endeavored to 7':<15 Gospel me .age. . Th<- 'ayn viII Oarll n club the best ot my abihty to perform W dl1Csday, 3:aO P. m., Junior m t Tue day afternoon Ill; lh Subscribe for The Miami Gazette and fu lfi ll the duties of that office. choir practice; 7 :45, prayer and In addition I have been a special Bible study. deputy sheriff oC this county for 8 :30 hair pracli ceo ____ twelve (12) years and by reason t~ereof am thoroughly familial' WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH I With the office. In so doing 1. have acquired much Re~. ~. C. Dibert. Pastor valuable experience and informaun ay. at 9 :30 • Will Appreciate Y OU I' Support and Vote tion in the enforcement of the 0.· m. Next. Sunda;y IS Mothcrs Day For laws of the State and, in tbe detco- lind the mothel'S will havQ entire tion of crime I charge of the Sunday school. I have 'becomil personally Morning .worship at 10:30, the acquainted with law enforcement sermon subJe-ct wm be, "If It were A t Re pUblican P rimary Election May 12. officers and police departments' . throUi hout a large part of this NotSo" At 'I :30 p. m. we will continu tate. And they have co-operated OUl' stu~~y of .the C~urc~ We ~ove, and \\,orked with me on many oc. lind OUt specI~ l tO'PIC Will /;c, The


' --

Wayne Township , Voters Central Committeeman ,




~================::=!~===~~ .4


To The V ot era '0 f W arren' County ,


Mendenhall, spent Sunday 11'1 DaY-I TIK-y villited the tion at WaynCllvllle Friday niyht. ton, ~Ut'llts of Mr. and Hi'll. Em ellt Jo;den Park. lirl'. Waltt>- K nri"k woa onn Martin. Mrs. Mart h i ' ... -dinner,____ _ a MI tenberrer, who of the Jl'ue t lit a ~bil·thdll:V hll. veen quit.,· ill, Is much Improy. for Mr~. Alll'td Wolre in Frllnk. I.!d at this time. lin, TU(>I'Iday. Lyt'e Mrs. l\~al'gar(>t. Johus attended 1\h·. tlnd MI'S, J. B. Jonos and t.he meeting of tho Gard n club at $trand on Milton Jones visited rela· MI~II Miriam Wharton was a the home of M..,~. H. E. Slakes in Uvea in Dayton Sunday afternoon k we -end gu t of MI'. - and M1'1<, WaY~C1~piJIC1, Tuesday. ·Mr. and Mra. Clifford ArchdcllMonis WhlH'lon in Lebanon. I\:1IS11 Mary Mas of Wayne ville can of Dayton tire nnnouncing the eveI'll I from he\'(~ altended th(' spe-nl Thursday night with Mi s birth of a daughter, WedllCl day field mee t tn L e bnnon F-' .,cIny. April 29. MI'. and Ml'I!. Frank f r. and .Mrs. Howey Burnett G neva Routzahn. Several nlC1mberlil of Eastern liltenberger al'e t.he maletnlll and Mr. and Mrs. E. B, LongaN'c . till' from ' hel'e attended insllec- gl'andpal·onts. Ill\' "Tml\ of the Lon '8 me Pine in Davton TllUl'sday evenin . ' .Julia hal'l ton spont week-end with hEll' parents Ridg ville. lI·[ r. D ode, ' of the Dayton Power and, Light Co., tram Dayton Announce. hi, Candidacy for \\'1\$ ill Lytle 1a t week mnking ar· I' ng menls to l'un thc power line on to Fe-rry and rebuild II part ot the line her~. . Quite a number from here at· on the Democratic Ticket. tended grnnge ot Waynesville, to be written in SlIturday IV ning. Mr. und lIIl·S. Elmer Groves were Pr imary Election May 12. 1936 , aLul'day ev-ening dinner gl,lcsts of the former'>; mother in Dayton. ' l\hs. Mnrgal'et John nnd Mrs Letitia Kenrick attended the Re~ publican rally of county comm itVOTE FOR tees and precinct wOI'kers at Elk's! 8

Sam Keever Sheriff




I Am A. Candid~te For The Republican No~ination For

The Prim.ry Election I. T~ Be Held on Tueaday, M.y 12th and I Cert.inly Will Appreciate Any Support' M.y Receive .t Your H.nd•.

Poll·t.·cal Announeemants


Geo. ' E. Young



Willi... B.

HOFFER. Ca.dldate P.r

JUDGE C••itt 01 ,CO...... Pl•••. W ...... C••at,., Ohio I am e n deavor~n g t o rea ch the many voters whom I have been llnable to m eet persona lly, du e to being . .confined t o my home' with a n attack of the "fluu • t her eby take t his method of soliciting' you r support at t b e Republican Primary, Tuesday, May 12,

Fourth undslY afte-r Easter, ARTHUR HAMILTON May 10, Church school lit 9 :30: Candjdate for Representative to Morning PI'ayer and sermon at General Assembly, subject to 10 :30. Republican primary May 12, 1986. --- ~ ,-. Your support will b e appreciated.

I never h eld public of/ice, but believe my experience a nd ability qualify me for th e off ice which I seek, a nd your Sllpport will be gratefully appreciated

For Common .Plea. J.udge


Crow Tox

.. ---

Will keep the CroW'. away

F nenda' Hoine New

The Board of the Home met in ST. AUCUS~INE CHURCH quarterly ses ion On Tuesday. Father Newton, Paator Mrs. Anna. CE~dwllllader, who is Mass at St. Augustine's church II patient in . MlcClellan hospital, every Sun d'a y mornlng. Xenia, is holding her own quite FRIENDS MEETING satisfactorily. Mrs. Ada Jenlcins mad'e a busi· F il'llt-day School at 9 :30 a . m. Heetlng for- Wo rship at 10 :80 ness trip to Wilmington Tuesday m. afternoon. , MI'. a nd Mrs . Raymond Montgomery and Mrs. Rilla Browne, of FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST Centerville, Mrs. S. M. Sellers and Carl Smith, MlnJlter Mrs. Lina Weiss, of Ulbanon, Mrs Perry Thomas, Supt. of Bible Taylor and frierld!! of Wilmington, School • .lob. and Mn. CI~arles Smart, Mrs. Sunday Sch olll 9 :30 .8. m. l\!81'y Haines ~lnd Miss ' Grace Cemmunidn HI :'5 a . m. SermOn 11 a. m., Smart of Barv~!ysburg, callEd on Rome friends Sunday afternoon. I Mrs. , Mal'garet Martin, in com· "AYNESVILLE CHURCH O~ pany with Mr. and Mrs;' J. L. eRR-1ST



.....--iii... Semesan ·Jr.

Your support will be appreciated


Common Pleas Judge



cnsions in the of detection of crime. (If theofPal~,he t tmd The GI' at Hnll, L-ebanon, Thursday evening.; By reason 'my many contin- , Achleve,ment Ch?rch. '. Mrs. Emily' Thackcra. of Spring i uous years of experience i n police Evenin g worship serVice, at 7 :30 boro wus an overnight. gu t Thurs Republic.-n Candidate for ' County Commilwork, I feel that I am acquainted p. m. ' . . day of her i tel', Mrs. Alice Clark with condit.ions existing in t his If your mothel~ I · hYln g be She return d home Friday. sioner. County. And ·that I am wen pre. su r to get in tou'ch with hcr. Vi it 1\11'. and MI'. Charle Doster pared and qUalified to meet t~e E h sl' if possible. If' you at' not able and daughter of Harveysburg wore Farmer of Turtlecreek Town8laip, a tax payer lo go to h r, or have her com(! to Sunday guC&ts of Mr. and Mrs. conditions as they arrive. If nominated and elected 1 you be SUI'e, at leas!' to write her a Donald Hadley. pledge to the citizens of Warren letter, 01' send h r a remernbrance MT. Meta Rogers spent Sunday Cou nty, Obio, a fail' and impar- of some kind. It will do you both wilh her sist ,r, Mrs. Trilla Far· -Pol. Aclv. tial administration or myofficeand good. quar and son neal' Ridgeville. . ._ _ _ _ will dedicate myself and my office Wednesday: Thle Friendship lub Mr. and MI's. E. B. Longacre and to t1te enforcement of the laws of will meet with 1'111"8. Hel'mnn Sur- 11'. and Mrs. C. L. Duke motored , __ - -......- - - - - - - -...: : : - - .- - - - - - - - - - - - - -.. this state, the investigation and face on 3rd St, ~It 2 p. lll . to Cincinnati Sunday afternoon. tho(! detection of crime, and the On Wedne dSl' even'ing Gf next . . protection of the lives and wetlk nt 7:31) Wl! will begin a ~~~~=======~ property of oQr citizens. . series of studie on the aubject of I hereby TCspectfully solicit iewllrdship, Mrs. LlIe\1a Brown ., your support at the coming will have charge of next ' we k' s Seed Corn Di.infect.nt ALLEN HUFFMAN Primary. meeting. ' Republican Candidate f or (Signed ) - - -... - - - - Protect your corn crop from root· rot, etc. Semeaan Warren Coun.ty Recorder., Primary WiJliam E. (Beebe ) Graham ST. MARY"S CHUR<-' !.. Jr. treat ment coats only 2 cents per acre. election May 12, 1986. Pol. Adv.Rev. J . :T. Sc:baeffer, Rector


.-rA YES C. KEEVER Candidate for second term for Commissioner of Warren county. R pu'blican Primary Election, Tuesday, May 12, 1986.




W ayne_ville Farmers' Exchange Company Phone 25

Wayne.ville, Ohio

Worrisome Details


Under thll burden of sorrow, clients iind it worrisome to handle the countlesl small details that ' arise in a f un er al service. We have so perfected our orga.nization that every phase of t he ceremony. from cemetery matters to cards of sympathy, a re taken care of with.out bother to th e client. Th e r esult is a flawless service t hat places a minimllm of strain upon , th e grief-stricken.

To The Votera .o f Warren County I am a candidat e for County Commissioner of War ren County on th e Republican ticket subject to the will of the voter s at the Priinary election to be he ld on May 12th, 1936. I have lived in Washlngton Township since 1901 , and h ave served 8S Towns'htp Tr ust ee durin g the past 14 years. I believe my experience gained as such Trustee qualifies me for the office I seek. I have never been a candidate f or county office. Your support and ba llot marked as below will be incer ely a ppreciated FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONE~

Prlday-SatuJrday -- May8tb (l9tb

W.ynelville, Ohio

Hagemeyer -PoL A 4 v.

Grange Hall, WaYl1lesville

The County's

Auspices Guild of St. Mary's Churc'h, assisted by Lingo Hardware·Company, ~ebanon, Ohio

Community Coliseum

The Modern Cookilng Fuel

Madden" y

(X) Fred J.



' ~.Ial PbIIGI~. , Weare equipped to supply you with any style or size Fly Screen you need. Give us a call. We al.o carry a complete line of builder.' .upplie.. . ..' '

J. E.,McClure

Friday will be devoted t~ pr~paring food for sale Saturday. See PHIL'· GAS in operation as it can be in use in your home. . Mr. Gustin of Lingo Hardware Com .. pany will be present to answer 'any questions you may ask. -


tbe )' Palr, GrounCis

The. Round House ha. served ita d.y . . . a d ....7: buildin• •~d a new buildin. i. needed with ....ple apace for the .1"'''7 of th. 4H and Se win 8 Club•• Gran.ea. School Edaibita, Fruita aM F ..... : Prod..cta, Ii.ked Good., Caaned Good" FiDe Arb, N...... WM'k, Card- CI..., Exhibit••nd Merchants Booth••nd EUiblb. Thi. buildin8 will .110 pnmd•• cc-~ II... for all Idnd. of Ineetin" and lNuketbail tQUmana_a with ....... _~ of &am 2,000 to 2,100. A f ..lIy .....ipped kit• • _ ....., ~ ......... and _.'.n.t'1'OOIDIo , The ce-t~ 4H C ...... Gn!qee, P . . ... ........

..laDiA.......................... ....- . . . , ...... it,~ . . . . , .

• ..,11.1-'


Eighty-Eirhth Year


MRS. MARY CHAPMAN T~U;:~:::yA::'::~:' FORMER 80 AR0 DEfEATS HAWKE FOR~~~~~fc~::,h ~~rm~:;d:~, ~~i~ i MEMBER RECEIVES



Whole Number 6221

THiURSDAY, MAY 14, 1936



T0 GAAND ' JU'nY' WIDE RECOGNITION ~r~:~!~Slvi!:-~enl°:f :~O~!ur;t o~ FOLLOWING ARREST ed tion recently.

~~y ;~an7t 0~ 1 POST ON COMMITTEE :~o:t~~~n'R. ~~~~le~, d::~e~rs~h~:t~If:;;~nk:


Cliffol'd CIBI'kSlliIIC,1 Mmed superintendent of the




A memorial Ilerviee for tho 'lout' membe-rs who p~ ed away during I the past year wlll be held Bt the regular meeting of Farmcrs' Grunge next Saturday migbt. Rev. G. . Dibert, Tlasto~' of the 10llal M thouist cl1urch, will be guest Howard Wh eela n, 24, and Elzie speaker. Spencer Sb.ulk, of Universlt,. of Doctor, lD, af' sted here last Fri. Cinc:Jnnui, Commenrem._l day and held pendJng charges PI't'. Speakrr, ferred by Pennsy lvania RaiJt·oacl . authorities, were 81:raigned' Mon. tillY before Mayor A. K. Day. "Goimg to' School In a D~mo, Wb~lan tInd Doctor both plead. cracy" will be the theme for the lid guilty to a cha:rge ot removin~ commencem(>'l\t address to memo jo urnal brasses from 1'8ill'oud cars '=~~~~=~~~~~~~ bers of' lhe 1 36 elas of Waynea. a.nd '~'>(>,re bound over to the grand c; Ville high school Fr,lday night, May jury by Ma.yor, Day under bonds ~ 22, by Spenc('r Shank. acting dean of $l,OO(} each. The charges were Mrs. Gmee McCune, of Lima, of the University of Cincinnati o spent tM week·end with hel.' Teacher brought under a sp ec ial section of . ~ college. Mr. Shank, 8. product of tbe t he Ohio code. mother, ?{r . Eva Miller. They were return&! to Lebanon Buckeye sta\.e, was graduated The Roxanna Company f Ott b' U h Id and are being held in too county rom er etn .c<l ege, 0 s a announces they aN! now read .. to ter's d eg.ree f rom C0 Ium b'la 'a,'1 pend in" al'rangetnAnt' f or J mas J contract tor weel: corn. .. d d bond. It is not kn.oW1\ whether the UnlVer!!Ity, an a docLor'8 egree ease will be investigated by the Ml·S. Ruth Savage. of C at the Unive1'1lity ot Cincinnati, • d . . . ~ter. where he ii'! now located. With h' .I ' . tb May grand jury or achon deferre vtlle, spant Sunday With her until the Octo bet· term of court. mothc.r, Ml's. Belle inwiddie. 18 Wl( e expeTlence In e Whe Ian and Doctor are both ' ~ield of education Mr. Sha:nk will residents of Waynesville n,nd are Mr. and Mrs. Hartle}, MOilS a~d ctndoubt till' have a message of married. fanlily spent Sunday wit It interest Itlot only f01' members ot r lilLiv at Dunkirk, Indiana. fhe gr.aduating clW!!l but others as well. Mr. and Ml's. Myron Thomas. of In the , field of adult education; Dayton, weI' dinn r guests of Dean Shank hal! bee'n unusually Mr. anodJ MI1I. E. 1,. Thomas, Sun· lleLive, ha.ving seI'Ved ,on the state day. ~ounci1 and on th metropolitan council in Cincim"ati. Mr. and Mn. J. P. Fromm and Th~ ,Progl.'E$iVe Women'<s club sons .spent Sunday in PI asant Last summer ill order to study met at. The Little Inn TuE!Slda¥ Plain, th guests of Mr. and Mrs. auult education .further and to ob I'Ve the work ()f the public evening, May 12, {-Or the last meet Melvyn Banta. chools an.d un ive1'8ities in Europe, Ing of the year. Twenty·two Mrs. Cora Bakar and Mrs. he visited several countries on the members and five gue ts were Muriel J ohnson, of Wilmington , continent. for tbis purpo e. present. Planfl ure being forwarded The two· course dinner was were Sunday guests ot Mrs. Idtl followed by a bU$iness scssio.n Stolres and Mrs. Ada Courtney. fo,' tbe • nnual reunion of the Waynellvllle high school alumni with Miss Kathryn Gibbons pre· Rev. and Mr . G. C. Dibert and associati n to be held on Satuniay h siding. T e nominatillg committee family spent Thursday of last ellening, ~ay 23. pre enlled the names of the officers week at the General Conference o[ ClOSing datA! of Wayme tOWIIIsbip selected for the coming year the Methodist church in Colum· scllools Jras been extended to Ma.y which were accepted by the club bus. 27, by action of the board of and lIIJ'e as follows: Miss Helen Hawke, pregid~t; Xre. Emma H. Market you,r wool cooperatively. education~ to comply' with pro ...isMcClure, vice pt'eflident, Miss Vir· Sell it on its merits. Get a Iibel'al [o·n s of the newo state foundatfun gene Roe, secretary and Mrs. Lina cash advance and be assul'ed of program, wHh which schools must Madden, treasuret'o full value when iIOld . Waynesville c~mpJ}' Lo share in the distribution of state funds. Th e program con!IIS..., .• Ad 0 f a read Farmers' Ex. Co. jng by MirB. Ralph H8$l;ings Mt-alId Mrs. Harold Williamson fOllowed by the speaker of thl,l end IiIOn~ Richard, of Dayton, and evening, Mrs. RaclJel Harding, Mr. and Mrs. 1. O. Brown, were Wan'en county probation officer, guests of My. Dnd Mrs. H. J.I. who spoke interestingly of her Williamson StIlJlday. work. Both ,n nmbers were ...erry much enjo),ed. Mr. and Mrs. 'L. A, Garst, Mr. .. - - - an.d Mrs. R. E. Frank, and Mr. FRIENDS MEETINC and Mrs. I. O. ,Brown, ~joyed a First-ciay School at 9 :8G a. •• picnic supper Sunday at the Clif. Meeting for Wo.rsblp at 10:10 m. ton GeOfgl!, ne:a r ClifLon, Ohio.




Mr. amp ia weU known here, Hacemeyer, McClu ... and Graham enlooper of CincinllAti diocesan I . S. Ellis, a former member of having b~l ell1J>1oyed several jlupply , retary are ~xpeeted to'l the Wa,yne Township Board of . ummel'S at lh, Wayn sville oal Win NOmJnatione in Tu.· be , present at this meeting. A full Education is receiving wide and Ice plnnt. At ]l1'CsenL he is da,. Primaty attendance is desired. recognition tht·ough un urticle ap· ----.~_ • pearlng in th May i su of "The teachl~g at Ht~dJ!.. Ohio. With n nOrn1al primary vote cast, American School Board Journal" the arduous task of tabulating the published in Milwaukee, Wiscon. ballots and the defeat of Johu C. sin. Each mOllth, th is magazin Hawke by Mrs. Mary B. Cbar)man contains:an article head~ "Schcol (or membership On the Warren , Board Members Who Are Making C()unty Repul)lican central oom· Educational History in American mittee, featured Tuesday' election Schools." The acoount reads in - ---in Wayne township. full" as follows: The last meeting: of th Spo~. "Sid Elllis has a long record of manship Brothel'hood for lh cur· Mrs. Chapma.n, on the face of unofficial 1'6\.u1"os, had defeated Ml'S. Laura Sid~, of Dayton, public setyice to his credit--ihe rent scho,,1 year will be held Fri· Mr. Hawke, who has served as ' visited friends here, Wednesday. type which builds eharacter aDd day of this week b4~ ginning at icn· Wayne tOW!ll1lhip's representative culture but which brings vel'Y forty. on the board for many years, by a Misses Trillena and Ma;rgaret little l)ecul1iary return or publie Vincent rit'fy will pTesid~ nnd vote of 146 00 182. Edwards BP nt Tuesday in Dayton. appreciation. He 'is tb grandson Franc Ellis ill Il-ct as secreUiry Returns fol' the entire count.y ot thc famous Seth H. "Falhe~'" The prOg1'am will include; .h.J untl·1 noon "Mrs. Amelia Wl1liams is serio Ellis whoee 'name Is so pl'ominei:.. wer nb t comp1ellQU' Selection by j,the band. ~.. d ue t 0 th e Ia.rge num· oU81y ill at her home on Tyler 1y identifi d wiLh pion er farm W e d n"'-lay Talk, "Four Y, of Sports. stl-eet. . ber f names appearang on b Q th . organization, Wooster, Ohio Ex. manship," Francis Ellis. Republican and Democl'atic baJlots Mr. Harry Hamilton, of Cleve- perimentsl Farm, The Ohio Rcmerk by ' Mr. RaWeld, as the Unofficial returne indicated land, was a bUBiness visitor tn Grange, Ohio tate University first sj') on 01' of' tru~ S-portsmanship however that Fred J, Hagemeyer Waynesville this wee1c. Coil iN of Agriculture, and the Brotherhood 1,\ Waynesville. and Scott McClure had been noml. . ' creation of a.n Ohio State Fair "Sportsmanship Dur ing Vaca· nated fOT count.y commissioner on The Roxa.nna Cannmg Company se~ond to none. ticn," Marjorie Ea:rnhart. the ~publican ticket and that announces tool" are now ready to His record as president o! the Music by t he band. Wayne township b~ard. from Remarks by I MI'• . Lotz, as or· William E. Graham and George E. contract for sweet corn. Young were the Republican's Mi Mary Leah EdWllU'da, of , Janua!'Y, 1922, untli January, ganizer of thGl lb-otherhood in choices for &b6rjrt and cOJr)mon Springfield, vuited relatives and 11936, is one of unu$ual success, Wayn~vllle. fliend here Su.nday. cMracte1"ized by al conscientious Song by the gertior girls In the pleas judge respectively. Unofficial I'Csulb, of the Hawke· study of chool problems and tbe S~rt.smanship Sr !.hEn·hood. Chapman race in Wayne township Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Rich. were appl\catipn of state law thereto, Rem~u'ks, "T re Is Still Work wcr as follows: Northwest:. Wayne gueats of their 80n Maynard at and an lntenslv dellotion to duty. to Do," Vine fit Grifl'y, retiring Chapman 32, Hawke 26; SouLh· Ohio State University, Sunday. Under his leadership of a.n effi- president. • west Wayne, Chapman 14, Hawke ciel'lt board too local schools woere Music by tho band. 11, East. Wayne, Chapman 35, L. C. St. John and R. H. Hart- succesdu lly brought throunh High School Song. Ha w k e 10; N0 rth COrpOM ti on Bock attended Masonic in pection financial difficulties that ..all --~3 H 1. 62 d at Butlervill , Saturday night. Cha pman .. , aw~e ; an but swamped so many school P~IILlIPS outh Corporation, Cbapman 22, Miaa KAthryn Gibbons attended throughout the country. It wa Ha.wke Ohio St.ate Nur&C convention in , this fine leadership that caused Mr In the Wayne townllhip race for Columbus, Thursday and Friday Elli s' host of frie.nds to insist that he become:a. candjdate for member ~ Democr&tic committee Keller Hoak of last week. W<ln ove.r F. H. GTaham by a vote hip on the COqllty board. After ___ of 66 to 44.. , Mr. and Mrs. Seth T\l.omas nnd having sC1.... ed as a member of t.h Funeral service,s for Charles 'The complete unofficial vote for sons, of Cleveland, were we~k·end latter bOl!rd for one year, in rec. Phillips, who died at his oome in the 45 Warren county pr6Cinets guests of relatives hel'e and a,t ognition of his accomplished Xenia, Thul'sd4Y. May 7, after a followfl: Spring Valley• leadership in school management, long illness, W I'e held Saturday RepabUc:aa Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Day have h Wil wndered Lhe pl'e idency by morning at S," Brigid's Catholic Preferen.ce tor president: StA!. stored their hou ehold goods and his colleagues which he has held church and burial was in Wood. phon A, Day 779. have taken rOQm and board in the s ince January, 1 ~8 4. l'llnd cemetery. .For delegates-at-Iarge to nati. home of Mrs. Maude Crane. Mr. Phillips was the fath r of anal con v etD,ti 0 n (~i If h " Stephen ,Q. Phillipi" Xe.nia, nat ion· •~ b ,' -........ ). C... J B ~r. Will Gustm ~as ra. guest at lilly \mown -wrte1' of harn .... "" e (!'.""...,... -.cenee , rown tru I b t' t the t t --(Taft) 2,108; Walter F. Brown I eee e .ra .1On 0 wen y. race events, and 'L brother of the (Taft) 1,727: LeRoy N. Bundy ' ft~th w~ddmg amnlversary of lESllate "Uncle Steve" ,PhilliJls, (Taft) 1,622; My6r'll Y. Cooper friends In Lebanon, Sunday. celebrated dl'iv rand trainel1 of (Taft) 1,839; Leland' S. I Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sumner harness h()rses. (Bonh) 594; Rullllell C. Heddl~ ' of Lebanon, spent the week-end Again our eighth grade made Too son ' of t he late Gabriel n.nd st.n (Borah) 487', Gertl'udeJlJIIle8 i wJth )frs. Sumner'· parente, Mr. 1IJ\ evillble howing in the State . Susan Phillips, hl~ was oorn at.. hh d Mr, and Mrs, Orville J. Gray (Taft) 1,511; John S. Knigbt ' and Mrs. Reonry Satwrthwaite. ~Ig t gr. e scholarship te~t. . Wa,ynesville, Ma~' 14, 1855 and and daughter, Miss Barbara, FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST (Borah) 60S', Alice Roosevelt Mary Eva LeMay was placed 10 was the, la t mel'llQer of B family Alber' M. Parker-,w"~ WAG an. ··ted M G ' Carl Smitb, lIln.ter 14 d M W W S hat th fi -" f 212 5 " . , . , ..., ¥ VISI r. ray s patents at Longworth (Taft) 1 '795' Roscoe r. an rs. . • c zman e rst one pel'Ce ..... 0 , 5 of 11 children. He had been a resi· pointed count.y audit0t: to succeed ClarksvUle-, and Mrs. ' G1'8Y'S Perry Thomas, Supt. of Bible C. McCulloch (Borah) 643; Char- i and ~.o chil~ran, ot MadililOnville, student.!! in the state taking the dent. of Xenia sin4:e 1882 and Wag th late Will R. Lewis, Look th F School Sunday School 9 :30 a. m. leI! 'McIntire (Borah) 528: Daniel a~d .l'tfi.tIs Letitia Sch ..tzm~n, of test. To rank in the first one per· a merchant polie~,rnan there 47 oath 001 office Saturday morning, parents, at. toanklin, SUillday. E. Korpn (Borah) 0629; Frank M CmcUlnati, sPent Sllndll\y WIth Mr. cent, a scote of 162 ,was l'eqtJired. years, retiring in 1932. th oath being administered by Mrs. L. A. Wa$hbu~, of Xenill, Communion 19:.5 a. m. Ranllbottom (Nt) 1/581; Carmi and 'Mrs. W. O. Raper. Mary Eva scored 164. the only H is urvived by his wid.ow; Clerk of Courts Clyde C, . Collins. was the week.end g'Uoe.f!t of Mr. and Sermon 11 a. ro., A. Thomp80n (Taft) 1,647 j Elsie Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Brady, student in Warren county to be- in six children, M:rs. Bert Van Mr. Parker received his commis- Mrs. F. U. LeMay and MiSli Helen Bennett Wilson (Borah) 478. and Mrs. Henry Rough, of Xenia; this class. Carol Ludington came Cleaf, Mr. Frtank HutchinJlon, s ion ' at Oolumbus Friday and his Hawke. Mrs. Mary O. CroBs was WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OP For district delegate to nation. Mr. and ,Mrs. Earl Hough v ~y close with a score of 157. Stephen, G., Virginia and Charles, bond was approved by the com. also a. dinn6'l' gucst at the LeMay CHRIST al convention (two to be e1ected): family, <of Dayton, were dinner Tak!ng our eightb gl.'8.Qe as a of Xenia and Mnl. G. A. Will tt, missioners at; a, special m~ting home on Sutlday. Carl Smith, 1I1n~ W. B. Florence (Borah) 419; Oore guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph whole the}' made a vcr>, sati fact· of Oakwood, Dayton. bEld Sa.turday. . Not A DenominatJoD d (Taft) 1, 383: R R Linn, SundaIIv • ory shOwing. OGnvetting the indi- - -- - M1". ,and M1i!. Rtma1d Hawke J enny. C Badley S . treian .. Mr. Parker stated that tbere will enterbllfned at dinner on SlInday, r , SuptLewis (Borah) 666; Lewil!l L. vidual scores into letter gl'1ldes be no change in tbe personnel of Mr and M1'8 F C Ha tsQck M' 9:30, Bible School. Miller (Taft) 1,560. Mrs. May Cook, Mrs. D01"Othy as assigned by th~ state, we had ,., tb 'auditor's office. Will J. Rank-' . . . l' , ISS Lesson text: Jesus llUlPi res v_. '"'---e four l'eceivin'" n" A 9" B 2' n Mildred and Mr. Chal'les Hartsock F o:r governor: ..Ycolm W. Bricker He......alee, of Dayton, ""U ""'"'.... .. .... ' , ' .. , .... er will co.rutinue as deputy audio of Milford" Mrs. Edith ' ]Janis, Honesty, Luke 19 :1-10, 46-48. 2,613. • c, will tor, Miss lndia Ranker and Mrs. Heighway and Mr. Golden text, Shall not For lieutenant govemor (one to "' ..., . . "' Lucy Lutl as clerks, and. Alfred HarrJ's '06 0 her'. Steal," Ex. 20 :16. • ' t ed) : D'avid ... _lest. of Mr• and bemad.e. at the Central bigh sch<lol --.... b e' nomma ... e K'i n Iey w~ dinner .. '" Schwru'tz as' the deputy Ilea~ of 10:30, 8010, Mnl ~ T. B. Bran· Ferguson 182; Paul M. Herbert Mrs. E. C. Crane, Sunday evening building in Columbus. The "Associat,ion " News" of weights and measure8. No one Mr. and Mn. W. B. , Squires. nock. 716; James A, Jones, l,092j Mrs, W. B. Russum, Miss Mar- , Mary Eva, together wit h J:anc Kankakee, m., Clfficial organ ()t will be added to the ata ft' lit the Mrs. W. J. Baker, Mr. and Mrs. 10:45 Lord's Supper. Karet RUI8UlD, Dr. Oak E. RUB- Cook who ranked 'high in the the minoi Assodation of Insur. present time, 'M'1-. Parker states. Clyde Egbert, Mr. and Mrs. M. 7 p. ,m, Christian Endeavor, George E. Turner 888. For aecret.ry of state (one to 'tum, lIrs. RUllllum lind their two senior scholarship test, fUlId Boy .ance Agents, in its current issue Tbere hq beert no dECision on A. Fulkerson. Mr. Van pelt and Leader John Sea1'8. be lI.()mlllated): Earl GrUIlth dautrh1.era of D.yton, and Mr. O. J Crockett who ranked second in has a feature article on too work the I,ength of Mr. Parker'5 appoint Mr. and Mn. W. O. WeTiI Wedbetlday night, 7~45-pra.yer 1,436; Edward J. Hummea 493: Edwardll, of Sprinefleldl, lI.,ent World History in the Miami dis· of Mrs. Evaly;n Punkey Andr~ws, ment a.uthorities failing to agree ]lleasantly entertained a.t the bome and Bible study 8:30, choiT pracDale S~mp .aD. Sunday with OXiuea Trillena and met bave- been, notified by the librarian of t.he Chicago In ur· on p~oper method- of ,electing a of )11'. an.d Mrs. A. H. Stubbs, tice. for auditor of state: Josepb T"lol&rsraret Edward.. St;a,te Department of Education to ance Library in, tb Insu,ranceEx· successor to Mr. Lewis. On& opin- Tuesday evaning. On account of baccalaureate Traey, 2,294. attend the meetinJ and, receive . change buildIng ~,f that city. Mrs. ion provides for tbe E<lection o'f an ' sln"Vice we will not have e~d A : n dre:.w Is . a nat:IV'e . 0f Waynes- auditor for the un.expired tenn at 'Robel't Adams.' of Dayto ' n, ... """'nd. F or tn '!I'll'8l' 0 f ltate (one to A troup 0f memb en 0f t h e t '--I 'I'" I' Cit,rtl'ft cat es 0fawar. _. gelistic service Lord's Day aveninc be 'D omlnated): HalT)' , S. Day 1o~1 chapter Order Eaatern Star -: - • ,ville and a graduate of. our 'high the November elections ihis '}'ear son a f Mr, and Mra. Oliver Davis, 2,222; Lewl. A. Banford, 810. comprlaina 'Xrs. Vem Arniitqi, Fru,t ~-. . ' school. The articlle says: I while another would give M1". Pal'- is in t~ Good. Samaritan hOIlPitsl, WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH For attomey ptleral (one to Mrs. L. V. Branatratol', )lrll. )lyer If sha~ Ol.' frUIt trees were In· "A hundred tillites a <I&t the tel· ker the ''''ma.inder of the term on 8u1i'ering with blood poison.. C D th . t th t t .~ Rev. G. • lbert, Putoa ' . d d' b e lI'I.()minated): Thomas J. Berbert Hyman, Mra. Glell Bland, Mrs. L. Jure urlng e Will er so a ephone in the LiI~rJLry of the Chi· j the ba$is of his appointment by The Friendship club of the Sunday: Sunday achool at 9:30 ' Methodist church was enter'kined a. m. Morning worship at 10 :.0. 1,444; C. B. McClintock 867; John C. St. John., Mr. &ad Mn. E. J strips of bark peel from the trunk ,cago Board of Fll'e Underwriters the commissioners. H. Price 416. Earnhart, Ki.. M_rjorle Earnhart tbe loose bark should be trimmed rings. As many times, Mrs. Eva)""" , • at tbe homo~ of ......·rs. Herma··n .The sermon Bubject wlll be, "Peace I~ For ecinrrellman ·at-Iaree (full 111'1. J. P. Fromm &tid ,:Mi'. Ken· back to live tisaue On all sides of F. Andrews pick!i up the receiver FORMER RESIDENT DIE5 faee. Wedne&day , afternoon. to M&n of Good Wilt" tenn: tW'o to be nominated): netb Fromm; attended 11lt1IDel~t.llloll. the injury. (Continued 011 pale 4) AT HOME OF SON IN DAYTON Th ·11..... 1--' George H. Bender 880; Charles at Morrow, Thunday ni"bt. Mrs. Alvin. Ea.rnhart, Mira. ere Wl ..,.. 11'1.0 even DC ae~ nee ... H H Frida i h ~ Bla d ' ____ .1 Ann, a Sheehan, Miss Sarah Smith, in our ehurch because of the D 'Iek 1"1 u, m. erbert oover 867: y n g t, .. rs. n, Mn. IIrs. Mae V. Haines, P.......... away Baccalau.r'eate service at the RiCh Raym~d J. ieffreoys 197; L. L. John, MI'&. Bran8tmtor and Ml'S. Friday at. the home of ' her son Mr. LamaT Earnhart, Mrs. Belle School. . . Marilball Hainell, in Dayton, fol ' Dinwiddie and Mrs. Magg(e A 'h91't, meetlpc .of the OiBew Me.rshalJ, 89.; Alexander H. Mart. EarnhRt were gu1l8ta of , Clarkaill> 144i L. 'r., Palmer 1,408; Ben- ville chapter at tbelr Jnspeet1oD. lowing an extellded illness. Th6 Burnet .atten4ed the fu,nerlll Beard \fill be htld immediately jamin. F. Readlnc 102; S. A. 1,rJ wife of the late Jon_than Haln.e., lMlI'Viees for Mrs. Mae V. . Rineer 6t6; J. ElIl'&ne Roberl:lllUI the w~, for many yean, 11 reid- at Dayton, Monday aI'Ul1loon. fonowinli .the morninc aervtee• . hm.. 100. 20"; V.rlin. L. Pulley 1,181. d .. tho it Wedn8!lday: The Ladi.' AJd J oe ..... ~ ..... ent OJ. 18 comJilun y. Xn. C, E. Deatherage W8S Society ,.m meet with IJn. For eo~-at-laq. (uuex For repftll!lltat1ve to pnenl .. Ddllar8 tbat slip away from Waynesville SUl"Vivirw are three! daughtetw, tendered a pleasant surprise, 81m. Dibert at sa p. III. pired term; ODe ~ be nOmiDlted): aembl,:Arthur HamUton 1,843. sl~ght chance of returning. Mn. Anna Vance, of Darton, M~ .. Benaon Oct- 1,688. ' For Judp of common pleu coort Eatla Tbobell'l, of Louisville, Ky., day, at her home nellr Oreconia, At, :80 Po m.. ... will COD• • For judp of lUpi'eme court (two (one .to be nomtniated): W1Ulam Business analysts who have made a study of d M Ida Sh d of Leb- Ule oceaaion oolebratll\C lIer bl~ our pl'&Jer elrele and ael, ef la" u_ ..... E 80l'er 868 Il-- E V cOrlditions in rural communitiea and small tOWnB .... rs. Merw_~ 1'l H . dar anniv~. ThOle who .tewud.hlp, 1itth lin. lAwIla , be : WUI m ... • , .... ""'.- • -k f th t h . t anon; two Ions, arana alnea, ~-"'ieipated were IIr. And Mn. Brown .. 1_ _. 1,657, Bo, B. wm.... 1,'768. 1,40'7. now it to be a proven act, a mue money 18 spen Dayton., and WIUiam Hain.ea,""· feU wr ... "PNMIltati'N" 4 1 0 - For Judp of probate court: in luger centers for indentical 'products that could T-l-- Oklah IDa Perry Davis, 0 arro ton, AJ'.; - - RaJ h B. ear. I 887 be purchased in these towns and villages for the '""0'. Mr, aDd _n, heem.aa Sabea10D IT. IIAIIY'I (cme to be nom_ted): L. T. P .", l'uneral lervices, conduded b., UHl dallchWf DorotbT. of GIl• . , . ,_ ., I. I • ....... ' '-4!'1!. ~ 1,001; ~ For e01l1lltly eommt.lon (two to same price; Rev. G. C. Dibert. paator of tile ~.: . . . . .4 11ft. ..... )leU..... 7• ..... '11. b. FNd. J. s.... On Page 2 of the current issue of The Miami lonI MethodJBt chum, Wltft heW ... aad clIIIWbter ilIrD of QacIa. . . of . . . ..,., 1.117. B.,.. C. Kerr.. t,Gazette will be found advertisements of Wa.ynesville 1Icnuta, at .... I'IIIdenee of • ' .....





















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merchaDts. who for the next 12 weeks are cooperatiq ill an eftort to show you tbe advantages of bUT-

Ina ill Waynesville.


aon In DQtoa acl burial .... JIWcll. Ban .:-:~.

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an rraqMll nl of • 'Ov r ideal. on widell we ha•• tried to the 4!lltata of Etta M. Mmer. Ut'-· Jlilb and DaI8A·' by EtJ*bert you. perfect. We IIhoold at 8)'11 do and ceued, ftlN! her first and final IICNevin, and eleetione from MenWe' owe an to our To th junior hiah choo! stud- act with the thouarht to thoee count. d",lliIIOh"'s "Midllummer Night'. par~ntll for what The first and final account or huvl.' done l!nl.$, we ~hould fet'l an ohligation people who are looking up to UI 81 Dream." Sylvan Poinilett, adminillh'alor of and are doing for u., If it were for it i. tht'y who will. cllrl'Y th ~ e mpleR. The tea W8.lI Il very lovely affair n«;lt lor th('m and thair .ocrificell, = ===================,; the estate ot Mary A. Poinsett, d~ naccalaur.. te Ser"ice Will Ba Kl'llner; English LIl.<"ratufe ClaslI and an occasion which those who CI!8!k!d, WM approve,d, .allowc<l and ~(' would not. h living in a land of H.. ld Sunda,. lH'oph cy. Jan.- ook; eSM)" "Why att.{'OJlMd will not soon fol'gC't. eonfil'm~ by t~ court. cqunlity nnel pence. It is OUI' duty . ,I /I. m Proud to Gt'aduatc- From . The fir t alid .0111 account of it) lll'otect our l'iirhl~ and not Teacher. Picnic .t Fort Ancient 'I'll<' annual ha~'Cl\laurc/1to ~CI'\'lCle ",raynesville," Ann L. eran; abuse them. Meta J. Rogers, admini tratrix of Tlte following attenllod the r"r t.he grauuntmg e1l1Ss wIll. he Allll\!ling h ppening.. during our the estate of G. FrlJnk 'Rogen,' AeOur future d."pend: on ho\, we held in the gynl undny eVl'nmg, hilth school car e"" Mary Burton; annual spling outing o( th ceased, as anminlstratol' of tho faculty, held last Thursday al nct in S('hool so we should try to ~l ay 17, at ight n'clock high . chool !!Ong, "The Orange Fort .Ancient: Mr. Qnd Mrs. Garst \iv~ LIP ' to the higll ideal s t by L._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..... estate .of Annette Rogoers deceaR d The l)fllKl'lIm is as foil WS: ilnd the Black" was approved allowed and on['!'tIC .. Si(llHU This is tho last program of t.his Ml\ and Mrs. Frank, Mr. and M . our sc ho.ol, We l\ould do all in our Common Plea. Proceedine. CIi~ord Montgon~el'Y and Ha~ firmed by the court. Dod enbender, Mr. and Mrs. Brown po\\" \' to R\: tha.t II ftt'l' we llre out HYlTln . The Cong'l'eog'atiotl kind by the literary society ot the EmIly wer a1)pomted to appraise The- court approved, allowed and Ml\ and Mrs. Kersey, Me rs. aat- (If school Wt' do l~ o t len\'c our Th e ca..~ of The P op1c's BuildIn\o'o a li on R v. W. . mith ·olor Iilel·at.uroe class. rea] estate. conflrmed the second account of field, Ferguson and McDonald, obligation behind ll$. It is our jng, Loan and Sa vings o. vel" :';cl'iptm'(l Reading .... ...... Th e ta.te of C. C. Miller, de- Clitford Stitt, gun.rdian of Ru lh Uev. J. J. Seha !fer .SeDlor Girl. Attend Tea and th~ Misses Day, Carter, c- duty to see lha~ uther!! carty M ~ us O:;:col'et\.1l Reom, et al, is disceased! wa~ found to b exempt Ann titt, incompetent. ~ Vocal 010 Mr. R. E, Frank All the 1Ieoior girls in Wanen Kinsey, Roe, Smith, Campbell and wi th their oblig a lil ns as w U as missed. fl'om IDhel'lta~ce tax: . . The court approV'oo, allowed lind ')'he ermon .. R(lv. G. . Dibert county were very graciously Henkle. In lh e case of The Board of nnd b tter than WI a re- d o inA' our arah L. Slltt, a.dlnllllstr&tnx o·t confirmed the first lind final /\C' h l·u\.lhn ong, Botlllyall ki ...... entertained Friru.y evening by share. In oth er we)J'lis, we . hould E ducation Lebnnon Village School the eRate of C. C. Miller, de- count of Daisy Roush. Snyder, od. ,. W. H. S, Choir the Women's BusinetllS and Pro- M,. Oblieation••• a Hieh Seb.ool be loyal alumni . Di;;tl'ict v fll US Douglas Hollings· e ased, filed her Arst and fln.o.l BC· mini tratrix of the e.<!ta.t ot Carl n ancdict ion . R v. J. J. chaelfel' fessional CIllb o~ Lebanon., at. the Stucl~t We have an obligation to nul' w Ol·th, ot aI, th e motion, of the . Roush deeell!\ed. RI' e.'Iliional Gold n Lamb. The occasion Vias a (A papeT submitted to the cIa in Ulachers--to work I o r them eat'· plai ntiff to et a "ide decision, find- count. Gertrude S. Miller administraThe' third' uccount of MiMi e Mu .ic ;Cor the Pl'oces ional and ten, which is held annually lor all American Democracy, by Phylli neatly anti diligently so that we ing a nd judgment of court heroe-to tl~ix of the estat.e of Obe K. Mlll~r St wat'd, guardian Of Ma.dnn t he rcel'S: ional " i ll be furni&hed ' senior gMs, the future b,-siness Collette.) may leal'll all that is exp cbei1 of for o rend l·ed. llnd for a new trial deceased, tiled her staten1ent 111 Gard, Jr., minor, Wil approved IlllIy t he school IlrcheSLrQ under the women of the county. Twelve girls W!uit does obligation really UI\ a nd make their task en ier fo r "' lIB overruled. lieu of final account. . lowed and confirmed by the cou!'t difccliQn of Ml\ Frank. b'om Waynesville, in compa.ny mean? Docs it mean n duty or a th m. III the case of Mal'garet E. Folk The estate of Obe Miller, deThe fit'St and fllUIl I.Iccount of W with their teacher and own de'an SI"lYice to do for one's country, E , pecially do WE! have obl igati- ve),s us J nnie J. Snell, et aI, pal·ti ce~ d, was found to be exempt A. POQs, Ilxecutor of th et!tate of Fare-well Senior DiRerature- Cia.. of girl,)U Esther Smith, were home, friends, 01' to oneself? I on t o Ollr i rien dR, An obliga tion ti01l of real e state is ord 'l'ed. from inhETitance tax. I M81'k Pardee decooaed wa.'1 al)The . enior literary society of fortunate eonough to attend, What obligation do we owe to our of this sort. urges UIS to be the kind It is ol'dcl'('(\ that a memorial in Lewis 0 .Gustin 'Snd Sylvan E. ' proved, allow~d and co~firm d lJy , u yn~viJJe high school will hold A very interesting program had school, community, 01' family? l of ft'lend to th em that we expect i honor of Robert J. Shawhan .be Gustin, administrators of the et!- th court. t.hei r III t nleeting Friday, May 15. been arranged. Miss Elma Roberts, As a high,.,scbool student, I am the ll1 to be to us. Do not be ISPI' ad Up Ol1 the J ournal of thi tate of Mary Ama?da Gustin, de· I The COU1'!; approved, allowed amI The program committee, COD is~ dean of ·g irl at Hughes high obligated to do everything in my friends to thoir bC llS only and tnlk court, ceased, flIed their In.ventOl'Y, . fi . d th first and fina I IICing oj" Donald .Foulk, Wilma scbool, Oincinna:ti, and former power to uphold the customs and about. .t hem wh n 1th ir back!!81'C 1 In the matt.e,r of the Otterbein · d' t ' d d'A ' con I me (l 1 Th e a d JU . .Ica l~n an e",,"rman· count of Cad G. Joncs, Iltlminilltra mith, and Frances Ellis has plan- slIperintendent of Waynesville, traditions of my school. I should tUl'Red. Regard eve ryt hing th ~ y bome, it is ordcl'cd that sale of a.tlon of tll inherItance tax on the tor of ~he estate of Horman l~. lied the following program to be was the principle ·speaker. Sh s ~e that I help keep our chool in . ay to us ill s tricLl('st oonfi donce real tate be approved. ~state of Maud F tier, deooa ed, J dec e'lI g jv n: . gave a most inte'}'esting talk based the foremost ranks of scholastic and never b tray l.hem, Stnnd up is to be given to aU persons inter- ones eas. , D votions, Cecil Harman; Orig- on, stories about her "own girls," honors. Every student hould set for thom when eV(!Ioyone -else is Probate Court The will of ~rary Flemlllg, d ested. inal poem, "High. ScllDol Days," cases taken from her high schOOl. an example of physical fitne& and against th m. Be g:lad wh en they In the case of Thomas C. Clu·j In the matter of the osbate of D. cOOJieu, was dmltted to court. larjorie Earnhart; one-act playlet Mrs. Walker, of Mason added to mental intelligence that may well nre at the t op, and whel1 they have tie, as yua.rdian of John R, Poi n- Victor Vall Riper, deceased, trans A c~'~ficd eop~ of .the entry "Two Years From Today", Wilma the program by giving two very be follow d. It is every one's duty sJipped lllourn with them and help sett. incompetent, versus John R. fer of assel;e is ordered. determlmng the IIIher-ltanoo tux mith. ~uth Salisbury, John beAutiful classical selections on the to do his best in school. to play them to I·ise. · bove· all, be to them Poinsett, et aI, Lewis O. Gu.tin, Sarah L. Stitt, administratrix ol (ContiDued on Page S) plano,

chool_cr ____ High Spots . -,- - --

_. ____




1,.--------------------------: NEWS FROM THE WARREN




The price of tire. hal advanced about 10%. If· in need of'tire_ now i. the to buy. Another tire 9x12 Ru~s cleaned and advance loon i. predicted. sham-pooro, $2.50; Curtains 50c a pair; Drapes, 50c a We Mil our tractor oil, SAE 30-40 or SO, 5 calion. pair; Silk Bjedspr~ads, for '3.00- Tax free for $1.25 and U1P; Lamp Tractor UM. Shade , 36c and up.

Quick Cleaners


Waynesville National Bank Member of

The Federal In.urance

Gordon's ·Serv· Station





Watch for the Openibl of


Hasting's Garage & Service Station



Kathryn MendeJ;lhaJl, Mgr.


Waynesville" Ohio

Door and Window

Smith'. Grocery


We will lave you money'm the lone run. Quit in food mea~. health. Money ..ved, on cheap food will not buy a new .tomach. to Meaaure.


W. H. Madden & Company Phone 14

D. R. Smith

Wa,....vill•• Ohio

Special, For The Week-end McAleer's Auto Polish and Cleaner ~ and 3 yds. of Polishing Cloth .......... 7ge Simonize, Wax or Cleaner, each ..... . , ... 44c • Sodrin Stop Leak .•... ,., ........ .)0 .. .. 29c

For McCormick.Deerinc Repain for Binder., Mowen and Tr.cto.... Larre _tock of Canva...., Guard., Section. Pit. m ..... etc., on hand .


R. D., Collett Hardware'l and ' I


Phone 99R3


FORD Phone 23

Wayne.ville. Ohio

Semelan Jr.

and Simpson



SERVICE Wayneaville. Ohio

Wayne Park Swimming Pool

Seed Corn Dilinfect&nt Protect your cora crop from root'rot, etc. SemelAn Jr_ treatment cosb onlY .2 cenb per acre. CROW TOX Will keep the Crow. away

Opening Decoration Day

Waynesville Farmers' ElC. Co . .-hone 25

. Wayne.ville, Ohio

Phone No. 19




Wamesville, Ohio

May 30th

Wayneaville, Ohio •

Special . ,.


s •.o•


Do you r&mb•• when FOU buy ordAlr ea~or are misrepresent.fro m a man.order house or chain tlone. We realize .th-.t this is a . store? It y'ou have bought trom very strong ' statement but we can eithel' of t hese salell (>utlets the prove it .. Open. a. mail-order catalog answer is in your own experienoe. and no.tice the picturles. In moat and your OWn l\CICeipted bills. instances they are dl:awings. of Waynelville, Ohio How can .a perso~ actually judge wood cuts. An honest phbtograph the grades and quality of a pro- would btil)&' out too mllDY defects. . duct from a picture? It is o.n ly If a photograph is u84~d, in mO/!t Lunche_ .nd S.ndwiche. nat ural that the mail-order house instances you may fee,l sure that will Illa)(e a. fine drawing ' lind an artist b8$ employe(~ hi8 talent 8upplem~t it with a , g lowing de- to "retouch out" &lid correct all Ice Cream-Candi~. . scription of the merchandise. TM ' t he imperfectioll8. result can only mean disappoint.· In many cues the stoi'es ment to the purchaser, • Ulle " Branda" amd "Special Most iIIustrationli in a mAil- ; Packaging" of standarel brands 118

.-" Oil Pennanent . , . .. ... , .... _ . . . . . • $4.50. Drene Shampoo and Finger Wave .... '.60

Real Art Beauty Shop . Pho~ 61R3

Ga. &: Opaline Motor Oil, per calion


Batterie. Tirea--Kendall Oil

Smith's Service Station . W.yneaYiIl.,. Ohio

,.1 •••• '1 ••• , ••••••••••• ••• •



a mean; tor productnr the impr. . Aach. 'aint NoW sl~n of haraaln.. . R..Roof or F'- That New Porch Now It is not necessary tor anyone to . gamble til. th-e matter of merchandle quaUtyand value it buying: ilS confined to locally owned stores. . Phone 54 Wayneaville. Ohio No. chnce for substitution, disappointment and delay. You see what you buy and you know you SPECIALS FOR THE MOBILGAS and ~ gettlng in honeat value ell:8ctly WEEK.END ~hat you pay for and all that JOU MOBILOIL pay for •. •every time. $1.00 House Dre!58es . .. 8Sc The reputation and gu8lrllntee .' The ~ip of Th. of yout local merch~t are be- $4.00 Crepe Dresses ..• hind every product which he sellll. Reel. Horae Stop gamblinlrT $6.00 Men's Summer

J.. R. Gibbons


Suits ... ,... . . . .. ""88


Home Rendered lard, 2 pounds 'for

\ 14c

ZOe Sanitary Napkins (Frens) ...... , ... ,. lie



W.yn••vill.,. Ohio

Three Special. Weekly lie


Peck's Food Shop

$.yrup Pe~iD ........... __ 4Ic

Steak, lb. . ..... • . ,. 20e Bologna, lb. •• . . lie Fresh Callies, lb. , . . . 17c Franks, 2 lb. , .• , .. -33c



Sugar Cured Bacon, lb.. , •.... ,', , . .. lie

A. K. Day Wayn.."'a.. 0JU0

... u.,.

Waynesville service Station Erwia IIu., Prop.

1\..,' •


- .

- - - - ------

0.. PRINTED WOItD HAS ' Govel'nment, and aillo that the Crates, .tc. Comml88lon hall no Ilg~ntN who adding machine ribbon $1; John· ADVANTACE OVER G.CMI Bllilcll.. Lot solicit applications fur oivil St'fvico . on-Watson Co., l'nv~lopes for RADIO. BUCK SAYS Jrnm{,t1 iately following the auc. IBSUBD EVERY THURSDAY Radio can't hope to COI'II)lete po~ition" or who sell "civil service" tl In tlf hOl\s('hold goods \\Ie will (Continued Fron Par. 2) Probate Court, $12.29, Columbus with the prin\.o(>() page in giving caul'. eg. go to the cornf'l' 0.1 Tyl r 6 Thil'd No III at Po.toft!•• at Way.... On the state- of Emma N. Bean. Ulank Book Mfg. 0 •• In mmon& on detailed information, Prof. Philo No school can "g uaruntcc" . t,1·C(,t.~, in 'Voynesvi\l(' and 1!t'1i • . ...... " .. " ........ " . ville. Ohio, a. liIec"nd CI... )(&\1 deceastld, is t.o h& certified with. petition to sell real litate, $8; M, Buck, Unlvenlity of Wisc nsin, 9ov~rnmen.t employ.ment nnd none hCl\utHu] COl'ller building lot. GOll:: S.It.nlptlo. Price, S .. IO a Yea.. Kalter Union Ga & EIC<ltric C, ., gas and told the in!\titute of cducaliofi by" IS gl~l)n mfol'mat.lOn ,'eganli."g 200. HIlR good well, n ice shade nnd out delay. Myra Robin Shawhan, ·executl-i· light furnished WP~L Sewing radio at O. S. U., last week. examulaUons, or any other tn - 1M n very delightful lowtfon lor ' MAY 14, 1936 ces of the estate of Robcl·t Shaw- J1roject at Ft'anklin, $5\ 36 i Leb"It is only too a~y to mis-h'c ar formation, which is. not available buildinf,e: u parce1 of rClil eslale anOn Cemetery A sociat:ion, grave and to mi ~ undl! tand," he asse rt- to tile gen raj public. The om- tha~ is sure to inCl'ea; in value. ~====================~-~=====- Mn, dece:a.sed. w s approved. D. R. mith, J. L. Mendell hall 20; Wood;'ow-Weil Sumag~ Co., e(l. "[t is ven more seriou!\ tu ll1i~l!lo n stoted that it dot' s !lot r~c­ A . L. KING A,.ERICA'S RUINED ROADS ap· pencils fol' su rveyo r's <lmCl', SOc: try to corr ideas or facts, onlmend any sch ool, lind explain d 1~. T. MARTJN, Auct. and George J. Smith, weI' pointed appraisel'S of the cstat.e Burroughs Adding Machine Co., when th e lln&e n speaker goes on that it is not necc 5ary fo.r anyonc 7B.1 C ('n lCTViJh~1 Ohio, 3 Davis I' This season, an unusUal amount of attention is being directe d t.o of Howell Peirce. deceased. ' a d (mg mac h'me 1'1' bb on, 75 c ; Th e l'emol't!eles~ ly to t he next topic ' to take n course with n so·coned Bldg., ADams H6G1. the 1'oad damage caused by heavy trocks. Reports from all over the In the case of Ha:rry Z. Gray Oregonia 'Bridge Co., bars of rein- whil one i.. t.ruggling with .an in. civil service school ,in ol'd r to L, H. GORDON, lerk. country chronicle the b'emencJous repair billil thA! public must meet to administrator, with the will an- fOI' it'tg steel for survey, "'.73; comple te idru.. of its predec .801'." co mpete in a civil 8 I'vice eXlimina· .... nexed, the ,est.ute of LI7.zie Drake, Ohl 0 Corrugate d- II 1V6'l't C0., cu Irecondi.tion its highway. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Pointing out that J)OOple grasp t ion. 1y. Ium- ideas with vllrying speetl, Prof . Here, for example. is an xccrpt from 'a n editorial In tho B ·mg· deceased, versus Clifford Drake, ver t ii, '!'4!5Gr.I); , E'. '" ':'1 .... hampton, New York. Prel!S: 4'What the overland trucks did to th~ et al, contlrmation, d d and dis- bel', $113.40: Hugh Vance, sto ne. Buck said thllt in the case of radio E!lt.ut.c of Raym ond G. Farr. de$''t. SO ; W a I~"",}, ~ Varn er, sltoone $ 1 .SO "you', can't, as ·with a book Or cease d. , econd-clusB highwaya of thi! and other counties over which t~ey were trib ution ordered. routed in detouring high water. . . is disclosed in 41. highly ignificant D.~. Heywood. executor of th Willard Bogan stone, ~ !l.80; Ol'e- newspaper. top and re·read and Of Household Good. and Good Notice is h<>rcby given ' that . B 1'1'd ge Maltha M. Farr, who T'ost Office Ury Y by Broome ounty bighway officials. The county and towns estate of Mira Bowyer, deceased, goma 0., cy'I'm d er a f take lime to digellt. For oomo'rscBuildin .. Lot will pay a repair bill of approximately $35,000 because truck weigh- filed his Il8lo bHl. oxygen, 4.50; Clayton Clark. Ie s ly the radio voice never pauses Atlcircss is Springllo l'O, Ohio, hilS Morris L. Nixon, administrator guard 1'1\1'1 posts, $38.10:, Wm. in~ BS much as 22 tons were routed (Iv r mllcad'll.nt and combinati on be(m dul y tlPl1o as Adminls'" • ' I will sell at ljly home located trntrix of t he JiMat.c of Raymond roads still heaving with the spring thaw. Thl'e& brIdges must be of the est;ate of Alforetta Murray. F' ruuenknee h t, guarll r,llil posts, .... ~ h eavy decea$ed, filed his fh'8t and final ae Q!40!l6 Ama1yama"" "'-d teel C0 ., on N. Main St. Waynesville. 0.,011 G. ji·arr. la t.e of Warren County, r pla.cetl in one ltown; BCOI'eS of culverts were broken by",,,,,,. l' • ; 11'IY Hou sehold Goods, on 10a,I ~ ., th.e state' g new lal' road' between East Mai.n e and count. bar ste I, $61 ,64 : 7.ain Armitage Ohi o, d ceased. I' '/' W. Chest6'l' Maple was appoint-s.tu...... ,. M., 23, 1936 Endwell is prnct;ically ruined . . .Tho taxpe.yers of this state WIll foot gl'a.v i, $249.05. J. K. Spcncer, Thi; Unite~ States Oivil Service, Dated this Gth day of May, 1936 the bill." ed executol' of the ,~t.a.te of Mary g ravel •. $ LOS.30. Th e Van Camp Commi sion has sent a nolice to Ralph H. Carey, Commeillcini .t 1 p. m. Fleming, deceased, a.n d t'il ccl bond S C I 4!" k Comparnbl damage in many state$ could be cited, resulting of $6,000 with uretl . G. H. tone 0., grave, ,!,,,4.17 ; Yo~ , post Offices, ' warning that mis.- Antique Corn-er Cupboard, HeatJudge of the Probate Court from abnormal use- of public roods by 'commercial clU'l'lers. Trucks T I L S Sh h I Supply Co., partg, $] 0.83. inclA leadi ng information is being given ~n g ,stove Oil oak 'Stove Hot. mI4-21-28 Wan'on County, Ohio . 't rtat' te I OWllS ey, . , aw on ane . nat· Oil W 01'kl! gru~lin e $6 t h bl" b . • ' I Ilnd buses have a logical place in the nation II' Ion BYS m C Eulass were appointed appl'ais- ' .1 • . . ." • ' • It e pu Ie y representatlvea of point Electric Ran~, Dish' ClIP- =========~~~~ but they should pay for <xtraordinary destruction they cause to the ! e~. 66 , <?mcmnati Oil. W'ol'k~ Co:" some of the correspondence board, Kitch.en Cabinet, 6 straight ' -<f-~-------""-""'''' road's. l UG Conover guardian of th e ' gasolLne, $9.2~; Cmci llnati OIl schools whicl1 sell "civil se rvice" Chairs Extension Table Side- ' I Irel'ght cars a.nd .and . , of S. Hettie Con 1 Works, . 1\1 odern true k s arc a Imas t IllI 1argo -~ -·Ir--· uu.u person e8tate ' ' gBSohne, .. ' 11 •.10', •Ruby ,cour~. . , board, , LlDoleum, Desk nnd' Bookme ,c$59.G3, CI~n. 1lO1''lna.1 public bighwQYs are not bujJ~ to carry such weight. It is over incompetent filcd his se c- ~tln ~IPOe~I' gwl'a$0Iks For a long time, tho CommiSSion I case, Sewing. Machine, nearly n ~al'r .~ torce H"e ""'''cral .taxpayer and automobile owner ' to provide' , cmnao 1 I or 0., s app IC!! has b ' . I . >- ..' tat R tiC t IJn 1 ...... W. ..~' and, nnal and distributive account. d )' $790' M'k 11' K " ~en reCClVlng comp IUn"" e ea TO a. all um(!)', and maintain roads tor uch commercial traffic. Over-burdened taxU. G. Conover xccutor Qf the ~n g~so 111;, d GO' ~_e W fr om thft'erenL parts of the country Carpets, Dres~er, Wolnut Wardpayers will demllJl.d n more cquilillblc ndjulltment of this situation. estate- of S. Hettie Conover, d'C- :0~1 y"1 t~?' $550'. w" . which indicate t hat opportunities robe, RoC!kers, Wash Stand, B d, "THE HOME OF GIFTS" ul ceased, filed his· inventory. Ill \ c ~ ~~~ 60: W' A W. for obtainjng Fed.e ral employment Springs and Mattress •. Antiqu e Lebanon, Ohio _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1,1 In re the estate of William Link 1: ";' ~;~o' 'n' . ~u h have been greatly ~xaggerated. COOtit of Dt'Bowers, Spinning Whe 1 ye1 d ceased, the execu~rix w au- · 00 , 5 ('S' W ' H M nyman, cfot dIt was made clear that no school Iron Bed, Dish s, Oak Chest of EXPERT WATCH mg, .9 , . . C n.ry, ()(l , h t" h ·th D W d b Bed t d REPAIRING thorized to exchange stock. $10.2 5 ; Mikescll's Groc6ry, food, thR aC~y:lcoSnne~ lonCw a~evier WI Gr~~d'·ers. T lar rOD e'bl sSh~n l' In tbe matter of the estate of 7 95 1\.1 th E I G f d e IVl ervlce ommltls on or I a, en 00 ii, Oll e ove Charles Wcisman, deceased, sale II! , ; L·10rW Sm. h rfocedrY'$ 00 , with any other branch o;f the j Plows, Barshare Plow, ForKS, n ag .. Onl, Genui.e Materl.a. 1'4.60; . . mIt, 01), S. 75 j 3:00 Musie and Weatller forecast. of peraon!ll property Is ordered. Love/and Grocery Co., food, $0; _ _ _ Prompt Service S :06 Birds' Nests--H. E. Eswine, naturalist. Martha W. Farr WIlS appointed H. E. Warwick, food $7; Geo. Brlnkmlll'l, S :16 Inte1; 4-}I Club Food Projl!'et&-'Miss Lillian a9ministratrix of the estate of Carnahan fuel, $6.50; R. A. D'AuExtension Nutrit,ion Specialist. 9 p. 4! 20 A• D• Raymond G. Farr, deceased, and tremont, . ml'Ik , '1'1.; S :26 Orchestra directed by Edwin Stainbrook. g :40 Nutrition Alma Garvin, ExtensJon Nutrition filed · bond of ,$3,000 with sureties. Grap evine. food, $12; d.roeenwood E. H. Gl~ok1er, Elmer Graham, Dairy, mille $4.80; R. B. Gilmore Specialist. S ;50 Poultl-y Pointer&-C. M. Ferguson, Extension' Poultry Specialist. and JO!eph Maretel were named &; Son fooc;i, $4.50; Hardert's Ask f or a Grocery, food, $5; Home store, ·S ~ S 9 :00 Producing Olean Milk- T. S, Sutton and C. L. Blukman, Animal appraisers. Miami.burl Permanent IWno R. Bercaw, administrator clothing, '8; Kroger Grocery &. Jlu bandry Dept. of the estate of Lorerizo P. Bel'Boking Co., food, $105.114; Mike-Concrete 9 :10 Orcbeetra. directed by Edwin Stainbrook. ca.w, was 11 deceased, t r i t e __ • authorized . b dto s II'8 G rocery, 1ood, $3;: W. H . 0:26 .f1a.n.nin({ Farm Debt Payment-Edward R. Clark. Sec.-Trea•. , Ail' Seal Burial Vault se , a p va "",e, certain on s McHenry, fooel, $25.7lii: North Preb16 COUllt)' Nat'l Farm Loan Asan., Eaton. belonging to tho estate. ' End Grocery food, $4.50; Mary For Sale onll by 9 :85 Anawerr. to Farmers' QuestlM&--dialoc. The .pplica;t~on askin glor the Powell, milk, '$8.60; Allen M. 9 :46 Jqan and J~rry-dll&matic skit. Your Funeral Director appointmen.t of a guardian for Ly- Rapp, iuel, ,22.76; Robt. Reichel 9 :55 to 10 Muslc and weather forecast. dia A. Poore was dismissed. food, $31; Ho.race Shan,er, milk Tbe inventory at Calvin FranCT, $2.40: L . W. Smith, food) $19; Ed McCILIH Funeral Home admini trator of the estate of Catherine E. Fr ' d Snook, shelter, $6; H. E. Stokes, Pbo.. 7 ..w.. o. eea ed, milk. $1.20: Raymond Ta,y lor lood . aller, was approved. $6 .00 : Terry's Groeel'Y, food, $5; A certified copy of the entry de- Ruby Van Riper, f~od, $47.20; New~paper termining the inheritance tax on Lead el' tore, clothing, $4.50; W. the estate of Maud F~ter, de- W. ShUl'ts, clotlling, $10.95; Ray COLUMBU8-A significant in- formation. on child ~re re'hJir. cea eq, is to' be certified without Swigert, food, ,$6; H. E. WAr'II"ick, erease in t.h.e busineea of the 001'- material will be made availnble deJay. garden sced$, $15.76; Wtmd Dry poration div1.sion ot the Depart- within. a few days, 'MT. Noon Slid. Jeannette Banta, guardian of Goods Co., clothing, $3.40; Blair ERE'"u an offer that will appeal to a1J~American ment of State. "for the first four Lawrence Lucas, • incompetent, Bros., medical services, $59; Dr. . 80y Magume and this newspaper at a special months of 1936 was noted in a filecl her first and final accoun\- W. H. Siegfried, dental ervices, combination bargain 1he American Boy IS the Nport submitted to Secretary of Former Judg.e Henry J. ~obison )lamie . Ihrig was appointed favorite ma&uine 0 more than 500,000 boYI and $40; Dr. Frank A. Dllatush, State George S. )lyers. Domeetic at the Portage county' J)TObate truBtee of the trust created QY yOWig men. Ita fiction carria boys on the wings of medical services, ' $3: Dl'. Herschel and foreign corporation fees and court, newly appointed chief of Item Three o't the will of Male adventure to all pam of the world. Ita sports articlea M. Williams, medical services $36; ROOT FOR AND CONIIGII tIke miscellenous receipts dur- the division of , public 8118lstance Runyan, deceased, and filed bond Dr. J. E . Witham, medica.! serviceB by famous coac~s and athletes are studied by chamC.ttle, bars. IhHP .Dd _ _ Ing the pl!'Ciod totaled ,111,348, as of the State Department! of Wel- of $2,000 with sureties. pions. Here you will finel the fineat Itoria on sporta, $15; Dr. Jno. Zettel, gI8l$lle&, $9; Norria-Broek C... , Ii... .wire ... compared to a total of ,82,10S for fwre, has plaQJl«1 • tour of the L. M. Henderson, e~ecutor of the Yocum's Grocery, food, ~;4; J . S. aviation, buaineu, KhooI activities, humor, anel travel. prorreulve firm t?r the bID_ lIIe Initial four months in. 1935 stat& In the intel'eats ot Ohio's new eBtate of Eli A. Ru ssell, deceased, Richardson, fue)~ '8.85; Office market prlcea ,nd cood NriIee. ~ Even at its regular price of ~1.00 a year, "The Unloa Stock Yircla· Claea __J!, 0. o.nd to a total of ,80,680 in 1984, social t!eCurity law8 and .tMlr ef~ on autMrlty of Probate Court, Outfittel'S, office sYppJies ffh relief can Boy is lconsidered a bargain. BJ. now you may Tune in on Radio Statlo~ WullY Secretary Myel1l announced There flcient administration. In·.d4reIl4lB sold one bond belollging to the office, $],75: Lewis &; Dr4ke, Inc., obtain it and this- newlPaPer.: ••••• were 1,817 new domeaiic ineor- at various key cltiea he will ex- estate for ,5,871.80. fuel, $3.50 i Geo. D. Johnllon, supT.he estate of Annette Roger'S, plies, $6.75; Helen Doughmo1), ' pora~lonB a.nd 133 '*w torelgn cor the state's ne.w Bodal aeeurporation applications for license ity legislation, which wu deeicned deceas.ed, was found to be exempt car& of Clifford Doughml~D, $7; filed, together with 820 domestic to conform with the federal social from inheritance tax. Mrs. Ira Eltzrotl1, care of, Alice corporation reinstatemcnts and aecurity program, and tell bow Starkey, '5; J4mea )ioore" cal'e of II ine foreign corporation rein- may be administered best at Marri~. Lice1l.e. Lucy MooJ.'e, $5: Mrs. Ll'le Gab>F J 1 to Wayne Fritz, carpeter at' Nort tate men..... rom anuary meetings of county commiuionen bard, care of Lincoln Gablbard, 2·2 trans."'t Ap rl' 1 so th ere w e rv S,.. "ju venile court oftlciala, DU!J1llbtnl wood and Miss Ercell Glass of Ml·S. Margaret Jones; care of Ollie Lebanon. ti 011$ reel!. te-.:I "'" i n th e corpora- of th& county boards of aid Gardiner, ,~; Mrs. Julia :~oUand, Send Your Order To tion divislon, wllile the total for the aged and inte..-ted indlvicare of Vernon Rolland, $10; Mrs .... - i n' 1986 and duals. Mr. Robinson will be asRe.1 E.tate Tr...der. tb e t our mon.... Oma. Osborne, care of Walter Barin 1934 was 2,724 and 2,999, sisted by Krs. tuetta lIacruder, Fred Gray, Sr., to RODen Har. low, ,11; Mrs. Oma 08born~ caN respectively. "Activities of the cor chief ot the state divialonof rison, inJot Nos. 126 and 127 in of Flank nAllinger, $Ii; JIazel; )loration division of th.e Depart- h ri Will E B Frank1in. Brookes, rent of rclief olllce, ,26. ."rve as an c Ii ties; iam. artram. Robert H.rrison to Tolbl!rt Abment of State .... executiytj secretary of the O h i o . . ' . ~tbu~e~d~n6alh~~C ' ~ 1 th ~d' ~n~rn~N~IHmFrank1~ ~=======~=~=~~~=~===~~~~~~=~~~=~~~~~=~= .nd jnduatrial conditions," , Secre- ~mm on or e .n , C. H. Throckmorton IIl'ld P~l Phone 78J t&~ MY6fa aaaerted, "and tram MISS EBthe~ ~cCI~tn, director of L :' Throckmol'ton ,t o Lee Lovely tb& &tate dlv:islon 01 ald. for de- and Ira B. Lovely, real e6~ in the Jateet record it,is t h er~f ore pendent cbflben. The meeUDcs di ted th t th • a. decided im Clearcreek towlI.8hip. M~' ca • ere I - were amnsed in co-operati,on provement which will be 01 sub- with Kile Hanaah ,-rotlmaall Joseph McMillan to Eva Whin1II0TA.Y PUBUC atantlal beneftt to the cltilenl MCr.ta17 of the Ohio Prob tao' ~ry McKUlan and H-erbert Th·o.maa the ltate ot Oblo." U8oel.UOL a 11 KcMUliUl, 126.61 acree in eaat . a... • • • Warne tOWDlblp. ' WIll. D..__ • • ....... lee. . 01 aeor... B. • • , FJ07d , Link!>• _PeU'1 LinkWAYNESVILL&, OHIO BIICIcer, Kenlfleld .ttorn.y &tid ,, ' A, OO1lllderabt. nduottOIl b1 OUI ,to Oh.ettv Ball ~nd Viralnla rnembet of the Ohio Stat. RII~II\tl Ohio I p.lch crop maJ be upec:tAd E. Ball, I'MI..we in Franklin ,. commluloJl. AI chail'lllan of th-e ,thia YIU a Nault of tb~ damar. townlhlp. commlnlon wu ma4e .J ut week by cauled by th'e s ...eN wiater, &CJOMpb F. Hall and Eliza L. GOYefllll>r Kartin L. Da.vey. Chlllr- cordin« to the ftlulta of' a IIlrTef Hall to Ollie B. SuUender, 6S.28 • ft" "'e • • . • CLASSIFIED ADS COST ONLY nI&D Bleeker succeeda Richal'd A. mlLde by Director Earl B. Bane- bl Harlan and Washln&'ton FClftIter Cinefnnatl , DeWBpapfr- feld of tJle State Department of town~p. 1 . FOIt SALK ONE CENT PEa WORD. WRY man ~ed The new chalrmon Arricwture. Althou" practle&lly OWe B. Sullender and Ev~ KEEP YOUR ATTIC FILLED took' ofllce . . '01140'. first runn\11" ~l kinds . of truk tret.. we... SuUender to 'M&ria.n C. P~te:ts ~d , FOR SALE - Cabbage, ' Tomato race. 01 tbe at Beulah park J~red. bp the Bub-normal wiDte~ Wil~ B. Peten, 68.. 28 acres, 10 . and Mango plants. James K ...• , WITH USELESS ARTICLES near Columbus, opened far a Wlth lta 'protracted 11lb-lerG tam- Harlalli and W ..binrton townshIp!!'. rick. mU· TIIAT CAN BE TURNED INTO twent;"ftve day sprint meeti:Jg, peratures, p.each ore,bar. , ,uf~ Frane.a III. Spitler .and John H. FOR SALE~FOur-wheel Trail•• where, accordina to Commission fered the most, it . . . SpltleJ' to Jobn H. F18l1 . and ROlle MONEY FOR SO BKALL A S. E. .Angle, one mile north ot Secretal}' Thomu I. Ryan, added Reports indicate tJwat. K. Flab. 16 acre. in Cleartreek WayneSVille, state route "2. TRY THIS MEANS QF COST. etrorta will be made to _loire the trees, particularly In the toWDahip. , mU-Sl· waaerlnr public the rreateet pro- Great Lak..• rerion, were IdUed Edward 'l'. to John SELLiNG AND SEE WHAT A t.ectlon poeaible. Mr. Ryan spent while thouaan~s of others .nd Rosa 1I. Fish, 16 aeres FOR SALE-Wbite DIFFERENCE IT WILL- MAKE I8Teral dqa at Churchill D'Iwns, out the ,tate weN damaced Clearareek township. 10c per roll, at tbe ao.I , Loui.-riUe, Ky., befoft and duriq vwelY~_ .._ _ _ Liula Dnk. deceaaed, by adGallett. oSce. TO YOUR POCKETBOOK, AS tM KfttuckJ DerbJ in oTder to minlstnltor, to Clarence E. NelFOR SALE--Bullap fl.00 , . waLL AS TO HAVB YOUR .stud, the track" part-mutuel NOTICE OF APPOINTMElfT IIOD, iaJot No. 168 in Avalon ton. Ood., llosaua ... WIJS~Y OLD ATTIC CLEANED I,ltem with the object of incorH.s.w.. n8llVlll. Plat.. poratlq tile beat I.tun, at Eatate of Bowell Petroe Ro!!,e Federal Savine &1ld Loan OUT. IT PAYS I Olll' tnab. • AacMiI&tIoD to R. L. BwuIt &lid o• ••• ceued. lAlla 8waU, ~ tBtate ~ HamilAll • -at of tile . . . . . . .ntl Notlca II toe to.......


New. From


County Court Houae

()II.. ......



. - ----


Public Sale

.. --





1':'8 .


M' .


C' J I ary s ewe ry ShOp


Farm lvight 7allts, Mal' 18

T D R ILL I N G,~St~oreoI>e~nUntl~1m~. TOR I








Best of the News Direct From the Ohio State,Capitol



Reduced Price


• • •





8 otIi·0 ne Year For

:~~~~~:~~ 2.00 Auctlone.r


The Miami· Gazette

Or No Char••

'C enterville, Ohio

L• .

t A ",






""11 .......



of tM . . . UIIIur" qunen III E__ W, ~ ....- Poet ~ ............... _ ,..... AcJu.. II W.,...m.. Dill'" ....._ bleD dalJ appobIW u ACIl_~1 ... . ..v tntrbI of tU eaIate II Noa,' " . . . ....... laM of W...... OoI"tlt4~~.

'huII.- ..

-:a:.: ,... ....




Late Oassified Ads. FOR SALE FR. AI.EU killlhl CIt l'g'c In· hI rklDi .• w('C't polato now r ally. ('..on,) , electi(ln of hardy p('r 'noll\!". G\ 01' p(,! 1'80n, nc> mill' North of Waytlc$\'iil .

Cae•• r. Creek

Lytfe M~. lytll' Wharton and dAuab. ter, Jlfi. E\'a. and MN. Alice Clark ~pe nt Thlll'llday in Dayton. \Vult I' Kenrick atoonded the funeral of Will R. Lewis in Lebnnvn, Thursday. MI'. and MI •. R. C. Moler and !it.t! grand. on of Columbus, pent veral days la t week with Rev. and Mrs. Joseph Vuker. MI'. GI nn Johns son and daughter of Dayton wet'e Sunday afterno.on gu ts of Mrs. Margaret John " • ile Mr. and Mrs. tanley Ba y and da.ughter and Ml'. IU\d Mrs. Th rle Jones and son, saw "Lum and bner" in person at Keiths,

Sunday afternoon. Dayton, M ~. Bnd Mn. Kesler Graham and .daughter motored to Colum· dau«hter 0 t E~rl Elliott vi~itA:~1 our Sunday bu~ Sunday and were guests ot Mr King l\Iiddl· choul and church Sunday and ..,d Mrs. A. E. White and sons. Bellbrook, Oh10, brought a delightJul . ermon. Mi~s Wanda Clark of Dayton and died at her ome of our folk attended the spent Tu<'t\da.y with her parents h(lme in Wayn,~sviJ1, hio, Mon· cvangeU:>tic campaign at X nia here. day, 4 :20 p. n~., May 4, 1936, tabcmll\cle conducted by Miss

Mr. and IlaIpIa LMmlnc a nd 80n Junior mlIled on JellM d r II r Old Fllwcett. an am 1 0 near to,;;~. nnd M18. Walter Wilson, Mr Enos Wil son IIUId Mr. 8Ild Mrs. .Tohn Willion attended the funeral of Lou Bailard at Wilmington. Edna ampto n spent Tuesday

witli he.r parente, Mr. Ralph Learning.



~rs. Rnynlond Wilso n v.l ho haR bCoC-n on the sick list is inilproved at this writing. Waltl.'-r Wi Is n atld wife clllleci on [\ft.• an(1 MI'S. ~amuel WilsQ n SuncJay aIWrnoon.


serv dville on aged 3 years, 1 month tIJIdof 6a goBetty We-aklaml, vantheMrs. ele Margaret tion boardJohns at Wayn days. She was !lhe fifth child li. t of her alN. foremost Tuesday. family of len, nll having preceded Mr. and Mrs. Ral igh B gnn, ., M . Mary Carmony spent her in death hut Gn brot~·, Carl and Clayton Bownta.n and Mr Mother's Day at th home of Iwr hal'le fiddl tOil, Dayton, Oruo. d [ , W' l lliam mith were Sun. Fon LE- Sweet P otato plant$ . d . . t an 19. on·in·law and daughter, Mr. an d he \\~ u~tte In 1llal'I'lagllo duy dinner gue or Rev. and and ,a ll kind. of ~ardl'n plont$ Mr. W, F. Clark in Waynesville. Edward L1PPIOlro~t December . 2, Mrs. W. E. Bogan of n eal' Spring n. reo.~ol1nbl .. pric~. 1 'oil mile Fire, Uchtning, TOl'na~o and 'Automobile Inll. Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Ward of 1873: To this Ipmoll a daughter, ValJey. Oth l' dinner gu ts were North of 'ayncllvil\(', on Fe-rry Harv~y but'g and MI', and M s. Arti Emn a was porn eptembel' M and!\frs Evan Boglln Rob rt road. Strouse Bros., Wayn (' vilk ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE Allen Emrick were Sunday after· 10, 1876 and diied October 5, 10.07 a:d MarjOl'i~ Bogan of 'Dayl.oni H R :l III ~ j .j 11 Her hu ban,d, Edward, died 1111'. iIlnd 1\1I'S. Horaoo . ornptOtn of noon callers at the home of Mr. . . \. .- - and Mrs. Walter Kenrick. October 13, 1886. N w Burlington and Weldon Wilflubscribe for The Miami Galette Mr. Levi Gr athouse, who he unit d with the hUl'ch of d fam 'tly of neal' Xenia. 11M spent the winter with hi hri t .I.llo WaYlilesVI'11 e. Oh'la, F e· b sonSonle an of OUt young people at. !!!~!!!!!!'!~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!~!!'!!!~~ daughter, Mrs. Clyde Wharton runt'y 1, 187(), and as lon~ as tend d Lhe annual Cli nton county _ _ _ _ _ ' _ _....._____- - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. _ - , and faDiily. went ~ Dayton health permitted, wa a. faithful. i d n'or banquet in Wi!. Thursday for '8.Il extende<l vi it attendant to aU the services. She JU~ °tr ans St td I'''''bt . t ed i n th e nung on QuartOl'ly. a ur ay n.. . with his 80n, A rth or an d f amUy. w always Lnteres Miami tneeting of 1 Id i Harveysb'l1g Mr. a.n.d M1'lI. Leonard Gray of church work, and always welcm)l.ed F ' I • l'le ne s wns Ie n , • k d Miamisburg, we-e wee ·en all m mbers who called to see h er. ' atuJ'day. Earl EliioLt of Indiana guests of Mr. and Mrs. George She WAS a dre$S11laker by trade delive11 t he sermon. Select meetGray and left Sunday evening for and was very Elpt with her needle, . h 1d F ' d~ As R~publican candidate for the office of Sheriff Lft_ ' was e WiI'on n ",y.who has been Lawrenceburg, In d ., w"., ... e M r. ma~Ing ekes el!, qUI'Its ~ d f ancy 109 amuel I wi.h to expres. my sincere thank. tor your .\lIPGray has employment. artlcl~s. Most Of. her hie was confined in Mc lelLan hospital, Mr. and Mrs. Paul And~s and sp nt m WaYnE'svllle. She had been X nja, alter a ser ious operation port at the recent primary election. daughter of Miamisburg spent failing in health for a number of was removed to ber home in New Monday with their aunt, Mrs Meta years, but had Ibeen confined to her Burlington atul'tiay. He is imRogel's. bed the greatt!r part of the past I . proving very nice y. I Dr. J. W. Ward of Harveys· 13 weeks. A temperance cant t was ~Id burg ca1\ed on Walter Clark un. Aunt Sallie, a sbe was kllown here a week ago Sunday. Lowell I day and found him very much im- to all, will be gl'eatly missed by and Loui e Sinclair were the only proved. 11fT. Clark was able to friends and Jn~ghbori'l, and .8 contestants: Lowell received first , . serve on the election. board at niece, Mrs. Walter Elz y, who Ridgeville Tuesday. tried to m'ake hel' as co~ i orlabl e prize. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence MitchMrs. Je Kerchner and 80n as possible dUling her ickness. nel' pent Su.nday with Mr. and Louis of Dayton were dinner he leaves 11.0 mourn her loss. Mrs. William Compton east of This huge plant is now "'U.eB~ Sund-a.y of Mrs. Alice one brothe'l', on.e au~t, Mrs. K.uiah 6 in N w Burlington. and Thompso n, a Ilumbeor of meces, Mr. and Mrs. William E. mith Trickey and family, the afternoon took .them for a nephews and cousins. visited his parents of near DayThe followillg out-oI-town relamotor trip to Miamisburg, German I . ton, Sunday afternoon. town and Da.yton. Also called on lives attended the funero se\'Vlces !\frs. Ella Haines WIiS guest of Mrs. Sarah Easton at Miamisburg at the Church of Christ Thurscmy Everett Hiaines and family SunMr. and Mrs. Harvey Burnet afternoon, Malo' 7: Mrs. Robert $\tertained at dinner Sunday, Dr. Maher, Mrs. Howard Babb, Wi!· da~he "Wlde.A~vake8t' held their and Mrs. H. Jil. Hatha.way, of Way mmgton ; !\frs. Mary Mlddleton, regular meeting at the home of nesville, Mis Laura Rosnagle of Spring Valley; Mrs. Luell Kronour Anna Sohn lind Rev. .Mary In this great plant ... Cincinnati, Mr. and Mrs. John Miamisburg; IYfrs. Charles Myers, A,ntra'm of Anttam'lI Corn-ell'. the largest gas p~aflt of Hayner, Mrs. Helen Colbert and Mrs. Charle6 Henderson, Cincin. its kind in the world ••• Pytofax Gas IS now two children of Westville, Mr. and natr; Mr. and Ilf18. Carl Middleton being made so that you may not baye the drudgery of cooking with ()ld.fa5blon~dt ~;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;'; 'dre,n. MT8. Harold Whitaker and chil· Mr. Charles Middleton, Mrs. Ber- MRS. MARY CHAPMANAfternoon callers were tba Petera &1Ii.d son LeRoy, of ____ ditty fuels ••• so that you can pU.t r~ur~ dll'lDr. and Mrsl T. E. Rosnagle and DaytOll. oer on tbe range and Jorget it unullt 5 J ~dy children and Mr. and Mrs. Hume Card ,of Thull. (Continued from Page 1) to serve _.• with 00 more ashes. soo,),vo"1cks, and daughter of London. T,he I wish to Sl nc!erely thank friends Charles L. Baker 1,139, William or waiting for burners to get ho.,. . Pytofax Gas Service cost so little. ElqUIP' dinner W68 in celebration ot the an d relatives wlho so kindly assisted E. Grahut 2,527. ment is leased for 9.75. The ~a5 a~ej~ages For county l'ecorder: Allen bJrthdays of Mrs. Ha.thaway, Miss in any way during t he illness and as little as 4c a meal. A beautiful, m(].dcrn RO$nagle, Harold Whitaker and death of my abt, Mrs. Sarah M. Huffman 2,541. Magic Chef-Pyrofax Gas Ran~e ClII,Q be H. daughter, Frances. Lippi'ncott : the' minister, W. C. For county treasurer: Ro bought 00. convenient terms, With a ISmall ~Cll;"Jer - - -- - . Smith. for his cOMoling word, Hartsock 2,511. dOW,D payment. Come in SOOD. Pyrf/tIJf 8f-ip,..", Mi Lucy Emley for music; . For county engineer: Sam D. paU bearers and James .E. McClure Henkle 2,472. , Mr. and Mn. E. Munger, Mes- and bis 8.BSistants for their RTn,r'" ,nu. For coroner: H. M . Williams dames Rose Carr, Lillian Carr .:nice . And also for the ,,{lral 2,617. and Edith lAJk:ens attended East- tributes. . Demeteratic: ern Star Inspeetion at Clarksville _ ~~._W:!ter Elzey Preference for preside!lt: StO"E~ last Friday night. · . . Franklin D. Roosevelt 1,542, The W. C. '.1'. U. met at the FORMER L04C:AL GIRLHenry Booekinridge 84. , Preference for vice preSident: home of Mn. E . B. Dakin last (ContinuEld from Page 1) J ohn N. Garner 1,043. Thursda.y afternoon. Mr. Gilbert Welch of Detroit, and answers questiona pertaining For district delega~ to national is spending a few daya with his to insuraJlce from ev-ery concei..,· convention: J. F. T<l'ump 451, WH. p&rEOta, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. able angle. · Perhaps someone )jam T. N~al 636. Welch. wanta to know how a company is For district alternate to national THE GUAR4NtEED GAS ' SERVICE '.Mr. A. L. Kennedy and son, rated by Best" who in ured Albert convention George d. Barner 619, Herbert, ",pent Saturday and Spaulding's hunds, where the most S. M. Maag 582. . I:OR H O MES BEYON D THE GAS M~INS Sunday wdth Mr. Bnd Mrs. John comprebensiv~~ information about For governor (one to b noml-

The Ridge' Insurance Agen~y

o. M.

ttention Farmers

Ridge ••• E. E. Ridge

To the' Vot~r. of Warren County

Just received a fresh supply of

Sacco fertilizer

w. E. "Beebe" Graham

All Analysis

Get our prices before you buy.

manufacturing •••••


Fairley Hardware Company


Wayn••vllle, o.

Phone 32



P. E. Snyder & Son Your Compl.e te Hard ware

Blanchest er, O.

Phone 3021



., MOST DIRECl tROSS-STATE ROUTE Between Toledo and ClDebmati CIIaneI

10J! the Beaeflt of InterMotor Touriat. •• Well Trdic Witlaia BordeJ,'s .of Ohio The' R 0 ute from Toledo to Cincbmatl 8S shoWn herewith is the .borteat distance ~tween . thQ two eitle8. Officials of ~he State HighwaJ Department give. the mUeaee saving as ab'out 11 mdes.




irS SlORn' R



than on any other highway eon· Decting thesQ cities. There are far fewer curves (no hairpinll) all ratltoad grade croBBinl's are exceptionall, weD protected.




By reason 6f It'S fASTER . . the shl;uter lea. congelltlon (both on the highways and in 'the commu· nlUes thru which they pass), fewer curves, and adequate J'ldtb , roadbed and bridges, the · Route here outlined is a big time-savel' for the busy motorist;..-very probablJ a8 much as two hOllrs,

AN ·ALL PAVE D HIGHWAY O,l,lnated aDd Sponsored b1 the

&evolutionary Short TnU ;A-.clatloa



There's le88 trafSAFER irS . fic ·on the Toledo-Cincinnati Short Line

Choice of Knowing ' . Motorists


a certain phase of may nated : Stephtm M. YoU'ng 600, The Woman's Civic League met be found, or anyone of 'Ute un- Martin L, Davey 1,021, Charles H ~ at the home of Mrs, Fred Harlan usual things instrra.nce pIlOP) roM Hubbe!,l 66 • last Saturday . evening. Several be asked. Thley don't need to For Iieutrol.ant governor (oQne to memberswe:re preaent .and one, know t he '80nswer&--th.ey can be nominated) : J. Freer Bittinger: visitor, Mrs. Bernice Bogan. always ask Mlis. Andl'ews. 385, Pa.ul P. Yoder 5al. After a short bU8in~s period, a The ~mil1g librarian with the For secretary of state (Olle 1.0 Mothus' Day program was given gracious manner and pleasant be riornill$ted): WiUiam J. Ken.· and a IOcial baur followed. Ad· voice bails fl10m Waynesville, O. nedy, 539, Dwight L. Matchette jou.rned to meet at the home of (She will tell you, as a strictly 223 • M1\8. A. S. Collett on the second olr-th......uoord comment, that Way. For a.lldi~or of state (one to be Saturdaii afternoon in JlJIl.e. 'nesvi11e waS named for Mad nominateod ): George E. Eppley 91, MI'. and Mrs. J. W. Snell and ~nthony Vla'l'ne,.) She ~ttended Josepn T. Fergus'on 185, JOileph A family visited in Monterey last Western 00111~ge at Oxf()rd, Ohio, I Lutz 286, Jac,ob C. Mong 28, Suhd-W. . and having ~~!mpleted her training John H. Turner 181, Elmer J. Mr., and Mrs. Herbert Snell went to NOl~h Dakota ,at the age Carey 114. , . and friend, Miss EliZ08.beth Black- of 'twenty to organize libtaries. l For treasurer of state: Clareace ford were guem of Mn. Snel1'sShe began 'h ~r duties as 1Iead Ii- Ii. Knisley. 677. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. brarian 01 thEI InBurane~ Exchange For attorney general (one to be l;Iogan and family. Liju-ary in September, 1936. nominated): Herbert S. Duffy i Mr. and Mnt. E. B. Dakin, Mr. "Too UbraJ;'y was founded in 466, Frui Col' Reams 28,5. and Mrs. W. W. Welch a.nd Mil. 1882 by the :Flre Underwriters of l For cO'IIgressman-at-larre (full Gilbert Welch spent Sunda.y .after the Norihweelt and" .OiJI.C of the I term: two to be nominated): John noon · with 'Mh. Mara Barbeau of oldest s.,ecia) librariell i~ Chicago. I McSweeney 110, Harold' . ' G. Batavia. . . It WB8 taken ' over lQ 1926 by the MOlliet 277, John W. Pattison Mrs. Edith Lukens entertained Chieaa-o Board of lJndeJ,'Wlitera. Klmt A. Bushman 78, MUton ,o ver 8fty ladi.. on Saturday "Besides tlil8 regum loClJldinr of S. Cox 148, Joseph J. Demey 63, afternoon in honor of a cousin books the library supplied all of F4'anci. W. Durbin 118, JOlleph W. from' Columbua. tbe books u~1:!d in the COlln~ In Fichter 137, Jesst!> J. Gilbert 157, 1\{1'I,' Sadie Rell80n spent Sunday fire, ca8ualty~ Burety. life and In· William C. Graves 84. and · )londay with her daughter, 'snd marine. inaurance, whlch were . For congl'essDilll1l-at-lar~ (unex Mra. Earl Hockett and. ftamily. oft' by tile Chicago b1'8nch of pired term: one to be nominated): Mrs. 'I,\f-ary Tucker and family the Insurance' lnatitute of America Daniel S. E,rnhart 639. spent Mothers' Day with her Beside.a tnesil books, manJ volFor judge of supreme court: mother, 1\{1':9. Lottie So'uth of Leb umes dealing with busineea man·, George S. Myers 590, . Will . P. anon. agement, Ie liter-writing, public ·Stephenson 508. Mr. a.nd Mrs. Chas. Gordon and speaking an~l ' salesmanship ere . FC)!' representative to co.n gress in d'mand. The libr.ary (orue to be nominated) : ~d"qn ll. Mrs. Laura Srudaker we-re Dayton · shoppers on Monday of this week. boasts . 6 000' booka On insurance Strecher 879, Arthur W. Aleshire Mrs. Annie Van DOI'Im has IIIld filed : of 4~4 insuran.ce period!· 2fj7, Ca.rl H. Ehl 183. been quite sick but is somewhat Each month a bulletin · is For judge of court of appeals better at this writing. i88ued giving the names of llew (full term: one to be nominated): Mr. and Mrs. Ed McFarland of books receivlld and listing per- Stanley Matthewli 669. Fat member of state central Dayton have returned to- their tinent article~ in the periodicals." honle after a week's IItIq> here. • - • committee, man: (one to be DamThe juntor·eenior ban(}uet wna Att.1Hied Co.I....... inated) I Charlell P. Dunn 889, RaJ held \aat Friday night at the gym Rev. G. C. Dibert spent Wednell- J. NortOD 99. The motile... of the juniors lIel'Ved For membe.r 01 lI~te ceDtral C01l\ day at the. General conference, in an eleeant three course dinner Columbu.. . mittee woman: Marpret Moore after whicb a show at Murphy _ _ ___ 676. 1'\I_tar w.. much QjoJed. F4r state senator (on. tQ b. DOD't 10..111; tbeo Bentor ct.aa T. St. . EroeJ_ nominated): Harold D. Nichols plaJ, "What About Betty?" 488, lIarrJ A. Hqhea 812. un.c1er the dlreatioD of 111'1. LiI- eroded land mA1 be nec...." For repreeentatl•• to pneral ... llan Carr Oil Friday ..cine. Ma, for. a cte.InIble ...dlne eall be """17: S. C. AIeuD.... 811.

"7. Kennedy of Dayton.

The backbone of the official Revolutionary Trail. System of Western Ohio. Marked . ita entire leqth by blatorical marken of the Ohio Memorial Oommiuiolloo





IOItd. are


of eo... , .... B.~ ..,

QuaUt)' Prladal

+ .The

Eighty-Eighth Year






Whole Number

'rHURSDA Y. MAY 21, 1936 B.~DL Y

f. f. 'A.



CLASS 0f 27 WilL


flr l· Shut.ts, :I'oung son of MI'. :lI\.rl MI·s. J oe hut.Ls of Lt'Lnnon The Centel-ville Garden Club suffered a budly cut h;\nd unday w~. entertained by Mrs. W. n. Allen on Monday a{t;el'noon. Mr. when he rell ~I b il o playing at the , hOme of his gt'a,ndfathel', Albert Evans of Dayton, u former A party of students F. F. A. Oth~ .. T~ach_. lor 1936.37 Term The May m ctinl1; of t.h Wom- Shutts, n( al' W;llynesvillo. ga.rdener of Mr/!. Frederick Rike, memb ers together with J. B. A,pointed by Boa.rd of ,an's A uxllial'Y of St. Mary's was the speaker f()r the aft4lrnoon. EducatioD church wns held ut the home of His 8ubjecL was "Succession oi Annual R~union of Alumni 1... 0I'u, b b, instructor of the aiO'icultuJ'!! department mud an educa• edatio D Will B.. Held Mrs. Lester Gordon ~n Friday Bloom in the Gard n." tional tour to Cincinnati III,. t FriSaturday ailerno n .at 2 o'clock. day. The F. F. A. chapter of LebL A. Garst, teach l' of history Rev. J. J. chueffer conducted anon with too instructor, Jo and Enlflisl\ in the local high Twenty-seven ~l' niors ,ill re.the devo~ional exct,cises, and n.ftel· Kersey joinCld the Wayneeville !lch 01. Monday night wal! named ceive their diplomas Fl'iday n'i ght supcl'intendent of the Wayne a vocal so lQ by MI·s. 'Maynard group, malting a total of 35 in in ~nnual commence ment exercises ' ~rowl'tship system, suc(Jccdlng J. W Welch, accmn;paniec¥ by Mrs. ull. to be held at t.he high school gym Lotz, who has served in. this Jack Bolin, the meting was tu~'t1----As guests 01 the ProduC'el"s The spealoc."l' will be Dl·. Spe n l' C8llocit.y for the last Sill years. cd over to the guests of the after- Spending MOD.ey Afty FrGm Co-operative Commission Associahank, acting denn of the UniverMr. Ga.rst'. ap(l(lLntment was noon, MllI. mith HickenloQper of Home Town I[)oea Not Benefit tion and the Kahn Packing Co., sity of incinnaLi Teachers' mnde- at a spec ial meeting of the Our '~er"h.ante these boys enjoyed a trip througb = = = ====!==. college, whO will address th class Cincinnati, the new diocesan supboard of edueation during which I)ly secretary And Deaconea ____ the stock yards where the-y learned MI'. and Mrs. E. L. ThCJomas we·r e on " Going to Rchool in a Democth remainde-r of the faculty for Fl'Ilcker, who [orn161'ly had! cha.rge Today people realize that it is a how live stock is Teceoived. handled Dayton visitors today. racy." the next school year was selected. of missionary work in Nevada but patviotic duty 1:0 keep money "In sold and how prices are made. Membors of the graduating class ' Mrs. Walter Elzey Wll.ll in Leb::he new s uperintendent, 'who is now ha charg 'of the Ml sian at il'Culation," but som men and Alao t hey, I Ilrncd of the things are us follows : Robert Allen, Mary anon on business, Monday. roUonding out his fifth ycar in thc Addyston near incinnati, Their women spend their money away that make for quality in finished Burton, Phyllis Collette, Earl Con. local schools, was graduated from talks were inspiring, and they frOm home thil'lking thnt th Y ar live siock and, how th buyers Basil Smith and family spent ner, H. ,Jan e ook, Anna Lee J effel'son townllhip high school, wel'C lisLcned to with. rapt atten- put.ting it into "circulation." judge t.hese points. unday with friends near Mil· mne, Lamar' Eamhal·t, Frances in MontgomeJ:'Y county. He t ion. Anot.h er vocal solo by Mr . ' They arc sincere in th belief An excellent lunch \ as e njoyed LA. CARST ford. M. Ellis, D<lnald Fa.ulkll, Leonard ufterwal'd attended NorUl ManWeltz clo cd th e p'rogra~. A ris· that they Ill' serving a real econ- at the Kahn Packing o's. spac iOUS Fran 1', Jean FUI'nas, Barbara L. chestel' co\lE!$'c, in Indiana, 1rom ing vo.te of thanks was giv~? to omic PUl'IlO by taking the tl'OIlY" dining hall, after which a trip was 1\11' • Russell Bentley is con- Gl'llY, Vincent Gl'iffy, Ellen J. which he secured his A. B. "'><"""~, 1,...--"'lIIIIIII...- - - - - - - - . the lwo bru.ests by the Anxlhal'Y, the train or the fa;mily nutomo- taken t~ro ugh the packing house fined to her home becau e of ill- Guy, Cecil Hartman, Albert in 1931. for their splendid and enoourag- ' bilc periodicallY' and buying the wher killing and processing were ness. Hawke, , harles James, John KellHe then studic/l in Beihany ing ta.Jka. During the social hour thing they need In some metropo- I in progress. Theological seminary and NorthMrs. George Hart.sock was the ner, Rut.h Larrick, Iren e Peters, a dainty' lunch was served to the I'IS a1. 'h • 6' st ate. A n , I oqu.en t ,I After this they were conducted w t4lm university, in Chlca~, guest of relatives in. Miamisburg, Ruth Sali bury, James Sheets. members of ihe Auxiliary Ilnd stl'ang r from the city in qucstion' thro ugh the Cro ley manu!actUTKalh ryn Smith, Edn..a Mae Staup, and ,i s aL tbe p nt time w~rking ' the following guests: mith has expluined ithe matter to them Ing plant' where Crosley rallios Sunday, Robel"t TbQma and Jeannette' on his M. A. dllgree, which be will Hickenloop l' of inclnnati, Dea- in great detail and, perhap!!, with and helvlldore refrigerators are W. S. GJ'aham and James Ker- Wil son. rcceive from Miami unive1')!ity, cones.~ F't'acker Qf Addyston, 0 ., .. me logic. Or they, propably, - mad. It was noted that this . is rick weI'e busi ne6s visitors in Oxford, probably this 1all. ' . 'l',h e cel'emoni es for the cia s of Mrs. 1d Kelsey, Mi s Abbie have read t.he printed argument lhe first grOup to be taken through Xenill, Saturday, i8 ill at ,hi home on Vern Hough MI'. Garst is an ordain d minister 19:HI will be opened with th Glaham. Mrs. Will Cornell, Mr~. sent out by a Ibig dividend-pUying ' the plant. in the Church pt tb& Brethr n, Third street. Elsie Weltz ami little David H,a rt· mail-ord r houlle in a. di tant part I After this the members of the . Mr. Kenneth Evans, o.f Dayton l)r·oces. ional murch, played by the and at pre ent is serving a charge f the .country. • group were escorted to the WLW called .on MI'. and Mrs. Wolter school ol'ch stra under tnl!' direcDr. and Mrs. R. S Weaver and sock and Ji~~e~~ltz. in Gratis, <>.. In addition to his tion of Russ n Frank, music inIn either case, the adVIce nev T bl' adcasting roOmll whe-re they EIMy WecJinesday morning. and ons spent Sunday with rela· school duties. ~ruttel·. comes from any fellow town man )'cceived some inC.ormation as to Mr. and Mrs. Ora argent are Supetintendent Lob. whos tives in Xenia Invocation ",ill then be proof thcirs who has the interest of how programs are put on the air relatives ' in Morgan nounced by Rev. G. d. Dibert, lIucce IIfIlI administration haa exvisiting, Mr. and Mrs. Lester James, of the home town at head. and th n w tie permitted to sit in tended over the last six years, was Blanchester, were Sunday guests county, K~ntu.cky. lJa tor of the Wa-ynesville MethodThis is a ()oint to be rem em- on one of these programs. not an applicant for Ute po ition of Mr. and Mrs. Charles JamCl! Ist church. Salutatory will be prehere-<!. The boys, members of Miami Mr. nil Mrs. I. E. Adams of this yftr. and family. 'The bome-to'wn mcrchant's pro- Valley F. F. A. chapter Q1 Way- Dayton, vi ited their son, Mr. ,entoo by Salisbury, followed Alth9urh no announcllment has The baccalaureate service Cor fits Bre spent in Waynesville, They nesville, who enjoyed the privilege John Adams, and family during by Dr. Shank'. address. Ml·s. Martha La y, woo bus been the cia of 1936 was held Sunday yet been made by Mr. Latz as to A tl'umpet solo offered by Frank ul imately ycach you again. Your of this tour werc Roblll't Thomas, the week-end!. his future connections, it is under- visiting at the home of relative in night in the gyn1 which w'lia filled L~MaY', Jr., will b followed by nloney comes l~ack to you-the Albert Hawke, Charks James; stood he has eeveraJ attractive Dayton, is the guest of Mr. and with an appreciative au'dience. Miss Minnie Davis and Master the v~ledictory by H. J~L ne Cook. "starting poin .. of this bUllines! James Sheel'$, Robert Young, Paul Mrs. FI'ank Cook. . off r!I under' cO'rlsidcration. The 27 members of th~ class "circulation." Duying at home is Webb, Earl Sheets, Charles Fires, Billy Davis wer guests of Mr. and Scholarship recognition will be At the helm of the focal schools Mr. Bnd Mrs. Walter Whitaker and the entire faculty entered to the only &Illvation there is for the Earl Earnhart, Tressler Hardin Mrs. Cliff Burnett and , 'family made by R. F. Hatfield airel' which during the trying depression nd daughter Anna MarilYn at- the mu ie of the processional Monday 'evening. the diplomas are to be pr-esented busine s life 0;£ Waynesville. This and John Weaver. years, Mr. Lou has many ~ by uperintendent J. W. Lotz. tended the General Conference in played by the school orche tra sam principle is today invoked by F U L eMay an" Mr. an d M1'11... Th b .. R ments to his credit. While many Co'lul\\bus. Monday. played by the sehool orchestra $mall nation to maintain their inDEATH daughters. Mary Eva and Ruth . e ~nedlctlon by e~. W. C. I)Lher schools w re required to under the direction of Mr. R. E. dustrial existe'nce in the face Helen, spent the week-end in Sl'TIlth WIll close tho exel:cl es. short n their terms ,due to shortMl's. Roy Johnson, of Clervelllnd 'Frank. James Alexander Barnes, aged Columbus, the large arui more powedul Worthington and WThe .53. r d a~~ual1'fi!uhnt°ln 0lt th~ age in finance. th Wayne town- is spending a fe"!,, da?,s. with her Following .thOo inv.oeation, which neighbors. Waynesville citizens 80, died at his home south of Way- Westerville ayncllV)1le ntgh Be 00 a umut shlp chools have been. maintained aunt; Mrs. Amelia WlIltams, who W'1l8 given by Rev. W. C, Smith, association will be an eYCnt oQf mt.\st pr::ove by their .example that nesville, early Monday morning. every fear for th;l full nine- ia slowly recovering from a severe minister of the Church of Cbrist Mrs, Ella Carmon and grand- Saturday night, beginning with a every man, Woman and child in He is survived by his wife, 'Mary montba period. . , iIIne!! • . 1the hymn, "My Faith Looks daughter, . Miss Eloise Davis, of dinner at 6 :3 0 in the sQcial l'oom cl)m1l1unit:~ must stand shou l~ Etta. Under ,hiB admlnlstration the . Fliheral services conducted by Dayton were visitor!! of Mr. and of the M. E. church.. d r to shoul<l1er with the hO)lle Mr. a'nd Ml'S. W. S. Scanlan and To Thee" ...."as sung. local school haa pined wide T.he Nesident's greeting by Mastel' Fer.ree Payne were dinner I Rev. G. C. Dibert, pastor of the merchants to maintain OUT econ- Rev. G. C. Dibert, we~ held at Mrs. Harry Cornell Monday evenrecogTIition in atbJetiea. WaynesLouise Orane Jameson, of the class eats Thursday evenmg, of loc~l Methodist church, read t~c> omic independence. the Stubb Funeral Home Wed- lng. ville haa during the lut .Ix yeus of 1930, will be followed by the Trillena and Margaret ctipture lesson. This \W$ followc~ Patl'onize l()cal merchants dis- n~sday afternoon and burial was captured the -county basketball Edwards. Mr. and Mrs. 1. O. Brown had reading of the minutes by Louise Iby a vocal solo, "The Lo t Chord," playing "Tradla at Home" postel'S. in Miamisburg cemetery. times, and ehampionsbip thre as their guests ISunday, Mr. and Hende,so~ Schoeler, '30. by Mr. Frank. hi~ last eason diatinguished.itself Rev. G. C. Dibert a~companied Rev, Dibert deliv red the' ===-===;=:===========~==::::;======== .Mrs. M. J, Brown and Mr. , anp J Wel~ome to the class of '36 1\ by being too first Warren county Rev. an.d .Mrs. L. D. Vesey of scrmon, uaing as his theme the Mrs. 'C. W. Brown, of Versailles, be given by Minerva Harlan team ever to win district Class B L",banon to Columbus, ~onday, topic "Three Looks," the thr e Ohio Hough, 'HI, to 'Which Cecil Ha~ laurels and· advance to the state and attended the Genersl Confer- being a deep look within, u long Mr. JOe Irvi1l of New Rochelle, man 01 the cur;r~!-tt graduating tournament in Columbua. ence of the Methodist church. look ahead, and a constant look N • Y '1 Mr. an d M're.' J oe Dod son class will respond Mr. Lob baa all10 promoted high above. and Miss Minnie Dodson of ' Election of officers and other Mr. an.d Mrs. wiil Bradley, Mi B scboleatlc IJtandardB and during The program closed with Ii selee tndianapoli~, ca)J~d on Mr. and routine business Will be follow~d the last six yea1"8 the local sc:hools Martha Cook, Mrs. Allie Sarvis tion "The Oherubinl Song" by Mrs. W. H. All n Sunday after· by the singing of the high Ichool 'And Ion Robert, were dinner haYe captured lour, lint and two the W. H. S. choir of sixteen song. noon. seconds in el,nth grade eompeti- g\Wsts of Mr. and Mrs. Ge01'1rtl voices and Rev. Mr. Smith proHarTy Gehring's orchestra has tion. Several hlah ranking stu- Woollard in Belmont, Sunday. In celebration of the sixteenth been secured to play for danc ng nounced! the benediction. dents have * n produced in tbe ------~.~- .-----birthday of her son, Robert, 'Mrs. at the Ih lgh schoo~ symnasium senior scholarshjp tests Meh year'. Edward Franer, son .of Mr. and Allie Servis entertained. at supper, following the dinner-program. Othel" teachers at the high Mn.. Clarence FraneI', ie home on Thursday Mr and Mrs Frank Cook Officers of the alumni associa. se-hool building will bo Raym(lnd a furlough from the Naval HosAJi s Martha Cook, Mrs.. Martha tion al'e Louis!!! Crnne Jameson, Braddoock, L O. Brown, KarJ. pital, Annapolis, Md., where he is preside-nt; Maynard Rich, viceLacy and Miss Lucy Eml~y .. 1. enrolled as a. dentist. Bodenbender; Darrell C. ", rrenc.~, The annual Memorial Day ,p 'resident; Louis~ H.en.derson Get All your wool is worth. choel!!r, secretary, and Kenneth N~w Hol~tId, who will receive his Mr. and Mrs. O. L Duke and son services will be held as usul\.l in Oonsign 'it to the Obio Wool Grow. Fromm, treasurer: bachelor of ~ienc;e degree this Robert joined Mrs. Helen Duke Mia.mi Cemetery on May 30, at ers Cooperative A!;sociation. A ... spring frOm! Wilminlton colhip Graham and daughter Dolores. in 2 :30 p. m. . Final arrangel'Tllt!onts liberal cash advanee when ~ljp. is and who will succeed, Baymon Dart-on, Sunday, and had dinner will be announced next week. LOCAL MAN ClVEN MEDAL received and full value wben it, i~ lJaUleld, who resigned 'hi" position celebrating t~ 27th A committee will be at the townsold. Waynesville Fanners' Exin the local Bcbool to ~ept a post birthday of Mr. Roben Duke and ship house 't o receive und take Nt the nnnunl ,"eeting of the change .,C ompany. 0:( assistant conaty lIupedn~ the 30th birthday of Ml'II. Gl1llum care of fto rs that are brought in Ohio Livestock Loss Prevention dent, E. Vi1'1rtlne Roe, Esther Boy Scouts will gath.e r Bowen Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Gordon and Association held April 23 in CinSmith, Eliubeth Henkle, Chule. 'Mrs. E. C. Crane and little durin&, thA!. morning and will Ih ave Miss Helen. Welch motored to cin~ati, Hartley R. Moss, and Neal James and Carl Ferrusoll. Nancy, accompanied Mrs. Crane's charre of parking at 'the cemetery. M ••or/.r 'IG' Ad",I,.. Frankfort, Ohio Wlldnesciay, after Mount wer~ given medal awarda RUMell E. Frank was retained mother .n~ Ilater, Mrs. .Kay Cook A band practice will be called 0 ••"7 i .1 " IJ .. ,.,. noon and were guests of Mrs. for safe handling of stock over' all 3 ...... Sen Fr.",d.e•• as teacher of lI\ualc. ot DaytQn, and lIrs. George Monda~ evening, M.a y 25 at 7 :80 the tUl'Uckers who ha.ul to the Cin. Howard McCune. . Grade icbool teach en appointed Cleven&,er. of San Fl1ll!,ciaro Satur hi W. H. S. gym. Anyone playing cinn-aU Union StocJt Yards. Thill by the boArd """ a. followl: ~Y, to Norwalk, where they a band iQstrumenf' ie welcomed. O. J. Edwards, of .Springfield, is meeting- was held in ' tbe. auditorEva Reeder, Mn. Ola ,X ....)". vtsited relative.. returning home The rehearsal will bl!" held to pre, lijloCnding this week at the home 'o f ium of E. Kahn's Sons Crul'l'pany Alice Campb,ell. Laura MleKinMJ'. Sunday nlaht. pare for Memoria~ Day exerciaes ADMIRAL GEORGE DEWEY his sister, Misses Trillena and packing plant. During the busineaa Macey Oarter, Doroth7 Ann DBJ', Mr. and Mrs. Frank Andrewa in Waynesville. Margaret Edwards meeting officers a<ld directors as the fame of the men to whom Virginia Hardin and Wade and two IOn., of Dan,on, .Mr. and - - they are dedicated. Dewey's ftnt Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Tich~nor, were elected for the coming' year, ""Mine service was in the Civil Tumer. Mra. Harry lIamllton, ot CleveOBITUARY .of Harveysburg, were luncheon along with the presentation of the War under that di.tin&'\lilhed As the time of J. B. Crabbe, guests on Thursday, of Mr. ilnd awards. to tr-uck~rs . of various Farra,ut. . leaman" Admiral director of the Smith-H~hea de- land. Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. May V. Haines, daulr'hter of After the Civil War. he rave Mrs. E. E. Way, of Shar.onville, at yards m the s~t~. partment, does not expil"e until Hamilton and daughter, ·Katbryn Wm, and Eliza Marshall, was born conscientious .ervice in many the Colonial Inn at Bill. sboro_ The two prtnclpal . ,Speaken of \.!• t t .of Newport, Ky., spent saturday near Mount Pleasant, Jefferson departments of the Navy, includJIJ Iy, actIoni On ..... apJliOl/l men and Sunday with Mrs. Emma , '. the day gave oa. lIurvey of market Iq MYeral poats witH Asiatic could not be t.oa:kIen at this meeting H~ilton. . County, Ohio, ' Ocbober 11, 1861, Mrs.. Lillian Fife, of Washington losses of. hogs, cattle and lbeep . • taUona. At the outbreak of the of the board. . . de~al'ted tbill life, Friday, May 8, D: C., and !tel' childl"en, Earl Emer due to rough lulndl~ng uJ'ld ' 8ug~ S,.liish-American War, Dewey - - -•• - ....- - - En route from Columbus where 1931J. , .a. chosen to command the All· son and Miriam Fife, of Wilming- gested several ways of preventinr atie tleet. On Ka, I. 1898. he LEAI'IDER CAREY RITES theJ' had been iii attendaDc:& at She lived in. this commun'ity ton, al"rived today for a few days thi loss. . performed tbe 'eat of destroyAT RESIDENCE TODAY the General Conference of the until rro~ to womanhood, neeivat the home of Mrs. Fife's -----.- --~ visit in. the Spanish fleet ID Manila, Ileitr.odlat church, Rev_ and Mn. in&, her education in the rural brother-in-law and eister, Mr. and ANNIVERSARY DINNER and · .as immediatel, made • Funeral eervicea tor Leander E. E. You..., of West Baden "chool. of that day; later attendRear Admin! and othartrlae Mrs. L. H. Gordon. c..r." 88, '11410 died at his home Sp-'""--• ....111. I n.. _ ... u_ ~. an d ' Mn. In. Normal• Mrs. Edith Ha.rrill, Mn. Ronald Mrs. Emma H. McClure and neal' Utica, lIonda" followinr an John YOUDIf. ot New Cutle, IndiShe served lUI teacher in the Mrs. Ida Kelsey entATtaiDed the . U1neaa of three weeka, were held ana, enel lin. Robert Bft., of public achool. until March 2, 1886. Hawke, 'Mr. H arria Mosher and Mr folloWlinlr at an anlliverta?7 cHDDel' O. J. Edwardll, were in Dayton, t th L U J 'U_ -'-1. at the ...w"'ce this aftMnoon and HamUtoD. Vlfere pesta of Ill'. aDd when abe was unlte.d in marriage Tuesday. a e it e nn -..n.,. _.t: III'. Ca...,. wlao waa well,.noWli Va. B&r llainoua. Thanda, blaht. with I. G. Haines who preceded IIr. CuI F_raueon, MI.. hi this co.......W. Is .urived of Jut WINk. her io death ,A,1I(fUat 11, 1929. Geora-e Edward., of the Ar'ricul- Smith, Mias Vlrr_e ClDO ~n. Walter CaH7; oae . Earl, in Ut. abe made public tUN colle,. 'of Ohio State U."IY1lll'_l.Jeaaie Clarke, Jlr aad BenIaa CaNJ, Mr. . . lira. a..J,1l Lhln of faith in her Savior uti'. came down Sawl'da,. Mr. an' . . . . . . IIa'rrr Ea167. lUI wife taIM4 • ''''' Mea.., IWlrtth ... OIaroh of Christ. for a brief vWt to relettv. .... ud .... ~. __.W .................. .,.. ......... 1Ir..... BIle ~ tne too this baUef OD Saltda, m01'11ine acc.OlDpMhd . . . • ,... .... MIL IIan, Fa"" ef . ......... 1'dIIc' her eh1lnh ant.. 1'JoIIIea. , ......._ _... _ . IdWto..... Claveh Wa,... IIarpNt J:chfuW. _ 8ptI_~1- ,-,



















d_-'_, .....





IIcholalltic ranking for At 12 :30 the boys wert' given '-., IIcniorll. A frYi remark I h ·ir C\inJl('l' hl' Kahn l'llcking Company. They t h('o pro('l'('llcd glvt'n by .Ir. l.utz, whit-I! t.hrough tht' Imcking hou c and cluo I t hI' pl'lIgrllm. Till' nfl' it \H\i'I dr\ightCul nnd wcrc told how various "WatK arc ~I~..-c'-"~J-,,~I _ -"' _ . - - . -~- ----+ \\'8, t lwl'OUllhly l'lljO~'\l1 ur everyLron!lnl FI alll'I' llI:HH· . Thl.'Y al. ()b~(ll'Ved the netic, lh· s('l\tence, etc., and con- onc. jump" ith n mark killing and dl'N!sin~ £ steers. IL __________________________.I W. H. S. Choir M."~. Firat c\UliN! by !<tating that th teacher th, 100 yd. tlll'-h in 10:5 lIeco ndll. At L\\o o'clock, thoy we I taken ~ommon PI... Proc""... is gro s n gl ct. Appe..rance ' . h uld check hill t1~_ car fully Senior Literature Program A11)('1" 1IllWk l' \Y rl tho til cu~ to thl' WLW Inbo)'utul'icli where A Buit wall til d by the Miami The ~ nhl!' lil 'tor' dUll ' hl.·hl lhrO\\ \\ith 11 thl'oW of 78 feci. thC'Y observed consll'ucUon of In the matter of the application Vall ey Buihling and Leon ASRociaThl' W. , H. " >hoil' cliredell by nnd use th~ !;ysi<>m that he Mr. j·'r:n\k, madl' it..c; firl't apil nr- thou h would be th mo t bl'oc- it.. IMt nl"l.tin~ Pl,idny, May Hi. I (lu<:'rt Thoma \\ On the ,hI' pul, r ~I .. y I'8di and hclvlld{)l'(I. of th Trustees oC the Fint. Pr-cs- tioo against Ilnl'v~y P. Green und n!l{,/' at th baccalauretll<:' f\CT\'ice ncial for thll pnrticular J,'n'OUp. Thi nll.' 'ting w . th l ..t of two with a pillcelllcnt flf 20 % fe t. '['h y I' the first group to OV.eT byt t ian, Inc., to &ell teal estate, Julin E. G~n, for mOMY and I"und.a.y nig}It., The choir i~ mlldc Mrs. KerSi>Y relld an intcr sting yenr' )lro ram. b<gun I .\ school Loonntd Ft'llncI' won th.e 220 yd. witne~s this. exp~rte, 'lluthority to sell real forec)o. ure. The amount ()f money At tbl'c o'clock, they WeN) state was gran~d. \aimcd i. $1,064.26. up of "Ixlellll st.ud('nt!, with eight PIlPt!I' on "Vt\catlons" r laling year br il cla . Dt ause of it~ dash with a r cOI'd clf 24 seconds, bo. and ist'ht girls. Mt!lllbcl'S are actual IlXpl'l'icn e h had had a populntit.y nnd v llie it will be and Robel.t Thoma, won the soft. wken to a sLudio wher they lis- In the case of {)mer A. Stouten Boone Powell Rlecl 11 suit agnin Rt D 'ull1h Bernard, Vernfi . lac ~hor~ tinl~ ngo wit D ~he Wl'nt into conllllllCd iii ('oming' clas!'t'S. ball throw. ThomM, a lso, won t(,ll d to u jjfteen-mi'llllte organ borough vel'SUS Edward Stouten- Edna. Powell :for divorce. Th e ' F· UrllU, J e no tt~~ nna(1a WIt -h ' dIi. an nliali 11 un l{r, .renn po rly 0 r fnen bot.h th(! high jump Itlld polll vault rpcital. That conc1ud -<.1 th day's borouah ord issue d. ~rder of sale Wall charg is gross negl ct a nd ele· lVii, "11 Kathryn mith, [)olore5 lr" KerSe~' emp si: d the fact Sport.m ..... hip Brotherhood iU111pI'ng .1 r(~i, 4: I)'nch 'llnd tOUI·. t reln c crufilty I C ' ~ In t he case of Union Joint Stock " , IVI 1\ onnN', Mil d I'('l th t teach t·, n('eu ". ati~)n . that The la:i In e ti l1g of the yellr 0 vllolting {I fe t, 7 incho . Franer Land Bnnk, of Detroit, vo .... us A suit was flied by Oll1a sClnrl" (lok, Frank La 1II)y. TI' " Ie-r Har- lh~ 8 tion, need not b upen· the .' rt ' J)lon,;hip B1'otherhood wnn the c'ili.nni)1g coute!lt. with II WaTIIC!,vil\e Student. GiYen . .. '" borne aj!l!linst harles E. ~bornl', llln, harlcs Fin", 'ponnl.! Foulks. ;;i\' and that they rt' w n "orili was hl'ld on Fddny, l\lay 15. The 1'ecord of 10 LlmN\. FraneI' ~lld Award. at Cohlmbu& Mary McKinney, et w, di position for divorc . Th chnrge Is gross LCfI Conn r. R ob I't Hi tt, Dnnald while s l'll nn f l"Cl'ting Aft r program which \\as pTI!~cnt<.>d b • TI\on111!< cnncede(1 the' 440 yd. dnoh Thl'ee Wnynesvillc students were of funds w ordered. I t f d t hi' - ,.. , ,~, In the case of Th.e Mutual Build neg ee 0 u y. 1'1l1l('tl tlnd Lnmur Earnhm't.. , thc r ar'::! , ~UI 0\' r. fore tb ntire lligh c 00 I as to Hawke lind Foul' II, who ' rnn t.he award '<I c rtHlcates of honor at ---follows : ong by the embly; race to d termine placC1!: Ha.wkc the elltrnl }l igh school in olum- ing Loan Company vo&i-sus Thelma. Teacher. Hold Fin.1 Metti n r 5_iol" T 1l1U Ic by the Rhythm Ma~ters \\ on, ma k'"mit it in 1 m1nute . , and 7 b'•lu~ )n~,' 'l'he " ~tuden.8 Gay, et aI, judgment in the t! um of Probat" Court .. ~. a'u'-day. •• The tcllchers h td the final mee t I .n Thu . d ~. :lia)' 14. the ~- OI'Chestra; "Four Y ars of ports- second. Yi e-rC! tory Eva Lc1\fay, Jane $1970.53 was allowed the plaintilf Tlhe will of Elias lIuf1'mnn, (J4.'in/:' {or the current srh I yesI', nual te wa;: gt~.~ Cor the SCnt r man hip," Ft'(lnces Elli!!; .. POl'tsTh mUng according to total ook and Roy Cl'ockett. In the case of Walter S. Updyke coased, W8l'l ndmitt d to COUI't. I I1~L 'eclnes da}' venlng. The »(,0- j l\'irl nd th~ir . p n,;or, by the man. hip Dining ' Vacation," Msl'- point., ran F.'uner 3,8, Thorn 37, 1ol'Y Eva LeMay is the only "ersus John LeRoy Updyke, et al Mr!!. AliilC Trout, ad1l1Ini~trntJ'jx A'lllm W8s in hlll'ge of 11'. James Fre bman Iris. On corner of the jorie 10al'nhal'ti music, the Rhythm Foulks 32, Hawke 31. eighth-grade stude nt in Wan n ha,.les V. Updyke, ad~inistr8tor Clf t h e estate 6f Mary Ida Y owlel', 'Mr. Lotz; county to receive honorable men. of the estate 01 Finnan E . Updyke deceased, flIed her inventory. and MI·s. KC1'5CY. James presented gymllRsiulll ,Wll cozi~y arranged, Master j rcmal'ks a r "iew of nn article fl'om a. ree- the tabl b Ing espeCially attract- "There Is till WOl'k To 00,'.' l'e· . . I b deoonsed, was made a p r tv defen· W. Chester Maple, ex culor 01 ·A .. ric:uhure Boy& T.1r." 'l'rip tlOn Ill, () urn u . iT nt L ' Ul' of the "Renders' Digest" i\'e \\'it.h chinn and Rowers. Th e tiring president, Vincent Griffy. • R k t k " f dant. th.e estate of Mary Fleming, dc' fi Th A . J' 1 D~~n.t l oy roc et l'un -C u ourth in (' (lOC rning the inability or the occasion held spedal Sign! cance , . e gr~cu ~urn ~.t""-' men S his division (county schools ) and In the ease of L on Kirkpatrick ceased, filed his inventory. n Am rica" people to read. This j to the seniors becau8 it was they SenIor Decat:blo of wa~nesvll1e an~ , of Lebanon nrth in the ntire state which versus Emil Whit Jl~ck, the defenIn the estate of atherin 'IIY fa ilure to r e d cau cs many of the who originated the id of an anOn Thul'llday, May .14. the I wel'e gwen a sp cla l field tau I' to. I 1 ' t d 'l dant is gt'1l11ted two y days Ad- decea ed, heul'i l1 ~ for schedul e of pl'oblem ca. ;in ' chool", ca..'1cs in ' nual tea fol' the senior girls to be senior Decntblon. something new the incl.nnati stocltynnls 811d. to It~: U( es C()~ntlr, c~ e V11age. ditional time within which to ans- deb ts, flied, was- set fol' Jun e 4. which tbe teachers wondel' why I given by the fr . hman girls. While to Waynesville, was hId. Tit t<:'n WLW studios n.nd labol'atories la t \el ~ and Jn~ate sc. 0 d • } bl weI', demur'r er, or othe~ pleading. The inv ntory of the est4te of n ~udent is not makiog th grades I we were enjoying tea, dainty sand- vents wore broad jum]>, 100 yd. Fl'iday, May ] 5. The two cl Sl>~ a~e 00 rcc~Jvc lonora e A divorce was granted the plain Catherine Cody, deceased, was h d'UlCUs th l'{)W, ,.uO _L t t met 'In f ro nt 0 f th Ie yilt' (I' s 0m 1\ member of of him. Many tim~8 Ule I wishes and ell k (', R Uth Gr ay gave dlUI, pu. lce menlL()n h ' nlong WIth . . . tiff, in the. ea e of All en Parker, filed and hea ring sent. fOl' J une 4, fault is directly due to the ab- 1a welcome which was ~pond'Cd to ·220 yd . da h, soft bull thro\v, high and were then addressed by oae c scm r c18~S~f Kings Mills, . versus Mae Parker. 1936. ' !ll'nc of MY compl'ehen iOl1 con· I by Ruth Sal' bury, l'epresellting jump, pole vault, chinning, and of the head men. They w \'1' taken ___ L. M. B:endersoll, Ilxecutor or the cCl'ning what i read. Mr. James : th seniors. \Vylodine Ku~s gave the 440 yd . da,sh . The participants through valious pla,ces of illte)'estl~ Try The Miami Gazette For A New Suit. estate .of Eli A. Rus..'ioll, dccea<;C{I, :lI RO di cussed som of. the sy t rna a trumpet solo after wh1ch Mr. we1l& Albel't Hawke, Donld Foulks where the cattl wore. Everything Year. Stella Fike filed a Buit agailU!t fil ed hi application for 11 cel'Uof l hing reading, as the pho- HattieI'd, senior spon or, read Rob ert Thomas and Leonard was explained , by ~:uide . Brook Fike, :for divorce. The (Continued on Page 3)

School High Spots





• ,









The price of tires has advanced about ' 10%. If in need of tirea now is the time to buy. Another tire advance toOn i. predicted. We .ell our tractor' oil, SAE 30-40 or 50, 5 gallona for $3.00- Tall free for Tractor Ule.


Waynesville National Bank Member of The Federal Depoait Insurance

Gordon's Servo Station


Special For Fr'i day and SaturdilY


Men' Felt Hats Cleaned and Rlocked ........ 39c All winter garments, that a re sealed, left over 30 days will be charged torage.

Quick CI~eaners

Kathryn Mendelllhall~ M gr.

Wa-ynesville, Ohio



Watch for the Opening of

Hasting's Garage & Service Station Waynesvm~,


We will gather soon to pay tribute to tho heroic dead \'YlO gave their lives in the past that we of the )Hesent might enjoy peace, prOflperity and happin ess. On this hallowed day we join paying our respocts to , the veterans Who flave PBfllled OiJ'1, ' many or whom it ''\\''fli! our h onor to RCl'Ve when Death called them.


James E. McClure




\v. H. Madden & Company Phone t4

Smith's White Villa Store '

Screen. Doors Window.

Lumber Lime Cement Pla.ter

Glas. Paint


liE V E R Y T H I N G

The beat for the least money





At Your Service'

Phone No. 19


One set double portable laundry tubs with each sale of Prima Electric Washer sold at $49.50 and up. See the famous Mid-zone Gentle Agitator in the Prima 1

hide and C10uld Batteries Complete Line of Gates Fan Belt.

, R. D. Collett Hardware and I

Rogers and Simpson

Implements Pbo"e 99R3




Wl\yneaville, Ohio


High Quality Home Crown Bean. in Stock _

Tow 1 rental 6c or bring your own tow I.

Sandwiches, Colfee (by cup O~ gallQn), lee Crcam, Cundy Cold Drinks . You are invited to uee our Picnic 'rabIes lind Groilnds. if you hav'eo not bee" to our Park you 'will be lIurpfisQd to fiB~ fhle Picnic Grounda Tight at Home as you can find any Ban Dia"""" r ...... Co....., Pi....",. Pknio; Tabl•• _d

Manchu,per bu ............ $1.00 Virginia Brown, pel' bu. .• $1.50 (Unexcelled for Hay)

Grou.", E....

Waynesville Farmers' Ex. Co: ,




Drene Shampoo and Finger Wave ., .. $.60

Real Art Beauty Shop

prosperity an.d confildence of eac~ books of practically every small community is money whleh has In<l'ividuai through whose hands it nation. The strict ,enforcement away-never to return. passes and in. 'perl Eloquent argllm1en~ put, forth reaching you again. "


Lunches and Sandwiches Ice Cream-Candies

Batteries Tirea-Kendall Oil

1:.1I:IG,1!l' ,

Smith's Service Station Waynesville, Ohio

Peck's Food Shop Wa)'Desville, Ohio

u.ltimately such hi,w s bY' these small nations is necessary in order ~ ~aintain


Three Specials Weekly 26c Dr. West Tooth Paste ................ tic

IOc Expello Moth Crystals : ........... .... 43c ubb~

Alcohol ..........•. .......


Ie Drug Store

,avoid mentioning certain pertinent comm un ity can hope to profit by its circulation. fllcts., This same princij~le appli~s to Money spent within the com· gren,t goverllmenta .as well as munity is m oney which b:lIvels 'local communities. Law prohibit,. from one member of the com- I ing t he expen.ditul'6 of money out. munity to anOthel' adding to the : side its borders are on the statute



Pork Chops, lb ...... UC Fresh Pork S~usage 2 lbs. for . ........ 31c:

news appearing i~ YOu~ newspaper will conclusively prove that these laws are enforced. Follow the eXAmple !If tnt> wise, small nations and small communities. Keep your money in ,c irculation here in Way-' nesville.



.•. ,l'Mc

Fresh rround Beef, Ib lie

Bolo(pla, lb. . . ..... lie

Fresh Callies. lb•.... 1'0

Chuck Roast,



by big city stores and mail-ord-er Money spent jlwa)' from home is, their industrial existence in com· Waynesville, Ohio Phone GIR3 houses purport to l'8tionalize out. gone forever and n:o one in this petition with , larg-er ' and more :___________-::-____________1 of-town buying but they studiously '. ;powerfu,1 nations. International




Oil Permanent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $4.50,

Gas 8t Opaline Motor Oil, per g_lIon


SWIM WHERE SWIMMING IS SAFE ', ' Special Rates for Individ~ Season Tickets and F8JI1lily Tickets C. M. RO&ITZER 1 Waynesville, Ohio '

'W aynesville, OhiO




Phone 23

Waynesville, Ohio

Soy Beans For Seed

Phone 25



J. R. Gibbons WaYD••ville, Ohio

Phone 54

SHINE YOUR CAR UP See Us F. Qualit,. Priatin.

·The Miami Gazette Phoae


Mobilglo8s Polish, Wax Pads, J.,ustre Cloth Top 'Dressing. MOBILCAS and MOBILOIL'

Waynesvi'tIe Service Sta tion Erwin Elli., Prop.

Specials For Saturday


Ladies' White Shoes .•... . . . . . .. $1.1' to 1ge Prints for Saturdq onJy •......•.•..•. ,Ie

Lee Overalls .••..•••.•.• , •. ~ •••••



envelop.. and lltam.,.. $&.80; The • c aaed, wal admitted to OOI1rt. Car Co .• supplies and Myrtle R. YoulIIr Wall appointed $!l8.60; Vern Bursk, The Wo~drow-Wfn-Stanage Co., executrix, no bond required. Fred 2!1; The Ohio Oil Co., Irn!lOline, legal, $2.73; Dr. H. M. WII- Of H_.LoId C_d••nd Coad E tate of HuwelJ P Iree, ISSUED EVJ:ltY TBURSDAY AddiS, Charles S. Irwin and Harry 15 1!J.9!1; S. Glen Worley, gasoline, Iiams, inv(,Bligati()n death of John B~ildl.1 L.t eee!ll!rl. Osborn were named nppral~rs. $ 10.4 4; Ray Kautz, $2; The Williams, $6.60; Tile Book Shop, Notice is hereby r;iven that. ...."Obi... .t Po.tottlo. In the matter of the esta.te of Gr a' A. & P. Tea ., food, Car" - n paper, 4oe', K. L. Horn, d 0Iic. PlIoa... ............ ........ N •• 111 .at .,m.. hC"n4 at W.fII"lIali ~:mma W . Peirce who~e P o, t Offlt " "" 1 will sell at my home locate Mary E. Hopping, deceased, sale N'7.2'i', . nrroll's food. April rent for NRS office, $10', I !lult_lptl•• Prlc., ,1 .10 a Y.... lIaUer '1''' " o{ bonds is ordered. "21.25', J. R. Coffman, fc.od, $14 .• Harr" Z. Gray, April ~ent fo.t NR on N. Main St. Waynesville, 0., a I Addr<!II" is Wllyne!lville, Ohio, has -"* been duly appointed Oil AdminiK'I" Hazel Verbl-yke widow 0 f J os ..l. 1"" 25; P. & .Illildebra.nt, rood, $24 office,, $5: W. H. Wrigh.t, miJe- my Hou ehold Good , on MAY 21, 1936 tratrix of the e tate of Rowell Vel·bryk(.", deceased elected to take 50; H rbe11 Hoppe, fuel and food, age,. $12.95; . David Carpenter, Saturda,. Ma, ~3, 1936 P~iree late of Warren ounty, under the will. . 26,75; A. Shiflett., food, $8.50; mileage, $12.30; Ohl{) entral Comm_ciDI at I p. m. Ohi 0, (Ieceased • The inventory of th steat.e of Thc Gt' at A. & P. Tea ~Co., food. Teloll'hoM C011l., rent for May Ant.ique COTner Cupboa'rd, H tYOUTH POINTS A WAY Dated this 30th tIay of Apdl Roberta March Pauly, decMSed, $81!.l)O; L. H. Brown, f'ood, $12; tolls, NRS office, $10; Lebanon i!lg Stove, Oil ook t.ova. Rotwas filed. Blair & LeRoy, fuel, $36.75; Lumbct' ompa ny, posts and lum- point Electric Rang-e, Dish Cup- 1936. RALPH n. CAREY, The inventory of th~ estate of Carroll's Store, cus find food. ber, $417.06; Gross Se-rvice Sm- bOl;lrd, Kitchen Cabinet, 6 straight Pointing out t hat driven from 18 to 24 years of age. are involved QUI't ,Judge of the Prpbat Mary E. hUl'ts, dec scd, wns $29.03: J. R. C<lffman, f.DOd, $10.t.ion, gas 03c: Carl Dakin, payroll Chair, Extension Tabl, Siuein more than one-Mth o f all motor vehicle a.ccidents and more than Warren COllnty, Ohio ~ ' one-quarter of a)) fatal aecidcntA, the National Stud nt l'edcration of filed . 2Gj J. T. D tll'doff, Rhellter, $10; $2]5.20; H. L. Schuylel', pAyroll, board, Linoleum, DeRk and Book- m7-14~21 The invent ry of the elltate of Fairl y I1ar!lwllre Stol'e, gllrtll!'ll $1'72.40; .1. K. Spence... , lumber, caS(l<, Sewing Machin e, nearly I1CW NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT . Amadea has called upon t he- college youth of Ame-rica to accept jts Hcatrola, o~tum(.'l', sllare of the responaibility for th traffic accident aituation. . ' FrllJ\ces A. Nickles!)n, deceased, ~eecL, $ L2<1; J ane S . Fox, milk $93.50; Karl Snell, posts, $12; W. Estate ' $2.5/1; }"'anklin lee & i' uc-\ Co., . TUI1.on, co~l and cement, $19; Carpets, Dresser, Walnut Waru"This p'roblemt needa to be nacklL'(l by youth," says a Federation was filed. ., E~t,at.c of Raymond G, Farr, de• bulleti n going to 1,700 pr sidents of s tudent councils and editors of Calvin E. Rowan cxccutor ~f the fu I, $6.60; D()rll Fry, sh It r, $10 Miller ()()al and cemed $19: Miller robe, Rockers, Wash Stand, Bed, . . stud ent newspapers. "So long as thc evil which annually takes 36,O~0 'fState of Anll Eula s Rowa n, de- . D. Grap vine, Ital'dcn ed, $3.- Hardwnre & Furniture Co file and Springs and MaUl' $8, Antique cea!led: Notlce IS hel' by glv n that \ lives continues uncontrolled, youth is faced with a menace to Its ce~d" fil (l his inventory. Th e ~5; Greenwood Dairy, milk, $(l.40; putty knives, $1.15; J ohn Ba rr, Chest of Drawers, Spinning Wheel executor, filed, hj application for 7.8in Armitage, gravel, $230.35; payroll, $42; Johnso n Myers, Iron Bed Diahe Oak Che~t of MarLha M. Farr, who. Post Office ecurity and welfm'e an~ an atTront to its intelligence." . J. K. SpenceL', sand and gra.vel, payroll, $120.80; M. C. Foremall, Drawers' Ward;obe Bedsteads Ad,ll'c~s is Springbol'O, -Ohio, has a certificate of transf('r. The F dICration presents in its bulletin a series ()f !lug~stlon s for Harrison M. T<lwnsley filed hiS $369.50; Bloir & ~Roy, gTl)vel, pnYl'oll, $344.20; Earl Basol'e, Garde 'Tool Do~ble Sbovei been duly apP('inted as Admini _ a cnmpus traffic control p,rogl'8.lll. Warning again t the :futility of an application for the appointment of $42.GO; Th Van Camp !:;tone Co., paYl'oll, $19.20; V. M. Armitage, Plow~ n 8a.rsha:e Plow Fork Hog tl·'ix or the Estate of Raymond abortive, short- sighted campaign, the Federation emphasizes that a ' ., G . .FOIT late of WII.l"~n County, Sp'rlng progl'am ought to be undel'Laken with the expressed pU'l'pose a guardian of ugh A. Townsley sand ~nd gravel, $323.2'1; Harold payroll, $124,10; Harry Mount, Crate~, etc. et al. V. Mal·tz, san d and gravel $72.70; payroll, $270.20; 'J. L. Dunn, Good Bu'ildilll Lot Ohio, dec ~s(!d. of. laying the ground-work for a longt-term program next fall. The In the matter of th!! · e state of Wait. Garage, grooses . a nd parts, S('rvices, $62.40: A. C. · M unell, Imm.ediately following the auc. Dated thiS Gi~ ~a~ o~ M~Y, 1936 proposals are aimed at two specific phases of the problem as it espeOil gasoline, $27.40; W. A. Hau e, tion of household goods we will J d f pP tear~y, t cio.Jly affects coJlegi!s. Th ey ar , (1) influencing on an.d away from John Gramlich, deceased, transfer $161.21; The Cincinnati Works Co., oil, $80; Th e Standard gaSoline, $13.52; Kelsey!! Garage, go to the corn~ of Tyler & Thit-d 14 2~;; Ow le ro II t ~~~ the campus, (2) establillhing rules to gove.n: und~rgra.duate 1l8e. of of real estate is ord red. Albert St. Jo'hn, executor of the Oil Co., kerosene and grease, $5.- : gasoline, $34.07; Henry Ludlng- streets, in WaynesviJI.e, and sell a m . . alTen OUll y, 10 lM college and the cOimmunity; oot only locally, but In the commumtyestate 01' EIi7!abeth St. John, de- 13; Shell Petroleum Gorp" oil, ton, gasoline, $4S.18; Gross Ser- beautiful corner building lo t 60x a~large . ~ased, tlled hi flrst and flnal ac. $22.14; Griswold Servic:e Station, ' vice Station , gasoline, $53 .36; 200. Has good well, nice shade and _ - - - - - - -_____ " That youth. should recognize and act upon its respollJlibility in one sUPl>li-es and gasoline, $63.38; Gross Service Station, gas, $1.48; is a very delightful location for of the nation's gravest !ocial problems, is it.'!elf a heartening indication count. WnJtct Botts, ga oline, $43.29. Western Union, telegt'8m, 52c; building; a parcel of Teol estate of a neW' thouglhtful spirit. TMre is extraord.i.nary good sense In Marri.l. Liceiliu Blair Miller, gasoline', $38.31; Trustees of p. A., light, that Is sure to increase in value. the recognition that establishing traffic control is a long-term proposiRalph Hineline, shoot millwork- Ruby Vanllipel', gasoline, $20.19; House, $60.10; Trustees of' P. A., A. L. KING lion~an important fact which older persons have sometimes feiled aT of Franklin, and 'Miss Lilli e Jones Bros. Service Gange, gaso- \Jght IIInd gas, $31.45; Ohio Cen- F. T. MARTIN, Auct. w' gr p. Too Federation is to be (lommendoed, too, for aeknowledging Black, fectory worker, of Frankline ~6.85; Smith's Service Station tr'aj Telephone COI-P., 'rents vari- 78J Ce.nteni\le, Ohio, 3 Dnvill that traffic safety is not. something t heY' know all about. "T HE HOME OF GIFTS" . lin~ kero C'lle Bnd gasoline" $100.66; ous offiees, $56.50; Ohio -Central Bldg., A.I,)ams 3661. . Youth can, MId , it is hOped that. it win, do mucn ·to el'tldicate the Herbert Hoppe food and fuel $64: Telephone CQrp., tolls, varioQS L. H. GORDON, Clerk. Lebanon, Ohio I'vU which is "a menace to its security and wellar& and an at'Cront to Re.l E.l&te Trall.fer. Mt'S. Leonal'd Hathaway, milk, $2. offices, $43 .25; Lebanon Lumber • _ ..._ __ , ' lts intelligence." EXPERT WATCH Esper Peterson, to Maud Peter- 40; P. & C. Hildebrant, food and Co., door frames, doors, transoms, I b 'b f Th Miami Oatette REPAIRING son, real eatate in Hamilton town- milk, $36.52; Home Dairy, milk, lock for C. H., $384;48. u scm e or e , ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I~~ $13.20; R a hWuies, h~'I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alexander W. Hill to William $14,50; Kroger Grocery .& Baking Prompt SerYice Wallace Hill, inlot Nos, 64, 55 and Co., food, $116.25; ' RnIY Kautz, 56 in Dilley's addi tion to Mason. food, fuel and milk, $145.10; MarStore open until !) p. m. William W. and Hattie Hill to ion T. Koover, milk, $2.!100; Love--8:00 Music and weather :forceast. Ethel Mae Clark, inlots Nos. 64, land Grocery Co., food,. $6; Leb8:05 Bird. Eggs-H. E. Eswine, naturalist. 65 and 56 in DlJI Ta addition to anon Farmers Coop. Co.,. fuel, $6.8:15 With. Hancock County 4·H Club Members--4·H Club memb\!rs M 50; Lewis & Drake, Inc., f uel, directed by F. O. Hall, County Agrl. Agent, Findlay. ~:. Gross and Frank Gross to $16.25; David Mason, food, $4; H. Ask 'for a 8:40 Clothing Chat-Miss Eunice Teal, Extel')sion Clothing Specialist Jamcs R. Cramer aM Anna Cra- E. & H. D. McVey, food, $25.50; Miamisbur.. Permanent ~ 8:50 Th New Plan for Propagating and Protecting Fish and li8mC-1 mer, inlet No. 91 in Franklin. Pine Crest Dairy, milk, $22.80; J. khn F. Cunningham, Dean College of Agticl1ltur~. Louis Bishop to Ft'8nk West, in S. Richardson, fuel, $104.00; Concrete 9:00 'Mlore Economical Milk Production- C. L. Blackman. and T, S. lot No. 80 in, Franklin. Sibcy'.lS Dairy, milk, ~;4.80: A. Air Seal Burial Vault a.. Sutton, .AnImal Husbandry Dept. Helen H. Eaton to Charles T. ShiHeLt, food, $17; Stokes Dairy 9:10 Music Johnson, real estate in Lebanon. 0., milk, $5.76; W. C. Turton, For Sale only by 9:26 Farm Forum-Group Discu slon led by J. P, Schmidt, Supervisor 0 caretta Ream and Carl J. Sei. iuel, $39; Tracy's GroCE!ry, milk; ~. ' . OhiO Farmers' [nstitute!!. bel 'to John W. Bratten . inlots $2.4 ; Union Gas &: El~lctl'ic Co., Your Funeral Director 9:45 Joan 8lId Jerry-dl'8matic kit. Nos. 6 snd6.!n Lebanon. gas and light, $2.38; MO'rrow Fe d ~---; 9: 66 to 10 Mllf!ic and \Wllt.her forecast Nelson G. Shade and Leon.a B. & Supply Co., fuel, $3,,25 j SchMcClure Funeral Home hade to William Lomm and wnrtz' Gl'ocery, lood ~md seed, Wa' •• 'w'iDe, O. U 8 Lamm, inlot 'No. 22'1 in Franklin. $26.20; Lovelan~ Post No. 266 Lawrence . Shawhan and Lu- Amel'ican Legion, M.eme,rlal Day cia C. Shawhan to Henry D. Shaw- all owance, $25; Sol StElVens Post han, Inlots Nos. 69 nnd 1 in Leb- of MoTl'Ow, Memorial Day allow-anon. lInce $25; Lebanon Farmers' ~--~~~~~-~~-~-~----~-~~---...: Sebastian A. Buarkl and Jen- Coop. 0., cement, $30: Lebanon I..JERE'is Aft offer that will appeal to aU-Ameri~ (. 'COLUMBU ,'o's "back -to the col Iege 0 f meu,Cl1l0 ~. 0 f Ohl 0 nl'e Buerkle to Walter SI'mpson iD- Mooe.nizing Co., wo·pd .stain, ~ Boy Maguine and this newspapu at a special the farm" moveme'nt, which 8tar~ State university, was honored last lots No!!. 71 a,n d 72 in $3.43; George Krager, pipe, ells, combination bargain frice. The American Boy. is the L .. banon. mineral woOod nip-pIes, >etc. $210.26 ed. in the deprell8io.n year 1930, 1week by be,i.n g. elt'Cted. preaide.nt ... 1 d d favorite magazine 0 more than 500,000 boys and cqnLinUCIJ unabated, according to of t he Amenean M--' "",Ica I 8880ClaLucy Dyke to WaJte-r Burnett, Blair & LeRoy, grave an san, . young men. lu fiction carries boys on the wing~ of i record of the United Sta1-es ton. e WI 'U &SUAmeO ... ce nex t CII'''ord LJ Burnett and CharlC'i $12 .80; Ol'egonia Brld ~! Co., stall' H adventure to aU parts of the world. Its sporU articles . bureau of census. Bureau data year when the 1937 annual eon- Burnett, Teal estAt.e in Wayne ro il, $15;. Reif's Eleett:ic Shop, by famous coaches and athletes are itudied by cham. 1!hows that in the last five years 1vention 01 the oraanlzation is township. lamps, $8.10; W. H. Anderson pions. Here you will find the finest stories on sporta, ROOT FOR. AND CONSICN Willie Jel'vis to Ralph Clevenger Company, Subs. Page Ohio Code 105,27-9 p rsons, not iDcluding held in A It I antic C·Ity. • 0 vour Cattle, bOil!. sheep sDd cal • • aviation, butineu, lChool activjtia, humor. and travel estate in Franklin township, el'vice Commissionlers, .1; real children under five ~ars of ace, • • • .~ 'h 't I' to Norri~Brock ,,'-., Jive wire BtU! ' Even at itt regular price of _1.00 a year, The Ameri. and Christine Clevenger real Stillwater Sanatorium,. OSpl a ua p'''gresaive ftrm f'lr tb. hiP'" .. J were tulded to Ohio's far~ popula Warning that un~r new state estate in Franklin town hip. Hon, Edw. Hensey, $;106; Drs. can Boy is cQnsidered a berg:Wi. But now you may martet prieea and rood •• nlce. w - MlUOtl've that ""'mmer Alf d I ' "I' nn. ' T,"ft number of oceupied I obtain it Aftd this new'paper, •••• UDID. Sloe. Y ......• 0. ~ ...-, 8 I''ncr"ased K; Harr"I K. HamiltoD a.nd Bonnie Edw. & Robt Blair, eXII.m. B or k la morco than 36,000 aw, . I no ""1~..., tifl a'- of r ...."'" i-·rationTQne in on Radio S~tlon WOItY .... .. cIa car cer. c ..". -a .... Lee Hamilton to Edna E. Ridge and Rotte ChildT!)n, $4; The 00 'dUl in.. the same period. Farms, will have to be carried 'was issued d "1 te tc \ ..... inlot No. 263 in Wayn esville. Shop, pa.ds, 1 recor , "a J', e ., for the purpose of the census, are by Registrar Frank ,West of the William C. Pence to Thoma . $1.65: Dayton Blank Book & Prtg desirnated as tract. of land of bureau of motor vehiclclI. The re-- H t an d I H teal estate Co elleral oand cI88i ified tax three Or more acraa '\WIich pn:lduc~ quirement applies to all claases . u~ ri bona urst. h~~t! $35.j!7' The Columbus ' ce at .l east $250.worth of.produ an- commercial Voehicl~ including In N!J:: ~:o'smitfi, and Effie L. ~Iank' Book M.f~. Co., cigarette ' . Dually. Too mcreue m the num- trucks, traileN, semI-trailers ,and Smith to Amor Mi1Ier and Julia Ilcense fee receipts, $1.150; Dr. A. I . ~er of forms me.ans the "reoccupa- b\l8es. Failure to comply may cost M'l).er aJ tate I Ma on 0 Harvey medical services, $20 tioRi of abandolle<l farms the .c1ear- the violator a fine ll'anging from ID C::rk Van C:mp and' Ollie The Midla~d Grocery Co., supplies ,Send Your Order To ing of forests an.d the eNBtlOn of $10.0() to $100 •.00. Non-resid~nt Vall' Camp to Gertrude May Van $3.85; The Lebanon L\llmbel' Co., new !~'7"8, and In ~~t cases th~ ~wned c?mmerc~al cars, operating Camp and Lillian Grace Van awdust, $1; Grisw.ollrl Service !!ubdivision ot fanns. The i? In comphanc~ With the laws of the Camp, inlots NoOs. 66 and 67 in Station, go , tube, oil, 81rease creal? was most pro~~un.oed In state of tbelr ow~er's MIIldenee Franklin.. 54; Valley Motor Sales, $59.40; tbe VIcinity of I~e CitIes, accord- arc exempted, Regtl!trar West said Sam Johnson and julia Johnson Postmaster of Lebanon, Ohio,










Cary'l Jewelry Shop


Farm higlat 7 atka, May 25


S TOR IDS m for



This New spa per

Best of the News Direct From the Ohio State Capitol

At Reduced Price


B0 th 0 ne Year For

2.00 ;~~;::.~::~ Auctioneer


ing~~~~~~~~~ ~ur~au"

Miami Gazette

~~~~~~~ , ~d-=~~~~~~~====~===~~==~~~=~~~=~~=====~~~~~ =


Minnie Thompson, inlots Nos. 306 • • • • and 307 in nanklin. The seventh , annual All-Ohio A steady increasing demand for John A. Clark and Ethel Clark Safety Co~rre!S . and Exhibit, farms Is indicated by the sale of to Stella May Good, 84.75 aCTes in under auspices of the Industrial I Deerfteld township. Emil A Juterbock to Marguer. Commillllion of Ohio, will attract 3,037 farm proporties by the 12 hundredl of civic lea.ders. city and federal land bank.e in the first 'ite Juterb~ck Fisher, et aI, i31 county ofBcials, ~usine.. and indus quarter 01 1936. Tbis is a 60 per aeres in Hamilton township', trial repIWentativell and others cent pin over the ..lell In the J. A. Wheelen and Mary E. Wheelen W Charln F. ' Kable and intelltlllted in ereater atet" par- same pel10d in 1935. ticularl, in incluatr7, to Oc:!hlm~u. .. - • Etheiltable, 61.75 acl'~ in Oreelle ;June 2, 8 and " it w. aIUlounced • and Wane colInti... by 'I'hoblU II. Greroq, industrial marles F • .KAbll! and Ethel commt.toA chairman. The annoal Kable to Archie L. Kloutz and conference is d ..~ed .. a eol- I Ames Klout., 51.75 acres in minatlon, of the )'881". activitlel in (Continued fro1ll PiP.) Greene alld Warren counties. aeeldent prevention and wm af. fleate of tranafer. The .llKutor .luli.. Suemening to Carl Garrilord &It opportunity of ezehanginc W8II authorize'il to transfer banda. Ion and Lena Garrison inlot No. Flol'BllC8 E. , Gib~ .inistra- 40 in SouUt, P&rk Subdlvision of views OD man, of the serious prob1ema conft'Mtina t~, dorts trix of the ..tate 01 lfal')' C. Lebanon. to make induatt-y saleI' for the Mount, d~, flIed her appU. Very Ruble to Gertrude, Roberts, worker, Chairma1l OrelfOl')' .Id. cation for a certlfl~te ot trans- inlot No. 718 In Fra.nklin. The exhibit will .feature the new- ter, Mary C. Mount, deceased; to en in .tat)' devices 01. all kindl A certUled COPy of ·the entry Frank H. Mount, real e,~te in and will be the larIrelt held, a~ deUlmJnlDr the li$eritanC8 tax Salem and Hamilton. townships. the estate of William 1'. Obe K. Miller, deceased, to ~ cordi... to plana. • • • • ' Schenck, deeeuecl, Is to be trade S. Mm ..., Inlot No. 7 in lmportant data on relit area, fled without deJa,. Franklin. livin. aecomodaticn. anet kindred Lyle Fruer .... appointed Willard Ruby to John A. and aubjecy of Interest to property mlnislmtor of the .-tate Clf W. Ethel Clark, 84.7& a"res in Deeronen, . cine leeden, realty Fraser. cleceued. uct ..eel bond aeld towubJp. boards, GountT eommildonerll. of ,'00 1ri1Ih MI1'etIea. loa. eo", A. B. Kaufman to Karl W. cwr lIoatcoDIII'J aad IIiDat, r.l ..tete in Lebanon. . cha1llben of oom1ll.. ad baai· ftrma will be pnmcled by the R_JaIl .... IlaIHd ...."....... Benl'J' .Toeepb Fink and Desme ;;-a Prop-. AdmbdattatlOD Jolm Eo Bold.. w.. appointed I'IDk to IMUe P. SeI1t1"ll and Bat1IId4 Is 01. tH . .t. Ua .. Sellen. Wot No. 2Sla Mor. . . , te.11L11t" ....... to I'W Qeorp 80.............. ... CMI " ...... ft '. Ii .,' .dlr 1Jed'" of ...000 wltII .... Carr to .1'NaIt Weat, lil-

From'" C

Th e

re:: .,;.".." ....,.


ow..... ::=r;:-;.- '......." 1;110

4. J.


A. .. XadMD

• ....



OIL . . . . . .

U8 ta I'ranldlll.

Centerville,' Ohio '

L.M.HENDERSON 'lfOTARY PUBLIC Natl••al . . . .

D...... . .



Or No Charge Phone 78J

Will. Ealat.a S.ttW WAYNESVILLE. OHI.O

County oart·

t ,
















FOR SALE FQR SALE-3 Good Milk Cows. Inquire of Joe Tinney. FOR SALE-Swl1et Potato plants and all kiJlds of garden plants at reason4l'ble prices. 1 ~ • mile North oi Waynesville, on' Ferry road'. S~""o\ll\e Bros., WaJllesvilJe, R.. R. S. ml'.jll • FOR SALE-Four-whe.l Trailer. S. E. Angle, one' mile north of WaynesviR., state route 42. ml4-Z1FOR SALE-White IIbelf paper. 100 per 1'CJu, at tM MiaaI

' 1 _. ,1.'" ..... G...~ oSee.

PO. BAI," toLDo..........






.. .


in their blehl, Intere~tinc st.ace at the Twin!! thee.ter W 1.'11nl'llday ev nina', May 27. Th Northwe1lt Mounted Police COll1panr will appeal' tor tleal'1y an hour in addition lo n double pictUl'e program which includes "Klondike" with Lylc Talbot. Th .. lmll Todd and Henry B. Walthall nnd Bob t~ le in "Son o! O}dnhomn.." Price. are 10 and 25 cents.




FERRY CHURCtf OF CHRIST Carl Smith, Minleter Perry Thomas, Supt. of Bible SChool Sunday School 9 :30 a. m. Communion 10 :.5 a. m. Sermon 11 a. m.,

TO THE DISTRIBU.TOR . TO YOUR KITCHEN Famous. Mounted Poli". Company to Appear in Sp~eial V.,.d. ville Perf,!rmance

PYROFAX GAS SERVICE is brought to you by the oldesc and lugest company orits kind iothewQtld.That'swbyitcanbe

G UARA NT EED Pyro(>.il.< Gu-fothomes bcyond the gu mains-is ".,,1 aas. It lights louandy and buto. with a bot, cI••" lame.

It COlts



CompJete equipment is onl, $9.75 .•. the Bas anta," only 4c a meal. A beautiful, modern Malic; Chef·Pyro~llaDp can be bought for-fUII6;. dowa, aodaslinlea.$5amonth.Come iotodayandletusahoWYOllhow Pytofax Ga. Senice CAn chan. . kitcheo ~d..ery w JI,.,....I

P. E. Sn,der " Son




---_ .._---


Is th re n man, '" oman or child in the entire civilization who has nOL he~rd of the famous North· \\' st Mounted Police? Their ability alwllYs to get their man is known Irom Olle end of the w-orld to th other. They are known as the Devil Dogs 01 the whole \I orM. They never give up. How they work and just why it is that they have such a VilOnderful I' putation th e world over, will be vividly told and illustrated by the North tit MQunted Police. CQmpany when they appear in person

day at their home near Oreronia. Montjoy who bu been 10 Nnw 1)1 Mr.. EIMit Bondurant lind dautch. ill, much better at tId, wriUII&'. tl'r., Mrs. Hattie Bon(lurant, Mis.'\- M', Anna BQndurant and Ru II 1\h·. nn(1 Mr '. ook. MI!l8C" , I I~i:\ uc • l'1I Anna Bundurant tlnd Mllry Ilondurant Ilpent Sa.turclay evening Kuntz. J\hmc Norman Kn t.hl e~n Th ompson,. Mrs. A. B . With ' MISS . Mal'Y Thompson, here. Kuntz of TIP!> allO! City, Mr. Talmage, l\ti. g Jes ICl L. Garn('r, Oh al' 1, M'Ieh enor 0 t W aynesDuve Thoml1 ~. duught r · ora lind Mr .. J. Lee Talmag uttClndcd t~e villa called on K. E. Tholo son son Al'thul' of nt'ar Wayn ,will; l<c nJor clnss play Ilt the ~Y1ll. In Monda afternoon. P . y h ' , 'II' lInfvey!!bu r lC la,.t Frlduy evenIng. .. Anna B o ndurall l~ o f this plll.ce Mr. J ~c J ellkins and dnugh\;(1r 1\1IS8 Et.tll Well" MillS , Marie wore Sunday IlJl l'IIC)On gu/!sts {If Graci(' of near L banon callc(l on W lis and olhl'I's s~ent Sunday ill Mr. K. E. Tholl'iPs()ll and family K. E. Thompson a nd family Mon. dount ernon, OhIO. Mr. and (n, li:rpy Powl'll <lilY 11ft. rnoon. The infant chjld of Mr. lind Mrs enwrUlilled v al on last Sun· W~ arc g lad lo I'oport l\fr~ . Alice al'1 Mountjoy pnssed away Il\8t . Sntu'r day aItel·noon. 1111'1\. Ella Barlow of Dayton,




llpent the week home here.

. Rev C1arcntt' Tucker of 81111:0 . .CIl11 ....I on K ...... '" Th OtnilSOn Sun d ay mornl·ng. ft. "


Fire, Lightning, Tornado and Automobile Ina.



Wit. YNESVILI.E M. E. CHURCH Rev. G. C. Dibert, .Pastelr Sunday; Sunday chool at 9 :30 a. m. morning worship at 10:40. The aermOn subject will be, "When The South Winds Blew Softly. ~venjng service I\.t 10 :30. In this meeting we will take up the tudy of "The Great Achievements of the Church." Wednesday : At 7:30 p. m. we will continue our prayer circle ~nd study of stewardship.

ST. MARY'S CHUR('~I Rev. J. J. Scheft'er, Rector FOR SALE-Sweet Potato plants; May 24, Sunday after Ascension all kinds of garden plants. D. H. ChUl'ch chool at 9 :30; Morning l;lock.ett, Phone 68Rll m21tf Prayer and seFmon at 10:30. FOR SALE-All kinds of vegeta· ble plants. Late tomatoea 60c per l ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH hundred; sweet potatoes now Father NewtoD, PastOl' ready. Good selection of hardy Mass at St. Augustine's church perell1lials. G\lOrge Feterson, one every Sunday morning. mile North of Waynesville. m21· FRIENDS MEETING First-day School at 9 :80 a. m. Keetlnc for Worship at 10:30


Wednesday, May' 27th


.. -----N orne fwa

F· --d' H nen






M. Ridge --. E. E. Ridge

FORE IrtCC4fYN; ft!.E/fRVlR'tI, ~I/I()

t; IRVINE: EI.L10TT, Al£jJ~o.IO


Tbae ':'11 club members had exceptionally good reclOI'dI and wW bay.. U. boaor of repzeteDtlng the '68,000 4-11 club memJ)ers of Ohio ID ~JDlm.t at


Whether you would like to spend your




Waah1D8tOD, D. Q., June 18-24.

The four dielcgsltes who will repra ent Ohio's 5'8,000 4.-H club member at. the encampment in Washing.toGn, June 18 to 24, will be. Louise McClain, Ale:x. andria; Wava Kurtz, Lima; F. Irvine Elliott, Ne~r COllcord and Dean Garber, Bellville. Stale club leadle rs each year select a group of club members who have shown oell:ceptional abaility in completin~ club projects and who have- been lea.4~ers in youthful' activities in their communities The young ters will be accom~ pani ed to Wa&hin&,ton by Hulda E Ho rst, assistant state leader of

alleroooll. playing golr, or bridge, or


or f.rlend~you'U find yourself fore-armed

It you have plenty of ~I ect rle appllanee8 to help get the houllework done in .hort order.

boy and girls clubs, and by a county agricultural agent. An elabQraWl program of study and entertainment will be provided in Washington fol' tbe del.egations from 48 lI~tes. USl,lally, the group has an opportunity to meet the president of the United States, and th pots of historic interest at and near Washington aiways rl'e visited. Members at the camp will be able to stand at their tent dool's and see the Washington Monument, the Lincoln Memorial. and the great goverr.ment build. ing standin.g between the White House and the Ca ito!. ' . p

Mrs. He~en Hough Eaton, of Dryan, OhlO, called on Home triends Thursday .. Mr. Tom Welch, ~ISS l\iattlll Welch and Mrs. ESSie Southgate ot Morrow, called on Mrs. Mary Adams F~iday morning. Mrs. Margam Martin, in com· pany with Mrs. Mary Hugg, of Detroit, and M111. J. L. Menden· hall, returned Friday from a delightful visit to relative s and early friends in EasWll'n Ohio. --Misses Alice and Lila Hall, of The Franklin Chronicle BuildDayton, called Saturda.y, on their ing wbich houses the plant of the aunt, Miss Kate H~ll, who remains Franklin Chronicle, weekly newspap r, an'd the l rranklin Manuquite ill. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hiatt, of fac turi og Company, was damaged 'Wilmington, were at tho Home by fire at noon Tuesday. The Friday afternoon. flames started ia a .cutting machine Mrs. Mary Murphy, of Minneap- TOo m of the latter f\ml. olis, ·Mil)n; Misses Clara M\lt'»hy Damnge ·to stock and r,nachinery and Miss Nettie Trimble, ,of Day.' of the manufactu'ring firm is estiton, called on Misses Annie and mated at $2,000 while Seymour 8. Marne Bro:WOe, Sunday, afternoon Tibbals, p~QJisber of the Chronicle Mrs. Nettie Di~kson rode to and owner of the building est!Centerville Sunday afternoon and mates damage to the. building and made a short call on her son, M~. contents.of the ne l W'8paper plant at Henry Dickson and family. $10,000. The fire was under con· - - --- - t;t'ol by 1 :30 O'dIDCk. The damage, ~ribbals said was not sufficient to interfere With regular publication of the paper' today.

drl.lDg, or jut viaUrng with your family

Aod the eolt of owning und operuting 8ueh i. very amall.





• Company in Perlon on the' Stage In their int,e reating

OnThe Screen

' IDoublef eatrire Pr~gram"



The Wayne Tow,nship Farmetrs' (flub met Thursday, May 14, at the home .of Mr. and Mrs. L. V. BTanst1'lItor. The assj8tan~ of the hostess were Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Duke, Mrs. 'Reba Braddock and Miss Pule Riley and the usuru fin~ dinner was enjoyed by the . members and . invited guests. The speeial topic for the afternoon program, "What's the Hurry?" Was ably treated by A. S Collett. . The l'U~t speaker, T. S. Towns. ley, of Lebanon, " , . a very interestiD. talk on Kuuia.


I To Attend WashiDgton 4-8 CID. Camp I~"===:::::===::::::=~=::::;:. T he Ridge Insurance Agency





PIA YNESVILLE CHURCH OF CHRIST Carl Smltb, Minister Not A Denomination J enny C. Bradley, Supt. 9 :30, Bible' ehool: lesson text-Building for the Future-Luke 20 :1-2 1 :20. Golden text, "In your patience ye shall win your so u!." - Luke 21:19. Special music. 10:45, Lord's Supper. 7 p. m., Christian EndeavorThe Story of th Criminal; how he Is made. PrQverhs 1 :10-19, leader, Lola. Sean. '1 :45, Evangelistic services. Wednesday, 7:45 p. m., prayer and Bible study. 8 :30 choir practice.

Late .Classified Ads.

Arctic Vaudeville


--_ ... _...---


Members of thea Warren County Agricultural CluJ, and their families el1joyed the l'egular monthly m ting of the organization Tuesday evening at the Grange Ball In Lebanon. Following the dinner a ShOl·t program ·W~18 presented. The Rev. L. :0. Vesey, pastor ,of the Lebanon ~l. E. Church, _ I the principal sP81Urer of tb(t even·

Producen of &TMnhouse toma. gram. _ _ _• toes and cueumben sometimes Neure Jield, whicll uti the equlval 81It of pndac1~ 10 tolll of fruit .. of ..... per Mn. Baeh .11. .,;,.......,·J;.f.I' MI'" of

Mrs. Forrest ·Graha.m has been ill with the grip fof the' past few d!lYs. Mrs. George Clevenger and little dau~hter, Nan, of San Francisco, are gllcsts this w-cek, of Mrs. Clevenger's sister, Mrs. E. C. Crane.• _ '

Qa __lty ·p ..latlng,

Miss Sue Crane was lionor gu~t at a small aurpriae party at thehome of Mrll. Lloyd Davis, Tuesday evening, the occasion being Miss Crane's birthday annivenat:y. ·Mn. ' Davis, relatives alld neighborhOOd friends planned and suecessfuUy carried out trnt 8urprille.



'Our schoolS closed on Friday with a basket dinner and Add meet. There was. also a base ball game between the boys and girl•• Frank McKay, a. native of this community and brother ot C. H. McKay and Mrs. W. V. Lackey, died at his hoone in Logan, Ohio, S,aturday mornin~. Funeral ser· vices were held at Neelda Funeral Home, Xenia, on )londay; Inter· ment wae made in Woodland ceme I tary, Xenia. MrII. W. C. Smit.b Was hoete.. to the Dorcas Club aD Thunclay. Clyde Ewinlr sultaln.ed • broken arm wbile crallkintr hla lllaebUll.


recently. Elmer Bam.. wu called to DaFtoa (at wHk br til. lido. Ubi. Ad death of hiI brotiter.

,....... to. . . nelcIeDt ef



Eighty-Eighth Year



in str uc~r.

Whole Number 6223


-, -

Free instrucLion in music will be offercd this' ,summer to 'all

Waynesville school Lessons will begin June. Those who and w,o uldlikc. to An'nual Banquet of Alu_' Auo- I SKons may do 0 tou h with R. E.


Waynesville Senior Class Graduated at Exercises at School


10 _ _ _ _!'"""'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- '

dis.,1.'ict pupils. the first of are inte1'e. ted arrange for by getting in Fronk, mUllic

27 SENIORS RECEIVE ' DIPLOMAS AT. ANNUAL COMMENCEMENT HEHE Dr. Spencer Sha ...., of Ci_i .. llati, Delivered tlte Mai", Addrau of T<he EVeni".

-- ..---

T>\· Reniors recei-nld' Commencement week of the t.heir diplomas at the sixty-fourth Mllssie Township High school annual commencement exercisC8 opened on Friday cvening, Ms.y 16 of Wayn ~vill e high school, Wlhich itll the claaa play "What About wete held in the gym last Friday Detty" which was ably (presented evening. The school orchestra, \\o1th Mr. FrBnk directing, furnishby the members or the senior class 00 music for the processional, undel' . the supervision of Mrs. --~ which was led by Robert Younlr Lillian Carr. Each participant Mrs. C_ D. Osborne, of Springand Margie Tinney, of the junior played his part unusually well and field, was t.he guea!; of Mr and Mrs class. the entire play wos 'cleverly execu- J . H. Smith, Friday Following lhe invocation by t d. Reverend G. . C. Dibert, the 'l' h bacoo.laureate sermon ' was Ethan C. Crane, of Lhe Dayton salutatory 'Was given by Ruth d livered by R v. Wilson of the Hel'ald, is enjoying a two we ks' ali~bury. The main address of ~llmington Chl'i tian church ,on vllcat.ion. lhe evening '\\"Os delivered by Dr. Sunday evening, May 17. it Tilursday evening, May 21, Mrs. Addle mith and Mrs. C. E. Spneer Shank, of the University tho graduation exercises were . Ande on spent Sunday in of Cincinnati, who selected for his held in the Harv ysburg gym Spring Valley, th'e gu!Csts of Mrs. . topic "Go ing to School in a The senior cla8 was cOmPosed Susl Douglas. D mocl'Ocy." Dr, Shank emphasisof four girls and seven boys and ed that democracy can exist only M r and Mrs E C Crane and ive a8 always, pre nted an imp with free public education and! sight as they flied irlj to the audi- daughter, Noney, and Miss Sue warned hlshearers that the schools must. prepare for greater torium, the f·our young ladies Crane ' visited relatives in Cincinnati, Wednesday preceding two and~. d mands in the future than have The class comprised the tollowbeen placed UPOn them in the put Leo Swearingen, of Wilmington jng members: Marynette Beason, attended alumn'i meeting Satur. if democracy is to contiou~ u a G n va Kibler, Anna McDonald, day night a.nd pent Sunday with founda.tion principle of our government. Evalyn McCarren, Ctaig Beckett, friends in Waynesville. har! s Belcber, Lewis CAmpbell, A trumpet solo was given by Mrs. George Hartsock and Mr. Frank LeMay Jr., after which H_ lames Doster, Maynard Hagem yer. Herbert Kennild)" Allen and Ml'!I. Herman SuriILCe Were Jane Gook deliverw the valid letdinner guests on Sunday, of ory for the elM of 1936. McKay. The w~lcome was given by Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hartsock. Mr. , lUltfield recognized a nU/Ylber of scholarship honors for Herbert Kenne<\y and tb6 valedlc'Mrs. W. J . Baker left Tuesday individ\II~1 members ot .the cl.... tOI'}' by Allen McKay whose sub- m~rning for Dayton, where she AnnouncemC'llt. was mAde that. Ject "Toda) we Follo,W', Tomol'Nlw will remain a week be-fore going we Lead" was the claaa motto. on to Flora, Illinois and Denver, Diplomas were awal·ded 27 4upel'intenclent, and R. F. Hatfield Sheets, Donald Foulks. Third' .R. F . HatAeld, sponsor; Ruth Idthough sixteen standard: UJlita graduates . at Wayne vme high POrlS t'. Left 1.0 ri;ght, fil'!lt row: ro\\': Kathryn Smith, Earl Con.ner, Larrick, Vincent Gl'ifi'y. Top row: are required for graduation, .ill Annual address- Harley H: Colorado, to ylsit relatives ~mith. Rohert Thomas, Barb6l'a L. Gray, Mary Burton, Robcrt Allen, Irene seniors had earned conlliderablJ Pri!8entation at diplomas and Mrs. T. S. Hardin and Miss Vir- scho ol Friday night, lit elterci~s J II Furnas, Albut Hawke, Frances Ellis, John Kellner, Mar- Peters, Charles James, Phyllis more than that. H. Jane Cook led .awards by SU'perintendftlt R. A. rinia attended tb& Eighth gr&de held in the school aUditol'ium. J anet.te \Vil on, R\l Lh Salisbury, jol'ie Earnhart. Fourth row: Coll~tte, Cecil Hartman and Edna the list with twenty-one and one· erercises at Members ~f the class arc shown Rllen Gu y, LanHJlr Earnhart, Leonard Franer, Anna Le Crane, l\fae taup.- Photos by COI'nwell hall standard credits; Ruth SalisFrancia. commencement bury was next with nineteen, Cecil A state a~"l'd for honor mules Twenty-Mile Stand Tuesday liven- above wifh Pro:f J. W. Lotz, Hanna Cook. Second row: James Prof. J. W. Lotz, s uperintendent; studio. Hartman eigh~n. Frances Ellis was presented to the president of ing, eighteen, ElJ~n Guy eighteen and the achool board Mr. Harry ' I .. a fourth, and Ruth Larrick eighteen and a 'halt. the etosin·. by the cia the eandle Ilrhtina- eere.... Seven students were recognized as having had an average 0'1 "A" for their four ye&l'B 01 hich SellO.Ot These Wlel'e H. Jane Coole, tra Mr. &lid Mrs. Phil Zepf, 01 One hundred and tw~nty·two Ruth Salisbury, Cecil Hartman. On Friday the graduatea held College Hill, Cincinnati, we~e SunPlans have been completed for Th e- Honol'able DI~an E , Lanley Frances Ellis, Anne Crane, Martheir closing day eventa and buket day viaitors at the home of Mr. member and guest& were PI'CS nt prominent Warren county a ttorney the gala opening Saturday, at. the fifty-lhird annual reunion jorie Earnhart and John Kellner. luncheon with p81'ilntl and friends and Mrs. George J. Smitlt. will deliver the Memorial Day ad- Memorial day of the Wayne- Park 'M(('S. Flossie. Carel" Mrs. and banquet of the Waynesville Certificates were prese.nted to attendinl'. d I!S! at Miami cemetery on Satur- swimming pool, of which C. M. Smith and Mr. Chester Mrs. Edith Harria wit.h Mr. and Higb School Alumni Association day. fa y 30 at 2 :30 p. Ill. ecil Hartman, and ,H. Jane Cook , On Saturday evenlnJr, lIay 28, Robitzer is proprietor. ¥any re lobking forward to visiteg ~Iatives in Da~ton, the ' annual banquet of the Mauie Mrs. Charles F. MOllher of Ciocin- h.eld SaturtlaY night in the aoc ial for their achiv~ment in the ~neral The n y COQts, directed by . the day lilVenmg. scholar hip test for bigh-acbool TOW'llship Alumni Auoclation nati~ spent Thunda~ and Friday room.of the Methodi t church, An Scoutmaster Raymond Bl\a.ddock,' th IS event WI'th Interest 8S closed the aetivitie for the ~nior with relatives in CardIngton and excellent dinner wa$ ervw by the will gath er nOweriJ dut~ng the local pool has become Olle of the Members 01 (he " ArgUl:ot' s niors, and for their recorda lit. Gilead. Friend$hip club of the chm'ch, cla88. favorite recreation resourtB in bridge club W.ere entertained Wed- as a part of the Warren. morning. The president. Louise I'ane The supper was followed by nesday Ilftel'noon at the home of County Scholarship team coll\ll8tMrs. H. E. Hat]1Bw11Y; HI'S. Edith southlCrn Ohio, Mrs. Edith Harria. Mr. Harris Jame on and the vice-presid ent, ing at Oxford. roU call, election of officers for Many improvements have been MI'S. S. D. Henkle. Harris and Mrs. Mat"in Elbon will Mosher, Mrs. Ronald Hawke and .Maynard Rich, being absent, KenAn' unscheduled event on the the ~nsuing year and a abort talk completed hy Mr. Robitzer in t he have charge of the p l'eparlltion of Emma n-eth Fromm, ~t'easurer, pre ided. son . Fl'IUlk and Mias Aftet' a visit of several weeks program W'liS the IPr.esentatloD .by the president of the board of local efltab1ishment and the beauty th 60ral pieces. Heighway Wlere Sunday guesta of Th minutes of last' y aI" , me tat th ~, ".n e f h<.t d&ughtcr, Mri of a minature gold baakdtMall to edueation, Mr. Harry Tucker. Anyone l1 avi ng flowel's ' which of the ~ounds Itave b en further M~. and Ml'II. Fred Ha~ock in ing were read by the secI' tal·Y. C' ~I (til- !1", !V,!\ D. F. Hill Ie rt Mr. Hatfield, as a tribute from the The president lin_ Mannon th y wish to doll/ite will please ellhanced by the planting of m{)re Louise Henderson Schoel r. The • dt,!lC I'y t .. r ( I. (q:.u. stu.dents for Mr. Hatfield's intertl.en tntrochlced "rs. Lillian Carr Milford. notify I,l membcJ' of the com mittee trees and IIbrubbe-ry. who *ddreMed the class On their Mrs. George CleveDger and custom of calling the namC of 0 1' a Boy eOllt. With weather conditions MI'S, J ohn Compton and Mrs. e t in athletics d'uring the twelve duties .. lI)embers of the Alumni little daqohter, of San Fran- eaeh mE.mber, which consum d D coralion of tho e,a nnons will favorable the opening Memorial Priscilla ompton, of Dayton, years be has been a member d The presentation. cisco, have returned to Dayton much time, was di pen sed with llc in <;harg& of Mrll. Jack KerSey day is expected to attract several callell on M!::... and .Mrs. Cliff the faculty. Ass<Jciatioll. speech was made. by Bernard !fha. Ann Cosaum tnell pve the after a pleasant visit to Mrs. and roll call by . clas es was and Mrs. Gilbert. Frye, thousand persons. Burnett, Tuesday evening. -----~ ... Menoh. addre.. of welcome. She spoke Clevenger's 8i tel', Mrs. E. C. substituted. In OB e of rain the services will Mlrs . .Mine-rva Harlan Hough COl'Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Collett enter Following a selection 'b y the cordiaUy, wtlole heartedl)' and eon· C~ne. THE NEW CENTURY CLUB be held in t he chapell. dially welcomed the new I1tembers tained the "500'" dinner club at orchestra, 'Mr. Lotz presented the --- ..,. -.~--vincingly of w1;lat it wo~ld mean to the claM indiNletly to posse.. Mr. and Mrs. ·R. W . Lange, <Jf of the a o.c\ation, the class of The New Century club met at thcir home "The Bole in the diplomas ' to the class. th,e anchorage of membership in Ci.ncin.nati, viaited Mra. Lange's '36, and MillS Marjorie , Eal'n the home of Mrs. F. U. LeMay Woods" on MODllay evening, Two scho]arsllips were awarded ' this alumni of their tint scholastic paren~, Mr and Mrs. George responded, briejy expi-essing Friday afternoon. one to Cecil Hartman from WilMrs. D. M. Collet.te and daughcommencement. Slni~. laat Thursday. Ml"I. Lange appreciation of the class. At this mee\ing officers for the mington College, and ~ne to Mrs. D, C. The chairman of the nomina.ting Herbert Kennedy ,aYe a plea.. il recovering from.. prolonged ensuing year were -ejected as ter, Miss PJlyllls, Frances Ellis frol11 Bliss BUlin. . Ridge 'pnd ' Mrs. R.. H. Hnrtsock committee, Ross H. Hartsock, inc response-. arid serious Ulnels. follows: were guesto; o~ Mrs. Pau I Boorom College, to the outstanding comannounced their selection of Mrs. Wilbur Clark, president; mercial student. Mr. Howard · Cclilett then ,aveMrs. 'D. M. Collett, Mn_ B. F. ffi f 937 h F at Bellbrook Tuesday. Mrs. Raymond ' Conner', vice W? are, ranees Rev. W. C. Smith pronounced an extemporaheoUi talk, touching Hill, Mrs D R Smitll, Mra R H. 0 cers or I, president; ·Mrs. Ken'tlcth Hough,' ~-- k d u_ J K P to Henkle CorwIn, preslde·n t; John B. M.'s. Robert D.' Coll~tt, Mrs. E. , the bendiction that closed the on the old sehool houaes and th. Har...,c an .... II· .. • f 'v• ' res n G . pres i l L ue11 a W'l Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Collins, ot secre.tal·Y ; Mr , D. C. Ridge, F, Earnhart and Mrs. R. H. Hart- program. D Cons, vIce (ent; 1new, On the pJay crouno aDd the weM Iunc beon cu .... 0 ,_rl. · . G sock attended Eastern Star inSuperintilndent J. W. Lob lul. hilla, ete.ud ~od a feW' "tall Ridlre at the Peerle.. Pantry in ~~ont' Brown, Becrebary; len~ Dayton, visited friends here Friday treasurer. __ ..a_ f .-~ •. &Te, reasurer. Following tile interesting pro- 5pection at New Bul'iington, Tue - nounced the flrst of. this ~ek that Itorle." which elicited much minh IIiam isbu... W ed n_y Mrs. Adl'1l Lewis, o:f Miamisburg 0 ..... Th e remam . d er 0 :f th e evemn . '"b gram dainty refreshments were day night. Jane Cook had been awarded a • H. 'W8I followed by. word 'Woe6k lJP nt the we,ek-eod in WayneSVille • Wills given to dancing in the served to the members and invited scholarship to Capital Univel"litJ, plctuJle and parUal reproduction I Mrs. Maggie But'net attended in Columbus. Miss .M nrgal'et Ectwal'ds was a guests. . at the first l(1'8duatinc aserelles of Dr. and lba. Omar Amstutz and school gym. Music was fU1'Oished t he Eighth Grade commencement This award, which . for the Hs~,.b\t.... DiP _001 OD daughter, Iria, and '''no Isador_ by Gellt ing's or.chestr~. of Dayton husiness visitor in ~on today I Qt Centerville, Thul'llday evening high scholastic ranking came too Amstutl, of BelJet.ontaine, 'Were ' • • ANNUAL MEETING Kay 20, 188'1. 1 Mr. lind Mrs. Frnlnk Cook we.r e I and spent the week-end with her late to be announced at the eomHAPPY HOUR CLUB The eoatumes and pantomime guesta of Rev. aDd Ibs. G. C. guests of MI'. and M;rs. Ralph Linn The annual moot,ing of the lot nephew and niece, ~r. and Mrs. aft.ernoon. Dibert, Bun,day mencemel)t exerciles laSt Fric1r.7 WIere arrllnpd alid carried Ollt b, . ow·n ers ,of Miami Cemetery Oharley Kindle at t.h eir new home evening. ·The scholarship is lOT Gnl Mrs. Eli Furnas 'Was, hostess to unday. memb8l'S of the propam comMrs. F. B Dendenon, wIlo sub- ~ members ot the HBIPPY Association will be held in the in Houston, Ohio. hundred fifty dollars and may be Mr. a.nd Mrs. Me:ivyn Bants, of chapel on Monday, June B, at 2 p. mittee, of which Mill Helen Ran- ;nUtted to an operation III the Dill club for the month of May ">\'ith applied to any of the four-)'ear dall was chairman, and the word Hoapital " in. DaYton. Pleasa nt Plain, were week-end Mr. Georgc P. James, of Seattle m. returned fourteen answering to roll caU, curricula of the university. »lcture w.. written aDd read b, Saturday, to her home heore where guests of Mr. and 'M s. J P Fromm , A lull attendance is desire d. Washinglon, a gTf;lduate of W The meetin« opened with II song M.... Hattie Wales Smart'. who was she is IP'BdualJy recoverinc nesville high scbool, was present A. S. Collett, Pres., f~llowed by the 'f ading of the Fo)' the pleasure of Mrs. George present at the COIlUMDCetDe'llt of at the annual banquet of the JUST SEW CLUB ELECT Helen M. Hawke-, Scc. clu b creed. After · a short' business CleVof,l lger, o:f San Francisco, Mrs. OFFICERS FOR THE YEAIl May 20, 188'7. Rev. G. C. Dlberl and famil, association, Saturday m28-j4 alumni The three ,OUD, ladi.. who com- left T. .. . , mo1'!lbla for Gl'I!ell seasion the program committee- E. F. Deppe entertained a group evening, Mr. James a.ttended the ..... The Just Sew 4-H club of w1dela presented a program, consi ting of of friend,;, Thu1'8da;V afternoon of NOTICE pOlled the claas we" iaapenoDa.ted Forest, Ark.. where the, will be reunion last year, th-e first since Mrs. Guy Routlahn is adYiMr..... several readings and a contest, In t week. in costume and ~ In the pftts lor sn.ral clay. of. Kr his graduation in 1888. The WayneSVille post offiee Wednesda)" Ma), 23, at th. hcnM At the elose of the meeting the paDtomime as the nam. . . . . nad and lin. L. V. Bect, former Wa,. ·Mr. and Mrs. Cal'l Conard and be closed Saturday, May 30, hOltesl served deHeious refreshThe Wa.ynesviJIe Garden club of the leader. Tea members ..... out. .esvlU. residents. children, of Daytonll Mr, and Mrs. (Decoration Day.) will meet ;with Mrs. J. K. Preston present. Uowa menta. D. Brakefield, of Sabina, were 'Plealle note: on the afternoon C)f June 2nd. Mrs Joaa Githeu . . . eleet.ed ...... :~~=t. of Dr. Horace of G\l.Mta for the afternoon were Sunday guests of ft,l·r. and l l.... A. One mall dlspa.tcb at 7 :40 a. m. D. W, McNeil, director ot deDt, Rath ...,.., .,.. .... .. ') Dola", Soada n.bta. :fta th. lira. 1.. V. Branstrat4r IUld Mn.. O. Griffy. Gln.ral ,deUve17 until 9 :00 a. m division 4, and Mn , 040..... tnUvv~ A1IM . ( Co_ . .11 Oil PIP . . . . of Ida 'Ate... lin. aqaoad Fred B....dock. J4la:~i1o'J. wiD close IlUial patrona ma, call for. mail Kledle ,nU Kive tala on nQWV nen&tlcmal ~-------~~--I A. CODV. S~ DiIIIt'" De dub adJoVDld to meet Frtcla7 at lIDW 9 :00 •• m. Arranpml.t,a." Eaeh memba aoatuhD ..... I.D..... Dr. ~ • 1»ntIaR wItIa Kn. Lawnaoe Cook in June. Puddtll La.1 P. O. lobb, opn to lGck box•• ask.d tAl brlne Bowen to... 800IIII ............ of till .... CII&dIa ... MIOCI, • - ---..a f aU day, t;e die oa..t .,.,... ., ••VetI or . Pnnk II Fox. P II alst the clemonatration.






~l:;~~;::~~a!~::~:!gt:~t!; 122 Al1END MEETING OF HON. DEAN E. STANLEY WAYNE PARK POOL m~;~Si;~:~~c::l:eh~~~rcb~- :~~ ~~:::~' ~~.~~;:~~~i:~~ ALUMNI ASSOCIA1ION 10 DELIVER ADDRESS 'OPENS SATURDAY




i, .given

---_... - - --





,. •..-11,... 0..

=I=i=5. . . .

., . .



. . . . • ,....III·..r..l t ...ll_., .. 1I-. ...



at tJal




confirmed the IIecond and anal ac- pointed guardian of HuJrh . (,'ount of C, e. Jo~\1la.., admtnutra- I Town!'ley, et ai, and filed bond II! lor, with the will anMxed, ~f the ,SOO with aureli('s. A new Improved iaauf ot lht' ~:t.ale or William McBurney. Salea by Reno R. B<,rea,w ado!'\t<titution of the l\<' of Ohio COUR1~ The final account ot Chester B. mini~trlltol' of th!' estate ot LOI'with all am('ndmcml$ and nnll tnSawy rs, guardian of Gladys Ber- on20 P. Bercaw, lleCOBIIC!l, w<'rc np tions to Jnnual'y 7, 193G, hail been proved. enice Sawyer, minor wsa apprQVpublish d und~r the tlirf.'cU<)n of Common Pleaa P'roc:eedinl. The char'go i ~ lr)' O ~ n 'gol ~t, eel, allowed and conJil'mcd by the In the matt I' of the estale Qf Secrnta"y o·. . . .•.Ate G oryc •~ , ~. A suit wa flIed , Ly Gcor"f'O court. Myers. It will be distribut('d Ullon U . d A ' .., Lucy'D. milh, d cea, d, ~rnnsfl'l' The CII, c of nlte rti I.S COl'P Lewis ~ol'rison aglljn~l JOSI'P h A, Th Ii t d Ii 1 t f f .. _' d I request to Iibl'lIrics, univen;ities, \'(>I'~,'U ,' J. " P t G d e 1'$ nn na accoun 0 0 as!;eo .... IS or I'I'C(. " " ut Cl' on, l'an RQbcrlJ.oon f ol' moncy, Th nmount L E G d .1 E I W colleges, high schools Ilnd other Th('ot ' I', WDS di smis:sec:l. eonOl'a . arra1' an", ar , hru'lea E. Be Ill, n<iminisl\'atllr in. titutions and organization", The ca~e of Minnie }findlin ,'er- claimed WnII , 7 0 0 . . , Gephart, eXe<!utol'!\ of the estate of the estate of Emmn N, Beain, S t ry 1\1 e sa'd The on The Southern OhiO liVings Dank of Malina Buffingcr deceased was deceased, filed his first and /in II I ecre a YI I. , - , us ~11I11 Iindlin was di.mi ~ d, anrl, Tru. t 0" II. COI'P, m~d II suit ll.pproved, sHoWlC! I ~nd conf\~med stitution with. the amendments In thc CIl :'lO of Le)lw f. Bunnell. D I I EI h I account: . "it IIgnl,lls an e . , tzrot :tn( by tho court. and annotatlons C()VC?I'S ,1 ;Y pages V()I'Su ~ HCl'!lche.1 N, :Bunnell, tal, 1\1 I Elt h io f N. A. Hamilton, executor of the oreTh e fi rst an d fl' naI t. and t h cr, e ol,'e twe Ive ,page, 9f con.l J'uclCTm ent. or the oltlnlOn PI S I l~, a Izrol, flor Imoney, t t d nccolln o. estaw of Catherine J, Updyke, dc" t mg .... _....,1- Ollr't "'ns ,., cequitab O ~ Ul'e, e 0 1't'8 I;'S a e an R pre h e.nslve Ind ex d ('Slgnll COnfimH!d. le areliet. ' .u th I . B row'n S Ch oeu ble, gu?rd • ceased, 1\led nn application for n ele and section number. In n In th ea se of .'lIlbia Gatt tt suit was filed by John Pa.ul 18n of Norman fl. Brown ,minor certificate of transfer. forward ecretary MYl!fS says : , \'e ull Geo l'ge Garr.~tt:l' , a dh'orce ' t D 11 S 'd to . t t'tl W83 approved, al10wed nnd conIn the matter of the est.ntc of "T~e ,on titution o~ th~ tate of was gl'anwd t he plnintiff. agam e a nr Cl' nUl I e. firmed by the court. Sam Hawthorne, doceascLl, tllO 01\10, Ilke the onstltutl ~ of the [n the cnse of the King BrothProbate Court With the net market value of inventory and appraisement Wllll United tates gua~ntee not only ers 0" vel' us J acob Drown, on the estate of Robert J, Shawhan, pprovcd with th €>xceplion DC law and ol'd~r but hbert-! Bnd free a.pplication of the plaintiff, tlte Frances T. Lewis xt'cutl'ix of deceased, too'$7G,037.29, the court tb widow' exemption of r III dom to aU rightfully entlt.led then~ co urt gr'unled leave to file r ply. tht! estate of , hnrles E, L wis, de-., detfl'mined! the amount of inherit· estate w,hieh. wns disallow ~ by to. . • Wrought nnd fn hlOned by I' [11 lh e ca, of J.ilUrcd Molden ceased, filed her inv nlol'Y· The anee tax to be paid by the th'ree tho court. the wisdom of our fat.hers. it ,has a min or by Ethel Faul, her moth~ hearing wa e ~ for Jun ,1936. successors as follows: Elmira Th e fi rs t an d.nuna I aeconn't 0 f Shawhan, $205.60; Mabel S. Gow1n lh matter 0 rOle estat of been, add d W f rom t Ime to t Ime er and next friend versu s Harl ey to m~t the, J,'U,8t , d in ncls of a "Lolllcl\, n divorce wo. granted the Fore t HathaWay, ntlministl'atol' dy, $222,57; MYl'a Robin Shawhan Waltel' Shuff, deCCa! cd, $450 wns • .. t e 0 f I rene H lith away, $222.67. allow d Beulah Shuc Newberg. compl'ex crVl,hUl~on . ~ " . ' , ' "lal'rltl'fI and t,he custodv of the 0 f t h a cs.& • SUlll'eme allk.e over legiS1atrve l'"child was given t o t'he plaintiff. d c /\SO 'd , W'I.lS IlPP1'OV d , 1\II owe d The in.ventory of Lewis O. Gus. administratrix for services and f orum, exeeu t lve ~rd d t ... con fl'rme d b Y th COUIt , <l!400 WII.'I 'allowed C, Donald Dl1n~r an cou~ \ In the C8 0 of armen C. Wi!. anlt tin and Sylva n E. GUStin, ndmlni _ 'I' decree, the Con~trtutlon of OhIO I lillm versu George S. Williams, The thil'd Bnd ~~al account of trators of the estate of MlLry tush for a.ttorney Iee • may truly be S31d t.o be the pro- ihe plaintiff made a motion for an . Eula ,adnuDlstratOl' of tho Amanda Gumn, deceased, 'W8S .The first nnd an <Ii, tl'ibuU e duct of th.e commOn very-day. ol'de-l', directing thE! defendant to e_tnte of Ray Sta1'1'Y, deceas d, ap.proved. account of Beulah hull' Newberg, people of oU,r gl'eat ~tate • . • .• ho,w clluse why he should not) be was approved, allowed and con- , Carl C. Ranker was appointed administratrix of the cstnte Of Proteetol' ,altke of rich and poor, ! puni. hed {O(}l' a cOniempt for dis- firmed by the court. Ildministratol' of the estate of Will Waltal' Shuff, deceasod, was upyoung and old, of every color, obedience. The h arin W'IIS sot The court apPl'oved, allowed and R, Lewis, deceased. and filed bond pl'oved. creed and class, we pray an all· f Ju 1 1936 g confirmed the first and final nc- of $2,100 with sureties. Will J. A Maring on an application for wi e Cre1!-to.r that this <Aln titution or ne , _ _.__ count of lIan'y A. Satt t1hwoite. Ranker, J lI8. Brown and' Charles the removal of Cntherin .. F. Wnger of the State of Obio shall ever reNew Stlita admini ~tl'ator of the «t.ate of J. Waggoner, were named apprais. <all executdx of the .estnto of G('o, main the bulwark of a gl'eat and l'lbry E. Hisey ftled II suit Frank E, ' Harbacb, deceased. ()1'l1. • Wager, deceased. has been !'\ t free ,people-." against Earl Hisey for divorce. The court approved allowed Ilnd Harrison M, Townsley was ap(Continued on Page 3) IIIPROVED ISSUE

School High Spots moted" tCI the- eats they will ClC• cUPY l1ex. year. £ A~' ~ I The l'cmuindct· of the day saw " , "'hft cond nnnuol ,('nior DIl" mnry of t h ~ ell i ors enJoYlDg "a 01, " ~ I' f G th ' ('1' i~ s "l'r ' hl' lcl in th Ilym picnic lit t.he 1 lon .orge 'WI 1.1 l Th~n;dny morning. Aftt'r n Mr. 1'II~bl' and Mr. Fcr!ruson ac',,\V 0lJ"nl'n"r l'cnlat'k" bY \1', Ha I ~onlplI.nYlng th~m. 1 . ~ firld, th me t1n~ WKS tUl' net1 OV C I' Fifth G~ade-Sec~ion Thr'" te) Vincent Gdlfy, fJl'C)tilient of I he ' d \ ~c nior c1as. The audien \! jOin e IU:,\! very g Ia d'.0 llave B,'lly ,.. T' in ::l lll1ing" ml"l'ica," led by ".r. tnrley on our h 0'"., 0 r roll fot' the P rnllk, uiter which nl1e mne last six-week term. r('tl(j the closs pro phecy, Th e , '!lior , P('r~ ct nttendance for this Mnl,! WM sung by Donald F !ilks, iel'm Ineludes three- girl and ten \\ ho hod wrilton QI'iginal ve~C1l t o oys. b u ~ 1I with the tune of "DI'ink n WednesclaY"May 27, the folTo M Illy With Thine E~'elO," lowi ng five pupils received ,perf~ct MllrY Burwn ,r ead t.h cl USS r:lttelldan.ce n'W'Ilros for havtng P (lt'll1, Thi!! was followed by '" b('en neIther absent oor tardy v clI,l du et, "M:oonlighr nnd Ro, e~, (luring the chool y~r: ' b et h B urne, tt H owar d EI 11.a by KlIlhryn mith no J-eon , t te Wi lson. Ruth Lanick I' ad the Gilliland, Junior h rwood, Gene 'I I s will, The s nior son g for the Thomps on nil d H a kl e W lon,

---1'.-. , ___

H-td ~


was : ung by the girls, Tl;l iiOl wns s t to the t.un e 'Goody, Coody' Then the sen iors will ed the ir assl.l mbly ~eats t o thc juniors, with Robert Young responding f or the laUel' g roup, Following a piano du t by Jl'an Furnas and Jea nette Wils\lll, Mr, Hatfi eld mad e his farewell remark~, di ussing the diff<!rent occasions whe n farewell ' til' said, After this, the senjors llllll'ched out of the gym, and the l'<!maining classes vo r "pro-' grO Ull

• ' be'In g Ila I de t 0 decl'de J\. survey IS th e practicability ?f e. tnblishing a cheese factory 10 Washington count)"" • • ,. • At .the ~omplet~on of, the rural (llectnfication project In ~J'own count.y 700 farmer had SIgned statfments that th 'I wanted to . estahli hed a cooperative cteclric' service for their fanns and hom~.


I" "




Member of The Federal Depolit In.ur&Dce

E..e ....dy "8" " C aatteri.. Sunoco Cal and Oil Try a can of Myers poli h. All winter gal'ment , that Cleans & waxes, Easily ap- are sealed, left over 30 days plied. Enough for 3 or 4 will be charged storage, applications for $1.00

Quick Cleaners Gordon's Service Kathryn Mendenhall. Mgr. , Station ' WaynesvillE~, Ohio


w. H. Madden & , Phone 14


Men'. Suede Jackeb Cleaned and IRetinted , , , , . , . , .. ,60c


Waynesville National Bank



Hasting's Garage & Service Station Wayneaville, Ohio

Will Open Saturday

James E. McClure Phone


Canned Peachel Are Advancinc ORDER NOW


Ex. Fancy White Vllla. Peache No. 2 JA., dozen .........•........ , ... $1.90 Fancy Yellow ruit, No. 2'f.1, dozen ...... $1.75

Windowl Gla.. Paint



start on


SUPER SHELL GASOLINE our New Golden Shell Motor Oil for Today'l Stop-and.Go-Drivmc

Exide and Gould Batteriel Complete Line of Galea Fan Beltl


R. D. Collett H .a rdware and

FORD Phone 23


Waynelville, Ohio

Swimming 25c

Hil'h Quality Home Grown Beanl in Slock Manchu,per bu . .......... " $1.00 Virginia Brown, per bu. ~. $1.60 (Unexcelled for Hay)


Waynelville, Ohio

Special ~



Your local



your you is only in the profit which. h'e

Jack Salmon FRY

SATURDAY Tirea-Kendall Oil

WaynelYille, Ohio

Three 60c Califomia

Peck's Food Shop Waynuvm•• Ohio



Srr. Figs ..... , ..... ....


depa'l1tment factory service? A moment's con~

four fnlinds , of ' 10111 atandinlr, the head of a grE!at

upon how they sati"fy you and the that


Smith's, Service Station



neirhborl and, in most itlstanCC1l, can make from 310u1 This man, to you the best and malt satiB"

likes, Their very existence dep&nds bu sy in an exe,c utive cap'acity' answer is very ~lICPonderant1y in



W &ynelville, Ohio

Which ~sa1es setup wiU render

J. ,R :, Gibbons

They kn,o w you, your'likea e.nd dis- stOllC, or mail-order house, is so sideration will show you that. the

Real Art Beauty Shop


To ' I rental fie or bring your own towel.





SERVICE Waynelville, Ohio


Permanent .. •• , •..... , ....• , . . $4.10., Drene Shampoo and Finger Wave .... $.60





• on

Phone 61R3

S.i mpson

Sand~ehes, Coffee (by cu.p or gallon), Ice Cream, 'Candy Cold Drinks. Y-ou are invited to use our Picnic Tables and Grounds. U you have not been to our Park you. will be surprised to liNt as, fine Picnio Grounds .right at Home l1li you can find any place Ball Di.moDel, Te...... Cou.rte, FieWal, Picale Tabl•• aDd Grouacfa, F ..... SWIM WHERE SWIMMING IS SAFE Special Rates for Individual Seuon Tickela and '-llinlily TI~ke~

Waynesville Farmers' Ex. Co. '




Soy' Beans For Seed

Phone 25

At Your Service

Phone No. 19


Plan for Decoration Da.y now. Before your trip get a. tank full of

Phone 99R3


Smith's White Villa Grocery


Lime Cement Plalter MquldinCI "EVERYTHING

We will gather soon to pay tribute to the heroia dead wtho g1lve th ir lives in t he past th.a.t" of thepr sent might enjoy 'P ace, prosperity and happine s. On this hallowed -day we join in paying our respects to the vetemns who 'h ave passed qn, mnllY of w'hc)m it we our honor to sel'V when Death ,cruled them.

A COJDpl.t. Lia. of



Memorial Day


5 lb. Saek Bpaom Salts •. , ....... ,.. llc




your , com- himself

Cannot that

even your

munity, will receive the Does it not sound logical, there which it merits. Such fore, that these local merchants can truly serve your requirements better than Borne individual many' miles away whose sole interest i n

assure favor of your local merchant. order


dise ae you "''lill purchase irom him. Your local dealer can best serve yO)!. 'Give him the oppertunity.

Boiling Beef, lb. ... lOe P ork Sausage, 2 lbs. 33c ' , Steak, lb .......• : , . '1Oc Bacon Squares, Ib .. , 18c - Chuck Roast, lb•.. .. -llc

Bologna, lb......... lie

Franks, 2 lbs. ...... 33c

60c Sal Hepatica . .. ...; : .........:.. 41c

. Coyle's

Meat Market

Quality Printinc

The Miami , Ph_l12

50 lb. can $6.00


Th. Sellinc See U. For




Home Rendered Lard, 2 lbs. 25c


attention serve, you. In justice to himself he work is can only stock up such mercban-

c'ntrt1 sted to stoc:k clerks and order clel'ks whOll.e sole interest lies ,in their O~I weekly or-bimonthly wage .


Your local merchant wanta


, Phone 54

binatioD ill America . Try a Tank Fu~l of MOBILGAS and ,a change of MOBILOIL'


Service Station Erwia Ellia, Prop.

Special. For Saturday Ladies' White Shoes ... . . . . . . . .. tl.18 to tl_ 19c Prints tor Saturday only •••.....••.... lie Lee Overalls : .........•.. , . •••••.•.. ;-


- ---




,2.61; Tb& OftIee Chltftttll'l'll, .up- J"nnette Parne, llenlcea 811 of ,5.40 dlll'lnar the period, tervUl • under the eurrent rite the plica. $4.50: Grolll Sen-lee Station. stenoK1'&pher, ,30: Fran~ ROHII, June 28- Harrlll-Thomu , Inubserlber pays a total of 19. In tervillt'. hutr, gas for Food Dilltributor, $4.82: lIervices a auditor. $37.60: Meraccordance with the new pion miniMtratrix to Johnston & _ Jt1hnston, caulkinp: v,in Coyne, services a. commodity July Ii lSSUED EVERY THURSDAY e-ntf'rville at. Uuathann aubfl(!rlbers who nave already paill Gilldy ;; Bowling. in windowR, saMh cord and labor $44.- dilltribUUlr, $17.60; Bertha Hines, Centerville home gllml''' will .,., $5.40 01' more will be relieved Hamill?n tjlwnshlp.. 134; Prominent Specialty Company, food furnished relilJr, Iamiliel\ playffi at Kenrick Field On ~lAl~ addllionlll lIayment-0. it ",as ~aid. !lIvID. Franer, to SJlI~s Bryant floor wax poli!lh fol' . H. $17.50 during March. $16: The Great. A. '·t1 ul~ 48, 1 mile north of th(ll 20.76 {tcres in Franklin township. ' Trullt es" of Public Affai;s, light & P. Tea 0., food, milk, and junction or Slate rout!'s 73 nnd 48 B.(uln h huff N wI/e rg . to , and gils at Memorial flnll, $2.04: R{'erJ~, $137.10; W. 1I. Be-r~r, A 432-P.Bge book of non-sec: J, L. K!!nrick, DusiMSS Mgr. MA Y 28, 193G larian devotions has bell compiled Woollard D. and Gladys Bowling, Brown & Bunn 11 coal for Memor- food, $20.60; L. H. Brown, food, ial Hall, ,18.26:'.T 110 Kell Post, $12; .Tos. H. Feddel'S 0., fu el, $42 and published by Rev. E. Stacy 14(1 ~erl'~ in Hamilton lo,wnship. Matheny, eluiplain of the Ohio WIlson A. anq L ena G~. Mast-ers ancl', $25; Memorial Day Allow- 25; A. D. Grap vine, food anti' DICTATORS FEAR FREE PRESS Senate, :fol'mer World War c!;lap· to FI't:!lI ~rr, 30 ac~es 10 Frank- I nnce, $25: Russ 11 McElfr!lh Po. t seeds, $21.46; R. B. Gilmore & lain with the United lates Army Itn to"' I1Shl l). No, 149, MGm orial Day Allowance Son, food~ $9; Bertha Hin es, food 8 At the recent fiftillth n.nnual convent.ion of I.hc m m ors oC the at th front in Franc e, and pastol' lela E. H:lOnahs! to H. L. Rye, $25; J E. Shand I'll, board and $29.2G: A, T. Hudso n, food and AmcTican Nowspaper Publi h el's A oeiation. c pecia) ss was Itdd oC Ii Columbu~ Methodist Epis- real, estate 10 Sprlngbovil. . care M~Iis.'1a 'auntIers, $5; Helen , milk, $] 1.70: Kaufman's cJolhin~ by various distingUished spoo.kers on the need lor maintaining inviolllte copal church. Tho volume is entiJanlC'!! ampbeli. to Nctt~e Doughman, board and car Clif- $53.1>9; Monow Lumber Co., ru I "THE HOME OF GIFTS" the , ancient American doctrine o;f freedom of the pres . lI eel "Al1l.eTiclln Patriotic De- ampb~ II, ron I estate tn Frankltn f01;(~ Doughman, $7: Jame,ij Moore $26; Robert R ich (>I, food, $26; Lebanon, Ohio Colon I Frank Kl'ox, pUbli!lhe'r 01: th Chicago News. Said: "A votions," IlncL has been approved t()~nl~hAIP ' R II d d t board and care Lucy Moore, $5; H. E. Stokes, milk, $2; hM, p. Cree pres" ond 0 dictatol' cannot live in the same country. If!l free by twelve prieRts, twelve rabbis ,) . u ~se, (!Cease, 0 !\frs. Ira Eltzroth, bo'al'd and carl' tubbs. (ood, '$36; Wallace 1. G, EXPERT WATCH press xists, a tlictator is unhorsecl-and thc people retain their libel"- an,d twelve protestant cleT'S'Ymen, 'Emma J. Ru !\.'!oll, inlot No.1 in Alice Starke)', $6; Irs. Marga1'et A. StOl'efi, food, Sl!eds, milk, $82.76 REPAIRINC lies. 1f a free 1)1' 88 is destroyed, a dictator thrives--nnd the liberties in a foreword Rev. Matheny j!ll yS: Lytl e. Jones, board and care. Ollie The Grcat A. & P. Tea Co., fooll. of t..he people disappear. " . "1 believe that tolerance and Ray F. Mills to the , Waynesv ille Gardner, $6; Ml's. Julia Holland. seeds, milk, $197.88: Bl ail' & Le U.i"C O~ly Cenuine ~.t.rl.l_ Sir Willmot Le-wis, Washington correspondent of the ' London understandil1g are ;fundamental National Bank, l'col estate in board and care Vernon Holland, Roy. fu I $6.50 HarderV Grocel'Y Prompt Service '1" 'u 41Th . concepts of liberty . •. and it is Wayne township. $10; Mrs. OTlUl Osborne, board food, $5; Kroger Grocery & BI~kIme~ sal: e new1q)llp 1'8 of tOlfay aTe not frce in all lands, but my d p 8t eo'nvl'ctl'on "hnt w"erR UY }''. M'll to th C '1, es v~" 11 e and' care W"'tel' Barlow, $11', •Ing " .. II 1 S V1 ayn "food, see ds milk, $ LOO,State open until 9 p. m. W I101' 6 t lley 8 till h ave Ii b erty :Lnd d fend it--against .enemic Without .... ' thO h ever a teacher in any public school Nationlll Bank, real estate in Mr . Oma Ooborne, board and 10; Faymond Taylol·. foo(J, ~6·. lUllI "\ In- \\' HC tbey stnn.d for discuss.ion and agr me nt, setting a chaplal'n l'n the arn1Y or nnvy. W · a ayne townshIp. cat~ Frank Balll'nger, $11', Dr. Tracy's Grocery, food, '"3', II, E, lh em so Ivos unbrcakubly ngalnst. the regimentation of customs and penal' tOt ti 1 • ~~t' .~ ... b d' b . m ) U ons or egJs"" Ive I B,'II. Allowedl W. H. Seigfried, dental services Warwick, fooll, $23.6 0; E. H. Gloa e I(~nce y goose-step, even "he cynic may find II place for hope." ll.l\Sembly, eOlldlJsts a chapel exe-rfurnished l'eliei' family, $60; DI" C cckler, food, $4.50 i Mary L, Cook, tbor speakers .presented si milar view'!. A'nd it is difficult to ciso or ~orship service, the addre 's Fl'ed B. Craver Post,. M.emorial G. Randall. medical scI'vices fur- shellel', $3: Bertha Hines, milk. Ask for a se ,d how anyIdma.n WIth a knowledge Of , . world history, ancien, t and 0\' ,d-evotions should be absolutely Day ullo\\-ance. $25; Wood row- nished relief famiie , $43.60; Dr. $ 1.50; nom~ Dait'y, milk, $0. d Mi~mi8burg Permanent mo orn, cou ISllgree. The two greatest treasures any people can free from denominational Ot Weil-Stanageo Co., pencils for Audi have are n troo press and til right of freo speech. They constitute ' s()ctarian biae!' t.or, $5.1 1: The Offioco Outfitters, l. Mary L. COOk, medical services, BASE BALL SCHEDULE Concrete the basi!! of all lib rti s. They are the vcry lifeblood of social, eooo- I • * * ribbon coupon book fo,:, $] 8; Dr. A. D. Harv y. medical • d I" I f h "9 50 Th om 0 "'tt t services, $lIO; Dr. Henry B. Air Seal Burial Vault omlc an po ILlca reedom, T yare the friends of 1'~r sentative Ohio farm land values increased ", . : e 'C UWI ers, ype'I t The following is lh e first round · government an d t he enemjes of d Ictatorship. five points in index. figures during WI' Itel' 01, ypec Icaner IEor P ro b ate Brown, mediCAl services, $84.76: For Solo only by t 66 c: Th~ C0 Iunn b us BI an k Dr, Jumes H. Arnold, medical se r- of the schedule oC the Centervill I T he newspapers of America have shown COUl'ag In nggressively 1936" accol'ding t9 statistics a.n- Cour, Buckeyes. , ro isting all etrorts to curb their liberties. In dotng< this, th ...... per- nouneed by the bureau of agricul- Book Mfg. Co., supplies tor Pro- vices, $66.75; Dr. Ed\\,>. Blulr, Your Funeral Director - iT b t $6 25 Th C 1 b BI 1. medical services, $106.150; , 01'8. May 24,- enterville at Morganf or,m a duty to the people of the nation- and they show toot they iurnl economics. The gain for the Ii e, . : e 0 UIll us lin" place. arc worthy of the gr at r aponsibllity that is theirs in these dl, cordant nlltion was three points on value..~ Book Mfg. Co., forms !ror Probate Edw. & Robt Blall', medical serMcClure Funeral Homo computed as of March I, it was , Court, $l.9; Woodrow-',Veil-Stan- vice, $60,76; Pearlie Jone , cash May31- E. D. Pantthers Ilt Cen times. ' terville. Pholle 7 w.y, O. said. Ohio values now stand twelve nge Co" 1 doz. rolls adding mach- relief for food, $2; (}-eo. B. points above the low of 1933, ine paper for CLaTk, !H.17; The Johnson, services as certifying of- June 7- Centerville aL Ginghamburg. \\' hen a bottom of 69 points was Western Star, affidavit, of bill of ficer, $75; Ch.risti,ne Clevenger, Jun 14- Ma.d River at. Centerville reached. The figure at the prescnt sale for lerk, $4.50; The Office services as visitor, $65; Helen til'l106 is 72, based on a figure Outfitters, G era~el''S for Clerk of Randall, aervices liS visitor, $56; J 'u ne 21~New Lebanon a.t

• •


Cary ' J ewe Iry Sh Op





Farm hight 7alks, June 1

8 :00 Program content and westher torecast. S :06 Young Birds' Nursery and chool Days--H. E. Eswine, Naturlllist. 8 :15 Planning II Trip to the- State Judging Contest-Poaul F. Pulse, Vocational Agriculture Instrudor, AJexandria. 8 :26 Mens Quartctte of Delta Theta Sigma, Agricultural Fraternity. 8:40 Farm Home Period: Are You Going to Camp?- Adcle Koch, asst. Jlome Demonstration Leader. Ideas 'BDd Items-Mrs. Katharine CO'wgill, Home Economist. 0:00 About the 17-year Locust--T. N. Parks, Extension Entomologist 9:10 Forestry, as Relate.d to SoU and Water Conservatlon--J. A. Gibbs, Forester, Soil Conservation Service, Zanesyille. 9:20 Orchestra dlncted by Edwin Stainbrook. 9:30 When Is Best Time to Cut Hay?-R. D. Lewi , Agron'omy Dept. 9:40 Progt'ess of Cream Gl'ading Oampaign,-F. L. Shoen berger, Secretary, Ohio Dairy Products Assn. I) :50 to 10 Orchestra Ilnd ~uther forecast.

of 100 for the pre-war years o.f 1912 io 19H, inclu sive. A fourpoint increase in Ohio rarm values WIlJl 'noted in 1934, and a threepoint increase in 1936. "As in the two previous yellrs, the increase to 'March 1 . may be attributed to incr.ea ing farm income, improv'ing farm 1'eal estate credit condit.ions and t'h e maintenance of low'e r farnl real estate taxes," thc burcau '!) report stated.

* • *



A Mansfield boy and Trumbull county girl 8re shllring honors a the best high .school pupils in Ohio after being publicly rccognized by Dr. E . L. Bowsher, director of the Department of Education. The youth is Robert C. AmIIbaugh, Wlllo headed the list of senior boys, a.n4 his co-honol'od 4 com.p,a nion is Mildred LaVerne Smith of Mineral Ridge, s mall Trumbull county village. They W l'e adjudged "best students" in long time constructive plan of the state on the basis of scholar highway development. Special ship tests given 2,500 high school emphasis will be given to the res- seniors during the past two pecUve proportions of lunds 10f months. Martha Jane Keller of highway purposes from rural and Carey, Wyandot county, 'Won top urban ear operators. The entire honol'll as the leading eighth grade survey Includell a physical In."en- 8tudent in Ohio. • ~ ... tory of aU roads of the state and 8 traffic study cov.ering aU county u and township roads as wen 8S nOUR I state highways, in addition to the I questionnaires, Director .ruter (Continued from p_ge 2) said. for J 'u ne 4, 1936. 1 h~ final account of Jess I! HyThe Ohio Public Utilities' comman, executrix of the estate of mill!lion has been :requested by Ohio Bell Teleph()ne Co. for per- Myer Hyman, deceased, was apmi88ion to reduee the monthly pr-oved. No inheritance tax will be asrental of cradle type telephones from twenty-flvt' cents to flfteen s~sed 'in the estate of Walter centll, effective .ruly 1. The Shutr,.de~ed, the exemption of mOllthly charge ia ended alter the decedent.'s daughter, sole dis. three yean. ' Under the reduction tributee, exceeding her succession. A certiAed copy ot the ent!'y the subscriber would p.y a total determining tM inheritance tax on the estate of Robert J. Shawhan, deceased, is to be certified ~~~~~~~~=~~~~~=~~~~=~~===::;~=~~=~~~~~~~~~~=- I- OR SALE-Sweet Potato plants; without delay. a\1 ltinds of garden plants. D. H. Stetson Kindred was appointed Hockett; Phone 66Rll m2tf admiailltrator of the estate <Jf Paul Edward Kindred, d~eased, and FOR ALE- Sweet Potato plants tiled bond of $1.000 with sureties nnd Ill.!l kinds of garden plants J. T. lWe, wu appohited to reat relilionable prices. 1 ~ mUe ,,""Itt the adaWIiartator in sald North of Waynesville, on Ferry .It&te. road. Strouse Bros., WayneavUl., Mam-.e R. R. 3. mU-jll • C. A. Hormel, retired farmer of ' Lebanon and lrllas Birdie Garrison FOR SALE-Peonies fO'l' DecoNof Lebanon. tion, 25c p,er dozen. Mrs. Opal Reason. m28 Rea'j Edale Tra... FOR SALE-Garden plants: late Joseph A. Schmin, and Roxie CLASSIFIED ADS COST ONLY , Tomat.oes, 50c per hundroed:: May SchUHI\&' to United States of ONE CENT PER WORD. WHY plenty Sweet Potato· plan~. ',ood America, inlQt No. 91 in Lebanon sele<;tion of hardy perelLnials; cat. S. W. fCeever and Myrtie M. KEEP YOUR ATTIC FILLED flowers :Cor Decoration: straw• • Keever to United States of AmerWITH USELESS ARTICLES berries, George Peterson, oue Ica, inlot No. 91 in LeblUlon. mile north of Waynesv.iJle, ph01la Harlan C. Ha~ey , and Emma TlIA'l' CAN BE TURNBD INTO 1!l2R21. Harvey to Anna IIay Hartz, 19.88 ' MONEY FOR SO SIIALL A acr" in Clearcreek township. FOR SALE....:..Fine Plant.: f\o'\\el'l ' Calvin- E, Rowan to Donald COST. TRY THIS IIEANS QF grown from' fine seed inciudinr HOUle aIId Thanet Sharp, inlot SELLING AND SEE WHAT A new Dwarf ,strain <Jf Petunias, No. 696 in Franklin. Coleou8 'lUld o'Jan¥ other kinds. A DIFFERENCE IT WILL MAKE Joaeph A. Robertson to Helen few will do for decoration. BeG. Salinpr. real eetate in Union TO YOUR POCKETBOOK, AS · cause of bern, 80 lat~ will sell townlhlp. chea.p for vases, por:ch boxes anel ' WELL AS TO SAVE YOUR 1 Alina Eo.... Ro",.n, deceased. beddinll'. Give me a call. 'II'n. I to CalyiD E. llo-tvaD, Inlot No. 686 STUI'fY OLD A TTle CLEANED Mary E. Lemmon. 4th Street. I 10 Frallklln. OUT. IT PAYSI j Cherla R. Q'Donllell and John FOR SALE-White ahelf paper. r lV. O'Donnell to H.len C. 1I0unt, 10e p.r rou, at tIM II..... 80••9 acrea In TUl'tlecreek townGoette oIlee.


F. T. Martin

Best of the News Direct From the Ohio State Capitol COLUMBUS t>reliminary activities in behalf of a propose~ ~ong-time highway construction program throughout Ohio got unde? way with the mailing out of questionnaires to appro:dmately forty per cent of the automobile owners of the state by the Department of Hlch"ays, according to ~ Highway Director John Jaster Jr. 'J' The questionn8i~es l)ertnin to the yearly mileage and gas con umption statistic!! on city streets, state highways, rural routes and 011 trips about too state. The results will be ulled to supplemen~ othel' data wbich 1lull indicate to what extent highway funds are furnished by high_y users and to what ell:tent lIuch fund!! a1' derived from other Bources, Director .ruber a~t:ted. Object of the survey Is to make available facts nd flgures upon which to base a

ourt, 60c; J. F'is~r, drayage on -===~======================== di sinfectant for Sheriff, 25c; Wm. Hulford, yashing for pl~isoncrs dur ing April, $24.22; Mr . Della Hufforti, feeding prison,ers during April, $245; E . .H. G(.rdon. tire and tube for Sheriff's Old mobile, $18.85; Lewis Motor Mart Co., ROOT FOR AND CONSICN supp li~s and repairs for heritr's ,our Cattle, bOIl'I£, eheep and calv. Buick, $20.49; Van Camp Stone to Norrie.Brock \;1." live wire alid Company, sand, $14.!HI; The Oreprogreuive firm t'lf the hleb_ gonia .Bridg Co., angl!!! for C. H. m.rket prices and good .ernee. U_lo.. St_1o: Y.rd.' CIIlCll__." 0. base-ment, $35.65: J. W. Lingo Tune in on Radio Station WClty Hardware Co, nails, 'wire, bolts, 12 :21 to 12 :30 p. m. for Dar dan, file, $10.65; Harold V. Martz, sand market reports. grayel for C. H, besement, $50.45 Lewis , & Drake, Inc., IRichmortor, seweT, cem nt, drain, $76.89; Burl'ough$ Adding Macbino Co., mechanical serv., $10.50: J ohllson & Johnson, lumber, $22:04; The Certifled Parts Co., elutch" 95c; The Oregonia Bridge Co., Inc., blue prints, 1 cyl. oxygen, $5; Th.e Cincinnati Oil Works Co" gasoline, $2.22; Geo. B. Hamillton, Atty.• ERB"'d an offer that will appeal to all-American gal'age rent, $12; Waynesville Boy Maguine and this newspaper at a special combination bargain price. The American Boy is the Service Station, tires and tubes, gasoline, $191.08: R. A. King, favorite magazine of more than 500,000 boys and King Motor Sales, Ford chassis young men. III fiction carries boys on the wings of Phone 78J and 'cab, $761.84; Harold MlIrtz, adventure to all parts of the world. III aport. articles gravel, $27.20; Gulf Refining Co. by famous COIIches and athletes are studied by chamgasolint', $40.96; Shell Petroleum pions. Here you will find the uneat stories on sports, Corp., 80 gals, ciJ, ,12.77; Zain aviation, buainese, school activities, bwnor, and travel. Even at its regular price of $1.00 • year, The Ameri. Armit.age, gravel $213.36; The 'IOTARY PUBUC can Boy is considered a bargain, But now you 1I101y Lobe llon Lumber Co." $10.38; J. W. Lingo Hardware Go., su,Pplies obtain it and this newspaper, • , , , Nail••" a-k and parts, $696.25; The Great A. Will, Dr._ . • E.ta... SeU'" & P . T ee C0., f 00 d'v4I!14 .5 0 ; W . H . WAYNESVILLE. OHIO Berger, food, $10.25; ~l'he Gr~t A &P. Tea Co., seeds and! milk, $5.60 E. H. GloecklcT, f()oel, $6.60 i Kaufman's', clothing, $2.60; KTOger Gro~ry & Bakinir Co., food lind milk, ,$lO.50 i F'lora , Little FOR SAL&. sheltel" $6; Miller Hd_, & Send Your Order To Furniture, seeds, $3: Mrs. Mary FOR ALE- Sw t plants Powe II ,ml'Ik ,......... 4\!' "0 ; ... _n, M ary and all kinds of garden planta. Richardson, shelter, •• 7; ADen N. James Kerrick, 4th Street. Rapp, fuel, $2.50; Rllbt. Reichel, m28* seeds, $3; H. E. Warwick, seedll,

Plus This Newspaper


At Reduced , Price



Centerville, Ohio

New. From It orren County Coun


Both One Year For




The Miami Gazette

The 17 - Year Locusts Are Coming







Bdwla Kem. to Freel A. Mo~ ria, .......... ba Jletdeld to1m.


...... A. JIorN to DomQ AI. . . . . . . . . . . . . .t. III Deerhld

W_ .....

POB S~ fl.OO to.. ~ . . . . . . . . .



Caelar. Creek Mr..


"Wid('-A\\nke~" htl.1

rt'~ulal' mel'

harleR Mullenix hilS he!'n


at church. Sunday. viu-d to be 1C1II!!ltll of thl! Home The W. F. M. S. ml't at the New I F:conol1ll~~ t'I . of Kingnllln onr Burlington Flit'nt!, church, Wl'd- (lay In t w\'ek. Thl! mcmbt'rH of nl'f\dny afternoon. (the. clul\~ ~IU.t. \I n 11 '~I(' Hhow ar~~I' MI'. and MI'., 'W "" Smith caJll'd \\ hlrh .trll(·lou" refrcKhme nts W( Ie on 1\fto. und Mts. lIorac ~ Compton servetl.

at the hume or Clifford l\Iilll'~ un~ family, ot nell I' N w Burlingtou, nndlly .cv('ning May 1 t,_ or Ne\\f Burlington, Su ndlly ~VGnlilt-. and Mrl'<. Raleigh BOKSn, ing.

1\1 t b pa

k with thc mI1ll1,'R. MI' . Mt'\.a Rogt'r attend d th funeral of II r CQu;;i n, u-andl'1' ---- -(' re • at hi lot 1'eRidt'nc Utica, Thursday. u1'l and ~Inyl()n Bownlon /lnd Mr. hDl'IlIS tanley pent' un-" l\fr. II J'old 'V hit Ilk",· lind 11'. and 1\h·,;. F'l'IlnZY ,he ,cnll- day his parents, Mr. an.1 Mrs Wendell Grahnm i. u IHltiant nt ' . dau htor, Mrs. Hl1rvey Burn t cd on JIIIl1'(,s h LM in Lelianon, Rob It Stanley and family of n ar Mit mi ValJ fi!y n ~p !luf1'cring and Mr!'. WIII ~1' K"nrick spent Sunday aflt!l'noon. .1idtlleton's orne'r'. t1'OI11 a cC I'ebral ailme nt. W dnc,tlay of la t week in DoyMr. Willi III Bowman and his Mt's. Elm)' Ul'YY who was con. ome 01 (lUr peollie ton. commencement x l'ciRe mother, IIhs. Bowman, of Dayton fined to h. l' b d fOl' s vel'al weeks .Tames visited theil' .on lind g'l'andchil- with I\. complication of (1i~eascs is n ilIe Friday night. Mr. • lvin Longacre he ts and J e<annettt' WiJ ~oQ wer (h·cn. arl and I yton Bowman, able to be 01,11. agn ln. th IIdl'en arc out agai!l lifter n Quarterly orlfer 'ne waR held among tho grndllates. S9mc at- Who arc now living with Rnl eigll si go of th mumps. tended commencement Thurl\duy Bogan and family, Friday aCtel'· nt the M. E. church on Sunday. veral pE'r~on from herc .saw D1'. 'l'urley, cli. trict Rupcl'intennight. at Wilmington. Anna SOll11 noon. "Th ountry Doctor" at Waygraduated. DOllold nnd WillArd frs. Raymond Wil. on and J an- d nt 'W~ present. nt'. ville unday !'v('>ning. graduated It'om Kingman neite visit~d their daughter <and [1'8. T. W. onk lin suITe l' (I all Hain irs. Ada Chenoweth r tunied Fl'iriay , night, also. I ooi tel' . ~~·s. Theodor ~rcIntir, ntack oC gall '8to n c~ on Sunday. t hu home in Ce.nter\tilll' unday 1\11'. and Mrs. Charles Lah'd of atul'day. MI'. nnd M)·l!. McIntirc The Dayton Pow I: 'and Light evening aft l' sp nding a. co uple amden pent Friday night nt th have moved r ecently. lines ar(' being ext nded elL~t from of w ek with Mrs. Meta Ro 1's MI'. Willard Haines, who is a thi villege. The r Rid nces or ' homo of their (Iuughter. and Mrs. B lie cotl nnd family, 11'$. Raymond Wilson lind O1embel' 01 linton county Oxch es- Ray arl' Frank Lun(ly and The Ladics Aid 'will m et n xt daughter J eannette vi Heel M1'1{. tra, has b en quite busy this week. Ru ss 11 Fenis will b token on us WednesdllY, June 3 with M\,. Wi] \>n'a 'Pill' n ,bIl'. and l\h~. end playing, tit vuious commence- SOO n tI 1HlSsible . .Emma Lacy. hOlne of lnents throughQut tho county. Eastel'n SUll' insp ction was E I'I1Q, t IIUl'l y at t.h Mr. • H. Burnet is. much imEdgar Hudey and family of Xen ia r~. ancl Mrs. Ros oa Beal Qf held nt the l odge room Oil Tue!/. proverl and able to walk some wilh fl'. nnd )ll'S. Emerson inclait' Tew Jasper called on Raymond doy 'v ning. the aid of crutches a1\d able ~o venMr. and Mrs. E. O. Bogan anti anel family weI' cnt ·rlain d ut Wilson and fnmily Sunduy rioo out. the h me 0; M,'. nnd l\lt-s. John ing. . children spent the week.oml wiLh Miss Kate Smith now ha ' emSineluil' and daughter, Chul'lotle, Mi. and Mrs. Luther Jlain ~, 1\11'. and 1\11's II. F. ompton .. ,ploym41nt in Dayton. . c!!a!tion, Wag ill 1\1]'s. Ella Haines, MI'. Homer . Dc oration. Day sel'v ic s will unday. The Virgil tarl<e was one of the 1 honol' of 1\11'. John Si ncJnir's hirth- Haines und son, Richard ' visit II be held in U,e M. E. church 011 gl'Bduates of pringbol'o high tillY. 1111'. and 11 .. Archie Peterson unday, 'foy 31, at 2:301). m. school Friday vening and at{I'. nmucl Wilson who hos been Ru ndny night. Turl y of Wilming on will tl liv r tend d alumni Saturday evening. Some or our IIlcombcI'S wer 'i n- ' th :ldur s . el'iously ill was 8ble to be 1)l'e ent Mrs. Mary Carmony was a dinn er guest SlUlday of her grand-children 'Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Younce and daughters in Dayton. Sev rol from here attended al umni at Waynesville Saturday evening. Mrs. J. R. J ohns was quite ill Monday but is improved t this add,"h"'t gifts for the graduates. All ow m know let nt~ " . .. the M I' S time. to say here, please, that , in the Be rnice Johnson of the faculty of - ..,.'Miss Kate Smith. Miss Ellen I trum of subdued excitement and 1887 is today youl~ friend and Guy, Me rs Albert Hawke and Misses Freida and Irma Barve), n l'ghbor "'rs. Ed. B. Da.kin. The ' dft.l t ' es a.nticipation, of pride in the young .... Donald Foulks ",.ere the graduates Iltten "'" commencemen exercts d dl'pl"'ma" w'e re about twelve inches from here at the commencement at Adams Township high sch ool wom en whom we felt had achieve v" , especial distinction an d tn a long, engraved oln parchm~nt, at Waynesville school Friday Thursday evening. . rolled IUld tied wi'~h white satin \ evening. Mr. a.nd 'Mrs, Schuey and three unified thrill of civic possessIon r ibbon. Mr. and Mrs. George 91'AY were small children, of Dayton made a the whole town. responded to t his week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. call Sunoay on their aunt, Miss event which pointed toward I would like to touch briefly on Leslie Gray and child1'en, Kate Collins. expansion in the schools and a the lives and acIIJievcments of The ladies of t~ Lytle Ladies Mn. Ada Jenkins, who has not higher standard of educational those three 'W·h.ose paths in life Aid furnished the banquet dinner been in 800d health for S01J1e time advancement. so widely diverg~ but who spun at Sprin«boro alumni, Saturday has gone to Wilmington for a "It was the thrill that comes IUld wove for tlCceSB in the evening. month's l'Ojourn. once in a Iile t ime." fabl']C of their livt!l!. Little Frances Whitaker enterMrs. Howell Peirce spent Promptly at eight o'clock the Mary Cook SOODI traveled with tained a number o11ittle girls at a Su.nday in Oarey, Ohio. with her bBJId struck up the Grand March her parents and fa.mily to the for birthday party, Tbursda.y after- 80n Will and family ud was and the proce sion entered the northwest, the sta te of Oregon. noon. joined while there by ber Bon Ray- cbu rch. Single flle they came, the Her family returnE~d after a year Mrs. Jiarpl'et Johns was a mond Peirce. Mrs. Peirce and Miss first Mary L. Cook, second Edna or 80 but sh-e remetined, teaching. dinner pest Sunday of Mr. and Mary Louise; also her son-in-law C. Carter and third Anna Mc- school. LateI' sbet returoed to Mrs. Cbarl~ .Doster. and daughter and dalL,i'bter, Mr. and Mrs, Donald, followed by Prof. John ,C hicago, secured asecretari,a l near Harveysburg. Edmond Brick'ett son and daugb· Marsh!ill MulfOl'd principal and position in a business house, reMr. and Mrs. E, B. Longacre ter, al1 from Toledo. superintend!mt of the white and taining thl positio1l ov~r a period motored to Batavia Sunday and Mr. George James of Seattle, ' colored schools, Miss Luella Sewell of years. While att~nding medical were dltmer gue1lts 01. the latter's Washington, called On Misses of the intermediate, Miss Bernice college she gathered in her sisters sister,' Mrs. George Davis and .Annie U. and' Marne T. Browne J ohnson of the primary and and brothers for ' the advantages family. Saturday evening. Mr. James a.c. Edward L. Honesty o( the colord oj musical and bu sines pursuits in Mrs. Susan Saylor of Dayton companied his father, John James school. the W,indy City, planning, managwas a w~ek·enct guest of Mr. and and ta.mily frpm Fel'l'Y, Ohio ~hen A scending the steps from the ing and 88crificing, that both she Mrs. Harry Graham. they moved We st forty-eigt)t years left the young ladies seated and they might ~ac,h one reach his Mr_ and Mrs. Haxvey Burnet ago, but. still has a warm spot in' themselves in the order just given, ultimate goal. and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick his heart fol' ltis. early fr~nda. the faculty ,g roup in the rear. At Soon after graduation from atteruled all1m'lli at Springboro Miss Kate . Hall pused away the close of the musical numbe-r medical college she was called to

New Burlington,





· d' H I Fnen a orne


USED CARS ... ...






We have a la~ge stock of Good Used Cars at low prices.

Corne in and see the greatest values ever offered in used cars. Several Good Dependable Trucks.


~~_~~~ Mrs. Etta Nicely

Lebanon, Ohio

d4:30~~~~tern~~rl·i~~~~d~d~fuw~~h~a~~s~~t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~;~~~==~~~~~~~~~~


(nee Shoe- an illaess of several weekI!. Her Rev. V. F. Bro.wn. Agam musIc by to her father and ll1\ding a need : maker) and Mr. Nicely of New bod}! 'W'aI! taken to Cincinanti the band, the "Sweet Bye IUld of her pl'es<nce and services in the York were calling on Lytle frienda where ' interment will be made in Bye" during which the ushers home of her aging parents she Friday. Mrs. Nicely was a resld· Spring Grov.... cemetery on Friday. placed the gifts about the fe-et of closed her affairs in Chicago, reo ent here some fifty years ago. - - • the grad,uate!!. . . " Iinqui hing her d~eams of high T~ey were visiting Dayton friends, COMMENCEMENT WEEK The first orabon subJ<lct, The achievem ent in bel' chosen pro,Mrs. Kesler Graham,' Mrs. Beautiful" '\\-"88 given by Mias f ession and returned to Waynes(Continued from Pa«e 1) Anna McDonald, followed by I/. ville. You may know of ·her life Therle Jonea and Mrs.~ AJice Clark were Dayton shoppers Wednesday the lligh School Alumni Associa- piano 8 010. morcol' less superficially but you "Hitch Your Wagon to a Stat" do not, can not know of the flne. Several littl~ boy friends of tioD and guests. The chairman and members of was the ably presented oration of ness 6f her ou l her broad underMjlton Jones enjoyed a party Saturday afternoon at his home, the program committee will en· Mi ss Edna Oa.rter. A piano duet tanding of all huma.n needs and cdebrating his sixth birthday. deavor to reproduce for you to- was played by Mrs. Mulford and her unsung' ministrations to the Calvin Longacl'e wbo is work· night by pan.tomime an,d ,word Miss 'M ery Denny. h-elpless and the hopele8lJ. ing at Plymouth, Mich., spent picture the IIcene and a partial "To-Day" WAS th~ subjeet Miss Edna Carter went imtbe week-end witb his family here reenactment of the first graduat- chose.n 1'l~ Miss. Mary L. Cook ~8 mediately to Cinei:nnati and under I4rs. Walter Kenrick s~nt Fri- iug uercises of the Harveysburg valedlctorean of the c1ass. Hncl· great financial difficulties comda,. 'With Mr . .and Mrs. Wil1iam High ,School ~hich .wereheld just dentally, Miss Mal'y L. Cook andpleted a stenog:raphic . course. <Alleman at Wellman lind in the forty-ni ne years ago on MlIY 20th Miss Anna McDonald . both have . With firmness an d~ detenninati on afternoon a\tended tbe scoool 1887. nieces graduating in t he classes $h e began to climb and for mBollY exercises at Harveysbul'g where 'Thie SeeDe of 1936. Miss Jane COok ,follow- years has been the managing head Miss Dorothy Moxham graduated J8 th e interior of the Method· ing the precedent of her aunt. as of a ma.nufacturing dental supply from the 8th grade. ist , Epj,scopal church on Fl'iday vlliedictol'ean of her class in boulle with some thirty people Friends h-ere were sorry to evening of the date just given. Waynesville. ) Miss Mary D&nny under her supervillion. . learn that Mrs. Ruth Savage fell The lights from the coal oil p layed a piano solo, after wbich Miss McDonald entered the down the ce)Jar steps at the home lamp chandelie:s s~ed a soft glow the annual address" subject, business world for a time. Coming of Charles Sbeehan at Centerville, over the audltonum and the "Plu s" was delivered by Prof. R. from a musical family sh e mar. breakiiw hel' collar bone. She is flower banked rostrum where three H. Holbl'ooke. Prin~ipal ' J. M. r ied a reacher of music in ~ing eared for by her daughter high backed pulpit chairs ,w ere aJ- Mulford then presented the Chicago. . lIrs. Mary Thompson, ' r,a nged in a semi-ci rcle well (or- diplomas. A musioal flnale was The girls are all ' living and each Mr. and, M1'8. Wilbur Wharton ward on ' the atage. Other chairs played and the benediction pro- one has developed the ftneand moved from the Budd property to w ·re placed back of these for the nounced by the Rev. Sheatwood high potentialities of those. three DaytOn Jan 'wte~k and Mra. Cas· f~c~lty. The class" motto "Not Fis01'l. ' ''Something Accomplished young girls who comprised the sie Hardy of Da,y ton moved to the Fi~tsbed but Be&'Un in green and Something Done" though , "Not class of Harveysbu,r g's ftrst a nnual place Tueida),. · whIte letters was suspended above Finished But Begun ." comm~ncement.. Mrs. Meta Rogers was taken s ud the platform. The pews and young lady ,w as gowned What shall some one write of denly ill Sunday near noon, witlt ben~hes of the church W~rEI in a cream or light 80ft wool you class of 193,6 wben forty. a pain in her head. Dr. Mockler, placed either side of a center Isle I dress with. higb neck long sleeves nin ~ years have rc,lled away' , of Springboro, and her ni~es, Mrs and the Harveyaburg Cornet and h%vily pleated skirts over .... • FOI' ,..... V. So ...... lane heeD alae eIloioe of WUllaro- Rogers and Mrs, Paul Band was grouped in the choir which were draped wide lace NOTICE OF APPO,INTMENT Ander!! w~re summoned. Sha is section at the right of the pulpit. pa.nels, shoes and hose were black, maken of, SDe autoDlobilel ad 01 dIecI'balaatIac ill!ebUy improveq, at thiJ. time. .A pi"no brought in for the oc- each one car1'i.ed e. fan and wore a Estate of Raymond G. FatT, de- .Dloto........ OOaria~ preol oI11ae1r ..... qUlItJ casion wall also ~laced . at the right, small corsage bouquet hail' was ceased . Blooming plants, palms, rub~er I combed straight back oft. the foreNotice is h ere'bY given that &ad aIMoand l-roimauce. U.s. Jio,... are ~ trees ,a nd ferns were generously I h4!1Id and arranged in il large coil Martha M. Farr, whose Post Office dree lMlde ,a ud oat Wee, pUea ...... ..., ",.".. loaned by neighbors, friends and at the crown .of the bead. Address is S prmg'b oro, OhiO, ba. fOIl trcD daapt'OU hlowoate ....... wanI-~ relatives all proud, ba.ppy a nd inDoctor Mary L Cook, whom been duly appoint.ed as ·.Adminlaterested in this first and otrl.8tand- you all know and wbo has address- tJ:atrix of the ES~lte of Ral'1llond U. S. Copbeel Tread p ...... , . . tro. ........ '0. ing achievement of the Harveya- ed you at these alumni ba,nquets G. Farr late of ' Warren County, ........ T_ptnd Rahber",.....,... pi ~ REAL ESTATE burc hirh . 1I~hooI. many times, inatructed me not to Ohio, dEceased. wIda daIIar-...... 1-. -0... . eo- ...... ad NOTARY PUBLIC As the ~mbly gathered, the forget her bouquet. It Was preDated this 6th of M.." 1936 ....--__ .....................W-U.s..,... ~-----------..: I ushe1'8 collected the pacUce' .ented to her by MIlS Bernice B. Carer, . . . . . . , _1aDe . . . . . _ . Probate Court ':======;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;::~~~=::=::=:-l JObaloB o~ the faculty and was Judre ~ ordered from a I1'"D ·hou... She m 14·21-28 COUBty, Ohio ..ld it 'dI the first abe bad ever ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hen or owned. It wu a replica of tho.. carried b1 the 10una ladle. of this y.ew OB Thunda)' avenine, ~, &ad Atdomollilelu. ERWIN with the UceptJOIl of bebqr twice _ _ _ _ _ _






-!fIte Riqe In.uranee A,eney T





the ..... TIle laee paper holden wen 14eaUeaL AlIIloR MIf .....

Economize USE

Mobilgas Mobiloil

Waynesville Same

+ _____




Eighty-E:igbth Year





Whole Number 6224




ANNUAL CERE M0NY WAYNESVILLE GARDEN 1\ll·S. Rowena Tarlza, 4lg£'d FRANK A. PENCE RUES died tit her home to IndianapoliR, RRwlings, cray~s. CLUB MET TUESDAY Thur. HEtO SA1UROAY AT vi1lc-,Raymond TO BE HELD' fRIDAY tillY. Th arrived lit the Ky., wid Iy own in



23, kll thi~ community 1111 a feed buyel') lost his atm ia~t Sunda y in an automoDea.n E. Stan:!.,. Lebanon At· bil e accident near Cynthiana, friends her have b n inforrr,cd, lorney, I. Memorial D.y Rawlings was driving 0 ('IU which was ideswiped by another. The injured man's ann wa3 ampu tated at Harrison Memorial Honor was paid the memory of hospital in Cynthiana. those who havo pass d into the great beyond with fitti ng c;ctemoni s SturdilY, Memorial day a,t Mia mi cemetery. In his usual eloquent manner can E. Stanley, Lebanon at-





Warren count.y 'Will get '5,298 of t.h£' allocation for dopen,dent children, according to report ItUld'e by Judge Henry .J. Robinson, chief of the sw.te divi ion of public assistance. Charles J . Wall'lI'oner Resl ... The- allocations are to be paid Po.i.lio n After 18 Yea.r. in six monthly installments to be Senic. started shortly aCter the first of July.

lubbs Funeral Rtlme atuJ'(lay Frank A. Penee, aged 81" died and fun ral s.eJ'vicos were held at the gmvc In Mi.ami cemetery at his home in M't, Holly cady Monday afternoon. iI'S. Tan7Al Wednesduy morning. after an WlU an aunt of John aod Oscar e t ndf.'d illne~. Robison of Waynesville. lIe 'Was the brother 01 the late Ethel Mary BOl\l\bart, 41. wife John B. Pence who preceded him of Orville Bat'nhatt, died at her in d ath, on January 10. He had ... home in lial'VeYllburg early Sun- never married and had lived day m l·ning. Beside!! her husband almost hi entire life in t.h house sh ill sUl'vived by foul' daughtcflj; in which he died. Mrs. Russell Bennett Jlnd Mrs. He is survived by hjs tou in, Ear l ampb II, of Harveysburg; Mr . J ohn Rye . who had made a Ruchel and DemicI! and one son, home iol' the brothers, and other Russel at home ~ hel' father, distant relatives. Georg~ Kn o~ lton, ~)f Waynesville, Fun eral serviee.s will be held at and one bl'othel', Fred Knowlton. the Mt. Holly church Friday atterFUIJel'al service. were held at Mrs. J. W. Colemlln was in noon at 2 o'clock. Burial 'Will be the Friend,,' churc:h in HarveysCincinnati over the week-end. mode in Miami cemetery. llUrg Wedne day lLiternoon and Mrs. Laura Sides, of Dayton, bUlial 'Was in Miami cemetery. attended Memorial exercises hen ANY REUNION TO B"" Saturday, DE;TH . , J:.

The \ Wayne ville CQl'(lell club enjoyed one of the most pl&llSDnt and proiltabl III <'ting. oC the year at the hom of MI·s. J. K. )"I'cston on Tuesday, Jun 2. Mrs. D. W. McNeil, the regional director of the Ohio Associat.ion of Garden ' lubs. of Cincinnati, made, a short talk explaining the advantages of such an organization. She: introtluced MI'S. Geo. Kiedle of Norwood, who talked on "Fi()wer Arrang m'ent" and ar· I'ang d s verai beautiful vases or flowers and gave constructive cdtlCl8m on the exhibit taken by club members. Most of the club members were prescnt nd a number of gue ts enjoyed this program and social shop. time. Mlrs. Geo. P eterson and Mrs. Mary ilvcl' werc the assitant Smith hostesses.


----_ ---

Zllin Armitage, widely kn()W'lJ Warren coun.ty Republican, has been named !:hairman of the co unty ' eXCi:;utive committee to succeed Charles J : W'aggoner, who had h eld the lIo. t for the last 18 years. Mr. Waggoner rCfligned at a reccnt reo['gan izat.ion 'm eeting of torn y, presente{! the th e committee because of b~slDes!l day address, citing the deed und reasons. vttributes of those nnw dead, und - .... - r 'E ari' Maag, mayor of ' Morrow !ltr ' Riled the great respon I-b·Il·ti I e. ltv;n MultOI'd w~s and recenUy re-elected central pi ng in Dayton, Tuesday. b'f of those whose tasks li~ e or ' committeeman from Salem townRev and Mrs W C. 'lhip, \lias elected chflil';num of the. 'MIr. and Mrs. R. E. Frank -hav e ~ cntral committee. succeeding John ceremonies ut lhe cihe,nt of iast in Peebles, HELD SUNDA.Y; JUNE 14lh returned after a few days' vi it C. Hawke. cann on in whJch 19 small childr n' lO. ' il A vel'y larg ntbendance is exThe central committee as took part were in cllur:g ot Mn. Mrs. C. E . Anderson and Mrs. cted at the annual Bethany re300 advisors and officers of 4-H to relatives near Cleveland. :ion to be held 1111 day Sunday, clubs in ~atren county.~11 me~t . Mrs. E_ F. Earnhart antI. 80n elected at th e! recent May primary ,Jack K rsey and Mrs. Gilbert Orville J. Gray were DaytOn visiis composed 01 the following, Ml'8. Frye. . tOl'!! Monday. Jun 14 uccording to atlvance re- at t he High school bUlldlllg In B. were Dayton visitors Mary B. Chapman, Wayne townThose participating in the drl1ls . I rt f ~m neighb()rs in 'the Beth- I Lebanon Friday, June 6th, fo)' the Charles hip; R. C. LeRoy, Franklin; Joe and strewing of flowers were: Mrs. Anna Gibbons underwent . Th:.- W. F. M. Society metaPnOy_SRoCk School c()mmunity. annual conference 0 n . t h e Wednesday. an operation at McCleli1ln hospital d d./" ~ th I A t B b ar ara rllne, We n s a y aL ~el'nOOn a~ e Th R J A "'Ibright pastor summer's c uQ program. n an erBonnie Peters, Mrs. Horace Lackey, of Center· King, Deedl Ld; Ralph VanMeter, L enora Lovely, RichArd Whitacre, X illll, Monday mOI·ning. home of Mrs, R. A. Conner with of th: c~~;'Ch will cond;ct the I esting progr~m will start at 10 a. ville, spent the week-end with her Union; Earl J . Maag, Salem; Wal~ ter R. HOWHd', Harlan; Walter Ric I'd Sheehan, Frances Whi tMr. ond Mrs. Rufus W,n tkins at- Mrs. Oa kley Ullgle by lind Mrs. j 0 ning pl'ograln. A mO$t. Inter· I m. with W. H. Palmer, state 4-H si ter, M/rs. Hannah Rogers. Allen,Olearcreek l Ed.ward Hobat r. Jackie 'Mulford, Ro ma... y t nded Memorilll ervices at C n- Josie Whitaker a sistant h,ostesscs. ;:trn afternoon ptogram is now' c.lub leader in chB;rge: H. C. RenMrs. Kath rine Phi1lip\l and son, Washington ; Ed. Knocken. Mullord, Norma Adams, Earl terviJIe DecoratiOn day. The m eting opened With Bong, i thg king ollet. 4.H club ag~nt In MontgomT hompson, ick Campbell, .lack "What A Fri nd We Hav e in n A ~ am~et dinner will be served ery county; C. C. Caldwell, '4-H son Steve Phillip, of Xenia, were bauer, Hamilton; Harry, Osborne, rane, Yvonne Stubbs, MarJor!;,> Mi s Doris H nder on, of Cin- J esus," after which Mr . A. K. t )n w'th Rock SchOolhouse as club a gent in Hamilton county; guests of Oliver Dllvis and family, Mas. ie, and Mr. Armitage. 1 Mr. J..e Roy was re-elected secre-Conner, Ann Weltz, John Pe rry cinneti, is enjoying II week's Day presented the Stewartlllhip ~en::nter of th e noon-day festhi- and Ma~ison Hutchinson will also Wednesday, tury of both the executive and SAckett, Seth a:o~k, Glenn Smith vacation at her home h~1 program and MlI·S. W.. F . lark tie~. All former T~!sidents of the assist wlt~ the program . Rev. O. C. Dibert and family and Bobby Ha tlngll. Misses Ethel and Edna James, conduct d the devottonll usl ommunity are invited to partido All adVIsors are urged to be arrived home Wedn esday evenin p central committees. Although resigning from the Sounding of taps by ~enlb~rs of Miamisburg, spent Sundlly with "The Dool'way of God," as her ;ute in the- day's program and to present especially in the , morning, after a we-ek's outing at Green party committees in Warren counsubject. b'n a basket to enojoy the. feast. as Mr. Palmer will have son:ae very Forest Arkansaw. of the boy IICOUts, w.~o wok Rctlve Charles Jam es and family. ty, Mr. Waggoner will continue After tht! bu~iness session the r~:e committee ill , charge of the beneficial in struction s to p~ent part by directing ~affic at the M'r . and Mrs. Edgar Bergan to se.rve a a seventh district comemewl-y and galhennlr Ilc.wers, Mr . and Mrs. Earl KimberJain, following pro'gram wa rendered: • and the a I'rangeme-nts in- to t hem. of Franklin, visited Mr. and Mrs. 010, "Mo:e Like the Master"- ~~:fc.a~r. and M(~,. ChesLe r Hat. Euch of the o~cers Ilf. the club and son, of Detroit, spent the ;mitteemull on the state central closed the program. • - • Ray Mainous Sunday afternoon. Roxie Carohne Sackett. fi ld Mr and Mrs. William Hack. , will .have a speCIal sess Ion to at- week-end with the former's mot her committee ,9. POllt to <which he ~s elected at the recent primary• Mt . JUlia Bergan. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Armstrong Readin g, " When :an' and Mr. and Mr. William tend, at which time they:m disThe following resolution wu d M Ernest Nixon Fl'iend sh lps ar~ World Ke'r sey. cuss their problems and. e per. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meyers written at the central committee and Mr. an , '1's. t I dl Lake Mrs. J . W. Whlte. • _ ... mitted t o ask .any questaons they meeting and unanimoualy adopted: 8pent the week-end a n an I R Utding, "The Four Purab ANNUAL MEETING may have, concerning ~helr ot1i~e. and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ba ines, Cincinnati......·ere guests of Mrs. "Wherea. Charles J. WaRoner, Mn. Vernon Ma;nous and - Mrs. F. U. LeMay. _ ___ The afternOon S\!SSlOn, whIch Kizzie Th omp on, Suturd.y. who has served as a member {)f daughter left Tue day morning Reading, "Around tbe World The annual meeting of the lot will be devoted to a discu~ion of Mr. andi M1'S. J. O. Cartwright this committee and as chalrm.n owners of Mia mi ~metery ntra project activities will be fNAYNESVllLE CHURCH OF for Stearns, Ky., having been with the Junior Missionaries" . CHRIST A soeiation will be held in t he held at Hal'tllon park. Each person of Cineintlati, were calling on of the Republican executive com~ called t here by the serious iIIn eSll Mrs. Mary Cross. mittee of this county for 18 )'e&l'!I, Carl Smith, MInittar Solo, "Somebody Did a Golden chapel on Monda.y" June 8, at 2 is asked -to bring their box lunch Waynesville friends, Friday. of Mrs. Mainous' mother. has announced to this eommi~ , Not A Denomin.tion Deed"- Roxie Caroline Sackett. . und tile group will adjourn to the , . Dr. Eldrian Smith and Mrs. that by reason of busine811 inter:'full at.tendaJlCle is desired. park Immediate»y , aiter the- mornMrs. Kathm'me . Conwa~ a!\d I Th e ociety' adj ourned to meet J enny C. Bradley, Supt. Smitli, of Vandalia, were gUCiits ' -eats and of ojs eledion as a mem80n Will, of Readmg, .0hlO, Mr. with Mrs. William, on in July. A. • Colilett, Pre. ing seBBion. 9 :3 0, Bible school; le8llO/l text and Ml'!!, Harry Newbraght, Mr' l of Mrs. Hannah Ro&,ers, Friday. ber o( the ~te Central Commit-_. Helen M. Ha:wke, Sec. _ _ _... _ .. _ __ -Jesus 'In Gethsemane, Luke 22: . tee of t he Republican party of this 39-63_ Golden text -Not my will, . Mr. and Mrs. Cu:l Middleton, state he cannot accept re-election m28-j4 but thine, be done, Luke 22 :42. Mrs. Landis and chIldren, ?~or. 89 chairQ'Uln of said executive guests of Mr. aTld 1If1'. John I ' • CLUB WORK 10 :45, Lord'8 Supper. Itene and Ray, of Dayton VISlted committee or as a member thereof 7 :00 p. m., Christian End avor, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elzey Wed- and h.s resigned f,.8 a member of .nd 'MT . Roy Conrad, of I Although Ohio is a leader Marie Storer, leader. this l commit¥, and I I nesduy evening. Detroit, jW'ere guests of Mr. and .' . . among the sta s in t be numbet , 7 :45, evangelistic services. ~r. and Mrs. Edwards Whereas, said Char~es iI. WaeAfter s~l'V1ng 12 consecutive oi boys 1IIJ1d g irls enrolled in 4·H Wedneeday night, puyer meet- M1'lI. Ralph Linn over ,the 'W\!CkFanned by high wind, ftames and daughter Mary E'llen and Miss goner has. during hil lone term end. Mr••nd Ml'!!. Sanford Wallte1' year. as dIrector o! Hie Smitlj· club work, E. A. Drake, county ing and Bible study. Choir practice desb'Oyed ,.four residence" on the .Ruth Daly, of Da yton, spent the been eminently succesaful and ha" of Bellevue. Ky., joined the group Hughes depal·tment of the Wayne agricultural agent of Gre.ene 8:30. on Sunday and spent the day a t Township schools. J . B. Cr?~be ,county report8 that . only one dut Thre'e C's hl~hw8¥ in ClarksviJIe, week-e nd with Mr. and Mrs, R. shown at all times all un ..lftah A. Oonner 'a nd family. devotion to the welfare of hll the Linn home. was reappointed to .th~t po lho.n of each six of those eligible were Tuesday afternoon. An oil stove in, the residence of country and his party and haa "'AYNESVILLE II. E~ ,C;:HURCH by the board of educatlon at th eIr .enroll d in club work in that Howard ~olley caused thoe blaze, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Satte rth- been constantly faithlul to eve., Will YOUIlIr alld daughter, of regular nleating Monday night. Rev. G. C. DIbert, Putol' county last yea1'. firemen said. It spread rapidly waite, ,MJjss Mary Satterthwaite trust imposed in him., and )au at Sunday: S~nday aehool at 9tSO Detroit, called on Mr. and Mrs. Outside of r:outine mattel's n o tbrough the HC>lley house and to and Mr. Howard Irons attended all times been distin&,uiahed by 8, m. morning worship .at 10:,(0. , Gilbert Frye, Mondn. Mr. Young other bu in es 01 importance WIlS POMONA CRANGE TO MEET the adjoining res idences of Ed commencement exercises at Trot.. his absolute loyalty to every friend will be remembered 4U!I a YOUDe discu sed by the board. Evening service at 7 :30. P mona Grange will meet lI~ltt Rogers, Cherles McCullum and VI"Ood Tuesday ni~ht. and obligation: Wednesda)" 7 :30 p. m., l>rayer optician, from Dayton who .bad Saturday, June 6, .at Grance Hall, an office in. the Grange building circle and Stewardship study. Olay Fouc~. Mr. Robert Satterthwaite re. Now' therefore, be is resolved by Lebanon, A large stendance is sev~ral y~ ".0. Traffic on t,~h~e~m~a:;ln~"";~~~-tttl'ft<ee--J~IHItty--i!¥elIti:Il"", from the Republican ~ttal Committee urged. through Clarksv ~ was tie up Washington, D. C., where ihe was of Warren County Ohio: . , ST. MARY'S CHURCH --... ~ .. ~--Mr. and ftfll'!!. H. O. f or mar e tha n an ho· ur ..... ,n o hun - the ouest of his brother-in-Ia.w and FI·r·st-that we most heartlv' , Rev. I. I. 8cha.«er, Rector , and Mrs. Francis ', Coleman and d ~ .. t orl8 · t 8 bloc.. "ed the sister, .. Mr• .and Mrs. R. D. Tolle. endoroA ~s 0 fmo g.,. and commend the adminTrilli1y Sunday, June 7" Church little 8.On AndrClw, of . NQrw!)od, ' 1'oad to w.tch the blaze. Property istration and leadsnhip of tile s chOol at 9 :30'; sermon and Holy and Ml'!!. Laura Foster, o~ Mt. Miss Thomas, of Dayton, Hon. Charle J. Wanoner u damag.e ;was estimated at $2,500. . Co.mmunion !lot 10':30_ Healthy, were callen at the home' Goods rQads and the automobile ~--... - - - - - will present her dance pupil" in a chairman of the executive comof Mr. and Ml'!!. Fred B. ~ender­ up-to-date news sel·vice and the reCital. at the night. Imi:tee of the Republic.n Parir in ,ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH son, Sunday afternoon. radio have closely linked: every SelectIons. by mU /lle pupils of lIr. thIS county : Father Newton, Putor Russell Frank will b interspersed Second- tbat we be.reby How.rd C.rver .nd Ben Hill, of small community wj~b the WlOrld's 11888 at St. Auc'uIUne" churcb atlain. Your local dealers have the =====-=======;:=====:0 in the pro,ram. press to the HOD. Cluu'lea J. WacSprintrf\e)d, and lohn Sears spent everi Sunday ·mol'llinr. same , opportunity as the big city, --goner the deep and .ince" rethe '....ek-end on a motor trip to stOrfl to buy smart merchandise Vern Hough is critically ill at . Dr. R. S. Weaver and famll), I grets of this committee ud of CumberlaYld Gap and other points Most traveling salesmen, today, bis home on Third! street. FRIENDS. ..EETING A record number of Obio hjgh moved, Tuesday, to Xenia, where I th~ Republic.n part, offlil eoun. Flrat-da)' SchOol at e:80 a. •• of jllt.teat in. TenneiSee. Virain.ia avail tb.emlieLves of motor cal'll and Mr. and Mrs. Vern Simpson and school boys will participate In they will make th~ir tu~ure hom~. ' ty that be 'd eems it neeeaaar, to Ii••inl for Wonhlp at 10:80 and Kentucky. good roads which make it possi,ble vocati~Jal agriculture judKing Dr. 'Weaver. has dlscontanued hIS retire as such chairman .ad u • for the !!ama salesman with the children spent ~ Ilturda.y with. contests and the Future Farmel'!! de~tal practice hl W~ynCilvi~le and Imember. ~j this committe.: alld of' America convention at O. S. U. has opened .. ~ qmce In Xenl8. , Third-That on behalf of the Mr. and Mrs. F. U. LeMay, Mr. same Une of met<rbandise to call relatives at Bufo~'il, Ohio. FERRY CHURCH OF CHftlST and Mrs. K.rl Bodenbender, Mn. alike om the smali town dealer and M.iss Alice C,ampbeJ1, . grade Friday and Saturday. Mis8 MaJ'881'Ct Edwards wi1l at;:. Republican party We el(tend to the CUI Smith, lIinliter HatAeld, Measra. R. F . tM big city YOUl' dealer school t eacher, will spend the It is that 215 Ohio tend commencement of I said Hon. Chadt!s J. PelTJ Thomu, BUilt. of Bl.b le Hatfield .nd Charl.. Davis , " N knows you, your likes and dislik(!s. 6Um)'ll Cr at her home in Maineville high schools will be Steele hieh sch.ool in Dayton to- ' the sincere thanks of the .p artJ for School dinner eueata at the home of Mr. It i ' far easier for him to muinby nearly' 900 teams in the variouJl night. Alice Jane, daughter of Dr. his unsel6trh seJ'vice, his absolute Sund.y Sebool 9 :80 L m. and Jlta. Heflry &tte;rthwait.e tain a stock suited to the times Mr. and ~hs. !:thode! Bunnell jUdging cont~ts, which include Mrs. Gale E, Russum, is one loyalty his emlnl!Jlt sk111 Ad ble Communion 11:.& L m. Wednesday evellinl of last week. and needS of you . and your are announcing the birth of • those in dairy cattle, wool, meet the graduates. faithfulnellS and dt!votion to dutY Sermon 11 L , m., Ernest Harlan and neighbors than it is 'for the big, daughter, Rhoda, t~is Thursday agricultural en~ineerinl, poultry, during hi, lone aud IlUcceMful ' " Mr. end family, of Dayton, 1fr. and Mrs. city store to maintain such a morning, June 4, at McClellan cre.m, gen-eral livestock, ' crops, The choir of the WayneJI:vlUe tel1ll and aS8ur8 him that 'alth.. ATTEND DISTRICT IIEEnNG Kenneth BOUlh .nd famil" Mr. stoak. It is necessary for his ve-ry hospital, Xenia. milk and sheep. Total attendance Churcb of ' Christ will .render a ful service will be .n inllpintion A "demonstrati .n" program 'Will fOr the two-day prOi'tam is ' e~- speeiaJ musica} number at the to WI eOinmittee and to his ,arty l. L. Mendenhall, preaiden.t of .nd 1(n. Harold Eamti.rt and existence that. be satisfy you and fe~tul'e the leet u'e ' hour at the pected to 'pass the 2500 m&rk. Green County Area. meeting '. at in their etrQrts 101' the welf.... of the Warren County Farm Bureau, famity, Mrs. Viola Rarlan and Vl'. you can Nat assul'ed that if regular meeting -of F.rmen' Inspec\io'llS of the univenity the Church of Ch.-Ist In ,Xema, nr coun~ty." toeether 'With J. iJIt'. Walker and Everett UVlan enjoped ~ ftahlne give him. the opportunity, he Grange Satul'daynight. farm 'toura of a dOlen Colulllbus Thursday nieht. Floyd Smith, of • ~• Paul V.ndentOl't of. Lebanon at- trip to ' Lake lilt M.l')'a over the do so. Patronize local merchants of Chrlat, F • • A. Me MOTICE tended a district meetinr Wedn__ week-end. II R indu~trial plants, and a buebaU the New Vienna C~ureh dd d plaJine "Trade .t Bome" posters. Mrs. K.rl Bode ben er, rs. • pme Saturday afternoon between will deliver the a rea. day at the Central Parkway Y. 11. • - .. E. Fral)k, M.n. L. A. a.1'1It, lin. the Columbus Red Birda aJld St. Mil8 HeDrl6tta McKinaey wu Stated Communication of W.,. C. A. In CiIlcilUlati. a.p.....nta- Mi• .Janet Cartwrleht, dauehm WILL ORGANIZE CLUBS W. G. Squires, Mrll. A. B. Stubbs Paul .re included III the program caned home from her school won nenill. Loclse No. 188 F • • A. Uvea of Farm Baret-ul In Warren, of IIr. aDd IlrI. I. O. Cartwriebt, and '?drs. Ralph H.sti.... were of entertainment. at Ashtabula because 0"1 the IUneas)l. TueedQ fI'ftIIiq, I. HamUton, Prebl. .nd Butler .nd 1liu'Roberi.a lohnatone, both of Clnch'Datl, are sanine on the Girls' 4-R ClubB Including l\lnche~ guests ' Mn. M. A. • - of her mother, lin. AUee 1Ie- VlIltin. alld IOJolll'lllnc, u ....... eountift attended the meatiq • S. S. Colambia .)lIne 11 from.New jects in c:lothina and nUtl'i_'·lI1ti,,·0!<lnvtllle.1 Fulkerson, IDLEWILDE CLUB Kinsey. lin. MelOn..., .. ba a . . . . . . .... York Cit, on a Wnt (lldie. crulle be ol'&'aniled in W ...' f 1) . . . . . . . . W wealch wid "clude Jamaica. Haiti, Tbunday evenlnlr, June 4. of DayOn the evenl1llr' of K.y 26, the aerioul eonditioa, the reid 0 • • , 101ltll AlDll'iea ad the Paama at the Graqe Hall. at the Idlewild. Birthday olub met at the faU '" her home a f.." weeb .... The Fairtleld Fatale Canal. AU trirk between the aces 10 ••thoditt ehurch trao:n:: home of Mr. anet JIn. Walter IlIas Elisabeth Chand..... Club m8lllbers wtl1 plant 10 and 10 uel their parents are and - - tbe au" 0 • Kellner. AD of th. m••hen anll Bamptoll Road, VL, ad. ba...... of 1IJ1iiliI .... cora tlala Robert l).bollett, 01 the Collett IaYtted to attend thla meeting and alld Mn. A. K. 1141V....1 peat. were....-L 'I'M B~ Claud. ., of c....... Jar, Tbe7 .... ta D Wide f.aaUJ abolat tH intereatinlr proIlr. and ...... KeEl. • ....... ,... apaRt Ia .... for ... oaltaM of ......, an TIIIrd ..... 01 ftI'k and play plalaned of Ci1lGi::r' ... ·aaceJIeDt ~
















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.--- .




~, Fri~ay












"M_ ....~.

Trout, administratrix of the CBtate of Mary Ida Yowh~r. dec('lbf'd was approved. Z. O. Worley; trullt4~e un9 cr the will of Isaac Jone., d ~·cea ed. ftled his ninth account. The court approved certain sale for ob I'vlltion. matie by Josephine GI~n8 adminisIn till' ca-c of the Mo,rrow Na- trnlTix of the estate of Elia Ogle liolllll Dank versus harlie Obe-r- bee, tl c ed. he til d "er lie, t lIl, confirmation, deed lUlel partial account. di lribuUon \\'as order d. fnry E. J tferies as appointed admini tratrix of the t' 'laLe of New Sui" Robert Milton J ft'eric dec\!a~ed. 'lIit was filed by New York and filed bond of $1,000 with Lif Insurance Co,' against Wal- .urelies. W. W. hurls, Albert ter Danleron, t III for money and cott and Albert Ert I were named for ~Iosure of mortga&-e. The npPl'ai er . amount of money claimed WIIS Loui F. Pardee, administratrix $2, 16.64. of estate of William F. Schenck, Nona F. Drake Bogan tiled a decOO8ed, tiled hilr application'for euit again t Wilbur C. Bogan for a certificate of transfer. The divorce. The charge is gross neg- administratrix WBS authorized to lect of duty. pay certain attorney fees to The Colonial Finance Co., filed Dean E. Stanley. a suit a ainst John Holweger and Will W. Sheets, guardian of Mary Holweger for money, fore· Bert.ha Kenrick, filed h r fifth ac· closure, mar ha.Lling liens and oth· count. er t·elie-f. The amount of money The estate of Eljzabeth M. claimed is U .26.58. . Ruhlman deceased, ,,'as found to be exempt from inheritance tax. Probate Co1l.. t Alvah Hal'tsock filed an afRIn the case of Thomas C. Chris. devlt for the admi sion of Alice lie, guardian of Jobn R. Poinsett, incompetent, versus John R. Poin. Hartsock to the Dayton Stat~ sett ,et aI, sale of real estate at Hospital. The will of Srunuel W. Wright, private sale is ordered. Loathena Freuden~rger, execu deceased, was admitted to court tl'ix of the, estate of Charles W. Agnes Wright Carlson was ap· Brininger, dcceased, filed her ap' pointed executrix nl~ bond replication or a certific.ate of trane· quired. William CoUins, H-oward COmvln and Charles . Moore were fer. The inventory of Mrs. Alice named apprai!lel'8.

N EWS FROM THE WAREN COURT FOR PAST WEEK Common PI .... Proce,edin,. hI tilt, C ()f G nrude Miller \,('rIlU .T. E. York, th' defenda.nt i I;i" n 1('(\ (' to fll(' lin on!'''' r. In th a e of Ju W. Hording vel'SU Guy Gaynor, et aI, the Illotion of thc pI iuUtf i granted UlHI the plaintiff is order d to produce for inspection of defendnht'~, II note Dnd mortgage. In tho cas of The Thanklin a· tiontll Bank, of Franklin, n corp., vel' UR John liolwt'{r r, judgment in the u.m of $3,200 was nllowed the plllilltitf. T.he llote held by the plninlitf is herein witbdi'nwn from thc files. In the case or Georg~ E. Smith vcrsu~ Gordon Donnell, t ai, the depa it of the defendant in the bank is not, subject to execution by the plaintiff. In the ease of the Mason BuildCo., ing A1Ld Loan and Saving vcr us Gordon Bonnell, et aI, ju<iglmlnt in the sum of ~4,532.05 ~lnd costs was allowed. t)1e plaintiff Deed and di tribution was ordered in the case of ~1a.rgaret. E. Folk versUl! Jennie J . Snell, et Ill. lifl'ord Fell'i~ is to be confined in the Ohio State. hospital for the insane for a period of thirty days




Waynesville National Bank Member of




SUDOCO Licen.. Pl&te Reflector Emblem witb lnitiala t iDe Have a set of 5:25-17 AU winter garments, that Royal tires run 1200 ar e sealed,. l,e ft over 30 days and one,tire never used. Will will be chat'ged storage. sell at a bargain.

. . ...,


:-) '




Soy Beans For Seed



Special .

Wayaenill., Ohio

PhoDe 61R3




oil .

Smith~ s

Service . Station

Waraeaville, Obio

Plywood --:-". Paint ~-


Real Art Beauty Shop

'Peck's Food Shop

JlOULTRY RANGE SHELTERS Your local community ii, in the ;European count.Ti••, have Ilmilar thlna pouible here in WaJlle1viUe. Anal analysis, an economic entity. alolana lVIbit~h are ..nforced lIy hleh import dutlel . In the Unlted What is true ec~onomica1ly as reStates we lilan the "Made In gards nations il true to a. leBBer to America. ·O lub," organized delrTee as r-eearClI cities or compromot& the, sale 01 Americanmunltlet. made goods :In this country. England hal a . ~ loa a n We in thla community of' Way"~uy



Germany and nesvilJe should follow the example

in fact: most


home workinar for ill to ble .. and build our .community and, thereby.

J. R. Gibbons

benefit every reatdent of WarneIville t&r\d e~ery farmer in Itl -environs.

Wain..ville, Ohio

Phone 54




Harken 'to- BOund eco'nomic advice

the . of nations by purchasing every- based upon experience 1.



The Miami Gazette Phou 112

Pure Home Ren end Lard, 2 lb•• 25c.

85c Ponds Cold Cream . . ......•....• lie

Swiu Steak, lb ...... 11c

14c Ponds Facial Tilaue . , .•.. \...... . Ie

Short Riba Beef, 2 lba............ 2Ic

Gem Ruon (I Blades) .... . . . .. .


Inthil manJ~er ,aDd thll ma~ner alone, caD we k"l/ our m. oney at

Wayneaville, Ohio

Three Special. Weekly

SERVICE Wayne.ville, Ohio


Wayne.ville, Ohio

Drene Shampoo .and Fill~.r Wave .•..••. eo ,


Swim 25c; Children Under School Age 1 Single Season 'Jacket ... .. ... ........... ....... ... .... ......... ..... .. ...... , Family Seanon Ticket f of' 2 .......... :....... ........ , ." .......... .. Family Season Ticket for 3 .. ... ....... ......................... ...... . Each Additional Ticket .. ,............ ....................... :.......... . ~.J¥-""'" Club Season Tieket for 4 ................ ., ............. ,..... . Each Additional Ticket · ..... ........... ............ .. ., ........... ...... . F our or 1II0re people may buy a Club for the season and save money. " . . . We 'will be plea&ed t o have you come and inspect oUt Pool . and. Recreation Ground&-as fine a8 you carl find a.nywhere.

Waynesville Farmers' Ex. Co. .

Oil Permanent •..... . ..•.••.....•• ".10,





"irh Quality Home Grown Beana in Stock Manchu,per bu .. .. ... .. . .• $1.00 Virginia Brown, per bu . . . $1.50 " (Unexcelled for Hay)


Rogers and Simpson FORD PhoDe 23


Wayneaville, Ohio


KOZAK POLISHING CLOTH.' Formerly sold for $1.00 now . .... ... . ... '. . -4geSee u. ,or an eatimate on that repair job. You will 6nd our pl'icea' very reuonable.




At Your Service

Phone No. 19

... .



R.· D. Collett Hardware and

PhoDe "26

Certo, bottie .. . ....... . . . . . . . . . . . .. 23c Pen~Jell, 2 pkgs ... . .. ,........... . ... 26e Good Luck Jar Rings, dozen . . . . . . . . .. 6c White Villa J ar Rings, dozen ... ' .' ..... ok Quart Mason Jars, dozen ............ 6Se Quart Idea l Ja rs, dozen .. , ......... , 75e



Mower Now alld order wbat repaira before the Ru.b. We carry a number of part. aDd caD sive you, 4 houra ..mce on aay part we may have to order• .





Phone 99R3





you need


McCLURE Funeral Home

Smith's Grocery

Screen. . Doon Windowa GI... Paint BUILDIN

I "

Try a can of our . PURITAN CLEANER For cleaning a ll kinds of Clothing- Odol'!eSd Gallon Can . . . . . . . . SOc

~F r- ,.. - ---

Look Over That. Binder


Men'. Suttde Jacket. Cleaned .~Dd Retinted .......... SOc

w. H. Madden & Company ·PhODe 14



Hasting's Garage Quick Cleaners Gordon's Service Kathryn & Service Station M~tndenhall. Mgr. Wayne.ville. Ohio Station WayneElville, Ohio

The Federal fnaurance

Lumber Lime Cement Plaater Mouldins· "E V E R Y T H 1 N G


malt llcflUletl and applicatiolUl, C!NUled, ftled bJ ftnt and luI ae- tl Id tOW'lllhip. • 'l'h,· hearing count. J~e Doty and M1rile Dot, to 90; John Law" on, gas and uil dt'bts in tht' The inventory of Louie N. Sft- Ruth J ames, Inlot No. 11 in Frank $8.56; Stakalta Mfg. Co., prelimin McClun', lI ... u·"l'-·"". UemYeT, admlniatratpr of the ea- lin. ary llMeMment certificatt'R, $Ii:!.June 16 lit ten "~""~Ab tate of rancls A. NickleaOn, de- . John M. Murmy, deeeued, to 60; Burrough Adding Machine [l1ll'1')' L. Hard Sallie Nesbitt., rcal eltate in Way. Co., m~han lca l services; $6; J . L. admini8trntor of the estate of ceased, was approved. n township . Lillt! Hackett. d~lceased, and filro Dunn, labor, $28.80 ; Th6 Book Mania • • Licen_ Charles W. Brininrer, deceae· hop, legal pads and bond, $6.70; hond of $2,000. W W. Sburts, Lou Cecil Geor~ Kuntz, ahoe workDt'nke lind Hnrry Jones wer nam- cr, of Lebanon, and MI Helen ed to Roy BTininger real estate he Westcrn Star, payment noti('c cd u pprni ers. McKay, stenographer, of Lebanon in Franklin township. es, $6; The Gem Cily Blu Pl,'int William B. Fortlage as t rustee, & uPply Co., county map!;, $3.06 Th inh ritnn('e tax to be paid Floyd H. Young, sho worker of Oil the e,;tal' of CharI s W. Drin· Lebanon and Miss Mary Kate to Irene and J ohn J oerg, lots in "nhe Office Outj\tters, l' ntal on Jng 'r. «e('('<osed, wa determined. Brewer, shoe wOI'ker, of Lebanon Loveland Park. tYP4)wrjter, $4; Lyle Blank Book G. F. Brown to William J. Co., loose leaf final I' cord, $55; The iny nlory of U.G. Conover Pflanzer, inlot Noe. 234 in Leb. Th · Western Star, bar dock ts x cutor of the estate of S. Hettie Re.1 E.tate T raD.r.._ onover d ceased, .was a.pproved. Ray F. Mill to The Roxanna anon. for Clerk of Court, $50; Western Th estate of lara B. Rook, Canning ., 1'e81 estate in Wayne Carl and Caroline S~haub to Star, monthly payment liste for deceased, wus fourtd to be exempt townshi.p Irene J~rg, real estate In Love- Juvenile Court $325' John Law from .inb ritance tax. Rexfol'd E. Bevis, deceased, to land Park. & Son, gas a;d s;or~ge, $88.11; The first and linal account of William R. and Lor na C. Bel· William F. Schenck, dece41Scd to ,. Ra.rry Z. Gray, sec'y. sollIict'S reGeorge C. Rook,. admini trator of lamy, real estate in Franklin Marg.aret E. ~ol k, et al, real es- lief commission, $90; J. B. Caf. the estate of Cllua Bell Rook. de- township. tate In Franklm. I ferty, services a., soldiers rcli f ceased, wa npjlroved, anowed amI harles V. Updyke, deceased, . Margaret E. Folk, at aI, to MI ~ commission, $20; CIl1! Brant, conllrmed by thll court. to Roy Updyke, et aI, 19.37 Bcres ".Ie S. Bethel, real estate in Frank ael'vice as mbr. soldicr's reli f The inhcrit-anlce tax on the es· in Fr8lllklhL town hip. 1m.· . I commiss~, $20; L banon-Cititate of Elias Or.lesbee, d cellsed, Catherine J. Updyke, deceased Min".ie S. ~ the) to Edward a~d zens Nat'!. Bank, expenses collQct WIlS determined. to ROf Updyke, et ai, 19.37 acres Katherme HIxson, real estate m lug Coupons ;for sink. fund trus. Alice Hal'tsock wa s found to be in Fl'anklin township. FJ;'anklin. , tees, $1.15; John S. Jones, Supt. insune and is to be admltt.ed to John LeRoy Up d-yke , et aI, to boal'd, room and care of Chlls. the Dayton Stat.e- Hospital. Walter. Updyke, 19.97 acres in Bill. AUowed Armbrewster, $36; John J. Barr, C. . Eula , executor of the \ Franklin tOWcnship. Kaufman's, janitor supplieS ~8.- payroll, $13.6: Johnson Myers, pay -estate of Pearl Eulnss, deceased, Ruth M. Bevis to Willillm R. 65; East End Coo.I Co., coal, $6.50 roll, ,136.20; M. O. Foreman, pay. filed his schedule of debts. I Bellamy and Lorena C. Bellamy, C. D.onald Dllatush, rent of office, roll, $848; Earl Basore, payroll, Thomas C. Christie filed hi tlP- ' 7.12 'tiC res in Franklin township. $20; George Krager, grate bars $124.8(); V. ?lfo. Armitage, payroll plication for thEt appointment of' n Walter S. Updyke, to Eva an installation, $37.1i0; Treasurer $135.20. RlU'ry Mount., payroll. gua.rdian of William F. Downey, Gross, 19.37 acres in Franklin of State clothing $406.30 The Co- $166.40; Carl Dakin, payroll, incompetent. township. ·lumbus Blank Book Mfg. Co., led- $228.80; H. L. Schulycr, payroll, John E. Holden, administrator Madge Byrd to Piero Sorren- g r sheets, $4; T. F. Walker, $179.20; J. L. Dunn, services as of the estate of George Hoblin, tino and Teresa Sorrentio, 10.58 rvices as veterinary inspector, meC'hanic, $a3.60; The Oflke Outdeceased, filed his inventory. acres in Deerfield township. $123.73; Oswald Funeral H-ome, fitters, paper cliPII and pen points, R. C. Boys, c!xeC\ltor of the esAlma and William G. Hegner to fUneral exPenses, $76 ; Tbe John- 28c; Zain Armitage gravel, $279.~ tate of ElizlI:beth Ireland, de- Madge Byrd, 10.58 acres in Decr· son-Watson Co., ci.g.arette and ( Contil4Ued on Page 3 )



Cal1iel, lb. . .. ..:...18c

Pork Steak, lb. • ... , Dc


Waynesville Service Station IrwIa EIlb, Prop.

Specials For Saturday Mem's Summer Suita, SaDfonsad, .pecial .• " , . Ladies' White Shoe. ; ••••••••• :-. -.1.1' to ..... Men'a Wash PaDta, SaDforlsecl •••• to

,t" ,t_


called 011 a put of his GafFe)' oal Act. the Courl of pl.IDed ev~n election atteI'llO Oll. he . befol'f) De.1 Colum~ of t Appo.l.. of the Distric But, . elected been M11I. Lena HlU'tIOek join have nevel: advel'le , bl. was re.dinl • atinctn of the investm ent limitati on law ___ ___ A, Z. Hartao k and famlb of son, J=--__ ___ ___ be ___ will it ___ is, ___ ___ • on Tugwel l's Five Hun- ' eVt'r their platfoTm deciBion und..r u the and spent fy Melvin, divel'lli to like was In questio n rehabil itation' attrpctivf.' and a vat' getter n "Ruft~io Million drt'd ISSUE D EVERY THURSD~Y Walter Mrs. thereby I investm ent of banka and g'\!t gUeilts or Mr. a.nd ' hur- ' lhe laRt. The-n, if or altt'r the>y ------------------jl~r--------program lor which he again di!lcBI·d it Ggain Jordan in Harvey sburg. ~;Il th10S'8, ' of lity elected, to probabi wC!ek Lhe last redllc~ only . W CongNS t to rled ttl P 4 11: t .. -~ P... ·r.a..~r Mt' , Howell Peirce, MI'!l, Lena o.~~,,~ 'tator111 • .............. ,....... " •• Y... 011... try to hl\ve several million man and keep on nnd get theil· 1.11 \i.ttno a against t'.10 gn PrIc., campni •• the e.lpd ng •• a ontinui Con- Hart ock, Misses Rachel Pettit, car-ma rked for him out of the new ship by circumv enting thoe Court, Supl·em booUegjl;ing in Ohio, state liquor Marne T. Brown un\! Emma Heigh Lhe pack n, Five Hundre d Million, stitutio the directio n of AI (Note- . ontl'ibutllli by a former One Bill, under agents the to ng WAy attendl! d the funeral service s appeali again by and to for 1930 4, asking JUNE r !:Iiden!., Roy Iro lls, of Clyde, RQosevelt is now Humphrey, chief of the nforceNew of Miss Kate Hall Friday aCt rthe of spend on his collective farming public on the noise =~======~ In nt division of the State D part- )hio,) noon, which were C()ndueLcd in -======================= Deal. free l)roj~t.s through out our R: EDITO THE TO seven a in Control Liquor of ment PAYS THE WORK ER My advice to them is thnt we the chapel at the CinelnnaU How thankfu l we arc again to couritry . This d«lsipn sto pped dny peri'od staged 143 raids, mad e In this c~matory. a some of his spendin g at present , have lived and progres sed Mrs. Helen Hough Eaton, of 122 arreSts, dcstr ycd s"ix tecn lre great wiso men who wrote for ours 01 co.untry free great elt Roosev of great- but we assume he and U you think the so-call d, rich pay( uU \JIll taxes, nnd th ' rest !Ill1ls and captuI·ed el ven trans- onstiiut ion upon which the peopl() I will carry it to the Suprem e nearly 160 years with our Wash- Bryan, Ohio, called On Home erned some pOI'ters of whiskey, accordi ng to a cst nation of . elf-gov Thomas Jefl'l'rson Con- fdends Satul·d ay. us rec Iv 1\1\ the bounby of govern ment for nothing , here nre t mes the Cou,·t, for . money means votes ington Bn d N()w . builded r Ilort submitt/3d by Mr. Humph - has b en in l Mr. nnd Mrs. S. M. Sell rs, of editoria en from ~en our gr at Suprem e IlTe and y n Til sUt.utio you. sion disillu will facts that me ourt's adverse decision (hes day,. Supr W. James l' Directo Liquor ll called on Home. friends to rey Lebano ." Worker the stateg the Charle t.own News and Courier , entitled "Taxin The question it out, will thi COUlt and I believe in thl' e of Sunday alterno on. on the Guff~y oal Act. an act rters transpo the of Nine "Bewar Miller. gton, cal fi Washin last of the ments in nt trick the administl·alion with all their Every dollar spent by the Federa l govcr-nm MiRs Faye Kelley of Harveysw('re taken in th Cincinn ati area forming a little N. JR. A, for I nnd entangl ements," experim ents and bold attemp ts to foreign was bill this When try. indu coal 111: Mrs. Charles E. Anders on, hurg, "Th'e through which considerllble yenr WI\.8 derived os folloW!. n, Jefferso Tihomas s' . mlmy CO~gn:R cl·ush the Constit ution la nd belittle ongl·~ . b<'fore I its finds liquor ky McKinsey and Miss Kentuc Laura egaI M\iss co1'Govern ment is that which is en c nte Iron' versona l income ba.xes; eight cents from bellev<.."<l It was u.ncons tltutioll the Suprem e Court be able to mon Ohio pet·jod same weI' dinner gUIHltS the , In .. Reeder way Eva tobacco m ntsfro e of disUke governed." poratio n taxes; six cents from liquor taxes; six hl· e I 01, bCCa\1Se th act contain ed the I create a gl·ound swell ejghty-t ed Mis~ Clara LiJe, Wednes day. convict of COllrts taxes ex.cise from cents ll fiv ; !I -•• tax -taxes; seven cents from process ing ca.uSsecl Lhe : and . protest alnong the people taxes violato rs of the liquor laws, rmd : sa,me pUdrpo.s~, whfiehth of OUl' es keyston twe these agaim;t , up,reme five cents fron1 custom s duties; thr e cents from ~tate and girt e 0 cmon , assessed sente nces totaling 1,220 n"versc so that the total ing OUlt In the ,N. R. A. sick e.blcken I free governm ent, days in jail with fine (our cents from all other forms of, Joe Larkin Jr. of Greenfield is " people will go along with them to Blue great the killed that case . $15,300 ttlx. sales a ellect, Mr, Practic ally everyo ne of those taxes i~, in cru. b them both into the dust of the guest of his grundp arents Eagle. • • • k. one, Haydoc Elich C. T. buy. Mrs. woe and things for tile but of not, cost hope t.h~ of We partl a earth? nts the I we represe Eaoh .The pl'esel~t De~ocl"atlc, .or Rural electric lines to erve on to The W. F. M. SociEty of the a le~dcr of a power( ul organiz awilh n few and unimpo rtant excepti ons, mu ·t b& and is pnssed imatel y 40,000 Ohio farms nught term. It, thlS .woul~-hke-tolapproX church met at the church Friends ation exclam an $uch utter to tion er, has the consum during the I be-Aut ocratic admilll tralion cted constru be "THE HOME OF GIFTS " will day. Wednes on of decision Courts e Suprem . , . , Rural caused to have pasSE.'tI more uncon- on the tbe if months few next above E, listed M. the taxes the of of Aid total Ladies And lhAt liln t th~ 'W'erst of It. The to put the Guffey Act as that by John L, Leba non, Ohio for I Electrif ication Admini stration ap_ 1stitutional laws in u'ying wos held in the church on Church minerll, coal the of leader comes to just 61 cents, leaving 49 cents of each dollar unncco ullted l;ewis, I m futteris Furallk l~sm, T.ugw-el ove.r now tions applicn loan all proves Str et and nd wh n the day EXPER T WATC H That fony-n ine cents W88 obtaine d by borrow ing than : who the press report, said, "It is a Thursd ay, Mrs. Geo. penoing , accordi ng to an estimat e whl~h .15 notl'l1ng more or less average REPAI RING of man guests, the atld wel'e rs worker dnughte th of b~ wi11 form it B, oUr com upon ntary ekoning r of s~, thn.n has been passed sad comme ~ovletl d federaobserve Bureau was F'a.rm Day Ohio al Lhe by Memori b·1\ decision t· evet)' gi the when of of govern ment meanfil wbo will have to foot prnctic ally nil .la lion, IIponsor of rural electrin ca- In .the hlstol'Y of o~lr 147 years gan IC I , by Uain. Ont,. Genuin e MateTI of of th~ Supreme- Court seems de- hNe on Sunday. :rhe address flve had have ey Th ce. Ser\'i ce exultan pt coProm through nts Will! ni gton develop Wilmin t.ion of :, Turley ==~ Dr. ~~= starve , signe.d to fatte-n capital and ~~~~~~=~~~====~====== operati ve associations of farmers . their alphab tjc soups, namEly and destroy labor." Can not this enjoyed by a large 'audience. \ H. s), r Pension ad (Railro p, R R, about be will Store open until 9 p. m. ost of the program address was read by . ('Mortg age be reasone d out that such II state- Gettysb urg _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _"" _ _ ,, \ .13 ..000,000, it was SlIid. 'Miami O. (Hot Oil), M. M. A., . , Peters and Flande rs A, A. ment will cause his 50000Q miners Gervalse A. It. N. rium), Morato the be will s .countie Bnd Sh.elby ) d If C I u- Field by Ralph Hill, A quartet t e (G . u y on Act, dared uncon- to deBPise and hate the · Constit tint in the United States to be compo ed of Misse Marjor ie Hay and Court e Suprem ntators tion and the served electric power through linEs stitutional. Many comme dock, Martha · W~ler , Ruth hatred? class creete 0 al vened arc who Ask for a by the REA. In additio n to of known ability, built tile with ate co-oper will division Reeves and Mildred Carl' rendere C\ groups may special COLU MBUS -Two It is said that the decision al law! have said titutl.on con on ction constru lin for funds lending Th plans Miam iaburc Perma nent two approp riate number s. e of boob, one on sporta and the land OW11ers and will furnish .the SOCial S(!~UMty Act, the mean that Pennsy lvania will go that conrural to loana makes REA the fo 'duckmusic the of ed ment !uTnish r other popula r novels which have for the e tabliBb the f6r Roosevelt. This should so local band Conc rete sumerll, :payable through a five- I Frazler-Lel~lpke Btll, . and they the procession . that nation whole the alarm to been made Into motion picture , ports," Mr. Wooddell said. Act vation Conser Oil present gs buildin wiring for , period' year Burial Vault Urbana Seal of of n Air , Rev. Isaac JO'hnso ution or beini feature d by th State recent llears the number ces replace A. A .. A.)I and t~e Wag- rally to and SlIve the Constit applian electric sing purcha th and in cture lar, I ted particu in illustra an geese, e end gave tic!<,et .Iibrary and are availab le to per. ducks For Sale only by oner Labor Bill rr~ay be Included, by voting the RepUblican and ' equipm ent. this with Friends church on Sunday evenin ~ Take fall, lions through out the state by the been diminis hing rapidly , due this to ,as llablc questJo al·e all tOl· - .. - . The condition of Wendell Gra Your Fune ral Direc tor by library 's traveUn g iIUId circula tion g Iy to a lack of proper refuge wheth.el· .they conform ""th tile the sarcast ic slurring remark more Mrs for ed. 'plan improv the mueh cing not is announ In ham the division, it was announ ced by Preside nt Roosevelt wh~ ,. Consht~tlon,. u is confined to her be d .Librar ian Paul A. T. Noon. An and better "duckp orts," the g that many ~ell Suprem e Court killed the dear, old Graham also hstsndm I NotW1t ure Funer al Home McCl raham G ' the n that d Addiso reporte Mrs. er for mill8ion .unusually heavy demand la.wyers VOIced Blue Eagle, tllat we were going by illness, le~rned a,nd I k:~WJ) YiUe. O. bURY days," of South Vienna Is spendin g 8. few Plao_ 7 Jlubllca~o1l8 pen.inl Dlr to sports ion of conserv ation has consoUt elr oplnlun hat tbe Gutt'ey A{lt back to "l\orse and 2) pl,e from ued (Contin 1t4 under h t ·th d (II all kinds bas been created with- d.te~ &everal bUTeau~ ev~n when and It is again mOllt 'aJarmln gays em, was uncoDStitutlol~al redtng WI it. the I.ndeed tion in order to handle l!3: BlaIr" LeRo.v, gravel, $15.7\1; Congr conslde wes and Bill Buckle y accom Ben in ftoeent months due to interes t juriedic . " di i f th · '.: 05 -409 I t . v Slon more J K Spe e in doubt" to new ac IVI 0 . ; Preside nt. who wa.s also in the Olympic game.. and a marc panied by Robt. Smith motored ncer, grave, .." " Then. If the people re,turn thIS quickly and with If!1IS red tape, The and aunt sent this messag e t;() Congress, well as unel6 •• and thei old sand of in t Co., home Stone the p d VanCam ti r to beo-A to k I Id inter"'" t .... E L W d M a - M , u era c. that rw~u. - I e- by No f,,:nction necessary. to. ascon-a gravel, eer 0 . , recent novels haa been kindled Mr. T, E, . Barnha rt, "The situatio n is so urgent an ' If!. r. $67,41; fall, thiS d power to curtaile ation be will n mInistr eVl·servano I 80 ·on th n-, h lell'islatl N , Y• were . e tad motion picture adaptio S h h l· t garage rent, $24; Cincinn ati- benefits of the ' h I . t· It f th th.e offering re- c enec y, .. e reorgaJUza lon, from Inter- dent ' thAt all doubts should be re- ere swat is ., parts s TeaU four Expres n 'hl·"+yLebano are spend the sumwill T''-ere boys 'Noon .Gld. Buckley The Court: ~ •~ garding the Suprem e ". nationa l Co., a5c; The solved in favor of the hill, leaving said. was field, mer, Jussports ~e the erage in Honorab the tions age of publica hion -a:v Cincinn ati Oil Works Co" gaso- to the courts, in an orderly fa Mrs. Alice McMillan of Spring• • •. -, t lces of the Supre'."e Court l~ over constitu with subject matte-r in'e luding ' of 1:1on que e ultimat the r, Gardne S. Robert .$3.52; line, tendent Superin to , spent the week-e nd at the opinion ani field In '. msurthe anship, of es horsem tenni, lwimm ing, com- 70. By the ac~uarl ga ohne, $12.97; J. I. Holcomb tionalit y. . .. I hope your MI'. and Mrs home lived have they ' es compam ance bt Cof her parents d golf, fisblng, archery , camping Samuel H. Squire of the division Mfg Co brooms ·10 OS· A Jack, ·tt ·t R ·]1 no t ' perml ou S I8S WI the ee ml I banking . and , . banh . of . . . arr" " . oy T",enty . g. If life. of span , average Bnd 8&lIing and yachtin the b-eyond rear howeve ,y, ROOT FOR AND CONSI C" that son's Serviee Station and Garage , . to constitu tionalit Mrs. 'E lIzabet h Campbell of ted Roosevelt is re-elect ed for the six novel which hav been filmed ney genera l last 'Week filledinve thI t bl oek th ou f ~ttlBe, hOkPJ Ihete.p, .~ ~~ KlingerThe ' $1907 r e week last gu~st to WBS limited town George banks grim tatl! ed next foul' years, and h the within recent years a1'e include d r to N o...... s- roe [CI.,. Ive ...,.. --. • rt. ,a"d d augh.... $S· ~.' 0" ·t . ht eb e suggle~ 'his ayt 0. on a ma- 0f h 6T son-1n-. "'" pr.">gt'euive firm t"r the htneXI> .In mllit aw' .,.... on ing not more than twenty per cent DiUs C; ." br~nz~ and wicks , cgl a Ion. ICOllI in the other C<lllection. Li ts·..... sMngs reaper being was strik~ and thnt a great market priees and '004 .. b Qth coII e<I ti ons may be 0 btaIn_ of their respect ive capital and John. Law & Son, kerosen e New Deal Mr. and Mrs.. C. P. Noggle. on, threate ned and hJ1: iW'8S influenced j91'ity, he w.m appoin t Thompa D, E. U.lOD StHk Y.rd.' _", 0. $4.57; us e, Columb gasolin of es Duffey securiti of Robert lsaues Mrs. .U in he then surplus Judges inI their stead and. ,~ Tune In on 1ladlo Station wen from the library. ' k 'th h t thl i d t . EDt · $25717 s supplie al ·1 electric The tion, s mesSIllg e. er paren.~ 12:25 to 12:80 p. m. for oar daD, in any particu lar corpora as wee WI • • • 0 sen • , • • • country going to put up , W'I ~ go p aCM. It is rep~rted th~t. spen ,our Is $465 s supplie ng plumbi . market reportL son Thomp Curry. bank Elmer state a he has been pullmg rd>blta Mr, and Mrs. Owners of ponds, m~hes and questio n aJ;'Ose when sa1ld and gravel, with. lIuch an ex.Cllse for tryin to while LeRoy, &: m _-::==========~=~ Blair Lumpk twenty Luther than Mrs, more 'lInd invest to Mr.: wSDted woe a been . . . out· ·of the hat' he baa .ether bodies of water have , . · aprein to Co Just ution Bridge ia Constit Oregon the wreck ·2120· ., surplus t~n. Wt1mlng • • , .... ...~apital and called upon by Commi .,.,ioncr Law per cerlt of i'~ ed groups hatful of Soviet ideas and what have move~ to one forcing steel, '190.79 ; Kaufm an's pease powerf ul (Irganiz C. ~. Mlara and Mrs, and 'MT, pink a been only ha seen have. renee Wooddell of the state divis- in several ilaues of stock in ,we Are • • $24.40; ~. F. w'ith thousan ds ~Jf votes'? paint, g a part of and oil r spendm are 'Whethe ,;s d daughte inquire and tioD corpona water a ttla affaIr, to 1.~_ . ion at eonaerv ation to join bl k 'Week in Detroit . $6 this l materla and bor la er . Schrad . to .pplied """ome on limitati gOing s cent oc • groups or ' . ' fowl refuge movem ent to increas e the pelf It III said the Soviet, not t h e . constitu tion H ed Is- James Follen, services, ,15; John a real menace to the and sIster Sellers Wllbur Mr, ha'Oh· Id - "";u A . . ' r S f D(\mop nian Add· .~ Je-erso w. the "duckp ott/l' in Ohio, rhe a lIingl~ illue or the combin that t ...... >' , .~ e t 00,'I Haven It we a presl·den ""'$olin werl! 10 Law .. Son , supplies and -, .. , pnn~ ..~, Ie 0 I , a tueai phLtform this year, Doh't t ~of home the ,p,GS: L. I, Pence, labor on rndia- has taken the oai;h to suppor ). in gueeta nd week.e one new a want they wily know h ' t· ? D V Lackey , , and Mrs.•W ' Mr tor $1· T~ Frankli n Sherwood Const·t . have one they neve lze as they still ~... oesn t e reaand r' I u Ion . " Co., lluppltes and gasohn e, ,16.24; that many of his congres smen ' used, Will the neVI' one have planks large, T~e Oregon ia Bridge Co., blue the voters, by fmd and Court e Suprem the abolish to prmts and reint, steel, ,40,31; their eyebrow s irl astonill hment quite the ~natitution? No, but whatKaufm an's nails, 75c; The Co- such action 1 The ,people Mrs. C. C. Meloy of Lebanon oath ever the-y say in their platfo rm-' lumbull Blank Book 1IUg. Co., rec- general ly known. wha.t an several days at the Home. spent to to see surely. the people are not going ord for Probate Judge, $27.60; means and stands . for and .and Ml'8, James Davis and Mr again? them fool to Phon e 78J Carl allo,"" them LewD & Drake, Inc., plaster, fire him inlluencmed by ~OUP8 r, Miss Ruth, of Columbus daughte exor el mention had elt Roosev If ~inded brick, $4-2.23; Frankli n Food Ma~- Marx, doctrin e, IIfnd Soviet=~~~==~~==~==~= s (the latt~r who are smart ""!:~~~~=====~~ let, food, '16.50; Frankli n Sam- adviser to tary Dairy, milk, $13.50; Hawth- and know better but who 'Wtlnt v-orn's Groeery, f~od, ,10; Wanen force thi~ country into coUecti "IOTAR Y PUBU C a by rship dil:tato ipto and ism County Lumbe-r Co. fuel, $6,50; revolui ion, if you B.~ Bro~., footi, '12; Beck:s bloodless is Will. Dra_ . : E.tat.. s. ,tW Da11'Y, milk, $16.S0; Bagfor d S please) into betrayl ng.hiB Orath, ' us, dangej~o ng becomi Coal End East ,7; WAYN ESVIl. LE. OHIO Grocer y, toad, WJ' majorthe that seem "Would It Food n Co" . fuel, $13; Frankli ' e Market , food and milk, '4S.55; H it}! of the decisiclD 01 the Suprem conto enough ng Bweepi is Court rn's e Hawtho ,4,SO milk, , C. Georr New Grocery , food, ,5; W. A. Luken stitute another bait 'in the. Preliwhich by ion legislat Deal , Murphy Chri. D.iry, milk, ",80; to I. G. A. Store, food, $20,25; Frank dent RoolI\evelt h •• been trylDll DemoF . IALa 1982 hi. from awar get Ray' Sherwo od Co., food, ,7; food, '11; L. W. Smltb, cratic platfor m to th.t of federal FOR SALE- Collie pups. C, E. $8.50; Terry'. Groc~, food eollectlviBm, wh,ereb y the central the ld'6 .. Mich;ener. ahove would ment govern Co" r Lumbe 'I; Warrel l County .tate. fuel, '8.25; Zehrlng burst Dairy, constitu tional r'lchte of tbe FOR SALE -Swee t Potato pl.nts; mUk, ,6; L, H. Brown. food, $6; in orde-r to control bUlln.... all kinds of garden plante. D. H. .. Barr BrOil" load, $6; Kroger it Beems' nothi11&' will I~P him, m.2tf , Phone e6Rll Hock~t 8 .f'e Grocel')' til B.klng Co., food, ,U; the press l'eporta that they little r FOR SALE- -Sweet POtato. planta Rub:v V.n 'Rlper, food and teeds, going to draw up .nothe the ani! all kindl of prden planta $28,48; Buah's Store. garden N, R, A, to tall:. the place of the by d cockeye d knockll just one reasona ble prices. l'li g at clothin Cline, Med.. $UiO; O. B, North of Waynes ville, on Feft'J ,10; Cecil X, Davis, milk, ,1.50; Suprem e Court;. While the Suprem e Court w.. 1JERB'"aa an offer that will appeal to .n-Am erican road. Strouse Bros., W.:vnuvllle., Eleat End Coal Co., fuel, $3,25; per at a special OD newspa this decision and m14-j11 ~ ne .idverae Magazi their reading .cJ. R. R. 3. Arthur ,4,50. milk, Fox, S. me is Boy an Americ The price. bargain n ation Frankli combin .50; 1 . ' N. French , milk, FOR SALE -Garde n planta an and favorite , magazine of more than 500,000 Food M~ket, food and milk, ,10.kinds, Tomato plants 60c per young men. Ita fiction carries boys on the WiIlgs of 50; H, C, George , milk, $10.40; 80n's Grocery. milk, '8; Kroger late Cabbllg'e 26c per 100. 100, articles food, sports C(I., Its Dentu re to aU parta of the world. Greenwood Dairy, milk, ' $9.80; Groce ry" Baking of sweet potato pula t3 Plenty E. chamH. by ,6; studied shelter. are Snook, athletes Ed. and fuel, by f8lllOla coaches LebanoD Framer s Coop. Co., Good' aelection of tJard)' 1000. 'per Riper, pioDa. Here yo.- will Mel the finest st~es on sporte, $8,16; W. A. Lukens Dairy, milk Stoke!, milk, ,3; Rub)' Van Geo1'8e Peterso n, one als. trawL Bel'perenni ; and ,18,89 humor, s, seeda, end activitie oa mJlk . . . aviation , buliness, acbool Ttle IDdlaD. JIah for . . ,.,10; Chria Murphy IdA Store food, II lb. fI1R. ..... -.elr .. . of Waynelvl1le, lIMn. ....... mortb n mile tbe rocka ce4ed to til.. tha Hines, food, ,8; The Wester EVeD at ita regular price of $1:00 • year, The Ammo IA ..... lor lWO wldel, dlleren l tloD, • food. ,a.15; P40ple '. Bldg, Loan • YUI to r"hta la"fIIII .' R21 ID8)' 182 Fred you '6; DOW billa, But ~ ~ iI coIuideftd .a berpht . IDGtIlod. of ItoaorlllC the ~a'moll­ roelt. bebII .....ed doWa r,.. " Savl.. .. shelter, '8; Plnecre lt Star, civil cost . • , • , Iba. OIaIMo Il--.loq tbe Columbia fatllltr to .D, Il.. COMI4eNd a I>aIr7, mOJr. ,S7.96; Slbe)". DaltJ, Procter , Journal , bIDder, «c. ,87,· pCl'. acwlpl this mel obtaia it FOR SALB -Wblte ..., .....1'. AI•• dlqrac:e for lile ••I l _ perc.... ,6 86; Lewis .. J:)n]ce Inc., co.l aDd ..... 10. per I'OD, lit , At 0el00 raua. 0rec01I. Ute fa· allO,re tile &Nacb erou raplda &0 . . arlit, $9 i Traq'. Grocer y milk, 0uettA ..... ..... ........ til.... uDu.1 ear.. CU~ tbOlUelyea ~ ...... or ou.. Bel.. .f)oqhm aa. board and care tile, $8.29; lilub7 Van lUper, .Dd Thanka · ; Ells. Hocbr . ,7 ·'_~llfIli . . . . . . 'UPI~ . . . . . . , . til. rlftr <IISmI Do........ .. ,'7: lin. Ira 8BIolln l, '1.10__, . 1'08 84'·- -• • OM . , " - old..t trac1IUODI talui~ aom. IGIl. .. ...... ,1.1. . Woodr ow-W. uiDI. W. . ......... 01 aM Aaerlca ll la· bta lit. ratbel' tIJaa ...... IJIaUIe I1taM h, board &Del care Allee launder .o ..~ . . . . tOI' e Stanq board JIGoN, .... .f i $1 " . . . . ..... & Ulectaa : CIt7 TNur.u, Moon. ,. ; lin. lChool uata .... at nap. t. . .- 10-. boarcI ... ~ on Ko"", I BoUhila ... , ... ..... ~_!f .....

atl. of ..mel COrporatlOIl. It was pointed out that the pUfpO\K!


•.. . . . ...•


v'lr:." OIIt!.•








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Car y'l Jew elry Shop



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Warren county waR \\1.'11 I'cprl" I\WU ut lb thinl trit'nniul c nf~'r(mc of th .. as>!ociul\!d count ..y 'Ii '" n ('If lh world in WObhint(ton D. (\ l.hi " w('ek, . nYII Mi R Willa\) ·th Gl'lIlldy, hom(O d~mon· fltration agent. Mrs.' J . L. Mencknha\l or Wayn . villt.', IH'cI'iJent of bpth the WarN:n oun ty Home Extension ollncil and t ht' Ohio Hom ~ Coun, iJ was th . uffi i I II IrgaL(' to lhi"! meeUng and as isted in Ji;c(tiOl~ \lp the e:xhibit .f A ovef1tion hi h w planned by Kilch n" Pr ble, Monlgom J'y and Warl' n county worn n. Thi!' xhi bit eight dt plays demon tration groups in niled States to how the glltes fl'om fOl'cign co un tie scope of home extensiOn work. MT . Paul hatler, arJisl; Mrs 13t" "ie , Haney, M(}rI'ow; Mrs. Nettie Hatfield) Jiss lI1yrtie Bon e and 1111' . LeoNl Parker, Lebanon; MT$. Minnie lesbee, }[rs. A. S. Collett, Mrs. Laura hidaker a nd Mt. Mary Haines, Hllrveysbul'g; I It for Washington Sunday morning and 'will return Friday, June fifth. A bus a ' c hart~n 'd for the trip and will carry women from Montgomery, Green, PI'eble and oth r n eighboring counties. The tli cussion of international homemaking and civi¢ problems wa the olltstanding feature of -the onvention. Exhibits of native handcrafts of the various foreign c(}untries and social fUJlctions at. tend1!d these foreign d legates IJI

Late Classified Ads. FOR SALE FOR SALE-Household goods betonging to the late Sarah LiP'" pincoU. Inquire of Mrs. Walter Elzey. j4

Howard G abam, Ma Ie toW1lahlp; C nterville were Park CflIl.tery on the Troy pUce Fore t Tlbbal.. 01, alhoadlftc. Mre. Harold MeKa)" MIllS Loil ~alurdny (It I'. nortb of Dayton, unciay. spent the week-elld 10 Dayton with I Mr. and 111'11. E. V. Schumaker Rou, and 'Mrs. Mary F. IIl'nllrix, in Ihl' artuno"n Mrs. Mary Carmony, in com- relaUv"" have returnell to their home hert· pan'll with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Glenn C. Gray and ,.,andlon J. after scv I'll!. month. ub8~n('e. Wa.hingtolll township: Mrl!. C. T, er nie 8 at Miami Wuvd lind MtI!. has. flause, !\£r!\. Mat'gar t was a Clark of Waynesville W88 8 dinnpr T. Gray ot Dayton, .pent the Mesdames W. E. Ogle. bee, A. learcr k to'wnship: Mrs. Wllltl1l dinn~r gUt' . t sund1/Y at the home ~UCRt unday of he-r son and wife w .. k-end with his fatller 1. T. S, Collett, Mary lIain and Lau!'« Mr. and Mr.. ' E . •T. Cl\.rmony at Gra,Y and family at Wellman. Shidaker are among thIJRe fl'om Deardoll', I~rs. DOl'othy Helsing"''' of MI'. anil MI' . A I n Enll'ick, Mrs, Emma. La~ y cntel't.aincd Spri~gflcld and in the afternoon Mrs. Elbert Rich and daughte1'l!l, ihis Qunly who are attending a and Mrs. Paul Shalf'el', FrlltIklin TOWTlship; lIfiS/! ?tlarle Benham, the Lndil's id WE!(in(!sday {Iiter- vi itcd at St. Pad and also the Mr, and Mrs. Claude Gray, Mh. Triennial Conference in WashingGray, attended the ton this .w eek Union to,,'1 hip; Mrs. Luoy Whit- nool1 nf' this w k at the home of, Spring Grove ceaetcry, where the Stanley acre and M.t'!!. Lester IIau. " • Har- h"r (Iat""hlcr, tr~. Earl Young. for01e"' 9 parente are buried. Memol'ial Day lIervices at ClarksM d M W L k~n MI' k I ~ .. ville Saturday aftt>rnoon. r. an ra. m. u II, • lan to ';\tmSh IP ;, Mrs. Came J ac ' j Mr. and 1\lrs. J, B. .Jones atMr. and Mrs. Kesler Graham E. Munger, Mrs. C. G, Rnndoll11, l em OWllS hjp. t~ nded the 1emol'lal s rvic('.8 nt and dallghter E'Iltertained to six 1\11'. lind Mns. Rag r a.nd daugh. ~1is II len Randall and Mr . Eva - - • k d'lJIn r ." "unay, d M1r. an d tel' DorotllY Jean spent Sunday in M;aeDonuld attended Eastern Stor pdng Valley cern,atcTY Salul'dllY 0 'I C oc A COLUMBlIS RESTAlIRA NE altel'lloon. irs. Carl Pickering and daugMer, Duyto_n_._ ____ ••_ _ _ inspection at Hillsboro on Monday The dinjllg room of a local resRev. J08~p h Vulker taken Miss Ina, Mrs. Ada Chenoweth of night. ' rl . has very ill Tue day night and was Jones. entervlJl,.Y and Mr. ond 1.£1' • J. B. M'I S Be tt y Stu ItZ 'IS sell P d'n' tautan't and b er emporium • 1 g he i1,umed'1111,eJ y. ·"1 t() ,.... . the summer at the hom"• 01 Mi ~s . IY a ttra ct ed my e e. CUl'lQU \,U <en j , .. lllmi M" dnme Lowell Thoma", . I u d'lUg t h cel'j'109 IS . .. .. Mesdames How.ard Graham, Helen '· Stevens of neOf Yellow entir room mc \! all y HosPital. I unll L' the' cor.e Harold Whl'taker, Thom"s Burton, d ' (·c G K ff u ?llinnie . Oglesbee, Mary Munger Sprhlgs. ' t one con muoull an glgan I of Dr. L. '. au man. Thel'le J o.ncs, Har..... Burnet't .nnd I h d 'n . or .. and A. S. Collett attended a meet- Misses Mabel and Mnrgaret Starr CI fl picture. aud s 011. over ea ! William L ng ~pI! nt W dn do)' .··nley Bal'ley a .... - nd~1 'he . t 1 h' Th II e WI'''''~, " ing cOlnposcd of Preble, Greetl, spent the k- nd wilh their pIC uresque as Ion. e wa s ar with his daughter and family in entorta"lnn'ent of the In t day "f '- - d 'th t 'k' t l' ' .. v Montgomery nnd Wanen county mother, Mrs. Amanda Starr. aI'tf uII y dau"", WI r1 mg - Da·yton. Kinder""'rtcn, Frida" afternoon , E W rains that graduate -to the s hor~8 .. ~ , ladies at aton last ednegday. Mr. and MI' . W. P. Hockett, of of a min'or lake lying calm in the MI'. and 1r. Floyd Routzahn at the home of Mrs. 1r1anious. Quite a number of lad,i es from Dayton, weL'e gue is of Mr. and shadows of low hills. A brook, so and iamily of ncar Miamisburg Way ne Ville, whoI' th children here enjoyed a covered dish lunch- Ml'8. WI C. Tich enOl-, Saturday T enty-two Wan'en CQunty realistic it seems to babble, mean- were Tuesuny everli ng g u ·t of have been att~n!n!. at the< hom of Mns. Everett afternoon. women 'With lheir home demon· del'S through a profusion or rocks ~~d M-1'9. G\lY Routzahn and Villars of Spring Valley on last stration agent, Miss EUzabeth and shedding trees. With the ex- aug ers. , . Wedne$day. GladdY'. attended t he uthweet ception of windows and exits, not .M!·. and Mrs. St~llley Batl ey are Mr. and Mra. Roy Clark and h me extension cuuncil meeUng one spot in the ntire room has dl'lvmg a neW V-.EI&r ht Ford. John LauI'ie, Orlando Brannon family of Walhonding spent the at Fort Sl. Clah" at Eaton on missed taking a pa·!·t in this dec- I Sev ral I'elatlve'l of Dayton and Edna Dodge of Xenia, Rev. week-end with Mrs. Mary Tucker Litenaeel Bl'Oker WedD<! day of last week. orative panorama. On one wall the w~I'e Sunday guests of l\hs. Emma larence Tucker and Hermon and family. Mr. Je e Clat'k resp cial sun seems t.o be slowly sinking I Lacy. Attendance · t ' this . Piatt of Sligo we're Sunday caUers turned bome with them for a vi it REA.LESTATE evenl was limited to those who wilh its auroral glow cast about in Mr. and !lir . Herman Saylor Ilnd ·of K. E. Thom» on and family. '1\I'I's. Sadie Reason is visiting at are now memb rs of the county faint artistj~: touches, In a corner, 80 n Eug no ot Day ton were SunNOTARY PUBLIC Mr. and Mr·s. Rufus Roberts the hom of het grand-daughter home extension cou~l or WllO barely noticeable I noted the iTl- day gue, ts of the Intt r 's parents, daughters Zora Edna, and Etta MN, Rhodes. Bunnell ' Bnd family.I ; . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - = have served the women in their scription fiJI. Mi~hael 1934". I I Mr. ond MI'. Willjam Long.. Mari~, on, James of near J(ing- Mr. E , L. Hatton and daughter, town hip by representing them on learned from the proprietor that ,~1r. and Mrs. ~l1en Emrick t man. ~I.'. and 1111'S. Perry Wells, Mjiss Eleanor and Mr. and Mrs. this council. Mrs. George Perrine this craftsman is a roaming artist , VISited the Ce~ter'Vl llc Cemetery son Charlie, daughten Made, In.a FranK Titus of Cincinnati called of Lebanon, who se rved a vice who had com.pleted the painj;ing in Saturday O1omllig. 'Mise and Alta spent. Decoration on Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Dakin on chairman of thi$ group during the one week. His price was board and \ 'Mr. I1n~ Mr . ,J,J', L. Hardman Day in Hamilton, Ohio. aturday afternoon. past year was honor d by being room, and- any donations IIC- and 1amlly and l!1rs . ,~rma Mr. Stanley Bondurant, daughMr. and Mrs. Don Hart ock and el cted chairman fo·r the coming cepted. Sweetman of Dayto,n WCTe .VI Itors ter Anna, Mary K. Thompson and family and Mrs. Bertha Gray of year and will represent the tw lve - - -- - • I Sunday at the homl~ or Mrs. Alice Lloyd ' Tbompsl)n spe nt Saturday Dayton spent Sunda;y with Mr. cOQnties in southw'e tern Ohio O'. t Planti.... \ Trickey and famlllj·. evening in Wilmington. and Mrs. WaH r Jordan. which hAve home d~monstTation . . . Mesdames Harvey Burnet, E. B. Mr. Lmd Mrs. J. J, Fishbaugh, Mr . Bertha Spray o:f neal' Wi!agents, On the executive commit. Delay Ul oat plantmg 10 Longacre and Mar"aret Johns at. daughter Alice of Middletown Mr mington was the week-end gue t tee of the statE!' council. W}'1lndot cl)unty will result in a tended the Garde:n club at the and Mrs. Charles Fishbaugh' of of MI' . Li 8a Curl. John F. Cunningham, delLn of greatly inClreased acreage of soy- hom of Mrs. J. K. Preston, Way- Pontiac Michigan we:re Sllnday Drs. Raymond Brooks is 810 wly the College of Agriculture, O. S. beans there. County agricultural ne ville, Tuesday ,lIibeornoon. afterno~n caUers' at the Jordan re<;overing from 0 very serioua U., addresaed this grouP . during agent, C. R. Crum says farmers in Mr. and Mrs. Gtll~ Routzahn and home. illness. ' the afternoon sion and compU- that county need an early matur- daughters visited the cemetery at Mr. and Mrs Dave Wenner and Mr. and :tilTs. Charley GOl'don mented those 150 women on the inc variety of soybeans t.h at is Tippecanoe City li'riday vening' daughter Mae' of Dayton were spent a few day last week with I service which they w~re J'l!Inder- now available for use In thlS state. and also called on tbe latter's calling on friends here Sunday. W. P. McCarren and, fal'llily of ing to rural Ohio. ThOae represent. ing Warren county at this. cli.trict family. meeting were: MTB. J. L. lIehdenMiss )luy Youpg of Dayton ball, M~. Lida Branstrator aDd has sp nt Tuesday with home folks Fl'ank JWbinson now Mrs. A. S. Collett, Wayne town- employmen:t in Dayton for the and ~turned Wedrlesdl\Y, a guest .hip; Mr:a- Mary Muncer, IIrs. Bummer paInting. at the Ladies' Aid meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Donald .Hadley Mr. and Mrs. William Cooper are renlodllling their j:lome, th.e were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Hadley and family Ann Smith p'l'operty. Saturday .. .. Mrs. E. B. Longacre and Mrs. at Blanchester lI,nd a 1. B. Jones spent Ftiday in Dayton afternoon acco1'l1panied them Mr. Glenn Johns and' children fishing party to MHford. On Sun1936 Chevrolet Std. Spt. Sedan 1931 Chevrolet 5 P •••• Coupe. of Dayton were eallers Saturday day they were gu lIts of Ml'. and 1931 Chevrolet Spt. Coupe. 1936 Chevrolet Stand.rd Coupe. Mr . W~ndel1 CritelB at Wilmingof Mrs. Mal,'garet Johns. 1931 Ford Sed.n. 1935 Packard Sedan, 4800 Actu.1 A large number of people ton. 1931 Pontiac W.n. Mile •• Mr. and Ml'S. Leonard Gray and front here attended the Deeo1931 Ford Delase 1936 Chevrolet Muter Coach. ration Day servic41ll at Miami ceme Mrs. Ella Blackburn of Lawrence1930 Cbenolet Sedan. 1936 Ford Sedan. burg, Ind., , and Mlr. Ilnd Mr. tety Satur<lay, 1930 Ch.vrolet Coach. 1934 Chevrolet M••ter Coach. Mr. and :Mrs. Allen Emrick, Mrs 1\Ial·tin DoLan of Philadelphia, Pa., 1930 Ch....ol.t Coupe. 1934 ·S edan. Margaret Jlohns and Mrs. Walter weTe week-end guellts of MI'. and IB30 Forti Coach. _19:l4 Chevrolet Sedan. Kenrick vvere Dayton visitors Mrs. George Gray Imd on Sunday 1930 OaklaDd Sedan 1934 Dodee Sed.n . . were dinner guests of Mr. and Thur day, 1929 Ford Coup•• 1933 Plymooth Sedan. 'Messrs Hugh Burnett, Robert Mrs. Leslie Gray aud family. 1929 Ford Coach. 193a Chevrolet Std. Coach. Mr. and .'Mrs. Clyde Wharton BU1'1,lett aln d Therle Jones at1929 CIu7_I.r Sedan. 1933 Ten.plane Coupe. their t~nded the raees at Latonia, Ky., and daughter Miriam, and 1929 Old_obil. Spt. Coupe. 1933 Chevrolet Coac:h guests, Mr, and Mrs. Morris Whar- I . gaturday. 1929 Nuh Sedan. 1933 Chevrolet Sedan. Mr. and Mrs, Milton Sheehan of ton of Lebanon, visited Memolial TRUCKS 1933t Chevrolet Coupe. cOitume IlrovS4ed apeetal int lOBt for Am man women. On e nt on the lIocial prolfJ'llm wall the lIarden party and re ption "hieh was given by the Prealdent and Mrll Roo evelt 00 Mon· tiny oft rnoon. The formal program Included R, ~ IWRk('l' s MI'!l. F. D, Roo:e\' It; S('c'y of ' tat. Ilon. COl'dell null: Sec'y. of Agriculture, Hon. Tl en r y Wallac ; l\lr:o. M. R. Watt and 1\11', . orI'ie hapman att, Additional featur. of interest wn. a vespet service in the Washingto n ' Cath~.ral, sight seeing trips to Mt. Vern on, tour of the ity of ~ ashington and vi its to rtited tate Government Dept!'. IUlti










Beech Grove









~~~·~~~~ ~:~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'~~~~~~~~~:~~~i









1933 1933 1933 1932 1932 1932 1931

1936 Ch.vrolet UT' Ch.... and j Cab. \ 193& Dode. Panel Truck. 19M Reo Cba..i_ and Cab. 1933 Chenolet 117'" Platfona witb .tock rack•• 1931 Ch.vrol.t Panel.

Plymouth Spt. Coupe. Willy. $ed.n. Ford 8 Coael.. Chevrolet & P.... Coupe. Chevrolet Spt. Coupe. DeSoto Sed.n. Chevrolet Setl.n.

Fred Kahn Motor Car Company CHEVROLET

Lebanon, Ohio





+ Tile IIlaml

CLASSIFIED ADS COST ONLY ""LU LIP'IT • • • • f ..... • , , ...., ••, ""'I'o.I'r, I.


w... for •.


IT w.. not until Victor HerbeTt' But he remained in, the United .I. came Ito the United States and States lor the rest of' hie life, be..tt1ed lin New York that hill coming a thorough American in Reatlv. mUlieal pnius eame to his spirit and intereilts_ He took the fore,. It ... from our land, pal't in and cond~lcted man, lneludinar the music of the Amer- American orcheatr.... From 18H lean Irwilians, that he drew so to 1898 he was bandDilaster of the maeh of his inlpiratiOD. Twenty-Second Re.rhnent in New There iI ample ",aBon there- York. Then he ol1li,anized the fore for the feet that America Pittsburgh SymJlhon) Orcheatra claims Victor Herbert .i one of and condueted it for sIX yean. Ita O...... I. ltholleh he w.. born at Meanwhile he compoaed IIDd hWla, Ireland, ha February 1854 published numeroul operettu, aad _III hil muai~l career i" many of tltem imlllen ..l, lacGe~. He .u a rrandlOn of celleful, the gay aira t,f which are the eelebrated IriIh novelist, familiar to us . Samuel :Lover. The boy 8howe<l radio and no mUlical incllnatiollll until a Among the ~~!:~:jr~::J IIChoolm••ter In Germany a1' it- works are " NNlaQlrhltl raril)' ai_Biped a piccolo p.. rt MI~ rietta," "The to blat In a lChool entertainmc nl. "1\\ "deleine'" :aDd:!~~~=;l;f4~ I'1'om liil IlJ8ulplciou be.1lnllis death 0 Dm... till bo, Iwitched to ~;I~ Ml I 27 4!ei1O aDII SOOIl developel m ~~ . no .• intimate C*l talellta. '1 "1\". \\IlU, in a •• ~lrlal Be IIIu'M in many G:'I"! ~-'l'f'l ,I whlcb both abnac1.~tU b. w.. tw"nt: '. w.n 1••n: .ie~ aDd tIleIi ooatracted Lv 1:11.. i:: ,'r ~ J. \}"eM IfIIttopoIltaIl Oper.. eM I~ . \ . \C: :'ble lIl.lW...,t.11II1 tn Ia II." YOIIl,. OM .... 3ft. "b~·.~ ill Ii Ne"








, 8~ A. COST. TItY TRIa DANI er











Eighty-Eighth Year




INDIANA ' YEARLY Mis!'; Blanche Riley, of near Ml.. Elijah Clarence MEETING OF fRIENDS Lcbanon,ofand . Dl\.yton, were qui tJy in Cincinnati, Monday, Camp Ruth the Scene ' DE 10 CONVENE AUG. 8llull'Tied August 3. Pa.r ty Were

Whole Number 6283





J. P. LUl'I'ick and K ilh Walton I'lectrichl n~ , escl\ped ileriou~ injury Monda.y evening when they hlllne of her SOil, Mr. A. Z. lIal·t~filler, fell from <I Iflddcr at t he Clarence so ck 1\1\(.1 f.lnlily. A GillY The Boal'u of tllll ,Fri('Dli R Miss Elizabeth Henlcle Tendera Rye home. WuHon ca me in contact with U liv wire and as Larrick July 31; 57 Re.ignation; Exten.ive ReHome h It! th('ir r'cgul;lr qUllTtel'ly weni to his aid, the man f II t,uinb- Mu. A. K. Day PreaenW Th. Thc bride is well-known and has Pre.cnt bminos' meeting on TUOl'day. paira are Being Made 5",..;.,... WRI Be H.eld Throurho'lt. ling both of them to the ground. MI'£;. How ell Pierce 'IV in DaySt",wardahip Pro.rAm; A Good The W_k; Firat Buaine.a "Meet. many frienjls in Waynesville. Larrick suffered a brui. ed W dnef\day evening, July 3 1, IOn Wadn e. tlay aiterlloon. Mr. Millet·, >a former resident W ync Township Schools Program Waa Enjoyed The , houlder and Wntton was bruised ina Called for 2 p. m. Sahlrday of Warren oounty, has been em- the Ever-ready la of Ferry Mr. nnd Mrs. Kenneth Th mas will J> n oneplember 8, it Wl\8 about th body. pI y d as mnnua1 arts instructor church or Chri. t roundoo out II and daughter, of n Ill! Lebanon, Indiana Yearly Meeting of in the Dayton . chools for ~veral ca.lI('d 011 th Missofs Browne d ~' io ed at. the regular monthly The Women's Foreign Mis$ionary 10ur days cl\.mpin~ sPi'Cle a( Camp Sunday aftcl'n<lQn. m oting of thc Boal'd r EducaSOC iety met at the hom of Mrs. Frionds will COllVCne at Waynes- years. J. W, Lotz Wedrlel\day afternoon, MI;'. Euge ne Foster, of Fost<!(II, tion Monday evenin ~. The regular Immediately after the cere- Ruth with an il=c crenm party. ville, aturdny, Augul:\t 8. wiLh ·Mrs. Egbert and Mrs. J. H. The foul'.teen young camp ers, ·1'j)Lul·n d to his h-ome iSundny eve- 1'()utirl C bui;ine~ was cat'I'jed on, mony Mr. and Mrs. 'Miller left ~n Th f!t'st Qusin~s seasion v,:iIl Sackett 81!>llstant hostesses. 11 short motor trip . . under the chllJ)el'ona1l'o of M-rs. ), anci' spending two weeks at while th e main business dealt begin at 2 p. 01. The meetin!;!: was caned to order . A.ddie Kenrick, weI' royally enter- lht' Hom. . At 7 :30 p. m. Tom Kennedy by the president and the society Miss Frida Harvey 'spent Wed- with ch 01 l'epail' problem ~ . tained by pal'ents and fl'i nds. Th o Iles,lay 'wlth hel' father at Clarksunited in singing "Tell Me the Extensive \'~ Plljr S al'e being on tho8ubject, will gucst.s bi'ought with them cake and ville. Old . O ld , 01·Y." at the grade building in made "Quakerism's Appeal to Youth." ice crenm a well as val'ious musiMJ' • MI'l'!. A. ' . Day presented the hal'lce Flol"ctlce retuTned pl'eparatio~ fOl' the opening of Delln Hal k~ spent a part of hh At 10 :30 Sunday is the Meeting cal instruments which were Rkil- Sunday to her hom in Colum~ te wal'd hip program and Mrs. R. chool. Installation of an outside vacation this week with friends in fully used for the amus m~nt of for Worship, with ;sovel'al visiting 1\.. Conner conducted the devoihe grO)ln. bus alier spending a fortnight at firc escape is altno ..t completed. tions, the subject of which was Friends PI.' sent. " . . the llome. Chari Satterthwai te is plaster- "The Word is Powerful." At 2 :30 )). iii. Anson L. Gardner After plnylOg gsmes and gomg Mr. and Mrs. Ernc-:st Martin of A U indications are that everyClinton 'Will give un address. . - - - for bost "ides tho g)'o up nded I Dayton, were gu st.s for Lhe day thin!\' will be in l' adiness at both ing at · Guerneyville Dul'ing the business session, ' At 7 :80, V~per ervice. EarLMendonhall spent la.'!.t week th.e pal·ty with a song fest of old of their moth I', Ml'!I. Margaret buildings for tlw op nlng on I county this week. Mr . Kenneth Hough, Mrs. George ept mber ighth. \' "h l'elallves ' ; Dayton. favorites. Mill and Mrs. Daniel Collet.t were 8 :30 a }>Iaylet, "Th Eleventb Wh 10 _~_ _ .... Mllrtin, on Sun(jay. Miss Elizabeth Henkle local Mr. atld Mrs. J. C. Maroney 01 Mayor," will be presented. Mr d Mr CI d E ~ t 'M,'I·S. Emma. ThornE:, of Selm~, teacher in the Waynesville schools Akron, are guests this week of Mr a]JPointed to serve as nominating committee for officers !:lr another A group of Friends from ~ew ue t~ a~f fri:~dsYjn X!ni: ~~~~ Who has b en at the F1 0me for two has tendered her resignntion to the l ami Mrs. J. V. Hartsock. year. r :ay. . ' her home. Board of Education it WIlS an-Ii Mr. an d ,M'-,·R. A r th ur Ze 11 nn d The following program was then nounce d t 0 d ay. · th daugh tersE of ' rle, Pa., were week. _njoyed: wit ,Elizabeth Gardner, Edith' Miss Lucretia ,Goe ot Irvin, Ky., il Sh e has b een emp Ioye d In . e ' f' Reading, "Two W.a.ys or Doing '11 e sc h00 I5 f or th e past en d guests 0 frIends here. u . Gurdner Jr., J. Franklin Brown is the guest of Miss Anna Gae 1.llynesvl It" - Mrs. D. C. Ridge. five ' y aI's as teRcher or Home Miase.s Suella and Betty Bel'. and wile, Tom K~nnedy, Ruth Treadway. Josep h W. Fichter, of Hamilton, Solo, "Face to Face"-Mrs. J. oyrb}Oinr., Barbara Peorljon, Tho!. E . . • Economics and Eng!' h and re- nard are visiting Mr. and Mrs H. Sackett. Mrs. Ralph Miller entertained lecturer of Ohio State Grnnge was Ta signed in 9rdel' to take anoth er BOn Smith and family at Osborn, _ _ __ _ _ _ _,..the ..Argunot" bridge club, Wed- princIpal peakeI' at the ' regular Letters from Over Seas Mail"osition. nesday afternoon. meetillg of Farmers; Grange Mr. and Mrs. Howard Archdea- Mrs. Mary Cross. Boyd Helld non was appoinled Saturday night. • Whil the many friends of Mlss The Society adjourned to meet con attended the Archdeacon Mr. 811rl MrA. E. L. Thomas spent The meeting was held in th by Mayor A. K. Day to fill Ute Henklo will tegl'ot to se her leave wiLh Mrs. U. G. Whetzel in reunion which wa h Id Sunday at uncxpil' d term of l1:aynJon Hatunday with Mr. and Mrs. Myron school gym and a(tcr a short busilhey wish b I' the best of success September. . Franklin. Thoms!! in Dayton. ness se ion the doors were thrown field ~s elet'k of the vill~ge of in her new position. Waynesville and nter d upon ~i a Selection of I\. teacher to fill the open to the public. Representa· Mr. and Mr!j. Ben ~mith of is Mrs. Amos Mendenhall v, (' ncy will be made in the next Ohborn, were dinner guests of Mr. tives from the other gl'lmges in n w duties July (10. Tho e lovers of music who were visiting her sister, Mrs. Min if' MI'. IIalfl eld, who had -ervetl fe w weeks. the county w re in attendance, and Mrs. Alvin Earnhart, Wednes80 fortunate as to be present Clllrk, in Franklin, Tn·d. A fine prog)'am, arranged by a clerk nea~ly eight year"-, rC!day evening. enjoyed a delightful program on M1'8. Lou is Fires, lectu rer 0 f sijfn d to 1.1 ccpt Ihe poat as Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Fry\;, of Thursday vening, July SO, when a . istant county superinten dent Mr. Elvin Fires is aid .to be Mrs. Jos L. Heston of Harveys- Dayton, sp~nt Sunday with . Mr. Farmer' Grange, was pre ented. of schools with of\iee at Lebanon. lowly recovering from the effects Wayne v.ille Grange is the and Mrs. Gilberl Frye. Funeral services for John A. burg presented her talented pupil, of a stroke auft'ered Thursday oldut in the tate, having been Davis, 76, who died suddenly Mi Helen Rae Thornbury, i~ a .e-vening of last week. Mr. lind Mrs. Morris Raper, of o('ganized by the late Seth Ellis in Satul'day night at his home here piano recital. Miss Thornbury Dllyton, were guests of Mr. and 187~. 'M.r. and Mrs. Paul Griffy and' following a heart .ttack, were helel was assi ted by MI II Vi.rrinia Mrs. W. O. Rapcr, on Friday. Reci pi ents of Aid {or the Aged so n of Dayton, spent the week-end 'at the McClure Funeral Home Tucker, vocalist, and Mrs. Cassie in. Wanen county have been with Mr. and MfS. A. O. Griffy. .Tuesday afternoon, Rev Carl Collelt, reader. NT!!. Ruth Janney and Miss wondering about why they receivThe followinr pr gTam WQII Louella are in Columbus, visiting L'ttl M' Ph' d Smith officiating. Burial was made ---ed 2 checks within a period of 2 1 e lsses yllls an in Mjami cemetery. rendered: at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Ru I'a I mail carrierll of Wart n woeks. harlotte Burnett spent WednesHe Vo'.s a naiiv f Ill' o' b t J~u, Joy of Man's Desiring ' D. Bardcn. county met in a cllllLed meeting Many have felt that; this was in- day night at the home of their when quite younge :ame I~i~: b':s (transcribed by Maria Hess-Bach 1\1 d M N A K' f Tu day vening at lhit- home of tended as an increase in their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. parents to Waynesville where he Waltz; C sha.r p minor; Waltz, .r. an. rs.. . • mg, 0 Mr. and MI'~. Omar Elollingsworth Iawal·d. Administrator Walter KenWalt D Ind1anapollS, wer., guests of Mr. The Waynesville Garden Club . M' t Thomas. grew to manhood and where he G t8 a t ~a.Jor~h l?U e rick received word today from lI. ./l Z, and Mrs. Walter Elz.e~" over the met Monday afternoon, August 3, neal' Oregonia. Mr. and ~lr8. Frank L. Taylor was w~1l known and had ~any The meeting was bleld in hQnor J. ' Berrodin, Chi f of the Division a maJor-:- OplD. • week-end. at the attractive CQuntl'y home of of Snn Fr~ncisco arrived in New friends. Scarf Dance. Chammade. Mr. Percy Reason. 18 members or GeQI'ge D. MiJls, who will be I of Aid for the Aged, tnat this Mr. Davis was a stone mason by A Birthday (vocol solo), WoodMr. and Mn. Louis Stueve and aud one guest enjoyed the after- retired August 31, dter 30 year.~ advance has been due to a change Yor.k, Monday, on the Normandie man-Miss Virginia Tucker. daughter, of Dayton, were Sunday noon. and 6 months in the service. I in the schedule for writing .awards after a three months' motor trip trade and for about 20 years was P a I I ehenelle (Punchin,ello), guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarencc Mre. Mary C. C d th e The thirty present included Mr. I "Formerly we .have been writ- in Europe and are n(1W t he guests : employed in Dayton. FOT the put . ro so pene lnt rlude-;-RachmalunotJ. Mendenhall. meeting by Teading the 21st and Mrs. George D. ~r1'ilJs and son, ing August checks for some of the of Mrs. Taylor's mother, Mrs. Iseveral years h& had resided in Waynesville. Hung8f1an Rhapsody (No.2) , lr, and Mrs. Harvey Rye and counti during AugQst" Chie1 Edith Hart~. . t. SUTViving are his widow,. Mary - L1SZ .1 Mxter William Strou86 ~has psalm. Ml:'s. J. ..L. Mendenhall childr 11. . ond Mr.\!llnd Mrs. O. J. Berrodin explained. "August .I. th C ..... _. retu ed home from MidI nd, gave an entllrtammg account of MillS Virginia Preston is enjoy- A.; one son, Forrest, and one Mra. Sml'th A"'~ •....,n..... e <lnvc" h . 't t W h' t D C Wllterhouse f1;om W~lynesvil1e. checks for otber counties were not ing ·a n outing at lear Lake in tion, (Reading) _ Mrs. Cassie Mich., where he was the Iluest of or .VISI 0 . as 109 on '.' ' ---ent out until September. This Northern Indiana. She is the daughter, Mrs. Martin Murphy, Mr. and Mn. Lindley MIll". wher she attended the third oth of Dayton. Colltt LEADS IN CONTEST new $chedule will cause August guest .ot Cincinnati friends. ~ . . . Tricontinental Conference of . ..Lleb~ baum-Lll1zt. Mi!!!! Dorill Hendenon and Mr. Associated Country Women of the checks .f or all counties to be ~nt C. B.' Jone~, fOI'mClr Waynesville out during August. We wnnt all Miss Glenna Marsh is spending Wlt~~~lfacDowelJ. A. Kreiling, of Cineillnatl, are : World. The first meetiog was held guest. for · t~ week of Mr. and I in Vienna, thc seconl;! in London. rc ident, now of D.BlIas, Texas, of our l'ecipients to be informed her two weeks' vacation at the leading sales 88~nt of the of this change," continued Chief home of her parents, Mr. and 'M'rs. Mn. L. X. Henderson. I At the clOse of the program was. Am 'rican selling force of ·the Berrodln, "so that they can make Frank Marsh. Misses lane Oook, Dorotll,. Mrs. Re~son and hill' assistants , National ash Reg'olter Compa.ny provisions for this change and not Bourne and Ruth Penninlrton Mrs. F. H. Fart' and Mrs. J. E. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Earnhart in the worldwide contest. He be inconvenienc-ed by· it." IIpent todsy (Thursday) with Xl'S. McClure, served delicious ice and sons, Earla.nd Alton, will join secured 460. 't.: 'Of his two ErneBt Woollard in Daytoll. cream and cake. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Smith of Ollborn The common way to handle potamonth's quota. LAST BAND CONCERT toes after digging is to 'haul them for an o\lting trip tQ Michigan. ASHES TO BE INTERRED to the bam for grading and MCIt. ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH Mr. and Mn. Charlie Blake and LIGHT RAINFALL The- last concert by the Way- Russell ;Marlin, who for a number Ing ~nd then to sell them or to tath_ Newton, p ..tor ~amlly of near Oxford. were nesvi e Band will be presented of yeaTS \!as in . t~e elllploy of the haul them to market as soon .. Mass a~ St. AUCIl~ne'. church dillMl' gueBt$ of Mr. and~. The ashcs of the late Mrs. Sarah A light rainfall d~lring Wedn~s- Thursday night, August 13, at Waynesville Coal & Ice Co.,ilos po ible. In nn ordinary sea lion, every Sunday ·momlnr. Ge~rge Hendetson, Su'nday. Zimmerman whose death OcculJred July 7, cat the home of her sol'l, day ni~ht nn~ 'l'hursdn morn ing 8 :30. It will be given in the same taken ov a bread route for the with normal humidity, thel'e ·are. Mts. Edith M. Hait1s and !Mr. Roy, in Los '. AJ'lgeles, arrived in brought relief from the excessive location which has been ~sed for Spring Valley Bakery. practically no losses ,ront rotti. . FRIENDS MEETING Ra~is .Mosher wen dinner guests Wa.ynesville Tuesday. hellt of the pa 't fe days. but wa.s previous concerts at the corner of Mrs. George Hal·tsoek has . rewith this procedure. However. Flret-da, School at 9 :80 _a . m. of M~. ~nd Mrs. Charles F. MOoI!her Miami Chapter No. 107, O. E. S. of little benefit to vl~getatjoll. Miami and Main st'reet and the turned home aft~r a pleasant visit when the weather is dry alid til. Meatlns for Wonhlp at 10 :80 of CmcmnaU on Sunday. will conduct· services at the grave Allhough good rains have been McClure Fun e l'lll Homo. at the home of her brother-in-law humidity low, there is likely. to be m. reported from s url'ounding 10cali· The New Burlingto'n Band has and 5i ter, Mr. and Mrs. Ricl' considerable rotting of tu~n MI'. and Mn. Ralph Linn and in i.M.'lami cemetery this (Thursdaughter left Toeilday mornllllf to day) evening at '1 o'clock. Friends lies, the · situation .in this section !l lIeen asked to join the Waynesville napp in Arcola, Va. FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST which were cut or skinned In o~ the county is noli encouraging. Band for the final concert. , digging, says John Bushnell, spend 'a "..k tn Detroit, ltopplng. are invited tQ 00 present. Carl SJllitb, M..dlter Mrs. Myer , Hyman, with. her potato specialist at the Ollio ExPerr7 Tholilu, Supt. of Bible en route, tor a da, in Clevelalld . . e======""'===~===========.-;=;;:========:=~=.======= sister, Mrs. Max , Kohlhagan, of ' periment Station. At low humidlt, . Scbool Mr, Wm. Alexander, 1M'r. and Jamestown, and Mrs. ~ohlhagan's the injured sur/aces do not heal Bible Scllool at 9 :80 .• • m. Xt'II. .Johll Cla\,},' an.d familf. of 80n, Walter, of Waterbury, Conn pr.operly and organisms ·that eau.. . CommunloD, 10:45 a. m. Chieltinatl, wen rauts . of lIlr. left here Sunday On a motor trip rotting get .started. Preachinr. 11:00 L m. and Kn. J.D. Xariatt, Sunday. .. 1- 'To avoid such 10llsel it Ia onl7 to California. necessary to keep a fairly hiah "AYNESVILLE CHURCH ' 111'. and Xn. Paul Duke and' Mr .. and ·M1rs. Kenneth West humidity in the barn for 2 or a CHRIST .... ere l'Uuta of Mr. and c.hlldren a.nd MISS Ruth Money, of Dayton, I days after the potatoes an Oarl Smith, Jllallltet Mrs. 10m Foster at a "lPluh" Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Congleton hauled in. The barn should be kept ~ot 'A Denomination lIart, Saturda, nl~ht at tile Post. and chlldre?, Mrs. Harris Congle- closed as much lUI J)oseible and the 9 :30, Bible sehool. in Foaten. ton and children and. Mr. Pryse floor should be sprinkled. It III 10:"1, Lord'B SuppeT•. C.ongleton. of . Hamilton, were better to pile the potato.. in a 7 :p. m., Christian Endeav~r. Mr. and Mn. Hopkin!!, of dmner guests of Mr. and Mrs. corner of the bam tban to stack 7 :46; Evanpllnic services. . Columbus, alld Ill'. and Mrs. Wm. John Tread'W<IlY, Sunday, them up in open crates. 'l'be pile . Fulkel'llon, of '$prinlf' Van~, . _.... yl 7:4 6 p. m., prayer Wedne ..... and blbl& .tud,. ' vislte~ Mr. aJ\d J(n. M. A. Falker- . Miss Kathl'yn Torner, of can be c.overed with a tarpaulin or ' Ion Saturday nenlnc. Miarietta, a former· teacher in with da.mpened burlap ball. Wit.. the ' local high school, has beE-n propel' humidity, the IklnJled aD41 ~AYNESV~ · M. E. CHURCH MIJa Betell Cole,.,.n,· of a.clllvisiting Mr. and Mrs. Victor Car- cut surfaces will be '" completel, Rn. G. C. Dibert. Putor natt, aJUt XI.. ·Sae C1'ane .-mted penter in Middletown. On Friday, h-ealed by tbe third day. The n",' Sunday, AUKuat 9, Sunday II&veral tla7!l tblll week at the bome Miss Torner and Mrs. Carpenter, skin is not .. toqb and i1aick .. aehool at 9 :80 L m. Other lervieel ot Mr. and V .... Fornlt Gnhain Sarah Missildine, were in the oTisiaal 'kiD but it ia equall, a.t the usual boan. and Ill'. and lin. OJ. Bullett. Waynesville, calling- on friends. effective In bepine out 0 . . . . . . . . . and In preventbla further lib...... IT. MARY-I ~IlCH F. B. Benelenon. )[1'8. Kathl'J1l Mrs. T. B. Brannock and family age from cb7iac• ..... I. I. .....•• -.etor Tamer and 10110 Jfatthew. and entertaine~ Sunday, at tl:Ie home Atter tbe iDjliri.. Ire .. ...... Servieea cllMoDtlnDed tllrollSh Ira D. L. en... 81llldQ tll of 'Mr.•ad Mn. C. E, BlHy near baYe beell pIOperq ' ........ .... Allplt, to b. ....1lIIled Septeaber Hamilton, the . .lit of JIr. ad OreaoDia, th. foUowilla ..att... poiatote ....... 01 eo_ .. abtk. A. B. . . . . . . aDd friellde: IIr. alld MHo haadl.. 'w:_:.:'~:~ ....... Moreland and famlb', aad avoN .. Zala Jlom. of Georafttn.




;o~~~winn: ~:~ny~~n~:r:~e .::~
















The Matterhorn a"he Great Lake. Exposition



--- -..---

111'1. Lalu FI....... ucI ........ Vlvtaa. LaeIu.


a1'814'. $36: The W e-rn Star, 4dv.; $2: The Huhman Slal,ply Co., $10. ~fj dURt mop htl.ds and h.ndle", care WaHt"r 65; W. n. Huft'ord. sheriff's quarOmn Knox, board tt'rly expenSl.'. $S8.:l:l; J. Fisher, drnya/rc, ,2; Soft Water Laundry Ballinger, ~ 11; board IlTld ('t\ Ruby Ream, clf'nnlng rllg!!, curtains drapei'i and Common Ple.a ProcoH'di"ll.1 (wow/I, allowed and confirmed by Alfl'cd G. Watkins. xecutor .on $5; ChM. W. Fry(r, cllsh l'elief, $6 I'a~, $11.()3; J. W. Lingo Hardth <'nurt, the tate 01 Eula Watlcina, dc- Bedi(. King, nUI·. mg WsI~er ad- ware Co., hIcks, husPIl for M'emorIt ia not gen rally known what In the ra~ (' oJ Orlna L(', C~in T hl' C(\lIrt lLJ' llrOved, allowed and eea. ell, filed his first, final and waUad el', 60 j Bnn Bros., food. 101 Hall, $1.86; 'chilling's Food $24; B 'ck's Dair:~. milk, ~2f).60 ; M'arket, Gold DUllt soay, etc., '1.- shrinkage one . may expect from vcn'u ~ Fl' nk Hnwn , moUoll f or ('(ll1 fi rm II the fil·~t nn dflnal IIC- di tributive 8CCO\lnt. and oats stored in t he bin 1\ IU'W' t"inl W M wHhdl'own :m d count of Mnbelle K Burger, admin Tbe e tate of Solomon Fred, de- .... II. Be l'ger, f a ,d, S3"; N. D. I'GU;h Trustees ot Public Affairs, wheat .I " H 18' t, g~ and s ewer e rvices at "uring the year, or, in other words jUl I,:tmt'nt \1 M r t1u'c d frtlm ~400 it' tl'flU'ix of the es tatt' of Flol't'nce ceased, wa s determined not sub- Brl'wllt er, f ood, $.• ; L . . Brown, M . ' 'I .. ~ emOflol !lilli, $8.23; Jeff Thomp wheth l' it pays to store the crop 1u 1Zfi. Bondsmen ure re l ('a~ed. M. T hOntp~on , dec~a.oed , j ct t o inh ritance tax. fOll cl, $0; W. W, (" in , fo od, '1'31>; t' Elm l' lIis, minc, $2 ; Franklin on, umng I)iano ,2.60 ; Treas- after threshing until the following Inh caRe ()f H. G. Lowe Vt'r~u~ The court .ap pr dv d, allowed 8 11·1 onfi rm~{l the /i.u' and finnl Th e in ve lltory of HarryMurphy · Food Market, f ooql and milk, 55.- ure r of tate, county's share Main s ummer awaiting more favorable .1uhlllln ll B . Lowt' , a ()Vorce I was " ~ .~. ' cant d Ihl! pl(J i1').titr. account of Ruby Van RiJ)cr, exe- .executor of the eatate of Elizabeth 7 fi i Will . Frau<'nknecht, milk, $3; laining Agric, Exten ion work , priees. ~6 R . B . U60; Walter Botts, gas. 1 lb. C. A. Patton, of the Agronomy in the I;Ol! of \ ill Ha mpton "s- ' ull'ix of th estate of D. Victor ft. Murphy, deceased, was Ilpprov- H . • G corge, m 'lk I ''i'; Gilm or e & on, f l)Q d, $6.60; E. cup grease f(1I' . H. pr()ject 63c; Department at the Ohio ExperiTh .. T l'8V leI'S In lI ran()(' o. cause Va n Riper, deceased. ed. Th thOIr(I IICC OUll t 0 f J • A ' K The inventory of Alt.a M. Ul'toll H. G1ockl er, f ood, · i~se d. 9; Bertha Stanley Earnhart. stamps . for ment Station I s,.ys that, in tests ,,115 dIsm . eI .. Hin es, foo d, 3: 75; Gre~m ood Juvenile Judge, $6; J ohn. J. Barl', extending over a period of 5 years, i n the mutter f the appr oprin- IeI' gllol'dial! o'f P ermelia Ben- exe cutri~ of the estate of Elsie lInl\ of ,In cas(>m nt for highwtlY I nett, inco rnpet nt. was approved, Ert I, decea ed, was approved. Dairy, milk, \1 ; Mrs. Leonard paYL'O}:' 116.80; Johnson Myers, wheat and oata "tored . in good Hatha way, milk, $4.60; Myel' payt·o , $121.60; M. . ' Forman, condition and kept fr6() frOm rop Ulp O~ ,: lWeI' th e lonos o( ba~- allowed a nd ontir med by th e Al bert D. Bond, odministrator Hyman, clothing, $7.51; Kroger pa~'ro ll, $8 16.40 ; V. M. rmitage., dents show~d but very little Ips! fi lm ~faag J r., bonll wa fixed nt COUI' . the e tate of I abeIJe Bond, $160. I , The fi r t a nd flnal account of ceased, filed his first and finol . Groc ry & Bilking- Co., food, $78; pa3'roll, $64.40; Harry Mount, pay Irom the standpoint of shrinkage W. A . Lukens Dairy, milk, $4.f)0 . roll , $192; H. L. cho.yleT, payroll alon e at the end of the following 1n the matter of thl' o.PI)I·ropl'ill- , i etsofl Kind red, administrator of CO unt. MlUlo.n Market l OA, f ood, $3; 16~,4_0 ; Carl Dakm, paYTo.I~, year. In 1912, 40 bushe ls eacb of tion 0,( un RSC /llent f ol' highway Lho estate of Paul Ed ~ ard KinBlanche Caroline Barber, Miami View D aliry, milk, $9; 1~(;.4?; ~'. L. Dunn, mechaDlc, whea~ an~ oa~ werC) stored in subIlurpOI'C. over the la nds of Ed- clrt'd, d e eased, was approved, 111- cutl'ix of tne estate of Louis wUI"4I and Ada Hoppe, e tc. , dr ten- low.. d an d confirmed by the court. Bar,b el', deceased, fil ed her appli- Mikesell's G rQceJ~y, food , $15; $02 .•40, F8J~ley Hardware & Imp stantlal bIn s 10 4ugust. The moisChtis Mur phy IGA Store f ood tO I O, upphos, $6.48; Tbe Or - ture cOlltent wa det rnlined at d nt IVa paid -:.15 f or casement The court a pproved allowed_and cation for a certlf\cat,e of confirmed the econd and final acfer. ' he al 0 filed her schedule 6l. 50; 1\1a ry P owell , milk, $1.60; go.nia Bridgl! Co., oxyg en and this time and each month through. purpuse , Mary E : Ril ey, gh ~i ter, $15; Dr,. r mf. steel, . $17.40; Raymond out the y 0.1' by fllea.nil of the 1n the I1llltt r of th app ropria- count of Lawrence S. Sh a whan, de b ~. Fra nk Wils on tiled his appli- H. L. Rosen crnns, dental work, $2; Iulf ord, mowmg ,\-eeds, $22.4.0; Brown Duval moisture tester, with tion of lin eo <'ment f or hl ghwllY tru stee of t he estate o£ E. K. cation f or the appoint ment of ad- Frank Sh erWOOd Co., foo d, $3. 7f); The Lebanon Lumber 0. , lumb~r the re ult that while the moisture plllpOS s oycr th lands of V. P. nook, deceased. Th second un d final accOllnt of ministratol' of the est ate of Ja Sibcy's Dairy, millk, 7 ..5 0; Ed. for form '. $6.72; Fran~ $herwood varied, sligbt~y from . month to "THE HOME OF CIFTS" Wilson et 01. the issuel:l were L . S. ha\vhan , t rustce of John Woodson, dl!ceased, and it is ord r nook, s helter, $ (j ; H. E. tokes, 0 .. supph and gasolin e, $12.33; month dependmg on the condition in Invor of the appC!iant an d Iound Lebanon. Ohio judgment wa, allowed in the !'I um l.I1. Bailey, deeeased, wa.s approv- ed that a citation be issued to next milk $0 ' T el'r y'S Groce ry f ood RobeL-t S. Gardner , gasolino, $14 .• of t be weather yet at the end of $5; .riga;' Charlton, foo(i, $6.5 0; 1; ears & B ~lan~er, gasoline, the year the moistur content. had cd, allowed and confirmed by tho of kin for them to make known of 1 00. EXPERT WATCH t heir intentions, Trocy's Grocery, fo od and milk, . 2. G3 ; Gulf R~m~nmg . ?" gaso- ~h ang~d very little. The actual 10 II )n the case of Vist r 'Gabbard court. REPAIRING ' Dd- ' ' Ik 2().71; Cmtlllnnt 1011 Works III welgbt of the wheat was only The fi rst and final account of Frank Wilson filed his applica- 'tn. .now Herald) versus J ohn Gab'1'''' Volle .. Y V'" " "VI .. Lrles, llll , d' t ) · . I, Oal,. C ••uiae Mat.rla" bard, former decree of court a t o Lorna M. Scofield, admbJistrator tion for the appointment of an $1.60: Ruby VanlRlpe.r, fo od and 0. , r B . U:I, or 10. e, gaso~lDe, $4.- ' 13 1,-4 pounds on the enUre 40 of the estate of Laura l!. Sco. administrato L' of tbe ~tate of milk ~44.75· Elber t Wallac lOA 08; SmIth s Servtce tabun, kero- I bu heis and even less for too oats. lnin or child was tnodified. Prompt Service 1n tb e1l e of Marga ret F ox V B. fi eld, deceased, was approved, aI- Catherine Wood!1on, deceased, and Stor~, food ~nd milk, $154.: 5; E. s ne. and ga. aline, $44.63; Ro8'~rs I Thi test was repeated each Store open until 9 p. m. ommeTcial MoloT Freight, Inc., low d and confirmed by the court. it is ordered that a citation be 18- Whitenack & SOTil IGA, food, $3.- & lOll' on, I~b ol', parts and hre, I y~IU' for the follOWing 4 years, I 12' $69.69; LeWl Motor l\ial't Co., Wlth the re8ult t hat the average t aI, th e defendant is given two Th court approved, allowed and slled to next of kin for them to 60' Dr. John Zet t el glass 'Ik' parts, $21.&3; Armrel Mate-rial Co loss from shrinkafle alone was 18 H .'C. Haml' lt on, 'f 00'd on d' ml, " ~ to fil e m otion, a nswer or confirm d the fir t and final ac. make known their intentions. '1 d ta $179 41 A }M I r,. I ; rmre at . pounds, or 7-10 of one per cent, count of Charles S. Irwin, exeThe inventory of William C. $76; Schwnrtz's Grocery, food, 0 1. an d murrer. In the .e ase of L. C. P eterman vs cutor of the estate 01 Maie Run- Vail, executor of the C1!tate of $,1 4.76; J~mes F oIlen, se rvice as erlals Co., 01\ and tar. $2129.24; 1on the entire 40 bushels of wheat Ask for a Carn C. Vail, deceased, was ap- janitor. $15; Penn Mo rto n, H len Doughman, board and care the oats averaged. less than 2 omm ercilll 'M'otor Freight, Inc. et yall, deceasell. The first and final account of proved. services as janitor, $100; C. Don- Clifford Doughman, $7; Mrs. ba l pounds per year on th 40 bushels aI, the defendant is given two Miami.burl Permanent Olivia Humphreys was found l\ld Dilatu h, rent of ollice. $20; Elt zroth. board Bnd care Alice or les8 t han 2-10 of one per cent. , weeks to file motion, answer or de Juanita S. Merrill and Walter R. Concrete Merrill, administrators of the tQ be insane and is to be admit- C. C. Collins, Cle'rk, cost in cas Starkey, $5. 'Fhe average monthly moist~re murrer. . estate of Milo E. Merrill, deceasted to th e Dayton State Hospital. VanDoren VI! Br~1. of ' Commi ssioncon~ent of the wheat for the entIre Air Se.1 Burl.l Vault In the- ease of Robert L. Brown, • b 'b f Th ..... ' i G u_ penod was 13.6 per cent aud of superintendent ot insurance, va. ed, was approved, allowed and ' In the case of Elsie Allen, ad- e.\'S. 88.0'7', Al Ilhwartz , rent of cmU scn e or e the oats 12.8 per cent. ministratrix of the estate of Ray. For Sale. only by Robert Van Borne, et aI, judg- confirmed by t~e court. = In thematter of the estate of mond Allen, deceased, versus Elsie ment was allowed the plaintiff Your Funeral Director . fran) the defendant, Robert M. Frank A. Pence, deceased, col- Allen, et al, James E.Burke wa~ V n HOine, the sum of $3,963,25 lection of bonds wa~ ordered Dean appoinied gQardian ad litem. ApMcClure Funeral Home E. Stanley and 'Heme Rye, ~lle- praisemellt WaS adopted and Elsie with interest. cutors of the eltate, filed their Allen, administratrix ill to :file .ua.. 0. inventory. additional bond of ,500. New Sails Earl J. Maag. H. C. Cook and The will of William G. And en;on Edward C. Morey. administrator of tbe estale of J ohn A. Lerch, de- John Rolden were appointed ap- decea ell, was admitted to COU1-t. Elects -Judge :Roy H. Williams New President at Cleveland Meeting ; Appoints Chairman of Committees on Good Roads. . ceased, tiled a suit against Perry praisers of the estate of Walter Robe rt M, Anderson was appointCars, Se.eing. Careful Driving; and Will Install SO ed executor, no bond required. N. M. Drake i.or accounting and Cadwallader Demonstration Safety Highway Str~tches The inheritance tax to be paid A. Hamilton, George F. Gates 'and quitable relief. t. d H. J. Corwin w(\re appointed apDorothy _Ljndamood filed a suit th e est a te of Am 08 C 0 0.., e- praJ'.era. . CLEV ELAND-At a rousing dinner rally held July 23, against Paul Lindamood for di- cease.d, was determined. " d' f h Ot' S S f C . . Gilbert Frye, administrator of The estate of Louis A_ Buber Irectors o l e 110 tate a e.ty ouncil climaxed :1 dny dcvorce. The charge is gross neglect the estate of Sarah Butterworth, deceased, was found to be exem]>t voted to pressing safety problems. fcature(! by electiOll of a new of duty. Irom inberl'tanAe tax. president, unanimous approval and adoption of a proposed p lnn A uit W8 filed by How111'd El- d~eeased, filed bis tint and final " of the entry de- - d ' d .t~ ma k eOh' . the COunA certified copy eSlgne l ? th ~ sa f est commonwca,I t I1 III mer Robinson against Edith I. account. ter I'n'n th . h'1;8 ta try-by offlcLally launchmg Its elaborate s tate- wide prog ram. m I ~ e In en nee x on Th .d t £ h C 'J I '111 d 1 Robih on .for divorce. The charge . Bertha Hawthorne, administra. a1fl)T FOR AND CONSIGl!I trix of the estate of Sam Baw- the estate of Amos Cook, deceased ' . . e new presl en o. t e ,ouncl. \V 10 WI lea up t Ie am,our ~ttl •• bo.... Ibeep alld cal•• is gross neglect of dQty. 1 bltsous safety program, IS OhLo Supreme Court Judg e Roy H. .) t b t ' fi d 'th t d I to Norris-Brock CI.., Jiv. wiN a1l. thllrne decoased, _:flJed her first s J 0 e cer L e WIt ou ,:lr'II' k y. H e succeed s B . D . L ec, I J·.1 n Sh d . e ay. ,,1 lams, 0 f S andus LueT 0 f ......" .. ··' ·procre..I". flr*I f?r the bldlul P.robat. Court and final account. ames D. uper , a nlln Hamilton -' lIIarket pricel and rood•. The econdaceount of Lawrence Alfred G. Watkins, trustee of of t he estate of Lettie Shupert. de . Ual.a St.e. Y......• CIDCI._t.!: O. . Otbers. among the 135 sarety as to avoid m'lny of the dangerous S. Shawhan, . ruardian 01 Martha the trust created by ftem 10 of ceased, filed his first and final ae- ..ders anending the dinner meeting, curvcs. The roadway will th~n be E'ed ral Aid PrOject No, GCI-A, TUn. In 011 Radio Statlon..w'-iKY widened and resurface.d. Warnillg R('oJ)ened It IOcat d I,1nlt 1 (19.6). 12:21 to 12:30 p. m. fl>l' 0111' claU, Anna Monce, et aI, minors. was tb e will of Eula Watkins, de~ count. held in the Cleveland Chamber of signs and guard rail s will be erecled Fed ral AId Project No 6113-B market r.port&. approved, allowed and confumed ceased, filed his first, final and Commerce banquet rooms. Were Jteop ned Ji;JCt lndecl 1110 Unit on 1 '(19'6) . --===========-==~ by the court. diatn'buti' ve ac"'ount. M.rrl .... Licell.e. repre$entatives q.f . Ohio mllnicipaliWal"ren ounlv paM oC ... ties. Ihe etate go'vernment and comS l'tton T;lana part of 8 etlon T-2 The first and flnal account of Aaron Brafman, executor of the ClllfoJ'd H. Brace, manager of mercial orgnni:z.aliions. heads of Ohio or the Clnctnnati-Zan aVllle Road S. H. No.1. tate Ilbute No • U· Charles Clifford Spangler, admin. estate of Solomon Fred, deceased, department store, of r~~ia, "nd oivic and fratern 311 groups, and memS. Route No. 22, In Deertleld and . ' • ilnmllton TownshIp.. by .lfra.olJ nar. Miss Olive Allen McCollum, bers of Ihe daily ·prless. iIltrator of t he estate of Charles filed bis first and final account. eQnetrucllng drnlnag structUt~8 In the matter of . the "'uardi-an- teach er of WaYllesville. •theSpeakers one in on pointing to B . Spangler, d eee-asc. Ila.Vlhg with Portland ceme nt co'i>: d was .... p alarmingwere' conditions the state rete. conabuctlng a concrele bridlCe I -\. ~!!'!!!!!'!!'!!!'!!!!!~~~~!!'!!!!!!'!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!~!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!I!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!~ Paul Miller, ' teacher of New highways' "where! a crying need for '" lUi lite I b (8pan 86 ft. center !! - Vienna anCl Mis.!;! Fa.y Curless, safety must be answered at once with to I! nlef pins, roadiway 24 ft. plU8 , teacher of Blanchester.. concerted public action." Cln a 3 ft. IIldewalk) Bridge No W i • ~~g~o~v:-er!i. Ill" nlln ; and ro_a_td FolJowin$ introductory ~elllarks Calvin Frane1', retired farmer 3 Width : PaY m ent ~o Ct. ; noadwa.y l . , . of Fl'lmklin, and Cora Par- bt Toastllla5ter Judge Lee E. Skeel of the Commonl Pleas Court. and 6~\lglh 5~2i2.00 It.. or Utg mUe. lett, 'of Franklin. judge Uoy H. Williams. replicas of hatlmateu con .• UI,l ,318.1lI Robert. Detwiler, truck driver;, of big and little caskets, etretcherContrac t to be connlleled wHhln one hundrea tllirty (1~O) working F1'anklin, and Mrs. ,Martha Sim- bearers, and olher "pmps" wcre indays. mons. of Franklin. troduccd py Artbur F. Loewe, high· Tihe United States Employment way safety expert of General ElecService. Wilbur H. Wright. Djetric Elijah . Clarence Mill e r, ' tric Company. in skits Which illu · A[n nager, 11 0 1·~ South High Street, Phone 78J Hill.boro. Ohio. (l'l!rllon In eilluge: teacher ' of Dayton and M.iss strated in graphic and dramatic faBhWlIltam E . &\hoo!ev (Aotlng) . court B'lanehe A. Riley of Lebanon. ion points in hill talk on the arterHouel·. Lci!l>a non, OhIo). wm (urn 11th math and exteJlt' of the hif,th'lYay cacthe lIucce ••(ul bidder an milloy~ nage. He; emphiis iz.ed the need for nlent IIl1t from JWlhle h Ml qualltled unllkllle(l labor. ana. auell .\luallCled • • Real' E.t.t. T...llaf.... personal actioil "0 tbe part of every Ia-bor of Intermedlnt . grade Be la and poirl.ted to poor seeing locally available. I hall be - a I.cled tlO;l'ARY puaLiC Charles F. Dickson to Margeret citizen conditipns on ,th~ hjgllr~ad ss being Judge Roy H. Williams (01' l'h II proJ ect. B. DicJ<son 88.817 aeres in Deer- one of Death's most sinister highway • • • l ~ field township. . at all ' curve.. Highway "Sarcty • ·lJ. $. Work , Program Grade henchmen. ' Project No. Ohio W P G -llle 'D E W "Eighteen out of 191jlersons morn Lighting":will be provided. Alollg Croasjng , George Bacon to Daisy M. H. 56~-E Wa rren CoUnty. OhIo,' 0';"' in 1936. reliable statIstics show," the roadway, fules . for safety or pa.rt of . Section T-( anl,l part WAYNESVILLE. OHIO RaJJ. inlot No. 624- in Franklin. said Mr. Loewe, "will be involved in axioms ror safc conduct will be dis- Q! Section T-2 (Grade IiIflpara.rrene Berger to James W. automobile accidents at some time. I played. Brake-testing stations will lIart of Section T-2 ( 8 Per•. Ilon) of the Inchmatl-ZanOllvlUe Schmidt and ~tel1a Schmidt, inlot that is. unless' the public sees thai I be established. When the highway is It,oad. s. H. No. 10. tI. S. nout" No. such driving ha;Z3rds as 'incbri -itis' completed, it i& planned 10 IUl'I'e each . 22. In J.)tjcrflelll Iln\l HlLIIlllton No. 39 ill Snidercrest Subdivision. 'I;ool;itis', 'don'lt give a d-phia' 1uemonstration ~trip specially va- TOW,:ne hiJ)8, by eonatrullUnlif a grade Sarah I. Deardoff to Vietor W. 'mechall,itis', 'Iaw..a-Iaxia'. ·danger. trolle!! by thi: State H ighway Patrol' sellaratlon llr!)ject over t.he PennD)'lvanla RaIlroad con)lI.8Una- of Carpenter and Sara M. Carpenter, zonia·. and ·opticitis·. are banished." Porce, Motorists p3ssinj;f over such open spa.ndrel concrete archei w1t;h concrete beam a.pproallh lIP.. n. Harold.H . G()rman, legal counsel a s!retch wilt then have·. an. oppor.. real estate in Franklin township. (~otal apan 1. 352.2 .ft. roaMray. 24' POR .ALIt <ihristian and ThereRa L. Vos- for the OHio S-tate Safety Count il. t~llllty to se~ safet;! ~leasures m p~c­ U· llJu8 one 3 (t. 81~eWJl,lk) ' Brldge -.,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _......._ _ in describing the slate-wide (llan, tlcn l operatIon." ~Ir . .Gorman sald. ..0. 'Wa-2Z"3'O at !lJ' Q lfer over two . . ler, to Hehry G. Burdick, real eS- ca,lledattention, _to the progra m's ¥r. Gortllan II!ghh~htC?d pha~es of ~ra.ck8 of tbe Penn.ylvanla ~lroad' FOR SA.Lll--Fresh Jersey cow tate in Deer1leld townlhip. numerous "handles" .. which public- ,t he pr~~raUl. wh!ch WIll Imm~dtately a nd Llltle Miami :Rdv~r 'Lf!n'~h, : 1,36a.2 f, t.. 'Or 0.266 mUe. with 5th calf. Frank ,Braddock. C\larles E. Lewi8, deceaaed, to spirited Ohi03ni~ may hOW grasp to be put mto mollon to '!Iork IDsuch Elltlmated eClat, 1261 717 40 l'30 "IS. do their bit in an organized lllovet'~eld~ .as: sta/inical:. public . to be completed' wl~bln ' -auE18i~ lama, real eltate in Lebanon i . ment toward mIlking their highways ·tr!Jn; ~chool ~I)d chIld safety; en· two hundred .eventy (110) worJr.lnl'· C01'8 J. Manthey . to Gertrude tbe safest anywhere for motorist and g meepng; IcgI5Ia~ion; lnd lawen- da~8 ; . SPECIAL-Sobio F1y Spray In 1 The UnIted State, EmplOYment . Rimagen, real estate in Deerfteld pcdestrian. . force~ent.. Servtce.' 'VI' llbur H. 'V'I'I.tht, Dl8t1:hlt as IIOD cans, 76c per cal). R• D• "Today," said Mr. Gorman. "Ohio Chal~man appc!lnted to head up m:~::r.eItIlI~t~ro;-5b.O ~~rlo:':I,: Collett Hardware and Implements. township. between ~13rd and 41st in traf- the InaJn commIttees are as follow.: S. 1. Rose and Lillie E. ROlle to ranks William iD. ScbOOley, Wa)'1lesville. fic safety. This startling fact has CommIttee on Good Roads, Judge cho.rge~ . Sherd Kirby and Jeanie Kirby, in- been established by an exhaustive Lee E. Skeel., Cle"elan~; on Good (.Actlng). Court HOuae. LebILDon. ohIo). will fUrnish the .uoee.ful PIPIC VALVES &.'" -INOB " , .. &" L ... ·... lot No. 203 in Franklill. survey in which the numbcr of traffic <;ars. Frank; Z!llltTY, <;>hlp A~tomo­ bidder all ernplo1lnent U.t frollli for Water, au Steam .",en. Sherd Kirby and Jennie Kirby fatalities charged against the var\o\ls tlYe Assc;>clahon. Cmclnnatl; on -wh'lch .. I\, UDI, killed aM IDterme41 ..te states was com~)ared with the Quan- Good Stemg, H. Freeman Barnes. f~~d~r~~r. ~~~u~~e.a~~\~1aJ:~ and Bp1'8Jing. C!ttena and, BI.e-. to Clarence Abner and Laura tity of gasoline con sumed by each sales p.T?motion 'm anager of General tlve. aUllervl.ory "nd hll'bly Ikllle4 trio aDd SpraJ pumpL Plumbbls • Abner, Inlot N\1. 35& in Franltlin. state. . . ElectriC s rncandescent Lamp DeI~~t f~e~~~~e'!t ~~ Bh:!h~ QSlIPPUltleiltOwTbelt »nBc...~Dd "a . . . rI. • , . • . (lariment, Nela I;'ark, Cleveland; .• nd ~1~~!~iI~:o.trel, N. A. Hamuton and T. E; employment alleney. .. _. ua ., a • oe..etUf attcl1Jp~ l~ make V~IO 8.hl"h- on Good Drhllilg. State Senator hart to Raymond Roberta and ways the _safe~t In Ihe natIon. IS. Ill- Frank Whittemore. of Akron, preli• .. , KIq Co., X.DIa, OJalo. Wrllle as Serepta Roberts, inlot No. 226 in d~cd. an ambItious u!1dertakl!lg. It dcnt Ohio State Automobile Asaoof .bl~d:::r.IO~~ tor ,rlclL .1 , WIll doubtless. tlike 9ulte a whIle be- dation. These chairmen pledged Franklin. 01' a.. anc the dom." II mater.the goal IS reahzed. But our ex- themselves to fill out their commitRaymond Roberts and Serepta forI! 1a110,. bOurs of POR RENT tenslVe program-based on proven tees and to go into action .t once. Cloildltlon... of Roberts to Louise S. HamUton and me~hods and the accumu~ated exAmong the ljafety leaden attendMyrtle .a. Barnhart, ...t estate perlencc of local saf~t.Y drives. call· ing the conference. there were the FOR RENT-6 room hOUle, light. 109 for tl!e e~labhshme~t of 59 following ; Harold G. MOlier. Ueat. in Clearcreek townabip. and water. Martha Cook. a6. dem~n strahon Safety Hlgh~at'. Governor; Senators: Em e rio n file and Franz to P. A. Kem- repal~ of faultY' cars, II:nd enhstmg Campbell, Sa. Clairsville; onYer Nelper, real estate in Franklin. FQR RENT-FIve rooms OIL .th th.e a.'d of every potentIal agency- son Washington C. H.: and n'IIIUllm Nancy Bourne. by admtniatntor will, !f all co-operate, be .ure to IUC- J. loU!. Cleveland: .treet.· Mode1'Jl, With bath and ~adgett Galion ore' Adem to Henrietta II. lIacke, 190.2& ceed. hot ..ater heat. lin. Josie WhitA. for the "Safety _ ttiRhwa," Federation of W acres In Clearcreek t01flllhtp. aker or IIarioIl Whitaker. .tIa St., demonurltion strips, Mr. -Gorman lobn C. .......iol_.. Kords BQ\lrn. to HenrMtta M. WQaarill., O. tbat 6fty the mOlt geroul lites;n Ohioofhave now CIInbeen land Prat\1c :~~~?i:~~~~r:~' Hack., 1110.26 acres in Clear. explained motor creek tcnmlllip. ship of arl M. Zwick, et a1. millor8. th~ ruardian flied a n ew bond with suretiell. uretiel on fonm'r bond wert' dilleharred. In tbe matter of the estate of Pearl Eula!!!, deceased. L __________________________ -chattel properties wal,l orc!~le r d. of






Cary'l Jewelr!



Ihrl ..










Martin Auctioneer ' . .


Centerville, Ohio




r... -. . . .

Quality PrlatlDIl


CLASSifiED ..... ADS.



The Miami



ealPneer, t;






New Peaks To Conquer


0IIc<i!J ....;.......: .. ..... ........ No. 11211:n,tel reclobat PO.~!!le.cI actI Way".. v I e. to. a. ....~"n a.. .aU 5ul.....lptl_ P ..J••, fl.IO • Y.a.. "aUaT



Til neW4! columnR are fill d these days with accounts of a higbly encouraging upturn in buslnesR. Th ere nre report of new advances in rubber. petroleum, tabae 0 , and leeLric uillitica. Summl'd up by thc F ed ral R {' 'crve BOa rd rmlu strial Ind ex, induslJ·y in June had r ecuperated to obout 88 per cent of the peak of 1929, ThlB has not been uniform. ... ()nl(~ industri II al' mnking t'ccords which 10 k very favorable. Gen rally speaking, b ellt advancc.~ prc made by thos which supply non-dat'nble c onKlIm l' pr duc ~<; . Automobiles. high r-pl'iced clothing, furniture, rugs" electric retrige rators, nnd appliunce are doing b tter, while ihe dUI'uble goods ar still lagging. Employment figures a'r e up, so that for the same p~riod there hM bee n an inorease to 82 p r cent of the 1929 average. Business . jngs se('m to be increttf>ing steodily, du largo ly to the ingenuity American industrial leadel's in accompli.'!hing further reduction of cxpcnl*, which pro bably occounts for tnployment figures n ot keeping pa (\ with Pfocluctian. I"II1'm In omes. dc, pite th e drought. are ri ~ing in about the same pl'Oportion, The city man ond f ctory w()l'ker face a further increase in the cost of living, and t his s ms bound to slow up the purchaSG of ather goods, and may act unfavorably' on trade and indu try. Favorable as indications at·1!' on the s ur fa e, ana much as it will pl'obably be claim ed by tho Adnlinistration lhat it has brought about l(C'''' t !' ~' ill OPI'Oh,,,,I'; .. ..e V t' I'Y likely if) poi nt out I k lt ' : .r. upb PI hllie been internntional. Industrial gains hav b n mad in the 13 leading foreigll countri(1. They h iid nil pasRed the 1029 level early in 1P36 and had foV n 8U1'P8Sscd it. In the United States industry is I'llill logging' by ne8l'IJ 10 per c nt. Morevcr" th 4)o Federnl deficit cann ot btl accounted for s olly by r lie! mea ur s, These d ficits cannot continuo to pile up without I ading to bad eonse('lu nee . While it · claimed that recovery has b n brou,ght. about by Federal spl!ndin ,th d ficit s themselves may make tJ'ouble by acting a tf a brake a nrecovery. Administ.rBtiQn critiC!!, in any event, can find many se of figures to show that Ollr r ec very hit been costly. and is likely to be more so. - Cincinnati Enquir r

Farm lvight 7alhs, August 10 $.O() l"'rCK\:ram CQnt nt and wllath~J' forl!ca

Best of the News Direct From the 'Ohio State Capitol . COLUMBUS-Ohio ha a n~w ollicial publication fo1,' sportsmen anel theTa interested in outdoor life and in conservatjon. It is "The Obio OutdoorsOlall," 'which ill sponsored by the state division of conaervation in the interellts or conservation and the' restoration of Ohio's wild life. A monthly periodical, it f~tur bunting, fish and game 1'egulatiolls, conBervaticln notes, outdoor activities, perBonal items regarding OhiO .sportll


men, outfloor stories and numerous photographs. The ftrst issue, for August, is now being distributed. It contains editorials; a section devoted to ft Id trial men · and neWlli a story on the oChuk8l'. R new Ohio game-bird member of the parttidee family woich has beiln imllorted from ~ia; inform a tion concerning the Ohio Conserva tion Council; data on the receipts and expenditures of tho division of conservation; nC)tell about the

who come trom Malnfto nia. and int'lude, thl' famoW! Thrl'e Youman Brotherll, .'ritzi Jo'arrdl, Brinn Donlevy and Norma RobhiD?, l\IlIjor Bow('~' String,' 10'0 ter. Swin,:: Five lind mnny Qlhel·. . The RKO olonial ia not. only Th(' flcrc' cn feature will II C'clebrating it')! gala rt>-optlnln.r "Iligh TC'Il, ion" which hu s a high I Ftidny, ug\l~t 7th with the above spN,'j l tOI·Y. C'rowded \\' it h laughs. I attractiOn>! but tho tlat4:.' also ill .ezy roinance, thrills at the I tarts RKO reater Show S MOn

Commerdal Orchard. and Woo_tel' Station WiU Be Visited in Augu.t

T wo

{or Ohi o Iruit on() at t h ~ Vanlle rvool't Ol chal'<.l!'l, J amcl'town, Aug ust 13, an d thl' other a~ th e ManLle nnd M8lItlc re hnds, Puin(>!!vil\ Augus t 20, have been a nn o unc ~ d by F. II. Beach, !lccretat'y, Ohio ' Slate Horticu li ll rsl So ciety• Ev ryone in ter ~ted 'in t he productio ll of (nll t is invited to the m l ing' w h t her 01' not t hey al' membl'rs of th e association. A t hil'd 'meeting in which t ho as!locia- Photoaraphl, Candlan Nation. 1 RA1IW~YS. t ion is cooperating wilh t he Ohio HE Alpine Club of Can~J:l ::; n~!c m·icul t u rnl Experiment; tation ing to tlca.le anum cr r I' . • ~ ~: l will bo heJd a l; Woo!!ter Au gust 21. \ peaks in the Mount Fr, - ~~ .'. _.1 of Dr. J. R. Magn eses. Bureau ot Jasper National Park. All " • • :;·1 mer. The &ection of tb ' ,. .!:! P lan t Industry, Washin gton , D. activitiel are centered h /is l _ ! ' will spe'ak at the Wooster meeting only a few pioneer climl: t ; ' • Th e Va ndel'voor t orchard. 11 re tho mountains Ire unnarn;· " . ., ding 4400 SQuare miles, • caled. Jasper Nation ~l l' .. , in Gree ne co un ~y and contain hi the world's largest nal: .'.\ I . :1 IDeated wholly within about 35 Il r os of appl e trees. The ;)1'1 5 tl)ree of tho peaks In tho Canadian Rockies. T .. : trees range in age from 18 to 33 i,·, to climb. From left to the Fryatt section whlcll th-' : 'Ycars and a cr op f approximat.ely right they ate: C!)ri stie (!(j.! ,41 • '(10.370 feet) and Lowell (l0,20() feet). The insert ;io ,'. ' • th·: Alpine Club (lD a. pre8,000 b ush i s expected in lhiR CariOUI perch overlooking r.!nl;e •. ,;;.~ \< ',:h is world famous for it. year's harvest. A tour of th e .peckled trout fishing as well as for its beautv. orchard will start at 10 a. m., and ============================~~======== J . B. Lane, manag t· of lhe orehactiviti es oI gam e prot ector s ; bette r th an ever , Dir e l~tor Rane- ards, will eX'Plain the meth od used page devote d to a discu ssion of feld . t at d. The pre mium list f or t o pl'C)duc e the fruit. m ee Lin p;~

g I' UWI'l'S,




th e bait and fly rod; sport. m('n's orgnniznl ion activities . n discusSiOfl of Ohi o's fishing and itll problems ; and oth er it Iils of inter est to p o,·tsrne n. Davc Robel·l§ of thc division of eon e1'vation i& editor of the magazin e.


8:01) Vocational ,Agriculture'lj Part in Rural Ed~clltrQn-D... Ray Fife, Ohio Sup rvi 01' of Vocational A~iculture. 8:16 In sects That Oe troy Other In ects-H. E. Es ine, Natutlllist/ 8:25 Music. 8:40 Farm Home Pel'iod: Tl'8V ling in D' ~nt Countries--Mis Eunice Rynn, School of Home· Eeon.; Ideas and Itcms--Mrs. Katharine owgill, Uom 9:00 The Danger of Living in the Country- W. :F. Kil'k, Master, Ohio tat Gl1~nge,. . . 9 :10 What Do s 0. Call ge Educatton Co t1- PresentatlOn by Coli ge or Agriculture, directed by T. G, Watson, SecreLaI-Y of t bc Col1(>g'e. Ii .2r, , l"c.h tra dir clolO by Edwin tam: l',lOJ~. 9 :30 Why Lime Ohio. oil 'l- Earl Jones, Agronomy Dept. 9 :40 Answ rs to Farmers' Questions--Dialog. 9 :50 to 10 Orche t~ and weather forecast.

W t Va., on Sunday where .he will juln h(,I' hushantl. M'r, and I\Ir . CUITY will return aitt·r 0. fClw daYfl. MI·. lind 1\I1's. L. . MOll'il' have pur('hn!o1( d the Al'cher t)ropcrt.y and will move La it, S,oon.

Warning against typhoid fever and inte rnal infeetion$ which may l'e alt trom car Ie ness is a casual dl ink of water Wag mnd e by' Dr. Walter H. Hartung, director of th e tate Depar tment of Health. Ite caution d against co nsumi ng water fl'om shallow well s, no m atel' how many per .(jnll have used it without apparent ill trect, bcI cau.e a well of this ty pe. may be .'!afe one day and shaw g'ro polluti n . ~he next. ~!un icipal w.nter suppbes are safe t and drlU ed weJls', properly devel<?pcd, usually are safe, Dr. Hart ung assertE<!. lie also cautioned agaiost an"" stream , no drinkln'" ., from . malter how clear and from all appenances clean, and sa id person should beware of any milk supply with which they are unfamiliar. • .. •


R cent adverse we,ther conditions, including the ' drouth, are (loxpected to have iittle or no effect on the livestock, agl'icultural and hOI'ticultural exhibits at the state fair. which will be staged here from August 31 t.o September 4, according t o I1irector of Agriculture . Earl H : Ha.nefield. Although farmers as a whole suft~red trom weathel" condilions this BUmm~l' the how crops give indicatic;m of being as good or

==============-=========::t'========--==============::o .Exposition to Hold Fa~ Week Aug. 17 to 22


t he eight y-sixth Ohio slute Cair h as been boo t ed by eversl th ou and do ll ar~. For the first ti me in mll ny yeArs Gl'8nd Cit'cuit hjl1'ness racing will b e combin ed wi th the 1'(> . g ular fair program .

• • •

-.-- ...

~......- -


The fourteenth Annual Orchard An unu. unl uptutll in the n umbe r of ind ulltdal al~cident.'! in Day will be helel,. at Woo~tel' on Fl'idily, August 2J, and ol:charOhio ' durin g Jun e, as 1'j~corded by dist! and oth 1's who are interested the divUon of saIe ty a Jrld hygi ene ar invite d to attend. This field of th e state industri nl comtni sion, day provid s un 0PPol'iunity to ~as du e larg(>ly t o . ' mployroent examine the work of the Experimcr nses oupl cd WI t h abnormal ment Stat ion ~s it relates to the m ~ ntul h4 zll ru~ SUch a:s loss of Ol'chlU'd and small fruit industry. sk l ~1 through' Idl ~n csa ~nd mental , In order to sce the work to b<lst a ttItu de resultIng hom. long advantage a series of tou'rs will be se ~~? n s of un cn~plo ymcmt. m the made 'tarting at nin~ o'clock. The Opl1l10n .of S upermten den t Thom~s ,specialists in charge of the work P. KE~l.n . of th .saf ety and h yg l- \ WiJI xplain the findings ns the ane d tVJ.~~ on. DU~'lIlg U~e 30-d.ay group move about the vari ty ~ unc .p n od thel e w ?rc 19,382 m- orchard, Each yeur new features JUI,?, and o~cupa ttonal dl$ease Dr emphasized, and an -opportunc1a ml filed . wlth the e o mmlssJo~. ity is give. n to follow the older The fi gure I S 5,309 mor~ than m lino!:s of work. r.1iay. I n 8 dd 1·l.·Ian t 0 th e t OU1'S, th ere • I However h d the s VCl'lty 'I " of acCIC ants Ij owe a . r et. ucbon 1~ will be a display, 0{ equipment and t~at th e evcnty nine June fatah- orchard appliances and also one of bes w er e fo ul' !css than lhos e for techn,i cal interest to gro~ers. May and the , time lo.·s f~r June After the lunch a shOTt speakwa · sub. less than the 109 . M . tnnbaJly 1 . program WI·U b e h e'11( cI ose t a ay tim\' O. S . Ulliertntendent th h d At thO t' D J R J enns sa id e are, al' s. Iii, lme r. . ' . • • Magne ss. of the Bureau of Plant Industry, Washington, D. ., will The state library h~,!l prepare& give the principal address through It limi ted number of bl~ ok lists in the cooperation of the State the fi eld of home economics which Horticultural Society. DI·. Magness are ,availnbl l! upon request, it was is an outstanding authority on announced by Sta te Librarian orcha1'd production, stol'age house P a ul A, T. Noon . The list includes construction, irrigatil)n, and other volum es on child d,avelopment, important orchard practices. , eookel'y and diet etics, family reOrchard Day has become. one of lali o n s hip ~. dress making, etiquett e, home management, bome ,t he ·outstanding features of the Station work and the public is hygiene and home decoration. Mr. cordially invited. Noon said. All bQoks ill the list are Plan to spend this day at the rea.dy for circulation throughout the state,


STAS"E SHOWS SIART ho!~eO~M~·.~: t~: AT COLONIAL THEATRE New BarJin'g t,o n

It. a tribute to the agricuitul'lll ' pro'jVell of the Great Lakes region .a.lld the hundreds of thousands of its farm populatloQ, "Farm Week" will w dn csday a1ternoon.. _____ be celebrated at the Great Lakes ExW. D. Larkin I.\n4~ sons of The RKO Colonial Theatre Dayposition in Clel'cland from Aug\lst Gl'e enfi Id ' spe.nt th~1 week-end I ton Ohio ann~unces it's g~la 1'1'117 to August 22. with Mr. and Mrs. T. Ie. Haydock. op~ning :.vith a stage and ,screen The Ohio State Grange, tl e Ohio Th c funeral of Wendell Graham show policy Friday August 7th. Farm Bureau, the Co\legc of Agriwho died i!l '1\ Dayton hospital The RKO Colonial 'i s the only cu1lure of Ohio State University and following a prolonged illness was ' theatre ' in Dayton that presents the Ohio Department of Education's held at his late home here. on , Vocational Agricultural Education ' Thursday afte.rnoon. )3e ides his diyialon are c06pcrating in (he plans wife, Ada 'McKay nraham, he for the week'. program. The 4-H dubs 'throughout the staie lire planleaves three sons, LeJall\d, Clarence .ning active participation in the proand Eugene. gram and .pedal cltents and contests A death of unusual sadness was are now being arranged for them. that oi Wilpur Thornlls, 'Who fell ThCl dtlcndar .of "Form Weck" Is from an electric light pole in Dayas foUows: ton on Thursday. He led an, uplloaday, Augult 17 right industrious life and shared AGRICULTURAL DAY largely in tbe r(>sponlsibiJities of AQuat 18 his younger brothers and S"istera. DAIRY DAY Funeral services wel:e ' held at WedneadaY, Aup.t 10 Neeld's Funeral BOrnE! on Sunday. PARII PRODUCE DAY wni. Scammahorn of Troy is Vilitor. to the Great 1.ak.. a_position find a great variety of free TInancIa.y, Aucuat 20 IDttrtalnmeJ¢ within the 150 Kre around.. A cr()wd ·i••hown watching the guest of his brotber Kenneth PARM WIVES DAY MAJOR BOWES the Be1glm Wooden Shoe dancors. one' of the man,. free features in the Scammahorn and wifE!. 1'ddQ, Aquat 21 StreeU of the World. Above 18 a view of the huge Automotive building, Supt. and Mrs .. La-ne and chil- stage shows and the management PAUl IIiPROVEMENT DAY ODe of the Jarge aldblt ItrIKtures. dren have moved from Sprinlj: has chosen for Lhe fu'st of the new 8atarda7 AQIUIt za season's shows the outstanding ftltaTONEDAY be known .. "Farm Wivu Day." scctions ' of the cOl1l1lrYi Cannda and Valley to the- Collett property. The Ladies' Aid ot the M. E. stage attTaction of the show world Europe. have visitcd the Exposition. "Farm Improvement Day" will be I Oa Allie.ltural Day, Grange Major Bowes' Dance Band and IfOUPI, 4-1J dub., tbe Farm Exten· Friday and wilt be devoted to new TheY are unanimous in their. pr'lise Church held a lawn fete on tha aiaa Bareaa &ad the Farm Bureau developments in the farlnhouse, the of the Exposition's compaclness of church grounds Frld. y even ina. Amateur Stars. This an~ouncement will be welthe band. wID cooperate In a propam of 1Pe- ramI and its equipment. 011 Satur- arrangement, the unu5ual variety of Mu. ic Wj)S furnished Miss Wilma. Bane Xenia was come'd by ' stage and music lovers cia1 .,eat.. · An offical reception lad day the Fireltotte Tire aBd Rubber ils dir.pllYs and cnterlainment anll .... cc.certa ., 4-H bands will be- Co. it Irrln8iftla Pl'OCf'am Clf enler· its inexpcnsl"enc 1\, Large lIunlben the guest last week her uncle who have listened to the broadtalnment I. well a. education and of peeple ate !louring into Clc:veland and aunt, Mr. and It. S • CBat concerts of the band and ...... tiaTa propam. • 1, by rail. automobile, lake tltrampraclical demonltl'1ltioll exhibit .. remember Ted Mack, the COn...,.", ,.01 be dnoted to aD Bane. ef, IUto bul, and. air . ....,. ....trJ fraa The prOll'Am of the weC!k lia. Ba . . , lIin ductor. The band eonsi.ts Mr. and Mra. K. The entire oriel I on display at amnted to pe all a1teftdin .....tIIN .. --- Wed- belli lira. hal ' pieces and is a Wilma Bane, Mr. the EX1KJsitia&l FrC1m d:anreu o( tbe lbe I£xI!oIiti6a the lIu!llhman lime tQ spent .....b ... band ot picked mlldeiall. Qrlcat to a nlade' irCltl ore mille o( BiIlglUlloD and yifit tile find SUndQ at :RUl~'. IOloiata ~d apeclalt7








MOST DIRECT CROSS-STATE ROmE Between Toledo and Cincinnati Charted for the Benefit of Interstate Motor Tourists as Well as Traffie Within the Borders of Ohio

IrS SHORTER i:a~ R;ofe~: to Cincinnati as shoWn herewi lh is the ehortest distance between the two cities. Officials of the Stat e Highway Department give the mileage saving 8S about 11 miles.

...o o•


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By reason of the s h 0 r t e r mileage, less ' congelltion (both on the highways and In Lhe communities thru which they pass), fewer curves, and adequate width . roadbed and bridges, toe Route here outlined is a big time-saver for the busy motorist-very probably as much .as two hours.



p,,,..o.- The

Choice of KnowingMotorists


Origillated and Sponsored by the

ltevolutionary Short Trail , Association


e !tcial bone of the ofRevolu-

tionary Trails System of W oste.rn Ohio. Marked its entire length :aN.MC; by historical W~I..L'~ marluts of tbe ""."..(5Ohio ~emorial Commisllion. I~ F a l' additional .trip maps or any information relative to State Park" Plcasure Resorts, Scenic Spots, Historic Shrines or the hundreds of other paints of especial interest alol'lg this route, write WILBUR M. FAULKNER Secretary SPRINGFIELD, omo




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ot Chicago. were pellu of MI'I. be held at CaeMr'. Creek ehurch 1a1llerlbe tor The IIlaml 0.. . .

dinnl'r R'ut'ltt lit the home

notti" W. Smart on Thursday. next Saturday. Mr. B. Hiatt of Mr. and Mr . Carl Shldaker and

u f J\tn, Allt'n F.mric:k, fr, and )frio:. Harold Whitaker Mi ~!I .8tah nUl nd of J1nytO'lI iR a nd MI'. nnd Mrs, Ttnncy lire on vi~jt fnl! ILl Ih(' hom (If her a motor trip to Wa ~hinlrton D. ('. hroth r . ,ld wiff', Mr. 1\ ll!1 fr . and nth er plnct"S of interc, t. 1\11', fi nd 1\11"". Thflrlc .Ton e~ IlIld lIurvt'y BUTn t. .. \'l' 1'~1 (" 0 111 II l' nttt'n d ~rI thE' l'On "pl.'n L Sunday ~ l th e hOllle of pcn n1l't!1 il\1C of thE' ~1'111\1l(> at Ah·. ' utl.'s parfl nt Mr, nnd Mrs. 1':<1\\ in ult n(,llr Centel'ville, Wuyn es\ti ll g~"" ~8t ur d (ly ven· MI ht I' Millon re mulned ~h i'!! week Inlf. ,\ ith hi gl'lin dpal·e nt .. fl'. an(l 11', ' IInc(' f Frank· Mr. a nd Mr!1. W I~l ter Konrick li n ~p('nL sevllrl\i nays I R~t wC)('k he;1I'(\ 11'. J ohn W. Bricker, Attorwith ~h ir aon nn!! wif£" flo. Iil1 d ney at'nera l f Oh io, speak at,

Wilmlnaton, family an.d Mr. and Mr, Chas. . poke at the Frlt'nd.' Church lut Thompson RP nt Sunday at Wash- Sunday nlorning. Supt. Garat of Waynesville will 8pe~k next inglon C, H. Sunday morning, The many friends of Rev, J . p, C7 Thorn bul'Y will be sorry to learn of his s rious lI1n ss. Mr . Mul'y Surface. is slowly recov4}t'ing from Ii very s6]'loUII lline . Me dames Laura Shidaker. 1\lRl'Y l'uckcT, Cassie 'Coll ett, Lena lar k and Eva MacDonald wel'e M...... Elb r Wallace. M'jnmi Vnllcy haullluq un, Sundinn er g uel\ts of Mr. and Mrs. W. REAL ESTATE {j SIIl'/lh milh of WflYtit'S- d y afternoon. ' C. K el'sey of Or egonia 1~t. Thursvill l1pent t his we k at the home )fr, IInu Mr. , Rorvey Burnet in day. NOTARY PUBLIC of Mrs. B lie ott and ftlmily. company with 0 1'. and Mrs. H. tl'. a nd Mlrs. H ,'ord McKay h . W. J. Ba k }'eturnt'd to lhr E. Jl athnway of Waynesville, and' son Donald will leave Thursday f or ali/ or nia. h me of his son n ar lImd n. vil;itt'd fr it'n ds in Union City SunOhin, Tu sday, llftel' IIp('nding sev- duy, arr Mr. lind Mrs. H rbel·t pral day , with hi 'Wife Ilt th" 11'. E, J. Carmony of prin ge ntertaine d hel' parents Mr. lind field was a Lytle vi ito1' Monday. '[ra. Wm. Slike r of Wilmington hom of Mrs. leta Rolt I"~ . atld brothe r Mr. Albert Sliker and Mr. and Mrs. Ke lCl' Ornhum Mrs. Mo rgal'et Johns visited her f amily of Cleveland last WednesyiRitcd Retading (l,J'u1 incinnnli is ter, Mrs. Eliza beth Smith at day, unday afternoon. ur (l' S ottage. Soldie r's Home The ivic league and Com}fl's, Mar aret .Tllhns was B Dayton, T uesday. mu nity club enjoy~ a picnic last Misse.s Laurll Rosnngle a nd Sarah ' Burnet and lirs, Harvey Burnet W dncsday evaning. were aturdllY afte moon gUests of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Lukens atMrs, Walter Kenrick. t end ed a mail carri ers' meeting at Don't Let the "EARLY • Ev('rett Early is having sev~ral the home of Mr. and Mr. Omar Hollingsworth of near Oregonia WORMS" Get Yo ur Bird. wells drill ed. o 1'1 Ie a t Lytle FOR SALE ' I Tu esday even!ng. I' levalor, li t his r esidence, at the Get the worms, and help to I-I. M. lark farm and at Donald Mr. a nd Mrs. Tom Welch and pr vent r einfestation by using . family of Ft. Dodge, Iowa. are l Dr. SalsbuTY'S A VJ-T NE in F R SALE-Student' Flat Top Had l y r idence. Walter Clark, Mrs. Mr, and Mrs. \fisiting hi s parents Mr. and ?tIn. k. J. B. hopma n, Wnyne~the mash. T ests prove that it L li e Gray and children spent W. W. Welch. Palmer William Bpd, whoso native name i. tron Moccasin, a fullville. gets up to 98 per cent of the blooded Cbicauw Indl8n, hall c:harge of the U. S. Govelrnment uhibit by T hurstlay in Daytol~. Prof. and ,Mrs. Milligan are l'oundworms in chicks I Get a the BtuUII of Ind~ Aftain, at the Oreat Lake. Expcnition, Cleveland, . {j . Julin Chatleton attended moving into the property of Mrs. package at once. He baa a fine baritone voice, haa made a number of ~adio appearancH Laura Sbidaker. Mrs. Shidaker will Until A....".i 8 - Special Oft l he fun eral of her little nephew and pea prol1'ama of tribal aongl and c~ant.. He ill pic:tured here. in A. AdYerli.ed In the Kapoaition Horticultural gardens during suc:h • program, weanng oon leave for New Mexico. Lacliel Winter Coah, CI~.ned, Alvin E . Charlton, 'at Franklin TOe Ohio tribal cOlt~ and ac:companying himself on a drum. ' Mr. and Mrl!. W. E. Frost and Pr...ed and Relined, (ma,eria1 Monday. The chUd alte 2 ~ A.A. DUNAHUE so n cnte'l.'tained quite a number of and .yer,.thinl eomple!e) $5.95 Yea rs was hit by tp Frahklin Ice 1003 N. MaiD St. Miamllburc & Fuel Co. truck Saturday. friends with a picnic at Wayne You select the lining f rom our Phone 1 05 Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bailey park las t Saturday eve ning. complete lin e qf s amples. Also Harv.~y .burg a nd daughter, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Quite a number of ladies includes storage of co~t. Longacre and :Misses Eva and MI'. and Mrs. W. T. J ordnn are e njoyed 1.1 picnic on Friday evenQU I C K CLEANERS Ethel Reeder attended quarterly Katllr,.n M.d.nJ,II.lI, Mgr. entertain! ng thl~ir grand-daughter, ing in hon.or of Mrs. Laura Conference at Red Lion M. E. , Miss Anna Loui se Hal:bock of hidakel'. Church, Sunday a:[ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ed MeFarlllnd near Melv in. hnve r eturned to their borne in Me dame Harvey Burnet, C. L. 1\11'. and M,·s. Harold MvV ey have Dayton. Duke, E. B. Lonllracre and Margaret Johns attended the Garden Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Dakin, Mr. Miss Helen Coleman of Cincin- r eturn d 11:001 a motor trip to club meeting at the home of Mn. nati, Mrs. E. C. Crane and (laugh- Atlantic City and Niagaga. Falls. and Mrs. W. W. Welch and Mr. Percy Reasc)D nElar WaynesvUle, te~, Barbara and Ml· . Kathryn Dr. C. G. RiBndll.l1 and family and -Mrs. Tom Welch and family Monday afternoonl. . '. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mr8. Turner were Dayton visitors t oday and MISS GracI! Smart left la~t Irving Welch of Waynesville. IM'T. and MTS. Lowell mnllllllil HOUSEHOLD GOODS AT R. D. Collett and family ond Saturday afternoon for 0. week s Mr, Edwin Vand~rvoort and Mi s and daughter, Bet~ty, left Wedne... MARY DAVIS' RES IDENCE. Allie, of Spring Hill, Mrs. Ren. day morning on a motor trip. They others of our citizE'nry are att end- visit in Ithaca, New York, will visit the exposition at Cleve- ing t.h Green county Iair this irs. Amanda Starr is enter- Gaines, of Hartwell and Mrs. WAYNESVILLE. OHIO land, Niagara Flills and also the week. tni~'ing her gra nd-daughter, Miss Horsee Hatton were guests of Mr. foriner's brother, Everett Thomas Alice Gray and f dend Edna Taylor -and' Mrs , W. C. Tichenor. Sunday. Uss Mrs. H. R. Williamson, at R.ochester N. Y. I ,?arrell Bogan spent SundaYCwhitb Grace Williamson and Mr. and Mre of W~t CarroltoD. w. N. 5";"" Allct.. M M W C Ti h . hiS parents, Mr, and Mrs. . as. I. O. Brown are visiting MI'. and I 'r. and f 'S . '. ' c enol' Bogan and family. lub.cribe tor TiI,e Miami G...tte Mrs. Raymond Willia.mson and son Mra. Anna Stinson was hosteM -::===~=======::::'=:=:============~ were Thursdali: evemng gu~sts of In Cleveland. Mrs. W. B. C,he,v Of Xema, to at a family gathering, of tbe • ~ eet Mr. Sen~;on ,Ross of Colum- CanoU family at bet home last U S" Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Quincy Mr. and Ml'1!I. Charles l\10q.erwell Carroll of Indiana were among those pN!Sent. Professional men must serve humanity unselftshty, pla.clfr. Joe Hisey of West Virginia NOTICE ing such service before personal gain. The traditioN! of the is vi itlng IM r. Robert Gamer funeral directing profession rooted in this prin~iple; our During the montb of August, and other relatives. strict code of ethics define~ in complete detail the dutif1l of a The 73rd annual convention of th e public Iibl'ary will be closed on Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson funeral dil'tctor to his client.s and to the community. the American Vet.erinary Medical Friday afternoon and evening, \ entertained relatives last Sunday. Association, wi\] be held in Colum Ware proud of the idealism that pervade I! our organiza- - - -. - .... - - The annual picnic ot the hllS, August 11 to 14 inclusive. tion. Deeply imbued in each member of our sta1\' Is the conviction t.hat his is &,. sacred and honorable calling. We This As oelation was organized serve everyone, regardless of social p08ition or Ilnancial capacin 1863 and has a member hip of " . 1 at Lebanon dn TUeflday. , over 4200, being the largest ity, to the very best of our ability. Tl,is policy has won for U8 our present p05ition of leadership. veterinary organizat ion in the world. Its ~mbers are scattered dnn, Cleo Jeft'eris and Anna Macthroughout all parts of the world. Township· Trustee E, L. Thomas, Donald were among those who atA t the convention many im- Jesse Prende'l'gast and W. C. St. tended a sbow~r fo., Mrs. Mar.. portant problems will be consider- John attendEid (l. meeting; of al1 jode Eveland at Port William last ed whioh will directly affect the trustees of the coonty with Wedn esday afternoon. Waya.lvW. ADleriCll.nagricultural ...... 7 'interests. A County Reliet Ojrector George B. Mrs. Annie Van' Doren is quite ~;;;;;;;_;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;=============;;;;;;======i), clini.: will be operated in connec- Johnson of :Lebanon , Wednesda.y poorly at her borne this week. tion with the convention under night, to l'eceive inatructions in Several from here will attend the p nonal djrection of Dr. W. regard to relief work in the town- X.enia fair this week. F. Guard of O. S. U. In recent ship. , Mr. Harold Frasier entertained years, conventions of the AssodaTrustEes of the townships in veral men at a fish fry on Tuesdon have been of 80 much impol'~ Warren county Monday took over day evening. ance to the members of the the r esponsibilit.y of direct relief Friends' Quarterly Meeting, will Ql'ganization in acquainting them in ~he cOunty in. ae- =====r===~=~==~~========~7~=~==~~7=~=~=~:;=== with modern screnti/ic pMctice distl'ibution corda nee wit:h action taken last that veterinarians throughout th~ Friday by thl!" board of county United ' Stp.tes and foreign commissioners. The change came countries make every eft'ort to as II l'e,s ult of a limitation ' of attend. administrative costs under provis1936 will mark the fourth time ions of tbe nEl'W Ohio relief law. in history that thi~ organization , Under the new plan, no direct has held its annual meetlnlt in J:elief will be administered from Ohio. It is expected that the at- the county office in the court tendance of Ohio nterinarians houSe' and aU disbursements are will411most be one hundred percent to be made by too towllship trU8according to the committee on tees in the various town"hips. arra.ngements. The dis't ribution of federal ~-~ modi ties will continue in the £EL CAUGHT county. both clothing and food to OLASSIFJ}:D ADS COST ONLY A local fisherman was exhibiting be distribute:d as in the past. ONE CENT 'PE a WORD. WHY' on the street WedMsday afternoon Merwin Coyne continues 8S federal commodity distributor for too KEEP YOUR ATTIC I'JLLIDD aD eel which was taken from ' Little Miami river near here. The county. W.ITH USELESS AaTICLBS Mr. J ohnslin continues as relief eel measured 36 inches and is said TIIAT CA N Bil TUJt)fllD INTO ' to have be~ the first to be taken director and county c-e-rtifying Thou .. htful a ..riiCulturi. ta del not let from these waters in many years. agent and Mfrs. Frances ROBIi win MONEY , F OR SO DU,L A serve as auditor. Other employes ..ood build in .. day•• lip by, - once heavy ~- . ~--of the relief office were dismissed COST. tRY TRIS DANI OJ' crop. a re out of the way_ BeUe.., conMASON IC NOTICE as :Q.. result of the economy meas.truction r ewar d. tho.e who take advanSE LLING AND SEE WHAT A Stated communication of Way- ure. The three thu!! aft'ected were ta ..e of early ..ood we ather - IHtfore fall nesville Lodge No. 163 F. & A. M. Miss Hele., Randall, HarveysDIFFERENCE IT Wn.L IlAO rain. set in. Tuesday evening, August 11. burg, and Mrs. Christine ClevenTO YOUR POCKETBOOK, A.S Vialdng and sojourning bret.hren ger, , Franklin, county visitor; W e h a ve a bi .. ya rd filled with fint are welcome. and Mrs. Jeannette Payne, Leb· WELL AS TO ' BA.VID YOn buildinl( ma t erial. of a ll kind. Tell D: R. Smith. W. M., anon, stenographer. STUJ'lI'Y OLD AT'l'lC CLBADD u. your builcli.. pia• • and we will make V. M. Armitage, Sec'y. -~---


Late Classified AdS.

-------------1 - -

-&'::0:::==========- - .


Sat., Aug. 8, 1 p. m.

Mary Davis




A Code of Ethics



TAKE OVI:R RELIEf 1 ~~t~=~swa~e~:ld :~dH~::~n P:: WORK IN COUNTY H~:I:~~mr:::V~a~:~~~:ll:~~ ~~~~





f all Building Days

.- ..

.... ...tio • • which .ay save you 'e" " . a bl. mODey •..

W. ha. . plan boob for ever:r kW of CGMtnactioD wlaicla w e furniah f .... to our cut.Nn.

.-.....- -,


Miami Ch.pter No. 107 O. E. S. will meet In re,ular ....Ion Moftda7 ,"niDl', Aquat 10, at 7 :80. VWtlnl( membe... welcome. Karr Eamlaart, W. 81., IIblld. Fromm, Sec',.





s: Eigh ty-Eight h Year



Whole Num'ber 6231

THUR DAY. AUGUST 13, 193 6



LET YOUR FAMILY TRY The Just ew oe Wal'ren county 116TH SESSION INDIANA met MRS. WILSON HOSTESS State Fair Excels LOCAL PUPILS WILL BE re(lcivcd total of Monday, July home of lhe Home Own Loan Corpora- YEARLY MEETING ' WAS loader, Mrs. Guy Routzahn. TO HAPPY HOUR CLUB ADISH OF SOYBEANS, the !!M~J~ ~'~C ~ ~e~~he PHESENTEO IN RECITAL tilln during the yenr Pllriod wit" S mcmbel'l! present. Ohill State Fair excels in every de- , The was called to o.n Tuesduy, thc pn rtmcnt,'" Wnynesvill Town. hip Rch oo l of refinancing I1TH' I'uiions which W. Ellen· SAYS STAlE SPECIALIST ordel' anr! books were di:cu!\sed l'egulal"lIlc ling of th llapp y wood. manag r ofWillard t'n I'tudying' ternlinaled Jun e accord· WELL ATTENDED HERE 1:he Fair, to be pupils who hu\'e n C!~ic l enlll

4-11 Chlb 27 ilL the






Au~u t

m etin~



ufler which the club adjournoo to Hour club wa. h III with Thia F~od Can Be Served Many m et the following w~k. , s. Gon va Routzahn, Reporto'r RaS'mond Wil son as ho Way. and Will add Va rie ty OJ) Mel with Th meeting t o Meft ~ creed and th club ~ inging "Foilll of our Fath I'S," A hort busine5R oybeans which hav proved to Belision e n ~ued in which Ad ri 11. b !luch good feed for livestock are , Braddock, Mary Rambo aIld Ne\li ~ also goqd filr the livcstock owner I Bunnell wet'c nam d as progra m if PI pllt'ed and cooked properly, committee for the 'cpt(!mb t· aceol'ding to nutrition specia lists m Hng to b II Id at the h om of at . U .• who I'ecommend that _ _ . Ml'. Rhod s BUllnelJ. bio homemllkerR giv their fami- c.== 1 A program con~isting or musical lies a chance to 8ample this food . Mrs. 14oy Woa th er b y, 0 f E ng I 't' h • t num b ers by 11' e Ien GonR, harlotLe . . Yellow, brown, or other varie- woo d FI a. 1 VISI Ing ar 8 1 er II J . . 'M 'c C ' artmon and ean tte Wtlso n and tle 01 soybeans cnn be cooked M I. al'Y . ~oss. two t' adings by Miss Hartman Ilk limn beana or any other kind Mr. and Mrs. Allan Haines or followed. Then all exchan ge of ,of Bh!!ll'd beMs which are used when th yore not fu ll y rip, X nia, weTe call ing on Wayne: ville "White Elephants" prov d to be an amu 'ing stunt. . I'c('n oybeans hell more , easily friends, Sunday evenillg. The h!s "e rved mOt;t del icious If th pode ar boiled for three Mr. and Mrs. Al Murray and .refres hments. mi1:'lUt s. 1.'/1 av rage cooking time Mif;8 Sal'ah Burman, of Detroit, ---- - --~{or th soybeans. wh n green, is lipent th week.end with Miss Dorn about 30 minutes. and thc beans Stiles. may b s rved with butter sauce, l'tHs e8 Bernjce Graham and -oaJ1oped. or used in alad. Dried ybean are prepared for Roma Hardin are home on a vaca,. thc table much the sa mc as navy tion ruter having sp nt a f w days beanll, but the soys must be cooked at Indian Lake. ,J. W. Lotz, for lhe pa st six yeors longer and will neM to be soaked Mr. and AIrs. Grover Davidson. uperin1-endetlt of the Wayne longer before cooking begins. o.f Pandora, Ohio. w te dinner Town hip sc hool s, wa employ~d Dried oybellna will need to be gu st ' of Rev. and l1·s. G. C. Tuesday night by the Morrow ollKed oveJ'night and then ,cooked Dibel!t on Tuesday. board o( education as supeJ'intendrot' at I ast two hou]' . Th & cook. cnt of the MorroW' schoolS. Mr. lUI'. and Mt·s. R. G. onner and ing ~hou1d be done on a slow fire Lob: wa,s givl!n a two-year condaughter, Judith Ann, attended th t keeps the beans 'mmeringo the SCl'Qggy family reunion at tract. rather t ha n boiling. MI'. L lz ucceeds Paul The soys arc rich in fats and do W.ayne park unday. Port I', who I'esigned two weeks not require add!t\onlll ,:"ts except Mr. and Mrs.' W. n, Allen Ilad ago to 08ccept the- supedntendency tor eas ning. orne tH,u"le I as their guest' a few days of th Union-Liberty schOols in roost d soybean, which have a last w k Mrs. Allen's niece, M'i Fairfield C lin ty. nutli ke flavor; &oybea n fl our can Ruth Newland of Chicago. be ul;C(l for ice-erenm powder, BIRTHDA Y OBSE RVED macaroni procluct. or for baki n~ . Lansing Hardin is. reeover~ng mcely from a t.onsl~ operation FO I' the pleas ul'c of hr litUe wafers. Ohio lar~ r are grOwing ple nty WhiCh , was. ~erfol'med at t he son Jllck, HI'S. Irvin l\ful(o~d ot soybeans 0 ev ryo ne can ob- Fidelity BUlldmg. Dayton by Dr. entertained 16 of hi!! ,choolmates KiJbourne . d f ' d M1 d 11 . tain some of them for trial. This . an rt~n S o.n ay a ol'11.oon 10 yenT. when v g tables are carc MJ'. and Mr . Ra lpb Chitw.. od cel bratJon of hiS eventh birthday . I anniversary and qu ite high in price, might be and chlldr n, of Dayton, were '. t.he be t time to try a dish of green unday gue!;lts of Mr and .Ml's j Games and drunty refreshments . . . f' k d d soyb aIlS. Orville J. Gray and daughter, Mi jO iCe cr am, eo e an Can y were Bat'bara. enjoyed by the foUo ....ring: Marjorie Conner, Yvonne A miscellaneous shower was Stubbs, Bal'bara rane, Joyce Beal given 'Fl'idlly night at thc home of Gladys R , DOl'othy Dakin, Mr. Estella Shaner for Miss Phyms Bailey. Ro 'emary Mulford; Jeane Meredith whose marriage to Riehl1rd h. ehlln, Riehai:d Whitanorace huner will be an event of ker. Charle Dibert, Edward Lee the near future. Dakin, Dale Dakin, EaTI Rye. FRIENDS MEETING David L{artsock anel Jaek lulfol'd. Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Br anstrator First-day School at 9 :80 a . m. al'C cnjoying a m otor trip, their Me. tl r t or Worship at 10 itinerary including Yellowstone CLEAV E R.CARR m. RICH REUNION National Park an d points in North --~ FERRY CHURCH OF CH'R IST Dakota a na KanS&l!. Th e Cleav r- arr-Rich reunion Ca rl Smith, Klalliter will be held at the home of lin t . Mrs, Mary DaVis ha Bold her PeliTY Thomas, Supt. of Bible a nd Lucy CI'\laveJ', tour miles household f ur nishings and Wi ll School west of "iN ihnington on Old in· make her home \\1ith h er son-in-hlw Bible Sebool a t 9 :80 a. m. ci nnati Pike, Sunday Aug. 16. All nd da ughter, Mr. arid Mrs. a Comnlunion, 10:41) a. m . 1;eI8live~ and freinds of the famMartin Murphy, in Da:vton. Preaching, 11 :00 a. m. ily ore invited to 5ttend. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford H. Brace twA YNESVILLE CHURCH OF have relurned f rom t heir wedding GRANGE MEETING CHRIST trip an d will make t heir home f or C.rl Smit h, MlnlateT A ta lk by . E. Michen<'l', with the pre- en t with Mrs. Brace's Not A Denomination parents. Mr. and ¥r~. W. R. 'A lleo d iscussion. will feature the pro9:3 0, Bible scllool. ~ gra m at Farmers" Grange meeting M~ Genevieve Hadl e'y of J ack'- S~tunl~y night, Augu st 15. The re 10 t45, Lord's S uppe1:. sontowD, an.d Miss ' Barbara . Ann w ill be game!l; nnd mu si~ will be 7 :p. m. ~ Christian E ndeavor. Willia ms of Kingman, are visititni lurni&herl by Mal'y and Monis 7 :46, Evangelistic services. Wednesday, 'I :45 p. m., prayer at th e born e of their gra ndmother Brow n. a nd a unt 'l \fts. Ru th J anney and a nd bible study. Miss Louella. WAYNESVILLE rtf. E. CHURCH Mr .. and ¥ rs. Ge orge J. Smith in Rev. G. C. Dibert, Pa.tor company with Mr . and Mrs. RaySunda.y : Sunda.y IIchool at 9:30 mQnd W. Lana', of Cincinnati, a. m. Morning worship at 10 :40. "pent a deJirhtful w eek~nd at The communion of, the I,.ord·s Sup- Pokagon State Park on St. lames pe r will be ol1served at this service Lake in Nortllel'l1 Indiana. - Monday: The Fourth Quarterly C.onlerence will beheld · at 8 p. m. Mr. and Mrll. Lest er Stanflelcl Dr. Coulter, the district BU]lel'in- and :fa~Hy and,·M'n . Cll\rl\ Ni-ckertendent will be with us and con. Bon, of New Burlingt on, Mr. and tluet th e busin ess of the Co~ter- Mr • OscaJ;' Stanfield and family -ence. New Vienna, and , Mrs. ,Myra Wednesday : Th e Ladies' 'A id will Crawley and daughter of KOanC)ke . ' Va., were dinner ruesta of Mr. meet wi th Mrs, Will Stroud. will 'be- both a forenOOn and a.fter- Mrs. R. D. Collett on Sunda~. 1I00n meetIng and those attendin~ Mrs. Paul Hauk, who has been a re asked to bring a covered dish, visiting at the home ot her parents sandwiches, and table seJ'Vice.. Mr. and Mr. , H. H. William son. There will be a. devotJonal has "l'ltOtutned to her s ummer: h service and meeting of th& official near, Dayton. Mrs. Rauk's bro~:'~ , boal,'d in the church at 8 p. m. in-law and aister, Mr. and Mrs. I. , Our Annual Conlerence will be O. Brown are h er gue ta f tb held in' St. Paul's Church, Toledo. present. • II or e the week of September 9th to Utb , loll . and Mrs. Ronald Hawke entertained with • family dinner ST. MARY'S CHURCH' on Sunda)" Mr. and lin. F, C. J. J. Sch....r. Rector Servieea dilleontinued throurb Hartsock and MIll Mildred BaltA uguBt, to be l'eeumed September Bock, of Milford. lira. Edith Dvm, IIr. Bania MOllher; alld lizth. MrL Frank L. Taylor. of Saa I'nncllCo, California. • . ..... AUGUITINa CIIU&CH




----_ ...---



b 13, 1936, mll"i!' thiur ~ lImrnhl' will be pr~. ing Lo the final /igul'cs lumished ~~' ,c ntNI in r(i 'il111, Sunday, Augu. t Dl'ig. G nel'al Benedict rowell, State Director fot· th Na'ional I H. III the V. Tl. H. l!Yll1. Th e I " it 1 wil l be divid d inlo Emergency ouncil. Thi ll sum reb\o /trnu: I o~ in", to the lorge presented 52 individual loans. nUl11hH Illllil1" '"part, Th<' first I(IOUI' will tlMrOl'lll at 2 p. m. Hull the "'cond at 8 fl- m. The puh\lc iH cOl'(lially invited [. lo att nil. Thel' will be no ad-


1'atI. Ifewtoa. PaM . . Mr. ad lin. J. B. PruItr...... .... at It. ........... eIIanIa ColllW", lin. It-a err 8"'" -mille. lIanar, Ilr. ud lin. Cui SUr•- • JIr. ... IIOftiI

We re

P reaent


Many S tatu; Good Pro. ram. Were En joyed

--- -----

The llGtb lIession of t he Indiana Y.early Meeting of Friend convclled at Waynesvj\)e, Eigh th Month, 8th, 1936. , A business meetlng wa.~ h Id in the afternOOn and in the evening, an excellent ' address Oll, "Quakerism's Appea l to Youth," was given by Tom Kennedy. He stated that older =====~~-=.~====== per ~on so often refer to youth as J ohn B. Gon. ba. n sick , uch a happy paTt of life. He felt SClvCI'ol days Suff el.'ing with flu'. th' r 'allon for this was. the good Limes \\(ere betler remembered ---Mlll: DO.r a Stiles att.endM the Private funeral Ii rvices for Stiles family reunion at Wllyne than those of a dar~er hue. Today the way fol' youth seems hard, Glenn . .Johns, of Dayton. whQ park . undllY, evary day there are difficulties to Wll..~ Counu dead ill ' bis car neill' I ' Falmouth, Ky., wel'e heM at ' the Mr. and M1:s. Alvis Lamb of be met. The thought o( God's ever W. w. ELLENWOOD home or, his mothel', Ml's. MSl'gal'ei: Dayton, visited MI'. nnd Mr!l. r ~ady wl1lingne s to aid us and give us strength is a comfort and ' . ,. . .J ohn , In Lytle, Tuesday Robert Lamb, Sunday. State FaIr , ... nager . .after. a guide. e16 in Columbus August 81 noon, Rev. G. C. Dibert. officlllttng. First Day morning a large Buriol was made in Miami Mt', . Ed ook, Mrs, Robert Davis l.ltrc.ugh September and llttle daughter, Judy, wet·c number attended First Day school. ""The cattle and dratt horse cemetery. DUring the meeting for Worship .hows have achieved nation·wide ,urviving nrc the widow, Mt·s. Dayton visitors, Monday. which followed, inspiring messages fetognition. The she p show is the Marjori John s, and two hildr n Mr. ant,! Mrs. a. H. Davis of we1'e given by J. Franklin Brown, (:u'gest in the w.o.r1d. Th.e ~wine of Dayton, and his mother. Man lIeld, were week·end guests Tom Kennedy. Evelyn Howell, ahow is of major importance. The - of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Ridge. Chas. F. Hopkins. Ida W. K~ev er and oth re. In the afterl\Oon a Mrs. F. C. Hllrtsock of Milford, splendid address wa giv en by anco that t he OhIO State FaIr poul. spent /leversl days last we,e k with Anson S. Gardner. The ves per hel' sister, Mrs. Ronald Haw1ce. service was impressively led by lIgriculture and bOll·ticulture is fit· tingly portrayed boY the beautiful --Ft'ank . HO'wke nnd Charles Thomas E. Ta yl or of Lincoln, Va. The WaYll esv ill~ plant of the B urton spent the w~k-end with A playlet. "The Eleven th Mayor " displays of these products which was given to prp mote peace. are housed in Ontl of the finest RoxlJ,l1na anllJng mpany M'arvin Fox, of Pekin, Illinois. An address by F rancis Brown on op ned thi' morlljng fOJ: , the canbuildings on the grounds. .l\ft.. and Mr~. Roy ~o~~son, of I"Wor~ of ~riends in Other Lands" "The achievements ef thousands ! ning "easOII and is I'unning :Cull of thc outstanding boys and gil'ls rOtCe. According to offiCial an- WillOUghby, OhIO. are VISIting re la- was g Iven 10 a most interesting fl'om farms and cities, displayed in nouncemcnt the plant at Roxanna tiv-es in Waynesville and Lebanon. land instl'uctivemannerSeeond' Day the Junior Fair, cr~nt~ a? incentive will be opened Monclay. ., H , B race InlOrning. Mr, an d MI·S. CI'1f , I ru r B ]n the evening • J . Frallk• for all the youth. ,r hls 18 the mo t . - - - --were din ner g ue t of MI'. and Mrs I I.n. . rown, a native o~. this al~able !e!'ture of the Ohio State [I SMITH- PENNINGTON Charles A. Kelble of Xenia Wed- vlclmty, ~ave an ~dd res.s on · Bome F~!r. . . ., ---""dn e . " I Bnd Famlly" wh ich wa ll a r eal The Ohto Stai.e Fan Eoys . A very 1,)1' tty. wedding Will!'! n ~'" y venmg_ . . and an )Dcenl h ea, t t 0 heart ta Ik Band and numerc)us clean and I sole mnized at the Church of 'Mi s Sue Cnne is at the tive to more a nd better homell. wholesome actll and attractiobl! I ... . '" W d d b k h' I ,,1'1 . t 1[1 4' erry op e nes ny, alp t~ rna e t LS 11 we! .balanced Aug ust Ii, nt 2 o'clock when. Miss home of Mr. and Mrs . E. S_ : 'Xhird Day mo rning t he younger to Daniel educational and (>nt; expo G · P' d h f Coleman and ,family, in Cincin. memberl5 journ ~yed ."" race ennmgton. aug tel' 0 nati. . i Underwood's w here volley ball Wal sitlon. M an d M: H C P . ____ _ _ .~ ~s. 'b .~nDl~~n . played. From . there they we nt to Rev. G. C. Dibert a n d family Bunnell's camp n ear Ce.ul'll 0 erry, ,:came e ,rI eo · r. Wurren SmIth of Bowhng Green. re turned week a/tel' a two Creek where an excellent breakYoung ~ I T.he ce~emony ,~as pert?rmed week's viSit tQ I'elatives at Mc- fast was served. The , by the bndeg1'ooUl s 111 the co~b, Ohio. Frien ds' session was held in the Pl'. senc& of a f~w, rel~ttves a~d Miss Perle Riley lind Miss afOOr noon. The Y. F. M. swim mini fl'l~nds, t~e bl'lde S SIster, MISS Lucille Millel' are enjoying a. party at. the Fost er ' home was at~.OIS Pennt~gt1n. ~aYin~ the ~~~- motor trip through Norlbel.'n Ohio tended by a large number of _ I?g mal·c.. not er .Slster, 1 e and Easte.rn states. persons and was one of the most MI Henrietta P nmngton 'Was enjOYable occa sions of the sellion. 1111',. Elmer Sheellan ,pe nt Tues- fl llwel' tid and !ittl Pickje Mr. and Mrs. Howa rd ArchdeaAnother m eeting f or won hll\ daY I with MI'S. Elli ~1 lure and Han ey, n~phew of the bride, W8.OS con spent Sunday in Greenville,' wall held Fourth Day mornin, and family near Springboro. ring bearer. the g uests of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. was well attendM. Many comThc brid egroom j; a minister of Lonas a nd daughter. Mrs. Joe ThompSQn, of West munications from, other Yearly ,Jefferson. Visited h ' I' hu band and the Chut'ch of Chl·ist. Meetings malic a war m cur rent of Mrs. S. D. Henkle nnd Mrs. Ml'. and ' Mrs. Smith will mlllte othol's here over the week-end. interest, fre ndllness and good will. Russell SalisbuJ'y are hostesses to Ul oir home in Cincinnati. which flowed f rom t heir hearts to a gro up of frie nds at a steak roast Mrs. Ed Hopkin and M'r . Carl ours and cheered and inspired all tonight a t Miller's camp. mith fife in McCl ellan hospital Interest in slluerkt-aut should to ren~ed efforts. Xenill. whel'e lhey were taken for increase following the confirmaMembers were present f rom the O. J. Edward, Miss Marjorie ob rvation. tion of thl.' finding of two Ameri- and George Edwards of Springfield val'ious Monthly Meetings and MI". and 1If1's. Walter he han can scientists that kraut contains wore uoday gUe5ts of Misses among t he vil5itors we re Anson L. Ga rdner lin d wife, Edith 11. and and son, Wllrren and Mi Hclen vitamil) C. Th·~ report th t t.his vit Trillena und Ma rgaret Edwards. daughters. J!:li zabeth A. and Edith I'ock tt attended the X nia lair amin WilS pl'esent was made in 1933 lind was disputed. It now ill MI'. ' and Mrs. Wallace Treadwa y M. of Genes Yearly Meetin,; J. ).'riday evening. reported that cabbage, cauhflow"'e-:;' r,+aa';;n'T"tl'OTle son spent Sunday with Fran klin BroW1l\ and wife of Mr. and !\frl;, Jlalph Or egor carrot.~,· nnd some other veyetables Mr. ~.nd Mrs. Le McCll(in of neaf New York Yearly Meetinli Ruth nnd MI'!!. J . W. Hn:yni ·, of Colum- have ahigher content of the Lebanon. Corbi n and Barbara P ea rson '01 UU S, were 'undny visitors <lit the vitamin \\lhen cooked than when After n. two weeks' visit to Philadelphia Year ly . Meetin•• h\lme of M.r. snd Mrs. J. It mith. I !lW. retatives in Waynesvill e Ilnd vicin - Thomas Ken nedy from the Ad· ity Miss Helen CoLeman returned vancement Commit tee in Phil.del. to her home in Cincinnati Su nd ay phia; Thoma!> Taylor of Baltimore " ' Y e a rly Meeting ; Alfred H. Cope Mr. a nd Mrs. ETnest Butt er- from t~ Ch i~o branch of the worth and Mr. and Mrs. F rank F I'iends' Service Committee and Hess . left Tu~day morning 011 a Charles r, Hopkins of CinCinnati. motor trip, through t he southeast. - - - - .- ( Q[:)D AHO UNUS'UAL RECENT BRIDE HONORED Mr. a nd Mrs. E. C. Miller. n ee WITH KITCH£N SHOWER Blanch.. Riley, were honored with




I ;~~~tI~~e:~~:~~~~. i~~(:o:n~~af~~:r1. LOCAL CANNING PLANT :~~ !~~;~ni.s ;~:d~e~~~~yt~t"0l;~~.~ 0PEN EDT 00AY


£ ;J


, 0 erN ' iI , I.

~~=~~ ~~~~3~









U,, .



a serenade by about fifty of their ¥ rs. M. F . Weltz and Mil8 Doria (rien ds tind neig hbors, Monday Haw1cJe were hostesses at a kitebell night. shower at the home of M'n,. Lee Hawke Tuesday e'lehing, for )(n. Mrs. D. L. CI·arie. Mr. a nd Mrs. E. C. Crane a nd chi ldr n were sup- Don Hawke. a reeent brJde. The per gUe.!its of Ml\ a nd Mrs. E. S. eve ning was spent jn . playin. Coleman in Cincinnati, Sunday bridge. After tbe guest of honor had ope ned her gifu, dainty re- ' evening. freshments 'Were served. . Mr . and Mrs. I rvin Mulford and Those ' present were, M1'II. Dave childre n, Mr . alld Mrs. RUBsel Anderson a~ MiSs Lu Anden01l Wilson and childt:en were aupper of Kingman; tlf'ra. Fral\cetI 1.oula. gUests of Mr. 'and Mrs. Stanley Goddard, Lebanon i M,.. 1;, 1'. Bail y of Lytle, Sunday evening. Mrs . Al Polinlq / ICn. John Ke llley, Mrs. Ethan Crane. Miss Elizabeth C ollett~ of PittsMrs. Melvyn Banta. . Ml'II. lin. bUI'g, attend~ t he Collett-McKay Boyd Hende1'llOn, lira. Lew. picn ic on, Sa tur day and was the guest over S unday of her brotber ThompllOn, Mila Betty Henkle' uct Mrs. M. L. Panhalh Dan Co llette and family.



--- ... ...- --

Mr. and Mrs. John Gon s had as IMPRESSIVE RITES their dinne r peats Friday even· CONDUCTED BY O. IE. '.' inr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. GODa, Mrs. KathrJll Tumlr, F. B. BI. The uh_ .., ...... ,. ., ....... deraon and lIutir Jlatthn ZilJllllenDan, ..Iae .....


1Ii11 Lola Pennlqton. "'Q8IIwr of Mr. and ..... B. Co ......... rem", .otto. laS

til. hom. of law ... .." .. Aqe1... Ju~ ';



44.17 Trustees, medical servicelC. $48.- bottonl, .nd eieht 'eet wide on the A.... F ... S . .pll.. M. Farrl", deceQ8(.·d, wa. Blanche 511; • McDowell, food, $5. 00; G. tOJl. It will reeuire about elrbt feet approved. pcr.·~ in Ham Information ptheretl b)' the B. Juhnson. office !!uPJ'llit's. 1101., of length tor each month that .u· Thc utah' or I,olu Mo Btl.nCI'., c(lldcd Auglll<t 3, feder~1 Iivelltock-f~d agency in dec~alll'd, waa found to be exe mp t R. C. unll .'usi M. Alexnnd('r. 30; Th(' ()ft'ice Outfitter.• f;taplCls Ilge is to be ted, Kansas City indicates that Dmple $1.00; . The from inhel'ihmcl' tax. to lhe Siallda ril iI Co., "eal ce· fOI' nudi lor!\ oft'lee, teed supplies will, be avaiioblE' for fitford Cadwallader. ('xecutor' in li'nmklill Recorded Aug- Johnl'on-Watson Co., 150 cigarette Iivutoc k ownorR for the rest of the APplicat iOIl!! tor auditor, $:1.00; (lf'thl.' l' tate of Waltet' Caclwnlla- ust a. Commop Ple.t Pl"Oered...... New Suiq d I', dec as ' d, filed hill inve·n lory. Sarnh E. Bnxwell to Geol'ge Bur- 1<;v ~ybody' Qf!'ic (!·s, l ' Mis Hazel Rich'ardsoll of Ramil year and until pnstul'c i:l availabl _ _ I Frt'chl. TIignfili . filed .1'. suit A cef~ifi d copy of the t'n ry de 80n ond Oliv~ Burso n 100.79 ncres 60c. to n, and Miss Kathleen Thompson in 1937. The office was catavi· In th ('Me nf Iyu(' Gn·t\I ~1 ('r· ,11{IIj11 !<t Eldon llighfill f ot dlVorM. tcrmininj:\' Lhe inl1 ritance tax on in Turlll' reek township. Recot'dof Lebllnon, spent tiM: wee k-e nd 1i1! when drollth condltilms with Mr. and MrS. K. E. Thomplon aft'ected wellt r n and north central Il U . fo:lh 1 Gt('cJy, (IPlllicnti')11 of dc , The c1'dl\rg~ is I!F,I:""l'" nefg.IIE'Cdt. .t the ('~tat(! of John Whalen, deceas- d Aug. 4. l\hl ll l' JIIY In ey I e a SUI \I, is to he ccrtifi d without deJay E.1\\ I1rd Snnolc and atherine Mr. ceil BCPllon at payton, I.~ states. fl,,,/lnn! fell' mlldi1\ atil1n 01' dcc t'c fillain:-t Chllrlc S. j.'lnII.'Y 'Cor a The inventol'Y of Wilmot Gustin, nook to Ralph IJ. Roll, real s.. confln d to the hQme ot his mother wa I' fu; eo. nHll1~·. IIdl11inistl'lltor with the will nnnex· tat in L bnnQt1. Recorded Aug.4. 1o.11·S. Ethel Benson. ~u jt was fil d by Agnes Al- 01.1 of the state of M. E. Ou tin, Mike ertich 1.0 Fall en Can,pIn HI a,,(1 (J( Mnu.tI rll~' F inl"> Several attended all day meetv r~l1S 1\1\1'1. S. Filll~y, henril1~ h('r.t,o,)n ~ninst Albel't Albertson il CEOa ct.l, wall approved. bell and Jda. CnmI,bell. 99 per in ing at Wayl\esvill~, Ohio, on last I · The w,'[1 6f I - " ..ft .' Add n M,' lIer, Massie township. RecOl'ded Aug. 4. Pi-oYicle Economical Meant of Sunday.' 1)1' n'lt> ion of plllnW\, ;lS to) nJ i- fol' d worce. CI'l\('(! Ii tIrie filet! a suit deceased, wo odmitted to court. A. B. :teV(>TIS sild L. B. Keepinl Cora €rop ill Fine Con· vOI'a} 06ttended the community many nllli attorn y f s i!< 'set for nil: in!<l R'nlph Heddc for divorce. In the cas of E}~ie Alle n, od- Sievcns to Ada D. Stuckenburg, c1ilio n For Feedinlf sale at Lebanon. . HIC. 10, 1£" G. Tnt' charI,:' is graM neglect of mini tratl'jx of the cstate of Ray- 110.70 acre in HamUton town· ~r. and Mr . Howard McKay are "THE HOME OF CIFTS" The III*' of Vh,jan York yursU l' duty. mond Allen, decease d, ver us Elsie ship. Recvl'ded Aug. 5. Te ts made by Ohio farm rs vis.iting in California. Leban,!n, Ohio )0;\' -r It Yllrk i~ diFmi~~etl. "l1it W II filed by Robert L. Allen, et al,. sale or real e tate . H. Y<lung, 1, ustee, to Pen'rl and by the agricultural enginAnna Bondurant hl8 returned L. Maham, relll tate in 'l'ur- cri ng department.. of Ohio Statll horne after visiting in W III!hinr· divol'c wa grant~d ihc plain. Bo\\' n. sllpcrintendent of in, ur- as ordered. EXPERT WATCH llff in the Cllse of Nom. I? Orake nnce, again t William . Romobr, Sales by W_ ehe tel' Maple ad· t1ec~ek town . hip. Aug. 5. UnivN.'si y prove that.n trench silo ton . REPAIR INC . Onltan. ('t aI, for monoy and foreclosure. ministrator with the will annexed Iyd& E. Haw y to Albert.. Sess is a very practical way of pr ~ Dogan el'~US Wilbur In tile ca~c ~f J hn T. Harbille, Th amount claimed wns $1,772.- of the esta.te of Le Fevre, de. lind Myrt.le Se!;s, 38.50 acrcs in sCl'v ing ensilage. .11'. , vt>rsn~ Raymond 1ni~ous. 55. ceased, were approved. TurtlecreE'k town~lhip. Most of the trench ailos al'e Pr()mpt Service (.t al . judgllll'nl in the um of suit WlIS filed by Ro~tt , L, Th e i?$tate of Nancy Bou'rI1~, deWilliam Ecto'n tlnd Zorll Ecton built in clay soil but the 'on at Store open until 9 p. m. ~14 .22 Wtl$ nllowed t he plaintiff B \ en, upet'intendent of insu\,- C('Q.S d, was found to be ex mpt to WaltertcKn ight, r eal e tate the University was built in a (rom the defendants, Raymond . allee, again st Paul K. oth, at aI, f~om inher!t~nce tax. in Harveysburg. ltecorded Aug. 5. gravel ledge or ban.k, an4 th 1l1in ou~ nnd Virginia 1\1'ainous. 101' monllY and f oreclosure. Th e In the matter of the estate of Edna . R. KnnI'p to AlbeTt C. silage appeared to be of as good Orchjlrd men of Warren Coun. In the CMe of bl\rles Watkins omouot cloimed wus 5,391.G7. LoIn Mo teller, deceased, sal of Davidson and Ora F. David on, quality as ,in th silos where the V(l\'SllS A. C. pllrkl! and Vada Walt r H. Biggs filed a s uit stock is ord red. real t! tate in 'furtlcreek town- the soi l was heavier. This silo was ty were In.vited to attend the sum· Ask for a Spark. , application to postpone ~\~inst G rtrude Biggs for div· Howard Archdeacon and Ralph ·hip. Recorded Aug. 5. fill d be,tween ptembel' 27 and mel' meeting of the Ohio State F Ie was granted. orce.The charge is gr.o s neglc-ct E. Miller were appointed cxe- I Earl hinn and Ada hinn to 30 and the eorn was 0 dry t hat Horticultura] Society at the VanMiamilbur. Permanent In the ea 0'( the Union ntrol <If i1l1t)o': cutors of the state of Adda Mil· Helen S. Harlow, 24.20 acres in wllter was added a it went into dervoort Orchards, Greene CQun· Concrete Life Insurance 0., verSllS R. ler, deceased, and filed bond of Clearoreek towTIShi}). Recorded the i10. ty, Thurs.~ny,. August 1~. The orPl'Obate Court $2,000 with sureties. E, D. Gra- Aug. G. The trench was about 50 feet chard, whIch IS throo mIl s 8outh· Wilds Gilchrist, et nl, ' form r Air Seal Burial Vault pctition WIU conected and post:.AnLon FU Cl':jt was apopint~d ham, harles l<"itts, and J ohn Mc· Jud on J . Galllllher anti Flor· long, 12 fCEt wide at top, and ' west of Jamestown, ' is under the For Sale only by pon mont of ' I) ale was ordel·e~. admillistrator of the estate of An- Cullough were appointed approis- cnc e Gullahel' to ,James E. Bu t kCl, sloped to a idth of 6 feet on the l management of J. B. Lane, covel'S inlot No. . Ill) in Univer ity b ottom where the trencll was '7 35 acres and contains 1,000 apple Your Funeral Director divorce was granted the pIn in- nn Fuer~, deceoased, and filed ers. tiO' in the ea~e of William G. bond of $500 with sureties. Fred The will of Ji. L , Kratzer, de· Reigh Subdivision, Recorded fe t dee.p. R. . Miller ot the Agri- trees of more. thl\lI twllnty val'· cultural ngineering tlepartme nt. ieties. The trees ani'e i(\ age from Colli ns versus Bv Iyn R. ollins. O. Jam~s, H. E. Warwick, and ceased was admitted to court. Es- Aug. G. McClure .Funeral Home In the case oi Federal UniQn Jo epll Zimmerman were oppoint,. ie !aud Boone and Lulu Etta Clyde E. Greenly to Ethel E. ays th~ side walls should be 18 to 33 years and a crop of ap· Life Insu ranc.e Co., vers us David cd appraiser. Parker wer appointed executrices Greely, real egtate in Hamilton .sloped inward even if the walls are l?roximately 8000 bushels is expect Pho_ 7 W.,••• ,rlll., O. The inventory of E. C. Jeffery, no' bond being required. township. Aug. n. to be- reinforced 'with brick or ed in this years barvest. ApproxMorris. te aI, the rec iver wa s dischs r~ed and case d' ini sed. l'ec.u tor of the estate of Gran· , Elmire Shawhan,et al. exeR. W. Tnylor to RoseAnna concrete. The silage appears to ima.tely 90 % of the crop Is sold ~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!'!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ cutor of the estate of Robert J. Taylor, real estaie in Franklin. pnckbetter a it settie against at the f~rm. Shawhan, deceased, filed t hei Recorded Aug. G. p-ack bettcr a it settles . a.gain t The tour of the orehard st4rted chedule of debts. The Federal Land Ballk or the walls and elimina tes air pock- at 10 a. m. and Mr., manager In the case o.f William All· Louisville, to Inez Meehan Black; et!i. ,of the orchards, explained .~e meyer, administrator of the estate 105.37 acres in W/lshing-tol1 town-' The silag at ttl Univer Ity was methods used to produce the frUlt. of Adam Allmeye'r, deceased, lIhip. Recorded Aug. 6. packed by running a r ubber-tired Visitors in!lpec tod. the 8,000 Emma E. Barnett to E. V. Barn- tractor over the silage while t he bu hel 8tora~e, bou~ and th~re versus Fred Allmey r, et al, con· firmation, deed, anti distribution bart inlot No. '5 in Wayn.~ville. silo was being filled. Enough was an. Xhlblt . of comm,e rclal were allowed. Walter Harrington to Frank silage was placed in the t.rench so orcbardtng eqUlpment and supThe adjudication and deterrnin· Kapper and Mutilda Kaper, real that it extended two filet above the plies. ~ Rt'J01' FOR AND CONSIG" atlon of the inheritance tax on estate in Deerfield town~hip. Re- ground surface but the timb 1'8 had Lunch was 8e~"Hd on the ground ,our caWe, bOJIL .hHp a..d ealv,. the estate of El ie A. Ertel. de- corded Aug. 8. been placed along the sides $0 following which Mr. Lane to Nom..8rock CI.., U.,. ".,. and ceased, is to be giv~n to all per----the llage was 0111y a foot above on the "Development and Manage. pr"creaalve trtl fl)l' the h ........ ' MuiriaC'1I!I D ~ ons I·nterested. them. Two inches of poor quality men t 0 f ,th e V4Ul dervoort Or- market prleee alld !riled The adjudication and Laurence C. Branham, office hay was chopped ond ploced on ehards" and W. B. Baughman of U.I.a Stock Y.rd.' Ciacla_t!, O. ation of t he inheritance tax on clerk of Frankl!in, lind Mi.iS K~th- the s lloge. Thb was co.vered with New Concord spoke on "Increasing Tune In on Radio statton W\iltY 12 :215 to 12 :80 p. m. fO.r our claU, the estate of J e ie LeFevre, de- l'y n E. O'Donttelll, stenographer, of Lx inches of straw. A covering the Co~sumer demand tor Applts". market reporte. ceased, is to be given to all per_ Fra nklin. AugA. . of dirt was placed on the straw Fruit . men from Central an4 sons Intel'e ted. - --- but results indicated that the Southern Ohio were in attend- ::::::::::::~~~::::::::::::=~~ The will of Anna L. CadwaJlaBill. Allo_d dirt was useless. nnce at this meeting. der, decea~ was admitted to Lyle Blank Book C:., loose The silo was opened in Decem• - - --_ . . court. leaf record, 32.50; F . J. Heel' ber nad the l~t f ding was t-akInOClllal. Seecl The inventory .o f Russel W. Prtg. Co., applications for aid for en out June 1. An 18·inc'h ver- . Failure to inqculate seeds of Urton, eecutor of the estate of needy children, $3.75; F. J. Heel' t lca ' I S I'Ice was remove d wh en t he legumes before planting tbem t_ ... fit'st opene d b ut it took 5 responsible for many failures to M Ii. all. A"'derllon, deceased, was Prtg. Co., applicati ons for aid fOl"1 81 0 was apPI·oved. Wright, mileagE!, $10.40; Harry Z. or SlX • days t oee f d t h'IS amount af get seedings, according to R. H• I In the matter of the t'-State of Gray, rent, $fi.OO; The Famous . ge an d' ~ . faun d more prac- Morrish, agron~mis\;, Soil ·CQn· George R. Sage, de.ceased, $200 Auto upp y (:0., ,f la m Ig an tical to expose only an 8-inch sel'vation Service, Zanesv:il1e. The h' h cou Id ' b e f ed ID . two cost of inoculating Beed enouch to was ollowed for trustees compen- shells, .$ 3.85; 'The Ft'ed Wagner). S IC~ W IC sation. Frederick W. , Hinkle, 00., tape, $7.11; Donald Hartley, da ys. Very I' tl f h , It . 0. 0 t e eMi Iage plant an aCrll 01 ground is only a trustee, filed his fifth account. pulling truck, $2.00; J. K . Spencer SPO I'1 e d. . few cents, and .seed should be L. H, Rit2 was appointed ad· sa nd and gravel, $290.05. Trench i10s can be built with treated unles8 the ground bal prev ' ... ;s·~ator of t ,.., l. - estate of VI'ola Van Camp Stone Co., !jand and Phone 78J · ml· ." u , a pIow and a craper. To store sil. lou sty produced • lucceesfu) crop I G. Ritz, decea ed, and filed bId grav ·I, $419.79; Compton Garage, age enough for 19 cows thc trench of .the legume. Vetcb and A)falCa , ;;;-=~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ of 11500 with sureties. Gri y gaso I me, $8,8~1; James Servi e h Id 'I' ou fi be approximat Iy six feet need Inoculation as weU as Ilover Crander, Paul Lackens, and J vw noe· S tation, l-abor, s upplies and ga so- ISdeep, . i e t wide ve or SIX at the and alfalfa. • • ,phine ellel'S were appointed ap. line $18.95; The Gallion Iron 'IOTAIlY PUBLIC praisers. WO\'k Mig. Cob., Galion 6 planer ."........ =-= ;:=======;:=======-'"="" 'l\l'attie E .. Hollcroft was ' appoint- complete, $87.5.00; The York Sup" ....... 8_11 ad minist rator of the estate of ply Co., suppli(!s and brake. lining, ..... On.. . • . latat.. S.atl" Homer D. Hollcroft, deceased, and $37.00; The Lincoln Electrjc Co., W.YNESVI~. OHIO filed bond of $1,000 with sure- electric 'Wel d, $2.01; Ivins-Jameson ties. Edmon Stewart, L. D. Rar- Drug Co., acid ' and brush, 35c I'old and Charle Stewart were Sam. Smith Junk Yard, glass appointed appraisers. $1.25; Lewis l\:[otor Mart Co., sup, C. E. Fox. adm~nisttator of the pli es, $8.56;. Tb e Klinger·, ••••••••• p ...... , • e. estate of Mary C. Fox," deceased. plumb hamm-er, 83c; Smith Serfiled his application for a certi- vice Station, oil, $30.41; Helen POll SALK Doughman, bl'd. and care Clif!'ord ficate of transfer. The resignation of Lawrence S. DOUghman, $5; Mrs. Ira Eltzroth, li'OR SALE- White Rocl!; Fryers Shawhan, administrator of the brd . .and care Alice Starkey, $5.00 Two Iba. up. Jack Boli11. Town· e~tate of Annie Crosson, deceased, Jas. Moot'e, btd. 'al1d care. Lucy ship Rd. d3-20was accepted. The administrator Moore, $5.00; Mra. Mlngaret FOR SALE-Fresh Jersey ·cow. is to file his account. " Jon es, brd. ard ca'r e Ollie Gardwith 5th ealt_ Fra.nk Braddock. Margaret L • .Martin, executrix ner, $5.00; Mrs. Julia Rolland, j30-aG-1Sof the estate of Webs~r E. Wool- brd. and ure Vernon Bolland, wine, deceased, filed her appli- $10.00 FOR SALE-Student's Flat Top STOCK cation fol' a certificate of trans. Mrs. Dma Knox, hrd. and care Deek. J. B. Chapman., Wayne8. TANK fer. Aug. 8. Walter Barlow, $11.001 Miss Oma ville. Crace Spence, allminitratrix ot Knox, brd. and care Frank BallingSPECU'L SALE - Modern.tlc Mrs. Eldon Short, the estate of A. D. Smith, dece-&s. er, ~11.00; Enamelware, dish pana, tea Thi. home·Il\:·de, bal'l'eI coolct! CIIl\ bt _ .. at _an COltinventory. A' u g.8. brd. and care Rllby R,eam,' $5.00; ed, filed hl!t , . recommended, provided cold ,,'atcr i. rUllnln. through it .... kettl .." .,..ter btick~ta, combineta, The estate of ,Mary .Amand6 Office Outfitt(~rs, oftice supplies of .,lbe time. Provide fot ~e barrel cooler if poedbla., larce kettl.. and dippers, 49c each The. Great A. " P. Tea Gustin was found to be exempt U.OO; item• . See our window. R. D. from inheritance tax. Co., food and 'milk, $247.65; L. H. The barrel cooler a8 il)ustratcd here is ealY to make. Collett Hardware, WaJllesville. Lewis O. GUBtin and Sylvan E. B~own, food, :$ 6.00; Elmer Collis, $1.60 ' Ire~e Cale, food j lat , Get a barrel of U:e proper sh:J from the grocery store-nothln. PIPE, VALVBS "4 I'1TTINGS Gustin, administrators with the mIlk, smaller than a 50.g/lllon barrel should be llSed. Cut it :iown to wi)] annexed of the esta.te of Ma~ $6.00; J. T. Deardojf, sbelter, for Water. CJu Steam Wella the size specified, as shown abate-net kas th3n 25 Incht!ll ~h. Amanda GUIlti'D, deceased, filed $10.00. and Sp,aJlq. Ciatena band, Elea- . their application .for a. certificate J. M. Ea~hart, shelter, ,10.00; 2nd The necessnry pipe and fittinls may be obtaJned from your hard· trio a.d Spra7 pampL Phmlbtnc .. ware store a.t small CC!l~ (show the hardware' man the picture; a..tiq 8uppll.. lowest pfle. alld of transfer. They also filed their Franklin Foocl Market, food and it will be of assistnnee In (l'ettlnl th.e proper fittln.g.). "&put QuaUt7 at The BoeIdet.. first and final account. milk, $25.20; Frankln Ice and Kiq Co., Xenia, Ohio. Wrltte , as In the case of Frances Weber Fuel Co., £uel,$6.5:0; A. D. Grape- 3td most fa I'ma .t herc ~'C onoulh miscellaneous boards from w~icb far prleea. JIll and Florence Cortelyon, a.dminis. vine, food, $1~~.00; Griswold BJ"O$., the rack and stand elm be built. ' tratric~s of the estate .of Harry . H. Neces, $6.96; J. H: HendSprong, d~ell.Sed .' versus Margaret ricks, food, $41.00; W. J. Hendrb, 4th By following the ilIu!\trlltion liS shown, It will 'require the mini· mum amount of time to build this barrel cooler! ' M. ~l1man et al confirmation milk, $3.00.; Bertha Hines, food deed and distributio'n were ordered and milk, $31.10; Mrs. Roy Hud· SthLocate the b:ll'rel cooler near the pump-betwe<:n the pump and FOR RBNT-6 room hou8e, lltrhts lion,' milk and shelter, ,20.40; Ray the tank 1'or watering the sttX!k. and water. Manila Cool(. a4'$ 49.00; Kroger Re&I Ettat. T ....d.r. .. Kautz, food, After you have used the barre] cooler for a short time YOll will wonder FOR RENT-Fin "aIM on 4th Irene BelVer to Marpret Grocery and Baking Co., food and how you ever got alone without it. In addition to cooling cream and ItNet. Modem, with bath and McDowll and Wallace McDowell milk, $132.80. keeping it cool, thi! burel i8 about the handiest thing for keeping per. inlot No. 55 in Snidercrest Sub- Mason Market I. G. A., food, ishable foods cod . s\:ch ::8 fl'csh Il1i11:, cream, butter, eRs and meat for hot water ' heat. J(n. .Joat. Whitdivision. Recorded Aug. 7. Julia D. Munger, shel. your own home use. In !act, that pe.rt of ita u &c fuln ~ss will more than aker or Marion Whitaker, 4th. 8t., $11.25; Wayneavlll., O. jl.-tf Jobana B. Lowe to H. G. Lowe, ter, $10.00; Mary Powell, milk, repa, for the small C08t of the barrel cooler. Robert Reichel, food real eatat~ in Union and Turtle- $1.60; Keep Clean creek township.. 8,.e(:orded Aug.B. '20.75; Horace Shaner, milk. ,8.20 Emn, J. Thaekara to John T. Oliver Smallwood, ' tood, $12.00; Duet .and dirt are ca.r rler. of baet81'1A that Ipoil cl'C!am. Keep cream Phillip., inlota Nos. 'and ' 15 in L. W·. Smith, f~od t29.GO; RaJ'· 01... and free from dud aDd dirt of all kind•• WANTED- SewbIa: IaclteI or Springboro. Recorded AUPlt S. mond TayloJ, food, '9.00. Tracy'. claU4ren'. elot1I., qaUt plecbll, Keep c;AoI WlIJlam Stoneham to N. F1o),d Gr~e.,., food, $8.71; A. B. TunCoolJDc ereaa prom tll removel all almal heat and ke : plng It eool ~".u. or _......, 'W& Templin, real ..tate in Turtle- n, shelter, $'.00. retarda tH II'OwtIt and denlopment of ltGeterla and etth:r orpnltrns 1'.,. KeJIQo. ...............11• .. creek townlhlp. Recorded AUl1let , WrJcht'.....:rDIL wllleh ca... pool' quality erea& I. $78.'10; WAlN'l'lP-Tw

;"':;;:~~"';'';''''::'''------------------il ville




--------Beech Grove



Cary' Jewelry Shop

. . .y .- ..

-----_ ..---





r 'M a rt-In Auctioneer.


. ,


Centerville, Ohio



This Barr I .Cream-Cooler Is A:d To Farmers



Quality Prlntln8



The Miami




Hutr Cook ~ Voau D.







------ - - - - - - - -

- - - - - ----venin"


at this week.

·h.... Thornall has r turned to thl! State hlll\pital, Dayton, for tr(\utm~ lit altd ob"er' ·~ lion.


ISSUED ,EVERY THURSDAY OtIc. PlIo. ......... . .... " ...... No. 112 Ent.r d at Po.tottlee at Wa,n ••L I tl P I '110 :ernnd 1;1. ., Mall . • Y _. ville. OhIQ, a.-MaU*" S UD,cr p 0. r ce,

COLUMBUS (Speelal)-Visltora tloa and alllllatance which bave to t~e 86th Ohio State Fair at eo. come to me from organizations and lumbu!, August 81. throu,h Sep- Individual, throughoul the state in AUGUST 13, 1036 tember 4, can look upon the e,xpo- ananring the deta illt for thia .ition as a picture of pro,s peritJ, FACTORIES VS. AUTOMOBILES illY' Earl H. Hanefeld, director of agricul~ure, under wbose personal During recent yenr,', the indu ~tJ'ial accident I' cord--both as to slI;pcrvillion flnal arrangements tor fr quency and s verity of nccic1ent.!- ha steadily cI clin d. More the huge Fair are being made. and mOl'C manufll Luring com»Mies nre OT) tating mont.h after month "The Ohio State Fair is one of without a lIingl<" rop()rtuble mi ~ hap, Unlcs sall Rigns foil, 1036 \\ ill Ohio's oldest institutiona," says witnefls still 'Ildidli onnl improvement over the prec ding years. Hanefeld. , "For eighty.six years it luring th sn nl , p dod, the nutomobll accidel!t record has grown has broadcast to the citizens of this ,t almy wor.~. More accitlentll occur nel result in graver injll1:i , and othcrr states the superiority of It now!': ems lik ly thnt lhe death toll :fOI' 103G will be the great, at Buckeye products. It has taught in hIstory, ond wilt paas the 3G,000 1U1I1·k. the stOry of education and progress Why should [aclod 11I g~ow more safe while highways grow mor in a way that could undel'tand. dangel'ouI'1 It can be al<gued that COnRant progl' 86 is being made in ' "The Ohio State Fair of 1930 gULlrding hawrdous machinery. So it i_but constant progress is will go down in history as one of likew~e bing nlad e in improving cats and roadwav, . the largest and finest 'exposition3 The r III explanation of the an omaly can b& exprcssed in that we have ever staged. It will Th Ulark the turning point of Ii. new em word : e "human l{'mellt." Factory manag n have be n cra in American agriculture and un l\.(laring of time, mon y e nd effort in infltalling ' ''safety conscio\1s- indu stry. ncs .. int.o work 1'11, The cong&nitally. carel '$ employe, who riskS' t.he "This year, our Fair will preliv It of othllr workmen a wen as his !,lwn, merits and receives dis- sent a picture of prosperity. Thtl BARL H. HANBFBLD missal. A workman who '\\'on'l/ absorb the doctrine of "N vcr toke progress of our nation and the a chance" has no plnce in Il m dcrn :factory. prosperity of our people are reflectDirector of AII:ricultuN 'l'he motori t, on the contral'Y, is not similarly re tricted. If he ed in the industrial and manufacwllnts to be r ckl as, it. is up to him. True, we h;.ave traffic lll.w,~ turing exhibits, the livestock show year'l exhibition, 'Tbis splendid but no , tate or city can employ enough peacc officers to ke p a ch ck ' and the tlisplay of farm products. contribution, together with the on all drivers. And ib is an unfortunate iact tl'lat th most reckl . "The beautiful exhibits whlcb ve"t1 fine publicity that the news ddving practices nre usulllly pLlnished with only a small fine. 11'0 made by the boys and girls are papers of our state bave given, bas Men who would i'll stanly fire a workman who was carel BS in a tribute to the- supremacy of our made the Ohip Stat'D Fair the out· op \ some ma hine, daily r~ k dozens ot acciden while driving state. Ever), effort has been made standing agricultural and' indus· N t unW public .opinion forc Il the motor,i st to "thin,k saf~ly lind to encourage youth to participate tt'ial ex~osition on the American drive . afely" wlll t.he automobile ccident toll be m asurably reduced. in our exposition. Their achieve- continent. ments hav/} received nation.wide 8 :00 Program onl nt and weather forecast. attention. All who observe their ..It ia my hope that tho week of 8 :05 hnmnaign ouniy 4-,I{ lub Pl'ogram- Members direcLed by displays are inspired by their ac- August 81 to September" will im, D. D, Dowds nod Mi88 Jan ~ Ulrich, C~rnty E nsion All' nt eomplillhments and know that the press you with the greatne" and Ut'bana, future of American IIgriculture reso'urcefuln~ss of our state, I in. will rest secure upon their should. vite yOl,l to attend our expositio~. ers. You will enjoy and profit by con, "The pride that goes into the d&- tributing to a big:ger and better velopment of the Ohio State Fair Fair than we have ever held be is shown by the excellent coopera· fqre."



How ucce!'sfully minnow/' can be J,roPGlfllled in hio will be dc· tel mineu with the aid of u WPA lH' ()j cl recenlly b g un on th e hi o Stu lc Fair gl'ounds. In the intere ~t of pre, ervinK th foot! supply for lal'gel' fi ~h, the hi o lJiv i:ion of OD!;crvation will conduct exp('1'lm cnt!l in two pool. on the gro und s neal' the ell 1. 11th Avenue enlrance. A 12·inch Lile i b inA' laid by WPA : 0 the po ols can be dr uin J, cl ean 'd of debri~ and refill ed for t he l'eception of th e minnow . Th t- work tna.y nol be completed in lime for tbe Ohio t.ate Fail', ' b gi nning Augu.l 31. Minnows are npw being r!li ~ e d 81'Lifieilllly and suecesfully in se veral states. Nothirig similar has been attempted on 1\ scientific $eale irl Ohio, where the supply is tak n direct from the streams 'and to fi !:1 hel'men through dealers. The comm rc!,i,al mintiow busIn as i steadily growing, con >II. $el'iou8 menace to the upply of the larger 'fish," said director of Law]' nee Woodell, th e con rvation DIvision. The 1030 census of reports from commercial minnow dealer showed "ix and three-quartel'S millions of minnows taken f1'om Ohio stl'eams, Mr. Wood en saiq. If t he mi:nnow.raising oxper!m nt here is suct'lessful in a deg ree recommending continuance of the program, farmers MId other landownel's wi ll be en· couraged to engage in the Qctivity. A I'eadjuslment rather than elim8 :30 ome "f ur (n ect MUl\ician H E. E wine, Natul'&I1st. inatiOn of th comm ercial minnow 8 :40 Fnrm Home P ri d: Enrolling fn the School of Home E onomics Rto(l(ling, baCKing uJI on a hill 0 to a n avcl'ag ,of $2 2.5 \1, bu sin s is seen by COD ervation ~ I'e entl\tion by Mi.~1l lara Bancroft, SchoQl of Home well a s the observance of traffic *• * officials. 1'IIgns and signal, Lieutenant Ec()~omic!l. ' The state s undlty claims' board, "Art.ificial pl'ollagation mercly Itlea s and Items -MI'!!, Katbarin Cowgill, ;Ro011!' Economi t. Rall,h W. ALv' of the hi hway pa- of which DiJ'ectolr of Finan.ce M. will transfer the ource of the min, 9 :00 B !tin BattUng Cl'ub GrlUlM Now- G. M. Mc lor, GraRs Special. tl'ol headquarter staif' said. Ray A lIi~on is chairman, is con- supply for angler ," Mr. Wooddell Any person whose license is reist. ducting rcg-u lar weekly m etings I) :10 Th ' Bu. ines ilte of Farming- L. H. Barne!!, !tura.1 Economics vokcd und r the new law will not in order to keep up to date the pointed out. "At present, all of be entjlJed to another license until mat rs p rtaining ,to dnmage the minnows used in Ii hing are o partment. taken direct from the stream. th expiration t)f a 'fuJI year from 0:20 Or h Ittra, dir eted by Edwin t..ainbrOok. claims filed again st th~ sta le. The Under' artificial propagation, £i h9 :30 An Invitation to the tat Fair- Earl H. Hanefeld, Dir ctor of the date of r evocation , burden of the Q,l)ard's work ha~ ing minnows will come from th~ Agrloulture in charge ()f Ohio State Fair. . ••• i\1crca ed ~o mU ~l h that the fin- extra supply raised in captivity !I :40 Farm redi and the Feedl t--H. . ForByth, Production Credi.t An improved system of di tribu- anciul iQ,t.e l'est of the tate juS-: in th e pools, leaving the natural Assn., Colutnbu . ' tUon ot old age pension checks, tiry constdllt hearing on the alsupply of minnows in the streams 9 :60 to 10 Orch estra and weather for cast. which thil\ month ",ill be increased I ~ d claim, Dir ctor Allison as food for other fisb." Minnows now sell in the county ~=====~=~~~=~====~~~~~~~~=~~, on th? ex.ecutive ord~r of Governor assert . Approximately 500 hearMartlh L. Da" ey~ 18 p,lanncd by iug al' c nduct<.d a nnllally and r from four to six dozen for 25 ]~e ~~y J. ~rrodln, hlet of th.e the alllounts invQlved ra.nge from cent... , a price establi hed by com0 dl\'lslOn of aId for the aged. UntIl n f ew dollars to !Je,'eral thousa nd. petition as well as the present now .the checks to the 80~000 Ohio The claims jnclud,e prope,'ty dam- pr8.(ltice of taking the monniws pen.loners have beett. wTI.tten ace- age pc, ona l ",njury, defiQ;ency ~___________________________ 'I ordtng to the counties In alpha- ace unts and dis(luted contract full- grOWl! without the cost of rai ing th em. olu mhus, OhiO, Aug. -Prep:- Illw requires that drivers with beti~l ord?1" and po'led to the Qbligations. with out the cost of raising them. arations aM under way for the ex- 1000S thon one y ar's experienc be pen Sion r~ In county groups. As a • • • "Gr!ldual replacements of the . I'(' su lt in djac Ilt counties, s uch Ohio tnte Ulll'V rs \'ty' larnatul'al take by the artificial minaminai,on of mot.or vehicle oper- xamined. The state registrar of as an . lh e case 0 f All n and Van t.ree-shaded... campus will n" sume ", v now supply will tend to keep the ators in accordance with the pro- motor vchicJ~ at hi discretion Wet·t, on e c0 unt y wou Id r calve ' more of lin int ~lr natjonnl a pect commercia\ pl'ice ,stable, re,*rvvilli on ot the new Ohio drivers' may .,.... rant a license to anuJ per on th pllyn, n t·vo and t O m • Bome, e Uli summel', aCli)ordill/r to word license la~, whieh will become ";lore than eighteen yea'"! of age three .'Weeks before the other. In 1" ('(1 ived by the u,niversity officials ing to the fisherman his supply at rensonaLle- price, and at the clrective October I, it was reported who hils operated a motor vehicle suc~ In !\tonc~ hundred of com- from Bel'lin. J el;se Owens. Ohio a same time pre erving the nat.ural by olonel Lynn Black, I5Uperin- in a satisfactory manner for B plolnts would be made by pension- , 'tntt 's fam ed N ro nthelete, wndent of t he state highway pat- p~riod of not Ie s than one yea:r. ers who thought they h,9<1 been whe n ' he J·ctu.r:ns Irpm the fish food in the streams," Mr, , rol. Mtmbers of the patrol are now A person adjudged an habitual negleded, Mr. Berrodin _aid .. Un- Olympics will have with hi.m three Woodd ell said. '




DO S Plus Tills New.spap., .. A t Redu ce d Price


From the ,O ht·o Sta' te Capt"tol

dcl.". the new plan ?11 checks ~Ill .be mailed at one ?me, th Ill' t ?f each month. Th e checks which, III go out. September 1 will bc in.crea ed from an aver.age of 15 •.


mig Program For Exposition FQrm Week Waving field. of grain and iron ore and machinery will blcnd .ymbolically at the Gr~af Lakes £",po' . hion when Farm Week is celebrate<l at the Exposition fro~ August 17 to August 22. Agriculture and iadustry, which for th~ areatne.. of the Great Lakes arca, will 'have a holiday together in lhe fuU prograin whicb bas been arranged for the entire week, Doys and girtl of the ~ur..1 atea will have a chance 10 see at fiut hand how iron and .teel are made and how machinery is produced and their city cousil'ls in turn will learn abou the raisiuQ of the crops that provide Ihem with food and c1othin•. , The entire week will be a holiday lor the rural populition of the Great Lake. region. It will be their opportOnity to enjoy , the ,entertainment. exhibit.. di.pla)'s. bullding.,and cdu(;llliona' feature. of the Great Laltu Expo,ition, already enjoyed by over one aad one-half million peotIle frOID all section. of the countf)'. Featured on the program of the opening day of Farm Wee1c" wblcb il • Agricultural Da7, will be a bealtb . contest to select the healthi..t bo, and pi; a .t,le .ho... far the beltores.ed airl &lid the *1 aII'tIHlM.! created by I lirl aad ao 14enti6catioD contest to identlf1 a wide .arietJ of implement .. artiel.. &lid ftOPI foa4 on the farm. Priau.iII be awarelecl at a apeeial ceremon, which wDl be held OD the It... of the beautiful Karine Th_lre of the IbpoIitiolk The 4-8 Clabl an 'actint; partici. t .-- I ad _ .. patina .. , ...... al· ........".......... thueCOD..... I ..d prOlfUll& f ThI'OllPoat the eatIre week ....

... UO


ERS-is an offer that willllppeal to all-American Boy Magazine and this new paper at a special combination bargain price. The American 80y is the favorite magazine of m re than 500,000 boys and young men. Its fiction c:lrries boys on the wings of adventure to all parts of the world. Its sports articles by famous coache and athletes are studied by champions_ H ue you will find the finest stories on spora, aviation, business, school activities, humor, and travel Even at its regl;llar price d $1.00 a year, TIle Ameri. can Boy is considered a hargam. But now you may obtain it and this newspaper.,' •• ~

Both One Year For · Send Your Order To '

The Miami G.a zette

------- ,- --------

New Bur1ington CLASSIFIED ADS 'COST ONI.Y ONE CENT PER WORD. WHY KEEP TIIro... 01 vilitOri frOID aU ov" th. COUDtrJ are enjoying the repro· dlletlon of an Ohio ,f~ at the Fir..toM ulUbit at t/H Gnat Lake. Expo.~oa. CJeveland. Fa~ buildinp, farm aJllmm, the old caken bucket , and ...., other toueh.1 of bomel, 'color arouse .mile. and heart throbs at thlIecae of rural peace aud «!.pet aet down in the center of'the great ' expoaitiol'lla th. beart of a motropolitaD cit)'., ' I

State University; H. C. Ramsower, director of qrM:1l1t11ral exten.ion work of Ohio State University; 0, C. Croy, di.trlct lapenilOr of ellten.ioll work; Harold S. Ward. CIl),ahoaa Count, aaent for the aarlcultural at...lloa Ie"ke: Gabriel Simoa, COIIDt)' I~DI dlrectlq ....H Clubl bere; IL G. Pickard, matter of tbe count)' Graa~: JIIIIIa KOON of the Oklo F. . 8.,.11 Ftderatioa: A. J. Patch. eatealloll aew_ editor, Ohio State UDiNrllll; HarrJ L. Fox of die Gtuae; .1Id w.Jw 1Jo,.. edJtar of Ohio , . . . . ." on __--t......_ ~:.:::c=: .--.m .....................tlD tile



('Olympic oaks~l, 'one of which Will Only two reactors were disbe planted in the big campus oval. in testing 2,402 Crawford covered. Another will be !!ent t() his Clevela nd high school and the third to county cattle for bovin e tubercubis ,junipr high . .(;roundkeepers at 10 is. The report covers two town ships where the testing has been the university al'e looking around comp leted. Cllu nty Agent Russell for a suitable !lite for the oak. L. Miller, reports two additional *•• vet~rinai'ians arc now el!gaged in Ohioo.ns 31'e s moking more and testing cattle in the remaining mor clgarets. This i obviou from townships. the Nport i ~ u cd by Superintendent , Fyank Millel' of 'the cigal'et excise t a x divisi~'n of th e state tax commis ion . lie announced th at in July "igaret tax collections totaled $G61,66!l compared t<l ,522,323 in t.he same month a year ago. He preqicted that the 1936 (l01lectlons would exceed $6,000,000. Total collections for 1936 were $5,643,7 ~6.


Vocational Agricultural Education divi.i<lllft are co·operating in the plan. for the week'. program. The calendar of "Farm Week" i. .. foUQWI: 1I0IIIIa,. AUlUlt. 17 AGRICULTURAL DAY ~,Aupetl'


DAIRY DAY W. . . .,. A,upat ., . . . . PRO DUCK DAY

'I'Iwa..." ..... ao



............ 11



a • ,:==~ftO~ DAY




· Best f t he N ews Otreet

atopping' motorists in all of the drunkard will be tefused a licnse eighty-eigh counties for "test." Tho .examinat ion will consist of. examinations in Qrder to be 'better a}lproximately sixty question and qualified to give the actual ex- fifteen minutes of automobile op· amination fOr, the license. Too new ,eution which wiIJ include turrtin ...,



Farm l\i;ght 1 allts, August 17


















Ildnt>lday art rnOOD lind family ami t'VC'nitUt.

.1 N :!\froVi,·llno. lind Ir.. ,

Da •• To Be 8.111 ____


• Thll construetiun of tb1'l'~ .fllm~ ~ I' lit .""Il,IIIY wi . Blan hester, J I I 01101''', i,1 Ohio by tI\l' 1t'~Il'It1em nt ml- [ hllllli. T 1 '.V· 'flt'llt IIl~t ,,~. k at th" home or MI' mini.~trallQn has been OPIJI'\lV('I!, hI' .IVl· I th(.it· :Ino l\-Jrl'. harlc!< James and family Th., Inrge~t. dalll will be ill the I'q~ular llH'l'ting Shecu< . h k mg L RiC'ltal'll Rhcchan vi~jt(>tI reln- fore\o\t nd will impound n II. .nH' I a \\ "1" I :I~O >( I 11 r, ,1O(t ,rH, "', 01' I'S ''w iC'k til'clI II lIr Ji'rnnklil1 ,(I\' rnl day. 120-IlCI'1! Inl(e. The- dam will llc the fnrt h-Ii II typ nnd will llc 7()U 0 f 0 1u OJ b II~ nn Ii R 'v. (mtl 'I t '. In~t WI·pk. feet lung, Dams C)f this kin.1 aill'in \V , K Bogan or nl'lI ):' Spring Volley I h'. an~1 Irs, H. ' oillell, lind Mr. 'In(l fr .. Harry 1\I issi Idine, erosion control nnd 01.0 improve I ~p I' nl on(' l'\'ening In. t 1\c(' k with t. nd Mrs. II. A. C,nnl'll utt 1Ir1- uf Wichit:1, 1\:8n. U~, 111" vi!o'iling condition for wild nl\i\lll1ls Dnd Itllil' igl\ Bogon and family, d th 1l 1' 1ll'!1 reunion ul Troy, the fill nl""'~ \)rC)Ih('l' and wifE', Mr. bird. II'. Lul1ll·t· lInin ~!\ wh() hilS b en 'Qnfined ,-ilh fI nel'vou!\ lrreolulown _ _ __ _ _ (ln ll Mrtl. O. ,MI IIllin • undn • . 1\11'. ollll Mrs. p, L. Rea on were Subscribe for The Miami Gazett. Iltl the home of 1* mother Mrl\, E. R. 13onl!\'y. W. (" ~l. .J(lhn , in Ol\yton Wednesday to see Irs. _ _ _... _ ___ i'~lIa Hllill !':;, for ()\/ite o>1omc tinle, I't'muins in th,' ~alll e con(litioll. nal'l'Y PI'al r Anll ' JI':;R~ TbollHlS I \, on' nl"phew, Rall)h WatrQus aeaara ree Mrs. Emel'~on iIIlclair 'i~ on the 1I1tl'IHI d t1ll' FMl "nil !ll\le A. ~ o' otf fOT New M xico where h~ will $i~k Jist a' this writing. j . ti n l)iellic (It ,: ('ni3, , elinl' - spend the win1er. 11 i s mothl'r, M'I'S, • , iJlinm \ utr(lu~ accompanied the iinmi Qual'terly meeting of Mrs, Malllie W<),oUcn I\nd Miiils flAY· ·n:tt 1. f I d Rl'dWtlS home fill' 0 week-en d vi!lit Pri nu' which was h Id h 1'e l\l III'g'lll'ei IIIl d Y'~ fUI nn" 0 ti. ~ Betty JI altsllok, 01 thl' l~a il mount, Ind., mId Mrs Chad s Gvncflll Hospita l , Ul'SCS Trainin!: 1\11'. OIlU Ml'o\<, Walt r h ehan Satul'dny was w 11 att.(' nd~d. Rev. Lah'u of nmd en ~pcnt part o! last Slid ~on~ visited Mrs. heehan's harl Haworth of olumbus week with 1\1\·s. Lut.her Haine" an" hnul, is enjoying a t\\ II W 'eks' father ami si~er at Kings Mills delivered the sermon. .. U family. " I i va tion with h r plll'cnl . M'T. llllet W t!un (!I)' ven ng. Mr, and ".frs. Rllleiah BO"'lI.n Rill igh Boga n and family had ~r~. Bert Hartsock. .>J layton . , . . as the'ir dill l1el' guel t$, Wednesday and Carl and Bowman A family II'J'OUp compx'ising :lr. 14 d M H dinnel' guests of Mr. r. an l'S, , orace Compton of l\ll'. antl ~f .... H. 0, <;lorn 11. will and h, Archie Hurtsock, of Dny- were Sunday f '" W B l' n t tl U d 11K ~ ' • ur ~ g On an, lUr. fin >,.1':. I nvtl Friday fOI' Detroit whel'e ton, Mr. and 1111'• • Fred Hartsock, an d Mrs. H oracc Ol1lpcon 0 .,. ew Ml'ldr~d HSTtsock of Burlington, Evan th y will b the gil I<f th Re,'. "nl'O MI·~.' .~ '" d M BOg'QI\' . . lind ~ D ~ll1il ,... h'en, Ro~rt Mr, and Mrs. Bert ir, and l\fr", Benjamin !\l'eyof an a,'Jorl 0" 6.1',on. Jcs, e Kli ne Dnd family. The), will Milford t k 1\1,· Ella I~ 'n nt nd , H;lrt 0 k, Miss Betty and Muster N ew v lenna . pen n w~e a~o s. 1111 e~1 sp' u ay \111\0 visit points in anads. David Hal'tso ck, ]Ilcnickcd at the flturday and unday t.helr with MI'. and, :i\lr!!. \\13Il r Wilson. £is 1\.(01'''" Lou owash, who for d ht ,.. E 't 1'1 J SOIlIC of our follts attetlded the " . J home of Mr. and M'rs, Robert I aug cr, LUl'S. vel·e. .,alne ant ' the pn t two w ek~ WIl:l the gu ·t . f 'I Grcon n count\1 fair a par' of II t of her aunt, M "D, . Ridge, Walton, Dayton, Wednesday even· amI y. . ~ .! illg MI'. and Mr. Homer Hames w ek. and lI~r. Ridge, returned to her have returned home ait.el' a pleas. The young peopl,e of OU1' church hom!' 11\ Man field, un day. M.l s Inez Jan1ClB,. of the , local a.nt vacation in Micnigan and Ilnjoyed II picnio lilt nyder Park Mr. and Mr • G. D, l\fill ent r- , po.s.~toffi .'ce, ' vi~ited relalives ill a, nada. Their childt:eo , EmilY ,a nu ,pringfi Id a few diays back. "k d D 1 f ]" 11 11' •\ ' ill no at dinnel' "' ur..Jay even l·ng, .ul nllsburg all ayton last 'Week, ,Rlc,hard, have reiul'ned from a \" and I'S. ....ona ( l11n 8 ~ • '" \I Mr Rnd :r.r J P ]<'l'omm Iyde ~[' A L i H k M' viSit to their ~rat'ldpaT nt, l'IJr, culled on \'~Inlive~ in prinu oro, • ' ... , "ISS ",nna OU se oa, ISa d . h Fromm lind William Strouse , The N ancy 'CO . t C00k and MI's. Tasso Ten,ell of near un ay mg t. ~. 0 t er an d'" ,ur. E rnes djlln(!~ " ,as given .in c I bration of left this morning for McNabb, =============;""========:====== th~ bIrthday anniversary of Mr. lJIinoi , where they will attend Ams and l\fJo. Fromm. lIIinois Yearly Meeting of Fri nds. ... r Ell F lk d M mrs. a ou s an r. Ml·. and Mrs. P. L, Reaso-n, ·Miss ~ IMfnollflilr.J\@r;i)to\~ @K1&o lJ:i)@o' Russell Ziegler and family of Ruth Larrick and M'r. Loren ReaGre n1ield, were Sunday gu sts of on attended a chl!rch wedding in 1M! 0 UU\92J 0 II Oi\IIDil@ll'U©@JJU Charles James and family. Dayton Saturday mOl'ning and Mr. and M'rs~ Fremont Weltz were guests at the reception In the fO; and grD!lddaughter MlirilYll, of evening. • Wilmingto n, Mr. and Mrs. Robert M.r,.a.nd Mrs. Ray M~ddleton W Hz of Norfolk, Va., were guests and !amily and Mr. Charles lIiddl of Mr. and Mrs. .Maynat'd Weltz ton Of Dayton, called on Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elzey and other relaPaul










I '






Estate of Anna L, Cadwallader d ceased. Notic-e is hereby given that N. P Clybutn who~ Post Office addreSS is Wa hinltton C. H., Ohio, has been duly appoinled as Exe~utor of the Estat of Anna L. Cadwallader late of Warren County, Ohio, deceued. Dated this 12th day of August, 1936, N. P. Clyburn, Atty. RALPH H. CAREY. .Judge of the Probate Court, a27 Warren County, Ohio.

tives here, Tuesday. Edwin and William LUKens of Pendleton, Ind" were guests of fir and Mrs. Elmer Sheehan over tbe week-end. Mias Rita Lukens, Miss McShirley and Mr. Frank Luketlll, also of P end leton, 'Who were attending Yearly ,M!, were s.un,. day guest of Mr. and Mn. Sheehan.

Reports from several counties in the state detail mote hBTd luck for the apple crop; ' as a great ~l of the first fruit was sunburned during the extremely hot weather • Orchards which. we..-e sprayed on the hottest days also shqw severe !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!'_ !!'..-!!'..-!'!__ !!!!!!!'!~~!'!!.!'!!..!'!!...!!"!'c'!! _I spray injury 'on foliage a.nd fruit. LIVING ROOM SUITES • CLf;ANED AND STERILIZED 3 piece suite .. .. .... $10.00 2 pieee suite ". , ...... , .. $7.00

QUICK CLEANERS K.athrp M_deuall, Mgr.



"Crl.l," fl. !omov. AJ~J m.

11.",0,1,,1., ,,, 8",,/0 Cr.. " Cem __ ,--•., by Sf,·C ...",",.



L,t'e ._---

r. and Mrs. Lee Mason. of 'Milson. weN.' Sunday dinner IrUI'S'" Ml'~. Moriho Milll'nbl'l!L'l'l' is ill of 1\f r... A lice Clark. Mr. nnd .Mrs, Leklie Gra)' and III th •• h'lnll' or her j:llll, Frlllik lilt" II 1.J l' r/.:'e I' and wife. childrcn wcre dinner guests SunI ill:; B 'I'nicC' Grahalll Kpcnt doy (If Mr. and Mrs, George Gray ~(vlnll dlly>; or her vacation with who IlccOlllllllni!ld th~m to Beav 1'fdl!nd . lit Indian L kc thi.q ,,, e'·. tow'n in the IIftcl'noo n to vi~lt " " J'elatives, '<,vol'al (1'0111 h r nttenlled th Xenia fnil' In I; wcek, 141' . l\1IlJ'g"tU' t John is ap<'nding the lallel' plll't of , this week with MI'. Ilull flo.-, Allen Illith and daughl.I·$\ of Da~'11111 ~l'IC'nt 'UlldllY Mr. and 1\11'8, Earl Thomas on with tlw fOJ'll) ]"'8 par<'nt~, MI'. and Social Row . Mr. nnd 1\1'1'1\. F.llrl Young ,no .'-11 •• c,. S. Smith. M: ... tll1d Mrs, '. II, Burnett and family, )Ir. nnd Mrs. Clyde Whal'MI'!!, Mil<.h'ell 'urroce lip nt TIIUI'R. ton 8nd dllUghtCI'II, and Mrs. Emma d' uy In Spl'ingb()to, at' the h onle (If' Lnt;y attende.d 'the Lacy reunion 1\ll·s. Bul'l1 Il'\o\ l1lother, Mr~ . at Rosel' park, nelli' RidgevUle. 'I'n k ' ac . IU'U, geLting r !lOY tor a sale Sunday. th 1'0 next nturdllY, MI'. nnd Mrs. Haney Burnet, in 1t.. /lnd Irs. Me lvyn Banta of compnny with the latt r's uncle PIt'8sunt Plain (I re hel'!." at present and aunt, MI'. and MI's. John helping cure COl' the formel" I{nynel', r Westville, are visiting f n tlICl', P (Iter Buntu, who has been the reat Lakes Exposition at Licea.eeI Broke.. ill fo(' $ev ral weeks. Cle\' land this week. M. I M T. k I REAL ESTATE . 1 r. an! rl'. . u, u e CIl led The 4-8 Club tendered theil' lit t.he home ()f Rev, nnd Mrs. H. adel:, Mra, Ollie Routzahn, J\ I 1 a! NOTARY PUBLIC 1_, Lauel'ty lit RU$hvllle, Ohio, l\\lrpt'is 'rue day evening 'in h'onol' SUhda, ' aPtCl'1\OOll. '" rmony WIlS 0. din- of' her birthday anniv nary. ,M rs, Mary \.In Mj·9. Kesl l' Graham nnd daughIIcr gu~at unday ' v ning 'at thl' ~l', Bernice, and Ml'S, C, W. A.lbhome of \\fl'. ant.! Mrll. • W. right iI /'c spetltling the latter part with !urm xl*l'[clice to hnnYounce and dllughter in Dayton. of this week with the former's 11'. and frs. Donald lJadl y !list t', Mrs, A. E. White and die local seJ'viee work for NationcnllH'tained to dinn er unday the family in olumbus. lilly known company. Permanent r 'b h J)oaition, Pay every 'Week. ar nC • (lrmel'S rot (!or lind wife, lr. Milton Jones upderwent. an an d 11','. Uaymont! Hadley and of) ration for removal of his @ ary. OUl' men Cill'ning fr(\m tc)n.oUs at Dr. Deppe's office in $35 to $'75 a we k. Not nee s ar)l lwo litu so n~ of Sabina. to y....H I ttcr, Just fill out couMr. and II' . W. F, Grllham Waynesville Tuesday, ' and h'. !lnt! 11 s. G('OI'''' GI'" han' pon beloW' and mllil to Box 164, Mr. nnd iM rs. Mqsier, William .. uiney, IlIinoiR, ' were dinner gil til SundllY ot~ h. Long and on Douglas of Xenia; Dept. 8354. • nn d r1'8. R tlI Jl h Lew' neal' flRlJlis Mr. and 1111'S, Herman Saylor aud Ag " .. Numb r of burg. so n of neat· Dayton were unday MI·s. William Roge rs of Mason evening gll ts of Mr, and Mrs. YCIlTS 00 fnrm sp nl, Tuesday with her aunt, M).8. William Long, Sr. Namc ................. .............. ... .. Mela Ro .. ers tlnd :1'>11'8. A,ltla Back, The Lytle un day ehool wil1 .. " have a picnic nekt Sunday, August Address 0-,... . 16, along Cleal'creek near the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ru ell ~y R, M. Hoffe.. Bu.rnet, Rjdg.evillc. Sunday sehool ___ will be held lit 10 :30 at the picnic n soc iated Press di 'patch ground, under the lead~r8hip of Don't Let the ClEARLY from Bettin reports that an the upt. Mr. Stanley Bailey. WORMS" Get Your Bird. ditol' of a 'well-k.nown· German Everyone welcome. Get th~ woms, and help to Pl·ivq.te fu neral services was n wspape.r hA been senten~ to life jmprisonm nt fot "high held for Glenn C. Johns Tuesday pr vent reinfest4tion by using treason." afternoon at the home of his :Or. Salsbur¥,s A VI.TONE in The di~patch added that no of- mother, Mrs. Margaret Johns, the mil h, Tests prove that it tical e~lJlanatioll was' given as to conducted by Rev. G. C. Dibert of gets up to 08 per cent of t he roundworms in ehieks! Get n jU$t what he hau done to merit the M. E. Church, Wayn svlUe and package at ~noe. s uch sever punishment but that. interment in Miami Cemetery. Mr. A., 1ft m( n1ber of the foreign pres' Jobns met with loul play last Frins. Ohio .. corp r l1Iem}x;red ' that a few I day or Saturday at Falmouth, Ky. months before he had divulged to , Mr, lM'eCluN.' Teturne~ t h& body A,A. DUNAHUE them some of the order given the I be~'e Sunday,. Mra, Johns and 1003 N. Mai. St. Miami.bur_j G I'man pres by th "minister of I children and hiS mother have the Phone 105 Jll'opagancla"-and had be€n im- sympathy of the entir e comm uni~y mediately ane ted. !!!!!!!!!!!'!~~~!!!!'!!'~!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!~~~!!!!!~~!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!~"!!'!!!!!!!!!!~, Here i a fine fruit of dictator- f . ship! Certainly it em incredihIe that any government houltl tell its 'press 'PIl cisely what it may or may not say and advocate, or ProCessional men must serve humanity unselfishl;Yj plac. ~hat .!In editor who dillobey such ing s uch service before personal gain. The trad~tions of th djctation can be sentenced to Ii funeral directing profession are rooted In this principle; O'Jr life behind bars. . . strict code of ethic!! define.!! in complete detail the 'duties of a Such things can only hap,p en in funeral direetor to his clients a,n d to the co~munity. -notions whet·c freedom of pres, W~ al'e proud of the idealism that pervades OUI' organizafreedom of peech and eonstitution. Deeply imbu d in each member of our , taff is the t.ional liberties have been abrogatconviction that hill is Il sa cred and honorable calling. We ed by it'on·het'led dictators more serve ever one, TegtrdlellS of' social position 41' fin ancial capacpowerful than the ancient Tllar , ity, to the ve y best of our ' abiliLy. This p4licy 'has won fo~ I H I'e is our country, freedom Uti our present position of leaderahip. of press, speech ~nd ~ction exist> by viclue of the. United States Constitlltion.





• f ' •• , ••

~. ~

•• •• ••


A Code of Ethics

His skill, howe"'er, was soon MERICAN mem orial art found itl finest expression recognized, and cOllllmi5~ion5 for through Augustus Saint-Gaud- important memorials began tp eD" the renowned sculptor, ('orne to him. Among the first was whose monuments to great the order for a memorial to AdAmericans raised him to the·pin- miral Farragut, which is now nacle of artistic achievement. standing in New YlOrk and is con.His noble tributes to many of our sidered among the citY'1I fore national heroes are to bEl met most sC\llptu ral posses sioll!;, with in our larger cities arid are The fame o~ SI!dnt-Gaudens' I spread quickly, Amol')g the muny familiar to millions. Saint-Gaud en. was born jn works that came j~rom his studHere'. How It Work. Dublin, ITeland, on March I, 1848, ios, his spirited equestrian statue of an Irish mother and a French of General Sherma,n, also in New "Plea'ae explain how so many father. BlIt America rightly York, is especia)Jy celebl'ated. taxea get i'lito the price I pay fo r --.... claiTM him fOr her o.w n, because lils Shaw memorial in Boston things," writes an interested read· , he was as an infant. and the beautiful statue of LinR. W. Lang, county agent, . a.y Here'. how. Take ahoes. They In Ne", York, where t he family ,eoln in England al'e two more of thilt Belmont ,county ,fo.tnl fa the products of hill gi!ted hands. made its. home, his father plied are made from leather. leather i,. Perhaps the mOist admired of have about decided that alfalfa hil trade as shoemaker, earning made from hide; hides are the a modest living. The boy's talents Saint-Gaudens' productionsz howis the an wer to the dry SCRson skins of cattle.. showed themselve,l early. and at ever, is the figl1l'e ,of "G~ier.'· the probletn. Alfalfa growers had hay When the cattle are shipped to thirteen he was .pprenticed to a Adams Memodal, in Rock Creek lhis year when those who d epl!ndcd market, the railroad charges C8l1}eo cutter. This trade sup- Cemetery, Washin·gton, D, C" a enough freight to meet operating up,on clQver or t imothy failed to ported him through arduous sketch of which is. shown above. ex.pe1l8e_and a big ite:m of that years as an art student, in the It is probably thel most famous ' get an average yield, , evenln~ clalses at Cooper Union. private memorial jin AmCl'ica, expense is taxes. Saint-Gaudens Ilpent the last By the time he waa nineteen , The packer prepaJ;'es t he, hide , Ottawa county .farmer~ hav'e his skill asa sculptor, was ' so twenty-five yeal'S of his life in the tanner. He pays a high corbeen aided ~y local '. rains and marked that his ~arerrts, at·great Cornish, New HannpshiTe, where poration tax and many state and sacrifice, sent blm to Paris {or his studio attl"lleleed dozens of county agricultural' agent Carl S•. local taxes. AI an expen se of op- , '. advanced' atudy,' A steerage pas- students. On the ~~ounds of the Bitt.,er believelS the producers wbo , eration tW, increases the 'pr1c1! sage was all they could 'afford. beautiful e!;tate stands "The grow pickles and tomatoes on conLater. he went 10 R(!me to study, Xemple," wherein are sealed tho charged to the tanner. and eameo eutting WIIS his chief asbesof Saint"Gnu:dens. Who died tract will harvest fair crops, TO-' The tanner', taxes are included on August a, 1907. meana of support there. m,a.toes are expected to start comin' the price he char~s tbeshoe (Oopyrlgbted by If.morl.l ExI ....loo OommluloD. ) manufacturer. Ditto with the man, ing to the canning plants by Aug. ufacturer and the retailer. Meanust 1'2. time th!! product haa been shippe'd ---------------------------------------.----~ leve:a\ tlmes, thu. accumulatini ========================~~.=-=-============~======~= more frela-lIt' taxel. ' When )'ou buy tlle.eboes 'you pay a sbat:e, of the taxes ot the packer, the tanner. the manufacturer, the retailer and tne railroad.

,·t .


.. - ---


J • .:B. lieClare

Pboae 7


fall Building Days·

.. H ortiicultural C:ardens

T ..\! s allie. item. of taxeB enter into everythinl' Joa buy.

nou.htful ';,nc.Ituriab do not let .ood huildin. da,.••lIp ~, - DIlc:e heavy crop..... out of the wa,.. Better, conatl'uctioa ......... thoae who take advanta.e'of ....I,..ood w ..ther - hefore fall ' ..aiaa Nt ia. We have a hi. ,.arel &lIed with ir.t ....d. haildia. materia" of alllPnd. Tell 11. ,.oar. Rildin. piau . .d we will make ....patiou which ma, .... you cODald. . ahle m. .,.•.• , ' W.laaft plea ..... for . . . , ldad of

................................ tooar ...t ......


Eighty-Eighth ,Year




. Whole Number 623:;

Sl 20, ] 936

&Co ""- _





The Wayncsvil1<j Farmers' club meet with Franklin and Leb· anon clubs at Harmon park, Leb· anon, today.

-_ ..- - -




The Junhll' Sl'\\i ng ,i· ll club ('I{ Mi,,, Jane C()ok is llclvi.. ()r, Jllt'l July 20, at. th ' l1oll1\! II! Willl.! I"ayl' L wi ~ . in ' mClIlb ' rs anI! tip 1'1:' vh<itl;"'; Wl.! I'1: prN;l'nL Un \ l,unt'I'llay. ,~t1gu ll t, 1'). the dub mct at tIl\! hom Ilf l\[j,~~ (l01, with fi" t, member: flres 'n1. A L the )lPxt nI('etin~ \\ hl~h W:I,; h('1 11 at lhe hOln c of 10i: J cnn Lal'l'ic:k AUj:!ui'!t 12 " plan. 'Yo' ' 1'0 millie lo 11l1'('t ugu~t:! J ut 1he uffic e r Dr. ]\fa.I'Y L . ook to Cl (!lln lit) thL' lo~ hacl n( t.hc oflic e. afLCt' whith they take theil' elin ncr 10 the !>wimlnill g 110101. ~hich

E. Gr:lh:\m hn,! talH!I1 over th management qf the L hal\()n divil'io n of the Ohio en· trnl T Icphonc Ot110l'alion and entered upon his II W work 1\1 on· day morning. Mr. ra ham , ucceeds J ohn T. WUk erson ~ mUlIager of the LebanOn ofl1cc, Mr. WilketRon hl\vil It l'cl'igned In8t week nftct, !l con nection of sev l'ul --y nrs wit h th company's cxc han· ges in W lirtCn cuu nty. Thl' n ew 'lIlllnngcl' comcs to Le))· anon from Cygn t, Ohio in Wotld cou nty whel'e he hiLs been located for t he pa, t 3~ yeal'S. He ha!l had over 40 y at's of xiX'l'i«!'hcc in Lhe tt'lephone .field having lict:ve d a~ Farmers Hauling W'&ter for Slock managet' of the Norwalk, hio, And U ~ing rve Feed office for te n 'if :ll;~ cO!,/IIl)cnci'ng in Before V,rin t er JIItI'l'Y

Man, Gllettt at tM Weddinr. Former OM.... Now Li ....1II1 La California

HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT I A PI'ol1o,wd $4!!,(jIJII bond i!'l-" ue EARL MOUNTJOY, 17, a.t in PL'lInklin t. in ,o HAULING WATER Villnge Hchllol ~ltlED BY LIGHTNING h elli Tuefid ay, \\lI R





~;t~J l!ID~ntMS~nday



During' the lll\~ two WJ'{' k H 1'I10 l'e than 80 WUI'r!' n eounty 1'urllll' r,~ hav. tuken Ililvanl;,lg" of thl' olT.-r IIj' lh(' CflU,lty ngI'icultu1'll1 agent an.l "WI highway Ileplll'Lm e n~ to llUul wut I' fr lle of charj:!(' in rml'rg 'Iley l a~ l's. A ppl \'<::l lion ~ hnvl' b r n fil li tl with ,OUllty A ~tlnt MjJleI' and the wat l' ha ~ been hnull' ll I)y Q s t:lte hiKh\HI truck Il'o m L(!banon, Fl'anklin l1Ild WilY I) '!;vill .... lh village s I'l'cciving 25 CI'nts fol' eQ h 750.g;lllon lnnk nll t'l! by thei r pump~ , Tt. wa~ IlJllIOUn eel torJay that 1 \lquire lll~ nt5 111 lhe futuremay Ilc 1l\OI I' ' (I iet Iy cnIore d (IS 1'0· I)fJrt,<; }f . III abu ~e oJ: the offer

~p'ec ia l


Th(, bonu is ~ u<, if' clIni eI, wou ld hav iJeen \l Bet! Lo defray tho di tritt's share of a new graIl ~c hool at Fl'anklin to be l'ected a Bo), Wa. Leanin .. on DowD Spout- . ;\ PW Ill'l)ject, inc On Tho Porch at Hi. Homo ...- -Wa- Struck


---... -

M1'5, W, II, All ' n and fr s, Cli!ford Brace weI' in Dayt()n Mon. day afternoon.

.M rs. Mary hidil.kcr of Xenia, II'. ~'nd was U I'cccnt gtJ st of Mrs, Fl. C, Harvey.

Eclgat· Bergan of Detrott, visited hi s, mother. ~ rs, Julia Bergan, over the week.end. A , 1:I . tubhs and All n Kibler wcr bu inc'!! vi!!i Or~ in iucin· nati W dnes(\ay,




lii ~t l'i

. The following account . of a ,'ecent Onllfodnia 'Wedding' was taken from the News·PresR, Glen · Miss Josephine Banta. spent dale,' Culif., and will be of interest to many readers of th~ Qazette, Sunday with friends in Lebanon. as the bride's motbe-r, the late 'Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sherwood of J essi Anson Ranous, was a n'a tive Middletown, were recent guests of of lIul'Veysburg and had friends Mr. and Mrs. J. E, Frazier. . throughout Warren county: "A marriage which will bring Mrl!. L. D. Hall .and chilllren of to Glendale socia~ circles another Columbus, spent Sunday with Mr, IlI'C heur I. young matron . was that of iM1ss and Mrs. Harry McGinnis . . All application!! mU !ft he matlc Elizabeth Leoma Ranous of Los d H ts k f at th ou.nty xt n!lion offic~, 'ld Miss MI re 01' OC, 0 Ang le's to Harbert Davenport 'l! d t I d I confirmed hy the co 11 I\ly all: 01M I . 01' , spen severa ay!! a st Rowe. son of .Mrs. Boynton Hark 'th M Ed h ' d nnll Inought Loth' highway de· rs. it llal"rls lUI 1894, ---lla.\'l)lll' nt, I t i. unnounced that th~ bert Rowe of 1122 East Le!ICing· wee . 'Wl ton, which took place at 8 o'c'\ock famjly. Mr. ~rahllm will b i~ "harge of Ihollth .Inmai:;e in Wlu'l'l'n coun· pllln i~ not ' being operated ' in Tu sday night, July 14, 1936, in Mr. Raymond Dunham and the vUrJ,o~~ cxc~u nge~ 10 th~ L ~· I I.y i lIot confin d (mtir ly tn TOP!; 'ompetiwm to privaL ' h'uckers Wee Kirk o· the Heather, Forest daughter Miss Rebecca, were anon ClIVI Ion Includmg thos,c at u. onrly nne ·third of the fm'l'Il . but iB being offered on ly as an Lawn 16 morial park. The Rev. week·end guest of Mr. <lUld Mr", M'or~ow, Mason. a~':VaynesVlll . who r<:plil'd to til Ilue,~lionnail'e mCl'gcncy measure, . O. Imanuel, pastor of the Fi'r st Walter Sheehan. st>nt (Jut lJy county :ll,tricullu1'!11 - --Baptist church of Inglewood, and Mrs: ' Roy Johnson, officiated. Iive·t k "The bride ' has mad her home Willoughby, OhIO, and Mrs, Jessie with her aunts, Miss Osee Anson of £arll1(,1'S t (.,ld the Ul'lty r, an rs., . ar ait. [: ag nt t.hut 00 per ccnt of th em and MI'IJ. Margaret .Allllon Saber, WI at 831 South Kingsley, LOll Angel· narry Spencer and family of would have to buy grahl for t heir , and Mis! Ans.o n gave her in Miamisburg, and Norml\n James Two Warl'en county ]lriRon rs Jiv stock this win1tel' and 4.7. per Mod rn g 'niu~ f OJ' I'cJ1I'oclucing marriage. of Blancheater, were Sunday w r among th(' 59 granted pa· n will have to buy fClrI~ for wondel';; of t.h pust. will be l·C· Th weddin&' gown of white sat- guests of Charles James and role trom the !!tute l'cCol'lnatory the a nitnllls, Ev~ in WlIlTen coun. waled to the vLiting t.hou,ands at Man field Tu adllY by thll board ty tilt' 1'l.Iinfall-/or luck Ilf it, hn at the Ilr~ Jnt.('rllutionol lI orli ul in was made with a brief train family. of poral . Henry Moor, erving not been uniforlll this year, ,'om LU1'al EXpORition, wilh R l'e tora· and the fingertip veil wu made of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Vaughn of n sente nce tOI' (lUto theft, will be town, hips h;1vu fun I much bettc!' t ivn of the fumous Hanging Gal'old lace embroidered in aUver that II n!l of Dabyl oll nllW neuring com had been ·. part of the bride's Columbus, and Mr. and Mrs Frank l'eleas'd Octob I ' 25 and .B~.'Dny thnn oth('l". T ell fat mcl'S sa id tltat th y be. »lotion in 'hicR 0' 11 Jnl.unationlll mother's trousseau. White orchids Taft of South CharlE6ton, 'Were Pas illume, of thiR county aLo and 6weetpeaa formed t~ shower guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. ' serv ing a sentence fOt, the sam Iieved the e\llplol' ment of men Amphitheater \\heru the E:x(ln,~ i­ White Sunday afternoon. offence, will be rcleased ovcmb 'r (1'0111 camp In' by use o:! tion will be h Id <'(ltcmber 12 bouquet. "Miss Della Miller of Loa Angel20. WPA .fun!l ~ to OIIlJnt ~ lIring!\, IJuild te) 20, Miss Mildred Hartsock of Mil.... ~.. dunl. . or dig lister-ns ,,·ould b n Th e l'c)'llicn, lipan ' vhi h re('8 was the maid of honor, She ford, and MI!!8 Betty Hartsock of OHIO STATE PLANS 'Prop 'I' [OI'1ll 01' droulh reliC)(, 'ev- 81>t\I'ch Worker!;, artists, Ia.ndecape wore Nile green net and carried the General Hospital, Cincinnati, HIGH SCHOOL DAY cnt 'n b('lic:vcd that g-rain and C ' Il 'I'ts, nnd con tl'U tion crews Talisman roses and sweetpeas. were dinnel' guests 'of Mrs. Ronald lO1:Uorl! Illrni ~hcd to [a t'm I'S at huv collaborated for the past ;;ix Th bridesmaids were Miss Vir- Hawke, SatuTday. I1igh ehool ,tud nts in Wat·... k 'II b th l I h'b 't gml8 Brown of Inglewood and C(l . t hy the fcdeT'a l govel'nmenl \\l'C ,WI. Cl C cen Tn eX I I r cn county 'will have the Ol)purtuin tht' lnhin • .,' nn of the lnt rn~<, Mi Marian Tousgaard of LOB AnMr, and Mrs. John Adams and would do m() ~t to r olieve the l'itua. .., u .. nity a gai n this Call or s eing Ohio t iona l Amphilh eater. ' geles. The former wore turquoise daughter, MillS Mary, rt!turned lion. University's football team in Lagnons and fountnins ~i1\ oc. n t and carried yellow 8weetpeu, last week atter .a ten·day motol;' State L w interc,t ratE' on long t im c th h h IIction. while the latter was gowned in trip which included points in the IlllIlll'\ \,a the most popular of cupy e centol' (\pproac to t e aturda.y, ct.3, ha~ been de,- d r~anging G I'd 'II" a nd on either coral net and carded blUe delphin- East and Canada. ign ated as the annual High chool I'outh relief n1 alIlUl'CS advocated 'd 'II I . d ium. by til ' Warren clounty fSI'mer!1-. S I 0 WI • vanG arrangement.s M· t . and Mrs. Vernon Mainous Day, with N w York niv ·t 'ity flf fOI'nUl I gl.\1'd ' ns. William RCl'W~ was his brother's 'f h InndnwT1ers h elii vo t h ~ weath g" ~he 'opposition in the I' conditioM. will change nncl if 1<Jst of the amllhltheaLet". seven best man, The ushers were Cl\arles nteFtained at; dinner Sunday, ,Mit-, providin . d SlUice will be Thomaa and James Cibson of Pasa- and Mrs. Arch Brandenburg Md ta lum that afternoo ll . Durin g lhll tht' /lWlICI' of the lont!.is IUI'ni h ed acres of nxllibit ... Mrs, Christine Jasper of Dunedin, mOI-ning th univcrity'a c1a~~. r 'die 111lti l allother hat'vest he d voted to di playa ' nt red for dena. toom s, muse um s, UJld labornton~! k . f } , d'ffi I i ' comp tition by both comll1 l'cial Precedinar the ceremoDY Mrs. Florida. ' can wor ou" 0 liS , cu t e•. 'II bA op ned ' lS OU t 1.1lilt, .t, and amaLeUl' g r weI's Tho con· Lucy Lee Mn&, "0 Proml e 'Me" , d to th c young V1S-,1 ne f armer !'Olll I .. ' Ronald Hardin of the Interna- WI Itors. crow of 40,00 0 boys t' b t ' tests for which prizes will be and "Because." tional Harvester Co., Cincinnati, is expected 1 1'~ no gomg to ' 0 easy 0 l' gum . , : , .' . , a l l tit lo '~ in one yelll' H e ays oft r d Include ~p 'clmen Aowers, A Jl4!Ception for fifty was heJd left last Saturday to spend a week Irfol'Lllat](1O" cone rmn.J 1Ilgh' " ' " tlt d I • t 1:\' I that the c t!lings 1,lndo fhis prin at Lhe hom" of the bride'1I aunts, of his vaca~ion in Washington D. g orlangemen s, po ~ II an.s, rees • chool Day ,\\111 , be , nt. to locul h avc b en k'll lands' 0 1)10" "'srd ns , where MrtI. Lucile Ramsey of In- C. ' I C d Sl th I'C WI'II b e shrubs ', ."" s hool offiCial )0 lhe, n ext few h'" r h . ' h' , Itrl.1 its and nuls vegctHbl s s glewood provided a mu.llcal proweek. a , or ....g' 0 oy In l ' cornmum· " , gram. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Moyer of -.;.._~... _ • ty next yeal'. Extl'Elmcly poor pas. and hon l;" and photos of hOI't.lcul· The couple left for a w.edding" · KalamalEoo, Mich., visited Mr. and ture cunciitionB are :fol'cing farmer: h,lI'al subJ ct . . Poultrymen trip and atter AUlust 1 wlU l>e at' Mrs. Elmer Sbeehan the first of in th(l' dri st lU'cal:\ to Ieed the StlP , n~ ,01. the In ~ t xten Ive floral home in Glendale. the week. ' pliN! which Ol;dirwl'Uy would be 'hil,lItlOns. w.IlI b e produced Both Mr. and Mu. Rowe are' Throe l.mndl'cd Williams county U~ d only in the wint.4!r. under th e au,~p l<:es of thl) entral Mrs. ~. F. Earnhart atUlnded a _ _ _.__ .. tates Dllhlia. H 'iely. Cont~ts native CalifofllialUJ~ The bride'. d'll1ner . l h f H E poultrymen are on the mniling list h given n on,o r 0 f barrLeY • to receive all lintely information 'U' d U G f nturinJ:" this Bowel' will incl ude ta h 1 paren were t e ate an /R1'1!I. ra am, new manager 0 t e b- f . , ,', I JOURNALISM SHIOW PLANNED 779 class('s comprising' oveL' 2400 Roy E. Banous alld' her father was d' is' f th Oh' C 1 10m the office of county agllCu • ----8 'Prominent state official in 11.- anon IV !on o e , lO entra tural agen t F. J. Bell. A poultry A jour!'olism dil-play will be a individunl prizes, sonic orders of California.. She 18 Telephon6 Corporabon, at, the tour will b(' he-Id in the counlY part oJ. th O1lio "1tatc' niv\!1' ity Ils h JlI'izel) :for th entire show a lrI'aduate of In&'lewood Hiab Lebanon botel, Sunda.y eve DIng. August 11 wiLh Professol' E, L, c:x hihit. at th,e state fail' Aug. 31· total mOI'c than $16,000, nnd sehool. 'Mr. and MI's. Arch Brandenburg Dakan and R. E, ray, ~p(.'cinlist Sopt.1, Th e du.plny will includ e the num erous trophics will be A.ward· "~r R~e attende4 the Pasadena a.nd Mrs. Cliril! Jasper of Dun- in pqultl;y hu bandl'Y, O. S. u. (lSI n W~PllPCI'S which w~n high h pn- ~d to cx'hibitol's winning w ep. schools and' California Institute of eciin, Fla:~ were guestl! o(Mr. speakeI' fol' th e meetings to be Ol'S In lh~ l 03G OhiO n ewspllpCl' stake-s hon rs in the variou div!' i 101)5, Teehnolo&'1. Be' is an Ilerollautieal Brandenburg's 8ister, Mrs. Ray beld at the ftl~ms visited. ~ho\V . ' draftsman with tlie Lockhead com- Mainous, al)d family laat ' week.·' _-= :===================::.====---= pany. Ite ill a rrandeoti of the late Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Walker Judge Harbert ' of HermON.." ,



r ~I: h~; ~~el~:~1 ~,~~~; ~;. t~~: GIANT GARDENS BUILT

Dr, and Mrs. S, S, SLahl, of Franklin, were!;u a CIt. Mr. and 1\11' W. H, Allen on Sunday.

Barl Mountjoy, I'l l a so n of 'M'r and I\hs, R()bel't Mlountj oy of near' Wellman, \ al; ki1ltld by a lightning boll about 4:80 o'clock Wed ~ ne~dllY afternoon, The boy wng on the porch at his home and was leaning against a water spout when the boJt struck the house, His m other saw him fall li nd' ra n to his sid/;' to find him dead, He was U $tudent in the HOTv )ysbur~ high school. llesid his parents he is ~' ul'vived by thr brother and lhree sistet's. Funeral scrvices wi11 be held at the McClun: Funeral Home Satur day afternoon a.t 2 o'clock and burial will b made in Beavercre k cemetery in Gre ne county.

. _..- - -

C fOR CHIGAGO EXHIBIT Mrs. D. R. Smith was host s to fRIENDS MEET the mcmbers of the "Argunot" AT WllMINGTOM bridge clu b }i',J'iciay afternoon.


Mrs, Cha1'lcs Myers of Cindn"'riends from all sections of tile nllti, pent the week·end with her county in Wilmington this moth I', Mrs, Kizzi ~ Thompson. week for the 46th Wilmington Y arly Me ting-. The sessions, hs. D. Osborne and a which began Monday at Wilmingfriend 1\li88 Wineboc k, of Spring· ton College will close Sunday, ji~ld, spent Friday with Mr, nnd Aug-u ~t 23. MI ll. J. H. Smith. in the J'8.'!tures pl'omine'nt Mr. and MI'8, W, H. Allen anil Friends Church from Chic~o, Philadelphia, MI', and Mrs. C. H , Brl\ce were Hartford, Conn., vi~tors Wed nesday Evanston, Ill. and Kokomo, Ind" nl'e the speakers, . In addition the Emergency Peace MI'. anti Ml'8. Otto Sebald a nd Campaigners, under the auspice!! M,I', ,and . Mrs, F,'ank Lutz of of the American Friends Serviee mClnnatl, W01'O Sunday guests committee, will take part in the of Mr. a nd Mrs. W. O. Ra per. pr'og110m, Channing Pollock's play, "The Mrs. MalOY C, I'OSS l1n<1 her presented by the guest M-. 'M'ay Weatheral of Enemy," wa ' '" , Englewood, PIa ., vi ited relatives Wilmington Community Players, I'n Sprl'ngfield over t he ... rtek.end. Wedn sday evening. nv The session Friday at .2 p. m. MI', and Mrs. Al'thul' Kirby of will be combined with the WilHo lyoke, Mas~" v ' it. d Mr, Kirby's 1\lingto", College commencement, aunt, Mr" urnh Murray, Wedne.s - Dr, Alexander C. Purdy, of Hartday, ford, Conn., Theological, Semin.l'Y .giving the- address. His topic 18 Mrs, Amanda Moffit expects to "Things Old and New." go to Dayton thi w k wh re alle \ ill b.) lhe guesr tOT a f w wellks of MI'. and i\1rs. Loo Morri s.


'I '



ge:;~w~:; t~~t~::~ t~:I~:: ~. B;!\~:e..~:·~o~r. ~:~:s. ~f

, ding "uests are former Ohio peo. Spring Valley, Mr, and )In. Ralph Lion and Dale EilHn spe"t Sunpie how living in Callf 0 11lia, Their day with Mr. and Mrs. Fred ' Irvin names and former Ohio addreBles follow: . and children at Johnstown, Ohio. Mr. and Mra. WU11am AntJ'llm · Mr. and .lIrs. Joe Engle of and daughter BI'I&'hUe, Harve1s.Ka.n88s City, and Mrll. Engle's burg and ;(.e,banon; Mn. M.a.rie ' sillter' and two children of Ripley, Antram Mill. and daqhter Anna Ohio, visited Mr. and Mn. J. C. Mae, Leb.non; Mrs" William Hawke and, Mrs. Maria 'Elbon on Grimes and daurh.ter Flo Kriber, Friday. HarveYilbUTi'; Ill'. and Mn. RUlae.l1 , tMlr. and. Mn. Elmer Sheehan, (Con~u.d OD Pat. ') Muter Richard Sheehan, Mrs. Clyde Bunnell .net children at;.. tended tbe Tr01 fair, Wednesday altenloon. Ilr. Sheehan '1. exhibitilll his herd of Brown Swillll ' CIlttIe there t!!iII week.


..1 --::":_

. Mi" Belft ¥eCandleu, 48, 9 f Sprinrboro, II in the H08~iiaI. u a NIIlIlt of lDJanea sofrered when .he w. . .b.'uck b, a ear neal' het' hom. late lIonda, nirht. She b.. a fractured alnJD and a renewed break In a pNrious I, 1&Jllted rlPt ....

Mi.- Edna of West Inmuctor In the Wanen Count)' Nomaal IChool seyeral reare qo, who w.. attendiDar the annual reunion ,of the lP'aduates tl1 the N_ N. U. In Leballen 1&It we.k, wu tile trelllt of lira. Belrti~..1 YUIa Wedneeda, afternoon. Unlon~


Klu MAr)' Lou Zimm'l1D&Il of II", IleOUdl. . II .14 to ..... FODtaD.. CalU., wbo b.. be.n been bllDdecI br up. of ail ap. .wtbW a1 Put OllDton, Ohio, ...... jmMJdDar ou ... ...... ... .... of lin. NelMG WatIdu tbe . . . . . . . . . . . dIHetJr MftI'al ..,. Wa "... nil • Into IN , . . of a . , drlWa br""" Lea', lira .... to .... WrtIta . . . .. . . ., II. of ... ..... ...... with' h_ L. A.

... boelIJ..,

-~ ..





70 VARlfTI,'


FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST Carl Smith, lIilllllter Perry Thoma!!, Snpt. 01 Bibl. School Bible School at 9 :30 a. m. Communion, 10;45 a. m. Preaching, 1l :00 a. m.

Mr. anl! Mrs, M. A • .Fulkersoll nl'e announcing th arrival of a !) Ih Ibs. girl Wednesda y ni ght, '-'AYNESVILLE CHURCHOP Augus t )9, at Mc lellan hospital, CHRlsT . Xenia, ,Carl Smith, Iltuillter

Miss Vivian Florence has l'eturned to hel' home in Fa Irnouth, Ky., aft r spending t\ pleasant weck 'with h I' aunt, Mrs. T. B. Brannock and other l'elatives.

Not A DenomlD~tion

n :30, Bible schooL

10 :45, Lord's Supper. 7 :p. m" Christian Endeavor. 7 :45, Evangelistic s·e rviccs. Wedne!!day, 7 :45 p. '!p., prayer 'Margg.ret and bible stUdy.

M 'f. and ,Mrs. R. D. Collett and ST. MARY'S CHURCH ons attended the Sta.nfield R"v. J~ J. Sci1.aefrer, Rector reunion ne'ar Clarksville, Sunday. Services discontinued tbroueh Mr, Collett was elected president August. to be resumed September 011 .the association for the coining sixth. year. I



C. E, Michene-t: and family e njoyed an outing neal' Toledo Monday and Tuesday, En route home they visited Ohio avel'l\.~ at We l Lib erty.

MLses 1'I'ill ena a nd Edwnrds visited Mr. Harriet Smart aod Miss OJ'llCC at their 'WAYNESVILLE M. Eo CHURCH home, ottilge Haven, in' Harveys. R ev. G•C ' • Dib.rt, P.uter burg, Monday afternoon. Sunday: Sunday school at 9:30 Mrs. L ester Surface, who a. nt. Mor.ning wOl'ship at 10:40.' undenvent an ope ration at Me· The sermOn s ubject will be, lellan hOf!pital, X enia, hna reo "Applied Christlanity." .Wednesday; Bible study a'od t.urn d hom e and is said to be get· pl'nyer meeting at 7 :45 p. m. ' ting along nicely.



Mi sscs Betty Maril)'n and DOI'othy Younce of DaytcJD, spen t last week with their gl'a ndparents, MI', and MI·s. Wilbur Clark.








ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH Mr. nnd Mrs. Loren Hadley and daughters of Jacksontown, and Mr Father Newton, Putor ami Mrs. WaJtel' Williams and Mass at St. Aucuatine'. church :family; of K;ingman, WCl'e Sunday every Sunda,. mo~lnc. Itu~t!! of Mrs. Ruth Janney and Miss Louella, Thl> Williams, who FRIENDS II&&TIIIC have 01\. new t.railer with modern Firat-da,. Sebool at 8 :80 •• •• e(}uipment, left, Sunday ' for 'a two l4e.tillar tor Wonlalp .,. 10:10 ID. weeks outing in northern Ohio Michigan and Canada. Reporta to W. B. Paba.r, .&Me Mr. and Mra. Ray Maino ... aaei ch&b I.acl_, O. S. U. from 'II 0Il10 theiI' howe "ueats, Mr. t.nd 11ft. couatlea 1'ftIIa1 ..... e1ub ....aBrandenbul'i and 'l in. J ..~, of merit of 44.101 bop ... Florida. MI'. and lin. Verno" Fftrurea t1'01ll ' " ......... Maloous and d • •bt.... ; Mr. aad tt. wU1 Mn. GeOI1r8 B.nd.,.... Mno Julia Bead.......





The m cru. waa In .y about Dairy. milk, July, S 7.00; Robttwenty yeai'll 11,0 but no on reo Rei hel, f.lull, July S7.00; G. R. J oh n 1101freal\ed my memory until after I e1l'vCi lel. fi7 ocrt> ill Hnrlun to\\ n- \\ it h ~Ul'('l iei'. Ro. man, food and mllk,May,June had lost my buck. Speaking oC ohip. i~ 11 ulhvlizl'd al).d July. $84.70; Frank Sht'rwotld ehaln Illtters rE'calls to mind that 0., milk, July,$ 5~OO ;11. E. tok II, lfiriunt . McCt'(lluy to arl Thl' "'I'!lnklin the post oll\co is lTlost cities have R!1I1 Eth(,l Alice Thomp!lon, renl LInd uttl)rnl'Y fee!! were milk, July, $!I.GO; Stok('s Dairy (I~tute in Turt!v(,'l' 11k town. hip .•J. T. Rilt·y. 0., milk, July, $3.10; Raymond Paym 'Ills totaling '43,25~.6G thousands CIt: them on hand they TIll' 'twinj.!ll 'Building (1 l'k W. ('I m n~ Rny Di!>· Taylor, food, July, $12,00; T rry's were made iii Warren county by clln n t deliver du 1.0 insufficient Common Pie.. Proeeedinga Bill. Gl'(l l'y, (ood, July, $6.00; the ReselOJ~m nt Atiministration add!' S.!:I or pal'ty unknown. 1 connnd L nn .1'1 •• V U. hllrlt'l' E. hun. inlut '0. (,fi:1 1. 1H] 656 in hio cntral Tel phone Corp., . Tigal' lind harlton, footi, .July, f,'om July 1,1936 to June. 26,1936 tinually wond l' i! someone didn't or TIll' Fir"t Not:illn- n hhin~. (.\1 al. for mlln y. tine Franklin. In th II'II'Y ~ ott. I tothel' I~nd Wid- l ' nt i11l!! lolls. WpA office, $8.50; $6.60; Tracy,s Grocery, milk, July, IIC rding to infol'mation l'eceived mistake my address. al Bank, of rOI'rOW, "('I'gU, Hgw- o"c)'uin'" dlll'in'" the l)(,lIdcncy 11f ..... !lntTal Tell'phone Corp., $6.20; alley Vic",' Dairie tnilk, by Drig. G neral Benedict Crowell, I ~ "... \I , ' 111)1\11 It Tr'oy L. Ilnd tyro Ohill OTd ' . ' ('Jlhnum, judll ment i,\ t l(! this action. cost~ and oth ..!' reI nl!' for var i ou~ )ffice~, $56.50; Jllly, J .60; Ruby VanRiper, food state director for tlle National 'um of $lH2.2G wa. allowed the Ella, inlot No. 11 in toli fol' variol! office/5, $24,96lJohn ~lnd milk, July, 36.'10: fI, E. War- Emergen y Oouncil. lief and mar. hailing or liens. The S~lringbo l'o . plnintiff'. '''llyn ", ,'11 atio'llal B nk to Law Illld Son, gase,lin and kero- Ivick, food, J uly, $]5.00; WaynesOf these paym nta loans total. amount claimNI i~ $ 1,302.72. . " In tho mntt r of t hII uppl'oprlaElnl)' L.~I'lb, 1'(' ''1 e I nte In' se n~, $'1.73; TrusLees of Public Afviii Drug Store, Baby food, July, ing $3 1,748,00 weI' mad to 100 I' h ]Jl> le n JIlO1e ~ iiled :l. !luil llllDin st .." ~ 1ion of all S In lit Cor ng way "l'win. filii , waLer l'el1t, $9.00; Relfs $12.30; Yocutn's Store No.6, food, persons lind $11,505.06 of g rants E I L~onllrd Jnhl 's f r divot c. The v purpo. (! over the 't0 f. (- chnl'g j!; ·l'uelty. .Howard . \ ellhnutll and M""rEleetric ShOll, SUPRlies and labor, July. $6.00; Hazel Brook ll, stor- to 222 persons were disbul' ed. ~ ~::=~=::===::::::::~ wlll'd Augullt It. oppe, etc. I I. (11'____ tie M. W llh, um to ~ab I lIeg 1', 12.99: . age for Federol ommoditie, $15.An additional activity of t he. L banon ~odernizing Co., stain, 00; Tl'u . of Public Affairs, clec- Resettlement Adminjstration, that def u thnt t\ clep it of . 21 be Marria ..e Li"en.e. I 1.94 a l'CII In • nl m, township. !l1'alvin R. Phillins t.Q Frank , andpaper, $6.50; L. G. Andel' on's tric current furnish d Commodity of farm debt adjustments, showed l'/1id to Edward AUg1ll\t Hoppe. " t·, lepClRit Horace "Martin hanH, fal'mer A pp Il ell"on li S hl'oll, I' al tute in "Union town- Sohs 0" asbestos millboard for Warehou e, 5.01; Helen Dough- th. t in Warrell county 21 cases ' t d . f Wayne, vill . and tias J nnnc OU1't no use, $ 3.60; Holthaus mlln, board and are Iifford had l>een adjusted through May i:l'lIn , Meredith, hOll.-kccpel·, of Way- :;hlp. In th matter of the apPI'opria. 'arah E. BulinI'd, deceMcd, to Tran sportation 0" elrpt'e s on fit- Doughman. $7.00; ~1I's. Ira 1936 involving an orjginal indebtI ne:;viIJe. "THE HOME OF GIFTS" tion of an as m nt f or h·Iglwny Thelma P . lInt'lan lind Walter W. ling', $1.00;L.H. Gordo n, gasoline roth, board and care Alice Stark- Un S 01$81,624.00 with l"IlEJultant purposes ovt'!' the land of EdBalll.H·d, real e t-lttc in Franklin tor ounty Oll1misioners, $1 .75i oy, $5.00; James Moore, boa:rd 'and sllvings of $2,077.00. In alldition Lebanon, Ohio ,al'd and A~n Hopp", t" it i, Real Eat~lo Tran.fe... town. hip. Wlllt r Botts, gasQJoine for County cal'e Lucy Moore, 5.00; Mr. to the aving through adjustment Foil n ampb II nnli Ida amI)' Walter R. HartHI'I, et ill, to Will- ollllllisRioners, $1.75; Wilbul' R. Marg(lr t Jones, bo rd and care ther 'Werc 4 ctlse8 where loans h d ordered that dcpo~i be paid 10 EXPERT WATCH REPAIRING Edward Hopp and da Hoppe. I)plI to John E, Stacy, 99 act·os in tor . Bullal'd, reill estate wllnger, service DS janitor at Me- Ollie Gardner, $5.00: Mrs. Julia b en extended or where Q reduc1n the matter of th appropI'in- Mas. ie township. Fronklin township. 1l1lll'inl Hall, $40.00; Drs. Edw. and Holland, 'board and care Vernon tion of in~re8t rate had been fU.ioa Only Genuine Mate..I.I. J. R. ~nd Alice F I'd t o Anton Katie Nunnet· to Dnn ~el'r;tln- Robt. Blair, cxaminations, $11.00; Holland, 10.00; Mis Omn Knox, fectet!. Fur~hel' benefit from this tion of an ea ement '101' highway '}lu rpo cs over the lnnd; of Lu lin and Mary Braun, 100 acre in tino, renl e t t« in Hamilton. town· Stillwater Sanatorium, hospit Ii- board and cal'e F1'8nk BaIHnger, activity was n ted in the taxes Prompt Service H ppe, etc., it i oTd r* thnt lIarlan township: ship. zation of Edw. H e'nsey, $108.50j $11.00; ':vfi sOma Knox, board and paid as a · \'e uIt of adju truents Store open until 9 p. m. Waltt't E. WooJwine, dec a ' d, Oney Yeazel to Mock Davis lind The Fl'Illlklin hronicle; env~lopes eal'e W4llter BarlQw, $11.00; Mrs. whieh in Warren county amQunted Lu 110 Hoppe b paid the llmount of deposit, $4,000. to Mal'{,l'fIrct L. lartin, et al, real adi Da is, )'cal estate in W for County Audito'!:, $14.00; John Eldon Short, board and car() Ruby lo $203.00. The c e of Th American Loan' estate in Lebanon, ' I n(>!jvillc. Law and on, gas and oil, ~ .69; R~m, $5.00. - - -- -... - ....- - - nnd Realty Co., ver us Clifford Earl Robinett nnd Penrl Robi n- ' A. D. P ncf', d ceased, The Columbus Blalnk Book Mfg. ~-_ Q_ . _~t_ · J. Wi~ham, et ai, wa dillmiss d. f't.t t~ Rufus LaMar and l.fami G"n e pence, et Ill, ~al estate in 0., receipts for Vendors License Ask for a . Th case of CI y Whitt versus LaMar, inl6ts N . 120 and 121 'outh Lebanon. and Fee, $.90; Banlks-Baldwin Law Miamiaburlr Permanent in Mason. Morris K. Snook to ,Gene Snook, Pub. Co., Baldwin/II 1936 Obio CiMonnie Whilt is dismi Meli 11 J. Wallace 40.6 acres in Union town hip. vil P"aotice Cor Pros. Atty., $15.. by JUDSON DEA.N .Concrete New Suit. A. Sell l'8 .and Hattie L. Sellers, 00; Tne Office Outfitter, coupon ~_ ~_I_ ' ';'I-O Air Se.1 Buri.t'Vault The First National Bank, of real estate in Hamilton toWllProbale COUl't book of ribbons for' Probate Court, ~orrow, filed a suit against How- ~hip. certified copy 01 the entry $10.26; Lyle Blank Book ·Co., GenGOLUMIBU , OHlO- Near thc For Sale only by harles S. Olinger to Dorothy d t l'min lng the inheritance tax eral Index -rebound-Probate, $25.ard C. Wellbaum, for cognovit. city'll ccntf'r a grandiose mosque ogan and Kenneth Coglln, on the estate of EI ' ie A. Ertel, 00: n. M. William s" inquests, $18.F. . And rson and Meryl B. M. of' mottled m~I'ble topples at t he Your Funeral Director Gray are t he attorney . teal e tate in le!1.r¢r~k town- is to 00 certified -without delay. 40; A. D. Harvey, M. D., medical hands of man to be ep laced with Lu ia R. hawhan was appoint- services rendered at jail, $20.00; a filling station. ·For years its McClure Funeral Home d admini tratrix of the estate of Hubman Supply Co., dust mops arabesqu ' splendor hus stood forth ~u., O. Annie Cros on, d ceased, and and handles. for jail, 6.79; ,Wm. with sup,rem pronounceme~t , a iU d bond of $600 with sureties. Hufford, sheriff, wa hing for pl'iscredible landmark, only to fall in oner $35.72; Mr~l. Della Hufford, arolyn W. Freeland was the path of earthly progress. pointed adminl tratrix of th& feedi ng prisoners, $356.00; J. L. Older rl1embers of the Temple's tate of William '1'. Wood, de- Dunn, servo a nl,echanic, $16.00; congregation arc struck with wonceased and filed bond of $1,000 Gross ervic~ Station, gasoline for derment that urban beauty so:tne. with sureties. Cnarles J . sheriff's cal', $1..75; Western Union hOw is no long l' d&~ndDnt upon Schwartz, William Gt'ea.thou e Telegraph Co. tele~'1'am for stlerchurches. Thirty years ago there and Burney Coryell were iff'.:! office, $.60; ILingo Hardware was a photographic lIkene 8 of poi nted appraisers. Co., . plates, spoons cups, etc., hamlet nd m etropolis that reDorothy Burgemiel', guardian for jail, $4.97; Lnwis Motor Mart vealed their distinctive and noble of Carl M. and Laurence L .. Zwick, Co., bearings and cond mel'S for steeples but it has faded w.ith time minors, tiled her sev(!onth account. shQriff's car, $5.4(}; Griswold Ser• f th RItAT FOR }.!'lD CO!'lSIGfi The adjudication and determina- vice tation , ga , oil, ti~ battery, E51CA DRACONItTTE, voted Some stories of the eneets 0 e Jour ~ttl •• bOil ,beep aDd Qu~n or. the Air. will ing 31 the tion of the inheritance tax to be etc. for Ilhel'iffff"s auto, '63.20; depression parall~l that of the to Norril-Broek C'-o, live wife a.d p"id on the e tate of J . Hervey York upply Co., mumer and tail Great L ke ExPosition on Augu I 7. fall of King Midas with the eJlcep.. pl'l)rre••l •• 1Ir. tt)r tb.hlab'" Rrca kiog a ten ' ye(\r pr ed nt. Cities Young, deceased, io to be given to pipe for sheriff's Buick, $4.38; 5..rvice, her polI!IQr. will bro:\(tcast its tion that Midas was void of phil- market prieea and. C9 0 d a.ntee. d t Ualoa Slock Yarda CI •• I._~. o. all persons in~rested. John Law & Son, gas and oil for ~ular FrJday e ning cone 'rt n that Ilnthl'opy and pOS~1I'bl y d eserve 0 Tune lD on Radio StatioD WCKY belo", \3,000 people gathered at W. Chester Maple, admini trator sheriff's autos during JUfle and date tumble. In 1926 a rieh man who 12 :211 to 12:80 p. Ill. for our claIlr Radioland in Ihl: Ex, ilion, It wi ll of the estat of Jesse LeFevre, July, $60.66; owned property near the heart of market report.. he the first tilll in IIlore than 520 ADMISIION c a ed, filed his application Ohio Central ~r elephon e Corp., "'eek ly concert~ that the pr ram will the c;ity built a magnificent and ~~=~~=====.=== 2S CINTI certificate of transfel·. rent and tolls for NRS office, $9.40 )tc broadcast out ide its cw Yurk beautifl,11 'str ucture on his land. _ •• . . . A. f th . f ........ oiudiOli. . OU'LL enioy every minute ~ II great ~II'.\ .... \ The estate of amue} Furman lvins·Jameson nrug Co., 1 ,ga); 111 tribute 10 lhe Exposition. Rosario Its purpose was to house civic and fined of. ogriev!tutal, hOlhcultural and IIVeIIock, Gallaher, deceased,' was found to crude carbolic acid for dog wa'rden Bourdon, conductor of the orchestro.l. public vcnts which it did ~ith a display./pIua IIICh fine entertainment 01 the G.rand j be exempt from inberitance tax . $1.00; Warren C()u nty News, eita- ~a. co rn~d a march entitled "Salul" great profit to the rich man. His, '.0 Ohio. • which will be 'Ill yecj for the 'Clrcuit Ha,ne" Race., Night Hor.. Show Gild . A cel'tifi d copy of the (!ntl'Y de- tions fo'r Dog Walrden, $6.00; Fred Ii"" lilllc during the Cleveland bwad· were not deluBions~ grandeur "Mode", Arobiall Nights:' t~. thrilling Grandatand the inhel'itance tax on O. James, bones for impounded :nllt. but actualities in the broad lap of I - Hippodrome .how, staged nigh,tly;' the estate of Jesse LeFevre, dogs, $i.20; Gross Service Station, ==========:;==== luxury. Hia fortune mounted in deceased, i to be certified without ga for food ditt'ibutor, $6.27; F. bounds. All .hi.s investments were marked 'With profit. Literally, all delay. J. Heel' Printing Co., supplies for Holly ' he touched turned to gold. Then Bryan E. Moore was appointed Common PJeas, i~5 .15; The Office cam(l 1929 and the cra$h. Today administrator of the estate of Outfitiel'S, pen, '.35; The OreClarence Crawford and family this one-time merchant of money Jame Wood on, deceased, and gonia Bridge Co. ,oxygen bars, a,\d Elvis Michael and family enJonathan $8,68; John J. Bul'r, payroll, $112filed bond of $1,000. is tighUng to hold the lease on his joyed a fish fry Tu 'day evening. Cook, Dt'. Earl Frost and Chas. 80; Johnson Myers, payroll, $139.sandwich stand which occupies a Ph 78J Ellsworth mith and fa.mily minute eorner section of the one , ;. Rogers were appOinted appraisers. 20; M. C. Forman, payroll, $364.40 spent the week-end )Vit.h Mra. Harry L. Dal'mody was IIppoint- Earl Basore, payiroll, $97.50; V. M. palatial -:difice he h~dpreviously ~~~~~~~=~~====~ Smith's mothet·, Mrs. Levi. ed admini ttator of the estate of payr1tllJ/ $55.00; Carl built. Mr. and Mrs Ernest Earnbart Mary A. Holloway, deceased~ and D/!kin, payroll, $239.20; H .L. and family spent Saturday with m d bond of $1,3 00: Southard Ma,. Schuyler, payroll, $187.20; Harry. Mrs. Earnhart's brother in Cin- An old newspaper vender tells . NOTAllY PUBLIC me something about hla life. He vel', John Maloney, Jr., and David Mount, payroll, ~~298.80; Raymond cinnati. N.el_.1 .... Mr. William Baileff is spending consideu himself successful. He Ca-rpentel' wel'~ appointed apprais- Mulford, mower operator, $44.80; ers. J. L. Dunn, sedices &S mechanio, the week with his sister, Mrs. E!ta earns enough money to live, that Will. DraW'll • • E ...... Se,\'" WAYNESVILLE. OHIO • is, in a lringle room where he also N. P .Clyburn was appointed $52.20; ArmreJ Material Co., oil Stephens. executor of the estate of Anna and tal', $3,625.62; The Lebanon Mr. and Mrs. Runyon spent a does his own laundry and cooking. He haa only one worry, which is L. Cadwallader, deceased, lind filed Lumber Co., paint and lumber week in .Michigan. ,,-bond of $20,000 with sureties. W. $1>7.75; Mr. and Mrs. Everett Bunnell about his three daurhtera who are E. Cornell, J. L Mendenhall, and H. S. Con01'er, supplies and entertained company' Sa urday married and of moder:ate means but h*ve deserted 'him. He haa no .... . . ..... • .,... "t'. E. V. Bar nhart were ~ppointed paint, $20.•59; 'l~rustee.s of Pu~lic nigbt 'and .Sunday. appraisers. . , Afl'l\h's, electric bill for garage, ·M r. and Mrs. Beam and ;family idea where they live but kind and - - - - - - -....- - - - - -.. I'oa .~ L. H. Ritz, administrator of $3.24; L. 'G. Al')derson'B Sons Co., D t t Th d e forgiving he thinks they ' wom ·~t f V · 1 G Ri de- lumbe., "'1.12', ·T h.A Morrow F' eed of ay on, spen urs ay ev - a)lQut him too. th e es .... e 0 10 It • tz, & Sup·ply"'Co., 2." g" al RFG, "'1.12,' ning with Mrs. Ma.ttie Levi and FOR SALE!.-Wbito Rock Fryera ceased, filed his application for .. . '" family. The prosperity doperitel's are again ' Two Ibe. up. Jack Bolin, TownMrs. Emerson Dill and 80n, Billy a certificate of transfer. He also Waltes Garage, parts, $17.79; The attempting to revive the . ebain ship Rd. &13-20· filed his inventory. Cincinnati Oil Works Co., oil, ,106 spent Wedneaday in Xenia. guardian of 90~ Fred Kahn Motor Co., parts, :Miss Dorothy; Michael spent letters but their .. " a lIIiahty task. FOR SALE-Freah' Jersey cow ' ,Chloe Bowman, Ruth Mae Bawman, et ai, filed $5.89 ;R. D. CoJUett, mower parUl, Monday ' with her cousin, MilS Economic and, ftn~ncial tI,s perta bewith 6th call. Frank Braddock. ' lieve that In a few more years the her first account. etc., $7.65; The LeBlond Ernestin&Eal'nhart. jaO.a6-tSA Certiliw copy, of the entry Schacht Truck. Co.) rail support, EI' .MJC11 1 d Clarence populace In general will have fordetet tniningthe inheritance tax on $4.25; George B. Hamilton, Atty., c VflS d d ae an t 0 "&rp gotten the stock 'market cruh and SPECIAL-4 oz. bottle O-Cedar . .' '" .• . raw or an son caught w...., be willing ' to bite .,ain. So, 'toq P01i8h, 25c; 1h Pt. can O-Cedar the estate of J. Harvey Young, de- garage rent, ",12.00; LeW18 ~tor 1 t k h' h 'rh d 2(l the chain letter addicts 'if the Sell PoU"hing Wax, aoc; Regular ceased, is to 'be certiiied without Mart Co:,1 Bosc:h coil, $1.71; Wal- as d wee, w IC, wel e , delay. ' tel' Botts, guoJline, S17.16; Groas poun ~'d' L ht tw'o cao..lish· promoten juat wait long enOUgh. : valull, . .65c; aoth for 8ge. R. D. DaVl S I . S f' S i . ' I ' 3 ucal eaug .. Some of us' will need • . few more Collett" Hardware, Waynesville. BII :mue Bu~dge ;nd BenJamlD e~ IC~ : t on ! gasol :e, '6$9':~; which weighed abo\lt 20 pounds, h f ors B r. ge,. ex;eu d 0 t e estat~lo Th 'Ft' k' uSrhre, , gadso ne, on one line. On& of tl).e fieh had yean to quit , trrip~ng about the FOR SALE-Student'. Flat Top enJam1n ur gel deceased, fl ed e an . ~'Wo~ c 0., ,gaso 11e all d . 11 flah Mr Lucae dollar we so enthuslaetically 1D&iIDeal:. J. B. Chapman, Wayne8their first . and final . account. $0&.21; Franklin Vulcanizi~g "TIl' sw hOtwe a lsma hi' h . 'ped ed to some unknown out 1V8at with ville · an d. guo Iln e, $17 .4; 8 caug an d ee , a3lso,u w c thweIlal'i: out· a return on the investment. Leo Wh a Ien and John Wbalen, C0., s.upp Iles • Ad executors of the estate of John Borden's 'Tire ,t Battery Station, ... tpoun !I an bt ;, 0 nceds'h e - -=::::=:z::::;-=========:i... FOR SALE-Young baned rook os ever caug ' ..roun ere. . . l' ' W ha Ien, d eqeased, toosters from blood te-ated flock. ftled ap- gaso Ine, ,24.87; W. A: !lause, sup 'Mis Mi . C wf d I • it'n Laying strain. Grace Hocket,i• . plication for a · certlficaw, of and gasoline, $10.83: Tlte Kil! i' s ,nn; :a ~~ wll ":c~ g their patrlek-Frendl Motor Oar Co., re a lves m a~ ~. 18 ee. teasferr, Th-ey also tiled first and final acc·ount. parts and gasollirte, $13.12;, Henry PIPE, VALVBB aBd ·In the matter of the estate of Ludington, gas,~line, f'75.02; ~or Water, Gu Bua. WtUe Elizab~h It. Murphy, deceased., Ruby VanRiper, oil .nd gasoline, .til. and 'f3praJlq. CiIterD ~, 111-. distdbution is ordered. Harry $13.63; Griswold 'Service Station, ::;;;;=i!i-;;;;;;;;;-----~ vic ail6 Spray pampL Plu ....... MUl'phy, executor, filed his alii. supplies; parts, labor and 2'lLloline, •.1 .. BeatiDa Sapplla 10'll'eet prIeeI aDd da.vit in lieu of account. $106.95; L. H. Brown, food during C<>LUMBUS (Speclalj-WomeB lalPQaaUtJ at The JIoeIdee. A GoocI PWonD Charles J.!>"ner, ~arry F. July, 6.00; George L. Burroqha, will again be admitted free of Kbac Co., X.. OJalo. Write .. .. Ralston and J . P. Rawles were lPi!k, during July, $3.20; Cale', cbarJEI on tbe openiq da, of the .Rellef from ' tuatiOli for prlcelo appointed appraisers of the es- Grocery, food, durinC July, '6.00; Ohio State Fair, Earl B. Baufeld, wbuld come from the adoptloa of tate of Annie Crosson, deceased. , R. Cojfman, fooQ durinc June d.irectlDr of. agricmlture, baa aa. tbeae four poliel.. ; FOR RENT 1. EcoDom, In PV:lnUIlIIlt . . The first and final account of and July, ,84.76; JOI. H. Fedders DOllDCed. The Fair OpeD. a' 00· Grace Spence, adminietratrix of Supply Co., fu&l, '6.60; Jan. S. lumbu. Aupst 81 aDd ~ a.p. . penditUreL I. Stop pWq liP mort , . . FOB B&NT-I'Ive roOIlll 'oa ,til the estate of A. D. Spence, deceu- Fox, milk, ,1.60; It. B. GUmore teillber (. etreet. lIoduta, with batJa aDeI debt. ed, was approved.and a certltlcate 6 Son, food, ,6.60; Bardert'. GroIII acldltioa to . . . . . IJaIIcIna 110\ water Ja_ . . 'WI6 S. AboUlb . . . . . . or ..... of transfer wu islued. Cfl'J. food, ,11.00; aDd eelaool Inaa dri..,. .... will lie buftau. . . or IIario1l WIaltIbr •• tIa 8t.. A certificate ot transfer of W. A. ·Hau••, food, July ,11.001 .dmlUed tree lIo1ldq. A.qaR U. 4. Adopt. ,.,....JCIDotID JODGr. W.,...... O. jll4 real eltata w.a Il8ued in estate of R. H. Jefferis, food, July, $14.00; wlalcla Jw heeD ........ U 0.. Morris X. Snook, deceased. Kroeer Gr0C8r7 • Bald. Co .. lamina., ChJ1cJNca'" ....... ... ofWhea clU- • • aatD..~ Irma T. Shawhan, admlDutra- food, JuI" LoYeland Orotria. (If th. utate of Samuel 1'..... cuy Co., .U.OIJ TIle loW o.tJah de-=-ed, mtlcl _ reat A.


hip. ('thur


III'nder~on 10


_.- ..---


Cary'a Jewelry Shop

v. .


----- ..

Exposition Star

- -'-.---1












,r '.

T • Martin Auctioneer



Or No Charge '

Cent erville, Ohio

.,. .





• • •







. . T A~ E S

Women'l Free Daj 'I' . T . 'aLOID At State Fair

The Miami



.- .


B."""" •


---- - -

- -



-- - - -


- --






tl!N, Mr~.

laude Rigp and Ml't!. Puul 1·'I"I'Y of Iluyton and M • W I"; ("lark "f Waynesville ~\l(>n' l'hlll':.Jil~' with )[r,<. Mnry ('ur-



Mi'll Millln'lI Ruutzuhn 1'1,1 til' Ill' d t.n h('I' hOIll.:' 11\'al' ~fhl!ltiHhur~ 'rU(\1\ day (,vl!'nil\~. acttn' spending a CQupll1 flf Wl'l' k~ \\ ith her c(lIIMins, r('I1l'\'Q .and Betty notIt1.ahn,

IS·II.t.... a at poatortla. at Wa,n ..~ . .......... ,......... ... .. • YIIl •• Oblo. a. ~"lIa Clu. Mall 1I1I1I..rI.t1•• Prl.or a Year Kalter ___ . . .



AUGUST 20, 1936

Rob l't l~l'i!'n d c njoyctl all Camp Hook, l1~al' MiddleNO PLACE FOR SLbpPY THINK.ING lnwn OVCl' t1t~ \\'(I('k-cml, \ here n Ill', evenly-five 1l\ l! 11 fl·tlnt several <: unti S III t. In a rt'cent addN'tl, hadaR R. Gay, President of tlie N w York Mr. and :\1rR." • Lanl '.I Bniley ar Stock Exchange, this very nstute comment: "Most of the cl'it011 a motol' trip lhis \\ ck to the 'icism of stoel exc hl\ng during a price relaps~ COnlCS Irom people <h(Ja~ Lakes I<:x pogitinn, lit leve· who Sllcculnte with too IilUe kno\yled~ of what they are doing and land nu Niagarn 1'alls. with ratios of capital quit!! out of proportion to their xpansivc il~agMr. aOli 1r~. . n. Burn et, Mrs. Mil.lrctl Surface ond Iltll1ght r, inatlons and d sires ....... , ]\frs, alvi n Lonp;ocr- /lnd childr n "If speculalive operations could be so conducteJj tMt money was M1' 8. lie ' lark, 1I1r. and Mrs. never lost, the public'!, good will toward the stock exch anges would be \ alter lurk :ttt nded the Thackone of th reany beautiful t hings ol life. Everybody. would be happy cI'a ~Il l(l at Spl'ingbor(), nturt,lny , all the time .... , The tax r turns would disclose an astonishing number Mi s~ c s Iirinm Whar ton. Ceo va of milliOn dollar incomes and cong!' 88 would b m~ting in special ,Marilyn nnd Betty Routzahn Whitaker, Martha and Rob (ll' t "el'; ions trying to r d uce tnxeg.. ,.. " . 11 iatt, Richa rd Whitnk r lind "Th fact happens to be thi~ : N either speculation nOT investment .M'a rgat'ct in t ironl hel'c W re in can be made proof ,a gainst error, miscalculation and sloppy thinking. I a l' ettaJ at the gym at WaynesIt is thoroughly human to grow angry and resentful when plans go STATISTICS RECENTLY COMPILED by the Leallue of Natlont villo Sunduy nfiemo n. The Ihow how var /oul ~ountrlel have r~coverecs from the depresSion, while aWTy, especially if the mischance or miscalculation costs money. But porents and [1'i nds attended. I the United States stili .tr~gole. with restrictive e)(perlmllntl. The Sunday sch I picnic was Pre.ent Industr'.' produot lon 18 compered with that of 1929 for 19 I Dllly stat& with the support; of c()nsiderable knowledge that a grellt countrlu. Japan leade with 13& per cent. Gr~at arltaln III alxth with 112 postponed unday on account of section of the public which makes use of stock exchanges fOI' s~ula­ per cent. The United Statea II flft ernth with 79 per cent. the ' rain, b'u twill be held next \ Our New Dul lawl heve h;'"pered busl"eu anCS eheiol<~d I"dultrlal tion and investment is kc.enly alert for knowledge which will help Te23rd. ncar Ru ssell recover), he re. Therefore, we .tlll have 12 millIon unemployed, and other :unoay. duce mischance IIlld m cllicuilltion in t heir ma1'k t undertakings. BUl'netts, Ridg ville, and in cas natlonl are taki ng world ma rkets.' Mo ~ than that, I am convinced that th public ha made gl'eater of rain wi11 be ut LyU& nu.!1. UtI strides in grasping the fundamentals of true stock mllrket valu e a nal- I_==:::::<==========:============:====-=- day School will be at 10 :30 at in~





yais thlm 'W of the xchang s may realize." It will be happy day when everyone realizes that a stock exc'h ang is II mal'ket place in whicb the law of supply and demand fille.!! values, and not lin in tltution wher one may get something for nothing, and turn a hundred dollars into a thousand without risk or laboT. Th exchang4!jJ don't pretend to work miracles-thcy simply perform an ssentlal lIervice to t he millions of e.itb: ns wbo own or wish to buy, 1)1' sell seco.nties.


Farm ~ight 7 alks, August 24 8:00 I'l"ogram content and weqther forecast. 8:05 The National Vegetable Show-H. W. narshfield, Asst. State 4H Club Leader. 8 :16 .~arly Y~l't! of the Ohjo State Fair-H. E. Eswine, narrator. 8:25 Mus ic 8 :40 Farm Home Period: Th ill Year's Fair Exhibits-Miss Thelma Beall, Home Econ. Specialist. 'Ideas and It ms-.M'rs. Katharine Cowgi11, Home .Economi t. 9 :00 Ilow Can I Finance My ollege Education? - Pres ntation by College of Agriculture, directed by H. W. Ni!longer, Junior Dean of CollPge. 9 :10 Poultry Pointers-R.E. Cray, Poultry Specialist. 9 :20 Orche tra dirocted by Edwin Stainbrook. 9 :30 More Hay in Bee! Production-Carl W. Gay, Head, Animal TIusbandr), Dept. 9 :40, The annual Vegetable Grow ra Convention-H. D . Brown, Borti; 'ullure Dept.






At Ohio State Fair

gl'ound~. P·R01ECT SOil FROM I Harveysburg EROSION IOfM::.';~·re~a~n~(l:~: ~~:n~~?iu:~~~ ~~dth:il~nl~~V: :~ ~e~ ~ a~u!:~::; WINTER , ,picnic The Foulth .g roup of the Lat,lies

Qvening, Dr. an.d MI" • .W. E'. 0 glcs b e invil d. of Plallt Growth in Dry Year. Inst ntUl day.

Augu. t


Every nc

H ses Mary El oa nor Hawke and Mary Carolyn Lttkens Ilrc guest.1! Subscribe 'for The Miami Gazette thi week of .1r. and :Mrs. Chas . Bo r, tl ra nd j'amily of Norwood, NOTIC E OF APPOINTMENT Whil most Ohio farmers arc Mr, Herbert K mn dy has l~ praying fOt' Tain, R. H. MordRh, turned hom fl'om it ]llca ~a nt visit F. tut~ of Anna L. CadwaJlader agronomist, soil conscrvntion ser- with his !lister Mrs. Lida Walker d ['ccnst-d. · vice. says that land ow n t should antI family of ambl'idg-e. Notie is her by given that N. P milk PI'oVlJuon to protect th ir M)", anrl ~I'rl' . G. M. MacDonald lyburn whORe Post Offic e address fields from the destruction of win- anti flintIly "re Sunday guests i. , ll Rhinglon C. H., Ohio, ha~ tel' torm!! "Yhich cannot aid crOllS or ,Mr. and 1r.. W. . Kersey and ~ 'en duly aPPOinted ns Executo!' but whL h do cause cverc arosion. family or Or gonia. of the,> ESWlte of Anna L. adLack of water dul"ing the growfro and Mr. . J Ge Davis attended walla.der late of Warren ounty, ing season has prevented the usual the dding of theil' niece, ML Ohio, deceased. amount of plant growth on IJ;tO t Ruth 'M annon ancl MI', M. nyder Dated this 12th day of August, Ohio soils. Plls~ur() conditions ar~ of Wilminglon on last Sunday 1 !J30. bad that most of the fields hnve v nillg. N. P. lyburn, Atty. beeJi ove t'g'I'llzed nnd th covering ]\f1'S. Howard Gl'Ilhom spent last RALPH n. AREY, of grass 'wiil b thinnel' lhan u ual. \\'~ck with h l' luthel' Mr. Frank Judge of the PlIobat;c. ol1rt, All thes factors will combine to B vnn nlld family. a27 Warren County, Ohio. make . contiitions favorable for cveral from here attend d the erosion during late fall and win- leaver- au-Rich picnic at. tht:! r downpours. hom of fl'. a.nd Ml'. Clint Oats, wheat, at' rye will ~e rve I aver and family of ncar Wilto protect fields which . can be mington last unday. planted to the e common grains. (lvel'al (l'om h~re are nttending Oats will winterkill but if th ey m'e Fl'iend's Ycul"1y Meeting at Wil- . planted . arly enough they obtain mington this weel~. ISUIIti(llellt growth to furn' b ground 1MI'. and Mrs. :ha!\. Boorstler of cover in. the winter. Wheat 01' NOI:wood, spent the. week-end here are usually more sntisfactory The mllny frieJlds of Mrs. Howas cover crops .and they can be ard Surface will be pleased to ' plowed down in the spring in time know th t sbe is recoveTi ng nicely to get the f i Id ready for other from an .opera.tion at Mi,IlTlli crops. Vall y ho, pita.!. , D. R. Dodd, spcciali ,t in ngronMi 's a ah en therine Hartsock omy, Ohio tate University, or neal' M lvin is vi iting her says thin patures cnn b helped glandpar nts, Mr, and Mrs. l)1aterially by applying lime JlJld \ alter Jordan, fertilizel' ond by l'esec.ding ~he '1\11'. and Mrs. 11u, II 'J ell' \'is .... ~, .......~ .spots. Lime hould be ap- and :family eriLcr'ta; ned company plied only after the soil has l) een Tue day. . t e ted and thi can. be don by Wilmington co,lIege , baccalau r~ county agt'icultural agents. Mr. eai.c ervlces wel~e held at the Dodd recommends the use of 20 :tuditol'il1ni at the college on la t per cent superphosphate or a unduy afternoon. 14-6 ferWizer at the rllt of from Mr. :lnd Mrs. WarrclI Wood of 300 to 500 pounds per aCTe, Lebanon, and Mrs. William DellenEarly fall seeding of t~ gras, s bl\t'h oC hicagn, wel'll Sunday , in the pa ture mixture freql1ently evening guests oJ: Mt·. and ~lts, 'W. giv s the be t results. A good mixTichen or. ture contains 7 pounds K~otuck:y tilueg'ras.s, " p.o unds timothy or orchard grass, 3 pounds l'ed top, 3 pounds J:ed clov(:!.r,81';d 1 pound cndell Salisbury o! Wash ingwhite clo.v er. The legumes for this ton C, H. is visfiting at the homo mixture can be seeded ill the of :11', ond iMrs.· Allen Emrick. Spring. . Seve),nl relatives attended th e ' ' ---Foulks reunion at the home 'of Mr. New Burlington and Mrs. E. B. Longacre, S unday. Inere..e. Danger Prom Late RaiA.



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The Miami Gazette


.- .

The Ladies Aid o~ the Friends Mt'S . Stanley Bailey visited Jler Church met at the ch urc h . on mother, Ml' . Edward Hopkins, at Thursday morning. '. Mc lellan hospital Xet)in, SaturMiss Rhea Jeanette Blair wM I day" . F.rnnk Sm,lth , OUr 10c~1 .barber hoate&! to the sopnomore class of Spring Valley high scbool Thurs- is now: work Ing, in t he Gllptn barday evening, . . ber ~hOP nt Sprlibgboro.. . , ' Howard and Everett McClure MISS Betty R( IS V1sltmg' ha~ their automol>ile side-swiped at the home of h,er ,upclc, Floyd and badly damagea at the Covered Routzahn 1I0ar Mlat~llSburg, bridge on the Xenia. pike Friday Mr. and ~rs. Har~ey Burnet evening, No one was seliously returned Fl'lday evenlTlg after a tnlured. delightful ttlP. Ico Cleveland .a~d The . body of 0, M. Hudey, for other p la.c(;$ In. norther~ ' Ohw, many \vear.s \& residel)t of tbis com- T?e y were the: gu ~.sts ot MISS Mary ,munity, was' brought here for ltluhards, ,,-hlle In Cleveland. burla'l on ·Wednesday. He had Mr, and Mz:a. Amos Cook ' and been in failing health for several sons of' near Waynesville were years and died early Monday Sunday dinner guests of 'Mi-. and morning at tbe Green county M~s. Donald HI~dley. h08pital. He Is survived by one Mr. and .Mrs, Perry Cllnggan lion LeeteI' H Hurley of this and two children ot Muncie, Illd. pI~.. · and Crist Boitnott of ~ippecanoe Mr. and Mn. K. S. Bone enter- were recent guests at the home taiDed relativu from Kansaa, on of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Rout&ahll. Monday; Mn. Alice Trickey, Mn. Alice B. II. lllatt Qf Wtlmin,ton ad- MlUer and son were Sunda, ppU dHIIed tile Friilw' of Hra. Sarah Euto,," Uld dauKb. Oft 81111da7 mOl'1liJll. ten at Miamiabu~• •• Lee Mea and Hia Mrs. Ha1'Jorie John, of Dayton ..... IMataa of JtbIpwa and James Turner of Bell. ~;e,t~=~ hood. .... 8IU'I'led at u.. brook .pent 8QII_ afteraOO1l • tI!III!~P~i._"'" _ _.1 leN Sataldq itb lin. lobe. ' Mr. aad I ••



























by high fll'hool

A Code of Ethics

And their t(,3c\lcr f"om BiltmCll'e lligh fchool, hviJl~, 'Mth b(IY

P"ofc:<sionlll ml'n must servc humllnity Ull!l lfi~hly, pineIng suell sel'vi c bdore pCl'~onal gai n. Tl)e t.radition.~ o! tllG funel'ol clirecting prof s ion r' root d in this pt'in cipl ej 011r strict codl' uf llli s defines in complete oeUli! the uuti08 of a funeral di.J:e~tor to his clients and to th conlmllnity.

arolino. ~tOJlP<d In Wayn svilla for a ~lllIrt tit)le Tue~dny nfter-

LIVING ROOM SUITES CLEA-NED AND STERILIZED '3 piece suite ." .... . ...... $10.00 2 piece ul c .................... $7.00


boy" ronging in from ] 1 to 1 years, under the -'lupervi. ion of L. P. 111\el" and two (lihel' leather., wC'rt' r t urnin~ to A hl'illc aft~r an educational tour up tho Atlantic nllst and into unndll, in Wllllhing n, BaltlmorC', Philadelphia, ew York Boston, Portsmouth. Maine, St. ohn, N~w Bl'unwlck, Revi t' du L(\llJl, P. Q., ueb c, fonlrl'al , Niagal'n Fall, It'velnnd, Akron, . oillmblls and Cineinnati. The boys had ellTned the money lo pay f or the bus Ilnd all the elCpensell of the trip. They left Ashville July 27, and exp L to arrive thct'e tomorrow, Friday, Augu t

W ar· IH'oud or th idealism Lhat pervades our urgnn ization. Deeply. imbu d In eaeh rtiember of OUI' stafl' is the ('onvieLion thut. his ~~ (\, sllered ond }IOJlQl'lIbl calling. W S l've 'v ry n , l' 'glll'u lcSlI of social position or finnncial CL\J>llCity, to the very bost of out' abiliLy. TIlls policy hlls won for us OUI' present po. ition of leadership.

.I. E. MeClare Phone?



Kathryn Mencle1allall, Mgr.



J. BCHAPMAN Lic_.eeI 8roker

Mr. R. E. Frank, music instructo.r in Wayne 'township chools, pl"e~entlld his pupils in recital unda.y a1ternoon and evening. These pupils hnve been tudying usie during the summer and owing to the large number taking part the recital was divided into two groups, one for the afterno!,l1 performance and on~ for the vening. ThoSe who attended the Tecitals -express themselves as weLl pleased



Expecting a -record-breaking flow of traffic during the 18th national convention of the Amerlcan Legion in levcland eptember 20 t 26, th Ohio Highway' Patrol will work \vith level nd polic in handling the 200,000 throng. By meun of a large control map shoW1'\ hel' clo.e check will be k ept OVCI' th main gateway

with farm experience to handle local service work for Nationally known company. Permanen posi~ion. Pay t!-very week. Car necessary. Our men earning from '$35 to $75 a week. Not necessary to wtite Jetter. Just fill out cou: :. pon below and mail to Box 16', - - --- - ••- - Dept. 9093, Quincy, minois, insh'oction. Farm FinaDce I Age .... " ............. ..... Number of Farm mortgage financing in years on farm , .. ..... .. ...... .. ..... .. . the United States in the 12 -Name ,............. ......... ", ... ,........ ,.. . months ending May Sl, 19. I' ed elined about one· third as c Address ... ....... ....... .. , ............ .... . with the volume for th p ccedlng ' 12 month . . ~vernor. W. I. Myers, farm credit a(tministrator sllys that most of the mortgages written are refinancing operations Don't Let the I'EA.RL Y rather than new indebtednes • - - -- - - • WORMS" eet Your Bird. Try The Miami Gazette For A Get the worms, and help to Year. ))Nlvent rein!eJltation by u ing Dr. Salsbury's AVI-TONE in the mash. Tests prove that it gets up to 98 per cent of the ' roundworms in chicks! Get a paekage at ()nce. f'OIt SALE A. ActYerti.. cl ia

:i:~in~e ~~~~s

,, .. ..... ... H



.. , ..

"'ere present at the meeting of the Just ew 4-H club which was beld at the hom of the leader, Mr . (;uy Ro~tzah.ll, Augu t 6. The members wOl\ked on theil' books and made plans for n wein r roast, after, hieh they arljourn~1 The club met on Wedn day, August 12, at. 'the home of Mrs, Routzahn with nine members and one visitor present. The articles were all finished and the record books were gone over, after whieh plans were completed :for the weinel' roast at Wayne park_ Geneva Rout:zahn, Reporter,

Late Classified Ads. A.A. DUNAHUE


J'II. M.ia Sto 1'It_ 105

f -al1 Building Days into Cleveland, traffic bei)'lg diverted to les congested I\l·tel'ie-s when necessary. A special radio I' top wi\l help to x.pedite the u'(!am of convention-bound car. At an instant's glance traffic officers can determine the location of their units from the control nnap and assign them by radio where they arc mo t ne dcd during the convention ru h

aiety Director Eliot Ness of CI v Ia.nd, Busine s :Manager of th& William S. Konold convention corporation and Col. Lynn Black of ih tate highway paLrol are pictured, left to right, studying the control map, which designate Legion informMion out posts, location of highway !latrol unitS, cmel'gency c 11 centers and Red ross ·fir t aid stations.

PU~~an~'~ sev:~Hm:~~~rsMa::T::eGviSjto~ AMERICAN81~Y OFfEHS


................. .. ,

FOR SALE-l Mlare in :foal, 1 good Colt, 1 good Wagon. A. T. Clark, Harveysburg and New Bu-rlington Road. a20 ·

r. \

MY' the Woman of the House '

I won l DOF ~DVENTURE I ---




Fianie, Mrs.







Cross, MI', E. V. Bat:nhart and l\fl'. liaITis Mosher. Mrs. Al Polinsky entertained a small group at bddge Wednesday afternoon in compliment to Miss Mary Lou Zimmerman of Fontana, Calif. Th ose Jll'esent Mrs. were Miss Zimmerman; Nelson Watkins, ,Mrs. Roy Johnson Mrs. Lewis ThQmpson, Mrs. E. F. Deppe, Miss Evelyn Kersey, Mrs. Joh n Kersey and Mrs. Roy Ellis.

in&, ironing, sweeping, etc., it returns many times electric appliances in your home.

Dayton Powe r I any

by J~ .ru ter, Jr.

Sprinlrfield, MislourL Their sbter, Jtlrs. Smith, died Christmas da,.. Ilr. and Mr•. Smith will be remem. bered b,. many friend. in uesvU1e, the)' haYlq rutted

---persons injured in' automobile accidents migbt be 88.ved ~l'om death if prclper first-aid meth ods aN used at 'bhe scene of the injury. It is just as important to know what not to dQ as what to do in cases of emergency. Never give an unconscious person water Ot· othel' liquid, as the per\ion is not capable of S\Vallowin~. However, ' wa.ter can bl' given In smal~ q,u.nti~le8 jf the injured person is con.sel0UII. Keep back any crowd that may gather and atteJmpt to cheer the injured person. Try to make the injure<,J person as comfortable as possible. Keep badly injured pel'lJ()ns lying down. Do not have t~ walk aro,!nd Or !lit up. In all cases of serious injury, be sure to call a doctor. Allyone rencierinr first aid alwa,.s should 11&7 cool and not be I,. a hum to move the injured. A 1000d people have died becaue til., have been buW)' mo".. b.for. the extent of their lajlU'J _ bHIl



Mrs. C. G. Randall and daughter, Miss Helen, and tlleir house guest, Miss Agnes Sll.wden of Ithaca, New York, Mrs. Harriet Sma rt and Miss Grace Smart spent Wednesday a!ternodn at the Cincinnati Zoo and attended the opera, "Bohemiam Girl" in the evening Mrs. Amelia Williams and Mr. C

its coat in hours saved: It will pay you to use more

Anson, Oregonia; Mr. and


.,. _

Mrs. Amanda. Maffit, MJ·s. Robert

and energy for the woman of the house. For wash-

(Continued from Page 1) Wilmington; Miss arah Pl'ice, Dayton; Mrs. Aliee Cum-

King, mins


Miss Clara Lile, Miss Jessie Clarke

pennies, ranks/itst when it comes to saving time


During the coming yesI' AMER- Mrs. lint Anson, Harveysb.u rg. rcAN B Y &t01'i s will take reall- ,\'Irs. H len Dickson, Alliance; Mrs. ers .into UII3,nd ring transport Martha Faber and daughter Esplane~, ~nlo Anrlapolis and thl'- thor, Dayton; MI·s. Lucy Houghough the aribbenn with th e Na.- ton L ee,. on and daugbter, Daytangles of ton ; Mrs. Lulu Anson Bennett and vy, into the t\ounolle Georgia's Okefenokee swamp, and nu band, Pommouth. ev n into I~n imairinary future of Mi s Anson state also that s he space . ships, trange. maah~n s has in her posses ion a copy of ~nd cl~nce. ·AIl a~e .wlft movmg, the Waynesville News, dated May 21, 1887, Her mother, Susie AnIn\ltructl;-e alld gl'l~pmg. Th re 11 be ston~-s of the true 'son, k/apt the paPer as it contained adventur of DaVId Irwin, the an account of the first high l!CflIUU.l, young man who, for four year., commensement held in Harveysalone, wandel'ed llcros.s t?e al'ctie burg which rends : barre?s by dog. tl~am, gomg m?n"The first annual commenceths wlth.out see1n.1: a hum~n beIDg ment of our High School came off and catmg only Jrrozen f Ish. And )ft~t e~en' ng an" to ' ch' 'b 'II b R T · '··d ~ y 1, u 0 mu In • ere e OSCOE~ urner S IDSI e praise could not /.Ie said of all who story of the. famous London-to- in any way participated, The proMelboul'?e a1f ra(~e: _ gl'amme was a s follows: Grand March The Festival _ There,ll be adVIce on hobbl , ports tips from famous coaches Pend' ' d 1 ~ r lVl'11 e. Misses Jennie and E1izabeth an ~ ayers, sugg:estlons on money Praye r_Rev. V. F. Brown. Music, "Sweet By and By" Reeves of New Burlington, called earnmg and 40W-C08~, travel, and ,Ilrtiele~ .on dOg tralntng, na- Qoil.k.step-Fi"an1cenfield. , :~e:::;,n sville friend~ Thursday t~re s oddIties and tomorrow O~'ation, "The Beautiful' - nna alrplanes. l !\Ia Donald Th~re'll be Il'tories about. ~'\le ;iano So'lo, '!Tarantelle," Heller ~I'. and Ml's. Will Rieh and ot Cedlli' ;Rapids, lIn n, are visit- favorite chlU'acl~l's ~f a mllhon - Miss Llltie Vandervoort, - ]3onehesld . Tl orney, de, P' 'D t "U'o P tp .,' ing MI" and Mrs. C. ;fl. '8~rtsock tboys t· S Jr D' . lano ue, m n 0 ourrl, and . other relatives in the com- cc Ive ; 'dquarek awh ·avIs, edngln - Baumbach,-Mrs. Kate Mulford, H I e-rac, l'j t e · re -go ld M' M D n munity. . II ' Al K .•. t d ISS ory en y, co Ie;'d h'I1n . OInC, selen.IS ; an 0 r a"on, U "H't I c h Y our W agon t 0 Mrs. arab Murray is planning Lee, ml s Ipman. Star" Ed COt THE AMERIC'AN BOY t a na . ar er. to I ave Sntul:day with her n phew , cos S Valedictol'y "To-Day" Reber Fox and Mrs. Fox, or Day- only $1 a yoor, or $2 for three L C 1c ' ton, on a tour througb the East year, Foreign subscriptio ns 60 . 00. Piano Solo, Gavotte "Marand into Canada, ' and will stop at cents a year eJttra. Send your gucrlte" No r th-Miss Mary Denny Clevellind to - visit the. Great na'me, address a lnd renlittance to THE AMERICAN BOY, 7430 Annual Address, "PIIl!"- Prof, Lakes exposition. . Second Blvd., DI~troit, Mich. SerH. H:olbrook. MiSS EJill'na H eighway coterMusic, . "Bonnie Scotian lained witb a bcautifufly appoint-. viCe win start with the issue you Prendiville. Pl'esentation of Diplomas by the 'ed luncheon at The Little Inn, specify. On newl stands, 10 cents SatuI'day, in honor of Mrs. Emma a copy. • .... • Principal-Prof. J. M. Mulford. Barnett1s eighty-seventh birthday Finale, "P~arl Galop"- Prendi. anniversary. The invited guo t.q were M Il'. Barnett; Mrlj. Edith

E(ectricity, the household se~ant that works.for





W ayne.vUle

M. Robil:.zer received wOl'd, Saturday morning of the death of their brot~r-in-law, J. H. Smith of



-e!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!J bl8Itdlq. 0D1, =



Benedieti~ -

Rev. SherwooQ

Fison. f Teachers as :follows have been elected for the next year. Principal-J. M. · Mulford•. Assistants-Edna Harris, Bernice • Johnson, and Edward I. Hon~sty. 1 A selection , which could not easily be improved. Success to the Bohool." _ _ _ _• _ ••_~_

Friend.' Home New. Mrs. Jesse Robinson, of Cincinnati, bas been a 'iueat at the Home for a week. . Mrs. Hugb Huntnigton and son Bill, of COlumbus ca.tled on their aunt, ~rs. Ho'Vell Pierce, Tuesday afternoon. IMis!I Louise and Master Milo Hartsock, of Melvin, were guests of their grandmother, Mrs. lAlna Hartsock last week. Mr. and Mrs. MaYl1!lrd Harlan and Miss Maxine Harlan, of WIl. mington, called On tbeir aunt. Mrs. Ada H. Jenkios, Sunday evening. Mr. .ar)d Mrs. Jaml!' Beni()ll and Mr. and Mrs. Clements aDd little lon, all of Dayton, called 011 Mra. Mara_ret Martin SUlldaJ afternOOIl.

11__ WiDlfr_d Nuttlq, A1lDie

U. aDd 1Iam. T. Brone were cIIn. Dft' . . . .t. of . . . AdaJIq . .a .trlllIDI . . . . . A1aD at 6. i.fttJe Iu 01l

Thoulhtful agriculturiata do not let good building day. Ilip by, - once heavy crop. are out of the way. Better, conatruction reward a those who take advantage of early load weather - before fall raina eet in• W e h ave a bi, yard filled with firat grade buildinl material. of aU kind. Tell UI your builcl,ing plana and we will make .ugge.tiona which may save you con aiderable money•.• W e have plan book. for every kind of conatruction which we fumiah free to our cUltomera.

W. H. Madden aco.~ Phone





:Buy your coal now at low iummer prices. Coal .will no doubt be much higher in Se~ tember. But when buy, get good coal, it is cheaper in long' run.

Elkh'o rn 'L ump $6~50 Yellow Jacket, Lu~p


( DU $Ta:;~SS TRE~TE D)

S,RECIAL' Big Blocky ~. Hocking Coal $5.75




Ehthty-Eighth Year


Wh ole Number ' 6236

ST 27, 1936


Ap~r, oves

Funds For HOME ECSt TEACHER Local Sewerage Project; HIRED BY BOARD Bond Issue to be Votetf At n special





Boord of Educalion Monlloy cvc:ning, Augu s ~ 24, 1i~ (il'l,tchl'h G h ring wa . nam ed fur he 1'O" i· tion vucated by MiRI\ ~~li?nb~th

Hen kl . Miss G hring-'s hortltl is in T<>hido, Ohio, ' She i.- very well recomm ndell anti com s highly qu ali fied f~r the Home E onoltli e!:! po ~ ition . ,h is 3 grll(luat.(! of the Unlversity of , T ~ l e d() find h ilS tak 'n mllst ot ht'r wo\' k in Hoiue Economics in Mkhiglln State Climaxing a fight of mor e than t wo yea r"s du r at ion, word hilS ollege, one 01 the best known been r eceived by MaY4r A. K, Day Dnd memb ers 'of cou nc il of th~ schools' in the countl'y in that d a pproval of pln~ f or a sanitary sewer system aDd sewage dispo :\ partmcllt.

Proposition Will Be Presented At General Election in, November; Total COlt Would Be $89,000


Local Voters to !HEALTHIEST 4-H CLUB ,M ake [ )ecisio n MEMBER ·IN COUNTY



must be improved he·

fore long o r the villalle will b e


plant fot· Waynesvill e. Word of approval by WPA under which the project 'W ould be omplcted, cam unofficially from the Lebanon offiCII, al though official' notification It'om tho government is only a matter of fotm,

The proposed' Pl'oj ct in~14\1eB the pur c'hase of approximatel~ 12 a cres of land t or th disposal plant and the 'construction of the necesllllry sewe-r lines, siph(!lIS etc., in . addition to a levee to PTotect the disposal plaflt against high waters. Total cost of th proj.ect will be approximately $89,000 the major all are of which will be f urnished by the government. Waynesville's share, approximat:e. Iy $20,000, would b provided by a bond issue. !M\ember s of co uncil have Mcided to submit the proposal to t.he voters of Waynesville at the • Miss Lucy E,"ley, of th e local general election in November. l1nder an emergency law, WP~ postoffice, is enjoying a 'week's bond iu u(!fl can be vot~ within a vacation. ' month after approval by the Have your better cotton dr!!'!!, es government, but. council has de· cided not to hOld a apeeial eleetion done at Quick Clean ers, 2 f or 4-5c, deferring the vote on the quelltion Kathryn Mendenhall, Mgr. SHANER- MERED ITH until November thereby saving See Will C. St. Jo1m if you are the village tbe cost of conducting In the market tor a Buick, Olds. 'S aturrl ay vening at. o'c1I)~k, a special election, thereby lavinr mobile, Pontiac or Chevrolet. at t he pleasant country home ,\If considerable money. the Iwid 's parents, fr, and 1\'8. ' Efrorla to obtain f~deral aid Mrs. Lnli~n Fife of Washing· Sam Meredith, Miss J lln e for IUch a project Will started ton, D.O., was the w eek. end guest Meredit h and MI'. Hornee Shane!', more than a year ago, after of Mr. and 1rf'rs. L,H. Gordon. w re united in marring . tate health authorities ga,-e Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Roush are T he c remony was p rfol'm'd coun ~I' 1 to uD"~ra C Oibe,rt in the ~..., ' tand that Wa", announcing th e birth of II. daugh. bv ~ th6~ Rev.G, . nellvi\lc should have a modern tel' at Miami Valley hospital. pre .nce of a l?l'ge I')umber of and sanitary .ewer lIylltem.' , r Iu.tlve and friends. Plana were blocked by lltate Little. Miss Judith Ann Con~r P receding the c n :m011y Mrs. authorities after it was U~ed spent last week with friends ill Maynard Weltz, 4lccompanied by that no deftnite plana had been Lebanon, MasoJ,l and Roachester. Mi Helcn Hawke, s.ang "0 drawn up tor luch a project. It , Promlso Me" and "I Love You was then that councU retained Mrs. Jf18S~ Robitzer of Dayton, T r uly." Morton Shepherd, Dayton en· ill spending the week ' witb her The brid was hccomin~ly glneer, to work on plana for the paren~ Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Mar- gowned in white und al'ricd while propolled lI)'l1tem. latt. fl owers. Agitation for a modem lI~r Warren county Pomona Grangc Following thc we<lding . upI' l' sy tem 'Was 8~rted several yeai'll willi meet at MaBOn n S.a turda y Mr. and Mrs. Shaner I f~ 00 n aro, "lien conditions became 10 Augult 29. The 5tlt degree will be trip to New York ity. ' that a group of mer· cOlI.ferred. , , LUNCHEON.BRIDGE chants and citilena brought pressure to bear upon 'oft\cials for Mr. and Mrs. J4e Pennewitt and improved c~nditionll. A.~ a result WUlis Pennewitt and f.amily spent Miss Elizabeth Henkle elltertraps were .installed . In Ilev6.ral the week·end 'With relatives in tain eu with n luncheon· bridge at sewers thereby eliminatlllg Columbu8, Ind. her home Monday afternoon. unpleasant ode.ra, especially along Carl W. Smith, minister of the present were ,M'i:. s Flossie main stre·et, emanating from Church of Christ and his family El tz-roth. of Leb~non, Mrs. Paul sewel'll. are spending this week with his Boorom. B Ubrook, Mil's Evelyn Shortly afterward a lult for parents in Virrini,a. ' Kcr ey, Orcgo nia, Mrs. lint Corwin , X nill; M.I'~. AI Polin ky, $10,000 damacell wal iMUtuted in WarreD county, common pleas Mr. Lon Beckett spent three Mrs. E. F . Oepp, MI'S. John j:ourt b, W1U O. GU/ltin, who de:- dal's l ••t week in Falmouth, Ky., K ersey, MrR. Clifford ' ~iace, Mrs. . dared in hI. p¢.ition against th., where he visited relatives and at;.. Et han Cl'an , Mt'S. Roy Ellis and


The annual unio n meeting of the three Warren county Farmers' clubs, Wayne Township, Franklin IInll Lcbanon, took place Thu rsday, August 20, at Harmon park, Lebanon, About GO members a nd guests njoyed lhe excellent basket dinner and the afternoon pro·

lonlr fUl)d,

for auch 11 projec,t > Counly and atato 1t_llh aUI:bori t iu hav _ rned I h I cond.itioJls in W&.y. ne.av ill ~



Wh n Wayne."r,lJe vOters () to tho p alla in t hl! Ileo til el cl io n in No v mhelf' Ihey will b .. b nded II. b \lot ... ki ng Ihem to po .. on Or reje!ct a bon'" i .. u providing for a modern aewer. lie! .y ll""m.

Council h.u ~nad figltt La • .,cure Ifeder


.__-. :.__________ l

------ .

' yillage WaynMvllle bi8 propertyofbad been mad& that leu babitable- by present 8~r.,e conditions. The luit ia ,till pending in the eounty courta, If approved by Waynes1iUe voters, it II believed the local project will be started yet thill y~ar, l'fovidlna work durine the 'WInter and • .,rine montba for ,many who might othel"Wiae be WI· etnployed.


tended the Falmqutli :fair. Mr. and Mr8. E. R. BimtleY' and Mr. Catl Con~r were dinner ' gu e8~, Tueaday evening, of :Mr. Bentley's liater at ~ort Ancient. I(rs. IIfford JI. Brace wa.s a pest at a tea on Sunday after. noon riven at tbe country home of Mn. F. W. Ct>ekerill



Oakley; were Mrs. Phil La~..


11M. Margaftt Thomas, Wanda Griftlth aDd cllildren and Mrs. Clifrord Brace (Olive IIr. GibSOn of Piqua, were guest8 Allen) of Waynuvllle,. recent of III.ra. Geore- Hartaoc\c, Sunday afternoon and evenlne. bride, 'wu la.e. of honor at the d ~lIghtful luncheon.bridp party Girls and bOYI of Ule . Tri. at which Ifra. Chulel , A. KelJ>le State Christian $emce camp win , was hoateaa at her home Oil W. have cbarre of the morning .nd OhurehSt. Thunda)' altenooll. BV)eninlr aemc.. at tbe Church of Thirty trUes. w8H received b, Chl'iat Su~, .(\lI'U8t 80. 'V ra. Kelbl. for lunclleon at one KtI. Ruth Janlley and Mias o'clock. The luncheoll taJ»le and rooms of th& Kelble home were Lo.eDa, 'With )(ra. ll. D. Barden of iu. Columbu.. .pent Fftday and cleeonted with l»ow1I of .Inn Sat.aNay ill Cleveland and .taited Follmq tIM , laaueoll m the Great Wk. ExpCllitfon. tabl.. of brldp were pia),". Pri.e. were a".reled ..... I. p. 11111 Ine. Bmltll. who baa been )lO~lID of lIiddletown and Yilith.. her alater, )In. VenOD 'Mila Vlqlala retm.d to her home la Brue .... prtHDY• ..wa • ,.. a,., Banda)'. Ill.. Anna prise. ....... _ ..paW II. to

a........ .....

o.Ht-tGwa ...... '-t_ . . . ot ............. W. . .


....OIIl·l!iI·!IIIT.II.~". XI.."

....... ,



Notice 1'0 Taxp:lyers S ptem be r 10 th Last Day P"y Real Ed"te T axe.

Lirt of Delinquent Will Be ed. Ross H, JJ..lI't sock, Tl'cq







und Cl' 'nal Bill No. 221, collection fliT t1)e June taxes will 1Q,0c 'rh\mlduy, S pt l!mll('r

10t~. AjI lettcj'!! raoeive(l b

ing a lulcr


mark than , September ' 16th will be tUl'ned. It is require r! by a recent nct of the l ~gi;l l\tul' that ~ Ii t or 1111 lllntls whic:h al'e cCI'tifi l'd delinquent he publi hcd. St.'\tell1 n - of lallt hal( of Per onal Property Tnxe will be mail~d us so'O.n as receipu; IIrc .roa dy, post

'::~,~E:i':W:l'h~E~lli~':S'======j~=====:~~=b:::: __,=:--=::::::::==

Mr. and Mra. Louis Rose and lion of 'MadilionTine, and !!Ir. atid lrJ11I


~:;;;;;mm(:nd() d ),y th (luronomy <1\' !)rlrtH;:nt t hill :tate niwl'!:!lly to pr o (:d n ,ldK fr vm ()l',)t;IOn t' 1\r'oJuC(!ti hy l1 !:!in r a mi.xtul'i.' III ~o to 25 pound of vet h I\nd foul' 'u live !'lecks of A cov r

Mrs. N. T. Pavey of Oakwood WAYNESVILLE CHURCH Of CHRIST 'ith a brill g • Carl .Smlth, Minister lunch on at t hc ' Dayton Com· Not A Denomina~ion munity club nn Tu c~dllY aftl11·· \} :30 Bible School. nO l) n lit which Mrs. Iifford Brace Lesson tcxt--B egininng of World w a guest. Mi!\Sions. Act 11 :19-26 ; 13: 1-12. Golden text : And he snid unto t hem, Go ye int.o all the world and pr n<;h t he g()l! ~el to the whole creation," iM'att 16 :15. 10:45 Lord's Sup~r. 1 1:00 Evangelistic service ;Byron Ca rvcr. Special music, Bert O'Nea ll of New P hiladelphia Tri-S tate Girb and. Boys. m and Chat'l s 'N all of Ja.ckson· '7 :00, Chtistill ll Endeavor. ville, Fla,. were u nday g'u.ests ' of 7 :45, G05J)el Me sage Byron their aunt, Mr . L. M. HendcTIlon Carver, Special music. and Mr. Henderson, Charles reo 7 :45 Wednesday nIght, ~rayer mainC{] for 0 mor cxtended vi it. and study of God'~ Word .. G. T. Bateman in char~ of se-rvice. T ho Wayne ville Garden club Come enjoy God'~ word and OW ENS- ARMITAGE will mee\. at th hom of Mr. a.nd hav Christian fe llo~ship 'With UlI. Mrs, E , B. Longac re in Lyt le on 'r.ri ~8 V(!lma Al'mitage, daughter Tuqsday, cptemb'r 1, at 7:30 p. WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH R ev. G •C vi !Ifl'. and Mrs. y , M. Armitage, m. A ll memblll'S and their 'hu!!. Dlbe.... • ... Pastor ot Waynesville, and MI;. Woodrow bands ~l'c urged to a tlencJ. Sunda y: Sunday schOOl I\ot 9 :30 W. Ol"ens of SpI'I'n gfield, were Mrs; J im Murks of New YOI'k a , m. MIDrn!ng wo rship at 10:40. vi C\ul·..tly ma,·ri ct Saturday aftetM 'rhis will be a Memorial, ser ce ~ ity, call('d on her a U/lts, rs. b f noon a.t 4. o'clOCk! in the ~I thodist Annu Shccl10n n nd Mrs, E. L. in h Ohn ol' ~~ thhe mdem ae:: dO :,~ church, the Re-v. G. C. D.bcl1. I'Jcr- Thom(L~ Sunda" afternoon. Sh e chure w"" ave ep ~ ..e ~ " JOI'fIling lh e ceremony. . i was IIccompanied by }J1r. and Mrl!. life d uring th e pastb Conference 'lI b The 0 uple was attended by Ml S Myron ThumM of Dayton. year. The s-crmon s u jeet WI e, 1al'Y ,1o MiU(.l' and Mr. Edgar D eath, a Minor Tragedy. . 'mit.h. and Mrll. G, C. Dibert was : MI'. an ll Ml'S. IM\!lvin Rile y a~d There wi~l be a sh?rt m~etlDlr the nu h r guest p·r csent. two d~uvhters, Wanda Marie and of the (jfficlal board lmmedlately 1!h. '~nd Mrs. Owens will reside B€tty Lee o,f Hamil ton, Mr. Zack following ,the morning service• hi · pl·ingpeld. a ran(hmbul'g and Reginald Grant At 7 :45 p. m.. we will . rCl'lu~e = of DUJ1Eld in, Fla., call ed on Mr. oUr regular ~tinday e"enl~g and Mr. Ray Ma.i nous Friday servi'*'l and the pas.tor wdl 'vcning. ' speak on the ,subject of, "Sitting in t he Other F ellow's Seat." Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Bai rd have Wednesday : Bible 3tudy and sold t heir ~Ilrm at Lewisville, Ind., prayer meeting at 7 :45 p. m. and have' rctUl'n d to make t heir You lire cordially invited to at. bome in W ay nesville again. Thcy t end' any or all of these meetil\il!l. a re for t~ p resent staying with M'rli, B ai rd's parents, Mr, and Mrs ST. MARY"S CHURCH O. R. Ungle!lby. Rev. 1. 1. Sehaetre... Rector enLereained

===============. . .


Miss Bertha a nd

Mr .



di~ 'onti'nued


Cal~Y '01: 'neil' Dodgs, Mrs. Effie August, to be resumed September

mith, Ml'll. F lossie Carey and M'r sixth. Ch ster Cor ey were guests of Mr. and ,M'rs. O. P . Lyle at Belfast, 0 ., ST. AUGUS:rINE CHURCH Su nday And also v isited Serpent Father Newton, Paltor Mound , Mass at St. Augustine'. chUra Mrs. M. E . Mou ser and Miss eVery SUllday mominr. MII1'gal'et Hunter of Columbus, fRIENDS IlEETU"G and Mrs. Emma H. McClure we},e Firat-day School at 9 :80 at Ill. di nner g IlCS\s of Mr. and Mrs. L. Heetine for Wonhlp at ~O~O H. GO}'d IJ ll , 'l'hurscday evening. ' m. , Mr. a'nd Mrs. Earl Short of Xenia jbined Lh group later in the fERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST evening, Carl Smith, IIIIlIster Perry Thomas, Sup&. of Bible School Mr. n nd Mrs. A. H, Earnhart Bible School at 9 :80 L ID. / ; and sons were guests ot their cousins, Mr, and ,)iTS. Jim Ml\rks Communion, 10:'5 .. m. ()f New Yot'k City, al; the Colonial Preaching, 11:00 .. m. • theater in Dayton, TUCjiday even· • _ ..._ __ inp. ?th·. Marks is one of the Doe daye is DOt the time of actors on the bill shO'Winr tbis year when all dop 10 ..... aeeol'd to the Ohio depari1aent of ' week at ~he C4Ionlal. Sunday visltol'll at tbe bome of aealth. Eumlutlo_ ~t .... Ita Mr. and Mrs, Ralp~ LiIUl and th. ,~ ... . . . . . . daulhter included IIr. alld Mrs. tIaa& ,.. ..........." W. C. Arbo. .at of Ada, IIr. a_WIt _ ~ ii_ .!fi' lin. W. c. CoW... ud . . .





111'11-.«......... P.. fI2.00: Greenwood Dair)'. milk, July, -$4.S0; Mrs. Leonard IIdthapy 01 the entry way, milk, July, $3.20: W, J . nt-'flinht'ritance tax drix, milk, July, ~3.20; P. &; C. -One dl)llllr Inv('lItl'd in Jleature WHiinm H . Noble, Hildebrant, food 'and milk, July, Pappy rIa ty wall. lawyer, the ;mpro\'em"nl hllll in eV1'TIl1 CA!!l'1I be certificd with $'10.70; 8mull narrow black sign with reluI'neci II vC!l'nl dClliars wnrlh Bertha IIines, fond, July, $31.- dinlty gilt let.t ring which cxtend· or foragl' on Ohi() {al'mB. It Is a 1 I ' . ji1arr wall appointe(J 25 i Retfs' Elc('tric Sholl, rop", .. ' l'!! ed out from the top of his office goot! prectit' In many RAC'fI to immnt'tohnlinl: lil'ns, d L rmin tion [If In ntl'tmt1'IX of th ~tIlte of and labor to jail. $3.36; W. C, d or rend: 1'. A. HaRtings Att'y of Iiell. . . ('II.' of premh.lJJls allcl hll,t1~cai J. Farr, deceased, and Tu'I!U'ln, c:em"nL pI1l8~r. $19.22; at Law. The townslleopl clLlled provc the bl'ltel' pnrLa of ]laslUJ'c Th(\ ell e of Stanley A. Rilv('r· Cu,-thl'l' lc~. 1 Ill1d I'lluitahle l' lief. filer! bond of ~; 00 with urcti s. KSIl!man's. 1 gal, varni h. $4.85; him Tom UnsLings. his wife- can. lund!! with lim nnll f ertilizer and .te n verllUs John Fr, Mount. t 110m )wn I'll Loan orp. fil~d J<:. n. Glot'chlf r, Elmer Grabam J. W. Lingo Hdwe. 0., hosc, 1 d him 'I'om, his children calle(l to !let tre a on th ste J'I s lopes• 1. wa disrni d. a Ult n~('Iin . L lI. B. J stie , JI'.,(!t and harl FiLls were appointed coupling, washer, Bnd window him Pappy and his grondchid. Tho imr,rC)v d pnslur should cur. A t1?vorce wn granted the plain nl, for monay. f or do ur ', mur~ appmi ere. clenner, $1.45,; The Book Shop; ren. Pappy Hasty, so contracted ry mor Ilv stock thon the orlgtIft In the case of 01'0 MilO .hulling I Ii ns, I of relll c.' -.---blott!:'r, ink, inkwell, pencils, $6.- by on smll ll grandson whose Hap- inal larger IIr a. of unimproved Tuck versus JifToTd Lee Tuck. tute and ath r T(>\Icf. The amount Rea.l E,t.lLte T",anafer, 00; ing baby tongne eould not form\!· grllSS lands. I,lL the. case of The SoutJ:lcrn of mOM), c1ainH.'ci ill ' ,2 ,673.01). OhJO Sav1l\gll Bank and Tru Co. H I"n [ahan). filed a su it Annie Gibbons. to Jam s R. The We ·tern Stal', vendor's pur- late the long name of Grand.. - - , - - versus ,Daniel C. Eltzroth, tal, alrninst Edwin ElHol Milham rot Gibbons nnd Kathryn J, Gibbons, chase ol'd 1:11 for treasul'er, $24.00; PIlPPY HII·s tinb"l!. Subscribe for The Miami Gale~ confirmat.ion, tl eel and dislribu· divol'cl'. The harge i gross n g~ 57.82 Mres in Wayn e township. J . W. Lin1/:o Hardware Co., chest But Pappy Hasty W83 moro t ion werc ord~red. Balance du l' Icct. ' Winifred Eldridge to Han-iet 10 k for Probate Judge, $36; than II I wyer he WI\S .a. character, the pI intiff 'i1 127.69. Probat e Court .. B. Meeker, renl estate in Frank· Banks-Bl;Ildwln Law Pub!. Co., distinctive, outstanding. Keen and In th ens of The People's .. llal'I'Y L. Dllrn1ody. J(u81'1liun of lin , Deibel's Ohio Probate Manuol Sup· I;lhrewd, a mnn ot' 1\ 11'airl'l , he was Building, Loan ' and 8\'ings 0., l\lury . lIoH way, d<"CC8 edt iilEdnn Knapp and Grover C. plement 1936 $2.00; Courier.Jou1·. owner and port own",r of :farme, veruss Mollie R. hield, et al, (I hi~ fourth nnd final accollnt. Knapp to Kathl)l'yn P. 'South, inlot nl\l Job Prtg. Co., 1,000 special stores, nnd with other investjudgment ill Ule sum of $4,31)0.25 Th~ will 'o! Edward C. Jlamilt.on No. 73 in Leb8lDon. ,c hecks :Cor probate Jud~, $5.06; ments was also a buyer of (attic "THE HOME OF CIFTS" wall nl10wed th plain'tiff. t1~ccnscd, was fied in court. Elizabeth H. , Murphy, deeeaS'ed, The Western Star, entt'Y blanks and hOl1;3, carrying on his pracIn the cll$e of the Pcoplc' Blanche ' arolinc Bnrber. exe. to lIarry ?IIuri~hy, real estate in f'pr Probate Judge! $12.50 i Colu tIC liS lawye r, notary , public and Leba'n on, Ohio Building, Loun and Savings 00., clltri' of th estnte (If Louil\ A. Lebanon. 1 bUB Blnnk BQok Mfg 'to" in· g n rill adviser to all and s UDell'}' versus IM yrtie M. Fox, et al, Barber, EXPERT WATCH a~ceMcd, fUed h r E JleSsie .."~.Fe'~re, dooeased, <fo ¥'Cntory and Appraisment ncord as befell the lot of the only atREPAIRING judgment in the sum of $387 .5 nL.edul n" d"111-~. . a r LeI' e'Vre and Leah Stqrr, for Probate, ~7, 0.00,' tQrney in tlw community. , , "The n~ inventory L ~ "" o~ D an E. wallndl'I', ex cutor of the estatAl real estate in ll'-'banon. was allowed the plaintiff. f W I The Office'I' Outfitters, robber Standing almOst six t ,oot j .. • 1I r 'adwulluder, deceased, T rus t es of The First. Pre by- bnnds and bond paper for clerk of h 19~t and of fine physiClue with ,. U ' , bl. the ea e of Bent-l'ice Cnmp SUlnl y and Mellie Rye, ltccu.tors 0wn. approved. . O"ly Cenui.e' Mal.rl.l. versu& Raymond Camp, a divorce of the estate of Frank A. Penc , Prompt Service tel'Y of Ohio to Anna Betsinger, CouJ't' $2.00; Th Johnson-Wat- great !!houlders and leonine head was granted the plaintiff. The d ¢()ased, wa approved. Harry Trovillo filed h' appliea· rcal esLate in Mason. son Com,pany, criminal subpoenas crowned with a heavy thatch of Store open until 9 p. nt • custody of the children was given Io'a'll'e E. titm for th a)lp.ointment of a Anna E. Eldridge to Harriet B. for cl rk of court, $9.40,' Th snow white, nair which ltnd onc to the .plaintiff. .Ill 0 of th Hollcroft a(lInln1· M ok r ' 1'nl0 t ,NO. 805 III ' F ran k - W estern Star, envelopes Bnd !!um- been auburn , whit!:' shaggy beet-v tratrix estate of Hom r D. guanllan of Leruy Trovillo. New SUite ;Holleroit, d ceased, iile,d hi s ill' '1'be adjudication and d~termin. lin. mons in Divorce for Clerk, $9.50; linl:t eyebrows above !lmal1 pale W~lla.ce W. Bowyer filed II suit venlory. ati on of Lhe inheritance tax on the lara Johnson to Mal'Y Peul HaTley W. Brunk, mileage, $33.- blue eye! a rother large somewhat d again t J. C. Wilson and Gal'net The court appr"vecl, 11.110'\' <I slate of William H. 1 uble, de- Carey. inlo't Nf). 1 in pringboro. '20; Fred's S,tore, buttons, thread flat nose _n florid complexion Wilson for m(m y only. The and confirmed the lil'llt and '{inal!cem,cll. il< to be given to all persons LaV I'n e Taylor to Eva L Veck, pins for Sewi ng Project, $6.70; TuIt$ ot white hail' in his A k for .A amount claimed i $1,la4. . a count or AgIl s WriJ{ht Carton, Interest d. l' aI, estate in Turtlecreek town· Kaufman's, buttons, thread te., ' big soft ellr aJld n clip'Ped white Miami.bur, Permaftent The Brookville BuUding and executrix of th e tate of Samu 1 Elmira. hawhan, Myra Robin ship. tor Sewing Project, $2.32; I mustach joined a well trimmed SaV'ings A8l!ociaUon fi) d a ult W. Wright, deeca.sed. Shawhan and Man Shawhan W. S. Rce2ie to J. G. Re ese, City Treasul'E'r, board Raymond ooard m(ldium length which Concrete Air Se.1 Burial Vault against Be sie F. Goss, et ai, for The COUl't approved allowed and Gowdy, executrices of the estate r III tate in Washington town- Camp at Woikhou e during July, conc~aled r.athcr fu ll lips and For Sale only by ""!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!~!!'!!~~!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!~~~!!'!!~!!'!!!!'!!~!"'! of Robel't J. ha'whan, deceased, sh ip. ,23.20; Barrett Brothers, forms prOVIded a convenient hond·hold .. fil ed th ir chedule of debts. Harry Sprong, deceased, to for Clerk of Courts, $8.80; J. W. for a shapely and rather small J , O. Cur wright, guardian of Mary A. Gaynor, inlot No. 7~1 in Lingo Hdwc. Co., repair on tal)e hnnd to clasp as was hia habit Your Funeral Director ~hal'l s D. Janey, coniinod in the Franklin. and 2 croquet e18 for playground when in deep thought. But al"" Dayton tate Ho~pitaL, tiled his Nellie K. and, Ralph W. Wh~ler ,Project, $6 .00; The Dayton Blue for tbe snowy whiteness of the McClure Funeral Home fourth account. , to J . P. Lamb, inlot No. 17 in Co.r- Print Co., blue prints, $7.36; The bard, it bore a Tust colored Pb~_7 J 'sia Burkholtz, executrix of win. ' Gem City Blue Print & Supply streak on either side from the W.J_w'i~, O. the sta.te of EdwaTd Butltholtz, Agnes M. lI:eeve' to H. L. Cbe· Co., phosotnts, $9.54; corn ers of his mouth wh~re to- ....--""""!~ d ceased, filed her application for no.y, ronl e~tat;e in Frnnklin towl1,Robert. Luti, aervice as rodman, b~co juice kept it perpetuolly a ce rtiCicate of transfer. ship. $13.76; Mills & R no, stained. Chnl'le~ S. Irwin, lldministl'ator Peter }{aio.ney to Elmer and plank lumber, 15.30; J. R. He usually wore a b lue serge with the will annexed of the s.. Blanche Buri:er, real estate in bons, cement, $32.90; The Ohio it. with vest. sadly spotted bu~ tate oi William II. Nobl , decea • Loveland Parl!:. Corrugated Culvcrt Co., culvert, adorned across the front. by a cd, filell hi application, :for ~ Edward Bu,r kholz, deceased, to $6S.00; Fairly Hardware Co., nail massive gold watch chain and certificate of transfer. J ssle Burkholz, real estate in and supplies, $6.50; Hetb charm which W8!i attached to a food and f uel, $57:'75; vest pocket watch of generous May Jackson was appOinted ad. Deerfield township. minilltratrix. of the e$tate of John ELwood and Bertha Rhonemu • - size; an old black Celt bat W88 P., Gri wa d, dec nsed, and filed to Moses E. 8J1d Mabel S. Brooks~ PI~AYERSI always On hit! head or near at bond of !J~,OOO witb sureties. l' al e tate in Wayn e township. • hand; in s ummer he ambled M/{l'tle M. McKnight and J. around in white linen suits and .ato'r PO.. AND CONIIOII Th e tate of Edward BUTkholtz, deceased was found to be Sh p IM'cKnil!!,ht to Velma Kirk a panama hat; on :felrtive occ... roui ko.......P AD ....... from jnhel'itance tax. inlat ' . sions he appeared in Prince Al- to Norrie-Brock aft. G No. 34'7 d in P Franklin. b ' proplaiv, tim Cu., fl)f U•• the ......... A certified cOllY of the entry reeo an ,earl Pegs to A. K. B?ys and young m n wbo want e~t coat, ~J;l hat, and cane; 1fts lllU'lret ptte.. and COpd ~ , ilelerminjn~ th~ inheritance tax Robertson, inlot No. 218 in Frank- to 1m prove their crawl !!troke, vOIce .was light of timbr, bleb V.I•• St..1t Y.nb' Clada_1I. 0. to be paid on the e tate of Carrie lin. their basket shooting their hurd~ and shgbtly nuaL His speech V;8lI Tad In oDRadlo Statloa wen D. Reeve, deceased, ia to be certi. James L. to Gross, . ling, t heir tenni b'ackhand; and short when angry or p. m. for QU daD, fied without delay. Teal estate .111 ~ankhn township. ' their ball carrying, elm enlillt' the lD business consultation, ' ' Chari s L. Beck was appointed Jacob Lelbfr!tz to Boward L. l aid, of the nation'!! foremost coacb- and tel}der when addresaUtIr executor of the state of Eliza. $haw. and E. Shaw, 'real es- ell and players by subscribing 'to he loved. THE AMERIC~N BOY magazine His office consisted of ona room beth Stowe, deceased, and j'i'led tate rn Lovel;an~ Park. Ilond of $1,000 with sureties. A. Fred L. Hlamfen to Asa Swope and following the sports inter- (not too c~n) c_ining a TOU O. Harbaugh, John McOlure and and ~nna Si"'OP~, real estate in views and J ietion stories that ap- top desk and swivel ehair, papers. M. L. Rogers we're appointed up. Deerf1eld to'Vl'nShlp. pear each month. filled the pigeon holes and litpraisers. ' Carrie E. 'l~uf18 to Ida P. Keller, For the eoming year staff writ- ter.-ed the top of ,the desk his ' Harold M. Benham was appnint- 5.19 acres in Maineville. ers hlP,ve gone to two of tbe ereat- stamp notary was d administratoT of t he estate of •• est football teams in the · cQuntry and officlal looking. Six stuJ'dy I Alex Ludlium,deeeased, and filed ' M.ft'~e U~_... -Minnesota and Southern Meth- congreSl! chairs were alTBnged bond of $14 (l00 with sureties C J ohn W. Jill11, brlck . mason, of oqist- for :first hand tips on aro~nd the walls and a rusty pot• D. COl'W!n.' 'ohrt Simp\tins 'an~ Foster; and l\!iss Katharine Marllh- stra~egy> blocking, ball carrying, ~Ihed stove , stood winter and Ha?'Y Smith were appOinted ap- all, of Lovel!LDd. pa sslOg, and the fine points of summer neat the center of the prnlscrll. ,B iIU. AUowed ]jne play. They have written the room. On the floor by the ,stove Edward P. executor of Fairly,' H d C '1 !!tory of :Qobbie Wilson, All-Amer- WN a huge cheese box filled with Phone 78J the estate of KatherinE) Jql'dan, &opplies ' i'6;~re T;'" nal S a~d can halfback. ' saw-dus!; a target for the beat ~'''~''''=~~~~=~ " ~~~~~' dceellScd, filed hi first and final Bridge Co.~ I~olis $3 o~. ~g~nUl, They have lnteroewed fam~'uB to:b!l~co . Juice shoo~r who came ' account. ' Drake Inc ' . ' '.' WIll" track coaches like Bennie Moore wlthtn lts range, Pappy was a In the matter ' of the estate of 76' Th ·'vl.eme~t, tlle, coal, ,89 and Bob Simpson. Have g<lne to good ehooter himself. His reei· NotARY PU8~IC 1I0mel' D. BoncrOft, deceased, ~and a : ' an 1 amp Stone Co., the University ' of Oklahoma to dence was directly acrOlls Main sale of ~r,sonal property is or de1'- Martz n G !rn~e, ,160.89; Harold li.l1lrn bow college champions wres- !!treet from the otBce and both N.*'_1 .... cd, ' I\n.t ~ I rcv~, .. , 327.60; Armrel ~Ie, to Notre Dame for the story buildings were. flush with the lIide- WIUa- D__ •• -~ ..... ·~t.... I n th e ma tter ,o f the estate of ' U.KBlair erla s &: 0, $770 64' . U; 0 f t h e buildmg of a great basket- waIk an d'1n u. ..... e bU81nesa center WAYNESVILLE. OHIO Lewis H. Martz, deceased, the ap- gravel $47 2~~OYj g:aol e and ball team. Tltey have sought outO~ Portervllle a villa~ of about' ~~=~~~~~~~~~~~ plication of Angeline Martz, ,exec- sa d "d' . 'I . , . S pencer, famous baseball players 1fWim- fIve hundred 8Oul!!. •• "tl"" n 0 an " s., : .tenms . cham, . !, ' AIlh orne 'Was an, ., I , f or tli . e approva I of 'release Lin lIa ' dgrave ,. 1" . $43030' . '. J . W.. mer, pions an,d •Th e' H. 8/1ti pi the estate irom claim' C1f The $61'6 :!,d American p,cks, ,to get their story wlth two front doora, to the = " , '." Farmer'!> snli Citizens ~avi.ngs axe ., e c, • a. H), of bow' to play: ,the' , . mam part of the hOWIe, two stdne '" ., ~ ~~, '. Bank Company was granted. She The' T· 75: J)amt,$.99 AMERlCAN BOY fiction steps providing for the elevat:ion ........... .4or also {'led h" .... ' t · d 1 " , af ractor Com ..... .,.,y· d ' . " ~ th II "r .. us an inal ac- grader blad bId 6481''-'· Jamme wlth instructive back· .. rome . aistone ~avem'ent. .A FOR. IALE I count. The Si 1i:"Fe~de8G' . , ground details tellinr, how to play third front door towards the west FOR SAL~Wooden Silo, in The inventory of Grace Spence repairs o! weld $e;2e~~rJcoD'~ a bet~er game. And the rest of the g~ve entrance ,to the lr,itchen and good condition. Stokee Dairy admjnistratrix of tb.e estate Adam C . deJ:, . . , . . mllg,azine is jammed with adven· up !!talrs quarters ot the negro Farm. ' 027


IIntlrm('d th(' fir. t nnd finlll ae· count of Hllr-l,'y G. Rrllnd"nburlC, ,. ,·cute I' of thl' " l tl! (11 SU~8n J. £h,Lnclclluurg, til'C 1'('11. . Th(l fir~t nnd fino.l account of 1"1<11'11 ~l. !'UDl'. ullm inl~tro.tri of th l' tat of Danitl [.ast r n{'Cl'3sed, .WIIS lIpproved. on d onium tl by tb court. The fir. land finnl account. oC L. 1. llcnd r:nn, e cutor of the eslllte pi Eli . Ru,sell, de. Cl'Ui:Wt!, 'Was approved, allowed and confirm d th fil'l:'t nnd final ac. counl of Raymond Weisman, ad. minUmlQr p£ the estate ot Chl.lI'les ~ ei!;hUln, deceased. The adjudi nlion and 'd tormin. ail (lll of th inheritance tax on the cstal of anie D. Rceve, tlceQlIl' 'd, i. to be iven to all per. , tIn intcI'I! ·t .d. ln the ca. of FI'ed A. Rickard. administrator of the ~st.ute of Elizabeth l~jcknrd, decenaed, vcr. S UR Glndys A. Watk4n > t ai, dislributioll ~lf fund is ordered. Th u illv utory of Iifford Cad.

Cary'a Jewelry







. . -------..!

Quality Prlntlnll









F. T. Martin. Auetlon•• r



impr~!!si'Ve' SATISFACTION

Or No Char·e

Centerville, Ohio







Ga.z etle


~I:.e ~oi' :~P:I,I~ . ][{8TUf~an.8,









=~~~~~~~~~~~~=~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~=~~~~~IThe~~~~~~2.H;h~~~~~~~I~~~~~~~~~ <tIS 78' Fib ,r Mato · 0., pans. and artICles vital ,t o boys. ' dens were in the rear of the hoqse " ., ra s r Service Ohi ' St te U " and 'th'

0 FOR SALE-YOUng barred rock gasoline, $J5.18. P. &; O. H 'ld: 0, a mverslty'~ track W,i m walt , the !UXUry and Toollters fr~m blood tested flock. ' brant, gasoliM, '5.56; The S~n;- head, ;coach of the famous sprint.:. CQnfO~ ~f a well appomte.d home, Laying strain. Grace Hockett. 81'd Oil Co" gasoline ,15771' e-r and. low: hurdler, JeaseOwensj A coo. and hollse man' ,were al20 21'th'. Se ' i S' . ~ . " andbLmself. a forme~ hurdlinlJ' waY8, In attendance. . a -, Sml ce · La: tatlon s ta 'f \fSt id· . ," 1'h line, $2.45;, IW John' s~, • earne 'to ,h urdle from' . ~re were f out" d~ughter,s and PIPE,, 'VAL~S ~d J'lTTING8 s torage and gasoline 68 ; ; : ' artlcles In T.B)E l\MERIC.AN d~rlng tb~ summe.. . months and for Water, , ~tUIII Ohio 'O'J ' C ,., e BOY. the , holiday SeJUlon th, hou's e and BpraJ'lIl8. ClIteria haDd, &leega80Jil\~ ,ol~POa;.y, ~:r~8eil~u~nd "I \Ised' to cut out bu.rdling llie.- W.M :filled with guests, there' were I ~Ic :ad Spray p~mp," fill.blnc • ,., , e' " ' &lr er, tures and duplicate th~m in front plcn'acs and 'parties, dinners' and .. 8uPllilei lowelt. prte. aD' C ,'~2.13; The P~re 011 of a mirror. Then on the track I"d dancOlJ' .and dozens 01 YOlin men hlir~8It Quality at' '!'h. Bo,1detompany., g'asoline, U.78; W. B. follow that 10rm" and maida drifted i ' d' Jtjn, Co., Xenia, ~hlo. Wdte .a McHenry, s'I1PpJies and p s o t i n e ' ' n , an oat fo~, prica. .. ,3'1.94; . ' Tod~y thousands of future through thelle hospitable ' doora. Helen D . champIons are jUllt as eagerly Pappy Ha.aty Joved ' to be ~TFOR RENT care CI 'jf '~ughmal'\' board and follQwing THE AMER~CAN BOY roull ded by all thill youth beauty Mrs. Ira l E~~zr!;U~htn~n, :7.00; Send your subscription to THE and gaiety &ad he provided ,with Alice Stark " ~O. an care AMERICAN BOY, 7430 Secondla~Bh ' abundance thai the home FOR RENl1-Fiv:e .J.!(jOntIJ on Moore bos " d' , Blv.d., Detroit, Mich. Enclose with m~1it lunc~ion · with unlimited ' 8treet.. Moden, w1tbbath Moore' $6l~0' a~ care your name and address $I for a hospitality. . bot ....ter heat. 11ft. .TOBie Wbl~ Jone's: board a~d Ollie year'B8UbsCl'iption, $2 ' fo~ three His stables and barns contained ake.. or lladon whitaker. St., ner, $5.00; Mrs. Julia Holl d years, and add 60 centl 1f you quarten for the rou8tabquta and Wa'YnellVille, O. ' board and care Vernon HoU::d' want the subscription to go to a 8~able boys . who kept horsea. 'faWANTED ' M' 0 K ' foreign addtess. On newsatands hicle8 and harnellS in ",Ji.tenln .. $10 . 00 , I!lS rna nqx board 10 I • , ... and ' care Walter Barlow "11 00. cents ,a copy. at all times. Tbe ear· KI 0 ,. • • and team would dub up to W .......... lIS rna Knox, board and care NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT froDt d ' ........ ED R8preaentatlv. to Frank BalliniOr, '11.00; 'MIra. Estate of M'ordecal I. Farr, deAdam w·~~rh with. flourith, look after OIU' map.iDe IUbdon Short, board and ca* ceased. ' , hi 1 is eboD, skin and Icription interests In WaynentDe Ream, '6.00~ The Gre.t A. • Notice is hereby liven that mow ~o:O~I" taU, dlenlfled ~CI vi~ii:llty. Out' plan .uabl.. JOu Tea Co., 10od, Jane, ,189.00; N. lIartha M. Farr, WhOM Poit 011" in the drivers rt Yt to ..cure a 80itd Part of the baa.D. Brewster, fo~, lal" Acldr. lei Sp rill8boro, Ohio, haa coat aad~alilt ..: d..... of dollara III*It la tills L. H. Brown, food, JalJ, been dul)' ~pointed. .. Admlni8- ba ha d d mbaltJ ..eta tall and wlater ·fer ea;ro:"cStore, food, July, tratrfs of the tatate 4>f Mordecai the .......... Ow. "DCJ 1ft U. 8. • otrmaa, food, J. Farr late of Wura ~ ed aad ....".. ta . . 1rnnIt · I'Idea aa . . '76; Ceell lII. n.YiI, mI1k, Ohio, cIteeuecL · • roIMt .. wIata ................ I&l~:::.=: 10: W... DatM·... ..,....,. A ' .....,~~. "'!• Q








Wen. ,







AUG.31st to

SEPJ.~ COLU""U' - ,



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................. ..-----






manufatturl'" , Dnll Jrrandmoth.C'I"S r('(~ I' 'nr II l)Hund l1f fl'uit for A PIIUIlt! of ~1I~ a\' i~ ,till 11 Illt·llllUr· ifl~ -tkk t .. r nll'hllIl't" (If thl:' Food 81111 Ihu~ ./ruinistration. TI\!' mahl'o, of the :;tlmll ~rd. for manufactureo junls nnd jt'lIit'f';, hO\\'II\'<'I'. pCI'hli th(\ prodUcls to I).: 11I1J('ld jam 0 1' jt'lly if lhere j" u , le{Hl 45 pcr ccnt ot fruit to G5 pel' N'nt of sug8l' or llUgII l' ~jr­ up. Gnnllll which du not meet lhl" I' quir(>ment 11IUfit be lauded ns imitRli M, Th(' ddinlli 11 of jelly 3.\l nothing but fruit, 'ugar and 'waLer dates froln the liays wh~n wom en Ilspd rmly t ho ~e fruiL~ ell' combjnations of ft·uit. which would mak jelly without th ncldilion of any other sub:-.tlln ethan sugat· and water. 1t cently, hou,'('wlves start- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.'!!! -""'11111!~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!~ ('d addin", pl'ctln 10 fl'u it juice to inr;ur that th pruduct would jell. GoVel'nlent officia ls could not v I'Y well l' quire that cOlnm )'cilll mauufaC~Ul'el' abstain from using pectin when th' homemakers thl'mselv(> came to 1'('gard tllis


Ill· by the electors, "ueh aM in to ulll 1\11<1 " 'II knnwn 1'111 iii,·!" the calle of the Ral!:'\< ta n~(llI ction. youn\!' lllC'n of Wlllt·l)' <iiw'l'l!inl!: OIl. . . . . . ....... ..... ........... N.. 1IIht....4 at Po.torlte. at Wa,.D... must b ~ublicized throulth the pur~uit 1l11<l l~eJ'${~nl\l'ti(', lInd ,.hc!"h4 Cia. . Mall Recn·tary uC tat by sending 1huI! Pappy lIallty oCfUlil'l'd f(lU\' , • ...r. I II _ P.. r ~ '110 . a Y.... YIII., 0.10, . ...atter pamphl!:'ts containing argumel1t;, b~'Lt n (1 ncw ~(m8-i n-1 \.... On of for and against. the PI' po~al them WII tor till! I\('l f I\u llicient AUGUST 27, 1036 direct to the voters pri l' to the ly)) nnd gave liltl IhI.'cd to hi ===::'IC============-====::r---=="",,===_ ;.I November election. An um nd- father-in-IIl'\ ' s Ildvi'c f\ugg pment propose(l by the ent' rul tion." . Another \\ II. U11 indulg tl WHO IS THE WORKER? Assembly must be.> hrotlgh to the and only child whl U'kd tIl curry attention of the voters, in 11 - all till' fll.I'J11 ur hill inhel'it.ancli' Quite frequently we hear from a platform orator, generally one cordnnce with the provi ions of again st his ta t IIlld in lination who. Is running ;for o~ce, that he is a friend of the "working man," law, throu,:\'h ne'wspa.peT adver- tor oth J' lincs of, A thit·t.l Again we hea~ that thilS polillcal party or that one, ie the patron o~ the tisemc nts placlHj directly by local wa~ artistic, nl)t altoR~Lh r pra • tical And ~o mcwhnt V nlureliw md "workinl' man." I cl'hBpl'l It would be just as well to pause and inqu ire bOlu'dll of election. • • • in bu.lness malLe1's, und still all· {or mom nt, j UIIL who I this II Amel'ican working man" anyh.ow, Blld Sup !rintl?ndent Th omns P. other ball neith r mon y nor how did h «t lhllt wl\~T In na.tIOl\ t il e Id Worlcl there la, in most countries, a class o.f Kearns of the dlvi!!ion of safety ef]uipmt'llt for the mllintainanc(> work 1"11 which I lut I' '1y dlatlnct from lh othel'strata of society. A a nd hygi~ n e of the lndu trial of a home. Eaeh man was the ]lOg· workingman h I \,11 y dIm lilt time jumping into the ~onomle group Con\lnis~ion of Ohio snMunc <l S s or or a delightful personality thllt Is bo.v hi t, lind e rtalnly he i for all time barred frem social that, a bulletin covering r'c nt and witb back gl'lJUndl !lnd p URi. tion held social donlinion in the succe , v n If h I ur th m mbcrs of his family, should' be vail) accidllnt ex!? rience of Ohio agri_ community. But Pappy lJasty IY~S ellough to want It. In th old European idea of human society there was culture has been prepsl'cd Ilnd i p,ub- b th a.mdou and won i d many 8 IIlDued gentry, a It~OUl) of tradesmen, and then the great group of r ea dy fOl' distrib ution., Th r th b . th I ontain!! int resling ' fig- 1m es over e, u m~' s m Of II wor~erll. It 'Was, and still i" in. most cases, very difficult to a.dvance Iication from a lower group to a higher. We have, therefore, in countries where Ul'CS showing the n{,rricultut:1l1 adopted by the~ youn~ ln n upon hifl daul,I'htcl'S wer c1epentlthis situation exiats, class government, witlb blocs and tactil;lOs in the a ccident; and the COl'- whom t ! f t I h ' mlltel'illl a an expecte(l ingredicnt respondin g fluctuations in insur- 1\ or com or : 111 ( ,up~mess in tbe jelly, F dCl'al 1'egulations parliamentary body, if any. rut 5, Superin. P~PPY'h was prOhfatl " d.eclIJ dly so.' In the United States this has n ever been th Case. Every ma n has al,lce l)remi"m ., <. -u (\ h now pl'ovide t hat pectin allded in K arn8 asserled. 'fh an w en one car, 1m ,,;eut'. It commercial ; lIy shall not hay w.orked who had the ambition and the opportunity to do so. There bas tendent II "' alway. brought a sm ll as hIS mIld J · . II t b u e m, 'Whlcb w I be or Q n nl t f' d 1' .1 been add d to permit. lhe mnkinp; been no 'class of idle r icb. The average industrialist haB put in as many oJ:g(lniza- l ...~nt~ 0 b vl~ldcethan. Ct. l\>~tC" e~ uh~- IOf jelly without reducin.,. the WIlhours as the J!alaried man or wage earner, and he often points with to· farmersb andbfarm ' db" dO Ion Ie C IJl c nsl y a. 1 '" Y Wl'ltlng f r H . tel" cqntent of tho product t.o th e pride to t.he number of jobll he has been able to a1ford for others t IOns. may · 0 0 tame to th division ec 1O~. owev r on Cllle' OCCllSlon I througb ttte effort of his own thrift, intelligence and industry. e • ';. • quite ovel'whelmed with the self coneel amo\mt_ I Abraham Lincoln put it well when h e said: " umb d rc~p o nsivmty , he ' f elt The \Jse of l.\.Cids in jams and All ind ications pOint to a bari"There is no permanent class of hired laborers amongst us . fQr hi ~ !lon~·in.l;lw collectively, jelli s to give th~m a tart flavor I Twel'lt.y-five -yean ago I was a hired laborer. The hir~d laborer at yes· ncr football seaso n at Ohio State he remarked with an lalCpletive : neec!'sitatc . that th label on ~he I terday laban on hill own account tQday, and will hir others to labor university, according to Henry O. "The devil has certillil'l ly blllss d p):oduct dl!\close that such aClcil5 Taylor, dir ctor of ticket sales. for him tomorrow." me with sons-in·laws,l Nevel'th c - [ have been used. Rule, propos d by 1 Mr. Taylor report.ed that fOr1;;y p \. lesR I'a],py did not 'frul them; a th preset've manufacturing InH«:re ill e mbodied the true A~rlean principle of progress. It is cent mor sen on books have been in recognition. of sucb a printiple that we have bu\1ded t he greatest Gibraltet' h to d fair, th ll1 all to uu try would pe-rmi1. the use of ordered to date than during the lean upon it they nc 'ded so do, harmles!\ acids and the additiob of economic empire ever known to man, in a period of time-, the brevity corresponding time last year. 8nle It was said he wa!1 shl wd and pe~tin, provided the ratio of 45 of which defi4)s all history. Work hu never ~een looked upon in America as degrading, but as of the sea on books to th gen r· scheming and would " skin" the pet· cent fruit and 515 p I' cent ~==~::;=~~:=~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~= a1 publie is scheduled to close Sep- other fellow whenever pOl;lsible, sugal' was followed. the meanll to better things for the Individual and his fam ily. temb er 12 but the supply may be Because 0:1 this fact however, this is not the time for Americans xhaliste-d . a week 01' tim, days Mayix' hE) did but he at I ast gave to assume an attitude- of condescent!lion toward claM-rule.d European earlier , it is thought. Sixty thou- the oth !' f How an qual chance NOTICE OF APPOINTME NT !lationll. For we are oonfl'onted with a real danger of class conscious- and individual gam ticket appli- to u~e his wit . Be cJill not profess religion in ness oU1"llelves. On every hand we hear the cry of the de-magogueca.tiOlls have been ent to regular Estate of Anna L. Cadwallader who i8 usuaUy berging for votca--that he "i/l for the working class," Ohio State football fan. Practice any form or eek to cover any de.>ceased. tt'ansaetion wi1.h the bannlltiCll of lind ·'against. the Idle rich and the capltali t." Often he promises 11 reo under the direction of Coach Notice is b er~by ~ivcn that N. P utterance and lIcti'llilie. distribution of weelth by taking property away from the ,man ~ho has ;Francis A. Schmidt will start Sep- piou ClybUrn who ,a Post Office IlddresR H o saw fit to k ep hill right . and aeeumulated it through hla own thrift and enterpd8C, ~nd !riving jt to tember, ]0, and the' firllt game, left han(J widely sl!varated Rnd is Washington C. H., Ohio, has who have 1\ vet earned anythinr for themle'vell, with N w York uqiversity, will be be s 'emed to keep on cven />nl- b en duly appointed a9 Exccll~or · The l1'eat danger is, of course, that an attemp~ ali redistribution play d ctobcr 3. ' There will be ance with the doing of each. If of the.> Estate of Anna L. Cad· of wealth through increasil'lg high ta:xes, wiD only end in poverty and six home games, which will Ilmax the ri~ht hand tl'an a'c ted business wallader late of Warren Count.y, misery for ell, as has been the ca e in RUMia. But there is another dan· November 21 with the tilt with prompted by a cll.llhr cold ·clll- Ohio, deceased. ger whieh i. just as great--a danger that the United States will become the University of Michigan. Dated this 12th day of August, culating Jllind the left w nt dow n a na.tion of cia conscious haters 01 the other fellow. Such a condition 1036. in to hi. pocket and \:ame up with will spell the end of American 'prosperity and .\meriean proire s. SU)letinte-nctent Sllmu!!-1 H, a dollar bill fOI' ~() Ille pOOl' derelict N. P . Clyburn, Atty. RALPH R. CAREY, quire of the divi ion of ban1<s or it ortlCl' d a. tOn of coal or a Jutlge of the Probate Court, and banking reported "remark- cord of wood sent Lo, !i()me sll'ug. Warren County, Ohio, able progress" in the reduction gling widow or ag d person in 027 r I I" ' of the debentur~8 of Ohio's state need or a side of Ineat found its ~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!~!!!!!!! ....._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - J Illanks to the ~constr ucti~n Fin· way in,to a negro caboin of hungry po~ed








. . ,. .

f:'arm a.·I-glat 7alks, A.ugust 31



Plus Tl.i

8:00 ProJUm eontetlt and weather forecast. t IInee CorporatlQn . II e saId thatl children, or a sack of flour or 8 :06 4-H Highlight!! at t he Falr-W . H. Palmer. State '.B Club Leader. tM. debentures h~\le been reduced bu~h!!1 of p til toes appeared lDysY Corn, the Gilt 0 f th e I n d',an-H • -r:> EsWIDe, . b. the · peak 8 '16 · ~ narrato r. $e5$10,058,000 "89 000 . since 0 tob 193of I t riously . wb r therlS w fC many 8'21) MU I II ' ' ' ' In C er, 4.. mouth t o feed. WI) fe 1 the c to 8 :30 Stu~~~t Guidance in the Collilge ' of Agritulture-Presentation M8~~ of t be state banks are i.n wa even, the cales of life were \ . ' pOSJtlon to f urther reduce their balanced frem Oftlce of Dea!, of College of Agr.culture. RFC obJ'gatio S il" t d t . 8 '40 F H P riod' J ns, up)n en en o ~e yeal'/! a:f er my marri~e. · . arm. ome e . . . ., Squire said. At; aile time practic- I realized that shadoWS were Picturing. the State .Fa,rr-Ohlo Farm Women from Fa.r.fleld, aUy ~ll of the state bnnks owe-d cre piug into tha't hl) Usehold, Frankhn, Creene, L1Ckln&', and Mont~mety connties. the RFC money on debentur 8 death h4d taken the belovetl · Ideas and ltems-MrB. Katharine Cowgtll, Home Eeono~ist. for loans, and in many ca es pay- y ungest daughter lind then t he 9.10 Guardlnc A&&!nlt Fruit and Vegetable Spray Resldues-T, B. ments in full have been. nde WI'~" and moth"r. ' ••• m. h ~ Parla!, EstenBion Entomolorist. 9 :20 Orc:1teatra directed by Edwin Stainbrook. Porter ville ' itself' began to United States Secretary of chan (); it was sJ~'wly disinte9 :80 Neirbborl), Help. with Country Life Problem/J-Group iscjlllsio'P Agdculture H Dry A, WallaC{': t· b I eaturin" J. P. Schmidt, Bruce Tom, Elt~nBion Rural Sociolo. gra mg, us ness fell away, the t • others. will be- the pt\ neipal pealeel' at ac t'we yOU og a f th e '.own Ie it f or ..lata, and II" tbe annuaJ eonv~ntion of the Na- b tl t 't' th Id h·.Ah 9:60 to 10 Oreheatra and weather foreeaat. e er OHP01' um IC", eo 1.... tiona) Grange in olumbu!\I, Nov. in" racks we:t~ delf&t't ed nnd sag-



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. .- ....


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~====================~~:;==~:.11l i9. An at·t.endance of 15,000 J:tlng, Pappy Hn ty sold and sold llertoons, Tepres~ting thirty-s; or hili holding a thl! sands in the


Best of the News Direct From the Ohio State Capitol

National Grange uni ts, is antici· p~ted. Other nationally known iIIpeakers at the event will include Wheellll' McMillan and Clifford Gregory, editors of rural , publiA total of nearly a millfolt sir- attempt to form a neW' party and cations. natura have. been filed <With See- to have ita own emblem on the ......... • retar, 01 State Geol'le S. Mye... ~ovember bAllot for ~onvenience • A CHARACTER SKETCH during the past J!lllnth by petition- in ".trai~t.. vottDC. The ,petitions era for a new t,1~lon party and by to exempt the ..lea tax Irom food (Continued frqm Pllge 2) sponsors of the propolled Sale. tax for CODal&lllptiOIl 0« th~ dun and t he bay and with a long reduction, In both cases all of the I ealla ,f or an &lIIend~eDt the /SWeeping stride the ,t Mm fell into part petitions contalninc the 1I1g- .~~ colUtituUon. step for tbe pleasant journey. natures were sent to the ,coun~y ' posed ;eo';n.1 amen My g randfather was a Jif~lon~ haarda of e~ecUoll ' to ch~ck 't he ; will be voted on this.fall. It re- friend and som e times 'joint owner 8uftlciiE;l~7 .. 'of slc'n&ture.. ,TIle I_ulted from a resolution adopted of varillult holdings with Pappy Union petlt.OIUl were filed in "n by the Oblo Gene,.1 Aisembly and Hasting;"', There was a close I under-standing and intimate fri..ndship b tween the two old and my own. association with Karlina, his youngest daughter is one of many memories t ak· inll me in an<l out of his borne through th e year., of my' school COLUJIBUS (Speclal).....A pqraID of G~ CIreoit lam.. days. H e always called me "dar. nell will be on, of the . .ltlna eatartatDlUDt oWaed 'rillton lin" as he did his own dllu"'hters a' th8 88t!t OJalo State Pair at Col........ AujraR 81 tJuooaaIa 8eptembe1' .. ~ Wltti tU 01lIo State pria 'l\IIOIlI7 totaulna ,10,500, and 'g randchildren. This daugh. ad . . . .,edal prillit &IDOIIJIlbIc to ,11,8;4Ml, . . . . . Of wbmlq bon. tel', much younger than lier sister wUI ...sde ,,4,100 "'DC ~w.. Thta m..nt ~.. mOIl., 11 'ex- w¥ frail a nd delicate, a nd al'ptct..t tb attrlad 80IDt oftbt out:atancl1q bonet' lIUlIe Dation to COIam. though she married and ' became ... ,... eompte Jl'OII'Ua foUo_: my'W; she never left ......,., . . . . . 1 1 · lather's home 'except for short Trot, OftrDftbt - , fIOG.OO IIH~riclu8 of time. Her life span was .:It, Paet, 0ftnaJch' ~ ; .500.00 brief an~ she lived and died ih the 1;11 Trot (elOItII), XOONt ,. . . . JWOI'Ol Jet CNIa Stab ' 1000.00 lo~ed old home leavillg beautiful 'J'wa.Y.T-014 Put, 0... state (e1GIId)..... . 8100.00 memories to those who weril left. ~. .. ' 1 ' 100::.00 Hia only lIOn had followed in 1 ;14 Trot. ~Iat .-at. , ... ... ~A 'fIIIw.YtU''()1d Put, Stab (.....). ... Il0000 .ne foots.,.,ps of his father and 1:11 . . . (. . . . ,. TIle _ _ . . . . ....". . . . . 0aIIII. • bad studied Jaw. He establisbed ,.., Stab 1080.00 practice In a small city , W. k la,~ 141 I I far distant al1d married a brill ian I0O.0O and tdfted woman 'the 1114 . . . , 0NDJPt ..... ......y...o.. ~ DIneD cIIf ~ BtMt Celcllt4)- 1000.00 "f a jud..~ No children . . . .y....0t4 'hot Cllllet). .,.. .,............ . . . tbta union but Pappy did not .... 1110.. for &'I'Bndc.nd~. Hi. tour (~.,.,.. 01 01 11111 lteh ~ ......tera w.r. aplendid youn, .....a.ltD Ie' ' In • ....n alfted alld lICCIompltahed ~ aD 41 them h, W trau~ of a"bun Itatr;

GrUd 'Circait RuDell Races On· State F. 'W Program,





.tIt ....




hour gla:ls began to run low. A bere-aved daughter lind her children return d to the old homa. His old friends Pa.R on. I had long si nce I ft tb,e community and sel. dom l' turn d but o~le time I came bacJc and there leaning against the solid brick Walll! of his house of m maries s ood t he shatter· ed and Ilged frllme of thi fine old ma'll. I got out of Lhe ' I,lug~y and, his tl'e mbilng old aTlT)S went around mo ' .as the t ears coursed down his face and his quaveri~g voice said only "Dmlin". I n~vel' saw him again hu1: I knew as I stood t.hete he! WillS seei ng the daughter with Lhe 8:lorious golden hair DS he stood i1ll the- doorway waiting Jar me 8$ t came tram school, wanting me Ito come in and playa duet or look at a n w book or see some em br,o idery or talk over the last party. 1 knew llis eyes were looking back into the bright happy dan ~f tlie past when he was .a tower III ,strength for his fami ly to I:ean upon, tbe keen, shrewd man of dalrs•. the nltol'nel' at Jaw f'or the commun· ity at ,large. , ' H e left behi.n d ~ g17eat heritage and' with l:rand(laugh~ts and gl'andsoru! ,who do. ho.noJ:l to his name and. who ctrrr:y on -with much of hl~ physical appearance, his courag and his keen mentality [ write "tlni " to • T. A. Bastings, Att'y Ilt. Law."- H . W. S, -- -'~~'---


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lonl P\!cJ-

Davey Gives IRvita ....•. . . r._ To Ohio Stat \IVhat Happens to a Spendthrift

.. "



t. L ... Mny


Ht'\l'n lInI' kl' \ f4! ilayton vi~ilt)r. w. c:an never hope for anything toda)'. hut atill higher taxes 80 long as ]\!is" Loin rs k • pcnllin~ n government elCpenditur 8 ex~ its income. A nation is no di/ferent Ilnr) ,1 1' h(!r "oenth n with frillnds tllan an indlvidual-and whoever III ~pl'il\glil'ld. continuea til live beyond his meaps Mr. and il'tr!t. J. B. hap)'lon is on th $trlllght Toad to disaster. spt!nt \ ccll1(l~day uit.t'I·n{lUU


'During the post three ~C8rs the ('\' ning in Cincinnati. f(>dera\ government alone hilS spent: :\I t'nl I' (If the "500" club ISI-', billion dollars more than il: cnju),cd a st.en k I' O l\~t nt the Chapto;k In in taxes. One of the villli ne('(js of the bour is to blllance the lIlan camp s tur<!ny ev~ n i ng. nllti.onlll budll' t. Mrs.' J. B. mhhe, .Tullon and ------.~-. Rllylyn, ha,rt' r tUI'n dafter n ~-woIH'ek' i it to frs. rlibbe' ·Jllll'ent in Ne ada.. Lorger numbers of h g, flroduced jn 1 96 are expected tb f ... and Mrs. J . L. M ndonhall incrllo e the slal.lgl)ter upplies ond [1'. and Mrs. Ern t BuLter· f()r the mark ting year ending worth attend d the F8I")11 Burea u • eptember 3(), 19S7 from 10 to di trict meeting nd picnic at . 20 per cent. Eaton Tuesday.


.. .-

Mr. nnd Irs. William

Late Classified Ads. vi$it.i~

und children



Pitt: bUl'g,


'l\ilrs. 1\fitchen r'\l parents

Govemor, "preleJl'tt eaeh tear a IItUdy of the progless and achJ vement of the seven jmilJion people of this gr at state_ It II an exposl. tlon of the ngricwtur41 and indu.· trial Qploits of our poople. It doel not, however, stop there. To all of UI it ill a symbol of the magni~cent .trides towa]."d a bdgbter future. "There will be; thousands Clf Ohioans who wiJl attend the Fall' this year. They will BOO the devel. opment of agricullture, industry, commerce, educaticln, and art. The Fail: il outstanding among the fairs of the N~tiC)n; and tesUfiu to the greatness or. Ohio as a leading State. "Let me, as Go\rernor, pay particular tribute to those who are cooperating to malte the. 1936 Fair the greatest ot all. They have per. formed a publieservlce of Inestl. mabIe value. ' "To thoBe who will attend the GOV~RNOR MARTIN L. DAVEY Fair, 1 extend a cordial greeting and' he rty welcome. It is roy lin. a state'. says Governor Maltin L eerti hope that this exposition will Davey, in a formal Im"jtatioD to bring to our attention the worth the l)eoplc of Ohio to ·attend the or(our beloved Stalte, and leave ~I 6tb exposition. with a firm resol,ve to serve ber .. "The Ohio State Fail," sa,. the .well." •

rOL l\1BUS (S p e c1 a I)-The Ohio Stllte Fail' tit olumbu8, Augugt 31 thr u/th S ptcmber 4'.11 a IIl'llIbol of the greatness of OblO a.



, r. and Ml'.. L(luis ~n 11 IInci mov tJ ' nto p rt of thl! house uwned hy Mrs. Mary Haines. n v. lIod 1\111'5. En ley tlnd on Ted, of Vandali;t, ~pent th "'eekcTld with Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Oglesbee, Mr. and Mr. Guy Carr of Brooklyn are vi siUn~ reilltive . tUl\lghtt:I' hay

---.- -----Lytle

The September meeting of th Ladies Aid will b on Wed· nesuay, September 2, at thtl homo of MI'.'!. Virgini Groves, with Mrs Anno Johns and Mrs. Ella Grohnm as!listnnt hoatc' ses. Mrs. Alice . Mlller nd son, frs. Alice Trickey and Mr . Edna VUKn attended th Ep\\orth Lengu meeting at Chautauqua Franklin, )0 t Thursday. Mr. and liT . Leonard GI'ay of Cin innati w re week-end guest of Mr. and M'r . George Gray. Mr . Emily Thnckera of L b-

lall I h()~piLni, X c.'fli a, MondllY, to th home of her doughtt'[·, MI'. tan ley Bailey, whom sh'o ill being Cltl' d /01' unW ablC} to reo turn home.' 11k lind MI's. Rl\lph J 'hn!\ and doughtcrs, Evelyn, Frnnce!4 nd Rut.hannR werl!' dinner g uesb unday nt the homo of MI'. and M're. Roy McK.irby a.nd family in Daytlon. '1'he 18rl: bntn nnd tohllcco shed on th' form of a"rOlun Smith was str uck by light ning in I\. 8 vCI'e stol'm . h r SaturdllY v ning nt 6 0 ('lock lind burn d to the ground. Two horses, a tractor. a llumbcr of farm implements and :feed were 10 t in the Ii ....'. A high wind with ,pnrks nnd burning ~rnss wore :fa t making "ay to othel' buildings, when the torrent ot rain and h j) quoDch d tb blazt'. Tb loss WI\:! portly cov red by inslll'Qnc • The folks from tho country id(> ar und gath red to a. sist1 but had . l)l(l difficulty g tting honte I\S most of the motors of t.heir cars were drowned

... BCHAPMAN Licen.~



MAN WANTED to handl 10 'al . rvi e work for Natlo'nally kn wn c mpany. Permanent pO!<ition. Pay every week. Cnr neclI~ry. OUt· mcn aTning from $36 to $75 a we k. Not nccesllt\I'y to write 1 ttcr. Just fill out cou11 \111 below Rnd mnil to BQx 164, Ocr"\', 1)480, Quincy. llIinois. with farm experience

Age .... ,,' ...... , Number of yom's on farm


Name ....... , .: ..... .. .... .......... .. Addr


.. .............. .' .... .. ,.... .... ..

!...-_..,.-..,.,....,...:..,._""-------..:.:.:..---, anon is visiting this we k with her daughters, Mrs. H. ,;:::;:~;;;:;:;;;:;::;:~~:;:::::::::=====;:;=;;:;;::::;;;;; Burnett and Irs. Ellrl Burn tt FOR SALE-Maiden Blusl\ apples. to:~~~ !~. ~~~(>::~!I:t! o~t..~;- :: and families and Mrs. Alic Clark J. L. Mendenball. ~7· .of Mr. nd Ir· . R b rt Balcer ... a Isted by her cider daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hadley 'h dd ' f h . spcntundoy at thc' hom of Ml' ~~~~~~~~~==~~ Sunday and nJQyed a ".j$ ".tart a, s r':(' nmtyre' fe --ba~ket dinn r togethel, m n . Ii arab Ka'lherin Hartsock and MI'. Willhl'm Hadley at of ncar Melvin, is the guest of Blanche tel'. MTS. William BurLile, living her grandmother, Mrs. Lena HartMi s Bett.y Young of Dayton is Mr. and .Mrs. Morn herwood, Papec Hamme.r Mill., Sup.rior Wh4!at spending this week with her on ock. of olumbu, and Mr. and Mrs. south ast of Waynesville, rout 1, was taken in the IcClurc Mj Ruthann,a Harvey of cousin, Mi Mildr d Young. Drill.; New Idea Corn Picken, Corn HUlker. Boyd Hend r on ar enjoying a Middletown larksville, is spending a f~w . Mrs.. lelvyn Swank and chilweek' v cation at Long Lake in a.mbulal1ce to th and Spreaders; U. S. Corn HUlker. and repair:1 hospital, today. 101' ob el'vation dan with her sister, Misses dr n of Dayton, were dinnel; Michigan. and trea.tment. Frieda and Irma Harvey. guest FI'jday at the home f ,M r. MiSll Dorothy Dakin, of Pullman Mrs. Mary Len.h Adams was and MI' . Calvin Longacl' . Dt. and Mrs. W. S. Stewart of Wa hington, ardved in Waynesdinner guest of Mrs. Alice M'c~leS8l·s. S. H. Burnett, Allen vUle Tuesday evening for a brief Oxford, l\tr. and Mrs. J . Q. ' 'Gons, Kinsey Saturday flt her home in Eml'ick, ' Earl Burnett an'd Wen- ' visit to r lattv 8. MI~s D kin has MillS Alice COrlS, Mr. an't! 1\1rs. Corwin. dell Salisbury attended a comFred Gons and family and ll'r. p nt th sunlmer traveling. MI'. lind Mrs. Wilbur Mlles, of munity ale at Wilmington Friday Hard.a..e aad Imple_eats Harold Risinger were dinner l\lr. and Mrs. Morri Wharton PHONE IIRS WAl'NESVILLE, OHIO MIS. Ru ell Martin entertained ~u ts o~ Mr. and ltlr. L. E Columbus, Mr. and Ml' . Raymond Mile, anti childl' en , of Scbcnec- of Lebanolll were Sunday guo ts about 20 little folk!! Thursday Hockett on Sunday. tady, New Y<Jrk, were over-night 01 Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wharton E2 afternoon in honor of the sixth .-.,--- " . biritiday annivcrsary of her little 'Mr . F. D. Dakin arrived home, gue t of their. cousin, Mrs. Lel)8 and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hawke and daughter, Phylli. Following aturdllY ev ning, from Oklohoma Hllr ock Saturde.y. Miss Mary Lo,uise Zimmerman Albert Hawke attended thc Hawke various gnmes, Mr. Mllrtin, i 'I, Oklahoma, wher-e he !lpent alilf ornia, and Mrs. reunion at w.ayne park, Sunday. the past eight months at th borne of Fontana !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~I of her daughter. Her b1'other, O. C AI chQeler, of Hamilton, called Byron Fenis of New Bu:rlingProfcssionnl men must servt:: humanity uns lfishly, placJohnson, who has ' b en $tayingat on Home friend , Friday morning. ton, called On his niecc, Mrs. Alice ing lluch a nico b fore per onal gain. The tradition. of the Trickey and family, Mondoy. . his home in Port William, i again fllneral directing profe~ ion iIU' rOQt d in this ]lrincip\ej Ollr Mrs. Elizabeth Smith o! DayDol' Race, making his home with h r. strict code of thics d~fines in cbmpletc detail the duti~ of a The Leafy Oaks,' classic of coon- ton, was a week-end .gIl t of funeral director to his clients and to the community. Miss Ruth Mille... f New York dogdom, will be held at Kenton, her sister, Mrs. lM~rgal'et Johns. City, is vi.iting her mot.her, !\:frs. Ohio. on Labor JDay for the tenth We are proud of the idealism that pervad sour organjzaMr. and Mrs. Earl Young And Ev.a Miller. Mrs. Grac(l McCune con ecutive timl!. Dogs from all family spent Sunday afternoon tion. De ply imbu d in each member 01 our staff is th of Lima, will join her lll()tber and parts of the nation are entered at Fore t park Dayton. conviction thllt his is tI. sllcred and honorable calling. We sister h re, Friday. serve everyone, regardless of 1I0cial position 01' financial napaeMr. lind Mrs. E. B. Longaere in this unu ual eries of races, ity, to the very beat of our ability. 'Jhis policy ha's ~on for the winner of which is presented attended 8 trustee meeting of DEATH us our Pl'CS n~ p ition of leadership. Springboro, Lytle and Rtld Lion with the title of Field Trial churcbea at Springboro Sunday hampion of NO'loth America. 1'1\1 services tOI' Lafayette Col. aenry Pfeiffer, in charge morning. Doantl, OS, whose deatlt bccun-ed Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bailey oturday nt the home of Mr, of the affair, announces that the entertained the Y. F. M. of the prize Jist this year 1S greater than Audl'ew Bell in Lebanon, were ., Wayaes.lUe held al; th e Me lure Funeral Home ever before. The U,OOO Leafy Friends church · Waynesville, SunMonda.y afternoon, Rev. . G. O. Oak Stake, feature of the pro- da.y evening. Mr. and Mr. Clarence Smith Dib rt officiating. Burial was gram, is. the beet known coon-dog spent the wee~-end with !!! even in the United States. mad In l\1illmf cemetery. Allen Smith and family in . A nat~e 01 10r8'an, Kentucky, Carolyn Burnett, little daughter Mr. Doane had spent the past of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burnett, fifteen yeal'~ in Warren COUllty l\Jrs. Lissa Ourl visited friends suttered a broken arm last week. making his honle with Ii sister, in Wilmington last Monday. in a foll from the couch. l\f1r~. R. F. Ballinge-rat Wayne$IM 'r. Walter Jordan has bee~ ~iss Laura Rosnagle 'entertained ville, until a yeaI' ago. quite' sic k but is slowly improving ./levelal friends at bridge. Friday . He is. su~·vived. by three ~isters, • MrS. Rosa. Payne, of Norwood, to the delight· of her many friends. evening at the home of Mr. and Mn. Amanda Starr is visiting ~rJil. lIarold Whitaker. Mrs, Sue Weil and Mrs~ Ballinger, daughters in Dayton. E. J. Carmony of Springfield, or Waynesville; and one brother, herMrs. Sadie Reason and Mr. and was calling in Lytle Tuesday ......III........IIii. . . . . . . .IIJ!1I1!f111. .~• • •1IIiI..1 Pcndlel;o.n Doane, of Cincinnati. Mra. P. L. Reason attended afternoon.



:fro and Mrs. W. E. oLh r relative her .

OTntJlI. and .


McCormick-Deering Corn Bln'd er

Fre.end.' H,o me News

Repairs in Stock


Give Us That Repair Order

B. D. Collett A Code of Ethics

---_.-. ...- - -


J. B. Mc·C lare



.- .

LUMBER ,fall Building Dol'S

Yearly Meeting at Wilmington Mr. and Mra. Rudd last Sunday. and children of Dayton, we~ Membel'S of the Hawke family Mr. and ,Mrs. Ed. McFarmd of day guest~ of Mr. a~d Mrs. Wit-)· met at Wayne park Sunday for' Dayton~ are sp.e nding a few days iam Creighton and ,.ttended their annual reunion witb approxi- here. Sunday Scbool picnic. . mately 7f) pt'~$ent. ,. Mr. and Mrs. ~oy Clark and A large crowd was at the- ice After dinner the electi.on of family of Walh()nding ~P&rlt Sun. cream social of the fourtl1 grollp, officel's for the comillg year took day with Mrs. :MaTY Tucker arid of the Ladies Ald, Tuesday eyenp lace. J. C. Hawke is permanent family. Their daugbtel' Marga~t ing. pre ident of the aSS()ci tion and Ellen retll,rned :hOme with them Mr. and M:rs, Walter Whitaker, Mrs. Jes e Seat·s '0£ Sabina, was after spending several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley BaiJ~y and n.s med secretary. I'f.r·ie~ld s and rehltives here. Misl Mr. and Mrs. Harold Whitaker at- r - - -....- - - - Anna 'M8cDonald alBo accompan- tended the Shaner-Meredith wed,New ied them for a v isit. ding at the Meredith home near Mr. and Mrs. C. E. lAwicy have Waynesville Saturday e~enill'. , EugenePhlJlips was the returned 110me lafter a delightful Mr... and 1\Jrs. Harvl,ly Burnet of friends in Cincinnati lallt week trip with Mr•. and Mrs. Jra Hart- and· ~8S La~ra ROSDagi4t were . John S. COmpton left Friday sock of . Dayi~on to Ashville, ' o'clock dinnel' guesta Tuesday of evenil)g for bis annua.l visit to · North CarQ1ina. their uncle . and aunt, Mr. and Mn P tosky, Mich, to escape hay fever Dr. and Mrs. W. E. )hoat were John Ha'S'tler et Westville. Miss Mr. 8Jld Mrs. E. J. P eterso.n of Washington C. H. visitors last Ro~nagle remained for a .f~w Lake Worth, Fla., called on rela- Tbursday.. . ' daYB~ : tives here Sunday. Mrs. Peterson Mr. and Mrs. .E vel'ett SchuLytle Sunday School enjoyed a was fOI'merly Viola Farquhar. ==~======:==========~====================~ Both Mr. anll Mrs. Peterson 'were native!l of this community but avO n ot lived here for many y aI's. .. COLUMBUS (S p e chl)-Tbe ' Samuel Shanks Jr. 'is working in Joung boys anll girl. who ~blt Springfield. in the Junior .l"air, a part of the .. COLUMBUS ( ,$~al) - T h. the DiMiss Agnes TUrner is the liuest Ol1iQ State Failr at Columbu8, Au- Fish a"d Game exhibit of her ~ ister, Mrs. Chaa. Bogan gult 81 through September 4, will vilioa of Conservation il expected have a wide variety of Interesting to attract tho~sandll of 1.he vislton JI·. of Harveysburg. No services were held at the exblbits, accorliing to Earl B. to the' Ohio State Fair at Colum. Friends Church on Sunday on Hanefeld, director of agriculture, bUI, A.UPlt 81 through Septem. who expt\ds it to be the Iaraeat her 4. account of Yearly Meeting. Junior Fair in Ohio'l bistoIT. III the Fi.heri81 Buildlnc adult Alan FI~ming of Dayton, is The Ohio te Junior Fair em· a.b from Lake Erie, al ~el1 .. sJlendlng a few weeks with his braces .vet)' orgaDiIed 6np1'Unga and 1ri from the varl. grilndmothfir, Mrs. Lydia Powell. ,tatewide groUp ill Ohio. OUI Flab Fal'Dll Ire ublblted aU" MI'. Wm. Emrick of German- Included tbetJe ,roupa are In the aquarium. town is the guellt of his brother-in ..parate for Bo,.' aDd -----'Voeational Api. OOLUMBUS (Special) - Lea.. law W. H. ·Mendenhall and family Girla' eulture Future Fal'lDel'l work of the artata _ crafU. MI'. and -My!. C. P. Noggle Beonomica aDd ID@ la Oldo win be t.tved .. ilIe Sunday mornin, for their vaca- of l'utuN <* ell U a I ... an. dlIplar ba tile W~ tion In Michipn. ~ at . . 0Id0 State ...... Mr. IUId Mrs. Tunis W. Conklin Sebool .... IitJOoIaIIIaa. . . . . 11 ...... . . C41kbnaWd their 60th uDdq. HAWKE REUNION


ThoUlhtful a,riculturiata do · not let . • ~ bulldin,. daYI slip by., - once heavy cropa· are out· of the way. Better, constnetion rewards those 'Who take advai.Up of early weather - before 'f all ra......t ill. .


W. have a bil yard filled with firat ' buildin, malenaU of .11 kind. Tell ua ,our buildinl planl and we will make "11..tiOGa which IDAy you considerable !DODeY•., W. b . . . pl&a boob for eYery kind of ~ which we furniab free to our

JUDior flairGrowiag CoDle"atioD Exhibit Feature Of Fair of

...... "


Buy your coal now at low summer prices. Coat ·will no cloulit· be ·much"higher in Se~ ;

. '

tember. But .when you bu·y, get gQod , coal, it is cheape,. in the 10Dg r\lD.

EI"horn Lump ' .$6.50 Yellow ,Jacket Lump Pocahontas .'

SP.ECIAL· Big Blocky Hocking Coal $5.7S

Waynesville farm~rs'


Eighty-Eighth Year






Whol e Numb er 6287







The annual reunIon o( -th e Slltled commu'nication of WayOompton- MllIs families will be nesvill e Lodge No. 163 F. & A. held a t the Oaesar'lI Cr ek church M. Tucsduy cve ll~n g, Septe mb er g ro unds, near New Burlington, . 8. Vi ~ it in lf a nd >lojllurning bl'et.h· S ptem b cr 10t h taft 0 y t o Saturday, September 6. Friends. of On ~rida y n ij{llt, AlIgu ~ t 2 t.h, 1'111' '\'ny n ('!lY ill~ Glln lcn Illl> ('on UI'C we lco me. Pay Real Elte.... T"1<(!5 t he f amilies: ar e inyited. a fal'owel1 1)lll'ty t.o honol' J r. h('I!1 :\ Vl!l'Y int l' stin~ llnd much n. R. SMIT H, W . M., 'M)rl\. Minnie Compton, Secretary a nd MI . J . W. Lutz and l\ti~, ~iljUYl!tI 111 cLin~ II Ih' ho nH' or M. Altl\UTAGE, S c' y. Two NeW' T. ac!hel'l H.·... Been 011. of Count,', La,. -------.~ L'i,l of Ocli ')qu" nl Lan.,), W ill 1\11'. nllt! ~tr~ .. J~tl. Longacre On t hl' Beverly J an ,\a~ givl!1l Ly the Wored F.... Both Th.e G ..... V.""aD' of The Be P ublit,hed eVf'ninR of . cpt mher 1. member ' of t he Ml'thodist. Erhl-j an.d H 1ah School Build ... ", Ci.i] War copal hurc h. A ftI:!' t.he IJ()Ullt~ <luS ~'lI." Preston I'l:ad ao llr~icl l' on llo ~s 11. Ilnl'b•• /ck, C(.unt cove red di b SUll pet' in the chun:h I Tr lI.surcr "ta (!s tha ~ actin~ lhe prganir.ation or garden cl u bs. The Wayne Town.ship schOOls la·. '. L. Dukc :p()ke of l he basem ' I\h Mr. Jo hn Shultz acted Ull UI"I' SC'nal 13 ill No. 22 J , will open for the school year of F rllnk M. Hamilton, f ormer sherall toa tmn!ller: .anti in hellutifully eolludioll f,lI' th · JUO Il laxe" !>\'I·luu. conditiun Ilf ll)lJlle t rec in 193 6-!H on Tuesday morning, if! and one of the co unty's last expre53ed ' ntlments h t.rac ed will c1<1s('! Thurt;duy, 801'1.< mhol' Ohio, due to the eXLI'cm e cold Sep t~mb er 8 at 8:15 o'clock. 8urvivingt veterans of the Civil the liJe of t h Lotz family un\() ng 1 Ulh. II le ttel s 1'.~ cQiv('1I 1\<,0" School hack . 'Make t beir War, died shortly after seven \ inter full wet! by droug ht. He us and prai d t.h(·\1' hl'1Jl :lOtl co- irlg Ii lat r 111l1l 11111rk thun stated t hat Il1nny ' otM 'I' trces may ~ ~ _ ._ . regular rou tes t hat mOTTling. Mr. o'clock Monday morning a t the -. operation. nul 1!lIlg • uJ'vi\>e. t.'plembc)' 10lh "ill bu I'Cnapkins at the grad building and E t Orchard Nu r~inlf in Mrs. Kath ryn Tur ner was the Mr'. . '. L. nuke J'l'at! !luout lhe '1'll'l's. ' Iifl'ol'cI Br ace spe nt Mon· Mr. Smit h at the High seh ool have He lh t! n call ed upon l'eIIl eow- turned . . .L ebanon, where h e had resided g uest of a fri end In Dayton over I'oeus which is a Day in Xe nia. tivea of t he variQus tI pnrtmenl.s of It is rNluin,d loyal" cnt A\llunm give n th e buildings a comp lete fo r th e Prult two years. Mr. Hamil- the week~nd . ,. church who spoke word!! 0[ 1 th e !lct of lcgi~llthu(J that 1\ li~l popular late ulooOling fl ow'r. Mis ' Alice BBey, of F a lm outh, cleaning. Mr. Smith has the High ton observed hIs ninety-firllt birth app reciation 101' Lhc st!l'\"ic s of 1111 hllltls wh] h flr~ ccl'tlfl~d An intp t'csting fl'ature of t he Ky., ha: been visi ti ng friends school lawn looking most attractday enniver ary less than two Mrs. D. L. Crane, M1'. a nd Mrs. rendered by Mr. and Irs. Lutz. , dellnquenl l)e publi:lhl·t.I. prugram wa. naming plant~ tha t here. ive, w ith very few traces of tbe we ke ag o, E. C. Cran e a nd children call ed on W('I'C tllk n by m m l){'I·. 1'hl'1'c M~ !';s U I n HaWK!! 1)1.··~ nt.ed them Slulemcllh of l ill t hi iI of !lumm er !,fraught :rema ining. Funeral ser~ icCl! we ..e held fri end s in Springfi eld Sundar M s Sn"ah onn el' is the gu st wit.h a b u'ut lf ul Lumj> nd lhey WCI' ov r 73 blooming' va r ieti es Pel'>\onlllrr!)rJUft~1 Tu..>: IlS will In the gra d!! building t he W dnesday afternOOn a t the aft ernoon. of Mr. and Ml's. J . W. Lotz ul music room bas hoon ch an g ed r esponded ve ry gradolJ~ l y . I) mailed a~ dlUJ1 Illl l'C i))I.[ cxhihlted. Oswald Funeral Home and burial I·cud>,. At ~h e ·onc\usi n or the l)1'O- Morrow. ~rs. Ruth Janney a nd Mis ry ont! thol'Qughly njoycll fro m the (h-at floor ,to 't h e second was made In the Lebanon ce meLou elllL I i t ttiis (Thursda.y ) ' mOTn t he vening an~ d ~nal·tl'd wil!hiol!; ' -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ gl'am t he gucsts wer e inv ited ut MI'. an9 Mrs. R. D. Collett and in ord er t o caus e less confusion tery. ing f or their wi nter home in .Mr. and lItve. Lot:4 much happi- LOCAL ST ORES TO CLOSE around a Lea utifu l fire on ,ons, are a t t h e hi o State Fair for pupils going t o the music room At the outbreak of t he Civil Deland, Fla. nel!8 IInci s uce 111 theil' neW AT NOON LABOR DAY 1I'1\l alLrn ctive IlIwn of th e ~O!)t, Leday. A. number of additio nal cupWar, Mr. Hamilton, th en a ~.i ­ b orne . where lht,y ate I·oa. t d welnerll board a have been built. in t he dent of Ridgeville, enlisted fo r Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Scbooler of - -.- Ilntl mar hma ll ws, with c ffe Mr. and 'Mrs. J. K. P:t:Cston and vurioll s r ooms to give more room L ocal ,tl>rl'~ (YIIl ('lo~t! at no~n , I . I h service and saw action in both Hamilto n pent th e week-end ~, _ anI spent. a socIa ou r. f amily atte nd d t he State Fair on r r s upplies. J.1:onday, Sl.!ltt mL.l j ' I, (La!)o!' , AI B .t d"OM\D k Mar yla nd and Virg inia. He Jate r 1with Mrs: Schoeler's father, F . B. Day). 1'. u rn e t a n ",',II. u e Wednesday. Tw o n ew t eachers will be at t he lIervcd as commander of t he G. A. Hendenon. we r e Il.!!si t an t h ostcsses. grude' building th is :b .11. Miss Alton E arn'hal' is vi. iting his R. Post a t Wayne8ville. POST OFFIC E HOTlea:: cou;si n, Dea n Babb, of near Xenia, E leanor Hightman wiU be t he FoHowil\g t he war, he was united M1'. and Mrl!. C. E. ' Anderson, thil'd grade teacher wbile Miss this week. in marriage to Miss Eliza A.nne Mrs. J . V. Hartsock and Mr. CharVirginia Hard'in will teach on e Wayn s\'II1' P t, Office Ivill b~ Montgo,n:l ery. Mrs. Hamilton'lI les And eraon wer e Cin cinnati OVCI' a qua rt er of a mill ion R · Y. G. • Dibel·t and family section of th e 6th grade. eI 0 cd Nfl) I1dlly. ~le l11l.ier lh 7th death occurred in 1913. viSitors, Satur day. dollars in f d roll I funds will he L{l bOi' V ny. Miss Reed er will aga in be h I visiled Telatives in V an W ert From 1873 unt il 1877 the pcnt in rural highways in \ 111'charge . at t he grude building and count y, Monday. J<'RA.NK M. FOX, P. M. f amily resided in Kan.!!u returning Mr. Iln~ 'Mh!. D~nald Hadley aN> ren co unty du ri ng th e: next few also be the first grllde teacher, ----- .~ --Mrs. Mbymc lIa tfield a nd Mr. Mr. Kersey eonti nues as, second to Warren county and locatin,' at announcing the birth of a daugh- months, ~c ording to un nuunce~lL . An nit! Newman Gi bbons, lIa t.ficld called on fr ien ds ~ra de teacher while Miss McRaymon Lytle where Mr. Hamilton opel'. t er, · Donna Rut h, at McClellan ment ma ll by Ai·ln!l!).! T chall, 76, life· Jon/.{ reside nt of th is comated • brick and tjle plant. hospital, Saturday~ August 29. new Warren clfu11 t,y WPA dircct()l' m nity, died Thu r~ d {ly (>vcrting, lit hcre Tues<Iay e ve ni ng. 'Kinsel' will t~ach the f o urth g rade ht.' l' hO f11 c on Stu te route 7 3. She In 1892 he was elected county ' Mr. and Mrs. 10 lah D~vis sp ent PrOjects j ust l'clNl cll call fIll' !lfis e l\~ Yl'a P nce an ci Wanda There will be t W (I ect ioJls of the W!l5 the las~ )nemb . of th e Newsheri" and moved to Lebanon. He several dayS this week with their t he! improv 'm(> 11 of hi ghwll YS in CI~rk , of Miami Vall ey hospital, 5lh grade. Miss Campbell .having SOl man fa mily in Wane n county. held the office until 1897 after daughter, Mr8. Howard Hurley, Turtlecr k, Sole m, Dt'e dleld nd a re t<lking thcir ann ual vocation. .section I and M i8~ Day. section II. Foll owing an operation last The other section of the 6th Wayne 'l OWIl, h ijIS with WP 111which he operated a tobacco ware>- and family at Kingman. On .tt.ft rnuon 1hc Ma y 1\1 r . .... ~"'''b ' Mrs. Em ma akin, of Xenia, ~rade will be taught by Mr. 1'" ons h a db een In house fo t 8e\'1'al yeear. be!ore bor Fed ral funds amounti ng- t o Woman 's Foreign Wissio nlJ l'Y foundine the Miami Canning ComRobert Hyman is visiting i n $268,000 h VEt bee n felons d t o Society tn t at Lhe hOll'le (I f I\1rs. f ailin g h 81t h !1nd her death ha.d Pent Tuesday and Wedn esd ay Tur ner w ho wiJI a lso Buper vise t he I.e n e xp ~ c ted r Ot· n mon t h. \ ith h!!r sister, Mrs. J . W. Wh ite. play gr oundactivitJ«J. Miss , Day ' pany, llOW oWlied and operated by Waterbury, Oonnecticut, and Ne~ date :COl' thi wor k 10 ally. A pproU. . ~'h t zel ",jlh MI'. J . D. I rs. Gibbqlll', th wido w of hia Ilon Arthur Hamilton of Leb- Y~rk City. He 11\ the guest of hlll xlmntely 20() men will be cmploy- i al'lat.t anu Mrs. IF'. U. L May '1111'S Mary C Cro s and her will handle school supplies. Mr. anon. • cousin, Walter Kohlhagan. cd on \.h va'riou s job~. n , "I· ••" - n ho te n .". .'olm Cibbcm wh o died about 23 t ·,... w· h 11 .. d F rank wiU be at the gt:ade build,. ~ ,....~, y"ars . ago, had a long line of go • , .d ·S. (lat era Vlslte ing tOT mu sic supervision each Of the seven child1'e1). in the T he work ine1ud , grading, T he vice presidenl, ~ 1 "lI. Ken· promi nen t a nc iitor~. He r par n Us f r iends in Ame lia, Tuesday of last fore noon of tho school week. MT and Mrs J Seibold, of di t;ching, gM-veling, and back-. lo p lJamiJ~on family, five arlt living: M'd~]' t . . M nath Hough ca lled ·t h ~ me to weI' John 'an<t a therin e Regan week. 'I f l " e own, were guests of r s. in g of tural r()ads in the towmhip At th e h igh Bchool building, Mr. J u dIfe F rane iII M• Ham) ton, 0 R th J d M' L 11 o ..der t1 nd h , Dibert presented N wman. H r father f Qught in Ml'S. Russell Benson a nd sons, Fre nch and Mli s Gelrring both Cincinnati ; Arthur HI~ilton, of FU' d ann.ey an ISS ou e . a or county s ys t m. tewan l hip prog 81"; on t he ba ttle 9f Bull Run and died of leveland, are visiting her new teacher s will be the sponsors Lebanon: Ru.u ell Hamilton, of fl ay nirht. :Mr. T chan, 'who has been on- 8 . . nected wit h th e l o~al WPA offi e ot Fh'raye:I'--What I s Jt," wh:.r PI'1lY; IIf feve l' nell i' Lh s cene of bat tle . parents, Mr . a nd Mrs. W . P. of the 7t h grad;e.' Mr. French will ' • Litt le Rock, Arkansas; ¥r•. . A. S. Mrll. Ronald .Hawke e ed for t h e pa 't year a nd <I balf, has w n pl'a y; h ere l~ray?" Her grandpl\.~elltll w re Joseph and Sa.lisbu ry. teach Science in the high school C or~ 11 , 0 t Waynesville : and ~ .... rs. Mrt1. DibeJ't al 'o cO bdu t d t.hc Reblilccn Pu~h Newma n. · A II are 1 k at d,i nner Fr,'day evenl'ng, Uiss ~.. been llPpointed /l.'\sislant lI()ld enand Miss Geliring, HO'Me Eeonom- • Perry I. Allen, . of Litt e Roc. Dorothy Dakin of Pullman, Wash- gin eel' in chilrge of W1?A w rk in !lm'otionlll ~ervi c es " Fol' the buried in t.he F l"i 'rl ds' cem etcry' Mr. nnd Mrs. Ea l'l . F lora , of ics. Mr. James and Mr. F erguson Barry H. Hamllton, whose death ington, ' Miss Henrietta. McKinsey Warren c unty Bucce'ding Roht. W ord 'lI al«!" ali "h,e ubject, h e~ . . Xenia, wer di.nn ,)' gu ~St8 of Mr. will sponsor t he 8th grade. Mr. occurred recently a.t Lebanon, and. and Mrs. Emma H. MeCluTe. ' f' d D urill~ t he b u~in esscssilln the. , he \\IllS a 11l"mbcr of Far m e r~ ' I and .M . liffol"d Bra c&, Sunda y F ergu 01\ will also teach history in L. Blicken dll r er , reSl!,rne . Mrs. Addie Stanley, a formet n ominating committec !!ulllniLled Crange No. 13 nnd t he' Wayncs- ev mng. high school department. High resident IQf Post, Texas, preceded Mr.s Julia Bergan, Mrs. L. D. MARLATT R EUNION the following n O1t!SI to t hc societ y iIIe Cardcn Club. W ith her Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gu st io Mis school sponsors are as tollows: him in death. ChilCII, Mrs. Liuie Lewis, Mrs. t!( l' otlie('rs {(II' the ~om i ng ytea r. pss.s ing the ommunity he · lost Ru th Britain and MI'. George Freshmen, Mr. Brown and Misa Howard Burton and daughter Mrs. Robi:rt ColI l'U, pr'sid nL; of its most highly ' Ti!!lpej!ted Doughman sp ent Tut!!jday at t h Smitb ; sophomorell ~ Mr. Boden. On undllY, Augu ·t SO, the Mary AOb, and Miu Lucy Emley twelft h Ilnual reu nion of lhe J l r.-. K<:llncth Hough, \Ii -ptel;i- I citit.en . Ohio State • J bender a nd Miss Ro\i; junior.s, Mr. 'fere dinner g~uats of Mrs. Della Marlatt family 11'8 heJeI at the at- ,d(; nt ; M I~ • .n. A.. Con net, l'c¢orJSurviving are ' a dn~g~ter, .1 'Braddock; seniors, Mr. Garst. Mr. Venable Wednesday. tractive count!')' h om<" of 1\11'. on (1 ingsecl' ta ry; Mrs . A. K. DI\Y, Mi II Rath l·yn Gibbon s, W UTrcn Mr . an d Mrs. Burnett Butter- Crabbe will devote fuU time in Milll Verdena Fox is home for a Mrs. Hal'r y Smjth, ~ol'l't'srun(ling !; c 'elm'Y: Mrs . D. ounty hlialth DU t'SIl, ' a I,;on, worth of Leba non , we r e dinn er t he Smith-Hughes department of 1 week before returning to her work A t t he noon Mul' 7.5 r la ti v C. Rid/fe, ..l tcn!l,Ul;el'. " , J a mes R. Gil)bons, local l umber guests pf MI'. li nd Mr s. Gllbelt agriculture. in DaYton, , she 'Will begin a nd frie nds s at down tit tabl s in ' Th e 1 !low ing' prq 1'1Im \\<1. lienler; $ niec, Mrs. R. O. Frye, Sun day. The school day will consist of ~AYN~VILLE •• L CHURCH her thitd year as a 't eacher at t hQ basem ent of th hou e, to Ii then cmjoye(l: . Ogl(l by u1')d a ' nQpoow, J()h.n NewMrs. May W eatherall I ~ft 'Tues- eight, forty five minute period., O. C. Dibert. l'utor Hanhmanville. ' fin e <lin n 01'. The Ilftcrnoon \Vn . RCllulnl\', " hUl'ch Coll ectio n "~ man, of Middlet owlJ , ' day , lor her home in E nglewo od, givill~ s tuden ts ample time- . Jor Sunday: Sllnday school at Ilpent ii:J pl aying games a nd in- ~rr . J . D. Cra bb . Funeral er\l iccs wer held at F la., after Il p leasaot visit to h e,r reg ula r scho ol work. The Ubral'J 9 :30 , a. in. Momlng worship at )Ira. Alice MeKinsey and Miss p o ting tbe cabi n a.nd po nd in R < ding, " A Tha nk Ofrel'inR"- th~ r sidence Saturdny afterMon, has J>e.e n moved from room 13 to sistcr, Mr ~. Ma l'y C. Cl'os.s. 1():40, and the lermon .ubject Hemietta spent Thursday with the beautiful Httl park tte Mr~. C. O. Mills. the n ey. ,John J . Scha cffer, recto r roo m 15 which 'Will give mo."' will be, "The Way Out. 'Jtllr8. I. N. Harrill in Dayton, and S mith3 Ilr e makinI!'. P OUIl . " II{IW Hen ny Pen ny of St . Mary's Ellis opal church, Mrs. F , H . Miltenb crgcl' a nd pnce f or refer ence work. Rooa Eveninc services at 7:.6. on Sunda), were guest' of MJ1. and F ollowing th e Lll~in ess seSl;ion It Wen l to Chu rch"--1'lIr;;. 1". U. officiating an d bu rial wa mndo in M 1'8. J. H. mith attended the. 13 will now be \lsed for P1JpU funeral of th ir r cla tiv(i; H . · E. lock eTS. Our Annual Conference will be Mrs. Joe McKinse), ill Mor r ow. s hor t program was <!n joylld, aC~(!r Lt·Mny., Mia mi c m et e ry. Mgl I', ali Dayton, Thu rsday. held ift· Toledo, .nd Will begin Oil Mil8 Henrietta lef~ Wednesday which a U depart d. havin g Ilpent a n " Ol li ng, "Oc;tuvilumas GtIt " J;>u~i1 s' wUl be dismissed at The Mis l!;sippi Riv er Is at the TuelldaJ'.<o{ next week. resume ber work in th" Ashtablila 'V ery Illeasant dll}' and hoping t o M r~. 11. A. oh n er. noon on the opening day ' fol1o,,Mrs. Mary C. Cros and Mrs . se)lools. meet Il,t the same pl ac tlle fo urth The oclcty adjq ul'n (i t o me t lowest stage i t hllS becn in 'it May Weathe-rall we,pll dltm er iog t he r-egistra~ion and room and , years. Sl'~ IlARY'S CHURCH ' Sunday 'in A ug ust, 19 31. •. in Octob er, text a ssigrlll,lents. Mr. Garst wUl Mi', Wm: H: Johns!)n, · Miltongu ests of Mr. a nd Mrs, F . U. Lebe in 'th e schOOl offioo the' Rev. J. J. Rector vill~ Ohio, )Ira. " ~ura Briney., ,cc==:::::o:==========='~=-=-=-= --====- '-:::::=:==.:===.===~=:c=::::=;;:======:=== M'ay, 'Saturday even ing : part of t he w eek to ' IUscu. Thirtee-ntJI Sunda,}" a~ter Trin.ity, Oincin.llati; alld " Mtsses Reberta Mr. Bn(l Ml'S. Maynard Weltz schedul es with anI' high, ' school September 6, Chu.r ch school ,at and Kathryn Ann Gebhart of Midwere in I ndianapolis Over the pu pil who may bave unusual re9 :30 l sermon and Holy COM· dletOwn. are IIpending the week · wcek-en d, th e g u ests of Mr. a nd quireme nts to meet. munion at 10:30. with' the Fox family at , the Ir ·~~~.·n:.l Mrs. Willia m Drake. home on too farm. IT. AUCUSTINE CHURCH Mi ' Mar y Ell en Edwards, of Father Newtoll, Putor Milui Margaret Edward8, accom-Dayton, is spending a f ew dllYs. Maaa at St. Aupatln.'. eb1irell .panied by her nieces and nephew, w\.th h~r a unt, Mh!. R. A. Conner eve.,. Bunda7 m6'rniDt. · Milia Allee . Jane . R~Bum of ,Day~ and, fa.mily, ton, 1ltfiAaell Mary IJeah and MarMrs. A. H . Eat'nha.,t called at fittENDS . .TING " jorie , Ed,..arda and Mr. George . Ralph Cuppett, 32, ' of 'lH!ilr Mia'1lu , Val ley bosp ital in Dayton Fr iCl')dship, in Scioto · county is 10. J' Sehool at ':It .. III. ~dwardll 01 Springfield, lett ~un. to see h r cousin, Mrs. B en Smith, IIHtinlr for WcmIdp at 1.:10 day on a motor trip' to Wallhlng- ' the hands at the laW tbe unu.. ton, D. C" and other pointe in the· of Osborn, who is seriously s ick sua~ charfe of shooting deer I. East. t here. ' Ohio. Cuppett was arrested last FERRY CHURCH OP CHlt.ST week by speeial patrolman It ~. iMIn. Myer Hyman arrived home Miss Wanda Clark and Walter Carl SlDitb, Jlblilte Clll,r k' J r_ left Tuesday morning Eyster of thc Roosevelt (;anae ,eny Tliomu. Supt. of BIble Frida, night after a three-weeks I t o 'Visit th~i r uncles at Greenup, PreSill'Vc. Eyster elaimli he .w tour of the We8t with her aister Sehool and 'nephew, Wbile ill . Call.fomia Toledo, Mattoon and i;ffingham, Cuppett shoot a 10 poirit buck Bible School at 9 :30 •• III. deer with a riQe on las.t·Thunday 'IlIinois, the party 'flalted and :remainecJ Commullloll. 10 :41 L m. : aft ernoon. CUPpett, 'bpm ill in th. , ~er . rill'h~at " the home , ~f 111'. ~uch1q, 1'1:00 Lm: Mr. and Mrs. Ohar,l e!! Partridge SCiot o county hU1eoun~, e~ap­ and Mrs, L, A. · Zimmerman ib and da.ughter, MI $ ' Floren.ce ed befOl:e' the oft\'ce~ eould a.rrelt JiA.YJIIUVII.I.B' CHUltCH Fontana. Helen; Hartwell, Ohio, and MI;'. hini. He 'Wu apprehended at bla ClllUST Mi... . Elizabeth and Ruth Clayton F etter . l>f Locklarid, were hOlJle Monday night. CUI 8aItIt. IIIaIdft Chand).r .rrind In Waynen-tlle entertain ed by Mr. and M~. Arninaed before JUIlt1ee of tile Not A. Dao....II.. Frida,. ••eDiq frolll Hampton. Va Frank M. Fox 1l1st 'Monday. " Peace W. J. Knittle at Friendslalp 9 :80, Bible achooL After lpendiDa • f.w daYI here Mr. and Mra. J. K. Pit.ney and 00 Tuesday mornina, Ite... n10:41. Lord'. Sapper. 11_ Ruth wiD 10 on to C.danille MillS Frances T\>wnll8nd, of lIoo- leAlled under f400 bonll. . 7:p. ID., Cbriatiu Endeavor. . wiler. aha Ie a teach.r III the sick Falls, N. Y., Hiu CarolYn SoutheI'D and lCIuh"..t8nl · 7 :41. , ~ eervIceL pllblic eelloo.. ad II... lilliJabetli Smith, of Cincinnati, and Miaa OhiO, devoid of cleer • few , . . . .WedMI4Ia7, '7:41 p. III•• pa,er 'I'm retutD to her teec~ dllti .. Louise Smith of Dayton were -.0, now bllut I deer ~pallatl. and bibl. ataclr. .___ Sa llalaptoa 1....... . wee1c.elld liu~ta of M.... ' wbich intO tM -----~. Barnett. Scioto, Je4'....OD. . . . . . . W .... After a. cIeIfIIaIhl ....... bta. . bd . YiIlt 10 reIMtN ad Meada III Mn. Maude Crane aDd repontl!d 0W0, . . ..., Z. . . . . Anna Lee with lira. Heeter IJ11r Ia ......... and JOn, B.....D of t.eba1lOlaa 8Ilnd.~ •• a ~ 8

































.... ·..., ·..,.tt••

wiU .....

EWS FROM THE WARREN COURT FOR . PAST WEEK In the Cft/'ll of thl' pC-Ol'l' Building, Lonn a nd l\\,jn~ Co" versu. cJia H n d~r on, el AI, snle set aside, etc., In the case of t he Mabley nnd arew Co., a corp., ve l' us Elm!)r M\lrphy ·8.nd Mrs. Elm r Murphy, j udgement In thll !>um of ,2,071.Oli was allow d th plain tiff. In t he cas of Emml\ Trautman VE't'Sus Hen Trautman, t he de· C Tldnnt is gi en 15 <lays in which to pl(Nld. In tht' cas f Will H. Irwin. Jr .• all executor of the e tate or Rich· ord L. rrwin, dec lU'ed, v I'SU Leo Fuchs and Bernadine F\lchs, con· firmalion, deed and distribatloll werG ordered. In the ease of the New' York Life I nsurance Co. , versuL Adam D. Carpenter, et Ill, confitm~tion. deed and distribution were order~

IIUIr Thl.' ftntt and enal account ot (, . Wll tkin. ux(>('uwr o f Ucea_ Consumption or rluid milk and thl' "lItll t l' or F.ula Wat kin . IIt·Larick, d rk of cream in ciUea and villages bas int' t' al'C'rI, was appro\' ·Ii. allow cd a nd Mj. s Jane Hinkle creased and It apJl~al'S that the Inl'onfit'mcd by !.he C,) U kUn. continu • Dr. A. G. . T he ,)U l·t ap))rovCl d, olio,," It Blnck, "hief, burellu of a l'iculture Real E"lal., Tr.. nef..... Rnd confi rmed th first. a nd fil1111 econ omics, tloyll prices for dairy VOn1.t1 O. Wa,its to Odri Ma¥ acco unt f)f Berl hn HIl wthorn ' 011· produ ts will prouuly be tho hi~h · inlot N . 20B in FrankHn. Walta. min~ tr trlx of thl' estlltl,' ot Sam Ric K. j~"an " and Dorothy est in six years dUl'jng t·b e l' mainHawthorn , d~cea5cd . EVlln!! to Ill' Ih E . Richard. on, inder of 1036. The uou.rt approved. !low d lot N n. Ii t 2 irl Franklin. Rnd ron Ii rm(!d t.he tirst nnd 6nnl Th e Peoplll'~ B. L. and S. Co" t o Subscribe tor The Miami GuetW Rccount of Gilbert Frye. admi n iJ<~ fin ni O. Wade, real estate in ll'M I' (1 f til ('state of SlIl'l\h But- Turtl CI't'- k t!Qwnllbip, T h e :MIami Vall y B. and L . terworth, d'l: Ils<'d. $'S'll, tQ C oil and Cu roline SnyTJle lirst lind final accoun t of .a ron Bt'lIfman, (\X('cutOl' of the d r, inlots Nos. 6 find G in F ranke tnt o.f olom on Fred , d c ail} d, lin. AlImver to Orner W. was npPI·6vell. allow d and co n inlQt, No. 1.002 in Franktil'mffi by tbe eou rt. "THE HOME OF aIFTS" The cnurt approved, allowed Gene nook to Louis J. nnd onfinncd Lhe n t and final Lebanon, Ohio , Recount Qf bert D. Bond, admin· EtJith J ung, ;L40. 0 acres in EXPERT WATCH I trator ()( the e.tale of 1 ia.b 'Ile ion to VI n!lhjp. REPo<\lRINa J ulill Webel't deceased, to MlchBond. dec: ased. U.lee Only aenuine Materl.l. In th mntter of the estate of a,,1 Call1tllan, t aI, .real estate in John B. P t'll E', doceasod, the ex- Lovelan d Parllt. Prom.,tService Joh n Whallen. ueceased, to Leo ecutor. were authorized to P 'Y a certain su m to Dean E. Stanlry Whalen, real estate in Deerfield Store open until 9 11. m. lind N lIi 11y as e.x..,eu.lor com· townsbip. William J . Hoover and Anna L . pensation. Sale of Ilropel'ty nn d snl~ of intel'ellt in straw were or- H oover to Raymond M . Conley and Lenore N. C onl~y, 66.BO acres dered. Ask for a In the matt r of the es tate of in Massie eownship. Viola G. Ritz, deceased, Funk A. Pence, deceased, ale of , A1'chitectur. n ."1. 1,1 ,. ",rl~ . compactne... ,a yet)' Miamisburg Permanent . I \!~it ; O I1 In Cleveland. H$r. I, a prop rty is order d and al 0 $ale Char les Ritz, real e tate in Frank- ..:olor di.tinculah the Gre'll L~\" . 11)Ortion of the grounds 10, '.",T /It> W ... th the Automotive 'buUdl~ lin. Concrete of straw i ordered. houlinl the late.t des! n~ 11. '. fl .. , C.l·· ,. , ......., ~lIr.. Thl, view cil(" an Winifred Borck Coh n was ape , lmprelilioD of the lamb.: ....., _..~ ~.". •• ~ .. v eatures of the lTound.. Air Seal Burial Vault oint d administrlltrix of the 8m. Allowed For Sile only by tate of Winifred Barek, decu s d, Helen Do,ughman, brd., · and 1::::::============:tI~;=============='" Rnd fi led bo nd of $1,3 00 with cal'e Cli tford. Doughman, $5.00 i Your Funeral Director harles J . W agg~)D er, Mrs. Ira Eltnoth , brd. and care, su.retl .. Elmer Bercaw and E. C. Morrison Alio'e S tark~y, $5.00; James McClu ..e Funeral Home were Ullp'oi oted appra~ers. Moore, brd. and care Lucy MOON!, T h Inventory of L. II. Ritz, ad· $6 .00; Mrs. Margaret J ot) s., brd. ministr ato r of the estate of. Viola a nd care Ollie' Gardner, $6.00 ; G. Ritz, deceased, was approved. Mrs. Julia HI)lland, brd. and care Esten.ioll I)hatrition S~iali.b Commenting on the chain store In the case of William E. Bot- Vernon Hol'land, $10.00. Miss Say Include Sandwich .., Mnk, que tion , th e editor of a .weekly fer, admi n:ist r at or of th e es\at e Oma Knox, brd. and care Walter n wspnpe.. ill th Middle W at. reof ' A nna Hildebrand, deceased, Barlow. $ 11. 00. Miss Oma Knox, V~etables and Fnait c nUy mnde thi Rlltutc ob ervaver us 'H elen ;King, at nl, sale btd. and car F rank Balling r, ti lln : "We beli ve that chain property i ordt'red. $11.00 ; Mr. E ldon Short, brd. What shall be "fixed in to th o stor es ha ve awak ened t.1;I.e old time The will of Burt W olt, decea ed and Ctlre Ruby Ream, $5.00; day's echool luncl\? That' t he big mel'chant, W110 is haklng the haywas filed in court. Great A. & P. Tea Co., f ood, and question thab will be looming ench seeds out of hi!! hair and now getCarolyn W. Freeland, milk, $21 3.5&; L. H : BI'own, school-day montj'h g soon for ting jntQ th game. We fear d for i..qtratrix of t he estate of Willia m $16 .50 ; Gee. Buroughs, milk, $3; ~hou and of mothers. 0 lat's a time that chains would be disT. Woo(l, deceas d, filed h I' in- Ir ne ale, food, $6.()O i W. W. take a look into the lunch pail sug· astrou s to. independe nts, but find Cline fo od ~:22 . 25 . gestio ns provided by extension they l1ave only made a hot rival, R~T FOR AND CONSIGN ventory. C. Donald Dilatush was apLida Dr:ke, shelt er, $!I.OO; East nutl'ition speCialist at Ohio State 3nd 'rivalry is healthy." rour CAttle, bo~ .heep alld caly~ pointed administra tor of the es· End Coal Co . , fuel, $8.25, Frank- University. Another dlto.. say:; , to Nom.Brock Ct... live 1ftre atlel . hav e made good mer chants market prol1'eulv. ArM the ••Idarb ... . hes. ~ham8 tate of Louis M. Ertel, deceased, lin Sani.tary DlIiry, milk, $9.20; First t here- are san dWIC prie•• andf?rrood riIee. and filed bon d of $1,000 with sure- Darn Fry, shelter, $10.00; R. B. They are gen.el'ally liked, easily of many loeal sto reklHlpers. :Home- U.IQ. Stack Yard.' O. ti s.' Sherman Wilson, J esse P . Gilmore Ilnd Son; food, $6.50; earri d and capable ~t much var- owned stores can. compete with the Tune In on Radio Station WOKY Ennis and Elm er Ward weI' a p- Harderl's Grocer y, food, $5.00; iat.ion. Bread that. is at least 24. 'chains, nnd In the city they ar 12 :\15 tto 12:: p. m. for our daD, pointed app raisers. R. H. JeITer!s, food, $10.00; hours old, evenly and smoothly doing j ust that--not with old mar. "PO . T he schedule of debts in the Kautz'S Gl'ocery, f ood, $28.60; sUced not too tblck, makes the methods bu~ with the we-apons of ~~~~~~~r~~:;==== estate of Viola G. Ritz, deceased, Kroger Grocer y and ' Baking Co ., best sandwiches. Spread each slice the chl\in soores:· Good merchanwa tiled. The hearing Iot-as set f or food. $129.21;; A. 'McDowell, food, thinly to the very edge with soft- dise, better service, a.nd Septembel 10, 1!J36. L. H. Ritz, $5.00; Mason Market IGA, food ened butter or blltter that haa- prices!' admin i 'tratrix, f iled his , affi davit , 12.50 ; ' Mary E. Riley, sbelter, been creamed wit h a fork. The independent store has in lieu of acaount. $15.00 j Frank Sherwood Co., food Thin slices of meat or chicken doubtedly learned much from The inventory of Irma T. Shaw- $8.75. make good sandwich fillers. Chop cbain-especiaJly in such m'lttl~rs han, admlnist1;8.t rix of t he estate Thomas Stansberry, fuel, 70c; or grind meat that cannot be 1111 'advertisin$' of Samuel FQ1'man Gallaher, de- Terry's Gr(ICery, food, $5.00; sliced and se&:lon 1t with cream, goods . to the best advantage. And ceased. wile a IlPl'Ii)ved. Tigar and Charlt on, food, $4.00; salad' dresslnr or a bit of ketchull. many independent stores in recent Alice Clark, ~dministratrix of Tracy's Grocer y, food, .8.00; Other tasty filling may De Klade years have reversed the process, ! the estate of Charles F. Clark, de- Ruby Van Riper, :food, $64.00; with hard boiled tlggs that have and taught the chain! something. ceased, til d her application for a Dr. Warren C. Breidenbach, been chopped and mixed with These independents not only sell certificate of tl'a,nsier. jeal services, $10.00;!l:\e qffice cream or sala.d dressing and' chop- as cheaply as the chains, but in Phone 78J Myr tle R. Ydung , execu tor of Ou t6ttel's, adaing machine Rolls ped celery 01' o~ves arid ground ;!!om,e cases sell cheaper_nd their the state- of J. Ha.rvey Y oung, and eraser, S5c; Wm. Cummings, car rots or nuts. se'rvices is every bit as good. =~~~~~~~~~~~~~ deceased, . fil ed her application for labor cutting tr~ ,1.20; Morris, Cottage ch eese, w~lI sellsoned In no other country in the world a certifica~ of transfer. Terry, ervices QS rodman. $6.60; and moililtened makes a delicious is it true, as it is in America, that Erma BrcYWn and Mrs. L. S. James Foll en, services, $10.00; sandwich fiJllll~ and can be varhid. persons Hving in small towns get ..OTAllY PUBLIC Rhoad es fil~il th~ir applicat~on C. Donald Dilatush, rent. of om.ce, by t he ~dditio~ of chopped pea- ,practically 811 wide a .sele~tion 01 f or ~he. appomtment ?f a guardlBn $2.0.00; Trus te ~ of Public Affall'S, nuts, blanched chopped almonds, goods, at the sa~e. Pl'ICj!S, a~ res' BaH of Kat ..~ S, Brown, .Jncompetent. light and g:as Bnd water, $11.76. ground raw carrots 01' chopped dents of great Cities. A.s~oniahIDg Wm. D... _ •• Lteta S••tW The estate of W1nifred Borck, J . W. Lmgo, . Bdwe. Co., pad- ls also more palatable. Mixing progress has been made In reducWAYNESVILLE. OHIO dece~ed, ~a8 found to be locks hasps,. $'1.B6; Lyle Blank mixed after grinding or. grating, lng "~roducer. to consumer C?sta!' from mhentance tax. Book Co., hthogl'aphed eelery, Oream cheese, if similarly And In all fairness the credit for HaITY L. Darmody, administra- $150.~Oi Stnkalta ~fg. Co., pads milk with peanut butter to the thls must. ~o largely to the maaa tOt: of the e tate of Mary A. and file, $6.70; LOUIS Fred, snaps, corusistency of 80tt butte r Adding merchandlsmg methods adopted Holloway, deceased, filed his in- $1.B.o I Griswold Service a bit of salt, gives it a b:t~er taste by both chain.s .!:~ independents. ..... • .. __ w .............. h . . . . . . . . . . . . Ifnod

E n ni~ A. Dnnne\l , th ~ de f ndanlt\ urc Ifrlllltl'd leave Qf 20 dill'S in whic h to move plead or d nl UI·r'r.

--_0 _ •.__-

Ne.y Suit.

.T hn Tilb)! fi l d a suit ngain~t: Pauline Tili>y for ,divorce. The chnrg< i: grofls negl~c t of duty. A suit was til d by Ella Row against WH IteI' ' Frank Row f r <Ii" 're . '

Pl'Obate ~urt Th(' will of Grace L. MO(ln y, d ceased, wa filed in' urt. Harry Trovillo W8$ appointed guardian of LeRoy Trovillo and tiled bond of ,1,000 with !'ureties. The adjudIcation ntH"! detJ(>.rroin· alion of the inh ritance tax on the stat of Eunice H. Hallock, deceased, i. to be given t(l all persons Int erested. Lily M. Egbert, x utrix a.nd ~d. tr.u tee f the st~tc of Walter J. I n the case of Harry S. ·Van 13a k r, deceaRed, fi led her first TtMs versus Tillie Don1l'ell and' a count.

Cary'a Jewelry




Quality PrlntlDIl





T"e Miami G ••ette

Centerville, Ohio





=~~~===~~~==========~~~~========~====~==== ~~$9.BB; V~~pS~~C~, Md"ereom~~h~~Q~roU

~::::~ ;:: I~:~,d~n~~~!~ ::~;!: up~~~~:gm~:~~. mlrre ~est t~ ihe ,RADIO Aumbrewe~u~r,

.Sil.50; packed lunch than a crisp raw . FOR SAL:m-Coalbeatel'~ used Stanl~y. P. 11f., stamped envelopes, vegetable-such .88 strips of crisp Sincll 'radio station WOSU at . one whlter. Wade Turner, Way83.$6.00; The Oregonia Bridge Co., c~,r~t, celery or raw tomatoes. Ohio Stat(!i University is not "on · ncsville. oxygen and steel) '66.71;. Carl E. Most of the foods il) the lunch are the air" on genera.lly observed Richard, . rock, .".()O; . The Ohio likel1 to be soft, and something holidays, tbe Monda¥ evening FOR SALE-Large- size Estate Heatrola in excellent. cqnditwn. COl"l'ugated Culvert ~o., meta.l succulent to chew adds variety Farm Night program· will not be A. F. lM~lloh. ' as' , plate, $44.80; WaynesvJlle Farm- and interest to the meal. Wrap- broadcast on Labor Day. ers' Exchalllge, cement, ,68.75; pin~the sandwiches and raw vegElThe station reporta that plana ' FOR SALE--Hamp8hl.t:e'Y~llng John J. Bun, payroll, ,189.70;. tables separate!.y in waxed paper and arrangements are being made bucks, 2 Jersey cows. E. Evans, Johnson M.l~ers, payroll, '82.80; keeps them fresh &lId 'helps pre- to pr.esent on its Farm. Night 'Pro· phone. Lepanon 470.R, 86-10. M. , C. Fonn~ .payroll, 818.20; · vent the passing ot their flavor to grams eacb Monday evening from . . 'Earl Ba~?re1 payrool1; l04.1I0; V·I .the rest of' the luneh. . '8 to 10 o'clock this f.U, the best PIPE, VALVE9 .Il~ PITTINGS . , M. Armlulge. 'payroll, '45.00 Include in each day's lunch at available . belpf\ll and . interestlng'l for Water, Gu !3t~m I Ha~r.y Motant; payroll, , $109.60; least a· cup Q# 'milk in some form features Ea....s of each 'p to--m and 8J)raJiIll • .Clat..rD balJd, Elec. H L S b i l l t1S4'0 t" ••• trlc and Spray pumpL Plamblna A • . c Ul' er, payro ,.... . .•. A lunch.. hox Wlth. a container to de. voted regularly U> tOe 1>0),11 B ,. 8 11 1 t 1'1 ADd Carl Da:kin.. ~ayroll, ,208.0.0; hold liquids' hot or cold ke!!ps milk ' andgirla, farm bomemaien and b~:"" Q:2t;' a:w;.b! J. L. punn, ~~rVlces a8 mecluul1c, good to drink. On cold days, It 1 to tarrntlr&. Kina Co.; Xenia, Ohio. Write til $s.OO; .J. L. Dunn, services as milk soup, cocoa. or p(lstu.m made I ~ In ~ia connection, WOCU for prt~ •• mechamc, *59.40; Raymot;ld Mul- with milk, provide a warm food t Dounees that it will be 8lad to loyd, mower. opentor~ $82.00 j which aids the digestion of tb,e ! send anyone ' sending ' a requlllt, FOR RENT Ax:m rel ~terlals Co., 011 alld tal', entire lunch. Other wa.ys ~i , using copies of the Farm Night program $2,364.47; The. V~n Camp Stone milk are- in cup custards and simi- features scbeduled' for the coming Co., :sand, '8JiI~ gravel, $~ ... 49; 1he lar desserts, and in oottage cheeae. weeks. This advance ' Program FOR UNT-Fiv~ rooml 011 4th Itl'eet. with "'th and CinCInnati 011 Wor~ Co., guoline 1Raw fruita carn' well and pro- . makes it 1!ouibl& to 8&leet aheld hot water heat. MrS. 10Id. Whit,. $72.16; T.hE! Cincinnati Oil Works vide an appropriate luneh dessert. of time certai'n broadcasts .' Co., gasollDl~, ,aO. 1S i A. L. 'Tomle Cooked or ' ca.n ned fruit can eaaily you 'do, not want to m·ld beating, aleel' o~ M~1l WhiteJcer. C. St.. jl8-tf gasol~ne,$24, .27; Gult Reftnina .Co. be carried in a small ja.. Witb a and which may be of real val~ to 'Wal'neavllle, O. gas ol~ne., 2!1.86; S. Glen Worley, tight fitting cover, When BCClom- you. Acldre8!1 YOUI' postal eJU'd regasolme, $ i .69; Robert S. Gard- panied with a sweet sandwich, quat to Radio StatiOD WOSU. WANTED ner, ga8olinl~!7!6~ piece of cake or cookies, it "wpa Ohio State Universit,. Columb..., NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT off" tOe hInch, flpecjaJly if there Obio. ' WANTED Reprllentatfve W • - • Jeok aft&r 001' magazine aubhas also been served to e~h pupil Estate of 'M!ordecai J. Fur, de· e bot dish prepared at scbooL Ohio ·farmers will h..,e a chance acriptlOD mt.erea~ in Wa)'JIuvUle cealed. • - • -t() lee how h,brid com aDd vlclJrlty, ORr plan .Jlabl.. 70U Notice The meat and fur of game ani- COmmon vari&t.l_. a 181'1.. of to HCDre a lOod part of ~. hunMartha M. mal. and bir~ 'In the UJdted field cl&Js arraDg'ed bJ D. clredt of dolJan .,eat III thII Addre81 i8 l~prtJl,, State. Ia riven an IDIIUU value of LniI, apect.aiat In ....~, *IJdt, each f.u aDd .......... '0.. been dulY .J UJ,poJ,nteld AdlmlnlJa-I,IDO.OOO,OOO by the United Statea Ohio State UlIlnnot,. 'fte,............ 01. . . . . .cr Sa 1L 8. tralrlx of .01rcl8lDalI Biologieal SUrYe,. It til. b..... and date. of the ...._ . all ~ IonIt ____ . . I. Fur uUmala an coDtid.... September are: Wooner, ., cIolllutie a" _ . . . Ohio, veatmeet, the, ate partnc e 11; Olllo .-


2 NEW AUTOMOBILES-8 Cylinder Ford Coach; 6 Cylinder Chevrolet C~ch. Custom-built Living .Room Suite, Frigidaire. "rima Electric Washer. Zenith Con.ole aadio, Uuro Electric Water Pump, Uphohtered Chair., Crocerie. and other Valu;' *ble prize.. . . . .


A Bigger and Belter Fair


Hone RaciDa Day and Night; Team Pulling Conte.ta; Larg. uhibit. of Live Stock

'~lIia, aDei Cypberin, Conteata; Boy.' and Girl.' Club Work; School Exhibit.;

Lar•• diapla, of Farm Implement. and many other exhibit. of inteNat• .

6 Big Free Acts

Band Concerts

PET PARADE. Si;PT. 8th-Liberal priU.l, ent~aftce free. Write for entry blaaka,

CHILDREN'S DAY. SEPT. 8 SOLDIERS' DAY, SEPT..... All CIa........... SoleI_ Alfmittecl F .... Until 5:00 P. M. on Da,!d'.

Admission 25c




,. .








Dated 1.16.

A1Ij..... JclmlO interNt ~


a valilatloa

c.. .........

,..&81'. 111

Tror. Hi











No 1lll\ at PII.toftt •• at . "Ill •• Oblo. · 8ec"nd 01••• SuLacrlptl.,D Prl••, ,1.10 a y _



- - . - - .. .. ...... .... ........




During the fiRea) year 1036, aceording to Paul Mallon , the well known f)lIblicia~ Federal expenditures totaled $8,87\1,798,257. n ceipts totaled .4,115,956,615. . Th deficit thus cam to th neat Bum of $4.703,841,642. We have be~n spending two dollars for every doUs,r rcceived in W ()s . At the enl) of June, th e lotal Federal debt (a mortgage on all our ea rnings and properw) reached h r ecord figure or , 33,779,00 ,000. It is continuing ot grow, and coming years must witn 511 furth er defi cit entl rely Ilside from whawver party is in power, in the view of authorities. To q uote Mr. Mallon djrectly, ' /If either Mr, Roosevelt 01' Govcrnot· Landon ig able to bnlance the budget /lext yenr he will need magical powel's. " This indicate.!! lJow ~(l\t~ a problem the nation. faces in its POlicy. The problem will never b solved through politic s. Me n in both pa rt i I'! con ti nually give ttl' ir apPl'oval to spending poliCies which f u r th e-r disw rt th budget. It can be solved only by ·a state smanlike a pproach, in whi h inte-lligent cooperation takes the place of rancor, a IlQ honest. discu ion the place of stump speeches.

,Th . public must demand that the budget be baJanced as 'soon IlS'


Clara and Pit, giants of the

menag~rj(\ 0 /

tll'3 mIdget circus at the Greal Lakes ElCPosition in CI~veland. ·enjoy f rolicking in the waters of Lake

Erae, Th.e elellba nta take their swim frequen tly jllst

If the slopitlB

~b Q re

of the Street& of the Worl\! in

the Exposition grounds After playing around In the s hallow wllter lor a ti m ~ they strik e off into the deepel water until T rain er Q"orge Thompson in the Ex, position police cruiser head! them off, Caretakerenjoy the swim iust a much as do the bill animal,;


fAll MAN"srMENT O ·f tl [ .

It, mu st d.emand that i!very eoon{)my be efl'ected, and that New every dollal' s pent' gIVe a good account of iblell. It must demand a ystel)latlc Ilrogl'am for reducing the public debt be adopted. M~s,.",es Mal'jorie nnd Myra UnyI~. . Whether you at'e a Republican or a Democrat, the proble m dock spent Mo day I1nd TU('l!day I . your prQblem. It strlkes at your pocketbook, and your future-to a t the Great Lake Expo ition, l · ~ay nothing of your children's futul'c. Mi. , H elen Hain II all!! Ra h(!1 Will Soon B,,-T - ;:;-;: Se lect Seat



C:::========:::Z=====;=::'-:========= = :::o:===

AN"UA[ CONFERENCE e~AXE'S OF EPISCOPAL CLERGY In TABLOID The li'n tct\nl1tlional ;Forward Movement oj Cbri tianity will be discussed at the annual cOllierncell of the Epi copal Ohurch clergy and laity of the Diocese of Southern Ohio by tbe conference


How the Day Regina '

When you got up this morning YOll wele awakened by an alarm clock on which a lOr., "luxury" tax hllS been paid. There are thirty other taxea on it. You crawled oot from between cotton aheets taxed a~ over 4c a pound. You turned on an electric light wbich is taxed 3% by the Federal governmeJIt in addition to hidden taxes in your etectl'lc biJI amounting to at least 1070 more. The tooth paste, toilet soap and "ash yoa used is taxed 8%5% epeelel Federal tu alld 3% State ••In tax. NODth

·D. D., Bishop of North Carolina, is to be another of the lea ders from oubllde the diocese. The! Itt. )lev. C}larlea Clingmnn, D, D" of Kentucky, and the Itt. Rev, Robert E, Strid.c r, D. D., Bishop Clladjuto1' of W~ t Virgjnia, also are expected to attend the cl)nference5. Bishop Hobson, Who is chairman of the world-wide Forward Movement of the Church, is in charge of the conferences, assisted by diocesan lea~era. Bishop Peniek is chairman of the Committee 01 the National Council on the work of the Church among Negroes. He is well known for his ·work among the laity, and has in hls own diocese one of the mo~t active men's organi.zations in the Church. ·Tho ' conf~rence will mark the flrst otllelal vis~t to Southem Ohio of Bishop CUn&'rnan since hi~ recent consectation all Bishop ot Kentucky.


STon for


Plus Tills Ne,vspaper At , Reduced Price





de •

can Boy is considered a bargain. But now you I" "

Fergllso n

obtain it and this


found that, most a lize t he 'inipottJJllce or thOroughly el aning and rllsinfc:cting t hei)' poul tJ'y h OUll\'8 llguill.!\t. red mite i n r~tll­ tiM IJe(ol'c moving th e pullets in fl' m tho ramce. I f ahy botly Ii c~ nT't' found on the pullets, sodi um fl uoride prinkled well in t o the pullel/!S fanthers wi ll !dJl lb~ lice. Or nicotino ulJ'ate ~ PJ)Jied to th )'OO!lts J<lte in t he aflernoon will give off fumes, whic h will extermin nte' t he lice 'while th e pullets Ill~ roo ting, Good ven:tilarlion, wltllOut too mu:ch draft o h ,real cool ni g hts, is espcrially im portan t f Ol ' :I. few weeks after t he pullets hf)usctl In off of l'a n e, · In l;ol'11leCtioD, i nJ; ul ut~d !louses are much cool(l' in the ummer and also much Wanll()r in the w.inter. Elaborate insul ation is not ncces . nry, trnw lofts will ·ofte n provide suffi cient 'insu.1ation at very low cosK . .. As his. ,last . suggestion , . the extcn ion poultl y 8tatc~ tba~ it. i~ a lway! wi&e to have the pullet s swilched over to th ir c om f)l ~ c 1nYin:~ rati(\:1s ~ bef or e they arc l)rotiglht in from the J'nn -e, In reg(U"d t o ration he reports tba t t hQU a nds of ;farm poultrYJll(J n in Oble) na.v !laved money 'i n jlto~tlin~ ((00(1 laying mUons by f1) lI l~wlng the s ugg\lStiona in thQ Obi() S\;tIle Univers Ity E :-tcnsion ijl1l1 ~tin No . 126, titled ' 'Nul tl'Y F cOOin'g. A t!0PY of this' bulletin I$. available free. from the office of the ,d,unty agricultural

newspa~r •••••

fal'JlI poultrym 'n

UDGE one confection of F every cook is apt to say-"no:w it does, doesn·t." Here's one is


now it

way to aaiUTe yourself of a pretty passable parcel of fu~ge, provided you t;<>'Ik . it tong enQugn. R,efraln from the dcsi(c to get at the candy · the moment YO\l ta.k e it frbm the gaa flame, Simply go away and leave it for ~n minutes, or set the saucepan in a larger pan containing a llttle cold \7Ilt'!r , fOf a few min' .ute. before beating, Cooled candy ~s J;~lIer sugar crystals and finer textur~ ill the filliabed produet.

omiai;.-Grow~g-on d~ Slwres of Lake


Henry county Carmel'S arc getting som advance in formation on I lhe s upply, l)ri~, Iln d other f ac- j tors that may I;lll'cct the fc din g I

H rtmlln wurc in Younlt }'ric n(ls' Layer s and HO llse Them ! lambs t his fall and winter. amp at Clift.on Ii! t week. In Olf Ranle ounty agricul t ural agen: E, H . T he lloxunnn IIn ni\1".. om"an" D on d ~ny8 t h at 10,000 westcrn t' ~ ____ many o.r ou)' With "PPI' of the time of • which t!ll1 ploy peop l is Tunnlng b tb night and lambs and 5,0 00 nnl..ives were f ed ear fIll' moving Ilull"t s In .. Rl of in 'be countv last. 'W 'I tn Y (ja y shifts. " v II , ", n ~r, range to laying !Iou cs, M, Da irymen who have ha d trouble BOrn to .Mr. and, Mr, HII r Itl with ()tr.llavor"d ml'lk .hoold - cCdS d F ryu n neMion poulll'( spev " , ona r , atur ay, A~~list 29, a mcmber to wait until after milking ~~===::::==========~====~============ · ci Ih;1. at 0 , f, U" pojnt~ "ut t f II daughl I ' '~v () ee cows any matel'ials t hat Mi. Mary E. Recv(>1; hus rc- n111nagem 'IIt pl'acti<' ca \\hith have. might impart und esil'able fl avon , t urned to TaC(ltnll, Wallh, t.~ r()- beell .found tel jlivc th~ most sume h r WO}'\( a, teacher ill the ~fl'ti.\<ra lion. Exp 'rim nts nlacle bJith e animal pubUc schoo)lI. I,et the n~l>t group to be move I husbandry c1 ep nrlm~nt a t t he Ohi 1'>1is8 Blanche StepJ..ens of in, hll , ugg s t., irlClude tho~e Sta e Uni ver ity ind icat e that alpl'ing1ield, Ollio, IS fh' gu !:it of pull ets which 8,1'e' most ndvanced, mo",t all Iivest(')ck g l'ind fe ed mOl'e Ill' ,howing 'clonlliderabl comb econo micall y than it ~an b done ~ l s Lcoml Mm r. Mr, nd Mr. Lyle M()rri~ have anli :11'0 ahout r ady to begin with machinclJ. In th e 'e test.;, plll1eta len on grindin g paid only f or. forage fed O\ovlld to the property TCC ntly Jayillg, Of til ranl-!'<', it will 'btcome evident i n a to hogs. pUl'ch. cd {rom It. Archer, coupJ<, or weckfl that pos:ibly half The DUTMU of In ternnl Reve~ A PI'OCl'SS {O l' the production o f of th<>m arc t h eln aJ."iO r , ady to ~ moved ' in. nue h~~ se nt out a lon g list of reghigh quali11' Ilcoustical b\lard pro· That will I ave on I'nnge only ula tio ns r elatjng to th COll1putndUct, using cornstalks as J'11\V t hrifty tiO)i and Jlaym e /lt of t he o-called mat dill, h ill! bee n developed , i n t.he !;loWcr 1M udng, Ie pullel". whi h without CAlll1 p etiti- "wlndfoJl taxes" upon fOl'merly th~ erUti n~eJ:ing exporim llt station I ~lbor to y at Iowa Stiltc on fl'om. [he IiItl'ong r, thrifUel' impounded ()r unpaid agricultural pull et~ WIll ge~tll'ally show a 8ur- ,'proCi!ssing taxes. Colleg , pl'i.l!ing dC"clo:pm cnt, accOl'ding I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ to PClgu'On. H E! says, though that I' Motion pictures of lhe interior i11 this 10 t group tIl rc will b~ ..; of Il ilteer's IIWIlll\clt &8 the animal pull ('!t.s not making a satisfa ctory digests ita tood. wcr ' ho\\n at Lhe I growth, which llullets it is u ua.lly ERB'iS an offer that will appeal to ~ r ecent m I!ting of thc Am erican Rood \.'(l ono11lY to tinis.h oJl' tor Boy Maguine. and this newSpaper at a ~ V t erinar.y Medical Associal.ion's fl)r th market. combination bargain pri~. The AmeriCIID Boy IS the mceting .a t olumbus. If th (l pl,Illets ar e to be used ·in favorite magazine of more thall '00,000 hoYt acl tho sec(lll d. year as breeders, , - - -young Its fiction carrie. Imy. on the winp of the }1vultl'y all cia1ilit ug esrs adventure to all parts of the worl4 It. IpOI'ts artida that. difl'erenL (;olored leg bands by famous coaches lind athletes afe stUdied by cham· be pu t on the JPull ets as t hey at'a I ...._ _ _011 -'r lane. RC\I.!IWD_ _ _.... brought. in otT c~{ l'angc will b of pions. Here you wiU find the hnest atoriea on .portI, aviation, business, school activities, hUlJlOl', andlnwl. con, id ra ble Iv: lu ~ in I.'{ ecting Even at its regular price of ~1.00 a year, The Amerithl:! earlier m atur illg . b irds ~

lFaders who will Include a Japanr!se layinan, representative 01 the Church in Japan, and ,American bishops. Tlldao Kaneko, secretary ot the Brotherhooq of St. Andrew in japan, a leadel'in the aggressive FOl'Ward Mover:nentprogram in hjs co"ntrT, bas b en sent to America for a three monU.s' IUn erary by the Church In Japan. "Few men bave known greater .Ieadenblp Or have. a more eompre beolive knowledge ,0( the Church in Japan -than Mr. Kaneko," said the Rt. Rev.Hmty Wi.ll~ Hobslln, ~ MAKING SOIL TESTS D, D., Bishop ot Southern Ohio, in -. " nnnQun~ing the progr8m:tor the ' 1d:aking Boil testil hi aeh field conferiinc~, which is to b& held at "hd . then s·e tting down .tho results , St. Edmund's. Glendale. . of the tests on·. IIUIP ot tJte farm The clergy conference is to be will rive. • pennallent record for in session .from Septetnber 23rd to use In a IOU improveme'ni progra1;D. 25th, and the la)'11len's conference County agricultural.gents are from September 25th to 27th. glad to !pve advic:e on soil testing The Rt. Rev. Edwin A. Penick, and ,mUio&, farm ma.p8.



Cl'OP this 'year .



Send Your Order To

The Miami














ngent, ,








STUFFY OLD ATTIC CLEANED field day for on the Apple seven mUos 22. E.



!!. '



Of Friend.'



Mildred Rouwhn, near


Mr~. =~~~=~~===

Center- MlUlbe tor The Miami O••

Mr. and M • lJolluld natlluy Kl'sler Grahanl, Mr. an\1 • Dulll·y Kccv<lr arll announcing the birth of 11 J9n t! and lion, and· Mrs. Ii I ' r"llt"t\ IlJe. MI. C. B. Lewi.· II.~( daughter DOllna Ruth, Sat.urdaY Margaret Johns spent ThurBday " h~ lIi<.' , l\li~s Emma Lu Le\l'liS. Aurqat at McClelllln hospItal,1 ill Dayton. gUI' t!l frolll Chiof f Wllyne Mr~. uRie Hardy wall the relative. , Gro~A" Exl-nd..J W .. komct to S,M \\i(h th, I ' ir Ihumlt' t th J:I) 11' 'Ulldl\Y th Xcnia, I lin, Willard Bo~an ntnlall1-~ • ~ CIlJ.(O. ulll t a (',I t C 'To hip Mt.thc club or e Mrs. Alice Triokey is spending gu~st of her ni 'e<'. Mra. Alma ~ .. "u,·t'" a llumbl't of litl\! lCirls at Yi"ld Comparuolu .. t Ohio Ij·s Ruchel Pl!ttit, 1\1.i" e . 'chool y('lu' will b . held Friday c luple " wnek '''ith Iler dauall. Duel' anti family iti Dayton, last ""'" " on la t 1'hu ,lIny aft 1'EIi~ b'th :1Il11 Ruth b hha.ncJl~rf Ilftcrnootl , 'ptcmbcr 11, a:t t h Ii~el'g\ In Dayton. OL ,. ... .. wAck. h(1r bom Exp rim"nt Farm. " Wf.'1' 1111 til'Y gUll t lit l \! orne 0 GI'~de buihlln . Mr. ClYQ Wharton. Ml'$. Mr. unci 'M~. J ohn Hayner of noon in hon I' of tnrybuUc's •• irlhday. Th<.> MiJIllli Gai!~lW hll~ ju~t re· 1,'. anti M'r. l..c)ui handler on M'l's. J. . Hartrnan "" 'ill Alice Clark and Missea Eva and Westville w e dinner guests FriMr!'. Ev IncDf1l181d entel'- reiv('u WU1'd rroln th I\~r(ln()my ·untls)". , du et the dllvotlonl, and thtl Wharton spent Friday in day of their nophew and niece, tained l\11'1\. FIOTe-ne Kerfley, ?lr, dl!pBrtl'll n( ~f Ohio Stut 11111<'1'Tho H'g\lIl1l," lI1eetlng of tit IWIJll committe will ])1' Alen L banon. 1>lIi. and Mrs. Harvey Burnett. Ed CI rk, Mi fay II 1'11111, Jl.1r~. ~it IInno\.n 'ing'!l ."I'ie. of hybl'iJ 11 0111(' bl tII'u WII$ beld 00 rue day. 1ollowhlj( !1rogram l: ~1I~. and Mrs. Willialn Rogel's of M;lss Laura R snag\~ r turn d Carol Deat:herl1~e lind Mi ' COI'n. *'111 dny~ to he held -ut ihe Mrs, . '[J~'hll Hill'! ock lind Mis Mu i - 'aomi Rv!mQY urltl 'Reba Ma on ilp nt Thursday at tbe after a few daY8 visit with them. Elizabeth Chl.rk alld LucilJ diff 1'\! lll eX').lcl'il1lent £ rOIl! thl'- ..Im'a Lil ' att nd II the llHletillg EdwIIJ'ds. home 0:( their lIunt, Mrs. Meta Mr. and M.'!. E. B. Longacre Tucker to dinn r all last Friday, oughOU1 th tate. l',.' \,crYlln vi th · ardon lub ilt the hom of: R atling- lielen Mlal'garet Gona Rag re. entertained the Garden Club with 1r, lind .Mr,. E. B, LQltg8cr in Talk- upt. L. . G nt. Everett Eal'ly is spending Il a winer and nlnrshmallow rOllst Mr. and l' , J. W. Suell nTHl welconH' tit thl'. I? Ill,I,1 aa.~·". fn.miJy lIpent Sunday in Mont rey Yi~ld ompiu-i~Qns durjng the l.JytJ ... TUIJ .Iay "vt'nill 'l , rigion) skit, "~ichoot OilY." . week in Michigan. Tuesday ev njn~. and their grandson m8st r r~~ f w y~8r.s . how that ' C01'n h' . Uowell circe and her 'Mis 'G eneva RO'\ltUlhn was a Mr. and Mrs. Walter K nrick Dwane Snell ret.urned wi1.h them hyhrid s out yield p n-polJinllt d I!'U t, 1\11'. Je ~ie Robin. on, FA RM ERS' 'GRANCE week-end gu, lit of her couain, and Jame8 Haines were Sunday for a hort visit. var; til' of corn possessing the \tl it d l'elath' at outh Charl"s-Ilueets of Mr. and MrB. harle Mr. and Mr , L. E. Hockett '1I1d same il 'Imlll r quil'unll'nt ~y a I n, Wedn day. . L , A. Gar t, Ullerintendont of McDnrgh and family, nt Urbana. !laughter, Mi Ruth, of Way. last 15 to 20 pel' cent; illrth r· Mr, and l'!1 • H, A.. LtHvi., Mr. ('hool , will be ' th principal Miss SlIrah Burn t ot Daytonj 11csviJl, pent ndny 'ith Mfs. mOre that they are "til1'~r • talk.\;, . chl'l1fcl' nnll :Mr . TUI'pill, oi ill., sp a\- r ut the tegular meeting of . , spent a few days this weeJc. with 1- - - - - - - - - - - - - Sadie Re on. huye fewer lJllfl' n tlilks, Ie s clnnati, Prof. lind !\frs, C. E. J;o'arm rs' Grange, ISaturday night. her brother, Harvey 'BlJrrl . t ;' IUId FOR SALE The Mis e Rhea alld Evelyn smu nntl al' lI)(.I ll' r sistant to l'aylvl' f\nu uaughtel', Ma\ldne, of btht!r features of tbe progtam family. before sbc r turnll to her _ _ _ __'___ _ _ _ _ __ McC nen of Walhonding, Jll'e dnl~ght. Wilmingto.ll, ¢all d on ;M r . A.da will b'e a clarinet duet by Reb schoo.1 duties at Ellst Pal stine, FOR SALE~Mnlden Blush apple~. vi 'ting l'elativ~ bel'(!. For your co!)venience in plan· J enkil1l.', Sundny. . Surfac and Doris Fires; rending, Mr . Florence Hopkins is conJ. L. Mendenhall, iIl27* Mr. and 1I1r.. Harry Tuckel' ning to ee the. diffel' nce at Mi ' s Elizab th a.nd Ruth Cl1an- Donald Brown: vo,cal solo, Mis Farme1'8 in Ohio Could Sell More vaJe(l ing nl Iy at the home of nd family sp nt l/lSt J,o'dday al on of the hybrid corn fit!ld days, eller. Mr. Allie- Dllllld Fife and irginia Bnrdin and plano duet, Work Stock ' and Buy her daughte~ h lie. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!'!!!!~!!!!!!!!!'-''''!'!! the Gertnllntown , KY'I fair, ,hel' is 1i ted below when and Misl'I Get'trutt ClI ndl~r w re R ba Surfac~ and Dori!) l"ires. Le.. Mr. Margaret Johns is spcnd_ _ __ Mn. Chas. Bo r tler and where 'th nearest of tbe e field dillnel' gue ts nt tht' Home Wed· • - ing this week lit the home of Mr, ,n' day. .. ALVA BURTON 4CRAN£ Obio and Ml's. Amos Cook near WayCHAPMA~, Miss Nell, spent the dlly~ wiUbe bald. week-end at their hom here. eptel1lber Experim(!nt Mrs, Ltlna Hartsock, MISS Frclda DIE:S SUDDENLY Horse raisers ' in 11.1' ne ville and On Werlnesday aCC01l1M8.'ltel' Donald Snll is visitiJlg tation, Woost r. Han' y, Messrl\ El'nest and Wa.r --mi1!Sibg the epPoL-tunity of pro. PAnied th m to the State Fair at Lic:e.lecl Broker l1is grandpaJ'ents near- MOnterey September 15 - Ohio Sttlt I·tto ook sa\ Grt!en Pasture 10 Funerill serViCE!S 'for Alva fiting as mu('h as th y might by Columbus. REAL ESTATE tbis 'Week. University ol umbu. Wilmin ton, Monday night. BU1;tQfl. rai)e, ag,ed 77, whose prodUCIng all the work tock they Mr .. and Mra. Al~rt orn 11 Mr. attd Mrs. Harry Tuckel' of Ptemb r 25 ~ Exp rimen~ [ . Nettie Oic~oJl ' ac~ol~- death occurred sqldh~enlYh Mond&i'f need lor replacllment oncl nceded and family nttended thc funeral Walhonding, ate visitinghis farm G l·mantown. panied h r on to hIS home In aHet'noon at orne ~f l\lrl!. Cornell'B father, Frank • _ _NOTARY _ _ _ _ _PUBLIC _ _ _ _ ___ n T k d mothe.-, l\1'r~. Mary uc T all T1H~ announcement points out enterv e or a or v SI Lebanon, were U WI Hamilton nt ~b6nOn edne~ ay _ hel" at, •... e by farmers in tatel! east who W d ' ill f h t · ·I ·t Sll.tur family. that it i not profltabl to save aft rnoon. John80n Funeral !lome Lebanon would buy more work horses i n afternoon. Mr. and Mn. Harold Beck tl: B ed from a fi lu of hybriti corn. Mr . B rtha Doan, blrs. Chari 8 Wedn day afternoon and burial Ohio were 'they available. This Miss Laurl\ Rosnagle returned nd Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lul,!;ens It will pos ess 10 to 25 per ent R. talbuck and Elouise Thomas, wa made in 'the SP1'ingbol'0 prevailing situation i pointed out Monday to her work as teach r of with farm ex~dence to lulnand daughter, Miss MAry CarolYl) lower yielding al:!iUt.y than will b or Wilmington, called on friend cemetery, by L. P. McCann, who is exten- nurses at the hospitlll in CincindIe local 8 l'Vice work for Nationarc attending the State Fair at posses ed by th vrs~ gene.ration here, Monday. He is survived by tw SO RS, sion horse specialist for the • S. lIati after !\pe-nding a couple of Columbus. . seed of a cro s between strains of Burton, of lUllmbburg, and University. . months vaeatjon at the home of ally known company. Fermancnt position. Pay every 'Week. Cnr neeMiss Kathleen Gray is spending dift'erent parentage and involving Burdine and a daughter, Mr. An ~stimate the first of this Mr. and MNI. Harvey Burnet, tbe week with relatlveeJ here. one or mOl' inbred 1in~ of COl'n Christine Ridge, Lebanon. year by the United States Depart. Mr. and 1\11'5. Calvin Longacre es I11:Y. Our men earning from $35 to $75 a week. Not necessary • - - -or their comhiJ'lation.s. In other ment of Agric,ultul' a and Mr. nnd Mrs. Stanley Bailey to write letter. Just fill out couTry The Mlaml ' Guette For A words, to obtain increased yi lds HAPPY HOt)R CLUB dec rea since the 1986 farm called on Mrs. Edna Vuker. at the pon bell)w nd mail to Box 164, Year. from hybrid corn, it is neceS5al'Y --- , census of 2 per cent in tbe total home of Mrs. Anna Rohm, in D pt. 99.43, Quin y, IIli~ois. to plant eacb pring seed obialnMn. Rhodes Bunnell was host- number of tha county's work Springfiel(l, Sunday evening. cd fr"'Dl n fir t gene ration cross. The new Ohio Driver' Lie nse css to the Happ~' Hour club on hol'se.s and 3 .p r cent in its total Mr. and ,M rs. Allen ElitTick enAge , .... . Number ot . Mr. Miller, local county agent, ha law which requires all Ilutonl\lbil Tuesday, Se'p tent1b er 1 at the number of mul . Interpreted for te.. tainl!d at six o'clock dinner available a list uf farmers who will ddverll ttl po sess licenses win go Bunnell homestes~d. A ~e."utiful Oltio, McCann says that this Su~~day. Mr. aud Mrs. Leon SaliJlllearll em farm ha\'t' for al(.' thil,l fall hybrid seed into ccect Octbber 1. This legis- SeptemheT altern.oon and twenty meJlas that iarmet:s in thill state bury of Washington C. H., Mrs. Name corn {rotl! a i1 t generat.ion cross, lation i intended to make it members respond,ed to roll call. ~iU need to import about 8,000 Martha Hough of Waynesville HA"ing seed for II xt. spring tba~ imp sibl for pel'sQns with reA short business 5e sion was hor es alld 1.500 mules for re- and Mrs. Margaret Johns. Wen- Address ..... ........................ .... .. will yield ]1) to .20 pet cent more voked lic nses to continue driving !ollowed by a pr,ogtam consisting placement of work tack before dell Snlisbury returned home alte corn is a good investment. oJ' the highways. of mu Ical selections by t he Hoak t he. 1937 work eeaSOJl begins. a three weeks .visit here. . Every Ohioan dl'iving 1\ car family with Anlla Louise a t the Most of these win come fro m M.r. nad Mrs. S~anley Bailey I!'!~!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!:!!~~!!!!!!!~!!!!!! must have a liceh.$e. It mn.¥ be piano; Benton, cornet; ,Mlon- states weet, because states east: and motber had for their dinner e.=~======~===i't obtailled ae the office ()~ the imia, violin; S,eth, drum and of Ohio look each year to this gllC1lts BlInday: Mr. and Mrs. de-puty motor vehiele registrar L. Eula, leader. A reading, "Ptob. state and states west for.a part of MlIrray Hopkins of Dayton, ltfr. H. Gordon. All persons who have lems in B()~ Trallling," by Esther ~heir supply of horses. and Mrs. Everett 'Kenrick and son driven an alltom bile m'ore. than Mitch n r; x:ea~ing, "Friends," IM\c.Cann's explanation of the Robert -of Centerville, Mr. Ed. one year will be ,.issued a hc~m e I Reba Braddock. rhen ~rogressive .impel\ding necessity for farmers Hopkins and children, Arthur, without an e~ammatlon. O~he? "Bu~co" p~ov~d a delightful d\- in Ohio buying h or$es instead of, Glenn and Miss Clara of Wayneswill be exam\J~ed to ascertam If versIOn until the h? t~s called baving a urplus of them to se ll, ville. . Nfl eifOli is ever mad th y ,bave a COmplete knowledge time for refreshments. is that the number of colts they Mr. and Mr.!!. Bert Graham. son by allY of our organization of !Ieh driving. The highwa.y Mrs. J ohn Rich, Mr. Chas. l'aised in 1934 fell short of l he three, daughters, sOJl-in-Iaw alld to initueJlc~ the ae\C!ction patl'Qlmel1 wOI conduct the ex- Doster and Mrs. Sadie Reason number of 'Work ho rses to :replace .little grandson, Qf.-.!!!'and Rapid, of the casket. There is aminati ns. were guests of the hostess. tbis year's h orse deaths. "This Mich, and Mr, and Mrll. Harry always on display in our A driver must \!al'ry his license • -~- means!' be states "that Ohio prabam we~e · Friday dinner at all times and show it to highBURNET R£UNION 'farm~;lt win have t~ payout $1, guests of Mr. and Mrs. K~]er IlhoW'rooms high gl"ad way »atrolm n and other author. , ----" '11 ... 500 000 for horses and mules that Graham. The Grahams had a flne caskets ot many type8 and . d ffi' I d a d The The Burnet l'eumon WI ",e . , , •. h d h d b .. _ I~e 0 .CtS 8 upon em n . h Id at th h e of Gilbert and might well bavo been ratsed In ouse car an a een on a va..... glades, oft'ering a choicebcense IS good for' .one yeaf when e e o~ b Oh' the state. tion trip to West Va., and . . d D' d Trena Jameson In Le anon, 10, to meet every taste lind It may be J'enewe . rivers u,n er ~ A 1 t" Ohio's horse population, ~1l8e,d Athens, Ohio. , 18 years aid will have to take an ~U~day, S~Pte~.le.r 6 d arge a on ih 1985 farm census, totals Rev. Joseph Vuker WIL!I taken to purse. Regardless of examination no matier how long n ance IS !~:c!pa e . 478 456. Each year 12 to 1.5 per Miami Valley hospital last Wedwhich may be sclccted, THE ELEVENTH MAYOR cen t of thi total number of nesday and was operated on they have been driving a car. the fam ily is assured of Mr. Gordon states that It will ___ horses -needs to be replacl'd. The Thursday and passed away Satur. getting fu ll valu.e. facilit.ate th e handling of Ucenses, A play, "The ,Ehwenth May()o~·11 39,926 colts on ·Oh i? farIDs .,undcr day mornin.l~., The body WSB ~e~ The NI_ - ; ; ; and II () Kirk have rewnl d from 8 we~k'8 v!aU with th~ir Cltothel' and oth r






LaIe CIassified Ads.



J. B

~~~===~~========= , MAN WANTED





Freedom of Selection




jf the applicant is prepar.ed ' to give will be presenteld , at

the Hal" e, W igbt, height, color of veysburg gym Stmday Jlight, Sept, el'es and hah' and have the xact tember 6, at 8 < o'e1ock~ by the amoullt' '~hich ia '40 cents: Waynesvi.lle Y. F. M. Tbere- are • 0 ' charges. HORTICULTURAL SHOW n OPENING IN CHICAGO ---



on the occasion of the Internati·1 Mr. and IMlrS. ,J. B. Chapman on~1 Hort}cultul'al Exposition. 8p~nt Wednesday in Columbus. Opening on '$aturdl\Y, Septem- . ber 12, the Ilhow will he . in pro· I Mrs .. Martha ~[ough hal alTlved gres,!! tro;m 11 a. roo until 10 :ao p. ho~ a after a pl~a.aant auto trip m. daily until its close ~n Sunday, through the Wed. . , ~eptenlbel' 2.0. Accordtng ' to t he Miss Ruth Salisbury will leave, exhib't.~ for most Saturday tQr ~ruscalool!a, Ala., ev~nts may, be. entered up to 10 where she will elOter tbe Univer. a. ni. of the ,d ay a class is to be sity of Alabama, ' , judged. j - - -- - _ , Mr. and Mlrs. Waltal' Sheehan BIRTHDAY ' SURPRISE PARTY and their guest, MiBl! Rebecca Dunham, of Cincinnati, attended A merry group of young poople the State Fair, Wedne~ay. ga~hered at th/) home of Mr. and Mr: and Mu. lHerman Surface, Mr ·.. Alvin Earnhal'l1 Saturd.ay M' eh' t · "'lcLai ' and Mr evemng, August 29, to SUJ1PrISQ 115$ rJ8 me "' , n •. 'M,'lo. Hartsock Mr, L ema r E a~'n har, t th e occaslOn ' ~'~tended the' Fall" l' • at Columbus TU4!sday. b · ' h' b' · hd · .. em~ IS lrt ay. ..... p aasan.. " ' . avemn.g was spent .play~ng c~rds Mr. and M\"~. Louis ThompI011 a~ d plngpoog, after WblCh damty moved into the house at tbe. refreshments were served. eorner of Third lI!nd Tyler .treets, The ~u~sts depart,:ed at a late recently erected b., Lee Lemmon. huul' wIshmg Lemar many happy re ~urns of the day H. Ray W....ner and familv have .. , ..... # - - --- - moved mto the J. O. Cartwrlaht RE.f:MPLOYED residence vacated 1;>y Mr. ind Mn, W. Lot,. 111'. ' Waper t. Total of 926 , Ohlolns were reo director 9f IIOU cOlllern.tloD III turned to employment In private Wartell' count.,. indultry dUriDW the put '''''''' _ It \Va.. annoanced Mre toda., b, Mr. and Mn. Elmv Sb.uaa, Wm. E. School • ." of tile Warns MI. H,ln Crockett ud lin. coaJltJ oflc. ot tb. NaUow Be- Ci7de !hIDDell b_ Mea ahtadlat


Thoua:htfu1 ag.;culturiata do Dol le~ ,oOcIbuildin, day.alip by, .:.... once he.vy cropa are out of . lb. w~y. · Belter, con.truetiOn reward. thOle who take Il.d .-nta,e of early,oocl weather - before faU rains set in. ' We have a bi. yard filled with fint '_iJdia, material. of all kind. Tell _ your buildin. plan. aDd we will make ......aiou whicb may save you con.ider.... moaey•.. W.lla.,e plan ~Iu for eyery kind ,of • • ,bllCtlo;a wIaich w. familia free 10 our


s....iee. ~


hir ----~~~-----

J. E. McClure WaynelviU ...- .O hio -.

!f"u:n:e;r:a~I.~!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!~~;;;~;=;:;::~:' ' _

of flvariety owers. and kind that raisers Ohio Re. are '!! ingThousands ne.arly every ~readyhorSe rearing morein colts, grown" numeroUs model gardihg' any possibility o,! ,n garden s, countle$s specimens .Q! oversupply ' of \torses, McCann" · orchard and v~ge~ble crops, sees Jiitle such Ukelihoo,d, es. exhibitions ·\If bees and lio;ney, and, p.eeially until Ol\.io 'll own demand extensive plantings -of treea and for horses is lnet; and not then as shrubs will convert tbe seven Miss Rebecca Dunham, ot Cin- long 8lI states east buy instead of of exh ibit area in Chicago's. . .. ,. , h . M raisi~g a8 many of their hones as new Illternational A1nphitheater cmnatt .is vlSJtmJIf . er BlIlter, . u. into a vast. and spectacuiar garden Walter Sheehan. they h.'v e In !e:n,; y~r8,


,Pall Building Days


tw,o yC1l1'8 old ,would replace .onl~ t~ the bome ot lb:s. Vuk~r 1\ 8.3 per' cent of the 12 to 16 per Sister, Mrs. Anna Rehm in Sprmg 'cent of the state~s total horse field and funeral ~erviee8 ~ere population that has to be replaced hel d ttlere Tuesday mornmg . each year." Burial was in Enon Cemetery. Mr. The more encour-aging side Of Irvin Hllrris, 'M'r. and Mr!!. the horse. s ituation revealed b'y I Forest Graham and Mrs. AIi~ the extension horse Bpeclalist is Miller from here attended the

CORN HUSKING CONTEST Ohio will be the scene ot the "World Seriea Of Agriculture", 'the National Corn H11IIking Conteat, this year, Walt,r H. Lloyd,' editor o~ · The Ohio Farmer, which is B»OnIlOri1\' the conteata, announ. ced 'todayP . . . . ' Tbe 'Alva L. Oyler farm in Lic~. inl County will be .the place Qf the contest and the date will be November 1.0. Tbe farm is located at. the junction iii U. S Route 46 and Ohio Route 37, abo~t 26 miles , east of Columbus .~ 1~ miles southwest of Newa~k. , ti Thl8 date the ft1"l1~ L'< me '. .. I marle. C· H ld the Natio~,a om UI! 1lJ ",Ontel!t hl'S been held as fat eut as Ohio. It WaB originany, plu~ed for Mli8lOuti this fall but. IfPt eom crop there necessitated the cbi.nlrel to Ohio where a cro., of 102,812, 060 bullhela of corn wail predJctfd " b'" tb Au .....t crop l'eport. 0# e ., .. Ohlo , .~, b"~':P=ted t ..e N.......... eon but h.. aot plued a N.:tIolwl



---... _..---


.McCormlck.D.erln." Cor"B~nd.r

. Repairs 'In Stock -

Papec Hammer Mill., Superior Wheat Drill.· . , New Idea Corn Picken, Corn Hu.kera " and. Spr.ader.; V. S. Com Hu.kera andre.paira, ,


Give U. That ilepalr ·O'r der ," B. "D.. C.il_~tl.....WaM ...........u PJlONE HRI


We have a Ihipment .in transit. ' CaD and leave your order.

ji Eighty~Eighth





under. tnndinsr in 1'c,l1:ards to th open sea.s n on squi~rel. which







Paul Dol On order Septemb r 12 at 8 :30 p. m. FATAL HEART ATTACK ~~~t:~:,:~~~8U~~~~ic~t~:h aot~\~! Dr. and M·r!j. John I'e l'cc<!n't gues I for the PUI'pose jC)f conferring 'W1'onJf dde, the ConservaUon of olumbu. ,

NO-rICE TO LOT OWNERS New books of rules and regUla.'

HELD IN GLENDALE ~~~:ci:~ohT~a~c~:~~~~e~~e;~!~4

A speCial-m eot-i ng ot !<'armeL's' No. 13 'will be called to


Whole' Number 6238

SEPTEMBER 10, 1936

~:(!er::~ ;)i~he:b~~n~~ceb~! ~I~!


laymen Rpiscopal icrk, Hel('n M. Ha.wke, or thut of • the Superintendent, Mr. Walter D" Occurred Monday Morning Div' ion ~mind" /lunkrs that t'he of Mr. and Mrs.. Rolla Bolton. first ILnd · s.econd degrees on the Ex.ct Amo'WJJt of Benefil, Ha, \hcir return to' class of candidai: . hurch invited, a I'ccol'd-br.eaking Cast. 8M on runs f t'om October 1 to Th-ey were on Columbus ~ner un 000 nlilca attendanc\.' is expected at t,he Not Been Leal"Aed At At Hom.. In Ore.o.I1'.; 15. bot.h dates inclu iYe, ( exc ptautomobile trip through the we. t Mcmb rs a.r . urge~ to attend nnnual conferences of the lergy Tlti. Writin, Senicea Today lng Sundays) with a bag limit of Leaving olumhus the first of to welcome the UIlcommg members and laity of the Diocese oi outh· foul' p r day or in possession. August 1 r. and Mrs. Bellton sne~t - - -- - , I'n Ohio at t. Edmund's, Glen· Inclusion C)£ ,WaTTcn county, EdE'/1 Terry, age-d 40, (Heu Monev ral days vi lting th~ Mayo dale, Septel11ber"2 3rd to 27th. along with 6utlC'l' and I1nmllton day morning, Septembl'r 7, nthi!'! Clinic at Roche.<lter, Minn. ', I This annua l event, iR under the counties, Ohio, in the federal home nCUr Oreg()nia, following on F(om thcr they wen to dir ction of 'Rt, Rev. Henry droU2ht area' was announce\l.' late yo Ilow' Stone Nationlll Park, . Wi.~e 'HOb on. D. D., Bishop of Mute' \1eart ntto k. H had beon Tuesday at Columbus, according Spokane, Wash Portland, re,; SoutheTn Ohio. c(lnfinl,HI to his homl) fol' the past to County Agent ~tel' l. Miller down the Caliiornia coast via ---The conferel1(}c lenders include 01 Lebano,l, Mr. Mitler, upon be· thr I! week!;, 5Ilfferin(l' from. San Franci. co, Los Angele, an Georg Kilpntlrick, tcn-yeo1'-0Id ' Tatlao Kaneko, prominent la)1man d:rs. Lloyd Davis and sons ing advised Lhat Warren county heart aj lment. Die '0, to Tijuana, Mexico. stepso n of Manhai C. P. Joy, of the hurch of Japnn, who is vi ited in Xenia M'onday after- had been included in the area, was A BOIL of th lale Will and Ann ======~~~~~-=;====~.~==; Whil in alifornia th Yilt. suffered a fracltured right arm representing his Church in thi$ nOOI\. expecting rccei~t of word regardT I'ry, he wa~ ,blll'n nenr Oregonia M1'8. W . H. Allen was a Dayton tended the an Diego exposition Friday afternoon when he fell country on a three month's tour. ing tbe . xact benefits that Will lfi s Nancy Hill. pi Chicago, and en-roule home vi. itcd Boulder from a tN>e at lIIarmon Park L bSt. Edmund' , where th conlind spent his entire liCe in that visitor, sturdilY. b available to local farm.ers who Dam. Grand anyon. Carlsbad anon. The boy WIIS attending the j' rences are to be heid, is admir- is the guest ot Miss Emma Lu have suffered drought IQsses. community. to I' the J)ast fifteen Vin nt Griffy is ' attending Cave, nnd th 'Texa s entenni~1 at playground touI'I1t111T1ent at Runyan ably located for !luch a lll'ogram. Lewis. At Columbus, George A. Crane, years MT. T rty had b en in the Miami-JacQhs Busin ss college in Dllllas. Field and wnndet'ed away from his [~ is a s hort distancc from Glen8!)3istant director in the office of Mr, and Mr . Corl Frye spel)t _ _ _ gr Ull, lIu)erviSO'1'8 sta ted . dale. The buildingR ai' u ed all mploy of the county lind at. th.e Payton. the Ohio Agri~ull:ural Extension at Niagara FaUs the week·end tim!! 0:£ hill death wall serving as An X-Ray examirpition reo dormitories fQl' the men, and he and th ' Great Lakes expositiol1. Burellu, stated tbat his informaMr. and J.hs. J. P. Fromm and ml1in~enan(!c engiJ;l!!Qf find county son speni Monday in Dayton. ~ U vl'l~gnhlt<lfotrh:atrrobl)~~lereb!)bnre08keni.n his ndministr l\on building, formerly tion is not complete but that in ~ _ used a 'a school for boys, provides , See Will C, st. John if you al' these tht_ Ijouthwestern Ohio I'ond supervisio.l'. James Hawke nnd family, of th place for the ses ions. in the market for a Buick, Olds- counties individual Carmers may urviving ar , Ule ",ido , Mr/!. pringf\eld, w ,e f!! Sunday guests mobile, Pontiac or Chevrolet. obtain loans from the FRA and in Goldie Terry; four chlldren, of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke-. may take advantage of reduced Hdzel, Treva. Elm rand Monis Mrs. Bolan,d er, of Norwood, i' freight rate8 on iced shipments. Miss Catherine Winspear, of l T~e A:flh of Q serles of all·day I 25th and the laymen's conference T~rry; one broth r, Will Terry of Cincinnati, was the week-end hr tma~ S '01 Sole confErenccs from Sept-e-mber 25 to 27th. The visiting her do.ughtel', Mrs. Riley Thomas B. , Foster, resettleguest of !\fT!. E'llma Barnett. 8chedu~ed to cover the entire state Clergy conference opens with sup- IT enington, for a few days. Dayton, nnd a sist r, .1<11 Prunells ment administrator for the three of OhiO will be h Id Thursday, ___ " per at 6 p. 01. Wedn day" Slipcounties, stated that 10lln will , Terry, of St. Louis. ptemb r 17, at the cOul: house Robert L. Barton, executive tember 23rd, rind closes with Rev. John J. Schaeffer, rector 01 probably b available to pur" Funeral sC'l'Vie s w re h It! this Have your b tter cotton dte~ es A88en\bly ROOm, Wilmington. sccretul'y of tbe. League of Young luncheon Friday, Septem,b er 26th t, Mary 's Bpi copal church ir done at Quick Cleaners, 2 lor 45c. chase. seed, fertilizer ahd feed. RC]lrCecntativ('oS from local vOlun- 1 ~epublictln Clulbs of Ohio and The layman' COl\fcrence Ilpens very sjek lit his home in Dayton. (Thursday) morning n the KathrYn MendennaJl. Mgr • • Loans are limited til tbo!le unable Lary and ()/Mlul health gl'OIlPs in d~~c~r of the Young Republican with supper at 6. p. m. t hat evenOswalcJ Funeral Home in Lebanon to obtain credit from Bny other Mr. and Mr • E' . R. Bentley Ilnd Mr. a!'1d 1\1t . Charles FiBher, of Brown, Clermont, Fayette, High- D)vlslon of the Republican State ing, and clo es with luncheon MId burinl wa .!\'Iade in tho Leb- Cincinnat.i, were guesbj of Mr. and source and tbe loans will be for attended the Mrs. F. E. Thomas land and Wnrren counties will Ill- C mpaiJ\'ll Committee, will nddres. Sunday, September 27th. Peele reunion at BowersvlJle, Sun- not mote than 18 months bearing anon cemct~ry. Mrs. W. H. Allen on undny. '-tentl th meeting. Plans for the a tnc ting of the Young R41publi- . . , .--~-~..,....-interB t at a five per cent rate day afternoon.. and eel/red by chattel mortgages Th Y. F. MI. will meet a the me ting arc I)cing' an-anged by can Club of Wllnen ounty at Mrs E, J, Hiatt, Wilmjngtem, Lebanon Monday, Septel11b l' 14. M'r. and Mrs. Everett Thomas, on croP8. Uvestock and macbinery hol\le of Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes presi I nt of th Clinton Coun y Balton i a Columbus attorney. of ROchester, N. Y., werll w<:ekBunn II, Sunday evening, SeptemIn addition thue may be limitend guests of the former'B parents ed emergency grants for nousePublic Health League. is locheduled to start her 13. Mr. and Mrs. E" F. Thoma!\. ho,Id expe nses where ,other reMr~. CI\tford Bro.ce was a gu t sourceB ot the family are exhaustMiss Lillian , L Wi8, who has at a dinner party sf th home of MI'. and Mrs. 'J. A. Hartman been t he gu est \If her sister, Mis ed. None ot this is definitely Mrs. P. H. Flynn in Xenia. Fri· entertained Sunduy with a. reun· day. Emma Lu Lewis for Il fortnight, known, however, as lotal farm returned today to her home in leaders hay not been advised 01 iOil Ilf the Ha kin family. A.1l the the IIpecitic benefits available. ____ thIS week by Mrs , Kathartne Ken- Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. W . E , StrOl\d and deseendan of Amoll and M a ie Warren county farm'ers suffered Mr. an"- J\{l' • Phil Larrick TlIe en tiN} membership of the ____. _ nridy Brown, national commitOOeSpray Hawkins in OhiO exe pting the week-end at the Great Lakea Cleal'cl'e k Country Club \\'a Mr. and 1\Irs. F. E. Thomas woman for Ohio. ' Cbarles Chapman Bnd Gene Cost· an immeasurable loss during the ne w re pre ent. expo iticn. pre ent when MI'. and .Mr . C. L. nterlained at six o'clock dinner Morning and af.ternoon sessions \e11e, of Chicago, and Robert Chap.. recent drought, pastures in man, Fro!\'l New Vienna: Mr. and Mrs entertained on Saturday unl'iay 'evening in ' honor of Mr, will be held in the ballroom of ' the man, of Columbu , spent the week sections of the country having Duk Misfl ue Crane return d home evening for the plea sur of Mr. and Mrs. Ev~rett Thomas of Deshler-Wallick Hotel, and a end with Mr. Ilnd Mrs. J .' B. Chap· been destroyed early in the sumA. H. ' T errell, Lawre!'1cc, Warren, Sunday after a three-weeks' mel;'. The sweet eorn crop was also and MI'S. 'E. C. J\fiUer; a. recent Rochestl)l'. N. Y., The guests were dinner meeting will be held at man. )len and orbthy Ann T nell, visit to r lativcs in Cincinnati extensively damaged throughout br·id,e. nnd groom, . tAdbeautiful table Mr. und ... Mrs, Claude Netzley, of 6:30 1M'1'. an d Mrs. Mor te 'V Mil'! V(!rc).a CoehTlln, Mr. Bnd Mrs and Norwood. . Attp. m. in Gthe NeH I JHouse. h W n erM an d t his a,ectio,n. Iamp WIll! lU Men il to Mr. and Da.yton, l U'!:, a:nd Mrs. Lowell Mr, Bad Mr . Erwin' . 01'O<'y e,ncl'a . 0 n • daughter, Joan, ' of Cleveland, .... Chas. Bond, Kenneth and Mary EllIS ana Mrs. Mille r py the lub which Thoma. nnd dat.I,ghter, Betty. ,Mr. Bneker, Republican nominee fo.r V·I·SI't-.I M K ' ts M left· I ' G 'II dd . rs. erns • ' r. Lou Bond, Prom Wilmington ': Mr. Dr. and Mr . E. • F. Deppe , • 100 u(les a group ft'om near pring and Mr. Madi '~n Earnhart and overnor, W\ a rel\s the group d M J D M I and Mr. L. M. HawkinS', Milj. trIp to Bhnd bol'o: Mr, and Mrs. Perry Easton, Ro ns. Jack and Tommy, David 4 p, m. His brief talk will be Labon; OVlll' the Elizabeth Hawkins, Mr. and Mrs. 'I. Mr. and Irs. Milo Beck, ,Mr. Bnd Thomas, Miss Cora anti Mr. mcluded on a half-hour radio T. L. Wan, Etclmor a nd Thomas Mra. Charl-e6 Da.y and daughter, Mrs. Augu t Harbaugh, Mr. and Arlbur Thomai" Inez Thomas, broadcast over a state-wide hook.Mr. an~ ~ts. E. F. Earnhart, Wall. From N w Burlington : Mil' Dor'othy, are QC!cupying one M'l:s. has. Allen, Mr .and Mrs. I Dena Dnvis anll Robert Thomas' luP, ' MIS MarJorie Earnhart and Mr. Mrs. Nanni Hawkins, Mr. and of the Lee Lemmon cottages on Walt \. Taylor, J.\fr. and Mrs. E. C T\\o ~roup I)ictures of four Ogden L. 'ltUlls:, secretary of t¥ and Mrg. J. P. FrOmm enjoyed a Mt'll. T. C. ,ll ydock, Miss Myra Tyler treet. M_U er and AII' .. and 1')11'5. Duke, genetatlons of the Thomas family ~te.asul·Y under Pl'CIldent Hoove\t motor tri) throug h southeastern The state bureau of mptor vebfHaydock. From Greenfield: Mr. Mi. . P de RU y, Irene Har- wero taken, one including David will b the principal speater at Ohio, Sun day. cles has shortened the time io and Mrs. W. D. Larkin, l oe, FrM. . which motorists must apply for Mr. and Mr. Clifford Brace baugh, Marianna AUen, Mary Thomas. Frank Thomas, Mrs. \ the dinnel,' meeting. cell, Re~ea and Lynn Larkin. ~pent , the week-end with Ml'. len Taylor, LQuise Beck, Bertha Anno Earnhart" Jaok and Tomm), The ' ll1ornin~ se.8slon, beginning, Thll vcnetabl n. A. , Cross Is ln their new drivers' licenses. Easton, Earnhart; the othel' group CSp]. J at 11 a. m j will mclude talks by a. very p~or tate of health. HiA Frank West, registrarJ ,announcFrom Jamestown: Mr. anQ Mn. T. Brll,ce'a mother at her cottage at Ellston, Messrs Noel R. Haydock and TO'D),"Y. Walter Allen, Leonard lIarbaugh, pri ed David Thoma, Frank women leadefS thl'oughout Ohio. nt.ece, ~I S. E. O. Ha~es, of ed that applicatiQJt and licen.e ManlltaQ ~ach. Mi~h. Me rl Allen and Robert Duke. Thomas. Lowen Thomas and Betty All:!!. Brown will pl'es.ide. at aJl R~P~ 'y, IS e~pe~ted ~ arl,'lve to. for ms will not 'b~ J:eady lor diawimmin~ a nd games were Thomas. of the sessions. nlg t to a Sist In caring for him. tribution to deputies throughout joyed by the younger set ";hjlo> Mr. and M1-s. Ray Malnous nt:er_.___ _ ___ _ _ . . The Wayne Township Mothers' the state by September 10 as had tain' e d at dinner 'Unday, Mr. and t he radin, !)f letter$ from di8~nt Soil Impro ... ~menl O. E. S. NOTICE ,Alfa.lfa A, Puture club will meet at the Grade build- been pi nried. His assistant, HarT lativ brought to mind interest- Mrs. V roon Mainous and daughters and Misi'J Josephin e ~ainoU 8 Lime ~s th foundation for soil ing, Friday afternoon. A good old Culbert, in direct charge of the . inlr romlniSClmcc ___ _ 4•and . . . , .reflections. .--of Detroit. improvement. in Ollio. in the opin~Iiami Chapter No. 107 O. E. S. Drought conditions ' enabled p,l'ogram will be p~e&en,ted anel n law's admin'istration said motorista MI Rachel Hartman spent ion of Earl JOTK\!j, extension agr- will meet iri rel~lllar seSliion Mon- many Obio farmers to make a good attendance is ur$'ed. would be compelled to make their August 22-2 7 at CalflP Clifton, onomist Ohio State University. day evening, September 14, at thorough ,t est of the value of applications by Octboer t, the elOhio, a lIum nwr conferenc e of who says thnt fall months are a 7 :30. Visiting nlembers welcome. alf"lfa as pasture for dairy cattle Mrs. Lorraine Spray and dal\gh- fective date of the law, despite ,Wilf)1jngtpJ\ !Yearly ,Meeting convenient and ideal tjroe lor Mary lElarnhart, W. M: and t hese men are ' enthusiastic ter Evelyn have returned to the delay in prelimin ry work. Young ,Friends,. farmers tQ 'use 't his soil treatment. " M'nni'~ Fromm, .see'y. a1;l0ut the valUe of t his forage cr~p, t heir home in Dayton after having A: definite, ,d ate ' fo~ makina the W


With more than- 00


lind clei-gym n of th











AT WIL MIN GION ____. ROBERl L BARTON ~::s~~erg~e~~:~e;::ce 2~1' !O ~~ WILL ADDR E55' CLUB


~:~ ;e~lt.jng



.;~'!:~~':: ;'~:::~:I T~:':~~

AT fAM-ILY DINNER ,~~~t:~!~a~~, ~tlll:a~IBa~n~~~!~:


i':::I~ay a~::a.fiShlng


I "'"

I~:ek-Il~~ a~d'

.- ----







'Mr. and Mr . G.. D. Mills' Idt this morning for a two-w~ek;:! ,out- ' a.t Ros8common, icb., the FOl\rte't\ntb Sunday after Trin. ilig summer borne of Mr. 'M Mill' on, ity, Septen)ber 13. Cl)urch school Lindley E. r.ti\1s, and family. at (1 :3(); Morning P,r ayer ,ana ' sermon at 10 :30. The W ,\ lman's Auxiliary of St. Mary's Churcn will l11eet ~ith Mrs GMrge }:Iartsock on Friday ST. 'AUCUSTINE · CHURCH atternoon, September 11th at ' 2 , Father Newton, Paltor o'clock. , A full &ttenda~ce is ' ~.u .t St. 'AUau.tine'~ , church desired. every Sunday ,~ol'DiDc, ,The Ladies Aid of the Metnodist f'RilNJ)S MEETING church will an all·day meetFlrst-da,. 'Sehool at 9:30 a. m. io$' on Wednesday, September 16, )fe.tin, for WOhhip at 10 !80 at the home pl ·MR. W. E. Stroud. m. ' Eae~ on.e Is .allke4 to bring on covered dish and table aervice. " FE~RY CHURCH OF CHRIST Carl Smith, Milliliter 'Pen:y Thomas, .supt. of Bible , ' ~bool Bible ,School at 0:30 a. m, Co.mmunion, '10 :4& a. m: Preaching, 1 i :00 ,a. .,.. ,..AYNESVILLE


CHIlIIT Carl SmlUl, Mintat.!'

Not A DeooaUDatiOil

9~30, Bible II\Chool. 10:46, Lord'. Supper.


Mr. arid Mrs. W~. Haines, of Tulsa, Oklahoma, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall ,aiaiMfl.Mr~ lind Mrs. K. L. ' E~ey and da(J~hte;r, Mar) \,l iie, ~n~ I(r., Ocha. of Dayton Were Vl)!ltora at the , home of Hr. a.nd M..... Walter Elzey Sunday. Mr. and lIr.. Seth Thomal and eons, of CI*velancl. -:re weeltend gu•• ta of Hr. and Hrs. E. L. Thorn... Other peate of lIT. and Mrs. Tllomas on Sunda7 were Ill'. IIII~ Mn. Willia. Vale of ilL Pl.&I&Ilt, and Ilr. aad 11.... JlJI'Oo

., :p. Ill., CbrlatJao Bndeavor. ., :41, B.,....uattc Wedllelda" '7:41 P. DI"pl'QlI' Tho....., of Da)'toa. , alid bible • .,. Mr. aad .... O. L. Duke ad "D Robert, ellt.eriaiD,.ri.. at a



"ATMUYILL& ·M. .. CllUaaI dlaller hi.., e ....., .Dr. uut .... G. Co . . . . JIatlIaWQ. IIr. aDcl

~~=~=~====~=========~.~====~~==='=========~ =

Q~t . ~ Q mm~ ~& Mu.~t~~~~~h~ "~~~ ' ~

,S pray wi!1 teach in the Peter Pan but p~obabJy ",.ill be about Septe"; Kinderglll·ten. ' . b,er 16 'h e said. No JicenJle will - d ed tard'I applieanta- beE. R.,Bentley and his sister, Mr!!. , b e exten


Anderson, of Ft. 'Andent, eause of the change. b-e- warned. and Carl Conner made their anC.ulbert explained ~hat delays In nua~ trip to their old homes in hll'\l'JI1~ Lbe form~ prmted was reIndiana Wedn~sda.y Visiting fort- po nlilble for settmg baek the date land Westchester a~d Decatur for putting tb~ applications 00 ' ' fl ale. --- .-----~ Miss Rllth , Salisbury; accom. o~ CANADIAN TOUR pa-nieq by her \{randJ;ather. W. E. , Cornell, and , Warren Braddock. left Saturda~ mornin~ for 'tusca~ Mrs. Maud&! Cra'n&and' Miss loosa, Ala. , where 'she is enrolled Anna Lee, with Ml'!!. Hester Can at the Univergity ot AlabllJ1)8. and Mr:. KUMell C,a n, of Lebanon Mr. Cornell and Mr. Braddock te- recently viBlted the Nottl! Ba7 turned home , Wednesday. ' ' country in Ontario, Canada. ,They o T " ' Btop~ed in, a.nell ' where the, n, (J~sday Mr. C.• B. Lewis visited 't he " 'Dionne Qui'ntup)eta Emma• tu had r"'·...,.,a1 ~rv 40.... I .. and. hIS ' II'meees;·LeMLs8ell ( ew. -" ,..t~ lln.d L\ Ian , w 8, entertauled bafoe, . the ),a.biU' Aoted thell), aunts, Mrs-. Ll..... ph~siciari, and Gene. Hebhel wtio , Mrs. Bertha LeWIS and ....... Xate playat/le part of the ph)'Wic:iaD \11 Hawes, the . latter from ~'" ,"The., Country Doctor i ' Valley . .En . route home the party " , . " vllited Great Lakes ,.position .~ Clewtlllld and Mh. CraDe wu ,Iven the opportu'Dit,. of tal1dna to her home at the Bell Tel.,pho "~_.lM~lezhlblt. "",_ft"



! •


• prot .,din II ,

__ _ _ 1t1 tlw ca I (If I.'rnn~\·;t 1,.II\liw 011(1 I'll \'I'T. u~ B('rt ,00,III1'd. 1\ • t ',.,. divHrl''' VI s:rlllll1 II ih' p1lun lu. thl' 111111ntitf '"~ ~ l' ,'tnre,l 1 .. hI'!' 1I1111d 11 ,Iam(' of Flcan '(~ Loui~e rey. 1'n the cQt'e (If Lily 1. }o;EthCl I VOl \lit nnn 13ak I'. \!t nl , Adn ~ iIl(l'" Bnkel' wnl! mad(' a part)' d~fl'lIdant. Tn t~ mntt r of tll(' nppropriaion of nn Cll\l\l'nlCnt fot' hi~h' IlY\lc)$('>I 0'11'1' the land of V. p , i1$on. et aI. te. prOl' l' dillg~ a~ \(. ()J~lpchsa tion \, r approve,1 nlld O\lfirmed llnn th llil'ectfH' of' highwnys is e,ntitled to pOc ~ .. ion ot N'al estllt .

~l'tll(lI', de b()ni~ non. with the "ill I1nm'xNi of the elltote (If Lulu T:lylor, dl'ccnsed, lind .I1:lwe hund of ,2011 '11 ith sUi'I'-



tift At(' of tram r, F.11:tllllt~th Jo; k rl~ filed no amdavit fill' th., ndlll~ 91110 of JlaR\, Eckl'rt to th. Da~~l n Sial.. Ho~.

Bait. And fir clI~till~ Jll'l'~. l0tfl·thH with ju:<t pi in fi~h rmen 'rom ld I PIIl't of Uhin will take tl.I't in lIw "nnulil C\I"I'jIlJt tnllrnanl 'IIt tu h ' hl'l,1 111\ 'l'lll'kduy. /:)('111\'IT\ l'r lit. th(' ~lat4! Fah' olllnlbu" ill 'on,,' ulIlIs . in jun ti()n wit..h til l hio Stall' l~ail'. Ev'n1 will b~ llndel' Ilh'l'cti n of Uffi(·1.11·/l uf the ac ti ve Columbus asting tllb~, Lk<t of priz 's. in.ludil1l;' fi~hin~ lflckle o( ev Iry dt'/lCI'l)lliol1, will be (f(!red to winn 1'8. In enrh evcnt Otnu 2() ri' will be pr "E1nted. roaking it .!lClSsible for vcn h~ llovi' to I1core. FOUl' events will be held, stnrting lit J: 0 in thu morning. W t f ly nnu dl'Y fly 'vllnt.s ur 'Ill the prpJ(rnm, togl'ther with a-8 and 5-8 nunc{' accurncy bait cO lllesh. II Ohio 1:Lh l'mcn and cnswJ:s ar invitt'(l to tllke purt.

pita!. ElIll Evan~, ' I\(hni~,i~trntllr ~l f th ..~tntc of Jl' nl11l' ~"'i\n$, d,·cl.'lI~C'!I. tlI"d his "ch!'dull' llf di'bl.>l. b~r th!> I.dmil\i~trn,tor WN't' il~'m(lcl. lIarry E k l't was .touooJ t', b' insilne lind i. to he I dmitt!'d to I:hr lJayton Stnte Jiollpitlll.

ppllc, tion WII" iii rl by F,rlllO TII'Qwn nnd frs. 1~. ' . Rhond (01' thl\ nppoilltn'lent o( n guardian ' Marriage 1.lo:enae, llf . Knli • 8rown, j~compet('n. II rflcllel L, B.olling~henl1 Tn Owen l' of Lilcia R. Shaw- "aJ~~llll\n. J"ebunoll o lld 'l\1' s Lcnh hnn, ndminj!ltr/itrix d bonlI.·, non i. John, clerk. Ll~banon. of Ih(' E'stntl~' of Annie ros on, Holl F. ooper, coa l d di!c(>n~ (rl. Y rSUl:i Lucia R. Shnw- Mialllisville, ond Mil' Ndlie EI\..1.llnd John I. ro..c sQI1. appr il'.c- roth, !thoe work r, of Lebanon. m~nt. wn, eli r n ed with, the ad- Jam<.>. Thomll , 'l'oiJr ad empillyee minisll'lltrix i~ ordered to give of ' hal'onvillt', nnd 1iss Linn Ridadditional hand of $2,500 wilh <,lIe, fnctol'Y worker, or outh non. l;1 \l!' ties I\lId ~ale Qf 'I' al estate is ' Myron Osborll, tht ater employee ()l'd l·ed. Tbe e~tat· of Adl\m Allmyer, fJf Lebnnon, /lnd M.i s HeJen Fran. J('<;ea ed, was found lo be- exempt (')', waHr(' of WnyncSlviJlc, NOTICE OF APPO.NTMENT N w Suit, hom inh ritance tax. R~I E,tat Tranlf..,. n t he haH of Ella T. tn~Elath Narcum 6l~d I\- ,;uit ESWl or 1!l'O l'd 'caj J . 1~11.rr. deceased. uu;uinl'l\ Henry Narcum for eli- ] Y. xeclltrix, by Dean E. Stan-' LizzlE1 J. 8nrnhllrt tQ lyde R oree. Th ch l'g(' , ill I!xtrclnc )'y. ex cutor of tile cs~tll of Ella Bl\l'I1hart, )' al est.ate in Franklin. Noticc is hl!f by given that T. tanl y. rleceased. h filed his' hat'les }i'. Ritz to EI ie D. I·<nllI M. 'Flln, whose Post Offie eru Ity. Ba Rol'c. real tate in, Franklin. Fl'nnc~ , T, Lewis, clct'cutl'i', (·t fir. t <lnu final account. is Sprillgboro, Ohio, hus The estat of Asa A., d _I Lor n L. K1'au to Walter ., be n duly II.p[lI.>intetL us dminisnI, flied u, , \lit against iIlinm A. t ' nl tote in Harlnn Rosl! and foLie Chri~tian or c s tl , was fOllnd tA" be excmpt Krause, trntrix. of th E tate of Mord cal «'L'\LEET'S In!·' And another ~(\ I: with gjly festlvuls commemorat· sl1tiJlfy AlT\erlca's and t ho world 1.' towns.,lp. money lind for c!Qsurc. l'he from illh l'itance tax. I'mon sc on lInlshell! Ing tho Ilisto11' and ptcturesqw;mes8 taste for salmon. So eonstant Is thl" J. Fnrr Into of W rren ComIty. dem~nd thllt 11 recent aurvey in 1\ Benjamin S. 'I1al'!l:on. adminisG ' ol'ga Drubak', r ant! Ethel Ohio, deceased. . With all flag , flying on tbo first of 'IbIs unique Int;1uetry. lIlIlount c;laimed i $1,56:1.04. typical Ana\rlc~n cit y shows that lJntt!(\ this , 22nll (jay of. August nol n Katherine Allen flied a trlllo!' of th e tate of Alvin Eu- Bn\bnk r to Angelo S. DcCeOl!are of September. the territory ot AIStlh)lOn \s a "811 er harve t'l tn. clIlluel! SAl mOIl Is In tho 1'IIlntrics (It 1936. ;.ult agaillst Howard Earl AllQn ge!l.e ChlU', . d,cc:ea ed, filed his anoJ Hal'l'iet. D. DeC&lare, inlot ... ka (!elcbrate t[lIl' 58tll birthday Or deed tor the Tei'rltol'y-an 1ndustr)" 69 ,4% of tho homes. lter largest I ll" " ~q I':rcat /loots whlcb In ~h& 1)081 58 Y' nrs hoa ~ t· Snlmon·!IslIlng an<l canning 11'1 .. No. 749 in FrnnkHn. for divorce. The chargeis ext roe fir. t and final account. RALPH lI. AREY, ... salmon 1 '. ""itl} th ir ted more tban 150 million t,!ollnrs. unique Al1lerlcnn ind ul!try. fo, oean E. mnley administrator atherjnc G. unUstJ exeeuto'r, ..nned Jll 19 of t.he PI'obate CQurt cruelty. (,n ' t 1 mar, III the first year of the II/med 8alo.nce pienUtu1 her .ts satmon were dE' bon! Don wi~h the will al1!lexed to EnJ;'1 and Erl'lI~$t Evans inlot "ets ot tll W l'f n ·County. Ohio r Us the 111O11 Ind\l t1'Y ill Alaska just 000 along th sellCQRstl\ , of tho worljt, 91 0 fASt sell1 ' h n har- cases were (l4ckcd, This II ason. aDof t.he 'estate of Lulu Taylor de- No. 70 in Le-bunon, Probate Co l't they 1\1' fOllnd tOdI\Y III commor Iat ,lly on proxlmatcly llve a nd a halt million Quantity ()l\ly in lhj) pnclnc North· Leo I.\nd Bernadine Fuchs to vest II Carl ,C. B~rllhDrt, il.drnini trator ceased fil d his first nnd finai ac. Ihe Alns' 1 c~leb- cases were sent on th Ir v tn ,\. t 4 of the tate of Florence E. Nills, count.' Will II. hwin, Jr., 189.24 acres. dcc Bsed, filed his inventory. The adjudication and determina- in Deertleld township. =====.=="7,=====:-:= Lucia R. ShAwhan, administra.- tion of the inheritance tax to be J, Horvey Young, deceased, to Hud on. sheltelr, Augu t, $10; la t weck. ttix of the c~tate of annie Cro$ on p~id on the estate ot JosephA. MYl-tle .R. Young, real estate in Kroger Gro~el'Y and Bakery Co" Gl en, C. Gray nnel family of deceased, filed h I' inv n,t ory. Sh hamberlin, dece cd. is to be giv. Turtlecreek township~ food and mllk, $90.30; W. A. Dayton sn nt the w ek-end, the ako 1lled het affidavit in lieu ()f en to all per~ons intel'ested. Wil1i~m H. Nobile, dectased, to Luken Dairy! milk, $6.40; Mason I~u t of lhe Gr-ay family in "THE HOME OF GIFTS" The tat of Lulu Taylor, de- Paul W. Noble,l'eal estate in Market !GA, fo()d, $14.60; A. Me-' W L1man. lI\!eount. Dowell. foOd, $6; Miamivi W Ml' . Ell Phelan Bal'l w of D Lebanon, Ohio W. W. WhitakE'r. Everett Ben- t: iu!ed. was found to be exempt r)anklin town hip. l1Cltt and A. J. cheurer were ap- from inheritance tax. Edith N. and J o eph E. Hoy to Dairy. milk, 3.'~0; Mason farket Dayton: 1S th gue t of Mi, EXPERT WATCH pointed appraisers of the estll~ In the matter of tb estate of Paul W. Noble, real e8ta~ in IGA, tood, $8:25; Morro~ Feed Hannah J()rdll11. REPAIRING of H. I;.. Kratzer. decen ~d. Asa A. Lett, deceased, transfer of Franklin township. , and upply Co., fuel, ~3.75+ Allen Mr. Cccil Bell, on i'em Ins (luite Unde Sam'. Ledger Account U,ier Only Cenuine Materi .... ~ illiam ,AlImyer, admlnistr\l.tor real e tate ill ordered, Ft'ank C. Miller' t<) George R. N. Ra;pp • .(U 1, ~~3.261 Robt. R(Jicil- ill at the home f hi mvtber Mr-s • • • or the ().$tate of Adam Allmyel', Harry Trovillo. guardian of Le- . Foxbower and Theltha Foxbower el. foo(l, $25.25 :; ~tary Riehardtion. I\al1les nea On. ,. Federal expenses 'ha"e incr used Prompt Service de~ased, filed bis application lor Roy Trovillo, minor, authorized :real estate in Leba,no;n. helte r. $7; Raymond Taylor, food b. Orvill Gray. and f mily like this: a certificate of tran fer. to adj u t claim against U. G. &0 E. Zoe H8l'vey to ;rames Gross. in- $3.76; Ed Snclok, . heltel', $6; or Wayn Bville, MI". nnd Mrt;. 1925 •. _...._.......... __ ._... $2.900.000.000 Store op n untU U p. Ill. Howard Archdeacon and R lph Co. f01: ,326. . lot No. 67 in Fra;tkl.j o. Zehrh\ghurst Dairy, milk, $9.30; L hman Dytl ot Lebanon Mt. and 1934 _ ..... _____ .. _ 6,800,0110.000 1935 ._ ... _____ • __ . 7,376,000,000 E. Miller, executors of the asThe will of Lewis E. Thompson Samuel M. Huc~sOT), deceased, Nettie A. Bohl, r nt of office. ?rtr;:. Chat'1 s Voiers of Har .... YBtate of Laura Adda Miller. d~- wa filed in court. to Dorothy Bautnes,' et nl, in- $46; Wm. E. S!hooiey, milcage a burg nnd Mr. Elb rt Rich and 1936 ..........._... _....,..._ 7,6<16.000.000 1937 (Est. ) ...... _........ 8,753,000.000 Erma Brown was appointed 10tl\ Nos. 10, 20. :~nd 8'9 in South mgr. of NRS olllce, $9.20; J"edd rs family were entertained at tho ceased, filed their applieatiQn , for See that jUlllp! Ask for a guardian of Katie S. Brown., in· Lebanon. Supply 0 •• wh'ite cement. $2.21); Gray home in W Ilm~ on uDday o certi ficate 01 transfer. Martha M, Farr, administratrix compet nt and gave bond of $2,Mary C. Fox. !leceaaed, to F ranklin Plumbing Co.• nipple / iM'r . Patience Thomp on is Federal taxes collectcd for the MiamiaburS' Pe anent Clf t~ e tate of Raymond G. 800. E. Fox, real e tate in Franklin pipe, ell, unions. inspection i~. s pending- t his wet'k with her ume years : ' Concrete decea ed, filed her applicatiOn for Sales made by Ethel M. Lett town hip. $142.74; Georg'e Krager. union daughtel' Mrs. Anna BrAonan 1925 _... _.:.._ ..............._.,.2.966,000.000 1984 _ ..... ___ .__ .. _....... 2,81)2,000,000 II certificate of transfer. Giles. administratrix of the estate Adam AlImyeT. di!i!ea ed to Har nipplcs, pipe, 11s for C. H. base· in Xenia. Air Seal Burial Vault 52.66; The Oregonia fr. and Mrs. Fred Nash 1935 _........_ ... _._ .. __ . 3,800,OOO.()OO Lonn Francr, guardian of J oh !) of Asa A. Lett, deceased, were ap- ry Adllm Allmyer, jnlot No. 1003 ment F'Ol; Sale onl)' by in Fran~lin. . Brid~e Co., ang'les for C. H. pro- tained thejr children from Dayton 19a6 _....~ ... __............. 4.411.000,000 FrAner. incompetent, filed her proved by the court. 1937 (Est. ) ................ 5.654,000,000 s cond account. The adjudication and determiBill Hampton to Harne~ Hamp- ject. ,8; Wilbu:r Swanger, servo as Sunday. Your FUlleral Diredor These figures tell their own The Probate Court refused . to nlltion of the Inheritance tax on ton, inlot No. 36,6 in Franklin. ,janitor Memlorial HaU. $40; Mr. and MI·S. Claud!) Gray, Mrs. tory. ---=::: admit the will of Gra~ L, the estate of Ella T. Stanley, d6Raymond G. 'F)Irr, deceased, 'to Kaufman'S. pllint and lltencil Imogene Vol r8 and Mr. J. T. ---~ .--Moolley. deceased. ceased, ill to pe given to a11 per- Martha M. Farr, inlot No. 113 in ~ncil , 85c; !I'hle Christ Hosp/tal, Gray attended the Clarksville McClure Funeral Home Martha M. Fatr, adminil tratrix sons interested. pring boro. . orthopedic sen'ices Tendered Cora home earning at .fort Ancient Sun Wa:raeaYiUe, O. of, the e~te of Mordecai J. Fair. In the matter of the esta~ of Cb~r1ea ~. Wright to ~ aura .Ad- Ware, $5; 01:\'al Jobnson, eerv. day aiter noon. deceased. filed her inventory. Bertha Van Camp, a minor, sale da MIller, 1010t No. 49 111 Sprmg- as m mber So Idiel'S' Burial com.Mi Mary BeMon was a Cin. In the case of William E. Hoifer of bonds is ordered. bora. mittee, $1; ]!{olmes and Vale, cinnati visitor last 'Friday evening administrator of .t he · estate of In the matter of the ~state of Charles E. Wl'ight to Laura burial of Floyd Doughman, $100; • _ __ - - Anna Hildebrant, decea ed, ver- Eugen Evans. deceased, sale of Adda. }[liller, inlot No. 94 in ())u.mbus BIalIk Book Mfg. Co.. New Burlington , U8 Helen King; et ai, conllrma. rea] estate was ordered. Sprin~~oro. llbeet.." binder tlnd tab .' blind Col rltJl harnc races a hor & tion, deed snd distribution WM Dean E. Stanley, CXeilutor of the Benjamin Schlerner and Jessie record for audi tor. $12.50; show, {reI! continu 118 circll~ ·l\.Cts ortiered. estate of Ella T. Stanley. deceas- Schremer to George R. Land n, Mol'Y E. Quaylle, renewal of tre. 111' schools ap"n .1 on Tue~d!lY in the aflc rno()n and evenir.g, nd Dean E. Stanley wall appointed cd. fil ed his Ilpplieation for a cer 104,48 3-4 acrlas in Deerfield uter's ~ond. ,186; Chas. J. Miss Mae l cKay hns returned II nightly firewol'ks i8play wiU h~ township. Waggoner, prIem, on surety bond to h 'l:' schoo l vork at PI(!nsant fe!.t ured along with thp p (} luctr. 1!!'!!~~~!!!~!'!"!'!~!'!"!'!~~!'!"!'!~~~!,!!!,!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!'!!I!'!'!~!!!!!!'!"!'!~fl Laura Adda Miller. decea ed" to for trl!aSUI'OI', $186; Chas J. of the !arm and gar~lm at the ' '!:lgh't.y-first annual Hamjlton Ralph Miller, ct ,lll, inlot No. 94 in Waggo n r , prE!m on surety bond Plain. . b orQ, Minster J e L81,'kin Jr • of County A""ricultural F~ ir, more S prmg for tL'easurel"!s ·deputies. $401 F. .. , «~... It.. NS "'U f Or th e Age d to J . He l' Printing Co.• Throckn\Or~ Greenfield , s pc nt 1atl t we k WI'th F' popularly known as .the S Cil.'r lhage ,our~ ttle. I FO AND COaDd l\a~ .. .. · . . 0 f A') D IVIslQn H C' hoftl. Iheep calv Ida C. Christopher. real estate in ton's Code for Pros. Atty., $45; h' grandpareots Mr. and Mrs. T. air, at J(lCinnatl, eptcllIber to Norrf&..Brock CI.'. W!tt arid H d k 16 to 19, inclusive. Former progreuive fl~ 11)~ tbe liiPpringbo1!o. The office out'fitters, bond now A A Lett d d All J ' . ay Oc . Gover nor Myers Y. Cooper is lIlarket prices and cooti "rile•• ete&lle ·, toD I!nft Id' books and enIY. for Pros. Atty., 1\11'. 'a nd Mrs. Wm. Cae 811d presichmt of the Fair Boal'd and UD.iOD Stock Y.rtIa· CI.c1._tl. O. LetBat, '58 . 03' acres m eer e $2.60; Stanley F;arnhart, P. M., . , • Tune In 01) Radio Statlol) WOI[Y townllhip. tampa for c~,mmon pleas judge, Ily n ave moved to Mr • Lloyd s D, R. Van AttG. secretary. 12:2& to 12:80 zj. m. for' our daIlr Eugene Evanll, deceased, to $6 Columbus l3lanj{ Book MIg Co. pToperty. , The 4-H Clubs of the count}' market reporta. ' Earl and Ernellt Evans, 150.75 400 shets tno'~or vehicle index R v, ,8J)d Mr . Peters are a~ ha~e a~ ilJlPoJ'tant part ~n . the l\cres in Wayne towllship. record ' f01' clerk $66.65 ' Dr. H. t nding 'M: E. Conference at Fair, 'WIth a seetlon of exhlPlts of :An'ti& Hildebr"n<t; to 'Bessie M. r.i. Williams ' ipquest ':01 ~art Toledo. . ' t heir ~wn. WOll'le'!'l of ' the , flirm F Anderson. real Eistate in Frqnk,lin Mountjoy, $6.60; Dr. H, M. Wil- . {embers of the Hawkins family also al'e !Jiven an o~:portun~tv t", • II township. Iiam s. investi;gation into . death c::n joycd a family c1inner at tb win cll~h prizes and 11pbons 10 tlle --of J ohn Holli!;, ,8.10; Dr. H. ,M. hrJme 'of Mr. and 'frs. J. A. Hart- domestic, ~he tine l1rts, and art Bill. Allo_d Williams, . lnvestigation into man, on Sunday. Among those needlework depa.rtmeots. Western Union, telegram for death of Rolla, Nickels, -$6.50j Dt. present were: ,Mr.s Nalley Hawkins In an, . p~mIUm.s , valued at NRS. office, 250; Harold V. Martz, H. 1\1. Williams. investigation into Mr. and Mrs: L. M'. Hawln,n s and nearly $20,000 are ofiered. In ad· , gravel. sand :for C. H. project d%th of Keith Cpusino. .$4.iO; daughter, Mr. and Mrs.T. L. Wall dition to the trotting and pacing $2B;, K~rk Snell, guard rail The Columbull Blank Book Mfg. n.od ,e\t:ldrfn Qf WJlmi~on:' Mr. races and the hor e show. there posts, and cernellt, $128.75; '~ain Co., 'sheriff's (:ash book, $5'0 ; Leb. e. nd )1r8. A. R, Teneli and BODS, will be awarda ill the. ' following Armitage, granl, $23.80; Biair Citi~ens Natll BanK, 150 Cbecks Mr. Warren Terrell and depaTtments ~ cattle, sheep, lIwine, and LeRoy. cement, uDd . and for flheril!, U.~O; Th'e Mr: and 1\Irll) Chas. Bonet .nd poultt)'. rllbbits, pigeons; g1'ai!l gravel, $95..'36 i Armrel Materials ohnson Watson Co .• 300 subpge~ children of New Vienna,' lItr. and Vegetables, fruits , 'a nd flowera. Phone 78J Co, oil and tar, $2,962.62:' The oas for sheri1lr. $10.BO; ,0. H. C. Vrs W.P. Larkin and lamilyof Particularly interesting will, be York Supply Co•• brake 1iuld, f2.- Chemica]. Co., insecticide leBa disc., GreenfieLd. Mr. and lin. 'rhOL the coon hound, :fox: 'ho\lnd and ~~~~==~~=~=~~~ 44; J . D., Adama ,Co./ ' scariiWr for ~heriff. $19.11; Treasu~er ,of Haydock and son of Jamel1toW11, beagle hound henllh shows, ached-I teeUb, $18.20; The Klinger-D.iUs State. c1othinl~ for Cllirord Fetrla Mr~ and Mrs. T. C. Haydork.and uled for . Saturday, Septl)mber 19. • Co., welding '1'0111, $6.76: Smith'l inmate of Litoa State Hospital. clullghters of thil place and, .Mr• . The racel will be part of the NOTARY PUBLIC Service Station, ,gasoline, U6.l0; $12.19; Margaret Kratzer, repair 1!lId Mrs, Hartman , and fu!'!lly. afternoon program, atarting at Helen Doughman. brd and cat<e of ' sewing ml'cbine by Singer ¥is3. Helen H~lnjl. hal accep~d 1 :30 d~IlY.. If.tlo,. aI . . . . CIift'ol'd -DoUghlinatl, ,$7; Mrs. Ira Machine Co .• '30c; The Western a ppsitioll at Newark. Ohio. Free circua acts WIll be nrl!le:n-1 Willa D ..a. . . . E ...... Eltzroth, brd. and care Alice Star, adv. sal,e 01 bonda, $30,20; Mr'. an4l14'l'l$. J. L. Conard Ipent ~, eVE!l.'Y afternoon and ,evenillg. WAYNESVILLE. OHIO ' Sta~key, $0; Jalln68 Moore. b'l'd. The Lewill MotOr M.t;t. Co., ~p_ the w'e~k.~JI(jwith t~.eit da'lrhtu . S-peeial events l?dude the :, : ,I • , .._- - :_. and cat~ Lucy Moo,I'e. '$5,; :&lrs. plies and p~b, $22.17. ' lind fan iJ3i , near Portland, Ind. . Pioneer Parl'de at ~ 0 clock,~edMargaret ,rones" brd. and ellr6 The, Compton-Milla reunlol. 'was nesday., September 16; tbe "mUI- . ee~. ' a.t CaeSafS Creek on Sat.ul'., ion-dollar UYIHltoc.k patade,l' at 1 Ollie Gardner.' "0; Mrs. JulUl Holland, brd. and I~are Vernon Holl. ':1 day. Af "sua! the ()('c8aion 1(a~ a Thursday;, the Club parade ---"'"'"',...,..."'"' •• "' "'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"' and, $10; Mus ()ma Knox,' brd IUld vaty el :oyable one. a concert by the -All-Count, cal'e Walter Badow, $11; Miss Wayland J~~rdan and ' family 01 ¥~ss Agn~ Turner i. making H~s:t' School Band Qn Friday; and Oma Knox. brill, and care Frank Cincinnati spent Sunday with the h61: home with her sister and mlhtary drilis and rn.n~uvers by Ballinger, $11; iM1rs. Eldon Short, JOI'dan famiJy here. family in Ha~yaburg. She fa Rt. the 147th In1antry. U. S. National FOa I!IALE-Bampsbire yearUn, brd. and care Ruby Ream, $6; Mr. and M,ra. Sherman Ferrie tf.nding high ••. 1\0,,1 there. Guard, and a concen by the , buck!!, 2 Jersey cows. E. Evana: Barr Bro~.. f<lod, $22.75; Dr. atten\ied Ute State Fair on Friday - - regimental bMld on Saturday. phone Lebanon 470-& 86-10 Funk Batsche. medical semeea, Li"..todl Marlreti.. Friday will be Children'I ' nay OAK HEATERS _ priced from $6; Dr. Robert Blaj~. medical ~everal of ~ur young people and ~l ehildl;&n under 16 ye.r. of '12.60 to ,~5:00. Laundrr 8e~ce8, $4.60:1Dr. Edward Blair en)oyed ~ wemer roa.~ at SU' hundr.ed 1houaaod farmen age will be admitted free. ' etovd. COlJI9lete line .,tP't, elbo. . Jni!dlcal eervieel" ,8.7&; W. ,B. MeKa, home last Wedn..da, and stockmen in the United Statu --. and etove boarde. R. D. Coll.u Berger, lood. $U.75; N. ,D. Brew- in,. mark~ live.tock coc:.w. T.d'" B."".... Phone geU ~ at'll', food, ,1; :L. H. Brown, food Mi.. :Ruth Vail and .Mead of operati'V'e auoeiatiODII in the 1885 Out of 9.818 eo... tested ill ville Ohio ,6, Elmer CoUIlI. food, ,22.80: n.. Middletown VWted friendl here 19ae H&IOD. 'the ..took ....btecl Ohio ...11 ImproveJllLent &IIOc!la' • E. ·F. Deppe. medical ..mcea, Sunday attemoon. had a Talue of ,250,000,000, .. tiona, 1,9&8 produced . more thaD VALV118 ,26.76; E. H. 91oect'kl81', food, ~.... rio Orludo compared 1Jritb • val•• of $171,- 40 pouacl. or more of .... .. ; A. D. Grapeville, food. of Friclay 80Id dulasa • la. '12; Bertha food aDd IDA ~ neOl'da ...1IlIil1R.



Cary'll Jewelry



.T A B L 0 I D





T Martin Auctioneer


Quality Prlatlal

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Centerville, Ohio


h,,'" ,



-= - ' ' b Grov'e'






ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY ...... --N 11-l£Dt.re4 at po.tor".,. at Wa)' ..-~a. ... ':" ... " .... , .. " o. Eo ville, Ohio, a. a.c",,4 CIa •• • a U S.b.e,Jpboa P,.C., ,J .IO a Yea, WaUer



Can. Cut Colli

Of F(>Od by E"cour., in ll Sueh Appetite.


SEPTE MBE R IO, 19:\ 6

J ke.<;llI ithll hnv

beon uMble to hin COOkR f!'Om re(Itlcin!\, the rood budl{etg of theil' farnili (l~ by N(,l'vin~ hRIll! lind 8tC W~, anti the i<ll rnll joke makers hay!' Illhorlld in vain to I'uin the al1petitcR of men for these savory dis h ~ , II c 1'dinl! to nbtl'iLion \lXperts itt hiq Stale Univ l'sity. til~cClul'age


On evening, when 'the ir son wall ncar death from nn incurahle "lilmeut, II rnan ,ll1d hill wife Wl're slUing tog thor in tile living Nom rof th hous in which the boy IllY In hcd. 1' he woman hud borne s v('n children, tiC whom five wcr Iivill~, anti ~h lll ~o had flv I;randch ildren. Thl' man WIl.S ric h a nti RIlC (>sFlfu l, Every day he received lllttcrll from ullknown t1eopll', propo. ing plans by which he could h lp them or ot h rill. Te 'ens' his h'oubl d mind h turned to some of these I t.t rs, unci' \H\!j pel'pl xc I II c told hj!,! wife that ho (lidn't know what to .-ay to onc apl) al. Slightly indigmlnt, his wife t'cprc)vNI him, asking why, 'With his lal'ge family and It son dying, h 'should bl)fhcl' himself With problems of strangcrFl. A ft.Cl: the wife had gem to bad, the Il1Qn went to his cleFlk wrot an essflY cnLitl d if i\ ri~hmetic and Rumall ily." Tn man K W. ScriPI ,the Int millionnlrl,l newspnper-pubUgher, and the nPP ul's in the biogl'ap'hy 01 Scripps, written by N~l y

, Howevcl', t he-

och run.

The theme ot the essay i~ ihalul1 men are ~rother3. Aim me blood !low. in nil of ull. The begga.r on th e stre!'!. may have hat.! the idel'lticul dislnnt grandfalhcl' as the smug man who slides past him in a luxuriolls limousine. The author of the essay assumed that succeeding g netations in prolifio a5 h' own ulilon, namely, that ench h is flUll,i1y would lw would bring five children to maturity. Th is wo uld produce. 26 grandchilelr n o~ h im IInel hi~ wif ; ] 26 g1'Mt~grandch tldrcn; 626 descend" an t!! of the ~oll'rth ~en ration (as.'!uming th at. the span of life of all was at I n. t 43 yellNl) , lle calculat d that b fo re th end of t h t hirt ent.h generation, repre enting a lipan ot: 387, the descendants would numb r om thi ng more than 800,000,000. He stopped th re becausQ that figure is said to limit the number f people that can Jive in the United tates with any d(lg ree of comfort. T b followi ng evening h e pre5ent d this calculatio n to his wife. Sh w more upset tha n ver when 1)e s uggestE<c:l that four hunclred Y'ars hence every living person in North America was going to be 8Omohow related to h er. Un l t;S ocial conditions change, s he would have to expect the day whc.n some of h r own fillh nnd blood wou ld be among t he bcgga~ , harlots, mUl'dl! reds, nnd robbct's who ar now fou nd in every PQP\llation That, Ilsoned ttle old man, was why he concerlled himself with tb 11"T blcms of strangers "Do 1 show any lack of love or fumily," h' asked, "when 1111 1 wish to dl), a nd nil thnt t 11 m rivi n ~ wilh an my might and maill to do, is to SlLve my own chlld rl'n's children fro m t he 5uft'ming , phy. icaJ and Elpiritua l, t hat now hovl' to b endured by tbose ot-hel's who you 'sllY 81'0 not my own fam il y?" ne tb n recounts tha t his wife sighed lind rctired to betl, having, hewell k new, dis missed fr om her mi nd all tho ught of her h usband's fooli. h atlthmetic-T h ~ Imperia l M aga~ine.

Farm lvight 1alks, September 14 :00 Program content and weath r forecast S:05 Ohio's 4-R Club Congr as-C. C. Lang. As t. State 4-1{ Olu» Leader. S : 15 Fre hman W k- Lyman.E;. JacksQn, J unior Oenn, Colle,S c ot Agl;icu Iture. 8:25 l'he ,Corn PIon-II. E. Esw in c, Nat urnlist. 8 :!l5 Mu!\ic. ' S;40 Farm Home P riod : Home <M,anagement.-- Thelma Beall. lio m ~ Management pecialist_ Ideas an d Ite ms Mrs. R el n M. J ordan , Extenslol'l Home Econ omi8", 9 :00 Why Some SoiL'! Erode More Than O th er~ A. Soils hid, oil on!! rvaUQn Set"lice, Da yton. H. Paschall, \) ;JO Lon,.T I'm redi!; Stabili tcs F arming-Lloyd D. Thom&l, Presid ent, Notio na l Fam\ Loan As.';ociation, La ncaster. \) :20 r hestra di1'Cctecl by Edwin tainbrook. 9 :30 A nsw ra t o Rec nt ilo Questions-R. O. Miller, Ag J. E ngin eering D pt. 9 :40 rrQv ntlng Potato Digging lnjuries--E. B. T\JSlIifl~, Potato Sp eCialist.

-- ..


ECONOMIC HIGHLIGHTS Il~~~oLntus:ru9nru':ellrn,:r


. ::.." ..

Best of the News Direct From the Ohio. State Capitol

'---------:------------.:.--------...:1 OOLUMBUS-The State librar y Appearance was issued by Dr.

in fe~pong~ to , n.umei:o~$" requests Walter a, Hartung, djrector ' of fro m. P o8pectiv() CQll ge ' and t he State Department of Healin. university' lltudenb bas obtained ThTee ca$es ~f the dise'a lie hf!.ve t he cataloge 01 623 institutions of been , listed. officially' wit hin the highel' education In the! United, l!\-lIt f ew · day~ and all resulted States, it was , announced by ft'om nreasing ,nbbitB infected Librarian 1'aul A. T'. Noon. The witll the malad'y, ~ Dr. Hartung said pubJlcllt ions af'e. available fot' use It i~ thought that at least one in the library's reference divis- per 'c ent of tbe rabbitB in ' 'OhiO , ion. The c;.atalogue co)iection rep~ &fa <;arriers Qf tula'r emia, ' The J'esent, all but a t.ew P?llll't ea and, 'health department haa frequ ently univer~i~e$ , "in the natl,?n, Libra- ~utloned .t,h ose whodresS wild rian Noon sa id. rabl>i~ to ~eaJ:: rubber gloves and • '. . , not to pu~ an unproOO1lted haJld itl" Tile diseaSe causes Another decline- in t~ number. side the !I>," serious and ft . rolon"""" illness and ~ a"" Ot real eS+....te 1oreeloilUTes in in' some inBtallcea Ohio w." ~.... perie, RceJl du..l-~ Ju.1y ,il fatal wben -., .... "..... contracted by a Pel'llon. aceordilli to data collected by " '. • ' Secretary of, State G~rre S. , Myersand compiled by, the GoverMore than ' 600 ,advanced mem, - ' : . _ , nor's Farm alld HQ,m e Proteetive bers ot UW~ '-H ~ubl" reprl!!lent~ . rn commlt;tee in "'co-operatlon with Ohlo ' State Urdve....ity. T,b e '~uly ii1g all .of ·the . e~ ty-eirht cou1)ties ed imated ' humber of tOl'eelQsurea will be hi ColuDi)n11 from Sep'tem~ .WII. l i281ahd involve'd .seve'~ty. her ia ' t~ IS at 'tbe -an.nuaI !iate one 11lnM ' and 1;t60 (lther nro~ olub co~, it ' ~.:a ' aD5




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lIince 1929.


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tion in dices are conce,J"Tled, there 'ill hardly a gloomy note. Automobjle production r ecently fell, 'ofr-


but that 'Was 'to ~ expected ~ preparatiOJ1!' rqade ,~or th e neW





1I~';SOll. Steelingdt ll~oduetion al~o dropp~~ w mporarill' - . bu t the

1'" .....



to Apple Woo.ler. • T uesday, Sr.t~ 22

Creek F arm

are gener~l1y low Ilnd nec<\ "ePl(ln f r 'Po\,ato FielcI Day pl(misfling; money ' is "easy"; fQI' Ohio to ' be lucid Tuesday, mu,ch of ' the bonus money is still 'eptkmber 22., al~ t he Apple in th hands 0:( vet rans, will be ~I : ek Exper,imentall Farm, seve n spent this full: automobi le makeI'. milell outhwest of WOQ&ter, on al'e ' now at work on new models, state nlUte No. 250, have been wh ich will bo introduced beginn_ nearly completed by E. B. T ussing ing in September; tock market specitlli~t in v getable gardening, activity is up; it is believed that Ohi State Univ n ity. utilitie and railroads will soon do The Apple reek Farm bas a h~:vy buying; building ·· con~racts large acreage of plotatoes, are niounlingj in the £lel(1 of wlll be uS,ed ,to sho~", the advanta.(OTe ign ~/l''8, world' 1..\'ade' Xp81lges of ,modern cu l ~,t:l ral and .spray8io)1 more than c;ounte,l'/:ialances ing practl~(!s. 'I'he 'IDLest t y ~a of the chaotic , European situation. potato machin l'Y il) .operatio n will The magazine finds five minu be demonstt'ated both mornillg Igns ~o set agai nst its plus .sigl1s. and afternoon. The demollstatio n F it'St-, the orQught is c;:ausing pOOl' will include planters, distribu'tie)l'l of fa-rm income. digger:;. Second, th ltevenue Act 'of 1936 A briei peakin/!' program will may restrict ne\V construction. iQllow lunch on thl! grounds. Third, the cmploymcnt p'icture is The day' progi'lam is p1anne{) still dark' fOUI'~h thr(fat of strikes to helli the ' growers, 'who produces ~n m~jor indul1tries are a diStu r b- ()nl~ a small ,q uantiity of pot-toe! iug 1act,01'. F ifth" 'Ptesidentilll as we]] as for th ose who JIIaka carp paiifJI create a "psychological potatoes a chief , ctl1sh crop. .The d'Ist ur ba~ce. " field demonstration s and in !lpe~ . A, survey . ' of oth:"" ..... bUsinet!s t iOh& will permit d ie d iscul,!sion of '''e m 'ln a-ee pu bl'Ie at'tons' fi, n d5 '"" ..~ - t he lateat methods of disease and men t with : tws, gOJ)er ally ' speak. in ect control on t:,otatQes;; ing. So 'fav as ind ustrial pr6duc.~-




ed by BusincnI W ck. According ' to this authority, the~ twelve Ohio Farmer. Invh ted


. . . ·.spt mlUioa




major' pluE' ,~igns nO\\1 in evidenco. The, I! incllld\! such factors as tho followi,ng: BU lO ines,s' inventories


S T 0 BID m

fiELD DAY PlJNNED p/n!e:~)!n~u~ ~~:en~;'; ;~bl~S~~ fOR POTATO GROWERS

mllls are we.1l ' booked wit-h orde rs pertlea eluaU\ed as residential, nouneed, b1 W. H. Pa.l mer o~ ' th~ at' lut. .re~ort:. ,And corpor ate' net =::::==:::=:===~====== bUllineM vacant platted land. Ohio Al'rieulture EJttenaion profits are ri ing in eve-y field, a The total w.u dl,!rived from the re- Sel'Viee. who il in charce of the f act Which is natuu Uy l'eflected in porta ~, eighty-tour count)- atate 4-H Club ol1lul..tlon. better dividend payments. There are two factq rs, however, sheriffs of 1,203 181~ and aD - Prltlcipal speaken wUI include estimate of twenty-eight lIales' VI~e President I. L. Morrin of outl\ide ' tlle p~oduction Aeld, wh~ch bued Oil the population and la~ Ohio state ualvenitJ; Den J. F are hlehly dlstUrbinr. One is 8l'ea of the four .cou.ties that Cunnin.harn of th- 1l.lYenltl'l waC8a, ...yhic.h a re ,t endinr upward, were uD",portecL The l ul1 fore-. coUaee Of ' III'riollltGre: ferry but ....ry , lIIowt" and are no~ elouure repntntail • .1ba1l d.. 0Hea. ~..t. or the OhIo, ~ lceepln&, pace 1flth produe,t.fon. 'the e.-- .• ea .....,ared wtth ~ ....... tederatlo.. ; WUkr XlIII, oth..- ia that boKe' o~ all. fa ... pI'ftIOu IDOft of 0W0 GtuP; an. uae..plo,.eat. It, Ia ••n....II" be &lUI • .-.,1. . . . . . . when com· .... ...... Aa I . . .It of th...... tNt the eeJDplo,ed 1011. pend tIIe..,.~ Mel · .. deeIttb\a, It. at .. eo. .."&,.

'T D

expend'ilures for the As fall APproaches, optimism is t~3 pel'iod ma,rked a 12. 1 per still th dominating note i" the '.cent inc-rease OVCIr the 1936 business l'C!port and fonca t . ' period-tota ling $17,470,000 ,00 0 Mnny <tu.a rtel's feel.eertain thnt a8 against $11'; M!o,~OQO, OOO. during the n xt few monthll ; - - -.;-~

~~~::~~::==:::~=::::::~~~::~~=~==~==: .....-




9 :50 Lo 10 , Orche.!!tra a nd weather ( ot'ecast. "


Ohio can make hMh and, st WEl , till better if they will plnn nhead and prepare to ~ave the l'olllsll portions of mcat that are IIvuilnl)lC! in the butchering seasun. Th so pi cell of meat n,!lt the choice cuLs but they are ju~t (I nutl' illO\lS and as .full of flavor all the part s 'which nrC! more popular. The plan l'eCOOlm nMd filr maki~g x l1ent meat nvailuhlc ut uny time fo)' hash or stew is to can tbe . maLI pieces of moat at butch ring time. The )lieces ar' cut into uniformly small s izes, 1)lnce!1 in waier which is brought to the simmering point and 111low d to cook [or 1\ few minute!l. I The pre,cooked. meat is placed 1 wlllle hot 111 tin or glass cans Francea McDonnell, two m n'h · .r ubscure 19-yen-old achoal girl and nOW atar diver at thi r,,,,", I " k'" R'l "" Itioll In Cleve,land, Inili te and proe sged in a pressure cookeT upon a board covered with fl,. ,Il ," ",I .. ", ,r omvide added springinesl At 15 pounds pl'assure, No. 2 In the performlnce.or h el d.ffkul , h ·· - " " •..;\d(lne Theatr.~, where Ihe cans will requ ire 90 min utes of il appearina twice daily In th. dtjudl\, S"·J "" . pl'ocessing and No. 2 % cans wilt need p1'oce8 ing for i 15 m inutes. jars requir 90 thoullands of club m mberl\ in the Annali t, in a tabh! comparing Pint gla s various COI.mties. con, urncr xpenditu!' s in the six minutes and quart jars two • • • mOllths nded in June, 1936, with hour, M at which is to be us d for Tlle contlnuou labot' of one th arne p riod in ,1935. This mlln for mONl than _ twenty.flv ' table shows that mOlfe of the con- at w can be canned alone or with ccnturl would lie l'equit'ed ,to Rumer 's dollars ls bl!ing expended veg tables. The vegetables that make up the time lost as are. ult fot durabl e goods nnd less for per I;an be P I' sel'ved with t he meut o! accident in Ohio' durin~ the t hable ar~icle -a trend that is a rc a mixture of tomato pulp ~llOnth 01 Ju ly alone. This ' was highly im)lOl'tant, that the and equal parts of diced carrots, the as rtion of Superintendent durable goods indus'~rie8 took the tur nips, a nd potatoes. Only small Thomas P . Kearn or the division worst lacing dUt'in~ depression amou nts of onion , garlic, or spices Of safety ond hygiene of the III'C ::Irc th biggest IllmenL in the should be can ned with meat. Illdu~ trial ommill'ion of Ohio in nation'. 'illdustl'ial set-up. White pepp er is bet;wr than black ciLing the frtcit that the nv era g8' wh r in th 1936 period con- for this purpose. citiz n fails to prehend the sumel'S pent 4..6 per cent more amazing inroa ,de upon the lOt' food than in th~' 1935 period, tate's man-po ,l et by accidents, they pent 22.3 per ,cent mor for Superintend~nt KC'arns related cars. Whet'~ they p(!nt !l.G that thcI'c w re 17,526 injUrY and ct.-nt mOl'e In restaurants, occupational dillt'Bse claims with spent 24.8 PCl' cent more for 115 fllta lities, filed with th~ com- lumber. buildh1g and hardware . ml IOn for the mOfl~h of JUly. Where they • pent 0,6 per cept _ _ __ _ ... mOI'c on J!encl'al mer'chandise they
















1JOUrSa1e io tbisN~.


11 . will brlag 90U bagen



)\i,,~ }i'r8),1('1' Jllhn !\pent Hey· erpl daYN Ia."t w~ 'k with rela! iVIlII ih Dayton . ' Mrs. Martha .Miltenberg r rl)mains ill at thl! hnm (If h~l' lion, Frank Miltenberl!'cl' und \\ ife. Levi Greathclu, e ill Pending thi!> Wf,iek with his son, Arthur reathouse anrl Jumily ill Doyton and att nding thc fair. Mrs. F"ank RohiMol,l, Mrs. C. A 'l'ho/YI[lllon lind Miss Nancy Willian . fI~t'nt !\turday in. Dayton. . MI'. and MI'S. tanlcy Vuker of pringfield were week-end ' uests of the to m 1"8 moth el', Mrs, ' Eldna Vukcr. Mr. and MI·S. llen Emrick and Mrs. Walter K mick wet'(' Lebanon visiior Friday. i'aster Dickey Graham was



etc t tho hon. 01 hi

Lonpcr('. r. nd in ""lIld, "h.1 l'hildn'l'\ II Wl" ,. H ft tllJII'n ~ul·!lhl.

Mr. und Aln. Allen HoI..., Mrs. Alice Miller Ilnd ROll Ray, and Irvi n H(lrri~ ~ pent Frillay at:. t he n 1:<8\1(' \)f , a1'r('n C()llnt)' l'~­ Stnte Fail'. lief l'(llIlJ>I, muuntiull' t9 $U),UUU, Mr. and Mr . Alien l'Jmt'ick atW;l;; ~(l ld IIII t week hy the lenu(I(\ the 1))'TIoll r<'union un-I -------------~ 81 the COlillt Y C(lmm i~"illneT. t(l Pru\lclen day Ill, Wayne Pat'k, Waynesvillll FOR SALE incinnati, in nntl I)" Tllllldtl inv(!stl'lll'nt hOIl;!!, Mrs. Mar/.:'nrct. Johns spent one of th .. l'i fit·m,s to enlt!r bid AL&-'-2 R Mule Ph,.s. J. Monday with Mrs. fSl'tha Hough on the hontls. ' nkh. 1\11' ' '' Edith Harri., Mrs. Prank Ileal' Wuynesvill . 1'he Jlale I. (er orted t(l Ti\ylll r nnd Mr. Frank Hawke Mr. and M'l's• .B()n ~mith of I" n. S LE be n mild£, 'on the firm's /lHI Flol'('Jlce hentlng Dayton, were Sun,day noli Lapor two I l' cent and accrued intel'£'st !l1} Cnt Tuesdny hn Dayton. t(~VC, IOI'J.!'e . llizc, III ~ond conDay ~Ue8t.s of Mr. nnd Ml'S. Ualph oltion. WalLel' Shl'ebun. plu!' Il ,15 .00 ' premiulTl, the 810 The Wayn 'l"owru hip Fal'me.,s Johns alld !,laughters. bonds being t~k(>n il~ pal'. A 'pre, lub m·t at th hOme 01 OJnar vious off l'ing of 30.000 of War- Holling worth nWI' 'O regonitl, 1'.0M,'. and 1\11'8. J. B, JOljea, Mr. WANTED nm county hond \\a plltcha cd dl1~ nod Mrs . Therle Jones and on by Pl'ucl.1 n alld o. on a bid o( Iilton attenc.1 ed the Duyton fnil' WANTED- Poultl·).'. ehas Am 1'1, 2 1-4 IW I' c nt la, t D cemlcr. MOndllY vening. . . Dibert is in Toledo in WnYn.cllvlile, phone 6 ](11. The bond!! 81' the that I1ttcndnncc at tbe annual on1e1'Mr . Edwin Nutt of Centervill 310-17-2~- 1'" can be i~!'u~d by the ctlunty unEpi opal spent Til sday afternoon with her d r PA'ovi i ns of the llrey net. ~.================ daughtel', Ml's. Thetl J tmes and WANTED- A WOll')an to do li~ht Th pl'OC cd s r ealized from th houschc'(!ping. Apply 1.0 M1'8. son . fl'~. flar'old N'iswongCl' and son, ale Qf the bond s will go to upMr. and l\1t.!!. Orville Young and Ame llia Willinm ll. 910 pJt.lmelll ;funds for I'elief purposes of Payton, were, guests of llr. ?It·. Tom Wolch, Mis Mattie. ';family of Dayt.on . wero 'Sunday :~::::::::~~::::::::==~==::-~==in th counly d\lrlng th coming and Mr . Waltelr Britain Monday We lch and Ml" Essie ~OIH"'KU"'I'1 dinner guestl) ot M~·. and ' Mrs. wint€'l', ~Ind Tn day, of Morrow, called on their cOl,lsin Earl Young alid family. M)·. and Mr . Horold, WhitaJ<el', The f'l'iI:ndship lub of the ~l's . .MllfY Leah Adam s, nturday son and daughter attended th to C(~l1 on farm rl!. Permanen t Methodist churclh was ntertained morning. at ady incf)111c. Mr . and Mrs. W . W. W leh ·of Burnet reunion at th home o·f position with at the home of Mrs. Ira Rich, lifl,()J'd H . Jordan, 1II.,ma(\ $6iJ Harvey Q'u rg, were ull~ay Mr. and MI'Il. Gilb e~t Jameson at W('~ne~day aitE>rnoon. on untlay. . . fir t \II k. hB. kahHl, la" mud noon cancrs of Ml'~. M'iss H el Ii early ond Mrs. $3ltG th'st mOI~ih. at and knit""lMI' • Kathryn Turn er, Mrs. E. C Adams. l'an and daup;l~ter Nancy, and F Mrs. Lena' Harlsock Wll~ one o( Ruth Morgan and so n, Bobby ,,\'ere . ~dg of rarnlln~ noce!\.'!!lr~. Not A molol'cade of Wanen B. Rend I'son were Dayton the e ighty~tbree I1l cmber of the dinn I' irQ ts Wed n sdl1y of M..r8' 1n ceR ary to \'V\'Ite letter; Just flU Marshall Ilnd' Miss ou CQUll On below aud mail to Box ('Qunty Republican joined ' R - vi~itol' thi aft(~rno\ln. BUTn tt family in their annual Lettie publican from aU s ctions of reunion I.lnday at th hom of l~l'ances Th' IlCk('l' [~ at ont rvi11c. 164, 0 pt. '4 3, Quincy, 1Il. Sev ral IocaJ members 6f the Ohio today at. the official Qpening Mr, nod Mrs. Gilb ert Jame on in HOl'/lce and Ern st FOQ}ks reNumber at of the stat campaign at Mt. Burnett. family attenued the an- L bonon. turned home Monday nigM' nftel' Age ....... nual l' union 91t the home of terling, t~ bhthplace of John W 1.1;['$. Margare·t Martin had as a ten day trip in th~ West· to the years cn fal'm Bricker the party's candidate for Gilbert Jameson, it'1. Lebanon Sun- dinn r gu~st on unday, Mr. Mexican border alld back tbrough day. governor. and 1\11'11. Ernest Martin ot Day- Denver; ,ith Mr. and IM'rtI. Wil- Name .... , A free buffalo barbocue and Miss Margatet Edwards and ton, and h. 'and Mrs. J. L. Men- bert wnnk, of Dayton. Addres talks by Attorney General BriCKer party of nie(. Mr. and frs. Ev rett Thomas and n ephew ·denhall. and Henry J. Allen, fOl'mer gover- arrived hom.e boday aitel' n tenMiss lara Lile spent Satut'dny Of Roche t 1', N. y" w re Thurs. nor of Kansas featured tb oc- day tour of the ea t. nivht and Sun <lay with her aunt day gu ~t!l I,)f [1'. and :Mrs. Lowell casion. MI'S. Ella Bllbb in S'p~il1g Valley, ThOmas ond daughter. Walter Reed, of Toledo, wa Th mQtorcade included delMiss Mary ' C~rolyn Lukens~ of Mr. and Mrs. William Bergdall gations from Mason, Lebanon, the gu st of Miiss Emma HGigh- Harvey~burg, was tb& gu at of her in company with Mr. nnd Mrs. Franklin, Iwingboro, lorrow, way and at th E~ Barnhart home «Tlrndmother, Mrs. Lena Hartsoc k Ed D rgdall of Dayton, attended l-ic. lll eci Broker Wayn ville and other sections of Wedn Sday night and Thur day. severn I days IUI5t. week. . th(! R~nkJe reunion ncar Springthe county. Mrs. J. W. Edwa'r ds and Mrs. Edmond Brickett, with her field unday. REA.L EST A TE Miss Mary LE!ah Edwards, of son Bob and daughter Betty, of The six new beginnc!'& from hel'c NOTARY PUBLIC pringll eld, w re gue.sts of reI a- Toledo spent Sunday and Mon· wno started to Wayne Town hip day with bel' mother', Mr . Howell school, Tuesday n~e: Phyllis t~ives hete today, Pierce. Burnett, Norma Longacre; Phy- ~!!!.!!!.~ ~~~~~~~~~~!!!!'!!!!'!!! Cecil Davi lefot tbi morning for I~l'$. lI\>well Pi I' Mr , Jessie !liB Balley, B tty Thoma., Milton ",==~~_=====~~~.\\ incinnati wh re tie has secured Robinson Mrs. Edln~nd Brickett, Jones and Dick y Graham. emp~oyment with th Crosley ' Mr. Bob Brickett ~d Miss Betty Ml's . . Amos Co\>k of nool' C. H. Bohl, county superintend. Radio Corporat!oon. Brickett called on relatives at Waynesville. spent veTal days nt of schoo ,will sel'V~ as NY A last week with her dau~hter, Mr Mr . Lida SaWin who has spen t Selma Sqnday afternoon. chair'!1an In Warren c.o unty for several monthu in Wayn e Ville Mrs. Charlotte WhItmore, of Donald Hadley and little da.ughthe cOlTlinl\' year, according to an ter, who were brought home from upervising the remodeling of" hel' Dayton, called on bel' aunt, Mi announcement today by Harry E, 1'1 effort iR ' vel' mode ?tIc I \Jan Xenja, ThursKatie Collin, Monday aiter. cottage on Fourth keet, left. last Rabe, Columbus, director of the noon. day, in M'CClure' ambulanl;e. by any of our organization week for her home in Boston, National Youth Administration's Mrs. Mary Oarmony. Mrs. Alice Mrs. Howe.1l Pieree and Mrs. to inftuon the 8 I ction student aid program in Ohio. The Ethan J. Lewis, of th.e Dental Je ie Robinson were gues~ of Clark 'nd Mr, and Mrs, Walter f the ea.'lkct. Th re Is various county organi:/:ations will Quart.ers, U. S. Academy, An· Spl'ingfield relatives Wedee day. Kenrick accompanied Mr. E. J. always on display in . our distribute among the schoo'ls the naplllis, . Mti., O'rrived Su'n day at. ChamMiss Annie and Mame Brown Carmony or Springfield part time job allotments under the home of his grandnlother, Mrs. ar.e spending today, Thunday, paign county Labor Day, Mr. showrooms high grade the NY A program. Lizzie Lewis, ona thirty day's ,~th Mr. and Mrs. Ken n th Carmony and mothilr visited relacaskets oX many t;ypes and T he f~ ral government's $640,- f u rlough. Thomas and f!mlY.!.~.~banon. tives at t. Paris and Lena and grad s, <>ffering a choic 000 allotment to Ohio for high .MJ'S. Ciark and and Mrs. Kent() meet every w.ste and .school $tud nta dar:ng the comMls~ Belle () Ne.all entertam e!,l rick spent the afternoon with Mr. in year is expected to pl'ovide j at dl[lnel' Silturday, Charles pUl'SC. Regard less '-ot and 'Mrs. Pony Wheaton at ai~ for 12,000 pupils. ~ . O'Neall, ~f Jackson ville, F la ., Mr. which may bo selected, Christiansburg. _ _ __ _ • . and Mrs. L. M. Hender on a nd Mr. and 1Il ra. LesU Gray and the family ill allllurecl of Space wa at a PI' ~ium in the Mrs. Boyd Hender son. children . pent ~everal days last · gel,~ing full value. we k with the formol"i! brotherJunior Fai~ at Colu~bu , where Mrs. Sal'a h MUl'ray ret~rned 25,000 entries by Oblo youngsters Ilturdlty from a delightfu l motol' in-law and sister Mr. and Mrs. were bulging ut the quarter as- I trip" to New York, Canada, and Frffi Fisk at Ind~bend8nce, Kt. MI'. and Mrs. Ceorge G ray staycd sig~ed to lhi~ section of t~e State Oleveland. Mrs, Maffi t, who visiteli at; t heir home in theit absence. Fal~" . Conditions at t h~ ,hvestock , relatives ~ Dayton d u ri ng M'I'S. MI'. and Mrs. Calvin Long'a cre (,lxhl blt di8Cou~·Bged. v~sltors on Murray's absenc~ . return ed hom e . Wedne day wben a n all-day rain I Sunday. ()lltel'ta i'ned to dinner Sunday made the vicinity a quagmire. Mr. an d Mrs. ;R a~ Brandenburg of Dr. Joh n W. Withers. Dean of Midland City, Ohio, Mrs. Cussie the Sch oo l of Education at ew Hardy . a nd M r. and Mrs. E. B. YO)'k Un iver ity, MrS. Withers and .t heir son who have been visiting in Lebanon, called on th~i r relat-ive!, Mr. and Mrs. O. R . Unglel!by, Friday mornin g. On Wed n esday evening Mr. an d M:rs. Unglesby were guests at .a f amily dih nel' given i n h onor of Dr. Three-Minute Call to ~ippon Witham and family at the h om e of Ml'. an~ Mrs. C. T : J ohnson · in $36 ·ho~Any Leba non.

Late Classified Ads. u

Friend.' Hom.e New

!!S ._

--- ------



CROSS-STATE RODTE Between Toledo al'Id Cinclnnati Charted for tile Benefit of Intertate Motor Tourl ts as ·Well aa Trame Within the Border. of Ohio

IT'S SHORTER I:o'!n RTool~o

to Cincinnati as shown h~rewitb i the shortest di mne bet 'een tbe two cities. Official of the tate High~y Department gi'o the mileage savin as about 11 mile •

... ,. ,........... I

rrs S

AftD There's less mfftl'Lft fie eo~ge lion on

tbe To1eclo.CiJlc:iDllltti Short Lino


than on &llT other highway con-

..'N_tu.""'''''''' 18...


necting 'two cjtie. There lire far Ie 4!UJ'V ' (no hairpin ) and an railroad gra crossin lS ar,e e.xeelJU ~ well protected.




By reason of IT'S f 'lftER the sh rt mileage. lea. congestion (both on 0


Freedom of Selection



The b IL C k bon e of the of1ici&1 Revolut ionary Trails nu.ow Syste m of ' " ,..., Western Ohio. Marked its entir e length by historical markers of the Ohit) Memorial laLD

Orlrtnated an.d SpollAOred b1 the


Short Trail 'As8oda~lon



the highways and in thecommunl\ies t hni which they pass), feWer curves, and adequate widtl) r oadbed and bridges, the Route here outlined is a. big time-saver for the bUi y motoriet-vel7 prohabl, aa much as two hO\1rs.

Choice of Knowing Motorists




(lo mmi s8io~

F o r additiona l IItrip ma ps or ~ny information relative tlb State Parks , Pleatsure Resorts, Scenic Spots, llistQric Shr ines or the h undreds of other p oints of especial inter est .a long t his I,'ou,~e, wr(te.




I' I I I





J. E. ,McClure

Waynesville, Ohio



------ ---


Point in Ohio

---"!-~' -".----

!ubscribe ·for ~rhe Aliam. Gaselte

T he opposite sbores of the Pacific Ocean were brought tbgether, tde· phonital ly speaking, recently witll the establishment of regular commercial BifOt·c EL CTRICITY overseas telephone ser vi(e bet ween the J apan, the 60th United States and foreign countrr to be brought within . I Uncle Sam'. ' voice range. " Ohio Can Costs '36 'The new service affords a: direct yoice connection between any Bell System telephone jn this . ~ountry and a1I ,telephones in principal cities on ·the Island of Hondo, including Tokyo, Kyoto, YokOhama and Kobe. T he cost of a three-minute cOnver sation bqcam4! a MESSINGER .from any point in Ohio is $36. In'all,. Japan has 48Q,OOO ·telephones. The addition oEJapan leave5 few nations: of 1:ommercial importance to be • Of all sound aignal., one of .the inCluded in tbe world-wide tel~phone mQst commonly used is the wl1iat1e, network in which the Un ited States prodQced .eithe·r with the' lips alone holds a pivotal ' position. NOW only , or with the"addition of fingers to add three cOllntries with more than 100,- to the vo.ume oli the sound. Akin to 000 telephones - New Zealand, China the whistle are. aU of wind and 'Russia - are not connected with Instrument. , in 'whlcn sound is prothe United · States by telephone. duced by resonJating an air cavity. Directional Antenna Used Some of these, li'ke the ram'. horn of A "voice bridge" more than 5,000 the ancient Heh~ew. aDd the trummiles lone spans the Pacific to link . pet of the Grub and Romau, have San Francisco and T okyo· thrOUBh a been uled for CtommunieatiOll, parshort wave radio telcphone channel. . ticularJ, for mili:!uy PurpoHI, .. the The Bell System's transmitting sta- bugle ia today. 1 The of Gomera, OIIe tioa at Dixon, Cal., focuses its full Canary hay. a wbl... Itreoatb tJpOII the tec:ei~iit, station at of the, ~ Komuro, Japan, by meana of a hiahly tlia, Iaquqe ud comc11rec:tJona1 antenIIa deYeIoped in tM ab~ to '*"7 pOcated ODe a.&IIar- . Bell Telepboae Laboratoria. n. new ndio c:banne1 will be the ity aatm. ...... \ .,.Bab1a 01 . 17th direct radio-tdepbone conaec:tion tie at ... ~ . tationa and ower- tbeir ... poipta. Four 01 die channell - - . with ar.t IJritaIJL SerYiCIt

- ---

The man who hal uaed our roofinl'~ spe~d l very little time 'in deciding where he will 1'0 or what roonn'g be will use when '

planilinl' a new house or barn . . He ,know. what a real roof meanl.-in lasting qualities, economy in c::onetruction and at ._ minimum upkeep. W e h a ve. all the beat of roonng- W eathe'ruroof tiona; tough and pliable ; will not crack, biiater or with a ge i a nd roofing that c.> reaiatant.

standard grade. under all condiroonng. which become ' brittle is extrem.e ly nre

You can easily build your own roof. We h a ve roonn, which cornea ready to lay Our ro06nl'a are made in variou. wei,hta to meet all need..


Drive here-and drive off with a "ood



dd naCO.





. 'Days-Sept. 16, ,1 7t. 18,19-4 Nights OFFERING NEARLY $20,000 IN PREMIUMS flerne •• Racel Every Day-Unexcelled Horse Show. Band Concert. - Free Attraction. Entertainment. Wonderful Live Stock, .P oultry, Pi,eon, Rabbit Show .. Don't Mi•• the Fox Hound, Coon Hound, Bea"le Hound Bench Show on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 GO~'eOUI Flower, .nCl F.r uit S~ow-Pri.e Gr ain Vel'etablea-Beautiful Art Dilplay. Admi..ioD., 35 CeDt..



We have a .shipment transit. Call . and 'leave your order.

Waynesville Farmers' Exc e Co.


Eighty-Eighth Year



Whole Number 6239







,Waync!;!vlll e Farm J'!I' Grange No .. 13 will meet S,llturdllY even· ing; Septembcr 19, a,t 8:30 'f()I' the purpose ot: conierri'ng th third and fourth degrees upon a class of ca nuldntes and ~tnnual inllP c· tioa. At this time the ~ou n t.y d put)! will be 8 visitor I/Uld conduct in. spection after which the fo.l1owing Program will be ""'iv'en: RClld.inn-Donald Brown. ., Talk- Mr. Mendenhall .! Violi n SoJo- Jrmll Fires. 'l'alk-Highway Accid ents-Mr. Bodenb ender. D F d rye all Vocal uet;.-...Irm~~ . 11 d' VirginIa ar In.




Rev. G. C. Dibort arrived Clifford fl em·t Compton, home Tu esday venlng from years old, dii!tl Monday evenilllt. ~t­ Toledo where he had been in SQPtE)m.ber 14, at hi.s homo in Grand and petit jUror!;! to serv,e Th monthly meeting of the tenclnnce at th annual OhJo conpring Vo.lI~y following an illness during the October term ' of court Wayne Township Farmer,' Club ferenc e of the Methodist church. Mc.mberl of Varioul Committees or sl'verru ' months' duration. were drawn IflSt week. The A'rancl' was held 111. the hom ot: Mr. ~nc! Mr, Dibert went to the con- Two Gtaclel Nece...,,. To T.k. Were Named; Pia ... For School urvivillg are his widow, Cora; jury will meet Monu&y, October 5, l\Ir.. Omar Hollin~swort.h on fer~nco with the unanimous reCare of Tile 61 Pirat ' quest o( the< official bonrd of the Lunche. Dilcuued three sons and one daughter. and the petit. jury on Tue sday, eptember 10. Mr. and 1\Irs. F. Grade Pupila churc h that he be returned to the Funeral services were held this, 0 tober 20. LeMay, Mrs. W. R. Lewis and Mrs pastorate here. He is starting bis Names d ra~'n f or gran d 'JUY T.ho first mCjlt;ing of the Waync Thu1'8day aiterno!)n. at the rl!si~ With the second wet'k of school Kenneth Hl;lugh . a siated the eighth year as pastor of the lo~nl de nc ' with burial in the Spring Townshj p Mother's clu~ for th~ fi rvjc~ foJlow~: Paul Duke. Leb· hostess in .serving the dinnt.!r at churcl1 and it is very gratifying to und rway, the Jndications took toValley cemetery. their many fdends that tbis es~ima ward. a good. school year. The school year 'was held cvtembel' 11 .. - - --~ onon; William Simpson, Sprlngthe noon holU'. ( boro; John paeth, ~as()n; OJ;car The afternoon meeting was ble !amily will remnin in thi s future of Wayne 1'ownship schools lit t.he grade. building. Mrs. Waltet' community. opened by all Ringing t he Sheehan, the n w pre, ident, call d f lagmey r, L OVel Ian; cl G. , H seoms secure with the largest Doxology led by Mrs. J. W. White, the meeting t.o or<k!r nnel t.h 80ng Towns ley, Lebanon; Charles enrollment in recent years in too followe d by repeating the Lord's "~uld Lang Syne" was su ng , Hummel·t, MOI'row; Elbert Irons, fir t ·grade. On TUesday, Septemopening. ber 15, the flrst grade enrollment Devotionals were conducted Some stood at 61. The Increased enrollMrs. J . A. Hartman, l'eadulg fro~ 111I.:~l!"6;.~~~~~~~:ii' ment made it neee,sary to organChamberlain, Carlisle; Serep~a CI~LUM8US ~:,,:~s br~~~v;. ~~ Le~:~:' was ize anothllf first grade clalls with the fiftb ehApter of MaUhew. T mpHn, Pleasant Plain; 'MTs. Ed ~ Miss Hightman in charge. Ju, a The president gave a spncinl hi- lie~:~;i:. Iicen ll{!ti for sale. Boyd Clark, Ore(tonia ; Florence Stangl\.~:·a~~·k :~a~~Oi~U~!~Be:~::i~~:: result Miss Campbell has taken yitillion to the moth rs having . forth, Oregonia; Bert Harts()ck. Plana Rapidl,. Makinl For and J. M. Earnhilrt of Lebanon, children atal'til'\g in first gl'lIde to Get your hunting licenses of over the t hird grade, and Mbs 'MT . H. CIi1t.0l·d Brace was a dinner Waynesville; Clement Satterth. Natio-nal Grallce ConYlIIltioD \gave several rj)adings o~ his own Boyd Henderson. Day will have the fifth grade. become members of the club, gu ' < t of M,I ~S Florence St Ie, of waite Waynesville. ' composition. Enrollment in the various claBl!1he minutes of the May m.eet.. Jury . . - - .. See Will C. St. J ohn if you are es at the grade building are as in" were read and approved. . The Xenia , Saturday evening. The' petIt was drawn as '\ Repor ts 1rom eVElry sectIOn of ' in t he ma-rket for a Buick, Olds· 'follows: 1 t grade 61, 2nd grade tr asurer r p()rted a balanc: in the Mrs.' May Cook, of Dayton, !ollows: H. J. Michael. Foster; the Grange field poilnt t() the larg. 44, 3rd grade 40, tth grade 42, mobile, Pontiac or Chevrolet. treasury of $81.05 with which to spent Tu esday and Wedn esday Frank Wardlow Morrow' Wi11i!lm est gathering of {Ulral people held 5th grade 46, and the 6th grade sUirt. the new year. with the Crane family. • • M' Shin many years, wben the 70th anM.r. nnd Mrs. A. F. M1elloh and 65. The total enrollment i n the Med d OC k . Morrow, rs. et nual scssion of the National . The names of persons chosen to family visited relatives!lt Rar~ grade bUildIng is 298. ;-trs. W. H. Allen and .Mrs. Gr ly, Foster; W. H. Parris, laD~e meets at Columbus, Ohio, erve on the various committeee ri on, Ind., Sunday, At. the ' high school building the for the en uing year were next Chf1'ord Brace IIttend ed B brldge. Lebanon; Owen Gross, Carlisle' for its nine day!s' session of luncheon in Xenia, Friday. Homer Bennett, Foster: Nov mber 11-19. , On last Tuesday afternoon Mrs. rend. They are as tollows: Mrs. L. ,R. Gordon has been enrollment is as follows: 7th A th . t ak Earl Hockett ve.r y pleasantly grade 56, 8th gr~d(!o 47, 9th grad~ Finance CommittM Mr. and Mr!!. Walter Sheehan Manual Back FT\m~lin ' William ' mong e prommen spe ers entertained at a linen shower for confin ed to her home several day 42, lOth grade 35, 11th grade 36 and SOTl.' S visited relatives at . ' . ' i who wilt be heard · o n tb Grange of illness. because Mrs. P hil Larrick, Mrs. C. E. and 12th grade 20. The senioT Frankhn; Ed Gloe~k~err , program will be Albert S. G089, cf MI(ls Dorothy Colvin of Cleveland, And rson, M~ . Ft-ank He 8, Mrs. MaeJeria, Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke sp(!ont class Is one of the Ilmallest in Sprmgboro; Grover PblIJIPS' 1 Washington, D. C., :\"edoral Land fiancee 01 'Maynard Rich. Will Stroud lind Mr. Harold Mrs. Amos Mendenhall returnQd Foster ' Charles Bolzer, Foster; Balik Commissioner, under whose After an enjoyabl e afternoon Sunday in Dayton, the guests of recent years, The total hjgh school Whitak/lr. home last week after an eytended He.watt P. ~ulford, Lebanon.; Joe charge is t)te administration of all spent in contests· and admiring Mr. snd Mrs. 01\1'1 Hawke. building enrol1men.t is 235, which G...cIe Committe. vi sit to her si ter in J:rllnklin, Ind. Lelcht.y, Sprmgboro; I rene Pierce, t he ]2 Federal Land Bankli o~ the t he many lovelf gifts received by makes 1,\ combined 1!nrollment of Ray Hawkq, and family, of Mrs. Ed. Jlopkins, Mrs. Adam M<!r~ow; ~arl Kam p •. Morrow; United tates. Commissioner GOBS t he guest of honor, coo ling re- Dayton, were dinner guests Qf Mr. 633 pupils at the present time. • }fro and Mrs. Earl Holland Lydia ReddIck, ClarksVIlle; ~rs . .is one of the recognized Grange freshments we.t:'e served to the Melloh, }iI'S. Mabel Davis. The commercial dejlartment, Hi,h School Lunch Conunitt_ entertained over the week-end, Mr Albert Bennet.t, Mason; Howard leader of tb,e country, baving following guests: Mesdam(!oS Amos and Mrs. J . C. Hawke, Sunday. . under Mr. Brown, continues a 1M'r . Harvey Rye, Mrs. J. K. and Mrs. Elmer Peterson and son Rhoades, Lebanon ; Le.ster Oeder. seTved fOI' 8 decade as head of the De Haven, Elmer LeMar, ' Lou Le Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Squires and ' very heavy enrollment. jUld the Preston and Mrs. R. D. Collett. Jimmie, of Dayton. Morrow. Washington State Grange and. fOr MaT, Dani el Underwood, Sadie Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hough IIpent the vocationsl agriculture department ---- - ...- - - under Mr. Crabbe, is considerabl), Pro,ram Committee Emma Grubb and Mrs. several year s as chairman of the R1lBllon, Howard Arthur. Donah.! week~end at Inelian Lake. larg:er this year,. Mrs. Ross Hartsock, Mr. Ralph ' Ella Braddock, of D yton, called executive committe,s of the Natj- DeHaven. Laurence Alexander, C. M, Robitzer and Will C. St. Mr. Frank III rapidly getting the lin tin ..... and Mrs. Ethan Crane. on Mrs. Lizzi e Lewill Wednesday I onal Grange. Other prominent Ira Rich. Reba Braddock. Hartley .. ~ M J h K Oh I .H rt J oh n enjoyed a fe w days fishing in musical groups organized for the Refr.ahm nt Comm.itt_ afternoon. officials of the F edelral government 08S, 0 It ersey,W'IIar desB a - northern Ind iana, lnat week. '1b t F k G Mrs. Frank LeMay, Mrs, George as well as agTicultural leaders soc, 1 er , ry~, l ar ogan, year. He nderson and Mrs: Lowell MiSt! Ruth Miller has returnoo . frot;ll diffel'cnt parts of the countr>- Charl\ls Collier, Samuel Henkle, Mr. and Mrs. Emory Ross and The Warren County Alhletlc to New York City after a pleasan t will addresIJ the Columbus gather- LawTence Brown, Charles Mich- daughter, 01 Leelan, spent Sun- A socia tion has decided tp have a Thomas. vi it at the home of her mother. The Woman's Auxiliary of St. ener. Rhodes BunneU, Percy sof> ball I"."ue this fall eom ~ ..... • C . E I h b 'th jog • day with Mr. Ilnd Mr~. Clint Ross. · --CIo_n, _.ttee Mrs.. Eva Miller. Mary's piscopa c urc met Wl • Rea son. John lUch and Mi ell posed of Warren county hllh M. J B C bb 1 M G Mrs. George Harts.ock, Friday peda.l recognition occasions at rs, . . ra e rs. eorge Master Richard and Warren the session will be numerou s, when Ruth Hockett and l;)orothy Colvin Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Edwards schools. Waynesville boys under Mlll.s, and Mrs. Leonard Tinney. afternoon. September 11. awards fo'l faitbful ervice will be - - -- - • and daughter, Miss Reba, spent Coach Bodenbender will take. an R~io., Co_ittee Sheehan attended a birth day Th~ president, Mrs. E. L. d G ffi . Sunday with relatives in Loveland . active part in thia. party at the home of their Thomas; cOnducted the de\l'otions ma e to range 0 l~l'S, organtzers Mr,. R. Jo,.. Conner, Mh. Harry cousin, Bobby Croll, 'near Franklin 8'1ld during the businessse.$Sion two and deputies for outstanding · The Rev. a'dir. Covell, of CinIt is plan,lied to begin serving SatuTday afternoon . new members, Mrs. Kathryn achievements Qurinli' the past· 12 cinnati, con ducted ,services at St. meabl' _t, the lligh school ~UildlDfr Williamson. FJ __ Bos Comlllitt.. d MD ' S'd mon ths. Included it~ stich plan:s is uary's Episco"al church Sunday shortly. On Tuesday of th 8 week Mr. an.d ME' . Will Tjbbals, of Turner an fS. al ey III er, the great youtb banquet on Thurs ::ornin...... , a numb'e r of mothera eanned v.egeMrl!. 'J.' B. Ch apman. Florida, Mrs. Lelia Bunnell, Leb~ were welcomed to the 5.ociety. day, November 12, tendered in .. tables, at the high .school buUdillfr The chairman of the finance anon, and Mis!! Flora Tibbals, . of The following program of rood- honor of outstandi:ng farm .y outh Rev. and Mrs. G. C. Dibert reMr. and Mrs. Alvin Earnhart fol' th Mother!s elub. Several c()mmittee announc: d an all day Wilmington, were guests of Mn. ings was 1Mn given: in the nation and open to every ceived word, today. of the heavy and sons were visitor.s at the hom e of the men teacherl on the IIChool canning to be held at tlle grade Mary Stiver on' Wednesday. "Stop-There's A Kid · Wh.o per on ~t.weeD 14 and 21 yeal's loss ' 8uB1.ained by Mr. and Mrs. L.' of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Smith in facult y will attend the Sehool uilding on 1'uesday, September ,' I Might Go."~Mr8. Lee Hawke. h' d'd t t . th V Beck ot Green Forest Ark Q8horn Sunday afternoon Ina.s ters' Club, ThursdaY 'I eve.nin,. · " Th" 'D k Assi~ned to a w 0 IS a I a e 0 recerYe e · ' I' , ." • Members of I tltll "ATgunot" 15. " .. Seventh D"gr'ee of the Grange at when the garage, barn and sheds, at the Golden Lamb In LebanoD. at Domestic; M> ionary- Mm. Bert '" Mrs. O. C. ~ eloy and ~i9S My~tle In th...." room popularity conteat bridge club were entertained \ Columbus together with one cow, de· ---. - Mrli!. Kersey's room was awarded : the home of Misses Trihena and HaTtsock. On~ 'of' the. . m(~st interesting atroyed in a recent fire and ol)ly Bone oC Lebanon. were, the .dower box and Miss :aeight.. ¥8Tgatet Edwards, .T uesday after"Transacting the, Church's ' ;' h d k h ' h guests of Mr, and M'rs. J , L. , C91umbu8 fea.tures wl\l 'be the Dr v,e ry .ar wor was t ell' om . man's 'room the picture.. noon. BUsipess ~ MillS Clara Lile.. "d Th . d' Me· ndo nh~ll Friday night and presence of' the winner in . the save • . , ef c!lrne no 1Illlurance. In con nection with t~ high Mrs. Edith Harris and her Mi ssionary Not<;s-< Ka.tber~ Highway Es-say Contest, 'Which the Mr. and .Mrs. Beck and thei r two Saturda.y. ' ..' sehool lunch, Mrs. Ha~ey . Rye, daugh tel', Mrs. F ran k L . T ay Ior, ine Prendergast, Mrs: Will. S,can- National Grange c:onducts every Chl·\.d· ren· are .i~,..., Mr. a.tld Mr . R. D: .Collettl and ormer· rnDl'de n,. te of intro<i\lced a new jelly powder were guests, Suhday 'and Monday lan, Mrs. Daisy Snider, Mi s Mame yel\-1' jointly with the Automobile Wayn esville ' where t hey have lions. and Mr. Darrell French Welre for making jellie Q,ulckly and of Mr. and Mra. Oharles F. Brown. . Manufactuers' . A~lo(btion. and many ('fiends · who will regret to dinner ·guests of Mr. and Mrs. A fire of undertel:mined Qria'hI Inexpensively. Th(l funds ' which Mosher of Cincinnati. During the social hour dainty for which $1000 iln prize" is die.- hear ' of their misfortune. Lest r Stanfield, at New Burling. late Friday afternoon destroyed are collected from ita .aale are to r freshments were served by the trib.utecl ~verl' season among the ---- - • to n, Sunday. a lar-g cattle bayn on the Frenchbe usecl to buy 11 w COOKing equipA reward of ,2.00 is offered to host s who was 1\ siste.d by Mrs. I f h G ' Th ,far"' ' h len hi b Ern est Hartsock, Mr.s. Herman young peop e 0 t .,e range. ·e M'" d .,. at Lebanon. me'n t for th" Gerving of hl"'h '6 anyone w 0 OWB anyt ng a .out . boy or girL.who ranks hiahest in .. . ~on ra'ndand80nu,~ rS~IIBdruMcer· 8A.:rcBheretal'e- The large barn, one of three l)ehoo} lun~hell. Ii dark blue silk crepe skirt whioh' Surface and Miss ~mma this rtati~nal cOpt4!St will l'eceive units >accommodating the 'ffencb .. To open .the program for the was , lqst r,eeently. ' Ret¥x:rt to . Invit.¢~ guest$ wer~ Mrs. Ira.i$ey a fre ,t rip to ColumbUs with" all Archdeacon of New Vien\1a, wel'e BaueI' herd at the ereame.r,., afternoon . Helen Margaret .Gons Gazett& office and no quest.ions ·.S)1 lde r. Mrs. ; .KathrYn , TQJ:n~r, xpens~$ paid ~nd WU(tbere' tead, "I' I] ~nday visitors at , the home of Was a total loss but twoadjoiilin. ga~e a rea4illg. This followed wilt be allked. ' . Ernest Blu:tsock, Mrs. , Her- to th'H"sse~bloo F'atrons the win" ·Mr. and Mrs. ' Howard Archdeacon. catt le barn!!!, and two ' 8i108 were b'y musie .by Naomi Ramby .and , man ~lIr!ace nnd "Master David ning essllY. Tbe .nlQst ··pol1ular and' tlnes~ MI'. and Mrs. J, D, M8rl~tt re. saved from damage'• .The' losl will Reba·Edwards. and Mrs.Judith R. Ann, G. ,. Conner On el·thAt· Frl·da',.y '0. ' Saturday en t erta mmen O t.. a t th e Gre at Lakes ' turned home Saturday 1.'1' A-ceed -1.5 ,000. . . Hr. Garst was then andMr. · daughter, had &5 Hartsock. ' . _ _ _ " ' . . after called upon and in a abort ta' i k 6f th fi t k f tJ. C J b Co It' . CI I d . Betwee'" . dinner guests on Sunday, Mr. . and e 1:8 wee 0 .~e , 0 urn us ."xp0810n.ln eve an . spending a pleasant w'cel!: at th,e .. Sl'X and '"AI'&'h~~ toni 0·.. ' explain4!d to.the club concel'nmg . ..., session' .. full hour's b.t:'oaqcast of At I~a!!t, that's the opinion . of home of · t "'el·r 0on.l·n-ta' w and and about twenty-five tOM of " rade and r.tIra. W. C. Tu~81', Mr. and a1'8. ., . II t 1..lie di vi • i on 0 f tb"'" first ,.. +nto rs daughter, Mr. and . Mrs.. Merle stram Rolly Mungc>r and 80n Bob of a 11 Grange events WI'11 b e pu. t . on th e mo:re th an 600 "000 3p ec.... "'" were I'n the lo"t, ... C··-Il 1AnII .. iit clolling asked for co-oPllratlon • , J d' h 11 d d d h d Sherw ' ood, manaCl'er' o· the F"''''''h. .Jamestown and ' Mr and Mrs Lon by the National Broa eastlllg w o . ave ·atte.n .e an s owere Kerns, in Cleveland. Mrs. Kerns . . . . ..... ~ Qf parents In handlin&' children's Beckett: , . . .· . C.omp;'nl' oh a. .' c·o a8t·t t app l ause on one or more perI.or· and daughter, Joan . who motol'1!d 'B auer farm, ....-ted. Th·i. bll ' .ned . o-e06$ , probJeDUl~ · . • h00 k -up. ......... ~a.neell . 0t th e sp. ecta euI ar . t wa er · down.. with ·,Mr. al'\d Mrs. Mitrlatt,. I .~"nW ,:v \..u. ,.., t added to th" .. ~ .. _ -- . LalIt on· th anI '·r. and ._.... v..... E.. 'C ' Crane "pent • '- • Marme "'h t er w...,.~e .... heat of tile fire. . . .e v""ro&Tam was . 8 hit\.. ow n . ... ~ : -! . ea r~twr'Jled to Cleveland Sunday i or ahial s.k lt IIntitled "Schoo Tuesday niaht and Wednellday at Ch~ks represe~ting the' secol1d RAINI~TOR' debs . a-n.d .sub-debs, college and morning_ ' , Forty head of cattle 'in the Da.,s," ~hlchbro,..tlt amlles to V~rmmon, 'Ohio; on Lake . Erie. Pllymel}ton the 1~S5. clgar le~f. to. . ' ~ , . hj~h scbool stu,dent8, profeMional .. . barn lit; the time tbe .bla.e ,.,... . . •I ' clowns and performer" join 'h ands Sevnal loeal 8tud~nts .left dor- ..discovered, were .led to wetl' every ,qne's lae.. The lad,.. In- 'fhey were W\1eall$ of Mr. and MrJ. bac'co crop in tills county will be cluded irl tM c~ were: Mn,.,aul Boo1'01tl, of Bellbrook, who distributed ~o lIeventy formers : on W. IV I twice ever~ day ~o maintain the illg the past· few days far theit b.efore the , lower part of the Ralph Bastin.., .. teacher; lin. are yacatloninc there. Saturday of this week at the show's well-earned reputation in respective colleges. Barbara Gray, structure was " in danger. The Geo. Hendenon, Mn. Charles " offices of County Agent L\!ster J. __ the eyeg of Exposition. visitors. Cecil Hartman, David Boger , and other cattle barns were alao Bradley, Mn. . Georse Peterson, Miss Ellzabeth Chandler, who MIller in Lebanon. The tot~l payA r.alnst~rm which developed Daily capacity · crowds jam in- Lowell Starkey have enrolled at emptied and tJo loBS, was 8utrer,'4 Mn. lIert BalJ.d, lfIrt. R. A. Con- bas been 'vtltUnr l'elat[ves bere, ment to be made amounts to ,7,- into a near ' cJoudbu1'8t struck ' to the 32()O-seat. al)Jphitheate-r WlImington; Jane Cook, Earlham; in this respect. • ner, Mrs. 'J.I:I. Sackett Iud Mn. left · Wednleda, momme to 000 and ~~preBents forty per cent , Waynesville . Wednesday aftetnoonl,built into the shore of Lake Erie Ruth Hockett and Phyllis Collette, - -__ ••_ __ .....-"'I1·· herac:hool work at of t'-'e appraised ~ield on to b . • AIva Ludl... - , pupil·D. The resum~ aceo The ' rmn was accompanied by. near tbe HortIcultural Gardeft to win enter Miami Univers Ity; . LUNCHEON GUESTS sch9 0 1 lIession terminated with . & Uampt'QJi ~mtitute, V... She w.. rai ed here last yeST by farmers .' lightning but very ' l!ttie wind. watch, a cast of fifty-five ex;ert F1:ank Hawke and Marvit) Fox, spell ing ~ which wal. "aT), much ~omp:U1~~d~'" niece, ¥iBS slirolng contrp.cts. , T)Je raiofa'll IUMun~d to 2t,i . aw1mmllrs and 'divers stage 8 forty Vniversity of Cincinnati and Mrs. '0.. G. Randall; of Barye,... enJoyed. '. . . I rtru . II'. . A preVil)U8 payment of approXi- Inches. minute · marble shOW, a show that Vincen.t Griffy, :MIiami:-Jacobs. burg, . entertained a &TOUp of· The me?tiq , adjourn.ed until Mr. aDd Kn . • C.' B. Deatbe':'..~ m8tely the Baine am~'ul\t was maoo invanably is greeted with enthu.i. friends at a luncheon on Friday. ~ L ·· r ~.... . E. V . Barnhart was In <lindn- at The L·ttI· th e ....urst , '" ay In 0 c.o~' . of Oreeonla, Mn. Blanehe,. Baker ': to tobacco growera who did . not SALE OF UCENSES DELAYED astie and spontl\neous appla.use. . t e I nn. The runt. J\efreah,1DenQ were served b)' 1 of Cincinnati. and . 1l1Ia Martha· tai_e a crop in 1936 in a~cordal\ee __ Since t.he openin&, of the Exposi n~ti toda.y. were, Mrs. Clara Randall•. 01 the toIlQwtnc: ' lin. f:oaW1'ence . Deathenee, of barton, .pent Sun-1with. their AAA 'c ontracts. . ' Although' drivel"a' licensee were tion on June 27th; the Marine . Howard Chenow~th Is serlo WIly Amarilla, Tuaa, Mrs. Lida. aattoD Brown, lin. Walter SMellaD, lira.: day .wttlt I(r. aDd lin. R. H. ' - - • placed on we th~hout ilIe Theater can. hal presented more sick at his home on the Wayne8- Cincinnati; Mia A,DeI Sawden of J. H. Sackett, lin. Ba~.y 1I0u, Uartaock aad fam11J. lltate lut Tueeday momiq L H ' than 160 shows, the performen ville-Bellbrook toad. Ithaca, N. Y.; lira. Oha Welch. II Mrs. InIn I(alford and Mn. J. 0\. . II ~Oa~dOunn~bll~~ '~~~eutJllee:~eutrnati;I' aclherin, to the age-old theatrical Irlrt. Harnet Smart, lin. Duiel Hartman. II.... B. V. Walter, of LebaDoa. ., D _........... ...... adage-liThe sbow must go on. lira. Montgomery Howard, who Underwood, lin. Walter JOrdall. • - • III:" aDd lin. A. B. Sehoe_. of W d da)' veniDff bee" rain or shine." ..... here several days carinR for A. S. CQllett, I(Ia No CARD OF THAND BamUtoIl. lila 8ua eraa.. lin. la:k n:; . IUPP~I'" The n:: Ohio Forty bOYI and airla of ." her uncle, Horace Keys. has re- Collett, Milia Once S'IIIUt .... Kadsrp Tamsr. Kr. · PncI B. 1&w 1a etrecUve. Oetober 1. .ve~ age of nineted turned to her home In Carliale. MT. Ml.. Beien RladalL Bend.NOIl . .4 ........ Matthew · _ _ 10m. the team 'WhIch. --u ~ Kept ia able to be out apiD. _·41.......' ~- . Salldar ..... of At a meeUn, 01 Villare Coun. .... . lIN. D L. CII&Il d IaIIIncll Wedneada, nilbt, & HlOlutiOIl CODdiUODI eh..... n,pIdb l'6lU1'kable demonatradoa Of Mill Doroth, ColWa of ' C..... .... "bill. • . • aD ..,. ~ p..... to submit the qaeatioll the aplealtval SeW. TIl" )"HI' pndaloD awilDlllillt. ~.1... aad land II the l11eat or ..;. ad lin. A I1'II'prbe 41.... was ..... f . 01 _able boDda to paJ the Ohio wiD have ~ ahat .. ..... eh~ water ill time with J. B. Bieh. Iln. . . . . . . . . . . ..ntap'. Ihan ·of tIuI ,ropo.d eent of a • ~p. W tile llNlllr .waIu of the "Blue . lin. ........tarJ .... .,aem to tht federal pnnlMllt Walta." BeeaW18 of Ul lIea1t11t ..... " ' - -' .... Ilat _..-abet 11,180 ~..... Two . . , . an ...... daDJ... .c.ok .... IOhi laft'..... :. . . . . . . .r.. . .·:. . . :4_ _ .It*~ eM ... at ' " to --~ , -., 1fiQ ,,_ ,_,~.

~:~ano:~:roa~~ M~~~w;Le~~:; ALL

GRANGE ROADS Sh~~~::~~:i:::~;~l ~~;~C" lEAD TO I

















$.7,000'·FOR lO CA.[ '. T'O.8ACCO· GROWERS',


A •










Tum. ....




111'9 <---. ..



admittl'd to ..... cord in the Warn'n pruhat(' court. Lc()ntln~ Ruge r. y.ail apI,Hlint<',1 ('xeeutrix oI th e c. tnt b( L,·\\ ill E T"o mp ~ on, d"c:-('a ~l· d . Bert Ho lm !~,


On,,"!! H olm and William AI ' ;(a11 d T W C I'C appoint ed .i\P ln&L ,' 1'8. 11 1"1 in. (\ec(,ll~ej l. Wl\ ~ det{' rmined Court a Pl>I" ovcd the inve ntol.'Y of Th i nheri tll n ~1l tax to be paid Lacin R. haw han, ~d",ini l! tra trl x In thr cn ~l' of GC'orgc l ,c\\ i ~ on the ~t!ltl' ()f J ohn 011 din, d(\. of t hl' estate f nnio CI'()!'son , tI ~ CNIR d. l ot i i (111 V 1~ II S Jo~ 11h . Rlllll'rt- <'l·n;<,d. was d ·t l'Tmin ed. Th e. inve ntory of IIrl C. BOl"n The inventory of aroly n W. lion lll(' l"rl'nerick A. Schmirlt Cnnt pn11.1 \1'1\;\ mllde party \leftlndl\nL Frc IlInd, ndminisll'lltl'ill nr th e C~- hart. II dministrat or 01 th e estate Th plaintiff Wl)!! g ran t d luuvc to late of Willill m T . W ~od , deceasell of }<'Ior nee E. 'N II IR, d ecea.:ted. WII Illso llpp fOVi!d by the court. iii 811 Am("ndcd amI Hlllph,tn nt al Wll S (lPP I'(lV~ . 1 Iii! l' 't.Il ' of Raym ond Allen, Ul' A Iwrtifleate. of. trUtl'{lW was ~~p · t i ~i on . (n, th l' ase of Lily M. Egber t Ilea,sod, was foun d to be ex empt sped 1\1 rgll f t D , Wal l, (>xecutri of t il e estate pf .Tohn Wall , d v YRIUI Ann Bilk r, et RI, " l'Vlce froID ,i nh m'itnnce u.:x. I n the Cll e of EI!\ie Allen, ad- ed . . by publicl\t\on \\. order d mnde slate ot Ray~ n~l't a pproved sal 9 by har! s .upon J<'Sse BRker Rnd B i Ba k- llIini~t r tri . of tb monu All n. decl'a ~e (l , v rsus EI~ie V. pdyke, adnlini';trator ot the r, def l'ndan tt>. !l101i. Ilt III, it is order ed t.hat t he e8t.ate of Fil'1r11m E. Updyke, d In tht' en e of 1). W . Br hm vel'· HU ~ Laura She ts, et a i, c:onfirl'll(\'- 'o1'rect ollm e of Nnn nie E Shock y ceased. The fi rst an d /i nal C!co unt of lion. (let'd and di, tributio n wel'!' inst( d of Mumi E. Shockey be used in moking the deed ond con- Ma rgaret D, W a ll executrix of the I'd r p. t n the CtI~t' of hades\cr v()yllnc~ til th pu rc h I' of the e tale of J ohn W illi, d ceased, was . . filed. Ul ton v rsUI\ Maty Ellen Elchol- Dremi ell. Combines Free tt'loviel~ with Highway Btoadcalt' a. to Program Sponiored by State Safety Counc1l Re f 11la Meyer, F tieda H off and zc r, et III, petition wall dismissed. Marria•• Lrc:enle.1 , ' In t h matter of the appropt'ill- . nmu el W. Bell wel·e.appoi'ni.t:d 8p HI S ,new "cOl1lbi n~l lioil movie \mUnit i('S throughout thc state dur- - involving a hliud sollle tw~fiSl\!<t DeWitt Albright, bl u ~ macljine 1heater and \)roacf(a,s~in g booth ing the fall and win1n. By clar, it high",ay' patrolman and ~ cOlliely but ti n of a n ell em nt of highwa ys I)taiser. o( the <'l;tattJ of Adam N. on wheel "-Ihe fir t truck of it s broad~ sl 5 safety hints fat the edifi- 5p~d-nlad debulanl - unfolds, the t)peflltor of' F l·an kHn. a nd Mis. Il nd ~ior ha nn e) purposes over Apgllr, J cell!\ed. kind ever 10 be int roduced into safety cation of motorists and ped estrian ~, wi dom of proper clir · t~rt and of D9ri Rook , of F,'l'anklin . 1n tlK- matter of the estate of 1he lands oi J anl 8 T . H~e l ti n e, work-i bringing fr e,)'crlterlainmem at the ame time demonstrating the driving car ~fullr is ublly etched on irs. P erle Jones, of Orcll:onill. and afel Y inforJlla tion t o countk.s "do's" and "don'ts" of prope~ high- the audience Jlltnd. I·te., it' ordered that a n~w bond Adam . Apgar, d ceased, th e esvJay etiquette. At night, it serves a $ , Each outdoor night performance, 'be ilIad a nd CIIsh bOnd b released tate is ordered "co pened f or the and George Mou ntjoy, f llrmel' of tht'J u. 3nds of O hioans e;llc h wel'k Its f\l1\ load of anmselllent and II up·to·date 1lI0tion picture projec- thus far, ha~ attraeted seversl thouOTcg onia. purpORe of iiling supplemental inA divorllC was granted E dga r sound adv i e i a Ilrivat e O ltldoor ex,tion booth, making po ible the sand persons, .many of wholJl, havClaren ce A. Dietrich, clerk of to ut in his caee againl!lt Mary wmtory and 8uppl m ntal sch edhibitors' contriblltion t,o the Ohio creening, outdoors or jndoors, of ing arrived too late to obtain eeats, S t out on grounds of WilfU l absence ul es 1c)1' d.(;termination of inherit- Middlet own, and AI i s M arf,l'8l'ot State Safety, Council's cOll1prchen- popular comic "shorts" and a lO-reel took stan<!in8 room'ln mill' scejn~ the ehow. • sive program d ~sigl1Cd t j) make Ohin feature film. Tho eu tody of min d ~ ch ildren of nllC~ t ox: • nd a cel'tificate of Elean or liller , L eba non. "Highway Patrpl" and t.he pfd'y hij!h\\la), s the safe t in Alil eric;l. The feature picture, "Highway t'h _ couple Wit awarded the de- l al1 ~ f e1' ot l' nl estate. This trllck which be'gan it s tour Patrol," i a nOri-cOl)lmert:ial talkie axioms broadcast from this unique Real Eltate Tran.fe.rl Th s cb edule of debt.s of L. H . f enda nt and th e plaintill was ord er in' northetll hio in ,cptcmIJer. i .. packed with thrilling adventure lIC- truck carry the unquD lified endoueR n. Bercn w , et aI, tru stees of !:chcdultd to visit tlUlldl'(ds of COII\- l;on, and rom l1l1ce. As the love ; tory lIlenl of Ohip Slate Safety Council. oed t o contribute ,22.60 p ~ r month Ri tz, administrator of tbe estate ot Vi ola G. Rit~, decea ed, W &!I Favorite Lod 'e, No. 118 Knight!! of t o t.hl'ir' support as long 1J8 h e is ap p roved. Pythi us, of fason, to Milso n I========:::....::= ======= = = ==c::z=======;r=======-'= ====== employed in a CCC Camp. of Tex as. E lizabeth Mobley was grantcd a May Jack on, admini tratrix of No. 10 7, inl fJ t N o. 36 in and care Lucy Mo r , ' 6 ; Mrs. : fiss L uo ille Tllckc r has been taLe of John P. Griswold, Mason. M8I'gal'et Jone , boar d and care di vorc;e f rom ,Doris Moblel' on the t! tn}lloy d ~s t euch I in high ~11U:garetba Ha rshbal'gcr, de- Ollie Gar tin r, $6; :Mrs. Julia gl ounds of groBS neglect and the deceased, filed het inventor y. In the matter of the. estate 01 ceas d, to Paulin H. McLa ughlin Holland, board and cMe Vel'non school ill ollege ] lill, incln1tati. I ...- - - - - - - -....-'!!"'"--~ cOu.r t a uthorized restoration of Mr. Clyd e Clci\ver of h j~ago in Ha rlan Holland, 10 i Miss Oma Knox, her mai den n8m e of Elizabeth HOI'sce M. Clark, deceased, dis- ot ill, 168. 91 a ero ' pen t \ hc week-end ~ith fr·. nnd tribui.i<m is ordered. township. boarcl an d care Walt!~ r Barlow, Bailey. Comparilonl Aroule Je.tC1UI,. Mrs. Wilbur hldnkn a ud Mr. nn d An on Fuerst, adminis trator of J. L slie Ha r hblU'ger to , Paul$1l; MU!R Oml\ K nox. board and Edna l\lae Humbert, a minor', 1.1:1'•• Donald Coate. Wilhout Galnin.c Rel"ltl INns granted Il. divot'c from Gre- the ~tate of Anne Fuerst, de- ine H. McLa ughUl'l , 168.91 acres care Fl'Ilnk Ballinger, $11 ; Mrs. 1\f'r. nnd lttrlO. G Il O. La.n~lo j8 in Hal'l :tn township. Eldo n S hort, boal'll an4 car e Ruby Parenti Really Want g ry B. Humbert a.nd her maiden ceased, filed h is jnventory. "THE HOME OF GIFTS" (n ee GeneVA N o b~il).'l ) of Chi co 0 )'n the mattel' of t'hecstate of Mary . Miller, d c ased, t o Ream , $5 ; Ceo. L. Bur roughs. name of Edna Mae B!)otes wa call d on Mr. lind M' I·~. Louis J . Milton Keys, deceased, .adO'linGeorge W . S\;ubl>8, 8 0 'ac r~s in milk , ,3; Ohio Centra ll Tel!.'ph on · rest or d. · Moth!.'rs wh o tell one of t he ir Lebanon, Ohio i!!trator compensation and a t- ..S 8 Iem' toAll wns h II>. d' . Corp., tl' loph ono (eDt und toll~ ehildren h ow mu ch fas~er or how SIII\1I last Friday cvel\ip . EI , Th It ilarlty lub p ic n ickcc\ at N_ torney :fees wel,'e EXPERT WATCH '1 allowed. N S.IC E onh, a Jn~llistrntriX, to WPA offic I', 4.10, Ohio Central much 'bll t te l' o,n e child wor"· than Ft. Ancient! la$t Sunllay. REPAIRING In th CII Ot Lucia R. Shllw- anrlle . oCKeYJ real .esta te T l ephone Corp., tM ls 'varjou~ ..... Bstel Riddell, a minor by Jcsse offices, $2 3.90 ; Ohio el'l~l.'lI] on of th oth al'~ more Ilvt to Coft'«:ct flied a suit against Thur- han, administratrix de bonis non in Union township. M(lrlin P, Sohrock t o The :Miami T elel)hon e Corll " rents various arouse antagonism nmong the ebB(DelayedU.ia. Ont,. Gealli•• Materi." man Riddell for divorce. The 0 .£ the estllt~ of Annie Orol\$on, deceased, versus Lucia R. SbawValley Building and Loan Associaoffic ,$£i6.60; Fl'ed Addis, gas, dr n thun to p rsuade the ba kRov. and i'll'S. L. E. Willi m nnd Prompt Service charge is «ro~ neglect of dut~·. · F Ii ward on e to work fa s tel' or mor e f '1 f S' V II han and John L. GI.'OS on, realtor' tion, ra1 e t a te In rank ·n. 37c i Van Camp , lon e Co., g ravel DUll Y 0 prang II. y we}'e __L_ . . Cou'" Id a Ch~'13""P · · .. 'h ar t 0 d · . W• E• P ~.. St ore open until 9 p. m. ,oornmission was allowed and sales arI es W aI- and sand, $38. 3; 'I'ru tees of skillfully, ac.cording to Dr. Amalio g ut'S ts 0 r D 1', 1111.t Elsie Allen, admlniebahix of. the by administratrix wer+ apprc;lved. lalX' and Emma Wallace, inlot No. Public Affairs, watet !I.t C. H. and K. Nelson, of ColumbuB. Oglesbee on Sunday. estate of Ra1m.ond Allen deceased The inventory of N.l'. Clyburn, lOin Spr in gboro. jail, $16.27; Howad Fielder, . rr: he . prop. r met~od, this .speMr. Md ' Mrs. Bernard Plought}led her first and final account. ex.euior of the ~tate of Anna L, · Joe Tudor to McKinley Harville se\'Vices as upt., 131.48 ; Sam D. claluilt In chlhl traimng !IIlys, \ 8 tel man, of Fairmont, West, Va., In the matter of the estate of Cadwull{l.der, deceased, wall ap- a nd Hattie Barv.ille, inlot No. 87 Henkle, s urveyor, use of equip- cnCO\ll'ago .t~.e baekw~rd youn g _\ pent a f ew days her si ter , Ask f or a John. M.holl, incompetent, the proyed. in Franklin. m ant, $1282.60 j TI~steel!l of ster by prolsmg the thm.gll be does Mr . Mnt<y Tucker and family. Miami.bur&, Permanent guardian Is authorized to 11 ella~- -In the estate of Florence E. To Tudor to Oscar Whitc and PibLic affairs, light nmd gas at W~II and to h~lp him with the Mr. a nd Mno.. Wal Smnft and tel property. aus er, de ceased, time for filing Viola White, inlot No. 144 in jail, ~23.67; Trustees of Public things with wh\cb he Is n t so sOns oi Cincinnati spent last Concrete In the case of Alice 'Bowman the aC«lunt w xtended to Franklin. Alraus, light at O. B ., $39.88 i s Ullee sr~1. Dr'. . Nelson declares I Thurs day evening with r e latives. I Air Seal Burial Vault and Atwell McCray, executOrs of October 16, 1986. Rice K. Evans and Dorothy R eif 's Electric Shop lampa and that children from 12 to 18 M the estate 01 Christy McCray, deIn re the estate of Florence E. Evans iq Daisy M . Ball, inlot No. labor $2.56' Wol:{e 'Chemical & months old will how r. and lt1rs. !larry MeV y . ' " h th h 'ld" entertained with the Ballhore For Sale only by upply Co ., 2 ga1l0n u' lf polishing wt"A en 'ano b er hc' I 19 gwen more reumon . on S unday. ' ceased, ver15US Alice BOwniIiR. et, WHliam G. Andel'Son, deceased, 508 tn Franklin, Ell a 'T . S tan ley, deccased, to wax, $4.76; Gross Selrvice Station a ""ntl0n y 19 parn'nts. Your Funeral Directorai, the estate .j s to be converted in- distribution was orderQd. Robert to monQY, appraisement WL'l ap- M. And~on, ' ex cutor, filed his Dean E. Stanley, real estate in gas f()r commission r';s car, $2.28 . Anger is anoth l' subject that I Mr. and )\frLJYllbur ThOrnbill proved and tb~ executors are to inventory. ' Leb~non, Sti11water Sanitol'iulm, hospitll- is .glve~ eOI)~'j~e.r~bl~ 'Iltte'/l tion by ll1nd daughter Helen ( DUet! on Mr. = = ========== = === give additional bond of $3000. Thomll8 HUQt, execlltor of the JO$ephand H6't tie Ertel to ization of Edw . Hensey $108.60' thlS cblld spec181li st ln tbe ~ul1etin aod ~lrs. E. DaKin Sunday McClure Funeral Home In the matter of the estate. of ~l!tate of Nancy 111 HUrst dccea.lled Fred Brucker, real estate in MjJlel' Hru:dwllle' naiils' for fai; "Helping Children to Learn ,". aetel·noon. Phone 7 ·'Wa,D.loriO., o. Lizzie Drake, deeeased, sale of filecl his inventory. Foster Park. ground project. '60e: The Van wbich was ·o,\Titten for the agricul- " Quit · l\ n umb er of the girls 0:£ property was ordered. The will of My~tle ·E. Bone, deomll tone Co.~ sand f or 4-R tural ext~ nsio? sen-ice of Ohio the y,oungel' sut are camJ>in~ at The inheritance tax to be paid ceuelL, was filed in eourt. Bill. A llowed , bal'n project, $6.6!~; Sam D. Stat.e Unlvel·slty. The author says Peele s Park ncar P Irt William Mrs. Della Hufford, leediog pI'is Henkle, surv~yor, WI'~ oi e<I4 i p- that a child's anger ometimes ' thill week. on the estate ol Ella T. Stanley, t Th~ will of Lewis E. Thomps()n, deceased, was de~rmlned. d eased, was admitted to court . oners, $490.26 i A. D. Harvey, M. ment, $606.12; Th E! Columpu s an . imit? ~~un of the emotional , Mr. and Mrs. ]JII Wlll'q McK8~ Th inheJ'itnnce tax to be paid An au:henticated copy of the will , ~.~ ~ ediclIl s~rvicfS rendered at Blunk B ok MIg. 00" forms for traits 01 played by the pal·ents. and so n hAve ('turned from a on the ClIt.ate of J()seph A. Cham- of Jes~lt~ P. Hale, deceased, was Jail, $20; Gru~wo]d SGl'vioo SUI,. Probate Court, $36.7Ei· The Colum' The tbUd Rhoul!l not. j,)(' pcrmitttl u trip t o Californ ia. ,. . tion, ga ~, oil, battery,' tire rCI)air, l,lu s Bla.nk Book Mf8:~ Co., forml!l ' to gain it desires by 8 display of I Mrs. Howayd Grllham and ~_ - Shel'iff's car~, $64 .~ 0 ; F . J . Heel' f Or PI'()batt.- ourt, $3.60; Dr. H, anger. put the parent should ri ot daught l'1I attended a reception Printing Co., bjrtl1 ve'rlft~ations, M. Willianl, 'investigation into los e ~el' qwn temper in quelling ' f or Mrs. Morris Sn)l(ltll' in Wil$1.50; Ohio Central Telephone death 01 Alva Burton Crllne $4.10 the. rll~ turban~. Th e ~mall child mingLen last Saturday afternoon. I OOJ'p., phone rent and tolls for Wm. 'Hufford, Sr., tamp!! for w~lcll:hroW!J It.!!e!! on the 'floor t>r. aod frs. W. 111. lawson Rt7p'r FOR AND COftfSlGIt :NRS ' office, $11.10; Wm. E. Seho- sherilf' jl office, 8: Trustee~ of and erles when told to get ready ()f indnnll.ti Sil ent Sunday with 01 ey, mileage durillg August,$9.- Public Affair, watCl' at jail, $37.- for ?ed should be pick~d up and Mrs. Harriet ,Smart and Miss ,our Cattle, hOPL.,heep and calv.. 60: W J. Wright, mileage a8 Dist. 09; Wm. Hufford, for ~al'ncd to bed. Grace at ,t heir h om-e, Cottago tc Noma-Brock Uv., live wire and l\1gI'. NRS offioo, ~8, 15; Fred' O. pl'is oneE's, $48.50; J. R. Coffman, Lack of s.leep and hungor are Haven. progreelJive .f tmand good the lJemea. hlahut t""'" b D N I f Inarleet pricee Ja1l1es, bones for impounded doge) food, $14; J. M. Ea1'l!lb81t, shelter "1'V causes gJvetl y r. e son 01' The ,W. C. T. U. and families Ualoa Stock Y.rd.' Cillcla"!, 0. $).10; CoJumbll4 Blank Book iM:fg $10; H. C. ~orge, milk, $14.43; un.usual dlspla.ys 01 temJli!'r by njoyed ~ plcnie <In la!\t Thursday Tune tn on R~dto Station wCltY Co., animal claims, deductions :for Gersllow's Home Ma.rke~, jood, children. Outdopr exercise oftcn is ev at th e gym. A very plellS- 12 :25 ,to 12 :8Q p. m. for our·iIiD, · auditor, $30; :H. W: Brunk, mile- $i2; R. B. Gilmore &. Son food .the needed curCi tor $\lllen looks (lnt evening was SIlent. market rapotU. . .' age /lS Dog , W~pden: $26.20; ,$ 3; Home Dairy, milk, $12'. 40; an? whining v,o ic,ell. , T~e ~one pf ~. Ch.a!des < Mae.l>onald left ~==;:::=~=:!!:::;======~ Morris 6 & 10 to $1.00 S.tore ' Herm !Joppe, food, $30; E. L. vOIce. u $ed by ~he parent in re- Mon,d ay evening lor ColJaie J;lill, Cl'()Chct 'cord and but tons for sew: Kirk, fo'od and nililk, $31.80; qu~stmg the. chilji ,to do some ta~k Oincinl\~tl wh~re he bas been em. ~ '..• ~ . project, $8,26; Relf's .Electric Kroger Grocery &. Baking Co., may also be the clue to the re- ployed 'M teacher in the Junior sbop labor and Tepa.irB on macliine food and milk, $132158; Loveland sponse of the child. The 40 page High School. 11.1'1(1 fan, $2.46i The Lebanon 9roeery Co., 10($d, $12; Mallon bbull~tin on child training can be On Friday evening, Mrs. C,_G. Lumber Co., stakes, $8.68; The Market. food, $4.60; David !Meson 0 tam fllee from any Ohio Randall, Mrs. H. W. Smart and Ohio Corrugated Culvert Co., .food, '.12; Chris ]k{urphy lOA county extension agent. th~ MUses Helen RandalJ, Gl:'aee eulverts, $281.50; Tlie Oregonia Store, food, $25.75; Pinllcrest Smart and ;'gnes Sawden of Bridge CO' I llrin.ts, o~ygen, yeil. Dairy, milk, $30.47;' Schwartz' .. ' Ithaca, N. Y., motored J;o Miamis-



G ~ange


Cary'l Jewelry







F ..,. 'Martin , Auctioneer


Prlntla" •


The Mla.1


liarveYlburg .

steel, $47.04; Carl Dakin, payroll $2LO.40j H. L, SctJuylt!l'. payroll; $259; D. L: Dunn, 8&ryices as mechanic, $62.40; RaY)Tlond Mulford" s!?rvices ,as mower operator, $85.20j Jobn Barr, -pay roll, ,92.20 i Johnson Myers, payroll, $102 40iM. C. Forma.n, payroil, $S01.;80; Earl Basore, payroll, $1'24.8 0 ; V. M. Armitage, payrol1. $48; Harry Mount, IJayroll, shovel, $124.80; Harold V. Martz, gravel, $5t.SO;, ArmreJ Materi~]s Co., and tar, $61 B.58 i J . 1{.. ' Spellcer, sand andgnvsl, $290.05; The York Supply Co., brake , Jinin~, $(38.26; Rogers &; Simpson, plie , labor and gasoline, .96.99; The ~incinnati Oil Worb Co., ~llolrne, $16.29; The Cincinnati 011 Works. Co., "&, .SS.80 The Franklm Vulcanizmg. Tire ,Co., supplies, labor and gasoline, $66.1?; Gross Service Station, gal\oJJn~, $74.21 i The KilpatrickJi'reneh MotclrclU' Co., 8upplies and auoline, ,26.92; LaMar Bod, ShOP.' raBonne, ,9.07: Smith'a ~.rvtQ. Station, sreue and 1m., ".88 i JlLek.on'a Station, paoliJle, $39.651 Tire " Batt8l')' Station and .-011:":181.27;

Grocery, food, ,$18.60; Frattk Sher burg, where they dilled af tbe wood Co., food, $4; rEd . O. Smith, 'Mr. IIIn~ Mrs. John F.ealy and Peerless .Pa.ntry, after whlch they shoe repai'r, $1.35; 'I~ert J, Smith, niece otAnanta,' Geotgia have saw the I'Gorgeous HUIIIIY" at foad, U,50; Ray Swigert; (ood, returned to their bome . after a Lowe's Theater in Dayton. $6; Terry's Grocery" food. $5; delightful visit Witp bis mother Mr. Glenn Snell 'eft ]a4t week ~: B. Thlrkield & Sll'ns Co;, 'c loth- Mrs. Belle Fealy ant! family. 'for Seamen where he has been mg, $45; Ruby Yan Rij)er, food , I M(lS8rll. Robert Gordon , and employed as teacher in musie. $49; Elbert , Wal1aci~ IGA Store, I John SYterd-bave b~n visiting M..,.. arid Mrs: E. B. Dakin are food, $155.26; H. :E. Warwick, in Waih(mding. a motQrtrip this week. food;, ,$ 11.50; Waynesville Drug Mr. H. J. Green of Martinsville • - • Store, iood, $12.60; T. U. Wood- who underwent an operation for rey, 100<1,$8.75; Wtjght's Market, appendicitis at Hale's Hospital, E ~ ,S' food, $82; Geo B. J.t)hnson, phone is t'ecovering nicely and is able to and etamps furnishel~ relie.f office, go borne. ~9; Tl'ustees of P~lblie ' Aft'airs, MiSl! Minnie ,Campbell is staying l.~hts furnished .for Com~odity in Franklin and attending High ' i1l Dist., .$6.45; Hazel: Brooks, rent of school there. office f-or Commoditl~ Distribution Mr. and Mrs. Joe Davis attendBrach of PromUe $15. ed the Dayton fair last wee~ • - • Mr8. Claudia Gray entertained Stop and think how JOaliy times Hoa r,' Of Work with a shower last Wednesday til. taxpayer-:-and that iii JOUOne man working for 13.4 afternoon in honor of MilS Ethel bas been fooled by the false prom. hOU1'S will do the same amount of Hartley, a recent bride. iaea 01 politiC!ianl nnninr for of. work aa one kilowatt hour of Community Club met on Jut flee. They promi.ed UI a dl'~lItlc eJectriclty. I. P . Blauaer,' special. Wednesday evening. A.fter a ahort deer'II.' of &'Overnment expenl", and we &'Ot a dra.tic 'ner.lIlS. The, lit in agricu ltural enrtneerlllir. busine.s leulon iMIr, Goble, OhIo Sl;ate Univel'lllty, ..,a Sprincfteld, who baa charp of tile pl"Qlll1aed 111 a balanc:ed blJdre t , but prlee of a lO-c:ent eipr will pay Boy Scollt'a Camp near here I'll" tocIa,. the federal eovernment II ape1ldln, two dollars for evU'J do). for enough electricit)' to-r1lD a. moat illtereatin, taUt. ' Iar It Ie taIdna In. wuhiJIa macblDe the required The WOIIWII' Civio Leapt met Dumbe.. of tim. for olle mOlltll. witb lIiII Pare XeJlF Oil Jut SatutdaJ aftemoo~ lin. Q; G. . .daD. _ dulllMtftl

e T* AX'

'ID ' ',' TaBLOID' • • •

Or .No Charge, ,

'f, Centerville, O,hlo .Phone 78J "






Wllb Dra _ _ . E~"t.. a. ttW WAYNESVILLE,, OHIO




FOR SALE-Two milk co~. JIn. E1la Stansberty. 117.PIPE, ''VAL'VES &1ld PITTINGS tor Water, G.. ' Steal W.u. aftd 8praJlDi. ClderJJ huld, JIl... trio ad 8pr&)" P1llllpe. PlIUD'" • Jew. . pdetja ... btIheI\ Q ., Tbe I'M.....


«I.. Co., Z .... OWe. W....

ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY llIntoNd ,,'t POltoffleo at Wal/Ilu, OIie. Phe. . ...... " , ........... No. I I ville. 0111" , a-..i;ec!"nd CI• •• " "II S.blulptl_ Prlco, '1.10 • Yea,



Elich now inv~nti(lll s bin motion n tl'lIin . of OV,cnt olltirely IImfors en I\nJ unpredictable by the invontor, This i.'l IHtrtieultlTly ,,· of t he l'tulio. , I n th e old days-,' II'h n an agitnl()t· hnd sllTn t.hi n g on his chl!~t. ill' Jo k d fo}' a soup-hox from whieh he mip;ht nUl'I\ct an Du(\tcncC!, MOKt of thcm Mvel' got flny !.al'th t·, but nQw a nd then nn orlorcal geniuR wculll l'i~ to national promin nee. Willillm J('nnillg>l Bryan did not Teacll a tenth a many eDt a s d o h ' mod l'll cnnntcrplu't , but ho,'c that were within ollr hol WCTo('> vi ibly ulfeetl'd . llpcl\k('l' wiLh the right personality could d(1 ,vonc lers witb the SI'Olll> in front of him, lending it at w\l1 fl' m on~ cmotion to nnl)thcr, TildllY things ill' C (lifT r nl. Modern l demagoguos ha~e flllcril1ccd <luulily ~o[' (Iuontily. They WOll ld , "ather talk to a mlntoll ,l190p\e ov r the l'adiC) than 10 Il lhiJusllnd in r fson , They <,cure many more ron v rts thlll1 th Y could in th ' old·fashioned Wily, but how 8ubstantiully do th it" convert. feo l the. cal11 Is it cOllc~ivnble that an lIudiC'nc that hilS always b en invlsable, alld a speaker ' \vho i~ subject to tlw whim ot th dial, could join forces fo, a crusade of any kind with the!lahl zeal and enthusiasm as did thORO of an earlier day? It IICCIDS unlikdy, thn ' a man who Kits b (ore bis OWII I:adlo, in his b droom slippers, liiitening to an IIppeulill~ voice, will rush out end organize u torchlight pa rndl!. ct that ls the 8tUtf the old r 'b man" mov mo nts WUl'<' msd(' of'. Ren l i ue~. to ' be . u ccss ful, must hav th i1' dC1l'1oM mtions i lh' I'e wa station id~ntiflcation after Br>,nn'lI "crofll' ()C gold - crown of thQrllS" speech. 'l'h emotion the Great ClInmoncr arau, erl wn ntt di~8ipatEd a moment 11lt~1' by n crooninu SRXIl)lhonc. - hnpcl'inl Mngazin


I .

IFarm lvight 7alhs, September 21 \ 8 :00 Pl'ogram eunt nt nd w ther fo recs t. II :06 Fa), It aunty 4.fI Club Progrnm_M' mbeJ:'1:\ directed by W. W. Montgom I'Y, ounty Agri~u l tura l Agent, W llllbingtan , H. , 8 i30 M lon. nnc) '1'ht'il' R lation - ll. E. E wine, Naturalist. ~ :40 Farm Home) rcriod: Clothing Chat--Ed na M. Callahan, lolhin~ l>l'ci(\ Idcl\ nu!1 It ms--Mrs. fl el n M. Jordan, Ex","· Ilion Home EC(lnomist. 9 :00 Th Du illc~s icleo Qf F rming-V. R. W ertz, Rural Economics Depurtm nt. (l :1 0 BI' ed,ng Soll.Working Organizations--JI. W. B atch lor, Agronomy Dopat"tment. 9 :20 Ol'ch sll's direct d by Edwin Stain b roo k. ~ !ha O Th Fostc·r Mother Re!lronds--C. L, 'Black man, Dllil-y Sllccialist. ~ :4 0 Answ rs to Farmers' Qu ,tions--Dialcg. II ;50 to 1 () Orchrstrn Md wcathcI' forecast.

Tn TORI,E for It', N'Y to eat 011'" WI)' around the tfOrld at the JrN' LaI&.. Jbpoaltion in lor in the Streett ~, the World there ere 35 nationalities fepf . .en~ed, <!acb ....YIn, favorlt. old world dllhe.. Thoma. !i'ortWllto, tP'Clat • • Itltled 0111 to l"rform the feat and

thelaund" from GennaI' lauubnten to ' P.lSh. tli, bllt !:de Jaat meal .."" ~!tt! _t.e! before a utile laden ""It'll 1 * oW Aa\efiea" n&aI. Ad 1110 with eolr...


Upper left, he dives into. hetrty meal of "lMr~'.tel\ MuerlEr.ut, pumpernlekel and beer. Upper richt find. him (ompletinc • Prench meal with putty too fluff, to mention. Lower left, Swi.. che ... temp" hi. ".nint ~ppedte, Bel", Italian, he Ilv" on. a rip on ..dna Italian , pal!hettl In the 10_ ri,h, picture. (" the c.nt~ ;-a.h ,h ·b ·hl Ham • . , tn" That', food III In,



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Miami Gazette


















ANNOUNCEMENT OF MRS. MAUDE CHANE 1)1 at' rial!. in the U. S. SE RVICES AT THE bureau Clf plant industr), have found that Ute Granvilll' wjlt of CHURCHES SUNDAY AWARDED FREE CALL tI

tuhacell mllY Ill' ('lIrri\!d over in

Mr. !inti Mnl. vi ited l'I' llltIV~'~ la .. t llnduy. ThC' Young I'('opl s 1hl·ir rc"ulnT nll'l'ting at th(' hom or Lputsl' and LowE11l inehdr, HUf\uay nlic ht.


1\ .. ld !rum year to YNlr b. \1ch 'We d a cocK.Wburr, jlrll80n, and hill k ni~hl!Ohlltle ~'vet\ thuugh th field may be plant('cl to TO ti(ln (It ChOPR ber() \! a'ilin bing pin nt d to to bllcco.

Vi. iting-

ST. AUCU ST INE CHU RCH Fathet" N wton, PlIstor Ma. ~ 8t St. Augustine's church ~v()l'Y Sunday morning.

Ln k.




E>:p"~ilh1n in Cleveland, M l'l'l. Maud( .. 'rant', of Third Str ct, 1 ng W ynl! viii • made a fre di!ltllnce u,kpho ne all from The

Jame Shcl'ts," ho r e Iv dinM in nn autQmobil accident Sunday llfL rnoon, ia recuperating . wl?ll as could b~ e~pected. His fri6hds wish him a ~'ery speedy juri

FRIENDS MEET INC First-day School at 9 :30 a. m. Meeting tor Worship at 10 :SO lncna d illter st in ~h(' planting of tte.~s since t!lfo start of the soil conservation pro ram has created n w ('ntel'pt:i~e# . the coli ction of the !Seeds of trees ~nd I\hru bs. Importing dl'l filay be th mnn of bringing new diFeas(' or in cet into the country 110 very IIttcmpt is made t obtain 8(' d frOI.ll wi thin the united Stat Ii


rt! OVCl·Y.

h. and Mt'A. Ralci~: h Bogan att 'ndcd the "fun ra l of Stewart Ual . Bellbro\lk, Tuesday

FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST Qlrl SmJth, Minuter Perry Thomas, Supt. of Bible School SlJnd.y A. M. Bibl(! hool 9 :30, C<lmmunion 10 :4 . ermon 11 :O(). 'ernlOl1 ubj t 1''1 h ere are tho D<:nd 1" PnI)'CI" meting TJlursday 7 :30 p. m. ' ubj~'ct feu ~tudy "Prayer" . ,ome lel Ull go to tho house of the Lord n nd I t ou r light hi ne as I a hristian should.

s]>endlng son and and Mrs.


Mr. Bunnell, of Centerville. . l\1r. and Mrs. Paul Ii'eier on lind



hill broth('r·in-Iaw and wit~. Mr. and Mr . B~n Ibwkc. MI .. Emily T haek(,fA, (,f L Itanon, j!; f;1I(·ndintc thiJ Wt ·k ,~jth Mrs. Alice Clark and Mrs. Earl Burnett. MI', anu liT . W. }:'. Clnrk, of Wayne villa w('re Sunday gu lIts of Mrs. Alary armooy. uri Eady, f G rmantown, spent SUllday afternoon with MI'. and ~r8. W'l\lter Kenrick. Mr. Mab I inwidtli and daughter, Miss Antha, of Dayton, were Satu day ev~nil'lg gUI!l!~ of Mr. and Ml's, Harvey Burnet. Mr. and Mn. Therle Jones Ilnd son had for their dinner gue ts Sunday, fl'. anclMrs. Edwin Nutt and Herman Nutt, ot Centerville. Mrs. Stanl ey Bailey and mother, Mrs. Ed Hopki ns, who js e9nvalese ing at the hom~ of her daughter here, viJlited her ' physicion at McClellan Hospital, Xenia, Thursday Ha\:v ey Burnet IItlended the funeral of Mr. Elakhern, one of the dil'eeters of the Miami Valley Milk Producers' aSl$ociation, at Troy Saturday afternooll. . Mrs. Edna Vuk r will have a sale Saturday afternoon at the farm 6f Mr. and Mrs, R. C. !\foler, and will leave Boon to mak e her home in Springficld. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jones and Mrs. Margaret Johns WCl'C entertaincd to dinn·er Sunully at the

family, east of New Bur.Ungton, wer gue tl> of Mr. and M . Waite I' Wilson , Sundl!Y. Mr. and Mrs. ha.rl\lS Laird of Camden, Ohio, spent ;SunUay with FOR SALE th ir daughter, M1I'8. Luther J Haines and fondly. Mr. Haines FOR SALE-2 Red ~ale Pip. J . WA YNESVILLE CHU RCH remain in a very \loor condition. B, Rich. 510-17-24 · CHRIST }hIs.Maude 8. C~a]1e Raleigh Bogan and family had Carl Smith, Minister a~ their dinner guests Sunday Mr. FOR SALE FloJ'enc • heating Not A Denomination Ohio Bell Telephone Company's (lnd MI·s. Weldon Wil on and son stoY , large ' iZe, In good con9 :30, Dible school. exhibit in the Hall of Progress. of near Xenia and lhiv. and Mrs. s'l. 7 ()jtlon. Walwr Sheehan. 10 :45, Lord's Supper. Mrs. rIme was ono of nearly ·w. ,Eo Bogan of Illear pring F R SALE-Hampshire YE1Irling '1 :p. m .• Christian Endeavor. 2 0 vi ' itors who are awarded free Valley. . buck/l, 2 J er ey COWl'. E, Evans, calls to any point in Ohio each day We are very proud of our church 7 :45, Evangeilstie services. phone Lebanon 470-R. • 817Wednesday, 7 :45 p. rt1 .• prayer from the tel phorte el» hibit. She both the interior ~md extErrior chose to call hom and talked wit.h since it has been ' rede·col'ated. We .and bible stu'dy. ,bel' housekeeper, 11 Ml,\rie extBnd an ihlvitation. to visitors to call on farmers. Permanent WAYNESVILLE M. E . CHURCH Storer. at ail times. unday School 10 a. pORition with teBdy · Income. Rev, G. C, Dibert. Pastor ' Accompanied by her daughter, n,. {'leling of Wor hip 11 a. m. lifl'ord }{. Jordlln, m., made '65 Sunday! Sunday school at f Anne L c, Dnd Mt·s. Hetlt~ r Carr Rev. Mary C. AntrDDI, Pastor. first week, Cha . Skahill, l~., made {) :30 a. m. Morning worllhip at and h I' son, Russell, Mrs. Cran'o C olden. Weddjnr CeLe.,ra t ed ,326 fir t month. Car and kno 1- )..0 :40. The _ol'mon subject will visi ted the exposition on her way In honor of Mr. and Mrs. edge of flll'mil1g neces,s8ry. Not be, "Th.e Power to ee it Through.' home from ~.n eight-day trip in Samuel Wilson ' who. c:elebrated necessary to write letter; just fill Evening prea~hirig s rvico . at Cantlda, where the parby saw the their fiftieth wedding: anniversary out coutlon below and mail to Box 7 :30 p. m. famou s Dionne . qui ntuil icts and I' cently, there will be a special W~dn day: Bible study and :met 01'. D8f'1o. meeling held Sunday, September 164, Dept. ;1 3, Quincy, m. prayer meeting at 7 :30 p. m. . Miss Storer, at the Waynesville 20. Everyone is invited. There Age .............. .... . . Number of end of the line, was not the only will be a basket dInner . at the ST. MARY'S CHURCH llstener on the call. Provision is noon hour. There will pc no alteryears on farm . .. ... ........ ...... .. made at. th t Illphone exhibit for noon meting. Rev. J . J _ Schaeffer, Rector Name ... .... .. : ....... ..... .............. ,... . Fifteenth Sunday anet Trinity, 120 persons to "list n in" On the free calls. To demonstra.te long SeptelllLer 20. Church school at di tane service, viSItors are furAddre/ltl ......... j ...... .. ......... .. . .. .. . 9 :30, MQrnlng Prayer and ser mon ' at 10 :30. nish.ed receiver and . njoy the Mrs. Susan Saylor Illnd son Riley good-natured sport of "ea.ves.- mov!!d from Dayton last week in . !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!~!'!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!~~~~=: dropping" on ~he person making 'With Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gl'ahrun .....................l1li. . . . . . . . . . . . . . the call. The callel' and person to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bur net at ~vhom the c.a11 i~ made are both tended Farmers' crilb T hursday at mform d 01 thiS fset by the the home of Mr. and Mrs. Omar 01> rator ." h~ p~ts tb call ' through' Hollingswortb near Oregonia. . Llstenllig in IS great fun for. th.e Mrs. Ed. Hopkins was a. dinner spectatol'S. Many humorous mCl- guest Wednesday ~vl~ning of last ~enta I;Iri.s~ ~hen the party receiv~ 1 week of Mr. and .Mrs. Walter mg the call Ignore the operator's Kenr ick.

Late Classified .Ads.




... . .. . ..... . . .


.............. ',on


~ .,

..... .. .




A limited quantity of Pure Fu1hio Seed' Wheat

Waynesville Far~ers' Exchange CO~ Phone 25


Mr. and Mt:f!. Ed Hiatt of Wilmington, called on Mrs. Mary Leah Adams turdllY afternoon. _ Mr. John Robinson, Mias Janet Robinson and Ma tel' Kenneth, of cinnati, called at . the Rome Sunday evening, and th ir mother, Mr . Jeasie Robi'n son, returned home with th m after a ni.o~th'8 aojoum here. Mr. Lena Hartsock was shoppitlg in Payton Tuesc)ay after noon



-- ~.~-----

lUll, ·O J.V'I'l ON f A1, I .fNG S I.1'l ".'In """)\('r<:n8 the Vllh\g~ ot Wn.-ne g· v ille, W~wr n Qunty 1110. hns ~l l"relc>r().·(· nl .1 1' nl}pllcQ.llor'l tot" FIi(! ~l'(l 1 ' \IIl throulJh (he " ' orKe }'rogr(\.. ~ 'J\{hTllnhstrntion In hlo In ~h "

('O tl80'U



A nrl













l)roj ed


In tht) \Vol:ks Progre Ad p1ln lstrni:lon aK ProJ.,ct 15 ~ail-) ~63. Afj~l Wh(lrll'.8. 111\1<1 I pro.feet hll8 ~e" n a pD·r.uvad on ()I" 8 d e ntlal l e tt r HUlljCt· to certain condl(l<;m ~, C)rst '0'( whl ch 18 I hI' I1Pvroval of · 0 1I0/1d tHSIIO ' I)" t h~ VOlers ot Ihe Village of

W "y n f· II\·lIIe.


purp() ~

~1)(lt)8IH '!I



Lh e

expentHl ures tor this })roject. • NoW TI1 \lI'Hor . b e It tellolvCl1 hy th " ·'ounoll of the Village (It Wp, Yllellv lll ,Sl a or hlo, Uta.t tor


or th


ot 'Paying th

~onSlrUI)t10n aCW~r IfYljt It


Vl1Iag 's



I. necea-

nary to la uo the bond. ~t .a ld Vlllag In an alno\lnl th I. Council "late~ all U3.000.00: 'that It I. n ecdllary to 1 Vy I\, tax out.lde of

t h e 10 mill limit to ))ay tbo Jnt reet on and to retl!' said bo nds: that t he

Ql1o,wm ot !lJ8tlallce

(It IIII-id bond. ~uotI l ax be .u1/. m lttftd to rhe <'leclors ot .ald Vi ll4ge at the next November ehlctll;m: tb~t t'hl/l ounell eet lm atel that 8ald bond g w ill be tl'lllnorlzed b rt!8olutlon possed ))1'101' to Novott,lber aliI. 1936 alld that t he opproxllnfl,te ~nte or eald /bonda w ill be Oecel)1b r lilt. ) 93fi ; tlha.t thl.

and Ihe lev¥ ot


Cou noll

He know. what a real roof meane-in laating qualities, economy in conatruction .and at 'a minimUID upkeep. We have all th~ beat standtard grades

elf roofing-Weatheruroof under all conditiona; tough and pliable; ;006ngs which will not crack, bli.ter or become brittle with age; and r006n, that is extremely 6re resiatant.

You can easil, build your own rOof.

We have rOOM, which com~ ready to lay Our roon... ara made in varioua .,aia"ta to meet aU need.. .

Drin h.... and driva off with a ..oocl NGI.



Complete Line P reasu re Guns and Cup Greases in 1 to 5 pound Ca ns

R. D • . Collett Hardware and Implements

. ~~~~------------------~--~

Dear Sir: .


.- .

it bakes just wonderfully I

J)~t}rJ~ If I



YOU, TOO, can have thc m~rvelous advantages of Pyrofax Gas Cooking. A cooler kitchen! No dju,ho ashes, no wicb ! Autom,uic heacoonuol ! More leisure rime for yourself ! . Pyrofax C as Setvice(Qsts SO liuie. Equi pment i leased (or only $9.7.5 - and the 8.5 itself co I as Jilde as 3 to "cenl a meal. Come in IUId Je( us show YOII bow easy it is co ha'Ye tkan, efl'o rtl ~ Pyrofaxcookiog.




Blanchester, Ohio


.......--~-....-~--~-'!'""'. . ---------

~-===========~ ---:),1-----

Phone 3021

Fri,e nd.' Home New.

8/j'1' r 8yalc·rn tor 81\1(1 V11lJ\ge • .And wll rel\.lj th e Council of AR id VI11Il!!"o has hero tot TO pl'epa red plans, 8VtlcJ tlClttlonli /,lrtd e! t1mlltet!

Tb'e man who h.a used our roofin ... apend. very little time in decidin.. where he will or what roofin .. he will use when ' planni.... a new house .or bam.

Everett Zentmyer is staying with

98" Gallon Can Gear Crea se for McCormick. 98 Deerin, Tractors ............ '. . . . . . . . . . . e

S. Gallon Ca n Tractor Oil in Gal¥anized $ 4 Can with Spout and Ban . . . . . . . . . . . .


Waynelville, Ohio



Special For Wheat Harvest

No effort is ever made by any of our organization to influenc-e the selection of the casket. There is always on display in our showrooms high grad c8.!Iket of many tYI> sand grades, offering a choice to meet C'I'er'Y "lISte and pUl'Se. Regardle8ll of which may b.o sel cted, the family is assured of gettin~ full value.

Northern.Ohio Grown Seed Rye


Lice •• ed BAker

. . .--.. . ;--------."

t o light. And

J. E. McClure

warning that oth.ers

•• • and bave been for 46 years. I have oooked on e very kInd of stove. but never had a stove that pleased ine as muoh as my Pyrofax does. It's so olean and so easy

SEED RYE Seed Wheat

____________ _ J B CHAPMAN


Freedom of Selection



hom!' 01 Mr. ~nd Mra. Allt'n I~ Jo;mrick. . fr. nnd Mr~. Guy RUt}tUthn and >1a.ughtl'r: hall fill' their dinner IlUti!1t.s SundRY, M rll. Mary Boit· nott. Mr. nnd MrH, Frank Brown , ri8t Buitnott and Mia~es Mildred IUlei B<>tty Boitnotr III Tippecanoe it.,y,







The 'WARRfN COUNTY foAIR is bigger and

• • • •• •


than ever Better· · . Race Program. IKore and '. Better ExhiBits Finer "Stock' .Show (~reate~. Entertainm'erit Better ' 4~H .Cluli .Dispbiy ,




these , bondl

Will · Ill' Iluld In Ufly" tlem l 'an n ual ' jn"tAlhncnl~ maturing In ,8ubatan'

.tlaJly cQuo t al\lOllilt. (Jurin g tile fJ~rlorl of tw nly-flve sears>.r I h(l lIut horlllatlo n Ih c l'eo-t : tl13,t 8/1,Id 1)4)nd~ Will 1> 1U" Intoreet at t h e rate tlf not exe e i\lng tOUI' p~r ce n tulll 1)11.' ILllnu.m, payable semi · an,tlually" Be it 'tllrLhcr r' Solved t hat t he ('hll'k ot til Is I)ouocil be a n d he III ner by. d l r ct~d to certify 0. cOpy of 1 hili T I!olutlun to the Coul1ty Audll()r of " 'arr ' n ounty. 0]110 tur hl8 calcu laUon Of the average n Orlua l taX' l evy rOll u lred tllro u g h Ollt th IIf~ 4)r lhe 1>0nl1 1 to pay the


a nd to r eUr suCh 1/onl1 l that q, yar e a ll I••u ed Iter les and t.he,t the am o unt ot Ih .. . tax lI at Of t hll Vllla.a relnl\t ll .. t he ~Ilml) throughou t the lire Of"' aid ho nda WhI c h .ald certifi cation #ha ll I,., made not Ie.. than lb lrty da~' 8 I. rlor (0 tl\e C r egular rlJd

all8uml n"



N ovember el ~cl1 o n I n JU6

T h is re.olut lon Ie pa ..ed under t h e Provh,lq ri of tem po r~ ry 'all' kn ow n at! H oulo })III No. 5" to onablll mu nicipal cor pora tloQ a nd o t her .ltbdlvlat.ona dl Ohio to partlCl lpat !! In t ederal ai d I!!tc. 1(.

• Baby Be~£ Auction Friday 'A. M. ock Parade Friday • Collie Bverl' 081'

l>AY, ....vor.

Pa••«,d Stl.t,,",'!)er 10. I III&. AU at: 8... K. HENDEIUlON. Clerk. . .17-14

- . -...--

Warran Coulity Fair

Eighty-Eighth Year







The Friends, will have an aU· day meting Firs.t Day, Septemb-er 27, with lunch at the Meeting house, 1 n thQ afternoon a.t 2: 16 ther~ will be u 'Panel dlse\lssion on the "Modll'n Beliel of l"riends." J. Every Precinct ia Tho County Ell iott Janney, of Oxford, and B. M. fTiatt, of Wilmington , will take Wal RepreHntod; PNmti·..ent part in the discus ion. Speakera On Procram

- --

group or Republican 'WOnl n of Warren county were gu $ts of Mi ~s Margar t. Bak lll', of Springfield, 'the new Republican co mmitteewoman of the ' Seventh District, at a dinnel' Tuesday vening at th Goiden Lamb In "1:~~~~~~~~~~iI 1.. banon. Every precinct in the county Hunting licen'*s for sale. Boyd was r epresented. Among the Henderson. guestll we!,'c Mrs. John Brickelr and Ml's. Fl' d MilHgan, or Columbu~, Mrs. L. A. Washburn. of Xenia, lIun . nnd Mrs. L. T. Marshall, of visited friends here last week. Xenia, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur fl'. and Mrs. Vern Hough lIalilUion, Mr. and Mrs. Dean pent Sunday with friends in Stanl y, Lebanon. , Miss Lida FI'o t, r()t\ring chair Dayton. man 0;( the Republican women of MI'8. Amos Mendenhall spent Warren county, presided at the Sunday at th nom e of Mr. and meeting whi h followed Lhe dinner Mi s Ihost announced that ab Mr•. H. E . Stokes. bas been appoinLed, publicity Mr.S. C. F. Ri.dg,e, of Dayton, wOmlin and chairman of the was calling on Waynesv-il! e friends R publican Women's Press lub Friday afternoon. of Warren COUllty by thf.' National Mr . Ota Hidy, of Springfield, is Committee in ,Chicago. Sb ill at the hom of her daughter, ducll~ the following speaker : Walter Anderson, of Franklin, Mrs, J. K. Preston. n w county· chairwoman; Za C. M. Robitr:cr spent the we k. Armitage, ·neW ~ounty chairman Gnd with' Mrj and Mrs. Roy .1ohn. C. J. Wng~oner state. c<>mmjLU>~lsQn at Willoughby, Ohio. mun; Mr• . John Bricker, Mrs. Fred Mr. and Mrs. Emil Brown and . Milligan, L. T. Mar ball, man from this district; Ii ttl on visjt d l'el!ltive.s jn Hllmilto~, Will' 11 county Ce"terviilc, Sunday BV ning. ' re cntatlve, Dc-an Stanley M~8 Bak(lr. Charle~ Albert mith, of Miss Baker spok interesliDgl~ Osb\>rn, and Lemar Earnhart ~e of h r cxpel'icnce during arc nt spending a few days in Michigan. ,,18it to Russia. Miss Ayl n MainOUB, of Detroit spent the week-end with her parents, lrfr. and M'rs. Ray ~ainoUS. A


----_ ..---


Mr. and Mrs. George WatEr. house attended the Amedcan Legion convention in Cleveland this week.

FRIENDS MEETING MI'. and Mrs. Howard Bu~on First-day School at 9 :30 a. m. )leeting for Worship at 10 :Sf) nnd daoghter and Mrs. D lIa V nnbl visit d friends in Hamilm. ton, Sunday. FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST Mr. and Mrs. Louis Stueve and Carl Smith, lIlnJater Perry Thomas, Supt. of Bible daughter spent Sunday with Mr. School and Mrs. larence Mendenhall and family. Se .... ic;e. hw Seph~III"'" 27


Bibl sehool 9:3~ 1 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. UWaltel' Johnson Speeial mu ic by the Furnas ~nd children were go sta of Mr. and Morgan lam,lIies. and Mrs. Lawrence Shepherd and ommu.nion, 10 ~"6 •. m. family, of Xenia, Sunday, Mr. W. S, Ingetsoll. of Toledo Sermon, 11:(1) a. m. p 'cial music by Forest Martin was the guest of his cOllSins, and Perry Thomas. Misse Tri~\ena and Margaret Sermon subject, "The Absent Edwards, ov~r the. week-end. Chul'ch1\fember ." This Sunday will be our home M)' . T. J. Smith, Mra. W. C. st. coming day. You ate. Invited to .John and Mre. Homer Carey atcome \lni:! bo pre cnt for the day. tended the fun ral of a relative in Enjoy th basket dinner, the fine , Hamilton, Monday afternoon. fellowship and the program. e~vice.s in the afternoon will Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen, Mr. Mrs. Cmrord Brace were Sun. begin at 2 o'clock. Nu.rnbers in musIc will be' rendered by ot.h er day 'e vening iJir:mer guests ~f Mr. dr\.liches. and Mr . 8, . S. Stahl, of Franklin. Our speaker will b~ T. A. H~I, Mr, and Mrs. C. S. ~cClure and 0/ Indianapolis, Ind. His subject daughter" bave ~ecome residents will be "Th of QOd."


GAME Of SEASON The WaY)n s'lille H~~h School oftball tCI\m started the Boa on off right by dl'f aUng CenterVillel a-fl. The boys sta l·tCll ott' with a bang scoring fou't· tu n ll in the til' t inning, two in the second, ndded six in the third, and finjsh~ d off' with one in ~h I!cvenlh. The Centerville t%m SCOl'eu one in the fll"/! t, 1hr e in the :rou~lh and finished off with five in the,siKth. This wa. not a county league game our flrRt county game bing next Tu $day with ·Morrow here 'lit Waynesville. Th e line·ups were: Waynesville: Young, ; BOlrer, Srd; Satterthwaite, 1st; Davis, l>; HopkiM, c; Plank, f; Dakin, 2nd: cott, f; Jam es, I' Fires, f; Fires, F; substitutions, Barb lor Plank; Collett for James: LeMay for Fires, C n!erville: hroyer, ss; Weidle 3rd: B. BiUit, 1 t: R. Billit, P; Pott', Cj Lackey, f : M/lhan, (; Coyan, f; Espy, :£: Liese, f; substl. tutions, Mokabee tor B, Billit. Umpir !j-Buriff and James, The score ' by innlng-!l: 1 2 3 4 6 6 7-R H W. 11. • 4 2 0 0 Q 0 1-1316 C. H. S. 1 0 0 3 Q 5 0- 9 10



anu 0I&aN...... ·

Whole Number


,--UMee1 Miss Louise!"



Mr. . A lexo.nder Printz, staLe chairman of the Ohio Women 101' Landon expla ined the aim!! and pUl ' po~ e s of the organhalion \\ hi t'h she h Clads. to a meetin!\, of ounty Republican workers at t he Neil Uou!W in olumbus, toJ day. The Ohio Women {«;II' Landon, is on independent organization, including in , its memb ership DemoCl'uts and wom n. who have never before voted a8 weI! as many Re-

VERY little breeze ttlese day., E "hlsper. that Louiacl Mllsey and The Westemers

U'fI lCOminC in

a atanUtg program of their ' own-

the Loll Cabin Dude Ranl;!~. oj)ening September 29th on the NBO-WJZ network. It will be a muslc;al narra· tive leriel every Tuesday evenine from 8:00 to 8:30 p.m., E.S.T., with a rebtoadcalt for Western listeners (rolD 11:30 to 12:00 p.m., B.S.T.


Church choir. in Warren county IU' C invited to join in a state· wide movement this ill11 in th interest Qf better church mu Ie. Each Wednesd ay at 8 p. m. ·and ea~h Friday at S !3 0 p. m., starting, eptember 23, model choir rehearsals will be condlLcted ov [' WOS, Ohio tate< University station. Prof. M. Emett WILon, of the University musl.c faculty, has organized the series which is sponso,'ed by the Central Ohio chapter, ' Amet:iean Guild of Organists. Six Columbus church music db'ectol'S and their choirs will participate. During the series the groups will reheal'S.e eight numbers which, ac.c&rding to Prof Wilson, should be in the repertoire of very choir. "Family gro ups also may find t his an enjoyable entert.ninm nt in singing together under expert direction," he says.


At the Fair Wednesday morning inter at centered around the eattie barn s)V here tli(l . 4-H Club cattle entries and open class calUe w re being judged from !I :;10 to 11 o'clock. Sheep judging started at about 11 l30 and the p'ublicans, which wa!'! set up to ~!:~~~=~~~~~~~ swine was jud~ in ti,le ' after· suppl m ont the work of the cam- _, _. --,. paign bein done by regular Get your hunting licenses of noon. Results in the 4-H Cattle Club R publican workers. Boyd Henderson. ' Mrs. Printz exp.laln d how t he division arll listed below. Corr'iplete ()rganization will work along with lIan-y Jacobs, oi Lima, was til t' reports on the open class entyies the reguhlr Vl'Ol'kerR, co ntacting week.end A'uest of his aunt, Miss were not available. women who Ol'dinal'iiy arc not Emma Heighway· Sbowing the open classes were 1'eached in campaHrns. A \,ate Mi II Evelyn Collins of Lebanon the 1ollowing e)!:hibitors: wiele o,rganizat!on has been s t up, was 'a guest of Mr' and Mrs. Armco Ilnd Weller, Purebred with cong~s8;onal district and I Clint Ross: Sunday, . Milching Shorthorns. county chan'man, who keep in harlea H. Lewis and Son, Bamclose cQnt8.ct with Sta.te Central Ralph Hastings was a guest 'of ilton, HoI8teiO!~. . cammilt ewOmen in their dian-lets, the Purol Company at Akron, LebanOn State Fatn'l. Brown and direct th ir volunte r workers Thursday alld Friday of last w ek Swiss. along lines approved by the l Mr. Rnd Mrs. R , S. Estelle, 0 _ . Elmer Sheehan and Sons, Way, ntral (!ommitteewoman. All district and county chairm n Dayton, were Sunday evening nC13ville, Brown Swiss. Elliot's Stock Farm, Galloway, of the Ohio Women for Landon gue ts of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ohio, Jer13eys. w te in attendance at the meeting Tichenor, of Harv eysburg.


Funol'al sel'V ices for Howard Chonoweth, ho died at his home on the Be/lb1' ok road Thu rsday evening of last ,week, were h~ld a t. the St~bb Fun \'al llome Sundny aft rnOon, W. C. mtth I)f t.h~ hurch (If hl'i t, Buri1l1 was mad itll l'Iliddle Run cemet fl'. Roward, son of A. E. lind Caroline Chenoweth, was born August 12j 1886, and departed this )ife S ptember 17, 1936, at the age of 50 yonrs, 1 montll and 6 days. lIe had lived I1t the hOme pllllW on the


Bee her E. Hess, busines~ maned ucator-public speaker, w ill deliver an address ,on "The Townsend Reeo'1'ery Plan" at M. E. Chureh in Bellbrook, Ohio on Sept. 26 at 8 P.M. ome, h or the facts and know Lhe truth about tbi.s great 1lU- 4.H Club ExIlUbltl __ AUrae'" Attention; Cattle W .. manUariari mOVi>ment. EVERY. BODY WELCOMEI Jlicfl'ed Wedlle._y

4._H CI;'b Jl\ldlfilllJ Misses Lola and Erma Scnrs. Winn ra in tbe various 4·H Mr. John SeM's and 1ofr. Harvey Club cattle department are listed Hole were in Springfield, Sunday below in the order in wbich they and attended the dedication of tlre ,,'ere judged: hurch Christ.


R. E. Simpkins. aged 05, a fonner resident of thi community di d al. his hom e ncar Medway ill Clark county, 'early Sunday mOl'1ling. Mr. Simpkins w , w 11 known heTe 11nving lived at Tclegral>h !\fills, south of Way· nesvill . Surviving ar~ h widow, Maude impkin i two s()ns, Arlan F. Simpkins, of Norwood and Donald E. Simpkjns, of Norfolk, Va., Lhree c1au~hters, Mrs. Nina E. Shroyer, ()f Centerville, Mr$. Ethel VanHorn, of ClarksVille, and H, s Annie A. Simpkins, at home i one brother, Perty Simp. kin , Noble, Ark. and a si$tcr, Mrs. Flora B. Fry, of Oregon. Funeral scr vic~8 w fe beld at the Morriff Fune)'al Borne in Osborn and at Miami chapel h rc, Wednesday afternoon and burial was mad In Miami cemetery.



Reiier9: Charles Schnell, Ple~ Mr. and Mr . George Denny nnd Mr. and Mnl. W, C. Tichenor, of ant Plain; Phillip Sehnell, PleasHarv~ys bUl'g, were Sunday after- ant Plain; and Boward Schumaker noon caller at the home of Mrs. Foster. There were 11 entries. Calves: Fred Sherwood, Lebanon F. D. Dakin. Heybert Wilkins, Foster; and Mrs . .T. H. ackett, president of Merl Allen, Springboro. There the Warren County Tuberculo is were three entdes. and Health Association, lIttended Bulls: Bruce Grapevine, Morrow a district meeting 01 health and the only Guernsey bull entend work rs at Wilmington, Thursday and was awarded ftr..'lt ribbon. of jast week. ' Holeteial Mrs. Kate Evans, Mrs. Susie })ouglass, Miss Minni-e . Cook and Mr. Harry C()ok, of SpJ;ingfield, were guests of ,Mr. and Mrs. C. E Anderson and Mrs. Addie Smith on Sunday.

Heifers only were shown. There were four entries, who ~laeed &II '10Ilows, Donald Volk~rdlng, Horrow; Richard Volkerding, Morrow and George Palmer, Mason. Aynhi... were three antries and on1\11', Bnd Mr . Frank Braddock, ly two rlbbons were awarded. Fira~ Bellbroqk road hi s entirEl life and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Braddock, Mrs to Roy Swartz, and secon d to Eu. eared fot h' all' d parents during Warren Braddock and daughter, gene White. their In t day\>. Father, mother Betty, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond and one, i!!ter, Laura., preceded iJerHYI Bl'addock and children attended Beifers: Robert Class, Route 1, him In death several ago. the Lewis family reunion at Piqua Lebanon; Jack lftoore, Route 1, He never married. Wal~ crippled Sunday, Lebanon; and WilHam DOWJ'!ey, and &fllicted Cor severa l years but Oregonia. There were four entriea struggled along trying t iD make a 11 MI'. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke and living on the farm, Quie't and unI Mr. and Mr . R. D. Collett were Calves: Donald Schnell, Pleasant Plain; Robert George, LebanoD; assuming in di p(\sition he was a . ~ f MEl S I b und ay gues"" 0 r. ar ouWayne T own ~hi p M0,~b' and Charles Soutb, Frankli•• , well resnected citizc,1) in the comer 8 e U d t h' f N' b I K ... 'II F ·d ft ers a 18 arm near JC . os, y, There were six entries. ' WI meet, 1'1 ay a rnoon, M S d . t Ii 1 The la t game (If thr* game mlJl;lity. 2 '1 k Th t II r, ou ers ts a rave ng sa es2 O t t b Cows; Severin Marco,net, Route He had struggles in life but at . c 0 or , a ,0 c oc , e 0 ow 'man for the Kruse Hardwat series between New·Lebanon and ll 1, L banon; Carolyn Lukens HarCompal\y, of Cincinnati. Cen tervill,e as tlr y hay won one sunset, Thursday evel\ing, he 1011'S progrTom wC1l bbe presen~: he u . veysburg; and Tom Sharp, Pie..... 0!'1irby' clOse margin and w e' have won quietly ntered that hnVEtn of rest . Mrs. Ma~1 Staup, who fell, ant Plain. There were five entries as ono lying down to i>l~asant DevQtionsMrs, J. L. Mendenon . ThIs will be 11 good game fen: 0 ...... Cattle l'ecently, at the home of Mrs. J. thete are fast players on both dreams. H has entered t'hat Home hall. P. Owens in Lebanon and suffered Walter Shutte, Mason, and Joe there whete lhqte is riO more BusiJ'le s sessi~n. over clubs, E\lfl'ering, 'b ut rests with his Children's program in charge of two broken bones i"'- her foot, is Snyder, had tbe only entrielJ an4 Come out and See th~ game and recovering at the home of her Were a. warded, first and' second fol' Savior and loved on es gotte belo!,'e 6th grade. relax, Game played at 'Kenrick's patents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sat- their Shorthorns. ' B leaves to mourn Iris passing, Talk-Mrs. Dudley Keeve.r. ~ield sta rting at 2:30 p. m., Suntl)rthwaite. Bernice Sheehan, Waynesvill., two brothers, two nephews, one • ~ ...- day, September 27. and John Kinder, Route 2, Frankaunt, Urs. Martha ,Laclf, lIevera!. HELD ON CHECK CHARGE A.dmission 25c. ¥l's. Joe Davis and Mrs. lin, entered the only Brown S,.... cou ins and a host of fril!nds .. Also Charged with having issued a Howard Grahnm, of Harveysburg, cattle and were given first and sec. II Mre. D uva, Inl.lati~ The Poultry H01Iie 'hi S h o'u e k Geper check without funds, Hubert Mrs. J . B. Chapman, Mrs. ' Earl ond ribbons re8peet;vely. _____ since his mother's death, and her Bailey, 30 years old, South LebaThe only Herefo~ call was en. Insulation on the poultr1 hous little daughter who tendElrly cared non, dance hail proprietor, is Hockett and :MIrs. D. L. Crane we re among t he guest!! at the tered by Bt:yee Brown who will aid in preventing an abrupt fOl' him during his lallt i111n: held in Warren eO'\\llty jail under drop in egg production such as I "The Lord giveth and t~ Lord $600 bond for preliminary bearing dinner given by Miss Margaret ceived fi1'8t ribbon all was the onH occurred during the severe taketh away. Blessed be the 'n ame Saturday before Squire Wade F. Baker, of Springfield, 'state cep- bo'y who had an AlI8ul! calf, Ed , tral committeewoman, at tho Chapman, of Plealant·Plain. weath'er ot the ~935·36 winte~. I~t the Lord." . Brown. Golden Lamb in Lebanon, Tues·

Gospel' is the Power of Waynesville. They are occuJlYing the McClure residence on Main st~t. !WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF CHlUIT . O. J. Edward. and J. Willon e Carl Smith. IIlatatft Edwarda, of Spriqfteld, and Her Not A Denomi1latlon bert Edwardl, of Denver, Colo. rado, we... ,UfiItI 01 Trill.9:8~, Bible IC!hool. en.t. .nd Mar,aret Edwardl, Friday 10:45, Lord'. Supp.... q :p.m., Chrtatfu End.avor. Mr. John S.ars" ,.hois "attend. '1 :46., Evanceliatlc ..rocn. ing the Cine~nnatl Bible Seminary Wed.n8lday, '7:46 p. m., PYa)!" accompanied by a friend, .spent anll bible mdy. ' 'c the week-end with his parents and siatera. . ~ WAYNESVIu.E . , L .~ItURCH , . ' . , , Rev. 0, d. ~ PUtor Mr. and }Jrs. Ira Rich, M,r s. Reba Sunday l BUll day lebool at 9 :80 Braddock" lb. and MN. Hartley a. m. Mom~nc worshlJl at 10:"0• .Melee and tamily were dinner The sermon BubJeet . wUl be, guests of Mr. and Iba. Gilbert "Which Side of the Roadt" Frye Thuraday ~venilll'. Evellln, lemce at ,~:30. The . Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Matnous aenn.on theme will be, God Mai. '.1¥ill bave a ...Ie of tilelr houaeb 1d in. th~ Beat of What ia Left,l' furnishiq. on ' Saturday and ~x­ Monday: Meetin, 01 the oft\cw.l pect to leave {)etO"" 1 1 board at 7 :80 p. D1. ' Floria ,.here Mr. 'Mamou; ,.~~ Tll,aday: Meetlll, 01 the Sun- en,... ill bUlme.. ,.ith hla uDcle. day School boal'll ~t 't :80 p. m. M.n'. 8.pieee lUita, aOe. lI.n'a Wedneeday: Bibl, atady and' prayer mMtln, at 'T :80 p. m • White Flanne.... 40c; Ladlel' plain e.oata, 'TOe; Ouo-of-HUOn aT. MAIl" CIIVItetI · rarm.ata .......d ill moth-proof I. I. 8eIt..... ____ .... without extra cha..... Quick SlxtMatia 8ulldQ Trbaltr Olunen, ~1'JIl ............. SepteaJMr 1'1. -'111'. 8180, MOftIlna PftqIe. __ Mr....

. a.•.









Great Lake. Exposition Cro1AiJds Cheer Merma~

day evening.

-~-'--- .


Rain, Wedne8day afternoon and night, threatened to interfere with attendarice at the fair but e1ear Ing akies ' and cooler temperature this morning gave promise of an ideal day and a record attendance On Ootober 12, andd the festlyScoools were closed Wed- lty of a gip,ntic Columbu. ' Dar ' nesday afternoon for the re- celebration, the Great Lak.. malndero! the week. Expo's ition, Cleveland's. colorful


AUTO ACCIDENTS ARE INCREASING A greater number of accidents on state highways outsidemunlcipalities was reported for . Augullt than for any other montb ·during the last three years, Hirhway Director John Jaster, Jr., announc ed tQday. In the 970 automobile acddentll report~d to the Traffic Division of the State Hi,hway Department, 82 persons were killed _nd 91'. were injved. Pedestrians killed numbered 10, ,.hlle 26 ped..ttiana W.N mJuncL On the buts of the .lrurea H ..hwAl' DIrector predicted an aIJ..tba, ..... ..otOl'~

lake f1:0nf .fair; will ring down Ita curtain . . Originally scheduled to close 011 Octo-ber 4, the ElIposition whim has ,already drawn nearl)' three and one-balf million mitors, 1Iu been. extended for ei,ht days Mcausc of demands by many ..4IIidents of tbe Gl.'eat Lak., restoR who have not yet had an opportuDot ity to attend. Many colorful special Ivelda h.v~ been 8l'r&nrecl lor the .... weeka of the Expoeitlon followblt the thrillin, p~ms which w pre..nted dUl'lq the A.m..... Leaton COllveatioa III Cl...... • - '...- - CAll 'filM ITOL&II


hool News

...... .

__ .lo



in thc' 11rimn.ry

•• "'. __ d •


IIf Lol. Xo 8«-11

"ppr Selnior ; l'I'~.ldl'llt, Glt:n"" ",,, .. I Inl'<l; \'IC" I'rt'.I,I<:IIt. Iydc F rUrllln ~l·cr('t/.ll'y-TTI'a Ill' r, :o;ul'Ilo. B'I-




1i11~-up i~ IlUl'kln ~ , c; [)ll\'i . ,

111" It'I)'

Softball Sc:hed\lte 1\, !Cill!, I -t; ])111.111, :Jnd :ird; A ....mbly The' mUi\iCllI ol'jtnniz tI ,n. W ~'IlC'1wili will pIn,' tllI'l "ClUOI!', "" i Hllltci t Plank. F; WillIIndl r the IIbll' 1~ derllhlp nf h. Til first ;J."~"mbly 0 Lhl' year rC)ll~ \\ ing t nms In ' ofthall Ull ~1 I • •!.I ::;( ILt. F : .fol H~ ~~ "'j ~·I.nrkt', 1- Ank III sr tUng un(11'!' w~y tor "M helt! in lhl.' gymn!lsiutn on year, 1" ; (" , Ion, I t; LeMuy. 2nd; ihe new . ch 01 yenl·. This y'ar !-'I'ltiny. ,the 1 tho 11'. Gny:;t extOlTOW. l'pll'mbn 2t1, h I·~. J ),'I1RI,1 C,>II,'Ll. :11'<1; Charla WAflle Yille will lJe nhll.! to bQw t II plnlll rl tho.L tile .cht\I)1 n~scmbly Kin~s 1lI1.!, Octoher 2. thIH·(·. C olIl'lI, F i I . UBI'b. F ; FiI'cs, maTching bane!. It', til', t appellI" "U~ the stud ·nts own, that (' Spllin boro, Octob"f 6, hl'ro. I~ Jll'Ijh'l1l, ]"; ][ C~:;. F. will lit the Warl'en I " m "'Quid have th opportunity t:o pre nt un a setnbly program duJ'ing the YM.'. Mil'S Gehrin.g Ilnd --- - - ; ; ]' .1r. French- thl' il W t)8chers-W 1'(\ introduc d and each gave a very cOI'diul l'(,1!POl1/ic. J.n OTd r to become mOl'e qunint e d with th school and its up "intend nt. Gllrst a · tiviti o~~ lI ~ k d. th tlOa h ' l'S of th


spr.c ial deparLment.! ttl ub,nlt tha t nctivity. Th on' n ew d padll'l lIt in chool this year Is

n('r IVlan onner h ads the Girls' gl e club , a, si led by A n na Gay Tr a.dw y 8S vice pl'esid nt, Ev Iyn John s. e r tar)' and Louis Zimm rman nnd Rebll Edwards, librarians. The Boy' gole clu le ted

Frank LeMay president, nober t P ton, vice president, hal'l Fir s, 8 cretary, and Robert Hiatt librarian. N w Teachera Intemew- ..1


The ne members of the facu lty of the Wayne Township schOOls in lude Mi s Gehring, }f'i s Hurdin ~. H' h d 111 F '11 fiss Ig rench.

~~~~:n c:~~

lh<> dramatics club which is undel' th e d LO.'lIhip of Mr. Bro.wn. A !It-udy will be nlad of Variou s tyP\!S of play . Th melllber will he given a chane to display 'their dramatic ability. Ii , mit-h, the Bo sters' club advi or, . pJaincu that the Bon tel'S' club i: ope n to an high l'chool pupil. Th work conais ts of school adv I'Haem Jlt principally in th diting of n school paller and l~e /lending of h Th news: to t locol /1 W. Ilap I'. e libral'Y is open six period of the. eight (as told by the librarian, Madori\) Tinney) t n allow the


I ...




~~~ee~te :~)~~~e~ a ~a:'~e ta~~:

he attended and chllir~ for this PUI·pose. Mr. ~te College and Toledo Frank' pal·t in the Illusic depa.rtUnivcr ity. While in college, Mi ment }'fmains the lime a . usual.




Gehring took an ocLive part in th Hom Economics club, literary soc' ty and dramatics club. &he attain d the Bachelor of Arts dCfOrce. Mi~" Gebrin" wl'll --ke

Th al'e wtJI be a continuance of the I,Hlnd, ofehe tra, girls' glee club and boys' gl e club. The high scho I operetta, and mu.ic f ~ival will be planned a II Qal. Mr.

charge of the nom Economics department, and will teach Engli h nnd history in the grades. M r. F renc, h a g t a d Ullt C 0 f W 1'I

.Dodenbendel' promised to try to turn out a wil')nltl(l' ba ketbaJl team, and make th Waycehs l.'ate ,'top~" l'n oLe field and track






d «'Gaed,


rf' nlit'll ,1 h 'n the ~nurt d tfrlnln d t hI.! pl"i ntift' hat.! Ilot bt'l!n

('~ KIrwin. lI'uardian l" F.dlla I"mu lide l'c,ullc'nl pC Wun "II CIIUlI Mu\! Hopkin. minnr. wall author- I)' ("1' thil'!Y Ilay. prl'Cl·Jili. th£' iz('d to 8('11 c('l·tain b\"I/I ~ helonA'- fllil1A' CIf' Iwl' Jletitiun Th,' t:llurt tluthuJ'l7;('(I:, rroucing to the minor anti ttl IHI)' $0 per wet'k r•• r her hVUI'd, I'HI"in~, tioll in LtH' lumd jHev\(luBly fixecl


l'hd"'I:!U OJU n

':Il/II' '.



H .1\l~li"\lt




in Lhe


of IhI' Sill

I' llf


Lt~",r ')jce Lyons, wus appoint ") Vt'!. A1D,'I't Taylor,

IIdminlsh'lltor of tit t!state of 01'l'ill M. LyOl'~. ,t eu~'eri. Bon(l W8I fix d at $l,()OO. G\'orge ntlwlllla(I r. V(I)li(' Evalls and Anderson ul'I",I' were 811pointed appl·aisftl's. The amount of inheriwnc;e tnx ,Iuo in th I? tate uf LnuI'fl Miller, dccooscd, was c rtifietl th curt. Rach I Boy. , admlnistratrix of tb c. tatc (If R!)bert O. Boys, tI c aSEld, tll(\u h r, inventory The hearing [I same WIIS s t Cor eJ,ob r lst at lOll. m . ,Melvin Waites was appointed administrator of the ('Slate of Eden F. Terry, d cased, bond $a,ooo. , . Gilmour', Zain AI'mitag(.' and Ray GriswOld", re appointed npll):'uis erS. Th e s al bill of Maude R. Mc· Clure, ndm\tliatTutl'ix 01 t he es· WI f Howard .Me luI", dec ea ~e cl, was filed in pi'obat court. Th e invcnt<ll'y of Corll ,M. Ham,iltoll , executrix of th ~state of Edward . Hamilton, deceased, was fil d in court.. Hearing wall set, fOI' October 1st "t 1() " .n1'. .... Louis F. 'KelleY was nl)pointed administrator of the estate of C 1 P k d 1 B d ar en awa, e ease<. n $3,000. L ollllrl! Michael, Clifford Hilt! bunt and Lucian Enrun wel'e appointed appralars. Mary E. Da.Vl'S w ndministratJ'ix of tne estate of Lida M. McKay, d ceaaed. Bond $2,000. I oar Hagem y 1', aJ b Ka II and Howard Ehlerding \Vere

On motiorl of the pluintiff, the ea!!l' IIf H ,It'll I{athrrino Allen VeTI'lUR lTowanl ";ud llun \ Illl dis· tnis.<cd. Tho Hceiwr hip of the 11at'v ysbul'g National Uan~ WIIS 01', nr'·~""'dCI'cd terminal d on pflym Int ot !i!!~!!!~~~~.!!~!!.!'!'!!!..!!_~~!!!!!!'!1!!!~ court costs amounting to .'!J6.60 by h receiver, Emlller J. Mun- '




The pl.~inlilf was given leave to fllr amtlnde\l p 'tition in Lh case of Lhe Ih'ookville Duilding lind Snving. As. ociation V('I'S IHI Bcssue F. GOllS, ct al. The- d·r ndant is tIl tile answel', mution or d InUI'I'el' on 01'


etob r 10, 1936,


III the cw:! o,r lTO\ ~l'fl JlJlm<:l' Robinson versus Eflilh I. 1l0bihs()n a divon;(! wa~ gl'lint{'d (hI! pliliritill'. 'l'h Cft e of W illlall\ Hlford l-I liman, it minOT, VOl'.~ I.I ~ Albert n. Jahnke W8$ uismissetl. Bill. Allowed


D' aVIs l"ai,nt 0., jlainl, $24-.60; Th Standard Oil Co .• -rease.and oil, $51.71.; The Cities ('l'vic~ Oil

appointed appraisers. The iny ntory of Howal'tl Al'chd a~()n and Ralph E. MiUer. xtjc utors of the estate of Ll\ul'a Addu Mill" . d r, uecease d, WaS approve . The econd, final and, distributive account of Sarah L. Fran~ia and

0., kel'~cn ' and gasQlin , $57.02; Wai.tes Garage, supplies oil $73.02 ' Th incinnati 011 Wks. 0., gas(l

line $7.87 Helen Douj!'hman board lind cal' Iifford Doughman, $7; M'ns. Ira Eltzroth, board lind care Alje tlll'key, $6; Jan! 5 to re, board aod care Lucy (oore, $5; - Mrs. Margaret Jonl!ll, board and ~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ... care Ollie Gardner, $5; M'r. Julia

===-=:-_-:::::: :::::-::::===

Holland, board' and care V l'non Hollnnd, $10; lIii!;s Oma Knox, bQard and care Walter Barlow,

$11: li!\ Oma l'nox, board Md care Frank Ballinger, U; Mr.. Bldon 110rt, board nd cllr Ruby ' Grace Brooks, administl'atrices Of Ream, $5; 'rhe Great A. 1). Tea th e es t a t eo f 'GeOl'ge B . F rane i ,fC I B 00., foort and milk, M14,:J5; ck'~ Dairy, milk, $14.70: W. U '


Cary's Jewelry

Shop ~' TH£



ceased, WRS approved. B rger, food, '"33', N. D. Brewster , , minJ;ton College, is from N~w ~P01'tEl this year. Of al1 the schoo] R olland, Ohio. While in college; he de,pat~ 'Tl nta, the least. is known A certificat of transfer "'us is.'I' OJ1ly Gllftuina M t.r a a · In . th e ban, d I I b " t t'- F F A ' d b'9 d L 'rood, $ ; L. H. Brown, food, $10 was IiCt Ive g cab, a (}u ,nft • • ., supervise su ucy N. MurreH, executrix Bush's Store, food, $5: Wm. ~rompt Service Y. M. C. A., dramatics, fraternal, Mr. Crabbt'o The F. F. A. is a of t hl' tate of Edwin B Murrell Collin, foocl, 101.50; Franklin and student government. Mr. national organization in connecdeceased. Store open ontil t) p. m. French has the distinction of hay. tlon with the agrkultural departTh' t f H L D Food Market" milk and food, '57,e lnven ory () any. ar- 20: FrankJin lee & Fuel Co., fuel iog attained two de""'eea. Bach lor men. It hi! three adms,: le"dership mody, adml·nl·s, .... ·ato.. o~J: th e estate 126.50', R. -B. Gilmore & Sonj I ad '= ~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!~~~ e' . . . . w, of Arts and Bachelor ot Science. cholarship, and o,biJity. There is a Sliver Dollar Brady, wealthy cowboy from Dall .... haa the 'wor1d'a flrat of Ma~y A. Hollowa" dec~ased '"12 ' 03., ~ , 6.50,' Greenwood Dairy, milk, He taches phv8ics, chemists;" and local brancb, a. state branch, and hotel "penthouae corral" 17 floors above Ch leago. B ra dy all d hi a h C!I'M wa approved 'II . " ' are ahow" here "at 110rne" I~:l !;ing oot over the ekylline. • Ask for a gen ral science in high school and 0 national branch. It is open An application Was tUed in court $1.60; H. C. Hamilton , milk and tw(l sections of science in the high school agTicultural boys. "More IlverDOUnra ill (·It.:';· " ;111. lith floor. with IlSwclalcor· for admission 01 Martha Jun Wil- food, ~86.80; Hardel'l.'s Grocery, Miamisburg Permanent eighth grad~.' will btlng bnek bC~I' IJII !:i • .., h::y. 1):1[8 tina nU , :(or his horse. son to the Oh'lo Ho ·.~I f food, $5.75; P. & C. Hildebrant, A U Spl.... 0 1' food, $68.' Fannie Hill. shelter, Concrete Miss Hard\n, .a former graduate Clua News dltions a whole 10 f1 !C tN." , '1" 1 tr ul)le wI t h paver ,,0 ara Epilepfics. That's th \d It of , lin . 1 .1 ,\e,o'l feel 'emln lrour pooket," $10; Himes Bros Da.iry Co., milk f W I Air Seal Burial Vault o a-ynesvll high school, atOn Thursday, September 17, 8rlldy, wllo arrh In ( '111(.'1" " Harold L. Benham, adminilltra- ...<tS.20 ,. 1111'S. Leonard Hathaw.uay, " y 1'11111, "Now, It's ..Wrerent wI th . tended Wilmington Colle"'e and class meelin'gs we're h ld in the the Intention of g()ttlllg m..:.. . r)0 \1111'8. .....ou , ,... ~Iothl'n"', .. ...aow you got tor of the estate of Alex Ludlum, nll'lk, ,.<16.40; Kaufman'., ~ ~ ., For Sale only by Miami Universitf· While in respectiVe home-rooms. The DoDllt's In clrculnllun. '> :ll'y eem to menn (\ whole lot deceased, filed his inventory. $0.90; Kindred & R obinson , food, college he was a m ember of the elaS! es were organjzed and the f01Brally. big, s\.x.f()'lt ' . ' ~1 1t II('clltlse they',re heavY,yon Essie Mil ude Boone and Lulu You r Funeral Director gle club lind the Y. M. C. A . , lowing office? were elected : rancher from the West, \I'll !:, I 'I'm n lot qulckClr. Etta Parker, executrices of !..he as. $6; Kirk & Osborn, food, $6; •"""...,,,8· H ar dJ "wail t h e gradu te! • ;;n1e)1l t I WOS 1I'"",g'A'K "A n"wft IGA Store, loOd, =---~:========:;::;:== F -'" P'd' M . . ."? ·lIntnl B)·nrman, 1\ls TIl ; ': ' ~ ~ tat- A~ H L Kr t d d' Ch ris Murnhy ... " ., a 0 a reliuma:a: resl en.., araorle... w ~,~, "'" , , , • • a zer, ecease, ~81', Mnoa Mark"t l~A, foOd, McClure Funeral HOJ1le two years elementary course. She Dakin. trall1ng behind, Fir t, he 1',;::' ! lt t rl l(lll nr their eQlployccs 1n tucd their inventOl'Y· '!'$!J. ~O., ""'North "'-d' Grocery, food, tIl horse tit hls he('I'I . . , , ' T n! l:tI'S. " J!on with I h d a so a extra work in music. She Dakin;' Vice President, Charles ' Oombined di tributive and 11)1a\ ' Pboae 7 no te h th . th d C II S both. ' mrll~ntl bcnst "' (,lit lli8<J , \ .. a )'011 Just w~'tch business t I $10; Sibcy's Dail'Y, milk, $3.26; A. w ac es e SIX. gra e. I 0 ett; ecretary, Miriam Whar- eotree 1\ ) and hud 1\ "itt' t', • ' .. 11 Mid. accoun ~ w~ra Ii ed in court by Shiflett, food, $17' Chas, P . ..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.; Miss Hightman, also a gradu· ton,' Treasurer, Betty Bernard. Ern st Evans, executor of the ee2925' R aymon d ""!:============~ :He 1\ncl " 'Ired fnr f(;$u' rynU(·n · __ _ I.~ iy him. If WeMI! a valuable ~ StubbS 1 00 d ~ .ate of Wa~~svi11e high school at.. Sophomore: President, Tressler himel-If "nnd hors{'," nn,1 wa R r;: tl: 11]:1(11' or olel nnll rnrc Silver tate of Eugene .Evans, .d~ceased Ta}'lor: foo(l, '$.12; Tra~y's Grocery tendt'd· Miami Univer8ity, where I Hardin; Vic President, Margie a penthous hlg!\ fibC)\' the ~I~~l'l r~lIal'll. and by Ea'tl Evans, ~dmllllBtrator :tood, $10.50; A. H. Turner h It r he was 0.. member ot the Big Gustin; Secretary Miriam Scott· =========r= === = ===;:::=.= = "=:::;==== of th estate of J cnnte Evan, de· 5' West End Gro f ()d $23' SIster Society. She was also active Tl'ea ut-r, Wilton' Ha:rtlsock. '~...:: ceast'd ' , cery, 0 , , in church wo:rk. Sbe now teaches j J .....ior' President, Jane Furnas; ...__________________~----._-_--_: . Zehringhur&t Dail'y, milk, '3.20; Mari••• L~ceDae. Wm. Winstel, shelte)·, $7; Dr. J\I. . H, Arnol(L, lJledicnl s rvlces. $9; .dl'ian Switzer, br'jdge wl'eC,k el' Drs. P\lnham, Skavl"m &; Heullin'k and Mi s Maxine Hi~e, bot h ~ Cozaddale. veld,medical services, $15 j Dr. Fr.ank A, Dilatush, medical s rNew Suil. vices, $27.50; Dr•. H. L. Rosen· JllJO,. FOIt CONSIGti Addie Evans filed suit for ' di- crans, dental se.rnces, $10; Dr. S. 'OUT CAttle bop, Iheep and eatv.. Probate Court Pl·oved. Sterling Stalll, edjcal service!!, to NO--'II-Broek Ct;.. 1i... 'frirt _d vorce fro m Ourtis Evan! on n. First and fillal ac(:ounts of the '14; J . W. Lingo Hardware Co., protp'e8live Ann 1<11' the lilabfollowing were appr ov, cd: Lew is 0 grounds -()£- extreme Qruelty. nails wiTe hack saw blade- .2.- market prices and go.od semeL , The will of Myt·ti E. Bone, de· Angela Barris filed suit tot di" .0,,. Valoa Stoc. Y.....• Ca••la_leil0. cea d. wa admitted t" court. and Syloqan E. Gustin, administra83; Wm. J. Pftanzer, SU,pphes, $1. Tune In on DAdio station W Y VOl'ce against Georg' H. HaJ"ti.s, "'" A cCftitlcate of tram~rel' was is-. tOl'8 of the estate of :Mllry A. Gus· h . 16; Wolfe Chemical" Supply Co., 12 :2& to 12 :80 p. m. tor our daIIJ tin, deceased; samuc!l and ' Ben. c arglng gros8 n eglect of du t y. a ~&~ra", $2.36,' J. F. Can ford, ' market reporta. _ "_ SU, d to Chal'le~ D. Cook, adnlinis•• ~ -~<::<::;,::;...._ _ " ' jamin Burdge, exec~ltors of the R. .1 E - -pairs to chairs, 'IICl!10', City ..... "ag.. .... -::======~====.====::!:!!! o'f tbe eatate of Amos t" ",00", ,stat .. TraDaf.. ,. .,. est~te of Benjamin 1.0'. Burdge, urer, board of Raymond CSl1lP, C1ee::~Bl.'lel~ . ' d 'P earl Ross, at ai, to Addie Bloc $24•.80/' The Lebanon Patriot, adv. .\. , decease ; Le_ o and ,John Whalen, The will of Saru,n M. lJrown, de' . gar, lot in South Lebanon. • • ' (Kecutors of the e.sqlte ot: John ' ce'a sed, :wa'3 fi1eu-' in 'court. Bertha Be.nthien t o Aliee H. $1.20,' The Wester.." Star, adv., In the estate elf Lida Hackett, de W halell, deceased; G:raee Spence, Barker, lot in Pleasa nt Plaill . $1.20; Lyle Blank' Book Company ceased, sale bill WIlS ort!ered reo administratrix of the estate of A J . 0 b t. a1 W I index to E stqtes, $70; Th& D, Spence deceased' Hal'ry L. ennle 8 orn~, e " to enze Outfitters, ap ri ll4l and ribbon J or corded, Dal'mody. ~ual'dian of' Mary A. , and Rufina Herres, tract of land ty~writer,.1.25; The lJ()ok Shop, . In the case of Russel) W. Urtoll, H 11 . t t. Corwin. executo. l' of the estate of Melissa R'o °h wlaY B' UlcomJ)e ,e.~~ d . i tr . The Miami Valley Building and 1 Rm. 'Mlanlfold, 2 pens, penpoiota ac e oys appo i n ..."" a mill 8 a . • ink and carbOn $2.80; J W. Lin,o Andilrson, deceased versus. George triJc: of the estate of ' Robert C. Loan ASSOCIAtion to Lydia B. H. Urton, et . al eon'f \rmatton,,deed B " d d II d ,. 600 Vandervoort, lot in Franklin. Hdw~ Co., iron corll and 6, buckle. a nd distributioD were ordered. 0,,8/ ecease, on . ' C~therine Hurle to Nettie E . for lewlng perjl1 ct, 86e; Fairlef dOHam i1- George P. Gates, O. F . Crauder T' Y in Fr ' Th e WI'11 0 f 'Ed wllr·. F · : rim bl e, et 'a1. tract; an klin Hd-we" Imp]em. ent Store., IU'" ., t d . ed 8 ' d ·tted t and red O. Meekelf were ap· t hi pli. and cement" t30,98; J. E. ,-~nt'e. eceas ,w B 8' ml , 0 pro pointed a p. praisers. owns p. Spencer, white oak brid-e p!&nk. ...... Q. C. Moore to H.nry and Lor.' ... Phone 78J A certified copy of the entry N., O. Shankle W8':' appointed etta ShieldS. eight acres in Salem ,46.65; Harold Martz. 'a and and termining the inheritance tax tobe executor of the esta1~e ot Burt towDship. gravel, U62.10; The 'Van Camll ~~~~~~==~~=~~~ in tile estate ~f Catherine Wolf, deceased. Lesli:e Gilbert, R. Edith A. Munger to Alma Wid- Stone Co., sand and gravel, ,S81.. Cody, deceased. was ordeI'ed filed R. :Bercaw ~ and Fran~ Watkins maier, two acres . In OIeare,t eek 50; A. C. Murrell, ,.solUte, $14.with the county auditOr, ~el'e apPoll1ted applt'alSers. ' townabip. 18; The Ohio . Oil ' Co~pallY, NOTARY PUBLIC The inventOry .of Winifred Bare'll Russell W. Urton, executor of Peter B. Benham} deceased, to gasoline, $1,. 75; Renry Ludinef;Qn Natl...1 Baak Cohn, administratrix of.' t he estate t he ~tate of MC11issa Anderson, de ErJ\e.t and Beesie Grose, Tract in Service Station, Plotine, '84.36; of Winift'ed ,Bot:ck, deceased ' was ceased, was authorizEld to sell cer. Turtl,~CNek t own8hip. , W - A. Hause, aupplieB8nd gaso- Wllta Ora.. • • E ...... S.u... approved. tain l'eal estate for not less tha~ !lobart S. Fagley to Albert A. line, US.04: Walter Botts, Shell WA.YNESVILLE, OHIO .« , Tbe ' estate- of John Wall, decea~ $2,000. Matre, tract in Turtleereek town. Station, · ..~oline, . . '28.4'1~ ed, was (leolare.d exempt f rom in- Haro!d.' M. and Mari'e Benham, ad ship. , A. Jackson's Service StatIon, g880- , heritance tax. " nlinjstrators of the ef~tate of Peter John C. Dunlevy, deceased, to nne,. 4a.85· ~ayJlesville Service ' e k Statton, iuppl!e.lI, labor and gaBO· • ,R obcl·t E. Moonoy was appoillt· E. Benham, deceas~, were author Lee Lovely, tract In CI" "f






F T M art·In • Auctlone.r

Quality PrlDtlal


Can'terville, Ohio




The Miami azette

cd admini tr.atol' of the estate of -iz ed by the court t() sell , certain Grace L. Mooney, deceased. Bond, real estate. $3,000 Eli McCrea.ry Charles Stew ~ Cora M, Hamilton wile appointal'~ and James E. Foley were ap- ed' executrix of the estate of Ed· pointed appraisers. 'W ord C. Hamilton, deceaaed. Ho. The first and final .account of 'Ward S. Conover, Carl J. Miller James B. Shupert, admini.:ltrator and W. C. Vail , were appointed of the estate of Lettie Shupert, de appraisers. , ceased. "'a~ IlPproved. j Court d,e clared and ,alid a Thl;! first and final account fJf claim ' C!f Howard S. Coaover l.lazel Jameson, executrlx of the against the estate ,of Emma E. estat e of Mary E. Hopping, dece .. Decker, deceaaed, in an amount of ed, was approved, ' '1114.19. The first account of Chloe Bow- ' The schedule 01 debta . . . lied mUl, guardian 01 Ruth Mae Bow. in the estate of II. Dee15cr. mall, incompetent. .. IIPproved. : deceued. Head., let Tho fttth &el!ODDt 01 Fred • Ilia Octo,*, 1 . . 10 •• ~~



to"ll8hjp~ ,

eal'cr eline, f66.66; Blair Miller, pao~in • $13.1.6'; Gmwold's Service Station I11ppllu and IUOllne, U6S.69; George Roberta to Fred and The Cinclon_ti Oil Works CIl., Eme Abney, lot la FranJdill. gasoline $28.81; H. S. ()oll~~r, Earl LeFevre to Leola H. Thomp 8upplill and paint, $8.37; Blatr " 10D, lot in lAbanon. LeRoy, cement, sand and gravel, Lellie A. Buchanan, et _I to ,98.6&. .. _"'._-....,....,.., Allee Sehletbald, lot in Jl01'l'O.. \ , Dora C. C~ter to Da~d II Carpenter, et an undivided hall interNt in lot III FraDldlD.

Stanley BaUoy lot in. Lytle

.,...-...-.·""· .. .,~4 ............ \f

to Anne II. Bailey


POR IALII FOR SALE-2 Red Male Pip. J. B. Rich. B10.17.U.

PIPE. VALVES "d FITTlIioa for Wat.r, a.. Steam , Willi

and SpraJtq. Cistera band., Ill. .


tria ad 8PN' PIUDP" PlamM1ljr • SeatS.. ~ap,lI.. )OWeR prIaa ad hlP_ QaaliQ ., TIle ......... m... Co•• Xeala, 01110. W..... _ ~~~




ISSUED EVERY TllUR.;iDAY N om•• r--_. ...... " .. " ... ,,,,.. o.

1II IlDtlred at P o.tottle. at Wayn .... vill e. 0 1110, . . a.1!"nd Cla n lb.1I Sub.orlptl•• Prl••, $1 ,10 a Yea. MaUer EPTEMBER 24, ]936


= .--


alld, Cincl'lInatl. combll or xtraeted. What er torm, ftavor, Clr DAY tun, Atht!1I8 and I!I l'1~ctetl, the family will honey occall.ionally, t'ither WarninJ: that Scpttmhel' brings food by itllell, whe'n sorved Ohio tn the middl t> of t ht! [lea k hot b i ~cultA or uAed in makln ~('llHlm ror tYl'h ill fever WIlli mnde can dy makinit'. Honey :< h in ~h(! current iSRut,\ of the Ohio sto n:oll in a dry pIllet! or it H.,ruth News. officiu l publicatio n ~Ol b moi-turt!, All honey will cryof the State DepuTtment of Hea lth stallize If stol'ed for long pe ~riods it can be liqu,fied again by T hose who go on outing xpeditions wel'Q caut.ioned aJ(ainllt drink- \\al'ming its containol' in walelr Ol)t ing watel' or milk that iii not certi- OVCI' 140 del,,.'Tecs FahN.'nheit. harad l'isLicl' of H(moy has fkll Ill! safe ,and IIgain!it putl'onizing tourists camp tbut do not dis- i . own when u ad in cookirng or play the standnrd !li~n of heulth candy ' making and cannot be subdO)lartml\nt approval. It was point- stituted unit for unit in 8 r lecipc ed out that th~l' e is llttle typhoid culling lor sugal·. County hOJnQ in the larger cities and municipali demon t1'ation llgentA 01' nut~' ition tic". Most cas s origi nate in ru ral flP cialists at th Dniv 1 ity cnl1 districts and Rmall cQmm\lniti e~ IUl'ni~h receipes for using boney. and the chief cau is the shallow Wl! lI, nnd I ~ irequ nUy thc milk or food supply, it wa said.

THE SWEAT OF COMMON FOLKS "TaxeR. little lIt great. ar the swat 'of cornmon folk!!," said the Portland Oregonian in n recent editorial. Tile licommOI) !olks" nro ' the great taxpayers of t his C01Jnlry soone)' l' later, directly 0'1' indirectly, they pay almost u.11 of the east of g'C)Vl'rnment. There oren' 'nough "rich folks" to tax to make n del\~ in th li'l!derI11. stato and local tax budgets. Authoritativc ~urvey8 have tlhown thAt if government took ALL thE> 'n ·t in Iltne of p<'rsonll in the higher in ome brackets, plus all the n t income or An'lC.'ricltn c rporlltiCln~ , rev nue would Rtill fllll far shol't of m cling outgu. Tho muml is pillit) . Tax reduction i in the intcrcst of every citiz II and evt>ry hUllincse, Til n w XC'!l profits tax ill 1.1 ca. e i.n pOint. ,T ax CXJl l'ts hav J'Iointed out CIll! II where, \lnder its provisions, some VOl'Y largQ corpOl'lltions clln actunlly paylells ill taxes than tiley did fOl'lll l'ly- whi\ almo. 't nil "maU corpo1'utiQnf,l will have to pay more. 'fhe pi'jncipal hlll'den 'of the law will fall on the little ' fellow. If you earn $26 a w k, tax s take six or seven of those dollarsbecause whal YO\I pay ror the article you buy mu st also cover it!'! prol>oriionllte f; hm'C of thc hundr'd nn~ one taxes pajd by the producer, t.he nlanufacturer, Lho Ll'amworLcr, th insut'e'r, th broker, th agent, the retailer, ad Infinitum.



I. TABLOID How Caaa Taxes Bite You?

• • •

To understand tbe tax question we must first see what tllJCCS cun do to everyone o[ U8. 1. Ta.xes can takc our prop rty. because they are a ftrst m()I'tgage 8ud ahead of verything cl~. 2. Taxes clln take what they s e fit out of our inco-me. ,3. Ta.xes can make' U5 I')IIY evel'J time We spend money. "The power to. tall is t h power to dcstroy."-Clt.iol JtUltiec JDII11 Marshall.

OHIO FARM INCOME ' FOR 1935 ANDUJ34 Public Sale It

Strange as it ma.y seem, nail clip of match 8, family photographs, snapRhot, pressed Having decided t,o m<:\kc our I<.'uves a nd even feat hers vie with GrOSE! income in Obio from farm love l ~ tteJ's as favored book- production for 1936 and from future home in Florida, we wi1l murks with putl'on s of the tate Govel"nment payments applying to sell all our Household COQds und IIbl'ury, according to Librarian ' Paul A. T .Noon. The libra l'Y haS' · 1935 production was $343,144,000 Chattel n our resid en e Yz mil e am sed quit.e a collection of such ' aI' an incr ea of more thaD 23 West of Waynesville on State obj cts which wrc left in books p rceut over th 1!)34 figurEl of Houie No. 73, on borrowcd and r turned. Nail files $278,768,000, according t.o the ro S aturda y, SeptemMr 26, 19 36 apparently ar£! the most popular POl't issued today by the }'eCle.ralbook-marks, with clips of matche!l State CrOll Reporting Service. In Beginning at 1 o'clock p. m. running (\ clos secoM. Combs, 1935, farm crops accounted for the following to-wit: Hou .eh.old Cood. mirrors and p ncils are incl uded 32 p('rcent of the gross income nlM in the repn....cntat.ive coll ec- while liv stock and liveJlt()ck proEstate Helltrola only used obout tion that has ~n acqub:ed. To ducts made up 68 percent. 3 months, Premier Ronge like ,8 :00 I'rogl' III content and weather for cast. the Ii t may be added one pair of 1n 1934 gross income from crops new, 3 burner Pedection Oil S :06 Planning Vocational Agricullure Projccl$ - C. F , l~licking r, inner soles from a. man's shoe, ww 35 percent of the total and Stove, Oven, Kitchen Cabinet, Instructor, H\1Iiard, . , Librarian. Noon admitted. that irom l!vestock and livc!stock 100 pounds capacity Refrigerator, 8: l5 Origin of ome of ur Gm'den Crops - H. E. Eswine, \){lltura1iRt • • • pr()ducts wa 65 percent. I ncome Breakfast Set, Electric Wal;hing 8 :25 WOSU Ot'ch tra. hio ranked fifth in gross in- from rental an d benefit payments Machine, lothes Rack, 3 Tables, 8 :40 Fu!.'!" Home P<-ri d: hild Care-Mrs. Mary Gerlaugh, Child cc;>me from farm production , last in 1986 was ,10,739,000 while in 9x12 Congoleum Rug, 3 piece D velopment p cin1iat, ur l1omCf\ and Families-Mrs. year, and was excee ded only by 1934 it amounted to $21.330,000. Living Room Suit, O/lk Pedestal Helen liougey Jordan, Extension Home Economist. IlI.inois, Iowa, Texas and Call1or- C& h income from the salle of Dining Roo m Table, 5 Dining ~ :00 Poultry Pointers- R. E. CTay, Poultl'y pcciall,gt. nia, a. compilation by the United crops and livestock, inc'luding 'Room Chairs, 1 Occasional Chair, 0: to A Look at the Paat cason's Spraying- To II. Park, Entomolog- States Departm nt of Agriculture .r ental and benefit paymenu3, was Bu.ffet, 1 complete Bed RQOIll ist. and A. L. Pie!'storff, P lan t ~a.t,ho l ogist . indicated. Tbe Ohio farm gross $202,054,000 in 1035 and $239,- Suit, I Iro n Bed, Chest (If D~awers .!) :20. W U rchcf:ltru. income in 1935 was said to total 583,000 in 1934. Victl'ola, 2 F lOor Lamps, 2 Ta~le !I :30 Neighbol'ly Heh).! with ountry' Lit Problems--Gl'oup discussion $332,405,000. whics represented Cush income relates t,o the Lamps, 2 !Jx12 Rugs with pads to • I d by specialist in Rural Sociology. 8n increase of ' $74,997,000 in value of <luantiLies actually' so ld match, 1 9x12 Rug, lot. Smllll Rugs !J :50 to 10 W U rchesb:a. comparison with the 1084 total. oft' the farms whe~ they are pro-. Dishea, Cooki ng Utensil and The value of Ohio livestock nnd duccd. Gross income re latt!s to many mal l rticles too numerous e lIvC!8tQck products in 1935 was cash income plus t he value of tho to mention. $237,81 0,000 as compar d to products consumed in the far m One Fre. h Co,.., $ 167,887,000 in 1934. hou chold pn the farms where the Hal tein ' and J er ey Cow, .. - - - - commoditj s were pl'oduced. thl'ee yeaJ:S old, (resh with calf by From the stan dpoint of grilss in- side. New Burlington come in 1935, milk was the leadTe rm. Cath COLUMBUS, OHIO An at- I t~e tate wuter conservation J. L. Conard is spending several in!!' item, contributing abollit 22 VE RNON MA [NOUS tempi to ch~ck t he illegal pre- board, was called to Washington days wit,h fri nd on a fishing percent to th total. Hogs ranked W sea!on hunting ()f squirrels , is ' D. C" this week to attend the Up- trip to Michig-on. Mrs. Cona rd is next and gross income from t hem N. Seal'S, Auct. being mad y lay Harmon, ,' tream Engineerinl;f Conference. visiting lIer daughter. Mrs. Ivan made up 20 percent of t he' total. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~=.:I Chickens and -gs accounte,d for I' chief 01 the. law enforcem nt The conference was to denl with pettijohn near Portlan d, Ind. .... burcau o~ tho tale divl.\;ion of pro pectiv~ compreh~n8ive surMiss Mildred Carr has enrolled over 14. pe-rcent 01 the gross incon l'vatlon, who appoin ted vey for an ext ensive program of at. Wilmington College. come, wheat 9 percent, cattle and twenty-five new gam protectol'S develop ment ~\,t co ntrol of water Ii Ruby Smith pent , the calves 8 percent, and corn about for temporary service as an ad- re OUlCes t hroughout the nation. week-end in olumbus. 6 percent. (These percentagles Qrc rution to tb regular staff of law F.ollowi ng t he meetings Mr. A party of relatives and friends calculated upon gro s income inen for m nt offi cers. The neW men Warn~ will s pend tep days lectul' 'cnJoyed a pi nie at Mendenhall's cluding rental And benefit payhav' thl' sallie authorl~y as the ing at Civilian. COll$ervation Corps meionpatch, west of tOWn o.n ments, but are practicaJly t he f ull-time pr tector$ and ale camp in. Wel!t V:irginia in tbo Sunda.y.Those presE\nt were: Mr. Same if these payme nts ari~ EoXo'p erating , for the Lwo week pr.lor t of 'water conservation. and Mrs. Vergo Mitchner and ,Clt1de~~ _ _ ••_. _ __ to the opening ot squirrel ea on - - • daugbter, Mr. and MI'/!. T . C. Ray Octob r 1. ThllY wilL continue in Stale civil service examinations dock and daughter Myra, M'rs. E. HollY office until th~ clO-le of tbe season, for positions in tbe division of L. Beason and children, Mr. and The fifteenth annu al homeOetob r 16, In order to enforce public a sistance of t he" Depart- Mrs. W. , D. Larkin and ch\ldren of t he kw which prohibits t he sale of mont of Welfare and positions in Greenfield, Mr. and Al'rs. Thomas coming will be held at the Mt. ! game and &e a limit of fo ur the county service c eated und r flaydock and sOn Qf J mestown, ¥ol1y M\ E. Church, Sunday, I September 27th. Eve.l'yone wel- ' squlrr Is a day OJ: in possession. provisions of the Dew social secur- Kelly ~nd Alan Mendenhall. Mr. llarmon t hat in previous ity act wit! be .conducted SeptemJohn Robinaon, who spent s v- Hm~ Mr. arid Mrs. H~n ty Burg~ar alld I y aI'S many squirrel.5 wer killed ber 29 and 30 in six key cities, it entl days in the Militat:Y hospital imm cdiatqly preceding the lItart was' a.n.nounced by Chai~mal) W. B in Day ton, for t reatment and a son of Dayton, Mr . a nd Mrs. Lew is I of th e lIeasOn. Francis qf th e OiyU SerVice Com- tonsilcetOJllY operation, ret.ur ned Morgan spent Sun day with l\'lr and '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!! Mrs A"thur Morgan . • • • mi!\sioD. The tests will De 19r lltate to his hom here On Friday. Mr. Herbert Mar lJltt anil son Ohio's nationally know n expert case supl;!rvieol', distr ict eupervisR ov. G. R . W euver, t he new on t he c()nscrvatiQn, ulle and con- or, eounty visItor, count¥ case pastOt of the M. E. Chu rch Edmon s)ent Sunda y i n Xen ia t ro] of wa ter, David C. Warn r, supervisor and coq nt y exeeutivc preached here on Sunday. Rev. with relatives. Mr. a nd Mrs. Ern est Ea rnhart veteran executive secretary of secretary· The examina tion s will Peters occupied his new pulpit at Ashville, Ohio on that day, also. had as their guests Sunday . Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Arth ur T urner and Mrs. Norman Kessingclr of have all gu st, their s ister-in-law Cincinnati, Mr . and Mrs. Arthur Miei. Lizzie Turn er of pringfield. Kessinger a nd cltildren a nd Mr. Mr. and' Mrs. Gle nn Smith have and Mrs. J ohn Taggart ot };)ayton Mr. and Ml'S. ,J ohn Smith a nd mOv'ed f rom t he E d McJ(a y farm daughters of Dayto n a nd Miss t o ,. fal'lJl near Bellbrook. )frs. C. P. Noggle spen t last Clara Daughters spent ~'unday week with her mother Mrs. Lizzie with Mrs. Levi and Bon WellingEach Demonstration Stretch Is Local Eledric Com. Oampbell ton. at ~ 'rgetown, Oh io. f1I~ ,

If-arm /liight la1ks, September 281


Best of .the News Direct From the Ohio State Capitol

I .






BOYS P I u 's This News p a per At R e du ce d Price


ERms .an after that will appeal .t o all-Ameri~ ,

Boy Magazine a.nd this newspaper at a special combination bargain price. The American Boy is the favorite magazine of. more than ' 500,000 boys and men. Its fiction carries boys on the wings of adventure to aU parts of the world. Its sports articles by famous coaches and athletes are studied by champions. Here you will find the finest stories on Iporb, aviation, business, school activities, humor, and travel. Even at its regular price of $1.00 a year, The American Boy is conside red a bargain. But now you may ~ obtain it and thi~ Ilewspaper. _ •• •



Both One Year For

Miami Gazette







Two "educational safety hlgh - l ing, emp~yina. 64 of the new waya"-the first of 48 similar demon· I u men bar-filament illcandeseeat atration stretches scheduled for dis- lampI, devel9Ped a,t Nela . ,Park, f 11M. Sweet I. Fiae Food A1~ play soon at widely leattered point s gev~land, and Ul ed III the hlg!lwaJ' . 01 ' '11 b d ' h' h I hghtmg demonltt'ation 00 U, S. ID liD-WI e opene Wit 10 .t e IRoute No. 422, near, Chagrin FaUa, Or WileD u.ed I.. Caad, ~ next few weeks, one on the outskirts will illuminate the educational safety Anct Bakia. of Canton, the other near Dayton. ! highway near Dayton. A "ItagEach bf the two stretches, measur· geted" Iys.tem of ,t.wenty-five 10,000Ohio bO.ney bees got in a lot of ing more than a mile, and Ranked lumen SodIU~ lumlnariea, each capaon either side by neat ~oadway aigns ble of e~llltttng a "eaJtb of golde.n- extra hOUT! of wor k this Bummer, bearing concise .. rety messages, will orange ,Igb.t, an~ sunllar to the unIt. on days when ' it sh ould bave been be lighted in keeping with stllndard' jlhat Will dlumllIate the new San raining, so it will be c,!asy for , sct br t~e new Science of. Sed na, Fr3neisco-O~klaad Bay bridge. ~11 homemakers to "'et bone y to va~ ThiS rnformatlon was dIsclosed In bc used to 'Uem~nltrate safe leCla, .. O il an ' announce~ent issued torlny by Ion the canton hl~hWlY. the families'. diet of sw eets, as Supreme Court Judge ll. Wil· "Improper aeeing condition. on recommended by nut rition ape. . L t t '-- b ut B . uchath I eire c,.... a 0 ' eialist& at Ohio state University. . ham., presIdent - 01 t h e h'10 Stale ! I'IIg"ways Safety Council The entire cOBt 0110 be light~," Judge Willi&ml B9ney is compo"ed largely of both in. tanations, it wa. rC{lortcd, stated, "are, accordIng to rel ult. of will be borne by t~" local electric a ltudy cOAd.(~ed b, our aimple iluga". t hat are easily as, compa~... namely. the Ohio Power lc~mmltteeh.Qn Gdood S~ln". a major l imnated ' in the body, and it may Company m Canton and tbe Dayton highway uar, particular., aCter b d b tl t L' bt It Power Compan • d,ark. At nipat. ~ aeeiDJ coad&e uee ~ a !lU a ~ute or Hupr ~ele two highway .. ~t, dcmon- tlonl 00 the rural highwaYI leaD as a modIfier of milk for babie$. to be eveu a wone buanl tbaa Small quantities of the valuable Itratiolll will be the finf VIsible deae. 01 the npld Itridel alread, alcohol or fatigue. AU lip. poiat minerala trOll calcium and pbosmade the atate ..fety council, U to the fact tbat inadequate Uptias. h "f d i 'b b t. • of COI1Iprehenlive pro- or nODe It aU. i. tbe ClUM of aa u - , ~ oroQI are oan n oney u in Jllly. toward old number of tnlle d_th. aad It contains 110 ritaminL tbe ...felt In InJuriu at nisht "hell, altJaoqh only Tb. flnon of boney are due to and pedeatriaa. a fourth of the dall, cralie II 011 thl ' th tic btal d :;;~ IJdlotllb tbey h.iJhr~ mOft tbaa half tb. fataJ1. e aroma IU _ca. 0 ne tlllder ••penlaloD tiel oceur. ' from U.e cU••rat flo.lri wbell _ _ .~ "We correct ' " ben .... ..tIl.rine nectar• IoeaI atftIfI com- I tbe 80th ,",Ie like thl mUd lavon eo tilt C1II'fttd of hOD.,. . . . . from ,.bIte eIovlr, wlIG rupbel'l7. or .ppleaore blOllO':ft& pfOoo


,vi' l





J........otIMn.,...,.. ...


Judge Henry J. Robison" chief of the Ohio Division. of Public Assistance and recently appoin.ted t o head the Red CrOls d rive. in the stat e, a nnounced Ohio's m +!lmbership goal in t his 1aU's d rive would be t he enl'ollm~nt of 386,000 penons. , The annual Red Crolls ddve in t he tate will open Armistic:e Day and conti n1.\ e through Thal~k8givn ing ay. Last year, the Red CrOBS drive netted a memben hip j)f a pproximately 326, 000 perso rl 8 . Judge Robison also ann.o unced that a eonfe r en"e ..... '1 '-- held -l'th .. wu .... ~ district and county Red Cross roll call chairmen October 18 in Dayton ' .. . . We have ...u~d the ' natIonal beadquartera of the Red Croaa that OhlQ would more tIuna do ita t," J d R bi --'d "Th' par u Ie 0 , on - • e outstandille work 'of, the orpn..... t lon in the ftood ~r lUt • prine in iteetf tella th• •to.., of Red Croaa mON deed.. to tile people of Ohio thaa ~. that Call be 'IHbalI,." ___ ••- _ _


















Send Your Order To


panY'8Contribution to Oblo Safety CouneU'. ' Statewide Program Calling for 48 Educational Safety Highways I



Beech Grove CHI'lot Jacc,h" Illlli tl' ,11I'I/lht. I and Mr. IIn,\ l'tlr . 1.1lw, ;\h-.

H. Ing old our rnilk l'I'ute J . K . l'rl'Rtoh W~ "jl'h 1II " l ' l l'>II\ out 1I11f!l'Cclatliln or th~ cllurtt'~Y anit kinclM!Os Y u hl!'o 'h,III' 1I durin/:, t thirt~('n )'cat" WI /l \'l lIduc\~'d tbe budn\' $. ·incot'ely. JO fAll DA VI " E IL DAVI . - - _.... + _ .... -""7-

UIIII . " •

S.'.ty Co.ordilllth"

M.tin L.

a fumil~' !'l'uIIII Il lit ~Jll'in~fidcl :;unclay. .11':1. C"t'll Villar, anll !'tlt-s. RIt,!< \'iJ1,,\.~ IHld c:hildn~n IIttcOllcJ th II I(,!' Jill"



The Goy.rno,',



8i1r •• "


Gcwcmor ')'h'

la!<L W, dl1lsilay. ,I ,. nd .11'. Harl)ld 1eK/l~ n.l :\IJ'~. 111m (l1"(i • fcKn~' ~' et·t' '(U '-1' of 1'11,'. 'l'om Foster at



..... 7

Waynea:ville, Ohio



h ·Id undny. ctobE·t 4. ForQH'l' Go\' rnol' My l' Y. oop I l' Il!)c! J utlge 1I ugh L. Nicho ls afe ill chal~e of th pr"gram. Coo~r \ ill d '·!ivet· the dedicll,tory addr 88 Other. pellkel's will 'includ Goyernor Maa·tin L. Davey, Harold Nichols, 'tate (!Oator; John Hayden, tate Rept' 'se ntativc. lind m mbers IIf th Slate II i"lorieal Society.

Late Classified .Ads.

Freedom of Selection

of U.

li I Rnt' ~ "nKinul \UI \, hi~h 1.\111; retuTne I roct'n tly to P\lillt PI 'a:~Rllt, I 111l1ont County, 'Jfh't 11101" thon 60 )'ear~, will be

I'J'Il'llushJll \'luI, tit th· h()t'll(' uf '1 1'l'. GracI I' IYl11 lrl! 0 I:lJ'\'ing Hill

F,,:<I l'l"~ ~ulI.rny llfternoon. . 11'. "nti Mr. , .Ib{'l't Rl 'h, Mr. nllli Mr .. Ralph ROilS and oleman •' ack~()11 lind family ~pt'nt thc \\' ek-I'nd the 'Ul.!sts of !IIr. Jack~ n', Ol'olh'r at hillic llthe. :\lr. 8nd MI'. . B . Talmage, J. L e Talm<lg~ and M'i. Je si FOR SALE {,lIrner cull(>d on Mrs, nella P ncl.! of ayne ville imday FOR S LE-Thr e'Q ua rt r it.(' nft(!rnoon. cd with Simmon prin~ ., Iik~ . meeting of the Farm BUlleau n w. Mr.. W, N. car, phon" 79. '\\ as held at he 1cKay home last 27 Thursday. Sevel'a! from thL place aLwnded ::es:: th (unel'al of . Mr. HOWard Ch now th at the M id.Ue Run chu'l'ch iallt Sunday afternoon. In honor of [t . Edith Gragg of Hollywood allfornia, the McKay ramily will entertain at a six o'clock dinner next Wedn esday No effort is ever mad vening'. The ~u ts will b Mrs. T. A. Rain e.<! and Mr. and Mrs. by any of our orga nization HOI'ace VUn 'l:'ress 01 Wilmington. to influence t'he selection Mrs. Edith Gragg of Holly\'Vood . of the casket. Ther is W e have be n informed of the alway!! on di play in our ma.rriage of Ii Modena Powell showrooms high grade to Mr. arl Judd of n ar MOl·row. Th malriage took place in Covca.llketa of many typ4!8 and ington, Kentucky. grades, offering a choice l\!t·s. La.w nce Ja obs was painto meet every ta8te and fully injur d in a faU into a cellar purle. R egardless of at h r hom in Wellman, M;onday Which may b eJected, Mi l\lal'Y Thomp. on, of L ebanon lllod e a bn f call in OUl' the family is as urC{! of Vicinity und y evening. ~ettjng 1ull val ue. irs. Fred Nash (>ntertained relative" 'fI'Otn ' Dayton III; t Friday 1111'. and Mrs, John Smith moved from Oregonia to the nl\r]~s wind1er ~8rm here.

dinner gu t Sunday.t t~ home Bubaerlb. tor The lliami Ouette &lr. al\ll Mr". Wlillel' K _ ____,__ __ _ _ _..._____


1usic will be furnished by the ailor' Orphan Bantl, G"ant' cubil~. the birthplae 01 the noted iivil War GencTal anu former P(<l!sid ent of the nited • tat!! , was re moved fl'Om P oint PI('Qsl\nt in 11 85. For :11 year!; i wa s at the! State Fail' ' Ground., olnmbus, where it WIIS inclo. cd in a gla s casc.- Crncinnati Enqui~er:

Twice as many "pedestrians . are killed walking with trafftc all against it. Look for the fellow walking on the wrong aide of the Tond.



Ohi" S()ldi ers and



JANE; COOK AWAIRDED Mrs. Amelia '\ViIliaJns has talcen MERIT SCHOLARSHIP up her \' ~iden e at th ,Home. Mis" lal'll Lil e spent W dn 'sH h J I ' f D day i~ Wnshing1.on C. H. IInna ane . 0 (, m, ce 0 1". Mrs. PyJ aJ1d daughtel', Mi I Mary L, Cook, Will lr C Ive. one of Beulah, of Dayton, we re g uests of the new Merit clholarshlps to Mrs. Mllrga~t Martin on Tuesday )'i:l,lr~ha~ College ~or the current MiJll1 Adalllte A I titm , or C(llum- yea!, Dean M. O. lit ass has anbus is taying at the Home. nOunced, The awardls were offered .1'11. Lena ]~art Qck was the for the firsL time this y~ar. gU e.;!t of her son, A. Z..HartsoCk,/ Many applications were celved and family. Thursday mght /lnd from high echool fmior in a.JI Fdday, pat't of the United States and the Miss Fr ida Hal'vey vi~it d t ela- awards wele based ,o n the applltives in Clark ville last week. c nt's moral charae ter, physical MIra. Howell Peil'ce, Miss Mamc health , men tal alertJness, ind ustry :Brown and. 1i~ Emma RaPhun : an~ . ~articipation in stud nt .lll> t Tuesday m Dayton, actIvItIes. Dr. n'~" MI'. t Du(.lIe$l Reevel', or Mia..' ook was gl',adua~eu from Ccntel'VILI ,war dinner gues at th Wayn l!viIle high school. the HODl<' , unday. I






It's Window-Dressing Time! By VaDetta Taylor _. _ _""-_

1.. __________


SEED :RTE Northern Ohio Grown Seed Rye

_eed Wheat A limited quantity of Pure Fulhio Seed Wheat


EW curtains draperies at N you r wlndow8wm go a long way tb\yard dressing up your whole ana

He know. wha~ a real roof mean laatin. qualitie.. economy in con.truction and at a minimum upkeep. We have all the belt .landard .rade. 'of r006n.-Weatheruroof under all co~di­ tions; , tough and pliable; roofin •• which will not crack, bli.ter or become brittle with alre; and r006nlr that i. extremely fire reaiatant. You can ea.ily build your own roof. We have roofing which come. re.dy to I.y


~ _._ ~_ ~



The 10 al sch OOl have been a ked to I) cure res~rvations "" [I'om their students /IS soo n Ils possible and port the numbers to the J'oot-ball ticket. office lit Ohio State. ' 5 Gallon Can Tractor Oil in Galvanized. . . It tha't Can with Spout and Bail . . . . . . . . . . .. - . . . . i!) expected 40,000 young p ople will be present, ex· 2 Gallon Can Gear Grease for McCOfmic:kceding ls t y ar'8 total of 30, Deering Tractora .. . .......... , ..... '. . . . 000. During the morning the univerllity's laboratories aJld other Complete Line Prelliure Gunl and Cup Greale. 'facilities will be open t in spcc. trOD by the tudents. ;he ~ew 5 pound Can. York UniversitY-Ohio State footbait game will be the ,feature of the aft ~'noon.

Special For Wheat Sowing

98 98e

• _ _ _ __


730 UOURS ~ ~ A '/fnH! .. Of U tile ~1ct1 dungs CUItomer tell us aboUl Pyrofllll: GIU Service. no thin~ is meoODed as often as • time-sav' in~:' Woman after woman Wflt s how muc h more time at.c hu had for other t.Iili:lll'

~ol er.

Lee MIa on of Mason Is .spending t/li w ' k with relatives here , Mrs. Ruth Mo 'gan is ill and under the Doctor's care at thi time. Mr. Margaret Johns was a Sunday guest at tb hom I! of her brother and wife, 11, and M1'8. Amo ook near Waynesville. Mrs. Adda Back return.eri Sunday to the home of f rs. Rogers caring for Mrs. Trilla Farluar, whll has been very ill a.t her home near Ridgeville. Mr, and r,rrs. R, , Mol~l' of Columbus spent the week-end at their farm neat here, and attended the Vuker sale aturday. My. and Mlr6. Low II Thom entertained the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs, George Wel1e~, of C nte),ville to dinner Sunday. MI'. and Mrs. E , B. Longacre and Henl'y FoulkS were Sunday aft rnOOn guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ora Warner and family at Middlelown . Mr. and Mr . Therle Jones and son, Milton, weri! Sunday dinner !rueat of Mr. a nd Mrs. J . B. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Harve y Burnet were- Sunday guests of Mr. Mrs. Lawrence near Da.yto n. Mrs. Mary Carmony waa honot' guest at a birthday dinner Sunday, at tll e home of Mr. and Mrs, W. F. Clark In Wayn esvill e, celebrating her 86th birthday. ]\ft·8. Em ma Lacy in company with her sons, Howa rd and Ernest Lacy, visited Gerald Lacy at Gallipolis Sunday and fo und him getting along very nicely. ' Mr. anti. Mrs. Alva Scott of Dayton and MI'. Hugh Scott of New York City, were

aim:e b~ SllUted ro cook whh 't hb finest nf aU fuel . "My (:ooJdng time is teduced mote tban baJ(" "I have so much mor tlme DOW 10 spend with my children." "I t'Ven have time ro rake up golf now."The Co ud remarks like them, come In every day. '

'fblnlt wbat 1.011 " uld do whh cwo eXlril hours ot freedom. dayt Jus: chlnk. 730 hours ayear. that now are waSledl It'a so easy to have P),rofax, and 11 «»m so lllde. Equipment is leased for only $9.7,-and the lias irself co tJ ~ Uule lIS 3 to " C!ClJt, jl meal I You can 81C • beautlful Pyrofit.x·~glc Chef RaDle-with aut matic: oven rontto • complete ill u1a~on. a sinokde , broiler and sdentl6caJly-desigoed lOP burners-a small down P'lymeot ud coDvenient terms. Come in 8OQII,.od elect the rlJl8e you like.


~nONO VH ~



Blanchester, Ohio Phone 3021

'<\Dlerlc&n maple or any other lnfor" mal type of furniture. curtains go well with rougb·teJtturecl

Let it' protect

PRICEI. ESS EYESIGHT . Sight is pdcelesl. light il cheap, Take advan• tage of the eb~apne81 of ,electricityto install adequate light-for all lIeeingpurpoles in your borne, Your home wiJ) look betteI', you wil, see better, and your eyes, ' wiU last long~r_


present low rat~', . 81ectrici~y ilcheap

lor any pu"pml(~. the all you need in your home, • , i, U real economy.

Our roofin.. .re made in variou. wei,ht. to meet ,a ll needl, ~f,

Dri.e here-and drive off with • •ood ' .


in I to

B. D. Collett Hardware aad Implements

Donald Foulks is Cedarville College, Li t tle Dickey Graham was quil ill last wellk with grip. Mrs. Clyd Wharton tllld daughter, Miss Eva, a~tended the Holcra!t 5ale at GreeR Tree Thursday. 1\1r; and 1\1I'S. Dean moved Monday from the Jann y place to the farm of Mr. (Lncl Mrs. R. C.

The ,r ough textures In lace nel lIubscribe for The :Miam) GaJ:ette draperies, such 8S tbe novelty COlton. and the cotton.and.rayon weaves. ' Mote Formal For more formal room.. Rch . . tbose furnished In the popular Eighteenth Century lilllllkh It,l-. a little more formall~' In >curta~ . and ~rllperleB lB l:Iel~de(t. . ID the sketch the furnlahinp are 18th een. tUFY Engllsb. Prlnte,d linen drap. eries with a 'bold floral de.lan balll at the wlndows,falllnJ~ "en- run to Inrormal . the floor. The laee net curtalDa uled wi tb them are an AmmioaD dealcD. One new rail setting which we very open and lacy, 1,ut IImpllcttJ Just saw' tot' & living room combines Itself. The laoe net loob at If ona yellow cattail homespun drapetles row at insert/on were Nt upoa allwith lla.. curtain. of eoru·toned other. lace Det. YeUow ill the moat aun· It you Uke madera ,,.,. Gt areu. .hiny 9010r there t., 10 It II a eroa.rt Ing up wlndQw., 7011 au An! aD chotce for "&U. The dra~rre:l ,Me enticing lelecUoD . of modem ct.. trimmed With, a t.o-Inch uncut Signs in lace 'net 'CuJ1a1U '&Ad drapo frlllle ~ a IJ)atchtng yellow. The erlea:.Tbe new mohafrll, In both tr&lace net curtalu are h1 a elnl])le. dillon.aland model'll ~I: are IQuare mesh de.lgD, open In weavo having a great Taguel Uala lealOD • 0 that the r,oom can ' C8.11tllre 01\ and they blend In 'II'eU wltb the -.he BUDllhlne that comes nllor 'tho modern laces, Both 'moluUre and ·>llndows. This type of wIndow treat· lace net curtains are ' lrUhable an4 nent Is Ideal tor a IIvlng 'room fur- that's 'something that Je,.." wemall nlshed , Wltb comfortable Early la glad to know. !louse tor Fall and Winter . And whe,n ),0" ,et Into tbe sbops and tBe the great variety 01 Fall dealgn8. you'll probably be 80rry tb,at vou haven't more windows to deck ou~ In new ·costumes, Among the new' curtains Ill'e tbe very fashionable lace net!! Ql Amerl. CRD deSign. They come In all-over novelty lace styles or with borders and make Tour Windows attractive whetbel' used alone. or with draperies, or over Venetian blinds.

The man who hal uled our roofin •• .pendl very little time in decidin. where he will IrO or what roofing ,he .will ule when plannin. a new houle or bam.

Tn furmat ion c ~ncel'nl/lg Ohio Stale Un ivcrsity's fourth annual high chuol day October :l has been !Sent to all high school prineipal in Warren County.


R('v. paul All/ot't'1J ()f l'~dl1rviJI~ !'""_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ l'ull"A'e, \Ioho is the Ill'\\' Jill till of Springboro c hnrg , including Lytl tlnll RI,t! Lion, ftlled the Licea,... Broker pulpit h rll " unday. Rev. (lnd Mrs REAL ESTATE Wlllh·r l\1'lll'tln and little MO ll !e1't Thut'lidny for theil' new hom t NOTARY PUBLIC New Paris, Ohio.

The Dayton Power and


~------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----------------------------~~~--.---~--------~--------~-----------------------------WAYNESVILLE, OHIO, THURSDAY, OCT BER 1, 1936 Whol Number 6241

Eighty-Eighth Year

!ZZ _ _








With thl1 opening of the squltl.. Th e unnual homl'co m\ng wi ll h reI season Ohlo hunters aLready h ·Ill ul Oregonia, Su nday, October report drat the squirrel crop is 4th. one or the largest in yeal's. ~t may Warre n county',s ei~hty-s{'v 'nth also be stated at this time that Flunk W~~t, dil' cWr of the M thodist laymen nnd mini ~ r s ann \lsi fuir which clUI,ed Friday (If Ohill Bureau of MotuI' Vt hic1('s t here is no bag limit or closed ~a80 n on the common red squirrel I)f all churches in th Wilm ington la ~ t week, is Raid to hav heen OM ha>! l'l'qul'lIicfl polic(' ' Dea n E. Stanley and Artln.r comprising: Fayett, of th gl' atcst CN1)O iUII/I " ('I' t hl'IItllZho ut lhe stu1 c to r frain F,.J1 Meet'D, h Held At This type belongs in the nuisance .districit class and may be killed off at any Greene, Highland, Br own, Clef- held i n t he coullty. Hamilton Were The P.incl.,...1 from rnakin,:! urt'l'~ l~ for Iicl!n:le Plea •• ni Countr y Home of time. The ounty Bn by D r cluh violnlions before November 1. Speake... at th .. Catherlnc, Mr •. W . E. CorDell mont and Clinton counLies, will event anti the variolls 4-H Club MallY Ohiu dl'ivcI·R. W(1)t suid, sponsor a big rally of men at the activities h'five becn a great at- ~cel1'l unawa\,('o that the IIc~nse _ are The WarTen county precinct High school auditorium, Blanches. traction at the fall' in Pn..~t Cew rnand tOI'y li nd many ar unaware , Tho New Century Club met at workers and candidates em th~ ~r, 8 p, m. Monday , October 26 years. Jesse Thomas a nd Harry Pral er the home of Ml's. W. E. Cornell, law becorn 'S ell' ctive, thf\t county tiek t were dinn er jIuests ,Men of all Methodist churches At t he auction on 'F riday Milo October l. arc flshi ng In' 1i chigan, thi~ week September 25. The prc.!!ident, M!rs. of Judge F. Marion Hamilton and are expected to attend. Men be- Hartsoc k' steer weighing 11 () lb L, H . Gor(}(I/I, loca l I'eg i~tl'llr, W, F. Clark, called ~he meeting to 11' . R. H . Hartsoc k alit! Mrs. .Simon fiolls of t he Court of ' longing to churches of all other wa.s bought by th Kroger GI'Qcery ul'geS dl'ivcrs to secure theil' App al... , at the Golden L6mb In order, nnd 22 members rElsponded denominations, Ilno men affiliat.ed and Baking Companlr at 10'h c. liccnsps at once in oJ'dt'l' to avoid E. '. run. IV re Dayton visit.ors Lebanon, Monday night. Judge loday, with no church , are cordially E. C, Coyl(', local meat man a la~ t minuLe rU!lh. to roll call. Hamilton, who is recovering after A(ter the busine. II session a invited. Ilnd McVey Brothers, of lJal'veysRaym on d Bru(!dock an d family nn op rlllio n at t he Mayo Clinic in Walter Underwood WaS a LebDr. Merton S. ,Rice, Detroit, bur"', purchased foul' 0 1 t he fifty~'Trllvel" prograll\ was greatly . .. ~ ~lI'e- moving to t he Roush fann on Rocheste r, Minn., was unable to anon visitor Tuesday. Mich ., one of the world's greatest six calve~ ~o)(l. be present.' flnJ·oyed. Mrs. J. L. Mendenhall h ' 1 1 b h route 73. preae ers, WI e t ~ guest Two garden clubs, Lebonon and gave a .... ery interesting a,Ccount of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Henderson speaker. His .subject : "Take Care Waynesville, had benutil\1/ dt,Zain Armitage, c.ou nty executive b.een !IPending seven! days ,of That ·Boy." Dr. Rice is a L banon winning fiTst. preMr. and Mrs. 1. 0 , lhown were' eommittell chairman, acted as toast h el' visit to Washinlrton, D.O., as have PIa . ys, e a t L exm gt on, K y. . . w e~-en d ~ues of Mr. Brown's master and introduc d the enndispea k er wo rth d rlvtn~ a couP Ie 0f mlum and Wayne vil1Q wall a del gate to the Third Triennial pal' n al V ~rsA il1 e!l , Ohio. dates. Mrs. T. B. Brannock is spending hundred mil s to h ar. Another awarded' eo nd. "Every step lorwl\l'd in cco nConferenco ()f The Assoeiatoo tbe week at the home of l1er special attract.ion will be the ap· 1 First priz.e in 4-H Clu bs disphlYs omic progre~s sine lhe world beMr. and Mrs. Arthur Mills alld Tho principal spCJIkers were Country Women of the ' World. daughter in. Dayton. pearanc~ On the pro~am .of iI I went to the Nonabel Club of Leh· gan has been through the vol un- do.u·ghter, of Piqua, were guest~ 'of' D~ lln E. tan ley, Lebanon attOr-' Being th largest women's conven.. talented group of eIght singers nnon and the second premium wa: tary efforts o( inoividunls. The Mrs. Amanda MlIffitt, Sunday. My and Arthur ITamiloon, Warren , county representative. Mr. tanley tion 'Over held in Washington it Mrs. JOSle WhItaker retur~ed {rom Oreen fleW. award d to thc Franlt1in T own hip e01:ol1ary is tr ue: p Ii I<;al orlCsnaturday after 8pend~ng The goal in attendance for this lub. i ma hav n v~r crealed wcnlth... t 0 discusscd national issue"p and ' Mr mr. R , A . ross hIl.S gon was probably the largest ver held home several months in Dayton., , meeting is 1,000 men. Those in In the Future Fa1'ntel; exhibit produdng enterprises." _ l.)avid Ripley. wh r he will sIlend th , Hamiltol'l pointed out thli excessive in the world. ' . charg predict that the attendance thc Miam · } . ' Talley hS)Jter ";'play' Lawrence. wintet at t h hom e of hili ni.e ce. waste in the various state depal'tM D b C 0 f S Mrs. Maria Elbon told of her r 8 . . . s orne, 0 pl'lngv u~ mente. field sp nt Fr' d fit k will go ~yond that ftg-ure. ed a. I;fe-Rized farme r.' tal'v~d in trustees, E. L. R~r chel Stiles, pr sident of the Township visits to California. After a ,e I ay as w~ . No admil!Sion w\ll be h g d I I' i graphic description of /I. trip with )fio. and Mrs. J. H. Smith. Offering will be taken. c ar e , ~"fO~~r!O ;~~n:g :e~~rm~e Pb~\:: , Tbomas and Will C. t. John tranll Young Republican Club, spoke of ~cled busine in Lebanon, Tu es- t he a; sistance Lh " young voters through the Antelope and anta Mr. and Mrs. Will Mohr, of WayneSVille Future Farmers. Also are giv ing purty I atlers and day. Clara .V alley", she dwelt most Dayton, .were Sunday, vil\itors at. In th e dl . sp I ay was a rae k 0 f The dal'kest cloud in the industhe hom of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff " pledged \!ontinued MtiviLY. inter~stinlJ')y upon her visit to the . cahn d foods put up by the Way- tl'ial outlook is impcndinl!' labor Mi. s lara Lile and Miss KnthMr . Walter Anderson, of .. Burnett. ne ville Home Economics Club. lyn Gibbon vi itcd Rev. a nd Mrs. troub les. chairwoman, Fra nklin, county Huntington Library which is in J. Schaetrer in Dayton Tuesdny J . After an absence of several If the troubles disrupt jndu:lfact a museum and is second In I'Poke on behalf of the women preMOTHER OF COUNTY evening. months, Misl! Josephine Banta has tl'Y at tI time when it is making clnt wOl'kl'-rl) and the activity the SUPERINTENDENT DIES Inv'0rtance only to the British retu~ned to tho home o.f Dr, MArY Me) r, JJ riry Fox and, Ch~rle .. group is planning ;for the ' camOver 8,000 ,p ersolls placed a ' M~. Mary Ellzl!lbeth Bohl, signa l p t 9grc8S ollt of deprlls ion,' MUI/eum. L. Cook. gucs on th e number of seeds jn mother of C. H. Bohl s up erinle nd- every cit.izen will be the los t· - Beichler, of ' llfinmisburg, vi ited paign. After adjournm nt deliciQus re their .a un t, Ml'S, Sarah Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Archdea- the twp pumpkins which were on ent of the Warren counLy sc/lools labor l' !lnd capitali t a like. ' freshments were . rved to the con attended the fu~ral of Dr. di ploy In Eyerett Early's booth at di ed FrfullY aftcl'[!oon at ber home Labor representatives aDd in- unday . Inmembers and following gu('stll-- W. J. Mockler in Springboro, the Wa.rren County fall' last week nea r Mr. Orab following a brief du trial leader sho uld hav H. C. flal'vey nnd family, ' who Clifford Kruer placed th e near- iIlncS!;. he was 67 17 ors of ag , tell igence enough to under tand Mn. Monis Cornell, Mrs. Ronald Saturday afterno,on. colm arbitration is bettcr have been occupying the Robitzel' that est guess and wa awarded 500 lli . Bohl uffer ed a heart atHawke, Mrs.' Bert Jlartsock, Mn. Mra. Ella Carman alld grand- pounds of V-C Fertilizer. C. P. tack 'and fell al her home on Weel- than conAict. N ither side is property, are moving to Lebanon Ru sel alisbury and Mi.s Doris daughter, Eloise Davis, of Dayton, . Ellis, econd, received 4 rods ot. nesday evening. Funeral serv ice ju tined in taking a stubborn thi week. Salisbury. spent the week-end with Mr. and inch General Clay Drain tile. w r c held at Mt. Orcb unday sta nd. The ca.use of the working A r ttietion prohibiting minMr. and Mrs. L. A. Garst and Mrs. Cliff Burnett. mlln will not be served by long Mr. a nd Mrs. R. E. Frank were in ors hOlding temporary driving The two pumpkins contained morning. 822 seeds. - -.".,-___' - - strik that destroy th e source Cleveland ovcr the week-cnd and permits to operate a car without The WayneSVille Garllen club i t'om ",hieh' empl oyment and pur- visited t he Great Lakes exposition . the p·re ' nee of , ~ licensed driver ~------will meet at the Riley bome on chasing power flow . in the machinc, has been rescind. route 48, next 'l'uesday eV(ming, The average working man is not Mrs. L. H. Vinson, Mrs. Mabel ed, according to an announcement October 6, at 7':30. a ra(Jical. Nor is the average em- Dinwiddie and M'iss Jean Fergu on made Saturday. ployer a. bitter reactionary It i s a of Dayton, were callers at the Mr. and 'Mrs. A. H. Stubbs M eh f th b' t' t th Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Mainous, . .u o. e ~ Je~ lon . 0 e sale bet that if the Qvera~c worker hom e of MT. and Mrs. J. Will , with friellds from Dayton motored FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST Fr 'd ftc ol'lgIDal ruhng, It 1S IIBrd, was and -employ r could sit clown Wh 'tc to Daniel Boone's Den in Eastern who will soon leave for their I , • I ny a rnoon. based on the inconvenience it Carl Sm1~b, IIln1lter future home in Florida, were calmly t ogl'ther and di~cu t.h eir Pem Thom..., Sppt. of Bible Kentucky, Sunday. Mr. nnd Mrs. G. D. Mills arrived would occBsion among children of honor guests at sev ral SOcia) differ nces, a great deal more School horn Monday after a plea ant high Rchool ago who of nece sity Mrs. Ray Mainou8 and son functions during the past week . E. V. Barnhart wus in would be done to solve their diftwo week' vi sit to hi son, Lindley drive to and from school ~ch Bible School at 9 :30 a. m. James Donald returned home Sun- On Thursday evening lhey were nati over the week-el1d. ficulties than \vill be acco mplished Mill s and fllmily ai th eir: summer day. Communion, 10:46 .. m. day evening after a two weeks' given a'ise by a number oC by politics or by extremists on Miss Lilla Benham visited cottag' at Rosscommon, r-t:icMf:\'BIl, Under the new ruling children Preachmg, 11 :00 .. m. visit in southern K,entuck}!. neighbors and fdend. headed by ither id e. who hold temporary permits ean Mr. Frank COok and Mr. ' Ralph friends in 'rilmington, Friday. The American people want a !air fr . and Mrs. Wilbut· Clllrk at- 10j(IIIIy drive in Ohio without the tria YNESVILLE CHURCH OP Mr. and Mrs. Sam~el Surface, Linn. At a seasonable hour delight Miss EVil Miller ,h as b en visitin~ deal for lab or. They al ~o want a of Marion, who are visiting reI. ful refreshments of cake, fruit t ended the wcdriing of the latter's l>l'eSf'lnCe of a licensed adult. CHRIST h r daughter, hs. Gllace McCune, f ir dE' al for capital whi<:h i ni ce, !\f iSH Marion C\lrmony and - - -_ _ ••_ __ atives in Waynesville and vicinity, and candy were enjoyed. Carl Smlt,ll, IIlnuter in Lima. nothing more than th accumulat- Mr. CharI R Reynard at the High were di nner guests of Mr. and Not A Deno~lnatton On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Ernest Buttet~o1'th, TUe1ldoy Mainous and faUlily were dinner • 1\11'5. Annll Hartfloelk, of DaY1-0n, cd , :mvlngs uf individual s labol' r~ lroot M . E. Church, pringfleld, 9 :30, Bible school. included. high t im e we heard Qn Sntu1'day ev nin ~. 10:45, Lord's Supper. Miss Katherine Prendergast at- guests 01 'M r. and Mrs. A. H. WM the g uellt of 1\11'8. Susie l ess talk of strikes and SIl w more Miss Faye l.)rur:.t, who recently, 7':p. m., Christian Endeavor. ....·n n.". the Midweat Dahli.. Show Stubbs and Saturday evenlng Mr'. Evnn ov r th e week"ond, effort being made low/lI'd r ensu n7:(5, EvangeUatic aervlce&. returned from a trip abroad, in t he Han of Mirrors, Kotel and Mrs. Ralph Linn gave a fareand equitable arbitratioq abl e Miss D r' Hawke lind l'W nt an Wednesday, 7:45 p. m., prayer Netherland Plaza in Cincinnati, well porty for th nl at which the operation at BioiI' Broth ts hos- dj~puled i. s u e~.- llldu st\'ial Ncws wh ere she pent eleven years in following were ' present: Mr. and Au stt'alia and Africa, is tn e I!n~ bible study. S"nda, afternoon• . Ohio StaLe University anfiOuneR eview. Mrs. S. Walker, of Covington, Ky., pital, Lebanon; MQn ~lay morning. guc. t of hal' cou s in ~, J . B, rabbe ed today its plans for the entertain Mr. and Mrs. Ernest -Woollard Mr. and Mrs. G prge Henderson, ·WAYNESVILLE ... E. CHURCH and family this , week. MI'. and Mr . Rober·t Bak.el·, Mr, ment of high chool students ' who Poullry Ho~ ... Re:modeJin&, and Mrs. Lorraine Spray and and Mr. and Mrs. A. Kleener. and Mrs. Ito rt Baker Jr. and Re.. G. C. Dlber:t, p..,tor visit th~ caMpus next Saturwill l\fl'" R. D. Collett, M T'S. A.. R. A poultry hous' ,remotieling job fa 1;Il i1y , Mr, and Mrs. Ray Mainous day, ' ----~Sunday: Sunday school at 9 :80 Iittk daughter, of Dayton, were R ..... l Elect ..ific:ation and so n, Donald, Jolrs. Frank to avoid losses in gg produetion Day, Mrs. G. O. D~b rt, Mrs. On that; day Ohio State will have a. m. Morning worship ' at 10 :(0. Sunday gueata of Mn. T. a. Bran Millct' and children, M.l'S. W. H. during severe cold weather on the Marth a Bough, and Mrs: MIlI'y C. its fouJ:'th IIllnual high. school d,a y, The BelOmon subject will be, nock. 'ross attend d a m ect in ~ of '. the Application for memb rship in Madden, Mrs. Lizzie L wi, Mrs. .farm of T . FJ. Burkhn.r t in Bel"Preventlon or Cure, Wbich crowd of 40,000 , young fdr. "nd, Mra. B. B. P~ters and WOmc.n'A Foreign Missiona.ry and county WI;\S watched by 86 mOnt Shall It Be?" people is expected to attend. Infam ily attended a' family reunion the rural elect-rification project in Sadi, Conncl', Miss Anna Mays ociety of the Dayton <listrict, at Evening ael"Vice at 7 :30. vitations have been sent to 1600 at Berea, Ky., Sunday. Mrs. Darke county numbered 580 on and Chat'les Jam !l motored to other poultry f)w ncr . A . braw lift enterviU , Monday. Wednesday: The W. F. M. S. Peters' mother aCCompanied them August 1. The farmers hope to Ind ependence, Ky., Sunday, where and building paper for insulation Ohio high schools_ The da,y'e pr'o grnm will start at will mee-t with Mrll. Hatfield in home an'd, will remain for the bave ths plans for the project they enjoyed a picnic dinner at of the walls Wet the m ns u ed A family dinner party at the ready for ~Ubmission for fedarall th home of Mr. and! Mrs. James to avoid te mperature df'ops in the hom e- of Mr. and Mrs. H. II. 10:80 , a. m:, wi~h a88embl), alona: Lebanon at 2 p. m. poultry h ouse next winter, Bible, study and 'prayel' meetapproval before October 1. ~eers. Williamson, Sunday comprised the the Long Walk, centering the llr. and Mra. Oli'ler DaVia will ing at, 7 :80 p. m. " ' following: Mi>. and Mrs. J. Bryon C"mpus. Students will mee-t behind =~~ ========================== .~--=c==========================~ Monday for New London, Cooper, and daughter, of Miami, the standard' indicating the variThe Cincinnati btallch of the where they wUl be the Conn., W. F. M. S. will hold their annual Fla., Mrs. Paul Hauk, Mr. and :Mrs ous projects al'fanged for the meetinr in Grace, DIY- routa '01 their lOll, James Davlll, Harold Williamson and BOn, of morning. Twenty-five · university departments · , "wHl have, "open Dayton. tOb on 'J:ue,day and Wed",elday of 81Id I~mU,.~ The,. wlll alao visit Pblla.delphla and llotton. house" for students interested in next week. Announcement is l;Ieing made of their work. Men'a 3.plece nU.., 60e; Men'lI the marriage Of Rel(m Campti!!ll, At 11 :30 a, m. swimming de-monST. MARY'S CHURCH White Flannels, 'Oei Ladle,' daughter of Mr. and Mr . Richard strations will get und,er way at Re•• J. i. Schader, Beotor plain eeat., 70e; Ouo-of-Ieuon Campbell, and Raymond Morgan, pools in Pomerene Hall an dthe , Seventeenth 'Sunday after garments ...Ied· In mbth-proCiI ..son of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Natatorium. For the noo'n hour Trinity, October C, Church ,school bMs wlt~out extra c~ar~e. Qllick ¥organ, of Springboro, which lun'cheon will be a:~ai1able In , at !J :30, sermon ' and HQly C9mXa'\bJ71l Menden;all, took place in Walton, Ky., Septem many restaurants on or near tbe Il\Unlon at 10 :80. Manaser. ber 21. ' caMpus at rea.sonabJe prices.

---.- - ._----,:--






I . ---- - - ---



















Mn. J . W. Haynie and n epbe-w, ST. AUCUSTINE CHURCH Herbert Gra" of Columbu8, Mr. Fath.. 1fewtoa. P....r and lira. C. C. Arcbdeacon and M... at 8t. Aupatba.'. ehufcb evel7 , SUncia, IDO!'Dbaa'.


ehlldren, .of Dqton,wer, Sunda,. gueata of 111'. and ' Kn. J. H. Smith.

,PInt-da, 'Sehool at It :10 .. aI. IHr. and lira. S.lIIuel Surf.", ."'nll for WoiIIatp " 10:10 of IIerion, Oblo, were ovem!aht

--- ..


pug, .,.....". of h

aad lin.

Le.~ BDrfU" Other- . ...ta

of lira. Sarfa••, 1'ueIdaJ .,......., were • • Uad lin. Ber~. and

... 8art.... II,..... lin.: BdWia . . . . ud UttIa ........... Lbada LH. '

C. H . Chidlaw, pilot, of EI Paso, TexaR, who waf> Tdlled in a plane crash in Colorado, Mon\'lay, was a cousin 0:( Jame E, McClure, local funeral director, and C. S. McClure. His mother Mrs. Nettie Chidlaw, of Duluth, Minn., sistor of the late Mrs Walter McClure is well known' it! Waynesville' having been a fretluent visitor ' the McClure home here.





~biq State Bnd New York Universlty will get under way at 2. p. ta.,

in Ohio Stapium, 'as t he lIeadliner of the high school day program. New York promises stron, eompetition for the 'Ohio state squad. Ohio ,State's big 120 piece band ulso will be read, to enienaln the hieh. school visitors with. full baa' of trieks. It started rebearaaJa lut week to be ready for the opea!q Mr. and Mrs. Lon Beckett enter ,ame• tained at dinner Sunday, Mr. and A charp of ,II centl will ....1' Mrs. A. T. Hill, pf Bellbrook, Mr. the .to_tlle) all • dara ..oW alld Mrs. W. C. Turner.. Mr. reMnatlOJl Wn....d. ~ Yra. Guy Tu~er. Mr. and the bt.h achool prinetpai. Rolla Mun~r and Ion Bob, lametltown. Mr. ell4 'Jt'ra. Holland. Ill', lID

--_.__ ..---


Clam... aDel "llcer~ ~~W!-J~~t.mPlI!IlM",f{a.



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t .. L"lIl., . ', ~ , ttl~II\""~.






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I ~l( · lltur". fill' t- tta,)r'ti i ' Uil')'

\\' i1hl r ~h'Guh a t o (; ~' l' h'III (' \\'Ill hll"', 1l'1I1 I.'.~ta t<- in Clt- ar· ('('('k t(m nshi p.

: .. it was f1I ~ d b ~ .h "1 I 11 L-lk., . • liel' I ".k'I"1. Hltlnt'lll' Il""lrn~ Btll'b,'!', tnilW I', for d h") 1CI' (1IIll1 Ik.· ,'st

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1I1\TIJll', dcce'\~\ ' d, lilt-" h ,'r thull nc 1 ~·1. harl .. ·vunl{. t' "Clltll1' ilf tlccr/unL th o Il\I\t will an d t stllllll!llt II III I l"1I·d Itlcklll't!. l\(ltlIi ni.~tratllt' of wt!! of S~cphct1 . ~ "'\'L,1\. (\('~ tIll' ,' ~tat,· uf J·;liznbct h Hickal'd. 'l'a co, J Ii n suit d.(nin.t 1....' ,H~ d el.',' :\,(-d, fllt,(j hil\ 1ir~1 und fin a l Hobe Il (llbrnok lind Thl' I <' lip I,·'" .H'<:<' unt. , nn fIn(l Sa"illgs Co., W, W, Whit.'ker nil E lmer K Buildi ng, :(01' mOn('y, illtel' ~"t, 1''' 1'1 ei(' ~ uLl' I""~,, t t. H'culor of t he n cI otht r relief. ThL' amount uf (<.,t t' 0 r .J o~('ph Oon nnlly, d ~c money ('\ainll.'d ill $1.75 . ' 111l'd hill til' t necount. Lillinn Clemnla I\ICGIIl"~(). 1I fil,·d Tlte illhel'i lnnce til ' t o b paid ~ uit n~llin t lal'l' l1ee J. ~1cClf\~ ­ f'un for divo:rc(l. ThL' C'han~ e b lin lh ' ~ tat> of Mary Fl em ming , .11' en. "d, w, ~ d e te l'mi n~I , gl o s~ n l!gl ct. A ~ui t, Will' filed b~, B .Ii(· Joang l'he fOU1·th accoun t of J . ,*ninst Iifford ad\\'nll(,~lcr, ex- ;ll'lwJ'i!\,ht, guard ian of harl s (' l,I tor ot' th~ 111 t. "",ill and le- tll_ D, J a nney, incont p t:~ lIt. was a p· n1 ('nt of Wnll,(lr dwalla(IPl', de- pI'ol'ed, o.llowecl a nd confir med by COR!1 11 , for m<l n y. Th amou nt the COUl·t . la im d is $580. T,he nl'. mId fin al accoun t of Th e Loveland Mutual B uilding Edward P . .J ord ~ n , executor of nn d L oan 0., fi led suit lignin t the· of Klltharin J or'd an, Catherine ?fur rlly a nd J ohn Mu r- deceased , wa approved, allow d :ra y fqr mnn ey andforeclos~ r , ect. .nnd confi rm ed by the court. E. The co urt approved, al1Qwed and A .!luit was filed by Alit ummings f or dlvol'ce from R ex cOHnl'mod th e fi rs t. anti "final IIC' ummin . c unt of n~eHn e Martz ex~u l rb:

CIlIt' lt . Ilnd


" 'Il l \

tOI ', , hip.

N .. w Sui"



I • lUll' "



Common Plea. Proc:eedi....

I.ulll Stt' llhl' n 011 t o Le.<lie <ZiI . hel't, hllo 0.!l7 in Mil ·On . Lu lu l /1s~ t cll 'r , dc ('all d. hi Ibc.:l·t n, .. [ 8'~t;ll t-r, l't nl, 111· lots o . 47 anti oi!! i n Mns n. Ed win B. ~f Ul'I' ' 11 , II ' 'I,>a, \!d, to Liley N. !If u rn ' lI , 258,50 ne!',,!! in W Ilshi ngtoll town" hjJ.l. '\luk, dect·R,I.'II, to ook, 2 8,03 ncr 8 in 1\IH~sitl


ElilanOl' a..'Itelli ni,

n. t. llini to Ibe rt D. rnl l'~l ll te in Dee rfi eld

town. hlp . Willia m n. W(lrtman, d (: a ('(t, to DlIisy B. WOl't01nn, ) a i, 1'eu] , l ;l be i't lIall1ilton lO lvllship. Vul. y B. Wortma n, tal, t.o Laur! K . WOl'trulln. r eal est8w in HUllI iltoll t ownship,

Henry Ford ,crawled OYer pilei of firewood, sat in tbe cabt of raUroad Ioc:omotiv.. of all tho nlllltCrOUI antiqulI automobiles•• omr of which he bad made, when he 1Ifent. bacltaU,8 at the Yea ...." .pe<:tacul:V drama ot tranlPOrtation at the Great Lakel KJrPOait1on tn Cleveland, Man,ol the vehicleI.e sa,. the,., came from hi. own mllae um at Dearborn. Michigan. . . Mr. Ford s~~nt 10m.. time in his compjlDY', euiblt in the Automotive !Ju.aldrn. and .at m~b Interett.., III me Horticuhunl Garden.a. The picture at the left W3. taken .. he '!d about tb! .Ellpollltion arounch the right Mr. Ford is shown chattins with the fanner in charge of the J!'lrestont; exhibIt f.arm. ' A .ection of 1llI .. exhibit area of the Exposition i. ahown in the celtter plet1;H'e wl~h the million dollar Sbo'll ~oat in the ror.. /tround. Beyond it ,are the Hall of PrORr... and the Automotive Building.

, BW. Allowed t I'n Uni01l. telegrnm, 72c; J . W. Lingo H dwe . 0., nails nnll ire. $2.26; Ka ufm!l.n's, scarnot \lsrnil!h \Juckeb and bl'u!;hos, $; Lebano n Mod .. nizing l l1c >ltai n, Iins -ed oil, and paper,


t!'\,alc of Le wis H. Mar tz, Hdwe \I l1 l1hl(10,II, "nails, ,r,ll; pipe, J . bolts W. Icctric Lingo, \ of d ct he ased.








Beech Grove


The case of Josie- Wills, a cit!- T he cour t a pproved, a nd bulbs, 37,5 ; J omes Foll en , 'II'S. arr 11 D ath rage nter.. zen on behalf of the Utica Wel- I tl~I1fi r m d the first IIc ~o un ~ of ,15; P n Il Morton, serv., 100; lained t he Baptiflt miSSionary (Jci. Ine L ague versus TrusU!e_ of LIl y M. E~b(!r t , x eutl'lX of th e .r. ,.... Lingo IIdwe. Co., w ind ow ety f rO m J onah's Run church last ~___................____~_ _ _'" ---Wedn !! day afte rnoon . All Women Not EquaJly Attrac:uyo finmi Conference, Church f tjJe . ok- of Wllltel' J, BaK er , de· bl'lJ.'.h, knubs, cl1I'st lock. $1.2 ; United Brethren in Christ is dis- cea ed. Harvey Burnll, ahorll nin -, a nd Are in Belter Po.ltion Than GrowMl,' S. Jassie Gnrner called on Th e 1<1. th aecou nt of Boyd S . rcJ}llll'lng . . Inwn mowe r, "', ~ 1 50 ; J . . ~ -I·ssed. 1 Thul' day W'h...n Woa..inll Lateat Creatioo. Mrs. Martha env r ... In the case 01 Bertha Watkins R:1lhg b 1', ll'ustee of the t ru tee- lo~. Holcomb l\ttg. 0" brushes, or. in Mo.t Otbe.r Sec:tioru of afternoon. Of De. ,lI n e-n v rallS Helen Early, a mi nor, et shiJI of William Bu rton; d ceas- 8,G5; unald Dilntu. h, rent Nation "THE HOME OF G.IFTS" ai, confirmation, de a and di tri. cd, ,vas appl'oved, allowed alia o( offi ce for Pros. Atty" 20 ; Trus _ _ __ Mr. ond Mrs, Wayland Jordan Wom l' n who say that YQu Inay a B bution wer ordered. or Public Affa irs, light and gas at and family of Cillcintl ati , Spent W 11 be dend a out of tyle and ' con fir m d by t he court. f1igh er pric es f or f n1'1ll prod . h '" J or d un .aml .. '1 Le~anon. Ohio Tb fil'st and fi nal acc ount of 1\0£ -mol'ial Rail , 7 5c; Ka uf ma n's, ' un ny WIt t ile Y thOse who disl'cgard the new Mani ••e Licen,.. J ames K. Re v r, admini tra tor oilcloth, a nd II nd pupl'r. ,79 ; Drs. d ucts mean li t.tle t o Ohi o farmal's b.ere.. ,tasbio~s in choQs ing th i~ wa.rdEXPERT WATCH William Howard, mill work er, ,o:f t he e tate ot · al'1'i e D. R ev r , Ed. and Robt. Blair, medic al ser- unle 5 th y have B,omt.\thing t o S 11 The McKay family spellt un- robe will not caTe!. about th hints REPAIRING of Lebanon, and M~ss Virginia d ecen ed, was PP I'OV d, allowed vicl.', ,; The Office OlJtfitt~rs, !Jut J>l·oducet·s in most of t his tate day evening in Wilmington. tha Mi Edna D. aHahall, U.ia. Onl~ Gelll.I". MAterl.l_ Carlier, factory worker, f L b- an d confir med by the court. cl'nsl;!rS, 20c; E vel'ybo(\y's omce are in bette I' position than lr. and M,'s. Carrol Deatherage c10lhing Sll Bcialist at O. S. U., anon. The cour:l approved , nHowed and Ou tfi tt.el's, jo urn al f or tl' nsutcr f at'm r s in IIny other sedion of the hl"'e b<!un cl1tl:~ta.ininl( gues ls give On the lines in this fall 'II Prompt Service Donald Mincy, laborer of Ne"'- confi.I' m d th ond nC~(lunt. of and user $2.1 i The Columbu United tat cxcupt thos 10cM d froTIl Cal'1'ol1 CounLy, K~ntucky c:lothc ' and how thesc liocs affect Store open ontil 9 p. D1 . port, Kentucky, and MJss Virginia Lona Frail r, guardian of John Blan k Bo()k l(g . 0. , con cluding • fro }<'r d Thom)) on and Mr. the l\,p pcarance of different. figures . t t t" t 22 "' 0 Th in t h e Pacifi. Coa st tates. f" h Bauer, 8teno,r~her. of Frnnklin. Fr lin , mcompe ,iI ; e Mal.tha l&av r were in Lebonon One 0 the n10 t triksng C an- "'!!"!'!!!!'!~~~~~~~~~~!'!'!!!!! en • payment !IX reeeip , In the matter of thl' estl Mh\lni Gailelle, tax notices, $2 ; V. R. W~rt.z, l'llrnl conomics aturday morning. g s in thu new costumes is the:: Probate Court Bart:y Kirby decea d di tril .ll I I ol ull'l bus Blank Book Mfg, depa.rtm ent , O. '. U. , sa " that the th t brOlld e:r shoulder. this ehange . ~ We a1' glad to r eport a HaM'Y Tronville, g.uardian of Le of rrtock ill ord ered. . . journal, ~27.5 0 ; K.a uCmal1's, ho droulh a ffected Ohio CI'OPS less Mrl!. Edith Davis is slightly improv ha ' the eff ct of shortening the Ask for a roy Trovillo, a mino:r ftl d his fi t The estate oj Flor enc E . MIlls , alld I]ozzle, ".118; J. W. Lin o. t hnn it did th e CI'OPS in Inany other d in health at this writing. figure, and 01tJ1) women will WAnt Miami.burg Permanent .ccount. ' " t.Ic~ a d, \Va found Lo be ex- Howe. 0., pIa es and to avoid that by s el cting gatments Robert E )Koollcy admini trat or e lll pt from inheritance tax. .HJ; The West ern tol·. SUIll- IIcclirIO . Ohio crop yields a:re pine Ir , and Ml's. Claude Guy enter in which th wide hQulder is Sec. Concrete of tb estate of Gr8 e L . Mooney, C. Donald Djlatush, administra· mons p t it jUl'Ot~ summon, . P . cd ot only !J!nt below normal toilled Mrs Gray's brother and urcd by only .a ~light fullness at Air Seal Burial Vault deceaaed, ftled his inventory. lOt of the esta~ Qf ~o~is 1\1, El'· s heriff, $12; Kaufman' , prin t, .... hil e the yield :fOl' the nation si ster, Mr. Vernie Wilson and Mi s the" top of the sleeve or by the The inVentory of Martha M. tel, dec as~d,. fil et! hIS Inve ntory, bu U.on. :for. e WiJlg p roj ect, '1.5!i'; ' hay O!: n r du cd 17 per cent. Mary Wilson als o Mr. Charlies use 0/ small fitting shoulder caps. For Sale onl), by ... han kl e, e?C cu t ()r 0 f th e Griswo ld Se rvo S lat I~n , gas, 2 .0,,; " ot ''V i1mington last Farr, admini trator of the estat of n . C. Mr. Wertz , says that m eans Paxton Women who natqrally hav J. Farr, deceased. was Rtat Qf Burt Wolf, deceascd, lJarl <')1 W. Bru nk, mdcage as dog f aTrn r in Ohio '~' i1I be able to Sunday. llroad should rs can wear garm nt y 91,lr Funeral Director approved. filed his inv,e ntory. wal'den, $3 ,2 ; The Westcl'n tal' tak advantage of the bette:r ir. and M:rs. Harry Thompson with 'no added fullness and be as A ceytlficatc of transfer was is~I!l n~s, $6. '16 i H 71en Dough,man, prices for fll1'm products. August 8~d Mr, and Mrs.. Fred Thompson ~ styliah as ,their I 55 fortunate Mc:Clur~Funeral Home sued to Louie ettlemyt , adReal E.tate Tl"a.a(er. mva.lrd care of hfford Doughman, prices f or wheat t.his y-ear were 24 attended th Vernon Malnous sale sisters. 'T all worn n who are will~ Phone 7 Wa)'D•• t'ille, O. lieli ssa Ander. on, by executor, $7-; Mrs. Irll "Elt zroth; , c,ol'e cents a bushel above August 1935 n ear Wllyn Iville, Saturd ay after· Ing to s acrifice the app,earan~e of ' ministrator. of the es tate of Francell A. NickI on. \.0 LilJian MacNeillln , inlot. No. 64 ' Alice Stark y, $5; Jam e Moor, prioos ; corn \Vns iW cents a bushel 1100n. height do not have to WOl'loY so The inheritance ,t ax to be paid in Lebanon. Several from this place attended much about the wiae shoulder ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 clue Lucy Moor , . 5 ;. Mrs. ~ar. mOl' this yell1' than fast; potatoe on the state of Mary F lemming , Mut ual Fed eral Savings and Loan gl~ret J ones, c~re Olli e Gardtner, bl'o ught 79 cents a bu hel mor ; mon thly meeting at the Friends lines. on ne~ coat and dresses. Af;S eiu ti on to Edwat'd Land D r is ' $5; Mr . Ju lia: ll oll a.~d, care hay prlc s we1'e up $2.87; a ton; Church in Harvey burg Sunday kil"ts and tutlic ' !l1'1;! flared in deceased , was <ktel'min d. John A. NunJist, executor of the Fox. r al estate in Frnnklin town· V tn n :Holland , $10; MI. s Oma u ntl whole milk was 37 cents a morning. Lhi$ fall'~ st.yles, ulthoug-h th fl are 'estate 01 CatheTine G. Nun1ist, ship. K~ox , ca re Wllltel' Barlow. $11; hundl' dweight highe:r. l\{i Claudia Gray attj!nded lh~ in SOln cas e appear only in tbe deceased, tH(ld h ' first and \ final F'red M. Youn~ to StI.'lIa. M. MISS Oma Kno:x, , cal~e Frank High grain pL'ices fOTeed mOTe f. ir at Bcllefont!line Il'St Thursday back. Miss Ca llahan aye the account. Young real estate in Franklin. Ballinger, $11; Ml's. Eldon Short, attlll' and h·og. On .the late sumIr. and Mrs. A. B. Talhlage, J . de ignore all mu ·t have been lall, h'(>n~ Berger to Liliian Vander· ca re Ruby Realll, $5 ; Barr Bros., D1 r Ilnd early {all market this year Lee Talmage and Mi s Jessie II th flares III 0 add to the t rouIn the estate or Joseph Don\ally, deceased $400 was allow d W. W hOI·!;t, }'eal elltate in Deerfield food, $15.7 6; 1\. C. Bron, and pl'ices obtained by fum ra for Garner called on Mr. and Mr. Lies of woman who l of less tha". ~arden sc d , 1; Elmer Collis, th s two cia sea of livestock were Edgar Barr of Etl onton Sunday averag height. The clothing spe.. • (Md, $6.7 5 ; A. K. Day, clothing, lowell thl\n during the same mon- Sunday aftern~on. cjaJist suggests that flare~ that R®'T FOR AND CONSIGN $3 1.82 ; Geo'. Franci s, !lhelter, ~8; th.! in 1036. This increased market · . Mrs. ~ucy Flshbau~hand. daugh start at the wa.i st lille ' s ubtl'act rQui- Cattle, Mill. Ihee'p ,aad _V~ Bel'tha ·lIln es. i ()od, a~d milk, $88,- ing of cattle and hOiS ' indicates tel's, Altee and Ellen and fr lend of , mor trom h e height than tho e ,to Norria-Broek (J"., U.... wife 04 80; Dr. H. T. Hul hmson dental that suppl'ies of live$tock will n ot Middletown, u ll d on the Jordan Which begin at th hIps o:r lowe;'. t::'0~e881ve 6~ f?, r tit. servic e, $20; Kautz's Grocery, food be too plentiful n&xt year and iamily Sunday ~vening. Flared dre ses of the princel!S u:fo:tsf!!,e~:::, 'l!1~~':_"'ee.o. $(1.75; :Kindr d and RobinsOn ment prices will p:robably conMr. ,a nd Mrs. Jlarold BeBson of type may be fitt.(!d in at th wai t Tint8 In on Radio Station rood and milk, $9; Kl'oger Groc. tinue high through 1937. Daytotl, Mr. Wilbu r McCa:rren of line or they can be hi rh-walsted 12!211 to l~ :80 p. m. for our daD, and Baking food, $63 .26; Prioes lor Ohio farm products Harveysburg, spent Sunday after dresses with matchi,ng belts IDUket reporta. Leader Stol'e, clothing, $12 .88 i passed parity ill August for tbe 1Ioon with Mrs. Et.hel BeBson and to. adapt them 'for th use of r~~~~~~~=~=~~~~ Mason Family'e, clothing, $8.- first time In several yellrs, which daughtet' Marybette. ' the woman of averag figu:re, and 83; Mason Market IGA, food, rnean ~ that ,t he f'a rmers o:f this Mr. 'Jame Gl'ay of Wellman i oJther of these fitting Ult\thod., add $16.50; E, F . Mathel'ij Store, cloth- s tate could for the first time buy .seriously ill. to the apparent height of the ' . . . lng, $4.60; Robert R~jchel, food ; as' 1a11g,e a 4iu~nti'~y of manufactur Mr. , Cecil Beason has l' turned , w arer Qf the garment. High neck$23.50.; Schwartz's , Grocery, tood ed goods with 'a ,stated quantity of to Dayton where hi'! will ~nter the lines and a row of buttons on a. $17.25; Smallwood's Market, food fll(Inpro duc.ts a,s they 'could in 'Miami ' Valley hOl!pital for ' nanow tront panel help slenderize ~S; L. W. Smith, food, $40; Bert 1910-1014. Farm.~ts iii other parts obs,et'.v ation, I the figure. . , J. Smith, food, $3.76; Walter H. ~ Of the United States Were not; , • - - - -- . ,Tu,nies are populat bu t Miss ' , , Sahe, shelter, $10; St<;lkes quite so fortuDa,te because the Callahan a dvises buyers to use Dairy Co., milk, $1?49; ,Terry's prices t hey receh 'ed wer& still tWo care in chOOSing the one most 0 Gr~cery, :food,. $5-; GIa~nce points below the pa:rity goat , sll~ted to the figure. Long, slight. . It must be remembered that Th I' . d W · Iyflared tunics of a 'matching ThIeman, clothing, $14.69; Ruby Van R·... 26', T • U · f. armers In . all sectJons . e newmade Y orga11Jze ' J~er, 100d, "'40 '" .. " of. 0 hio aTe Ville band its triumphalaynea· de- cdlQr b~ve, the -eli'ect o~ elenderiz. • ' WOQdrey, :food, ~3_75, Wun~ Dry not eq\!ally able ~o share in ~bl8l but at the Warren County ~ail! Fri ing. but short, full tunica shorten Phone 78.1 GMds Co" clothmg, $ •. 60, Dr. good ~ortune:. , Fou.r coun,tiE$, Hamil day morning when it march~ in II broa.den the wearer. COD-.,~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -T olin ~ettel, glasses, $8; The ton, 'Warr.en, €l"rk end Butler, arade o:f bands from Lebanon ' tra.s.ting- color i,n the tunic or 1 Office Outfitt~r~, ~fficl1 .s\1ppl\es, l1av(! been desiinat,e d as dro~th ~ason and Franklin, , bands of stiff cording at the ' hem ) 750'; Dr, Wa~en C. Br~ldenba~h. ar~ by federal illuthoritiell, which Lehnon led the ~a1'8de with a also tend to acc.entuate shortneas. ~ • medical serVIces, $20 i ,Lid&. Drake, is only done after investigation 1.. ~ d d . hi Ii d Small o:r large buttQns pockets MOT.\RY PUBLIC n sh elter, ,4; R. H. Jefferis, food, $6 has 'p,roved tha.t crops in such "nlan b r~s~kd Id W ' te :.: ekvl~ braiding fur bands wide ' ti es. I: 10 $1Z' . h . () Y Y 'lar re ' • , A P Gl'ap(!\I' e 'f ood ,N.tlo'" 'a..Jr ',' In , • ' ,counbes av~ . , been serJ01;lily dispiayed its school colors with red and zipper closings all appear On Eliza-beth Oswald, shelter, $7; G. damaged. Other nearby cQunties ' ' . ' the new garm ents ~t tbeexten Will. Dr.... • • ,E.ta... s.etIN R. Rossmatl and Co., foo~, $56.25 s u.1feflld ' nearly as llerively :from and black un.lior'nl8. Mason h,,:as sion .specialist tells buyers to b; WAYNESVILLE, OHIO , Ray Swigel·t food 1 $6 ' Tracy's 1 c k 'f . conspicuous In green and w lte . ,G . 'Ik ' Otl 6 " . ,,' E W' a 0 ram. c'apes and' caps while Waynesville ! these details bave a use in j eo /ok • d • _. 'Wore its traditional ' orange and deciding lQave o:\ic";:y: food a~d ~i1~, a$n44 .2~ ; Wh_n'laa tiDII black. them in . plaoo. She says to ~ake . " • 62' All fou,r ' b ands were well or-nthem off If they have nO other Verne B ul,'s. k· , ,gaso )'me, . "2·9 ", , ' , Safll date!; fo~' planting 'w'heat ..pos th t dd t I to the .. t _......._ .............. :" _~_ _....._ _ _.... .' Th e Standa'ldOil Co. ga~oli ne in Ohio begin S'sptemper 22 ' In lZed and made up in €iuality what ' e , ,an - 0 II S ye ,58.82; Flora's ~f~to'r ' ~e:rvice: th~ northern tier of counties arid t hey might have lacked ift quanti~y ,arm en__t._ __ _ ,-:._ __ POa.~ gnsolin I U6 .21 ; Ruby Va'n Riper, become progre8{livel), nina The :following are the memb4tr/s g\lsoline $25.ilO The Famous Auto s outh through the, Itate to October ()~ the Way~elvill e Band: PIPE, VALVh -d I'ITTINQ8 Supply cable, $1,20; The Klinger. Ii in the lower purt of Lawrence Trumpets - W:ylodlne lCurft.l!J, for Water. Dills Co., supplies and parts, $62.- county. Cou.ty ajpicnltural ...ata Benton ,Hoak, Vivian Conner and aael SpraJina. ClItem bud, . . . . 26; Bay City Spovels, Inc., parts call give the eorroBct leedinc datu Fran" LeMay. , trio aIId Spray pa_PI- PI1ambbC II BatiDI 8uppU.. 101'_ prIaI allCl for llnovol, $126.55; J . D. Adams lor each county to avoid HOrJ1t-:'Alton Earnhart, LanCo., scarifie:r teeth, gaskets, $Sl.39 fty damage to wheat. .ine Bardin,aad, Ruth Conner. QuaUtr at The BoeIIlet.. KIaa Co., X.... Olalo. Write _ Holthau s Trans, Co., freight, ,50c; Sazaplionea Leo Connet, TM Klinger-Dills Co., O. B . bear Louise Zimmerman, ,France. John. for pdete. , ," ing bronze, $12.70; T. E , Barnhart ator, $35.20; J. Dunn, Kilo Bartaock ud Doria Surface. garage rent, $16; J .. W. Linso $SO; J, L. Dunn weldinI' torch, Trombone Bett, Bracldo~, PORUIIT Hdwe. Co. supplies and parts, ,73. e20_25; Carr Pa)'l'oll, Charlea I'iru, Trlll1el' Bardin 19: Armrel Materials Co., oil and $204.80; H. L. pa)'l'OlI, and Don ( FOIl IUilNT- 'l.rooa 110...... . . tar, ,2,0311.19: Harry 'Mount,' pay $156.80; J. O. cravel, »nama &obert PNaton, water ·f .......... C. . . Itobltltr. roll, $88; V. M. Ar11litage, ' payroll $8.80; Thp Bridre Co., Barold A.uderaoa, Pa1ll BoaaJa aQd $37; Earl Basore, payroll, $90.40; ,JOeinforced steeJ. ,11.'7; The WarreD ~y, 1(. C. Fonnau, paJrolJ, $365.10.' O....oal. CalY CIa

Cary'. Jewelry









F T Marlin "



Quality Prlntlag

Auctioneer ,'




0,r N Char••

Centerville Ohio


6?, ;1$l5 25' H If~





au ...... . .u-

The Miami te


Jb' r.. ,.,...,11,


, ,III:D,.I"II





Lyt'e Qui\~ /l numb4l1' Iwr~ uttenll'd the



Th· Twenty·fifth ongress 1.11)(1 E:xpo~iti()n of the National Sa! ty Council at. Atlantic cr y, N w J ersey, starting October 5, mark the first quat'tel'-cenltlry of the organized safety mov ment in Arnericll, The alol'y of accident prev nti n during those yeurs ill n story oj renlarknble progress n the one hnnd and of a larming new <Ievelollments on th~ other. , Si ne 1 026 ~lQnc, t)1e ir quency rate for industrial acddenls (di.~ nb1ing injuries pe~ lTIiIlion man-houl's of exposure) has decreasl:d I} L pel' cent and the ~c vcrity rul;.c; (daya lo st per million man-hours worked) ha dccl'en cd 43 per cent. But as indu trial management hos progressed toward contl'ol of the ha1.ards of indu strial operation, the ha1.ards of the automobile have dcvQlopecl to shift attention to 11 new kind 00 acciden- that on the street and highway. Her, hOWever, the probl m is a ompletely public Qne. Whilo enfott,:Ql1umt agp;ncies can be ex:tremely ft'ective, they eonnot npproximat the disciplinary measlJl'es possible to executive control in industry , That is 'Why traffic control d pends so much on ach motori t and pcdcstrial). T he prl' nciples discovered by the ind, u,strisl !lafety movement are equally upplicuble to the tt'affic safety movement. Traffic nccidents arc not rC1llly "aceid nts," Their causes are nscent8inable and temol/abl .

...!. '~I!l Log Cabin Dude RatlCh Is

open for buslnus!" smilingly remark LouiBe Musey and The' Westerners as · they lean over the t I lod T' railing at he ma n ge, r,' bwdne&8 Is entertaining the Dutic JUllch ~IBltore with lUting Wes~llrn melodies and eowbo)' tales over th NBC-WJZ network every Tuea\lhY evening at 8:00 p.m" E.S.T., ooglnnlng September 1.. (RebroadcOJ;t 101:' Western Uetenera at 11:30 p.m.. E .S.T.J Jim Babeoek. Insert. Is foreman: 01 the ranch and a might)' «ood 7arn Bplnner." welt spread of crime among youth than any othe.. measure that coulc;l have been decided upon" Warden Wood ard stated. "The figures of the Dcpartment of Justice, taken from a recent survey, show that the av~rage age of new coml'llitments to penal institutions hM risen , from nin eteen years to twenty-two years in the pa:s~ thirty-six months, which, I think, can be attributed in most part to the activities" of the GCC program ot the gov-ernment. If 1 were to be asked as to what the chief C4uses of crime are, 1 would allswer without heslta tion, the lack of propel' environment and n eglectful parental care. The gre~t, majority of our crimin'a ls come from cro-wd d slum in. fested sections our largest cities .and the tricken pal'~ of out lying country districts, from which the CCC camps now draw largely." Warden Woodard said tile CCC camps in conjunction with the elimination of slum areas and the ~tterjng ' of conditions in the povertY-lltricken rural dist;riets will, in his opinion, continue to largely decrea e the criminal pop· ulation of the nation. • • • With the opel)ing 01 grade and high scbools, colleges and universi· ties in Ohio, Secretary of State G-eorge S. Myers announced a pecial package of ' three publications issuep by the


.!--------....,.~------------------:-:, 8:00 M tgan Gounty 4.H lub PrOlJtam-Memberl! direc~(\d by James

ounty Agl'icultural Agent, McConrtlsviUe,

8 :30 Au~umn Wild Flowers-II. E. Elswin , Naturalist. S:4Q Fum Hom p Perl d: nom Furni hing Facti; - Mi Anne Bf hrich r, Honl Furni hi"« . Spec. tOur Born ell and

Families-Mrl<. UeleJl Mougey Jordan, Ext. Home Economist 9:00 WOSU Orchestl'a. 9:10 Soil Conservation lnterv iew with F. M. GI'jffin, Belmont County far~t'.

9 :20 Th

Duiry Farmer's Pnrt in thQ Cream Grading Progr m _ Edward E. JII~kson, Cream Grading Division, Ohio Dairy products Assn. 9130 W U Orehe$tta. 9 :40 Problems In F tl Prepo raLion-E. A. Silver, Agl. Engineering Department. 10 The Value of For stry to Ohio-E. G. Wiesehuegel, 0:90 Forestry Specialist. PrC>I,all1 A"nouQc.--r. WOSU's llomernaKc1'8' Quartcr Hour, Of home and family help' , is now ' PI' sent d each we k day uecpt Saturday from 9:46 to 10 a. m. instead of from 10:16 to 10:30 a. m. At 9:20 on WOSU's Farm Night program each Monday . d . 0 t b th ' II b b d • r r Wl c roa cast In ormation aiming to even1l1g uMng C 0 et help dairy farmers get a bette!' pri for their cream. :rx

Best of the News Direct ·From the Ohio State Capitol i

CotUMBUS, OHIO - An im- oclB'tion, an organization of officlmenSel benefit in curbing the als of institutions und~r the State growth of crime among youth was Departme-nt , of Public Welfare. too establiShment of the fedetal l "By takiNr the young 'f~lIowa from of the Civilian COMervatiOn CorpB the nlltion's, pool rooms and street camp/t. This wall the aMertion of I corn{lrs, and giving them out-ofWarden C. Woockrd of Ohio peni- I door traininr and wo..t with small tentiary in an address at a meet.- I monthly waces, 't he . government ing of the Managing Officers' as~ ,has done more to pl'evel)t ' the


.._=======:================0;:====== You Ca.. Make~.. Aft 0/ J..eft.0rIere

Tile Westernerl: Left to right: motor d to LatTY Wellin....~~tt MlIlIsey, Maa..!' ,llIa••~ ..........1 ...... MIlt Mabie. Jnset. JQl~ P LOII\·SO

Besides good food an,d I Dud.- Ranch promises unto. entertainment for Ita we. Itors. Tbe repertoIre 01 1 erners Includes authentic bil.lIads. 10"(e I.!OIlgS of t1. lands and bumorous numt

incinnati unday. and Mrs. Donald Hadl y and )'ttl d hte S d I e aug 1', were un a:y guests of the former's :father, Morris Hadley and family. n car Clarksville.

~ n'!


, CI

:k. •

• Jo


Mr. and M~s. William Rogers II of Mason, have enhanced ' their h· h b f d " property ere, y nnw 1'00 an a coat of white paint. \ Mr. and Mrs. Calvjn Longacre the Conservation Council and children were dinner guests was forced to coneur with a new Sunday at. the home 01 M'r. and f deral regulation wl,iI;h placed Mrs. Ed Patton at Cincinna~. Ohio jn the new intermediate' duck Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Dyke ' of hunting zon,a and r~talrds th!J open Dayton were ' Sundny afternoon season to a t hirty-day period allers of Walter and Charles starting November 1. Until now Burnett. Ohio hos })e.en in the northel'n Charles Krn~r, of Rou te 2, wQn zone, with th duck sea~ the half-ton of fertilizer at the 80n beginning OctQber 10. Opposi- Early booth at the Warren County tion of sport men to tile later date fair, for the nearest guess of the was based on the contention that pumpkin sed. many ducks tarting silluth 10r the Milton Jon es is absen from winter will have- lIaseed over, Ohio school on accQunt of inFection in between Octol~er 10 alnd the new both knees, a a, r suit of a Call In opening date on N()vembel' 1, th gravel Ilt schOOl last we k. thereby spoiling twenty day of Walter Clark, Mr. and Mrs. good bunting. ' Harvey Burnet and Mrs .. Letitia -- ~......-.--Kenrick att~nded a Republican meeting and dinner at the Lebanon hotel Monday evening. I Mrs. Margaret Johns spent nturdsy with Mrs. Marjorie Johll1l and children in Dayton. Mrs Elizabeth Smith accompanied her Man Who Wrote Fablll Dhcribed home fot' the week-end. Pre.ent Putur& Co.ndjtioll. Tbe new pa tor, Rev. Paul I" Ohio Angel!; will preacll. at Lytle church next Sunday morning Ilt 9:80. PllStUfC grass s InY- Ohio, ~peci. Surlday School will IJe at 10:30, Mr. Victor Lohr, of Cincinnati, ally in the .southern pSlrt of the will also give a talk at these state" whlcb have' bee." severely services. damaged by drouth may be killed The Ladies Aid ' will be enterthis faU, llnlcss care is used to tain d at the October m ting on prevent overgrazing, according to nhext WfedMnesda y ' tlh~ 7th, at the , . . ome 0 n. ca Vln L ongacre, D. R. Dodd, speCialist lD agron OmY witb Mrs. Bailey, Mrs. DUKe and, Ohio State University. Mrs. Cooper assisting, to




• • •


Albct·t W. Whitney, Associate Genetal Manager of the National BUr au of Casualty and Surety Underwriters, says: "Industry went in to making itself ome hat rellJ"tantly, recognizing the necessity on ,.. the on hand an'd yet f elinlt ccl'tain that this would mean a los in efficiency- hat the weat:'ing of goggl'es, fOJ: instance, and the g1llll'ding of machinery woultl slow down production. E1Iactly the opposite elf ct has been producod. The safety movement, instead of decreasing production, hall incre ed it: In fact, probably no other (lingle elecellt i more to b credited with the increa ed efficiency 01 modern indu!!try thnn thl'- safety movement-." This point.'1 to the c.:xcitlng possibiliti in traffic control. There is every reason to b Jieve thaL Rafer traffic will meen moro fRetent haffic- reHeving cong tion and S8ving the economic cost of destructtion. and deloy.


Taxes Lying in Ambush

The natIon's major farm prod. ley Bailey. ucts-wheat, tIl'a and milk-proTh first group or Lndil' · Aid will hllve lin nmatl'ur ni~ht a duce 01 rc in taxes thllll in farm products. Rend that sentence over Lylle Hall Fl'idllY' evening, again, nod let the filet ,soak in. Oc ob~r l), Everett :Early IIlld quit u dis· Nil farmer, nor nny one else-play from the Lytle t!IQvalol·, at not even a person !In relief--esc:apcs from paying tuxes, for taxes Lhe Wan n ounty Fair. are lIdroitly concealed in the price 1\11'. and Mrs. J . B. J on s att.<md· of every tiling we buy. ed the home coming nt th M. E. , church ,at ML Holly Sunday. Mr. nnd Mrs. hnrl~ s Mull inix ---r-- ---attend d the 'rl\ner~l of Pr.' W. j J . Mock ler, Saturday afternoon lit S1;J1'ing;bol'o. IJII .M'I's. Alice Clark wa!! a gUClst at n 1'atuily dinner, Sunday, at the home of, Mr. al1tl Mn. Milton Spec han, in enterfille. I Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Langaer


Ji'. Hum,


(all' la. t wt'l'k. Mn., EIIII llilldclnck of Dayton vipit('11 Mr.\>. F'I IOl'enc Illlp kin s Wtllln 'i'\day of 1ast week, at the home (If hoI' dlluj;(hler, Mrs. , tun-

-eo IH.___ ". IIJ1D1It.,..4 at POItO"'OI· at Waya ..• ..,.. ~-...................... . yille. Oblu. . . Jlte"Q4 CIa.. Man S.blcrlpli.a Price, 81 .10 • Year llaUft'

Farm f¥ight 7 alks, October 5

of 1\~o)Jll' fnHl\ Wan' It Cuunty






Attemp to secure the last bit 'Mlrs. Mary Carmony attendeU of gl'nSS fr om pastures' also may I thll wll'dding of her grand-dauybre5ult in an almost complete tel', Miss Marian Carmony, to ~r. , . I Charlo, A. Reynard, at the Hlgb change In the plant gr.~wth of tile St. M. E. Church in SprLngfield, pasture; One trial plot at Gernian Ohio, Saturday afternoon, an~he town W<l8 clippecd clo$C'ly eve.-y two reception at the home of the this year to imitate the con bride's parents, Mr. and Mr!!. E. ditions caused by overgrazing. J. Carmony, On Stratford Ave. At the beginning of this test,..." .. - - - - the forage waf! 40 (Xlr cent clover, Only two animals out (If a thous 30 pCI.' cent bluegrass, 16 per cent and reacted to the- test for boviJ:1c weeds, and 15 per cent bare tubel'culosis in the seven, townships ground. On September 10 the po • in Crawford county where the tut:e contained no e!over, 1 per testing has been completed. Five ~nt bluegrass, 34 per cent weeds. townships had no infeetoo animals . and 65 per cent bare ' gTound. In an adjoining plot where ' clipping was not so severe, 24 per cent. of • Election of the late William D. the bluegrass remained on September 10. Bickham, for mOte than three de· P.astu~ grasses mu.s1; be permiteadell the , owner and editor of the ted to obtain top growth this fall Dayton fournal, and the late Erie if they ar~ tQ obtain fpod reaerve~ C. Hopwood, for many ye~rB to carry them thtough the winter editor of the Cleveland PlaIn and to start growth [,ext spring. Deale-r, to Ohio's Journalism Hall No pasture plant can build up a of Fam ' was announeed by PrOfes sor O. C. Hooper of tbe school of food Bupply unless it is permitted to develoll le,avjls to n~anutaeture : jou'tnalis~,Ohlo State u~~versity. food. ' ' The ,selection was made 11'001 8 that the Mr. Dodd reeomllMmds group of nominees by ninety editoTII and historians. Tbe weeds in pastllre be mowed and names of Bickham andH()Jlwood that livestock b taken fr?m Will be a~doo' ~o the scrolls of the the fields early. .. Pastules ~~Ich ,T I't~m 'H.•'ll 0' f F arne ' not fertlhzed, .,ourna a". a have . , ' been . .Tecentty . di f Oh' hI' Ii will be gl'%t1y benefited by apply nner 0 )0 newspaper pu , , L!I - ing' 400 or 000 pounds per acre of erll this faU. After a varied neW8- a h' h .h h te f e rtil'Izer. Th e .. ..... , tg p o.sp a paper career,~. Blc~h~m, who fertili2er should be- diaked into the "a8 botll at Clnc.innati In 1.827,/ t p . ' ' I o t ·t w . be d e became city editor of ~e then 0 SOl ne 0 0. 1I1C S e p ' .. I t· C· . J t til When t'he groun~ 110ft enough CInC nna ~ ommercla, a e . f 11 . th k' '1 W , e C'IVI., ar t 'urne d d ISne a to pel'mlt e wor being outbrea k 0 f '~h war correspondent" and in 1863 \ l . • _ _ __



At Reduced Price


ERE'iS an offer that will appeal to all-American Boy Maga2:ine and this newspaper at a special combination bargain price. The American Boy is the favorite magazine of more, than 500,000 boys and young men. Its fiction carries boys on the' wings of adventure to all parts of the world. Its sports articles by famous coaches and athletes are studied by champions. Hilre you will find the fin t stories on span., .viation, business, school activities, humor, and traveL Even at it regular price ( f $1.00 a year, "flle Ame~ can Boy is considered a borgain. But now' you may obtain it and this newspaper ••.••


Oepartr,ent StaUe has been prepared '1or distribution to school, college and university librari s. The package contain a copy of the Constitution of Ohio, annotated, with all amendment$ and annotations to January 1, 1936 j the 1935-1936 ~aps of Ohio showing eongrcssienn\,'- !>enatorial and judicial districts of the state in colors and listing general statist.ical information; and a copy of , the Ohio Capitol leaflet which describes the historic State House. The package ",iU be mailed upon e t to librarisns, s uper,ioteodents or other scbool officials, Secreta'joy Myers said.



Both One Year For





nlPt editor,


Successful use of villegar to kill soil fungi, as demoDlltrated by William L. Doran, II ehuletta Experiment Station, t':ht !!ome application in ~e tobacco 'ectiotla of Ohio. II... .Doran lIIed about one-h.lf plDt 0 .tntcar to the "uare foot of obtain.ct lOod CODtrol of



......... editor .ad forth. Jut OM Aahtabllia '-II ....' ,.... at ... editor. attended tbe Club Co:~"__ lie ...... .......,.. .... s. U• ....,..... ,roM






Send Your Order To

The Miami

• •

'became the ownet and editor of the na,ton Journal which he publI,hed lID"1 hla deatb in ISS.. Mr, Hopwooel, born at North Eaton, Ohl", In 1871, taUlht school fo ... time after hia aradllatlon from colle... io 1802 Joined the staff of the PlaiD and uDtil hla death ill 19t8 "rYe4 11Icceuively .. ' poliae nporter, auiltaftt dty




















In tlw

, • II'


un Il"n ald,

III/ '\11)'

...... " .h·", (\'t'i1 E kin" ':1 :-;11 Hla. _ \\·. I hondin~. ('1111 •.'.11'1 lh~' "11'"',' r 'II . tI,'l l>! I :'k\, ') ,"!,('fll :-:nlln Ilanot. 11 nnd 'II-, ~ftlt .. n I,.k- .1, ~ 11111 :-un la.1 Will. hl'l m',tll't in. III I Thl1r~.ta .. , nu,·th L~lk. I Wilflllllj!tl'll. 1M, ~ho hilS l'mplt')'nl"111 tit ':11- , :\h~. It:ldhl Wl1J.t. ~:!, P''':''.! h()ndin~. II(,Cll11l11l "i,'d 11t'/11 hOllll' III '" 'I'hlll-,lti' \'\ 111o"" ~'ulI('rlll M"",iUJ1Jl'" Ihl'h l'II ' CIIl'!" o III I l'n'iI:~' W,'!' \' ';\'1,1 lil hI h'Clur~ Ch""I~'Ii' D,'l· ntlt'lIli d '1 lunch\\'a)nl' ill,. 1'1111, ' ~Iltlll'li Y ~iH' tI II) ~T. R 'n nn,i hurinl Goinl'. nt hl'r hOIll, in IlllTLwdl, I Its Illlld,' III '1 iatlll C 1!11\ h I' y. incinnuti. . . i'lh',-J ". 'L'IU('lWII GiItinm, John U[ll. anll ~h~. H: ' ,:ll~lhglln 1111 d 11.11",1,1 'l·lId,,,!'. G\!Ul'l{l' lIartI'pent ttl' \\ .' k.\'nd . In hchl~a". II\ ~" Chulll." \ ('Il'r, 1111 Bill Smith .M'r, nnd M~~, Chlirlt s 101oIn~. Iltl~ndcd II [1'X lIl1\) C"Il(l chase in, cOmpany "i1h ' fl'. 1111.1 I nl! l ' ClllllicULht!. 'unda~ . P. k I'l'e~" ntlemd,·d Lh ll \'('{It I ':\fl\l1) 11f UUI' ~'I) \lJlg people! r Lllk~>! It po.!twn at I \. ' a~d on I1tallnim! tl' a ll nil the Ii igh • nturdar nnd undo;.'. ~I'h 01 0 \ clohl' I' :l aL ColullIii., Vivian Tuekl't will 1.1'l\ch:. v • , , ' h I ' I lJU ~ . the secvnd Ilud Ilart ul Let lIl'l Wilhur Kilk, I'QCl' hors clrivl.'r, 1\ Its tr at~lI at th Blair B,·other. lIo~ lJit II untluy Jllorninll fOI' inj l1ri\'~ ll ll'ert'd at th~ itlirgl'Qunds wlt"n II hQr~e kick II him in t.he



l\I,.", " :


, 1I.'mbel· of th M ~ si e T lIwn· ,.hip Gl'ange mel ~t tht gymnasIUm , londay e\'enlnsc. 'lIflS. 1I1al·jol'io E elund of WiIminglclll , l'ulIed on Mi s Anna Mac Donald, Sunday aftcl'I1oon. ~h ~. Allie Dllkin of the Lolly Harmon Home, Lebaf10n, caJIed ()n 1l'. and .M r " E, B. Dakin, Sundoy aft rnoon. 11'. and Mrs, J . W. n 11, and M'r. and Ml·. Louis nell anti daughtcl', "Vi. iwd Tell\tivl! in {outlOte)" Sunday. MI', nd Irs. E, V, Schlllltakel', Mr• . Edith Hermon Ilnd Mr , Mary Tuck~l' njoy d picniC a. hal'oll W oodl<, Fl'ido . t theil' honle, Collag Huven., Mr. and ~rg, ChaJ'! s marl. alld dO\lght ·r. MI Grnc lent rwined II 1l10UP of t"cltltives at - dinnel' Sunday in eel bration of tho 47th w ,ldinA' noniv I'~ary of . fr o lind for • SIllBI'l, which faUs on Octob el' 1, and also the birtbdllY onniver~ I\n' of Mr;t. mart. Tw Iva bel" of the family w,e re PI'



Home (' IUfl

1 hit.


\ ' " \\!1 I









I,ll l'~' \\111 ,. lllhli·h h~1 pili, hUIIl\. :\It,~ l.11,' Im~ II lin 'Il'liv" 1111:111.' jn thi ~"I'HII'l!\lly for II IIlJll1b.1 "f Y' nl'~ • nil II ill Ill'


)!,1't'lIlly lUI ~l'll

.MI~· CiaHI LIIL' ~'L



111 I he (;,,111,'1\ LUlIlll hilt 'I in L(>b:UHlII .\ll1l\r\uy • ',Iling, the' hu~t(',,I'"




"urki.·]' MI~ \.~






Northern Ohio Grown Seed Rye

Seed Wheat A limited quantity of Pure Fulhio Seed , Wheat

Waynesville Farmers' Exchange,Co. l

Phone 25



M~lI .

~a O. Mal' haJJ o.nd John W. Bricker, ~pubU~ eandldato '0" I'oy.

'1'001', oQD.\l nul/I' IlrlllAl corn I'alsoo on tho Mal'8baII ' ....m neAl'


-- ~', -

/,- - --

nwn on the fnrce. The best highC ARD O F T HAN~ S way patrolman allvc cann t prewi'Sh to expre s my sincllr 'iJ nt accidents nOI' apprehend many l'(lcklc~s motoriist if h hM gl'atitude to the neighbors and hundr ~s of mile or road to c vcr fri nds for theil· assist.ance during Howard Th~ human clement is l'csponsi- the sickness and deaUl ble r01' the gteat ma.iority of ach nowelh. Mr . Daisy Duvall. ciden~. W must mllke it imposlIibl for ·the tw nty'-mil -lin-hour :\UI!'lC:E ..... ·1 'lI.EC...·l 0N U N drive,/, to opel·ate. his car at IS l 0.' II UNI), 1n arC! nt i<tlldy oj Am('rican eighty on a thirty'-mile-an-hour highway, with I)articular att ntion paid to tht! relation of highway. ___ __ _ _

-- ------ - -

road 10 . a~c driving, th JIl azine Fortune !llllll : "Th eold fae Ja tha t h'aflic toduy IS a combination of (111 ci~hty-milc-an-ho\lr cllr in the hino IJ r a t.wently-mil -anhour drivel' ;truggling to adjust itsel r tl) a thirtY-mile-an-hour rOil It. "


• ripping





~ O l It . I fJ 31. .0. Ie JlMr-r m~~( N. ' '\"rk "fllNl1 III"


• ot Ih,· Vllla"I' .. r \\':131'1('8"111", O. 1- -15·t~

Wilbur N. Sears FIRE -



Our many year of conscientious servi to t he p ub Ii of this ommu nity in it elf constitute,S assurance that you will get only high gr, de, hon at fun era ~ me~c handisc. It is upon thiS kind of m erch And ise, p lus t hough tfu l pen;onal rvi that we h ave built OU1' reputation-and thllt 'T ·p u tntiOJ~ is ou r most p r icel s ~t et.

death 0[' IOllg imprisonment To speak a word ngaiiJl!;t Mussolini in Italy make~ you thtl worst possibl il'lSUfanC risk. To rnildly ritieiza St$lin in th~ U. S. s. tnelll1>S



gives employment. to 81 l~l'ing squad So it gQe in Polan d, Rumallia. Spain, Austria and ell where. In thi!! count.l'Y you can ~ay that· Landon or ROGS veil 'is a "so~and RO" and 110 onE! will bother you.

d. E. MeClure

'=-===========~============= ..:;.


Cleve Iander F·Inds ttA. trest" i t ·lmes I I sa F'l weasure- S ome

und r pa s at inter ctions, with a wid dividing il:<land down the I enter to prevent head on cr~she 811d with separate lanes for .slow and fast traffic. Such highways will ~ built--but their cost is fdigantic, t chnicaJ problem!! are 'lOvo lved, .and it will be many 1 ycat!> bcfo~'e the mil age-o,t such , super lIighwllY1l will amount to ' much in Telation to the total mileag of roads. I So in the meantime. about all. V{~ can do about th1!o automobile accident probl m is to "work on " the twenty-mile-8r1·hour driver with hi ighty-mile-lIn-hour Car. We IllU 't I'ovi e and make more stl'ingent 0\11' licensing laws--it is 1111 U11deniabl fa l that n 'Very hi~~ PC1·~~~tllge of pr,e sent !irivi!rs a.rc incapabll\ of operating . their v hicl s suEe ly under . modern truffic: ancI ,foad conditions. We . mu:i keep ~ur tl'affic laws up-todat , and we must enforce th('m \\itlJ()ut teal' or favor. We must im ptOVE> the personnel of highwa y patl'ols and, in many State8, gr atly irtcl'el\$e lhe number 0:(


Plloae 7


YOUNG Clcv(!tand business man. 'driving Ito Cincll1nati, was waved day"" by lin off;eer in Mansfielld.

ha~~J;~e:~: n~~?,~nuli: cred,


B ut he was. pleasantly surprised, It developed that an hour after he left, his father had receivcd a message saying the trip was unnecessary, , Knowing that th\l young lila


' , wOllid PIISS through Mansfield, the rathc r telephoned a 'friend tbere. f::ivin~ him the ticel! e lI umber lind a dcscrit>tion of h is ,on's au tomobile.


of drivinG and the cos.t of 3n Il ve rnight trip. ' ,I

Between Toledo and Cincinnati Charted for the Bene8t of Interstate Motor. Tourists 8S Well 8a TralBe Within the Bordera of Oblo

IT'S SHORT'IR l!~ RTere~: give


11 miles.


LEiSURE HOURS FOR YOU! In this great plant • .• the largest gas plant of ih kind in the world •.• Pyrofax GaS is 'lOW beiog made 80 tbat you may nOt haye the dnld8e~ of cooking ~itb old-fashioned. dirty fuels. ; ; so that JOu can put foui dinner 011 the range and Jorget it uotil ..·s ready to serve ••• with DO more ashes, sOOty wicks, or waitibg for burners to get bot. Pyrofax Gas Service cos.. so little. Equipment is lealed {or $9.75. The ~IS averages as little as ",C a meal. A beaut1fu~ modern Magic Cbef-Pyrofax Gas Ran~e can be bought on convenient terms, wtth a small down payment. Come in '60D. c.


Blanchester, Ohio Phone 302t


Orillnated and Illpoll8Ored b, the

II •


AN ALL PltVED Motorist,s

manufact.. rln••••

P. Y R O, F A' X

mU..... (J>oth the highway. the commu- ' nltles thru which they pu.). fewer curvell, and adequate width roadbed and brid..., the Route bere outlined Is a. big time-aaver for th, hUllY motori8t-Vlel'Y probably a. much a/l two hour.., '

HIGHW~P\Y Choice of Knowing

nl, hUle plait 'Is now



Irs 'ASTEIl ~ ~~~Ilt eO! 1.. eOlll'eetlon on



tercd the city. The )'011 118 man returned 10 Cleve1;U1d, cOlJgratulating 111l\1sclf and the telcphone on having avcd 450 m ilcs







,.ou with

(}u "'(I

L iceft. "

Your Protection

and all railroad Il'ade croasilli'8

hS'1 ,'.


_ CE ____ _ _

are exceptionalllr weD protected.

We can ,auppJ


In v ry f w eoun '~ries can the p ople express th iJ' a,p in ion of the governmen -either inf rmally 01" in their officiaL cnpnclity as vo~'s, . To denounce Hitler' jn Gel'manY

the Toledo-Cincinnati Short Line than on any other highway connecting theae two c:itiel. There, are far fewer C:Wl'Vel (no hairpina)



ThOll w'ho ,'o t .. In r,"'Qr or th" 'll1'OPof'ltll) ll of ~~\llng Li,(, ''''lIl,ls aa 1I10r~111,1 shaH 1' 0 wrlhen u r prlnl\'('1 011 their Illti l olli I h "'el 1'0 II , : 'I"or lhr' U lid JII~n " !\IId 1110811 wlHi '"Ph! "!iI'"inl!t lilt· ~'Ull(> ~h:lll ha"e I rl(ten Of JHlnlr'd ',," th ' lf hllllot" '11 0 w ordf! , " .\ "'!lln~l llll' nond



You can e.-ily build your OWD roof. We have roOfinC which comea ready to lay

I\~ ('e rt lfl II hy Ih~ t.'lllll\ty AUllttor \tnlClllJi III hee .a,ur' milts, 1)(," 0 11 /I(,l\nr of prove-n,


inS SIRR less II ' 11[" ftcThere's congestion on


Ul'n PicKl!r and Hu .kl! l· ReJ)lli McCormick Is wenly-flv, ', ,.,.,,1 lIw "RlIl1\'H.' d De ring, Ne hI II unll U. S. (rom lIven,,,,, ,"l<lIllonlOl tax rllt" l1ut"t,lc oJlI'~L, Woynesvill', phllne tl'" I () mill t/mlltlUou (0 IlI~' the R. D. Int("I' ",,( th,.r~on rind rttlr~ ttl l Rllffitl !l9R3.


mileage saving nil





We have all the beat atand~rd ..rade. of roofing_WeatherurooF under all condition.; tough and pliable; rOoSn,. which will Dot crack, bliater or become bri_tle with ace; and roofing that i. extremely



the s hortest dist ance between the, two citiell. Oftluials of the State

. He knows what a real roof means--in la.ting' qualitiel, economy in ' conltruc:tion and at· a minimum upkeep ~ .

Ing r chick n". Will Gusti n.

1'he ntuxhn utu nurnht f1 ur )' {"Rrc1 ,l u rl n ,lf wltiell Hitch honda \VIII run

- -to Oincinnat~ as shown herewi th is

The man who h .. used our roofing. .pend. very little time in d~iding where he will ', 0 or w"h at roofing he will u.e when planning a hew houa. or barn.

0- 3-lb. Plymouth ' Rock Pullets. Will trllli f r


td' Pi tt:;h U rg. callt!d on th\!ir aunt., Mh. . ~ Katie ollins' l\1ondilY aft 'inoon, MM, M.l'lln r t lnrtin and Mrs. Lena }lad~1J k, in 'compuny with Mr, und Mr.!', J. L. Menuenhall, w rio! bu . in vi~il()t in' ilmingtlln" Tue .. t1ay rll on, lrs. Ilowell PieI'ee W lit to Tliledo W<'dn • da)' wh re he will join hcl' on-in-law dnll daught er, fr, and Ml'~, Edm nd Brick tt, in B ton. Ma~ aehu-



L'I' CllUn III 1I1l' '-1II111\ or \\ nynl'~1'II1t, (lhlo. t'll lit .. ;l~'1 .1(1)' N()\'t-'-rnh\' I', \1 'l !lfl. til q \Ii'iiUUI't of I ""ll]g 1", ll,l. ut ~lI lil "lUng In th ~ Hum c.r S~:I.IIU(llifl tor till' l'IIIjJ>Q!I of 1>11) 111/1' Ih,· V ttl ll)"" l'r"I,u.' tlvn IlJl3trtlf'lln )t II ~I\n It "Y ~r ' "" ~· .. lt·m lor "flill VIlItIJ{o una"r III IV rk ll 1>Y(}tfl'l'~R dn.lnlstr,llltJn.

HI un

TJlue is Iitlle "'~ on do about the cor in this cilS its speeds will continue Lt. Inct' >ase, and the autom[Jiive n 'ine I" have done wonder in improvinl; the "snfety factor," brakes, li~bts, steerifl~ mecllanism. lind budy construction Try The ?tliami Ol1l1ette For A npIJroach pe.rlectioTl. ~Ilel,'e i something we can do Year. about Lhe llighway. as the Fortune 8l'tiele shows, It ays that haH of the roads of th country al'e ob 0lele. It points out thnt engineers h'lvc devi!;l'(} the 1l10del highway f the Cutur a I'ond with over-and


vlll~, nht., pJ\SI1(1d Hn tilt' 1 t11 h ~lu~ (,( ~{'1lt.l\ 'ull~ ~ ". 1 "~fI, t hf'l\ t ~ wlJl 1, ,wl.n,llt ,I It1 "h~ 'llIlli Irl! II ,' I ""lll I' . I r ~1I1'1 \ '1111\1\' fll lit .. Hf"'"rl\I

l\'[~KJlI :c'Y' .Kathryn' Gibhll ll.:' alltl " il'giniu .H Irdin . Mil'S J';mmll /lcighwuy I.!nter1 i, 11\1'0 Lilt) al S UllJHlf \ HI IH>!<dny t·venin ' . II" . Ida Bo~ll.!r nnd tl'..


Late Classified Ads.

!\'"uU(' t , h~'rl 'h ,.;I\'tln lhot itl 1.')I8:IIf\I\(·..- uJ 1_ 1·,·801l!\IOIl ", Ih , <'ll"n>'ll "t ~hl' VIIIII<;o' IIr WIl),III'" -


~radl! huih.Hn~, I J{1'cdl'l', liCit 'llt:llP-



LlIl"1:< fltl'tIlel'

Cl'II , ' I':


1111ftbi;:'i!i bone The b a e k.. of the offtci.1 Revolutionary Trail.

Syatem of Western Ohio. Marked ita



bJatorteal marken of the Old" Memorial bV



Eighty-Eighth Year





Whole Number 6242

, 1936



Friends' Home News

GOOD PROGRAM fOR Stated ctlmmunication Of Way- DAHLIA GROWER RECTOR OF 81. MARY'S Milll11i (ItlV01' and Ilnd Mrs. Ed n Rville Lodg No. wllt little of on CHURCH evening, Octob,e r OCTO BER ME ETIN G'Tuesday RESIGNS IS GUEST SPEAKER tlay Visitinl\' and sojourning brethren 1i88 Kati ollinR, theil' aunt, arc welcome. 'l'he Wayn sville Gard{"n club Sunday aft rnoon. R v. JOhll J. chal.'tf r ctor OF MOTHERS" Cl U8 D. R. Smilb, W. M., was entertain ed Tuesd.ay Miss Rulh Chtlndlel', t achel' in of l\hu'y's Epi. cOllal church MI'.

HI3 F. & A . MI. 18.

~o n,


~i (lllcd I


V. M. Armitage. Scc'y.


at lhe beautirul country hOnl e of Mrs. E. . ,Miller and Mi~s Pcrll.' Riley. After the business was conclud,e d M'iss Ril y introduced l\h'. Harley T .. Peck, W)IO gave the history and devclQJlnient of uahlias, and descrl'bed a numbc"r


1 0 1'

Cedarville ~ chools spent a~urd (J)' at th Hom . Mr. and Ml:S. Warner P.!lrcc of Washington 0, C., wel'e over-ni~, t gue ts at the Hom e Frtday Mr. and l\:1rs. Erne st Martin of Dayton wer(> dinnel' guests SU/!day C th I th ~'l 111 l o e r 010 H, l,rs. at'l,rur Martin. Mrs. Pe ele made a SllOrt visit among friends in Sahina r ecentl y Mrs. Rober.t Browne of P endl . ton, Oregon, hn.s be n tbe gu e t of her cousin, Mi !';c S • A nni anti Mame Browne !01' several days.


.hUJltcr f}. l1l7 1, E, R. n'I' ,t ill l~~lliat sc~,;il1 n Mnnu\'l! nll)l', Odubl'l' 12, l\L 7::HL Vi. itin~ mcmb ' r,; nrc wd 'ollie. Mal'y Earnhart, W, ri., Minni e Fromm, Sec'y.


---_a - .....


,th (In, t fourten YCllrs, hn, t nLeoaders .n.d Committeea We". Mre, Whitaker Ha. Beocn de red his re 'ignalion to the Named Durin, Bu.ine.. Secured to Cook Lunc"," at ward()n~ and vestry of the churell. Se .. io n Grad.e Builclin, Ml'. Scha'ITer has b en in £ailThe Woman's 'Forcigrt 'Mlissionillg health Cor SO)1'Ie lim c nUll lee Is Tb e Wayne Townsbip Mothcr'~ ary Socict}' met at the h ome of tllat h is unable to canyon t.11' club met Friday afternoon, ~[l' s. lI1ayme HaLfleld, in Lebanon • work. He bas 5 I'ved Sl. M/lr.y's October 2 at the Grade building. Wednesday arternoon, ' October '7. ' :=;:;' parish fou I'teep Hal'S, beginning The song '.'Last Rose 01 ummel''' Th!' m tin/! was called to ,order a ~ ,l ay I' adcr so ('I II after tho d Iltb Venablo sp nt ' a hy the pl'e~ident, MI'. R. D. = of variti~s. The blooms he exhibitwas ung by the entire assC!mbly. or Rev. John F . adwnllader f w days this wuck with fri ends in Collette. 1022. Born- To Mr. and ¥n. John ed from his dahlia farm were DeVOtiOIl. w~re vel'y a bly conDayton. Ross, a so n, Saturday, October 3. MrS. Mary 1'05S conducted the n December 6, 1922, in beautiful. ducted by Mrs. J. L. Mendenhall, d votional s rvi e, the subject Mal'Y's chUl'ch, he WaJ ordained Mr. and MrR. A. K. Day vi itod Til minutes of the last meeting Mr. and Mrll. Glenn Frye, of Mr. l;>cck very kindly answ red being "lIis Name," and the topic .Ieacon hy lhe late Rt. Rev. TheoM,'. Day' llIo\hN' in "M'i1ford, were read and one corr~ction, the Dayion, visited relatives here all questions !laked, and gave "Wonderful." II'vil1~ ROl'se and two years clorc Sun clay. omission of Mrs. Ralph lohns' Sunday evening. MrA. Kenneth lJough p ented valuable information to dahlia l:)t et· Iln Dccelllb t' 2 ,1924, he nam~ from the program committhe Slewarcisltip program on , was ordain d ll l'i st by Bishop hR. W. n . Allen and l\1 ' . Cliiraisers. a~d M,rs. Al H. Scboeler. Mr. tee, was noted. Ree: in hri t ch urch, Dilylon. ford B.'ace were X nia visitol's, Prayer. The tN-l.Ulurer reported II brllance of IUm il ton, spent Saturday here The melllbel'S and guests then nUl' in~ th busin ss SCSSiOll, {he DUl' ing his miniR try he,' , Mr. ' f1lul'llay. with relntives. of $95.00. enjoyed slides, "Lighted Gardens" ex cutive ommittee named the ehaeffl'r has endeared himse lf to The flower box was award d to wnich were loaned by tbo Genera.l hi!'! parishioners who regl:et the Mi. <>8 Trill na and Margaret following lealle rs and committees: Mrs. Kern y'S room and the pic- MilS. Bessie White, of Akron was Electric Company. LealieI' of Devotion- Mrs. J. W n eceg~ity for r~i~natlon. H and Edwards spent unday with relathe guest of her 8i ter, Dr. Mary ture to Misa 'McKinsey's ,l'oom. Mr. Noel Easton rendered two White. L. Cook, for a :tew days. Mr~. Scha ITer will greatly \tiV S in Dayton . The finance committee announcl"l'ol)'lbone !loloo which were ll)uch The Young Republican)! of WarLeadct of St.ewArdship program ed thAt nearly 200 qual:te of vege~ in the church and the com· Mr . G Olg'e J . mith and Mi ss r en county held a $UCC ssful rally mis8~d Mrs. J. B. Chapman entertained appreciated. Mrs, Kenneth Hough, mumty. W .mifrcd Nutting w~' re Dayton tables and spread bad b~n canned ____ _ _ Delicious ~ efre8hmen ts were here Ilturday night. The peakerlS the members of her bridge club Mrs. F. , PrOgTam committee The committee gave Il vote of Tuesday af.ternoon. Visitors, Tuesd ay. served by the hostesses. weru dric tanley, R ~lp h U. LeMay, Mrs. Ru ssel Frank and thanks for the cash donations Mrs. Fl'ank Farr will b the Palmer and H rscheL StU s of Mrs. Karl Bode nbender. Ml'S. artie Rcason, of Harvey!!. which cleared all bills for th canThe Mothers' club will have a hootess in Novembe,r. Lebano)'l, and mu sic waf, furnished Review of study book-Mrs. J . hurg, ill fipending a few dllY~ with ning. doughnut sal all day Saturday, by the American Leg iol~ band. B. Crabbe. Mr. and M1'.. P. L. Reason. A doughnut sal will be held October 10. in Grange hall. A similar meeting _W~IS h Id at Superintend nt of Light BearSaturday. October 10. Plans are Harvey burg Tu esday night with rs-Mrs.1 G. C. Dibert. 'Th Mothers ' club will have a 'a l 0 being lI'lad13 for the BalMr. and 'Mr: . John B, Gons and more than 400 in. <IIlttendance. 'uperin t-endent 'Kings HeraldsSamuel H. S()lJil'c, state sur.> ('in doughnut sal all cl ay Sntul'day. little daughter spent Sunday with lowe'en carnival. Miss Marjorie Earnhart. Cedric tlmley and Ralph Palmer tendent of bank, and Ru . sell Wil~ October 10, in Gran'c hall. Th grade 'Iunch committee re- F. B. Hender on and family. were the spc-akers on this occasion son, mayor of incinnati, will be The following program was port d tH\!.t Mrs. Jbsie Whitaker out.... mrS. H enry S a ttor tb wat'.....· an d and the American LC1Jrion band njoyod: lI'h'. and l\f rs. Ernest. Bu tt l·wol·th the principal speakers when G.'oUI) Ohio voter!! arC to btl giVen the 'fuI'nished good music. hlld been seeure.d to serve a~ cook. Bert Hartsock are serving on the .R 'n(ling, "Lights and Shades in VI'nell __ _ - One of the Ohio flank ers A.::lsocia- aod MI'. Bnd Mrs. M:. A. }[ot lunchee Will probably begin ' grand jury at Lebanon thi e k opportunity of set'ing and hearing Africa"_Mrs. G. . Dibert. spent Sundny at Ohio Caverns. around Novemb r 1. The hi g h ' S W , the Republican candidate for tlon holds its annual meeting in tudy Book Revi~w, "Congo chool lunches aoo now being Mr. and Mrs. Charles Zimmer- President, Governor AIr M. Lan" • Hamilton, Wednesday, October 14. ",·s, Clifford Brace attended a Crosses-Mrs. J. B. Crabbe. cb daY' th n\lmber man nnd ~amily and Mr. and Mn. don of Kansas, this week. served and Superintendent Squire i!l coV' r- meeting of the WQman's Club at Dingraphy of David Living'is in teasing. 'Earl Crawfor.d spent Sunday at ~IAYTON illl;' the stale urging bankers nnd :x flia, this, Thllrsda~ afternoon. toner-MI·S. Williamson. GoverilOr Landon will ' a.ttend The clothing committee asked Troy. the Ohio State_Pitt ga"1 e at the ~ Lhe. plIPlic t.o upport a proposed Biograllhy of Robert and Mary Mr. and MI'. E. L, Th mas for any di card d clothing that Ohio stadiu\TI, in Columbus, con titutional amendment design d Moffat- Mrs. Clark. Miss Carolyn Smith, of CincinsJ}c nt Sunday with their son, could be U8 d 10r tho n cdy chiltlarl K. Stansberry, age d 57, to give greater protection to Biography of Daniel Crawfo1'dnati·, was the- guest of Mrs. Emma aiurday a.~ a guest of Attorney dren. General J ohn W. Bricker, &epubli- a native of Wayn ville, died. of d posltors in Ohio iinaneial in. titu- Willillm Th omas, and family in Mrs. Ridge. Barnett, Friday night and SaturMilson. ' The first part of the program can candidate for Governor. He pneumonia at Miami Valley tions by eliminating doubl Habilday. Mes.sage from District Meeting was giv n by both sixth grades will be in C.incinnati for a break- ho pital, unda.y night. H was II ity from stock and setting up of 11'. and Mrs. p, L. RMson sp nt at Centerville- Mrs. Dibert. under the direction of Miss VirMr. and Mrs, Truman Wardlow fast meeting Saturday morning on of the lale John 11lId Jane increased CllpiLaI stl'uctUl'l.!s. It is unday in Dayton th e guests of Reading, "The }[ouse of Clay" ginIa Hl\rdin and Mr. Wade are announcing the birth of a. son and will make l'ear platform Stansberry. ?n the .bullo~ NovembC'l' 3 and i M" . Re on' 'brot.her, MI', Leon- - Mrs. Karl Bodenbender. Turner, A Bong, "When Visit.ors William. Henry, on Thursday, spe,eches from his train at Middleurvlving are hi s widow' one In k eeplIlg With the federal govern ard Ot.t and family. The society adjourned to meet Come Around" was sung by th Octo~r 1. town, Dayton, Springfield and d~ughte r, one son, of DIIYto~, and ' mnt program ;lnd the action of with Mrs. Kenneth Hough in entire group. "A musical playlet," Mr. and M.'9. Oakley Wil son, of London on his way to Columbus. a brothel' Frank Stansberl'Y, of t we nty two other s~tes. November. Mr, and Mrs. Josiah DaVis and He Is also schedul d to sJ>%k in Waynesvi lle. in which the children gave answer . Other s p kers \VlU be J oseph NOr'WOHd, weI' callers at the home and M'rs. Lloyd Davia and Mr. to the teacher' questions in song, Funeral services werEI held at H. Warnd o~'f, Cashier, T~ iti~· of Mr. and Ml'S. Roy Mainou8, Cleveland Monday eve1)ing, family spent Sunday with rela- October 12, was very well rendereu_ his late home in DaytOJl Wedr'les- ens . aviJ'igs B~nk & Tru st Co., SundAY aft rnoon. , Mrs. DUdley Keever from Cen- tives in Xenia. Governo"t Landon's visit to th e day afternoon and burhll was in HamIlton, PI' slc\ent of the Ohio M'l's. W. N. Newland, of Chicago terville addressed the club. She Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Mainou Buckeye state follow clo.sely . On Dayton. Bank ers Aa ociation; and David M rood , and quoted many of her and children left Tues<ial' for the heels of a vi it of hi running • - - -Aneh, olumbu., secretary of lh will arrive this eV'!li ng for a t endays vi it at the . home of her favorite poems from Whittier Florida, where they will establish, mate, Col. Frank Knox, who last SALLIE J. PRICE DIES, Ohio BankeTs A. ociaticlO. .lsl ,1'. Mrs. W. H. AJI n. and Rudyard Kipling, week, mllde three major speech S BURIAL IN KENTUCKY Ba~kers. ~rom thl.! . 101l0wing th ir future home. In a few IIIhort remark!! MIss . , • in Ohio--one at Cincinnati, one at counties whIch comprise Group MI'. and Mrs. W. B, quire, Mr. WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF, The Ladt Atd of the Method-I Col b· d th t Ak On of lh A sodation will be lind Mrs. Robert Drury, a forJlWr teachE1" In, Iderman and CHRIST i '1 • um us nn ano er a ronM S 11' J P ' 7 f . rs. a WIe . rice, yeat's 0 present ·. DutLer , tl!'rmont• Greene , 'Afrlca, told of ber travels there i t e hureh WI I IICrve dmner and i. n A! Id't' I IOn t 0 anumb e:r 0 freur dau~hter, Norah Le , .motored t Carl Smit)l, JllnlateT supper at G-range ball, election platform address !II en route age, died edne day afternoon at lJ:lmilton, Miami, Monlgom l:y, Zan .wille, Sunday. and in Switzerland. Not A Denomination ' the home of her daughter, Mrs. PI' ble ntld Warren. Delicious refreshments were day. Tuesday, November B , ' \) :30 Bible ; School. Le$lon Myrtl arli Ie, on the )Jeny Nad. - - - --Mr. lind Mrs. Jjall'Y BUI'nett and were\*rv d by the following: Mrs. Mt. and Mrs . . Ralph Hastings Act 16 :22-3', Pbil iJ :7.1f, Te"Xt. Beside Mr . Ca:l'li'lle :lhe is surCleo Gray, Mrs. Calvin Longacre, Becoming a Christian. and liOn Bobby and Mr, and Mrs. vived by a son, ' Holt · Price, or Mrs. StllJlley Bailey, Mrs. Walter E. L. G o l~1 n Text. Act. 16-Slv. Chicago, and one sister, Mi s Lee, Thoma, Saturday evening. Whitaker, 'lITs. Lowell ThomlUl W. E. Str~u~ were vi itors~ Sun. 10:45, Lot'd's Supper. I~ day, at Williamstown and Falof Cincinnati. Mrs, Forrest Graham, Mrs. Therle 7 :30, Evangelistic Service, mouth, Ky. ' Funeral arrangementl are in Mr. and Mrs. Phil Lunic1{ lind Jones and Mrs, Harold Wbitaker. 7 :00, Christ.ian Endeavor, MI·s. C. N. Norl" werE! gu sts, one cha~'ge of A. H. tubbs, funeral Resolved: That capital punishElection of William D. Bickham day last week, of MI'. and Mrs. Debate next Lord's Day ' eveninr. dir-ector and service will be , h ltl WayneBville markets' 33 years ment is wrong according to the and Erie C. Hopwood to the Ohio Esto l lnske p , of South Vienna. Resolved : That Capital PunisllScriptures. EVerybody welcome to J ournalism Hall of Fame is an- at the home Friday m01'ning at ago as published in The Wayn sment i wrong according to the ~ :30, after which the b(,dy will be vill e Enterpli!K', December 17, M~ . Ma y ross an(l Miss Scriptures. With quiet lIimplicity the mllr- hear this scriptural debate by the nounced by Ohio State Univer- taken to Flemings~urg, Ky., for lUOB , Butte!', 16c to 18c lb.; JO ~l;! phine Banta were dinner sity's ~c hool of journalism. ria!,e of Miss Mary Joeepl1ine C. E. of Church 'Of Christ. 7 :30' Woon esday nifJht, ' iJrayer service f;l.nd buriaL ,41gg~. aOe per' doz.' potatOES, 90c guest.~ on SunchlY, of Mr. and Mrs. and Bible study; 8:30 Choir prac~ , Mr. Bickham died in 18!)4, after Miller and Walter Edgar Smith, . ... ,Dr. and ,Mts. Joe stewart, of to l.OObu ,; lard, 10c to 12'hc .lb; George, Herttl el'sQri and Mrs. Julia tiCe. two of Waynesvil.e's most popular Dayton, a.nd &his. Charl-es Ander- a long- editqrow ner of ' COURT OF APPEAL~I MEETS ' . cl ovel' hllY, .$7 ton; miXed hay, $8 IHlnderson. young people, was soleml')ized at son, of 'East Orange" N. J., were the Dayton Journal. Previously he ton; pu~e titl1othy, ~] 0 ton; corn; 10:30 o'clock, Thursday rnornina', callers at the home of Mr. ·and bad worked 'on lIewspapers in CinLadies' fur Ldmm ed Winter WAYNESVILLE II. E. CHURCH 'n w 40c; old 43c; wheat, 83c bu. ; cinnati, Louisville and in CaliforThe Court of Appea' i s for the October I, in the parsonage of Mrs. w.. H. Allen, Satu.rday 'afterRev. G. C. Dibert. Putor oats, 34c bu.; cattle, best, 3 'h c to CPIl'lS, clean it and pl' ~sed, 05c; nia. He was a Civil War Corre, First Ohio District, with Judge the M. E. church, the Rev. G. C. noon. Sunday: unday school a~ 9:30 4c lb.; Hogs, fai, $3.75 tQ $4..30: Men's overcoats or top coat&, 70c; spondent. Simon Ro s and Judge Stanley Dibert, performing tbe ceremony. Hopwood was on the 01 the Matthews occupying th~ blmeh met chickens, 7%c II:!; ducks, 10e lb.; Plain dresses, 50c. Quick Cleaner, a. m. Morning worship at 10 :40. The bride, an attractive youna Mrs, Loren Jameson and little Kathryn Mend nhall Manager. The SIH'lnon subject wilt b~, I'Ca1l' Cleveland Plain Dealer from 1902 at Le-banon TUfl day morning. The turkeYll, 12c lb, woman. i. the .Ider daugbter of I daughter, Jo},ce Lee, of Miamis. . ing On The Witch of Endor." Mr. and Mrs, ~lph G. Miller. She I burg, were vilitors, two days this until his d,eath in 1928. Starting court heard . the testimony of atMr.<1 Mrs. J. p, Larrick and I Ev-cning service at 7 :30 p. m. as a police reporter, he rose torneys in the following case : the Marlatt-~·Ary' graduated from WaynellVil~ nigh I week . at the , home of Mrs. daughter Jean, and Mr. and Mrs. Wedn sday: Bible study and ,..----' .chool in the elaia ,of '82 ~d for Jametlon'. mother, Mr.. Maude through the ranks to the position Lebanon Board of EdMation vs. Frank Holfman w~t'e guel!ts, SUI)- pmycl' meeting 'at , 7 :3() p. m. of editor. He was a native nf Douglas HoUingsworth. et al-; and . In a cere,mony quietly $olem- day of Mr. and Mrs. , Uichard the past two yearll hall been all I Crane. " ' North Eaton, Ohio. Wilbur N. Seare vS. H, W. Badgley nized at. the parsonage of the Johnson in Falm6uth; Ky. " efficient operator in the local ST. MARY'~ CHURCH tie lephone exchanre. , I Th~ W om&ll. AuxUiary ' of ~t. , Namee of the two men win be • • • Union Methodist church, CovingRev. J. J. Schaeffer. Reetor. Eisele alld . 'Mr. Mrs . William formally added to , the Hall of HEAVY RA1NF~~LL Mr, Smitl1, grana-on of T. Jeff M'~ a Church will meet on Friton, Kentucky, Miss Lor'lIJa Ary, Eigh"~~nth Sunday after TriDn~ Mrs. W. E. , Baker and slm, of Smith, ill a graduate otthe lacal d~, afternoon, Octobe"t 9 at. 2 Fame at a dinoor of Ohio publishdaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Corwin overnight ity, Octj)'bc;r 11, Church seboo} at The rainfall which sutrteg Tues- L. Ary, and Mr. Ev eret.t. Marlatt, Niles, Mich ., were high IIchool, a member of tile class 0 ~loelt, at the Little I1\n, WIth ers this lall, probably on the llight of 'B1. He is an lndustrioUi ,ounr miss Emma Hel~way a~ hostess. of No'Vember 6, Ilt Ohio State day, continuing until this morning son of Mr. and M,rs. I'll> Moarlatt, ~u ta, SundDY, of Mr. and Mrs. 0:30; Morning Prayer and sermon at 10 :30. amounted to 3 incbes. It is both of Waynesville were united Elm r &heehari.. man and ill in the limp loy of 'the A full at,t endance i. deSired. University. report-ed to be th~ heavieat in a. --~ in marriage last Saturday after- , E. F, Earnhart, Mi s Marjorie Mr. and Mn. Charlie Blake and Waynesville Coal. Ice Company. ST. AUCUSTINE similar period of Hme , since noon. Rev-. John L. Filton, pastor CONVOCATlON MEETING Immediatel, after the ceremony family a"d Kn, Elisa McCollum, nnd Charles Bu\·ton Earnhart, Mr. FathM Newton, Pastor September, 1985 . . of the Unioll Mcth dLlt church, and Mrs. A. II. , Earnhart and 'M'r. • nd Mr•. Smith lett for a few of Odord, ;all'. and Mrs. , Lee llassat St. A\1Iulltinet , ~urcla .. officiated at the dOllbie ring service. sons, Mr; aud Mr!\.. Ernest d.ys' outinc a~ Lake Boughton, McLain, Mr. and Mra. Haryey A meeting of the Woman's ' Mi !;lS Marie Berryhill, Bellbrook hart and family wer~ ' guests' of every Sunday mornlq. Sac:kett and famUy, Mr. and Mrs. Auxll~ of the Dayton Convoca, , Michr returnin~ Sunday . and 1\Ir. Elvyn Bl'rnal:d, Waynes- Mr. and Mrs. H, B. Earnhart at 'to tbelr newlt furnished Wallace Tr.dwa, ud IOn were tlon will be held in Christ church, , FRIENDS MEETING ment on Fourtb etreet where they dinner petta of Mr. aDd Mrs. SprinjJfteld, Tuesday, October 18. , Th~ prevalen~ of IrrasB and ville were attendants. Eaton, Sunday. 'Firl!t-day School at II :.0 .. ,_. are at home to th4iir trtenda. John Treadwa,. Swadar. The morning seuion will open at brush fire.a in Ohl.o in 1936 The bride wore ,a blue ensemMr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke spent .e.tiDS for Wonlalp a' 111M -- • 11 o'clock. caules r .' W. Dean, Illecialist in ble with blue accessories. lit. HUNTERS TURN OUT Mr. ad Ma. Ralpla D. Tolle, The 'princlpal speaker at the forestry, Ohio State< Unll versity, to Mr, 'and Mrs. Marlatt are now Saturda}, and Sunday at Indian Lake where they were. guestl! of I.- LARGE NUIIBERS who ha•• been the p e . of Iln. afternoon Huion will be MiM remark that small ftr«1a destroy resitting 'Witih Mr. Marlatt's their lIon-in-lllw and, daughter, Dr. FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST Tolle', paNnta, Ilr. and Either Brown. Her lubject will be tree aeedinp, hllmul in the top parents ncar Waynesville. Carl Smitli. IIIatatft The peater part of Ohio'l Heft.., Sau.rtlrwalta. lett "The Eplaeopal Church and the loil, and leave theaurfaee loil Mrs . MaTlatt was grad uated and Mrs. Ralph Vance, of WilPem Tho.... Sapt.. of Blbl. mington. ."antlmen. with.,ana "ell-oUed, fOf" tbeIr lao•• tn Negro," expoeed to -erosion by fan and Crom Spring Valley High 8chool. Salaool took to t1le billa and 1roocUudl C. 8uada~ .n.t.... Mr. aad • - winter rainl. Mr. Marlat.t is now emill\lyed at Fr¥JIk Stansberry and family Bible School at ':10 .. ... Tbunda} for the openiQ da, of 8&t.tutInralte .... a tamll;" .... Cera t -.. ' .. - --;:--the Frigidaire in Morai~e City. bave moved into the Hartaock Communion, 10:4' .. . . theU8. aqulrrel ...ob. s.con4 Dar ft whleh all of t1atbt ehiJdfta 0...... 'or '--Jill.aD.. reaidence, on Fourtn street ree.n~ Preac1dDc. 11:00 .. ... Vi. . .,. C In ' POPUarltr ' onl, to I'aD'D~ I, wen ........ tly vacated by Mr. and ' . .,. 1Ia1ltlDc. ,till . . dar of Robert Vandervoort, who moved ....on, wbieh 01_ Octobar 11. . to Franklin. clI'8W a ............ 01 ....... Ifon.-Id Ill', and Hra. TlaOMaa Kardhl tamil" Mr. aDd t'L ha tamil" ..-4













THE LOCAL MARKETS ~i~:~~ ~otMr~~~d \~t:s~ 33 .YEARSAG 0'






---- -- -"---







WE EK \,,'1 "\I~

l:II~· I1 I" I .. 1




• Senior N....a

. ·~ tnt

~l ill\l~ ' "Il ~

Re,l"" t C. ll ll~~. ,I )lruv d . .

CC Il ~L' d , WUH ~p­


Krlltt'l", Ib; ~\lbSl.i tul~. HOllston Electric al S....aftt. Will Be U..d fllr Kratze r. By Ma ..y N eW' Meat.ra Wayne s"iUc Hnelll): Scott, If i In Ohio YOUlllC, !lS; D\)g:~r. 3b; Hopkins. c: Pavi~, p jakin, 2b; LcBuyin!:, lectrica l t!quipm ent ill ?tillY, d; Jame , . el; Fir(.'s, dcf; . tOllic of CO"'vArD Preston , 1 b; uL llti ~utc., ]lJank for a 1l111)CH' " ~ n ati II in Jn01e , vllett fo r D gct', 11 nt8n~' I'ural hio homes, nlld Thel· . fo r L " MIlY. mil B all, speciali st in home ' mnllThc box. ~ c o re for Friday' s Jrllme ng"lllc ....." Oh 'lo tat Univers ity, ~ .~" Kin~ Mills 0 0 4 :1 02 x advl'on c~ new n' ast"r of \"I'r"d help Wayne ville . 0000 000 t o conform to the r ul es f or careWayne svi ll e: cott , If i Hopkins, lui buying by making purchM s of e; Dakin, 2h i 'Boger, 3b; Young, . f ... f t 'ers D ' F' f J d f eqUipm ent . nHn • .,anu ac UI "II.' . 'H h."·"I,, 's ; aVl., p; U·(.'s, c; amc~, c and frllm delll e!' t hut In vllU will b l,uNrH IIllIl'" or n i:l,~...:"""n HIl .... "f l it Sli tterthw alte, lb; LeMay , d; to servict! the applilln ces if '·I II .wc ('",11 0 "11 or ti ll VI Il Il~w or ~ub"titutc : Plank for LeMay. '" \,'l.<yn .. ",,11 1 • ( 'n tu. IJ:LSdl'll ,II' 1 II ti l (111\ t. t *.pl,'m ''' ''. Ilia,;. th llll' King Mills : chlag-heck, If; th y ever n d l'cpair. ",' .", [\1 1,.. ' ~Uh t}l 10 1\ \'\11" , ot l ito T) . many kinds of mCT- pll'JoI)I" <If ~Ill<\l\l"\l V l lHIt o[ IWiehcl, def; Hildeb randt. 3b; ehO.Tags \\ tl ), I1 lldl·S do not mean ve'"" much, v ll h' III tJw N,IVI·Il,I ."r 1·: 11 l\lW ~6t u hI) F 't B 8 I(Inger, lb H ' : Imes, J;si 1 ~ r- but,, bUy~ 1'8 'hould look ' Jf o r the oh ~hllu ) '1 1I.. \'lll:lIc" "r Way n ~v lll u, ... ti l t hl' I I"'''"'' 1.lIlCI·1l of \lml nl': aid , rf; Wais, 2b; R eynolds , se!; tll(' r"ln, 1111 'l·u,~t1. Y. t lw ani ,Iny uf notice of appl'OVll I 0 C th e U n d r· Nov mh,,,·. 1':11;. ' 1 11<' . '111('''1111 '' Steph nson. c: lIatte, p. WritCl'S ' Labora tories on all clee1"8Ul nll' blJn\l~ II( ,...hl "'llIlI~" o/>ff - - -- • \\I ayne""I II ,,. OhIo. l" til\' .ItlJuUllt trical equipm ent. Thi tag is not '): W\IHO', ll\.,,, I huust 1\(\ 0 •• lIn r8 of ;'U lity but It is a a guar n t"e , 18.(lOO,IIUI lor ~.h l· JlIIt\l\'~" OJ"r \"~~ rB _., ~o n . tt' III· ' l" n of.. HILJlil ... y " ... c rtlficilti on that the ma.nufllclur- "l'~ tem Itl "tlhl \ ' 111:111"'. It provl<loa Th e L a dles · 'A'I d OJ.• t he M . E . or tit ' I b "yl hltlW."" ",hIlUIIl mllnl'\'r h rus met rm n t sOl ot \',. J'~ Church III ervin g IUDChe at the af ty fol' Lhe pi('cl!J' <{ul of quipmc nt <lu ,'h , 1\' ." hl<:h lIu e h " .. n d ..1''' 10 nm 18 :!fi )'(-n I·k. Wilmin gt on Stock sales thi s which is givt' ll approvnl. I 'J'h" ,·.. tlnllJ.lll,[ II ",'ta (- R'hll tl ll1 lU l th . h ' mon . In~ ,·nl., Qu , ,,Id{ (, t til<' • l" 11 m ill I'rlC!o Is not t c Import an t rac- IlulIlnllc "l Il~ t""'lln",1 Me mbers of the M. E. Chul'ch tor in makinit' d ci 'oml about 1't1U " ty _\ 'Hll t tl I' lti ,\ mil Ia h ~' Ihu 'fl'" nj oyed a basket dinn r at the buying equipm ent of f i.ll.t ur(Os. fot ~nld I'lhm will Pur b., vI""1'011" at o::lII <)·.'Illl'k);;) ;\. M . :tnrl church on unday a s a. recepti on h h II I" . l ' d ' I' tho "(' nulill ,II".'" unlit c a rs II' 'I,,,' k 1", ~f. · OU I . IE,.., ,.tll Swntlfl rd I, 'r' S~lt""') 1,( ""hl fOl' tb new pastol' Rev. G. H. length of ervic en ~ o con that is expecte d day. W Cliver, WI' f e all d f amI'1y. . " U,' o r ll.·r c,r tt\>' Ilollnl nr t" l t~frtj) m th arhcl . 1'rcedo ln f rom t IIJ(tS. or \\''' I'r~ '' \ ouut)•. Uhlo. The W. F. M. S. was pleasan tly need fOr el'vicing is a nother f 0_ (· n ~ . J , \ \ -:\!;{;O:> l.l·;II, 'lul l'mUII • enterta ined in the home of Mr. ture that should be glV n H (rf;."I·.I.. r.. K. a ten- rlulNt. IL H<'I\I{o IIJlJI'r tuLl1. lm1~311 and Mr . Ray Carl' on Wednes - tion. Most eq~ipment will need 1- ·15-2~ (lay. attentio n after a pl'rlod of er ice ~==~~::===::::~=~~ =~ Raymo nd Can- who was t hreat- and the buyer should know if this ened \\ ith bl()od from ~ ervke will be availab le. an injury to his hand, is much Women who 81 "hoppin g tor improv ed. househ old equipm ent will want to Mrs. J 8 e Hill attend d t he kn w about the costs of operati ng funeral of un old friend near the differen t applian ces. It i al 0 Fairmo unt, Ind., Friday. necc.ssary to know if the applilln ce "THE HOME OF G IFTS" evera] pupil ' of our schools 11.... is adapted to the kind and the tended the footbal l game at O. S. amoun t of power t.hat is Ilvailub Leba non, Ohio le U. on SaturdllY. in lit home where th equ ipment EXPER T WATC H J . L. onal'd returne d Thur day i to be used. Most m nufactu rer REPAI RINC from a fishing lrip to Michiga n. indicate the voJtag al1li t he type Mr. Harry Oglesbe e of Xenia, of curren t for which the article is U.'DI Onl, GeDIII _ Ma.terl ab was the gue t lasb week of his adapted . Pr9m pt Servi ce aw and daught er Mr. and Mias BeaU aya that th el cMrs. R. C. Ferris. trical applian c Store opeal until 9 p. m. will. 1Iot only Mrs. Allie McKay haa 1'eturne d light n the ta ks of £arm worn.en from an ext nded vi it with h r but also enable them to do better daught er and husban d in Cine in- work. There also is th advanta I ~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!! ge nati. of letting the mechan ical servants Mrs. Frank McKay of Logan, do some of th tasks while AeJt f or a their Ohio i vi. iting relative s here. OWII r njoys some mcasur e of Miam i.burl Perm anent -- - • leisure.

r\ ~ IHI.rl 1IH'\';in~ o~ Ow . l'niol· lh, illY 'Ill 1')' •• £ 1Il'l\ r. Hll mil da;~ \\ a ' hl' lti t)l\ Thur!!dn)" Li11llaI'all l Lilldi\IlII"'rl. u uti. {'l",ClIU'ix II I' lh~· e$tat.· 'l( Ed Oc{t) Lel' 1. Officers ((II.' t.hl' no.,le ).!I'tlllll'.t ill\' IIhHntiff 1\(It'el C. 1I l\ll1ilt~1I1 . ll cc<'ll~~'d; \\ !lS " '0 11\ Il ·t iv)· ti " ar..· 8MI Cullows : \\ 118 rl' tl1 l'ed to he-'r a)I) 1l " ·lId. ..... , l\1urgi(' 1' inney, 'rr 'l!ici('ntl DOl'is u f DOI'o thy Hunya n. .f;.\l'n ~'. TC'.... y, (\dmini~ll'atill' .urfllc c, ~ cTctli ry. Jr., tlnd FTonl' • J ~t !c\' (.f th' ~t t\! o( ~~t1cn . Tt'rry, dcT hQ maj or ql,w'It i onll that nl'e to [ n th ea e \1£ RolH'rI L , Un>\ tit. New Suit. CC "~c, \ , fl l ·1i h iM iIW('nt ol·Y. suvt.. etc., \,I!r~us W tllta nl ('. il tli.' cu~s('j(l arc IHt'nlth 1IJ1t1 Tlte 11 0l11e Ownl!l's Lonn orp . In tho Ulall('r I'j' t il e estnte of . 1I1ul'UIl-I. Th e me ,tlng ,nonlllhr. t nl, jurtg1l1i!nt In thl' flllJ .t. " utt a","lli ll"t J o~ i W WIl S 11 d'Journ· ille and Willian\ rIel r.~l) n , (iC CUI1SC!d, a ed UtiLi! n' ,t Th ursdl~y . S\1 0 \ or 1.7\11_ 16 "'"" 1111,11\, II W.llt!)!' Will. for mOMy j udgnu' nt, ccrtific ate ,)1' t I'nl\!1f I' W!lS i~l\I,I d. fr,lm t he d fundlllll ~, William fO l'cdopu r . mal'shalling of Ji ns, The hlV(lntol'Y of Harold ?II. BenOr ....izatio.n of Pol'itica Club J! omohr {lnll Rolph Rontohr . .,a ll' of I~ al ~~tak und othl'r re- Itmn, dmi ni str~ t.Ql' · of lhe NltAt .. n Friday, cliv(u'ce "'" gl'311t d the plain III!!. "he nmount of m ney daim c t o b~r 2 ,~ the of AI"" Ludlum. tlll~"a" d"wQS apD t> mocl'8 y dlls.'1 organiz ed t iff in the Cl\s e of F"'eda Hillhfill "" \ i~ ,2,7:.lti.()V. a proved. v rRIlS Eldon ll ip:hfi ll. 'fhe cu~t('I'o lit ic" l club . Its PIliI'P OS C is to ~Ult II a ,ti led by t he 11 me The e. tlllE' of AU[lIn N. Apf.tar, sh (1\ dy of tht>ir min,)r child \\':\ I1lso lht' " o1u s of gOO d govern ,,' IlCI'''' Loan COl'l}·. v NUS Al ber t d(:ceuH 'o. ~' II. f (JU 1111 to be xe-m pt lIlent and g iv 1'1 th u plainlilf. t..he imp,orta nee ot .' 1utl;81' <mIl N ttie M nj ar {or fr(lm inh t!ritancc I llx. know ing h w t o vote i nL(lllige ntly A. divQrc WIt.-! gront-ell th 1ll0fJ.·y judgme nt;, {or clo UI'C. m il l' IInrl'ict . \' >ielt. x('Cutrix of 'fh c cIa , WUs di vi d,ed into two tilT in thc c s (\{ Laura A. ~ hnllin ~ of l il'n!l, alo or real ~- t h' ('~tllj of Ada m N. Apgar, de- porties: Ih 1ll ~ r v-ersus Will\Rm H . Pohl- Inte nod other Rep ubJi c$1l and DeITIOreli f. T he am ount ceased Illed hor in"en.lory. cn,t~ . Eac h . part)!'. elect d the meyer. ntOll'Y cltdll1ed was $3.4 1 ~.90· I n ll'te hl u.tler of the ps ln.le of tol ln ing officel'5\: A fJiV(>rC~ WIIS grant.ed l\l\ ~. Wciss\n nn ti l d ' suit agai n,.;t J hn B. Pence, tt c ns(·d. Dean E R publicnns: MIll'jl:ie Tinney , tilT in th CIl e ()f t~th('l FI.x vcr· W. W , YO hitl'ker ano E lml' l' F(ls- 'tll/Iley ami M iii 'Rye, ex cutot·s, chait"tllo n, oris ur(l1l:c, secreta ry . Us R y Fo • The plaintif f Wli~ I' • sdt, ex ' 'utors of tho Cllwt, of WE're lIutltorizl'd to ' lI ecept f rom l'u blld ty!c: Robert , to red to h t' maid n 118111 elf ,Ju,. 'ph D. Donally , deecllscd, for elli" A. P tilt's n e ccut1'i.x of James ,Rob rt , Ethl!l De Bold. Sl~ tte l'thwai~, 11\(1n s. Th e IlllloLlnt c1ailllC!d waF (ht.• "tate of J . R. Poter' 00, $7Q I uri I n the ell 'e of II arry 1.. u rfaee: .~ 1.50u, in full ttlrm('n~ com)ro m i~e Ilnu Sp Ilkl'l's ' COtllll1it t,E: Margie Tress versus T illie Donnl!\l nnd Betty Lu 'ille W inkauf filNI Ii tlicharg of a (lerl ai n not,(' hl.'ld Tinney, Glenna. W o~,lard, E n~i . Donnell, po~LpOl1emcnt vf snit Il.galnst Robert A . Wein kauf and by th execut or, Louise Zimlllc r n I811 . w It) was ordere-d. (or di ,'orce. 1'hl' eharg-e is g l'o 8 J oint El ection COlll11'littee : MarThe cas of J oh n T. HQl'bine, J r I\(.glt'ct of duty. R",at [ a tate TJ'lLn.f erl ga r t Hal1.llliln, lil'iaRl Luding ton , A • tlit wa, filed by Doroth y Tht.! BOtlrd 0.£ l':due8l ioll of the EtR ie Mil Wical. . Thomps",n. 11 minOI', agai nst Cha r Ft ~nklin Villag 'chool Dis trict 'Democ ra ts: FOI'e~ t Dakin. chairLIOOA (, ·d'l.'Il'E Il'h Thomps o n, 101' divo rce. 'l'b\! to Pr~d Grsy . JJ'., l'enJ c taw in .Intl'll ; Robe rt Young, Nutl e Is l",rl'I>. glll'n 111nt In 1 'burg\: is Ina' neglect of duty. !!ecreta ry. }'rllnkl in townsh ip. , n'H'au Il .- or " r '8ul II I h," .. r Oil' Publici ty cOlllmittee : Suella Ber tho , atkins to EVHe tt Ear· ou n cll n! t hp VIII .. " lIt \\' 1I)'n Bernard , Wilma Smith, Edith "tn •. Ohll) l'a8 cd fI" th .. t'ltli "/IV P..,b",t . Court Iy, l'cal tat in Wa yn e I.ow n8hip Hoyle. ('If ~" Iit.. ' nb"r. l~ ~(\. el.·.. · will . . l!ulJmll IIltl ttl LI" 'lllnll (i, J .1.'1 I" II, ' r~ I The ~ tate of F1tman <- B tha E. Up d yk e Bl'r t h a at ... ...m . , ·e~. II. I,..... l' p u~ rs conllnit te e : Robert of 8al'1 \ 'II1I\!!" lit tl,,· !f""""" I tI~ccas d was fou nd to b (!ox mpt Watki ns, n a l estate in Wayn . 1" lio n III II", \'lItnf{" ur "01'11"0 ' t Youn g, Leo Conner, Iyd e' Fromm v III. PM". Oil til ;11·t1· ,ht~' Utt I from inherita n ce t liX . hurles V . townsh ip. NO"'·)I.b "r lu9G \1",· ' "tll'S tJ('" 0 Joint Election commit tee: Char.I ' . Il;l!IJl tl g hOIlcL. (Or ~Ctid \ . ltn!C~ I" Ihe puyk(', d mlntstr Btor, fil ed h .ts a u un d Ad a m.'! DI'ckJ'nson t o les Earnhal't, hal'les Davis and Bum ot $:!3. onOO,' COl' Ill" \Jllrpo,,~ of fir t lind fi nal account. I J. E. Rober tson, 105 Berea in Wur- Edith Hoyle. pal'lng tll Yillng/,' & IlJ'''II',rUOI\ <,r cO Il Alfuc llng a Bunlt '" ('w'r In the c, e 01 ad C. Born· I re n a neI I'In t on c 0 u Ilt'les. ne of t he projects which the .. ~·~ t p m t o,' lJlIl(I "111.1\1\(' 'Ullllpl estate I W OTk ~ Pl'og r r~s Atlt'nlni Hrn.Uon . PI<' hart, admini tl'a to r of the Ilowal'(l N. '1I1 .1.0 Jam. s Golda P lities club is going 11;0 carryo n. , Th e tlHIXl m \'It1 , nl.lmher "t )' (tfS of Flol'cnc e b E. NilI s, d ed, ver \)(orry, real · ~state In pCl llg Oro. i a schO (lorin "'''-lei) weh bOlas will r.... us Uoward W. NI' II , cta ol presideD tial election. I t.w"glI l;v-lIvt' et ai, con. and III Alb l't t. J ohn to Frank A. e8tlmat~d rtv Crtlt:''' o.ldldonnJ I .. ~ ratp 0\11 Id ftt'llliltion, d ed and d' trlbutil >n Dilatu , h, 'ha rle J Waggo .t ll 10 mill lltllltlllivn tu pM' n(Or and F. F. A , Chaptet ' Hold. M....t'iD& lh' lilt r ·et th rcon a nel ,. U ..' lit ~u ..\c \\'er order ed. ' Gl'over . .Kn ap p, feaI csta te III The Miami Valley Chap~er F. f. fi8 ,·crtl rkd. hI' t il i\.utl ltor Eri"llr. A . Bon w \ll 11('1 3.00 mill s Jj r ol'nt;v e was appoi nte(\ TurLl dollar ere k town bip. Of .. A. held th ir r egtllar meetin g last t "xn l)l WQ I\~ rl y, ex cutor oj t he estate (If Myrtle William . Mills aud ~allli J Tuesday, ptembe r 2'9, with a T ho!! Wh o vOl In ru or (Jt til" ~. Done, .. CCB"'''', no 1J)"ol 'OIll\lpn bond bel-n" Mills. t o AUred P. Thomas , inlot of IA u lll g I II \,ontlli 'V! .. " ""' -.. .. sp cial fi!8Iture prog~am. n!orsnl(l slll\ll tha ,' Mti!s w rilten or I·equire d. arl til 5, harles Van No. 85 in Lebano prilltl'(l o n t1,.. h· ball.) t til n. : Faye Drury a t.raveler <from Aus" P OI' t ill' Bl,nd ISSll ,·" n nll thOJ!w r(18 C b \'bo N . s and J ohn Zettel were appoin t R ay M. ombs Imd ivian om s tnlia and Africa talk I'o e tllm1nat Ih e .h,,11 11,,"0 NI II pp rai;; ~n... d of Wrllto o u r prlnteO811m,' to the People' s Buildin g, Loon and o n t il II' "all'l l ll agricul tural condi.tion til W O I'1l8 ~ "AgaIns t in til ullna hri tine Sporing was appoint ed Sav ings Co., real estate l i eu" ... in Union Austral ia. She told how they l)f\teo. Sep l l' m b t ;:11111. 103';. admin istratri x of the estate of t ownship. handled feed a.nd marl[et ed cattle. 11. lC. )1J<1NTlER 'N. t'lcr~ Frank Wilmhotf deeeas d a nd iiI. M th " \' lU a g e ot Wf\ySne."Jllr Flot nee E.. Nill s es\.llte, by ad- and th e returns , O. that. they would l ·~ -I -::~ t1 bond of $500. Ed. Kn ockon- n\inistx ator, to .James Goill berry, get from their grass fed cattle. hauel', John Kroen er aod C. F . real estate in p l'ingbol'o. Conc rete Ka, h were app oill tE:d all p rai ' rs. - -III the ma Lter of the es tate of Air Seal Buria l Vault M anu.lf. lJiunu . countri es and of t he· method s amuel 'Furman Gallahe r, deceas. Walter E~ r Smith, laborer , 01 For Sale only by ed a c I'tlficate of tran ler was is- Wayne vill e and Miss Mory suetl. s phine Miller, r Way;nes vill . Fune ral Direc tor Th e invento ry of Al'ay Jaekso1\ Seba lian (Alnnuvn, rvice sta- dweni~gs,- method s of . travel, HilI.i~e. Furniah Tim'" To BUT 'a dmin ist-ratl'ix of the e.st1\te of tion attenda nt, and Miss D6roLh;y wa ys of toring food supplies, cost Bottom Land aad to: Eretr:l CIUford V. Gregor y, editor of McCl ure funer al Home J ohn "P. GI'i wold d ceased WaI! ' Wim;ltel, oC Morrow . of living and costs 01 educsti on BlIilclif tl. the Prairie FILtIl',J!f. Chicnga, a nd Pho_ 7 appro vcd. ' ' . Maynar d Carnah an,. ~ec~ri~i~n and the ~ ize of nakes. Every ono Wa'....tilte. O. a mem~l' of the Preside nt's comThomos C. Christie , guardia n of of Blanch ester , IIndM~ss Vll'gllll a enjoyed her talk and would like Trec.s not only save(,\ the top mission to E1.lropc to J oh n R. Poinset t, incomp etent, Da .·by, of Blan h este r. study eo- ~~~~=~~=='~~~=~ to have the p leasure of he~l'ing oil but al 0 pa~d for th.e farm of operati ves, has ' b n engage d as III d hjs (i'l"st acco unt. her again soon. Harvey Floyd, Blue Rock, in the featur speake r for t~ Law re nce Lyons, admini stl'lllol' ighBill. Anow,~ Muskih.gum eouJlty. Mr. Floyd teenth annual conven tion of t he of the estate. of Orrin M. Lyons N01'th End Grocery , .f ood, '6.50 Alcoho l and Yctutb s ys that is not the whole story Ohio Fnrm Bureau , Oetobe d ceal! d, flIed bis invent( )ry. r 19 Pin ecre. Dairy, mille $19.80; D.'. H ward E. Haml!in , prof(!6s- b cause be took timber to rect and 20, by Perry L. Green, pres· Th will of Lnura E. on table Mary E. Riley ,, $l5; or of phs iology at Ohio State: farm bu.ildings from the. JJilIside ident of the farm organiz ation. s c~asc c1 , WIl$ admHtlid to court. Sibcy'j\ Pairy. mill:< , $~ . 07; RAy- Univer sity for t~e pust nine years , be{or-e he sold the mature , Mrs. trees. CharieR W. Sewell. directo r Taylor, food, $12; W. C. g~ve a very intere~tlngtalle !!!~~~~~~~!!!!!!!~~~,!!!,!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"-! mond The history of the Floyd farm of the Associa ted Women of the Tu r ton. fu el, $16.26i Chas. O. hlgh school assemb ly last to th~ Tu ell- under its presen t owner goes back mel:ican Farm Bureau Federa Willia ms, food, $9.30 ; Wund Dry day. The ubject of the talk was, to t he close of the World war. The , will be th feature d woman Goods 0.; c1ot'hing, $20.:16; L. B. "Alcoh ol! ' . . fa~m is part ' steep ' bi11side s and speakel ', who will address the genBrown , food, $4; Mrs. Roy Hudson RQ9T FOR AND CON81 !f, Dr. lIantlin classed th five dif - part bottom land. A house badly eral session of the conven tion, and f:ur cattle, ~h Iter. $10; Bertha Hi nes , food f 1" nt kinds of alcohol 'a8 "qui~S" aheep aDd vn in need of repair was the only also rep,rese nt the farm and milk, $40'9 0 ; Vel'den a Hop- Methyl was the lea t hUmfu l, With bulldhlg tanding on tbe. place nation a.t the women women Of prc!;; :!rv!r :! ;~~ 's breakf kin, shelter , U; Waynes ville the other foul'. ethyl, p):opyL, butyl when it was bought at a Iorec1os- to be held on the ~ol'ning of ast, market prieM and rQod •• Drug Store, food, $6.30; Dt'. Robt and amyl inc reaaing in sh. ength Oct. U.I_ St..k Ya.....• CI•• I. ...S. O. in ure sale. 20. T .... ln OlD. ~ao dlo S~tlOD W~~y .1\1. Blair, medica l, $16 ,; Dr. Ed. ~be order named. Alec,hol, as a The new OW 1'\ er 1'elus.ed to Iva'!) Lanto, l'ecentl v elected 11:11 to : p. m. £01' our a , 81ail', medica.I, $HI; Grqe.n .....'ood whole, may be desedbeld In , t&rms cultivat e the hillsidell wlrich were general manllge~ of the Nat~on!l market rep'on, . l Dairy, . milk, $1.50; L. W . Smith, of eight 'O's: Decay, Dr;y, Dynam ic eroding badly but used them for Cooperativell, Inc:, nationa l Ii cofood, $43.50; L. S. Tracy, milk DI·ug. Danger ous, Del.u sion, and pasture a'n d woodlo ts .He con- opera,'tive wholesele federat iob, $6:20; Tracy's Grocery . toad , $6.- Demora lizer. Dr. Hamlin eapecia lly ' centra. tedbis ctop raisinr to the Chicago, is also schedul ed to ap· 75; H. C. HamUt on, food' and milk urged our youth ~o think •• bottom lands and applied lime and on the farm conven tion pro$75,05 iC" ·C. Higbtm an, bl'ooms before taking the D's . i.n toter tiliz er freely. Good stan4s of , for court house, $4.25; Treasu rer ystem. For, once inJ damag& . "Ualfa abd elover .n ow have' reRev. Ellis Cowling, Thorto n, of State, clothin g for inmates of easily be done. weede on this bottom land. Indiano , young m~nister and playOhio Hospita l for Epilept ics, Hl.A numbe r of booklets on the Mr. Floyd ' hired a po~le aaw- wri,ht, will ' be , the feature speak73; Dayton Blank' Bpok and Prtg 8ubjeet have be.en written by :pro mill and cut sufficie nt lumber er at an all..state rural youth eon· Co., lell8e record, 260 leaveS, $36.- Hamlin , among thelJl are·; '.A:lcohol 'from ''the farm to . buDd a barDj a ference whi~h il being held. this 85; .J3anks-Baldwi n Law PUb. Co., Talks to Youth, " "Bii'lIIballs Hard shed, a hOI pen, aDd a ch1ek.n year for the ftl'it tim'e In conjunc Deibel' s Ohio proba,te lIupp!em ent, on Eyebal ls," "Booze Takea houl •. Some of .t he remaln ln, tion with the .tate farm bureau $2; The Office er. ribbon out of Pep8od ent," and the mature timber was aold. for '2,000 conven tion, for probate court, $1; Woodro w- one "The Fallacy ot M'odera tion" which wu more than the oririna l Homer Rodehe aver, · nA1WVIIl&lIY I W eil Stanag e Co., pads penclla for I purcha ain, price of the farm. famou. Ion. leader and fonner ly clerk of court, $2.50; The Office Phon e 71J Sohbal l The bottom land OJi thia place pulpit ...oclate of the late "BUly" Ol.\ttit~rs, carbon, bates staples, ' Waynes ville High School Soft- now produce s good crops and the SundllY, wlil ~ bl ~harn of group stapler for clerk of (!o\lrts, ' ,8.72 iball team played two county learue hillsides are covered with &Ceond sinring ·for ·th!\' varioue sell8loM of Dr. H. M. Williams, invC$tigatlon glimeS .last week, winnimg the first gr.owth trees and mature timber. the conven tion, which ' will be into dellth of Roy Kowalewski, and droppin g the second. . LeIToy . Frontz, I!oil conserv ation held in Memorial Hall IIOTAl tY P UBLIC and open to $8.30 i Van Camp ' Stone Co." Tuc.sday afterno on the ~m service, Dayton , saJ'l'l this farm is aU membe rs and friends of the gra.vel and sand, $5.69; Va~ Camp played Monow and Bw.amp Ha...... . . . . ed them excelle nt exampl. of the proper Stone Co., gravel' and , and, $11.- 25.10 scoring at least. .(!nce Farm Bureau . . Win. Dra_ • • ....... S.ttlM every us~ of land alterna te with steep 0; Zain Armita ge; gravel, $69.50 inning. Precedi ng a varied program of WAYHEIV ILLB. OHIO . l\lopes. recreat ion, 8eheduled ' for Monda y Frsllk Sherwo od Co .• supplies and Friday they went to' Kings Mil~s - - - - ••- - --:, ,i. evening , "The Outlaw," a ~ew co· ga~o line, $6. a,8; The Dayto I') Blue and were shut oU,t 9-0, the Kings Prmt Co., maps, $16.08i Sam pitcher not even giving up operati play in fou.r acta, will b. a hit. · presentve ed to the entire conven tion Smith, va.cuum tank and .' Tne team was to lila), Slprlnrb oro pipe, $1.86; Th e Cineinn ati 011 Tuesda y at Wa'YneBvlU,e by a C/lst of employ ees from the .... . . " • but as • ~ ••• home oSee of the farm bureau" ;Works Co., gasolin e, $16.63; Wm. rain interfe red it will be u u played H . Wood, rodman , U.13; Kau~-'. man's Iin~d oil, 98c; Armrel Ma- . Th\! box score for Tue.da y's terials Co., tar, $2,606. 98; Gulf game: FOR SALE-Dul'o~ male pip. V. Heft'. the ~ ~ Refinin g Co., gll8oline,' $15.07; Morrow . . . . . . . . . 0 (3 2 Farm morta~ have re.aine d navis Lel)ano n, II 2. 08-16- 21· 0200 William son Garage, weldinII', U.75 W f,vor with in.uran ce compan iel, '11 e ...... ..... 9 'I 7 • 11" ayne.sVl .... .. Who pau. the The Van Camp Stone Co., Band .... Thue two be.nka, and fn~vld who for FOR SALE ~ Antiqu e Chen,. I d If. # morrow II neup: Shepl~, , facta make it as as da,. Qat several years retired from this Corner cupboa rd. Marth. Cook. and gravel $782.~6; Helen Doug-h- Brandt, 81; Evanah ine, 8tii; Bu~r, the IT..t bulk of taaI II palel bJ field of investm ent. OUriDC 1984 man, invalid care of Clltrord ei Keethle r, Pi Carter. 2b; 08· L&hr, ·the avera.. cl~: Doughm an, ,7 i Mrs. Ira Eltzrot h, rfi Moore, lel; Kam and 1931S, federal land hana and SEE the New , dd; Eqle Cabine t 1. Over . ~fqartba cd aU care Alice Starkey , $6; J8J11es a ..ter. LaJve 8i11. ,'8,10 at talrel are tndlnct tax. hldcleD III the loaD comml alon.r made more Moore, care Lucy Moore, $5; Mrs. loanl on farm morta.... than all L D. Colletit'a Hardwue, , the price of .~ ,.. _ . pilon. Margat'et Jone!!, ea~ Ollie food, $6; Carroll' ., atore, Z. lIore than thNe-f outlla 011 otber InYeBton combin ed, PIt..te 89R8, Wapen Ul•• Gardne r, $6; Mrs. JuUa (Hollan d, -'57.2&; ~eeil M. Davia, lender. financed 78 per . . . of all aU pIII'Chuea are made b)- tIIU care Vernon Holland , $10 i }l11l8 Frankli n Sanitar y farm mo~ lD til. t1ntW 'u.. V ..oL...... P'OGP of . . , ...... . .. Oma KnQx, eare Walter Barlow , ,9_20; Keller Graham , States lD tile 8.,.t Ave IDODt1aa of eoaae II.., . or . . . . . ,..... t-~ _i _ _ ~ liat. '11; MIII8. Oma Knox, care Frank R. B. Gilmor e ael till Ballinler, '11;, 'l'I. i1fclQn ; Dr. A. D. · . . . ..11..... . ant Kub, Geo.

Ii··ltli- ·t.1. l)ln" I 1 tit. l"~ (' (I I')'. \'( t~\1" 11 H. J,~. ""'''' \ ,·,.,lI,.. <'t al. j l1 ,I/tllll'nt .ill tltl' d" .. r,·.t! \\:l • Unl .I f $ 2.(111 l . '5 \\~I~ 1111,11\ ~d lh(, ,llmrl 11 from th d l'fen d nt II. U. Jl, tin, lIlul.l.,n rlam

In th Cl'll Loan th:e, Jr.,

fR" Il ( l ne ll< mll

"I' 11"l'lItlly


. ,




New Burl ingto n


Car y'l Jew elry



~~:;t:r:t~n~~~~;aii~~~:!e ~f t~: WOODS


:E~i:~ ,~:t::~:;; .;:~:-~!:~ IN








Ill:."rlab.... mee.

F T M a rt-In Auc tion eer

Qu ali ty Pr lnt lD I


Cen tervl Ue, Ohio







T he M ia m i tt e

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.- .

..... ---

_ _ _ _ _ _ 0 __




of Ohio youth III the brother. llr. F.rn lit RljsnRl:'l anti! hi I,url'nl~ llr. II'H\ Sub.cribe For The llialai COli rvaUon Corpa camp. baa 1... family in LI\ndulI. Ohw. anli in thl' Trumllll Gillum . been let at 6,400, accordilll' to an aftcl'nonn "i~iUcl tit,· famuus Mi~!\ .\111 , Willlllrll /ifIll {ril'nfl announcenwnt by J. Oti Garber, ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY LUl!;an Elm, neal' th,·fl'. (Ii Willl1illJ/Wn \HI' ~ ~Ul,.,t 'I' II' acting director of th(l J4'ede Mr. alld l\Irll. (;u:>' Hlluh~uhllllllll an.1 .\1I'S. "' . ' . Til'/ll'nClI, ' ~ulllb \ daUl-:llll'I'g uml 1I1r. and ;\11'1'. IJcn nfrl·I·11IIHI .. otic. P .......................... .N •• IIl l:v'tr:..~ltt!. ~.~~4 ~la:aI:a~r Emergeney Relief Administration Con. truetion work (In the 600- Hawk !ipent uLurdny und 'UllMatt... h\ the fltate. Applications are now S •••• rlptlo. Prl••, '1.10 • Y... being received in thl' eightydRm now being hllpt nn thQ day on II mulol' trip throu£'h Ke neight countie by local &electing R(f!tet~emen. Adnimistr:iLion's tucky. Th ey vi" it,~d Lincnln's OCT BER 8, 1036 agencies, whicb in mo~t cases are Ross-Hocking project IHll' Chilli- cailin nnd oLh l' r plilC ~8 of interest. -- ~ county reli ef administration . En. cothe i expected to bE! lal'g("ly rollments must be United States completed before wintelr, nceordT AXES MORE THAN WAGES ~arveylburg citizens, unmarried, unemployeu, ing to Hugh Baumgurdnl'r, PI'Q· and willing to allot a ijubstantial jec.t manager. Th , WunclI (I UMty W. . T. U. H aid that two shi fts or wOI'kWhat effect have taxo!j on t he w !fare of t he working man and t he portion of theif $30 monthly <:() l1\,(H1~ lon wn s helO at the pel' on who has saved and invested a few dollars? An answer to that cash allowance to. Lheir family. men, some 50 altog th,er. were Friend3' church ori Tuesuay of last 01t·allked (llIC$tion il! :found in som statistics recently r Ict\sed by the They must P8.!S preliminary physi- working with st&am shov'els, tl'acl~ k with !\frs. Anna K. Davis, of w Nation~1 Associ'llt.ion of Mal\ufacturel't1. cal xaminations in order to prove ors and other equipm nt to Cincinnati u.s th!! KUC 't. speakel' of A survey of 094 repcClIcnlntiv(! compnnies in the 25 loading that they are fne from communi· finish the dam before h'lrd fro f!t.~ the day . mAk further progress impossible. intlustri s produced the a8t.o~nding Iact that every time th se cable diseases and arc able to do OIl last Thun"lay night l\1 J'!1. ~ubscribe for The Miami Gllzettt pecially is bing ~ntcrpri8e8 payout a dollur I r wagos they likewiso payout $1.34 in !'igorous outdoor work. The cce Concrete work taxe!!. activitiea include forest improve· rushed to comple ion bef.)r fr z- U:o b rt Hough e ut;ertll in ed quite a numbe r 01' fl'i nds in hunol' of Andev ry time they payout a dollal' in divid nds, they pay $1.42 ment, trail-making, soil erosion ing we.athel'. in taxes. control, flood control, landscaping, The dam, of th~ e, l'th-fill d her l1uRba nd's birthday an ni vcrIn other wOI'ds, i1 the c companies were tax-free, they could development. or recnntional areas type, will be 500 feet long and S81·Y. about 28 f eet high. It wiill have n Tli e W. • T. U. mCl !. a.L th () hMne more thnn doublt- their wage and dividend payments. and other similar project. concrete spillWay to mini01iz the of Mrs. H. . 1'ucker lust Thur.· NQ private industry can b~ Lax-free-it costs money to pay ,for • • • day afternoon. legitimate governmental functions. Dut when any unit ot government Reports to Registrar ~I'ank We~t danger (If dam e from flood s. It is (!stimated that the dam will Quite a numbel' of the Baptist. unneeellsal'ily expands its activities, the financia l burden fans on 6very oi the bureau of motor vehicles man .who labors and very person who bas .saved. It hampers indWitry indica.te that IRW enforcement improve approximately l.60,OOO I\{issiunnr'y ladies of Lh Cl J o nah's delays progress and is a bard r to the employment of more Jab or. officers a nd agencies through'out acre-feet of water and that the Run hUl'ch e njoyed last Wednesf Exce8~iv tax.ation i the W01' st enemy of pro!lperity. t he state are co·opet'ating with artificial lake created will cov et (lay afternoon at lhe hom~ Mrs. C. H. Oeath cl'ag\!. . It is m9st discoum)!ing 'for any business to pay more in tuxes than his suggesij!m that actual enf()ree an area of abou t 111) acres. ·l\fesdam cs Chs!\- Gordon, A. It docs in wage!; and dividends I Think that over next time you mellt of the provisions of the new Maximum depth will be:20 fe et. "While tho {>rimury plllrpOKe uf S. Collett and Kathleen Graham . wonder why you do n't get better divid nds, a !'aise in -alary_or a job. driver!!' license law be postponed this dam is to promote wiater con- SlH'n t Saturday in Dayton. c: 1. The law was in Sel'Vation and flood control, the Mr.... Waltel' Jordan is reeover1 _____ _________' _ ____" ________ ' until etfect November on and after Octobel' I, but many motor vehicle operator wer lalee cr ated will aIM s'erve as in~ aiter tl very l!erlous illness. . the' l1ucleoOu 10r oOn of the m03t Mr. an(l !\fl·P. Harold McVey to obtain outdoor r'~cl' alinn nl~ rtidned thei~" mothers on , • heen e due to a delay ~n starting compl te camp s in the tita~," Baurngardner ·unday. ~----------------------------! the i uanCe. Regi tl'ar West then 8aid~ . ll:'r. and Mn. Lionel Campbell 8:00 4-11 lub New_ C. C. Lang, Asst. Stat 4-H Club Lea d r. suggested that a program of II AdjoOinil\ll' the lake slhol'e will visited at the home of Mr. and 8 :10 Getting E. tabliahed in Farming-Il. G. Kenestrick, Agl. Educa- 'correction insread of pro!Sccution' tion Dept. be put into eft'ect whereby drivers be Doth an organized CDlmp arell Mra. Adam Campbell and family. lIb. Ben Hawk and daughter, 8 :20 When J nny Lind Sang in Ohio..:...n. E. E wine, B istorian. without licensea will be WllTned and a. day picnic ground. The w r I 8 :30 WO U Orche.!tra. but not arrested if . a.p prchended organized camp area, intended Mi. s Cleo, of 'Waynesvill 8 :40 Farm Home Period: Trl'tlds In County Programs-MiSIJ Minnie prior to the first of next month esp clalty fOI' 4-H clubs and Munda y aft l'nOOn callers or Mrs. include Mary ·Tucker . . Price, State Hom emo. Lader. Our Homes and Families.-- Mrs. and are found to 00 without the similar ~oups, 'will Rev. J. P. Thornbury preaeh ed ]Jelen Mouge-y Jordan, Ext ..Home Economist. legal permit. It is estimated tl1at ca bins, central service building unday 9:00 W OSU Orchc!!tra. there Bre some 800,000 Ohio mOlor an(1 administration headquarters. at the M' ·thodiat Church Fire places and helter houses evening. 9 :10 Duying Ftleder CattJe-L. P. McCann, Bee! Cattle Speciali t. iats yet to be Ilcensed, out of will be bu lIt foOl' the picnio area. M,'. and Mrs, Ira Syferd enter9:20 Dairy Farmers Who Are Getting nigher Prioes--Edward E, which about .260,000 will be re. There will be car parking . space, tain d company from Day tun Jackson, Cream Grading Divi.~ion, Ohio Dairy P roducts qui red to pass an exa mination becaUBe they have driven a. ear less sewa~e disposal facilities, pure Sunday. Assoeiation, ()Iumbus. watel' supply and improved Mrs. L()uis Snell and daughter 9:30 WO U rehestra. than one year. for b()th ,rc)creation Joan vi. ited ' Herbfl l't Sn ell and beaches 9:4,0 Stol'ies Told by P lant Root_C; J. Willard, Agronomy Dept. • a1·eas." family in J\{ontqrey las week. 9:50 to 10 'the Ohio Farmer and Ilia Operating Credit.-J. E. Garris Better mOfale and a marked deMi', and Mrs. W. W. Welch and 01;lio SI.l pervisor oC Production Credit A8Soeiations. on crease in infra ctions of ru les and E. B. Dakin and wife called on regulations at t he OhioO ReformaMrk. Allie Dakin in Lebanon lust tory tor Women Us resulting under . Sunday. the administration of Superinten- . MI~s. Sue Crane of Wal~nesville MI". Ranell Dogan of pring. dent Marguarite Reilly, according JS lIiSltlDg at the home of Ilfrs. and fie III visited his parents Mr. und o to obs61'Vers. When she assqmed Mrs. Forrest Graham, Mrs. has. Boyan over the week. 10 cbarge of the institution leas tban Little Milton Jones is improv..! two yearll ago, Superintendent ing under the tar nf Dr. C. W. end. Gillam ofWayncsMr. Jam COLUMBUS-- ubstantl I awards . Ieadereh ip in com munity thinking Reilly jmmediately adopted the Sla,Je Of Centerville. 'Ville is here f r ShOft vi it with will be mad lit the 1937 Ohio community service, promotioOn of policy of permitti ng the inmates I Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Hunl; attend non-ciaily .newspaper how which ' projects for the betten'nent of the t o bo~ t heir hair and otherwi e cd the hom coming at Org;onia U. will be conducted in late J an uary community;. a nd special editiona. beautify themselves on the belie B. Church, Sunday. Any non.daaly Ohio newapaper is that su ch privileges wo uld be Mrs. Alice Clark and Misli Helen or early February by the Bucke ye -eligible to enter any Olle or good f or them . The plan work· Early w re Dayton visitors Friday P re s association, ·now the official more of the claSllea. Entries may ed successfully, and now Superin. Mr. Charles Burllett is serving ER.~is an ()~er that wil~ appeal to all- American weekly un it of the Ohio N ws- be made 'before Januar y 1 with ten dent Reilly ha gone a step (m t he Federal Grand J ury in . Boy M agul!'e ~d thiS newspaper at a s'p«ial . ' pall r association. 'President E. L. 0 man C. Hooper of th e IIchool of further and procured new blue Cincinnati. combination bargam price. The Amer ican Boy is the Hen('a of the WelHngtoOn Enter- jou rnalism, Ohio State University, baUored d resses with white collars ;Mr. Enoch Gray of B.~lm()nt favorice magazine of more than 500,000 boys and prisc, president of the Buckeye where the show will 00 held. A for the women p~isoner to ~ spent Sunday and Monday with hi~ young mw. Its fiction cam es boys on the wings of organization, said that t he awards substantial increase ill comp.a.r. place th e dl'a.b umforms they have brother and wife, Mr. a.nd Mrs. adventure to all parts o f the world. Its sports article. . will cover six cia ification , in- ison to t he 100 ilxhibita at the- been wearing. In turn thE! ma,jor- George Gray. by f amous coaches and achl ~ces a re studied by cham. el uding tirst page a nd olh r make 1936 show is anticipated, ofllcials ity Of ~e express their . Mr. and Mrs. E. J . Carmony, of pions. H~re you will fi nd the finest scoriea on spont, appreciation boy a close. adheren~ Springfield and Ml'S. W. F. Clark, uP: n WI coverage, co mmuNty and staLod. aviation, business, school activities, hwnor, .nd traveL far m ; advertisI ng composition a nd ' • • • to the rules a nd regullltJODS of t he of Wayn~vi1lc, visi ted t h ir Even at l its regular price Qf $1.00 a year, The Ameridillpl..y ; editorial \ ex.pression, The Oc~ .er enrolJ!"ent .qOI0 ta Institution, it is said. ,~other, Mrs. Mary CarmollY on can Boy is considered a bargain. But now you may • • .. !Wcdnesday of last w'eek, land in


1• • •' .


- ..


Farm hight 7 alks October 12


~nab. 1

th~ requi~ed



• •


- --




Be'st of the News Dl"re'ct S F h Oh rom t e tate. Capitol '- _____________________ -=-____


'n oy



This Newspap'er

A t R e d lt Ce d Price


lOST DIREQ' .CROSS-STATE·ROUTE Betweea Toledo and t"taebmatl Cllarted for 'the Benea, ttl laterlltate Motor Toarbt. .. Wen a. TrdIe WiWa tile Border. of 01lIo

IT'S SHORTER l!a.u RT~~: to CineinDati . . .bown herewith la the Hortest dl,tance between the two clti... OfBclal. of tbe State Bi.h"a,

Des.rtment give tb, a. about 11 milea.

mUeaie uvin8

....5 satTa ftcThere'll leu traf· coDgeatioll on


ft[1d\ the, Toled~Cincinnat1 Short Line tban 011 &nJ other hi8hway COI)DICItID, tbeae two cltie,l . There

an .... fe"et C1D'Ve1 (no halrpbua) and all raUroacl ..-.cIe eroaalnp an ucepttOnal17 well protected.

I rITa· of IT'S 1Ll1 ... the .horter mil.......... coqeItion (both on tile hlrhwa,. " wh1ch the,ill the commu· nl.... tbra fewer NUOIl



eun.e. and a4lequate .wth . roadbed and bJ'iq., the


!loutl here ouWaeclIa a tlm....oter for the bill' motorlat-~er, probo ablT .. Qt. . . two hours.

AN ALL PAV£D ' HIGHWAY Cholee of ICncnrIq


lIotorleta, 0rIJIaaW ... SpoMOri4



8IICIrt TnlI

fA. . . . .


t he evening attended. the l~heater it) Da.yton. Mrs. J. B. J ones spent I!everal days last w~ek with rel atl'v~ in Dayton. Mr. Hal'vay Burnet mad ill busi-' ness trip to Akron T uesday. Mrs. J(lsie Whital<er of Wa'yne~vi1Je; )Vas II week-e nd gUlcat of Mr. arid Mrs, Harold Wf.lit.ker a nd chil dren. A number of f eatures are n ow on t he progl'a m for Amateut· night at Lytle Hall Friday ev.enilljr. ·. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Sali~bury. son and daughter !)f WashUngton C. H, were Stl.nday evening gue ts of Mr, a nd Mrs. -Allen E mrick. Mrs.. E. B• .Longacre and, Mrs. Cassie Hardy apent TueedllY in Dayton. , Tbe Reconstruction Finance , Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hadl ey Cor-poraUon during . the periOd and ' llttle daugohtel' were Slllnday F~bruarl 2, 1982 to' June 80, 19S6 gUests of Mr. and lIba. Amos Cook dis ib d h and 8 0M near W..yneaviUe. tr ute t e eum of '187,080.. ~'r_ and Mrs. Allen Eniric:k and 81 in Warren eounty, accordina to Mrs. Walter Ke nrick were Dayton information received by B,r iaadier viaiton Thul'l day. General BenecJ4t. Or.owell, State :Mr. and Mrs. Eetwtn Nut,t ot Director foOl' the N ..tional Emer· Centervl11e spent Sunday :a fter ,eDCJ Council for O~lo. noon with their ~ndaon , lfilton . Di. bunementB in Ohio aarre- Jones, who has been very 111. gated ,,29,860,134.1_6 , not in. Mrs. Alice Trickey ' and eluding amounta that went to vati- daughter , Mrs. Alice Miller, were oua gov ernmetlt~gencies, or reli~f dinner luesta, Monday, of Mrs. grants t() th~ State oOf Ohio as Irma Sweetman tn Dayton. authoOrizel;i under the Federal Mn . Allen Emrick an.d Mrs. Emerrency "Relief 'Act of 11135. · Margaret J ohns were Tuesday The principal purpose for wbi(:h dinner guestll ' of Mra. lMlartba the money was diebut'8ed wete as Houlb n~ar WaYllesville. tollowl : Loanl to banka and u:ust Mr. and Mrs. Harold Whitaker compaDlee, includib8 receivers,' and lI1'. and 141'1. LoweU Thomas Iiqllidatiq Nflltli and CODIe"a- took a motol' trip tnto lCenj~ckJ ton; .ublCriptiont. to ' pteferred Sunday . stock, and debefttllre notlet! of Mn. Charles Harvvy ' and chUbanka and UUlt companlee, loaa. dnn of ClarkavilJe were ~'Ueata to ' buUdin. and . loan uaociatioM Jut week at the bome of Mr. and and mortpp lOaD compani... tin . -Charles Charltoil. lira. Rarve~ Bonaet and TIle ....... aDd lin. E. •. Lonracre att~:Il(I.d tile Oamen clab ...........,. . .rlinlillld It JGa let.... • ...are tIIe.t the IUleJ ho.... Btu Rlc!rinu..

tate park and 301 Seven privatoly ow ned tourist camps .have meal ured up t o t he Ii8nitary .reqqirements of the State Depa rtment of Heillth a nd arc en. tiUed t9 d isplay the sign of approval , it waa a nnounced by Dr. Walter H. Har t ung, state hea.l th director. Th e s~te pa rks are the Serpent Mound in Adams county; Fort Amanda in Auglaizej F ort St Clair in P reble ; Mound City in ' Rosa; F ort Laurens and Schoenbruoll Memor ial, .. both in Tu scara.waa county; and Fort Ancient in Warren' count y. • - •

obtain it and this newspaper • . • • ,

Both One'Year For Senci Your OrderJTo






I'ai8IalI, It ... almoIt twiee.. Mr. .ad lira. L..u. ..., bl 0Id0 ba IN. u la t88'; cldIdna attead" • -' ...... tM .............d . . di..... SaadQ Ia _ _ ..... . 01 ....... of lIoaq - ottaer.


fit DQt......


















Hybrid COPn Sehool 0.,..

..!,..('r,b., F .... Th. Miami Ga_tte


I IntI' fbi thn hyhdd l'llI l1 t'h" •• 1 tl, 1,(, hl·ilil. Ohio ~tlltl' II iI'~'~'l)' ha\'" hl.'l'l\ ('l 1'01' .1l1l1llllt) 5 to ~. 1U:17.





• I

35-37 N. Ma in St .. Dayton

Great 12th


Anni,tersary Sale ·Begins THURSDAY

CEL-O-GLASS We ,Repair WindowlI

J. R. Gibbons Phon.. 54

APPLES and CIDER ,Plenty of Fine Quality Apples Orders Taken for C.d r in Quant itiea


Van<lervor t Orchard 149F~2

4 miles S. W. Jamestown, Phone

October 8th

Wayne",'; II .., O.

Wilbur ,N. Sears ' FIRE -



Orchard Lane '




4 mile. N. Xenia, State Route 235

_22!2l2 . _

You r Protection Our many years of co~s i ntious el'vice to t h public of this community in itself con titutes as uranec that you will get only high grade, honest funeral merc haiiuise. It is upon thi kind of merchandi, e, plus thoughtful per onal sel'vi ,that we have built our reputation-and that repnbtion is our most pricel sa a set.



X FRED J. U'AGEMEYER For Commissioner Warren County l'ul. lid . -

ROOFIHO Repair your old one, or put on a new roof now. Prepare for wi,n ter's rains and atorm •. ' We have a complete stock of the beat ,roofing material. made and you'll do beat by seeing UII ,about your 'Work. Prompt an.d efficient, '



Building Material. C?f AU Kind.

We can supply you with Weather.Stripping




hi right. to .Irive for six m ills He 'was unable to poy the fine and wa ,'lu1'lled to the county jail following the hearing.


J. B. NeClare

Shorts and Middlings


Eledion Nov. 3, 1936





R publican Nominee'



W~H. Madd~nW& CO~ Phone 14 a),nesvllle

hio driv ,"s llcen.e ill Warren An orchard owned bv A , F. Miss JN~I\ Fut'nss ha enrolled county follo\led th(l al'ruignment K ndl'ick, ' at(ls Mills, b'Ol'C an at Miller's Busines ollege, in- of C. 0, Lang nbl'ul1ner, Kings cinnati. Mills, in bYOI' W. ,Cilrnour' ~pplecrop Lhis YWI' which was p ~ cent Ire front COQrt Wednesday mll)ming on a scored MI'!', Slttuchc Bnker, of incin- charg of op rating a motor v hi- blemt shefl cau c<l, by dise se 0'1' innati. 1 visiting hl'l' si tel', Ml'S. de while illto~,i('ated. 'rhe ects, The scoring was don in a R. H, HIll,tsock. ' ,nayo l' con fi S'cllted L!llngen bl'unner' survey of ihe cffectiven s:s ot Mrs, . . Me lure and Ml'j!. E, Jicensll afle l' u~pe nj3ing his right spray 'pra-cti.ce recommend d 'b y speciali t in entomolog'y and plant to dl'ive for ix mOl'ilths. . ran un I dllu~hler. Nancy, spen t \.aday in Dllytoo. Langn brunner wa arreilted a t pathology at O. . U. one o'clock Wedne.~day morning Whol soybea ns or , oybean Ml's, F'rank Braddock and Mr followrng a collision on Route 42 III cal containi ng t he origina l oil and . 1 ' , Fred Braddock ' wer' nE-9I' Lebanon. Accord ing to Officer will cause POOl' quality meat if X~ nill visitol' , \Y dn >lUAy, Roy Lucas, who inve 'ligated the fed in qua ntities to fattening accident and took Lang ubrun nel' animal. I but the auimal husbandry H. . Hm-vey and family, who ' into cu tody, the latter'li Clll' departm nt ot O. S. U, ad"jses th oc upied the • M'. Rohitzel' l'esi d- era hed into one driven by Norn1~n ane , lIloved Saturday, to Lebanon Lange, of Norwood, damaging both u. Il of soybeatl oil meal :from whi ch the oil haa been extracted, !lfI'. 41nd Mrs, Btltden of New machines, No one Walt injured in MO,at Ohio mills will exchange this York ity, we,' gUI)Rts' 01 Mrs. th e ftccidunt. Both <;a1'S were being meal lor oyb ans. Ida Stokes and Irs. Ada ' ourtney ,driven north on th~~ highway and Sixty-eight Ohio counties fur. em Saturday. the accid nt is ~aid to have oceurJ'~ \I' hen Langenb'l:unner pull ed nished the 450 4·H club members Mr. and 11'8, A, l~, lell oh and out in an Ilttempt to pa s the who a ttend d the ,twenty-second ,~() n~, barles Anderson Jr., nnd Lange machin e. annual club congress at Ohio State Donald Sol\ !:Ibul'y- attended the MayoI' Gilmoul' fined Langen- University. Merit-. certificates were Hall)ilton fair, S,,1ul'day. brunnet· $74 snd cost and ord red given to 36 local leaders who him to pay $26 to Liang'e tP.r dam - been ndvi OTS for 10 or more MI'. to:. F, lCarnh"rt Md t 1l1r . ag s to his car. lIe also s~end ed yeurs. , I nn Bland attended a dinner mceUn~ Of l>n,(. Worthy Matron " ====================~===== 0 , E. •" at HilI!lboro, F'~·iday. Mrs. D. . Ridge. Mrs. R. ' llru't$(lck and Ml':!, Harj;.,o.;()ck " gUl' t, Mrs. Blanche Bukel', ot incinnnti w 're Duyton \' i.'! itol' this aftel'nOOl1,

!'til'. i:nu Mlr , , L, R. Gordon left this lllol'ning on a motor trip to Wa 'hington, D.' C, whero they will visit l\ft,.!I, Gordoll's ~i tel' Mrs, Lillian Fife,


,This huge plant is now .manufa~turlng •••••

LEISURE HOURS FOR YOUI In this great plant .• • •• the largest gas plant of lt$ kind In tbe world •• , Pyrofax Gas is now being made so that you may not have the drpdgery 0'£ cookiog with old-fashioned. dJrty fuels ••. so that )'ou can put your di~· ncr 011 the ta~ge aod/o,rgtl it until it!s ready ~o serve. , . wlth 00 more a hes sooty wicks or waiting for hurners-to get hot. ' Pyrofax Gas Service costs so lime. Equip. ment is leased for 9.7S. The ~as averages as little as 4c a meaL A beautiful, modern Magic (:hef-Pyrof;qr; Gas Ran6e can be bought on convenient terms, With a small down payment. Come in soon.


~Cll;"aH I

PyrojIlX E.qIl;Pm~HI

Misses Phone and Pigeons 'P. E~ Snyder and , Son YOUR COMPLETE HARDWARE STORE After 60 Years in Busi1less

Oldeat: Cleveland R••ltor'. R.tlrement: S.ver. Old Ti ••

Blanchestf!r, Ohio


Phone 3021

P Y R .,

William' G, Taylol;, 90,

Mr. a nd Mrs. Harvey Sacket.i ' regret~ upon bis retil'cment .after 60 enter tained th W.ayne Town hip years in the real esti! te business in F armel's' c1~b, to\lay. Dinller, was served in *e social room at the ( Meth odi t church.

Cleveland. Ife hated to have his off fee telephone discontinued and regretted

Mr. a nd M~' . Frank Taylo[' who

that he could no longer feed pigeons ha h t t overed ,around his offico windows.

A ,X



~::::~~=:::~:~;:::~~~::~:::!I Thave b een t he guests, of Mrs, I tr:~~~::sJe7tO~~~:, m~~:ingE~!~th~~ . PI~~~ ~~:~~;:~ t~CI!; ~!i~~i:~~~ home in San ~rahdscq, .' ' " " ' , ,.. Af vOL' a thtrty d/ly-'s fu1'lough, .$pent with his gra ndmoth er, Mr , Lizzie Lewis and other relati ves, hel'e,F:than, J . Lewis ' left , ,last week fOl' the U, S. N, A., Annapolis, Md,

with it. Taylor was one of the 76 original sUbscrii/,crs te' Bell telephone letv i ce in Cleveland in 18~. and hi' ll,amc has been listed in ever.J .C1eve. land telephone dir~ctory durina the past 56 yea rs. . He grew very fontl of _he pi,tOn. that mak,e their hotne! in cornices of downtown C 1 eve I ,a n~ b\1ildioa. !\Illis Doris Hawk~ was removed through years of observiog them. A today. fTo m Blair Bttos. hosp i~1 to, regular 'item in his office auppliea her room in the Gold en. LaI'llb h otel wau bag of peanutULtld torn_Every Lebanon. , ~he is sold to ,be l'eC:over- morning he openedl:nis window add . illg' 'nie,e ly it'om a rece nt operation, the 'birds flew in tofe;ast on hi. deak. ,w•• the, old••t Het' mo ther, ,Mrs. Lee lrawke ' will At the titne of hill retiremeD:t C1e.yel.. '



be .With





' 'tedeaign ..,- • • • • • ~: biQheat ideals in plated ware-are allured in \1pOOII" fork., and fa.ncy serving cpiecea bearinQ tho


her for ten days

trade awL

1841 R06~RS BROS.;~t

There are various inake. 01 ail• •te(1 ~ ........ claimed to be "just u aoOd." but. like aU

1-=~~~~e~u~~~~_~ ithilaeo....1and genuine "00_'-:: _lIdr "110~"'''··SiIi1wPkdIiUt mqw.....

w.,., ... s-tf06


0:- two

HURT IN A~CIDEINT Fulkerson enterAT ,BRIDeE WORKS tain ed at din nel' Friday eV~Djnr, Mr. and Mrs. J, P. Larrick, Mr. Marion Keever, who lives near and Mr~. A. H, Stubbs, Mr. and MrR. Ralph Ha$tings, Mr. and ~'r8. Lebanon, was painfully injured at the W .E. Stroud The dinner was last wMk while given as a surprise for ,Mr. Fulker of t he A SnaKe heavy Son ,il'! c;eJebration of his birthday Co~pany in Leban cham broke him on , the an.1llv('~al'y. tight IeI' and The Friendship elub will' meet cut o~ the lelr bet~il!en with MrB. MaYm~ Hatfield at her and ankle. He home In Lebanon on WednUllay, Blair Brot hers Hn,.ri~i t.1 October 14. This meeting is to The aceid&nt occ~\llr:red be a covered disb dinn~; please 9 :80 o'clock in the j"C),nallJur. brillJ a covered dillh, B Ce,w and. wldlea Blld taili. lervice. M.l1Ib.,.I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!I!!!!I!!!!!!!I!!! OJ owe.. at u.. of

~ . ,,'

M rs, Morris



Eighty-Eighth Year




W I B. C••t for Improyemen-t

The Y. F. M. will meet at the Tomlinson home Sunday evening, October 18. Th e re will be a pot luek lIupper


and tabl 9Cl'vice. Volley ball and tennis will be tho recreation with LaRu as leader. D votionpl leader will be Ada Grace Braddock and Paul TomHn so n will be lC1!son lender.

Tho F'. F. ' A. 'm et on Tueeduy aft.('rnoon and clected the fol\ow~ ing officers for the year. Leo onner, pr('sident: Fires, vice president; Young, secretal'y ; Chllt'les Dovi , t aSUTor; Earl Earf)hart, reporter Rober~ SfI;tt rthwaite, watch; Charle~ Hoyle, conductOJ'; J ohn Bogal', llJl.\IiBtant· eO'nducto'r. . The newly elected officel's Will attend an all day conference or th e 'outhwe t district of F. F. A. on next llturMY a t Bill boro. We expect t.o g t SOme trainmg and new ideas at tllis meeting. ove l'al .members of our local ctlllpter will go to Monroe on this next Thursday evenIng to take til si.xth d egr~ in the Gl'a-nge, and Ilre plan'tling to take the Nat ional Grange Degr e at Columbus on November 12th where 0; banqu et and general meeting will be held in honor of til presid. nt of the National F. F. A. The members of our local chapt r w)'lo will take this degree are: Leo Conner,Lamnr Earnhart, Charles Fir , EOll1\&.;\t Cook, Herbert McM'illan and Julian Crabbe. EARL EARNHART, F. F. A. Reporter.




l\lr. lind Mrs. F. W. Uhlman, or Bowling Green, welle dinner and overnight guests of Ml'. and :Mns. WAYNESVIUE II. E. CHURCH Clifford Brace Wedne day of last week. Rev. G. C. Dibert, P Sunday: Sun<lay 8chool at 9 :30 :Mrs. L. L. LonR& and daughter, a. m. Morning worship at 10 :30. of GreenviUe, and M'rs. . George The mOn subj eet will be, "The Hartsock were dinner I1llSts of World i My Parish."' Mr. and Mrs. Howard Archdeac()n, Evening service at 7130. The Sunday. ' t heme for this S(!rvice will be, Mrs. Will Scanlan and S<ln, "Tho Man Who Walked With Fenee, and Mr. elld Mrs. Clarence God." Monday: On Monc\ay ot nest Melldenha.JI and :family were callweek The District Conference will ng on friend, ilt ba-yton Sunday be h Id in the Epworth Chll.rch in IIfterrnoon. ' Dayton. The pr«>gram will begin Ladies' 2-piec» on~mble suit, at 2 j). m. and t he Methodlat Union cleaned and preMed, 81Sc. Men'a banq uet will be held at 6 :S () p. m. top coats, 70c; children's winter W~ Je~ire to have our church wen coats, 40c. Quick CleI8nera, Kath. rer>re~'Oted at this cOllference. ryn !Mlendenhall, Manager. · Wednesday : The Ladies' Aid Society will meet with. Mra. Josiah Mrs. Belle Fealey', Miss Bird Davis at. 2 p. m. Bible study and F~aley, Mlu Lucy Emley and .prayer meeUng at 7 :30 p• .m. Mr. Glenn Felaley w~re ~nher guesta, Sunday, ot Mr. Henr:y Kelley and Milia ' F.Jo& Kelley,. :Of ST. MARY'S CHURCH J!arveysburc. Re". J. J. Scbader, ReCtor Nineteenth Sunct.y alter Trinity . Mlas Kathryn Gibbons attended October 18, - Church .chool at a shower and brlq. at the 9 :30; M01'llin, Prayer ad· .ermon ot Mm. 'Harold aore. in _~.....V" at 10:80, town, l1uuda, wnilll. The a1l'air . . . in hollor of lira.. 1I.ricm aT. AUGUSTINE CHURCH HamUton,~. Ouida O,l"by. Fatb~, Newto•• ~ Man at St. 41l8u.tin.'. every . Sundar m01'lll1ll.


Mllynard J . Rich, Bon Mr. PilI! Mrs;. J. B. Rich, were united i n mal-riago Saturday" Octobn 10, llt G p. m. in the First J'r(!shytt'1'illn hureh of East It! ve land. A large c o mpan ~' f frienrl s I1lltl relatives witn essed the ceremony. A beautiful program of nuptial music ' ~Iayed on t he ot'gan and solos r ender d by Mr . Willi am Morglln, s isWt· oj the bride preceded the ceremony. The bride who was given i,l ma rriltge by her fllthel', was lovely in a gown of wl1it satin with fing t· tip veil and currterl ' a bouquet of white rO RO buds. She was at nd ed by MiS'S Mit'illll1 Huffman . Mr. Paul Schreck of Cleveland w.a.'I h t man. The u_she rs weI' . Hal'ry olvin, o! Clevelnnd and ,JohJ\ J ag r of DaytOin. Following tho cl!l',emony a r ception wall held at th·e brides horn • Mr. and M . Rich have stab. lished their honle in Pittsburg, Pa., where the formet· is a.n empi<)ye of the Carnegie Steel Steel COl'poration. The se a.ttendin:g th e wedding from Wayne ville were Mr. amI Mrs. J. B . Rich, l\h. and Mrs. L . E. Hockett and Mil s Ruth Hockett

A large t1deglltiun

of Wayne Republicans was in atndance Monday ni~ht at 8 nunty·widc rally in Leba'llon, which \'t'lerlln leacll·rg . ay 8U1'pnsse(L allY dcmon. u·ution of this kind ever held in t he cOllnty. Hllndrcds put,ticiput d in a hug!' torch-light parade which preceded a nl cQli ng in L(;bnnon'8 'r own l1 aIl lit · which Jumes G. Stcwat'l, of inclnl]ati, wn.:; tho principal speaker. Music for the pnrade was f Ul'nished by .Lehanon schoo l band, Mason band and th' Am'riclul Legion .dru.nI corp " The Lown hall Wn!! filkd Lo capacity for Mr. 'tcwart' flddress an d a ijound Huc k from Nut ional Republican h ()adqua\'t c l'~ re.broadcast Gov(>l'nor Landon' Ilddrell!l from leve land. to wn ~hip





FERRY CHURCH OF, CHRIST Carl 'Smttb, III..... • pelTJ Thom.., Supt. of Blbl, Scbool . Bible SChool at 9 :80. L Ill• . Communion, 10:4' L til. · Pre~lnc, .11:00 L m.

"AYNEaVIW CHUaQl CHalIT Carl . Blllw.. IIIaIIter Not A DeaomlMti.. 9 :80, Bible ICboo"




Dayton, we,' ~u ·~ts of theit pa rents, Mr.. an t! Mrs. Wilbu l lal'k, Salunby.

Mrs. W. H. Allen :entertaIned group of irian.ds ,t oday, honoring h~r sister, Mrs. W. N. Ne,w lall d, of ChieagO, who. haa be en a guest in the Allen home the paSt we&k. A thiee course luncheon was se1'ved at The Little Inn and . covers were laid tOt· the following: Ml:8, Newland; Mrs. S. S. Stahl , Franklln, Mrs. Edith Har. I'is, Mrs. RoW' 11 Peirce; Mrs. Emma Barn"<)tt, Misses Trillen" and Matg.atet Edwards, M i~es Anni!>!' and Mame Browne, Mi$s . Einma ' Heigbway, Miss Jessie Clarke', Mrs. Clifford H. 'Brace, Mrs. D. L. Cran e and Mrs. A.llen. •


Are Welcomed Back


n wom n, w110


m m-

oC the county home extension

c(lullcil, m t in Lebanon Friday, to nwk detaileu plans for the home demon stration PTOgram. ]\frs. J . L. M ndenhall . president of the counc il, pres id d and tbe townshif)!'I rept'e ented were Fr l\nklin, Cleo.rcreek , Wayne, West Turtlecrcek, Mll.S si e~ WashinA'ton, _East TU)· t1Cil~k, Harlan, Uni on anti Salem. The major project planned [oJ,' Warr n. county women is called lin Clll)litnlity in t he flome" and will prescnt much interesting and h lpiul information about entertain ing. Evct'Y homemaker in tbe count:y i urged to participate in t1lis Pl'oj ct und nnyonoe interested may sec ure more info rmation about the work ]>y callini the home dem nstration ngent, Miss Eli7.abeth Graddy. oth t' activities to be promoted by the council for homemakers this winter include furnitu r e reo s a 'ng uncl re-upholstering; living t'Qom arrangement s tudies, sewing ma.chine clinics and clothing cons\.r'uctio-n. This instrqction in the 0 proJects is given without CQ t and all Mmcmakers are welcome tAl attend the me tings the schedule of which will be annn unc d lator.

----- - ._----

FARMERS ' CLUB M~T AT M. E. CHURCH Mr. and Mr.s. J . H. Sackett ent ertained the W. yne Townsblp FlU' rs' club Thursday, October 8, at the Methodist ·cburch. 1111'. IUId Mrs. ITa Rich, Mrs. Reba Br/ldd ock and Mrs. J. Q. Gons u8iste!i the hostess in ~erv ing the dinnel'. The afternoon pr.ogram (lpe ned with the invocation by ~v. G. C. Dibert . .A vocal so lo by Mr. R. E. Frnnk WIIS followed by the speelal top ic, "Th Good Citizen," eiven by MI.'. Harvey Burn et. Mr. L. A. Garst gave an interesting \.alk on "Our Civi~ Reapon~ s ibility" and the prog~ eonch.. d~ ed with a read ing by Mrs. Ralph. Hastings.

..' ----.- - - -

MRS. BERT HARTSOCK GIVES SHOWER FOR 'RECENT BRIDE The hQme of 'MI'!!. Bert Harlaoek wa!l the ,scene of a very pleaaant social function Thursday &lternoon of last week, the occasion being a miscella neous shQwer fo,", MrlI. Ed~ar Smith. nee Mary Jo Miller, a recent brj~. Refreshments (If ic cream; ~ and coffee were enjoyed by the follow. ing ~ue8ts: Mrs. J. W. Edwards., ' M'is~ Mary Lea.k Edwards, Sprlir· field, Mrs. Win~red Mason, Xtrlia Mrs. Edgar Smith, Mrs. Emma Barnett, Mrs. Ralpb Miller, 111'8. Ev.a Miller , Mn. T.. J . .Smith, Mra Will C. st. Johu, Mm-. II• . A. corn'ell, Mn W. E. Cornell, 1Itra• H. A. Cornell, ~l'lI. Wanen Braddock, Mrs. ,t>. R. Salisbury, Mn. J. B. Chapman, 111.... E. F. Earnhart, Mrs. Emma H. McC.,." MJ:t!. Ronald, HawWe, :Mn. Beetie MiLls, ' Mil!8e~ Marjorie Eamhari and Sarah Mlller and ~,r David Hartsock. .

------ ...---



'Miami Chapter- No. 107 O. • 8, met i~ regular session evening. FonowiDa' the ro1ltiae work the tr)eetinlr adjourn.. for a. social Mur at which time L. A. Garst, superintendent of "'a)ao A large number of the members Township _cboola . .ve Sll . . . . . . and fl'iends of the M. E. Church lent talk ) i9thered torether Wedneilday 5¥2 _. ' evening, October 14, at 7 :30 PAIl I' GaANGE · o'clock, to welcome Rev. Q. C. _ . Dibert and family back for _ir Spriqboro . .1rill " .IIM'" tiahth year of . atrviae In tile the prGP'Ia lit tile ,...~,... chureh ana communit,. ., 0-.. ...... After a abort pro.,.... of _ute 1lfIItt. ..... II and Na4inct. and aD. ad~ of 1ni. .'~.w.!!:Ja=~~ •

boa..... .a .wer .......

.................... ...

Flory, of Richmo nd, ' . lU~gs and Ml'\\. . W. Younce li nd <1aughterll, ()j



at .............t ."

M'r~, l'aul MI~. R.

Ind .,


Emm~ B. KeClare. II. . . Sarah aad IIOdred 8eUabury as. Iieted th JaoeteM ia Mr'IlDI • deUdou lwo-coane 10:415, Lord's Sapper, In the . . .Iac lira.. Boyd 7;p, ••, 0lIrtBtaD lind_TOr. B_taO_ ud· lIra. Woodrow Oweat weN jolDt 7 :'6, J:vaqti1ltlc WecIMldq, '1:'1 Po ... ~nrlllD_ tor lin; 8m.... at aDd bOt.. ...,. tile . . . . of lin. B ........

___-... _a __

Word wa~ " (?C iv d hero lhi morning that Mrs. Ruth Janney L ill IL serioll s co nd ition u~ hOI hUnt " in Deland, F'la . The chi ldr I , haVe! uec n clllled 0 hel' bctklitll'.



-,tsrnOon bOllorlne Mh. Edpr Smith With abandkenbletBhower , Those present beaidea the 'honor put ••n lira. J . . W. Edwards and Miea • ..,. Leah, of Spring'fte1d, lira. 1Iari. RillJeof Cineb.uti; KN.Bert Bar.taock, lID. Ralph IItber, 111ft. Eu 1IIller, lit.. 1:.... H'IiIInN'i ad lin.

Ei ~ hl () IHH'~

Friends' Home News

. . EDlm&' BUllett elll~&m-i






me ·tiltg nf tho Wlln'l1 ounty Tub,;r ulosis untl Il l' nlth A !I.'!ocinUI~n \\-i11 U. h \,1 in the pal'lon, of lhe I' rc.;IJ.I'tt)ri:lO ch urc h at Lobnnun 'ruC'sliay aHel'lI tJo n, O('tu bel' 20. at 2 0' c lock. A speaker 'has been 81'1('cted for the "Ho. pitality In T he Hom.e" I, mohtill~ and th<o public is Invitc.d Major Project for Wintetr to nt tE'nd. A

Progl'e iva Wom n'e cluL ____ met Tue lay cv~ni n ~ at. 'fh' Th.c Friendship lub of the I Uttl lnn . No s)lec\a.t program M . E. church held an aIL day had bet n PI' pal-ed anll tho!;e in meeting at Lhc hom o of Mrs. attendance enj yed a pleasant Mayme Hatfi eld in Leban n, Wed- s()cial time. . ncsday, October 14. Mr . 'Edgm' Smilh und Mi s Aft r a bountiful cove l'<:l(} a lisbury will cnt Itain dinn r, ()f which about. thirty-flv. Doris a co mpnn y of frhmds tonight a l Mrs. Margaret .~~artin is enjoy- memher f! and guest\! paJ·to k, 'h the home of Miss ulillbut')l, comIng u visit amonl~ relatives in usual bu. in ss mee\,ing was hid. plime nting Mr. . W odrow Owens, Detroit. ']'he election of officers lor the n e Velma Armitage of SpringM'I'II. J es ie Robit2:cr and a fri nd coming year WlIS the main If)atul'e field. of Dayton, called .on· ~frs. Amelia of th afternoo1\ and the follpwLarge crowds attended the an- Williams Sunday 8lfternoon. - ing persons 'W re cho cn for the Jl,h . and 1.11:S. Henry W ~(,(l-rman nunl Olive Branch M. E. Church Mi 1I Rachel Pettit attended the r speclive offices : nd daug htl'TR, \\h o have be n meeting of th.~ Missionary pl'(~sident, Mrs. Ernest Harts() k; highly l'esJll'cLcd residents of tbi.~ homecoming on Sunday. In the forenoon, Sunday School Society of the M. h. Church last Vice PreSident, Mrs. Will Stroud; oommunity for the p ·t ~ verlll s rvice.!\ wer held under the lead- WedM day at the borne of 1\lr5. S ar tary, MM. J . B. I'abbe; y IIrs, r ft 'l' ues<iay f or Califol'Di crship "r Fred J . Hagemeyer, BU· Maym ~ Hatfield in Leban on. Trea ur T, Mm. Will t. John. whot'e th ey will 101 k<.' th ir future perintendent, whit the principal Lena HarU~ock ntten~ed Th program fol' th e fll 'eting homll. . sp.eaker of the mQrning was David ' a family gathering Sunday at th consiste d ot' a sight·U1Iseen exMrs. E. L. ThomM, Mi Emma Donohoo, of L banon. home of ,M'r. and Mrs. Oscar change ()f white. ' elephants, and lIdghwny, Mill Mame Brown, Ml'!\ At the nOOn hour a basket dinner Wade. variou other stunts. W81.1 enjoyed and during th after. Mr . Miat' of Wilmington All dep.artcd thanking Mrs. Hat- Kath'r yn Turn r, M,·s. E. rane and Mrs. D. L. fane at. noon a. program was. presented be called On Mrs. Ada Jenkins Tues. field f <lr a _m ost enj oyable day. nd ed th annual meting of the ginning with a !!Qn( ervice -led by day. Woman's Auxiliary of · the Day· AUXILIARY MEETINC MI'. and Ml"s. Cblaries ,Farquhar, H. D. Kellison, of Vandalia, a ton Convocation at hrl t Churcll formel: supCl'intende-nt of Way- Mr. nnd Mrs. Wm. Gallimore and Springfi Id, ',I'uesday. nesvme lIchool . The pastor, the Mr. and Mrs. F. M~. Harlan) of The Womsl'l1 'fI Auxiliary of ·St. Rev. F. H. Russell made- a few reo WilmingtOll, called on Mrs. Ada Mary's Chul'ch met Friday aftel'Mi ss Kathryn Gibb ons ancl Mr. nlarks after which the Rev. Guy Jenkins Sunday. noon at the LiWe tnn with . Mi s Jam es' Gibbon. were guests at a Mrs. W. W . B'1.1h op, Mrs. D. Emma Heigbway as hostess, After party in Middletown, Cbeek, of Carlisle, led in devoti on s atul'day Special trumpet and trombone B. Bishop and two son and Mr. the bu sine 1\ session the following night, ~iven in honor of Mr. a.nd s\)lo elections were pre ented by Earl Roberts of 'Dayton, were program was given: Mrs. Ha d n Hammon at t.he Jean1\ Cro ,Carroll Ch~k and Sunday gUel!lts of Mis. Katie ColHymn, " I Love to Tell th~ hom e of Ml' . Hamilton's parents, Clarellce Earnhart, all of Carlisle Iins. On Wednesday Miss Collins Story." MI'. and M II. R. C. Ol(le by. with the principnl a<ldress of the had as ner gue t, Mrs. W. W. Reading, "For Lava of the afternOOn given by Dr. C. E. Shuey, of D~yton. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Fir.\> an II Ma~tet·"-Mrs. Edith Harri s. tlll'el1c~ T urle y :superln~ntlent of . the Mrs. Howell Peirce arrived home. R(in.ding, "I'm Sticking. I' m family , Mr. Rnel Mr~. Wilmington dil;trict. Wedlje:;day evening after a d~light taying HC1'e" - Mrs. George Edwards and <laughter, Mr. and MI·s. .Hal,Uey MoS!! and lalnily MId - -- - ••- - f ul mOrtar t rip to Bos~lI with her Ila rtallck. , BURIAL WAS MADE pnd daughter, Mr. IUld :l\fi!l8ionat·y noteR--M'I's, Kathryn Mr. and , Mr . ~i1l>el'lt Frye were IN ~IAMI CEMETERY Mrs. Edmond Brickett of Toledo. 'turner, Mrs. Ronaltl Hawke, lin. dhlnCT gu s~ of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Brickett and Mrs. RaYmond Will ~cal\lan, Miss Kath.crine Ira Rich and ' d<.UIghter on Sunday. Funeral services fol' Miss Ji:liza- _P eirce, wh o accompanied her here' Prendergast and Mrs. Ethan A group of cous ins who meet beth Murroy, agoo re ident of returned today to their hOlllel! in Cran e. to g~th6r annually were cnt 7taiJ\· Utica, who died at hel' home there Tole-do. Hymn, "Jesus Shall Reign". cd at th o home of Mi'. and Mrs. Thursd ay afternoon of last week, A delightful lunch was serv d Oscar Wade 'n car Miamisblltg, were held at the Oswald Funenl W-"-d c ... t at th e cQnc)usi( n, of the p·r ogram . Sunday. Those present W(lre Mr. Home in L~banpn, Saturday afta'Mrs. Marie Riffl~: , of CiltCillnati Guests of the hosies were Mrs. and Mrs. n. C. Unrvey, of Lebnoon. Burial wns made in Miami Was the g uest 01 Mrs. Emma. George ,I. Smith, 1\11,'2. Ralph anon, Mr. !lncl MT&. }J~t'ry Brown, cemeoory; . Barnett over t.h e 1/1eeJe-end ,' Miller and Nan~3:' Lou Ctane. Dayton, 1\11'. and Ml'J!. 'HlIrvey ===============~~==-=-='= ,==============~====== Burnet._ Mr. an~ Mt·s. Ernest Butterworth, Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Stacy Burnc't and "Mrs. Lena Hartsock.

ENTERTAINED FOR FRIENDS IIEETING F,irat'-day School at 11:10 RECENT BRIDE M_lnc .10r W01'lhlp at 10110 L





Whole Number 624.3


5 o'ciock. Everyone is asked to bting n cove~ d dish, sandwich _

Whil& poliLicnl interest in Waynesvi lle is c~ntered principally on !.h e general elecl:ioJl . less than three weeks distant, consldet'able disCU.'3sion is henrd about the vote. on Waynesville's sewer project. Wh en Waynesville voteril go to t ho polls Nov~mber 3, they will be handed all extra ballot on wbich t . maketh ir decisiom "on the qupstion of issuing bond In the amount of $2<1,()OO a the munici· pality's hare in tt)e eonst.ruction = f a s nit-My sewor &yste m for Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Chapman tho village. spent Saturday in Columbus. The totel cOllt of the project which if .approved will be como , Rob rt Chapman, of Columbus, pI ted by WPA, will b approxi- Was, home over the week·end. mately $89,000. . Th~ proposed proj~t includes Miss Ruth Con.ner WM the guest tho purClhase of approximately of friends in Dayton over the 12 acres of ground on the west week-end. lIide of the. LiWe Miami river just Mrs. MYel' Hyman an.d Mrs. A. south; of the power hOllS for the disposal plant, and t he construc. T. Polinsky were in Cincl'rtnati, tion .of til necetl8lu'Y sewer lines Wed'll~day. S il)hollS etc., throu~hout the corThe Ladi .s' Aid of t he MethodporatiOn limits. ist church will serve dinner and The vot.e on the que tion at supper at Grange ball, ejection the next election, climaxes a long day, Tuesday, Noyember 3. tlght on the part of council and interested citiz DB to 8CC IIOO the Mrs. Roy Johnson, of WillproJect· for Waynellville. ghby, Ohio, has been visiting her Local official have been advised grandparents, Mr. nnd Mrs. J . D. both by lhe Warren county health Marlatt. om missioner and the state bo~rll Mrs. C. E. Anderson and son, of health, that soon I' or laur Waynesville would be required to Charles Jr. w ~re among those wbo improve 8 werilge conditions h ere. heard Gov()l'nor Landon in Dayton Officials believ tllat tbe ilisuc aturday nl0rning. will be pEl; aed at th NovembeT Mrs. Edith Harris with Mr. and 3 election. A 66 perc nb vote will Mrs. Charles F: Mosher of Cinbe necessary to I)ut .the bOlld i sue cinnati, wi1l vi it relatives in aero l!. Bond will TUD. for a period Morrow county this week. of 25 years. -----~..- "" B rt O'Neall, 'ot New Philadelphia, was a g uest ot h i aunt, Mrs. L. M . H endenon and Mr. Henderson OVM' the week.end.


Rich···(:olvin fUTURE fARMERS REPUBLICAN RAllY DOI'Qthy Col,dn, dllug tttul' of and. Ml's. Elmelr Colvin, of ELECT OfFICERS Mr. Nela View, Cleveland lleights, and IS HELD IN LEBANON

NEW SEWER PROJECT at Offici.l. Be.Ue)ore 6S PUC6ftt Vote


,-",aleGIID8 moat cordWlJ " .... lIr. J. B. Crab.., _ _ theaoew



hoo) New ..... _..... . ........ Sporlama.ahip Brotberhood

Id t 11\\ lI~hil I ~l tll";\1, Th!'llIn 1'1) D. Pauline 1n tit,· cal'l {If' rt,\\ YtH'k Lif,' Tulli ... inlt, (I. (,05 III Franklin l n~urulw(' C... Hr. u ~ Ad 11\ D. a)' .I<1hn R. IIlll'ding and fildr d !,I'n 11' 1'. l'\. 1. rl!~'i\'l'r. n'lln1'l \VII: H:lI'd Inll In Rn ym (lllc\ E. LeRoy, l:unfilt1wct. . cerw)in t'um W lll' nl- I'('nl .·tnt!' in Fl'l\nklin. 10\\'\(1 Willillill Hufford. rl.' ,II H, n. ~.. :01.1 M. . El\'zl'oth to Th r.)r :;(11' II: • . !-; (luttll'rn Uhiu IIvjllK Tn the ('n"e of N ('w York Lif .. I'lIl.atl· in 0 ('rfield. rn~\lrnn()l' CO. VH. us Walwt' OlllllWillil\m G. "tlel'so,, · 0 via R CI·Oli. 1'1 nl . Inl'lllJ('l> L . Hopkin", Illkr..;un n'ol e~tlll<' in F r anklin. Myrl l., Hopkin K, ill Hopkin . utilI l\tulglIl·llt. Th n m p~lh\ to ,JuanMolli () Hopkin !' w I'~' mud pnl·ty itll Thompson, I'cal ·wtt· ill t bdef (' tldll.nt,.. anm\. 111 th a: c of L. 1\1 . Whit , l'(<:.. Mary LUlie! ' n 10 J \I. ('ph D. Lall Vl'rs u, J ohn M. I e lung, l't aI, Ut'n. renl ('sialA.' in I!ediielti town utnntOnH WH e Sl!t Rid e. H i s or- ~hip. d red thut upon filing (If t\ I'r ·('t ,1. .1. Hol me. to Alton D, 'Vrue, precipe by plaintiff, ~ ttillg £011h II I 1'1' l' ill MOI'I·OW. amount. du on note lilt ed on a. new Ph 'bt' Clark dec floed t.o Mal'Y summon I ue and sel'vice th ere- F'. Arlnlll !<, et nl , real l!lIt.nt.e in Unfore be made. ifHI t (lwnl hip. W. ::l cott ~ Iark. dec Ils~d, to Tho Cll.!!e of Jewell Lakes, a min. ()t., Vt-'I'SUS Ik Lakes W!l ~ llismissed 1ary F . dams, relll estate in A divorce was Itl' nL ' d the plliin ni(1I1 tOWI1l'hip . tiff in the CIUl of nil Piert e verJ ohn H . onler. et a1. to har~ us Gorge Pi rce . The plaintiff I I'S E. M ,tzlcl', 13 . i4 acres in wus I' stored t o hl'l' maid ell na\ll (' Frllnklin town ship. o f Ona Todd . Lewi s ]0'. E(h nrds to I<' reddie B d ivorc was g rout rl th plain . Ed ,'al·d. , inl ot No. 4 35 in FrallkJin tiff in th cas of Helen ' Maham nna HeMinger to lIelen B. Bow versu ~ E(lwin Elliott l\1aham. The yet'. I'l'al estate in ·Muson. plaintiff was re~ tored t o hel' mllid- ,TOil ph a nd H ttie I~t~l to Clara en l1amo o f Helen GUill . B(·ckm8~. r al e.statE~ in .De-erfield In the ent;c of Add; E\'~n s ver- township. !IUS u~1.u E\'an, lhe defendant 1. ~aud ' ourts and W1 Ilia m' ordel'cd to pay alim ony pendcm- I L. ourU to Ruth M.. T. W gdi te . ner, r ul estaie in Warren county nnd lcrm unt county. New Suib . L' J bn' P. arli r filed a suit Marrl.,e le'e:nsea against lalinda C. Zecker, c:t ai, fOI'gan Hil ton, labore r of South fOI' money judgment, fO I'eclosure, ~al CIt I'eal estate and equitable Leba.non and Mit's ]Lena Cock rham, of South Leba:noll. relief. Hau')' Cook, l ltbon~r of Pl'anklin and Miss Gruce Stidh.llm, of Fran k P~ate Coupt Co ...... on Plea. Proc:eedin..


X FREDJ. HAGEMEYER RC'1mulkflll . omin e

F~r Commission~r

Warren County Elc tit)11 Nov . 3. 1936 1"0) 1,

1\1' -


Scott H. McClure ,R ~publican Nominee




Election Nov. 3, 1113(;

l·ll l.



' ill

'I'h(· Sportl!nmnshi\J R"(lthcrhood m t FritilL)" ctolwr \j, to ,'I ~'c ~ offie I'll [,)r the cominJ(' YNlr . Th ffi u lected were: U(')l 1\ Bel'Vivian I)nner, vic {ul'git" Tinnily, s CI 't~l~ y-tt cu ur r. Tltt! m etings will be held ev ry two", ek ~uring th schoo l h Ilrs nnd once l\ month at night. rh~ advisor. Mt'. Fr nch, d" cid d there would be no charge fol' du ~, although if we find a need { I' money each pcrson mus~ pay hi share. Ea<;h m mber i to try to get. new mcmbers. A committ e will be appointed latel' to Lake charge of new members. The Senior New.

On Thursday, etoher ·8, the se nioJ:S held a class meeting under the upervision of Mr. discu s d plans lor Fl·ench. our Hallowe'en party to be giv n in th near future in which all of our high chool cl81!8cs will take part, ~n d at which we hope we can becom Bcqu~intcd with th~ outof-sch ol-side-of . the III w teachers.


Freahman NeW'l



A. M. Parker

Candidate for Unexpired Term

Quality PrlDtlDI

The 'G azette

su.e. . The $djudication and determhia tion of the inheritance tax on tpe e-state qf William :0. Cullen, dacea ed j is to be given to all ',persons \I;lterestedl. Addi~iol1al inJieritan~e u.x was detei-m~ed. Chat'les A. Mummert . was ap· pointed 18dminlstr-ator of · the es· tate 'of Frederick Mummert, Sr., and filed bond of $1,000 with (lure ~ies. Frank Barlow, Christopher Watkins and Hel'lnan Romohr were appOinted appraisers. Charles L. Beck, executor ot t he 'estate of EII,zabeth Stowe\ deceased, filed his petition pray~nif for aUo"':,ance of his elai!ll against. $aid ' estate. Real E.tat. l'r_'*en Roscoe Elltep to Ralph W. Clevenger, l' al estate in Fl'ankHn township. Paul K. and Lew is A. Soty to The Fe-tleral Union Life In urance Co .• real estate in Harlan t-ownship Hem'Y Westetman to Mattie Leo nard and Fred Leonal'd, 20 &i!res in Wayne t ownship. . Elius Og ll'sbee, d~cea;,ed, to Jose phine O. Gons and Harold O. Risinger, 1'('81 estate in Ma&sie town_




hcld e"arat

meeUngs durinJr th~ p~'riutl. ILI'ul LUlling. t(1I1 i chuil'lIInn of tho Ihst divi ion whil e Hobr rt PI'(>$tI\n was dlusen. (0 hl'l cI t he ~cco tHI gl'oup . Pl'Ogram enmmilti'l!~ w~re Ilppoint. eo b()ih to f1rl'nnj,:'c an !)cea. lonal a." R embl~' l1r\l~rnlll anti to provide fol' class activiLiel< with th<ll home room.


ections 01 the FI'Uh-

\\'lIyno'1O\' lilt·. tlhl ... t'''~ /I'd ,." IIJ. · IIr HI· I, .·!'. 10:10. 111"1.' \\"1 tw !il1h,nltl,·,t lit a \' ut .' HI tll\~ 'IWOll1t\ or ",nlll \'IUh~l\ ,lr \\'u.~ n,',.· v tlht at t,ht, "Pll'l1'11h"r 1,:Jp\·tlcl,l to )11 , ... Id I,. lh., \,1I"\~" tlr \\'1\)' n" " ' 111 ". )lllh 11.11

Uhlrl. III

lh~ I"'Alllar ,"11 . ... or v"lIlIg lhtH'f" n , Pit T'U I K,ln~' , lilt' ;}rtJ .1HY ul'

Snellth and Eighth Grade New.




1~!"'lnl'4" W"y"(>~\· I1"'.

'1 w,' !lty

tI\I" 'I

1, l!3.1I110.IH)





(, f 1\111 VII hili" .. r Ohio. III th,· IllllUlllll ,'r I h . ,"

1),,11,11'>\ .. r 1111' ,. W('I'


(0" t hll tl\lrp<) ~(\

M II M,-"lII1try h\ ~l\ 1\1 Y 1It1\.~ '" itA PTO\' Ilh·,1 by I w. 'I II£' max hrll II 11. ) I H lllIH'I' tlf !!' , 'n " t4 tludnji( "hi"', 9u .. 11 1""I1.1s :trl' lO ru n 1. !In ).par If . -1'h. · t ~t l nH\h} 1 1 r\. \, (, ,· tlJ..( :'HI.tttiHflU} ts,x I'll t (1I1l~1 I · <It tit" I.' n 111111 lIillltnllon /l~ I'''''ll (j~11 It )· 1110 C""nty \lIll1tOl" I a mit II!. 'rll' Pol III fn~ '!ltlII l~ h'''ll()11 Wilt he "pt·n:ll. ,:;111 ,j 't'! k A . M . :\1111 r ,· m.dll ')I'IW' u ntil :.111 .I' ('I,,(·1c 1'. 1. len' I' n SI /l ll llllfl ".1.'11110) or SIC "I

. ' on~ll"ll/'tI"!l


I.llst Thul'sday the eve nt.h and eighth grades held Il meeting Ilnd org8J1iz d their' I'> home-rooms. The fll cers w re elected lL.~ follows : (Jill'. • Ill" o,·d..r "t th~ f(1),,,-tl of Jl:ko· Sevonth Gradll, • cUo n 11 1111"8. r \\',,,.,. o . ('"unly. Ohio. ('HAS. J . '\\'; \0 ;ONI'J I •. ('hall'mllll FI'&nces J ohns, pl'esld nt.; Jimmie lit &"11':1.1 •. t.'l o .-k , Mill 1', vic president; Ferree J)lI.tV.,I H. S(' P It' ml) , I I' :.! Olh, t~ :IO 1·8-15 - 2 ~ can Ion, eCT tal'y-t.·easurel·, Anna MarilYn Whitak el', n ew ~ l' po-rt r. Eighth. Section I - Lois Jean Lan-ick, president; Mllrthn Marti.n vice preside nt; Bett.y Bradd k, 8 seer ta.ry; Ow en Ha rt ock, treasurer; Mary Moss, ne:Ns reporter. . Eighth, Section II Roxie Snckett) pr ident; Melvyn Stans~ ' "THE HOME OF GIFTS': berry, vice-president; Carl Mille.r, Lebanon, Ohio secretaory-tl'easurer ; Robert Le PaYI1 , news reporter. EXPERT WATCH Th s organ izations Il.1'e having REPAIRING prQgrams .nnd various other ac~jvi ­ ties d\ll'ing t h y ear- lor t he- inte r- U.ill. Only Gellulae Materl.l. e t of their members.

Cary' Jewelry


Prompt Service

Store open until 9 p. m.

upt. a.nd Ml'S. H. C. Milligan entertain ed compa.ny ov r the week-end. MJ'!!. H. S. Tucke r and daug hter.! w re Dayton visitors last aturday. Mr. and Mr. H arry Gr en 0 f Martinsville spent last Wt'dnesday with their daughter, WrB. Wm. Luk ns and family. Th W. C. T. U. held a food sal at the cr am taUon on last Saturday morning. Born to Mr. and M1'8. Raymond Brook on Monday morning It SO'll, David Lee. Mr. and ,Mrs. R A. Franci~ and 'family moved to Highlamd last

Ask f or a


Miamilburlf Permanent

Do the Rich Pay Them AU?

Air S.. I Burial Vault


• • • popular fallac)'

Anoth8l' is the idea that the rich pay the great . bulk 01 the taxea. This is -.ot so. H the &overnment took in taxes one.half of the income ()t those who set ~,OOO a year or more, it would brln, in les. than three biUlon dol. lara- , r lellS· than one· fourth III the total tax 'bill.

For Sale only b1

Your Funeral Director = -- - . McClure Funeral Home

----' Public Sale .......---


and ' ,Mrs. Wm. Oglesbee ent lui ned Mrs. En ley on Mon-

W will offer .for ale at Womans' Civic Leaguemct Luken ' tock Farm located just at the hom e of l\ln. C. E. Levicy Ea t of Harv y burg on Stat.e on Saturday ev ning. Election of Route 73, on officers lor the ensuing year reOc:tober 28, 1938 s uited with Mrs. Lura Hough , Comm neing at 1 o'clock p. m. ROoT FOR AND CONSIGN president; MiSs Faye Kelley, Becre 26 ae.iatered JerMY CatH. 25 Levi cy, Consisting of 15 M'lch Cows. 1 ,our cattll, ho"," Ib..p anel cal"~ tary, an d , M1'8. C• E • tq Norria-Broek Ct.., wJre &nd tre!lsurer. Refreshments WBI'e two year old Heifer due to freshen pr0l!'nllveflnn fl):r the bleb'" servoo by the out-going officers. Ja tluary 7, ~ 2 Past Yearling mar"et prlC!.ea and rqpd .,me•. V.lo. Stoc .. ·Y.......• Cla.la_a&, o. Mr. Robert Franken i8 visiting Heifers; also Oft Radio Station wert relatives here. Observers Advocate 35 339, TUlWl..ln It:26 to 12 :80 p. mr tor Ollf daD, The high school held a party at sired by Palatine's Bowlina Lad muket. reporta. the home of Donald McKay last ~nd out of Th e Sliver ,a nd Gold Friday night. Medal Cow Observer's Golden Several from here attended Maid Sue, one (if the high producPomona Gra.nge at L banon last ing cow in the C. F. Miehaels I • Saturday night. Herd at B~cytlU! , Ohio; also one I Little Barbara Hosier was t~k.en Past Yearhng; 1 thr&e months old to the Miami Valley hospital last Bull, both sons of this proven at\lrday ~ undergo treatment. . Bull ; abo .. . ~ISFACTION Mr. And M·l's. George Pidgeon 3 Past Yearlmg Bulls Il'ed by .• .• and MI". and Mrs. W. C. Tichenor Bindle's Lily Oxford Lad an Im-. visited :Miami University at PQlted Tn Dam Son of Anemone's Oxford Thursday. . Lily Oxford and Bindle's Lad)' an . H.on~dng M~8S Laura Cook of "Excellent" daughter of Bindle. W~hingtonJ D. C. aM Mr.' and The Lukens Herd h~. quallfl.~d Mrs. Arthur Baine!! of Wjlminlr- as a Gold Medal Herd. m the OhiO Phone 78J . ton, Miss Nan Collett oentertainedD, JL I. A. by averagIng over 'QO at djnner Friday evening" Mr. and Ibs. B. F. for the three paat yean ~~~~~~~~~~~e~~ Mrs. ' R-obert CoJlett of Dayton, the}, have bee.n on test. The Hu~Em . . MI', and Ml'S. George Denny 8lIl.d: man Berd whIle not on test. are J'.,;J Mr. Mn. A; • .'S. Collett. from ''excellent pl'oducing 8~lIJS. VOTARY PUBLIC . _ ~_ Both ...... B_•• ad T. B. T.a~ad . . Sea fold ... ·fQp furllt... detail.. ..... tI•••1 . . .1£ ' 4 . H_clof ".r... . .. Wille Dra. . . . ~ ...... S.ttlM " .. 1 Brood Mare in foal, l -extra WAYNESVILLE. OHIO . good three )'e&l' old Gelding well broken, ADd 2 Yearling Colt&.



F "T. Martin Auctioneer


Or No Charge

Centerville, Ohio




cery, food, $6; Krorer Grocery & Baking Co., fOod and milk, ,865.. parents 'Will return ·to $chooJ, 65; Olan Pel1ll~i, /l)og,),4.tiO; pr. pupjls will .demo_trate · their H. E. Rudman, delntal wor\(, $4; ciasaroom activities, .nd Ohi~ will Ed• . Snook, shelter, $6; Schilling'lI focus Its attention. on .i~ public Food Market, food, .70.60; l!cbools from October .26 to Novem Tracy'l$ Gl\Ocery, , food, ,S;!75;ber 1. The oC,caaion·· wiU 'be the RUdy VanRiper, fobd, $'46; H.M. annual 'observance of . Education Wiiliams, medieaJ B.ervices, '17.- Week in Objo. 50; Wright's Marke.t. food, $110.Programs will vary th,:oughout 50; Dr. Roy C. A. Bock, medical ' the state but features wUl services, $42.25; The Offit;.e Out-- dominate the ,\eek'. activitiee. In fitters, office , sup:plies, '$1.90; many districts, Open. Houae will Franklin Twp. Tru~.tees shoe.s and give the pUJ:)Uc an opportunity to clothing furnished rcelief famines, see its .schools in action. Children .141:l.82; Ray Swig'e rt. food fUI:- . of Ohio Ni¥ht, sponsore4 by the nished relief . filmil~ea, '13.5()~ . Parent Teacller Asa.ociation. will - - - ' - -.give flpeciAl .con.!iderationto the educational needs of . . youth ~nd the mAA.n er in whIch the L t' ~L-_t eed . 8C h 00", are mee l~g ....... n • Church Sunday will close the: we.e~ . Ith pu1P1t presenon November ~ .w ~tion.!l of the ehamcter and .. eitllenship training aebvit188 of .J-nt probI em. Pr41_ t h e 8Ch 00 IB. lIi Bchool f1.nancib&' and leeielative . BUPPO," will also be. diacuued dorin&, the week. . . The week is part of the natiobwide celebration apoll8Ored by The , American Lel'lon, the u. Office of Education, and the National Edllcation Auoclatio1lo NatiOJlAI obaervanee wW duri.,. the ..0 of Nov..- 9-15

Charlt'g Taylor to Mal'guerite Taylor and Catherine' Taylor, in. 10 011. 23 and 24 in Middleboro. TI'J UII_ D. W,att ad 1hrtJIa p,



. Harveysburg

lin. Lawrencc A. Voorhi filed his ap- Emma lin ton, fllrnler of Clark. ora Reed, of plic:ation lor the appointm~nt of a ville, and Miss guardian of Ralph B. Voorhis, et Clal'klSviUe. a!. William T. Brown, laborer of Th inventory of LeonUn R og- .Leban on and Mrs. !Cmma Brown, ers, executrix of the estate of Lew houselceeper of L bamon. . i E. Th()mpson, deceased, was IlllRay F. Gilby, qentist, of Leban proved. On and M 8 wjori~t Jam 8, nurse J osephin e O. Gons administratrix 0'1: Lebanon. of ~h tate of Elias Ogle bee, d Cllas d, fil ed h r first and final Billa AIIo,wed account. In th mat.ter of thlll L ~i8 & Dra.}r.e. Inc., Pocahontas stat , it i. ()l'(lered thai payment lump, 15 ; Wilbur R. Swanger on the amou nt du On s id promis- services, $40; The Franklin Now Serving AI Auditor By Appointment sory not s to Hel n M. Gon and hr nie le, env lopes, $5.75iH. W, Robert. O. Go be made to Fred Brunk, mileage as dog warden, Gon, as th ir father and nat.ul'lll 27.76; James Follen, services, guardian an d that he file due ac- $125; H. ward .B .Fleldel', service quittance in COUI·t. Distribution of 116; John S. Jon es, Sup., board Election: YOUR SUPPORT ass ts, di tl'ibution and transfer of and care of Chas. Arm\lrew ter, Nov.3,1936 WILL BE APPRECIATED . tock~ and real e tate . $27.', F. J'. lIeer Co., 1 pad or~eJ'ed. ve1'lficntion of ·maniage certificlV Since the vacancy in the Auditor'. Office occurred The adju{licatjon and determinates, 75c; Sam Smith Junk Yard, too I.te for nominationa to be s:nade in the Reti n of !.he in'h et'itance tax to be ~ inds hie ld for grader, $2.50; J. publiean Primary, my name will appear only in the paid on t he estate of W. Scott D. Adams Co., sUlPpli s, $3.29; Independent Column on the General Ballot, and to Clark, decea$ed, i to be given to The Va nCamp Storie Company, vote for me a croll (X) should be made in front of all per ons 'intere ted. It. is ord r- !:land nnd gravel, $100.97; Armrel my name al indicated abov~. 0., MT-K and tar, ed that a c rtificat.e 01 tran $fer is- Materials A. M. PARKER, Lebanon, Ohio. sue. 1246.57: Blair & LeRoy, cement 1'i>1. _\clv.In the matter of the estaw of and ~and and gravel, $124.60; arl M. Zwick and Lawr nee L. Helen Doughman, invalid care C)f !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'! Zwi ck. minor, th purchase of a Iitford Doughman, $7 i Mrs. Ira Eltroth, invalid care of Alice - radi o i ordered. Howat'd . Qoover, execu r of Starkey, $5; JaDl~ Moore, i1,lthe st/j.te 01 Emma E. Decker, de- valid ca~e of Lucy Moore, $5; ceas d, filed hi "chedule of debts. 1\ll's . Margaret J Olles, invalid car~ Carl C. Barnhart, a dmini trator of Ollie Gardner, $6; Mrs_ Julin of the estate of Florence E. Nil1.s, Holla.nd. invalid care of Vem.on deceased, filed his first 'a nd final Holland, $10; Miss Oma Knox. account. invalid cal'e of Walter Barlow, $11 BI'yam E. Moore, was appointed Miss Oma Knox, invalid Clll'e of administrator C)f the estate of Fra.nk Ballinger, $11; Mrs. Eldon Oatherine S. Woodson, dec~sed, S hort, invalid cal'e of Ruby Ream, and tiled bond of $1000 with .surc- $5; Dr. Jame~ H. Arnold, medical ties. Jonathan CooJc, Dr. Earl services, $13; Too 'G reat A. &: P. Fro t a.n d Oharles Rogers wel·e:. ap- Tea Go., food, and' milk, $302; N. -pointed appra' ers. '0. B l'e\V~ter, food ~ $3; Beck's The estate of Joseph Verbry ke, Dniry, milk, $6.60; :Beck's Grocery decea~, was fOl,lnd lo be exempt food, $25.76; Dr... L. Burkhardt, trom inheritance tax. Distribution medical, $70; 'A. U;· Grapevine, of ass ts was ordel'ed.. It. is order- ·food, $6; Dr. A, D. Harvey, me~ied that a certifica~ of transfer ia- cal services, $28; l:lardert's Gl'O~

For County Auditor


'I'hul' day Ilfl('rllOOn

fll 1'1'1\.

s"tj.·" ,.. ',Pr. h\' 1(1 'Pn tlull til U('!""f lluUt)t1 ut Itt.· ,',)unlll Hr 'h,' YII1 1111'" ,. r

..tU('"U iH"' ,' or i\

A "at Ohio .... tol ot ...... _





14 P.r....... Po'-d CW_ ' 7 Boars and 7 Gilt. sil-ed .by It • M. C. 'Brown's and$on'. Prize ......... :. ................. .. Winnhl&' Boal'l!, also 1 Grade Sow to farr()w' before. day of '881&. ' . POR .ALIt . 200 Bales of Alfalfa :J:lay. . T_. FOR SALE- Good MOrrU ·Pump WM. A. LUKENS witti pipe. MtB. Ed Cook. 015. CRAS. I. HUFFMAN E'OR SALE-Dul'oe male. pigs. V. Weikert and Gordon, Auets. Davis Lebanon R 2 08.15-22. Harry Shidaker, H. J. Ca.rr, Clerks " . Luneh served by M 8 lSieGrange. FOR SALE-~ pt. ean O-Cedar Self Polishing Wax, 1 4-0J:. Bottle O-Cedar Polish, 1 Sustex LEGU 0'I'ICJj] .No Lint Floor Mop, all for 8ge. R. Notice lao' h ereby given D. Collett, Hardwarec, Pijone 99K8 I)UNlUIlJ'\(\ ot a r aoluUon or tlte ... .;~~~:o~hY! · 1~i8~11:.fet~: ~~':; liJP,'E, wVALy.OS ad Fu.,... .LnOa





ot Scptetnb ~ r, 193ft. there wl11 be OJ' , ater, ......~2~team &ul;mltled to Lite Qualified 81ec,to ud VIIIwrD haDd, El~ (If 118>ld V1I1age (it tbe . ~_ a-..a S,-or Phlmhl"." .OIl etlon In th l) VIll(lge of W-MO..... ~-.. .....r_ v11lc. Ohlu. o n th" 3rd Heatlq SappU.. prIeea . .d N'oveDlbe~. U3R. th . ' Iol-heat Q.....I - a& Th. ~ 188\1lng bO'Id8 of eald .... --, .urn Of eta,uno,OO .cor J[iq Co., XeaIa, 01110. Wrltll u

sp,."",. p_'"

paYing Lh~



eonlltruolltlS' II. tor sahl


P1;ogres8 "Works TlIe nlaxlmum

10 m1l1 limitation

th"reon and

~Iecl by the 8.00 mille per pro!)er(y. Wbo


"n U'JD.. nlll~rl.n()1J"

dllrlng which auoh II ~w nty-Ilv • and Qv,rag ' a<ldlt1onal tall lie



"ood buuecl ,..101I&b1,.

Writ.- TIlo_ Jgrd,.,tI, Wa,..... 016. olle - ....1I.a. .~4 ....... Mou.te a.

In 1"8111a.llr1ih"-iw";iI.'i*


",arren 188UJ:D mVERY THURSDAY



- _.WM a' POIItoMM at Wa)'''''· OIl N e. II .. ... .111 •• 01110. . . Jlee"". CI. . . Man 5 .....1.11•• p.le .. '1.10 a Yea. Matter

CTOBER 16, 1036

= ONLY HALF OF OUR PEOPLE VOTE In I 1-J land an un mploycd Rw,t.istician amused himself, III t I!lUmm I', by canvassing tho r I'Ild.e-nt property owners of a populou s ward in an a tte mpt to find out what Lhey were doing to h .Ip reduce taxes about which they complnined 1'0 bitterly in conversatH>n. There ,w~e' 2,072 propel'ty OWn<"t:S in the waNt, and an etXaminatlon of the votin~ list revealed that 43 per cent ot them were not registered. He called on these non-voters and thellG are the general reason); th y gave him for fo r not volinII' : 1. Not a naturalized citizen; '. 2. T 0 bu sy making a. living; 3. Not intere,sted in p lItics ; 4. G neNIi disgust with existing conditions; 6. La k of confidence in vOLe I'!l' power ' to improv conditions. Such a ituotion is dl llh('nrten ing to th ose oC us who consid r ,t he vote a rar privil ~e . , Bruce Barton talked to a group of important busincss men r cently, lind ou tlin d n ! w thing they might do to improve conditio



One of the novel advantages beauty, co nvenience, and comfort "Ono big tJ'oubl e with industry," he said, "is that there are a of home of t his construction i have been widely ncclaimed. hu'n dred men who are willing to make ,a t rip to New York to sit in a the heavy blanket of Rockw ool After several yeal'~ spent in conferenc or attend a dinner for ev ryon ~ who is willing to take the ins ulation which completely e n- l'cfW'llrch and develollm 'nt of , ptaincy of 11 pr cinct and help to get out the vote. W e never yet , ,closea t.he hou e, making the m have hllil a vot<: ~f th American peopl. Only a little more than half , surprisin gly cool in Sllmn1 r anel pla n the fil"!\t te lox hO'lI, was the men anti women on whom the high privilege of the ballot has ' " 0 f th t ta: d'ng mod- easy to heat in winte r , FIIpl !'av- r ct d in l\:fiutll town about fifb n C(mfeLTed care e nough about that privilege to exercise it. Ac_ 1 dn e 0) e °tU IS nhol con in g as actually measured in an t h m o n\'h ~ ago, according to . . ern eve opmen II n me • COl'ding to the 1930 census, there ate 111 th.e .Ulllte(i S'tates 72,943,Jl24 stl'uetion is about to make ibl first occu pi ed hom' in :Middletown Mr'. Bone. ~ince that lim ·m01'0 ~eopl of tw nty-one ), 'nrll and over. Yet , rn th. lal'gest of all elec- appearance in, Lebanon," accord- during t he record brea1~ing winter than one hundl'ed twe nty-five 1I0n s:.t~at of 1932, ollly 89,81~I522 ballot$ wer e ea t. ing to C. l~ar~ld Bone who ' was just passed ran to 60 ~r" it ' r e- hous61l hav been old. One .of m.y y ~Ullger ~oelates, Le.n years out of college, at~nd~d recently appOlnted Warren Co. ported. According to Mr. 'B one th v ral local peol'le have ina party With hiS wife the mght followmg our recent 8tate elec.tlOn, In distributor for Steel Buildings, !lteel construction is 1;0 (iesign l'd . peeLed the hou ses already conNew York. Forty young pl.!l)Jlle wer pre nt. As a matter o~ mterest Inc., of Middletown, manufac- as t o r e nder hOme of this t.ype \ructed in Milldl town and there h asked how many oi them had voted the day 001 0 re. Out of the tuters of prefabricated steel moisture, vermin, and t.e-rmiLe i.! a g nuin e local interest in th e forty, th re were thr c. Th se forty poop I have . been highly privil- h.omel\ of p~tented Steelox con- proof, and fir , lightning, and prospect f St elox. constl'ucLion ged yond the rna of their felloW1!. On t'hem society has showered strul.!tion. to rnado ~af e, In additio n their' making its appeara nc e in Lebanon Its richest gifts. And tho ntire contrlbut.ion of thirty-seven of the forty to the service of theil' nation is to lilt in their clubs and their ================?=====~--=~,========~=============== dinn er meetings at 6 p. m., Oc t. drawing rooms and criticize the government. Wh&n ono(! sees the care23, At 11 :80 a. m. the foll owing I ash ' I;' the ('1ft hne , t.h down-right dumbness of many , of our socalled '''e t people," one Is tempted to say that they richly dJeservl' all day a joint lunch eon will be hId, MI'. Dwight 'B easo n of Spl;ngthey nre g ttln and all they are likely to get. There ought to be a to which parents of lill tudent." fi eld s p nt Saturday, aIt 1'noon one hundr dJ ~r cen.t election in he United States in 1936, not a are invited, Pr id en t Geo\'ge W. at his horne- he r e, fift.y per cent el ction. It ought to be a disgrace to appear on a golf Rightmir will speak. th I Mr. J . Leo Talrnag i quite ill course or at a dinner tabl without havina- voted- a least as much of a The annual "Dnd's Da.y" at Following this lun cheon, e a.t this writing. eli grace 8 1'1 it W8.'I in war time to be . een ill an automobile on a guless Ohio state Univer ity has been parents will have plaCI!8 of honor MI'. and Mrs. Orland o BranOl.ln Sunday." set for Saturday; Octoller 24, and in Ohio tadjum, whel'e , foothall of X nia spe nt at.urdny Ilnd SunW comm rld the foregoing to those who are worried about the the university is pr paring a royal tams fr om Ohio State and day with home folks h re. state of aWairs in lhi gr at Clountry.- Imperial Magazine. welcome for parents of students Indiana Universities w.i1l be conHi gh school friend s of Donald who will be in attendance. t . ting. Fllthers of t he fo otball McKay enjoy d a weiner ron t at Dad'. Day" thi s year will be players wil~ be seated On the sid e- his h()me Friday evening. . al·t .. p •• ' D " 1 lines, bearmg the saml! numbers M I 1\f hell B I In ~e I y aren.... ay , or a.~ their plaYe r-sons on the field. I hi', anc t rs, I y one uran t invitations are being extended to arc appy 0 we com a little both fath ra a nd mothers. The - 'TRAILER' H4)ME newly..organized Ohio Univel'l)jty An automobile trailer serves a 8 :00 Tuscarawas County '·H Club Frogram- Members dirccte dby Mothers' Association will be hom e for 1\11" nnd Mrs. Chal'les S. W. A. Lowther, lub Agent, New Philad~lphia . having its first general meeting at H ndershot, Zain esvill e, tudents g :30 Wm. Henry Hani 011 It a R sident of Ohio- H, E. Eswine, that time. The Dads' As. oeiation at Ohio State University. DecidIHlatorian. has been active tor several years, . ing that two eould live lIS cheaply 8 :40 Farm Home Period: Nutrition Notes-Miss Alma Garvin, under th presidency of Paul C. in a traile-r as one paying rent in Exte,nsion Nutrition Spceiali t. Our Homes and Families-- Laybourne, Cuyahoga Falls. a house, they have taken up their , MI'$. Helen Mougey .Jordan, Ext. , Home Econ. Executive committee~ of both abode in a vacant lot near t.he 9 :00 WOSU Or¢helltra. groups will have simultaneous campus. 9 :10 Th Bu iness Sid of Farming- Guy Mille.r" Farm Economist. --= 9 :20 Localitie'a Where Dairy FarmerS are Profiting from Better I r.eam- Edward E. Jackson, Cream Grading Division, Ohio Dairy ,Product.'! Assn.; Columbus. 9.30 WO U Orchestra. 0 :'0 The Framework of the Soil-Richard Bradfield, Agronomy Dept 9 :60 to 10 Answers to Farm'era' Question&-Dialo,.

Buildings, I nco Appointed Local butor D" latn


dauJrhter to thl'lr hom !'tlr. WRyhuul .J'mlan lind family of Cincinnati .p,·nl. Mllndny with .. 01 the I' t,(·rman sale thl' ./"rilan ramily h,,\'t,. Wnyll('''vlll~ Saturday afternoon. 1\.1 1'. dl\l\ MI' ~. Alnl~," ('clTi 111Mi ~!:I MII\'yn~lt() Dell nn lIItJupped l ~ ntll'(J lhe hlll1\('I'<lllIin" nt. Oliy,' in IInrveYl'llUrg Saturday Iltt()r[h'an~ h ('hur('h Sunday aflpl'll llnn. noon. :\11'. /Iaruld M{'!{ay IIt!l'n()ed fI We 01'(' Rluu 10 Icnm t.hat Mr~. Mini ~t. '1"" an d Work l" ~ cunCC:'\,- I~ dith Dav;;, whll ill conval ... !!c;ng cnca at Martin. vill e lu ~l 1-'1 idny. at !.hI!. h Oll1t, ,)f h ' r . ill\'er, M'rs. MI·s. al'! Mou ntj oy has r. turn- .Ial'a Dunn in 1.eban-o n, is much ' Ii to, h"l' h('lnl() ht'w a/tel' I'Iwnll- imprO'vcd. M,', C"cil R('[I!\on or Dayton jng u \\1 (·k with Iwr l1Iolh,'r n('OI' L "bHlllln. Yi ~ tt 'II hig moth I' and stAte'!', Mrs. 1'11'1'". Ali'f,! T l;'t f<lir of Wilmtng- l<:thr l 'Ben. 'OIl and Mill!'! MOl'ynett e, ton vi~ it"' cJ h~l' ~ il'tt'\'. MI". 1"1'1.111, Sunday ultClrnoon. (' .' Ancl r~ w ~ fill Sunf\ny , Mr. anll MI'R. Ml'arlc T erry and M \" 1l n\'llld M'KIlY IInti fnmily, I Mrs. Pali ·n ee Tbompso n Wer1) 1\[1:1. Howard McKay Cl ntl M III:l, at- , WilmitHttun cu ll ers Monday aft(lt;: tc;m d('d YOUUIl' P eupl e~ ' ervicc at noon.

Beech Grove


Farm lviglat lalka" October 19



BOYS Plus Tills Newspaper At Reduced Price I.JERE'is an offe.r that will appeal to all-Ammcan Boy Magazine and this ncwspaper at :a special combination bargain price. The American Boy is the favorite magazine of more than 500,000 boys and YO'JJlg !nUl. Its fiction carrieS boys on the wings of adventure to all parts of the world. Its 's ports articleJ by famous 'coaches and athletes are studied by cham· pions. Here you will lind the finest stories on sporta, aviation, bwiness, school activities, humor, and traveL, Even at its regular price of $1.00 a year, n.e Amencan Boy is considered a bargain. But now you II1II)' obtain , it and this newspaper. , •••


Best of the News ' Direct From the Ohio State Capitol

Ion DllEd' CROSS-STATE IOUTE Between Toledo 8Ild CIndIlaati Claarted fer the of laternate 'Motor Tourist. a. Well .. Tnlle Witlaill tIae Border. 01 0...,

IT'S SIORTER rr:,~ R';oi~: to Cincinnati u abown herewith ia the Ih()~.t distance between the two cities. OIlcial. of the State Hlehwa7 Department ,lye! the ~i1eqe ..vinl al 'about 11 miles.

""'S SlftR There'. leu tralII . IU'' ,ftc congestion on the ToJedo-C1nclnnatl Short Line than on any other highway con-

nectInw the.. two citiel. 'There aN far CUl'ftII (no bairpiaa) and all railroad &Tade croaaSnp are exeeptJo~ weU ~rotected.




By NUCIft of

II.., ILlIr.ft the 11iortn mil..... l..s con....tlon (tio~h on


the hi,hwa)'ll and In the eomUlU· nlUes tJU.U whiCh the, pu.), 'ewer eurvel, anct adeqUate wJdtla

rOadbed abel brlclpt, tM

.Route here outllMd fa a bil tI......." . f . the bUI,. motoriat-vtIl7 pro)). abl, u 1iiUCh .. t1t'O hour..




ItIGHWAY ChoIce of KnoWlnj'


Ori....t.ecI aM • ....-.. b~

1leftlatkmary Slat TraIl


COLUMBUS, OHIO- Strange tion ot the .0ll ectioD of the s~te indeed ar th requests (pat at'e wine tax, accortJittg to Boal'd made during t he car 1'8 of most Chairman Goorge E. Eppley. The state t'mp)oyes. And so G. A. meeting WIl8 decided' upon after N. "Gus" NU(lSS)e, keeper of the ' J. Barack, chief of the wine 'tax State House gro unds, was ' only division of th sta tax commismildly surpri d when he was sion, s uggest6d to the board that awakened at n early midnigbt by the duty' of tax-stamping aU wine the telephone's ringing and a should be 'trans ferred from the YOUng WOmAn asked him if he retail r to the producer and 1m· would be. kind enough to catch one porter of wine. The con'ferCll 6 01 the State House pigeons for wiII be called as soon as Mr. 001' to photograph at Ohio ' State Barack dtaft.\ the pr()poSlld change univcl's ity_ In the light of day • • • Gus wondered if he were t·he ' The est.imated num~l~r 'of hio , victim ofa hoax, but in 'accor- real es~te foreclosul:-e& during danae with. his customary motto Augu$1; was 1,440, it. was reVOI"ted of ,service he decided to be pre- in data ,c ollected bYl"eretary of pared and therefore sallied forth State GC()~e S. l\fyeri~ and comwith a t~ap and procured one of piied by the Governor',:; Farm and the birds. A d shortly &iter the ' Home Fro.tective Committee in captur ML s ~Iary Ann Brown, a eo-opel'ation with Ohio State juniol' in the college 0.£ education, univel'l!ity. The~tal was derived made her appearance at the State from Lnforma.tion from seventyHouse in quest of the pigeon. eight cou;nty sheriffs c,o vering 1, "Now just what,.if I may . ask, do 324 sales and an estimate of 116 you want with this?" queried GUll. sales bllSed 'On the farm area and MiS8 Brown informed him that she, popu.lation <It the ten unrepol'ted 'taking a spee~ course under Dr counties. ' The foreclosures H~l'bert A. Toops, professor of volved ninetY,- eight 1'arlns and p8ychology, and that she ' 'Wished 1,342 oth~ properties Ic lassified a8 , to male, a motion picture of the re,s idential, busin~ot' va.cant plat , bird's eye movement.'!, after which ted land, ::rhe f'8l"lrl s.all~s averaged ' she would promptly release ' the 62.37 per cent of the judgment pigeon. and 78.'5 per cent ot the apprail• • • ed valuation, and urban properties Rare insects of unusual ap~ 1 per cent of th~ judgment and ,l)eal'8\lce, the "cave camel cricket' 72.64 per cent of the valuation. have been placed 'on display at. the • . • • Valltly improved bulsines8 ' a,'Il.d Ohio State Arehaelogical and Historical Sooiety mweu1!l, it w,as industiial activitil!$ in all section8 announced by Director Henry 'C. of Ohio which have ~/.8l1lted in a " Shetrone. The .eave c&mel cricket heavy employment Increase us is by' far tM largest and rarest of respon8ibl~ for , the mounting the thirteen species of the clairn.s flIed with the Ind ustrial cricket family found in Ohio. So CommiAaion, in the of far it bas ' been discovered 1n Superintenden~ Union to.mahlp of Clermont or the division of County iii this st.te, aDd else- h,giene, He pointed wh .... only in a very restricted Au,uat, tM lut l'IlJI&'8 in southern Incliana, cell- data is ollciaJ, a tral Xontuck7 and northem Ten- claim I, 1neludina 11 n...... The .-Imenl on 8llbibl. were flIed with the I~omnlillll,lon U01l w.... capt. red in an abandon. The claims 1' eel Uaioe-towullip weD. 01 1,7'7 ill c()lInpa~,~n • • • luI, total, and aD tnc:iilUl>

The back· bone of tM of·· fteiaI Revolu-


TraJIa 8ystelll of

W. . . . Ohio. IIaI'kecl Ita _tin Ieqth b7 Jdatodeal

....... oftlae OIM Memorial Oce-'·Ioa.

5,488 In com,.,..,.,

• f .... qo. IiownItI'




',i na_



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The Miami Gazette





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='''lIth IIf waYnl':-\

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i.'(ULl. ~h s ,


k \\ 11K It C\l1I'n \'I~it'Il' :'iIlLlIl·t1UY and at the hOlll or Mr. ulIcl l(aymond HIl.I'"h blll'!tur, !t,lS., Mallow.I'cl J ohn and Mrs. (" L, 'Duk ,\ I'!' din ner ~ue, I.s ~ I f Ir!', PRyl Duke of tile Dayton PikL', Saturday, I ('JiL,


11', , Iyd e Wharton nne! (laughter, ~igs Ev , at.tended Ih fun r~il of L!'wi: GuU.ery ILt. Lebun F"iday aftl' I'lfoon. t EV (, I' Ii ~t Eul"iy and mother, Mra, SubaCl'ib. FOO' Th. Mi.ini Gazette He l1(, ::;coll, Mis$ arah Smith !tnu dda Back attend d the ,., M..,.. 1' 0 l'g town tail' Thur day. -:\11'. und MI', Hlit'vey Burn't" Alfred Landon On hi atul'dtly in Dayt.on llIC1ming. M,', and ?h'~ , Therle J tI 8 and ~Ol\ litton , were untlllY dinnel" gU l' t.s 01 Mr, I1l1d Mr!1.. Ed, in Nutt, n al' nlel'vil1." MI'S, alvin LongHcre imd "on. K ilh Wt'l'() <linn et gue ta, Tuesday of 11, 1!1argll.ret J oholl. fr o and Mr$, Jo ph G'l'a i, S Oil n<l daughter, 1'1'" Eva Haines, Boneta nyder :uid But I~linn of Piqua, were unday vening gues~ of Mr. and Mrs, Walter K nrick. , Sev ral trom hl're attended the , Republ ican rally i L£,ban on Monday e\' ning. Mr, lId Ml'l!, Allen Emrick received word Wedll sday that theil' son-in~law, Leon Salisbury had been in an auto sm8.'!h· up at olumbu .' He WIlS badly bl'ui ed and his knee wa hUl't, He i convale cing .ut his home in W hingt.on C. H, Friends h ere hope for a



Fir t Group ot Lathl!;! Aid, WIth Everett help, sponsored nn Ama~ur night. All number


"',', r w 11 ren.dered. The one act play f l'on1 l\fn.son Grunge, receiv-




Buildin, Materials of All Kind.

We can supply you with Weather Stripping



Licen.ed Broker ,


J. R. Gibbons Waynen'iIl., O.

Phone 54

Plenty of Fine' Quality Apple. Orders Taken for Cid r in Quantities The Reaction M.eter 8hDwn above, which 'was a feat~lr8 attraction of ~he State High way exhibit at 'the recent Oh.lo State Fair, aroused luch widespread i[\~erest that tho Hig hwny of Nova 4 miles S. W. Jamestown, Phone 149F. 2 S.cotia -requested tbo loan of th~ IIPPI.ll'l'hus f(lf Its exbib!t at the Provincial Exhibi tion at UalHax for the week of September 28· Oe~ober 3, The Highway Department ()1 No,'o Scotia, aaxious to secure the 4 milell N. Xenia, State Route 235 :oan of the Reactiv'D M ter t or the cxhibit, agrced to &Ilsume all Olt· peases In, the transPQrtatioll (If the machine to Halifax 'a lnd return. The machine, des gn ed ulid cOII.~ru 'ted by' tbu Trllflic Dlvhlon ot the Ohio Highway Oepnrtlll rIt, i ~ used to test m oto~istu for reactior. time-that is, the time cqulI'cd whi ch must elapse wbile you are tran slating the thought o~ tll l l [lIfl J; Intu the operation Cl,f Pllttlni on : the brakes. Of 2053 persons giv n le~ t ~ 'it th r o hiu Stn te Fair, 1828 or 88.8% Our many y ara of onsci ntiou rvice to the wore men and 230 or 11.2',. \ \'I'rL' 1"n,\'/I Tbe reaction time ot 77 1 ,"' "l I I" s,' Il's l ed was in th,e hall.second WlLLlAM' E. SMITH public of thi. community in itself con'!!titutes assurbracket, while 12 0/. r eactNd I II I n ' ';'U I " 7,5 ry. in ~ second, 1.8~ In ance I hat you will g t on Iy high gnldc, 11one s~ my idea, fr om my acq uaintance. ~ second and 0.5 0/. j' 1 scc'und ship, of Governor _ 4\I!red M, fun ral m l' handi '~. It is upon this kind 'of m r-' Total of 7.8% of th e mlltll li"t. I, l. d had operated a motor oar '~S5 than one year, 32 , G',~ (IIJlII 1'111' .Vl'l\f to five years, from Land :n, handis • plus t houghtful llcTso nal S ' fvice, t hat we I have known Mr. Landon ])crlive years to ten years, and ;JG,2'" fC l f II "criod to eaceed ten ytarL have built OU I~ I' putation-and that reputation is 'l' he reaction time tests were Illade on aa avera,e of wee trIal. on ally for sev rat year.. H is not a n orator, Back ill the gay 'Co callh pl'r50o. our most pricel '8S asset. ninties when w had 11 real dpre ion under the Clev land Administ}'ation; Kansa d vetoped :d Ilr$t prize. At a meeting of th Sunday L a greut many orators, in fact they h 0 ) boa I'd la t week, the follow ~ r so numerou it W8.'! ,said thel' \\Ill IIU orator behinci vc ry ing office,r were e l cted: Stanley Qailey. superinwndent; Ml' . 'Ina cOl'n stalk. It developed not. only WayaesvlUe Pboae' Longacre, a si.stant ,upel'intend nt men but. wonum orators. One of Mi tvelyn J ohns, ecretnry; Col. Lynn Black, aUI~erintcndent th e women orators, Mollie L se, Miss Eva Reeder, t ·cs Ul'et'; fi ss of the state highway patrol, has a told th farm rs to rai e "I 8 ,corn B rnice Graham , piani t: Donald word of ,arning ~'or Wart'Em and mor hell!' But Kansq passcount.y b oys and ,>irls riding d thi s tllge and at this time and Foulk , chorister. ehool buses. tor mllny years pa t, h r officials "Don't ride with your head s and have been ~ trictly bu ine . men , arms out of the windows, wQving and again T ay tlt.a.t GovernOr and calling to pt!rso nl! In Landon is n t an o\'atol'. He is a Car ," the colonel ad"i ,"Th' plain IIpeakel', rather forceful, 'an d is ver y da.ngerou , fil'si" becau~ of you can depend fib olutely on wluit the hazards it cre<J.tes to the stud- h says. H~ talks 8 la.nguage that' , Anoth r t reat is in 'lore for the Mts them elves, and second, be- we all under tIlnd, ,, men who atiA!",d the ~ig district es. e it di ·tracts othsT motorhltl; Wh n h e went in 8S Governor 01 tbls State the 1st of January, 1933 Bt'othel'hood rally, BlanchesL(n', from their driving." There's no Wier ChristmaS present October 26, when Dr. l ertOll S. This was a common fault he iJlh rited a d elicit from the than dean, convenient Pyrofax Gas Rice, f P troit, Mich" speaks. observed by 4 0 members or the Woodring Democratic Adminis traIt is the opportunity to bear the ~ tatfl patrol assigned by Colonel. tion of $2, 00,000.00. Before Service and a modern ~rofa.x-Magic Gr ~nfield Octette, one of tb ~ Black October 3 to medJl highways HJ3 a was ovel' h balanced our Olef Gas Range. BUT, we reasoned, why should you have to fin • tinging orgunizaLions in of t he state, 'as n spedal protec- bud~t a nd h did it by cutting wlUl until Christmas .. _why shouldn't you have Py;ofax's outbern Ohio. tion for the 33,000 b O'YB and girls o,ur waste and cxtr~vagence a nd Thi!; odette has b een appeaf'ing wb.o attended Ohio Sf.ate Univer- restONld a hard wOl'king, pain takmany advantages for Thanksgiving and the other big dinners ing, common- ~nse admini tration. in p~()gl'alll llnd conc ert WOTH in sity's annual high 1!ch()ol day. you're haviog this CaUl No reason whatever .•• and so welre many Ohi o communiti durin g The state patrol hE,ad hus a H also had the ,L egislature pass a making 1011 our Ouistmas 0O"u "owl It's a special offer that the past two yell I' • It i ' directed \0\ 0 d of prais for l he hool bus ca h basis law and slnc that tinte makes it even easier thaD usual for to get the wonderful by Prof. RalVh W. Pric; well ddvers. "The busc$ w 1'e operated all of the deptll-tments of our known compo or and lllusicul dir- in II. very orderly manner," be Government have p i4, t h y go. Pyrofax Gas Service. Come in tomorrow and let us tell you ctor, IIlld it is accompallied ' by asserts, In his a ddress in Chicago On all about it! Ml . 'har! ~ N, Shadl'tlch. Th o to ber 9th, he said : mambel'/! of tile .octette are: , "Tonight: I am ~oing to talk MiltSe Eula M. Watt and Laura about the:f eral bu~et. Caroline Bickett, sopra nos; Mrs, "First, let me mak e 'my posit.ion THI COMPLIJI GAl IIRVICI Melvin Stephenson and MilS Grace absolutely cleaT. If I am e l c tcd, ·OR HOMII .IYOND . THI GAl MAINI MariO Win Cou gh, conlraltos; th-c budget. is going to be baltlnced M 8S1':!. Dwight Parrett and Rogcr It is going to be balanced not by Donohoe, tenors; Me.;srs, Melvin Newspapeu are "Lops" in deprivillg OUI' needy of teli f, 1I0t Sl pheJlson and Forr t Mowb1'8Y, advertis ing media, according to by ref using nee S8l1" sid to our I basses. Professor Thoma s F. Uarnbart of farmers, not by swamping the VOUR COMPLETE HARDWARE STORE During the past year this octette tbe University of Wis4:onsin: countJ'y with \:o1l')U!!!. haa ,presented more than thirty 1ewspap r readi ng' a uni"Th budget is going to be programs, and appeared , in Buch vel' 01 habit. NewSpapC!l' advertis- balanced by cutting out waste , , Phone 302t ' citie:s as Newark, London, Cc) luln- ing there!ol',e, reaches Yirtually all and extravagance; by putting an bus, Chillicothe, Milford, Ironton, who read and bllY. ' end to tlte U8~ 0:11 public funds for Portsmouth alld PBli.ielpate4 in 2-A newspaper adverti~e~ent political purposes; by restoring the annual glee club concel't of ca alw.ays be seen by 'the reader. hard working, painstaking, comAntio ch college. The'y specialize " a- The newspaper adverliae- mon aense admini$tl'aJ;ion, ' in 11 high 'type of music, which ' ment, as part of 'thEI complete "This question of balancing the they interpl'et with expression and P4per, goes iJlto the ~lpme as a budpt is 01 vital importance to _ _ _ 's skilL In every place where they welcome gIlNt. every man, woman and chUd ro have appeared, the splendid 4-The newspaper advert.lse- this country." blending of the voices 8!TId the ment can have much rEI.der interI hope you ltaulned to him in : perfect balance of the, part$ " has 'e st and newa value as the newt his recent talks ' from Columbul, been, remarked upon. Af~r ilp_ item. Cleveland.and Clneinnati. You pellring at a Ladies' Night pro5- The amount of t.~st used in can readily see ' tb&t 'he talk. gram of ,an. 11'01llon, O. Service newspaper advertisemelilts Is de- b"llnes8 and you can depend Club, the Ironton News said con. pendent upon the size of .apace. upon every utterance that. he cernlng their program: , "Their 6--Newspaper advelrtl.slng is makea. I trust that all of "you will singing, under the direction 01 R. quickly controlled. giVe him the conBide.ra.tlo,n ,that is W, Price, was econd to none ever 7..,...Newspaper adv,ertising may due him In tbis crisis that conheat'd in Irontnn." be adjusted t.o dHferent conditio'llB fronts OUt' government. Very truly -yours, - - -- -, 8-Newspaper advertisi'ng ella~les manufacturers and dealers (sig-ned.) WILLIAM E. SMITH to state where their pro,ducts. may - - -- - -....:...-The Dorcas Club met. at thebe bought. 9- Newspaper adve.:rtising is home of Mrs, TheodoNl McIntire on Thurs<lay, ' inexpensive. Merchants :have learn Grindillg oats or other fibrous The Aid sod ~'Y of the Friends ed that it cov-ers mOrEL families grains requires more power thaD ChUrch met on Thursday at the for less money t han any .form of the milling of those which have home of Mrs, I<' r ed McKinney, advertising. less ~~r and a higher lltarch cott.Mr. and Mrs, Howard Hurley 10 - Newspaper ~ldvertiaiJIrltent. The -extra cost of rnnding and children have moved to the' results may be checked. grains '1ery line Is not usually 1arm fot'merly ,o ccupied by Mr, ll- Newspaper circlmtion ia money well spent.

Vandervort Orchard

Orchard Lane


Your Protection



J. E. MeClare

~ r~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~-J




P. E. Snyder and' Son Blanchester, Ohio


New Burlington


'durability and I a Waite detign :~ hislhett ideale in plated ware-are ....ed in ,ipOOIII. , forb, and fancy aervins pieeea bearins the r.owned trade IDad.:

141 ROGERS BROS.~:.t .ilverPlated

TWe .... various mdea of tableware am cleimed to be "just as goOd," bur. like aD ' lIC=rJ~1ack the beauty and 'quality Ii qiu1uclaen.,meII . . .P.llIIIJ,_"IDtiII'Du"SiW.,.&t. H dellen e'eI)__ Sead far


r, ~....- _ " • •





1\) 36 :..=.=.=.=.:-_ =-=_:;_ =--=====~~-==­




Repair your old one, or put on a neW' roof now. Prepare for winter's rains and storm•. We have a complete .tock of the beat roofing material. made and you'll do , be.t by seeing u. about your work. Prompt ...d efficient_


A I W~ bom ncn'!' Wayn sill e and partially l'IlisC!i1 t h&l'1! and hav e a 1(1' at many I(oo cl ft'ie nd and l'eJa.liv s in that vici ni ty, I feel like I would like to give you




To 'Ph, linmi Gatd e, Wllyn ' ville, Ohio ,


!lP~~~e l~cll~~ ;~~ full to' overflow: i~g Friday evel1in~ mh n ' ~he


Walllt<!gCl, Knn!'4U


11'. !Lnd





a~ Mn. Wen~n G~~ ' ~dkn~n~d~wm~~~~u~!J'~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:::~::=:~~:~~==::~~~~;~~

gons. Rev. and Ml's. :E, L. Portiss of W est Elkton, Ohio, were week-end guest 01 W, H, Mendenhall and family. He delivered the sermon lit the }'1"i&nds Church 'S unda¥ mornin,.


fected 'b y daily change. 12- Nearly all of a n ,wepapers' circ ul~t.ion is concentrated in ita own market. • 13 New8pa~r ad.,ertla1n, I'educes sellinr costa it entails no waste of


Milll Margaret Collett who hAll hiH helpa. reduce cotta for bE-en nil Ing in the home of Mr. conS\1mer, . and Mrs. R. E. Jones, for 184!veral "N~w8paper .d,.,..rtilliiil •• , Inonths II tUrtled to h!!'r bome ProfeBlor Ban1hart, In,

enia. III

tid •



and lOod

wiD••tll, ...





Eighty-Eighth Year




OCTOBER 22,1936




Whole Number 6244 WOMEN'S MEETING

A pirthday !\urprise was arrangThe h'C~ll JII'ctincl ellmmittte ed Ior Mrs. R<lss Planck at her has Ill'l'oll~ed n "'l'('a" to be j!ivc n home Sunday evening. Those pt'es nt the Gol.len Lamh in L'cohnnon I!'nt w'el'e MI~. and '~8. Wayne • atunJny , ufterl\oon, Nov('mbvr Planck and daughter Janet, of Richard Atexnn<l(;I' 24, al two-thirty o'clock. Dayton; Mr. and Mrs. Clark the SOli of Mr. Th e , peokerl! On this occasion Starr and two children, Robert Pioneer WCl_ Li".d ia halation CI s· and was horn in Adum, will bc Mrl<. Laura Liow Gebby, and Patty of' Xeniaj Mr. and Mr ~ Assis\.allce in mapping Illans fo r W ayne ville's new l>CWcTage fl)l'I11er .Ii tri t cummitteewo man, 811t Did Not E1ljoy Carl Pe rson and daughter Jll.nice tllInty, Ohio, on Augu~t 6th, and a gu I t [l'o m ~ttlte headSoli tuck system on "hich voter will deci de NovcmlJcr 3 is off red by of Springfield; Miss Martha Mar) 42. Hi death OCCUl't d on quorter;!. tin, Waynesville, and Lewis and Dr. Edwal'd Blair, Wanen county healt.h commissioller, 'in a k'ttcr Thursday, October L5th, H/3G. at All RepubLicnn women nre YeLlow Worn n who have moved to Miss Ada Planck of t he hom of his ni c , Mt's. Made ur~ed t(, nttenu. t~i meeting. directed to Mayor A. K. Day. f8]'m whero thc-y do not know u.ny Springs. ----.~ ..... llaYl'S, of, Ri pley, bi o, with of the neighbors will find it easy Dire re(>,1 for imp.rovemcnt of the local sewerage system is whorn, Ilt lhe tlm\l, he wllS, vUliting to mc t congenial people in group", emphasized by the health ollicial whose' f ollows: engaged in extension work, ac. Mr. rnBR WIlS the la:t ul'vivor eording tu Minni e PI'ice, state of 1\ family o f five children, i\>ur lIon orable A. K, Day, Icsder of home agents. brothers and on(' sj~te r, and al Making new fn nds is more of a Mayor of Wa.ynesville, the time of death hi' age wus U4. problem for the wife than tor the Waynesville, Ohio. years, 2 monLhs und 10 dllYs. childt'en and busband. The man 1"~:I!~~~!!~=5~~;J meets other farmers wbile workWhile in bu. in~ss at Mt, Oreb, ing. hildre n make contract8 at --......,,~===::-;== Dear F'riend : hio, abo ut the year 18 5 h W MI'. ahd Mrs. J, P. Larrick wan. school during the school y{.'Ur and Mil'S Clara Lile, of Washington united in mlll'ringe with Maria gllesls of friellds in Xenia, Sunday they can continue the -e friend- C. H., visited friendl\ h~re Satur. I am greatly pleased to know tnat Wayne sv ille h818 the opGl'iffith , Modre. SOOn the]' aft r evening. ships by joining the <l.H clUbs in day. he lind Mrs.' Crogs remo v<.'<! f()r n portunity on November 3[d of voting upon a bond issue for a their neighborhood. Women also short while to the then 8'01311 fr . C, E. Ander son alu] !IOn, M'i!!S Esther Smith visited Snnitary ewagt> Sy~tem. can find conge:nial companions in friends in Marion, Ohio, over the t own of Eug ne, Oregon, and Harold. were ayton visitors Ih home economics groups which week-end. f1' m, there bfiCk to Ohio, localillg Frld ay, Th one remaining Public Utility which Waynesville needs is are organized in most communities at Middletown, wher Mr. Cro IIyman and Mrs. A. iM't. and Mrs. Al. Murray; of Exten ion agents located in 01le1'ated a hm'dwarc and i1llple8n adequate S(>wage System. It will iner<Wle the value- f all J1 nt. W ctin('sday in Ohio counties can give informa- Detroit, Mich, spent Sunday with ment store until about IB!H, when existing property, will timulate ne-w building improvements, and tion abl)ut the boy and girls 4-H Mrs. Murray's aunt, Mill!! Dora hoe removed to Wayn sviIJ e and will aUra t n ew citizens. clubs and also about the many Stiles. engaged in the salTje bu ~ i n s. llis Mr, Qnd MrR. R. 0, olll'tt and activities th.a.~ l'ural women study brother, the late Robert G. Cross, sons were gu ts of r latives at Mr. and Ml't!. Will Stroud and 1 want to a ure you that t he f[e~th Departm nt or Wane n in groups. Food, dotbing, and Mr, and Mrs. Lou C. St. John soon becam e associated in the eW BurlinJ:ton unday. community affairs all furnl h 8ub· visited Ohio Caverns Sunday. busi ness, which was conducted County a)Jpreciates the splendid cfforls Wayn l'. ville is making to 1\11'. 8nll Mrs. harl Hay are jects for group study and any under th e firm name -of r<ls..< obtain a satidacto ry ewagl' },stem. IMiss E. Virg n Roe 8~nt the woman wiIl be ubi to select one Bros. and which continu d In nnnouncing the birth of a daugh. t .. , W dn sd ay, ctob I' 21. or more in wnich he 1S interested. week·end at GranvUl, attended If I can be of any assistance, feel :fr~ to draft me. operntion for many y~nrs, Miss Price says that the prlvU- the homecoming at Denison Uni· ' until tll-e l'ctirement of MI', and M1'S. W. H. Allen and g of making and kooping new ver ity. brothers. Very truly yO\lr ft'iond, Mr. and Mrs. Olifford H. Bra.e !dend is one of th real values Mr. Cross was il member oC th incinnati visitor, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Maynard ~ich, of EPWARD BLAIR, of (!l[t4.'n$ion work wbich is too Masonic LOllge for more tban 60 Pitbiburg, pent Sunday witb the seldom mentioned listing Ita ad van y ara, being among the eldest ill E. V. Bal'llhal·t he 11£(: 'I'1ted a Health Commi inoer. tages. Pi~neer women lived for l'ormer's parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. th State, in years of members hip. positiOn in t.he oIB e of W. H. 16. 1930 October months withou~ eeing friepds B. Rich j H(' was a man or retiring dis- Maddl!n & ompllny, lumber from other households but t,h ere Is pOi ition, a lov r of mU ie And hi s d ·nlers. Mr. and Mrs. Walter '" and no record 't hat they enjoy d the Mi Wanda Clark were gUll ts of hom, anQ, thN1ugh ,hi s long life, MI'. and Mrs. H. C. 001 'man, of isolation ; in fact, th old custom Miss Lucile Clark of Dayton; Ky., by his upright chal'acter, by hiJ! Norwood, and Mrs. LaUfll F()stl!'r, ot asking p sing strangers to Thursd~y of last wecl<. just and honomble dealing, l)y stop and eat Or to remain overhis tri ndly and generous nMure, of 1\fl. llealthy, vi ited l'ciativl!$ night wa an xpresSion of the - Mrs. Emma Barn tt and Mr. E be po ess d fintl count d a multi- h or Monday afWrnOOll. lonolin s of farm life a t that V. Barnhart were guests of tud e of friends. ' An loctl'ie love d monso'ation lime. frjends in Cincinnati, Saturday Funeral services were held will be- given at the hom or Mr. Farm worn n have found many and Sunda:y. the Me lUTe Funeral Home Satur- and frs. l . P . Larrick, this tasks become. enJ'oyable when Tb Bricker-for-Governor airFinal plans are beins., completed day afternoon with Rev. G. Thur day evening at 7 :30: Mr. and ).frs. Elmer Peterson the work is done with a group of and son, Jimmie, of Dayton, were plane now on a tOl1r of Ohio. will for th e Big District Brothel'hoo 'l ibcl't officiatin'g . Services at the MI' . John Tt'eadway and family neighbors. Sewing and canning week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. vi. it WtI\rren County on Saturday, Rally, to be held in the larg Hi~h grave wore in charge of th Way. moved into the h han have ()f Masons. n svilla Lodge 41' two of the things which pro. Ray Conner ~nd daughter, Judith October 24, Republican leaders School "Auditorium, Blanchester, bungalow r cenijy vacated by Mr. .. ceed more easily in the company d have a.nnounce . 8 p. m., Monday, Oct'~ber 26th. and l\fy!<, Raymond Brllddock. of oth rs. Women who find tbem- Ann, SHRINERS' BI\RN DI\NCE selve in a. neighborhood where Mr. and Mrs. William Michener , The plane, piloted by John W· Indications point to e. record break Mr. and Mrs. Erne t Woollard there is no such group organized _and children, of PittJ!burg, were Parker. former "flying IIber!II'" 01 ing attendance at this meeting. Local mem!>el's of Anti~eh are announcing thc arrival of a will reap a reward for themselves week-end guests of Mrs. Mich. ) Erie county, will make one stop in Rally is sponsored by I,he Methlid- Temple, Mystic Shrin , hav be n ,d aughter, yl'vin Joan, at their and confer a benefit upon other en r's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E this oounty, find will be met by ist Brotherhoods of, notified of the Shriners' barn home in Belmont, Friday, Octoh r ~omen: by helping county exten· Corn-ell. pa~ty Ilead r s and other interested Fayette, Highland, Brown, Cler-! dance which wUl be h eld at the 10. ~ton ag ntll. start sueb a commllnTh Lad' 'Aid of th M. E- 't' mon~ and Clinton Counties. It i Gr y tone. ball room, West Fout·th Ity enterprIse e teS e CI Izens. R v. G. C. Dibj!rt attended 11 - - - -'_ _ • Church will serve dinner and The plane will arrive at the il.'ee1y predicted there will be more St. Dayton, on Friday night, three-dllYfI in titute for pastor>! than 1,000 men in attend~ce . October 30th. This event promises supper, election, day, November Maineville airport at eieven Dr.. M rton . Rice, Detroit, to be outstanding in the year's tlnd church lead(?Ofs whi h' WILS h!!ld 3, at Grange ball. Your patron~ o'cIQck in the morning. and remain Michigan, one of the wO/'ld's great prOl("rllm of social activities of at. the Epworth Moth (lillt ch urch is 'SOlicited. one-h;alf hour. est preachers, will be the Guest Antioch Tempk The atr{lil' will in Dayton, lhill week. Guestll from Lebarion, Co.1umAttention i ' called to the tact Speaker. His subject: "Take Care start at I) p. lll. and elofl() at 1 p. m Mrs. Clifford Brace attended a b'Qs and Cincinnati spent Sunday Ulat MI~, Bricker is not making of That Bo>,." It's a. rare treat to Shriners and their wives or mCQting of the Ohio Fed ration of with Daniel Hockett and family. this ail' tour of the state, th have this opportunity to hear so swe thO arts are urged to come Women's lubl! in Pitlua Tu day: The dinner was lerved by Mrs. ~lane, being used merely to eminent a speaker. No mall can dre ed in (I,!eralis, cali eo, ging-- Mrs. ~l'ace was a del gate {rom ST. MARY'S ,CHURCH RoIlS Plnck. ftlt·ther his candidacy. afford to miss this m ting; which is luim or what not, 'th lJrogt:am lhe Woman's lub of Xenia. Re•• J. J. ,Schader, Rector In the event of unfavorable for m~n only. All men are read s. Ma que-rajle costume!! also Mr. and Mra. George Bunnell, Twentieth Sunday a~ter Trinity MI'. !1nd Mrs. Lindley Mt'n dellNo ' admit- lire in orde r. filustr.ious Pot.enof Centerville, are. _ounclng flying weather, the schedule as cordially invited. October 26; Churc)! IICbool at the arrival of a 40n, Larry Larone announced will prevail on the tance will be charged. An offering ta~ H. 'S . Leonard and Recordel' haoll were in Columbu ~ Monday 9:30. Canon SymOllfJ o! Cincinnati and Tueliday attending !;he State at Miami Valley hospital, Thurs- fQ\lowing or th~ first available will be taken. Meet your friend, C. L. Tipton are arging a flall atwill be pTesent and, conduct convention of the Ohio Farm &\Cod !tying day. at Blancbeater, Octo~~r 26tb. tendance fQl' the Barn Dance. day, Octobe.r 16. services at 10 :80. Bureau. I Ladies', 2-pieoo elleemble suit, Mr. and Mrs. D , R. Smith 'Were ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH clean~ and pl'ell8ed, 85c. ¥en's 'in Dayton this week where Mr. Father NewtoD. Faator top coat&, 70c j ohildren'tl winter Smith attend~d the a'nnual comIlaaa at at. Aucuatine'a chureb coata, 40c. Quick Cle'anertl, Kathcunieation of. th e G.rand Lodge 01 ryn lM!endenhall, IIanager. every Sunda, morninr. Masons. Mrs. D. M. Collette entertained Mrs. Georg Ha~o k and Mr. FRIUDS MEETING . . . . . ..0_ a.'" I •• 9'80 the .m.,mben of the "Argunot" El'nl!st Hartsock ' motor.e<i \:.0 Piqua ... Irs........}' .....aOO • a. m, '" 'd I b d 4 . it d lIeetinc for Wonblp at 10:80 ~rl ge c u an a J.~ lDV. e Sunday to see MI's. Hartsock's gueata , at her home on. FIfth siste" Mr.s. Margaret l'hQrnaa, Who 'meet, . Tuelday afterncw>n. is ill at the ho'm e of ~er daughter. FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST Mr. an.d "'is. L. H. 'GoJ'(\on The Y. F. M. will hav e a steak Carl Smith, rived bome ' Friday ev'e nlna from roast at Barry Smith's cam p Perry ~ODWI, Supt; of Blbl. Wuhington~ p, C., . where they Sunday \lvening at 4 o'dock. School spent a ' dellehtful W6ek with Mrs. Bring enough ste,a k for your own Bible School at 9 :80 L m. Gordou'a alater, Kn: Lillian Fife. family, and a salad. ' CommunioG. 10:4& L . . Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gerber .nd Preaehinc, 11 :00 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Smith enterchUdren, of Covlnlton; Ky" ud tained at supper Sunday evening, "AYNUVIUJE "CHURC" 0. lira. John Danecia, of Cynthiana, Mr. and MTS. J. Q, Gons, Mr. and CIIIU,ST Ky., wu:e here Konday eveninC to Mrs. J'obn B. Gons and daughter, Carl Smltli, IIlDiIIkr attend: the funeral eemcee for ' MaryHn , Miss Alice Gons' and Mrs. lira. Amelia Williama. Not A D.enomtnatioD D. L . Crane. 9 :30, Bible Ichool.' , After .• pleasant vialt , at Mrs. Wade Turner, Mrs. Ralp'\l 10:45, Lord's Supper. homl!! brother-In-law an(l Hastings, Mn. R. E. Frll.nk, Mrs: 7 :JI. m., Christian Endeavor. li.ter, Ill'. , and lin. W. ,M. A.. Fulk'ersOIl, Ml'II Kad 7 :46, EvallreJiatic aer,vtc81. Allen, llni. W. N. Ne1llland Boden 'nder and l\lrs A. n. Wedneada" '1:46 p., m., pra,.er tumecl 8uDday to her home Stubbs welle luncheon guests of and bible .tud,.. Cbicqo. Mrs. L. A. Gft/'st, on Thur day. 111AYNEIVIUJE Me L CHURCH lin. Job1Yon, of Cle\'leiland Mr. and Mrs. Clifford H. Braee .... G. C. DIMIt. Putor and ,lfr. Frederick RobltHl' of were gUests at a luncheon given SuDda,.: Rail, Day and Bome- New YorkCitT, aN sPIDdh... a today by faculty of Central cominc will be ob.....e. On Dut f.. ..,. with bavtq high. SChool,. Xenia" in honor of Sunday, The SUDcIa, IChooI will beea .u.ct ben beca... of tM Mrs. Brace, a former member of JDe.t at ":80 .. .aI. lIonWtt their' aunt. lin. AmeUa the fac~ty. worahip at 10:40. Rev. C. B.


















of !ier




OraUHl', a fOrater putGr. ea. atl"'-=====*==-=======,===,,the , " " 8 ' &1m.. DiIdriet BaperID1ri11 . . . I1aort ......, of ~ t.adeat .f tb DdaDe_ 0IItrtet otnmb 1tJ Mn. I. W. Ward, ...m ..... at UdI A. . .. , : ..........


. . . . . . . . . . at.-t .. t1ae



HAPPY HOUR CLUB MEllASTlUESDAY WITH MRS. EDITH GONS November Mee,ina Will Be Hel. At The Home of Mra. Opal R-"OD

!\frs. E(!ith Gons, a~5Ilsted by Mrs. Harl'ie-t Wilson, hostess to the member of tM Happy floul' Club, Tuesday, Octol)er 13. The m ptingo opelled with the $Onl{ " El st B th Tic." TlIe roll c,!lI, an , \' er d by jokes, found tWt.'n Ly-thr members prcsent. ffieel' !Qr the next year were BPlo intcd 8,S follO'\~8: Anna Fu.roa -, I , r ,'~ ident; Roberla Cook, vice prc ~idc nt; Mary Rambo, sec r tary Eoith GonA, assistant secretary. Afte r Il. short business eession a very iTtt resting program of Tead~ ing was presente(i by the proram committee. At the close of the meeting the ho tess sel.'v~ very tl Ellicious and appetizing refr hmcnts. Gu ests fOl' the afternoon were: 'Ruth Satterthwaite, Mrs: D. R. mith., \.n'<. adie Reason, Mrs. Elva Fr~ land. Mrs. J. B. Rich, MI·s. Mary C. CTOSS. Mrs. J. B. M. Milman and Mr~. , L. lIende1'soll . Th e club adjourned at a Jate hour ach one thanking the hosteS! Jor:l lovely aflernoon. The November meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Opal Reason.


- -...


PROMINENT RESIDENT DIES AT fRIENDS HOME Mrs. Am Jia Williams, 79 year!' of age, died suddenly Saturday evening at the Friends Home. She had been i~ failing health for s<. veral months and h ! d recently closed her bome and gone to the ilome to p nd the winter~ !\1r3. Williams had been a resi· dunt of Wnyntl svil1~ about Bev,",,teen years and in ' that ti~ had gaineti many friends in the comM'unity. She was a member of the Methodi ·t church and of Miami Chapter O. E. S, Surviving are two brothers, Louis Robitzer, of Cyntbiana, K,.., an(l Charles M. Robltzer, Waynes-

ville. Funeral ee.-vic.e were conducted by mllmbers of tbe Eastern Star and Rev. G. C. Dibert Morutay vening Ab the McGlure Puneral H.ome and Tuesday morn in, tile body was taken to Cyntblana,.lt»., for burial. C.rd of Thanb Woe wi h to thank the neighbonl, re idents of the Friends Home aad others who so kindly aasisted dng the illness and death of oar and aunt. Charle!! M. R-obltzer and Family

HEALTH -ASSOCIATIOI The Warren county lIe.alth .ad Tuberculosis Assoelation met October, 20, at the Presbyterian hllrch in Lebanon. Mrs. J. B . Sackett presiding. Afoor ~he min'Utes of tbe ' ~t meting wl!-re Tead and approved and the treasurer ' report~d a balance on han\i of H83.58, ~e meeting w,n turned over to Dr. Ed, Watten county health head. Hoe; chose as his subject "General Issues" and gave a very h~lpful and instructive talk. 1)1'. Mary Cook, president of the Wan'cn County Medic&l Asaociatioll spoke briefly of the CODtribution of , time, eJiel'WT ud money of ,suchgrouPfl as this In t ai.s'iI;Jg the. standard, -of liv.inC In' thii;l cOrnll1unity. ' ' Dr. Arnold, secretary pf the Wanen County Medieal AaioeIaci.a.tion spoke,commendbtg tile effort of laymen in aidlO4t doctors and nurses in disease eradication The ",ext meetin.. to '" ,hleb t'h. public wUl be iDvited will be ..... in Wa}'neavllle, ToeIday, Nona. bel' 10, the hour and pt.e. ef mccUne ~ be annouDced Iat4r.



d, $ liS ; ir, moldlnr. RMel Brooks, rttJIt tu.rru 'Otp., I UUI. ¥I.'::J. J. W. Ohio 'entt III Telel1hllnl' .J Ling" lid".·. ·Co .. we t t· ha§l",ts, phone er .. i~l!. 0.75 i Ill'bl!r U. Whil\WI\:h nl' ,.j IHlt Hl\l'.)' bl! POUR!', fly I<llrny. $:! . ~tI; Juhn~ton William ...~ ~y" cluh premiums, whitl', a~ (I\l' l\llibliOIl IIf Yl-llow Juhn~ton. lumber. $M~.4ti; .J. W 500; Wm , E. Schooley, rnile~e, oc hers, UlI\hl'J'~. Vendiull rell, Llnle" IIII we. . " ~ irc, nuil~, $l4.UO; Tht· i.Jew\s Motor Mart Cll. bl,"(I. , nille littiul(, $~.t,() i Lebul)on pal·t., $O .n2; International Hl+r- parul'I'II. mill (II) n ox itl~·, ultrllComm.on Plu. Pro eding \lr h· \·.Ial< Modernizing Co. WOOl' stain, wall- V"ll!l' Co., part~, $2() .41. DHll'UW hlue JI' ~II' -n, bone oxide cl·a:I·,I. \\:lll "PIHU\, II, hid", ~nndpapel', $5.50 i 'J.'he Van. nnll bmw black give hrush wlekl t'l'~ A clivllrc "a~ /.:'runtl'll th.· lilllil'" L. Bl!ck, <! lll'lIlor tlt the amI' tone Co. 4.6U; Ka ufm,.n's "," a chanee t'l nrt\k c whikwash raillplaintiff in th ell"e of Homer \Yy- (''<tut .. {If ";I\)mbl'th Sluwe. ric ens l>oli~h, lacvquer, bJ'\I~h, $1.74; 1.10 at bows. A);(l'icullural engi nem' Onl>: V~ ~Ul\ Rt chI!! \ y' onK. ('d, fik'cI' hi_ in'·l'ntory. Snll of .Tohllaton & Joh naton, sa' h cord, I Ohio Sta.te Univer i y say I>no ~2.4; The Book III t.h~ cat; Ijf Ttl P '''pI • Im'l 'I ty III privllte sale i' nrd lr'd and Inllor, Wllilon of wl\i ' wash will cover [11 tile CI\:<l' uf Howurd W, lvil)l\ Shol>, Inkwell, towels, $10.40; Bui1c1111~, an find ~11Vin~ , 0. 280 square feet of wall ~p8C . M k Vl'r, us elin H,.lid el'$OU, eonfil·tna· l')i~ ullw of lhe e. tu~(l ()f Florence Lc\\'is & Drak , Inc., sand a n d . a es it>tl, \Iced lin I di. tl'ibution werC Thomp~oll. d cUll«'(I. Vl'r~u~ Marie cAl, 22.80; W. • Tut'lon, coal, DepoSit Insurance Cit'lll' fed, Slu>'buck. el a!. ~Je I rl'lI l s- $15: • ·ti~L'watel· San.utori ~m, Change Desirable. 4)1''I( I~ b ..~ 11J1 ."~c"1'W!'l II:'> hospiUtlization of Edw. H nsey, Tn the caso of Tilt' T'CQple's la\.{! Wll~ lll'lll!l'e~. I ~ , n tHo' 1141 ~ 1l!( al(!~ uy J), K lt t!ywood, execu- $106; Lewis & Drake lne., lime, Building. Loan . and Suvings 0, . Backed by th e State Banking! 1<Ifltlc 1$ lwr 10 )' gl\,<"I1 (hill III verSllS Mollit· R. Shi~1ds . ct al. tot' of the c. tat(' elf Lina Baxter, 46.::; .John Law & on, gas, oil, )Jurallnll!'I' f'f 11 HI' fI •• lIlll o n uf lhe C(lIlfirmation, d I'd und dL trihu- dC(;('/'Rd, wel'(' app!' ved. lIe til d I $8.36; The Yale TOWlle Mfg. Co " Deparlm cnt and of interest to ov·1 Vl 1l 1U! 1' 0 111"'11 ur I h l' illt\l!'~ or ery one in Ohio i8 th proposed WI\Y IIl' SV II h ' , Ilh h), '''\' ~ '' '' , 111\ Ih .. hi s th'st account including account oil outfit, 1 j The Lebanon tion w r ordel'l'ci. tnth tlt\y ,,[ N rnlH·r. I !}~r.. ttl,l l lO constitutional amendment which , ,Will I... $ul\JlIlltI'C1 L II "otl' t the ~f p rtilll tiis\.l'iblltion. . ,I itizens Nl\.tjon~1 Bank, checks, appears In lb cas' of The at tho top of th separate P Q'J)le O> f M ill V I!lalf' Or WlI)'I"'''Book Shop, pells,' ballot November 3. This proposall \' IIIt' nl loll Nov e llili I' I'H tI"n to he Dean E. ·t.anley and M lIie $2 .13; Th Building LOlln SInd livings h ·Id In th VII In !f., of W,l ' n \' II1e, ver ' u tyrtle 1. Fo. , t < I, 30 ny . ('xC!clltl)r:! of th (' esta le of $1.25; The Johnson.Watson Com- would make :for greater depositor Ohio, II th l' rc!{lIlnr pi li ,, ~ <It \' ollng n B. r nc , d~cea s E' d fil"d their pany, deed reccOI'd, $36,76: Bar. protection bccnu~o it paves the II\\)I" ' jn( 1)11 'l'lI"H,l rl )' , Lhl' 3rcl 1111" lie day weI' allowed the delcndunt N1, ) \ u\ l cr. 1!I 3 fi , ' llUl' nth, h of fir t !lccount, r tt COml,laJ1Y, fortns, ~6.30; A. D. way for banks to increase their Is",u h ,l<' l,undM uf thl to I'cd m prem ises. RU 1<1 VHlu~ (o ot L. inlPson, guardian of COTwin Harvey, lIf. D., medical services, capital, that is, put morc' of their WUy1i,.s\' II h ', Ulllo In t.h lI'1f1ountt}t rn thc cas of Miarl.1i Valley l · \t ... " " t \,)u l<[Ul{1 I "llJlfH I'OPJ>I!'f, mino!', filed bis $20j Wm. Hufford, washing tOl' own funds in the business to stand ($23,OO~ , O(l ) In,- th" PUI'POR .'f th O Building 1111ti Loan Ass ciation vcr R b l·t cQ ,".t ru ('tlun of u ~llnlto.l'l' "ew r prisonc.>rs, ~40.36; Ahi!, 0 l1a Huf. between depositors and possible I!y~telll su: 1. F, lAli n lind JlJlin Laill. T, nfth /lntl finnl lIecount. III "ltld V I Jl il.1i: <'. n , pl"ll vlll d loss. Sail" by Jo 'phie ). Gons. ad- ford, boardil1g pri~oners. 409.76; E. Barnhart wa;:: apl)ointcli rece! . by lu " -. er. 'l\h u m n>c lmUm nU lnl,,' r o r ' ~IH'" ministratl'ix of thl' s late 01 Elias Griswold Service tation, gas and In urging a "Yes" voto on this c1ul' jll~ "hle ll 8 \Je ll hllnda M '(' to government bnnking auquestion, run I ~~ Y ·IU·S. O{!'l~~ bc(', d cast'd, were appl'ov- 011, 33.62: John Lak & Son, gas, In the cas of The Miami thorities say this chang would Th ' "OIllmuloU " vl'rll ~" l\lldltional y lIuilding and Loall ociati n ('d . La!\; rn t u outshl ur th l' t.'" mil l oil, tirt) repair, casings and tubOll, ' bene1it the public as follows: IIn)\(tltl'lf\ nl! ' .... UrI (\ by (he Lllwfcnce . Voorhi wa ap- $02. 7; The Office Outfitte , VCI ;;\I lay Gl!phlLtt., ai, T. E. 'ounl ,\urlllt", Iii ~ ",11\8. Approval of the amendment ')'ho I'ol\s r r IIl1lcJ I>lccll(m w\ 1I BIn nhnrt \ a aj'lll inled re iver. pointed guardian of , Ralph B. penci l and ~n , $1.25 i Margaret would eliminate Ohio's out.of. lIo ~P(· " .. t 6 ::1(1 (/' o IO"k .A . M. atilt The Clt!;\() of L. 1. Wh ite versus Voorhis. et al, minor, and ti100 Kr tzer, pirts, 30c; H .L. Schuyler date provision for double lia. ""mnl» l'll<m IInlll CI :~ O o ' ~I~1< P. 1\1. tEI,a t ert, S\I. ,1<llIr(1 'l'lmel uf Stlld J ohn 1. M lun!{, till, w,as dis- bond of $2,000 with Slu rebi~e. payroll, $164; ad Dakin, paybility on state bank stock. dn)'. tlli.~. I. Th inventory of M'elvin Waites roll, $246 ,9 0; Karl n 11. cem c'nt, It 'Would cause banks to give Jly or(1 I' or til 1I00"d of :Fllt'o' tlon i!, or " 'un n. 'ou nl y. Ohio. A elivorce Wa~ grant d the plain- admini!ltrator 01 the .state of Ed- 39.95; Th L banon Lumber 0., dcpositQrs greater protection CHAS. J . WAl1GON I~H , IlIllrlno. n " . J [. ,lHTSSt::I.L. (, Iol'k . f nir board lumbel', $234.15; througb more paid.ln cnpital. tiff in th CD ~e of Walt r n. Bigg en F. T ny, decea!;ed, w I>ot,·" I::II'J)t rnl )t ' I' :! Uth. J !J3B, The L. G. Ander on Sons Co., 5UpMore than 99 per cent of all VI'S\! Gertl'ud Briggs. The de- ed. Ot· -tu ' ~2 • accounts in Ohio's state banks W. . Shepherd, ex cutor of th pH 'Ilnd lumb er, $95.97; J ohnson f1Jndallt was gl'ant d th e tate of F lorence E, 'Sausser, d • & J ohn son, lum ber, $137.54; 'the ar fuUy covered by deposit of their minor child. Oregonia Bridge Co., oxygen and insur nce. ,aid for by the c ed, filed hi second accou nt. New Suit, banks tb mselvea. The adjudication and d termina- r inforced steel, $6.9 ; J. L. Dunn ervice 8S mechanic, $63; Ra.yIR its banking rcfonn, the 8 Ev.lyn U. Watkillll fi led a suit lion of the inh ritanc(~ ta.x on t.b of Mira Bowyer, deceaseci, mond Mu lford, el'vices ILl! mower Federal Governm ut removed ugoinst N Ison C. Watkins for didouble liability fr(11ll national vorce. Th charge is gross neg- i to be giv n to all per 'ons· ope'rato r, $36.20: John J . Barr, banks 8S of July 1, 1D37. I t, payroll, $118. 10; J ohnson My 1'8, Twenty.two states now are est d. "THE HOME OF GIFTS" A suit was filed by Ethel BUT--payroll, $101.60; M. C. Foreman, in agreement with t,h Federal Lebanon, Ohio Real Elt.te TrI,n. fera payroll, $469.95; Earl Basore pay· Government in this 'rcspect. roughs against. Jo hn W. Burroughs .for divorce. Too chal'ge i N I Oll C. Watkins to Evelyn roll. $99.10 i V. M. Armitage pay. DOllble liability has mcant EXPERT WATCH gross neglect. Watkinl<, lot in Waynesville. roll, 42; The Van Camp tone lesB than 5 cents on the dollar REPA1RI~G Elmer tJ'obel and Lillian Stro- Co., gravel. $4'l.10; H arold Mal't z'. to depositors. Th Miami Van y Building and Adoption ' of the amendment Loan Association filed a suib' bel to G 01'ge W. Ja,r nigan, real sand and gravel, $129.BO ; Trust S of Public Affairs, light bill, $3.60; would lIot I'elieve atockholders agninsL May G phart, et ai, for estate in Harlan town hip. Prompt Service 10rel ai J . FaI'L', deceased, to The Klinger-Dills Co., 911J1p\i, of liability now aSSCIsed. money and foreclosure. The amount of money claim u was I,. Illra L. Parr, real e:.'1.ate in $17.07; J . D. .Adam Co., scarifier Store open until 9 p. m, SAMPL8 BALLO,T te th . $49.15; R. D. Collett, ,s up· pringboro. 602.61. oc_alJlllol. Lill Urton to ' John S. Fritz and p.lies. $4 .33; H. S. Conover, SupA suit wa fil~ by the liaml ofONo. Valley Building and Loan Asocin- hl1l'lotte V. Fritt, r.~al e&tate in pli s and parts, $7.90; Griswold Service Stat ion, !lupplies, labOr, tion again t 1I1ic\). 1 Kaszyk. et Hamilto n tow n hip. Ask l or a Jame Pile and F. W. Fr~n.z t part and parts and gasoline , ai, for mon" and fOtl.'clo.>urt'. The am!)u nt of m.oney claimed '\VII 3,· ~i10 A. nnd Lucille B. Fealy in1!)t $18B .59; J. W. Liogo Hardware Miamisburg Permanent No. 26 In Franklin. Co., supplies, parts, etc., $179.63; 339.3 . Concrete R. A. 1'0 to Maioie Hayes, et Jam es Service Station, ga oline, A SUiL \\- fill'<l by the .Miami ga olin, \ ' alley Building and Loan A socia· al. 155.76 acres in Wayne town- $12.08; Walter Bot Air Seal Burial Vault $31.18; Waites Garag, supplies. tipn ain , t L , Lain and Julia . hip. For Sale only by tation, William B. ForUage, trustee t o $58.70; Sryiith's Service Lain f(lr money and foreclosure ot mor-!.Io(~ Th amOllllt of 'mo ney George E. Millitze r, real' estate gasOline, $B.40; PI ree's Super Your Fu~eral Director in De1!rfield town ship_ Service Station . gasoline, $17.40; claimed i 3,7 ; 2. Dna M. Pierce to 'Tom Young, Lewi and Drake, Inc., tile and M cClure Funeral Home M.... ri ••e License. inlot No. 36 in Franklin. . coal, $10.64; J. W. Lingo HardI Gilbert. W. Rich, falmer, of Anna W . Lutmer lind Charles ware Co., 'whistle, ' cleats, hooks, Pbo ... 7 Wa' •• '1'iII., o. 1 S oecavill , and Mrs. N.ellie 13. Lutmer to ' Walter EL NeuIarth, $1.38; Miller l1ardware and rurnli Ola SfOl'd, .of Frllll'k lin. real jlstate in Deerfileld town hip, t.ur , Jocks Col.· ' ''ewing ' project, Allen 1'hirkield . department store Rach I B. ys, et al t.o S. C. and 700; John ton and J ohnston. maowner, of Franklin and Mr . Mir- Madge S. Sharp, inlot No. 666 in terial for 4.H club barn, $620.19; Franklin. J . W. LingQ Hdwe Co., 'sh ells, 96c; iam MIlCr ary. oI Franklin. J o epb B. Nap ' r, !anne'f or Benjamin Beckett and Anna W. H. Wl'ight, mileage, $11.16: Garret county, Kentucll~, and Miss Male B ckctt to Albert Mmer and Ohio Central Tel. Corp. , rent and SHALL AATICI.E xm. 5U;TJOI'I " a:JHSTlT\JTION IW OHIO. II£I.AT· E thel Loui Schooley, of Pleas- Hel n Miller, inlot ]No. 133 in toll , $6. !t; Mrs. Helen Dough. IlIc 1'0 U"IIIun Of' STOCJtHOU). ERSM;SO, ~ ant Plun. I FJ'anklin. man inva1id care o~ Clifford , Lester W. Bun el l, laboreT of Anna E. Drake to Ru sell L . .dou hman , $7; Mrs. ha Eltzroth. Frank lin, ~nd Mi s f rances Lo is Drake, real esUtte in Mason. care Alice Larkey, *5; James ~-- --Davis, of Lecbanon. Theodore Spencer et ai, to Grace Moore, $5 i Mrs., Margar t Jone , TRY J obn E. Conover, pressman, of Spencll, real estate , in South Leb- cart! Ollie GardMJ' $5; Mlt-s. ROO... FO" AND CONSIGN " "non. Julia H o.Ilanu, eaJ'e Vemo'n Hon. OUR CLASSIFIED COU.. ~S ,out CAttle, hop .lIe!!p aDd Middleaown, anel M.iss Hin eline, wOl'ker, of .. non KllIII Ellen Abner, to Charles BC/wles a.nd, $10 ; MiS$. Oma Knox, car'e to Noma-Sroti .., llt' a'lid progTeulve ftnn h11)1' the1V1re hlIrhut and Dovi 'Bowles, ; nl ot no 086 Walter Barlow, $11: ~f~s Oma tn&rket pric.. and C9P4 Mme•. Prokte COllrt in F r anklin , Knox, care Frank Ballinger, $,11; U.l_ Shlclr YarcIa' CI..I._t1~O. , Th e will of Lew is C. Guttery, de Irma O. Darby to Eli~abeth '0 , M.... Eldoll Short, care Ruby U IC Tune In on Radio Station' W KY Thompson, inlot No. 62 In Leban Ream, $5; The Great A &; P Tea II :11 to 11 :80 p. m. fot our J ceased, was filed. in court. In the matter of the ~tate of on. Co., food and milk, $334.25; Blair We ' will offer 'for sale at the ' market reporta. Mo~decai J. hrr, deceased, ' it is Mary M. Thom.86 to The Miami and LeRoy, fuel, $16.25; Dr. Luken $tock Farm located ======:l'~ ,, ======~ oraered that a certilicnte of trans- Yalley Building and Loan Associa Edward Blair, medical iii rvices, East of Harveysburg on State fer issue. tion, real tate in ,Franltlin. $17; Dr, Rt>bert' M. Blair, medi- Route 78, Qn 1J1 the clI.8e of Howard W. Ivin s W. Chester Maple,. ex~eutor, to cal 8e-rvic e~ ,5.50; , C. O. Brown, (k'tob_ 26. 1936 e-x~cutox of the estate of Florence G,el1oyieve Watts MIllsbary, et 81 .food, $4; L. ',H , Brown, loo,d '10; Oomm,enclllg at 1 o'clock p; , .. v"'...'''"''',•• deceased, versuS' M~ri e i:nll)t , ~o . 209 in Leb~Hlon. Goo Burroughs, milk ,B J. R:' Coff 25 oJ_ .." Cattl., 25 Slayback, et Ill, confirmation, deed Daniel' Smith, d~ ce6scd; to Mar- man, food , $44.60; Cohn's Grocery COMisting of 15 ¥itch C()ws. 1 tha Schnell, et ai, ' 130 acres · in food, $3; Fred's store, clothing, two year old ~eifer du to freshen nnd diatribution were ordered. ]n the 11lattel' of the estate Harlan ~wnshlp. , $11.88; H. C. George, milk, $9.90. JanuaFY 7, iQII'd 2 Past Yearling Mordeca i J . Fari:, deceased, transMartha Schn.ell, deceased, to R. B. Gilmore ok Son, food, ,5.50; Heifers; also Obl.\ervers Advocate 35B339, t el' of p roperty tio wid ow was or. Cal't'ie Hutc,hens, BO acrea in Greenwood Dairy, miJk. $6; Dr. A HarJan town hip. . D. Harvey, m.edical services, $35.- sired by PalatiM's ;Bowlina Lad dcred. Sales by Dean E,. Stanley and Samuel Funn~n 'Gallah.eT, de- 50: Mrs. Leonard Hathaway. milk a.nd out of The Silver a.n.d Gold Me ll ie Rye, x eculor of the cease d, to Elizabeth G. Tbompson $3; Bertha Hiries, food, ' ,3 i W. A. Medal Cow Observer·.s Golden estate of Frank A. P~nce, d and Irma G. Darby.. lot in Leban· Hause, food, $'36.50, W. E. Hqm· Maid su~, one of the high produePhone 78J . ed, . were appr,oved . Sale bill on. phrey, clothing, $22.64.; nuf- ing (lOWS 'i n the e. F. Michaels ordered recorded. ,Superinrendent of Ba.nks of man's, clothing, '43.62; Kautz.' ,,' Herd at BueyrUII, Ohioj also one ' Sales by Dean E. Stanley and State ~f Ohio to R. 'E. Phillips, Grocery, food, $28.60; l{1r:k &; Pal!t Yearling; 1 three months old Mellie Ry~, executors of the ~- lot in Franklin. Osborn, food, $6; 'Loveland Gro- Bull, both sons of this pt:Oven I tate of John B. Pence, .deceased, CI!1')' Co" food, $12'; North End Bull; also NOTMY PUBLIC weT approved. Sale bill was or· Billa ,Al~"" Grocery, food, $15.25; Lewis" 3 Past Yearling Bulls sired by N.....&I Beak dered recorded. Blair Miller,,' gasoline, $28.04; Drake, Inc., fuel, $3.25; Dr. E. Bindle's Lily Ox!ord tad an ImWille Dr... • • Ee.... Sauw In tbe -matter of ih ~ ~sta~ of Bercaw's Garage sup;plie.s and IrIl8- McCall }foms, gla88~, ,20; ported IhDam Son of Anemone's WAYNESVILLE. OHIO John B. Pence, deceased, six o}ine, $26.13; Toshiel!' Service 'Sta Mason Mar~et lOA, food, U7.60 Lily Oxford ' and Bindle's Lady an months additional time ,was allow· tiol1, 'gasoline, $9.0'1 i John Law & Morrow Feed" Su.pply Co., fuel, "Excellent" daughter of Bindle. .! • Son, gasoHn,e, $~7 ; 39; Gordon Ser' $.13.70; Schwartz's Grocery, food The Luk~nll Hel;'d has qualified ed fOl' fhe oollection of assets. uecutors are ordered to pay eom- vice, station, gasolin~~, $40.63; T)le $18.60; 9hrls Murph.y 'lGA Store,· as a Gold Medal Herd in the Ohio pensation to themselves. Attorne'~_1 Kilpatrick French, Motorcar Co .., f'<lod, $80. 25; MurphY.s Mark~t, D. lJ. I. A. by a'v eraging over 4 V" • ""',.," . 'M Qj • fe es were allowed. gasoline, ,i2.26; W. ,[I\.. Hau~, ker food" $6; Robert Reichel, ! ool, lbs. B. F. for tbe three past years Ti e inv entory o! C. Donald Dila os&ne and gasoline, ~: 15.()9; Frank $13.75; J. 's. k1cbardson, fuel they have been on test. The Bud'. POR IAU tush administrator of the es.tate of Sherwood Co., 'nails and gasoline, 60; W. W. Shurts, clothln.., $5.12; man Herd whlll' nQt on t4\st a~e Loujs M. Ertel, deceased, was ap. $14.73; The Cincinnl&tl Oil Worka Sibcy's Dairy, m.ilk, $4.96; Terry's from excellent producing atrains. FOR SALE-'-Duroc male pigs. V. proved. 00., labor and gMoline, $16.78; A Grocery, food, ,5; Traer'. Gro- Both ~cta Ban •• Dd T. B. T ...... Davia Lebanon; R 2. 08.15-22· The inventory of Robert E. C. Murrell's Flillnl' ~3t.ation, raao· ct>1'}', milk and food .. $8.25; H. E. S_ fold... for furt"'r _tails. Mooney, administrator of the ~ line, ,26.97; ~ n Vu1e&niI- Warwick food, $12.25; ' E. White- ... 'Head of Her_ ... FOR SALE- Estate Heatrol. and tate of Grace L. Mooney, de- ing & Tire Co., J upplies and nack, tood, ,6.50; GEo. B. John1 Brood Mare in foal, 1 ext;r& Monarch Range. Frank Brad. c~ased, was appI·oved. gasolin e, ,5 .93; Sidney Markwell, IOn, stamp. andte\ephone , rent, good throo year old Gelding well dock, R. R. 1, Waynesville. 022 In the matter of the estate of ga~, $2.22; Gross Statio1\" $9.20; Dr. Fr,ank A. broken, and 2 Yearling CoIU. ' John Edwin ROB, deceased, distri· gasoline, $76.76; lI'8ddox, medical ilervicellj ,31.1i0; Dr. 14 Pu.......- P ...... CW_ H... FOR SALE- Nasca 011 Heater, $5.00; ~erlection Ou Heater, butioD In kind is ordered. gasol~n'e, $17.65; Ludinr- Sterllng Stahl, mecUcal 7 Boara and 7 Gilts .ired by III the. es~te of Harry Sprong, ton, *,,-olln.e, Borden'a '11; Orol8 Servtce StatlOD, M. C. Brown'. and Son'. :PrI .. ,6. '7~Lto $8,50. R. D. CoUe~ d ceased, aJl6W&llCl! for lep! and Tire Battery gaaoline, live1'1 Surplus commoditl-. $.&.156 Wiunln&' Boars, alao 1 Grade Sow HardWare, Warn_ville, phone 99R3. extraordinary s ervices -114 '24.26;' Trua. AifaJra, Columbu.a Blank Boell Iffg. Co., to farrow before day ot-Iale. pense incurred wal aJlowed. Ohio poor reli,f bonda, ,",0: Trua of 200 BaI.. of Alfal1a Ray• Pearl Ellert, .dminiBtratrix of Cener&! Tel. rent. PubHc Airalra, electric CU1'NIlt T . . . Caal ~he estate of Reuben F. Eifert, de· WPA olBee, $.a; Cenen1 tamiahld, '&.17; Itroeer WK. A. LUDNI ceued, flied her .davit in Tel. Corp., tou., ; 01110 and W. CIL\8. I. ~!,'JU~;;~: of aeeouaat. Tet. •• Ge. . .





X FREDJ.HAGEMEYER For Commissioner Warren County 1'01. AOV'. -



Scott H. McClure R C!publican Nominee


Election Nov. 3, 1936

Adv ,-

For County Auditor

......... ".1 •• " ......

A. M. 'Parker Audi~or

By Appointment

Candidate for Unexpired Term Election:


Nov. 3, 1936



County Commissioner

Now Servin, Aa


Cary' Jewelry




V M ote on ore De . Sal


Republi an Nomine

Election No . 3, 1936 \ _________________________




Since the vacancy in the Auditor. Office occurred, too late for aominatiou to be made ill the Re· publican Primary, my DaIIle will appear ooIy in the ladepeadent ColuJDD 011 the GeoeraI Ballot. and to vote for me a c:roaa (X) ahoald be made ia hont of m~ Dame .. indicated above. A. M. PARKER Lebanon, Ohio. Pol.




P' bl'" Sa Ie



QuaUty ,P rlatlal




Centerville, Ohio




The ••ette



----- -._- -

News -


of .peclal tetepboll8l, mU'lned bJ time party di . ion ."' c(mc.rntd that Frank Kent hal , .... experienced personnel, will be InIL is all tb rc LIt to th campeirnstalled in t.he ~partment (If TllI~t iM al. (I tru,' uf the plat form~ that if thpl"(' 1Ll'1! enou&,h anti-New StatE>. County bouds <If election Id 11.·1I1('l'I'"lI.. plcli for Deal Detmocratd who 1ri1l awltcJa ISSUED J:VDY THURSDAY will send in the returns for all tatc . rivht~, l'lt ,ha I)('"" n IIn'tty to Land')n he will win: If there are national and state candidates in w,,' 1 droPIH.'d, lIno thl' HCJlubllcnlll\, not, Mr. Ru ollev('lt '.~ rcelpction ill II OIie. PII... .. .... ,. ............ No. 11111:Dt_.4 at Po.totll •• at. WaJIl.. group of ten pr~lncts or more hIe 1l"g'anizntion of O UI' ~cho(ll who Iinee stclt/el fell' more c rtraliz- certaillty. SUblcriplloll Pri••, f1 .10 .. Year "llIe. OhIo, ~;'''4 CI ••• lIall and t ho figu.r C.'l will be relayed t.o aud \\ . wCluld £. )1 hearlh1'Okl'n to l'cI gOI'I /·nlnt·lIl. HI'I' now standing -~ --a battery of accpuntants who will find only It AllIllll h~rn (,ut. fl11' I{>."~ c('ntraliz,'" gm'l'r' ltnwl)t, o TOBER 22, 1986 cornpile tOt&.ls for all s«tions of and rest, eX!!l'cis IUfcl good AglI~n, w' art· invitin~ you n of Lhll higll'\J~t "incalrul================::S::=':::=""'=~::-t-==:::C:===---- the stn.te. The totals will be made postUf<!, and cleunlineKs WCI'e the bl'illg youl'~elves nnd your spirit to nhl s" is, now mony vot 'r' hay/> available at on<;e to neW13paper highlights 01 It Health discussioll hrinp youl'~ Ives and you r spirit to 'hiIted th ir party nll('ginnc in THE MISLEO) PUBLIC men, news gath ring agencies anti b", OUI' III !!tillg n xt Friday . thl! las tli\'! yt·ar.? Ih 1~ 3~, a .T Margi to ra d io statio ns for benefit of the Icd rnOOlt effi ciently numhcJ' of 11·n.clinK RCPllbii an ~ public. Du!! to the unusually ~vy Gmtin at the regular h lOW 1'0010 The ChcelrinB Squad desel Lcd lloovel' Qud Clllnt! nul fol' , It some of our Icading political IighU! are -co rrect in their aSRum p"Round nnd rQund she goes and Ro oRevl'lt---nnu Hoover took OrlC tlOn that the cost of cl'l'Ctric power ke ps 'tJhc poor <;itizen awoke registration, which indicates a rec- m~ting of t he first section of the This I. O. U. Can't be Dodged orc! Ohi~ vote, the returns are ex- 80ph mores, Thursday. She !'.tre~Red wh I' she st~p,- nobody knows." of the. wol'"t, bealing~ ill h i.:;to ry. night. Wondering how Lo pa.y the bill, it would seem that the American John Smith speaking: "I b~ve poopl wouici Use as Iittl 01 ctricity a8 possiblc-.and use none at all pected to be slowed up some~ hat. the n d of II d finite he~a lth IJr-O- '0 , MajOI' Bowes wasn't II guest In 19:3 , a nUmbOI,' of leading But the boards of election and the grsmfor oUr school in a.lditlon to at our A .~se mhly ]lUIt Friday hut D mocrals have tl "('rted ({lIose· wotked hard, saved a little, and where a suitable substituto was avaLlable. precinct officials throughout th the educational on , Thll imm(''< li- w did copy hi s amateul' show velt anel come ou\' fut' Landon always pay as I go. I am not In Bu t: the AI1'l<!rican people art' u ing more power all the time, and state will do all t hat Is physically ate r 'sponf\ibility of our haith, it when w students chose our I:hcer and 'veryonc i Sll ~ culatin~ .HI tu debt-don't owe a cent to anybody for more purpose.s appnr ntly the poor saps thInk electricity i ch<!ap how many f uLlowers they an tum in tho world." John is m.1staken possible to rush the l'etUl'nS was <;ited, depends upon OUI'- lenders for t.he yeaI', and canvcn' nt a.nd don't r alize th yare being driven into bankabout ' this. None of us are with. Seeretary My I'S promised . I~ selves, For we I,110ne mU!lt be con· The juniOI' high tied the againKt t he ;New Deal. ;ruptcy by th ,ir pow r bills. M ust a,gogre. ~i\' !; D mocl'lI.tic out debt as long a s tho public debt w predicted by George M. Nel- cet'ned about it in order that it be senior high wh en it came to Dur\ng the . til'NL half of this year, 132 representa.tlvCI power , fner, chief statistician in the De. pres rv~d. vo.lume and spirit in yelling under Il nti- ew D al r is Al Smitb-it ill exists, and this wlll have to be paid cornpanleJ! sold 22 PCI' cl!nt mOI'e domestic 'llppliances than in the same partment of State, that aPl)1'(l)(iSpecial home room activities tht' abl I ndcrsh ip of \Wllrtha fell in some quart fll tlvlt hi in , \hI! form 01 taxes. period last YCUl', according to EI~ctricl\l World. These appliances , t() mately 2,800,000 voter s will cast and the purpo~ s of home rooms Martin an(1 Roxi Molyn Sack- , pc('ches denouncing tho AdminisThe national debt I. now $2'10 gcthC1' with increased u e of electricity for lighting, raised annual ballots this year. An avcra~e in- were discussed in a formal meet- elt. Martha is back this year on a tJ'at i() 11 may shift a vast number per c.a plro, and locnl and !!tate debt dome tic cwrre!1l consumptiun un IIvernlfe of 10 per cent. crease of ten per cent in th.e ro- ing that fo.lJow'Cd . return engagement. of v()Ile... Ex·Senator Rce tl is is $150 per capita-a total debt of Fut'lh rmorc, our misl d citi~ens bought appliances which are n'ot gistration of voters for the 1936 Upon the appointm e nt Df Robert Ruth ollet! and Robert Hiatt rU1othcl' D m Oerat whose spooch H $4~0 for every man, w()man and only xpensive in first Cbst, but afC big current users, They bought 27 " In ' compari son WIt ' h the Hyman as president of th.c hom w Te th Ii r t pnze . 'w inners £ClI' I Opp· o.~lng R oosevclt a rc mol' bit or child. [t John is the head of the el ec t Ion p r c nt mor' electric I'Iln,;es, 23 per cent morEl water heoa.ters, and pI'esidentiul election in 1932 is room, the secono section or the scnior high and will start on I even than those of the Repuhli- a vernge family of four people, ho 17 per cent mol'e re{rig . rators, 1.0 say nothing of it'onel's, vacuums, indicated in a. compi latioll of sopho mor s launched plal1lS for the theil' amateur tour on Novem~r cans. A cMsiderable list of other hns a debt of $1,680-and thIs 1a clothes wash r s, etc. advanoo reports from county years work at their m.eeting Thur - ' the thirteenlh. The basketball J efl"ersonia1\o lJem oc:ra who are II. first .lien on his property and his carnin~9. . Did t hcy buy thc&(; becau se th 'y had to? Well, the .old -fashioned bQ.a.rds of election, Mr. Nelfnel' day .. Louise, Sinclair was chosen t II.m will make up the upporting foll owing suit eould Ix- mnc,le. lce-box is still obtainable, there are many types of water h eaters on said. as V1Ce-pl'eSldent and Opl~1 Hender cast or should olle say the llUpOn the other hand, not all of Coopers ti" .. the market . burning everything from 011 to old magazines, and gas, • • • son as S<!crctal'Y. Wylodine Kurfis.~ porte d cBSt'-at the first honored the ons ervatil'C DemDcl'ats have. wood 'Ilnd 011 s~ove..'! ar n't difficult to find . And we managed to press State civil service examinat.ions was elected to th~ office of general city, CentervilJe. left the New D 'n!. enatol' GIns. , Farmer ' cooperativell (lealing clothes for qUIt u While bdore elc.etric ironing machines wel'C in- WI'11 be con duct d October 28, 29 salesman. H'h ' a s b·Ig ...tJ Ii gut' all we h " 0 15 ave'In in p ultry nli . pou l~ry products in vent.ed. and 30 for cleven pOllitions in the The meetin~ concluded with a re- Senior. Give Their Alma Mater nat ion I PQIiLics. tuday, has an- th marketed $69,nited Stn . The truth is ~hat the Am orican peop bought the new applian- classified service of the state, it port and a disc ussion of l.he. purFarew&ll Gift noullced the . h wi ll support 000,000 worth of prOd~ce in the ces b cause .th- .Y gl~e a lot of servic for very little money. Apparen- was announced by Chairman W. pose and possibilities of the "What is this f)\oder.n genera- Roo evelt, eve n though he ill ( 1)- last marketing scoson for which tly the pubhc, In . plte of the sweati ng politicians ref"ses to tak th ' Francis of the civil service com- Sportsmanship Brotherh ood in our tion coming to," i a question thllt pO ' ed Lo most Aclmirlist.mtion records Bl,"e aVflilable. Thill W>8S a " h'Igh -COII•... Of -powel' " b ' ,... e e og y serJously. mission. The tests are for assist- school. may "pop" into your minds wbet!. policics. Reas \l : He 'f E:ls that if gain of $16,000,000 from tho ant supervisor , division of Itublic.a,. you .I earn that we hav a radio in RoosQveit is r el cl lI, D mocratic preceding yl'ar. There aTC 164 of · D epartme;nt of Education' Society sc h00I , w her there is to be Senators will reassert th.eir in- the e cooperalive a oe iations in t tons, d pene Ience, ' "ill . not have to uncri' Miss Eighth Grade of Room 2 quOIe t· an d St Ud y. .depa r t men ta l c Ier; Og warden k d th nation. ~f thfi Th 111 " IS qUIt.e . . II y obey White H ou e ord(;-rs, begAn the social activit,ies • ~ v truc, but a tlca In Ath ens, Ca1'ro, II Clerk, Columbiana H iH in, HarriSon and Logan year by entertaining in t.heil' home ~1.arjori Earnhart, representative because th PI' ident cannot run es; map draltsman; ngineer room Wednesday, tbe schou l of last year senior class pointed again. Anoth ,f Jeff l' onion 8:00 Year 'Round Club M ting&--Misll Hulda Horst., Asst. State ' rnanagemen t age nt; house faculty. ~u t, 1't bas many education al n cmocrat who \~iI1 speak for the 4-" Club Leader. t.her at' the Hamilton County Show YS -h J S . . values in "The Sch~ol of the Pr'1l!ilieni is. cl'etary of State 8 ! 10 Vo ational H:9me Economies Progrtl~-Students, North High ' 1'lIh",.,..,1 os ' sanatorlUm; . our c: . 00 p.r.t A 'It" program and various . elevator social II ul I , a eabin if, mcmbet' who ha:; SChllOl, Columbus, directed by Miss Opal J. Matthews. In- inspector; food and dairy insPEc,Th e Sp()rts~anshlp Brotherhood scienc programs for students, constanGly grown in pl'estigc evC,ll structor. Eswine, tor; plumbing inspector. and WIll meet Fnday, October 23} to I am sure we undergraduates ~ince his appointm nt, 8:20 hio and t.he Log abin Campaign of .l840-H. E. otthollooic urgeon. The eumins. we1co~e ~he n-ew m mbers of the wiLl find this 8 grent aid and bencHowev ", it. is bey nd argument flistorio.n, tions will be held in ' Columbus, orgamzat.lOn . . We have been re- fit to our school, .and con ider it that the ' defection f old.line OTJOE 8:30 M~tlon Bwck, Entertainer. CI veland, Cincinnati and Toledo, ~ear Ing speeches lor the wolcom- v(>ry thoughtful of th seniors to DCll1QCI'DL' from N ~ Denl ranks 8:4.0 Farm Home f'eriod; ClothIng Chat-Mi$S E(lna Callaharn Ext. D tailed i n,orm ation may be ob- IDg of tho largest and most relia- prQ8 nt us, su ch a useful gift. i worrying the heads 01 the " 1 t S • NoUco 1M h('l"ehy given thnt In lothing pe inUst. Our Homes .and Families -.: MI'S. taOl,ne d f rOm ~.. ...,e CIVI service compar y. 0 IS the d .c etion of old- l'U"S\" of (L rmmlutlnr. of the H len MOllg y Jordan, Ext. Home Econ. . ffll Ion. Co lumbus, Chairman line Democratic newljpapers, l\uch Council of lhll VIlI(LgB 01 Wayne.· v V It by unpI'eJ'udl'C" b" vll1~. Ohl" IH\.lJ.~eA on the l' tl) da 0:00 WOSU Orehestra. rancis asserted. Cu 0 s"rvers. as the Baltimore un lind ~h St. or S pn'm/ ... r. 1,936, til ,re ;nL b~ F • • • It also used to be that Demo- Louis Post. Dispatch. nd so I' lIuhmltte(J to lin" (nt IU IHled 0:10 P~ultry Pointer&-- , M. F\c.rguson, Ext. Poultry Speci~ist. of s:~1tI IIIngo th e elector. general 9:20 Why Butter Quality detcr.m'in e Cream Pric& - Edward E. Deadliest of a.I1 childhood cnalic C8.ndid ates-dismi~ing cam th~ deIecli\ll1 of prominent ,!>ubli- t!1I'cHbn In th VlIlI1gB of Wayne.· Jack on. ream l'luling Division, Ohio Dairy Products disea es for the boy or girl undor Politics hold just about all the paig ns, such a5 those {l'f lV20 and ci$ts who wc;!re Co,, RooS{JveJt in ~~~~Ol!)(l~.I<J'l!)o~_ ~~e ~1~~lIt?~.r A sn., Colum us. five years of age is whooping headlines now. Th 8TeAt day, 1024, th. h Rellublieans /IlSIlIIIg hOllds ot Il It] 1l1ll'.l\'e In'th. had thill which I t' d b 1932 hand are lor Mr. Landon now 8um of . ~a.e)OI).OO for ]llll'lP<l8e of 9 :90 WOSU Ol'ch()stra. cough, according to Dr. . Walte-I' N oVE"l'}'lber 3, is just ahead and the c e ec Ion CIIlC even e- of w om Walter LippOl n is the PIlYlng thl' "1IIag '. pmp()ttion ot 9:40 to 10 Neighborly 1ie lps wi~h Country Life Probl ems,-Group dis- H . Hartung, director of too State candidates· making ;heir big fore the nominations cou ld m t prominent. ~~~:i~,vc'i~~g nl~ v~~~~'ea~ncJe~~~~ cUlIslon with Ru.r I ociology pocmli ts participating. Department of Health. Althou"'h drives, the editorial wxiters awe , count on carrying some of the big AlJ the poUst though lllost of Work:s Progre8 Administration. t S1UJti~tics for last year are not yet r wearing out typewriter ribbons which Slloh b(!odll of willy4>ara rUIl • seaboard'In d uS t .n'aJ sa t t es. T 0 dI,ly t h n1 show Roosev It leading,show rUrlng Til maximum nllmber a vailal..le, i.n 1984 there were 301 the poll maker ar" bn~~y 24 hou"': Rooge-vah trniling that mallY voters who were 101' aI' bw~nty~(lvl'. a.nd lax thorato eRUmated .~ most poll h rl\"(' a.cjrllt1OJlRl outBlde 0 d. eaths in Ohio from thi& disease a day, and the. political analvsts ,states,bett and 80mh think him t jn. ] 932 are again st him now, the Ilrtlllotl'ln to pay til" g tInhat. uc he hll to Th tnter10at mill th('reon a nd r uUr~ the ,.ame . In all ages, of which ninety-two are growing haggard SEle king to a er c ance a 1S natural-in that y ar, the I\S cnrtl fled by tho Oou nty Auclltol' p er cellt or . 278, were c.h Hdren f orecast the winner. car~y ~en. n~YlVo1ID~a, which has not Uepublicau ranks wore the thin- ~\':!I"':I';, 3pOr~I~~~~. prone dollar or !....~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...:.:...._ _ _ _ . under five. The second most fatal It has been many a l{eaf since cas Itse cctonaI- vote for a ne t in recent history. But the Thoso wttD voto ,In Invor of the "v-o.;lO'le.u "childhood' 'diseases was political analysis was so c:li flicuJt-- Democrat in gen erations, than PC!n~ show that thel' al'e som ~;'~~::IIJIO:h~ Ift~I~~ t~rlfr:nd. ~~ COLl!MraUS Extensive Pl'e-, by Secretary of State George S. scarlet fever, with a total of Or 50 hazardous. Reas n for that New York or New Jersey. voler:~ who voted lur })oov()r in ' \>1'1.nt d on th If ballots th words' paratJons .... pid diss mina. .~ "'y~ BO'h Bond th'leall " "l)cJ ·tholle have wb':' • . 'for the ,_ " " ,.. ThA '" county board S 0 f eI 'lC. 22 4 deaths, of which. thirty-three is that this year a great llUmber of • Mr• Roose veIt an d Mr. 1(""2 ..,. wh 0 WI'11 vote fOI' It .:'F'l>t .... Ot tile) IJ.1\'Q,lnst ~ /.In.m~ · IIhll.lJ il.on of the returns f!'Om the elcc- tlon, as in the past. are aaaurl'n wrJtten fJ~. prJn t ~"on " th 0 Il' ballot. cent, or seve nty-five, were what are termed "political incaJ- Land on are """'kl'n g to a"pe .' a.I t 0 thl 5 yeal'. _ "rr tion 3 .are being made wholehearted co-open.tion. A unit children less than five years old. culables" arisen. '1 'ho in. voters in all camps, are trying to So thi s .vastly important. ".Agnl nllt the Bonel Fatalities from whooping cough ex caleulables may make past prcced- make t heir campaigns as non- "incalcuJ.abl " is Lh bigg st topic Da.l~d~, PI~':"1'ir-fN&~~sl~r·Clerk. ceeded those from diphther' by ents worth,less. parti n 8.l po.ssiblc so far a oil of t.hought now. It is so important 0 O_f _\h5~2~lI1age of WaYnesville. o.


--- ...


In TABLOID • • •

F arm


7 alks, October 26


p '




;r=~~~~:-::~::~~~~~~~::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~: . est t e ews D.·reet B





f h N From the Ohio State Capitol





84.2 per cent and deaths from measles by 103 pe-r cent. • .. . ' Examination for drivel' ' licenses of applicants 'under eighteoo, applicants with physical disabilities and ·tbose with less t han one year's experience will start November 2 by qualified members of local police departme.nts and by s tate highway police at locations in rural area, It was stated by Regist-rar Frank West of tbe bureau of motor vehicles. The examination will consist. of two

Fot' eXBntple, the old party lin 8 may not bas been broken, but they certain,ly have been ba.dly b en~. Outsid of the South which is stilJ · Delnocrtp.tic, and New En~and which is strongly RepQblican, matteI'S are chaotic in the extreme. rt used tjl be thaI; the Republican candidate~, even in close el-eetioJl , could <:ount on the far w~tern. states, with almost absolute ee~inly. Today the Pacifil! Coast states, alloJlg several borde:ring state 1 are ' g nerally conceded to 1\I[r. Roo~e-

possible grade qf fifty per cent on each . . Registrar Weat estimated that approximately eighty-five pe.r cent of Ohio's motorists have. already obtained the license that will be required after th~ first of Novembcr.

Clarence CJlawf~rd and family, . Harold Kellis ·a nd. .family, Mr. 'and ' Mrs. Franer atld family, Mr, and Mrs, Ernest Slheets, MI'. Carl Smith, Mis" Flossie Fire. and Mr. Lawrence Mulatt. ~efresh­ menta were sandwiches, ,coffee and fl'uit. .

pu~~~~dpm~~~~~ ~'

• • •

•• up. aDdUr

f VEL BUDGE1---$30.24 That's What it Cost to Heat a Five Room ST£ELOX

Home the entir.e winter I.alt year. . Build a STEELOX home NOW and Ipend next winter wrapped in a blanket of Rockwool. Laugh at thole . wintry blalts which are jUlt around the corner. Write or call DISTRIBUTOR C. H.I:JONE, Lebanon


Although Ohio crops ' suff~red severely as a result of the drought Mr. a.nd Mrs. Ed Burton of favorable September and early' Elyria, spent the w~k·,elld with Oet-Qber '\V~ilther boosted the pr-os- their parents, ·Mr. and :Mr/l, John pective state yield three per cent Rye. . over the Sept&mber 1 estimate, I Mr. a~d Mrs. .Howa.rd· Bepm according to datacompn~ by the and family and Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Ohio Agricultural Experiment Elton EV~B and fam~ly spent Station in co-operAtion with the Sunaay With Mrs, EV4nl! parents, Unit d Stoates Deputment . ot ' M~. and Mrs. Jo~n Rye. , Agliculture. A .com yield of . ~~. S. P. Mlcb&Ql has be~ 116,028,000 bushels, compared VISlt.lDg her 80n Elvis Michael and with , 157,508,000 bushel yield a famIly a few days .this w.e ak . ' year ago and with, a five-year Mr .and Mrs. adey Gilbson and average yield of 129,26-7,000 family ~PEnt . Sunday with 'bu.shels, was f~recast', The state's mot~er Mrs. Le-u ' wheat yield was estimated at family. 41,.63,000 bushels with Mr: and, Mrs. Henry Burgees and 46,892.000 buahels in. 1935. The famIly spent Sunday .. "vjth Mra. 1936 fruit yield wa. at iIln extreme Burgess parents, Mr: land,. Mrs. Leu Borgan. low. ____•• __ Mr. Ruaaell RobinSon brother sPEnt Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Dill and family 'Mr. and lira. N. L. Ki&enger Neighbors and friends pve a visited their IOn in Olncinnati a farewell party for Mr. and Mn. few days. HelIr, Weaterm&n and famil, laat Mr. and lira. William Tate and Tbund&l even Ina'. ThOM pr'eaeDt Bon visited Mr. and lrln. Pete were: Mr. aDd. Ben Gruber Runyon, Sunda,. 'llDd tUlIl7, III'. and Mra. larael Henl'J Wllterftaan and family, Soott ucI , ....U,. Mr. ad Mn. B. IIr. and lira. laul 8eott and P. Bartaock, • • E1ria Mr. &ad lin. IlrIvia lite.... .....,,_ ... faaUJ. III'. ad lin. ..I ad tamOr. Mn. C. ad ........ fudIJ~ 1Ir. . . . daqbtw, lb. IIDd .,.... .......... at

\-'''~~__' ' ' ' ' ' '___~~''''-''''''''tJlIIIItti''''~'''''~''''''.'''~~''''''IiJIlIII...,....~....~w-....",iiIrt.';''i!I..i.....tJlIIiIIr~.



go prices ... flut not for

ELECTRICITY While prieea of 80 many . coJDJilodiue. ..... COIl'stantly rudlg it ill satiafyinl to bow ....l GIll priee is down 10 .tay. Electricity, COItiaa Ie..- ...... before, continues 10 serve at ita pneeat'low rate. Now, more than ever before, houewive. ..."...electricity .. their bigest barpin. Take ......... of these low rale8 and use all the eledtieit, ,..



Mt. HollY




~;;qQ;~I&. "'_;;~~..:.r::~.


















Classified Ads. J. T. UPPS ARK


. Mr ..... I. ,

and MflI. el, ell .. \, liu. " a H"1I tu STORM SASH 1.1 '. ' Ii-' \ dahnl' A ~ "n Saturday. l .)11 .•lOli J I I~. A . :Il,. Hll r .~ ck lind BRONZE WEATHER Fc IR P(. lllnd hina f Ullli l\', of 11'111' ),1 'Ivin. call ed on STRIP , ( 1(· lI o~~. Burnett Bl~IS.. Ihl'" 'II\O l h"I, \ 11 . L~lI n HUl'UlOC K H. 'I . W Uytt~· ~yilll'. . I Mr. Il ll d ,\1 1': . •Juh n T, '\ pp 1',' - Sunduy nften lol/n . GLASS AND P'UTTY ;\[i :,'1 Elnlll. llH I'Vll y RIIl'nl Sa tul" ~ lv",1 n uUl rou · C1l.lICI'l', me,, ~a g ~ LOST CEL·O·GLASS ,Iuy nfl(· rnou n IInr! .Sunday wit h gifts nntl tlO\\ I!I'~ TUIJ . (\~:v !It th,'u' L. 1. T - [ n.\;"' olli . block wit h !ehlt i V(' ~ al In! ' k '$vill~, W e Repair W ind ows Mr ~. ll . " J1[ll'~ey. of Leb. .'"IlW while on lil' ~m st. tip <If horne at 1:l5!) G .- h ·cc>t U~ 1lll'Y mn! ked lh~ pus if1I( o f that 1'Ioblhle tfiil \I hit , white _trea k on incl!. anon , cull, II , on n 01l1 (, ffi ' nds annivcr~ary ill m.11'I'i(.> (1 lifo , th il' An8IVe l to namc' '·Su n ny ." RI!Monday aftl!rnooll. J\h ~. 'o ok DC '11 lol'V i 11,' i,$ suW.yn.en'ille. 0 , waui. has. B u rnett, Wa yne viil.." Go lden W 'dtling Oay. Th S' plut)Il d only 0. quiet aoll inf orlll\ll da>'. , _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ ...,;, 5HRS, jOll l'n in g II wh_l· a t the Home. Hu"inl( livl' d thi rt y 01:' t.h · l:!pan Ir. uno Mrs, W,lrn er Peirce of of fifty y e ar ~ in a n Be rnaTdino , WUi>hi ngton. D. ', llIucI a vi 'it to IInu Mr. PII huvi ng b en in the theil' m olh er . Mrs. Emma Pe irce :'l et'vici! of thl' \llll" Fe !' h el l't! durthi \\ ook. Ing nil ' his r C8ide ncc her , retirin g Mr . Eu gl'l\ Fo~t l' r, Mr s. Tom onl y hwt J u ly. th y hu\'(! n)JUlY Fosicr anJ Mi s N~cncy Fos Ler, of Plenty of Fine Qua lity Apples rricn (\s to join in ~h congratuhl- I;' ost er.s. were dinner ~uests at. t ho .O r d er . Tak en for Cider in Q uantities tions. Home SundllY, Ml'. pp is aL 0 along t im mem 1\1I'S. Mllr~a l'ct , 1:al'tin returned b r of t he K n i~ hl s f Pythias and 'IIturdn.y veiling Cl'om a ten day Mrs. Upp of ~a n Bel·nnt dino T 111. visit wi t h rtJIa tives in D troit and 4 m iles W . Jlilmeatown. P hone l49 F. 2 pic, P ylh ian Si · tl! r~, and !~o 11 .Tll ckson , Mi ' h igQ.fI. nl mher of th e DauJ: h l ' l' oJ Union 11 Laura ~outh "' I'la nd, of Veterll ns. MI'. Upp a nd Miss Mary Blltrlo n, Indiana. has become a I<'ishcr wh'" msrd d i n W ayn s- m ~ mbe l' of the Home family f Ol' 4 miles N . ~ VeniA. '11 Oh 'I o, 0 11 that ep'AIII I."".. ,· 22 the ", j nt l'r , ~ State Route 235 , VI !.', l" fi fty yeur a go. Th brid g roolll WI>8 20 years old a nd his b)'id e H). TtlO e yo ut hful lI ~(!S ma y accou nt f or th ki ndne with · which Time MI's. Li 8~ u ~:;-i~d Ir . and haH cl ah. wi th the puir, c(l mbipcd Ml'S, Rus'e ll Sher l'l)d and fa mil y with th e moothn!.':;:! o f their of B ower8v;jl~e, last Tu sda.y. matrill10nial j urn ey. T be ommunity c:lub met W ed· Th COll !I) li v d in Oh io \\;'hile n day !'l ight, Octoib r 14th . M~·. Mr, UPft wa<; conn l'cle-d with the Cha rles B l'Udb u ~'Y ll)ld of hi tr ip Interurban 'flaclioll company (tf to England. Ohio, betll N'1I Dayton lind Colum. Icsdarn a s ie Collett, Li sa bu . Th li PS' one child. !l'S, O. uri, Jennie Gmham, Sadie W. lIel'k Irnth. is the f01'111 r Jsa- Renson, Mal't L vicy, 0 a H arlan belle UP P. wh()';!e ma.nillgc oc· ~l'thl\ G l'don , Nell ie Eaawr. Bod cu I'r ed here. :MI'. H r kelrath i s Miss Kathaleen Gnlhnm enjoyed r gi ·try cJ rk at t.he nn Bcroar· a cov red dish din ner at t he home II ill 0 po to tlicc. T he ir youn g s n , of M r '. Em ma li ne, Thurs day. Dille, i the pp " on e grandchild, They played cards and att en d t.! a L/l.'St eveniTIg' Mr . and Ml'!!. H er- show in th e eV'~n ing.


~ALE 2


li n

\I C"



•• R. 'Gibbons

T . I ~ ph one

APPLES and CIDER Vandervort Orchard S.

Orchard Lane



L, Milton J..,II'. WI\" ulJl(· t o I'cturn t,) , lh"t>! Month,} :tfh " , b.·ing u b " nt ilh w"l! .


County Commissioner P et l.

w ~{! k ~ Uti Ill<:UU llt


~h . and Mrll. l\1l1l'lis Wharton of Lchllnon wer e \\·" "k-end It'll ts or ~rl·. and Mrs. :Iyut! Whart on «nd d\i ughtl' r!', Orl1ll\. Lonlt'lIcl't' W[1.> ill sevel'al tiny, l u ~ t we k. T hcp will b a "{'C"lllion l or the I'l e" (la",tol', R e\ . Paul A ng II lit Ly tle ~ hu l'c h Fritlnl' cv(!uing . EV('ry Oil\' invit ·d . 1 rs . Uu rry Graha/ll was a T hlH'sday of h l' l' bJ10ther and w ife uy-Ior il'l Mr, and Mr~. H CIII'y Dayton . . 1I1rs. eh!! I'll'S Vosler an d little daught t of n ur Hal'v<!yshurg, • p n t T u e dllY aftern ooll with he. !> i~ter 1rs. Donl\ld Hadley af\d daughter. I r. a nd Ml's. . L. Duke and Mr, ari d MI·s. E. B. L ng acre returned Sunday eve ning dter n three day motor tti l) to Tcl1I1CS~OO MI·s. usan lIylor atte nd ed un al l day me.eting of t he Illdies of t he South. P ark hu~'ch in Da yto n Th UI' un ... Y. II'. Harvey BUl'hel mad e a bu.sin liS trip t o ol umbus Tu s· ,


Your Support Will Be Appreciated

l 'oU I'

All Steel For Safety ~

YOUR inve.tment in a MARTIN STEEL CRIB mean.


profits year


year. No feedin, com to rat. aDd' JIlice.

Yau may purchaae crib uuiJs . eparately


the Cibm·

Hallowe'en Carnival Benefit

L vtie ,Ladies Aid ' .at

Lvtle hall 1hursdav, Oc.tober 29 Free Lunch Priz es Given Admission 10 cents


Vote For

' ~1 1's. Alice Trick y ig "'I' ndi ng co up ii! of. wee ks wit h her (Ia ughtloll', Mrs. I rma \Yeetman lind fa mily in Da yton. A nUm ber fro m hel'e aw hirley T emPlie at Waynesv-iIl e Th ater Sunday eveni ng. r Sunday din n \. g ues ()f . Mr. a nd Mrs. Kesle r G rnhllm nnd dllughte l' w re: Mr : a nd Mrs. ATtilur White an d s ons of Cot umbus and II", and Irs. W. A)brigbt und Jackie Hugh es of Wllynesvj])e. ' M,.. and · Mrs. Walter Kenrick visite d 11ss· Ella and lara II


The New Martin Steel Slat Crib offers new profita, cODYeaieace

to. corn ,rowen everywh~e.

Martin' Steel Products Co.. Man.field, Ohio

JOHN C. ADAMS, Local Rep. Phone 59·R.l3

Independent Candidate For

Auditor " Werren County May I Have Your Support Pu).

Adv , -

Waynesville, Ohio


You r· Protection


J. E. MeClar.

-- -


a~ Mdaru~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~::=~~~~~~~;~~~~;;~;~~ Frida.y~ .~vening a.t Ule· gymnasium. Mr. and lr. Paul pargue a nd fam tl y, of College H ill. (!BUM on MI'. and Mrs. G. M . MacDonald li nd f a mily, Sunday . Mr. Ira y f~ l'd i very ill.

ixtee nLh, decided to SJlonsol' a Baby B flub for next yeaf 's f llir. Last y a r 57 Clllolves wer e dis· tributed to boys and g il'ls in War~ r en count.y. Th 'I fed the calves throughout the year and thc-n exhibited them. at the county fair. 'All the calve.s Were old ,a t a public auction 011 the fair i'l'ounds on Frida.y, September 25th. The calve old for an average of $10.07 ]>Cl' hundred which waa about a dollar above lU rket price at that


Th~ Ja il' board exped s place abou t 50 hea d oi calves thl S year. "~itb a feed shortage ~o st catt le WIll be marketed unflmshed n~xt yea I'. Th er fore, good fn~ calves ~h O lllld ~Il 10r a fancy pnce next £all. . Ralph VanMeteT, .chaLrman of t he caU Qlub c,omm: ttee reque .t.s all boys and gt.rls In tere.ste~ 1Il &ecul'ing a ~If tQ contact nil,? or Leste r J . . MIlle,r. cou,nt'l agrlc u ]tu:a~ agent, Lebanon Or H. J? WIllIa ms, secretary of the f air board. 0'

_ _._ _ _


MI', and M'r!I. E , B . Dakin a'n d H owat'd Ma Donald, spent Tu-esdll Y in otl umbus. Member of the Friend's Church of .t h is plae ,~ . a l'e mak ing pla ns for t.h Ce-nt lm nial which ' Will be h eld, NoveJlnb'~r 14th. a t; the. c;lturch , All ar cordially in· vited. .


MI's. Louis Tnoo\p: on ( Mrs, Roy E ll is and Miss 1\lat· y Leah Edwards w el'e j oint hostesses at ' a very 'delightful 1I0cial affair 'S atur daY nigh t at the hom of Mrs. T.homp- , son, honoring Mrs: Edgar Smith, nee Mary Jo Miller, who was' g iven a personal shower oj' lovely g ifts .. Dainty refreshments a dded t o tbe pJeasure of the eve ning. Besides the hos.tes~lC.s 'a nd honor guest there were p.resent, Mrs. Woodrow Owe ns, of 'Sprlngfleld; Mrs. Boyd H endeuo:n. Mr". Vem Simpson , Mrs. Erwin :E:lli.<!, Mn . Mark Rogers and Miss Dor is Sal'is~ bury. • - -

Repair your old one. or ' put on a ' new roof now. Prepare (or winter's rains and atorm.. We have a complete stock of the Hest roofing made and you'll do best by seeing u s a bout your work. Prompt and efficient.




Buildin, Materials of All Kinda

We can supply you with Weather Stripping

c===:==================MI', Waite!· Clal·k. la st w eek , r oceived a Jlelter from J ohn Coates. U. S, S. Rllll1sey' stationed at Pearl Harbor. Hawaiia n IslBh ds, sta t ing · that he had been advanced and ' i n a few months will be a fireman.

Mr. and Mrs. I. 0 , Brown had as t heir din ner g ue t s on Sunday, Mr s. Paul Hau k. Mr. and Mrs. Harold W i1lianillon and 80n, Richar d, of Dayton ; Mr. an d Mra. H. H. Willia mson and Miss Grace Williamson.

--'4> _



Spon'a ored By Wayne Town.hlp Mothera' Club

~ Friday

Eve, October

3~, 193~_



ADMISSION, Achlt .. lOe; CIIiWren Under Hi" SeJ.o,ol A •• Ie BUY A CHANCE ON ONE OF THESE PRI%ES- IIt, ....00 Electric . lroe. Phil Larrick; h4 Table La.f. Wa"ace Food Nltrll., I 3...&, Brid•• LaIDP, Elb.rt Wanace , L,.tl... FOLLOWING ARE PRIZES GIVEN BY WAYNESVIUEA LYTLE MERCHANTS DOOR PRIZE-1st. 2.6 lb, Sack of Sugar .. , .... ,n " Kroger Grocety Company. DOOR PRIZEl-2nd, 1 Evergreen ..... ........ ... ..... " Dub'e Nursery, TALLEST ,PERSON- 1 Change, of on ....... ,....... ... Morria Fulkenon. UNCLE WILLIE" MAMIE, Mer<:bandlse ............ . D. ft.. Smith. , OLDEST IIIASKED PERSON-Cilse of Sweet CornRo.anna CanDm. Co. MOON MULLINS" KAYO, ,2 in. ( lUsh ..... , ., .. , ........ }Wger.. .. Slmpaon. BRIDE &: GROOM- $l in cash ......... ,... ,......... ..... .... Arthur·. Creamery. CLOWN- I) qts. Kendal Oil .. " ...... ·.... ." 1 ... . ' .", .... , .. R. H. Smith's Gaa Station. COWBOY- l · Shirt ,.... " ... " ..... ", ... ,..... " ......... ........ Myer Hrman. GYPSY- l Callie Ham ..... .................... ....... ,.... " .. ;.. 00'1.'. Meat Market. ORGAN GRINDER-l Towtape , .... ... " ....... " ......... .. Sb. . . .•• Ga~e. ' QUAKER LADY- l Te.kettle , ...... " .. ............ " , .... ... F.It1.,. Hardware Co. · 00BO- 1 Carton Camel Cipre~ ...., ...... ", ....... , Walt. Un<k!rwood,. DOC'l'OR-l ga.!. Red Barn Pomt , ................... ....... . W. B. 'MaddA!ft • Company. JAPANE SE- l ga l. Puritan o re.fl er ......... ,.... ' ....... Batph Raltln~. , , . LARGEST MASKED FAMILY- l.tlt, 1 Th ennlUl juarW.Jn.rille rug SteiN. . LARGEST MASKED FAMILY- 2nd. Gloria ,Flour .. 'B...lJle.... Esc anKe. WASHER WOM'AN- l Sear! (Ladies ) ... ' ........ .. A. It. Day. OLD ;FASHIONED GIRL-Sham}XIo. Finger Wave" M.ul",,", Real Art Beauty Shop UNCLE SAM &' MIS S COLOMBIA- 'S cash :..·.. ... l(cClure Funeral HoJlUl. ' AUNT JEMIIIA- 2 41bs. Gold Medal Flour ........ . A "P Grocery. YOUNGEST MASKED PERSON- U .50 cuh ...... T. J. Smith. • RED aiDING HOOD- l Box CandJ .. .... .:.1, .. .. , ,. Kreager Pool Room. GOLD DUST TWINS-2 Hair C~t!J .... , ......... ..... LM Hawke. GSOST-B",ir Tonie or Toilet Water . .. ........ .. ... ,Gl'II.Y's Barbel' Shop. TILLIE 6: MAC-,l in Merchandise .... , .. ... .. ...... Everett AMOS n' ANDY- , l in cash. ........ . , .. .. ,: . .... ~•• Food lIItop. LUM 6: ABNEB-5 qts. Moblloil .... ', '" ..... .... n .... MICKEY 6: MINNIE MOUSE-$l in Groceriea .. . Orallam'., MOST COMlCAL-~ ' pl. Ic:e Cre.m .. . .. , .......... B. JIOC:lI• • • SHIRLEY TEMPLE-,l in Cub . ...... .. ..... ...... .. .~:~,i... FATTEST PERSON-8 mo. lob .. G&I.tte.. [Ij MAE WEST- h._led Percolator .. , ........ ....... g=~~~:r MAGGIE 6: JIGGB-l 1&1. on ... .. .... .. ,. ,....... .... . BO PUP- 'l fa CUh ,... .. ..... ", .............. ... ....



P'AIRY-Box Hudklll<cbiet. ... , ..... , ....... ..

GBOST--(:hickea Oa IPoot .... ............. " ........ , ..... ..



k ll'a th. nt rlah'led a t a dinner ')1i ' Nellie Boe1:'stli!r. of Cin- K o rick In Da n Sunday after- ~~~~;;;;~~~;;~~;;;;~;;;;;;~:::;~;;;;;~~ pa l1ty fO t' the Golde n Wedding coo clnn ati, pent ~ rldDY w ith ?tlr. noon, t he J l ter being very in at ---plo. Othel' g u ts wel' clos, a nd Mrs. W ijbul' Ha.wke. thi ' tilne. They 'a ll\o called at the I . friend s of the Up'p , Mr. l\nd i rs. Th e Miss Lamb of Kentucky. h ome ot Mr. and Mrs. Tbomas ~ . N. Herkel l'(lth, Mr. and Mr . L. entertnin d th r oll.owing gul.>flt.$. Co\li ns Ilnday ~v ening. P . And er on. MI' and Mrs A. B. ~b thhorn tbeilr ~ister. MfS. .?lb. and Mrs. Donald Hadley P?d Bickfor(1 and Mr and Mr " Euge ne Harold Gillam , Satu,rday evening. 11ttle daugh ter attended a fllmlly Our many years ()f cons i ntious s r vice to t he Fogg. tbe fr ie nd s wh acco m· In honol' of 1.h. and Mts . Gillam's dinn er SUnd y at the home of Mr , panied lhe Urps On t heil.. r ece nt 17th we ddln~ annl,verl\llry : Mr. and Mrs. :R alph W ebb at Wih\)ing~ oJ public of t hi' community in itself constitute , . assurmot r trip Lo the nor t.hwest. nnd an d ~{rs. William L~kens , Mr. to n. ance t hat you will get only high grade, h one t who 'ill cel ebrate thei r for ty· an t.! Mlrs. Ross Rart ock. MI;. and M.argaTet John s, in com· 1'1 f uneral merchandie. It i.~ upon t hi.s kind of meright.h w dding annivc l'sl\I'y cp- MI's. Don Hartsock, Mr. and Mrs. party with Mi !dary and Parry t mb er 25. Wilford Cossum. and Mr. and Mrs. ook of Wayn sville Mrs E lizabeth I chand ise, plus th oughtful perso nal service, that we The com pan y conclud d t he harl e ' Doster . mith, Mrs. Ada Dearth and Mr h ave built our rep utation-and t hat repututi D is ewning at the pp home with Mr. Goble o f Springfield, lara Lewis of DaytOn, was a our most priceless ass t. ca l d .lin Bernllrdino DaBy Sun nte rlai~e d lit t he Boy Scout dinner gu est Sunday of Mr. and Ed.- Mr. Upp will be r am e m- CamPI Sn.nd ay, Mr. and Mrs. W . (TS. Riliph L ewi s of ne1lf Miamis · ber ed by older r ead r s of the P. McOarren, MJ:. and Mrs. burg. ~ui1 e a number from here Were Gazette. H e w a so n of ~he flrl1'lan E aster, M·r. and Mrs. 1 te li enry Upp wh o owne d 'an d Charles Easter, Mr. and . Mr B ob I !!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lived 'on the farm bf Wayne~ Gray, M1'. an d Irs_ Bob Stump ville no W own Ii by Mrs. Lydla and Donald and JUlnior Hartley. Sub_iN . For TIle Miami Gaaette WayaesvlUe PbODe 7 Va ndervoort. Tnt> ommunity e~#ub will have ~

time .




The Wa tt n oun ty Fair Bo" rcl MIs.s Barbara H sier returned a t a m eting Frida~ nigb t October IHlrh f r()m Miami Va lley hospital

plete wa,oD. .hed. crib.





Build Once for .Life

ur... and

llft. Kenneth, of "liar non. MI'. lind MI' . Mllrril' Whartull of Ld"IIII'n Illul Lon·n Waltt r )\'·lItu:k. MI'l', Thl'rl .. JUIlt.... Routzahn " f III '/Ir 1l1l.1Il 1~ lJur~. , Ir~. K c ' 1/' GrahulII, MI'S, Luwell ~=~=::-:--~==~-_ Thomn ~ . IiHS .Tl1 lia Cnll1'lut.on,:: Mtl\. Hlll'v l'y BUrlll!t 111111 Mrs. ---------'!"!"--~ Mllflolur t J ohn. 1\11'. Ilnd • h ·M. Clydo Whllrt('l n Lice.u -d Broker an d tluug htl' r, enwrta ined t he REAL E~TATE fo lio" ing ~ ,! e~t" ~l\tur 'lay ev-ulii ng M L·. IIn;1 it·,' , Alb r l Pl' iff r an,1 NOTARY PUBLIC l w o ~ 011 ~ . Ml'. II nu MrA. 11 rb 'l't It

DaytCln bapp" W{'rt' : MM>.

lhl m

.., Eighty-Eighth Year


REV. C. H. BRAUSER WAS GUEST . SPEAKER 'AT M. E. HOMECUMING Ba.k. Dill.... W .. E .. j0y,e4 At NOO1l1 Pro.ra.., Ci'n1l At After._. s...ioD

' MOTHERS' CLUB MEE;TINC The reguiarmeetine of Wayne Township Mothera' Club will be help at the Grade building, Friday November 6, at 2 o'cloek. The following program will be presented: . Song-The Club.Devotion.-.....Mrs. H. H. William son. Busine s meeting. Children'S Program- 5th Grade Chalk Talk- Miss Erma Sears Plano Solo-.Mra. J. D. Bolin. Tap Dance--Rosemary, MUlford ,and . Barbara ..C~n!_ __



Friend.' Home News

MRS. SACKETT WILL Misses Laura McKi nsoy. Reeder were over niight DIRECT CAMPAIGN Eva at the Hom e Tu ellday.

anrl gu .9tg

Mrs. J . H. SackeU" president of the Warre n ' County Tub rcul osis and Healt h Association has again been appointed chairman ' for the Christmas Health ' Seal Sale in Warren county this year, accord_ ing to an announcement rec eived from Columbus . .The sale will IItart Thanksgiving Day and continue until Christmas. The eounty program includea health educa.tion, clinica, case finding s urveys, suppUes for tubercuLosis patient!! and X-ray fllms. Acc.ord ing to the Ohio Public. Health Association tuberculosill is the leading cause of death among "':0:========:;===;' . persons of early adult life between MI'II. JeB8ie Hyman spent Wed- the agell of 15 and 45. nesday with friends in Dayton , Ky

MiAA Frieda Hatvey was in Clarksville today. Mrs. Lena Hart.~ ock join d 0 family group unday nt; the home of Mr. Ernest Mannon n llar Wilmington, t he honor gu~!st!! being Mr. Warren M. Cleaver, of Detroit Michigan. Mrs. Laura Ward Cook ha s returned to her home in CenterVille>. Miss Clara Murphy and Miss Nettie Trimble, .(If DBlyton wer-e


TOBER 29, 1936

Number 6245



200 WOlllon all nclet! th. giv(ln fit the Gulden Lamb in Leba n n, SatUl'c!ay aCt rnoDn, by the women of th e- ROJlubli an committee of the cou nty. Mrs. \Valter Andcl1lon oC Franklin, chulrwoman , presiued. Two ~Un:ing add rcs C!s \I ere give n by ~ rs. Laura Dow Gebby, of Bell fontaine, and Miss Laurn Cool<, .for th e past 35 yem' n r~'d­ eml emp loy at Washingt on. 1111'S. Gebby spo ke 01) state and national issues and urged th women to put forth every effort lo get the R publican vote out J)Mct Tui!sday. Miss Cook, th e daughtl'r of the late Sam and aUie Collett I")ok, of Wayne. ville, briefl y 'd illcul'Scd t he wR .te o,nd extl'Rvagance in he adm inistration of ho val'ious bur aus tllro u ~h the governm ent. She ~aid s he sat in many of the NRA committee hearings when codes were drav.'1l and lIa)\' the directing pla-n back of t hat seheme




~ enl

to MOIl!'.llcltl

Village Sho uld Take Aclvanta.e DE Chance to eet A Sa.nitary

yeur and DocLor \\'a~ Suwerage System pltlCccl nn probation (or two yeat·s. The men wort! charged \\lth At thi>1 Novcmbe .· e lection t he Homeeoming Clnd Rally Day at having l' moved railroad prop Tty vot 'r.c; o( the Village of · WaY1lesthe hleol M. E, Church began, at ville are goi nR to be ask~, 9 :30 with the regular SundaY' "Shall the oun it of th e Village school hour. Special numbers at 0( Wayn . ville iRs ue bonds in this meeting were given by Mary the IImount of *2:1 ,QOO lO take care of the Village's proportion of the Dora Hough, Martha DIbert and Pmposed anilary Sewerage th e eventh and eighth grade clns Project fOI' tho(.' Village of Wayof girls. dinner guests or Misses Brow/Lo nesville ." During the church hour, which on Tu.esday, and Mire. Ada AnderWhat will your ~nswer be? a v ry large number attended, son, of Lebanon callold in the Thi$ i a. clear cut question of afternoon, Rev. C. S. Graulet', supe~ntendent of th\, Church of advnneement or stngnation. Mr. and Mrs. Maynllrd Harlan , Will you as a voter, tur n down ' oj the Defiance DIstrlct, delivered hri t njoycd n Hal) owe'e n soc in; of Wilmington, callEd on thei.r the allotment granted thls the sermon. Dr. Gl'allSer, who will at Grah~e hl1l1 Tuesday eveni ng. aunt, Mrs, Ada JenKims Tuesday Village by tbe Federal Governbe remembered by many people in Born- To 1\11'. and Mrs. Ha l'old ment through the Works Progress F. B, HCllderaon, Mrs. Kathryn Wayne1lviLle as being the palltor dmini1!tratioJl, or will you take MI'II. Adams, Williamsn n, of Dayton , October of the M. E. chllrch at the tim~ Turner and son 'Matthew were of Parkersburg, ·W. Va., and a 2 , at thc Good amoritan ho~pitnj advantage of 't hese now available Xi.'nia visItors, Monday afternnon friend, called to see Mrs. MarfUl'\ds?' a. tlaughtc r. of ita erecUon, W1l1 IU)companiec1 . , garet Martin W ed neBdl~y, while en 1t thi bond issue is passed, it by Mrs. Grauser and Mr. and Mn. MI'II. P41rry Sackett of Bellroute from a vi.! it with their Superintendent. o t schoo l ~ , L. A. I mean~, that to conl5lruct a much I Mrs. brook, wall the Irllest of M'r. and Char1e.s Grauser and children. Firman King, aged &0, pre sident sister, Mi8S Clar a Adams, at Om't onll !If .... GorRt ' nt~I' tain d ne dt;d Sanitary Sewerage Sy&tem . 1. E. McClure over the 'Week At noon a baaket dinMr wal , -end. of the King Bros. Tr:ansportation DeMoines, Iowa. th· membl'r of the fa culty at II th~ Village will only need furnish Co., Cincinnati and Dayton, a lifeHallow 'en PIII'ty, '1'ue ~day .1li~ht. 81'lproximately $23 ,000 of a $89,_ Rev. and Mrs. J. J. served in the baseme1lt to a large numbEr of memben Ind gUeatl. Mr. and MM!. Frank .Marsh at- long resident of Warren county. of Dayt(ln, dined at the H ome 000 pI'oject. The remaining cost s Wayn Township schools will to be sustained by t he Federal Tho afternoon aeB8ion eon,laud tended t'he golden weddIng of Mr. died unelCPe<ltedly at Miami Vall ey' Wednesday. c10s Friday tp enabl th e teachers Govenment under the Works of an informal program made up I and Mrs. John Sheets at Spring~ hospital. Dayton, Wednesday night Mrs. Howell Peirce , M'rs. Lena The New ~nlury lub m t nt to attend th annual se. ion or of the folloWinr numbers inter- I boro, Sl1nday. Surviving are his widow, JlaJ1;sock and Mi s ~chel Pettit PrCigl'i!S Admi nistration. the h.oqle of Mrs. G. J. Smith, FI'i· t he o u~h we; t ern Ohio .T eachers aperaed by talkS from several of Th~sc funds are availabl.... NOW Mr. and Mrs. N. A. King of Isabelle, of Lebanon, a daughter, were among a large company of da~ October 23. Tw enty-two memA. sociaiioll in incinnoli. the visitors. and no as. UI'ance is given as t o Indianapolis, were week-end Mrs. Anna Kohlmye.r, of Franklin admirer 0:( Dr. Du rlley Keever bel" responded t o roll call ott r Vocal 8010, Ernest Earnhart; lfIIellta . of Mr. and Mrs. Walter anti a son, Herbert King, 91 Leb- / and Mrs. X ee\' r who Galled a~ ho,\" IOIl'l' t hey ~~y be ofllered. which. a "Nature" program wns Ladie ~' 2-piece n~('1llbl(' suit, troJllbo'Jle solo, CharJea Fires; Elzey.' anon. ' their home in Qentel'Viillo WednesIf you a..~ a voter, approve tllis jfreatly e njoyed. leaned and pl'e~~ed, 86c.' Men't< Rimry of the M. E. 'Ohurch in Fune~al services were held ~t day, OctQber 28, to e;IC"tend felicipropo cd bond issue at the comln'l' Mr. Has tings of the manag .top coats, 70c. ; childt'cn' winter Wayne.wvilJe, Mn. Dora Ward; MI'tI. W. H. Madden attended the the Oswald Funeral Home in Leb- I tations upon t he occasion (If the el etion it will nlca n an increa se m!'nt of: the Cincinnati .zooJ(lgical co~t, 4,Oc. Quick ](lan I'., Knth vocal 8010, Russell FJ'ank; number funeral of her cousin, Miss Mary anon and burial . was in IM~ami ' fiftieth a nniversary of ir Of approximate ly only 3 mills in Gnt'clens gave a vel'y in teresting I'Yn Mellu nhail Manage r. Wedne1lday, at cemetery. ) marriage. by the choir; readinr, John Van Doran, our tax I vy according to the and enlightening talk concerning ShuJts; \focal duet, Roma and Vir- Clarlceville. l\fr. and Mrs. M. A. Fulk rson estimate of the Coun ty Auditor, _ _ _ _........_.M.,.;..... _ ...._....._._._~-------~--~----- the animals at the Zoo. His talk ginia Hardin. di.nn e 1', Fl'idlly ba ~e d on the present tax valuation Mr. and Mn. Robert Lamb and Wll.s illu strated by moving picturcs ent l'tal.nO<l at ... of property in Waynesv~l1e . Mn. Grace L. Smith visited' Mr. of t he onimal • not t h I ast. inte r ven lng, MI'. and Mrs. J . W. Following 1 !)a!l our tax Tate and Mrs. F. H. Viltenbel:ge.r , Sunesting. of which were uzie, the r. on, Mr , J. W . Hopkins will be reduced ' 1.6 mills due to day afternoon. gorilla, nnd t he li ons and tigers in ant! Mr. T. W. VanPelt th4! fact that at that time the final t~ir new barless pits, Mn. Rose Haynie, Mr., Creagor If. and M,'s. Ernest Butter- p yment will be made on the Glenna Woolard, a.nd then CharleS Mi ss Winifred Nutting then and Herbert Gray of ColumDavis foUo~d ~rjtll a talk on gave a.n insh'uctive talk on ,ani- WOl'th lVere IImo ng the guests a t R efunding Bonds of our Water and Light Pla.nt. With the 3 mill bU8, were guests of Mr. and MI'!. Th~ sllhoo] honor roll .for the "Fl'an.k!in Delano Roo seve lt." The mals from a literary view-point. the celebration of t he golden levy added to the present tax rate J. g. Smith, Su-nday. first six weeks includes: w ~dding of Ml·. and Mra. John progra.m was conclude'd with the Many of her state ments correlated ST. AUGUSTINIt CHURCH Tinney and playing of Sousa'-s " JEl Capitan" Sh eLs at t h4!ir home neal' Spring. it would mean that, aHer 1939 with and emphasized Mr. Hosting's Vincj!nt Griffy, who is attellding Glenna Woolard. ratb. N.wton, ....., th taxes wou ld be only 1.4 mills bOl'O, Sunday. . after whioh Loulae Zimm.~rman ex words. night schOOl in Dayton, hn taken . Junior_Ruth Conner, Vivian M. . at at. A.....-tl.,.'. chorda hig her than t he present rate, or plained that the schooll polls wqwld The bu sineas session folio ed. a pOilition in the oftlee of the Conner, Roy 'C rockett, Reba Eo- be oPI!.J:1 all da y Tue!lday to give 'J\I'J'~. H. H. Ha rper and fam il y ' 1.40 <per thousand. everJ Sunda, DlorniDc. During the oeial hour tho Dayton Rubber Company, wards and Jane Furnas. If you do not approve this isaue each student an opport unity to host s, 8ssistcrl by Mrs. D. C. of 'Culver, Ind ., arrived Wed nesday to s pend a we k With her it will certainly mean that the FRIENDS IIItIlTING: Mrs. Kathryn Turner was a Sopnomores--,Ji41babeth Hobblit C; a vote lor his ch,oice. Ridge, Miss Sarah SmiLh and Mrs . brotlle l'-in -b~w and 5i te r, Mr. ViJlage of Wayncsvijle-, through Sehool at e:ao L m. guest at a aurpriae party given for Freshmen.-Mary Eva LeM.ay, Vern Armitage, sel"\red dolicious Mrs. !If. A. Fulk er:on and lleetI.. tor Wonlalp at 10:8. Mr. R. ·F. natfteld at hiB .hOIn& in Carol Ludington. taxe., sb metime in ' t he future Sportaman.laip BrG,thflrbood l' fres hm ents to the memb ers and a . fat h ~r, l\1.r-. T. W. VanPelt.. IllU t .'! ta.nd tlle enti re cost of the Lebanon, Friday lIight. E~htb Grade--Friella Ellis. The Sportsman ship Brothel'hood /ollo\'ing gu ts : Miss Nlltti-ng, construction of this sewerage . Seventh Grade--Jeanne Baker, Mrs. G. Dibet·t, t he !li ses PERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST Mr:co.. Robcl'l Bllk el', Mrs. Sevetal loea! Kepubli~~ women Wayne Clary, Gene Collett,Helen m t Friday, October twenty-thinl yt."IE-m. We need thi!\ permanent Marne and An nie Browne, Miss Day, MI·A. harles ])a\'ill, MI·K. impl'ov ement, anyon e will grant Carl Smith. IIIntater attended the ..,ecep"tioJl. and tea at Cona, Francia Johns and Mariob for the 8~ond mEetinj~ of the yeal' Emma Lu Lewi , -M s. Ed . Hop· There are forty-two members this PeftJ Thomu, Supt. ot BIble Will TUllny Mel M~. Robert that. Whynqt accept this Federal the Golden , Lamb in Lebanon Smith. School year. Twe nty of them, being new kill S and Mi ss Emma He ighway. Bal< r, Jr., a Lt nded a meetin g, Aid a hd start this work as soon Saturday .ttel11oon. Sixth Grade - Ji!Jlen Moss. members, pledged the oath of addres. <: q by Dr. Carl Wilbach, at a pos;. ible. Bible School at 9 :80 a. J,D, Mr. and lin. Myrl JOMIIOll and Third Grade G1Bllya Rye, lDombership. T/Je n~fxt meeting the cneral D over hot '1 in Wil· CommuDion, 10:'11 ' L m. A s it now appears it is . a plain Mn. Cora S.ker ot WilmmKton, Donald Brown and Charles Dibert. will be held November third at mington, W ed n ' day. Preaehiua, 11 :00 L m. case or the Vill age paying approltwere Sunda, CUe.ta of lira. Ida Second Grade-MildJled Borne, 7 :45 p. m. in thc Gym. W'e expect An.n Weltz and Tonuny Wagner. all members to be pr'esent. Ml'. and Mrs . R. E. Frank will imately 01lc- (6urth of th.e con,.. AYNBSVILLlt CIlURCH op Stokes aDd Ibl. Ada Courtney. attend the annua l me Ung oI th e stru ction costs if we avail ourC....ST MiMe. TriUena and Margaret A"-' .... u . bi o Tcochel" Association III selve ot this opportUinity now, earl Smltla, lila. . . Echvartls leJt. Tueaday' m . oro in" Twenty-one pupils in Mias R_Yelt Wi •• in ScI.ool Election olumbus, FridllY md Irom there or paying the. entir e costs at a • Mr. COI;nelia hiles, 73, Not A DenOlJltnation tor D.lray B..:h, FJa., where Campbell's room have perfect atIn the school ~ lectio n held widow of L. D. ChilcK, who pr ced- will go to Ie-veland for n week- lawr date when this ·improveme.nt the, will spend the winter. tAndance tot' the first six weeks. T\lesday, October 27, the Demo- d h r in deal.h j ust t.wo year ago, end visit with l'elatives. 9 :30, Bibl.' aehooJ. is forced upon us by 'h ealth Y 10:"6, Lord'. Supper. Twalty-six pupils from an en- crats caroc> forward i'n large ntlmofficials. Lunch _ .....ta f lira Gilb t died at the hom ot hel' brother, Waynesville hIlS progressed in 7:p. m., Chrtatlan and...or. F ....... _.teons.--tu-d O . M~r rollment of (orty-four have per- bers, defeating the RepubJicans E. T. Stroud, on the Lytl e r oad, Mr . and Mt. Ralph " Hast ing ~#~ . . . r ay wel,'C rs. feet attendance in the second ,by a majority of 109 to 89. Thi entertained at a Hall owe'en party th ' past, may the voters see 1lt-7 :41, Evanpllat;ie .emeet. ' -..Ie. • p. m., prarer Theodore Wed.,esday" 7:.1) . MAlnti "' . re ot . near N ew was a very "tartlin .. outcom e, be- Thu1'sday t[,ight. last Thu rsda y night, M . r. and Mrs. to let it continue to do so at the 14..... AI• B • ..., "-h I 156 . . . ".... Ml'lI.. hil es Wag a . nati ve of . B Ii ....." , and bible atael,l . ur n._lI, .... oe eor "".-ty-"'~ pup.·ls from M'hS cause it is the 1I1'11t t iime, in the . A. B. Stu\)b s, MI'. a!ld Mrs. GiJbCl't coming election . f H Uto d lila E I ....".. '''v ~ Kentucky but had boen a r esident: °Xen.a'lm f ~ I ve yn Hardin's room have pe.rfect atten- ·hietory 01 any IICb60'1 election of 01 this community where she was FJ'ye, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Frankl WAYNESVILLE II. L CHuaCH • 0 ..... w.un a. dance ..~ot the six weeks. Wa";nesville, that 'j4tI has gone well and fa vo rably known, fo!' 21 Mr and M'rs, Karl Bodenbender,. P rop.I...ela 4C . ' JWy. Q. Co »INn. ...., 'Hem.bera 01 tJbe It. ot P. Order Democratie. years. Mr. and M.·8. W . E. troud. . It has be en called to the at~nSunda,: S(Jnda, aebool ab 9 :30 entertained their familiH with a Hallo"e'_ Althoueh .the politics club did She is s urvived by two daugh~[rs. J cs ie Hyman Bnd family lion of the Village Officials, that •. m. 1I0rnine worBbipat 10.40. dinner at the ,home of Mn. Maude Black cata and witehesl This is Jlot (Jffer compe-tit:ion to the tel'S. Mrs. CIaI' nee Cl'addoek and cm tel,tained at dinne'v Su nday, Mr. voters OPP ing the sewer project the sermon subJect.ill be,. "Some Crane, Wedneada, evenlne of ~ phrase in the'mind!! of pupils Literary Dieest Poll, they carried MI·S. larence Allen, of Dayton, and Mrs. Fl'ank Stoke and daugh- have ci"rculated the following reCbaracterlatica ot a 8ucceaatuJ week. hi the grades aa they are lo.okinr on the election .. Mar like it as a:n.d a 80n, Ashland Chiles, of ters. Betty and Virginia; Mrs. Sid port: , Setrie ••" , n_ d .. Toltn J ~_.. ff forward to a good 'time at their ~ .. pouible, The p~Jrpo8,e 0;1 the Falmouth, Ky. Also several grand Bloeh, Mr. Leonard Gladst one, of That. if til Sewer Project -car!lunlnw at 'I :10. _v. an """n&e er respective home-l'oQm parties. election 'Was. to see how it would children, nieces and nephews. Cincinnati, and Mr. and Mrs. T. r iee, ~ach and every on& will l:/e Wedn8lda,: Th. ·Woman'. o!.:~~ w~ ~~UDtlda0n v:~yThe Hl&'h Sohool IItudent. too, co~pare .. to oute4)m~ with the Funeral services were eon- Bloch of Spring Valley. for ced to install a bathroom with rorelp Mlaiion.,.,. Soeiet:r ~ n • I'll..., ...nea , . r- ar& looking. forward with . that recuJar election on Noveml)er · 3 ducled by Rev. G. C. Dib-e-rt at lav~tory and stool. meet with Mrt. XeJlD.tb Roup at noon. lb. Sehad.r II alowl, ra- creepy feeUnlt which seem. to in Wayne TownlhIp. tll.e Stubb Funeral Home Monday '?Ifr. and M1"s. H. H . Williamson, This stor y is absolutely fal$e 2 p. DI. ..Inlq Itrelllftb -'teran IUne.. p1'CvaiJ at thil leuon of tbe 'lear Another U.UIUal 1 nclde.nt was afternoon and bU .r ial was in Miss Grac e Will iamson, with Mrs. and is being circulated without Bible .tudy end pra,er 1ft.etta. at ,everal .....b dU~9n. -to the ligtI of tlle . "Skull and the larre percentace ot pupils that Miami ceme tery. Paul Hauk, of Daytorl arld Mrs. any foundation whatever. at '1 p. In. IIr. and lin. Irvi.n.. Cro!l8 Bonei"-the entrance to . voted. While'ill the p:ut there have _ - J ohn Cafferty, of Franklin, were MAYOR &; COUNCIL. • the "Witches' Den", Wednesday been only 60 per cenlt of the pupils I DEATH gue!!ts of Mrs. Lou eUa Rams y 01 VOTE FOR THE BOND ISSUE ST IlARrs CHURCH entertained at dinner Sunda" Mr. ni"ht. It we ·in come out Alive voting, 96 per cent voted it! the I ____ Walnut Hill , incilinnti, on Weri• _ • . • ~ I • . .a nd liN. Earl Short. IIr. and lira. ~eD.t1-ftnt .Sunda, ~ WUbul' ThornbUlIIDd d..,_, ot the .tory be concluded in next election l'ue.sda,.. "I'lIi8 should put I Miss Mary "Van Doren, a ged 60, nesd1iY Trmity" . November' 1. «;:bureh Xenia, and lira. ,earl McMaken, week's i..lle. the community to .,~ame. If the 1 a lifelong resident of Warren Mr. 'and Mrs. M. A, Fulkerson " . children ta1le IUch III great inter- county died at her home noar . sehool at 9:80; . lermon and Holy of Le"baaon. Aa I.tendi_, Politieal CaatpaiP est In the eledion 'Ithen everyone wer e dmner ~Ile ts of Mr. and Mrs C m union at 10 SO o m , __ :..._.___ Un. 'K-n.... Bou.........d 11, f th tb d' ·f th h Id ClarkSVille, Monday, fo llowmg an Stanley Morri s of Cin.cinnati, ... ........ ... ... .The pl,yinr of "Our Director' 0 e mo era a.n , a e1'S s ou '1extended illneS5 I . ENGAGEIIENT ANNOUNC£I) . C. Dibert attende'd a meetmC the W.H; S. Band inItiated the Ir~ to the rl"il.aDdhT~e. ' d ' For a numbe; of ' years M1SS ~:e~:~i M;e;~r:t.~:s "i~I~:~~~ the Home IIxteaalon COullCll becinnlne of the tier, school cam- d f~t... ene t. ~ c ~lsh enhv. 'V anDoren fo llowtjd the teaching and Mr. T.· W. VaJlP~lt wore din. What. should be one of the most At a dinner on ~ber Lebanon, T1Iada, 'eWlllnlf. lin. pal8ll which W1U! sponlored b'l the e . rom ...e • l ectiomi, w., e t e f' h ' g tII. g. ht· the $igni/lcant observances in AmerMthtor a tew intimate frieDcb the iii. 0.1'......, elilld pcialiat Politiet · Club. Elllle Ka.e Wieal ex- PolitjclI Club oarrie<1 on! ,wall that pro esslon'M a.vltl CI u ks · i1\n d ncr guests oI Mr. and ~1rs. H .. M. iea wilL be the ,obsen-ance of .....aaent ,... ....OlloOed of of O. 8. U...n the aeeond of a pJ.lned in her addre. "Responli- of showl"" th. pupils the respon- ~~:~!:t s Otr~:~ a ~e;be: f Va nPelt and Mrs. Rob t'rt DQdd s, Ame~ica1J Ed.ueation Week Nevem Milia • •lya Carlwricb~~~~r...... of ~D' On "ChOd IIUlti•• of American Citisenl" that sjblity of 'Votm, and the way. in the Jon~b's Run Baptist Church of .Xenla. ber 0-15. The topic for thl.s y.r's ot 111'. and ..... J. O. to Traill...." it Is ~. duty ~ each cithen to whlc~ the, Jqa, vote at. l'egular anll Turtle Creck Chapter of the Among thos e tram a distance discussion wiJJ be "Our AmeHean .....ata of Th. W.,......m. Gardea Club .ote; aDd betore dolq so, to learn election. DAR who att nded lhe funeral (If Mrs. Schools a t Work." The loeal but 110. ot CIDetIuudJ. to Mr. will at tIM ..... of liN. 1'. all" can about th. different oanThe... totals ma,. be qaken for . SIl'rvi~ng are one sister I\nd Leroy Chile.;:, M(;>nday were Mrs. ~chools plan to earry ou~ tile 0 ..... WUIIa, eo. of Mr. uel B JI' dldatu.. Charle. Firea then favor- what the, &1'6 They rna), be three brothers. Be.He Hart and 60n and daughter, theme of t.~ week in an -approlira. B. B. WlOla, al80 of CIa- ~ : "~ e4 tIbe audience with a trombone of e reat Intereat in know- Funeral services were conducted of Richmond, Ind., Miss Mari e priate way. The work and Imper&c........... WIlUe DO ........ dUe wOl ~ ........ Ilia ...: ..: 1OJo. '!'he .prlncipl" upon wbich Iq on ~hioll 11.. .chool tena at the residenee ~)' the Rev. J. P. Chiles, of Springfield, Ml'. ..nd ance of the _hool as ono ot ollr 11M bMa . . tor- Ule ........... the Deaoende Platform" baRd to lean. Thornbury, otH.arvey.burr, and Mrs. Ashland Chiles, ot Falmouth ereateAt lMtlbltions wftl be em· efttllDOl-' will ebaaaploaecl b, ClJcIe FroDlm ft. totale b rial In Ciarklvill X;t. phuised fa ..... aacl Qufter ... after wIllA tH baad pia,... til. Pnltelellt, V. u wea • _. e room lI'Ou,. ......




Chat'l ~

otI C



---_.- ---





News School .•.•......•.•................ .....


_n.. .







a: I



be...... '.It JII01UIF......... QIdw,'" Dr........




I. .... ...,.

M.-It .,....... D_OCIIatIe. tIl.e "Ill, "Be', • o.v.,. Preetdetat. CJook... Good Pellow." llat'lle TIn1M, CoI~~o..'r. ...... dItat ...., with 11'1; . . . . ~"'r.

';:M=rJ.~I=~ 1

......_~,l. ·~~~

n.. c...a



F • .Earnhart, wttb 1I~ sldered Eaeb da, of •tilt W.'1Irs: E. E. Luke..., of Harve,.bul'lr, - ..

Mlaa Myra Ra,-elc of 'New 8111- parellta q •••n.r:· \ UaatoD, aDd .... Hel• ., lAtJuo.~

*..tIBIr of

_mill 0'"




will. .be ,

l'mpt from Inheritance tax. t'cl and confirmed by the court. tood, $8.75; B rtha IIInes, food Indiallla Gutll!ry and La,lorah and mijk. $:!!UHi; HunlA:' D~iry, ( hl'i till(' Spuring. aJminil;tratrl. or thl' elltall' of Flank Wilm- G. Reif W('l'l' al1po\nted ~x~lIton milk. $16,110; Chlylon 'Clurk locust hoff, dE'cE'a" ed, dltd 1'I1'l' inv()nt ry of the estat(. of Lewis ,G uttery. po ts, $5.tI Qi Fairley Hardwar~ &: Ethel Mae lal'k. l'xecutrb: nf decea!\ d, no bond required. John Imp. Co., !'upp l i()~ and cement., SUBSCRIBE FOR THE MIAMI CAZETTE thl.' state of Leancj \' . lark, de K. p neer, Cli/fol'd Brant. and $17.80; S. L. Grundflt.ein &. Cn .• FI'ed . ,lam s were ulllloint.erl op- eulv l·ts, $321.0!1; J, O. Harding, c a. cd, filed h r inv nt ry. Ella T . SU\nl y. eXt,culr-ix, 01111 Tho lllv ntol'y ot Ilarrlet C. rl'aiser~. gravel, $3.60j W. C. Turton, cem· . Common Pleas Procee<iin,1J "t I l f tlIt' Veldt, xecutrix oj' th~ estate of ent, $12.90,' Addis 'erv ic c Station I can 'L' , r •. '" all ~·Y. LX U ()r a '1 hl' 1:11.1) of H b rt L. Bowl'n, I e~tat(! of Lulll Taylnr. rlecea~l'<l. Allam N. Apgar, deccas d w apBill. Allowed gasoline, ,11.111. Sup~.. 01 Insuranc :er:ul> Paul was IIppr vl'd, ul1U\\ I?d and eon· proved. The Cincinnati Oil \Vol'kJl Co.. - - • K . >11th, ,t nl, Will' Illsml~se-d. fil'm€!d hy the c ut't. In the estate of Barnett Ro e, gnsoline, 31.50; Robert S. GardOHIO HUNTERS lTl th ('a e of P. W. Brehm "'1'1 t·If l nneI"IIna I accOlln t 0 f Illinol', Lill ie E. R(j~ I auth.orized nel" gl.kOI'lnl', ct'370 r n t er nat'o .... --l. e '1" ; I n"" \'(>l1;US LuuTIL he ts. et a.l the· . Oh' h L Ii by th , ~lh 1 M. L tL Gilt' s , uumil1i~tl'llto adjust llnd eetlle said claim Harv ::It!!r Co., paris, $f!1i.09; 10 un ers. a1' wamu YOUR SUPPORT WILL BE APPRECIATED I'll riff IInU the I' 'eiver I\I'~ to pay Sta>- D t t. f lleal'h to Laura 'h Hs the b.8lnnce of ttix; of lht> esta • of A~II A. L tI., u~a~nst Calvin Williams. Jones Bus ervice Srotion, J;:aso.... eplll' mcn 0 • J cl'n cd, was nppro,ved, till Wl'd 'I' he will of Lida Pearl Davis, line, $1.23; Th Kinger-D\lJs Co .• b ware of rabbits that do not mon y 011 han~. and confirmed by the COUl't.. deceas d, \I'a admitted to court. welding rod, $5.29;' (oaMar Bod,y show normal SP. d in tt'ying tp Th court approved. allowed and (1'red Fatut WI1!j appointed execu- Shop, curtains and fa steners, $ Ll. escape. Rabbi'ts which have New Suit. conlh-rned t.he first lind finnl ac- tor, no bond r quir d. Ed. Osborne 40; The Lewis Mart Co., W Lding tulercmin ~ran8mit the (fiBeas to A, >luit. 88 filetl by H e\t'n Womconnt -of Benjanlin L. Charlton, Cha'" DOTty and arl Sieble rod, $3.28; The tandard Oil Co., anyone who hatH\1 s th0111. Cookbold. 1\ minor, by Bessie Wom bold administrutor of the esLate 0:£ AJ- were appoinW apprais r8. gasoline, $9.63: Th tnndard Oil ing destroys the di sen.~e germs again t Hichard Brough for nloney vin Eug nc Ilarlton, de eased. The will of Annie Ha.milton, de- 0., kerosene. $6.26; W. J . but inlectioll occurs while preonly. Th Snlount. claimed WM $5,- Th ourt Ililproved, allowed and cased. was admit.ted to court. . Pftanzcl', repairs and . labor, $81.- paring th~ rabbits for the table. R publican Nomine 000. confirmed t.h first .and final lICRobert E. Mooney, administra. 38; East End Coal Co., coal, $111.Sixteen short cour es of interA suit Wn!, fil~ by harl es By- count of Dean E. Stanl y, admin- tor, deceased. iiI d his schedule of 79; W. C. 'l'urton, shovel Pocahon- est to Ohio plMlple are offered by ram. et aI, llR:a.inst hades ory, et istl'atOf de boni 'tIon of the estate debts. tas. $15 j . City Treasun!l', board o.f the agricultuJ'ol Ilivislon of t~e aI, to cltiar title Ul rea l estate. of Lulu TtlyIOl', dec 11l!lOO. The widow of Edward C. Han)U Raymond Camp and bus fare'. $21. Ohio State UniVCl'j>lty eluring IU30 dctel'min hell'ship lI)'1d ot.har legal 'J'h first und fina l account of ton, deceMed. lected to take un- 40; prs. Edw. Ilnd Robt. Blair, · ]03'7. A COUI' e in rural e-IectriWarren County anJ quitaWo relief. Elsie Allen, ad mini tratl'ix. of th' der the will. examination ohildrcn tor ad- fication will be given Nov~'moot &, A s uit was fiI d by LaIc 1:1 nd of tate 01 Ra},llI ond Allen, deceasThe final account of Ernest EvInisaioll to Cliildren's Home, $11; 6, and 7. IniOl:mation about any EJection No . 3, 1936 . on agllinst liattie IIeodel'son for eu, was approv d, allowed and ans, exeCUUlr of estate of Eug ne The- Colult!bus mank Book Mig. of th~ cou e..'\ can b.e obtain d divorce . Th chal'ge is !fl'O s ·neg- co ntil'med by the court. Evans deceased was approved, al. Co., daily stat.emen\; sheet.5 and iron,t th Denn of th Collc~ of ~-------------J, led. The COUl't nj>proved, aLlo\V41d and low d and confirmed bl ' the court. daily statemenb l' cord. $37.50; Agnculture. !!'!!~~~~!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!'!~!!!!!!~!!'!!!!~~~~~~~~~-~-: Ambl'ose Decker filed lIuit again$t tho(!- first Ilnd tinal acThe lin I 'a ccount oJ Earl Evans Woodrow-Weil-Stanage Co .• bands I ~===============~ Lu ella Decker for divorce. The contirmed count f Mal'g'1 Nt W. Wall, exe- administraoor of the ~tate of Jen and adding machine paper, $4.20, chal'f!e I grOB neglect. cutrix of the estat of John nle Evans, deceased. was approved The Woodt()'W'oWeil...Stanage · 00 .• ,. A suit Wt\.l filed by Anna Blanche Wnll, ueceased. allow d Dnd confirmed by the p ncils. 33c; Stanley Earnhart, mith against Harry mith for !lfat'le Hill, executrix .of the es- court. stamps, ,6; F. J. Reer Prt., Co .. divorce. harg-e- is gl'OSS n eglect The COUtlt approved, allowed supplies. $2; H. W. Brunk. miletate of Frallk R. ConDbs, decea ed, nnd wilful lIbsence. tiled h l' Application for a f,!ertifi- and f!o.nfirmed the ec:ond ft,fld final age as Dog Warden, ,26.88; Mrs.




FRED J. HAGEMEYER For Commissioner



Cary'l Jewelr

Scott H. McClure



cate ()f trans! r. nccount 'bf arah L. Francis and Ira Eltzroth, invalid care of Alice-' Mary Pearl Carey was appointed Gl'ac Bt·o ks~ administratrices of Starkey, '5; James Moore. invalid Lebanon, Ohio administratrix of tbe e tale of the estate of Ge<>rge B. Francis, care of Lucy Moore, $11: Dr. J se Wayn Carey. deceased. and deceased. Warren C. Bre-idenbach, medical EXPERT WATCH The court approv~. allowed service. $10; Mrs. Julin Hoil8lld, filed bond of $6.000 with sureties. REPAIRING Milo B CK, John Hackman and and confirmed the fir t and final ac inV'8ilid ear ()f Vernon Bolland, Alpha. lontgomery were appointed count of Harry Tronvillo. guar- $] 0; l\tiss Oma Knox, invalid care U.ln. Only G.D.I•• Akt_laI. a.ppraisers. dian of LeRoy Trov\l10. mino),. 01 W Iter Barlow. $11.: Miss Oma Prompt Ser"ic, • Real E.tale Tranaf." 'DIle inheritance tax on the estate The fir t and tinal account ()f KnQx. invalid care of Frank BallJohn and C lia Hendefl~on to of Emma E. Decker, deceased, WAS John A. Nunli.5t, executor 'of the inger'. $11; Mrs. Eldon Short•• inStore open until 9 p, lXI, , tan 1 y M. Sell rs, inlot N\>. 286 determined. estate of Cathartlle G, 'lIolunlist, de- valid eare of RubyRee.m. $6; Dr. in Lebanon. Bertha Hal tead ~Lnd Edgar Ev- ceas d, was approved. allowed and Jas. H. Arnold, medical se.rvices' I~~~~~~!!!!!!!~!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!! Mo~lie R. hields to The Peo- ans, executor of the estate of confirmed by the court. $33.60; Beck's Dlliry, milk. ,9.30; ple's Building, Loan and SavingS Obadilah Evans, d,eceased. tiled The cou\'t app~oved, allowed and W. H. Berger, :Cood, $19.1)0; Dr. Ask for a Co., l'eal state in Hamilton town. their iiI' t and tlnllll account. co;nfirmed the firSt account of Roy Bock. medical services; $1; Mnie l<irktlatrick, execu- Blanche Caroline Barber. executor L. H. Brown, food, $2; Carroll's ship. Miami.burl Pel'manent Ed. M. Johnston and' Be ~ie C. trix of the tate of Laul'a E. Con of the estate of Louia S. Barber, Store, food. $18.25; W. W. Oline, Concrete John on ami Emmu M. Monroe to IItsble, deceBsed, fi1ed her inven- deceased. food. $17.25 ; J. M. Earnhart, Everett Nixon and Elllora Nixon. tory. " The .fil.'Bt account of W. W. Whit shelter, $100; Kesler Graba.m, Air Seal BUl'ial Vault inlot No . 51 in Lebanon. Th will of Henry Holly. deceas eker and Elmer E. Fosaett, execu food. ,7.50; A_ D. Grapevine food For Sale only by F. G. Brandenburg and Myrn d, was admitted to. court. tors of the cstat.! of Joseph Don· $6; The Great A. " P. T~a Co .• BI'E,lndcnburg to Joseph lJ. Kiser The w!ll 'Of Lide Pearl Davis, de ally, deceased, was approved allow I food, $11.60; Hardert'. Grocery, Your Funeral Director and Lucy G. Ki art real estate in ceased, was filed in I~ourt. The state of Lizzie Drake, de- . !!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!~!!!!!!!~!!'!!!!~!!!I!!!!!'!!!!~~~!!!~~!!'!!!!!!!!!!!! TUl'tlecreelt township. McClure Funer.l Home o car Howard and Emma Ho- ceased, was found to be exempt "ard to J seph H. Kiser and Lucy from inheritance tax. w.y....;iO•• O. Charles A. Mummert, admhlisG. Kiser real estate in Turtlecreek township. t.r~tor of the estatl! of Frederick Plenty of Fine Quality Appl. . Irene B Ungl by to Clifton Wil Mummert, Sr., dec4!ased, flied his Ordera Taken for Cieler in Quaatitiea bur Ungleaby and Martha C. Ung- inven tory. lesby lots in Fran~)jn. Sales by Harry C. Burns. execuAnna Oberlin to Arthur L. Ober trix of the e tate of CaUlerine liri and Emerson N. Obel'lin, I'e"l Cody, deceased, we:re approved. 4 mil. . S. W. Jameatowa, Ph.,..e I~.F.J estate in Turtlecrcek township. Mattie E. Hollcr~,ft, administraWenzel Berres and Rufina Herres ttix of the estate -of' Homer D Holl , to Mrs. Etta Evans real estate in croft, dec ased, . 1\lE~d ber applicaWayne township. tion fOl' a certificate of transfer. I 4 milea N. Xeoia, State Route 23& The Springfield Savings Society The estate was .found to be ex.[ .. _ ........_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,., Marrial'e Licen.e.

.James MIll;an os, mill wOI'ker of Ft'a nklin, and Mi Ma'r gal'et tonecosh, Of Franklin. Noah M oor~, a farm r of Wayne viII and Mis Edna Hobbs, of Waynesville.

R ~ publican Nominee


County Commissioner Election N~v. 3, 1936

Pol. Ad\, .-

For Couilty Auditor ';

A. M. Parker



Now Serving Aa Auditor By Appointment

Candid.te for Unexpired Term


Vandervort Orchard


Election: Nov. S, 1936

Orchard Lane

Siace the vacancy in the Auditor'a Office occurred too late for aomination. to be made in the Repuhlican Primary, my name will appeal' oaly ia the laelepeneleat Column on the General Ballot. aad to .ote for me a croaa (X) ahould be made front of my name a. indicated above.





A. M. PARKER, Lebanon, Obio. 1'01. '.Adv.-


oJ Clark Co. to .Arnold Roprs ~=~~=========~~~======~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 334.40 aCI' in Washington town- hip. Katie 1unner to Claude Campo. bt-ll .and Eva Campbell, ' n'BiI estate in Hopkinsville. H8l'rell kinner and .l!:steUe Skin ner, r al estate in Salem town· ship. Mn(y Wells to Earne&t Reed real Cf>tate in Franklin. AVon T. Hollcroft to Matti~ E. Hollcroft. r al estate in ' Turtlecreek tow nship. .., H omer D. Hollcroft, deceased, to .Mattie E. Hollcroft and Avon T • Hollcroft, real estate in TurtleSponaored By Wayne Township Mothers' Club creek townshl,P: John Schnell and Carrie Hutchens to Grant Hopkins, estate in Harlan township. . J. Hel'bert Perrill and Warren HIGH SCHOOL GYM. WAYNESVILLE. OHIO . Slifer to Fra.nk w.est, inlot No 162 PARADE WILL START PROMPTLY AT 7:45 p.... in Franklin . REFRESHME"1'S OF ALL KINDS • FREE DANCING Marietta Whitacre and Esther DANCE. .MUSIC BY BUD .... MAY'. RHYTHM MASTERS Hicks to C. P. Krohn, inlot No. 12 ADMISSION: Aftlt, 10e. auld..... UIId_ Hilia ScM.I ·A•• Ie BUY A CHANCE ON ONE OF THESE · PRIZES-tat. ....00 'Electric 1--. Plait in Morrow. Larrick. ZIIId Tabl., La..... Wdace Food Mar..t. Sr4, B~. Lamp. Elbert W.a.... {arje HlU to Bud Middleton and LJ'tl•• Elenora Middleton, inlot No. 110 . in Mason. . FOLLOWJNG ARE PRIZES CIVEN BY WAY,NESVILLE '" LYTU MERCHANTS• . ChrigtopheT Duft'y to C, P. Kroh DOOR P!RIZ~18t, 26 lb. ot Surat .. , .. ........... Kro'el" GrouT}" Company. real 4)state in Mol'J'ow. DOOR F'RIZE-2ncl; 1 EV8J'Irl'4I'eJl ......... , ...... .. .,<., .. . Duke·. Nuner:y. ' Flol'~ce Thompson deceased to TALLES'T PERSON-1 Chance' ot OU .................. Morria Fulkerson. . Edna Knapp real ~tate in Leb- ' • UNCLE WILLIE II MAMIE, Herchandlae.·.. , ... " ., ... D. R. Smith. anon. OLDEST MASKED PERSON-C..e ot Sweet COrD Roxanna CanniDe Co. MOON J.l[uLLlNS .. KAYO, ,2 in cash .................... ROlen &: SlmpeoD. W. H. Dodds, deceased, to O. 1,. BRIDE &: GROOM-$l in cash ..... ,....... :.................. Arthur·s Creamery. Brown, Teal estate in Avalon CLOWN·-5 qt.. Kendtr1 Oil ... ..... " ... " ......... ,...... ,.... R. H. Smlth·s Gas Station. Height.5. COWBOY-1 Shirt ................ .. . ;-;..................... ........ Myer Hrman. Frank R. Combs, deceased, ' to GYPSY-~ l Callie Ham. ." ..... <.... , ... , ................ ........ .. 00'le'8 lI..t Market. ORGAN GRIN»ER-;-1 'roWtape ..... ~ ...... "" ........... " Sheehan'. Quaee. Marie Hill, real e tate in Deerfield QUAKEll LADY-1 Teakettle ...... ,......................... F.irlet Bardware Co. townJlhip. HOBO-l Ca.rton Camel Ciprettea ........................ Walter Underwood. . DOCTOft-l ral. Red .B.JIJl Point .......... , .. ,........ :..... W. B. ¥adden " Company. Prohate Court JAPANEiSE-l 8'al. Puritan OIealler ......... , .• " .. .. .. .. Ralpll Uaatlnp. Sales by Mattie E. Holl~ro ft, LARGEST JrlASKEDFlAMILY-ut. 1 Tbermu 'JurWaynoeeville Drug Store • . administratrix of the estate of LARGE8T MASKifD FAlIILY-lnd. Gloria Flour.. Farmer·. Exchlallle. WASHER WOM'A N-l Scarf (Ladiea) ...... , ........... AdC. Day. . . Hom r D. HoUcroft. deceased, OLD FASHIONED GIRL-ShaJllpoo, Fineer Wave _-Manicure. Real Art Beauty Shop w~re approved. Sale bill was' rued ,. UNCLE SAM II MISS COLUMBIA--$S eash ,....... lCeClure Funeral Home. The estate of Raymond G. Fa,r AUNT JEM.IMA- 2(1bl. Gold lIedal FloUt' .. , ... ... A .. P Grocery. deceased. WII.!! found to be exempt YOUNGEST MASKED PERSON-,l.IO cub ...... T. J. Smith. from inheritance tax. RED RmINO HOOO-l Box Cand7 ... ,........ ,....... ,.. Pool Room. GOLD DUST TWIN8-2 Hair Cut. .................. ..... Lee Hawke. The ~il1 of Sarah M. Brown. Tonic 01' ToUet WateT .................... Gra'·11 Barber Shop. deceased. was died in court. TILLIE &: MAC-,l In ·lIerchaftdlae ..... ,.. ,... ........ , Early. The illventory of N. C. Shankle AMOS n' ANDY--$l til cull ........... ,......... , ........... Peek'. Food 1I1lop, eX~UUlr of the estate of LUM &: ABNEJl...-.I Cl~ lIoblJoll ............ , .. . ,......... Enrin Dill. MICKEY" MINNIE 1I0USE--t1 ba Grocerl .. .... Graham'.. L,tle. W~lt, deceased, was approved. MOST COMICA~ Ie. Cream .................... Emma B. KoCiure. The schedule of debts of Grace SHIRLEY TEll III Cull .. .......................... A. H. Stub_ Clark Cullen, e~eeutriJC of tbe FATTEST PERSON 1ftC) • lllami Gamte.. Th. 1II1am1 Guette. estate of William B. Cullen. MU WEST-Knam. . . . .eno1atIor ........................ D. CoUdt. approve-d. ceased, MAGGIE 6JIGG8-1 pi. OIl ................................ Gordo1l'. BO PEEP-tl ba Cub ............................ ,............... Qutek OW.... The Inheritance tax to be paid FAIRY--Box Han~ ............... " ............ WaltII_,.. on the elltate of Wllli.m B. CulOBOIST-Cldell•• Oa hot ................ .................... AMta len. deceased, determined. In re _tate of CatberiDe Cod,. deceued. aale of pftlOnal prop.

Frlclay Eve, ' 'O ctober 30, 1936'


QuaUty Printing

The IIlaml










RM", FOR AND CONSICN rour CAWe, boll. Ih..,P ad ca1"1to Norn.Brock C4. •• lI"e wire ftd proere...". tl~ the h1nel!' market prle.. bd ~cI Hrile., UaJ.. S ...k Y.....• CI••I __II. O. TuNt In on Radio Station WOltY 11:11 to 12 :80 p. m. tor our dan, market reportL

' '1'

F. ·r. Martin Auctlon •• r


SATISFACTION Or No Char.e Centerville, Ohio Phon. 78J

L. M. HENDERSON MOTARY PUBLIC M.tI. . . .... Wille Dn_. • • &e..... S.I.W WAYNESVILLE. OHIO

ICLASSIAEO ............. ADS.. ... •



FOR SA~E-Shrop8hi~e Buck. Ailfalfa Hay. J . H. Sackett. R, R.I. 029· FO~

SAt.E -.., Apples. Sweet elder: . Cider . sOceallon, . 6 : gallons or more 26c. Brine containen. D, B. Unde""ood. Har. ..pbUl1f.


THE MIAMI GAZ TTE I88U,D EVERY THURSDAY ... 0 If 1I1111D'0"4 at Po.toM•• at Wa,.n.. ce a " .. " " .. "........ .. .. "III ... Oblo. a'L~n4 Clue ••U SII••• riptioa Price, '1.10 a y.... "Un 011

2,000 phyaltaUy handicapped boy. nd Ifirl~. the ehijdren of Indlcen t parents. were given medical ('are and hOllpitallzation during the period at a co.t of $94,600 in federal, state and county funds. Th l' sl'rvices rendered Include

==============================1the payment of doctor bill , hospital care, care in foster home.! OCTOBER 29, 1936

Thank.,iving holiday In fart, turk"l'8 in som!! di~tricts are rt'ady fro market right now. For instance, B. tor ~ rth a8 southern Nebraska tlomv turk(-ys are being dressed this I 'e~k: the flocks being gradc{] and only 'the mature bird heing slau g hter~d . Thc southw(, lItern stat.~B usunlly arc considered the largellt l\ource of upply of early turk eys, and apP:11'ently thi al'ea has ,a splcn did crop this' year. At j:h Rom e time, other distl'iets at g ·t tingmor e into turkey producllion th a n formerly, the west ern and n orU~ central west-ern stales becoming a larger factor in th e denll Lhan 11'1 fQrmer years. Th~ eent1'llJ t i I' of tates in the MissillsiPlfli Ri v T valley as well as the Oh io R iver vlllley, We t Virginia, Virg inia, Maryland and the Appalachian region in general have always been producers of turk ),s in considerable q uantities a nd t his year is no exception. 1n Texas t here is a sUbstantia.1 increase ·this year over last. Oklahom'a , Mjssouri, K&:nsas and Nebr aska r el)or t more turkeys t han la t year. 1'h r e is a big increase in Utah . I owa reports a larger crop, Michiga n an increase, while in the DakoltR.'!, Montans., Wyoming a nd Colorad o the crop is silight lyless in so me 11.1' as and w ell up to n ormal illl others. The Ohio River valley' states in gen-eral report a good crop, lightly less than last yell!' in som e dist r icts and largel' than in 1935 in other sections. There is 11 larger crop r eported in VirginiA than last yem. The asl genel'811y has a fair t o good crop. The general favorabl e outl ook as to produetion this y ear Is to 80m' extent. result of favorabl e weather conditions d'Uring t he season. While many neas ha ve eu If ered ex t r m~1y f rom d roug h t, thO IS d I'd no t eff ect t U1' k eys a d ver sely .a s a general rule , dry weather really being conducive to developme nt of the bird s. You!llg' turkeys especially do not thrive so well

and medical supp1i es. "Under th"" pl'ogrnrl1 every crippled child in the stllte is guaranteed examinaFOLLOW DELAWARE IS EXAMPLE tion and lreatment by skilled physicians nnd s urgeo ns," Mr, Rob De laware is 0. smnll l'ltate-..:but it hM big and worthwhile ideas. ison asse rted. "We know tljat the nder ed under the social OnB of these ideas is it annual molor 'I hide inRpection campa- help ty program will enable t he , ecuri ign conducbed unde r complete state control. DeljlWllre pion oored this crippled children to enjoy many W~ , of the advantages of normal boys During two reee.nt weeks 24,000 care we re examined and approvand girls. It i ~ I\. n oble (Hort and ed. Thousands of other cars w re f ound defective and Grdered to we are ~atifi e d by t.he progress co,' rect m chanica! hazn:rds , were issued. Defective foot brakes made especially in the last three proved t he most serious cnuse for r ej ection, with bad lightS second. months. " In addition, during In t year a.lon e th-e state removed 580 anti• • • quo ted vehicles and sent them to a well deserved rest on the junkpile. Nimrods who long to go after . It is of great int r at that, according to Delaware's Secretary ' of th rabbit, HUngarian partridge State, there tUI.S be en an almost complete "right about face" in the or colorful ring-n eck pheasant bepublic's attitud e to ward th el'l inApcction campaigns. At ' first, drivers f Ol'e th e opening of th season at w ,:e antllgonis\'ic- noW' the g r eat bulk of them appreciate the value nOOn on Nove mber 16 ha.d bette r a.nd .necessity of inspcction$ and ate eager to coopet·ate. hark to the September r (lcord of Ev ry state should adopt the Delawal'e plan- and keep it up t he law nforcemen t bureau of year in and year out. Some states have carried on pOnldic, badly the state division of couset'Vlltion. 'organized campaigns, with inad equate facilities , and little good has Enforc ement Chi ef Clay Harmon r sulteil. Other tates have conducted campaign s in which drivers said that con servation officers could have tAcir cars in slle(:ted or not, as th.ey chose. ' Such cam- and game protectors made eigbtypaigns are a Vla.ste of time- the drivers with defectiv& maehin es stay SOy n al'l'ests for alleged . m egal hunting during the month, and in aWI~y from the in pecti9n stations. , The mechanica11y dangerous car iii directly respon$ible for only on case did they fail to get hundreds of deatns and thousands of injuries annually. Its elimina· a conviction_ Total fines paid by eseentinl if we are to reduce the ghastly automobile accident the violators amounted to $2,630 !tion wit.h costs of ,566,82 . Three cases toll. invohing juveniles wer e not counted in total. • • .. .. Early reports during Octo~T, ~ight the first of six so-called "winter months so far 1IS carbon monoxide 8:00 Holmes County 4.H· Club Program- Members directed by S. N. poisoning ia concerned, to the McInto h, ounty Agricultural Agent, MilleI1lburg, Ohio. State Department of HaIth in 8:~ nleh Atwater Writes a Book on . Ohio--H. E. EsWiM, Historian dicate that last year' all time 8 :4 0 Farm Home Period: Clothing Cha~MiSll Edna M. Callahan" ~igh may be broken uruees added ExtensiOn Clothing Specialist. Our Homes and Families- preoautions are taken against MI,'8. Helen Mougey Jordon, Ext. Home Eeonrunist. the dangerous odorless and taste 9 :00 Old Timers Orchestra. carbon gas. Victim s of monoxide IRAt year totaled 618, ,9: 10 Farm and Home Announcem ntf$ and Turkey Market Ncws. ,,:20 Winter Planning and Care of Pastures-Kenn-eth Welton, Soil with 139 fatalities, which rep Conserva.tion Service, Dayton, Ohio. resented an ~ncrease of seventy seven per ~nt in comparison with 9 :30 Old Timen Orchestra. 9:4,0 25 Years of the Percher:on Futurity-D, J. Kays, Draft Hor.,e the '1984 total. DOll1e~tic appli Author ity. . ance~ w,ere responsible for 342 of 9 :60 to 10 Replacing Winter-Killed Fruit Trees-F. ~. Beach, Exten- the victims and motor vehicles for , sion Horticulturist. 176. The health department again war,ned against an unftued eas flre ' CC=================::Z:===========~connee tions, starting an automobile in a ,Are you a wage earner ? Do you work for a f!J lary? . closed garage and sleeping in a motor vehicle if the motor is run If so, YOU'VE got a jolt comning unless a window is open for ing. YOU'LL f ool it wh'an you get ventilation. your first 1937 pay chec~k and find - - - -.... - !Some of your earnings missing. COLUMBUS An extensive Did YOU know that : . . part <Jf the school curriculum, . 1. Btlgjnning 'w ith Jllnunry 2, educatiOnal program desllrned to according to AS8~ta.nt Director of 1!l37, and ever after while you protect too tllOusands of Ohio Education E. N. Dietrich, who cbool children &rid high I!Fhool will be an advisor to the commitare employed your e mployer [ MU T deduct from your pay a pupils from the rapidly growing tl'6 and who was one of the spontax of 1 per cent, the n l1r!1 per traffic aecidc1lt and death menace so.r8 of the program. Topics which The turkey crop this year wi! cent, then 2 per cent, then 21,2 will be inaugurated under the will probably , be included are : Th e dir ction of C, W. Howell, hi&'h place of the aut.omoblle in modern show a considerable increase over per cent and fi nally 3 per cent Bclio01 supervisor for t he State 1if~: the car-what makes i go; last, according to information com and turn it over to tll,c governdistricts m\l"nt in Washington for' "Old Age Department of Educat.ion. The the driver-psychology and habits ing from producing appointment of Mr. Howell by driving regulations: the higbwty- throughout th\l" turkey growing Benefits"? 2. The new tax is e:"c1usive of Director of Education E. L. Bow. inspection, and maintenance; cause areas, and in the opinion of lead sher was the initial step in creat- 04 accidents; pylng for aecidenta e1jS in the industry, t he crop the income taxes you nlOW payor lng a comprehensive gelleral saf- the pe4estrian--bow society pro· likely will turn out to be 'one of m.a.y pay in the future--and you cannot ~uct these paym ent the best in many years. ety program f or Ohio Bchoola. videa aaferu-rda. ' Speaking in a general way, the from your incom tax'? In other Members of Mr. Howelll's special • • • committee t() map plans for the "Rem'rkable progresa" in the birds fairly well developed a t words you will pay a TAX ON profrl'am will be appointed within care and treatment of crippled this time. Some sections report MONEY YOU WILL NEVER REa few days by Director Bowsher children in Ohio under the social t hem a little bnekward, but a CEIVE.I 3. "Old Age Benefits" do no t and a committee meetinll bas been security progtam was announeed rule, t he Bocks perhaps are nearer scheduled for November 6 and 7. by forme.. Jud,. Henry J . Robi- mat urity r ight now ttlan at the accrue to you until YOll reach the The first objeetive will be to pre- son, ebief of tb& state division of corresponding time last y~ar, and age of 65 years AFTEI~ 1941! 4, If you are on III 25 years pare a safety manuel. The PI'9- public uaiatancI, in AI 1'eport it is the general opinion that t~ paled u-aftlc safety course will be covering tne period fTOm JUly 1 movernen't will be on in full swintr old and yOll r pay ' is but $20 per of urged but not made a compullory tQ September 80. Approximately in ample time to supply the week unt!.l you a1'1l 65i year age, your pay will be taxed 20 ~nts a week in 1937 .. 1930, a nd teadily increalle u·n tll your pay check will be minus $31.20 a a,f ter $1948'f 6. Govern,or Alfred M. Landon has promised, if eiectf!d, to w<Jrk for t he immediate relleal of so-called security law and sa id so in tinmistakable term8 'in Milwaukee, Wis., on Sept;ember 1936. lJe declared: "To ge~ 8 workable old ·a ge pension we I~ust .repeal the present compulsory insurance plan. The ~publ\ca~1 party is pledged to do this. The Republican party win have nothing to do with any plan th.t involves prying into the personal worl~ing recorda of twenty-sili: million I?eople." (Courtcsf Chicago Herald and Examiner.)



.. -----------------------------11


7 allts, November 2

Farm '


loose stove and furnace


Best of the News Direct From the Ohio .State Capitol




in rold, damp rainy U TRY ",' peciaJly if Sllch wl'athel' pl·cvllil. THE MIAIII CLU&na during the flrllt. l'lIuple (It nlllnth. OUR CLASSIFIED Cm.uN,..a after hatchin . FOR RESULTS What the market" ill he ' on turk )'s this sea1l0n i~ o(ll~' a mat-. tl'l' of conj ectUI'e' at thh; tim e. Th t· () /1 ~ UIrll>r is the dccidil1g factor in the fillR I Micc, but has nothing lo ~8y, of cou rse , as It) pric ~s . hipl)(~ I'R will pay. Fl' qu enUy th e spl'(' ad bet.ween prorluc r li nd con SUlll r hM be-en far below CI)",t of PI' ce. ~ i n g an d i ra n. po rtation. to . ay n othi n~ of protHs Ll!twe ·n. For I n I' uc h instances the tu r kc'y d ea l i the ca ul' of headaches a nd henvy ·In s. OccQflio nnlly th sm , on is pt'o fl table. Th flUtCO Ill f) t hi. year a In past yc a l'~ will tleWarrep County pend upon whether t h con umer in A'encrai is a~lc ' to plly the prices May asked nt re tail , which wiil be ba ed Po l, Ad v.on what t h ~ r eta iler pa ys plus his profit. Cond it ions in genel'al a r e a littl e bette r. th i ~ year than I st, nnd t ho e a ble to buy tUl'keys mny nOt be so concern ed over a di ff rcnce of 11 cent or two pe r poun d. At the sa me- t im e, th e i n crea~ cd crop or turkeys mo y offset th impr oved genera l cond itions. Frozen t ur key hold ings li re less tha n a year ago 'but are la rger tha n average at this tim e of year. Lo, se have b<!t>n shown in jro1. n t urkey f or two or t hree · years, For and th i.~ is p rha ps another f actor that must bc consider ed in arriving at a price basis. As yet , it is nl('rely g uesswork T he er o\, of poult ry aside fr om turk ys is ,l arge this y ar. Hatcher ies produced a big incr ease OVC I' Your Support Will Be Appreciated la.~t year and st ocKs ot f r Qzen poultry are m\lc~ larger t han r oJ. AOv.ave)'ll~e, Under the e!rc umstances, excc slvely high prices ari!' not :::::s generall y expected !-or a ny type

Vote For



Independent Candidate


I Have Your Support



County Commissioner

of poultry t his ye aI'. Produce Packer. • ____ __

Th e





Twa Ka nsas pioneer s liv d ha l'd Jjvcs. They had no fou ntain pen. to leak on theh' finger s. No teleph one t o ring while they were taking bath". No moto r CIlI'S to Jfil t lIat tires or TUn out of ga ~ o line. N radios to burn out tubes 01' be ' over come by stat ic. No bru b salesm. n to I'ing their doorbells.



And no newspapers to make t hem mad. It. took I' ' Btl men to .,tand up $der such hardsblp . .- Chanute, Kan. , Tribune, NO'l'I CJl: OF M I ,J;:('''I'ION I !!SUE OF liON I)!!

Plus Tills Newspaper At R educe d Price ER~iS an oft:er that wil~ apPeal to all-Ameri~ Boy MagaZine and this newspaper at a special H combination bargain price. The American 80)' 1. the


Nf) lI ~ III h r by gIven l h a t In purs un n c!' o r n. It sol ution () t th o 1I 11l1;& ou n c ll or lh VI1I (\ge o f ·Wlly n esv lll e. O hio , p0.88<'(1 Oil t h 10th any o f Sepl p mh e r . 1931>. til " 0 .w lll h e aubmlltad to fl vO L ot t h p ;p Ie of Bllld V ill age ot WII.)' IlPs! III at bh e N ov e m b r E1 ec llo ll to lie h ('l d In th e Vill age ot Way n !w ill • h lo, at th reg lll n.r pl ncl>R or .vO I in g th r In . o n T'U C6(1,lY , U a l 3ri! .I ny o f Nov mn bcr, 1 036, th II Ut'l.U on of I .~tl ln g h ()nd .. or snl d. Vil l agll of W tt y n ~ v lll~. Ohio, In the a mql1n or 'llW<.llty · lh rt> t\ thOIUi n O 1)01 n "s (1 23.000.00) ror th lI"rJ1(l8 or tl;l o e(l nlllru ctl OIl (,f A. s MII L,\ry lIeW ,r s Yllt em In sal O Village . as Ilrovlcl d b y laW.

favorite magazine of morc than 500, .ad YOlplg men. Its fiction carries boys on the wangs of adventure to all. parts of the world. ItII sports articles by famo4S coaches and athletes are studied by champions. Here you will find the finest stories on apotU, aviation, business, school activities, humor, and traYel. Even at its regular price of _1.00 a ),ear, The AJneIri. can Boy is considered a ~ But dow fOUt\lDa)' obtain It and tbis newspaper. • . • • . U



m o.x l~UII I

ntltnl'"r o f

Yl'n r~

during w hic h 8ucl, ho ncl s I\T O lo run III 25 yea r6. Th Atlmatec! ",verngc (u.1clltl o n nl t l\ " r n l e oullll<1l' of tll O t l' n rom Iimlt",lIon I\S ce .. tl t J d b y Lbe ' ount y Au ditor Is a mill/!.

Tho Polls to~ 811.Id E l e~tl o n O p ~ J' n.t ij ;30 o'cloc k A. M .


Both One Year

w ill


r"m ltll\ Ilpen until f, ;31) o'cl <>c k P . M .

(El" " Lr rn Slnnda ril Tlmo )

Send Your Order. To

or · s old


By o r<1 (' r or th HOB,·a of El ('tl on s. ot \Varr en . ' OUllty , Ohi o.

C )·lAS . .T. \V Ac;C'..(jN ffi J t, h n. lrlllllll v . TL 11 $.'> I,; LL. lorK. Df\.tcd H p t(' mh ~ J' ~l\ ll1 . 1936, L-8 -15- 2Z

The Miami Gazette













Tblat8 Bowtbe PinlGf . . . . . cldoall..,..,. H~" Boon To Be Brected in Varioua PaN·oI OhIo, ~ to ..0. . . . WIlD .,... 'f1IroaIb tile Deuaoiwtaatiuu .u-. Dark



Locate4 jult Dortll of Canton. OIl Route a. tbilaahty "nperim~ hiclaway" .... ofYiclall7 put into operatiOD October 12. It is dealcned to acquaint motoriats aad ·th .... - L._-fitI to be en o-d when WI


..... ......

., -




CCII'diDIr 10 wety experts, it is aarprfaiq to lee what a salllUr7 effect ........ edacadoD haa in brinain, Iboat better can and safer driven. To Ioaare the belt EiONIblc lifting c:oftdidoa. OD tIalI ~DlJte .

tbe 'oar esMntia1a neceu&I'7 to hi...• Ql'atioft Itntda, • WII7 aiel)' prenD. Thq are: Good aiped l)'lteia of


Goocl Can; GoocI SeeIAa: ~e4: ~ .~




This cducational safety hilhwa,. as well al the other demonstratioa strips 100ft to be installed elsewheR in the state are but one phase iD a comprehensive atate-wide program launched by the Ohio State Safe.,. UAl!1.,.. Couadl a few months -.0. The de- IDovemeat hal for ita purpose not ia onll' the eUmmatioa of preYea..bIe tramc bllt alDls to briDIr poIitioD in hiIbwar












'll ,I ''' •• I'I'"llI~ " llll~, ~1 1' .lIl,) \11 • Ch ,I, L, \,lC~', ;'Ilr nnd \11·.·. th "IIMpie of I hc 11/11'1'(')' hllr Parent-TenchC!'. , A "~(I~hll iOI! \\ lil \'1 arl, ~ ~llial t. ;\h~ !!'n lJiltlnn, \1 ,. \1111 \ lIain' Hilli )lls' ~r u:c b h.ld il1 lh,' )'motlslum (In 10'1 idny • \ l'lIlIlK. ,'llltl\'1 , Oct.ob r 30, bl!ltjnnln~ HI Ii \, ' l'I'k '1 1,. li<1u HUn and MI~. fhl' gran.( Ilarall,' will hI' 111'1.1 Churl",:! y.;;1l1l11't ('nh'llaim'!l on at ight o'cln k and \'fllullbh' Wlld n \! dill, "ilh It Illtlclwon nl tht' priz ~ will bl! 9"'Elnleci to , t h(' hom ' ,If )11'" R"11 Guin\!~ in :following: tl\l1e~t indlvltJual, ,. h(ll·t 1I1l1'lwl'lI , in honur I1f 1\11';. ('lam st individual, b st blid,' "nd I{andltll ,If A marillR. 1'~\xa.. Thu gt'oom, be t fanner, lUI' j!l' st 1I1 1\~k· '\l"l>h> inclu(leci Irs. . U. Run.. d 'family. b 51. J' pl'l'~ nt.1I1 ion br dall, Mr-l. I):~ W Ich, M'rs. as i(1 a child, best rcpre nLation by lin 1I(,j t.t. 1\11 , . Etl. B. Dllkin, MI'\!. adult, ugUe-st individual und Mm y Haines, Mi s ~e!l Nan ,ollett, pretti t individual. Lunch will be GI a e mUl't, IT len Randall lind lIerved b ginning at . \x 'o'cl(lck , th rue of hno u l·. Everybody is WC!cOlllC lind the admis ion is free. Fruit Cooperative.



MnsI1U I' I aII.-.

lUllt. 1 T


CoMS\\),;~~O \\\M~E\.f 1'~E GR£~~"{ Of ~\.\. _ 9OE~~ ~~t> ~~\) M.\ V1I\'\O ~O':t~~t) I

, ,,,,"\~


Lale Classified Ads.

- --- '-


::'111',. \\" E, (.II.~'" lin' 'nl,'rtllln,·tl



F OR ALE-], rmont , Cabinet Heater. 20" bowl, reconditio ned .'(ood n~ new, $30. R. D. Collett, Hardware. Phon!' 99 R3.


QU'f \"0


BCHAPM~N Licell.eel B roll.r

.. -----

Lvtle Ladies Aid at

Rl eE 6






0' ~" \)"\~b '>~'£s ()W~ ",OKIl-'1\( \HOltlK












- - - . : . -- - - - - - - - -..... ~---..... &_.;...". .... -.-============:~=======~====~======~==~~, Sunday evening with the "Grays" Beech Grove Lytle in Wellman. Mr , Thomas Rich has been Mr.. and Mrs. Donald Hadley Mr. and Mr. H()ward McKay and Mr. , Amo ook w I'C Dayton and 80ns Robert and Donald, ]\l r. called to Lebanon because of the I shoppel'S Saturday_ ' and Mr. Harold McKay a nd s riow illness of her paTents. Mrs. E dith McKay an d Mrs. Mr . J . B. J ones, who bl\ been son Allen attended a surprise dinn r in ba ilOr of 1\l r. Hat'r y lIa McKay attended the Repuhli- . poorl\Y for !'O IL Inl e t timc , wasn't Row at his h ome nelllr BoweTSvi\le ca n T ea at the Golden Lamb in k. nCIll' y 0 we as we M C 1 . I . • r. an d MTS. 'ttl ., m. 0 eman Leba.non on Saturday. The Ladles AId WlU meet ne:x.t old their home in Wellman CCJlunty Wedne day afternoon, November a nd will return to t heir fo rmer 4, with Miss Mary Prether,· with h ome in Lytle. Mrs. Effie ChenowCourtesy M;rs. MaJ;jfaret J.ohns, M....5. LeUya th ' ie the purchaser . Wharton nd ,MI Roth Reeder, Mrs . Cora A. Tbo,mpson of Cin, aslli:!tant hlJ tesse . cinnatl and Mr. Albert Herris of PilI. dv.Election Nov. 3, 1936 Mrs. Susan Saylor i visiting Dayton were Satur'd ay a.fternoon Shield Expert Her. , her daughter, Mrs. J ames Nash, callers at the A. B. Talmll.J ""!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ who i ill, at her home in Can field, home. Sunday callers ) Mr. E. J. Meillbarcli. 'fell _OWIl ,= • Ohio. and Mrs. E. C. Mllrrish and lion E.pert of Cbi_p. will pere.... rr~~===========~~=======-=-='==='1 Mrs, Mar), Cll,t'nwny was enter- lark of Xenia. an,. be at tbe Miami Hotel Da,.. tained to din ner Sunday at the Sev ral from .this place attend ed tOil, Obio OIl Maeda,. oDI,., h me of Mrs. Alice Clark. lIfontt\ly Meeting lit the F r iends NoY. Zild. from 10:00 a. aI. to · ' H" MiSil Mary Pr ther, Robert Ch urc b In a. veysb u rg. S un day 4 :00 D... . ID. Allct 7 :00 p. m. to

Lvtle hall 1 hursdal', October 29 Free Luncla Prize. Given AJmi.sion 10 cent.

(Beebe) Graham

Vote for

Candidate for


;;-------------'71 RUPTURE I



,M art -In SteeI SIorage Systems

Ar'e Bu.olt L.·ke A Battle Sholp The MARTIN i. .,rovided w,i th a ventilatin, system that will cure any corn worth ,ather. in" American· The La r aDn Suction Ventilator was tested ,b y the Bureau of Standards of tbe U. S. Government and wa. found to be the moat efficient of any of the various ventilators tested. Asain we say-BOILD ONCE FOR LIFE

Mutin Steel Products Co. Manefield, Ohio

JOHN C.' ADAMS, Local Rep. Waynesville. Ohio

Phone 69-R-13




7~ ~


-ChOOic Cedar CIR.TIGt~D.S 'for. both Roof and Side:Walb!

Fl'i nd and Ml·. and Mrs. W'6.Iter Kenrick at.tended a K. of P. dinner W dJ] day l'vlming, at the hom of Mrs. Maude Crane in Waynesvil! . M'r. and' Mrs. Clarence mith are pending thi \1', k with their on and family, Mr. and Mrs. ~ Allen mith and daughters in

morning. The Message brought by Mr. Burret Hiatt of Wilmington was greatly appreciated. We are glad to report t he r~ covery of J. Lee T~llm age who has been quite ill with pn eumonia. Mr. Howard MclKay a nd Mrs. 'U_ ~ n Vl'si na we re n.,I1'lmm'..... &~ tors i ta . F 1'1'day. Mrs. 'F lol nce J E!ifery of Olive Dayton. Branch ntertained the F ri endship Miss H elen Early and Mrs, Alice club last WednesdllY afternoon. Clark were Dayton villitors ' MonMr. and Mrs. !)'h erman Ferris D.

day. Twenty ladies of the Aid enjoyed 11 covel' d dish dinner at the Hall Thursday, honoring the membel';; whose birthdays occurred in Octtlber. Mrs. C. L. Duke entertaiMd to dinner Thul'sday at h el' co un try . I a d'les: M ra. f 11 owmg home the o . ' lorris Miller of Zimmcrinan. Mrs. O. J . Marquardt, Mrs. Paul Duke and daughter, and Mrs. ra'r gat:'et J ohns.

and Mrs. Alm on F~rri8 wer e Lebano n visitors last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. EI.oward McKay, Mrs. Hal'old McKa,y. Miss Evelyn J.ackson a nd Robed McKay attend ed the State FarJ1)l Bureau Meettng at 'Col umb us last Monday. Several fro m tlhjs community attend the f uneral {)f Mr. WI'l'\. Downey, whos de; occurred at the home of his nephew Mr. Wymer Do<wney near here. Mr. a nd Mrs. Chas. Voiera of

9 :~:'t:~

Hotel Clerk for the number. of Mr. Meillhardi'. room.. OBly are ill.ited. The Mei.....rdi Rapture Sbield reta" tbe naptUnt Oil til. a.u... caM r .....d.... of .i.. or 'ocatio_o bow' yo, u eaerci... lift, or etr"" n • Meinhardi Rupture Sb'-ld i. .lcilJhlly moWed ~ _ch lileli. yichaal .. a Deatiat ...... fal •• t_tb. (No I.a etrapa aad IlO cUlftberaomo analla_b). It i. walerJ»roof. ""tary, practicall,. ......tructible• •Ild ma,. be w.....hi_ batWac or .Ieepina' (eollti...o ... ly cia,. alld nlpt) ulltil IlO l.lla_ d .. ired. CAUTION-B_are of imitatora who Cop,. tbi. Ilotice. R.. member tile Il.... MEINHARDI He hat baenl co_lllc :l.are .... u. lady for 'f,- _ .•. Do aot ,1l• • leet to .. 0 bim Oil tt.e abo •• date. No ebara. for ct-.tration. "naie I. for wbit. people Cbl_a. 0tIic.e, Pur. on Blda.


Sam Keever ' "

Democratic CandiJa!e For

5 H ER,I F F WaTren County If electe.d the,. will be nO relatin. -..o\llted.

to do m,,. duty to the people allel _

Election : Nov. 3,1936

that . .


I, ,...

......1.,. . . _


method the a~ COlt of .......... . . . .,.. .... old tool, IIDd over the . . wda, whecber ~ be of wood. ~ llridcor .,. odMr ........ No liuer of old rill DO CGII .... ....11 ..... of proIICtIoe c~ .... opIflld.R, A .....


. . . . ., ............. fuel bi~ lad .... , . . . . . . . . .

c... .. _ ... III . . , . . , . . . . , ,lit! CElTlGMDI.aW"

,-._U IM,w UJ t .... , . ......

.114 . , . , _........


1'01. A d v.-

Your Protection Our many years of conscientiou!:l service to the public of this community in itself con titutes assur• ance that you will g,e t only high grade, honest funeral merchandise. It is upon this kind of merchandise, plus thoughtful personal service, that we have built our reputation-and that reputation is our most pricelesl asset.


B. II.Clare Wtt~·.·YW.

P ..... ,

&ndaydiMer p~~ ~M~ ~d Ha"Q~u~~~t S~d~ w~~;;;;;;~;;;;;~~;;;;~;;;~~~~;=~=;;;:;;;;~ Mr . the Gray f amily a't Wellman.

Mrs. Wa lter Kenrick

Wel '4!:

and~ ~~and~~ and daughters, Arline Margllret

M~ • •~• • •~• •~~• •~~~• • • •~~~~.~.~• • •~~.~._~ nati is a~chh~~~~I~ gu~t of Mr. and MJ'1I, C. and Mr. CharJes Gol1 of Spring. ,H. De~th erage; ' fie ld. " . ' Mr. and Mrs. Harry ThompllOn. , M.r. and Ml·S. Allen Emrlck Mr. a nd .Mrs. Fred Thompsop visited Mr. and Mrs. Leon Salis· were callers at Kj'ngs Mills Satur bury and family at Wash ington C. day. H. Sunday an d reported t hat Mr. Mr. and Mrs. P. Wells and lamil), Salisbary is lowly r covering were Sunday visitors of Mr. and , from his recent automobile accid- Mrs. Rufus R~bert8. ent. We are sorry to learn of the A large cr,owd enjoyed t he recep de" tb of Mrs. L, D. Chiles of Wa)' tion given a t the Chul'ch Friday nesville which oCClurred at the evening for t he new pastor, Rev. home of ,hel' brotble~ II&8t Thursday Paul Angell. of Ceda.ryill e Colle~e,. 'Mrs. Chiles was '8 former resident He \Vas accompanied by Miss 'Mtl- of this communit:y'. ' .' dl'ed Laby a teacher of t he Dayton Mt. Robert McKay was in .tschools. A program by the young tendan ce a t the First Annual HARVEYSBURG .. . .. 11:00 a. m. fo lks ~ nd .Iunch of sandwiches, United Cooperatives' Meeting held LEAVE LEBAJlON, ... , .8:00 a. III pumpkm pie aud coffee were fea.t- ni Columbus Friday and Saturday MORROW ... , .. ..... 2:00 p. JR. Via.FRANKLIM to ures 01 t he evening. of last week. ' Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kruer and Mrs. Edith Davis has returned SPRINGBORO .... .. 9:00 a. m. MAINEVILLE. : ... . .. 2:41 ,';. m~ family attended t he w-M <\ing of t o ber home here aft er spending LY11.E ....•• '..... .. . 9s45 a. m. SOUTH LEBANON . .. . 3:~ p. IDe Mk;.s Helen Thomas, d augh~r of some time with her sister, ' Mrs. Mr. a.nd Mrs. Kenneth Th omas of Clara Dunn in L,!banon. W& ar"i W~Y~ESVILLE ... .. 10130 a. m. MASON, .. .. 4:00 p. m. :.. . , near pri ngbol'o, and Mr. James glad t o report MJ,/!, Davis' health Weant at th e Lutheran church at much Improved.' Miamisburg, on Wednesday evenMr. NOBoh Moorl! and Miss Edna The followin. speakera ,will be with .a to diac:.u the i..... Of tllia camp.i.-'s jng of 11\ t week. Miss Helen Kruer Hobbs of Wayneelville were . mar. was bl'id s maid. They ,also attend~ Tied at Lebanon, Tuesday of last ed the I'eception' at the P eerlellS week. We extend to them our HON. CHARLE'J J. WAGGONER HON. CLI"F MARTIN Pantry. . b es, ' Ex.s.n.tor. . Ciac:innati, Ohio goo d "WIS JUDGE FRANCIS M. HAMILTON Bobby Gray entertain ed the Miss Marynet BeaaOD and Mr. HON. DEAN L STANLEY f ollowing li ttle frie nds Satur day Wilbur McCarren were Cincinnati JUDGE S.MON ROSS afte rn Oo n honoring hi:! 7th birth- vietors last Thursday. HON. ARTHUR HAMILTON HON. L T. MARSHALL ullY. Ann Welt?, Mildred Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Henr, 1100" 7th Diatrict HON. C. DONALD DILATUSH Anna Mar ilyn Whitaker. Wilma l ntertai.ned 'a t a famil), dinDer Oft Mae Gray, , Richard Whitaker. Thur. aB), in honor of their 80a, Richard Sheehan, Jackie Multord. Mr, Noah Moore and wife • Mr. Geor"e Davia nel famllJ David Hartsock, Edwin &fichtner. ...... will ........ Q P. T. A. of 1Iar.,.,-..... at II ' ~ Milton Jones. ViIViI Lonpcre, had as thelr 'rueat the put . . . . Dicky Graham, Gene Gray, George IIIr. Warren Cleaver, Of Detroa. ..... wOl lie ,...... _ the A-.l.. ........ '" ....,.... 0IaI0. Henderson. Glenn Smith and Mr. and lin. John Ratl. . . ._ _ Robert Arch~c on . Other p am w re: Mias Eva Reeder, Kr. n el - - - - - - - - - - - - G90rce Gral', Mr. auuI '" StaeJ. Tbelala



houR bu FOWIl .a..hby-loob old ad oua4f.. wily: .... ..,. II _ bauIy, 11ft w_th II!d Idded c_f.., by ~ iI-Ioof IIDd . . waa.-with CIlRTIGRADB ... CedIr

laWI "'0



I ...., ...,.


Sch~dule of Time and Place of 'Stop. '


........ ---.





WaYllen/ilIe, O.

Pho.... 54

Halla we' en Carnival



J. R. Gibbons


in ~' ard s ill the 1936·36 seo.soil. Florida ~ 'ocintions old $] 5,600,. 000 WIl I·tll. o{ fruit, ond the next f oul' states in Yl)lume of sal w ,'., W a hin~t,on, olorado, Or • ~on and Michigan.




alWlrnia fruit ~OOP rativee nlHrketed '" 112 \000.000 worth of the produc\' of orchard and





Eigbty·Eighth Year



Whole Number 6246


Bond Issue Carries By One Vote Y. F. M. TO MEET



HAllOWE'EN CARNIVAL Y. F. M. will meet at the SERVICES TUESDAY MIAMI VALLEY J hn L ste:. : .: :, ag d 20, Re-Count May Be Asked To bome of Charles Doster In Harson of Mr. and Mr~. Ru fus Drake, on Sunday, November WAS WELL ATTENDED 8.veysburg, fOR GUN VICTIMS of Ki ll g3 Mill!!, lli ed at his hom e FIELD TRIALS Settle Question Mary Hes ton, leader. ---Thu t· doy, Octo e l' 20. II had . Privnte luneral services were The Fourteenth A'r:lnU III f all been in ill h ~altb several year . LASf FRIDAY EVENING conducted Tuesday afternoon for Services were held S.Ilturd\IY fi e-Id tria ls for Pointer Ilncl Setter Th~

~~. ---

Mrs. Lorena Atkin so n, 47. years old, and J ohn Elooth, 68 yea rs old, victims in a double shooting t ragedy in Lebanon Saturday afternoon. Rites for S ooth, who $hot Mrs. Th e annual Hallowe'en carnival A tkinson through the bead and sponsored by the Wayne Township = cbes~ befor e turning the gun on Mother 's Club was held at the Mrs. D. R. Smith and Mrs. E. himself; were conducted at th.e W Yl'l sville gym Friday nigblt, C. Crane were Dayton Visitors Oswald fun eral home by the Rev. Thornbury, of, Harveysburg. October 30. At an early hour this afternoon. nearly every available seat bad Bur.ial was made in Lebanon J. F. Gray, of New Vienna, and cemetery. been taken and the center of the joor W88 fill d by a large numller He bert Gray, of Columbus, were Services f or Mrs. Atkinson were of maaked persons. G1andng Sunday l:fUesta ot Mr. and ltl1'fll. J. conducted at 3:30 at her thrpugh the group one could aee H. mith. res idence in East Mulbeny street 8uch ebal'acten a8 Amos A Andy, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Rhodes and by t.he Rev. L: P. Vesey. Burial hirley Temple, Little BoPeep, daughters 01 Versailes, were was made in Lebanon. Jealou sy and financial reverses brides and grooms, gholtta and we~k-end guest.s of Mr. and Mrs. me.ny other very clever c08tumes, r. O. Brown. were believed rC1l'ponsible for the At 7:46 the. &wardiJll of t~ shooting, witnessed by Mrs. AtkinR' Hs· dHart~OthC;kM snHd rtfamkil,y son's 80n, CharI ,in their home, . long li!!t of prizes was begun. W hen masks 'W'Al'C removed it .&s spen t un ay WI rs. a II()C s owned by Mr. Booth. .,.M d M C H ... tb discovered that many of them parent., r. an rs.. . . vea . Mr. Booth was proprietor of the were local citizens. erage, ot near Oregonta. Boot h Dry Goods company of Leb Two door prizes were awarded . Mr. and Mr-. JOSl.8. · h Davis ~re anon for many yeaTS. b a to persons h.olding lucky num e:s · week..end guest! 01 their daughte r, . Mrs. Atkinson was the divorced In /the draW1ng for the el~ctrlc Mrs. Ilowa~d Hurley, and family, wife of Ellery Atkinson. iron, table lamp, a~d bridge .amp, of near Kingman. - - ---the awards were made to MI'I Carl Frye. Mr. Frederick Robltaer and Mr. Raymond Dunham and Mrs. Robert Baker, reepectiveJy. MiBs Rebecca Dunham, of Kin,. Man,y

Famou. People Rep_en.ted Bf' n.





Judge Dechant Only Democrat To Win County Office; Keller Hoak Defeated

anarnoon at t h Baptist chut'ch in dogs will be run t his w lek Novem- Kings tWills and bu rial was in bel' 6th and 7t h over t he Tegular Miami cemetery. gr ounds of th Miami Valley _ - - .- - Amateur Fi eld T rial Association . Th(J bond iSRue { (\ r (hI' construc- Griffith .. 131 14V 71 138 99 on the farm of A. S. Collett on tion of 8 sanital'Y sewer yst~ m in Fo r Al1ditor of State Route 73 near Ha rveysburg . Wa nC6villc carried by a margin [o'cmtu on .. 127 180 72 96 87 Th e j udg es will be W . T . Winduf one vote. Tracy .. . 132 160 72 136 101 80 1' of Akro n, Ohio a nd H. D. AbWit h n t tal vote of ~:>!J in the For Trea.urer of State bott, of A\\rora, Indlanll. It is l ' two cotpOI'ation IJr cit1c\,s, 260 'nigley 129 170 69 96 85 port ed by Horace Lytle, 8e( reta ry voted for th bond issu~ and l aO nay . 131 160 73 139 lOS of t he club that th e colllrses have (lp'ainst t he pr(lpo. ai. · Attorne:y Genel!lll been laid out to 'better advantage <> Rum rs were urrcnt here, DUffy .. 128 179 69 99 86 than ever (lnd ' that th su pply of Mrs. W. H. AIle n spent Wedn s. Thursday, that b cau se oC t he clORe LLc rhett 132 u n 72 130 100 gam e is t he b st f or Yi!a rs. day a nd Thursday of week in ness of the vole, and. the For Con.sre•• man Lawlle A numb er of new ent r lies are ex- incinnati. ' minut hitt r \'aged ( Fuji Term) ded to app ear in thl~ r unnin g 8R:nio. the proj ect a re-count or Mosier (D) 127 180 70 94 88 this year. notably dogs f rom Cle~e Mrs. Mary H opkins, of Dayton, the votes might be a~kccl. IcSween ey 127 180 69 97 85 land a nd western Pennsylva nia. W it t he 'we k-end guest or !-Ir. Success of the bond is!\ue f ol' Mar haU .126 143 72 131. 98 West Virgi nia will again b e well a nd Mrs. J . C. Hawke. inlpl'OVem~nt of di tasteful !lllwag Bender .'. 132 149 72 ~3 5 97 represented as u ual. conditio n In Wayne vill climaxed For COD!rI' at LarBe All day Friday, Nov (! mber 6th . . M~ss C~therlne Wlkospeal r, (lf a long figh~ on the part of council (Ullupir,e d Term) will be de voted to the l'unning of j Incmnatl, was a W ~ -en( gues t Earhart 124 180 70 95 86 E and many citi7.en!l interest d in .. what! i kn own a s the Trophy I of Mrs. mma Bat:nett. the iDlIJ1'ovem~ nt of H.ving condj- Ogier .. '" 129 143 69 132 97 Stake for the Dayt(lll Trophy . For Repwe.e1\t-"':ye to Cone •• re Mr. and Mrs. Pa ul Booram, of tion in this which is valu ed at On e T.housand f commu t . bnity. khoulli d 'ta Aleshire " 126 ..... 186 70 91 84 Bellbrook, were Sun da y guests of I c-count 0 vo cs c as e, 1 h II 34 142 ... Dollars and must 00 'won thTee M M E C C would entail con~iderable cxp nse. ' 1 81'8 a . 1 '/2 140 102 times :for petplanent posses ion. 1 t. and I' . • . ran. I I n their pre-ell!clion CampaiPl". For State Senator While this is its seven th yea r· of . Mr. nnd M~. l !a r vey Burn t tho c who tought the program, in- NI~ho18 .... 128 181 69 96 87 competition, no yelt has s uc- cnt rtain d t h di nner club Saturt( d the pres nt hall-WIzard ' MII]r 129 1.43 72 134. 96 ceeded in winning it ~nore than day evening at t heir home in syst em of &cwag disposal in wa - , For R8J)rNen.tat''ge to Ceneral y ·o nce. It has been won twice by Lytle. neav ill to be adelJunte-this ill A..embl,.











d'~!::::: ~:~~::..qu:::::.0":. :~";f~~~ ;Vd~~''::'::~'s:~~ MET LAST WED NESDAY ~:.'.:n. ;:r.;.~; ;:~!:~: :.~~'~d M, "d "n.


FI,. , of r::~ ·:n~':~~n~ ~':;'~":ffi ;::':: ~:::~~::' ::~ ::!

.::. ,:~ ::

Oh.,l" I corn, etc, the sale of which netted hah. il1 19S5 by Horace Lyt le's "Sam CillCinnati, were guests of Mr. an d as weH .:JI! on e law su it now pondFor County Com~"IO ... r a nice profit. The Woman'sf Forei~n )'n "_ I'n eom""on I-.I oak ... 170 208 94 130 112 Mr. ~nd Mrs. Elmer Sheehan, h MMissionth d' t IIIaley." The winner for thi s year Mrs. W. H. All en on Sunday. ... p l"ns " .. COUI.t. Allter the prizes were awal'ded ary Society 0 t e e 0 1.8 will not. be known until the j udge » HlIgemeyer 121 145 65 131 91 dancing was enjoyed, the music Miss llalen Crock tt and Maater Churcb met Wednesday afternoon announce him or her n,ext Friday Mr. a nd ~s. Willie Flannery, Mc lure .. 115 140 60 104 84 Richard Sheehan were Sunday th b f M K tb . The County V'1 tin a being furnished by Bud LeMa l's g at e ome 0 rs. enne evening. of Middl etown , wel'a Sunday ev n For C_t,. Auditor uests of Mr. ~nd Mrs. Ellis H h ·th at J W d d MR' . W Rhythm Muters. With t he .addition ot a ' new lng gu-ests of Mr. and 1'8. ay With . one "ccptlon Parker ... 74 71 38 67 52 MeClul'e of near Springboro. Moug MWl C ra.. •. ta ar t hant h t' art'cn R The carnival was a succeaa and rs. ary ro 8 a 18 n os - stake this year there will be COm- Mainous. county suppor teen Ire e· Munger .... 27 28 17 23 23 the. club wislu~s to extend ib Mr. and Mrs. R; H. Hartsock esses. petitiOn all day Sa turda,y , Nov~mpublican tick t in Tu esday' elec· For Proaeclltiq Attorney s incere thanks to all bllaineq men will go to ColumbU4 tomorr()w, The subject of the devotional ber 7th. The first event f or that Mr. and [r. R. D. Coll ett and lion. J uclg harles B. Dechant , Dilat ush .. 139 166 82 161 113 o( Waynellville and vicinity for Friday, wbere Mr. Hartsock will service conducted by Mrs. Dibert day wilt be th~ Derby, followed by ons entertained a group of \\ as retul'ned to t he Comm on P leas For Clerk of the Coart of c.-.. donations of cash and merehan- attend a meeting of county was, "The counsellor" after which the Amateur All-Age. The latter is f-rlends f rom New Durlington, un b nch, with a margin vot e of mo re _ , Pie•• ' disc whic.h were uled for prizes. treasurers. Mrs. F. U. LeMay sang "I've the new stake wbich aims to cater da),. t han 800 vet· his Re publieull op- B ~ck(\tt 136 164. 80 142 107 Also to all Irthers who contributed . Found a Friend." more particularly to 10Cl\1 doli'S POncll t George E . Young. For Slseriff H oug'h pre.s en t e d with special at .. Mr. and Mrs. Charl es H artSOCK, S~ith en tertained .a in any way towaTd mald~. t h is . Mra. H a~y Mrs. Kenneth upon sbooting T he Roosevelt vote WllS ex· Keevel' 124 167 68 90 86 f I ttl gIrl and boue Frl S d h' ~r. Luth er Hartsock , Mr. and Mrs tremely heavy in Lho cou nt y h... u t G ham a ve-ry enjoyable ·oC;C&8lon. A I group 0 • e !I .' . - the tewar S Ip program. do .. standards. Personll who a re 139 169 81 UiC 106 d aft . . tb e proud .. of their gun dogs In or near Gilbert F r ye were Sunday di nnet' Gov'. Landon had a. maJu "r t ra For.. Coant, Reeonler . great deal of praise alto roe. to . b ayt . em 0 on, the occasion celcAfter tb e b usmess session t y 0f . d the various committees wbo . ar- ra Ing ·.... ~Ile leven th bir thdav.. an- (ollowing program WII3 enJoye: Dayton should surely (mte r t hem gU €!.' ts of Mr . and :r.lrs. J. B. Rich.' slig htly ov r 200 votes. Huffman " 134 156 77 144 104. ranged and .-naged the afrair. · nlveJ'l&1'1 of her little- SOli. Glenn. Review of Study Book, "Congo for stake for which the total Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Hendorso n Bricker rQ.u strong in For Couaty Tr••• rer The pesta 'Were Glenn'. sehool Crosses"- Mrs. J . B. Crabbe. entry f ee i only Tbree Dollars p er and Mr~. Boyd Henderson spent t he county defeaU ng Gov rnOT Hartsock . 142 173 83 104 118 mate. who spent a deli,htful Solo, "Nobody Told Me dog. un day with Mi. 5 Dori. H nder- Dave y by 1221 vOl s. For COllntJ E.,il!eer An un afternoon and enjoled the delic- Jesus"-Mrs. M. Baird. Anyone going down this 'Year Son Jl t her apartment in Newport. The commi silln r5 race was Ilenkle 137 169 81 166 105 lioUS lunch servfld b, lira. Smith. Review of Missionary book, will be a ssured of seeing runniog close, Fred J. Hag e-m yer an d For CorOller Mrs. H. H. Davis of Manafleld, 'Valorous Ventures'-Mrs. Egbert all day Saturday and a good Mr. a ne Mr~. Ray Hawke a nd colt McC lul'e, Republi can cundi. Wil ~tams .. 141 171 81 146 106 arrived Wednesday eveninl' for a Poem-Mrs. R. E. Frank. country chicken dinner will be qaug hter, Dayton, fRlnt dill. If winning OVOI' Keller Hoak, JUDICIAL few da,s visit to bel' brother-inReadjng, l'Among the Villages" ser,:,ed both days on the grounds Sunday with Mr. , and Mr . J . P . cekin g 1'e-el etion n t he Dem - For JUdg6 'of the SaPN_ eo.rt law and sister, Mr, and Mrs. D. C ,-Mrs. A •• Da~. . at the Co)1ett homestead. Fred .Frcrmm. ct!1tic. tick t. Har t ' .. .. 72 102 41 88 60 ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH Ridge. Mr. Davis and their daughSo~o, W.orkmg , . Wat<:hmg, Tejan of the· Dayton Country CI.ub T1le unofficial co unt gavc Mc- Myers , ... 57 162 36 51 42 Father HewtoD, Putor Stables will take down horses and Ladies' 2-plece ensemble suit, lur 7379, llag.e-mey er 72'7 1, t c:ph n!'on ..42 42 27 40. 22 Mus. at at. A\I81lStlne'. claarcb ter. Mrs. raUl Sowash wi1l join Praymg--Mrs. ~. ~alrd. the group on Saturda, for a week . Th next meetmg pf the i~ addition there will be an clean ec! Il nd pressed, 85c. Men's lIoak GV50.. 1Willillms ... 73 114 44 89 67 every Sunda, mornlne. • d i 't ~ will be held at the home of Mrs. .ad -quate number of local farm tol'l coats, 70c: children's winter Albe rt 1\1 . I'arke l', Republican 1For Judrr of the Coawt of A...... e en vel. . D ecern · b • D. C. RJ'd ge In er. mounts. coats, 40c. Q uick CIean er , K a th - cl!ndidnte to r cou nty aUd'Itor d e(Full T __ ) . FRIENDS MEETING Irving D. Welch, .ho has been . - - - - .. The omcers and of th~ ryn Mendenhall, Manag er: feated Enlm cr J. Munger, Demo- Matthews .. 74 87 45 86 67 Flrat-da, School at ':10 .. 111. conaected with the Goodyear Miami Valley Amateur Field Trial M rs. Clifford n. Brace .c nterboth ru nn ing on t he '\ For Juq_ of the Court of A...... Joleetin. for Worship ., 10 Tire A Rubber CompallY for 80me Aesociation are Nicholus Daniel, lndepend nt ticket. (UDIC\'Jlpired Tell"lll) th tBined t his nfternoo t\ tho b ' G I time, has been promoted to e pre ident; J. Horllce L:ytle,. secreMalsh.a ll W . .E. " Dec ' ~a lAm Tatgenhors" I -_. L 'ff position of genetal ine -..ellman. · tal'Y Ilnd treasurer; Ur. R. H. Woma l\'s Club of Xenia, of which of Fr atl kli n, was winn el' fo r . "Ctt Jr. .. .... ~.. 67 9S 50 101 60 FERRY CHURCH 'OP CHRIST .... I .,. she is a. membe r. ' D t with headquu1ers at Dea _0 nea, . ' • • Aull, 1st vice president; R. T. over' Sa m R;eevcr , emoera. For Judge of the Couwt of Co_. • Carl SmIth. IIID~ low... Mr. Welch will leave SUlIdaJ' HOlik, 2nd vice president, Fred H. Mr. nnd Mrs, F re d Gons and G 'aham polled ·a total of 8667 1 moaPleai Perry Thomaa,. Supt. 'of Blbl. for Des MoIne.. Mrs. Welch to The Waynesville Garden Club Rik:e, R. R. Dicke)" :Row~ A. f mily and Miss Alice Gon s left votes, leading t he R epublica.n Del:hant .. 134. 132 59 102 '78 , School join hlm at. a later date. held a very \ enjoyable meeting Creer Jr; ; D. Ho.lmes, Morton~ !:Iunday morning for Punta Gorda , ticket in t he coun ty. . Young ... 101 132 6.9 107 '71 Bible School at 8 ;80 a. Ill. ' Tuesday evening' at tlle home of ., , th l' 'It f L banocn ill f S P. J. Myer and A. E. "rmiams. Florida, whCl'e th ey expect to A T ur "a ml on, 0 e 'Fo~ Judge: of the ProIta... C01lrt C01llmunlon, 10:f15 .. m. Woman', Au ary 0 t. Mrs. Frank Farr. Twenty-two • the winter. was retur ned to t he sta.te legisla, Carey . .. '115 153 72 144. 98 Preachl~, 11 :00 .. aI. Charch, will meet with members answered the roll call MICHAEL-BLf.IR S. C. Alexan der of Propoud Amend_at of the C-. Mrs. Ropald aHawke, at the Little and Mrs. Davis Furnas and ,Mrs. F. B. Henderson, Mrs. · Kathryn Ft';lnklirl hi. DC!mqcrat opponent. stltuti_ of Ohio "'AYNUVIu.& CHURCH Inn, on ;Frld l afternoon, Novem. George Smith ""ere welcomed into The .marriage of . Mis8 Loil Turn er, Mrs. D. L. ran e, M88ter~ Clifford C. Beckett, eandidate Stocldaolci.. Lioability ber 13, at 2 o'clock; IJra. Budoin the club. ' Blair and M.r. Earl Mj,chael was Matthew Turner and Jack Crane for the offie ot Cler k o! . tl)e Yes " . . . . 81 105 33 91 '16 . CIIIU.T Carl . . . . , 1IlDs.ter vice presta'llt of the Dayton ConTile guest speaker who was solemnized at 11:30 Tues were dinner on Sunday bf ourt Qf om mon Pleas, WIth no No . ...... ,... .. 44,. 70 38 51 30 Not A Deaoadaatloll voca'tlOD, ud Roland Bag. to talk on "Perenniala" day morninlr, Novemm!r 3, Rev. Mr. and Mr . .H. C. Coleman, of 'oPPoRition dr vi a large vow . Sale. T ... ·OIl- Food 9:80,Blbl. ICbooL gott .UJ. be preaellt at tJda tillie, was unable to be present. W. E. Bow,8lI, o~ the Sp'r ing Valley Norwood. Unoppo.s d' officiaia r e-elected Yes ... " .. 118 140 63 106 98 10:'5, Lord'a Sapp.r. and wi1Ilamlab 'the prOl'l'aM. '1 Mrs. Friends pbureh', pertolrming . the Mr.!. T. B. Brannock retu't1'\ ed ore: C. Donald prosecut- No .. " '" ,.. 64 ' 96 .0 70 ' 89"'.p. ·m.,. ChrIa\Ian Endeavor, The GdUcl cla.. are paid at thb program with an ' . Y I' the 'preSEnce of a h' K 'ing a tttir ne'" AlIcn Huffman IS.UE ., m.eetlne" at.O the dollar for tJI. a"'lcle on Daftodils. eeremon ~ . , Ihome ' Friday from Cynt lon a, y.; " ' . ' SEWER PROJECT BOND ., 7:(6, d liar \al that ted n 1 h large number of and having called there by tho. county recorder; Ross H. Hl\rJ;8ock F 146 WedDe.,. 7;(5 p. m., DnLYelrl 0 aoc traa vo ~o. Mis4 Riley, chairman 0 .friends at the home olf the bride death of her brother-in-law, Mr, county treasure r; S tn D. H enkle, or .,.... .. . 91 48 and bible .taciT. Let evl" m....,.r mu. an ort program committee prepare groom on route> 8. The attendants Stephen M. Turnet, Mrs. coun ty engin e-&r ; R . M. 'Villian1$, Againltt R_d t..wy to be p .....IlL • _ • questions concemin&, our flower were Miss Mildred GI'aham and r emains in a very critical con- coroner. 89 36 98 61 WAYNBSY'ILLE II. It. CHURCH . SCHOOL BOAItD II&T problema which brought answen Mr. Kenneth Smith 01 DaJton. dition with no hope of recove ry. The \wo-mill road levy for~:S .... ·.·.... ·l~i 148 61 104 71 .... O. Co .l)lHrt. . . . . and discussions from ·moat Following the eeJ:emony a ' . county road purposes Was. lost , S und"·:' Suna· .. "bool at 9.:10 . those pl'esent. r wedding dinner Wa. 81erved after ·Mr. Frank Hawke Of. the 6788 voting agains~ the levy as .." -., The Wape ToW1lahlp Board ot "'.. ltd b Mn . t . . t f COUNTY VOTE .. m. ¥omfq 'WOnlUp ~t 10 Educa.'on met 1..1 ,._ monthl" Mts........r was as! s e Y . which Mr. and Mrs. l\i1.lchael left Univer' ity of Cincmna I, wascomp(l ted with 0 "yes" vo e , 0 The unofficial county vote ~s u Th b ~ t --,,~ be uTIle ... Il,... # Hartsock and Mrs. Mulford who on a short motor t~p. . . I home over the. week-end leaving' on 3486. .....1011 1I0rulaT ••enint NOfl'IIlbel' d " follows: e sermon 11I ...,e ...., , Price!lnd Neee"ity of Peace. 2. Bllb of tb. mOllth wen read served d~licioU8 ctoughnuts an The' bride, who has ~Ieen employ ' Monday for Springfield whe re he The bank liability am endment . Pre.idellt _ . _ _ Evenil! ... seMCI!.t 7:80. and orde-..a ':'.Id, ... ....... ~.Iecl cider. . 00 in Davton, is a daui~htet of Mr b-~ emllloyed for six weeks, t o tho sta te co nsti\ ution and the 109 . wldiudal: atud}t . and .-.... n . ..._ ..-." MJ'i5. McClure will entertain the and M.n. Rosa BLa~r former which he wiI~ )'eturn to his .amendtn~nt tQ aboJi, h the sales Roosevelt .......... , .. .... ..... ...... 7 prayet meetine at 7' 1)'. m. to dUeu" IChool tile dQ club 011 December 1, at r~sldeDta o{ this eoml~~nitY; but studies at . t.he Universi~y. '. tax. on food bot~ cartied i~. Landon ............ .... .. ,........ ...... 7364 Thankacl...... baa been .eustom· time a Christmaa pro,ram wUl be now of Arkanaa& Hawke county by good slZcd maJorIties. Browder ,.. ,........ ...... :....... .. . 9 ST. 1lARY'S CHUIleH roof .....110_ _ _ _ _ Mr. lIIic:bael is the aon of Mr. Friday ft\ . I t f th t Lemke .. .. 112 Twent}o-ftm Sanday after -_. - "'A .,and lin. Je..e Michael of route 3 . . . . . Brown"': The UDO CLB e()un 0 . e vo es ad ,.......IIt, of . . . III th. RUN AROUND and ia enpaed in fat:JniD&, with Mrs. Will B. Mather, of ~ in Wayne township foUows : Davey ...... " .............. "'''''''''' 6447 itl, Nov••ber 8. CInIreh : 0 0 1 at . , . aact . . ba...... com vUle., Texas, Mrs. Mary Hopkins, Fe.- P Bricker ., .. . " ... .. ,......... _......... 7168 9:80; 1I0mi. Pre,.lIefIIICIa plaW at the .f die board. The &aaual l'Un-uound, hli father. Ie id Dayt.on, Mr. a:nd Mrs. Lee Hawke, EW NW SW NC SC ODda .. .... ..... ....... .... ....... ....... Z 10:80. • _ • rollowlq, ........ 41......... of day, wlalcla .... apOlllOted 1»1 the The YOOl coup . til -:d e Mr. and lin. J. P. Frolllm and Mr. Roosevelt 14.1 206 80 112 92 Li_...... Go...... IIObool eo........... _ _ _ . . . Warrell CountT RepubHc&Jl Com- for t~. preeeQt e e· Clvde Fromm. Landon 131 143 70 186 106 Yoder .. ." ... ..... " ............ ~ .... ... UI5 &ASTEUI. STM IIO'I1ca · aAljoaftletL . mi«e. brousbt the 19Se campaian eroODl. panUa. Fow Vi_P....w-t Herbert ............ "" .... .... " ........ lliaml 1'" 0. .. 8 .' . - • . to Garner .... 141 205 80 Ui 92 Atldna .... .. ...... ......... _........ . .. wUl IIIeft Ia NIQIR ...... &.aDGa Ther. were 70 automobU.. In Knox .. 18~ 142 70 186 101 .......... ..... Of ~ Ncmnablt I, 'a t til. earuaa ' ; the tI1M ther Fer Keuedr .... .... ...... .. " ....... . ,.... ..Mdoa 01 .. r ••W wIIlN more ISa 196 'Ie 106 80 aria.. ., . . . A III ,..... tile 140 117 72 161 107

· _. OF .UNO'IUCElI'II'f











Th~ MarJ~



\'U1'~, defelltin~




M~denhall op~ned

I ,.













a~~~ ~_


entMerr:ftl~nne~d MatS:nn~~r ~

;';~:':."=~""'''''' uv...._ .... ....









P. T. A..

Id& ·Lebaaoa



IIJ~:-:!~ ~."""'\R~..,..;,~~'j

t h nnt again l IIncl Z.cltll Wait ~ Th,· will IIf 1I1'nl'Y II ull t!),. decl'lHccl. wa~ admittt d to ('{Iurt. l;l\ll's hy D.•~. Heywood, ( 'X(,CII((Ir of tht· e!slatc of Mira lIowycr. A uil vas flll'd br 1'. ~ . Avis dl'(' \'H~cd w('r,' npPl'ovl'lI. ngoin Thl' Otterhein nome, a John Ch . t r H ill \~as [ounll to corp., (or Illont'y. Tho I\mount wa~ be in~tlnl' lttHL i" to be admitted tu 6000, the Dayton State flo~pitlll. EdwBrcl Rellt' Y, II I aI, nll!rnbers Th will of Firman King, dehoard ot educatio n. I'lel1.!ant. Plain eal'ed." a admitl tI to COli t, iii tl suit against Ralph \I{hitacre, H oh.l'l't Kin g \VB!'I appointed execuet Ill. board of du ation. Hru·Jan tor, nO bond r quil'cd. to wn. hip, for inJunclipn and othN Ho", m'd \ . tviM, ex·eeul.or of the r Ii r. e. talc or .Flol'('nce Thomp.~on, de!' Ellen Me 01111 II has br ught cea!'\cd, fll(\ti hi fi rst lind final ac· suit. agllin st Roblll·t fc onn en for (!ounl. divorce chal'gil1~ g lQ. neglect of . R. Young, cxccutl'ix of dut.y, tht' . tate of J . Harvey Young. J ec a.ct! . fil d he r fir t and dl tl'ibulive 8.CcounL Probate Court ,lelbl R. orwin; admini ~ tratrix In lhe matter of the tlite of of tht' eRtll te ()f Charle, H. orwin Frank A. Pence, tl e cea ~ed, ap· prai er comp n!'latinn was 1.11. d c as d , fil ed her fir t, final and eli.! tributiv account. lowed.



PIe.. P'roceedin •

_ _...J..

In the as ( I f Tbt' Brookvill Building and Saving'S A ociation venus B ie F. GoS', e~ ai, the defendant. Be ie F. G " was granted leave to file IInswcr. , In thA!. case ot State 0[ Ohio versq John Bills, r.SerJe B. Gray wae apPOinted couns4~1 f l' the d tense. In the ca of The Boqrd of Education Lebanon , rillage choul District versus Dougla Hollings· 'Worth, et aI, judgment of Com· mon Pleas Court" aftlrrned and mandate -was issuoo to the Com· mon Pleas Court to (larry out exe· cution. In the case of Mnri Talmage versus J. Talmage, the court ordered the defendant to pay $20Q fOr support of their minor child for an eighty-week perlod com· mencing October 12, 1936 at the rate of $2.50, per week. T he defendants were granted 15 days to plead In the case of CharleB Weissman versus W. W. Whit aker and Elmer Fossett. execu ton of t he estate <)1' Jo~eph D. Donn aUy, deceased. N. . Suitl. Be ie M. Bailey IIIled against Irvin Bailey for divorc The charge is gross neglect ot duty Charles P. Joy. tiled Buit against Venora Joy lor divorce. The charp is gro negl ct of duty. ,

Mnunt. pa) roll. ~1Il\ d.

A t Reduced Pric e I.JBRB".. ian offer that will appeal to aU-



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____ __..__••..

School News alia D.ny

W in

Tn Ire hman cl ~!I favors th:.Democratic party candidate, at I~a.· t !luch an indication was made at n mock school election h~ld re. cently.


iitunt. Th() freshman .lass: section I pH'sented n human xy lopllOne. ectionII of tbe fres hman cluss gave a tunt on tennis pluying iIlu~trated by slow motion. The ophomore clast! gave a "l(nock Knock" IItun!. which thol'oughly a mused the :tutient.'1 as it char· Qctedzed several mElmbers or the fnculty. The junior class pt ented an amateur- program. Of course, they had a Major Bowes and several amateurs. A larg ack of mints was given to the ophomofes as a prize for giving tho bl'st stunt for the evening. Refresbments consi ting of doughnuts, pumpkin pi , cider and candy were enjo-y~ by all.

Roosevelt won ·hy the large majority of 14 to 7 (lDtt Dav y wa re·el c(.(o{l by a . mllll ma.r~ill of 12 to 10. Before the elecUon was hold, the history of each party was g iven. Tbe platforms were then present· cd and di cussed. Carol Luding~on presented her party candidate, Allred M. Landon, then Charlotte Hartman presented Franklin D. Roosevelt. After a very lively discussion, the histoty of party sym· boiswas given by various m Ill· bel'S of the claBl!. Spor hmanNlip Bro lhe~hoocl: This election has a special signiThe Spor\:SmllMhip Brothtl-rfican(:e as it is th fil'st time in th e history of school elections thl~t hood meeting for Tuesday veninII' the Democratic party has received Novembe,r 3 ha been po bponed 4 until Tue day vening, November the largest number of voters. 8 10 at '7:46. " Spook." Stud,ents of the Waynesville V im Your Sch _L. W eek of high scbool enjoyed a delightfu l Noye mb l! r 9.13 "TH E HOME OF ClFTS" Hallowe' n party at tile gym on The pupils aud teacher's · of Lebanon, Ohio, October 28, given by · the senior Wayne Town"hip chools ext od claBl!. a most heartY' welcome to all Vlyho EXPERT WATCH Upon entering the Toom a large are interested in the promotion of REPAIRING pumpkin was seen ho lding several ducation to vi it th local school!! cnt • wit,ches, skeletons a nd pum p- during th e week ' of Nov mber 9- ,v.inl' On1,. Genu)n. M-terlala kins. Numbel's On the back of the 13. They are xtending a Rpechll Prompt Service . animals told. us to look upon the invitation to come on November Store open until 9 p. m. partially co"~red wall to find our 13 which has been designed as fortune. Prizes were awarded . to Visitor's Day. The regular daily ome of the ma ked stUde nts. schedu le will be adhered to d urjng Games were enjoyed by aU. the w ok a~d will pl:ovide an excel Each class was a ked t o present a lent opportupity for parents to Ask f or a obs rve t heir childre n at work in sc,hool under nonnal condltionl!. , Miami_burl' Perm.nent This hou ld also plovide a Concrete · means for parents to gel: h tter 8C w. SOFTENERS! quainted with the teachers of t heir Air Seal Burial Vault By VI1letta. 1'aJlor-_.l- c hildren. For tllo e who Cl_n reF or Sale only by main the enth'e day, lunch will be served in t he cafet.erias 01 bc)th Your Funeral Director buildings.


Bill. ~Ilowecl J oh n L aw & Son, gas, $2.05; Howard E. Ivi ns, gM, 93c; Krager, su pplies, 30 c; E. F . Schrader, making and er ecting pipe, $6.95; James F ollen, services as janitor, $16; The Lebanon Farm· ers Coop. Co .• coal, $ 11.95 ; Leb· anon I ce & Coal Co., coal, $13; C. Dona ld Dilatusb, ren t of office $20 The Offic Outfitters, carbon, $7.· 60; Colum bus Blank Book Mfg. Co., vendors license, certificate of trans! l' for audi tor, $4.06 ; :F. J. Heel' Printing Co., sheets for salell tax record, $2.4 0 ; The F ranklin Chronicle, publiahlng tax notice $4 The F. J . Heer Printin g Co .• l'C'm't ter forms, $ 12; Woodrow·W eilStanage Co., list of persons committed On bail, venire f or j ury, $6.15; Th e Office Out fi tters repa ir labor $1 1.56; Wm. Hu~ord . quarterly expense, $58. 31; Wm. B. Wood , serviCE·!!, $11 i Ka ufman's bu ttons, p rint , thread $1.84; H. K Schuyler, payroll, $1 61.60; Cjlrl Dakin, pa yroll , $218.2 0 ; The Ore. gonia Bridge Co., br idge piling a nd suppli es, $7 01.89; J . L. Dun n, service, . $62.40 ; Raymond ·Muliord, services, $ 28 .80; John J. Barr, p ayroll, $109.70 ; Jo·h nson Myers, p ayroll, $ 114.90; M. Forman, plyroll, $382.0 3 ; Earl Basore, payroll, $ 108.40; V. M. Armitage, pa)tl'oll , $4 3.50; Harry



L(lwis Motor Mart Jetru-y. grinding Martin nUI'kl', gR rent, $16; H. U III III tng<!, gMo\inc, ,1.75; Gulf Refining Co., gasoline. $10.;11; Cincinnati Oil Works Co., gaso lin, 100.69; The Cirlcinnati Oil Works Co, . gAsoline, $18.0); P. & . Illldeb .. nt, g31~oline, $U.81; t • . Gardner, k<>ro ene and gniloline. $15.20; S. Glen Worley, • 1 1. 4 7 ; mR r-t Gu l'lIge, gasQlin $2 .54 j Mrl' . H len Dough man. invalicl carc~ of lifford Doughman, $7 ; Mrsl. Ira EILzroth, invalid care of Alice tarkey, $5; James Moore, invalid care of Lucy Moor e, $5; James Mbore, . invalid car{: of Lucy 1\1oo·.'e, $5; Ml'1!. Mar/la)' t Jone ~ . invalid care of Ollie Gardn eJ', $6 ; Mrs. Julia Holland, invalid care of Vemon Holland, In the state of Howard· $10; Mi!'s rna Knotx, invalid care w th, decelils (I, application £ 0 1' the R~l E.tat o! Tran.feT~ of Walter Barlow, , j~l1; Miss Oma appointm ent of administrator WlIS Mildred Lotz to Che tel' A. Knox, invalid care of Frank Bal· filed, an.! it i: ol·tlered tha t n eila. Cnmpbell, 14 3. 9 !lCl'es in Washing· ling-et·, 11; Mr. Eldon Short, tion i ue r equiring the spouse to n .towns hip. invalid care of Ruby Ream, $6; and n xt of kin t o appear and Lid" B. Young and Earl B. Buck's Grocel'y, fo()d, $19; Bal'r l<\k or renounce adrnin! ira Lion. Young Dnyton Gil'l Scouts nro~., fQod, $21; C. . Brown. Katie Kirby admini stratri of I ouncil, 136.00 acr s in Wa.'!hing'- f ood, $4; J. R. Coffman, food, the e. taoo of Hllrry Kil' by, dec· as- ton township. $16.25 ; J . T . Dealt'doff, shelter, d. filed ner fir. t aTld filial M he tel' Bmpl}ell and Helen $SOi Charles Dostell·. fuel, $G.5~; count. Campb 11 to Day 11 Girl S outs Franklin Food Mark t, fQod, $'7 .in WashingAnna ex ecutrix of ouncH, 136.90 ac 86; H. C. George, milk, $4.95; R. lh • tate of J ohn Gramlich, de- tOn township. B. Gilmore & Son, $8.60; Green· c a cd, filed her I1r 't and finaJ acWillillm. Lett, et al. to Jean "ood Dairy, milk, ~~6; Dr. A. D. count. P. J. nnd M. Z. I'eutet, real es- IIal'v y, medical service, $30; In the matter of th e estate of tatc in Deel'fi Id township. MI'S. Leonard Hath~,way, milk, $3 Edwllrd C. Huffman, d eased, Bes. ie Bl'andon to bird Kirby & . C. HiJdelbrant, food, Frank H. Mount, ad mini trator is /lnd J enni Kit'by. inlot No. (; in 67.60; Fnnnie Hm, helter, $1() authorized to set tl e the note Franklin. The Home Store, clothing, $28.33 against E. H. idVo'ell and also Jame. L. M. Hopkins and Lu· Haufman's clothing, $10.36; cretia Hopkins to William Heizer Kroger Grocery &: Baking Co., and Mary Lou H b;er, real estate food and. milk $96.40; McGetcrhin's in Turilecreek township. Pharmacy, medical s,e rilices, $5.7 4 ; Ret'ha. Bennett to Walter Helms Chris MUJ1}hy IGA Store, food, and Elva Helms, real estate in $9 1.60; O\an Persle;v, food, $4.60; De dield township. Allen RallP, fuel, ;,6; Mary E. Cluyton Penny to Elva A. Helms and Walter D. Helms, real e tate Riley, shelter, $Hi; Schwartz's Grocery, fOOd, $lll.60; W. in Deerfield townsbip. Shut;ts, clothing, $3.98; Slbcy's David N. Mills and Bernice Mills Dairy, milk, $6.60 ; Ray Swigert, to Davis W. Ho.Jlingshead and Mar food, $34.60; T r41CY's . Gl'ocery, garet H ol1ingshead, real e tat in food, $22. Un ion township.

P18. ·T hls Newspaper


Michlld, !frR I, ~taINiul~ Co .. tRl', ~mith Junk Yanl,


; J. K.



Cary' Jewelry






Try The Miami Gazette For A

Rike's Dayton, in, cele bratio n of its Annu lll Fall FCl~liv al Sale, hs., planned a seri of interesting elt· hibits and feature!~ amoDg which Is an outstanding "First La~ ies of the Land" exhi bit. T,his exhibit show8 the wives of t he Presldente, toget her with sO'me interesting family porh'alts an d family group portraits several of tiKl Pres!dents. T bis collection is, perhaps, tbe on ly one of it!!, kind in the country a nd 'Was made by Earl N. Hale, of Marion , Obio, form e rly 'd a ra; 1 ent of Dayton. No charge to vi w this display. Next p oint of interest is "A Hi t oriclIl Display of Money." Through the cou rte9y of the Chasel


McClure Funeral Homo


WHEN you hang a .10ft. lace Dot

r.urtaln , In one ot 'the • mar t new design' . oyer Venetian bllnch. you'll Ita ve WIDdows that all your Inenell and nelgbbol'l wlU want to cop, I Blind. alone are rather severe for die averace room. Some IdDd of .beel' alan curWo II needed over tbem. and the sbeer lace nell ID Amerlcan design. olrer Ju. t eDOUCll I:urtaln to aotten ~e levere appear/lnce 01 tbe blind., and to ...1Ire ~'ou of privacy. '1IlInd, do not do National Bank of New York Coty, tbal-unless you keep tbem drawll Rike's is permitted t o sho w 't his IU the \Va y dc;,..,n all ot the Ume. most intel·~ting exhibit of money Lace net c"mlu. In dea. . ' . ...,IUch look like to",-upon·r01\l of mused from pre-hl.stonc times to , terti on and bave & de4nltely bort· present dllY. l ncl uded .are curious J ~ontal feeling. tie In ve.., n1cel, COi DS used by people dating as I "Iltb the borllODtal line. of the for back as 1600 B 0 Other odd bllnda. aa do maD1 otbar of tha . . '. ' . ' facy. OpeD patterns. Tbe,.U etva and CUriOUS p i ces lDclude Sllver your windows that needed com· boat and shoe coiu!!, brass . wire nletelY-dressed appearaDCe whera and carved Buddha trading Venetian bllndl are 11184. . beads of China ; sl:one money of New Brit ai n Island; cardboard mon ey of Japan; Il woven graSa currency belt of Sl~. Matthias Island and ·val'leties . of wampum made of shells, banara s~ds and volc.anic Java. No charge to examine thi.! exhibi.t. On Friday of each w eek a Bridge Party is held in Rlke'a dining rOom. Bridge instruction ia given and tea serve:d at a Dominal charge. For the home ma1'lqer a moat , Interesting series o,:f moMtJ roollll on Rike js Home FIJrniahing FlooJ' have been completc~ly rec:lec:orlLted 'i in celebration of tlJ,e Fall F.thal Event. Here you wiill ftnd a llvinl room, dining room, bedroo~ kitchen and den d~~orated in the most charming manner, otrering you many new idell& for decorating your owri home . Shoppers throughout the Miami Valley look f orwardl to Rike'a Fall slival sale. T,his important eVent which started· this Iweek. will run thr ough Saturday, J:lJovember i'tb. All exhibits r emain intact dutillC this per iod. ~ike'8 is placing' at your posal all of ita regular which include Chuge PriVileges, Mail and Phone orden, delivery, lay by and deferred ment plans.

..~t FOR AND CONSIGN ,our CAttle, boPJ. ehee'p and calv. to Nom ..Brot:}( ,-,,,., live wire and pr\1gresalve ftnn r'lr the hlab_ market priee. and - good aemee. Ualoa Stock Y.rda' Clllala_tll O. Tune In on Radio Station Welty 12 :215 to 12 :80 p. m. for our dall, market repoTtl.


little toe... baa 10M to THIS town. country - it fa It baa • too-6D and


the kind of tout 10U lille-meret, tum the ... flame to lJIy degree of ,


WiU tout a whole ~ of brad for about a worth of 1aeJ. made foI' the bachelor who to CCIDCOCt a WeJab ranblt, or cauDia "beIl be JIIaJ'I bolt.


M a rt-In




A UC tI. oneer

• ... anct makes four aIlcea of euct!y



Centerville, Ohio Phone 78J 41


Nad••aI BMIr Willa on_ . _ L .....'" WAYNESVILLE, OHIO

CLASSIFIED ADS...... .. "'."':""'''

~.,. .:J.~

FOR SALE--riOO lb. Capacity . HUmmel' Cream Separator. De·Laval Pattern), $63. R. Dr Collett Hardware, Phone 99Ra, W..yileeville, Ohio. FOR SALE Apple.. S,,-eet Cider. Cidet SOc raDon, 6 rallonll a," more 26c·. Srinr containers. D. B. Underwood j Harveysburg. 029-N5-12· PXPE, V AJ"VE8 Ud I'JTTINQI






play life, it with eiPteen cheitnUti IJId 100ft they'll be poppinc for the c:hDclren. On WHir cia,. It geta down to bnl-




-' q

for W._. Gu . . . . W.o. and Spra7lDC. CIatera IaaDd, . . . trie ad Spn, pump& PJuahlq II Reatlq BappH. Ioweat pdeea ad ...... QaaIItJ 'ftae BoeIrIet-



00.. XeaIa, Ollio. W.... ..







value of equipmetlt aDd tile valli. of lltock on flab and Kame fannll are included in the total estimate, which was glvtn 811 S9,328.936,67, Conservation Commissioner Lawrence Woodell said.

Shorts an Middlings

UI' II th ... II

tI, I Th· ,11."1 I'Iln iii d ' ,. II \\

Remodel .... Dre..... I •

B:r CU.,•• in Li ne-


'.lP ' .. L

MajoT Fred SmiLh. state director of Garment. of aaonautics has been appoin ted NOVEMBER 5, 1936 chairman of the policy committee of the National Aeronautical asso"You must havc a w~ist line," ciation. He i8 also Ohio governor is the 18allion dict that. compli"SOAKING THE POOR" of the organization. Coincident cates the )'lroblems of wom en \Vhn with the appointm ent, it was an- are converting old garments into In recent years the government has depended more and more on nounced that Ohio r-anks fifth In new wardrobes, Recording to Edna indirect tax es for rev n\le, and leBS and less on direct taxes. the number of planes and pilots in M. Callahan,. clothing speciitlist, Indirect taxes are simply lovies hidden in the cost of cQmmodltiell the country, as weJl as fifth in the- Ohio tate Univer ity. and services-- taxes paid in advance by producer or marketer. We production of afrplanes. The state Miss CllllalHln says the new seldom ~ven know we are paying them. but their whole influ ence is is credited with . 642 aircraft lind drea es have closely fittcd wai ~ b to boost the cost of living. 861 pilots, including limited com- in many cases requi This trend of government is extremely In effect, mercial. private and amateur. special feature to pormit the indirect taxes reduce the incomes of us all- and the greatest burden California, NeW' York, IlLinois and wearer to get into the garm ent. . Any student in II ·cni .;1' hi)!h falls on the person of small means. A laborer earning twenty dollars P~·nn sylvan ia exceed Ohio in the Plackets which are mnde in th 5choo l in Ohio i- elilcib le to ~nt r l' \Il week eats as much bread as a man wbose inco~ may be a hundred numbel' of pilots and, planes. Oh io, undc:rarm seam extend 1'81' enough the posl!.'r contest ~ pon ~o l' ,t1 hy tor a thousand 8 week, b~t his tax contribution to the government, with forty-one gliders, ranked abovc and below th ~ waist line to the Ohio Appll! Jmltit ute, 1'O, t(lI'" lev lalld permit the wearer to put the mu; bc s nt to th represented by part of the cost of the bread he eats. is the sam_in fourth with this typc of craft. • • • dress oft' or on easily, o~ce by .Nov mber 1. ('v(lnt.y-fi.v(' relation to his eamings, much greatel', . . Announcement of the creation SO!lle new dYeS eS tlllve lines pnzos Will be aWR~'d(J11 ,for t~ (I The upshot of t his is t hat the bulk of the people, those of small of a bureau in the division . of which I·caem.ble- the oldl prLncess ~o stcr .. most. effectlVcly adveltlF;or mode-rate mean s, are m o~t adverllely affected by rising taxes. insurance to help loeate "Jost" sty le, and th is style is somew hat mg OhIO apples. beneficiarics of deceased life insur more easily ,achieved in remo~elWhouping coulth kills more Ohio ance policy holders was made by 109 last year B dress.. The fittmg children unde'!' 5 years of al{e th 'lll Supel'intendent of Insurance c~n be done by plaCIng darts on any other childho od r1i. ease. Th t! ~ight Robert L. Bowen. The bureau will i ~!1ther side of the eoen~E!r back Of . State DelJaI'tm nt of Hea lth SllyH - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . : - - - - - ll co-operate with the 279 life insur- the dress Or by taking deeper th<l records fa\' dea lhs in 1!l34 8 :00 4-H Club News-State Leader. anc companies which are Iicen ed seams at the regular seslm or dart ",.ere. whooping cuugh 278, mea' S :10 Interview between Robert James, recently awarded American to operate in Ohio in compiling a lines. Dresses which dde bock to les, !l • diptheria 01 and sc l'lel Farmer Degree, and J. H. Lintner, Vocational Agriculture list of beneficiaries who are at th period of sashes can be fitted f vel' 76. tInstructor, Frcd!\ricktown. th~ present time unlocated. The and the sash used for 8. belt. 8 :20 Jeremiah Morrow, a FarmeT Governor- H. E. Eswine, 1:iistorian rance companies are bolding Style mallet's have decl'e'ed Here is tYIH' or man who is a 8 :30 WOSU Orchestra. sums ranging from a few dollars dresses for this eason so most old continuing myste ry in thi coun. 8 :40 Farm Honle Period : onsumer Information for Rural Home- into the thousands for persons dre._ses will need shol'tening, Miss many of whom are unaware tbat a Callaham says that th distance of maker&--Mrs. George Folkerth. Route No.8, Greenville. Our Homes and Familie.!-Mrs. Helen Mougoy Jordan, de<:eased relative had made them t he bottom of the dresl! Cram the Extension Home Economist. ben oficiary. Superintendent Bowen tloor should depend somewhat up tI :00 WOSU Orchestra. asserted. So far as is known, Ohio on the height of the wearer but 9:10 Farm and Home Announcements and Turke¥ Market News, is the first s tate to inaugurate such from 10 to 14 inches above the 9:20 Land Planning by the Individual Farmel'--J, A. Slipher, Exten- a service. floor will meet style requil'eme-nts. Ilion Agronomist. • • • Tall WOmen ean wear skirts that 9 :30 WOSU Orchestra. "The largest school of business are further from the fioor t.llnn 9 :40 to 10 Planning a Rqral Recreatlon Program..,...Gl'Oup discussion in the world." That was the state. can be worn b}' shorter women. led by Bruce Tom, ExtensiOn Rural Sociologist. mont of Direetor W. H. Palmer of Restyling the sleeves of old the 4-H Clubs in Ohio Ln referring dresses presents many difficulties -=-to the youth organization. Director because it is iropo ible to cut the ;Palmer said that Ohio has the new large sleeves out of an old largest 4-H Club membership ~f garment which had small. leeves. I any state, and that It surpasses by Last year's long baggy sleeves can J far the enrollment of any school bl) "disguised by shortenIng them to of bUllinesll In the world. In .sup- three.quartel' lengths. The extra port of the value of 4-H Club tra in width at the lower edge mny be COLUMBUS--Ohio shOUld have 01 Comm erce featured as the Ohio ing. Mr. PalJlMlr called attention plaited to tit the arm and the an official state song and should song Ohio State university's to a survey covering 974 club plait!! may be stitched down to tI~opt official colon for t he Great "Cannen" and threw in a members from thirteen north-cen- form a cuff' two Or t hree inches Seal of the State of Oh io. Thill is couple of univ er.~ity yells for good . I the opinion of the Pittsburg, Pa., measure. The O. of C. artist de- traJ states, who belonged to the d(loep. ~lub8 from 1914 to 1928. Only High neck lin es are required. Chamber of CommeKe. who brou., veloped a co.lor scl\eme of his own nine men and six women on the These can be obtained by u.~ing ght. tbe matter to the attention of for the Great Seal and the organilist were not gainfully employed. carefully "fitted ves~ or by adding Ohio authorities. In 'preparing for zation questioned: "IB it too much when · the- survey was made during three-cornered Ascot 5l~arf ruJd the annual "intA!-ntate goodwill to hope that Ohio will adopt an a time when economic conditions collars. Link buttons and bounli dinner," the Pittsburg organiza~ official state song .. nd that our were at a I~w ebb. In actual club' button holes. eyelets and lacings, tion de ired Inelude Ohio's idea of coloring for the Great Seal projects covering 1I9 boys, eighty frogs, cliP: and tietl mllY be ll!ed "official" song in the program and may meet w:itb otftcial approval one Jtave mJlOe a financial profit on co~vert)b,le eolJars till c10s the to reproduce In colors ' on the pro- and be adopted oftlcially1" from club work. Althougb girls do I n.eck h nes higher. Co unity ext~n­ gram over tbe Great Seal with th& • • • not have the same opportunity to sion agents can supply bulletins Rea1!r of Maryland, West Vircinia Bellev.e it 01' not, Ohio sports- earn money from club projects on "Garment ConstrucUon" and andl Pennsy~nia. Tele~apb men through the medium of the generallY'spellking, out of 284 "R~pajr of Clot'hing" to those who wil'zS were kept bwy fol' ten deys division of conservation own a girls ninety were able to show wrlte to the agent or call at the PI' ceding the event witb queries capital investment of more than financial prOfit. office. ~he bulle-ti n may furnish into the governor'. omce, the secre- nine million dollarll, according to - - -___ • formatIOn ne dcd by tho e 'Who tary of state, the department of data compiled by the accounting education and to Ohio State' Unl- departl1lent. Included in the liated are remodeUn! versity. All t"epOrted that Ohio all8&tl are approximately , 61.000 ~ lack. both an ofticialllOng and olft- acres of .tate fore.ta, parts and cl~ colonl for the Gp;eat Se,al. To lakea, flab and pme fanna and Shoppe~ throughout the fill the .I'ap, the Plttebu~ Chamber similar ta'hgible properties. The Miami Valley are hurtying

{I l


Il Kalil ('nun y. lCalftl., ,I" hnlllt' II. raId. t


I 1



th" lIuthnl'~ arc


" uti

uP lalill'

In do ~onH'thin" to

nIL"',' (1.(' tired





pan. It

wi I brlog

7alAs, November 9


1JOU 'ba;ea - -_.f

Best of the News Direct From the Ohio State Capitol




~~;:C~~~~ ~U~~~~.~rllN R1~~~llJfED u.. of 0.. Simple Hot Di ...



QaalltY Prladal

The Mla.1

Among the stuq~nts in attendance at Wilmington college dur. <--t lng . the current year ar(~ th.e follow S c h00 I child ren wh 0 pro...,.. against lunches which contain ' too mg ~r~m. Warren county: ':'Irgmla Tucker, Hl\lrvey!!b~rg, much bread and too little cake often can be transformed into a sentor; David Boger, WaynesVl lle, cheering section for bread if the sophomore; Evelyn FO.lsett, ~or­ mother will sometimes use quick row~ Barbaraqray, ~{ayn(\Sv~l1e; .. CeCIl Hartman, WaynesVille; b re ad , B08 to n brown brea, d rausJ.l'\ W'I U ' M' ' 11 . th f th . I mil u ,ltesman, ' orrow; A en brea d or some 0 ' er a e many M O ' . . varieties which are available. ' cK'a y, • ~eg9ma; Herschel Orr, The .IUling of th~ sandwiches L.ebanon , Lowell Sl(arl.<,e, WaynesI b ' i d t I tb ville and Merle Wyl'es. Foster, a ~o can e ~ar e o . pease e fre hmen . ' child, according to Alma L. (;&1'V; " T _.__ • , . t 'ti U'glma VID, lIU n on spec i a I',8t , Ob'l0 i lu""""r l IS 'v,n1y promm... State Univel'llity who says that ent n a campus mUSlca .actIVities and on numerous occa Ions ap,. She lS . II leftover meat, chicken, eggs, . a.nd , pea...8 III! a voca I so l0 it !I . ~etables can be chopped, seas· b f th AI h Ph ' K OMd and kept in jan ree(jy for :~:'i:;. 0 epa. , 1 appa use. Raw veeetables are aillo recDe'd B tak t' ommended by Miss Garvin III! . yt Oler e.s -all ac Ive part In athlet,lcs, bem~r a member 611 en. f or ..n dwic bes. ' ·th k d • of eollejJe buketba.ll·tearn. H~ F ru it • el er raw or coo e • bthe I t tb G Ph" Bh ld b I I d d ' the h I e onls o · e amma I Gamma o,u e nc u e 1ft. ac 00 social fraternity. ' lunch as otten as poslllbl~. Raw I _ _ _ _ _ _- fruit. are easy to pack and ~all SKILLED DRIVERS CLUB . jars can be used for cooked frutt•. ' ' ORGANIZATION STARTED Preserved fruita aerve ~lIIo as nreeta in the lunch, and raisins, dates, or simple candies will make The flnt of a state-wide corp the lunch more satisfying. of Skilled Drivers Clubs, sponsor. Packing scbool luncMa is ed by the safety department of much easier if it is possible to the Ohio Farm BUrEau~ Columbus, PfCpare and ~1'Ve one bot· di.h at has been organized in Champ.ign IIchoal. The warm food stimul- county,· according to announcethe ..ppetite and . promotes ment today by Harry ·1\1. ;Pontious, clilestiou. It should be a simple director ot the farnl bureau's food, _11 to prep8ft', and .Iow in safety education projecfs. eon 10 all PUpUI can abare. A number of other dubs are in V• .-table IOUp or lte,.., 81JC)a1ll op-1 the prOCM. of organization, said ad yecetablea, whole P'8in cereal, Mr. Pontious, and plan. are under or ......tabl. combination are way for their formatiOJl In every eoa.nlllecl for the hot dllh county In the atate. Memben hip 0Urin. A hot milk requirement. illelude pauing .. .uela .. cocoa can a,. uaed comprebftldve driver'. examine.o..u,. tion, and iDtere.t in educational - - -... - ••- - ..... prolllotion of ......ter workf01' .... iml~or,.1 trafIlc "'«71 DriviDtr tiona a.d dl.leuulon P'Oupa haft beea. a part of til. UllC&tional p~ of tile fana. bur... eJljtcll:llllrl ~ ~~'f1"



I'ILI~" [Illet t')(CI(ln~ llIyslt ry storie. I " . III' I \ . Ilil II lJullint!~ mHn. It will






n"I' U-\l. I II LI l J\( I\ l r' I <If Il-dllcily h:l~ Iwen hd,1 ill t. HI Iu I10 "", n' .. t~ II~l'lIl~ ilL • al d I h"11 I'< -1'(:11i1 a rul l'(' M"dina cuunty. Th t! nllll'~(1 indudI ,nII·I,,· hltlf,fli .11111 l'1 Y ., ~ 11(0 11'1\1. I d five I <on'! IInrl IV!lH pllllllwll by "",' II' II I ,. I l \\ ; tl'l f 1>1' II II V, n. RUl'l'iK. county a'll'ifult\lrul , " " ')"(JU I j a~ I I' h'· tt'lnl! Of:,... >I tIl \,; '~ 1 ( C I ' rt aM" nt. I'W pOWt'l' linc~ will corry electl'ieal cnl'l'IJY to thoUllamla of \\(oIth of i(ohd out uf thi~ on!.' s in~l ll cop~:- !l nll I hen fig-u r .~ that· Ohio farmer. h~ ~un't utl'tlrrl to pay 1.60 r )' Report s of hy\Jlid CIlI'l1 in lIillI - it COl' II 1\ h "l~ >-eill' "1' n fly·t" 0 i~-, cO('k county by For ~t C, Hall. county agricultural a~ nt, s ho\\ that th hyl)rid co!'n "I.ands up hett-N' and will out-yield tll'dinal'Y vari (' li c~ thi s yem·. The ng nt c~ti ­ mates that. the acreage- of hy brid com in the uunty will h ~ IloL!uled in J 937 if seed is avnih\blc. i\

:cho(J1 to in

It Y

to Dayton to take advantage of Rike's fall Festival Sale. Plan your shopping trip at the earliest possible moment.

Typical Fall Festival Saving s: Entire s ock of Bar ala Lee Hose.................................... reduced 20% $3 to $6.50 kid gloves very special at..........................................$1.79 Sale .of women's leather handbags, now at ................................$ 1.59 . Lace-trimmed neckwear and silk scarfs at.. .................................... 69c Usual $2.59 handbl~ked lunch cloths........................................$1.9~ New, fast color cotton prints, yMd.................................................. 14c Mallinson·s ttan&parent velvet or printed satin............................$l.44 Better silk slips and gowns, very special a~ ........................... ~ ........$1.77's coat sets, regularly $10.98, now ........ .,. ..........................$9.49 Girls' $13.98 . coats .and coat sets now ........................................$1'.9. Artist Model ~t very special, now~"""""""'I ....... ~ ... ···· .... ,$4.98 · $79.50 to $89.50 fur·uimmed coats, ' now. a~." .... _...........................$65 $139.50 to $199 fur , coats, very sP.«ial........................................... -S1 15 400 new $5 to '7.50 hats offered at just....... _.+ ......... .... ~ .................. $4 Women's $7.95 ~esses sale priced at..........................................$6.4& Regular .to.95 to $13.95 'dresses now............. ...........................$9.45 $10;95 and $12.95 Teen Shop dresses at........... _.+. ................,......$8A5 Every pair of new '10.50 Matrix shoes.......·._, .. i ........ _ ...............$7.95 Every pair of new $8.75 CoUegebred shoes........... _.... ;.. _...............$6.95 Every pair of new $6.75 Rhythm Step, shoes.,. ~ ................. ~ ........$4.95 . 9 by 12 seamless Wilton rugs at just........ ,~ ................................S44.50 Regular $119 3·piece bedroom suite ' fOJ1. ... ~............. .. 0\> .. .. .............$" Regular eCru net cunains, 5 styles"' ......... _.: ........... o\o: ........ _.. $1 .69 Cahill to-glow radiant heater, nowJ at ................_....... ;-............ S9.'& 882.451936 model Magic Chef ranges ..........._ ................. ~ ....... :.$69.SO Apex double dasher washer or ironer, ea..~ ... _ ...... ,:.} ........~ .......$47.SO SerVice for 8, Noritake ~, special....... _ ... _........... _.., ....:Sl'.&O 135 and 140 Moorbrook swts for meB. ............. _............,. ......-.. ot- ..:$27.75 125 and $30 topmaU lor men, now: ust.................................... , ..SZI.7S II shins aDd pajamas withnnooopam ....................... ~...



'14.95 aDd '1695 prep suia 101:' tio~......._....... +................. . . " aIIII ttL" Jcnk::Iee". .• _., ............ t ......_

. . . . . . . . .. .




........ tor ft. Miami


Graham Rllcorder

11II111111i n

Trt'a'llrer Enl'ineer lI ~nk lt'

Coroner William

.. 88a7 tertained ·t.he tollo.·i~ memben S.~... FOI' TIle 1Ia..i ea.... of the- din~t'r club Saturday eve: 73 Mr. and Mn. Bud ColIl'tt MI' and -_. ~JrH. Howard Graham tIt HarvllYs 7545 Ilurg, MI'. and Mrs. S. D. Henkle. STORM SASH Mr. and Mrs. Jo::;eph Chapl1Uln' l 1666 Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Hnlhawuy of BRONZE WEATHER Wayne ville. STRIP 7609





1602 4129 Supreme Court HUlt Myus St phellHnn Williams Court of Appeal. Matth W1I ' Court of Appea ls Tn tg' n honi. CommOn Pleas Court Dt' hant Young .... .... Probate Court nrey . QUESTIONS,ISSUES

Late Classified Ads. FOR SALE


FOR ALE HI31 hl'v,"nll't Coupe. ood conditi on. I. D. Welch.

lfte Norl'h Wind DoIh Blow!


Public Sale

Consisting of· one

Now- COME~

l .ll'4$ \

of Gray

A large




Our many years of COJiRcientious ervic to the public of this community in itself constitutes assurance that you will get only high grade, honest funeral mercha\'ldise. It i upon this kind of mercha.ndise, plus thoughtful per onal service, that we have built our reputation-and that reputation is our m t pricele 8 asset.


J. E. McClure



Wa,nen'lllo, O.

Your ·Protection

6646 6844


12, 1936




At 10 o'clock. harp, the fnllowing:

7 Hor.e. "lid Mliles


y ('g


J. R. Gibbons


6169 .. ... " ,. " ., 2706 State AlDil!'ndment (Sa le. Tn) y 6783 3:1 78 2-MiU Road Levy , F or ~4 6' , Agllinst 57 8

I r

Licea.eeI Broker

St.. te Amendmellt (B..Jt)

As I am leaving the farm, the und r igned will sell at f'u blic Auction, on the road kading fr om Morrow to fill Grove, n tlt e I farm formel"ly oW')let\ by Z. O. Worl ey. on Thur.clay,


4070 3641 2707 4.086




Pboae ., Wayne.vIDe li:-=================;;;.;;========;;:;.

Gelding, 6 year Old, weight. Hallowe'~n carnival at Lytle Hall around 2700 lbs., well broken; 011 ICt'\ IS WHICH? ThuIsday vening. 10-year-old Brood Mare, with ~O....; 11". Alice Trickey r turn d foal; on 2-year-old Draft Gelding ~1'it' home Saturday alter spending a one l-year-old D:raft Filly; on e 'ouple of weeks with h~r daughteam of Mal' Mule. 12 and 13 ters in Dayton. years old, weight about 2600 lbs .• Mrs. Emma Lacy s pent Friday aTe excellent work-er s. 260 ate dirlrler served by the PTA nt rtained compan;v over the at the home of her son and wile Your Continued support throUKh 13 Jer.ey Milch Cow. All of thf) teachers attendt'd t he wC"k-end. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lacy, near my terms in office has been Consi ting of? heau, with meting of th eouthwestern Supt. L. A. Gal'st spo ke at the L banon. arnlval h Id As cin lOll in incinnntr,. F r1' d. o.y ".~ ... lh 0 d ISo · " cure h h t un day . Thp~ Ha \1owt!'en catves by side; 3 C1o~e 'prmgers: onin.s Mr. Roy William and daughter gt'atifying and appreexcel1ent al th· g ~rl'n on last Fridny night.. and a lew attended on Saturday. nig'ht. Nancy, were weeJc-Qnd gue ts of 3 in milk . This is herd of pure bred J el' ey ( a ttle-. was a decid .. d s uccess. Differ nt MI'. and Mrs. hai k s j!;8ster Plans at4!, being madc fOl' the frie'n ds in Dayton. ciated to the utmost. Attend this !lal e and you will not organizali ons of th community and :Miss Kathleen raham attend centennial celebration of the M ~s Cleo I:tawk~ of Dayton ..,. be disappointed. hlld booths and d licious refres h- d a family dinner at. the hGl'ne of founding of th Fril~nds Church spent Tuesday with her parents Fee. B van of On November 15. Mr. and Mn. Ben Hawke, '" II III nts ", el'e to b had a t all of Mr. and Mrs. Ft'ank About 16 tons of A Iftlun II)"; Wilmington. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Duke were , ~" r. " about 50 bu hel s of Corn; around t.hllm . Prizes were given, to the Mrs. Edith LUK liS ~nded COUNTY VOTE aturday evenJng guest. at bhe I 35 shocks of Fodder. following 'masked persoHs: bride grand ch pter of the Order of. the home' of Mr. ~nd Mrs. C. E .. Farminlf IIIIPlem.. . . and groom, Dale nderwood· Ea tern Star at Columbll!\. last (Continued boml Page 1) Mill r and Milia Pearl Riley near .. 5-ft. Mo ....-e.r; " Jeltv ry hay Robin s.on and E tb r Doster; .Aunt week Day .. .... .... .. ..... ....... 7458 Ridgevill . 1"8k~; hay .Ioader ; hay tedder; hay r MI'. 'and Mrs. Harold MCY!lY Attorney Gelleral Miss Virginia Fritz 01 L banon, fork, rope and, pulleys; manure J{.miO'l1l, M·t:$. J . Jacob; ug Ie t, have been entertaining Mrs. Mc- Duffy . . . ... .. .. , 6140 . is vi iting at th home of Mrs. spreader', teel Toller; two S-hor e Minni Jacobs ; iallest. Raymond VY' s nlO th er 0 f W'1 I ington m. Herbert .. .. 72'0 .. Cacoic ....., Hardy. They spent the riding plows; one 2-horse walking Aikin s : largest family, Penny M)·s. Anna tinson has. been Conlfrenman ..t L ...... e. week-end at Mt. Oreb. plow; two-row corn plow; I-shovel, family; b cSL 'masked children. quite poorly. (Flill Ter:m) Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jones I wish to expre.. my sincere thank. for one double- hovel and one 6- Madg Ann and Phyllis Shidaker. Mill!! Helen Randall and aunt Mosier (D) 6152 1 were SU'nday dinner guests of Mr. your loyal aupport Mr. lara. Randall leit unday McSween'ey (D) .. 6026 1and Mrs. Thede Jones aJld 80n shov.el plows; John Deere corn The ounty Run-around held on m rn ing for T xa. Mrs. Randall Bender (R) 7221 Mr. Margare-t Johns enterta'inplante-r, witlt fertilizer and check, rower; one trailer; di k bArrow; last aturday wa ~ one of the most is r turn ing home an ex- ' Marshall (R) . 7211 cd to dinner Sunday, M~. Eliza- l 50-tooth drag harrow and 1 corn enthusiastic tourE in many yeal • tended visit v. ith Dr. C. G. Ran- I andberg (C) 17 beth Smith, Mrs. Marjorie Johns sheller; forks, shovels and other Over seventy car were in lin by dall and family. Coq I,l Lal'l. anl l'hildren, Paul and Vivian of tools too numerou to' mention. the lim th y reacher here . Over The Ladi es Aid served dinner I (Unexp'n,d 1rerm) Dayton and Betty Routzabn. ,.-------~ --.;...~ ~ Batcherin. Ollt&t. and supper at Smart's garage Earhart 6122 Mr. and iMrs. E. B. Longacre, ' !!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!~!!!!!~~!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!~~~'I'!~~~_ !!!!'!!....!!..!!!..'!'!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!'!'!'!""!~!!!!!!!!!! Two 30-gatlon kettle ; 1 lurd , ' 1\ u,..· .lny ' 0 gler . e Iec t 10 .. . .. " •..... " 7022 Mrs. Margaret Johns, Mr. and Mrs prep, with sau~ge stu/l'er, comRev. J. P. Th'o rnbury WI,lS called Repre.ent .. tive teo Conlf...... lIarvey Burnet attended the bined; sausage grinder. lJ to LebanoJl to have charge 'of Aleshit'e 6032 Garden club Tuesday evenir14r at H.......-for 6 head of horses funeral erviccl! of J ohn Booth on Marshall .... " ..... 7194 the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank complete. A revival meeting will start at Tue day afteMrnooLn.. ' I State Senator Farr at WaYnesvil1~. CbickeJae . l\tr. and rl!. lOne Campbell Nichols .. .. ... 6271 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph KOVacA A lot of Brown Legllorn Hens; the Ferry Church of Chrt t NO~- are pI nning to mOve into the Mill r . 6803 moved to Dayton Saturday bavinS' Repreaentative sold their fa.rm to Mr. Fran~ 6 steel chicken coops; lwo 60- gg ember B. and will last until rooms ov(;r J fferis' restaurant. incubato~. November 20th You nrc invited to Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Smat:t Alexander 6187 Walters ·of near Centerville, who HClllUehold FlImtliture come- meet. with ua wlle(c you will Hamilton . .. . .. . ..... . 7346 with hils family will soon move ". C. here Consi ting of bed, chairs and hear the g ospel hoth in sermon . ,,"ounty ommiallonera . other furnitul'e. Also di hes anll and song. The following churches NO.T ICE Hoak 6960 Mrs. Alice Clark in company COOKing utensil!; and several small b.nV& a specia I InVlta . t'Ion t 0 come ..· 7271 with Mr. :and .M Pu rsuant to Lhe provisions of H age. ....eyer ;/''' rs • Milton .,neelrtal~' 1 articl-es. and bl"ing a. delegation on the Section 304 of the Banking Act Ii1C' luro .. .... ... . ... , .. , ........ .. 7379 of Centervjlle, returned home MOn Cuis P ro~Ie u t'~nlf At torney day evnin'" .. several fa 11" ow)ng Dlgh of 1935, notice i.s hel'eby giv€'n by eo after spehdin .. D. W. HOLLINGSWORTH N ovem b er9, · Th e WaynesvillE) National Bank in Dl· l·~ ~ tu sh • 7732 days with relatives at L ebanon, ens Congrega t 1.. and D. W. BALCH. h ClerIe 0 f Cour t a Ind., and on Sunday attended the ona I '"'lurc. t he Village cif Waynesville, State N ovem b r 10 • Ly tl e M. E . of Ohio, that the liabiliLy impos d Beckett· . .. Karl M. Brown, Auct. 74n3 59th. wedding anniversary of Mr_ .' ... "... ..... iT W. D. Corwin, Clerk. Ch urc b 0 f Chns . t. SheI'iff and Mrs. Samuel Stephens. upon the holders of shares of its Lunch by Ladies' Aid Society N ovem b er 12 , W ayn Vl'll e M'. comll)(m stock by the provisions of Keev r ' . . . ...• 5543 Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burnet onof Morrow M. E. Church. E. Chu~ch. c. 5161, U. S. Revised StatuWs, _...:..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. : . . - - - - -_ _ _ _.... ____ At tlae time a.nd place, November 13th, Bellbrook a ' amended, and Sec. 23 of the Z. O. W~-;,. and L. '1'_ Mclnt.o.h Fe deral Reserve Act, as .amended, will ..u 10 Relfi at~ Jersey November 16th, Centerville Qholl case on · July 1, ~937. c~w. ADd 2'l'~-old: H eife.... fresh hurehes. . By order of the Board Of and heavy ' sp:rjng~rs, and . one Nevember 17, Mt. Holly M. E. Directors. Bul1 Calf. 7 Shrop.hire. E_a. hurch. L. M. HENDERSON, Cashier.


To the Voters of Warren County

========,====-:=::;===-=-=-==:;.;::..:::...=--===============-======-== Harveysburg


Ross H. Hartsock

~-----~--~--~--------~--~--~----~~~--------~, '


To tb ) Voter. of Warren County


Fred J. Hagemeyer



... .........------......-_.J,




The ·G·oblins Can.' t G.e t You





Public Sale

A CERTIGRADE Red Cedar Shingle Exterior! STORMS are the ultimate of any SIlVERE root covering. ThaI', why CERTIGRADE Red l esl

"".are che lint choice 01 Wlte horae builden. Beating hail, "en bllnicann will not afFect .. CERTJ~RADE Red roof. W.... cd.... material. DUly I.U,. 111_ .urdy "". fIGIIti~, 1atiD, protectiQn. And thay lin economlcal _ II ........." low .nd ,-'U have DO npIIir worriee ~lij~"~~'U be ~ 10 quote figwa for )'OW _ home or


Having sold. my farm I will sell all my farm chattels and household goods at public auc.tion, locate-d. 1 mile east of Harvey,llburg, 6 miles east of W'a ynesviIle, \l miles west of Wilmington. Ohio On state route 78, on Saturday, November 14, 1936 At 1 p. m. 1 good Bay Mare, sound, works any whe-re; I-horse farm wagon, box bed and ha.y Ia.dders, barrow. ,Irl:l.g, sled, 4 plows, single and d ouble shovel plows, 'walking br aking plow. crosscut saw, stepladd er, grindstone, . single· and cloubletrees, post hole digger, tile grader, .pitchiorks, boes, shovels, box too ls of various kinds, 2 vin gal' kegs, hog trough8, sand SCl'een etc, 2 sides harnen, collars, lines, bridles and saddle, water tank and scaldinlr barrel. HOIl.ehold Cood. 2 good heaUI1&,' stovu, Mallea~ blc Steele l'8nl"e, oil cook .tove, oven, 2 bedll and springs, good upright Starr · piano, couch, ·2 center stand" 2 washstands. library table victrola and 100 good records, 12 ft: utenllion dlnin&, tabl(", chain. kitchen cabinet, al... jan ..ulAae rinder and man, iteD\a not mo. tioned.

To the Voter. of Warren

county I wis.h to take thi. oppol'tunity to ·thank tbose who' ao .........Iy .... of Iheir time .nd effort to brin. ..y cuapaip to a terminatiQn. .. It i. a



~f airelDe ;"ati6cation to

bave Ibi. evidence of .uch 10y.1 fiiendships,.• nd 1 wi.b to . take this ........ ." ...urin. Ihe eiti..... of Warren OoUDt7 th.t, it .h.ll.. ..y ....... . endeavOl' to perform 1h.1Iutie8 of Coaaay Auditor in a "ti.f.ctory _d ................., _d to ~ .

I:~ I

be at all timea worthy of the . .6cI..- Ih. . pl.cecI in ....


, Eighty-Eighth Year



Whole Number 6247


lSAlES TAX ON FOOD At the regular communication PION EER RESIDENT CENTENNIAL ANNIVERSARY OF CHUR of WayneSVille No. the American Red LI flED BUT ' HOLIDAY roll call -- - - -- __I Cross. contin uing program of LAST FRIDAY WIlH AF.annual Ii A. M. Tuesday the DIES AT HOME HERE of officers took I'etief di aster of im- CUSHIONS REACTION mediatcto care for sufferers, those injured Mrs. Mary Emma Sherwood, ae follows: LARGE ATTENDANCE placeE. andF. l resulted the home, on the farm and along years, wife of the late Earnhart, Worshipful aged




cn :


RED CROSS ROLL CALL This is the time of the nnnual It.




in 86 the lIighway, and the splendidly Commi •• ioll Prepare. For Barr••• Tr.a.ur..,\ Report S._ecI A Master; R. W. Braddock, senior Charles E. SherwOo.d, died at her human work of its devoted nurses warden; Jesse Prendergast, junior home on Third street Sunday after . . . .c. of ,201.041 Cam. - these things compe l more t.llan of Qu_tio... 0. DUf_t warden; V. M. Armitage, secr-etary C&a.ai6catlon. noon about 5 :30. She was a . .I N.u..d '1115.:12 a.dmirlltion, they demand active R. H. Hartsock, treasurer; C. I. support t hrough membersh ip. Join daughter of the late Thomas Satterthwaite, senior deacon; now through your local chapter The 8 per cent. sales tax yellter. The Wa~ne Township Mothers' J . ju.n ior Betsey Burnet and was a life-long R. Thompson, a nd keep thi army of mercy at !lay came of\' tood eaten in the d~acon; F. H. Fur, Tyler; H. A. resident of this community. Club met at the grade building full str ength. , home, but because it was a holiday Her fir t husband, Edwin , ReFriday afternoon, Novelnber 6th, Corneil, S years. with most of the grocery stores There will be a special meeting tallick, passed alWay in 1914. with a nice attendance. The song Wednesday night, Nove.mber 18. and state dep~ents closed theTe Several years later she was united "Brighten the Corner" "lAB sung Work in ~e F. C. degree~ Visiting was little reaction immediately to with Mrs. Irene Baird leading. The and sojourning brethren aile wel- in marriage to Mr. Sherwood wbo the change. preceded her in death about eight devotional period was conducted c,om~. The levy collected lIince Janu'- ' years ago. by Mrs. Harry Williamelon, Theary 27, 1935, wa taken 0« "food purchased for consumption 0« the minutes of the lut mll'eting were Mrs. Sherwood is survived by pr~mises wihere sold" by mandate rend and approved. Pue to the granddaughter, Mrs. J. V. Hartab9~nce of the treasurer, Mrs. sock, of Waynesville, and Beveral of the pcople, who adopted a conA. F. MelJoh and family spent stitutional amendment Novem. Ethel Sackett aerVed in that nieces and nephews. Sunday in Hamilton. capacity. She reported a balance Funeral services in charge of ber 3. on hand of '201.04. Rev. G. C. Dibert were held ·at the The state tax commission, al. FRIENDS' CHURCH HARVEYSBURG, OHIO Mr . Oscar Smith was the guest In tbe room popularit)l conteat McClure Funeral H~ ready troubled with distin&,uiahing of friends iii Lebanon, today. between things ·which are eaten too flower box was won by Mils -.... 'day afternoon at 4, . O'clock and Nilxt Sunday, November 16, at are asked to contribute one artiMr . W. H. Allen and Mrs. C. which should be taxable, prepared Campbell'. room and the picture 'MI'. and Mrs. J'am~ E. bu'rial was in Miami cemeterY. Harveysburg, the Friends will- cle of food, a covered dish, and H. Brace were Dayton visitors, for a rush of queries from retailby IMiss Day'. roo'm. • - ~ The chail'Dl4ll of the fiunce were Springfield visitors, Friday. obeerve the centennial annlver- join with local m mbers in Tuesday. , ers. sary -of the establishment 01 their dinner. . The commission is expected to committee reported that $19.'0 Mrs. Manie Burnett, hal Meeting by presenting a special At 2 p. m., II. program of exerMiss Alice Ca~bcll, of the be lenient with the grocers for a bad been cleared from the dOllnut turned home after a visit to her program- Bible 8chool at 10 a.:ro. cises will follow . Anna Stinson, of g1'8d~ sc~oo~ fac~lty. spent Satur- brief period to permit them to sale and '116.12 from Ilhe Hall. sister, Mra. Catherine Himes in Meeting for Worshi}, with Walter Harveysburg will read a paper day In Cmcmnatl. learn definitely which i~ems faU in owe'en Carnival. Centerville. Woodward, editor of the American reiating the activities of th ' Mr. and Mr . Howard Archdea- the taxable eiUBA ' PIaM are beine mad for a market to be held Wednesdai Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Lang, of The Women'lI Miui()nari Society Friend, \ Richmond, Indiana, as h~JldJ'ed years of the MeElting's , COn spent Sunday with relativ s Changes in the' sales tax law to preceding Thankajfiving. Clneinnati, spent Saturday with of the Ferry Church of Christ held s~aker. history, and Waynesville Friends in Miamisburg. conform with the amendment The grade lunch chairman read Mra, Lang's parents, Mr. and ' Mrs iLl regular meeting on October 28 A community dinner will be will reproduce, in costume, a ses- ' probably will be delayed until the John Sears, of Greenville, is new general asseml>ly convenel in several bUls amountine t:o $89.26 George J. Smith. at the home of Mrs. Harold Filer. served in the school Igymnasium at s ion of both Men's and Women's of visiting nt the 'home of his son, January. which were allow4!d andl ordered Mr. and Mrs. LeWis Thompson T.he meeUne was opened by 12 :30 p. m. Those coming lor both · Miami Monthly Meetings mornin&, and afternoon sessions 1803-4. W. N. Sear, and family. paid. Due to the l....e number of were guests of Mr. ScriptUIIe readinlf by IMrs. Mary The tax commi.8slon expecte to children beln, served the queat!on parente and sister in Claraville, wGilliam, and prayer by Mrs. Nellie MIll. J~ssie Hyman" Mrs. AI ask the legislature t(I define food of purehaein, more cookillli' equip. Thuraday evenini'. right. Mrs. Grac~ Furnas played Polinsky and Mrs. Ballard Wallac e to clear definitions. Already there ment was broueht before the club a harp solo, Mn. Mildred Campare rumblinl'll over the commiawere in Cincim'latl Wednesday. and dlscul8ed. Mrs. Je\l8ie Hyman entertlained bell played a piano 8010, and little sion's action classing beer and Mr. ond Mrs. John Cronin, of candy as not food and benee taxCbrilltmaa il jUlt arolllnd at dinner Friday evening, Mr. and Bobby Campbell sang. After !leVCincinnati, were guests of W. H. able. corner and that beinc the lcuon Mrs. Saul Hurwich IlDd Mr. eral missionary talks by various Allen and family on Wednesday. of giving the Itotllen' Club Mrs. Sam Hyman and daughter, members of the society, the meetI1~ estimated that if the courta endin, oat. a plea to aDJI10ne hav- Le~anon. ' . in, cloted with the singinlf of support the commiuion in ita Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Ga1'8t and . ... rtl I f Idteb Blest Be the Tie that Binds. , At the regular meeting of . The amateur contest sponsored Ing any ace 0 en .ware Mr. <And Mrs. Alvin Earnhart daughter were guests over the definitions the 10!!8 In 1937 should The society has clO!!ed the first Farmers' Gra"" th a t cou Id b e used In th e prepe,ra- and Ions were Sunda" dinner .... e I al!t S a t ur d ay b y L a d'lea 'A'd l of th e .."Iethod~ weeJc..6nd, of friends in Manches- be held between ,7,000,000 aond $10,000,000. ti on 0 f tbe Iunch es to plelaae lend "'ueste of Mr. and Mrs_ Ernest year 01 ita organization with 20 night the following officers were ist church was staged last Thurs- ter, Ind. ' the s r a d · ac:tive members. The trea ... ~Bme to e buildiJI«. Follow Earnhart in Mt. Holly. reported ,30 in membership du"., elected to serve d\lrlng the coming day night at the gym. John Mr. and Mrs. ~old Cheseldine lng ill a list of articles 'IIIlhicb are .... very badl, needed and alny eonMill! Rutb Larrick, Mr. Loren whloh was divided among "evera! ~ar: Shultz was master of ceremonies of Cincinnati, were week-end .tributioD would be rteatl" apo Reason and Mrs. Sadie Reuon foreign miuionaries. Harold Whitaker, Master; W. and the contestants. furnished a guests of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Whitaker. preciated: teaspoons, tabJ:jJ SPOODl, were Sunday visltorl at the home AU oftlcera were re-elected, A. Swartze!, overseer; Lucile pleasing prbgram. cookinr spoons, parinr knives, ot the latter'a sister at B cept the secretary. Mrs. Fires, lecturer; Herbert McMillan, The winners VI~re selected by Mr. 8'nd Mrs. Georg S. Bailey, dish towels, muftln tina, pie Ind. Smith wu chosen to flU that oftlce. ate-ward; Rebut Wilson, assistant popular vote and prizes were of Cincinnati, wele guests of Mr. and eeryin, traYIl. , ' The next meeting will be held steward;' Grace Bz:o.VI'n, chaplain; awarded as follows: 1 t, Bud Le'fhe high lehool lunch. chairman Mr. and Mrs. Wilford G. S.quires November 18 at the parsonage of Grace Hockett, secre'tary; E. L. May's orchestra; 2nd, Miss Stella Bnd Mrs. J. B. Chapman, WednesFRIENDS MUTING reported that there lunch are announclnlf the arrival of a the Ferry church. Everyone is T~omas, treasurer; Charles Fires, Gibson, Ridgeville, tap dancing; day. Flrat-dII, School at a. •• ",eetin, expelUlea. Beven pound daughter, lIarilyn welcome. gatekeeper: Frieda Harvey, Lady 8rd and 4th, Miss Bettie Fuerst, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Thomas have Me.tin. for Wo.. a' 1• • Mr. Gartt ·u tencled a Ann, at St. EU.abeth hOlpital, - - -•• - - - - assistant ateward; Amy , Bailey, accordian, Springboro and Miss returned home a visit of invitatiOn to all pare1Ita to DayWn, Friday eveninl", Novem- ELECTED PRESIDENT OF Ceres; Ada Burge, Pomona; Rachel Ann Ross, Ridgeville, lIing several days to relatives in , FERRY CHURCH 01' CHaIST the hieh sehool bulldln, ber 6. OHIO SOCIETY OF Florence Butterwol·th, Flora; ing. 5th, Rosemary Mulford and Eastern Ohio. Carl SmltII. IIIIIIIte the lW't!ek of November ~,tbis IIr. and Mn. Wm. Smith RusBell Frank, pianiElt; Virginia Barbara Jean Crane, tap dancing. Mrs. J. B. Crabbe received word Pen, Thomas, Bapt. of Blbl. !;dueation Dorothy Boran, are annouDcinlf Ralph H. Ha)'W~od was elected Hardin, chorister; 1. L. Menden- ' T'he IltwndallCe was good and being "AlIIeriean that her father" G. W. Oov,eraton, School Week." . HeexpJ.lned thlia would the birth of a daulflller, Marilyn pl'elident of the Ohio Soeiety of hall, legislative , agent; C. ,E. the society netted $24 .00. .pasl\ed ~way Tuesday evening at Bible School at 9:10 L . . ChicagCl at ita annual meetin&, Michener, business agent; M. A. - -be a' fine opportulllt, fOf' pereDts Sue, born at the ,home of his home in Fallon, Nevada. Communion, 10:~5 L a. to become acquaiDte,d' .ith the Irandparenta Jb. and Mra, November 12. He had been secre. Cornell, truste.e-; Kathryn Whit· Help For Gardea•• Preachinlf, 11 :00 L •• teachers and obaerve thel pupi .. Rale~b So. .n, November 6th. tari and is one of the mOlt active, aker, juvenile matron. Mr. and lMTS. M. J. Brown and 11'\ their regular routine 01 selIool member!! in the orl"anisation. - - - --Pro A. E. Hitchcock of th~ Mr. and Mrs. C. W_ BroWTl, of "AYNESVIUE CHURCH OF work. Friday, November 13th wu IIIr. and Mrs. Fred Gonl and Mr. Haywood is a . former resiNOTICE Boyce-Thompson Institute has Versailles, were gue.sts of Mr. CHIlIST designated as apeeial 'Ilailon day family and Mi.. Alice Gona who dent of Waynesville. Hb parents, been demonstrating a s ubstance and Met!. I. O. Brown on Sunday. Carl Smw.. IIlDIllter and the Juneh room will to ac- left Jut weelt for Punta dorda, the late Mr. and Hra. Ne~n There will be an all day house- which induces a plant to grow Not A Denomiutlop Miss Jane O'Conner o~ Santa commada t e every one -'-" wlDUilll Fla., notlled relative. tbat Hayw-ood, moved to Dayton 'Wbile cleanin, at the Grange Hall, Wed-I roots on stems or leaves "Nherever !) :30, Blhle Kllool. they have lODe on j;o Ft. lI,ers he was a Isd. He is in' the ad~rtis- neaday, November 18. th hormone is injected. The Monica, Calif., was a guest of Mrs lunch. 10 :45, Lord'. Supper. Miss The first part of the proaram and espeet to locate there for Inr buaine.. in Chic:qo and is reAll ladies "Nho are ,members of discovery may have a practical use James E. McClure and 7 :p.' m., Christian ED....ft1'. the winter. . wal a croup of patriotic recitaU. prded as one of the most suc-, the Grange are invit.ed to help. in the propagation of plants with Kathryn Gibbons 18llt week. '1 :'6, Evanlfellltii! ........ . ons in eommemoratioD of Armis- , 111'. and Mia. A. H. Scboeler, of cessful of the younger men in that Each one is requested to bring a I which gardeners have had dimMr. and ;Mrs. Alden Jones and Wednellday, 7:~5 p •••• pra,.1' tice Da, by the pupUs of the 6th HamUton, lIr .and lin. Jobn line. covered dish <UlQ sandwiches. culties. fnmily of Washington C. H., were and bible atudy. Gona and da~ter and Mrs. .D. L. ==0 grad4!. Followiq this a BODl' Sunday guests at the home o.f J. 2ung b, the .ntire Ifroup.Nut, a Cran. apenll SUnda, with Fred B. B. Crabbe and family. WAYNESVIu.E It. £. CHUlca "Obalk Talk" bJ Erma 8earl' ac- Hen41enon and famDy. .1 . Rev. G. C. DIbert, . . . . Mrs. Frances Brannock, Mrs. com pan," b, lin. R ....U Camp. Sunday: Sunda, aehool at • Harry McGinnis and Mrs. Lizzie bell at the plano w.. enj:o ,ed Will' Lippincott lulrered ' a severe {) :30 a. m. Morninc wonhip at Lewis spent last Friday with Mr!\'. everyone. , Mn. Glad,. BoUn. tben heart attack in OrVille Gray'a 10:40. At this hour W4! will partlei nay Mainous. entertained with • piaDo 8010. barber- ahpp Jut Saturday momin. pate in a Univeraal ' CommanlGn tap danee by Barbara Clan.· aDd Mr; Lippincott Ie VUJ' mueh betMrs. Daisy DuVall, . house service of. the Methoclt.t Kplaeo.... Roiemal7 Mulford oJOMd th. ter &lid 1riah.. to tlumk all who keeper fol' the late Howard Church. It ia hoped that, 10 ~ar ... were so kiDd to him at that time • .,am. I Ch(lnowetb le1t this week for possible families will "it t:opther, Th. olub .• ~ouraecl to milt III'. IUId lin. I. B. IUaIa an. Mr. her future home in San Francisco aDd commune- tGiretber iD tltla ftnt FrIday in December. aDd lin. W. B. CorneU motorecl California. ' service. lin. I. B. Crabbe, lin. HOI1m' to .PtttaIMar8, ~......... the, , Eveninlf service at " p ••• Mrs. Blanche Baker, who has W d • Th La",; ... 'd . Rainb" lira. WUaoD l1chr.rcIa, lira lIIeDt the "&MDd, tlte fonner · b t 't' t t'h h f R .. .. ClA I lAw. I't..... 1In. A.:B. Stabbtl, tile ~eIt.I of lit. and _n. Ma,,, een v SI 109 a e ome ~ . S . et ne_y. '11 t e Ith M Hartsock and' family, lias I .oc\e y WI mee,. n. an H. 1Iln. Carl Bod.nbellder ad II~ nard Ria.. . Ute latter til. ~eata of . l d t h h . 'Ci • Sheehan at 2 p••• T. A. Lawlon ••rved pu...,ldnple Mr. allC1 Wmlam K1l!beaer. 1 e urne 0 Il'X ome In ncmAt 7 ill h Id.L .a---. nati p. m. we 'W 0 ...e' ....... .and colree. . of our series of mODtltl, elallNh Ladle.' Winter Coats with fur, --~ Mr. and Mr~. M. A. Corn~)J, Mr night meetillifs fOil .thi. eoafer. cleaned and preaaed: 9k i ' Men'a and Mrs. S. S. Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. ence year. Pleue brine a eoftNd Overe4ata, 'l0e; Chlldren'a witatel' Omar HolHngsworth are among dish, aand:wlc!IM. and table eoata, ~Oe; Cllldnn'a SDOW BUit., t'hose attending National Granse service. The a.,.aker WIll be Dr. • plact . lie. Qulcll Cleanen. at Columbus. John S. Altman, putor of tlte lit. XathfJD Mead..hall. Ker. Paul'lI M. E. OhQfth fa ~.. Mr. John Abbott of th eCincin- Dr. Altman b.. a ~ ' peftODTH projeCt, "Soapitalit, III Mrs. [M ary Claptt, wit. of Pr. nati Bible Seminary, preatbed at ality, is a aplendld rpeaker ... ... the BOlDe," uDCler the auaple.. of P. D. Clqett, died at Phoenis. the Church of Chr18t, Sunday, are fortunate to ...,. 1abiI .... _ the ~D .....e. will be Ari.oDa, SatUHaJ, Noyellllber 'l. and wall the dinner gu~t of Mr. for tllia ....tbtc. HI. _bj. will sj. . . at .......... of lin. Maria Mrs,, ~. ot and Mr8. WiJI BradLey. be, "What A Ohare" Doe. 1',- TIle EIhoD; '1'"1~. Noftlllber II. the late Levi aDd 'fur Lull.... a' • p. . . an lira. ItarI IS APPOINTED TO CommuniQ." was bom ud pew to woMubood . . . . . . . . . aDd Mn. lliDena HARVEYSBURG ROUTE After Dr. Altaaa'. a .... . on the f .... loCated OD the War· Do..... there .W be a period of . . . . . • nesvlUe ad IiarYeJUuIW pIU. Gleu Feal,y. HarveJlbur8, baa play for ehlldrea aM ...... Sev,ra1 Jean .... Dr. a1lld lin: ..... WOIMIl·. A~ of st. Don't tau to ataM tItIa ~ been appointed to succeed the tt and their ........IF Taq lluJ'a CIa........ , wiD . . . with late Ira Syfred .. driver on one of rellLMed to Arkoaa....... lin. ...... Sa..... 11& tile UttIe the Maute ToWJWal,p achool baa haYe . . . . NIIct.... .... •• ,..... ......... N. . . .routa. F'a17 wiD operate tIIIe SanIYbaI an her ............ ... II. . . . . . . . ., .... 8v401D rollte duriDa'.... remalader of tH aIIo a . . . . . . .... 111'.111••• ., ... Dqtoa achool,....• Praat ....._. of~"""

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10111 r,


r t_I,

dllrina Oc!t.obft. 1: P. and • Hildl'br ant, tood. 1".60; Ikrtha llines, milk, til ,d, 0: Home Dairy, milk, '9.20; W. E. Humph rey. clothing , $fI.50: Kal1til',. Grocery , fllod, ,4'7. 60: Kroger Grocer y and Bal$ing C ., food and milk, .221.10 ; L bll.n(lo Farmer s Coop. Co., fuel, $3.26: Claude PI\1'r(>tt, shelter, ,3 DIan Persl y, fOOd, $4.60; Potter' s Mea't Market , milk, $i!: Ed . Snook hclkr. $6i L. S. Tracy, milk. $3; Wood' IGA Market , food, $50.26: Wund Dry GO(lds Co., clothing , 29.75; Drs. Dunham · Ska.vlem - Heu.sinkve·ld, Medical $ervices, $16; Thl' Office Outfittens, office supplies, $-1.25; VeTdena Hopkins, shelter furJii hed re-Iief family, $4: Mrs. Roy lludson shelter furnl hed ~elief fanlily $10 R. H. Jefferis, :Coocl, $6; Kindred and Robins on, food and milk, $9.60; Chas. P. Stubbs, food, $3; Ruby VanRip er, $48.50: The , Great A. 8l)d P. Tea Co., food and milk, $239 i Allen N. Ra.pp, fuel, $3;. A., Shiflett" food, 1$25.60; Wnght B Market , food, $80; Geo. B. Johnson , stamps, and trans. for CCO bOYS, $16.36i Anna L Brown shelter furnish ed relief ta.mily, $8

hilE....... H. G1o!lll.'r. d ctlaM'd, appro\'('d !ly tht' court. Ohio land arca" withou t ve&,eta· Frnnkli n Connvr r and RaYnlllnd live.' cover may IU8~, through Hail L. ('uno,- I' w('r(' nppnint('cI ('x I!ro~ion, 200 time!! IlS much oil a~ cutlll"! of thl' l' tal." of U. G. Con· areBll cov('retl With Iol'ood bluegra ss n upN •• Suit. Novem ber 11, Armistice Day, sod. Ohio nV"l·. d ecno cd. G 'orge JOlle:;, Lon ply (I., dl' nlll'r r ,hel'ift', S(.atc Ullivers lty 8gron'8.33: Wednes day, meant two things for ·tyl B Ilncl Itb Long W I'C ap- ~1idtlldo\\ n Ga~ u rid Ekclric ()miAiI; say t.oat the cost. of J)IUIture Clarabe llt' Z. Unge huen tiled 0., the peoille of Ohio, observance of improv oment pointed IIp)1l'aiser. 1l.8 nnd (>1 c. for sewing proj ct, Ililit ~ainst Lewis W. Whit for cr.-. is ft'NIU jus tithe Wol'ld War, ending in 1018, fied by A. Ii. tubbs \H1, ftllPoinl dad. Fr nklin, U.27: Th.· Lebano ita effect of control ling soil mon 7 only. n Thelma lIendcl'$on fas appoint - mini ·trnlor of 1he tate of und tC\T1ovaJ of the Ohio retail or- Lumb I' rosion. (l., lumber u.ed by I'd aclminj lnltl'ix vf th sales tax on food purchas ed for tata of n lit, F'. hi! s, d!'cea ed, and IIlImillo n Tp., Grange during fair, Commoft PI-. Pl"OCeecltncl LouiK Hl.nderson. deceaserl. Bond gave ho,nd of consum ption ofT the premises. 2,000. W. N. $12 .. 3; Wun~ Dry Goods Store, A judgn'le:nt of 3440.90 in favor \\aR fixed at 1,000. S !lr. , Howard At'ch deacon and L ad for sewing project , The constil\.utionnl amendme'!lt $7.08: of the pln,ntif f wa returne d in the The court d elaTed Firman Wil - M. H encl('r~on wele appoint ed providi ng thut on aJ1(1 after aphi Pen. Mfg. and nle!\ Dept., case of the Home Owner. L<>an SOI\ inllSn and 1\ suitable patient Jll'niSl?r . Novem ber 1'1, 193(1, no excl tax .1,1 00 dog lie nSIlt!, for 11137, $20. OorporatiQn versus Albert and Net lo h(,' ndmitt I to the Dayton' G Qrge F:. Young was appoint - 50: shall be levied or collected on Holthau Tronsp ortatfon , ti~ Monjar . State Hospit al food for human consumption oft' ed executo r or the tate of Sarnb expTes. on dOg tllgS, 75c; A judgme nt of ,1096.3 4. w re Mrs. Melvin Wni1 es, admini strator . Browll, deceMed and filed bond Helen Doughm an, car th ptemia s where sold became ClilTord turned in favor of the plaintif fs in of thc estllt 'of Eden F, Terry , of t 000 with ur tie. dITec:tive on the morning of Doughm an, $7; Mlr . Ira Eltzroth , the ease of Francet! T. Lewis, exec deee.a~l'rl, Wli outhori zed to ' ell The tate of Florenc e Thomp - care Alice tarkey, Armist ice Day. The 6: Jame! utrix, at a1 versus William A'. Ross p rs nal prop rly belongi ng to ~on, decease d, was found to he I Moor, care Lucy Moor, was given 'appro,val by the voters $6: Mrs. et a1. th e slate t or not less than $460. x~mpt frolll inherila nce of Ohio at th polls November 3, tax. ' Margar t Jones care om Gardne r The defend ant was grant d ten tnvent01'i s in the estate of Meryl B. Gray wa 1936. appoint ed ' $6: 1'I'S, Julia Holland , care Verdays to Ille motion or otner plead ,Eliz.abeth to wc, d ceased, and admini tJ'stor of the estnte of: non Holland" $10: Mi An offensive for stl'ict enforee · sOma Kn?x ing in th cases of Edith Dirr vet- Laura B. onslable. deccase d, Boward henowe th, decease d, and care ment of ales tax collect.lon on Waller Barlow, $11; M1SS sus Willianl D. Rei! an~ Florenc e were approve d. • flIed bond of $1. 000 with ureties. \ Oma Knox, car , Frank Balling food consumed on the premise s er Garmen versus William D. Reif. The will of U. G. , Oonover, de- George Henkle', Robert . trouse where sold was launched through $11: frs. Eldon hOI·t, care Ru,by John Tilly was granted a di- ceas~r\, wa. admitte d to prpbate . and Harry Cornell werc .apopin t- Ram, $6; A. K. Day, the state Wednes day morning. ClotblD vorce from Pauline Tilly. g The will of Sarah M. Brown, de d l!pprai~rs. Food, as defined in the Tax Com furni h d relief i ,smilies, $14.28; A judgme nt of $247.60 in favor celL!!ed, was admitte d to probate . mission 's regulat ions, incluues, A. D. Grapevine, tMd, $6; Dr. C. of the plaintif f was returne d in A hearing on the Invento ry in Re.1 £.t.te T,'e ra all .articles used tor the nour~sh Haarl mmert, g'lass furniah ed the case 0:1 Blalr and LeRoy ver- the stat of Renry F. Ker ey, deThe ment of human beings. Consum pslate of J. ' H. Drake, deI ••••• ••••• ••••• ••••• • sus John Lo;ng. • ••••• ••••• •• , , • •••••• • celli! d, wa set for Novem ber 27. cased, to R. D. DI'akeo, tiO'l of such food means, the Tax .et aI, Charter s D. MapJe W8l! appoint The invento ry in the tate of tract in Warren aod CIi'?ton coun· Oommission sets forth that "food ed counsel tor the defend ant in Ft'eder ick Mumm ert, Sr., decea t'd ties. thus .defined is consumed when tJie cue of State of Ohio 'Versus \\ as approve d. Ma Ford And ersor\ ' to Belen taken inward ly." . George Vall, Jr. Distrib ution was authol'ized by C mpbell, 12.75 acres in Wash RestaJi rants, beer, gardens and ing-I--------~------------~----- imilar places the court in the estate of La· tOn townsh ip. Marria c. Lie.,u•• where food is Cam. Friel...)' NiP:t student s .and 260 for adults. How- served will eonti'nue collecti Ellswor th Ertel, machin ist of Fjly tte Doane, decease-<!. Ch 8ter, A. ampbel l to Helen ng the ever, season ticket.$ can be secured three percen t bracket ed South Lebano n, and Mi.s s Leona A copy of the entry determi ning Campb II, 18.08 acres in Washin g tax. the inherita nce tax to be paid ton town hip. The Waynes ville High school for 600, 75c, and $1.26 respect Stepp, of Soutb ~banon. ivPremise s, as bask deBned tball by ~eam the' IIIIIys Tax I:~::==::=::====::~ its llrst ely. If you want to pay for your Commission. include in the estate of Mira Bowyer , deClara L , Farr tq Martha M. game Friday the entiu night, Novem ber 13, season ticket on the inatallm ent buildin Pl'obat . Court ceased, was ord~red certifie d to Farr, lnlot in Springb oro. g or any part 01 It wh~ch .r with Centerv ille hllre. Last year PUtn, Hie may be paid each Gertrlld e Kersey . was appoin t- the county auditor . week. is under control ot the vendor, or Mary F. Adams to Frank and the e two te-alllS played ; ed executriX of the estate of I The flrst and flnat accoun a very Ae the eealOn ticket rate. one- will his agents, who t of Belle Deck r, 13.02 acres in thrillin g game wbilch sell food for I went over- pay for the first five pm_ .nd human consum Union towruh ip. ption. The deBnitime, Waynesville finally winnin&, see th remain ill&' three free Marie H. and J. Holly Taylor to 22-20. of tion alBo include s land' adjacen t to The game l~riday will be the buildin", or any part ot such Sarah Florenc e Snide.., lot in Centerv charge. ille's second! of the season "THE HOME OF GIFTS " land under..control of the vendor Lebano n. as lallt week they bC!1lt a very hard J The plan furni8h es an opportfln- 01: his agents, which i. used Clayton Penny to Walter and fighting Jefferso n for Leba non, Ohio tum 29·21. The ity fOr SIlving, and should be wel- the purpo.s e of serving food to tbe Elva Helms, tract in Deer1ield game Friday is ab110st certain to corned by all. public. This will include parking . township. EXPER T W~TCH 1>& a thriller no maitter which side lots and land contain ing tablu at William T. Oeder to Lester Lee REPAI RINC is victorio us. B....tbaJl SdIIeclaJe. and Mary E. Oeder, traet in Hamwhich food is served. U.i.. Ollly G•••I•• Mat...I.I. The tentativ e 1inle up is as ' The basketb all lIehedule for Hotels providi ng room . ervlce ilton townsh ip. follows : Waynesville- for 1936-19 87 is a8 for food will collect the Lyman D. Black to Ruthed ord D sales Prom pt Servi ce Earnha rt, If. Davis rf; LeMay C follows t tax, on IIllch sales_ tn cases wher"" a an~ Evelyn C. Hayes, lot in Fr~nk ' Satterth waite Ig, Boger rg. Nov. 18, Centerv ille, here. Store opell untn 9 p. m. hotel re_taura.l1t is ,under lin. Substit utions will probab ly be Nov. 21;1, JeITel'8On, here. som~ Arm or iociividual other tban Robert and Bertha Sturm to made from the follow in,: Nov. 24, MorJ'()w, there. the hotel maDa&'ement the entire I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Arthur L. Calvert , 100 acres in Clary f, Fromm lr, Hopkin s c, Dec. 4, Port William, there. hotel buildin g will be conside red ,-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Deerfte ld townsh ip. _ _': Fires g, Collett Ir" SteJ)henB f, Dec11, Morrow, here. premise s of the restaur ant operDomen lca Meale to Mercur io Furnas c, Sheets gj, and AnderAek for a Dec. 16, Leesbu rg, here. ator alld food served I,n rooms will Meale, tract in Deetfte ld townsh ip son g. Dee. 18, Frankli n, there. Miam iabur, p'erm anent be subject to tM tax. JO.lIeph Verbry ke, decease d, to Dec. Alumni, here. Halel Ve-rbryke, 126.50 acres in I Food 80ld In a store located 5 ... 01' Tile"... Conc rete Jan. 8, Lebano n, tbere. 8 within an apartm ent house and 8 As Waynes ville Will inaugu rate ' Jan. 15, Turtlec reek tlJWTlshjp. Malon; there. Air Seal Buria l Vault taken to an apartm ent In aueh the 1936-37 bask:etb all season , Jan. 22, Harve)'8burg, there. Bill. Allowe d bQJldin g to be consum n~xt Friday evenirlg, ed is Novem ber For Sale only by Jan. 29, 'Marti.n~ille, here; Uarold V. Mal·tz, grav I, $12.- 13, the manage ment is spoDlOring conside red food consumed oil' the Feb. 6, Springb oro, here. 60: ~he Ohio Corrug ated Culvert. a conte t wh.ich is being carried on premise s and the sales tax doee Your Fune ral Direc tor Feb, 6, Kings Mill/l, there. Co. culvert s '188; The Sight Feed by the various class'!s. To the claM not apply. However/ in an apart"LYBRB"'II an offer that wUl appeal to al~-Americ:an =-Feb. 12, Carli8le, there. Genera tor Co., carbide and torch selling the largest numbe r ment botel where food is prepare d I ' Bor ·Magazine and this newspaper at a a~ of seaMcCl ure Funer .1 Home Feb. 13, Bellbroo )c, ,here. parts, .14.50 ; J . L. Dunn, service s son tickets, a pri.ze will be in a restaur ant located in such an . comhin ation bargain price. The American Boy IS the given, Feb. 19, Hiehlan d, a there. mechan Yin., o. ic, $28.80; The Van and individ ual pri~e8 of 18 pencil apartm ent hOUle, such food is conf.vorite magazine of more than 500,000 boys and Camp Stone Co., .sand and gravel and a tabl t will be' given to each )'OWlg aDen. Its fiction carries boys on ,t he wing~ fIIf sideted as --eensumeil an the ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - . : Ar.. l.tie. D.,. $372.92 : Sam ' Smith Junk Yard, membe r of that cll!l!18. The various premiBC8 when served to a room in advent ure to all parts of the world. Its sports arbcles Eightee n years ago this Wed· the apartm~nt and the 1IIl1e8 window glass, $1 :76: Ruby' Van C1MS sale men are by famou. coa~hes and athlete s are 'st~ed by cham· tax workin l' bard nef)day, hiatory was made b, the must be collecte d. Riper, gasolin e, $14.89: Waynes - to keep t beir class 8~head. pions. Here you will 6pd the finest stones on sports, signing of the Armi3tice of the ' For- ~uldance ot vendors ville Tvice Station . gasoline, aviatio n, busines s, school activities, humor, and trave~. enPl'. The regulal ' admissi on to bome most terrible war in histolY -the ed in the retail seUing of food $30.14: Wm. H. Wood', services, games will be 10c for grade Even at in regular price of $1.00 a year, TM Amenthe build- World War. Once again the pre.- Tax Commillllion has clUlled til, as rodman , $12.38; Wolfe Chemi- ing student s, 16(\ for high school can Boy is coDsidered a bergaih . 8ul1l0W you may cious dove of peace fiuttere d back tIJllowing articles a8 food: cal and Supply Co.; soap, Boor obtain it ...d this newspa per ••••• meat, wax, $13.86: Bro!n and ~unDell, !!!!!!!!!!!!~::!'!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to earth and once again Mus sulk- v~eUibles, dairy product e, fruita, ed back to his slot.b!ul lair. Thill eolTec, teil, vinegar , spices. marina. coal fol' ,C, H., $16.51; WIlbur R. NOTIC E : meant, and still does ' recall to us, lades, . cereals , Ravoring extract Swange r, janitor service , at , Pursua s nt to lJle provisi ons of one ,0:1 the happies t mOlJ1en.. of and Memorial HaU"$ 40: Johnsto n and condim ents. This will include R80T FOR AND CONSIGN Johnsto n, gla$.3, putty, points, $2.- C<'ection 804 of the. Bankin g Act the world. Stor~ dOlled, bells rang nuts, ice cream.. salad dre~inge tittle, hOA Ibee.., and calv.. 12: Frank Watkin s, burial ChDS. L of 1036, notice is hereby given by w!UsUes blev~, sti'eets ,!ere Ailed and s imilar artlcle.s whe11 lola to ,0111" to Norrt.B rot'k 'CI,., Ute wire a1Jd Hender son, indigent. loldler, $100; The Waynesville Nationa l Bank in WIth celebratIOns and parades,. and be consum ed ~« the ~remises. pro~.e ina for the hllhut f Waynes ville State once more the Reld!\ were tdled. ' Among BUl'rollghs Adding Machine Co., the V'II pric8jt and l'Ood ~ He-rna remami nlr eabject mechan ical services, $10.60 I Bur of Oh;o~!:a: the Julbil~ty bnpose d Familie s were reuDit.ed. The weak '!o the ~ are ~edicine., includ· U.... St.c" Yard~' CI..l._t1 0. Send Your Order_To hi o~ Radio Statton W'uKY roughs Adding Machine Co., mech upon the hold era 01~ shuu of ita and tottering" enterpr ieea were. ' lDg tomcl, laxative s, pate lit meli'" Tall« 11:0 to 12:80. ,. m. for our daD, commo n stock by th pl'oviai ons of IItrengthened. Mical service s on treasur er's add· cines. drugs and drug eompouDda, .arIlet report.. Yet wIth all,this , it "'a. al80 a candy, beverag es other ·tllan ing machin e, $".76: The Columbus Sec. 5151, U. S. Re'vised Statute s, milk, Blank Book Mfg. Co., inherita nce as am.end~d, and SCt~. 28 of the sad, patheti c tlme. ¥an, a child tea, coft~e and colTee Bubttitutea, tax blanks $1.50: Columbus Blank Fede al lleserve Act; M amende d wall homelellll, father'lellll, and and spirItuo us liquors.. Cat and ha/ cease .on July 1937. 'd~titute. Many I. lover wail never do&, t~dl bird seed aDd p&vel and JJy order ofth~ ' Boaid of returne d. A peat number ot' men livestoc k feeds when not ,Iold to Directol's. '. wer, IhJI-sb ocked or 'Bl:Hd. tarmer s re\:na~ in the ~b1. L: M. HENDE RSON. But thl. ~ an. ellO n~w ,ernVt,ndor who will be privile&'8d Cuhllt. bodied ....wr h9J'* of . . .ce, after to can~el stheir JicellHS due to the Ion&, . y..,., 'Of OJ/prelllon; :80 it tact the}" nil only , food 101' "as on~oVflllber 1tJ ' .~ el.ft11 .umptio n oar.: the ,p remia.. COIland o'cloc:'k that ~e laat .lUn ahot of make DO t~ble ..I... muat clTe • the 'World W..... ." and report of tanbl. and Il~D-tu able etemal .,.... .w6b ed. 11 w.. COylrl q the ~.rtod from ...., Havllilr lold m, b~ I .0) Jln Dot .Il~D. t!Ia~ til.. "..1: lit to and ill.cluellDC Novembl" all my fann cbattlJa aDd tlOal.. and IIJot~ Ib.OU14 ' 0UU'J1' un'0II1110tb, 1988, • _ ••...-,;_ _ PIlotte 78J hold goodl at ' pulbUc .uctio. , month .,' ..w. tGr< ~1: located 1 mile ,.aat of HarY'p o -T!,&n~t • " lIurl', 6 mile.....t of' Wa7De nDl•• CLASS IFIED ADS COST ONLY ..,.~'. 9 mUe. WU't of W11tni qtoQ, Ohio on ltate route 78, o~ . Tryout . wen ba., a r~ weeki ToWlllhtp Hoaie, WQD8 fttlle. 'ONE CENT PER WORD. WHY WOTAAY PUBLI C ago for the PlIrPoee of ~. a Ohio, two doG... north S&tu ....,. N........ . 14, 113. boy'a qUart« ; ' ~d ' trio .. ~ Fri- re81dence of the Jate lira.of ~. KEEP YOUR ATTIC FILLED O.... A: t 1: p. WIlla Dna... •. • ....... lett... .. 1 good Bay Mare, sound, won. day . Mr. Th~ a.Il9l1lle'~ the Chiles, 98 , WITH USELE SS ART~CLES . .WAYl fUVIL U. 01110 anywhe re; l~bol'le fann wqoll, Nlult.a. 0.. III ... ara Sa--..a.. .... __ .. T -II TIlAT' CAN BE TURNE D INTO " - - No"" '" 1~ .... I I . Charlea Fir." »..-0..,. &Je a, J r., Commen el-~ box bed and hay ladders , ,harrow , Ro at 2 p. Dlt rt Hlatt, and bOUld HOUSE HO MONEY FOR SO SMAL:r,. /l .... LD "'~S drag, sled, '4 plows, single and Th trio will consilt ot (Jollett. Robert dou~ie shove! plO'\1lre, walJdn g Pruton , Earl COST. TRY THIS MEANS 0F and Tree. 1 GJua Door Oupboa rd. 1 011 breakin g plow. cro8lCut saW', atel!- .ler Hardin . EUllb ut ' Stoye (2 burner ); 1 on Stove, _ _ _ _.....~."'.~._ _....._ ....._ SELLIN G AND SEE WHAT A .... ladder, grindst one, single ••d • _ • (' buJ'lll!J'); 1 Coal Sto••, doubletreeB, post ho~~ diner, We DIFFE RENCE IT WILL MAKE NOTIC £ OF APPO I.,....N T (Kitch e.); 1 Kitchell. ,Tab'" 1 FOR ~ grader, pitchforkS, bloel, abovebl; . . ~ 'IIachin e. 1 DiniD. :Room ' TO YOUR POCKE,TBOOK, AS box tools of vario~ls kiDcY, a . .. S tit Q IcIt Table with )'our Chaira; K1teb... FOR SAI,_ . es e ne,., k ege, h og tr u , '-- . All d E.tate of a F. tIdlU, de- Utln-n .. pot., vmegar WELL AS TO HAVE YOUR oug_, ' _.t, Ran.- for coal ... or wood. ....... screen ete, 2 lid" balln.. . collan. eeauct. ~.... Pri cIiahe., ,etc.l 1 Llb~ Tule. 1 STUFJ 'Y OLD ATTIO CLEAN ED lines, bridles and cddle: . .~ Nod.....· hereb, ,liVeD u..t A. Heatin e Stove, 1 Electric W". lyory BlIQla led thro_ ..oat. , eel to ..1L R. D. Collett. HarctwaJ.e tank and Icaldin g buTe1. OUT. IT PAYSI H. Stubbe . nOl8 POit OIB~ Ad- 1 Step Ladder , a Dreue n, ..... l'bo. . HRI. WQD~e. H ••. -... C,........ . dteIII II W&JIlen'ill•• Ohio. baa 1 OOll8Oleum RU81 1 lied Utl:ro a ' IIALB _ APP.... 8ftet 2 eood beaUng .to~;;'- v..... b... d1l17 appota Hd .. AdID l. Beddilll'. I ~ 0IaaIIt, CkI Cider 80. pUOD, I ble Steel. lange, oj) ook tn~ .:: aed J'ruit &lid other ......OW ..... 01' ..... lie. Bfta. ccm.. oven, bed. a1ld Iprtnp , pod. .. .nd. ' ItG1s too .IUD. . . . to . . . . . Do .. Uaclaw eod, au.. right Starr p'ano, I eat. ...:~ ._ • ._ TIl'mI of Sale: C"'~;.. _.I''''~~ etands, 2 ' ..... -., . . B. S1'UB8 8, A victrola and 100 II 1.11. ' . TIle . . . of o..ruliia U~~.t.. .~· It. ~uton I. GnJ'. Au,.. ~1I''''.'.~'''~_.41 kitchen eablllet, ..... ~ ~.... f pilUleI ..... .. U~~~ ~~:j~:!! . tfolled. ' uel manr :::-,.



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of Willialn


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Ne w sp a p e...

At Red uce d Pri ce




The M iam i Ga ze tte




Cen terv ille, 'Ohio

·PuBlic Sale


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------ --------






tbtt dlR8Ie may be- expeded a8 a tion or 3,461 .d,oolllli sehool children relluit of colder weather. Ovt'r 1,061 of Mr. an.IMr . HIIWllnl Bl'am Apparatu~ de igned and con- were rou.n4 to ISSUIJD EVERY THURSDAY ancl ~Iln IlIiU Mr. oncl 111,.:;. Blinn ~tructed by the traffic bureau of E'vnns nntl daughter spent SUIl(Ia-y Of& P'" N ••III.t.Md at pOltorftce at Wan.. - the State Department of High•• • . .... , ... ,............. .. "llIe. Oblo.....8eel'o4 Cla. . . . .n waYM, and displayed 8S a feature tiv with Mr. and Mr~. John Rye. SulMcriptlo. Price, 1'.10 • Y_r v attraction in th highway exhibit Cross. MI'. Rus~ell Robin, on a.nd Mr. "10 addition to t.~e e many at the Ohio State fair, gained at.Tuniar Robinson RJ)ent Sunduy, NOVEMBER 12,1936 tention as far aw.a.y as Nova activities, special voltlntecr II rwith Mr. lind Mr '. Emerson Dill Seotia. The apparatus, termed th vices w~re cal'ried on by chapters • .... ellction meter," was used to all over the stale. Thllse illcluded and son Ralph . TIME FOR ACTION Mr. Fr d Morgan wllo wa test molorists for the tim e. elapsed the making of hundreds of garwhile tbo thought of stopping a me.nts for the needy, 8ur icaJ dreB· o.perat d on a f I\' days IlA'O at tbe motor vehicle Vl'llS transm itted in. ings, renovating and ~ol1ecling McClellan Hos(liLaI is doing very It's tim we look taxation out of pol iticlI. to the actual operation of putting clothing for the victims, A national ('Iectio n is just \lver. It will be four more years before nicely. , we stage the grcat quadrennial flhow again. But in the meantime, no on the brakes. The Highway De· producing Braille books for the Runyon !lIr. and Mrs. P. A. mntter who sits in the White Howe, no matter who are member of partment of Nova' Scotia request- blind and simila r acti'~iti .es. 811 nt Sunday with Mr. nnd Mrs. "This wOt·k of the Red Cross ed the device to displ4y at the the House and Senate, taxes are gOing to hit us aU. goes forward daily in your name, William Tille and SOn of Bellltopublicans pay taxes. Democrats pay taxes. So ,do Socialists Provincial. Exhibition at Halifax. made -possible through your an- brook. and Communist.!,. And no political party has a clear r ecQI'd on tax The l'equeet was grantCld when the nual membership due!!,'" Mr. Wag- Mr. und Mrs. Rolnnd We.llver alld Nova Scotia department agreed l~i.qlation. Spokesmen for all parties have long proml ed tax reduc, on Donni of Dayton ~p nl the to pay transport;ation charges goner said i,n conc lusicln. 'ThiR is week-end with Mr. and Mrs. t: M. tiOlI--8lld then, onc e they took office, proceeded to raise taxes. your organizationT.b e People!!' from a nd to Columbus. The actual M mber. of all partie have done their part to fasten a leech-like value of the reaction meter lies Red Cross. It rel'~ents you, and S~phcnson. r,1r. and 1t1rs. Will is Pcnnewi t ~~~!!'!!!'!~!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!~!!'!!!'!~~~~~!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!~~~~~~~~~!!!II!~ = --.---bUI·ea uc~acy upon u ~and you can't hav& bureaucratic government in the hope that it will help to in times of emergency it does for and effiCient, ceol1omlcol government at the same time. . persuade motorists wbose rEac- the victims of disMler that wh ich and on Robert spe nt Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Irvin mi t h and During ~e campaign, we hes'rd m~re promises ot ta~ re~uction 'tion time is higher than the aver- you yourself, would do, were from alJ political quarter~. ,Now the tIme for eonversatlon IS past, age to refrain from drivin fast, possible for you to visit each one daug,ht r Judith Ann. and the tim for action has 8nived. Promues demand fulfillmen t-- experts said, g of them individually. Mr. ~nd Ml'~. Ellsworth Smith uH . Warre county the and daughters of Daytl spent '. • • ,pI dge.\l cry out til be J"edeemed. Un less W(!; ar to be utterly crushed Between Toledo and Cincinnati 'under a tax burden that is aiready sapping more than' 20.. per cent of Throug·h the offices of the Ohio Red e~~~: Roll C:1I starts on Sunday ~ith Mrs. Mattie L('vi a nd Charted for the Benefit of Inter" D W't-hi th t son Wellrngton, t national Income, the American people must demand that states- State Employment Service a ArmIStice ay. I [I e nc. x M' 01 Daugh "LeI'S spcn t un· state Motor Tourists as \ e1\ .as mnn hi,p take the place of politics, and thatl a sincere effort to really total of 131,356 jobs. which re~ few days a ro II ca11 wor ker ' WI'11 d ISS ·thII1'S Trame Within th Bo.-ders of Ohio 1\1 M M or · d Be ' S lIy· WI V 11 rs. ary oore reduce the cost ot government be made.- Industrial News Review. presented an increase of fifty-two call for your mem b era h,IP ues. pring a ey. h ei p. per cent. were obtained. last yeal' prep~e YOUIT MEt'" BI' . . R ' d-we_ nee _ d_ __ r.$. WI air, OL~ X ema, IS according to a report compiled b, to Cincinnati as shown herewith is sPending a few days with relatives Director James Wittenbrook. Of the shortest distance betwe n the here. two cities. Official" of th State t he total. 69,667 were with private Mrs, George Marlatt is s,pend- . Highway Department give the employers. Placements II14d~ in a few days with his son-i n-law I mileage Baving as about 11 miles. I government service or on public and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Jam es 8:00 Shelby Counll' 4-l{ Club Program-Members directed by R. W. projects other than work relief There's lell!> traf' Ballantyne of Troy. Mungel' and Mi s Do.-Is Snoole. Count.y Extenljion Agents, totaled 15,326. i\'c congestion on --~----Sidney. _ • ' There have been few victories the Toledo-Cincinnati Short Line than on any other hi ghway con:30 ,o f Ohio's Farmer Governors-H. E. WILLIAM"" necting , the&e two ciUes. There ~"""'''''f8oc . are far fewer curves (no hair pins) 8:40 Farm Home Period: Home Management-MiS! Thelma Beall. extraordinary sweep 10 the recent and all railroad. grade crossings are exeeptionally well protected. . Helen Mougey Ext. is plaInly not Home Economist. the Democratic Party. No more IS p •. M dIN Ad All By rea !Ion of apled to The highest peace-time Red it "or • anv • clear set of priciples 0", er .. y a.. . at 9 :00 Old Timen Oroheatra. the 8 hal' t e r · hip I'n t he state's policies. Rather is it a risin<r Styl ... of Hair D~"h Or to Cross members mileage, les8 congestion (both on 9:10 Farm a nd Home Announcements and Turkey Market News. .. vote the hi ghways alld In tho cClmmu9 :20 The Business ide of Farming- Floyd DeLashmut.t, Extension history, coupl~d ' with the of confidence in a man. If that AU FeatuNI nitie8 tl1ru which they pass), fewer Rurel Econ<>mist. busiest disaster YCflr O~io has ex. man interprets it as IL g'rant of curv 5, and adequate widtb Full length mirrors are onc of perie,nced in a decade, combined power to lead the nation where it 9;30 Old Time-ra Orchestra. roadbed and bridges, the 9 :40 20 Years of Cooperative Farm Mortgage Credit-J. O. Haskins, last year to increase Red Cross seems to him best to lead it, we the nece.s ities in choolling a be· Route heTe outlined is a . Secretnr~.Trensurer, National Farm Loan A~sn., Washing- activl~ie.s In t he ~tate to its highest do not see how those who voted coming hat, according t.o Edna M. big time-SAver for the point in years. Mr. Chas. J. WIlI- for him can complain. IPerlrap.s the Callahan, clothing specialist, Ohio ton O. H., Qhlo. busy motorist-velY prob9:60 to 10 Going Into Winter with the Swine Herd--J. cl. Coffey. goner, Chairman of the Warren new Con~ess may be ,m orhe indbe. State Univer ity, who says that ably as much as two hours. , county Ohaprer, said in hie annual pendent, less Teady wi'~b t e ru - the effect of the hat 0[1 the whole Swine Specialist.. summation of Red Cross acoom- ber 'stamp. But why should these ouLline sho uld be conRidered and AN ALL PAVED -:==~===~=~=~~~~~==::========----::~ pliehmenta i,n the Buckeye State. voters e-xpect it to be? also the effect upon the f~atures. HIGHWAY r Red OroBS rec\lrds show that Two obstacles IItill interpOSE!>. Hat designers have made thc Ohio 8uffered sev~n disasters dur- They are the Constitutl,on and the choice of hats rather easy for Choice of Knowing Ing the /lscal year ended June I Supreme Court. These two .safe~ girls with regular features. but ,U,D The backMotorists 30. 1936 the Chapter chairman guards of American freedom. Iwomen should choose carefully , bone of the ofOriginated and Sponsored ·s.tated. The first of these was the these historic guardiallls alike of some of the styles are nol s uitablc ficial Revoluby the tionary Trails Eastern Ohio Boods of August the national structure nnd the I for all types. The tricky. little COLUMBUS, OHIO Too OolQmbus became figuratively the .935 in which total of 6426 mipority rights, held fillst against hats ·that arc popular [lOW tend to System of Revo)utioDllry Western Ohio_ tew Ohioanl, oven those In ·'a.gticultural capital" of the pers;ns were helped by the 'Red' the Presidential will to power durify the fact and the person Short Trail . olumbus and the immediate United States--whlcb ·w as termed Cross. A month later in Septem.- itlg the last four year,s. Will they with prominent features will be Marked ita Ass6tiation vicinity, are acquainted 'With the fitting by the visitors si nce Ohh,> ber, a flood in Po;tage added hold fast during the cClming four betr-ayed by th is kind of hat. entire length by historical The small hats also require a Ohio State Archaelogical and His- is recownized .. one of the to~e- anothe\" 150 disaster victims to years? markers of the torical Society Museum, 'Which most sta~ in agrieulture. The this list, he said; and on February A.s for Mr. Roosevelt, he . has apecial kin~ \I f dress. ~o make th e Obil) Memorial houses an impottant collection sillty·foQ.rtb annual meeting of -14, a fi re in Cincinnati, appended been once more ?Ieetedl PresldCTlt hat look right, the haIr must be Comminiori. t.hat 18 growing rapidly. This was the Ohio Grange 'Was staged in 27 ·more to the list of thosjl aid ed. of t he whole natIon. He deserves sleek on th head. bru hed up. For additional .trip th I1!sertion of Director HeMY C. conjunction with the initial proIn February of this year, seve.-- the g?od .will of ever~ ~oyal ward and away from the ears so maps or any information Shetron.e in annoll n eiJ'lg four new lI'1'am of th-e national event, which a1 days after the tire .and just a American In every co1'lstitutlO·nal they show, an d the nds of the relative to State Parka. ' contributions to !.he in titution. will continue through November month prior to the widespread undertaking. He has gOllle through hair must be curled flat to the Pleasw:e Resorts, Beenie The giCts were a cannon ball of 19. The national orranization was 1936 Spring Floods, The Ohio a test -of stamina and courage bead at the side and back. Boyish Spots, Histodc Shrines or the ~undredB of other t.he pcriod' ot the Battle of Lake the d.-eam of Oliver KeUey of river again raged out ot ite banks that would ;bave brokelll any but bobs and fuzzy effects should be points of especial interest Erie whiC!h was found while dredg Minnesota, who was commiasioner torcing JtundrecLs to Ike. A total the stouWst heart. For his bravery abandoned if these hats are to be along this route, write ' ing ~n Gibraltar leliltd; a . glallS' of agriculture at W8IIhingt~n of 418 persons were aputed by there can be only admiration and worn. WILBUR M. FAULKNER inkwell In the ah.j)e of a 10, loU owl.,. the Civil War. Th.e OhIO Red . CroBS follo~ing th~ 'flood. In fo r his health a.nd SUCI~~!lS every Thrc are modified style!! tlf hals Secretar,. cabin . whleh wa.! a souvenir i or Gra~ge wal statted unller the OhiO during the spring Roodll over go?d wish.-New York Herald availablEi it t he buyer will shop SPRINGFIELD. OHIO the 'Harrison-Tyler presidential direction of S. H. Elljs of Spring. 6120 families required Red CroS! Tribune (Rep.) . around to find them. · of campaign of 1842: a 10C)-year-old boro ill 1878. ~:.sistance, he related. - - -~these h.ave narrow brims and if "!!!!'!!!'!~~!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~!!'!!!'!"'!"!!~~!'!'!!!'!!'!I!!!!!!!!!!!II!!!!II!'! buck·saw; . nd a ceJltury-old •. • • In describing the national dlsas they are thfs season's hats they W()(lden door loek. Direetor ShetAlthough titteen new cases of ter activities of the American Red .· will iit like a cap in, tbe back 6r rOne pointed out thllt recently due infantile ~araJysi. were reported Cross during the yeaI', , the Mr. al\d Mrs. Harold Beaso'n of the hat will roll upword at bU'gely to loart eollections lent to to the state Department of Hee1th chairma.n said that throughout the Dayton were Sunday lluests of point. Moot new style hats bave an schools throughout the etate, the there." II no reason to believe that country this. , organl'zatiol\ was Mrs. Ethel Beason :and Miss tlPward, forward mov ment of mult40um is creatillg Increased In- the mlilady Ia reaching tbe epiCle- ealled upon to assist some 446,000 Marynet. lJoth crown and brim. terelt bul; even nB. tbe out-of- me 1f.aCe, even in Lucas and persons, victims of 105 disaster, Charles Gamer of F. rt Hayes, If the clothing budget pcrmit!\ state tourists who are in Colum- Mo'nq.omel'J countie., wbich re- in 39 states, In tite spring floods Columbus. IIpent Tuesd,~y evening only one hat, it should match t he bUI visit the mU8eum more, in ported ~ve easu .uch, aceording IllId tornadoes alone he added, the with the A. B. Ta1ma,~e famil:y coat or suit 'With which it will bci p)'oportion,' thau Ohloall.l. fo Dr. FiIlley Van Ol'ldall, chief of ,Red Cf08S gave as.!istance to here. used. The lIIatching can. be done • • • tbe diYilion of communicable 3.7 0,000, ~rsons. . . Wayland Jo.-dan 01~ . Cincin- more satisfactQrily if the garl)'! nt From f81' aDd n4!&!', by train and diseases. new casll waa reOhio's Junior membershiJj made natl, visited home folks here on is worn wl1ile the hat is being motor ear, came tbouaancl'a of fl orted from Troy toW1lahlp a~d perhaps the largest gain the state Friday. ' eelected. When the budget p~r­ G.rangers this week to .ttend the another from Auburn to..vnahlp, has ever , k,nown in a. fiingle year. Mr. an-d Mrs. Almon :Ferris and mita more t han one . hat, the hew /Seventieth ~'ntlal COII,v~ntion of both in ' Geaula county; Oue fr<Hn The enrollment' of school boys and Mr. and Mrs. Sherrolln Ferris styles f(lvor hats which have 1\ the National GraniC, michtJ 'BloomviUe, Seneca COUDty; one ,irls of school in this organiuUon were shOWing 4t Lebanon Satur- deep, rich eontrast to the r;olor of ,Pioneer orranil8tion .whole lDem- from Benton to.....ip in Ottawa 'w hose aim ill to insWI the habit of <iay. , the garments or accessories • . Wilbur S; Downini ,of Colu\DMiss Callahan says feathers be.rlhip of mora tban 800,000 vir. c~untJ; .an.d one fr(lm Smi~eld doina- Jrood for othen and ' the tually blaDk~ th. Dation. ADei townahip, Jderaon collnt7. Dr. fOlterlng of inrernatlonal rood. bUB, was an eveninlr oalUer at the «iuUls, ribbon bows, a.nd c()c).ka,del~ i with the ~';&1 ot tht! Graar..... Van OnWlaald tIlat • dee1ln. lD will, jumped lrom 881,600 to K. E. Thompson home lali Satur- aN being u ~ed for trimmjng. but !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.!!!!!!!Ii!llibll!!!!I!I.'. ',,_I!!!!I!!!!!!IS 860,282 in tbe put year. ' day. . the clothing s pecialist declares With their· 8,8110,000 fellow }ll.. Hannah lOMan, lin. Ella that women's hats now permit .memberl thfoqho-ut tb. COll.lltry, Ferria anci II", Anna Iren'll a~ (belr wearers to tilt the brims and Ohio .Tunlora uaiated, in railing tended til. ahower cive;n by Mn. erush or drape the crowns ao a manJ thOQl8Dda of dollan tor the Cliff Beckett Sr., in honor of~iu jaunty e1fect can be secured with)'ou~ tlood and ' ltonn luffe...n Evelyn , lacbon laat Wednesday out the aid of trimming. VeUa are . durin&, taat Ipritlg. Their activUlea afternoon. styllah of the wearer wanta to obtoys, Mra. na McKay apent the week- 'tain a more dress-up effect. included ,Iendin, booke, clotllina and limllar ,.rta to chll· erid with Iter motbel', 11:1'1. Jennl/l • - • d~ In tbe stricke.n areu. ' Hawol'~ of Wilmi:ntrtou, the oc-BLIND ATTORNEY WINS ,lThtoupout the ltate, '96 caslon beiDl' lin. H • ..vorth's 78th DISTRICT COURT POST c~.ptllra are participating < in' the birthdaJ ~nJveraafy.· Red Cro. Holtle and Farm AcddWe are lOrry to lea'r n of the Roy J . Gillen, blind attorney ent Prevention pl'Ogl'lm, seeking death of Mr. ha Syfor,d of Har· of Wellston, last we!lk was el~cted to remo~e the many accident , haz- veysburg, w.h14 oceuJ~ed last to the court of,' ~'ppeIlJs in the ard • .which have placed the Saturday morning. FUI,eral ser- eia'hth Ohio judicial district. and fum fl~ in the number of vices were conducted by Rev. This was lhe ,l atest of iI SUCCC!laccidental d.atha and t,nJuTles. Thornbul'J at the M. E. Cburch sion of ·achievements regardcd 'by 'l'Weaty• . hundred chapkrs in Harvelaburlr, Monday after- man·y as ,jin'lpo88ibl~" for flo blind oyer til. counlrJ carry on noon. Tile bOd, ".. taken to man. Mr. Gillen has served IIUCpropamL . Sabina for bUrial, celi8ively as city attorney alld "Ohlo &lao bas a reeord number Ill'. and lin. Maerle oC WeUston, 'm ember of Id8hwav emeqreDCly tint aid talned OD Jut the state Ben ate, a,nd judge of the Ratio... in operation. Tbt. ill part Inc IrUeftl, Mr, and Jackson county court of common of the atd Oro. pIaD to establish L. Hirt of Colu_blll, pie'" 8nt aiel UIlIt. OR bil'laW8JI all ThomPlOD of 'lAbaOl), GllIen wa. blinded in an I ~ the ,nation 10 that immediate lando BnDllan of lion. wbile ..vorkiDl' in a foundry tnatmeIlt . . , lie P"ft tboH la- and lin. Eo K. at tM ace of 1•• Undaunted, he jand ill .1Ito.ollO. aeaident&. At TIl. WI1'riIIp w~t back to lIChool ad bV the IftIII1lt . . . . . cita ha.. been JaeboD .ad 1Ir. time Ja. wu ,o;be had acquired ...... Ia .....,..,. Ie WI .... wlllola oeeane4 four ooD.,.....,...., iIlcludiq N ..... an __8hd tor ~ . . . froM 0IaI0

Mt. HolJy


• • •





Irs SHORTER ;:o~


Fa rm 'lYig ht 1 a "&, Novembe r 16 ,




ou~X~o!: a~a~:~t:~~::



HELP THE RED CROSS ~~ t!:r::~:~r~r:!i:;:~i.C:;o~:~~~:': NEED AlONG MIRROR 10 SELECT NEW HATS WITH THEIR WORK ~le~~~nirimu~h f~r

Best of the News Direct From the Ohio State Capitol








Beech Grove


-,Q uality Prlntlnll





,T b e'

............ A..... ... ....... ...... ~-




MI• •I


~-----.,' .

SIX F. F. A. MEMBERS GETS STEADY INCOME WILL TAKE' 0EGREEFROM 75-ACRE WOODS I members of Miami Vall ey "huplcr of F. F. A. i g t her with tbei r advisor will go to Columbus to take the National d~ree In the Grang~. They will attend th ba.nQuet. to be h eld at. the Neil House in honor of the president of the National F. F. A. Over five-hundred members of Obio Chapter ot F. F. A. w ill take this degree on Thursday, November 12th. Three boys of ' Mlami Valley Chapter, Leo Conner, Charlea Fires and L Mar Earnhart. will sing in the gran d F. F. A. chorus at the National Grange meeting. EARL EARNHART, F. F_ A• Reporter. - - --. - ••- - -




MOTICE No hunting or treapa 8ing on my farm, day or nleht. CHAS. R. FRAZIER.

The W. C. T. U. met at the home of Mr8. J, W. Snell on last Thur$day afternoon with several member and one visitor Jlresellt.. A report of the State Convention, held recently at Canton, Ohio. was give n by the president Mrs. Eva Mac Donald, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Coates ()f lIickoryvil\e entertained several of their friends with carda on last Thursday night.

Ha.ncoc.k County Fa.rme-,.. Ha. Rec41..... For 24-V eara GJ! Sale. Of TimLer


.. i

\ Ami Pifer, Il Hanc ck county I :farmer, living near J enerea. has With the prHeJI' high 1lpeeci8 ! sold timber nnd fuel for $11,260 It a.lIM onb a IPUt second , ' for all aecident Iituation to from a 76-acre woodlot on his arlle. Wateh the !'dad. KEEP farm in the past 24 years, accordYOUR MIND ON YOUR in y to F. W. ~an, specialist in DRIVING. farm forestry, O. S. U. Mr. Pit r aye the 101'est proMr. and Mrs. ~rge Eeckett t!!!!!!"!!!!"!'!!!"!'!!!"!'!!!"!'!!!"!'!!!!"!!!!!"!!!!!"!!~!!!!!!"!''!! DRIVE CAREFULLY SAVE LIVES ducts have turni hed a steady intime II nigh to get buay entertained their card club on lash come and more than once the baking fruit cakes if they are 'to Friday night and 8 very enjoywoodlot has served. to bridge !;he mellow by ChrUtmas. Did you lmow that the,. will bake batter in tube able evening was spent.. Rural economists say that. it is gap when otdin:ary field crops did pan. for the nason tflat the heat The fourteenth annual f.all field dimcult for Ohio tanners to not yield nor.mal re~u rns. The bal accea. to the inner portion Qf change management practices for sal . from the woods did not inter the cW more quic\d;Y? Another trials for pointers and setter doCS first aill to fruiJ cake. i. th~ unlform was run on Frlda.y and Saturday more profitable methods ~nleas fere with regular farm work, and oven heat I\vailable in modem autothey 'have a good system of farm the money received' usually was made ranges, wbich can be over the regu lar gro~nds of the accounts. County ' agricultural spent for farm improvements. maintained at a low of 300 deane..., Miami Valley Amateur Field Trial on the Col)~tt fal'm gents can give information about ' I~terest, taxes, household con· :!J:~~y~~rt>!nle~~et~'::Yfel~1 Association east of bere. farm account books designed esv mencea, and money to send chll- hapa have nicer cakes if the ~iI Word lias been teceived here of pecially for use in this state. dl'9l1 to sehool were furnished by prepared one day and the cakea· the death of Mrs. Mary Luken I the sales of lumber and fuel. This mIJIed and baked tbe lII!'Cond !!av. Old eggs are known by Clagett, wife of Dr. .Philip Dunharvest did not ruin the crop as , ehadowll. Poultry experts at Obio bar Clagett. They have been Ira Byterd, a prominent resi- there now ip. several thousand doll- ' Friend, Homle eWI residents State UniveJ'Sity .s.ay the ~ggll dent of Harveysburg, died of ' ars worth of merchantable timber of Arizona for s'everal whose yolks throw ,a distinct (yphoid fever at his home in that ' in the woods which could be sold Misses Annie alDd Mame years but Mrs. Clagett Was born shadow 'When Ute eggs are candled village Saturday. Surviving are if deeired. Mr. Pifer 'has practice-d , Browne ' wer e d'lOner guests a f and spent her girlhood and early are no longer treah. The whites of his wido and o n~ 80n, J ohn. selective cutting in taking out fuel Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Sellers in married lite 8l'ound Harveysburg frellh ,e cgs are thiCK enough to She was the daughter of Levi F uneral services in charge of and lumber and there have always ' Lebanon Monday. diffuse the light so the yolb do not Rev. J. P. Thornbury were held been vigorous t reell left to replace I Mrs. Margaret Martin was ' a and 'racy Lukens and is survived . appear so distinctly in candlirlg. in tne Harveysburg Methodist I Hit' ones cut. business visitor in Wilmington by her husband, one daughter, church Monday afternoon and No livestock ha been pastured on~ d,a y rece~t\y. . Tacy, and a cousin Mll. Frank burial was·in Washington C. H. in t he PileI' wo~ds and seedlings I' Mrs. BonnIe Laken,s and MISS Shidaker. Fune!'1lll services w,re - - -- - .. have been abl to grow into re-I Lola Street. of Wilmington, call- held at 2 p. m. Wedneede.y at the CHRISTMAS HEALTH SEALS placements for mature trees. Tho ed on Mias Laura Sutherland McClure Funer&rl Home in Wa.ynesville and interment 'Will be In OUf leaf fold under the treee has not Tuesday afternoon. Miami cemetery. been compacted by trampling so it Mr. and Mrs. Mayn,ard Harlan Mr. alld Ml'8. W. C. Kersey of With a goal of U2~,OOO, the has always been loose and in a of Wilmington called! on their Our many years of conscientious service to the Ohio Public Health Association condition to hold a constant sup- aunt, Mrs. Ada. H. Jenkins Sunday Oregonia were Rarve,.burr viaipublic of, this community in itself eonstitutes assurFOR SALE--Bu.,et, Extensio n and Its affiliated organizations tors Saturday eveniDlr. Table, Mattress and Bed. In- are preparing for their annual ply of moisture whjch the trees afternoon. that you will get only high grade, honest ance Funeral services of Mr. Ii'll quire at Gazette Office. sale of Christmas Health Seals must have to grow well. Miss Rachel Petitt, in comSyferd were held at the Methodist Mr. Dean says this woodlot ~ Il pany with Mr. and Mrs. ~ouls funeral merchandise. It is upon this kind of merFOR SALE-"Erow,ning" Auto- which )Vill extend from Thanks- tine example of a well managed Chandler and Miss GE!rtrude Ch~n church on Monday afternoon with chandise, plus thoughtful personal ser\1ice, that we Rev. J. P. Thornbury in charge. matic 12 gauge shot gun. Good gIVing to Christmas. F~ds timbered area. The owner has re- dler was in Xenia. Monday. " f amI'1 y 0 t Mr. Syferd had Jived in Harveysas new. Hunting coat, gun case det'ived from the ale will be used ceived a stead)" income in money have built our rep~tation-and that reputation is ,A. Z • H artsockalii"" and extra outftt incl~ded . J. V. to carry on the campaign and has fuel, posts, and lumber near Melvin, called . on their burg fur many yeara and was • our mollt priceless asset. Hart.lock. n12- against tuberculosis and fOl: the for use on the farm. The stand of mother. M1'8. Lena. HlartBock. Sun- highly reepected citill&n. Burial ....a8 made oat Wuhinaton C. H. care of those all'Elady afflicted. trees has been preserved so there day afternoon. This is.,the 30th year tha.t a iA a good prospect for futu~ Mr. and Mrs. George Thorpe of ~. Sanford Lynch remains in. Christmaa Health Seal Sale haa yi Ids of forest products. Richmond, IndiJlna, Mr!. Tom critical condition at bis home been held under the direction of - ,._ _ Calvert and Miss Hellen Calvert, south of town. F~~CMI F~~ 9R S ENT f Tfhe the Ohio Public Health Associa- O. E. S. MEMBERS, GUESTS, of Selma, dined at the Home KiM Mary Carolyn Lukenll apendt emen... acre arm or tion, acting under the authority ENJOY POT-LUCK SUPPER Sunday. the week-end with , her granWap• ..we Pia••• 7 rent, at pnce. Grain rent.. 50-60 from the National Tuberculosis Miss Mary Carol]m Luken. ot mother, Mrs. Lena Hanaock in basis. Apply immediately. J. V. Association. Miami Chapter No. 107. 0. E. S Harveysburg, spent the week-end Waynesville. ~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~::;~:~~~ Hartaock, Warneaville, Ohio,. n12 It is believed that a much met in regular session Monday with her grandmoth'er, Mrs. Lena Several from bere will atteod, II! FOR RENT IItM'E DIATELY :..- gl'eater of cases will be night at which time officerll for Hartsock. ' Miami Quarte,ly meeting next ~~...- -......!--;"'---------...;,-~~-.---Th I t M r E Sherw ad reported this year, as a result of 1937 were elect~ as follows: Misses Virginia and Mary Saturday at New Burlington. prOile~, e av:l:;'l~ 'Decembe~ 1 the activitie~ o~ nurses .workin g in Worthy Malron, Thelma Settle- Boatright, of Russell Station, and Mr. and Mra. Wm. Luk.ens and' to d~irable tenanta. 10 rooms, a \the' rural dl~trlcts. It 15 ~xpeeted myre; Wort~y Patron, L. C. St. Miss Murphy and Misa Helen Mr. and Mn. Wilbur Hawke '1fere car garage. J. V. or Helen Hart- that they wtll l'epor~ many cuee ,John; AssoClate , ~atron, Sarah Murphy of Lyncllburg, were in Columbus Tuesday a.fternoon sock n12- that had not been he~d before. Braddoek; Assoc,l ate Patron, dinner guests of Misses Br\>wne on and evening attendlnr State • Money for this work was provided Raymond Braddock; Secretary, Saturday. Grange. Your .upport ha. certainly been by Congress in an effort to b~ng Minnie Fromm; Treasurer, Mary • - • Mrs. J. W. Snell is visitina her LOST the level of health serVice in f,h& L. Earnbart; Conductress, Ollie P_ltr,. Cla_ P...... mother in Monteray. appreciated. rural sections of the various Routzahn; Associate Conductress, The Woman's Civic League will LOST-8uite&ee with women's states ' nearer to that prevallirig in I Marjorie Earnhart. . Poultrymen in , Dllrke, Auglaize, meet at the home of Mrs. Eva ane! girl's elothing. Picked up the cities. With an incre~d The buainells session was pre- Shelby, Miami and Preble counties MaeDonald on Saturday Dirbt, by two men with grinder attached number 01 cases reported, the ceded by a sumpuous potluck sup- have planned five-le ~l8on courses in November U. to Ford fender and run by Ford greater will be the demand for p l' which was thoroughly enjoyed poultry and egg marketing to be Mr. Glenn Sne11 l of Seamaa, Min engine. Promiled to return to Will assistance on the state, county by the members and a few invited given by R. E. Cray, p~ultry sp~ Vivian Tucker of Muon, LuciDe Gustin. but failed to do so. Reward \ and city anti-tuberculosis organiza guEtlts. ' Cilliist, Ohio State ~JniWlnrity. Tueker and ChaL MacDouJd 01 if returned. will Gustin. tiona. North College Hill aU tAlacl)ers SECOND CHURCH OF CHRIST, SOIENTIST, DAYTON, O. $Pent the week-end with their parenti. AnDouncell A Plans are being ftnishe'd for the celebration of the one-hllDdredtb anniversary of the foundation of Entitled- Christian Science Brinca Enlightenment ~or Mankind the- Friends' Chureh here llut SUIle by day, November 16. A baaket dinner be served at tU trJ1Il at Mi.. Marlaret MorrllOD, C. S. noon. Everyone ill moat cordially Of OIJICAGO ILLINOIS invited. The many friends of Xl'll. Mary .Member of the Board 9f Leeturellhip 01 The Mother Chureh The Firat Chure)l of Cbrilt. Sclentllt, 11 Borrton, MUll. Denny will be 101'rY' to learn of her illnellll. In. Memorial Hall The Il'llICe Mid an ~terellting FIRST and S1'. CLAIR STREETS. DAYTON, OHIO meeting on Monday, night. The pawtona />f . Chical'o are ' spending a few da,. at thelll , AT 8:00 O'OLOCK. home bere. '

---_..- - -









' ----



Late Classified Ads.





.I. B. lIeCla... THANKS

Scott McCI_e

Happy Birthday To yOU! ·



Free Lecture On Cbri,tian Science


Silturc:lay E veninl, November 14, 1936


Kr. and Geoqre Pidponi of Wilmington, were diDller cueata. of Mr. alld Mrs. W. C. Tichenor




I'J.'. Itil. til fo


ld fr







/ I. I ' I 1 f ."


breath·taklng Qlomsnt , 0' • y birthday ' Jlarty Is the cuti the cak..-nd the beat cake


n be baked II none too '1004 "bl~day child." It looks 'he chocolate birthday cake d taken hold-tor celebrants to 70 are e!emandlll8 choco',es. For the Uttle folu make Indh1dual choco1a~e altel. fro It and 4econte adorn them with a CRndle I way of dlapollog of that 1eeond helpln," problem. , Iat. Ilrthday Cak. -d eaIIe lIolIt IIOda

or or 04htr IboI'tm'" '1m .....r.



... 101lI••"beateo ;WeeteDM elloOOlate. ,..Ue..


'nee, m_ure, add tbor tbree HmeL ,UIIdJ, add aqar :JalD qather uW dd __ , one at a .. eacb. Add Add loUr.

, ...u


Mr. ' aDd lin. Harald Whitaker .nwrtaIDed.. ..vera! ,nena at a card PeriJ, Frida, "DID~, Mr. and lin. a.J,h ,Jolanl and da\l&btel'l moved .... ",e. from Thomut.rm to th. ho•• of Mr~ ADd Mm. Jam.. .JOhDL . Mn. Harve, Bllrnet IIP.Dt ..veNJ daya the ftnt of the week with Dr IlOU o~ top aOG 114"s of calle. Double , and IMn. H. E. Batbawayln recipe for three 10-1Jilch Ia,.n. ne~Ue. ' TI"y ,Tote Ilrthday. Cllce • oequa_ IID.w ..WDe4 ~te Friend. from her. atteDdecl the ~ cop II1IIV funeral , of Benole AbDer at hla I 'UP alilit I , teUPOOIl "11111& on Da7ton and IAbanoD Pike 11'. cape 1Ute4 sOur I Y. teNlIOOftt Qollllle-M\!q Tbunda, afternoon. PO"der A number of ,ouncfolb of , ~ &eupoon Mil IOIQI L)'tl. cburch attended tl. reotival I tebl..poou watet meetlnw at F.lT)' Church Tueldq • ... ),olk," unbft&ell • ' " whl&et, 1&U\lJ eveDlna. Add ' chocolate 8D~1 1\11&1' to Bllmet .. attedlq ' a In double boller, anlll ~ 10 uta, or UI¢II emooth 8Dd CODya.tlon of . . Milk IUrrina conlt.aDtly. Cool, GO'I_~ I PJ~oclIU'lfI AIIOCiation at JIiD••..,. IUI'I1q oceuloullJ'. Mel XinnllOta. 'til......k. Bitt 10llr once, 1D. . . .1'8. Ina poWder, ...i CIIIJ and lin. "'.bw Kel'lek aod aUt to«eUl,1II' braUlar l,m. BalD.., .,.. water to diuer Buada, .. of Ih. ad lira. ftoIau I CallBM Ia DQtoa.




_._1 ........... ........ _ ofau.. ...




Eighty-Eighth Year





NOTICE GUEST SPEAKERS Announcementhaa heen receiv- PLAN. SERIES OF by frIends ot the Thanksgiving Day falling on reCent marriage of the elder CLUB MEETINGS I EN IERIAIN GROUP the regular publicalion dute daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles ec,l

Whole Number 6248





Il'he Progres!<ive WOmell'g Club held a cov red dish ~ up per at the h me of Mrs. Lena Madden, Tu cs(Iny eve ning Novemher ]0. FollowIng lh!! llqlightful upp r a pro. gmlll consisting of readings by Ma5let· B()uby Hasti ngs ond Mrs. Ralph lIostings and a talk by Mi s~ Otto Keith Ratcliff Jr.. M01'l'Ow. I. ;\lnme Bl' ow[l~ was enjoyed. Hit In He.... t When Gun I~ Ac:cidentally Di,cb.reed

. of the 'Miami GElz<,ttc, the H. Clements, Alma Virginna, to The H)36 Four-H Club program paper wil l conte out on W dJl(,~· The Woman' ~ Auxilia.ry of t. Mr. Roy Rollins Currant. in Warren county will be brought day. Mary's hUl'Ch met ot th Little The ceremony was performed in to a close doring tbe next two Corre. pondent.and oth(>rs lnn ou lrl'iday afternoon, Novem· Count of Ballot. Will Stut · MII.t La Vega.s, Nevada, on November 6 weeks with a 8eri~ of achieve- having n ws items {or that Tue,~,. la Commpo P,~, ment. meetings in various cctions issue are requcsled to sen d in ber 13, with Mrs. Ronald Hawke 11.< ho tess. Court Room. LeballlOa of the country commencing next their material one day e.lI-lie-r. Saturday and continuing through 1'h meeting was opened \\;ith Friday, December 4. The recoun t . of ballots cast fO,r pi aYl!r and a hymn, "Jesus hall Otto Kcilh Ratcliff Jr., 14 In fonner years, one achieveReign." After a ahort busine ss the county commissioners nt year. old son of Mr. Ilnd Mrs. O. ment meeting was held at Lebanon II asian, the meeting wa s turned general election November ' 8, will K. RatclitT of near Morrow, waa __'._pw ' for all Pour-R Club members and ()vel' Lo the guest s peak ers. 1\11'8. commence next 'Tuesday, Novemed InstanUy at 3 :30 Monday kill Roland Baggott, former vice their parents and at that time ber 24, according to action taken ~!:~~!:==~~=~~~ .. ==io premiums and awards were distribI\fternoon when his .22 rifle was pI sident of the Dayton Convocaby the board of eleetioJlll. The re- Charles James and fa~'il:V visited uted among t.he club member. discharged as he was using the tion, guve a very interesting talk The program this year has been on Missions. Thi s was followed by Mrs. W. H. Allen spent Wednes- buLt of the gun ~q probe a brush count 'Wil.l be conducted in the relatives near Blanchester, SunPrompt effol'ts of firefightera, somewhat changed and plans have a trio, "Come Unto Me." sung by day in Cincinnati. commOn pleas court ro<lm com- day. pile while hunting on his father's been made t.o hold everal aehieve who quickly r spon d ~ d to the Mrs. Ethan Crane, 1\Irs. J. D. Bolin m ncing at ten o'clock Tuesday. Mrs. Grnce McCune~. of Lima, is ment meetings in various sections alarm of tire, saved t he- home of and Mrs. Maynal'lI Weltz, and acee you at RCQI ArL B au'ty "farm. Action was taken following reo visiting her mother, Mrs. Eva of the county. All 4-H Club ' mem_ ShOt) November 28. He was accompanied hy his nineDr. MIl),y L. Cook from serioull companied by Mr.-. Kathryn ceipt of a petition '1I;om Keller Miller. berll, their parents and friends are damage Tuesday. year-old brother, who witnessed Turner. Hoak, defeated candidate, who reo Mrs. lifford II.. lh'ace attended the mishap. invi*d to attend these meetings in MI'~ . UUl'doin, the new vjcl!The blaze, which starteci on the Open House their respectiv,e communities. Don't forget questcd a, recount; in each of the a bridge lunch on in ' pringfield pr sidcnt, then gave a wonderful The boy, it is said, he,d 'Wounded county's 46 precincts. Hoak, dem- November 28 at Real Art Beauty Arrangements have ):Jeen' made ki'Lchen roof, was di s(~o vered about talk on the "Forward Mo v~ ment" Tuestiay. noon but timely and quick action oeratic incumbent, ran third in Shop. a rabbit which disappeared in a for the follOWing meetings, it was The which was listened to wilh fUl)t kept It from spreading. Mrs. V rn Armitn~c ami Mrs, bl'ush pile. He was beating at the the commissioners' race being de14 8 A T GI'Jp'n f S i b an nounced: ttention. The progra m was clo ed Doyel I1cnd rIIon were guests of I J B r... 1, 0 pr ng oro .. , . faated by Fred . age~eyer an spent Sunday with Mrs. George Waynesville, Grange Hall, 8 cause of the fire is not defini ' ly by si nging "America". 11'. . ;.snley Watkin s in Lebanon, brush wlln hiS gun when It was known bllt it is t.hought spark Scott McClure. A margin of 416 Hartsock. o'clock Saturday evening, Nov mA dainty lunch was served Tu e day. . discharged, the bullet entering his , from tbe kitchen chimney fell on • bet' 21. votes sepaMted Boak and Bageduring the . oeial hour. The next Lhe roof. heart. causing instant death. lIrs. Kathryn Turner and Mra. Harveysburg, Grange Hall Monmeyer, according to the olBcial The 10 ,il: is said, is covered by meeting will be held with Mrs. Lee Mr. and Ml'I'<. frank He s vi ite l! count. annouMed by the board John B. Gons were Dayton visitors day evenillg, November 28. Olho was a stubent in Morrow relatives in MorgRntown, ' Va., Hawke on ~ember 1.1. two days after the election. Monday. Springboro, school house, Tues- insurance. high school. He is survived by his last we k. The ballots will be c:oun~d by Mrs. W. N. Searl and daughter, d'uy evening, November 24. parents and s.even brothers and . HOllne the board with the _istanee of Miss 'Erma, visited friends in I Mc;>now, school house, Wednes" ol~~r'n~~~I~r:'p:nat :U~~~;B ;i~~ sislers. day evening, December 2. two clerks. Republican member. Xenja, Tuesday. of t he election board namoo Will Mason, Grange Hall, Friday relatives in Middletown. Funeral services were held Mrs. Howell Peir(~e, Mrs. Lena J. Ranker as one of the clerks, the Mrs. Lee Hawke and Mr. Dean . evening, December 4. Wedn esday afternoon at , the Hartsock ana Mis Flri{!da Harvey Mrs. D. C. Ridge, Mrs. Ro ~s other to be by the demo- Hawke were Dayton visitors, • - ....- - - attended the Centennial cel bl'a____ Ha1'tsock and Mt.s. E. C. Crane Presbyterian church in Morrow cratlc members of the board. Tuesday. tion of the HarveYllburg Friends The Novem\>er meeting of the 'were OilY ton vi itors t oday. and burial wa in Morrow cemeAll intere.ted per.ons, ineludMeoting on Sunda)7 ' afternoon. Happy Hour Clu~ was held nt th Mrs, Ross H. Hartso~k enter, illg th three candidates for e()m?lIr. anti Mrs. J. Larrick pent tery. Miss Harvey took an active part in home of Mrs. Opal Reason. missioner and democratic and tained the Argunot bridge club While hunting on the Fossett da'l°~ last "' "'ee wI'th Mr. and the Pr og ram. t "'o n The meeting open d with tho republican committee chairmen, Tuesday afternoon. Miss Nannie 1<"orence and reading of the c ed. Twenty Mrs. Walter RlIb at Oakley, Oh io farm nellr Morrow Tuesday aftermu t be formally advi ed of ' the daughter, Mrs. Re becca Hugh, cs, mcnlbers respondud to rol1 call and 1\1)'s. l:llllCI' Sheehan wa hOstCE noon Rhodes Pursifull of CincinMr. and Mrs. H. W. Gerlach of ~ recount before the tabulatiOn is V rsailles. were guests of Mr. and A quantity of l)1erchandise waa of Columbus, cousins of Mrs. the minutes of the la~t meeling nati, accidenta11y shot ,himl&if " to memb rs of the Ladies .(\Jd of -tarled. taken by thieves who entered the Pierce, drove to the Home unday were r ad aIter which the proMrs. I. O. Brown on Sunday. through the 'r ight hand. His shot1I1cthoci ist church, Wedh sday the Once begun, the entire list of W. W. Cline store at Kings Mills morning and Mr.!!'. iFlorence ro- gram comm ittee took charge. afternoon. gun was discharged accidentally Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Cartwrirht, Monday morning. 45 precl"ncts mu t 00 re~hecked, mained for a week. Mrs. Elsie Hocke-lt 41nd Mis when he was holding his hand over it 'is stated by the board. Mr. Hoak of CiDr.,innati, were callin'g on Entrance was gained through Miss Florence and Miss Marcia Monimia Bunnell gave some vel'Y The Y. F. 1\1'. will meot Sunday the muzzle, the full force of the in requesting the recount, died his Waynesville friends, ~aturday. the basement, a loek being broken AusUn, Mrs. Gertrude Jordan, lntere.>ting and useful, informaUon evening, Nov mber 22, at the blast triking his haad and mancheek for $460 as requir~ by law. Mrs. Ira Rich, Mrs. Reba lJrad· On the basement door by the MrlJ. Sheoter and sister, of Wil- on "Ho~pitality in the Home" and homo of Roscoe Furnas. Paul gling it badly. He was taken to Blair Bros. dock and Mrs. Gilbert Frye were thieves who then cut through the mingtorl calloo on their friend, 11 reading, "Thanksgiving," by !'tirs Tomlinson, leader. fiool' in order to enter the store. MillS Laura ' Sulherland Sunday J ean Bunnell was greatly enjoyed. . hospital, Lebanon, where i~ was in Dayton, Monday afternoon. eM rB. Be.rtie Mills and Mr. and fou' nd nene"Sar" ,Merchandise Ii ted as missing aitcrnoon. A de1i~htfuL lunch wa sel'vetl to .. " J to amputate three Miss Sue Crane bas returned following surv~y of the loss in. Miss Ruth Chandler, of Cedar- the members ami the invited Mrg. Lewl Tho~pson spent Sun-· fingers and the thumb. ------, home after a two weeks' visit at cluded; 60 cartons or cigarettes, 4 VI'11e spe nt lh e wee k ..en d WI·th h er 1guests, ?til's. John Rich and Mrs. day at West Union the guests of Miss Edna Howland. the home of Forrest Grah.:n, and cans of lard, 4 slabs of bacon, 2 aunt, Mis Rachel Petti t and Ralph Smith, family. links of balogna, 2 smoked .hams, brot!ter, Louis Chandler and ! The next I)leeting of the club Mr.s. Elmer Shoehan spe nt Wed2 pork loins, 20 Ibs. butter, 64 Ibs. famlly. wi\1 be held at the home of MI's. nes(lay and Thu,rRday of la st week Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Anson of FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST of oleomargarine and some Misses Browne together with Mrs Frances Satterthw aite. at the qome of :Mr. and Mr . Ellis • Shandon, Ohio, were week-end Carl Smith. lllaliter package bacon. Nina Bartsock, we~ dinne? ' - - - -Mc lure at Springboro. ~~es of Miss Lizzie and Mr. PerT)' TboDWI, Supt. of Bible guests of Mrs. Cbarles Anderson CARD PARTY George Pratt. School I\li Kathryn Gibbons was a on Tu day. THANKS Biblb School at 9 :30 L m. Th Friendship Club of tbe II. The fir t card pal·ty of the gu.est at dinner bridge at the Misses Oeie and Emma SalisMrs. Lena Hartsock called on Communion, 10:45 L m. Lowell Sutermei tel' E. Churc~ met Novembe-r the bury of Spring Valley, were SunTo eaoh and every Olre who so her relative, MI'. and Mrs. season..~pon sorcd b)j the liotltel·'s. home of Preaclllne, 11 :00 L m. tkleventh at t.he h,ome of II.... day guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. promptly and fficiently aided in Harlan Harvey in L~!bano n Wed- lub, lit the gym Tu sday evening, i~ ayt.on Wednesday r ight. I Salisbury. saving my home from destruction nesday. R"b' Go h I.t d 4!t , §adie Conner. Devotions by Mrs. November 24, at 8 o'clock. Door . . d k ... cr. ns aR l'~ urne a.. er B k d h . f 11 "AYN£5VILL£ CHURCH OF by fire, my sincere thanks and ap- Mrs. Howell Peirce" Mrs. Nannie plIze. Oth er prizes are uc s, d' t k t "'t M a er opene t e meetlllg 0 owCHIlISt . . I " spen lng ""0 w('c sa ...•. yer~ d b h b t' th e Mrs. Jrving D. Welch left SatuT- preciation. Florence and Misses Browne were chickens and groc el'les. A( miSSIon h h' .~ d .t d e y tern m ers repea Carl Smith, IIlatater W cl'e IS Paron"" a n SIS er an . •. . day to join ~r . Welch at Desin Wa hington C. H. Wednesday MARY L. COOK. 25 cents. M' AI' G d' th ' club motto m uOIson. Durmg the Not A DeDOmiDatlon Moines, . Iowa, where they will - - -----, ..-.....;.. ---.:.-.-Proceeds ""HI be used to pur- il SSt Ice ons are spen l~g e business meeting the following afternoon, calling on Miss Olal'a make their home, . 9 :30, Bible school. Lile and Mrs. Ella BaLbb. . chase equIpment for Iunc h room w n cr. comml'ttees were announce d f or Coopera"; •• Marketi ... 10 :46,· Lord', Supper. at Gl'acl e building. Mi~ Jessie tarke was in Cinthe comin~ year; flnance commitMiss Frieda Harvey is spending Mr. and Mrs. Ernest W oolJard '1 :p. III., Cbrl4tlan Endea.,or. About 211i1 million farmers are today, 'rhursday, wit.h relatives at - - - ---cinnaLi, Wednesday. Miss larke, tee, Mrs. Carman Cr&ne, Mrs. and little daughter of Dayton, '1 ,:46, Evanreliltlc a.rvicea. in company with 0 cousin from Irene Thomas, Mrs. lWba BradMARKET spent Sunday witb IIrs Woollard's now marketing some or all of Clark sville. Wednesday, 7:46 p. m., prayer mother, Mrs. T. B. Brannock. .~- ----. their farm product& cooperaUvely Detl'oit, will leave Sunday to dock and Mrs. Harold Wbltaker~ and bible study. through their 8,400 associations. It is going to be (lifficult to g~t Wayne Township Mother's Club SIl tid the wintcl' months in Lookout committee, Mrs. Lloyd: Mr. and Mn. C. W. Younce and Sales in the 1936-36 season gained lots.of people to worry about the 'rhanksgiving Market at Grange Florida. Davis, Mrs. George Mills ' and lira WAYIiElVI'L LE II. L CHURCH daugltters of Dayton, spent Sun- nearly a quarter of a billion national debt until they are hall Wednesday, November 25. Alvin Earnhart; Program commitIn ol.kervancc 9f the twenty. tee, Mrs. Onkley Unglesby. Mrs. ...., G. C. I)Jbert, Pastor day . 'With Mrs. Younee'. plu-ents. dollars over the previous 'YeaT's brougM to t he r~Jization that Leav e order for chickens; cakes, first birthday anniv'e rsary of their Mert Baird an d Mrs. A. H. Stubb_; Sunday: Sunday school at 9:80 Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur F. Clark. volume of busin~. they wIll have to pa:y some of it. etc., with Mrs. Clara Sheehan. EO n Dean, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ira . a. m. lIIorning worship at" 10:40• • ~r. and 11"11. Robert Baker, Jr.,I====:======:i:..::====~====,= ,=====d:='===:========= Hawke entertai ned at dinner Sun- Visiting committee, .i's. Rich, M.J. · s. Ben Smith al\d Mrs. The Berm on lIubjeet will be, "That and Lois J~n spent the week.end day, ?l.h :. lind Mrg. J. C. Hawke Elmer Sheehan'; Publicity comBy A. B. CHAPIN Which ' God Forg.eta." wfth their cousins. Mr. 'and Mrs. and Mr. Iyde Fromm. mittee, Mrs. Gilbert Frye. Twenty-seven members ·annerthe~~~~a~~~~q~Low~~_~~~~~b~I~~~~~~~~~~~=========~=================~ official board Imm.edlately 11= Mr. Fred Rendel son, Mrs . . following the morninl service. . Ladies' Winter Coate with fur, I__~___ the Kalhryn 'Turn r and son, Matthew ed roll-cal l a11d enjoyed followi ng program: Evening semce at '7 :30. cleaned and Pl'CUed, 91k:; Men's Mr. and Mrs. John Gons and little (}oo'P ;~'-t<s Stunts by Mrs. A. B. Stubbs, WedDe., pvercGata, 70e; Cbild1'en's winkr Wednesday: 'On daughter and Ml·S. D. L. Crane 1)Qw"T CtlV Ate 'PcWr ' 1 IWmlV ~ Reading by Mrs. Ralph. Rutin.. ; evening of nellt week at 7:80 we coats, 40c; Children's Snow suita, were din.ncr guests of Mr. and Mrs I'Ll. $cOW 1lIIA~ MV 1lIIAIItt(.11I4 poem by Mrs. Clyde Egbert, will hold our re,ular Thankqi"rin, 3 piece 85c. Quick Cleaners, SUnA. I·r. choel er in Hamilton, WOQ&.1) service. . ·)lendenban. _ . Reading "t)y Mrs. Walter Sheehan. clay. W A SM(lRT' 1\_ , . '9~RS Delicious refreshmenta were Tbe KiDP Heralcls will mut with Mr. alld lin. lobn Krieber of 'li1U. ' " FuLL o~",.1( ,~! Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Cook served by the hostess and · her WUma and 'Chari.. Dibert on lion I ..,ILL , . IN ~ 8Q11tS MOVn4 'cnte-t'tained at cards Wednesday helpers who were ~r.. Raymoad day eV~llinlr immediately after Spriq Vall.,. and lIr. and l4'n. ~ """.VIMU W$t4 ue uP F~ Edwla Shldanr, of Wilmington, evening, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Furnas, Conner, Mrs. Vern Armitage, Mrs. IlchooL ~V~ 1b COMe AS,. tOPIC OF I were dinner peste of 111'. all.d Mrs Mr. and Mr . FI'ed Bl'lIdd ck, Mr. Hartley Moss, Mrs. Frank Farr eo,..VeQtA·TlON I='AA,SWI!U. R. Il. aarteock Oil Bnetay. and Mr ~ . John Con s, Mr. and Mrs. and ~frs . Elmer Sheehan. ST. MAltY'S CHuaCH, ~-... Rhodes Bunnell, M ssrs. Roscoe Twent,-third Sunday after Mrs. Georee Rartaoc:k, Mrs. Furnas and Robert Gons. R~D CROSS ROLL CALI;. Trinlt,. November 22. Church ErDeat Harteoc:k aad IIrs. Berman STARTS IN COUNTY I!cbool at 9:30; iMornlng Prayer Surface motored to Piqua last anOI8ZmOIl at 10:80. 1'hursda, to He Mra. Georee The National annual roll call Ha'rbock'e aieter, lira. lIar..rat for Rell Cross Members is onud Thomas, who baa bee~ .,er7 ill IT. AUQUSTIIIE CHURCH will continue through Tbana. Fath. NewtoD, Paator Mn. VlolaCarn .~d Mr. Jeue giving Day, November 26 • .... at St. A1IC1lItIae'. eh1U'Q Thomaa with Mr. and lin. ·Jtm81 The American Red Oro.. fa evel')' Suadaj momba,. Johna ' and lin. Am. Bole, 01 Dr. R. E. Bullock, veterinarian cbartered by Conrre.sB. Ita PHlILytle, left Weclaes4a, morallll for and "ilford Hines, Warren dent is the President 01 til. FRIENDS MEETING FI!J1'1dL ne PutJ ezpecta to county game protector, WeTe United Statea and aU accoUllti Flnt-daJ . Beltool at t :10 L lB. called to the Charles Carter farm are audited by the war de.,.n;. J(eetI~ for Wonhlp 10:10 spend the winter at Bradeaton. . northeast of Waynesville late ment. Last year the Red Crou lIiM Ilupret Crawford, a ... Tuesday after a buck deer had spent over ,6,OOO,OOq lor paduate of WaJMIVIUe hiP b en struck by a.n automobile on disaster relief alone. CRAWFORD' RITEI AIlE ICbool, cla. of 1t85. wlto _tued the highway near the Oarter home Be ,p repared when tile Boll HELD IN ~IA Sprlnd.1cl Baala. . eoU.... for a The deer had be n observed by worker calla. bahl. . OO1Ine Jut taU••• com,the Qarter family for the past ' 11IIe WayneevUle Baak. lin. iIIal')' Load. Cnwto1'd" p I " Iav woN, ....... several day!! and followlnar the ac- wlU eladly accept Jour _Jtenblp 11 , ..n GIll, 'Wife of MeIfta rraCaatIoa, aD' lIiI.aectlatl,J, ddent hobbled to the barn on tbe or coatl'lbutlon. l1li. W Crawford, .... at _ ..... OR ,1Med III a ,..atka place Vohere it W&!l found b,. Mr. KllU'ick win taIIe Carter. The animal'. riebt hlDd In &lid uo r..,tI.. Nb1'th Itnet • •..,. ioU. . . aD ~' of leg wu broke. IUMt all .lron II Let beille rude It)' Dr. Balloek to .." tl~ the lee with tile pouIltUitr .....~. .""'Ii























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a' -_ ---




u.. __•




Clark. I'XI.'('utrix of til {'statl' or lot In Franklin. 19.7 1; G ~o . L. BUrrOUIrM, milk, D. S. Sterling Stahl, medieal Ski • •Uk LI'a11lh'1' A. Chll k, drCl!a ·l·d, 1.1":1:4 :\laty J. Jo'indl 3; larkRville Farmns Exchanlle f u r n i~h d I'~lid famlliel', , 10: Dr. The c~timatcd "holl'sale va lue of approved. I·cn~t·d . to eha Co., fucl, $6.96; J. M. Earnhart, lle1'Schel M. Williams, medical f ur Ilr)' skimmilk manufactured in ..helt r , $l()' ; Henry Feldman Co., T L - t ho first "'even mon\"h~ of lfl30 In the matter 0 r the t'. tat of C. Gnnll'r, .7 5 '"' 'AWl 33 Ine ., 1ue,I ......v: R• B• G'I 1 morc, f Ou, I nished relief .famil ies, $3; • (H'r c nt grCG t er t han t hc Wt\.It~r .r. Baker. (1 cease d, it u lown. hill. Drlil' Burke, ct aI, to Mal'Y E. $6.60 : II. C. [[amilton, food, milk, We~tern tar, reHe reports, $8 : value of this product in t he same ordt'r tl that Lily M. EgbNt, exeCupl, $76.80; H. C. Geol'p, m ilk, Ohio C ntrlll Te1. Corp., telephone period of 1935. Rolf of the dl'y cutl'ix, ill [luth ~ ri7. d to prt!scnt Corwin, lots in Lebanon. ordrr to ~ell was pcofl' trcil stock for redemption Common Plea. Proc,,~in," Eulalia Gaynur ~o M. C. Bolhe, $7.04; Lov land Gr eery Co., fo od service, $5. 0; T rue of Public ~kimmilk is prndueed in pla nts lot in Franklin. and to se ll common !!tock. $12: Mason Family Store, clothing Affairs lights $3.~3: Raz I Brooks ow ned cooperatively by farmer8. of Raymond J. S. Tibbals to Mary E. eymour In the Crule of HoUl Owners' $11.88; David Mason, loa d, $18; rent $15: Blair an d Leroy fue l The inventory of Christine Loan orporntion versus J osie ~ chat>Cer ~'ersus V. N. Brown • poring, ndministrator of the Tibbals, lot in Franklin . Mason Market, IGA, food, $40 : $75.25; L. H. Brown, food, , 20: Will and Walter Wills. juclgm nt hutt~. I.'t Ill. derault 1. h('r by et estate of Frank Will1lh ofl', decca ~ Mo 'ruw Feed and Supply Co., fuel R. D. Collett, H. H. Neces, $1.35: B'iIl. Aillowed in th sum of $2752.'i1) "'1'1 allow- aside and Il' llve is hereby gl'ant.. ed, was pproved. $12.90; North E nd Grocery food, Elmer ollis, food, $3; Greened to til reply. Wail s Garage, I'epairs nnd lab $30.50; Allen N. Rapp, fuel, $12: wood Dail'y, milk, $6.4 0 : Mrs. Leo ed th plaiDtift'. In the e, tate o.f III tho case of Alice E. umor on . he riff's IdLsmobile, $69.75 J. S. Richard. on , fuel, $91.50: G. nard liathaway, milk, $3.20; W. In ca e of tate of Ohio verhiles, decea ed, $.lIle 01 r. H. M. Williamll. inqu(>st, $4.10 R. Rossman and Co., milk and A. Hausc, load, $16 ; W. E. Hump8US Georg Vail, Jr., the defen- Illings \. r SU!l RpJ( Cummings, a )'ll'OPCl'ty is ordered. 01" H. M. William,. itlQuesl, $4.10; (Jod', $50.10; Gus eiker, shelter hel'Y, clothing, $2; Myer Hyman, dant l'leaded guilt to t he in- divorce was lrI'ont d th{' plninTh will of Amanda Oberlin, Blair and LeRoy, cOllI r r ewing $20: Oliver Smallwood, food, clothing $46.73: R. H. Jefferis, dictment tiled heN'in agni n. t him nfl'. 'd ceased was filed in cour . proj ct, $6.26; Chari Laymon, $14: Ray Swig rt, food, $34.: food, $3.75: Kaufman's elothing-, and wn enteJlced to one year in New S u it. T~ schedule crt debts 'of Robert service as member of Soldiers' T rry's Groc ry, food, $5: H. E. ~60. 7 5: Kroger Grocery the Ohio State Reformatory. nd tence ' was upended if the d- Ruth 1. Morgan an infant by Ev- E. Mooney, administ.rator of the Burial $1 James Dum- Warwick, [ooti, $24.60: Waynes- Baking Co., food and milk, $123 tntc f Lizzie Drake, deceased, ford, arne, $L: Famous Auto Sup- ville Coal and Ice Co., fuel, $6.40 25; Robert Reichel, food, $7.50; f ndant pent nin ty da~ in the er tt Earl}:" fil d uit against Char ply, flashlight batteri~s fiOc; H. W Waynesville Drug Store, food, $2: Tracy's. Grocery, food, $19; H. B. Warren County Jail in payme nt of I 8 Morgan for divorce. The was approved. charge i gros ' neglect. costs. Sllles by Harry Z. Gray, admin- Brunk, mileage as dog warden, Wood's IGA Food Shop, food, $6; . Fielder, seryices as supt., $116. Jame t<>ele tiled uit again t istratol' of the estate of Lh;zie $34.24; Fred O. Jam es, bones tOl: In the en e of L. . P-eterman ver tee) for divorce. 'fhe rak ,d eased, were approve 1. impound d dog, U5c; Ivins-Jame· ells Commel'cial Motor Freight Inc Irene . on 'D rug Co. crude carbolic acid .................._ ............................... - ........................- . - - - - - - - - - - -......- ........._. et I motion of the defendant Ohio charge i R gl'OSS neglect, J. W. Godd!U'd, Ed. A. Bone and Delivery, Inc., to strike from petiEd. Simp on :were appointed ap- and container for dog warden, $1.PTobale Cou rt tion was overruled, Demurrer was praisers of the elItate of Sarah 10; W. N. Wright, mileage as diat. John Hem)' Rudolph Frieden 1\1. Brown. mgr. NRS office, ~i5.45: Ohio Cenoverruled and to plead was tral Tel. Corp., re~lt and tolls NRS 1_ _....._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ granted the defendant, Commer- WI! appointed administrator of In the matter of the cl$t.ate of Lhe estate of Kunigunde Roehmer John Bennett, dec ased, cial Motor Freight, Inc. Carl oftice, $8.35: The Book Shop Rote V i.ito"' Da, were rated as classes according to In the case of Margaret Fox ver and filed bond of $4,000 with ure V. Dunham, administrator, is fillet'S, 2. bottles ink, pencils, $1.45 percentage. . The 84':niol'8 sold sus Commercial Motor Freight, lies. Herbert Hoppe, A. E . Hoppe, authorized to settle claim against Office Outfitters, .stapler, staples Friday, the last day of .A.meri- tickets to 46.1 % of their classInc., et al motiOn of th defendant Louis Hoppe- wer appointed ~p­ James Bercaw lor the sum of an d Iega I pa ds, "3 '" .18; Wm. E. .·choolcy, mil age, as mgr. NRS can Education Week, W/IS observ. mates while the juniors were runOhio Delivery, Ine., to strike praisers. ,800_00. Office during October $21.76; Wm ed as visitorll' day in t he local ners up with a percentng of '5.8. In the matter of the estate of petition was overruled. Demurrer "' rank M. FolC, Mary Taylor and About 66 seaso n tickets were . was overruled and leave to plead Edward . Huffman, deceased, dis- Orissa Hayner, next of kin oC H. Wood, services as rodman, $5.- ~chools. Proud parente and friends 50; Earl Hatfield./lervices as mech came to see how the original three sold-a good number but we need was gr~lDted the defendant, Com- tributiOn W1IS ordered. Eliza Fox, dece8;O ed, are cited anic $16.20; Jo hn ,J. Barr, payroll R's. reading, ritin, and rithmetic, mOI'e supporters than t hat f~r our Meryl B. Gray, adminjgt~ator mercial Motor Freight, Inc. to app ar nrld make known their In th&. case of New York Life In of the estate of Howard Chenow- intentions to take or enounce ad- 112.80; Johnson MyerA, payroll, had given. way to the new subjects ~nmes. Students may stIli buy $108.80; M. C. Forman, payroll, in t he present curriculum. New .tlckets on t he Installment plan. 11 J....- - - - - -.....-~------." surance Co. versus Walter Darner th deceased, filed his invento!:.y. ministration. $378.10: . Earl Basore, payroll, subjeets such as music in all its you pay 15c for eac h game, you Mary Pearl Carey administraon, et aI, service by publication is ()Jive Jame s was appointed ad- $114.40: V. M. Armitage, payroll, .forms, home economics, agrieul- g~t t~ see the last three f ree. trix of the estate of Jos e Wayne ordered. mjnistratrix of th est.ate of Eliza deceased, filed his invcn- beth Whitacre, deceased and filed $40; Hat'ry Mount, payroll. $101.- hue, shop, physical education', T at lS a real bargain. In the case of New York Life In 60; Carl Dakin, pllyroll, $265.60; and study of politics--all these B....etball Came surance Co. versus Percy Larup, bond of $ ,000. Margaret Wundt, H. L. chulyer, payroll, $182.80; were looked upon as fads and inventory of Ethel Mae et al, order of postponement is S. K. Pierce and Fred McDonald A battling Centerville quintet "THE HOME OF CIFTS" 8rrol1's Store, washers, 61e: f Tt'11 8 when they were fir st introwere appointed appraisers. Miller Hardware, repair hooks 700 duced into the modern school, but defeated the Waynesville bunch Lebanon, Ohio Friday by the core 22-14. Th e The Oregonia Br~dg~ Co., bolts, since t.hen people hav~ come t o M. rri....e Licena". • Ce nterville reaervet also won 22EXPERT WATCH reini., $20.58: Blalr and Le Rou, regar d t hem a s necessary sa the Hal'la D. Miller, )'leal estate man , iI 8 Both ga- e.s however were fin e 'R EP AIRINC cement and gravel,. "14.35,' J . K. three R's for fitting the coming ' . ... of LC"b non and Mrs. Clara S n d l " games played be,l to cop with t he ever ... or a n aT Spencer, gravel, $132.82', Wal'tes of Lebanon. capacl't:v cr wd Th ' k th U.iIJ, On'CeD.I •• "'t.,.l.l. Garage, supplies alld parts, $3"2.42 changing needs of our rapidly '3 0 • tB wee e "7 H. S. Conover, SUI)plie.s and parts moving civilization . Many schools Waycebs play a hard fighting Prompt Service Real Eltale Tr_Iporlatiou J eft'erlion bunch. $11.02 ; Ivin&-Jaml!son Drug Co., a~ attempting to develop talenb 11. L. ,C heney to Mary Jane Bind toilet paper, 60c; George Kohl, of individuals-in Dlan.y calles Store opell until. 9 p. m. The lineups for varsity were: ley and E • .H. Bindley, real estate labor, 60c ; Ceo. G. Hamm on, .talents t hat would otherwise r eWaynesvill_ Davis, 1; Eamin Franklin. garage rent, $1 2 ; 'Tbe Cinci nnati main undi.sc9vered. hart. f ; LeMay, C; Satterthwaite; Amanda Oberlin, - decea edt to Oil Works, Zero",!, oil. $62.37: An assembly was held in the~; Boger, g: Clary, 1. Lulu Craig, real e tate in Harlan Roger and Simpson, parU and afternoon witl1 the junior class in Centervllle-:Wydell, f ; Esp y, f. tow~ship. . Aak f or a gasoli ne, .$9.01 : Compton Gara ge, cha rg of the p rogram. Devotions Billet, C j Billet, g; ThoJllas, g: Fred ·E. Cord y and Hazel Blan- parts Miami,burl Permanent and gas'~llne, $17.86: were led by Charlotte Hartman ~oft', f. • _ ..._ __ che Cordy t o Rolty A. Fife, 40 Franklin Vulcanizilng and Tire Co aft'll' wbich the h igh school Concrete acres in Wallington township. gasoline, $17.86 ; Smith Service or<;hestra played "The Gypsy Peter Abrabam Craig ~ E merson Air Burial Vault Stati on, supplies and gasoline, Festival Overture." M,.. Hatfield Jones, tract in Hadan township, $62.80 ; Griswold Service Station, our former science t eacher. and For Sale only by Wa.~n county and Gosben townupplies a nd gasoline, $51.25; A. enior advisor, new aaistant county ship in Clermont County. Your Funeral Director C. Munell, - gasolin-e, $32.76 ; superintendent gave a talk on F lorence E. Gibbs a nd Velma Henry Ludington Service Station, "school attendance." The boys' Mount to Frank H. Mount, 52.50 I Ca.refu1l:r CJ.o.ea Sh_.. Ho.. aad gasoline, '56.69; Walter Botts, gee club sang two selection n ext McClure Funeral Home acres in Hamilton township, gasoli ne, $30.28; James Service -A radio playlet pointing out t he CI_ Make WIIoI. Coa..... Frank H. Moultt to Florence E. Pu-7 Wa"...~U•• O. Station, gasoline, $3.50 ; Kilpat- valu e of extra subjects in school IJERB"as an riel' that will appeal to aU- American Gibbs lind Velma Mount 162 acres C"I Boy Magazine and this newspaper at a special in Salem and Hamilton townships. rick-French Motol'car Co gasoline was Jlresented by the fol~owing $11.92; drolls Service . Station, members of the junior elasll: Anna Dress ~ ri es fall into two combination bargain price. The American Doy is the Mo&e Landers to Estel J . Wr:lght gasoline, $55.02; Ohio Central Gay Treadway, Max Ste phens, cJasses--thO.!e which are luxuries favorite magarine of more than 500,000 bOys and ,!!!!!!!,!!!!!!!~II~,!!!!!!!~,!!!!!!!,!!!!!!!,!!!!!!!,!!!!!!!,!!!!!!!,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, Tel. Corp., tolls varioos offices, Kenneth ~irk, Robert Hiatt Ver na such as costume flowers, jewelry, rc!omg men. Its 6ction carries boys on the wings of $24.56; Ohio Central Tel. Corp., Mae Hunter and Vivian Oonner. and f ancy -handkercbjefs, and NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT adventure to aU parts of the world. I ts sports articles rents vat.ious offi ces, $56.50 ; Ohio Th e program closed with a duel; t hose which are neccseities, like by famous coaches Qt1d athletes are studied by cham· Cenlral Tel. Corp., phon e r ent oft'ered by Chlrleli Fires and his shoes,, and gloves, but pions. Here you will find the finest stories on sporta, Estate of Cornelia F . Cbiles, deW~A office, $4 ; . Borden's Tir e t~ombone .and Frank LeMay and accessory hould b& ehoHn beaviation, business; school adiviti~ humor, and travel. ceased. and Battery Station, gas for com- hlS cornet. caU8e it is an attractive part of Even at itsl regular price of $1.00 a year, TIle Amen Notice is hereby given tha ~ A. ml ionerl' trip to Sidney, $1.\!9 ; the whole costume ratber than be can Boy is considered a oorgain. But now YQU nlllY H. Stubbs, who e Post Office AdLebanon Modernizing 00., sand Quartette. SeI.cted ca use it is pre~ty itself. obtain it and this newsplper, •••• dress is Waynesville, Ohio, has pa~er, color, stain, oil, $1.96: Eight bigh IICbool girls were Neceasitie:! come firtlt , Edna M. been duly a ppoin ted as Adminis- John Law a nd Son, kerosene and selected by M.r. Frank, head of Callahan c10tbing special ist Ohio IdRn' FOR. AND COllS IGN " . ' ,our cattle ho.Pt. .bH!p and calv.. trator of nhe Estate of Cor nelia St.ate Unlverslty, gasoline, $2.62; B otts, g as the musie-; d epattment , to sing as saY8 so she starts to Norrt.-arock CIH. Ilye 'Wire atul F . Chiles late of Warren County, 101' mixer, 37c; End Coal Co two quartette:!. Th e following -WIth shoes. New IItyles for da)'tlme pNcreulve arm f?r £h. blabed Ohio, deceased. Poca. lump for court ho use, $17.- giris w~re chosen after a series of wen i nclud e both oxfords and lbarket prie.. and ~od ..mee. , Dated t his 6th day of November 90: W. C. Turton. Pocs lump "15 ,' tryouts held la t week: Vivian strap pumps but they are notice- lI..I •• S ...k Y. . .• CI_Ia_t!t O. 193 6. , ~ b] h' h TilDL III on Rad\o Station Wlilty Lewis and Drake, poca lump, $19.- CODner , .Mildred Cook, Dolores a Y Ig et on the instep than 11:11 ,to 11:80 p. m, for Oln daD, Harry Z. Gra}" Atty. . 13; Trus, of Public Aft'a in, light Clark, and Beulah Bernarl,l, for former styles. Some stores are market reporta. R ALPH H. OAREY, J udge of t he Probate Court, C. H. , gas and light f or jail, $72.- one group, and the other, Ruth aho winar ankle-high . boots, ' Send Your Order: To 07 ; W. H. Willialns, M. D., Collette, Ruth Conner. Verna lIae theJe are difficult to wear unJeu n1 2-10-26 Wa rren County, Ohio examinatio n, $63; The Franklin Hunter and Mary Eva Lellay. the f eet are small and the ank1ea Chro nicle, placard s, fo r Adv. 2 slender. Try The .Miami Ga~ette For A Ticket S~S.lIIior. Will Black or br own ahoea should be .mill levy, $9.50 ; Warren County Ye~r. News, 5,000 hand bills for Adv. 2 The senior class lold the m Ollt bo~~bt unlel! 'several paln < mill road levy, $la. 36; Kaufman'. sea"on basketball tickets durihg a shoes. can be owned: Brown aho .. rug boarder for treasurer's desk, I contest help recently at the high I go 'Wltb cosumes havinr the w~ 58c; Ba.nks-Baldwilrt Law PUb. Co., I scbool building. 'lbe con,testanta colors, rust, copper, yellow, green . Baldwin's Ohio Dis:est ,' $9.UO; St ill ' , a~d brown. Black sboes 110 weU water Sana.torium, hospitalization .. " WIth gray, blue, blu..."eell, and of Edw. Hensey, '108.50; The ' purple garmenta. Gray ahoea Western Star , summons for clerk ' ~ORK SAVERS~ . attractive with .the sam.. C910n. of courts, ~.50; Dayto n - . Kin Callahan warn. tlat DO Works Co., rubbE!r stamps - V~ '1'a7b matter boW' atylish abola mar be, Pho... 78J auditor, $4.13; ,lohn Law and SOD their wearer never wtll appear at gas for sealer of wts and meaaurgo~d actvantqe If ~e llioes do not ,At. · Humall nature .. not ers, $4.50; Columbus Blank Book MIg. Co.. waiver .o f notice of atroDIl enoup to permIt a ch..~ h earing on debts, r;,o cerll.1led copy ful, .t~tlve countenance _ _ 'IOTAitY puauc of birth records for ' Probate the feet are being tortured and DO M• ....., .... court, $2.50: Stablta 'Mfg. Co., O1le can falk ' gracefully ",,,CLASSIFIED ADS COST ONLY



School News

Cary'a Jewelry



ST O RIE for



Pl us T his News p aper At Redu ce d P·rice -

Both One 'Year For


The Miami Gazette



F. T. Mal:tin Auction••"



Or No Charge



Cente rville, Ohio


















erasers, pencils, bands, etc. '6.16: same, supplies . f or sher ift'; office, $3.75: Rolthaus Tranapo11atlon Co., express on blanks, 75c: Mrs. Della Hufford, fe'i,ding pris'onel'll, $401.75: Wm. HUlifo'rd, wubin, t or p~isoners, ,89,,29: Ohio Pen. Mfg. and Sales Dept., woolen blanket.!! for jlil, $16.80. A. D. Harvey M. D. proie.aMona! servlcel IDa laeacllal OD cartalDl to thea the .,.lIt JeIllU, $20: Griswold Service Station. pa oil, recharge and rent, ,'008; tor the windOw. Ia a job that DlaD7 . ;John Law and SOIl, gAe, 011, tue wom.. II~ dJIIlle. 80, e... repair, $27.85; Smart'e Garace. :~ :v~:~..=: gasoline, ,82.23; F,ank Sherwood . . wiac1owt. WIUIoat Deec1 fOr tU> Co., 8,uPplies, and ~:uolille, .,11.91 atJtclt. aN a real ~. Flora 8 Motor psoliDe, IulaDce, ID8D1 of Uie Miello $IU7; W. A. eaoUne. =-ua..~~:::-":::: $9.98; Mrs. Helen ID- or UINe ..... 01 ,Iota . . . . tM valid care of DoualunaD. Ibart.. $7: lin. In care AIIoe ............... 0I1aet. "....... Starny. ,a: ,.., ....=.~-:.:: LUC7 1I00re, to Jonea care on.. 1lll1e-..... Julia Bonand. aDd. '10 • •_



top,.,....,., .......




M H ND •


S N-

ER 0

shoes hurt the feet. WIlle Dra.. • • ....... S.u... Plain hOl e of harmoaum, WAYlfU V IUJE. OHIO colora are fashionable now. The .; hose not only should .but allO Mould have about the same color T8lue 18 other liar· ~ents. If they appear ,.ach , ..... -_ •• -.-- .. -- _ . ............ bghter or darker than tJae otbel' garmenta, tbe style makera ~ them this year. , Glovt. abould fit neatl,. If the,. FOR 8ALE-RebuUt King CI.are the slip-on variety. Black 1dd mont Heater. Good as JteW. gloves are appearbqr in the PrIced to aeU. R. D. Collett, ~.rd. p,shion plct1Jl'H along wttb other ware, Phone DeRa, Waynesville. colored spruce creeD, win.. ad FOR 8AT;F .. Yearlin&' Duroe copper. The ne", 1I10y.. Iau. Ikood Sow., IJllllJuned. 110m. ,titdliqa and tucka OD tile back BI'OWD, 'Sprl~, Valle" aGate No. 1 IUld lOme have a bracelet Itrap 1119. to bold them ~uauoaDd tile WI'IIt !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!II!!!!I!!!I!!!!II'OK SALL-Appl.., aD picked; lot of ........' ..4 DOW. Alto



....... BdDI .......




. . . . . . .. ..


Farm hight 1 allis,


ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY --N I1Iht ...4 at Po.loftle. at Wayn ..• r"':"B. ............. ...... .. D. .,lIIe. Ohio, aa IikcI\"d Clal, Mall 5ublCriptaOB Price, f'.10 • Y.... MaUer 0fIi -

8 :00 4-H LivC'stock Jo;xhil>its-L. K. Bear, Animal HU~L'3!nU[ i t. 8 :10 Vo ational Home Econ omics Program- . tudents 01 Reynold". burg High Sch 01, directed by Mrs. Elizabeth M,oore, instruc-


NOVEMBER 19, 1936


8 :20 Early Thanksgiving Da.ys in Ohio-H. E. ESMne, BUltorian. 8 :30 'Marion Black, Entertainer.

FROM CITY HALL TO WASHINGTON MORt of Us think of the menacing problems of taxation primarily in 1'elatlon to the Federal government. And it. is true that the cost of th central government could be materially cut without redllcing efficiency or eliminating any necessary function. But there arc other fertilo fields for drastic tax redUction. tat. governments, by and large, are no models of effici~ncy and economy. In many stat s gr at bureaucracies have been built up and turned into political machines.--wilh the taxpayer footing the bill. In almost ev{'ry state governm nt there is wast , dupJica~oll of effort and oVCl'lapping of department.!. Tl1e same thing is true of county governments-which some el(perts 'believe are the mOQt wasteful of alJ-and it is likewise tru ~ of mnny muni~ipal govel'nm nts. Any complete )lrogr~m for ta.x relief must include all units of governmcnt. [t will avail us !itt! if th F ederab government saves a dollar and the state government wRstes two, or viCe versa. When we demand a clear·up of one gov rnmental unit, we bould give the same dose of medicine to other governmental units, or bUl'eaucracies will s wamp us. Tax reduction is as vital an i$sue as we face today. W must fight for a reduction of waste from the city hall to the national capitol

S :40 Farm Home P eriod: Nutrition Notes-Mi ss Norma A,qchbacher , Ext. Nutrition Speciali. t. Ollr Homes and F,a.milies-Mrs. Helen Mougey J orda n, Extension Home Economist. !l :00 WOSU Orchestra. 0:10, Fal1ll and Hom e Announ ce ments and Turkct Mark et· News. 9 :20 Poul t ry Pointers- R. E. Cray, Extension Poultry SIl,ecialist. $I :30 WOSU Orchestra. 9 :4 0 H Iping Clover on Thin Land- Earl Jones, Ex~n sion Agronomis t 9 :50 to 10 Record of Coopernti ye Elevators-B. A. Wallace, Ex . Rural Economist.

S(ln, Jay Jinbert,!lf Califnrnia, and .,urprisl'd their l"l'lativi'~ fril!ndt-l b~' th,' ir n lum hen on Sat u r day nhth L Thl' 'cnl 'nnial (' I('hratinn nt the FI'iendR' Church on Sunday wa ~ w II altended' ami \H\ S n ·uc. ce~s in every way. The fir t lesson of the home project callell demonstration "Hospitality' in the Home" will be given here at the Grange hall with MI·~. Howard Grahanl leader lind Mrs. Lu ella J\1i11i g~n Msi ·tant lea de r on Nnvcmber 18, at 1 o'clock. The vrst basketball gUln e of the year played by Ma ssie High was played at Spl'ing Vnllcy gym 1n. t aturday night. The rl!sulls Wl're as foll ows. The boys fir t team WOn with a ~ core of 26 to 14, t he lIf :l.~s ic Hig h girls were victorious but the Junior Hig h boys lost with Il score of 0 to S. Mr. and M\'S. Ed McFarla nd of Dayto n pent Friday at tit ir hom. Mrs. Sadi e Reason and Ml·. and Mr . L. E. Hock ett of ncnl' Way· ne svill~ were Wilmington shoppers on Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. McCarren of Walhonding nre s~nding a few day s at t heir home here, .Nr. McCar n is enjoyi ng huntin g on his farm north of town. Mrs. Eva MacDonald and ROn Howard spent TU llsday at t he home of Mrs. Mary Harl an n ar New Bu rlington.



Kirker vil1(·. Ohill.

Mr. onlt Mr .. 'rh"'Jdofl' Melntil'" h:\v(. mov('!! to the h I'm of ,},h . F:



F. McK;J)·. Ml·~. E. F. McK:l ), i~ Fp!'n dinJ,C tho winter \,Hh ht"1' duulthl('r and fami1)", . Mr. unci 1\tr~. Harold Whitncl'c, of Cincinnati. were Th e following Omc el'~ elected by the Mosonic Lodge on Tu esday· eening;: George FJelcher, W. M,; T. C. na~'dock, S. W.; Willis Whiteside, J . W.; . \ m. ' oylor, S. D. ; J ames Lundy, J. D.; Ilnmer Lundy, Scc·y.; W. N. McKIIY, tl'eaSUl'cr; G. A. Phi1lip~, Tylcl' ; E ~ p I' M Millan, truslee.


-mADtA"l HOME ~




General Emil F. MRrx, who is Ad- \ federal expenditure of approxi. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!l!'!!!~~~~!'!!!!!!"'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!! j utant General of Oh io. The matoly $11,000,000 a. month. Two organization now comprises 208 thousand Ohio projec:ts have bee n different headquarters and units completed. Since the inception of located in eventy·seven elties, WPA in July of 1935 the federal villages and towns in fifty·seven government has contlributed about 01 t h eighty·eight counties. Th~ $140,000,000 to the tate and n \\' . battalions incre ed the t hrough the requiremen t of lIPon. Between Toledo and Cincinnati artill ery maximum allotted sor contribution has been instru. Charted for the Benefit of Inter· stl'€'ngth to 716 officers, nine war- mental in r eleasing QPproximately state Motor Touri ts as Well all Traffic Within the Borders of Ohio rant officer and S,609 enlisted $2S,OOO,OOO radditional. "The men. Genel'al Marx reported that federal work relief program," Dr 8,004 officers a.nd en llst ed men of Watson pointed out, "not only the Ohio National Guard participi- N!sults in tangible a ssets to a to Cincinnati ns shown h ercwitb is o ted in actual fi eld training during community through ' ,the construc" the shortest dista nee b tween the CONGRATULATIONS TO THE PRESIDENT two cities. Officials of the State the encampments l1l5t summer. tion of hospitals, rOflds and saniZ Highway D partment give the "The nation has spoken. Every American will accept the _ _ ~ tary ystems, but it helps to mileage saving as about 11 miles. verdict, and work f or Lhe common cause for the good of the country. It was announced by State pr'eserve the self·r espect and That is the pirit of d mocracy." Finance Direclor M. Ray Allison morale of the workelr 'a nd preserThere's le!\~ trd" fl.c congestlon on So rD'n the telegram dispatched by Governor Landon to P?esi- that the val'ious state departments ves his skill 0 hat be is ready to the Toledo-Cincinnat.i Short Lima dent Roosevelt when itbeca-me apparent that the voters had rallied in are submitting budget requests resume his place in private ind us· than on any other highway conunprecedentA:d numbers in support of Ute Administration. And that outlining their respective financial try a s many are doin,g each week.' necting these two cities. There telegl'am repr s nts omething more than good . sportsmal1ship-it needs for the next two years. - - • are far few er curves (no ha irpins ) marks an attitude that should be held by all of ,the people in every From the Information provided in Death last week claimed a and all railroad grade crossings walk of life. the budget dllta the total execu- devoted state employe, Dr. are exceptionally well protected. The Democratip victory was not II party victorr. No mere party tive budget for the state 'Will be William H. Prichard, Who W1l5 Ten o'clock Tha nk. giving morn victory could be 80 overwhelming or so completely break down sec- prepared by Director Allison for superIntendent of t he Columbus rea on of t he s h art e r in g will find delighted yo'ungRters tional lincs ·of pa1:'tisan s ympathy. flubmission to the governor. The State Hospital for mor(!o than two mileage, less conjfl!stion (both on The victory was a v ery different thing-it was a personal governor, if it meets hUl approval, decad . He had baEm in failing and ,g rown·u ps fl'om throughout ·the hi ghways and In the commuvictory fol' Mr. R00 eve It. No man in a country h as so captivate d the will in turn submit it to th~ ninety h alth for: several months. Mrs. the Miami Valley lining Dayton's nities t hru which they pass), fewer imagination and emotions of the people, aDd none has received so st)c ond General Assembly. The Margaret Allman, director of the downtown streets to see the Great curves, and adequate width ' first 1937·38 budget reqUJlst fState Departm ent of Public WeI· roadbed and bridges, the great anexpres ion of public confidence. filed with Director Allison was are, announced thaI, pending the Annual Rike.Kumler Company Route here outlined is " A RepUblican newsPllper Said the morning following the election frcnn the state board of cosmeto- appointme nt of a uc:ces or to Dr. Christmas parade. As in t he past big time-saver for ihe that "the President today is the most popular figure our national P ' h d years this Dayton stOI'C will do busy motorist-v l'y problife has known since Washington." It is impossible to gainsay that. logy. rltc ar , Dr. Isabel A. Bradley, homage to Santa Clau. in a parade ably as much as two hours. • • • who has served illS assistant Tho m(lst populnr of presidents, and those whose Administrationa Tribute to the I d h' of superintendent during Dr. stand out mountainously in ollr history--Jefferson, Lincoln, Cleveland Walter F. Kirk of ;:rtrSc~rnton Prichard's adminisbation. will AN ALL PAVED - were never 80 popular a Mr. Roosevelt. The past records have all as mastor of the Ohio State have charge of the illstitution. HIGHWAY b~n shattered. G range WIIS paId ' d ' • - - - -urmg t he Choice of Knowing The time for partisanship has passed. And the time for coopera National and State G tion h8.ll come. Thi does no~ mean that the President shou ld be bined convention whe~ar;::. ~i~k · The backMotorists bone of the offollowed blindly in every course - that would be unjust ' to was re-elected master of the Ohio. Originaled and Sponsored ficilll Revolu· ,Roo!1ev It himself as well as to the country. It does mean that all organizatiOn for his fifth consecu. by the tionary TraUs hould work together in the common cause, as Governor Landon said._ tive two-year term. Other state System of Revolutionary d liberating differences and adju ting varying points of view to the officers elected were Vernon E. Western Ohio. Short Trail end that the great ideal of democratic government be served to the Crou e of North Lima, overseer; Ohio State Unive-r~iity announcMarked its ultimate of all our capabilitie . Joseph W. Fichter of Hamilton, es plenty ofaetiviti~*, for the ASS6Ciation entire length Congratulationll to the President I Few men in the w.orld's history lecturer; E. C. Mannon of Wit- "old grads" and former students by historical Ihave been so signally h()nored by a great people--an honor which mington, steward; J. H. Patter- who will be re.tu.rnting to the markers of the 'Carries with it the gravest responsibilities. Every good citizen son 'of Cadiz, chaplain; W. C. Carl campus' next Saturda.y for the Ohi/) Memorial ' hope sincerly that Mr. lloosevelt's second term as Chief Executiv<l of of Alton, treasurer; John Cunn- annual homecoming. Commission. the foremost nation on earth will be successful, and that bis wiIJ be a ingham of Mt. Vernon, secretary; The Michigan game Saturday of regal pageantry welcoming him For additional strip high place in the hi tory of our time. . and H. A. Atwood of Garrettsville afternoon in Ohio !itadium will to DaytOn and to th e Rike's Toy maps or any information relative to State Parks, be the big attraction of the week- Store in a burst of splendor, pomp per. It was the . twenty. Pleasure Resorts, Scenic: =-ce:::=~::::~::~::~::::::::~~~~~=~::::::::==~::>::.~ gateke first year that Mr. Atwood was end. The~'lI be few empty seats and festivity. Spots, Historic Shrines elected to the office of raW- in the stadium that day, it is The parade this Yl\llr promises or the hundreds of, other keeper. predicted. to be even bigger and better than points of especial interelt along this route, write On Friday night, '~Il'eceding the those of past years. New floats, • • • WILBUR M. FAULKNER The Works Progress Administra game, the homecoming 'dance and 'new costumes, new colorflll and Seeretary have b en tion in Ohio has 3,300 projects!n a rally at the stadium are the amusing features SPRINGFIELD, omo principal .. ttractions for students planned and for many months skillCOLUMBUS-With the recent tion both in personn~l and the operation, according to Dr. Carl and returning alumni. cd craftsmen and al't.ists have \lcen addition of two battalions to the number of atations 110 thnt Ohio, Watson, Ohio WPA administrator. The college of medicine is al'- working to make the event a truly 136th Field Al'tille11' Regiment, which is fourth state in population Nerly 160,'000 'needy men and the hio NatIonal Guard ' has ex- is fourth in National Guard ' women are receivinJ work through ranging a feunion for its alumni thrilling one. Buffo, the giant cl Own, 14 ft. tended the scope of its organiza· strength, according to Brigadier th~ program, which requires a which will take the form of medical and surgical clinics and con- hig h, will lead his favorite charferences st4Tting at 9 :30 ,a. ' m. act.ers fl'om Fairyland and out of Saturday in University hospital. the comis strips. You'll find among _ These clinics will giV& practicing his happy throng, Pop.eye and ) physiciona " -, . ' ,-" and surgeons a brief Olive Oyl, Mickey and Minnie ~~.;...,;;........;.------;----~..,..~~-----------~-----.......- - - - - postgraduate course on the new Mouse, Raggedy Ann and Andy, d velopments in thei~' fields. The Old Woman who lived in a . Another departm,ental re~nion I shoe, Hansel and Gretal; Mother IS, that planned 1111 chemIstry. , Goose, Little Boy Blue, Old King Friday afternoon alld, Saturday Cole, Hum}>ty DUmpty, The Three morn!ng easions will be devoted Littl e Kitt ns, Peter Rabbit, Littlo to papera by chemist.ry graduates Miss Muffet. There will be Indians who have distingu18ht~d themselves and Cowboys -and a CirCUli Wagon in teaching, industry, and re- with .comic monlceys alld tiger$. searcb. Friday eveniJlg a banquet The children of the Dayton lIigh is scheduled. I School" have designed five of the The department of mine leading floats. engineering . also will have. a Most importa nt of nil, of reunion for lts gradu,s tes, startmg course, will be Santa himself ridat 10 a. m. Saturday. The reunion ing in ,his giant red sleigh drawn of mine -engineers, 8S well as those ' by snow white r,e indeer and at. of the medical men nnd chemists, tended by his creW of little ·elves. will be carried over unto ihe game He will be master or the day and itself, each group occupying a ' when the parade arriv e~ at block of seata tor.ethe,r. , .• Rlk&'s, Santa ,will mount a ladder ;Many fraternitlell Imd sororltiell and go dOwn the chimney to his are planning partiell honoring ' toy headquarters. th~ir alu~ni ,membel'ls. The parade will start from the Montgomery County F'airgrounds • ----promptly at 10 o'clock and go straight down Main Stroet to the Mr. and Mn. Clin1. TaJlor, !Mr. Monument. From thero it will proand M1'8. Will. Luken;$ and Walter ceed back on :MaIn Strcet to the ~lIis attended NaUortal Grange at Fairgrounds, man bending over the ~car of his car, Columbus lut Thursday. EDICATED to a ncw accidcnt· stalled, admoni.hina' the motorist to free era in Ohio by hi$h Itate chedc hit brakes replarlr, depreaa but alto reduce. glare from ,t he Miss ,Harriet Co.sBlllm entertainofficials and sarety authoritaes who his beadliabt beams .beD meetinS beadllabta of ooc:omiD& cara. ed quite. number of young people other can, keep to the right .... of attended its opening the mile·andThe educational safety blahway Miami Quarterly Meeting was one·half Itretch of safety educational the road, etc. To aid blm In ClITY. at Dayton is the aecond of 4If demo with • party at \00 home of her highway .hown above. was placed in in, out tbeae lajunctiooa, ..ute laIlC onstration strip. planned for Ohio uncle, Chu. Doster e.nd wife, last held at the Friends' Church here, markiDaa .,e being paiated in the operation on the Dixie highway, as part of an intensive ataltl!-WKle Thursday nicbt. Friday and Saturday. route 2S lOuth of Oa.Yton. on No- center 01 tbe road. ltAlad-sbouldere. lin. W. E. Frott ~as a Wilm- David Weaver won the medal at IDterJec:tiou and railroad crouinp vember h. Featuring a unique 'Ylft:8'Oh~ tem of hlgb.visibHity lighting, it are beinslimilarl7 defIaecL· ington vt.itor laat a~ter. the Prince of Peace Contellt Suntint wu PfO\'icIet tltt> latest contribution of noon. ofCautoa, day evening. . ..JO.!~.trlana lCieuce to Disht motorinar aafetJ. . aimI to ...... to walk 1IIaa. Rhea and The Dorcas OIub met at tb~ "~._'!.""_ Hlp,," ba.lon, been triffle, ad to flnt poIii~~ reD ••d two ~rl fri,jm~\a home of Mrs. A. E. IIcKa, on lleaWieat-traftled trans- w. . . . . thC down from Collamba]~ nanday. coo_n.... title ltate ...... wWe ....... aacl trailers .".nltta Illd .,.at E-oe'hIIt Ladies' Aid of the Friende' • bodt their heme ..... Cltareh met at the home of lin. TIM Woian'. RaJ1llOftd Carr, Thuhlda~




IT'S SHORTER i!~ ~ore~~






Will i


Best of th~ News Direct From the Ohio State CapIto)

....ew SaJe'-Highwav Opened at: Davl-n.

Quality Printing






New ·Burlington




at the home of ~aW





..... to)ho. . . .


lablerfbe for TIle Miami OeaetW .~--


Thl' FI'lcnd s 1('cling of Haw Y"11111 ~ le lll'(ltetl the Olte hUlldr 'dth nnniv '!Emrv of it l< oTg'anization -on la,t UnU(I;' , m'emb t' 15." alter REAL ESTATE . Wn oo\\'nrd. of Richmond, Ind., NOTARY PUBLIC W/I , the, $\'uP!lt peakt-r at the morning scs.. iol1 whil(! an int-ercsting program WaS pre entt'd a the "'r-------------------·~ uftel'l1()ol1 feature. About 25 mlln and women wore ' STORM SASH tne I Quaker dres.,; of a hundred yellrs aj:('o and a f ea tur of the proBRONZE WEATHER gram wa s the Miami fon thly STRIP i eetill,R' conducted bj' WaynesGLASS AND PUTTY ville Friend who used the nclu-al minutes of th Miami Meeting for CEL-O-GLASS

We Repair Wi";dowa

J. R. 'Gibbons Pholle 54

WaynenliJle, O.

,._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~,

1 03-4, Lunch was served at the noon hour in th Harveysburg high chool gymnasium. Th aftel'nl)on program included: a histo y of the church bl' Anna C. Linson; a poem ~ent in by a


- ,-


ftll'mt'r l1ll'mbIJr l\f. Welch; un!l lhl! reading Idtu'l> frlHIl Olio- Ha(llL'Y, Albert lIul'\'cy :UIIJ l~a c John son. Gu 'lOts \\ 'I'l' prlJ '\l nt from II1lnJ!tlln, l.A:b , non, Xenia


WIl! •

100'CLOCK Thurs •• Nov. 26th , h Moln Street lIN!': OF M"RCH, "~~r" In Street to Monum.nt, then ra to Foirground,. clll,..ey to doWII SoD SOft tto Rlk.', Store

0:,. ""..

DO~O" hlo


OPEN HOUSE Saturday, Nov. 28, •.• 7 to 10 p. m. See Demo",'ration

of this New Permanent Wave. . Latest Hair Style., etc.


Grace Davis, Mgr. ·W inifred Henderson. Mgl. Operator '

The L.ittle Inn

B. MeClare

7,.,s Paper For One Year and

.":0' PATHFINDER$ 2 00


Illnl~al's .track~


Winter Service At The Inn












from Tuberculosis


Day tOft fotrCJro ulld •


Protect Your Home

'In strip crop farming, the width of the sod and CI'OP strips depends I1pon t.he degree ot ' lope of the Strips may be 115 feet wide CHRISTMAS SEALS land: Wayae.vWe wbere the s lope is only 5 per cent Pboae? Dr. J ohn . Altman, pnsto!, .of but when the s lope is 18 per ~ent St. Paul's M. E. hurch, D ylon, the strip shouJd not be more than TIMBER WOLVES IN OHIO was tho penker tor the evening. 50 feet wide. The erosive pow-er of Dr. A.ltman spoke interestingly on Lconard Price, a farmer living ru nning w/lter increase8 rapidly as "What a hureh 0 es for the Community." near Broadway, north of Marys- the lope of the land becomes greater. Foil 0 wi ng t he add ress a play vi1\e, Ohio, while hUnting fox ONL Y. , hour wa supervi ed by Mrs. with a small party recently, shot More than a m11l10n readers throughout the O. 144 frs. Ralph and killed a young timber wol1 Gilb rt Frye and country read PATHFINDF.lR r gu larly tor • Hastings. weighing about 301 pounds. The Pro\'llIlng tor tilt' Il'lIUanc of a complete. timely and unvarnished digest ...- - -of tile VIlIt\gof Waynelll'U1e of the news. Are you overlooking somehuntcrs said they came aero s the bond8 Ohio, VIII tOI' g tho PIJr) S otllaylng Lt)e 's prOllorllOIl ot COll- thing? Too.ay. economi c an d po lltt ea I a Ifa i ra ar e at thel, 8:ld trailed it for ~tr\l II ng 0. stlnltar)' h wer system topsy-turviest. Ever,new tll.rn ot events is apt to affect said .o\dmloll,trnthm vJllag und r th" Veryone 'skas i n g, v '<Tnbat's it all a mil before- It J'llmped OlJt of to.' l'rOQl'osa and Works of lhe your poe k e t - b 00 k • v levy of a tllX to l)I'ovlde to.' the about, and how much is it going to cost me?" Before you some brush and came townrdJl VIL~~~~~!Il!~C:iO!'n e lection held on cananllwer that question you must be able to interpret them. Price was forced tQ shoot th 31'(1 (lay dt November, 1936 on the news; and before you oan interpret you must have , leurlll{ bond"hlo. of all the facts clearl'" explained. several times before bringipg it the bh proPo~ltlon VlIlns- of ot Wnynellvllie. ~ Economiah Predict Upward Moye. tor the purpORO ot pnylng the EVERY WEEK FROM THE down. Vllln!JE". pr I)ortlon ot cone Lrucll ng mont in Indu.. tl'~a Ma.ouf..,tur- · NEWS CENTER ef the WORLD Although Ohio hi not known to a 8u nltnry Bewpr 8)' 8t ~ m tor 8ald ina Durab1 .. PathSnder comes to you with its rebave timber wolves, it is reported X~I';~I~I L~~~:::-n.tll Works Progred And \ 'h reu. tbe liable, easy-to-read and easy-to-undcrthat a pair of thtlm escaped in stand news reviews in words, pictures Economist from all sections of Logan county a f,~w years ago, rOQu at .. d Lh e VlIlag ri~ and Improv _ and charts. Its condensed form preseDts the nitcd Slnte recently' weigh- and since tben many sheep and m ntort~cn~ero~8 J!rov08od to be ()ONltrtJ l d a lively and intelJisible survey of curd the evidence presented at the game-birds ,have been killed- from ~hc proceeds ot the bondll rent events tbrOUg!lout the world; its herelnaft r referred to and tlh . tl l int erp ret a U'on • a n alyIiis an d Outlook Coniel'ence in Washing- presumably by wolves. VlIlag clerk haB certtrle/1 to lhl. Impara explanation of the n \Va enables }Iou to ton and decided that cons um er Division of ConsE!rvation omeiahl Cou ncil such ea tlln .\( II lite Il.A 26 years and hall further ~ rUtted t'Oe . think and tlllk straight. Otber weekly hUl'ing pow~r in 1937 will con- know of no otber timber wolves in nuulmum maturity of Buch ·bond. news magaElnrs seU at .", to $5 a year. tinue to improve, according to V. the State at the p~~sent· time. tt.aN~~V ~~~~~. tor. lie It ordained b)' Path8nder sells for $1 'Il year, but for th Council of th iliaII"' or a limited lime we can ofrer yon a flreatIy .R. W e['t~, O. S, U., who was one -------.-..,~----Waynuvllle. tllte ot hlo ; reduced bargain price on Q 'comblDalioll of the Ohio delegatiOn at the OutSEC,to I . IS8u ThattJbIt IIIIbond. deem dotnCBof this paper nnd PATRFlNDER. Drop In eal'Y th" look m bting. Villng ot Waynl'evl11e. Ohio In the and seo samplcs or write and ta.k e advan. Farmers are interested in conPrlnciJml lIum ot a0S.000.00 In or,lt'r tll(lO of tWs special ofrer without delay. lJr Mrs. Harvey BUI;net spent Wed- lIu)'lng to prOvide (und (or the II polle ot Insll'"C "0.... cc........nomlc tuture by assurioo" sumers' buying power because thea Vlllage'8 pruporUoll O'f • 01'" and Thursday with her con8tructlng a 8anltary silwer ','fo",r complete t/l'asp of current affaiti. prices for foodstlJ/f's drop .when nesdllY brother, Dr. Ernest Rosnagle and 8Y8h·m for .. aid Vlllllge under th Works Prog,re88 IAdmlnllitratlon; pocketbooks b come thin and every family at London, Ohio. that Buch bond •• hall be IlISued In housewife trie to buy economi, on' B rle8. Clyde Wharton I~nd helpers are El. ll. That bon 1111 ot cally. The "national income paid now shredding cornl for 1armers on VlUag ot ·\ ayn avllle, Ohio 8hall be ISRued III the prlu¢lplll "u rn dt out" in the United States in 1929 -' the Clark road. ' ~3,(1)o.OO Cor bhe VUI'\Jl08e aCoreanld , was 79 bi11ion dollars. The "inJilnch u ( said bonds shall II In til Clarence Smith had the mis:(or- d nomlnatlon o[ Io'lv6 Hun(lr d come paid out'· dropped to 45 tune to step on a r ' 'sty spike while \*000.00) Oollara ... nd ,a.ld bond billions in 1933, rose to 60 bilUon ,.. 8hall be dated Decemb r lst, 1936 work last weelt. He ie slowly twd 8ha11 benr Int rCllt at th rat in 1936, and is expected to be 66 at recovering under Ute care of Dr. ot 4 rf" per .annum payable semiannually on the first days oC Mtu"Ch billions in 1987. Slagle of Centerville. and SeplemLer or , eacb yenr unlll Mr. Wertz, quoting from the Hole th prinCipal 8um III paid, pl'oVlile<1, Mr, and Mrs. A.I1i ~ ~ however, that It! 8ald bonds are 801(1 Washington evidence says, "Indica moved their household goods fTom bellrlng n dlt(erent rat oC Inter ~t than her Inbef\lre 8Pecltlea, ur ll tiQn are that the great improv-ethe St. John property to the home bonds ahall benr such rato or ment in 1937 will be in the durInt r Sl !i8 may be provl<1 d fOr In able goods industries, such as of Mr. and Mrs. Rl1ssell Campbell. the I' 1I0lution of Council approving Mr. Morris' Bourne and famil~ wil1 1Ile award thereot. Snld bond~ Rhall I , J matUre as follow.; I tho e producing building materials move to the place 1racated by them I Pond ot $bOO.OO upon th 'tlrlll dn)' steel, machinery, and industrial · ot S ptember ot neh of the (oll<lw , M1'8. J • B. J ones is apen d ing t h IS , Iny years : 1937. 1U38, 19311 IU\(\ 1940. equipment. To date, the greatest week witb her 8ister, Mrs. John '1 boll(] of $600,00 upon th tl'l'n dllY improvement has been in indusof March nnd one bond on the tlrllt Zimmerman and fnmily in Dayton an~ ot lOept mb r ot aoh or the You've always wished for clean, convenient Pyrofax G....coc:Jk. tries producing automobiles, steet Mr. and Mrs. C. I~. Duke and son toll Ing :years: 1941 . 1942. 1948. 19H. 1~.6, 1946. IUt ';, 19~. 19 •. and machine tools. A large volum~ ing-and now is the time to make that wish come true I Tbaabo Robe.rt, attended the flower show 191>0. 1 51, 1962. 1963, 196. 1 55. of bank deposits and a ' more giving marks the begiooing of your busiest cooking seasoo ...' 1956, 191;1. 1~5 , 1959 aJld 1961 I aid bondll shnll b numbered rapid turnover of these deposits at Dayton fair grounds SlJnday ·trom Pyrofu will cut your cooking in half: Equipment is leased on to forty· six Inclusive and ft both prinCipal and Interest ahaH ' is xpjected to give considerable a ernoon. for ooly '9,7S-and the gas iadf costs only. few callS • day. Mrs. Margaret John.s is visiting b payabl at ~e Wayne8ville I imp tUB to industry. A small down payment will bring you a beautifUl Pyrofu. WI·th ber daughter-I'n-Iaw Natlonnl Dank In I ayntlllvllh'. hlo. · thl'S '''eek '. BE '. HI. That said bonds .hall "In the month of August, 1936 and grandchildren, Magic Chef range-with automatic DyeD heat-control, comMrs. Marporie 88 upon their tace the purpose Ohio farm prices stood $ufficiently (0" which tlley are Issued ; that LhcY I pl~ insulation, a smokeless broiler IlQd scienti6ca11y-clesigaed Johns and children in Dayton. ars lssoed In pur-8Ullnce ot thl, high to give tbe Ohio farmer a and Mrs. H. E . Hathaway of ordinance and sllall be sign d by r. D top humus! Come in and see us tomorrow-and we'll make til mayor and <;llerk anc'! 8 all'll purchas ing power !llighUy aboveWa~esville were · dinn~r guests wIth Ihe corporate seal ot said that wish come true I pre-war. It is probable that the village .. The Interest coupon. atunday of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey ta 'hed to aid bond. 8h:l.Il bellI' thO larger part of the in prices BlJrnet. Cae-simile 81gnature o{ tlhe Villa clerk. received by farmers relative to Mr. and Mrs. E. ' B. Longacre SE. lV. ,That (or th p~rpot the gain in general price level has providing the n eC8BIlry fUMe were Sunday dinner gl1ests of Mr. cay Interest on the foregoing alTeady taken place and that from and Mrs. Melvyn Swank <&nd &BUethe of bonds promptl), \ hen and CO_PUn lAS SDVICI fOI IO_U IIYOND I'll lAS u.s as tile ea.m rnll due and 0.1110 to now on the prices of fal'm lind of children, in Dayton. provide 8. fund sllttlcl nl to dlllnon-farm products will follow the of Leb- charge the 81l1c'! BerlM bonde Mrs. Eml'ly Thockera .. mnturlty. there ahall J)e nnd same general trend. . anorl has been visiting at the hereby levi d on all the taxab "Prices paid by farmers for pl'operLy In Bald Village of Wayn IIhomes of her daug:bt,el'lf, ,Mra. Earl viUe. Ohio. In addition to 11.1) oth r production purposes in 1937 will Burnett and Mrs. S. H. Bu"nett, · ta.xes. a direct ta" annually during the per'od said tiond, ar¢ to run In • a.verage higher than prices paid 'Mr. and .Mrs, E. B. Longacr. at- a.n amount 8u!fJocl nt to provide Your Complete Hardware Store in 1980. The principal items of fu~ds to pay Interest upon Bald tended the flower flhow at the fair bond. B4I and Whc/l the same tal exl*r:lditul'G which will be higher and a18C) to provIde II. (u rid ror ds Dayt on, 'sa t urday after- duo th dlllcharg ot the pTblclpalohai(l are labor, feed and seed. Wages groun noon. Mrs, Allce Ola.,t:k accom- bonda at maturity, ,Wlblch tax ahall will increase clue to an increasing not be 1&118 than the Interest nod them to DSlyton. alnklnc f\.lnd tax required by industrial and farm demand for panied Mr. and Mrs. JElmes Johns and SeoU;Q1I Eleven or 'Artlc1 12 o( tllo Con.-t1tutlon. Said tax .. hnll be labor; Bnd feed and seed · will reMrs. Allen Hole in , company with levied out.ld~ the 1'0· milt Umita main hjgher becaUlle the 1936 J .... C Said tax .ball be and III esse Th omas an d ... rs Viola 8l'ey oJ1lered ' computed. eerHllpd. v dropth increased supplies!' C)f Waynesville, left Wednesday and extended upon the tax d ...... _.~.~ and collected tby the IIame morning fQr Florid.a, where they In the 8ame maoner and at "ame , time tb~t taxe.. tor ~nera.l purwill spend the wint;er. poaee fol' e.cll ot "aid yean are Mr. and Mn •. E~lw in Nutt and -certltled, extended aDd co1l6<lted. Bald tax "hall b. Illaced 'betor& and sol'\ He,man of neal' Centerville In preterence to a ll other ItemB and were entertained. to dlnner Sun- tOI' the tull amount thateot. The lund. derived trom Ilald ta.* lev day at the home of Mr_ ,a tId Mrs. ; requIred "ball b. pla.CfId in . a eeparate and dl.~lnct tund .Wihlcb, Th~r Ie J ones. to.ether with all Illterellt collected Warren County has' been allotted Mr. and tMrs. Harvey ' Burnet on ttle aame. • ball be Irrevacab ly ~676 as its share in the aid to ledged for the payment of the , ntereat IUld prlne}plI-" o( Bald bonds dependent children, according to and Mr. ana Mrs. C. L. DlJke at:.. C tended the Farmers,' club, Tuesda'V when and a. (be "allle fa.Il due. announcement made by Judge # SEC. V. That eald bOnd" Ih/lll be Clrat oUered at par ' aDd Mcru d Henry J. Robinson, chief of the at the home of Mr. aod Mrs. E . I. Intereet to tlhe Tr\l~ee" of the Miller and Miss Pllarl Riley near Sinking 'F'Unii In ' their officIal division of public assistance. ~a.l>J..;lty and It aald Trullteea Ridgeville. ' A total of $132,000 ' was dilirelun' to take .tty or all of Ilald Mr. and Mrs. Lealie Gray and bonda, «Ilen IIald bonda nol 80 taken tributed a s the state's share in the "nd Mr. .."lod Mrs. G'eor"hall lIe 'adVerUlled Jor pUblic lllIole chl' ldren .. " a- Q,nd Bo ld In the mAnne'r provIded by 'w'ork, Gray, motored near' Independence, law ' under the . direction of the 'I n~1\ae CommIttee and Clerk. but Ky., Sunday. The latter Mr. and not for les, than their valUe 1926 QUEEN RECALLED Mrs. Gray remal'ned f'or a, two and ilCo:ru(id lntered; the lale adverU"emcnt shall Illate Ohio State University students week's visit with their son-in lA1f one de_Iring t~ <10 110, may ill' bib tor Buch bond. lect a homecoming queen ' each and daugbter, .Mr. and Mrs. Fr.d hie' up!)n tlbelr J>earln« a different rate of Interest than benlnbetore fixed, year, but the 1926 winner still F isk, and family. prQvlded, however. that where a stands out as 'the queen of queens Mr. atId Mrs. Ralph Johns are fr~tJonal Intereet rat.e I. ble!. Buch aball h. one-Quarter of one That year 2000 students (casting clerking in the Wallace sroeery In traction per cent or mu~t1ple. thereof. A CERTIGRADE 'l'he alilount of cerUfled cbeell to (12,000 ballots) selected a place of Mr. James Johns. aoco\llpany IIld. ahall b. Five Cedar Shinllc Extcrior! my.steriou.s Maudine Ormsby to Sunday guests oj~ Mr. and lira. Hundred (,1100 ,00) DOllar.;' the wear the queerl's crown. Maudine J. B. Jones WerEf ; lin. John ~:S~IId"ex.r::: :::Olliom ~~~ BVEU sTORMS ............... 01., acaruM! inter •• t thereon Ahall bA turned out to be, not a dark Zimmer'man, Mrs. rocIl - - . . ..,...• ...,. C8R11G1AD8 ... liNd tor the purpo•• lIItore ..ld ...._ .............r... ..-. ........... .... horse, but a cow from the univer- Mr. and Mrs. (M DO C)Uu" ftl'o.mlum ........1.. • ......... CIIIlTIGItADB ... sity farm. &liseell Alice Jane .4a4.~----. . .. . . . . . . . • 1 Williams of &I.'~""IIi. ........... PI I l' , _.&~ . . . In • •'ed A ftoek of 10 White Lerhofn Mr. and lira, . . Is -.ak!Diir ..... ,... .... - ..... ~ hens owned by the Coopentive e.ntertaineci ..",'''£01111 Bre-eding and Hatchery Compan" da, evenlnl. Tiro, was the aeeond 'hlP pU in the 80.1 uralI' en procluetion In the ea-laJiDa Keller Graham, co.te oondueted III til tJaltM M...

a bountiful upper



----_ ----

Th e fil' t of a Rl' ries of monthly, chul'cll night meeting~ was held in lhe . oeial room of the lethodist night when 'Qjoyed by about 76 members of th congregation.


Dinners On Order "

P. E. Snyder & Son Blancheste'r, Ohio Phone 3021

FrechtliDg'l Sealtest lee Cream Served ~


Your Protection



The Ri i-Kumler"


A guest speaker from the ,~,~~==~~~~______~=-- ~~======~~~~~~~==~~~ Speakers' Cou\1cil and a talk and ]If !len tilt ion 01 4-H lub premium by Mi II Elizabeth Graddy, trumpet and trombone duet by Our many year of conscientious s~rvice to the Bud Le ~ay and Charles Fir II and public' of'this community in itseif can titut s assur~a m Ii led by Mr . J . K. Presto n ance that you , will get only high grade, honest are attractive featul'es which will funeral mel'chandise. It is upon this kind of mel'b pre ented on the pl'ogram at chandi e, plus thoughtful persopal service, that we the rcguln.r meeting of Farmers' have built our reputation-and that reputation is Grange, Saturday night. ... our most pricele 8 asset. Strip Crop F ...miaa

olh r nrul'by commun ities.

church . Wedn . day


Orden taken for Frechtling'. Bulk and Brick Ice Cream and Specialt iea.

A.k for information.


. .



- ------





1IIa:-:.;,... ......


Eighty-Eighth Year




Whole Number 6249

NOVEMBER 26, 1936


W. H. STUBBS DIES AT HOME NEAR LEBANON SU NDAY AAEHNOON Former SeeretaT)' c.f the State Tax Commi.. ioa; Wife. Fin.ct. Lifeteu Bod,

STETTL~~ ':;:~:;VILLE ! WA YCEHS 0EFEAT IJI·. A, E. Slt.:ttlcr, It"ar\u:ltc IMORROW TEA M BY i~ariun, hasstabli 'hed an i ;:~~l' ~Y l~C~~li!~n'~~~ 31 T0 23 SCO HE' plumber :Inti ·1 ctllCHl.n.



With an enrollm nt to date in excess of 500, workeu are redoub ling tblllr efforts this week in an attempt to put Warren county over the top ,io its 1936 campaign fOJ: Red Cross memberships. The county' goal is 1,000 new memDers and tbis flgure mu~t be reached before the ourrent Roll all ends Thanksgiving Day. l:lolicitors are working in a\l sections of the country and in addl tion memberships may be left at any bank.





Dr. Stettler is a grauuate of Ohio Slale Uni\'cl'sily lind has had lell yean! eXl'cTi('nce in g-eneral practi.'c, He has bee n with tbe n Il8l·tm nt' of Agriculture in tub~lclllo ' i s erad icalion. has worked in Bang's di. ase control anti was a s~ i s tant state v('terin nrian IIf qcorgia In 1!J17-18.

Local Quintet Do_ JelfenoD Township Last Frida,. Ni

A fter a hard {ought battle at Morrow , Tuesday night the stl'ong Waynesville quintet de'BOUNTEOUS SOU R C E OF feated the Morrow men 31 to 23. EVERY JOY, an Although Waynesville led through the game a nip and tuck LET THY P R A I E UR ' cot'e kept both sides excited all TONGUES EMPLOY; through thl1' last quarter. The Waycehs finally gained 't~ir footALL TO THEE OUR GOD WE OWE and shoved M~rrow aside to the tunc of eight points. SOUR E WHENCE ALL OUR Davis was high score man with BLE d ING S FLOW. Hi points, laJ:Y was second with 8 home. Earlier in the afternoon he h~d =====-_ Don't forget Open Hous~ and Boger third I with 6 to his stilted that he planned to tend Sec you at Real Art AS THY ' PROSPERING HAND Novemb r 28 at Real Art Beauty credit. the .furnace and later take a walk Shop November 28. HATH BLE~T, hop. Two men of the Morrow team When he failed to return and ,hared high score honors, Kauts MA Y WE' GIVE THEE OF OUR /lnd M s. Otto ebold, (If noticing that the hou e had grown Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Chapman and Evanshine both having 7 BEST; incinnati. spc nt unday with ?>I r chilly, Mrs. Stubbs went to the were in Cincinnati, Tuesday. point..'>. and M-r~. W. O. Raper. basem'ent where IIhe found her AND BY DEEDS OF KINDLY The box score: husband's body. He had been dead Dean Hawke spent the week-end LOVE ·Mrs. O. f. Ridge, Mrs. Mat WAYCEHS for more than an hour, it is be. with friends in Cincinnati. McKinsey. Mi ss Emma Heighway T G F Rev. G. C. Di~rt conducted a FOR THY MER IE GRATEFUL lieved. and Mrs . • auie onner were in Davi 1 16 .................. 7 PROVE; Mr. Stubbs woa born at Oroe- funeral scrvi,ce in Dayton WednesDayton Thursday. Earnhart o 1 1 gonia September 12, 1870, a son day. 0' SINGING THUS THR UGH ALL M'ay .................... 1 2 Mr. and M'rs. L ter James and of the late Albert and Eunie~ OUR DAY, Boger .............. " .. ....... 1 3 5 Stubbs. Hls father for many year. Miss Lilla Benham will spend family of near Blanchester, .. : ... , ............ .. 0 Dakin o o Thanksgiving with friends in Leboperated the Lebanon House. f;unday gue ts of Mr. and PRAISE TO GOD. IMMORTAL ClRry .......... , ........ ..... 3 2 8 In 1921 Mr. Stubbs was ap- anon. ha rles Jam s and family. PRAJrSE. Fromm ....................... 0 o o pointed chief of the state securMr. and Mrs. W. S. Scanlan Mr~. FloF> ie Carey, Mrs. Effie _L. Barbauld. itles iMpartment by Governor and 80n, "'Fel'~, lett Sunday for Smith, Mi 's Lucy Emley and Mr. Totals ............ .. ... 12 7 31 lIal;'ry L. DavLe and three years, Miami, Florida. ChesLer nrey will be Thanksgivlater ",lis named aecretal'Y (If th. MORROW ing dinn r guests of relatives i'n state ~ commission, a poat that . )Irs. W. H. Allen and Mrs. G F Oayt9n. he held until ill health forced him Clifford B"race were Dayton visi. Kauts ..................... .. 3 1 to retire in 1988. tore Monday. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Henderson, DuKorn ...................... 1 Funeral services were beld at 1 Mr.-. Irene ]:I nuerson an d Amos Brant ......................... 0 Mr. and Mrs. A H. Schoeler, of the Oswald Funeral Home in Leb· Hamilton, spent the wet>k-end with Fairch.ild will be Thanksgiving Corwin ........................ 1 2 anOn Wednesday afternoon. 1 dinn r guests of 1111'. and Mr. L. Evanshine .................... 3 F. B. Henderaon and family. Surviving are tbe widow, Mn. Moore ............ ........... 0 M. Henderson. o 'Mrs. Kathryn . Turner ipent =-===========-==-=::;::== .....-=-.......- =.-:===;=:=r=="'==:!:::=======:-:::=== Georgetta Stubbs, of Lebanon; a Kamps ........ ............... 0 o OBITUA~lY A. II. Stubbs was called to Volkering .. ....... .. ......... 0 son, .George Stub of Cincinnati. Saturday .afternoo n and night at Q north of Eaton. Friday, to take Menzie ......... , ' ...... .... 0 the home of a friend in Dsyton. 1 charge of the funeral of Mrs. Katherine Shaffer which was held T~tal s . ....... ................ 8 7 23 I Monday afternoon. R efere~Rakel. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer I Mr. 'George Thompflon and Mrs Sheehan on Sunday. Austin Mouser, 44 years old. Harveysburg, Ohio, which was ber Walte r G. Rockhill, a resident JUD<ior Ifi,h Game War veteran living on the home until she left Ohio. She atof Lebanon for more than flfty Eph Smith, of Loveland, were World The WayneSVille Junior High Hr. alld Ilrs. Walter Sheehan called here this week becau c of and sons spent Sund1ly at Kings Fred Dobbins farm, two mil es teniled th~ HarveYllburg I/chools year, qui('tiy ob ervcd his 79th the serious illnes$ of their father, Leam 10 t to Morrow 30 to 21. At tbe half, with a score of 11 to 10 ~ A YNESVILLE CHURCH OF MUla, the guests of Mrs. Sheehan's sQutheast of Cedarville, was killed lIt1d was for a time a studeI1t in birthday at his home there on William Ca. person. in favor of Morrow, prospects still Friday morning when his team of Sunday. CHRIST father, Mr. Raymond DU.nham. h h the preparatory department of Carl Smith. KlDIater ~1T. ami Mr J. K. Pr eston will looke-<! bright for our boys but the Mr. and Mrs. A. Z. Hartsock Ol'SeS ran away and is wagon .Mr. RQckhill is a nativ e of crashed into a tree. Wilmington Col1(1ge. Not A Denomlution and family of near Wilmington, Franklin but has resided in. L b- entertain on Thul'ljday, Mr. and final whistle .showed Morrow 9 were Suhday guests of Mr. and Mr. Mouser died almoet instantOn April 10,19011, she was anon since 1883. Fot a while be Mrs. E. D, Hidy and son, of Cin- points in advance. 9 :30, Bible 8ChooL Junior High Lineup: Iy of internal injuri!!. He wa married to Dr. P. D. Clagett. To cinnati, Mr, and Mrs. 'Leo 10 :46, Lord's Supper. Wag connected with the Lebanon MfS. R. H. Harteoek and family. driving tb~ team on the Dobbins them were born two chilllren, House viA YNESVILLE J. H. later enter ing the employ and Mrs. Ota Deutsch and son '1 :p. m., Christian Endea.,or. G F T llidy of Springfleld. Mr. alld Mr8. J. B. Chapman, I farm when the b,rses were Tacy who Blvives '7l'ith the hus- of the po. t office. 7 :46, EvanplJatie "meet!. Osborn ................... .. 0 0 0 WedneldaJ', '1 :lll) p. m .• prayer MeslJJ's Charles and Robert Chap- ' frightened. Their flight was halted Ml'. and Mrs, MOl'ris . Ful· Spettler ................ ,. ...... 1 n 1897 he joined the Woodman will be Thanksgiving gueets I when the wagon struck a tree. band.d D nbar who died at tile 2 ' 4 and bible atud,. of Mr. and Mrs. Emmor Baily, of Mr. Mou es wss wedged between age of eight years. H mOn Real Estate Company in kerson and Mr. Van Pelt will be Payne ........ .. ...... .......... 1 0 2 ( Lebanon. the wagon and the tree. Because of a tendency toward New York and up on his return gu sts of Mr. Fulkerson' s parents, Scott ....... ... ........ ,......... 0 0 0 WAYNESVILLE II. Eo CHURCH . He wns removed to the Dob- fine health, M'rs. Clagett fot to L banon in 1901 he and the Mr, and Mrs. William Fulkerson at C. Collett ..................--:. 2 1 6 !leY. G. O. Dibert. Putot Mr. a.nd Mrs. W. H. Allen. Mr. bine fum and died before. medi- s veral years spent. the winter Hon . .Wade S. Cushing, formed the pring Valley at;. ThankSgiving Florence ...... .............. .. . 4 2 10 Wednesday: (toni,ht) Anllual and Mn. Clifford n. Brace will cal aid could be summoned. The months in a mc.te favorable firm of Rockhill and Cushing. dinner . Melloh ..... .................... . 0 0 0 Thanksgiving Service .t '1 :30 p. m sj)end Th~ksgiving Day with Mr. accident occurred when he was climate and returnE!d to Ohio for promoting subdivi sion develop0 0 Pummill ... :.................. 0 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Miller will The public il eordial\)' Invited to and Mrs. Charles Fisher, of Price assisting in shredding corn. the summer. In 19~W the family ments in both Cincinnati and DlIYDibert ~...... ........ .. .. ....... 0 0 • .0 .a ttend . this service and the Hill, Cincinnati. Mr. Mouser had lived on the located at Nogales, Arizona, ton. Since 1919 Mr. Rockhill has hav as their Thanksgiving dinner guests, Mrs. Emma Barnett, Mr. theme for Ipec!al atudy will be. f f th I where they lived until recently devoted all of his tim e to real ' I) 21 e iii t 'd year. when they moved toO a ranch near ,estate business in WlIrJ-en county. El. V. Barnhart, Mrs. Eva Miller, Totals ...... , .... .............. 8 Mr. and Mrs. Ruasell Stockstill D0 bb.108 "The One Who Came Back." ' arm . I Qr d h' S ,M'iss Grace McCune and Mr. and IS WI ow, Sunday: ·Sund.y 8Chool at 9:80 and daughter. of Dayton, were urvlvors mc u e MORROW J. H. Mr. Rockhill aerved as deputy Mrs. Edgar Smith. Sunday guesU! of Mra.. Stockstill's Mary; one son, BilliG; two broth. Phoenix, Arizona. a. m. MornillC wOl'1lhlp at 10 :'0. parents, IIr. and Mrs. M. A. ers, Rarry and "Homer, Xenia, and G F T Mrs: Clagett wasl ill during the sheriff under the late Lon Hunter , The sennon subject will be. "Let Comen. I) 1 ,lIix si$ter:!, one of Dayton. past SIX months. O:n November 6, the only denlocrllt to occupy the Mr. al'ld Mrs. Henry S ttertb- Houston .... ,....... .. ........ 2 Us Alone." • • • 193.6 she pa8~ ll,eacefu\ly away office of Warren county sheriff waite anq daughter, Ruth, with Chal'lton ............ ., ..... 1 9 Eveninc Bervice at '1 p. m. Whitacre ...... " ............ 2 0 Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Satterthfaite, Mr. and Mrs. William Smith and . at tbe age. of 63 YEtars. She wa~ a during the last century. On Wednesday of next week at childre" of Hamilton, and Mr. 6 0 U gallant woman whc) met suffering · - - • of Dayton, were gUest8 of Mr. Crank ................ ,......... 3 2 p. m. , The W oman·.II For_lIrn ...................... Richard 2 1 6 and Mrs. J ame Motri and family I or sorro~ in a maDlller that was an' Missionary Society will meet with Willard Botner of Vincent, Ky.• · Corter ........, ............... 0 0 0 Sunday at Sabina. Mn. D. O. Rida-e. ' Adair '., ....................... 0 0 0 and Mrs. Ray I , Mr. and Mrs. Lou C. St. John Brunner I 0 1 ST. IlARrS CHURcH Th W eavUJe and was a sparkling companion. ,0 will have as their gu.e ·ts Thanks- Hofer 0 0 First Sunday in Ad"nt Novem e .yn Garden Club The Wayne Township Farmers' With her passin~t the world bas giving Day, Mr. and Mrs. Glen t 'l'uead a y ; bDecembfeMr 1, Olub met 'a.t the "Riley home on 01le less charming and graciOUS ber 29. Church school at 9:80; wiI1 Music·lovers are invi te d to Bland ond daughter. Barbara Lou, Totals ........................ 13 4 .80 p at 1 .<flI • m. a t th e ome 0 . Pr fl. ' ladv o! listen in each Friday a)'e~ and .ermon at James E 11-11"11 U''' -.ill TUE!sday, NovE!mber 17. Mrs. J . - - - - - - - - -at 9 a. m. to M of Springboro and Mr. and Mrs. Refere.e---Rakel. 10'3 n . ...., ur,e. _em ... en... M ' . C • .- • . v,, ewa...• ,lfta and there will be a orn~ ornell, Mrs. J. H. Sackett "The Music-Lovers' Hour'; broad- John Settlemyre. cast from the Ohio tate Univ-e-rChrJatmaa pr08l'1nII. Mrs. Earl Hockett and Mrs. Omar sity station, WOSU. Mrs. R. H, Hartsock was The Jelfer._ G~ ST. AUCUITINB CI:IURCH Hollingsworth assisted the hostess I: In this progra.m Edwin StainhO!ltes8 to the 1984 Matrons' Club The Waycen's regained some of . N.wtoll" Put. IIr. and IIIrL Hencbel MalnOUII in serving the dinner. brook, ColumbUl! pianist and com- at a potluck luncheon, Friday. the form that sent them to the Mala .t It. A~..i elaurela and two ehlldnD; BettJ Lou and The special topic. "Some EssenJ ___ poser is tracing the development The club is composed of the stare tournament in d,e leating the every Sancia, mondJlc. Dcmald. II... Luelle Jlailloal .nd tials for a Successful Home and _ _ _. _ I .... RaJ Parker of Norwood Community Life", was given by Funeral services for Cha~les A. . of m~dern music. lllustl'utions for I W.orthy Matron of the 21st dis(ContlDued 011 pare C) FRIBND' IlBETING dinner .lrlleata of IIr. .nd Mrs. 'Mrs. L. V. Branstrator and · Mr. Ogl-e-sbe~, 72 yearel old, prominent StainbTook's talk are- provided by tl'lct, O. E. S., who scrved <luting - = c:;;a====r;= Marshall Miller of Franklin gave School at 8:10 L m. Ray iIrI~IDOua OQ Saturda,. farmer and diT~!ctor of the a string ensemble . under hi!il the year 1934. M:lna for Woft!dp ., . 10:10 IIIr. and 111'8. D. It. Andenon a talk On Hybrid Com. Spring Valley National 'b ank, who direction. Ladies' WinteJ: Coats with fur, died Monday nigU at St. Francis cleaned and p~ed, 95c; Men's of Kingm.n, and lIias Lucy Anderaon. of . Wllmlnaton. were hospital, Columbull, where he BubOvercoats, 70c; Children's winter FERRY CHURCH OF CHIlIIT mitted to a major oper.tion last II coats, 40c; Children's Snow suits, [iJ , Sunday ·(fUHt. of Ill'. •nd 1Irs. Catl SmItI!, IIbIIItet Thursda.y, will be "conducted at his 3 piece 86c. Quick Cleaner~, Don Hawke an4 IIIr. allel Mn. II. P~ TIlomaao 8a~ 01 BIIIl. home, a mile \V'est of Sprinr Kathryn Mendenball, Mgr. Postmasters started deUvery F. Welta. . Tuesday of 26,000.000 carda to Valley at 1 :30 O'clock Friday and at 2 o'clock at Spring Valley Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Butter· employers, for distribution amonr Bible School at 8:10 &. .m. Jam.. t.ovel1 of Sprincboro, was • baalllQl ....tor In The Rev. William Q. Tilford, of Metbodillt • CommaDiOn, ,10:41 .. ID. Episqopal ehureb. Mis Virginia Tucker. of Har- worth w!1l entertain a larg-e- group thejr employes a. ' their identift· .PreaebJu.. 11:00 &. •• "rille, . . . . . . . ......,.. III renew- Xenia. chaplain of the Grand Burial wlU be made in Spring Val. veysburg, appeared as vocal of relatives at dinner Thanks· cation cards for participation in • _ • lq hJa ..blarlption to 'l'be Lodge of Ohio, I. O. O. F., wu }e.), cemetery. soloist with the Wilmington IOdving Day the occasion being the federal old a,e beneata. THANKSGIVING SBA~ .au.Ue..... Lovel, aa1Md to the principal apeaker Monday eve- • IIr. Orleebee, who wall born College band and orchestra at a birthday anniversary of Mr. This, is the ,econd pbaM 01 the .RINGS CHICAGO IHOW reID......... to ilia trie1lda here. nine at the annual Fat.ber-Son near Port Willianll. had resided in concert given on Thursday evcning Bu~tcrworth and of ¥~. Erwin stupendou8 prorram to provide old Ballqaet .sponsored by Lebanon the Spri •• Valle" community 30 November 19. Miss Tucker ang Ellis, Mrs. Butterworth s niece. age monthly paJll\enta, danlll8 I. Tba.kl8ivl,* . . . . . II.... I,Jdla Vaadt'l'YOOrt, who LOQe No. 15. A rabbit supper was yean. Beaides hW ' duties aa bank Violetta.'il aria. 'IAh, fors'e lUI'''1 Those invited are M'r. and Mrs. 1942 to aU ellaiblea reaehiD8 tile mark th. of the -eon- tile past anetal , ..... bu, ....tded beld fol1~winr the rerular meetin, director, he had on the Ifrom the opera "La Traviata." Jesse Hess and family, of Bell- a,e of 66 Jean. The tnt .,.... tlDeD~s fOl'tllloet apIea1t1INI.-" Ia lAbaaOIl, hu retunIed to - - - -SpriDIr . vaUq 8Chool. S~ is a senior in Wilmington brook. Mr. and loIr.!!, Walter Reu was the dbtributiOD of Ute ... the IMenatioul u.,. ...,. W.,....alt ad wW oeeuPJ b.1' ....... board nille and on the I college and it a voice pupil of 1and family, of near Xenia, Ilia ploy era' ldeDWlc:at101L .a...... 8~na V.ney Ilia Catherine Dando. MatUe Heea. Mias Janiu Sm~th. oarda. All of tIM eiapJo~ hI4HEXJ»Witioa til CIIIMp. n wIll..- ,................ the 001.... A boardwalk 40 f~ wide, one oftleJal board AR N...,..-- __ . . PNPW"... Koala . . . . ohunh. \I •- • Mr. Charlie Heas, of Spring Valle, tlfteatlon IIIlaat be re. . . . .., _ "".."':L IDch thick. aDd ute.dinlr froID the Jletlaocllat He widow. lin. T_ke7. Mr. and Mrs. Charlea Orf01'd, of b, DHeaber I . fo~ ,........... Mr. ... .. .11'11111.rtlunla .&0 til_ mOOD woald require to wJaoa he Port Huron, '1Ilch., IIr. LaUter - - - - -...~-abowat the .... Ulout of lamber EUa _ two. A current mapsine lina Jeffries, of lIo.....towa. t. baII4 .. fa ~01 aJUluaJIJ in the 0iIl tllter_tin. photojpaph Va.; IIr. aIId Hn. I'naII B_ Pel ODe .....1Ne A1f~~==~~ "!I'O, 1'IIukIrIi"'na• tva, ol lamU,. ~. Char. T. •BIlle, Ii IIalldM tMl It and a.... ucl Ik.

W. H. Stubps, aged 66. a .!if. long' reBident of Warren county. and a former secretary of the state tax commission, died suddenly at bis home southwest of L banon Sunday afternoon follow ing a heart attack. His lifeless body was found by Mrs. shortly after t!tr~ o'clock on the flo or of Lhe furnace .r oom f\t their






FARME'HKILLED IIIHEN n so.:r~tn~!~iin~ar!e~:Ol1din~~: HO RSES RA'll AWAY IJ

q •


PROGRAM 8ROADCASl AT CLUB MEEliNG ~Oe~~r;~~onw:; ~~::d :b: f~i!~~ FOR MUSIC LOVE' RS

;~~:o:e= s~n:~.



•••• ••• •••••• •• A . . . . ..



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coati... ...

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I. ct :1011

NEWS FROM ~rHE WARREN COURT FOR PAS1' WEEK Co.mmon P I_. Proceeding. IWillinm D. n. if di. mjs~ed.


t n'me



EVl'H'tt W UR'fIer fill'J II .uit III-!Ilin~t Jlaz('1 Wnglwr fur di-

vorcl'. The chnrge I. gro, 1\ Il'ct.


P roba t e Court

----.".~.-..-.-.-.".~.-.--.-. -.-.-.------~~--.----..-.-.".-.~.--.-.-.-.--.---._._.-..

Thanll.rivi ... Vlllcstio ft

- ---'.

,tudcntll \If Wayne 'l'ownship :=:anta Claus out of helpers I In th eMe of II . L. llard ing, et Scholllil will njoy m four day What i going to be done about vacaLion lhis w ek instead oC the In the ca ~c of 'tatl! of Oh io , aI , ('rsu~ The .'ou th Lt!uanon P .ck it? Who is going to help him 1111 verlllJ!I Walt l' Blackford, Jnml'1I ill,:c D., n corp .. (' t ai, authorIty rogulllr two clays , week.end. Schools \ ill be closed Crom four ~t(lckingB this year? Who is Burke w appointed ·oun. I for and p rmi....;iclll WIl. given n. L. thtj tl fentlllnt. The .dl': Ildant i' ll nrding to ~ign, grllnL option !or o'clock Wl'dnesday ulnlil ight. the going to pllck his bag for him, plel'ldffl guilty to the In,hctm cnt, the pUl'chli ~ of the cnt rvll1e follo\\lng Monday. Imagine ChrisLma without Santa; flIed her In gainst him. S nt ncc factory. tate Hospitnl. An assembly commemorating Without gifl!. The little ~ack in WOII clcf€' rred on~ yel'll' On condi· The C:lS() of G org Le\ i MorThe will of Lizzie Murray, de, Thank 'giving Day wUi be hold in the box on the shelf feels sorry tion that It plly $4 per \\. ek for Tilton ver. U H Jose ph A. Robinson ceased, W fll d in court. th gymn jum Wcd'nesduy fter- for the old codger and comes to th e ~ upporL of Q min l' c}lild. WIIR dLmisscd. ' lal'tha ICliv r filed ber pplicn noon. The sopbomore' class will be his rescu/!, The foreign childre n Protect Your Home In tJltl C8.'1' of barl s W iSSIlll'ln fn the Ca.:5C of H len Wombold, tiun ror the nppoirllment of n ,in charge of the prog·ram. all dressed up in their brighUy VHSUS W. W. Whitcker und Elm('r 8 minor, by B !lsi Wambold, her guardian uf Walter Cleaver. color d c1oth~, corne to help him. from Tuberculosis l~ossctt, c e uLnrs of the ('st l'lle of , ~ID th l' and ri xt fri nd, the de. Eulass, ex eutor of the . BUY Come 11 this at the grade Jo!\eph D. Donnnlly, deceascd, tho fcndant is grant,d leave to file fl late of Pearl EulassJ, deceased, WIlYllesville schools once more operetta which will be given CHRISTMAS SEALS d Iendanl QT ullow('d t en <lny to· mot ion, demuner 01' pleading here filed hi first account. ' Clln boast a school 'pupeJ·. The during Cbristmas week by the fil e pleading. in on or before t h fifth day of In thl.' matter of th elitate of Boo ters' Club at thl~ High School grades from one to six. The cast Kunigunde Roehm r deceased sale is editing .iThe Wa~y cehan" this will consist of s venty of the Default is t aside A.nd the de· .Janunry, 1037. O U DI NANC; E NO. 1'14 fl'ndent is allowed to file answer in In lhe ase of Ev erett Wagner of stock at privnte ale was ord r- yf'ar. Four whole page.'! of news youngstel'S, dressed in decorative Providing tor th o I.... ua n t' of t he case of Ella Rowe ven;us .ver Us Hazel Wagner, the plaln- ed . An invcnto ,'Y WIIS flied by the and /lohpol lif('--no advertise- costumes, They will be u!\der the ho ntl s (r ttl V\lllI g~ of WI))' n l''' 1110 ments--. all news-it's so mething hlo. tor \110 1)' ''ll08t' "r pllyl n g Walter Frank Row . t iff 1S order d to pny $8 twice a administrll~or with th will ann exleadership of 'Mr. Frank. Miss til Vllltlg(\'s IlI'o IH,rllo ll of \>011you will want to . trellsure. In the Cft e o'f State of uhio vcr month to the defendant during the eo,!. Reeder,' Mi Campbell, Miss Day, 8 11'u~111I1{ a eanltlu)" Scwo'r eyet,' 1Il 13uy II copy- pl'ice is l'ignt t o Miss Hardin, Miss McKinsey and tor ~n ld "1I1ult u lIll" r th o W or k s sus Marion Hardy, sent nee i. p nde ncy o! the action. a les by Chnrle-s L. Beck, execuP rogrellfl rl mlnlsUl\tlo n l\nll o( th,' ,levy or a tnl< to provld fo r til e ml)dified and balance of jail sen· tor of the stnte of Elizabeth meet any po Mrs. Kersey. IULympnt th r eo f, tellce is hereby suspend ed. New Suiu Stowe, (Ieceased, w re approved. Wh" r ' ':1. at lin I e li o n II Id n :=x-til Srd dlly rJf Nov e mber, 1936 on The en e of New YOTk Life- InA suit WIlS fil ed by Nellie Christ George E. Young, executor of trix of the estate o.~ Charles W. Ih ,o t I uillg bond R of culvert, $42; The Morrow Lumber t h o llrOl/oeltlon VlIlag or \\'a)' nesville. Ublo. urance Co. versus Louis Thomas man again t Jake C Christman for the estate of Sarah M. Brown, Brininger, d cos d, tiled her ftl'St f't the "u rpoe e ot 1)11), 101\' LIlt> et aI, was di missed. divorce, T.h e chllrg is gro 8 neg- dec{'ased, was fil ed in court. Rnd final Rccount. She also filed Co" cement, $6.25; The L. G. 11111/(0'8 provol'ti o n of 111l8Lru c llriK 1\ un Itary . 8 II' r Y8 1o ' llI for 8n.ld Franklin Conovel' Rnd Raymond :A.nderson's Sons Co., lumber, Vtlilogo utt'der th Works In the ease of Ch arles B""'an et lect. I"ro re88 ., , suit L. Conovel', execulors of the es- hel' distributive account. ' Ad .ulnlatrllU\ln, al, vs. Charles Coy, et ai, the de. Elmer P~ters, et aI, filed tale of U. G. Conover, deceased, Olive Jamel\, Bdmlni tratrix of vain ,7.45; A. D. Madden Estate A n(1 W'h r ai, the til VllIllg f dants Arthur H Fawley and against the Fibreware Corp" for th est.ate of El izabeth Whitacre, cement, 65c; The Oregonill Bridge rhi,..quested en, . fiI tI h ' ioven tory. cH tlflcate IlS to . ot til prop rly and Im prov Mul'Y L. Overman are granted mon y. The amount claimed was Th will of William F. Downey, deceased, flIed her inventory. Co., gas tank repair, bolts, etc., Ilf men I Pl'ulJO s ed 10 he const ,·uct,· ,1 th irty days additional time with $110. d ceu ed , wus tiled in cou.rt. Frances Weber and FloTence $22.50; Ralph' M. RGbinson, a.ddi- from th »rocced , Or th e bo nds h .. r(>lnaHe~ ret rr a 10 alld UtO Lydia E. Throckmorton Ashton In the matter of the estate of Cortelyou, administratrices of the in which to file answer, demurrer cl rk has rUrl d to thl ~ tion right of way on road, $10; Vlllago ouooll s uc h ,Um led Ilfe as 26 or other ·pleadjng. til d uit ng(linsl Horace Throck· 0. G. ' CO D~v ~ r, deceased, private estate of Harry Sp:rong, deceased YIUIrIl and haa Furth r rllfl ed t h Jessie Sheets, addition· right of nln. ImUfn malurlty ot Th e case 0 f F1 orence Garmlln mol't on fo r mo ne"J only ' IIle of personal property was filed t.heir first account. Buch bond" o.a :!5 yoaM!. • A'~ Tn the "ace versW! William D. Reif was d·\s. SUI. was ftl e d b Y Helen Hau - ortlered. ... ~ of Cbarles L. Beck, wayan road, $10; Wade OVI lUI, Now Tht'l' toro. bo It ordlli n d by J ouncll ot Lbe vWag of missed. nosi versus I.. any II nuno"' f a r di In the estate of George R. Sa~ executor of the estate of Elizabeth additional right of wayan road, tho Waynesvillo. Slat of Ohio ; I'S gl·Obb h ft ~"'e The case of EJdiUl DirT versus vorce. Tb e Cow .. .,.. neg- deceased, transfer of stock was Stowe, deceased, v,ers us Trustees $ 10 ; The Standard 0 11 Co., kero· SI'; . 1. That It Id d emed nee· of Home for A g~, et ai, sale of ne, '$10..50; The YOl'k Supply Co Village sary to ofIssu the tho _~============= \Va)'n ... v IIibonde I . 1\10otIn ~h In orll r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ordered. real estate is ordered. Additional battery, $6,50 ; The J. W. Lingo prinCipal 8um lit A. 11. Stubbs WIl S appointed ad- bond wa.s order ed flied. Hardware Co., .suppli es and parts, to PI'OVld a tund tor lh purpO$o or paYIng th e Villa ' 11 proportion O'f ministtator of t.he e tate of L. D. In ra estate of Elizab th Stowe, ,27.77; 'rhe Pure Oil Company, con81ructlng 'a 8anltary 8 ' wt:r m tor 8al<1 V m ag under tho hiles, dec eased and ' filed bond deceased, tbe claim of Charles L. gasoline, $24.70; The Standard 8YJlt No rksProgrt>se dmlnlstrnUon; such b nds .hRIl h e Issu d In with sureti es. Beek against estate amounting to Oil (](j., gasoline, , 12.10; Borden's lhnt on aerlel\. In the case of W. C. Manning, $80.0 was allowed. Tire & Battery Station. gasoline, S~J·. n . Tbat bond8 of th of V 4)' n 8vlll. hlo sball administrator of the estate of Ca1$4.03 ; Shell Petr oleum Corp., Village be Iuued In lhe prln Ipal. BUm of "THE HOME OF GIFTS" vin Keenan, deceased, versus Carl M .....i... LiceDae_ ga oline, ,a.88 ; The PUrl! Oil Co., 1~3. 0.00 for IIh PUI'!P08 arcr eahl. Fll1Ch of .ald bonde tlRlI 11,8 In tht! C. Ayers, John F. B ufter, J r" Claren,ce Wilson, mill worker of gaso li ne, $4 0.19 ; The Pure Oil Co d nomll\lllIon ot V ivo ([undr cl Lebanon, Ohio (t500.6Ci) 1.)611a·ra And sala bond!! wns appointed guardian ad litem Franklin and Mrs. 'rhel a Collier, .gasoline, $40.19 ; Shoeeban Service "ba1l be dated 1> cem!) r lilt. 1$36 EXPERT WATCH Station, gIJIoline, $7; Lebanon lee n lid shall bea r Int re8t at the rate Appraisement of property was housekeeper, of F rllnklill. or 4 Of" p r a nnum payabl - II mlREPAIRING · ordered. Dale Weisman, batcheryman, at & Coal Co" gasoline, $16; James a nn ually on the llrst days or Ma.reh Sept mb I' of eMh y Itr until U · 0 L G•••i •• "'-t-..J.1a SQl~ by Melvi n Waites, admin- Mason, and Miss 1rhe}ma McDer- F oll en, servicetl, ' 126 ; Fred Proc- at bned prl n Ipal 8um 18 paid. p r ovIded, l ila. a"7 -' istrator of the estate of Eden F. mott, of Mason. tel', r ecor d of power of attorney, howevr, tbat U said honus are BOlu • . b nrll)g a <lart reat rnt ot Inter s t Prompt Service Terry, deceased, were approved. RU88ell Lewis, clIerk of Morrow " 0.77 ; Treasurer Wanen count" tha n 11 r Jnbefore 8Poolt l (I. su(' h rnte 6 r lIo n da 8hl>\I b n r au h Mamie Doughma n, admlni.5tra- and Miss ~n eva !Caudill, facto ry cleaning, oiling and guarantee St ore open unUI 9 p. m • . real U Inay b provided (or In trix of the estate of Alton C. worker , of Lebanon. tim~ l ocks, $30; The Woodrow- Int the r olullon or Council approvi n g Doughman, deceased, filed ber inCharles Willia m Mohberly, au- Weil.Stanage Co., adding machine the a nrd tb r!lO f . Said bonde aha ll mal Ure 1\8 fo llow.: I !!!!!!,,!!!!!!,,!~!!!!!,,!,!!!!!!!!!,,!~~!,!!,!!~!!!!!,,!!,!!,!!!!!!!,,!!!! bond of noo.oo upon the 'flrn daY . 11: , .. V ntory. Ralph Van Meter, W. W to mechanic, of Cincinn~ti, and paper, scratch pads, $2.84; Van 1of lieptembcr of ea ch of th follow- , t ______"'iiiIIo .JII'_ _ _ '-_' _ _- : Sburts and Frank Cola.nger ..vere Mu Irene Gladys :Johnson Scruggs Camp Stone (](jmpany, sand and In y )' AU; 1937. 19S8. 1939 and U40. of $600.00 upon the tlu t dnl' appointed appraisers. of Pleasant Plain. . gravel, $10.05 i ' Louis Fred, 30Cl 1of lIond .uk f or a March Ilnd one bon d on t h e tltlt Agnes Blanche Carlson was ap_ ___ . Mr~. Helen .Doughman, invalid d llY ot l:!eptember e t oh or t h e Miami.burl P.rmanent y 111'8; ISH. 1942. IUS. pointed guardian of Alice Wright R_I E~tat. Tranal._ care of CIUford Doughman, , 7 ; tollCllWlng t 9H, 1945. J!l~8. 1941. 1948. 194». 19~. 1952. 1958. 195 4 1955. Carlson, ·deceased. . The Boar d of Education of Mrs. Ira Eltzroth, in.valid care of 19511, '. Concrete 19&6. 1961. 19u~ . \9ij9 and JOU Sales of personal property i or· Franklin Village Scho ol Distrjct t o Alice Starkey, $6 ; JaDles Moo re, Said bonda Shall b numb r d Air Burial Vault ' ~E'i5 4ft offer that will ~ppeal to all- Amenc:m o n to for t y-.lx In IU81ve and dered in t he matter of the eetate Maude R Mc Clure et al r eal estate invalid care of Lucy' Mo ore, $5; 'trom both principal and InteresL IIhlll1 C"l. Boy Magar:ine and this newspaper at a sflcia1 Of Sarah M. Brown, deceased , in Franklin t ownshi p. Mrs. Margaret Jones, invalid care be payable Il'I. the Waynesvlll For Sale onl, bl' Nal lonl\] Hank In fVnsn elvlll, hlo, combination bargain price. The American Boy IS the Loathena Freudenherger, execuLIllian Fife to Clinton Bnd B&r- of OUie Gar dner, $6; :Mrs. JuUa SE . J11. That anld hon08 shall Y favorite magazine of more . than 500,000 boys and ex.iI r 118 upon their fae the pu r po e our F un.raI D·Irec t or tha Peele, r eal es,tate in TurtleHolland, invalid care of Vernon t or wblch they luued ; t hat bh y -.--' men. Its fiction carrlcs boys on the wmg~ of r e IMued III l'Ui'suanc of thl. creek township. Holland, . 10; Mis8 Oms Knox, in· NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT adventure to all parts of the world. Its sports articles a n d shall be Ign d by Lbe~ma)lOr a nd oJ r k n nd e a l U S. B. Craig, et aI, to Emerson valid care of Walter Barlow, McClure Funeral Home by famOUI coaches and athletes are studied by chamwllb Ih c rpor l1te II a l ot ai d J ones, 69.67 aerell in Wafl'en and MillS Om. Knox, invalid care of vl1\ag .. Th In t r eat oupona atPho_ 7 m., O. pions. Here. you will find t~e. ~nest stories on sports, Estnt e of Cornelia F. Chiles, ded to said bonoJ. s ha ll betH the • _ _ _ _ _...;;._ _..,._ _ _ _- : linton cou nties: Frank B.lLinger, $11; Mrs. Eldon lllolH, aviation, bUSIness, Mhool actiVIties, humor, and trave~ Cae-, Jm lle slgn ature of tlh V lllage _ ceased. Charles J . Burkart to Zai~ Ar- Shol't, invalid care of Ruby Ret m, a l r k . Even at its regular price of ~1.00 a year, The Amen:. INotice is hereby given that A. BE . IV . tbe • T h nateefoHilary r th purpqe mitage, feal estate in Deerfield $6; Dr. James Ar nold, mbt cal providing l und8 of to =========i==-==~= can Boy is considered a bargain. But now you Ina)' H . Stubbs, whose P ost Office Adpay the In teres t on the fo r egoin g township. services, $5; The Great A. & P. obtain it and this newspaper • • , , • dress is Waynesvill e, ohio, has IS811 I/ t ~o n d. p r o m ptly who n a nd E. and ,' Mary L. Oswald Tea Co., food and milk, $9 1.85; L. lUI the 8n.rD Call du e a n d 01180 t o been duly appo inted as Adm inisllr.()vlde a tu n d !llIffl el nl to dlltrator of the Esta~e of Cornelia to Jellnn tte and Edith William. , H. Browlt, f ood, $5; Dr. S·. L Burk ch &r!(o t.he enid aerIa l bonds at hardt , medical aervices, $11; Mary m atu rit y. t here eh a ll be a nd 18 F. Chiles lat e of Warren County, lot in Lebanon, her by 1 ,'Ied o n oJ! Lhe t axab le Irene Berger to Catherine , L. Cook, IIhelter, $3; A. KI Day, prop e rty In, 8ald Village of Way ne.· Ohio, deceased. vIII • Oh io. In addition to &.I I. other 'Dated this 6th day of November Rumpke, lot in .:Oeerfield town- . clothing, $6.23; J . 1.- DNJ'dofl', laxes. n IlIl:'eot l8.)c a ll llually d ur in.: ship. . . belter, $10; East Ella Coal Co., th& p rlo ll lintd bo nds Me to r un In 1936. a illQU "t sutCle1 nt to p rovid e Etta Wolfrum ito Edward Wolf- fuel, $39; Kesler Gr aham, food, an ru nd s to pa)' In ter 8t upon said Hany Z. Gray, Atty. bonda a n d when t h o Bam tJ',l1 rum, et ai, lot in IFranklin. $7.50; A. D. Gra'pevine, food, $6l due a ndaaa lIa RALPH H. CAREY, to provld ll .. f u nd for S. C. Alexander and Sllsie May Bardert's Grocery, food, $8.75. the dlacllarg of t h e pr lncl pa l otaaid -.ftlrt FOR AND CONSIGN Judge of the Probate Court, Send Your Order ~ To ~~~d~ea\ e:a\u~~~.t.'~lr~te~~~t 1~~J , roar bOA Ih~ aDd MlY!IId n12-19-26 Warren County, Ohio Alexander to Da ~8y M. H..ll, lot in Franklin. s ink i n g tund te.x requlre4 by to Nol'I"W-~ ec.., ~ ...---• ~l~rnuft~~e'll:'~ '~~~Ie !~arlt proDWliY. ftriI f"r the hiI\'" Try The Miami Gazette For A 1evle(\ ou t s id e tlhe 10 Dilll limi tation. • pric.. IDd,lr90 d ......... __ . Said t ax a b a ll bo a n d I. h e r eby , U .... Sf'" Y.... CI_I...... 0. It waa said In the old days that Year. or dered comp uted. eel'ti'U ed, l ev i d TU~ . ID Radlo' statloll wen Dr. A. D. Harvey, medical ser- t he sins of the ~arent were visite,d !. ~ ~ , ~ ~u~~~e~ ~pyont~~ee!~e dg&~~c:r':. l~:!.',tA ~:!! p. m. for oar daIlt vices, $4.50; Bertha Hines, milk on the children. Bllt n.ow they 'Pile In th e !!lam e mann C'" Ilnd at the s a me m~a _...0,,_ and f ood, $33'.16; R. H. Je~rie8, their debt. Oil the' youngstsl'I a8 tim ta"e8f)ttorBIl ld' gen~ral purp oe e s that to r each Y are ;... food, ~9 .7 6; l\mclred & RoblD80n. well all their other treapauell. ' ,cer ti fi ed. ext nded a nd , colleqte4. milk and ~ood, '9.20; Kirk & Se.ld tax 8hall bo p lace d before and pre feren c e t o a ll other Item . and Osborn, ' food, $6; Lebanon What. baa become of the · old In tOr lhe full a m!)unt th er eot. The Farmers Coop. C()., fuel, $26; Leb faabioned fellow who rolled a t und s d e rived trom 8ald tax l e vi .. y requlr d Iball be plaoed In anon. Ice & Coal Co., fuel, $8.26; peanut around the courthouse ;be~eb a . epa ra.t e and dl, tlnct fund wtllcb Lewis &: Drake, ][~c., fuel, $9.71; Iquar. with I tootllj1lck WMQ M~ t Olrether with all latere lt collecteit em t'he ,.same. s ball be ,Irrevocabl" Mason Family Store,· clothl~, Kinley beat B1'J&D' flJ edl(ed tor the ~aYment ot tlIe . $26.52; AlleD N, Rapp, fual, OOMmitte.1 at Ohio state :~:~·~n~n:. P{~~c~~~°1a.TrI:u~~ndl BEC. V . That aald bond. Iball be ' $18.60: Robert, Reichel, food, Univendty aDd rroUPI of f.nnen f~r.t otte r ed at par and aocrue4 tb.' $21.60: Scbw~: I Grocery" food alld homemakera are ' aIlead,. Internt to lIbe Trultee. SJnltlna !FUnd ·In their official $13.50; Sibey I Dairy, milk, .7.. 1a I to aka next Farman' i!apaclty and If laid Truete. . to tak.e allY or all ot "14j 04: Thlrkield'~ Store, elotblnlf, ~e::,D:an"; 26 to 29, at Col~ retll.. bonda. then "Id ' bond, not ' 8O talcen. be advertl.ed tor publiC .at. , $1~.64; Tracy I Grocery, food, bUI, 'a record breaker In this larl.. dlan and 101d 'In tb. manner prOVided by CLASSIFIED ADS COST ONLY $8, L. S. Traey, mll~, $3; Way. of b~,portant -.plcultural meeUnp law unde r tile dire ction ot the , Committee ..lid Clsrk. but PIle... 7U nes~lIJe Farmers Esehan,e ., fual, More than. 6,000 ]leopl. atteaded Flna"llCe ONE CENT PElt WORD: WHY not for Ie.. than their value 'SO, T~ U. Woodlrey, food, '3.715; th . etin lut ear In .pite of and accFued Interel t l th. , bond ,ate ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. • 4 verUee ment Iball .tate that a-.",;.! Dr. H. M. W\IlJalllUl, medical ler• me IrS 7 , KEEP YOUR ATTIC FILLED , , It'" D ra. 11>un h,am·Skav Iem.. · the worst period of weather ever bl4 one d ellrlnl' to do 10. may plao,- a VICes, '1'''; k or ' b1d, (or lueb bond. bued WITH USELESS ARTICLES U))On lIbelr be.rln. Il differ eD&' ,rate •• ,. . Heuslnkveld, medical lervicea, $5; encoun~ed for the we•• of Intereat than b er e lnbe fore tllred, TRAT CAN BE TURNED INTO pl>Ovfd ed . "o .... ever. tba t whfJ'Pe .. MOTAay PUBLIC Dr. Warren C:. Breidenbach, ~re was olll, ••1i3ht change fractional ,Interelt rMe Is bid. ,lift ' medic.1 lIervices, $20; Blair II; in the farm popUlation af the frac .lon s hall be one-Q ua.rier of one ............. MONE" FOR SO SMALL A LeRoy, fuel, '26; GraBS Service United States In 19815. Birtha ex- p er cent o.r multiple. tbe reot. COST. TRY THIS MEANS QF -::ec}I!~ I WIlle Dra_ _ • ...... ..... Station, ga. oline, $l.93; The ceaded deatha Dearl, '00,000 but ac~:;::'pany Hundred . the WAYllUVu.u. OHIO Office Outfttters, repain to oftlee .enoUlrh perso1l8 mlpated from prOQe6d. . ald ' SELLING AND SEE WHAT A and " Frank tarml 10 there Wil.l a ama1l10il In boods equipment, $UI7; Dr. DIFFERENCE IT WILL MAKE Bataebe, medicml servl.cel, $10; , total population - ~D JanU&r7 I, Dr. Edw. Blair, medical .erne... lila ..... compared with a date one TO YOUR POCKETBOOK. AS '18.50; Carrou', Store, food, ,ear earlier. WELL AS TO HAVE YOUR $SO.60; J. R. CClfI'man, food, ,,8 - - -... - - - - ~~~~~:~-Dt'-~:~~~ ::::::::::;;.;.:.~.:;~';.:':.:.:.:::.::: ot Fedden Supply Cq., fuel, '86; NOTICE OF APPOINTlllNT Inl.reat STUFFY OLD ATTtc CLEANEIi> provldl4 BEC. Dr. OrtlUe L. JAJDlan, medical , OUT. IT PAYSI .. e I. servicel, '86; Dlr. Edw. C. Morat Estate of L. D. Chilel. dao....d VllIa ward .. ~~I'~ll~"lL.':.~~l medical .., ,9': Dr. Robt. NoUce II bereb, r!nll that A. ordlaan<'e til. '11~~~~djt; 8JDO. VILto '1'111. OJ M. Blair, m.d1cal lime,.. $.8J8. Snb. who.. Post 061, tall. e.tect _4 II. after tb....tU ..t L. W. Smith, '81.50; Dr. Adem. .. W.,.....m.. 0lIl0 ... aDd b, laW. S. Stahl, '18; B. btft d* appoIated .. AdatIliaC. J!uteJslna, ".80; W. trMor of . . . . . . Of t. D. B,. Wood. u rodman. ,a.. ~ late of Wuna Co1nlt7, II; LewIa be.. 0bIa. ......... 'IU,lll DatIIJ 1.... .., of ...... 1._ _. _. . . . . . \\':1 >'1



Loui!' L. K!'1J I' \VII-'! appointed ndminillll'alor of lh<.; tate of Curl Penka\\II, declNI.ed, fil d hi. inven tory. It was found that NOM'TIa (Nugent) SchwlIJ'lz is II suitabl per· son to be admitted to tbe Dayton


' ~3 ,OOO .OO




Cary'l Jewelry






Plus This Newspaper At Reduc e d Price


Botli One Year F9r


The Miami Gazette




----- -

Short. and' M.-ddl.-nal




tC: met





-=============== F. T. Martl'n auctioneer



Or No Cha,.e

C.m.rvlUe, Ohio




m:u&c!~:errue4 f:?f4~i~~?if.!~abe CIJS6lAEO



Beech Grove

from Wubinzton D. C. of the &ppointml'nL by President Rooeevelt of Loull J. Taber, muter or tht! Mr,. Harold B ck tt cntt!rtainNational Grange, and Murray D. ISSUED EVERT THUaSDA Y cd the Fliend.:ihip Club at hel' Lincoln, secretary of the Ohio I home la ~t Wedn(! day afternoon. Farm Bureeu Vederation, Lo a -..... -N 11IEDt ... d . t POIlOff'" .t Hundred The }<' arm Bur au me tin!: of ville, Ohio.. IleCftn4 01 ... Mall committee which wiIJ make a spe- Su..te', Breeden Enter the month was held at the hom~ of S.Herlptl•• Price, f1.10 • Year 'M:tter cial study of the nstional farm~ PercheroD' aad BeI,i.D. Mr, hurles \ i1lArll. tenancy problem. The committee, At Ex..-ition Mr. Al\en McKay who is allendNOVEMBER 26, 1936 leaded by United States Setretary Ing Wilmington colle e was at of Agriculture Henry A, WaUaee, Ohioans who a tt<md the hoo1e ovel' Ule week-end . and composed of nationally f«og· The farmers m't! very apprccio· lnternaiio nal Llve;;t(>ck Il!:xposition RADICAL MEASURES DEFEATED nlted farm leaders, will report; on of th good ""hl' ·dding whicfl opens at hicago on Nov U1 till th e "most promisi ng ways of alle~ weather." A goodly amount of An encouraging phase or t h late eleiltion was t h e conservative viating t he shortcomings of farm ber 28, running through tM week, c()rn hos be n l1\ISked the ' pa t sp irit shown by the voters of various states in voting down radical and tenancy as It hall developed within will ee exhibited {rom t.heir home week. state the larg~t ~howin g of draft unsound measure.!: the last fifty years." hors s from any state, according irs, Dnn Lew' of ncar W liThe states of Oregon Ilnd WashingtOn lJresent a case in point. to L. P. McCann, exten.sion hor e mun i quite poorly, Ilt this writIn both these states, the Peden} government has undertaken great A concentrated effort to stop s~ iali!!t at O. S. U, ing, government-financed, hydroelectric deve!opments--one a.t Grand bootlegging in Ohio, particularly McCann I chairman of a comeveral from this place at tendF Couleo, WII hington, and t h other at Bonneville, Oregon. There bas during , the Christmas se.aeon, will mi'ttee ot' Perch tOll and Belginn cd a mi , cel\une ous show.,r 8~ the . TJ2AD£ A'I HOME long been agitation to put the states into the power busine ils on their be made under the dil'ection of dl'aft hor, e breeders irt Ohio, who, home of Mrs. Zai'll BunLa ncar LeIJ .ow n hook, nnd the private utiliti es serlli ng the area have been subj ect Alfred Humphrey, chief of the through th cooperation of, Earl II IInon in h nor o{ Ml' , Roben Mcto malicious, unfair Ilnd un,reasoned denunciotlon by politicnl groups. enforcement divbion of the De· Hanefeld, 'state direetot' of agricul Kur; nee Evelyn J llckson, On Nov6mber 3, the voters of Washington nnd Oregon were partment of Liquor ControL A ture, have helped arrange :for $h Mr. and Mrs. Dean Dokin and ea.lled up to pa s, on measures which, in one way or another, would large portion of t he liquor now .showing of 100 of's finest son CharI s of Dayton s pent S U11hav created districts and opened th way for bonding the people to bootlegged in Ohio comes from draft h orses, all In adjo,ining stalls day evening', th e guests of \'he COlllltruct publicly-owned electric nlants. The e measuNS wllre de~ Kentucky, where the state tax is under Buckeye state decorations Gray family in. Wellman. feated by extremely heavy maj orities. v ry small, and it is against tJlis at t he International. Mr. und John Edwards had In other tu tes, imilar bills wero likewise met with deeisive Bource that the drive will be made The P erchcro n Breeders who as- as theil' gu ts on Sunday, Mr. Between Toledo and CincinJ'ati "noll" by the electorate. There WIIS a widespread general tendency to More t han fifty inspec~or8 have si ted with t.hese ar:ran~:ements are and Mrs. John Edwards Jr" and turn thumbs-down on socialistic m easur~ which would have put states been transferred recently from Halph W. Humes and George A. children of Middletown nnd Mr. harted for the Benefit ot interinto business at the expense of the already tax-groggy tax~payers and othe r aistricts and oth er duties to Dix, both of Delaware, Mr. Dix's and 1r . Ed. Hu rmmon <l , n e state Molor 'fouti ts as Well as 1'raffic Within the Borders of Ohio form a line of roving patrols along 16 bead of Pereherons. witl be the Gal'n t Edwards and daughlEr of private businesa, The socialistic dream of government ownership of busin ess is not the southern part of Ohio with the largest Ingle entry from Ohio. Bower ville. n held by the American people when they face it IL!l a defillite is.'!ue. order to crush the last line of the The Belgian breeders' committeeMrs. Harold Kellis of Mt. Holly to Cincinnati as shown herewith is Whatever their political al\ giance, they are essentially opposed to bootleggers' defense-the trans- men are Elmer Wolfe of eirel vill e is en tertainiJlg with u shower on the shortest distance betwe.'n the . limiting their OPPol'tuTiitiea as individuals. That s peaks volumes for porter. Kentucky seUs and Hllrry W. Graber Ilf Morshan- Tuesday of this week, honoring two cities. Officials of the State from $8.50 to $12 II case, and ville. .{iss Thelma Coleman of Daylon, the wisdom of the el torate. Highway Department give the wben brought into Ohio Illegally McCann reveals tbnt the 26 whose marriage to Mr. Kenn etll mileage savin~ as about 11 miles. . resold at a neat profit and under Ohio Pereheron Breeders and the Laney of Mason wi11 ·be an -event There's less trafthe price at Ohio liquor stores and seven Belgian breede'rs who will of the holidays. Both young fic congest.lon on agencies, Chief Humphrey said. show 80 Percherolls Ilnd 20 Bel- people were hrmel' residents of 1 t he Toledo-Cincinnati Short Line gian at Chicago, originally plan~ lh ' community. t han on any other highway conOrcbard operators in Ohio and ned to exhi\)it 118 of t heir draft Mrs. Patience Thompson and w'U"'Mn~ necting these two cities. There ~""'''''15'' , 8 :00 4-H C~ub Newa-State Leader. adjoining territory are invited to horses, but that the ntries at the Mrs. Mabel Terry called on Mr. ore far fewer curveB (no hairpins ) DU"KUUC Alm.a. Garvill, the eighth annual fruit school, exposition this year are ~ :10 Nutrition Work for 4-Il Club Members.-Mi so and Mrs. John Edwards Sunday and all l'ailroad grn\ie cr saings Extension Nutrition Specialist. sponsored by the department of l' nlrm,er~tU s that Ohio's share of the aft rnoon. are exceptionally ,veil pro Lccted. 8 :20 Charle Dkkens Makes Us a Second Visit-H. E. Eswine, horticulture and forestry at O. S. allotted available show spa.ce wilJ Mr. and Mrs. F~ Na h enterHistorian. . 'V., from December B to 11. The accommodate o/1ly the 100 tained a. group o[ frie nd to dinner By rea!lon of the s h (l r t e r B :80 WO :u Orchestr:a, latest developments in scientific drafters. unday. , mileage, less congestion (both on 8:40 Farm orne P tiod: Home Furnishings Facts - ' A{lna Bi~ horticulture will be p.r esented. The ,Ohio ~ntTi~s will I' present Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Talmage, the hjghways and ill lhe commu'bricber" Ext. Home Furnishings Epee. Our Homes and One of t he principal speakers will nearly every part of the stote with Miss Jeg ie Garner and J. Lee nities thru wh ich' they pose) , fe wer Fatni1i~s--Mrl!. Helen Mougey Jot dan, Ext. Home EcoJlomist be Dr. Laurenz Gre-ene, chief of . t he mo.~t from Del war~ county, Talmage attended th e funeral of Cllrves, ancladequnte width 9:00 WOSU Orchest ra. ' the department of horticulture at from which county eiight Perch r- Arthur Bo1lard of Miam ' burg In t roadbed lind bridges, the Route here, outlined is a 01l) Farm and Home Announcements and Turkey Market News. Purdue university. on and one Belgian breeder \\ ill Monday. big time-saver for tbe be represented. . Ml's. 111111'Y Wilson of LebanOll !h20 Insulation of ;Farm Buildlngs--R. C. Miller, Agricultural busy mot1>rist-vcry ,probEngineering Department. was a g uest the past week of Mr. ably IlS much as two hours. 9:30 WOSU OrchestTa. " of 9:40 to 10 Neighbo Ips wi~h Country Life Problema-Group AN ALL PAVED U discussion d uy J. P. Schmidt;. Supervisor, Ohio Farmers' In lit.utes. HIGHWAY a:d Gl en Davis Rnd Mr. G. W. Davis. _r==========~====================: Choice of Knowing p"..... Mrs. Mary Wi !son was lin over Cookia~ Eaperta F'lDd ' POwer ....0 The b a c ky Motorists Judge Henry J. Robi on, chief I night Tuesday and We?n esda W ..teclif Beat T.. tund Probone of the ofof the State Division of Public guest of the Ta.hnage famlly. Originated and Sponsored fici"l RevoluAs istance, revealed t,hat distribu- l Mr. and Mrs. Harold Beas n of by the tionary Trails tion of state fuuds totaling Dayton were unday guests 01 Syst em of Uevolutionary Saving som e of the strength $132,000 was made r,e cently to Mrs. Ethel ~eason and family, W estern Ohio. Short Trail upended in ' mixing count'" offices as the lltate's share Dwight Bea SOn of Springfield usually Marked its COLUl'tJBUS- Reeently elec~ George S. Myers, Seeretary 0 ' ' ' ' • M dVI$ltor. ' . Assc;ciatlon mUUlns prove d t 0 be 0 .. ....,. of caring for dependent children was a on. ay . entire length county officials were requ ested In State. All newly elected county ~sier on the cook but al80 the under the Social Security act durTher~ Will 00. an all day 'TIle · by historical S"U ... a statement made by SecTetary of officials, whether they are to way to secure better looking and ing November. ing at the Flat .Fork hurch markers of the ",",,-l't' to State George S. M'y ers to cooper- serve an additional term or a new t as t'mg mu ffi ns, accor d'mg Ohit) Memorial The amount, which the state all- November 29. It 13 understoo ~ ""t.VN'Sa wit}! th~ county board of elec- tnm, must secure the commiBlions tests made by the bureau of oca.ted to each cOUllty for thi that Rev. Ed. Bogan of prin~ Commission. ",,,\,I . In Was h'mgt on D. type of assi tance dtlri~g Novem- V aII cy will be t h e spe..... _l_ tions and sce that no delay occurs In order to qualify for office.. home economIcs ...,."., For additional Itrip UMciN ' in lIending in to the Department of Seeretal'y Myers pointed out that C. T.he uperts there produced the ber were Identical with the Mrs. Lucill e Becket.t of ltllrmaps or a ~' informa.tion · the cel;tlfteate of election, which b t ffi b th """'t b M ' Slate their certificates of election relative to State Parks, es mll nil y an easy, r"","-s ep amounts gran d 1~h e counties vey urg, Mrs. Anna Ferris,rs. Plcas ure Resorts, Scenic and the $6 fee in order t hat their must accompany the application muling process. All dry ingredi- during October. Ella Ferri and Mrs. Mary Wilson Spots, Historic Shrines commi8Bions may 00 issued a t an' for t he commission, is issued py ents were flrat silted together, ' the The amount of state funds attended t h funeral Monday of or the hundreds of other 'd b' d d'" " b urg. early date. The commissions must the clerk of the county ' board of .... " ' i UI S w.e'r e com me , an ..,en· which each county receives is de- Arthur C. Ba 11 ard of 11K .{"amls points of especia.l interest dd d t th d • _ _ - -be obtained not late.. than, Decem- elections and that the commillsion th e I"ds along this route, write IquI were a e 0 ry termined by the nUlllIber of chil' 1" 0 I ' '.. dren under 16 years of age residbel' 31 if the offtcials ~l"e to be in- itself will not be sent to th,e elect- rna te Ma ". n y enough mIXIng WILBUR M. FAULKNER ducted into omce January 1. ed officials but In accord&ril:e with was done 0 mo~ten sll the inSe~retary law will be mailed to the county ing in. each county in proport.ion SPRINGFIELD, OHIO Checks or money ordere eovel'inc to t he total numbe .. of childr n gredients. Remember the entertajnment at ' the fee , honld be made payable to clerk 'of courtl!. Members of the The dough still had a rough ap- under tha, t age in the entire state General AIISembly are not required Lytle Han Friday evening. -",,!!,,!~~~~~~~~~~~~e'!!~~~!!!!!!~!!!!'!"!'I!!!'!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!'!!I to send In a certificate of election, pcaunce but it wail pla.eed ill Ad<t1t;ional allocat;ion s, repreMrs, Clyd e Wharton and, or to secure a commi88ion greased muffin tint! and put in a senting' federal l undls which t~T, Miss Eva, were Thursday trom the- Department of State, hot. oven to bak.e for 20 minutes. Nlcently gl-anted to Ohio for' de- guest of Mr. and Mrs. Motri~ Secretary Myers .. jd. ' Extra mixing of the dough devel- 'penoont children allld to tbe Wharton in Leballon. • • • Op1!l the- gluten in the ftour and the blind, were to be se,nt out to the ---' Mrs. Mary Carmony spont 'SunVirtu.Uy' every hunting nCOI'd baked muftlns will con~in holes or counties this week,Judge Robin- day at the home of !.Mr. nnd Mrs. is being broken in Ohio during tunnel.ol and 11(ill have a coarse son stated, W. F. Clll r'k in. Waynesville. the current "8IIOn, accordiog to tellture. Arrival of :federall fund ~ in the Mr. and Mr ~. H;lfry Cornell of reports "achiDe Easy mixinr prevents the baking counties is ex.vecte<1 to slimulate near Ferry w~r e Thursday visitors LawreD~e Woodde.Jl of the atate powder hom having a chance to t he program for tIne dependent at the h'ome of Mr. and Mrs. Allen division 01 cObservation. Every .set until the mumns are in the children and the blil1d. During the Emrick. indication points to increaaea:-an o\'en. a 'owever, the easy mit is last several months. progress in Mrs. ' Harvey Burnet was quite intreaae in. the amoullt of molley succenful only .,\onen tbe liquid in· the programs has bl~en delayed in ill several days week. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hadley put in circulatiOn by sportsmen, rredlents are at about the same many counUel! be,eause of the temperature when they ~re com- limited financial resources of and little daughter spent Sunday the amoullt of ,arne bagte<l. the bined. Eggs and milk should be at t hese counties, Juage Robinson with Mr. and MI's.' Clarence number of buntinlr Ilcenles sold, room tem~rature and the sald~ , Harvey and ' family near Clarks, the nUmMl" of huntera injul'edehould be warm ,rather than , - -.-. TViile. while l'D l;Jle fteld, a1ld all inereaae The standard proportions 01 inD .. ..,. .. _ I ,Mr. Evere~ Early and d,augbter . • eYen In tire Dumber of pme Jaw iTedients for making muftinswere AKa ""~: . : : : viaJaton Daitymen wbo mllke the highest 14165 HeJen In company WIth Mrs. Oommilltontr used in these cooking teata: two ~~dlattile fMDIIIi '.... Wooddell 1IIIIrled. Se eetimated cupa of flour, three teUPOOlI1 of in~ome from their h,erds plan their ' ~arshal1 of. Centerville left .... bIoiI. yOa·... rtIIUda ....... , that thla wU1 .,. • ~7,IOO,OOO ,,_.. ~ h If b\1slne&!l 80 that the volume of early Frlda~ JllorO'1ng for a motor ' - ...... - - 1 - - 01 ---- IIaw No huntin ..8110 with. Ja fa _inc po .. "er, one- a teaspoon ... -, , II, rp po of ..a It to o~ egg, one eup of .'milk pl'oduction II maintained in tdp to FlorIda. They expect to be ~~ ~-= :on of ~ ....Dt tor aetual milk. and two to folP' tabl4!lpoODI fall and wiJlter months when gone ahout a month, priCeA 61'e normall'r beat. Mrs. A. L. Sides returned home tile brtUt. • ~ .::~ cloWn, of fat. Richer mixtures which COli_ _ _•• ~ . lut. week after spending a couple r~lIdDl::' PracUeaUv evel7 Hetlonof tIr. tain more fat, Ins. or Iweetelling of weeks with relatives at Willims 1'r)' till CODItIDt low ....,.... state I. ",.n ' popuJaW wtth rail- CIln be mixed loncer, and can be town, Kentucky, She WAS called , S50 .....,....~ blU thia INIOn, ud u wnanall~ uNd for the method where tbe there by the death of her sister, ~~:,r,!!.r:a= Iaree number of pla....lIta and melted fat II a!~ Jut in mixing. Mrs. A. C. White. I ~,...~ r' r '.. • .' aatlOlllatic . . ranp to Hun,ulan parirIdaoe . . . . to be Mr. and Mrs. Leon Salisbury, ancIl'OMt tile III tbat beat'" found In molt pme bird ter1'ltol7 __ I.. HI ..... P~ , 59 n ,and daughter, of Washington C. H. were dinner guests Sunday of ..:, ~, Ward . . . reeelYed Wt ..eek R~ral economiAte at Ohio State at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allen University eay tb.t pricel ' l!lmrlck, ' farmers up to Oetobel' lat, ·Mrs. Forest Graham and Mrs. 1996, a •• raged 67 per cent higher Walter Kenrick attended a shower tha.n the pricn obtained In 1983. for Miss Thelma Coleman Tuesday The purchulnl powel' of the afternoon at the home of Mrs. fanner'l dollar whieb at ane' Ume Harold K;lIis at Mt. Holly. Miss . . . 0111, ." per cent ot pre-war Coleman will soon become the patit~.anda at 98 per cent of bride of Mr. Kenneth. Laney of parltJ la the Ullfted States and at near Lebanon. 104 per cent in Ohio. Mies Eva Wharton attended the movtnc of her couRfu, Mr. and Mrs. Bet'bett Pfeiffer from the Darton pike to a farm near HamU· ton, Tu.ada~. OWo faN... 'Who .Nd IftIMI The Ladi .. Aid win hold la oata ... ad'ttIed b~ IaNnoChrlatmu meetiDIR on next ..... at OWo .... thIlft'" to n __J December a at the home of to~ tile





VIU" ..-_.............. .......... ..

• •




Farm rvight 7 ai's, November 30 \

T:f ~~


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----... _-----


an~:r~~dA~r:~~ :.egi~annQn,




Best of the News Direct From the Ohio State Capito)







Quality .rlntlDI



:!.t:s0Wl' 1IDtINI':':*'...Jl::

"ur :.:


.-.w "


till" SOO.....









»IaB\-..., ........... ....... .,........... 'Gi."~.. "'''f. .t.Ml..." W.... r .....


lin. KlDDI. Foula. wltb II.... &'fa Youq, lin Arlene 10.... and .Mn. 0....... WblWlv .....


FrieDd.' Home New.


ew Burlington Mr, tUld Mr/!. Th(\~. I IRytJ(lck In41 011 of JlllI\l'siown lind .Mr.

Til.,). T . ,\ , mel lit the .t Wt' 4!tll IInr ni):ht ami I)i('kin nn Illlt III •. Ilu..'int'~~ hour, the tQnchers "nIl MI .. r_roily ll f M!I 'on, \.\I'r SHndnY>I(III"lfI.1 1\ tlHl.t ItU 'I Ir ;\11'. und Ml' . T. C. I1n~'- Jll'Ol{t om. The,' hn" "ho.en

l'rocccdinK'3 in the It c unt of llallllb C<I. l for count)' commis· ~ioncr~ at. thr recent elceLion were

.Iock nnd uaujlhl""!I. Gl 1'1;1' (If,'r n, ll.'~i. nt prin1 ••r .. Hill h, g Il~ houfle "11' I ut Wlhnlngllln Iill(h S ho I i\tl·. and M'r. R. E. Frank are halted TUl'l5day altel'noon when, "ucl, hrr Ullt, Mr., 'ani Kin~ n tlIClr ~pl·okltl·.][i~ .ubJ·(, l wa ' I' ,.. ~lJen(\nlt' I h(> holidays "ith rela. ailer th vot s In 24 precincts hud been counted Mr., HOfik had f n'vill I hia. 1 "\Vl<j ll nin~ 1101 i~on. ", and W(\;' tiv('", at lJo\\'ling Green. gai n d but 32 vote . Mr. Hage. Iv 11 {eClun' \\3 tendered a tl1l'l\ u.l hly 'l1jo)i'l!cI by nil. The Mr. and Mr ~. w . B. Squires will my el" bad lost 20 vot~! and McurpriF \lY many of hi. !l'it'nds Will) in~tan lli~h Sc:hooi ~tu ar tet lure 22. l"1'idAY '('veninR ill c: It'brntion of L' ! '11l1Hl' d of Rlcllal·tJ Stnrbuck, (llll Thllnks~iving dinnH wjth Mr. I Hnl ,·,; ]J(lr CU!l1, Dilly hann I ond and MI'!'. \"'ilfred O. quit· 1\. his I)t h birthday. Tht'> 1 ecount W88 ~tal'ted Tuesid oei ty WIlS II \l 010 Fllrqljhur ~ng. Mill'}' Tho Lndi dny morning !ollowinl~ a petitio n Mr. anti Ml'iI, Mnx l' ohlhagan of fr m XcII r Hoak, Il m ocl'8~I~ 1,kPl ant1y entertain·d b:\' Mt'l\. Lm11. (I <>ltin. p1aYlld the accorn· Jamestown. Will spen d 'l'hank ~­ candidate who l'e(lU~ ted a reJohn Peter~on all Thur~ullY' aft , . P Ull in! nl 1'01' th IIURl'tet., nOQn, MI'. tintl ~11· . ha · Go~don f(iving with Mrs. :Jo. 'il! Hyman count in ellch of the <15 pr~eincts. :frs, C. D. lim's i. receiving ~'" I t' h\l~t and ho"tess tQ lh(' JIlInr. a nd family. Honk ran third in the commi • trt' tmellt at a ~al1 i tnl'iunl in It~· dull at lhc gym Oll Sunday. Membet'fI of th Honry atlert.h- s ion ers' race being d.efea.ted by Detroit. I b',;. Jenni(' Cl"tlhtun ntt nded waHe family 'will be gu cstl or Mr. Fred J. Hagemey l' and cott ?tfctill' funcrn l of Mr. . Mary 1\1. ' S h k d IUl'e, Republicans. Thll recount f r. nn d .. rs. . 1\. a n an G i l t h . ti ld h h and Mrs. Ha rry Sllttcrthwajte !l'ht~ a ld 'I j; J enni" M . ut LUI' II t" pring Ie c urc Thank givi ng ay. wa madE- at. the court house dlI U ... d · 1 I' .. ~. I t WI d und er the supervi:lion of the R \!I! spent untljay with Toll) - on n.s 0 . n !i ny. I' a. and R .D olleit. und county ~ I e c t ion board assi ted by t.h' al LI'b rty, In(]an . flo. 'J.! I . Mr d . F. hl Eo.ster d fent '1t· . a~!'r . an d MI ' . . IIneu tIll' aug er tin 01111 y SOilS will pend Thankllglving I?ay bvo speciul c1el'k5, WIlli J . Ranker MtJyb~ f.llf- f now who bOil ts of Portsmouth. a t the home of J ohn Browning in and R. 1\1, Bradford. . . . R t'v. Lea er of t.he Springfield '\ o~hin ,ton H . The me mb r 8 of th.! board, D, that he I~ Jllst as good as ho used chu~'ch preached at t.he Methodi!rt. - g .. W. Bishop, John E. Holden, Demol bt', ditln ' t us~d to be a s good as hurch Ul1day veniu u • W 'J I f" d f"'f h t hO k h i " aynesvl 0 Il en :s 0 " l'S. crabs, and Charles J. Waggon r ll1 was. l\iT. and 1I1r·. A. S. Coli it en- Laura ide hl\ve received word and Howard E. Ch ney, Republi· _ _ t edained their cord club · la t that @ho is in Good amal'itan caM, with V. H. Ru!!sell, c:lel'k, Thursdny nigh and a"tl njoyed II hospital, Dayton, CI itienny ill. w l'e pre,; nt throughout the (!ollnt ' finc turkey dlnnel' served by th ~ ~-.-' lhOS~8 . Mr. and .In. J. . Hawke and ______________ OUl' basket bl\l1 boYil nnd girls Mr. nod MI'!~. J ohn P. Fromm were j0l11'n yed to Mt. Ol'ab la. t Friday dinnet· g u t~ of J a me Hawke and FOR SALE " ning and both of Oll f team family in prlngt\ Itl. Suntlay. 'W rl;' \!ictorious. . Mf . ' N b M,·. nnd Mrs.' J. . Hawke, 2 Ill, C n Axle On Satli l' da y ~ v etl1 n g, ovem er d '1 J P F d 1\1' d M h i S rt nn "J'~. . . 'I'omm an r. Grea e, 15c; 2 lb. Can Cup ",?If ~. r. 1111 rs., or e ma Iydo }'romm \\ ill be dinner The r ular of the GI ea e 25c; 2 lb. Clln Pr". UI'C II n d daull'ht r, !I1']<;s Grac@>, en ter· Mothers' Club will bel held at the . d 'th It d' t th gues t of ~fr. a nd Mr .. Geosge D. Gun Grease 25c. R. D. 011 tt, till:'! WI n sma ln~er a elr Mills Thursday. Grade Building, Friday, December Hardware, Phon {)OR3 Wayn e~ · h In • Col tllgc lIa en. In honor of 4 at 2 o'clock. ' vill-e. the 6iKthdo y anniversary of Mrs. Jr. and Mrs: J. C. H,awke Ilnd The bu iness sessi'on will be lary . H inc . bth er guest" were Mr. Ilnd Mr s. J. P. Fromm spent followed b,1 an interesting proMt·. and Mrs. E, B , Dakin and Mr. last Thurstlay in Pl easant PIllin, gram to b6 presentJed by the and M r . Frank Shidak r. the guests of. Mr. a,nd Mrs. Melvyn Ly~le mothers. . M1' . Doss E. Granuin of Olen· ~tlDta. A full attendance i ll reque ted. dille, CaJilornia and h l' niece Mrs. ----.~ Lice.u aed Bl'Oker Mrs. ·A. L. ide WIlS caUed to Elizab th Sehutt o! Wilmington, Williamsto wn, Ky. la .. 1; week bewere un day guo tS of Mr, and REAL ESTATE caus e of the death of her sisiet, Ml's. harles mart. Mrs. A. . White, the pal·ticula~8 NOTARY PUBLIC of which we have not learned.




Late Classified Ads

---... ...





Saturda" No... mJ»er 28, 1936

At 10 o'clock, on the Z. O. W ltLEY FARM, . 1 Mile WEST of 1\1 RROW ON CCC HIGHWAY 8 Hend of Horses and Mul~s; 10 h ead of Cattle fresh a nd close _ . ' Splln,gersj 67 head · of Hogs, Brood Sows, GUts and Pigs; 6 · k ns,. F C( I an d a F u11 Li ne 0f h IC F al'1l1 Implements and Household Good. Lunch-Charley Hobson, , Drl Brown, Auct. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=!!!!!!~=!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!


1011'8. Emma Peircll, II's. Nannie Florence and Mi.!os Ellana Rllphun spent Frida)' aft rnon~ with flil'nds in Yellow Springs. Mrs. Lena Hl\rt.sock, Millses Fr ida and Erma Harv y were IIhopping in Wilmington Friday Ilftel'noon. MI'. !lnu Mrs. Edwin Hi8t~, of Wilmington, called on Mrs. Mary Adams Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Collett and daught rand sist t, Miss M,l'Y


J. R. Gibbons Phone 54

can lighten your houae-

work, .ave you trenglb and efJorl, giv~ you more time fot'


aud recreation. Make (uD


of all

,be ell!clttle ap.tUaueea you owu - the coli o( operation .. eo ......1 thai It need Dot . . . . be

CIUIl8lderecI III alue bo.... out of ....

WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Telephone Net. 4 _~

Your Protection

E. MeClare


For One Year and



ltlrs. Carman Crane entertained Pathen4er emme! to you with its reUQbl~ e~sy-t()-read lind ensy-to-l1nder~ a group of littLe folks last Thurs- Already well past the 1,000 mark stand news reviews in words, pictureq day aft rnoon for t11e pleasure of in production, a grotlp of 3& WP ~_G""""''''-.~,::.;a" and charts.. Us condensed form. present!6 her 80n , Jimmie, who was cele· A workers are engalited in the Mr'. and Mys. Robert Zeigler of a lively nnd intelliglble survey of current events throughout the world; its binting his third birthday annivet- ewing and stuffing oif toys, includ Dayton and MI'. and Mrs. Earl impartial interpretation. analysis an(f sa11" ing scotti~, Clbwf.IS, bulldogs, Soward and son Warren of neer explanation Qt the n.e ws enables you to . . baby dolls and ducks which are to Xenia were Sunday d.inner gue I;!j thlnk and tolk atraight. Otber weekly Mr. ahd lfts. R. H. Uartaock be distTibuted at Christmas time o( Mr. and M1'8, Emerson Dill and news nlagllZines. scll at t. to $5 a year. and famlly will ;spend Thanks.. .. p.thfhlder sells tor $1 a year, hut for "'ivin Da at the home of Mrs to chlldl'en of i'amlhles on relief, son Ralph., a limited time we can offcr you a greatly '" g y . said L A Gillett Direct or of Mr. and Mrs William Curl and _ . . . reduced hargaln price on n combination Hartsock's pat'en , Mr. and M~ " WPA ~or District i2 ' children of 'near Blanche.ster of this paper-and PATHFINDER. Dropin C. H. D atherage, near Oregoma. · · , and see samples or write and take advan. WPA officials hope to bave 5000 were Sunday dinner guests 01 tage of this special oller without delay. Miss Ina Mae Brubaker, 01 toys ready fol' the gentlemll'n in Mr. and Mrs. Elvia Michael and Insure your economic future by aSsuring Mllnchutcr college, Ma.nchester, : white whiskers and :red trouse1'8 daughter Dorothy. =~:ilii yo~r complete grasp of current a.lfain. Ind., is the guest of ber sister, when h e sets forth on hi sannual ' Mr. and Mrs. John Rye were Mrs. L. A. Garst and Mr. Garst tOllr t his' Christmas E:"e. Toys and called to Dayton Saturday where :fo), Thanksgiving and the remain- I dolls of every shal,e and size ~heir daughter Mr8. Elton Evans der of the week. I imaginable are being man underwent an operation. ed. Perforated patterns are u/Jed Mr. and Mr&. Norman Kesinger MI'. lind Mrs. R. J. Williamson for . the clowns and dolls, scraps of Cincinnati; Mr. and Mrs. of Cleveland, and Mr. and Mr . I. of material are used for the dogs Arthur Kesigner and children and O. B,r own will spend Thanksgiving a nd ducks, bodies oJ: dolls and Mr. -end Mn. John Mc'llagger t of with iheir parents lind sister, Mr. clowns are made of )link sheeting, Dayton spent Sunday with Mr. and Ml1l. H. H. Williamson and embroidery floss is uised for the and Mrs. Ernest Earnhart and Mjss Grace. faces, and the hair ill made of wool children. Mr. and Mrs. C. Lee Hawke yam. Mrs: Ernest Earnhart and Mrs. and Mr. Dean Hawke will enter. - - ---He.rbert X.rlatt spent last Thu1'8tain at six o'clOCk dinner Thurs- ; TRAILER (tAMP day with Mrs. Etta Baker in day evening, M'i se Doris Hawke •, Dayton. and Carmen Garza and Mr. ElmE-r That... increasingl~' - popular Mr. and Mrs. William Tate and Oren,' of Lebanon, and Mr . .tourist hom e the: automobile son Robert of Bellbroo~ spent Charles Guye, of Ci ncinnati. trailer,-will come i.nto its own Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. P. A. next' spring when the Bureau of Runyon. ~l'. and Mrs. H, F. Burton will Lakes and P arks of the Division of Mra. James Blillantyne of Troy entertain Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. COl1servation estabJi!lhes the first .spent last Friday with her parents A. A. Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Carl sta.te.ow ned trailer clamp in Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. George Marlatt. Fischer, Mr. and Mrs. T. .M'. at J efferson State Pink, J efferson Mr. and 141'11. Clarence Crawford Bllrton, :Mr. and Mrs. W. B. county; abou~ 16 miles east of a'n d children' entertained relatives Scb.uler nnd family, Mr. and Mrs. SteubenviHe. from Cincinnati Sunday. Charles Hay and family. Mr. and About. 850 acres in t'xtent, the Milis Clara Daughters a)ld Mrs. Mrs. 4,lbert B rannock, Mrs. Della ar'ea is h pected t.o .Elccommodate, Herbert Marlatt and 80n Edmon Venable, Mrs.' Mary J . Burton a~d easily, 26 tourist's traile1'8: A spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. Miss Dorothy Runyon. 35-acr'es lake will add to the and Mn. Lewis Hartsock and Mr. and Mrs. Seth .Tbomas and campers' enjoymen1;, and the family of Sprin, Valley. sonB, of Cleveland, Mr. and Mrs. State will also install water and • -Hal,'ry Burnett and daughters of toi1~t facilities, oven, and electl'i- W~YCEHS DEFEAT_ Lytle, M'». . and Mrs.. Myron city. --No rental charges are to levied (Continued from Pace 1) Thomas, of Dayton, and Mr. and Mrs. WilUllm Thomas and daugh~ against villitors to the camp but stron, Jetl'er80n townBhi!) team ''Of ter , of MaBon, will meet at the Burt J. Hill, Cblef I)f the Lakel l\fontromery county lut Friday home of thl!ir' parents, Mr. and and Parks Bureau, iJIIL)'& there will night. Mrs. E. L. 'Thomas, for Thanksgiv- probably b~ a limitation on the Waynesville's ,..awork clicked i)lg dinner. lenlth of tune one o:f the modern iii much lImoother t&abiort than "prairie" schoonen" may stay at during the Oentervi)le game a MTS. Edith Harris, Mr, Harril , the clmp. . week pr.e vJoal, .the locall bein, out Mosher, Miss Emma Heighway, • --in front mort of the wa,. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hawke and ...-.- ' . Jefferson tMiled a~ the balf and Mr. Frank Hawke, with Mr. and finished behind by the score of 29 Mr.. F . C. HartsOCk, Miss Mildred to 20. and Ml·. Charles Hartsock will be • ... .... ... The work of Davis, Satterth. Thanksgiving Day guests of Mr. waite and Earnhart w .. . particaapd Mrs. C. F. M~her at their lady outstandinl, Davis scoring home in .E dwat'ds rd. Hyde Park, five bl8k-ets from the' field and Clndnnati. Earnh"rt fo~r. - - • The Wareehl- Will !lot pray ....n until December 6, when 'the local COME squad joume,. to Port WOllam To Lytle Hall Friday night., for a pme with the atroalr Clinton November 27th. An evening 01 count,. quintet. entertainment consisting of music The next home ,ame w1l be A CIR.TIGI.ADI Red inging, readings' and a !!horl play December 11 wben lIol'I'm\' melte Given by fi rst group of Ladle.' the locala ill a retum bere. Aiel. Admi88ion 5c and 10c. w~...... v. o F P o F P Davie .. 11 I 11 A.kln • . 0 1 1 Tbe Editor lIlarbhart. 0 • OItewal4 • 1 •

Mt. Holly





W01lU\l1. EI~trlc IlppU8nc:~

Office North MaiD St.

ollett Qf Dayton, called on Misses ~==========~=========~===='''' Annie and Marne Browne Sunday. " afternoon. Mrs. Frank Shidaker of Harveysburg called on friends at the Home M'ond'ay af~rnoon. ul' many years of conscientious service to the lin. Howell Peirce joined hel' public of this community in itseJf constitutes assurfamily on Thanksgiving at the ance t hat you will get only high grade, honest honle of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cal· vert at Selma. funeral mer handise. It is upon this kind of merMisses Browne spent Thankschandise, plus thoughtful personal service. t hat we giving at tHe home of Mr. and Mrs ,h ave' built our reputation-and that reputation is . Raymond Montgomery at Center. ville. OUl'l!l0st priceless asset. Miss Frances Alden of Colurnbul! is spending . the week·end at the Home. Mia Erma Harvey spe nt Sunday with Clarksville friends. Mr. arrle Bl'QomhaU and Mr. and Mrs, Maynard Harlan, of wilWayne.viDe mington called ' 9n the former's 8i ter Ada H. Jenkins 01) Satu rday Rev. 'and Mrs. Ward Applegare, Mrs. Eva Myers of Wilminrw n called 01}, Ada H. J enkins on SunP~per day. . Mrs. Chas. Harvey lind sons Richard and Laurence of Clarksviii spent Tuesday with Freida More than a mll1lon readers throughout the and Erma Harvey. country read PATHFINDER r egularly for • Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Martin of a complete, timely and Ull,varnished digest Dayton and Mr. and Mrs. J. L. of the news. Are you overlooking someMendenhall were dinner guests of thing? Today. economic and political an:alrs are at thefr Mrs. Margaret Mattin on Thanks- topsy-turviest. Every new t\\rn. ot events is apt to affect your pocket-book. Everyone's asking, "What's It all giving day. about, and how much 1s it gOing to cost me?" Betore you Mrs. Lena Hartsock joined a can answer that question you must be able to Interpret family gathering Tbank giving the news; and before .y ou can interpret you must have Day at the home of her on, Mr. all the facts clea.rly explained. A. Z. Hartsock and f amily a1; EVERY WEEK FROM THE Melvin.


bow, have h ' Illed , to lengthen til; life lipan o(

Graduate Veterinarian

___ --"-'-_


CI Lobo"'!laviJig in.VCDtioD8 in the home, studiee

Wayne.ville, O.

Dr.·A. E. Stettler



Who weep!! with you when YOQ are aad, and laugha when you are ,lad, and amU.. with yOQ wbe. ,ou are editor. Who hal to be both kind aDd wile alHl never (barcll, ever) alld


hube d08IIcn&tes t

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8IIelr ., 0 , 0 0 8C!he11 .. I 0 •


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.:i '4 ...


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Eighty-Eighth Year


Whole ~umber 6250




GARDEN CLUB MET PLAN TO BEGIN WORK The Women's Progressive Club ANNUAL MEEliNG Of For the program :for Farmers' SIXlY·FIVE HEAR The of M(Jry will sponso], a benefit ca.r:d party Grange, which will Saturday Annette Beason of Flat P()rk and WITH MRS MC CLUnE School Gym, ThursNUTRITION EXPERT even·jng, anniversary TOWNSHIP OffICERS MI'. Wilbul' Me nrl'en of Rurveys• NEXT WEEK ON LOCAL atday,thenight,HighDecember 10. has been arranged. The honpr' TUESDAY AFTERNOON Funds to be used for welfare Mrs. nnelh Hough and Mrs. bUl·g lVa~ qui('tly solemnized on · E. L. Thomas, Will C. St. J ohn guests are: Mr. nnd Mrs. B. V. . aturday morning at the SEWERAGE PROJECT purposes. Walter Karl Bodenbender, cal Ild\'I's, and Jes e Prendergast were irt at- Smith a nd Mr. and 01' thc Friends burch. m!lrdo.g~








I lIs~


nitende!! the Home Demonl'llrnlion pars()n~ge J. L Mendellha.n Elected tendance at the annual meeting of ApprOoKi ..alely 100 M_ Will B. meeling in Lebanon Tuesday Richmond, ]ndiana, the Rev. Wm. Wane!! County Township TrusPre.idcnt fOT CoaIiD' afternoon. ----.~.--J. ~lIyer officiating. Gina E .....o,-m.t Oa The Yea.. tees and OIerk's Ae.sociation held II erving Buffet Meals," wru Mrs. McCal'ren is Ule daugh ter Project II I. Said the subject o( the d e mon ~tr:ltion at the court house in Lebanon, of Mril. ELM) Benson of Flat Fork given by Mi ss Norma A se hl)ach ~ I' MJ'S. James E. McClure enterMonday evening. and l\h. McCarren a Iton of Mr. tainl.'d the Waynesville Garden xtension nutritinn l5t from Ohio According to an announcement Th() election of offic'era and a Mr . Frank McCarren of IJurveys- lub 01). Tuesday aite-rnoon in her State University. discuBsion of the relief proble.m made t his week by Armond Tschan Thi s was t.he secon d Ie on in usual manner, bUl'g. noW being handled by township MASONIC NOTICE W orks Progree.s Administration t.he 110me demonstration proj ect They will resid e with the Mrs. C. L. Duke openea the PTOofficers featured the meeting. director, work ' ill to begin next '=~~~~::=::::=~~~ ~ ; = a George B. John son, county ' relie! Stated communiclltion of Way- call d "Hospitality in th Home." bl'iti e's mother for a short tim e gum wit.h a very interesting, well week on Wayn esville's new sew, erving as but will make their horne on a prepared paper, director, was present and led in nesvilJe Lodge No. 163 F. & A. M. ixiy-five wom n, "Conce~8' Mrs. Ada Courtney was a Day- the disclJ.Ssion of relief matters. Tuesday evening, December 8. I aders for this proj ect. re pN.'1; nt farm neal' Harveysburg in the Holly a.nd Its Tr aditiona." IQ age syste m and, dispo~ plant. Frank Harvey, of Turtleereek Special com munkation Wed- ing t.hiJ·ty communiti es in the near future. ancient times its geMral brightThe project which will cost in ton visitor Monday. county were present to wilne: 8 tli J. H. Sackett and family visited township, was Te-elected president nesday evening, Deeember 16. ne s was considered a fit symbol the neighborhood of $89,000, ill relatives in Bellbrook, Sunday. of the association, and Hal E. Supper at 6 :30. Officer~ will be demonstration and to njoy the for I'ejolcing at the birth of the being financed jointly by the Simpson, township clerk, Lebanon installed and a craft will be aftel noon tea which was ~e rvcd Christ child; its evergreen spoke , village of Wayn esvile and the nt th~ conclu!lion of th me~ting. ~iss Ph.o~be . Miranda wa a was .named secretary-t.reasurer. formed for th.e yeaI' 1937. ot!if unending; it's white flower SCl'Ving .Sunday night lIuppet·s busmess Vlll1tor In Xenia, TU-eilday Following the business meeting Visiting and sojoul'ning brethren WPA. of purity; while it's sha.rp spinEil and teas; issuing and answ ering . At the general election Novem,lind blood-red h~rries pretold t.he -M.liS$ El'ma Seilrs has accepted a 1 a lunch was served tbe memb(lrs al·e we lcome. invit.ations; making favor.!! and -"---.. . ber 3, a $23,000 bond luue to position in Wren's department ' at a Lebanon res~aurant. thorns and the Passion place cards; making after-d inner !~~~~~~~~;~~t crow tllllt nlayofbefO' r e Rim. provide fundI for Waynesville's store in Springfield. mints: performing introduct.ions __ _ _ Mrs. C. E. Miller had the share of the project was approved correctly and a discussion of hosand village council on November Get YOUl' .Christmas Cards at "Mistletoe" for her subject. There lellK duties w re the main features 17 enacted legislation avthorizing the E)z y Hom e Shoe Store. . are about 400 varieties that grow. o~ the demon tration. tbis issue and sale of these bonds. . mostly in tropical climate. Th is 1 esson will bere pe II ted in J. D. Marla tt is . confined to hi. Birdlime, which is a sticky 'paste, The government will f urnish Mr. Ira Rich is very sick at his The residence located at the every township in the count y and home on Norlh street because of ia made from the. white berry of the major share of the expendi- home southeast of WaynesviJIe, William . Casperson, age . ,86 \ intersection of Third street and all interested homemakers are Illne.;s. suJrering with heart trou1l1e. mistletoe; This paste is put on tU1'6. years, died at his home hel'e Route 78 owned blr L. B. Gordon invitell to attend the demonstraMr. Tschan stated that it is tree!! to trap the rare birds in P il'ce and Mi~~ Mrs. Howell 1M'r. and Mrs. Wade TOmer and Saturday afternoon, November 28 and occupied by Wesley Boward tion most convcnien for th tn. hoped that actual work can beJln tropical countries t hat we have In Mam~ Browne were Dayton vis iwere T~anksgiving ,following a short illness. and family, was dlamaged b:y fire by Deoember 12 and that not daughter captivity in our zoological tora today. He was born in Sabin a, Cllntqn early las.t Friday morning. A demote than six months should be guest.s of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sackgardens. county, February 2, ]860 and had fective flue is thought to have required to complete the con- et.t. Mrs. C. E. AncleT!;On and Mrs. The program for '1936 was closbeen a reaident of Waynesville caused the blaze which was con8tr~ction. Approximat.ely 100 J. V. Hartsock spent Tu esday in ed by Miss Riley who used the John Sears, of the Cincinnati fined to two rooms" . Spring alley, th guo ts of Mr ; followiJ')g ol'iginal verse: men will be given employment on Bible Seminary. spent the Thanks- for many years. property is fully Besides his widow he leaves two Damage to the Su.:sie Douglass. the job, he IItated. giving holidays with hLs parents daughter,'.!, Mrs. Nora 1'hompson covered by insur.n,ce. Sing a song of Christmas< Morton D. Shepberd, Dayton and sisters. Mr . Ge{)rge Hartsock entel" and lIra: Anna J. Smith; and one The Woman's Foreign I\li lonEveryone gay and sly, engineer, Charters Map16 attomey ary Society of the Methodist tained at. Tha.nksgiving dinner Mr Foul' and twenty Christmas preaand Mr. Tsehan, of Lebanon, will Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Collett grandson, Herbert W. Smith, all c'h urch met Wedn sday afternoon and ~lrs. Ernest Hal' oCk, Mr. ents be at. Council meetin~ next Mon- and son a spent Sunday with Mr. of Loveland, Ohio. He will be Milo Hartsock anLi ~r. and Mrs. missed by many friends wbo knew at. the home of Mrs. D. C. Ridge Baked in a pie. day night to discullll plans for and Mrs. O$ear Stanfield, at New When the pie was opened ". with Mrs. Karl Bodenbender and Herman Surlac~. him .s "Uncle Billy." , starting the project. Vienna. Funeral ge-rvices conducted by lJ Mr . Dan Collett, assistan t ho tess The gifts began to say The conditio n of Mrs. Laura Mrs_ Elizabeth Smith, of Dayron Rev. G. C. Dibert were held at ____ es. We hope you will enjoy Us ides, who is being treated in a spent unday with her sister and the McClure Fun eral Home MonThe Wooster Cl ub 1>1 Cinein"The Mighty King" was the For m.any and many a day. Dayton, hospital, is said to be brother, Miss Mary and Mr. Parry day afternoon and burial was in nati will meet at th.e Seventh subject of the devotions conducted The President in her own home seriou$ and small hope is held for Pre byterian hcurclh i'n Walnut by Mrs. J. W. Whi te. always gay and happy. Cook. Miami cemetery. her recovery ..' Hille on Friday, D,ecem~r 11, at Mrs. Kenneth Hough presented The s ecretary gave her minutes M d M G J S 'th r. an rs. eorge · . · ml Card of ThaDka Sl'X thl·rtu o'clock 1'n observance of the Stewardship program. always right and snappy_ Mrs. Edith M. Harris and Mr. spent Friday and Satorday in Cin. . I ' We WIsh to thank the neighbors ·the sixteen th annual "Wooster After the business ,meeting the Harris Mo. her were dinner gues~ The committee ever present 80 The 80th annual sale of cinnati, the gUests of .M r and MJ:s. and all for their kindness and Day." . following program was enjoyed: Wednesday; of Mi ses Annie and busy and gay Christmas Health Seals was R. W. Lang. h Ip during the illn ess and death Wooster college graduates or Duet, "Silent Night" - Vivian Mame Browne nt the Friends' Extend to you best wishes, launched Tbanksgiving Da, and FQr a Happy Christmu Da)'. 'forme r students Ihri ng In Warren and Ruth Conner, Mr. and Mn. A. H. Earnhart. of our husband and fathe~. Borne. will be continued until Chriltmu. THE FAMILY. county are included in the memStory, "Christmas in Africa"Warren oounfiy in recent years alld sons and Mrs. Anna Sheehan • - .. bership of the Cin,cinnati club Mrll. G. C. Dibert. A sumptuous turkey dinner was A pleasant feature of the alteThao!! responded generousl, in the visited relatives in JeJrerson counwbich now numberll 158. Poem, , "Everywhe~'e, Every- enjoyed by th members of the noon was the exchanging ot gifts drive and omeers of the county.' s t)' over the week-end. where, Christmas Tonight'>:....-~;rs. "dinner" club at the, home of Mr which were concealed in a bi~ pie. Anti-Tuberculosis AllIlociation are G. D. M'ills. ~nd Mrs. j. B. Rich, Tuesday Mrs. McClure had' j1ll!t recei-fed Mias Nannie Hill of Chicago, EROSION CONTROL anxious to make this a. banner was tbe guest of Miss Emma Lou Reading, "The Greatest Story evening. a box of beautiful specimena of year_ More than 800,000 aeres of Ever Told"- Mrs_ L. A. Garst. , so uthern flowers from Mn. Cro .. Funds derived from the nle Lewis for Thanksgiving and the ricultural land has been InBook Review, "The Fourth, Mr. lind Mrs . . Kenneth . . N·lwho ' had gathered them from her will be Uled to help finance ,the remainder of the 'Week. Mr. alld Vn Ken-.1 St. John" The frie. f dS of Mrs. Jo , hn, C. ~enced by methotd.$ of eroslO Wi e· manU-Mrs. Russe ll Frank. ~ough had a theIr Thaok,sglVang !lister's Florida, flower garden The~ fight agains ~ tuberculosis in the or q eth 0 t "It C U ·d dmner guests, Dr, and Mrs, J. W. were greatly apprecia·A.I and eacount)'. "'-rd hio "·e announcBawke wIl regret to learn that eontrol demons·raj·ed by the SOl ue , ame p n a ",1 - W d ' f IY ""'" of Hub I H I , , '. .,. nl'ght Clenr"-VI·ul·'ln ond Ruth I ar 0 near ~arveysburg, and J'oyed by the club. ing the birth of a daughter, Mon- she is seriously ill .at her bome conservation seme" witll regiona.l Conner. .. < Mrs. Martha Hough, Offieera o~ the club for 1987 ue day, November SO. here. Mrs. Hawke, who has been offices a.t Dayron, Ohio. J. S. ~ failing in heplth for some time, Cutler direets tbe Ilctivities of this The society adjourned to meet Mr. and Mrs. Frank Loop and Mrs. J. L. Mendenhall, prealdent, Marlon GordOn, father of L. H. was ~ken wor e Wednesday nigqt organization in Qhio, Indiana, with ~rs. G. D. Mills in January. Mt. and Mrs. ,J,ohn Wad!!~orth and M.r • lIarvey Burnet, vice preaidGordon, i. aeriously ill .at the and the late t report is that her Michigan and TeDlll.essee. baby daughtel', of L banon, were ent; Mrs. F . H. Farr, secretary; home of another son, Charles Gor- condition ia critical. GRANT£~ PAROLE S4nday guests ot Mr. and Mrs. C. Mra. }larvey Rye, treasurer. don, in HaM7eysborg. . .. - ••- --.... THAN'KS FROM MANSFIELD 1. Satterthwaite. Mrs. Margaret Johns and Mn. Harvey Rye assisted th~ boateee tn SWALLOWS SAFETY PIN I,,,, Mr. and Mrs. Melvyn Ballta, of High school day will be observ- serving delicious nfreshmentL wAYNESVIUoE It. L CHURCH We tak-e tbis menns- to . thank Everett Emery, Warren county ed at Plea8ant Plain, were week-end t he Methodist Sunday .... G. C_ DIbert.. Puto2 cuesta of Mrs. Banta's parents, J. Herbert Jackson, infant son the members of 1~he · fir e depart- prisoner sel'ving a sentence in the ~chool next Sunday. A special Sunday: Sunday .cliool at 9:80. Mr. and _re. John Fromm. of Mr. and Mro!!. Joe JackSOn of ment and all othelrs who aided in state reformatory at .M'ansfield for tnusical number will be presented There will be a short program Harveysburg, is in a serious con- Eoxtinguishing the fire ~hich robbery was granted a parole b}' the members of the high jleh?ol rendered by Tbe Little . Mrs. Ronald Hawke -entertained dition a8 a result 'o f having swal- t hreatened to destroy our property effeetiv-e next April. Emery will Be&rel;8 immediately 1011101whurl the tnembere of th" "A~unot" , lowed an open ' safety pin. The on Third street IW$t Friday . morn- be released on or after April 1 The Friends/l.ip club will meet The Sunday School. ,Morning bridge club and a few invited child is a patJent at Miami VaHey ing. ]1937 on condition& that hE) return ' Wednesday afternoon December guests at The Little Inn this eftei-- Hospital in Dayron. Mr. ,and,..M):'s. L. H. Gordon to Kent ucky_ 9, at the home of Mrs. Charles ship at 10:'0. Next Sunday is __ I Bi·bl S d d h " The "New Century ()Jub met at ".e .--. e un a, an t e noon. = = _- Davis. Ther e wm 00 .. Chri-tmas . ., the home of MrS, Marla , Elbon monBible." subject will be, "Wh, Read Mr. and Mn. Dan Hockett and program Novem b er 2 7, Wit . h 11 Inethe t ·ftsand an exchange of ten F t 'd l ay, u . Miaa Grace, were guest.l cen gl . teen me mb ers responding to roll At 7 p. m. Rev. C.•• Coulter, u ' ' our district 8uperintendent will be of _r. and Mrs. Ed Younc in Say(MEl '4\lNC"'Ci;",C{ 'l"'t O"'lV .Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Blatt and call. After t he bU8in~s lIeaslon a wIth U8 and ' pNach and lor Park; Cincinnati, Sunda,. I family of New Lexington, Mr. and ~ivics program was great1, enthe buslnetlll of the FIn!; Ladl.' "'Inter Coate with fur, (\)\\.()..,t.Il\~ 'N,",O t"i ct f ~1 t ~ {. ~ Mrs. CaTl Sanker, of Mason, Mr. Joyed. . conference.. cleaned and preuecl, 85c; Men's 'T~t N\V~fJ~\O\)S ~t~t~, <:.\1"( and ~1.fS. O. R. Unglesby, Mrs. I The entire group sane America WedJleada,: Bible ItUdp and OYmoatl, 'l0e; ChUclreb'1I winter ~~~R~ ~ Ml)"'~ ~ ~ ~~h 'OQ."~~.~'S , Evelyn Watkins and son, Roger, afier which Mrs. Edith Harris prayer me.tillC at 7 p. m. eoata, 4~t Ohlldnll'. Sno" I1Ilts, were Thanksgiving gUests of Mr: read a highly instructive papel' . LOCP\'tt~ '''' 't~t ~PA"'\~t1 ~~\C~fI~ and Mrs. M. D. Baird. ntitled "Laws, . Nati01l81, State 8 piece. 81e. Quick Cleuers, ' . and Municipal, and How TJui, are IT. ~Y'I CHURCH Kathl'Jll lI~..haIl. Ilcl'. COLO"''' ~\() t)f 'ORO ~Tht Rot \) Mr .I\.~d Mrs, Leo.n Salisbury Mii;d~." Another sonj, "Th. 8eeond $unda,... Advent, ~O~f "Al.u~~' i -.;(\U.,.,~\C. "'~l~ . and famIly, of WashHlg.ton C. H., 'Battle lJymn of the Republic,,... lIba RG1Da Hardin, .t Dayion, DeC!ember 8~ Church . ehool at t),t~ ~"'l\~ 1 \.'( ~f ~ rR()M Mr. a.nd Mrs. W. P. Sa.hsb ul'Y, Mr , sung by the memberll. Mrs. J. B. and Mr. Roaalcl Rardiu. of, Cin9 :80, urmon ..J1d Rol, Communand Mrfj. Harvey Rye and children Chapman th~ l'ead a very intercinaat1. IIpellt Tbau..rtv!JlC witll ion at 10:80. . T~\ ~~~l)~~ \~~ t KC()utt 't~ ~~ ~ were. dinner guests of M'r. and esting paper on "The Pruidnt their paredtl, Mr. and IthL ~.. S. OM T"t 'tQ.\~ #J "'\ ~A~ 26 I Mrs.D. R. Salisbury and tamily, l and Vice rresldent, Their Dutlea IT. AUGUSTINE CHURCH '(il\~' O\.~ Thanksgiving Day. and Powers". After a few mhlutes "ath.. Nnto.. Paate2 B. ·S, Howell, of p~ WUltam, Mrs. W. N. Sears, Misses Lola of general discuSlilon the meetiDg at at. A-.utID.'. garda left Suno, for bII winter home an d E:rma and Mr. John Sears and was adjourned. every S1I1lc1a7 IDOI'Illq. in Bromle7, Alaba~ wbere Mr. 'Allen Hole attended the wedd 'During the social hour the expect. to · apenc! tbe wlDter ing of Miss Jayne Hole and Mr. h~stess served. dainty refruhmeota montlu. PRIBICDS ·llE&nIfG A.lban Gllbhart in ' Dayton, Thllrs_~ i th. ,the assistance of .Mn. 'B_ II. J'int.4ta)' Sebool at tI :10 .. Ill. u", •. da,y mornin\r. The bride is a niece Hathaway and Mn. "A. H. Stub'" lleetiq fo~ . WcmIIlp at IOilO .... ~cl, ..... Louta Firea and of Mrs. Sears and Mr. Hole. The guests of the afternoon .. ' chUdna 'del ,. _ FlOlde Firea Mrs. Lee Hawke, ' Miu ~1Il. w........ u.a blrtbc1a7 ellDne2, Mr .and Mrs. J. P. Larrick and Brown, Mrs. Stubbs and little PERRY CHURCII OP CHRIIT SanclaJ. at to 110m. anel Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoffman hAve Miss Yvonne StubbS_ IIrI. . . . ra..: Cui ·....... 1IlaIIW returned after a six da, visit with Peft7 TII08IU, 81Ip&. of Mr. and Mn. C. E. Norris, Bloom- BIR,THDAY CLUB ELEcTS ington, 111. Dr. C. E. Norris and OFFICERS FOR NEXT Y&Aa Blble SoIaooI .:10 .. .. family, Cbicago, III and Mr. and l()\C& ~ O~ Coauauloa, 10:61 .. . . Mrs. Sim ~on Browwer of Gosben, Memben of Ute Idl..u4e JIIItb.. Pl'neldq, 111M .. ~ . IDd. Wbile In Chicaro M,T. Larritk , day Club were cl.ltcIt~ ...... \1\"'\"~\\.\l.. " "~'._' attended the Intem.tion~ Live tained Sawrda, . . . . . . N\b \.\~t' A ',faM . , .... Stock ExpolltioD. ber 18, at th pi E III IU\\.' l"l\a\\.'( 0'" ---home of . . . . .4 SECOND PROBCT IIEEnNG fGN. A . . . ._ _ _...~.• • Nt 0""" ~\\v... \U.. Woot) MlO Wilson. The e grangers h8V~ be n active members for quite a number of years and are at the present time the two olde t couples in grange. Any visitors are most welcome to t his program Saturday evening.

The public is cordially invited. 15c





::f:~¥.:iE:~~~::~::;: W~}~trD CWE~\~~H I BY fiRE FRIDAY








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attor-l authority to lIell

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• •••


\·orce. The charge i. bu I'g' v(;r~\I Fl'BnCe~ Rudell Stepp judgrn nt in the sum of ,350 was Probate CCl,urt allowed the' plaintiff. Tn T_....iYiD,' count our of li1e, of inventory (If ,A. H. Stubbs character, of good manners and of Common PI~.. Proc din,. he r mothl'r and 11 xt ffl nd, ver~u The CBS pf Charles P. Joy Tbe annual Thallksgivi.-n g pro- helping othere. , Chnrll'S Thompson. vel' us V~nora Joy was disml ed. administratol' of th~ estate of Cor_ _ __ nelia F. Cbilel, deceased, was ap. gram, which wall presented last In th cns~ f 1.. U. ThOlllpson, In the cllSe of The Loveland a Darton Grain lulunl Building and Loan Co. ver In the case of Agnes Albertson proved. dohltl bu inc Wedneeday. wall eponsored by Pu}'tication of School P.per _ George E. Young 'Was appointed the sophomore class. After a Bong and Fc('d C • vnr u Ern , t flaTt· us Catherine l.furray and John vcrsug Albert AlbertsOn 8. divorce Creat Succ... · admini trator of the estate , of by the as*mbly, Margie GUlltin sock and Irmll Hort.'o k. jud'gm nt Mu,'ray, judgment in the SUO'l of was-granted the plaintiff. The publication of the flnt in th Sum $.111.3 was n11,', I!d $ ,12. 9 is allowed th lll ll intiff. In the matter oI the apPl'opria- Frank Huffman deceased an d flIed led the devotions, and Tressler the plaintiff. , I In the ca c of State of Ohio vs. t ion of an easement for highway bond with sureties. ~r. W. Goddard Hardin .explained the origin of I issu e of "The Waycehan" started and read the witb a boom. With the cry "Buy a 11\ th cn~e of baric!' E. We. t , Willium J. BruCl!, the defendant purpous over the Illnd$ of . Alice Ed. C. Jeffery and E. A. J~ffel'Y Thanksgiving TnllJ\ksgiving Proclamation. ' Betty pap r' 'the sale was in versus Luura E. W t, a dh'orcll ' (llell.dt'd guilty to lhe nffidavit tU- Cook, a d po it of $1000 is were appoin,ted appraiser's. The first account of D. E. Hey- Peterson gave a very amusing" progress. The cooperation of the a8 granted th pI intiff:. Th cu,~_ 1 d ngnin.<t him and he waa ent- 'ordered paid to Alice Cook Or her w~rd, executor of line estate- of reading on "How Father Carved student body was gratefully ex~ tolly of the mint'll' tva~ 't l'neco! ' to a fin e of $] 0 and cost • attorneys. After the assembly tended by ,their willingness to buy Llna Baxter. deceased, wos ap- the Turk." gl~pn to t)w. plll.intiff. In th of the appropriaNew Suit. proved, allowed anq confirmed by sang "The Little Brown Church in a IIchool paper. The Booster's Clu~ In the case of Walhlc W. Bowyer tion of an ' ease-mellt for highway L. H. Thompson, doing business the court. the Vale," Mary Adams gave sold enough copies of their paper v 1 AU J. . Wilsnn Rnd Ganlet ' purpose,", over th land of Alice '[he first a~count of D. E. Stan- "Evel'y Day a Thanksgiving" and to pay for the printing and have WillIon, judgment in the sum of o(lk; th ca. wll:s seU:led at th as Da.yton Groins and Feed Co Furnas told o,bout a sma.ll balance remaining. Befiled 'uit against Ernest Hartsock ley and Melh e Rye, executors of Willard $1164 was allowed the )ilnintiff. I cost of the director of highways. [n the case of State of Ohio, on ' In the matter of the appropria. and [rmo, Hal·tsock for cognovit. the estate of John B. Pence, de· "Thanksgiving night;" Rev. G. C. cause of the gr,eat demand to pubMargaret Campbell filed ult ceased, were. ap1)roved, allowed Dibert gave a hort talk on Jish the paper more :frequently the rE!J tion of Jaeob hlMllaKer. ' tion f)f an ea, em~nt for highway. "What We Have to Be Thankful than every three months, the John Shumaker and Alfred Shu- I nnd for channel change purposes against Robert Campb&J\ for di- and confirmed by t!~ court. The court appr()ved, allowed For." He pointed out that, in Booster's Club decided to put out maker, Trustees of Union Burying over ·the land.s at James T, Hazel- vorce. The charge i grpss negand confirmed the fifth and final addition to the blessing of pure a Christmas issue. Although great Ground A o('iation, v r5U Trus- tine, lhe cn e 'WBs settled at the lect. A suit was filed by Clarence F . account of L. Simonton, guardian water and fresh air we have interest was taken in the i.e 6 of W~hing on town, hip, the cost of the directQr of highways. rela,tives. publication of the first issue, ~he In the case of the PeoplCf> Stead against The Industria! com- I of Corwin Robert Ccopper. Jllinot. homes, friends, plnintiff' petition for a writ of Dibert rel'l)ined us Booater's Club hopes to have an , - - - - - - - - - - -.... mandamus wa denj~d. Building, Loan. and Savings Co .• mbsion of Ohio for determination The court approved, allowed and Reverend A divorce was granted the .p lain vel' U MyrU. M. Fox, et ai, case is of rights, attorn~y fees, cost and Iconfirmed the second account of that we had also the :fr-eedom 01 even greater interest in the other relief. . W. C. Shepherd. executor of the thought and speech, We might Chl'istmas issue. tiff in the cas of Betty Lucille di lisscd. Melva Brandenburg filed suit estate or Florence E. Sallsser, deWeinkauf versus Robert A. Wein. In th mattel; of the approprla. keuf. tion of an easement tor highway against Francis Rudell ~ StEilP for ceased; The first and final account of Ed- Aliee Starkey, $5; James Moore. A divorce W1l!! ' granted the plain. and for chann.el change purposes bastardy. "THE HOME OF GIFTS" A suit was filed in re First gar Evans and Bertha Halstead care of Lucy Moore $5; Mrs. tiff in the case of Dorothy Thomp over the lands of James T. Hazel 80n, a minor. by Mattie Gardiner tine, aepo it 1a ordered pqid to Baptist church of Franklin for executo~ of the estate of Ob dlab ia.rgaret Jon es, care of Ollie Lebanon, Ohio Evans, deceased, was appro v d. G d "5 M. J I' 11 II d UM~v; m u~ o~, ~ I~~ du~~ to ~it EXPERT WATCH - - - - - allowed and confirmed by th =============~============~~====~======= court. car of Varnon Holland, $10, farming I wUJ sen at my resid tlCe REP.AIRING i Oma KnoJl:, care of Waltel' 1 'h miles N. E. of Corwin on William L. Braden, admini.str • BarIow, $11; Miss Oma X nox, New Burlington Pike on Ualn. Onl, Ce ... IDe Matarl.1a tor of the estate of' Mylel! E. Braf F k B I)' $11 ..,. care 0 ran a ID~er, ; ","S. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 10tia den dece ed, filed his affidavit in Ed' h Sh R b R Prompt Service li eu of. schedule .of debts and It ort, care of u y eam At 1. p. m. ~he following chat. $5; The Great A. &I P., Tea Co., tels to-wit: · bI . Store opell u til 9 p. m. ILa i ibes. od and milk, '129; Back's W. N. Sears, I10ward Areh- Grocery, food, $46.75; Beck's 2 HOnSE6--Sorrel horse wt. deacon and L. M. Henderson were Dairy. milk, ,9.50: Geo. L. Bur- 1400; G,cay- wt. 1250, both I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! appointed appraiselrs of the es- roughs, milk, ,3: Janie Brant, fuel good workers. tate of L. D. ChiJ4!S. deceased. $38.05; Cha.rlea Dos~r, ~ fuel, '6.3 COWS--1 Jer C)I cow, 8 years Allk for a The will of William F. Downey 40; Evans BroB., shelter, $12; old. 1 Jersey and Shorthorn cow, Miami.but'l Permanent deceased, was admitted to court. Franklin Ice & Fuel' Co., fuel 5 years old, recently hesh; J Fred Fa tu te. ex,!cutor of the $97.25; Franklin Sanitary Dairy, Jersey cow 6 y~rs old, clol$e Concrete estate of Lida Pea~l Davis deceas- milk, $19.80; Greenwood Dairy, springer. Air Se.1 Burial Vault milk, ,6; W. E. Humphrey, IMPLEMENTS - 2 Wagons, ed, filed his Inveni:ory. . W. F. Kunkel' ,~al!l appointed I Johnson Binder, 7 'ft. cut; Thomas F()r S"le only by . • c othing. $8.97; W. L. Kirby, food 8 administrator of th,e estate of An- '<I; Kroger GrQcery &: Baking disc Wheat Drill, Fertilizer, 'M~na ,M'. E. Kunker, deceased. and Co., food and milk ,248.51; Mason C01"lJ)iek Deering MowQr, good as Your Funeral Director flIed bond of $2,0IDO with sure-"U k G new; Double Disc; Two Corn CuI· . .uar et I A, food, "'''.60; H. E. i . tIes. &: H D McVeJ fOQd and cloth- t vators, 5 IIbovel Plow, alngle McClure Funeral Home A. H. Stubbs a!:tm.~ni.trator ~of , ing. '$40.50; All~n ~.' RapP. :tuel, sbove~, Oliver Riding Plow, Oliver the e~tt: of L. D. Chllea ~ealled '24.76; Stokes Dairy Co., milk, Walkmg Plow. Steel Roller. Corn Plao_ 7 ~U •• 0: filed lW Inventol'y. 77c' Ray Swj~&I't food $30' Ruby Planter, 2 Harrows. bog fountain ~oseph H. Gribbl~ e filed his appli Va; Riper, milk and f~od, $60.15; a iron kettles and stands, lard ::::============~ cation for the appointment of a Waynesville Drug Sto~ ,food $4' press, 20 gal stone jar, buzz I18W, guardian of Virgiloia Gribble. Chas. O. Williams, food,' $6; alao many other articles too The lale bill of A. H. Stubbs, Wund Dry Goods Co clothing numeroWi to me'nUon. I ad~inistra~r of the estate of Cor- ,1.10; Zebringhurst Dairy, milk: HARNESS-3 Bidelll harness, nella F. ChJles, de4:eued, W88 ord- $9.40; Blair BToa... medical ser. bridles, collars, lines, halten, etc. ned re.corded. vices. $17.50; Walter Elzey. cloth. 1 set single harnes . The mventory of Gertrude Ker- lng, $4; Mn. Roy Hudson, ihelter FEED--150 bua corn. 2 ton sey. executrix of the estate of Hen $10; James Follen, services ai alfalfa hay, 2 tons oats hay,. 70 l'}' F. Kersey, deceaaed. was ap- janitllr $16' Penn Morton bales straw. proved. . servic~ as j~nitor, $100; Kauf~ POULTRY-15 Barred Rock ~ [n the case of W. C. Manning, man's matcbe and twO -146' chilckene, HI Wllite Rocks. R FOR AND CONSICN NCE again, Rike's Stol'e from '(<>p to botto~ takes on holiday d .. t t f t'b t te' f Cal • a lne, V· • T Caala ... ,our attl. bOil .heep .nd cal".. a. mIDt8 ra or 0 . e es a 0 Brown &: Bunnell, coal for court _. to NorrJ.-B·roe!l: Ct.., Ii"e wi ... and atmosphere. The exterior of the store proudly displays its VII\. Keenan, decalled •. ven:u Carl houae, ,16.66; C. Donald Dilatush JOHN WOOLLARD pTorreulve ftnt t.~ , the btch... new red cathedral candles against a snow-white background and C. Ayers, et aI, al~pral8er8 report of oiIlce $20' The Wenern W. N. Sears. Auc:t. market prices and rood .enie.. its band of poinsettias completely around the building. Inside the w. as approved. The .administrator Star. placard:, ,7.2'.,., J. W. T "-,0 J. B. Chapman, Clerk. U_loll 'to•• Y..... • Clael __ tI. O. t te b d , .. ~, TulW! .In on Radio Station WCJ[Y store rou will Jiod every department brighdy dressed for the J.S 0 execll. & on, og 6000 witb Hardwal'e Co•• 6y spray, 12 :215 to 12:80 p. m. tor our daD, sureties. Within 10 daYL thermometer, tackll, $1.94; Tru~ As we are diac:ontlnuinc farm- m.rket report&. holidays, Every.8oo.r is packed with gifts ... the most wonderful A.. The Inventory of Mary Peul tees of Public Affaire ' light and ing, we . will sell all our farm:: ' =~=========~ assortments we have bad for many years. Every Rike-Kumler sbop'1'rey, lldminilltrat;riJ:: of the "tate gas at Memorial Hall, U$1.50; chattels, l~cawd 2 miles ~. of ping facility is at your command, including Mail and Tdephone of Jesse Wayne ~Carey, deceased, Miller Hardware &: Furniture, Waynesville, Ohio, 4 miles South ~ Orders, Charge Account Privileges, ,Lay.By and Free MaiJ and was approved. kitchen utensils, hose alId con- of Bellbrook, On the Waynesville • • . Delivery Service any place in Ohio and Indiana. Cornelia, your . Mani... neetlon lor Memorial Hall, ,26.- anct BellbrOOK pike~ just acrolS 09. Columbus Blank Book Mfg. from what is kn.own as the Spring perwnal shopper, wilt be happy to shop for you or with you. Laurence Moore. . farmer, of Co., book l"Cileipts for Vendotta Branch Scbool House, on the Booneville. Xy., lind Misll Licenle ~eea for Tre8ll., 90c'. Stale Sarah J. Munay farm on Clark. of Frankl!ll. alta mg. Co.• note bODks for TUESDAY. DECEMBER 15 Robert Watkinl!, ljhoe factory Common PleaB, $12; WoodrowAt 11 L m. A C,'" R.ISTM AS STORe ON C".R.V f'LOOR. employee, of Lebanon and 1Iias Weil-Stli.nare Co., receipt -books 2 HORSES-2 Mad of ~ood DAYTON, OHIO !,sther Drake, fal:tory . worker, of for Probate Court, $6.18; Stakalta Work .Horsea, .L1I. l'ow. Mfg. Co., file envelopes for Proa cows-a bead of good Milk ' , tRnley BUl'1Ull~le, driver bate COl:lrt. $21; The Western Cows, all giving good Bow of of Mason and IIrllss Kanan Beltz, Star, billa of sal~, book for cart. milk. Phone 7U sh;..~a~01 w~rl;~II' of ~eban~n: of feell, $4S~50; F)'ed Proctor, 32 HEAD OF HOGS-All ImI ar • 0 Ina. ecora or Common Plea& appearance docket muned. 2 sows with 26 pias 5 o~ Lebanon and Mba Donna R. for Clerk of Courts, $50; Dr. H. weeks old; 3 ' gilts bred to lanow .L. M. -HENDERSON Dill. stenographerr of Lebanon, ' II. Williams, investigation .in in April. Ropert Allen! e, o~k of Lebanon, death, ,6.60; Dr. H. M. Williama, SHEEP-7 head of Shropshire . WOTARY P\lBLIC al1d MilS'11MaunD«~ Hollon, of i n d eaWI, ..... '~70' W . ... , Dr. Sheep. ~ aynellVl e. IJ. 11. Wi11iams, investlpUoI\ In UIPLEMENTS-Wheat Binder M....... .... Real T ..... t.... death. $5.10; J. 'W. Llnco Hard- I Clover Leaf good ,Manure WI. Dn_ • • £II..... lett'" The lK'JamlBbIQ'C B ildl and ware Co., battery for lIerHrs cal', Spre.der, Black Hlwke Com WAYIIE.VILL&. OHIO -. Loan Association to;' aDd aoc; Colum'b us Blank Book Mfe Planter, 2 wa1kiDebrealdng • j • MaryLaldllCbea~ Jot in F~DkJln Co.,. samplon., ,8.71; V.ualm plo,,", 2 double above I plowa, P. A. Dalton tel Earl Jarvia. • J'obna()u, 8 po.ta. Ii loade of atolle, 2 5-lhovel eWU.,.ton. ridiq in Franklin. $4.76; Banco Prodactle Co., inllect OJ!?er Breakine plow, MeCor6tlck , • • Earl Jarvi. to man Purkey kill tor CoU,rt Houa&, $U.86: Carl lIower, lIinele disc Harrow, 60, u . . . ..... ill FranldiD. . • DakiJi, p&)'roll, '21\6.40; Gem tooth .harrow, bloek and yckle.1 Thomu KeGoy and Florence CltYi Blue Print" Supply Co mapa Ilarpoon fork, lOme ba~btrincf ~ I'OIl CI..A.SSIFIED ADS COST ONLY ~_cGoy to John Bruckner and SCbu:~a~::' :11:ior:J.~ ~. ~ . I." IUd pr~. an.dd kettlel," l~IFOB SALE- Ettate Hutrola in LIItelle Bruc!nnaIl. real ••tate in WWfa ' S ' tal' ~ to' c ma, one rea "'....n. by perfect c~ndition. Fra~ BradONE CENT PER- WORD. WHY Union townllhlp. • mil. ee·. ren 0 n I ~n, ladden, ,rnel bed. Buill- dock. . dl-10-17 John W. •nd Octavia Coleman $711, Earl Hatfield, servicee II , ltJe Com Plantar, 1 B1Ift1. KEEP YOUR ATTIC FILLED to Ada Ruhl, real estate in Way- mechanic, 't~.80; lobn Sal'.l', pay Tbomas Wheat Drill, tobaceo F~R SALE-J;»oland ChIna Male WITH USELESS ARTICLES , r o l l . $107.80. Jobnaon Kye~ pay pr... ancl600 other i~.. PIgII. 1;. Evans" Lebanon p1\olle nellville. Ems Smith to :Leeter and Edith roll. ,$84; .M. C. Formaa, payroD, FEED-IOO bu. ·o f good Core. 470R. p8-10-17-2" TIIAT CAN BE TURNED INTO Haulle 148 1 lUi're, i Harlan ""0.40; Earl Buon. , tlqrol] 60 balea rood brleht' atm.w. • MONEY FOR SO SIIALL A townllhiP. . . D fLOO.80; V. 11. Armita,., payroU. HABNESL-Goo(l double.t of rOR SALE-Full blood Buff ----.,...-,aa; Harry I(oun~ p&noll, ,,10: work ' harnea, bUftJ Rock Ceckerela. F. E. Tho..... COST. TRY THIS JdEANS filF BIDa A'ilowed Eo L. KIrk, food and milk, ,911.05; collan, lin.. and bridles. phOM IIIU. dB SELLING AND SEE WHAT A Annrel lIateri~&Ja Co., suppllea, Morrow Feed • Sqppl, Co., 'u" T..,. CaaIa FOR SALE-'a~ E T ,5.90; Chris Murphy IGA Store, uex . .en., , DIFFERENCE IT WILL MAKE U04.0'; J, K. ~'p&Deer. gravel, food. $88 '111' Ola P~ J. H. CURTIS plane iD 6.rlt cl... condition. n '387.20; Intemal;ional Harveater f od '" ",-'h '...... G I _~ F. T. lIartbI, Auet. Look. like new. Mast be Hen to be TO YOUR POCKETBOO~ AS ,"7 eJ• Th 0 • ";"" wa.-... I roe.., ...0";' L Ii. ._. e0., .._.... --. ". ": e LeBlond ,13.60; W. W. 8hurtt, c1oWDa, aDCo on Ground. appuc.ted. CaD be .... at WELL AS TO HAVE YOUR Schaeht Truck. tlrQclt put., ,14•• ,e.94. Ch... P. 8tabt., too4. '".. . Rqera II SImPIOD uluroom. ' . STUFFY OLD ATTIC CLEANl!l9 28: TIle Rolthaal TNuportation 50; 0Iaaa. Bulllv'" ahelter, ,'1.10'. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT 4. Co., f1'8l&'bt on ~ 1I0e; Oineba. -. OUT. IT PAYSI uti • LebanoD Ezpna trefcbt Leballon Farmen Co-op. Co., tul Eata 1.. D PIP., VALva . . I'I'l"l'DICHJ .... _ , ~c" .~-. u.n.. ,'.60; W, C. Turtoll, tuel. f18: . N .I~ °la' b • ChJlee, thctued W..... Weill 0,. pa... or w-u.. vv, a.... lin. r..oDUd Batbawar. aUk, " 0...... ereb,. Pven tlaat ad a.e.a ..... .... ,1.50: P. C. BUdebrutp food ud elotbo B. Stallba wboae Pott trIe ........ . Co•• sap. lDI. ,,'-" i I'aDale B. BID, Ibel- AcIdJue fa W.,.emn.. . . . . fII' ,tiel ..d cnnp, ..... tft, '10; ...,... t8M; D. . . . d1ll7 . . . . . . . .. • . . . to ~~:'.~'1IJaIr ~ fOoti ....... "0.1.; a.. . . . of ..... . : ..... II., ........... . . .•• Gulp, ............... CIIdIta -kt.., Wuna


•••••• •

.......... .





Cary'l Jewelry Shop

P Ubl-Ie Sa' I es







F ,


Hartin m




Centerville, Ohio




1ft..... -








,.. ..





-..,., ........


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New Burlington


llr. W. F. M. S. met in th~ honle of :vir!;. Ella 1l1l1n~ on Wctlnellday e~f iast w~ ·k. A union Thonkl!giving sel'vice ..... -N I l - 8I1t ••a at pOltomo. at Wallll_o. • III 0111 . . .-.enael Cia.. Jlan H _ Ma'llaremenl wa, h eld In the Friend. church SaNer.,llo. Pri... ,1.10 • Y.... Y. e. 0. Matt'" Gi .... Report on Farm Family n Wednesday evening. Rev. Weaver of the M. E. cburch deUYinr Ovtlooltt DECEMBER B. 1986 . t", in livered the addre1!l!. Hi Duri~g 1936, there 'has ~n Bons, both minister in Columbus, = .=:z::::: more remodeling, painting, anu sang & very beautiful cluett. ECONOMIC HIC~IGHTS Miss Edna Wal'd very pleasbuilding of farm homes, in Ohio entertai ned hllr '. s. 1M, and more equipping them with and teacher, Miss Marjorie H01Not even in the boom days was there such a lIurge of extra ~ water sytems and bathroom dock on Fr'iday evening. dividends, 'wage inCl'easee and employe bonuses a.s this season. than for t he whole Mi s Helen Haines was home equipment Corporate indllstry is pouring out money to its stockholders and 1930-86 period. fl'om her school work in Tohuso, workers hi unllTl~cedented amounts. Protect Your Ho'me This is the estimaw made by fol' th e holidays. A list of extra dividendI! and bonwe& declared would take many from Tuberculosis Miss Thelma Beall, home manage- R y. and Mrs. G. II. Weaver pages to detail, but here are some outstanding 'tems: Steel has anment special' t, Ohiio .state had as Thanksgiving gu ts, their' nounced a 10 per cent advance in wages. which will up payrolls 170.000.000 in. 1937. General Motors will pay its workers a Christmas CHRISTMAS SEALS University. in a recent. outlook re- ,<on, Horace, Harold and Paul ' of ,p ort on farm living. ~;he antici- Capital UniverRity and their !;on· Chrysler has bonus of $10,000.000. in addition to other 'benefits. pates t hat such home improve- in-law and daughter, Mr. and voted an extra dividend of $5.50 per share. Eastman Kodak declared ments will continue if t he rise in Mrs. Kenn tb ROberts of Bexley, a 76-cent extra. and Jewel Ten Company $2. Standard Oil of New of Ohio F la rmers is Obio. 'the incomes Jersey will pay a $4.500.000 bonus to workers. an;d Sears, Roebuck The stat e total was derived from Mrll. Elizabeth Campbell is on of' $1,600,000. seventy-six county sheriff reports maintained or eontinut~d. Their groM' income has nearliy doubled seriously ill at 'the home of hel' showing 935 sales and estimate of Upshot of this is that dividends of various big industriea will be eighty-eigbt sales based on the since 1932· but of cour~ th eir daughtel', M,·s. . P. Noggle. as larg e as in pre-depression dJlys -while wages, .in some cases, will ~iss Kate Campbell of .incinbe higher. Steel's new wage rate is the highest in its, history, Ge'n eral population and farm areas in the expe nses h~ve also beeln ~reater, Mrs. E. L. ,cbw Ickart twelve unreported counti~. A although not increasing in pro- natl Motors is 10 per cent above tbe 1929 average. Business Week says .. '"'l1arlced decrease was noted when portion to incom e. of Ha~'1.I1~on were week-en d gues that next year indllstry's labor cost!! will pbssibly be the highest in all M;lS! BeaU estimate!! further of thelf Elste r. Mrs. C. P. NoggLe. 'u. S. industrial 'history. '. the September total was compaNl<i to the 1,UO sales in the previous that during 1936 th~re ~ilI hav e I Mr. and Mrs. O. N. Turn er and What eaused this amazing change? Obvious answer is better month and to the 1,422 sales in been added a.s new customers for s ons of New Phllad Iphin., were tim s--a nd there is no question but what industry in lI'eneral has September, 1935, Farm sale electric service, from private Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and .pulled ,out of deprll$sion, ha entered a period of recovery. priceR averaged 71.91 per cent of utilities alone, between 9 and 10 irs. A. W. Turner. But that iSll't the entire answer to why business is figuratively t.h~ judgment and 81.89 per cent thousand Ohio farm families. In - - - -- -- - - - breaking il:8 neek in an effort to get as m/lny dollars as pos&ibleinto of the appraised valuation anel addition, she dlsclo8es that approthe bands of stockhold e1'8 and workers before 1937 dawns. Big and urban properties 73.16 per cent ximately 1200 new fa:rm family potent inftuence Is the new tax bill on undistributed corporation profits of tbe judgment and 75.26 per cusLom rs have been a,dded this Word hIlS been received here of pass d by t he last Congress, cent of the appraised valuation_ year as customers to mUlnicil?al t.he Ola.rriage of Miss Evelyn This tax bill levies taXe1I of unprecedented severity all s uch proplants, through the coo peration of Eyler of Dayton and Mr. Linley • lfits--taxes ranging up to 27 per cent. But when the profits are disAn important collection of the Rural Electrification Admin is- Matlatt formerly of this place. tributed. in either wages, bonuses or dividends, the tax is avoided. valentin~ of the 'sixties and tration. She says a considerable They w re married November 18. And that is the msjor reason why business ill following 11:$ present 'seventies has been presented to number at additional farm familMr. and .Mrs. John Rye enterlavishly generous COUHe. According to the New ~ork Journal of the Obio State A~haelogical and iea are looking forward to having tained Sunday for dinner Mr. and Commerce. distributions to stockholders ordered for the last three Historical -Society by Miss Helen their first electric service in 1937 Mrs. Elton Evans and daughter, months ot this fear directly traceable to the tax law, total at least E, Jacoby of Indianapolis, it was , Although farm inconne has boon Mr. and Mrs. Howard Beam and ,500.000.000. '... announced by Director Henry C. increasing, the bOmEl manage- IittlC' son and Mr_ and }b's. E. J. Economists are highly d ubious of t he ulLimate results of t he, law, ~herone. The valentlnea are hand- ment specialist B8y~ that a stlldy Burton of Elyria. fest' it will prevent industry frpm building up surplus~s that are essen- . made and wer~ sent to Miss of t he farm family exp'cnditure reo Mr. Charles Crawford in',tial if future depressions' are to b 6urvived. In the meantime. mother, then Julia Eaton corda for a number of farm famil- ci nnati spent the week-end with how vcr, the tax is helping cause a verotable dividend and wage boom when res iding at Delaware. The ies in 1936. emphasize.s that care- his brother, Clarence Crawford collection has been kept in the ful thoug ht must be g:iven to the and family. use of funds spent .for fam,i1y MI'. Russe ll Robinson and MI:'. envelopes in whicb they w Junior Robfnson of New Burlingposted and are still ' in pedect living. For instance, she S8,YS it ap- ton. spent Sunday aft rooon with condition. They will be placed on exhibition at the society's museum pears that unless certain foods Mr. and Mrs. Emer on . Dill ond for a short timeb ut cannot be are home-produced, many farlll Ron Ralpb. 8 :00 Knox Co unty 4.H Club Program-Members directed. by George exhibit.ed for a long period until familill$ have an inadE!quate diet. Mr. lind MTS. P. A. Runyon and Everbart, County Agricultural Agent, Mt. Vernon. glaBS is procured which will titer from tbe nutritional standpoint. Mr, and Mrs. Elvis Michael a.nd 8:30 Duncan McArthur, Soldier and Statesman-H. ' E. Eswine, harmful light rays, Director Sbe has observed this to be es- daughter Dorpthy spent Sunday Historian. Shetrone said. The valentines were peciaUy true with dairy' products, afternoon witb Mr. and Mra'. Lee Duncan of near Rochester. 8 :40 Farm Home Period: Child LiCe - Mrs. Mary E. Gerlaugh, termed by t he rOuseulb "urator as fruits and vegetsbles. "While it may be true that, Mr. and Mre. Ernest Earnbart Child Develol1ment Specialist. O,u r Home and Families-- the most 8igni1icant pa1)t of sev.MIrs. Helen Mougey Jordan, Extension Home Economist. eral Items which Miss laeobs con- through the produetio:n of foods and children spent Thanksgiving for home consumption, the amoun't witb Mr. and Mra. Carl Babb and tri\:!uted. 9:00 WOSU Orchest ra. of cash aved for other uses is son of n ar X nia. , 9; 10 Farm and Homl!. A.nnouncemenl:8 and Turkey Market News. Mr. and Mrs. Elvis Micha I and 9:20 Soil Conservation and the Farmer's Pocketbook-H, B. Alger, Another warning to hunters and small compared to the total farm Fann Management Divi ion, S()il Conservation Service, others who handle wild rabbits "stili it is lik~wise true that an an daughter Dorothy, p nt TbanksDayton. against tularemia, commonaly too common practice !I,eems to be giving day with .M'r. and Mrs. 41 :30 WOSU Orcbestra. termed "rabbit fever", W8.'!l is- to do without such f.oods unles! William CUI.'I and children of near WoodsviJle. 9:40 Producing Milk from Farm Grown Roqghages--S. M. Salisbury, sued by the State Department of they are produced at :home." Mr. and Mrs. Ellswortb Smith Dairy Authorit y. Health. Dr. Finley Van Oradall, and daughters of Dayton nnd Mr. 9:50 to 10 Planning a MlUhlnery Program-C. O. Reed, Agricul- chief of the division, of communiand Mrs. Edward Crow wer tural Engineering Dept. cable diseases, ABSerted that cold Thanksgiving day dinner gU4!5ts weather otters tlO protection • of Mrs. Mattie Levi and son against the malady, as 'some Wellington. peDlonS th.lnk. Contact. with the uncooked desh or with the blood One of the mos1; beautiCaI of an infected rabbit makes pos- decorations may be seen at sible the contraction of tularemj~ Rike's in Dayton this Christmas. although very thorough cooking On the exterior of Rike's building It is deeply revealing of tbe COLUMBUS - Additional im- based on data collected by Secre- will destroy th germs. Only at Main and Second St reets, there proved conditiollll in Ohio were tary of State George S. Myers nineteen cases of the djsease have has been erected a giia nt display cbaracbe-r of Governor Landon TCpol'ted officially so far this four st ories bigh. Thiis beautiful that in. hi!! first extended statereflected in a report just :released from county sherilfs and compiled on the real elltate fONelosures by the Governor's Farm aJ\d Home year, but last yelU' sixty-one decoration consists of clusters of ment fo Jlowing the election he red Catbednl candles should be found entire ly without throughout the atate during the Protective committee in co-opera- persons were affiicted and five giant t WI'th ou t b'tt ~ month 01 September. A ' mlU'k~d tion with Obio State university_ fatalities were' recorded. Dr. Van against a background of glittel'ing regra. I ern ellS, rancor snow. At the base of this huge or excuses, but with an abiding decline in the total foreclosure. The September total of 10rec]os- Orsdall stated. • • • display is a band of 'White with faith in the American people and for the month in com pari IOn with ures was 10'73, and involved The division ot minimum wage illuminated red poinsettias extend their institutions and witb the both the August totsl and the seventy-one farm. and other total for September, 1936, was propertiel clUIIUled as residential, of the State Depa~ment of Indus- ing completely around the build- definite conviction that "the net . listed in the report whIch was bWline81 or vacant platted land. trial Relatione will be 'explnded as ing. This decoration iei partieular- gain is all to the good.'" a result of the recent federal court Iy effective at night when the · The courageous, tbe valiant can decision upholdinr the constitu- giant eandles are illuminated. In test that was conducted by tbe tionality of the Ohio minimum tbe atorewindows &l1d through- Kan ~a8 governor. against according to Miss. Elaine ,out the main floor of the .!Ito~ dous odds aJready has b~n the '8 Scheffler, superintendent of the Cathedral OandlEI mot.if is subject of wide colllment. Bu t tbe division: 'Xt -th preKnt. carried out, formi ng one of the faet ~an and should be .cmp haBized only eirbt 1ield investigaton mos ~tiful displa3rs we · have tbat lt also was. a fair contest. avaiJable to enforce the minimum · .. I The governor would have no ever seen. ''''. - - _.- . h • b t d ·t! ] wage seales for women "nd min011l Of particular Inter(!st to tbe""1ftIl)"~. ra 1 ona in the dry clearu~r Laundry, res- entire Miami Valley is the news methods of campa g mg, ~h...e.j.ll!'_ tau rant and hotel Industries which that Rike's plan to er(let a million is shocked and aggrieved at the attect approximat.ely 42,000 em. a~d a half doll';:;" stoi~ addition. booing of the Presidont's nam e. a ployes. The number under the This will consist of two eight- practice which seems to have beprotectiOn of the ware law will be story adtl\tlons to the present gun fou·t years ago. It is an abomjncreased to more than 100,000 buildin&' and will give Rike's ap- I inable practice, tbe poorest of ""hen a Bcale for women and proximately 8ft)' percent more I sportsman ship. no matter who the minors in retail Itores is put in floor spaCI! for sellinl an,d ,service. Pre8ide nt should happen to be at force. and a larrer staff of in- A, new bank of modern elevators the tim~, ·and it should have no vestigatoTS will be required, Kiss wUl be inatalled, .. well as entire place in any campaign. Notwithstanding the election Scheffier ll8id. new fixtures throu,hout the store • • • which will make Rilr;e'. one 01 the result, Governor Landon has No elaborate ceremonies aud no most ' modj!lrn and lal!lrest depart- grown immensely in the esteem inaucural ball will be stores In the .tait-..e, Frederick of the American people whom he held when Gove~nor Martin L. H. Rike-, president of the company bas declared himself willing , to Dave)' is in&arurated for his sec- , anllouncl!d tbat work would begin trust. He has had ample evidences pnd term .Tanuary 11th, ' the &lmolt immediately dter the first of that esteem and bia present atGovernor announced. llle love.... of the .year and th~ plan i8 to titud& is proof enough that it is nor will take the oath of o!lce. complete th~ additioJ~ by next fully deserved. - Kansa s City adminiltered by Chief Justice OctobtT. Times. earl V••WelPJldt of the Supreme In!lIg bis .ppreci.tion - --...:. - ••- - Court of Ohio in the for cooperation aud loyalty of Ohio exhibitors won sedulloD of hiI private o!ice In t'tle IItore', thousand emploleea prizes in the Percheron the Capital BatldiDe before a Mr. Ilik. announced a Chriltm.. classes at tbe 1936 International ,mall lrfOap of frleJldl an4 reJa. gift In tile form of one week', Liveetoek Show than did tivea, accordilll' to plaDs, aaJ&r7 to alI relUlar employ.el - - -•• - • who have been 'With the ,tore from any other state. Several Ohio ,....... June, 188•• All other men already have, enteroed eroDS in the 1986 sbow at l,;hliCalrol plo)'etS. wlle ban been Tune,. which are _0& _inee befon NOHmber 18 flDiIhecI 111 tiDae for tile TJIaDb. ,ear will 2'eCe1v. ,10 eacb. Pbw 1M laelcl and Iifta wlU be dllttl'iHW ISSUED EVDY THUIlSDA Y

VIA" .---... ............... ....





Mt. Holty


Farm 'higlat 7 allrs, December 1

MOST DIRECT ClOSS-STATE ROUTE Between Toledo and Cincinnati Charted for the Benefit ot' Tntertate Motor Touri t a \ ell as Traffie Within the Borders or Ohio

Irs SHORTER :r:~ R;o~e~~ to Cincinnati as shown herewith is the shortest distAnce bet.ween tbe two cities. Officials of the State Highway D partment give the mileage saving as ab()u~ 11. miles. There's less trafSAfER IrS fic congestion on the Toledo-Cincinnati Short Line than on any other highway connecting these two cities. There tar fewer curves (no hairpins) and aU railroad grade crossings are exceptionally' well protected.





tbe highways and in the communities thru whicb they pass), fewer curves, and adequate width rondb d and bridges, tho Route bere outlined is a big time-saver for the busy motorist-very probably as much as two hours.



Choice of Knowing


The b a c k-


IlTT1L _",

Originated and Sponsored by the

E' bone 01 the oftidal Revolutionary Trails System of Western Ohio_ Marked its entire ]ength by liistorlcal markers of the ()hi~ )[emorial Oommission.

Revolutionary Short Trail Assoeiation

For ndditional Itrip mllJ,ls or any information relative to State Parks, Pleasure Resorts, Seenic Spots. Historic Shrines or the hundreds of other points of especial interest along this route, write WILBUR M_ FAULKNER SCCl'etar, , SPRINGFIELD, OHIO





Your SOllg A·m oo.Bodor/



PI'' ' ' .0'"


for IIIe ..... ........... of tills aoldll



n...... tnt. ....

II aow . . . . .




Best of the News Direct From the Ohio .State Capitol


'S FASTER tho By reason of ITmilellge, s rt er ]ess conges Uon (botb on

• • •




Quality L~.w~ PrIDtia: w

The lila_I










ale 3()

The hri tmS$ Health 'eat is to hsv 1\ bitlhdllY P 1't Y or rath r a numb('r of bil'lhd Y pill'tjl!!i--ltbi year .. In man counti s of Ohio J)ub liq h alUl organizations int~rl'st\!d in the IImpaign again t tub rculosis are arranging dinn er 01' lunch· eons to be belt! on D~cemb r in honor of lIIi Emily P. Bissell, of Wilmington, nel. , who 30 yea ago, ol'iginat d the first Christmas Health Seal Ie in the Unjted t te . Through th e sale conduct-

J. BCHAPMAN UC4l••~ Broker


Memorial to America's Cheese Factory U

h" >IHt al f(l[ I.'hihlren III The National 'rulH'J('ull' lji~ A.. ocilltion wa~ l'~unizt'<1 in 1!l04, but it was not II I il I !\(\'i', \\:h •.'n Mi ~lI Dis ('11. pr(l~ p ,;pd it, thot th :nle of hri t· nlao ll f'nlth 1'1\1 lias attempted. Now ~j\lc of Chri tma H lth SCIIL, n r he ld in ev ery state of th(' n;on hd t;C n ThanK sgiving ano hi i ~tll1 :; 'a h yeat. A number of Ohioans been invit d to a IUllcheon to 00 given in honor crf i Ls Bi soU in Wll. mingtlln. Del. December 8. Among lh spc k(,I'~ will be Dr. Thomas Pa'r rah Jr., surgeon gen ern I of the Unitod tate; Miss B iss II; Dr. Emond R. Lon ~, pre id nt or Ih National Tub rculosis As· sociation; Dr. Kentlall Emerson, managing director of the National Tuberf:cu losi As ociation. Th e toastma ter will be Leigb Mitchell Hodge .., who was a columnist on (he Pililadelphia North American and an enthusiastic supporter of Mis Bi :sell, when she launched the b,ri lmas Heal th Seal Sale idea. in", or


\\ Ith tu IH· rcul ,,:I~.




Dr. A. E. Stettler

The little daughter of Mr. and BRONZE WEATHER Mrs. William Dean ill very ill with STRIP pneumonia. Mr~. Edn~ Burnet and M~. Craduate Veterinarian GLASS AND PUTTY Margaret John.! were Dayton ViRitors last Wednesday. CEL-O·GLASS Office North Main St. Richard Swank at Dayton spent We Repair Window. everal days last week with his WAYNESVILLE, OHIO grand parenta, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Longacre. Telephone N G. 4 Mrs. Mary Carmony in com- Phone 54 W.YDOa'\'·iIIe, O. pany with M'r. and Mrs. W. F. Clark, of Waynesville, spent Thank.sgiving Day with Mr. and !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!'!!..!"!!~!!!!.!!"_!!..!!..!!...~~_~~~~-~-. Mts. Everett Cl8l'k and son in Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McKirby and famlly were Thursday guest. of Mr. and ~lr8. Ralph Jphns and In a1l of our ervices we take the neces ary steps daughters. T~ank sgiving guests of Mr. and to create a Memory Picture whi h forever tends to Mrs. Walter Clark were, Mi console those loved ones left behind. Every service Wa'Ilda (nark of Dayton, Mrs. is so directed a to reflect beauty, a happier life in Allce Clark and Mrs. Cleo Gray and children. ' , the Hereafter. We realize that the sentiment !Mr. and ' Mrs. Therle Jones /lnd invoJved a funeral Hervice i precious and our I¥ln .ape-nt Thanksgiving Day with every act is guided by that thought. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Nutt and fam ily near Centerville. 1111'S. Leon McNeal and daughter F.-ances of Centerville were Satw:day afternoon ca.llers of Mrs Alice Trickey and family. Mr. and 1\lr . Howard Smith and 7 Wayae5.lUe little son are moving this week

J. R. Gibbons


A Priceless Memory Picture


..-- -

An agriculturl\l conservation . program that will better fit tbe . needs of the farmers in Ohio than this year',, is t he prediction· of Elmer F. KrlJse, chair man J l) tho costume of ISS(); thi. old fa'Noned dairy 1IIllid hellped to 4Iedicatl1 01 the Ohio Ag ricultural Conserva the memorial to the first dlcese factory in Ameri~. at Renne, New York tion Commjtte.e. A1RYMEN trom all 11Mb of the thst CQmmunlty. son C1f a Revolu· United States gathered In tlonary War hero. [f yo u have more tiDle thi ~ome. New York, this past weet , 'rIIo Cer montes at Rome aened to caso n ()f the year for Teading and .. ben a . memorial on the site of luuugurIlte NatJon&' Cheese Wee' gelting caught uP . on what's new "mertca', ftrat chees facto)'y waG for the nation. Nonmber a to 1t ttavelled. in the branch of farming in which I A pageant In tbe costume of 1 50. It was from the l1li1111 beclo.nlngs at you IIro the 010 t interested, ask • parade of OlI-carts, and a colotfltl til cbecse factor)' tn Bome that th. entire cheese factor:, Iystem tn tbl, C'Ilremony preceded the dedication country YOUr county agricultural agent fOI! grew. I'f the brolUO ana stone mllmo lal free bulletin he has available to'mmemoraUDIJ the birth of tbe The bl'OllIe tablet: and repUca of Which will give you the intorma- · rl1eete factory .yatem In the United the old cheea& tac:itol7 were preStates Tbe' nation', first cbee e tac- sented to the cltlr of Rome b)' tion you want. '.'ry was buUt In Rome. In 1851. by Oeor"e L. Voone)" IMCretary of thf. ' aue Wtlllamlt. a dllfrl II..~ 'll'lr of National Cheese llliltitutll.

• • •



d. E. NeClure


to JohnAllen house, vacated by ~ Mr.the lindSt.Mrs. Hole. Mrs. Ruth Morgan attended a show l' for Miss Thelma Ooleman last week at the home of Mrs. Harold Kellis in M't. Holly. Mrs. Josie Whitaker of Way. ONLY nesville spent Thanksgiving with her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. More than a mtlllon readers throughout the country read PATHFINDEQ r egularly tor • Harold Whitaker and children. timely a.nd unvnnished digest · . a complete. Mr. lind Mrs. Sherman Rogen of Weat Carrollton spent several at the news. Are you overlooking some- '. thing? Today, economic and politiCal affairs are a.t theIr days last week with Mrs. Meta topsy-turviest. Every new tm'n or events Is apt to affect

This Paper For One Year and

Iss:" PATHFINDER$ '2 00


your pocket-book.

Everyone's asking, "What's Jt all

Miss Sarah Smith of Waynesville about, and how much is it goIng to cost me?" Before you was a guest several days 1l\8t week can answer that Question you must be able to Interpret ~==============~==============-=== at the home of Mrs. Belle Scott the news; and before you can interpret yOU must have ' and granddaughter, Mrs. Ruth all the facts clearly explained. , Morgan and son Bobby, EVERY WEEK FROM THE Mr. and ,MrS". WalUr Whitaker NEWS CENTER.f the WORLD and daughter, spent Sunday with Pathftadel' comes to you with its rethe latter's mother, Mra. Samuel liable, easy-to-I'ead and easy-to-understand D~WS reviews in 'Words, llieturl'!I Meredith at Johnsville. charts. Its condensed form presents "There are too ma!'ly folks on Warren county has been tentaMr. and Mrs. Ed Wilson of neal' ~-... ;:a..........IJo-"-a.;;.......... and a lively and intelligible 5\1rV y of curevery hand who actually bold Centerville were Sunday after. tively allocllted $3,827 . in state rent events throughout the 'World. its the-mseIves superiCir to both laws nOOn calle-1'8 of 'Mr. and Mrs. imparUnJ interpretation, analysis and I funds for relief purposes during explanation of the news enables you to and rules of decehcy held neces- Harvey Burnet. November and a like amount for sary for the safet)' and well-being think and t alk straight. Other weekly MI!. and lIrs. J. E. Smith atnews magazines seJJ at $,( to $5 a rear. Deeember, according to an an· of others," said Eldwin J. Bath, tended the funeral of the 'AU"''",., Pa~hllnder sells 'or $1 11 yenr. bu for nouncement at Columbus this ~gi.slative :represElntatlve of the a hmited time we enn offer you a ~reatly \1ncle at Fletcher, Ohio, last week week. The State Relief Commis. Ohio Farm Bureau, C()lumbu8, as ........ reduced bargaIn price on 11 combanation Mr. and M1'8. :l\I()rris Wharton of this paper and PATHFINDER. nrop in .ion ha figured on about $3,220,· he disc\ls!ied the put being play'ed of Lebanon, were Sunday ana see samples or write and take advan000 to provide ulief to th.e poor by members of the ,f arm bureau of Mr. and Mr. Clyde WI~l1ltOlll ~~i;~ tage of tbis special oll'er witbout delay. of Ohio for the temaining two in adVancing the silfety and genlnsure your economic future by assuring and family. ' iia~ months in the liCe of the relief law eral w!llfare of Ohio citizens. • y,?ur complete grasp of curr~nt affairs. Thanksgiving ' dinner guesta of Th~ CommiSSion, looking over "Regardless of bow much we Mrs. Alice Trickey and family !!!'!~~~~~~!!'!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!~!!!!!!!!~~!!'!!!!~!!!!'!~!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"" expenditures ince the law was object to regula~ons," declared en,acted in June, found ' it p~obab· Mr. Bath, "it is (~ertain tbat its were: Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Hardman and family and Mrs. , Ballard , ly will have a balance of $970,000 ~vill! are len than j}angerous Smith and Miss Mary Sweetman when the law expires on January carelessneBs of tM unrestrained of Dayton. 81. minorit.y." Mrs. Harvey Burnet, Mrs. MarEvery county in the state E-X· Mr. Bath <explained that the garet Johns and Mrs. E. B. Longcept Highland and Harrison have Ohio Farm Bureau was ODe of acre, attended the Garden Club, ,.",..----,...~applied ;for state aid, according the vigorous S,POJU!ors of the Tuesday aftern()on at the home to commission r,e cords. motorist's flnancial responsibility of Mrs. James McClure in Waylaw, the driver's license law, the nesville. highway patrol bill, and the guest M'r. and Mrs. Tony Geisler passenger act, all of which are and family of Dayton were SunPrIces 01 farm products, except designed to improve traffic .!Iafety day afternoon eallerB of Mrll. some clastles of livestock, are on Ohio's highways. Mary Carmony. "Ohio's motorist'. financial likely to Ili\maill ne~r present levels Mrs. , Meta Rogera was a u.ntil the later part of ·1987,80. responsibility ,law is not as good Thanksgiving goest Qf Mr. and cording to Floyd DeLashmutt, as. that· of some other states ' be- Mrs. William Rogera alld daughrural economics department, O. S. selfish opposition. caused a ter at Mason. . U. A good yea\'~ though, with partial weakening of the law beMr. and Mrs. Romo Riggs and normal crops would probably fore it was enacted. It needi daughter and Mrs. Jennie Mullen low-e-z prices in the last balf of amending, but it also needs to be of Ferry were Sunday afternoon enforced. And bot~ of thelie needs guests of Mrs. Alice Clark. next year, he adds. are among the objectives tor • Allen Hole attendEd the wedE. B. 'russing, secretary of the which the :farm bUlteau is w()rking ding of his niece, lfiS8 Jane Hole Ohio VegetabJe ' Growers' As~ocla­ -unceasingly." to Mr. Gebhart, at a Oatholic t~on, repor1:$ thllt this coun try-s Church in Da"yton, Thanksgiving morning. 1986 potato crop is the . smallest in 10 yeal.'8. The total yield, as reo. ' . . , Mr. and Mrs t..eelie Gray ported in October, was 322,000,__ tbm' SUnday dinner OO~ bushels as compaNd with 387, When yoti see ~m fttlimobile Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fisk of 000, 000 in 1985. Sh()rt ~u. pliC! CI)IJ4Il~ '{iO'f.Jt the' rOAd toward pendence, Ky., and Mr. and w~uld in~i!;a e .f . ·nmi~lvely high you, don't think of the driver as George Gray. Mrs. Stanley Baile), and Mn. ~•• ce until the heavy movement a. ,safe driver who knows what to of ;next year's crop begins, ac- do ' in every emergj!ncy. Think of Therle Jones, AI project leadull-of c'ording to TUBsing. He say. the him as a potentially r&ckle.. this community, attended the present indic,atioD ill for '- 2 per operator: Homo. demon.~riltton aieetl~ in cent 'acrea&,& increase ill, 1987 Morever, bnacin«' that OIL the Lebano~ Tuesday. And in connecover this year, Which, with normal, other' iide of every hill ther~ u a tion with the al1-daJ meetin&, of growing conditlona, would yield recklelll driver coml11&' over the Ladies' Aid We,d nesda), at the approximately 870,000,000 bUlh- hill on the left-hand side- of the ome of Mn. Wilbul' Foulks rave els of potatoea. road. I,slon Ou"Servin&' a Bufret • • • Further, imagine that directly " Various ways in which the behind you is a drinr who hasn't IIr. and ~ George G~y regovernment continues to serve the had his brakes reUned aillce ' he turned home Frida., from ' a ' tWo interests. of consumers are pointed bought the car a long time ago'. week's vi~it at InckpendenCle, Ky., out by Miss Toolrita Beall, bome He might run into you if you atop with their lIon-in-law and management specialist, O. S. U. too SUddenly. daughter, Mr. and MM. Fred' She l'eveal, that , tnaterial ' on And, remem,b er, you are the Fisk, who ~c;cC)mpanied them ~me consumer educa~ion continues to only one who will. I~'ok after your- and rema.ned over ' the week-end. be .p ubli'hed bysevel'81 govern- self. You ,ca.n't tell 'what the other Mr. ed Mrs. WaiteI\' Kenric~ ment divisions; the Bureau of fellow i8 going to do. entertain~ at 'tIwIbgivina din,agricultural Economics is workIf you are going' to avoid. hav- ner in honor of the birtltday of 'ing to further the .';Y!O' of standard- ing an accident you must take on the former, the following nieces ized grades for food in the retail YPu1'lleif all the rea.ponslbilit1 for and nepbflnl: Mi. and lira. market; the Trade Commission of your own safety, A CBRTIGRADB Ked Thomaa Colllne, lin. Nellie lIont.. the Department 01 Commerce So drive accordin&,ly. romery and d&u&,htar, MI.. Cleo, increased its activity in regard to • - - ,- - of Dayton. Mr. and lin. Lawchecking advertising and lalIleUlrlgl renCe Elliott, K'r. and lin. Everfor accurac)'; al)d the ett Kenrlcle ahd little IOn, Robert Standards and ' the Bureau of Mr. I'nd lin. Warren Xl'llrlclc and Home Economic. are contmuiq dauahter, M... liar. ret, of their work relative to ltaadarcllaCeIltemJle ad IItuaa Eft and ina and adequatel1 labe_ CODMlliam W1wtoa.



B. D. Collett Hardware aad Impl.IDeab


Waynesville, Ohio






Shorts a.nd Middlings

BOYS PI.s This Newspaper A t Reduced Price I.JE~d an o(fer that wUl appeal to all-American

~ Boy Magazine and this n~wspa~ at a .pecial combinatiOn bargain price. The American Boy is the favorite magazille of mot:e than SOO,ooo boy. and young men. Its liqiofl carries boys on the wings of -dventul-e to all parts of the world. Its sports artida by famous coaches and athletes are studied by cham. Plans. H.:re you will lind the 6nest stories on .porta,

~on, business, tchool activities, humor, and traveL Even at its regular price of $1.00 a year, The Ameri. can ~ is cons~dered a bargain. But ,now oq!!,~ obtain It ad this new.peper. , ,. .-



,.- ......-. --.:

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.. ,.



'Both One Year For · Send



ifhe Miami Gazette

• •




sumer aooda.

• • •


---... _..---

Eilrhty-Eilrhth Year




fO 00

will take place at 4:30 p. m. on SALES TAX 'December 26 in the chapel of Christ Church in Cincinnati. The c-el·el)'lony WI·1 l be followed by a ·r e· ception at t h e Cincinnati C l u b . . ,.. ....iss J anet Cartwright will he her ---s· ter's only attende1)t. and Mr. EllllJllin.... t Court Heuse Until Charles S. Browne,. Jr. will be the Saturday Noon De~,ber 12


:;~;;~~~~s~l:~n. :;~iia~~~11 ~:~

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mainoul! and Bon Donald, spent t~ week.end with relativel in Hamilton.

.u . ...... . .


On Sunday evening, Miami Chapter lifo. 107 O. E. S. held a memorial lervice at ber la~ home. Funeral services were held at the residenoo Monday oafternooll, Rev. G. C. Dibert olftciating and burial was made In Miami cemeter;y. Flora Susan, only child of AmQI B. and Prudence Haine8 Sides, Wall born on January 28, 1862, on a farm one mile north of Wayne8vUle. She pll8lled to a rlQh reward, December 3, 1936, .t 10 o'clock p. m. in th6 home in which IIhe had lived more than balf of her life. On December 24, 1881, ahe was united In marrl·age to Jobn C. Hawke, In the M. E. Church in Waynesville, Ohio, Rev. Edmund Burdsall, oftlciatinl'. · To this u11l0n were born he

ft •



~~~b!~:' ~::a,i:n~a::a~

F. F. A. Minstrel Tuesda, evening, December 11), at the gym. 10, 16 and 20 cents. Come. .Announcement is being made 01 the recent birth of a. daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Roland . Carey, nee Macey Carter. Mra. Cordia Truax who i.s aerlo';' sick, waa taken to Kc· Clellan hospital, Xenia, Monday, for· treatment. Mr. and Mn. H. R. Davis, 01 ManSfield, Is t~ l'Uest of ber brother-in·law and sister, Mr. and Mn. D. C. Ridge. Mrs. A. K. Day has returnoo home after a three·weeks' viliit at the borne of het Ion and family in Winchelter" Ky. Mr. and .Krs. L. E. Hockett and

glV8D O~. lit. Iil


in th. 1.11 eel It11 *he IIernd .. Worthy Jla~n, aDd... In .cUtlon. lD the Iatt.r,ur ""u bep.u, Katron 01 tU Dlatrict. ---..-_ -W ....... ~• For ......... . . . . - . lID WI -, ftct.Dt HCn~ 01 the She wu bOWD tbrouahout the Dlatrict ... Ifotber Hawb. ·lIra. Hawk. w.. a woman of \:Jnu_ daarac:ter--had an a· ceedi."y ~Ia'h, tiaD~ of riP" aDd ~ f ........ in def• it. SIw wu a devoted eta.iter, ". marniou belpmate. a .... mbtli'er and a loplftltnct. Ber ~I of klnl!lll.... b~ptt.11tJ aDd cheer were known far and wide. ab~... d ~.7. have 1iv~ to caD M' A






...lDaan D••

" ,...



Th,6 PrOlfraDl; CoDlmittM

Report. Gi"'.n On Friday afternoon, December 4, the Wayne Township Motiwl'll'

club held its regular meetin .. at .. the Grade building. The opening song, " Jingle Bells", was sung



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-dt.ller I'll'" of Mr. and lin. L. 1Il. Boobtt. '!'be W~""'a AIW1tal7 01 St. lIarra Ch~ will .m ..t .JI~ Lee Hawke OD rrw-y~. nooa, Decembwl1tb at I o'clock.,





of tlu", at tIda lit. WlUu4 IIotaer cd Vincent, K'., ... & . . . . 01 hla awt, liN. . , JI&IDna......u da,. 1ut w"k, aDd OD WedlMldal MI". AIOIlIO Altard ud JUs moth.r of DartoD, . . . . dblDer.-aiSta at the



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see fit. The til'!!t part of the pro,raID was furnished by second crade pupils un4er the direetloa Of JIrI. ' , Ola Kersey. It eonsillted of aong8 and recitatJON in with the Chl'ietmu 8CUOn. The latter part of the proaram w.. a playlet called StationX-K.A-S. b, ·t he Lytle mothers. Th. cut lDeluded, Mr8. Lowell Thoma, lin. Harold Whl~ker, 1IIra. SaDl., Bailey, MIra. I Le's1ie Gra" lin. Walter Whitaker and JIet&7 Routzahn • . The club adjourned to lDHt tile ftrst Friday in Jan\l&l'J. DeUciou refreshmenb were 8en-eel b,: Kn. Gene Conner, Mn. ROIl Bartaock. .Mrs. Robert Collett. llra. . ~ Weltz, Mra. lIert Baird, JIri.. Oharl~ Anderaon, Xn. EtIaaa Crane, M.ra. .D. R. Smith and lin. Charles Davll.



er,;re~i:!it-:fe Pia:: :fO~I:r!~nn.l1~



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b) ~~~irL:::neonon pi~:e ea~;yn;!7~~; ~~~~~ :~e~~o~::Ts~!~eb:V:S~~ni~ ;:~h!h:!r:~~tte:e~ a::'l'O:.n:=:



;:!~~~:. :h~~n:~::i~e$~I=

Mrs. Currence ¥om·oe, aged 69,The ben,elit card plttty be Bowersville; Everett ana Emerson wife of Nathan Monroe died at held at tbeo gym tonight is spon- Mr. and Mn.



She pOMeued aD UDUuaDy a1eI1 MEETING iDind, her boclUy acitivlU.. w.. boundl.... bel' 6deUtr to dutr wu tlNI... , . . . - . , Boar Clab.-.t TUM . Mr. aael lira. Hawke w.n ~k- . . . ...... '" . . IMee of 1111 torward to • •~ til.

(CoatIDlIed 011 . . . . . )

Th score was in Wayne~v ille'8 favor a1\ th e way with the fol low· ing SCO I'ilS all the quarters :' first quurter, 5 to 1; second quart!:r 12 to G; third quar t-er 19 to 9, foul'th nnd fina l quarter 2 to 13 . WAYCEHS V. G

Harold .nd Carl Shutts, of MONDAY · services, conducted Lebanon, were week.end guests I Rev. G. C. Dibert, will be held at . morning. She had been ill about welfare work. tn the home ot their grandfatber, The Wayne Township board of · the McClure FUneral 1I0me, Fri. \ one week. M Albert Shattl, and f.amily. education met in monthly 8eesion day a!~moon at 2 o'clock. BUria.l j She was a daughwl' of Uie late I W rb and Mrs. Irving D. left hMe~i to Mrs C"A I Ed~-'> d Monday evening, December 7. will be made in Miami cemetery. John Phillip, a native of Waynee- \ eklc, hW~o hrecent~y D . ea wao;ul an Th 1 b'll 11 d - -- - -- - ' II d h d )' d the I t ma e t err orne In es 0 nes, crand~on, of Dalton, spent last e regu ar I. s were a owe VI lj, an a · grea er Iown' are bow lca.santl located week with Mrs. Edwards lister, and orderea 'Paid. The purchase of PARALYSIS FA.TAL , part of her bfe in Warren in that cit». M~. W I~h writes Mn Ra on·d Conn-and two sets of reference for the Fun eral aervice8 for Mrs. J erry county. lh t D U . · '.t ym "', . . h er h us b an d· sh e .IS ad heSu..~lnes lS a very mce CI :y f •It lower grp.dea was authoni&ed. They Wa tk·ms, 7'5! wh 0 d·14~d S un day' De.!ldes· h tb. k h '11 rk .am y. consist of the John Martin Big morning "t Miami Valley hospital survived by two daughters, Mrs. ~t Ii t at t ey m t ~y WI I e Mr. and Kl'!!. Howard Hurley Book, 7 volumea' land the Junior following a stroke of' paraly. is, Rachel Banta and Miss Geraldine I ne. ., and family . of Itlacman, and ~r. Classics, .10 volu~es. The Boa~d Was hel~ Tuesday. afternoon at ~he Monr~e, both of 1:ebanon; and Supervi or of music R. E. and ...... Lloyd Davia and famIly also decided to aSl!lst the hool In CentervIlle Baptist church With two Sisters, Mrs., Llda Pence and Frank will present pupilS of were Sunda, l'Uests of Mr. and the purchase of a mimeographing burial in Cen~erville '~emetery. 'I Mrs. Florence ~avis, o~ Lebanon. grades one to six in the operetta K1'II. JOliah Davia. machine. Mrs. WatkinS 'Wafl an aunt Funeral serv Ices were held at "Magic Chl'istma Bells" at the 11 A R Sc The Cbristmall vacation will ex· of Mrs. D. C. Ridge nntl grand· the Oswal d Funeral Home in Leb· Waynesville gym, Tuesday even. r. ad::: • • boeler, of tend ' from Friday, Decem~r 26 to m-other of Mrs. Carman Crane- of anon, Monday a ftellno On and ing, Decombe'!: 22. Tickets for the BamUton, Kathryn Turner Monday morning, Janua~ 4, 193~ WaynCllvUJe. burial WI!.'! in Lebanon cemetery. entertainment .41·0 being sold by Ila~, a:: Mr. ~ II '_= ::5 the children for the small sum of . . . wen un y CUes 0 lOCellts for adults, 5 cents for Mr. and IIl't1. John. B. GoIII. children. lIr. and lin. Ronald K. Hawke,. Mr, ad ~ Harvey Rye and PLAN INSTITUTE :fa:mll, and Hr. and 111'11. R. H. HU'bIock,.a1ld f~1tl wen Sanda)' , ~ \.~1! 1'Z.~R.





who servinI' on the Federal jury.

:::ea Clara Vance who reaidea in Wi!mlnrton. Besides tbelMl she a croup of nine rrralld-c:blldren and four .d great-~d~hil re~, .,bile two grandcblldren .awalted 'ber 011 the other .bo~.. Mn. Hawke bad. united Witb,tbe Methodlat Epiaeopal church In earq .Irlhood, and durlq her e'lltire life of 74 yean, 10 m~ntll8 and ftve days, was lo,al to he.r . conYictions. Sbe wu a valued member of the local N_ Century Club and con~ tributed rreatly to ita interest and lacc.., and hacl * D preHli\ at ita re.ulat meetinl' only a f . . days before ber death. He~ iQ~rell tn and love for the Qrder of the EaatMD Star... one of the, brirht spot. in her uNo .flJl ute, bullll' become a member in tile , .... 19O1l. and Jater w..




~~d~e:~k!,~h~'~::I!to;~:a~ :~., J)v!d~::.~O~~~d :ac~~~~i~;

ville; Raymond &lid


Tbe F. F. A. will stage a min. REGULAR 1 On next Tuesday vcning in the H igh School Gym at. 8. Admiss Ion will be 10c, 150 and 20c Waynesvill e varsity once 8gn in Goo d music with plenty of brought home tho bacon when i t fRIDAY me lody, funny jokes nn.1 a play· woll ov r POli; WiJlinm Friday I t , "The Haunted JIo\;eI." Lytle Moliler. Fu..-,i.h P.rt of night, with a score of ~8 to 13.



MillS Laura R08n.u.le, of Clllcl·n. .... the wee-···end "",,'e st of "" "'Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Hathaway.

several yean her death came ·a s B shock to ber famil'" and friends.




Those vendol'!! rticb f ' ...... ::.:: .. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sherwood of food for h.uman consumption off LeMay, c a 31 .73 spent Sunday with relatives in ducted by Mrs. G. C. Dibert. In the premises, are to file a special at.t.erihwaiW, g . ... 0 Dayton. keep ing wibh the seallon she read Sales Tax Return for the period Bogel', g .. J 0 2 MAO G'ff .. d I · d h Ch . to Th July 1 to November 10, 10a6, ac. Clal y, -( 1 0 2 !'S. . . rl y Vlslte flen s t e n stmas II fY. e d· t tat t b MHO 0 in Spring Vall y, Wednesday of minutes of the last meeting were cor mg 0 a semen y : . Donahoo, g . ..... ..0 Jnst week. ,read qnd approved. Keelor, local sales tax examme1". 28 The tre.a.surer reported · a Report forms have bl! n matled Total 10.1 The cOlldition of Mr. Ira. Rich . balance on !land of $211.28. In to those .vendQrs .who · ore to file PORT WILLIAM V. who is Se1·jously ill, remains nbou the room popularity contest the thea returns whIch at'e due on G F P the same. fl Qwer box waa awarded to Millll or before December 20. Larrick, of •• , ........... 0 0 0 McKl·nse" and the picture to 'Vu' II .J The returns may 1)e til ed this Devoe, f .... " •..... .... .0 3 3 Mr:!. Horace Swank, of Loveland, Campbel¥l. h '11 b F· ld 2 0 4 was the guest. of Mr. and Mrs. k ·t'h M K eeI WI ee ._Wld hr. C or WHO WI .e II! S, C ..... . .............. Walter Elz~'Y, Tu esday. The finance. cOmmittee chair. •• oca..., at t e OUTt ouse In Woods. g ........ ,.. • ... .. 0 0 0 kA_ man reported that $25.61 had bei!n MRS Le ...."on until S4\tul'day noon, Mason, g .................. .. 2 0 " Charles James and family spent received from the Than~ving ~::;~~e\h~~; ;:tur::ndO;i:ec~~~ Ary, g, ...................... ~ ~ ~ Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. mark t and also the sum of $18.Hutchison nd family in Dayton. 38 from the card party. This The T ax Commission, S alcs Tax Total s .. " ... .. ...... , . 5 ' 3 13 h Th Fri d"h· CI b t Section, · 08 East Gay !;t., Colum· The r,eserve team was less for. Chnrles James Jr. spent la~" amount given to t e grade e en" lp u was en er- b Oh· t . h f 9 18 week at the home of his uncle, lun ch committee for the purchase tained Wednesday December 9th u, 10. . . tun~ e w~t a core 0 to , of new silverware. t th h f 'U'''': Ch Da· Farmers who retaIl llothmg b.ut but we Wish them b tter luck next LMttlr JamCil, at Blanchester. ~. orne 0 =r~. .8S. ,VIa food for human consUlmption oil' time. . The grade lunch chairman reo wRlth Mrs~. MECFollelDle, Mrs MMark the premises are l'equil'ed to sur. WA YCEHS R. Ml'. and Mrs. Ralph Hastings at· po~ted that the silverware had WOgel ra, SM.hrs· · .. d ;.ppe'R re. render their vendor's l:teens sand G F P nded th~ Iuneral of Mrs. Otir been Jlurchased and she allo read a ter ee han. '--t an ... 1'8. obert. metal (IdentificatIon ... 0 Ttons in Lebanonj Monday. a Ii t of names of persons who had L te pllltes to the Stephens ..... .......... 1 2 B ak er a a5111s ....... ' rtOS SIIes. e t A d·to f l i t · CI 1 1 3 donated miscellaneous articles of Thirty-one members answered to oun y . u I r or ca,nce a 10~. ar-y ........ .... .. :....... . . Mrs. A. K. Day has returne<l kitchen ware which were n~ded roll call Tho e farmer8 surrendering Furnas ................... .. ... 0 1 1 after 8n extended vi it at the 80 blKlly. The club wishes to again Mrs. I.lvin Earnhart conducted th~jr license!! will be relie~ed of Oollett . ... . ... .... ........ 0 0 0 home of her son in Winchester, thank everyone who ent in con·' I f"~ hi Ch th filmg tu reports dtelt" thl final Fires .......... , .............. 0 2 2 Ky. tb e I.d ebvo"ilona II 8 """t' w t d The report, tor which nil have received 0 hOI 1 tributions of any kind. usua us ne 8 was ransae e. e bl k8 olla 0 0 . .• . •..• . ....... Don't miss the F. F. A. The club. voted that $5.00 worth following program of Christmas an. _ _ ___ Sheets . ..... .... .... ..... . 0 0 0 Minstrel at the Fj'igh school gym, of Christmas Seals be purcbued numbel'll was enjoyed: Tuesday evening, Deeemb l' 15, as usual. Rea.ding-Kary Ann Melloh. MILLER RITES Totals P·ORT" ·, vi'Li.·ji..r-,; R. 5 9 10; 15 and 20 cents admission. BiI\!f for the month amountiDtr Song-Bobbie Hastin8'1l 1 9 to $168.97 were ~lIowed and Readinlr-Warren Sheehan. WILL 8~ HELD FRIDAY Ellsworth .' ............. . 4 Mt·. and Mr . Ronald M. Ita'wke ordered paid. In the future theee Reading--Jimmie Crane. [ . Custls ... , ................ .. 2 0 4" ill attend the Christmas party bills ere to be paid weeldy. Christmas gifts were then exHurley .... .. ................ 1 0 2 being staged tonight by member The high school lunch chairman changed · by means of a fish pond, Frank F. 'M'iller, 76 yeal'S of Pagett ........... ....... :...... 1 0 2 of Wanen County Agricultural reported the lunches to be prowhich created much amUllement. age, Tetired blaCKsmith, died ~~::~ ... ....... " ......... ... ~ 0 ~. Club. greasing nlc·ely and that ,5 had . Delicious refrnhmenb were Tu'Csday night at Miami Valle" ...... ... .... . ...... 1 b~n donated to tbem b........ r. and ' Mrs. Oliver Davis, Mrs. Nettie " served after which tb~ club .ad· bost>itaJ. Death was dille to pneut.a18 ~ 2 18 Kepl~r and Mills Rachel Davis at. Mrs. D. C. Ridge. 1TO journed to meet with Mrs. Will monia.. . .. _ -'.,' ,..•. _....._" .. ... _..._._ Alothin .. tended the funeral of Mrs. Nathan ~. The ch"irma~· ... ...., .of the . . . .... St. John In Janua:ry. Surv1VlDg are hiS wife, . May; RITES FOR MRS MONROE Monroe in Lebanon, Monday committee gave a list 01 chothiq ' • - • Three ~augbters, Mrs, Elsie ~af, WERE HELD MONDAY afternoon. which waa needed by lOme of the

William Bayles to ushflr. Among the parties Which h~ve al~ady been giVen for +his bride • and groom·ele.ct were the kitchen shOwer given by M'r. and Mrs. .G f tb t N e""on amp er; e lIupper par y at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dick McNaughtonj and the miscellane. OUB 'Shower on December 6 given b'" ...·r and .....l'!! G E U'c' Clellan

Mrs. Walter Underwool) apent two days- last week with her daughter in 9inci'nnati.

Mr. and Ml'!!. John Stansberry are announcing the birth of a d h t d D aug ter, Sa ut ay, eoember 5.



Whole Number 6251

DECEMBER 10, 1936






Miami hapter ~o. 10'7 O. E. S. will meet in regular SClll3ion Monday evcning,- December 14, at ' NUPIIALS DEC. 7 :80. Installation and Memorinl. ·"At· h b i d f Visiting members welcome. Invl .... Ions ave een 38ue or .Mary Earrtlllll'l, W. 1\1" the wedding of Miss Evelyn CarLMinnie Fromm, eo'y. wright to Mr. George Willis which ...._

Special communication of Waynesville Lodge No. 163 F. 01: A. M.· Wedne~day evening, December 16. Supper at 6:30. Work will begin at 7 :30 when officers will be installed and a ctaft will be formed for t he year P""lIlin.~t W_an P ...... 1937. At Her HODl. On Fifth Visiting and BOjol!rning b~th. ren are 'Welcome. D. R. SMITH. W. M., Mrs. John C. Hawke, a promi. V. M. ARMITAGE, Sec'y nent resident of Wayneaville, died at her home on Fifth street, Thursday night, December S. . Although in failing bealth for

natl, w


" the middle of January were formulated week at a m~ting of institute officer8 a1)d relfdenb! Mrs. Anna L. , Carey, 18 pull 'of the community. The meeting of age, owner of Cary's J.~ was held in the Clarksville school Shop, Lebanon, died TbIandQ building. evenln. of lallt week at her la••• LQn Rosenberger, president of in J..e.banon. Althoql& lb. . . . . t~e 1931 institute, has named I been in 1ailing health .tor tIae Mrs. Herbert Ross, Mrs. H. W. put two years ahe w.. at _ Chamberlin arid Mrs. A. · H. of bUsinellll UDtil a few..,. Stantleld as a committee to arher death wheD" ..... rAn'goe a hom~ arts exhibit for the with. severe: co1d ...... institute, and placed WiUatd La- developed into pneumonia. }4~ollette and Herbert Ross 011 a Mrs. Cary wu a melaber 01 Ut. committee with. himself to have Lebanon Chamber of Com........ charge of a farm product. display. the , Eetail Merchants BUNau' aDd The Clarkllville institute this waa a charter member ., tit. year will be an independent com· Lebanon Buaineu a8d 1'Iet~ munit'y meeting with all spe_kers IIlonal Women's clabo and program features provided m.mber of the ~ from available local tatent. church ~d the Eaat.mI 8_ ... - - Rebekah lodtno LAD INJURED IN FALL Sul'YivilJl" va ... _ . . . . AT LEBANON SCHOOL ~:.::n= !:~;.w-; CIC

81a..,... ....



FuIl.raJ ...,.........


. Junior Hud,.l, aaed 8, ton of Sai1lrda~ altenloea ••~. ~== . Mr. and K.ra. John Hudael.. I,eb.. J'uenl .... 111 aeon, llIA',red a .....ere aub on tlI. l~.~~~~:,~=~~ forela.... Tulllday ' whe. II. feU willie plaJlnc at til. pcle eeJaool buflellns. TIt. lad to ... BlaIr BmIIen BOIPftal ...

w.. _


to . . home.



BLIND RKLIEF FUNDS proved. ,food. 38. J03.80; Th OftIee Outfitten. T he in"l nt y r Mamie Dough (ir~ . d othinr, cat bon, cand Bh~e , ink for BCEIVED LOCALLY la '~ ' t OU( I· ~ Th~ Dayton Sun[, mnn . Adnl ini lI'atli" II! th n~ .. '", . 7')~ '. I',. II . J o I'rlc . ..."~" , . I u' A U d't lor, ... Su: Former 4-H club membe" of Iton , [loughman, decea "ed. W . n . Md{('nry, foo mId cl Cl thin~ ell Works Co.., dater for Audltorl comprise 34 percent of all home Warren county thill week reeelv\\ s apJlrov d. 1116.75 ; M" rrow F ed &: ; upply otncp, 13.10; Roq H. Jlarbloek, conomics tudente 'and 89 pn t'd nearly ~l.OOO In IItate and fed· JI\I11C~ E. Burke, g unnlian of Jen. Co., fu el, $l!l; Jam I~ W . rutle r . Treu8urer, pOIlta4r for Treasurer', cent of ull arricu ltural studeate oral blind relief ( und. , according nle (,. Kr ntzH, til ed hi. affidavit nlil k, *B; ~l i~~ MII ~Y K Rill·Y. offi c', ,40.55; Th e Office Outfit- in regula"!' cou rse8 at O. S, U. to , an announceml! nt by the I1 It er, l'.~J iJ; ~ El k ~h,.lt~r . tel' ~, tyr e ell?ilner for Probato (hnini,(ru1or of t he' ~,tatc (If in he ll of account. .1 S r 00, county auditor. • • Alicl ,1. [l1:lil', Ul'CCO'('(1. and The 81 bl'lt o r ... u ery1 B. Gmy $6 ; T en>'s G rocer t, fooll, $ .75 ; Court, 50c; Dr, H. M. Willl'am In the ell of Evt'lyn . , at- filt'd bond of 6.1>00, W iVir. "cr' odml'n'IS t I'ato r 0 f th (I es tat e 0 f II o· Illrcnce T hM:mann, clothing, ,9,· lnv stigation Into -!leath, $4.60' D, Five memben of Ohi o dairy \tin ver. us N Lson ,Watk i,n .• tllee! h"~ qi. heir. '1. ..o r<1 h~' n0 "h nth, d cceose d , was [Iv; .. L . S. Tracy, nl ilk , 3: Tracy'· tan ley Earnhart, Postmaster, en· h rd improvement e, ociation divorce WBS 8TlI llt tl the pl ninN. A. llamilton lCecutor or the ordcl'ed r corded. Crocl'!'Y, 'food Bn d milk, $28; E. ~·(' I op. , $6; The Office Ou~tterll built or repaired dair ybarn during tifl'. Th CD tody (If th ir minor will of athcrine J. IHlyke, de· The inb ritnnce lax on the estate Wh itenaCK &. on, food. $3; T. rubher bands, 60c; Wm. H. Wood, October. Two huilt safety bull chi! d W II given to the plaintiff. c~ai'cd, lit d his fi t and fina l of Will iam Link, decea ed, WB de· U. W oodr~y. lood, $3.75; Wood's ervices as r odman, $2.75; S. pena and on ll e.rected a new silo. In t.hG CaBe of Wilbur N. SeOT accoun\.. t n nined. Market, foo d. $161 j The Office Bro dwuy Filling Station, reo Appelle ,versu H. W. BlldgleJtottie K Hulkl'!t, adminis. The elttate of. Myles E. Br a den, Ol)ttittfr~ otlice sl!ppliel'. $1.00 ; charg ing 2 fire entin"'uishers, ·2', . ~ h 11 decease" WG~ found t b t "" .. 't' Good pasture reduc~ the cost of app lIant, judgment. from the U 'S t TIXU 0. tee at e of orner u, . 0 e exemp .... v rett Early, fue l, $3.26; Kroger The F. J . H r Printi nar Co., 60 - - .I iiI d h fro m inheritance tax. G B k C f feeding Iive$tock, and agronomists cDurt of appeal. wa affirmed. e er rocery • n ing o. ood D • IT 0 11 roft. d cen.,...... , "" C M I ' nhd acts Modification of Gr an·.. ,1.5_ -0,' a t Ohl0 State Univer sity ay t hat In <he ... n oe f V In the case of Lillian lemma t \ t" an d Ii nil l aceount. ,. -- 0 Of. • ann ng, mi lk, $47 .66; Morrow F ed & John S. J ones, upt., boarel, room t McG lasson versus Clarenc .r. McJ. T, Ril y wo. appOinted d. administrator ()f th estate of Col· S UPP Iy o., C f ue1, $4 .60; · n P d an d car , $2 7 j The Oregonia moneyspent be forclassed pastureasimprove~ ment should an int Ola on. divorce ';I' s granWt:! thl' mini-strator of the estau of " in Kee na n, d~ea ed, Vel' us Ca.}'l Tuk(' & on, helte'!', 8 ; e ha . 0 Bridge Cd .', lumb er, oxygen, rein! d A ~ " el" I b d ! 'V estment father than 08 an ex· plain lift'. Th plaintiff Was r(' tor- am es 'Ft • ynn, eceased, and til d . yers, an <w Itlona on 0 Wmi a ~s, food, $12; Geo. B. teel, $23.12; Jame Haines, sew r pense. J cd to her maiden 1111 me of Lillian bond of 1,000. ~6, 0 00 wa ordered tiled and sal J ohn!\on. stamp and transporta- 'pipe ~27; Morrow Serv ice Station CI mma Timmernlan. Th wi\] of Altha Watkins, de- of r eal e~tate at private Ie wa s tion, during NO'lrember $3.50 i uil, $33.56 ; Bay ity Sl;1ovels, In~ - • • • cea.~ d, was filed in court.. ordet·ed. Mr. Helen Doughm An invalid 60 Ii~ of drive chain, $36; The Total sl ughter of cattle and N e w Suil. Th inventory of Jo hn lIenry $7; J . I. Holcomb Mfg. Co., mop Taylor Tractor Co. , 48 Iinka, $9.- calves in the United States is ex· Mamie Venier filed uit again t F~'i :ldm,nistratol' IOf the Real ' J::.tate Tranafer. ~eads for Co urt House, $3.83; W. 80; George Killeen & Son, Inc., peet ed to be small r in 1937 than Harold M. B nbam, ~dmini trator estBtt; of Kunigu.nde Roehmer, 'deCarl V. Dllnham, et al t o Floyd C. Tu rt;on , shovel Pocahontas for fteight on shovel part.~" 92c ; for eith er of the precedin g two of the estate of Alex Ludlum, de· ceased, ",a~ approved. S. Kingsley, about 232 acres in ourt Hou e, $16 ; East En d Coul Herschel James Carage, parts, years. ~he proportion of grain· fed ~ased, seeki ng 9,000 and costa, o. coal for Court House 20 55' $5 95' Roger s & S' k cattle In the 1937 slaughter supW. D. Corwin filed application Wallbington to\\-nship. an amount she alleges i.s due h r :for the apPOintment of a guatd. Char G. and Robert C. Garner ' , ., " . Im pson, ero- ply probablv will be smaller f or .~ 0 A S 11 am D. H enkle, 10 gal. gas, $1.95 ene, gasohne, $4 .1.71; Kelsey's 1936. . fl'o m the e~tate. The caSe was til d ian of Anton J . Deu eh, incom"" sa . ne, lot in Harvey'~ G I "26 2 Wilbu r R. Swanger, janitor sel'arage, IJllSO me, '1' . ' 2 ~ by Attorneys Forn ey and Schn eid· • • b urg. petent. J obn Law & Son, sto rage and er and J am s E. Burke. At meetings beld in local com-h f L L Oll ' ver Ch m berlal'" to Brooks vice Memorial HaU, $40', Treas aUl'enc e y e n s , " ga oline, $14.1 2 i Smit h's Service ln • e case 0 Sam uel Snook brought. suit for administrator of t he estate of Or. a nd Murtle Wella, five lots in uret of State, clolhing for in· Station, gasoline and pil, ~33.86; munities in Ohio counties the most divorce against Minnie Ev Iyn popular change sugg~ted by rin M. Lyons. deceased, 'versus F ranklin. mat s of Dayton State Hospital, ~owa.rd E. lvins, g8!l0line, $1'7.18. Snook. far mers f or the 193'1 agricultural J. E. Robertaon to J oseph A. J oe McCabe filed suit against Alice Lyons, et al, a dditional bond conservation program was an in==a I nez McCabe f or divorce. The of $3,000 WaS approved a nd $ale V a n der Voo rt, tract in Cli nton 01 real sta.t e was ordere d. and War-r e n counties. ...-....... ...- • •• -.....- - -.- - ----- '....""......- - - - - - - - - - - - - crease in paymen tafor soil buildcharge is gross neglect of duty. ing practices, even if this meant The adjudication and determina New York Life Insurance Co., to Robert SeU ~ Darragh Gled suit smaller payments for s hitting Cram soil·depleting to 10il-conaeIV against Eldan Hogg Darragh for t,ion of the inh ritance tax on the Albert Goos, 118,76 acres in Clear e tate of William Link, deceased, creek tow nship, ing crops. divorce. is to be given to all per onsi n_ Lloyd Colliver a nd I rma Oo1liv r ,••- - - - - -.............- •••-. -.........- - - - - -.....- ....-.....:"......~.........- - - • ter ested. t.o William C. Ulmer and E. W. MAC.l C CHRISTMAS BELLS PreIta.. Coart Records kept for five ye~rs on Marie Hill. xecutrix of th e e8. Bettinger , 141.50 acres in Salem Harry Z. Gray was APpointed ad· Ohio poultry flocks show that the Graefe Opuetta-D eeembeto 22 Honor Roll ministrator of tOO eltate of J osie tat ot Frank R. Combs deceased, tow nship. money received for eggs make! PrCl!ton Longley, et aI, to Millie filed her first and flnal account. "THE HOME OF GIFTS" A. Carnes deceased and fil ed bond up 87.8 per cent of all income Di d you know that Santa Claus Th e honOl" roll t or the second Leora R. C.;>twin, adminisl.rab-ix Quinby, lot in Morrow. of ,aoo. GeolYe Davis, Roy D, from the fiock. Experts of the Lebanon, Ohio of the est.ate of Firm an D. CorMira Bowyer, deceased, t o P res- tinds himselt in a "fix" once In a ix week period includes : Autremont and J . T. Gray were SenioTs Margie Tinney. poultry departme nt at Ohio State while? He even goes to sleep "on win, deceased, fi led her first, fi nal ton Longley, at al, lot in Mason. appointed appraisel'll. EXPERT WATCH John Lam):!, deceased, by Admin the job." Wbat do you u p pose Glenna Woolard, Doris Surface University uy that inoreased proREPAlalNG Wilbur J . Hendrix w.. appointe d and distributive account. of quality eggs will still duction The schedule of debts in the istr atol', to Stella E. Lamb, real will bliP pen to aU the little boys and Elsie Mae Wica!. guardian of J M. · Hendrix, further increase ' the incom e f-rom all over the world who Juniors-Ruth Conn r, . Vivian and girls U.iD. ODly 0 ...1_ ...t.la1l ta~ of Frank A. Pence, dee eas. estate in Wayne townllhip. minor. ed, W8 filed. Lucile W. ?tlockler to Howard Ilre waiting to btl remembered ? Conner, J ean P ennington, Charles eggs II. compared with t he money Marth a J . and, Franklin Conover Prompt Service Perhaps Nimble and Wimble, A Ddeno n, Naomi Ramby and obtai ned from sales of poultry for The 1>roceedin~ of C. C. Eula s Surface, lob in Springboro, were appointed administrators of meat. Santa's help er, (Ellen Moss nnd Jane Furnas. The Peopl 's Building Loan and Store op elt until 9 p. m. th& estate of S!,rah H. Conover, executo·r of the estate of Pead Charlotte Rye) could offer a Sophomores- Margie · Gu stin, Eula5 , d ceaeed, were approved Savings Co. to Edlt.h Mloore, 100 8 deceaeed, and iiled a bond of $22,gll~8tio n to Santa (Ruth Helen Opal Hender80n and Elizabeth by the ~urt. acre)3 in Hamilton townshil,l. NOTICE 000. Hoblet. The 1h'st and fin al account of R ,Milton FOBS, by a.dministrator LeMay). George E. Young was appolntell will see hUlman Christma FreshmenBetty Bemard, Ma ry You No huntinr or tresJlassinr on ueeutor of the estate of William Anna Gramlich. executrix of the to William J. Conway, 126.96 t !'ees; human balIl)ons (thlit won 't Eva LeMay, Miriam Wharton and Aslt f or a my farm, day or night. • F. Down~y, deceased, and filed estate of John Gramlich, deceased acres in Hamilton tow nship. burst), very tinl' Indian Maids ; Carol Ludipgton. was appToved, allowed and conFred Carr to Estel Wright, real CHAS. R. FRAZIER. Millmi.bura Permanent bond of $4,000. Eugene A. J eflassi es from hlpn ny Scotland; Eighth Grad~Freida Ellis. firmed by the court. estate in Franklin township . fery. Ed. C. J effery and J ohn W. Se,,-enth Grade-Jeanne Baker, !!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!~!!!!!"!'"""!' Concrete The fi r t and final Jlceount of Lydia Coleman and William Cole .real Jack-"in.tbe,.Boxes ; ChristGoddard were appointed apprais.mas Puddin""'--"ium.uum-China. Jean McClur e, Franeee Johns, -~-Katie Kirby ad minLstratrix opf the ·man to Eff Jof! M. Chenoweth, two ..~ oT· " M ' S· h G ANNUAL MEETING Air Seal Burial Vault era. men who really like chop-suey, artan mlt and ene Collett. The inventory of Louis L Keller estate ot Harry Kirby, deceased, acres in Massie township. For Sale onl, by Sixth Grade - Helen Hise)" The annual meeting of the Henry M. Scot t and Elizabeth K Swedish boys and girl , Japan ese adminiatrator of the estate of Carl was approv ed, a\]ow~ and con"Ladies," and really, truly, honest Lansing Hardin. stockholders of tbe Waynesville firmed b y the COUTt. Scott to Simeon Bulca, 109.31 Penkawa, deceaaed. Willi filed in to-goodness Cowboys wh o can use Fifth Grade -Wilma Dibert. National Bank for the purp096 of Your Funeral Director rt app;roved allowed and acres in Tul'tlecreek t ownship. The cou court. 8 lasso and six shooter. Fourth Grade Ru th Anna electing dir ectors for t he ensuing confirm d the first and final ac. 1 J •. Wrigh.t. to Mose Landers ,Bert Boomershine and Lewis Come to the Irrad~ Chri.$tmas Johns, Ruth. B elen LeMay. year, will be held at their banking 1lot 114 in Fra.nkHn. McClure Funeral Home Boomenbine appointed ad· count of Stella R. CorWin admin. Operetta at the Gym December 22 T hird Gra~ ~ Ernstine Eam- rooms, Tuesda y, January 12, ' ratrix of the estate of' Charles \ Susan A. Morrison to Richar d E ist Wap..~"" ' o. ministrators of tne estate of E I· hart, Gla dys Rye, Donald ~rO'Wn , 193'7. at 2 o'elocle p. m. _ ___ I Morriso n 2 lots in Maso n. mire Boomenhine, decea' ed, and H. Corwin, deceased, SporlamiaDabill' Brotherhood Ch8l'leS Dibert and Seth Hoak. L . M. H EjNDERSON,. CUhISt' 1 Mar. . . Lie _ _ The co urt approved, allowed tiled bond with S111'etiea. S econd Grade- Ann Welti ; ~=====.=======~ and confirmed t h first and final At the meetin~: of the, Sports- Tommy Wagner, Mildrea Bourne d10-17-24-3 1-j7 . The will of ' Elizabeth }' olle, de· Adams Dickinson, radio .salesman account o~ Howard W . . Ivins, Brothuh ood Friday, and Pa uline F orker. '!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!' ce ased, wall adlJlitted to court. of .)Ia on; and Miss Mildred Mllr- maubip Decem~er 4, twenty junior memo Firat Grade-Norma Longacre Louise A. Pardee waB appointed' executor of t he estate of Flor enc e phy, of Loveland. executrix of the estate of Eliza· Thomp ~ ~J dece ased. bers we re welcomed Into the club. and Yvonne Stubb.. Bill. Allowed Th e first .nd final account of beth F olk, .deceased and filed bond Altogether t here aTe eight y·nine I Last term there were twellty- - -- with llUJ'eties WalteT Po os. George Myrtle R. Young executrix of the ..M'rs. Ira Eltuoth .invalid care, members. Before t here ha been tour 0 the honor roll. n • - • Aa we are discont inuin, Ga tes and D. A. Harriaon were estate 01 J. Harvey Young, ' dee as $5; Ja ~ Moore ionvaUd care $5; a separate orgalilization fo r the d, was approved allowed aJld con· Mrs. l\lnrgaret Jon es, inva.lid car() appoint ed appraisers. $6; Mrs. Julia Holland, invalid J o e,ph H. Gribble 'Wall appoint- fi rmed by t b court. care, ,.10; Miss Oma Knox, in~ coul'd do lTlore :good than two the mat l' of the Btate of H In I , Wa),nE!$vill e, Ohio, 4 mile" South , ed guardla~ of i Vrginia G ri~ble, deeeased, and filed bond with L. Kra.tzer, deceased, sale of stock valid care, $11; Miss I ma Knox, separa'te organiZ~ltions. of Bellbrook, on the Waynesville ~ FOR. AND CONSICN invalid care, $11 ; Mrs. Eldon is ordered. A disclU!810n "~as • helel on conand Bellbrook lIike, j ust acr OM ,oar ttle, bOA Iu~ _.. aD d -. -~.... lIuretiel. Martha Cleave\' was appointed Short, invalid care, $6; Dr. Roy duct ot students at games. Ques' . f rolll what is known as the to Nonb-Brotk C4.., Illa ...... ea. Thomali E. BarnhArt fl Ied hiB ' e, 01'1 the pro~.e ilraaa~f.,..~od Us, ..blah'" application for t he apPolntment of guardian of Walter Cleaver, con· C. A. B.oc)c, medicsl ervicC!l, $2.- tions arose as to wben we shoul d Mrs. Olive Duke and Charles Branch Sch001 H OUB marKe' prlc.. rYl_. fined in the Dayton State Hospital 50; Elmer Collis, f ood, $10; L. H. sing the High School song, how S h J M fa U-'-S • Y---"-· C'--l a guardian of ~elie J ohnson, inDuke, formerlv of Lytle and na"C- ara • unay rm on - - tGc ... - - ~• and filed bond with sureties. Brown, food , $15.50. Th omas many s!>nga ehou.1d be s ung while " " Ta~tn OD Raclto 8tatiOD W competent; .ton, are sp'enAing t he wintel' .eaT U ESD AY' DJ:CEMBU '1 ... .. 11:1 to 11 :80 p. m. for 001' daD, Glen H . Munhllit was appointed Ohilton, f uel, $6:50 ; J . R. OoWman standi ng, etc. No . deflniu The will of Anna Wayne, deson in Miami, Florid., with Rus~l A,t 11 a. m. NPOrtL to take deposition of William L. food, $23.76 ; Chas. Do ter, fuel, ons were reacbed. ceased, was admitted to court. E . Duke. "The latt~r Is in t he 2 BOllSES-2 bead of ======~-======~ Harry S. Wayne was appointed Suemening, witness to will of Liz- $7; R. B. Gllmore·1t Son, food, Firat' Mortgage Loan busineee in Wor k Honea, $5.50 ; A. D. Grapevine , foo d, $6 ; Grade New. execut or and Charlet! E. Moore, zie Murra y. Miami and hall handled over 1500, 8 OOWs--a head of good The inventol'Y of Meryl B. Gray The Home StoTe, clothing ' 28.5'7; J. T. Rile)' and C. W. Mun ger Attendance for November. 000 worth of Federal Bow ing Cows, - an living ,ood 80w adminis tra.tor of the- estate of H o- Dr. A. D. Harvey, medical servIces wer e apopinte d appr aiser.. For November, Miss Camp.. Administration loans for the milk. ROb.e rt M. Blair WIS appointed ward Chenoweth, deceased, was ap $22.50; W. E. Humphrey, clothin.g bell's ro om led wit h ari attendance Miami Area 'so far this yeaT. Be 1:.:- -- _. 32 HEAD OF BOGS- U of 97.5 % and Miss R&eder's room r eports that Mi.mi is enjoying a mUDed, 2 IIO"S with 26 pica Ii with a close aeco,nd of 96 % . • big season &lread,., aad that from WflIka old; 3 rUte bred to ~....ftll,,1 Attendance fo r second term. all indications it be the lar .. in T he following number of g est Beason ill the hiltory of. FlorSBEEP-:-7 'head of Sbropsld~e pupils have petft!et attendance for Ida. The bason a now fully a Sheep.. t he second term : month ahead of )alit year. BUildin. IIIPLElIIENT~W~eat BiDder Thir d Grad~-Twe nty·f our. permits for over ,28,000,000 Clover Leaf good · Muure Sixt~ Grade, l)ection II- Seven worth' of Dew construction have Spreader. Black Hawke Com teen. been inaed 10 fill' ~ year for Planter, 2 'walkfu. b~ Phone 7U First Grade, Election the Miami Area whleb In clad.. ploWl, I do~ble . ahovll plow.. rMlldred Bourne and Ann Welts Miami. M1am1, Coral G.blu 2 64110..1 cultivator., ridlll8 wen pez:fect sp.eUers for Second and Hialeah. The- whole state of OUftr B....Jdn. plow, McCormick Flortda elql'ctI a laqe eeuon III Mo~er, lingle diae Harrow, 80 a reealt of iDcreued laiaries. • nd tooth harrow, block and taeltle, tOTAllY PUBLIC Ln:n U.1 divjdends all. over the eo~ntr)' to batpoon fork, lome · but4lherinl _ _ _ _ _ _,_ _ _ _ _ _ ~ou ..nde ot emplo),.... Iltami too1a, lard preu aad keW.., , 1011 Ifa~ . . . . CLASSIFIED ADS COST ONLY enjoys an aftrage tlemperature of cbalna, one tread "aeoD. Ila, ..... .DIa_ ................ ONE CENT PER, WORD. WHY 76 de.rea th.roqhout the wiDter , waaoll , iaddere, cravel bed, Ban. WAYII&.VIu.&. OHIO .. I" ~ r r r' c", ae&Son which make. it .n' ide.l , eye Cora Planter, 1 BUO'J, ; , KEEP YOUR ATTIC FILLED " , r I cltmate and II the .....OD for Ita Thom.. , Wheat Drill tobacco ~ P , -,.j oJ WITH USELESS ARTICLES 1',,1 . . l_ D1~"Y C)()V'- I n r)r . tte promila- ' preas and 690 other iten:., Ity to the Soath AmerieaJl eGanFEIlD-IOO bu. of aood Com TliIAT CAN BE TURNlilD INTO t rillS is proviDI' a his Ull8t and 60 bal"' !fOOd bri,ht Itraw. ' ..... • .............,."..., "" - - ".•:......,. MONEY FOR SO SMALL A many bel\eft it il deetined to beIlAIQrES8.-qood double set of - - - - - - - - - - - COST. TRY THIS MEANS QF tIie Ai". C.pllol of the worlt hal'llUl. Jl1lUJ hatn.., fOIl lAta countl')' cODDeetilll' the U. 8. with col.,n, lines ud brlcll ... SELLING AND SEE WBAT A FO& SALE-Good fnab eow. lin ~oath America. 1'~ ea.Ia Irene B endenoD-, R. 1, DIFFERENCE IT WILL MAKE • 1.H. CUllTIS ville. cliO· F. T. Martin, Aact. TO YOUR POCKETBOO~ AS





• •





School News

.. •

Cary'l Jewelry Shop

Public Sale

I ~~n~:a:ue~~rs'Ct~~~i~e:as ;~~:~ I fODMER .RESIDENTS

- ~~~tt:;, 7!~a::!12 al~il::i N~a~ I NFL 0RID A







No Chars_

Centerville, Ohio



\--1 I,


11\ '\


~henom.enal &'I'owt~










Bevel) per ceIIt of the world'l !!!!!!!!!!L!:!lID:!!C!!la!!!!O!!1i!!!!G!!to!!!!a!!DCI.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! population Is 1D tIae Uaited State&. Tbia 18"eD per~ cat cODIum.. NOTICE OF APPOI~ balf of the w01ld', e.H, til..... fourtha ot, the world'. silk. Eltate of L. D. ChlJee, d.eauecl tbirda of the 9Odd'. and, otl ucl Nottea Ie heHb, Ii'nIl tbt A. hal mOM Purch.uiDa power tIIaD JL 8tubba wbose POIt all .... people of BaI'ope. A1ld , . AdcIreaa Ie WqaenUI•• Oldl



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CIdI.. late of. Oldo, Dated WI 1"

tiaat the

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ber das MI. M'a,. Bains & formtr funnal of MI'8. John Hawke rel<ident of this communit . Monday afternoon. ~

- --

.. ..--






Try The IIlaml 0udM Year.

Bro\i\in lies critically

III at t h home of her .· l ~tl'r, Mrs. A. S. Collett I{'it Tu es- AaTon Freeland. Lipt da Mrs. Macl. or Too L!i y of thill week for an extended M.... Work in vi. i ~ Lo IIlif\\ J"niu. Difficult Mr. Iln d ~l r!1. J . p. t ho rnbury .DECEMBER 10, 1936 and f amil y I\re en tertai nin g Mr. -f.(--<-{++~+~+<-<-{+(-{+(-«-«-{1I Unnecessary eye strain may be ThornbU l Y'S brothel' a nd wirl' , ol caus .d by cither in ~ uffiei e nt Alabama . TIME FOR ACTION amounts of light in the home or Dr. a nd 'Mrs. tv. E . O gl e~b cc The Best Place to by poorly shaded lamps whi oh gpent • u ndny with Rev. L. F. throw a glare or light int,o the eyes Williams a nd f amily a t , N(' w I No i8$ue that the next Congresa will consider will be more imbuy "Her" Gift is portion that the tax illsue. ' An'd none will aft'~t 110 overwhelming a of persons seated in a r oom, ac- Ri chmond. Ohi o. at "Her" Store cording to Anne Bi bric:h er, home proportion ot the people. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Ilm kJ! We achieved a considerable measure of 'industrial recovery. Pr~tect Your Home furnishings specialist, 0 ., S. U. entertained lhei r card cl ub ~he need for much of the relief spending of the last few years has Miss Biebricher declat'es th aL l"rida y night. from Tuberculosis been (lllmlna.ted. The time is here when we must, as a nation, possible injury to th e I!}'es t hemMrs. . G. Randall hruJ been , BUY 'balance the books, and feturn to normal government fiscal policies. 35·31 N, MAIN ST. selves is only one of the troubles quite sick this past week. , It js unquestionably true that the burden of taxation, plus the CHRISTMAS SEALS caused by poor lighting. Tte atWiI~~»»~~HH» ~ ~ ~ •• > Mi s Anna MacDonald o f fear of still heamr taxation in the future, b keeping indostry from tempt to make the eyes work hard- mington spent t he w(\(;k-en d with makinlr faster progress toward complete recovery. An investor who er to compensate fo r too littl e h r p arents. fears that the money he places in an industrial enterprise-where it light causes ph~ ical fa t igu ll which Th e Misses Virginia and Vivia n makes housework mOrE! diffi cult would create wealth and jobs and stimulate the entire business Tu ck er attended a dinn er pady struoture-may be virtually eaten up by taxation, is natrolly superand also lessens the beMfits of leis last Tu esday night at th c hom e of ure periods when members of the cautious. The result is "tight money" so fay as m.jI.ny industries are Mi. s Mary Lou ise Ba bb of Wilhousebold are r eading or playin g concerned. mington. some indoor game. Between Toledo a~d Cincinnati The ,f irst step toward solving our fiscal problem is to balance the Mr. Mori on (}at'don remains in parents have Jound that Some budget. The ~ond step Is to bring a program to systematically reduce Charted for tho Benefit of IllterSchool ~ealth Day will be ob- children who t ire quiokly of l he a cr itical condition . our public debt. The third step Is to lower the tax load as oon as /ttate Molar Touri sts 8 S Well as Mr. and Mr" Wilbur Kirk are Traffic Within the Borders of Ohio serVed in the public schools of ga.mes they were playing were in1Ip088lble. visiti ng his sister, Mr. and Mrs. , R All three of these steps are nece ary--each is related to the the state Friday, December ll , in terested in the same amuse ments H . Jeff eris and famil y. otlK"r. They con8titute the 01l1y road toward . sou;nd governmental connection with the sale of Christ for longer periods when the ligh Mr . Mary DEnny remains quite were rearranged to giv e be tter iIto Cincinnati a s s hown herewith is finance and normal prolperity. mas Health Seals, a.ccording to an lumina.tion. The means used to sick. the shortest distance betw ~n the The duty of Congress i8 cleal' and pressing. Most of our Senators T he W . C. T. U. tn e t at t he two cities. Officials of the State and Representatives have promised tax reductlo)l (0 the voters who announ'ceme nt made by Dr. E. L. provide light differs in Ohio h omes home of Mrs. W. W . 'Welch In. L Highway Department givG the but it is possible wit h m ost an y Bowsher, State Directol' of elected them. The time for converution baa ,passed-and the time for Th ur _day aftern oon. ' mUeage saving as abo ut 11 miles. syst em to provid e enough ligh t Ed!Jcation. making good o~ promies has arrived. ' Mrs. Mary Tucker flu ent last without creating a I~l ar e that There'll les8 trafOn that day the school children blond.! the eyes like poorly ad- Wednesda y a Ctern oon with Mrs. fic oongestion on , Frank Rudduck . will be given an opportunity to justed auto headligbts. the Toledo-Cincinnati Short Lino than on any other highway conAutomobile engine~ rs f ound Our basket ban teams journeye d purchase Bangle Pins, Santa necting these two cities. There that they could put lights on ca re to a rlit<le last. Friday night an d Claus BuUolUl and Christmas won all three games. are far fewer curves (no hairpilll!) that would illuminate the road and Health Seals and in this way con. Sev ral f ro m h ere a ttend ed the a nd all railroad irade cro ssings still would not blind an approach8 :00 4-H Club Newa--State Leader. tribute to the campaign against ing driver if the beam of light are exceptionally well protected. ,8:10 Interview between Carl Jennings, recently awarded American tuberculosis, which is b eing carwas directed downwalrd on the Fanner Degree, aDd W. M. Stuart, Vocational All'1'icultu r e Instructor, By reason of t he s h 0 r t e r ried on by the Ohio Public Health road instead of upward on tb e Mt. Vel'llon. milesge, less congestion (both on eye level of a person l O eated in a Association and affiliated organ8 :20 Tom Corwin, the EJoquent.--11. E. Eswine, Historian. the highways anel ·in lhe commucar. The goal to be sou,gllt in home izations. 8 :30 WOSU Orcnestra. nitios t hru whiCh t hey pass ), fewer lighting should be much the same, 8:40 }'arm Home Period: Home Furnishing!! Fact&--Mn. Dorothy B. curves, and adequa te width Miss Biebricher says. ' Silcott, Home Furnishinrs Speci.list. roadhed and bridges, the Lamps should be s halded so they Route here out lined is a Our Homes and Familiea--M1'1. Belen Mougey Jordan, ' rolls, cookies, cheese, crackers boiled or baked ham, cooked ,throw the ligbt on the working big time-saver for the Exten,ion Home Economist. meats, ohicken, salami, bologna surface 01' on the bo()k which is busy nlotori st--ve ry prob9:00 WOSU OrobeatrL . and fruit. Tobacco in any form is being read. Lamps should be large ably as much as two hours. 9:10 F'arm alld Borne Announcemo&n~ and Tutkey Market News. 9:20 The Old Year and the New in. Farm Oredit.-H. Dana Williams, prohibited 8inc~ the penitentiary enough or bulbs stronn enough to AN ALL PAVED ra.t iona it twice wee-kly to the in- give the required amOlant 'of light Sec·y~Treas., Production Credit Auociation, Lebanon. when properly shaded, and Mi8$ mates. HIGHWAY 9 :80 WOSU Orcbestra. Biebricher declares thnt the lamp • 9 :40 to 10 Planning a Rural Recreation Program-Group discussion Proof that sy!tematle instruc- shades are somethnes the part of Choice of Knowing led by Bruce To~, Extension Rural Sociolol'i8t. IU-O The back· tion is best was voiced by Colonel the equipment which is at fault. Motorists bone of the of. Lynn Black, superintendent or the Shades have varying depths and Orill'inated and Sponsored ficil.} Revolustate highway patrol, in announc- the flare top to bottom may be dif by the tionary Tralls ferent even in shades Ilf the same ~SPARENT. c:ooldn., utemila ing that appJicantli for drivers' depth. System of are not new_for the cook·in Revolutionary licenses who 'have attended a IerVe-in diIh of lla" long has been Western Ohio. In general, tall lamps require a I favorite. Yet the newest confil- , Short Trail school of instroction jn the Marked its 1-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.-:10P ration of an automobile and in deep :Shade without much flare bution to glall kitchen-ware is the Association entire lencth and short lamps need shades of laUccpan or casserole which is !jelt. mot.or vehicle laws receive the militant and may be placed directly by historical COLUMBUS-- George M. Nef- United States, MT. Neffner said. highest grade in the examination the opposite type Homl~ makers are Ofti' the gal flame on the top of markers of the , for the license. Approximately one advised to watch the effect of th one'. range. It i. an excellent con· . . .. fner, Ohief Statistician aD~ editor Ohin Memorial A tainer for certain ~uts of me~t, ~~d Only one Chrlatma8 box contain person in four, or twenty-five per lamp On .all parte of the room. Commill8ion. of publications for the Depart.. . Iregetablca may be cook,ed in It With ment of Su.te-, hlL\! been appointed ing food, and not uceeding I ~nt fail to achieve the passing lamp which is correctly adJusted , very little water. The new dish is For additional strip fifteen pounds lot 'Weight, will »e ' grade of sixty and are therefore for a person seated in a cbair be- ' 1 to clean and is not affected by maps or any information a membel' ot • new special com- deliveNd to any inmate of Ohio I denied a license, Colonel Black as- side it may be shining' directly in • foods. With it comes a long rerelative to State Parks, vable bantU". mittee of three on publications PenitentiU'J, it wu announced by .!Serted. Eighty per cent of those t h e -eyes 0f someone sef8te d on t h e Pleasure Resorts, Beenic • - ••- -- Spots, Historic Shrines for the National Allociatlon of Warden Jame. C. Woodard. Rela- who pass th-e test merit grades in other side of the Toom. or the hundreds of other Secretaries of State. The appoint- Uves and friend. wlll have to join the low~r brackets. Rarely do appoints of especial interest along thiB route, write meat waa made by Secretary ot in aen~l nl one bOl[ toa'ether under pliconts get a high grade. Virtually the ruUnlr, W~rden WoQdard said. all of the twenty per cent in the State Theodore DammUlD of WiaWILBUR M. FAULKNER Secretary eonlin, president of the a~ Articles other than food, which higher classification have attended mUllt be .ent in a separate pack"a drivers' school. Eight grades of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Deatherage SPRINGFIELD, OHIO tJon. The other t-ivo members are were Sunday guests l!Bst w ~k lof now Mr. and Mrs. Ed Clark and ' Secretary of State Dwteht R. ace, .include , booka, dominoes, highway patrolmen are 15,000 lrPplicants ST. MARY'S CHURCM Brown of lliaaourl, and Kl.. pencils, fouDtam pell, bruahes, eumining D belts. glovell, tIel, lIocks, shoes, monthly. Colonel Black estimated family. Th ' d S d . Ad F1o~nee J. RaDney of the bureau IJad-erwear, pajamas, ......hand1rer- thatsom 500,000 persons will Miss Jessie Ga-.;ner is enjoying If un ay In ' vent, eCet;ll~ 'of publications, De.partment of an extended visit with her cousin, 001' 18, Churoh school at 9 :30; bath bave been tested by January 1. Mrs, Lizzie Ballard of M;'AmiQhl1,..~1 Morn ing Prayel' and sermon at S~te, N... York. The committee chief., V-n,eck arweatera, • • • . 10:80. will .t,rive fn cl.e' eo-operatioD robe. and blankets. The food Mr. and Mrs. McKay and uoiformity in the pubticatioDl which ~.y be received by tbe in- George W. Eckelberry, assistant -atea, Includea candv, apples, t th 'd t t Oh' State and Bon Donald, Mr. and Mrs. Har complied pd i.Qed by tile forty- ••• ~ o. e ~resl en a. 10 old ..M'cKay and son Allen were ST. AUGU~T1NE CHURCH dates, Ihelkd nuts, umverslty, will dehver the com- SlI,nday d.i nner guests of Mr. and eilrht Departml!'llt. of State In the oranps, _ Fathet' Newton, Paltor !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!! ~encement ad d te!!s at the grad ua· Mra. Harry IWwe of near Mass at St. Augustine's church tion exercises ~or a class of 200_ Bowenville. eVery Sunday morning. December 18 tn the university . . . · 'I ill b Mr. and Mrs. Ross lIartsock and h I Th e d lP oma.s 'W cape. ' l y of W aynesv'l'11e FRIENDS MEETING -d t G e preW famI spent t I' d bY Pr e~ en lien forge , • Th First-day Scbool at 9:80 a. m. I ht i F 11 . 't h 1 f all k...l' saovmg WI'th ..U ",r . an d Mr s. R i m reo 0 owmg e c. OBe 0 C. H. De.atliera e. ' HeMing for Worship at 10:80 the utumn quarter thete will be a " , g . ' . .. m. tw k Chr' tm b l'da Mrs. Patience Thompson IS VISit • o-,wee IS as ' 0 1 Y vaca- il1g her daughter, Mrs. Anna FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST t'?Ji before the opening of the Brannan and family of Xenia. wln«!r quarter. Mr. and Mra. Wilbur McCarren Carl Smith, Minister • • • S Perry Thomas; Supt. of Bible Reat' and quiet, coupled with spent aturdll-Y with the Frank S h cool MoCarren family near Harveysproper care, are ellential when b Bible School at 9 :30 a. m. Communion, 10 :45 a. m. l uft'eriDlrfrom a cold. This was the u;:;'. I1a ;M1cvKay ~lI'as a week( usertlon of Dr. Walter H. Hart- end Ir~ of ber mother a.nd sister Preaching, 11 :00 a. m., director of the State Depart.., Mrs. Jennie Haworth and Miss A YNESVJLLE CHURCH OF ment of Health. The patient, Dr. ~lizabl)th, of Wilmil'llgton. CHRIST Bartung said need8 reat qui6t and We bope for the ealrly recovery Carl Smith, Ministe~ proper care, none of which be of Mrs. EUa Ferrill and Mrs. Not A Denomination may attain if in school, 01l\ee or Maud Oline who are m. workshop. Frequently, the director Mr. and Mrs. Low«!ll Early and 9 :30, B.bJe school. ~h18 pointed out, 10 :45, Lord's Supper. the so-c:alled tamil, of Oaborn were Sunday "common cold" develops into a evening callers at the Terry home. 7:p. m., Ohristian Endeavor. ~er'ious iespiratory disease ,.hlch The Jordal) family attended the 7 :45, Evangelistic services. Wednesday, 7:45 p. m., prayer IS by no means harmless, for the funeral of lIrs. Marl7 L1sclett of ailment may be the forerunner of Wilmioato lut weele and bible study. I.Iu'ynlitia, of b'roncWtisand of The MC~y families ~tteQded the pneumonia, and it at times basketball game at Carlisle laat WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH pates the way fo.r the eyer-waiting Friday night. Rev. G. C. Dibert. Pastol' lb. and Mrs. A. B. Talmage Sunday: Sunday school at !) :30 tubercule bacll1u8. ' The best me~bod, ia for the person with a and J. Lee Talmage attended the a. m. Morning worship at 10:40. colel to go home 'and to bed, Direc- funeral of ilfra. May French ,of ,The sermon subject will be, tor Hartunlr ...e~d, wMre he is near Morrow On )(~lDday after- "Creative Tasting." doin, the proper ~hmg for hilDlelf noon. Mn. FreDcb be remem Evening service at 7 o'clock .. well .. protectillg his relatives, and the theme of our study will frieada and ~e~~bUc in .reneraL - be, "Life a Building and Man the Builder." HONORED Wednesday: The Ladies' Aid Society will meet with Mrs. A. H. Stubbs at 2 p. m. Bible study and mel' tine at 7 p, m.

___ . . . . . " ••• IID. . . . at Poatofft. . at "'a1I1t11................... ,.. .. III Oil' -.cft a4 Ola.. Mall ......rI.... PrIa.. ,1.10 a Y _ · · · 0. -"'=tter

Naturally' * * *




Irs SHORTER i!':n RT:fe~: Irs SAfER

Farm h!ght 7alka, December 14\




. . ======================-====== .

Best of the News Direct From the Ohio State Capitol




-------Beech Grove




QuaUty Prlntlnl

for ,




Reduced Price



Botti One Year For








n y




• h -. K . 1.", Gl'aham. Mt's. AIiCt' Clulk Mill MJ·~. TI\l'rlt! Jon e., "'l're ~IJ 8 . 111\\ ,I 'fh"!11il ~, :l "ll. yilitl h"ltP ~I. Thlll'. d.y. (1:1 ) 1) 11 \ I 1\11' Thill II, ~'. Kl"ith L() ngn l'll' is uL>lc to be :lh ·. :\IUIJ,: lln t J .. hn;; i :p~oJ- nut 11 '/lin 'ICt, r hnvih,.; his ton si l ~ in' t hio IH h ,,,th Jr-. lIlul'jul'ie rllllovrd t('n d llYS ngll. .r hn und chilt b 11 , Paul find ttl )'. und fr . . Thede J on('s nnd \,ivillll . i n J):I ) tOil . ' On were unduy gue1\t of M'r. lr.'. E. D, },tlngacre ntlended and :\11'," .r. B. Jones. 1\ cl'tin~ of t he Goodwill Indu<II'.. nd )Il'l!. D na ld Hadl ey tfi('~ in ]lilY ton T h ur ~ duy. anrl littl l' dnught r spent ThursTht' htt l (1IIu~hter of Mr. and Ilay whh Ir. nd 1 . Amo~ fl~ . \ 'iIIiulll DUlIl i' . Iijthlly imook n tI-r Waynesville. 1\1 r. Hod irs. Ben Hawk a nd pIll\',,(l (rol\l 1I • evc~'e a ttnck of pn(·umoniu. f a.lIlily and l'y11'. Eve ~ Z ntmy t' l'Ih~. ~tlln1t y Builcy '!lV nt Thul's attenMd t he fun eral ot th ir aunt d; y at 0" h(ll1l1~ (.f 1\h '. and Ml'S. Mrs. J ohn Hawk at Wayo svill e ilon day aitcrnoon. Mr. nnd M . C. milh ami Mr.. J , B. J ones alo attended. • }1'1 s. Lowell Thoma s attended th e f un l al of ber Bunt, MrS. Nettie Wat kill at Centerville FOR SALE

Late Classl"tied Ads



FOR SALE hri~tm 8s Toy!!, /lolls, IImeR, Air Rifles, M(' hnnicul Tr!\ins at R. D. MEN' S 3 PIECE SUITS ...... .. SOe ()lIdt' 1hrd'o\ nrc, Waynesville; LADIES' PLAIN DRESSES .. .. SOc Ohil), Phone 99 R3.


FOR SA LE- Four Roll U. S, • tnndard Corn Hu sker with cutter head, nlmost like new. J . K. :;pl'ncer, Phone 121 Lebanon, O. KATHRYN MENDENHALL, M. r . dl0-17*

af ~rnoon .

Friend who have received card fromhere Everett Eaily and daughter fro m Miami, Florida, wh ro the mercuary is near 90 , wished th y were th re too Monday ntor ni ng when the 'thermom etel' \\IllS 9 above , zero here. Ir. and Mrs. S. H. Burn tt, Mrs. Ead Burnett and Mrs. Alice lar1< Ilt~cn d d the fu neral of a lath'e, Mr. . Nathan Monroe at Oswald fun ~ral home in Lebanon, Tue duy lIfternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bailey and l\fto. and. Mrs. E. B. Longacre were in atte ndanco at the Qual" terly Conler nc e of the M'. E.



Th l' Pro!!1 c. iv'e Woml'n's Club

M mbcr of the Wat'1'en county i18 r('/l:u lnr I'l1N·lin~ Tue tiny Agricultural Club and their wives evening ut 1'h+ Little Inn. After ill enjoy a Christ mlll! party at th· dinner nnd bu in 8 metltillg the Grange Hall L banon, this the m mbel' s and g uests enjoyed a ThuT.~day evening, ('cem ber 10, hri llllllS program presented by dinllt!r to be served at I!&ven chocJl hlJdren o·clock. ~elJ

xc han ~. The chil dre n laking pflrt we re Barbara J nn rane, Jackie Crane, Ann Wclt:ll, .Jimmie W'cltz, J ean nart.. sock, Richard Slilechn.n, harles Dibert, Ruth H 11m LeMay, Rog r Watkins, Rosemary Mulford, J acki e Mulford, Marjorie Conner, and TOmtllY Wagner.

C'[DARVILl[' [ [: CHORUS TO SING HERE ---The Cedarville College Mixed Chor"Us will give a pro~am at the Wayne ville High School Thursday, Decembf!r 17 at 2 :30 p. m. Th is chor us has had rec nt success in radio broadci!1stlng, nnd has g iven concerts in Inearby communities. Donald F oulks, graduate of Wayn esville H. ~j" last year is in the chorus. He i:5 0150 in the Men's Double QUlutet.

Dr. Ae E. Stettler Graduate Veterinarian Office NOI'th Mal .. St.


J. R. Gibbons P ,h one 54

T eJepbon. No. 4, O.


Bruce Tom, rural rec:'l'eation -ea: leader of Columbus, will have charge of the program which will ,~.=========================,;'\ include stunt., game and square! dancing, it is a.nnounced. As a Leap Year featur , the 18dies have In all of our service we take the necessa~y steps been -asked to bring inexpensive Christma gitt3 to be di t ributed to create a Memory Picture which forever tends to among the members of' the club at console t hose 10 ed one left behind. Every service t his meeting. cott McClure'S four-P le:cel is so directed as t o reflect beauty, a happier life in family ol'ehestl'a will providethe Hereafter. We realize that the sentiment entertainment and Dr. H. M. involved in a funeral ervice i precious .a nd our Williams, of Leban on, will spenk during the dinner hour. every act is guided by that thought.

A Priceless Memory Picture



J. E. MeClare Phane 7


L. D. H.aTt'old, for the past Ilix year/! farm manag r of the Otttlr-, ~=========;;.:==============~ bein Home far m and manager of =================~~=~==~~:= tlle dairy ope.rated by the institution, was officially advised Wed-

~~;~~~boO~o~hiS circuit Sunday "MY IMP-R-ES·SIONS Mr. and ,Mrs. J. B. Jones and .

Of ~~Mr.~:ti~a!;:c!:v~OJ::::~;V~~.Of Harrold was afforded no opportunity to resign 'and no reason SAN fIRANCISCO" that beyond the committee's statemen t it desired to consolidate man.

This Paper For One Year and S2

Issues of

PATHF'INDER ' 0"" Y. $ 2 00

Mrs. All n Emrick were Lebanon More than a million readers throughout the visitol's Til e day afternoon. country read PATHFINDER regularly for • Mrs. George Graham was called a complete, timely and unvarnished digest to Springboro I~t w(Ok by t he ____ agement of the farm with sUllerin- of the news. Are YOIl overlooking someilln ess and death or her sister, W. D. Tinney, traveling sales. t endency of the home, was given. thing? Today. econo~lc and pollUeal affairs aTe at their Mrs. Mary Russell. George Gra- man for the "Otlorlge W m. Hoffman Mr. Harrold le81'ned o~ the com- tOJ,lfJy-turviest. Every new t1: rn of events Is apt to affect . your asking, "What's it all ham and f amily attended the Ind ianapolis, submits the follow- ml'tt ee' s action from fri ends on b t pocket-book. dh h Everyone's i it I a ou , an ow muc s go ng to eost me?" Before you funeral T Llesday afternoon nd ing interesting article: th board over a week ago. can answer that question you must be able to Interpret burial at Springboro cemetery. Try to visualize a city situated It noted, too, that the execu- the news; and before you can interpret you must haTe Miss Louise Harris i ill at thi at the extreme tip of a peninsula It ive in whOl!e hands the matter all the facts clearly explained. timo and is under the care of Dr. and you may have an idea as to was left by the Board of Trustees EVERY WEEK FROM THE c. W. Slagle. tlIe geographical ' location of San : of . the instit ution, took its NEWS CENTER .. the WORLD Mrs. Nettie Emrick, Mrs. Min-' Francisco. This ie,olation has been actron at a called meeting. The Patl4ader comes to you with Its renie Foulk. Mrs. 'Clara Hunt. Mrs. mor'! or less broken by the build- resQlution on the action wu signed liable, easy-to-read and easy-to-underLook at this Magle Che( E vaYoung, Mr!l. Emma Lacy, Mt's ing of the Bay Ilnd Golden Gate hy W. H. Cassel, secretary pro stand news reviews In words, plctur~ "Broiler". '•• it', oveo . Anna Bunnell, Mrs. Letitia Ken- bridges. Will thi!l factor tend to tern of the committee. Dr. J. B. .\ ...-,.--,."':l!~~ and charta. Its condenled (orm presents bi,b .•• 00 stooping. r icle and MI~ Ma.." Young en- accentuate the <i'ommercialism of Showers, secretary, WB!! at a lively and jntcn~''ble survey of cur.~ rent ey~nts throu out the world; U. joyed an all day me~ting and this city or willi its cIvic pride (ndianapolis at the time the impartial lnterpre aUoD, analysis and *It'. tips like ...... covered di h dinner of the Red k~p allve that certain "atmos- c~mmitte6 ~ting was beld, it e"xplanation of 'the hewS enables you to Lion Ladles' Aid Thursday. phere" tIIat is so .famous through- was stated. think and talk straighL Other weekly make the Ladies call me a Saint Mr, Hano Id came to Lebanon ~i.i\'l¥.i.l'*" l Pathlnder news magadnes at .. to ~ but a year: Memb ers of, the Wayne Town- out t he wOl'ld to those who have 11 sells seU for '1 a year. for s hip ~rother'B club from this enjoyed her hospitality? 27 years ago to manage the a Hmited time we can offer you • .treaUy vicinity furnished part of the proI lind a sence of civic pdde Fr~nch Bros.-Bauer fal'Dl and IIIII!• • roouced bargain price on a combrilaUon of andor PATHFINDER. In daIry p Ian t b ere. He h a d serve d ,"AD.M,'. grUD) at the club mee ting, Friday here that is unequaled in any othandthis seepaper samples write Bnd takeDrop adyu. (OOIS ••• HElTS W1TER ••• MAKES.ICE IN HOMES BEYO ND THE GAS MAIN" ' afternoon. A short. play entit1~, e r city in the U. S. We find here eleven years .at the 8t.1l~ agricul- iii~i~=~~~~ lage of tbis special offer witbout delay. . "Station X. M. A. S." was given; the restlessness of New York and lura! experlment station a.t Insure your economic future by assurina the cast consisting of the follow- London mued with }anguorand Wooster befole eoming to Leb· yOUl' complete srasp of clIlTent ,afl'a1rI. ing ladies, Mrs. Lowe ll Thoma, charm of the ori(mt. Geographical ~o~. ~ter managing tIN! French ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!"!!!!'!!.!!!!!~!!!!!!!" ' . • , Mrs. Harold Whitaker, Mrs. Leslie position plus climatic conditions Illstitutlon here tor 21 years he Gray, Mrs. WalLer Whitaker, Mrs . .serve to give her that cosm~poli- resign~ to take over the duties at Stanley Bailey and Miss. Betty tan character that. might other- Otterbein Home. , Your Complete Hardware Store Routzahn. wise be lacking. The' compactness ' T~' o years a&:o when Mr. Harrold . M'r. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick of this city seems to . isolate one desued to resign he was persuad. attended th~ funeral of the for· from the continent and give that ed by unanimous sentiment of the mer's cousin, Misa Cla-ra Kenrick, f cling of baving visited a foreign ' board. to redlain at the institution. at tb.e Roberts funeral home in port. It la l'resumed that C. E. TrayDayton, Wednesday aftel'noon, A world port: , Emhar~del'O, lot' who came to the Otterbein and the bllrial at. Miami cemet ry, ships and men from all the port!. Home as ~uper.intendent a ccupl~ Waynesville. Miss Kenrick, a Foreign colonies, one may dm~ of years ago will a'8Sume the tasks f ormer l'Cllident of this community around the world in San Fran- of manager of,tbe farm and dairy passed away Monday morning at cisco, famous for its 1 00dS; thea- alo,n g with his duties as superin. ber home in Dayton, after an ' tres, concerts, sports, cafes, night tendellt ·of the ,l!0me. Mr. T.~aYlol' illness of several weeks. She is clubs refteet the sume cosmopoLi- came to Otterbem from Loulsvil~ survived by a sister, Ella. Kenrick tanism. , ' . wltere he had served a number of a nephew Miles Goll of Dayton and San Francisco is not some- years in the pulpit of the United a ni ece, Mrs. Dorothy Keller of t hing to see; it is a deeper, joyous Brethren Church. • - ," ' - - pdngfield. , experience. Headquarters for bUll-




GA 5 PYRO P. E Snyder &. Son Banchester, Ohio Phone 3021

-- ..---


iness, finance, industry, it can truly be called one of America's story book cities, Will ~ogers once m.ade th!} remark, "There are James Andel'llon, State Highwai (Continued from Page 1) fifty-fifth' annive'r sary of their , only three cities that have l.'ellisted pllttolman stationed at the ,M'idmarriage which would have occur- all e6'orts 'l)y their chamber 01 .Ietown office, was receiving, by r ed in just t hre-e weeks fro~' the commerce to nlooornize them; radio, the description of a, stolen time she passed to her great Te- namely New Orlell.ns, San Antonla, automobile. There was 80mething , ward. San Francisco." I am thankiu1 for familiar ''in the description. Then the , llriviklge of verifying this came t~ na1lle of the place- ne.r "Seek not to loo~ beyond the statef!'ent and hope it remains 80, which the car W81 stolen-also a skies, for posterity. familiar one to Andel'llQn. Then came the Iicenlle numbe.-. To pierce heeven's deepest mysterSmall woDder it all BOunded ies, Not yet revealed to tMe; familiar, the Ilc.llIe .umber r .. Your toil for Chri.t aball bring --vealed ,the Itolen car ".. one The Ladies' Mis8ionary Society recently purch~ed by Anderson'lI you peaeej He said "Tb.e works ye, do for of the, Ferry Church of Ohrist moth~r, who reeld •• near AmUn, met at the par8C1~lage tor their sman villalrt! near Columbus. these November m,eetinlir. Twenty-seven "I hope 1 have the privilege of Ye do them ' unto Me." me,mber8 and thrE-e vlalt.ol'll were capturing that fellow," said the prellent. Devotionals '\\!ere in patrobn.n. charge of Mrs. ~.ra Filer, prayer ______ ••_ __ We wish to- exp~s our sillcere by the minister, )[r. Smith. Mn. thanks and appreciation to our mahy relative!! .nd friends who Henry Murphy had charge of the The condition 01. Mr. Marion were $0 kind and thoughtful dur- program and nearly evel'y one ing the illness and death of our pr~nt took part. ' The next me~t- Gordoll, wlto ill eerlOUlly ill at tbe ing of the Socle1~ will be held home 01 his lion in Harvefsburg beloyed wife ,a nd m'other. at. the hom~ of the! prel!id;ent, lti~. is said to "how no eignl of illtJ. C. Hawke and Family. Jennie Thomas, DI!Celllber 16. The pr()vement. subject for di8C~II!sion will be_____ ...__e " - - MRS. FRENCH PASSED "The Insomuch 6t Jesus;" Beney, A,W AY LAST FRIDAY olence. All membe,r s are urged to The Go...nor', be present. Visitors are welcome. C••• rdl•• I.r ••• Mrs. Mary Baynes F1'ench, 69" , Mr.tJ. Harold FUer is In the Mdn L D...y died at her home in Middleboro Middletown hospital in a very Friday evening at 9:80 o'clock af- .erioul condition. ' ter an illness of eight months. .MIII Bertha Filer, "'ho teaches Funeral services weN , held EneJlllh in the Cincinnati Bible Monday afternoon at the Vale Seminary, is home nezt Funeral Home at Morrow and week to speDd ChrIltmaa holl. Mr. &tid burial was made in Mlamt. eeme- day. with her ter:y. Mn. J. S. Filer. ' MRS. JOHN C. HAWKE'





durability and uquisite design


,- the hiaheal ideals in plat~ w~are ~ed in IpOOn.. forks, and fancy ICtVlilg pieces heariag tho

raaowned trade marl ,

1847 ROGERS BROS.~~pt



Survivlnc are her huband., ~=~~~~~~=~=~~ William French and ODe brother, Charlel Baynes, ol Bamlltou, aad two .ters, Mrs. Eliaabettb Reed'er, of Wtlmmroll, and . . . tJe ,88817. 01 Bla~"er.


Mn.Fn. . . . . . . . . . 0..,.. ...


A CBR.TIGRADB R.ed Cedar SbiD.le Exterior! SVIDUi SJ'OIllIS ................. 01 .., S - ' ........ TIaat'• .., Ml...... the . . . . . . ., .................. ....


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ElahtJ-Ela'hth Year





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-- .- -



Whole Number 6252

DECEMBER 17, 1931)


WOMAN'S AUXILIARY ~~~~~~;~ERVICES JURIES fOR.JANUARY ~ARION .1RA· D. RIC H CHRIST::~::::~,MGRANGE THREE ALUMNI TEAMS MEl ·,LASI FRIDAY AT o~Oh~t ~~~?sffe~p~::::~ TERM ARE DRAWN ~i::~ ~:~ ~~~~a !:~ ~~:~~ ~:: CALLED BY DEAlH t ITO PLAY AT AN NUAl ~n9~ H. S, HOME COMING HOME OF MRS. HAWKE ~~::i~~~eP~r:~in~U~d:;nd::t :~: ~:~:;rOf2~ix 1c~~I~ren~~rw::~8~~: I FORMER

C. COR'DON Marlon C. Gordon, son or Har-


Waynesville Fa11l1erg' GTange f for their regular meet·


will · m

Saturday evening. December Grand and petit juries to serve It'll D. Rich, 64 year of ' n~, new year, January 3. Because of at the January term of common and a brothel' preceded him widely knowll farmer and ·prom· A hristmas program is being failin", health Mr. Schaeffer was 1 in death. nt citizen of HI is communily, in a rran~ed by members of the Wayeeh. WiD From. Lee.bul'ir _d .. peas court were dl-awn Saturday N_ 0tIice.. W... EIMW For forced to resign the rectol'8.t& but On February 1, 188a he WIlS dl ~d a t his home neal' here nrly Juvenile Grange and oth r special Morrow Du"!;nr Put Weeko, The AIlJIUiuy aad tile Guild he is pining strength and is morning at the office of the jury united in marriage to J e·nnie Berry unclay mOl'ning, following all, numb e r~ . At Thl..... ti•• hoping to officiate at the regular commission in the court house. The of near Ogden. A good attendance is desiN!d as ilIne s from hearL trouble. Mrs. Gordon died l~arch 17, service January 3. Every member gt·and · jury will report at ten H was Ii mehlber of the Wa yne we ~op e t.o bave other forms of A team composed of members The Woman's Auxiliary of St. of the parish is urged to be o'clock on January 4, the first day 1921. Theil' entire nmrried life Towns nip Fa\,mers' Club and fun and entertainment a:fter the 01 the classes of l ll31 and 1932 present at this seivice and a corof the new term of court. The was spent on farms in ' the Hal" Farm l'S' Grange, pl"ogl'am. Mary's Church met JiTfda, afterdial invitation is extended to petit jury has been ummoned vcy~burg vicinity. Survivingar his wid ow, Mrs. Each family i r quested to bring will play a team compolled of noon at the hospitable '-ome of Mts everyone. f or T uee d ay, J anuary 19. mempel's of the classes of 19Sa After a lingel'ing illness he died ora Rich; three daughter , Mrs. either pop corn or candy. and '1934 next Wednesday nipt, Lee Hawke. The meeting opened • _ • Grand jurors are: Mrs. Victor at the home Qf his SO nl, C.hnrles , R ba Bra<ldock, M'r s. ~~ Rartl ey December 23 at 7 :30. with prayer, led by the president, Tompkins, Mason, Fred Kibbey, where he had l'esidedc! since the Moss and Mrs. Gilbert, aU Mrs. E. L. Thomu and aU joined Lebanon, Foster Schnell, Pleasant death of his wife. At 8 :30 the High schoo l team of Wayn vill e; three b rothcrs, .. Fred L. Pauly, Lebanon, Ris death came Friday, De.cem. Plain will play the classes ot 1935 and Bethel, OhiO"; John l\farschiel, of "Bark The Herald in singing William Stitt, Mason, Edith Mc- ber 11, at the age of seventy-eight 11. Rich, Waynesville and William 1936. Allgels Sinf." After. abort bUlli· Keller, years, one month, and !Iixteen days Rich, Cedar Bluffs. Iowa; three Kay, . Oregonia, . John Friday, December 18 the High neM seMion, election of officers Foster, H. L. Sett1emyre, Oregonia He is survi" d by t!hree son s: sisters, Mrs. J ohn Snethen, Mid. School Varsity and Re1lerves ",iII for' the comins year took pl&ee, M. J. Elliott, Morrow, L. G. Ke-n· Lester, of Waynesville; Charles of dl town; Mr . Louie Sellers, Red play at Franklin. nett, Franklin, William B. Davis, Harveysburg; and Gail, of Colum- Lion and M~ s . Charles Hartsock, and resulted as follows: Mrs. Charles Davis, who hal been ill - - - Loveland, Mrs. Homer, Hall croft, bu ; ~o grandchildr.~n. Robert Waynesville. for the past week, will not be- able Ethan Cranc president, Miss ~================ "Magic Christmas Bella" at the Lebanon, Walter Deardotr, Fra,k. and Margaret Ann; and two Fune1'81 service conducted . by "MlIgic Christmas Bells" a t the to play in the game with Franklin. Emma Heighwa" Vice prealdent, gym Tueellay night: lin, Leonard Hathaway, Franklin I isters Anna Bell Phillips, of Day- Rev. G. C. Dibert, were- held at gym T\I day night. Both the junior and senior high MillS Ma~e Brown, .ecretary and Mrs. John Treadw a}' Is seri- and Harry Hill, Lebanon. I ton, and Mli1in'da Allen, of Idaho. the r esid C!'nce Tu esday afternoon teams we~ victorious iR the treasurer. ously III at her home on North The petit jury will be composed \ Industry, honesty, thrift, and and burial was made in Miami Mrs. R, F. Vallce, of Wl1ming. games with Leeeburg at the local The following program was then street. of: Frank Shutts, Waynesville, L. devotion to family wl~re his out- cemetery. ton, spent today, Thursday, with gym last Wednesday night, both D. Hat;rold, Lebanon, G. F. Brown, standing cbaracteristil:s. Quietly give'l: her father, J. C. Hawke. VI inning by slight margin". The The Work of Bishop Rowe, read Dr. and Mrs. R. '8. Weaver, of Lebanon, Roscoe Furnas, Waynes- and without show he did his duty, Ira David. seventh child of · M . . E h t th junior high won by two points MI s arJorle arn ar was e. . by Mrs. Nina Har~ock; "Oh Xenia, we're Waynesville visitors, ville, Howard McKay, Oregonia, a.nd nDW. that h~ res.ts from his Lewis and Rachel Williams Rich, after · . gues t 0 f Mrs. Gl n BIadn . an overtime. period. The Little TowlI of ~hleham," M1'8. Tuesday. J. A. Kilpatrick, Lebanon, J. H. Jabal'S, 'we may well say in the w born on a farm near Wellman, d. Inner S • b t d varSIty team won WIth the score 16 Mrs. Hannah Taylor is i t the Meyer, Lebanon, Charles Miche- words of the poet, "Something at- December 23, 1871, and was 10 )Hmg oro, 0 ay. Maynard Welb; -reading, "Fort to 16 alter Leesburg crept up in Valle, Nerro School," In Fort home of her daughter In Middle- nor, Waynesville, Frank Whitacre, tompted, something done has called from earth's labors to 1I1 r. and Mrs. Lee Morris of the second half from a 11·6 lead Valley, Georrta. 1l1'l. Edith Harria to Morrow, Ed. Fox, Franklin, Mar- ca.roed a nights repose." Heaven's reward December 18, DaytQn, were guests of Mrs. by Waynesville. Boger e.nd Satterwn. tha McDona.ld, Mlorrow, Sylvan 1036 at the age of G4 years, 11 reading, "The Church and the Am~nda Maffitt on Sunday. thwait~ were ~rced to the aideNeiro," MilS Mame Browne; Harry Jacobs of Lima, spent Jam eson, Lebanon, Harry C. SchCard of . Tha.1I1u months and 21 days. lines in tbe third quarter because We wish to thank t he neighbors He WIlS ma1'l'ied to Cora Bradreading, "First Impreu;ona of Sundel with his aunt, Mis8 Emma wartz, Lebanon, Frank Fuerst, Miss Jane Cook will arrjve to·' of fouls. Liberia" M1'I. Ron.a1d Hawke; Heigh....ay. Morrow, Emma Hill, Pleasa.nt and friends for their help and street, July 11, 1897 and to thTs nigh t from Ea rlham College to The line-ups: Millrionary notell were ~ad b7 Plain, Charles Haines, Morrow, sympathy dudng the illness and union were born threo dauO'htel's, penli the Christmas vacation at WAYCEHS Mrs. Adra Lewia, of Miamisburg G b .., Mias EmlrWL Heighwa'" and lin. Earl ray, Harveys urg, William death of our father I~nd for the R ba, Dena and Irma, to which he b(lr home here . B P Ii' # visited relatives and friends here, Donald Ifawke. . C. Back, Loveland, Curtis Hisey, beautlfl,ll 110ral tokenl:l. was a most devote.d father, Ii Clary, 1f .. .............. .. .. 2 1 Wednesday. 1 Mrs. William Brooks, of Lytle , The meeting elOlled by llinging, Waynesvil e and Lester Gordon, THE FAMILY. always con.sjdering their welfare O· o Earnhart, If .. ...... ........ 0 was taken in A. H. Stubb"s' ·a mbu"Far Otr In a Hanacer" by the Mrs. D. C. Ridge, Mrs. R. H. WaYll esvil1e. - - -.... - .......- his greatest concern. Satterthwaite, c ..... ... 0 3 3 society. A short BeIIion of the Hartsock and Mrs: E. C. Crane - -- - -- He was a member of the M. E. lance to M~ami Valley hospital, Boger, rg ....... _.... ........ 1 1 8 Monday, for treatment. Guild was held at the clo16 of the were Da)'ton visiton Tuesday. church, Farmers' Grange No. 13, o LeMay, gl .... .... .... .. .. .... 2 Auxiliary, and eledion of olllccn and the Wayne Township Miss Lola Sears has returned to Donahoo .. ... .... ....... ...... 0 1 1 reBulted as follow.: M'rt. Lee Mr. and Mn. Lindley Mills and Mrs. Sallie Hoyle, '15 years old, Farmers' Club. . he. work at March Bros., Lebanon Fromm ........... ...... .. ... . a o o lIawke, pl'eaident; Mil8 Kathryn daughter, of Midland, Mich., were died at her home no'rth of WayHe had been in tailing he.alth having recovered from an illness Prendergast, vice president; Mrs. week-end fUests of Mr. and Mrs. nesville Tuesday mOlli ning follow· for about one yea'l" and during the of seversl day!!. duration. Totals ..... .. .... ............. 5 18 Gladys Bolin,'seefttarr ..nd treu- Ge o f1'6 D. Mills. ing an illness of six. yt~ari duration last two week!\ of his illness he LEESBURG urer. . A ma.rrlace IiceDIIe waa issued Ralph P. Snook Post · No. 186, Surviving are her husband, Char· was tenderly cared for by his Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Butt;cr. p B Ii' During the social hour .. dainty this week to Morris }togers, manu- American Legion, has been in- les; one daughter, Anna, at home; faithful wife, the girla and Gilbert lworth attended t~e fu~eral of Watts ... ... ........... ..... .. .. 0 o o lunch was bl th. bOiteu facturer, and Mrs. Goldie Hixon, corpor.ated as 8 corporation not three sons, Elmer of Waynesville, and Hartley. Besides these he Mrs. Butt.erworth s couem, Oral Curtis .. , .. ..... .. ........... ... 1 o 2 auiated by her dau., htera, M1'8. lhousek"per, both of Waynesville. for profit under the laws of OhiO John, of Albany, N. Y., and leaves to mourn his pas ing three H 5, at, Bellbrook, Wednesday Simmons .... .... .. ... ....... .. 2 2 8 "Maynard Weltl and Ml'I. Donald according to a charler received William, of Dayton. grandchildren, three brothers, afternoon. Willis .. ....... ................. 2 o 4. Hawke, who, With Hn. Ida Par· Miss Emma Lou Lewis, .Miss from Columbus. This step W&II Funeral services wne 'hE!ld at thr e si ters, other l' Intives and a 2 Theobald ....... .. .. ..... .... 0 2 lhall ud Ann ad Jimmie Weltz Emma Heighway, Mrs. Howell taken in ' order that the post could the Stubbs Funeral Rome this host of friends and neighbors. Mrs. Frank Cook, I\lrs. Lacy, o o ..... _ . . Bro-ne ] Mrs. Hellry Burdge, Mrs. Dolph Jones ........ ........ ............ 0 P eIrce an d ...... warne were _Irlluta of the dtemoQll. "more effective y carry out itt! afterniloll. Burial was in Middle 1 1 ___ _ .'11 Dayton "oncla., afternoon l CIVIC ' . and patriotic . purposes Run c~metery. W~~p not Lhat hl's t~l'ls nre over. Hildebrecht and Mrs. Ralpb Linn Ridgeway .... ...... .. ........ 0 • - • "~.e I . . . . socia, - v v u . Weep not that his race is run, were shopping In Xenia, Wednes. If' Th e artlc Mr. !,nd Mn. Josiah Davia hav~ es 0 mcorjloratlon, d Totals . 6 ~ 1& which were filed in the' office of the Marion C .. Gordon, aged 78, a God grant we may rest a8 calmly, By. . ........... .... ....... . returned bome afte'r a weelc'~ visit secretary of state last Saturday, highly respectoo resident of Har· When our work, like his, is done. J Phil Larrick was awarded the Refehree-Baker.. W ---"I at the home of their son-m-law _____. T e 8CraPPlOg . &JIl....... u e d d hte M d M H wer~ signed' by Robert W. Brown, veysburg died at his home in that contract ;for heating, plumbing and 'quintet defeated for' the aecond 'y,an aug r, 1'. an rs. ow- Roy 'Yinger and Ralph L. Roll, ~D village Friday evenin'" following a Card of ThaonJu ! elec.rl·cal k f th tw f iI " ard Hur~ at Kincm~n.. - . . " wor a e 0- am Y time this year the Morrow team. incorporators. I lingering illness. To OUr many fncnds . ,,;ho have apartment B.t the O. S. & S. O. The score W&ll nip and tuck aatll Tile opere~, "M¥i~ Christ\i TI¥! trustees named ih the He was the father of L. II. ~o kindly helned u durtng the HOme at, X nia. . the last quarter when the ftahtmas Bel..... Will be presented I by articles are Frank A. Dilatush, GOl:don, of Waynesville, tIlnd was IllInet!u8 "nd aftd~ .~he da/lth of q)1r ST• .AUGUSnJIIE CHUacH Miss Josephine 'Banta with Mrs. ing Waycehs broke away from til. Fath_ Newtoa. P&lter Il'a<iea one to Ilix at the rym Tues· Dudley Sears, Charles Laymon well-known in this clommunity. ove one, we Slfe to express our . . . Green andi Gold team ud more and Jesse Oakman, who will Funeral services were held at thanks. It would be impossible to W, A. LeWIS and Mrs.. Addl~ DaVIS l1&li St. A...,ua.·. eIIurcIa dal night. . h k f of Lebanon spent Sunday at the than doubled the Icore on tIlem. serve during the organization of the Harve~ burg Mel~hodist church mentron t e many to ens a , . . At th~ half Morrow Iud b7 olle ..ery SUllda, momiDc. Mn. HoweU Peirce was called the poet and until such time as Monday afternoon and burial was kindnc.~s and sympathy that has home of Mr. and Mrs. 1\llles DavlB . ' . d M d M L t to Selma, beeause of the death of their successors are elected and in Miami cemetery. been extended to us. an r . an rs. es er Bunne II pomt 11 to 10. . nlENDS MEEylNG near Lebanon. For Morrow, Corwm lead in tile . . . J'lni..da7 School at t :.0 .. m. he. silter, lin. hed Wilson, qualified, and 'bave charge of all - - --Mrs. Cora RIch and Family. number of .points, whl]e BOler . . . Cat_eatiq for 1,Vonla" at 10:10 which occurred at Mt. mel hOlpltal, 'Columbua, Monday•

--- ...














::E~:t:if:;~f::~~08t. ~!~i::~ SLOT pMRAOCOHEINIOER' DEREO CONTEST· SUIT fiLED ~;~~:i~~i~~t!~;Mf~:~~?·i:}:h~


(Continued on ') Mra. Merl Kernl and dau~hter, Joan, motored down lrom Cleve- designed Il8 Statutory agent of the land ,Saturde.J and spent the week P~ Tho..... Supt. ot.Btbl. of the cor:;d end with lin. Kema' parenti, Mr. 8eboo1 poration at which .time it will be Warren county grand ~ury which ton, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ortt, of and Mn. J. D. lIarlatt. Bittl. Sehool a' 8 :10 L m. organized will be held at Memorial will meet January 3, will 00 asked I . - Sabina, were Sunday guests of II Commanlon. 10:41 . . . . Mr. and lin. Robert·. Stump and Ha.U on Tuesda-y, January 5, 1937 to indict all operators of slot and Suit was filed in comm~n p ~ Mrs. lda Stokes Ilnd Mrs. Ada Miami Chapter, Order of EuterD famU,. alld IIr. and lIrs. Clarence and will be in charge ot Roy pin ball' Or marble macbines oper- COUtt Monday contesting the Will . Courtney. PreachJ....... 11:00 L m. n...AL __ t, f Ge to . . . of Frank A. Pence of Mount St t M d I b& f .......uau . 0 rman WII, were Y.inger, Commander, and R()bert atlng In the county nt that tIme, It H II 0 h d' d J 3 I ar, me on on ay n... or WAYIlUViLLE CHUaCIl OP Suaclal e~en(q pe.te ot Mr. and W. Brown, Adjutant. There are was stated Tuesday by County a y, ., w 0 Ie une, ea.vMrs. Emma Dakin, of Xenia, has business, memorial IOniC" aDd ClllUIT Mn. A. H. Stubba. many members of the post in and Prosecutor C. Donald Dilatush. ing an estate valucd at more than been visiting in the home of her installation of new oftlcera. Carl 8IIIItII. IIbdater lliu Barbara Gray with ber around Waynesville and it is hoped Th!! prosecutor Issued a ,400,000. • brother and sistel', Mr. and At the -close of- the bl1lin. . . . . . Not A Dea01D1Datlon room mate Klaa Belin Clark of that all will be present and par- warning to all operators to The action ."W~s brought by .a. Mrs. Frank H. Farr. sion, the Chapter presented tlt.a IhlO, Blbl. 1ICIa00L Wllmin,toll Coli... were week- ticipate in the proceedings a.t the move their devices lfollowing com- nu~ber Of. plaIntIffs who. asked 10 Mr. and Mrs. Fred B1'8ddock out-going worthy matroJl, Mu7 L. 10:", Lord'. 8a»p.. end 1rU..tI Of ..d lin. meeting. Refreshmente will tollow plaints that school children were thetr petition that an IlI8ue be entertained their card club Wed. Earnhart, with a beautiful put. m.. Chrl.tI..dl:nd_yo~. Oml'- .Ciq,. the meeting. playing their lunch money on ' the mad~ as to wbether the will ",d- nesda.y ev:ening. Those present matron's pin. 7:'., llTaapllattc ......... , • _ ...- - machine.. mitted to probate June. SO after a were Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Cook, Me-moriaI ""ices btld for Wea-dQ, 7:(1 p. . ., prQer 1Ir, ucl lin. LtaU. Gra, alld Since the i8Buancl~of this warn- t le'llgthly croes - exammatlon, ill Mr. and Mn. Rhodes Bunnell, Mr. Susan Arnold. J:[enneth F,ro-. and bible at8Q. chlldreD Uld Mr~~!", Walter tng, Mr. Dilatush .llRld Tuesday, Pence's testament. and Mrl. John Gons, Mr. end Mrs Sa!a.h Zimmerman, Amilia Clark were ID C b1ll'l, SWlthe majority of blachines have I Dean E. Stanley, Lebanon at- Ell Furn __ and Mr. Roscoe Furnas Wllhams and Swan H..wk•• y WATIIEsVD.La II. .. ClluaCH 'cia" wh.,. YIaIted the lao.... been removed. It?rne aDd MelJle ~R}'e, W.ayne.. The visiting Initalllll r .... O. C. DIbert. ...... of ·Ow. st. .John ad T6lT7 . . There also are a few gambling , vtlle, execu.tor of the estate, are Mrs. Henry Burdge ,ave a I were . Mildred Mengle ~d ..... SUllda,: Saa.., lCIIooJ at 8.:10 Wheato., house cues the proKcutor Aid named defe.ndants. birthday pany for her son Donald, Hanel of Morrow. Th. foOo..... .. 111. TIl. pupUa up to .ucl hcld· If d II W W GAhatsm TM r'e gular meeting of WaVlrlll~~w.ltl~1l will brou~ht be:fo~ th~ I The will disposed of tbe estate Tuesday evening, entertaining I took their stations: iq the ela'bth andubd to JI....r'v~I_ ~ ~ ~ I Township Fannerll' club was beld jur, at the Siame time. I in eight eq.ual .p~ts.;___ from 5 to 7:30 o'clock. The guests , Thelma Settlemy«, Wo~ _lIlbl. fa the bueJDen" where 0 . . aJI • JTJ' a Jut Thursday at the home of Mr. One method of plrocedure, wbich weN!< Larma and Lataine Hilde. Matron; L. C. St. John, Wortla~ .. IIpee_l Chrlltm.. pUtJ will be ~ of llediaonvUle, a1)d III.. Mrs. Harvey Burnett In LJt;1e mal be taken 'by Prosecutor Dilr brecht, Dale Linn, Glenn Smith, Patron; Sarah Braddock, AaIodat6 held and a Chrietmaa procra- l LetitIa Schatlman, of :Walnut Xr. and Mrs. Emeit Butterworth, a.tuah will be to ask the grand Everett Thomas and Dona]d Matron; Raymond Braddctck, renckre" The other .emt..n .of I HIIII, ~ere IhlIldai lUeeta of IIr. lIrs . Anna Hoak. and Mrs. E. C. jury to indict all t:heae caseB, and Burdge. sociate Patron; Luelle Bland, . . . the SUllda" 1CIh001 wID meet D ' u4 .... W . • 0, 1Iaper. Miller assisted the hostess In then bring one to trial for a deM' d M Rh d B nIl ductJ:ess: Marjorie Eanahart. .... * r. an . rs. 0 e.s un e . . d tr llta-.... their ncuJar p.... .... ItIU'Da Pnatoll, of Cbam- IIc;l'vi na the dinner. cision. and daughters entertained the soc late con uc - . ... lI.oram.WGrIhlp a' 10:.0 with paIa1I, m, Anm Preato.n, of The afternoon session opened All machines fo~merli in Leb- . following gllests at dinner Sunday :;omm, sec~e~ :al'J J:a~ spedal ChiiJltmu mil. ~ tile N.w York, B. ad Herbert with the Invocation by the Rev, anon, the prosecul;or IBid, have Mrs. Lina Wiese, daughter of Mr, Mr. and. Mrs. George Bunnell and L ea.~ur~r; i~ ~;. PJUd; choir. The tIl~ for til. 11mOil Preatoll. of Clncbaantl.. ..ill arrive Mr. Shields, chaplain of the Lon- now been removed, but there are and Mrs. Stanley Sellers, of Larry, of Centerville, Mr. S'::I e ~cIa re'LaV • WI"'.A • d will b., "1IeW.~.. for tile Tu..,. to apad .laollda,. at don l'rIIOD Fann, foll(lwed bl roll sevel'lll Itill In ·opelration in other Lebanon, and her son John, l0.8t Ilild Mr~. Earl Hockett, Mr. and h QU'R tho ;0] V' 01l11!_ .....-:-~: Cbrla,t." . the ..,. . of tIlelr 801l . . . brothar, call responded to with a bible vena placea ill Warren county. most of' their personal belongings Mrs. Keller Hoak, MisseB Anna AOdu~e, BUdd' k a -E1~~" ~ At '1:10 p. . . cdaolr WUl 'I. It. ....... Tbe proll'am eon.aisted of a . • -~l&IIt week when tire destroyed i l L ' M .. dEl H k rIa r. oc" - - ' ..... "'_· OUl8e, onlmla an u Ii oa; Earl-, U'artl..-,' "'dlla So. T_Io._, IIlDc a ChrIItmu CUdata. Chrktmaa readlne bl A. S. ColNEW YEARS VE PARTY residence at Old ord In Vihich t -y Masters Benton. and Seth BoRk, d* JD: W""E : - A ... '::~.': will _ ........ h 0.... of ~ ftanIaelat lett, relume of 1986 b, Howa,c. have occupied rooms for the past R F . . . . . i . war en; • • .. wv1l... .---- ~ "'....A.a...-...... olleoe urnu, If B....on mla -1IIIUIieal .,....... of .... ,..... Be _w .a".. G. . . . ud aD eqceUent talk b., Mvera1 month.. Mn N....lli U Mabel Collette, 0.- _ ... I1IN to..... ad .... Deatal Q1IU'teI!a, V ... Mllftl Au- tile aev. Mr. Shield., aunt Mn. WieH is atteadina MIami Bunnell and • e e un.. After wbleb. dtlWou frlncI&. ....., .. ~.... IdteIp from for the afternoon. Unl....nity and her )MIa Ion la Mrl. D. R. Smith entertained a waa -~~ ...... will 1M a optI'liha ... . . . . . . . . . FoUowiDi til, prcwr" the .... enrolled in the public Ichoob at Imall aroup Wed1luda, Ilitb' at of t M . . . . ~ ~ • .1' ~ ~ ~ of Ohrbtmaa preten...... 8. _data Oxford. her COl, home on ThIrd Itreet.. f. ........ -~-- - I . . . . . . .M t _ 701Ir DlClI.DI~'I' - - - _ ••- Two tabl •• for bridp w. . IlJed ___ e - e . . lots of tun. GOLDEN WEDDING h, the foDowiq: IIJIIo D. II. n. ~ . . . JOIII' r"~....LUoI" Collett, JI'rs. ao. 1IattIoek. lin. Mew Bora .. DO .... it wKllOa'l IIr. lB. ·XII. IlUtoa . . . of D, C. CJtb. R. • Centenl11e wiD ....brat. .... '.... lin. 10th 1rtcIdIIw aIlDlYefIUJ TuIldQ IIapard ala, . . . . . .

naaT CHUaCH OF CHalST Cul Smith, 1IlDtat4t' .

co;:::a~~~. ~tlng

IN $400,000 ESIAIE Mr~r~e~:::h BK~r~~





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&- -.- -maar,







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bonol of

2,000 with SUrl'tie .


Jam'" )0:. Burk wa appointe.1 admini tt tor of th <! ('statl' or



The annual meetiq of tbe . 1 ry C. l)('u. h. d(,cl!8~ed, and IIt.oekltolders of the Waynuvi1le tH d bond of $1,000 with Bureti,'s National Bonk for tb~ purpOIl& of W. ,.,... Wtitt'ker, A. J. cheure r, elt'cting directors for the ensuing and EVol! tt Bt nnetl WE're apyear, will be held at their banklJlc fiJ('fJ hi. orl cc(t·d Ilf. L account. jloinwd appr i@(!I'l'I. Commo. Plea. Proceediq. rooms, Tile day, January 12. lIt' nl~ llle.1 hill ~l' find Hnd finnl Jnmes E. Burke was appoint>d 1!J37, at 2 o'cloek p. em. In th elise of hnrl~s WCL>Snlatl administrator oC the tate 01 An, account. v nu W. W. 'V hifpker and ~-:lm(' r , L. M. HENDERSON, Cashier . . ton J. D~u eh, dllceased, and /il'd l~oll et, (X tutor of th cstAte of Robert E. ]\f O(\lIt' )I, admlOlstrn- 1 bOlld of $1000. W. W. Whitckci", A (J10.17.24.·31-j7 JOB ph D. Donno.lly, dl!~ Bsed. 010- tol of the ~sUtt .. ot Groc L. Moon I J. cheur r . nd Everett B Mett tiOl) was Gverruled. ,, ~ I dl'('(la ~ p<1, fi)(!d his certificate of wer nppointed nppraisers. In tJl cn.e of Robert L. Bowl'n tmn ~f~ r. [n the matler of th e estate of $upcrintl'nden t t 81 versu WiJ· Gertrutlc Ker cy, executrix of J hn Lamb deceased, exceptions li:tm C. Romohr, et 01, c nfirma· ~h(' estate of H enry F. K I"SE!'Y. de- heretofo 111 d to the first actlo n, !\ecd and distribution weI'{' ceM~d. ti l d her chedule of debts. count wer withdrawn. Ilowed. Tb~ \\ ill of Anna L, arc:,>, deEd. Dakin, h~tles Madden and Emmer tunger were appointed The ca e of Perry r. Drake ver c('ll.;;ed, wo.... n!lrnilLed to court. RU E(\w. . Mar Y. udminisll'ator • nni l! Young, ndministrator of approiseT of the estate of Ira M. of the e tate of J ohn A. L rch, d e the e~tate of Edward' Young, de~ yferd, deceased. c nsed, i "I, was dismis!ed. c a ed. iii d hi til t .and final acWSt'rLn N. Iaxwe-ll. Walter A. POa.." and harles E. Moore' were The Clll?e of Edw. C. Morey, ad· count. miil' trlltor of 'the state of J ohn' \"I'III'am E. ".n e..~ haD was ap- appomte . d a.ppral. erst • A. Lerch, deceased, versus Perry i • ' 1 1 d ' . C ·· d po nteu ' nCI a ry n mmlstrator 0 Fred Fatute, t.':xecutor of the M . 0 ra k e was dlsml e • the e tate of 'I erranc A. M han, t t f L'd P In the case of Jane ~ Jon es ver es II e 0 I a earl Davis, ded cco ell, and filed bond of $1000 ceased, flIed hi first and final acsus William F. Jone, I> utVGrCC with sureti s'. Gt'orge Brown, Clif· count. os granted the plaintiff. The ford mith nd lyde Hall wer e plaintiff was restor d to her nl id- appointClI nppraiscro!. M&rri~e Licea ...a en name of Jane alyers. Th inv ntol'y of Fred Fatute, Wendell Gev~don, pressman. of The cas of laud Venier ver- l'x('cutor of the estate 01 Lida New Lebanon and Miss Wilma sus Harold M. Benham. admioi!!- P~arl Davi .. , deceased, was approv St.amp~r of Springboro. t1'lltor of the estate of AJex Lud- d. Harold rosson, machinist of lum, d cea~, was dismissed. Harold ~r. ' Benham, adminhua- Butlerville, 'a nd Miss Bonnie In the case of The Union Centor of the eslate of Alex Ludlum, Lou~e levenger, of Pl easant tral Life Insurance Co. vel' us R. d eea ed, filed his application for Plain. '\ ilds GilChrist, et aI, hearinsr on a c rtificate of transfer. William Robbin s, farmer of motion of t he plalnti1f, asked for The inventory of GeOrge E. Cozaddlll , . and Irs. Haz I termination of th moratorium YOllng, xecutor of the estate of Strond, of Cazaddale. h~retotore granted i continued. Sarah M. Brown, deceased, was apPI·oved. Real E.tate Tran.fer. N_S..ib The adjudication and determina Harry D. McVay, to Clifford T. Irene Bundren filed suit ag 'nat tion of the inberitance tax on the Dienl. 106.76 acres in Deerfield Claude Bundren for divorce. The late of Elizabeth S. Hulan W88 township. charge I extreme cruelty. William Link, d~ease d, to Elsie Paul Melvin Upton filed suil given to all pereons interested. The adjudicati on and determina Ljnk, 316.53 acres in Franklin against Bessie E.' Upton for dition of the inberitance tax on the township. vorce. Charge is extreme cru lty. estate of Henry F. Kersey, deLon Maddox and Livonia Mad~ A suit was filed by Helen L. "THE HOME OF Gins" Upper left-Night view f third "safety educa· affairs who, after attending a safety dinner, Robinson Barvey .,gainst Helen eea ed, was given to all persons dox to Pat! Eifert lot in Ma- tionol highway" to b!~ installed in Ohio as part of Ohio public to the new highway to parD cembcr 5, motored son. Lebanon, Ohio S. Robinson, guardlan of Charles interested. ticip:ue in dedication ceremonies. Holding two of the the matter of the estate of Ralph Romobr to Robert L. State Salety CounciU's statewide program designed to major In "keys to highway safety" are (left to right) A. . Robinson, et aI, for action for preventable hi, g hwlIy accidcnts. This one-mile curb EXPERT WATCH pal'tition of premises and equit- Wiliam G. And erson the auditor is Bowen, supt., etc., 60.50 acres in demonstration, alo"g busy Route 2 in Sandosky's Supreme Court Judge Roy H. Williams, president of REPAIRING ordered to appraise property. Harlan townsbip. Co. u ncil; W. R. Horn f , president of the State Safety extreme eastside, f~tt ures a 3-10ne ribbon Gf new cot!able relief. The adjudication and determina Anna O'Flynn, deceued, to crete, edi (ying safety messages, and $n{cty lighting Eric County Auto Club; and, R. C. Becbe, mayor of Uala. o.~ G...._ Illldu kyo "In addition tG Good ~oad8 and Good PraWte Coal't t.ion of the inoorjtance tax on the ' Tom O'Flynn. et al. Jot in Frank from 24 sodium lurninaircs. Upper right-Shows how ceing", said Judge Williams as he presented the keys. Prompt Sel'Ylce The will of :Mary D. Van Doren estate of Alex Ludlum, deceased, li n. lite sodium safcty lights are mounted over tllC road. "highways. to be safe, must also lIavc Good Cars and Lowcr pboto shows a few of the mally 1 adera ill Careful Drivers." , deceased, wu rued in court. was given to all per ons interest;.. John A. Nunlist and Mary A. Store optrl UDtll 9 p. Ill. Sales by Jamea E. McClure and ed. Nunlist to J esse Long, lot in Carl S. ](cClure. executors of the The estate of Edward Young, Franklin. --.... == estate of Mary B. McClure, de- deceas d. WI1S found to 00 exemllt Silas D. James et ai, to Geneva Alice Clark, ",'0 1011S in Raysville. Henry Ludington Service Station, Sibey Dairy, milk, $6.60; Smallfrom inheritance tax. M. McVey, lot in South Lebanon. gil so lill e. $58.62; Morrow Garage, wood's Market, food, $16; L. W. ceased, wu approved. WiUiam Oberlin, administrator The estate (if Crace L. Mooney, Ella Davis and William B. Davis Bm. Allowed ga oline, $21; A. C. Murrell, Smith, food, $84.50; Ray Swigert Ask for a of tb.e estate of John Oberlin, de-- decea~ed, was found to be exempt to William S. Kay and Robert. Lin Lebanon Ice and Coal Co., Poco. gaso line. $51.32; Gross Service food. $31; :reTrY's Grocery, food, Miaml,bur. Permanent ceased. filed his first, final and from inheritanc tax. coin K~y, 70.27 acres in HamIlton lump, $32.48; Lebanon Ice and taUon, gasoline, $54.50; Walter $5; Traty'li Grocery, milk, and distributive account. Thomas C. Christil', guardian of \ Coal Co., eoal, $306.80: Tru tees BoHs, gasoline, $7.18; Smith's fGod. $6.50: Ruby Van Riper milk I Concrete In re guardianship of John Wilbur F. Down ey, incompetent, J\lex Ludlum, decease~, to Mar- of Public Affairs, llight a nd gllS Garage. gasoline. $10.33; W. A. and food, $50.35; Elbert Wallace : Air Seal Burial Vault Franer, IncoJl)petent. allowance flied 'h' fil'St and final account. tna. L. Shafe r, seven lots 1n Avalon $1. 66; E. F. Schrader. pipe, sold- Hause, ga~o)jn.e, $21.55; Mrs. IGA, food, $189.25; B. E. Warwas made to Lana Fran er for Robert King was appointed Helght~. . er and valve and labor, $2.05; Anna K. MIller, ' shelter, $4.50; wick, food, $24.50; Fran'k WinFor Sale oalJ bJ support and maintenance. trustee of the trust created by Addle G. ~anktnson to Oliver Stillwater Sanatol"ilfm, hospitaliza T~e Great A. and P. Co., food and field,', $8: Dr. John In re estat. of John A. Lerch, Item One and Item Six of the E. Chamb~rllun and. Anna . J . tion of Edw. Hensey, $105; tmlk, $187.25;. L. H. Brow~. food Zettel, glasae • $9; Trus. of Public Your Funeral Dir.cto" deceased, allowance ~84 made for will of Firman King, deceased. Chsmberlaln. lot 15 10 'Frankhn. MiddJetown Gas and Electric, gas $5; Geo. ~. Burroughs, mIlk, $3: Affairs, electric curen~ ~.65; extraordinary semces and attor Frances Louise Carey was apMartha L. ShAfer tq C. L.Mil- snd electricity, $8.62; Lebanon W. W. Chne, food, $57.75; J. 'M. Hazel B~ooks •. Te~t f~rntehed for McClure FunerafHom. ney fees were aleo allowed. pointed executrix of the eetate ·ler, seven lots in Avslon Heighta. Moder!lizing Co., stain, sa ndpnJH!"r Eal"tlhart, shelter, $10i pr. 1. F· 1Commodlty Dlstnb~tIGn.U6: 'MrI. Pilo. . 7 O. L. Brown to C. L. Miller, turpentine, etc., $5:. 26; Ohio Cen- Edwar~s, dental . ervloes, ' $6; H~len Dougliiiiln, tnvahd care of Sales by ~rge E. Young, ~x- of Anna L. Carey. decea1!ed, no ecutor of the estate of Sarah M. bQnd required. Waldron C. GiI- lot in Avalon Heights. tral Telephone Cor p., phone rent F~anklln Food Mark~t food and <J.11ftord Doughman, ,7; Mn!. ~ra Brown, deceued, were approved. mour, Charles J. Waggoner and Loonidas Simonton to Oarl L. various offices, $5Ei.50; The Van mIlk, $68.06; Franklm lee .and Eltzroth, Invalid care Allce Georgetta Stubbe appointed Edward Blair were appointed ap: Miller. · lot in University Heights. Cllmp Stone Comp21ny ' gravel and Fuel Co., fuel, $32.25; H. C. Starkey, $6; James Moore, invalid administratrix of the eetate of praisers. Edward Young, deceased, to san d" $22.01; L. G_' Ande:son's George, milk, $ 16.50; Harden's ' csre. of Lucy Moore, $5; Mrs. Mar William H. Stubbs. d~eaaed, and .~ th 3 matter of the e!tate 01 Annie Young, 91 acres in Sons Co. stair rail and wall rail Grocery, food, $12.26: Bertha garet Jones, invalid 'care of Ollie 11100 ~pnd 01 ,a,800 with lureties. WilJIiam Link, deceased, distribu- ington township. , brackeb, $"24.60; 'J. W. Lingo ~Iines. food and milk, $S8.80; The Gardner, $5; Mrs. Julia anand, Charles J. Waggoner, Charles S. tion of assets was ordered. Mary Fledge, executrix to Mary Hdwe Co. mails 'brads hacksaw Home Store, cloUting, . $31.17; invalid caJ:lfl of Vernon Holland, In the matter of the' estate of Fledge, real estate in Salem town blad s, et~., $2.05; City of Dayton Verdena Hop~ln9 Bhelter $4; Herb $10; 1rfi1!B Oma Knox. invaUd ~e Irwin and Stanley 11. Sellers were appointed appralsers. William Link, decessed, ~ certi- ship. boarding $42.20' Banks Hoppe, food and fuel, $24; 01 Walter Barlow, $11; MulS Alma C. Rapper" guardian of ficate of transfer is ordered isMary Fledge, ~xecutrix to Wi- Baldwin Law Pub': Co., S~bscrip- Lovela.nd Grocery Co., food. $12; Oma Knox, invalid cllre of Frank Harry L. Dapper and Jobn. W. sued. !iam Fledge, et aI, real estate in tlon Baldwin'll Oh,io Digest Serv., N. Mosey,. clothing, $31.17 i Ver- . Ballinger, $11; Mrs. Eldon Short. Dapper, minors, filed her current Alton Lee Flitton ana Hazel Salem township. $0.50; Stakalta M[fg. Co., filled dena Hopkins, food, $83.75; A~le~ invalid clue of Ruby Ream, ,5i ~ FOk AND CONSleM ~count. May Flitton filed their -petition Grace L. Mooney, decelUled, to for perfectio n calendra. $80c: The N. Rapp, fuel, U4.25; J. S. RIch· Howard B. Fielder. services ,our cattal, 1a0JaL aheep ...el eal~ The estate of Lida Pearl Da.vis, for ,leave to adopt Donald Ed- Robert E. Mooney. and Ross L. Columbus Blilnk lBook M1g. ,Co., ard on, fuel! $100.60: Schilling's . ' to 'Nom.B1'ock ~., UYe win ... deceased, W88 found to be ex- ~ard J ordan. Mooney, 102.06 acres in Turtle- blanks $8.75' Columbus Blank Food Market, food, '69.26; Supt'., ,116, , Clayton Clark, pr~" Ira '"r t h e . ! : ' Clmpt from inheritance 'tax. The inventory of Olive James, ' crook township. Book Mfg. Co •• finial records, $OB •• Schwartz's Grocery. food, $13.50; posts, $81.90. ;j:ro:tsf:!t·y~~ ~.:! 0. William 1.. Braden, administra- administratrix of the estate of Emma Hughes; dec(!8sed, to 50; A. D. Harvey, M. D., medical • TlIlII..lD OD Badlo Statto WCJ[Y tor of \he 'estate of Myles E. Ellzabetn Whitacrc. deceased, w~ VjctorJa Gaskill, et aI, real es- sel'Vices, $20; Mrs. Della Hufford, :11 to 11 :SO p. Ii. 'or u W, Braden, deceased, filed his first approved. " tate in Washington township. feeding prisoners, $272.60; Wm. market nportL f~ .nd final account. Mary Syferd was appointed adVictoria Gaskill, et aI, to Alton Hufford, washing for prisone1:s, Robert Lamb, administtator of minishatrix of the estate of Ira D. Vale, lots in Hamiel. $27.89; The Lebanon Lumber Co. ~ the estate. of Johp Lamb, deceased M. Syferd, deceased, and filed Charles F. Clark, deceased, to sawdust, $1; Fam(lUi! Auto l3upply Co., batteries for :fog 1jghts. $10 ..- ...-.........:-..........._ _......................_ ..........................._ •••_ .........._._ ......_ ............... , _ •••_ ....._.


,Cary'a Jewelry







I -
















35; Gris'wold Serv'lce Station. 0'11', zerone, gas, etc." $36.98,: Waites' Garage. labor on Buick and Oldsmobile, $4.50: H. W~ Brunk, mileage as dOg warden, ,20.92; Geo. Killeen and' Son, express on dog applicatioruJ, 75c; F. J. Heer Pnnting Co., blaJlt~ supplies, $2; The Offic~Outfltte:rs, Smith ribbon 75c; W. H. I Wrieht, mileage 84 dis ct manager, ,18.86; Wm. E. distDfct Schooley, milea"e aa manager. $28.25; The Western Star, tagboard. $4; The Office Out flttere, India ink, ,:2.50; P . O. Mon fort, obtaining' easem1lnts, ,82; Earl Hatfield aervllceB aa meehanic $64.80; John Barr. payroll, U44.40; Johnson 'Myerli, payroll, 'lU.40; H.L. Schuyle;r, ' payroll, $269. 60; Earl Basore, ,'ayro]). $114.40; y. M. Armitage, lpayroll, ,40; V. Mount, payroll, ~164; Ohas. E. Bradbury, payroll, '1~9.20; Carl Dakin. payroll, $:166.40: J. K. Spencer. sand and ,..avel, $128.40 Armrel M~terials Company, w, $10'0.32; The Leblanon Lumber Co supplies and lumll'er, $19.84; The Van Camp Ston.e Co., sand and gravel, '166.7"; 1:he Lewis Motor Mart. supplies, $1:3.46; Sam Smith Junk Yard, door 1'18111 aDd doors with glus, $6; The Cincinnati 011 Works, &erOlle, lITe... and oU, UOO.41; TruL of' Public Affaire, bUl. '8.18; Famoua Auto Supply Co., ~~ppU.., ,11.73; Grlewold S.vIce Statio., auppU. labor and f'l8.'l1 Plene..


lkrvlce iDe,

Uo1a. ....u.,



"':'h00I News .


F. T. MartinAuctioneer ·

Juat A R••IIMI...

having a rood time at theb. Christmas party. ' Grade School Operetta, Decem• - ...- - ber 22. Don't foqet to come to s ee '~Maaic Christmas Bens" liven by the (JI"ade cbildren~ under the The ]dllM. Claudia and .To.... direction of IIr. R\alMll Frauk. pline 'Gray Payton vleiton t _ _ __ Ticket, are 011 181. _ an .rrade over tIM wMk.-end. school chlldreD-lIriC" 6 and 10 Mrs. Maud CUne 11 quit. ill at cents. . tbia writiq. __ Donald ](cJ[aJ w.. an over, ...... 7U ' nia'bt of hlB coulln in WU.. F ....... ~. mmctcna Sunda, eveDiq. Freshme, Section n., presented 141'1. Elbert Rieh w.. moppJq. · a moek trial to Section I ·ne cue in Dayton Saturday. ' before t .lie eourt "'aa a murder The Friendlhlp Club will meet II01'AIlY ,PUBLlC trial. The State n MUdred V~ at the home of lin.. Clift Becie4 Hunter (MUdred ~labul7). The 011 Wedneadq. ' tr:ial ended rather abruptl)' wheD Several from this place atte1ad. WAYllUVILU. QlUO Godfrey, the butler, (Lowell Sin· ed the fnn.ral of Mr•.Marion <ior clair? confeued ~ia pllt Jult .. don of Harveyibura on Konda,. R C the Jury wal belPnniq to nrtder Mi811 JUlie G.mer haa n.rD7:i a ve.r dict. William StrouH lIla,.ed ed bome after a pl88l&llt vlait . the part of the clerk;. Robert with her eou.m, 111'1. Lissie Ball. ' • . Preston, ,attorn., fot tb& .tate; ard of MiAmiabure. "" ..IW·_._.W~'\_.IWUIW·~_'!IIUIW.._._~ Sarah MUler. attorney for tire MI'. and lin. BUnard HaID.. defense: _Wilma Tlaomu, BillJ of CMster 'Were Sunda, afterSpitler, and Lowell SlDc1a1r were noon &,uelta of the ](cJ[a, families 'OR SALE _ Turke,.. J[1Der the sfar witn...... K1u BRber Mr. and Mn. II. Ten")' Hoak, WlIJ1IentI1e, telepluna. Smith plaJed thl put.of tbe Judp Lebanon shoppen KOlIdar SIBIL • dl" whUe lI..,.aret VIn" Harold noon. Rutherford, 1ler71 .KeredSth ad Mr. Harolel' Seuon od -Mr. J"OB SA' R LarIe .... O1enDoDt WinJleld Scot ..rveel 'Gil tIN jul'f. Robert Sow.,.. of Da,toD ealkel Rea_ 8ton. PIle.. to ..... The fnlhmea eJa. are planntas at the Bea08 lao. . Sunda,. B. .D. CoD", BaNwan. . . . • "1rJ intlnltiq cutatm.. prood IIIIL Geolll Bo..... tlBI, W.,...,..., Ohio. JIl'am for tile -'-DabI)' ned week da1fPtv Dortltr of Utioa, . . oa Eo B. TIIeapeo. . . . .'1 ,..... QIIq .... ~.... aiIInoOn. . _• .11' The 'tbtrd Grad. II . . . . . a 1Ir. aDd . . .... .... ..... ~ ..... GIa4II ta..........1111.... INa _ ....

·Beech Grove



No' C...r••

,Centerville, Ohio



...........-.... .... ....... ..... ....... CI1SSIRE0" IO·S "

ruo Del






-- ---- --- -









ISSUED BVEBt TBUllSDAY 011................. ,,, ......... ,.... lll~~..~~ .-=~ ~,:aIra~' S......I.tl_ ........ '1.10 a Y.. ~uer

DECEMBER '17, 1936 THE DAY OF LITTLE BUSINESS It ill often ugood that the denlopment of large businesses ,especially in retail fleld&--has tended to destroy little busine8s and to flnake it n ekt to impoBllibl {or a man without vast capital to set up his



dent of the patrol, and Georce H. Kln.ey, chief of the patrol's communications dlvi ion. The report indicated that broadcasts 'arl' now sent to 1.3 highway patrol receivel'll, to 27( county law eo· lorcement officials, to 722 municipal police stations Bnd to law officials of 230 towns and villages. A. message orginating in Columbus now reaches all receivers in the state within four minutes, Colonel Blllck &sser-ted, at a minimum of cost. An alarm Bcnt to the same points by. tc)lephone would I' quire B long time ond would , cost at least $1,000, it was said. Obio Buthoritic broadcast between 200,000 and 250,000 messages an. nually. Through the patrol, Ohio'.'! . t ' Iaw enf or«'men t 0 ffi c..~ rs maIO am ' t ' 'th tat commuDlca IOn WI · s e a n d municipal police stations in nine states--Michigan,' Indiana, Illinois Missouri, Kentucky, W st Vir"';nia Georgia, Pennsylvania and ... Ten-


Uces. The aoil.depletln, ba. tor l'ach l)ortieiJlating r'irm will be th" .tartin~ puint for men uring payment-, "Be'c"u~e of thl> \\ irlc~f1r ear1 lIe"truction by dt'lluth of estab li shed Time Spent Now Stortn. Sft<!d stand. und new IIci:ding: of soil·con Pa,. Bill Profits Wihen Crop '(,Ivi n~ erollB, th(., program i!'\ de· It Harvested s igned to ('ncourllgc jncrca ~elJ in nserving crops and permits t.he planting of emergency pasture oro iniended for use as seed in and hay crops to take the place of hio n xt spling should be 1'cl- seedings destl'oyed by drouth in rcled and sto red now ~o that it 1!l3G. l"at'mel" who"e so il.consel'v, will btl protected fl'om damage by jng crop. WClo"r ellt.ircly delltr-oyctl wellther or mic until th tIme "ill have oppOl'~unity to quality I,hen it is to be UR tI, according for full payment by matching to R. D. Lewi!;, extension ~gl'onom ~cres "hifte(1 from soil-depleting i;;l, O. S, uses with new seeding;! of soi l-con· MI'. Lewis says that the selec- Ncrv ing crops. tion of !Iced really shou Id be "'I'h () t' f tot I e prop r Ion 0 a paymadc from growing stalks but that men.." .. ~ W h'Ie h may bc carne d 1n . is not dlln by the majority of 1987 thl'ough practic es wht"h fat'tTl fr l's. The next Le l III thon is maintain and rpstorc p1·oductivit~· to chooRe cltrs that are suitable I will be grC!atcr lhan in 1036 o~ for seed and them wh re rarms whkh normally , have a thcy will dry thoroughly Rnd "ill large percentage of crop land

WHAT A THRILL to own II bicycle t.hat locks--"just like Dad's Car."

WHAT CONVENIENCE lown establlehm nt. Pro.tect Your Home with no hee.vy, dirly, cumbersome This al'lrUment has a strong appeal- but apparent fact contradict from Tuberculosis chains and padlock to carry. it. Durin&, the oopre.ssion, thousands of little businesses sprung up B, UY WHAT SATISFACTION in this country- largely because 01 the difficulties of individuals in to kn ow your bicycle ca.nllot be flnding employment. These little businesses offered specialized services CHRISTMAS SJEALS ridden "ilhout your permissioll. 'or lower priOl!1l. or were the qutgrowth of a new idea of Borne kind. .. Bike-Lok Prouct.ecl BieyeJee Many of them found a ready weocome, and have prospered, With t he 'M ay Be ln sured Against Fire and return of bettertimeIJ, they are g~ing ahead-and in due course a I1I Theft for $1.00 Annual Premium. percentage of them will become big businesses, nessee. •• III b b' I ' Some of these little businesses failed-because they provided • not. e ilu Jed to ow temperadevoted to !!Oil·conserving uses, on "ne Cycle·Lock Supreme" . Judges in the seven cla.oes for tures. Artificial heat is not nee~· farmers where tlt~ production. of poor service, or did not fill a definite need. But mArlY a large businl!6s the noo,.daily Ohio new ...... paper cal'y unless th~ moisture content. fruit or' vegetables is the maj I show, which will be h eld in Columof the corn is above normal. enterprise, and on dry land farm s Ihas failed for the samp reaaon. One has only to look around any growing community today to bus February 4 and 5 under Good see d eal's will be maturc, in. the western part of the North "T,h. Pr-otected Bicyole" see a legion of opportunities in retail Jines for young men and wome~ auspices 01 the school of journal. Character of Children Depc!1Jdl free from molj:!, and will not; be entrnl I'egion." Oh ' St te . 't h Upon T~ainin, C Rdc:eiy,eci From. westh r stained or damaged . by - - -- - ••- - woo are willing to work, and realize that riches can't be earned over·. LOCK IS NOT , AN ACCESSORY; i ht. E' &.n· t' ad b' b . b' Ism, .10 a UDlVerst y, ave BUT AN INTEGRAL PART OF Parent. mice. If the enrs can be twi ted n If . "'en as c..<tngl~g Imes m e n.ecessary Ig WItness com rna· been selected. The classifications tiona to serve the .public, 80 the evolutIonary process bas created a . d gee are: F'Irst pag~ in th-£!' hands, they should bc disBICYCLE .. an d th e JU , hundre~ opportumtles for small re~ll bU8tneMes whel'6 o~e existed a I and other makeup Fred E. Hula H t' t ' h 't d d carded, The ~ hanks where the ear Insist that your next.' bicycle be 'ceneratton ago. ' , I' ones y IS no m eTl e an was broken from the stalk should Th d f UttJ b ' "t d .. j of the Logan Repubhcan; news parent.s may sometimes be aston. BJKE-LOK Protected e ay 0 e usmells IBn one-It IS ust beginning, coverage, community. neighborh. ished at s()me decllit practice-(\ by show a clean bl'ea~ Ilnd should be Order by Nallllf Accept No borhood and farm, R. Kenneth their children, but; Mr~. Mary E. whl:!!. Ragged or discolored ,shanks Sub.titute Kerr of t he Lancaster Eagle. Gerlaugh, 'specialist in c:hild de- Indicate that the 11'1' IS not Gazette and aftiliated papers; velopment, O. S. U., sayl! that the 11 a:llhy, . . And advelJtlsil1g composition and dis. Pllrent's a tonishment should not KernAls whl~h WIll make good Up play, Richard Waltz of the Delta be allowed to deetate the mea$UI'e1! seed hould be {uJly developed and At18$ i editorial expression and used to correct the fault commit- have a bl ight color characteristic 100 Bicycle. to F ..olft 8:00 Union County '.R Club Program- Members directed by L. G. leadership in thinldng, E. C. Lam. ted. of th ~ variety, Bi: «-I'ed kemala, M'PARE WITH EVERY MAIL Brubaker, County Agricultural Agent, Marysville. b ' 8'. '0 pson of the Jefferson Gazette i Mrs, Gel'laugh "';ves 1the quota,. th ose wh'tc h s how stare h trough OROER CATALOG IN AMERICA ,. Some Aae·Old Chriatmas CWltoms--H, • an(I t h ose wh'IC h nre . . E. Eswine, Hutorian. , community service, promotion 01 tion, "Thou shalt ..'strive to be a th e see d eoa., THEN SAVE THE DIFFERENCE · 8 :40 Farm .Ho~e PeriOd: Hom~ F,urn18hlngs ,Facta - MISS Anne projects for the ·b etterment of the sign post on t.he way of life not a xtremely rough are unsuitable Btebr~cher, Home Furntshmgs Speci.a.hst. Our Ho~~s and , community, Don C. Orwig of the 'rut out of which the wheel cannot for sced. A f ew ker,n alll from each · ~amlhe~'r1!. Helen Mougey .Jordan, Home EconomllJt. Napoleon NO'l'tbwest.Newsj special turn," in explaining the relation- ear should, be exammed to be 'lure COMPLETE LINE OF CHRIST• editions, Roy B. Conkling of the ship that should exist between the germ IS alive, •9 :00 SpecIal Chtilltmaa Music by WOSU Orchestra. MA S GIFTS. TOYS RANCINC ,9:10 Farm and Home AnnouncementII' and Turkey Market News. Versailles Policy' and loeal news parent and child, It is a common Live germs are white, have a IN PRICE FROM 10c to $1.00 9 :20 The Busineu Side of Farming- L. H. Barnes, Extension Rural features or Origi~al columns of belief that children ar~ happy wa,x~, texture, and may be shaved Econom~t. comment, J. E. Sylvester of the beingl! whose lives are I!ontinuous off like a soap, Yellow or brown 9 :80 Special Christmas Music b~ WOSU Orc~estra , . Wellston T legram. Any non-daily rounds of pleasure but this is not g rmll arc badly weakened or dead and the ears that show s uch use· 9 :40 The Red Clover Seed Situatton-;-C. J. Willard, Crops SpeclaUet. Ohio ' newspaper is invited to true. 9:60 to 10 The Livestock and Meat Clrcle--L. E, Kunkle, Meats Spe- enter one or more of fhe class es, The children have dellires t hat less kernals shou,ld be discarded. clallst. according to Orrin , R, Taylor, are dismissed by the parents with Proper s~rage will not h lp corn chairman of the Oh10 Newspaper little consideration and then are thal carTlcs weak or dead gemlB. association convent.ion committee" surprised when they find the child Storage racks for eed com can ' has di obeyed and told falsehoods be bought or made at home. The 0 The November ss.les 01 liquor in to conceal the disobedjence. The necessary features of a drying Obio reached a new high, it was usual impUlse of the parlent is that rack are proviSion for ~eeping !!!'!!!!'!~!'!'!!"'!~!'!'!!"'!!'!'!!"'!~~!'!'!!"'!~~~!'!'!!"'!!'!'!!"'!~!'!'!!"'!!'!'!!"'!!'!'!!"'!!'!'!!"'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! announced by Director James W. t.he chHd dMerves double purn, h. each ear from contact With any ~--------------------------..: Miller of the Stafe Department of ment for the original fatllt and the other ear, allowir,g for circulation, COLUMBUS-As a result of ]lerson cif Representative Grover Liquor Control. The ales for t he subsequent attempt to hide it of a ir all about the eors, and Pl'O· the royal romance 'of the former I C. Maxwell of Defbulce, He ap· month totaled $5,297,656, as com· Mrs. Gerlaugh objects ~o such te.cting from mice. If artificial Kin. Edwal'd Vlll, nilW just plain I peared before the recovened IHst pan d to the previous high of $4,- measllrem nts for punishment and I heat is used to bring down the "Kr. David Windsor," with the j General Aaeembly with graphic 060,369 in December, 1936, asks par nte to attempt to find out moisture in the corn, high t'm· glamoroue Wallis War8el<l Slmp..l photographs showinC e\eady the Director Miller related. what the child ~as thinlcing' about perntures hould be avoid d . . ~he 'son, an' unpreeedented demlUld I menace of stream pollution, prin· and its motiv s for disolbeying. ' d gree ,{)f ~eat u.sed in most hVlng for publication. dealing with cipaUy by Industrial plante. The The child developmenlC speciali st room~ ts h tgh enough, as. too much royalty has developed at the State pictures are of literally tons ot admits that it j' hard for an oltlel: heat 18 about as damaging to the library, accontina to Librarian dead ftah fioatlng oD the surface perSO n t,o get the child's viewpoint corn as too ~uch cold. Paul A. T. NOlln. TIle interest of the water and lining the , banks and to gain the youngste.'s confiEvery ear of seed corn shou ld b t d 4As I have sold the fann, I will ' ce.nters chiefly in blorraphiea of at the power dam in the D68ance dence. One way Mrs, Gerlaugb e tes e ~or germ,inaUon, lon~ cal1 all my farm ohattels, loca«-d h b f paat and p"Hnt "lJIembers of the river, 1I000t of the fiBh were ba8.!l, 1.4 m i~ West of ?tit. Holly, 4 suggests for pa.rents t~o get a enoug e ore planting time ~o BritJab royal family and in of cood eize. Representative Kax· better under tanding of children th~i other. s cd ca.n be secured ,if " mile North of Waynesville, 3 th t volumu dealln&' with Britllh. law, well aaid the pollution in this miles Sou~h of Spring Valley, just is .to -read good fictionl in Whl'ch e te, s t unsahs!ac,tory. OhIO " lb. Noon aaid, Extremely popular cue was trued to a 1actory, the t he author use!' chl'ld 'char~Aters, cor,n IS much better thIS year than 1-4 mile West 01 Route 42, on the ~ -I at this time are "The Bachelor reluse of which collected in a One story sU"'gested Hugh ast but no corn is safe to plallt " Mt. Holly .nd Mitldlerun Church • Princ," and "Tbe People's Kin,." creek during Iut. Bummer', dry Road, on Walpole's "Jeremy." without testing, There also is a • • ,. , • spell and was ftulHd into the river -~-. - - - - prospect that farmers in states COlIHrvationiata who 8eek to with the fall rains. Be will Ipon· TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1938 where the, crop ' was ruined by halt the pollution of Ohio'. lor lerlalation which will prevent At 11 o'clock a. m. dl'outh may be in the market n ICt stre&ma have a champion in the III the future IUch pollution and ita 10 CATTLE--Jersey Cow, 3 yeal'll spring for adapted varieties of !'!!!!'!!'!!!!'!!'!!!!'!!'!!!!'!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I l'eaultant detltructLon. old, fresh, calf by side ; corn that has be n pr-operly store(} • • • Holstein and Guernsey Heifer, (1 and tested for geTm ination. .. - NOTICE , The importance aDd coverage of f resh, ca.lf by side; Jeney Cow, 6 tbe Stat .. H~hway patrol's radio years old, tresh 7 weeks, real Row ·Ohio's weekly newspapers have No hUlltiq or tr.paulll. on lIe~ork in th. war .pin,t crime, of milk; 3 Jersey Cows to be besh shown vast impro,vemen,t since the . my 'farm, day or "Diehl. w.. outliDed in a report Issued by by day of sale; Jersey Reifer, 8rst torn of tbe century, it is generaJly 0BA8. IL FRAZIER. Colonel Lflln Black, luperiliten· calfj Registered Jersey, 2nd calf; agreed, and much of Ithe credit 1 real Jnsey, 5 years old; Jersey 5 goes to a modest indi'vidual who years old, good Row of milk; Red, has never worked on a weekly Payment. To Be MAde to Ohio Pole, 7 years old, good flow of paper. Farmers Wt.o Cooperatie That man is Prof. Osman C. milk; Real Guernsey Bull; Real In 1937 young Short Horn Heifer; ThIs js Hooper, of the school of journal.




IFarm hight 7atka, December



Fairley Handware , Company

. .==================;:::==::::0=====

- t Bes t f the N ews 0 tree From the Ohio State Capt"to]

· • •

WaynelviUe, Ohio

Publl-e Sale






1)111. Newtip.p.e .. At Reduced Price



a real herd of good cattie, aD ism, Ohio State University. Ris very good cows in beavy flaw of newspaper experience 'has all been ' The new 1937 AAA agricul. milk. in Oolumbus, but he was born tural conservat.ion progt'am, which 3 HOGS-8 nice Shoats, weight in Alexalldria, Ohio, and interest was worked ,o~t after meetings o.f .toutld 140 Ibs, each. iit th,e small communitiE~s and their farmers in all parts of the country FA.1tM'ING IMPLEMENTS, Etc--- newspapers has continul~ through has just been announced in' Wash I Good Oliver Walking Plow, 1- ' the years of hls later activities, inglton, according to Elmer F. horse Wagon; Spiketooth, For yeara he has conducted the Kru se, chairman of the Ohio Hay Fork, Pulleys and Rope, NeW anual Ohio newspaper' sbow, beld Btate committee, Garden Plow, 9 good Poultr7 as a part of the Buclteye Press "A. ~~ter ~Ianced and more Coop. with run wap, Cbickcm Allociation, convention in Colum- profitable SY8t em of farming," he I Feeder and Equipment, 150 .&11011 bUI, The next show is !let for says, "is the goal of the n.ew Coal OU Tank, 850 gallon Feed Februa~ 4-5, and weekly publish- program. It seeks to ' encourage D1;um, Sho~ll, Forks, H08ll, en will Bend in their lI,apen to be the planting of crops and the use Lawn Mower and 500 other iURI' judc'ed by experta in the variOWl of practic(f8 that 'Will' maintain HOUSEHOLD GOODS-Galcrfty phases of new.paper ' p'rodue~oli. and restore soil productivity. Cream Separator; 9 CroA By comparison the, willI" catn DeW Tbrough the AAA. program, the Victrola and Recorcls, ,100 lb. IQI for the impl'Ovemlen~ of tbeir governmtnt is offering to 8hue 'Box, Coal Oil Stove, Davenp\>rt, publication. the ~ominc year. with farmers the expense of ClonBatterr Set. Radio, Milk Bucket, Profelllor HOoper wlu ·the foun. serving and Improving thel Two 10·ra1. Cream CaDS, 'Milk del' of the Ohio .1oum'nalillm Hall nnd the resources, BotUes, 6 1Ifl1l; CUe.!!, Clock, Coal of tame, eStablished for ' of more soil-con· Oil Lamp8, ~ilk Strailler, Butter double ' p~rpolle . of ~ ~O'ring s!lrving crops has ' a secondary reo ~wl an" Pnnt,. Dash Churn, Fniit Buckeye Journal ~ ·of the put suIt in tendi~ to maintain fann J~~~ 'ell too numerous and of ,the younger news income by encouraging shifti ng to In+J\tion. greater a,chievements ot 1ands t hat have been devoted to 10 LEGHORN HENS. the author of the first the production of surplus crops T ..... , Caall comprehensive hiltory: 'of Ohio for 'which foreign markets are WM. GRUBER joumaJ'iam, tracin, tbe devjllop. lacking These surpluses crops ere Forest T. JIart1n, A.uct. ment of the Buckeye prl!8l from hit hardest by low prices during ita earUeat berinning to the pres. the depression. 78-J cenumU., Ohio. Dach on cround by Mr. HoUY ent era IIf lOme 500 n w.paP4!rs in "The I"neral outUnes of the Chareh. the ltate. 1987 prOgl'am are like the 1936 • - • U. is the editor r the Oh.lo program, ·with changes, r~om· More f'uada wm be • .,.i1able monthl,. pllblicatioa .ended by fanners, designed to ... ,.-.r In Ohio for r~arcb of "ahop..t.aIk" wblch · meet c:haDced ·condiUona. work at the "cultural ~rI- e. . . . . . of lei... meD~ wUl be made to #A.m ..,,.. ••at ...... ucler til. ,provWoM IIIhera of tIM atate. dftSped to meet chanced condi· .t tM Beakh.d-lQP" law that Aad n. . . leut tiona. Papul.u wHI be made to for ..... trIInatiou to tM pnaa of tanneN wllo m..t apecifted ...... . . . year ntI1 a tta&e . . . . . .11 of eoll4lltioDa for llaltthlc ap to 11 • •_ .... :~:~~.:.(.;......_ per . - , of tile UNqe In t:beIr III .....pletlll. ...... ITo• •dtlWh,. beMa,!rem 1OiJ.4epJlftt,,,.






The Miami·

.ui. R...~ Ohio finneD will ret'civl' llt'IIlI)· two dollar for product ~old in 1936 tOT "cry Ilollni tht)y olltoil1d ,ln 1932, lind th department of )'UTal economi~ at O. S. . say ::;pol'l~lll~n wlttl \\'i~h to take that farm recovery in Ohlu har adY:mtnll~ of 1he lust day of the IlrOC ("ded further thon in DlO t rulJbit "l'lI.on, will have to puroth~ r state . cltn~1.' hunlitlg lieens!' lor 1937 b fore they can bull' any !;lame. Although the la ~ t day of the pH' ' cnt ' cason Calls OJ) January 1 uf thnt ynr, the hi", require Ueeft.ed B...,ker 11 1m rods t o hO\le the 1 ~7 permits ill lh ir pOMcss ion before they REAL ESTATE clIn hu nt. As a CO Il!;equence, the accounting dellul.tment of the NOTARY PUBLIC Di ~ion of Conservation ha «h-endy' l'cceiv tI numerous qu ,-, L-- II' III dpale r throughout the tale t il T next y ar's ·license.s





Dr. A. E. Stettler


and Mr . Frank Kurfil'8 BRONZE WEATHER 'HIt' Dayton IIhop pcl' Thursday. STRIP Phylli~ Bailey h been ab ent fronl !lehool evernl day)! on acCradua te Veterinarian GLASS AND PUTTY non w,m tit ('opnty..widc Prince of count of iIIneM. CE("O·GLASS hs. !\targaret J ohn ~turncd Peace Declamation contt:st held Of&ce North MaiD St. horne Friday after spending a Sunday evening at the t. ~i. We Repair Windows WI' k with r latives in Dayton. hurch at Pranklin and was award WAYNESVILLE, OHIO The little daughter of lIr. and cd a .<;ilv r medal for the honol'. Miss Garnet Whilac:re of OLler- MTS. William Dean, who ha preuTeI"";a. No ... m nio a nd was taken to Miami I>!>in took econd place. in Dayton last Vlllley Hospital By winning the county contest DESTRUCTION Mi Hl\wkins earns th e right to W ek, is 'lightly imllroved at thi A car travt'linj,t at high speed time . ha s the Arne C81)at:i ty for compete in the dist;rict contest in Kenrick and rr~~~~~~~~~:=!:=!~=:=!=:=!======~~~~ Mrs. Walter dealinR llEATH. 88 the ficld January. She won the Lebanon It'un . if it ~ 'Tikr8 II fixl"d obiect. honol' everal weeks ago in 11 brother Jam es Haines were Thur comp tition held at; the M. E. day guests at; the home of lIr. and frs. William Haines in Dayton. DRIVE CAREfUllY'-.. SAVE lI~ES church there. , Little Dickie Graham spent the Judg of the contest of FrankIn all of our ervices we take the neees ary steps week-end with his sister, Mrs. lin Sunday v ning: were A. F. America I a.d" the world in life ' Fal nl rs who wondl!T why so me to create a Memory Picture which forever tends to Kathryn mith in Dayton. iD. urallce outlllllnding-both in ,tatistics on farm prices and crop Millinrd, Miss E. E. Nichols and Mr. and Mr. Amos Cook alld conSole those loved ones left behind. Every service FO~ SAL.E ~ otnl volume, and ill per c pita conditions tll'e not I ight up to the Dr. E. B. Doane, all of Miami burg ons of near Waynesvill were Mis llawkios is a talented is so directed H to reflect beauty, a happier life in hold ings-by a tremendous mar- minut e arc told by the burellu of Sunday din.n er gu8.\lts of Mr. and ~in . agricultural ecollumics, Washing- young woman and a graduate of M)' • Donald Hadley. the Hereafter. We realize ' that the sentiment FOR SALE-Roll-top d('.'lk, in xNo other p ople have done so lon, D: C., that pdce reports ore the Lebanon Hi gh :!chool. he has Mrs. Stanley Bailey, Mrs. ccnent condition. L. V. Brandgne sign al w()rk illl public speakinvolved in a funeral service is precious and our milch to crt' ate IinJl.\lciaJ buffer s to rece ived from reporters iD ncarly Therle Jones and Mrs. E. -B. tl'ator. d17 ing and readi ng. eUI'e fOI' th ~ troubl s that may ev y towruhill in the United State every act is guided by that thought . • Longacre were Dayton visitors ~ ..~--FOR SALE-Four Roll U. S. come in the futul'e. Bnd that it take two weeks to read Monday. Standard Corn Husk r wlth This is ' on~ mo-re example of the materiuls anJ su mmarize it. The Blackburn Comedy Co. of cutter head, alma t .1ike new. J. K. t h fact that , in pite of harl) , -.- Dayton ore now showing at Lytle Spencer, Phone 121 Leball on, O. tim ., tnc American people a ,r e I THREE ALUMNI TEAMS Hall for a couple of weeks. dlO-17· the envy of all othel' nations. (r' t ' Mrs. William Brooks was very ..,.,on mue d f rom P age ....) ill Sund y night a nd was taken to top man, as far as points were WayaeavWe Phoae 7 I concf.'rned. on' Waynesville's ' team. John S. Moore, d Dayton, re- Miami Valley ho pital Monda.y ___ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....._ _ _ _ _ _- . _ _ _ _ Waynesvill's junior high team gional director of t ine Ohio brancn morn ing in the Stubb'lI ambulance Mr. and Mrs. EO' B. Longacre atwas not lIS fortunate with Lady of the Letlgue of Nations ~socia­ Victory as was th Var ity team . Uon will address nBembers 01 the tended the Victory Theater in Morrow lead with a core 23 to 10 Warren County Schoolmasters' Dayton Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Clark and Jr. High line-ups. Club at their meeting in Lebanon d ughter of Dayton were Sunday WAYNE VILLE tonight. B F P Mr. Moore will I!peak on "The afternoon caners ef the tormer's OllLY Osborn, rf .. .. 1 3 5 New Strategy of Peace." He haa grand-mother, Mrs. Mary CarMore than a million readera throughout the Spitler, 11 ... ....... .. ... 0 2 2 made eight visits to Geneva in tbe mony. • Mr. and llrs. Frank Dinwiddie country read PATHFINDF.lR regularly for Payne, c .... . .... .. .. 0 0 0 10 t two years and is regarded as a complete, timely and unvarnished digest Florence, rg, 0 .1 1 well qualified to peak on the topic of Bellbrook spent Sunday with of the news. Are you overlooking someC. Collett, Ig .... .. ..... 0 1 1 he has chosen ,for this meeting their sister, Mrs. Alice Clark. thing? Today, economic and political attalrs are at their Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Burnett at· topsy-turvlest. Every new turn of events Is apt to affect Scott ,.. ...... . .. .... 0 0 0 which will be held at the Golden Preston ., ............ 0 0 0 Lamb. Dinner will be served at tt:nded the funeral of their cousin; your pocket-book. Everyone's asking, '·What'. It all Marion Gordon at Harveysburg, about, and how much Is it going to cost me?" Belore you Plank ... .............. ...... . 0 1 1 six-thirty o'clock. Can answer that. Question you must be able to interpret Monday afternoon. the news: and before you, can Interpret you must have IS MUCH B,ETTER Mr. and M'r8. Allen Emrick had Totals 1 8 o all the facts clearly uplalD.ed. , . " for their dinner gu8.\lts Suday. Mr. MORROW Considerable ir:ij)rovement is and Mrs. Leon Salisbury, son and EVERY WEEK •• OM THE B F P noted in the condition of Mrs. daughter ot Washlnrtol1 C. H. and NEWS CENRR of tile WORLD Houston, rf ...... .... . 8 o 6 Mary Day, who has: been ill at her Path&ocler comes to you Mth lts ~­ frs. Margaret Jobns, aud in t~ Look It dlit MaSic Chef Richard ,If .............. 0 3 3 home in Lebanon for the past aiteTnOon the Salisbury's and Hable, easy-to-read and eosy-to-under "Broiler·'.•• it'. oven Whitacre, c 0 1 stand news reviews in 'Words, pictures 2 week, a victim of tularemia, or high ••• 00 stooping. Emrick·s visited Mrs. Ella. Carman Crank, rg .......... .... 6 and cbarts. lts condensed form presents o 12 rabbit fever. She contracted .the and Mr:, and Mrs. Raymond ' Davis a lively and intell!'' ble survey of curHofer, Ig .......... .... 0 o o disease receJltly while cleaning a rent events tbrou out the wodd; Us ,... and family in Dayton. * It'l tips like this ........ rabbit.. impartial jnterpre ation, analysis and Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Longacre Totals ......... " '.... ..... 9 4 23 e.xplanaUon of the news e n ables y ou t o - - - ,_. - -- - make the Ladies call me a Saint and Mr. a.nd Mrs . Clarence Smith. Referee~Gehring. think and talk alraighL Other weekly spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. news magazines sell at .. to fO a rear. P athl..der. aells for , . a leal'. bo for Varsity liDe-ups: and Mrs. John Fite at Blue Ash. a limited tJme we can offer you a Il'~Uy WA,YCEHS Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burnet, reduced bargain Drlce on a comhLDaUon B F Ml'tI. Walter Kenrick and Mr. and of this paper and PATHFINDER. Dr 9J) in COOIS ••• RIATS WATEI .... UES ICE IN HOMIS InOND THE GAS llilto. Clary, rf .. " .......... 1 and see samples or write and take advan2 Mrs. J. B. Jones attended the Earnhart, 11 ................ 1 ~~~~~ tase of this special offer without deJay. o f uneral of Ira Rich at his late Insure your eeonotnie future by aumiDl . . • Satterthwaite., c ... 5 o home near Waynesville Tuesd~ • your complete Bl'aap of current .a'alrI. ~ afternoon. 4 The Sunday School will give a o Miss Marjorie fmd M;r. Cha.rles o • Your Burton Earnhart were Dayton Ohr:istlJlas entertainment at Lytle Church on Christmaa Eve. The pro o visitors On WednElsday. gram con.sists of songs and recitaMrs. B. S. Stokes of Winton tions by the little folks, and also a 6 28 Place, Cincinnati, visited Mrs. page.nt entitled "'I1be Promised MORROW One" by others. F P Mary Silver, o,n Sunday. B Dukorn, rf .. 1 o 2 Mr. and Mrs. Ellis McClure, of Mr". and Mn. Harvey Burnet Evansbin e, If .. .. ..... 1 o 2 Springboro, were Sund~ g'Il~sts entertai ned the Waffle Towllship Brant, c . . ... . , 1 1 Farmers' Club on !Jlhursday. In3 Corwin, rg .. ..... ,," ... 2 o 4 of Mr. and Mrs. I!am~r Sheehan. vited guests were Dr. and Mrs. Kouts, )g' . . .. u . . . . . . . . . 1 o 2 Officers Cor the ye8l' 1937 were ErncstRosnagle and on and Rev Mengle .................. 0 o o installed at a spe~: ial meating of a nd Mrs. Curtis Shields of London Ka'mps ....... , .. ............. 0 o o Waynesville Lo~g4~ No. 163 F. & Ohio and Dr. and Mrs. H. E: Monroe ....... , ........... .. .. 0 o o ,A. ll. WednesdilY evening. A Hatbaway of Waynesville. --- -~ --_ dinner preceded the meeting: Will Fal'n!iaJ. P ro....... i:~se~G'~'h;i~~:·; 6 ' 1 13 Mrs. Wil.bur CIllrk wiIJ go to' Spud Davis Was unable to pl~y D?yton FrIday a1'ternoon to be Members of the "taft of Ohio Fl'iday night because of illness. It w~th h er da~gbtelt', Mrs, Claude State University will furnish the is probable that be will be unable Rl gg.S who Will be' .taken to the broadcast to be sent over a net to play in th e next two games; hospItal for a poslSlble operation. work of 63 stations (In the NatiHis condition, however, is slightly The only corn loan available to onal Fann and Hom. Hour at 12.improved. " Ohio farmers Ls one 'of 55 cents 30 to 1 :30 p. m., January 20. Friday, Waynesvj1)e will play pel' bushel fOT corn stored in ware ...... F~anklin , at 'Fra)1klin. We are houses in accordlllnce with state Try Th. Miami ' Cazette For A expecting to see you there. requirementii'. Year.





A Priceless Memory Picture

Late Classified Ads.


R. Gibbons




J. E. MeClure

A Tip for the Man of the House

Th's Paper For One Year and

..:!'f PATHFINDERS2 00




r;._:! ~

P E. S S d & co~!.e H~~r. Stor~ onIE;i;:~ :,::::: : Banchester, Ohio


.': . . . '~. .... . '~:

Phone 3021


The following stores 'will be open every night next week 'u ntil Xmas. '

Will close all day


.. ·.

- - - --


1\\£ ~\R tM\l' \~ \"".,~& -nti' &~Nl(.~ OW: ""'. UM\"I'ft


A~ -2.100.000

D. R. Smith

"'It~' ' ' ,.nat'$'( ~l~!. \r(

a~\)t\~E. • &&_ -

' '''-

Wallace's Market IGA GreatA. & P. Tea. Co. w; G.



'WIt on• FOR. __

oe\.,vtQ.V til """~\l\. ~"~


Myer Hyman A. K. Day FairleY .Hardware Co. C. Lee Hawke Orville J. Gray


A CIJlTIGRAOI! Red Cedar Shin.le Ixteriot! · " .~

S1'CU8 ............ ... SIbeIlVERll roof ~ "...• ..., c::mmGlADB iw . . . . . . ", ................... .....

__,I .. _ .... c:anGRADB ...

..... ·t.a....I... . .

...........,.._ ....

.... ... . I' . ....... .... . . . . Ii • " ' W ..., - li la. • • .......... 1Rr .............. . . .




ALUMNI WIN CLOSE GAME FROM VARSITY WEDNESDAY NIGHT T_m of '33.'34 Defeala T_m of '31-'32 b,. 32 to 25 ' S-.; Gam. Well Atte.aded






0 " 1 8 0 0

0 1 1 1 0 0

day, into th iT new home just 0 I t !l Bl B II 9 comp e e ,neal' ue a. 3 Mr. and Mrs, William Tbomas 71and daughter, of Mason, . were 0 I guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. 0, Thomas on Sunday.



G Treadway ....... ............ . 1 1 Whitacre .......... ........ .. Bernard .................... .. Davill ... ,.......... ........... . Smith ......................... . 2 Miller ... ....... ............... . o

F 2 0

MeMlI Ian ... "............... Wallace ...... :................. Burton ............. " , .. " .... Savage .. ,......... ,.... ........ Miltenb rger .... .... " .... Turner ..................... ,. Totals

...................... " ISS·'84



Mr, and


Whole Number 6268


1 he Miami Gazette Extends Best ltishes for

Mrs. Dora Crane, 69 years old. wife of Clem Crane, of Lebanon, di d Monday morning at St. Eliza beth hospital, Dayton, following Il week's illneSS. SUl'viving are the hu.sband; one son, Edwin Crane, of near L banon, and a daughter, Mrs. Marie Schlagheck, of Kings- Mills. l~uneral. services were held at the Johnson Funeral Home in Le).,anon Wednesday afternoon and burial was made in The Springboro cemetery. ___ ... _ _ a _ __

The Alumni won a close game from t he High School, 19-18 last Wednesday evening. At the half the Alumni held a 12-6 advantage but the High School started climbing and at the end of the third quarter they were just two points .ind 1S-16. However the Alumni h~ld one paint of their lead until the end thllll being victorious. In the preceding game, the team of '33-'84 was just too much for Mrs. W. E , Mmer lef ttoday fOl" '31-'82 winning 32-2(). At tbe half the winning team wall ahead 19-14 Zalnesville where she will visit her and held the same maTgin at the l father for a few days. • end of the third qu.rter, 27-22. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Baine!! of The lineups for tbe gomea: Pendleton, Ind., called on Mrs. '31-'32 Anna Sheehan, Tuesday. 'Ramby Ellis ...................... 1


MRS. HANNAH TAYLOR DIES AT HOME OF DAUGHTER Mrs. Hannah Jan~ Taylor. ag d 85" wife Of the lote J ohn M. Taylol', di ed Fridny ('ven ing. December 18, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Zilna te ph enson. in Middletown. Mr. Taylor ' was . a lirelong of W.ayn~vill e, a of the late Jonn a nd Emley . . Besides her daughter she is survived by on sist er, Mrs. Effie Smith. of Waynesville, and several nieces and nephews. Fun~ral services conducted by Rev. O'Dell of Dodds, weTe held ' at the McClu're Funeral Hom e Tu~sday afternoon anu bUl'ial \ as made in Miami cemeter.y.



Victor Carpenter .

2 moved from Mlddl.etown, Wednes-



....... ,..... .!!IW' .

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Johnson, of

Cleveland, and Mrs.

Je&~ je


P zer, of Dayton, will be Christmas "dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. 1. .1:&:::=============;===-====-= 2 D. Marlatt. - -=-




NEW CENTURY CLUB MEMBERS PRESENT CHRISTMAS PROGHAM Home of My.. J. B. ChapllUla w.. Scene of December M_lin,

Th e New Century Club met at th e home of Mrs. J. B: Chapma~ [.'rida.)', December 18, 1936. After he bu in s meeting a very inter)sli ng program was given. On e verse of "Joy to the World" was ung by the club after which Mra. J. W. White read a paper on "The Prophecies Concerning the M:eslOiah" which definitely outlined lhe family, time, and place of Hia birth. Mrs. F. U. LeMay and Misa Re le~ Hawke favore.o(j the club with the beautiful carol "0 Little rown of Bet.hlehem." A I'eview of ,h book entitleil, "The Man Nobody Knows," by Bruce Barton was given by Mrs. Raymond Conner. Mrs. M.artha Hough gave a Christmas reading aCter which M" Sam D. Henkle and family left LeMay and M~ss Hawke sang today on a motor trip to Florida . "Silent Night." In behalf of the program committee Mrs. White Mr. and Mrs . Ray· Mainous an . extended the season's greeting, to Bon Donald, visited relatives In the club. Norwood, Saturday. After adjournment a delicious Mr. and Mrs. Harold William or Juncl~ was served to the members and children, of Dayton, will be and following guests: Mrs. Emma Christmas guests of Mr. and Mr, . Barnett, Mil!l! Helen Hawke, Mrs. . James McClure, Mrs. J. Q. Gonll, H . H. Williamson. Mi. s Emma Heighway and Mrs. J. The Happy Houl" Club will meel K. Preston. at Grange Hall, Tuesday e vening. December 29 at 7 o'clock, for th~ir annual banquet.

~ ~ ~~ Tu~::~,DM~·.~~g~: M~'a~t~ HOME RESIDENTS Mrs.S;~~EE~~:s'::::'~:nlY PLAN fARMERS' WEEK ENJOY PROGRAM child of Mr. and Mrs. Luther TO SHOW PROGRESS Wel8h were ehoppin& . in Dayton, 2 6 two cbildren, Barbara and ' Jack were Dayton vi itors Tuesday Hanes was born in Xenia, Ohio, Monday.

Mrs. Henry Satter~hwajte. Mrs. C. I. Satterthwaite and Miss Mary




One of th.e best school enterNove-mbet 20, 1861 and died h f Mr. and Ml"S. Bedford ~tricklin, tainments ever given here wu · 15 19 D Totals ................ ..... .. 11 10 32 b Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Mainou! Residents of the Warren county ecem er , 36, at t e age 0 Twenty five years of change of Middletown, were gUests of witne sed by an audience of of Hamilton, and Ml'1!. Altie Winn, 1 Home enjoyed their annual Christ 75 ye~rs and 26 d~ys. S~e spent ad progl'eS$ in Ohio agriculture Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baker, Tues. Lban 600 persons at the gym Tue. '36-'86 p of Scoville.. Ky.. were· dinner : mas par~ Sunday afternoon, a her gJrlhood da}'s ID XeDla. She 'Wi,ll pass in review during Farmers' day evcning. night when pupils of gradell .9l1e G F guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray most enjoyable holiday program was alwaya int~rest,ed in music Week at O. S. U., January 25 ~o to ix presented th& operetta "The 'Conner ............ ............ 1 S 6 Mainou! on Wednesday. beIng presented, with the Rev. L. and made beautl~u1 ba~d work. 29, according to H. C. Ramsower, Mr. and Mrs. Ira O. Brown left Magic Bell" under- the direction Cook ............................ 3 1 1 ' . D. Vesey, pastoy of the Lebanon She was married .to Chas. ~. director of extension., fWho is this afternoon for Miami. Fla., of R. E. Frank, music instructor. 2 Gril!y ' .................. .. ...... 0 Miss Henrietta McKmsey, M. E. Church and chaplain at the Hoyle Marcb 2, 18,87. To th~s .chairman of the comm ittee Which w.h ere they will be th.e guests ot The ChristmlUl decoratioll. AIl~n ....... ........... .......... 0 o , ~ supervisor of the prim.ary schools 'home serving as general chairman union were born 'l~ix chjldren, is planning arrangements for the Mrs. Brown's sist r, Mrs. Paul forme d ~ beautiful stage settiq 1 D. BogeT ..................... . 0 1 at ~htab~la, is spending the I Ea~h of the residents at the four boys ' alld two girls. Elmer of anniversary program Hauk. and the brigbt costumes of the C. ' LeMay .................... 0 o o holidays With her mother, Mrs. home received a gilt. Waynesvi ll e, Ohio; John of . . o AI' M K' Albany NY· WiIlhun of Daut.on A. B. Grabam, Washmgton, D. J4r. and Mrs. J. P. Fromm and little performers, who repreaented o Ellis ............................ 0 Ice c IOsey. The program included: ' • ., 3 'C' h f . I' ts f h d 1 1 Ohio; and Anna ill: hOlne. Fred &.pd .,:n c arge 0 specla IS or t e son attended the celebration of the every country, ma e a mOlt atHawke ......... ......, ........ 0 8 B Mr. and MTS. John Gons will , Group inging of Christmas carLillie preceded her i death ten Umted States Depa.rtm~nt ofsirly-second wedding anniversal'Y tractive .nd pl~ing picture. The C. James .... .......... ,.... :.. 0 entertain Christmas Day Mr. and oIs. led by MiS! Peggy Pauly with years ago. ' She also I:aves fifteen Agriculture, has been jnvited to of Mr. Fromm's parents in Dayton scene was laid in Santa's toy ahop. and one great return to Columbus to tell 80m~ of Tuesday night. Ruth Helen LeMay very creditTotals ....................... ... , 11 19 Mrs. Al H. Sehoeler, of Hamilton, MillS Virginia Williams as &Ccom- grandchildren Mr. Fred Henderaon, Mrs. Kath· panist. grandson the changes he has observ&rl Slnce ably played the part of Santa VARSITY p ryn Turner and 80n, Matthew, )lr. · v , cal selections by a sextette Sh.e g~ve her hell.rt to God in he helped with ar;an~ments l.or Mr. and Mrs. Henry Satterth- Claus, whose veTY efficient help. F G a·and Mrs. J. Q. Gons. f.ln"Omn.tTheheAs·eMxt·etEte· CIS. hucroCmhpo08feLdebofearly life and joined the Reformed the ~t Farmers Week. wbtle waite are giving a family dinner ers, Wimble and Nimlde, were ClaT), 1.. .... ..... ...... :.. ,.... 1 11 8 Church of Xenia; lalter she trans- $~ate d!tector of the extenslon.ser- tonight, Chri tmas Eve, with all portrayed by Ellen Mos. and 1 Earnhart .... .... ".......... 1 Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Eamhait Miss Virginia Castl'lm. an, Mrs. CeVIce In 1912 The committee of their children and grandchil- . Chal'lo~te Other cha-ft....n 3 d d M A 8h h It '' ferred her memba rship to the h' h ' I .. h' • t A~ •• on. .... Satterthwaite .... .. ... ... 0- 3 an rs. nna ee an cile Davis, Miss E mira Settles, BtNlver Reformed Church at Tre.- ~ IC I.S P anmng t IS year e even dren prellent. in the play 'w fe: ' o 2 will join in a family dinner party I Mi II Freida Singleton, Mrs. Cath- beins and later 'to the Mt. Zion IS anxIous to get the names of Charles Chapman, of Chicago, Jack-in-the..Boxes J. Boger ....... .. " ....... .... 1 D,fth 1 LeMay .... .. ........ ...... .... 8 '1 at the bome of Mr. and Mrs. erine Thomas and Miss Bessie R f d Ch h any persons who 'have attended grade boys. o Alb t u t . S ' b '" h B e orme ure and Robert Chapman of Columbu!l o DOl\aboo ........ " ............ 0 er +"es on 1D prlUg oro, Thomas with Mrs....ut rown as . every Farmers' Week Swedish Children _ Third Fires .... .... ,........ ..... ...... 0 o O. .Christmu Day. the accompanist. She . was always interested in . wtll spend Christn\lt.B with their ber hom e- and proved herself a Special . progl'ams for home- parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Grade Boys and Girls. M TIl. Lillian Fif e, 0 f W Ill!h· Two trombone selections by loving wife and m.oILber. . Scotch Lassies - Sixth G-rade 6 18 . mg- Herschel Hatfield. • mak ers b e.n~g prepared b y th e Chapman. 'rotaIe .. :......... ... ........ .. 6 ---- - ----ton, D. C. and her children Miriam f' b J h W She lived a life .of service and home econOIJIIC1S department and Girls. A program oni t affection and alway'! took pleasure. women a Iso are mVl~e . . d t 0 .atten d "'r and Mrs Maynard Rl'ch , of J apanese L ales d· F ourtb Jean and Earl Emerson, of Wil. 0 dmagic f uiT h lU • • . . Po, '1'11 arrl've to- G1'0. de G'Ir Is. minaton, will epend Christma Holt, . supermten ent 0 sc 00 sa ·. i.n her children and• grandchildl'en. meetlDgs arrange d b y 0 th er d e- Vander~I'ft 0"· M' Virgi ' W'I The visits of hel' 'friends and partments. The hours for featuTe night to spend Christmas and the Dixie Dolls--Second Grad& Gir'" Day ana .. part of the holidays SP~·mgboro. nla 1 - neighbors were greatly • U y Christma.s T reee--First ......... ,..~ ... . with Mrs. Fife's brother-in-law .Plano solo, by 18S appreciat- · events . eac h d ay are 4 p. m. and week- end WI·th .... • RI'ch'o parents II! and sleter, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. hams. . b M ed by her and help(ld her pass the 7 :30 p. m. Three evenings have Mr. and Mrs. J . B. Rich ; Boys. HIl~I~;?;°':ec~eadmg, y rs. long hours. . been set aside for old·time danceB. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Earnhart China",en-Fourth Grade Bo,. Gordon. , . • •. Since July 25, 19 31, she was an All departments have been and sons Earl and Alton attended Spanish Dancer&--Flfth Grade Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Miller will Plano solo, MiSS EvelYn Vesey... ., k working for some weeks to c o n - ' , C· I . FRIENDS MEETING Santa CIllua and the distribution mvahd, ha.vmg sull.ered a stro e . ' . the celebra.tion of the fiftieth, )r s. . have as their mests Christmas l'irn-day School at .:30 a. m. . of paralysis at that time. During dense as much mformatlon .as pOS- weddl·.n g annivergar'" of Mr. and Ball 00. ns.. Sixth. Grade Glrill •. Dq, lIr. and Mrs. Russell Stock. of glfts 'bl . h ' II tt d th •. , F G J(~ne for Wonhlp at 10!80 . . . ___ .~ b those years of suflfering she was 51 e In t e time a 0 e em. Mis. Milton Sheehan at their home Indian Maids.- Irst · ra de a ~Is. atill .and dau&,hter of Dayton. Mr. AppreCiation was expr""""", Y S k f th U ' ·t b S· h G d B 111. always patient a.nd · ch.eerful. pea. ers rom e Olv~r81 y, in Centerville, Tuel\day. Cow 0Y8- Ixt ra e 0)'11. ' . and Mr•. . K. A. Cornell, Mr. and the reSidents of the home and by N b 27 1936 h h d state and ' nation will discuss Puddl' ngo -Seoond Grade Bo .... 'U d..... M d M J k J . ovem er , 1 , 8 ea · ' or,~ M1'8.. W • E • CorneII. , IIlr. an .lUrs. PEaRY CHURCH OF CHRIST r. an rs. ac ones, supennh k f hi h h agricultural and other subjects Miss Esther Smith, a member of M.r. Frank was ably ulliated in W H. A. Corull, Mr. and Mn. War- tendent and matron, for this ex- adnidot etr strllo eAlrth°m h c bl Btoe Entertainment in the form lib . carl Smith, IIJ.nIIter speankollhrea wYo"Uld oOfUtegn ~l~le e mU.81'c and drama will round the blah scboo faeulty, wi I e I directing the performance by the PUl7 Thomas, .Sapt.. of Bible Ten ~raddoek and dau"hter and cellent program. and Mr. and lira. EliCar Smith. "... k out bridesmaid for a college friend grade teachers, Mies Reeder, Il_ Sehool ANNUAL MEETING OF let It be known .he understood. the wee. whose wedding will take place in.' Heightman, Mrs. Kel'MY, 11_ Bib.. 8ohool at • :10 a. III. Mr. and lin. W. E. Cornell OHIO SCHOOL TEACHERS Saturday evenin, abe. became .. - - - - the Chl'istian • Congregational I Campbell, Miss McKlnae7,.lu ' CommuloD, 10 ;'1 a. 111. gave. family dillMr Sunday in ,unconsiqus and grllduaUy became PAINFUL INJURY chureb In Piqua, tonight. From Day, Miss Hardin, and .Mr. TarPraachlq, 11 :00 ... ID. eompUment to Ruth Salisbury weaker until Tuesday morninr at there Mise Smith will go to her nero who arrived Friday from BlrmlngThe school teachers and admiDi. 4 o'clock she fell I••leep In JeIUB. J B. Catrerty ullistant cashier home ill MassillOn to epend the Miss Reba Edwaids was .eeom- . JlVA.BUVILU ~C'" 0' ham, Alabam. to apelld the holl- trators of Ohio will gather in of the Franklin National Bank, holidays. panist. CHlUIT cia.t LV home here. The other ColumbUS, Deoembel' 29-8(), for "There is a menlor), for one suffered a painful and serious in. The music by the IIchool .ofCh.. ~U I reaehers in Waytle TOWDllhrp Carl Smith, IllDlattr "ueets were Mr. and M'r'o D. R. the annual nidwinter meeting of a one jury Tuesday pight of last week, estra, a18.0 under 'the .directloJ!. of .. ..., • __ ia.ti Shlined In '. love that hu built Schools will .!Illend vacation week Not A i>eDoalDatiOll )1'---D'0-'and Mil- the Ohio Education A<N>OC 011. whe.n, in endeavoring to look down ' as follows: Miss Virgene Roe at Mr. Frank, wa& a splendid feaSaliabupv. -., ... he th 9 :80, Blbl. 1Ch001. dred 8ali.bu~, Donald Sali.bu.... Transaction of the official busine.. r rone, the stairway at his home, struck ture of the evell ing'lI entertain-.,. -J Oth f d d di p her home in Granville; Miss 10:46, Lord'. Sapper. and Charles T. EU18. of th e Association by the Repree'rll may a e .In aome sa - his left eye. &gainat a sharp por.............,__ *' d d t . sentative . . . . ......r . Gretehen Gehring, Toledo. Mr. ment. _ ••_ __ 7 :p. m., "'Dr...........n _Tor. Assembly an mee ,ugll ..-- , . tion of a gate installed at th.e REF k CI I d ---7 :46, ~...,..ustle Earl. Conner and Robert Allen of nineteen departm-ental groups But always MothEir'. dear Image head of the Itair8. A large por- and Mrs. . . rall, eve an ; M. E. CHOIR PRESENTS • " WecbMlday, 7:'6 p. m., pn7ft wh 0 are attendi . ~ bUBine.. co11 ege for professional stimulation and lS near. · tion of the cornea was torn, ex,. Mr. and Mrs. K~l Bodenbender . CHRISTMAS CANTATA. h Frid -_....... at Defiance; Mr, CarI-Ferguson a.t I S -'-- Id and bible aWq, . D p. ........ • came 01De .a.y advancement will occupy · ~he a~ C......f 111aaab 'polling a number of delegate Cedarville abd . Mr. Darrell . to spend the Chrlatmas . vacation. tention of the e(lucatoril during ne-Tvee and cawling intense agony. A beautiful cantata, "The Ne_ WATIIBIVIU.& II. L CHURCH Other col. student. who will the three daY' program. Supt. 8. We wish. to thank our nelgb~ Every known precaution is being Frenc~ at New JIollalid. Born King" wu presented bJ a ..... G. 0. DIbert. Putcw apend the honda,. 'With their F. Stanton of Alliance, retiring bors -and friends iror their kind- employed to save the sl&'ht of the Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hartsock . choir of twenty voi~ea at the Sunda,: SUllelay 1Ch001 a' 9:80 paTellta are Ruth SaliabUlT who is president of the o. E. A. will 12611& during the last iIIaeD of our eye by preventing infection in the gave a family dino, r Sunday M~thodist churcll Sunday niaht. &. m. 1I01'D1q worsblp at 10:'0. enrolled at the University of preside at the general eesalon. beloved wife and 1IlI0ther. We alllo wound. with the following guests present: Despite the handicap of bad The sermon abject wID be, "TIae Ala..., PbJIlIa Collett, of Miami wish to thank Mr., Stubb. for 'hil! Mr. Cafferty ie the. eon of Ilr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Walton colds suff~red by several melDbers Puabla of . .. Old. aDd the Com. UDivuaitJ and Barbara Gray, of Fat'mera in Ohio spent more kindness and .Mr. ,Scarl' for hll! and Mrs. John Ca«erty who .are and son Robert, Mr. and Mrs. <Jf the choir, tIM mulic under the ine of The WiJmblat,oD CoUace. than one-fourth of aU their' fum l COIlaoline worda! Mill& Emt., lor well !mown here. and a nephew' of Archer Hartsock, . oC Dayton, Mr. direction of MIu Billen Ha_ke EnDiBs' at 7 p. 111. Robert Oonl aceompanled by income in 1936 for feed, fertilizer '\ her ::autiluJ 81II~fr a:d t.~ H. H. W11llam80D. and 141'11. Fred Hartsock; Mila Mil-, was 1'8ly weU nadered. WedDeada,: Bib. atady . .d IIIaa Dorotb.. IIaaon of WUmln ..... lseeds, machinery, fuel, and 011. Milr on for ·t e ..u I • - dred anel Mr. Cbarles Hartsock, Solo paTtI were tatea bJ IUIa . . . ._ . .-~. 7 p.1II. . 10.--1 ne flora l piece. -.1-- Conner, ... pra,.r tora, J~ " A. C Rillncer of Fanners coop era tive . purc-. CIuIa. B I. PamD It Is probab Ie that pOUItry of lIilford; Mrs. Winifred Mason IV ty.... - - Bo7d B-..IBaton and Harold IU8lnae~ a associationa in the United Statea • ~_ J. prices will decline more than the &lid MI.. Mildred Muon, Xenia. sonl KrII. K. D. BaIrd, .... - - . IT. ~ ~ .....;, 'U1a1ftn1tJ 1 1ett boucht good, valued at over ,811, averace unW mid-winter and that &lid llfaa BetU Hartsock, of the ' Bardin, lL E. ~k, L D. ~-. Deonabu . ft. ~ to ....d ~ and 000,000, aecordlq to lneollJPlete ea plices in the aPrinl of 198'l 1Nurses Tralnl... Sehool, aeaeral and DamU ~ aaanla.1IieIIool at • IIiDlWap " . . Mr. IUl4 lin. reporta compiled b, the UDitecl patroDl 'WUI will be hleher thall one )'tar pn- Boapltal. ClDeiJlMti. The cI1nDer I The procraa "':~==I ....... .... ..... .,.IWIPI..t GeM ............ aacili. Statea Department of .efore 10:80 vioulJ. waa Pven In 'onor of lin. trnatft ••• IUIllflaCIIM • CIa .., ... - - Allee . . . I'1a. • • • Day. WaiteD aad HD wllo _Ul leave :p~ 1~_ ... P. Il. n.,toa ~r 80 for 'N_ 1VbIaa Mr. aDd lira. llarioa WJdtak... York Ct., _hen the, .w be, . SaM will and K.... WIIltaker. wUl . . . .. of ........... A. Mr. .... ~ Ie. CbaelaMU. to. ...... Oa . . . . _ - . ..• afternoon.













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.. V.






W ..u ",lilt.





terminin/: th

her fir~t and final account. In the matt..<r or the e tate of Fimlan King. deceas(:ll. !!ale • of al').,et~

inheritance tax to

be paie! on the estate of Henry F.

Tn th C'a~p of}'1 • Reed('t ,'er;u. Kers y, d ceased, is to be certified J lIeob R d r D ,livOl'fl' w(\~ gran· . T'" "u~. to·1y of "ithout delay. ed the ""I·nll·fT. I'U> ''''- ~ ., u their lJ1inor child '0. giv n to the Willian'! Ihnyer, adminis trator; II intiff. o( the eslate of Adam All m"cr,







The in\' TIt ry r A. 11. tubbs, administralor of the e. tal c of L. D. hiles, dec Hsed, wa approved harles. Wel ~ch. Perry Easton and Alb rt;. He ton,. W l'e p. pointed app'rai5('I'j< of the estate of Eliza W. Fox, d cell.'led. Loui N, ettlcnn're, admlnishator of the eslnto of Fran es A N' kl d I I • Ie eson, ecC1l c<, ft cd her first and final nccount. Dr. James 11. Arn Id, exe-cutor of the estate of Fann1e C. mith, deceased, filed hi tlrst and final account. A certified copy of the entry de termjning the inh rit.ance tax to be paid on th estate of Elizabeth Folk, decens d, is to be certified without d Ia.y. Lucy N. Murrell, executrix of

....... . ..... .

___ _ Th

Morrow Lumber




School ·News· •

• • • • • • 9( • • • • • • • •

• •••




The annual me4lting of the !\ of the Waynellville National Bank for the purpOI!& of Cominl Eve'ftu Tbe Waynesville team stopped electing directors for the enSiling the strong Franklin team 31 to 28 TU(>l'day Decembrr 22-"Mngic will' be held at their banldnr i~ a hard fought game Friday . Chri~tma. 'B lis," 8 0 clock in year, rooOlS, Tuesday, January 12, night, At the half the Wayoohs gymna. ium. 11)37, at 2 o'clock p. m. ~atl 8 ~even po!nt lead .but FrankW dne day, December 23 L. M. HENDERSON, CllShier lin kept ereepmg up In the last Alumni-VarRity gam'e. '31~~32 vs dld~17-24·31-j7 half to make the speet!ltors prac· '38-'34, 7 :30 in gym. Thursday Dccenlber 24.-Alically breathle&s and volcekoss in the lust two minute f play. Ilcmbly Pro~rllm by Fr hm~n. Thc re~VTe ~am couldn't get Vaca.tion begins at 12 :30 p. m. started and let Franklin rfll>erves Fl'iday D cember 21i- Mcrry. get away witb a 39 .to 6 score. Christma~. For. tne Varsity game, Beich~er Friday, Janua:ry 1, 1937 _ W88 hIgh point man for Franklin, Happy New Year. and Satterthwaite was high point Monday Januar y d 1937 - 8 man for Waynesville. In the last a. m., vac~tion end. ' quartet, fouJs forced Satte.rth. The N_r Future waite to the sidelines. Semester Examinations. Varsity Jlne-up: Junior Play. . WaJe"" Wi. Flom F ..... lJia

Bill. AlJ,owed


if therc ever were any.

$52.50; Ernest Dalkin, tone, $3.90 L . & D k d ; eWlS ra e, lnc .• coal an cem nt; $24 .77; W.. FraueTlknecht, I # guard rail po ta, $'49.35; R. D. Col. rliet' clece~ed. fil d bis first, final and In the c e of John P. lett. taps, $1.30; Th e Oregonia Vl'rSIIS Malintln C. Z eke!', t lIl, .liHiributive account. Bridge Co suppliE's oxygen and nest l' 'Mlllampy \lUU Hugh M(O· A t ·tI tc f t sf . ., .• • cer I ea 0 ran er was ISl'einfo ced steel, $119,33; Johl1.!lton lumpy were mad pm·tif.';> d(OfNl& J Obnston, stakCl! and IUlllber, sued in the estate of George C. dallt. In Ih(O C8 e Qf C!l\lIl"C~ 8. Car- R:l(l'tSOCk, d ceased. $34.52; Sam D. Henkle, road ea • or~~..~rl"'rl'v, the tI the c.alle of Har;old M. Benments, $21; Sam. D. Henkle, road . , ,vnrsu ' .~ , . b r "" nlaintiff is ord",t·cu to 1~\lY to the ha m, admllllstrator of th~ estate ca ements, $12; 2:aln Armitage, d('[('odnnt, until f urUI r ord r of of Alex Ludlum, decea ed, vergravel, $27.63; Blair & L Roy, cement, $1.25; J. W. Lingo Hard· court, th •. su m of 3.5'0 \)('1' week. su s Martha L. hafer, sale of perIn tho matter of the will of onal property was ordered. \\ are Co., supplies. $38.39; H. S. 'Z" I ' furrny dec ~ " cd 1" l'S Or~ T . he adjudication and detetmi· Conover, supplies and paint, $9.LI " • " .." . tbe estate of EdWin B. Murrell, 'de "red thll.L " tb WI'II bA adm l'tted natio1\ of the inheritance tax to ceased, III d her schedule of debts. 70; Charles Moumt, tires and d, b epaid Dn the esatte of John .A. T tuOOs, $143.68; Waites Garage, to prob "~te. W.7.....,IU.. Fra.klh, he will of Amelia E. Williams, Lerch, deceaSed, is ,to be given to parts and supplies, $78.14; Ii F: .P B F P .,., New Suit. all perspns interested. deceased, Wa filed in court. Kelsey Garage. ti1:'es and tube, 1!J~~'iI'Q'ri ~ ~ ;, Hl1l:;~~~ ~ 2 ~ A su it was filed in t he matter The adjudication and determi· RMI E.tate Tr.n.fen . $10.60; Tbe Blaisdell·Folz Equip. Snt'wto •• 2 10 Stirn .. 1 0 ~ • of the last will and t tam nt of nation of the i~heritance to Carl Garri son to Lena Gat'rison Co., scarified te1!tllJ, $26.40; Shell ~~~y':: g ~ {i;~:~~:} ~ 3 Lizzie Murray, deceased, lor ap- b(1 paid on the estate of John A. lot 39 in Lebanon. 'Petroleum Corp. oil, $33.l1; J. Oonl\hoo P Q 0 H~¥~\ti g ~ 5 ' plication to admit will to probate Lerch, deceased, is to be given to Frank M. Bitcsman to Minnie D. Adams Company, lilt links, loneca.sb2 court. al\ persons interested. Hitesman, 100 acreB in Bamilton $3.91; TOl!bie S!. rvice Station, _ _ _ Ja lelon ~ ~ ..! Nellie Ragsda.le filed a suit In the case of W. C. Manning, town hip. gasoline, $6.78; The Pure Oil Co., Tolals .11 P 31 TotAls. 10 against Harry Rag dale for administrator of the estate of Esther Hicks to Lillie Pierson, gasoline-, $6.14; H. E. Ivins. gaso·. · K eEman, d eceased, versus lots in Morrow. Ii ne, $875 · Reserves line.up: . ; FI ora•·1 M0 t or S erVlce divol'c . 'I'he charge is gross neg. C al VIn Fraakll. 'V."n ...."llie lect of duty. Carl C. Ayers, et aI, confirmation, Fannie • Smith, deceased, to gasoline, $24.61; 'lrhe Obio Oil . B 1" P D F Gnbbard 1 0 col~ tt . S ~ G A' suit was filed by Union deed and distribution were order· The People's Buildin~, Loan and Company, gasoline, $1.76; Waynes },'romm . 0 0 0 holl • II 0 Moor . , a 0 C. ntral Lif In urance Co. of ed. , Savings Co., two lots ~n Lebanon. ville Service Station, gasoline, f'urmlS • 0 0 0 ,t\yr a •• 0 0 1"lrOll .. 0 0 0 incinnati versus WalLer I.a x In the matter of the will of LizAlice Pri or Patterson, et aI, $35.16;' Morrow SOfvice Station, Donahoo 0 9 0 y,:m rick 0 0 ton ca.IlhB 1 Hopklna 0 0 0 Long, e:t ai, for money nnd fo:re. zie Murray. deceased, the matter as Trustees, to Ho rt Patterson, kerosene amd gas.~line, $21.50 I Jam a .0 0 0 J aCJCeon, .4 • 0 Me al • 1 0 c.losuTe. Tne .amount claimed is of Probating th e will is ordered Jr., undivided 1-9 in terest in real John Law & Son, glllSoline, $21.56; Mayn • 4 0 $4200.. certified to the Court of Oommon estate in Wayne township. Jnme~ Service StaLion, . ga oliDe, Kl'nody .1 0 'l'h ornp'D 1 0 Pleas. Robert Patterso n, Jr., et aI, to $15.76; Stakalta Mfg Co., dog apRlde.r •• 0 0 Ma....iqe Licem... J. T. Riley, administrator 01 the Alice Prior Patterson, t al un- plications covers and c.lips, $81.10; - - Morris Roger, manufacturer of estate of JS.lIIes O'FIYDn, deceased divided 1.0 intere~' in r al estate Ohio Central . Tel,ephone Corp., Totols . 3 0 6 Totala. 19 .,. . Jl.efor ... Float. Wayne ville and Mrs. Goldie Hix. fi.1e<I bis iaventory. in Wayne tow'l1 ship. telephone rent and moving charge, ---on, houseke4:per oJ WayneSVille. In the case of Harry Z. Gray, ad Mrs. Bella A. Brown to Henry $6.76; The Hubman Supply Co., G..... e Ne•• Boward Bowlin~, chauffeur, of ministrator of the estate of Josie LUdington ' and Lurene Ludington, ai.reen crystals, $9 .12; John Law The Third Grade i.s having a Franklin and Miss Alma Throck. A. Carnes, deceased, \lersus Tom real estate in Tu~t1ecreek town. & Son, gILS, tire repair, oil and spelling contest with Gladys Rye morton, factory worker, of Leban. Thompson, t ai, the plaintiff filed ship. tart~r repairs, $39 ..01 i Gr~nwood and Jackie Preston as captains. "THE HOME OF GIFTS" on. his petitiorr for an orde-r to sell Irene Berger to J o~ph H. Dun. Dairy, milk, $6; H. C. Hamilton, Jackies' team is ahead. The score Ralph Allen, .f armer, of Kings real estate. nett and Mabel C. Dunnett, lot in food, milk and fuel $lM:05; W. A is 4-2. Lebanon. Ohio The adjudication and determina Loveland Pa:rk. Hause, food, $20.510; Home Dairy . Some ot the grades have drawn Mills and Mis Audrey '1'e1'ry, factory worker of Kings Mill • tion of the inheritance tax to be G1!orge C. Hal'taock, deceased milk, $7.50; KAufrnan's, clothing, names for , Christmas presents. EXPERT WATCH Dr. E. Stanley Jones, author, Russell Trump, molder 01 Day- paid on the estate of WOIiam G. to pinah A. Hartsock and Ernest E $58.13; Kindred &, Robinson , food Everyone is lOoking forward to REPAIRING ton and Mi s Florence Peters beau Anderson, deceased, is to be Hartsock, 111.39 acres in Wayne $13; Kroger Grocery & Baking having a good time at their lecturer, Il(ld Chrirtian missionary tic;ian of South L banon. given to aU persons interestEd. . township and lot ill Wayne ville. Co., fOQd,$217; ][,ebanon Ice & Christmas party. to the people of A i8., will be the 0.17 C-.I_ llat.lala Jamel; Murphy, laborcr of FaaIn the case of J. T. Riley, Admin Chari s E. Florea nd Almeila Coal Co., fuel, $6.50; David Mason Attelad.aDce for NOYe'lllber gue'st. pea r at a mobilization Prompt Service ter and Miss Luella Grimes, lab- isbator of the estate of James Florea to ArthUr Schlottman a.nd food, $17; Mrs. H elen Doughman For November, Mias Campbell's meeting of the Mdhodist of Cin· Store ope,. lintll 9 p. m. orer of Lebanon. O'FJynn. deceased, versus Tom Mary Schlottman, 20 acres in invalid care of Clifford Doughman room led with an attendance of cinnati and surt,o unding communi· $7; Mrs. Ira Eltzrclth, invalid care 97.5% and Miss R~deT's room ties of the Ohio Annual Confer· William Earl Romines, wood O'FI9nn and Kate O'Flynn Osten- Turtlecreek township. worker of Indianapolis, Indiana, uorl, sale of real estate is 'ordered Jerome L. Sh rman to Frank of Alice Starkey, $>6; Jamel Moore with a close second of 96%. ence in the. Scottish Ri~e Auditor· and Miss Mary I ab I Coughlin, of In the matter of the wil1 of Redmon and Ella R edmon, 66.63 invalid care of Lucy Moore, $5; ~tteDClallce- for Secoad T . . ., iUm, Cincinnati, on Wednesday Wayu.esville. Frank A. Pence, deeeased, too will acres in Harlan township. Mrs. Margaret JOllies, invalid care The follow!n&, numb~r of pupils vening, January 13. In addition, A.k for a Cad and Jane Kamps to Wal. of Ollie Gardner, $6; Mrs. Julia have perfect attendance tor ·the Dr. Jones will have an "address t.estimony and a)) papel'll relating Probaw CollJ't thereto are ordered transmitted to ter H . Kapf, ' about 180 acres in Holland, invalid clore of Vernon Second term: . and qu~tlon" period in the aite}'· Miami.burr Permanent .F~ank M. Fox was appointed .ad Itbe .C ourt of Common PleaB. Hamilton township. Rolland, $10; ''MIs!! Oma Knox, in· Third Gr~d&-Twenty-four. noon. On January 14 be will speak Concrete mlDt trator of the estate of Ellza A certificate of transfer WII8 Walter H. Kapt to tbe Van. valid . care of Walter Barlow, . Sixth Grade, ~ction II. in Cleveland. and on the 15th in Air Se,l Burial Vault W. Fox, decea"ed, and filed bond order.ed issued in the matter of Camp Sand and Gravel CQ., about $11; Miss Oma Knox, invalid Seventeen. Columbus. of $1500 with sureties. . . the estate of Ed. S. Conklln. Mil- 180 acres in Hamilton township. care of FJ;'ank :Ballinger, $11; First Grade, Seetion I.-Fifteen Dr. Jones' visit to Cincinnati is For Sale only b;y A certlf\ed copy of th entry de- dred C. Coburn, executrix. filed New York Life Inauranee Co. Mts. Eldon Short, invalid care of MHdred Bourne -and Ann 'Weltz oin the interest of the "MUlion Unit Ruby Ream, $6: ~rbe Great A. & I wer.e perteciJspellers tor Second I Fellowship Movement"--a move· Your Funeral Director .. _ .. '. P. ~ea Co., food al1d milk. ,216.60 Term. _ . ment ' in th'e--rttutbodist Episcopal ~~~~~ .' ~ . Blair & LeRoy, fl1~l, $49; Dr. R. I All;ne rooms are being deco~t.: Church to make the cause of mi9~~~~~~~.~~=ft.~r1~iJ~:I~=fI.~t1~~~'~ M. Brewer, madleal, *,6.50; ed WIth bells, Santas and ChrIst- sions. and benevolences a "militant McClure Funeral Home BroadwlLY Shoe Service, sl'toe re- mas Trees. concern" of the whole denomina· Pho_ 7 ~.,...-iU.. 0. pair, 90~; L. H. B:rown, food, $20. . tion. This fellowship was establish ...----~-------.J 50; Jame Br~nt, fuel, $20.20; F......... N_. ' ed at the General Conference of ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ · ~ . ~. ,;J • Cal'1'o!J's Store, food, $26.26; Freshmen, &!etlon II, prellented the Church, in May 1936, and is Thomas Chilton, f'Oel, $9.76; J. R. a mock trial to Secl:lon I, The being PJlessed by Dr. Jones in I Coffman food $26.75 Fedders Sup case before the court was a ' visits to SOme fifty im~ortan't I ply Co .• fuel, $94.25; R. B. murder trial. The State vs Mil. I Methodist CEnters throughout the Gilmore & Son, food, $6; Ohio dred Van Hunter (Mildred Salja... ' country. )lethodists In this area Central Telephone Corp., tolls for bury). Th e trial ended rathe:r ; will secure tieketsfot ndmi.$8ion to various OJlicell, $23.10; Lewis & abruptly when Godfrey; th6 butlef Dr. Jones' meeting' from the Drl\l<e, Inc., ~me n t plaster, $20.; (Lowell Sinclair) confeS/Jed his pa8to~ of their home churche.s. Dr~ Jones is ofticially a mi!!sion. Vi.rgil R. Groves, electrical sup· guilt jUtlt as the ~ ury was bealnphes, ,48.39; W. C. Turton, ning to l'ender a verdict. William ary. of the Metbodist Episcopal cement plaster, lime, etc., $29.90; Strouse played the part of the Church, serving among tlle high FOR AND CONSIGN John Law &: Son, kerosene a~d c1CTk; Robel't Preaton, attorney castes, educated and student r:ar'cattl~~aDd eaIftI spark' plug, $3.14; C. W. M~n for the state; Sarah Miller, at.- groups in India. But his fame haa Norrt. _ f ' tIIe~ Safe Co., -reconditioned vault ,150 torney for the defense ; Wilma spread far beyond India, and as a ~~. aDd"~.'" W. Lingo Hdw~ Co., dust down. Thomas. Billy Spitler, and t.oweJl preacher and lecturer he haa been V~ .,... y ..... a..aa-... 0shovel lind sponge, $3.3~; Lewis f?inclair ;were the star . witnesses. in great dema.nd el.sewhere in in OD ,Radio . StatioD ~on & DTa~e, Inc./ Ulle ot tipple for Miss .Estber Smith p.l ayed the in Europe;, in Australia, and in ~etto~P' oft daD, unloadmg coal, ' :5.35; Lewis & of the judge' while Margaret Vint, botb North and South AmerIca.. A A wish to you, our customers! Drake, POeahontalB lUmp, $20.15; Harold . ~utherford, Beryl Me~e- few y~al'll !'gO h~ conducted the ~~~=~==~=~~~~~ Lebanon Farmers' Coop. ·Co. coal dith, and Winfield Scott served on annual Lenten services of May the Holiday Season bring $13.23; Drs. Edw. &: Robt. · Blair the jUr y . Greater New York Federation 01 •• examining childreln f or Industrial The FTeahmen. clllse are clan- Cburc:bes, and these addresael Home and O. A. ,& C. Home, $4; ning a very intereathi&, Christmas .w ere broadcast acroBs America by you a wealth of joy and good City Of Dayton, boarding prUonera pro~am tor th~ A.a1llhl, a great chain of stations. worlthouBe, $4~; Treaaurer ot week. Seven boou from the pen of fellowship. May the New Year State. support ()t inmates in " Jonel, becinnine with h1a famoUi Feeble Minded Insrtitute, ,81'75.87 Clariae. . . Trat , ... "The Christ of th. Indian 'Road" bri~g you Health, Happiness Lewis" Dnke, Inc., coal, '18.2&; At 8 :50 Thunda, ."qrnlq • have not onl)' been best sella,. I~ Lewis l& Drake, I(nc., rlchmortar pictu1'e w11l be IhOWD a~ the ~.riC& and EnalaDd, but have and Prosperity in full measure. and cement, ,411.85; Leban.on rrwtn Theater 'for the children been traDllated into a number of Lumbe C01I\~ant, paint, lumber, the ~d& .c~ool · bQndlna. European aU A.ian tonp8l. 1 For ourselves, we also have ete., ,810.48,. .TohI~ Law &: Son, medlat4iy alter the picture the Oyer 800,000 copiee of bla boo1ut ru alld oil, ",8~ll Be~bel F. grade ch-'lmn wUl HtVD to their b4n been publah,d it\. EnaUah. . . . . . . 7U a wish. That we may continue James, Preltolle/ ,4.05; The bnlldi", where the), will have Dr. Jon. born In Clarka- ~~~~~::!!!!~!!!!!~~~~~ Weatern Star, advertlalns notice their Chriatmu p~. vllJe, llar)'iaDd. He haa been a .R to serve you faithfully a.nd well, ot meeUng of Jury Commission. The Hip Sohool wU1 ba•• , 16 mfuionary of the Methodlat Epll$1.20; .The . Lebanon prorram iD the I1ID prmoUi to copal Ch}Jicb lince 1907. 'When h. and enjoy a continuation of the adV'ertismg Dotice of meetins of the' show wbieh w81 be pretNlllted arrived In Lucknow . to . become Jury Commission. ,1.20; Stanley to them a.t approzlmateiy lQ:80. of tbe EnaUIh Chqreh in pleasant rela.tionships esta bEarnhart, P. )1,. atam~B, '8; FIl't!t 'I>1u paplJa wUl be dlacity. For lome ,ean 00 ..ned Blair & Le-roy, ,HlI.50; OhiO Cen. missed shortlyaft4lr 12 o'clock. At as paltor, SUperintendent, and . . . .1r-=.v~~ lished through many years of tral Telephone COlr p., rent and . time tbeir OhmtmU vaca- achool principal in Sltapur and in, '12.65; K. Miller beriel. No luf!bea wtll be 1911 waa service. ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ shelter, '4.50; Md'lTOW Feed &: served ill the _001 l~ch 'rOoms tbe North India Annual Supp1y Co., fuel, $44.90; Mlk. on that day December U and Confgerence. Since that year h.e Horen, clothing, $1.98; Pine,. it wi not ~ Mel "'J for' ltu~ baa been · contlnuoua., enppd in crelt Dairy, milk,. $11.66; Tracy's dents to briDe til. lanchel. evanpllaUc work. He ... tbree ....""......U_.1llj4""·"".~."""'__.IIII ..,;,;.1I I4__MM~ Grocery, food, .'7.160; WaynemUe The feature picture for both refuNd to be eleCted a . . IAL& Farmen E~Chantr.', fuel, $22.'1&; buUdillp II "In BonnS. 8eotlaed" bWlop of the Metbodlst J:pteeopU :~:~nE. ~~I~:-Di~ti;n: with Stall Launl OUnr Cbareb, prefer"l'iq' to carl'J OD bII Wri~1)t'. Market, food, 00 Hard,-two .ut~~ atoD unique alDI*! ~ ~i..







Cary'a Jewelry Shop



. , <tt4 · t t "rry nl% mad 1\ :lI




F T Martl ' n Auctlon••r



C.entervllle, Ohio






· II:;''II:S::'•• ~''' "'1' 'PPO~Dted e~llat-a't- ~~C~tASS1~'~~.I!&RE=:·~O'"=AD=






WUlld Dry Goods Co., clothina', .. Th~ doe ..~ '17.45; Dr. C: Brtlden- blanks for eo_ocBt)' cUatrib. ~ 1lI1rit. IX lrIt :: bach; '20; Dr. $8; BaoIr.'. CJnoeq, food, iDcIomiaabla ~_ . : . : ' upon Frank A. $17.75; P •• food. 01 vie... $18; Drs. f88.&O. J'uD1e . . . . ......• .Aattfa lem-Heoalnkveld, servic..,; ........ ~ ,10; Drl Stahl, me. ful, _ _ • leal III'vIeee, B_bel II. .... .. . . ..

a. ......."












Chocolate - Friend of

I8SUIID IlVBltY TBUIlSDAY ---M 1III:Dl_.4 at POllottl .. at ... •• . - _,••. . , ............... ..,.. "UI •• Oblo, . . 8ec1W1l4 CIaWa,II •• )(all



S.bMrI.tl_ PrI.., '1.10 a Yau

Income (rom poultry in Ohio In

lncr aled IUIles



HI:J5 was $34,500,00(1 Qnd thil' ~t(lck8 of tobaeco have ere&W .. nlmn8t one-cilChlh or the totnl better outlook for Ohio tobacco inl,,, 01(\ from 1I1'1'l'icult.ul'c in thc gl()Wer!l for 1937. !'tate. The l'ural N'onomiC'" elt'JlIIl tm nl. of Ohio Slu\.c 1j nivCI'IIily NOTICE Fifly Iwo I<,,,id (' nts or \ Ilyne~­ ,ay~ thaL only d!liryin~ nnt! th vUll' pll.rticipnted in the General plod uction of lllenL animals No hunting or trespassing on



Motor ' 'ChrisLma~ appl' ~ ciation la'ought more money than poultry my farm', day or night. funt! nnd rec{'ivcd eh cks ranlting production to farmel's in that ycar CHAS. R. FRAZIER. in ~ ize from 35 to $60, it WM leOI n d today. THE SPEED OF TIME Starling Il few n,itHites 'aftrr mid night Fdday morning and con~ linuing thl'oug-hout the day, payThe 10nge1' we live, the £.aster tim e goe.. Time is like 'a. mu, lu.' Cll' l·k.· CirC\llated through roiling dOWTl hill. With each yard its speed incr as s. l he ~ ix manufn iurin~ plant und The 1'e-ason for this becomes clear if we l' call how f ull Bnd lon g eight gmernl offices of Oen ral the days seem when we are plac d in a new environm nt. The fir t Mo10'1'11 located in Tlll.yton, giving few days of a vacatioD, if we go to a strange plllce, seems 10nger than 10 eiil.'; ibl e emp loy 8ppccci ution the succeeding two 'weeks. run~ paymen ts TIlnging from $35 In the early years of life, the senses 8re hourly stimulated by to oliO. new experiences. Gradually, how('ver, these lIensl!$ aM blunted and the All LOIployes, exclusive of exe\! u days fade 11Ito one another, leaving a.lmost nO impJ"et!sion on our inlives and supeL'Y\"ors ill hi ~ h ~r tellect. Birthdays come so fast t hat we 105& the count. sa lny bl'ack et.~ , pal·ticip9lcd if Schopenbauer's reflections on this subject: le,d him to lay down the th~y wer on the pnyrQI1 Decemrule that the I ngth of any giv n year in a person', lifetime is in ber 1 nnd had been on thl' paytOn direct proportion to th number 01' times it will divide ou r whole life. throughout the curl'(mt year. and, lho e who, thl' ough ilInesR or oih ' C At the age of tl.!ty the year. appears to us only one-tenth a s long a s eauS<'s beyo nd their control, had a It did at the age of five; at the age of sixty the fraction is reduced to minimum of 26 week's. mpioyone-twel1th; in other words, thoe flfth yel1r is twelve times as long as men t in the cunent year and who the sixtieth year. nlilo worked in J 935, pr vided Schopenhatier contends that th e time of boredom, therefor~, is th er had Ilot been more than 26 youth and not old age. Children are so thoroughly alive that they consecutiv weeks' break · in their Festive Enough for the Proudest Occasion.~ need constant occupation or they are miserable. To them an idle hour (·mploYln nt. is like a. day. In later years the days fly so fast that the old man is )n his ~nnouncem nt of the OMEMAKERS who produce .. cup aurar hardly aware that he is out of bed before he discovers thAt the tim e V. teaepoon BIll t meala with appetite appeal on hri tmas appreciation fund, I teaspoon vaDlUa has come to Is this a CQnsolation, or a cause for regret? limited budget! richly deserve the Z cup. cube(l .tale bread _, Alfred P. Sloan, Jr., president of name of culinary artata! And one Add chocolate to milk and heat in = nelal Motors, said: or tbe fatl'1 godm!)tbeTiI ,PresIding double boiler. When chocolate 11 "At the end of 1935, at Christoyer luch relollrcetuJ llousewlvea la melled. stIr unlll blended. Combine 'chocolate. For chocolate 18 a flavor eggs. 8ugar, and aalt; add ,ehocolate ma!! time, in apprecinlion of the IWhlch endow. tbe pot·lucl!; bread mh:lure gradually, stlrrln, vigorlTorts put forth by the organizapuddlq wltll unexpected grace-It ously, Add van.1lJa. Place bread In tion in contributi ng t.o a b tter hindJ .teamed pudding, that winter greased baltlng dish; powr mlltture . . 0 ,. f or t -H CI u b M emb us Ira'Yorste. an almo,t regM all'-<lr, over It and let stal1d 10 mllllltes; busin S5 year, th(!re was disbur ed ~ :00 Agricult.ural Engln«rln~ pportunatles ,wbcnl a compan), dinner Is planned, then mix well before bakfJllg. Place an 'appreciation fund.' This took Chocolate Vel'Yet Cream maltes an dish In pan of hot water and bake - R. D. Barden, Extension Agricultural Engineer. the form of a $25 disbursement to 8 :10 Vocational Home Ec(momics Program - Students of Canal ,lmpcJlllq Iblale. In moderate oven (360 de!J'8es F.) 60 mloules. or untU puddillg 1lI1lrm. ov ry Dl mber of thc organization Winch ter High School, directed by Mi s Helen Westervelt, Chooolat. ".Ivet Cream Serve hot with bard AUCle or cold II8"eetene4 chocolnto who had se rved the cdrpol'11tion Instructor. with cream. Serve. 6. ' . for a six month' 'period and who ~ :20 Thomas Ewing, A Great Ohioan- H. E. Eswine. Historian. ~~ p-aDulat e! It I till Steamed Choeol.te P.llddln. was not IigilJle und r the corpora ~ CUI\lI sifted (!Ake dour 8 :30 Special Holiday Music. • c~~-r.:~~ tion' bonus plan. 2 teullonns double·aotlq b.aldq '8 :40 Our Homes and Famiiies--Mrs. Helen Mougey Jordan, Ext. .. ..~ ftllilla I)owd(,'r "1 n view or thoe :fa\!t tha I. the Add c:hooolate to ~ cup milk lIuc1 , t R"Il00n SOM Home Economi t. ...., III doIIltle boiler. ' Soak gelatin '. If!lUlJlOOn 8ltU , y ar of 1936 h likewise been a ,~ CUI' bulter or other ahortlelltui. 8 '60 Speelat Holiday Music by WOSU Orchestra. III rem'lnlac '" cup milk 6 mlnut 8. ~\ CUll ImgfLr g od yeal', similal', action h been 9:10 Poultry Pointers and" Concluding Turkey .Market Report-- ,When chocoJate IJI melted, beat with I (,'11'11'. w 11 beaten , tak n except In somewhat dif3 O'IUOI' ulIB,vcelened cJ\oc!Olat.; . I' t J'Ot&rJ ... beater until bl oded. News pape~ m e1t~d • ExtensiOn P ou Itty SpeCla II • 'Add .eJatID. lugar, and Ilalt. and f ren form aB to condition., of 1~ CUPS milk .~ _ _ ":20 What's AMad in ~93?'-H. C. Ramllowe.r, Director, Ohio '. ur UD(U p\&UD I. dl88olved, Cool. Sift ftour once, me8l~, add bak· service. The amount disbursed Alfl'icultural EJ:teonsion Service. 'Add cream and vaulila. Chill \Lnlll individual will' be- a minimum of Ing powder, soda, and ...111. and aUt b WOSU 0 h tr cold aDd II7J'1IPY· Place 10 bowl or ":30 Speci.I Ho IidJly MU8IC Y rc as a. 'cracked lee or fee watel' aud whip tog tber three times. C""1JIl butter. $35 and a maximum of $60 de'0 :40 to 10 Neighborly Be)pa with Country Lile Problems - Group wttll rotaJ7 ece \Jeater uoLII /ltd!'y add sugar gradually. aDd cream, too p ndenL upon the employe's rate ERE'is an offer that will appeal to all-American dillcussion led by J. P. Schmidt, Supervisor, Ohio Farmel'l>' and thick Uke whipped crenm. 'rarn ether thoroughly. Aad err ~ of pay. Thc amount so distributed chOCOlate, bellUn« untO , amootlL. , , Boy MagaEinc nnel this newspaper at a special ;iD&o IIIdl~dua1 molda. C\llll only Add 1lour. alternately with milk, .. will be approximately $10,000,0 0 l natitutes. combination bargain price. The American Boy is the autO Irm. UllDlold. Garnlsh wllh amnII amount at & time', beatJJII ., - ~1I'bIp'" cream. Servea 6, favorite magazine of more than 500,000 boy. ancl well atler each addition. 'Tum into. ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Cbooolate B"ad PuddinG yo·.mg men, Its fiction ca rries boys on the Wlnp of greased mold. HlJlng -% fUll, cover ' , . . IIQ _ _. .tenee! chocolate tightly and steam 2 howr1l. Sene, adventure to all parts of t he world. Its sportl artic:lea • C!UPII mille bot with bard Ilr" '3ervu~ 10. I en.. a1tshttr _~teD by famous coach alld athletes are studied by cham-:-~... .... pions. H ere you will find .the finest stories on sporta, aviation. busincss, school activities, humor, and tnveL the state, Conservation Commis- fit of $15 weekly. Efforts will be Evell at its regular price of $1.00 a year, The Ameri!lioner Lawrence Wooddell said the made to expand the ","'a rk to inomo' - The after a careful urv,ey disclosed next step in enforcement woulQ be elude more than 250 qther blind Dyea Used to Mark Forei,n COLUMBUS can Boy is coJlsidcl'ed a bargain. But now you may apedaculal' National Dairy Show, adequate buildings .and ~ace ,to to !llize the automobiles of persons persons in twenty cities of 50,000 Product Sho~a1d Be WI.1'D~ n. obtain it and this newspaper, •••• said to be by far the largest and properly stage the big affaIr whIch hunting ph aeants out of season population or more,. Pel'mi ion of To Farmer~ most ' important event 01 its kind will have the greatest aagregatioJ) from motor cars. Commis loner the United State sgov~'t'n ment to in the world for 1937 will. be of dairy cattle ever gathered to- W\loddell said the' statutes give permit conce."llion st:ands il\ Red is a much a warning to staged in C~lumbus at the atate gether Director aanefeld said. g"fne wardens the autbority to fed-e-ral buildings has been Ohio :farmers who will buy clover fair crounda, according to word ' , • confiscate automobles used in granted. At the prescnt time only and alfalIa seed as it is to persOIl! received by Director Earl H. In celebl'Jltio~ of the centennial game law violations the same as municipal and county build ings cro sing Il street intersection, ac- ' Hanel.ttl 01 the State Department ot the American patent system a tl)e-y give them pel'mjssion to seize are used for the stand Funds cording to Earl J ones, extension of AKriculture . .\)I attendance 01 ~pecial displa1 baa been arranged guns. H reported that more lba with which to equip and tock t.he agrollomist, O. S. U., who advises 1/i0,000 is expected since Ohio ta In tbe basement rotunda. at the 600 arrests were made in Novem- conce ions were provided , by the against purchasing imported seed Send YOdr OrderJTo virtual.,. the center of the ~ntic: O~io State ArcbaelogJcal . and ber, and that conviction were ob- legislature but they have been if native seed can be obtained. national dairy industry, Dlreetor HIstorical S~ciety mueeum, It wu mined in ninety-nine per cent of exhausted Ilnd nn additional apMr. Jones says that te t. at th Hanefeld aaeerted. In addition to announced by Director Hoory . C. the cas s. The previous high mll1'k propTiation will be need,ed to carry Ohio AgricuttUlml. Experiment prize dairy herds, educational ex· Shetront". The original workIng in an-ests was in Novem~r, 1935, on the program. tation have proved the worthless• • • ness of seed imported froll) any biblta representing federal and models or copiea of many early in- with a total of 480. state lovemmenta aa well ,as com- ventions are shown. The collection • • • Sup r intendent Thomas P. na~ion required by l'egulation to mercial organiutions will be owned by tbe soci~ty hall been Under the new pl'ogram of tpe Kearns ,of th division of safety taJIl 10 per~ent of such see,d featured, and the 6tag~ will be set augmented by materials sent from 10hiO Comm is ion for the- Blind and hygi ne of the Industrial Com red ~fore lt can. enter thIS for twenty-ftve champion state 4-H the U,nited state!! atent. office .at whereby sightless 1>e1' ons are· mission of Ohio, in a :report ju t country. Mo~t of ~IS s~ed comes Club juqilig turns as well 81 for Washmgton D. C, , O~ pnm,a ry bei ng set up in the concession compiled, related that with 1m- I f~om countries wlt.h ch~ates ~Q more than • score of collette tereet iI a faClllmlle copy of busine in public buildings, tif- prov d busin ss and. ~ndustrial l differe nt from that In OhIO that It juclcinr from the United Patellt No.1, the ftrst ~atent i8- 1 teen men and women, once depen conditions and the l'e'lulting in- Is total ly ~nadapted to weather State. and Caua!ia. The event re- IUed by Congre88 and Signed by <lent upon the state, are now malr.- crease in employrnenl: accident conditions here. t uma to Ohio after an absence of Washington and Jefferson. ing their ow)'! living" it was reo frequency continued tel mount in I Countries with climatic cond itwent)' ,.arll, It will be the • • • . Iported. by William E. Bartram, I Ohio during Octob r. The 20,942 lions more similar to t he ones here tw~nt7-elrhth annual show. The AI tb& result of "big increase In texecubve secretary of the com- claims for the month were 1 220 are permitted to send seed into ate talr cround alte was selected tram. law violation. throuchout mission. They nre. averaging a pro- mor.e than in SeptembEIT. Sev~rity United States if it is ideptified by ========================-~ -== - ot accident w.a fes e:ned" how- a green stain on 1 per cent of the ever, with . ighty fatal ities, a seed, Und~r favorable- conditions, decrease of eight in , comparison seed in the green-stain cla.ssificawith the previous month, Supel'ln- tion ma.y produce 85 per cent liS tendilnt Kearn s said. Machinery good a crop as could be grown I led all accide nt causes with 8,874 from native seed. Unfavorable casu and two fatalities. weather conditions may cut the --__..__ - - - yield from foreig'n seed to 60 per , -~M\) "lQe'6 LOOl(., ~\)~" cent 01 that from native seed. . 't\\ \t.l.~~ SMl'Tl\ Seed produced In Ohio is tee· ~ p~c.~M! ommended for red clove,r and C.AMe. TO s eE SMt't~ C\.M)C; alfalfa seedings in this state. ~, Canadian ~eed, which b stained u\' '" MMY ,,' violet. and seed from northern \\C)OIt\ VO\\ 'CO\) The U. S.- Marine COlrpS is now states, not stained, produce wllIte,r acceptIng young men, between hvdy plants 'but those do not grow th. aces of 18 an(l 26 for as vigorously as plants. from Ohio enlistment. Hen beinlr- enlisted seed, . R. D. Lewis, University agron· now 'Will be sent to S:an Diego, California, for training. The omist, points out two other disad· Marine eorps offers Ii ,splendid vantages ari ing from the ,us.e of opportunitY for travell. Marines foreign I\eed. Plants may bear aIle stationed in Culla, Guam, seed which becomes mixed witb Hawaii, The Philippin'~8, China, Ohio varieties, and the nativ6 The Virgin Islands, and the clover Oll slfalfa is thul weakened Panama Callal Zone. !~arinel ,a1'G by the Inclusion of strains which also stationed on all 1~he larger can only be eradieated by weather ship. of the navy and t'J'avel to all or insect damage. Light crops pro. parte of the world. duced by foreign le~d rob the Througb the Marine Corps In- 1I0ir of cODinde-able plant toad atitute, Marines are able to that would have been furnished i1 "further their, education bJ en. a vigorous crop had grown from roll~ for any OM of ..veral native seed.. . coune.. A diploma t. aW&-l'ded The acronomL~ts emp~sll:e apon completion of each coune dlftlcult7 of telhng fore.11Pl seed and ~... eoune. are without eolt I e:leept b, ,. close exammaUon to to the tllillvichaaL ditco'Yer .taiDed .eed~ On))' one ,PDn detaUI can be from out of 100 aeeda cantes the green the U. C. Marin. Corps ncruwnc :min, 10 out of-l00 red stein, and atati411, 81. New Post 0ftIce CJ1I~ ot 100 violet Italn. Two nDeIi... V"" Jhuw • 0.D&! Sta. eOllntriel .taiIa CIaIap , IUI1IoII. era~H"eCI or P1D' .ut f . . . . aJaoaId M ..... wAh .. 0Id0 1,-

DECEMBER 24, 1936


Farm Night 7al's, December



28 1


STOR for


'I :;a:U:

it ..


P l us

At Redu,ce d Price





Best of the News Direct From the Ohio State Capitol


Both One Year For


Miami Gazette

tn- I




\1ft I~S


Quality PrlntlDI



\ \!







MI.. EI\'era Loft.a, III Dorothea home ot 111'11. D. L. Crane and hbMrlbe tor 'l'be M.Ub au.tta .11 rt'turn~ lut week after a delieb'trul month· sojoom In Rotht', Mr. B)'l'on Carver, Mr. famil)" Christmas. ----. Albert Cal'ver and Mr. Howard ~ Florida. Ii "t' Dl1rothy Graham spent the III ver, all of Springfiltld. and Mr. The condition of Mrll. R. C. Mr8. Charle Mullenix attendl'd . STORM SASH We' k-~nd \I ith her ~i~tl'r in Dayton lind Mrll. Everett SC)alll, of Spring Riggs, who underwent an operathe funeral of Mrs. Emma McMr . Maggie Burnett of Way, BRONZE WEATHER Valley. tion last Saturday at. Miami ne<vill Wil ague t of Mr. and Elwain at. Tip!WCanoe City In t Valley hospital, is said. to be STRIP Thursday afternoon. If. Burnet and family last Mr. ond Mrs. O. L. Swartz arc favorable. Mr. and Mr . LeonaTd· Gray of wet>k. GLASS AND PUTTY vi iUng their son in Chicago. Mr. EVer tt Ernlv and .daughter Cincinnati were we k-end guest! Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Sears and ,.. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ho.rtsoel!., CEL-O.GLASS M'ld d d II. Ch I r. and ubs. Ed Ramby were ~... . is: rr~len, and Mr. . Lettie Marsh of Mr. and Mrs. George Gray and family will hav~ f i S' hristmas D 11. yton b'to T d _, 4111~1! J L' an r. ar eI Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Gray. V..,I rs uos ay ..... ternoon I Hart soc k ,0f Miltor; d Mr. an d .,.1'& '" We Repair Window. MI'. and Ml'!!. Therle .lone and Jl:U st , Mr. and Mra. Dale Carver, W, S. Graham will spend , R. r. Hawke and Mr. Frank unday dinner son Milton were hristmas with his son, Mon'is, in ~ Hawke will be Chri tmllS gue ts of guests of Mr. and Mrs. Donald R~ Dayton. Mrs. Edith Harris. and Mr. Danis GI~ove Hadley. · m.. o. Ploone 54 Mosher. Mr . Margaret John!\ WIl$ a LebM~., Ilnd Mrs. E. J. Burton of I Mr. and Mr. Hnfold McJCay anon visitor Tuesday. E1Yf18, 81'e spending th Christ- I ~1i1!s Doris Hawke, of Lebanon, A large number of par~nts and and son Al1en and 111r. Maynard IllIlS vacation with relatives here. l\.h. and Mrs. Don Ha\vkc lind Mr. friends from bere attended tbe McKay of Wilmington have gon e Pl'otect Your Home Cha.rl s Fisher an(} fa.mily, of I J. C. Hawke will spend Christmas operetta, 'IMngic Christmas Bells,' to Florida to spend the hri tmas from Tu be rculosis incinnati, will be Christmas at the home of !dr. nnd irs. Lee at the gym at Wayn~ville Tue day bolidays. evening. Mr. Dwight Beuon and Miss guel>ts of :W,'H. Allen (lnd family. , Huwke and bmdy. . BUY Mr. Berman Smith attended the Marie Smith of Springfield, spent CHRISTMAS SEALS Ethlln J. Lewis, U. S. N. A. I Mr. and Mr . K. N. Hough WIll funeral of bis cousin, Hom r unday the guests ,of Mrs. Ethel Annapoli . Md., is spen.ding th have a family Chl'istmo dinner Graduate Veterinarian Cotteral, at Brookston. Ind., Fri- Beason and Mr. and lI1rs. WilbuL' holidays wjtb his grandmothe~, I with thc following pres nt: Mr. day. Mr. Cotteral died · at hill McCarl·en. . . and . Mrs. Ern!' t Hadan and home in Cincinnati. Mr. Orlando Beaman of Xenia Mrs. Linie Lewis. Office Not'tb . MaiD St. The family of l,eonard Gray, in Jnnde a short call in this vicinity Mr. and Mrs. Hartley Moss will family. of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. WA YNESVILLE, OHIO Cincinnati were ·ca11 d to his last Thursday. have as t heir Christmas dinner Harold E rnhart Bnd children, of Licea.'" Broker home her' Tuesday. by his serious . 1Ii ~ Josephine Gray is suft'er- gue ts Mr . Cora Rich, 'Mrs. Reba Eaton, Mr • Viola Harlan, Mrs. illness with pneumonia. mg With a severely crush d hand. Braddock and Mr. and Mrs Telephoa. No.4 REAl. ESTATE . MOTtha llough and Ml:. Eve~tt Miss Bernice Graham who has Mr. and Mrs. CI)rde Sam and Ollbert Frye. NOTARY PUBLIC "IIIEI.I'I GilL" Harlan. been working in Dayto~ for a family were visitors in ~banon Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Ridge will eouple o! year, will SOOn have a Saturda.y. _or: - - - - -__~!!....!"._!"'_~~~.~~!"'_ ~~_~~~~~_~_ ~.....!!'.!-.~!"!!~,~~~~~~!!!'!'!!!!'!'!!!!'!'!~Inew position at Wright Mr. and Mrs. Roi:l€>rt McXay, of entel'tain Chrilltmas, Mr. and Mrs wh ere sh~ will begin her duties on Har veysburg were !' unday dinner H. H. Davis and Mi'!8 Mary Sow- I:';'===========~=============~::\ Dcoomber 28 . Mi s Graham' pa 'sed gue ts of Mr. and .Mrs. Howard ash, of Mansfield, and Ml'. and , 1\21'8. O. M. Ridge. the Civil Service in 'lin e of s teno- McKay and Donald. graphy, la!!t July with high grades. M1'. and Mrs. RUI! el Wilson of Mrs. May Cook and Mrs. Dorothy We congratulate her on her suc- Waynesville pent last Su nday In a ll of ollr services we take the necessary steps . cess. evening with Mr. anld Mt's. Almon Henslee. of Dayto\1, and Miss Sue Crane will be guest in th~ to create a Memory Picture which forever tends to Those from b~re who attended Ferris. \. console those loved ones left behind. Every service the 50th wedding anniversary of Mrs. ~1aud Cline remains quite Mr. and Ml'1!. Milton Sheehan at ill with athsma. . i so directed as to reflect beauty. a happi~r life in their home in Centerville Tuesday Miss Hannah Jo:rdan, Ali and I the Hereafter. We realize that the sentiment afternoon, from 2 to 5, were: Mrs Edward Jordan were Lebanon Alice Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Walter, vi itors Friday afternoon. involved in a fune~al service is precious and our Clark and 80n, Mrs. Belle Scott, The Ferris iamillies speni Frievery act is guided by that thought. • • MiS!! Helen Early, Mrs. Ruth day I'n Leban· on. Morgan and 80n, and Ml'!!. Walter Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tietmeyer A f . h l'd Kenrick. and family were vlisitors of Mr. esttve 01 &y treat is being and Mrs. Chas. Ellis and Bon at presented by the management of E. RE~LLlCK, M,r. Sabina Sunday. the BKO Colonial theater, Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Deatherage Ohio, for the Christm holiday were Thursday Clillers at the we,:k. Those beloved folks of t he It PhoBe 7 WayaeavWe The P. T. A. held a very inter- Talll\a,e home. radIO, p~sented by Lum and esting meeting at the school gym Mr. and Mrs. Hlnry Thompson Abner on the air, appear in pel'1!on


I,... .




Gibbons w.,.....

.Dr. A. E. SteHler





A Priceless Memory Picture


The followin g stores will close all day New Years Day:


D R Sml·th , oger Store Kr


'M ket IGA a ace s e a r W II real. A & P. T ea Co.


::::::::' :':: ' :::,::r:':=:::=::::~l : G W LANDRUM ....

,T"'. Paper For One -Year and


S2 00

More tlian a mUllon readers throughout the country read PATHFINDER regularly for • a complete, tilnely and unvarnished digest of the news. Are you overlooking Borne.. thing? Today. economic and political affairs are at their topsy-turviest. Every new turn of events is apt to affect your pocket-book. Everyone's asking, "What's it all about, and bow much is it going·to cost me?" Before you can answer tha.t question you must be able to lnterpret the news; and before you can interpret you must all the facts clearly expl~ined.



Pathftncler comes to you, with its reUable. easy-la-read and easy-la-understand news reflews in words, pictures

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impartial lnterpretation, analysis and explanation or the news enables you to think and talk atraight. O~er 'WeeJdy news magazines aell at " to t5 a year palh8n.der sells for $1 a year. but for a limited time we can oirer you a greatly

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We Announce' The Opening of a New 1937


on last Wednelilday night. After wer:e ' l-ebaqon visitors Saturday. on the stage in Tbe Pine Ridge the business hour, a most enterMr. G. W. Davis was a business ilv~r Comet Band. That favorite taining program charge of Mrs. Friday,evening in Columbus. Dick Haddleston, .all- ' Howard Graham,inwas given by visitor, A pleasant was enjoyed character, pears in person, and In addition Massie Grange. . The Junior by members of Wnshington Twp. there is a bost of otber grand Gran~, wbose leader is Mrs. Clint Farm Bureau at . their meeting entertlliners. Another surprise to be had in Toylor, delivered their program last Thursday evenIng at the home first. It cOl1sisted of group so~s, of Mr. and Mrs. Lon Rosenberger. the 5creen entertainment. Tttat readinlll and duets. This was A Christmas tree and a Christmas madcap comedienne of "Rhythm followed by; an excellent paper by pie were enjoyab~ features of the On The Range" and "Too 'Big Howard McGuinn and reading by evening. Broadcast of 1936," Marlha Raye, is starred for the first time in an 'Mrs. Esther' Doster. The Wornans' Civic Leagu ~ will fUl'njsh the hilarious and swingy romance progr!"" for the January meeting. the serious illness of bis father. with music entjUed, "Hideaway The churches of the community Messts. Carroll Smart, John Girl." Shirley Ross, who became beld Ch.ristmas exe~ci,ges and gave Tucker and Harold. Frazer attend- a star overnight as a result of her treats to the children, last Sonday ed a banquet in Middletown, Mon perfol'manc& in "The Big Broadmorning and then gave a union day night. cast" and Robert Cummings are n""Il'J"'UYI, a~""'tbe e (list chunh Our basketball tenm defeated featured with Martha Raye. lut SUl)day night. Kingman High 8cll,001 team h e~ All in all it )" a grand show The A. M. E. church g~ve a last Saturday nigh.t. that sparkles from start to finillh. turkey dinne'r at the T own Hall A medicine sbow is being held at LookIng slightly, ahead is the last Sunday noon and WIIS well the Town Hall trotl week. e ntet1ta,nm.ot planned for New patronized. I The Eastern Star lodge Years Eve at the RKO COlonial Dr. W. E. Oglesbee bas been hold .their instal1a'~ion next Wed- theatre, Dayton, Ohio. A daring quite poorly the p t week but is nesday night, Dec:ember thirtieth Parisian revue, "Follk!e D'Amour' some better. I'A pot luck suppel' will be served with 8 IFompany of sixty people, Mr. Milton Adams 01 Middle- at seven o'clock. will open on the state New Year's town, i8 viaiting at the ho~e of The many 1rieflds of Mr. and Eve. An hilariou8 mysteyy t hriller Joe Shambaugh and family. Mrs. Jno. Van Delrvoort will be " The Plot Thickens" will be ofMrs. Mary Haines WJl4l a dinn~r sorry to h~ar of their ac- fered on the screen with ,Jameti of My. &ild Mrs. . mias. cident on Sunday evenin g Gleason and Zasu Pitt,s in the Smart and daughter, Miss Grace. enroute home after visiting at the leadin, roles • Miss Vivian Tucker 01 M:ason home of Mrs. Anna Stinson on Two reserv d seat performances spent the 'week-end wi~b her Sunday. Both IUe confined in tbe will be given New Year's Eve; parenti. Hale bospital. the flrstat 8 :30 p. m. and the Mr. Crispin Lippincott is cot!" My. and Mrs. l;Ioward Graham second at 11 :30 p. ro. Favors, fined to bis hOme on account· of enliertained their dinner club on noisemakers and souvenirs will be illoen. last Saturday. nig1lt. given to. all wbo attend. Make ..Q.u.r school will close on Thurs- your -reservations DOW. Tickets Mr. and Mrs. Harold McKay and son Allan and Mr. McKay's day afternoon for' the h.olidays. ·A available at the theater box~mce



Invite You To See the New Models Now on Display Lowest Prices in Years - New Operating Economy- Two Engine Sizes - But Only One Car and ' One Purpose - To Give You More MiI.s and More Sattsfaction for Your Money in 1937.

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Storm Doors and ·Windows, Weather Strips and Insulation ,


Everything Builders' Supplies

w. H. Madden aco.


are enjoying a trip to rlorlda on TUilSday afternoon~ during the' holiday sealrOD. Mrs: Harold M,c Vey w~ calle:<! Mr. Earl Sanborn, Wall called to to West Union or.~ account of the ' 'A!toII....".~~.;-......, .__......~.....~.........."'".........J"'......"'"...~~.....-............;---.~~.....,...........~--A Hig&,enlport on Friday nicht by serious illness of a cousin.

........................... •


Hasting's purol Garage, Wayne·. ville, O. In Chatle of C. E .. Gerard, Salesman '

.J. E •. McClure



Salea· and ,Service




School .NewJs

.... ......

Th. Da, Vacad.OII Christmas wu further celebrated on Thursday ,a t the Waynesville High Scbool BuildIng, by a pI:ogram presented ' by - the Freshmen clus. The program .,vas as follows: Song by the A8sembly. DevotioM by Ruth Donahoo. playlet-- "Ghristmas in A Naughty Land" presented by the members of the FNebmen' class. Song by the :ll4Iserobly. Reading, "The Night Before Chriatm.s," by Beryl Me1edltp. Duet, "Shortn'in Bread"-Bob Preston and Earl Mendenhall. Also there was a au,rpriae ,iven when tbll' whole IIChool wu in.vited to "The Twins Theater" to He "My Bonnie ScoUand." It was a very deli8htful Cluiatm.. treat. Ve.cation bepn at 12 Tlnmday for the .tUdeDta of WaJDe Town.hlp .choot.. Cluae. will b. re_med at 8 .. m. lIonda" JU1lU'J


lIerr, Chriatmaa ~ew Y.... to alL




str~mera mad& CI,t red and green could be seen. Several games were played. On the walls of the IIl7ID were small SUPI of paper: with Christmas nalnes on it. The side ""al to AlUre out tbe names and lubmit them to the leader. The side that won was ent~rtalned by th~! other side. Several other intereJ!,ting game.!! were played. Christma!t Caro\& were sung. Each received a gift. Dainty refreslunants we:re served. Red and green jello with wblpped cream and nuts was served with amall wafers. All enjoyed a good time. .

Gralle· N... The Second Grade lent letter! to Saitta Claus. The Spellinar Contellt in the 8rd Grade ia going on .and the sc'o re is .tUl in favor of Jaclde Pre.ton', team, The lCore ia Ave to thr .. and Glad,. Rye i. captain of the loun. tMm_

fteCIwW_F_.... Eaeb .,ad. deeorated a Cbrlltmu tree ad 1I1M1cboarda

........ ,...

















Eiahty-Eiahth Year



Whole Number 6254









Amtouac. . .nt .."u made ot the eDracemeDt 01 Mill Hel.e n Early. of L,u., to IIr. Paul Wi11iams ot. Leb&Doa at a Imall party given by bel' lilt.r, lIrs. Ruth Morgan, at their bome In L)'tle, Tuesday eve~ ning, December 29. After A Short Weddi•• Trip 1'be No deblte date has been aet P ..... lar Y _ . Wilt B. for the weddins. at H_e at U4t ~ Rd.

Th e regular me Lin of Lh~ Wayn e Township Mothers Club wm be h eld Fridny aHcrnoo fl, January 8, at 2 o'clock. A speaker from Miami University will pepl'csent to talk to the mothers and guests at lhi. m~tPoultrymen. Will Enter E .... for' ing.

At an unusuaJIy lmpressive, simple wedding on Saturday afternoon December 26 at ":30 o'clock, Mias Evelyn Cartwright, daughter

A "sight unseen" baby chick co ntests will be a feature of the annual Farmers' Week at Ohio State University in ~anuary, it ill an nounced. :Mrs. Florence Johmon, of In this case, at least, the egg Springfield, called on Waynesville will come before the chicken. friends, Friday. Pou ltrymen wil~ enter eggs, in-




of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Cartwright, became th bride of Mr. George J. Willis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert H. WiIlhl of Cincinnati. The ceremony took place In the lovely Gothic cbapel of Christ Church in Cinclntiatl In the pre ence of a s mall group ot friends and rel:-"



.Miuel Dena Davis and Janice Smitll were Dayton shoppers Tuesday. The Waynesville Garden Club will nH!et with Mr. al)d Mrs. J. I •. January &, at 2 o'elock.


---.- ...---

70 our friends, subscribers and patrons, we extencl our heartiest

wishes Fe)r a H~ppy New Year

Chiek Conte" Wbieh WiJI be Held Next Month

The high scho ol lunch committee telul of chicks. is sponsoring II New Year's Eve The aggs will be hatcbed at the party at the gym tonight. university under the supervision . . . of show officials, and tbe cbicka Ml'8. CordIa ~ruax IS home from hatched .will be on di~ptay ' during McClellan hospJ'tal and ~ aid to Farm ra' Week. Entries will be be getting along very Olcely. \ .c~rcd on the mel'lt of the egg!!'t Mills Elizabeth Collett , of P itt _ hatchability, and the chickS burg, Pa., was a rec(mt guest of hatched. ber brother, D. M. Collette and This novel contest is being family. ~ p onsor d by the Poultry Science club, a stUden t organization, in Mr. and Mrs. Shetman Tinn ey cooperation .with the poultry were gu.e sts of MT. and Mrs. husba ndry department. Thomas Jeffs at Lebanon, during the holidays.

lves, wUh the Rev. Frank H. N 1Robert Stanley and Walter son. om~lating. PeteTl, of Dayton, vialted lIr. Bnd The bride, who entered on the Mn. Walter Elsey Sunday aftetnoon. arm of ber father, wa~ never more lovely than In her gown which, inDr. and Mn. lohn P,ul Boltoil stead of the traditional white, was of Colambas, were Christmas da)' . I gueeta 01 IIr.and . Mrs. Rolla of blue utin fashIoned along Boltoll. princesl Jines withs1im·/ltting bodlee and short, puf'led sleeves. Miss Bertha and Mr. Walter · Her tIny hat wa of ma]jn e exac~' Carey. of lie... Dodds, wel'e guests 11' matching ber blond hair and a of Mre. Carey Christmas Mrs. Phil Larrick and dnughter, band of' blue velvet which ended Da1· ~============~======~~====~========~~===== J ean, Mrs. Frank Hoffman and in a jaunty bow over ber foreheAd. Ill'. and Mr.. L. A. Gust allJ C. E. Norris spent Wednes· Mrs. She. canied a heal of Johanna daurbter apent Chriatm.. with Mr. day in Springfield. Hill Rosee. Garlt'. parenti at their home DeBf Her C/nly at~lIdant wu her sis- Daytoa. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Wilkerson chool musical oTganizations of Funeral services for Leonard ter, MI. Janet Cartwript who, entertained at Christmas dinner, Warren county will have an unu· Gray, who died at GenElral1;lospital 1Ir~ .1ld lin. Madllon Earnhart . with her dark colorlDC. m&de a Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Lamb and ~on Runl oPPol·tunity May lB-15 to Cincinnati, Saturday . morning eontrastinr ft.ure in l'OMo4&Il lace aad luaU, o( lIear L)'tle, visited and Mr. and Mr·s. Cecil Lamb. henr flDals in the national school The Rt. He nry Wise Hobson, from an illness of one week with Dr. E. F. Deppe is in Miami with dark bl'own acc.lloriee. Her Em_ . . . .rt and family, MOI1~ orch estra, solo, and ensemble conBishop of the Dioceae of Southern pneumonia, were h~ld at the McValley hospital suffering with Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Owens, dayatteraooll. fto~ were -Tallmlan rolla. Ohio, conducted services at St. Clure Funeral Home Monday blood poisoning resulting from a of Springfield, were Christmas and test in Columbus with Ohio State The brlde'a mother wu eJDartl1 Robert Thomas returned to M.a ry's Episcopal church Sunliay afternoon. Burial was in Miami uratcb on the arm. At last ac- week·end guesl:.!i of M r. and Mrs. University as host. gowned in wine colored "elvet, Fifty school ' orchestras · and Sprl~.14 Bulill.eIa College Mon. morning. While here the Bishop cemetery. He is survived by bis counts he wall getting on satis· Vern Armitage. with a feathn bat. more t han 1000 soloists, survivors day atter IIJHIJJdln r the Cbristmas met with the vestry and members widow and one stepdalUghter. factorily. The mother of the brideMiss Marjorie and Mr. Charles of preliminary competions in their vacattoD with hi. patellts Ml', and of the parish to discuss plans for C. Lee Hawke, whose finger was groom chose a crepe dret!ll of deep Burton Earnhart were unday respective states, will come to Mrs. Frank 'J'homu• . continuing services until a residCharl~ Joseph MarQluardt, aged almost severed when Clutting a red with trimming bf matching afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Columb~ for the finals. ent rector Is available. Rev. at his home west 76, died Sun!iay chicken's head of'l last week, has ~Ivet. Each wore a shoulder corearl Petenon and family of Additional inteJ:est attaches to J ohn J. Schaef'ler, rector of the of Waynesville following an ex- beell in a serious condition, Madison Earnhart at their hom sage of rOlles. SprlDCleld ...d 1Irs. liable StaLr ~ h e forthcoming sessions In Colum parish for fourteen year8, resigned tended illness. His widow, two the result of infection. He is at near Lytle. Actill&' as bQt man at this oc- and two dalldna, Bobby and Pa~ bQs, because they are the last daughters and one Bon survive. the home of his brother~in-Iaw, Dr. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Wilkerson national contest of the kind to be callion was Mr. Charles S. Browne, t y, of XeJJla wen week end guests becauae of ill health. Funeral services were held at Ralph Vance, in Wilmington, and and family and Mr. and :Mrs. N. B Jr. Usher" wer& Mr. William of ROllI PlaDek aud family. . the McClure Funeral Home Wed- the latest report is that he is Lamb left Wedn e. day [or a motor held. tn the future ail' ngional les and Mr. Glen Willis, a cousin nesday afternoon and burial was be·t ter and is thought to have tTip to the Cumberland mountain, f estivals will be conducted instead Mill JIIIWNcl Bariaoek of Milof the groom. of the nstiQnal. in Miami cemetery. passed the danger point . stopping at Berea, Ky., and other FoUowill8' ihe ceremony an in- ford, wllo .. teacblns in K-entucky · Adm is~io n to the contest ~- . at Winchester, points of interest. formal 1'eCeptioll was beld ai the Wealeraa .J sions will be free , and an inVita.Cincinnati Club. Before leaving, Ky.j .,..., th. week-end with. Mrs. Morris Sherwood, of Columbus, Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Eml'ick of tion will be extended Ohio bi(h the bride tendered her bouquet to EdWt Banta alld tamU,. Mr. and Mrs. Halrry Taylor, Keller Hoek, Misses Anna, Eula Lytle, and Mr. and Mrs. larence school ml1sical groups to come to her maternal rrandmother, Mrs. lb. . .d lin. Leat4!r Stanfield Miamisburg, Mr. andl Mrs. Carl and Monimia and Masters Benton McCray, of Centerville, and Mrs. Columbu s to hear the nation'lI Hannah Rogel'll, who' w ill and ~, of New Burlingtou,lSherwood and Miss LillIa Benham, and Seth Hoak, Mr. Roscoe Furnas George Hartsock were entertained be t in school orchestras and _dar velvet with matehlq and • ad lin. Olear Stanfield, Robert Chapman apent the week WaYlle8vil~, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes Bunnell and at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. olo·ists. Prof. Eugene J. Weigel, The eouple left on a short wedof Ohio State's music d4U)artment of N.. VieaDa, apent SuDday end in Peoria, Ill. ' Burton and Miss Betty Rudduck. daughters Caro,l and Rhoda and Anderson, Christmas Day. ding trip, the bride ,tired In eorfacuI~, is general chairman for 1Ir. ucI lin. IL D. Collett d ..... Mrs. Maggie Burnet Is visiting Mrs. Emmor Baily, of Lebanon Mr. and Mr!\. eorge .Bunnell and . Mrs. I Lot,'en Jam eson, onation blue crepe with black ae:Mrs. the c~ntest. 1t.1.o: IIaID h ber slater Mrs. Kate Hime. ill Grange will install tlile officers at son Larry of Centerv1l1e. ceHorles. Mr. and lin. Wi1lla Edgar Smith, Miss Mary Leah be at home after Januar, 10 at _. Oll8, w 0 haa spent Centerville. the regular meeting of Farm . ers' l Mr. and Mrs. James Stoops, Mr. Eqwards and Miss Doris Salisbury, the __ tilt.. rears III ", . G N 13 Sat d ht 2749 )ladlaoll Road. speat. CJutiMu 'With Ilil parents, Ill' and Mrs. Eril1!st Butterworth ranee o. , ur ay nl~ . and Mrs. Holmes ' Stoops and attended the Cartwright-Wi11is .... wedding in Cincinnati, Saturday Misses Rachel P ettitt, Ruth and Mr..... 1Ita. Ba7 1llWa0Ull. Be te- and Mrs. Gilbert Fr,e were DayMisa Janita and lMaster Roy family, of Van Wert, Dr. and Mrs afternoon. Elizabeth Chandler enjoyed tU1'De4l . . . ., to Detroit, wbe?e ton visitors Monday. Hurley, of Kingman, and .Muter C. G. Randall, of Ruveysburg, b. lIN ,..,Io"...t. Joe Davis are spending the week Dr. and Mr8. Baily CampbelJ, of Mr. and Mrl!. Phil Larrick had as Christmas day at; the home of L. Superintendent L. A. Garst at- With their grandparelnts, Mr. and Dayton, and Dr. and Mrs. J. E. their Christmas Day guests, Mr. W. Chandler and family. ..... JIn. G. O. Dibert; and tended the Educa~iODal meetin. lin. Josiah Davis. Witham formlld a family , group and :M rs. C. E. Norris, of BloomMisses Elizabeth and Ruth eb" ..0.. to .cComb, In Columbus this week. who were gueats of Mr. James ington, 111., Mr. and Mrs. E tol handler visited their coullin Mn. FrIda.J Mr. Misl Doris Henderllon and Mr. stoops for dinner at The Little Inskeep, of Sp-ringfield, and Mr. Allie D. F ife, in Dayton several la...-. ........ f I f Mrs. W. H. AUen Ie In Miami Albe rt KreI'1·mg, 0 f Newpo, rt K y., Inn on Sunday• . " _ _ • uaera 0 days early in the week . D and Mrs. Frank Roffman. FUUtY CHUltca 011 CHIlIIT .;;,:.~.::Valley hospi~1 for obsertation d M B an old ~nd and Mr. an ra. oyd Hen de rson Frances ALden, ot. Colum. Carl Sadth, IOaIIter Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Gordon George L. Bunnell, a graduate b~s is passing the holida.ys at the aDd ." tIM Dibert&. anei treatment. were Christmas guesta of Mr. and • Pen)" Tho..... Sapt. of Blbl. entertained at dinner on Sunday, of Waynesville high school, now of Home with her sister, Miss Adaline Mr. and Mrs. Ellrl Short, of ~rs. L. M. Hendersoln. Sehool Xenia, were guests of Mr. and' · The Woman's Auxiliary of St. Mrs. Lillian Fife, of Washlllgton, the Centerville high school teach- Alden. Bibl, School at II :80 .. .... D. C. and her children, Earl ing ataff, has been chosen as one Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Batton 01 MTI. Les~r Gordon, We<lnesd&y Mary's Church will meet with Mrs. Emerson and Miriam J ean Fif~, of the 01l1Qial8 for t he anJll1a.1 dis- Selma, attended Friends meeting 06ama~a. 10:" .. . . eveninr. Kathryn Turner on Friday aft8r- Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilkenon and trict tournam ent in February and PIuchIq, 11:00 .. ,1Il. Sunday alld dined at the Bome. lIr. and Mn. Johll. Turner,. of noon, ianuary 8th, at 2 o'clock. A Mill ROle Wilkerllon, of Morrow, March. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dickson of full attendane& Is desired. "AYIIUVILU ClluaCH OF Mrl. Bertie MIllI and Mill Sarah West ViraJnia, wen ' holiday Centerville, and Mra. Marla Elbon Mr. and Mn. Joeiah Davis had CHIllS'*' rueat, or relaUvea h ...., Mr. and Mn. Chlulel Bradley Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Conrad' and th,Lr lamlly dinner .Ohristmas Eve were dinner g1Jests at the Bom. 011 Carl ...... IItDWft Mr. and Mrs. Myrel, of Dayton, John Moore and Fr.d Beye~D and ' lamily, Kr. and Mn. Vern with the following present: Mr. Chriltmas. N~ A DeaeIIIIUtioa were g1JNta In the evenmr. Miss Sarah Catherine Hart.oc'k. Bookat .... of Daytoll, were Sundar dinner Simpsoll and familr and Mr. and .Mrs. Howard Hurhy and 11:10. 1 ............ ". f ... D L C n d Gaorae Hawke apent Chrllltmas of ~ear Melvin, and Mia. ~ . ~_~ . . . pea.... 0 AUa. . • ra e an Mr. Ind Mrs. Cbarl.. Hartsock children, of Kingman, Mr. and 10:41, LcmI'I Sapper. . . . a l ..... a;l t II with relatives at Buford. Carolyn Luke~8, ot. Harve,..bul1r Mn. Lloyd Davis and Bons lind .........-.. am y. and Mr. Luther H..uock are the ":p. ••, ClarI6a Eo4••Qr. spent several days durlq the Winifred Conner. Misl ~ lIr. Geor.e Baily, of , Cinellilin. Frank Sbldalker,ot Uar- g'ueste of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. or ~I. ~ aenleIa. holidaye with their a-Il n.U, Ipent Wednellday 'With hi. veyaburg, received II. letter from I Emel'1 at G~n Sprinp for a few Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sheehan, Mrs. WedDeIda,. '141 P. a .. pIaJU Lena Hart.!lock. aD~ bible ItGd,. .... 0 d raieee, Mni. J. B. Chapman and Mr. Dr. P. D. Clarett" 01 Peoria, IdaYI. Mr. lind ' Mr8. Walter Sheehall and Mrs. Louella Brown and De aD Chapman. ArilOn., wblch atated that hili \ ...... .... daarhter, Miss Tac,' ia in very Mr. and Mn. J : P .Fromm, Mr. sona, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis McClure RU8sell Brown of Weaten,WIt.. ..ATWUylLLE II. a. CH1U1t4~' • IAn1l1 FTed B. Hendenon an,d family poor health and confined to her and Mrs. Melvyn Banta and Mr. and daughter& and Mr. and Mrs. called on their cousins, ' ..... O. 0. DIbed, PuW ••re Sunday afternooD and even- bed mOlt of the timEt. CI,de Fromm were dlone.r guests l>eartn Sheehan an~ daughters I Annie a:nd Mame Brown Satunia~ sullliQ: SWldQ _001 at $:10. .. of Mr. Fromm's parents, In Day- enjoyed a family dinner on.l llfternoon. t In, peate of Mr. and Mrs- A. B. ' IIr. 1I0mmlq wonhlp at iO:4o. The Chrilltmas Day, at the home of ' Mrs. Margaret Martin in eOn!an.d Mn. MacUsan Earnhart toll, Christmas ntrht. lennOn . , . . . be DlaMr. and ~rs. , Carl Croll near pan y with :Mr. and M'TB. J. 1.. and aonll entemlnecll at sill o'clock \ turblq ~". Il....iac lI8I'Yle. M~·ndenhall, enjoyed Christmal IIr. and 1111'11. Lellie Sattertb- cHnner Chrlstmaa night. Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Frye and Mr. Franklin. at ., :00 o'clock. "alte, of Dayton, WI1'8 week-end lin. F. E.Tbomu. Mr. aDd Mrl, • C. W,. Frye s pent Chrlltmas day Mr. ' a.nd Mrs. Leonard Tinney 'day in Dayton, the of her .....r: !J. . . . . . . . Po", Satterthwaite Lowen Thomu . a'D.d daughter in Da)'ton, guests of Mr. alld Mn. gave a family dinner Sunday with son, Ernest. Martin and Mrs. Marell'll 1biIIo....,. SooIetJ will Bett" Inez Th.omas, . Deila Davia Glelln Fr1e. the fo.llowing present : Mr. and tin. with JbL Leah IIU1a • • Po .. ••d Robert Thoma.. . Ml'S. Howell Pieree, Mre. Edith L .C. St. J 0 ha . Mr. and Mrs. Cannan Ctane and Mrs. Joe Tinney, Mr. and Mrs. IIr. and IIn . Bible laoar . . . , . . , . at Robert Werntz and ' daughter, Harris, Miss Emma Heigbway and ..... peeta at a fa.U, Chrlatmu IIr. and lin. LaWlrenee Sbepherd son attended a tamlly dinner at 1:00. Leeda, Mr. and Mrs. Tolllan Law. Miss Lou Lewis, called 011 dIIIDer at the home of Mr. aad and ehUdren, of X.enia, Mr. and the home of Mn. Crane'" grand.... Oletl Bland in Sprinlrboro. lin. Emery Rosa alld family aud I parents, MI'. and IIrs. Charlea BOn and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Miss CIBra Lile and Mre. Ella Tinney; and Mr. Prentice Tinney, Babb In Wubincton C. H. Wedlin. Walter JollDlIlll lIJaa ETaIyIl Collin I, of Lebanon Watklna, Chriatmu Eve. of Daytoll. needay afternoon. .... spent CIarIatmu 8IId Mr. Balph Ric.h enjoyed a . . . . . . with relatives famll7 diDaer at the bome of IIIr. A sumptuou. dinner waa servedHo.. I............ ,,aDd lin. Cltnt 80.., Sunday. at the hOllle ot ]1osa Planck aud famUy Chriatmu day. ThO&8 Recent importation. Mp 011 CIuiItIIau pr ••nt were Mr. and Mrs. from Dell.ark aucl ~ 1'.ar'lllla!1t1f:uaUr . .~ a.n Martin- aDd daulrhten, Waf- pnetlclstl ID. the ......"., ..... of lin. Denine, Clark Starr and falllUy, Al'riculture an BOt to ....... BIlD.. .U.

lhe Miami Gazette







---_.- ..---





---_._ ..---

Frienda' Home New.

.- _---



M_ ....













. _.

..,I.. ...... &,.















__ r _ _ _







. _. _ _


Waynesville Merchants Extend ew Year Greetings To Friends _ _ _ a_p_'.
















A kind remembrance and ery best




wishc~ fOf

At this timely seaSOD, we wish to expre,s our appreciation for your o-operation that hn contributed 0 much towards our pl'ogr ss during the past year


Wi.hine You a Happy and Proaperou. New Year a~d Prospl~rous


.'_'_1_._0__ 0_ . -.



00-... - - -..._-...__...,...__,__....,... _..,___•___.:..._

New Year

_ a.



D. R. Smith's Grocery

r___' __...r__r________n__


1 _ _ 8 _ _ . - . -.....__...



nHed with Cheer, Good



....... ,.

tI ,..__ ... ___ a_ _.

- _ ,_ rtr l_ ,. a• •_ ••

a_ .. _ 1_ . ,_ ..



Waynesville Drug Store ~_ .

• _


Here's prosperity and with' it health and hap· pineaa--Here's the esteem of your fellow men with the fulfillment of your most cheri hed desires an thr-ough 1987.

_ II


• •

1 _ _ _ _ _ g _ I _. _ _



D _~.-.o_ a _a_~



__ _

May the gods of joy, happiness, success and sunshine come to you with the dawn of the New Year and remain through out 1937.

With Cordial Greetings for a Happy and ProsperNew year

" A. H. Stubbs ~_a


J ___

_ _ _ n/flll __ a_ . . . . . . .


NEWS FROM THE WARREN COURT FOR PAST WEEK , ••• Imined on the estate of Ma!'J B. c...._ P .... Proc..

___ McClu~, deceased. In ttle. cue of Ambroae Deckel' : The will of AmeUa E. William. venu. Luella Decker, a divorce decealled, w.. admitted to court ....' I1'IJlted the plalntttr. , Chules M. Robltser wu allIn the ca•• of CharI.. Byram fl 'Pointed executor. William C. &1 ••reu. Charlel Coy, et ~I, the l John, Wilbur N. Seara and Edpr d.f,enda~ta, Mary L. OverDWi I WA Smith were appointed apand ArtI\ur H. Fawley are allowed praillere. day. additional time within In the ease ot Minnie A. SlmpMch ' to ~ anewer, demurrer or 19n, adminilltratrix of the esther pleadin&,. tate of Frank G. Simpson, de. • In the cue of Francee T. LeJriI ceased, venue lOnnie A. Slmp, exetutor, e.t aI, verllus WilUam A Bon, et aI, Charters D. Maple waa , Itoee, 'etal, confirmation, deed and appointed guardian ad litem. Addi tribution were ordered. dition.a.l bond of $3,000 W.II ap. A \!tvorce wu granted the platn proved and sale of real elltate at tilt in the eue of Ellen McConnell private sale was ordE-red. . -vel' UI Robert McConne)). The adjudication and detennln... tion of 'the inheritance tax to be New Suib. paid on the estate of Lida HackKary W. RidinJer filed suit ett, deceased, is to be giv~ .to &g1llut Paul R. Ridinger for di- all persons interested. VOl'CCi, eharaing grOI\S neglect. In the case of A. H. Stubbs, admin,istrator of the '!!It&te of L. Prolaate C_rt D, Chiles, dece..ed. Vlrl\l' Frate Sale by Harold M. Benham, ad Craddock, et aI, eaJe of real esminilrttator of the ~.tate of Alex tate.t private SIlle .. ordered. Ludlum, d(\C)~, were approved. In the matter of the e.tate of Th .administrator filed his firlt Adam Appr, decetl8eci, nd final account. _ in lieu of account ')V •• ordered raID the matt... of tbe adoptiOIl corded. of DouW, IlcIward 10rdaD G.OI,.ua Stab",



aclopdOll wucIIi1d Iftated aDd alIbhl, tria of the ....t.e ftlecI of WiW.. "bDIe of the ia e..... dece.tllMld. her

L • ..w... ." 01


tile _

of SlIsUetb

r-...Id, ...... ~. rot


_.,... o _~_





" _~_

__ d'

0'10><-----------,.-,--... ._.___

We hail with joy the eoming of the New Year, and are wishing for you the happinesa and most prosperous tear you have ever had.

and Wealth will be


throughout the corning year.

Kroger Grocery & Baking Co.

Coyle's Meat Market MIIIIM _ _ _ _



I., ••



cherished neW friends, we.


wish a Ha1>py New Year

Pec k's.


F oo'd Shop'

.-.~_ a _II_~"-'~




• - .- - .. - .•. -.-.- - ••


- • -

Grelae, paper worke~, of Franklin ---

RMI Ltal4l T_'.n J. M. Smith to Eatel Wrieht, 88.81 acree in Clea"reek Calvin Keenalll" dec:eued, to Charlee. R. Bonnier, 99 acres in Walhineton to~ .. 'Ihip. Alfred 1. Wriarht, et al, to George Waterho.e, lot in Wayneaville. . Anleto S. and Harr), D. DeCesare to heorge an~ Ethel Brubaker, lot in frank liD. George and Btl 81 Brubaker to Robert m. Sm Uhrood, lot in FranItHIl. ' Davia aDd Klappert, real toWlll1aIJl.







- - -.ft. ;.



Beartie t Greetings and Be t WishruJ for a Happy New Year

Rogers & Simpson --or

T9 wish you a very Happy · and Prosperous New Year

J:lyman's S~ore ~_ J _ r

____ n_ r_ - - -0

,56; Cad O.kin, payroll, '169.60 '8; finecreet Dal!'J. rni11t, ,1)1.59 Charles BradburY,; payroll, ,252... A. $hi8ett, f"od, '26.60; Trac)' 80; Harry Mount, payroll ,177.60 Groen)" food aud milk ,18; Weet '" United Motors S,rvice, parta, $1.- End Grocery, fooel, '2.16; Zehring 73; E. F. Scbr.ader; plvanized burst DallT, milk, '12; Dr• .lohn iron, SI.86; Doebler B,OI. Gar7" J D A Zettel, I ......, ,14; Dr. Frank A. age, pana, uC': •• dam., CompaQ" bladea with bolta, ,.S.~ Di~, m~ioal ~ $SI.20; LaKar Bod), Shop, labor and 60; Dr. Kennoll »Ubballl, mediCal ...oUne, $21$.6'7; Rub), 'VanRiper, ..rnc.a, ,17.10; Dr" B• iSlOline, $at:u I Verne Burak. A lei edt ..m $1 .appU••, part. and 1&10&8, • cal .... , ,sa. iii , Robert S. Gardner, cuoBJ1D&Il, olothmc, ,BIUI; liM, ,7; Addla Service Statton, ChrIa liurpllJ lOA, food, 'la~I&' ialOllnl, '89.60; ~ Belen Oeborn Orocerr, food:, $'; L. W. DoU8hmaD, iDvalld eareOli1!ord Smith, food, tal;.,. Swiaert, Ooqlaman, ,7; Mrs. Ira Eltaroth, food, 'II; TlnTa Groctr'f, $a; cal',e Allee $tark61, $5; I.mea Rllby VanlUper, milk aBd ' food, 1I00re, '&j lin. lIarpret Jonee, $44.'70. care Olli, Gardner, $&.00; , J(ra.I~~~~~~~~~~~~ Julia BoUanel, care Vernon BoU· Ill\d, ' M.... Oma Knox, eare WaIte, "rlow" 'U; 111M om. WOTAilY pU8LiC Kno~, -care Frank BaJUnger, j lira. EldoJl Short care- Rubylleam ' ............. u1 'I': Dr. Prank Batecbe' medi -- - .. - _ ••• _ .... . !Cal - - - - - • • .-.. .: _ •• eervic... " 1.60. Beek'. n.lrv, ·W.YJIUYU.LK.' OHIO inUit, $9.10: Dr. Ro, C. A. Bock, medical .eme.., ,56;56; laale Bl'aIlt, ~el, $16.10; 1. It. Co..... food" "; <2rocelT, tood, ,85; J. T. Deardotr, _elter, '10: I:ad Coal Co., fuel, $I,,-50j Bvu.e Draa. wlter, $10; Xesler Gra1aam food, '''.10: A. D. G.,IDl..1-------:------\'iD6, food, ,I; Dr. A. D. Iiane'. metHcal ~ '41.101 M. IAourd mOk, . . ~ .uk ad

~, 11,.

_. - - - • - •• I


t _ f



of the estate of Lizsle Drake de' ceased, filed hill fira~ and tiDal account. The inberitance tax ~ be »-td On the estate of John Penea deceu d, ~ d t . d ' e as . ~ ermlDe . Tbe will of Emma B. Price, 'Cieceased, was admitted to court. " . The inheritance tax to b~ paid on the estate of Lid. Hackett, deceased was detel'Jllined. ' Louis D. Null, executor of tbe es1.ate of E. A. Null, dleNMd, filed b~. eeeond and final ac:coldlL In the case of A. H. Stubbe mini.trator of tbe eltate of L. D. Chil.., deceaeed, vel'S1h Craddock, et ai, ...1. w.. ed and distribution wu ordered.

_~ I

To our old friends, to our

and Prospe.roQs New




We hope your New Year WJll be a happy one, and ibat

" 1 _ 1,I ~ 1 _~_ II _~_ . _U_~_ p _


tOr .. - - - - - - - - -..... -~-.....;. ....".;;;,;;,..


__ n_ n_u--.._ I_ I • •__ a__ -"'_ 1 _ ,_ 1 _ 1 _ ". 1 __ 4__ 0_ •



. ~~_


E. H. Gordon

Health, Happiness,


W aynesville Farmers Exchange Co.

LeMay-Hawke Insurance Agency

.~ ,


Erwin Ellis

Here's a Happy New Year's Day to you--and 864 other d~Y8 after it, just as happy, bri~rning over with prQsperity. We couldn't wish you more!

Hasting's Garage




We are t hankful for our ucce~s in 1936. We feel it is but a reflection of your good w'ill and patronage, and it gives u great pleasure to extend to you our hearty wishes for a Happy New Year

~_ o _ . _~~~

Wishing for you a Happy

lUiam FHttoll.


E _ _ _ _ _ _~_ Q _ 1 . . . .

+--' - -




u_n... . _ (.. -. ,. .

As the old year dies, and the new one is born, we feel a deep grati~ude for the happiness ~nd success of 1936 which our friends made po sible. We wish you all the comp~iments of the season, and hope 1937 will bring you much happiness and success. -

Quick Cleaners Kathrya Meadenh.11 Mer. ' •



That this New Year to you may be In other years a memory, Filled to the brim with happiness That all your future life will bless.

Fairley Hd we. Co. -




greeting t hat we send you Is just a New Year's rhyme, But it bears our kindliest wishes For you at New Year's time.

Shop '

__u_. . __ _


Madden & Company




t1 •

0 •• _ _ _ •

A sincere appreciation of , your patronage, past, present and future, so a Happy New Year. .

Be the worst hi the future

R. D. Collett _

.~_ I _ J _-:"


May the best in the past

O. a_ a_...-.....-.. ......

w. ·H.


Wi hing everyone a Happy & Prosperous New Year and t hanking you fOl' your patronage during our fir t year in busine s.

Ne,w Year

Waynesville National Bank

Walter Underwood •

l _ n _~..-..-.-.~~~~_ · _ n _r:t

In Real Sincerity We Wish Our Friends and Patrons A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS

Health and Prosperity

-'-"_ J_ O. , __

.;; ...



Wi hing you a. New Year

. t _ e_ n • • .

wish you a full m,ea ure of the seasons greetings, 1\ Happy and Pro pcrou New Y ar,


T. Jeff Smith

Wallace's IGA Stores ~

~~I_ Ll~~I _' _ " _~~~~--------o

. . G80. J. Watetbolllle, ..".feea, ,1; RO&! H. }IarUoek, Mmea, 'I; Charlel Laymo, aerytcet, 'I; .Tames Dumford, lime.... 'I; Frank, WatldDlI, ;bUrial of }Jane), E. bumford, fl00; Neeld F~e~ Home; burial of lIalT Loaella CrawfonJ, flOO; Da)'ton Blank Book and ' d :Printiq Co., can... coven an I..v.... U; Brother.~ IDberitaJlce tax fot'lDl, '13•60 ; D~. B. dK:.~~Ulfiam8,B IDTeJIo t gation Into e ....... 0 01H1' C • Lannin., $'.10: ' The W&aten Star, P9.tcards, ADd dodpn. ,71.· 16; ,Ka1;lfIDAll'., but1Ha, tIsrMd. print tap&t.. ,".tl; Staaler Earn1lart, p. a, ata1Dpa, KaaflDloD.., eloGdq, for I'IrIIIaIl Wil~, ".14; 1'aifIe, Barthran Co., .1lppU.., TIle Bltdp





.,.. Xlpp,








About two-third of tht' land U.. Junior Leamina. place. . Mr. and lin. Harold IlMc:IC.,y Mfl. Ella Wil~on, MrR. Luther croppl'd 'in Ohio will not product' THE MIAMI CADTTa HaineR and daughter, Phyllis and IOn Allen and lIaVIIlard FOR RESULTS A community "sin," was held turned ev ning Mr. .and Mre. Donald Haines satisfactory cropl'l of either cl vrr tUUED EVERY THURSDAY in the -Y. E. Church On Sunday ftom Ute South. mpenl Saturday witb Mr. and Mrs. or alfalfa until it I~ limed. Enrl -" -~f-NOTICE ev ning. Charles Laird of Camden, Ohio. . one~, agronomillt, O. S. ., . ay~ a L_......PIID.e ... ................... N.. llIIlDt...ct at Poet:!!iee at. wa,a ..._~ __ '110 Y... ylU •. OhIo. "~_"Dd C a •• Mal MISS HONEST The "Wide-Awakes" held a fare that although the amot/nt of Iimt' Miss Agnes Turner ill spending I . . . ." P u . . p .... ~, • a lIIatter No hunting or trespassing on well party for Mr. harIes Stanley . tlJ..e holidl\Ys with her parents neN! Many J)eople are 80 busy trying at the home of Mr. Carl Jones and is increasing, lor areas of my [nrm, day or night. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Larkin and to devise ideal !IJstemll of social family. Charles, who has been lond still are in need of immeoiC.HAS. R. FRAZIER. DECEMBER 31, 1936 family spent a few days last organiutlon that they miss the staying In our nc~hborhood hasl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ week with their parents, Mr. aDd obvious steps of honeilt wOl'k for obtaine-d work in Dayton. Mrs. T. C. Haydock and family. the day's wage 'and honest. pay THE ANSWER IS UP TO YOU Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Cook of Mr~. Jesse. Hill was hostess to for the day's work, of honest Springboro called on Mr. Bnd Mrs. a large party of young people on goods represented in Ildnrtising When the final figures ar~ made up, it will very possibly be Christmas eve. They went from and lold for an hOlaest price. Donald HaiMi! one night the past found that the nutomobUe accident recotd of 1936 wa the worst in door to door among the neigbbol'l T):Jey are so concerned with the week. The "Wide Awakes" held their our motoring historY_from the standpoint of injuries Bnd property singIng Chri~tmas carola. reduction of armamerlts or the Christmas party a week ago Sundamage, as well as fatalitill!!. Mrs. C. D. Miars who bas been refusal to take the ollt.h of aile. wm 1937 further "improv " that r cord? The all.'lwer Is up to criticaUy ill, is somewhat improved .giance as a gesture a,rainst war day nigbt with Mr. nnd Mra. William Smith. the millions who driv~ cart! and walk. our treets and highways. Maude and Wm. Harlan spent that they will not take th~ trouble The Young Folks of our church We make our cars mechanicaUy safer-and ccidents increase. Chri tmas with relatives in Miamis to st.udy the actual plroblems of presented a Christmas program) We apply the most IIdvanced engineering "nowledge t() the problems of burg. materiaIa and markets, of econ- Sunday morning. highway construction-and accidents incl'eaae-. We stilfen our trllffic Rev. and · Mrs. omic interdependence of the reI a. laws--and accidents inttea e. Christmas guests their tion <If tariffs and trllde agree- Subscribe 'for Tbe Miami Oaletw It is telling commentary on our driving habits that the WOrst ac- And daughters, Mr. a1ld Mrs. ments to the causeE" of war. !!~~~~!!!'!!!!!!!~~~~~~!!!!! cidents involve calli in good condi~ion operating on first-cia a highway Kenneth ' Roberts of Young moen will even pledge under ~xcellent wea~her conditions--not worn-out wrecks driving on Horace and Ha.rold themselves never to Ibear arms icy pavement in .a atotm. Th N! is a percentage of drivers who habi- Capitol University. at their country's calli, and then tually ex.aggerat~ the "safety !actor"-and the annual cost is 35,000 Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Dutrey of go out and act aspkkets in a lives ana hundreds of millions of dollars in property destruction. Columbus w re week-end guests lab~r war in which their neighThe driver who steps On it.-who weaves through congested t1'llffic of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Curry. bors are being killed. . -who di dains traffic signals--wbo regards pedestrians as a nuisance Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Haydock and It is time to concern ourselves to be rort off the Iltreets--this driver is re pODsible for mass man- daughters entertained on Christ- with' drealll3 of Utopill w.hen we slaughter on an unt>recedented cale. WjJI the American people mas day: Mr. and Mrs. J. )i.. have done our honee:t best to ' '!!!!!!~~~~~~!!!!!~~~~~!'! continue to countenance his ravag~s? . Hartman & family of Waynesville understand the compln problems !!!2!5 Mr. Coeil Bartman of Witming- of an industrial civiliution, with ton, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Larkin a view to discovering hidden and :family of Greenfield, Hr. and center8 of selfishness and greed Mr . T. H. Haydock and Ion ot and bringing t.hem to light wh~re Jamestown and Mrs. Nancy Haw- they may be eliminated. There is kins of this place. nothing recondite abclut honesty Mr. Dyas Campbell, of Amirilla and deceney. Wben we have done COLUMBUS - A nation-wide year's revenue was baaed on Texas, is the guest of bis Ii.ter, · our absolute beat in these diNlC· broadcast telJing ot' the import- wagers of $6,772,75t placed dur- Mf;!. C. P. Noggle. He was called tiona it wUl be time to discuss the ant part Ohio State ' University ing a total of 216 days of racing here by the serious mnese of ' ultimate organization of society. We cannot scal~ the mountain at played in helping Ohioans meet at all Ohio traeks which operated their mother. the changing conditions of the • • • Mrs. Anna Patterson who has a leap but the next st.ep we, every times si n~ the institution was As a result of activity at WPA been pending a few weeks with one, have power to Uike.-Minfounded jn 873 will be made sewing rooms and carpenter sbops her niece, MrR. McClure bas re- neapolis Journal. - - - --over a network of lift y-five NBC Santa ClauB procured approxi- turned to Dayton. _ • TEACHING EXPIC:RIENCE • tat~onB January 20. it was an- mately 65,000 toys, made prinei-


New Burlib.toD




Best of the News Direct From the Ohio State Capitol



. nRolgUhntCmedl'!.YThPreC8eidnet.nlret G~rrgo:"aWm,' pally of8~ap material~, to 1Ul tbe .... ,.. .. stoeltinp of children in relief whieh will bEe heard from 12:30 o families. according to Dr. Carl 1 :30 p. m., . S. T., will orlglnaie Watson, WPA administrator in on the university camplLl and will Ohio. In the naUon, lome 760,000 be under the dil'ectloll JJf speeial tors were made by WPA workers. NBC ncineera IUId 811,nouncen. The distribution of the toy. did The p~ol[lam was decided upon not eomplete with private .indusronOwing an invitation by C. W. try linee they were given only to Warburton, director: of extensloo children whose parents cou1d not IIEIrvice for the United States De- dord to purchase 8lIJ Dr. Watson partment 01 Agriculture, for the . aid. The most Ultusual tOY project unlverRity to take over the "Farm in Ohio Is the "lending library" at and Home" hour. The broadcast Cincinnati. There children may • will be one of a series on the bonow toys .for a week jwt as ~neral, "How the Land they might go to a library and Grant College Aids in Meeting borrow books. There i8 a' moveChanging C{)nditioM." Dean John ment of 5,000 toys F. Cunningham 01 the university's I eVery seven days. ' co1Ie,. of agriculture wu named by President Rightmire as chairOn the basi. of preae-nt birth man o.f a special committee in registrations in Ohio, 1936 gives charre of ·th6 event. Other mem- every indication of being a banner bU8 are Dr. H. C. Ramsower, birth year, it was M!erted by I. director of the agricultural uten- C. P1ummer, chief 'iJf the division 'sion service for the univer ity; R. of vital statist.ics of the State DeO. HigrY. director of the univer- ~artment of PubUc Health for sit)' radio station; and C. G. twenty-six Jftn. He Hid that it Williaml, direetor of the Ohio is not a f~ tbat modern young A-mc:ultural Experiment Statlo.n perlODlI shirk 'the responaibilities at Wooater. The prptrram, Prell. ol paHnthood, and pointed out dent Rightmire said, will ,be both that recorda show that there are informative and ~ educational. more mothen under nineteen • • • ),earl of ace at the- present time The four-year lIeriod o.f le"~led than durinlr ~ny yea;r ainee 1910. pari.mutuer wagering 00 hone He cittld better social and finanracing in Ohio has resulted in the cial conditions as well as improv. ltate leeuring nearly balf • ed health as principal ua80ns for million dollars in extra revenue, the birtb iDereaaes'In 1936. A Secretary Thom.. J. Ryan ot the sharp decline in the birth rate in state racing eommfselon reported. Ohio I~d in 1926 ·and l'C1lc~d Grou r~ve.nue tar 1988 wu $111, a low ebb in 1933 when oJl1)' 96,499, .• bleh wu $6,188 more than 892 birthl were recorded. The tbe 1986 to~al althoucb there wa. 1986 total il expected to be' about • .Ihorte~ season In 1936. 'Tbia 108,800.


•· •

_;::::::========-===___!&=_ _. .__ -=. - = =


Beech Grove

Of the 172 students who


Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Talmage, J. :~:te t~~;:a:he teaf:~~r y:r~~ni:; Lee Talmage and Miss .rel8ie k Garner . were entertained at course at WilmingtoJa college in Christmas dinner at the home of 1936, 121 are obtainilnlr their first Mr. and Mri. J. W, Thomplon in teachinlr experience during the Cincinnati. current year. The remaining group Claud Gray ill on the sick Jist of 51 consists of those entered in at this writing. graduate schools and! those who l\h. and !erR. Walter Jordan of had h~ld teachin.g p~sit.lons prior Harveyshura &pent Sanday witb to their graduation. l'he 121 bethe Jordan family hue. ginning ·t eachers ~re loca~d ==========~~,,::,,::'=~I 'Mrs. Maude Cline is much Im- 28 diifeN!nt countiea lof OhlO, and ANNUAL MEETING proved at this time. of this number 10 a~ employed in Mr. and MrR. Ra)' Hift, of Colum the Warren county school sys~m. 'Phe annual meeting of the bos were Saturday 'evening and A recent survey of the teaehmg stockholders of the Waynesville Su~day &'I1ests of Mr. and Mrs. succeas of tbia ' .groop of 121 M. M. Terry. Wilmington College. gt:aduates was National Bank 10r the pUJpose of Albert Lee of Dayton, condueted by Dr. H . . H. electing directors for the ensuing i8 spending a part of his boliday dall, Dean of Educatlon. In which year, will be held at their banking vacation with the A. B. Talmace rating fOlmls were senlt to tbe vari- rooms, Tuesday, January 12, family here. our aehool auperi.nte~ldents under 1937, at 2 o'clock p. m. L. M. HENDERSON, Co.shier Miss Hannah Jordan, Edward whom these beglnDlljg teaehers and Alfred Jordan eDjoyed ' a are employed. The s.u mmary of dlO-17-24-31-j7 turkey dinner at the 'home of the lurvey IIhows tbt, according MrR. Lucy Fishbaugh in Middle- to the superintende'Dts' replies, town, Friday. over 96 per cent of tho& gr{)UP were lIr. and MlI!. Howard lIcKay rated "Above Averaue" in prep· entertained at. Christmas din1ler: aration and ~!!~ &bUlty. < Mr. and Mrs. Robert lIch, of Harveysburg, Mr. and lin. Harry Bowe of Bowenvil~, Ohio. "THE HOME OF Gins" Mrs. Adah Talmage, Mila There were no sezrviees at ou Jellsie ~. Ga~er and J. Lee Tal- church a week ago, Ii> day, Lebanon , Ohio mage were Saturday callen at eatile of slick' roads. EXPERT WATCH the home of Mr. and MlI!. Vfald9 Mr. and Raleigh Bogan REPAIJUNG Replogle in Dayton. and lIr. and Mre. William Smith ou,. Ge.aJ_ ....t.lal. The Gra)' familietl entertained and daurhter, Maril)'11l Sue attend to Ohrismaa din~r the eel the Bogan-Compton -ChTistmas Prompt Service gQests~ Mn. Jlary Lead and Mn. dinner Friday eveninr. at the home Charles Thompson of Wil~QIctoD, of Rev. alid Mrs. W.' E. Bogan of Store opeu until 9 p. m. Mr. and lIlI!. Charles VOlen and Dear Sprine Valley. O.~rs who 1Mrs. ClaJa Voierl, ot Harveyabul'l' were th.e re were: )(1'. and Mrs . MI'. and lira. Elbert Rlcb of ~ Horace ,Compton of l~ew Bu ton; lirA IUId lira. l!}tan Bogan .Aak for a and family, -Robert. IllDd )(I\rjorie of Dayton, and 'Weldon WlIeon Miami.burl( Pe..manent and famH~ ·of near Xenia. Concrete Mr. and MrL' Dorliald Haines; Everett Haines and 'lfauuly; Mrs. Air Seal Burial Vault Ella Hainel and MJ~. and Mrs. For Sale ·onll b)' Romer Haines and children, EmUy and 'Richard, were Christ. Your Funeral Director mas dinner pelts 0.1 Mr. and Mn Luther Haines IUlld daulhter, Ph71Ua. McClur. Fun.ral Hom. 801M of Gur )'OUDlr people went PIao_ , Wa~ftU., O. caroline Thanday n:l abt. . IIr. and lIn. TJujo.dore Meln· I~~~==~~~=~==~ e..t ot N.W' BQirtlncton . enter I: talned Mr. aDd lin. Walt~jr WU· 8011, Ill'. aDd lin. l~oDd WIlIOD aDd' d&uahtM, Jr.DDette and P81Il Petel'lClD ad falDO), of EluHl' n~borh~lod, 8uo~y, Dee.mber 10. Some of our nieniban attended the CoDl!lluultJ at tile N!'w BarllD!fton M. E, . ~cb, 81mcia), a.lIt; . lit. aDd lin. ,Homlln' Halnea IUId fa.nt entertained 118 thel\' pesta lfoa.F~ JIr. aDd lin. Alben Wilson ad IOD. Acthu Lee, ot TJro. Oblo aad lin. BDa Rain... Mn. EUa WIIsoD dlDner

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F. T. Martin Auetl....'


Tbe MlalDl


Illbscribe for Tbe Illalll Galette v ry ill Monelay, hut ~lia'htly LOCAL GIRL WILL improvl'rl ut lhj,.. lime. !ltr. RlItl }Irh ":dwin LintH'man , Supt. (Inti Mr•. H. C. Milligan : - - - - - - - - - - - - - and fall1il~ of nllytoll, l'iJ'. /11\, 1 Mi."11 Rllmn ITnl clin. ll!l~ ton. , :Inti lllotht.l· 111' enjoying their lIIrll. Wilbur Foulks . and 'iOIl, Lieen.... Broker Donuld, lind 1II1·. Ilnu 1\:[1''1. Eln1('1' ha,. aCCl'll\('Il u 11(' ~ ilion 11 :1 ~tC I1U' (,hd ,t lllu,,- vacation in leveland. I\'l'Uphel' aTl 'lcrk at lht' 110,\1 office J\.! 1'. and 1r '. ~ci l Eakins and Gr(,ves nte hri !\tmn~ Ilinn r with REAL ESTATE in Daylon. ~(ln uf Wulhonding ,- pent several Mr. Henl'y Foulks. Mis. lIm'din I'cctntly I'cc~i\' -II daS, IIl);t w~ek ,vilh his parent!! Mrs. Margaret Johl1 ~ \11 Rpend. NOTARY PUBLIC ing a few we k \\ ith h !l. Mar· an appointment to thi " pO$ition Mr. onj! , lIlr!!. Milton EaKins and , family. -------------.: jorie John:; and children in IJnY, ha inK madt' in th civil 'l' rvicc xllll1inHtinnR l.uui~ ampbell of Cincinnati ~!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!!!!'!!~!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'-~ ton. M... lind Mrs. R. C. IIunt and for cl rk and st nt1\r I'nplwr out of \I t\ ~ home for the holidays. The many friends of Miss STORM SASH son, \Varr n, at ended II family more thall 800 npplican ·[.<. She i~ u 'graduale o r Wll ynell' Marlhn Me une of Cleveland will din ner Chri.stmas at th hom e of BRONZE WEATHER Mr. II.nrl Mn, William and family ville llill. h lIcbOol and Bprin"fi Id be Ko rry to lellrn of her serious STRIP Bu sinc.8 college, ontl hus hel' n iIIn tl's. near Red Lion. ~ r. and Mrs. Clyde Levicy Graduate Veterinarian rr. and Mrs. Fred Fisk of '" orklng in Duyton tor the pn -t GLASS AND PUTfY 1'1 'n~a nt1y ontertained with a Independence, Ky., returned home y ar and a half. _ _ _ _ _ h'risttnas dinner at their home. eEL-O·GLASS Monday evening, aCter spPllding Ollice NO'I'tt. St. I Those who enjoyed the doy were several day with l h ir par e nt ~, S . D. FESS INTIMATE We Repair Window. FRIEND OF W. A. CLARK MI'. and Mrs. Ira Hartsock and Mr. and Mrs. G~orge Gray and atWAYNESVILLE, OHIO Mr. and Mr". Joe Jackson and son tended the funeral of th e latter's I wrole Ex ·~ nlltor Fess, con· Jay Herbert, all of Dayton, Mr. brother, Leonard Gl'a y. !\nd JIll'S. Joe Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Telephone No.4 W.)'D..../iIl .. O. Mr. and 1r8. Th rl e Jon es h ad ~ rIltulllting him on hi. ,'i5th birlhLouise nell and daughter, J oan. day. H e answel' d it, mailing it for their Christmas gue. ts: Mr. Mr. Crispin Lippincott still and Mrs. Edwin Nutl and Hennon Lhe 21 st a QcI I received sanle the r(omains in a serious condition at More tlian a mUlion readers throughout the Nutt at Cen tel'vill, Mi s Alma 22nd. I have kn own Mr. Fegs fOI' couI\try read. PATHFINDFlR regularly for • _ fOl·ty yell!';; nnd hllv~' 'e("'~spondcd the home of his sister, Mrs. Sadie g~-~itt-~~~-!C~~~~p~-~~~-t«~,-=~~t-~-!4-(t4-I~tII~Et4PII Nutt of Dayton ancl Mr. und Mrs. a complete, tImely and unvarnished digest ': with him I egu la rly. I (Hl mircd 11'. RC'ason. J . B. Jones •. of the news. Are you overlooking someDr. and Mrs. C. G. Randall en· .Mrs. A. E. White of Columbus Fe. s for his . t el'ling qualities. thing? Today. economic and pOlitical affairs are at thei r joyed Xmas dinner with Mrs. Har. 1025 I wro te e na to r Fe~s Back in w ek·end guest of Mr. and was a t opsy-turviest. Every new turn of events Is apt to affect your pocket-book. Everyone's asking, "What's it all Mrs. K ler Gra ham lind th ir t hat t h f rmer was ~ tarling On a rie l mart and daughter. Miss about, and how much is it gOing to cost me?" Before you unday dinn r gu ts were : Mr. to bogon. He nnsw red by say ing Grace. Dr. and Ml'lI. W. E. Frost and can answer that question you mu,st be able to interpret ,nd MI' . White and on. of olum che farm er could h lp bimsel f by tile news; and before you can interpret you must have bus and Mr. and Mrs. . W. Alb- diver iiled farming, 'pecially Maynllrd ,pent Friday in Dayton all the facts clearly explained. t he cottO ll, corn and wheat with r elatives. right of Waynesvill e. The , weet bell nre ringing, the old y nr i. <.lying. Mrs. Anna Stinson Is enjoying EVERY WEEK FROM THE Mr. and Mrs. Guy Routzahn are falmer. He also sa id there wn a mouths visit in Tulsa, Oklahoma NEWS CENTER of the WORLD rejoicing over the unival of a anothel' way to help thl) farme r, Take once more a greeting f .. om me. ~athfillder comes to you with its relittle son born to th m Tuesllay, governme'n t reg im entation. That, and in Kansas, visiting her on, babic, easy-to·read and easy-lo-underhe Mid would b unllnll rican nnel Mr. afol Stinson, and wife and And oh, may the futuro before you t hat's lying, stand news reviews in words, pictures December 29th. . oe ialistic. That it woulld take a othe r relatives. Mr. and ?tlrs. Wnl r Kenrick in and charts. Its condensed form presents Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Clark a.nd a llvely and intelligible survey of cur- company with Mr. Ilnd Ml's Walter million rn E.' n to manage it. On an PrQ\'e all thnt you'd wish it to be. rent eyents throuRhout the world; its Cast, were Sunday evening guest.s average those f ellows would get family pent Christmas day with ImparUal interpretation, analysis and of Mr. and Mrg. Charle s Zimmer- more money out of ihe sack than Mr. lind Mrs. G. M. MacDonald explanation of the news enables you to and family. think and talk straigbt. Other weekly man and children, near Wa.ynes· the farmers. A few years ago my PLans are being made for brother Wilber and I visited Mr. news magazines sell at $4 to 15 a renr ville. Farmers' Institute in the near Pa~hf!nder sells f or $1 .. year, bu tor Mr. Leslie Gray and daughter, Fess at his Yellow Springs home . a limited time we c an offer you a greatly future. lIe showed u.s his hug~ library and ...-Ia:l... reduc;ed bargain price on Il cornbinaUon ' Wilma and Mr. latence Gray arc Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Carr and mementoes. He had a cane he 0,' thIS paper and PATHFINDER. Drop in ill with the grip. f amily are entertaining Mrs Carr's and see samples or write and take adVIlDprized highly made fr ()m a piece Mr. and Mrs. Morris Wharton of Lebanon, Mr. Lor-en Routzahn of wood taken from P ,e rry's f1ag~ si tel', Mrs. Arnold Linton and il!~5~~~~:~ tage of this specinl offer without delay. Insure your economic future by assurins of Centerville and Miss' Velma ship;- also a carpenter bench. that family of N~w Jersey. }'o~r complete grasp of current a.fl'1lir", Phone 7 Mr. and Mrs. Will B ell of Smith and brother Herman were belonged to Abe Lincoln's father. Summersville were iUests of H, Christmas dinneJ' guests of Mr. I a sked him to show U IS his plug and Mrs. Clyde Wharton and hat. By George he alnswered I S. Tucker a.nd family on Friday. Mrs. Lottie South and Mr. never owned one. daughters. In hi s la, t letter he liaid he was Mr. Charles Marquardt died at South of LebanOn enjoyed i~:::::::::::::::::=::::::::= his home on' Route 73, Sunday leaving fol' Washington D. C., in mas with her daughter, Mrs. Mary Tucker and children. morning after a lingering illne:!S. a few hour. His hi tol'y of Ohio Dr. and Mrs. C. G. Randall Fune ral services was held at Mc· and his book on the bE'ncfits of a Clure funeral home Wednesday two party govel'llment would soon enjoyed dinner on Sunday at the UJt, Wayn~)Iille, afternOon and burial at Miami be out and h would send me a "Little Inn" at guests of Mt·. and Mrs. Jas. toop book of each. He was preparing to cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Whitaker write 0 book on Briti h govern· of Van Wert. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. McCarren entertained to a family dinner ment. He rem~ked, this sociali lie Christmas the following g~ests: comm unislic regime on Capitol and daughters of Walhonding Miss Laura Rosnagle of Cincin- Hill would reach a clilnax sooner spent several days nt their home here and spent Christmas with nati, Dr. and ·Mrs. H. E. Hatha- than \\'e expect. Walter A. Clark. his moth er, Mrs. James McCarren way aof Waynesville and Mr. and and family of Dayton. Mrs. Harvey Burn t. A_ :;os Mi 8 Lula Miller was the guest Leonard Gray, age 49 year, son of her sister , Mn. Mamie Ret1L1of Mr. and Mrs. George Gray, lick of Oregonia. for dinner on last and a former resident of this Friday. community died, at General Hos· !fIr. MacDonald spent pital,'n Oincinna,ti, iSaturday Saturday night and Sunday with morning after a few day's illness Mr. nnd Mrs. J oe Jackson and son of pneumonia. A number of of Dayton. friends from bere atte-nded the The marriage of Mr. Dal1'ell funeral at McClure's parlor Way· Bogan and Miss Edna Morgan of nesvilleMonday afternoon and pnngboro occurred on Sunday burial at Miami cemetery. noon ~t the par onage there, after which 'they returned to the bride's Ii home where di~ner was served to TRY eighteen r~latjve8 and friends. Mr. alld Mrs. iN. C. Tichenor OUR CLASSIFIED CGU:"MNS were guests at a Christmas dinner given by Mr. and Mrs. Georre M. URING the winter ruah there Denny at Denny Farm. are many times wben An ovenMiss Flora Tibbals, Miss Hud on aoobd meal il invalu:able to the Between Toledo and Cincinnati bOme maker who needll extra time Mr. Howard Collett and Mr. Wal· Charted for the Benefit of Inter· 1M' her many -ac:tivities. The oven lace Collet t, ()f Wilmington, spent atate Mbtor Tourists all Well all dle.ner not only offen morrlreedom Sun'day afternoon with Mr. and ' FOR SALE Trame Within tile Borderl! of Ohio from the iitcllen. but illlO reducel Mrs. W. C. Tichenor. _______•• __ fuel C:Oltl. Onc:e tried. it becomes a "vorite cookery method. With s R Phone 14 FOR SALE- Poland China Male '.,\Odorn automatic: gas irange, eltber ' Try The Miami Gazette For A to Cineit:mati as ehown herewith is ' Pigs. E. Evans, l.ebanon phone , hot or cold oven atart !May be uled Year. the ilhortest distance between the '- -the timo c1oc:k ltandiing sentinel. 470R. da1 Ir.hoo.. foods which require the two citi¢s. Officials of the State I"me temperatuTe and 'bakit\a' time. Highway Department give the FOR $ALE. -Nancy Hall Sweet lind you will have a IIlCClriaful dIn. mileare savina a s about 11 miles. potatoes. Charles Hagemeyer. ,\er which meat, potatoe.. ' d31·j7 ~••~I4J!I AOci ~_ lJIoIdd~~I~ ~r .pio, .. There's lesa trllf~ t\,c congElstion on the Toledo·Cincinnati Short Line than on any other higbway "conDtctinlf thele two citiel. There are far fewer curves (no bairpllUl) and all railroad grade cro"singl are exceptionan,. well prot~ted. j(l~ l·.! C'hri t mll~ ,lay at

thl' home AIllIt'rson nil" fnll\il~ .11 \Ynyn,'!'<villr. MI. ~ht:l l:c"I I" 111111,,11-11 thl' ~Ir. 0'11" )Iu. W. C . . Bcr$tdall (1IIll·rul .. f I". 1),)lll ('''Illl at II' d ~rr. (lncl ~Ir~. Frank Robin on J.,hlllH'n '\",lUt's,1 ~. ,.e lu I. \"'l,k. \I U P (,hri~lll1a~ dinner guests oC ~r ... Ali<'", 'lark "ll. " lit' ,,( th ~1r. nml fr. -. Edward Bergdall in 1(1It:! t lit n hri-tnllLq !linn ' r nl Dllyton. th hom~ of MI'. rand lITl .. l:"lllll RiR' lIt noute 2. lIJr~ . Cl1s~i(' -Harny is able to be fro nil . I . . Uonl1l,1 Undlql Hnll ou t n~llin aftel' I ing ill a ouple litt le dllll ~ "( t'l' lln,1 1111-. Mnr. or W eks with ~ip. I(aret. J(,hn. " H\. 'hl'i tma~ !!'n('~t.1 ]\'[1'. and 1\Ir. Kesler Graham of {I'. !lnd 1111'''. mo l' Cook nnd lin d daughter {iss Bernice spe nt ~'Ins nl'ar \'·:lylJ(>~\- ill l. IChristmas at the home of Mr. Ilnd MI'S. William Hro u k ~ wos !ill'S. Ralph towe at Peking. Mrs. Emily Thackera of Leb\>ruught home fl'om Miami Yall ''y 11(1 ~ pital ' Thur,dllF :11111 is ,.lowly anon who is spending some time rl'covNing. _ I with her daugh ters, l\{rs. H. MI'. and Mrs. Allen Eml'i('k )1· BUI'nt"tt and Mrs. Earl Burnett,





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AN ALL PAVED HIGHWAY Choice of Knowing Motori~ts

Ori,mated and Spon,lOred b1 the

a half century alo, who divided btl ,attention between readln', wrltln' ,and 'rttbmetfc and watcblnl the leemlngl), world·wlde travels -and ladventurel or the ' awlteh-enatne erewl In tbe Seaboard :varela at Ralelgb, North CaroUna, heard ,himself aplIOtnted A881Btant P..len· ,ser Traffic Manager of the raUroad by C. E. ' Ball, Pasaeqer ~""amc Maniller. . . The former Raleigh ecboolboy, ~DOW a railroad executive of wide 'aDd distinguished experience 'was :Cb8l'lea H. GatU. wbo tor' forty ),eare; has been In tbe le"lce of the Seaboard Air LlIle RaU_y. ~ Mr. DatUl joined the Seaboard In I ~"' a clerk In the fre!Jbt deputment at Ralelch and Imme1Cta~1:v became more IIlter81te4 In IrelCht rat.. and pallen,er tarilll hlI boybood ambition of aeeth. world from the cab of a • • paueqer locomotive, Wben tile United State. ent.ered e World War ID 1111, Mr. DatUl as a,poIDte4 General Aaent b, e ODlte4 State. RaIlroad AdmID· tratton, ad clIrectad the ...t 1II0VODlen& of trooDe, equl,ment aD4 Mr. C. H. . . . :RPllIlOl tAl aa4 from tbe cantou- Pal 'lnl!ntf! tlaroql101lt tile Boutb, anel I18Jl18r Apnt lritla Iala4QU11erI • -,lstecI ID tile clemob1Hlatlola at NorfoUt. ".,........ trooDa..... Ml'.· GatUl Jau IItMm tlee. ULd nII*It of tile


Revolutionary Short Trail Association

The back. bone of the offici81 Revolutionary Trails System of Western Ohio. Marked ita entire Jencth by hiatorleal ma'rkere of the

OhioMemorlat Oommluloll.

For additional atrlp mapa 01' uy tDformation nlatlft to State Parlu,

Pleu1ll'e Reiona. s.enic 8pota, RJatorio Sbriul or tile IaaadNde ., othar ~ of eapeUI i . . . . .

. . . . tIaIa

route. wz-.



..u. of
















N intieth Year


Council Meets'At Morrow Monday MORROW - The villag counil organ izell CO l ' ihe , com ing yea l' :; Lb it· m ej,ing, Monday- nigh t , , , d re-clc ted Joe MlcKins y pres,lent of counci l. Membel'~ of t he I1IICi l, K en n eth W illiams, le l'k; ,nd C. E . Ha rn I', trc u re l', were wOI'n in by Mayo r E. J . Mallg, .....110 too k his oath of oCflce prcl iou.Jy. . ... faag Illlule his report to council, a nno uncing tll t he had col' ~ cLe d f ines in' his court of 2,20U. iO, received ~ 1 12 . 50 It- m stllte ":lSes tr ie d befQI' h im a nd $28 ro m lice n e fees, B tow l of $2,· :50,10. He al 0 reco mm en ded to coun· / 'il t ht'i1' consideratio n of in swl' ing cUI'b a nd guttel'$ in t he v illage a a PWA pr oject. t her- recm me ndation wer ror rQl~ lTlg ~ idew alk s ,o n two st ree ts be re an d r recting n ew tl't'e t ign . ounci! a lso voted to dra ft a n ordina'nc to make Rail road sll' et ~ uth of the rallt'oa d f rom 1irnda to 'I'odd s F ork Rood, a on I'a y !lt r et east. mmittees wer e n llme d ~1aag as f a ll 0 \\ : F i.nanc , t, 'Iere, MeK;n s y.\ Rain s; McKln 'I, Shawhan, and Whi tne l'e : Lig ht.'1, Lilley, H a ine" and Coud n i Fire, h o'Wban , oud en, and LiIleyj Building, Haines, [cKinsey and Shawhan; Law, ou( n, Whitacre and Lilley. The r ~rt of villag lJ' as urer :r Ime r for J a nuar y I, 1033, showI a balance of $1,53 3.76, wi t h all o .ligat ions pa id . Thi am oun t wa · d vi~e d in the f ollowi ng f unds: J? uiJdl ng , $1 .26 : Automobile, 104. I) ; Gru>olil~e, $395.37; Genet'a l, , 1,032. 5 3.





nnupa tlllt) GrandII a ~l']e lll'a te thl'ir wedding- un, Jli\'O·,.UI·Y- - when Lahy hus l1al' tY- Ol' \111 ,n ver any oI the 10 I othl'1' thin~~ haPJ'CI! Il in Iif ... , it- w(lI,th a 1,ictul'c -- a nd, n pi ' lUl'c S)/ 'Ilk " )'lI nin I ' lIHLU wOl'd". W "II, let '" talle a pidu n~ ! Why, ~ure! .. nt! it in to thill' II \\ ~Jlallel' of lie for Jlubliea· l ioll. Tntcl (' ~ ling )lict ul' e~ 111 want.. d. Ll't u , look , o,v ' I' them, 01' if ~' llU can plnn it so We will, be ~dud to hop oV(,!' a nd s nup "your event" oUI(' lvc~ • Rt'llwmber, ho" ('v en', we arc in th Il l'w: pup t>r busine ss IInu Hilt )lh otography. '


Clinton Brotherhood To Mee~ Monday Night 1 LARKS IIJLE - Th l' lint(ln oUllty 1\1. lol, Men':; lIrothe l'llood will h lei illl ,fO I'lI ury me tinA" ut t he 'Iarksville M. E . hur('h n xl. Monday evening. Revemnd F, n. Russell will be hosL pallior while Albel.t Burton will L in hlll'J!;c of f1Tl'ungements. Th speaker of the nwetinJ:( wiJl be Rev I'and. H. H. t ve n ' (111 IJ r l'ol '~e tu~n . A formel' hnplin a t t he state prL"o n at Roseville, llc . Steven,on will , p a k 011 " 'rime and. It Cure." A II me n of this communil.y ~,he­ t her menlb er of tho bl'Oth rll ood or nut al'e in vited to attend t his meeting. W Jt r L. Bluck, pn!lIident, will PI' si de.


Install Electr c Process For Commerc ial And Use Christmas Lights Bring Morrow Co mpliment.

\ ' AI . I':,' VII LI'; -

An Electro

, ,t EI1~lInili~ nul I'll hlts been inInll, rI lI t Ihi, n"' \\ X}' l r l' )'llant to ,'l'uvi dl' "ur II '!! Ir 1' . with inter st, i n~ pidlll l <l r I ll"l\llw~s hap,p en-

MORROW Tho ('hl'i Rl mlh ' i ng~ , lighting- on lhe 'rodel . I! ul'k Uri II; I :\11. :Jlld .111 _. .luhn Wilh~, formand at thl'. lYIunicipul ' huihlin l!' 1,1"" " r ."" ~n1:'I, " 111 IIl00R " b u t no-w , brought HilS , vl lb~JC Ill fl llY com- H 'id ng Il I hI.' H. L. ,ran Tre ~s. ment!l oJ: , )l\'llI~e as well as il,tt.·r. tIll' T I t 'II IlI'ope rt yare (' 'gl : 1)1 I • I C.rom I'C Id ents of otlw r (, CJ Il ' ~ lI u rll- 1 t hl! nWllll' o f lhi.., new de)art. Ie,~ I\ho COlllm nleu • on th l' . t w or- 1·lllnl • . I I1'1 ) ( tI .,~ t 0 )ei mad nage an d \lhle lIu, 1'<"'''IOn received \\' hlll! I a ' up"c ", I I .I) 11 OI l n 11 ' h < . , \., I' II'IS, I}U hi IS 1110 t Rell. Adhur Hinsley, arcb. SIDle tllrough herc, CI' It' tl,1l· '1 · . G.;lZ QIt c ann.' Th e • ' 4' la n1l bIshop of Wcstmln ter cathedral It . ' Nc\V ~ . ( Mayor E. J. fa ag ·tated that 11... 1\1 a ~o n lImmUlllty L ond on. IIllS b cell CIcc l ed II one 0, " lights on th Todd. Fod" h1'l'1 ~ 1' '. •. . . , . 'I ! I,,· l ul,]] III t ldlcv('s tl t 1D five new earclil1llls by Popc Plus fi e is Ihe fir t Enr,li bma n to be acc~rd. wel'e ereeted and pOld POI' ?y t h, ""l,tHin> th~ II l' of lhil; II wequi p 41ThI.' Me tre,' 1 :t~ 1I I.!l ~ r.('\'cr 1iI(~ ed tills reeornlUon by the C t110lir 1\1 n 'o f Mol'TOW lub, of \\hu'h It , , 1111'11 1I,·I, n. 'lo uJ,f hl 10 the r adW uyn esvilic :\11'. .J'. E. Me· Ibis," Is v:J( n,': UtI' tho ur II 01 hur II In nla ny y ears. is prcsj~e~1~, a \Yl'll liS u,t'. l' n!{' ( 1:-; a n (lut :lIId i,l" anu distinctiv e Lily ('ons , \\ ,10, ~:.:, I ,I jlll h ' ~ r('a',h. C1 u IC! \, a ' cho,en pI' siden t OC t he fo~ ('lectl'l'lty u!\Cd. Th~ vllill p<, ~('I'\ ill t1j"~ 1 Ii lo u by f w of t he erwci/:ht 0 til l (. (,f \ U t::re fl'n t! I' WayncJ;vill c \, illugc ouncil at its P!l,I~ fo r the CUlI' f.'n.t u~(d Il? ' , ,,1'- II ('(·kI .. new }lO pe r in the United ers, C:l C I'lI the (.. 'll~./ I r('11 a Jun':l e l'lJ! u lnl' me' ting last i onday ev;rmtr'; I ~stit.rt;-tlons at the vllla~e budc\mJ,t. ~ lal(R. ,'C'IIC Iy uny of the weekscene hi h{' r Il l'\ I H dure, .. Ii . ' nillg'. The ev ning sc , ion W[lS Hop 11 a..~ e'Cpre - tI th t tl'c tlL'- lil'. ill OhifJ , { ve l' in the I~ :rgel' citins :1 . ' ' w r ;.!;: .. " OpeD iv ! n O\'l!I' to the' l eorg nization co ratiollS could b e::.:tcnrlNI ovel' h. <, hnv!' th it< III ,d l' l'lI equipment. and 11 appoint.rr.enl& made f cr into the bu ine ~ s distri n x Thl' Ell' It'l1 ~ ut F.:n1.'1'uving p r oCO,H llie ing thl! village's busines ,' llARVEY BURG Ma. j ( yeul'. I . • , ct'. , i. CO li . iUc l'l'd by mAny n ewsor aY Denl e ay Ul' inlo( 1038. TW1J, will hold a Farmet"s Jnsti· . 'The h1'islma: h ghtlllg cont 1'01. r 'l per me n a il liaving h~ n th e From TilL ap\loin[ment~ follow: I ute in the gymna,ium at th ",mnet·s were ann ounced by l\tan~ ('rr.; wni nj! ach j (,v~ lIIcnt oC the pl'i nt('h as. r, Joy, . lreet c.omm ission school hou e in flal v y b ur,!, f o) WAYNESVILLE- The Ju nior WA \'NI~ : \' ILI..E _ III it. fin I ,; W, B. :quit cs, Fil c hief; W, two dny ~, J a nuary 10-11. '1'h p reIV .IS h ead of the Mlt> n oi Moll'ow, ing tr d in 1!I:l 'i. It IVa. first dem In: P lay will b e given euily in who pon Ql'cd th , cont...!o t. Th , (In ' !lted I the Nat iona l EditorF bruary, It is entit! d "Oh Pro- me lin e: of lhl' r nt', "'t'il!:", De ,·. I I';: 'ltlnifo~lI. W. St:l1'Isb.,rry, A. ident, IIal'old B c k tt, with a corp~ wlIldow (If t.h e Full r 'ompllny in! ~., ti till n la><t u ~ d fessor," T he c8$t wall selected a s ::1 1, L~'l'Iun Day nnd I •. K ll o{' kl.'tl 1 ·, lIl~p, on, Edwin Schul 'el' , EUgal' of copabl R' istanlJ, hll provid d • • 'h b ' l' ' ml .. er an C•u 's t pnze ... on In c e u ' ln e~!I (I~- iLl< acc ept.rln cc b~' lh ~ . l ' t d l'(dh' d Il ~ mE'lHbl l'S o f th \\ !l y'n ' ~Illlth, he tel' Carey, Homer r- intel'esting and in 'tructive })ro· t ' t f oll ow : t 't' h'l til ( r I . 0 e In el es e (h 0 .. 'in mnilin' Nit f,or nClwpapru' usc ' 'l'uwnl<hip B, '!I'cl of Belucatio n.' Mr, ~y, ( '. P. Joy; J Cite Mendenhall, /1,1 III to ",hiell everyon i" invit.. ric compe I Ion W I C J a ke-Charl s H oyle. Hockett hud ~ n'I'\I tw Ive y<'nl" II. F. Durton, William Bradley" d. Th Mond y morning pro ' l'am H. , Brown and ~on ~('I~oc. r~ ,,~a ~ ha<> ber n &kflllily g l'owing ever Miss Fredel'ica- Anna Roak. _aco m!. The l el<lflClIltl'l, dlVI.'lOJI ~In('l. The pllldurli(ln of the manua':1 nl(,lIlb£,I', whil{' MI'. Day _e/' \'C'd (' I l ll. Andelson, iren'l n . wil1 op n with a cl Vel' one-act Fluff- Betty P tel son, Ion I' w nt to,E .. E. f<'()!IR(>tt, fiJ I, ; f"lt'lul'el' i . Iilllitcd bccnu'lo of t h e t , " e yeur:; all<i thl' e ·molllhs. :\il.lyor Day appojnte d the follow pla y, "In May \ ith JUl\e," und l' Bert.ha- Lo ui e inc La ir. ~nd Uul'l ey W1Il[lcld , ~ c"ntl. hi!,!!.!;" tl'c hllicai nuLme of t h e eBille-MIII'Y CaJ'olyn L uk n ,. 'Cheir l'ime of' , ('rvice co 'er d a jng standing c ommittees; Finunce, th e dir cHon or E th r Dosl\!l's, C UiP ll1 nl lUl U th > p111nL inRtalle d p riod of beth Pl'o~J1f'l'ity UIl,I :\lc luI' und Smith; Str et! un~ Thi. opening fealure L xp cted J an-?lat:tha haw. It Waym' vi] r: i ,lil ly the 122n d bard ~hiJ'l for lhe nlllioll 'l< ~chook Alkyl'l, a l ey, onn or and Sh I' · to be one of the attractive num· fi cha e l- W illon Hal t ck, tUl'llrJ ou t trott. far. ,Dr. Ar istotle- Tressl{'1' ll ~I'din, Howev('l'. during the nlo. [ t'l'itic' I wood; Fite lind Pri on, areyand lJ t~ of the in _titute. W e I'csnd that it wa.'i lr·.po !\ibl e POI ic.d! of I'1I'ovidlT1l!' fund. for p . h 1 \\ood j id ewalk and GUll t', Mr . Mnry al'twJ:ight of De ' aret'c iva l- EM'! E, rnhnrt. 11<1 i! I the uuit. in opera.tion in 'ratin II 1lE"nse~ , the Wl\y n ~:>viI\ ~ W ith. m, Connor a.nd Smith . Wl\l'e ounty and l\h, William Jimmy Robert Hyman. W AYNES tLLE - rrh~ WllYIl ' ;n- ~ to till tlli i. . lIe with a gOQ d chool~ .eon t inu eil Ie ulnr 011 1<' officia l· are awailin ' lo ne of Portage County' ill be Patty-E velYn J ohn. tion and the h(llll'li 11 t its ob!iga. Ilnxiou Iy the out conNl of the Ilhe tat spe ker s. Th Institute Tw? Board of, Education h :l I ,I inl liol" o[ local t>iclurel{, H owFifi- Mit'iam ott. ot. many m l' m- spe~i ~ 1 ekclio n which is: Lo b e held is being fUltoered by ,tate Aid thell' fir t mee ttn~ of th~ I\('WI t v!"!' uvel'y Horl. i. being put lected lions pI o III f)1Iy. om mitte s have been year, 1I0nday evcnmg. Pl'ln cipal IOI·th to make cOJl1jJlg" i s~u abound ber. huve nj oyed n hi..:-hcr btcem here n ext Saturday when citizen ' lhi year, • to take c'hal' e of the I)lay, bu ine s cOI1"i ted of Lbe organlz a.. 1 with il\t ~ le. ting Iikene s<'s of your than Mr, D.lY and ~Il': htt a~ will " te f ol' the corl d time on Th e P. T A. w:ill .:el'V chicken Tmagi n Bob Hyman ncting like tio n for the y ar IIncl the calillt; I neighh ol', (ll,d Cd nd~. . a ,gi rl- t he sis y; .Miriam SC(JU cvi 1'1 l:ed by tbt'il' t\\ el '\,' Yl ars 01 the c ontinuation of the 2 1-2 mill dinner at 36c, on Monday, Ilnd f the nOW mem lJet·" Rut;eJl. 'ali, · 1 All the l\l iami az;cUc enters its 1 vy. The mon y, officers y, i the \ , . T, U. will have cha.rg with a. French accent. T ressler eWci nt s rvicl' on the Board. bury, nilw m('(JI bel', due W lllnops !JOtl year of service this ;week, t he ea old bills \lere allowed and needed to carry on th buslncs l of h dinner on Tue~dny. lIardi n a edate prof< ; Anno Ho k a coll ege delln; and Wilton order d lJllid. In the n eal' futUre of the viii tll!e, rt is ne,t nn addi· 1 An item of intere t to many Car wa. unabl e to attend. Ross lIn t-'llub1isbcr takes thi s opportunity to Ha rvey burg--J. W . Sne ll was Tl al'tsock a learnetl prof or. a. 1\ ill be ~ol1('d fol' the tional lax and th ey hope that f olk mel'S will be ~ discu ssion of by ock, the other new mcmbc l', an' I cl l'd icaie all ffMt find knowledge elec:ted pr osii;lel)t 01 council at Lbe J bl'id C91'n . Everyone i cOJ'dinlly ~. R. M05.', re-eleclccl, wcre . WOI'll h !It\~ to giving you a n w pape: in toJl ati n 'of the nl'''' lllcmbe,$ \d U co nfirm it. continlUance. ----~--I~ by Lec ll ender- n, lIota l'y ub .l l,hi(h in 1 !138 will live op to t h e me t ing 01 tbat body Monday ilnd the reOlgllni z~l tion f o.r the invited to ate nd a ll seFsions. :spl endid nco rd ci<tqbli hed by hc. n ·g ht. Committees ann<>Uflced by year. The n "I In mbcrs arc Ros~; layor W ilson are Street, B gan, Th e organilmtion f the Blunt! (ho' \\hn have published t h roughH art ock anti Rus ell Salisbu ry nIl continues the sal~le as lat YUH' , out that Ion/{ )lei iud of years,; Hall-Jail, Snell and Huff ; Hartley Mos, pre ident of th~ \lith n. R. Moss pl' ,i dent, K. 111. R',' I' der, will al~o notice that thi Fire-Lights, Sn 11, J or da n; Finance WAYNES ILLE- T h , Wa ynes B OOJ'd, was. r Icctl!d lalSt faIL r I' Hough. vi e »l'esh1 nt, (Inri 1". 13. i. ' Il c COlli uina u lanre r Ru m ber of ,To rd n, Tu ck Tj Police, Sn ell, Jo r- viu Garden lub, M I·~ . G co . a nother t.el'm, Kenn til H o ugh lind neginning J n. , 1 t h Q two Hend rson, clerk. Bert. C, Hart· I pltg'(>. ' !lnd rp.adillj! matter fr om Qda n. mith p residen t , will m t'et Mon· Bert . Hart!'Ock ~~ tnlll'il'l(> the (lLA~SVILLE' - The village :lOck \1 ec k,; l'evi.,.al \"ilI tart a t t he is til other nt(' mb ~ l' oj th· Ih ~ I ' cOllllllunitie. in Warren COUIlWor k hll already rorted on dllY eve ni ng, J a n. 10th, :30 p, til l' 111 mbel's, while f'rl'd 13, lI en- Ferl'y hurch, beginning' ch ev'- council o l'ganized for the c oming iloard. ty, V (' f((,1 lhllt (hi. is a ste p i.n im pl'oving the village jQil, l\layol' m. a t th high s ch o~ 1. der n continues liS clerk. ening .at 7 :30 p. m . T he minLtar, year whe n it beld it f irst meetth t" tight dir!' 'Lio ll ~ iving com- ' Wil son !laid, jncl uding the installa. The Club has II rra nged a ,peeW. C, milh doing the preaching. ing of t he new t er m, Monda y eveIlJ!!!r: COUll t~, covllmge. It is post ion of a new' beating un it. ial fe lltul'e .w hich i oi in terest to being assi ,te d by Clinton Fishel ning, at the home of B. E. Th omp~ib! e hN' \1:«' t' un agreeme nt r n, pl'esiden t of cou nc il. Th i>mpa ll h ome. illl ke l'. Mr. Spik e;r 01 of abinn, Ohio leading ingin", 11'roeh t' d "ith M I'. Mario n Sn y del' olumbus U ni versiLy ill lectute doing chalk picture work. A chalk • n was I'e-eleCted to head th e WAYNESVILLE- The onl1\1" l (If M(lIl')W, publ! her of the Clar,ks On th e subj ect "H01\le B eautifirapicture ,\\ ill be give n ~way ch council. llr istma dinner of J. iTa" kl' ' I' i!]t> :1ft· ,f')\\' Now". ~'hereby his Mayor Harl'Y So u th , who ",as tion." The 1 cturet' will ' be I8.CMORROW - S otL ,lohn. on, of . veuing to t h e pereo n br inging :lnd fam ily was onjoyl' d at ~hl~ ten .- f al'-oJ,1 new,paper is also compani d by pictures which are indnnllli W 3S fined t\d'c e in local the l al'ge ~ t n umber of neW peopk sworll into office, Ilturdoy, Pteh ome of J. . Hawke the ,u nlla~ "rin t~d in thi~ IIhop; along wi t h th~ Mr. andlln. Smith; wh o in Une with the fLo l'i. cul t ure a nd sillec!' Form er· councilmen beliinCOUI ts, . atur d a~', fll iowing hi 01'- to the meeti ng that· e ve ll ing . Th after blistmal.l with on~ vn~,a l ) t lll iumi (jallcttc nn u Maso n Comwere marrIed fifty yeus ago in gard n work. spon o l'e(1 by t he r at a t <1 :30 . 1\1., by MarRhnU public i invited t.o attend th es , ning new terms were Milton Tho m- chair, Thos prel;ent were J 1'. 3nd llIullity New". Mr. nyd er w ill asLeban on , by Reverand Bran dQn, c lub. )'lson, W ill iam Mye)'!;, AIp heus BoKing and Patrolman Fred Englc- se l vices. A nd we woul d like for Mr . Van ce and to n I,I Wil rr. ing· ~ i . t ill 11l'W~ WI iting a nd wHe itlng were the bonoted rueats, Christ. T h e public is invited and no m nn. he l;ll're t wa mad e on a you to come an d b rin~: a de lega- gan, whi1c J, H , Dodd ~as the.n 'iv ton, M I', fllld ,11';. Hay Hawke and lldv 'I ti Ring, nt8l! eve at a 6 o'clol:k din ner at admi<ision fe e is being chat'ged. charge of op L'nting a motor ve hi-ion from your chu l'cb on the fo l- c() me!', H arr y Reed 1', 1\ so a hold- daughter a nd MI'. \lnr! i n , enrl - -....:..---their home. The children, ' g ran d vel', is in Florida. cle without .light I' brakes. lowing nighL ' child re n, and creat "rand children Vina Fost r, Il!!tk, and W, 1\1. Hawke of Dayton, Mr, nnt! l\h's. When th y lOok J ohnson into Jan . 1 0. Way ne vill e hu rch of , ~eDtarf ~llmberl~g 1 9 came brinaillr I)as· Pyle, ,t reasure]'; 01 0 \\ ere bw orn J ohn F romm .and son, MI', 1ll1U cu stody, the offieefs diseoven:d Chri t. ,Cl'm On obj ect, l\i..t thew MTS. C. Lee Uawke, • Ill'. J)Ll;ln k~ta and , p1'.esent&. A lovely t ime in to comme nce n o\\' t ()rllls, Month at he >IIllS t he part.y tb ey had Gall to Service. H aw ke, Mr. Ilnd M1·s. Mvll' in , w as ~njoyed by all. ' Among the day. Banta 01 Pleasant Pla in ' !'tIl' IUld FERR Y Following a beaut iW AYNESVILLEMrs. Edit h been seal'ch jng for two ~ eeks on J.'1n, 11. Wayne vill e l\IethQ~i st f owen sent was a handsom e box M I'~. Ma yn ard Weltz a n'd I.'I~ily,' :ru~ old hI i,'{ma c u sto m. nine rna. hurt'h. em lOn su bject. 'Vh at I. of roau f'rom Tbe A)ms Do-peke Harris delightfully entertained the a ch arge of pas ing a. stationa t y Mr. and Mrs. Don Hawk(' ; l\h' •• chIne 1 fld ~ of young people of the Your Life ? 00. at Cincinnatti from whom Mrs. 1'few Cent ur y Club on Friday ai. sch ool bl1s. Jan , 12, Mt. H bll y Method i ~t Ida Parshall ; Mi1!s Dori s IlawktJ Fe!'ry hUl'C h led by F on'est MarS1llith bad pu~Cbased her trous- ternoon, Dec. 31 at the Little Inn . When uraigned bei ol'e F. C. and Car man Gaua of Leban on. tin, \'isitl'd th e homes o f the sick with twent y-two m emb ers present, Wellner in Ju stice of Peace court hurch. erm on S \,; bject. ' Too leau. The gllef)ts ha d a rni sl'ollan ()\~~' of the co mmunity, On Ch ristnias The program of t he afternoon he dl' w a f ine of 10 and c osts. Bu y tll Accomplish Arlything. MOJ;tROW- The Mon-ow Board showe.r fo r 'MIl'. an d Mr~. Don ve - lllucb to the delig ht of s hutwas as follo'W1l: The officer s tben took him to \,he JI: I). 13. Ow: n'_ Cong'l'egation,~ l of . Educa ti on name d H o werd As- .Haw ke who suffel'ed f roin a fil'e:!, ins--and sang Xmas carols. " "Christmas in Ma ny LandS"-,cour t of Mayor E . J, Mllag and he Chr i tilln h urch . Sermon Subject um ,p r e id ent 'at its ll1eeting Mon ollle of the ho mes visit ed were I'\ll!_ Mn. ,R, D. Cdll ett. drew a si mila r f in e after b eing Th Divi ne SOnllhip of Jesus. dll Y eveni ng:. He wa s th e o nly n,e w , Way,ne$VilIe - T IH monUtly :r..Ir. and Mrs. P~rry ho~as ' H i' Vocal Solo " The Holy CitY"- 1f ound guilty. Both f ines wer e cus;.. J1\n . I ·H,h. C ntervifle Church · l nembel' t o be seated, all ot hers CLARKSVILLE _ The. new- Mrs. F. U. LeMay. ' p ended upon payment of the cost~. os. S l'lr(}n ubj ect, A T l'el1lbling being re-elected. H e s ucceed ed 'meeting of til': Il\fut h 1'8 l\lb Will l tlnd Mrs. F . A. Wright, IM~. be h~ld o n Frtday J an. 'I at 2 p. Mrs. Edward Mur phy a nd Mr and ~y elected olficen of the ClarO. " The Story of the W ooden Man . I Mrs. Rolla B ol to n. ' . • J an. 15. Lytle Methodist Church Charles Ca rroll, who did not seek In. " M H E 'D-th Sh ville Gran"e -..IlL be installed a.t oe ~ rs. . . .D.IU. awa y. ' ' • "1'" Serm Ii Subj ect. The Co mpassion re-election. the r-lar m~e'-lM- lIut Wednes- 11 During the social h our most de· Dan Carter wa e le cted vicean d T a rs of J esu s. da.. UTAYNE-S - -, even\.n.,., • Chester Doughman, clous refreshme nts were $erved. " V--ILLE - Funeral ser W e would lik e for euch del ega- pre id ent and Harley Winfi Id -L~"""_"" ........ n' m..··Ar, ,,-. ....... announced Guests , of the ho teM , were Mrs, VIces a' f Ch a r 1es J . B.a.rbeau for m- tio n to 'bl'ing a sp edal nu mb e r in was re-el erted secretary. , ~ ">banon Flora. Cl1Ilne, 'MIss Emma Heigh- er preSl'd e nt of The Bal'b ea u "Hul. music. L et u all come an.d m~ke M .-- Emmor Bailey 0 l:" uo> w ill b e the -installing office r: She way and Mrs. Rona.ld H a wka-. (jng Machine Co., were beld T ues- th i: l'evivia:1 worth while, will be allllisted by her ina.tallation day at 2 P. M. CIt Whittnter Bt'os. Funeral H ome ' at Dayto n, Ohi o, teun of gl~1.t form the Lebanon Granae. with bU l'ial in , Memor ial P a rk Ce m The viaitlnr group wiJl alSo preetel'Y. · The Barbeau family \Ver~ MORROW - Pupils' of the Mo!; seot a chill which they gave at the resid ~nts of Wayne ville a bout 28 row chool~ -ranked first in five )'cet!nt sta.te ~e meetinr in MORROW- Mrs. J olia Cooden, or 30 ye~ rs ago. J . W. Ba rbea~ 1rl'< . • K. Day n tcr tain : d t ho subjec ts fol' Warren q aunty in IBclnnati. a form er r elrident of t hia commun- a nd On ,Charle .an d Harry, op er - W omen's Foreign Mis ional'y S o- th e "Every Pupil" tests givcn last Each family of the Cl.arbvIUe ity, died s uddenly a t Los All&'eles, sting the Wayne ville Mill, b el' . d t y, V('clne, da y . 'P. M., F ebr u· month it w.a s revealed by school ;range ia ..ked to brine OIl_ dOl- Calif. 0 Sunday. S ie was & • Charlea J. married Mi ss F lol'ence ary 6, wHh Mrs, W, F . Clark a ,- officia ls t h is weck. 1n meat ...dwieh.. and a pie. t er 01 L. W. Smlto, local groqer, Bonneville, 8 Wayne,ville gi rl, ,l.-tan t ho",tells, The su bj ects in which loeal st uand llT8d ae re until her re~ova1 who with h er f our childre n, SUt· 1\Irs. Lacy had charg(t ot the d ; · d nts excell d were W OI'l d Histo California 24 y_ n aco. vi\,e him, votional per iod, <l nd Mrs. Day tory; Read ing, BiololrY, Gen eral Sumvlq ant a IOn, Frank the Stewardship Scie nce, and United Stat es H isOWing 't o a rathe r t ory. WlLIIINGTON -n. OUatoll KariOIl Couden and • daUIrhte.r, session , the pro&,ram eoU1aty _ _"11m ~eeted Lee Hart, two brother&, the ed b y om itting t h e F, L CoIlJdiii-praWeat aacl B. II. betq W. C. tJlDWl of San

Cast I. ADDounced 'II PI F W

McClure Elected Head Of Council





-"'" -.- ---


wo Board Membtrs R . etue Service '

Wayne Twp. Board Hold First Meeting



Hirveysbarg Council N•• Committe.


Garden Club To Hear Noted Speaker


Family Dinner

Man Fined Twice On New Year's Day

WaYDenille Couple .Wedded Hilf C1!Dtary B:-V7"


~vaDgeliltic ' Meeting. h CI ark' "1e Couacl'I At Ferry Chure . 0rgaDizei . Mon dIY

Ferry Young Pee) pJ,e Sing For Shut-J••

New 'Club Meell Friday AftetDoon

AS5um Elected Head Morrow School Board

GrUII To lastall Wd d \lllKer. - at. ay


'------- -


FuneraI HeId


Future Admirals Act as Firemen

Missionary MeeliDI Held At WaynesviUe

Deat. Claims Sister Of Morrow Grocer

Morrow Pupil. Rank High 10 COUDty

,Coaeil Fo....

..... w.pzIII. " et oraullatiotl.... \'IIItId& 81It*Oft '"'

tIteIr fe- DieIo, CaUl. Moadq. ---~--

eoMhl." u


""aa a follows: ..

ben Three

rs. Watklal; "The Brllnst:rator l Jl'eU 08 Deaf Ean,"


File At Ho...

Thunar, Juua1'1 e, 19

tltbt :miami Entered at. tho

POlltofflc~ Clas.~


at Waync$ville, Ohio, as Second


=o::;;;o==.._-:::===",H;a;ro ;,;;;IcI~I?~. Willi., Editor • -



SUED EVERY===T=:':J[===U==R=S""D===A;;::;Y=======

Phone No. 112


,amilY pent New Year'. Day PROCLAMATION \\ith Marvin BlantOn and family NOTICE OF SPECIAL : at Mt. o reb. ELECTION Mr. and Mrs. Hiley GibSOll'a The Board of elections of Wardinner guests last Friday were n County, Ohio, issues this ProMr. Bert pitler, Mr. Tim Smith. clamation and Notice of Election. Mr. and Mrs. Rarold Rogers, Mr. A SPEC IAL _ELECTION WILL and Mrs. Everett Bunnell and BE HELD ON SATURDAY, the chlldren Virgil and Clwu'le& Alvin. 8th day ot January, 1938, at th • Mr Ellsworth Gibson of Center- uswal places of holding election, ville, Mrs Emma Gibson, Mr. Morin each precinct in the Village oj ris Lewis. A'tern~on callers were Waynesville, Ohio, to vote on l> Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Crawford Tax Levy in excess of the tel and daughter. IMlrJnie, and ~r. mill limitation. Alfred Morgan. Tho Polls for the Spccial Elec Mr. a.nd Mrs. Glenn Dakin and tion will open at (} ;3 0 o'clock A. son spent tibe week end with Mrs. M., ~nd remain allen until (; ;3 l Walter Woods of Wilmington, 0 _ o'clock P. M. (Eastern Standard Time), of said day. By order or the Board o ( ElecNEW BURLINGTON tion, Warren County, Ohio. CHAS. J. WAGGANER, The W. F. M. S. met in the Chairman. home of Mr. and Mrs.. W. E. Blair -Attest: V. H . Ru ssell, lerk. on Thursday. L C Morris. who has been ser- (SE'AL) ioualy ill .of pneumonia. ill able to walk out. IMIr. and Mrs. B. H. MUler en· tertained, Sunday, with Dunlap family dinner. Mr. a.nd Mn. Vernon Sham~ baugh have moved to Wilmina-ton. Mr. and Mrs. Ra.lph E1zrotli t have moved to the residence f.orm ~--~~!'!"!'!!!'!"!'!!~~!'!'!'!!'!"!'!!~ Finest tecr In the counlry was" bbourne Orsnle, a sbortborn raised at the Oklahoma &... M. colle,e erly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Vel' and crowned grand chamPion of all br eds at the Jnl~natloo"l Livestock show 10 Cblcago. Wltb the cbamJlloo non Shambaugh. are, lert to rig ht. Prof. W. L. BUzzard, Alex RItchie. eble.t ~udge of the ahow, and &rtbu MaeArtllur, bead Mr. and' Mrs. H. F. Compton berdsman at Ule college. . . . weN! called to Dayton, last week, by the serious illness of their son· Mr. and Melbroun Smith in-Law. Evan Bogan. SPRING BRAN'CH Mr. and Ml's. Van Pelt and chilMr. Hil ey Gibson called on and daughter spent Sunday with nd The Epwlo~th League epijoyed dren of Lynchburg, Mr. !l Ml's. friends in Bellbrooli: ·Mhnday Mr. ,and Mrs. Ch.a.rles Simpkins of a Watch Party at the M. E. William Tate and lion, Robert, of night. Wilmington. parsonage. Bellbrook; Mr. and Ml'S. larence Those from this neighborlMcxl Mrs. Frank Dakin lipent N w POll AnD CON.""" Michael and. Mrs. Lowell Lutz Ye.·lfS day with Mr. and Mrs. Ray- attended the birt.hday party FriMrs. Gene Ma1'8ball, of Xenia, ~ aDd and children of neor pring Val- mond Mulford of Wayn esville. i8 teaching in the primary grade8 day at the-Mt. Holly church were M Ifa.n..Brock c.... H•• wke an ley, spent Sunday - with Mr. ond MI'. and Mrs. Fred Morgan Gnd MTS. Frank Dakin and children in the absence of the teacher, !Mbs PI'UNIIi'. 6nI f9r the hlsbe> Mlrs. p. A. Runyon. ~et prices and good aemc• . daughter BaJ·bara. J ean s~nt Sat Dorothy and Betty, Mrs. Bert Ruby Smith. who is confined to U.... Stocll Yar4.' C••cia_tl. ( Mr. and Mr . E_ J . BU1-tO~ have urday with Mr. and .M rs. Hi ley Spitler and children Billy, A1trert, her home by illnees. Tllu 111 OD Radlo Station weI[' returned to their home in Elyrw, Gib son and family. Mr. and Mn. Ray Reeves h.!d as 12:J!S to 12 :80 p. m. for our daO Robert, Mrs. Hiley Gibs()n and after spending the past waek with Mr. and Mrs, Hiley 4~ibson and daughter Pauline, Stella Gibson guestll, over the week end, MIll. MArket reporta. their parent., ]')fto. and Mrs. John daughter Pauline called on a\11r. MIorris Lewis, · MIll. Emm& Gibso'n: Reeves' nephew. Carl Taylor, wife ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!"!'!!~!!!!!!!'!'!'!!!!!'!!!'!!!!!!~!!!!!!' Rye. Mr. Oaker Monee 'Of ncar Leb- and SOn of Covingto~, Ky. and i rs.' ~Il worth GHbson and Mr. and Mr. HallOld Esmhart daughter Phyllis Mae Sunday ev- aoon spent a few days with Mr. Mrs. Cleo Wogamon had ~ her and children of Waynesville spent ening. and Mrs. Hiley Gibson and fam- guest for the holiday, her sister Saturday evening with Mr. and MI'. and Mrs. Glenn D-a kin and ily of last week. Misa Elsie Stevena of Dayton. Mrs. Erne t Earnhart rid child Mr. anll ~rs. Bert Spitler and son spent Saturday night with reno w Mr. and Mrs. Frank Curl flear t"II"........~ 10 Year Mr. and Mrs. Em rSO n Dill and incinnati Ohio. . son, Ralph, enjoyed a Turkey dinFint. Mta. Mt·s. Esther - Dakin flpe nt Wedne'r. Sunday, at !.he home of Mlrs. nesday. shopping in Lebanon. -- ' . t*·-- Fal'lD Loaaa Dill's bro t her, Mr. Earl Soward Mrs. Emm& Gibson of Bell............ , and j'~mily. brook is s p nding a few days with MI' . John Zimmerman Ilnd Mrs. ML and Mrs. Hiley 4[Jibson Ilnd Geol'g'C' Bratton of Dayton spent family. Fraak LeMaYt Solicitor May the year 1938 teach you from Fdday evening with Mr. and MI'l!. J~hn, A. Spitler called on rela61R2 Waynesville 'i 4R6 Herbert Marlutt and family. tion and friends Sunday, at Farmthe past, provide courage for the Mr. Emerson Dill ·e ntertained ersville, Laniet' a_.d [ngonia, in present and faith for the future. to a holiday dinne'l', Thursday for Montgomery and Pl-eble counties. =-her son, Ralpb. Those present were ~~~~--..:.:::- 1MIrs. Walter Woods of WilRobert and Ernestine Earnhart, mington spent Friday hltern~n D01"othy Michael, Billy Kellis, Mrs. with her daughter ~[rs. Glenn DaMinnie Marlatt, and Mtrs. Lena kin. Michael. Wapuvllle Phoae 7 .Mrs. Esther Dakin B.nd children TO MAKE Miss Clara Daughters spent la ·t THIS CORMUNITY Thursday with Mr. El'netrt EarnThe Safeat Place On Earth' hart and family. To Own Liveatock IS ANNUAL MEETINC Every Friday

Nation's Best


Mail Matter.


1=--=-W~a_y~n~e~s_vl·ll_ __ e_P_e_r_s_o_n_a_ls_..J.1 Word lately received from Mr_ ' 8

MI'. nnd Mrs.. GeorA'e Woolard

d Mrs. Robert Lamb (nee St 1- a.nd fanlily of Dayton entertained

lJaugherty) states that they II. c mJi,any of friends on New r e sottl d for II time at Palmetto, Years Day. The guests JlI'('scnt to }- 9." and that they visited M1'l'. enjoy the day wcre Rev. nnd )fl's. 1\, uy C. Cro and her ister who D. R. Dunn and son Paul of Lima. \' re surprised and plew d La sec )II' and Mrs. William Bradley. t m~ 1.£1'8. Allie ervis and on Hobert Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Lykins and H. M. sn rwood, Mrs. tnrth9. I n ot liear Milford, Ohio wero ook and Mliss Lucy Emley all of md.a.y afternoon call rs of MIl'. aynesville d 14rs. A. K Day. M 1!l5 ' Mary Gl'een of Shi'ppensAll'. and Mrs. Homer chmidt burg, Pa., ha been the guest the Dayton and Mr. and Mrs. Stan - past week of her fJ'iend Mls5 I, Clark and 80n were New Year Kathryn Gibbons. Mi Rose Mary Titus of De; :i~;.llel'8 'o f Homer Ramby and Milia Dorma MAe Simpson ()f troit, Mich. has ret urned home aI1.Jbanon spent last week with her tel' spendil11:' the holidays here l . andpal'ents Mr. and Mrs. Hom- with her grand fathe'r, Alonxo Tit u. and her friend Martha Mare . R am b y. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sanker (n e _tin. ~ iary Margaret Unglesbee) of Mrs. Eva Evethart was taken Mason, O. are the proud parents to 'MIami Valley Hospital for ob0:: a baby son. sel'vation on Tuesday. George Renkel son of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Lemon are J1 icely situated in their new home Mrs. Samuel Henkel, north of OM of the eottage's lately built by W~neBville and Mi Lois Ingel');11'. Lemon on his farm below soll of Kansas City Mo., weTe t own. )(1'. and Mrs. Lemon (nee married in that city recently. Mr. HeleD Jordan of Franklin, 0., Henkel is secretary of the Warren ... ere reeently married at Coving- County National Farm Loan. Assoeiation. ton. )[,. lira. Karia Elbon returned Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Hartsock, ho,me last Saturday from a Mid- Mis.s Mildred Jlartsock and Mr: dleto'WD Hospital where lQ1e un- Charles Hartsock of M~lford, and Mrs. Ronald Hawke and son derweDt aD operation. Li~ lIisa Mar1 Jane Kelley Frank. T. were Christmas of CinciDnati, O. bas been spend- guests of Mrs. Edith Harris and inc aome time 'With her crandpa- Mr. Harris Mosher. rents 1IIr. and Mrs: Nolan ConMiss- Jane Cook l'eturned to no . Earlham college on :Monday. W. C. Hoffman of Cincinn'a tl Mrs. Robert Baker was shopwaa a guest at the J,.ittle Inn sev. pint in Xenia Monday. eral days last week. Miss Audrey Crawford returnMr. and Mra. Frank Loop vis- ed home after a. pleasant vi it ,. ited III'...nd Mrs. C. I. Satterth- with her sister M,argaret of Spring waita on SUlIday. field who accompanied her home Mra. T. B. Brannock was caU- to spend New Years Day. ed to Cynthiana, Ky. by the Mr. and !Mrs. Russell Neal and of beT .ister l4.T&. S. H. Turner. da.ughter ShiTley K. of CincinnaThe Friendship Club will meet ti were week end guests !If Mr. at the home ot Mrs. Lillian Crane and Mrs.. Orville Gray and daugbWednesday, January All mem ter Barbara. bera Il1"'8 urged to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Gray and Miss Betty Hartsock of Cincih- daughter and M'!". and Mrs. RusDati, spent the week end with her sell Neal and daughter were Sunparents Ill'. and tMrs. Bert Hart.- day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Erwood Law&Qn of Miamisburg. 1


LYTLE Mr. and lin. Calvin Longacre are announcing the birth of a daughter, Carol Ad_e laide, born December ~~, at Miami Valley hospitA). ltfn. RUll8ell Campbell has been quite ill for a couple of weeks. A number of members from here attended the instalation of oUice1"8 at the Grange, at WaynMVille, Saturday evening.


!Mr. and and little da<ughter D,onald moved toHadley WaynelVille, lut wook. We wish them mueh happine&1l in their new home Paul White of Columbus spent tsat 'W.ek wth bis uncle and aunt, lir and Mrs. Kesler Graham and da~~hter.

Mise Sarah Carine Furnas re~urned'by ~n, Sunday, to ~orge School, Penn., after spending the holldaJS with her parents, Mr. and )fn. Seth Furnas and, ber broth81'.

Mr. and Mn. Forellt Dawson of Sprinrfie1d wtlre New Year and Sunday lueate of Mr. atid lin • Ralph Bareer and: children. Riley Saylor, who is teaching at Phllllpaburg, spent the ' week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Graham. 1MIn.. Agnes Swank and two chlldren returned, Monday, af~T 6pendintr a few days with Mr. and Mn. Wilbert Swank and her little 10D, J1JDimle, in Chlcaeo. Little RuaaeU Routzahn was quit. .lck ijie put week. orvUk! Phillips attended the show, .laIt Wednesday, given by the Da,toG News for tbe Rura.'\


.Mr. and 141'!1. Allen Smith and daUlrht.en of Dayton, _re dinner gueB"" Sunaay, of the former's parente, Mr. and Mrs.. C. S. Smith. Afternoon callen were Mrs. Alice Croll, to &ee her little daughter, accompanied by Mr. and Ml'S. Blood of Dayton. Mr•• Harry G~ visited her, William Saylor, and fam· iI, in na,ton, Thllftday.

.... WUllam Lone i.e visiting II.... JIadq LoQlr in Mlanliebul'l tb1a ~ ' -- J lin. .IobD ZImmerman of Day... apeut N•• Y.... Day with

Mr. u4 lin. I. B. J ......

Bela W..... of Leban..ael with her , ..,. fUilly.

operati-on at Dill Ho pital, in Day-

ton. Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Raw and children of Oakwood were Sunday afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. K(8)e~ Graham. Mr. a]ld 1Mk-s. HarvilY Burne$ and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Whitaker and ch~dren, Richard and Francis, w'Ore New Year <hnner guests ot Pl'. and Mrs. Ernest Rosnagle and fa~ily at London, Obio. Mr. and Mrl!., J. B. Jones and




,ew.oar ....... *tI8JI

Phone 86


Livestock AudioD

Th annUJIl meeting of the stockholders of th,e Waynesville National Bonk for the purpose of electing directors for the ensuing year. will be beld at ·the ir banking rooms, Tuesday J anuary 11, 1988 at 2 o'clock p. m. L. M. HENDERSON, Cashier.

A Good Outl et for all Kinds of Livestock

Wilmington Livestock Sales Wilmington



Lady Attendant


J)r. C. S. States Veterinarian

J. E. MoCla...

Make 1938 AHome Improvement Year




The Deaire And Purpose , of your .


Levy Building, Ditching Exca'Y ating



1"~~.. -

Mr. and.a Ml'!!. E. meeting Longacre at- ;D:ec:.. tended watch at the church, at Mt. Holly, Friday evening.· _ Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick and James Haines were callers, Sunday afternoon, at the homes of M1r. and Mn. Thomas Collins, Mis$ EUa Kenrick and Mr. and Mrs. Robert De Haven in Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rush . and children lhad. f,or their ~ew Year dinn er guests .the latter's .parents; Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Barger, of Washington C. H . . liT. and Mn. Therle Jones and .on, Milton. 'spent Sunday with Mr. and Mra. Edwin Nutt, near Centerville. . 1Mlr. Mrs. Harve,y Burnet Nothing reflects character and worth of an ilndividwere Sunday afternoon gueats at ual and family , any more .t han th'e home in which ' the homea of Mlu Anna. Horm~ ell and brother and, Ml'. and Mrs. . they Jive. It need not be a mansi on nor a palace. Oscar Clevenger at Sprlg-boro. but a neat little cottage in good repair reflects pride The u.dies' AId was entertain. ed, Wildnetday afternoon, at the and care denoting loyalty and stability of u good home of Mm. Walter Kenrick. Mrs Donald Hadley, Mrs. Elmer GllOvAmerican famBy : So, give your boys and s:irls a es, and Mra. Harvey BUrnet were chance to take their rightful place in life by provida!ll!istant hostell8es. MT. HOLLY. Mr. Lewis Cm.wford baa returned !home, after spending the past week with his uncle, Mr. Charles Crawford in Cincinnati. Mr. and Ml'!!. Emerson Dill and son, Ralph, spent Saturday with Tel&tives in Xenia. r, 1MIr. and Mrs. Glenn Druhot and son, Donnie. of Cincinnati apent Sa~urday night witb Mr. Clarence CramoN and tamily.



Phoae 14




THE -HAMILTON GRAVEL CO. Phone 3708 W_ P. Watson, Mgr.


THEATER Lebanon. Ohio

Pr•• ~ati•• t. . B •• t aa" Lat.. t In

&tubbs jf'untra( .omt


To be ':lsed ' in advertising Church. Lodge Bocials or sales WIth no cost to orgAnizations. _' Just phOne your advertisement to this office and , say "Insert this ad in "Caps" space for . _.... '.. .. . . ............ organizat'ion."



s.i B-W


No repair job too small-no building proje:et too

w. H. Madden & 4~o.



ing an attractive home.

large but that we will gladly help, in planning and furnishing material at right prices.

L.M. HENDERSON . filllo Ora.. • • Eat.t•• Seuie4 WAYNESVILLE. OHIO

Leave name with Miami Gazette for eatimate.


::z::::: Baall

workina on Wayenaville Sewalfe Di.poeal Plant

Hamilton, Ohio.




A Gift Not Received ••• Good eyesight is one gift that no one can look forward to getting, wrapped in a neat package. .But good eyesight is a gift that can and should be protected ~ seeing a competent optomertilt reg




" Dr. J .... Zettel o. D. . OPTOMERTIC EYESIGHT SPECIALISt open Every Day from 8 A. M. to 6 P. II • Saturday 8 A. M. to 10 P. M. 19 N. Broach,., LebuoD,

- -=----=---::-- - -

F. 'J .




·,Martln .~

AuctIon•• r .




Thul'lCla,., Janual1'



CI arksville


Mrs F. H. Russell Will hostfis , , the' Ladie. Aid Society at the : \ rIlOTllA~e Friday afternoon, At· ~ r ' the opening song, the Lord'. , ayer WIns l'epeated in unison. , e 96th and 19th Psalm was read Id t he minutea read and appl'ovI.

L tlers from MI~ . Nelli e 'M:adand Miss KathrYil Zillefrow, 110 a~ spending the winter elseher , were l'catl. A New Year's ' gram in charge ,of Miss Nellie . sell was given. After a song II New Yeal' BibI ~ I reudillg in which all took Hi and another song, the N ew ;: _,aI"!; "Pie" wa.s held. Miss CarI l Williams gave a reading. A sOelal period w.ns enj oyed I. uring which .·efreshm nts we r e t ' l'V d to .MIl's. Bess Evf;!ritt, Mrs. J r;le n Whitacre, Miss arrie Will lmS, MI'. Eff ie Thompson and ughter Mary Martha, Mrs. NanI ~ Runyan , Mrs. Allie Moore , I ,rs. Hattie Ellis, Mrs. Esther J ra n trator, Mrs. V. E. Bailey, 1 [1'f! Ida P ennington, iMlrs. Anna l'ordyce, rM s. Glad'ys W eimer and 1 ' i es Vina Foster and Mal"Y f ewell. In

S ~ene8



Current News


Friday. Saturday callen at the B. E. Thompson home were Mi'. and Mrs. HOWArd Burton and daughter of WaynellVllle; Mr. and Mra. Arthur Atkln.on, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gephart. Mr. a.nd Mre, Will Gardner and Mill Bertha ot Xenia and MT8. E. A. Redfern and Julia, of Dayto n, were Sunday vieitors of 1MIr. and Mrs. L. R. Hoover. Mr. and Mrs, E verett Halvey are the pinents of a daughter Su zan ne Kaye, born December 30 • New Year's eve dinner g ue ts at the Wayne Wills home were MT. nd Mrs. Everet.t Nickerson, Dayt on; Maynard Mills a nd Veda Huff Columbus; Mr. and Mrs. George Redfern of Wilminr.,l:olll calJ3d, Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Crispen of Columbus, Sunday. (Mtrs. F ,r ank Snell and son, Mr. l nd Mrs. James Cleland attended a New Year's eve paTty oat home of Stanley Snell in Dayton.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Thoni'PsOn Ilnd daughter had as New Years guests, Mr. and Mrs. Earl States and daughter of Campbellstown, Mr. and Mrs. Lester States and daughter, Loe States and family Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hardwick :f Dayton. ' and 80 n spent the week-end with Mr. and I~S. George Redfern , dgg Breeze and family n ar F o&- of Wilmington spent New YeaT's t - I'S ' Day with relatives h reo Mr. and Mrs. J . W. HIUlI y and


' HI"ulVl'd:'1 hut a copy of tilt • • , r!:,oluLions be ~pl'l1ad upon ov , n mt'mol'y o~ Mr... Myrtle minutes, a copy be sent to til_ b .. Thomp~o n, who died Dec. 8th, rell\-ed family and that a COPT ,. 1037. ' g nt the press for publication. We cannot say and we will not ('omnllltee: - EWe Thompson, foIay that she is dead; she il! ju~t Bes. ie EVCl-itt, Ida E. PennirWn. away.


Clarluvill e-

With a cheery smile and a waVe of t he hand, she has wandered into an unknown land. And lert us thinking, how VCl'Y far, it nee ds mu ~ lie, ~ ince . h~


IIng~t·s ~het"c.


Whereas: Th e Gt'llat and upha , I'eme Rul t· of lhe univel's .aken from our 'mids l our ~ i , t(! 1 .I'ljlltle Tbompson, a belov ('!1 and 'st emed member of the larks ,ilie Ladie Aid .'ociety. B 1t Re olv cd: That We xt nIl IUr deepest sympaLhy to the


All Shell Product. Firestone Tires

oe-I =-_____________




First National Bank .....



I-President Franklin OJ Roo evelt pictured on the rear platform or the Presidential special as be departed ailouthern II bing !rIp. 2-Chlnese In oonquered Shanghai wultlng In · line for the handful of rice that \lllUi atave 011 .tarvatlon. 3-Homer Graber, eighteen, 01 Mineral !'Oinlt, Wis .• lIhown with his l ,ZU.pound Hereford " ::!!T t!:at wo n the grand championship In 'the junior fceding' conU!st at the Inter national Livestock show ID Cbicago.



To Expl'uin Tho

==-===:::-----~-~=-':-~=-= -':~~:..=~~-':-:':-~~':-'-~~""";'--:---======~-~:and MiRs Albert.a I arker attended the Shrinel~s Ilarty at Talt Audito rium , illcinnuti n Wedne day evening. Mr. Raymond Hai~e8, young~st

Owensville Wins OVler Morrow lndep4endenls


___ MORROW _ The Owens iIIe

FG F TP ..4 2 H 0 1 1 .. 1 0 2 .5 1 II

.. .......... g



Morrow Social Events

Functions and Services of i~s Various Departments Wa'ch

f o r 't

each week.

~ ~ ~ ~: :'.;:;::;;;:;::;;;:;::;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;:::;;;;;;;;;:;;;;::::;;;;::::;;;=;;;;:;;;;::::;;;;::::;;;;::::;;;===;:;::;;;:;::;;;:;::;;;;;;:;;;;:;::;;;:;::;;;;;;:;;;;!J

n a nd Mrs. Lina. Madden of Way SOn of Mlr. has. Haln , Ilnd MIS team defeated the Mor g .. "" .. '" ep;viIle, pent. Sunduy with Mr. Ann Florence of P tters n, N .•J.' row A C. team on the local flool' _ _ _ Id Mrs. S. G Urton a t Oakley. were 1\\arried . at .Kenton , Ohio alurd'tty night 29-26. The l:,rame 11 4 22 • Donald W·hltacre spent his where Mr. Ham es IS mployed on wa..q closely contested all the way., hristmas vacation with Mr. Thu rsday, December 30. the visitors f adin'" LA RKSVILLE ' - Supt. eli! . t and .. at the half Mrs. L. J. Gray at F t. A nClen. • - - --Mr. a nd Ml'5-. Dilver Weber. 17-16. . . 'll' Bobby Brunner entertained ford Camp anounced this weel IMll'll Al ice All en 0 f near Ch I 1Mrs. Be Ric Haney, Miss Martha ', The vi sitor mplou,"d their that the f' tudent of the eve nth • d ·tL M EI R~b ert Hoter, Dick Robinson And ' • cothe spent Sun'1 ay Wi II ra. va' Ted Robinson at upper, at hi!'! Han" and. Gerllld 1eni< I ~ pent he;"'hth t~ a n IIdvantag.e, especiJ .... gt'ade will have the pl'Oi,"Tllm at th' i1es and famt y. N \\1 Yellr's eve with Mr. B e~ s ally on' follow-up sho ts. I"uehlnlan ' home on Thursday evening. s Llni-monthly asscm bl~o be giv. ' .fl'. and M rs. Ed war d 0 rr 0 f Jennings. and Saw-yer , l'cspective center~, . • ' It week hnd guests Mr. and Mrs. Harld Weilner, en iOl' the upper six g udo nex.! • r 1 on were -" Mrs. J . W . NewbcrD' and new . had a corner on the scoring honl ,I Mr. and Mr . Carl RUBS 11 of who have been visiting her p a r e n t s ' " Tue sday morning. . . t' S da. visitors of R v M%. and Mn. Gus Slack for II son have relurn d from liale HOs-lors. ::-~:-;-~~.:;.:;.:;-:-:::::::;;~==:=:::::. mer d M~- !' VJo lCI~::."'F. u~. iussell. • week, have returned to their home pital, Wil".'ingt on. Ge;;ig~ ~wind~I, Mr. and MrI'. Everett Doan of in Pittsburgh, Pa. Word hll ' been I ' ceived by Mr. ,·ow g coac, 1'1.' e ree t e 6nd Mr. Rober. Couden and Mrs.Bell Kelly that a boy ga me in good style. We have specia l agency arrange d nMr. Zoar, Mr . Thomas B am bb er a .. ~ I The I I ;l\ughLer were Sunday dinner and 80n of N01"wood, M1r. and Mrs was born to Mr. and Mf. J ohn I\i' .~ta l:eserv~ team s~t .back menls with t he Kodak company, guests o'r John Farsons and family. The'odOre Couden and son we~ Kelly in Cincinnati III t Tuesd3Y. · luneVl 51' 0 ID t ~ plrehmJnary IL l's-Clark Stock Medicine ...."ests of Mrs. Grace SId D th P p en game 1 -1, emp o'yin!f a stub- C C 1 d C Sunday d n tbe e Mrs. J. H . D 0 d d has re t u r .,y.van IIIn oro y op e - , born de1en~e. The local lineup inomp any, 0 ate nn omf"om a visit with Mr. and M1r • J. Couden. tel'tamed a g roup of young f olks f I d d K II H f ' C W b pany, Low.e BrQt'hers Paint Co., J"uTUtr Crank visited relatives on New Year's ev~, at their born e cEu e h' (' y, d °Der, hoe, e er, L. Crawford -ft't Orient, Ohio. ... ~ I van lOe an oug m~ n <and can take care of "our on Rou te 123. NOJ'th odf Mlorrow. . 0 Wf>naVI'Ile ' ,p • Of unday VI. .ttors at. t he D • L . in Latonia, Ky .• last week. d . th l' b tewart home were Mu. Malitie Mrs. Dudley Bowman of South Games and songs helpe to make nee In eS, e , me .0 your est . FGFTP Edwards and soos of Louisvi Ie. Lebanon, and Mrs. E . J. Hizar 8 very plea sant evening. advantage. Ky ., and Mrs. Emma McCormiCK were calling On Mr. and; Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Harold B rant en- Rapp, f . . .... ......... 2 2 6 II d Lester and Claire McCormick Champ. Brown and family at Sen- tertalned with a family dinner at ,' Camp bell, f , .... , ..... ... 0 0 0 'Of Wyoming, Ohio, lors Sunday afterMon. ix o' clock On Sunday evening. :os~~' f .. .... , .. , .. .......... 2 0 4 Wayne Wills and family spent Mr. and Mr&. E. A. Ludlum ThOse present to enjoy the occas-I ue man, c .' ..... .... . 6 0 12 ,~unday at the Frank Wills home spent Thursday wjth' Mr. ~nd M,' ion were : Mr. a nd Mrs. Ohas. Oli- ~rant~d g ............ . .. ,,, 0 2 2 a t Kingman. R. A. Harcum at Bond H.II. ver, d.aughter Mary arid son Cha. eyno s, 1r .. . .. .... , .. ,2 1 6 Dr. and Mrs. 'W . J. Thomas of Mr. and Mrs. ehas. Barl;ler of Jr .• Mr. and !III'S. Roy Kelly and - - - 1 Morrow, Ohio Q.ardington pent the weekend with Owensville were the guests 01 fM'r da:ugh tel'. Mr. and flfrs. Carl Ev12 6 E I

'::dT.~Aid SOriet

I n llvr I (amily.










Mounts-Loeher Drug (,0.


Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gephart. Sun- and Mrs. George Shawhan over ans and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. iM~o~rr~O~W~A~.:C~.~;:;;=~;;:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~: day guests were Jame Stonebreak the week end. Robert Oliver and family all of ___ _ __ ~ er and family of Miamisburg. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Winfield Roache ster, 1Ifr. and Mrs. Robert 1~'-"---~, ' Sunday afternoon visitors at the and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Snider 01 Go~l1en and Mr. and ' Weimer.Sewell home were Mr. and Winfield were the &'U e ta 01 Mr. Mrs. W aldo Wbitacer and son frs. Neal Harmon, 1\1['. and Mrs. and Mrs. Roy Conner on New Mrs. Ro e chroeder and Miss Fl-ank Laymon, all o.t Columb~li Year's Day. Alic e Ru h of Norwood, Mi Aland Mrs. LB.rry DaVIS and f<amlly Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bath of ice Jones ot Westwood. Mrs. T-ruN'ow is your chance to buy youI' own Ih~ me a nd it fin of Wilmi'n gton. , Wilmingtoh iMliss Betty Morton Il)an G iswold and son Buddy of anced. by the F. H. ·A. at 80 pIH' cent of the total c~st. We have Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. of . Lebanon IIpent the " 'lCek end Lebanon w ere t he g ue ts of Mr. two acre tracts in lli ighlawn wh ich can be bOllght for $300 E. E. Reeder were Elmer Reeder with Mr. anlt M~. Earl G~ kill. and 1>{rs. L. W. Smith over the · eaeh. A180 fi ve acrEI trade on late Highway n~ar . Pleasant and family of Cincinnati and Mr. Mrs. Anna Grimm ba~ IllS her week end. Plain for $350 each . The latter farms contain ,,"'oods, creek, and Mrs. RObert Humplhroeys of Sunday gue t...... Mr. land Mrs. Mlr. and Mrs. George Giebls and and electric is available. For f Ul'ther infonnation .and F. H. A. Richmond, Ind. George Grimm of Ft. Thomas. daughter of Mason were Sunday ap plica tion blanks, call C harl e ~ Weissmann. 1.tor row. Mr. and M1'Il. Raymond MeDon- Ky., Mn. JOlie Poppe, Mn. Na- gu ests of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kelly . •' Mr. A. D. Haney spent several I\id of New Vienna were Sunday om:a Bro·wlI, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph guests ~f Harold Stewart and f&m W. Poppe of Kennedy Hta. days last week with Mr . .and Mrs. i1y. Mrs. Nettie Hines and daughter Cliff~t'd H ney at Dayton. Mr. a nd Mrs. Carl Bowman, .Mrs. spent the W'e@~ end with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Ohas. Haines visit,E1i7.abeth and Alice Bowman apentMT!!. Ralph H~nesat Franklin. I'd Mr. .and Mrs. Joe Winfield at f .lnday with L. E. Baldwin and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kautz vi ·ted Sabina ori Sunday. , . fn:mily 'at IMlIddleboro. . Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fishter at CinFl'ed ~ake r, who worM at the MT. and Iti's. At1;hul' Atkinson cin.rul.ti Simday.' , Pendleton Shops was robbed 9£ a . Ne\.v No. 11 Oliver Su Ikey Breaking Plow of Lebanon and Mr. and Mrs. BurMr. and Ml'.8. Everett Bennett, $85.()O watch, and $13.00 in mon- I . ton of WaynesviUe vi ited Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brant motor ey besides'ious smaller articles I Mrs. Chas. :Rosenberger. Satur- ed to Xenia New Year'. EYe 1Ufd' when his lock er was broke~ into Spe.cial price. day evening; . ' visited Mr. and . Mre. Robert Car- one day' last week. I Fred Hoagland and brother of TOll. The Hit and Miss. card Club was Incl'eas,e the alue of your grain wiLh Tuxedo - Osborn visit~d Mrs. Kate Penquite 1l4Ir. ancl Mrs. P~iIi.p Glancy an,d. ,(ntertained by Mrs. Dorothy SUll)i ement Fee s. et us explain. =:; son Th08, entertamed Mias Katb· 'Swindell, at the home of her paerin!> Sa;unders of Hig1tland. Mr. rents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Dare. V £II and 1M'n. , Maurice Whitacre and on Tuesday ' ev' nlng. Pl'izes ,w ere family and Mr. and Kra. Chas. won .' by M,~ Russell Drake and Mr. and MrS. Fted Day were Haines at a rabbit supper' '''~Id Mrs L. A. Knapp;. A fine luncbwatch meeUne on New Y.-r's eon 'was served. D8iYton visitol'l, Monday. Mrs. lrIellasa 'Archer is Beri~us­ en. Phone 321 Mrs. Wm. Winstell entertained :w.:ocre and Pyle, Mgrs. ly ill at this writing. Mr.. and lira. Dean ffitw.ell 0.1 the memberll of tb.e Morrow. Bridge Sanford Rlce and ,family and Al- Ul .... ....___ CLarbvUle were Sunday pesta of CI u b on T, hursday ·evening. at her - - ~~~~~~;;~~;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ nome on Hazen Avenue. Prizes I _~ _ __ __ _ _ _ fred Shumilloer IUId "lamily .pent Mt'.· an... _n. ,Chu. '-&ITOll. M.,... and !)1ft. Stanley Moort 01. were awarded to Mrs. S. L. Burk- ' rr.==;:;::;;;;;;:;;;==;;;;:;;;=;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;:;::;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;:;:::;;;=;;;;:;;;;:::;;;===;;;;:;;;;;;:;:=;;;;:;;;911 unday with Heber 'Sbumaker and ~otwoOd were Sunday guests of hardt andi Miss AI~rta P'.arkoer. family at Midlalld, , rs. lIarpret Rail. Relreshments were served Scott Day and family speftt Son,.· Mi. Audre, Pott of Norwood Mr. and Mrs. James Robinson da,. ev\ning with . John Skl~'l1()r w.. eallinlP on Morrow friends of BeUevue, Ky., were the Sunduy II.nd family, neal' Wl1DQqtoo. , 'guesta of Mr. and M,rs. J.N McMrs. Geo-rp Cal'der and' Mrs, Saturda;v. ' JIra. ~ A. IUiapp' and family Kinsey. . , Kate Whitac'(e .pent Tuesday af ~


1-- --1

Baby FarlRs • . '.


South & Haines 111


Suc ossorf;' 'to



Re-organiza tion


---------.- ---<F~tr




'.M Gn n01'r', "

-----_ ..---


Baby Chicks

ternoon with Mrs. lJIaria Seott. =~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==~~~~=~~ Mr. and Mrs. ,R obert Honor en· tenalDed. at a family din~r, Mary Skinner of Wih.inpn spent the week.end at. the Scott Day home. . Mrs. Nora CQ~ , vieited FJ:ed Day and family, Monday. Mr. and MT8. Lealie Scott of Muon viaited the lonaera motMr, "'"I1'I!I. Maria Scott, Sda1'dar.




HA F.....

&em.ce M

On Display At

Avri:al.>l ca ~ h Mond uy and Thursday fro1ll U . S. A pprQ cd hreed ;nr; flol ks, officially tested for Pullorum (B. W. D.) at tl pronounced Pullorum Safe by the Ohio 8tat'c Dep' : tn:ent of Agric. Special prices fer January. Abo liten .1 discounts on orders placed now for later <leU Raise "Multi-tested" chicks this y~ar ~\Dd s~e · the difference. Write, call, or phone for Jlew cnn.~~d_ c mera cata.logue,


Pi,one 23



Do you remember how as a chi ld you playe4 with a magn t And <l.o you re~e mber how, like magic, it wOl,lld d'r aw to ~ll'\ self ~ ::llls. and needl.e~ and other pieces of steel, WhIle holdmg It over a pIece of wood created no response

"Like ATTRACTS LIKE" is not only.the law of the magnet-it is also the. law of the mmd. Psy-

chologists tell us that we can not , tore up. thoughs of hate and draw to o.Ui'selves the love of Qur f~llQw­ men. We can not think di:;e~se ~nd ?e healthy. W~ , can not think defeat and WlO v~ctor~es - ,. To ma~,e . up our minds' magnet ~or the best In l~fe. w.e mu~t 'fill them with constructIve. hopefu l, Qptmllstlc, hatmonious, courageou s,. confident ~houghts: To. win friends we must be friendly. To wm loyalty, !"e must be loyal. To become ~uccessful, we success. . We create our own m e nt~l magnet-we ' get back in the long run wnat we gwe .. We att~act~h?se things to which we ar~ attu~ed. Thia store IS 8tr}Vm~ to make friends by hemg fnendly. May.we have the opportunity in 1938 to fJrov~ o.ut'. magnetlsm ,:r o dem~ Qnstra.te by actions. rhorn~. s IS In deed and m word, -the store of friendly serVlce. The management and the organization of this institution take this opportunity of Thanking Yo,u fQr your parton age the past ye~r and !Oay w.e merit its continuance, Qnly upon a l?asls of fair deahng and a sincere desire to be of servIce. May the New Year bring to you and yours all that you may wish fQr.

H. H: Tho GTON 1I~

ot It

national1 ~


11ft.., t. , ..._ - -......_ - - ,., ..._ . _ - -

''''ARREh ,CO.

G0' TD 1

ATr tJ ..


. ...... .... ...... ......... . vn ...


I.e,. "

OMMON PLEAS NEW SUITS b!dith A. Munger V I!. Jobn R. \ . •Idle, for correction and r efOl" I. otion ()f written contract, ac. c,.unting, po esion of renl and II f. onlll property etc. Minnie Wysong YIl ~ussell D. \. yaOD&, tor divorce. Ext~me u611:'1 is the eh&rg'e. Elme_l' Whitacre va Wm. Kelly 01, Stanley Smith dismi ed lIS I IrLy in int f'e t. lone Whitacre, I te Whitacre, Dolly Whitacre, I va Smith and Harold Smith as f lar!linns, Billy and B n Buckley, I made parties defendant. 1I0me Owner's Loan C01'pora· n v Charles W. Frye. Judg. II nt to plaintiff for $909.35 in· t, r t ,a nd costs and ordering sale. 'Mlelvin Dickel'!!on vs Ollie Hail. I. v Dickerson, Divorce to plaint ·f. HaJlore Keefe and Mary H. Den ( y n Filliam Maher et al. Frac· t mal division of property: Writ (J part.ition ordered h:sued. Judg. n ent to Ohio Bureau of Credits it r $lS0.8S interc t and costs etc. H. L. Harding at. al vs. The J Uts Lebanon Packing Co. Finel R '~port of Receiver approved and clinfirmed. Receiver to receive !OOO for services of which he haa a 'ready received ,700. Maple and ~ ' apl~ attorneys to receive $2511. 97. COl!lt to be paid. Frencis Devine versus P.atrick [ 'evine for Divorce. Extreme ( ruelty is the charge. Arthur Bry ont is the Attorney. PROBATE COURT-Victor H. Morley, dec'd. Inven· tory approved. In the matter ot the gua.rdian· fhip of William Gribble and Vir· ginia Gribble, minors Fil'!!t ac· count filed. Louis hed, dec'd. First Final and Distributive account filed. Carolyn McPhail Smith, dec'd. affidavit in lieu of account tiled. Deblah Everhart, dee'd. lnventory approved. Mattie E. W~ter, dec'd. lnvell' tory approved. J. Lester Mulford, dec'd. Schedule of, debts approved. Carl H. Winner, dec'd. Certifi· cate of Trsnsfer ordered issued. Jonathan M. Oook~ dec'd Com· pensation for eucutris: and attcmeys at present tim\! allowed. In the matter -of the Trust created by the will of EmU M. Runyan, dee'd. Application , for appoint· ment of trustee. Charles J. Waggoner appoln~d Trustee of the




.King Leopold COllles

Carl'il! Ivins, dec'li til'llt and flnaJ Rccount filt'd. Ottie L. Brow", dl' c'd Di. t.ribution of n sct..~, t'ertificutc of .transrer i ~ ued. Addie Thompson, dec 'd. pecial a~mjni tratr'i~ appointed. Letters of 'pecial adl1linL~tl'ati on ordered. Mary Wright, dec'd. Certified opy of entry d termining inheritallce tax ordal' d certified to ounty a.uditor, IM1ary Wright, dec'd. Certified ~ opy of en~1'Y determining inher. ltance tax ordered certified to !Oullty auditor. Edna E. Stile, as administratI'ix of the estate of Woodrow 1\ rmstrong, d c'd. v William . rm. tr ng et al. Copy of W tern "tar mailed to defendant. In the 1l1atter of tb.e guardian. . hip of Elm'e r Rooes, minor, appll. eation for appointment of guard~ ian. MARRIAGE LICENSES Walter . ompton, 25 farmer, Mason, Ohio and MiSl! Virginilil Losh, 21, ste nographer, Mason, O. Ernest Santer, 27, farmer, of ~ rankHn O. and Mr . Anna Jetter, rarlklin, O. Benjamin F. Ertel, 73, Farmer, ~orrow, Ohio, and Mrs. Margaret :'idington, 58, Morrow, Ohio. Ray D~vis 21, Filling Station ~i s Charleatinil Wolf~, 19, Wait'es", Franklin, Ohio • Clifford Camp 29, teacher, ::Iol'ksville, Ohio .and Miss Cath. 'rine Elizabeth Fox, 26, Art Tea. !her, Ma on, Ohio. Raymond Powell, 31 Tile Setter Lebanon, Ohio, and Miss Norma .\fcDonald, 25, Lebanon Ohio. Jobn Haddix, 28, Paper Worker ~ankJin, Ohio, and !Mrs. Gladys MOJIClock, 30, Houseworker, Leb· .lnon, Ohio. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS

. Want Ads



I'IT'S BIG ER" - "MORE DRASTIC" Than EverB ellU e th "MARK DOWNS" throughout the store offer j'G!' ate}' Reductions On Sea onable Merchandise ' that yo u'll need for weeks of cold weather ahead.

' I


Church Note!; St. MARY'S PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH W AYNES VILLE- Notice for undR¥ JanualY 9, 193.8. Morning prayer and s ermOn a~ 10:30. Rev. Frederick Fischer of London, O. will pl'eJlch. ubject ~f sermon:"What May I Expect of R Jigion l'

,-. ,. '';0

I •



$5.95, $7.95, $10.95, $12.95





A Special Group of Self Trimmed SPORT COATS Former Value. Up to $12.95....


Ever mindful of our obUgation, WE SINCERELY RESOLVE TO SERVE THE PUBLIC IN EVERY Pro!. and Mrs. H. C. Mlilligan ; WAY POSSIBLE DURreturned Sunclay from Cleveland INC THE NEW YEAR.





,, ' ~ ~

.S IS S6 00 .•



A group of-1)utstanding win. tel' hats of felt and suede fabl'i c in snlart styles and in all the wanted hades. Formerly sold Crom $1.98 LO $3'.98. Clearance Price--

6ge, 9ge $1.59


The Employees of Clinton Telephone


Former Values Up To $35.00


Happy New Year


Fornler Values Up to $26.00

F ormer Values Up To $17.95


Dra tic Reductions of out.standing ilVaJues" in Bette I' Fur Cont.~. Va.lued Lo $159.50


$45 to $119.50

I ,


Litt Br'o s.-, Wi1mington's Leading Department Store



Bet.t ~e .r

Prepared l'han Ever.:. for'


Authorized Oldsmobile Dealer

" . . - .~

... ; ' ,, - " " ... .




Ule Ferry church. There were 24 I p ophi added to the church last yoor seven by statement and 17 I by baptism. Starting with our reo I vl'vai Jan. 10 "'e' obould do bet!er I' .. ., ;~i' year. < _ __ .

Fred Kahn Motor Co.



M. Preacning 11 :00 A. M. Ser· Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Collett en· ma n subject, God's Lighthouse. ~rtained a group of friends Mon· We had 115 present last Sun- day evening. day with ~n offm:ing of $45.50. ~;::==;;;;~=====;:;:~ ome let us this the most I f" suc essiul year ill the 'historY of


S3.44 $4.44

ther Dres e' Reduced That Formerly Sold up to


where they spent the holidays. Miss Margaret Hurst entertain· ed on Saturdoy evening Campbell, Lois Gilliam, Kirk JefIeries, Kalhleen Inwood of New Burlington, William Downey, Relen Rae Thornburg, and Clifford Doster. The marriage of Miss Winifred

FOl'mer Values Up To $10.95

Other Dresses Reduced


~~iliE~~~~,~.T~_M~~. M~~~~~ ilie ~ Short:--"Oowboy Shorty" John Francis, Ce()l'ge Francis ~;:;;;;;;;=_:.=;:; _ :::;;:;;;;;:===:: _ ;::~~=-~_~~~_ =_:;_~_;::;=~ Cartoon-Popeye in "Change My and Alice Deardoff to A. T. Ea.s- ~ Attitude ton. 107 Acres in Franklin Twp., . S')ort.--"Picking Pets" Warren County, Ohio, Jo~phu8 Francis to A. T. Eas· JANUARY 9 - 10 Leo Carrillo Jean Parker ton. 107 Aeres in Fran~lin Twp., ' exception. Mortgage to Union Cep -1ntral Life Ins; Co. of Cincinnati, of AGood Selection At Attractive Pric,es .. "THE BARRIER" • Short--".Filming Modern ' YOIl,t b" ,;1,460. . pel mer Bafntim to James J. and , N I!'W • of the Day , Magnolia Johnson, Lots 102 and JANUARY 12 103 in Highland Park Subdivision Claire Treyor ~D.ld Wood. to Village of South Lebo·non. . -In- Pear) Peggs to and WilLEBANON, OHIO "BIG TOWN GIRL" liam Burggraf,' Lot 411 in Village Episode No; 6-"WiJd West Days" of Franklin. \ ,'


WAYNESVILLE METHODIST CHURCH Sunday, Jan. B, 1938-9 :30 a. m. Sunday chool. 10 :30-Morning Worship. 6:30 p. In.-Epworth League. 7 :30-Evcning erviee. peci I feature, Talking Motion pictures. 2:0o--Wed:n escLay. Friendship Club with Mh. Lillion Crane. Rea McCarren gave a mi cllan· 6:30 Wedne ay. Pot luck FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST ous shower for Mrs. Dick WJIH. C! d dd b t1.. .... uppel' an a l'ess y 'Ole new W. C. Srnitb, Mini.ter ams (nee Vivian Tucker) a recent District uperintendent, Dr. Sunday-Bible School 9 :30 A. bride.


Woels Velvet.

Former Values Up :Former Values To $5.95 Up To ·$7.!l5

. chool, and James Lester St.arr of W<U.ynesville, was solemized hri s· tmas D,ay at the bride's home ncar ligo. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coiner and Dr. Fj ~ch r, of Londorl a t 10 :30 family of Pit:tsburgh, Pe nn. pent ll. m. I the holidays with Mr. and Mrs: WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF Carroll Smart ' CHRnST Phyllis Shidaker spent the holis· W. C. Smith, Mini.ter days with Esther Luken at Way. Sunday- Bible School 9 :30 A. ' nesville. M. , Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Collett Lord's Supper :10:46 A. M. spent Saturday with 'M'r. and Mrs. ' A talk by Mrs. Ella Willi_ Robert Coli tt at Dayton. 11 :00 A. Ml William Brook is confined to Chdstian Endellvor 6:45 P. M. his home with a severe attack of Pr aching 7 :30 P. 11. Sermon I scarlet fever. -Su~ject, Fni~ness in Prejudice.j Miss Edna' Compton, local rous: Bll;pltsmal ervlce to follow ser- Ie teacher, undenvent a operation on In M~ndI1Y-Delegation goes to ~~c~:t~al ~:S:i:'l tO~~~'~ngat Ferry . Church. holidays. Wednesday-Prayer Meeting. , 1!!I·S. Lewis SneU, Evelyn and





Twin·I' Theater



King Leopold of nalrlum, Icrt, and King George of IEngland shown as they drove from Vlclorla slatlon to BlIckiilgbam pili. OJ! when the Belgian monarch arrived In London re<JenUy. The vlsl' wa,l significant In , ~ha~ the Belgian king needs a lasting friendship wIth Great Britain, Frallco and G,c rmany to boisler the foreign alld mUitary polloy be pronounced a year 11,0. This JHlllcy he defined as "barrIng war from our &errUory."

Katurah A. La ure, deceased by Admr. Fred Elbon, Eut pal't of 16.05 A. tract, 28 Acres, and 1 a· ~re, also 1·2 inter st in real estate in Turtlecreek Typ. In the m.atter of th.e Estate of Carl fl. Winner, deceased. Certifi. cate of transfer to George aod F 'ran~8 Winner. Inlot 36 in Leban· onSarah Hodge, deceased by Admr. Crawford. Also First Quarterly Conference. to Sindy Shr her, Lot in Lebanon, 7 :00 Th urs d ' ay.O h rc es.rn t " Practice. Ohio. In ~he Matter of the Estate of 7 :30-Boy Scouts.. U. G. Conover, deceased. Certifi· 8 :OO-Choir Practice. cate of Transfer. 41, 44 1-4, and 1.2 Acre in Harlan Hwp. to 80DS, WAYNESVILLE EPiSCOPAL nd, daughters. . CHURCH 111 the matter of the Estate ()f Ottie L. Br~n. deceased. CertifiF' t S d f E . h cate of Transfer to Alton F. Brown 11'8 un ay a te-r Pip a.ny, Inlot 15 to Elliott's Addition to January 9. Services conducted by' Village of Lebanon. . Trust.. Clara E. Gilman to Wm. K. and HARVEYSBURG Ray. Starry deceased, Inheri- Ida E. Campbell, Lot No. 7 in Vii. lage of Lebanon. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tucke, en· The Board 01 Edueatipn, Leball' tel'tai,\ed at six o'clock dinne-t and o-n VUiage School District, _to W. cards New Year's eve. Tllo e atA. a.nd Juli" Kennard, Valley tending included Me!jSel's and Mes· School. darnel! Herbert Carr, Howard Gr8' W A YNESVJLL£ In the Matter of the Estate of ham. Joe Davi ', Charles Gord!)n I'll t Sh d d C 'f and Clyde Levicy. JANUARY ,7 - 8 Mr. llOd Mrs. Herbet't darr en. Cha•. 5lanett Pe~." · Stratford ca~::;eTran::;,r. eeea&e. erh i· Garland Ingram to Henry Tholn. ~ertnined tae 500 ard C)ub last -in-

.. .

FRIENDS HOME I Mr. Ethan Lewis, U. S. N. of An,Jil·s. Ida Bosl~r of !layton wast nn(l(l1is, MarylAnd called on di 11 n(lr g\le~t of hel' aunt, Mi!'S: friends at the flo me ()n Saturday. Katie Collins On unday . Sunday c..'lJl r~ On friends in the IT Ol1lC were: Mt's. Mae WiIIillJll· T:- Sunday morning, double .on and Mrs. Dudley Keever of strand pea'rl beads. Finder nten'ille; .Mr. and Mrs. Ernest please r LUt'n to Virginia PresM.a1i.i n of DaytOl;; Mr. and Mra. A. Z. I-1artso k ond family of Oak· 111 nd ; 1\11'. and 1.1 rs. A ndl'ow PRICE on Crosley 6Shawhan and Mir. and MI'!!. Mar. Tube Deluxe Compact Radios. ris Roesken of Dayton. Collette Hdwe. Phone 99RS Mrs. C. N. Berryhill and Miss Woynesville. ' Clara Berryh!J1 of Be.I\brook; and

on King George



., ~ ~




" '..! •

NEW STOCK OF 1938 .••



.:, • But It wouldn't have happeDed If he'd had the right kind of light for hi. hOlDe-work. Gel him a modera IE S lamp and eliminate make.hit\. ¥tlui where he .tudle. at home. The.. ....... are attraetlve, provide a light 'that aelenee clal.... .. idea! for readiai and other elo.e work. Your Dearea, lamp .ton .........e.. OD at aU pnee..

-lIM11cu·a ~ co.

"Kelly Springfield


Featuring our new Registered Tread, whi,c h is win· ning approval of all motorists who try it. You'll not be sa.tisfied until your car is




Clyde K. Pull SHARONVILLE, R. F. D. I

.. ~lb""'2.1

For well over half a CiIflt1U}' we have buDt aad rebuilt lad lDIaraed oar fadlidcs for au aad elec:cric service. Dr the VUJ aacan of oUr busioea, we SteW in advance of the population. aad manuI..mda. .... of che COIDID1IIlid. we 1efVe. Now. IS the year 1~38 11 UIbered in, we UW bettet prepuecl tbm ever before to meet aU demands for .mc.. IlwiD8 1937. ~ apansioa propm at our main Ford .............. WII eompleted at a COlt of about ,,.500,000. provicUaa peater . . . . . . .


CIIJIIdt7 ••• AD aclded parantee

to every CUIt'OIDer to u.phold our ftCIDI'd for dc~.mce.

The Dayton Pow~ Be

chat we dl ___


Thu1'llk7 laaDa., 6, 1138

gue ta at. tbe Joe Fil rhome. Wcctnt'MlB>' with Mr. alld MI·-. Tom I FOSTER NEWS th Y I'pt'llt tho' rloy \\ ith th- ir ,no Mr. and 1111&. Gt!orge Summer. Burton lind 1\11':'. J(!llllic 1Ilullcn. 1 ErVin IlUmll~ and f "llliy. field and family call1:.J on Revel'- Evcllin~ ~utsL~ \\'(,1 e ~II". \\' dlium En'l! a Willi,IIll-, ,llluj;{hler of l\ti~H Hlltll Punning-It!1I ~TlI'"1 n,I' and and Mrs. Carl Snlith, on Sat· Dt'ukl', ;\1 ... ancl' l\·l p;. Fn'd Hub.! 1,01 ;\Il~. G. It. Willlnm$ wu hristma ~ hltlitins" WIth ill'\' 1>1\1' ;\tl', bl', and .MIl'. ancl .\JI·~. ~ivi/lj!ston. tlH'!l to Ill' Childrl'n's hospital at PolklJ arc l'cally starting the new urday. ('nb, the Ih'flrY l'l'n;lin" 011 , . Sunday mOI-ning, Mr. and Mrs. l'Iw Uany H p!" fan;l\y or B 11'car ~t! right, according to thi Gl).'" ts nt 1he ]'elllli lll(1oo1l 11,,1)1 C indl11lnli fol' o!J:I'lvation Frlda¥ eporler' ideILS. I only hope that Linville and daughttlr 01 Miami;;.- brook culled On "It-. and Mrs. GIlO, on ('hi i. 100as tiny wU'c, ~11'. nnd ('vl'ldng. burg cam into the Ferry Church Smith Il nd family, SunDay eve;\liI· ·. WilIonl G:lin(,ll pf K~!Utucky. n y kecp' up the good wOI·k. Mr. and ~Irs. PUll I Young and Mr. nnd ~lrR. Will Rankin,' i\lr. dall~h tcl' I':ltly 1\(,11'(' caller at S. Rex Williamson of I' ort Mitchell by statem('nt. land t.hirteen pel'- nin/(o and MIS, Wurl'en Sn,ilh of ('10 M. M [\aK~ hl'mC' un Mr, and Mr!!. James Wical and entucky spent the wcek-end in lOOns I'cccived the hand of felhwew Years einnali , Dnd Mis~ LOio B(I'ill1in~­ flay. daughter, Betty, spent New Year's "l!I'ry visiting with tho vnriou!l ship. lim of Fairfield, (hlu, Baptisimal serv ices wl! re ~el day wi~h Mt'. and M~. Perry Wade Hlllilios who are ulways glad to 1111'. nl'\(1 "'1 1'l". ~:l' ni(' Reynold, M t', and Mrs. Peto W iNti cl'ie. e him. He stopped with Kenneth at Ferry on Tuesday last. IMlr. and 'lnci son , Joe. lIll· . . ,\nt'lI! R ,ter and father en· bra~ed their Chl'i . tOlaR on ,'und', ox. M1'8. Dan Williams, Clara B. Lew· Mrs. Dorothy Terrill and, aon, jr)l II the IUn-o IJl'(Jolldca.,t at Mus· insl.eud of Slllun)ny, by hovill).: all Mr. and MI' . Et'vin Th~n)us and is and Jack Mardis were Jt~ell, spent unday at the Louili i c 11 :c II /-0' tu rdny night. of their childrt'll allli tnl'it' fnmil In, Jimmy, of Wal'Sl;\w, Ky., and ed. BUlton h.ome. h '. and ~, ~. A ustin, Miss 'A g• iI'S hvll\ . .;fr. Rex. 'Williams on, weI' Satul'Two weeks revival services will Mr. and Mrs. ForI' lit Trost, of III'S Ruddc of 'incinnati and Mr. . .ay night guests lilt the home or . tart' at the F,el'ry Chul·ch. of Dayton, spe nt the past weekend 111', and !lit·" Loui nUl·I.e.n, !Ill'. :l nt! !lll'>', :;;. ;\1. .lllug, MI',. Howard AtWl'ence Thomas. . Christ, (In Joanuary 10. with Mr. and Mrs. JeSSe Roland. 'Iu1rlcll BU lion , j,;, 'LQ i~ ::;m ith, ~ 1 :1Hg uf F"sLcl' nttenllcd the Elks Mis.'l s ~1a~jorie Duval anu Shiro Reverand and Mrs. Carl Smith 'MIl'. and Mrs. Simon Gassert and and Mr. 1'0111 l\bi·a. ate hJif\tnHI~ ,'C'w Yl'ur Party nt Lebllnon Fri· ~ey Mardis spent last Tuesday sp nt last Wednesday and Frid~y daughter, Virginia, called on the dinner and l'uPlier with )lI'R. .'tod;!y (,VI' oint\'. .ight at the Ferry pa.rsonage. in Cincinnati because of the death P. J. Thoj1Ulses, Sunday evening. vcr in Dayton . J\ll. William Tlulig spent N ew ~r. and Mrs. Pel'ry Faul and of Mr. Homer McFarland. Mrs. Mr. ReI' Wllliamson , was 11180 a The G r,go Smith fnmily ~ !l ('n l uno! Sund.:ty with Mr. and ' ('nl', on, Ervin, spent Monda.y evening Smith stay d with the McFar- caller. , the day vlcaS:l.ntly Voilh MI'. anti 1\Ir". Hudy Durig. Mr. To()m Mara, Mrs. LoUIS Bur; Ith Mr. and Mrs. Perry J. Tho'm- land's for f100rly eight years. Mn. William Bcrnul'It in Wllyn c~· Mi 's Minnit' Dis:; . pent New lS. Mr. and Mrs. Le ter Ge\'hard ton, shopped in Dayton, Monday, vll1e. \"e!l l':; and ."u nday with. homo ad Jr., Beulah, Emma, Edith, and family spent· Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Burton fo \I,s, nd Ethel Smith sl>ent last Friday with t·he Smith's. and Mrs. Jennie Mullen were en· LA GtJAHOfA DEP TY . ith Mra. Morris Hunter. Mr. IIInd Mrs. Delbert Pfoutz I.CI tIlined to dinner lilt the home l\1 r. !lnll MI'''' 0, B. II inea. had ,,~ th l·i l' hilUS!' )(ueAts Crom Wed· 'ruesdllY, December 21, tlte Xen spent Saturday afternoon with Mr. of Ml s Lillie Benham, Monday. ne., tll\Y tv Sun day Mr. and Mrs. a Area of Churches -of Cnrist met and Mrs. Harry Fordyce. '1\11r. and Mrs. Wilbur Sears and ('ooK of N () I'\\' ood, It l"erry with about one-hundred Mrs. Lawrence Thomas, '} b:s. family and 'Mr. and Mrs. Albert )resent. George Mark Elliott and Perry Faul, Lina Lancing, and Wil l Carver .called on ~r. and Mrs. !III" " lIli MI'''', Gardner Tilson ,11'. McLean of Cincinnati were ' rna Thomas were Dayton shoppe~ Carl SmIth and famIly, turday I' LUI ned "hur:HI~y from several he speakers for the day. Fdday IILfternoon, evening. dll. II visit with r.elalivcs in north· Charles Boyer aod Claudette C<>lbsrt, t!le handsome cou 10 The Lester 'G erhard's and tho The Jim Wica! were Thursday Mi II 'Verdena i.'ox, Marvin Fox, ell) 011 ill, pictured above pr(lSent a mlllJoll (\.1! "1')1"111 01 l-I , J;lamor Dud romance In "Tovalt'ich," the tlr<;t 0: 193 ~ teil I)cst vi"tur s which Margie Duval, Shirley Mardis, and Ramo Riggs' families attended a evenmg aueata of the Louis WiRaymond VinSiln vi. itea hi! opens Sunday, Jar:iUary 9, at the dc lu"{c ;{.. nla theo.ter, In ;~~ula. Mr. Carl Smith attended the mid- marionette show in Dayton at tlte wIs. . ~ll othel' at. the Good amillritan Pronounced '''roe-var-rich'' (hut detl'1 I ' ew PICH! I ':!lis ICivo 'inter TI·i.State C()nfel'ence at the First Baptist Church, Sunday eve. Perry Thomas and Perry Fau! llo. 1lital in Cincinnnti unday. lind laughter show, beCore fla sh lnll lid !;lorle.1 'In the !lUnon'R ; pnngfield church of Christ last ning. The play W88 called "Joan of made a tri.p to. Dayton, la t Sat.Sthl)"l u pened with Mr. David· screens WIlB a stag'3 success that go \'1) p",;"q u now epe:! tloD, til ilIcd veek. Arc." urday to get SIX red cedar log LondoD and captured New York. Tt'e p':..t con"~'1 S two 'lV\JI'S . ; on and Ii 8 Alva. King <01' Bethwho find tbe~selve8 In the rn t!J I' wl'm.ic~ 1 p·cak.t~c'l· or 11(\V' Miss Lucy Freeling of Mt. Hol- .form t~e home of Mr. Lotz, whoa Mr. Ray Shaw and son, Harold, d u. It'lIch r ~ . Mis8 King replaces 11lI~ millions In tbe, banI! but not n l!B:1n}' \0 1\ (.1" po l("L~ . aughte.r, DO\'othy, called on Mr. ly came Monday morning to sb&y Cather-m-law sent them as Mi ' " DahL of WilmingtO n who ihas Among oth er nolable scre n (.,leL'l tl-r Ill"" 4·n 1'1 tno .:tl't and' Mr J e811 Roland, Sund y af- witih Mrs.. HatTy Fordyce. • mils present from the mountains acccpted a. position in the Mason nrc Anita Louise, l:sobcJ Joans, rl a.,11 r~,t'I"O'; ~ " uJ \ll1lit"'J ~ LtJve. Mra., Lillie Benham W\B8 New of Tennessee. Mt:. Lotz ploans to Tho lov e scenes directed by Anlt;> LItvak He n"1.d t'J r ll.clr ton' School. te rnoon. . ·1 d h t d t . I l i nenla! Mr. and Mra. Walter Hess and Years Dinner guest at the TQm make a ce aT.c e~ . an 0 pa~e 1.1r<'. Il\ll'kman left Tuesday 'for h 11 f h d ng room With Most Important man In the cw da uglhter, Velma., and Miss. Betty Burton borne. AfternOon ca1lers t e wa s.o IS I n l . ,York city set-up Cbe Ides l\layor La- a W~(!k >,l..:Jy with relative at SunT rrill, of Xenia, were Sunday were Mrs. George Waterhouse, the lumber form these tree'. NIce Choit' anel ' tbe Bapti t choir pre- I this day of days with fro und Ml'~, Guardia) I Maglstrale Henry 11 . man, lnd. ;l este of (Mlr. and Mrs. Jess Hess. MIra. Mary Burton, M·u. Robert Al- present I ., sented the "Messiah" in song. In Perry Wad e anu son, J oe, of Curran, plcturcd puffing a clgarcllc ;\(IS. Lawn'nce Hoppe was a Well, Chns.tmas IS o.ver and tbe evening they u(~lJed on Mr. Springboro. arter hearing tbat he had been apMr. and Mrs. Dan Williams mo- len .and MillS Nonrta Wilkerson. incinnnti shopper Tuesday. Miss Frances Johns was the ~ew Years IS gone, T!me has and Mrs. Hat'ry Rahns, MI'. and Mrs. Perry Faul spent pointed to the offi('e or depuly m •. y. , red to Pari Ky., to visit the l ,rmer's .folks <lver Christmas. week·end guest of Mr. and Mrs. come to plan crops for the ~new The Frank Fox family celeb rat.- witb Mr. <Dnd til'S. BYl'on or. The clullc. or lhe o/llce n wi ALL DAY MEETINC(.)auy I didn't get this in the 0 - Le tel' Kenrick. planti~~. ~armel's .everywnere ed Chri troa very quietly oat home Hull in Georgetown, Ohi'o; th:ll created ar largely administraUve. column.) Mr. and Mrs. Allen Weidner and are d omg th I very. ·"mlJ' ....... and we . with Mr. and Mrs. Harold llutchin also called on Mr. and Mrs. Al- and a cording to the law. the mayor Wnynel'vill - An all da~ meet• .,. f f 1988 i permUted tl) cJ~lcgatc almost fuJI Miss Elsie Mac Wieal was home family spent Sund;ay with Mr, and have hope& () a me ~rop In • son of Dayton as gu~!sts. b rt PI' ther. powers to bbl'. inA' of the Woman's Auxiliary and liver the holidays, spending two Mrs. Pete WicaL Mr. and Mr. Lefltel' Kenrick Mr. and Mrs. Jes nola nd had Gulltl of the EI)i copal ch\ll'ch. will cN\ys with ~wjorie Tinney in Way Mr. and Mis. Dan Williams call. CHRISTMAS IN FERRY spent the day v.;th MrS. Jimmy Chri· tmas dinn r with Mr. and Fiber in Ba.le of Colton be hId Friday, January 14 at the n~svilJ.e. Miss Tinney spent last ed on tho f()'s aunt at Madis.FERRY ~ Christmas was ap- Johns in Lytle. ' Mrs. Hurry &Iand, of Lebanon. In a bole of collon Ihere nr~ morro 110m of Ml·S. D. L. Crane. All w k-cnd with Miss Wical. onville, Sunday. parently a very quiet one until I Mr. and Mrs. Joe Filer spent Thc Jess Bosses dined with the thon 45 blllJon coth.n liters. nH:mb l'ij arc urg d to be ,present. Mr. and Mrs. James BurtOn and Louis BUrton, Bill Cole. and Ver tarted querying about it, and Christmas day with Mrs. Mary Carl He!! es of Dayton, 011 Chrisl~ ~-:::::;;::~~===:::::=~=~::====::~~;;;~;;;=~ f mily called on the "Bang" Bur· non West attended the horse sale Iound that behind it all was a lot Cornell and children and the night mas Day. ':" tons' Thursday afternoon. at Columbus, Friday. 'Mir. Burton of quiet happinesg and bustling with Mi'. and Mrs. Marshall Fil r The , Lawretnce Thoma ' famil ' Mr. and Mrs. George Newbury says the horsos soJd ten to fiiteen activity. and daughter, Phylu s, in Dayt<>n. motOl'ed to Warsaw, Ky., of Eaton called on 'MIr. and Mrs. dollars lower than they did two The Lester Gerhard family had JMfrs. Filer and her daughter ~/ h ~ n Harry Fordyce and the P. J. Thorn weeks ago. a most eventful day; in tbe morn- B~rtha, Who was home for the hol- '!' e , last Sunday. Ruth Wioal spent last week ing they attended church a.t the idny, sp!nt Thur- day night with 3 piece Child. Snow Suit. called Haines and fnml'ly 1'1 Dn I On Mr. and Mrs . Louis Hawes of with her grandparents, the Perry Dayton Church . .of Christ; f S . .. . 1 .. yon. Cleaned and Preuecl for SOc Spring Valley spent last Thunday Wades, GeoTge spent the '1\ ek oat on Mrs. Nettle Harper, 0 prmg Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Filer and with the Je!;S Rolan~. the Allen Lucas home and Rush Valley, who is bedfast, in the at- Miss Be~tha Filer v· ited tlle Jame Me",. Hal. Clealiecl anel Mis.'1 Bertha Fil r and her guo t, Wicalpent the week with Mr. temoonj at five o'clock they went Hartsock family at Wa ynesville. Miss Eileen Corn 11 and Mi Ver and Mrs. Jobn Watkins. to the Fin;t Baptist Church in Reverand and Mrs. Carl Smith Bloebd SOc dena Fox were Sunday dinner Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Burton spent Dayton, where the Westminster and children spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Andrl!w Peeno in 80,.'Ia Suit, 40c Const&l1ee~ Ky. Do you have a Feed'rhe Jartles Wical family pent



.', ft.



Pay Six or Seven Dollars

$3.00 Buys A High Quality Product Like


Quick Cleaners

SAfE-WAY FEEDS Are now in tbi. cpmmunit:r Supplement tAl makc FOllr Home C rown Feed. Complete. For further information ae. or call

L. 'V. Branstrator Phone 115R.2 '_

Wayne •• ille.





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"West of Shanghai" BORIS KARLOFF






(01lII0I& . . . . .ZIII. . UD ani.... WITH COUPON)

OAmmc:aa'nakGmwW_l yr. a~cao PoaIuJ lo.araaLl yr.

a ........ GUIae - - - 2 1ft. D8I8IIIJ.~



OCcmdaal AID. ~_ _ l yr. O<:oa.cry... 2 rn.


1ft. 1 yr. ,r.


CGood s-MI



Ca-'dead l,r. Oa- Ala Needlectah..-.l rr. OfAabonl World

1 ,r. OMocher·.HomelJte.....,--.l yr. OP.dl6adet (Wklr.)_ 26 JllUea ORhodeltlandhdJoumaLl7f. OPlr-dI Rock Moatbl,_ l yr. cSaca.tDI PII'IIllq - 1 OW_·. World I yr.

'-. I yr.

1JOarIIdaA .....14


a,..... ....aj-


O~PtulcGnnre&'~1 ,'. O"-iQII Poultry Joa....U Jr.


,tLyr. I


All ·

I 8==~ ~~~!: . DOonrlalAlna.Jlnicw_ 1 Jf. .

OPadl6llder (YeIIdy) _ _1 rl . . OCoanuJ Homc _ 1 rr. OP~W a.n.w 1 r'. I 0'1lIIII JoamaJ _ _ _ I OW_ode NaprJM 1 rr. DGood Scoria ,_ _ _ _ 1 ". 0511 ~ I,r OHome Am Needtecnft_ 1 rr. "' • DHOCIIC! 'rlead __ ~ _ _ 1 ,r. Oaa- BoaIl . 1 "" DLeaborn World __ ____ 1 Jt. OTrae c:om..Ioaa _ ' _ _ I'r.... DMocber'. Hacme I.Jte _ .. _1 yr. 00pen a-s (JIora) _ 16 _ , OPath6Ddel (WId,.) ._ 26 ~ OW_'. worW _ _...l DPir-tb ~OIItb1,~1 OSuccaalul Ilodc FarmJq _ _ I '11. yr,

a..,.--.a Gull..

OPoaItry TIl.,.. _ _ _ .. 1




McC-.ll'~ ~- _1 JI'. ~] \V~. WOtId _ 1 JI'. Guod 5cori. 1 JI'. STORY . . . . ·· NntSP. . . .-1 Y!I..~







moat -... __all,.

0.11.10' . . . . . . . ._ __ __ . h.cheddnI


. . . . . . . . . . . . ,....eublcripdma to pour peper.

OIIG VALtJI omIIl 0'l1Il1l0III 0....


Day Or Nigh t


A 100% .11 mineral/rOOtlct that COlte you len an gives you better re.ull.8. A money maker for .tockmCD aDd poultrymeD. Aek 1.18.

W. L. Reynolds Licensed Embalmer a,nd Funeral Director.

Fairley Hardware':Co.


Larger Because of Better Quality, Service and Price E.tabli.hed 1849 - 1938 Phone 32

NOTIC E! . All Upholstering and Mattr~.s Building prices have been slashed to the, bone.

I. s



All we want is the fr~me of yOur old F.urniture. We will do the rest. Our work is gu-aranteed. The kind of work we do we refere you to our many aatisfied customers in your community.

4.11 wo,:k picked up and delivered back at no extra cost

Mrs. Grace L. Smith's Millinery Shop


!1IIP....' " 01 . . . . . . . 111,. GItKl'hJ4 _ . . . . , .






Phone Lebanon 473-K

We Buil'd New and Rep ir Your Old

a.ouP.A-...... ~ · ROU, 8 - " ' " 2 - -

aNdAll', . . . .d-

Sand and Gravel





ing Problem . . . Are you getting maxi In u m production from feed used ... Do you want greater profits. . . If so, call u or leave your name at ou~· store by Jan. ~, next week we will give your herd special individual study amI attention through our highly trained special representative You al'e under no obligations, of course.

[J'I1II QUAUlY Omll.

[JTHJ STOaY 01'''


Mrs. Grace L. Smith a long well known resident in Waynesville is our official representative. We ask you t~ contact Mrs.-. Smith for . Upho~eriDIr and Mat;.. resa work.



i~t'rlll'rt I· Mr:.. AI.bert SebllttA! ullde.rwellt ~Ir. .11 ,I .'I I . \ 'lIli,1I11 • door of 8cr- natl pent the weekend with ~Ir. P,IISCELLAHEOUS SHOWER '('I'. t1bur K eVI'r, Ed. Keltn \', I C. B. Browning, the ho t, and ho • III d ,\ll'. .111'1 \1 ... I hili II uJ CIIII:in ' ur~ O!'I?I.. t~on at Christ lIospl~ In __ Ran.lall FUlbft', Kat .. Furbe , Ted tess. and Mrs. Earl Thomp~o n and {alll•...'II 'arl,1 11'- • F. E. Willialll- Cmcmnull, last Monday monung. i1)'. . na I 1 .... • • t IASON - Ont' or thl' {,Ul tund. 1..1. h of 1~11i1l1H1 lIill, Ethel Stl'V-1 .------lhl' pu. tm' lll",o galle Mr. Harry Sm ilh sp~'nl the Wl 'k \lll \\ 'I" f;U IIII. ~ j!1Il't. 01' :~h. nnd [ ;~ rep rted that she 18 dOing jl ' -u ial t'\'cnb of thl' pO lit \\,(,.,1. I .'nll I1IHI 'I\'a l\Iul'llman I1f :r.tadl!>-, ENTERTAINS AT WAFFLE .11' . it. 1, 1l"lIdy. Ilicely nL this writing. .. R.ell'o- end with friends in Dayton. mCR,'age, III thl'I1lC " .. the mi 1Il1neou!\ ~hdwer ilv- onyille: li6~\)g D I'nice SIl\\}'~l'S, SUPPER Ill> clioll and 1'1· (l .. n'~(, lti Mr. amI Mrs. HI\\'I'Y McVay, 1\11'. in hun'or Of 11'.. WUll('I' Comp- , 'I·llIm Sw ny, Nellie Verbl'yke, MAS N - Mr. and • hR. Gail Morning' worship .each Sunday, an,1 Mh. Don Ertel of L oonon, .:__ '...... ...... ___ ,............~ ......L,...~:L.. ~4~.-.~~~~.-.~ I, . /'1 (' I Vil'ginia Lo,h, on la ~t IIl'lcn Ri. hop, Mildr tl HoCf, An- Mitzel Wl'1' host nnd ho. !Os tit Il at 10.45 a. tn. and E:vening evan· were in Columbus, Friday ~: 'ut{lay "v,'ning at th(' home of na rroff. Jennie Lon Lo h, Grac ~V\'llfc\c, upper II~ tht'il' horne, lat<t Mr . . Blanch Gl'is mol'e of Hamil geli tic scrvicli at 7 :~:O p. m . • ~ Yirgini • hurts. The h{)~l(>s~ Lo. h, i\hrg riw sh, Ollie Mai- Tu day vening. Tho~e enjoying Bible School elU:h Sunday at ton pent atul'd"y with h r Ulll!lc, f l r this 0 l'u~iol\ II I' M.i ,e Ed- f(' 'o lll plon, r.lildrcrl the VeninII' wer Mr. lind Mr . (lrnplon, ltu t ut' Compton, YJarr ol1lptpn , Mllry lingner, Robert Jone~ of We I hcster, Mi ~- " :30 a. m . and BYPO and BAU at Mr. William an Fosin. Mr. Mid Mr" John Barr, fl'. and .1 \\ el Losh, n ods \ hile, Virginiu ~lary ;/u<)rhis, Linabelle Ni. on of es Ruth nnd l\Iubel Thee of 6:30 p. m. The Men's Bible Class will have Irs. Edwal'd Barr, Mr. and MI'!' , 'h'lck, ~ nd irginiu Shurt.. The Lt>banon, the gue t of honor, and Be thany, l\ii,s Adene O. num of l. Ill. ~ WI bl'alltifully d~col'atcd lh ho tc . Lebanon , M!'ssl·s. John Bradbury their monthly meeting at the Hoy Mur.t lln, and Mr~. N lti~ Mol' and that m enn8 i J pi nk and whit e. e\'cl'a1 c onof Oxford, Ralph Thee of B thany church, Thul' day evening, JanUBl'Y ton spent New Y (?al's Evc with ~" A and Mrs. William Morton, ill .\lay1,1: w r eojoy d dUl' lll th ve. ENTERTAINS , . FRIDAY and Elm l' urter 01 hicngo, n- (j at 7 :30. Console & Table Models ton. We Recommend I ,m!'. The bride wa 'howor d \' ith EVENING !inais. Mr. H . G, Cook of Morro'" wa.!! MASON PRESBYTE:RIAN " COLORAOIO" SERIES r lny lovely gift", aftcr which II the Sunday guests of Mr. IUId MI·~ . CHURCH d lidou lunch wn >Nved thl! f()l){I SON MI'. and Mr-. lif- MASON METHODIST CHURCH 360 Wilbur Bogan and on, Donald. I \\ in II' gu t : Me dallle Willi III fo rd tilt enterta int'd a ' group of Tune. American, Police O. Frank torch., Minister Mrs. Karl toudel' of hicago, I ul f, Albert B n nett and on , AI- friend - at a N w '¥ ear'~ Eve Par· LO'w-ell W. Rupp, Mini er. Wedne.1U:la,., Jaunary ~ Amateur and Aircraft IIIiMis spent se.v eraI days hl ~t I 1'< • . Iwrl s Hoff, Fred 0 b rn, ty at th ir home, la t Friday eve6 Tub, 2 Band A.C.-D .C. Choir Rehearsal in the Churcn, week with Miss Loul~ Ba nghnm I II I'~t . Hoff, El{'anOI' Bradford. ning. The evening \\/a spent in Th st-cond brother hood meetuperheterodyn with 9 Tube 7 :30 P. M. in Wilmington. l 'Illetho Campb II, Roy l orton, playing cards and, games and ill de- ing w s held in the chul'ch, Mon- Sunday Se"icel, Ja:lluery 9 . P rlormance ; Tunill4f Range Mr. and MI·s. J o(' l\lanslcy of I vward 81"1', Eug ompbpn Iicious lunch was served to Mr. day evening of thi week, with Doc 9 :30 hurch School - Mr. Leslie 53& K.C. to 4,000 K.C. (560 Oakley, and Mlr. an d Ml's. Huy Du· : \d daughter, Norma Jea.n, Edw. and :[rs. W. S. LOi!h and dau h. tOI' E. R. tafford, pastor of the Scott general Supt. Mr. William to. 76 'M eters); Automllti~ tro spent Suntll1Y wit h M,'. ~uHI I ~h, W . S. Lo, h, Geo e White, tQl', Grace; Ml·. and ~hfl. Ed. Losh; Methodillt hurch of Hartwell as VolumQ Control; B04Im PowBerCJlw, AS$'t SIlIPt. Mr. Edw. Mrs. Don Fnirchilds in Daylon. \ ~ce White, Nina Ol1'lpto il, Mr. and frs. T. T. F~ltell; Mr. anq peakeI'. His a ddress On the subject r Output Tube; Super-Unit Ba!'r, Ass't Sup't. M.·. and 1\'(1'$ . E. Spa lh and ( yd Pullen, . B. Brow ni ig, lary ;t r~. Floyd CIingner; Mr . .and {rs. "The Solidarity of Mankind," wa A ss mbly; Hi-Flux Dynamic Clas es for all. son '\\ re un;iay guest : of Mr. Leton, William G«een, Lucy ox, John l'aig; Mr. and Mlrs. W. F. extremely interesting and.decid- 10 :30 Divin e Worship Speaker; Operates on 11& and MI·s. J ohn Fox in Leban on. (' iIford tilt, Floyd Clingn r, Viv- Bimop; Mr. and Mrs, D. E. Hey- edly unusu 1. After this pIe ing II'. Storch will preach. Volts D,C. or 40 to 60 CyMrs. Ella hur Ls ~pent Thursda y i, n Vool'bie, Earl Heywood, Low· wood; Mt. and Mrs. W. L. Green, and inspiring add~s8 the refro h- 7:30 Tuxis Young People meet in el s A.C. Size; 10 7-8" W., with Mrs. . J . Bo u~ in Bond Hill. c I Rupp, Eller Dunell, I. T. F It. and, Wilda; Mr. and Mrs i'(lent committee served andwi ehtho church. ' 7 1·4" H., 6' 7-8" D. Mr. and Mrs. ;'d'ilzcl w ro =~ - ~ --~ - ~:::::::= - ~;:;: -~ ---~ - ~-~""'! es and coffee in the dining 1'oorn. Tuesday, JeD. J 1 Sunday gul' ' ls of Mr. nnd Mrs. Choir rehearsal each Wedn sThe Pollyanna Class meets at Hall in Montgom I':";. day even ing at 7 :30 o'clock. the hom of Mrs. Lydia ThompMr. and Mrs. W. • LOllh nlerMI'. E. Do\ Bancroft 11 prolnin60n. tained Mr. and Mr . W' lter ompent Meth odist layman wlil speak ton, Mrs. Nina Compton, and in the hurch, ;Friday 'Ilvening at " The Home of Bervlee" . LECAL NOTICE daug,b ters, Mliss J ewel Losh, and 7 :30 o'clock. It i hoped that the MASON Sealed bids will be Mrs. Eugene Case, lust Sunday. ! . ..... '\ ~ J ..-..~ " _Ct~~~~~~ _ , _n--.~~~.-. ~ . cntire churoh will be present to received by: the Clerk of the viiMr. and Mrs. Eugene Knu ck t· hear him. An offe ring will be taJage of Mason, State of Ohio, at visited Mr. and Dr s. H rry Kau ck. ken. the office of said CI4lrk until noon, er in Union City, Indian.<t, unSeryiee. For Sunday. JalS. 9 January 24, 1938, 'for furnishing day. THAT ARE BARGAINS 9 :30 Church chool a two door coach automobile suit· Mrs. Ethel Aunker and daugh tcl' Mr. D. E, Heywood, Sup't, able for police use, nothing earli.' Martha Jane, and Mh·. John Alln1937 PLYMOUTH, A u ed, four door touring sedan, Mr. Willard Losh, Ass/t. Supt' e1" than a 1937 modlll consider.ed. ker spent Sunday with 1\:1r. anQ one owner ................ ,..... ........ 675 10 :30 Worship .. The right is resell'Ved to reject Mrs. Oh.arles Bates a t haronThe mini tel' will preach. any and all bids. ville. 1936 PLYMOUTH 4-Dool' Touring. 1 Owner ... 495 7 :00 ·P. M, Epworth League. By Order of ViIl:llge Council The Wide Awake lass of the The League meeLings are EUa J. Shurtz, Clerk Presbyte rian Church will meet th growing in interest. Our young 25 MORE late Dlodel c~rs to choose from. All priced third Tuesday, January 20, n:t MIl'S. people are urg.c d to come. to sell. Albert Mosteller' .

1Make 1938 Your

Best In Radio


. -







KINCc1 MILLS BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. H. S, Ge ner, Pastor Fifty five peoJ1le flocked to the altar last unday evening a the invitation was given to Christian and UnChristians, alike. The theme for lhEl evening service was "Open Doors of A New Year." The open d,oor presented as an invitation to the Christians were as follows: 0p n doors of cons cration, open

Mason Super Service PHONERO

MASON . Cliff Bunnell, Mgr.

~~~;~~~~~~~~i~~i~~i~=~~~~~ fr -~ ~ -- --- - - - - -


Insurance Agency



Let us FinanCe and lru;ure Your New Car on a Convenient Cost Automobile Finance Plan. 6, 12, 18 or Month

Sedan, Deluxe, low mile age

We specia be in the sale of farms. Why not ·try our aervice? We hav buyer waiting that we are. unable to satisfy. Your [ann may

1934 PLYMOUTH, Standard, low mileage

Louis W. Verhryke A. B. MossteUer

1929 Model A Ford Coupe, good condition












HOME RADIO l\oJoIoroiQ" IalJYlIIq IS homec~lnql · ney'.. bulll Q home radio that will becOJIIe CD lamo\l.l as the DQtlonaDy.kIJo....n au,o radio. Whoa YOIl laeclr II 1'01111 wCIIlI .to lean back In em "cur chair and lusl li.Il8n. II you thInk _ Ore onrly enth\l.lIa:;Il~. com. In and ... lor · yourself. w~ 'v. 901 plel)ty ' of ~ortabl.



with Mr. ;md Mrs. Ed.



1936 PLYMOUTH, 4 door

Real Estate







CRANGE OYSTER SUPPER Losh and fa.mlly. Mr. and Mrs. V. W. Tompkins, nASON - The Past Officer' Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stouder' and and their families of the Ma on family, Mr. anG'M/rs . Ernest Hum· Grange were entertained at an Oy phrey and daughter w ere Sun ay ster Supper, last Wednesday night , gu ests of Mr. and Mrs. Dwight in the Grange Ha.lI. The evening Lane in Dayton. was passed playing cards. Mn . John Wesslc!r and daughters of Sharonville spen t Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thacker. Mr. and Mrs. EUlgene Kaucher sp.ent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ellis of Sabina. Satis/action Cuaranteed Mrs. Ethel Aunk,er and daughter, !Mk·s. Ed. Qilimby end Mrs. N o. 18 Emily and son w,ere the ThurS~ guests of Reve:rand and Mrs. . . C. R. Span gJer and son at Branch 1- - - - - - - - - Hil. Mr. !and Mrs. Walt~r R~ss and M AKE 1938 A family spent Sunday m HIllsboro HEALTHFUL YEAR Ohio wilh Mr. and MI'$. Ulric Still-

1 lronel' -


Smiths· Service . Station PHONE 2 R 2 WAYNESVILLE



Mn. Frank Robinette of Xenia spent SUlnday wltb Mr. Mr.


______•__ _"_"_" _ _ _ _ _ __

and Mrs. Charles Robinette. Mr. Jack Rohler of West Carrolton spent a few days the past week WIlth~, llichllrd Young. Mr. \lind Mr.s. H'lrold Whitacre visited friends; in natavia, Saturday evening. , Miss Ma.y (lUmmiila., of Cindn- ,

~~~:~~~~:~~~~~~~~~::~:~~~::;~:::~~:~~~~~:~ I


Bring The Family To Dine at the


Tower Inn


Mason .




After the Holidny Take The Cook Out of the Kitch en


Keltner's Pasteurized

Phone 672M

~'J~ j' ~~"



Mr. Newell Thompson of ColumQua .spent the holidays with his paoonts, Mr. and Mrs- Ea.rl Thomp- I son and dayshter . . Reverand . Mrs, Putt of Green Springs, Ohio , Mr. and Mrs. Stitt, andlMr. and Mrs. CHffo R. M. Cox an.d daughter, Alice were the S unday guests of Mrs • . Lucy Cox. I Mr. and Mrs. · Howard Snell spent Ne'W' Year's< Eve with Mr. lind Mrs. Charles ulyman a nd son •

2 Washers - 2Refrigerators 1 Electric Roa ter



Mason Drug Store

1937 GRAa\AM, Demon-



Mi ss Phylis Kelly of Middie towl\ Mr. Dick Clark and Mr. ahd 11'$. Gail itzel .attended a New Year's EVe Party a~ ~yd Inn, ien MiddleMr. and Mrs. Ted Losh and littowl'l, Friday evening. tle daughter of Indilana Hill spent

Spot Pad Trusses

Presenting Complete Fire, Casualty and SUNlty Protection Nine Reliable Companies at R.e-asoDable Cost.


door the of open erviee in of winning and door victorysoul, over OUI' enemie . The ope,~ door of invitation (inviting then)' to Christ) ; the open door of a 'surance of e·

Mason Pel'sonals


Next Sunday




Special Service


for Delivered Daily hone 79

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Delivered Daily Phone 79M



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Where Qua lity Foods - Service- Economy Meet

Start Your :tear:: Ri''1ht You'll Be Sati.fied The Year Around



All Kinds of Insurance



Hore pei:formance thau you'd cr.· 'p ct lor a lourtll !!lore ",_e\, a wotld wid. "eaper·ut' with WriAl '."latch 'llial-1D" cIyacunIc epeal. • • -·aU III a haada_e eablnel.

1' $49.96 's Radio Shop

Using Fresh Meats Iln'd Groceries From

,REWSTE .S Phone 56


Mosber lasuraaee .A.ea~




Ohio.· ·Phoae 84

Eighty-Ninth Year



Whole Number 6255



CHANGES Mrs. Eliza A. Kcnrick, 54, wife VILLAGE COUNCIL MET WAYNE TOW NSHIP Warren cou treasurer, Ross lOCAL GIRL WINS of John Lester Kenrick, of 'Stat Hartsock, hus announced that died Satunl<lY night AND ORGANIZED LAST THIRD PRIZE IN h~~~~m~e:~h s~~~;~::~~ ~i:t~e:: I OF RURAL ROUTES route SCHOOL BOARD MET receipts for the the bome of her d ugh ter, Mrs. taxes will be l'elld y on or about morning fo,Uowing a ARE OUTLINED James McDO'nald. near Waynes- MONDAY EVENING I long illne6s.. STATE CONTEST Wednesday DECEMBER 31, 1938 F ebruary fil·st. ville. MRS.









Mrs. Thompso n was t he oldest 'd t r W t h I urviving are two sons, two The Appropr'lation OrdillaDce for Mi Grace Hockett, secretal'Y res] e~ 0 ayne o~ms ip, her I An unconfirmed l' port has re- daughters and eight g,allu childrcr of the Waynesville Farmers' Ex- age b emg 96 years, 10 months and ..... ined headway regard in 1937 Wu Alao Read and 1"'g Fun eral servic s we l'c h Id Wad change Compa.ny, won third prize f our. d ays. Sh e w,as bom in Wa y- , arangement of Waynesville's rural n day afternoon at the Me luI' Appro".d in a state-wide essay contest. nesvi IIe Marc h 2 • 1841, a daugh.ter I routes du~ to the retirement of Funera l h ome. The Wayne Township Board of h I J f Miss Hock tt is to be congratu-" t e, , ate d I ohnt hand RachelI Kmg George D. Mills last Septemb r. Burial was made at Springboro Th V'II '1 .... t ~ .. Education met ThuTad ny eve ning, ~~~~=~::~~~~~~ Iate d as she WM one of a long list an.d IIve a n:os er entir ife in Under the pro]losed system three ____ _ e I age ooncl me "'J.on. December 31, to concludE! the busi01 contestants from all parts of thl commu'lllty, She h'id been a routes will have their origin in the day nig ht ~ntl reorganized for the MSS of the past year. All members _ . - -- the state who wrote On the subject member of the Waynesville Wayn ille office a s follows' . coming year. Mr. James McClure of tbe Board were present, includThe Progl'e sive Women 's Club "The Farmen' Cooperative Eleva- Church of Christ since February Route No.1 , will embracc' the "'as reelected Presid·ent of Couning the president, H. R. MOBS, vice will meet Tuesday evening, Jan~ tors. Th e Most Servicable and 27, 1870, and was the oldest mem- territory to the south and east ()f president, K. N. Hough, L • . Day, uary i2, at Th Little Inn. Profitable Set-up By .th Farmers ber Of. t,he congregatiotl. Corwin. absorbing route no. 1, cil. Bert C. Hartsock, L. E. HockeU in Ohio". The essay follows: SurvlYmg are on daughter, Mrs which originates at Harveysburg. The f ollowing 'r eappointments to and F. B. Henderson, clerk. Mrs. Ota Hidy of Springfield, Agncu . Iture IS . the oldest occupa- Ch ar Ies Myers, 0 f Cincinnati, Wm . A. Lu.kens, will be a~ igl1 ed tan d'lJ\g committees were recomThe regular bi1Js were allowed is visi tillg at the home of her tion in the world to-day. The first three ·sons, Frank and J oe, of to this route wbich v;i\1 have an m.ended by MaYOr Day, and conand ordered paid. Organization for daugbter, Mrs. John Preston, and cntea'priscs mentioned in Ule Bible Wa}'1lesvill e, and George, of Love- approximate length of about firmed by council. too new y ear was made at the family. are g-raising and the growing of land. fifty miles; including extensions. . f f d t Miss .Marjorie Earnhart is at Finance--J. E. McClure, B. V. meeting. Mr. Moss was unanimiusgratn or 00, he n came barterF , u neral services will be held at Route No.2, now sel1Vec,l by Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Harbeson . d d II b · tending bllaine s ~chool in Dayton Smith. Iy retained as president at was Ing an gra ua y t e gro:.vth of the Church 01 Christ }i'riduy after ~rge J. Waterhouse will be enMr. Hough for the vice presidency. and ~r. Dale Patterso n were din- the diver ified trades and indus- noon at 2 o'clock and burial will lal'ged by the addition of ten mo re O. Lile Hawke who has had! Street;!! and alleys Homer ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mr. ,Mo s was highly commended tries of t he modern world. Men be made in Miami cemetery. miles which ' will be the territory serious case of blood poisoning i, Carey, R. A. Conner, H. M. Sher. Fh'es and family, Ncw Year's Day , 101' his zeal and energy in guiding early learned the advantages of - - - --lying to the n orth and east of able to be at his place of ' busitle , wood. the ministl'otions of the Board Dr. and .Mrs, H. E. Hathaway working together. Probably tbe WILLIAMS-SHEltWOOD Lytle and south of Ferry, appro:xiFire and priso n- H. M. Sherthrough th past year. It wail with Mr. and MI's. Hal'Vey Burnett earli es farm of constructive comately fifty miles. The Mother's Club will have a wood and Homer Carey. deeid~ to continue the meetings of ~ytle. spent New Years ' in operation, for silch it was, was th~ The Oakwo~d Methodist EpisRoute No.3, includes the north- dougtnut sale in Grange Hall 'idewa lks and gutter- Dr. J. E through the new year on the 1\nt London the guests of Dr. Ernest lJaveling together of several / eopal church, m Col~mbus, ern section of Harvey L. Rye's Tuesday, January 12. Witham, R. A. onner and B. V. Monday of each calendar month as RO!1Tlagle and family. patriarchs or their servants on a the scene of the weddl:ng of Mass.present rotue, and the territory Smith. has been the custom in tbe past. caravan trip to guard againstIFlorence Edna Sherwood, dough- along! State route No. 42, north Mrs. E. F. Earnhart spenL Mr. • P. J oy was nam~ to Mrs. l\largaret Thoma.~, M ra. btlndits. They soon learned that ter of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Sher- to Mt. Holly and west to Middle W ed nesday and Thursday of last erve as street commissioner for F,ollowing a general discu sion on school trends the meeting was ad- Wanda Griffith and children and they had more time to devote to wood, 1106 Miller avenut', when 'Run Churcb thence to Bellbrook week in Wooster another year and the following Mr. Gibson, all of Piqua, were journed. ' Mrs. Victor Carpenter, of near appointments were ' made to t'he themselves i1 they bought or trad- she was united in marl'iage to Mr. returning b; way of Ferry R'lId At the regular meeting of the dinner guests of Mrs. George Hart d ;for thing. that otber people Robert Monnette Willi,!u ns, son of Chenoweth Lane to Wayn-esvilJe. Blue Ball, spent today at the hom village fire company: Board Monday night the annunl sock on Sunday. of her parents, !\fl'. and Mrs. O. D. E. Standiford, assistant had and did not try to live to them Mr_ and Mrs. S. M. Williams, appropriatiOns for 193'~ were made Tampa, Fla., Sunday, December CARDEN CLUB MET AT O. Missildine. chief; Edwin choeer, Gilbert Frye Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Anderson selvea. The peopl e whom we usually 27, at 4 o'clock. THE MENDENHALL HOME Ch ster Carey, Wm. Bradley, Howent rtained at dinner Tue day The bride, who was given in Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Crane antel- nrd Burton, Ed~ar Smith, Alvin evening the local postoffice force, speak of as the industrial world Mts. J. L. Mendenhall was a tained at dinner New Year's night, Simpson, Chas. Anderson, C. P. Po t Master F. M. Fox, Mis have banded together and prosper- mariage by her father, wore a Lucy Emley, Miss Inez James and {d to a far greater extent than white brocaded velvet uown, made gracious hosteas to the Waynes- Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Smith and Mr. J oy, Jessie Mendtmhall. those who bave followed farming. princess style with an Ellizabetbian ville Garden Club Tuesday after- and Mrs. ' R. H Hartsock. Mr. Ke nneth Fox. I W. B. Sqoires will continue his Years ago, if one could do nothing collar and a train. Her veil fell to noon. 0 ne vi'to W. E • cando year as fire chief_ 91 1', -Mra. Mrs. Roy Noggle, of Spring Mr. and- Mrs. Alvin Earnhart else he could farm. But today, a her finger tips and she carried MilJer, and a large percentage of V II ' spe ll d'109 a few days Appropriation ordinance No. n e)" IS For the convenien.,:e of vendon find Rons and Clyde Fromm were gr Il,t deal more so than in the past J ohanna Hill roses Sind bsby's the members were present, includ- with herparent:.s, Mr. and Mrs. A, 146 vas pres nted and adopted 81\1 desiring a istance in filing sales dinner guests of Mr. and Mr. tOd~e a .pfirodfitkable Ifarmer HeaUs for bre.ath. ing one new member, Mrs. H. E. O. GriffY. ~ead. This ordinance appropriates tax returns, Examiner M. H. B n Smith and family at Osborn, a lVerSJ e now edge. e mu t R v, E. E. Fowler relll.d the nup- Hathaway. ,\,10,833.22 as the estima.ted total 'Xeelor, will be located in various Saturday evening. know among 9ther things the lial before an nltar of palms, The meeting was called to order The Ladies Aid of tbe Methodist villa~e expcnditures for 193'1, and points in Wal't'C1l county on the James W. Davis and family. of rudements of Horticuiture, farm f erns ond chrysantbem~rms, lighted and members responded to roll church will serve a cafeteria sup- is to be appropriated as follows, dates shown in the following Botany, Zooligy, with candles in seven branch can- call with New Year resolutions. per Thursday, January 14, in the Gene ral, $1084.00: safety, New London, Connectuicut, have engineering, schedule. returned home alter spending the en tomology, animal husbandry, delabra. The minutes and two amendments social .room of the church, from 6 $650.00; servi ce, $1490.00; water Vendors selling only food for Christmas holidays with his dairying, farm crop, soil and marMrs, Richard D. Price, (Helen were read and approved after to 7 :30 p. m. $3,460.00. ' human consumption off the premparents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver keting. Sherwood), was the b~", 'Ide's only wh'ch Mr.. 8 Harv ey R ye repor t ed Stl'ect matntenn.n~ and re1 . Mr. and Mrs. Will iam Coleman is s where sold, who bav~ not surlearn attendant and Mr. Floyd M. Rueb, aU bIlls paid and a balance of who have been Hving on route 1 1>air.3, (Auto tax) $1,359.40. A farm can easily rendered their licenses for cancel- Davis. S . enough DC most 01 these to prosper Tiffin, Ohio, served ~s best man. $14.93 in tbe treasury. Mrs. \ near Wellman, mQved into the A. Gasoline tax, stret maintenance lation, may do 80 at any of the uPcrlndtdendendt of Scfhools L. A. t but no matter how low the co,st of Mrs. Price's gown was of fu schia Percy Reason Mr John Preston L K " d d:nd repair, $1630.00. points. Both th~ vendor'S license Garat a 1'e,sse a con erence 0 f prod.u ction p'e r unl't no one can' vel t , .G'bb Sinking fund (bond reti"rement) d ith f l ' I d M' K .thr , . Ing- resl ence Ob North Main and the metal identification plate young peo,ple at the Church of make a profit if h~ does not have- a. ve rna e w owmg s eeves an ISS a yn Ions were street Wednesday . $l,J.l9.84, should be turned In to Mr. Keelor B rethren In E aton, S un d ay morn- favorable outlet ~for· h·l·s produc' . . and draped neckline. She carried I mode the cQmmittee on arrange-I F'llemen ,s .an d emm'ty,...·13998 Talisman roses, pompo'm chrysan- menta. ' , The r.egular meeting of the . . or to the County Auditor's office, . The ma.rk~ting of farm pl'~d~ce themums and baby's br1eath. The Chairman of the program Friendship Club of the Methodist A report 0 nthe bonded debt of Ing. . at Lebanon. The ceremony was I,rececled by committee, Miss Perle Riley, not chu,rJ:.h. will 00 beld W ednesday the village as prepared by the ,Mr. Keelor will 'be located at the Ml'. and Mrs. Howard Hurley and l and t~e buyang of l~ds, bualding children, of Kingman, Mr. and supphes and other Items used in a program of organ music by Mr. being present, Mrs. Carl Duke aftemoon, January 13, at the clerk was read and accepted by court house at Lebanon on ThursCouncil. A summary of such reday and Friday, January 14 and' 16 Mrs. Josiah Davis and Miss Wini_ lIorming is i'n itself. a lite study. Lowell Riley, assisted' by. Miss very ably took charge of the ]lto- home of Mrs. A. Ii. Stubbs. gram which consisted of discus- ' M C EN ' h t d port ' shows: and all 01 the last week of this fred COnner were dinn~r guests of I One. canno~ keep up ~ the minute Betty Kilworth, soloist~ Mrs. C. A. Taylor, Ft. . W!ryne, sion of the topic, "New YE-ar Re- t h rs. h' . . O;~I ~s: ur~l~ Public utility debt, outstanding month as well as eacb Saturda)' Mr. alld Mrs.- Lloyd Davis and sons' on mark~tang and sbll do a days g New Year's Day. work in the field. Ind., an aunt 01 the bride, assisted solutions. taking part ere ' Of" er omd~ ,nth ooml.ldn n, 'th" December 31, 1935, ,4,000.00. _ forenoon during January. The co-oper_ative lelevators of M ' d M Sh aJ M • -Mr E" t a "el' pen 109 e 0 I ays WI &pecial sessment debt out... W lte W'II' r. an rs. erwood at asm I .rs. lAJ'lIgacre, 5. lnes Ut- tb La . k f '1 ,... N . Otber location8 alld dates ar .. : Mr. an d ... rs. ar I lams Ohio have and are offering to the reception at the home following ' terworlh, Mrs. Lena Hartsock.. .e I rrlc botm y. t'''trsf' °trl'lS standing Dec!!mber 31, 1935, $90. January U-Ford and family of Kingman, and Mr. farmers a reliable place Monday, to th e ceremony. CI WI0ll th' eav~ F e ruary B or a wo Total bond redeemed during 'ly Mrs.. Sherwood Mrs. R ye, M1'11. J ames E . Mcure t . Cal'f . Garare, Waynesville. 'ket tnoam' and b I' d . ' m n. sour 1D I ornla. 12 mon:-"and Mrs. Lore n Hadley and faml mat e' uy supp les an wore, rust silk crepe WIth lace and Mrs. Duke. Mrs. T.ongacre . ." period , Decem b er 31 • TueBday, .. January 12-Mayor's of Jacksontown, made a brief stop at the same time a place where' sleeves and a shoulder coursage of l read an article from llomes and ReV'. Kearns Preston, of Cham- 1935 to December 31, 1936, $1,Olllce, Morrow. in Waynesville, Saturday night. they can reeeiv~ authentic farming gardenias. Gardens and Mrs. Duke and Mrs. . III Al i P t .. N 090.00. Wcdnesda:y, January 13 - They were enronte to their homes ' f t' , paa:gn, ., v n , res on, oj. ew N i ID orma Ion. .Mr. Williams gradu.ated from Butterworth dire "ted a floral Y k d H b' " t P f C· ew slIues, nil. er Mayor's office, Mason. A eo-operative elevator is one Ohio Wesleyan university and be- game. " ci~rn~t~n who w:~e :;::~:' OOf Ml; Balance outstanding, December Monday to Friday, January 18 from Deland, Fla., where they had spent the holidays with Mrs. Ruth where the capital stock is owned longs to Sigma Chi faternity. He At the close of the .program the and Mrs. J. K. Preston during the 31, 1936, $3,000.00_ to 23-Manhal',s office, Franklin. Janney and Miss Louella, who they by the farmers of the community_ and his bride will be at home at hostess, assisted by Mrs. Reason holidays left Monday for their' Balance in bond retirement ---report, are enjoying good health. the true cO-oPerative must do 922 J,fa Northwest boulevard after a.nd Mrs. Davis Furnas, served a respective homes. lund, Dec'ember 31, 1936, nil. A. H. Stubbs was called to north 61 % or more of its business with a brief honeymoon. delicioU8 IUD·ch. After di cus ion of fire eq)lip. of Eaton, to take care of the members. No matter how ,many - -- •- • Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wi1liarn- ment Bnd the approaching .ewer body oJ .$.~ndr:w Jackson Shalf r shares a person has, no one can The condition of Mrs. W. H. Robert Chapman returned Sun- son and son, Robert, and Mr. Ilnd syste m program council adjoumed whQ died at his home on Monday, own more than one-twentieth of Allen who is in Miami Valley hos- day night, to his work in the er, of Cleveland, tQ me'e t in regular sessioD, 1(0ftjUB~ six weeks a!-ter the d th of the outs~nd ing stock, he can on-Iy pltal for treatment, ,i s thought to State Auditor's office in Columbus were week-8'lld guests of Mr. and day vening, February 1,. or at his wife. Funeral servi were (Continued on page 4) be some bett~r. after a pleasant holiday vaeation. , Mrl!. H • .H. William sop, leaving the call o.f the Mayor. • .- • first of the week for Miami, Fla., fNAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF h ~Id Wednesday afteTTIoo . .'" to spend the winter. GRANGE INSTALLS B.,.i_ For P ••t

Year Clo.ecI, Appropriation. Made at Mo_ D.,. Nicht MeetiDC









.. .




= -:-- ---=========:::...===========


Carl Smith. IIlDiater Not A DeDOmblatJOD 9 :80. Bibl. Khoot. 10 :U, Lord'. ,I1PPR'. '1 :p. m., ChriIt$an EDd.a"or. '1 :415, Ev.q.liilttc lime... W8clD"~,

7:U p.



and blbl. ltad~.

Mr. Allen Kibler spent the boliday. with his daughter, Mrs. F. E Sberwood and fami\f of ColumbUS H. was one of the two hundred guests attendillg the weddin, of bit crallddauahter, Min Florence S~",ood to Mr. Robert M. WUU8I1IlI,

Frank Hawke" who has bee~ II. 'E. ·CHURCH employed In Sprlnrfield for the G. 0. Dibert, Putor paat .ix weeu, has returned to his



SUDday: Sunday aehool at 9 :80 a. In. I(omlnc wonhlp at 10 :40. Tbe larmon Wbj8ct will be, "Wash1nc the Deaelpl.. :F-eet." Evenln•••nlee at '1 p. m. Wednesday: Blbl. .tudy and prayer meetinc at 7 p. IX\.


atudies at the UDiverslty of Cincin nati. Mrs. Peter Dema. 81Id Car91yu Dema., of New Vienna, ,pent New Yeani' at the hom. of tM former. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliyer Dava and family. Mr. and Mra. Earl Murray, of Day top, were afterDoon callers at tile Davi. home.

Fint Sunday after Eplphanl', Janual'1 10, Evenin. PI:ayer and 'In observance of the twenty-first sermon, Mr. Karl . Nyb1a.db of birthday 01 her son, Ceell, Mrs. Lloyd Davie arranged a 8urprise Xenia, ofticiatlll8, at 7 :80, . dlnD~r ID hi. hODor Sunday evenEverybody welcome. ing. The peata were Mr. and Mrs. IT. AUGUSTINE CHURCH Ernest Woollard aDd Mr. and Mra Job Tho_PlOD, of Va)'tolJ: Mn. Fath. NewtOD, Pater Kua at It. At!pStIDe'. ebarcll Ruth Morpn, of L1tle. IlIta Winifred Connu: Lamar Eal'llhal't and e• . , Saa"" mondD8. Cbul.. Bumu Eamhart.




'I'" '" u"nt'> _e_ '~1\' ~ \M

UOlQ\'t\CM\ ~ ~lNl~ at \N.)' GO\.O . " ' ' ' \M

~, Ol~~'

0' w£STt.1l"


. Following a prolonged attack of nose 'bleed, E. L. Thomas · was taken to Miami Valley hospital I Monday morning, for treatment. : At lalt accounts he waa much improved and ,aining strength. Mrs. Thoma. ia stayin&, at the home of her Ion, Myron, In Dayton while her husband I.i in the hospital.


Wayn ville Farmc-rs Grance f or their regular meetlDc Saturday evenin" Janll81'7 I aDd installed their n~ly elected officer!!. JIbs. Emmor BaUy the ' JePlu installing officer could Dot . . present to put Oil the 1t't)rk due to Mr. aDd Mrs. H. B. Earnhart and sickne S 110 Worthy DepQt, JI~r fllmlly who for the several C. D. Crockett moat abl~ aned th. monthl ha"l1 been Uving In Eaton, place. ban retlU"fted to Waynesville and Member" of the Juvenn, ...... are occupying the residence of, the· were Installed with the luborilD- ' late Mrll. Amelia WUliarl18. Mr. ate officera but dll8 to 10 DlaDY Earnhart will continue his work as substitutions and lome "MUdea district manager of the Preble a list of those oftlcer, eannot be County Farm Bureau. given. The l ubordll1ate oacer. Ill$talled are .. follow.: Mr. and Mrs. J. J:'. Lonick and Harold Wh.taker, master; W. A. dau~hter, Elizabeth, at~e'Qded Swartzel, ovenleer; Lucile 1'Ir.., the funera l services for Mrs. lecturer; Herbert McMmaD, dew. TerWilliger at .Morrow Monday ardj Robert Crew, chaplain; B. L ev~ning. Mrs. Terwilleger was treuurer; Gnce HoeWt borned to ~tb when 8 can of kerosene exploded while she wU secretary: Robert Wilao-. ~ ant steward: Frleda B&I'\'''. _ atempting to build a fire New aaaiatant steward, CbarIee ....... Yean night. .keeper; Amy ,B.u.,. C-; Mias Virginia preston entertaln- MN. Ada Burp, P. . . . . ed a company of youne people at nONllc, Blltterwortla, J'lwa; • watch party New Year", Eve. Ru...u hull, plaDlat: Gamel fumlahed .ntertainm~t IiP'cIfD, .........: ca~~~aJ=l~~ after which Nfl,lbmeDta were en- aPr, ....... ~. jOyl'd b~ the ,.,1UICItere who de- bltJltM, ~. Ii. parted at a late holll' af.r tbaDk- th. ....,'. I~ their hott.. fOT • nOR J"leDt aDd .Tue Barteoek, CIIa_~ lui...CoDller, E11eD m et




~.,"'" 8aIW~ .

from Inherltante tax. nd find an eagt-r Budlence. The ('StatA' of annh· Viln l\l,·t ,. Food ;tun·. chain or ind epenwa. fou nd tu be E'Xl'mpt from in· dent ·which havl' nol ye t joined herltance tax. in special selling cnmpnl,ns would In thE' matter of the l'~tnte or do well to take a Ie at fro m th e Alonzo Weav r, deceaS1'd distribuboo k of fhe stores which have . Allnl' Morr w Lin.lh!'l"g; "Youth tion was ordt-red. Gellin , Correct Amou"t o f SU lar Pay thCl furmt'r n fah' pric, ,)n LlI ('stat<' of Laura Adda MiIA certificate or trnnsfer wos i~ . "'il'I' ('lIll l nin" by lJildg I'dI.' C mmon PI_. P roc;ffClin •• churge the COllsuml'r a {ni r price, Imp ortan t F llc to r FC) r 1'1", deceased. was determined. sued in the ca.' of Lido lIack ett Afler 1\ gAy nnd hil~lrioll s vuca- lIuwth llrn "Lost ol'avnn" by wn~iv ly-aind conadvertiRo Suc:ce • • In thl' M of J!'hl) Paul y rsu Fronklin Conov(!r and Raymond deceased. tion the tudent.c; at· ~etlling down Flt-nlinl(': and "All :uil Set" by umption of commodities soars. Ilt lin • IIld€'r. 'lhe plllintiff i" Il 1'- L. onover,; (!xeculol'5 of the es. In the matter of th estAle of to tbeir Id routin . Altll0ugh Sp,·rry. ltlittt'cI tn Illlll'nd de~criptlon by in- tnt(' of . G. onover, deceased, George E. Sl,Jields, decel\s d, W ... ludying mny s em vory ithome When making , gllllp!!fruit, Gl'Illil' r auing circle books intl'I'IiIWlltion. The '(Ieft-Huant i giv tiled biR schedule of dE'bts. Cheste r Maple, ~xecutor, was fur the fir. t day or two; it will be- clull e ''']'ul<,,, flf Indi a" by Rud- range, 01' lemon jellied p~I, one Subscribe for The Miam i G'le.t t.· ('n 20 <iflr,; within which to plead. Tbe estale of Web ter E. Wool- given authority to turn into the come llaturlll again uf1ter the (Ir t yard Kipiing; 'Hl!rricane Pint.q" hould keep in mind that. · un exThe ru;e of 'cllie Rag dal ver \\-in~, de('ea~, was found to be ounty Treasure an unclaimed w ek. I)}' lIinkl ; "The Astonishing Aunt ccss (If , ugnl' will Illuke the peel. ""!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!'!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!'" \l ~ Hatry Rag 'cia1!! Willi rli ~ missed. exempt from inherita nce tax. devise due on of the devisees. The fil' l SCl11l'stl' I' WIIR 0 very by Kenly: "Mocc8~ins On t h LUO hard lind too smull u propol'-;;;; In r th Fh"l:lt "Baptist ,hut'ch, of The inventory of William ' E. A c rtitlcate of t-rnn fer was ucees ul emesle-r, hUl tlie ~chol) l T1Uil" hy Thompson; "The j," alll-lill, anth()lit y tl! II fl'al .~. Meehan, ancHlory admin istrator ordered i ul'd in the case of Adorn cxpcct.ll thc second t I'm LO be even ROln untic Rebel" by liawthorne; Allvor nnd ta tc nml tluthorit.y to I>uy real es- of lhe estate ' of Terrance A. Apgar, deceased. I beUer. . nd F'ive at Ashfield" by Govan . wulery text.ure. So, bell. r l'esulls t al wa ~iven. Gertrude Kerssey executrix of For the seco nd sem (.()r, Teocher., reading circle books 11 ually m y be> had by weighing Meehan, deceased, was appro\" d. In th ('u.'e of Erne~ t E. Ollwald, Th inventory of In diaola vut- the tate of Henry F. Ker ey, de- have a v~ry cOlnplet include " The hool f (l r the hild the s ugar ratiter thon by rncns lIl'n r~ ll s Mary L. 0 ~Rld , l' ice by t I'y and Lad r h G. Reif, execu- ceased, flied her schedule of debts the students will be very II'om Two to Eigb II by Forest; i~g it.. Allow 14 ounces of sugl\l' pubJicntiv n was rdered. tr ice of the ~ tate of Lewis C. The inventory or Harry Z. Gray busy. '''Education of the Slow-L arninp; for ach 10 ounccs of J) el. Guttery, decea d, was approved. administrator of the eslate of And now- th e mid·year xam- hile!" by Ingl'a m: 'A ' hall ng to Good thick light-colored grapeNew Suit. Tn the matter of the guardian- Jo ie A. ames, deceased, was ap- inations I What II tragedy fell' the ondory Education" by Everett fruit peel, which has lots' of Don hI Frankli n ~WiR fil d suit ~hil) of Virginia G.ribble and WH- Il'roved. poor stud ents wno have just com' "Litel'atut·(' and the hUd" by p din In it to help th j lIying, Rl(ninst Myrtle Le\vi;, for divorce liam Gribll1e minors ~xpenditure The will of Mary Von DOJ"ern back from a vacation! And- l m Weekes: "The rts of Lei sure'" by make a most attractive producl ct lI1;ging gro .. neglect of duty. was tlled in .court. afraid-thcl'e will be I great d 81 Bre nbie; and Ame l'icn's TI'ag dby £ l' Chri tmas gift or h oliday of funds is ~rdered. ' hri tine- L. Williams' filed uit In the case 01 J. T. Riley, admln T he estate 01 James O'Flynn, of cramming for' the nlll-xt week on by Adam. sw e tmcats. The following direc- · against Richard Owen' Williams Istrator of the estate of James deceased, was found to be exempt the part of Borne thE! stud nta. "The P ople, Yo " Wl'i ten by lion.s apply to any of the three fOl' divorce. The charge is gross O'Fly,nn, deceased, versus Tom from inh eritance tax. N(lxt comes the Juniior pI y and Curl SanbUl'g is llvnilableo for citrus fru its. n glect.. O'Flynn and Kate O'Flynn Osten---the operetta. We are sure theY'l literar y reference. "The Future Jellied P ee! A suit was filed by Ern , t E. 0 dori, order of private sale was isR_I E.talo Tranal. . . will be of great enjoyment and COlli s" by horles A. BelU'd and 10 ounces of peel. . wald again t Ilary S. Oswald for sued. Frank A. Dilatus~, et aI, to will attract a great d 11 of litten- I George T. E. Smith ahd " Govern· 14. ounces granulated !lUgar for divorce, charging gro neglect In the .matter of the estate of John P~ul, 2.85 acres ill Turtle-I tion. ment ill Business's by Stuart Cha e iI·up. John B. Pence, deceased, sale of creek township. Also on the clllenda.r for the are u-"ed in the D inocl'llcy and Ec· 1 1-3 cups water for sirup, or Co,",rt Ricbard M. and EIi:tabeth Cun- secon d semester, we have severa] anomies class. nough to cover. Dean E. Stan Ie)" executor of bonds was ordered. The inherit~ tea~poon salt. t he e tat of Ella T. Stanley, de- snce tax to be paid on the estAte mingham, real estate in, Deerfield exciting ba ketball galmes schedtownship. uled. Sam of them a:re: January Grade New. 1 cup granulated sugar for c II ed, tiled his first and tinal was dEltermined. Alma C, RutYner, guardian of Carl V. DunhamJ et aI, to WeI· 8, Le-banon; January 2:2, Harveysrolling strips. a count. T l1ird Gra d e d t thicl<, soft, unb lemished ]loward S. Conover, executor of Audrey Lois Ruffner, et aI, minors ton L. Hizar and Emma. R. Rizor, burg: F-ebruary 6, K:ings Mill: Three Cram the class have peel from mooth frui~. Avoid ruslot in Lebanon. and Februa.ry 13, Belbrook. th _ e tate of Emmn E. Decker, filed her second ' account. The inheritance tax to be paid Fred O. James nnd Arly James So, all in all, th'ere will be little cbickerl pox and several suffered set- kin ned fruit. Stri'p the peel d ceased, filed his first and final on the estate of Mary B. McClure to Hazel Brook , lot in Jamesroom for Idlen s for t he r emflind- from chicken pox during the holi· irom the fru it in quarter section&, account. . days. decea sed\ was determined. Kaufman SubdiVision. l' of the school year. including all the white part po In the case of Charles L. B eek, W. Chester Maple, executor of Mattie E. Hollcroft to WiLon executor of the state of ;ElIza'ible. Cut into strip one-quar~l' P m_tine the Cut to one-half inch wide. Do not 1...._ .........._________·" Firat Grade b towel d cea ed, versus the state of George E. Shields. de H. and Dorothy p. Stone, real The annual Juntor cl,ass play has Trustees of the Home for the ceased, flle-d his flnal and distribu- estate in Turtleereek township. Phyllis Bailey i nbs nt from trim; use the entir peel. been chosen by a committee from school bl:caus~ of chicken pox. Corrine and Walter G. Taylor to limes. Parboil the peel thre Aged of Upper Sl\ndusky, et aI, live account. An affidavit was filed f or t he Louis an d Etta Tpomas, 108.41 the cIa s together with Mr. Brown Use two quarts of cold w ter ale was confirmed and di ribuand MisfS Roc, directol's for the admiMiol\ of Maurice Roberson in acre to Turtlecreek township. each time, bring to th boil, cook tion ol'dered. F,i flh Grade J ames O'Flynn, decellSed by ad- Illay. Jane Furno, Vhrian Conner one-half hou r, and di. card the The will of Susan J. Brown, to the Dayto n State Hospital. Mis D y and h r class received water after eQch cooking. The "THE HOME OF GIFTS" The ~ta.te of A. B. Carnes, de- miniatrator, to Mary C. Horner, and Frank L May mll,de up the d ceased, was flIed in court. a hri slmas cal'd from a pupil, IItlips should then be tend I' Ilnd committee from the el~s. The inheritance tax to be paid ceased, was foun d t o be exempt lot in Franklin, Lebanon. Ohio The production "Intimate Enem Elva Mac Westerman, who moved :should be ha ndl d gently to pretida . Hackett, deceased to t() California. ies" by Tom Taggart; bas been J ohn Harding and Harry L. Hardvent br eaking. EXPERT WATCH ing an d Harry L. Hardin, lots in chosen. The play will be presented REPAIRING Place the water, salt, ond sugal' two nights and a oast for eaoh South Lebanon. Saalretball Ga:m.o tor the sirup in II saucep n a.bout ODI)' Gen.lne ...~_tala 'nigh t was chosen. Fri(l.(ly nigh t both th~ Junior eight inches i n, and stir Rosemary Bentley, Clark Hes , Bill. AUowed Prompt Service High and the Senior High basket· until th,e sugar i dil olv d. Then Mrs. Helen Doughman, invalid Helen Crockett, Earl Bheets, Milo ball teams will tangle with Leb- add t.he trips of peel, kin side Store opera until 9 p. m. care of Clifford Doughman, $5; HartsOCK, Edna McKee' v~r, Beulah anon there. For the last several up, arranging ca refully so that ---~ ' Jam es Moore. invali d care at Lucy Bernard, Verna Mae Hunte r, Jane years thes& gam with Lebanon they li e parallel to eacb ()ther, to pr(}vcnt their being broken wh n I !!!!!!!!!~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Moore, $5 ; ) frs. Margaret J ones, Jo'urn as and Frank Le~ May we e have been exooptionally good Lurned. Cook r a pidly for about inyalid care of Ollie Gardner, $5; selected for one east. team never having a the winning Practice will begin immediately 40 min.utes, then reduce t he heat Mn . Julia Holland. invalid care of Ask f or a various advertizing and stage very large margin. The last time and cont.inue to boil g41-ntly for and Vernon Bolland, $10: Miss Oma thes teams met was at the Cin. Knox, invalid ca re of WaYter Bar- committees will soon be apopinte 1. cinnati D i trict tournament when about 130 to 40 mi nut s longer, or . Miami.burg Permanent low, $11: Miss Oma Knox, inva- Robert Hiatt, Thelma Biggs , Max Waynesville won by everal points until the sirup is all absorbed. Concrete lid care of Frank Ba llinger , $11: Stephene, Donald Coll ett, Mabel This makes the rivalry between Great care m ust be taken at this Charles FraneI', Viola CampbEll1, Air Seal Burial Vault point that the ~ irup does P9t Mrs. Eldon Short, invali d care 01 the sch ools even grea.ter. Fires, Vivian Conner, Ruth Conner seoreh, IlJld the strips of peel Ruby Ream, $6: Barr Bros., For Sale only by "Spud" Dav~, wbo has been off food, $11.5 0 ; W. H. Berg~r, food, and Rachel Hartman were choH n the Squad for several wee.ks be- must be lifted or turned frequ ently with a fork so that all are Your Funeral Director $56 . 25~ Dr. Edward Blair medical for the olher CMt. The play will be staged some· cause of sickness, is back in school equally penet(8ted by t he sirup. services, $63.50 : Dr . Robt. Blair, but still is lUlable to play.' Place the sldps, skin side down medical services, $53; L. H Brown time in February. No definite date McClure Funeral Home on waxed paper, and when cool , food, ' $12. 60; Geo. L. Burroughs, has been set. ro" i"n gra nulated 8~r until Pho_ 7 milk, $3; Thomas Chilton, fuel, \101625 N&w Lib.rary Vc,hulle. th eL''80 is a coat of distinct crystals 'f' • ; J • R • Co,"~ man, "I ood, $29.b ut not a heavy crust. Let them 76: Abe Cook, shelter, $5; Cba rSevera l new volu ml!s for t he les b oster, fuel, $29.19; R. ' B. school library have rece ntly been I will offer fo r public sale on w ha t dry over ni,ht, then wrap in Gilmore & Son, f ood, $5 : A. D. pure1jl.sed by the Board of Educa· is known: as the Miles Hadley farm waxed p aper and store in tightly I Grape vine, f ood, $6; Greenw ood lion. one mile n orth of Clarksville, j u t covered tin or g lass co-ntainers. Reference 'Volumb in clu de "T he olf the Clarksville-Spring 11ill road Ii Ie-ft in paper boxes, the peel Dairy, milk, $4.50 , Mrs. Leon8l'Ci lend.s to beeo me hard aJld crusty. Hathaway, ,mjlk, $3; Ma y Henry, Outline of Careers" written by on shelter, $6; J . B. B opping, cloth- Ed ward H . Bernays. The volu me MONDA. Y, JANUARY 11, 1937 If proper ly ' stGred in a mode-ratly ing, $5: W. E . Humphrey, c1oth- prose-nts various opportun iti es and Commencing at. 1 p. m., sharp, cool place, slagqla keep III good condition f or twil 'three Weeks. ing, $'.35 ; H . E. Ivins, foo d, $4 ; req,uirements of the most interest- th e fo llowing property ; R. H. J efferies, food, $3.75; ing professioos in t he worl d .t od ay. 2 liEA D OF HORSES- Co m- The peel should be jeilled th rough . out nnd translucent, not shrunk('-n ' Kindred & Rob inso n, food, $6; It is a key to the ways by whiCh iug five a nd six J~ars~ 1(<Rft' FOlt AND CONSICN Lebanon-Farmer s Coop. Co., f uel success was a chieved in lives of 8 HEAD OF CATTLE- On e or g ummy. These directions were Between Toledb and Cincinnati $19.50; Mason Fa mily Store, noted men. cow and ca.lf, 4 yea rs old.; 1 cow, originally wor1c ed out In t he ,our cittle, hOJeL. aheep aDd ,cal.,. • to Norria-Brot'k lit-, U•• wire ad Charted lor the- Benelt of Interclothing, , 8.29; Morrow Feed & "The Garden Encyc1o p edia~' ft'cs hen !Won, 5 yea).'S.; 1 cow, Bureau of Home Economlcs of the progreillive ftrm fflr the hlP.a t atate Motor Tourillt. as Well a. Supply Co., f uel, $5.90; Pine- contains 'JDaterial for "Use by freshen spring, 7 yrs.; 1 cow, United States Dep~tment of lIIarket prices and 1:004 ..rnee. Trallle Within the Bordera of Ohio Valoa Steck YareIa' CI.ela_a.. 0. crest Da iry, milk, $22.33; P otter'a Biology and Agricult ural students. freshen spring, 4 )'1'8.; 1 h eifer. Agr icult ure. _ __ ... _ Tune in OD Radio StatiOD WaY Meat Market, milk, $6 i Rob ert It is a complete practical guide fresJaen spl'ing: 2 yearling h eifers, 12 :2"lS to 12 :80 ~" 1or our daD, ADVERTISING SELLS Reichel, f ood , ,6 ; Schwartz's f ood to every detail of' gardenIng. The spring. . .' market "porta: - ,,-to Clneinnl\ti as shown herewith is U2.75; W. W. Shurts, clothing, volume is published by th e H. G. ' 16 HEAD OF HOGS Two COMMODITIES the shortest distanee between the $3.98: Sibey's Dairy, milk, $6.60: Wise Oompany. brood sows, IS pigs. ~wo cities. Official s of the Stat e Z' Highway Dellartment g ive t he Harriet Lloyd Fit zhug h and FA~M IMPLEMENTS, ETC. Before Thanksgiving this Jear, Chas. P. Stubbe, f ood, $1"3.50; mileage saving as about ·11 miles. Tracy's Grocery, fo od $8.75' Dr. Perr y K. Fitzhugh a.rel-· co·editors One wagon a nd flat top ; progress ive f oo d st or es of t he H. M. Williams medi~al services of " A Concise Biographical Die- 1 John Deere corn planter, com- cOlln t ry carried on an aggre88ive There'll les~ traf'7: Chas. O., food', tionary." Liv~ of famous me n in plete ; 1 McOo.rmick cultivator; 1 turkey sale. campaig n. More turII flc congestion on F rank Winfield, sheltael', $8; Dr. ' h~story ~re presented in brief breaking plow, new; 1 disc; 1 keys were sold than ever befor e. t he Toledo-Cincinnati Short Line A. D. Ha,:vey, meqical services, $. blograph~cal form. Men and women steel bllrrow: 2 si des of barn ess. a nd at prices tbht we~e ~ttractive t han on any other highway connecting th.e se two cities. There .usa Oma Knox, invalid care of of famous literary note ar e alao FE ED - 150 bu. vorn; 175 to conllumer as well lUI produce rs. are f ar fewer .!:urves (no- hairpin.s ) CIa, Johnson U1' Wood's Har- included. ·T he volume 'will be used shocks of corn; 90 shocks' fodder; Salea methods varied 80mewhat and all railroad grade c.r ossings ket.. .food, ',2 37:50; ' Wright 's naively by student:1 of History 3 tol1.8 nay. in dillerent localitlee-but t he Cha~B. are exceptionally well proteeted, Ma!"et food, $107: Nettie A Bohl atd Literature.. T_-C... participatinl stores seemed to aprent of office $46' George Krager High schilol r eading circle books RALPH BRANDENBURG predate the value and necepity of s.uppUea and lab;r, $1.25; Jeff include "North to .the, Orient" by Sta.nley & Koogler, Auets. newspaper advertising. For exmneage, leiS congestion (both on ample, here is an excerpt from the Thompson, tunIng _piano, , $5; t he hig hways and in the commuPhone 7U . Brown & Sunnell/ po~hontai report of one large chain syst.em: nities t hru which they pall), -fewer ~ "Newspaper ..dvertisin, was eatr lUmp, U7.'~9_ The OfDce Ollt.. curves, and adequate width dtters, mucllare; bond, band. md r led In the principal metror oadbed and bridre., the adding maehln'80 rIbbon, ".30; and rural newspapers In RQute here outlined II a The Office Outllttera.. rubber. our territory ... . BefoIle our Thanksbig time-saver for the MOTARY PUBLIC stamps, U.86; · The Leban~ngiving demand. had been rule-<! busy motor ist-very prob"_11-.1 . . . . ably as much as two hours. Citizens Nat'1 Bank, checks and there was a decided S()arcity 01 binder , $8.25: D.aYton Bl..nk Book turkeys of the top grade in our "ilia S.ttW AN "ALL PAVED & Prtg Co., eluplkate · re~eipt8, market." Another chain eported: WAYNESVILLE, OHIO $28.67 ;' ·Dr. H ••• Williams, In"We have advertised turkey in apHIGHWAY . ~ quest, $6.40; Wm. Hullord, proximately 260 newspapers t his sheriff, stamps, $1.50; F. J. Heel' week as ""Well as 750,000 circlllars Choice ot Knowing The baekPrinting Co., fotmS, $1.50; Morri. whIch ,,'ore distributed to the eon· Motorists bone of the of5 & 10e to $1.00 Store, buttons, 'suming publit's homes. Originated -and Sponsored dclst Revoluindicationll ar e t bat we. sold ab ou~ $3.90: Fred Kahn. Motor Co., parts by tJae tionary Trails POR.AU ,12.'8; E. F. Schrader, cover for 30 per cent more iurkeys for System of Revolutionary top, $1.85; Th~ West Side Motor Thanksgiving tbls y~r than a Western Ohio. Short Trall Company, retruding $61.65; year ago." FOR SALE-Crosaeut laW aDei Marked ita Gulf Reflnin.r Co., gasoline~ $20; News papers have been a potent boy'. ~ac01l. J. D. lIarlatt. AaaoeIation entire lenrth Ke.lsey's Garag~, gasoline, ,7.35; factor in btiler food I&les cam- FOR SALE-lOO f by hlatorkal Henry Ludington Service StatiOIl I pai!rM-of which the first will feacheap t ai~:'arm ,v~ marken of the ' Sertu re rrapef ra I"~ --.. p ,-or qll.... ..l e:Street: _e fla 110 Ii ne,.-86•79 ; S• K• P,elrce ..... ne d• Wricbt 'JIIOpert7 on IIala O~Q Memorial Oommi..loll. vice Station, ~.:l~ne, U2.21. It ia appareat that thia ill I'OOd a1IJo comptete Ire and a.toaaobU. business ~n arollJld-for the far- Inllll'U", W. N. _.... W....... P 0 r adcUtional .trip Dler. tor the merehant, for the 'VIlle. C.... R. . . ~ or an, IDfonution newlIPaper aDd for the "Ullmer. ~t1" to State Parka, Pleuure Rel Ortl, Seenie Rerbert B. Neir, Jle.lmont ID the put, retall.n . .. . Spots. HI, toric Shrln. c:otintr farm er, 1&18 that laying attempted to eUmlDBte .... . . .,,1 01' the hllndrecla ·of otller Oil!' crop rows alon, the 1011 COD~nta 01 etpeeIaI Intenet toun ..yea hor.. power ad aIobc tIaia route. it..










Cary'l Jewelry. Shop




...... ...........

Public Sale



IT'S SHORTER l!~~;ore~:


F. ·T. 'Martin



$7; ,


II'S FASTER ~:e ~-:O:t eO;:


Centerville, Ohio

============""============== .:. Lalkes Chrislnlas Greeting



Dra_ . . E...... .

CLASSIFIED ............... ADS.






compared with



the care of crippled ehUdrell. Albert Lee Talmap Who baa Sunda" aa a reward for curate record of farm OP~I'IlU()n . lIark!' with 4&.7 of t...rUtlllkllMliMl"We have lIucceeded in ironing County agricultural a~pn rnn I (oi fllnn. h'd th!' Ii. I. olambla1aa Iwt'n a guest the paHt week of the record book, in a Bible oC the out many of the difficulties whie+. iurnLh account buok~ Ph'PUrL'dj \\ith [.1.1; I) r Cl'nt of tenant fa ..... The regular meet Talmage family lwre, returned to Church usually beset a new program and especially for use in Ohio. \\ ll~ th lowl'. t. his home in Dayton Sunday after- Lad iea' Aid of the M. ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY Thurs· I in the comina year, we hepe to was held in the Annex noon .. make additional progres.s," Judge Tenants opernted 28,9 PH Cl'Ill 1 ....... BL_ .. llZ lllnt.... cI at po.lortlc. at Wayn .. )ir. Bnd Mrs. Elbert Rich ' Mn day. VIR" .... _ • •, ....................... 0. vIlle. Ohio. a. Qflc"nd Clas. It'all of all Ohio farms ill 111:111, The U .. Robison said. Luther Lumpkin, __________ •• _ _ laud Gray, Mr. Stanley Gray SublcrlptloD Price, ,1.10 a Y_r Matl8'r percentage of t nancy iR hi~h('st in find uaughter, Miss Olaudia at- manager for the Farm Bureau THE MIAMI GAZETTE counties in lhe western h,ll£ of the tended the funeral Saturday after Auto In surance 00., has been state. Fayette with 48.7 Rnd JANUARY 7, 1937 FOR RESULTS noon of Mr. Stanford Bogan, of t1'9.Jleferred from Wilmin@:ton to Cincinnati. Clarksville. George Craig of Xenia is spend. The <;troy femily en l.erlained to THE SUCCESSFUL MERCHANT dinner unday: Mrs. Mary Leeds ing the winter with his elister-in· harl~ Thompson of law, Mrs. Ellen Mann. find Mr. Two depl'e1Ssion.born ideas WilmingtOn and Miss Eleanor . Now that Christmas is over and the business man of the com· have passed their infancy at Ohio munity have settled back for a !ittl well d el'Veu. r <It. following the Leeds · of Troy. Afternoon callers State. University. They. are the holiday ru h, we may for a moment pause to take tock or the Ril-uD- were 1I1r. and Mrs. Glen Gray and aduH evening classes,' now nearson of Dayton. tion and to do a little retrospective thinking. ing their fourlh anniversary, and Miss Jessie Garner, J. Le·e It Is enUrely satiRfuCtol'y and rea8s ul'ing to know that th holiday the junior radio college, three mage lind son Albert Lee called on business in 1936 was. one of the best· in recent Yl"aT , and that it took y%r8 old in January. us back to the good old D cember days of the period befor~ th~ gr~at MI'. and 1111'S. Almon Ferris Director H. C. Ram.ow4tJ' Says Started as e.mergency aids for afternoon. depression. N 81ly every community r ceived some of t.he Insplratlon Ta.ks Require the (AoptJ'atioll th unemploy~, they give Miss Kathleen Thompson which goes with a good hOliday trade. promise of having permanent Of Eyeryone It is true that alJ m rehants did n-ot benefit by the increased Lebanon, was a visitor in this places in the university progTam, bua\,JIess alike. This is inevitab,1e in these days when th()< competitive community this week. oftieltls say. While attendance at Mr. and Mrs. M. Terry were Opening a new set of books for spia'it still rultls our mod rn society and will continue to do so unless the night clas94!S naturally has we ate taken over by some sweeping socialistic experiment. And who, callers at the Orlando Brannan the agricultural extension, service been limited largely to Fral;lklin Friday afternoon. home in Xenia 'it may be asked, were the merchants who benefitted by increased trade Mrs. Patience Thol.llpson who has of Ohio State University ltOl' 1937 county peop le, scores of others and who were toe ones who remained in the doldrums? been visiting i~ Xenia returned would be impossible except for the have taken advantagE' of the radio The question, of course, aJm01!t answers itself. The ml.'l'chant home with them. help given by many agencies and courses. .who gets the bu~ineljs and the profits is the one who keeps up with the Th sale of Mrs Effie Chenoweth individuals in Ohio, aecording to Since ita opening, tne r~cr:o col· times by selecting his goods wiBely, arranging th&1ll tostefully on his of near Olive Branch was well at- .IT. C. Ramsower. director of lege has br-oadcBst 60 courses, 16 shelves and in his shop windows, and who attracts busines by toe tended. of them directly from the ctassextension. brightness and the c1eflnliness o{ his store and the artistic '~.ffect of his Miss Marie Wells has been the . All farm organizationS, daily room. Twelve new ones started in window displays. guest of her sister, Mrs. Rufu s and weekly news papers, farm January. Enrollment and the !!!!!"'!'!!"'!'!!"'!'!!"'!'!!"'!'!!"'!'!!"'!'!!"'!'!~~~~~~'!!!'!!!!!"'!'!!"'!'!~!"'!'!!"'!'!!"'!'!!"'!'!!"'!'!!!!!!''''!!!!!'''!'!!! , And even this is only half the an wer. ·No matter how fine a Roberts of near Harveysburg duro journals, state departments, nati- necessary supplies are free. Both night classes . and radio stock a merchant may have, and how l'ea.sonably it is priced, it will ing the holidays. onal agencies, radio stations, and bring him little profit unless h acquaints the people with the Misset\ Nellie, Mary and Mar- 16,000 individual 10e$.1 lead~rs in courses are · conducted through the advantages of selection and price which he ea.n giv~ them. It may be jorie Davis, Lucille LaForge and Ohio were loyal assistant· of the cooperation of th e university find that if a man builds a bet.ter mousetrap thlln anyone else, the world Hel n Polson were delightfully extension service in 1986. Per- the educational departmen t of will find him. But this is certainly not t.he case with the retail business ~nterta.ined to dinner Sunday at sonal part.icipation and aIPpropl'ia- WPA. of any community. . the home of Miss Lucille Drum· tions of funds both set new records OHIOANS ARE BELIEVERS After the mousetrap is invented and put on the market, the mond. during the year. IN HIGHER EDUC-,TION public must be made acquainted with its advantage. Here is where Mr. and Mrs. Glen Davia and Di.r ector Ra.msower listll soil con the value of modern adv rtiBing comes in. How are the 'people going family w re Sunday goests of Mr servation and county plannin~ of to know, that you have what. th~y want, at the price thcy can afford to and Mrs. Kenneth Laney, nellI farming sYBtems as two of the Ohioans continue to believe in major tasks before Ohio 'in 1937. higher education for their sons pay, unless you acquaint them with th fact? The logic here seems so Mason. Mr. G. W. Davis was numbered The county planning is a con- and daughters, it is show n in a simple that it is difficult to understand why anyone would ignol',e i.t . . So, "hen we look around, we find the merchants who got with the guests who partook of a tinuation of work begun :last year survey just made by Dr. Raymond most out of the holiday busine. in 1936 were those who advertised in turk y dinner Sunday at the when committees in each county Walters·, University of Cincinnati. Enrollm nt in Ohio colleges thi their local papers ·and aCQuaintcd the public with the goods and t.lIe home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mur- calculated the etrects of soil fer. tility of the cr-op rotation ,and Iive- fall shows an increase of 7.8 per advantageous prices wh ichthey had to offel·. An attractive, well phy. . stocked stQre, with reasonably priced goods, Dnd 'I\. ·well thought out Mr. and Mrs. . A 1mon Ferri stoc k lDanagement prae1~lces in cent over last year, where the average increase for all U. S. advantall'OOus prices which they had to offer. An attl'active, well l' cently entertained to dinner their count "Y. Mr. and Mrs. S. D. F~rris and Mr. Most of the committee:s found colleges and universities is ' only when It comes to building up a business. '. Th' is the time of New Year's resolutions. The local merchant and Mrs. Geo Beckett ahd son of that crop production in the coun- 6.5 per cent. For Ohio State ties would contiRue to gradually Un.versity the increase was 9.9 who whnta to grow with the times can do no better than to resolve to Harveysburg. Mrs. Nellie Bunnell and Miss decline unless some chan@,es were per cent. keep his store attractive and well stocked and to advertise his Ohio continues to bave In Ohio in his local paper, It is always a good time to advertise if you have Monirnia Bunnell of near Way- made by growing les grain crops dinner lind more legumes. The arricul- State the fourth state university nesville were Sunday I..JERE'is·an offer that will appeal to all-American anything t.o sell. = guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn which makes payment to farme-n . in the eountry in enrollment, only .c-I Boy Magazine and this newspaper at a special Davis and family. for increasing their aCrEtage of California, Minnesota and Illinois combination bargaill price. The American Boy is ~e favorite magazine of more than 500,000 boys and Mrs. F. T. spent several legumes will make it e~ier for being larger. days' the past wftk with Mr. and Ohio farmers to make. th4~\\d Among 30 large U. S. IJ1\lvel"Siyo·mg men. Its fiction drries boys on the wings of Mrs. Curtis Nash in Dayton. changes. ties with which it is compared, adventure to aU parts of the world. Its sporu articles Mrs. Da McKay visited her The Director invites Ohio farm Ohio State. haa the largest comby famous coaches ;)nd athletes are studied by cham· 8:00 4-H Club News--State Leader. mother, Mrs. Jennie Haworth of men and women-to attend Farmers merce and veterinary coll~ge.s. the pions. Here. you will find the finest stories on sports, 8:10 Future Farmen in Georgia- O. C. Aderhold, Vocational Wilmington fast Tuesday. we k January 26 to 29, to help second largest colleges of educsaviation, busines , school activities, humor, and traveL Agriculture Tench r-Training from the tate of Georgia. . Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur McCarren make plans for using eVEtry pos. tion and agriculture, the third Even at its regular price of $1.00 a year, The Ameri. can 'Boy is considered a bargain. But now you may 8:20 Inaugurating Ohio's Governors in Other Days--H. E. Eswine, ' attended a watch party at the sible means to maintain t he pres. pharmacy college, the fourth Historian. home. of friends at Center, New ilnt improved eonditions for Ohio engineering eollege , and tbe filth ob~ it and this newspaper. , • • • . f anns an d homes. M 8ny 0 1 t h e college of dentistry. 8:30 Special Music. • __ Years E ve. 8:40 Farm Rome Period: . The Women's Program for Farmers' The McKay families were guests speakers on the progtllm lare HOOKING SUCKERS Weew- Mi!!!1 Adele Koch, Assistant State H me Demonstra- of Mr. 'a nd Mrs. Harry Rowe of farmers who will te-ll how metOOds lion Leader. Bowersville Sunday evening. recommended by the E!xtension The)"ril at it again~salesme<n. Our Homes and Families--Ml's. Helen Mougey Jordan, Mr. J. Lee Talmage and Jeasie . staff succeed Il'Ilder farm eonditi· peddling phpney or near phoney Extension Home Economist, L. Garner w.ere Sunday callers at on • atock. They are seeking out ~9:00 WOSU Orchestra. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarwidow!!, tholle who have saved a 9:10 Special Me W. Rightmire, President, O. S. U. ence Allen in Dayton, and supper little nest-egg one way or another. 9:30 WOSU Orchestra. guests of Mr. and . Mrs, Waldo Send Your OrderJTo The phoney stock salesmen are Replogle. _ . 9:40 A Fo\Ward Look in Farm Cr dit-Ira Blocker, President, Nulicalling attention to the fact that -~ ~ --.oltlal Farm Loan Allllociation, Greenvil\e. COLUMBUS--In the co~para- this, that, too other tell ow made a 9:50 to 10 Answers ~ Formers' Questions--Farm Night Reporter. tively short periot! of eight mono lot of money by some lucky hit of ths during 1936 in which Ohio's the market. Of course they did; ~==~~~==================~====~======= . Rev. and Mrs. Weaver and fam~ Public Al!sistance program ~nder and oth-ers lost a lot of money, Mrs. EIl~ FitrJs Wedncsday aitex ,fly spent New Year's Day with the Social Security Act has been in the phoney l!8lesm.e n don't tell noon. their and daughter, eft'ilct, approximateiy 130/000 · resi that. Good stock doesn't have to Mr. an~ Mrs. Murrish anti. son Mr. and Kenneth Roberts of dents of the Buckeye State have be- peddled. Keep that, always in Mrs. Fannie Lincoln . and daughter Miss Mary of Lebanon, of Xenja were Friday afternoon Bexley, Ohio. benefitted under provisions of mind wben the stock salesman T. C. Haydock is spending tbe the Act to an extent ot $121,000, COlll(!8. Buy ho stock from any were calling on friends. in thlll callerS at the Talmage homc-. vicinity last Thursday afternoon. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Beason of week with Mr. and Mrs. W. D. 000. .. . peddler. In this town there are MllIII J08~pbine Gra, was a Dayton spent Sondap with Mrs. Larkin and family near GrMnfteld These figures were disclosed by hU'Ddreds of men who never buy Lebanon visitor last Saturday. Ethel Beason and Mr. and Mrs. Miss Charlotte Hutman receiv- Judge Henry J. RobilO,lI. chief of any speculating investments of Mias HAnnah Jordan called on Wilbur McOarren. a Bible at tlle Frienda S. S. on the Ohio Divi.-!ion of Publ!ie Aasis- any kind They are well known they tance, who ventul"ecl that the year a II prosperous; tbe,.-are 1937 . would Undoubtedly find the citizens. If you have · a little nietSocial Security program in Ohio or windfall of inheritance, :uk operating more exteniively. . these cautious, cqneervative, perDuring the past year, .clivis- haps tightfisted citizenll where to ion of Public Assistance rendered invest. They will tell you the aid to about 98,000 aged perBO'll8, truth; and the truth is : that a 26,000 dependent childrEtn, 3,600 speculative invesitnen~ any tnblind persons, and 2,000 crippled vestment that yields more than '. children. In addition, chUd wel- or 5 per cent, is a dan,erous in· fare Mrvlcea were inaulrIll'ated in veatment in these days. How many three , rural countie. with an ex· poor · sucltel'8 in the 19205 ' lost panai011 of thLs progt.m planned ' their all by listening to the stock for the coming year. and bond salelmen? Don't do it , The larrest phaae of tltle public 'now. The . u~turn has come~ The Aasistanee prorram i.a thll Aid for same dan~r lurka .in . the siren l the Aged program. Dudn. the BOne 01 t\le mek "leaman. H~ is past ybr 98,000 recipienta receive probably dumb enough to believe received total pallte of ~IYer $20,. what be saya. But take a look at 000,000. Of this amount" the fed- him. Would you trul!t very much eN! covernment, In at:eorda'nee to hta judgment it he hadn't bat. wi~h the Social SeeuritlAet, tered you by a cam Don't be a vided one-half of the fwldll. sucker. You'll pay for it with YOOT Judge Robison poin1;ed out bide.-Emporia Gasette. that old age aui.tanee .a nd old • - ...~-aae beneAts under tb~! Social rt M~dd~ Security Act were not tlO be eon~ 0 ' an liD" , fused. Old awe aniltance il a . . . operative plul by the !State alld loIore than 200,000 farmers atFederal government in lII:hich both tended meetinp in the com belt eontribute equal shares in atdllllJlrl atatetl to diseUBI the 1937 acricul. qed penON In need. ()Id tura! conservation program.



---_.. -----








Plus This Newspa per At Redu ced Price


I Farm ~ight 1 alks, Januarv 11

Both One Year For






The Miami Gazette

New Burlington

Beech Grove


On You, UndI! Sana-





beneMa are stricti, optlratect the federal IOvenu.ut a,nd taln to a rettrm_ pen'" tor Americaa workeN .fter tile, have attaiD.ed tile 11'8 III. About '2'16,ilOO baa durlq lt86 18 tile State'a 1,000

Production credit associationa in the diatrlct to wbich Ohio beloqa haft made 63,200 loan8 totalinC ,27,600,000 ainee credit facUity waa orpuiud in ltaa.aL

cebinc .td SH1lJ'lt, Aot.

tel be Haded to clover or alfalfa

a.blatlo.., _


IIMB1 ...... few of

wIaIcb· t...a

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Manue appHed on wbeat lelda

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provide uva tile ........ aDd will ad u . . . . . . to eo......


The Ifiaad



ult haw obtained a


for b{·ttct product' and thu ,," liur~, d people w work to (('nntinl d fr(\nt }'S!rl' I} lh(';I' 0\\" I£0,1d, They ha\'(' iu h ... nIl' \.1lt', At t1 " ,'n .1 of III!' IH'al'l~' nil t(>rminnl mArkets been )CIII Ih .. nl'l prlltlt~, I1ft('r pn~in~ nhle 10 obtain nn honesl grade for pfa


On th

A gr at many manngen raised on a farm and still operate numb r of chanl'\' s , 't of the on . Th y have had Ii !>l1eg~ e~uca principal f n.tures of the p resent li on and ellpedenclls in various law have been retainlld. lin . They tbink a farm ers, but Th e use 0 pr p~id lax l'cceiptl C/ln ee IIheud ~utther nnd mOl'e to wllJ be continu d. Ex.:mption eel" the point than the averag farmers tificate, I!till are required on noufn other word , th co-operative taxable sales of t-axllble marchan· ('levator are headed by men who dise, but not r eq uired on sales of work t o the best of their know. tangible personal p'r operly not ledge t o the advantage of the subject to sal s tax, uch as food many anti n ot th eir own se lfish in- for human eon:!umption otT th .... terests premises where /lold, Th ey are not farm(}rs running" Th~, leg!,lalure . has defined an aut.o fa.ctory or a n ew spaper f~od • •The lay., P~1n uut thos , term man tuning Ii !ann but farmers thmgs Included, In th ' "food" and t ho e tak en inwardly NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT running farm indu8tl'Y. The co-operative milk asesocia- bUTt hnot regarMd a ;O<>fid: , of . . , . ere ar n w lie nJ t Ion Estate of Ira p. Rich, decea ed lion and o-o~rabve \tve stock I ISa . Ie" an d . t' h 1 "selling,", 'retail otlce ill h r('by given th t H. assoclII Ion eac ( 0 an annual sale" an d "pric." The t rm R. Moss and Gilb rt Frye whose bu iu ees of between 15 alld 20 Post Office Add res 1 Wayn e vllle million dollars while the co·op ra- "bu Ine ~," "eng ging,ln bwines • and "r ipls" are delln1!d. Ohio, nave been duly appointed ive elevator transactions amou A ne x mption permit ales Admini trato~ of the estat.e of to between 26 and 30 millions. of food to ,tudent only without Ira D. Rich late of Warren This is in Ohio alone. The co.operative movement is tax collection by frtlternilies. Qunty, hio, deceased. Daled this 6th day of .Jalluary, not new having been in practice sororities and dormilo rie in col. over 75 years and lately haVing leges and universities. H37. Boarding Houses ar-e now reo R LPH n. CAREY, r celved so mUl!h noUce as to beJudge of th PTobate Court offered for a solution to the quired to coiled tax on me-als se rved on the premises where sold. j7-14-2l Warren County, Ohio present day dilemma. Therefore, I b Heve that it bas T~e outstan~ing change afbeen proven by both statistics a nd fec.tlllg ven.dors 18 the provision actual practice that the Farmers which regunea them to par to the Stam a tax of 3 ('/ n gro co-operative elevators are the most . /() 0 as reo servlcable and profitable coop era- celpts ~rom all taxa ~Ie property tive set.-up by the fanners i sold, W1~h nO deductIon for sales under nme cents. For extunple, if n FOR SALE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!:n~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,! a vendor repor~ gross receipts from taxable property of $9000 FOR SALE-Nancy HaJJ Sweet and stamp cancellation ot $80.00 potatoes. Charles Hagemeyer, . tor any period, he is obliged to d31-j7 make remittance 01 $10 dirCiltly to the State, because 3 9'0 of $8000 FOR SALE--Complete line of amounts to $90 and his stamp can Harness, Linesl Bridles and cellation hall been deficient. CollaJ's at R. D. Colletts lIardwBl'e The legal department will start Waynesville. immediately the work of drafting new regulations to replace those which interpreted the law that expired at midnight Thursday, December 31. It will require Borne time to print sufficient copies of the new ONL" law to make II' neral djstribution More tl)an a million readers thr9ughout the in the State but all of the im· country read PATHFINDF.lRregularly for • portant provisions which differ a. complete, timely and unva.rnished digest from the 193$ measure will be of the news. Are you ovarlooking somefound in this article. IlIll\III' hll . b n pI tit fol' ninety three cenb h'l. b(1{'11 eo, t find tli lrlbutioll. Til c(I-upelativc l'l'v tOTS R. R I ul!! hu~ in car I ad 10l!! and thu ' ('1111 lIt'll to ' the £\ll'lllC!r for much II ,.. thllll he cou ld buy a, f w hll~dred p unds f( l' dir ct 11'0111 tilt' mill. The oi I! of t h organi:>:ed co('JlCl'aliv(l I{'ve.tor carrit's much rn"n~ ~\ eight than \.hat of the individu 1 farm r or of a few I( ns 'Iy orgnnized individual and II, {Ip\" tOl' 01'

Late Classified Ads.

"''''s.Paper For Olle Year alld


$ 2 00

thing? Today. economic and political affairs are at thelr topsy-turviest. Every new tnrn of events Is apt to affect , The new law has ' no expiration your pocket-bOOk. Everyone's asking, "What's It all date. Specific appropriations are about. and how much is it going to cost me?" Before you for the years 1937 and 1938 call answer that questlon ;you must be able to interpret made As finally passed, the law allocates ~~ the news; and before you can interpret you must have uO '(0 of ,the sales tax revenue to a.ll the tactliJ clearly explained. .

Burnett. Mu. EdiUi Kurfllll and IablCribe for The lila... G...ta 1\Irzl. Eunil'e ~iIIRnbl'rger Il~SiRtMr.. 1.ln Bo~lel of Onvton wall lint b()..tcs!\e~. :unclay dinnl'r gut'. t o{ her aunt, l\ftos. Uda Kem-ick, wife of J. E !\I i. ~ Katic' ollina. Kenrick; dkd su dMnly of a heurt 11', and 1\(r,-, 1iC' nry Dickson aUack Sundny morning' at hor and douA'hter, Mr . L.\oyd . Daily home on thf.' Dayton nnd Lebanon and illCtlnt son, or CenIRrville pike. "Funllrul Wednesday after- Graduate V~terinarian fllI(' d to se 1>11'5. Nel tie DiC;k. on noon and burial in Miami cemtltery Ollie. NOI'tl» MaiD St. S ..1 urllay. 1 l!~ rs Fred and Wlllt('r Willson ANNUAL MEETING WA YNESV1LLE, OHIO ,1 L N Muhle WilSOll, of S~lmll, and :Ml' • Edith ' nyslip, of Mampa, Id aho, call ed on th ir aunt, MNt. The annual meeting of the Emmu P"" ircc' Satur!1IlY. A tockholde~s 01: the Wayn E\ville Mr~. harl s H ent;;1 y of Terre N'utional Bank for the purpose. of ; . , - -_ _ _ _~----...J Huui c. lnuinna. SlId Mr. and 1\1 ... electin~ directOl's for the nsuillg G. R, Black, oC Daywn, cnll d on year, will be held at their banking _ , , - - - - - - - .- .•- .-.-:.-;:::J r~, La ura ulh l'Iand Frid ay r ooms, Tu sday, , January 12, STORM SASH art rlloon. 1937, at 2 o'clock p. m. Miss Erma Harvcy spent the L. M. HENDERSON, Cashier BRONZE WEATHER week- nd wlth friend, in Hartford dlO-17-24-31-j7 STRIP itl' , Indiana. Mis Laura Sutherland had the ~~~~~~~~~~~===' GLASS AND PUTTY pleasllre o~ a visit Monday from CEL-O-GL,ASS hcr old·time fri end , Rev. Wil V()rhil! and his molher, fro m P\'ice We ~epair Windowa LieeD.ed Brok•• II\1l CincinnatI. Mr. nnd Mrs. Foster Hn eeoele, of REAL ESTATE B ... dford, Pen nsylvania Friends Phon. 54 W.,.ll...-ille, o. Sociul ervic e workers, a ve staying NOTARY PUBLIC at the H om for a month in the

Dr. A. E. Stettler

ued n~ to t r8n~Jlllrta t

or l1er~\Il1nl ~e r­ The Ohio Legi llllure last TueslI'anllHcLin.o \ 'hieh invol\'~ nay pa I'd a new 1>81 ;; tax IIlW, at vic the same ttme repl'nling th e lllw ~ ah~$ a In on, ~ qu !!n, titl elemenhl, pass II .a y ar ago, "hich wn t o for which no s{'paratE chuJ'gcs nre mad~. bav(' expired March :l1, 1!)37. HI. TRngib'le persMl al . (lror> rty Th e new lay bllcome ' cf!('ctive were Jan\lal'y I, 10 37 , It embodies a ~o ld In charitable and J:cliJ.(iou s or-

fUfnl(l. ,


'ohing ill thi .. l'VII~t1

0 1' P\'OP(·I·ty. fl. Pl·o f .. ~~lonal

,I 1 \' r ' i "l,1t'k di \'itit'n,I., m'~ ~I·tlin Olnrk(Oted, I J 0- t .1 11Ili'k ttl th~ cu~lC)nll'r on ~[uch of the pr('ju(,\icc against I h~ PII h!.'l basi" I'n g t 3il1 and the co· pl'rnti\'eli hM b('t'n overcome !h II:" 1l1\~1 (Ill m I~h nllii' In thi~ ulthou~h lh I' will alway be tbose \ 11. 1hr lI'tnnwr ill a~~Urt,() the full valnt' of his ool1nl', In some who do not wis11 to 'ce th farmt'rs l1\.. t:II1('P llllly !'('\' n c('nl~ of thl.' pullin. tog t her.


Friends' Home New.

gfln izalions. ) 1. Nitroglycerinc 0 '1' xplosiv u" ed in thc -hoolilng or e plosion f uil gas w 11 01' con i mill·e. 12. Sale of fond to st udellt'! olily in sc hool and college c~fcLel'ias, dorm itories, fraternity und ity h Illl!!!!. O. E. S. NOTICE Miami hapter No , 107 . E, . will meet in. regular elision Monday ~veuihg. January 11 , at 7 :30. i~iting m mbers welIni tiation. comO. Th c: lma Settltfm r e, W. M" !innie Fromm, S c'y,



, J. R. Gibbons

Stat d communication of Way· illterest of the Miami n ville Lodge No. 163 'Tu day Meeting. January 12. Work in the eveni ng, 1\1. M. degree. Vi~iting alld sojQurniog brethre n are welcom&. E. F. Eal'nhart, W. M., V. M. Armitage, ec'y,


MonthlY~;F~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~': - - -- - - --



AUTO ACCIIDENT John Kellner, who live oulh ot Waynesville on Route 42, is in Blair Brothers' hosp,ital, Lebanon. s utrering with abroken bone in his foot received in autom obile accident last Saturd:ay morning. Young Kellner WSI driving into ,t own when suddenly hi.s machine swerved and crashecllinto an elec· tric light pole whichi was broken of! letting the wires down and cut~ ting of! the current. The car w s wrecked and the village was with. out )jghts tor severnl h oure.

Friendl y Counsel Wbf-n d!'llth oc 'U!'!', (lr at Ilny time, our door stands o,pen for fricndly co unse l. We are always glad to answer que tions and sh()w OUI' beauti!ul :funjilrBI hom e nnd our complete, modern facilities. But particularly at a. time of gri f, we otTer our 'friendly C()uns I. The gl'i el-strick n will find unobtrusive aympathy here and a r eady wiUingnCSl! to take the burden of every detail of! sadd ened shoulders.


J. IE. McClure Pboae "1

SON OF FORMER IItESIDENT WED IN EUGEI~E, OREGON The folJow-ing--int;;;resting an. nouncement was re(!eived by Mr. and ,M rs. J. D. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Riddlebarger allounce the marringe of their daughter, Violet, tCI Mr. Beverly R. Marlatt, on baturday the


twenty..sixth day (If December, ninteen hundred a'nd thirtY'six t Eugene, Oregon. ' The bridegroom is the younger son of Mr. and M:rs. Raymond Marlatt alld grandsi>n of Mr. anti Mu ~nM~ ~

the public schools and 40% to NEW ' YEAR'S PAI~TY governments after a.ppropria. A ElIG SUCCESS NEWS CENTER of the WORLD tions for the county poor relief -ex ..... Pathlader c:omes to you with its re- clse fund, poor relief and cost of The Ne'i" Year's p,arty sponsored liable, ~asy·to·read and easy-to-underby the high , school lunch com· stand news reviews in words, pictures administration. N... DeADiti~ mittee proved' to be one of the r;;;;;;;r,i~;;:;~~S~ij1 and charts. Its condensed lorm presents a lively and intelljf;'ble survey of cur"Business" inclUdes any activ- outstanding social alfai1'll 0:1; the rent events 1hroul! out the world; its ity engaged in by 10.ny person or season. About fifty couples enimpartial interpret lion, analysia and e~ltplanatioD of the news enables you to caused to be engaged in by him joyed the evening with eatd s and think and talk straight. Other weeldr with the object of goin, ben-etit, or dancing as diversions. news magazines sell at .. to a year advantage, either direct or indirect Muslc was furniShed by Bud ~,,'~"~~~\!<":1 P.thflnder sells fol' ,1 a yeaI' but' for "Engaging in business" means LeMa y's orchestra and. Il'iter the a limited time we can offer you'a greatly ~iiiir.. reduced bargain price on a combination commencing, conducti~g or con- stroke of twclve the New Year oltbis paper anel PATHFINDER. Drop in tinui,n g in bUSiness, as well as )Vas welcomed with enthusiastic and see samples or write and take advan- liqliid~ting a business when the ' demonstrations. ,~,...c~~~" ", tage 01 this special.offer without delay. liq'uidator thereof holds himgelf After the festivities Mrs. John lnsure 'Your econolDlc future by assuring out to thil- public as conducting PrestO'll and Mrs. Hat"yey Rye as i iiilli==iic;;:iliilil., 'YO~1' complete gra$p of current afl'ain.

Storm Doors and Windows, W ealher Strips ~nd Insulatl-o n Everything in Builders' Supplies .


""!!!!!!!"!'!!!""!'!!!",,!!!!!!!"!'!!!""!'!!!""!'!!!"!!!!~!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'I"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! such

bu.siness. However, m.aking a hostesses, served a •. most appetiz. casual or isolated sale is not ing supper. I , "engaged in business." ~'--OFFICERS EI.ECTED ~ •• mptecl

The tax does not apply to the ,followilijl l\ale81 1. When the eonsumu is the State of Ohio, or ~ny of its politi· cal subdivision •• ' 2. Sa~ of tood for human eon· DUJUlIlYQ'n off the. premises' where


BOYS Plus This Ne,wspaper At R ed uc,e d Price

H . Boy

ERstis an offer that will appeal to all.......American

Magaz~le aJ~d this newspaper at a ~ combi,nat!On ,ba~gam rnce. The American Poy .s the favonte magazllle 0 more than 500,000 boys and YO-JOg men. Its fiction carries boys on the winp of adventure to all parts of the world. It. sports artida famous coaches and athletes are i,udied by cham· pions. Hue you will find the finest stories on .potU, aviation, .business, school activities, humor, and travel. Even at I~ regu!ar price of ~1.00 a year, 1De ~ can Boy .s con Ide red a bargain. But DOW you IIUIJ' obtain it and this news~per ••• , •


rour ON_ITo


•• S.lea of ellarette.









w. H. Madde,n aco. PhoneU


'ot. Llaht"-

'WinI, pipet or conduit.; and all Mn. R.,II. I'ranlr. . aal.. b, an, other pubUc lItllitr .. ...dl.... "YOll deftnecl ba aaetlon &416 of the What Y0'J've .1l. .51~--1I1ra.

CeDtral f. Caul and laolated .....


At the Waynesville Chureh officers

brewer'. wort and malt, apon th. 11&1. of 'Which a tax l.t impoled by The Woman'. For~\a1l lllalonary ,law of thia lltate, 80 ionr, rea Soclety met Janual1Y 6, 193,'7 at pect(vely, a!llluch law is ·in f-orce. ~ehome of MI'I. Heorge MUls, 5. Sales of beer as de6ned b, . Rachel Pettit fmd Mn. Oakseetion 6212-63 of ' the General Ie Unglesby auistaln t hostesseS. Code, whether in bulk or in' bottles The 8ubjeet of ~~be devotions sales of wine, and sales of spirltu. conducted by' IIrs. " ~' W. White ous liqu'o rs by the department of was "The EvEtrlastiing Father." liquor control. " Tbe Stewardell' ril;ual was given 6. Sales of artificial ' gas by , . led by Mrs. Kennetbi ' Hough. gas Company IL8 defined in lectlon Atter the bUlinesa Henion thl1 15418 ot the General Code, of foUowine prorram was enjoyed: natural gal by a natural gas com· Study Book ~view, Congo pany, as 10 defined, of electricity Croue,l , Mre. J. B. Crabb •• by an electric light company, a. RHdlne, "The DIMJDI Call" _ ao debed, of water bj a watar·.M.... Howard Arehdleacou. ' worb company, &I 10 defined, ~ In Readme, ~Tbe Ha1le}ujah .ach cu. th. thin. lold ' l.t Chonu"--.IInt.,:

delivered to conlalDers tbrouth


O.hrist the foUo~ing 1937 'were ~lected:

Rol!ert Brown, superintendent; ~mley, .aulstant superintendent;Earl Woollard, aecretary; Jamea 'Bourne, .-ietant eecretary; Lola Seare, Lucy Emley, pianists; 2b Th ) Martha Cook, mfasllrer j Ada o ' e .. e of newspapen and Woollard, cradle roll.upt.; G~rre of maawne .ublcriptionl shipped Woollard, wm Budl.y, ~unell by I ,eond clul mall: , 8. Sal.. of motor ' vehicle . Campbell, Roeer B:ro~, Ernut and of liquid fuel upon , the ' r'" Woollard, Eddie W'QOUard, Cliff c.ipt" aee, dlltribution Or . .i, ot Burnett, d..~onl; Sara Elzey. 'Whi~h., In thia .tate a talC iaimpOI.d elerkj Georp Woollard, RUNe]) by the law of thla .tate. ' Campbell. C~l!..~Iett, tru.teu.


thOne Year For


K hen the days begin to Ie" gthen

The cold bellins to at,engt"en. "





ftIIIlor wIao .. 1l0t ........ tD till PIu"--JIn. b_ _ of ..11Iac _lIble




















Eighty-Ninth Year



Whole Number 6266


,FIR ST MEETING 0f WAYNESVILLE DEFEATS. un:~s~hec:~~~~:8T~: law, SUPT. J. W. HnlT WOMAN'S AUXILIARY Don't forget the sociable which became effective January 1 meeting ofoeiation the Tub ercu CLUB IN gathering of Jr. O. U. A. M. for andA He-nlth will lo!ll!< MOTHER'S of boarding house: arc LEBANON . 26 TO 17 IN ' opeJ;'!ltor GUESr ENIERTAIN~R MET lAST FRIUIY met:nbers and tamilie:s at the held at Harmon hall in l.JC' banon, now required to ))ullchase a venhall on Main street Saturdny night dor's and collect tax on The first meeting of the Worn· =t~do~~o~~~ernoon, January 26, 1937 WELL ATTENDED One of the most ' interesting Janua.ry 16th. COy red dish lunch FRIDAY NIGHT GAME served On the premises after. an' Auxiliary in the new year All members are r qu est od t o meetings of the Progressive WoOFFICERS TO BE ELECTED








----_ ..- - -


where sold.

h Id Friday afternoon Jan- be present as this i th e me Ling TrelUure.. Re,porb B.lance of uary 8, "ith Mrs. Kathryn H. for election of officers. $179.42 On Hand; Lunch Turner as hoste s. · . Report Favqrable Inn. After a d IiciouB dinner n Charles Joseph, son of Charles An lively inteN!St in the welph ort bu siness meeting was held. and Lena Dahms Marquardt, was fare of the organization was manFor the pleasure of the mem- born near Falmouth, PE!ndleton ifest, and several matters of imThe firs t m ting of the Waynesville defeated Lebanon, Friday night in a ~ame that until bers Qf th e club, their guests, and county, Ky., December 26, 1860. port/lnce , were discussed. Moth er's ' Iub for th e new year the .last few minutes, was extrem!;cveral child~en, the program . ~ere ~ith two brothers land two I Mrs. Ethan Crane, the new was held Friday afternoon, Janely cloBe. At the half the game ==== _ committee pre.sented J. W. Holt SIS ers, ' e grew to manhood on president. presided aud led the UIlI'Y 8, at th e grade building. The was de;.dlocked 11 to 11 . Howev r lhe h\lme farm. His parents both devotions which were followed by ' ong 'Bea-r Your Cross with a Mrs. S. D. Henkle was boste 8 s lIperintendeht of Springboro born in Germany, were thrifty and I the program. In ' the last quarter the Waycehs mile," was sung, with Mrs. came to lite and ftnlBhed with a to t h e m(!m b ers 0 f t h e Arguno t schools, who delighted his audi- industrious and he cnJ'oyed the Mrs. Edith Harris read an apFra nk LeMay leading. The devanine point margin 26-17. The bridge club this Thursday after- ence wl'th a number' of slel'ght-of- advantages of a prosperOI! home propnate . Miss Jean Furnas 'I employed tio nal!! were ably conducted by se Iection entitl d "The Junior High, however, was not so noon. hand performances. M~rch the 2nd, 1882, hc was Pa sing of Another Year." as bookkeeper at the Fairley har d Mt. R. G. Conner. The minutes of fortullate and came out on the Miss Sue Crane who was conAn early interest in such things ma.rrH~d to I~a Roberts. To this Mrs. J ohn Gons read a very ware store. lhe last meeting werli! 'r ead and apumon five chlldren Wer(~ born, ' . '. Ilbort end. fined to' the hoUse everal days be. led Mr. Holt to make a hobby of t d' . . f T d h mstructlve portIOn from "The Mrs. L. H. Gordon lind Mrs. proved. The treasurer reported a 'The lineups: cause of a sprained ankle, is able th H h wo ymg 10 In aney. weI aug - h~rch and Public Worship." Emma H . 'McClure spent Snt urda y balance on hand of $179.42. The em. e as developed his hobby ters , Mrs . Ralph FI' elcll'ng of .. "Out of Gas" was read by Mr.'. flower 11 x was awarded to Mr. WAYNESVILLE to be out again. to such an extent that others share Sidney, Ohio, and Mrs" Velva. N in Dayton. P ina Hartsock. Turner's room and the picture to F B The flnance committee of the hi.3 ~njoyment in it. Very can· Dodson of TOleda, Ohio, alnd a son A po~tion of "A Fortune 1.0 Come to the Gra nge Hall Thut'l!- Mi's Cam pb ell. The grade lunch Clary .... .... . ,....... " ...... , 0 o l~ Wayne ,ToWD!!hip Mothers' flub vincin ~ly . dollar bills were made Harry at home, are left with Mrs. Share" was read by Mrs. D, L. ' day ~vening for a goot.! lime. Re- commilt e reported a balilnce on Earnhart .................... 6 3 8 conducted a successful doughnut to go up 10 smoke only to be pro- Marquardt to mourn the loss of a Crane, followed by the ' poem, "In I freshments are free. hano of $7.66 s nd also that Uley Satterthwaite ... ,~..... .. a 2 o sale at Grange hall Tuesday. duced again and spirit me ~ devoted father and hu sband. Memoriam" which was given by needed small serving cups and a Boger .... .. ............. , .... 0 o J D' B l' Mrs. George Har ock p enl . wer.e found to be abroad in the Very dear to him were Ihi two M 1 LeMay ..... ... ................ 1 a MTS. John, Gons, Mrs. Kathryn room. Mr. Holt told m~ny amusl'ng r. . . 0 In. Sunda ith M d M Ern est n ew stove. It wa s mov~ and .. gt'aDdndchildren, Iris and. Har~ld The social hour was enjoyed Harts:ckWat th r: an rs. s cond that t hey buy the neceso o ~. 't:urner, Mra. E. C. Crane and. an ecdotes during hill performance Dakin ........ .. ..... ......... 0 , 0 s~n, who~ he and hls Wlfe. while partaking of a dllinty lunch I elr country home. ,a ry cu ps. The flnance committee D.nohoo ........ ,........... 0 o o hUe daUghte~ Nancy, Were Day- all of which added to his clever took J~to their home at tille death which wa served by the hostess D. M. 'Collette and family Who an nounced an all day doughnut ton vi itors, ednesclay. ntertainment. of theIr father, Earl Dodson. To who was assisted by Mrs. Ethan have been residents 61' Waynes- sale would be held Tuesday, JanTotals ............... ' ........ 10 6 26 Mis& Patsy Baird, little daughAdditional guests of the club them he was mo~e a grand_ Crane and Mrs. John Gons. ville several years are preparin g Iary 12, LEBANON ter of Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Baird, were Mrs. 'J. W. H<;I1t and daughwr father .. as he tried 10 every way to move next week, to Oxford. . The clothing committee report7 Bogon ........... ....... .. .... 3 Ii is recovering from a severo at- Nola Jane and Mildred Cook. to take the place of fathe:r. too. eo that donati ons of $6 CBch ha.d Bailey ......... ,... ......... ., 2 1 tack of flu. Joe, al! he was familiarly known Mrs. Belle Dinwiddie and l\{r . be n r eceived from Mn H rri.!! Waite& ........ ................ 0 to thos e who knew bim best, was Truman Wardlow had as dinner Th e Wo n' CI b d'M a D' 1 Youna ........................ 0 h h b fi . . ts Th d " me s u an r8. . M W I II All o r . s . . . en, w 0 a een , ' " a n~ friend .and neighbor. He gues on urs ay~ MISS Lilla . Rid'g~. The club wishes to ex. Hutoheson ....... ... " ...... 0 o in Miami Valley hospital £()r had hved almost .27 yean. on the Benham, Mrs. JennIe Mullen and pr ss its gratitude for these eODCook ....... .'...... ............ 0 observation and treatment, was farm w?ere he dIed, and, cou?ted Mrs. Carl Sherwood. tl'ibutions. The fiJ'$t part 01 the Reynolda .. .,................ 0 o brought home Sunday aIternoon. a a fl'1end every one who I d 8 lve The Agricultural Conl)t'rvation E. L. Th' o mas, who \Vas talcen program Ullder the direction of brael .................... .... .. 1 Mi s Marjorie Earnhart, who is in that .vicinity. Kindliness and meetings bein&" held in each to .Miami Valley hospital mor Mrs. Ru Bell Frank was a song Totals ....................... :.. 6 5 17 enrolled in a comm rcial schOOl In E Thhe Fhrihndlshi P Club of the M. gh~nerhoslty were the keynotes of township in Warren coun ty this than a week ago suffering with "Mlghty Like a Rose" by the high e d their regular meet· IS c Brader. Dayton, ha been home veral . c urc week are proving very interesting hemorrhages from th nose, re- school gil'ls, quartet composed of . ing at the home of Mrs. A. H. Mr " MaY'quardt had bee", a to local farmers according to turned home Tuesday evening and Misses Vivian Conner, Dolores days, ill with flu. WAYNESVILLE is Stubbs Wednesday afternoon. The memb er of the Falmouth Method- Lester J. Miller local county is gradually growing stronger. Clark Con$uella Bernard and Mil Ollbom ........................ 0 1 1 Dr.~. F. Deppe out again 'reading of the Twenty-third psa]m ist fO.r .almost 40 years, agent. The first five meeti1l~ were dred Cook. Nellit a ~roup 01 pupils Prellton ..... ... .......... .. .. 1 a 5 after being confined in Miami open d the meeting after which and ~hlle hVlng. there took a attended by approximately 500 Mrs. C. I. Satterthwaite and froril grades seve and eight Pay~ .................... .... 0 1 1 Volley hoshital more than a w'eek the u ual routine of IJu8in~s8 was. promInent pan In all ~hurch .f armers. With the last meetmg . dllught~r, and MI'ss Ma"" Welsh sang two se Iectlons. . ' F 0 11 owmg . I" • • • ~ 'J Florence .................... 1 o 2 because of blood poisoning.' dispensed with. The finance com- a CtiVltlC8. He .served as Sunday scheduled for Friday n~"ht at IIpent Wednesday afternoon j,l'. thi.~ was a c1airnet duet by mittee announced a "Fun Camlval school supe r 111 te n d ent ... 1200 Le b anon, guest;a 0 f Mrs. Satterth- Monimia HQak and Qibert ............... ,........ 0 o o M W~ 0 R ... " severa1 Franklin it is estimated that Cliarlotte 10 mclO- at thQ~ gym January 28 Wj'th more "ears Al Vi< • • • d . ,8 moth-er, Mrs. F rank Loop. Rye. Last the high school boys . Collett ................... ..... 1 6 4 . 1'8. . ' . ' . aper ~ . wa"v en~oymg ~~SIC a.n farmers will hav~ attended this waIte n.atl a who 18ttn~ In the care 0 f. h er date. details to be published at a later c hurcb son ga, qUI t e f aml I ISr WI th serie of meetings. • - ." of Bud LeMay Melloh ........................ 0 o o Sister, 1$ m. quartet consisting his Bibl~. be ",:as able t.() quote A compl te exPlanation of the CRANCE SOCIAL Jl\mes Hiatt, Donald Collett and Totals ........... ............. 3 9 16 Mr_ and Mrs. D. R. Salisbury Th e s ocial hour held unusual in- freely hiS f~vorIte 1987 Conservation Program ha,s Waynesville Fnmers' Grange is Charles Fires sang, "Th~ End of a LEBANON . are annonncin" the bl·rth o~1. a terest as ~ach memher was• ~o come After• an Illness of seve·n weeks been given at each 0 f t h ese meet- sponsoring a social to be held at P er f BC t Day. "Th e spes k cr f or . • ' . · Johnson .............. ........ 0 o o daughter .at. .McCleHan hospital, dressed repres.entmg theu: . birth ·u~af'~ld of de~th and sltrong m ings•.The , majority of farm~rs : the Grange hall on ThurSday even the afternoon was Miss Jean Wren )tu\lsell ........................ 6 1 11 Xenia, Tuesday, Janua,r y 12. ,~onth, and brIng. along their baby hiS {alth of a hfe he1'lla1!ter, he heartily approve the general prlO- ' lng, January 21. A full evening of from the student speakers bureau Jones ........ ........ .... ...... 6 o 12 , picture. After ~he grand march the sank peacefully to sleep December . I f th d of Miami University. Her talk on Whipple ....... ............... 2 o 4 For the pleasure of her YOUngel', prize was awarded t() Mrs. Carm",", 27, aged 76 years and one day. CIP es 0 e program an , no fun and entertainment is being "Homework" held her audience to 7 son, Warren, Mrs. Walt r Shee- Crane anll Mrs. W~lter Sheehan The last services welre con- doubt a large percent will cooper arrang d for. h d 1 Liddel ........................ 3 entertained a group of little who were dressed as bride and ducted by Rev G C Dibert of ate to make this. program ~ success I This is not only for Grange teen. . Colburn .. ..... ,................ 1 o 2 han . I d b T d sf .' . . . The township commItteemen b b f h bl' The club adjourned to meet the l 6 glr s an oys ues ay ternoon groom. Mrs Robert Bakel" receivthe WayneSVIlle Methodist church mem ers ut or t e pu Ie, 80 if fl Frid . F b o Rei! ........ :................... 3 f.rom 2 to.. The occasion wa~ I cd the priz~ for guessing the most with songs by .MisB Lucy Emley. E-Iected to date are as follows: Iyou are not a grange member rSRt t' hay m e ruary. b Martker ................. , .... 0 o birthday anniversary. b b i Harlan township Harold come. ' e ~es .ments were served y Liddel ........................ 0 o o I Warron's • a y ~ .ctures. UNIVERSITY . .Sha~p, chairman i F?llia Smith, ~iee. Admission for children will be Mrs. AlVin Earnhart, Mrs. L. A. chairman, J. B. Hill. Ave cent.s while for adults there is Garst, Mt.s. Elmer Sheehan, Mrs. Rev. G. C. Dibert and Mr. 0.1 DeliCIOUS . refreshments wer~ STATE Totale ... ,.................... 20 2 42 R. Unglesby attended a mass I served by Mesdam. es Karl Boden\ CANCELS 'BROADCAST M . t h' H ld '" J. L. Mendenhall, Mrs. Harry b d R 11 F k A I... • ~ aSSle o.wns lp aro no set admJs j(~n prIce but a "free ..... '"JI n. meeting of Methodists in the en er, u se . ran.1 • ,'0. II; B k h H d G Smith, Mrs. Rayl mond Braddock - - -•• - • St bb G M 11 W Il S J h . cc ett, c aIrmAn; own ra- will" offering is xpected. This ~:~t~e:~~:d:yUd~::~:g'. ~:,ci~~ ' an~ J~ie e~1~l;ac~es:. I t O n Plans for a :nation-wide broad- ham, vice chairman; ~alter ·Ellis. ' means you may give whatever you ~::~. Ethan Crane and Mrs. Frank cast from t~e campus of O. S. U. I Turtlecree~ townshiP. - Robe.rt think the evening' s entertainment Stanley Jones, l11dia missionary RETIRING COUNTY on the Nabonal Farm and Home Mooney, chamnan i Miles DaVlS, means to you. Refreshm ents will _ .. leader, was the speaker. Hour, January 20, hav.e been vice chairman; Otto Augsburger, be free. Cards, games and recl'eation OFFICIALS HONORED aballdoned ~or the present. The EVel'ett Runyan. . Loc.I Quia . . w'n JOlll'1leJ' To Muoll JaauaJ'y 15 to Pl., MaIO., Hip School

men's club wa.~ he1d Tuesday even ing, January 12, at the Little





















with free refreshments at the Crang Thursday evening, Jan,T~ honor the two retiring com· WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH uary 2l. Every()ne, wh ether mISSioners, Kellar Hoak and Hayes .... G. Co ~ PutoI grange member or not is most wel- C. Keever, a group 01 Warren Sunday: Sunda, sehool at 9 :30 come. county highway employes entera. m. Momlng wonhip at 10:40. tained at dinner at the Golden The &ermon IUbject wUl ~, "Some 1)on, little son of Mr. and Mrs Lamb Monday evening of last Sup~emacje. of Life." Evening Maynar.d Weltz, is rewvet;ing week. service at '1 <;I'clock. " nicely after undeJlg"Qing a ' mastoid . A most enjoyable evening was Wednesday: The Ladies' Aid operation at ' Miami Valley reported. Societ, will meet with lira. Addie hospital. == Kerrick at 2 p. In. Bible hour aDd Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mainous; son prayer meeting at '1 ,. m. Donald and Kenneth Peters , reOn Friday of thi.l .week at 6 p. turned Wednesday morning from m. in Grace Chureh, Darton, there Bluefield, W. Va., where ~y atwill betrin a Leaderahlp Traini~ tended the funeral of a relative Co.chinar Conierenel' under ill, Monday. lea4e~lp of r...ter Noml, area Amona out of town relatives dlr.ctdr of Nlleloul edl1catioll ill and f.riendll who attended the. the Ohio conf,renc" , funeral of Mre. Keziah ThOJDPIiOn Friday aftemoon were Mr. and IT. IlAltY"S CHURCH Second Sunda, after Eplpb.n.y. Mra. Charles Myers, ,Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Qharles January 17. Eveniq Prayer and P.ul Hainn, lermon at '1 :80. Re~. Xu) Henderson, Miss Marie H_derson lin. Charles Morrillon, Josepb N,bladb. of Xenia, oftlc1atinar. Hainell and Elmore Binckley, all IT. AUGUSTINE CHURCH of 'Olnclnnati; Mr. and Mri. Geore. Thompson and lin. Eph Path.. Newtoa. PalMI' ..... • t St. AJIpatiD.'. church Smith, of Loveland. Mr. and Mrs . Carl Middleton, Mr. Charley Mid89er)' SQDda7 mo1'DiDc. dleton, of D.yton; Mn. tuella Kronour, Miamisburg, Mrs. HoW'FRIENDS MEETING lI'Ird-daJ 8ob9.01 at II :80 .. 111. ard Babb, Wilmington, Mrs. Mary 1lee4iq for Wonhlp ., 10:80 Middleton, Spring Valley, Mrs. Kal'lJUente Green, Lexington, Ky. and Mr. and Mn. John Monfort.



.uaT CHuaca or CllltIST Carl lhaIUI, IIIDIRer Purr 'l'IIomu, Sap&. of Blbl. Sehool

g ••r

ca IWATDlVD CMl ..... ...... • • It. ..,......,...



----- --- ..


OFFICERS CONFERENCE A arrange officers conference will be field in Granee hall, Lebanon, Frida)' 11laht, January 15, at 8 o'elock.




W • •Iab to apnea oar (lNtitude to l'tlatt... alld trie..da who 10 JdadJ)' uaW.ed u the ll.... aU at tile of tile deUII of oar d... ....., - .

darm. u.. to

regular perIod for the Farm and H~me Ho~r on that date conflicts With the time Bet for the ceremonies attending the inauguration of President Roo9&velt. The Ohio ' Broadeas1; probably will be given late in the year. Ohio was to present one oJ[ a serieB of programs showing the work of the Land Grant Colleges.







Deerfield townshIp ' Elmer n,urrell, .chairma·n i Willard ~oeh, . vice chaIrman; Bryce Brown mg. . Union township - Joe Myers, Everyone is cordially invited to chairman; Clem Bowyer, vice attend the Fanners' Institute at chairman. Joe Funeral servie~-for Ellsworth Harveysburg, Ohio, Monday, M.onHamilto.n townshjp Bl'andhuber, chairman; Horace E. Carder, 71 years old, who died day evening and TueB~ay, Januan' Roosa, vice chairman; Howard Sunday night from a heart attack 18 and 19. There will be proat his home in the Lower Bell- gram s inLeresting to tbe . comEhletdlng. brook pike, two miles west of ' muniLy in .ge neral; a~so exhibits, Xenia were conducted at th e not f~rgettmg' to mentlOll the baby . home 'Of his daughter, Mrs. Ev~lyn show Monday morning at 10 NicelYI in Xenia Wednesday after • .o'clo~. . noon, with burial in Woodland Bnng all your babIes under cemetery. He had been i:o failing ighteel1 mont hs and perhaps win health after being injured in an a prize. Howard Shambaugh. auto accident one and ~-half years ago. M,r . Carter wa.s il om in Waynes ANNUAL PARISH MEETING . ville, attended the old L~banon Normal school and the Univel'sity The annual parish mee in, wu of Dayton. For many years he held in St. Mary's EpilCopal was &llSociated with bis 'father, church treasurer reported .11 pled, Zephaniah Carder, in the stock· es paid for the y.ea.r and the buying business. FollOWing his ges 'paid for the year aDd the father's death, be returned ' to treasurers of the various loeietiea Waynesville, where he operated a Isubmitted their reports all Ihowmeat market, al so operating one ing a substantial balance. at New Burlington. He moved t·o The present vestrymen ' weN ft. Xenia 85 years ago and oJ.lerated elected and all committees will reIL grocery and meat shop in. East main the same as lut ,ear wlt.Ia Main IItree.t . After selllng out that ()ne excepiJon, Mrs. Kat'hl'Jll B. busine8ll, 'h e became a. sto'Ck·buyer Turner was appointed to IH'Ve 011 again and traveled for many ye.ars the chancel commibtee in plate of for W. A. Focke and Sons Pack- Miss Clara Lile who haa moved to ing company, Dayton, retiring Wasbington C. H. {rom active business a few yeat·s F. B. HendenoD, Harrill MOlbago. er, L. H. Gordon and Mn. Gordon A former membf.r of the Friends were named delecatea to the . .' church at Waynesville, Mr . Carder ' nual Dioenan cODventio. wtdcla later moved to Dayton where his will be held in St. Paul'. churell, father, founded and personally Columbu.. Tuellday and W....... built the ftrst Friends church. day. January 26 and 27. Mr. Carder wu married ill 1887 • _. _ and hla wife died ais years aro. QIlAIIIGE Nonca B,.idea hi. daughter, Mn. Nicely, be leavel three other children, Pa.. a..uJar ....tI_ trolman Edgar C.rder, of the F.......' Gel...,. . . . . . . . . .. . Xenia poUce depa.rtment: Tor- 1.1•. . , renee E. Carder aDd lire. Vi.... 'I'M Geollle••U of enla thI'M ......





1\\t IQ,t"



tU.'fl\\ It~. ~~QOr ,~OW~


• J'IoJd

mart. TM bal ae

Shoa:1I and MiddUDI'

"I'n wbo 11' rl' 111011 Ill'll In starti, Il' thl It nt in Ohio ill lie on .f ••n, ,aard'" of Herman th' "Ioltranl W dn,·~clI1Y l'\'l'ning A Ilrain mixture for dairy cow. man, minor. at j!: II. A. n. GTaham. now in I contai ning 16 pllr cent prote n TIle firat wount of C. C, f:ula~., Chlll~l' of \')lIe l1l ion . pu:iali.qb, U. executor of the estate of PeRrI Eu S. [)('IHlrt nwnt. () r i\gricullu re . ('8n be nmcle with 250 poundll com Pre...,,~ M.,a.'IIi"tI of Bvdceb wa \Iil'ector or- t'xtl'lbion wOl'k 250 O ut ~ . 200 bral1, 160 cottonlass, d~E'a sed . New Salt. 's <lut ouncH, elc., 100.20 acre The firs t and finlll Recount llf in Ohio in 1!)13,\\b(n FllrmMs' <eed ml'nl, Rnd 20 . alt. The animal And Account Work W,'"k wa: hdll fil':<l. U{'an mcr- hu~bllnury dt plll'lmcnt ot Ohio In W -hingion township. Loathena Frel.1d nbrrger x cut!'i ;\ III lin (. ozier f\ltd suit 'illiam and Etta Cobb to Lam- of the lale of harles E . BrinitUR ;\If,' r1 Vivian, iR th~ other Slut U!lh' N~ity recommends t.hl s feeding with mi. d bay at t he '. , I:n in ~l .I!,hn T. Dozier for (livore bert , obb 221.38 acrE'.S in Tut'- inger, deceased. PhY l'ica~ ~n I melltal headaches indi vi dual who help II launch this 101' ratl) of on Ilound of il'aln for '1'ht' "h a 1"'" iN gro s neg l ·ct of tlecreek township. T he fir~t account (If Fronc s in(\uc~tl by January reminder;; or e\,l.'nt. Both lIl .n will be honored l.\.ch thre\! and olle.half pounds of duty. ~mma E. Decker, deceased, to Weber and Florence Cortelyou adhri.t,l'lIll'! hoPpinlil' t'xpt>uition gllc~t. and s p akers. Inilk prolluc d. Th\' Ru s~(> 11 age Foundation, _ _ __ estate of ean b cur- d by pr ventativc mcaH oward S. Conov t, real estate in ministratrices of t.h Com mOIl' PIM& Proceedinp Turllecreek town hip. Harry Sprong, d ce sed. ' sur(>~ much more easily than by ·~W YO,rk, ", u»plie." Allan Eaton, A wpiter sny!! women . are beTh ens of Raymond J. Schaef'The first and final account worrying aIler th'2 lrndesmen'!-j a/\ U1e sp akc!' fOr 4 o'clock on coming geom trieal. ThOse ternal • I v,. V. N. 'Brown hutt w s di Prob.t. Cowt L 01'8 R. Corwin, adminiktratrilC ·tatl' O! nts arive in the m ii, BC- Thu rsilay. Ilis tOI)ic is, "Hay triangl s again!~ Grand Island !!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'! Independent. ' mll<.~~. In the case of Nora E. Teaney, of; the state of F erneau D . cording to J\lre. He!!'n M . Jell'dall, tack~ and Woodpiles". Philosophy is t-he province of ____ Thl! ea e of arol)rn Soid r v s . . win, deeea.sed. !>paaking fOr the home economics <'\ il 'nicler was di mil! ed. I :x~ utrllL of the estate or Theo- Tbe first and 1Inal ac coun t di"bion, Ohio Stale ni\'~r.siy. Mrs. Mary. Bctz 1\10rr w, RichThe young Illan -who buys every [n lh c e of Edna Hogan Hunt- dol' J. Teaney, deceas d, va. Nora Marie Hill executrix of tho c. ttl The prescription ~1rs. mond, I nlliana, a farm hlllemaker thing h wants, becomes the old t r. guardian of the e tate and per ' E. T an y. et ai, it is ordered to of Frank R. Combs. writ s for financial headllch es is , ho discuss I'ural life frOID th man who does without things he iewpoint of one who st:' s ,ith- neellll.- Hopkins, Mo., Journal. ' fOil f J('anette Hogan, n minor vs ' appraise' second tract of real The first and _final account of N th u~e of a hous(,holrl lIeconn erant Jones, et aI, it is ordered state. A. Hammon, executor of the book and t he makin,g of budgets out a t lese ope tl1c things sh e di U!\ual\y the fellow who wants tllut mortg-a be released . FranceJ! LOuil!e Carey, e"ecutrix tate of Catherine J. Updyke, fOl' th exp nditure of (!\IRSes. The faIm organizations, hio State Gnmge, and th the 1110st help from the gov rnT he ca~e f John ,P. Carlier V's of the estate of Anna L. Carey, de cea ed. family incomes thTCIugh the year. the f 11inda • Z ek 1", et al, was dis-! c aaed, filed hew inventory and Th.1l fir t and finni acco~n~ Home agents in Ohio counties and University conlribut to the; en- mcnt is the fellow who has '!lever 111\.< ed. it is ord -tied that a certillcate of Matbe E. Hollc~of t, admlll tra- orne conotnies 3p~~cialists f rom Lertuil\ment program starting at done anything to h~ lp the govern7 :3 0 every evening exc ept Wed- mcnt.• tra nsfer be issued. trtx oi the tate of Homer D. Roll the niversi ty are glad to give n.esclay. R.qal E.tate Tr.a.fen The e tate ot Charle.!l F, Clark. croft, deceased. si lance in starting accounts The old fashioned mud Toad was Arthur G. ,Daulton and Bes,' e deceased, is e.xempt from inh\!rltThe first and final account of In pla nninll; budgets. II little hard to n8vigal;e but while l RABBIT PROPACATION Dnulton to L ora R. Corwin, teal an ce tax. Alice Clark. administra- William L. Braden. admini. trator Nt'ith I the boo k!, nor the budyou were on it there wasn't nearly st ate in South Pal'k ubdivision. triK filed hor first and flnal IIC- of the estllte ,of Myles E. Braden g els add to the family income hut so mucb danger of being hit by 11 decea.sed. bolh all i ~t in the wis · t cxpendiWilliam A. Rogers -to Stephen count. Ohin' rabbit propagation proIn the matter of t he Cfltate of The first account of Alma C. turt f the mon ey I' vail!lble and 1,1 lIll1 bing cal'1'i!)d out by Lhe speed demon. Gilman and Martha Gilman, fourte nand ighty hundredths acres Frank Wilinhoff, deceased, it is Dapper, gUl1.I'dian or Harry L . each .R valuable in rlemon~trating Djvisiqn of NowadayI' )\I h n a girl lells you ons rvl1tio~ finds in Cleucreek township. or<lered that a certificate- of trans.- DaPPtlr, guardian of Harry L, Dap to cv ry memb er of the family morc and more b\lnnios being dis- !.hat .she has i'got your numb r" Anton Fuerst to Frank Fuerst, rer be is ued. per and John W. Dapper, minor, that no more than n just share of tj'ibute d throughout the State _al- it may be that she b s been lookon hundred and fifty aeres in Sal s by John E. Holden, '. Christine Sporing, adminlstl'a- mO M), is being expend ed on any most eVNY dllY. Wi!.h hipments ing at your socia l security ca.rd. Hamilton town.!hip. administrator of the estate of trix fi led her first and tinal ac- one p l' on or for unll ces 81' Y pur cOhlmg in dnily b om nUnob, wild The ultra modern automobile Chris V. Ernst alld I rene Ernst George Hotzlin, di!eeued, were 'ap count. po 'es. northern co~tontnils, practically sheik runs over chickens in the to Marie Daniel, real estate in l)roved. Maurice Rober on was fO\lnd inLetterl! received b,Y Mrs. Jordnn the same type of animal a s the Albert L. Price, executor of the saM and hal! been admitted to the 11'01'0 Ohio women indicate that native Ohio rabbit, lU'e bt!-i ng liber- countl'y and picks 'em up -in the Hamilton township. John Homan, t al trustees 01 estate of Emma B. Price filed his Dayton State 1I0spitai for treat- accounting for funds when no ated on th~ 76 rabbit pro pagation city. M' ineviJ1e Lodge No. 667 I. 0, O. inventory. ment: written record has b.een kept. lead orcas which have been e tablished " 1 have been around bere ten F, toClifrord Hildebrant and Paul In the matter of the estate of Rosalee L. Van Doren was ap. to many family di cussions in Ohio. years, sir," said an employe to Hildebrant lot in Maineville. Stephen C. Phillips, deeeaaed, dis- pointed executrix of the estate of which result in l oss of tempers Recent hipm41nts have found hill boss, "doing tbr e men's work James B. Sbupert to Frances tribution in kind is authorb:ed. Mary Van Doren , d~eased, no and di agreement which could be 10 bannies distributed on the ; . Ruth Talmtlg , 1;eal ejitate in Carl The -schedule of debts of Louie bond required. Barl ey Turner, easil-y avoided by bookk~eping. state-ow n\!d Woodbury propaga- tor one man'J! pay, now I want a .. "I lUUl't give you that," IlFle. N. S ttlemyre, administratrix of Jesse Ro ell and Sam Moore were Budgets discourage the heaping UJ) tion tract in Coshocton c ounty and Frances "Ruth Talmage to James the estate of Frances Nicholson. appojnted apprai ers. of charge accounta that fall dtJe at 30 mor on a sanctuary il1 Pleus- replied the boss, "but if you'll tell me th~ names of the other, tWQ B. Shupert real estate in Carl!.s~. detea d was approved. Albert Rohmer, widower, elected embarrassing times. ant Township in Fnirfl ld county. men, l'll fire them."-Exc~ange-. The Peoples B. & L . and Savings The following accounts were ap- to take uncrer the will of KunigChildren gain a s~,"se of resThe nut shipment of cottontails .~mpany to The Dayton Girl proved, allowed, and confirmed by unde Rohmer, deceased. ponsibility in handling and pend- is schedaled t.o be relea ed near A New ' York physician warna "THE HOME OF GiFtS" I ' The inventory of J. T. Riley, ad ing money if they know a record Dre den in }Luskingllm county. that cold baths are harmful. Now =~~~~~=~~~~=~~~~~~=~~~~~~==~= minimator of the estate of J ame is kept of all family expenditures. let some other doctor -tum Lebanon, Ohio O'Flynn, deceased) was approved. If the budget shoWls that enterthumbs down on morning caliBthen Harveysburg Lena M. Irons, guardian of JI~l'- tainments equal an article of EXPERT WATCH ics l\n~ ve~table plate dhlnen schel J. Iron.s, minor, filed the sec- ·clothing and that on,e ha.;; to be REPAIRING and life wHI be 100 per ceDt perMrs. E. ' B, Dakin is slowly im- fecto-Sacramento Bee. ond and flnnl account. aeridc d for the lither, the choice u.... Oal,. Clnalae ......... The will of Susan J. Brown Wa.9 is easier for the child to make. proving aftei a serious illness. :=~===~~~~~~~~~ admitted to probate, C. D. Corwin Mi Nellie Boerst~r of Nor---.-~--Prompt Service was appointed executor and filed wood sp nt the week-end with NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Store open untO 9 p. Ill. bond of ,12,000. Elmer Hastings, relatives and :friends. W. O. COTWin, and Cliff C, Beckett Mr. and Mr. , Chas. Gray and Estate of Ira D. Rich, deceased were appointed appraisers. family of 'Vest Carrollton IIpent Notice i 8 bereby Iive~ that H.I !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Alton F. Brown, administrator Frida!.' evening here a nd attended R. Moss and Gilbert whoBe of the estate of Andrew Johnson, basketball game. Post Office Address is Waynesville Ask for. deceaSed, filed his first, final and Noled Group ()f Men and< Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Lukens and Ohio, have been duly appointed distributive account. daugbters, E3ther and Lois M~ami.burl Permanent Administrators of tile estate of Led by Co .... mar Dave,. attu'day and Sunday with Mr. Ira D. Rich late of Warren Concrete To SpeaJ~ Lukens brother Levi Lukens and CountY, Ohio, dec~a!ed. . Marri.ace Li~&" ' family in t.h e northern part of the Alr Seal Burial Vault John D. Hall, grocery clerk, oi -Dated this 6th day of January, Climate, cooperati()'n, facts" a- state_ ". ' Lebanon and - 'fyliss Alina Maxine 1937. For Sale ODlr b, bout textiles, s tatecraft, fun, and Plans are ab ut completed for Allen, of Lebanon, Ohio. RALPH H. CAREY, philosopby will be giv.en ' a gener- the. Farmers' Institute which is to William Thompson, clerk of Judge-ut- the Probate Court y our Fu~.ral Director Chillicothe, Ohio, and Miss Ruth al overhauling on t~he F~rmel'a' be IH:ld at tile school gym on j7-14-21 Warren County, Ohio Week program, Ohio State Uni- JanuJlO' 18 and 19. . Allen, clerk, of Lebanon. McClure Fun.~al Home versity, Jan uary 26 to 29, by a The W. C. T. U. met at the ~ corps of speaker! hellded by Gov- bome of Mrs. Mal"Y , Syferd last CHARTER No. allO R ...rve Dlatrul Ito • ernor Martin L. Davey. Thursday afternoon, . J. Bo' Kincer, cllie1 , of the cliMiss Harriet COSBum was a Report of the condltioD of the " I , WaynesviUe National Bank, of ~=====~=~~~~. vision , of clima.te. United States guest of Mis Mary Carolyn Waynesville, In th. · State of As I have rente d my farm, ,I Weather Bureau, WllshingtO'l1, D. Lukens lest SU,n dr Y' Ohio, a the cloae of bualD", will sel\ all my farm chattels, C,., on Monday at 4 p. m., will preMrs. Li zz-Ie H~ugh i$ spending on Oec mber 31. 1936. located 4 ml. .North of Waynesville sent th~ evidence 'for and against a. few days at t he home of M r, I . Published in rellponse to call '" -mjle West of Middle Run the 'theory that the climate of the Sadie Reason 8!! in the C1\,re -made by Comptroller of the Church, 1 mile East of Ferry United States is changing. Mr. of Mr. Cliapi n Lippincott who 7il-Currency, under Section 6211, Church on the oLd Franklin and Kincer does not chum to be' a w~a- mllins seriously ill. U. S. Revised Statutes. Mt. Holly Road, on ther maker bu t he d,~es have th e _Mrs. Mary 'Pucker and fam lly 48S111TS Between Toledo and Cinelllnati MON.DAY, JANUARY 18, 1937 record s on Winds. t.emperatures, entertained Mrs. Lottie Soutb and Loana and dl.counU . ..• $14 2,B41.01 Ov.rdrafU .......... ; . . . . a7.115 rainfstl, and snowfall', so he is in Mr. Clarl~ Sout h on Sunday, United Slates Government Charted for the Benefit of Interat 11 'A. M. position to tell whet.ber summers Mr. aod ;rtlrs. W. P. McCart'o)D Obligations. direct .nd state Motor Tourists 8S Well as (or) Cully truaranteed •. 101.1,..02 ,'.f:liltlll... 3 HORSES-3 extra good fum are hotter or winter!! colder than of Walhonding spent the week- Other Traflic Within the Borders of Ohio bonda, .t()(llli anil Horses. in the good old days. el\d bere, .ecurlues •••• ..• .• ...• 129,811.1% 11~~:~~~ Bankln. ItOUIe. ",000,0'. 1,8 HEAD OF HOGS-3 Black Pre~e nt tronds of the cooperBilly and DOntlld Villarr. of Ii' urnlture &nd 'Ilt'J!~ R;ofe~: turn. . .• _. _... ,t,.tS,1i1 Sows, due to fan-ow last of ative m.ovement will be the topic ~pring Valley s pent- W aonesd y Real estAt e owned other to Cineinnati u !!hown herewith is ~han houle" . . • t. January; 2 Black Sows dqe to of J. P. Warbasse, New York, pres evening with Mrs. Mary 'rUCkel' Re ..... vebanking the shortest distance between the with i'fldel'&! Refarrow in March; 13 Shoats, nice ident, Cooperative League o:f and family" .erv .. Bank •...• • • _ .• , two cities, Officials of the State Highway Department give the Am erica. Hil! talk is scbeduled for William and Charles lhl$tE.r Caah. balanceJI 'WIth oUaer feeders, wt. about 70 Ibs. banks. Itenu uO,au.n I; I~~~~~=~+~~~=~~~ In proces8 Of~a.1\ coUecUon mileage saving as about 11 mUes. F ARM IMPLEMENTS- Nearly 4 p. m. Tuesday., were recent visiton in Cleveland Otlher aneta ..•...... 18t.ot new McCormick Deering CultiOhio women and m~m will want at the hom e of Mias .Martha McThere's less' trnfTotal Anete . • . • ••..••. • un.nG." packer, nearl, new pavid Bradley to h!!,ar Ruth O'Brien, chief, di- ' cune who is criticaUy ill. " fie congestion on UA:BILlft118 -' 12-in. Walking Breaking Plow, 2 vision of textile/! an!i clothing, U. Mr. CharleII MacDonald and tbe Toledo-Cincinnati Short Line D mlmd depoaft. of ·l n4 Ividual,. "Il"TtneNht~. Oliver Walking Breaking Plows, S, Depllrtmel1t of Agi'icultul'e, on lM:ias Lucille Tucker have retul!lthan on any other ' highway conand oorporalOnl .. • • l .. 1.718.0" necting these ,two cities. There Imperial Walking Breaking Plow, Wednesday at' 11 a. m. propound to North Colle~ Hill to resume Time deposit. of I.Ildlvlduala. partnerlhlp!!, .n4 ' are far iewer curves (no hairpins) Cassady Gang Plow. 8 Disc Super- the questil>n of whetber consum- thei ... Rehool work aflar _'\ pleu. COl1POrt.t1on. • .• . • .-•. , . U.t17.7. and all railroad grade croas.ings lor Wheat Drill with fertilizer at- era really want to knCl,W the facts ant vacation. State. county. &Dd Jl\ulllcl.... pal dllpo.l~ .•• " .,.... u.n •. a. are exceptionally well protected. tachment, 10 Disc Supreme Wheat about clothing and textUe8. Total of Item. If ·to 18. Drill, lone-horse Jewel Wheat 'Gove-rnor -Hartin L. Davey, on (&) 8eour,84 b~ pl.4•• !~ :h8~~nt eO! Drill, Johnson 7 ft. Cut Wheat Wednesday at 4. o'cloc~k, will tell or an (or) ItlVe.tlneJltl n.iU.1t mileage, less con~stion (both on Binder, International Corn Pt.r!- Ohio citizens soma of the knotty (bl Not aeoa:r.~ bl the higbwnys and in the cornmuplOd.... of .. ter, Adriance Mowing Maehine, ttuesUona which 'have to b. de{.I>r) lov •• tnJ tic t.hru which they pass), tewer International Double Disc, Single ~I!ied by governOR oj~ Ohio and mente ., .•.•• -UO'1.U'.1I curves. and adequate width Disc, Internatiollal Seed· Oleaner Jt.o!" ships of etate cann.ot be (fuid....... 7U (a) Total ' roadbed nnd bridges, the ne,,08 lt•. .•• 'IU~".O' in ~xc-&l1M1t condition, Farm e~ by' !'emote control. n. Ohio S~te ,,,.unW, Colum- Dividend. Route bere ' outlined is .. !lilt . 1Iot yet fa,-.l. . . ._ _ Wagon with ~x bed, Farm W86rOD • Wednesday u also ,at'lniversary bo. 0.: mg time-saver for the ' amou.nt. I . ulda,.,. . • with !lat top, Oliver one-row d..y, in celebration. of the 26th anBteaDH of tlte p*ullarly MOllObusy motorist-very probdlvlden.,. not ,deal.r8cJ 1.S11.00 ._unt: . " nual Farmers' Week. Two of the poliatlc feature of. ttl ' buaill~... C.pltal Cultivator, lJanlhare Plow; a~ as muCh 8S two hours. Oommon I~ 0011:1 1,000 Shovel Caltivator, 60-tooth Drag wherever it operate.. the Bell Tele-' .h.r.... par aU •.,O per .ha.r.. total .. t15.000,OO phooe SYltem tefllll\ it,,' NRA code Sorplue AN ALL PAVED Harrow, Tiger Corn Cultlvator' i ' -. ,. . ••• • 17.QO-O.OO "."d"~ Undlvlde4 proflt.l~ a recovery code. • dlltinguished good cloSed Buggy, open Buggy, net ..•. .".. • If.UII." HIGHWAY frOm the cillt~m.., c:oclI of fair one horse spring Waron. an.d ' WAYII&SV1U.ll. 01lIO Tot&! Capital competition. other items. Choice ()f I{nowing Account .•.• U8.235.48 The intent of co_ is to IllAaeoce 3 horse., colHARNESS-for The ba c k· Motorists Tot..l LJablllttee ..• . . ~~~ incliYidual campani. to incteue embone of the oflar$, lines. bridles, ete. ' Lo.. nl .n4 Originated and Sponsored plOJlllent, nise waara and eliminate ficilll RevoluFEED-200 bu. good SOUDd Inveetment.. Pl....d to by the UDfalr competition. The codea also tionary Trails S.cur. Llabllttle. Corn, 2 ton Alfalfa hay, 60 bales U , anticipate that price riles ill ,oods United State. Goy_mInt uuu System of Revolutionary •- good bright straw. obU... Uon.. 4Jreot . .II _ _,.;;._ _ _ _- - - - and conunoditiea wiD offset the Western Ohio. (or) full, .u_nt.ed • 20.18.... _ _ ..... _ Short Trail ¥ISC:--Carpenters chest. and Other ' bond .. a~ .. a_ r _ _ higher operatiOIr caat.. MaJ;'ked its lee-urIU.. .•..•••••••• •• tools, CfOSs-cut saw, 1 barrel spray Bat the Ben S,stan cooltitutes AII8Odation entire length pl1mp, Sharples (!reaM , separator, a moaopoly. So, too, 40 the lade,Total Ple4.e4 ( ••oludlDa- _ by histori~al redl.counia> ....• . • r 8 pendellt telepbont cpmpaoiel in water separator, 32 gal. kettle and markers of the th.1r re ., • C t i • e commuDities stand, single aDd double tree., Obit) Memorial throaPoat tile c~h'7. They have shovels, forb, picks, chains, hoes, Oommilsion. DO COID,etitioa. . . ete. .... til. BID S,.tem and the inFor adcHtlonal strip Terms: Cuh maps or any lDtonnation depadeQt 11ft•• ~ replatecl .trlct· R. W. MURRAY relative to State Parks, 11' Q tile IlItentata ComIDerce c.. Pleasure .R elOrti, Beenic F. T. Martil1, Auc:t. . . . . . ... .dUty bodl.. , Spots, Historie Shrines Lunch OD GrouDds T.~ coda. or the hundreds of other ~ --u 'lDCIt othar halpolDb of 8ltptlCiai tnternt WODId he Remember the old fllahtoaed &JODII' this route, '1rrita O4Joll1." who aaed ~ we. WILBUR M. F tJLI( 01" OIl -GOIit 8acntaq








Cary'_ Jewelry Shop




Public Sale








I •• _

T. ,Maliln


._ _---


What Some ,I;diton

l' I .



Cent.mle, Ohio



.......- ..............


cussiRiJi mS... · n

1Ii.'' '.•


four w.. _.Ie.. t









- - - - -- -








The C)ontroversy over merchandjsing prllc'ticcs and regulatory laws' cannot. be Boundly solved if acrimony, prejudice Ilnd misunder· sta ndingB d't>minate th~ disc·ussion. Every American citizen has a stak e- in this problem. All ' of us are consumers-.all of us will be afl'eded by ' laws which direcUy or indirectly penalize low COBt merchandising and thus boost the cost of commodities. Proponents 'of laW1l designed to restrict mass distribution of com· modisties seem to feel that such a step is necessary to protect indepen· ~nt merchants. But t he facts do not sublitnDtio.te this. Independent merchants have not only met such compet.ition. but have themselves expanded and prospered. Many experts think that mllss distrib~tion has J'ust about reached the apex 01 i<develop-Ant. .......... It seems unreasonable t·o suppose that if laws are pallscd which (lripple low cost distribution consumers that ind pendent merchant.'! d · pu bl'lC WI'11 n ti re Iy esca}!e th e pen a It"les Impose. an d th e . b UYIDIt Thousands 0·£ independenta hllve joined ~n buying organizations based • Iy Oil th e ox", I-t'In, mass b ' ' precise uymg an d se II'lng sye te m 0 ..~ re dU(lmg overhead, transport 8lld other in·between costs. . U-'~ th A ' I Ill' b k h II ,,",,,,s 41 merlcan peop e are w mg to go ac to t e cross· ' Toa ds s t Or "id ea 0f mere b an di' slDg an d pay more ·f or everyt h 109 t h ey ' . WI'11 be well to "make b~y, W'1.t.h a sma II sel eet.lon to cb oose f rom, It . h as t e 8 t ow1y,,·m pa Ing Iaws th at b amper effi cIency an d goo d service.


-::======================-====== -

I Farm ~igh~ lal's, JtJnuarv 18 \

8:00 Franklin County 4·H Club Pro~ram-Memb rs directed by N. C. Arnold, Assistant COUllty ExtensiOn Agent, ColumbU!!. 8 :30 Johnny Appleeed- H. E. Eawine, Historu.n. 8 ;40 Farm Home Periq,l): Clothing Cha~Mi8s E¢th Berry, ExtenIlion Clothing Specialist. Our Homes and Families--Mrs. Helen Mougey Jordan Ext~nsion Home Econo·mist. IlIOO WOSU Orche tra. 9:10 An [nvltation to Farmers! Week--.Jonn F. Cunningham, Dean, Collece of .A.arieultul'e. I) !20 Replacing Winter-Killed Fruit i'rees-F. H. Beach, Ext. Horti. , culturillts. 9:80 WOSU OrtllMtn. 9:40 The BUliDeee Side of Farming-V. R. Wertz, Extensio n RUlllI .... li;cODQmiat. 9:60 tQ 1Q Rur.1 Ohio's Play Loan Service-~arm Night Reporter.

Although the elepbant 18 bl, and very tou gh he ne'l~r t ak" a careleo step. Be SlDart like the elephant . TA ,K E NO CHANCES WHILE OltiV ING THAT MAY CAUSE :l NJURY OR DEATIJ.

In bu in... EMPLOYME!'o.'T: As mentioned bove, i. still one of tlu! most rioua of our international problems. Unemploym~nt total i.! hovering around six or seven milBusiness must make big progress in production before this labor surplus is absorbed. Politics, and taxation, labor troubles technolbgicaJ advance are greu't obstaA:les to normal employment. AGRICULTURE: Had the best gross income since 19Z9 in 1986. Crops were ,smaller, as a result of drought, but prices were higher in p 'actically all lines.

In the near future, you are likely to see a highly technical discussion going on as to the merits and demerits of "e y money." = __ - - - = - - For four years, th,e Federal [n a "resume of Ohio con.servn.· government has stead i1y forced tion for 1936," just released by interest rates down, in an effort to CommiSsioner Lawrence Woodd ell make money more 'ple-ntlful. An'y Mrs J ennl ' e Haworth f W ') of the, division of conservation,' 0 1holder can bear witness security was asserted that re ulta are being ml'natO .... n, spen t th e wee I'(-en d WI'tb to that - where Grade A bonds noted already in connectl'OJl with her daughter, Mrs. Harold McKay used to command fiv e and somethe establishment of a long-time and family. conservation program. One of the Mr. and Mrs; Curtis :Nuh and times six per cent, they now ,. principal parts of the program was f ami'1Y, of Dayton wer'~ Sunday bring 1 as than 4 per cent fo~ the the improvement of the natural guests of Mr. and Mrs. FPed Nash most part. Th M K ' Government experts say this is habitat and food and cover con di. 4> c ay families attended '!!'!!'!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!! -- tions for game birds, animals and th e f unera 1 0 f Mrs. Hattie HadLey a good thing, that high-priced fi sh as well as restocking \.of 0 f CI ark BVI' IIe on Wednel;day and money holds back business e.xpanmany aCre!!: More than 100 small on Sun d ay th e f unera 1 of Ellen sion and constructlo~, is thu!! a W' threat to recovery. Most private . h stream dams were construct'ed dur Wrig lImington. Th t Gat experts say thil! is true, to a cer· ing the 'lear, which not only con. e ray family had as Sunday tain ex t ent--b ut. t h at contlOuatl . ,on tlibuted to good fishing but also evenil1g dinner guests, ]~i&5 Mabel of present trends, with money to the general water supply, ero- CIark an d M r. Wm. 1Nilson of D growing cheaper all the time, may sion control and food prevention. ayton. I d h Ith lat' lve Num rous . rabbit propagation , Misses Cla'\ldia and J osephine bea to. an "Un. te..a ty ,specu. ft t t districts have been set up ' and con Gray made a sho rt call at the- ?om In. ~cun le.s, 0 m a lon, 0 tTolled shootin g areas. established. Nash ____ home Sunday aft(lrnoon. hlghe~1n hVlDg _ _ __ _ apse bond costs, values.and to a collSecurity exchange spokesmen An exten ive educational movehave pointed' out that present marment, particu larly for the 'teenage youth of Ohio, wu started ket activit)' can go too far, that last and is developing rapidly it is the duty of all involv~d to according to the report. During the year just closed, avoid the obvious danger that can • there bas been fulfillmen t of hopes result from a security "boom." mixed with a number of disappoint It is easy to become excessively [ • ments , in the industrial 11eld. It is optimistic at a time when money true that production. and! sales in- j~ cheaper, and industrial produc' An appeal to trappers , and dexes are at the highe:st levels t io" is soaring. It is not gener !llly s ince depression set in. It is .Iso felt that cllrrent security values oth ra interested in wildlife, to tru,e'various grav'" Illro bJem , _ •• ". are too high-fear iB held only for aid in conserving turbearers ilotnbl'" that of unemployment-~ possible exorbitant rise.s in t hose issued todny by Conservation Oom are still a. 10ng way from solution. val ues in the future. ERE'is an offcr that " iJI appeal to all-American mi ioner L. Wooddell, after a As a result, indUBtry looks lor· ~-----.--Boy Magazine and this ncwspaper at a spcdal survey by Conservation Division ward to 1937 with optimism ting. combination bargain price. The American Boy is the ed with worry. It is probable that favorite magazine of more than 500,000 boys and field men indicated heavy fur the most favorable outlook of an yo'mg men. Its nction carries boys on the wings of eatches. Commissioner Wood dell i& held by the retail busin. adventure to all parts of t world. Its sports articles d~clare d that the valu e of furs eSSE!!. Last year's December buyby famous c~aches and at hletes ate studied by cham· t.ak en in tblj State this seaaon ing totaled m.ore than ,6,000,000,. pions. Here you 'will 6nd the 6nest stories on sports, WOuld be the higbest in reeellt 000.- compared with $4,600,The new social order into whicb aviation, business. school activities, humor, and travel. 000,000 in December, H 135, 'and Amerl'ca and thc "whole ·w orld is ' h' t Oh10 Even at its regula!,' price of $1 ,00 a year, The Ameri111 ory. $3,700,000,000 'in December can Boy is considered a bargain . But now you may "Mild weather and a good 1933, which marked tJie low point. rapidly moving wi11 be created by obtain it and this new paper ••••• gaml! crop have contributed to- Consequently, seasonal emplpy. either the communists or the ward an unu sually heavy catch of ment last December (ext.ra clerks fascists unless the Christian furs," <Almmis ioner 'WOOddell and office workers jn department cbutch and Cbristian ideallam , said. "Several buyers of furs have stores, etc.) was encollragingly take charge, Or. E, Stanley Jones, reported purchases to da~ far in high. Tbis was reftected 11;0 'some Methodist Episcopal missionary to excess of the entire season's pur- e%t.ebt ill th& production field. Asia. and America, worned a mass chases fI year ago. Howev~r, payrolls are still abnor- meeting of Methodists in the "I:f the ' present weather condi- mally low. $cottieh Rite Audltorium. Cincintions continue t he fur crop is in A synopsis of current busineu nll\t;i, on WednesdaJ' evening, danger of depletion to • point taken from authoritative sources. January 13. Send Your OrderlTo Urging a more active and arret;where the breeder stock will be !ollows: endangered'. If that bappens the ELECTRIC UTILITIES : ,During sive Christian chlu~ch to meet fur industry will 'be effected for 1936, this indUstry spent ,833, needs of the world and to combat g net atlons to come. Muskrats, 000,000 for new capital equipment communism and fascism, both of. particu larly, are .!Iufferlng; but This year it will spend m,o re than which he d~la:red as enemies of othet' species also are in danger." $630,000,000, as a result of in. religion and of democracy,' Dr. The Commissioner asked trlQ)· cl'easing demand. Principa.t ~ltpen. Jon es is addressing feUow pers to limit their catches. The ditures will go for expending gen- Methodists in Bome 50 Amarican open season on mu.skrat in the crating- facilities, which will be cities thi~ winter. He is urging Lake Ede trappin'g district; will more than doubled. The political them to enroll in the church'l not clole until March 16, and will situation is a highly important "Million Unit Fellowship Moveremain open in t~ inland trapping factor so as utilities are con- ment" to promote Christi"nity in distriet until February 1. The eerned. and will dictate their bud- the United States, Asia, Afr ica mink season ends Mt:reh 1. Taking trl ts and e mployment to consider Ilnd South America. The plan is to of skunk, raccoon and 0pp08sum able extent, organiz~ , on.e · million is legal 'until February 1. In sevAUTOMOBILES: There seems lead ers "to be active for era1 Ohio' counties fox can be kill- to be almost no limit to the tianityas commllnistse.nd faBciSta ed throughout the year. in others public's appetite for new cars. On are for their belief." Thi2, Or. the season endB February ).. t h e debit side of the ledger is' the Jon es says, is to be Metbodism'B threat of labor troubles, whicb response to the , demand for have already hit machine 'tool and something to take the place of "a accessory makers. JO)1n [,; Lewi.s shattered, cracking, social order is known to be 'p lanning a cam· throughout the world.

. .. ..

a ~_




STOR E for


APp rAl TO



Plus This

ews paper

At R edu ed Price '


Best of the N,ews Direct From, the Ohio State Capi'toJ ,

townA aDd villages are' qualifted to celebrate their eentenDials during 1!137 by reason ot the fact that th«:'y WE:re created 100 years ago hy acts of the G ~ne ral Assembly. Of lh~ eighteen, only Tolcdo, which officially cam xistGnce Januar y 7, 1887, grown in size to the extent that ~t i one of the largest eities of t.ho ' sLate, The others a century old nrc 13edford, Bremen, Cambridge" arysville, Charleston Cll;lrksville, Columbiana, Gillford, 'Harmar, Huci.I!on, Minerva, New Haven f Pekin, St. Marys, WarrenLown,- Waterville and Wa.ynesville. The village of Bremen in Merc er county, Cary~ville in Champaign, harlasto n in Lo~ain, Gilliord in olumbiana, Harmar in Wash ing. ton and Pekin 1n Carroll have g ivcn up their corporate charters.


COLUMBUS - In a battle not close enough'· to cause immediaEJnst time to save mtlltons of '\ ate anxiety ' and it is thought that d nara worth ' of coal in the they will be completed in ample v cilnity ot New Straitsville from time to halt the movement of the the dteUCeroua mine fire w1rlch fil'(!. ' • a.1readJ' 'caUlled a Ho,OOO,OOO , • • • jOl8, work has been ruumed by Chief luistice Carl V. Weygandt the Worn Procreu ~dminilir.,. of the Supreme Court of ' Ohio tion dter" brief delay, it waJl an- was chairman of the judici al secn ' unced, by Dr. Cad Watson, ·Wp tion of, th.e American Bar AS80cia~ A:.. administrator for Obio. The pro tioD'a houae of d~legates, in a j~t was intelT,llPted In or~rto seeond annual seasion here, permit the Uatted States bUTQU which tIlad,e a renewed plea for 0' mlbe. to mab tNt.. Three bar- greater decorum in the courts of n"~ are behlg , CODIt.ructed in an the natioD. Aliserting , that tbe aCtvmpt to isolate tate underground court. of' America have been subclhlftagratioJl fro. adjoinlnw coal Jeeted to "inereaslnlr public cen. filld. of dntc?ld vala~ At the pr'" lUre for jnd~orum," the judicil+l ellt tlme the fire, whlq) started section reeommended: The ' weartbree-quarten of a century -ao, ing of a robe by every judge of ,a i, racing within 200 feet of tbe court of record i that no court &i_rtinls Hollow}ar~er w~ of permit ita 8essionJl to be interNew StraitavilIe, Or. WataoD eaid. rupted by broadcasting or by tnk1(:/ the 600.foot barrier can ))e inc photoarraphs or motion 'Picture c~Dlpleted . before the blaae ceb tbat witnesses should. not be sworn ntiach ' closet it ia hoped that the in ITOUPS but ellch witness should fin will be. eoaftlllCl to Jt. present have the o~h administered 1m· apa. s.veral,r..k>....~pte .to medlat;tl, ~ore tetlt.ifying and a stop tbe cj_trucijOJl ha.,e failed. 'J)ermAIMInt record of the faet. be Aaother Nn1el' ia beinw 'comt:ruc- made.. ted near SIIa~" and the' thixd. • •• • • iii ' Bodrin~ C01Jllt} jun ,l oath of ~cqrd8 in the offic~ of Secre. the Perry CIOuDt, , Ufl", but for tary of State William J. Kenn edy them. the undercr()~nd iriferM is diSclosed that eightC1!n Ohio cities y , "



Both One Year For

Th e

Miami , Gazette




:~np:l:~!on~~e ~:~::i:!ot':; S"Al'ES TA·X-n"·-E-T-U --'n """'N'S relt of th, Industry. CONSTRUCTION: For the past five years,a ma.jor builditll boom hal been anticipated. It ha.Il not oc· curred. However, durine 11}1!6 con, struction was at least 60 per cent For the convenlenee of vend on better than in 1936, wltlJl home detirin~ asslatance In flllng sales building 70 per cent ahead. Amer- tax retQrns, Examiner M. H. h~a 'atm faces a conaiderable hou .... Keelor will be .located in various shortage, and tbe buDding points In Warren COUIlt} on the hopeI! that 1987 datea, shown In tbe following 1"hWllv prove to bIB 'the fear acbedllie. Vendon sellin, only food .f!>r whfeh Ameri~an8 will go ilnto market for new homes, al well aa human CODJumption oft the preme:rlell8ive moderniution of old ia.. where lold. who have not home&. rendered their licenles for callSTEEL,: Baa just clolled cellation, may do 80 as any Df th1l third beat fear In Its hiatorJ, point.. Both the vendor'l lice nile pr.,(klct:lon the best slncel aDd the metal identification plate this indultrJ' alaci is If,,,,...lo.l-'l Mould be tumed in to Mr. Keelor with potential labor diftlC:IJlUee. or to the CountJ Auditor'. office, RAILROADS: Trame i. 'a t Lebanon. profttIJ U'6 amall. Some ~.ICILIth""1 lIr. Xe.lor wDl b& located at the feel that the [CC'II court lIouae at Lebanon, on Friday tinae the emera.Dcr JaD~ 15, ad all of the lut ill. aerioua hlow. ICC I&)'II~ 011 week 0 fthis month .. well all each other hand, that tile emel8lDq Satarclq fOraDoon durinc Janover, that more frNht Dar7. O\ber locatioDa and wUl conr the 10.. TIme aM: teD whloll lid. II rlPt. KoMar to Frida" JallU&r7 18 .....ntime. *be aM .1, Jlanllal'a Franklin. their ezpauloa aad - - •


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Quality . Printing






la t we-ck with bl'r ~i ·ter, M18. Juhn Zimmt'rm 11 lind fnmily THE IIIAliI GAUna ~11'~ II tirTY Burnett vil"it d her in ilarton. POaaD ULT. fnth I', E. L. Thomas., at tbl' MiMrll. Trilla Fal'(IUllr lind ~on, nmi all "/ lIospitlil on IOf\t Ru ymoncl. and Mr'. Addll Back of \\'(:(\Ilebdar. ncar Ridgevill Wl.'r Sundn, • [rs. J. B. J one. spent several gucsts of M~. R ta Rog~rs. t thl' annulli me ting of the Mrs. Ruth av ge of CenterW!nren ollnly Board o( Healt.r hl.'ld Inst week in Lebanon, Dr. Ed vill~ and her, Mr~. RoBloir wa appointed 10 a two-Yl.'llr ben aUaway of Dayton, ~I)cnl BCHAPM~N t~ rm n~ county ht'alth Olllm i Friday in Lytl !!. sioner. Harvey Burnet madl' n bu ~i nel"s Lice.led ' \ . "hc board also reappointed ~ iss trip to Columbus, Tuesday. REAL ESTATE Kulhryn Gibbon a. county health Mr. lyde Wharton, M1'" Eva nul'.' !! Ilnd K R B IIlley was ap· Wharton , and MI'. and Ml's. A. NOTARY PUBLIC poin ted ,sanitary officer for Th ompson were Lebanon visi tors WUi\'n() and l\lassil' town~hi»s. ;.-.----------------...: Monday. . GENUINE TALON· Mr. and Mrs, George Gray are FASTENERS slowly i~provil1g aftel' a sicg of UnD FOR ALL the grip. REPLACEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Walter Whitaker entertained the Wayne- T ownship onstant rainfall for several Club oh Thul' day of on Harness, Galvanized Ware and almost Farmer's houl's has caused the Lit.tle Miami this week. MiMs Anna Ml'redith of River nnd other s~a m s in thl' Graduate Veter inarian everything in the hardware line. Cincinnati was Ule guest. peaker. only ill1ml.'diate relative surviving. ~EN'S 3 PIECE SUITS ........ SOc vicinity to steadily rise. Water is We are still selling at the old price, but Fun eral. el'vices were held at Mr. and Mrs., Thel,'Le Jones und over the Avenue and flowing LADIES' P LAIN DRESS ES .... SOc will be compelled to advance when pre.ent son, Milton, spent Sunday with t he Frie nds chur<;h Sundoy aCter- Wayne Township .schOols were diRJ ' the latt r's parents, MI'. Itne! Mrs. n<,!on, Rev. A. Wnlrd Applegate stock i. exhausted. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO mL sed at noon todllY to ennhl c bu Edwin Nuit n~!lr enLcrvillc. officiating. Intcl'me11lt was in New drivers to deliv!.'!' pupil to their See us for the right price. Mr. and Mrs. Hub rt Pur. ley Vienna cemetery. Just received new shipment of New Idea and family of n ar Fan klin were Members of the Wilmington col- bomes before I'ond s becom imT.I.phoDe No. 4 ClfANIl entertained to dinner ,Sunday, at lege board of tru te'es Ilnd faculty pl1.sable. Manure Spreaders. KATHRYN M E~D E NHALL, ...... the home of Mrs. Belle Scott, Ev- membel's ~ rv d at, active and crott Early and qallghters. honorary pail b al'!!rs. STRIKE IS SHORT .LlVED Mrs. Alice lark has gone to --Dayton to spend the remainQ I" of Approximately 20 employees of Hardw are aad Implemeats the winter and is lit home to her. the harles Mds Shoe Manufnctur Phone 99R3 W ayneaville, Ohio many :friends at ,221, West fourth ing ompany were expected to street. Th " -.- - - . r turn to work today fo)lbwing a IS 1S a. danger )11s time of the, strlk~ was announ ced by Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Gray enter. Wn n deoth occur, or at any time. our door stands open tnined on Sunday at II family din- yenr. to drive. F wer hours. of F. M. Condon, monager. for friendly counsel. ' We are alwaye glad to anawer que~tions nero the following guests: M'l'. daylight, the pre\'I~1 nce of lce- I Th workers emplo yed at piec and show our beautiful funeral home and our complete, modem and coat.ed highways, the frequent work in the cutting room 1 ft their and Mrs. Albert Stacy facilities. But particularly at a time of grief, we otr~ our Charles Morgan Qf DllyLon, Mr. snowfalls and other factors, .such job Wednesday morning becau e friendly counsel. The grief-stricken will flnd unobtru81ve and Mrs. Will Null and daughter as fog, help to ma,ke the. WlOt r they wel'e not pl'o\,ided witb a ONLY of near Springboro, Mr. and Mr. months ' dangerous for drIving. . volume of work «lual to that in sympathy here and a ready willingness to take the burden 01 Dearth Sheehan and two d~ughTo co-mbnt th e ndvers-e condl- other department;., according to More than a million readers throughout the every detail oft' saddened shoulders. country read PATHFINDER regularly for • ters of Five Point road, rtlr. and tiO~8 mot?rists. sh ould redouble plant officials. ' a complete, timely and unvarnished digest Reports that employees sought Mrs. Russell Burn tt and fo ur t~~nr caution. on tlll,e streets and of the news. Are you overlooking Bomecbildren of Ridg vi1\e, Bnd Bobby. hIg hways. Drive sl,ow ly wh n the n 10 percent increa e were deni d thing? Toda.y, economic and political affairs are at their and Wilma Gray. IItreets are slip pel')' from snow or by Condon. Sidney Eisman, Cintopsy-turviest. Every new turn of events is apt to affect .Mr. and ?tfrs. A, C. Thompson ice. .. . . ntlti, Preaident of t.he firm, was in your pocket-book. Everyone's asking. "What's It all about. aod how mu~h is it going to cost me?" Before you received word Wedn-esday morn. S~e that.dyourk~lll1dsh~leld Wlhl>t'>tk8 L<.bano.n assi ting in COl'recting can answer that question you must be able to interpret ing of the sudden death of Roy are In ~oo wor mg or~er. cc the trouble. the news; and before you can interpret you must have Williams, MI'!!. Thomp on's son by your hghtl!--front; and rear- to - - -- - -all the facts clearly explained. CLUB MET IN LEBANON a fo rmer marriage arad the fathe1' see. that you get.the ful.l ~eneflt or EVERY WEEK FROM T"E of little Nancy Lee Williams, who theIr rays for mglut drIVIng. NEWS CENTER of the WORLD makes her home with tile Thomp. PedC'$tl'a~ns, too, must r~mem­ The Warren County Pathfinder comes to you with its re- . sons. Mr. Williams wna a barbel' ber.that drlv~rs ha'v~ more dlfficul- tural club met ill Lebanon on liable, ea~·to-read and at the Soldier's Home. Dayton, ty III operatIng then cat's in bad Tuesday evening. Th~ speaker stnnd ne,vs r eviews in words. pictures 'and made frequent visits here. weather, .and sho~1d eros treets for the occasion were J . P . and charts. Its condensed form presents days begin to a lively and intelligible survey of cur- Funeral was Friday afternoon and only at mtersectll)n~- and then chmidt of the rural sociology de· paJ'tment at Ohio State University rent events throughout the 'Worldj its burial at Soldier's Home. The only when the C~&.llt 1S clear. impartial interpretation, anal ysis and Walk and drive carefully to a nd H. C.Ram ower, sUIte diexplanation of the news enables you to family have the s~mpathy of freinds of this comunity. help reduce t~e~~ffic Math toll. rector of agricultural exten sion think and talk straight. Other weekly news magazines sell at $4 to es a year. Path8nder sells for .. .. a year. but for a limited time we can offer yOO • sreaUy ATTENDS MEETING I11III":'. reduced bargain priee on a combination of this paper and PATHFINDER. Drop in and sec samples or write and take.advan... Superintendent L. A. Gar t atten ded a meeting of Warren .~~~;~~~jJ tage of tbis S))I)cial offer without deltIy· insure your ~onomic future by assUI1.D8 coun ty school sup rintendents in ' yo~ complete ,rasp of curr ent aft'alra. Miss ~Uen C. Wrlght, 91, bet- ffiNo chandged .was madIe binwthe Lebanon, IMt Thursday. Dr. G. .... "T h E l l ' " I 0 eel'S an . trectors 0 t e ay· G. Swanson of the State Departte t' known.... eae er en , professor of Latin at Wilmington. nesvill e Nationa.l Bank ~t the ment of Education addresaed the meeting hE!ld at t herr bank meeting. co II ege ..... or 4'" »year, f rom 1876 t' 0 annual . 'ed F 'd • h h . 109 rooms, Tuesday aftemoon. 1920, dI rl ay a~ er oml!! 1n 'l . t Th~ officera are, W. H. Allen, TrN The Miami Gazette FI)' A W1 mmg on. t George J . W aterhouse, pI'eSI"d en; Sh e was a memb or 0 f t h e Iir ts . . . Year• t' ' 1 f W 'I . t vIce presIdent; L .. M. Henderson, e' ua mg cas!! 0 I mmg on . ~==~~~=~==~~~ college in 1876 and assumed her cashier. Directors. W. H. Allen, :;: ' t' tb f l ' d' George J. ' WatE!rbouse, L. E. POSl Ion on e aeu ty lmme I· H k tt H A (~ U L M tel Sh b ' H' hi d oc e, . . "orne, . . a y. e was orn 1n Ig an H enderson . _ _ __ .. _ _ __ coun1.y November 0, 1846.




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Prices Are Advancing

Dr. A. E. Stettler '





- - --

D. ' Collett


Friendly Counsel


-,,,,,,. Paper For One Year and


..1. E. lieCia...


Ag1' II

UK- lien tile





for 1937 I resolve to

Live', Betler by letting cheap electricity . do my work for me The means are at hand for every .American wite

and mother to lead a. better and more abundant Ufe duiing 1937. Mabufacnuen bave made available many beautiful new electrical appUances to aid the homemaker • • • to do aut0matically what has been done by hand ••• co save COU4Wess hours and precious enerlY. And at present low electric rates every WO!lWl can aiord' to resolve thlt she wiD • this . . , raid to better living cluriAa 1957.

With the exceptioB of 1888 and 1889, when she ·attended . Bryn Mawr college-, ,she wa.s never absent from her teae,hing post at the college. She was librarian for s on~ years and also taught pre. paratory English. She was a member of an old and widely.known family in nUl,llerous other Friends congregations .and communities as well as in the vicinity of Wilmington. He r 'f ather, Joseph Wrig"h t, was a promin nt Frie.nds' ministe:r and h~r lIrother, John, widely known in education, lIenin; as principal of the high schaol and as a faculty memb er in the science department. of the college. A tree, seedling ef the Logan Elm, stan<b on the c()Ueg.e campus .planted and dedicated to her by a m'e inber of the Federated Women 'C1ubs of America. ~he had been .a lifelong member ot th"e- Friends . churcb in Wllmingtqn. . . Her .ister, Mrs. E:mma, . Wright Hale, with whom she lived; is the



Short. and' M.·ddll·ng. --Ivan YcKeUip, animal husband·, ry departm en t; 0_ S. U., says, "There is no evidence that complex mineral mixtures are nec('Ssary or desirable for dairy cattle. Tne good rations fed on many Ohio farms sho uld s upply all minerals needed c!xcept common salt." --Just in time fOlr the butchering ,'Season, thc& e:xtenl~ion . service at O. S. U. bas ' ism.ed a bulletin on preparing the por:k supply for. the family. J. W. Wlilichet and L. E. lCunkle take the pig from t he feedlot to sausagiC casin·g. Copies of the bulletin clin be secured from_county c&xtetlsion agents . ---Ohio d/!-iry farmers who were members of herd improvement associations in Novelmber, 1986, Bold 178 cows for beet and 105 for milking pUt'poae':j


... II'.. . . .•

..........•... •..•


School News .....

At a meeting of the assembly htst Friday, the students ' chose by their appla~ a new cheer-leade.!'; Anna Gay Treadway. Anna. Oay will work ~ith Bob Hiatt in leading cheers for the- varsity basket· ball gamee and will take \he place left vacant by Ruth Collette when she moves to Oxford nut week. We are all sony to loee Ruth bot hope she will like her new aebool.

F....Ia... Ne,.1 The two ..ctiona ot the Frub· man claM held old f ..h loned spel· UnW matebea durinw their r"pect· I". ho~ room period, Thursda,. Section ODe apelled Ita worela haekwarda whU. ~.n two raD ''. _ _ _OIU!Il.4....." fa

----_ ._---





• • II' • •

Tl]e State Inspector, Dr. Swan80n, from tne 01110 State University. villited tpe Wanen coupty scho01s last weelt. Dr. Swanson, a<;cpmpanied by :Mr. Bohl, county superintel1dent of schooLs visited Waynesville Thu.rsday morning. At some latel' date a report will be sent to our Bchool conceminr the relUlb! of the inspection.

len gtltsn

The cold "rang,hen. "

Storm 000'''1 and Windows, 'W eather Strips and .Insulation Ever~thing

lin Bqllders' Supplies

w. H·. Madden,aco. PhoneU



pa. W'OBD.








G..... N. _ Firat Grade: Wear. glad to ha"e Donald DaIda back. he b.. been abMnt. for I Wftk. Second Grade: The .econd rrade c:IdIdren enJo,ed _coratine their roolD with fruit bora whldl the,



Eighty·Ninth Year


Whole Number 625'i"




As ~ a result Of the attendance contest recently held in the Methodist Sunday school, the losing side gave a supper in the social room of the church, . Wednesday evening, with the winner as thai\' guests. WOSU To F_ture Farm aad An interesting two-day program Mrs. Schaulthels graduated Gco rge Man ington, son of the About 70 were present to enjoy Fint Teoam W iaa b ~ 37-27 Score, as pr sented at the' annual th supper and thil good time Home Broacic...te Thr_.hoat from Wayne viii high school in 1st William Manjngton and well 7th . a d 8th Crath 12.11 ; T I> Farmel"'l!!' lnstitute which was which followed.,. Week 1926 a.nd from Suecl'!1 MClllOrial .k:nown by older 's idc'nts h rc Id Monday and Tuesday of t hi Play Har • .,.burlr Next Hosoital Nurses Training Scho ol, d' d • h' h . T ' h N ' <; K t k . 1930 I a. I oml! m onopa, ev., week, at the cbool gym in Everything is In readiness to Dayton, cn uc y, In . , Mr. and Mrs. Schaultheis will IKcemb r ]6, 11l36. About tlir(!e Harveysburg. "ring up the. curtain" on the big' Waynesville def.eatled MllJlon years ago Mr. Manin'gton visited 25th anniver58t:y Farmers' Week The state peakCTS were Mrs. Friday night in the new gym at. reside in. Newport, Kentuc)cy. . A. Steele, of Clark county, and program which opena M.onday, relatives and fri nds in Ohio and • Meaon. The Mason team was spent severnl days in Waynesville H. W. Matthews, oi Columb-iana January 25 and rllna through the leading 15·12 at the half but the -~~------~ calling on fl'iends .of his boyhood county. 29th, accor:ding to word from the Waycehs got started in ~he last Add d attractions included College of Agriculture at the Ohio hall and finlshed "going away" days. baby show, corn show, cake exState University. with a ten point lead 37 to 27. Tbe following al·ticle was c1iphibit, quilt exhibit and a poster .:. "We have hopes," says H. C. Th prel imm~ry gam was beped from a Tonopah paper: display. A. H. Stubbs was in Chicago on Rarnsower, director of the agricultween tho .seve.nth and eigbth "Death truck again in the rank Offic s for the institute were; business Tuesday. tural extension service, "that the grade teams of Mason and W 8y• _ __ of Tonopah 1)ioneere l~st evening RT .. REV. B. H. RB[NHEIMER Howard Shambaugb, ' presid~t; v~ complete week's program arnesville. Thia was a very thrilling ====____. Mrs. Gorge Hartsock spent when Geo. Manington, commun· The Rt. Rev. B. H. Reinheimer, H/lrold Beckett, vice president; Cb.a.rles Anderson Jr. spent ranged for this year will be even 'game with the lad~ from Waynesity and fraternal leader .s uccumbed D. D., Bishop Coadj1Jtol' of The Wilbur Hawke, secretary; Harold Wedne$day in Dayton. better attended than in 1931 when ville comillg out victorious 12·11. Friday in Lebanon. to an illn ess which although had Diocese of Rochester', and lo1'me1'- McKay, treasurer; Mrs. Gte' n 8,120 Ohio farm m~n and women The lineups; Mrl!. usi Evans is spendi ng appeal' d s rious for some time did ,ly xeelltiv.c. . aecr tnry of the Davis, hostess; Howard McGuinn Mn. Paul Boorom, ~ of Bellbrook came to Columbus for Farm.1t1'8· 7th, . nel 8tla Gr.... the winter at the h()m of bel' son not appear critical until four Diocese of Southern Ohio, is to be and George B{!ckett, xecutive was the gtte$t of Mrs. E. C. Week, establishing the an·time . Dayton. d aye ago. M ' t on , wh 0 t'10'10 I t h ~ pre.nche,' at th,c m' sionary committee. Crane, today. . h attenuance ,-, WA YNESVILLE III 1'. M anlng h'lg reeord." Those desiring details about the B F y alS ago suffel'ed ' a severe heart I se rvice of the annual Lunch was served on MOllday Mrs .. Carlton Sh41 r wood, living P Mrs. Hartl Mo sswere arulin Mrs. bad never fully 'recovered Southern Oh)'o dl'oce an conven- by the Civic League and on Tues- on the lra Rich farm on Route 42, week' 8 program--eo th at th-ey can o 44 Charles Osborn ... ....... .......... .... 2 Zlmm y rman Cin. att.llck 1 o Planck ............... ... ~~,... 2 . . T a t hough hi! continued to attend tion at 8 p. m., January 26th in St day by Harveysburg Grange. was taken to a Cincinnati hospital plan the days they would rather ,M.eJloh .. ... ....... .... ...... .. ' 1 o 2 cmnati uesday. to hi s extensive business affairs, Paul's Church, Columbu . Tuesday. attend- may obtain from their Fl oren~e ... .... ............... 1 o 2 Mrs. A. K. Day has roturned until an other attack this fall Episoopal Church represe ntacounty extension agent a chedule Dibel't .................. ~ ....... 0 o o after a visit to heT s ister and causetl physicians to order him tive fr()tn Uti area, are expected Mrs. W. H. Allen was removed ' of the wee<k's discussions, meet. Collett ........... ... ~...... ... 0 o o family in Cincinnati. from an active life . to be among the hundreds gatherto Miami Vall y hospital Tuesday iugs, featured 8peak~1I and enter"Alter l' gaining hi str ngth lng jn St. Paul's Church, January morning and it is probable she will tainment. advisea Director RamTotala ..... ...... ...... ... ,... 6 0 12 Dr. W. E. Oglesbee who was following his attack this fall, he 26 a nd 27 for the 63rd Annual undergo an operation, Friday. sower. He announces also that for confined to the house several days spent se veral weeks in Berkel ey convention. Mis& Mary Crane of Cincinnati, those. unable to atund there will MASON o 4 ill with grip, is out again. but two we-eka ago returned to Evel'y parish and mission in the Dedication exercises for the spent the week-end with her be broadcast the following Martin. .. ... ... ,........... .... 2 o 0 Mr. lind Mrs. Dan Adams and T onopah believing that ~is condi- diocese will se nd dellegat.e and In $70,000 addition . to the Mason m()ther and sister Mrs. Maude featured Farmers' Week preaenta. Br' water ....... ...... .. . .. . 0 o 6 son, of Dayton, wllre Sunda~ tion had improved ufficiently to addition there Will be a large ,' ChOOl have been set for Sunday. Crane and Miss Anna Lee. tions over WOSU the University's Runyan ............. ~, ~ ... . ~ 3 o 0 guests of Mr. and l\{l's. Will C. St. alloW him to re-enter his busines. number of visitors. , th ' exercises a~e sponsored by ~e station. Dial 570 kilocycles. McCarley , ... ,.. ............. 0 1 1 John. affairs. For the past ~wo days his Tho Rt. Rev. Hemry W. Hobson Mason Mother s Club, of which Will C. St. John announces M~" .&aau..., 25 1\08& ... .... ,.................... 0 o 0 I condition was su('h that for sev- D. D. Bi hop Qf Southern Ohio Ml'fJ. Katherina Franz is the that he is a:!sociated with the 9 ;30 a. m. Home Dem()natration Wiggins ................... " 0 ~rs. ~, O. Raper I . in Cinci.n- etal hours, it had been known will 'p~e~ide at the eessions mllkin~ I president. . . Ford agency at Hastings Garag(!. Work Moyea Forward-Dialog be-' Totals .... :............. ...... 6 1 11 natl.'. CarIng for h r ho lllsUlr, MI s thtlt he could live bu t a few houl's. the opening ' address at 11 a. m. ! . ·T he de<hcatory address I S to be Se,e him for a Ford or a good tween Mrs. L. S. Foley, Preble LetItia Schatzman, w has been The end came last Ilvcning at 7 Janullry 26th. g Ive n by Rev. Fnnk Storch pastor used car. county, and Mrs. Ernest Reaver, very ill. p. m. " of the Mason Presbyterian Hi.1I Sc:'hoei years ago Mr. church. R. A. Youhg, SuperintenWilliam Gruber has purchased Miami county. M'1'. an d M raJ. .B. Gons an d M "Seventy-two . d t' f M S h 1 '11 b the Blue. Grass Tavern !'etltaurant 1 ;00 p. m. Is Our Climate )'ttl d h d d' , anlOgton was born in Wal'oe en 0 a90(1. c 00 S, WI e W AYNESVILLE Clary .. ...... ,.. ............ .. . 1 2 egu :':: u; Ohio, nnd IIpent his another speaker. C.. H. Boht, Leb· Earnhart .. ..... .. .. .. ...... 2 I) d "A ' 1 hf m that IItate. He also receIved anon, county supe. nntendenb, has W th U S W A B 9 an .... ml Y' , his education in Ohio chools. been invited to talk. Mayor W. E. family there this week. ea er, . • eamer ureau. Satltlertilw.aite .... .... .... 4P.reventing BruiseB in HandlillC Boger ... ~ ........... .. ~ .. ...... 7 16 Mrs. Russell Wil son wos haste When a young man of twenty he h Bishop will speak in behalf of After being in session one day Fruit-C. W. Ellenwood, AlIIOel6 at a shower Friday afternoon, !rct out for Nevada and' came to T e Young Friends of Way. Maso n and the community. this week, Wayne 'Township LeMay ........ .. .... ,......... 3 o """vi!n for Mi s Harriet Downey, a Dayton where he was employed in nesville meeting will p~esent a Mason residents voted a bond ate Horticulturallat, Ohio AgriculYoung .. ................ .... . 0 pro ra 'n the ,nnt e of schools ar.e again closed b4!ea,use tural Experiment Station • . o II' prospective bride. 'mill work for everal yeai'll. g m I , .. Ilr a· page- issue of $20,000 to build the addi· of high water, which ia still ·Dakin .... .... .. .. .......... .... 0 o "In Dayton he \\"8S associated ant, representing a World Con- lion. The remainder was provided rising. Ta..dlay, J._ ary 21 Do'nohoo ......... ........... 0 Mr. and Mr.s. Jo iah Davis r8- with W. J. Harri , now of R/!no. f nee of Friends, at the High 'by Works Progress Administration 9 :46 a . m. The FamUy's Intere&t Totals .. ~. ,,~.~., ~ .......... ~ 17 3 3'7 turned home aturday afterhj.fta . "AfLe.r several years in Dayto1l SCM?1 gYmnasium~, on funds. Mrs. Roy Johnson, of Cleveland in Farm Credit..-Miss Barbara f w days visit to 1;heir daug ",, 1' he mov.ed to Tacoma, Washington e;eDln g, Januar~ . ,4 at . eight --is spending a f(!w weeks with Van H ' ulen, Associate Elltenaion MASON ' 9 and family at Kingman. where he entered in work on the 0 clock. There wlll be a sl~nes of relatives in Dayton, Waynesville Specialist, Family Credit Seetion. Tolibie ............. .. .... ... .. " ~ 4. Mrs. Edith Harri.! and Mr. railroad, he later continued in the soenes representing dell!gates .as- , ' . and I.,ebanon, while Mr. Johllson Farm Credit Adminilltratiou. GOl'1!uch ................... ". 2 1 9 Harria Mo!lh r were dinner ra ilroad w,ork in Seattle. se.mbled Iro~ malny countries, is away on II bu siness trip. This 1 ;00 p. m. Th~ Importance of ReBarr ........... .'.. .. ............ " ts f R d M J J '. "While in S attle he met and WIth appr oprl8te <:ortumes and week, Mrs. Johnson is visiting her cords and Progeny Tests in Im- ' Girtin .... .... .... " ....... ..... 2 0 "gues 0 ev. an ra... C special mll.Sic ' gr~ndparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. proving Dairy Hel'ds--J. F . ICenBrowning ....~~ .~ ... ~ ........ 0 1 1 Schaeffer of Dayton, Sunday. married Mi Alice lemans of All are co~dial1Y invited to atMarlatt. drick, AMistant Chief. U . S. Bak-er .,........................ 0 0 0 Mr and Urs L C! Jameson aud · that city, in 1898. und No admission cha ..... e Herd Improvament' .. nvesti.... tio ... . o 0 , . ...1..' "". "In 1906, 1\{r. Maningt()n a n d ' • _ .., ~.. . Frank I. Rudduck, 59 years, Em"ler J. Munger, of Hanleys~ & .. .... Schutte ... .'......... ... ...... 0 dtughter, of lhamlSbUrgi Wel"il hi yoqng wile moved to Tonopah ~ died at his hODfe near Clarksvill-e, burg, Has accepted the position of Some Phase1l of the CooperatiYe 1 Totals .... ........ " ... ... .... 12 --; 27 1gMUresstsu~fudM.rsC·raJnaem'CSsounn'.~.y °etvhet'nl" wher fo~ a short time he drove FUN ARlII lV AL Sunday noon, following a short teller and bookkeeper at the Mdeon~emeCn.ot-Joper·aPtl:vwe ' arLbaase."~:"" Pretlolf• , ,...~ - an express wagon in tl,e booming There will be a Fun Carnival illness. .... ...... Referee-Wycoff. ' . if . ...,... e Clinton ~County N:aiional Bank A ... . _ _ _,." _ _ 10 • n.e.v,: town. A short time latel: he ~t the gym; Thurn<\ay evening, I Surviving are his widow, Lydia. and ,Trust Company, Wilmington, merlca. Mrs. ;Bertie Mills JCntertained at entered the teal eetate busines.~ January 28, at 7:30. A big even- two sons, Charl 'y, of Wilmington succeeding O. W. Hale who held W. dnuda,.. J ......, 27 . dinner ThlJrsday , evening' of last with Sl~ 1\~oore. After a .shott. time ing of fun in, anticipated. The~ lind Horace, of near Hickoryville, the position 35 years before he 9;45 a. m. Do Conllurne1'll Want week, Mr. ' and Mrs. lb'rk Rogers he gave up his real !!state businesll. will be 11 playlet, side shows, ond five garndehildretl. , reBigned. { to 'Know. Textile Facts. - Mi. and daughter and Mt. Ilnd Mrs. and started a small trucking bllsi- fortune telling, fi sh. pond, games, Funeral services c()nducted by Ruth O'Brien. Chief, Division of Louis Thompso1l. ness of ~ his own, which flourished big eats and mony other amusc- Rev. Thornbury, Qf Harveysburg, For the pleasure of Mrs. Addle Textiles and Clothing, U. S. und r his wi$e management. me ntl!. Sponsored by the Friend· and also Masonic services. were Smith who celebrated her 8lst Bureau of. Home EconomiC$. Mr.'and Mrs. L. H. Gordon and "In 1918 tbe Tonopah Trucking ship lub of M. E. Cburch. Bring he d at tbe McClure Funeral birthday anniversary toda.y, her~ 1;00 p. m. ReadjuBtinc Laud ST. MAarl CHURCH Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Fulkerson .Company was formed with Mr. aU your friends, you'll not be Home Wednesday afte~oon and da ughter Mrs. C. E. Anderson tor Soil Conservation--J. S. Sclptuage.ima Sunda y, J anuat"y w.ere dinn~r guests' at the ~ome ~f (Continued oil pare 4) . disappointed •. AdmiSoSion 5c & lOc .• burial was in Miami cemetery. ente:tained a f&w of her friends Cutler, Regional Conaervator. Soil 24. Everilng,Prayeroand eermon at 1!£r. and M'rs.JarUlhort, tn. ~a = _ ==---- , .::~::_:-_=-=-=-===========::=IrH"~t_dyl~niin~e~T=.:ii,!~he guests ~ere Mrs'lconservation Service. ~n. ' 'I ;30. .Rev. Karl Nybladh. 'Friday evemng. . T. Jeff 'Smltb, Mrs. Julla Bergan, FOTeign Trade Agreementa aDd MI'. ~ and ~rs. 1. C. Wilson, .o( M.iss.Ph oebe Mir~nda, Mrs. · W. A' lthe FarmA!l'-D. F. ChrlltY. Fo~. S". A.UCUSTINE, CHURCH ' KinggMills, and tbeir Bon, Billie ~Ippmcot~ . and Mrs. Robert elgn Agricultural ' Service, U. S. "ather ·Ne1rtoll. Putor d 1 d frl ' d f C·· tl t~" Munger. Depart , ment of.. A;....iculture. an a Y en, rom IDClnan. . • - '. 8 .'00. p. m. So'~me' Mil~.~.·- n..... ot tS Mus at BL AUCllltln.·. ehurcb were Sunday aiteriloon gpeli of • CO~,,\.t"~&. l~t Of .... ~.

---_. _...----






!~r F::~eB.


~~ersl:~ I~il1e~



~~::~ ;:yt;n~O~nd S~u~Ovi:;~j~ g~:~~:g~t'Cl~a~nc:~d C~!






evet'J Sucla, lIlornlq. ,

Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Witbam.

FRIENDS IQEtlNC Mias Mary Welsh was hostes/! to Bcb901 at 8 :80 a. m• a few frl~d8 from Lebanon, Fri. . . . . . for 1tonbtp ., 10 :80 day night. at the bome of Mrs. C. I. Satterthwaite. Th& occaaion celebrated Mias Mary's birthday FERRY CHUIlCR OF CHRIST annivemry. . · CUI ·....., ~ J ean. and Jane Itart.oek 'attleJl.qP.ITJ ~ 8 * of Bibl. .. birthda)' party riven' fot' a . ed 8cIaooi schoolmate, Melba GU.lltin, at bel' Bible ScIlool at 8:80 L m. home near 'DQdq8. SatUrday afterCommDlII01l, 10:" . . . . n oon. About twelve of M~lba'8 Pnadlq, 11 :00' .. Ill. friends enjoyed t~ occasion.



Local friends of Ed'l'lll.rd CII&II'I' , 'dental technician .at the Carl ...... Ilblilter NaVal Academy. A nnapolis, MaryNot A. n.BomiDatioa . land, will be int el'este d in the 9 :80, Bib,. adaooL '.that he W/ls transferred, 10:.fI, Lord'. SupPer. JanQU7 12, t<> the U. S. S. . 7:p. . ., ~ mad..vor. Ar kansas, battleship of the ~ AtiantLe fIeiIt. wedlHiecla" 7:" p •••, praler lin. Reba Braddock, Mrs. aDd bAl. . . . . Lawnaea Cook, M.... RUlIIIClI WilWATlfUVlU.ll . . L CHUIlCH SOD, II.... Warren Burge, Mrs. Warrell. Braddock. lIrs. Harry .... Go Co ..... J'tIt,oI Smith and MI811 Eva Mc Millan 8uada,: S1iUQ ....001 at 9 :80 were atMnlr the guests at a card L m. ~rn" wonhlp.t 10:. 0. puty Weclueeday afternoon, at Th, .....0 .abject will H, "More the home of Mra. StanJe, BaUe)'




........ '.

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10 til.. wllo __ 110 . . . . . . ,....u. " "" ........ M .... DIll to . .

lD Lrtl..... lira. Howell Petre., with Mr. aacl lin. J. L. lin_bail, were

ia ~ W ed.....,


to . . IlftIo Cam. no II • ,atIeat at II.... 11aaI.....1I.1Jn. ....



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S. Department 01 Agriculture and former d ~rector of agrieul.turaL extAmsion in Ohio. TI" .... da,., J.-..y 28 9;45 a. m. ·Bupin&, It(en'. 'Shlria Miss Marion Griffitb. School , of W'&rND Young, Franklin attor-I Home ;Ec.onomicB. ' . ney, was elected, ,President of the 1 :00 p. In' Progre.. With Elee. Wa~n COl:! nty Methodist Union I trie . C;:oope,ativea--A. E. H~ter­ Auxiliary of the Dayton District ,man. Rurel E lectr iftcation Divllioll MethOdist Union When a group of Ohio Farm Bureau. ,Method \At! . of the couJ;lty met ' Rural Social Prob~ ADo re cently at the Lebanon church. Eaton. , Russell Sqe FOlllldation, A weU rounded program is to be New York. ca rried f orward as is indicated by F ..lda,., ..........,. .th e various officers named by the 9:45 a. m. A P hilosoph,. of union. Rural Living-Mrs: Mary Be&:l Mrs. James V. Mulford, Lebanon waa mAde first vice president in Morrow, farm homemaker, 1li~ . __ ' ... . _....._ charge ot progra.m: E. E. Fosse-tt, mond,, indiana Morrow, second vice pr.esident in ~ FAIlEWELL PARTY cbarge , of finances; Lloyd Davis; Mrs. D. R . Smith, .ad II.... Boa of Waynesville, third vie&. presi- H. Hartsock were hOliteuea at • dent ill charg.& of. membership. pleasant social event at tb& ~ )liM J ane Carpenter, of Fl'1\nk- 01 Mrs. Smith Saw1'daf ...... (Colltln11ed 00 Pice 4) e ntertaioiag ba hoJlOl' of ' •- • II. Collette, who left RICHARD SWAN~ KILLED week \0 ..-blllh b. " IN AUTO..O ...... ACCIDENT Oxford.- Contract bridp . . . . . . dlvenioll .for the • •• nIac ....... which & . . . . . luela . . . . . . . . BeaId.. ... . . . .



Beech Grove

ington township. .nd Waller 5; MI. 8 Oma Knox. invalid care Arthur and Ruth l'madhr. k to .ppl'a f'l'. of Bllrlow. Bnlling('t· nil JohnHon Jeseph W Chant')'. ct ul, lob No '. Mary Syterd, a $33; Mrs. Juli Holland. invalid can: Ilf VeTllon Holland, $10; Mrll. Mrll. Iyde Sarna ho has been 2702. ISO.:, 2704, 2;06 and 2706 the e~t.atl' of IrlL in Deerft III tOWll , hlp. t'ca~e(t, fil('d her lal'g'llret J()nes,. invalid cal'(' of 4uil 111 the paat week if! slowly Ed\\a.rd . Hamilton, deceas .1, lbert L. Price s appointed Ollie Gartlncr. $6: James Moore. i'rllproving. ~ Cora M. Ifllmilton and R nil executor of the e ta·t c of Emma B invalid care of Lucy ·Moore. $6: Moving seems to be ill order in We isllman for money only. Elizabeth Brown, real .t~te in PI'ice, deceufI d. Mrs. Ira Eltzroth, invalid care of our commllnity. Mr . .and Mrs Rob· Amount claimed $1811.60. Franklin. hades M. Robitzer Wa..!! appoint- Alice 'Starkey, $6; Mra. Helen. I!rt MoKay, formcr r id(>.nta of Mary B. Mc lure; decea (. <1, to ed executor of the state or Doughman, invalid care of Olifford Lhis place moved on Wedn Bday ill8jt (Wayn \ ville, Thc Common Pie •• Proceecrm.. ames E. Mc lure and arl . Mc· melia E. Williams, d cksed. Doughman, $7; lA!wis & Drake, from the Amos Cook farm near it against Trillena u Ohill. til Clure, real estate' in \ ayne ville. In tbe matter of the estate of Inc., fuel, $20'; Ohio Central Harveysburg to establish a new t:nward. and Margaret W. Ed[n the case The Village of Waynesville v . fTrillena Edward.<; Elmira Boomershille, decea d, Tel ep honE- Corp., phone rent for home in West Union, Adams ,,"- is appli tion Prob.le Court B rt Boom~rsh'ine as Lewis Boom- WP A office, $5.25', Ohio Central county. Edwards, service 1.11 (I A t'ompl'nsuUon, ~apl(! and and is to Margar be nladet W. on the d fendant by In the matter of the estate of ershine, wcre appoJnted adminis- Tel phone Corp., rents various Paul Rich and family 'have relIlaple ar the attofMY for plain. reglst I' d mail. Edwin B. Murrell, deceased, it is tralol's. offices. $66.50; W.' Turton, m ved from Wellm(ltl to the !!!!!,!!!!!!,!!!!!!,!!!!!!,!!!!!!!!!!:,!!,!!!!!!!,!!!!!!,!!!!!!,!!!!!!!!!!!,!!!!!~!! ordered that lh flchedl,lle of debts In the matter of the estate of cement plaster for . H. base-- Walter Bl'i"'gs farm W<fHIt of tiff: In the case of B seie M. Bailey b e approved and that the executrix J ~e8 O'FI ynn, deClea e, d J . T . R'I ' t mcnt. 9. 2 £>; H. B. Fielder, ser· regonia. ., 11 nry -F~ldman Compa.ny filed Bailey, granted ey was appointed aim' Istrator of VIC . S as supenn . t en d~n t , ,116 ; Leb Mrs. Effie henowet.h and lllmity ~ ui again·t J. H. Reyn old s and vs, the Irvin plaintiff an4 divorce cu tody of child pay the co.ts hetein taxed. I 111 1I11lr~hl\ Reynold • Th charge is a to plaintiff. . In the matter of th~ s tllement th ' estate. • anon Modern il.i ng Inc., paint, arc moving into her property in I th judgment for money only. r M W .. of the l! tate of Terrpnce A. f eeIn th~ matter of the estate of 90c; J. W. Lingo Hllwe Co., union Wellman which she recently pur· n e case 0 ary . Rldmger hall, deceased, it is ordered that II T errance A. Meeban, deceased, bushing, nails, screws, $2.36; Day chased of Mr. William Coleman. har\es arl W. lebert vs. =-:::~::::::::::::!::::::~::::::::::= vs Paul Ridinger, default to pay certified copy of the ent.ry det 1'- William E. :Meehan was appo inted ton Builders Supply Co., buff sand plainqfi' $3 per week alimoney mining the inheritance tax to be aocilliary administlrator ' of the $3.14; J. W. Lingo Hardware Co. Mrs. Mabel Wilson of Wayncs· NOTICE OF APPOINT",ENT Pe ndente ll·te and to Youn" .. and paid be certified; estate. pans, bucket, ustdown, $2.83; ville ve·ry pleasantly e'n tertained Youn" I th ~, attorne.... fl26 I'n 60 day.~. In the matter of the estAl of n e llJatter of the settlement Trustee'S of Public Affairs • . light at a hoWer ' at her home, On Fpi• In the cas o~ Ella Rowe V8 day . afternoon in honor of Miss J: , . William Hr • tubbs, decea ed, it is of th Iltat e of LEtwis E. Thomp,- and gU$ for jail, $90.29; Truste~ E tate of Ira D. 'Rich, dee~ased a.lter Frank Rowe dl·vo· rce was . Harriet Downey a bride , l"ct o~ Notic& is hereby given thaL R. W . " orderlld that. the invcl)to~y be np- on, deceased, inhelritance tax wus of Public Affairs, gas and light for " ~ granted the defendant. proved. It is further o'[dered that detel·mined. . Memorial Hall, $1.66; Schilling's the ncar future. R. Mo and Gilbert Frye who e The following were appointed tbis 'Proceeding be recorded and In the matter of the settlement Market, supplies for Memorial Mrs. Claudin and Ml'S. JosePo ~t Office Addres i Wayl'lesvill hio, hav been duly appointed pecial deputy sheriffs! H. W. that said administr2trix pay the of the estate of Granville M. Far- Hall. 5.24; Lewis & Drake, rnc., phine Gray and Mr. Jo'hn E. Gray rig, deceased, inhet:ltance tn.x was Poca lump for M<lmorial' lIall. enjoyed a visit. ov l' th& wee-kdmin' trato~s of the estate of Brunk, Mason: Al Sc'hwart'z, Leb- costs berein taxed. In th maLt r of the estate of d termined. $19.38; Stillwater Sanatorium, end with relatives In Dayton. Ira D. Rich late of Warren snon; Adam B. Campbell Harveys b~rg; Warren Maxwell, Franklin, Edward I h f "' I an d Mrs. H owa rd'" - ay . Ha.milton, decea ed, it n t e lllatter of the estate 0 hospitaliza'bibn of Edw. Hensey/ "r. LqC K (JUJlty, Ohio, decca ed. is ordered that a certificate of Homer D. Hqllcrafil;, deceased Mat $l08.50; The Western Star, pad- and son Donald, Mrs. Harold McDa~ this 6th day of Januory, and Grant Shaffer, Lebanon. transfer be issued. I tie E. Hol1craft administratrix has ding stock, $6; Woodrow-Weil- Kay and son Allen spent Sunday 1937. . Real Edate Trao.f"'In the matter of the estate of filed a sched ule of debts. Slanuge Co., annual appropriation at West Union, the guests of MI". RALPH B. CAREY, Judge of the Probate Oourt William Heeb, Jr., and L. Gen- Albert J Kiphal't it is ord red that l ]n the ml!ttcr o:f th guardian- R solut.ion for Auditor, $16.36; and Mrs. Robert McKay. j7-14~21 Warren County; Ohio eva Beeb to Herbert B. Kroemer a certificate of tramfer be issued. ship of Har.ry H. E:cker t Jt:lizabeth Th We tern Star,' printing and The Friend hip Club will be and Mary C. Kroem~r, 69.77 acres In the Dlatler of the will of 'E . Eckert filed Jlpplication tor 'the binding Real Estate l'ax Dupli- ent.ertained at the home of Mrs. in Hamilton township. E. Bixby, deceased, it is ordered appointment of a ~~uardinn. cates, $160; The Office Outfitters, Almon Ferris We-dnesday afterA. P. McGraw to .Andrew and that the said will be filed. In the mater oj[ the estate of repairing auditor's typewriter $7.· noon. Allean Culbertson, 4.23 acres in In the matter of the' estate of Oaroline Chenoweth, d ceased, it 35; Dayton Stencils Works, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell E;arley and Franklin town hip. Ella Frances Winner, deceased, it is ordered that letters of adminls· tamps fol' Asseaslng P ersonal f mily of neal' Osborn were SunMartha Kipbart, deceased, to is ordered that .letter of adminis- tration be issued. Property, $11.67: The Franklin day evening collins at the TerrY In the matter of the estat eoI Chronit!le, 3500 Tn.x Notice En- Home. . ~===::=::::::=::::::: Albert J. Kiphart. at ai, 40 acres trstion be issued Bnd that notice in Washington township. of the appointment be published, Elizabeth Folk, de_ceased, Louise A ve\opes. 3500 addressed envelopes Mrs. Ella F rris and Miss Han- ~ Albert J. Kiphart, deceased, to In the of the estate of Pard e was appoiIlted executrix. for nudilor. $29.66; Tl}e Oolumbia nah Jordan were Saturday visitors Paul L. Kipbart, et ai, 40 acres in Ella Frances Winner, dece4lled, In the matter of the estat,e of Carbon Co., corbon paper, $18; ,a t the Talmage home. Office Outfitters. Mr. and Mrs. Howard McKay Washington township. Clinton Ratliff, Robert Roser and Anna Mayne, deeellsed, Harry S. Everybody's Union Joint Stock Land Bank to Gorge Foxbpwel' have been ap- Maync was appointed executor. binder and inde.x for tre1Isul'er, attended the funeral Saturday at A1.bert J. and Lillie M. Ward, 85.- pointed appraisers. Marri ...e I..icen.e. $10.80: The F. J. Heer Printing Wilmington, of Mrs, Ada Jenkins "THE HOME OF CIFTS" 76 acres in Harlan township. In the mattf)r of the will of AIDale Thomas, stelel worker, Mid- Co., office supplies, ,4.16; The Whose deatb occurred after a the Watkins, decea ed, it is or- d)etown, Ohio, and M,rs. Altha Franklin Chronicle, assessment lingering illJless at the Fri.ends Madison Building Association, Lebanon, Ohio corporation, to Mattie Sherrow, der.ed that said wil i be admitted to Thomas, stenographer, of Franklin blanks for treasurer, $18; Tbe Home in Waynesville. 91.90 acres in Deerlield township. probate. Howard James Coyle" lab01'er of Office Outfitters, typewriter and Mr. Wm. WilBon and Mabel EXPERT WATCH Sunday Clara Murp'hy and Ralph Murpby In the matter &f the estate of Franklin, and Mllrt:ha Mavis Bolin adding plachine :tor trea urer. Olark of Dayton wer REPAIRING to Leona~d Michael, 7096 square Nancy M. Hurst, decea ed, appll- Franklin, Ohio. $146: The Franklin Ohronicle, evening supper guetlts of the Gray U.ia. Ont, C•••I_ ......... feet of land in MainevUle. cation Wa.'l file-d and it is ordered Wilhur E. Fi!lhe:r, truck driver, affidavits for common pleas court., family. Mr. Orville Gray- was1l1so Rena Elizab&thBrown to Cora that notice of the 1lling of said of Franklin, Ohio and Eva Mae $9.60; American Surety Oom- a visitor in the home. Prompt Service r,r. Hamilton; l'Cil1 estate in Frank. application be served on Thomas Watson, factory w()rk:r, of Frank- pany, premium on coroner's bond, I'!I. Geo. Beckett and son o Store open until 9 p. m. Bllrst. , lin: $10: Reil's Electric Shop. lamps OI\.,les WiJlitlm of near Herveyslin, Olti~. ~phjlL Pickering to Clyde ErIn the matter of the estate of Lewis Brown. Germantown, 0., for jail and court house, $1; A. D. burg have been visitors of Mr. and beck, Jot No. 70 in Maljon, Ohio. Lewis E. Thompson, deceased, it R. R. 2.• farmerf a,nd Ruth Good- Harvey, M. D., medical services at Mrs. Sherman Ferris tor se';eral l'!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!! Frank Wilmhoff, deceased, to is ordered tha.t a eertificate of win, of Miami b\l.r,~, R. R. jail, $20; Mrs. Della Hufford, feed days. Whi~ there little ChaJ;'les I; Irene Carnes, Alice Whitaker. and transfer be issued. ----ing prisoners, $266.26; Mrs. Della d veloped a case of chicken pox Allk for. Christine Sp~ring, 62.6& acres In Mary E. Davis. administratrix Bill. Allow. Hufi'ord, fee-dina prisoners, ' $25.- which haa caused them to remain Miami.bur. Permanent Warren county. of the estate of ~ida M. Kay, deThe Oregonia Bridge Co., rein- 60: Wm, Hufford, washing for for a lengthier visit. forcing steel, $64.:8 2: Soft Water pri ones, $2.48; Wm. Hufford, Mrs. Jo'hn Rose and Mi&s Lulu Anna L. Carey, deceased, to cell. ed, filed her. inventory. Concrete Frances Louise Carey, real estate In the matter of the estate of Laund.ry : washmg curtaillll for washing for prl~oners, '26.16; Mullen of near Goshen were SunAir Seal Burial Vault in Lebanon. \ Llda M. Kay, deceased, a schedule comrmssloners' o~~e, 30~; ~ilbur Waites' Garage, repairing Olds- day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred J 0 ie A. Carnes to Oliver A, and of debts was fUe~. . . R. Swanger, servuIGS as JanItor of mobile and Buick, $64.30: Blair & Nash. For Sale only by , Louise Jacobs, one-half acres in .Mary E. DaVIS, admJDlStratrix .Memorial Hall, $<10: The Radio LeRoy, lump coal for sewing pro- - -....- -- Harveysburg. of the estate of Lida M. Kty, de- Shop, labor 'and l'epail'll on radio ject, ,6.60; Great A. & P. T~a 00. LJ!...... y o~r Funerai Director ' Wm. A.. Ros.s 'to Samuel and ceased, tiled her first and final ac- at Memorial Hall, $3.68; The Co- al soda a'!ld cleanser, 30c; Fred's U~ Katie Turner 36 aores in 'i'urtle. count. . lumb'Us. Blank Book Mfg. 00., 1 Store, buttons, thread, tape, print\ McClure Fune~al Home CT~ek township. R~ ~ell Deardoff was apopinted book vendors licenses, $1; Mid- '$18.14; Griswold Service Station, ".;u.; o. Ida M. Boulware to John E. and admlO1strator of the estate of Ed- dletown Gas & Electric Co., light gas, oil. Zllrone; bulbs, $46.26; As I hav~ sold ~e fjltm, I will Nellie Houck, real estate in Wash. ward M. Deardofi', deceased, bond and gas, Franlcli~l s&wing pro- Famous Auto Supply 00., flash- I sell at public auction all my farm $13,000, and Hury Mehl, Wm. ject, $8.36; ' Lebanon-Citinns light and batteries, $18.70: Ohio I chattels, ?ocated 2 miles 80uth of !!!!!'!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!'!!'!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!'!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!~!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!.!!.!!.!!..!!"_!!.-!'!!!!!.!!!' Ha'llkinSOn and Roland McOlure Nat'J. Bk., expense in collection of La\\' Reporter Co., subscription to WaynesV1l1e, on the Waynesvil~e I===:::=::::::!~:::::::::::===== were apopint'ld fPpraisers. coupons and bonds, $3.10: Dick's Ohio Repol-ter, $6.88; The and Oregonia road, at what 18 H. R. Moss nd Gilbert Frye Radio Shop. flashlight batteries Office \/outfi tters, adding machine known ~!I Telegraph )'tIme on old we~e apPDinted administrators of and flaSh bulb for dog warden, 60c rolls for probate court, $1.25; Leb ~mith farm on the estate of Ira D. Rich, de. The Oregonia Bridge Co., blue anon Lumber Company, glass, TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 9, 1937 ceased, bpnd $20,000.' L. E. print, oxygen, steel for surveyor putty, shoe for jail, $2.94; Harry Hock~tt, S. S. Ellis and Ernest $12.80 Norman Emery services a~ E. Rudman, extractions for pri~ At 10 a. m. 'Butterworth were appointed ap- TPadman, $2,76: The Office Outflt- soners, $11; Robert and ugene 4 HEAD OF HORSES-12 year lt$ore thlJ,n a mUllon Jleaders throughout the praisers. ters, second sheets, $1.70; The Moore, passing bills in Franklin oM sorrel mare in foa1, a ' gOOd .country read fATHFINDER regularly tor • , A distribution of proceeds was Woodrow-Weil-Stanage Co. reeord and Hollywood for d~g warden, $5 one; Chestnut SOl'rel Ma~ 10 a complete. timely and unvarnished digest authorized in the estate of Josie sheets, $34.32; The Dayton Blue Ohio Central Telephone Co., tolls years old in foal, a rea] 'brood of the news. Are you overlooking some. Print Co., tracing cloth, $18.17; various offices, ,26'.84: Norman mare; 1 coming 3 year old Black thing? Today, economic and polltieal affairs are at their A. Carnes, deceased. topsy-turvlest. Every new turn ot events is apt affect Distribution was also authorized E. C. Jones, help securing road Emery, services as rodman, $8.26; Fl11y; Yearling Colt, sonel and . t be estate of Li da Hacket ·' t , de- easements, $6; Van Camp Stone F alr . I.ey H ard ware C0., supplies, none better,' :your pocket·hook. Everyone's asking, "What's it all In about, and how much Is it going to cost me?" Before you ceased. Co., sand and gravel, $106.67; $2.76; Ricb Constructio~ Co., JERSEY HEIFER - will can answer that question you must be able to Interpret 6 fresh by day of sale . 1 an d cement,...fl35 .6; ourt accoun of obert W. The Kilpatrick.French Motorcar lgrave Clay· e Th f R h t t,lle news; aud before you can Intllrpret you m,ust have Brown, executor of the ej;tate of Co., tires and 1.ubes, $146.92; ton Olark, guard , rail ,Posts, $a5; 22 HEAD OF HOGS-8 ehe ter all the, facts cle~rly explained, Stephen C. Phillips, deceased" was Cincinanti Leb~mon. Express, I Mo~ow Feed & Supply Co., White Hogs, weight 140 lbe.; 9 > .. j ' EVERY · WEEK FROM THE tiled. ~rsight on cable, /l:5c; Spell Petro-' lumber, ~ai'ls, . cement, $4.03; mixed . Shoats, VJ~ight 100 lb.; ' 6 NEWS CENTER of the WORLD Authprity WWl grantl)d by t~e leum Corporation, Oil, $10.75; W E. Richard" rock, $1.60. Poland Ohina Shoat8, 100 Ibs. P.tJtlader eomes to you with its re- court for the admission of Flora IJ. McHenry, sUPI)lies ,nd ,aso'l ~ • FARM TOOLS ...... j,1ood Wagon liable. easy-to-read and' easy-to-unde.r with »ed/l Flat Top; Rock Island st4nd news reviews in Words, pictures C.ummins to the Dayton State Hos line ,9.28; Smith'!~ Service Station gasoline. $3.16 ; C. L. Baier, Corn Planter; Large Disc: "''!'¥''.~'''''''''''lI!~;;IiM1 and charts. Its condensed form presents Pltal. a lively and inte)ligible survey of curMr. and Mr.!. Hays Re4ld and Osborne Mower, Hay Rake. 2 Charles S. Irwin WaS apopinted gasoline, $10.16: F. A. Hudson reot eyents thrOul!ho.ut the 'World. its ' administrator of the estate of AI- fuel, furnished rel:ie1 families, $3i family have moved to Xenia. , Sulkq Plows, 1 Oliver and 1 unpartial i1Ueroretation, analysis and Mrs. De1\.1I Is CheDoweth haa Jamesville: 1 Moline Walking explanation of tbe news enables you to the Watkins, deceased, and filed 60; W. E. HumpbJ;ey, clothing, fur thInk and talk slr~t. Other 'Weekly bond of '4,000, G. F. Brown, nishlld relief famUllea, $4; Mason been rem-o"ed from HeCleUan plow, 14 inch; 5 Shovel Cultivator news ,magutnSfl .• ¢llllt '" to $5 a yeai'. and George Smith Family Store, clolthing, furnish&<! hospital to her lome .st of town. good as new; 2 hone Riding ~o Pat h8.nder sells for '1 a year, but tor ' Charles Stewart Cultivator. Ollver; Hillside Tum· • t d . relief families, ~a9.0'8: S~al1.our had ~wo floods witha limited time we can offer you a Ilreatly we.r e appolil e appraisers. reduc:ed bargain ,price on a combmation In the matter of the e.state of wood's Market, Jrood; furn~~ed, in a week; 'one on Tbllrsday ing Plow, Saraqw~e; B'emis of this p~pe.r anlJ PATHFINDER. Drop in Ella Fra.nces Winner, deceased, De relief families, U :2; ·L. W. St;nith, I.nother on Monday. Seh,ool busse~ T9?~C;O /3ettllt,'~ Gravel Bed, 2 and see sampJes or write and take advan- ~t~ WIDner. administrator, tiled food, furnished 'Jlelief f.mllies, 1wer not able tc? make their trip. Gasoh~e Engine 1 ~ H. P. and 6 _.e~e!! !=~! tage of this special offer 'Without delay. hls mv.entoTY. Phone '7U $32.51); L. S. Tracy, milk, furnish- / and mail cal'1iel'l were ' compe1led H, P., 20 foot Belt, Wood Saw ,i:iiil Insure YOW' ecooo~c ruture 'by assuring iii yOl,lr compJete srasp of current afrairs. In tbe m'atter of the eatate of ed relief families, f6; Leb.non Ice to make several detours. and iTame, 260 lb, Anvi~ , Forte, Re~ Oumm!ng,s, . ~ec%sed, Bal'ley " Coal Co., fuel. furniabed relief ,Hr. and Mh. ,Forreat Smith 8000 Tobacco ,Sticks, a1~ aharpened C. . Cummmgs ~as appointed families, $6.60; G~o. B. Johnlon, anJl ·family of Columbus were Feed Grinder" Fairbank-Morse; ~dmlOI8tra,t.orj U ,OOO bond, and it stamps and twin., furnisbed relief week-end guel!lta fit the home of ~ wheel 'rrailer, new; 2 Boa IOTAaY lS o~dered tb~t, . Letters . ~f Ad- families, '5.10; B:. E: Warwick, Mr. and Mn. W. C: Smith and Cr.tes, Fatten Coop; H2,1' ,Hou•• , ' N...... ..... fulmsnatlon ti~. 18$ued Wilham Mc food. furnlihed lrelief familiee, daughter. 2 Iron ~els. , Curley, Cl.Hford Bordenfelter, .and $33.26; Ruby Van. Riper, food, M-rs. Minor MoCaU ,who.has bsen MODEL T FORD motor '" and WI... ·."..,. ......... ..... Louis RobInette were appointed as furnished r,alief fllmllies, ,39.86; a patient in St. Elisabeth hospital body. . ' ' • .AYNUY~ 01110 aep-raisere. ITracy's Oroce'[y, ~:ood, furnished Dayton, returned to her hom~ ,.lIARNESS-:-2 Stdea, OoUal'l!l, In the matter M the , settlemElnt I relief 'familiell, .9,,60 .: Ed. here last wrek. Lilles and J,ir:~dle., · R!ding S.ddle, of the I!state of Ida Ann Lee, . de- shelter. furnished relief families !Jomer . Hollingsworth received Le&;tbe HoumnlS, Etc. ' -. . ._ . . .. . .. . -......... .E'I ~ease~, the estate is exempt from $6; 01an Persley, food furnished word last week of the death of FEED-tO or 1'5 TOM good mhj!rltance tax. . relief familiel, $9; Morrow Feed his fa.tber Simon Hollingsworth, at T,I motby, Bay, 100 aboea In the matter of the estate of & Supply Co., 1uel, $6.90;W. H. the home of bis daughter in Mon- Fodder, 40 or 60 bulb.' Con. ::n:.:'~.~.:~.:.: Robert 1. Shawh81l, deceased, it.1s McHenry, food, ,02; Kroger Gro- tan&. HOUSEHOLD GOODS- JUI'e ordere~ that the executrices be cery • Baking Co., food .nd milk, Tb& Ladies Aiel of the round Dining·room Table. 6 Cbaira a~thorlzed to seD certain secur- ,20 •• 65; Kautz Grocery, food. church met in th.. home of Mrs. Lar~e MIrror; Wrltlna De.,; ities. $64; lJertha Hines, food .nd milk J. L. Conard on Thursday. MaJestic Range, ' larp 110 .anOD In the matter of the uta.te of $33.16; Hardert'. Grocery, 'food, A Iroup of )fOU", Friends kettle, Sauuee MiD. Enterpriae, Mary B. McClure, dec:eaeed, it is '7.7&; R. B. GUmore • So~. food, entertained a similar ~p from ~ size;8 Bead... Sto.,. . .nel ordered that a certificate of trans- U; Franklin M.rket, food W.YDee.Ule. on Sanday .fternoon Pipe, 3 Coal on Lampe, , laDtem, fer be issued. . and mUk, ,80.86 Chu.' DOIter, - - • Bab7 Bed, Seth Tho... Clod, In the matter of bte Iltet. of fuel, '14: Dr. L. Cook. Plowiq mon deepb' than UIII~l Beclltoom Salte 100 ~. JIef~ Ida Ann Lee, deee8Md, it 11 or4er. llhelter allel MrYieee, '14,- to throw nblOU the nrt.. tor. No.. II n.Lanl ~ ad th.t a certifteate of transfer be 26: earroll'. food, ,41.11; lllUal17 ....a!ta in lower crop ,.alcl s..,....tor. Wood Bod .... i_edt ,Jani. II. Bl'ant, fuel, 111.41 for a priocI of , ..... tollowblc tile S&alrd. aoa. B_ aM ~~~JI""1,.1 In the matter of th• •te of Back'. , .... IICIeOI'dIq to tile. lot of ,... . . . . . ..;. Lfule 11111'1'8,. d~ aoMrt It ... " 0 8. 1J ~ BoHr was UMlltar. • •





Ca,y'a Jewelry Shop

I .





rial. Paper For One Year and


$ 2 001. to

New Burlington -

F. T. 'Martin



'Centervlfte, Ohio


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. . . .:-



coun8el to the 'J'hl' two other membl't's of tilt' ,.. mmi.:sion are W. T. H()h(>11~ of BI'idgcport, rcp,rellent. in g I(lunr, aJld Wulter J . Mackey of anton, who represents the cmploye1" W8tl


ISSUED EVERY TllURSDA Y DIat POltorrrlce Wayn .. , _ . .... ....... ..... ... ... JIf0, 1121!:ntlfted vill e, Ohio, .1 aec"nd at Clau Mall Sult.crlp.loa PrIce, fl.1O • Y.r Mllttel"


. • •

A total revenue of $55,798,781 JANUARY 21, 1937 was produced during 1936 as the re. ult of the .operation of the =.-th e per cent sales tax law, .SUPREME COURT P..,ROTEC'T S MINORITIES according to data compiled in the office of State Treasurer Clarence ' I ey, Th e sum was more • Prop~eals ·t o liml' t or abrogate tho powers of re~ iew of th H ' K DIS -, ss 0 f the Sup-mo ~ Co' (r t of 1.h a Unl'tc'" S·-te~ hnve bec'" mnde oHen in lule t hI1n $9 , 000000' , m eAce .v .,. ~" ..., Q'. .. t . d ' 193~ th e fi rs t v, Yilars--and, for the most pal't, have come from representat ives of amoun rlJcelVe 10 year DC the tax, How ..ver, in 1935 r.a dlcal organizations. lhe law wa s not effective until This is an ironical situa.tion when t.he Sup I' me Court. is t.he Jnnual'y 27 so that a month's refOT'Cmost protector of the rights and liberti s of radicals 01' con sel'VQ· ccipts were lost. Th'e elimination tlVe!l, ~9 well as nil others. a; e after case could be cited in support of the tax on , food purchased for of this. ' , consumption off' the premise is A recent action is in point. A Portland" Oregon" Communist, expected to cauS€' a reduction of Dirk DeJonge, was arrest.ed at a Communist-spon Ol'Ed meeti ng, con. approximately $] 2,000,000 in victed and se ntenced to a long priMn term and a h.eavy tine under 1937 ,a s compared to 1936, tax Oregon's WilT-born criminal syndicalism law, Thc case was ltppcalcd experts said, through the stat.e courts, which held the law Constitutional. • • • Then an appeal 'was taken to the United States Supreme Court. Vastly improved county fairs And on January 4, in' a unanimous decision' r ad by Chief Justice for next summ r were promised Hughes, thQ Court set ll8ide tho ~nt nce and held that the Oregon by officials when they met in law, as appli.ed in thill cas , was I'e])ugnant to the du process clause of Columbus for the annual sessions the Constitution- the clause wh ich protects the rights of free speecb of the Ohio Fsir Managers' as. tress will be made on and assemblage. It i now believed that this J ccision will strongly and sociation. 'f avorably affect the cases of other radicals convicted under the ' better entertainment and , ' . nthool and club exhibits as we)) Oregon act. Thus the Supr m!) Court uses its power and prestige to maintain · as better harness horse racing at the COl1stitutional rights of radicals who would d ·s!.roy it! The the ' fairs which have suitable Suprem Court has always been a .f-enrless dofender of civil rights-- h·ocks. Principal speakers at tbe fr edom of speech, freedom of press, freedom of as embly-and es- me ting8 included Direc~or Earl H pecially the rights of minoriti es. Being immune to politics and t.o Hanefeld of the State Depart-


rlasl!. Mr. Lewl. haR hi" current attuck on Gen Motors, it big CaT being a representat maker. Demands plain and unequivocal - and ng t·hem all is tbe demand for u 100 JK'r c nt closed MOp. GenEp-al 'Motors, its pre~ide'nt, Alfred Sloane, has replied 1.hnt it cannot countenance this, that it. wiU dicker with unjons or any ' other employe representativl)s, but that it will not demand that a man be. long to any organizati'm before it gives him a j ob. ~hBt i , it stands firmly for the open .she)p. The feeling is grOWing that if the menace to stabiJit;y cavsed by labor troubles I'S to b",• II'ml' nated with fairness to both ides, the Federal government must do a great deal more than it has in the past. There is stro!)g Elentimcnt in the West-- wh.ere III seaman'8 strike has kept all PHcific Coast shipping tied up for n,early threoe n,.onths- in favor of tine Pre idcnt taking a hand, somefhing has formerly refused to do. Mediation by the parties imvolved has got nowhere, and thel~e is little rea on for believing that it will get afiywhore in the future. As a l'Csult, the "labor qUllstion" will undoubtedly apI*ar as an issue in the current CongrelS, and will be thoroughly thra hed CJUt. .... - . . . - - -

tlon of vi~roUII breed Inc ewes. A ~eU-bal.nct;d ration includinc __ • :~ • ;:.i. . good legume hay or ftne-grade limelltolle aa fonnerly IIUIt&'t!8ted, with plenty of exercise will avoid th& trouble. A plentiful supply of clear water and salt should ' be available. Bear in mind that nature favors the developing lamb and that the greatest fetal !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!~!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! growth takes place during the last weeks .of pregnancy. II the proper · bone~~d-muBele--building materials, protein and minerola, a shqrt in the ration tor .the ewe sh will dra.w on the reserve sup· , ply, her own body. • -


At the beginning of th~ new year Mr. Hugh T. Birch of Yellow Springs, Ohio, conveyed as a gift to the State 161.1> acres of land in Greene Count.y as a , memorial to his fsiend and teacher, Dr. Edward Orton, eminent geologist, President of Antioch. College, and fir t ' President of Ohio State Universit}"L T.he donor in the indtrument of conveya'nce directed that the land be used for park and forestry purposes. This land lies adjacent to the John Bryan ' State Park, and a CCC Camp now at work there will construct roads, trails, and structures needed fo[, public use. areas on the new park land. An arboretum of trees and ~ hrubs native to Ohio ill a distinctSimple P ..rtie. More P'lea.ina ThaD ive feature ,",ow being developed Elaborate One. 1:Lat Tire on the open fields at Bryan P ark, Hosie .. ond it will be extend ed to include similar lands on the Orton MemorSharing the d lighlts of home ia!. The total area of the two with guests ia one of' the oldest park tracts is now approximately forms of hospitality, according to 625 acres a'nd is an important unit Mrs. Dorothy B. Silco,tt. speclaJi t in the State forest and park sY • in home furnishings, O. S. U., tem, since it 8~rveS the heavily who believes that the hostess who populated areas of southwestern puts so much etl'ort iin preparinll' Ohio. T~aversed by t he limestone for guests ' that 'she cannot gorge of the Littl~ Miami River, enter into the. spirit of the oecas· po es9Cil of a varied fl ora and ion is violating the ffirst rule of examples of the original forests, it etiquette. can be cla ssed as one of the outSometimes the hos~tess doubts standing examples of Ohio's 8cenher knowledge of the rules for ery and flora. ' entertaining and worries so much The Orton Memorial is the sec· about imagined shorU~omings t hat ond ,gift of land conveyed to the the guests become in:rected with Experiment Station for forestry the unre t. Ml1l. Silccltt says that and, park purposes during the past the most any guest can e<xpect is year. This property has been a smiling hostess wh,o proves by 'placed under the jurisdict ion ~i graciou s manners that those under the Board of C()ntrol of the OhIO her roof are partners in an adven-' EJlperiment Station and will be ture of good fellowship. administered by the Division of Member:!! of fhe borne economics Fore8~_y_.__ __ ••_ __ division not only givre advice on VETERAN EDUCATOR hospitality b ut they meet with DIES IN COLUMBUS groups of wom-e-n andl discuss setting tables, ser.ving food, table courtesies, and etiquette. These Obio last week Jost one of its groups arc organized in several most influential citizens, in flte Ohio counties and the women death of Dr. William Henry composing them gaitl sell confl- Scott, ,96, in Columbus. dence in the art of elntertaining. [nfluenc e. of Dr. Scott's long ' Group discu.ssion" however , life was not from political power does not make it pos!;ible to train or business leadership, but In the hostesses to be u nconcerned when lives 01 thousands who came under guestas a rrive so latl~ that meals his influence as preacher and a re spoiled by the Mlay.Hospital te.a.eher. All of his lile had been ity impose8 obligati cms on the spent in Ohio. guest a~ well I;l S the 'hostess. The He had been president of two foundation of all ente:rtaining is to state universities" Ohio and Ohio be thoughtful and cClnisderate of State, superintendent of Atherll the , ~eelings of otherl!. sc'hools, pastor of Methodist EpisMl1l. Silcott advis,es teach ing copal churchC8 in ChiJIicothe and children simpl e rules of etiquette Columbus. Dr. Scott was born at by examples ,a t borne 366 days a Chauncey, Athens county, and year. Lessons larned in this man- spent part of hlf5 boyhooQ at Mcner avoid aU need for worry about Connelsville, Morgan county, conduct later when ' the youngsters are called upon t:o ~ntertain others. • - -. Maybe '1t has been said before,



pr ure of a ny kind, it can and does resist the hysteria of the moment. ment of Agriculture, State Fair so that the Constitution, in spirit as well as word, may be pre erv d, Manag r W. W . Ellenwood and AmC'l'ica ma'y r main a fr.eo nation. Wa.lter Kirk ,o f Port Clinton,


Farm hight 7a.lks,. Jaituarv 25 '

8 :00 Annual 4-H Club Summary-Miss Hulda Hors.t, Assistant. 4-ll Club Leader. 8 :10 Vocational Home Economics' P rogtnm-Students of Hilliards High School, ~lirected by Miss )jucile Elliott. 8 :20 Ohio'" Expericno with LancllsLrian ScbooJs--H, E. - Eswine, Historian. 8 :30 Special Music. 8 :40 Farm Home Period: lIr Home .DemoDl"tration Pr gram~ irs. Leater Utz Crawford county. OUI' Homes and Families-, E . Mrs, HC'len Mougey Jordan, Extension Home eonoml t. 9 :00 WOSU Orchestra. 9:10 Poul ~ Pointers--C. M. Fersuson-Extcnsion ,Poultry Ilccialist 9:20 The Public' Interest in Soil<ervation-G. W. Conrey, Agronomy D pt. 9.3 0 WOSU Orchestra ' !I :40 to 10 We ek-Group discussion . Why We Are Attending ,FarmeTs' .


Best O f the News Direct From the Ohio State Capito] ~ ::.!..__________________________ COLUMBUS, OHIO "The realiiation o'f the start of .a li f ' , .. ambition to materially aid tbe , mentally ill." This is the ~y Dr. J. Fre meut Bateman views his ap· . poinbnent as' superintend ent of t~e Columbus State ho pital to suc eeed the Late Dr. W. H. Pritchard Dr. Bateman, who i ~ only 39, ill recogniud nationally in hi field of medical endeavor. He served 118 asaistant superintendent of Longview State hospit.1 in Ciocinnati • until his ' new appointment by Govemot' Ma.rtin L. Davey. One of his chief and most important in'tereats will be toward the educa, tion of the public in gen eral in methoda . of preventing mental diseMe/!, Dr. Bateman hopes to :< re'fi•• the po8t-gl'adllate Bchool '.tor aSsistant physicians of: Ohio's State hospitals as Ii bfsicappro ach ~ tllwar(l a ~get' and more detailed mental' ,hygiene , program. Be organized the fir8t school of this t,~ " in . the U.nited States, at J

master of the State Grange.

• • •

The ntlW president of the Ohio Legi slative Corre pondent associatjon is the veteran State House r e~ortel'for the Associated PreBs, H. H. "Doc." Daug'herty. He has cover d the "M1lt" for the AP for a score of year, prior 1.0 which he had the same assignment fol' th Ohio State Journal. John W. };'isher of th e Ohio News I agu ,is the I'\ew vice president of th as ociation; Frank M. He1ler of the Gongwer service, secr,etary i and Karl B. Pauly of the Obio State JourMl treasurer.


This is the time when the P1'Ofessio'nal forecasters swing ~to action-and the business and fin an cial magazines 'h ave all come out

with oversized "Review and Fore. cast" issues, Ge.nerally speaking, . th commentators and the magaof CinCinnati, and his past.-gradu- . ate at Northwestern univet.!lty. J ZIDCS agree in their gueS1les as to He is ' conaide <I an exceptionally the course of f uture ,e vents, able psychologi t and Is usually namely that business is getting well qualified to· direct the ta e's bl'tt r,. the public's power, to c?nla,rge t in litution lOT the mentally ~ume I , gradually approaching ill, according to those who have md~stry ~ power. t.o produce, t.he been associated with him. natIonal mcotpe IS on the J:lSe j (though t he rise is being offset to • • • a can iderable extent by rises in A,ny informaLion pertaining to commodity prices) and wages and Ohio's new unemployment in ur- dividends ar ereftecting the 1m.• anc llJw, pa!!8eti by the General prOVenlent. But there is at least AI!!! mbly Dec mbel' 16 as aD one big fly in the ointment-labor geney mil ure and now in eff ct, troubles, e>..;sting and 'pro p-eetive. may be ~ tained at the head- . In the words ol' the conserva· qUllrters of the Unemploym nt ~n. tive Annalist. "The ,t hree largest. suranCe Commi ion at 68 East manufacturing i1\du tries enter Gay street. olumbus, it was nn· the new year with heavy unfilled no unced by Charle.s S, Leasure, orders. Ordinarily such Ii situation chai.rman of the commis ion. Mr. would virtually guarantee a satisLea'!lure pointed out that confus- factory state of business, even ion exists in the minds of many though a few important industrial concerni~ federal 1I0cial security remained depressed. But the exlegisla.tion which levies on employ pected outbreak of labor dietru· er and employ.e for pen ion pay- bances is becoming serious 'e nough ments after the age of 66, . and to constitute a threat to general Ohio's new Unemplqymen t insu[- bu iness stability."


collects from only !;he employer for bene,fit of the ·possible unem· ployed employe. Mr. Leasure prior to his connection with the eom-

WIth Its faIth m craft umons. On the othe'r is John L Lewis advo ' eate of one big ind~strial ' unio~ and direct action. Some think that

S T 0 ,8 I E for




Exh;ibit Department




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when the onl1 nU.t on the machine th t' t' ht' th d ' er Man ha~~ (~an.~s M;cu:';~'-


QuaUt)' Prlntlal


A few weeks before lambing I Livestock OW1\ers who bel~ve a labor political 'Party, such as time, flock owners f~!quently en- that their animala are not r~elv­ exists in France and England. counter so-ca.l!ed pregnancy iog' sufficient mineral in feed can. Wheth~r that is tru~ or not, Mr. dl8eases in so~e of their ewel!!. An supply any lack by mixing 100 Lewis seems b$!nt on bringing the affected ewe IS first tiloticed stand· pounds bone meal, 100 Pllunds ,old closed·shop va. open-shop issue itlg off by herse lf or Ja"inlr be- finely ground limestone and 100 to a bead. hind ihellock,. refusit,ng .to .e at or pounds salt. If animals have aympOne aim of the United Mine drink. There IS an Iniilcatlon of toms of lack of iodine ' the ..It Workers (Mr. Lewis' union, whie'b nervousness and a tendency to can be iodized by mixlnr one is supported by a number of other walk It;t circles. She will lie down ounce of potassium iodide with : large unions) is to 'unionize steel, frequently and ftnlll1y beeome 800 oundl of _It. adamant defender of the ' open- paralYled in the real' quart6nl. p • shop. This is about as difficult a Many die unleB!l th,ey lamb in Industrial uses for farm crop. job as could be imagined and. which case they may recover. aTe not a cure for all agricultural whichever side wins, must result Although studied by several Inin controversiea continUing over vestigator!! the eXilct cause of ills, according to AI~r~d D. . of years; So in the' me&ll- pregnancy . , diseaae , period remaiN! in man ' ,.assistant ladmlDlIltrator of time, Mr. Lewis has ce-ntered his doubt. It is most common in ,the 'AAA. He "Y8 the department attack on a big industry which he flocka where the ratiion is com. of a&Tieulture lellda every en- and most unprejudiced obser- pOlled largely of 10111' quality tou- couragement to the develop~nt cers-rcgard 88 being highly vul- ghage, such 88 eorn, stover and of indultrial u"'_ tor farm pr?nerable. That ia the automobile straw, and where the ewes take duet. but he polnta out. that .10 indUStry. little elterciH The diaease leeDUI many calleS, 1Iuceeuful mdustrial lieason for motors' vulnerability Inost apt to .1reet ewes c&rrJinar utilisation of farm crops otten is that it is dCllendent for twins or triplet.. depends upon their purchase at a tenp& on other, eeattered The dilease is reprded .. a low price, tries--Irlau matan, aCC8IIor7 management problem ' tor It ill makel'll, tire malten, machin. neither infeetloaa nor contaclou. ~caltura1 projecta which ew_ that; are PI'Operlr &uctl ...B club memben to make tool maken, etc. The.. related In- Ownen dustrles, t "oap ble wben all Doaria~d and that dlrow off . . . . lOaeeWDc n ..... .OD tile farm unib within them are coDlldered, products of the boq nplarlr. 110.. ba,. Jut .. mucb educaare mainl7 brollQ .p into amall, are Dot boahJed with pnpaa., a.a.lftl.e .. ~ wblcdl NCI. . . I

... Mr. LC'Wis' ambition is to bl.Uld up


T hi

Shorts and Middlings

;:~::::r~~ul~:!~nb:: :is:~~rt~~~ :~: ~~:'f:d~i;:1 h~t~~ ~nndn~~~~~~ o~L:;:ro~:. :id;\;!~: 1~~;. ~d~~ ISHEEP SHOULID

• ance. Dr. Bateman was gl'aduated I trom Ohio university, Athens, , and received his advanced degree \. from Cornell and the Univ,e rsity



decentrallsed DDIta. III othu....... SeldOID worda, It k ......... poeelhle 'to IPIIl . , . . . tie lIP a bIa ....obOe



ew. .. ................ utili-. D. .......

dna. II

aplellltDnl .......


The 11

·M la




II p Ie sitter of wn, ., is down, after e t:Ulli lling a ;-; re ord of 2 hours atop :I t lephone pole. Tbe n w champ is a pet kitten th at wandered too far away from 110me. Seekins adventure of the higbest order, the intrepid feline climbed to the top rung of the pole Dnd refu cd to d seelld. COll) ':In(} wheedling failed to dian e the kitten' reaolution to remain alo{t, so neighbors called Thc 'Ohio Bell Telephone Company. Vernon Casperson, in taller, was as igned the job of r seuing the pet from its' precarious perch. After much pawing and scratching, the ace pole sitter wa.s bl."ought ' to COl rtb, hungry but unharmed.


ll E chill IllP i


fit .. }lowell

Peilce togelher J. L. Mendenhall lind Mr5. L. M. Ilender on made a bU Rin s tTip to in innaLi Wcd11 fl lillY of last wei! k. Mrs . arey, Mr~ . Uiatt and Mrs Wall, of Wilmingt n, called on unday


The gra.nd jur'y on M nclay of last we k madl' s thorough compl te Inve~tigution of report d

t iddle\


Friend.' Home New.

Pole-Sitting ,CluJmp, GAMBLING IN WARREN Rescued by Teleplwne Man COUNTY INVESTIGATfO tt,


J. BCHAPMAN LiceD,ed Broker


hip conl'tflbl !:\ In th ir examina· REAL ESTATE Ml"!l: Margaret, 1artin celebrattion ~f the charges. . Tlwy l' I'OfU>U that ' th 'y found ed ber birthday onniversary Sun· NOTARY PUBLIC ' dlly at the home of her brotherfrom informat.ion. speut' d that until r CCT1l1y gambling existed in in-law, and 8ister, Mr. and Mrs. J . GENUINE TALONL. Mendenhall. Othc-r guests were c n ·~ t lonil of tho county lint! FASTENERS that slot. rna hin s w('re in opel'1l· Mr. and M • Ernest Martin and USED FOR ALL Lion gen rally throu~hout the h'. and Mrs. Roesken, of Dayton. REPLACEMENts Y011 cannot se4i over' a steep was irs. Ada Jenkins kho had been county. This condition hill or around an ob cured member of the Home ismily for iil!G.:::=:::Z::l..-i I ".a bl'u ptly tCI'm inD ted ... the jury curve. Slow DI) n; otherwise four and a half yeal'S, pass d l' cent reported ' following a you are )u t "GROI'ING" way Friday morning after a Graduate Veterinarian warning oC Prosecutor . Donald YOUR WAY like the blind man, Iingermg illness, and was buried Dilatush. lot machine wel' r MEN'S 3 PIECE SUITS ........ sOc ·i moved and that their investigation in Wilmi,n gton Saturday afternoon Office North Mtlin St. LADIES' PLAtN DRESSES .. ,.IIOc did not reveal any urrent. viols· DRIVE CAREfUL Y- SAVE LIVES Mrs. Howell Pierce, Mrs. Lena TRY Hsrtsock, Miss Laura Sutherland, tion • WA YNESVILLE, OHIO They expr sed a d~ire, how· . = and Mrs. Foster Ha cock attended th funeral. ever, t.hat both the prosecutor and METHODISTS (IF OUR CLASSIFIED COLtlMNS T ..lephon. No... FOR SALE. Mr. Harold Berryhill lind Mrs. sheriff continue their campaign . ClfAIlU C. N. Be rryh til, of Bellbrook, again this type of law v iolation. KA. THRYN MENDENHALL. M,r. (Continued from Page 1) call cd on Misses Browne Saturday FOR SALE- Cow with ~lf. Mrs. J. P. Fronlm and son Un. wns elect ed lIecretary. afternoQn. Claude Stl-oud, Waynesville. Ii Clyd e were Dayton visito " Tues· Charle Penquite, of Mason, wa -------~------da),. named chairman of the Men's Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Fromm and Work committee;; J. C. Boldt, of Subscribe for The Mtaml Gasette Mr. Clyde l"romm VI iLed Mr. Lebanon, chaIrman in charge of Mrs. Adda 'Back is again making Fromm's parents ill Dtiyton, 1l11- vange\ism; tflrs. John Timwdake her home with Mrs. Mi!-ta Rogers. Wh 1\ death occurs, or nt any time. our door stands open ============~=::,I day afternoon. Franklin, in ,charge of religious ed Everett Early made a busin 5S for friendly counsel. We are always glad, to answer questions ucation; l\1rs. E:d Longacrc, of trip to Columbu Thursday. and show our beautiful funeral home and our complete, modern EARNED "SOCJAL SECURITY" Lytl e, chairman, in chuge of Mrs. 'Morris Wharton of L bchurcb conferencl$; Miss Dicker. anon,s]> 'nt Thursday with Mr. I facilities. But particularly at a time of grief, we offer our friendly couns 1. The grief·stricken will find unobtrullive It would e m that "social son, Morrow, chairman in charge and Mrs. Clyde W'harton and family. 8Ccurity" i cJ Line.d to be a poli- of music. sympathy here and a ready willingness to tak the burden of E. W. Clark, South Lebanon, . Mrs. Walter KenriCK called on tical is u fo.~o ng time to come. every d tail off addened shOUlders. Within th pa" 9 there is con- was named chaiJ:'man of t.he world !Ili e Sallie and Hattie Thomas siderabl Inhmal dj nsion as to emee program; Ead Barnhart, and Mrs. Lucy Bordon in Franklin what ie the prop r program to Franklin, chairD'lan in charge of Wedn/)sday Id'ternoon. young people's work; Mi~ Mrs. frank K;urfiss is quite ill '-!!!!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!'!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!" 1puIn rsu e. Wa yn-esvi II , with the ' grip. '= the mllBntime, millions of Virginia Hardi'n, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hadle), A'J\l~rical\ citizen are quietly and chairman in eharge of peace proattended the fleetiv 1y achieving socia 1 secu r- gram and G. II. Townsley, L b~ and daughter, Farmers' Institute at Harveysburg it}' for tht'ms lves without bene- anon, in charge of pUblicity. 7 /Wa"a•••W. Ph~1lS for cOnducting a school Monday. ONLY fit 01 government. They ar setting up trust funds here- for Sunday School teachers Mr. and Mrs. Ed Longacre spent More Uian a million readers throughout the and savings accoun ~. They are of the enunty WI!re discu ed. The Saturday livening with Mr. and ;:::::::::::::=::~¥:::=::==:=; country read PATHFINDER regularly tor • more of the in uT1lnce s01 d is of clas es will begin arly in Fel,lru- Mr . George Davie at New Ja per. a complete. timely and unvarnished 'digest Mr. and Mrs.. J. B. Jones have buying life Ill$urance in unprece- ary and will , follow a district proof the news. Are you overlooking some' thing? Today. eeonomlc and political atralrs are at their dented 'llmounts - nnd mor and gram to be conductoo at Dayton sold their farUl" north of town to topsy-turviest. Every new turn ot events Is apt to atrect the annuity type which provided for leader of the various counties Mr. Rowland, of near Centerville your pocket-book. Everyone'!'I asking, "What's It all old-age income as well as protec- of the dilltrict. !rhese leaders 'are .Mr. and MI'!. Calvin Longacre eXpi!ct d to clo me' from eAch aJld Mra. Margaret Johns were about. and how mueh Is It going to cost me?" Before you tion fol' d pendents. can answer that Question you must be able to Interpret This is not an . argument against church in the c()lUnt.y and will corn Dayton visitors Saturday afterthe news; and before you can Interpret you must have government sec urity, whicb is be- p the leaders in each of the noon. all the facts clearly explained. Mr. .and Mrs. Leon Salisbury, lieved to be. a compelling need of county teacher sehools. Cr.edit for EVERY WEEK FROM THE t.he tim . It i , however, a tribute the work wiJl he given by the son and daughter, of Washington NEWS CENTIR of the WORLD to that old type of Americlln in- Board of Re.ligi.ous Education at C. H. were Sunday evening calleri lta.laBaeler corbes to YOIl with its re- dependence which guard agai1ist hiCl\to. of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Emriek. liable, easy-Io-read and easy-to-under- the future through ' individual Mi ses Evelyn Johns and WiIlostand news reviews in words, pictures GEORGE MANIINGTON dine Kurfi attend~ a farewell thrift, foresight Bnd good hsrd and charts. Its eondensed form presents --party for MiB8 Ruth Collette at a lively and intelligible survey of cur- work. rent events throullhout the world; its (Continued from Page 1) the borne of Miss Louise Hoak, --- ~-- impartial interpretation, analysis and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hawk-e and Manington the managing owner,!sunda y veninI'. , e_llplanation of the news enables you to think and talk straigbL Other.weekly daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. Carl associated with Ihim in the venture Mr. and M~. Raymond Osborn news magazines seU at U to a year. Hawke, of Dayton, were guests of was Geo. Jenkins. and Mrs. Fanme Toms of Xenia, Pathltlder sells for a year, but , for J. C. Ha.wke Sunday. "During his t., h irty years in Tonand Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jones were a limited time we can oirer you a greatly apah Georg Nlanington beca:me Sunday afternoon guests of ~r. reduced bargain price on a combination of this paper and PATHFINDER. Drop in actively sssociat.ed in all civic af- and Mrs. Therle Jones and son and see samples o.r write and take advanfairs, and was president of the Milton. ii~~ tage of this specia.l offer without delay. Loans made by production local school boalrd for t.h~ past six IThe funeral of Riohflrd Swank, Insure your economic future by auurioll nine years of age, the. son of Mr. credit .associations in 1936 ex- years. yo~r complete srup of current ceeded in volume loans made by "He ' WII' a member of the and Mrs. Melvyn Swank of Dayany other federal agricultural Masonic Lodge, 01 the Seattle ton, was held at Lytle church credit agency. Kel"ak Temple of the, Shrine lodge Tuesday afternoon and was attend and n member of the T,onopah ed by a. large concourse of relatives and friends. Rev. Stitzel or Recent surveys made by federal Elks lodge. se.rvices. ties indicate the~ will be "lIe was a diJ-ector o.f the Tono- Mt. Oreh conducted th of floral a sufficient supp ly of seed of soil pah Extension MiM, snd was well- The larg.e number conserving crops to sow normal known through(lut the state for tributes manifested the love for Between Toledo and ctndnnatl plantinY8 and more if the supply his many activities In the mining little Richard, who me.t h.ia untime Iy death Saturday evening in an ' is properly used. Charted" for tJ.. Beneftt af later~ and business world. state Motor Tourist, .. Well as 0 auto accident on Dayton and Leb I Diverting acres from oil.deHe achieved local fame In J.933 Tralle Wlthia the Dorden o.f Ohio ,,"I.~~lI~ anon Pike near Kissinger farm. pleting to soil-conserving uses when he became known as the will be the method by which the "Savior of SilVIeI' Bow." In the Burial was made in Miami ceme- I PhoneD R;o~e~: bery. The family have the sympalarger portion of total payments winte-T of 1933 he rushed men, t , to Cincinnati 88 shown herewith is • will be earned in 1937 on farms ,trucks and s uppllies into the snow- thy of this entire community. the shortest distance between the 0 which have ' a tobacco bILSe or bound communil~y, which in the two citie.. Ot!lcials of the State Z Highway Department give the ' which have a soil-depleting base of long life he SPellt in Tonopah was mileage aaving as about 11 miles. more than 20 acres. but a small thillg, for always be was ready to aid to his fel, There'l less trafThe 1936 crop of red and alsike low men, and gave willingly and fic congestion on clover in the United States was unselfishly to nu~e life easier for the Toledo-Cincinnati Short Line sllghtly larger than the 1985 crop others. than on any other 1I1gbway conbut was 16 per cent below average Recently he and Mrs. Manlngton necting these two cities. There are far fewer curves (DO hairpins) Timothy seed production was more came to the decision to leave- Toand all railroad trade crolllinga than one-third below 'average 'but nopah for his health. Be had are exceptiona117 well protected. , there was quite a carryover of old been suffeJing fJrom asthma and a seed. Altalfa seed was produced in beart ailmet)t fl)r lome time and ' By reallon of IImaller quantiti~ than normal was planning 1:0 seek a lower the I b 0 rter mileage, leal cOll&'ution .( both on and sweet clover seed 'production altitud.e. the hlghwlYs and in the eommu"H~ is survivfld by his widow, a was down one-fifth. CLASSII'IJ:D ADS COST ONLY nliies thru which they pasal, fewer sister, Mrs. Nellie Gaines of Daycurves, and adequate widtb ton, OhiO, a nephew Alton Fullilr, ONE CENT PJ:Jl WOaD. WHY roadbed. and bridges, the of Tonopah, • neice', Mrs.. R. H. , Route here outlined ts • KEEP YOUR ATTIO PILLJ:D Parham, the fonner Mila Doris ~Iit time-saver for the Maningto.n of San Antollia, Tel'., WITH UULJ:SS A~TIO~ billlY motoritt-very proband other rela1;iv~ residing tn ably as much as two houri. TIIA'l' CAN Bil TUBNBD unO Seattle. "Masonic fun.eral services will ,MONEY' roB SO SIIALL A AN ALL PAVED be held for Mt. llianinaton in Tono COST. TRY IJ'ms IIEANS ' or HIGHWAY pah Saturday at ":00 p. m. at the Maaonic Hall. On .Monday Reno SELLING AND SEE 'WHAT A Ohoice of Knowing funeral services will be held from The ba ek. Motorists DIFFERENOE IT WILL IUD the Ross-Burke Funeral parlors at bone of the ofOri,inated and Sponsored 11 :00 a. m., lTaveaide rite.. TO YOUB POCD:TBOOK. AS ftci ..1 Revolub, the tionary Trails at the Masonic Cemetery In Reno. WELL AS TO BAft yotm Syatem of Revolatlonary Western Ohio. STun'Y OLD ATTIc CLEAn8 Yet Ed', GoM L.... 8bort Trail Marked ita A.odation OUT. IT PAYSI entire lell&'th The editor of the country by , lIIiItorieal newspaper went home to dinner marlren of the amilinlr radiantly. "Yoa must have Ohk llemorlal had 10m. lood fortnal thiI mol'DeomlalllSou. m.," sreeted llie wlf.. "Indlld I dl.," anno.Deed Ule editor. "Jim SmftIa, who ban't pald hie for 10 ~ eaIH III per, ..'-""COndlla

Dr. A. E. Stettler

Late Classified Ads.


'UEJfJ @-~




Friendly Counsel



.7 ..,_ Paper For 0 ... Yea, and

E. MeClare



S2 00


UK-hen the day. begin to ler gtlaan The cold begins to strengthen."


Storm Doors and Windows, Weather Strips and Insulation


Short. and Middling.



Everything In Builder.' Supplies



w. H. Madden &00.








,Eighty-Ninth Year




Whole Number 6258



MHS. ·W. H't ALLEN A little daught, r, Alhe rta FELlOWSH'iP TEAS FOR S.andra, was into the of Mr. and Ml'S. Max METHODIST RilES,HELD TUESDAY home W0MEN Hollingsworth, on Thu rsday, J an.

Ralph Snook P Qtlt, American Legion, will sponsor 8 carnival and Bingo party at; Memot'ial hall, LebllllOn, Friday evening, JanUAry Mrs. ~rri Barley Allen. wife 29" the proceed to 00 used for of WiIlllll)'l H. Allen, pr ident of Membe.-. of Fumer. CI.ub Ifi.bly fl od re1i!)!. Adm; ion 25 centRo th.e Waynesvi!l National Book, passed a, ay early Saturday even,Elltertailled at Wbiubr ' A dOor prize will b Ifiven. ing, January 23" at Miami VaUey Home hospital, where she had been for ob rYiation and treatmen,t. She Th~ Jl8.fI1.Jary meetillg of the had n in :£ailing health for Wayne Township Farme1"S Club some time but her condition was held at the plea.'!ant coun4'y not though.t t.o 00 se.1'ious until a ,f ew weeks ago. borne of Mr. ,a nd Mrs. Walter


MQre lhan ' 1,000,000 Methodist wome.n, it is stimated, will gather BOl' n--To Mr. and Mrs. Charles for the Inrge6t si ngle tea, party in E. Michen ,Saturday, January Ame~'ica.n hlstory when they me t fOI' the International Fellowship 23, a !IOn. T<a to be held 00 Tuesday, F bru. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Surfac e ary 2. ThioS tea, held in conjunc· are announdng the birth of a son , tion with the nation-wide Million Do'nald LeRoy, Satul'day, Januat·y Unit Fellowship Movement of the 23, at Miami V~l1ey Iho$pitai. Methooi t Episcopal Church, will - ,--be celebrated simultan eously by church groups in 20,000 citi s, Mrs. Allen was well and favor· towns and hamlets across the ably known tbl'oughout the county I

uary 21.

. . . ..

.. .

Robert T~ft, 0 r Duyt.o.n, son of Mr. and Mrs. F'rank Ta.ft, of t.h' place, sutTered a painful IOJU1'Y, Saturda,Y night wh n h fell at 1,1 hom , bt' aking his left. IJ.nkl... He was removed to 11 Dayton hospital when an X-ray was taken of the brenk and his ankle phl(:.ed in a cast. U e wil1 b ecoofin d to his bome £.01' several weeks.-South harleston Sentinel. Mr. Taft, whose parents are former resid nts o'f Waynesville, is a nel)hew of J. Will Whitc.

NEED ELASliC MONEY TO STOP REMODELING SAYS SPECIALIST Home makers Ease Stra.iIn' , B~let By Givins Old Cloth •• N_ Life


Until aomoon.e invents elastic money it probably will be I\ eces~ sary for Women. to remodel some of their garments instead -of discarding them and buY'irW tlleW, 8£. Whitaker, near Lytle. cording to Miss Edith Berry, AJter the usual bou'llt.eous din· clothing specialist, O. S. U., who Iller the was called Mr. to :.,============= and was greatly admired for her cou.ntry, also says tbat it is .often possible order by meeting the, viee-president "The purpose of the tI,' ad. to inject now life into old cJoth'C8. Earl Hockett. Charles Satterthwaite is doing eultUlt:e and sterling qualities by a , vises Mr.:;. J. M. Avann, director of Coats lose their freelmess at The club, saddened by the death a plaBtedng job in. Lebanon. la'l'ge circle ?f frienda . the woman's department of the th is time of yea«-, but there are of Mr. Ira Rich, pBJISed resolutions Mrs. J . K. Preston on rtained She WillS a. m mber of St. Mary's ~ix ad~UOlllJlI names for petit church, who is dire<:ting this l'eo several ways to rejuvenate them. of regret and sympathy to the be· the Argunot bridge club Wednes· Episcopal church, the New jury service during the January cord.breaking social vel'l!t, "is to Fur collars or fur coats can be rea.voed i<lUT\Uy. Century lub ~nd the CllnterviUe tlerm of court were d1'8.wn ]a promocte real fellowship in the Mr, Whii,aker, tbeln as host, day afternoon. ommunity Garden Club and took \\ k. They will supplement the 1local .create a for II Mrs. Carl Frye has been confine(' ir hened by D'I.oistening com took eharge I()f th~ program. John Sears, of Cincinnati Bible. a prominent part ill all church, liat of twenty drawn four weeks .,.,!(Jrld-wlde Circle. of Cl'lendship lin d to her home several dayS with gri] menl or bran and then rubbing this material into the fill'. The After two piano solections by S nUnary, is pending too week at club and ocial tlctivities. Her ago. The new juroll'8 are: Mrs, fellowship, and cl'ystallize that d-eMl • R. L. Hammond, of Oak· fur. is brushed lightly to remove all Anna Marilyn Whitaker, MI'. his homl! he l ' e . i n t e l .. I, in all charita!).le affairs Ralpb Weidiller, Springboro; W. C. sire into an activ& in~rest on e I the cleaning material. Whitaker"odueed his si tel"-in. was pronounced and dUTing the Kersey Oregonia; Miles Davis, part of every MEthouist Woman In llUld, Calif., is the guest of Fur collars which have becolM law, Hi Anna M redith, teacher Mr. twnd Ml' S. S. EllIS enter- World War WI8B head of , the Red Leban~n; C. b1. Robit7A'r, Waynes- t he objeotives of th Million Unit siat.e-r, Ml·s. B. R. Williamson, anr family. • tained the members .of their din·1 'os work in county. 11 b' M t Of . worn at the edges can so-metimes of Withrow high 5chool, Cincin- ner club, Saturday mght. ville' Mrs. David Ros Lebanon; Fe ows Ip ovemen. pnmary pati, as lecturer. Mlsa Meredith A daughter of the late E IL:lS and '0. W. Doughmj~, 'Morrow. I is ou,!' intense d ire to Workman have repaired a see. be improv d in a.ppearance by 8pent this la,st summer in M~:xico, Miss Clara Lila, of Washington and Elizabeth Hadd n Barl-ey, she F<or service in Mayor J. T. promulgate the sincere desire to ~ion of the road thJs side of Har. ripping the collar open and makShe took many moving pictures in C. H., was h r Tuesday to attend was born August 16, 1865 on the Riley'g court at Franklin, the promote ~,; ~ling of peace, and veysburg which was washed out b~ ing a new seam deep iIlough to con color, with which sh& illustrated the funeral of Mrs. W. H. Allen. farm now owned by Bert Hartsock lowing twent.y juro,l'lJ were also of good Wll1. the high, during the we~k ceal the worn qes. The collar her talk. Everyone was deligh:ted and with,the exception of ~ few ,' drawn on M<O'1lday: IPerry Simpson Present indica-Lions are, accord~ making it impa abl~ for a fe\\ will be slightly smaller but will III ad h Ch' Miss Alice Campoolll of the look much beUer. and 18. riatng vote of thank.!! was grade school faculty, sp nt the y aI's1 r \d nce at• Macomb, W ., Morrow,' Willis Hiteman, MaBon; ing to an vancehcensus, t tat I· day. Cloth fabrics which have become had lved her entire life in ay- R. H. Rothman, Leblanon; Leonard cago will have I, e greates numgiven her. . The club adjou~d to meet week·en d at her home in Maine· rtEsville. Tmney, Waynoovill ; Mrs.,' W. W. bel' of women in attendance. St. ~ Mrs. John Treadway, who has smooth, often will zoespond to with Mr. and Mn. Frank LeMay, ville, he was a graduate of Wayn eJl- Cline, Kings Mills ; Nellie JI~nkle, Paw, Mitm. iaranking econd with been a sufferer from heart skilled treatm nt. A pressing cloth February 11. Miss Kathryn Gibb()n s a.nd ,rill", high chool and, for ~ number Wayn.esviU ; Ethel Sackett, Way- New York City third. was .removed to McClellan hospItal is made by covering a cloth with a tightly woven dry .cloth, Jame$ GibbOIDe. were dinner gu~3t of y ars was an efficle.nt instructor .nesville: Ed. Clark, Oregonia; Playl ~ musicals, and 'Vari ous , X~ma, Monday, and the fabric is pl'CS8ed with a A PRETTY HOME WEDDING of Mr, and Mrs. Bert Hartsock on in ~he primary department of the Charles Van Riper, South Leb. jnternatiQnal featul'eiJ are to be in Mrs. Gilbert F-rye was taken, ill hot iron. The pressing should be • local schools. anon; Mrs. Bud Thompson, Leb. eluded in the program throughout with grip W~dnesday night, I/I,t t..he done lightly until the fabric is Misa Harnett E. Downey and Sunday. Her murriage to Mr. AUen took anon; Walter Kru~!l', Fr.anklin j the country. Cen.tra.] th me will be homo of bel' mother, Mrs, Ira Wal'ren County Pomona grange Mr. H«bert McMillan w~re steaming a'lld then. it should be place in SI;. Mary's Episcopal Wilford Ro Lebar'Qnj Minerva that or ChIistian faith lUI a means Rich. quietly united in. marriage Satur- will hold tn quarterly m ting at brWlhed gently. ' This o'ften will church. October 10, 1900. Hough .. Waynesville; Earl Shinn, and in every instance where speak day afternoon, January 23, at the GrMlge hall in Waynesville, Satur raise the nap of the fabric and .reA kind neighbor a nd> a true LebanOll1; Ada Smith, Wayn~v:ine era ate to be invited, they are Mrs. D. C. Ridge, Mrs. RosI! home of the' brl~l., parents lIear day, J a nuary 80. move shjny &POts. friend he ",;11 be missed in the Ed. Knock enhauer, F'osterj Vernon being asked to di.scuss this 8Ulb] ec tl Ha $ock, Mrs, Ethan Crane and Oregonia. Linings of coats ho.uld be reMr. and Mrs. J. B. Gons were commllnity. d.a.ugnter, Nancy, wea-e Dayton Spaeth, Muon; ~rohn Beedle, Many of th~ ,teas will Member& of the immediate pair.ed if worn only around the visitors today. ' Besides her husband sh e is BUT- Sout h Lebanon; Mary ' E. Quayle, people in costunle, and /amilies witneaaed the single ring dinner guests of Mr. and Mr. neck and armaeyee. A yoke and ceremo,n,y which was 60lem'flized Victor Carpe.nte'r at their n ew vivedby the adopted ' daughter, LebMlon; HatTY Schn(lll, Morrow. there will be an in tema.tional shield made from matc:hi~ mater In this seetion flood waters have .. - .,- - flavor given to the' events. home lI'Car Blue. Ball, Friday evert- Mrs. Olive Brace, who for twenty· by the grooms aunt, Rilv. Mrs. ial will restore the lining. N_ are reeeded tlnd local schools ing. JaM M. 0are7. four' ()Il years hasMrs. lived in too home again operating after being closed c uff facings which match the coat WIld wnom Allen bestowed SERVICES FOR MRS. MIARS The)' lett immediately on a will b attractive. Mrs. W. N. Newlan,d; bf Chicago the love of a mothCll.'j also tbree WERE HELD TUESDAY almost two weeks. 1thoTt bom.eymoon fltld upon their called here because of the death New collars or alterations of 'Of Announcement has been made the neckline o.f dresses is the simpreturn will make fueir home with of bel' sister, Mrs. W, H. Allen, sisters, hicago;MTS, Mrs.W. E. N. A. Newland, Welch, and f R d Sh Mrs. Edna Coyle MLars 37 years of the ma.rriagoe 0 owm -ce· lest way to make them seem like the..grooom~a fath~r, on th ir farm will remain at the Allen home for (j Georgia Barley of Pasadena, old, di d Saturday at a rest home f W '11 d M' P I 'Dear Wayneeville. ter 0 ayonesvl, an ISS au· new gannents. SQUed dresses can seve-Tal days. California; ano three brot hers, T he pageant w h.i ch WaB t 0 have in Wilmington followi ng 1\ long ine Richardson, 0 :f D~yto 0, be cl(!aned, but the owner should The bride is the daughter of Lee A. Barley, Denver, Color&ru>, Harold B. Earnhart, f-or the Mr. and.Mrs. Wymer Downe y. She boeen given. by the Young Friends illness. La"",hftce Cook I'S m' make SUlle of using the. right John W. Barley, Bayard, Kansas., • tMrs. Mi8ll's was well known in Mrs ~ •..". is a graduate of Lebanon high l>8st everal months manager of and' F1red Barley, Fort Way e, Ind. last Sun cia y &VenlD~t, was pos "':. a ~; Valley 110 v ' l tal whcr she method of .cleaning oofore starting hd t Waynesvi ll e baving spe nt several lfLI .m d d ' 11 1.. sehool and has been employed in the Pr ble COll'llty ' Farm Bureau P(Jlle: ,an Wl .... presen"" nex month!! at the home of her is said to be recovering after an the IOpe~tion. If the ~ hu a Funeral services were conductCo p I'tltive association, has tenLebanon for the put few years.. Sunday evening at eight o'clock at end' it' peration belt or searl, the cleamng method , ed by the Rev. J ohn J. Schaeffer the hig h school gymnasium. brother, E , C. Coyle. app tC 1 o . can be tri d on those to find if the . The groom, ' the IOn of Mr. dcr-ed his resignation and return.ed at the residence Tuesday aftE'r' 11' I d . She is survived by her father, to Wayn ville. Tho program WI me u e mUSIC, ' D. Welch sa lesman for material !\hrinks when washed. If JoaePh MeMUlan, is a graduate of .noon and burial was made in ~ t' Lee Coyle-, of Spring Valley, and ts b leaux an ... scenes lIepresen mg a the Akron Rubb r Company, ~s no , the whole dress can be wuhed WaYDMrille bien school and ia a Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fisher and Miami cemetery. L_ f F ' d one brother, Earl C. 'Coyle, World's Con"",renoe 0 Men transferred f ro m De .Moines, Some modem ' fabrica become pro8pfll'OWl YOfn,!. ~er. son returned ,to thl1lr home in Cin· I fr6m many lands, to con WaynernUe, IOWA to a nroint in South Dakota, hlU'Sh when placed in WalleT and gatheNld cinnati, Wedne day a(te1' spend. NEW BURLINGTON WILL Funeral services were held at .., I"V sider probleml'/ whic.h are facing according tb word recently re- ' s hrink a deal but will stretch ing the past fe day at the home WIDEN <;AESAR'S CREEK Christianity in the wor Id today, the Stubbs Puneml Home Tuesday ceived from Mrs, Welch.. back to the original size when of Mrs. Fisher's \.mcle, W, H. ' . ad . , aiternoon and burial was in There will be no mI SSIon . nressod aiteJ:' they _have dried. Allen. ·h..1 Spring ~alleycem~wry. M'IsseS A ' and Mam e Brown '"Otber must be preaed The Greene county and Clin- charge and all are cordial Iy invl~ • _ _- - nlllle t.. ton ~Gunty. commissioners are - - -... - - -- -are having as their dinner guests before they become entirely dry. I Lena wi 1 be hps plannlng t.o widen. the channel 'Of LIGHTS OFF AT SPR,INGBORO E •• Prices at the Friends' Home, Sl'lk .~.... "-d rayo~ should be --ft1oed, eBS t he Hartsock Wayne ville Garden 0 - 1 '1today, d CMrs I'f ........ Olub at the Fri ends Home Tue-s· Caesars Creek west of New Bur· Street lights w er(~ turned off at Failure of r>&tllil prices of ~s L. Hammond, of ...,. an, a I in water that seems' slightly cool, IT. AUGUSTINE CHURCH day afternoon, Februaty 2 ,wibh lington, and cleer off the brusn in Springboro last 'W161~ k, the village to drop at the same rate as whole- Mrs. H. H. Williamso n, E Mrs. and woolerus are laundered in luke Fath.. Newtoll: Pastor ' Mrs: Ro Hartsock a . ting. an effort to control the flood haz- being without funds to pay its sale prices is . blamed by Don George J, Smith and Miss mma warm water. Twisting or wringinc IIaaa at at. Aucaatlne'l chllreb a1'd. Rich loam to the bottoms be· municipal light bill, now five Montgom'el'Y, Consumers' Counsel Heighway. t h garments frequently ~ S A__._ Mr. and Mrs. RoIlS H. Hartsock lillging to C. D. Mlars WaB washed months in arrears. A tax levy to of the AAA, for giving Under the supervi$ion of the tb m, Rayon fibers are weaker eveI'J U11___ mom..... ente"'-'n ,.l ~t dl'n~ ~r Frl'd.ay d f h' d bl t bl Ret n per doz d h f I te .. , . ...... ~\J -.~ out on the road, and gravel de.. provide the fun s or t 1S purpose ou e ro u e. ur s • American Legion, Boy Scouts have when wet an 11 08e 0 woo n .., FRIENDS ~ETINC eY' ning, Mr. 8.'I1d Mrs. D. R.. Smith po ited in ilB place. If plans go W!a8 defeated in November. en of eggs sold ana lowe.r, and con been ectively engaged this we k to mat togethel'. Ftrst-d., School at 9:30 •. m. "nd Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Crane. The thrRugh, a ,neWi channel will be Until some solutJ:()~ i& offered, sum rs dQ not increase toolr de· illl eollecting ' clothing, bedding etc Fabrics which become limp ~ben Xeetlnl' for Wonhtp at 10:80 occasion celebrated. Mrs. Har\;· dug a few roads up Cae88r~ creek village &treets will remain in dark- ' mand for eggs because they can. in this community and several wlUlhed can be :restored by 'USIng a Ill. sock's Bnniversary. from the covered bridge. ness, officials sIDted. Inot buy t hem c~ply enough. trUCK loads have been sent with small >IIlmo~nt of a solution made
















.- .





ntUY c;HURCH OF CHR.IST Carl Smith, Mllliiter PerTJ' Thomas, Supt. of Bible Sehool Bible School at 9 :80 a. m. Comm8llion, 10:45 L • • ' Prellcblq, 11 :00 L m.

The New Century Club mee-ting which was postponed last week because of flood conditions, will be

<========?'=====-========== :=============::;=:======0::::0 gerwrO'Il8 dOll1ations

of money Cincinnati for flood relief. - ,- -

held Friday afternoon at ,T he Little Inn wittl Mrs. Howell Peirce

1.10\..,,'-..IWOQ" 5

as host;e.,s. The regular meeting of 'T ownship MotheTII' club ' will be "AyNuVII.L~ CHUaCH OP held in the Grade building, Friday CII1lIST. att.emilon-, February 6, at 2 ~l 8.ftb, JliDIlter o'clock , All; interesting prognun Not A DeaomiDatioD wUl be presented by the pupils of 9:80, Blbl.. ecbool. Misa McKinsey's room. 10:'6, Lord'i Supper. " 7'p • Chrlatlan Endeavor Miss Betty Braddock was a I ~ll1tlc "meN. • ch.aTmine hostess to a company ~f 7 W.acla7, 7:'5 p, m., PfaYI,.fnends Saturday aitemoon in I celebration (If her fourteenth and bible -hod7. .... birthday anniversary which 0(1curred on Monday, Jan'u ary 25. WATftEIVILLIt II. E. CHURCH The au~ were Misses Alma Pren ~- G C Dlbe ' ... dergest, of Winton Place, Cincin' S un ciay: S uu.-y ..... a""... A'--ol at 9 .'30 nati; Nonna Lovely, of Sp.rillgboro a. m. MGl'Dintr wonhlp at 10:40. ~ Kosa, M,ariba ' Martin, On next Sundial' .. m.there will Jan~tte Kurftils, Gwendolyn Filer, be an ••cbante of pulpita by the Roxie Sackett Ruth Conmer Doropaatora- of the Dayton District. Dr. thy Hunter 'Martha Hiatt and Joim Altmaz IOf at. Paul's Church Tesaa Stan~ben'y. tn Ilaytoib. will be the apeakIII' in our cbureh. Dr, Altmu la Mn. E. F. Deppe was host.eaa to ap1eDdlcl preaclMr, aDd wW a group of frierula at luncheon ...... to briDe • Kl'eat ....... Saturcay, ill h~o1' of Mrs. Roy Don't feU to bear.blm. Jobneon, of Cleveland. Bridp Eyeniq ....-le. at 7 o~c1ock. eDjoyed dllrillc the afflemoon.. The T_ HI'IDOIl aullject will be, peate were lilY Rub), Smith, of CbIlI'cb W. Crlt,IcWe,'. New 811rlin1toni Evel7D , . . . will be . . ._ of XeI'III)" of Oreaonia; 11(1'1. Edgar otllelal b ..... tm...n.w, 8ath, Mra. Loul. TlIomptlOD, Jln. .... tM.. b~..... ItO)' ElUa, lin. ErwIn D", Ira W.... ~: BIble IRd:r 101m ·Jtel'le)'. lin. CuI oCJ1IM, p. .. lin. Al ~ ad lin. BtIaaD






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Of • I.&)UClt·





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pftIJRI.'" .. ., -




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all,,,~ GlOW.. '"


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determine just how much of the gu m arable solution to use, as some women. want the cloth atif~ than 'O thers do. A rubber bath spoll8e is useful for cleaning hate, and & 10ft; Franklin was dark Monday n d oth dipped in carbon tA!>tI-aebloras elI' Ughts we're ordC'.l'ed extin. ide and wrung partJy dry is even guished , to conserve electricity, better. Hat brims can be stea.m.e4 which ia obtained from Clncin. an.d then straightened with the nati power p l,ants. hand s. New ribbons or trimminea Residents of the low.lying Hoi. add new vigor and color to dejectlywood section, just outllide of ed hlllta. town, were removed from _ _ __• _ ..._ __ homes wbich. were under water. IN INAUGURAL PARADE , F k Th f II . ' t et ......-. There were a 120 taken to ran · e 0 owmg ex ra uvm a Un from, 20 inundat d homes. l~tte:r written- by Ethan J. Lewis women and children were lodged to Misees A.nnie and Kame JhooWn I'n the m Uethodisl. U church and th e will be of int~lb to EthalI'l me. Presbyterian .church, . friends . 1ft this community: ft m' the. while 25 0 '1' 30, who were ill, we-re ' ''I carried a ftrawid< kit ,in. the pIeced in thte American Legion lnaugural parade lut WedDe.csq. home with Mn. Delpha Bishoff, I ma.rche;d with the ,th battaUon. registered nurse, in charge. I didn1t think to wear bitrh Moe. Vacdni! was give.n to all children and qo legging. rubbed the "-h A group composed of the Legion from ~ a~ 10 that I un Pal'Ctnt-T~her 6aIooiation, Worn been Dllable to WfIU tbiaIr but en'. club and Legion auxiliary W'a8 bouee ....... IIblce. w....... organized to collect funda iQIld abold elev_ ~.. la 1'aln 10 ~ 8upplie.. , bud ,... wen I_IDe ..., Schoo" and factoriea wel'El eloeed IOn, ~_ It . . . . .ra IL lave power. The Franklin Not ~ 11M . . . . to ,... .. Board &lid Paper company aAd the ren.w baton ... pi .t.• ., .... Mlaml V&1JeJ Coated Paper com~ UJdW .. paDJ' wen 0~1Itr .. ~ have -_"""'!~....._ __ their OMI power lIupplies, but




to by diS$OI,?n~ a ~blespoonful of gum arabic 11)1 a prot ()of ,water. A trial will have to be made to




IOOD aIoH beoauae 1I&o*,,"



tor clerk of eourt, ,9: Job.. Law &: Ron, gM and oil and Ure repair during D('cember, '28.94; Ditto, IIIC., ditto roll for auditor and I5UI'Vcyor, ,9.16; Lebanon Lumber Co., file cnaes for Reemployment Office, $2; The- Office Out1ltters, clips nnd carbon for NRS office, $2.75; Wm. E. Schooley, mileage as ma.nager NRB office. ,21.70; W. n. Wright, mil age DB district mnnng r ot NRS offi~, $14.30: Ohio 'mtl'81 .T cl phone Corp., phone 1'ent IIl1d tolls NRS office, $19.05.


aecount. Nora E. Teaney. execuLl'ix (If the ~te of Theodor J. TC'ancy, dec:ea ed V5, Nora E. Tennoy. t·t al it i oroorl'd that apprnJ", I11Cnt..'l be approved. In tile. matter or lhe . taLe> (,f Probato Court Jumel\ E. Ic lure a.nd .Carl S. Lida M. XII-Y, dec:~JlRC I, the ~ched­ ~1c lur, eX eutors of the estate of ule of claims, dt!b\.l llnel liabilities lary B. Me lure, d ceased, filed was publi hcd in The W rn 'I'hl' f(l.1l \win~ Rccount were np- th ir ition and tlteil' firat and Star Ja.nuary 14, 1037. }nil l',I, II wed anti confil'm d. by nnal account. In th matter of the estate- of tIll court. Mary Tr nt was appointed jail Mary B. Mc luI' ,cl eased, 1C!ir1lThe t1n:.t lInll nnll.l aecount of matron for Warren County, State des were provided her grand'lilillnl berlin, trator of of Ohio. 'daughter. f t h . tnt of John Ob rlin,. deeMS 1~~ 1. Urton, executrix of the In the matter of the e.o tate ~~-. ot EJ ie A. Ertel, deceased Peter B. Benham, d~eru;cd, • ,I . esUlt.e t f t it is Th am~l1d 1 account. oi B. G. filod her first final a.n-d distributive .ordered that a certi lea C 0 rans. FllzPllt l'ick xc U\Ol' of th tale t.' ler be issu d. r ynthl8 • t . ' E\'. unl>, d1!'COO d • accoun M'lnni A. imp ' on, admjnistraII TI l d II t account of In the matter of the sett.emen trix of the c. tate of Frank O. 1 COlT C e • f G '11 M Farri A R b '\. L mb administraiol' of the 01 ih.e estate 0 r nVI e Simp on, deceased, vs. Minnie . Lamb d ed d eea d, it is ordered th t the Simpson, et al., it i ordered that o 1 f J 0 0 , ' th 'n'--ritance Minnie A. Simpson aeconn t t '0 th I! and final account of. An try d etermi~lI,g e .I.n: The tin!t nie YounJ;t, administrator of the tax to be paId, be oortlfi~. couJ;'t for tM pro~ecds of ihe sale d In the matter 01 the w~U ~f E. Howard longer, administrator ,' tat. pf J!Jd, IU'd Young, dec TM first and final account of E. Bixby, ~ec ased, tbe Will IS ad- of the e8~t of Harry Monger, de. FI' F~Lute, xeeuwr 01 the «1;- mitted to Probate. MW;y W. ceased, filed his inventory. till f Lidn ParI Dav! , d ce.Med is ap'pointed xecutrlX ' 01 . the ' IJ\ th.e. mat~l' of estat of 1n the matter of the estate of estate. Richard R6 man, . &. C. HIIlTY Monger, decea~, it is or. LOui . Zeoo, deceased, it is Alexander, lind Oliver E. C~bel' dared that a certificate of transfer 01 t).e.l·cd ttl t letter: of administra- lain· were apP9inted appralset'S. be issued. tio n b issued and tbat notice of Ha.rry S. Mayne, executor of the In the matt(!r of the tate- of aPlwintmel)t be published. E tate of Anne Mayne, deceased, Anoa L. Cary, ~eC6'85ed, it ls QrHalTy H~ndrickson, Harry Ral- filed his invento1'Y, his that the Inventory be ap-


. .I




. "ioo, and John TI'OOIl W I' ppoint nd his affidaVit, in lieu of account proved. ... -<II J. orne! E . B urke, admin i-strator cd app:m)9(fI'8, in the matter 0 f ."'.., Cl\4rles H. Osb om, filed an ....... ~late of LoUIS C. Zeeh':lr, deoees- davit for adm\ssion of Eilool'll Os- of the El\t.ate of Mary C. Deusch, born into the Instit\ltion for the deceued, filed his inventory. . t ra tor . U. Feeble-Minded. J·a mes E. Burk e, II d mi ms The first and' 6nal account of of the elItate of Anwn J. Deuseh, Fred A. Rickard, administrator of deceased, filed his invent~ry. the estate .of Elizabeth Rickard, de Frank M. Fox was apopmted .ad II _.. an d ministrator 0 f the esta.~ of Eliza. ceased, _was approved, a ow.... co.nfirmed. T~ estate ia exempt W. Fox. from inheritance tax. . Elizabeth Eckert w <apopinted It is orderoed that Clara Thomp. of Harry Eckert and filed d· f of $000 son be appointed as guar Ian o · his bond . . . the person and estate of Naney Rob4!lrt R. Roser,. a~muustrator Lee Williams, a minor. Clara of too e tate of LI%Zle Murray, b f $2600 fI Ied hi' t ory. Thompson filedthat herletters on d 0of s .lnven , I .. ' ~D ordered guar:pinah A. Hartsock and Ernest dian hip be issued. E~ Hartsock, administrator of the " It is ordered that letters of Adm estate of 0 org"e C. Hartsock, d~





lnistration ·be Issued to Ethel ~. burn administratrix of the estate of Monr M'. T. Raybul;1l, deceased. oe West, exeeutor of the estate of J. G. West deceaaed tiled his second account. Lizzie. Cavoll, guardian of John A. Cavolt, a minor, filed her third and final account. In the matter of the estate of Leander A. Clark it is ordered that a certificate of tranaf-er be issued The estate of Leander A: deeeas&l, is exempt from mhent-


.1 I







More tlian a mlllion reailers throughout tile country read PATHFINDER regularly for • a complete. timely and unvarnished digest CIt t he news. Are you oVE'rlooklng something? Today economic and political afralrs are at thetr .'" 2.198'. Do". 16.. . topay:tuniest.' Ever~ new turn of events .~8 apt ~o affect The State of Ohio VB. Carl Ka~ , our pocket-book. lllveryone's asking, What s 1t all ba, th~ d'llfoenciant pleaded not gull !bout and' how much is it going to cost me?" Before you ty. Tna.l. T .....y. Jan"..." ". can answer that Question you must be able to 1nterpret the news; and before yoU can Interpret you must have 1987. BOlld $1500. Tbe ..... 0' Ohio ... Om,:, all the facts cl~ar11 explained.



Plio.. 7




Aak for a

Miami.burl( Permanent

Canere e

$~.4~; du~ $2.~6;


Seal Burial Vault

. For Sale onl, b,


Fu~eJ:alflome Wa~ft"" 0.

Poland China Shoats, 100 lbs. ~ARM-, TOOLS _ Good Wagon with bed, 1 Flat Top; Rock Island Corn Planter; Large Disc '; Osborne Mower, Hay Rake, 2 Sulkq Plows, 1 Oliver and 1 Jamesville; 1 Moline Walking plow, 14 inch; & Shovel Cultivator good as new; 2 horse Riding Cultivator, Oliver; Hillside Turn-


NEWS CIM . . . . . the WORLD ~:t~!~.D~!~,.,c::~:.~to you its il .nd

Your Funeral Director ____ _

Store operl un,tU 9 p . . .

$6; Hazel BrOOkS, re.nt furnis-hed for commodity distribution, $15; Th~ GrEat A. & P. Tea Co., ~~od and milk furnished relief, famlll oo, $242.10; Barr Bros., food during December, $6; D. W. household neces.siti~, $12.76; mer Collis, food, $11; A. K. Day, elotbingj '6.28; Eut End Coal Co. fdel, $68,60; Franklin Ice .. Fuel



Prompt Service

!<lr auuitor's office, $76.50; Columbus Blank Book Mfg., Co., 200 No. 939, 50 depositary statcm nte, $3.60; Everybody's Office Outfitters, journal an d 1n ' d ex she b for trea urer, $3.20; Harold Mills, markers and express on same, $8.32; D.-s. Edw. and Robt Blair ton illetomies, $.100; Th Outfitters, altering die.s and postage for clerk of eourt,. The Office Outfitters, albertng on advance dater derk, The Office Outfitter! , mtmdmg

Sarah E. J\fonger, deceased, to ing. . . Guy Oayn.or vs. Paul Gaynor, · ~t Howarll Mangler and lJarry MOI1r a1., defendant, Anna ;O aynor, IS, real estate U1 Franklin towngranted leave to plead ship. f.orthwith·. Harry Monger" deooa.sed. to heel J. Leight VB. The Villsge Howard Monger, 110.90 acres in of Franklin, defendant is grlUlted Franklin t ownship and lot No. 641 leave to file ita -answer to the first in Franklin. . . cau&e of action and its motion to Lo.retta Bcmha.a:n aI to the second causa of action herein. Ben ham, real estate in Union. town H_ 0.,.,", Lo.. Co""',.... obIp. va. Albert Monjar anCl Nettie Grace 1.. MyertJ and Lindol R. jar, eonftrtnatio.n, deed, an-d distri- , Myers ,to CarrieWatktn.. lot no bution ordered. Balarlce dUll is 58 in Muon. $440.88. Charles E. CUIlJe ad· Marearet The State .o f Ohio va. James C. Cline to · 'W. Scurlock, five P&rker, the defend.ant pleaded gull ACres in Maaaie toWMhip. ty and W.&8aentenced to Sallie M. 'thomu and Hattie M. torf,' suspe.nOOd on conditlon that Thomas to FannLe M. Janney and he eerve six montbs in Wane.n Lucretia M. JalUlley, all but sixty county jail and pay costa. . feet of lot no. 6()2 In S The State- of Ohio :V , Cecll High Sallle M. Thomas and Hattie M. tl.ll, the, defendant pleaded 1I0t Thomas to. Da.iay M. llall, lot 601 guilty. His trial i8 to be F-ebru- sixty feet oflot,602 lot 603 in



·...:.. PATHFINDER·ONLY $'2 00

U.ia, Only 0 •••1_ ....t.I...

known as Telett'aph Mills on old Smith !arm on 37 ROd'I' FOil AND COMIION TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 19 ,our caWe, ho...... aDd At 10 a. m. pro'r....prleee ". ArMand,DO. "r _e _ 4 HEAD OF year mark.' ce. old sorrel mare foal, a good V.lo. Ste... V .... 0...._ ... O• one; Chestnut Sorrel 10 Tune In on Radio Station WOItY years old in foal, a real brood 12 :21l to 11 :80 , . . . fol' OU ...., mare; 1 coming a'years old Black market "porta. Filly; Yeadin g Colt, sorrel and none better; .JERSEY HEIFER _ wlll be • • • fresh by day of ale <: 22 HEAD OF BOGS-8 Chester White Hogs, weight 140 Ibs.; 9 mixed Shoats, WE-ight 100 Ibs,; 5





plies, U.95; Jo.hnston & Job ton paint, lumb er and supplies, '30.64 The Oregonia Bridge Co plates blue print, $4,0.3; Mrs. Doughman invahd care Clift'ord th ,Do)7g.hman,I $7;. Ml'1L Ira Eltz.1'0: invalid calle Aliee Starkey, $6, Moore, invalid care Lucy $5; Mrs. M.a.tgaretJones, invalid care Ollie GaTdnet, $6; Mrs. Julia Holland, invalid care Vernon Holland! $10; Miss Oma Knox invalid care Walter Barlow Frank Ballinger & Clary Johnson, $88; Mr~. Eldon Short, invalid care Ruby Ream, $6; ReIman Paynl, in valid care Payne,

. I~ury

Ch~l1k ac"~s


Lebanon, Ohio

Morrow. Ida An-n LE-e to 'Carl Lee, real In the ease of Helen S. Robin- estate in Lebano!!l. Herv.ey as Guardian of CharLel1J1der A. to Ethel Mao les A. Robinson, a minor, et aI, Clark 92.97 in DeEl'l'field .. . d eel ' . pal'tltlOn IS 0'1' e1' . , township,. . In the case of Robert M. eSnior RllSsell Wcm"lng to Adelaide VII. Chester A. ClI,mpbell et aI, We.rring, 77.5.4 ac'res in Survey No j udmen t to the plaintiff for. $14,- 2562 and 30 acres in Harlan town 414.74. ship. In' the ease of Christin.e L. WillTn M.iami District iams Vll. Richard Owen Williams, to Russell Bowennaster, parts of se.rvice of summons be made upon Iota 244 and 246 in Franklin towndefe.ndant by publication. • ship. John Pau} vs. Della Snide-r, on Frank O. Simpson, by adminisapplication the defendant is gmnt- trator, t() Sarale:ne R.e~nsburg, ed 10 days in which to 111e plead· 124.76 aere.!! in F.lra.nklin township.


Tltl_ Pape' For One Year and


tape for clerk of eom, 35e; The WesWn Star, envelopes and L. H.

Commo1l PI_aIJProceediDC.


Cary'l Jewelry Shop

go. Hardware Co., suppJie paint and parts, ,102.4S· The Lewis Motor Mart Co., Cl'eeper. $1.72; The Klinger-Dills Co., cold shects, 80c; TM W-eSt Side Motor Company ,re tread tires $131.06; The Van amp Storie Co., sand. an.d gravel, $208.01; Elmer Collis, gru oline, $41.74; R. D. Collet, supplies and ga••'wlin e "7.10; Blair & LoRoy, cern nt, sand a.nd. gnIlvel, . $133.75; Kaufman' ,paint and sup-



Idellt' I :::===========:~

Ernest E. Hartsock to Dina A. Hartsock -one-half interest in lot No.5 in Wa.ynesville. RobeTt W. Gutermuth and Nettie G. MeJampy to M. OutlYf'. muth real esbat;e in Deerfleld lown~hip. '. . Irene Oarnes anld Alice Whitaker to Christine Spo·ri.n, real estate in Hamilton town hip. Christopher Duffy to F. C. ner, lots Nos. 10, 17, 18 and 19 In





.' j




: I




ance tax. treme cruelty. . Ethel Mae Clark, executrix of ·Grace M. Mayne vs. CalVln the estate of Leander A. Clark, de Mayne, for divol'ce. Charge IS ceased, filed her first and Anal ac- gross neglect of duty. . Elizabeth Haley Ecton vs. Wilcount. . In the matter of the estate of liain Ecton, for divorce. Charge Sarah E. Mon~er, deceased it is is gross neglect. ordlend that a certificate of trlUlsLucile l)e,yer va. Damon R. fer be ·issued. for divorce. Charge i$ gl'OSS Howard Monger administrator neglect of duty. . of the estate of E. Monger, Elmer Lewis Ruth Lew ,fot:' deceased, filed hlS first and final divorce. Charge IS gross neglect.

.:. '

stret~h ~



I ,


Note How Clearly the Pedestrian Awa~ D~,,", ~eh Road Is Silhouetted by 'tru. Scienttfically LIghted HIS way. I a r'oonlY of brick pavementf 10'S fourth "safety educationa wcll markcd as to its thre lanes; safety leadet'S; .and leading public· highway." erected as part of the freedom from 'danger tiS' curves; spi rIted citizens. . Ohio State Safety Council' balanced educational road-si9 signs;. a~d a c of lht; Ohio State. Safety.pre Count! , Roy H. William$, prograul. dC$igneci Bucke)'c of high-vi the safesltoinmakt America. was system ing employing 42 ibility of ,tho safcty new hght4000- in a key-n6te ~ddrcss •. polnted Gut ofTic.'iallr dedicatc:d Friday night. lumen "bar filalllent' '1llc:I,1Ide cent Ihat \\Ihile OI"Q experleneed an 8 l)e.r cent reduction in the Il.umber ~f 'January 22. ncar Youngstown. lamp~ developed at NeI~ !':Irk. The new del11omtratiol1 strctchLight frono the lamps 1 controlled deaths fro'll ·higlhvay ac'cldcnts !I\ 1936,' existin'g conditions are Stilt by cpet i a I reflect,?r eqoipmen.t similar to three Clot hcrs rec.e.n tI y pu I The. luminaires. Ident,cal with. nppalling. , ''1'0.. reme'dy these shocking coninto operation aI' Canton. Dayton Ih ose u. ed in th Dayton desJ\on~tra&rid Sandu Icy-is 10c:ltll.1 on R,oute tion, are pa cd 125 reet apart and ditions," Judge \VilJiams said, ~thc 1. just south of Boardman. are positioned 25 feet above the Council i$ striving for the followmg: The project wall achieved through pavement. . • divided roadways and tilted cu~es: co-operation given locally by the Pre-dedication cc r n) 0 n les 10- afc lighting (or' rugh't aCCIdent Ohio Edison Company and the eluded a banquet given by the I<><;al area ; 111 rc under-and·over-pas .es; Youngstown Chilmber of Com- Chamber of Co III til ~ r c e at the adequate highway patro!; a ,yste!11 of planned safety educat!on ~or ehl}You n g 5 tow n Club. Among the meree. More than a D1Iil~ in length, the .. ., numbering n arly 100(1 wer : drw and adults; and, lCglslahon that will keep mechanically unfit cars off new safety deJllOJ'lstratlO1l __ u res' . frol1l city. county. an .st:l.le: th~ r03d." _ ..

eea"ed, tiled ·their first, final and L!! distributive account. Smith, divorc& to )plaintiff and de- kc per, of Mason. In the matter of the estate of fendant otdered to pay $4 per Billa All_eel Horner D. Hollcroft. d-eceased, t.he. week. . $231.20 I schedule of claims! debts .an d 1 a.. - -a Z in Armitage, gravel, bilities was pubh hoo In The RMl E .• tate Tl'aDefe:r. hell Petroleum Corporation pT Western Star on L slie' C. Murmy and Leslie suI' gun &Tease, $0.89; Flora's MD Howard Monger. admlOlstrator to Je&$ie' Kendle, real es- tor Service, ke.t'O en'6 and gasoline of estate of Sa.rah E. Mongel' in Hamilton 'township. ,31.53; A. C MurreU'.s Filling Stafi1.OO his inventory. K ndle to Blanche Kendlo tion gasoline,,14.72; Cincinnati real estate in. Balmilton township. and Lebano.n Express, expr s on N_ Suita Dinah Ad Hartaoek to Ernest E. p.a.rt8 360.' Hyman Service Sta. Amna Opal Hinsle vs. E Hartsock 111.39 Ileres in Wayne tiol},'gaeoline, $4.63; B. E. Tinsle, for divorse. Charge IS ex.- township. ga oline, oil, $9.88; The J. W. Lm-

Janua~ ~4,



Swope, the defendant pleaded gull ty and sentenced to one year in the Ohio State. refomlatory and to pay costs. , .' Home Owners Loa.n \'8 J eule Wills and Walter. WIlla,


_ . . . . . . ......... d'....... oJ"dered. BalaDce dne of. ,789,28, etc. Eatell Ridd4!11 va. Thu.rman Rlddell, cHvorc. CZUtled to plainUIr ..... maldea UIIIAI of Bate! Cdee tiOIl

... NItoIed. . .~ D. . . . . . . .





Co.; fU.I •••• , ......... S.pply

___ • '

PUhi'Ie . ~-I ~ e

As I have sold the farm, I will sell at publie Ruction all my farm located 2 miles south of Waynesville, on the and Oregonia road, at what 1S



~ORSES-12 1~


I::====~======~=:!: F T M rtl



Centervill., OhIO Phon. 71J ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ::! In. Plow. ·SU....... , . Boml. L. M. HENDERSON Tobacco Setter, Gravel Bed, . 2 1~



wmAity I'UBUC · II....... ....


W1... ~. . . . . . . . . . . .......







u:L. aD'

C~ w.-,....... 00";',




' \I ~"


It _ ...... __ •• ~ _ ..~ 1'0&





Co., f!lel, ,71.60; Henry Feldman Co., fuel, $6; H . C. George, milk, Gasoline Engine; H. P. and 6 $ 11.77; A.· D. Grapevine, food. '6; H. P.; .20 toot Belt, Wood Sa,.. Green.wood Dairy, mIlk 88.20; Mrs and Frame, ' 260 Ib, Anvil, Fori'e, Le.onard Hathaway, milk; ·,3.20 8000 Tobacco Sticka. all ahllrD,!nE!C1 H. E. Ivins, tood and milk, $23 ; . Feed Grinder. H. f.,Qod. $8.76; 'wheel TraDer, new; 2 Groeery, '8; Mrs. Crates, Fatten Coop; HoC. Hou.e, Oswald, shelter, '8 ; Mrs. 2 Iron Barrell. Seiker, s!lelter, f10j MODEL T FORD motor and Dairy, milk, U2,21; L. W. Smith, \lody. foo d, $27.60; Clarence Thieman, HARNESS-I! Sidell, . Colla1"8, clothing, $7,81; J!llbert; W Lines and BridLe!, RicUng Saddle, F'....".. lOA. "''''. """ Wood', &ou,l_ Ete. WlUlam P. · Stij;t llind Sarah L. lOA, food, $15&.20; J. R. . FEED-10 0.1' 1& To.llII good Stitt George E. Cllmahan and food, ,21.75; Dr. A, D. Uarv..!, Timothy Hay, 100 shoea ,o f I.. B. ean..han •••.•4 ...... on medkal """........ , F.dd...... GO b ...... Com. Deerfield. clothing, $40.96; Knoeer' Grocery HOtiSEHOLD GOODS- Iarae Cad .. MeCl...... Jam.. E ... BaJdn. 00.. ..... ••• milk. "..d rn........' _ T.bI.......... McClure real eatlate in. 1189.46: Miami Bid•• . I: Large Mirror: WriUn. Deall; ville. Loaa Asa'n, sheltel', '6; W. W. Maj estic Range larae 20 pUOD Anna Kayne. deeeued to. Barry Shurta, ,6.42 i Traey's kettle, SaulaCe' K1ll, Enterp.riee. S. Mayne, one.-half interest In, lot Gl'CICl'rf, food, f7: lIorrow Feed I: large mae;8 BeaU... Bto".. a..d DO. 968 In Franklin. Supply Co •• fuel, ,15j OJlio OeD· Pipe, 8Cdal on Lampe, latel'll, The First BesroIar Baptiat tn.1 Telephofte Coi'p., phone for Bah, Bed, ThoiDU CJooJc. Chouioh ....... . . . - lot no. _ ._. "'10, Ihd .......... , ..... 98 inll'raDklIn. Johnaton.llhiacl..... 10; Jotmatoa tor, No. 11 netcnl I: JoImat.oD, tub ltfte. Separator, Wood lied IUld .......... III lIS roo8q 1*PtI', ,a.OI. JohDaton A BtaU, IODIe aDd Bu GUlltln, 1Uorw of III. .d.. Jolmetoll, Iabol' ad plate...... lot of . . . . ca_ and other b uad ,... Rotla, 'of FNDIdba .10; at Dlrtoa, bGa'd of . 110 S,......'. . bat-


1a~ ~~ ~ No~B1'Ot1t ~f ~ wtre~.




""!.~ ~

PIPII, VALviII fot Wa_. Gu __ 8prarbac. 0IItera ......... ..... ... _ _ _

lha_= '1'110;::.:; • f., ~

to.- . . . at

KIDa ~ X.... 0.10. _



_________ WAJnWD




10; OM .. _ " 0 1 _




. . . . .., . . . . . . .....

c.u..-.. ,,~,.................. ~

fDnattue ....................

Oklahoma sYllt'em,





.. ..

In Ohio indu try both accident fl'l!tl\lcncy and 'v -rity howed a .... - ••..... : .." . .......... .N o. 112Elllered at Po.loUle. at W .. ynu- mnrkl'd dl'cline during November, 0IIiC. .-_ ville. Oblo. aa ae~"'ld CIa .. Mall acoording to data jUAt compiled by S.. PrIC., $1.10 a Year Matte]' ."up rintenlient. Thomas P. Karns of th~ divi. ion of saf~ty and hygi. JANUARY 28, 1937 ne of the D cpnrtment of Indus· trial Relation!'. The seventy-three November industrial ratalilie5 GET RID OF THE ~' JFS" Wlr • v n Ie s thnn in Ocl.o!)e.r Ilnel the ] 7,055 claim, were 2,087 The President's budget addl'~ provides c(')n. idel'abt. fOood for I .s than in th preceding month, thought. It is unf()rtunate thn~ i tc hnica.liliesa nd I'latisli eul detail Superintendent; Roe-am reported. -inescaparble in any m sage 01 this kind--will prevent. it from being OhiC) is gradually coming into widely llead. . its own from a scenle standpoint, Briefly the President said that the budg t \\iIl bl! ba~nced for \.he it was a sertsel by tate Ranger year beginning July 1, 1937, if statutory paYlJleo.ts toward reduction . A. R ichley who reported that of the debt a:ro not considered, and if l'cLi f and other emergency apvisitors (l orn every state in the pr(fpriaticm do not exec d $1.537,000,000. Union with the excoeption of South Th \'a are other "i1s" in th e message, but these nre the mo t CaroJinll !'egi tel'6d at Old. Man's important. And it is now th e duty of Oon~ress to 1'00 to it that mner- Cave, famed point of interest in gErncy spending is held ilO the lowest po [ble point, thll't evel'Y concciv tho Hocking county stale park. a.ble cut be ffilad in th overhead COosl of Ol{'l' multitudinous blu'eaus-- "A'nd," added Ra.ngel· Reichley. some ()f which hay outliv d theil' purpose nd no excu~c fot exis "it may be that some outh tonc&-and that f.I ad 'ntifically plan ned program of eeonon1Y P l"meabe Cal'olinan!! were th~ ' but failed the entire Federal structure. to sign as. thousand do, which The President is also said to l1e working on a plan whel'eby wouldn't SU11>rise me at all." The variou8 govemmentlll departments will be cOllsolidated in the inter est officiaj r T' trntion, _the largest of and economy. Thi has long been, a vital nOO<i, and it in history, was 100.~38, an inis U'llquestionably t.rue that wise c-onsolidations would . ve the talC- crease of 11,637 in compari90n pay&rs untold millions without Iiminating or reducing government with 1935. ViJ!itors at Rock acrvicetl. CongresS! should give ev ry aid to the Executive in ' Ilttaining House, aloin t.he Hocking county this end. stat.e park area, totaled 99,821, it In bri ef, the peopl must demand that the bud~t be bal.a.nced, a'nd was reported by Ranger L. T. Worley, that TJj()' I'iis" be allowed t-o stand in the way. lS8UE~



. .


able w.ather, when people m:e moat. lusceptlble to "'~\()Id8" they should dri.nk plenty of unaweetenza, Dr. Aughinbaugh J<'loridu physi ian as ed grapefruit and orange juice ga me trootment tried and soo that the daily diet inphysicians and myself innumer cludes lean meat., fish, eggs, vegeable cases since t.hat time, bas tables and lI4lads..... a.nd gel. adegiven the 8ame happy results." quate leep. Of course "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound IOf cure" in Try The Mlami Gazette Fl)r A the opinion the Doctor, who beYear. li ves that during this! unseaaon· A~



8:4.0 Fann Home Period: Clothing. hat -Miss Edith B try, Extension Clothing Epccinlist. Our Hom ~lJld ,F amilies-Mrs. Hakln M011gIe)1 J.OJ·dan, Extension Economist. 9:00 WOSU Or~atl."il. 9:10 More Profit From Better Cows-Ivall McKellip, Externl!lion. Dairy Specialist. 9:20 Nqrsery Progress in the Soil Conservation Program- August E. Miller, Soli Conseryati n Semele Nurseryman, Da'Yton. 9:80" WOSU Orchestra. 9:.0 ~t Devellopm nts in F l'tiliz.eI'--R. M. Salter, Chairman, A&'l'onomy Dept. 9:60 to 10 An :\Vers to Farmers' Qu esti n.r-Farm Night Reporter.

Best of the News Direct · From the Ohio State Capitol truetioc and suffering ed by the tJ11wually heavy and Un8Cl8.SOnal rains with their subsequent ftoodlJ, Ohio will benefit materially i:n that the state's uMergr.ound water table will be rai d. Thill is the opinion voiced by State Geologist . Wilber Stout. AI. a dllle,ct result of noew drainag>e qstems, the clearing of timber lands, ebang-es in the . oil and a bage increase in the commeJ'cial CQDaumption ,o f water, particultll'ly Ior air eonditJ.oninJr planu, the • ubtert'lUl'e&Jl water table in most perte of Ohio hae droppedl alarmin.-Iy. The normal water tabl~ l'Iinged from & few inches und~CJ'Ound iii. swamp al'eas to from t.wenty to thirty feet in. other plaet!'l. But in recent years, parti. in the Cincinnati aroo, wella have been sunk to a depth of JIlOIIe ~ eighty feet .and proved to be dry. "Tbe-re is not any method of de.t6nninitl&' at this t.ttne hO'W much the curre:nt tain!! wUl-ta..,· tDe 'Water tabfe over dle etate." Geologiet Stout, a ' recogruzed authority On u:bterranea.n water, ...Id. "1towever ther will be undoubtedly a great improve-

ment since last summer wh n the bottom JiteTally fell out of Ohi o'a well waber supply in 1l10St. • ections [any of the well which were dry III t !!ummer 'wi)1 fill up now." He doe not b Ii ve that the n-ormnl table- stage will ev~r b() reached again. • • • A I'n.ew day" is dawning for the indep ndent mqn at Ohio tate unive-rsity through th e intcl'Ct>t of Ass' tnnt D a of M n Frederick J. Stecker. Th independents _ thQ96' who are not affilintad with the . fraternities for organized social life, altd who number some 5,OOO-wiU be grouped in .zones, under Dean. St~ck!lr's plan, and will have dance', 'monthly smokers fir id~ dbcu.."Sion sessions and an extensive inteJ:-mUl'aJ athletic pl'Ogr.a.m, all of which will b sirnilar to m8alY of the activities of the Greek.letter frater.nities. For several 'Years variou social functions fOo\, the independe:n n &po~sored by univer ity . official&, but this will mark the firSt tin\e that awell-develOJ)~ and c~mp~~ hensive plan has boon put into etl'ect: It will be patter.n.M after the highly-su.ccessful University of


Great Lakes Exposition " World

AI , REJ>OR)'r 011' 'rllE r;UilIlK OF 'rItE " ' l(.l,AGE OF

WAYNE 'VILUO. WA"".EN ro NT'\', ~HIO v ...... I1}nllln_ Dee..........w :U. JflSO I.ojtol •• ,o•• 11130 C" ...... 89'J

"' ur Cb" I~I.,· .. I

I h~rel)' S\ MMAJI;\'

"' u~" 'Psvlll . Qhlo. Jllnuary I • 1937

OF ' F'\I

rllh' t.h J)


•• ANN;l •


Balance J

llen ral I' und ........ .. . ....... . S 1~~03 Aulo 1,\<' . n8" Slr H Hepalr Fund ~~U~ r:a8olln Ta 8tr t ,n epall' I·'und a~9 , ' T ,~ta ls (; ncral 1I111goe Flllld .. 1. 192.53 Wal'r Works ." unO . .......... . 30,0 1 lIond It tir m(>nt .~'un~ .. ..... . ~99. 1 l 1~lre m en'8 I ndemnlty ' ~''\In 1 .. .. 2,2 11 . 33 (h'und TI,lllhl of All l~u nd8 •.. . IIlstllnulng Wal' r,uIl" .. ...... . . '1'1'01l8urer'8 WIll 'BIlI'~nt: . •..•.•• Tot ...) 'a~h lillIan e. I cc. 31. 193V TRAN~Fli1H8



' und r nt ,, O onc,. .'


rOllow~~g.l. ~~i,E~ 0 , VIII.IIr..



IP'I'S AND I':1I'E"NDJTIJ UR. Hee IptH EIpen61- 13I1h"I<.'1>


0 c.


$2.797 .02

3 1.09U . • . 573.25





3 ~.H

m: '~

557 .• 3

2.1B2. 7~ ~.03 • . H

2.46().34 1. 46.46

1.174 .92



aU .59 9.017.33 463 .00

167 ,48

218 .~ U

3 .• 0.33



nond n tlr m til •. ••.... .• lIfEM HANUUM :

'l'IlX VnluaU n 1985 ...... $460.600. 00 'l'II.X H.ate for ' vllin g I)Urp08 8, 1935 0 bt. 1.6 Mills. Tol,,1 G.2 millS. Total salarie8 and waglls p'd In I93G '2.66 .48 S 'MM

( ·t .......

Oth r

J\ mount

7r. ,




IlY OF' ItEOEn....S

1 1 LING

Properly Tnx6a--Oeneral Fund ..•..... .'_ ...•. .. , ... . $1.8~2 .2 !1 llond Uetlretnenl and. Inkln!!: I'un(js ...... 1.204.98 Olh r ~'und8 (Water and Plrerll .,,'. lnl.l cmnlty) 165. 4 3.363.10 TO~IlI l'rop rty TIL • . ..... ..... .. .............. .. . ..-,-- - 4(•. KH 'lgl1rell(' 'l'n.x. .. . . ..... . , . ..••..••.• , •••.•••.••.••••• G7~ . 73 Slatu Motor Vehlel T 'tu< •.•••• , •....•.•..••.•..• • •• I.085M 0080llne Tax . ... .. ... .. .................... .. . ..... . 79 lnh rltatloCe Tax 'en ,al ~· u..,d , .... · ........ .... · .. · o , Bond R tlr~m nt and Sinking "' und8 1 .6U Tota.l Ill1h rltanc Tax ........... , ........ ........... . 446 .91 S.lea Tax ... . ....•. . ·.····•·······•·•·•······•• • ···· 40000 Ulle 13 er License Fe 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.0Q LOot!al 1"lcen9 I lind Pm... nlls .............. . ........ .. 407.00 Total 1, lce n. s a!l(J Permlls . ...... ... .............. . 1 2.60 ~'In sand osts ...... .. . ...... ....... .... •........• G.l G In t .. rest-(l e n .. rn I Village r.'unda ........ . urrent. controversy as to II nts and 2.GO '>Vat c r and Light P'unds ... . ........ ....... .. whether the number of influenza 12. 08 Oond H tirement and Sinking Funds ..... .•. I.ti4 Flrem n'8 Jnd .mnlly 1,'und .. .. ..•... .•...•. . cas s has re ned epidemic pro- Totnl nenlA 21.48 and Inter at ....... . , ... ; ... , . ......... . portions, brought 11 statement to- P ullllc 80rvke Enlerprls II-Waler n ntal8. el c. . ..• 2.73 .13 2.73(). l3 'J'utal Pu bil e Service 1::11) ler-prla R • ••••••••• •••••••••• • duy it'om Dr. William E. Aughin- 'rotlLl .791.32 Rel'enue ....... : ....... .... ... ...... ......... . 560.00 baugh, former president th~ , Preml\lm and Aceru dint r ~8 t-Bank Loan ......... . 90.00 rh ve~tmentll sold ILn(i matured .. ....• •.• ....... .. •.• 76 . 8 Manhat.tan Medical So., ' explorer 'l'ran s ! rll from Oth r Ehl nds ................... , .... . $9.6 .2v Or nil Totlll H~ 11~t!l .............' .... . , .. ..... . and adventurer. Thirty years in


the tudy of dt ases among primSVIIIMAIU' Of' ElU'END1TtJRE!I Column 2 itivc peoples of ASia, Africa, Cen°8~~':'a~ New l.:~n. elc. tral and South America, and ra.Malnton . a neral aOl'ernm~nt-I .eglslntlve (Council) •.. ,...... 143.410 mar;kable experiencee as surgeon C,'Ooral "~lC cullye ........•••.•....... . • 436.81 for various relief expeditions, inJoJlool!ons ....... . ..........•..•....... . . , 183. 13 Buildings I.TQwn Hall. clc. ) ............. 6S . 1~ elud ing the famo\Js eruption of 'l'otal a nersl .(;0"ern1!ll~ nt ...........•............. 769.0. Mt. Pelee, which killed nearly Prolectlon to P rson and Pro))orly-PolI 'e ...• •. .... 3 1~ .25 !l'lre .. .. ... ... .. .. .. ....•... ..• .. . . . .•.. 180.80 100,000 persons, has convinced Total Prot~cllon to Pel'lIon and Properly ...•........ 447.86 the doctor that pOOpIe do "die of llenlth-Totsl ....................... .. ........ ...... 6g~:g: SlLn lla.tlon--O n eral Funds ...•... i·········· 600.1l3 fright"! Tolnl s ,nltatlon .... .... .•...•.....•••.•••••.... 6.46 Hll('hWI\Y8-C neral Village Funds ......... ·. · .... ·• 2.370.37 6 .4 5 "At my fi rst interview in every '1'olal JUgh"'ay!! ....... . .............••.••.•......••• ~'ng·~~ 2J9 .8~ case," stated the. Doltor '<my .'bief Public S rylc EnterprlsI'8-,.....Watel' Works .. .......... , . Z19.~% Tolal PubliC Servlc~e EntprprlaeB ...•..•••.•..•.• 2.230.52 idea is to convince patient that l\1lscollan ous.......Qen ral Village }'"Unda ........ ........ 196.2Q b ying orders and talUng common. Total Mllle nnn OU8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198.20 Inll"rest-Bood Hellr meOt and Slnklng Funds 2Q6 . ~6 sen e precaution i.s the sure way Tolal Interest . . ....... . .. ... .... ..•........ .. .. 206.46 'l2G.27 to heJp the doctor 00 help N~,tllrA~ TOlal E p. & )uLlay .... ................ ,.... .. . .... 6.~~g.~~ ouUo.\'- 'l'otal ot Ct;> lumn 2 orrled to olumn ~ ..•..• •. do 8 good job." non<l~ and l..oans .Pn.h1--<Bond Retl r m enl an_d SinkIng Funda & Elank Loan ......... · ... .... · .. I.G40 .() O "During a recent 'epidomic' -of Tolol D nClB and LQan " Pa.ld •..•..•• . ••.•..........• 1,0411.00 76.88 influ nza. in Florida-" Dr. Augh- Tranaf r to Otller Fun(I\I . . . ... .... ......... . ....... . rand Total lllxp ndltures ................. • 8,702.: 0 inbaugh said .. "I treated 150. C!;ENE1l.AL VlILI.AVE F(fND8 of il without .a death, by a 8im'" o.e l l ' ". I . emeteri, E t c.) ( Jnl'lnc1I •• G_eral, .,.to Llee.H, ...... »le milthod which I cosider a COmnECEIPTS: ' ' · 167038 n\On .sense routine. My patients .ProP rty Taxee-<:en "al Prop rty T ax. . . • . . . . . . . .• •• . Prop rly Tax .. ....... ....... 2 1. 00 were given a wa.rm bath to induce '1'otal .Proporly11l88ir1ed 1.892.28 Taxes .. . ....• , .......•............... 46. 8 a profuse p rsJ)iration, put to bed, ' I 'ar l t Tllx ....... . •... . ••.••• ...• .. . . • • , •..•.... 678 .73 SIILt Motor Veh Icle LIooon8e .................. , ..... . and told to tay there, and were Slat 1.0 6.00 a80111\e Tax ...•............•...•.••.•.•... ... .79 given a remedy right from their lnh rltanN! Tax ..... ........ , ........... .. .........• HG.91 ales Tax .... .. ..........••........... ...... . ....... own back yards .. plenty of· cit- Slale Beer 1,leena .. •. , •...... ......... ... •. .• .....• 400 .00 7.0 rous fruit juices at regular inter- Licenses and P rmll8--Ma ·t;>r ... .. . .. . ...•' ......... . 7.00 Tot .. 1 Llcenstls and Perllli t8 ., .•..•.•...... .. . ..• 12.60 vnls; never legs than a glassful at 1?lnel1 anft 'osts (M.ool'olr anll Pol~ Ct.) ....• , ..... . . 5.16 e.noS Int.-In t ero.,t on (loBlte ...••...... • .... a time. The bitter principle of It ..,ts 6.1$ 'l:otal !lenls and Int r eat .......... : ............ . 4.618.26 grapefruit seems to have a spe- TollI.l n celpts .... .. ... .. , .. , .....• , .....•... , . •...• citic influence on the diJ!ease, EXl'ENDlTUIRES: oun Il-.SnlarleB. lncld c ntals. ote. . .............. . while the semi-tartness of the o nerll.l Ex cut.lve OUlcleB: 1 51.25 ot'flce '~l<penB • etC'. . ... .......... . .. . . juice is grateful to fever-ed ti~ Mayor-Salary. 2Q7.06 10rk-8o.lary, offIce ~' Xllen8e. lo. . ....•••.... •....• 78.5 0 sues. A good laxative is never T~aeur e r--Sa.lar y. offllCe exp nse. e tc ..•.••...••.• •• 436 .81 . Total General Exeocutlvc ftl~e8 •••.••.• . •• • •.•• amiss.' .33,'1 a Eleotlon Expense . ...•.•.............. .. .. .. . •• ....•. ~ 56.10 Vubllc BUlldlngs-Renl.• 1I1alnl. and R~palr ... .•....• Dr. Aughinbaugh found fur- Pollee 300.00 Protectlon-MllrBhl\l and .Police Salulea ..... . 12.26 Other P01\(IC Protection ............•.•..• ther, during this period tlIat a 312 .2 5 Police Protection .............. ..... .........• famous colleague, th late Dr. Total 120.00 1o'lr Prolectlon - Flre Chlef and Flr .. m'!n' s 8o.Iari 8 . , MO Other .\"Ire Department Elxpens8 ..•.. ..• MacK~nzie of Leesburg, Florida. 135.60 Tolo 1 11'1r Protection .•... ... ....... ... .... .. .• ..•• . was successful in the ha.ndling of Henlbh-Exp ens ......•.. . . . ...•.....•..••..••... ..• 39.68 413.10 aile} DraJnfl.g . .. .• •...•.. " •. •.• 502 cases of influenza of the most & nltatl on-Bewer8 86. 93 Gar bage Hcmoval ..................... . 600.03 type in 60 days w~thout a Tol,,1 Sanltatton ........ •.••.........•.... ... . .. .•• . 66.25 HllllhWnys--Stro t omml88loner's StLlary, •..• .•.....• :fatality, by the copius use of 1.461.40 Str et Repair ........• . •. . .•.....•• . .••. 745 .00 Street Lighting . . ... .....•... .•. '.' .••..• grap.efruit juiee-. Dr. MacKenzie 107.72 TrarUc 1.llth ta ........ .. •....... . '.' . ...• proscribed the juIce pt .from five 2,370.37 Total Highways ........ ········ · ···· • ······ •·•• ··••· 6.4~ to fift.e&n grape-juice dally. Com- Sire t ' oo"t. and New Equip. . .....• .... . .. .... . .... . 99.14 Miscellaneous-l,eg,a} )~dY rtllling ... ..... ....•• .. ... 97.06 Deductlon8 Counly Aut'lltOr , ..... .. ..•.• 1911.20 T-otal Mlscellaneou8 .......... . ........... .......... . 7.6. 'lI8 4,406.40 Tran8[e~ot;'i . E~endll.~~~s· '::::::'..:::: ::::::.~':::::.

Plus Tills . Newspaper

!..--~_a_rm_~_ig_h_t_7a_lk_S_f_eb_ru_a__rv_1-t'1 SlUl~Y J~~~~E~~IONS 8:00 Licking County 4-H Cluh Pl'ogram-Memb l'8 di c d by David "Bailey, county extension ng nt, Newark. 8:30 Ohio's Exp rleil1C with Lancastrian Scbools--H. E. Eswine,

.t.ff~ Ai. i_...~~









M agic ." ~ nrpet


RECEIPTS: Intereat on DeIlOllltll . • •..••.• .••..•.•...••• .••.•.•.• ReceiPt, from S rvlc&--Water n ntala . . .. . .. . ...... . 2,130.1:1 TolAl l'l.ecelpta troni ServJc ........ , ..... .. ... , .


Total fllpt. . .. : • .••.. ••. '..........•..••' . ..••••••• JilX.PENDITU1REB: Office Expense!! . .. . ....................... , .....•.•.. , w:&gee of Empl/)yee ..•.... . .. • •. .• . . •.•••..••..•..• Fuel and LI"ht .: .•.......•....•.•. , ..••..• • •.••••. • Repawe to BuUdlng", 1I~i\.chlner)· &: PIpe•..•...•.•..• otber OPera.tlng ExpelO.el ..... . . . •...•• .. ... .. .. , .• Total EIpenae ... . •.•••.••••.........•......••. Pipe Edell.lona ..........•.......•.., .... •..••. ••. .• New Meteu •..• ..•. ..•........•.••.... .•• ••••.•.... To~al COIIII\t, and Improvement ...•. , ..........•. Total Ellpendltllr. . .•.... . ........ .•. •............ ,




BOY.S A t Redu ced Price 'LJER~is an offer that will appeal to all-American Boy Magazine and this newspaper at a special combination bargain price. The American Boy is the favorite magazine of more than 500,000 boys aocl )'O'\1l1g men. Its fiction carries boys on the winp of ad'!~tui'e to all parts oE the world. Its sport.t arddes by famous coaches and athletes are studied by cbampiOllL Hue you will find the finest stories on sporta, aviation, business, school activities, bumor, and travel Even at its regular price of ~ 1.00 a year, The American Boy is considered a bargain. But now you may obwo it and this newspaper •• , , "


Both One Year For Send Your Order. To

The Miami Gazette

Quality Prlntlal

126.68 600.00 BUll

60B.74 864.911 90.61 129.21

z.nO.52 219.82 2.46Q:14


'RECEIPTS: Prollerty TaIea--Oenera.1 Property Tax. .... : •...• '••.. C lassHled Property Tax .••.••..•.•.. .•. Total Property Taxe. .. ....... . ....... , .... , ....••.... [ Tax, ... , ..... .. ...••......••• . ... • " • . .. lntereat--On Investmel~ts ... .. .... .............. .. . . TiIl .. 1 IJnterest ..... ... ...• . . ..... ••.....••.....• Premlutn~B()nd and N'o le sale. . . ..•• .......... . ...• Total .Ptomtum and A,c.erue(l 1 nt relt Bank Loan ..•. lnve.tment. Bold a nd Ilnatured ............ .. . .... .. .


149.74 1~.08




12.0S 1i50.00 90.00

Tran.rera ...... '... .... ....... . .......•....... . .. , .. .

n.88 2,0S4.74

:Bond. flnd Notes PaM.' &nk Loan IftClllcJed . ..•... , .. ]nler@.t on Bond . . .nd Notea .•••••.••••••.•...•...•• Total EltPendlturu......... • •.••.••••• ••• . . .••



............... :................ .

206 . 4~

• 1.84&:46


(N . . . .NITT "lI"D RIDCEIPT8: Property Talllea--General Propert)' Tax •... .- . ...• . ... Claa.lrled Property Tax . . .•..••....... : Total Property '1"a .e. . ••...•. , .....• ~ ••••... . ••... . . Inter eat-On Depo.lta •..••..••.. ...•...•. . . .•.• . •.. , 'l'otal Intereet ..•. .• ...•.... .. ............. . •. {; Total Recelpte .•. ... , •••....•...........•.••••. . . ) .•

144.11. 20.S6 l.S4



1. . .


2.00 '



prl>t Joh~..


1 11111

I' ll I


'I~)' n ft I' n ll'T\ a l

"1 vi CI

\ \ f'l ,

lit ld

[d lure', fnl' Pr n.l1 k Rud\Iud:, \ highl~ r llPC'l'{ tl f ll rm r t f (hl' • rrin~ n il! n" 'hborhood. • 1'\"'1 II I fl"' 111 h rl' tl ntl d. )11 la. Friday 1If{ rno n. 1\1 ~Ilm Claude BI 'hort' lind Ha.ny · k"~y rill 'I'Wlincd , ith ~ ho, r, 1\ hI' hUJlh' of th(' latLer, in honor "t' l\1l~!\ Cnl'Ol n Bashore ~ ho is t o It llllll'dell it) Mr. lI(!,rn)lUJ G Qrge • n .JI\I1. 26. A I t'ge crowd was 1 1'(' \' nt MIll she- \'(] ~ivcd many

I un. Inl

l'tfr. nnd Mrs. L on SaJit;bury of Wn. hjllglon C. H. WI'TC! Frlday d inneT gUE's\.II ot Mr. and Mrs. AII~n Emrick. M~. Earl Young wa. an over nl~ h.L j:\'uC!st Fl'idIlY oC h r br()ther E rnest Liley a.nd family in Dayton MI'. and M . Ralph. Johns were Dayton vi itors Friday. h . 81l (i M . Lowell Tboma • nd dau ght r, Bet ty anei Mr. Ever tt Early were in . in innati Fridny and vi \\..00 the flood watel's (rom ERt' ly and war hou. F rien d here l' ' ved cards I t w k f ronl Mrs. J am ~ Johns at B r adent on, Fla., which state tt).llt the p.Dl' ty aro well and enjuying the !lumme't w eather there, ,a lso the boating and fislUng. Mr. and Mr E. B. Longacre visited r elatives at Ploosant Ridge M onda y _~ yI d Tuesday and saw tLIJoe~ riv r at incin.n.a.ti from Eden Park. . Ral}l h J ohns has purchased the I A atore here at Lytle from E lbert Wallace amd wiU take full ch a r~"El March 1. T h Lad ie. ' Aid will be. etl tertJlin d at n.n a ll day m eeting and cov roo ' dish dinner, W din day February 3, at the country home of Mrfl. CaTI hosteS!es a.r- Duke. Mrs. Assistant Hanoey


11 0111('

Barding hou se oP<'ralors ing meals to moT'('o than

SI!I'V- \ on ~


rl'gular ard or are I'equi d unl1~r th 1987 Sale.' Tax LlIw to I oblain v ndor's liccns. and coUect tIIll . ta..x on th charge for boord. Room. ,'cnt is no t: subject to tax. The prov ision appllcs on. all charg~ :Cor boa.r<t or meals effectIV . J cl1 uar y 1, 1937, ...... 01' d'lng t 0 ft M \ iner M. H. K lor of the ales Tax cctie>n, The Tax ConlB\l rn t.l fl'. anll 1!"S. I.Y ~nrry (~ I1d~' ) Tuck r last Friday ,n igh t lui .ion. Th re hal!! been no authorizati on D. :lev :n pound daughter. of n extensiOlD. of tjm e beyond .\bout twenty ladiMi re.spo nded J an ua ry 31, f o r filing Sales Tax Lo invitlltiqn \.0 u- shower f or Mrs. RetUXll, Mr. K ee-Ior sbated . Robert Wnllace(nce I ilIs Ruth - -- ... - ••- - ' C'a\'cl') l~t S.aturd~ y ,night at lhCl h me of Mt'. arroll mart. )1r . A. $. Collett has l'etur ned from nn extend d vi it with Having decid d to qu it farming ftlend in I will sell at public auc t.ion a.t my DI'. ,. G. Randall i g uite sick. residence in Lytl ej on The (unt>l'8l of Mrs. Jane Brown took place 8t ,t.he hom e of h r. sis- FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6. 1937 tH', Mrs. Aar on Fr eland, W dBeginni"" at i p. m. nf s day afternoon. Burial was in 2 HORSES-1 roan mare, Ha mi cemetery. BOund, extra good WIOrker, wt. MrS .E. B. Dakin is l'ecoverin1J 1500; 1 sonel gelding extra good fro m a ai ge of si cknes . worker, wt. 1650. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hockett of IMPLEMENTS - Brown wagon near Waynesville s pent Saturday ~itb f\lat top, manure spreader, ,\.. Mrs. Sad ie R ason . ,. ir.Il 0 bOIln.e 7 tt. cut w h eat · b'in d e'I', . tis Wini~ McElwee had McCormick corn binder, Superior h(T car sbolen one night last week corn planter, fertilizer attachat a ~athering at Twp. ment; McCormick mower, 5 ft.

11\ IlU tifu I girt:!.

'Publ.·c, Sales '

school. Mrs. Anna Stinson· has retu~d h() me from a visit in Word has been received from Mr. and :Mrs. Irving We.lch of 'Utej'c being tranaf-erred from I()wa w S o uth Dakota.

cut ; Bemis tobacco setter, one horse Superior wheat drill, nearly n ew ; Bueke}"e riding cultivator; 2 ro1\ets, walking brea.ldng plow, one 6-shoy.el cultivator; d~uble sborel, bar l'lo'w, bay forks, puUeys 126 feet new hay hope, harroW', 50 tooth; drag, tobacco press, plat-


McCarthy. D URING tho lasl decarlo 0: 11 • "rw'n~o red 'Vllews are revealed maDY challgos In UI ' , ';n UIly I>ubllcat~on rlgbtl, and news rep' ortiug b ,. I I r hohiCommentator." The, f their' brought about. \YUh the e " n t s mlaga~I ne o . a new breed of reporter 11 ! II DCW~ a nd facts that the, developed. and h 11 b eetI'll" 111 II II 'en unable to divulge ovel uaradlo commcntlltor. 'l'lr:h.., Ilia llr. due to restriction s. Na been heard d lsouS3lng a Nt· llhle} .. on'! Ocr on or caune 19 spared., Il nd news event • . . but nlUOY ti01C" n!J the largest gro'i1p of com)) 'lta.. "under wraps." lO l'6 div ulgIng fact tbrougb tb i' lew I Now they offer a new br 1 1 ource. tbey' aTe "Freer Tbt1r' flu writing ID the magazille fl~' I Alr." . 1 • P

=========::-::-=~==" =r===============' =


line betwe en Tuesday.


Licen,eel Broker


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.....:


~~~I!!!!'!!~~~~ _~~~~ _ !'!!'!!!!"!!" . - .!!'_ .- - - - - -...-



Dr. A. E. Stettler


Graduate Veterinarian

MEN'S 3 PIECE SUlTS ........ 50c . Office NOI'tb Main St.




I '

Teleplton. No.






Friendly Counsel

harl s Charletan. There will be a free pictul'e show and priz~, giv n, at Lytle H 11 TuClsooy e vening, February !) under the direction) of Everett Early, our local grain dealer. Lytle v I'llaft-t In'-e .. v " ' ' 'a' _ ' ' conignm«mt 00 e1otl:t ing for flood relie! to Lebanon Saturday mOnlI'~g, colle-cted by Mrs. Walter ' .. Kenrick and Mrs. E . B. Longacre. This was 'ilie first sent in the county, together wit~ the first money, two dollars. given by Mrs.

Alice B.rock and Mrs. E. B. Longand CincinnaU aCl'e. There wa.s also ... aubscription of near 60 dollars taken this week by Harvey ~uMet and Everett





BUI'net, Mrs. J . B. Jones, ' and l\I~

1. Lowell Thorn .., Ed1tor; l!. H. V. Knl tenborn, Conl:rlbutlnll Editor: 8. John B. Kennedy, Adv jsory E: W or; 4. Floyd Gibbons; &. Boak.' Cuter, e. Upton Cia., ; 7. Warden L~ II .. ..:. I..:r. lclj S. Edwin C. Hili, 9. Clem


IO'lm Coach,IIca1es, ])aiM1929 Bradley mooelcWti.V1I/tor A Ford Sntul'day Repairs nigh.t; WeiOO washed by workmen out Early. wif!h disc attachment; wagon with n~lIin by Sunday's rain making it ~~~!!!!!~!!'!!!'!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!~ flat top, ,narrow tread weeon, hay - - nee s.~ary to repeat the work. I8 dd er 01 'IV~ corn p Ian te r with Columbu. Co"rerein~ e Feb. 18.19 Tracks fr om Cin\:innati to a point ' Proves More (nt.,r e ll in fertilizer attachment; 2 01 lver 10 miles ea t of that ,c ity are un1.V.,...,ta.b1e. in Obio to I 60 th riding p OWS, 0 ....T r O W , . der water and since January 21 50 ga.lIon cooker, power W(lod Wf'(!ct service to Cincinnati hall Another indicat ion of the insaw, doublestrees, single tre81!, been . u pCJlded,.. trains being creasing Importan ce of ca.nning forks, hoe.!!, shoveIs an d many routed by way of Dayton over the cropa in Ohio i. the an,nounceme:nt other atticles too numero us to " D. and O. to Hanoilton and thenCe by J. H. Doyd, p~ci(Il i..~t in vegemention . to Norwood. 1d HARNESS-Nearly new dc>uble table gard /ling, O. S. U., of a two day canners' conference a.t th e Trackage washed out inc u es a set br~hing h.&mess, 2 seta chaw hames, 2 sets leather tug harned Univel'Sity, F brUlITY 18 and 19. mile and a half at Oregonia and 136 FOR.D TUDOR .......... $495. Information ob.tain~d from of - a t.wo-mile stretch near Loyf!land. 8 collars, bridles, lines, etc. - - -... 36 FORD COUPE ....... ....... $495. fldals of some of til !nl'gct ea.nTerms cash. . . . ...... t f t h ' Mrs. Wymer Drake spent toda.y 34 FORD SEDAN .. ..... ....... $350. RALPH JOHNS ,n~ng compames lS w,a ur et' tn- in Dayton. in tt<lreage will be contract_ _ _ _ •• .. 33 FORD TUDOR. ... ........... $295. W. N. Sesr8, Auct. ed for in Ohle>. Most of lh ~ inC. L. Duke, Clerk. 29 FORD STD. COUPE .... 1t5. crel\.'le will be in the amount of to matl>eS prllduc d. averal y ear ,," 29 FORD TU~OR .... , ........ .. . . , Owm-g ta tOO deatb of my hustrials have pr oved tha t t he nor th35 CHEV. MASTER band I will aell at p1Jblic auction eastern section of Ohio, near Lake COACH ...... ................ ...... $450. at my residence on Route No. 73, Erie, is cs~lnlly adapte d f or t he .. miles WEilt of Waynesville and 34 CHEV. COACH ...... ..... *31S. producti()n of this crop. I 1 mile East of Dayton and LebRa ymond Hovel, oC the Univer- 34 CHEV. TOWN Meeting'$ a t the <:.a.nners' conr ('~­ SEDAN $315. anon pike, Route No. 48 on I gnce will be held in th e hor tlyul- sity of inclnnati faculty addressed lite member!> ' of the Warran 30 CHEV. COACH .......... . $150. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1931 ture and forestry bu ilding. Reg! .. Beginning at 1 p. m. tration is . (It t or lOa. m. on CQun t y SchoolllUlSters' Club at 29 CHEV. COACH ..... ........ '125. ONE HOG _ Poland China Thurs day, F abrunl'}' 18, and t1\eir r e gular monthly meeting 29 CHEV. COUPE ... ... ... ..." . • 75 growe~'S' Ill'ob lems as w~ 1I as which Was held at the Golden Broqd sow, bred. tboge of mllnu factutt'l'g have an 1:0am\;> In Lebanon last Thursda.y 30 PLYMOl!TH ~OACH .,,. '110. CHICKENS-One dozen. night. . IMPLEMENTs....:.Oliver .ridil1&' important place on t.he program. 28 OLDSMOBILE COACH .. 50 ~Music i..neluded Cho.rDs selections breakjng plow, corn pJ8nter, by th Mol'1'OW lIiJh School Glee harrow, plows, tobacea press, 5 Club nnd violin n umbers by Alfred hovel plow, single hovel plow, Watkins. platform seale8, like new; sprayer. ~ HARNESS-2 sets wc>rk harness corlars,, bridles, halters, ete. LeLaaOft 4: W.,..Uy.u. S . . ,MISC.-butchering tools, k~ttle&, sau.sage grin.der lard pre!js A P enn ylva-ma ralltoacl work Mrs. E lil"..abetlil. Smith of Day .. HASTINGS SERVICE STATION

Wh ~n

d e th occurs, or at any tilne, our door !ltan~ open for fri endly counsel. We are always glad to anl!!wer questions nnd show OUr beautiful fnne;ral home and Clur complete, modem facilities. But particularly at a. time of lrI'ief, . we otter our fri endly counsel. The ~ rief·atrick en will find unobtrusive sympathy here and a ready willingness to take the burden of every dctail off saddened shoulders.


.. D. a.O

.. •

CI'are Wap•••w.

Pboae 7



ct~ hen

The cold begin. to .trengthen."




Storm Doors Windows, Weather .Strips and Insulation






Everything In Builders' Supplie~ .


--- ...

-------... .- -Lytle

the day. begin to ler.gthen



Wharton Motersl W. H. Madden aco. ,


Phone 14

~ <eekqnt~~w~ri~~ with her iii5ter, Mrs. MarW. C.$T. JOHN, S.I...... ~fu~r~~d~~ ~~~~ ~~~ui~ing~~ns~~n ~=~~~~~::~:;;~j~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~::~~~~

shovels, hoos, kra.ut cutter, grind washed-out t rackage on t.he main

stoll'ej stone jets, cans, «Iinner =============..-r.:===::;:::O==::J=====:':===-= ~ bell, .laW'lll sWing, J)eLaval cream separator No. , 12. . HOUSEHOLD GOODS- Estate Heatro1&, good as new; Victrola" records, leather reclining chair, organ., old fashi(med bureau, old mirrOr and many other articles too numeroua to mention. Terma caah.. MRS. C. J. MARQUARDT w. N. Sears, Auct. , ~. , L. Duke, Clerk~




.T"'. Paper For One Year and







Yore than a mtl110n l'eailerl)J thtDU. ghout the country read PATHFINDER regularly for • a compl~te, timely and unvarnished digest of the news. ' Are you overlooking somethlng? Today, economic ~nd pollUcal affairs are at their ' ' topsy-tnrvlest. Every new tutn'of ev~nt8 if[J apt to.affect ~our pocket-book. Everyone's a8~ing, "What's it all a.bout, a.nd how much Js it going t9 cost me?" Before you cnn a.nswer that question you must be able to Interpret the news; and before you can Interpret you must have all tM facts clearly explalIJ,ed.


















NEWS elM'lR of til. WORLD



,V ir'" WeUNr, Per_• ...,· ........ TIle ol4-f.hloaed home-• • lot veam mad. with a haacl tt.Mr II IItUl th. moet .woo•• Jda4 of tea - . partleuW1, for ,row. ... cIIIIcIna 81141 tor WOIIlft too, . . . . . tile ·. .." ...... urll.U••,• ... 11&111 _N1a .... fat..

Eighty-Ninth Year



Whole Number 6259


Friend.' Home News

WAYNESVILLE VI INS S4lted commu11ication of Way. LOCAL DEALER BUZICKS WRITE OF Miami Chapter No. 107 O. E. MRS. EMMA PEIRCE Mrs. Lena Hartsock was hostess Lodge No. 163 F. S. will meet reguLar session '. to the Garden Club Tue!lday after . SPONSORS SHOW F8'0 MMARTINSVILLE nesville SlES S 10 NEW' eveplng, Fcbt'UIlTY 9, at 7 Monday evening, February 8, at HO, fLOOD AT LOUISVILLE -__ .noon with Mrs. Seui-" of Fosoor as o'clock. M.embers requested be :30. Visiting members welcome. present. Work in the M. degree "Hidden Treasures," new al\ guest speaker. Th Ima et.tlemYTe, W. M., C A. L. King, who has b en anxENTURY Cl U8 SATURDAY .EVENING Visiting 1UId' ojourning mbers talking sound-on-fllm farm picture The Quarterly meeting of t.he ious about the welfare of Clifford Minnie Fromm, Sec'y. & A. M.







welcome. Reeen·•• At.o Will From Yellow are E. F. Earnhart, W. M., Spri... by a 25 to 20 V. M. Anllitage, See'y.

will be shown Friday, February 12 Board of the Home WR15 h ld on Buzick and family, who are re.~ i ­ A.r. lat_Itinc Pf'olram Dealilll at 7 :45 in the Waynesville gymTu~day with a full at.tendance of dents of Louisvi.lJe, was greatly Wit~ tbe McGuffey Book. JUlSium under the sponsorship of members. relieved when he rec ived the W.a E",joye<! Score The Wayne ville Farm~rs Exchange .Co., local dealers for the Misses Mary Carolyn Lukens following letter: Keyston e Steel & Wire Co., Peoria and Mi Harriet Cossonl, of Hal'· WaynesVille defeated Martins· On Friday afternoon, January Louisville, Ky. Illinois, makers of Red Brand veysburg, WCTe week-end gue ts ville Saturday evelling 33-20 29, the New Cent.ury Club met at February 2, 1937 fence, steel posts and other wire although the victors were behind of Mt's. Lena Hartsock. Th Litt.le Inn with Mrs. Emma Dear Dad: Pl'oducts. at the half 9·16. However, in the P eirce as hostess. Twenty-two The featur pictUre, "Hiddjln Miss Laura Southerland's I!!uests "This c'ity has been in 18. terrible W. O. Raper, "ho suffered a members r esponded to roll call. third quarter the WayceM "got ~~:!~~:::~~~~~~~ Trea ures" is the absot:'bing, Saturday aftH noon wer'e Misses flood the last I.en day; and as the ran~" and were le\ldlng r, _ = human tory of a young man wh~ Vi ola Lanick, May Williarna, probably you will wonder how we slight stroke recently, is i~proving After the business session a Mc. slightly when that qua'rter ended. Buy your Valentines at Elzey's bcli \led in the trea. ure that lies Anna Hi'nshaw and Lola Stroot. . Mr. George Pratt, Mrs. Ed Guffey program was gNatly enjoyThe N8(1rvea also won their game Home Shoe Store. ~uried i~ the Boil- and who found Ml:. and r~ Milton Sheehan are getting tbrough it I will write. Cook's father, is crit ically ill. ed. from Yellow Springs 25.20, T h e ' It. In hIS success farmers will s~ of Ce nterville , al ed on the Misses The house Yo here we live is up Mrs. Lee Hawke reed a m01lt lineups were: F. U, LeMay underwent an lthe prllctical, uc~ful soil Brown Saturday aftenoon. high and dry.and there was no You will find a nice line of Wa,._YiU • . R_.,.... operation at; the Dill·Dilatush bandlinl!!l find' farm'ing methoos Mr. A. Z. Ha,,\;sock and family w.ater even in our basement; how- Valentin~ at Eh:ey's Hom e Shoe interi!St;ng paper entitled "'fhe Biography 01 William Holmes liniCl in Dayton, Tuesday nwrning that unlock the treasure in any soil of Melvin, visited with their ever there was water all around Store. F P B . . . It's said to be an even finer mother. Mrs. Lena Hartl~ock Satur Clary ............ ... ........... 1 o 2 . Mtss Alene WhIte and MISS nictul'& than '''T D' k d day afternoon. us. We hav~ had plenty of hea, Mrs. D. C. Ridge has b een ill MeGulTey!' The "jolly old peda· 1 1 C· th ri Wms f C· . .. om, Ie an enough water to drink though it and confined to her bed several :ogue" was .r evered and respected Fires ............................ 0 2 4 a, e .ne llkear'd 0 lncln - Hal"ry Co.", the last Keystone Mr. and Mrs. Foster ~r. Haecock ~ nd his books revolutionized the Young .................. .. ... ... 1 o 10 natl, were wee -en guests 0 f "talkie" that ran with great sue- 'who have been for a mc)ntb doing was limited, also food for our· days. ,chool teaching in the United DaIqn ........ ...... " .... .. .. 6 o 2 Mrs. Emma Barnett. ~ss for three years. field work in the interes·t of Social selves and to give othe-r . hapman ~ tates. His Readers brought pupils Donohoo ......... . ,......... 1 The water is going dOWn now Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Service of Friends, stllned this o 0 Special-Children'a 2 or 3 Added t<> this picture will be a and will be back in its· banks with. d the "600" dinner club and parents in contact with. the entertain Furnaa ..... ,................. 0 ' by motion picture through the morni11g for duties in and nAar '" . in another week. There is no Saturday night. best literature of the day. 'UI cl eane d and I tnp O · 6 p I ace S now S~'ts Fromm ................ ~ .. :.... l! _lpTe5Sed, 50 cents. Quick Cleaners, mod ern Keys to ne s tee! and wire Philadelphia. _ _ _ _. _ electricity yet in our part of town Mrs. J. W. Ward then l'ead a J . B. P~eston, of Cincinnati, very interesting account of the 8 26 Kathryn M.endenhall, Mgr. miJ1!!--.! howin.g- the huge open probably will be anoth4!lr five days Totals ........................ 11 OBITUARY was the guest of hi s brotber J. K. McGuffey Centennial which W1l.8 hearth furnace that pour forth before there are electric lights; Yellow 5 ......... Mrs. W. N. Newland returned Pre ton, and family, over the celebrtlted at Oxford, Ohio" on Waynesville relatives of Orange the telephones are out and ~ don't week-end. Weaver ........................ 0 2 2 to her hom e in. hicag<> Wednesday ton of flaming molten steel, to be July 25, 1936. It WII$ apol'l8ol'ed by Huner ........... :.......... li 0 10 spending the pa!jt ten days ca t in ingots, rolled into billets, L. Emley have been notiifled of his know when (lUr phone will be the score or mol'C McGuffey Soeie Don't forget t.h~ junior' c1as ~ and finally into wire, which death which occurred in IndianapTead~ to u. s e again. We have -II rods Kline .. ,.............. .. ......... 2 0 4 with W. H. Allen and family. ties of America which. numbers play "Intimate Enemil!s" to l>e is converted into fence, barbed olia, Thursday, Jan.uary 28. gasohn-e la~terD that gives us Bull ............ ........ .. ,.. ..... 0 0 0 more than five th~usand members. Dan't forg-et 'the jun.ior claM given at the high school gynmaswire, nails, etc. It's a remarkable Funeral services were held Satllr. plenty of hg-ht, also 'use some 4 Poramer ....... ,.. .. .......... 2 0 Among the many mementoes of play ·'Intimate Encmles" to be ium February 17 and 18. pictare, and decidedly worth seeday mOI"Tling and burial was in candles. 0 Arment ........ .. ............ 0 0 the former instructor at Oxford given at the high scltool gymna, ing. Indianapolis.. This lettier will let you know The vening's en ter4linment' that we all came through in good Mrs. Joseph Filer and daughter M'Useum is a copy of the first Totals ........ .. ........ ........ 9 2 20 sium-February 17 and 18. will be completed with a fast-mov- Th Golden Gates were opened shape, and that we are all well, Bertha, th Misses Virginia and McGuji'ey prilller published in Each ember of the Juverule ing "talkie" featuring the "Hoos' wide, and hope that you ar~ too. Geneva Bailey of Frankfort, Ind., 1887. Vanlt, Grange will please bring a valen- ier Hot Shots"--clowning, singing A g.entle voice said "Come". The program tben became the Clifford Mr. Harold Hutchinson of Dayton, DaVie .......................... 1 2 tine to the meeting Saturclay night 0 Friday afternoon Hterary program playing stars of radio and s4lge, And from the other side, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Earnhart .................. .. 1 2 4 Alton Earnhart, Juvenile MAster. of an old time school with aonp, Sa1lterthwaite ............ 8 ·3 19 Mrs. Frank M. Fox. and an animated cartoon comooy. Welcome!t "Our Loved One" home readings, and recitationl from M d M H H W·II· Mr. tan.d Mrs. H. B. Earnhart There are two full bours, of hi.,.hBoger .......................... 0 1 .1 -e' Orange Emley, sO'n of Joh.n and r. an n. . . t lamson McGWfey Readers giVen by variLeMay ..... :.................. 3 0 6 anil children were supper guests of grade ntertainment, Admi io.n Amy Emley was born in Waynes. . and daughter, Miss Grace. had as ous members of the club. The proth c Ir S unday d'!Dner gUes..... L_ U' l)()n.ol\oo ... ,.......... ,..... ,. 0 0 0 Mt". and Mrs. Carl Babb at their is free to farmers, land 'o wner"... vlile, March 13, 1874 p,nd passed , ' grath ended with a spelling match. es and ·friends. R L R d lOki d Cal Clary .... ...................... 0 1 1 country homle near Xenia, Satur· th h' famili ___ • _ _ _ _ _ aWAY January 28. 1937" aged 62 . . ammon 0 a an, ., After adjournment. deJiclou day. Mr. and Mra. C. H. Long and Yeartl, 10 m~ths and 15, <bl"s. refreshmentll were served to the J The Tax Commission has :ex· h Totals ........................ 13 7 93 d d h' I. I daug tel' of Columbus. Mr. and member!) and following guests All his early life WBiS spent in Bl'yan Pl'endergmst and family, d ch'I Waynesville except the 188t twenty I ten e t. e time for fi mg ~sa es tax ,M T8. H aro Id W'll' I lamson an 1 Mar(j. .ftla of Winton Place, Cindn:nati, .are · h . . . , returns to February 28 ~or the Wen of 'Dayton and Mr. Ira O. Miss Adeline Alden, Mills Mame h Page ............ ............ .. .. 2 3 7 spending this week with Mi year:' w IC were spent 1Il Ind1ll\Jl period ending December 31, 1936, Brown, Mrs. Lena Hartsock .nd apohs II according to a statement · . Brown. 9 Katharine and fro Jesse Pt>ender1 Georre ........................ , Miss Emma Lu Lewis. • • • by M. H. 0 0 gast. Summers .............. ,..~ .. 0 Mr. and Mrs. Roland Carey, nee He was .m,,:rned mn~ y~ar8 ago Keelor, Sales Tax Kine .......... .................. 0 1 1 Maey Cuter, are soon to become The Woman's Foreign Mission. to Mrs. Minm~ Ross. .l'lus was a I This was done, Mr. K*lor statMembers of the Idl ewild Birth2 Glhson ........................ 1 0 residents of Waynesville and will dtly Club me-t at the home of Mr. ary Sod ty m~t Wednesday afrer. very happy union, the two spend· ed, because of the many vendor's occupy Ol1e of the Lewis apart. Dolph ...... ,..... ...... .. ..... . 0 1 1 rloon at the home of 'Mrs, Wilbur ing many pleasant an.d happy in flood areas in Ohio being unabl.e llollingswortb ....... "... 0 0 0 and Mrs. J. P. Larrick, Wednes- C~k with Mrs. I . W. White and yEoaA~ tOtgether. aftI . tI to file returns prior to Jan . 3 1. the ments on Main street. day. A sumptuou s dinner featured Mrs. Martha Hough assistant host- . ou a y~ ago an LC .on us"Ual filing period. fhe occasion • . Total ...... .. .... .. .... .. ....... . 7 6 20 eSltes. ha.d fast~ ttself firmly .on Mm. . All returns for the period Mr, .and Mrs. J. B. Chapman He. made a brave and hC!l"OIC efl'ort . . entertained at dinner Tuesday Referee--Steele-. Mrs. Ralph Hast.ings will ent 1"b B6 must e vening, Mr. and Mrs. Foster Hae. Approximately ,8,188.67 bu The subject of the devotion!! to rid: himllelf of it but alas, in bendfiJnI gd .Dece~~~f 31;F19 Between halves of the game the tain the Friendahip Club of the W&JIHlSvUle b.nd p&raded on the Methodist cburch at oor home on conducted by Mrs. G. C. Dibert vain, he had not strength. to resist e ~: on or'U"': Korel e ruary 28, cock, Mr. and Mrs. Seth Furnas been received at the local resettle>"The Prince of Peace" . 't d b· M te 11 d },. to ... r. ee or. and Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Henderson ment AdministrAtion Omee ill' Roor and fonned the ],[ for Mar- F~urth street, Wed~esday after- wasu_ . 1 an so t5 as r ea e 1m i I • Leban()n up to February 3, 1937 MU". Kenn~ Hough presented hom'C. I tinsville and the W lor Wayne&- nobn, February 10. vme. Tba is the tim time w;e have a 'I Will C. St. John and Jesse I4MI.I1 the band! make theM kind M. Henderson and M'rs. Emma H. WAS disclosed today by Paul C• . , of form.tiona but hope to see m.o re Prendergast attended a conven- folloWUtg program. was e.~Joy.e~: and a true friend to those needing R.ep?,rt o~ Arbcle, VI81tmg friendship. . McClure attended the funenl o~ Duke, Rehabilitation SuperviBo'r tion of the State Organization of of them in the f)1wre. There are many .aching hearts . Miss Ellen Smith at Wilmington, in Warren coun~Y . ~--,..;-Township Trustees in Co.lumbus, Africa -Mrs. Egbert. Duet. "Angry Words" Mrs. and tearful eyes as welay our . . Wednesday afternoon. "The payments came from 108 , Thursday ot last week. L. A. Garst and Mrs.. M Baird I d to II. The Nlgular sessIon of too ' ,.. farm who have borrowed Text Book Review ·"Chrls~ian ov~ (}ne f res h d' . Wayne Township Board of Educa· The Woman s Auxlhary of St. from the Resettlement AdministN Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Elzey ry 88 and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Education and Practical Cbristti. t' e wd 0 a vet l c e..![fY Ihspost. tion was held Monday evening, Mary's Episcopal church wU\ meet hion in the past 18 loonths to make ton an a grea over 0 orses F b 1 ·th all b at The LitUt! Inn Friday, Febru- ,' a new sta'" '10 farml'ng" he --'do Kenneth Evans and daughter, of ani~ in · Congo"-Mrs. G. C. and as long as his health permitte.d presen e ruat.ryTh'e· WBtoard was mad emvUle '~d ary 12, at 2 o'clock, with Mrs. "Since July . I,. .'108 .. Dibert. 1936, 108Dll Dayton. were Sunday guests of Mr Readings, "Heroes of the Cross ~: spe~t many happy hours among through the State departm~nt that Emma H. McCI~re as. hostess. A totaling $33,464 have been and Mrs. Walter Elzey. . ' Af' " M A K D d em. . .' . th days of scbool mi.s&ed because full attend_ance~ desned. t() farmers in this countv • Thla FIlIIIIDS IiIITING Mrs. Lena Edwards Linder, of tn rl08 rs. '--. . ay an H I&a.ves hts Wife and chtldren # e. of flood conditions will not need \;0 amount includes only standard Flrat-da,. 8eboolat • :80 •• m. M R f W tk Oklahoma, who is visiting relatives rs. u us a II..". two 8liSters, o~elaunt and a number b d I """n, for Woallip .J 10:'0 and friends in tbe community, is Poem, uKindness":......Mrs. K. R. of cousins to mourn hils loss, but e ma e up. . oans. ..._ k Bodenbender God' h ' . d d tl' 1'1 thi ' It was decided to make some re. Mr. Duke expla.ined that the . ::t!.u:~.t'.T.' :'~i~. r school- " The Society a.djourned to 'meet Wel1l:n~\:l~:smgO~: ~:st a~: novations in the 1!,asemen.t in ~he standard rehabilitation loans _n flERIlY CHURCH OP 'C.,RfST with Mrs.!. O. Brown in March. of us and will 'greet UI! when we 'n ear fu~ure. A~ter ~ dlSCus810n t · made to farm families who Deeded Carl 8aII~ IIla.IItft h. tL_.. hi . b . h concermng findings In the recent operating funda, but who eould Mrs. R. L. Hammond, of Oak· resc '''''''' 8 mng sore were ., . i . f PelT7 Thomu, ·8 upt. of Bibl. " rtl' . school Inspectlo'n the meeting waa "Making a pleasing appearance" not o-bta n credit rom other· Menland, Calif., was the dinner guest 84001 of Mi811 Emma Heicbway, Friday. pa ng 18 no more. adjourned. is the ' title that ha bcen given to cies. The loans were mad06 for a • Bible SclIooi at 9 :80 •• m. Mrs. Hammond, who baA been "Weep not that his toils are over, • ---tM unusually interesting project maximum of five years, with inter. Commumo.... 10:16 L • • visltbijr itt. the home of her lister, Mrs. Della Lackey, 70 years old Weep not that his run; PNEUMONIA FATAL wohich the women of Warren est. at 5 per cent. !amUles PrMchID" 11 :00 L m. Mn. H •. H. WUli.maon, left. Sun.· wif.e of. Honce F. Lackey. died at Goo grant that we rest as. calmly, TO LEBANON MAN county will jltudy for the next found themselves inn.eed of credit day for ' Columbus where abe will her home in CenteTville, Thurad&y When our work Ilke ha ia done." ____ few weeks, says Miss Elizabeth because of the 4epresalOll, crop YIIUVILi.& CHUlleH .OF be tlMt ruest of her son Clarence January 28, after an iUney of Frank J . Brown, 83, retired Groaddy, home demonstration failures, and other misforlulles ClWST Long and family. later going On to leveral months. Sufviyln~ are her 'Till then we will. yieldwitib g1a.d· teac-her and business man, died at agent. beyond their control, ' he "In , Carl 8Ddth, IQII'" 'PJainvi~le, New J~ney, to visit lier '\husband, two dau&'htelll Mrs. JOh.n neu, . his in Lebanon Tuesday Miss Jl:d.n a Callahan, clothing s'ome casell sickne.aa ·or l uch .d...... Our loved one with him to keep, .t tl h la-..... f , .._ Not A. DeaolDllla\iOll elder aon, Herbert Long. and Allen., Middletown, and Mn. following a two·doIlys illnet3ll of s...... ialist from the extension e1'8 as res ave p .."... aDlURII And rejoice in the sweet asauraitce r-· . d f f .J. t hi ........;.c • :10. Bib.. 8C1loo1. faailly before retumltir to ber Lowpher Allen, C&nteTVille, three acute pneumonia. 8ervice of O. S. U., 'will ~iscuss In nee () un"" 0 ena I t _ home. in California. sister3, Mrs. Hann&h R~, He !iveth ' h ~ ~v!~mee Ileel>. Survivirlg are his widow; two and demonstrate methods of good contiil'Ue all economi<;all1 1Il-' 10 :.&. Lori'. SUJlper. 7:p. m., ChrIatIan Ende.vOr. daughters, Mrs. L. S. Rhoades, of personal grooming for the first dependent farmers." Not · onl, WBynelvllle; Mn. W. W. Smith, Hartley Mo.MI, wbo h.aa been . Dayton, and Miss Carrie Ivins, REAL SNOW DIIliFTS Norwood, and M'fII. Erma Brown, leMOn in this projec~ arranged have these families boftCltNd 7:.', ~e WIdMIda" 7:415;'. m., prayer greatly eoncemed for the safety Lebanon; thru brothers, Elli. a.nd Mr. and Mrs, Irving D. Wele of Le. banon;. two sisteI3, Mrs": , for next week. Th..ese meetings &T. e money, bU t tli fry a110 ha ve been of hi. mother and sater who were Lafayette IVI·.,., .nd bible ~,. .... Lebanon. and are now located in Ab.erdeen, ' E rWID Gust ID an d Mrl. J 0 h n I open to th e pu bl IC an d a cord'UI 1 assisted in working' out· eoq4 m&l'ooned in their home in Louis- Lellter Ivins, Defiance, Ohio. ' Soutb D.kota, to w.hicb ..l._A Mr. I, Gilmour, and a brother, Charles, invitation is extended to every farm 6lId h.ome ma nagemen t PWlll! •.:._·•• II e CHUIlC'H viJle, ftnall v# "'ot in touch with S ervlces .. .. .. --_.-r f or .-.... _ • w.ere conuucted Satur- Wel-'- .who is connect.ed with the J;ebanon. woman and girl in Warren county wht'ch have made . ' 1·t _ WA.. YIIUV.. ~ "" .. -... ...... them by telephone, Sunday .after- day af ternoon at th e F'erl'll Ohurch Akron "'.. Rubber Company was traM I FUl'\eral services i~ charge of to attend the meeting which is tbem to reBft'. O• ", &l'1UW"'. . ._..... .,..1 thei r 1oanl. Bunda)':. Sunda), School .t 9:80 hoon and accompanied by RU88I!1l o~ Christ, Rev. Carl Smith o.fHciat• I I R~v L P Vesey wel"C held tbis, most conveniellt to her. Miss' Tbeee management plana haft . Sali.bury, lett about 1 o' I·ng. Burt'al w.- made;n Miam'i ferred ' from Des MOines, owa' l .. ~ ,. the foll""".1 made is pos.8ible· too, fo% the &e. .. m. Durlna ·the RUdy period of Monday , lnorning fo~ Louisville. .". Mrs. Welch writes that they see Thursday afternoon. Burial In Graddy has arranged V" the sunday School hour the putor ~metery. re.1 snow drifts' out there. (;Om"" Leb.no1\. cemet.ery. ing Bchedule: . habilita'ti.·on fa. mllies to Ia7 tit. The men were met at the {)utskirts • would Itke to meet ' thoee . who to F--o to attend .. . - - • For Olearcreek Franklin and found a t lqna f 01' f Ut ul'e . ...eee. . of the city by Mn. MOBIl and ber -a ' . J. accnrdlng to ·'r D '-deaire to enter a preparatory Miss Ellen H. Smitb, died &t the" drove tbron"h drifts one-"·'f L . EBANON, COLLECTOR Wayne Townships Mo~day ' .... u_. da""hter who .re now being made I " .....'"'e const'de rep _ .....membe~lp cl... c~rtabl. at the M088 home the Diboll N'Ursinr Home in Wi)· , to o.De mlJe Ion. and ~het than OF .A NTIQUES DIES afternoon, February 8, at t h e " r ........ - .. Momma worship at 10:40. The after tit ir tryln I ' mington, Monday morninr after ItlMt automobUe Although the Grade Sehool Building in Spring- up to d.a te upecialJ, h.h la flew Hl'IDOD _bjed wID · be, ·'The e ~ _per enee. an UJDeII of three y-.ra. thel!1llometer ~ regiltered 81 beMl'IJ. Waltler Grifftth, 82 yean boro, starting at 1 :30 p. m. ()f laat IUlllUWr', dro.ItJa, wIaIeIa IiJUPN1UC7 of Ntb!' Walter Clark reporta he reeelv- ' lliM Smith was the daughter of low ser.o tiles do Dot Ilotic. the old, Labanoll, widely known collec· For ~d, Tulftlecreek. bllateNd CI'O~ and ~ ftIbIo. Ewniq ..mea at 7:00 o·clock. ed a card ~m his daulhter the late John QuillC7 aIld Emm. ~ Clold .. much .. the, did in Ohio tor of antiques, dled. of heart Wuhington Union and Maaaie ect farm iIleomea ill this HdIeD of Wedauday: Bible .tucb' and LueU. 1&It Ilona" . .tbt~ . that EvanS Smith and w.. well known ' because tbe air it dry. trouble MondAy. She b.d ben a Townsbips ' - Tuesd.y the .ta....'· said 111'. Dab Sa ..... pl'aJer ~. . at 'I p. m. abe aDd her Ilubud .... tate. in tbb eommunlt,. She b.ct' beaD. Mr. Welch'. territor)' conn raident of Lebanon since 1907 'DOon, February 9, at meutt. COl ~ ........ III Lade beloup to tile . Campben Iresident of Wilmlqtoa tbiIt¥.e.,. , twenty COUIlt:iee iIlchldlna Indian when 1M mov.ct from Cincinnati. Room in Co.urt H01lse, Leb.Doll the COUDt,. • _ • • ft. 1IAIl~ CIIUIlCH COllDt, Reel uDit. lIT. Clark yean. Sbe ..... a JMIIlber of AU l'. .matloll8. lin. Grilleb ,... • JlMmber 'ot ltartin, at 1 t30 p. m. ::::.:.:'" .....rurr 'I. QlJlDqupaIma SUa· ..,. .that thJa ta the tIaIN . ma.Jor Isabata Epi.copal dllmb. till baud o.f 'mallaprl for For Salem., Harlan and _ Mr..... aDd • • (JoIDau_nl Iood ba whIeh ilia 1_ She Sa ... mvecl b, ~M eIIter. . .. . . matured · plata lIa1He BarmoD Memorial home. ton Towubip&-Tbuncl&)' . a\ 10:10 ..... Bw. .JoIm .J. helped DUM refQeeL &be II DOW Ilin. W. C. IIcCue, of Kokomo,' Nt1arIl1UN matW tAl &lUI of the W. (J. T. U. noon. FebTUarJ 11, at the DCIIOO,II . . . . . . ........... No • . , . . Ia the ...... ebalU Ie J.-d., tItNe aeph..... QaIDq 0. ' eoIl tUD quatltIM of 8uYtfon Include her hubMd GYDllUUllum 10 Morrow, atarttDc ........ KJ.. all __ 11111&' aatl UwIa C. a.w., of Wu.bIa- plOWIII down ......_ . . . . . . . . OM . . . . . . . . .1In. 0lIarl_ 1 :80 Po .. II ....... ... ......... ...M•• to ~............... ~ DQtcm; a brotiaar. .It_III!!. .............. -' lIIr••JJeR • __• no




W. F. ,M. S. MEl




th~:~:W::S~!i~::r:e:i~nthe I ~n~in!da::~;:~!~~'t !:~::~1; BOARD OF EDUCATION Sn~~:· ~issHsa~:~d~~it~,rsM~: i: :~er:!:e~:~:!:~:=b~: IMET MONDAY NIGHT
















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tc An u lir ntli h. in lh ViI!.l· u r llu , ,

\unic r(l,'l'tIn, dead, v • Lu· L. GiLbc If, celli nt. 4.70: Carl Cl'at.~, Fattt-n Coop, HOI House, i,l H SluH' han a Jelhn l. CI'03- E. l:i~kal ,I. B YUII1,.. "r stone, 2 Iron Barr Is. (on. it is ord red Unt thl.' procel.'clr $2.2;;; JI\('ui) F:hlinv, cOl11lwn o rLtioll MOQEL T }o'ORD motor and • Prcb.t Co" .. t "f thl' ~ule bt' tur M OVEr to the & cllll11l1lo('. $0(1; H"lschd F. bod)". In too mn tl.'l· ilf tl ,,\t~I:I~l('llt :ulnlln i.u·lItri d(' /on i non. RamI" .Tllm!'., pat1<, $1!UW; Hill MachlIARNF~S-2 Sidell, oUare, of the e,'\at' nr HI ,j T. \\ I ,)Chi , ,to ut' u(hninitl.'l·c'd In hl.'r I>Rtate. ine Sl)np, . haH and bushing, $3; Lines and Bridles, Riding Saddle, ,lecO!uHd, it i (,!'<I,rt',1 that !h l.' l'':Lucia R. Shnw an. a<il1linis. 1- Bay City Shov(,l' · bras" ~ho • [.(' ther Housings, Etc. Stanley nnd NellIe RVI.'. Il . ('l(CCU- Ult bt' f,·('1.' (r1JI1I illhldtW1C tlllC. tli. de boi~ non, If the e. tate of , J 0.» l; l\1ain('vill Gnrage, radioF'EED-IO or 15 Ton.< good tors. of the stat of Frank A. Jllm a E. BUI'kl', ,~dmini.t\'!\tor ttl(lli . Cro on, 'Ilec a; <11. fil ed \" CU]) and gasoline, $2; J. D, Timothy Hay, tOO shocks ()( J lie rrano('}) v. Minni..· lIar- r lie, Mc a~ed, (' nl, concet of the . 1.11 to(' \l( Alfl't'u T. "l'i~'h • 1wI' 111'~t, final and diNLIibutive nc- Adam o.,!:h RI' pin. nnd clutch, FQclder, 40 or 50 bllllbels Corn. \('. (or di Ol'e!.', ehll'ge extreme name is 1'le1 L. io~verhart, Arley d ca ed, f1IHl hi:; lir'l ,Ind tintll count. $3.7:1 A Ja ks n's Sel'vice Station HOU, EHOLD GOOD - larg e . \'I'l1e\ty. L. Evcrhart mndt' party defend- account. It is ordered thslt tht' ('stale of $12.GL; Bblil' & nller, ga.oline, round Dining-room Table, 6 bail'S IInl'ry ll,u'tfeit 1', gUlllllitln 1'( 'Anni Cr(l~ on, dCi\c ailed, b ex- $3:l.!lG; Sm I't's Gnrage, ~llSolin , Large Mirror; Wribing Ho) IT dA" r Vll. Verc'll M8~ ::m t, ervice by publication order. Desk; Otto II Ttrl! It II' , 1ilrd hl~ fuul'lh mf)t fl'om inberiUimee tax. rrC(i~1' fOl dh'orct', ell r!E gr ).~ ed JIIllUUY 19. $25.4R I Maddox ,ervice Station, iajestic I{ange, large 20 gallon The Mia.mi Vall y Building and account \I ith v\lueht·. rO I' l'ettle- III th~ matter Q<f ~h('< est,llte or ga.oline, $'16.03; Ro'bert S. kettie, ausag Mill, Entt-rprise, i1t'JfI ct of duty. Loan Association of Frnnklin, Illt'nt which' i ol·,tC'rcd su"pondl'll. Adn F'. Noble, dece d, it is 01'- Gnrdn er, gaSoline, $24; John large size;3 Heating Stoves and Ohio, v.. Miehae I K yik. 'I. aI, glltie Link, l·xrcut "il: oe the 0'· dl!!' d thaI:. Charles S. £twin sell t Lnw &. on, gasoline, $ tl.05. Pipe, 3 Coal Oil Lamps, lantern, case di mi.lscd at co t of defend- Wlte oi \vi)1 ;, III !.Ink. d ceCl ed, pJivlI\..c sale alld terms of cash CerBaby Bed, Seth Thomas Clock, Wayn Wright, Jenny lAIui e ant, no rec I'd. tl\ed hel' first lind flllfll accnu nt. t.tli n of decedent' esta\..c. Bed Room Suite 100 lb. Refl'igel'a- ~~~~~~~~~=~~=~ \\ r" II, 'e i d~n)j; " d witr.In th nl,IU r (,f til l', !.lite of Hurley . Cumming, udmlnistor, No. 12 D Laval r am t)ut rfrc()nl and ot the co~ts of Real E.tate Trafl.l"r. Burt Wolft, d ('e :;('/1. it j8 ord 1'- trnLor or the estat.e of Rex CumTRT eparator, Wood B~ Ilnd Wash t lti' plaintiff. FtBnlde A. Dunham, d cea sed, ed that a Cl rWicutc of trllnsft'r ~ . mi~" dee ased, J51",d h is inv nStand, Orne Rugs and Carpets, hart rs D. Maple tru tee for to Robert W. antI Lucill D. Krat· i ~u()d. tory. Having d cid d to quit fat"ming th beir_ ot Eldridge Pope, de- ~er, r eal ~tate in Lebanon. In the matt l' of tilt i'l' ltlenwnt ____ 1 wjU se:1l at public auctio n at my a lot of glass cans alld other small OUR CLASSIFIED COI.tlM"! tll'ticlcs. a cd v . G org- Gilbert Pope, ct [11 th matter of the estat of tIt th to te of AIt'r\,'{1 T. Wright, Marria.1 I~icen. I re idan in, Lytle, on Term. C••'h Jlcrbert MeMlII.lln, farmer of FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1937 ul, approi.~mel'lt opproved; trus- BuTt Wolf, deceast'd, to N. C. d cea. tl, it i~ OI'U('1' 11 Uln - the sMRS. ETHEL FAUL te~ to giv addilional bond; au- Shankle and Kote hankl, l' al tate be iI' !! frum illheriwncl' til){. Wayrlesville, Ohio. R. R. 1 and Beginning at. 1 p. m. thnrity of trustee to sell roal estate e. tate in the vilLage of Mason. J:IJl'Ies E. BurkE', nrl lJl ini:stl'lI~O I' Unl'riet E. Downe'7, of Oregonia, 2 H RSES-1 F: T. Martin, Auct. I or t he estaLe of Alft'ed T. WriJtht It. R. 1. • L unch on group ds gH11ltcd. H len Hartsock to L . Ea;r sound, xtra good foan WoOl'keT,mare, en b~ Finan'c(' Company Hockett, reul • tate in W yne. Ii cea d, Gl<.d h.iil t1l'flt and nnal Frank ollins, laborer, of Frank- 1600; 1 sorrel gelding extra good Th v~. Joseph K . HI! r, et 01, second to\\'mhip_ account. ' lin and CQ.rdia ero th.wuite of worker, wt. 1650. IlI1d Rnnl repol'l approved, reo Ern stin~ Dl'ath Lowry to WiIIHan'y lTarlfelk,,', guardjan of Frank lin. rMPLE1\tENTS -Brown wagon Rnving decid.ed to quit farming, ccive r di~charg- d. lam F. Betzler; all but tbirty feet tto Hnrtfcltel'. nIcd his fourth EdwlIrd Back, . fann e r of Frank- With Rat \.01', manure spreader. I will ,o ffer ilt public auction at Henry Feldman Co., v. J. H. of lot 532 in Franklin. eccount with v'Ouch('I" fol' .ettle- lin and Evelyn H~~d of Franklin. Osbo n, 7 it. cut -,,'heat binder, my residence, known the Wm. R l ynolds and Mart.ha ReYllold~, , Tn the nlat,ter of the estate of ment which i~ ol'dcr l'ti ~ u pended. ---McCormick corn binder, Superior liay farm, 3 miles ast of Corwin di mi cd witbouL record, fully , E. E. BL~-by, dec£'aSt'd, to Mary W. EL~ie Link. ex('culri of the e. Bm. AII'I"..ed corn planter, lertiliz r attach- 0 11 th~ Corwin ROlUlnna road, &llti fi ecJ. I Bixby. the north 40 ft. of lot num- tate of William Link, dt'ceo, ed, John Law & on, ker~eM & mont i MCCOfmick mow,er, 5 ft. commencing at 10 :110. Luelllll Lett, et aI, va. Dtlan E. b I' 893 in Franklin, Obio. .iiI Ii her fit':\t, finnl 1.\1\<1 tllslribu· gas for C. II. b8.!sement, $3,74; cut; Be.mis setter, one ' WED., FEBRUARY 17, 1937 ~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!'!! t In the mater of the e tate of tivo account. Statll' Treasurer, due lor county's hors SUI) rior wheat drill, nearly := AJton . Doughman, deeeosed, to FI'8.Ilk 1\1. FOJ(. admin! trat()l' hal' ill maintainjll1g Agd. Ext,en- new; Buckeyoe riding cult.ivator; 2 7 [JEAD OF HORSES- Black ilamia Doughman, Arthur D. o! too e lull.' of Elizll Fox U'CCiIS- siQn, $1,150.00; Columbus Blank roUer, ' walking breaking plow, Horse, 6 years old, weight 1650; Doughman, and Olayton B'd. fil ed bis invent I'Y. B ok Mfg. Co., 60 loonds for Clerk on 5- hovel cultivator; double 1 Bay Horse, 10 'i 61'S old', weight Doughman, real e5tate in UniQn In th matter of the> e~ to or Bcl. of Edusation , $3.00; Jobn sbov I, bar plow, hay fork&, pulleys 1650; 1 Bay Horse, 10 years old, ~--.;;...---------~ Town hip, in Deerfield, Ohio and Jdal'Y E. Van Donn , deceased, Law & Son. gas for s~al r (}f ]25 feet new hay hope, harrow, 60 weigM 1650; 1 Pnir Black Mares, in outh Lebanon, Ohio. proof of p ublicnti on (If nolicl! of \ eights and meas\.\res, $4.72; The tooth/ dl'8g, tobllceo presa, plat- 7 y IIrs old weight 2800. The-se RillIlm Ey~r, deceased, to Clau- the appoint1l1t'nt of Ro tlile L, Van Office Outfitters, files, 100 legal i01m scales, 1929 model A Ford h. rscs are sound and good elia Penn renl _estate in Clearcreek Doren, exccutrlx of the «&tate. tovcrs, ,~. 75: Staltalta Mfg. 0., Cokeh, Daird Bradley cuLtivM.or workers. 1 Black Gelding Colt, 10 towllship. Prool of publication of tho ap· manilla folders, 500 clips lor with disc attachment; wagon with months Qld; 1 Spotted Pony, a real "THE HOME OF CIFTS" Emma T. Eyer to Lemuel S. pointm nt of C. D. orwin a ex- Clerk of CQurt. $27.50; The Offioo flat top, narrow tread w.agon, hay family pony. Peun. real cst&te in Cleal'cheek ecutor ot the estate of Susan J. Outfitter, repair to typewriter 01 . 4 HEAD OF COWS - 2 Cows Lebanon, Ohio ~ ladder iver corn planter wlth .. d ft f ilk T B township, Brown, deceased, WIIS med, for Clerk of Oourt, $ .76; Leb.· I "" 1' tt h t 2 01' jl'IVl1Ig goo ow 0 m , . . el·... Izer a ac men ; Iver t ted 2 J C ~-;f h 'E XPERT WATCH The Harveysburg National In the mattl'r of the ellt.ate of Citz. NaVl Bank, printing checks, riding plows, 50 tooth . han-ow, e ; ersey O"ws,..... ret! en REPAIRING Bank to Ed. O. and O. S~ndel's, Susan :1'. Bt'own, d{.e sed, an in- bllck for checks and PMS book for 5U gallon cook T, power wood about day of salc, on 7 years old, real estate in Harveysburg. venf,ory and appmic ment w. Sheriff, $3.43; The Book Srop, d bl t . I trees, one flve. U.ia. Oal~ G. eD.IDe M.t... · k ~saw, ou e manj 33 READ OF HOG" A d dra an d J ames K errlc w published in the We-t m Star on calendar pad for recordel', $.60; fork$, hOM, roes, shovelsSlng and .,-.' 3 Brood Prompt Service Se-ars, Roebuck and Co., lot No.8 January 21, 193'7. has. J. Waggoner, premo on $500 other articl too n,umerous to SOW8 to farrow about April 1; 30 In the mater of the (! tate , of bond _for Brunk all deputy sheriff, mention. Shoats, 8 motlths old, aU in good tn Wayn ville. StOT opera until 9 JI. m.. Harriet B. Meek&r to The Millie L. Harding. dec !lS d, it is 6.00; Motti 5 atld 10 to $1.00 HARNE8S--Noa.rly new double ·hape. . Franklin Manu!acturing Co., tnc., ord red that lctters of adminis- Store, shirt butto11s for ewing s l br (!Ching hamesB, 2 sets chaw FARMING IMPLEMENTS-- 1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SF the east part of lot numbered 805 trotion be- i ucd t o H. L. Hard- llroject, $1.20; Mrs. HelCll Dough- han, , 2- sets leather tUg harn & ' icOormick.D ring Manure Sprein the vj)}age of Franklin. ing and that notice of the appOint- man, illvalid cue Clitrord Dough- S collar, bridles, lines, etc, Ilder, good as n~w; McConniclc- •_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _., . A. McL6in to William Ad- ment be published. George ack- man, $7.00. . Terms ca h. eering Sulky Bre.aking Plow, 16 A8k fo~ • Mrs. 1M Eltzroblp., invalid care, RALPH JOHNS ill ch ; 2 .McOormick-Deering- Oom Miamiaburc Permanent kins, 30 feet taken otY the west er, W. W. Shutt. , and Harry side of lot numbel"ed 242 in James have been aPP9int d ap- AI;ce Stal'lcie'y, $5.00; James W N S Plows, 1 row, good u.s n()w; Buck~ . . ear, Allct. 1ow, . good 68 new; Conere t e t:'ranklin, Ohio. "raisers. {oore, invalid c8.T~~, Lucy Moore, eye Disc I ... C. L . Duke, Clerk. D PH Mamie Doughman, et aI, to ATIn the matter of the tat!.' of $5.00; Mrs. Mal"galret Jones, invaDouble isc arrow, horse power; Ail' Seal Burial Vault thllr G. Daulton, reol estate in Hom r D. HollcroCt, deceased, it lid CBJ:e, Ollie GardnCot", $5.00; llltipacker, good new; Drag For Sale enlJ by Union TownMip. is ordered thnt the ,chedule of Mr . Julia Holland, invalid caN!, Owing to the deatb of my hus- Harrow; Case Corn Planter, NeUie B. Carnahan to Carrie debts be approved. I Vemot:l Holland, $10.00; Miss · band I will sell at public uetion cheCk. row~r, 80 rods of wire, WatkiM, lots numbered 46 and 7'1 Harry Z. Gray, executo!' of the 01118' Kn.ox, invalid care, Barlow, ,at. my reside.noo on Rol1'te No. 73, lj-erill~7Jer a~tachment; Mowi'l1g You r Funeral Director in the village of Mason. estate of Elvira Ludlum, deceas- Bollinger, IQ.1ld Jc)hn1ion, $38.00; 4 m,letl W~t of Waynesville and machine;. Good Far~ Wagon, low J O$eph H. Reynolds and Ma.rtha ed filed hi first and final ~count. Mrs. Eldon Short;~ invalid care, 1 mile East i()f IJayben lind Leb- wbe I, WIth flat top. McClure Funeral Home R.Eo}onolds . to James Shilts, eighty In the mati;el' of thi!' estate of Ruby Ream, $5.00; ReIman Payne flInon pike, Rout.e No. 4S on . HA.R NE S-4 .Sides of Br~eh. Pbo_ 1 W.,D..triUe, 0_ acre three rods, and fifteen poles Alton O. Doughman, deceao.ed, it invalid care Relman Pia.yne, $5.00, IIIi' HarnellS, good .as new, !Jnes, in 11arI811 toW'llship. is ordered t hat a cC1' l1f1eate of $6.00 ; Beck' Dairy, :milk for reo SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1937 bIidles and colJ8l'!I. . 11._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..: Mario Fucito and Lillian Ji'u- transfer be ~ed, ' lief families, ,9.5 (); Geo, L. BurBeginning .at p. m. 150 BALE~EAT STR~W- =====~::::=~=~cc:== cito to NanJlie Stqrn,ps, real estate It is ordered that the estate of roughs, milk ilumillhed reUef famONE HOG - Polamd Ohlna c1~ and brlght, baled Without in: Deerfieldt ownship. Alton C. Doughman , decea d, 00 ilies, $3.00; ~. H. Obristman, Brood S()W, bred. any .rain. I Garland Ecton and Lucille Ec- exempt -from any inhclitance tax. transportation, reli.ef families, $3; CHIOKENS-One dozen. Ter_. c...h W. L. PETERS Mlamie Doughman, adl1)inistra- R. H. Chri man, transporbation, IMPLEMENTS-O!iyer riding trix of the estate Qf Alton C.- relief families, $25i.00; J. R. Coff- breaking plow, corn planoo1', Col. Jess Stanley & Col Earl Koogler, Auct. Doughman, deceased, filed her man, food, furnislled relief lam- harrow, plows, tobacca press. 5 first and final account. iIies, $34.25; R. B. Gilmore & Son i'hovel pl()w, single shovel plow. WaYM Smitl\ nnd Son, Clerk. Harold 1\1, Benham and Marie food, f\lrni hed i :relie;f families, platform ~les, like n ew; sprayer. Lunch by Ferry Church of hl'ist. Benham s admini ~trator of tbe $6.50. HARNESS-2 &eots work harness estate of Pote-r P. Benhum, de· Th Book Shop', led~T and type collars. lines. bridl II halters, etc. FOR AND CONIICN c_d, ill d their application ask- et fol' dog wardeDI, $1.75; Kesler r.r£SC,-butChering tools, 3 ,b..p aDd ea1... ing for an order authorizing dis· Gt'aham, food, $8.75; . lIardert's kettles,' sausage grinder, lard pres! II•• wtre .... progreaaive finD tile high... tribqtion in kind of certain a sets Grocery, foo~ $l8.60; P. 11: ' C, hay fork, 'rope and pulley, lorks, market price. and llOo~ Mrilee. ; of said estate. Hildebrant, food, $104.00; ·P. & shoveJs, hoes, kraut cqtter, grind UalOD St_. y ....' ,c ___~ Harold M. Ben ham and Marie C. Hildebrant, food, $104. 00 ; stOll~, stone, cans, dinner Tune ID 011 Radio StaUoD W Benham filed theil' fil'St, fin al and Bmha Hines, foodi, $28.15; Home IJ. 11, la\\"n swing, O()Laval eream Pr-CJgNU "'., 1'eported. in. the 12:2' to 12:80 p .•• for ~ market ftpona. di trjbuti,, ~ account. Dairy, milk, $9.30; R. H. Jeffer- separate}' No. 12. ' being waged by the Ohio L::~~==::::!======:=!~ Kirk, HOUSEHOLD GOODS-- Estate campaign Mary W. Bixby, administratrix les, food, $2; E. L. Division of Aid for tp.e Aged to I: of the estate of E. E. Bixby, de- food and milk, U4.20j Lebanon Heatrola, good as new; Victrola &: compel responsible rel&tives of old cesaed, filed I);e'r inv~ntory. Fa.rmer8' C9-op Co.• fuel, $9.75; records, leather l'eruining chair, ' age pen~ioners to support their In the mntter of the estate ()f E. Masol) Ff\mily Store, clothing, $2.- orga.n, old fashioned bureau, (1ld E. Bixby, decea~d, it is Ol'deted 40;' Miami Valley Bldg. & clothing mirror and many other articles too needy aged where the 1'eI'3ponsibie _ Auctlone.r~ that a cel'tifiel1te of tr nsf r be is.. $2.46; 'Milimi Valley Bldg. &: Loan numerous to mentiol). relative8 are found to be in .sued. Ass'n., shelter, $6.00 ; Mrs. Mary Terms cash. , comfortable financial circumstan. It ' is ol'd.ered that the estate of MOunt, sh.elteT, $6.00. MRS~ O. J. MARQUARDT Chris Murphy lOA Store, food, W. N. Sears, Auct. ce8. E. E. Bixby, deceased, be exempt , fr6m tax. 1. k The latest monthly report of the $61.60; OlnOi Persl,e-y, fooll, $4.50; C. L . D u.. e, Ol001'. Division recently released dfscJ()sed In the matter of the estate a! Ray SWigert, food" $26.00; Cbu. U. G. Conover, deceased, it is " P. Stubbs, food, ,18.50; Taylor's that- although the-re w.e a.n indered that the schedule of debts , food, $;38.00; Terrry's As I have sold the farm, I will c~ea~e of 946 pensioners during · Grocery, food, $6-,OO;Tra.ey's Gro- sell at Pllblic a uction an my farm the mont')) .of Pecemlier over t he be appro"ed. In the ma.tter of ' the- eabate of cery milk and food, $10.26; W. O. chattels, located ' 2 mUes south of . Phone 71J Emm~ B. Price, deceased, it i& or· T~rton. fIlel, $45.50 ; Ruby Van Waynes\'ille, 011 the WaYnesville preceding mMth. the total amount dered that the inventory be all- Riper, food, milk a·n d rent, $49.95 and Oregonia road, at what is paid out. for DeoembC!!t was ,S,260 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~•. proved. Elbert Wallace IGA, foodl $4.84; known as Telegrapb Mills on old lilM th&n November. RUlISelI Deardotl', administrator H. E. Warwick, f(IOd, $16.00; E. Smitl) f arm on ~n ucordanee With provisiolls of of the estate of Edward Deardoff, Whitenack & Son, food, $2.00; NOTAIlY PUBUC deeeasetl, flied hils inventory. . Dr. H. M. WiUiam8, ' ~1I1cal TUESDAY, ,FEBRUARY t, 1t31 the S.ocial Seeurity Act. the fedtOll


Pub·ll·C Sales



Cary'l Jewelry







F. T. ' Martin ..



C,enterville, Ohio



,T"'s Paper For One Year and "':01


PATHFINDER ONL Y $ 2 00 tha~ a mlllion readers t.hrou. ghout the country readP ATHFINDlilR regularly ' for . • a complete, timely and unvarnished digest · o( the news. Are you ov:erlooking some. thing? Today, economic and political affairs are at their tOpsy·turvlest. Every new turn of events I.e apt to affect your pocket-book. Everyone's asking, "What's it all about. and how much is it going to cost me?" Before you can answer that question you must be able to interpret the news; and before you can ~nterpret you must have &11 the' facts clearly explained.



Pathftnder comes to you With its reliable, easy-to-read and easy-to-understand news in words, pictures aDd charts. form presents a lively survey of cur!AIl~~~~~~~n~:the world; and Its . analysis


enables Other

at f4 to 85 ,. a yt'l~. ofI'er70U

oiit""1. i~

It is ordered that the estate of Sarah E. Monger; decea ed, be exempt from inheritance- tax. It is ordered that the 'e state of Anna Mayne, de~eased, be exempt from inheritance .tax. It ' is ordered that the estate of Hiram Eyer, deceased, be exempt fTOM inheritance tax. The Cenh'al Trust Co., trustee under the will of Hurty B. Thomp. son, deceased, for th.e ThompsonBaxter Student Loan Fund, fil ed its third account curre:nt. The Central Trust eO., ·trostee under Item III of the will of Mar1'y B. Thompson, deceased, fil ed its .third account current. The Oentral Tru tOo., trust-ee del' the will of Harry B. ThompSOD, deeea.'led, for Charity Fund, filed Its third account current. In the matter of the will of Charles J. Marquardt) ckeeaBed, it • ordered that the said will be fUed in this eourt. · C. D. Corwin, executflr of the eltate of SOMn I. Bro , deeeQo I1ed ~ blvcntln7. B

services, ,M.OO, W'und Dry GQ6d8 At 10 a. m. Co., clothing, $10.90; Zehriilg" HEAD 0F HOllSES--i2 yet!X ~rst Dairy, milk, '$14.80; ·D r. old sorre'l mare in foal, a good Robert M. Blair, medical services, one; Ohestnut Sorre! Mare 10 $33. 00; Thomas Chllton" food, years -old in foal, a real brood $10.75 ; Dr. Frank ·A. Dilatush, mare; 1 cOming 3 ycarg"old :Black medical. services; $6.00; Schwartz Filly; Yearling Colt, sorrel ·a nd Grocery; foo~ $i7.25; Sibcy's none better; . Dairy, milk, $3.41; S. S; Thomas, . JERSEY .HEIFER _ <Viii be food; $2.00; fresh by day of sale Waynesville Drllg Store, mill;t, 22 HEAD OF HOGS-8 Ch~t~r $1.75; Jones GarBgJe, gaa a:nd oil,Whit.e Rog;, weoilibt 140 Ills., 9 $1.75; L. H. BroWl~, food, $5.00~ mixed Shoats, w~jgbt 100 Iblll: 6 Mrs. Leonard Ha.t hiaway, milk $8; Poland Chjna Shoats, 100 lbll. Morrow Feed and! SuPpJ), Co., FARM 'l'OOLS _ Good WagoD fllel, U2.30; Wm. HutYord, Sr., with bed, 1 Flat T'Op; Rock Island quarterly expense, ,80.47; The Corn PIMter; Larre Dille; Book Shop, binder land IllIer, ,.915 Osborne Mower, Hay Rake, 2 The Book Shop, blinder, bolt ftles, Sulkq Plows, 1 OlIver and 1 etc., ,2.60: F •.J. ~eer PrInttng, JamenUhi , 1 KoUne WalkiDg Co., 1 pad vmfte.ltloll of birth, plow, 14 inch; 15 ShOVel CulUvator • . 75, Earl Hatfi~ld, services as good all new ; I horae lUcHnc ~hanic, $70.20; Jobn Bur, pay- CultiYator, Oliver; Bm, ide Tam. roll, .181.20 lohnlOD iJIC Plow, Saraqwe.ej BemJa Myers, payroU, ; B. L. I Tobaeeo Setter, Gravel 8M, Schuyler, parroo. 60: aaaollne E08in." 1 ~ B. P. ami FArl Bason, $1101.60, B. P., 20 loot Belt, Wood V. K. $&8.80; rame. tie ,


Annu.... ..."

a_ all.



N.~"" era! governm~t pays one·half· of the total program ~QjJt8 in, Cl\ring WIn. Dra.. • • . ...... Set..... WAYNESVILLE. OHIO for the a~te'll needy aged. Henry J. Berrodin;' chief of D,ivision of Aid fot the Ared,explained that · despite the increase in pensJ.onen -tl)e deel'e8lNl in the "" monthly ~total payment,for Deeem ..... bel' reaulted from action by the POR IAU . division to compel resp.ondble _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-'-_ _ _ _.;... tivea to 8Upport their aged parenbJ FOR SALE-Baled AllaIfa Hay, in cases wbe.reat an pouible. White Roek Coekerela. I. D. I'ln the past, Inany NlIPciI1h·ibl,e.1Bolin. relatives in comfortable financial elrculMtaneea have l'et'\11ated the FOR SALE-25 aW,tte BuoT eate of the lIged and left the state Blad.. for 1ge. R. D. to. shoulder pra.ctieally all of Rdwe, Phone DDRS. reaponaibillty of Welkinl &fter the FOR SALE--ID80 mocW J'ord need, qed," Berrodin ..ld. IIBe Coupe. AU II." 8 PI7 eu., aoocl , of the lDCftUe of peJllIODWI motor in pod ~m. coaditloD, f . - month to 1DODtb, tM dlvlaiol1 $100. Clau be IINIl at' 841 W. 11M takeD IItepI to compel .... Gruel A..... 8priqfte1... 0 ..... pouIbJe Nlat:hoee to ...,q put of _ • P ....&-lt-la:il the burd....' The npOl1l dbclO8ld tha ~ for the III!CII!tb of Deeernbw. the

-------_'IoIIp__.-. . . . ." .



............ pew ........ tile





THE MIAMI GAZETTE ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY ...... - -----. N ' 1111!lDt.Jle4 at pOltotne. Waynel _ e . - _... ...... ... ... -..... . .. ville. Ohio. a. 8ec""d at Class Mall S....'lptJ. . . Price, ,1.10 • Yea, Matter ..,

Ht tU,tW\"1\

1M' \.\,,\ "\.OM6-




~"t. ~t"'\~. At~\t~ .. tu:"tQ..

FEBRUAR.Y 4, 1937

= .- -








Unlesa labor unions and employers exercise self restraint over their respectlv~ powers and recognize the ril,..nts of public, th e government will step in and bak~ cont rol, Dr. Robert...L. Sut herland of Bucknell Uni.v~rsity, rec ently when speaking on t h 10 ng drawn out Pacific COMb ship strike and the alltomobile strike in the

East. Dr. Sutherland said it was "only a matter C)f time until any group using POWIeT without r-Gapons ibili ty will be checked," nnd PQin,t ed onl that as a. genemI rule this country never curb <.I power until it was abu8ed. Wh81l any grOtlP of leaders, no matter who, deliberately plnn to win, their point at all coSttl!, regardless at suffering of workmen ?r th e public, it ~ time to break their grip--thut is what governmen t. 18 for, to protect all the peopl . If the day arrives when our government can be controlled by either iabor or industrial directors, to the det..rime.'nt of t h.e people, fallcism or communism wilJ have swuUowcd democracy, i ndividual right& will be willed out and labor will b«:om 8. form of lavery.

Here is an excellent thought from the Port UmpqUJl, Oregon, . Courier: "u the Courier man were a judge in courts dispensi ng upon drunken auto drivers, theNlo would only be fi l'$~ offenders. Regardless of race, e<llor, creed or alleviating circum bances the person who hIlS .'10 JittJe cansidera.'tion for the lives of innocent people a to drink in toxicants before or after placing himself behind the steering wh el of All automobile should never be allowed to rep nt the perfol'mnncl!. Revocation of licenses ""ould be Catal and Bnal. Driving a car is Il privliege--not a right." It " impossible to prove ex.a ctly what peTcentage of automobile accidents are caused by drunken driving, for the r c.a.Son that in many ClUeS wheN liquQT pla.ys a part, nIT ting officers amI prosecutor are unable afterwards to prod'Uce sufficient evidence f 11 conviction. But all ttl b t 'estimates that aJcohol is the definitive f actor in a much higher proportion of mishaps thnn is Jrl!1leralJy realized. Further more, an oa.ecicient in which a drank is involve<! it more likely to be serious than one involving sober d:riv~l1I. . Drunken drivers' are often released aCter paying relatively small . " fl "es. S!l'me Junl.'a · ) y d ere li c t 'm t hid h, i n. b lIngtng' - . are- no t o rlOUS e r u~.. in ~onvictlonl!. The drunken driver hould never be allo~-ed to pay a tine and he should be denied the right to use the- public streets and ·highwayS. If such a program wel'e carri d. ou1J throughout the country, one of the p-avest menaces to life would be gTe.o.tly minimized.


= -======================:::u====


7alks, februarv 8

8:00 4-8 Fore&t.ry Club Plantings in Ohio- F. W. Dean, Exten sion

"'t. C~\l.t~.

't~i ~\)~\~\"'N ""'\) ~~ C.\)t.\~~~\

.U ~~'t4" \¥.\ \,,~t R'~m ~t "-t~-

tattl\UCft Of

m"",,"\'-, TD RI1l.L - N G 1\,


"f~\. t~\l\ \)O.KA'''\) u~~t\\) U!ol,\)Ht 'W.\)t~ \\~\\l\~\i (\~()ut\t O~ l\\~l.~ ~"~\lU'" ~~ ,,'W.\"\

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D~ -t~~\'M~\) 1I\~t) ~AAt\C.t

'"'' '


"(" l''t~lt


Best of the News Direct From the Ohio' State Capitol



COLUMBUS _ Advices from th& .condition was to halt otlulr the printer to Secretary of State work and get out the checks to Ohio wOlJlen who attended aU William J. Kennedy indicated that of the home economics sessions the cnactm nts of the- two pecial them", Auditor Ferguson a erted. program during Farmers' Week at ~e io ns of the Nin ty.first (kn- Post office officials agreeod to cooral Ass-embly, held in late 1936 operate and rusB th checks to tl),e O. S. U. received a thoroughgoillg nJ'd during 1936 and which ended beat of their abili~y under the training in a Jist of subjects. varying from wo1'ld peace to the. selecofficially December 28, will be existing difficulties. available by the middle of M,areh • • • tion of shoos to relieve aching or the first of April. The publicaThe varied and ever.growi ng feet. tion will be. designated Laws {)/ collections at the Ohio State Arch. Perhaps the toot clinics were Ohio,. Volume 116, Part 11. Seaemore de1l.nite in their recommencla tlnry K noody, in response to reo aoological I8lId Historical Society quests, ha made every ·e ffort to mu eum have been augmented by tion& than the talk on, world peace have the volume printed at the car the donation of three larJ~e books but there is ill better chance to II' cst date possl·ble. He said that which detail accounts of Iilistorical control the feet than the nations M soon as the shipment is receiv which threaten to start W8l'1I. d person_ ~1 appeared by the Department of State significance in the officl~ of a F arm ere d't 1 an copies will be &ent to the eighty. Union, Army paymaster, Major ance also were given plenty of ateight county auditors, and upon Owen T. TUrney, during bhe Civil tention. reque t to attorneys, newspapers, War, it V,18s announced! b)l Director Miss BarbaI'll Van H~len, libraries and other nonprofit in- Henry C. Shetrone of the museum Washington D. C., farm credit ad stitution!l as well as t. individuals ministratio n, says that farm One book contains ' tbe duplicate who have need for them. w,omen need to keep track of the • • • of every message sent bJ, Major family obligations because men State Auditor Joseph T. Fergu. · Turney; another has pasted in it are apt to depend upon moeeting son rnllioo to the cause of the old every me888ge received; Ilnd the emergencies woon they . age pensioners in the Ohio flood. third contains detailed to.pograph. rather than to make adequate preravag d d,istricts by speediTlg up ical survey maps of man), sta~es parations to avoid ,emergencies. th e machinery in th~ Department and was issued by order I~f Presl- Miss Van Heulen also recomof Auditor of State so that much- dent Lincoln on Dece"?ber 6,· 18~3 ; mended shopping aro~nd to· ~t needed checks were maile1i in ad. ' The book were the gift of Annie fA!.rms from all agencies oftenng vance of the scheduled tfuae. "I T. and Maa:y ~uise Clark .of credit before deeiding upon the can imagine how greatly the cur- I Columbus, the rueces of Major place to bon-ow money.

Forester. 8:10 Future Farmer Activities in IO\\'l1- G. F. Ek tram, State Supervisor of Vocational Agriculture Instruction in Iowa. 8:20 Lincoln's Greatest Ohio Spel!Ch.--H. E. Eswine, Historisn. 8:30 Special Music. 8:40 F4TJrI Home Period : Nutrition Notes-Miss AJma Garvin, Nutrition Speeialist. Our Homes and FamiJi ~ Mrs. Helen Mouge; Jordan, Ext. Home Economist. 9:00 WOSU Orchesu.. 9:10 Ohio Dra.ttera at the InternationaJ,.....-D. J. Kay Animal Uu ball_ dry De(lartnient. 9:20 The Farmer and Hia Credit Orglj;ni.%atioD- Samuel S. Studebaker Sec'y.-Tfcas., Production Oredit A sn., Dayton_ 9 :30 WOSU Orchestra. . 9 :40 How Ohio'! Fertilizer LaW. Farment-G. M. l\!eClure, rent payment is lICquired' by the Tllrney. ••• Mrs. Evelyn ~obey, New York, A8'r0nomy Dept. elderly folks in the areas devastatmade a reputatLOn as an ~xpert j 9 :60 to 10 BulleUna Available Free from County Agents--Fnrm ed by the flood waters and the The saying thl8.t a prophet it hot in changing costumes quickly Night Reporter. t least I could do' to help without honor sa~e in his own while giving her talk on madam's _==============::;:orlland proved to be fal e hl~re last personal 1II.ppearanoo. Mrs. -- week whe.n, honors ~re beaped says women aTe made by their _ - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : - - : -- , upon him who has served as habits and that it is ,poSllible to director of athletics .a t OMo State change habits to improve personal 1" .., University for a quarter-oontul1[ appearance. Correct posture and -L. W. St. John. Nearly ;300 out- careful grooming were recommed. standing personages in the fields ed as adjuncts to cloth~. The of sports and busin.cBS· from all tyle experts said it was not neeesparts of the nation assembled at a 8ary to spend Large sums upon banquet in tribute. to the tban who clothes to be able to present a for th~ last twenty-five y~~ars has charming appelll'ance. striven to make OSU a ]'!J8der in Mioss ;Ruth O'Brien, W~ington, the field of collegiate spo·r ts. The D. C.,' United States De/lartment climax of the eveTlt was the pre· of Agriculture, said that sentation to DirectorSt. ,J ohn of women asked her how to tell what a. silver tea service and a b{)ok can kind of fabricA were displayed eaining th.e autogt'aphs 0( . every store counters $he had to reply individual present. that it could not be done ""ithout a testing labomtor y • .Often the sales • - • - Officials 'of state d,ivil~on of women in th~ stores do not know foreetry ass~rt that .it is difficult to what materials are in the d're.s8es convince many Ohioans> partieul- they ' sell, ..and sometimes it hap· .I'ly tboae who reside in ,areas ~ns that women try to press barren of forest{!, that tb.e ata~ dresses ,with hot irons when' the . doe8 have a fONat menace. dress is made of material that will But in a NpDrt PNpa.ted by As.- melt under Buch treatm~nt. sociate For.e ster ' Bernalrd E. Mi8A O'Brien l18id that the Leete for the United States sbrin~ of fabrics is another forestry service it was shown thAt factor In whiCh the consUmer is N ....t v ... of New W ety. Strip Showing How Readily Objects on .RoadOh\o ' experienCe-d261 for~!st firea much Interestell but 'there is no 8 acb .. Thla llotorcJde, H Iab-y Patro~ and Auto-Ma7 Bo Seen in 1936 and that they ..veraaed way to get thi8 i.n !ormation except 7.0 acres in extent. In the prevl- from the label of a reliable manuN another "Auto Accident Area", birbway lightinr is only Qne of the suns." Each is designed to direct OUs year there Wete 263 filfea with facturer or from testing a sample a mile ~ heaYU,. traveled State outstanding aafety features "built and distribute' the wealth of light Route No. 18, immediately weat of into" tbe demonstration stretc.h. provided in auch a way a. to make an /lverage of 12.2 aCN!tl . each. of the material. Colar fastness 18 Akron, bas .beea t ransformed into Motorist. w\1o use it will find a for maximum seeing efficiency. A Forester Leete said that 1,068,000 another of the unkn~wns. Some an Educational Safd,. Highway, Imigbt, two-la"e ribbon of eon- 10,OOO-lumen sodium luminalfe i. timbered acree in twe.lve lOUtbern ' dyes are fast to lirht· but fade used at a main interse<:tion_ dan- Ohio eountifl hAve good filf8 pro-; when laundered and other febrics makin, the fifth luch demonstra· crete. The road "it flanked on eit\ler gerous "Night Accident Area." The tiOn .tretch to 'be ereeted recently aidc by wide shoulder.. Absence of golden-orange light serves u a teetiOIl while an estimated 1,805'- 1are the reverse: T-es.t8 of samples by the Ohio State Safety Cooncil sharp curves malees for lafety and warning signal. 000 acres are in need of o!pniled or guaran~ by manufaetu1't!n! Formal dedication of this aafet)' enhances one', abllit7 to aee both Before the lights were otJiciall7 fire fighting units. &1'e the. solution for this dUftculty. .trip took pJace Friday enning, Jan- euiJy aDd quickly. - Although the turned on, more than one hUOIlred • • • na. Waabinatlln expert on aary. 29. The new demonstration, highway is not etltirely level, _8f'1lde9 aafet)' leaden! eonvened for dinner fabriea made a plea fi>r wOll'len to • limilar to the fonr Educationa encountered are gradual. Educa- at the Msyflower Hotel. Amoo, Safet7 Hilhway striPl recently put tIoDal lip, along the way call at- those attending were: mallicipaa. uk that manufacturelll' labels into operation near Canton, Dayton, tention to the importance of highway county, ' and Itate .. rety officiala; rive sPecific Information. about Sltndalk)', aDd YOUIlptown, marb laid)'. Tbese sips were erected by leaders in civic aBaiu; executives in Pl'1~bllbltAed I theit KOoel&. Label. which ~aran­ anotber forward step in the Coun- the State Hlahway Department in Akron's leadinL Induatriel; and t.. a fabric will Dot IIbrillk 1II0re cil'. date-wide ~ to make the cooperation with the Coadl. safety leaders. The proaram w.. tIaiaa I per cent aN more helpful ClCIIIIIaCIDweath the aafeat ill AmerIn to picmde proper .eeing wried out under tile auplcu of the i&:a for motailt and ped_triaD. The a10rur this mile wetcb Akron Safety CoallCl1. Amoog thOM to Iboppera tU.D labela wldch ltate ~h...aift ,JaIl cana far iutalla. . talmo Is ~Dk. :I~=~~j:of~~~: Visldelivered brief addresaea foltiaa 01 • IIICh ........,.. • ftrioaI pro- who lowill! the dinner' C01I~:-1 O'Brie aid tlbat the NatlOllal R. .... aI ...... t;ppe o' the Supreme


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•.........•• Thf' funeral 1 ti~, PtfDrlhll MrW "onductl'd in the r;H1Hrn'~ Funeral lJon'~ by RC'v ..1.

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I th

• •••••• - - - - -____ _


vl,l1ey '" it did . "[)I\yL()n <'






11"",/ hCC'll\I"l' it I.el, d alt·r it~ disa<trouH flnod in l!ll:l," Prof. iAw.-on continued. "Th building of thl' acanrlllgn rc 1>I'voir, holding back the wllt l! l'~ or the suppt>r Hud>;!>n ri~el' in N(>w York stat , has materla.lIy le ~enl'd flood con,litions IIlong lh , HUlton in Albany, Tl'oyand oth(>r citi ., a ll I ntiing to pl'ove that the salva. tion for thc Ohio river dil;trict is ofrered by th· reeomm ndntions madc in that famous Pi.Ltsburg J<'lood Commission's l'cport."

New Burlington M1'8. Ll Stl'l' Sl.anfteld was hostess to lh Merry Wivt'll lub on Tum!. day of' last w~. Th Ladies' Aid ml't with Mis8 .rcllnie Reev(\ on Thtll"><day p. m. MJ'II. Evan Bogan of Daylon was the gue t of her paren _, Mr. and MI's. U. F. Compton last week. Mt's. onlpton has not be n so w 11 but is somew hat improved. Mrs. J~ Hill is ~he guest of her parentI<, Mr. and Mr$. W. H. King of Akron, I'his week. Mr. and Mrs. Orinand Shanks and family of Cincinnati, wC'"l'e guest.~ In t week of h' , lllll'en ,

nn{llll< which citi , • nlong t·, 'l'homl.Hlry tit ]0 :~O R. 111. Ia.~t HOllor Roll For Th;rd Term Illftl'l'lloon in 1111\'trlll. )I\io river, d ite • tcp mUl<t 1-'1 irlll}'. • tnkt'n to hold ba,ck by da.m th ti., Me lint' W.L" n"c of enior-Robert Young, Edith Ehl1a Poin '('tl. V"inllt \Hlll'!' drllining into tlie tl'ibutari s U CI(lnntlI1r"1 unr.i,t}',r 1't h hlna~.t liy (vi ('rianl Hoyle. Glenna 'Voolard, Margie Bml I lit h ray \""1'\\ \'bit~I'S I l (!li:" .. .. .~ school W (·,lm·,.,t!IIY, Thl' irl, l'I'g- \\ hieh flow into thil~ river. Thi i" r Irs. Tinnc~' and Dori. 'lIrfM~, ularJy :ltlcnd th. :--lJl'inghOI'( thl'> opinion held by one of the ~h~ \\'1\ b(lm .January 1 , 1 GO. JuniOl' hnrl And ~on, _ch~o1. forol1lo t engineering nuthoritie~ Ihe dil ultht r of William and Annn Beulah B rn.nrd Ruth Con net', • • • in lh' ountry, Prof. T. R. Lawson lI~c line and is ~urviv d by one I Reba Ed~val'ds, Jane Fumas and Mr. Ferg:tl ~o n .. h.itetl relalives hl'Rd oC lh civil erlgin~rlng dcLiceaaed Brok•• Ister, ir. M:ary McCune DOllter, 1 • R b in edal'villc Sntul'llny. \>8.1 tment at Rens'duer Polytech· • • • nonn am y. • • • REAL ESTATE nic Institute. The many fTi nd3 f Dr. C. ophol1lorc - Opal l:1('n<iel'scn, Jane ~Q()k ,,1,;ill'll h~'I' l\unL. Dr. The I' port of th Pit burg WPA STARTS CLE AN.UP NOTARY PUBLIC IUmullll will he ony to Il'al'n 'Evelyn John and Mnrgi Gustin. Mal'Y L, ook, and hN' F.i., C1', Mi !i Flood Commissioll rendeTed in his ~ti11 rcmaining .el'iou. y in. Freshmen - Mary Eva I.A!May, Mildred k. 0 \, ('1' Ih(~ \\,Q 'k nd. force of 300 Work.~ PI"O ~ MI'. llndl\Irs. S. H. Shanks~ "'!'!~~~~~~~~~~!!!!""""'!! 1!111d Mil'iam Sh returned tlIonrltly to 1Iichmond 11)12 reconun ndin,r 8 geri s or A f' w from here aU ndcd 111'01 Ludington Rev. G. R, Weavel' is pending::: -- dams and reservoirs along bot.h t..he '" , POll1ona Grang at Wayn sville on Wharton. Indiana \\ here s he i~ a ,tudent • t All egh eny an d tb e Mononga h la Adm~nI trnllon men 11;, busy cle8r- the week in. Columbu . la ~t IIturday. Eighth Grad-e-Frieda Ellis. Earlham olleg. I'ivers, hOld as trul! a solution to- . ing away dcbl'is in Warren county Mrs. Jam es Scammahorn of Troy h'. and ifr. Wm. Lukeru Seventh Grade Jearane • • • 0 ., is !.he guest of h~r son Kenneth lin-y as it did 20 years ago, Prof. IOW1IS hardest. hit hy the flood, Mary Murgtlret Pet er. VUl' fI ntcrt.l\ine d with a card party last Baker, Gene Collet, Bettie Davis. and wife. Lawson declared. Under direction of Armond • aturday night. FUMes Johns and Marion Smith. chool vi ~ ito r ,10nd1\Y. David and J erry Fishe.r have "The expense Ql thL entire pro- Tschan, Works Progress Adminis.. Irs. Lydia Rudduck o~ neal' Sixth Grade Hel n Hisy, • • returned from a visit with lheir ject would oove been I~ than 'p ring Hill spent La t Thur day Jean Hartsock, Ruth Blackford Joan arT of inc innllli, ' a th Ilalllnge cau.sed by the floods tration supervisor, cr w~ are wOI'k gralldparents., Mr. and Mrs. OrB Gradua te Veterinarian I' cning with Mrs. G. M. Ma.cDon· nnd Ellen 'Moss. form r student of Wuyncsvi1J.e., \Vh ich iuu ndated ;Pittshurg last ing in homes, schools, church~, Humphrey, at Hillsboro. aI d and family. Fifth Grade - Donald Watkins visited the ~cho<>1 }'l' iuay. Office Not!tb "'in SL M1'S. Ella Hain eS, a patient in June, and. of CoUl'lIe, many times nnd treets at South L banon, Mor • .. • Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Levicy spent and Wilma Dibert, Millmi Valley Ho~pital is r ported lc~ than the dama,g& which has row and Franklin. last Saturday in Dayt()n and oollcd Fourth Grad& Ruth Anna Phyllis Coll ette, a etuu{' nt at WA YNESVILLE, OHIO resulted from the luesent flood," Chlol'inaiion of well. and cis- to be improving. on It·. Fred Harlan who is in a Joh?s, Ruth Belen LeMay and jMiami Univcr. ity, xford, Ohio he- id. "1 believe if the Pittsburg terms by the erew iI upcrvise d by very serious condition at MiamilJamc~ B\J1·nett. visited fri t nd b in ' uYllesville pI'oject had be~n built and tl1us Dr. Edward Blair, Wnrren ounty Ua. Telephone No. " Vall y hospital. Third Gr~de - Dona!d Brown, Sunday. THE MIAMI CAZETTE held back the waters dra.ining into Health Two w~eks Mrs. L. E. Hockett and daughter Charles Dlbert, Betbe Jones, FOR RESULTS tb Allegheny a' idl Monongahela will be required to complete Lhe 'l Miss~uthj of neJlr Wayne ville, Gladys Rye and Esther Smith. N_ Volumes in Library Tschan said. :;;;~;;~~~~~~;;;::~~~~~~~;;;;;~~ _ ~..!!'~_;~~,~...!!';;;..!!'~_;!!!~_ ;~;;;;;;~;;~-~' called on Mrs. Sadie Reason last . ~ond Grade-- lildred Bourne, Student~ of th e Wayn e ville !'ivers, the Ohio valley would not I' habilitation have experienced the erious fi Sunday. Rlchard Sheehan, ~ommy W/lgner school wi h to thank Irs. Marla flood it has the pa t 10 days. With Li lings of hay, slraw, and -CodThe funeral of Mrs. Cornelia and Ann Weltz. l Elbon for hel' joIifl to our ~chool the gr t amount of water natur- der, as obta ined by the Federal tewart, II< hi.ghly r spected color. First Grade Yvonne Stubbs Jibn\l'y. ],Ir . p'ilbon g ,- us flft en ally draining into. tlhe Ohio, supple ' Liv0StIock Feed Ag ncy, Karllsa" I'd lady, occurred at the Zion Bap- and Norma Longact',e. I volu11\es of the "l,.jl>rary For mcnt d by the llen1'Y flow from ity, Missouri, indicate there is a ti t church 'on Monday afternoon Young P~opl e" and (light volumes these two river, thElre was just too 27 per cent gl'eater supply oC When death occurs, or at any time, our door stapM o,p en and buri1l1 was made in th colored H _ Roll for ' Semeater Qf " of Abl'a m Lincoln.' mlUch watel' to find its way to ea e maool'ials available ,f or t he for friendly couns 1. We are always glad to answer questions grave yard on the Avenue. Senior - Miargie Tinney and via. t he Mis is ippi wll.hout a jam, shipment to drouth taros than and show our beauti'ful funera l borne and our complet.e, modem Rev. Lea er of th' Spl'ingfield, Glenna Woolard. Caesars Creek backing it up and inundating the w available after Lhe 1934 church preached at the Methodis~ Junior - Ruth Conner, Vivian facilities. But particularly at a time of grief, we otfer our drouth. church, last Sunday night. Conner and Jan Furnas. --------~---f riendly counsel. The grie.!-stricken will find unobtruaive We are gl d to report that 1\11'11. Mrs. Mary Tucker i" visiting Freshmen _ Mary Eva LeMay sympathy here and a ready willingness to take the burden of Lytl.~ Ella Haines who has been takel\ to Ba keep in Ohio areas where h r brother, Mr. Clifford South and Carol LUdington. every detail olf sad'dened shoulders. and family of Detroit, Michigan. Eighth, Grad~ - Frieda Ellis. Miami Valley hospital is im proving Keep in mind the free show drou th prev!Lile-d last summ er Mr. and Mrs, P. L. Reason of Seventh Grade - J anne Baker We wi h her a. speedy recovery. with free prize/! at J!.yt:le Hall n xt have been k-eoptieal about prosWsyne ville s pent Tuesday with Gene Oollett, Marion Smith a~d Mr, and Mr. R-alcil(h Bogan Tuesday evening, February 9, pects for 1\ gOOO crop of honey plllnt.s n e,..'(t oSumm r. Fall and hi mother. Mrs. Sadi ReasQn. Frances John.s. were Sunday dinner guellts o,f Mr. given by EVE'retb E lfl.rly. Mrs. W. W. Welch and Miss Third Grade - Donald B'rown, and Mrs. Horace omptoll. M'. Mr . Alice Mill r wa.s quite sick winter rains have somewhat 1m· pt'oved eondltions but thCl' , is Kathleen Gr$ham were Wiltn in g- Charles Dibert and Gladys, Rye. last week with grip .. Compton isn't lIO wcll' again, dfmger that elovcr will be deton vi itol'll Wednt.\d&y. Second Grade A'nn Weltz, Mr. Lut.her Hail1~ has b n con Mr. and Mrs. Harold Whitaker Tommy Wagner and Mildred fined to his home with the flu. atl.ended Pomona Glrsnge at WI8.Y- stroyed by heaving on water·soak.110•• ., Wap••YIJIe t1d soils. LINCOLN DINNER Bourne. Mrs. 'Donald Haines ha al 0 had n ville Saturday. A Lincol:n dinner will be held in lhe flu. Mrs. Olyde Wharton and daughpringfteld on February 10th, AUODdallce The "Wide-Awakes" held their tel', Mis Eva and Mrs. Walter sp onsored by women's Republican The following hav~ neith r reguhU' meeting at tile home of K.enrick were in Dayton Friday. , , - - : - - - - - - - - -......- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . , ; - - - - - organizations in t he 7th District, been absent nor w'dy during tb.e Willnrd Haines, unday night. The latter called 0 '0 Mrs. Alice at wMch the Hon. John W,. first semester: Rev, Mary Antram has b&en on lark at her apartm.ent. Bricker, former Attorn ey General First grade-- Dickie Graham , the sick list. he is b tter now. Mr. I8.nd Mrs. J. B. Jon es have of Ohio, wiU be the principal Reba Gray, William MeKe vel' and Some of OUI' Friends attended llUl'chased t he Dr. Jl-. G. Brock peakeI'. The dinner will be at the Janet Lake. ' the Friend.s Pilgeant at the Way- property hene i~ town. Masonio Templ e at 6 :30. Tiekets Miss Helen Early and Mrs. Ru th Second gnad_Mildred Bourne, n.esville gym, unday night. may be 9btained througb the vari- David Hartsock, George ' HenderRev. and ltlrfi. W, E. Bogan Morgan were Dayton visitors ous county chairwomen of !.he son, John Hen.ry Orndorf, Richard called on Raleigh Bogan and Thursday. di trict. Sheehan, J ohnny Craig, Donna family one ev.e-ning last week. Mrs. Mary Cal;IDony spent SunMae Simpson, Glen Smith, Lillian Ml', anrl Mr. D'Qnald Haines day with relat ives in Waynesville. Stansberry, Homer Smith, Mary and Mr. and Mrs. EmeOlon Sin-\ .Mr. and Mrs. Therle Jon~6 enteol' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ". •• a. Tinney and Earl Thompson. c1air and family were guests oC tamed Mr. a nd Mrs. Edwm Nutt Third grade-- DOl'Othf B erry, the latters grandparent, Mr. and I of Centerville to dinner Sunday. Rosa Lee B:u nn el1, Edith ~ig, Mrs, John Sinclair at Brookville a Mr. and Mrs. Barvey Burnet atHE SAME' PERSONALIZED Lyclia McKeeve r, Gladys Rye, Le- week ag", Sund~y. tended the Dinner dub Saturday ,roy Gwln, Virgil Longacre, Junior Mr. and Mr. Ever tt Haines evening at the hom,e of M,. and SERVICE Smith and Richard Stansberry. and Homer Haine<; and wife have Mrs. J . B. Chapman in Waync.svilJe . ~n vi iting theh' mother, Mrs. Mr. Glenn Brock of IndianapEve.ry year w conduct Hl .... Scibool Operetta Ella Htin cs nt Minmi Valley hos. olis spent the week-end and Monfune1' in every price rangeThe Operetta "Th Sunbonnet pita.!. day with Mrs. Alice Brock and Mrs funerals for those in the most Girl" .by Cleotfrey F . Morgan and Mrs. Nelli Bungell and Mi~s Mary Marshall. moderate circumstan~ and Frednck G. John on, has , been Monjmia called on 1\11'. and Mrs. Mrs. Do\wl~ Hadley, Mrs. Therle fOl' people of wealth. l sch~l Ge orge Bunnell and son, L(lfry of .101l(!S, Mrs. HarvilY Burnet, Mrs. But in every instance t he ,chosen for the . high same expert care, the same operetta. Tryouts Will be beld thiS Cente"(v ille on~ afternoon last Margaret J ohns and Mrs. Walter Henrick Cwel'e Dayton visitors thoughtful attenthm to detail, week and the na'm,e s qt the east we ek. will be. published I1s soon a s poilWord has been receive d of the Friday. , characterizes each service, The birth of' a son to hft-. and Mrs, I Mrs. E. B. , Lon~cre, '¥rs. sible. ()nly difference li es tn the selecWilliam Lee of Ft. McKinley' nt Harvey Burnet and Mrs.' Margaret tion of the merchandise. The ' Per.onaJ. the Good S~tnaritan hosPitai , i n I Johns attended the Garden Club at family alone decides what shall Anna Ho.ak visited Ruth Oollette Dayton. Th. baby has been named the Fl'iends !lome Waynesville be th~ cost of the funeral. in Oxford over the week-end. William LeRoy. The matel'nnl Tuesda y afteraoon'. • grandparents are Mr. , and Mrs. Mesdames Therle Jones, E., B. J eanne Hess returned to school Samuel Surface of Marion, Ohio. Longacre and Margaret Johns after a short illness. ' \V~re Thursday guest3 of Mrs. J. • • J. S. CuLler, Dayton, l' glonal B. Jon es. Drama so real, so human, s~ absorbing that it will linger in your mind Frances Kirkpatrick has return- con ervalor, says that erosion Mrs, C. L. Duke r~n tertalned the t or weeks. It's the story of a young man who believed there \va's a ,fored after being ill tor sevel'al, days. takes 21 times more f ertility fi'om Ladies' Aid at her country home ' PH0N~ 19' tune in the soil .. and who found it! His,own father opposed his moden) , • • Ohi o soils than is rel'llov d by the Wednesday. A covelred dish dinner WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Evelyn' furnna sp'e nt Monday product ion of crops. farming ideas. The father of t he gjrl he loved 'loid him to make gOod was served, hOlLOring th e mentbers



Dr. A. E. Stettler


Friendly Counsel



---'-_- . . --,-

- - -------


.I. E • MoClare



New, Full Length

Talkin Pictures

Regardless of Price

A full eveni ~g of grand entertain· ment for your whole family ... ··FREE

Gym, Waynesville February 12, :7,: 45 POUR -BIG :FEATURES

fLH.STUBBS 3iuuwd JJiIu!cIdl.



and F,e bruary . J~~ ~=~~~~:~~~~~~:=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=:~~~~:~:~;I~~b~daP~b . ~~''''--..,,--

USE pienty of F'r esh Milk --- Its •

the CheapestFood your




We make, early . morning delivery ·and special delivery any time during the day. We pasteurize ••• which is a guarantee of, safety.

Mt. HollY Miss Clara Daughters sp ent Sunday with Mr. Ernest Earnhart and family. Mrs. Minnie Mailatt and Mrs. Emerson Dill spent :F riday "'v.m lln ... ·' in Dayton with Mrs,. Etta Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Ray' Davis and son , of Washington C. H~,M:r. and Mrs , Bruce HeItman and Mr. and Mrs. I Lynn Marlatt of Dayton spent ! Sunday wIth Mr. and Mrs. George Marlatt. MI'. and' Mrs. Clar,e nce Crawf ord and children spent Sunday afte,rI noon with Mr. and Mrs. Henry IBurg,ess and childre,n of Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. Nonnan Kesinger of Cincinnati, spen;; Sunda.y wit h Mr. Ernest ~rnhar1; and family. Mr. Charles Crawford of Cine in nati spent the past week with Mr. Clannce Crawford and family. Mr. and Mrs. Emenon Dill and Son Ralph had ,callers from Xenia TueBday ~veni118. Mr. and Ml'I.. Erwin Smith enter tained at a dinner Sunday in honor ot little dRupter Judith Ann. preaent were Mr. and Mra. Smith, Mr. Clarence aM Hi.. Louise Smith.


Hr. and lin.

Dalq,, rm Ph... IIbl


and .on DoIUlIe of ,lJaJta,n week-end with


II. S"PbeD&. ftI Hal. . . .



first. Row he brought the old farm back to fertjlity and profit . . how he convinced his father . . and won his bride .. makM an , inspirlng story for everyone who seeks the treaaure in his 6wn soil. It's 'clean. , wholesome' .. warm .. amusing.


An: amazing trip through the giant mill!! where steel ' is made and Iorme.d into wire. See great open hearth furnaces gobble up 1415 tons of scrap and pig iron .• and pour it forth In a flaming molten ,stream. See' 5,000 pound white-hot ingots of steel rolled and ,formed into billetS •• into rods, and finally into' wire for fence; barbed wire, nails, staples aDd other products. '


Those clowning, singing, fast·t'p.laying start'! of Radio that you',v e been hearing and enj oying on '~he Keystone Barn Dance parties .. funDier, -l)eppier t han ever in this brand new " talkie". See them! Hear them!

ANIMATED CARTOON COMEDY . rollicking comedy to delight childreD bring laughs to everyA





Free AdmisBion Children must be


to fanqers. laDd ownen, their families aDd


by adulta.

Shown by Courtesy of the KeyatoDe Steel " Wire Co., Peoria, BUaola

Eighty-Ninth Year





Whole Number 626(\


Hand Ball Champion hip at Lebanon, February 20 at 2 :30 p. m. Singl 8 and doubl 8. .I tarveysburg, Waynesville, Franklin and Lebanon will comp ~te. All boys interested plea e enter at the Wayne Townsbip House, with Spri•• bcwo Wi.. b., 35 to 27 CLarence Stepp or Mary Allen . Boys 0 any age can compete. Score, Carlial. Lo... 13 R. P. Williams, Supervisor.

To CraDdmoliherai TreuurJ' H ... BaJa.nce of ,178.74

110 23

The basketball teams of the Waynesville junior and senior high had a bllSY week-end'. They 'Played Springboro Friday nieht befo're an overfloW! crowd. The sidelines :were


, E. C. CraM is confined to bed suffering with flu.

moved and in toin accommodate the crOWd, exciting moments tM referee bad bis hands full try • - .= Ing to n'lak-e deCisiona and keep the Mr. and Mnr. E. C. Crane and crowd from the ftoor at the some d.aughter Nancy and MI s Sue time. &th local teams lost to Cran~ visited relatives in CincinSpring~ro, the junior high 28.8 nati, Monday. while the senior high score 35-27. Benny Furnas, young SOn of Saturday night the ienior .high Mr. and Mn. Robert Furnas is in wu more fortunate and won 28- McCle llan 'hospital, Xenia, rccoverl!,lut again the jUnior high lost ing from an operation for appendi- , t~ time 16-12. citi . The Springboro game was "any Mr. and Mrs. John Post, ot I bOd~' ball game" during mo&t of SpTingfield, and Mr. Howard ttie pme but In the last quarter Rhoads., of Hillsboro, were Su nday , Sprineboro beean to pull away. eveningg guests of Mr_ and Mrs. Our Junl6~ hleh never "rot ' Roger Brown. started." Mr. &TId Mrs. Ralph Linn and The Carlisle game was in favor ot'Wayneaville mOlt of the game. daughter Dale, sp.ent last weekThe junior high ,arne was not e nd with relatives in Indiana. Mr. Meided until tbe closing moments. Linn's father t'eturned' with them for a brief visit. The lineups:

L. M. Henderson WBS a busine ! visitor in Cincinnati, Tuesday. Mrs. Harvey Rye wa.s h ostess t( the Argunot bridge club !.his aftcl nQon. Mrs. Cordia Truax is in a seriouE condition at the Good Samaritan hospitul, Dayton.


W • .,...Y1110 S. H.

B l)avjl ., .. " ...... .. .............. Ii

F 3

Eanlhart ....................... B


S.tterthwaite .... ...... .... Boger .......................... LeMay ........................ Donohoo ............ .......... Clary ............... " ...........


0 2 1 0 1

Charles James has accepted a poeition in D. R. Smith's groC'&ry, 18 succeeding .Dean Hawke. who , re igned to take employment at 2 the M. A. Fulkerson filling tation " .2 Mr. H. H. Williamson and famUy and Mrs. , I. O. Brown at

Mrs. Maria Elbon . and M1s~ Belle O'Neall wen dinner guests of Mrs. L. H. Gordon, Tuesday. , Sherman Tinney, who underwent an appendicitis operatio at t.he Good Samaritan hospila~ in Dayton, is said to be recoverln . g Mrs. Russell Wilson entertained a group of friends at cards tbis afternoon, honoring her si.ste-r-inlaw, Mrs. Herbert McMillan, a recent bride.



°° ° °o


Next short cours\! to be offered by Ohio St.a.te University's colleg of agriculture is that [or canners, on lo'eb'ruary 18-1Ii. Enrollment i~ fr e. State and federal bureaus of market are coopera, with tbe university's department of hortiMarch Seasion Will Be Dedicated culture.





Mrs. Flossie Carey, Mrs. Effie Smith, Miss Lucy Emley and Mr. Chester Carey spent Sunday at tbe horne of Miss Berthal8.nd Mr. Wal-

The regular monthly m~eting of the Wayne Township Mothers' Club was held at the grad.e building Friday a!ternoon, February 5 "America the Beautiful" WIUI sung with Mrs. M. D. Baird lead· ing. The devotional period was in charge of Rev. G. C. Dibert who gave an inspir4ltional talk, praiaing the work of the club and di... cussed some of the problema faced by parents in rearing children. The treasurer reported a balance of $176 .74 on i»lnd. The flower box ' was won by Miss Rardin's room and the picture was awarded to Misa Mc.Kinse y'a room. The chairman of the grade lunch committee reported that 8 dozen mall serving cupa were neened. Tbe president named Mrs. R. . Conner, Mrs. M. D. Baird and Josie Whitaker as a com,.. mittee to pu~ch~se an oil stove for the grade bull.cllng. Announcem~nt was mad,e th&t the Much meeting' will be dedicated to the grandmothers and the club extends a very cordia] invi~ tion to all grandmothers. The program for the afternoon was opened with a solo by Mr. Russell Frank. The fourth grade then presented the foUowillj': Welcome, by Bonnie Peters; a short play in commemoration of

2 tend-ed the fQlIeral of Mrs. Harold ter Carey, nea.r Utica. Washington!s birthday; piano 10]0 Willi mson's mother, Mrs. William . ' Mrs. Lena Hartsock, of the Raylyn Crabbe; recitation, Jac:k Totals .................. ...... 11 5 27 Hilgeman, in Dayton this afterFriends' Home, has received a I Crane; recitation by four boys, in Spru..boro S. H. noon. Mrs. M'a.ry Amanda Norton, card, from her cousin, Mrs. Wesley I honor of J;.incoln'l birthday; plano M...tera :............. .. ........ , 1 9 The Ladiea Aid of the Methoclist ' aged 73, wife of William Norton, Stuck, nee Mary Kindle, who with solo, Rutha.nna Johns, the proS'wal~67 ........ .. ............ 6 2 14 church will have a valentine party died at her home in Corwin Monhel' husband was in the 'flood gram closing with a BO~ by the (Continued On Pqe 4) at the home of Mrs. Phil Larrick, The Ht\-p py Hour club m~ Tues- day, February 8, following an The stockholders of the Wa.y- district of LouisYille. Mrs. Stuck entir~ gr?up. . Thursday, Nov4!moor 18. 'l'his will day afternoon at the home of Millness of six years. ~.,. B ' d h h b I.d h I n-esvi' 11 e F armers'Exc h ange C0., wrote that they lost eve.rything I FollOWIng adjournment refteBh.. be an all-dllY .;Ufair with 11 covered Edith Gons. elll es er us at s e eaves. . ' . but the clothes they were wearing. ments were served by )41'8. Geol'le dish dinner at noon. Th t' " d b t- one daughter, Mrs. Vern Armitage Will hold theIr annual meetmg Otherwise they were all right. P terson, Mrs. Ross Planck, Mrs. . Horace Shaner, Mrs. George Gillie mee Ing opene y repea one sister, Mrs. Eber Hollings- Tue.sday. at the Gran&,e hall, with The 'Woman's Auxiliary of St. ing the club creed. Roll c~1J follo;W- worth, and two granddaughters. dinner at noon. , Mrs. Edith M. Herris and Mr. land, Mrs. Sam Meredith, Mra. Funeral services wilre conducted Harris Mosher entertain d a George Henderson and lira. Mary's Episcopal church will meet ed, the members respondmg Wlth . f Li I An interesting program has been at The Little Inn Friday, Febru- saymgs 0 neo nand Washing- at the McClure Funeral Rome group of friends at dinner at The George Mills. ary 12, at 2 o'clock, with Mrs. ' ton. Due to so much Illness . ~nly Wednesday afternoon and burial a rranged and a fuli attendance Is Little Inn, on Sunday in honor I • ••- - Emma H. McClure all hostess. A fifteen members and two VlSltOrs was made in Miami cemetery. expected. The Farmers' EleV'ILtors of Rev. and Mln. J. J. Schaeffer I ~~ FERJlY CHURCH OF CHRtST fu11 attendance is desired. were ,present. - - - -.. of the state are continually extend- of Dayton. The invited guesta Lft.J.l Mrs. Nellie Bunnell and Mrs. Mrs. Martha Jane :Miltenberger, their were Mr. and Mrs. Schaeft'er, ·Mrs. I Carl SmIth. IIlnWer M'rs. Pryse COngletOn 01 Har- Elsie Hoekett ",.ere appointed as 90 years old, passed' away at t!he ing services and theiJ; D. L. Crane, Mi Annie Browne, 1 PelTJ Thomas, Sapt. or Bible and Mrs. Eliza Mc' the flower committee for the year home of her &on, F. H. Miltenberimportance to their communities is rison, Ohio Seltool conu~ Of. near O;xford are guests and the places for meeting were ger, on last Thursday evening. beinjf recognized as ~ver b~ore. ::'aM~:i~h::y~wne and Mi~s Bib]. Sehool at 1:80 a. Dr. I of then sl~ter, Mrs.,. John . Treadread and approved. There, being Mrs. Miltenberger's :funeral was Our local company has shared in Communl"n. 10 :41S .. Ilk way who IS slow]y Improvmg a.t no further business the meeting held at Springboro 111. ' E. church the success of this t' The birthdays of Mrs. I • H. The Junior class p ay entitled Preaellinc•• 11 :00 .. m. her home on North strEoet. was turned over to Miesdamee Monday afternoon, Rev. G. C. . coopera Ive Stubbs, Mr. Ralph Hastings and "IntimaLe Enemies," written, by Dibert, officiating. SlJie lea.ves two movement, which has grown to be Mr. W. E. Stroud were celebrated "'AYNEaVlUE CHURCH OF Mr ,Ira. O. Brown r turned Jennie, Adria and Sara. Bradthe Tom Taggart will be preeented by home Saturday from Miami, Flor- dock who presented the following sons, Edward, of Eaton, Ohio and ,much largest cooperative at t he home of Mr and Mrs Stroud the Junior Class in the High IICbooI , CHRIST 'd h much enJ'oyed program: . Frank of lIear Lytle :; 10 - grand business in the Btate. Tuesday night. A covered dish ""m on February 18 anA, 19. The Car] Smith, IItnIatft I a, w ere she spent the past eight d' h"" .. weeks with her sister, Mrs. Paul Song, "Batt]e Hymn of the Re. children, 12 great gT-andchildren, - - -• Ulne'!' was enjoyed by t e fol- play will be given by two separate Not A Deomblation Hauk. Mrs. Bro'\ill'n wears a good public," by the entire group. and one great , gr~t grand lowing: Mr. and M. · A. casts of ten cbar.acters ueb. 9 :80, Bible aehooL coat of tan and has sev Ml fI b "Village Blacksmith"- Fanny child. A useful' life closed, a Fulkerson, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. The .story the play developa is a 10 :46. Lord'a Supper. stories to tell. Satterthwaite. good friend gone, Wt~ 'can truth. Stubbs, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. very reyealing o~. Life with 7 :p. m •• ChriattaD Endeavor. A poem of Wasbington, Re ba fully say, of Grandilla MiltenberAnderson, Mr. and Mrs. Will St. fst her, father being Atnnortb 7 :45, E't.aqetiatlc aervleea. A re~ption was held at the Braddock. ger. John, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Larrick, Alcott is a. revolting 8Qrt of exi.. W~y, '7:45 p. m., prayer home of Mr. Jo eph McMillan, Reading; Miss Betty Oglesbee. M'r. and Mrs. Ralph Ha tings and tence. This is what Rhoda and and bible .tad7. Sunday af\;ernoou, for Mr. and A debate, "Which man was the Funeral services for Mrs. Mattie The Friendship Club of the M. Mrs. Clarence Mlllmsberg. Ronnie Alcott discover when WAmSYaW It. E. CHURCH .Mrs. Herbert )lcMillan, nee He]en greater, Lincoln or Washington?" Williamson, who died Sunday at E. Church met WednEoSday after· ' romance tries to creep into their '' ere tl her home iii Scottdale, Pa., · were MRS. ALICE McKINSEY DoW~dY' A '"4"0,h1' "k .~ G. C. plbert. PaltOr drel~e~ . Y A story of eaj:h, .~Linc.oln and held in the Ferr'; Ohllll'ch of Christ noon at the borne of Mrs. Ralph PASSES AWAY WEDNESDAY lives through the. personalitilS' ot: at . 9 .<>.. 0 man .. Ie . t o o 00 a .e lC10US j Washington, was ac ..... d out bv H a8~ings. 1 Giles In-am and Alice Forbes. .... d ...... "", . Su-"-Y ..... -bool _ " club W d _.1 ft " B " I with a goodly ' number i>f ,,S..... ,', a. m. .MlonIlnc worship at 10':40. ,lunch was served: to the bnde and Imembers. . i; eN::;:~, 8Ky~rnOol~. urla was members and guests prelent. Mrs. Lydia Alice McKinsey, Not that they are poor. The' T'" .el'DllOn subject will be, "Th& groom . ' tbeir parents and other A, "Cutting down the Wl-.1~W of Henry McKI' nsey, dl'~'" Alco~t.s are t he richest people in 11 i all " 1ud.,.,. _.0 Mrs. Williamson was a form.eJ' Durin.,. ' "'" "'" Middlesboro and Ainsworth ia the; Supremaey ' of Charaeter and reIa tives, fort •• J- ve. n . c herry tree,cone the pro...,. th e regu l arbU81n_ Wedn~"a . b t 9 '.30 --- d h ] b d' ed resident of Ferry, wl~en her 80n, . h ""'" Y morning a ou ,. ~Iiliolt;" Evenina .emu at 7 :30 gram an t e c u .a Journ to meeting t e club voted to send at her borne in Corwin. town s leadmg banker. ~ut aomeo'At...... FARM MOYIE SHOW meet the second Tuesday in March Clwster A. WllIinmson, was money to the lWd Cross for ftood ,,_ M K ' no b how he cannot soo hIS family ,..,..... th h f M M Ra b millister-in-charge oj! the Ferry relief. -.... c msey w.... a mem er h . . -. Wednesday. On Wednesday CIVEN AT LYTI.E e ome 0 rs. ary m 0, and Wr.ynesyille . brancheS of the of one of the moat prominent e.nd aVln.1r any fun a.t all. Ria wife, evaDhI&' ot a.qt week we wtll ' ~th ~ab_~l WilSdOD , Mn. Fan- Church of Christ. The program consisted of several highly respected famili(!j! in War- Luncmdia. has Ion&, lince become participate In a National FellowThree hundred people enjoyed DIe ettert w...te an Mrs. J enn ie atunUi and games pertainin&, to ren county, a daughter of the l&te ~erelY an echo of Ai~orth. Hle M1'8. Amy Z. W0r14~, 70, died at St. Valenti~e'8 Day and cauted Joseph and Mary Nedry, of Leb- Idea of a goo~ time is an ship dinn.... 80 tar' . . potIIlbl.. the enterta.i mnent of talltlllg pie. Davis in charge o~ the prorram. eTt17 Church in Kethodlim -wUI tuna at Lytle Hall, Tuesday e'Ven. l . During the SOCIal period delic-, her home, near 1I0~row, Monday, lots O.f memment for the club. anott.. She 'h ad been an invalid for at. home readmg a chapter of talc. p..-t"in .thll unique servi~. in&" giv.en. by Everett Eluly, the 10ullrefreshmentB were sefV'ed by foll~v.:ing a short ilLness of pnwDamty refreshments served by leveral uwnt.hs, having suffered a Dickens aloud to the aaaembled We Will cOme to...tber ·at 7 o'clock l~cTahlgraif· n de6ler.! t ,. tb~ ___ . monia. She was the lwife of Zim- tvhe] cotm\ mithtoo 'caqiT ' h ed f out the broken bip In II> fall at ber home I household. It ill durina one of Bri", a eoV*NCl dlah, ~dwtehes · " e our big e~ures were: . ri O. Worley, promi.J~ent Warren a en. ne t em~. ere reshment last MIlY. . tbese bleak New England winter and table ..mee. After the meal HooBier ..Bot Sho~, of the . Keycounty farmer, to whom she was ~rnmlttee conslsted of ~ f~llow. Surviving are two daughtel'S, evenings that "dear-departed" therewill .b• • devotiollal perlod:lltone Barn Dance, a cartoon com· married In Decembelr. 109 members, Mrs. Garlt, Mra. I. N. Harris, of Dayton, and Aunb Christie arrive.. A the alntiDI of W. _ey hymnl and ~, for .the little f?,uu; an inter- \ Hathaway, Mrs. Crane and Mrs. Mite Henrietta IIcKln8&Y, super- woman" of the tbeater, sbe tIOGD ahort talb on the relationabip ot -e,tlna tnp through Modem Steel CEORGE W. PRA1T Stubbs. viso f ' h ] t A -hta- establishes hers&lt as the ftM W' !\til" n.d h d • - • r 0 prunary sc 00 s a s · . b' to to · UN It the Chum to the world. There !n ' .u:e . II j a II ' t e rama . bula, Ohioj and one son JosepiJ, of PAe]rsot~ 111 N1St tharYt h "talE)' 10 ..... ~ will be a abort .Heeill aDd time of H1dd e~ T reasurera. . ~orge W. Prat.t, 86 yean old, )(011'0"', Ohio. ' I co....~ e .. t .....p]1t)' for the children. AtD:8D we Car} ,F isher, a fat:m e, heTe, w'On James Follen,bellned to be the retired fanner, died here Sunday Full.era]servicC6 will be held ~t good grace, in fact, CbristI. and will tUM In lor a world the first prise of 20 rod' of Red 'oldEst court bail1tr in Ohio, was afternoon following an U\~ of 1!h McCI Fu al H Satur her daughter, Adoree, are o~ . bro&4eaat by E. Staliley Jone, Top fene,e. ;A 'number oj retired fJ;om the Common Pleas one week. . da; Burial ' out ot .. and re-order'M. will livehla .farewell acl'dreIII other 1IJIIal1 pria.. wer. giv~n. Court, Lebanon, ' Tuesday IIr. Pratt was born at Roxanna win be mad-e in Miami cemetery. and or"",... qal,?' but they . Ita,)" fore II8iUq for 1... ' , The second croup of Ladles' Aid Judge Cha.rles Dechant. and lived almost his entire life In __ • . on, setting t hIn,. In .cmt.. Tband.,-:. o.n Tburada, 'of of Lytle church, nette~ a good Follen is 86 }'ean ·old aDd this community. The members of the "GOOD CROOMlNG'~ whether he wanta it or DOt. TIaIa weelr TIle Ladl..' Aiel SOllet.y will !lum selling hOIllll! made candy and been 'biillift' for 46 14!U8. On September 8, 1881, he was Women's club enj4)yed a confliet of the two with' lin. LarrIck. Tbis "wm pop com. Startina his career in the married to Ida, F. Graham, who meetiq Tuelday ,v8llin~ T~ subject "Good Grooming" Christie's humorous ad loYable: be aD dq meetiq and you • - • of J. Milton Clark In 1892, Follen preceded him in death December ary 9th at tile Little Inn. M.r. will be diseull8ed at the Grange Alcott's, cold and forbldcHqa ... ~ to b~ • f,lOTered dilb INJURIES FATAL TO baa aerved ut\cMr Judge WUlard 16, 1929. To this anion' wu bom Kennett of Frarlklln, Obio, -pro- Hall, Wednelday afternoon, Feb- brinlll lnto belq a v-adoaa ....chricll.. u4 'taII!e Iftriee. PRANItLIN MAN ud the presellt on. dauehter, Mn. Edward OOok. Y1chd the entertalnme:nt for the ruary 17, at 2 o'clock. dralll6 of elllDtio,n:,... . . Ant _ _ _~. Judp Dechant. whl) with his two cranddaupters, club. He preseDted a croup of Sponaored by the Extension " Obriatie ftnda romaD. . . . ...... IT. IL\&Y-I CHURCH Beuon P. Blair, 67 years old, Follen weI ODe of the lin. CArl Frye and lira. Kobert ' I'ranldln matdciaDa, who dlUCbted Home Ecollomies department of the handy-man, who WIll .... . . FInt SudQ lD Leatt F.bruary bualDeu man of FrankliD·, died ol'Camserl of the Lebanon 0."'1, one lII'eat. trJ'IUIddauahter,\ their audience with voca] .elec. O. S. U., the local leadeN wU] hood sweetheart, the aadleDe. 14 PnJer uul MtmOD .. hOlpital in MldctlRoWD, inC and Loan AaaoelatioD, Judy Davia, and olle brother. ..... tiua. IItaa Jtouma~ and be M'n. Morrie Fulkerson and Mrs be CODYbIe. . thAt it fa .i..... • Jte~ Karl N,biMh bl ....... • eveDiDa' from. inJIlriea as a director two ,.an~. Be Itkl Piatt. BIOWD IUIC solos ud chaeta aecolD Karl BodlDbMlder. very be • aD automobile aoetdent at and lin. FOU.D· are the oldest Fualral..mcea wen 1,." a' palded bJ lliu IkClaln at the .. Max Bt.pbeaa ~d I'nDk ....., n. AUGUnum CIIUIlCH lID. JanuQ la. oollple llWIa ill Lebanon.. the Stubhl F1na.ral BOIM .,....' pluo. While abopplnc w.ood plq the JUt AlaI... '" . . . . . ....... . . . . . B. wu head 01 til • SJIvul J..... LeNDo" . , aftenaoon, ....... O. 0. o..t' •- • LarrJ lbown, who lIT.. Dear the t,rIa...... QIJ"~ . . . . .. ... A.g tllln Le~ lee ucI <loU tiamed to I1loceed FolleD as baIIUr, oeelatbw Bv.rIal . . . . . Sa' 011 tile WarnenU" aDd Alcotl'a . . ... I'NaIdla. u4 . . .... IlIami ...... , . tile ...... 0I1Q tat.IIer...... LJtle roacl, out toe so becIl, ~ .. ......lIItII • w.u • h .. _ ........ W....... __ t. 8ft tllat aaIIPQtatiOD .... G. Da.t toe . JIr. ~ fa In
















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tion bE given by ward unll IlU"g1\rc\. W, Edward, 1 R; Columbus Blank Book Mfg. In\ mattH' it i ' 0)\'11 luI that jury he imp"n, ('0., del. sheet" for audil.or, '10; IJr thr estate 01 flul ror Fdll'uar), 16, HI37. lit Tfl(.' Offic ' Outfitters, typewriter ceo ed, thl' eouri 10 a. m, cOVQr for auditor, ,1.25; Her~ch I uctual market Thu PI'I1 III !I' DuihlhlJt Lo nand F, JamC's, r(.'pairing car for ualer which might be to tax is ~n\'i nl!'s Co. of L banon v;;. Will· of weight and ltlcasur'es, $9.39; $2,645 .03. It is O~'dered that ad· i m G. l{Rnt'nhan (\IIU Anna Maria L. K Pence, I't'pair radiator on Probate! Court ssoc ialion is granted. tlix ~tI fiI~d . judica tion and d te-rminati on be Ilnnrahan, c e di~mibsed, costs ... ealel' of w i~hta and meaijurf'rs Nora E. Tenney, . ecutrix of the Tn t ht> matter of the c~tl\te of given by mail. paid, no record. I car, $2.50; Foxbowet· gal'8g"e, re.· In th metter of t.h csta~ ot l' tate of The-odore J. Teaney, d - Ed\I{I.rd M. D(·orduff. d eeoased, The following accounts were ap In the 'case of Tht1 Minmi Valley pairs for sealer of welghta and Mary L. Ru~ell. d c a. d, it is 01' c as d, va. Nora E. T nney. t he proof uC publication of notice of proyed, alJowed and confirmed by Building and 'Loan As 0 illtion of measuren ear, $2.86: Baldwin's Franklin Ohi o v~. May Gcpnart, et l Ohio ode ervioe, 8ubscripti(ln .11'11'11 th 1. of trn- plainlt ff i. order d lo ReJl the "sec· the flppoilltm nt of Ru.~elJ Denr. the court. The firsL and final account of aL, judgment to plaintiff from t he to Baldwin's Ohio Code, $9.BO; t Ion 1 i ut)d to Elinn Thol11'P$on . anA tract" of rea l e. tat in the dofT n~ adm iostl'otor \\11 fllct!' hankie, eX(,l'utol' of thc Iildrcd ,Co urn, executrix of d f nd~nl, May G\ phar!, in sum The ol-umbus Blank BO(l k Mfg. In Ih matt I' of lhe (lstat ot tate. ,LIllI? of nor Wolr, decca ,'eI filed th state of Ed. S. Conklin, de- of $1666 .20. 0. , inhetltance tax receipts $2.15 M 1'y L. Ru' II, dce d. Au tin In the ma.t.t r f th ·~t.ate The ca e of R. S. Avis v~. The I·'. J, Heel' Pl'fntin g 0. , certificate ,'h cit ta" ,ta!nley (10k nnd Frank I. Ruddurk, dece d, iii is hi'! liNt. final lUld distl'ibuLi"e 4('- cea ed. The fir t and /llnnr ae ount of OtLeTbein Hom e a corpo r'alion duly of full paYnl>ent of tll.x~'S tOt· P rry ED ton a,r e appo inted aI'- ordered t.hat lett(' or admini trn- count.. Frank II. M[lunt. 3dmini~trtltor Louie N. Settlemyre, ndministra- ol'gllnized unli ex isting 'under the lreasurel', $2; Everybody's ffice tlmisCl'8. tin!) be is ued to Lydia 111 Rudduck of lhc (':itut of Edward . Huff, h'!x of the -estate of Fr ances A. 11I\\'8 of the State of Oo,io bas bee n Outfitters, equipme11t and MU llplies In th Illott r of th st te of Fr~d Hag III yer, J ohn George f ully seWed and dismi' d wi thout for treasure t', $39.30; Co l. Bl a.nk (I 1<'. Nobl , d CC8.!l d. t.he ep rt and 01 ma n )lcGowRr werc up- n nn, d~('{'tI:d, fill J his · fil' , t ~nd Nickleson, dec!las. d. The firllt and final account of r cord; co ·ts paid . Mfg. Co., 2 cal ndar pad fillers for I f th BOministratQ'r . harles S. pointed appraiser in the eslatA.' of lil1ul nCCO\lnt. In th matter of the csts of Harold M. Benham, administrator In the cas of Frances Gabbat'd prosee uting attorney $1.65 Haynes " "win, w 'approved. Frank I. Rudduck, dece sed. T erraneI' A. lIlc han, dec a .0, it of the estate of Alex Ludlum, de- vs. Grover Gabbard, servic by Publis hing 0 " B n y's I ns. &. In ih~ matter of the estate of In the matter of the estate of , pub lication is\ OTde l' d. Neg. Law ,fot· prosecuting attorne D vid l>. a.rnahan, deceR ed, the Lizzi Murt'oy, Ii ceas d, it is 01'- ill onlcl'ed lhat u cerlifiCJIte of ceased, lransfer be i!\Sued. The first e.nd final account of In lhe case of Th State of Ohio '0 ; Blanks-Baldwin Law Pub. Co., application .of Minnie Carnahan, dered thoat t.he inv ntor,y of Robert In lhe maW: r of the e ta te of Harry Z. Gray, administraror of . Eddie Hilt, he pleaded guilty, ubscription to Baldwin's Ohio G,ldministratrix, t.o s ttle a claim R. ROSCT, admini stra tor, be liParah E. Mnn~('r, u(lCi.aspd, it is, the -estate 01 Lizzie Drnk.c-, decens- w~s fin ed $150 and eosts and Ute Cod~, $9.80; MiIler.Bryant8~ainst The Columbus Dispatch proved. ordered that the inventory be aped. liquor WoIIS turned over til cOllnty Piel:ce Co., ribbons, 2{)0 sheets -====:;:======~=~~. It lIdC.f Trav I Ae ident. Insutl1Twe In th~ matter of the estate ~r prov d. The first and final account of D. home and childl'ens' home 'for cat'bo n for proseoutin~ attorney, --ln ~hc mutler of Lhe e late or E. Heywood executor of the estate me-dical pUl'poaes. $17 ; The Book hop, calendar Harry Monger, dec a, cd, it is or- of Myrn Bowyer, deceased. M . L' pad, 60c; Th e Columbus Blank del'ed that th inv('ntory be ap. The se cond and. final accou nt of ,anlago leenle. Book Mfg. 0., forms for prooote of th estate Calvln O. Augspurg(.'r, t eacher t q,1:"!) 26' R H J ff . I Loul' S Null ,exeAutor I ,, ~ of Hamilton, Ohi, and Freda CO Ul' , '1''', , • • e ens, prove<. I n lhe matter of the estate of of E. A. Null, d~:eased. C ok f F kl' Oh' fOM, $G; OIan Persl y, food, $4.L ui . Z chcr, dccclt ed proof of The first and final account of 0 e 0 ran m, 10. 60. publication oC notice of the ap· Howard S. Conover, executor of Real Eatato Tran.fer. pointment of Chus. F Class M ad- t he es tate of Emma E. Decker, deJ ennette Assum to Howard P. ministrntor of tht! tate was fiJe-d. ceased. Alisum, 1'eal eslate in th ll Village I I n lhe,matter of the estate of The first and final account of of Mort'OW and in th e ity of Nor, '1 Lizzie Munay. deceased, proof of Dean E. Stanl~y, executor of the wood. H ving decided to quit farming, \ , 1 publication of I'IOtice of tbe ap- estate of Ella T. l)t.a.nley, deceased' W. A. Hll.lI S<' to Claude Wilso n, I will e ffel' at public auction ab poil,tment f Robert Roser, as In the matter of the estate of reru tale in tbe village of Buttler my residence, kno\vn <as the Wm . 1 Hay farm, 3 miles east of Corwil) administrator of t he e. tate was Ira M. Syfert. 'dec:eased, it is -order ville and in Hatlen township. laude Wwon and Loretta Wil, o'n the- Corwi n Roxanna road , filed. ed that the inventiOry be approved. In the matter of the estate of In the matter of the ~tate of son to W. A . liBuse, 10!) acres and commencini at 10 :80. ~~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " Ithe, d ce ed, pI'oof of Lida M, Kay (Eliza Kay), deceas- 2 poles of land in Hamilton town, publication of notice of the ap- d, it is ordered that the inven· h'Ip. WED., FEBRUARY 17, 1937 pointment of harles §. Irwin a s- tory be approved. Ida May Sibcy to Juler K. Sibcy 7 HEAD OF HORSES- Black In the matter of the ~ttlement and WalJace D. Sibcy, 380 acres in Horse, 6 ycars old, weight 1660; ad mini trDtor, was filed. In the matter of Lhe estate of of the estat& of Silvin Keeman, de Turtl creek townsh ip. 1 Bay Hone, 10 years old', weight n l< urnmings, d ceased, proof of ceased, amount oJ Inheritance tax In t matter of hte estate of 1660; 1 Bay Horse, 10 years old, "THE HOME OF CIFTS" J)ublicati on (If notico of t he liP- determined. Terrance A. Meehan, decallscd, weight 1660 ; 1 Pair Black Mares, pointmont of Harley C. CUmmings W. ,Chestel:' Ma'ple, ex~utor of real estate in Franklin township 7 years old weight 2800. These Lebanon, Ohio a. administra tor (1f the estate was the estate of W. F. Eltzroth, de- to Wm. E. Meehan, Dwight Mee~ horses a re sound and good t1Ied. ce.a~ed filehd his second account han, Inez Black, and Ruth Marsh worker: . 1 Black Gelding Colt, 10 EXPERT WATCH REPAIRING In th mat.tcr of t he estate of Wit vouc en. all. month$ old; 1 Spott d Pony, a real Enll Frances Winner, deceased, .Wi~lianl G. Cr~.mer filed his apJ . Berne and Elizabeth A. Jones family pony. proof of publication of notice of phcatr.on for the Ilppointment of a to Ross A. Rowland, SO actes in 4 HEAD OF COWS _ 2 COWB U.ia. C ••• I........... the appoill~~e nt of DeWitt Win- guarduln . of the ~er on ~nd estate Wayne town hip. giving good flow of 'milk, T. B. Prompt Service ncr a.s a dmlmstrator was filed. of Emma HardWIck, an mcompet. Elizabeth !.Owe, deceased, to tested; 2 Jersey Cows, to freshen Store ope" until 9 p. 1Il., In the matter of the estate of nt person. George Beck lots numbers 44 45 abo.ut day of sale, one 7 'years old, Pearl Eulass, dccl).ased, saJe of dia In the mat~er of the estate o·f and 46 in the ViUage of Sp;ing- one five. Anna M;ayne, decI~ased, it is order bora. 33 HEAD OF ROGS-3 Brood mond 'ring wa.s approved. In the malLer' of the cstate of ed that the inventory be 6pproved. Elizabeth Srowe, deeeruted, to Sow ,to farrow about April 1-; 30 In the matter of the estate of Curtis B Beck real estate- in Shoats, 3 months old, all in good Peal'l Euln s, dece-a!<ed, C. C. EuA.k for a las, exe utor of the estate was 0'1' ~i~a M. ICay (Elb:a Kay) deoeased G.lC8rcre~k to~ship. shape. ONLY del'ed to sell certain stock of the It 19 ordere~ that the ~hedule of Emma T. March t.o The Lebanon FARMtNG UIPLEMENTS-- 1 , Miami.burr Permanent estate. debts be approved_ Citizens National Bank Lebanon McCormick-Deering Manure Spre- ' More tJian a .million reader.s throughout the Concrete country read PATHFINDER regularly for • • 111 the mlltter of the.~11 of Car· In th.e ~tter of ~e .estate of Ohio, real e tate In Le b~non, Ohi~L 8der, good as new' McGormick. i a complete, tlmely and unvarnished digest Air S••1 Burial Vault Ie W . Allen, decca ed, It l S ordered E. E. BIxby, decealted lt IS ordered , Deering Sulky Breaking Plow 16 ' of the news. Are you overlooking somethat the Mid wl1\ be filed in this that Mary W. Biltby, exeeutrix dis Bill. Allowed inch' a McComlick~Deering For Sale onli by thing? Today. economic and political affairs are at their court. . tribu~e propellty in kind to Mary Stakal~ Mig 0., rec~ipts tor Plo~s, 1 row, good as n ew; Buck.topsy-turviest. lllvery new tt1,rn of events is apt to affect In th e matter of t he adoption of W. BIxby. , proba,te Judge, $13.60; Mlller-B,\,y- , eye Disc Plow, good as new; Your Funeral Direc:to~ your pocket-book. Everyone's asking, "What's It all about, and how much Is it going to cost me'!" Betore you Corbin Howell, William H. Cow. ' Lucy N. Murrell, executrix 'of ant-PI erce Co., carbon fa probate ' Double Disc Harrow horse power' can answer that Question you must be able to interpret gill fil cd his p tition for leave to the estate of Edwin B, Murrell, de cou.rt, ,4-j Stakalta Manufnc· \ Cultipacker,-g<rod a~ new; Dra~ McClure Funeral,tfom. the news; and bernre yoU can interpret you must have adopt Corbin 1I0well and for a oeased, filed her (Irst, final 'a nd dis- turml{ ,Co., pads for clerk of Harrow' Case Corn Planter all the fa.cts clearly explained. ., change of tbe name of such child. trlbutive accaunt. court, $4; Stanley Earnhart, P. cbeck r~we-r 80 rod of wire' Plao_ 7 W.,....,.U.. O. hns. F., ~dnlinistrator H.~. Moss a,llld Gilbert Frye, M., stamps i?r clerk . of court, tf.e riilizer ~ytachmen~; Mo'Win~ Ic..__..;._~~___~__.! EVERY WEEK FROM THE ' '. NEWS CENTER of the WORLD of the estate of LOUIS C. Zecher, administrator >Of the estate of Ira $0; The NatIonal Police Officer, machine- Good Farm Wagon low D. Rich, deceased, filed their in· fingerprint powder for sheri1f, wheel, :....ith fiat top. ' deceased, filed his inventory. Pathfinder comes to you with its reliable, casy·to-read and easy-to-underIn the ma t.ter of the e tate of ventory. $,8 .50; Columbus Blank Book HARNESS--4 Sides of Breech. stand news reviews in words, pictlLl'es ~dwal'd M. Deardoft',. deceased, it ----~fg. Co., l!Ium~ons :for petit iDg Harness, good as n~w, lines,' and charts. Its condensed form presents IS ordertd tbat the Inventory be Now Suit. Jurors for Sheriff, $1.50; AI. b ridles and c()l1ars a' lively and intelligible ' survey of cur~ Marie Barnhart vs. James Barn- Sch~a,rtz, labor ' ,on sP':ing for 150 BALES WHEAT STR,4, wrent events throURbout he world; its approved. impartial interpretation, analysis and In tb' multer of ~e estate of hart, for divorce. Charge -is gross sheri.fl' B car at W~ynesVll1e, 60c; clean and bright baled without explanation of the news enables you t o R ober~ J. Shawhan, deceased, dis- neglect. D,r. H. M. Williams; coroner's oost any rain. ' tllInk and talk straight. Other 'Weekly Margaret Hisey VB. l{erman Hi- bill, $6.80: Dr. H. M. Williams, Tehne, CUh news mago%ines s ell at $4-to $5 a year triblJUon in kind aulhorized. Path6nder sells for $1 ' a year. but for III t he matter of the settlement ey, for divorce ClulrCe ia extreme ~oroner'I!' cost bill, $4.70; E.B, W. L. 'PETERS a limited time we can offer you a ~reatly of t he stat~ of BUI·t Wolf, deceas cruelty. Thirkield &. Sons Co., thr\!:lLd, but- (Jo\' Jess Stanley & Col E$'I .nn. F ....,.,.. N .......... reduced bargain price on a combmatioJ} ed, Lha court finds the net Frances Gabbard VB. Grover Gab- tens, -elastic, pattern, $89.78; K' I A t' R~,~ OR AJlD --.SIC of this paper andPATHFlNDER, Drop in , oog Sr,. ~h.uc.d S "0 r Cattle, bo -.. ~ aDd cal... ...... oss M'I dd'no'-t own Gas & El eetric C0., Wayae •to 1\1' ....... and see samples or write and take advan- actunl market value of the assets bard, lor divorce, char"'e, .. e' ml~ an on, CIerk s. Norrl..Broek Ct.. ,.. wire ... o -' Lunch which might be ubj ect to tax ill neglect of duty. _ gas and electric for sewing pr by Ferry Church of Christ. p,., ..... lv. ftnI ' f"r the hID_ i!~~;J, tage of this special offer without delB Y. • iIi'::::;;; Jnsure your economic future by 85surin $ \85.20. It is ordered that notice ject, $11.25; Meeker & Meeker, • ,_ . market price. and I()od MrilM. • your complete grasp of current affairs. of t his adjudication lind determina Commoa PI-. Proc..dl... insuranoe on countY trucks and UBI•• Stock Y....• CI"I._~ _ __ _ I 12 :20 to 12 :80 p. iii. for oar , "'1 market reportL ~. Motor Freight, Inc., et a!., case Co., gravel, 762.33; Dr. James H dismissed without. record. Arnold, me.dical .servic es, $3; A bIg cIty phI osopbel' seys that -======:=;:==.~::;:::~~ The state of Ohio vs. Cecil High Back~s Grocery, food, $80.76, W_ the only way to pass the time in a ! .. fill, 'the defendant is senten,oed to H. Berger, food, $38; Dr, Edward ,small town on. a rainy day 'is to sit a year in the Okio State Peniten. Blair, medical serviCEloS, $43.60; -around and oomplain. about your • . ' , tiary. ' 1.. H. Brown. food, $88'; Cale's rheumatism. Which convinces us In the case of JOe McCabe VB- Grocery, food, $3 ,'75; Fra~ldin tIlab that philosopher doesn.'t know lnez McCabe, a divorce is granted Food Market ,food' and milk, $79.- much .about &mall towns. too plaiTltt1f. The children lire 85; Kesler Graham, food, $7.50; given the def~ndnnt. Dr. A. D. Ha.rvey, medioal aervices The 'T'reaaury of the United In the case' of Uelen Haunost va $18.20; Walter ICeever, food, $3; States is preparing to mo.v~ four Harry Haunost, the defen4ant i.s Kindred & Robinson, food, $8.75; billion dollars wj)rtb of gold , to granted twenty days to plead. Louis Mann, clothing, '5.9.0,; Mor- Kentucky. The 8Ilm is so lar&'fl it In the cas.e of Th~ Loveland row Feed & Supply Co., fuel, $89.- staggers the imagination. It would Mutual Building · and Loan vs. ;20 Ohris Mul'phy, lGA Store last you for a couJ,lle of weeks Catherine Murra,~ lind John Mur$41';'.75; North End Grocery, a Broadway night club. , Phone 7U . ray, confirmation deed and distri~ food, $18; Mary ,E, RiI.ey; ahel- ' bution is ordered. ter, $15; Ed. Snook, shelter, $6; " ,Did you ever notice that the ~==~="=====~==~ In the case of Oharters D. Ms,Ple CII,rence Thiemann, cl.othing,,6; fell~w wh0-v.:iu;t-~ to, !'et~rm. the trustee for the Il.~irll of Eldridge E. B. Th.ir1ti~ld & Sonll Co., cloth- country by dlvlCling up the jobl Po~, deceased, n., George Gilbert ing, $14.3,,; Frank 'Winfield, and the property alwaya picD .OTAIIY PUBUC Pope, et al., conll~ation ~f sale shelter, $8; Wood. Market, IGA, some-thin&' nice and 80ft for himII....... ..... deed, ordered executed and distri. food: "TId milk, $-110.40;, T. U. U. 8eH? bution of proceeds made. Woodrey, food, $-9; Wright'll Willa Dn...... a....... ....... Margare.t Fox vs. Commercial Market, food, ' f02; Yocum's ,I n the 01 4 days ,a ),(lung m,an WAYIIUVILLR, OHI~ Motor Fl'eirht, In,c., et a1., cue dis Store, , food, $7 .&.0; Dr. John was satiaikd with his bride if site misaed. Zettel, glasses, '6; ThE!' Offioe Out- could: ' bake good biseuiu. , Now be [n the caM of tl:Le Home Owner's tltters, sUpplies, 16c i Keever'1I wants he! to be able to bring home ' Loan Corporation va. Albert Mon- Grocery, food,,29. 73; Mrs. Helen the doup. toO'. ja.r and Net.tie M,o njar, the olerk Doughman. invalid care 01 C1Urord ---waft • uuu w •• is to certify entry to 8heri1f. Doughman, $7; M're. Ira Eltsrotb, T~sts aupervi8ed by C. W. Ellen In the case. of Home Owner's invalid care of Allce Starkey, $6; woGd. Ohio Agrioultural Loan Corporatioll VII. Joaie Wills James Moore, invalid care of mant Station, Wooatar, MOnd • The more you use of it tbe using the radiQ, or the vacuum ant! Walter Willll, the clerk is to Luey Moore, Mrs. Marvaret that more than one-half the bf1lilt. FOR SA.Ll!(-Well ripelHlci Comb H()ney. cwr BUmett, Roat. a, entry to .berl1f. Jones, invalid ear. of OWe ea occarriq whea harveaq "p. cert.lfy we you earn. deaner, for the toaster, waffle In the cue of The State of Ohio Gardner, '6; Mrs. Julia Holland, pIes are cauaed by dumpin« the ,WayneeYll1e. iron, coffee percolater-for what· V8. CecD HjpfiU r Al Sch1rartz is invalid care of Vernon Hollarld, f,,* from the pieldnc bucket in· FOR SALE-18aO model , 1Iord' • That's just simple justice to appo~ted pard to conduct $10; Miss Om. Kalox, invalid oare to the container- uaed for collect-Coupe. AU pl,. .... COO" you.ae1f, as a consumer of eiecever use you Make of Electricity, defendaat to the of Barlow BalliJleer, and Inc. motor lb lION namaIiw eoDdltloa.. cdc service. In the c'aIe $-88 j lira. , Eldon Short, • W it is the BlGGEST BARGAIN vB. H.l'IIlUl D. care of Ruby R~ $6; Kelman ProIeuor B. F. Co1'lleU 100. Caa . . . . . . at.tI • YOU CAN BVY POR YOVR , • • • wuhiDI clothes, ironing Maple ..... trut... Payne, tnVlllld care of 11ft. Unlwnlt7, told Ohio GnDd A ....., ~..., 0Il10. In th. . . . S. Roblnlon Payne, $6; Satlca Pronea, Co.. tIat pow..,111 eol...... au1l~ .. ' ', . &-J1-11-II . . . .: for ligbtingyour,home, for flOME and ~ly cOlivenieace. Hal"ft)' V.. S. BoIriuo1I ICbooI 800.r b1'1llla, $&.41: Tnu- ~ . . . . tile . ..,. hie IIYlIIR8 Poww SFar vey, .. of CUrl.. A. aNr of State, "oe repairs .... leaa 10 of 8pNJ....... 18... .a.etioD to taU school IUppU.. , ••11; . . ill .......dilL ..


EIlIl F, anN Win l'r tho in\'enI ty ,I II \\ it Wir ncr, udll ini!" tl'lItlll', i. uPI'I'on'.1. 111 tht, OlRU, I' l.r lhl! ,',;t ntl' or E F.. Ri b y , d('C(,II.-, ,I . proM of publi l\li on of th l' noli ' j ' r Ilppoint1ll1.'nt (I M!l ry W . Bixb ' liS CXl'CU-





Publl·c Sales



Car'y' a Jewelry S~op


,r",s Paper For One Yea,



2 00








d Maddl" m~h~~~h~~~

a"i F T Martin



at 'Centerville, 01110


a Bargain,





Pow r&






ac. ..... . ...................... N.. S.lIacriptf_ Prlc., .1 .10


11l Ento at Po.tot~le .. at .. ville.r.edOhio. a. OIecnnd CiaWayn •• Mall




Abroham Lincoln, whos

biTthday is celebrated this

WeE k


J)aratively lar,e lrUIers there were 1.147 test mad~ throughout the "late in 1930, according to Slat~· Geulogist Wilbur S~out. Mr. Stollt reporled that Il survey made b:t Jacob Schaefl't·, Cleveland geologif;t, ~how d that 521 producing gas wells and 225 producing oil W lis were obtained. The 401 other test.s pl'ovEod to be "dusters," or dry holes. The initial open flow of pH the new gas wells during a 24hour pel'iod was 308,096,487 cubic feet, and the total initial 24-h.ours produclion of the new oil wells was 6,141 ban'els. The oil and gas l'csourc s \>f Ohio have boon of vast importance to t.he ·tate since the first pl'oducing well Willi drilled near Macksburg in Wa. hington counly, in 1 00, Mr. tout pointed out.

would appl't'ciate ad UJI"'U1I·lIl of diaries of this Director Henry C. Sh ('d. "Th y are of P.<lJPOIlRI Clillse they give geogTBphical data. counlry visited in adqit.ion to the biographical inCormation 'Usually

found In diaries." The map dlvlsiOD of the ml18('um library has al:<o N"Ceived &even handmade maps of portions of Ohio based upon very early land surveys, Director Shetrone announced. They are considered of real import ance to tbe institution.

our ideals of democrac:y and free govel'nm nt, according to Dr. Eric CYTiI BeJlquLst, of the Univel'Sity of Califol'nia, wri ~'!1g in the current laue of the National Republic under Lher caption: "Lincoln and Democracy". In part, DI;:. BellquLst )lllYS: . "Lincoln should furnish an inspiration to most.of us. You know how alow, how almost sluggish was the c1 velopment of the man. Of him, In his eaTly manhood it was said that he was good for nothing in particular. That W80S true, but later he beCl8me good fol' evcl·ything in general. One of the greatest qualitie of Lincoln was his eagerness to l-eern, his capacity to grow. In the meantime be did not n.arrow or concentrate his powers too much. He diffused them. He went from on failure to another, until affairs foul1d him IIInd the cnsls of a country seemed suddenly to mnteh th 'universal gift of bis nature, until a g1'eatl nature was summed up in the affairs of a whole country. "When Lincoln came to the Presidency he was a man but little known outside of bis own state. of little expel'ienee in public life, and of no experience u an ~ecutive. He had been a candidate of expediency, an "accident" in gaining the nomination of his party. ae doid not win a p6pular majority, carried only a seetion 'of the country, and k.Dew few of the leading public men of the day. He did not even comm.nd the unquestioning support of who had voted for him. He stood quite alone, a fig-UTe pathetic in its 1011 Iiness, inSCl'utnbl~ in iq. aile-nce and reserves. Thus he set out upOn the supreme te t of ruling a Reople in e. time of civil war. "Lincoln was, as WoodrO\N Wilson said: 'Of the rna s, but he wa 1IC1 'lifte:dl and big that all men coul<L look Upon hint, unLil be became the model for the mass.' III was in that sense that b e was a man of the people. "It is not all interesting ircumatanoo that a man should have come almost untoutored from the maIlS ·o f the People. who had Lhe Msdom, who had the vision as well as the courage and sagacity to handle a creat critia with a steadines!; w~lch made it possi\>le to save tho nation? "There are two other things about Lincoln I wish to mention. In the first place, he saw things 'with his oWn eyeB. Most men see things Wlth othel" men's eyes and that is one of the greatest pities of the w.o rld. Jl you learn how to see things with your own cye you look • beneath the surface.; for the seeing eye is that of the discerning ye which ' penetrates to the heart of the sUbject it looks upon. "Secondly, Lincoln was cool. The most valuable thing abou~ him was that in the midst of the strain and too stress he could it in his study and enjoy a book, he could sit by the stove in the evening and converae with hJs friend, he could withdraw fl'Om the arena when Olen waxed hot. Thia is a superlative quality."


..... II • •

•• •••••• •


News School .. ...••••••...••.... . _...

absent from school with. the chicken M ' pox. y . k has dt Bell:rlO~ oun er remove 0 ' roo. S cond Grade has been making combination games in Arithmetic'. The rooms are decorated witb • heal'Ls and everyone is looking for In annual session in Columbus, ward to a good time at their St. the Ohio State Association of Valentine's paTty, Friday. Town hip Truste-cs an'd Clerks reThe seventh gl'adoe 'bas a new elected Joe R. Thomas of Hayet>student FTank · Lewis. Hnl'ry ville as president. Other -officers Hanna is a new member of the elected wer John W. Tucker of eighth grade. Pataskala, first vice president; C. Come to the Junior class playE. WalfoO of New Marshfield, sec"Intimate. Enemi-es." Two separate ond vi e pre id-e-nt; and Cb.a.rles P. Cllllts are to be presented with Miss Baker Jr. of Painesville. secretary "The Sunbonnet: Girl" Roe as director. The dates are tI·easurer. Prominent state execuThe "Sunbonnet Gir:!," the story tives, including Judg~ Arthul' H. of a country girl ' pushed into the Jo'ebruary 18 and 19. The prices Day of the Supreme Court of Obio backgrQund by cruel foster parents are ten .and twenty cents. Come both nights. . Attorney General Herbert S. an.d w~ fmally mak-ei! good in a Du/T~, and tate Highway Direcmusic contest is the Olperetta to be tor John J. Jaster wel'e among the pres nted- by the mUI ic departNOTICE OF APPOINTMENT p akers at the various convenment the last )\Teek in March. Estate of Carrie W. All en, dotion meetings. Tryouts wen held 'Tuesday and cea ed. Wednesday of \ w~ k. The cast Notice is hereby given. that Superinte n(ient of Banks of principals includ~. the follow- Olive Allen Brace who~ Post Sam.uel H. Squire announced that ing students: Mirsmda, Erma Office addreSll is Wayn-esville, the a. sets and liabilities of the Schockey; M'rs. Meadows, Margie Hamilton Dime 'Savings Bank Gustin; Hiram MeadClWl!, Tressler Ohio, has been duly appointed as Executrix of the Estate of Carrie Company of HamiltOn weI' transHardin; Luella .L umpton. Mabel W. Allen late of Warren County, ferred to the First National Bank Franer; Evelina, Mildred Cook; Ohio, dece~. · and Tl"Ust Company, also of Ruben McSpavin, Earl Mendenhall Dated this 5th day of February, Hamilton, effective as of the close Bob Coleman, Frank LeMay, Jr.; 1937. of busin S'!l January 23. In a bullEzl'4l McSpavin, Cha'rles Hoyle; Dean E. Starlle.y, Atty. etin, Superintendent SquiTe asBarbara Coleman, DIIlores Clark; RALPH H. CAREY, serted .t hat "the .stabi1jtY of the Jerry Jackson, Rob,e rt Preston; Judge of the Probate Court, state banks wae never better," and Susan Clifton, Vivian Conner; fll-18-25 Warren County, Ohio p inted out that surplua, profits lIfrs. Scroggs Ruth Co!nner; Abijah and ·N.!s£rves of the 466 banking Scroggs, Robert Hiatt; Sadie institutioM under h is jurisdiction FINAN UI. REPOR'fl UF THill Simpkins, Evelyn Jrohns; Mrs. were augmented by $6,530,000 ItO OF ED t:.A·rrc.N Coleman, Anna Gaye Treadway; la ~ t year and that bond accounts "'or Flae..1 Year Eadb.. D_ .. be, There are everal chol'Uses such as lit"., lDo... show a substantial appreciation Village Girls and Bo~'s, Old FashH .• rol :'k11l..,1 above book values. DI.trlct. " r lLl'rea ( ' OUD'" ioned Flowers and the Virginia. • Reel. REVENUE: According to statistics compiled TaJlea-Local Levy ...... ,20.037. 49 . .; Grade Ne~... in the office of Secl'etary of State SlnklnlJ and ;Sond l1etlrem~nt ~-und _.......... , 3.088.33 First Grade- Yvonlne Stubbs is Snle. William J. Kennedy the total Tax ..... .... : ...• 1.099 .93 numb r of real property transfers tn tenet II'rom Slate 9n Irreducible 08lbt .. .. ...• 880.16 in Ohio is increasing from year to O1WIN'AN G N·O. 141 Ilentnl from School Landa 8:00 Fair~d County 4-H Club Progl'am--Members directed by H. F. yeat'. For Lhe twelve I)lonths preand Property ......... , 1 9.64 To Q!nend the flr-st wh r eas Dep08ltor), 1 nterest ...... , 50 .66 . Thayer and Eugene Sparrow, County Extension Agents, cedih,g June ;10, 1936. there WeTe dause and . tlon II. of an "ordI- Tuition tram other nance providing tor tbe I~uanc of Districts ......... , .. ... , 117.00 Lan C&l!te r. 153,620 deeds recorded as cam- bonds oC the Villag of WaYD 8vIlI . Vocational Education and S :30 Wasbington ~s a Farmer-H. E. E wine, Historian. pared to 147,404 in tbe previous Ohio. for the J,urp08e r paying til J(~habnltatlon ror De f. lag ' 8 I'roporlloD or conatnlcllng BlIntl and Crippled Chil8:40 Farm ijome Period: . Hom Furnishing Hints--M~. Dorothy B year. The acreage jnvAllved 11VIIt!innltary sewer SY8t.2rn for aald dren trom late and U. Silcott, ExtelU~o.n Home Furnishings SpecLaiist. ~r amounted to 1,457,607 I8.Cres in Village und I' the Work8 ~ogr U S . Gov rnm nt ....... .. , 1.002.00 AdmJ/liI!lration and of ttl Ie,' )' of a LlquJd Fue l TaJl ...... . . • 1.290.5Q Ho~ and. Fa~rnbe_Mr . Helen ltfougey Jordan, ExteJUllon 1936 lind 1,406,518 in 1935. The tax to provide tor <the payment Obher State PubliC l passed November 17th, 1986 Schoo l Fund ... , .. ... '17.606 .55 Home EconomiSt. actual considerations involved is th(;rlloC" 1311 It ordained l)y tlh'" Co uncil of Total !!evonucl .... '46 ,2 61.26 9 :00 WOSU Or~hetitr!l. . ' .. : not known for many of the trans- the Village of WnYllesville, Stat NON-l1EVENlJE : 01 Ohio: C rtlClllalea of Indebt d9 :10 Poultry Pomters--R. 'E. Cray, ExtenSIOn Poultry Spec1ahst. fers but for those reported which .' ec. 1. 'l'bat t be til rst n sa SoHl .f •.........• • . S,.68.63 of an "ordln:lI,ee vrovldlng Insurance Adjustments .. 16 .7 7 9:20 The BusineSll Side of Farming-E. P. Heiby, Rural Economics rep;esented about a third 'Of the ~lnu tor tit Issuanc of lIJonde oot Lb Mlacellaneoua ... .. ... . .. Ill).41 lage at Waynesville -hlo. for Total Non-Hevenue , 8,695.8 1 Dept. . total, the aggregate in 1936 was 'Vil til. purpoae or paying the Village's I Reeel... ......... US,963.0V 9130 WOSU Orc~stra. in excess of $98,000,000, com· proportHm of conlltruloU .. g 11. 'rot. Balanc . .)anuary ht. 1936: tary SCoW r system tOI' sa.ld Village n ral Fun" ........ . . 871.20 S :40 to 10 Comm'Unity Service O~P9rtunities of Vocational Agricul- pared to about $95,000,000 in \In<lel' the Works Progrl!J p AdminisSlnklnR Fund .......... %,063 . 79 ture .Teael1en.-Group dl cussion betwe n . J. P. Schmidt, 1936. Secretary Kennedy said. tration and or the levy Of a lax to Total Balance . . .. ~.43~.99 tor til Payment th reor" Tutn.1 n eel pta and S.upervi80T,.0I1io farmer,,' Instit~tes; .0, c. Aderh?ld, Voca- Last year $1,071,6'1'1,648 worth of prl,/vlcl passed 01\ the 17th daY of NovembPr. .Balance ................ UO,898.0G 1 36 \j and th Bame Is hereby tlonal Agr1cultul'~ ·from G Tgla; G. F., mortgages were recorded ' upon to r ad as f ,1I0ws: D I BURIIElIIIllN'I,'S £Otrom, State Supervisor of VocatiQnal Agriculture in rowa roo) propeTty in Ohio, and ,659, nmencl~1J "Wlt r 'all at an e l e~lIon h e ld A-PEns NAL SERVICE: the lihlrd day c,t . November. Admlnletrationon ond R. W. Cline, Vocational Agriculture Teacher-Trainer 771 548 worth were cancelled or 1936 on th prop061t1 n ot ISBuI rk • 0" . " 1)'1& bond8 of tile, Village of II oth .~ 'Ad'mi~i8(r'''::' . ' 4 .0" from West Vlrglnia. renewed in s.ome other form. W"yn Rv lll, Mo t 'r the purlion Salarie!J and POS \" ot Plly\JIg' th V llllloge'lI proI\'\' agee ... " . . . . . . . . . .. • • • • · porllon of {'onetru,C u ng a 8an " Jn8tr 'u~lIonMI'l.I. John E. Breese of Llma tary II w r SystEm> . tor >1alll Prl ndpale. Teaohers. etc U2 611 76 presented the Obio State Archa.eoV Ills g under tbe 'Yorks Pro- A.udltary Ageoo lllll_ •. gr liS Administration In the eum 'Employes for Translogical and ' Historical Society of '2a.O~O.OO and at I vying tax 6 portallon of hlldren ' 7.t32.aO MU!l(!um with a -eopy of the dis."'" o.utsld of th 10 mill IImltl\llon Operation of SChOll1 Plant'< J to pay the Interest and prlncl",.,1 Janitors. EngLneen a·nd kept by Ezekiel Hovey from Deof said bonds, at I'lalll duo/" ot Other Emplnyse .... . . • 1.aZ.76 1'1,. thosu voting upon th proposl· Total.Fersonal srvlce $!I1. 92.S! cern'ber 30, 1801, to Octob"'r .. tlon vo.ted In favor thereo(." B-B PPLIES: Sec. II . 7th,,( Sec. II of an Administration Ottlce '" • COLUMBUS Although low gas well driUing operations in 1802, which included tbe journal "ordl nanoe priivldlnp; tor the IUu ' Tpxt Books ... .... . . .. .. sands produce valu- of a trip to Deb'oit by -y. of the ance of bonda of the VllIag ot School Library Dooks ... $ pt;cea for several yea1'S have re- Ohio, whose I.. d d d Lake Erie remon of Ohio. "We WlI),n avilla, Ohlu to" ilia purpose ther Educallonal . . .... • com"'. of payl nil' the llIag-a's prOOJ)Ortloll ~'uel .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1i;lted in ·a reduction in oil and a bl e hi gUo-gora ecru :e an =--=====~~===-============ of constructlng a sallitary 80wer Janitors . . ........ . .... :' ayete", for aald VIlI8,ge under {h ~ Hocreatlonal .......... . "Vorks PrOIl'" ' BII 'J~dm lnl stratlon Other .... .. .. ........... , an!l or the levy of a Itax to J)l'Ovlde "!"o ln) Supplies . ...• ,._ \ . w ' . for the payment thereor·. pUlled on . C-'MATER rALS FOn the 17th day of Novemb!lr. 1936 be MAaNTENANCE! 605.10 and til e Is herby amended to Dulldlnga and Grou nds .. read as (ollows: Equi pment and Furniture 110.90 "S r;.n. 'nhat bonds of the VllIag '1'ot~l Materials tor of Wayneavllle. Ohio 1111&1.\ be 18!ued Maintenance. . . . . .. .. 616.00 In the prln Iclpal . 8um of $23,000.00 D-'EQUIPMEN'l' 'RE[or the purpose aforaald. TlWent)' PLACEMENTS: I of .ald bonda 0II1all be In the denom- Educational ............ • 11 Inatlon of Hoo.OO each and thirty Otber .. ................. , 20 ot .n.ltl bonds ·s hall be In the denomTotal Equipment . Hcplacements .. . ~ .. • InaUon. or ' 500.00 eaob. and aald bonds shall be dated December l.t. E--CONTRlAlCT 'ANO OPEN L936 and shall bear In(ereat at t'he ORDEn SlilRVJCE: rat.e oJ 4% var a.nnu~ pa.ya.ble Repairs SChoOl aulldlngll , 8eml-'o,nnually Oil the 1at day ot n.epalrs Motor VehIcles l\larch and September' ot elWh yea.r UII d In '!:ransJ)orUng until the prlnolpal uum la paid, l,>upl1s • . . • . • • . • • • • • • •. 2"47 .pro·vlded however. that It Bald bQnda nepalrs Other Equipment . 41. are 80ld bearing a dlltferent 11Lte of 'W ater ...... • . .. . .•... 116. 1,,{<!Ireat than herelnb utore apeclfled, Elootrlelt)· .............. 421.411 lIuoh bo_n ds aho.ll bealr suoh rate 01 T I plhone ......... . ... . 02.55 Int~reat aa may bit provided tor In Hauling ..• ..... ..... . ... . 91.16 th e resolution of CouncL\ approvln. Other .. . ... . ..... .. .... . 225.12 ~hG award thereat. Said bond•• ha.ll Total Contract and malUre aa toll~: 20 ~on~ at Open Order ServIce I ,.00.00 6Mb. one bo.nd due alarll'h , b-FIXF>O CHARGES . 1.SU.98 1st. nas and one b.olld due the ANO CONTRlBUTFON8 flrat day of March each Insurance . . ...•........ • 211. 80 a fter up to lind mclud Ing Teachen net!r ment 1967. d ' 000 _" th Contribution ....... ... . • 320. 68 6 bon a Qt '50 . ell........ e Total .F/xed Charae. I)ond being dUeHlll'()b lilt, and ContribUtions • 581 93 one bono Oll the t lr!!t day H---{)11l8T SERVICE: .. . . ear tlher ~a fter up to. Bon4. Maturing ......... , 1 fiOO 00 Karch 1,8t. 19f12. at on 80.ndll ·~OO · OO CIt ,600.00 ,each. the flrat TQtal Pobt 8ervi ~~' " 1 900 '00 due Sel/t. let, 1988 and ......1 OI••• ne-.. •• .. :: $38:672:66 the flret day or Sep- BALANCE. J')ECEMBEJ't 31a t. 1936 , ' 'n.~lu-dl rilr' tlhl~r.elllrt9c6"2 up tQ (}eneral Fund ........... $18 .094 .7 9 ' .. ,s'" Sinking and Bond Retlrebe n m n t Fund ............. j 3.43~.G School Dua 'Replacement Fund ...... . .......... . , 19U. Total Balance .... . . '21.725 ~ Total Ol~bllraement. and . Ba lan~a •.. . .... . ...... "0.398.06

one of the greatest preservel'& not only of the poli tical union but of

TRADE AT HOMll ~.:.:.::::::-- -=. ::. :--.-:-


A ..embly

The •Spo rtsrn ansh'Ip ,'Bro th erh 00 d pre6ented' a pep session at th.e assem bly FTiday .afternoon. Suella Bernard, pre ' ident of I;he organiza tion introduced the sperucers. Mllrgie Tinney, Elsie Mae Wieal and Charles Davis. Cheers were led by both the Junior and senior high cheerleadel'l.l. Mr. Ferguson the h .culty manager, and Mr. Bodenlbend~r, the coach, each gave us E~ f.ew 'words of encouragement. The assembly WBS dismi ed with the singing of the High school SOl\g.




• • •

STOR IE~ for

BOY S Plus Tills


"'.:r.e or.w........

• •

Farm f.ight 7alks, februarv 15







ews paper

At Redu ce d Price r..JERE'is an offer that will appeal to all-American Boy Magazine and lhis newspaper at a speci.a1 combination bargain price. The Ame.r ican Boy is the favorite magazine of nlore: tban 500,000 boys . and ~

yO'.ll1g bleD. Ita 6ction carrie, boys on the wings of adventure to all parts of the world. Its sports artic::IeI by famous coach and athletes are studied by champions. Here you will find the finest stories on sporta, aviation, business, school activities, humor, and ~wL Even at its regular price of $1.00 a year, The Amen. can Boy is con idered a bargain. But now );'00 may obtain it and this newspaper. , •••

B0 th 0 ne Y ear For


Send Your. OrderITo·

The Miami Gazette

Best of the News Direct' From the Ohio State Capitol


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Quality PrlatiDI



A8B~~ A N D .L LUrn. IT l ma

Cuh .... . .............. , '21.i26.41

Inventory 8uppIJea anti Ka terlsl. (eatlmated) .. Bulldln.. (Oo.t) .. . .... . paYllllent l 1Dqulpm.nt (Co.t) •... . . " Total lAuet. . ...... .

Lands (Coat) . ...... . ... .

! ... ~!.IUl...tI

~e~~ .•......... C.rtltlca.t<s at In4ebted....Total OUUltutdl.. • • ••.• LlablllUo. . ... ...... or

Deflea-y or . . . .Ui ............... ..

• '.1'000.00


Bubeerlbe for Th

MiamI Gelett.



JUNIOR CLASS TO (Continued frorn

Mt'-damt'!; .Joe navi and 51\('11 nnd baby daughter, J Win. visit ed Mr. and Mrll, ,10e .Tn.cksoll and :I 11 ()r Duyton one dllY Ill! t

W h~ n d ath occur~, 0)' at allY t im e, Our door stands open ,Lland Thl'lmn Big' ~ piny the part for (riendly cou nst'l. We are a lways gla d lo a nswer quu tlons of the m~lid. nnd E 11'1 Sheets ilnd hUI'Il'S Fires ench I'l'pr'SllII1. t.he and !;lhow ou r b auti Cui fun ral home and our complete, modern 1111111 of nil work. :facilities, • Dut particularly at n. tim of grief, we olfer our Tht· Rhl'ldu. lcott's friendly counsel. The gt'ief-slricken will fi nd un obtrusive dau!;hler, who is very much in sympatby here /lnd a !'('ady willingness to take the burden of 1 V( ', Is play d by Vernn Mae every !.Ie lail off saddened shoulders. Ilunter alld , ivilln 'onner. Rormi Rhoda'~ brother uud Alcolts' una.~sertive son is impersonat.ed bY 'Robcl'L llialt. Tho charnclet' Alice FOI' be ~ , who adds to the atmosphere or romn\ic, is act d by Jane Furnas and Mabel Primer. .it s Ingram, a \ althy young man who al . Q lend:;! a roman ti band, i played by Donald \::;;;=======-------=---"';;;;-;;;-;;;;-;;;-----=----========~

\\ ('eK. . 1\1 i!l. Ht'l('11 RU11'llilll WaR called h('m~ fronl Tcxa lru t. Tue. day on uccount of U~ sel'io us illnl'." of

her father. The W . . T. , met at home of Mrs. Anna. tinson l<lst Thursday afternoon. An intel'Cllting proltrnm 011 .P~tce 'I"as gi en, aftel' which a tempting lunch \V8S S l"ved by the ho le; 8, a isted by Anni e Pot.torf. Graduate Veter inarian Irs. The 111 isscs Harriet. ossum and Mnry arolyn Luken wet rel*nt Office North Main St. guest of Mrs. Lena Hartsock of Waynesville. WAYNESV ILLE, OHIO Ml·. Crispin Lippincott still remains very ill tit· tbe home of bi Tel phone No.4 ister, Mrs. Sadie Reason. Miss LuciUe Tucker . Bnd Mr. Charles MacDonald have resumed 'f __ ____ their teaching at. North College Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lukens, Mr. and lIIr . Clint Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Moore and Mr. and Mr3 George Beckett were Lebanon v~itors last Friday ·"ight. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Milligan were in Cincinnati last Saturday. Mr. Harlan has returned home from the Miami Valley hospital where he underwent a serious operation. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Hartsock and Mr, and Mrs. Joe Jackson a·nd son. of Dayton, were calling on friend and relatives here last Sunday. Miami Fri~nds' Quarterly meeting wi11 be held next Saturday m()rning, February 13, at the Friends' Church in Xenia. Rev. ~~~::!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Applegate of Wilmington will be the guest speaker. The many friends of Mrs. Ellen McCarren Brown will be sorry to h ar of her serious iIlne...'<S at Hale's ho pital where she underwent an operation last Saturday. Mt. and Mrs. H er~ert Carr entertained the girls' and boys' basketball t~am!l Monday evening at 1;1 mo t sumptuous dinner. Mi Loer, the primary teacher is absent from her room on account of illness. Her place is bei ng fllled by Mrs. Shank of Kingma n. Mr. William Carr entertained in a most pleasing man ner , t he Pioneer Club, last Sunday night.

....~~~~~~~...!!~~~-~!!!~~ -

Dr. A. t Stettler

Beautiful ' Yvonne Armstrong, Great Lake. Expo,idon yeomanette, portray. 'the latest hairdreu - the Great Lakes W ave-created by Albert the famed aniste. The coiffure will be worn by hostesses at the in Cleveland 6.

OBITUARY Hannah J an Tayl or wal" born February 22nd, 1851 and pussed away December 18th, l!)36 at the home of her daughter, aged 86 years, !) month s and 26 days. he wa th'e of J ohn nd larinda Emley and W08l1 born on a farm near Waynesville. While yet II. small girl h ~r parants m()ved into Wuyn-esville where he lived her entire li t .e excepting a few monj h ago when he wen to lay with her daughter and niece on account of her health. he .wa married in 1901 Lo John M. Taylor who preceded her about six yeal'S ago to the Great

of nieces and nephews to mourn ber lOBS. When jILSt a small girl she hod nn attack of measles which left her very deaf. Thill affliction she bore throughout her lile. About a year agl) she was taken very ill but recovered sufficiently to be up and around again until the last six weeks when she wa taken ill again a nti she had not s uffic;:ient ~trength to resist her ailments anc;t the "Master called hel' home." She was very to;nd of reading and bei ng deprived of her bearing thls wa a very val uable pastime to her. It was a pleasure to hear her tell of things bhat h ad happened in

. L. J. Taber, olumbus, m ter of the National Grange, and C. W. Van choik, Hilliards, member or ~he state agricultural conservation cOlMllitteep were invited by

::~e~ !I:~~!g~'n W~~l:::int;t!.



;t"r:e .n,y:



buy. We make ' early morning delivery and special deliv~ry any time during the day. We pasteurize ..• which is a . guarantee ~f safety.

Phone 25




POUR BIG PEATUBBS '·Dl'amalft> 'HIDDEN TREASURES" real, so hum a n, so t hat it linger in your-mind ab~ orbin g


weeks. It's' t he story ~f a young man who beHeved there was a fortune in the soil. '. and who. found it! ijis own father 0Pllosed his modern fArmi ng ideas. Th e fathe}' of t~e girl he loved told him to make' gOQd fi t·st. How he brought t he 'Qld fa rm .b ack t o fertility' andproftt· .. hqw he convinc ed his father . . and won his bride .. makes. an inspirinl stvry f or who seeks the t reasure in his own soil. It's clean •• w holesome . . warm .. amUSIng. 10 1'

"STEEL" An amazing trip througb the giant mills where ateel

is made and formed into wire. See great open hearth furnaces gob pIe up 145 tons of scrap and pig iron . . and pour it forth in a flaming molten atteam. See 5;000 pound white-hot ingots' of steel rolled and 'f ormed into bUleta •• into rods. and HnaHy into wire for fence. barbed wire, nail., ataplea and other products. .

"HOOSIER HOT SHOTS" Those clowning, singing, fast;playing stars of Radio' that you've been

I shall not forget her kindnesB, Gentl eness and, too, Deep wit hin the thimble's chalice-, Beautifully ber :s weetneas gre.w.

"Weep Dot put ahall meet

C LX. O. Waynesville ,~

Gym, Way~esville .February 12, 7:45

True and best my mother's love, I shall mingle it with beauty From the Savior'B'love above.


" II · I: . aynesvi e I armers

A full eveni ~ g of grand entertainment for your whole family···FREE

I shall tmne in and around it,


\II "

Talkin ,Pictures

I shall put into her thimble, J ust a tiny cbalilce bright. And fo rget-me-nots laid gently AlmOlit hidden out 01 s\aht• .

So I cherish it with fervor, I "ball treasure it with care, For my mother.. llilver thimble, Was the pearl d~ loved to wear

NOTE: Weare informed that the' seed we had bOQght wa. all.aved from the flood 10 we can 'guarantee delivery.

New, Full Length

O'er her 'Work she bends with pleasure, , She 15 s teadfast to ita cal1. Lingering with heJ~ dainty ftngers, Trying to ' perf.~t it all.

I shall add hope, t<~o ~d pity, I shall not her liP'ace secrete, Twining in and alII around it, I shall make tb,e wreath complete.

Buy your seed now while our present stocks last. The belt grade seed must sell higher when our present stocka are gone.


~d~rtb~& I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I B~k Laboring with an~"h~n~d~ earnest will.

the Cheapest Food

Alfalfa Seed


ntiicA... ' "4\.

USE plenty of Fresh Milk --- .its


"._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.... _ _...._ ....

New Burlington ~:r


Clover Seed

Fe)>ruary 8 and 9, where the evernormal granary plan and other farm m Bures wee discus ed. • _ _ _!III.._





Collett. ear -Cr daughter, Adhrilltinn. oI' e i '1\a character to the audience by Rosemary Bentley and Vi ola amPbeIJ. ) Max StcpheM, Ruth Conn r, Thelma Bigg~ Charles Fires, Donald ollett, Robert ' Hiuit, Viola Campbell, IVlan COllller, Mabel FraneI' and Ruch I Hal·tman compo'e the ca t that will pre sent the pt'ol\uction on Thursday, February 1 . Fronk LeMay, Ednn McKeever, Helen Crockett" Ead Sh eets, ' Donald Collett Robert Hiatt, ' Rosemary Bentl y, ema Mae ' Hunter, Jane Furnas and Beulah I Bernard mIlk up the en t tha t will give the pis}, on Friday, February 19. . The junior class is worklng very hard to pre ent the product jon to the public. Both ca ts bop tQ boast a record attendance.


Beyond. the past in Waynesville. he leAve a ' daughter, n iii ter, In conversing with her she thr~e grandchildren and a number , eemed to have t hel power of telling what she knew in an easy and - -- - forcefu l manner. LOCAL BASKET BALL he bad a very accurate observation and this gift of conveying (Continued from Page 1) thought bas lef t an impression up========~ I 7 on those with ",'h om sh e b as Bachelor .. a 1 Mr. and Mrs. McCall and Coates S "mingled and ita impress shaH live .. 1 1 family have moved to Les. Smith's Morgan o long in t he mind and b eart of her ...... 0 0 , far m, in t he Clear Springs neigh- Poic , . 2 relatives and f riends. She was a , .. .... · 1 0 borhood. . _ ' seamstress for many years. 5 35 I Spe and her sistJ~r had a sewing Mr. and Mrs. E d. Folt .have Totals .............. . 1 I shop in Waynesvll.1e 'W here they moved in with Mrs. Fox's aunt, aefer e-Bakel·. Mr. E llen Mann. served mali~ ye~rs f or the public. W --'1-1 -5 H I h ave see n h et· bent over her A Lincoln Day ban quet WAS beld ayn~'YI e . . by th.e M. E. Church Su nWi.y and D ' 1 work sewing and her countenan ce ~ 11 would light up so pleesantly if you con trib utions received fOl" t he E aVLS . 't o . ., ....... 0 h r 5 conversed with her . H enderson Settlement work at Sa••~ tah ' 2 1 Fr k v · a~""r W8he ~ As a little tri bute t o her memory 'A'd f th .... 1 0 o this little poeom has ju ~t been co~. e les I 0 e M. E . Boger L MOO Gh~rch a sisted by other women c e ay ."" 2 posed for h er daughter an d t lie of the comlllu n1ty held a sewing "DYoungh ... " ..... ..., .. 1 0 following stanzas are so Cnllra,eliel'ono 00 .... , . ., .. " 0 0 ~ i lic of her a nd called, on W ed nes day a n d rna de t wen ty CI 1 0 comfo,rts a nd several other gar- F' ary . "M y Mother's Thimble". o ments for Red Cross d i f!trib~tlon Ires ... ,.... ... . .. 0 0 It to me is such a treasl,lre, Pl'nor4l Ilt". to flo od su tferers. 10 3 23 More, to me th~n gems or gold, Sunday gU~tB of Mr. and Mrs. Totals ......... . Fo.r there circleth 'round the Warnel'Morris 'Were: Mr. and Mrs. .Carli.le S. H. USE IT thimble Lee Morris, Mr, a nd Mrs. IN In!' ' labra ndt ,.... .., 0 0 OFTENER 0 Sweet remembran~es of old. Cline of Dayton. ' O. Graiser .. . ,.". 3 0 6 I) I can see my mother sewing, The Ladies Aid of the M. E. Brandenberg . .... 0 5 1 0 2 Back in her accustomed t>tllc e, SOc churoh served school lunch on Spies .....,. . . . Tuesday a.n d the Friends' Aid M. Gai ser 0 sparkles, 0 0 W.hile her 'thimble served on Thursday. Mears .. , 0 0 0 glistens . B ev. Wea ver a nd a group of L. Harold ... 0 Q 0 With its, lovelin4!BS an.d grace. Cl£AH£RS layme n .attAmded a Brotherh ood . m~ting ifl' Olal'ksvill~ Monday Totals .., .... 4 , 5 . 13 She is sewing o.n .~ gar~ent, Kathryn Mendenhan, :M'-gr. Stitch by st~tch with · pati~ nt evening. ' , Ref~ree-Gr( .skill, ' .


E. McClure




Friendly Counsel

Pl\g~ 1)

i.' portmyt'd hy HllChpi Hartman lind BI'u lah Bet'nunl. IIcl< 11 rn k-

hearing a nd . enjoying on the Keystone Barn Dance parties .. funnier. peppier than everj n this brand new "talkie". See ·them! ~ear tllem!

'AArollicking NIMATED CARTOON COMEDY: comedy to ,delight the children and bring laulhs to evel'1one. -t

WIN VALUABLE PRIZES! ' · · faumen, land d ree ' miSSiOn their famWee and trteada. A F , to


Children mU8t b. accompanied byadul.....

Shown by Courtesy of the Keptone Steel .. Wire Co., Peoria. D1lIloil ,-----


Eighty-Ninth Year :s








L R,..

Carriei' Starting a t th e Post Office, the earrie1,' will g o-Mrs. H. B. Earnhart .has been Sout heasterly to Corwin Station, ill several da ys suffering with flu. northeasterly to Milia Corner, Mrs. L. M . Henderson visited sout heasterly and n o:rthea.sterly to her' aunt, Mrs. Nellie Fishel' in Bunnell corner. northeasterly to Leba non, F riday, . Quaker church and retrace, northerly, westerly and nQrtherly via L. M. H ender on and R. C. Riggs Cor n Stalk School to · Houston attended II. . bankers m Hng in eom er, 80 uthwesterly to Roxan na., Columbus. Frida.y. westerly to Pennsylvania R. R. and retrace, 80utheasterly to Jones John B. Gons attended a r union corner, easterly .46 to Compton of t he m~mbers of his fraternity res. and retract), Southerly to Mills at Oxford University, Saturday. eomer, southwesterly to Furnas . Mrs. l~a Rich and Mrs. Reba earner, 80utheasterly and south- Braddock spent Sunday with Mr. westerly to Beach eorner. south- ' and, Mrs. Hartley Moss and family. easterly to Stump eorner , Bout h- ' W>et!terly, southeasterly and W.e.lltMr. an Mrs. Gilbert Fryc are erly to Edwards corner, north- din ner gu ests of Mr. and Mrs. westerly to Luken cornel', north- Glen n Fry in Dayton, th ~, T hur ea8terly 1.16 miles and retrae&, day evening. northwesterly to Corwin Station, Miss Lucy Eml y an d Mi s northwellterly to Waynesville, Katherine Prendergast were dinnorti!easterly to corporation limitA n er guellts of Mi P hoebe Mirand a ~ northeallterly to B. C. Hartsock Friday evening. comet, wl!llterly to E. R. Fires fum and r.etrace, northeasterly Miss Lucy ,Brown ell of Wilming and northerly to Mr. Holly, West- ton, WIIJI the guest of Mrs. Emma erly to Smith corner. lIouthwe8t- Ba rnett and Mr . E. V. Barnha rt, 8rly to E. F. Reif8ni~r fann and Sunday. 1'etrace. wesberly and northwest. The m'embers 0"' the WalTnft Chester A. Williamson, of Scot• J" ~ er Iy to Mldd 1erun churcb, north· t d a Ie, Pa., was an overnigh t. guest To·wnshl·p F~ rmers' lub w t'e Q I er y to Bellbrook Bridge, southen.-I'tal· n d at the home of Mr and d of W. N. Sears and .f a mily, T hursuo; · V 11 we.te r Iy to Spnn&, a ey an d Mrs. L. E. Hockett, February 11. ,C enterville pike, westerly to Olive ay. After the business meeting Mr, Korris corner, Southwesterly and Alton Earnhar t, who has b en Carl Duke spoke on " Road Side westerly to Fe1'l'Y . and Wbite'8 confined to his' home two w,eeks be Beautification," he said if th~ eo mer. road, northerly to E)liott ca use of illness, bas resumed ihis travelers "We're given th-e privilege farm and retraee, southerly "to school wo rk. • of being judges for beautiful road road at south, lIide of Waverly side scen<et'y Warren county lann, easterly to Fordyce corner, Dr. and Mrs, E. F. D ppe were would rallk highly. Miss Mam.e lOutiJerly to • Burton (formedy dinner guests of Mrs. J essie B rown t hen gave a very interestKeever) corner, Easterly to Way- Hyman and famil y Tuesday even- ing paper on Public Institutions neaville Benbrook pike, northerly ing. of Ohio, and ta~d there was a to J. A. Wbeelell farm, retrace, Comforts, clean ed SO c; -Dot(ble daily attendance of 35,786 in these lOutherly. and .lOuthwesterly to Blankets, 60c; Single Blankets SOc home an d what a wondef ru l priviCorporatio,D limIts, sout heasterly Quick Cleaners, Kat hryn Menden- lege for t he inmates. I hall, Manager. A g ut'&t Mr, M. Earnhart f~om (ContilUled on Paee 4) = -==a:::;; • M D IIa V bl h d Lebanon was called upon for a few rs. e ena e as move r marks and it being Lincoln's il'() m the .PrendergMt prope~y on 128th birthday he recited the upper Ma.m , street t o TOomS In the .Gettysb urg address sa ying it wa Pen~e bUIld mg. . t he fi ne t gem of ' American Litera Mr. a'nd 1tlrs. F . C. Smith and ture. daughters of· Akr on, erc Sunday The March meeting will be held guests of ·Mr. Smlth's 'iather, J. H at the borne of My. and Mrs. J. T. Deardoff, Leb!~~ _ __ Y"EIVILLIt CHURCH OF Smibh and M TII. Smith. CHltIST Oarl Smith, JllDffter Not A D'nomlutlon 9 :80. 1I1ble aebooL In ' 10 :' .5. Lor d'. Sapper. 7:1'. m •• Cbrlstian ' Endeavor. "Int imate Enemies" at; the gym Thursday and F riday , 7 :41. ' ETaiageUatfe ':servleea.: F U?Ie1'81 SCTVlOOS . fo r Mrs. WedneD" 7:411 p. m., prayer nights. AdmiSsion 10c and .20c. Come 'a nd laugh with· the crowd. Cor dIa Truax, w ho dIed at Good, and blbl, mad,. ·ama r i~ n hospital. Da yto n, M:onJohn Settlemyre, w ho was Te- day morning foll ow ing an extend- ! WAYNESVILLE II. L CHURCH covering from a severe a ttack of ed illness were held t his afternoon, I .... q. C. DIbert. Paator grip, has suflered a r elapse and i ! Februar y 18, at t he Neura Funera l ) Sunday: Sunday ac~ool at 9:80 very ill at his home near ONgonia Home- in Cincinnati, with Rev. G, .. m. M.omiDc worahip at 10 :80. Mrs. Jack Fritz 'and little daugh- C. D"I<o('r ,: t ' h B ' I 10 C arge. urla W AS The lennon subject will be "Being , ter, of Charl~ton, West, Va" are made in Vine StJ.eet cemetery, Cinc.innat i. Loyal to the Royal," At 7 :30 p. m. Mr. John S. visiting ~ •. Fritz's parent&, Mr. Mrs. T r uax operated a beau ty MO,ore, chairman of the Rerional and Mrs. W. P Salisbury and o't her sho p in Wa"lIesvi\le for &everal -~ f relatiwe here ' A•• ..oct-ti ... on 0 f th e ..~Iue 0 yea rs and .Jhad many . fr ien ds: in Nationa, will apeak in our church Mr. and Mrs. Jame8 Johns. Mrs. the communit;y. . on the lIa bjed of "The New Ap- Allie Hole, Mrs. Viola Carey and Beside her son, Ralph Tr uax, of proach 't o W orld Peace." Thia is. Mr. Jease Thomas, who bave spent Cincin nati, soo is survived by community meeting and all are the winter in Florida, returned several s' ters and brqthe rs am ong invited to .attend. Thursday of last week. whom a te Mrs. J oe Tinn ey, Mrs. Monday: The Oftlclal Board will Howard Florence and Thomas meet at 7 :30 p. m. I ' Mr. and Mrs. Oliv r Davis, Miss Hardin, of Waynesville. Wednellday : Bibk hour a.nd Raehel Davia and Mrs. Nettie " ' - 1prayu meetlq at 7 p. m. . Kepler, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dayton, MonIT. MAIl),,1 CHURCH day niafJt. . .. . "Mrs. Isma Barrett and daughSeeond SU~~1 in Lent, Febru&17 21, ilYeniq P rayer and ser- )[188 Ruth F lorence, ,of Falmout;h . tel', Miss Betty Barre t, of Clevemon coDdueted by K. O. Nybladh, K~., and Mr. J. M. Gllell, of Cyn~ landl were over-night guests at t he 7'30 tluana, K,.., were callen.t the Home Friday. . • hom. at lin. T. B. IJrannoek, Mi811 Ruth Cbandler. of IT" AUGU.T..... CHURCH Monday afternoon. ' Cedarvllli!, spent the wei!k-end ... . . . Nntoa, . . . . Frielldl here. Mr. Uld Mrs. with her aunt, Miu Rachel ,Pettit lIMa at . . ~. . . . . . L. V. Beck, of Green Forest, Ark.. and atl.ended Quarterly Meeting. ~ , ~ U B W. former WayneavUl. nsldent., will Mr. snd Mrs. Ernest Martin, of N8ftt ~ beu that their daacbter Dayton.. and Mr. and Mrs•. Joaeplb DON II ~ m of pullmon'" Powers. of Detroit, MIchigan, . . . . . . . ·MK&TDIG • were guesta Sunday of thlir I'b.. ~ ....... For tbe pleuan of _ liWe moth_, Mn. J(arpret Kartln. I


Fln'lI "

V a kln , ,1

- ~a=~==:========~~=========- ---~==~==





fr::·::~!t:n~k:;~.,a:~!isc:l~e~:: MRS CORDIA TRUAX

~:~~~~;~~s~;~ a::t:~o~lVIn tTES' HELD THURSDAY " ~\lnjor ~la:YJ I . I

Fn"enda' Home New.


....... .. .."..... ..

-,1. 1 ..

clauabter A.nD. IIa. C. httenh Kr. A.. Z. Hartsock and Mlllea waite ntuUlaecl • rr.oap of UttM SaraL Catherinl nd Loulae of ..... witIa • ftIIDtbIe FrIo lUlU' WUmiqtoa, ael )1ft. JIadn .., aftuaooD. ..... .._,. IIarnJ of LebanoD called 011 lin. I ...., Aata BatteII, I B.rtIGct hndaJ afterD..... '


.. .,....


ag ment



Ga~ette Vi ill




direction of Harold D. Willi s. Willi



Wayn ville with a rioeh background iT! new;;pap I' work t.hat wilJ enable him to serve thi s communi~y Lo thel mu~ual ben fit of both him i~ lf and the community. Born in Logan county, llIinois, he 'removed With\1h' family a L sev n year!; of age to Mi 'oul'i, l'eceiv!ing his elem ntal'y and high hool ,education in Mexico, Mo, At the age of 6" during the ti r t yetlf of the World War, Mr. Willi s enlisted in th e ' Unit d states 8o[I)I1Y, serving II sergeant In mtt chlne gun company, 48lh infantry. He was an inst.ructor in model machin e gun batallion, conducting schools 'i n variOUS camps in the south illnd east. Up!>n 'discharge from . tb~ army. MI'. Willis entered Cu lv-cr-Stockton col!lcge, al\. anto n, Mo,. and during his stay then'! wa IIctiVil on fo~t­ \:lall, bal ket ball, tr{llck and debating teams. H.e was ordained for the ministry wh ile in college, a nd served as pastor and evangellist, Disciples of hrist. chu~c h es, in cen tral and westoern lIli nois. Mr. Willi began nlewspaper work while iJ1 hi h senool cont inuing through his ·college el'v4l-d as career, having busines. nuinager and adver tising dir ectol' of Lhe college weekl y a nd school annual. He was to'rmerly a ~e mber of the ci rcdlation d pa·r tment of the, . Des Moines RegisterH erald, Des Moines, ' l o'."e;. ' For the last s ix years, Mr. Willis was publh n el' of The East McLean County News, of Colfu, Illinois, aeUin. out his jnterests there Deeember 10. 1986. J4.r. WiUIII i, marrMd aDd baa one daupter 12 yean of


In Coltas. IIr. Wtllll ,... acU.. in the 8Oeial , Ad


Ut. ~



Mr. and Ml " Jame. Hart.<;ock, of Totals,. 7 S 17 the Harv eysburg pike, entertained evel'al little. friends aturday "\\' "Y,, ~.\'IU ., R afternoon, in cel braLion of his navlll " n0 To'0 P0 birthday anniversary, l~"r nhart 4 1 9







Mrs . lI!Iayme Itatfield, Mr, Ra y~ '011 tl . 0 0 0 Wela ... 0 0 Inon }fnttieldJ of L ebnnon t Ml'. , Totals .5 8 18 T.otal •. 19 10 a nd Mrs. Ray Smilh, Mis Mildred ___ _ Graham Dnd Mr, Kennetb Smith, l W n,' ut"nUJe .J II Ii, ..._ HlU. ~ Dayton , were unday guests of Mr ' "nltler .. 4 2 10 McIntosh a 0 I'r<ston 1 o!! flend',on 0 0 and Ml·S. Forrest Graham. Pay n., , 0 0 0 1I0),nolda 2 1 F'ltlr{'nc I 0 2 Burg'ler ' 0 . 0 von It . 1 1 3 lralte .. 1, 0 Master David Hal' oek, son of

. '-



The't'€gular meNing of Wnyne~' villI:' Farmerll' Grange will be h hi Satu rday evening, Fcuruury 20. A gooll att ndllnce is des ireJ as th contc8L l e~1 by , Leo onner and 'hades Fires' unt}!.' l' way, Th~ Graces, Mrs" Amy Bail y, irs. Ada Burge and MJ"FI, Florence B efib rook F urni.b.. OppoeitioD fow Butterworth, will have charge of Hom& Came..-lAaal. Lhe program, and tbis promises to ·Take All 'Alree be all even ing well spent; plen c orne and help make our Gl'ang Waynesville teams were quite one of the stronge t in the county, busy again this week-end. Friday night both the junior high and eniol' high met Kings Mills.-Tho junior high coming out victorious but the sen ior high WD,S downed to the tunc of 48-18 the worst defeat by far the ' Waycehs hav~ suffered this season. Saturcfay night the Higth school Vat'$ily. High school Rese~es and larence Mendenhall will under, the junior high met teams from go an operation at · the National Bellbrook. All three Wayn~villA! M"ilitnt'y hOSllital, Dayton, Fl'iday , teams were victorious, the j unior high 12-7, the Re erves 42.12. 6Jld Mi~s Alln 'rane ~utr(,'red pai n the Varsity 24-20. Between th~ ru l bruises ant} h('r bAck wa~ halves ube Waynesville band again bl.ldly wrencb ~ d in n fall as ~h ( form d the letters and pla.yed tor was dese-endi n)?; the porch st ps al the audience. her home Tu esday evening. " ·n" "" ....III., \'. Klnlr. HIU. v . J)u v ls .' 0 2 2 ,~hln:ck 4 8 14 The members of Jr. O. U. A, ("I:ll' Y " I':'! 4 Hlrn811 . , 9 0 19 ~l'wte . 1 2 ~ te,ph·'so n l 0 2 L will ha~ a get-together meet- Boge r .. 0 0 0 I Hz' aId ,3 0 I ing at ih~ir hall nLutdoy night, LeMny • I 0 2 Bowman 0 1 1 I 0 2 Yo rk ., 1 1 a February 20. Each memb<:r is I'C- Donohoo Fromm 0 0 0 Smllh .. I 2 • quested to bring a covered dish. ' YOlln i; , 0 1 1 {lul'g' le r 0 0 0

Mr. and Mrs. Barry E. 'Stol<es celebrated tOOir fifti·eth wedding ann iversar y today, F ebruary 1.8, with a famil y dinner, t heir guest.'! in cluding Mr . and Mrs. ,John Lemmon, Dayton, 'MI". and Mnl, Chan.. To Be E&ecti•• March 16; Clarence Dunham and son, Leb· WiUi.un A.. Lukea. SlIcc_d_ anon, Mr. a nd Mrs. Ernest HartG. D. Milia, Re-tired sock, Mr. Milo Hl1rtsock, Mr. and M'rs. Herman Surface, Mrs, Amo Effective, on and after March Mendenhall and Mr. J oel Stokes. 16, 1987 unde r an order fr om t he second Assistant Postmaste.r General new schedule for d.elivery of r ur al mails hae be'ln proposed as follows: Rou.te No. 1.

W hole Number 6261

The Stockholders of The Wnynesville Farmers Exchange held th i1' annua.l meting Tuesday, F-ebruary 16. Over 100 members enj oyed the excellent dinner ~ I'V d by the Grange. Du ling the bu si nes ses ion the ' I manag,el', . E. Michener, gave a brie~ summary of thE p t 10


Mr, and Mrs. Ralp'h Hastmgs noertalned at six Q'clock dinner Monday evening, M:r. and Ml'S. J. B. hapman, Mi e Ka hryn Gib· bons, Mrs. Josie Whit&k 1', Mes rs Robel't hapman, James Gibbon and W. S. Graham.


0 '8


HOKer ., 1


LeMay. 0 C,lary ., 1 Donohoo 0'

II 2 0

Total. , 10

• 24

0 4 0

n. 1 1;1 0' 6


McDan 'la 0



n R


0 , •





To t a l s. G 1 11


D~U"""" D F P Houato n 6 0 10 ' H opklna 1 0 I WllIte . 0 0 0 Dunflord 0 Mlil I' , . 1 Pe ne wlt 0 Gels'an .0'


Totals ,

C 20


0 4 2

0 • • 0'

D ..II~a:

La k ey .% 0 • Mered it h. 0 1 1 Sly lell , 1 0 I

1 3 ... e ll r • 0 1 1 , Mr . L. V. Brunstl'ator, Mrs, o 4 Moore, 0 1 1 Lindley Mendenhall, Mrll. Am os o 2 Stewar t . 1 1 a o 0' HUll. " 0 0 0 Cook and Mrs. R ba BraddOck atSpahr ,: 0 0 0 E lli ot .. 0 0 0 tended a "Camp Party" at LebDog&,ett . 0 0 0 anon,. Tua day lliternoon, This y ar!;. ope'rntions since he took was a reunion of the women wh~ To tal • • • • li eharge. The ne-t worth of the com" atl nded the <l-R s ummer camps. W.)'n .....III.. oJ n B@!I........ ~R lllUer . . 2 () 4 pnny has more than doubled du rP new lt 2 1 I Mr. and Mrs. Jl'lmes Hawke, of Preston 2 2 6 H urley. 0 0 0 ing that. period. The 1936 business Springfield, Mr. and l\11's. .Ray Payno . 0 ] 1 Moore , 0 0 0 Floren(" 0 I 1 t$pa hr " 0 0 0 , Fhow d the largest volume as w \1 , Hawke and daugm. r, o f Dayton, <':011 tt .0 0 0 Thomas ,0 0 0 ~ 1AlI(lh • 0 0 Q f,.:(Ulo), •• 1 0 J as the largest net profit in the Mr. and Mrs. Mel~yn . Banta, or D1/Jert . 0 0 0 (I"new lt ' 0 0 0 Osborn, 0 0 0 ~JaayO OO history of the organ ization. Pleasant Plaill: and Mr, J. C. D u mfo rd 0 0 0 Mr. F echt of the Ohio Fa rmers Hawke ,~ 'e dInner gue t of Mr. Totu la . 4 4 1 2 Tolals . S 1 7 Grain and Supply Assodation was and Mrs. J. P. Fromm and son on p s nt and gave a v.e.ry interesting Su nday. H" rv e-y. burtr Wins FroID W.,...,. , yille 24 to 13 ' ·Mr. and M'ri;. Frank LuI ns, 'o( talk desilribing t he -op.crations of All of Springborp came ~ve1,' tohis organization and its service to Pendleton, Ind" who have been tile Cooperative Elevator compa- ;'isiti ng relative ill anJ near Way see HarVeysburg defeated ,b ut ,ni :> ()f the state. This company, nesville, were guests of Mr. and weJ'e disappointed al ong with the when MaaaJe located at l<'ostoria, i.s owned by Mrs. E lmer Sh~ehan, Tuefiday and W,aynesvi lleites t he cooperative elevatOrs of th(; T uesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Elli Township boys maintain~ e. _fe tate and is rapidl y a chieving a McClure a nd da\l ghlErs arid Mr. lead. The score at the half was 17-7 pl. co of greae im portance to t he and Mrs . Walter Sheehan I,lnd sons coop-crative movement of the were /l.dditional SUPPCl' glle ~ of in MallSie's favo r but Waynesville'. h9pe was ren ewM when the Wa.ystatiC. Mr. and Mrs. Shcehari. During the business . Bession, cehs rallil.'d in t be t'hird quarter. the. three- meJ1lbers of th e Mrs. Ralph Hastings entertained Therc was ll!lother basket miaaiq of Di rectors 'whose terms a group of friends · at noonday quarter an d Ha rveysburg, finished namely , CIlIretlce Rye, p ....." ,,,,..,,, lunch-eon,' Friday; Th e decOrations with an eleven point lead, 24 to 18 J 1 Slokes And L. E. uv"",,: " .. and t a ble aPJ)ointJlll.'nts were sug- Juoio.r Hi ..I. WiD. iD w t'e re-e l cted without opposition gcslive o'f val entine day and I n t he junior game, baskets and cov ra were laid for the (ollowing: foul shots W~fe mi9lled on both Mrs. Ra y Peterson, of Lllbanon; sides. With minutes to play in tbe CARD OF THANKS MI·s. L. A. · Garst, Mrs. Ka,rl fourth quarter , Preston sunk • Uodenbend er, Mrs, M. A. Fulker- foul sh~t and tied the knot-lO-10 W-f wish to th ank the kind $on, Mrs. Russell Frank, Mrs. A. lJ During bhe first minute f)f the over frie nds and neighbo rs who assisted Stubbs and Mrs. Gilbert Frye, time period Preston sunk a baaluii in t he illness and a t vhe tim e of making the score 10-12· for Wayth~ dcath of our dear wife and WOMAN'S AUXIUARY tl sville. No Iurt~i' paints were mother. Also Cor win friends fo r ,fl oral tribute. the beautiful Th e February meeting of the . ma::~(YBburg started out with W ill Nortor and Daughter Woman'_s Auxiliary of st. Mary's ju to ne !>ubstitute and euded with Episcopa l church was held Friday aftem oon at t he Little Inn ",ibh three men on. the floor and thfte L egion ' a ffairs. He was drum Mrs. Emma H. McClul'c as hosteslI on the bench because of f oula. Waynesville ke pt t~ initl$1 major in the McLean county The opening service anti bu sin ess for t he whole game. Am r ican Legion Dr um a nd sellsion, conducted by Lho p resWaT1leevlUe ~ • 'd E . C. Cl'8ne, \Yo. Han'.,y.bB..... ~ I ent, M rS. F P Bugle corps, a t Bloom ington , B I" P followe d hy the pl'ogl'am which T llt'yer 0 0 0 PreJl ton.f .. 10 111., the corps which r eprese nts , t Hiletma n 1 2 4 Spitler • 0 0 0 , cp nsi ted, of a piano selection p ay- Haney . ~ a 4 P-ayne • 0 0 0 the state headqua rters. ed by Mh!. J . D. Balin, and read· Mcl<"n ·ht .O 0 0 C oJleU • 0 0 0 , ,I · Uo g-an , .1 0 2 ~ Io~ene~ 0 J • He I1lso was di reeto r of the lngs by ·M:rs. E , L. ThO mas , anQ Oampb ~1l 0 0 0 young peo ples' division in the Mrs. Lee Hawke, endi ng \lith t he Total s .4 "2 10 Tota.I_. 4 ,4 Ii ' hymn , "The Morning Light Is -co uncil of religioull education, Breaking. " c::":~t~1»,? 8 ~~I an interdenominational body Af oor adjour nment a short ses- ~c~'Y ~ = : s.t'IW'a. in Sunday School work. He , ion of tb.e Guild was .held, Mrs. Bogan ,. 1 0 2 ~_. • served as 1l member of the Lee Hawke presiding. =:~y. g g ~~:. Davia •. 0 0 , 0 Clary..' villaga board of trustees in Jetf!rl.s 0 0 0 A FORMER LOCAL DRUGCIST ltarUey 0 • 0 Colfax. , Totat. • 10 • U Tot&I. In addition to his splendid Rete~ Hut! q . qualifieatioDS, Mr. Willis comel to The JoIiaml Ga.ett.e with the h~helt of neommendationa, and we trua the laDle cooperation and 100d f llowahip will be accorded






f- 8,




... . . . 0Ul' ..,.

and plaster, $U,25 j Earl lIQ~ft'ld, 11Ibaerlb, for The Mlaml "n'ice B!l nllchanit'. f611,GOj Juhn h~, ' in .J. lilll'r, lilly roll, $142, ,til; Johnhe will of I n the nlntl . r l'f tht' " ttll'nunt ~o n M~'IlI'll, pay 1'011, $9:UI0; H. L d _ or 1hI: Hl~, lc of ..\ o It 11 L. ad\\'allu :-;chuyll'r, pay .ro ll, $llO:I.GO; Earl til" '. dl'C c'fl ~l: d: illhrital1cl' hx Ilasllre, pay roll, $136.80; V. d~tet'min c<l , lI. Armitage. pay roll, $39.20j 111 the· of I hi' Yo ill of Car- Harry Mount, paJ roll, $44.80; Bui)tlin~ New Suita . ! nl'T i< Bourne, .admini~tr(ltor of lien, d c!'aed, it is has. Hrndbury, pay 1'011 , $266; state in th ("t t<.> of Nan<:y Borne, de- ri W. ordered that , aid Yo III he odmiiLed ol'l Dakin, pay roll. $22,1,8 0 ; Iltun) l ~ a . ed, fdecl hi!; tirst And finnl a \\'. F dl O probat . ' I"'iee Bros. olllpany, woode .., . pilcOU 111. It is oldl'red that the inv ntory It i~ orlh·le.! that thl!'inventol'y ing, $100j The Ohio ol'l'ugated "f .Iury W., lI urnini. trutrix of th e ' tau. of R~.x umming de 'ulvert 0., culvert, $64.90 ; Ll'wis & Drake, Inc., supplies and of the ("Late of E. E, Blxhy, dt'- c t ll ~ed. h.,.. np pl' yed.. . d hllTler> J. chwnrtz, xecutor c .., ment, "'11.10', Joe Tinney, 26 1110n y, ,~ !.'ed, bc ap-prove . l' 1'11I::atltr lh 11 llyn I' S \'S , Rob I·t du Hill, 8dmini~l~ratrix of f vhe! c.' lute or Y,;lIn !\Jay eh- YUI'ds gravel, $3.76 j Blah" & Lc-~ la tl! of Tholll./lS J o'nes, dl"Ceascd, Yoal·tz dec Rsed, fll c l~ hi!; fil':;t Jinal Roy, cement, and and gravel, lTl\Ylw~, r r divo\'ce, Ch "rg~ h \\'a gr llted uuthOI'iLy to sell and Iii. ll'ibuti on account. 124.13; Harold Martz, grave l, \ ill f ul ab ellce, chafes of tock lit In t he ma,t tN' of On\ E. TeRney $G7,10; J. K. Spene 1', lld and In vn!' olal te r or lh!' I<nle (If 'T';111. 'he is direc ted to trails.! r eKccutrix of the state of Th 0- gravel, $87.67; H. S. Conover, sup lo in. c'ol sL: tee by the t ru~tc of aC'T <.turt· J . 'fellney. dl a ed, ,plaintiff pJies -and pa int, $4.8!J; Wilson and a, ign .!aid cel'tificate the L tnnon Pc b)1.~ril\1I IIU T h. tc \I ru h ip5. qtoek to Ihe pur hn I! r, Howard W vs Nora E. Teaney, eL aI., def n- Dairy PrtHlucta, milk can, $4.67 j til uninc·"r porut d r Ii ·io\l~ odBoord of Edu h in ' . uants, , ale ,of real \.' la te lLPproV- Geo. B. TIamiJton, , nttorney, I)' ( f Llbnnon , for a lho ri ty to t n thc' matter of t;he 96ttlemenl ed a nd confirmed. garage ' rent, $12 i Miller Hard- ' ~I II t('(\ I , t , l , of thc ttlte of Lidl~ M, Kay, d _ In the ma~t r ()f th l' (l tate ()f ware and Furniture, 2 whi k CommoJl Plea. Proceedi"._ LI'I h mB ~ l l f ht' ~ ,>ltll'mt nt . t a se d, lh e c ta~ is exempt from. Henry M. Ange, deceased, i~ ~s or- brooms, 98c; Re jf's Eleotric Shop, In til' C41~l' of the :tat. of (lhio 0 he t<ll of Anu " I.. ad, in heritanlle tax. d,e r d t~at Jettel's of admlDlstra- supplies, $3. 60 j Waller S. Gem\'.. .rl 1\ ubn, ~hll d('f,' ndanl was \\311 dH. lIt-e(' uJ, it I.' 01'.1 redl In t b matter of llhe Iltate "of bon be ~ssued to I~a L. Anga and muko Carbo &, Sign Service, parts, f\llmd guilty. th l II (' rtitled CClpy (,f tht· enu'y J ohn B. Pence, dece'as d. it is ot.- that nollce o~ a}>pomlm nl, be P,u l! $23.36; Sam Smitll Junk Yard, In th case (If Ell a Ro"'e ,tletermiring lhe inheritllnce tax derc\l t hat the executoJ;'S sell part Iisbed. harhe Thon'~, Ellis .Ivms glass headlights, $L.76; Brown & Wall r Rowe a deer\! of flivoree to b paid, b~ eprtifiul. , of he estate at private sale. alld .We lter Parlett J8.te DPPOtn ted' ~unMlI, coal for gal1ag'e, $8.94; wa iMide. J. W. Roland. ulimini, tl"".1 Cl r of In Mo matt r of t he estate of apPl at fS, 'rhe Famou Auto Supply Co. e~pus Sla('k on(t ~~lIg('ne Riz8r the to tal!' lie ,1a~' Y E. IItn, . dc- Ii' rutlk A. Pence dec.ea 'ed it is or .. ' plies, $6.92; Hill's Ma.chine Shop, , I'"II pu t Y s heM'If" " MAr'lalr tl Lle~n..... "3 "er apJlotniN ceas d fill'd h i fir" t and ullal ac- d red that the eXeCtltors ell part . d repaIr on transmeteron, '1'; . p I .... l ' p ' WlIlter Von B llfg, potnoor an . G' ' Id S . i s ' )' I n l h cll!'e 0 { au ... \' " c\'I unt. of the estate at pri'Vate sale EI' L' k b th f Fra kl' I r IS\\ () erv ce totton, sUPP lee ton V~, Ol'. ie E. pton, divorce William H, lind J ohn Proof of publicatic1n of notice of ~. ste, Ln. 0 0 • n In, and gasolin, 2.6 6.08; GrOBS Serv .. t A plat'ntl' "Il. " . S"-t' "",onl'n "64 67', wn.~ gran t .. " Holden WN UPP()llIt~J, ex utor~ the .appointmen of Etbel Ray- R. JR.h No.2. P f h d d tce "'" lon, .. ~ I e, l' . n~OA of 'r' ''~''ar • Camp "'er 2 acr~ 1'0 r. Yr I o n a yn, arm on, IlD Jones GarftgA ga olin $2888' I n .~ "I'\! L~"''' u.... ..." -...~" of th e state o( l';mll1ll hinste, burn, a.s trdmini trat)J'ix of the es- clin McGill, both of L banon. hell v ~ . Robert ampbel1, a cli· ship,' deceased EdIYar". L udl um, tllLn of M T Rayburn d c a cd W'U' m I r Do.y- Morrow. Servtco StaLlon, gllsobne, · 'tT H 'l E h T I . ~ .. , . , ' I lain 0 .. ,)" Dwyer, () • orce was grnnt d the pI luntl berman 1 I to noc 00 ey. Howard A 'l>um 'lIlQ .J08t'n h Me- W[IS filed ' d R b KI f m. kl' $48,66, Claud WIlson, keTosene No . 178 all d 179'In ~,tl' ran kli n Kinse y wu e Appoin ' ,. . u y ng, 0 J.1,' lln m. ' <lt 9 2' , K 1 ' und iher maid en nam o.~ M arga-Iota d appl'}II • .!< . ' C Ol'ge 'E. Young executor of the ton, an Ian d gase ).m e,. '1'.... e s ~y s

. Kay,

It n~fH


m 11\ \ d




of t'ht'n.,\\(\h , (II C"u ,'d,













. :,



Cary'a Jewelry

ol~man wa r tor d. Lown hip. Frank ill' ndon lind Iloward W , st.a of William F. Downey dcIn bhe c e of Home · Own('~' Speed Riddell to P. A. Kemper, Ivins, Xl'cutur" of Ih c:utLe of ccnscd, filed his iovcmtory. ' lOlln OJ'poration v . H. B. Jcstice 45 f eet Q{ lot 242 in th e village of l\1ai'Y F . ,trickl r, dcc(;llhl! lI, aJ'c Ed. . Jeffrey, elcecutol' of the Jr., tal, confirmation deed, aod Franklin. uuthoriz d to Sf>lI Cl'ttuin securi- estate of GranVille M. Farris, dedistributiOn wa ordered. , . I lies at ptiva K!l.Je. ~lcased, fi led his In th. CASe o~ the, tate of OhIO \ Probate Court . In he n.att r of the. eLtlernent I In the matter of th.e wlll of Dora v. J. K. andltn, \,he. d~endant In the ~f ~he settlement of thil Rtatc of Jobn A. Lerch, de I Crano, deceased, it is ord red that pleaded gullt.y and pOJd fine and of the estate of LIZ~I l.f~rray, de- cen ed, it i OI'J rlld t hu t. {I cCl'lijd will be filed in I~hi court. cu ta. ceased, a'!l0unt of mherltance UIX fic~ copy of the e.nlry dete rmining f PI'oof of publiClltio.n of noiioo 0'1 In the ell e of larabell Z. Un- w determined. ' the inlt ril,o.nce (IX t() Ill' pa id, bc lhe apPOi ntme nt of FranceB MiIg",Ut U m s. Lewill W, Wbite, the Jllmes H. Arnol~ as exec~l..or of cerWl"d. \ I'OY Cheno weth as administ.rator C!Ut:' is c:ompromil!ed, ttLed, Bnd t he estate of Fanme ~mlbh , deMaey~, Duvi!l, a dmi ni boutor , de bonis non with the will annexdismissed without record. cease-d, .flled an apphcab(,ln for a find.lng iIUld order t hat said estate ' = Real E.tate Tranalora be elC 'mpt form inherilanc tax. Mutual .federal Say. and Loan The first and tinal account, o[ Ass'n. of Mi mi bur1t to hRrIes Dr. James R. Arnold, executor W. off y, lot number 146 in of the state of Fannie C. Smith F nklill. deeila.'led, WAS approved, allowed, H. B, Justic\!, Jr., et al., to and co~firm'ld. Home Owners' Loan , Oorp., lot In t he matter of the will of /lumber 949 and 3 f et, on th'e Charlel\ J. Marqua rdt, deee.ased, WI) t aide of lot 95() in Franklin. it Is ordered that the will be adJo ie Will to Home ' Own~nI' mitt~d to pTobaw. Loan Corporation, real estate in H. L. Harding, admini trator the . W. quarter of sectipn 22. of th estat of Milli e L. Harding Albert and Nettie Monjar by 1Iled his Inventory. ~beTifl'. to Home OWMrs' Loan Lydia M. Rudduck, administraOJ1)Qt'lltiOD, 8.94 acr a of land in trix of the estate of Frank I. RudIlamilton township. duck, deceased filed bel' inventory. Frank J . Bro n to Kate S. In lhe matter of the st.ate of BTown, lot. number 3 in Lebanon. FI n:k 1. Rudduck, 3Ch edule of John 'Meeker to Walw[' Thoma'\, p.r()perty lak n by wida,w. Lota numbored 4379 in Deoel'fl Id The returns of Lydia M, Ru'di tow nship. duek, administra.trix of Frank I. klbert L. Priee to Bymie D. Rudduck, dcce:llled, W re approved FlorC1l. and S ertha L. F lorea, real and confirmed. Ida May Marquardt was alle taLe in Salem t.own hip, J ie Ennis and Minnie B. En- p lnted ex cutrix of the estate of





Bill. AUowed Garage, gasolme and supphes, 1111, P earl Graham, fe ding ptis- $.16.62; A. Murrell F'illing tll01'1 I',", $:.124; William E. Grah m, tl~n, ga.soh~e, $67.60; H. ~. wash in and mending for prison.- IVlns! gaeol;ne, $1.~5 j Smith s ers, /32.65; Wait.' Garagtl, ervtce Station, g88ohn~, $22.68; labot' nnd l'&poirs, $18.48 i Oris- N~wcornb Serv~ce Station,. supwold ervice Station, ga , labor, pl~es a~d gasolme, ,40.70, The oil, ,·e.poirs on lihcriff's cars, 29,- Kllpa~lck,.Fre nch Motorcar Co.,. 37 ; Stanl ey Earnhart, stamp for 8upph~ and gasolln , $68.J 3: needy children, $6; Stillwater Walter Botts, gasoline, $10.98, Stmll.torium, bosll . of Edw, II nsey Henry J:udington erv\i.:e Stniion $3 .60; Lewis &, Drake, Inc., lime I (Continued on Page 3) .



. Shop


Lebanon, Ohio EXPERT WATCH REPAIRING Out,. G.D.I.. Matwt...

Prompt Service Store opera until 9 p. m.


Enormous ' Damage by Flood t~~ State Highways

A,t for a

Miami.burR Permanent

Concrete Air Seal Burial Vault For Sale onl,. bJ

Your Funeral Director McClure Funeral Home


,our caUte, bo.pj.,heQ .ad cal...

to Noma-Brott u. .• live wWe . . prorresslge ftm r-,r the II...... market prleel and &9ocl Hri\ee. UDloD 5tHIE Y . . .• Clul..... 0Tune In on Radlo StatioD WCltY 12 :25 to 12:80 p. m. for. daU, market rellortl.

F. 'T. Martin Auctioneer




Centerville, Ohio ,P hone 71J






D........ &a..... . . . . .


1JAYN.SVI~ ' ~

,7"'. Paper For One Year and


2 00

},[ore than a million readers throughout the country read PATHFINDER regularly for • a complete, timely and unvarnished Algest of the nEl-W". Are you averIoo.klng some'thing? Today. economic and political affairs are at their toP.y-turviest. Every new tll,rn of events Is apt to affect your pocket-book. Everyone's asking, "What's it all about. and how muoh is it going to cost me'!" Before you can answer that question you must be able to interpret the and before you,-can interpret you must hav~ all the facts clearly explawed.

EVERY WEEK FROM THE NEWS CENTER ef the WORLD r:'::::~DC:;~~'7~::'~r~~ilt you with its reli and IOderre,rj"'II7. in



survey of curform presents

the 'Worldi Us


analysis and enobles you to Other weekly to f5 a

• YC'lIr. offer you




FOR SALE-Well ripened Coin!» Honey. cmr Burnett, Boute 's. Wa)'lleavtlle.

Widespread damnge lo Ohio Slate Highways from flood waters tAl shown graphically in t he above tHustration prepared by Job n ]II.ter, Jr., Ohio Director ot High. "'aya.

pointed out, the ' lIituation ie extremely acute. The burden placed upon the State Elighwa)" Department by ita hariJac to take over 6000 miles of COUllty and township roads during the put year, torether with the tremendous flood damal'e. constituu~s the moat serioue problem which has ever confronted the Ohio Department of HilhwaY8. As the crest. of the hbrh 'waters were reached in 760" miles of State Bighways lubmerpd at one time or dunl1l' the flood. There total of 818 dift'erent roadwq under water of the 462 mUel of U Route 7.

The staUl highwnys which were tlundated by high water are , rep,~aented by the dota and the heavy ~.)lid linea. Conaervative estimates are that ,j:lmagclI' to the extent of UO,OOO,()I\/) , have been done to Ohio State fHghways, bridges and municipal " ··(I8tl comprising state highways ~uo to flood ..aters and r esultant l~daJide•• Blehway Ofticiala in Ohio ltatu of union in the known u .... to alk whick


... fI'VIa


tra1llc around flooded · aectiona to m a i n t a I n communication with otherwise isolated areas, while the Highway Department managed to aselat trame through .a partiall,. dooded highways. However, a total of 2i8 other Sec:tioDl of State BJebwa,.. were eompiltelJ blocked otl ~aU8e ot inabOtt7 to provide

I ai


einployea were p....aed into aeno{r.1 to maibtain kaftlc aDd alve tlo"~ relief service throughout Ohlo

These worken manned 1060 bea~l truclu aDd COO tncb, patI.! delivery can ana n,f ' maintaining traftlc throqh In_ dated higbwa,. wherever poIal-." lettinr up emerpncl de&clo". adequate detoura. ' tranlporttn~ boata, equipment. fOOoJ S tat e Blgh"a)' Department luppllel and mediclDII for the ~fK~ trueb transported 250 boats from Cro.., StaN Health departmn.\ variOUl inlarid I. . to the atrieun Aalertcan LttriOIt ad otber partt dtltriet/J, de~eDtai emplo,," .Uqrelht ....... workln~ and nla'ht through haa¥), ralDi ftq'ea , 11'. L. BleeM= r ~=~..t HI of tit, flood to btto mataUnance of ,.rtment. ..... the flooded ~nitGIie••


:~:ct ~~=-~==~=


FOR SALE-dso model J'ord <roup.. AU new 8 plJ' tine. aood motor til! good I'II1ltIIDe coDCIlllo1lo, $100. Can be 118811 at UI W. Gran Aft., Sprlqfte1d. Ohio. Peb '-11-11-15

REPAtBS fornlahed for 1Ilc00r-

mlek-DetriD8. on.- and all makea of Pl~~ , . .Jut ,ncehold 1arp etock order floa 1Iotla eOlD)taftl- JL Do Oonett. ....... wat, and 1JDpl_.t., ......



the year. food and milk, $32.30 : F. A. I1udOhio puultr)"men who :,on J<'c'd Co .. fuC'l, $19: H . E . ing Ihl' problem ot b lviIII'. food . milk Dnd trnn~., $33.!l5 el\rly mURt con icl \' ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY Mary E. Jefferies, !lhelt r, $11: Pl\ l t of tho growth FAMILY Kindr d & HobinAon, food, $ 13.75 early-hatched chick will ke p1ac~ 011 ..... ,. nlllat••« at Poatott14,1. at WayneaThe King Powder Co., fUl') , $7.13; ,,111 •• Oblo. . . lIec:nnd CIa •• lIa ll S erved Alone or a. Gar ni, h It in man ths \\ hen fecti pric s .................. .. .. .. ill 0., ,Krogl."l· GI'ocC?ry & Baking S.lIMrI..... PriM, '1.10 a Y.... lIattet: still be high . Some flock 0\\ ners Adela New To food, $256.76; Lebanon FSl'mel'll' arc considering whether it will Iw Co--op. Co., fuel, $19.60: Lebanon Meale economical to buy exeel chicks to FEBRUARY 18, 1937 Ice & oal Co., fuel, GJ)O; John feeding the cock~nls. -=.~================~====~ With the bumper rice crop this avoid Melllmpy, ah Iter, $4: W. H. McMr. FErgu on believes there or y~ n r, thrifty housewivu are lookfood, $ 5: Ml's. Elihu MeHenry, OUR JUDICIARY SYSTEM sevil-ral advantages for early chicks ing abou,t for as many ways as pas [ntosh, sheltet·, $4; Morrow F eed besides the facti that they ' l' . ible to u e the "Oriental staff of maiul'ity in tim.e to pl'(l ducc fall & Supply Co., '{uel, $5; Allen N, It 'baa been widely foreC'88t t hat t.his Congress would be quiet and life," according 1.0 nub'ilion sp Rapp , fu I, $61; J, S. Richardso n, eggil. Brooder temperatures can peaceful, and would f ollow ilia President,' s wishes with little opposition cia lists at' O. S. fuel, J23 .50; A. 'hillelt, ' -food, be maintoin ed nlorc evenl ly in cold But no,w the s tage is set for one of the longest, m ost acrimon ious 'The bwnu rice flavor goes w~1J weather than in warm vvealhcr ' if $31.f;0: L. · W. Smith, food, $120;' end moat important congreSlJio~al b attles in yea rs: Cause is. the with many fo ods of more prOnounFI'ank South, houst'hold neees. , $5 coal burned broooers are u ed. President 'll me88age on cbanges he would li ke made in our j udIciary ced taste. For example, rice wilh Stok s Dairy Co" milk, $7.4 8; ome para ite-s depend upon fHe curried meat 01' fish; with braised Tracy' Grocery, fo a, $8; Ruby system. as inte rmediat;e hosts and rly Certain phasea of the m essage-sucb as the proposals to .empower liver; wiLh ch ee~e sauce. The chicks scape {rom infestation. Van Riper, food, milk and. hellcr white fiaky fice ia a Illeasing color ounly LUlllb n the Chief Justice to shif t lower court judges ab out in order to expedite Coccidi osis is less troublesome 50.46; Warren Co., fucl, $22; , Wa.rren ou nty cases, and to lessen t he tim e r equired to tak e cases , involving Con- con trast to I'Ciis, gre ns, yellows, wh~ n the ~round is frozen. Lumber 0.; fuel, $22; II. E. War lltit \ltlonal questions from lower courts to t~ Sup reme Court.--wiH and browns in MUCel'l, veg tables, Early chicks, brooded ind oor~, ~t with the agreement of al most Bu,t the big thing is and side dishes. Its texture makes mu st be protected fl:om over wick, food, $16: laude Wililon, th e pl"Oposal that would a uth orize th e Presiden t;to e]>poin~ an ~dditi­ it a good earrier for many food s crowding. The average colony (oorl, $16; Blair & LeRoy, fuel, onal Supreme Court Justice for &ve ry j ustice now on t he court. whose Iik'e gravies and stews, houee will hold only 300 chicken's $26; DI·. Kennon Dunham, medTh l'e oSxe a. few "ice dishes in age is 70 Or more. _ safely and ihis number !Ih ould not icnl services, $5; GI'OSS S rvic terT~t bas split party lines wide open . ' Leading Democratis newll- which the rice is cooked in stock be exceeded even when the chicks Slation, gas, $3.86; 01'. S. papef15 come out against it. A Democratic bloc, under Selltll.oor or in milk or tomato juice until are small unless the brooder ling Stah l, mediclII services, $13; Glaas, haa been organized in t he Senate to fight the measure. lnfiu en- the liquid is absorbed or consider- bouse has protected su n porche Dr. Frllnk A. Dilatu h, m dieal tkl Senator Nania, iWho Bees eye t<l. eye with tihe President in most' ably thickened. Sometimes, as where chicks can run in mild seJ'vicell, $22; Dr. H rschel M. in pilau, or pilaf, the rice .is first Will i a'm s, medrcal .~ erviceR, ,52.matun. has ex,preued his disapproval. weathen. It baa long been known t hat t he P l'66ident has been considering browned in salt pork and then 50; H. C. Hanlilton, food, $5; ~!'!!'!"!!!!"!!"!!!!"!!"!!!!"!!"!!!!"!!"!!!!"!!"!!!!"!!"!!!!"!!"!!!!"!!"!!!!"!~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!'''!!!!!!!!'!I Mr. 'F i'guson states, i:n his opinvadou. plana for cur bing'ihe ]>Ower 01 Nle cour.L.,' to a nnul laws cooktld in hot woater or meat broth ion, thllt early-hatched IChicks will B rtha Hines, food, $3; Kever' s hick en jambolaya i a rice dish Ilaz 1 ' sed by Congre8ll. Now t)1e iasue ill in the open at l~t. be the most profitabie again this Gro c~ry, food, $7.H; in which th-e dee is ' cooked in Bl'ook 5, I' nt of room fOTCOffiyear. ITe expects that any disadvan chicken stock with. bits of chopped tage in costs of nisin&' will be modity di t riboU on, $15; Th omll~ chicken through it. more than compensated, by lower Chillon, fo 1, $19.25; Lewis & WE EXPECT TOO MUCH Cr baked rice is cook-ed (Leath losses and by gaiins in re- Drake; Inc., fuel, $53; Geol'ge from the start in milk, but for ceipt.'1 from the sale of eggs next B, Johnson, office suppli s, $5.2,0; nllOst rice combinations the rice is Janie Bran t, fOEI, $173.93; FL B. Pra ident B rown 01 B iram College sU8pects t hat in the f uture illll llnd winter. In water until tender I8lId boiled Fielelet', et'vices aS supt., $116; mor.e and mor& coUege gradu ates will take, and b e glad to get, jobs J hn S. Jon es, supt., board room tendlne eBa pumps, reading water meten, and clerking in department in whole /laky grains. Then, other materials or saUce6 are mixed with and care of Charles Armbrew st 1', _tores. it or served over it. $45. "Our Americsn parente n eed to r emembeor," he cautions, "that The se~et of cookint ~ice so Average pr()duction for the 26 tile number of coll~e lDLCI:uates x ceeds <and in :the future will far tha I; bhe grains stay whole is to million dairy cows in the United .:ieeed tile number of dellk jobs." NOTICE OF APP OINTMENT It haa been clear for a<)me y-ears t hat parents and t hei r offspring use 10t.s of water- 8 cups of acti- Stat~ ;s 164 pounds per year, acvely boiling salted water to 1 of cording to J. F. Kendrick, bur au haTe be.n erpeeting too much f rom a colleg ll diploma. Once there was Estate of Carrie W. Allen. de1OC!ia1 distinction in the ownership of an automobile, but n ow t ha't rice. Boil gently with the pan of dairy industry, Unite<! ceased. uncovered until the grains are Department (}i Agriculture but Mr eTsl'J'one owu a car the distinction ha.s fad ed o ut completely. And Notice is hereby ,g iven that tend I' with no hard center when Kendri k also says that: t:h.e aver10 with • colle~ education. Olive Allen Brace wllose Post pressed b tween the thumb and age production for the 400,000 Office address is Waynesville, Employers take the education f or &'l'&nted if they bother to finger. Dnain in a colander or cows on test in hel'd improvem nt Olu o, has been duly aPI)ointed n at all. If .radu.tes indicate t hat they- are unwilling to wear :eve, put hot water t hrough to associations is 322 pounds of butEXlccutrilc of the Es~ te of Cal'l'ie ovualla or otherwiee abed t heir dignity. they are likely to be paased u~ sepa.,aoo the grains a nd remove terfat per year. W. Allen late of Wa rren County, The d~culty of supplying impormnt jobs f or c o ne~ men and loose starch, cover with a clean Ohio, deceased. 'Women doea not mean that a college degree' is unnece8S8ry or useless. Ohio p ople wllo have attc-nded cloth and set ,<Jvel' hot water at Dated this 5th dar of Fcbruary, CoUe.., is .,I.tPJ)Ole'(l to ftt thOS& who enjoy its bene lit6 for living qj well back of stove or in a warm oven. 26 Farmers' W eeks at Ohio Stat.e 1937. I..JERetis an olTer that will appeal to all- America rounded life, Uld to give the m the capacity and back-ground to appreinclude Willard W. University, ~ Boy MagaziJ1 and this newspaper at a special The kernals will co nt.inue to swell ciate tIJ.e sood thinp of life, moat of which are ftee or n early free. One cup of r ice, uncooked, will Ellenwood, Well toni Jrohn Beal, Dean E. StAmley, Atty. comb inatioll ba~gain price. The A mcrican Boy is the RALP H H. CAREY, The fact aaat molley and position can no 10ncer be com~ ..nded by yield abt) ut 8 1-3 cups of boiled Dresden: W. G. Vlandenbark, favorite magazine of more than 5~OOO boys and Judge of the Proba.te Court, a decree I.a no reuo!) to overlook the great adv' t hat. a college Zanesville; Wendell Baker Urbana yO'JIlg me-no Its fiction rnrrics boys on the wmg. of rice. C11-18-25 Warren Cou nt y, Ohio education conlen. adventule to all parts of the world. Ita sports asdcIea T he rice is n ow ready to serv~ Chris. J. B()(!il'ger, Marysvj])e; and TheM e.civantagee are real, and now that wealth is to be 8hared~ by famous coach(.'s lind af letes ar e studied b cham· with meat, poultry, gra.vy, or Ellis O. J ones. Camp 'nase. Mr. tile7 are more important than ever. OUDI NANCE X O. 147 pio ns. H~re you will find the finest stories on spotU, t DUCes, or to put into soups, stews, Ira Martin, Columbiana., has been aviation, business, school activities, h umor, and trIIvel. hash, baked dl bes, mu ffins, waffles to 24 Farmers' Weeks a:nd his wife To omend the tlrsl whereas and Section n . ot an "oralEven at its regul<lr price of $1.00 a year , The Americurries, omelet., or other dishes . attended the one that he mis.s.ed. clews provldln~ ror tlie Issunnc' 01 SPEC ~AL WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY BROADCAST tlo n(J $ or th Vill age of Wnyn 0av lll~, can Boy is considered a bargllin. But now you may For r ic\! patties, rice ring, and rice Loss of 100,000 bushels of corn 1110. Jor the purpose of fl~' lrlg th ' obtain it and this newspaper .••• , croquettes, boil with less water, , \,Ulltg "8 I, ropo rtlon IIr C01l8trllcllnl{ and h avy damage to forage is 11 su nll l\l'Y s o"....r 8),1![l'm I'or Rn ld drain but do not rinse. renorted fcom the Boodl area in \ 1I lng" lind r Lh" Works I'rogres8 Amtouncement is made by WOSU, the radio station of the Ohio ~ .. Admlnf~tr"U n' anti oC th Itlv)' of n The Federal Lhre._tack tJU t o 11I'ov1l10 for th e Jlnym ~" t Kentucky. State University, of • special broadcast the eveni ng of Monday, A K , I t/l l l' Qt ' pol. 8 a Nov mil I' 17lh, 1936 F lied 4gency at F e brual'J' I,., in oburv~ce of the birthday of Georg.e Washington. I ,/1'nsas CIty, ' n" It or,I1l.1n ea Il y th e Co un cil <JC organized to .assist farmers in th Vlllug- oC Wn ynes\'111 • StUl~ Appropriate JilUlic and-dramatic features are being prep_red for the . ' . now j"'Ohio: d ro u th areas, IS CULIC t"lomng or Sec, J . ·J'ha.t th first wh('r~a8 to help tho e whose pr'operty has ,' luu~ of an "orillnR.n e providing Monday eveninlr F arm Night fALL for th e Issuunce of bona. 0:( Lho been damag d by fl oods. VllInge of ~'l\yb"8v \lle. Ohl. tor protrftlll ia beiDa IlUlftndered by the College of Agriculture and the _ _ _ _•• _ _ _ _ th e pLl tll0 80 of payIng lhe Villuge'. Ohio Atrteultural Extenaioli. Service for the Wuhing1;<m's birthday _do. of 0IIi0 POliltry Farm. 1,,:ollorUon of on struetlng a. Bnnl tnr)' a w r syslem for Bald Vlll,\g Send Your Order To broadeaat u n,Il't' th e )Vorks J;>rogr $ ;\;(\mlnl&Quoted b,. S...-ciaU• t trillion !Lnu of til I vy ot IL ta'" to \ Ilrovltle Cor H I(' lln Ylll(!nt lh,,~ of " A. Eyidellce COUI' ty r>o.saed on th e 17th day of Novemb r. S umme.riza tion of the records I ~36 Ill.' und the' Bllme 18 h r by a mended 10 r~D.ll ns folio' 8! ( Con tl nue d ! rom IP~e 2) from 29 Ohio poultry fa rms shows "Wh reu at o.n 1 cLlon h Id 'I ' S ' oIUn~~th(m lIhlrd Oll,y of Nt>"emll r, that the 10 baying . t he high est gasQ l'me, '"83 ,, ...."9 ; G'I 1 pin s ervlce th pl'opOllltion oJ. 18BIlincome had e.arly-hatched' flocks Station, gaso lin e 88c: 'Borden's Ing Londs or til mag or I' $' , Wayn ~" l1I e. hlO Cor th por' which averaged 168 'eggs pet bird T ires _nnd g, Ine, ' 1'62.85; The P()~ or paying th v11lagc'Il pro, .. '"' , , . '''t . . while t L,a 10 farms wI'th the lowest fran klin Ch ronic le p.aper, and portion pf' eons:rll'Cting 11. ennl. COLUMBUS-- U.der the direc-' State shown an increase "" tary sow er aystmn tor .a.ld u.. O. Wlama'" of the I -"'lcb ill l- lo iAative of tmproved income had 0& /lock av~rage o£ 146 envelopes for , commissioners, Vlllag under th Works Protlon ,of JildiWI Q.U .... • .. ' $10 75 T rus 0 f • P u bll',10 Air ' greSI! AdmlnJatrntlon In the lIum ' bwn i ' ~ . d d' eggs per bi rd, a ccording to C. .00.. . ; ualts, ot $23.000.00 and <it Lev ylng tnx 8 reaerration department of the UB neaa JUl.. In ustr y, &ecor Iill Ferguson, poultry sped alist, O. S. water at C. H., $13.66; Trus. of. • o ut"ld ot the 1 mlll limitation bueaa of mO.Ar vehicles anplic:a. 1to Seoretary «)f State William J. to noy the Interest nnd prIncipal "" ... U. Public AlTair sp rinkling and foun of "old bandl!, at least uGO/~ ot catiOIUt for reserved or &pecial Kennedy. 'l'he total in Janu ary F h b 'th tain $9; Earl Hatfield, labor on those "ollng Upon the proposl_ .... .-.. 1'"'87 1'-- -.. are "'-'nrr 1936 19'&1 $24,727.7 2, in Janua ry heMrb' erguson sdILystit e ens W I tion voted In favol' thoreot." ~. "'s_ .,.,. .. t etter pr o uc on average Sealer's ear, $ 14.40; Barrett . <-c. II. "lllml S ' c. 11 or an mailed to a pproz;matel, 60000 1986 the r&eeipts jumped t o ,33,- , f h " in t h-e Brothers, cost bills, in1her. state- "ot'dlnanc ' Pfovldlng Cor th 16BI1OhioaD" it was anll.ounced' b; 867,28, and in JanuarY ' 1937 to m~ed ~03t t ~ :!~ln u.n or bonds pt tho Vllla!t r Motop Vehicle Re-'ltrar Fraflk ,36,987.96, Secretary Kennedy F ~bo , etw een d thc t. etr 1 b~ndd m tits. $7; Karl D. Dalki n, prem, ~in~~>.T~~ lethe h~~II~': 'Rthgr~ft?:~ ... .' , . dB ' th e r uary 1,an a 11: s on b ond for probate j u dge, $25; or tJo naLt'uctlng a 8antLary II W .. r he Weet. Altbou .... the Dew platea reporte. e pbmted out; th,a t e bi t k I .' tart. The Western St..a:r, ba r dockets, ftYsttllll lor lIaid Vll lol;' lIn{lel' th '. . po , 'b i f th ' t.i ' di' w r a e 0 ma e 'liD ear Y S WUI'k" J'rogr Ss 'A(hninlstrMio n with maroon n llmbel'lon a white , lIS u.elljt a e corpora on . " 18I ' L_ _ ' th > , t S~lltements 'lind post cards tor anil or the L vy ol D. lax to PI'ovld" I . , b t.e 01 ,in a ymg ~ause ey were n\.8 tOr the pR, ~ ' rnent thor eor". pu.alje!1 on b~Dd, are not ' required on "a1rv~_ .as . a d ' a~odme t J' i ' ure sooner than ' late.hatcb ed clerk, $60; Banks-Baldwin Law the 11th (Jay ot Nov ,nbc r. 19:16 he ant11 AprU 1 the1 may be UM on gener ""Inness an In U8 ry- II d Th " 1 . _ 't ' . 1 P ub. Co., Ohio C,ivli1 Pract.ioo ,,"d th e Marne 18 .herby Ilmendcd to . the st&te bir s; e eal" y s...r In egg ayrend a 8 follOw!: alUl after »..reh 10" Retrl8trar' , ' in~ Is impo rtant n ot only in total Manual, $15; Reif's Electric Shop "S"c.ll. '.nl'lalbon(l s 01 the 'VIllage --'d 01llces of deputy ·lIyllle. Ohio b leelleJ W,..... -~ ... • .• • • number of eggs but in having ~e ele ....Atrl' c ~al repal'rs, ' .... 1'7.32', Col. ut In Wuyn th prlnl~LllaJ sumsholl ot $23.000,00 re~n ~U&'hout the .tate Th-e .ppomtment of Thomas J . production start when price8 for Blank Book Mfg. Co., summons ~rsil~e bl~~~I~O:~nlrf)':r~~I~h !:'~IJ~~: 'WiD 1M opened the ftrat of March Ryan, wen known. Colu,mbu8 drug- eggs are normally highest during fo r sheriff, $«.60; Staltalta Mfg. Inu,Uon or 14 00.00 each and Utlrty f or the aaJe of the 1987 motor ,iat, to the newly-created of Co., a.npoin tm ent of delPuty s heriff ot @.tld ltonda 9'hall be In the denom.. lnation ot $500.00 each. and enid veblel. tNa to thOle who do not , aaaUtant atate fire manbal was in pads, $6.60; Lebanon Lumber bonds shltll be dated Decemb ,. let. b . ... .,.01&1 Dumben. TQ re- announced by Commerce Director sta* at th e wrious Oh io. horse Co., glass and service c:harge f or ;!~! ~~d ~~:I~e~eara~g~~~e8\!;a~: serftd Hat lut -81' reac.hld an ....lfreet A. 'B .neach under whose race tracks but th e interests of Il'Rn, 84c I Addis Servic:e. -Station , Beml ....nnua.llr o n t h e 1st day ot , , March (lnd 8eptemLer ot each al)'ttm., .... .'of 48,C)OO ..ta, but d6p~ent the dlvtalon of state the wagering public 'a a, well. gasolin e, $62.88; M1M!. Helen until 011' principal 8um 18 the 'total hi 11.7 will be. aboat I fire marshal operatea. Mr. Ryan • • • Doughman, invalid ""ca;re of Clif- ~~:V!grg ~~~~r~r it. t~ft\!~e~~ld 1'1,OOG . . . .Cl!II&I, II" Wu-1hu . b..D aecretarJ of the Wo Of importance to Ohio fumen ford Doughman, ,7 ; M:rs. IN. Elz- Inte r est than herelnb tore ..£ _ ' Bueh bondll s'ha ll \lear !!u mall ~ '.l'IJe" will be ... reeiDe eommialton for the ' l>ut was the announcement that a new ' zroth, invalid care 01 Alice Star- Intore"t 08 may be proy _1-1.._,...... ::._ ... '" f ALT_ hia siti he tl <IE I ('t I th o award resolution I\[~J) Swu_ DO ............n 0 ............0 U1 new po on bulletinenti e d ros oU y on- key. $5; JalJ).es Moor e, nvalid' bhe th er of eOf.CounCil SaId bonds atta April 1 for 11M of the 1t81 will oMclate .. contao.t mall fol' trol in Ohio FanninI" has been care of Lucy Moore $5; Mrs. Mar- n~tooe :"Bc~.OI:,~~ond 2dOu :on ' platM, . . . . . W-elt Mlerted. the ftH marahal',s o1llce and travel issu.ed at Ohio SkU ' univ.erslty garet Jones, invalid cure of Ollie 1,8t. 10S8 and one bon d due on .. . • • &bout ...... Rate in ' eo-o-tioll "-d t L-t conies will he seRt to Gard~r, '" 6', Mrs. Julia Hoiland, Sltter [l r st dny ot March e..ah y ar thHe..... ~..... '.... r ..~ ... up to and Including MaNh let. Por the tblrd ~tt" 7 ..r with 6re .nnranee company inter- co~ty agrlcultut'lll stension ,invalid care of Vemol" Holland, 1951. ..a __ ~ & - . . ._ ho_ f th . in & bonds 01 , 500,00 e ach, the !trill , the .J MGU7 fGNIaD and uom.....c en... .........1'e __# 0 e racmg offices where they mey be obta ed $ l~j Miss Oma Kn ox, irtvalid care bo n d being due Mar Ch 1st. 1968 a n d c~"on fees a d m. .nan~ clnDmlaion, Mr. Ryan .Inaugura-- free of . charge. The publ,ication of Barlow, Ballinget, Ilri Johnson" ono bond on th e firs t dill' (:It Mar h - 'eA-ch year bherl'atter UJ) to and 11l o. rec'~ , tD the corporation ted man7 mealUree which protect- was prepal'ed by D•. R. Dodd, el!:- $33; Mrs. Eldon Sho,rt, invalid clud ln/,: Mnreh 1st. 1962. dlYlaioD of the J)epllrtmtnt of .d not 01117 the reTenue of the tension agron omist, and diseu.sses' COl'O of Ruby R eam., ',5; . Relman ~~n~o~~Tn;t dt~oOS~~t~~c:t: 1~~8 t!:'~J in detaU the losaes uused bY ,soil Payn e, invalid care of, Mr.s. nel- one bond on the flrlll day ot 8e»•..__......__=-~I1:1===:::::r.... ~ tern !:)"r' "n<!h yenr t 'herealter lip t o erosion and m etlhods ' by which man Payne., $5; The Great A. & nn d Including Sep t . In, 196~. ' on may be scientifically con- P. Tea Co., food and milk, .161.Sa Ido nebon"" s hall ' be number" d er nSl v " trom to flflY bolh Inelusl and troll~d in Ohio, The bulletin is 25; Back'! _ Grocery, food, $6 ; both p r inc ipal a M Interest ille p a )'able if' The Wayn~8vJllo illustrated. Barr Bros., food, ,26. 75; Blair &: &1 'Bank In W"yn eev lll ('. 0 tJ • • • LeR,/, f ue1, ,862'" Sec. lIJ, 'nbat11.the . u; D r. W . C. clause and 8e~. ot fIrst a\1 " IY FARMERS • Of ill'lportance to board.!l of Bowyer, dental service, $1.60; L. provi din g fo r t he 1~lItlllnc o f t hl! Vi llage of Wa Yft!l8V uo .---r-~ education In . the It00 d~aate d H. Brown, tood, $30j Gco. L . B ur t or t he pu rpo~e ot are.. of the state was the an- roughs, milk, $1.29; Clarksville ~I~:~r~: rr~~~~o~)'~ m nounc~ment by AasiBtant Dire-etor Farmers' Exehange Co., fuel, '6; vill age under the Wor lu P ro gren E. N. D.etrich of the Departmellt J. R. Coft'maD, food, ,92.5(1, A. K l!d~~I~~r~~g~ld!n ~orOfth~h P leyy of of Educ.tion th.t the ' acboolll D.y clothlnlr, $7.18; Charles Doa- th or e ot." pUlled on th e ' 1 , , NOve mber. use. b, a nd th e aame foreld to clo.e by the raainc ter, fuel, $2'-110; R. B. aUmO" I; a re here by J'QPeal ed . waters wtu not 10" lands provid- Son, food , •• : It,. D. Grapmne, In ~.. J~on! r..~~~~~ t~r:ye~!n1~!~r. ed tJuouch the opentioD of tile food, Ie; Grnftwood ~. JDilk. ' .... er a,._tem tor t he V III n.g.. ot state .-001 foundation prosnm. '8; B. C. Hamilton, food milk and ' ~.J'=;;II:or °r~: I~~dlld l~\e ~Ing "fte Iood wiD be nprded . . fuel,_'''1.11; .n. lAtonard Ihtb- .erya.~~nt;t \~e 'ti::,lIo"Ir.::~ ... ... ., Qocl' ad dlltrlltutloll. of a a,... mUk, ....0; BID.., .. h llNb" « C'lare4








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School News

!Ohal1 PI'ClV;!I,' '/1\11'1 II ' ',I ol citlWl' Ih, .'). I (1 , ~ t~ IH' S(!l'Su·tiuli I U')!'I , I'll" :II L'I\~ allL! R 11:111I\tilln ~. nd"I' lilt new unnog(,nl nl lhl' clII'ril'I', Ill' I'h'dlll.·" to Ipllvt' lIw p .. toni (' llt 0 ::1(1 :\. Ill. I\nll I·~·t.ur n by 2 ::jO II. m. Since thi: j, an IITrall~i? nH'nt officially onjl'f('d b~' th(' post. officII uepllrtlll!'nt, it i5 the 1<ill CI'(, dt'sir of nU official~ cono('ct('d 'I ith the locnl office thuL HII pullons chcerfully COOI}l'rll tc "ith the Clll'l'iers in cllrryinJl; out lhe propo, Ii changes,


. l"(ll't'ry Sunday, Ralph John , Ib(' Sublcribe for The Ml... l 0..,", 111 W Iln'pri




Mun- \ ~~----~~==~~~~~

tillY mornIng.

Thl' oillc~rl< un<l nwmhcl ,,[ h ', nnu Mrs.' Kcnrit'k I Ralph P. Sliook Po~ t :'\ 0, I , G, in 1 00, and moved OtiC£' int.o d ~lt II thdl' ~i. ter-In-law" Ir~ . W. I ------.--.--.~.-.--.~.~-.~ ~.--.~.-Am t'ie n L{'gilln, II idl to thtlnk 111(' h ouse in "hich she pall8ed Liee••ed Broker 9ale Monday noon. G. lTainl' S at Miami Vall y ho~pitu l ' Crand NoW'll Lhe pc \11(, of 1hi ' ('ounty for theil' lIMly I ~ bl'Ullly 10, 1037. bixtyI fine co-opl'rn( illn in t\, si 'Li ng 1he l' yeaTs-II long lif -time in REAL EST A.TE Thursoay l'vcning. Mrs. Uuine$ is Summary of tbe Game. The !\('CQnd gI'Rd(· has beel) Ie rn Legion to PI' vitll' nid foy th . it. ". reeov ring nicely f"om n major NOTARY PUBLIC entetvi1l 22, W. H. S. 14; strick n !luff reI', of tht! Fl ood Ing to r ad th th rmomcter and Detw em the dates of her maroperation. J effcrson 20, W. H. . 29; Morrow A l'ea , both in thiQ county and riage And her deatdl was crowded ar ke ping a weath er oh rt. , ~------------------~ . 91; Port William 13, !!'I ewile!'e. 1i~ M('Kin ey has n new pupil 23, W_ H, I Il wealth of happin C!1l8. Here thei r W. H. S, 2 ; ~or row 13, W. H. . Lilt" tt.a Fox. Throu gh the Bp i ndici uPllort of thr e I:hildr n y" re born- Mury, 2 ; Lee burg 15, W. H. S. IG ; the peopl!' of 'Wunc'll Ctoun1y the now 1r13. 1, N. Harri of Dayton, Per.onaLt Franklin 2 , W. H, . 31; Alumni Legion wa~ l)l c t o g t n ' C ~ ) J o>;(ph of Morrow, alld IIlmrietta, B nny Furllas who underw nl 19, W. B. . 18; L banon 17, W. 'arie~ -quickly to t ho~ llllid hC!mt'- : II cIo:e comrad' Ilnd companion of lin npp nd etomy ree nO}' at Ic- H. S. 26; Mason 27, W. H. S. 37; le.-s by the flood W,\tl't~ £ ih her 1lI0lher. B . iues these, . he has Whe-n death oeem's, or at nny Um,e, ur door stl)nds open ('I lin n bo pital, Xenia, is improv- fnrtinsvill 20, W. H. S. 38; Littl liami and Ohio riVt'TI', 6 jtrand-ch ildrel) and three gl' tpringboro 3,5, W. H. . 27; Ing. for fl'iendly eoun c1. We IlI'e always glad to an wer questions rt is ltnpClJ-IllibI til l'0Jl1111ltnkatl'! I!r nd-childl'eo. numb r of Sludent hove been arli Ie 13, W. H. S_ 23: KID.g3 with each pt'r. on IJlld 1lI'Jnmi7.t1tion l\lrl!. McKil\$ y ....'DS a woman of M', Th e "l r Jon('!\ hl'!' hecn ill and how Our benutiful funel'lll home and OU1' complete, modern absent fro m chool beaus of 1he [jlls 48, W, H. . 1 ; B llbrook contributing to thi~ cUU'C! thr()ugh unu ual mentality. }'rom early th PI.I~( WCt'k with grill. facilitie s. But particulurly nl II time of grief, we offer ' our 20, W. H. ,24; Harveysbur 24, th Legiol] ~() WI.' tllk. thi m ea ns gitlhood until her plll ~ ' ng she \\ a I1n. Mr. and It'll. Jnm ' J ohns I1tHI friendly couns J. The gri f-stricken will find unobtrusive Tlte third i Ul} of th "Wayceh- W. H. S. 13. A total of 357 point of xtending our thl\nk~ to you. inte led in nil imJl,oltant . events Irs. lien Hole , rl'tu rll(,o Thuf>!, sympathy here atld n r ady willingness to take the burden of an," , th school paper, was put on for th opponents and 396 for . bhe As (w"",, the Legion i" nady to of th day, being 1\ render of the dlly from n j.wo ~n()nth~ stay ill local squad. ervo when v l' it., help iR ne~dell. best lit.erature arid up-to-date Floridll. every detail off saddened shoulders. What will the tournament Ralph P . ,nook Po~t No.1', happ nings. he never lost her Mrs. Alic M:i1l cr and mothel', .-----~---------":. , r ul be? Will Wayn svllle's. past pois, \\"8S dignifie·d, friendly, Mr s, Alicij Trick('y Rl)ent Saturduy mel'icun Llgion, record be lived up to? The first by ltoy YinII' I', Co'm mandH "h ospitable, loved her friends in Dayton, round will 'be played at Kings Mill R l llC~ 1 \ • Brt)\\ n. Adjutant. devot dly. Mr. and Mrs. If I'vey Burnet otThursday, February 25, Will we - -After t..he death 0'[ her husband tended the Wayn • Town!lhip Fnrlllget to go back on Friday? PIny NOTICE in 189 , she wa father, mother erl! club Th ut1\day at Wayne vil le. the game, boys and r!!'memb r A noti e for prop( •. Is to leasel counselor and near es~ friend to Ralph J ohn!! has pUl'c ha ed a Graduate Veterinarian <lW~'re with you." WaynelvlDe TH,, 't 0 qllllrterb ha, been PO!;t- her three children, the by she new POl'd deJj\felY truck. Pbone' C!d in ll t(' lobby 1\t. the local forgot her' If. he practiced the Ml'. and Mrs. L on Sllli, bury , Office Newth Main SL offic e, 'by P. . In. p ctOt· n . .' Gold n Rule and many b ide her and SOll, Wendell , of Wal:'hingtoll, I numbl. 'aid PI'OllOl:llll asks ,fot' r lativ s mourn the loss of a C. H. ,were entt'l'wined to dinnel' WAYNE~VILLE, OHIO The Dorea Club held its regular bids to hI' subrnittl'd on or b~Iorl) IlllarvelQu woman, I unclay at the home of ~lr. 1\ nd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . .. meeting at tbe Ann x on Thurs- ' March 16, 10:17, fOI' II leJ'm of fivc l - - - --Mrs. All n Emdok. Telephone No. " day. ~be day was sperit in making I o~ .ttm y art', upbjecl to the pr - HARVEYSBURG RURAL Mr. and Mr. . S_ • mith s pent bedding for 11{ E Ministers' VISIon of lhe !;landard form of Sunday Bnd :\[onday \\ ilh Mr. und ~~~~~~!!"'!!~!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! •. lea e usc~ by the D epart~ent. n.t a (Continued from Page 1) Mrs. Allen Smith and daugbt.e r, in .:: famlli ,who we Hood victims. staLed price p r annum, IncludlOg and outhwesterly to the post office Dayton. . and a a •••• a a •••••• a • • • • Mrs, Effii Scroggy of Wilming- hen,I,. ~il\ht, powe~', waler: toiI ~t I Total 1 ngth 52 .1lI; miles, pl'ior MI'_ lind 1\11'1'. Balhud Wallace ton is a guest in the home of her facll1tJe. , plumbmg, .h atmg and length 49.4 mile. of Wayn e. "ille and Mr. harl . .nepb w B. H. Miller and family. light fixture, sa f e and t.1l r ces- Route No.2, Geol'l'e J . Watet' - Buck of Xenia, wel'e !Iinnel' guc~t~ Sam Shanks Jr. spent. la t we£'k ary fu.rnitUI ~ and II1Iipm nt, h Cat • Sunday of Ir, .lind Mrs _ Elbert in Cincinnati working lit his trade opies of slandard It..u"e may be _.e, Wallace. s en at the postoffice. Starting at the p'o Offioo, the Mr. and Mr . Charl es Do. t el' and I as' carpenter. ca.rrier will go. d her~ b y 'Ihe site on which our Funeral or was receIVe N ' h i d daughter of Harv y burg wet' W d relatives ot the death of ~n OBITUARY ort easter y • alii . ~orthwestunday evening dinner guest!! of Home is located can breached Jay of New Albany, Ind. He had erly to Corporat;~on hmlts, WocI t- th ir aunt, Mrs, 1nrgsl'et John. quickly foro m any local businell/l not been .w 1J fo}' several years In the y ar 10 4. two adven- erly to Dayton pike, northearly to :Miss Gene"va Mac ROULzllhl. in or N!Sidential scetion. This is ,and his death occurred in a Day- turou Antl'am btothcl's ill England Paul Celt's lane, !Ioubhearly to company dth friends f rom Cena convenience that is appre- ton. hospital. l!'ulleral services emigrated to tbe nit d 'tat IS of Michenor corner, easterly to tervilt . pent 'Ilturday evcning were conducted Sunday from the America lind mnd l.' their hOl11o in Friends corner on. '1'ownship road, with her un 'le and aunt, h. and ciated, one that particularly Hann(l Funeral Home in Wilming- New J ersey. In 1763, a de c nd- northerly. north astt~rly and north Mrs. Frank Brown at. TiPI) Cllnoe ton. Mr. Jay was a natlv of this ent of tbls family moved til Vit·. erly to Lytle churdi, ' Westerly, City. ' ' eeommends our Funeral Home community_ gi nin, wbl?r{' Lyuill was rl?rthe rly and weste'r ly to Dayton Mr. Robert Fl'i nd and l\fiss for rvices. All of ita facilities The Ladies Aid of the Friend.- wooed and won by Jame. N<:dry, ~I~;, South rly to Brewer l'eS., Mllry Pret.h er and Mr. and Mrs. , may be had by eli nUl at no Church held a Red Cross sewing and these were oclive in the Ie ace and northerly to Nutt res .• Wolttr Kenrick tt<-nded the K. of at the Annex on Tuesday. founding of Will i III find Mal'y's r~tt'ace ~ Lytle r08,d, westerly to P. Banquet. at Wtllil1 'ville W l!t1extra cast. Mrs. lfauy Nickel'$on is the College. FIve Potnt ~hoOI Ib.ouse, no~- nesday ev.ening. 10 guest of her 80n Everett and In 181(1, repI'cs ntatlves of IIlIe ea terly to Pme COTner on SO~18.1 Mrs. hrgaL'et Joh n wa n. Frifamily ill Dayton. family came to linlon county Row , road, east!!'rly tit) Dayton pik e, day guest of he r !Ii tel', Mrs. Eli7.8Ohio, wheN t.heir· ,on Jo Ilh wa~ outherly on Dayton pik .to Billett b th Smith, in Dayto n. born in 1818. [n F brutu'y, 1846 res., and retrace tCI .Soclal Row Mr. and Ml'~. HOf\'ey Burn t, Joseph wed Mary WUgu in ' the road, ea.sterly 0 0 SIl,cml Row road Mr. and Mrs. J: B. Jones alld Mr. , stately Wilgu home mid-way be- to ~tb Furn~ res., retraoo to and Mrs, Harold Wlhitnker and , :Jiuu?Nd~ tween Wayn svill e tlnd L banon , Lytle and SOCIal Row road, soutlh- daughter, attended the co-operaPHONE 19 and h re th ei l' daughters, to westerly to tive meeting at Lebanon, Friday. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Alice, Flora, Lillie and Emma Utica pike, contlDlltt!o w.estedy. ,25 Aner the ~voice of Wallace'~ 11Ii1ii• • •IIIIII,IIJI!II• • • • • • • • • • • • • •I1II!....... w 'te born. and ret:race, southe,rly to Kirby •_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ Mr. Nedry, being nn' ambitious COl'ner, easterly, nOlrth~terly an.d

..-.----------.. .....--------------



Friendly Counse l

Lytl e

Dr. A. E. Stettler

J. E. McClure

New Burlington

Clover Seed


CentraD, Located


Alfalfa Seed

I Buy your seed now while our

present stocks last. The best grade, seed must sell higher when our present stocks are gone.

NOTE: Weare informed that the seed we had bought was all aa ved from the flood we can guarantee deliver,.

WaynesvitIle farmers'E'x. CO.


Lydi~ etl~


Free Lecture on Christian Science E~"'tlecl-- Clu'ia'tia..

Science: "On Earth Towarc! Mao" . by

Peace, Good Wilt



Of Kan... City. Mi ••ouri Member or the ~oa.rd (Jr- Lectllr(,,.hlp of Th" IIfoth ..... " hurch Th }t'ltst CllUre)! ot hrlst. Scientist. In E\oslon. Mass,

In MEMORIAL HALL, Firat aDd St. Clair Str_fa

Friday Evening, February 26, 1937 AT 8,00 O'CLOCK








Phone 25


and pro~perous man gave hi~ easterly, southierly f.9 MOTn;S daught.ers ever¥ educ~tion81 ad- cOL.ner, aster ly ,Ito Missildine vantage po ible at that time, and co~ner, nortbea.stelrly to Mas~n, they were stude.nt in a girls' road, southwesterly to township scltool in Richmon<;l rndiana and road, northerly to Surface corner, " , easterly and nOl'thE,asterly to Core porate limits, no,rtheasbel'ly to Waynesville po t office, northwest~rg <:rly to Corpor~tion limits, westerly



Mr. Jamea G. Rowell, C. S. 8.

~urface c~rner,

b arveya


Several women from Here at- to cross roads, r10lth erly to Sides te nded a meeting at Lebanon COl nH , 1l0rthwestA3J'ly, northerly . M' 1 and westerly to Lytle church, court room In charge of ISS I nor.~h' ea ter Iy t .o EI m t ree, nor,.... w,Gr 8d d y Clast laibl:i&l"nOton · t erly to George Smiltb' lane and re>T h e ommum"y c u" h M me D las t J;ace to El m u'ee, Inortheasterly to . W ed nes d ay ever)lng 'W I" T. eall l F ' hi ' , 'T b d b' erry, Bout easter'Y to COJ:poratlon Stan Iey 0 f ",e an Ol) an ~ son" I"t L . I' , h tl d 'tt d InU 8, sout... ,aster 'V, s outherly and · Ce d rhlc, bW 0 \Va recen y ~ ml e f southea~, erJ;y th:e~lc~ soltthwest.\y t o t e ~r, a .guest ~ I)ea til'S a to Post office. Total lengeth, olt .route 50.96 the ~v.emng. DIOner . was served pl'eVIOU to the mectlOg, '1 P' I th 40 2 'I The Ladies' Aid met last ThuI'S, mJ es. rlor enge . ml es. day afternoon. Roule No.3, William A. /-uke.I, Our basketball boys were defeat Carri:er t;'d at MaSon Friday nig-_ht· but Starting at the Post Office, the were uccessful' on Saturday night carrier will goin d'ef.eatinl1 S~l' jn gbor~ 's chnmSo uth€asterly to Corwin StatIon pion players of the s!!"ason. continue southeastteTly to Wellman Mr. and Mrs. arI Moore enter- northeasterly and easterly to Ellis tained in a ch!Il'ming manner come-!', southerly to McGuinn with a card party on Saturday corner, southeasterly to Winfield night. Tho$e present wel'e Mr. CO I,ner, northerly tc Sha,whan, reand Mr. Wilbur Hawke, Mr. and trace southerly · to Hickoryville, M rs. Clint Taylor, Mr, and Mrs. 4!-ast erly to Levicy corner, .easterly Wm. L[Jkens, Mr_ and ' Mrs. to McCune 'comer' and retrace, George Beckett and Mr. and Mrs. northerly to KemHldy corner, west Harold B.e<:kett. erly and northerly to...HaiBes school. Miss Nell Boerstler of Nor- house, easterly and northeastel'ly wood visit d Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur to William Mills CI)rnel', n6rthw.ese' Hawke and f amily last Friday erly and northerly to John Vand er night. voort farm,B&utllerly to Ward Mr. Fred Harlan., who has re- corner, westerly to Surface corner, turned to Miami Valley hospital is !loutheasterly and southwesterly to in very critical condition. Luken s corner, southwesterly and Mrs. Mary Tuckel' bas returned so uth ~rly on Clarbville road to home after a three w1!e;Ia!' visit Hough corner, w.esterl;y to with her SOIl, Harl'Y Tuclrer and Williams corMl', northerly to H al'f<ll.lllily of Frazeebul'g and her veysburg, westerly to Dr. Vanderbrother, Cliff South and f amUy of voort corner, southerly to WellDetroi,t, Michigl\lI. ~an School hOUSEt, southwest erly Mr. and Mn1, W. P. McCauen to Flatfol'k School house, continue are enjoying a trip to Florida. southwesterly to M. Thompson Dr. ' C. G. Randall, who is in a corner, northwel!l~~rly ' to H. E. very . erious condition, was taken Thompson res. and Nltrace to to Mwmi Vall y ho:pital Tuesday Taylor eornoe·r , w.csterly and nor1:lhafternoon. erly to Bri er Patch School house, Miss Rhea McCa.l're n and westerly to River Road, northerly friend of Columbus, were weoek- to GlU"d corner, easterly to O'Neall -end lruest8 of Mr. and Mrs. Chas corner, continue easterly to Sholt Gordo" and family. corner, southeasterly and louthMn. Lid. Hatton bas gone to westerl), to WilUama corner, north Florida for the remainder of the Iwesterly and northeuterly passinlr winter. . , Corwin Station to , WayneaviUe lib. and Mn. Clyde Levie)' were city limit&, northwelterly to the in Dayton lut Frida, and called I pan olBee. on Mr. Fred Harlen. Total Je1Iateth of route '1.825 8fteral from here attended the mila Prior Jeqetb 8S.1 mil... funeral 01 Mra. Lydia Alice In due tlmt noUeea of chall8ea &111_:1' Jut Sa~l attemoolL WUl be IIvea wben ...... erbert ere ..


Plus This Newsp0t- er' a A t Reduced Price E~is an offer that win appeal to all-American . 80y MagaJ!ine and this newspaper at a special combination ,b argain price. The American Boy is the ' favoate magazine of more than 500,000 boys and ,,)'o,\IJlg men. Its fiCtion carries boy. on the wings of adventure to all parts of the world. Its-sports artides famous coaches and athktes are studied by champons. Here)'Ou will find the finest stories on sports, aviation, bWlineu, tchooillctivities, humor, and travel Even at iii regular pace of .1.00 a year, The American ~ is ~ied II bargain. But now you may obaia it and this newspaper •• , • ~

H br


2.00 Order To


I Me-I

Harveysburg Town Hall February 22, 8 P. M. I

Eighty-Ninth Year



Friends' Home News



W hole Number



ML-s Loui:e H 1\1 tdlck of n(!oar odist church had a n ull day III et· Wilmhlgton, spent 1,h!! w ek·enU ing and covered dL'h luncheon at holiday with h~r gl'(mduWLher 1 .. th e home of Mrs. J. P. Lan·jek Lena lIarL 'ock \Vh has be n quil.e Thursday of last week with tw n Because of a number of crim es ill. vel' $23.000 W88 d~ ribul d MI'S. F. L. Ke i. 1'1' ane! I111·s. d ~aturday by County Agent LesLer ty-cight pI·esent. Five membel's, committe'd by you!.hs parol d A ....... Value of Farm Pf'C)duch MTS. J. D. Marlatt, Mrs. A. H . from the BOYlI' l ndustria l Schoo l lI ogut' , If olun\hu~, wcri! dinnu' .1. {ill l!~' to some 300 Wan' n V:enture Take. Ex tra at Lancaster, State W lfare gue ts of Miss Adalin Alden n county farmers Who ignl'd Roil Stubbs, Mrs Ll oyd Davi , Mrs. Are Li.t.d in Followin. G. Whet.'!el and Mrs Dl'umm ond, tor MUI'ga r('t Allmon of Canto n Mon(hlY. Mi,,~ Franc e!! Aid n, who on.ervation contracts in 1 ~31\. ac Work and Income i. Not Article whose birthday anniversal'ies fall ordet d into imnle<iintc effect n ew had b 11 v~ iting hie!' si"t.el· : inc cording to an announcem ent b'y AU P l'06t in January and February, wel'e rules go verning t h ' gl'anting of FI'iday, roeturned to her hOme in MI'. Miller. For the convenience of those honored at t hi s meeting. paroles at ,th.e Lancaster Institu- Columb u ~ with "them. Th e current paym nL is th Many Ohio women "Who are who a re unabl e to call at th e tion . Ml'lI. Howe ll Plhoe wall gu st Lhird to u& made in t his county on wond ring at this time of yeal" County Audit or'a office f or the Under the new regulatio ns, no oC h J' childl' n in Tolc(11I f l' m I 10:16 contracts, . om 600 local wh ther operating a tourist home purp01Je of listing their Per o/1al , boys will be g1' a second Friday aft I'noon until I\£onday I flll'mHs already having rec is an atb'active way to increase Pr operty, the f ollowing persons " c h c ks Mr. and Mrs. Ru ~s 11 Martin ant.! th~ family income are advised by parClle unl s 80me plan luI. been evening. l h N· I" f dera I b nent U J 0 . h r ' II daughter, Ph yllis. vit<ited relative!' membel'S of tJle home e~onomica ' have been named as Deputy k d wot: e ou t to sen d him to an enll~rs.. . ariwl'lg t, 0 In- Ie yeal". . A&aelll!ora : . . ds Th c con t ' " as sIgn . d in Dayton. Sunday. til'~ly difT rent environmenL und~i' clnnati en II ed On Home fl'len rac~, division at O. S. U. that some Mias Elina Thompson. Springbol'O aJeqlla supervlslOn. Monday mOl·ning. yellr. " I'e fOl'lviuded in lot. of MI'. and Mr, . J. D. Bolin wer- p()ints about the business should Arthur Bryant, Franklin. , In addition, the new rules will - - ~~ --30 0 and pay-mellt was made in t he dinn l' gue. of friends in Wi! - be con ide red before the venture , Mrs. Mary B. Chapman, Waynesnot permit third paroles to thc oTde ~ of thil' r ceipt in Wa. hingmington, Sunday. is started. ville. same boy und t· any oil·cum. tances , ion. Saturday's paYlll nt was made Locnti()n and proper manageM.r. and Mrs. W. N. Sear Walt er Kll nriek, Lytle. boys comi'ng back as vi(Jlutors t he to farn) l' I" l;iding in. all sections Mr: and Mil'S. J. r. Fromm IIntl ment of the home are . very imdaug hter. M;iss Erma, were in CinFr&nk Wilson, Harveysburg. econd time will be kept at t he of the cOllnty, ('acl) of lh 'Ieven 'on, Iyd e, spent Sunduy will pottanl. It i difficult to ~rsuade cinnati/ Monday. . Mrs. Janie Brant, Mor row. Boys' Indu strilll chool lb y . town , hips being r pre 'e nt d. . r elalive. in Daytl)n. sia'an!ters to turn from main high Miss Ether Smith spent the arc 21 'I al" of age a nd LN:n will ' The change i;-';;;;:i~B'~m nt and Mrs. Olive James, Blanchest er. Ml·S. Ira Rich and l\lr~, Reb.. ways and ll'llvel out of their way Mrs. O. B. Cain, Maiheville. week.end with friend s in Indiana be subject to tran el' to ~he editorial direcLo hlp ( The WI ~' NER r Braddock I"pent Sunday with Ml to t· at h even the most nttraet lve Mrs. Ruby Van Riper, So uth nnd Kentucky. Man sti Itl Re fonnatol'Y for men. l\liami Gazette. Mnl"ch 1. \\ill al '0 " . and Mrs. Gilb('rt ~·rye. tourielA home. TN: house itself Lebanon. the changes, Mrs mark ' a change COl' Mr. Gi1bel1. • must serve as the main advertiseLouis Hoppe, Fo.ster. Mr. a nr Mol'S. J. P. Larrick and AllTn aannouncing sai d Mr. W. U. Alle n Ilnd h. an u m en L . ...... III n : Frye, who has bCE!n ind entified so' tI ' ",nOU Id present a . ooemp Ed C. J effery, Washington Twp. · daug hter vi iied the fl ood district "Ina much as there have never with the m chanical d l)a~'tl11 nt at l\~1'. . li~o.rd H. Brace w 're in. ing appearanc.e to persons who Elmore Howard , PI asant " Il of Southern Ohio, last Sunday. been a ny rules govnning the num- l Q' . . 1926 cmnati Vl81tors. M nday. have but a moment to decide . fib . t IS n ~ .• pape~ Sin ., ' be 'Winners of the American . Walter Eltzro1i1, Cozad dale. Mi s Martha Mal·tin pent the b el 0 paro sa oy may r eelve a Mr E'rye wlllI'etlr from tl ew _ . Mrs E'han Cae w'll nLer. whether or not they will atop. J. A. Rebold, M.aaon. th B ' I d ' I.' ISh I "b' . Le""o n essay cont" t on "Out· . •" . • . r n 1 ..... tt l 0·. . . . . tain the memb "s of the 'Argunul' ".os ;ra\' ers are interested in e Oy s n us ria c 00 anu e paper work nfter 11 yea rs of While you have unt il Marcb a1 week-end a t th hom.e of Jam s cause two 0 1 ' thr~ nnd ven f o u r . . onstituhon a nd What It M ns," . rest wh n they decide to stop. to make your returns, please come Lovely and fomily in Springboro. P:u Clles have been given the .same onsci ntiou s.erV1cl! to ta ke u? a wel'~ announced l.ast w ek by om- br Idge cluh Fl"iday nftel'DOon. Quiet an(1 good b.ed" ar-e the bi.,. career of fan:l1lng on the beautIful " .. In as early as as to Fran k Hawke, Qf the Ullive l$ity boy becau se hi s behavior at the 1 (hi S f a Lh (,1'-l.... I C('r, of th e Ralph P. Snook post. l'r!"r.s . 'oun t ry pace 0 u - aw. h' h ' Andy Kuntz, of Morrow i i gcst factors in assuring the tNV.evoid a l.aat minute rush. of Cincinat.i, spent the week-end school warranted the. e paroles, the late Ira D Rich three miles The contest was open to Ig spendin g a few day wilh ~r. nnd e le a restflll stay. A r ack to hold Aw_ap Valu •• with his parents, M;r. and Mrs. we are tak ing step to check un• f W aynesvl . ' II e.., chool stl,ldents throughout. the Mr horles ?:immerman lug~...a-, hangers for clothe s and a eas~ 0 " ~FolloWing are average values as Ronald Hawke. \\arranted paroles. M R' h d li d ht COUTlLy and f OUl" of the winners well lighted shaving mirror are ot January 1st, 1987, as compiled "We believe two c}lBnces arc I'S. IC an ler. a g r, are from Massie To\ nship Hig b Mr. and Mrs, Georg.e Strolld, of oth r items tha t are essentiaL from values given by the County Mrs. W. N. Sears Is spending enough fot, any boy \""e D. boy Mrs. Reba. Bra~dock, w1 ll l'ernovl.' chool at nal'vey b\lrg and two Dayton, were week-end guests of If m'eals are served, l't should be . P -' Mc. s W. "' S'roud Aericultural Extension Service a f ew daYs Ill. asa d ena ,\1;1'th her has had two paroles. ,y" andn then tu the Frye' reSIdence 011 North fl'om Lebanon. . I. a-uu .,.... l' m mbered tha t visitors expeet and repre. entative fal'Jll sal(\1l. aunt, Mrs. Eugenc Montgomery, c~mes buck, we can classify him all st,.eet.. t th Y' . G tt In the Grade 9·10 division at Mrs B Stokes Silver of Winton country food in the countlT. . . 1' 1 ,, ' omlllg 0 C 1I1nl1 aze e I IIll rv~ ys burg B tty Rich and HQl'8eB, goO'd $100 to $150, fair who is ill. an IIlcprr 18 0 e. with hut. meager experietl ce-. Mr. . '" . Place, CmcJOnatl, vlJlllted Mrs. Plenty of milk a nd cream, ~d "0 to $100. ' Mr. and Mrs C. Lee Hawk e l\fr~. Allman 8 0 stated that she F dId' t bl an werth wlI1ne)' .. In glades Mal'y ilveT Saturday n£ternoon. butt('r, fresh eggs, fruits and vege , . ' . <. d d t . '1 lye. Oiln eve ope III 0 a capa e 1 t-12 Helen Rae Th ol'T1 bury and Mules--good, $100 t o $150; Ann W Itz and J. C. H awke VL' - InOMn e to contaa J uvenl e a ll-around printer VI hose nbility .. , . . . . table.s should be' available alwan. fair ,",0 to $100. . ited relativ 8 in Dayton. Sunday judges throughout tbe state and was r ecogn ized by Bill with Whom, Wtlham allder3 were wlOn~rs . MI SS • ~yleen Maln ous retq1'~ d Home...made preserves and 'h omeOow_mi~b, *'0 to ,60; afte~noon request their cooJ)eratiCln in the h .. At 4ebanon, Thelma Ktlburn I to Dett Olt unday after pendmg baked past,.." are also desirable. .• . e cam e til contact. G d \) f d ' ·th.h' h . . J )'earllnea $26 to $35; under oue of juvenile Mastering all angles of the l an~ Bruce ~lson of rll e were a ew ay w) er parents el~. Home economies speeialista BaY · d 60 D bl propel' comm itment Com f orts, c Iellne . year ,15 to '20; male '26 to $35; c; 0 0 e delinquents As the law now tands • t d" M F I adJudged \\~nnerl>. DIM E F Dr"0 h lit ot t th t the g beef cattle 6e to Sc per lb. BQ~ket8, 60c; in le BIankets 30c juveniles can be sentenced ither a ~:o~t' exp~rt ~~:t;;: O;n~ra~:~ ?h$ !'tudents will be pl'esented dinnl~l' a;~ es~s~f 'Dr: :~~e ~r ~ i~c:';': ~i~~ be naU ex;:tit. ~xtra K h • Sheep.-$5 to ,10 per bead. ulck Clean rs, at l'yn Men d n- to Ion field or Lanca t I'' d.epend. an d CI·af'. man. b ut. CClU Id ~ repaIr . With h erk'III D ay to n, S un d ay costs and extra hours of work will 11 M . medals by . Commander'1 Roy b Edgar Hoe--.brood sows $20 to $2 5 h a, :anager. ing on the discr tion of the court d . t . th . YInger and theIr essays Wl I e vening. be nece sary to ma ke the venture per beIId; ehoata ge per lb. . . te an . malO a~n . e varIous \ nt red in the district competition machm es requll' d III n newspaper' . profitable. T he launde rine and Come to Grange hall Thursd ay lmp os mg sen nee. male $10 to $BO. aecordmg Mr. .a nd M . E. L. Thoma c1eanmg . i s qUI~ . _~ eve mng, March 4, f or a good lime office, as well. d' l t fto lhRob ertt W. Brown, . an Item .. uen Cblckeoa-Ue per lb. ond plMlllUlt a ociation with YO\lr AN APPRECIATION Ilpable, dependable and affable ' a JU an ~~o:.: _ _ _ _ w re dinner gu t of Mr. and the rooms must be ready for each 1'1Irby......17e per lb. Mrs. Willipm Thomas of Mason, new gues t. frie nds and neighbors. h . . his tenure of se1'VicI~ has won for FAREWE LL PARTY Sun,Iay. 0....-12. to l6c: pel' lb. .V WIS to e.xp l'Ess our s meere him a host of fdends not only in U Cooperation f rom the men in 1Ia,.-alt.lfa U6 to U8 per Mrs. H. H. WiI!iamS<Jn flnd tha nks to' our many frierl.ds in ,' the newspaper !l'ater~HY b ut in Mr. ancl Mrs. Charles Zimmer- the family al 0 will be needed aa ton; U' to ,16 per tort ; daught er , ty,rL .Grace,· left !I:!st ' ay l1rt'1l vi Jle al)d Ferry comm~ni- the nli re community and eounly. I . Dr. E.. F. Deppe, who. has sold man ani.! family were gue ls' of MI' the yar d /l.nd outside must be kept . mill" to $16 per ton; timot hy week for Mlamj, Fla. where' they b es for the .sympa thy and kind· 'en d L k G' II" I hiS pI aellce here, and M'l!. Deppe altrai1tive. Shaded la.wns ....tIl ~t. \TOO Ut, I . . $11 to ,18 ~r ton; insllage $3 to will be i!"llests. f or severa I we""s, ness shown us in connection with were b onol' gues '.s a t. a pot 1uc k and Mrs. Durward Vice in Dayton, easy sea.ts or screened porches f5 .,.r ton. .' of Mrs. Paul Hauk. the burial of our sister and. m'O ther FEED NOT TAXABLE " upper and .show er at the hom~ of Sunday evening. that invite rest dr aw the att.&ntion Graln--<:om 90c per bU. ; wheat M d M D R mith bad Mrs. Mattie L. William on. To the _._ _ ._ Mr. and Mrs. ,Jack Kersey, Fnday Mr. and Mr . F. . Ha rtsock, of of travelers. Signs advertisi~ the • to fl.26 pet bu. ;oata 46c t o r. a n rs.. . Feny Church for the use of th ir Th Tax ommi~si.on of. Oh io night..d Following the. supper, bridge Milford, and Ml·. ,and Mrs. Ronald hom e should be tar eno..,,.h down dt t aft 60c: per bu.; barley 76c to SOc a.s th~ir d inn er g uest, Monda.y eve building, to t he mi niste r, W. has all nou nced that th e sale ' of pro.vl e n t e r alOmen er Hawke wel·e dinner 'gue8~ ot Mrs. th tourists are given a per bu.; Rye 90e to $1 per bu. · ni ng, Mr. and Mr . R. H. Hartsock Smith, Eva ngeli .. ~ G. T. Ba~man feed fol' livestoe~, pOllltry: pets. I "hlch and Mrs. Deppe were Edith M. Harris On Monday. chance to rea~ tbem before they'I Tob~c:0--8e per 'l b. and Mr. and Mrs. E. . ~r ne. and the singers for i a beau· and fish, is n o lo~ger ubJ l to the reclpl ents of lovely gilts from have passed th'e hou;e. WO'ol-30c to 35e per lb. . E . Michener was in Toledo • _ ••-=-__ Dr. and Mrs. E. F. Deppe were tiful a.nd comforting service. to I l\pplicati-on of Th e Sales , Tax theil' friend. Tho e pr sent were : dinner g~est.a of Mr. and M • Al those who sent fl owers and aU wh o J under the n w Regulation: ju st Mr. and Mrs. Al Pa1insky. Mr. and I Monda.y and Tuesday wher~ he atP oli nsky a nd Mr. a~d Mrs. Erwin in any way rna ni:fe:>ted i ntere!;t I published according to D. s tate- ' 111 rs. Wymer DI'ake, Mr. and Mrs. tended the Stste cOllventlon of Ellis at t he Nether land Pl a~a, and sympathy. ment marle by M. H. Keelor. Sales I rro. O. BI'Own, Mr. and )\'I1·S. E . C. I Farmers' · Grange. Cincinnati., Tuesday even ing. Mrs. M~ry Oliver, Tax Exa min er. It was also an- Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Ell! s, ~r. and MI'S. Durward Vice-, of , " .. Mrs. Alice Short, nounced that l!al es of seedR and Miss,es Elizabe~h He nkle, Evelyn Dayton, were Sunday gu sts at the Mil.'. and Mrs. A. H. Schoeler, of . R. C. Willia.mson, plants, oth er than flow r eeds. Ker ey and F lossie E ltzroth ; Mr. home of Mil'. and Ml's. E, T. Hamilton , Mr. ~nd Mrs. J ohn B. hestol" A. Williamson. flower pla~ts or flowel' bulbs. PI' harles McDonald, Earl Nord, 'l'h tegular m eeting of Waynes---no longeT subject to the a.les tax Harold Bone and Geor ge Henkle. Stroud and Camil y. W"\YNEIVILLE II. E. CItURCH Gons and da ugn ter li nd Mrs. D. L. ane wer e g uests of F. B. Hen· Farm el's Grange was well at.ville Cr .... O. C. DIbert,' Pastor CARD OF THANKS V-endors need not obtuin exemp- DJ". and :Mrs. Deppe left to day for Mr. and Mrs. Lon artt;r al'e anderson and fa mily, S unday. tAlond ed Saturd ay night. S· .....T We wish to thank all ou r rela- tion certificates fl·om pl\rcnase rs Seattle, Washington. nou nc lng th arrival or 11 duught 1" Ml·S. Amy Bailey, Mrs. Ada 'Sunday school at 9 :80 a. m. Atte nd the Gl'ange " benefit tives, neighbors a nd frie nd s for of f e ds and seed, si'n the regula - -- - - ... at their heml' nl:'l1 l' Roxunnll, Burge and Mrs. Florenc e ButterT he econom ists u ed to tell us Monday morni ng, l~t'brualY 22. Momma .wonbip at. 10 :'c). TlH! party" at Gr a nge hall T hu rsday th ir kindne s shown us duri ng tion became effective, sta ted MI'. wOl'lh had arranged a. splendid we hac! 'olv ed th e problem of proIM!r1IlCm lubject wm be, "The "ening, ltfarch 4. A free will con- tho recent illness and de.ath ot Keelor. Snlcs of meals .01' serv- duct.iOn but hlld fallen dOWn on T he Y. F. M. will meet Satur· program as follows: O'Nrcominc Lite." tribution is ex~c te d llnd ' a fiv.e OUI' 'mother, ·Mrrs . Cordia T ruax. Reading, Phyllis Bailley i readi~e A~ ~ao p. ,JIL • • will be fa'!lored cent Ad~llIIion price fO r childl.e.I1. We also than k Rev. Dibert f or his cd on the premises '\.lIb. re M Id, a1"e tho problem, of di sttibution. But day evening. February 28, ut th e Donn ie Burge ; vocal solo, Cathservices. still subject to t he tax, a nd are the N w Deal ers s~em to know h ome of William DOllle l' in Har. ~lth ~ .pecjal ~ort ~ro&T&m of· Refreslunenta free. NeON" mu.le. Th... ulectiona Mr.' and Mrs. R. W. Truax. nett atreete4 py the n ew -regulation how to 'take caroC' of thllt. veysbu rlr· Raymol\ d Braddock, ei·inc. Fu l ~erso n ; r eading, Francea Whitak llr; piano solo, Reba Sur. Cbarles Dibert, Russel D ibert lea der. of ,the AD. . tJPe of muaic and face i address, Supt. L. A. Garat. wiU be appncla"ted by all mude and son Edael, S. li. FloTah and ~r~-===r===~~.====~~~==============~-==:==========~~======~==========~ ', All roads will lead to ' Ki ngs lo..n. TN pastor wiU apeak on W. H, 'Wilkin, of Ohio City, were Mills t his a!t.ernoon and evening MRS. EVA SALE ABBEY tl» aabject of "The llarmonl.. of eal1ers at the home of Rev. G. C. where t he Warren coun ty basket Dibert and family, Monday even· DIES IN SALT LAKE CITY ~ ba.1I tourna ment opened with W....... r 1118. r:A ·0At'. ~", \\.'-. Waynesville ,va Otterbein. George J. WaterhoUH ree.I'f'eci iPl.Ml iii 'CbR CClot. ._ .... . 1'» W"D'. J'ontp KluloD- .~ Ruq.ll B.ntl.y .nterta1nword, last week, of the of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Graver and hjs cousin, Mra. EVA- SAle Abbey, U, SOCMty will JIlMt wl~ Kra. +d at dinner, today, lira. Lizzi& .fUG· " OUP\.\t~'tt Of ~e-­ daugbter, Dar len e, and Miss Mat}' which occurred In .Salt Lu.ella twwa at I 1'. m. _ Lewta, )Ira. Robert Baker, Mis!! ~t ~\tO .. ,1" ~\t)"'T Crane, ()f H yde Park , Cincinnati, Utah, S unday, "bla ,.web' ..d pranl:,mHttnlr Vatpret May, Mias Ruth Hud Filbrual7 If. ~~\tl\.I'( • ~l "'~ WEU were dinner gu ests of Mrs. Maude following a heart attack. Burial at 'I p.- m. Mn. Frank Thoma.s, . ldiss Lucy ~t>l '" l\\t ~n~'lt Crane a.nd daughter, Miss Ann, on was made In Salt Lake City. lira. Emley and MiBA Martha Dibert. IT• ..... CHURCH Sunday. ' "t~ C\tS'ltUttl' 1\\t CUH Abbey was the daughter of II... ThlJcl Bund..,. ill Lent; Febl'lW')' Mr. and Mrs. E . F, Earnhart "\.11. '" ~t coat> . . Ada Keys Sale and tlM law Wa.ynesville has experienced 28, ,I :v_lne Pr&Ju and lennon. Kiu Mal'jorle Earnhart, Mrs. J. P. R~t> •• ~ .. r aI winter wreather the past few Matth ew Sale, former rel1denta It. O. N,bladh: Fromm, Mrs. Frank Hess, Mrs. L. known here. days, today being the cold cst of and well \Wt '" IM",,""G-w., Dt., ------_•• _______ C. st. John. MM. Jo-h n SettUemyre the season. Thermometers ranged MG 111 GOlD ~"l\s ~ IT. AUGUSTINE CHURCH and Mrs. Glen. Bland, representing GRANCE PARTY fr o.m B t o 12 I\bove in different f_.~.Gen 'au.. Newton, Pater the local Eastern Star lodge', atlocalities. KiM. lit. Adnatlne'. church tended a district lJ1eeting in Hills· The H ome Economies committee \AU'~\~ - ..",., BUIUIaJ ~boro, Frld,a l evenine. Farm~n ,Grange is spon80riq • of LOCAL GIRL ON HONOR ROLL benefit party ·to be riven at their . "I&~D" ME&TDtG Mtt.· RUBAl!ill " Frank entertained 'Hannah Jane Cook, f re$hnian at Hall Thursday evening, MUch '~ ......1 at 8:10 a. !D. at lunc;heon Wedneeday, Mrs. L. A College, Richmon d, Ind.• Ther e "Will be games and elltenatn.. . . . . . . tor Wonhlp .t· 10:10 Garst. Mra. Karl Bodenbender, honor r ecognition du ri ng th e ment for all. Admilaioa t ... won .. Mra. ·Gllb.ert Frye, Mn. Ralph se:me«ieT of t he coll ege year children will be 6 cent. anel a first Huttnp, lira. II. A. FulkenoOD, t)tc,~ttl according to the registrars honor f reewill contribu.tion ia upecW ......y CRURal OF CHRIST kra. Wad. Turner, lin. A. H. roll wbich has .been r eleased th ere. from all adulU. BefrtIIuDft.. CuI IIaIItII, ilia. . . Stubba and Iln. Ira O. Brown. t\.f.'I~TO~' Mi.5s Cook, who is a niece and will be free. Not 0111, . . . , . . of p~ Sapt. of BIble The .tiemoon wal apent In play""'It &lt~ adopted daughter of Dr. Mary L . the GraII&'e but non IDe. . . . . ..m Ina "500". Cook of Waynesville, was gradu- be welcome. All membera .... JHhIa BeJsooI ., 8:10 L . . *.,,,\.~'O ComplilD1lnttna lin. E. F. ated from Waynesville high school requeated to brlnlr ..nd.le.... 10:flL .. \...., fill Deppe, lira. Ira O. Brown enterin 1986. • . " ........ 11100 L . . __ 'COk~' Flaal proof that , . . . . . tained at bride- 8aturda1 afternot reached tile Iliahllt ' -.... !lOOD the loUo,...,. IrQeBtl: KrI. HAS RETURNED HOME standardl III eODta1ucl III . . Ecfpr fterk, of . DaJtOll; lin. GfJ\tl L. S. Shawhan, former ca.ahler port b, l i l a " " " VA lack lira. AI PoUna1c)', of the Lebanon·Citilena National WaaIllqton•. 0. A. Oant, .... ~"Q' Bank, who waa lIentMlceci ~ lin. ... Jttwlll ~.--aammer in lederal court at















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Inr y R .• [c Ill! ", <II ., .\.,,1. l·ru~«t1. Til" til"!'t and final account or Thl' lil t :lIld f1nd .II'C!llIlIt Th t' hl'art" of a I'otalio n on MY 1t.1\ i\1. {'rt "n, " r l'dt\'" nf lh ;\funlil' ))oull'hm lln, IIdmillisu'atrix lron ~. II 1'. Dough. fllrm i~ in it~ .oel l'I'OPS and especi~~lotl of E\"i~ A. Elld, dl'Cl",,,,'d of thl; "tate of Alton , ~('h('1 J, Iron " minor. ' allvJ I' n it:; lell'Ullll' cropt;. . High lll nn. c1"cl'us.'ed. I n thO! nlall ,. ,'f th., I'liardlllll'" 'f1w folJnwjl\~ :lec lUnUl \\ l' ap I The fir~t. and finnl aecount of I ',"IudI.' . 1..... uI1)(' sod. 111'<' the Ivaf 1 ~ hip u f ]'~\\'b .\tk Ils,'n, 1111 inCo/lllThe fir.- t and finall account 1 ,,., I I t\ (>.t, all(}n:d ami eon firm ed by t F B d .. t t { th 'on of tho>~ farm and thl' foundallll' C\lUI' : on " ro" n t mml ~ I'a or 0 e lleknt, it j ... ()l'(I,'rrri that ,JIlIllC Harol d l'l!. Ben ham ,Il'nd Marie Ben tl tioll of its pro ,.n(!l'it'·. Not.hing J ! At ma. RUtT 'I ('slat<) of. Andr(',w Johnson, de- E BUI'ke b,' 1I!,{H,iml'li cunrdinn ,.f h:r.n~, adm,ini tratol'8 01 t.he est.ate • t' "I hc . PI'JIta Ion 0 th P~ l' on and e tutl.' of Le\\ iq t o f P ' icl' ,P. &nhom, deccnsed. i< m'JI" 'ommon than to hear of ntr for th(' !l;uarcHanship of A Ct', sed. Thc' third account 01 ntral fllilul' SOl' n ar-failures of f orage kin on und{'I' hond "f .:';I,J::I). drl' • 1.01: Ruft'ncr, t't nl. minors. The til'St and finnl account of ,) mpan", tru~tec of the . ecdingll and these fnilur s have Th firs nd final account of fur E. Davis. administratrix of is o1'III:I'('u lh at lettlf~ of Jrl.1:ll·diml ship be i,;"u" .1 to Janlt'.- l~ . BUI k e. 'slate f Harry• B. Thompson, de- occurr d ut a c(ln. tantly incl'eas\IiCl' ('1:U'k, uchninistrah'ix of the j the tal,.(' of Lida M. Kay (Eliza ing rate in recent YCUI'S. Why th n d<> \\ not h:we more uni[n the malleI' lit lhe L"!.:llC of cea cd. ,I' at/> "f .harll's F, In rk, (h,~ Kay) , d cen d. Nt. 1 The fourth account. of Robert W Edward 1\1. D,'al·,le IT. tkc~ ut'ed. 11'1 the matter of the estate of formly good mea(Jow,; ? FI'unkie A. Dunham. acca:;e.d, In Warren ounty we find thnt T}li' ~eeo nd nn-d final fll'COunt of 1Brown, x utOI' of the ' tate of tnlll , fel oj klnck ClT.jt'rca. hi the matt r of th.· guardinn. private sale of certa in stocks and the Illo:t difficult. place in which ship of Enllilu liar d" i~k, 0." in- bonds ordered. Lo gi't good seeding of I g~ m e sod compdenL P<' L 011. applications In thc I'natter of the e tnte of crops r g ularly i.s in \\ inter wheat and proc cll ing.' ,II lli.'nli,~ed. F'rnnki(' A, Dunham, deceas d, dis It i' .thercfol'e timely that we In th e mllttn of the I'~wt I uibution in kind authorized , ' E.dwurd til. U ~al'dolT. tI cNllSetl, it William E. Meehlam, ancillary i. ord er d lh:l~ lh" arin11ni. tlulor administnllor 01 the- e rate of Ter acres in TurtlE' rc k town hip . o f said e~Ult ll'lln. fel' PlI1perty to race A. M~an, dect!ased filed his" Mary E. T risler to Wylie G., Tris arah J. Oe:u dotl', , idow of de- III'S \' and finnl account. ler, 120.05 acres in Hamilton town


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w eat :

Apply Topdressing Mat t th Wh t.of (E nure or raw 0 e ell, : t '1 f 11y h'gh 0xcep i on SOl I rtt 8 0 unusua t t) glln e ma er con e)1 . n. Apply, yet during January, rour to ight ton ~ of manure p l' acr.e as a top-d~essmg to the whea~ ThJ5 top-dreSSing consel'Ve3 SO il moistur ,provide seed. coverage, pro~ects the sma~l eedhngs fro~ drYl1lg out., provid~ plant mull'lc nt and increases the yields of both wheat and the following hay ' crops. Suoh top-dr sBings should be made a t least to the less productive parts 01 the fi eld. cedl'nL. Ed. . Jeff.ery, ex.ecutor of t he ship. (b) On,e to t.wo tons of straw In th e mattl'c of Hi ('!;wte of state of Granville llf. Farris, deoper acre used in th same' way as ~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ _ _ \ Ed" nrd M. DE'ul'duIT, decl'a. cd, cea 'ed, led his first and final acNew Suit. suggested :for manure will aid in I .• , ('uunt. p Th odore A. Tigal', doi~ busi- securing a. stand but often reduces t \. rw~ r t\ll'nf! 0 f l '\lI ,;Kt' II J ear d 0 fl' • 1\\,1


Advertise 1JOUr&1eio

mini lraior, weI'\) approv d conllrmed.

pa,.... It witl brieg



rh•• Paper For One Year and

as!:.. PATHFINDERoNL" $ 2 00

More than a million readers throughout the country read PA'rHFINDER regula.rly for • , a complete, timely and unvarnished digest of the news. Are you ovp-rlooking some. thing? Today. economic and political affairs are at their topsy-turviest. Every new ttl.rn of events is apt to affect your pocket-book. Everyone's asking, "What's it all a.bout, and how much is it going to cost me?" Before you can answer that question you must be able to interpret the news; and before you can interpret you must have all the facts clearly explained.

EVERY WEEK FROM THE NEWS CENTER of the WORLD Pathfinder comes to you with its reliollle, easy-ta-read and eosy-to-und r-, stand news reviews in words, pictures and charts. Its condensed form presents a lively and intelligible survey of current events throughout the world; its impartial intcr~retation. analysi.s and explanation of the news enables .you to think and talk straight. Other weekly news magazin~ sell at to $5 a year. Pathfinder sells for $1 a yenr. but for a Jimited time we can oO'er you a ~reatly reduced bargain price on a cornbmotion ~IIUI. of this paper and PATHFINDER. Drop in and see samples or write and take advan, tage of this sJ>ecial offer without delay. F;i~i~ii~!E:::iI [nsure your economic future by assuring I yOI;U' complete grasp of curreot a1Iairs.



~:I\'ivaa~ ~~g:~r:~dandh::~~~~: Sthli!bwtl~e"tt~e growth and yi of I . . poin ter of Cin- Burkel, cognovit note. Attorney , 2. Most favorable time to sced

und j

Frank, tark ' y, admil1j~lrator of the e.>taLe of jo~ 1i 1J. ,'tark y, deceased, filed his application.

gou hagen



IJOinl out a number of thlnes that Try Th. GaIette cun bt' don to increase markedly e.... ~ WI = Ih" chan".,· ot -ttl'n" wOI·"wtlile ~~~~~~""""""""""~~""""""""""~~ standl\ of 1('lrunH's from seedinlrll ---mn.d .. in wheat late thi~ winter or early this spl·lng. Where the lim and nutl.rient si~uations do not rule out the g pos ibility of h f II uceess ' thOwith a leb (" 0 OWlDg lOgs can dullIe, l 'th I . b' e er 'a one maIone ..01 _ bta b' tlor m 1' , t ;h i l ...... 0 In er !!e~-ulllg In

Marti.,e Lic:enaea

. Jos~pliProcter, Innntl and Hazel Bland, of


Lcb- for plai ntiff i s David ' Stevenson, on wheat:


Cary'a Jewelry Shop lOT E HOME OF clns"

and for the defendant, R. Hilliard The results of experimental work Gree nwood. , on the times of s eding forages in Lebanon, Ohio Janice R uth Rosen baum, through wheat are in gen alas follows: In the matter uf he ~ettlemen\' EXPERT WATCH of th t;s taw uf .\IFlie E. Bon, ?lacVarvel, h er mot.her alld next Meadow crops most favorable REPAIRINC dec ased, the esta te is exempt iriend, vs. Alber E. Rosenbaum, period: 1rom inh riianc tax. for divorce. Charge is.gro negAlfalfa, March 15 to 31; Red ODI~ G~••I_ Mat_'-It , It is ' ord<.'l'ed that the inventory I ct of duty. lover, March; Sweet lover Prompt Service of C. D. '01'\\ in of the e tate of Estella Reinhardt., exeelltrix of (scarified), March 16 to 31: Sweet ' u, n J. BrOII/l, elec used, be the e tate of J ohn A, Reinhardt, Clover ( In-tihe-hull) F' brunry; Store opera u~tll 9 p. m.. approved. CommOlD P .... ProceediD&' d eased, vs. Delm-er Baimlm, cog- Tim othy, at time of S!!eding wheat In the matter of the se til mene In t h case 01 Theodore A. Tigar novit note. 3. Coverage of the seed: II the of th estate of Geo rge Ho!!:lin, de doi ng bu iness as T~ and Charlsoil i~ dry enough to permit u ing ceased, in~1'it8ncli tax is deter- ton, 118. Lillian D. Burkel and Bill. Allowed drills, spike-tooth harrows or . _ . : . . . - - - - - - - - - - -.. \DIMd. . \Villiam A. Burkel, judgme'llt to Jame' Moore, invalid car of weeders, then it is well to cover Aak for. In the 111atter of t.he c tate of plaintiff and from defendants in Lucy Moore, ,6 j lira. Ira Eltz- lightly the legume seeds sown in Miami.burl Permanent John B. Pence, d ·ea, ed, privat th su m of $120.61. roth, invalid care of Alice Starkey the wheat in the spring, Weeders, Concrete Ie of bonds ordcl·ed. In the matter of Sylvan D. Jam $5; 1'tlrs. Helen Doughman, in- harrows, rotary hoes, etc. may be It is onlet'eu that th inventory eson, a member of the petit jury valid care of Clifford Doughman, lIs-eel to cover, where tbe eEd is Air Seal Burial Vault f If. R. !\loll!; Il nd Gilbert Frye, he is xCllsed from tuther service 7; The Great A ,a nd P Tea Co., not actually drilled in. For Sale onl, h, dministrators of the (,,'w of II'a. on said petit jury as he iJJappoint- lood 'and milk, $206.10; Barr Bros .s. Split Seedings: This method D. Rich" dec a d, be appr(\ved. ed co urt bailiff. food. $6; L. H. B.,wn, lood, has been uniformly lIucceea1'ul Frank Brtllldon and Howa rd W, In the en e of the State of Ohio $5; rnahan Groe ry and Meat whereev r tried. Otie.half of the Your Funeral Director .... Ivin, x~cutors of the estate of vs. Karl Kouba, KOlabn was sen- Mark: t, fo e1, $13; J. E. Coffman, seed is normally broadcast during ' 1ary F. Stl'ickler, deceascd, fiI d tenc to OM year in the Ohio food, $39.75 ; Abe Cook, shelter, th first half 01 March, and if the McClure Funeral Home their first anel final account. Sta te penitentiary. Al Schwartz $JO; Cornett Coa] and F ed Sup- soil becomes dry enough by the last Pilo_ 7 w.,........o. J Ie Burkholtz, e~ cutrix of i appointed guard to conduct ply, fu el, $3.26; Fedders upply of &t..a.rah or the first week in April lhe (state of Edwal'el BUl'kholtz, Kouba to tihe penitentiary. Co., fuel, 97,25 i Kesler Graham the otiber half of the seed may be d eased, filed her fil'St, final an d In the , of Charles Weiss- food, $4; A. D. Gra. pevine, fOOd" drilled. If the soil still remains di tributive account. mann vs W. W. Whi'teker and EI- $6; Dr. A. D. ,Harvey, I.ll~ical ser- moillt, the other half of the seed Ira L. gne, admini.:!trator of mer ~ossett, executors of the <C5- vic s, $37.60; Kaufman's, clothing'I 8houid be broadcast, the last of the estat e of Henry L Agne, de- ' tate of Joseph 1,). Donnally, de- $15.82,; Kautz'. Grocery, food, March or early in April. Splitting cea ed, filed his. inv ntolY· eased, defendants are granted $50.25: Kirk's Grocery, food, $13 the e dings increases the cost of In the In tt l' of the will of leav:e to fil~ ~heir aTlsw~r . in the David Masan, food, '$15; Mason ' making the seeding but if soil Fanny Gern Griffith, decea ed, foregoing case forthwith. Market IGA food, $28; H. E. & ' conditions are favorable, the saiu \vill-is order<d admitted to In t he ea e of Emma Trautmlln H. D. 1\lcVey, food, $86: Mjami method almost invariably r4!8ults . VB. Hll11ry Trautmalll, divorce is VaUey Building and Loan Asso- in a satisfactory !It&.nd. llrobate, In the matter of th~ eslate of given' to plaintiff; ohildren to cia.tion, shelter, $6: Morrow Feed 5. Clipping the woheat: If the FanllY F rn Griffith, deceased Wal plaintitT. ' and Supply Co., fuel, $21.15; wheat. make.s a rank growth it may AND CONSIGN ter Griffith wa appointed exccuIn the case ()f Everett Wagner Ch.ris Murphy IGA Store, food and be clipp"a-aOout April 20 to 30 ,heep allil cal... tor. Joseph L. Roberts, C. C. Eu l- va. Hazel Wagner, di'lfol'ce is given milk, $66.65; Janie M. Brant, fuel in order to give the young legume Ii... ,WIn ... Iass and Chul'les S. ll'win were ap- to plaintiff. '26.38; Elmu Collis, food, $10; seedlings a chance to develop. ~. ~ t pointed apprs' ens. ' In the case of Es!l«~l1a Reinhardt ' No.,!'th End Grocery, $8,25; Olan Clipping should be high enough so W"I.~~ 0. In the mat.ter of th wUI of Fan ex.e-cutrix of the est&·te of John A. Persl y, f()od, $4.50; Pinec~ hat too young heads of the wh~at on StatiOD wen ny F ern Gl'iffith, dccaa ed, election Reinhardt, deceased" VB. Delmer Dairy, milk, $25.80 i Robt. Reichel will not be cut off by, the mower. , to 12 :80 p. at. tor our claD, . food, $4; Schwart's Grocery, $21.- The height of the8e young heads market reporta. of widower fil d . ' BlLinum, judgment to plain tl •11 10 In the maller of the will of the um of $665.33 !md costs. 76; W. W. ~urtz, household can be determined by splitting I=============~ Dora Cruoe, decea 'ed, il"is ordel'In the case of Carrie M. Crock- necessitie, $36.50; Ray Swigert, several stems of the wheat .. 6. Pasturing the wheat: If cd thnt t)} will be admitted to ctt, as guardian of t:h e estate of food, $41.25; S. . Thomas, food probate. Clara Cleo Crockett, a minor, vs. $2; Taylor's G1'O cry, food, $12; wheat is inclined I:.<l make a rank Clem CI'ane was appointed execu Chester D •. Crock.ett, et a1. Part in Tracy's , Grocery, food and milk, growth it rlJliy well be pastured 10 tor of the estate of Do\'a Crane, ,qu stion of the will conan-ued., no $10.35; Valley View Farm, mille, to 15 days during the last half of deceused. Robert Brown, Cliff partition made, costel to tbe plain 66c; Ruby Van Riper, foo.d,' $1.14 .• April, by sbeep or cattle. Such Brant, and .Joseph Zimmenn&n tiff. 70; Dr. H. M. W.illiams, medical pasturing reduces the. growth of were appointed appl'ai ~rs. · In the case' of Rosn McCutcheon services $6: Wood's Market IGA the wheat ,a nd may reduce the In t he matter of the settlement executrix of the estute of Robert milk, and food, $163.60; T. U. U. yield, but it invaritably of the estate of W, Scott Clark, de A. McCutclle<>n, deceased, vs Rosa Wood i, food, $31, Wrigtlt's suIts in better stands of legumes ceased, it is ordered that a certi- McCutcheon, et a1., drst account Markell, food, $62; Dr. Rosen M. by reducing fol"' a ebort time the fied copy 'of t he :entry of th~ in- filed. Brewer, medica.! services, $22,50; competition between the whe.a.t heritance tax to be pa id be certiC. T. John son, ambalance service, and the' youn(C seedlings of the fl ed to the a.uditOl\ Real E'kte Tr&IUI~er. $7.60; The OffiCII Outfitters, sup- clover and alfalfa. • Ph.... 78J W. Che tel' Mapl e, administraHoward Realty Inc., to Eliza- plies, $1.50: Ohio Central Tele7. Delaying , the seeding until to r of thEj estate of W. Scott lark be th Dellard, 63 acre.s in Clear- phone Corp., telephone service, $5 atter the wlwlat is harv~sted; , deceased, fi led his. first and final crook township. 80: Dr. S. Sterling Stahl, medical Very heavy crops of wheat comaccount. In the matter of the estate of services, $10; Wet!tern Union, pete seriously with, the developing MOTAIt.Y PUBLIC Tn the matter of the settlement C. M. Thomas, deeensed, to Lelia te1egrams, $2.09; J. W. Lingo' alfalf. and clover plants. An inof the estat.c of Edwurd M. DearMcCandless and Earl W. Thorn Hardware 09" supplies, ,15,36: creasing number of farmerS who Natt-l . . . . dotT deceased, the estate is exempt as, inlots Nos. 131 8111d 132 in the Stanley Earnhart, postmaster, grow heavy erope of wheat regul. E.tat.. S.nW fr'om inheritance tax. village of Franklin. ' stamped ,e nvelopes $6; Ohio Gen- a:rJy Ibave decided that it ia wiler WAYNESVILLE. OHIO In the matter of the will of J Ohn! Minnie Chaffin to Hilda Faa tral Telephone Corp., tools, $24.- to d~Ja.y the aeedinw of clover or , S. Van Horn, deceased, it is or.' Stull, 75.15 acres hi Franklin 05; William E. Schooley, mileawe alfalfa until the wh_t haa been I del'~d that said will be fil ed in this township, $22.U; Louis Fred, su ps for leW- harvestd in the .IUUlmer. In auch court. . W, A. Chenoweth to aarry W. inw projectj ,1.80; Kaufman'a, casea it la ~eeeqrr to p~re a .. . In t he matter of the will of John and Mary' A. Cben()~th, 71.8'1: tape, snaps, buttons, $7.22; The new seed bed and to,make the seed _ _AI . . . . . - . . . . ............. ...... , Van Horne, d~ eased, it Is or- aelles in Union . townilhip. Book Shop, ink, SOc; The Oftlce in ... In late Jul,. or Aquat with-! . Earl Wayne ThoD... to Bam Outfttters, rubber bandl and o,ut a companion crop. ' On" the POa" .ALa delled that said will be executed. In the matter of the a.doption of E. McCandleel and IAlia T. Mc- IIstaplee, $1.80: W. B. ' WriWht, other hand, there ill a rlak of in.- - _ _ _ _, _ _ _ _ _'--_ _ Corbin Howell, it is ordered and Candleas, pvt of lot. 181 and manaeer, '8.10; The Gem City adequate molature for auceeea with FOR S~Moaern bou•• ,..11 decreed by the court that from 182 In the VUlap oj~ Franklin; Blue Print and supply Co., 1 dOl aummer leedln... . , located in Wap.rriUe. Shoft this da te the said .child is to all The Miami Valle, Chautauqua pencils, fl.oO; R. 'B. Gilmore, Itlleedinas made in the iPrlD:c by appointment onl,.. , W. N, legal intents the child of . William Co, to the Board of Cklmmiaaioners _bovels, '2.70; Zain fall or nearl, t.t1 b, summer, tillen $eara. ' til H. Cowgill and the name ,of said of Warren and MonQromery coun- ITQvel, $82.46; The Van Camp the aeedinea may be macMI ...._ . MYERS"Pumpa" aprayll, bay child is hereby changed to Corbin ties, real estate in FJt'ankiill town- St<>ne Co., gra.vel ,791.67; Hers- by Auwust 16 in northern ' Cowgill. sliip. cbel F. James, partl, 40c; The Cin and September. 1 'in lIOuthern Ohio forks, pulleys, epay , pum~ Pi'oof of publication of the Fred Hanitan to Melvin Wood, cinnati Oil Works Co., Zerone and No companion ' crope would be used PGwer spra)'e~ 'well pump. at a. notice , oI IlppointtJiellt of H. L. lots Nos. 47 and ' 48 il\ DHrtleld oil, $62.71; Waitet Garage puts t\>r any summer l4!ediDg. D. Collett's Hardware Phone liRa Hardin ... as administrator of the township $283 74· Fred Kabn Motor Co ~ .• - • ~ . Wayneav;tlle, 01110. '" • . , . •, Styliats 881 that frince <In . estate of .MiIlie L. Harding, deEugene R. Walter H. part~. $4.50; . Morrow . Se~ce ,clothing ill going to be used FOR SALE-a Fruh .Jerae.j Cows, ceased, was tiled. Stenger, 9.60 acrea:ln Deertleld Station, tire and tube, $76.59, J. alvely this year. Thill wUl mak. G. E. Libbee, Waynemne ad , It' ordel'cd that t h inv'entory townshi.p. • R. Adams, Comp&li.y, re p~irs, many an editor's eoat and troUIIel'8 Lytle'1'08d. • of Frank M. 'Pox, administrator 0"£ Rus8l!'1l Scott and l'rancell Scott $49.20; We::'tern AJlto Assocl&te ultra..fuhionable. I'llihe estate of Eliza W. Fox, de- ,to Virail J. Milla and Loui8e Milia Store, supplIes, ' ,2.21; Kaufman's, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-.t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ceased, be approv;~~ real estate in Deer6elld township. 41c; The Standard Ail Co., gu~ NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT FOR SALJl--;Petoelq potatoee. The following accounts were ap Catherine Murray 'b y alIeriff, Une, $28.78; The Morrow Garage, Claud Stroud, W&J1laYlJle, R. proved, allowed, anel confil'mOO The Loveland Mutual Bulldia&' and ...aoline. $2.45; Blair ,Miller, Estate of Cante W. ·AUen, ~e- R. 8. by the court. Loan Co., real eetate in HamtltoD paolin.e,·· ,21.10: Michael'a Garaae ceaaed. FOR SALE-ItaO mNil ...rd The account of Lizzie Cavolt, township. gasoline, $5.96; The Ohio ~n Co., Notice , Ie hereb,. wiven guardian of John A. Cavolt, minor Cordia Truu to FIQnnce keroaen.e and ,..oline, ,16.96 Olive Au.a Bnee who.. ~~ The second account of Monroe I real . . .e. bl the vU of Gulf ReflnlDw Co" paoiillAl, ,17 Ollce adclre. Ie WllYDa.1Im.... MI W w.est, eXEeutOr of the estate of J'IWin. 18; W. L. Kirby, guollnt, f18.81 Ohio, baa beea duly c::..~ 0Jd0. • G. West, dt'ceaaed. Henry '1'rautmea Belman PAJIle, IDvalJd care Ezecatris of the lillltate . reb 4-l1-1.... The ftrst and final IIccount of I Trautman, parta of lint. Reiman Pa,ne" $6;, W. AUen IMe of Wurea CGIDDt:1r.1 Et.hel Mae Clark, executrix of the veys Noa. 1647 and Eldon Short, invalid can of Olalo, dee...... . JIYBRS ~ . " . , l!fItate of Ll!and~r A. Clerk, de... Edward JI.. ...... ,5; llila 0.. Knox, Dated W. Ida dar of ~ ......, ..... ceaa.ed. bJ administntor to care of Barlow, BaIlinpr and 1ta". The and final account of, clotr, tile lIDdMded loIaMcm, ,,8; II... lalla Sollud, Deu Dinah A. Bart.aock IUId Erraeat E. at .. Iota 701 . . . . . . oare of V-.a PI ' I '-k o litt, specla WOI' S machine operator, of Xenia, and b e llunter, labore)', of Wa.ynesville. Edwin McAllister, buteh~r, of iDciDnati, and Margaret Greer, !<tud nt., of Lebanon.





F. 'J . Martin AUCtioneer

SATIS·F ACTION Centenln., Ohio



Quality Prlatlal


Dr... . .



Tbe Miami a ••tte

.::P': :. :::d "::':"




Beech Grove


unlkr the watchful and critical Oir ctor are truly helpful. trlcta. (>y~ of the rer:ular United State fi"'llr~s are In fact, anything in thE' way (If Order8 had been put in .tr: 1, army ofticel'tl--accol'ding to Bri- :ince complete in on conl't'n'aliv(· "hoflll'-mnliinv-" i, t.hat all ruotl. that had been gauil'r General "~lIlil 1<'. MIII'X, whQ the highway truffie ace toll Mr~. A. B. Talmag(' nnd t<on J. ubly dl~cussed by Mrs. Hob,.!'\. 011. Ilwrged 111 wet l' were to b. ISSUED EVERY T H URSDAY ill the adjutant general or Ohio. ill nllt ~~cured b cnuse Lec' attcmde-d the annunl llH'eling Tlwre arc nu chntgc,' !Lllel lh~ brought t() a central point and d.... requir~ anu (linn r of th Fanners co-opel' "home makel',," of the community t.royed. Thill applied to callned Otic. . . .. ... ................... .1'10. 1l1 lilDter.ed a t P o.tott le. a t Warn ... • In all, ih I'e will be 21a scparal of a stale law \\ hieh wou . . .. alive association held at Wayne 'L _ _ - I -.~ Prlc., '1.10 Y yllte. Oh io• • •Kalt8r aec"ntl Cia.. Mall . 1IIspeclions conducted from lYlllTCh the I' porting of .'aeh <;very re urged to nti('nd. ~ood!l all well a goods more S._n........ 15 to April 19 at. armories in all accident. ,·ill on Tu !\day. - - -- - re-adily damu"ed by flood water. GET HELP OF FRIENDS ., pat'is of the ,t.ntc and the public • • • Mi Mary Thomp On of 'bClothe 'Iines, f nees, and dlrubU' FROM NEW YORK FARMS FEBRUARY 25, 1936 t f k d mny attend, G cncral Marx assertThe epidemic of mild influenza anon was a w -en gUI!\! 0 lOtI' bOI'c burdens of clothing and ed. Not only \\i11 the entire mem- at Ohio penitentiary j;; Irradually Mat'ie WeIls. hous hoM linens toot had been b..rllhip of the guard be inspected diminL hing, it was annoUineed by Mr. nnd Mrs. John Bondurant The pioneer spirit (If ho~pil:Jlily washcd and hung out In th.e sunP UBLIC TROUCH COOPE RAT ING UNSOUND under arm!1 and in service uni- Ward n Jam, ,Woodllrd. The were Lebanon shoppers Saturday that greeted tho stl'ang~r with Lh a shinc. salutlltion, " orne in set," is [orll1 :<, but insJ)e~tion will be made peak was I'eached in th\! over- even ing. .The roily waters of the Ohio by no m~ans extinct nccording 10 ot cooperative sellin .... and purchasing customnrily ul 50 of ree()rd~ and government crowded inslituti n ~ w -ek ago Mi s ' laudia Gray has returned wer ~ullenly sinking back within .. H. . ltamsowcr, dip ' d il l' of th e ' point to the small North European countries as xampl s of the success pl'OP rl?" inc t.h? iI~portance of when more than ~oO inma.tos w rC! ',c . ~te.r ~aving spent some agr'iculturnl extension !H~ I'V i c e Ilt th eir banKS for a journey to · the of the movement. 't he military orgalllzatton not only ttnder treatment In th e pl'ISOn ho!)_ 1Lime In Wtlmmglon. 'T de vnS/tilted rebrio.ns lower , down O. S. u."...who pl'e!!c nts a tc1egmm The rec:ord in these countrics is good. Cooperatives have been to. the state, but to t.he nation in p. itnl and .in the em rgem:y annex I 1\11-. Harry Palmer, of Mason, tile valley. Old-timers looked at from L. R. Simon, IthaclI, New t'mphasized t..hat th(!y have trm e. of ' ud~en dlFastel', wa i In the Pfl .on school. No d ath s , was a recent caller at the Tal- York, as evidence. th dcbri left in the troo tops and developed in many l1elds. But it should gon ahead 'be.eause of ability- not through governmental sub idi e ' . b.rought lIy to the . ntten- 1from t.he dl. nse occun~ Warden mage, home. 'a id, "The river always eomes The telegram receive d F ebruary bac k t 0 g et w h"t M r. J nmM B rannoc', k 0 f G,rc n In sWOOe , I), for examp le, where cooperat.iv bu siness has been. l Ion 0 f t.h e CIVI IIan popu 1a t Ion by W00 d ar d sal d . a. 1 Ieaves. .. developed in a wid scale, ' the organizations. are subject to taxation 1 a: on of lh guard's fficient and • • Briar, called on Mr. Eldon 2 states, HThe New York State - - - -I and al'fl rega.rded &.9 are- all other businesses. Tlley aren't pets of h roie act.iviti s during the desDavid C. Warner, veteran ex cu Dunfee at the Nash home Thurs- agricultul'sl exten~ion se rvice has Bequelh for Worthy. Boy. government. tructive Hood, an in reased atten- I tive cretary of the. t.alc! water I day evening. organized farmer r eli ef comrnitt e Back in 1886-88 Franklin High, t te h 1937 conservatton . boar d aneI nation . a.II y 1 Th I' T a I mage fuml 'l y The better American cooperatives also ot.and b til' f ' . , d ance 0.I' t'\.,"... po bl'Ie a werc in eaeh cQ'unty an'd is hipping to of Bucyrus, wa!; a civil engin.eer. " n CJr own eev- . t' . ti . d G k ' ts F'd af rnoon of the flood area this w ek 60 mix ed they do not ask subsidies, tax-favo t'Uism or other bellcfits.' But a cer- MtnSPkce l~dns IS an clpate, eneral l }d own outh.OMht y Whfiose slogan, thU ('.- on. rMI ay d h ing student at hio State Univertain s, choo) of coonArative promo ~r ' ld" th b ' I" , d b ar sal . . am t'he dltc as-a sh pond on clr COUSin rs. Susie Schmidt en'rs food an some clot jng. The'e 'Ity. In I'ecent years }Ie has been .....~ S '\\ ou .. ave em au SI( lZC Y. • • • f ... I 1 I W ' I . ..t are contributions frOIll fa 1'111' the I!'Overnm.ent In order to give cooperative ventures unfair advan. . every arm, IS equal y. w I I n I nltng on. . people: a banker at Bozeman, Mont, On tages over oompeting busl'Mes Th'u p ts 'h t· ' t . 1m proved 1Jealth condItions for known, has proposed a s1:.ate ) vy Mr. M. Terry m4de '<I bn f January 28 Mr. High died:, and in , " . I" U • e coopera Ive mQvemen ln Oh" " I . "I:' h ' a bad light, indicating that 't CB: at! d't 10 echool children was promised of one cent for eath 1,000 gallons bu s llle~ s call at the home> of Mr. Aac state fal'm org aniza tion hi' will ,probated this week, he '- The Amerl'can peopl I innf succefe on m!e):>t~ . h th by Dr, Walter H. Hartung, di ' of water con!\llmed to provide Gilbert Tolle of near ClarksviUe repl'c se'nted on II county comm. itd -. e are n· avor 0 coopera Ives, sue a c 1 th S l D . da " rna e a. gift of more' than $150000 agricultural ~ups whl'c'" pa th' () tak th ' h tOt' 0 e ta e epartment of funda for water conservation and atur y atl,e rnoon. t ee to a8semble ~nd ship 'in coop- to Ohio State, the income to be If·v, .. y elr wn way, e elf OWn c anees, H ea. Ith "Wh It' I' h It 1 . 1 . d hAlf J d . . h h R A r . Warn ~r, In and fight their own competitive battles. Ii i unthinkable howeVo€T en IS rl!a IZ d ~ at ood contro. a t 1 r porte t at or an eratlOn WIt t e e d ross. u. ed in helping deservil\g boys to ,a 0 I' th ' t Id f~ d . ' , about fifty per cent of.a child's three-page bnef subm~tted to ha' purchased a new tractor ouiIllany as 260 fa~m men and wome n l obtain an education at the that they wou d f _v r a po ICY a WOll' ee cOOpel'll.tlvesor any k' h . fi M J d " k" ' 1 the kind I. b ' . t th 'bJi t h ' wor mg ours are slI ent 111 loI,e Governor Martin L. Dav.~y, ug- . t. ,r. or an farms exte'n Ively are \\'or mg Irl a sing e county. university. o r o usmess a c pu c roug . environment of the school it gested that uch a levy ' be made land it eems to be a wise ge.slure· Ant.icipate goal of 60 cars will be ... ;: no 'w ond r that the attention of and a permanent fund bl~ creabed on his part, AI..~o we think he is to grea,t1y axee ded." I COLLECES ARE INVITED parents, educators and all interest for opemtions over a 1lifty-ycar be congratulated on bis selection, ' Re identi:l of Pom ~r a y and All Ohio colleges have been in. r:e cd in. child health ill Ohio is turn· period. The return would be from .a, Minneapolis-Moline outfit pur- Portsmouth \vere lattin/(. clean- viLed by Pl'()Sident 'George W. r ( II, l Y e R IY~. ing t.o an app~isal of school eon- two to th l'ee millIon dollars a chosl'd from r.fT. Ray ROB!. I up campaigns in theil' h ornet; F eb- Rightmire, Ohio S~te Univel"llity, Mr. tunley Bondurant lind l'uary 3. I~it'eman wi!r c wa hing to PI' ('nt programs over WOSU, , ' dieions," Dr. Hartung said. j'Tllere y.ear, he estimated. is a minimu.m st.andaTd witb - - - - - - --family have m'o ved to lh>e-ir new ~ out store interiors witll lire hose, campU:l station, during the next 8 :00 Madisoill. County 4-H Club' Program-Memb rs directed by which eacb community can comBILLY H AS PASSEl) O N home ncar Was'hington C. IT. and every availabl e pump wa ~ few months. The colJege programs LYllIan F. Balcer, County Agricultural Agent, London. pare its school buildings, equipMrs. Ann tte Samson, who has lifting water ft'om ba ~l' m en in will b hard on Saturday even8:80 Too Ohio River ( first of a series of five on the Ohio River}_H. ment and groundl!, health servi ce Harveysburg, Ohio, b en ill at the home of her 5i ter, both residence and bUl{in ess di~- ings starting in March. E., Historian. and health in truction, and t'he February 19, 1937. Mrs. Ethel lfflason for some time, I 8:40 Farm. Home Period: The Present Day Challenge to Farm health of its teachers, bus drivers Billy wa.s only a horse, but we Ii> in a critical condition. Women--Miss Grace E. Frysinger, Senior Home Economi t, and janitors. The bureau of child are certain he h:ad as many friends Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur McCarren Bureau -of Home Economics, U. S. Dept. of Agr. Our hygiene in the State Department ias many human beings. He was attended the class play at Harveys Ho:mfl and Families Mrs. Helen Mougey Jordliln, Ext. of Health is starting the school one of the kindest and gE!IItlest of burg Friday evening. Home Economist. appraisal program spol!.SQred by (his kind. He was known to the Mrs. Fred Nash \vas a Dayton 9:00 Music Plant Hybrid Seed CornC. Ree..!, the Ohio Congr ss of Parents and (reSidents of this viIlage fllr .almost visitor Saturday. 9 :10 New O,evelopme::nts in O. u; T(l8(lhers. It should be of great 34 years. And now he is no more I This community su ffered . a Atll. Ena'. Dept. IKnefit to all communities". He ' He was the pt'Operty .of 'I'. A. Gil- severe wind storm unday aftcr9:20 The C(~C Demonstrates Erosion. Control-A. T. Easton, Acting said that school appraisal :forms ' lam and always bad been. Mr. noon. Some trees \vel'e broken, Emergency Conservation Administrator, Dayton. will be made availabl to ell super 1Gillam is well known for his way small buildings blown over and 9:30 Music. i~tend nts and to q~a)jfied ph~ with horses. Billy probabl.y never s~me la~ger ones ~oved on their 9:40 to 10 Why Farm FamiJiefI ,Are More Stable, Than City Families Clans, and that full co-operatlon had a cro s word from him. And foundatlons, whIle \tumerous -Gro\lP diaeus ion between Dr. C. E •. Lively and student.~ and all possible a ssistance will be he repaid this kindness by being shingles are strewn about. from hia Rural Sociology clas . one of the best in horsedom. He MI'. P'erry Wells has p,urchased r , ndered by the department. 'F""" • • • was a wonderful saddle horse and a fine young mule from Mr. Smith So-called rural traffic accidents, knew many tl'ick , uncommon for of n ar Centerville. ' or those which took place on the an a.nima1 of his kind. H'e was so For the Past sevenl weeks .Mes. 0 highmys outside of muncipalitlcs IweU trained that even- a baby was Helen RobertsOn has been conI averag d twenty-four daily , safe in his ' care To say th.a~t he will ducting SOme very interesting I throughout 1936, according to be missed by man}' outsid,~ the im- meetings at the church here on .. t I duta compiled by State High.way I mediate Gillam family i~1 not an W ednes day afternoon. lIer demon is 'a !lLrations and instructiollS in the COLUMB IUS-Final "poelishing Nationa'l Guard in preparation for Dh'ector John Jaster Jr, The ac- ' exaggeration. If there up" drill8 ar e being staged by the an important event-the annual cidents T ulted in 659 fatalities, I Heaven for horses, Billy is there. 8re of knitting, crocheting, rug 12,000 members of the Ohio inspection of the various units while the injured numbered 6,998 M. S. G. making and tlte pieci'ng of quilts I'












a ..m , A',.aht 7alrl..s', .Iarch 1


i- ,'


8 es t' f th e N. ews O·lrect From the Ohio State Capito1





Trade Ins









W· T E R M S


Cho'o se




T /

'ebe-vrolet ~ a nd Old,smobile Agcy . PRED KAHN MOTOR co. •

- Since 1 17 ..





•• •


• • I

.. . .

•••• as.

School News



_____.__H.___________________O ___.__O_._.____•__•__0___._._._________________--.


prnject!' \,ount.y Ii !, Count)! agri n. n. I nwd!< 1'813 :m club Bl't' f


r humpa ign

iIwin. althey pIny again tit. 7. if th('y I 8. Thf'ir n('xt oppon lit will

,Ju"ior CI... Pla, • Sane..



,,('t.• bought GO


agent memcalv-es

H e~'efo l'd

nrlisle tlle Thl! memb rs DE th~ Junior cll~ s I bE' ither MlUlon 01' IlIll! in JanuaTY. lI1udl' a l:'u('ce~ ful debut into UIG other two ' teams in th ~ lowel' IIlll at ('ur th ~tril'al world on th' , brncket. Ohi o manufacturers Of dairy J.i ht. (If}1" bruary 18 and 19. ,In ~~ ,upper ~rl\cket,. King'" PI' (luet \\ iU have a four-day con\\hcn Uley prescl1t.ud the play hils IS pitted agalO_t pt'lIIgboro f re lic nt Ohio Sta'le Univcrsity, lnti nlot(.' Enemies under the (game at 3), and Morrow against to U. The sessions l-'cbl'uury dirt' lion of Mi Vi rgene Roe ' Hurveysburg t 4 ~'clock. The will be ge neral, l'Uas:ket milk, ice seeond I'oulld ga:me In the upp r lind ft. It'a Q. Brown. el'l'3m. cheese and butter. Profesbracket will b plllyerl at () nnd 10 8 01' L, 11 . Burgwald lIl'fnnged the Th t yrann i Cll. 1 A'In worth.Al, co t t I l k ]lr grain . .. U . d" t ,,0 c C , ,,:a grea y annoye 00 put I~ In The do uble elimination t ou rnam hlS own words, but .b~ the end of nt will be pluyed, at Kin gs Mill B k epers from many state ' t h '1 year. Th c fi na I gam the play Aunt hJ') tma ubdued , agam "Lully lh ir business in Ohio. Out the t yrant a.nd he became qUit ' II b i d t 9 'I k S l of 32!) people takinir the corr~­ tam(.', ,l\ tephen was 'annoyed' ~ ; : aye :7 0 C oc II ur· THE DR , KF.~ nRIVp.R pOIici c llce course in 1> ekeeping of. Thursd y and Bud LeMay WBS y, e r~a~ ., ' rs A f'O "E~T I \L I\lllElt. fe r~d by W. E, Dunham, Ohio d" F 'd Th In the JUnior hlll'h tournam nt • anlloye 1'1 ay. e great th ' 1 I" t' ' 11 If IOU hal'c b(!~n ,JrinkilllC, ~t.llte niversity, l63 are from . ts ! 11 bef th d f h e smg e e Imm 1011 sys m WI t. yran e ore en 0 t e b e u ed. W lIynesVl' 1) e ' WI'11 p 1ay take a la 1-YOll r \.nl y rew ut.her state. plllY, not because of kind wo~ds pring-boro at 8 o'clock Frid ay grt't, will be a "hil( h"I.(1·" tit wever, but because of the shpft rnoon an d , 'f . , Prospe rity is now far enough , a I wewm, agrut) ,011 p l'yne ,of a banana , peeling. aturday at S o'clock . around t.he corner ISO Govcl'tlor ~,DRIVE CAf(£FllUJ ~ SAVE lIVfS , W, L. Myers, farm coedit admlnisot course they brought do\Vo the " laughter of the house with them. trlltio n, l' cently wal'tled Land In the final act all the love afBan k appraisers that caution Ivan Fields and Earl Lamb have fairs turned out bea.utifuJ1y; f;hou lll be used in milking loans to Rhoda went to th ball w'ith Giles' been abse nt hom scho ol wilh flu, llvoid the encouragement of booms Auor Who almost t.ook Rhoda' :Both are slowly recovering now. in fum leal estate. Six pupils out of Mn. KerseY'H place, cons.ented to go with her The qu eslion j ~ frCllu cnt ly a' ked Unc le Ainsworth; Alice w nt with room have the chicken pox. by bou ewiveR, "H ow tll ll J tell a Farm legislation now in Ute con Benny Furnas who has bet't1 good, tenll r pi,' cc or b(' et?" 'gr'e lonal ' hopper at Washington t h blushing, love-atricken Ronnie and Chri tina as Ben Bur went co:nftned at the McClellan ho pital Sev I'al factors u('lermio c the has the approval of agricultural with Felix. as a hor e. Annie the i~ slowly recovering from an quality 01 bl.' f, ('Xl)! im; . .\'1.11 nd ers fro~ a ll sectio ns of !Jh~ maid decided to stay after getting appendE\ctomy. Kick of tile !lim 1 ltldu ~try D _ countl'y, Ohio men who had part Haskell and Al'dith Wilson left pll.rtmenl aL the Ohi o Ex perh~ e nt itl di cu si ng the plropo.sed law,S h 1." raise, and poor old Mrs, Forbe the Lady with the long choo l last week. Tit y have been tation . Th two prindllaJ ones are B, B. Brumley, McComb ; L . J. 1\ se' was taken back at the making theh- home wit h Robert are the age of th e ontm al and the Taber, olumbus ; and C. W. Van bank. Lucinda, the timid wife Baker Jr. condition at the time of !>Iaughter, choik, Hilliard$. Th ese men were finally worked up the nerve to Ro emury Titus i II new stud; The best qualilY of beef is invited to Washi ngtolrl as representdL Ainsworth that he was run- ent in the eighth grade. rarely produc II fr'l) m old animal, tatives of organzed groups of nint her own hou e. The ~se as a B' ef irom a youn' animal can fannllr&. whole did a fine job and T9yally r adily be r ecogniz u by the apOne of the resulus of better -entertained its 4ud~ee ach pearance of the bon in the. cut to nj~bt. The Merry Wives OIub wa be cl cted. Boncs in t he meal ('conomic conditions in eities ha Mr. Frank present d music by pleasantly eritertained Thursday fr(}Dl youn,lt anima.l ar red in been the consumptio n of 12 pel' the orch st ra and the boys' qu.a.rtet by. Mrs. ' Walool' Stanley, at <her color and JJa ve a J'lorou,~ appear- '~n; more cigare~s in 1936 t han between acts ql t h e play. Charles hom e on the Xenia pike. allce; wher n bones fl'o m older Ih 936. Fann p n CCll for burley Fire, Frank LeMay, Jr., Donald Mrs. Albert McKay and Mrs. animal nl' whitl: and flinty in and tlue-cured tobaolCOs were two Collett and, Robert H iatt made up Howard Hurley ~ttepded an O. E. appearanc e, rhese white bones cent higher in 1936 than the n rel\, P"l'OUS previous yea r . .'Ol'e h ..- rd n• than th " ....s qual' te...o. S. Institute at Hillsboro Friday. ~. y _ _-'-_ , ,. . The W. C. T. U. met at the bQn ~aljn thc ment from yo unger The soil conserva tion service at Wayne.i.11e Dr. . . OtterbelD For i hom!! of Mrs. Ray Jones on Wed- an i m IS. d h I ayton, coll ects n-ea rly 400 toM of Fir.t ROtlK of Tour'Dament Play neaday. Wit 1 regar to t condition or d . h W i d gre of fatn ,: of the 'leat, it see s from t r ees a nd: shrubs each In tn e fi rstround of t e aTAnnouncem nta were ~eived y~r to produce the 25,000,000 ' mu t be t membered bat be f r n cou.nty tournament, Warn s- , b-u friends of Mr. and Mrs. Ray' plants and seed SPI~t5 'Use d in " from a carCM conlainillg very v! l1e will play Otterbein at . mond Cornwell (nee Maudie Uttle :fat is pl'sct!eally n ever ro ion control W'Olrk in Ohio, () clock Thursda:y. If WayneSVllle Peterson) of Washington D. C"v('ry I nd 1'. It i ncce ary to Indiana, Michigan, Kentucky and ====~======:!'!:::=== of t he birth of a son, Raymond have some fnt prel!ent. This fa Tennessee. Glenn. should b white in oolor, and that Federal Land Ba nks sold 50 per Mrs. Annie Curry fell at her on the oulsid of th e cut should home Sunda.y evening and frac- , b 'bridl e and flaky. Between the cent more f arms in 1936 than in lured her ankle, muscle fibet, nl 0 th \!re f<hould be 1935. In the Louiaville district, t o M,r. and Mrs. Raymo nd R ve fat ~ hich produc(' n fine network which Ohio b elongs, 768 f a rms re~urned last 'Week from an ex- of whi lines tht ouII'11Out the lean brol1&'ht a total 01 $2,9 08,000. Tlie site on which our Fune-ral lended trip 'to Florida. p ortion or tho cut. Thi" condition Seventy-fi ve per cent; of all f arms were sold to . persOl1ls who will Mr. anti Mrs. Raymon d ciuT is known 'll. "matblillg" . Home is locate4 can be r-eached entertained with a family dinner The 'leal1 meat, , ho uld have Ii Opel'll te them. NonoJ.era.tors bad quickly :from any local business Sunday, non oring the birthdays of bri 'ht chen·y.rcd cqlor , and, wh n bought 'm any Land E:ank fa nus in pl:eceding t.hree ye ars. or l'esidential section. This is Jesse Stanley, Mrs. Frank Co nklin cut, th ~ s urface hould be smooth t and Mrs. Raymond Carr. an,d velvety to the sight and touch ' a convenienoo tbat is appreThe fo llowing officer& were ciated, one that particularly elected by the Coml'Jlupity at its regular meetin g Tuesday night of recommends 01.\1' Funeral Home Jll3t VI-"Cek : Mrs. E. J. Mendenhall, for services. All of its facilities pre ideDt; Mrs. R. A. Craig, vice I The oll1-fa, hicl1ed womnn who may be had by clicmts at no pre ident; J . D. Conard, treasu rer; used to boa ~ t that h h dn't been James Beam, secr-etary ; Myra tw nty miles awny from home in ~xtra cost. Hay\lock, program chairman; te~ years now has tl married Leola K. Hill, ways and. means daughter who live. in II trllil~l" chairman ; Mi nnie Barnell, r efres hA lot of te ll ows arc not so loneme nt chairma n. so me as they Ui< d ~o be when th it' wives wont baCK ho\1t'1'!> on f1 vi..cit The old fashioned mnn who Now th y Clln tu 1 on t he radio worked 72 hours a w.eek to support his famil y now has a married and n vet' know the difier nee-.


,pent Friday In Lt-banon. Th junior clas~ play, g iven on lallt 10'1 ida)' lI iRht, WIl a dec ided u cce~" in ~very way, Mr.I. ,arr ('out'ht'd the play Gnd wu.~ presented wilh a beauliful Fo~tori a re lish di~h h~ the player I\i a' ta k n of their appreciation . Th MnSl!ie High boys dow!'ICd Adams Twp boys in l\ good ba. ket ball game hero on 1l1urdllY night. ],fI'S. Herbert Can' was a Dayton. hopp I' la st atul'day . Mi s Vivilln E ter vi ited h l' sit r in Portsmout h last Sun day. 1>1rs. Harold McVey hilS returned home after 8 visit with her mother in Wilmington. J\[ I'. and 1rs. Truman Gillam visit.ed Mr. and Mrs. Barry 80b rts and family n ar Wilmltlg t on last unday. Mr. and Mrs. Clint Ie aver entertained several from h re with a card party on Wed nesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Chus. Gordon entertained the basketball teams t dinner o.n Tu esday o(;vening.

of Mrs. Blanche Graha m, east of t own. MH damel E lsie Hawke, lia Graha.m and E lla Graham l\5sjrli nr ho.ate.sea. Mr. and M n. Charles DOst41r al)d daugh te r of Harveysb urg and M r8. Eliza beth Smith of Dayton w re g uests at Sunday dinner at the bOllle of Mrs. Margaret J ohns, Mr. J ohns . accompanied th e D t el'S home f or a few da yS visit.




Public Sale We will o~er at public auction on t he Luma n Van Doren lann 2 ~ miles west of Clarbville 011 t h e Ft. Ancie nt road, State a oute 85 0, on

REAL ESTATE NOTARY PUBLIC -------------..: •_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-: ,

Dr. A. E. Stettler Graduate Veterinarian


Ot&ce Not'tb M-iD St.


Friendly Counsel When death OCCUl'$, or at an y ti me, our door standi open for friendl y cou nsel. We a re alwa)'8 glad to anawer queationa and show Our b autif ul f uneral home and our ~omplete, modem f acilities. But part icularly at a time of grief, we offer our f riendly counsel. The grief-stricken will fin~ unobt;ruliv. sympathy here I,nd a -ready wlllingnesll to take the burden of every detail off saddened shou.ld ers.

New Burlington

'd. B. lIeClare P.o•• 7


Clover Seed

Centrally Located

Shorts and MiddHngs



Alfalfa, Seed Buy your seed now while present stock. last. The beat grade aeed must sell higher when our present stock. gone.


NOTE: We are informed that the teed we had bought was all saved from the flOCkl so we can guarantee deliyery.

------,- --

:Jiuu?Nd 7JiJr.ecfdz. .PHONE 19

son who boasts how much his wife has in shorthand..


One applicatIo n of lime does not serve as a comJ:ilet.e CUl'e for soil ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!''''!'''!!''!'!'!~ acidity, Ab"l'Ollomisl ut O. S. U. say that calcium cons~n:tly leaches from the soil and is also re [noved by plans so tiU pplies become deplj!ted, Soil tes ts sho uld WAYN'ESVILLE, OHIO





. ..




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It .. ..Umaled that 6.000.000 work· "e .... one out every laven employed In the Un ited :'!Itate.HI _ h .. Job di rectly or Indirectly to the autoOtoblle"tnduat ry. The .bo.e c:IIali aIIowe the acUI1IU.. eIIl.., d ieted. but dn," not IIhoW boW part me t t,fttanlUllet .1IH








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Eighty-Ninth Year








Whole Number 6263









:~~:~,~~;~{::::~':X~~~~~~: SECOMD IN COUNTY ::~;:;.;~;.~;~;;'~~.~ INVITED TO ATTEND ' COUNTY COURT·HOUSE' IS UNDERWAY, BY 01l1111i~te-d





stol'e fo), 40 yeaTs, TOUHNAMEN at the home of her mot.her, fLOWER SCHOOL DURING ' PASl MOTHERS' CLUB lluicid by hanging himl'uI! la. t Mr, . H. II. Williamso n, on WedU h Siliurdny mOfl1ing. Th Warren County Tourna- n 'day, with Mr. . Ru ~!] }t' rank b th W The Mothel"~ Club is p~ellent. ,T, rs. eorg mlt was t e graHe had I It home at 7 :30 n. m. nlcn' d "h I. thO and Mrs. Wad e Turner a,g istant M m rs of e arren ounty NEW SUITSeious hostess to tb.e members of d • opene WI, a uBJ1g IS h o' teese~. ' GUI'd n lubs al'e invited to atIII the ma"er of 'h L"' Will ing the musical ahow "The Big ' ~ ., •• • ti BrO:H Icn.-t.. llCX t '" d . ht the Waynesville Ga de Cl b nd Wh n the toro Wl fount! 10 ke • year WI'thmne games on t he fi r t t nd l'iLh r or both of the Flow I' 0 •. M ••Al.h ~' u s ay nlg , u a fJoiend investigat;.ed and found the doy 'ooht . H' h The ubJ'ect 01 the til viltions (lnd Te'lIlment. of l'I'rn . U /JO j • r 'II lh ir husband. Tue day vening, ., th I., em r Ig g.a.mes arden Seho'ols to be heJd in th' . W'll ~arch 9th. The pl'ogra m consIsts w+ c~nducted by Mrs_ J . W. While a(lplication to aonllt , I to {lro- of four P"I·t, nanl ly- Th~ n14d_ body han~mg In a <;101' t on e ... d ":nt J . n'h I th March 2d. After cordial gre tings l I d b un v UnlOt' qill'. n e ne.,.. district. of the state this we k. u ' " 'T. ~ second, foo l'. Mr. Fl' was orn ~ame W yn 'VI' 11 e m t Ott eTb eln ' was, "The Way.. tt ,eight,*n membe~ responded to . h U' MI'. IctOl' Rice, ex n ion flor- bate. ding of J ac k antI J'II I; Th e H ()II'1roll call with one kin4 of plant :~dLI:~,tUama anbd cltm e to l e 01- . 11Il d the Waycchll were victorious Mfs, K nneth lloul;'h POI" scnt~d iculturist, Ohio State Univerllity Grady D. Holly vs. Odu Glenn I"ood Pre'miere; MiljOl' Bolls Arnaby five pO I'n"' t~e Steward,ship pl'ogram. . .In gard ' Holly fOl' divorce .. The chIngI' is tour Houl' nnd the grnn<\ finale of they .Intend d to p Iallt; after read- "" S""-· C!l as ai oy. I d Ii' .I "'" 21 -IG. F 011 owmg and other aUe'h orilles erung " lng of the minutcs, M·rs. James E. urvlvors nc u e IS Wit ow, tltal ~\ a a tangle betwe~n Spring- . Aft r lhe \lutiiness scission, t he a.l.' on these programs to be preR- gross n<!gled alIt! cxtrcJnc Crul?]t.y. gorgeous folIi s beau\.les: tons ot Mc lur r pOrted for the book Sarah; \;wo 80~S, Sylvan, I\. m m- bol'O and Kings Mills, with , Kings Collowlng program wa enjoyed: nted at the HamiIlon Y. M. C. A., Attomey, Robert Brown. charm! You. can't afford to miss ith a on R ading-]l l'tai!ling to "Friend Th d M h 4th t t' 'adi M. dams vs. William E. the Beef Trust Babies-The FolIcommitt e that they decl'ded to bel' of the ed ltOlial ~ta~ of th e uPllet.illg Springboro Dayton J ournal, and Julru8, one . . M A K D on . UJ'S ay , arc , • S ar mg place tbe books in the d h M I ' t:.e M POlOt W111 32-31. In t he final game -S~~-;'I Tol~Yilim the Old, Old at LO:OO a. m. alld .a\. the Dayton Adams for divorce. harg is gross of 1937. library: "'the Complete Book of ' au.g t.e.r, yra, nne a SlS r, •. oI the opl'niJ1g es. ion Harveys- Sto M F Ik Y. M. . A. on FrIday, March 6. neglect of duty. : Dilutush The eighteen Wnyn1!svilJe High Garden:ing" by Leonard Bar n; eI~na Ro~enlha.l, I Dayt.on. bUlg met Morrow e.,nd Massi was BfY-k r5 · ~ etS~LD: t' d storti ng at 9:30 n. m. r pre NIts tho plalllt.lfi 10 the ,case. chool I,ri1'l who IIrc engagillg in R F une~a] s rVlc 11 were h'eld at vi toriou 2G-16. Sh dOO Aev.le"W"M Ig IE"'" an Bot.h m eUn "'," are ollen to th~ COMMON PLEAS PROCEEDlNC in a contest for sel ing tickets are "Co lot' and Succession of Bloom in the r~lde;nce, MondllY aft..el'noon" . ' . r f b t,. .,.... ~ Flower B~rder" by Ortloff and and bul'inl W8 in the Hous of A. rh e O[lemng gam e of the night ~ ~ .o ,~~~ - ~ '. gR e~ I public and all garden etlthusinsts In the cnse of the Stat\! of Ohio spending their time between rehear Raymon I "Trees of Ohio". The braham eemetcry, Dayton. s(!sEion wa betw~en two Junior \ed"~~:~idg;et\ alY - '\ af invited to atend. V , Gene Allsh al', alia. , Gene Hel'- , I!!. in u'ying to ge~ rid °f~':ht.eir next meeting was annpunced to be Hi 11 T ~lm Carll Ie and Mason. S \ ' "n' 1· D 1,' B t" - - -- ole bond was I'educed to $1,000.UO 1Il1lottcd amount. of tlckets U3 ·"' B AR N 8URNS M t h ' b tw d) 0 ave one £fl y es ' ~hc case of t.he SUlle of Ohio . ,' w,']\ , Thi" wbQ il A with Mrs. Irvin Mulford i,n pc, IIson was wmner y. 0 - Ml's. Fulkerson. EARTHQUAKE fELT In \)~n contcst W"yne isvI'to. lle'determin Miss Prosn.. tht wi:l l be an evening meeting; HUGE . points. A~in all eight Senior B Ch C Lh b d rc ~.. ..Mrs. Ray Waggoner's name w88 lUESOAY MORNING High Teams clashed MId when the .The m~tlng a(Uo~rnedl ~ meet ~s. ,7 t <l<1000~';1~O n was - erity fol' 19 37. Be ides a handsome HERE BY LOCAL uuceu 0,., ,. . ""~ I'ft ,"Il'leh 'Wl'll b ~ pre, en>-..I , , srook clear away Carlisle and WIth Mr , A. ~. Day In Allrll. """ peradded to the waiting list; a lett r from Miss Gaddy was read by the MOrl"ow 'wer out of tbe tourna- MRS. SAMSON- 14 YRS. I In the case or the ';111 of Orrm ona)ly, Mi~B Pro perl~y will have l ecretary, inviting th m mbers LOSS H[AVY m(nL wit.h two ~osses each, prill PASSED AWAY1\1., Abbott, dec. a!1 d: I:. wa auth- the di~tinclion of being introduced to attend th Butler Co. Garden bora, Ott 1 beln, Mason, and Kings RESI [ OrlZ d to adn\lt the'" III to pro- o~ the stage just befoTe the grand lub meeting at Hamilton Y. W. _ __ Mills ach had onc Joss. and Bar. Mrs. Annette Sam$<On, og d 74 [ bate. finale. O. A., March 4th, b ginning at hal'l Rogers, Jiving . outh .of veysburg and Waynesville were years, p8S~ed away at the home of Tn the cas of onald F'L'allklin The Major Boll Amateur Rour o'clock, al80 the Montgomery Wayn svill on t)Je pike, Ruf{ered unbeaten. .. her ha1l- Ister, Mr". EthEII Beason It is reported lJ1at tremors of Lewis VS. Myrtie Lcwi ~, divorce will include any and all strictly tl 'at d at $7000 at 3"6 II m F"Ab Tuesdoy's J·thquake were felt in was grlln'Q" etc. oll1a.• ur num bers rl'0 m s urt'ound~ , es n, e I In the Friday . aftA!-,moon .session 1a"t 27". Satur,lay u ... .." . •..u to the l', Inintiff, ~ county Garden Club meeting Mar. a - evcr e I n.s t 9 80 at the Y Tu sday morning as a fir of un- l\t Waynesville as the Miami valley In the Ctlse of Rob't M. enlor lng eommunitie as weU as Waynes >h b . . 6 '" eglnntng' a ....: , C l.p k . known "rigin I·nzed a larg barn a~on met. Otterbem and ,the Ot· ' Sh' . ed by 0 Il~ s'ster was r oc k-" IS SUrvlV ~ J "'" I'n one ot Natul'e~s vs. he-ter A. alll.pbeJl tAl, con- ' Vl·IIA. M• C • A• b Il lId Ing . . oura. ar u e .... Let b in pays were eliminated. Fol- M M B If W'l n :f AI'c ' f " " '" took charge of the program, in th and out-buildLngs at 2 a.. m. 10"' ing thi WCI'e two Junior Big/! T rS' aJ'dY e.e I rsoD 0 to 10e, strange proc edi;ngs. Many OU I' firlllation, deed and distl'ibution Th e club to extend an h liv.toc'k--15 sheep, two goot! . ex as an a mece 0 DlY n, . citizen. here report having ,felt the nvitation t.o you. 11 you sing, or · p ' I RII b ence 0 f MISS e1" e -rv'lc e "~., "el'e held tIll'tIin'" shakings of old Mother etc. t.. . ·II .6C R H H )1,rtsw k0 horse, and oth~l' f~l' m 811imals g mes, Blu B,al! and. Wa.,yoe VIlle Th rune-I 1. W'II G t' dan, I' ad, whi tIe, or perlonn in '" qUIte I ; u.r. . . a oc were burn ed to death though lh , out whlle ~al~evJlle and at the Stubbs Funeral H orne, Mon- Earth. Others coff at the id Ih tne case of I . U m s any ""ay Qut of the ordinary, ('ead a we].) prepared paper on th 1 prmgboro were tl~ m th.e race. " t 1'30 • . Ma' h 1 sayin'" mphalically that ev ry~ g of Waynesvi lle, jury and flower gardena at Mt. Vernon; n ighbors wOl,'kcd courageous y in [ lh ,,_ 1 f h fte ' uay a . p. m. 1c . . . t db\. d e to the please call 8R2, Mrs. Charle. Andg ting ther to afe\.y. on- n. ' e ' .... 11 game 0 ~ e.a TriOo.n INria1 W!\3 made in (he 'kiloh thing I' mained firm an'" Rolid as WI nesses appeare u u er on ot Waynesville. Mrs. Du ke th en requeil ted Mrs. E rKlI1gs Mills an.d Sprmgbor.o agaIn Ceme'-M at Dayton. vcr. So far as has been learn d illnes.s of the d fcndant, the case nest Butterworth to pa s Hps and sideJ'able modern farm machinery cia bed but It was a di1'ferent "".,y _ ___ ~_ no danlag has been r cord d • ~l\.S co?t.inu d ll.ntll 4-2l-37. The show ill being directed by ' ""nclls amo ftcr those pre ent that wa destroyed a the burning tory •'h'l tl'me Sprl'nDboro on1'nn_ MILTEN ERCER • WATKINS has been in otb. or ' place though, .. .~ ...., " 11\ the case of to he B roo k VI'1\ Mi Eilet!n Wilson of Brookfield, t hey mi-"t present qu tions, building! . 5'" N h11 ~ upon it. d ' dIng: one Indy declares 'that everythi ng Bldg., and Savinbrs Ass'n o[\. Broo k- MissoUl·i. the quelltioTlll were fully dl cug.. 0 one as, as y 'l, lermmc Miss N Hie Wat'kin.s, daughter G - - --. - • Fd(lay evening Waynesvile and of Mr. and Mrs. [lenry Walkl'na, 0: Fet. RURAL HOMES . i n 0f "h st'd and closed with an instructive th e ong ~ ~ f'Ir wh'ch I was ~ in her room on the third fl oo r ville, Ohio vs. Be~sie F. -·.. b f ' 't Hal veysburg m t and at the CJld and MI'lo M"'t-b-ger, on of Mr. ratted and shook with such force 01, D mUn' r sustain d. 'Bessi ' . and interesting talk by Mr. Geo,rge ucc s f uII y ch ec k"'" e ore I OJ .., .. "" Smith. At the nellt meeting each r c,h d the house. of that game the Waycebs were and Mrs. F. H. Milt nberirer, we-re a to tart~e her at 'the time. An- Go grantecl 10 days in which t - - -- - - on lhe long end of a 2<1- 14 score. united ' n mal1'iage Saturday Feb- other citizen declares that his car amend her answer, tc. GET ELECTRICITY 'was reque ted to bring Th a shrub Th Ice J ' . ."II'Ig h , In the na ' -rnnee W. WI' Ii . WELL KNOWN TRUCK uDlor games wereruaryI 27, in Richmond, Indiana. b"ha"'.l .""" strangely on the road, a.p. ~ 1 ... " and to give it 'hi tory. e nVl- DRIVER WAS KILLED vla"ed and SprIngboro nlet Mason parenilly shaken from its course son va. Thelma O. Wi\"on, ca.1! ted guest8 ,o f the ho;s s lWe-re, Mr. IN COLLISION SUN. . . The bride from and groom, both were a 'an,d3 W8JI vlctorlOUS. crraduated Waynesville High by an unseen power. compromised, ettled, and dismi ~~· and Mn. Ray ~nge of Cincinna." . ---- - li, MI Emily Lewis, Miss Sarah Edward R. Lumpkin, ot MianliSaturday afternoon was foul School in 1932. • RECEIVES WORD OF ed. J ohn M. Carmody, rec ntly apREAL ESTATE TJtANSFERSSmitb IIJId Mr, ChaTles Lewis. Un. burg, wa killed Sunday in a truck ~hootlng Junior High games. and Th yare well known and have DEATH OF COUSINusually attractive 80ral ice cream colli iOn at Painsville. the Harve burg- pl'illgboro bat· mamy Ireindl in Waynesville. Harriet W. Mounts, Edilh W. pointed Runl Electrification AdLumPkin. drov his truck-trailer lue with pringboro winning thus Mr. Miltenberger is employed Mr. and M l'fI. James Kerrick re· Mounts and Leonard Moun~'1 to ministrator today approve-d alwas served to tha delight of all pr ellt. Too meeting adjourn d into agasolme tl\.tion yard when earning t he right to play Wayne&- at Pefl y's Garag1l in Dayton. ceived word this af!ernoon of the Aiee B. Weidnig T, 112 6-10 A. in lotments totaling $2,041,000 for rul'lll e1ect!'i fie line construC'tion , che,d a CUf¥e at hi~" and all eXPrellllCd, on leaving, 0 f he, rea ....• speed. Ille in the finals. Otterbein and They are residln'" .. at thE'' groom's d ath of t heir cOlLSin, Mr. Mose Sal m Tn, ..'p. pl'oje ts' in Georgia, Iowa, Minnhaving a pleasant ,evening, well A s he returrieq to th highway a- Mason were the Juniol' High final- parents. Sutton Ilf West Second SLreet, in 'Ruth Mil'ia,m Gibbs ;ind hus sota. Nebraska, Ohio, and WisCHURCH MEN CUT WCiODXenia, Ohio. The fun-eral was Gibb to Peoples Bldg Loan and pent. - Mn. Frank H. Farr, Sec'y not.her t.ruck, driven by C. C. Kling list. en berger, (ndianpol is struck Saturday evening Otterbein ,and __ __ h Id Till d~ aiternpon at two Oh ' lots consin_ In addition Mr. ' Cannody oxecuted loan contracts for prevft Lumpkin's vehicle. Mallon' met in the finals, after the mhe men of the Ir thod' t o'clock at the home. Savings. 0., Lebanon, 10, NEW CENTURY CLUo-. . , 301 and 302 in Lebanon. _...-~.Mr. LUlllPkln wa.s widely known Ifoul shooting fina,) • which were Church had the annual wood-cuI;. UNDERGOES OPERATION Mathew PellrTung and Anna iously allotted projects in Indiana Oklahon1a, Missouri, and Wiscon· On W~nesday afternoon, Feb- lhrol1<>hout this vicinity and that won by Mason. MasOll1 Junior high ting at tl)e Roselawn Farm which ruary 24th- the New Century Club of New Burlingt'on and Spring I, boys Won t he championship even is owned by Mr. HQrace haner, M' Martha Cook undewent Peurrung to , Wilfred n.nd Th Ima sin, and he announced the approvmet at the Littl Inn with Mr . J. Valley. , though they were b hin~ at the located on the Bellbrook Pike, on an operation at the McClellan h08- Mull, real state in ClearC[!'ek al of construction contracts on the REA-financcd projects in Penn· W. Ward as holl'teS8. The meeting Funeral servic es w re held on hall. I Tuesday. pi tal aturday Imorning. She ill Twp. was called to order by th.e p~esi- Wednesday at 2 :30 P. M. at the In the Senior High fi nals Spring There 'Was ap}'TOximately 14 of lCported to be getting along fine. J OB. B. F edders anel Mary Eliza.. ~ ylvllnia and Minne.sota. Waynesville to men there and they cut sever- and is expected home soon. beth. Fedd ra to onlty Brandendent, Mrs. W. F. Clark, and twenty Friends Church in pringvalley. boro conquered With t hese allotments REA bas 0.1 cords of wood for the church. 'I , - - -- - burg, real estate ,in Franklin Twp. I~nt or earmarked a toW of over one mel)lbers responded to the roll Burial was made in Spling Valley the t une of 39 to 33. call. enJetery. After t hC£e gamc's the trophies Mr. ' and Ml'S. Oakley Unge'les- BOARD OF EDUC~T,ION Howard Sudac and Elsie Sur· $60,000,000 for 267 rural electric "'el'e awarded and aMouncement bee served the lunch. H,OLDS SESSIONto Cltas. A. Wills nnd J ennie projects to serve 166,000 rural A,f ter the ' bUsiness ~ession iI. very interesting and' in tructive C~LEBRATES 13IRTHDAY of the alt-coun'ty team was- mad~. - - The Wayne Township Board of D. Wills, real estate io Clearcreck customer s in 40 states and Alaska. , program was pr~sentedby Mrs. F. Mrs. Edith M. Harl'i was the Otte bein was awarded the secEducation met, Monday evening, p. ~ U. L. May and MTI!. J. B. Crabbe, guo t of hooor at a bcauti1ully ond plae: Junior High award and March 1 to transact the regular Witt Hunter to Willie B1nnton, JOHN WALTON, -AGED 68 Mrs. Le-May very capably discuss- ap ointed dinn r at the Little Inn Mason was givell; the first place bu~iness of the month. Current t'enl estllte in Franklin Twp. PASSED A WAY SUNDAY ad the history and manu1'acture of on SUlld y giv n by 1\11'6. Ronald one. Mason also was given. the expenses were allov.ed and orderAddie V. rane t.o W. L, Peters Fune ral services for John Walt he following types of ehinaware-- Hllwke and MI'. Harris Mas h r. foul shooting award . d paid. A gen~ral dh!cussion on and Naomi PetAll's, l' ca I estllte in ton 78 'Ycars old , prominent resHaviland, Chinese, Majolica, Lug.. They celebrated her 84t.h birthThe Springboro pla,yers were recent ~choo l l-isla.tion and learcreek TWl>. ~...., ide~t of Spri ng Valley, 'who dieq tr ,Wedgewood, Spode, Minton, day by having a family surprise. given individual awards~gold bas- WA YNE;SVILLE M. E . (:HURCH school I endencies- was held after ' • ... Sarah J. Dem'd off and Amanda Su nday n i,ght of 1\ heart attack t he board adJ'ourned. Royal Doulton, Dresden, Fickal'd The gue.sts were Mr. and Mrs. lfetbail$..and t he1'l the chool re" ' . h Sunday ' Gross and Daniel Gro~s to Ru sscll SO(' 1l after re.turning horn e from' a and !-enox, During- ner talk t ,Ie Charles J. , Mosher of Cincinnati, e,ind two trophi ,one from t e ·adjouJ·ned. wulk, we,re held at the residence at Misses Mary ' Eva Le ?!fay, Raylin Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hartsock and Ame:rican Le'gion t he other from Sund$y School at 9:3~' a. m. .. _ ... , Deardoff, rea l e,stat~ in J!'ranklin 1 :30 W dnesday afternoon followWorship at 10 :40. The WILL SOON RETtJRNTwp Morning sermon subJ' ect will be, "How Can . C.rabbe, and Rut h Helen LeMay in son, Ghar~es of Milford, Mr. Ron- the county, ed by s.ervi es ut 2, o'clock at the Frank. Waynesville was given tbe aecRus s n Deat'doff to Th~lmll Dcar pring Valley Friend::l church. q uaint colonial costUll)es ,exhibited a.Jd Hawke and son, B nny Furnas, who re'cen Iy un- d ff 1 2 I t ' Itt' s""'cim, ens of t he various types l'l1n;. Hal'l'is , received many and place trop hy for Senior High. We Know the Way?" 0 , ntere In rCIl es a e In 'norial was made irl Spring Valley ... ~ 0 " f' Evening services at 7 ::10. derw ent an appendicitis ope.ration F kl ' T ran In wp. while Mrs. Crabbe most acceptab beautiful flowets ~d other re- tter\;Jein recevied a trophy or cemcter~'. , ab' Wednesday: :1t th.e- McCleUan hospital in Xenia Iy played the fo!lowin.. piaho eolQ.!! membrances. showing the best Sportsman lP Ethel Faul to Wef'ley Reece and Mr. Walton was born in the .. Bible hour and prayer meeting is improving lIInd will soon be hom e FLORIDA, during thi!< tournament. at 7 :00 p. m. accordi ng to reports given Tues- LiUian Re ce, real as\. tAl in Wayne house where he died, and where he each of w~leh i1lustra~ecl in music RETURNS the +.rnA ot china belOg shown, The aU-count')' team wa.s~ Twp. ' had lived his entir~ life except for '.J't"" d F D . ' f W·U On Monday of next week the day morning. "The Flatterer, Chinese Laun ry. ,Robert Gons has r,eturned after . aVIs 0 ' aynesvI e. Kings Heralds will meet with Wil_ _ Mary J. Lewis to ehas. Stephens one year. The soil of prominent F. f':weeney of Springboro. rna and Charles Dibert, immedjate- CHICKENS ARE STOLENand Marth'a Stephens, real estate cal'ly I'esidents of ' Spri'ag: Valley, man , J4taerere f.-om n 1rovatore, a visit to Fort Meyers, Florida, C. Barr of Mason. Iy after school. in Harlan Twp. Believe Me If All Those Endear- where bis pal:ents Bnd eister, Mr. he was township trustee for many j .. .,. Young Charme, Love'. <l,ld and , Mrs. Fred Gons ' nd Helm G. Boger of Waynesville. ' Fifty chickens were stolen from W. ·A. Lippi ncott and Conie L, years ahd alsOi serv,ed on tb,e- vil-G f S . 'b G. C, Dibert, IPastor. Oavl'8 Furnas <>n Sunday llight. No Sw~t Song, In ,a Country Gard,en; Margaret, and Miss Alice, Gons . oates 0 pnng oro. - Lippincott to Eva Lippincott, rell:l lage cOUjllcil. He.< 11!8vell two SODI, 'l'h e ....,.. Mee Loo, Drink To Jle Onl)' WI , t h have spent the wintet. They eXpect LWO Iead'Ing W erren Coun t y FERRY CHU"RCH OF CHRIST trnAe .... of the theive.'l has been 10und estate in the Viltage of Wayne3' Henry of Spring Valley, and Ber~ . teams, Springboro .:lind Wal'n~ Bible School at 9 :30 at this writting. ville. . Thine Eyes, Pilgrima Cllorus trom to return home about May 1. man , at home; two brothers, BoTannhauser, Narci.uB and Lohen- - -- ville. played In the district meet CAR-'-O-W - NERS-"-"-A ' - Y- GET William Dill and EI!lie Dill to mer and Ethan, of 'Spring Valley. FUTURE READER OF GAZETTE at Ci ncin na~i in tb.e University Communion at 10 :30. Marlon Keltner and Mari e KeItne-r, gri n's Wedding March. ft ' Sermon at 11:00. 1937 TAGS LOCALLY- ' . Th d Gymnaslum, Af. ter thia del, lgh~ul and enterMr. and .. i_. Edgar Henderson I Urs ay a emoon, so uthern pal't of lot No. 122 irl the STATE TO ENTERTAIN _ lJ'.~ h Prayer m~ting Thu ~ day njght . at the parsonage. W llyn esvme And vicinity car Village of Mason. HIGH SCHOOLS taming- program tli~ meeting wu are announcing the birth of a Marc . 4 adjourned and delicious refrl!t!h- daughter, Ja.nice Mae, Monday, h Sprmgbo.r° ' the te~~, thaillt t'r'k The Bureau ClasB meets, on Mar. oW)lers ma)' In oW' secure their Henry D. Shaw'han and Cora i on"lIlp w h t e cO\lnty camp pay . r h F auto lieense tags from tbe deputy Shawhan to LuciE! . Shawh~n, It I Here',s a. date for Waynecrville moota were aeT'vie-d to the membera March 1 1937 and guest, Mn. Lisea Ourl. ,, ~..: _ • Georgetown at 4 o'clock: Wayoes- 11th )n the basement 0 1 t e er- regiStrar of motor vehic1et!, Mr. part of lot No. 69 in the Vill age TownshIp htgh ~hool student. to _ __ . __ _ INJURES FOOTville played Lockland at five, be· ry ,Church. _ • L. JI. Gordon of this placC'. The of Lebanon. mark on their calendllra. EASTERN STAR--': iog de>£eated, by that stron~ ago EPISCOP~'" CHURCH~tags lWere received here ,Monday. Olifford T. IIa:nk and Grace Ohio State Unive,l'$ity'. amlual Charles, Bradley is Buffering gr.egation of ball handlers; . Mr. Gordon. informs us that the Hanks to Cal'l Kamp and Jane high school day be' Satunlay. 'Miami C~ter, No. 107 O. E. from two broken bones In hi8 foot, Lebanon, the other Warren coFourth Sunday an ~nt, Ma~h number a run fro'm 61 to 160LL W ' 5 t b ' 26 ·ttl T OhmS., will meet In "If\llar aeM!onj on due to 'a tree fallin" and IItrildulJ t t h' h I ' th Cln' 7th, eermol} a.nd Holy Oommanlon ~ Kamp, real estate in a hlngton epe,m er , Wi .lIM ~ h 8 t 7 ' u.n:y earn W Ie pays In . e J S ha fl and 361 to 99LK. Last year Mr. Twp. in the Vi rginia 1r1ilital'y 'Sur- tian providing , the oppcMlUon GD Konda., even i JIg, _are , a o· cI'nnati n,:. . c e er Gordon handed out 740 !lets 0 f vey No. 2313. ..TL.1 him. ..,..., trl·ct, Olaos B maat = '-a I.. at..10 :30, Rev John tb.e- footbalJ field .,,_ .....t --J. clock. Viaiting mem ben are we - WILLIAMSO·N-:CAPLIN"ER dra"',n Ab"rdeell. will officlate.___ - - . Ity WI'11 en t ertain up-~... ... tagll and this there be-e-n 750 Henrietta M. Macke, sometimes UjIllveJ'S __ com.. W M The seating capacity in the Uni- A YNESVILLE CHURCH OP sent to him f or d~ tributiCltl to wTitten McKay, to Louis B. Macke, of 30,000 high I'Chool studeat.. Themla Settlem)'N, • ., Mia Verda Mae ' Caplln-, the versl'ty Gym I'll much ..~ ......0....,\oCT _- ... _CHRIST ' motorista. T wo 0 th er spec. . I eYen>,, __ , .. - . ......... applying undivided 2-3 intel'cst in es... an anMinnie Fromm, .,.,.. 'I. dauaol.' 10--1 , lister _4 __ .':.00"-11 ... t er of Mr.. and Jln. Frank at KI'Og Ml'lls. We hope that th~ u..... ....... Smith, 1Iln _ _ ____ ...- - tate in Clearer k Twp. "'" nounced for t he co...... MASONICNOnC':::::Caplinger, of New Vienna and ,Mr. people who were turned away at Not A. Denomtlll~tioD Pike county oW'llers of river A. L. , King to Lee Lemmon, lot season. Dad's Day will be October Chester Allan WUllamlon, forme! the county tournament wilt IrO to 9 :30, Bible acbooL , bottom land 8~ that soil deposits No. 15 in the Village of Wayn es- 23, the Northwestern game, .... stated communication of Way- minister of the Ferry and WaJ1le5- Cincinnati wheTe they w\U be... 10:411, Lord'. SliPper made by spring Roodll on their ville. homecomio&" November 18, cIa7 of nMViUe Loclp No. 188 F •• A.. II. vIoll. ChUl'Cbea ot Cbrlat, Were mar· wred of seata and a lo~d e4Jll e aa 7:p. m., Christian fannll become poorer in quality "The prim .. =.-p;rp ~of the of the Illinois 1&188'. T..u e1line Jlal'Ob 9. VlsltlDlf ried on Tuesdar afte=OOIl, JlarcII well. 7 :30 Evaneellltic eacb yeAr because tbete Is ao Ut;t1e -3 ••- - J, f I ' t , loom. Ind, at the brl~"'. cOUlltl'J bome, - - 7:80 Wedn_ay p~ pod lIoB left .f or water to carry national poultry improvement The (JuerDMIJ eOll., ...... ad IOJOUID~~~~': -: . near New V\enna. IVISIT FLOOD AREA. and Bible StGd,. clown from the upl&11da. plan Is to Identify autboratively tural plaftUlc c. . . . . . . E. F. - - . . . • • The double riDg ceremoDJ w . . · - poultry breeding Itoek, hatchl... Ed In 1~36. "In tile 1W of V. . . Al'IIIIItIlp, ~. used ThC!)' lett ImmedlatelJ .,-' Jlr. and lin. Olear Smith and IT. AUGUSTINE errl, and chicks with reapect to ftcoda It ia .01 UiiijUY~ CeNIDOD, tot CiDela1lati. Mr. and lin. C. I. Batt.rtlt.1rl~ M..... qualltJ by cleeeribing them iJa the &alne 'lOlIitblltut~••GJ. . ,... . the 1aom.e of ...... aIBOqlr alP....... . . . &\ . . t.rms IIDlfonnly ace pted ill all'latare 0$ ...... ..... Hria of &he coWlty. ProtectMm _.......-!!. . .~. 1 TO









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---- ..








e~' "burg, 1 wr.·k.. no at the honl tl of Dr. ami lIuwl'r of lIr... Rulph ," ullce in Wilmj,\gton . \ I)vt'ni11g Mr. Char\t.'11 Van Zunt, form er .110 -t-H Clu b 1'< I. P. L. Rea- operator of the Twin ' Theatre has l'al nll'r, State ,j.1I Club L,'~ 1"1'. r nn , llIovt.'d to Grl!enficld, Ohio. Olfie. Pho.. No 1t2 En teNd a t P o.tMrl e. a t Way nu· :1 ·on\' t'l"IIth .· A.. t h'it II! . (I i\T\'. (l,'a n H uwke Mr. llon Mr. and MNI. Eal'! MUl'Tay of • ' .. .... .. ..... ... .. . . v III . Oh io . ... ;;; (''''lCi C l a ss AIIllU Futur ~ Fnl'llI (' I'~ III ,\, , ,( ,V iqrillia I I ~ ,," '" anti Ir.... L " Jla"'kc we"e D .ptJo. Pric., ' • .10 a Y_. MaU tI'I' " " ~ ~ " • nYLo n sp nt Su ndn y -with MI'. R. W . IinI'. \ ' (1( IIli .... , l \ ~ \~~I- II n~ to n visitors W('dl1csda y. and 1fl!. Olive Davis. ture T IIch l'r · Tlai1ll'1' fro m L t. Ent! Ean1hnr t, WilLon Hartsock M\'~. • ltieo Keppl I' is MARCH 4. 19 37 IT " 11' \' lIard in were visitors her cou in, ?ths . Roena. Zartman V il'l:tinia. R ::!O l :< l1lOlb in th r Ohh. - n ,11 11( l !<." • I f Ut nny F UI'flaa at th Mc lellan in Xenia , E. r:,,"i nl', Jl i~tOlial1 . hI I, ilul on Thu rsday. J\f r>!. Mable t oupe h a~ Teturn. ., DR IVING A PR IVILEGESTATEMENT OF POLICY ::$0 . 1u 'lc. Irs, 110 y oggle e nd fa mily o f ed from a n exten ded trip 'l hl'ough 'V ith lhis i ue of. t h Miami NOT A RIGH T 8 :·10 , F~lm .Ih lnte 1', 1'i<.d: .A :O;pI'ing Vall ,y spent th e latwr part the East. " Gllzet.te, ma.nagem ent and a dlninIt is high time we r culi? d that Group DI "CU~~\()ll 11f 1f unl<' and of lht.' \I ek with h r pare nts, Mr. Mr. William Luk eu of Ha r 'lnll 'I'S . A , 0 . GI'I' f1'y . h a s purc:tonn. cd the hom e j"t r uiio'1 {If polic;)t plls$es into n \V tilL e opeN\. t 'Ion (I f a mo t 0 1' a ~ on Fa mily · Probl elll!,- L,'1lI ' by t ~11'~' . < ' • veys Iuurg L • Mr• Hobert Chap ma n and Mrs . of Mrs. J o's l'e Whl' takel' on Fourth }' II II(L~. For eighty·nine years t.h pu blI' C ,h'Ig"ways IS a prl"VI1ege l k ll'n MIl1l;,rt' y . .Ionlan. ', x <'n: lOn i hl' )):.Ip r h.a s rved the people - no l n l"ight. l ll ome Eeon . mist. J . B. hapman wer e in ol um bus Street. . d ' ... L_ E b' I ' t t' !J :00 :'.111-]('. 11 Mon da y - - - - - - -~of th j,~ co mn1\~mty 11(11 In lu wt very automo 1 J.." fl po en J' , !l ' 1U H <'llg ,. -L C, (, h:u.hvick, U f l ' F L b b '11 F RI E NDS HOME NE W S1 ime ther e have been only t hr«! lilly lethal weapon. Prope rly us d .,• . , \. ' . r, ex ox. WIlO as ee ~ 1 in publ! hers _ Sweet, it i "On of man's most de irablE. l ll orucullul J) q.ll tI1Lnl. . with flu j a ble to bE! out agmn. Mr. ndM:- Ed'. H 'l at t of Wl'lcllang ~. ,~ , 9 ' ~(J }.' I'm LiuHI l'lmmcl1lg on Ed 'fh TlI oWlle,' and rOll e. An unu u· mechanical serva nts. Impro pe-rly : . ' I \\. MI'. and Mrs. . , omllS were mingto n called o. n t.h i1' r lat l've, . a Film }o 'JUIHlul lllll -lI , ,. ,'n· f M I M W 'll ' 111 r~ ord that speaks w ell :Cor used it is a t rribl e menance to • " .' I ~ u(> ts 0 r. a nu r8. I Jam Mrs., Ma lOY L. Adams, Sun..l _" ~f, . I ncr 'e y-Tr~'I ' U \! t ,altOna.. d d h' " .f M ....J u J10lh the publish r. and th e com· lh e lives hea lth a nd property of I " " i '; U I ho mns an aug w r 0 a80 n, ternoon. l1mnit .v. eve rYOne' in the area it trav('J., . FUrn ! kL<!u n A ~~v' atlotl , ppt' l' ~unday. " d . . . t llll!l us y. ' r nnd M H d B url Mi:A3 Ru th hanrll er of CedurRI,gl tr~ll1m I S n ece. ry . 0 Som e publishers a community !l :30 1 u~k '1 • u rs . owar ey ville, sp ent th w ekend wiflb her tl(' es nol want-- a nd. sometimes obtam a 11 ns to pllot nn (U f· !I : 0 t o 10 T ak ing ("arl.' o f t he lin d family of ~ew Burlingto n aun t,Miss Rachel P ettit. :I publisher do s not like. the com- plane--yet the Illane trav el mp· S .· 1" C' J' ofl'cy were g uest' of Mr. and Mrs. JosM rs. Kenneth Bar tsock a nd ' Bu. the r cord here ia ty airways wher genefall y speak. pllog Ig HIll " ' : ' I I [ iah Davis on Sunday. . D 'd C Inunl·ty. ... ~ . , ' La th uI,d Author J,l l) "" Anltll[l us· aVl ossum, s tude nt at O. S. U. 0\1 U1at is to be admired, A high 109, I t ca _ ,lo ellC ng r 0 en . b I The floppy Hour Club will meet Columbus, call ed on Mrs. L ena ll nd noWe spirit ha run through- Locomotive engin eers must like- ane ry with Mrs. Keller Hoak on Tu es- Hartsoc)<, Su n day morning. <l ut th y ara. w i e u ndergo y~ o rs of arll uou exMI'. a nd ;\Ir, . IJ. . !i itlge en- day, March 9th. . ' Mr . and Mrs. Lloyd Davis an d M!r~e!il~f ~ayto ab~~iS:~~ :~. ReaU tha t n real cha llenge phYRica,1 nnd mental conlpetence t el' nim'd ~r l, and ;\Jr" . , 1~'Dn I. an d r sponsibili ty before- bing en· H a ndel' at ~ UP Jl 'I' :lund y <,ven- fa mil y vi.sited t he 1:lood d' trict .., pI ('~ ents it self, your new pu bli h· t ru ted with a train- yet a tra in ill g. n ar incinnati on Sunday, Harriet Peele, atu rday after t·r begins an endeavor to serve the opera te!! t racks, lind has no MI'. ' Hun'e y l!): i~ ill a t hi" Mrs, W. N . Sears la nd daughter noon. e mm~n ity in a creditable man· t raffic congestion prohl 'm . Still ho me, s ufi cl'i.lIg fl'OI11 l UI attack ~~rma were guest s of Dr. and t,iTS. Patronize your Waynesville M r. ncr so tbat the r ecord of the past in most states, we a llow nnyone~ of appcndieiLi !<" W nv l' of XC\Ilia, TUlesdaf. chants. 'I'hey al' yo ur frie1lds. mny not be maned in an y way whet.her he ' b competent or in· MrS. J l'I,~' i e W hitakel' has pu r. Mr , Vinc nt Griffy of Dayton \\ hatso ever. A clean, high st and· oomp etent , cnrl 1 s or re~kle~l', chused the prop e rt~· at t he C1>l'n r l1 !lpen t t ho week end with his par · of n ew~ edi.t.orials, advertise, of g ood habi ts or bad- to drive IJ of thi ru and 'fyl I' . tl eet. nts , Mr. and lirs. A. O. Griffy. !1H' nls, and polley shall b main- car on crowd d arteri Ii of t raVI'I, Mr. alII.! ~1t-s. Ma rion Whitak~r I M I'. Ros> Barlsoell: has been ill wi ned througbout the pre ent where ihe sligh est error of judge- a r . p ndi ng th e week wit h Mr. at hi home a few days this past ' aCi min istrat.ion. .c ment may cause dea th I nnd M r s, Harold W hitaker a nd wee k. (. T hose :thin gs which make f or It is an u ndeniable fact t hat a f amily, Miss Clara Hopkiins and Mi ' ., . • •• to cook this th e good of the indiVidual, 1;>etter - consid red percentage of the peoMr. and Mrs. Ralph Hast ings V iola Campbell weTe guests of -4 whole delicious ment and a dvancement of the pie now driving should ither be and son, Bobby, \II reo unday eve· Mr. and Mrs. JamE!$ Lovely of . _ community will b e purposely laVa denied that privileg or for ced to ning gu e~ ls of Mr. Ilnd Mr$. pl'ingbor o" Sunday. • weal In my Pyrofax B,ro,let' ored and advocat~. Th.o~e und ergo II period of trai ning to David R s and fa mily at RidgeMr. and Mrs. Orville Heines of Honestly, you'd th ink I was a eel. things which will h urt a nd lI) them abler, safer eaT op- viUe. Dayto n were guest!! of Mr . and ebrared chef, the way my fr iends ' Mr. llnd Mrs. P. L. R ea on a nd Mrs. J . P . Fromm. com,pliment my food si nce I've ha rm th.e life and cha~c ter of ou r erstors. Some of t hese people ar Mr. J. C. Bawl!:e spent the ha4 a Pyrofax·Magic ,Q tef Range. growing boys. an~' gtrls and de· physically inca pable of driving a son, L01'ejI'l sl>ent Sunday wit h Many m ore are I tell tbern it's simpJy counlry , g rade the SOCial h fe of t he com· ca r prope rly. • mentally inc~pable, co ngenitally 1-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!~~~~~ cH._g~yuykl mUllity will be p ur posely n eg I ec.... ed. So far as is given us to, seeI incom""tent, or reck less. An d I ~=======~==-==========~~====" HEU' l It. fAVORITE , r" Place nal chop. Oil .rea ed a nd f olow the right,..-t h us sh a I 'Ith e toll is 35,000 lives year, I THE SERVICE BEAUT IF ULbroiler Seat oll and dot our policy be--t~ act upon that We will never solve the acci- , REGARDLE ~nrb'r:JI~ ()f h()w much or little you cnn afford "de up) - A fta ....", a dent problem ' utl t i! we a dopt III. I pan (CUt .. P rincip Ie on1y. · f . d row liE . ",Icou (c:uc .Ide dow n ). t 0 spen d f or a unel'a 1 el'VlCe-o ur or~ mollt conSI W e a r e not a ref ormer , a re-. drivers' lie nsing regul ti on that N "n •• row of ~ or lima • d will keep t he incompetn t ent and " IS • , . b eau ' t y. All 0 four I arge st ock 0 f buM, seaoo .... with •• Ir and actionary, nor do we seek to gnn erat IOn e pper . Broil ever,th ln. 20 a n ax In any political squabble r eckless dr iver oft' the public equipment is plae d at our clients' disposal and the ::='~~on~rre:::,;:oil - l'8t.b.CT w e crave to make a de- No man bas a "right" to drive unnumerou s detail of a ser vice nre p ain8ta~dngly st • cent Iivi~ ... by giving you a. new- til he ca n sh ow definintely tbat -he The real secret of that meal, of .. tended to so th at the re ult will be one of infinite coune, is the Pyrofu-Milgie Chef sy paper t o read concerning the is worthy of tl1e "pr ivilee-e" beseparate "s moke less.greaseless" worthwhile and intere.sting doings stowed upon bim. • d ignity. and beauty. At our mortuary, t he client broiler. No dirt, no as hes, no f your own home f olk and by can be as, ured of a 'el'vice th ~t will leave an inwicks, no 500tl Just the bot, clean flame of the Pytofax Gas which plyin g the art of printing as a f initely becl.utiful memory-picture t o trea.lUre thru cooks fast and economically. true craftsman in the trade. AJ the years. such ....·e solicit your good wiD and If YOU 1",61JeYOtla ' he pat r onage. Gal Mains -:-A -N ::"K ~Y ~O'U • WE TH REQUEST FURTHE R HELP-

THE MIAMI GAZETTE ----------- - - -- ----------ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY


a good oil)uPER.REFINED BY THE ALCHLOR PROCESS 100 PER CENT PURE PENNSYLVANIA In purcha sing GULFPRIDF. It you have bought t he Wor'ld's Fin at Lubrioating ii- the best motor oil money can buy- and t he most cconomiclLl in t he l o~g run. Made by th e un pamll el d Alchlor Proce s exclusive with GuLf. ~ Packed in " R fin er y . eared" lit hographed containers. Sold ve rywher "At th e Sign of the Ora nge Disc." GULFPRlDE IL is the tougheRt, longest life mot or oil. It provid es maximum lubrication and longest motor life. The World's f inest ' Lubricating Oil for- the Automobile, Air ra f t a nd Ma. rin e Motors.



Ellis Service Station, ,


Q JUST-- 3¢ .



WESCO FEEDS You w ilJ raise healt hier chick n. if you start your Spring Ch icks with We 0 tarting Ma h. Every bag guar anteed. ' Startin, Ma_h. 100 lb. ba, ... ....... .. .. .. .. ...... .. ..... .$2.69

aabyChiek Feed, 100 Ib .............. .. . ,... ...



Serate},' Feed. 100 lb. ba.. ... ............... ... : ~ ... M•• ~.

=:":'":r ;! 'b:.r:




wit•• It.

100 lb. ba. ....... .................

O:yater Shell, 100 bag .... ... ............... ..

Ho.. Fattener. A



~oo d ,


... .....$2.69

. .... .. ..... $,2.87

..... .......


100 Ib bag $2.75

Middlin._. Clean quality 100 lb. ba .. .......... ......$2.39


We ,appreciate, ver)1 much, the Mr, and Mrs. Orville fine coopel'ation given, this w eek, daughter , Barbara atended the by fol k who have voluntarill' homecoming at. ClarksviUe, Siln - \'\";;= brought in t o the ozce news items day. fo r this week's i ue. That has Mr. and Mrs. R obert Furnas and family en tertained at dinner been a real help inde d. We h ope to m erit t hat sam(' cooperation all Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Lothair the time. Winfield of ~banon . Now, .may we ask that the cor. Mrs. H oward Swang of Loverespon den t who have previously land WII6 guest of Mr. a nd Mrs. Walter ..Elzey Sunday. h belp d Mrs. ra ne t hat t ey conMrs. Ollie Mendenhall a nd M'r . Un ne thei r good 'Work--come in ~o t he offi ce at ,your f irst opportu- . _C••I.a'ir,~~e'ilnce Mendenhall and ;famIly '" Clare nce Mendenhall -who nity and let's t alk ovel." this job is ill at the Nati.o nal Military hos- . of n ews papering together. And, here is an appeal for hel p pital in Dayton, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. George Woolard - perhaps there is no regular corr sTlonde nt in some of the terri- imd family of Dayton spent Sunto ry- if youb area is not covered day with Mr. and Mrs. Cilr e Bu rtfectively- and you are intereat- nette and fami1y~ d in a. corr espondents " pin Mr . Eve Barnhart speht t he week end in Omcinnati. money"- just write up the n ews Mrs. Della Ven able is visiting of your eemmunity and send it to u!! saying that yo u apply f or the in Dayton. job, describing th e t erritory in Mr . and Mrs: M. D. Ba ird a nd daugh ter, Patsy and ,Roger W atwhic h you I;.8n wOl'k, We wish to conti nue making the kins were dinner guests of Mr. and MNI. Carl Sanker of Mason 1I1iami Gazete an interellt ing and most helpful newspaper in the, on F riday evening. communities served by it. M.r . an d Mrs. J . D. Marlalt enClubs and organizations are terlained at dinn er Sunda.y, Mi,~s quested to have r egular Ma ude Hern, Mrs. J essie Robitan.d, let us know who they are :ter of Dayton and Lou P ri ntz. that anouncementa and Mr s. J eu ie H)1man attended a of meetings may be handled .tt.c- luncheon. at the Netherland Plaza on Wednuda,. oafte1'noon. . tively, The friend. -ot Mr. F. 'U. Le.. T ry to all newlI ttema in t he office by Ma:y are hopln, that he will be earlier if posBible-for, It il .ble to return home from the DUl. desire to the paper in th.. Dilatulb hOiPltal the later part of mail ThurSday moml.n, of each this week .. b& II very much week. pr oved. Mr. and Mrs. BUoId D. Willis, W A YNESVIL'f HASNEW and dau.h~r M.ry Lorraine mov. DOCTOR edt tbl.I put week from Colfax, Dr. Alfred E . Stout of DaJton IJ.1lnov Ito the apartment above has talcen over the practlce of Dr. the Miami Gazette -of fice, where E. F. Deppe a.nd comell to us with tlMy will ma1te their home ' as MT' a good baekcound and qne rec- Willis assumell management of I ommen dationa. the newapap el' here at Wayne8Dr, Stout lI~t his childhood ville. . in Dayton, ·a.n d ' was g raduated Mr. and Mrs. L. J . Burton a nd from Steele High School, B e at- family wer e Sunday guests of tended O~rl i n Cillege at his daug hter , 1.11'8. Dorothy F ef lin Ohio for one yea r. He then re ll and family of Xe nia . w nt to Ohi o State t]niversity and Mr, and Mrs. AI Poli nsky and t h r he teceiTed bill A. B. and M. Mrs. J essie Hyman were dinner D. dt reI's. Be t ook his interne- guests of All'. and Mrs. Saul Hurhip at. the Miami Valley Hospi- wick , Friday, e-vening. till ill t.he yea r 1983-34. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sheehan H e pr acUced oa Xenia Ave. in have moved to their f ann below Dayton for approxImately • year town aDd their 10D, Mr. Dearth , ud a hal!. Ria fat.Mr. J. J. Stout, ShMhan and famUy are moviD, to • dMtor h. Darton. . the SheehaD property on Thtrd Dr. Stout . . a wife and a ,ear street. cIauchter, Thf 7 are maldq Mr. aDd Mra E. L. Thomall Iao-- ell IlaJn Street. spent Bandq In Da.ytoll, all p eeta of their .on, JlJI'On Thomu aDd






Bran, Clean qua lity, 100 lb. ba .. ........ :...... .........$2.25 F ,E E D DA I RY 16% 100 lb. ba.. $1.99 24 % 100 lb. ba.. .... $2.29 20% 100 lb. b.g $2.15 32% 100 lb. baa .. .. $2.55

KROGER STORE Wayn~sville, Ohio


Wayae ...rWe

Pboae 7

= =;;;;:;:;;;:;;;= = :;;;=== =,;=============d

Clover ·Seed and

f'EBA"A,RY 1937 \ .... ..... TV&. W&D. T NU.

·· .7 '4 21 28

'4 8 15 22 ••






,." ••. U T.


Alfalfa Seed

del1y l'ourselj a

Pyy()fax.Mngic Chef Rlmge


10 11 12 13

Pyrofax equipment .is farn ished to you at no cbarge. You pay only for the Ilppl1i.lOce YO Li select and a small jnstalJing chatge of $9.75; the g. itself costs as Iiltlc as 3 to 4 cents a meal. You. can get a bra nd new 1937 Pyrofax·Magic Chef Range with its automatic oven heat controL, smokel ~s broiler and scicnlifi· ca ily-desig ned lOP b urn ers for • small down pay ment and casy terlUS. Don't deny you rself, join the tens of thousa nds of women who u se P )'tofax Gas

18 1 7 18 1 9 20 23 24 25 26 2 7 .,. .• •.


find that

Buy your seed now while our present stock. last. The best grade seed must sell higher when our present stock. are

gone. , NOTE: W,e, are informed that the ' leed we had bouglit Wrl." all I~ ved from ' the flood '10 we can guarantee delivery.





l eoOIS .. , "IATS WATE . . .. "M .. "u le r, HI "OMU UYOND THI OAS M..

P. E. SNYDER and SON Your 'Complete ".rdware Store

Waynesville· farmers' Ex, .Co. Phone 21







Even in February, the shorte8t month of title year, modern women have more time at their CC:lmDlUld than their grandmothers had in the longest month.. For today electricity bas 80 sliortened the time reo quired to do household tasks that women ctm enjoy much more leisure than housewives 50 yean ago would have dreamed possible. When you put elec· tricity to work in your home you are acmally addin, bOUfS of useful time to every week ••• and cd G co.t .0 low thot it need hardly be conaUlered in tlie

GtJerage home.






Elbe rt Wallace w.perftUe aM Hanep.... , Phone 20

Phone 1'1B8

Best of the N ews Direct From the Ohio State Capito)

MISSIONARY SOCIETY O F FERRY HOLDS MEETINCThl! W QmQrl'i! Mi~lIionary Soc· ,dy of the FCTrY Church of Cbril:t Ill ' t at the home of Mrs. James lIat'lsoc k on Wednesday, Febtuary 24lh. Th III eting WIl!\ called to or. der by the presideni J nnie Thom1\11. FOl'ty.nine respon ded to the fo il-coil. AHer the bu. ine, sesFlion the Iollowin.g> program we

Sam~n, wbo died Saturday mom· at th~ ho~ of her, ister, MT!!.


Ethel Beason was held Ilt the S.lubbi" funeral home in, Wayne:!. VII!I.' Monday nft.ernoon. rne body wa t~k(m to Shiloh .em tery, north of Dayt.on for bunal. CROP AN D FE ED-L'OANS -Applications for Err.l1'g ncy l'OP and Feed loans for 1!J37 are IHlW b,ein g recc.ived nt the ounty Ag nt s Office III. the Court Hou se at Lebanon, OhIO, by the flrll'd

'Qualified public Librat'ies in p r cnt short of that . ill 19:,w, Ohio which are in financial nood which repr~scnts. the P Ilk," Mrs. will again receive state aid as the .Kearns said. "But alier cqual'z. result of the plls~ge of the And· ing ihe employment figures for erson bill" a library app~pria· the two y an,. the 11)36 injury an d Uon meBBllre, by the 92nd General oc(!upalional diBcaae l' cord WIl. A!\Semb1ey. The bill has boon 28,675 claims und ixly-~ ix fal- g;nm: signed by Governor Martin L. aliHea und l' t'he ID2!l r(·col·d. This Song. "Jesus Sav 's" by the enDav y and wUl come e/f·e ctive in would illdicllt in my oploion that ti l'C gl'oup. Poem, "For~t It," by May. It provides fOT an approp· high levels in a<;idcnt frequency Lena Riggs. A Medley by Graco l'iation :from the genenl revenue and severity are gl'adualJy cQmiAlg Furnas; Talk, "Christian Educa.. :fund of $150,000 which. will be down as ' a r esult of inten ive. or· lion," by Bro. W. C. Smith; Song. An a utomobile i no pl:ace to · administered ·undJ!r the dir ction ganh:ed prc\'enlion methods." "I Know My Redeemer Livet.h," " CLOWJIoj or CUT UP". Safe of the state library board. State Durjng the iirst JIlonth of 1937, by t he Trio. Cora Murphy. Neme driving demands the motorLlbra·r ian Paul A. T. Noon. who Ohio's public Ilssistance program Hunter, and Eva Martin; "Youth serves iII8 secretary of the board, under the Social ecuril.y Act ex· in C. B. S." by Eva Martin; Solo, ist's entire attention. termed t he measu~, which WBB tended aid to bver 130,600 ·un· "Under His Wing," by Marj authored by Representative Sam· fortunale OhiOit ns, according to Browll; "Youth on March," uel A. ~derson of Ne:w'llrk. a to lateat stati tical r~ ports r('cen1;.. HelEm Murphy; Song, ".Jesus "very important aid to a most Iy mad e public. Me," by the Hall\.sock cliUdren; _ _ _ _ _ _ _--::-:-:-:::-_ _ wOl'thwJlil~ causEl." · 'J'he library Aid d under the Social Security ong, "Give Me Thy Heart," by B EECH CROVE board, under provisions of tlll: bILl vr ~ram were indigent · ag~d pet· the Trio; M dlcy. by Grace Fu Mr. harlc.~ Owens vlf Dayton will adopt. rules and regulations S(,m.~ , dependent. children, crippled nas ; Song. "Blest Be The Tie That was a recent visitOr of the JordOl governing participation in, and children, a~d blmd persons unable I Bind!>," by the group; Ben«liction family. distribution of. the fund, which to financially take car. of t hem-, by Bro. Smith. r.h', and Mrs. Ed. Clark, Mrs. will be "used for operating ex· lJelves. The next meeting will be held Adah' Talmage J. Lee Ta11tnage a.nd penses and the purchase and reThe bulk of .:i$Sistanee during I in Waynesville at the borne 0 MillS Jes!;ieGarncr WE're Sun. pair of ooks and periodicals and JanlUlry ~ent to r ei[1ients. of old 1¥rS. William Coleman. day afternoon visitors ~tt the C. for no other purpose.' age assIstance. ApprOXimately members of the Waynesvil H. Deatherage home. Director M. Ray Allison of the 99,700 indigent a~d pe~ons in hurch are C9rdially invited. Mr, and Mr.!. Wilbur McCarren State Departm~nt of Finance an- the state ooc iv~d total grants 9:1; • spent unday eveninq- as the FE RR Y ~EWS gue ts of 1\11'. and Mrs. lPrank Mc nounced that the anual report o! $2,426,667. The average award th d partment is being poopared per recipient for the mqnth WIlS Bloth I' W. C. Smith and fam. Curron and family of Harvey!by the divi ion of accounts and 24.34. . ill', L tel' Gerbard and family, burg. . cO'ntTol and will .be av 'Iable for In addition. Judge Henry J. ItO-: Muuriee Hunter' and family.motMr. and Mrs. onwell Wil son di tribution the Jater pllrt of this bi~on, chief of the State Divisi on ored to CinctJnnti Saturd'a y to and chlldren of ClevelllJld were month. The repon is a public of Pub-lie flrssistance, said that reo 'view and take pictures {)! the over-night guests Sunday of Mr. document of widespread interest. ports disclose{) that 25,305 dep nel fl od~ district. and Mrs. Almon Ferri . Director Allison ·p oinetd out, and ent children, 3,601 blind persona, Mr. and Mr. F. H. Wright Mr. and Mit>. !Ed. Nelon of is used by the departmen of fin- and 2,000 crippled children were have moved their furniture to Dayton. Mr. Roy Wood of Bell. ance ·of other states as well 6J!I by also benefitted. in January under B IIbrook and a~e livi1lg with Mr. brook, Mr. Dwight Benso n and and Mrs. hennan Rodgers at W. Miss Marie Smith of Springfield uniV'ersilliefl lind in the the Social Security Act. study of budgetary .subjects and Of the total llum1,ler of depend- arrollton for a few days. visited M.r s. Ethel Beas,on, Satur. r venue. Director Allison has cnt children given aid, 23.709 \ ' Mr. anel MI·s. Tom Burt.on and day afternoon. d vel oped a number of. colorful were under 16 years of age wbile Mrs. Jennie Mullin are on the sick M.r s, Martha CI%ver who haa 1 596 I and intel'eating charts and graplul the l'cmalning. were )ctwoon list. been ill for some time does not showi..... 3OUl'<!eS of re"genue and 16 and 18 years of age. A total th llUocatlon of disbursements of $278,645 · was sp nt 'lOI' this rs. verne allj an r. ex dMR liam. so n were lu.ncheon guests to'We are sorry to repol't th iIIwbich-4U'e teatllred throughout th~ type of assistance during the WilM new publication. month. Thc oaverag grant per of Mrs. Lena Riggs, after which of Mrs. AJmon Fe,rris. Mr. ' child was 01 11 01 . they ~ttended the wedding' of Mr. Th~ estli.Jnated number of Ohio ... . . . . . F nis wllo has been m for some BU d p 1'$ n qual fled to re and Mr. Ch ster Williamson in rea& est"te foreclosures during n .e 0 S 1 , • time is slightly improvedl. I December- wa.s 1 281 wh ich repre- ceiv,f!! assIstance und r tbe SoclllI New Vienna. A number from this place at, sented a deel'e~ of si:x,ty-ninc in ~eeurity Act re.eeived grants total Mrs. Ethel Thomas is improv. tended the basketball t.olUrnament comparison with th.e· previous hog .$.60,464 In Jllllu~ry. The ing slowly. ' at Kings Mills during the week. month and a -d~crease of 151 in average award per billjnl person Mr. Rex illiam80n was in Day. in comparison with t he Dec- wall e tim8~ed .at '16.79. ton Monday. entTS. Ethel BeBBon i spending 'Cm~r total a year ago; accord.For hosp~tahzatlon ~n.d care of Mrs. Lest()r Kenrick was in the this week in Dayton the ,g uests of ing to data collec~d by Secretary crippled children receiving trea.l-cjty on Monday. er son and his wif~, Mr. and Mrs. of State William j. Kennedy and ment and care "l)nd the progra.m, Warren co~n1Y · received $38 •. Harold BeBBon. . compiled by the Governor's Farm the January: cost for the 2,000 197 Tuesday BB the state departMrs. A. B. Talmage, .:r. Lee Tal. and Home Prot.ectlove comm.ittee erippledehildl'etl waa estimated at me-nt of education announced a mage and Mi s Jessie Garner werc in eo-operation with Oltio State c10 e to $30,000. distribution of -11,013,866 of the callers at the Almon Fe'rris home un~versiby. The sta~ total Was " During the last everal months S'tate funds to city, county and Sunday afternoon, . derived from seventy-five county the pro~am has sh{)wn re~ark. village schools. . The funeral of Mrs. A,nnette sales and a n estJmate of 114 sales able j)l:ogress, Judg: Robmsoll based on t he farm erea and pop\!. said. "The willi"gness of county ~~~!!!!!!::!!!!!!!'~~~~~~"'!"!!--~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!~~!.1111!!!.-'!!!..!!!..!!!..!!~.' lath>n of the thirteen unnported. officials to cooperate with u s has . SEE THIS NEW. IDEA Sf READER FOR $145.00 counties, Secretary ~ellnedy said .. done :much.~, furth'e r the pro· Farm fo~ closure sal.e prices aver- gram ~ Ohl': _ _ _ _ _ aged 65.6' per cent of the judge· Second grade o(!nro~led thl'ee n.ew ment, and 84.23 per cent of the pupils this ·w eek, Esther. Lukens, appraised vaJ uation, end urban Ralph Fox and Wilbur Lamb. properties 73. 68 per cent of the M' 8 Hardin h two new pupil judgement and 71.04 per cent of Alice Swift from . Lebanom and tlhe valuat ion. Mary Lorraine Willis from ColOhio's membership goal in next; fax. IlJinoi . fall's Red Cross membership drive Miss Camlibell ha silt I girls and will b~ 380,000 persons. and in- leven 1:>0)'5 who have n ither been T ~js was the abs~nt nor tardy this .term. crease ,of 6.,000. annollnce.ment mad~ by Judg-e. Henry 1 . Robinson, chief of the Ohio division (jf public assistanc who is state chairman of the 1937 Red Cross Toll call. The drive will . be' launched Armistice day; Nov. e mber 11 , llnd will continue until lUlU . . .1 nllllili Thankagiving day, Judge Robinso n said. He rev~ale d tha t confer116 ~ J.. />,..""/ ences of dlstI1ct and county Red TI._ Gi,1 Who ·Fa" ..... /II. C ro ~, chairmen .will be cond ucte d ,.,..... 1".0 /II. To, ...... 1 in October at. Lima. Dayton. · Col-' umbus, Chillicothe, At hen s, Can· ton, Ravenna; · Cleveland, T iff in and Defiance. O..pDued acei~nt prevention meth{)M in Ohio industry are prodllcing good re!Jults;-- according to I.n Superintendel)ot Thoma. P. Keams WITH HIli OWN of the diviaion of ..fetT and hyclene of the . Indllstrial Commission of Ohio·. Superintendent Mr. ......... . . tltI_. ., Xeam.t baNd his opil!oio~ On a ; lltudy of lndflltt'lal accid-eltt data If . 1.-nl.1 'l'ITIII-a for two bla emploJll!ent yean, of .. 11J8e allli 1929.' 'The .mplo),ment 'loll The S,.ci.1 Sc..... F....... . . index for 1988, .cornpal'ed 'With ....' •• II III J""~ 1919,' lndleatell that In. the former w .... IU1I . . . . . . IIU • • • • • 1 .. " .mplOJ,JDen.t only 14.4

!lupervi 0," of the l.mUlr!:ncy crup and ferJ loan s<·ctilln ()( thE' fann <:Iedit administration. Th. , e loans' will I,I' lIlllll" only to farmers who c:wnt,t oht.uin thl' credit {l'om any oth('l' source. as nrovided by reaulnlion.< h 8ued hy th Goyernor of the Parm I'edit Admini trntion. Thr mon~y \ll an· ed will be limited to llle f"' nner'~ immediate and nclu£i: cash n cd!> for Jrrowing his lD37 crops 01' for the purchase or fe tl for livestock IIl1d in no instance may exc et!


.'lII'm~1 II

not fJiribl.""for it the-y ean· borrow hom an individual, production cn'rlii a 8t10 llIlion, bank, or other coneN'n. ~;mergency crop and fc tI lonns will noi be mad by the Farm redit Admini tratlon to the standard Rehabilitation e1iellte ot th e H.eselUement Administration whose- current needs lire provided _ l or by Re. ttlement.






onLinu d on last page


If you are in the market for a new TRACTOR or any kind of new .or used implement, visit our J . .' I. CASE implement Display . Room t WaynesvilJe,Ohio





FAIRLEYHARDW ARE CO. I'er Becau"" o f Better Quality, Service, and Price. EatabJi.hed 1 849 Pho.. e 32. WAY NESVILLE,OH IO



_ _ __ ~~"M~rriW~~hhH ~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~

R. D. Collett's

specials lor this WEEK. only 36 inch NEW SPRING PRINTS,




79c: FULL FASHIONED SILK HOSE .............. .. 15c Grade 18x36 CANNON TOWELS


...................... 10e

. . . .,....,. '.e 980



$1.39 GREY COVERT WORK TROUSERS ............. ,..


See our full lin and wide selection in New Spring Patterns in ALL PAPER RUGS and LINOLEUM. j


Waynesville, Ohio

'.lla" ••• ,. I!!!


:Ui lEU BE

'I.". . 51




The · Waynesville National Bank .

A Complete Line of WHITE VILLA FOOD'S





'LUBRICATION SERVICE Re.,airina 0.. All fttak_ of Can


SHERWIN-WIWAMS Paint. and V.....iah.. Phone No. 19


dinner IrUc~tll of Mr. Edwards their claims in favor of the lieu i. the \,ic('-Pre~lt.lent; uf the to the Oo\'(.'rnor, of the Fllrm r(.'dit. Admini"tration until ~he nion Stockyards. loan itl rEJ)aid. ~1r, KieMler Hardin, Wilton ,hecks 'in pnyment of the ('pIlartsock and Eat-I Eal'Oharl called pro\,ed loans \I ill be- ~ Qed by tl;\e pn BenllY Furnas at the M~ lellan Hegional Emerg-cncy Croil and tal in Xenia this w ek lind spent the ev ninp; with J ohn Fccd Loan OfficI! at the County vel', a Cormer ro id nt of this Ag nle Office at Lebanon, Ohio.


Irley to Remodel Store a

\ :'>It • T. 11. nlQn!ltJ('k <lllertain.ed Ihl' OI'l'l{oniu Aill,' So.ciety Wedn('~(lu)' aftcnloon. )1r. ami 1'rI rl<. () ilh 'rt Fry

are n,,1\ illS\' this w('pk tn the Ira Rich t(\l'rn. Mrs. Rich nnci her daughter, Mr,o, R 'ba Dl'Il ddl1ck. will occupy the! FI')'C r sid nee. l rl\. Ethan . Crane entertained \\ iLh a bl'icige.lunche()n, Friday of la~1. week. The gu~tll werll membel'S of the Argunot bt'idge club. Mr. nd !\frs. A. H. Earnhah wQnt to Cincinnati, W ednelldny 1\11d _


place, Mrs. 'A. H. EaM)hart IUld am Alton spent last Thur day aft \'noon in Centerville, the guests of their uDcJe, Mr. Milton Shoohan who haa been ill lately but is r e[Jorted better now.



---.... -,- -~-

CROP AND FEED LOANS· As in ll1e past, the security for these loans will consist of a fir t. lien on the crop financed if the loan is for the production of crops and if for the purchase of f~ for livestock, then a first lien on on the Jivestock to be fed. Landlords, or others having an est in the orops of the livestock to be Led, will be requu'ed


for t he whole


Protect Your H~.lth By Preventive Measurea

Correct Cl ea ning a dd. lite, lu.tre and per.on.llty.


SPRING COATS RELINED $5.45 InellldN Cle...nin. and Mllterial and Labor COIl1p1~t.


, 38 W, Main I

Phone 100 I

DOUBLE SALE The artist's sketch allOWS how the new store of the Fairley Hardware Co., in the L O. O. F. Building, North South and Locust stree , Wilmington, will appear when 'the extensive remodeling

Jon than M. Cook, age, died at the McCI(>'l\an pltal in Xenia. on Thursday morn· ittg. He was ta\(' n to the on W edn day, uifcring broken ' hip. Mr, Cook was born near Waynes ville on Novemb er 8, 1 54 and has lived in this community aU of his life. His parente wer Samuel and Hannah Mills Cook, ' who were among the fir t Quak.ers in this pI nee. He is survived by his wife, Bessie I'll Cook, two sons, Cnrlton and Lawrence of Waynesville. The funeral servi ce will be held at the Chapel in the Miami Ccmetery on Satur!lay at 2 p. m


BAD P E NNY, an adorable Scottie pup ' 4 months old, register d, for sale. Enquire at the Miami Gazette Office, FOR SALE:t-Modern house, well located in Waynesville, shown by appointments only; 14 acres, textrn good u~'lld, 5 acres set in fruit,

well located, el~tric available, no build\ngs; farms all siZeS. w. N. Sears, Waynesville.

- - - -. M'ICJU

Fore Sale': T EAM OF MULES,....

· d ,re8l!ona bl..J d G 00 d , SOUD Y p.lce. Sam Henkle, Waynesvi.Ue, O. Far Sale:- YEARL INC SHORT. Bull ~figallsel:;t Gob ho•~ 'u , young Na·~, bIer. Charle.s Hage1l'le, y er. _ _ _ _ _...;..._ Eut er Market: Sponsored by t he Ladies Aid of Methodist Church, S

W. c, 't, .1()hn L. H. G()rdon. ~~elcr:rk


aturday, arch 27. 'L o.t,-SPARE WHEEL and tiTe, Model A Ford Truck. Finder return to Tin Shop or Frazier and




" .,. .... '1'",.'1..hlp W.r ...... Collnty

Objo ,

For~:::i~n ~:i0tr~lnlf

TotalDSllla.r,es Wl\lI:e~ ' PaId ur ing theand Yenr 1936 . ,'32J6 .. ~8 ,


ioy IlOl' d\\ IlI'C ompllny Ilt Rill:' boro wa founded in 184ft. The cOlllpany ntJw ha~ ,;; veral mod('rn hardwa, e stores in . ection~ of the,

the wint

T,hur,~day. MI'. and








Deoc. S l , '36

•. .. ......•. 2140.69

_Mr; Benja~in-P;rks who was nt11 returned for · rl'cently operated on for appendl. ftoricla called on ciUe at the McClellan hospital wa~ If..., I all Ad- removed to hi!! bome thlll week. ..._ .t\enIOO1I. Reporta to tb;·U",lted States uII· Deputaen of A8riC1lkure fl'Olll




0:101:10'1 ,::=:1

D o






aDOco Cas and Oil ;



The Popular Plaee for A Snack, Light



OODYEAR WillB'r d Batteries

or a Full Meal

Centerville, Ohio 0


VIlle. MI'.

Store ovelt until 9 p. m.

Or No Charge Phone 78J


Prompt Service

T. Martin 0

A Delightful Plaee To


Meet Your Friend.

Eve~eady B-C


Natl.,••11 B_II

and Mrs .. Alb ert Cornell Of Wnla Dra_ • • ·1E.tat•• S.ttled neal' Ferl")' wel'e entertained at I WAYNE,JY,ILI7. ~H!2 dinner Sunday at the home of Mr. I , and Mrs. Allen Emrick. Ask f OI ' a

Cl:!~~vil~~dmo!!~'la~:l!e:eb:~~t t~! St· Joh,p n roper t y.


Miami.bur. Permanent Co ncr., t e Air Seal Burial Vault





Iii. Tt)t, TIeof'lpta and Bill . . . 977~ .• 3 1A, P:W't, DurIng Year .... 7f.~8 .';'.

0 io


Mr. n.nd Mrs. Cbester NUllter of Xenia were Sundar gue ts of Mr. nd Mr.5, Clyde Elrbert. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Fulkerson of , pring Valley were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs, M. A. FulkeL' on In t Tue day, . - Mr. and Mr . Chlrencc rllddrf' bf Dayton, Mrs. :L. Perk~s and daughter of Pasadl!na; Mrs. Verna Mardis and daughters of Springbora were guesta of Mr. and Mrs. E. T . troud, Sunday. ' Mr. Sam Henkle is confined to

months in Dayton. ftlrE. Iyde Whal ton and daugh. Us Eva, at nded the Mis,ion8l'Y m e ing 01' lh Ferry church, at the hOlll e of :\b;;, Jam es HIll tsock ncar Wayn e."ill l), Wed n sday of In t w ek. r.1r, and M1 8. Edgar PaUOD oi New Jasper ~ p en t la~l w ~i!k at the hom of ·Mr, a nd II'S. E. B. LOl\gacl'C. ML' . S. H. Burl'llL ~Pt- L1t Thursday in 1 aylon, \h guest of Mrs. Alice lark. Ml·s. Earl YvulIg and family moved fro',l Ralph John', property to Dayton, Tuesday. !Ml'S. All 'n Eml1ck WM .a. dinner guest of Mrs. Wailel' Kenrick on l'



Lebanon ~

. The Friend hip Club will meet


B y -~LI." • ......." . Mr. Tom V1iklJ.- ?diu Mattie eh. JIv. Effie Southpt.e of




_ , 'rnx ' Valuatl n .. .. , .. .. , ,n g,194.6a Sunday guests of Mrs. Emma "Say it with flowers" has been Tax Le"Yway;'e';':"iil'e:' O'hlo·'·· . 01.49 Lacy wer€, MI'. and Mrs, Boraee For Salt Olllly by worn to a fra2z1~ but saying it · J) ereby Fcertify b. 23rCl, '1937, Wharton, Waltel', Wilbur and Err tlle following r e with s.ubscriptions delights the ed- port to be conecl. nest Lacy and their families of Your Funeral Director 't'" '" th e Ian. dAd I . H. Gordon. T o.w nR I1I11 Clerk Day to n. 1 vrs 01 n h er~ 'We go GEI\"EII.'I. 'l'OW'N'!'! ITlf' 1''1)NUS .-LreJOICIng over new 1I1lbscriben RI",cEJ;PTS ---- - - - and good faithl'ul rewards. , . (lene.rnl Property Tnx " ,,5080.00 Sheep Well.' the on ly farm aniMcClure Funeral Home • 2. Snle" Tax ................ 6.35 al Fil-st (0 walk up Ilnd say 3. 00:801ll\e Tax " ........ ', 20~ O.OO m S pI'&ent in Int'g e t- iI1umb~rs PhON 7 .. w..~...,,'iU., O. .. >I. Jnberllancl' Tax .. .. . , ....•. 26.0Q on farms 'of the United Slates on ~t me in" is Mr. Stanley, 5. Igal'ette Tax ", •.... ,., •• 14 ,0, mllnager of 1;'al'rley l:Iardware Co. 11. R fund ... .. ................ 1,,60 January 1,1937, than were pres~. 14. T()tal ~1&e(' I1Rn eo1l8 n oelpls.1.60 Next in line was Mrs, ,M aud Crane Hi. I)epos ,tory \rnt .. ~e8t ., ..... .. 4,39 ent a yeal' previously. Beef cat]9. Total Receipts ." .. , . .. ' 806 3,38 tie horses Inules da1't' 0 d who i~ds <Ii large family of h un:VA. " ME~'r!i! " . , y c . WB, an , gry boarderll da:ly at her h o'~. e. 20 , ,enoral Exev ut Iv " . 'Ael'v.. , ,160,00 hogs all declin.ed in numb~i's durCHA~PMAN , '" !11, ompelleaUon or ' l(lrk .•" . 26 0.c)O' th . d ' The new doctor, Mr. A. E. Stout , 23, Tot. Oen, Ex(>ciltl"e. rv.l.OOO.OO 109 ' e per.o . T-hcl'e were 1.1 per ~6, Tot. Pa.y'l cnrrled F·r't,l... 1,000.00 cent mOI 'e sheep than on J anuary was ,a180 quickly adopted into the 1 . Tot. Pay·t. B"'~ ...~r·d .. ,' 1,OOO.O() 1 19 G&%.ette family while moving into 3.1. Poor S' rv. 6,2.01 , 36. REAL' £Sl'ATE Durlnl n"lior-l\.fcdlcal Exllene.. . .....• . ,. 1 8,00 hi. quart~rs in the botel building. ~o, 1'I~\i . ~~grn~ ·I:b.' i\int:.:i9g~:~~ Mr. Arthur Thomas i~ ill at his NOT .Renewalf! for this week are Les- 13, "ot. HighwaY8 .. .. , " , .. 3,907,45 home with the flu. . ARY PUBLI~ t er Gorda n, has. Satt;erthwaite, 11.andcmHarlee..oComp, EmploYi'1I8 ... , Officers .....• · •• ,8.26 ! :=:::=::::§:§~======~:;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; A. O. Griffy, Josiah Davis, Dr, J. Jr. , Tot. CemE't rlea , ... . ..•.... 8:26 E. Wilham, and R. D. ColI~tt. 2h. 0 n , S\llHlllell . , ...... .... 22T,,'fi 30. (las Tax ..... ........... J 6~6,9 &1r_. F. D. Dakin, M. A, Fulk- ~ I, 'I'bt. MIl<cellane OUII ... , .. IR63 ,03 :n:l'ot, PaY'le ...... , ..... , . . 763R, 74 1 n, E l III r Sbeeban, J, M, Oren- ' OIn,m lllltr,: 01 ~..., ....." D r F ..... lilGH GRADE ",U'oI"LI.. dorff, Mrs. IU1 "-n. H."tsock, a.nd 13, flal J/I"" 1. 1:16 .. ...... U71n,In "" 14. It(Oc luts DurinI!' Yell!' .,8063," •




W. T. Clllrk of r('O'I'1I ( ' I DI!},\f,eu Waynesville vbll:.ed Me. Mal'y enl d hlds will IJIl r('cei\l ~tl by the (It'Jllony Thllr ~day and MI' 'lurk board ot 1','u t "6 ot WIIYtl TOWll' • • ship. Wllrr!ln ·olllllv. blo. III tbo call~d on hiS brothel', WultE-r lal'k office or th clerk (if ani d townsh ip. \I ho is ill nt Gordon's ' nrn.~, wlI y n ('SVIllO. / ' hlo. until 8(":l' lI o'cltl-ck P. 111. f)(\st1\11' • Donald J[Bdl~y Mr Th errn Stand,U'il Time I ' . A I>r ll IItl., 11)31 e Jone ~ lind SOil and h ', . Amos lwon~~;d0 '~~~ci~~ 1~'H;\,~ISRgddi;',I~~ ook .und son weI ' Dayt n vi>iLoJ'!l L (1, cab. dU't! wh{'t' I ~, 32.6 lID lIr ... s ThuI' day. ' aod flllly equ!poped. I' 'a,1 for duty. I A It Is a l$O til Intc ntlon of saI<l , number of person ' from here Trustees to otter 118 Dltrt payment n at.tended th e bll,~ k" tbhJI tou 'n l.927 mod 1 lnlernallollltl T.'u<'k " " [ acquhm d with It 1 1-2 vrl. dump ,bcd. ment at Kltlgs Mill ... blddu shall sul>lli l t with hIs 1\1 " M W' . hid n'a fn nnd spectrlcatlonll o r III r. anu 1'/'1. lJham P e nnlngtruck OIffcrcd. . ton moven Monday fl'Q t·h B The IHla.rd oIt 'Xl'usL '" roscrv cs the III I.' Uftlb~ht to ..eJe t any Ot· I\ll blels. tid farm to th e tenant hou e on JpS8 Prendergast the Sh ' f . th 0 , L. 'i'horn'ts . a,\\ OJ m, sou of Waynes.

Fol' Sale 3' Jersey cows, ' fresh soon. Disc Harrow, one mil~ south Bellbrook. Richard A. Sackett.


Th ~

Cary'l Jewelry

aynesville, and Lynchburg. Mr. Stanley Bailey the manager nt lj¥ay;nesvi1Je and i. quiLe eDthu ia. ti.c over the prospects of increas.~ d busin in 1937,

h', Alice hu'k return ~ lo 'h t'l' with Mrs. Robert Collett, March 2 years of home h el'e unday, Het' spending 10th.

__ __

MYERS Power Spray R ig, Hand Spray Pumps, Hose, Nozzles, Spray GUM and Accessories. PlumbiDg and Heating Supplies. THE ' BOCKLET COMPANY, phone 360, Xenia, OhiO, 416 W. Main St. fll-IS-26-m4




CLASSIFIED'......... ADS. • u ••

operations are completed about May 1, 1937. AIter having securd a tw nty.year I ase from the Stal;' of Hope 10d e 1. '0. O. F., the Fairley }lardware ompany began preparations fOl' extensive


LOW COST IN .HEATI And, Le.. Dirt aa. More Home.. We Ha.e a Hi.h Gw'.da Furnace or St. .e.

This .S pace, Is .Reserved for a SPECIAL




Wakh for 1118 A.d.

Eighty-Ninth Year



JONAlHA~ COOK The Ilnppy Hour lub ml't al PASSED AWAY Mrs. Ann Hoak on th e home


Whole Number 6264

THURfiDAY, MARCH 11, 1937




SPRINGBORO IS STILL The Friendship waH enter- IN THE,\DlSlRICl tain ed Wedn sday, Mal'ch 10th, at

hill Ernest. Hartl;oek, Willi:\m Lu· kens. Davis F urna. aud nn, and L. thc home of .MI~. R. D. 'ollett. wilh Tu esday. The meUing ~pen ed " jth The last urviving memb er of B. handlcr a tletlted n d inn(, I' and Ml'O\, Wade .Tu1'ner, !iiI'S. Ray Mai nth reading of the CreeJ , fo llowe d ~ h e! famil y of um uel and H nnah meetin g of Th e Warrell County !(l US, r,irs. J. B. rtlube, Ml·&. Li ll ie by th RoB all and with eight en 0011', ,TOIlllthlln M. Cook was borl! J ersey a thtle lub at the Goltl en 1'hre teams r epresented WarTh e Dig Broadc!!. t, a ,home tnl- I~g'bert, a ne! Mr . Lloyd' Davi;; 'W r "Mental Growth and Develop- In mbor s pr ellt. The minutes of at t he home place nca~' Wa)TTlesville Lamb H tel in Lebanon, last WedI ell ou 11 ty " h n the Di8trict ('nl produee ion, ~po n ~ored by th .. ment in the Young Child'- 'Will be t he st mee ting ~ ere r ea d and on Nov ml)er t.h, 1854 and depart nesday evening. Wayn e Township 1I10ther's Club, assi tn nt host sses. I'ournumeni opened at Cincinnati the s ubject of discusslo'n for the upprov d. t he n th e b usl nc~s w a~ 1:'<1 this life in th e early morning After the bu ·ine.oR meet ing the , .t Thursday, Of these thl'OOlll'cw a large crowd Tu esday eveni ng. Child Training Study Group at the tak en care of. mcmb rs pal'tic ipull'e! in sev ra l jpl'lngboro, Waynesville and Lebof Murch 4t h, 1 037, He was the The lathe cleQrN a y su m On gam~", ROme St. Pat.rick gahle~ . 1'egulal' meeting on T uesday ev eThe meeting WIUI t hl!n turn ed · youngest of II famil y of eigh t mon, only Waynesvill e was elimithtir vent u r(' IIII\d \ are ver'Y apning, Mal' h~ 6th at the oe-xtc nsion over tc) the progr am co mmittee, cbi ld l'~ n bor n to 1hat union and D('.lieious r freshmen were ser- lated in the first Tound. being deprl'ciatllV~ of the- ~ u pport gi en office in the County Court Hous e wit h seveTal ga\lle~ and riddles live d to t he age of eig hty-two ved, lifter w hich theclult adjourn- :ented by Lockland 36 - Ill. Sprinc them in tho undertaking. at Lebanon. I yea rs, three mont hs anti t we ntya nd . pri~es g iven. T he ent. rtainment consisted of eel, >01'0 ~ at a orgctown and Lebaa mise Ill1neou~ pre entation f a A · discus.sion .of eurio~ity. quesA v I'y delightful lunch was f ou r du ys. I n was on th e long en d on their GRANGE HELD REGULAR wioe varieLy of acts--"The Wedtions, imagination, ,truth and fa~ se­ then served by the h and a During the pa t t wo years, his SESSION LAST SAT. EVE core with Abcrde n. However, lling of J ack an d J ill", \....os el)oclE'd hood wili be]>1' nted by Mrs. v 11' nlcc time was hud by all. healt h ha d tead ll y deolined. On by small children t'hat v ry delight Lebanon met Lockland in the. ~e~· N lNG, PROGRAM Announ t'l1 nt that t be Rt , Rev, fully en tel'tain ed the audience as Mary E. Gerlaugb, child developFebr uar'y 231'd . he con t ra etlld lOU rou nd and went down to a m nt specialist of 'Ohio State UniThe regular III ting o f WayneR- 10 - 1<1 defcat. Sprlngb'o~ won 1he grippe a nd was slowly improv- Edwar d Lambe r arsons, Bi ~ hop of t he yo ungestel . in f ull d res C05III me, with much ad o al a v rsity starting at 8 :00 ]>. m. ing; b ut, on the evenin g of March California, will be the preache r at f01' Ol of dignity, ~av man y th ville Farm 1'5, Grange \vas held On its !<econd gam e, defeating ReadAll mothers of young children 2nd, he fe ll and bl'oke his hip and the' opening sel'Vice of the Ge neral fit. t. sight of a "for mal wedd ing". 'nLurday night, larch 6, 'ngo 26 - 18. N xt week-end, Sprill&' Episcopal are invited to attend this meeting Af{pr t.ho bu. ines. mt' the boro lind Lock!aln'd will met in was imm ediately remov ed to thc Conve nt ion of the " A l:I (lll y\\'oo d Revu e" inl-J'o: burch, t o be held in Inoinrint.i ducLfon o f lhe ser en ~tat's as t he foJ l u. ing program was given :, and to enroll for this planned study Me I linn Hosp ltal at X-enia. .. haL will he one of the best gamell next fall, has ju t been ma de by I cui fo lk "see 'em" was 01 vol'l y of child development a nd family .. uTreul Events" by Ro CO\! ,f the to urn am ent. if both playas Mrs. Emma. T. E ye r, age 79, W hile ther e he submitted to an Boll's Amaleur hou ,. done. Majo r h Presiding B j~h oPj l e Rt. R v. re.lationsrups. Details of th organi- died at the hom of h r uaughter, operati ~ f rom wh ich h e neve'r oliey did in i be sessions just pM&hroug ht ou \, a wide l'ange of n- Pumas. J ames DeWolf P erry. zation may be secured from Mrs. Mr/!. War r en S urface, T,hul'sday r ga ined co nsciousness. A playlet under th ~ .ll t·cclion f 'd, tcrtai ners whi le th e "Fol,li s of 'a J. C. Vian, Lebanon, Ohio., t he niil'h t. suffering :Cront in fl u Ilm:a. as advert.i ed, "0 ton of f Ull" cl os- M I'II, Gilbe rt l"l'Ye. The late J onathan M. Cook Jiv· d the !lhow. UNIVERSAL G L E R S' president of the gr up or from " Reading - GiatlYIl Rye. She is RU1'v lve<i by Lhe dau gliLet d a full and ev ntful life. ProviPr izes ow re ,von by t ho T ap LAW EFFECTIVE IN Miss Elizabeth Graddy, hom de- a nd n brother and a ,i ·ter of Red dence llesto" d up on him Her (ull A talk, " M'y i ~it t.o Other Grun Dancillg leam con·j. ti ng f J a n ges" b y ~L LATE MAY orlle 11. monBtrlltJ~n Agent. m an,11' of j oy and so rrows. The ak, Iowa. H J';S nnll J a ne Hartsock, first ; and Th e fun er al se rvi es " e re held I'oatl he tra veled as r ocky and lose \.0 3 0,000 anglers a'M exCELEBRATESON'S BIRTH· 1'h Thr e Morgan Brothers, a Monday aCter'noon at two 0' look bears witne~s to !.he many hll rd)cded to b Jlcens d this year DAY LAST MONDAY musical trio, pla cing s co ndo frO m th e Stubbs Fun r al Hom e in &bips and sacrifices he m et al ong undt'r Ohio's new universal an. ffa ir was under L ne dirThe a \Mr. 'and Mrs. Will Lewt.s Ilnd Way nesvill e. Buri,11 wa make in the way, For him, life meant ~ltlJ's' law eff ctive in late lIa, cclio n of the Finance ommittee of Miss J ean Lewis of near Leban n the Miami WOI k. Ill1d t hrift, and t.he keeping mctery. as lhe bill igned by Gove~r \o\ith Mr' . Etta Lar ri ck as the club were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harof a reco nl for an uswerving t rUth nvcy ,lid n o~ carry an emel'i'Cnha irman. ry Lewis and family in celebration GRAN-GfRS' :SPONSOR A fu lnc.'sl' t hat never 'WBS broken. Mrs. J oh n TufU:. '72 yent· 01 cy clause, Conservation ComInisT he director was Miss Eileen age , di d Monday at her hum!! ill BENEFIT PARTY THURS of. their 80n, lr;win's birthday on ' ince Jun 21st, 1904, he hAd lio l'l er L . Wood ell has announced. Wil on of Brooklield, Mi ouri. Pansy, Ohio, after an il lnes of Monday. T he u niver al law will l'equire ' The Fa rm ers' Grange. ponsered been an accre di t d member of the !!cvcral mon ths. ' 60-c nt fee from each angler CHARLES HARTSOCK BE. a b nefit· party on 18 t Th ursda y Wnyn vill e Cha pter Of Th e OrdS he is survived by her husba nd Mean while red and reel fisherer Of The r,f:a$onic Lodge. FORE CLUB, SPEAKER vening, Mar'ch 4. and two ~o n s, OI'ViU e of Wnync - men mu t purch.ase t he 'old $1 li':' H \\ liS a birth-right membel' of Th ere wer e about seventy-five ville and Ivan 01 Mur lli ne Cily. ce nse. Chal'les HartsocK. a r epre8enta- pre cnt, Th e chie d iversion of th t he C&e ~ ars Cr~e k Orthodox. Fun i'id a,rt'al'l gem cntll not tive of the student peaker'!! bur- evening wa s bingo, they also play- Fli end!i\ Church and was in good U ncle l' the ne-w act provision!, yet been comple,t ed. eau of the University of Cincin- ed card~ , atletwar'ds serving r e- stan ding to tbe v,cry end. He was old Tod.and-reel license III elimnati, poke Wed nesday after noon f r s hm nt.~ , hOlly convinced. in the xistence All 1927 licen!e boob FALL AT- HOME. PROVE!) ina ted. and evening befor-e the Walrus of an AJmighty Crea l' who Rt. Rev Edward Lambe Paraone PAINFUL TO MRS. MAN- must b r e-printed but lieenaetl Club and Mu Omega Beta Soci ty j1' uides the destiny of Us all. Th e great opening service on The engagement of MI Dori alrea dy is ued will be honored DY MOFFAT at the University Y. M. C. A .. His f OI' 11l37. On November lGtb, 1905 he was October 6th will bring to the con- Henderson to Mr. alb ert Kreiling Mrs. Mandy Moffat suffered n subject was "Nine Old Men". Mr. u n ited in mar riage! to Bessie Lee venti on city on e of the lar gest con was announced Satul'day evening, No change was made in non. " Hartsock is the son of Mr. and Mo orl'. To t.his union there were gl'cgat ions pre.')ent at 4an y r eligi. Murch 6th at a small dinner-party prainctl a rm and a. cu t on h r resid ent regulatio ns except &8 Mrs. Fl'ed Hartsock of MiJ[ord, bOl'n two sons, Cal'lton and Law- OUB gatherings ~n Am orit a, more at The Gibson Hotel in Cincinnati. f orehead wh en she l' 11 at her home pel'win s to rod-and-reel featurH tomerly of Waynesville. nc who , with their mother, rel- t han 25,000 people having attendMiss H enderson, only daughter on u·ndny ni ght. of old law which was eliminated. ativeR, and . a host of fri e nds 8ur- ed three years ago wh(IU the Con· of M'l'. L. M. Henderson; is 11 gradu WAYNESVILLE'M:-E-:CHURCH No n-resident fees are $S for )"Cal' FERRVNEWS 'fiv to mOUrn his passing. v ntion open ed in Atl.a ntic City, at.e- of Wayn svill e high school and or $1 for 10-day permit. S unday:~ The }lal'(h meeting of tb e Way- WAYNESVILLECHURCH ?rfi.. Everett Hunter enteTtained N. J. On that occasion the fresid- of W e tern oll ege f or Women nt THINKS FARMING BEST Sunday hMl at [) :30 a. m. lub wa the Trl-State CluQ at his home ne Township Moth fS OF CHRIST 'ing Bishop w8.'! himse lf tIIc preach - Oxf() I'd. FQl' th p t five yeal'!; . OF LIFE'S OCCUPATION Morning Worship (It 1/) :40. held a t' t he G]'ade Bu ilding on Sunday afernoon. eT, ·but this }"ear, upon h is invila- he has bt!4nt with The Cenb'al W. C. Smith, Mini.t.r. DO IT OVER AGAIN Th e scrmon 5ubj ct will , be: Friday af t ernoon wit.h a nice atThe Ladies of Ferry Church tion, the Bishop of a lif ornia will T1'u t Co nlPally, incinnati, Ohio .ITh e Motive Determine the De,te ndan ce, Tille m eet.i ng W IlS opcmPreaching every Sunday mornnd has at nd ed the Y. M. C. A. The old est citizen in OUT town have' mllde $28.00 8 rving lunch d e1iv~r th sennon. cd with the ,sillging of "Auld ing dUling th e revival which betiny. " Law. choo1. is Franklin Thoma$, who t.s ninetJat. th e public weR thi winter. Evening service al 7 :30. Mr-, Kreiling, s n of Mrs. Paulto ur "years of age. TlIe Berean Class meets in Lang Syne" wit.h Mrs . Melo{ Bilit-d gins March 14th, running up to ine L. Kreiling, Newport, 'Ky., is Wedn esc!ay:the -basement of tbe FerTY l e~ding. The . devotional period Ea. tel' Sunday. He was born September 6, 18Th e Lad ies Aid So ciet)' will 4 2, h ear Centerville, Ohia, in a Pr ching at 9.;30 Church tonight (Thurs.), Come. was conduded by l\fr.:!. P eirce of graduatc, from New'Por high Sermon· subj ect will be "How 'chool, attended the University 01 m et with 1\[r8. J osioh Davi. a t log.cubin. His parents were EdMr. an d M'rs. Milton Walls of th e Friends Kom e. She ,r ead an Middle Run are announcing t he Indian's verisi on of , the Lord's May Other!! Know That I Am A Kentucky and is now, also, witb 2:00 p. m. ward a nd Abigaile Benham ThomBibl e hour and prayer meeting s. Mr. Thomas was the younaest al,'rival of a baby daughter, Sat- Prayer and gave a beautifu l tri- bl'istian." Mrs. Ella Bow ers, ~' 2 ~'ear8 of The Central Tru t ompany. He bute to the grandmothe rs pr sent. Bible School at 10 :30. urday' evening, February 27. of seven children. He attained age, of Dayton; died utUl'da y L<; ~ oell knoOwn in athletic circles at '7 :00 J). nt, G. . Dib ert. Pastor a good -educat;1on, and at Ute age hrlstian End eayoro ~t 7 p. m. night. of Gr at. r Ci:ncinnati, having Rex Williamson w.ent to work MI'll . Peirce had t he honur of be.......~ EvangeIL' tic services at '7"30 of t wenty-one wa.,,· married to SaTin Cincinnati th; week at tbl! ing t.h e <l lde grC!a t-g1:andmotber She is surlvived by t.hree broth- played with local base ball, ~oot PI' ent. ince ,?ur vic ~pTesjdent Sermon subjed all. E. arvis. He moved on a farm, Baldwin Piano Compan y. er and one sister, Ca rl of .L eb- ball and baskEt bull t ea m. "The Omnipotent. God" MI'. an'd Mrs. H. C. Filer and was aUlo a grandmother, she conWhil e no date hos, as yet, been an d made farming his life's work: anon, lyd e of Sharon ville, harMarch ' 1..lith"The Living les of Dayton, and Ada of Cin- set for t he wedding, it will probfamily, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Brown du cted the meeting ftom th is point To this union nine chi.1dren were lbly be Atl event of mjd-5ummer. and daughter, Doris were six 0'- The minutes of the Jast meeting Hope." born, of wJlich, five aTe livin". cinnati, March I 6th, " Pente cost." On Hi!! hobbies W1!re flstting and ~ck dinner guests of Mr. and were read and approvC<d and the Funer al 'sel'Vices WI!r e h eld on LITTLE ~f'lSS HAS lreasurer r eported a ba lance 9 f t.his night, a group of the Cincin- Monday afte rnoon" at J ohnson'1: "NNIVERS.A RY CELEBRATION lJr. Cassius Gibbons Ra nda ll 61 hu nting, which he did in all of hia Mrs. Romo Rirg!l. years of age, died Mon\II\Y night spar e tilne. His wife died in 1901. .Mr. and Mn. Re.ymond Reid and ~1 3 4.60. The finance committee nati Bible Seminary boys will sing Funeral Home in Lebllnon. Buri!'1 Lit tle Phyllis Burnette cciebrat- at Ol'chard Springs Sallilal'ium , af· lIo lh!'n s ld his farm and: trave'" was made in Miami Ce metEry. Mrs. nasa Riggs were six o'cl ock .lnnOunc d that the lub would for us. , d her s'ventll birthda:\l nniverMat'ch 17 "The New Creature" ,rry IQst Monday evening, after Ler an illn ess of C!igh t. week.~ , ca u ~- d th r'ough seveTal states but he dinner, guest Sunday evening of l>ponsol' II. show, "The Big Broadcllst," h eld at the GylU, Tue day Look in tbLs paper next week for LOCAL TEACH-ERS - AT- ' chool, by haying in a f ew friends ed by the con dilion of t he heart, thj nks Ohio is by far the beat state Mr. and Mrs. Romo Riggs. TEND COU NTY ASSOC t o join with her in ~e !l and reevening. ' a,nothel' list (If sel'mons, special Dr. Randall w u~ born ill Du ror a. in tb e Union . Geol'ge Smith and family. Ramo A TlON MEET TUESDAY fl'es hments, prepar d. in honor of Ihdiuna. H e p l'l\ cliced me dicine EOI mu~ic, each evening. All churches If he had his life to live, oTer' aI'!l the room popularity contest Riggs and family and Lester G er~ t he occassion, and people are invited to attend. thirt-y -yearlj i n H a r,,~ ysburg. Kaill h e would go back. tor more the flower box was won by litis The Wa)TTle Township Teahard attended QPurch at !WaynellGRADE SCHO,O L NEWS Day's TOOm and the pictu re by He is survi ved b his widow, [alm ioj!', H e i especially intenllchers attended the . r,~ gul ar III etCARD OF THANKS yi\le . Sunday· evening. Anna Randall, a daughte r , H elel led in the mod&rn convenience" Miss ampbell's. The program for ing of the Warren County Teach· Third Gracle--We are glad to W. C. Smith and family took the May me ting will be in chal'ge We wish to thu nk the neighb ors rs AssociaLion for ' the second SEIee Ead Lamb back in school af· at ,bome. a stln, Edwin of a!\hvilh f il l' the farm and not th~ age of dinner with F. H. Smith and fam- of th e past presid e n~ and Mrs. fl iends, and Rev. G. C. Dibert for Ten n ea t', and five 1.\'Tandchildren, tallow candl e!!. mestel' on Tuesday eV\lTling. l.e r four weeks abse nce. ily of New Vienna Friday evening. Lewill Fires wiU serve as chair- his cOnlfoO rtin:g; words during the Following the 6 :30 dinner a pTO· One n W pLlpil is enTolled, Odell Funel'al service' wei'e hl'ld at OBSER VE 6Q;b-ANNIV'ERSARY kr. and Mrs. Fennan Edgington man. The clothing comm ittA:e r~ iIlrre,! s and death of OUT mother . gra m w,as presented. Hnwkins from Springboro. th e esidence on Thursday, Mill', WITH A SURPJt.SE PARTY-.• •'na six mo~th old son, Ned, were ported a need 01 shoes and under- . Mr. a.nd Mrs. Wanen Surface. The principJ.e spenker of the Miss Hardin has fifte en pupils 11thr at 2 p. m. Bulinl wa.~ mad , din neT guests Sunday evening, of weal' for the n eedy children. T~ e EPI COPAL CHURCHNOTES- evening were Mr" Solomon, Supt. that have been neither absent n or 'Mrs. James Kerrick enterta1ned Cemeter y. in Miami • Fe~ruary 28 of Perry and Jennie grade lunch chainnan repor~d a ~t (j o.'clock dinner on of t he Middletown fchools, and tardy. , HONOR ROLL Mal'ch 14, 5th Sunday .in Lent, president of the Ohilo Education Thomaa. 'vening, in honor of hllr hual:Nmd, balance of $8.40 above the cost Mn. Kerse y hal! enrol3ed four ,Ta mes Kerrick. Ea1'l Hubble has a new FordVS. of food purchased for the' past Ev ning · Prayer and sermon Association ; MI'. Ridler, Director new pupils, Wilbur Lamb, Karl SenioT:S-Doris Surface, Margi£ This cOJ) ctuded th.e busi- '7 :30, Karl Nybladh in charge. of Athletics at Miami University; Koverman, Esth er Lukens, a.nd ! Lena Riggs visited Cora' Filer month, Mr, Kerrick, who haa rec::hed hill Tinney, and Glenna Woollard. ness and th e , pTogram for the afsnd MI:. Almack, from the Stat ON FARM-'N iGHT RA.DIO PRO. sixtiet.h milestone in hi. life "I'M Wednesday afternoon. Ralph Fox. JuniorS-:-Ruth Connor, Vi vian t'u r J) ris d by the following &'\lea GRAM OF W 0 5 U NEXT Department o:f Education. , 111' • Fioyd F-e~man and Miss ternoon was opened by vocal duet Spring has come again- ask the Conn or,' Jane Furnas. a nd Roy ·Ro". G. C. Dibert, George RobID.' by Mrs. Gilbert F rye and Mrs. MONDAY EVENING • Music was furnished by the seventh grsders about it. Martha Stia'el spent Tuesday eveCroek-ett. Baird. The third grade unMert Oil, W. S. Graham, J. E. Frasier King'S Mills Glee Club and orchesiI~" at the h,ome of Mr. and Mrs. Th e making of maple syrup, der the supervision of their teach8 :00 Pike County 4-K Club ProF resh menMary Eva , LeMay and Richard Call'lp~lL Perry. Thomas. tra. paper, and rubl>el' is absorbing the and Carol Lu dh)gton. --,-er, Miss. Campbell. gave the follow- gram"':"'Members directed .b y Will,. ,Mr. and Mrs. Coy GlUia.n enter. interest of t he seve nth grade stuNATl"ONAL RE.EMPI.OYNEMT CARD OF THiANKS Ing pt>ogram: iam E. Bembower and Mias- Dorcas Eighth Grad e--Fr: e ~ a E Ili.. talned. to birthday dinner on Feb. dents. SERVICE STATES AMPL,E Announcer, Charles Dibert. Marsh, County Extension Agents, Seventh Grade--Henri etta Pen· We slncel'ely appreciate the t8 ~n honor of bel' mother's 46th SUPPLY FARM ~OR The Freshman Class, 8ection II W~c~m e:-.Dicky Stansberry. Waverly. niog«in,Mal'ion Smi th, Anna M'ai kindness and sympat;hy ' e"te..n~d birthday. Thoae pre~nt were Ml'. practicing a pantomine "And 8 :3 0 Early Navigation on the us during the illness and death of . Broadcasting-Walter Johnson. ilyn Whitacre, :Ftn.nces J ohns, Despif,e an ever·inereuill, d.. aDd Mn. Thomas Shoeltef, Wilber, Piano Sol~Donald Brown , Obio--H. E. Eswine, Historian. our father and h·Llsband, · Mr. The Light Went Out," wlHch il:. Jeanne Baker, Gene Col lett, lind mand for farm and dai17 handa, _ Erma and Clara, Mr. Harley Thom expects to present to any willing When Grandma Was a Girl8 :40 Farm Home Period: Lyl~ Fox. survey of the files in the Wanea ' ... Mr. and Kn. Clifford SehockJonathan M. Cook. audience soon. , Bessie L. Cook and Sons. county office of the National ~ BessIe Lamb, . , How to Budget YOUI' Oanning-ey and family of Middletown, Mr. Sixth Gl'ad e--Lan aing Hardin, The eighth grade lost another Gl'and'ma/s · Doll -Betty Jones Mrs . Ruth Rhodes, Cortland, Trum employment Service reTUla the and Mn. Leonard Schockey .nd Hisey, and J ean H,al·tsock , H elen Mi~Aliee- C;;pt,ell spent the fact that an ample supply Of wen A.n Argument-3 GiTls and 3 bull Co. Our Homes and Families week-end at her horne at Main e- student, Margaret Mays, who left family IOf ~b,non, Mr. and Mrs. Th ;rd Gl'ad e--Bettie Jan e , Don for Oincinnati Monda'y morning. qualified men are still avaUabl..· Harlan Sehocby and family 'Of boys. - Mrs. Belen Mougey Jordan, Ext ville. Leila Koverman is a new stu- ald Brown, and Chll.l'lll~ Diberi. fo~ farm work. JAbanoD, Mr. and Mrs~ U·u gh Lak~ Plano Sol~Seth Hoalt. • H.ome Economist. Second Grade--Mildred Bourne Freshman Cla~s. Dialogue--ll boys alld girls, 9 :00 Musie William- Lukens jattended the dent in the .t Lebanon, Wes Sace of &!laver Warren counw fannel'l .... Ann Weltz, Tommy Wagner, an ' Paul Fleenor and Shirley Ann with Gladys Rive all Grandma. 9:10 Profit or ~ss Poultry Board of Dil'ectoT8 n'leeting of the Spring Valley's loss is OUT gain, demon t rated their f~ Naomi Earnhart. The Senio rs have a new' pingGrandma.--Roaemary 1Iulford. Raising Factors--R. E. Cray and Ohio Jersey Cattle Auooiation In Gilliam. with a.dvantages of the Se"* fa First Grad Bettie Thomas , 1 er the week. pong table 111 their home room. In Grandpa's Time-Charle8 Di C. M. Ferguson, Extension Poultry Youngstown, Ohio 0 the past few weeks by tIMir . . ., Bible Study at the parsona"e on . ;,t" Norma Lon~cre. and Janet Loke. end. b ert, Leaks in water tanks are nice caJls at the office for wor.... '1'1Ieeda), e.v-eniDe at 7 :80. Come. Sp~iallst, Song_ Entire &'fade, "Lovel 9 :30 Music. They toured appr()ximately 800 aa far al vacatiolUl are concerned DO IT ,NOW iOROUR SPEIC::AL This office, the teleplaoae . . . . ; Ms..tOJWT Soei~ of the i'erry 9:40 What 'Happens in SOU. miles viewing Jel'l!ej7 Breeders III but they are very inconveQi ent in FEA.TURE TO BEGIN AT ONCE ber of which is 249.., - . . . _ Ohureh ChriR meeta 'With lin. Old Sweet Sona/' "Gralldma'i IIlnuet." Dumr Wet WeatherY-RIchard the north eastern of the ltate. R'C!neral especially when parched agency of placement lDel . . . . . WUllaln Coleman in Warneavll1e If you've something "on youI' throats are in the majority. entu Into diJcuuloaa of ,.. The Club adjounrned to meet Bradfield, Sou. Specialist. , Mr. and Mn. 'WechlMCIQ &fterDooD, IIareh 8L chest' . .... ,.......I:';i.JUe' Q~ between .aplll-,.. ·. . . the flnj. Friday In AprU. DeU9 :50 to 10 AM"era to Farmers and famIl; spent -WOIMN'S AuXILIARY Friuul. of Jlr. and lin. Brneat -Writ. THE p~tive emplo}'a. ae"ed QuatiOu-Farm Reporter. GreeDvUle, ObJo. W..1aN wU1 be elacno bow that clo.. r8trelhlMlltl The Woman'. Auxiliary of St, aDd 1In. Raker (aee Ut;tI. daq1lter. S,1vta .Jean- by the foBow.lft': lin. a.rold)ll'. 1 Oak. were Mar,... Epiaeopal Church will meet II!'. and 1Irs. S. ID1lCb la,...ftd ai tUlr Eanbari, lIrL I .. Chapaaa, liN. llarpret Roceri) ud BOD..... • f . .U, diJI- at the LlWe IOD, Frida7 afternoo1l I. III Job, ~ peN of aDd • host hoate.Il of tIIek Mardi 11. at I o'eklek with 'i~""''' '-"r . . on _ _7 of

8. 8. MEET




---._--- MRS. JOHN lUfTS, 72 DIED MONDAY










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1 TO DECEMBER 31, ~36




No 111 Ente d at PoatoCflce at Wayn .. OfIca P1Ie•• , . • ,,111~ Ohio. a. ~.c"lld CIa 8 lfaU Sub.crlpllo. Pdce, fl.1O • Year ' ..att....


-_ _ , _ _ _


MARCH 11, t 937 - _ _ c:=:---

SATURDAY NICHT CROWD ON STREET A GOOD OMEN- Saturday night was a rev 1atlon of surprrsing int rest to thi.> " , h 'a nger in towlI." Throughout. the week. nn uppreclation of Waynesvlll 's b~i ' n . reach had been gro\\ ini', but, your editor wa tOlally unpl'epnred for the congr ting of the mas. s lhait we \\'itn d a.t lbal time. A fact. which to say the least. was not a bit di lurbing to t he village's commerclaJ ' a nd l:'ocial eurity. Thc happy laugh er and the buzz. of ,,"oie: dCll oting friendline~ and neighbol'liness Il.'! the crowd troll. d the streets mi ht well be covetd by mallY \illage thro ugho.ut the Ian d . To add to, ~d. not detract from, t tiat oJiullrity ill the de. ire and pur 11)8e of all citizen who would CODt. ibute to t h!!- community wellare. F RIENDS


Mr. and Mrs. FrancIs Kemp of fined t.o het home becauae of Ill· "aollore, Ohio w re 8'U!'tIt of R,·v. nC!.Sl. lind ltll'ri. G. C. Dibert and family MI"\I. J. J. Siitz and daughter, last. Saturday evening. Nancy, lett for their home in Mr. and !.\ITS. Rog-cr Brown lIJlel Chnrle; lon, We. t Vlrginia, FridllY uaughter .~p nt Unt1aY \\ iLh rela- aft!'l· spending seve l'al days with ~k und Mn. W. P. Salisbury•. ..ivel! in Hill boro. MI'. A . K. Day i ill with flu. Mr . l\lary Al!ord ancl I',o n, MOl. James Todd of Dayt.m'l Ilnd Mrs. 11'. nnd Mrs. William Snyder of ua , good of Kan Ras ity. Miss ' ] ayton Wet' gu sts of Mr. a.nd ouri. were g uests at lIh home of MI s. 110 III l'l' RamI unday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Moainou·, lru;t F,-idny evening. Mr. EMI Reeder a.nd children w re gu sts of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Ridge Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray .Mainous entt'l'tained at dinner last Thursday. Mrs. Martha Grav C1! of J efferson, K entuckYi .M1'. and Mrs. George Hend erson and sons, Mrs. Ju.lia Henderson and Mrs. Roger Brown 8nd little daughter, Doris. M'I's. Ralph Linn ecaived MW Silturday evening of the death of an aunt, Mrs. Blanch e Linn In Wilm ingt~n wh.ich occurred fn a hospital in Columbus.

lIfr. and l\1rs. J. P. Fromm and Iyde, and Mr. J. C. Ha'w ke were unday guest of Mr. and Mrs. Melvyn Banta in PI ~sant Plain.

1\fr. a.nd Mrs. Victor Buris and son, Clinton, of Dayton. were guests of Mr. lind Mrs. E. R. Bentley cn Sunday.

Mr. F. U. LeMay was removed to hi home on Sat urday, from the Dayton Osteopathic Hos.pital whe:re he luis been for the pa t 11m' weeks, recovering from an appendicitis O)leration.

Mr• . Margaret Dalley and infant son of CentuviUe, came last FriMr. George Burton of Alpha, day to see ,t heir tn'&1lcbnot.h~r, MR. Mr. and Mrs. James Burton and Nettie Dickson. family of Dayton, Mr. 4Ild Mrs. Russell Terre)] and famly of Xen ~rs. Jesaie Rol)inllon, of ~incln- ia were Sunday guests of Mr. and natl 8~ent. th weekend With her ~lrs. L. J. Burton and family. a unt., MrS. Howe)] Pierce-. Mr. and Mrs. MariOn Whitaker









&l,6 '


U ~iDI On17 G"nulal MaterIa"

Prompt Service Store open until 9 p. m.


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R....ood T..... ..d EI. ..... c...

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Get Your Plow Repairs

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O. l". ..

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R. D. COLLETT . Hardware and Implement. . Wayneaville, O. Phone 99R3 Sharea, Landslides j Rolling Coult... Blad.a in aoft center ateel, so .d teel and chilled for OLIVER, McCORMICK DEERING and IMPERIAL PLOWS in atock. ' ,

We alao atock Beama; Handlea. Cleviaes and Jointera for Walking Plows.








Did You Threaten

Your Funer••} Director .

A Child's Life Today?

Plio. . 7




••• anoco Gas and,. 011

DYEAR . Willard Batteries Eveready B-CBatteries' ,



Wap..Yiu.; 6.

J.B Not with a &un, club or knife, perbapa but, you were

U . . . . . ·B......

more danlel'(Mla in tbat' automobile of youn with


mind and protect the

cbild that truat. you,~ome in and let ua reline your


Spaee Is Reserv~d for a SPECIAL AlVNOUNCEMENT


brakea--we can give you the beat linin&" that money can huy-Firestone or a.ybeato.-P•• Go Linin...



( 0lil._ 8.1_•• Molo, V.""I.. . . . . . . 40.'.

8629 ACOOIENTS • 659 KillE()


Nile YOUl!

Lebanon, Ohio


Mr. and .M r... uri C(lnard and with her parent M.r. a nd Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. How~rd Archdeafamily of Day to n wel'c we k.end WeL"h near Ottel'bein Home. COn pent unday WIth Mr. and uest of Mr. and ~1rs. A. O. GrifM:rs. Ohester Bradstreet and family [y. Mi. s Eva Lipp elncott was In Day. at Xenia. to n Jast Thursday. Mr_ and h s. Willard J ones Mrs. Anna Hawn, and Mrs. Edna a nd son, ofL<:banon \\ eN" gue~ts Mrs. L wis Fin 'spent Tuesday Buker of Spri fi eld spent Sunday of Ml'. and Mr. Wilfl' d \lith h l' mother, lrdrs. Harold Tay- with Alice Miller. lor of Ccnte rvil1e. and daughter unday. ' M rs~ George HElmock spent last Mr. Glen Frazie moved to the Mr. ond · Mrs. Ill'l 'ouk of Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. W E. farm. formerly occupied by ColeMr. and l\lrs. I. A. Ka'J f. mans' on th e LybJ Road. c. D. Miars on Thursday accom- Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Unglesby at- Mason, man of Le\\ isv ill e, I nfli~ na were tro ud. panied AlbeIt Lumpkin to Paine· tended the sale of W. L. Bl'own in gu ts of Mr. and 1 . M. D. Bair d Mr. and MrS. E I'Wood Towson of Mrs. Viola Cary, who has been ville, Qhio wheTe Ed., Lumpkin WIlB Mason, Saturday. nnd famil.y, Sunday. Miamisburg were dinner guests 0.1 I staying with het daughter. Mrs. fatally injured on a truck in a MTS. Forrest Graham and lamJohn Sears of inci nnati . pe nt l'-fl'. and Mrs. Orville Gray and Pearl McMaken in. Lebanon was collision on Monday of last wee\t. illy were g uests of Mrs.. Rhea CritdBughtel', Sunday. calling on Mrs. G. C. Dibert and the we ek- ~nd with his Ilal'!,nts, MI'. Miss ally Smith last Monday 11.1. Mr. and M'rs. R. M. Craig and zer in .Dayton, Saturday. and 1\1'r8. W . N. Sears. ternoon. daughter and Mr~ and Mrs. Bert The Ladies Aid of the M. E. Ma ter R()g~r Watkills has bee n Sellman have moved to Xenia. church will moot with ' Mrs. Jo_i h Mrs. Reba Braddock and Mrs. very ill with the flu. . \ D~vis. on Wednesday. Ira Rich were · Sunday guests of The' l'emalRS 01 the aw mill, an Mr. and Ml's. W. R Strou d were Mr. a nd Mrs. Gilbert Frye. old land mark, burned on Sunday MT. Dean Hawke, Mrs. C. Lee morning. It had not been in use Hawke, and Mr. Lou Printz \\T re guests of MI'. and ;\h~ . E .T. t roud ----,'- :M i. L etitia Schatzman, Mr. on Friday. for everal months. dinner guests of Mr . J essie RoAusti n chatzman of Cincinnati, . bitzer, Friday evening. Miss Mari e Stol' l' hl! retul'ned Mr. and Mf'l:I. M'O rris Rllper of Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Lackey from AlbClucl·que. ' NeW Mex ico , Dayton w ere Sun day guests of MI'. and Mrs. Romy Freema n have purchased the Oollett propWhCl'C sh e ,~as l KU lit of hl!l' Mr. Bnd Mrs. yr. O. Raper. Mrs. Cora Freeman and erty~b ut will PQt move to i t for and aunt. M IS. Pearl Gl·OOIlH'. daughter, of Dayton were Sunday s everal weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Gray and guests. of Mrs. Della Venable. Mr. and M,'.!!. D urward Vice of daughter; Mr. and Mrs. Erwood W. C. Smith wllo Was confjned Ohl~ TowsOill of Miamisburg, >were the Dayton. were gU!lt. of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth WOOI81'd to his home by illn ess last week, Phone 78J g uestl of Mr. and Mrs. Russell and fam ily have moved to the MJ·s. B. T. Vice, uodal'. is able to be out again . Neal and daughter of Mariemont Sheehan property below town. Mr. a nd Mrs. Willis Pennewit Sunda.y even Miss Frieda McKinney, who was and son, anr! Mr. Emerson Mason Mr E ugene Montgomery, of Beacalled here by the death of h er ft[r. and Mrs. Ralph Hastings were in DE ylon, Sa lul·d ay. grandfather, David Turner, l'eturn ~ vertown, unele of Mrs. W. N. and son, Bobby, were guj!sts of M'r 'lOT AR1r PUBLIC cd to her work at Guilford College Sear!!, died at his home Saturday Mr. a nd l\'lt'~. L. F. P-el'kins . Mrs. W: E. Stroud. Sunday aftern oon. N., C., on Sunday. N.tioa&l B'" of Pasadena weI' g uests of Mrs. evening. , Maude Cru ne, ~unday even ing. Willa Dra.. • ~ ' E.tat •• Settletl Mr. and Mrs. O. R. U nglcsby, Rev. Jane Carey of Gurneyville Mrs. Gilbert Frye, Mrs. Ira Rich c(lnducted the service at the Fri. and Miss Nelli e Cutright weN in MI'. and Mrs. J ohn Woolard and . ;:==W~A~Y~N~E~S~V~I~I..LE~~.~~~H~19=~ and Mrs. Reba Braddock were In ends Church Sunday morning. Dayton, Monday. iamily have moved to the Prend- ::; payton on Monday. Rev. Fisher of Sabina, preached ergast property on Main Street. Ask f 'o r a Mr. M. D. Baird has been conin th e evening. Rev. Leasure, the fin ed to his bome with the flu. Miamiabur.. Permanent Mr. and MTS. Chester Cutler an d pastor is on a visit in Indiana. son, ·Francis, of Norw{)od, w~re t he Concrete guests of Mrs. B ertie Mill.!, Sun· Air Se.l Burial Vault day .. , For Sale ,onl,. b,.

fauity brake---.o,.to


M rs. Don Hawke attended a shower in honor of her sister, Lucy Shell, at the homo of Mrs. Ed. Shidaker at Oakland, Tu esday af· , RC:!9T FOR AND CONSIGN four CAttle, bop. sbeep and calve. ternoon. to NOI'1'IIl·Brotlc CI.., live wire aid The Argunot Bridi'e Club met progTell'lllve ftnn f')r the biebeR market prices and ccod s.rYlee. at. the home ot Mrs. D. C. Ridge Union Stock Y • .rd.' Clncle_tJ, o. on Thursday, March 11. Tiu\4l . ln on Radio Station WOKY 12 :215 to 12 :30 p. m. fqr our dall~' Mrs. HaTVey Rye has been COD- merke.t teports.

V.""", ., ... ... . 0." M~~~~~~~Md~t~~~udw~~m~ ~'?~_~~~ .~~'~~_~~~~~===============~==~~_~=~ tamily; Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Hol- aker's parents In Oincinnati. ~-_ -_ ";;:;'-==""''''' _~linabead, of Lebanon ; Miss Sa.rah Underwood and MiSS Cappel ,of Mr. E. F. LeMay of Atlanta, Dal'ton were callers .on Mrs. Lena Georgia, spent t.h e w 'ek-end with Hartsock, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. U. LeMay lind f a.mily. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hartsock and . d fa~i1y of Oakland were gu ests of .M r. ~nd Mrs. Ray 8m I~ a: Mrs. Lenn Hartsock, Saturday eve- MI SS Mlldrend Gl'8h~m 0 f ayt n • . \Wfore guests of Mr. and 'Mrs. For. nUtg. _ _ _ ___ rest Graham IIJld family over the NEW BURLINGTON NEWSw~ek -end.

, Shop

Mr. Bnd Mrs. William FlaneTY of Middl etown, Mr. and Mrs. WiI'Iliam milh and ch ildren of HamilLOll ore dinner guests of Mr. nnd Mr.!. Ray Mainous. on Sunday.

Mr. and Ml's. Sam Shallat and ~nlS. and Miss Bea.trice Shift', or Cincinna~l, were dillner gue. s of Mrs. J usle Hyman and family on Sunday.

lIIiss Clair Bag-ue, librarian, of frs . Ed Long and family of Wilmington, W1l the guest of MI Day-ton were guests of Irs. LizLaura Southern, Sunday evenin~. zie Le~vis, Sunday.

, Mrs. Ida. Bosler, Mrs. Charlotte Whitmore- 1di. Celia. Whitmore and other rel&Uves trom . Dayton, called on their aunt, Mrs. Katie Collini!, last Saturday afternoon. .

Cary'l Jewelry

And, Le.. Dirt aad More Camfarlablle Homa. ' We H."e. Hi..h G11tj~1. Furnace or Stewe.


Watch lorids A.d.

NEWS WRITERS WANTED TO I John Wilson is at MiRml Vllllf'Y I So~ or OUT folks attendeeS COVER THE TERRITORY OF HO·flital. l1aytl.n, fIll' !lb~l'l v.(lIun .... ,' ,_~"ent in Warrl'n CI). Otbent WAYNESVILLE. VICINITY and tr('atment. Rhl inll'ndll to attend<d t he Clinton , 0 . Tounwacome home Lhe midd,lc of the mcn~ at Wilmingl()n. To Obtain Commlaoion On Subcrip_ weel<. We is h for h~r a :-pc t1y tion. In Caa.h A. Part Pay, No l'~cov('ry. Mr. Victor D. Lore, a t,eaehe" Three stat-e of!iclah d . have been I . d with alllci-ily . uvr the rail in'· " oCn te.t I h vr- A wu, of Cinc1nnali, ond Mr. J. Milton invited by Rear Ajlmlral aryT. In the boatd r(Jow antI failed til The wjde·awake~ held th1.!it' r 'f!. Earn.hart of Lebanon. W(ire visitc)1'!J Glayson of W!l!!hing,D. 0., chair- l'ctuln nfter the drill to c\lnlpleto Tho n w management 01 The u llU' 111 ti,nsc at. the.. h O ITI t'-- of of ()ur , ' S. and hurch,2 wee-lea man of tho ooard of directors of th(>il' testim01lY, board m mb~r I Miami Gazelle seeks to make this LouiSt' and Lowell 'inclllir, Sun, ago Loday. They were dinper the Gurgas Memorial Instil.u,le of said. 'W (jon't know what h.1 P ·' newspaper an integral part of 'he d.ay night. Two w ek!! ago the guJ;>!;ls of Raleigh BlJg'I\n and ramTropical and, I'revcntive Mcdicino, pencd to them, but they tlUI'C le ft family circle, a we lcome guest, me ting \\1\5 held with Wilhom and ily. Other gU<'flts in th Bopn 1.0 servo I.\S judges for lh hio las!.:" on memh I' wa:; IJU lltCtl, l'q ually looked fOI' lilt the kitchen I Dorothy Smith. At this meeting home were, Rev, lind Mrs. W. E. s ction in th annual Gorgas csI II w l'1I as the front doo(. W seek wer' )!l membe... ~ Dnd the le ader. Boga n of n~;lr 'pring Valle, and ,IlY ontest. They ar Seer tal'Y T~e Ohio. Stale. Planning buard • • to be n ece. lry t.o the fnmily lif (', Rev. Mal'y Antl'am. Weld on Wilson and family ()ot Xenof State William J. Kenn dy; Dr. nJ'.te1 perusing fi gures and volu- Jik the dog and th cat or the fnvia, R, 1''. D. Waller H. Hartung, director of th mlO~us, data, CUOl,C up wllh the I orile ho eo,' t.he l'et lamb orM r. and Mri' , Walter Wil.'on, Department of IIealth; and TIil'. predictIOn thllt OhIo rnll~ cxpcct a r lh e 1 tt from the boy in college. ,Ieanet WiL' on und Mr . Ella Wi!. MI'. l\.nd M .• Franzy ' Sh etI! enl ectat , E. L. Bowsher of the D . populat 011 of apI1I'oximutely 7, And,...evel'Y copy i to have a given lOon w r I unday djnn 'to gu . t~. (l erl uin d /Cue, t s, • unday. partment of Education. The con- 500 ,000 by 1960. The est imate ' destination- to a subscribet, who. I wet'k ago?, of Paul P to ~n and t sLs r an important part of the rC ~ll ,('nt s an , increase of about , is a ca~h customer, The,efore, we We have or c«ived word of 8 I and family of Eleazer neighb orinstitute's program of heaJth du- 1I11~t:e n per cenL over the 1930 , seek new subscriptions throughout hood. dt aths. They are: Mr. David Turcatlon, Admiral Gray on pointed o ff l~II~1 fed eral ccn:UB, which I Lhe h ome ar a and so licit your upU?}' oC New Durlillgto~; Mr. Jobn out. Through them the Gorgas c~' dlted the ~iat with ,a popul:l- port ~Ild patronage. Mrs. Ella n· Ine ,wh has l'ctUI'- Wallon of Spring Van y, and Mr. institute attempts to enli:t lhe act. tlO~ of 0.646,007. The L900 popuFrankly. w e expect it. , ned to her hom ir In Miami VaI- li:duie Lum pkin o C ~iamiliburg. Loyalty to yo ur hom e-town and ive interest of public lind pal'och. latlo n ,V/lS bl\; cd un an analy is I le y' Hospital remains abou~ the ial Iligh schooJ junior and B nior of past; pC)Pu~ation tl'ends a in ' cOrn'muniLy institutions d e~a~d it. Mr, an(l Mrs. Raleigh 'Do(pln, same, claMes in a national campaign for r.luc~ce d hy blrthR, d (, lI.~h s and m I. However, we do not expect It upMr. lind Irs. William Smith and bette. r p rsonnl healLh by stimulat.- g,:atlon. ~Ild upon a s~udy ~f the on tha~ b~sis alo~~ ~or . w . e intend k Ralph Learning, who bll Ja ughtcl', Marilyn Su , spent. Sun/ ing study and research in henlth pl obability of a contmuatlon of to m rlt It by 'fulfilling a purpose bE!{'n very ick with ~t hmn is 8"' day with R v. and Mrs. W. E. Bo-. better. ' and influences !loS in Wayn. ville's social and problems. The subjeot of the cur such trend gan of near Spring Valley. rent contest is "Tile Importance t hey may be MfecLed by occupa- ( con omic and intellectual life, J ~~~~~~b 2£SY! of Mosquito Control a'nd the Gor- tional al~d ~onomic condili Q n~. A subscription camp~ign if! on f ga Memo(iaJ" ExanllnatlOns for tw n y atate But n o, We' ar, no t gOIng to Ive The InsUtu'te, of which Pr lIi- position s will be conducted th~ away pri zes of , ,, ~t sums?f money THE SERVICE BEAUTIFULd nt FrankIJn D. Roo velt is hon ' last two da~s of March and Apr,l or conduct .a contest to stir up riV_j REGAR LE S of how much or little you can afford oral)' preaidEln/t t bl' h d 1 and 2, II a., announc.c d by alary umung our patrons and new S l. I' t'W RS'Il' Il CiS e,_ hail'man W. B. Francis of tbe neighbors. Neith r do we intend to spend for a fUMl'al sel' ice-our foremost considill honor o f t '1 a 0 W I Jam 1'4'1 St t C· 'I ,C; 1ce COmml!/Illon. .. t () cu t an d, Iash pncC-1i . # d G h '" a e , IVl >;>erv to cheapen eration is . . . bea uty. All of our large stock ot .. or orgas w 0, lIS surg on gen,. " eral Of the United States. made ApplicatIon j;o take the t ts mu t th prodllct which has cOTlle tnto equipmont is pia d at 0 t· clients' disposal and the 'bl th t t' f th bo filed by March 24. Complete our hahds tht'Ough the labors of numerous d tails of a sel vice are pain taking ly atMERMAIDS OF 1rHE fnARINE THEATER of the Great Lakes Ppo I 0 e lcbons r] uc ~on thO d' e informaLion may be obtained by those who have worked and labored Expoliti!ln. whic h openls in Clevel I d on Uay 29th., practic:e rcg\.llarly I' anama can a y c earmg e IS' i . th .. S I' 1 tended to so that the re,\ It will be one of infinite 't f "t hi h . d \\;1' ting to e COmmll'SlOn, tate lere In the pa t. n other words, preparabon for the spcctact.\ ar .. : F \ dtich will bring famoua aqt t rac 0 mosqui ()(!S W C carrie . " h' . ' . dignity and b auly. At our mortuary, the client . n ".C' n e r~- - three ts to the n pc. . il;', .:. . th d · d d 11 f Office BUlldlng', olumbus, Char- t e pa.per 18 worth the pnce or It of the Marine T Jealel bJ. !J. , (, .. , ' " v thl.l training tenion.. e rea e ye ow ever. man Francis said. bas no excuse of being heore. So it can be a 'ur d of a service that will leave an inWhen Ohio gOC5 for a ceJebra- BELLBROOK NEWS- is intended to give increased , rv:' finit i'y beautiful m In r -picture to treas ure t hru tion-it goes in a big wayl This ice and worth in the way of as the y aI's. au shri~kage in the pul)lic school . tock were higher January I than WIIS obv ious when Registrar Frank Born to Mr. and Mrs. Milton big and good newspaper a is possifund dUrlns: the next three monthI'. for the s ame date , i n any year si nce West of the bureau of motor Wall a fine 9 1-2 pound girL bl to give. th:nother lnroad on .the funds for 192~. Ohio, farmers had 1 per cent , Therefo r~, we repeat our call of vehicles, with th ale of the 1931 Mrs. Helen Turner remains In ! seeond quarter IS caused by mOre hor es and mule tha lice.nS6 pllltes ju t upderway carne a vel'y critical condit-ion. a~t we k for corresponde nts, news the tact that borro1\ing b" Bchool n n ;1 year ago. , ' out with the announcement that \HitHS, throughout the era. Beboards against the fund have not nearly tw~ million motor vehicles \V1' J.\er Haines Iell f1'om a load sides payment lIt regular estlibliljh- yet been entire y paid. Blis in his R. E. A. ADMiNISTRATION P b one 7 Wayae.dUe will, in 1938, publicize Ohio's of \I rn fodder 1881. week and he ~d ra te {Ol' n v~ , commissions on statem nt ciles the fact that $4 _ --participation in the Northwest sprained his back in the fall but sub~criptjons which these cor- 000,000 is till due on th so. note~ Loan contracts totaling $518Terrieory celebration. The 1938 is now improving. respondents may 's ecure, ~m be which, under the law. s}loulll hav~ 200 ~or rU)'lI1 electric lin Contag , Registrar West asserted emgiven, each day as collected, and been Paid off on Febt'uary 1. It ~h'ucl~on on REA-fl~anced prophatJcnJly, wiLl be r eal creati(lns.Frank Wright /lnd ianlily mov- tumed over t(l the office. So, if will take all -revenue comIng into Jects In fontana, OhIO Ilnd Oklawhite bac olJnd wiLh b'l ack let' I'd in th,e tuck property on So. you live in a community where the public sc hool fund up to the hom~ we~e execu~, by Rural Eters and numerals, a black border Mllin Street last week. news cov rag i . not being given, last' w ek in March to ) tire lhi lectnficutlOn AdmlDlstTator John with tile notation "1 50 Anniv. N. and you d ire to becom a mern- i ue. Bliss Mlimates that by the~' ~rmody t()?ay. ]n addition, inW. Terr.", in the lower 1 ft-hand Harry Wheeler and son Paul of ber of The Miami Gazette's staff. time the, second quarterly I)ay- v1tattons t.o bid on construction cornel', and , to top it off. with an New Burlington ca.lIed on the pIe .,. communicate with tho office n'lent is due. on May' 31 th re will have b()~n J.'ls:,ed on an REA-finanand olt-dra'1ol'1l covered wagon in the Hendel' on famjly lasl. Friday. at once for further instr:uctiolls. have been about $6,000,000 avail- ced project 10 .Massachu&etts and Mr. and Mrs. Chns. Brelsford AUTHORIZATWNFOR- BOA,RD able for cash payments ,a gain st a ~o construction con,trast have lower center. "Ohio 38" is in the lower right. "AU credit for thi enlertained !.he followin~ gu , OF EDUCATION BORROWING total reguir ment of almost $24 _ been approved for projects in 000,000. ' PennRylvania and Viflfin ia. attract.ive plate, specially de. ign- la t u nday: Mr. and Mrs. Grant MADE THIS WEEK ed,, "aa1d Registrar West, "goe to Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Lind1I0ards of -education are, accordOhio-Pike: The IntercountY'Rur Governor Martin L. Dav y who is sbl, Mr. nd Mrs,' F,loyd Harness Situa '011 Wone Thi. Ye&r And lug to reports l'eaching the Ohio a1 E lectric Coop rative, Inc., of very greatly interested in the ccle' of Da:yton. oc.iation o,ffiec, grow Hillsboro, Ohio. may use up to S~co~d QuarteT Loab Blacker ~ducation \Vat\on.'J lncldentally, tile 1938 IDg very re the over th.e nec ity )'$378,200 .to build abo.ut a10 mile Acconlina To Offillial V rnon West and family moved plaws will be of uniform. twelveof constant.1y cutting into their of rural 1mes. Approximately 1000 inch length. They- will be ' manu- to th Sarah Murray farm neal' The ta,t e of OWo is 100 percent limited I ca./ revenue to pay inter- customers in Highland, Clinton, facturcd in Ohio penitentiary by Wnyn i!svt1]e la t Monday. iborrowings Ros , Fayette, and Adams ounin default in lts payments. to th~ eJlt charges On the inmates. which the state f.orces 'u pon them. ties will be served. schools under the school foundaI ai~ey Gibson of Mt. Holly visCAESARS CREEK The day after Assistant taLe itc~ his mother. flfTs. Emma l,Gib- t ion law. This was }\evealed earlier It i8 their feeling that hbe Icgl slathis week when the Department of tu r~ sho uld deal quickly wjth this Fire Marshal Thoma 1. Ryan pull- ' so n of ~hi place Last unday. Mr. and Mr. Evan Bogan of tephens and M' i! Wil- Education sent out authorizlltion deficit in its obligations to the cd th e alarm in the state' leased I Lonni l)ayto.n· Ohio wer e t he dinner Ohio Hartman building for a gen- mil Hodson were mauied in for ' board of educatio~ borrowings ~chools. eral drill the board of liquor con- Spring Valley last Saturday eve· in lieu of the approximately $12, OH~O FARMERS HAVE FARED /CU at. of Raleigh Bogan and fa mtrQI wu sun looking for two ning by Lhe Rev. Merrill Scarff. 00,000 in e6b which was due the BETTER THAN OTHEJ{5 (N ily, Friday. Adams county men to I'lt th m Th y will re id e hel'e on W. Frank school dist-dcts for thll fir t quartKEEPINC ANIMALS Mr. and Mrs. Luther Haines 10 ! er of 1937. This year'\ situation is know it was "just; a drill." The lin Stt·eet. Although ~~ers 01 eVEry visited Mrs. Halne~ parent.s, Mr. I thus revealed tol be w6rse. than in men were just testifying before Mrs. Elwood RhoAenus is on the 1936 when a 23 percent payment clasBor livestock 01) farms J anuary a.nd Mrs. Charles Lall'd of Camden the board when the ~iren scream- I sick list. 1, 1937, e~cept she p Wet'e low r a wc k ago, Friday and Saturday. WIIi made the fil'st quarter. cd and fire llPparatus pulled up1 Miss Jeanett-e. Wilson vUted a In commenting 011 this situation than they WeI' one year previoll' ly around th ~ building. They vaultMm. Philip Wenzel of MiamisW. B. Bliss, executive secretary of the cbange has been rillatively fri f.Id near Kingman the week the Ohio Education Association, sma IJ, according to Guy W. filler end. said that the outlook for the see- speciali t in rural eeonomic8, Ohi~ ond quarterly payment on hny 31 The numbers of hogs ·on ' farms was also much blacker than last year, Be pointed out that, sincc in the Unit d States were v I'y the legisiatulle has authorized the close to jast year's figures, bat immediate deduction from BIlle tax wel'e 26 per cent' below the 1980revenu~~ of ,4,000,000 fOI;" relief 34 averag-e. Ohio farmers had 15 M AKE YOU M QRE MONEY instead of deducting only ,500,000 pel'cent more_hogs than one year ) better per mont)l J¥l was done in 1936, previously so they are; t here will be a corresponding seri- p()si~ion to produce pOl':k than the growers in th w stern Ipart of the OUR SPEC I A~ WORM CAPSULES corn b-elt.

Best of the News Diref_ F th OhO S C·] rom e 10 tate aplto














J . E. Me Clare


Alfalfa Seed

Buy your seed now while our present stocks ' last. The belt grade seed . must sell higher when our present stocks are gone. NOTE: Weare informed t ha t the seed we had bought waa allaaved from the fl ood we can guarantee deliver,..

Waynesville farmers' Ex. Ce. Phone 2S

ta~ Univ&~ity.



;~w~e;;arie~s~o~rr~y~~ o~r~e~p~o~n~t~ha~t~Mr~.~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:I~

those chickens


Worm Now

SS50per 100 · Waynesville Drug Store I






bUl'g visited her mother, Mr.s. no Mr. Miller says . larlre storage Mondabaugh of this pl4(le last s tocks of pol'k may lal'l~ely offset Thursday. the effect of the expected deereasil Qui te a large crowd attend'e d a t d slaughter suppli es in March a nd movie here Monday night which ApJ'il. No gr>eat price chl~nge is exis part 01 a series that will be held pecte<t in that period, and there here once a week for some ~ime. probably will be a de diM later when the marketings !ro~ the 1936 fall , pig crop sta,rt late in April or May. , The estimated numbelr of aUth& cattle and calves on Un:ited States farms January 1 was l! per cent lell8 than one year before alid Ohio had -l'educed ita herds about the I .ame a. the rest of the country. The .1au~hter of federalily ih8pect- j caLver. was the largent in January (or any on~ month !line&, 1919. but the total slaugh,te~' of cattie I calves is expec~d to be smaller I in 1937 han. for any cif the last ' three years. I





Mr. Miller esti mates a 1.6 ~r cent decline in mi1k CO'lliS and hei- ! lent in the country but, Ohio had only one per cent leal ~In January 1 than a year previoUllly. There were ten per cent Momle yelll'ling on Ohio than the before but the.e 5 per cent 'fewer bel fer Mild weather had olFset the dect of hleh sraln 10 the ' prCllCi1l41!ti(lill of lDilk pet- cent I...,.....~ than Gil ' I, 1988.


•• lO'c yd. . ' •. 19c ·yd. eb

• e .23c


TM chcr.... In

_ ... au'" ba the

at hol'Sta_

The Waynesville N'a tional Bank

" ..... ba .~ the ' ........ Ia 1911. ~ ...___. .......~ III tj. . . . .




real estatt Joe Grouthel' of Piqua were gu stB tU1'l1l ill I of Mr. IIno .lr.. William Coleman Io n :\Ionday. .

and of tht' levy of • tal[ to pro- Waynl!aVllle. Ollio for $&00.00. up\ide for the poymlfnt th*eof", (.11 the condition that if the bid I'a ed Novembtir 17th, 191t6 and i accepted, the bidder wlll receive or an amel\dment to said ordin- II-nd pay tor such bonda lUI may be IInce P8Ued on the 3rd day of i~ u d 118 above set forih -within M... anti MI·s. Rlcha:td HoI and F bruary. 1937, and liTe payal)le thirt.y days from the Itime of 1dfltl){'hter, Jalli~h, of Dnytvn were fronl taxe~ unlimited 8 8 to amount aWllrd, llaid check to be retaIned by said VHlage if bald condition Is 'uoliny v ning guest. of Mr. lind 01' ra~. JOE.. Said bonds will be sold to the not fullilJed. MI' . P. L . .R ason. highest bidder f<lr not ~cB.\l ~han 'fhe Vill8~e of Waynesville, the face value 'thereof nd ae- OhiO, will furnish an. opinion all to Mrs. A. H. Earnhart Ilnd lion, cl'ued interest. the validity of said bonds by AMONG- TEN AU bids must state the numb r • qUire, Sandel' &; Dempsey, of MalOY Eleanor 'Hawke of lIar- Alton, and Mrs. Annie- Sheehan OUTSTAND 1N <i• of bonds bid for and the grOll Cle~eland. Ohio. vey , lJurg ~pent the w ek-and with were in Duytoo Oil T]\Ut·'1day. 130WLERS! aMollnt of bid and accrued interRIght. I reserved to reJect any st t.o date of delivery. All bids .or R11 blds. 1\11"". William Luk nls & family. , to be accompani ed with a certified ~ "TL) Dr. L. B. Hallandl family of aB. K. HEl>{D~RSO,N, CLERK. lum!)\].>; were guests of MI'". Ilnd Sealed propOStl.I ~ will lie receiv- ('heel< payable to the Village of ed l)t the -off i e of th e clet:k of Mrs. lial'rY Me.GulnrlL, Sunday. t.he iIIage M WnYfll'lWilk, State M)' . 'f. B. Branlllock spent the of Ohio, unlil 12 o'clock noon 011 ~~~ lulter part of theek at h~I' daugh- April 31'd, 1!J37, fOl' the 1)ul'Ch8$ t; r's ill Belmont. 01 bont!;) of the said Village in the l!ggregate sum of $23 ,OOO.O() 'rhe Y. F. M:. willi meet SundllY dated th fiJ'st day of December, evening, March 14, j~t the home of 11)36, aid bonds will be f ifty in Ella ' ook. Th I ad~~ r fol' the eve- numb er and numbered fr none to fifty, bo~h inclusive. Twenty n ing is Ruth Doster. CJi aid honds will be in tlle deRev. aod Mr . Smith, and M1'8. n omi nation of $400.00 each and William Coleman w,ere calling on thirty of said bonds Will he in the, . tr . A IQcrt Drake a'nd Benny Fur- d~nomination 9f 500.00 l"a.eb and will d1'aw interest at tho rate of nos, wbo, arc ill, 'iuesdllY. 4% pel' atlnum, pa.yable- seml-anfl'. nnd M'rs. Willi troud w re filially Oil the fin>t day of MlI,l'ch host and hostess to an oyster sup- and S ptembel' ~r \lach year upon PCl' of the Idlewilde Club On Wed- !'IT sentation and sunender of the interest coupons to be attached to ne day even ing. ~id b9nds. Anyone desiring to Tbe supper was in honor of do so may present a bid or bids tho e having birthdays this month, for sai d bond& ba ed on their ,,\ ho were: Mr Loll St. John, lilTs. bearing a. diff J'ent I'aie of interest than that her einabove !!peci. Earl l'aw!o rd, M:ts. Charles Zim- Ii d, provided that where a fracmHma n and Mrs. Will Stroud. iional interest rate is bid, such Mr. and Mr. A,lber!; Mu:tray, fl'action hall be one quarter of of DetrOit, were SQ1Rday guests -of one per cen t tn' multil>les the'reof. ~ , Said bond wllJ be due and pay........,.....t 4>I,ss Dora Stiles. . able liS follows : T""\venty of said 11\ • ,ll.1me$ McOltlre and Mrs. J.t>onds of $400.00 Itch, o;ne bond L. Men d nhall: attE~nded the Gill'; dl] March 1st, lQ38 lind one bond WE STRIVE TO GIVE YOU CENTUR'Y and a h If or howling! Tbat's Ibe rCMrd of the live men on th .C~r~e Wa 'hi~~f,; I O I1, U()t~.f Irt!.I' dCI;I School of M'o ntgome-ry Coun- due on the fit t day of March ty on Friday. each yeal' th I'eafter up to BlJd inwho are oompding in til A m~rican Bow)ing Congr~ ~~ To ....uanirnt to L.. I... IJ In cw Yor!. ell .arch 10th , • cluding March 1st, 1067. Five April 301h. Anti when a man 's be~n rolling 'em ror owr th irty yeara- boy ! he'~ ":110 I,e. 1:"".,,11 ,Jill: ~nlr .. rn. li 'I~<i Ml' . William MiJ:!er was cal1~d conds of $500.00 each, the first GOOD GROCERIES among Ibe ten b .. t howle in the countr)' id one or the Quintet. Th~ popular hala o" I..~gl~·r hn I,,,,,I.,~ ... (~ thn to Zallesville becausle 01. the illnel!S liond, being due March let, 1968 thirty, three hundred game. He II 101 the: NaliQI181 mate h gam tItle four ),ears. lie tl eftA I d I'll'S J.r.Io",·, ,. of het father. and one b ond .on the first day of eacJJ y ar thcrell.fter up to Oe"oil in 10lal pin for 80 ga m 5 in L929. JOt!eph V. BartOli who c:apt!li~1I tbe t e~m, .\'I' M :a meIllL.,r .. r II!~ (·.. ",.1" . I iss Cora Thomas has been 1' 11 March ang i,ncloding Much 1st, 1962 • COOD SERViCE . lh.t won th., Chic_go champion hip in 19210, and Oil tbe t an.' Iha.t fi')fsbCtI tlllrd. In the :\ B . ('1,111111111111-1111' • "iLh flu. TwentY-fi e bonds of $500.00 , Peoria in 1920. luhn lofka i, knowlI to be the (110 t cona•• lenl l!(1arc Lowl r In lit ha t. an (uri Rev. G. C. Dibert was called to .('ach, the first bond b eing due I "Ompctilion. Tony Naeear10 ia Falclfo'" P rtl1er in the doubles, and Tony P~nl", th e ),,"n;:".1 Ill. iI.I ,~ . "r ,'. Paulding, Ohi!)' bE~cause of the ~Pt .. 1st, 1938 and on~ bond on , -omh«,,,. wi nd up Ihe quintci. The boy have II goot! cha lice in thc hig l~n'I)lf1 C\' II\! d ath of his aunt ,on Friday He e first day of Septembe: each LOW PRICES -, .-year thereafter up to and IOclud. • > -' COUNTY COURT BRIEFS -, Wll.~ accompanied bJI t\lS daughter, i ng Sept. 1 t. 1962. -OTfVE ing vart of ection 'T and Section Wilma. Said bonds are issued for the TO Til J:( DI!lAU~ltS C pL _ P ---"n.. 12 bctwe"n th tiumi l'ive 1\~r. 11m H" nld" ]',' ,.". the Miaml' purposes of paying the Village's {'."hl d bldlJ will 11 recelv...d by the ammon, _. l ' O C _ , " . " " .." proportion of con!trucLing a saniIlr" of Trtl.ftUlCa ot W aY ll o TOWII ' Roy Lucas was duly appomted Wan'en C()UlIty. Valley lio pital sullr ring with on tarv lIewer system for Mid Village, Jf~ ~~ath~nCIP~k'~'R:l:ltow"~8~~ Depuw Sheriff on .March lilt, 19S7P Ql'l (;l'l1cr to Jllm{'s }\no\Vcl 11 injUl'Ed back. in l:o!'per:ation With the Works Gorilo n'oII (~u·alf.'" avneavUIe, by W. E. Graham. Warren Co. and Hazel tIOW(kll, l·tt\J l'. tate in Progres Administration of the 11 0. IIntil """" n o ' Cl()c}c P . M. l'la t. F ' .I l t d d Sheriff. Appollltment io for~e Clenr Cl'~k T\\ p. Mr . Clarence <P.!boTn of Spring- t ...... e ra vernmen, an un er ro Stanilo.rd Time ' ... u ill'" J031' .] t1 t M d ' J W N "'I t J b Sh 8uthqrity ?f the law~ of Ohio and One two T on tru c k eQul PJled with untl r on ay III anuary . . l. lOmpl'On 0 aco u- filll£! wa guest oC Mr. and Mrl>. J . of the UmfOl'm Bond Act and 01 t 0 yard capacity t,ralrallll c dump 1938 ' mpker l'NiI eslnte tll 'cction 5 in H. mitb on Wed[lesday. the vote of the elector on Novb d . cab. dU1l1 ",,11'1'18, 3~x6 I1 D tIr~8 1 ' . . , . ilhd tully equlppeu, r Ild lor Ilu tf. In the Case of BedJe King va. 1 urtl ecl'eek townshlP · ember 3, 1936 and under and in 1l I. Also tIle Intention ot ""ltI Cli'ford Cadwallader Executor of W . Lewis and F:mma Lewu to "Ir •. Ra"mond nril on and dau- accordance with u certain ordin:,"U t ees 1.0 otrer 1t8 pa.rt flllym nt a t ' . ' .. ~ ~ n ance 01. ;d V"l """" t ·tl d "0 U7 mod e~ 1'rrternlHlonaI TrUCk , T A"+ Will and Teat"ln ent of Wal- ,Hel'bert Smith, loral e~tate bcin... 1.1. .. ....,v en I e r, j d t .... d ......... ght.e;r, Jeannette, were guests on dinance $providin'" I.or the is \lancc ~~ ~ld/~ !hRI}-;ubml~ u.:Jrh"'~I8 tel' Cadwallader, deceased, ju<!ge-- . part of Secti Gn . 15 Rittln~ed ill Monday o~ ' M~. and Mrs. Robert o! ~onds of Qie VilJagu-of WaynestI n'!lm" a.nal 5]lcclllcl\Uons ot the ' ment to plaintiff in t.he sum of lenT(!lI k Twp. l'-urnas and family. . VIlle, Ohio for the purpo e of payu('k QIl'(er~ , I ' Til hoard c:;J: Tru s! ""II~rv e8 the of $5 0.00 with interest of $64.62. arah L. outhnl'd to Ji'nlnk W. Mr. nnd Mrs. F. T. Martin of IIlg th ~ V'll I age 8 ~I'oportion of conrlglbt tOJ"~nnYn~!:IL'!;ltl bl,i1s. In the Case of tbe New Yo):'k outha'rd real estate in Sout h park t '11 M I M H b t st.ructmg a samtary sewer sys~ d ~ . .. • . I eu 0r:"1 o. r. a~( r8. er er tem for said Village under the Te. T:~.oT~~n Life !JJsurance Co .. VS. WalteT.D~m f 8~bdivision in 1)11\1 ndjacent to the Mer dlth and famll]r, Mr. and Mrs. Works Progre Administration Truslee" ron et al, judgement to plalnbf f IVtllage Qr L ebanon. Wa1tel' Whitaker were Sunday H.. G"ordOll. T>wp. \('~k in the sum of $2.816.64 and costs. MYl'tle Thl.lf.'kn a, formerly Myr- guestij of Ml'. and Mrs. Robert Fur rn the case of Will Gustin VB, ll e Luburgh and flatold Thackarll M s . , Village of Waynesville, for Kood to AJl1i)s Robin~Qn and Mary RoMr. and Mrs. C. !it McKay spent ... - - _ •• - - - -""",- --. - - ...... -..... c.nus.&shown, the plaintiff ill herc- binson, I' 01 estate, I t No. 79 in the w ok end with Mr. and lIilrs. !(ASTERN STAR will have a by given leave to file amended pet- V'Hag of Spl'in~b01'o, Ohio. 1!ilJi$ Rowsey an4 fj~mily in Hunt(loughnut sale Saturday, March. fS ition. Geolge KDIlPP ami l~dlla M. ing-ton, West Va. . the Masonic Hall, J:>eginning at In the ~e of Guy Gaynor vs. Knapp to til Dontu of Erl\Jcati011 Mis Jos~'phine E:anta illttended ... 1).. m. 64 for orders. Paul" (;aynor, partition wal} order- of liamilton Main ville School Di the Iune-ral of her sister, Louella ~ADlES 2 piece ensemble su, ed., . . trict ~n Hamilton Twp., part of SU l'" in Ci llclnnati, Tuesday afternoon. 86 cents; Ladies 2 piece short In the Case of Carl W. Seibert vey No. 3334. Mr. George Denn1e, of near WIlaport suite", 70 cents; Ludie V3 . Charles Weissmann secon d, harlcs T. Peirce to noy E . Fox mlogton, Mr. and M:rs. Klotz of Cin Tin COli , 70 cents. ~UICK third, fourth, fIfth, and sixth sub- and flazel E. F ox) real ~tl\te be- cinntl.ti, Mrs. Walter Kenrick .. M • L~ANERS. Kat!Vyn Mendenhlloll divi¥ions of motion overruled! erc. ing part of eetiun 2;~ be(\\cen the -Jumes HaInes of 1.ytle, and ilr. anager. New Suit. Miami r1VeM In WaIT 11 County. . _ __ _ -,..-OR SALE : Cream Separator, Virginia Doss vs. George Doss Anna Stollz, formerly Anna For Sale:- YEARLING SHORTrOQ<bJ~ Stove, 1 1-2 h. p. gasoline for divorce. The charge i$ ' gross King, L aI, to Edmon SteiHu·t and horn Bull} young Narragansett Gob . , .mllk . can, Dmmg " n eglect. of duty (md extreme cru el- Eva I. SteW81't , r(.'91 e ·tate in Cleur bIer. Charle.1! Hagemey~r_ lOne, 10 gallon , oom ~uite, Overstuffed Suite. a ty. Young and :oung attorneY/:l.. creek Tw.p. . ' MYERS Power Spray Rigs, Rand . . cking ch"~"" A , Rehilcca HarrI S vs.• Joe HarrIS C CathetlO I! .Solhvnn. . !ol'merly SPI'sy Pumps, Hose, Nozzle,S, We have taken on the CROWN ' POULTRY • 0 t gun, 2 I arg e IO - ..... Po. h' tI'. 1d'eUoh Garage. 1tc. . I.or divorce•.Charge IS graB n~- at erm e FI Idillg, to EUmon pray Guns and Accessories. PRODUCTS. i- ' J f h lett. J . T. Riley a ttorney for the t ewort and EVil I. SteWtl.i·t, \lndi- P lumbing Ilnd Heating Supplies. or Sal~ 3 ersey cow~, res plaintiff. lIided ha'r of r al (,:llSLG bei ng pal't THli BOOKLET COMPANY, Ordean Theis VB. Elmory Thei • of ecti n 15 in learcl'eek 'l'wp. Phone 360, Xenia, Ohio, '15 W. oon. DISC Ha~ow, one mll(ll south 'feateaand Approved By Practical Poultrymen ell brook. for divorce. Oharge is gross negBrucc n. Pollitt Ilnd Alma Pol- Main St. fll-18-25-m4 . Richard A. Sack~tt. lect. Attorney for pJaintiff, J. T. SOLD ON A. MONEY.BACK GUARANTEE ••••••••••••• • •••••• Rile~


'Em Up" Commands Falcaro








D. B. Smltb













' 0SEE U S "OR' - ., 0 .





0 0

Centrally Located The site on which our Funeral

Home is located can be reached quickly from any local b!lsinetls This i3

or residential section.

a convenience that is appreciated, one that


recomm ends our Funeral Rome for ~rvic~s. All of its faellities may be had by clients at no ~:xtra



Marria,e Lie• • e, Lesli ~

St. .Pi,erre, meat cutter


Dayton, Ohio and ' Ruth Rho ten, grocer¥ clerk, Flra~k1in, Ohi!), Har.old A Bean, trucker of Leb.: ano'll, ' Ohio, and, EstelJe "Luc'Ue . Shultz, stenographer of Lebanon, Ohio. Granville HiU, farm laborel', of . Olarksville, Ohio, R. R. No.2, and Grace -Jones, Loveland, Ohio. R. R. No.1. • Wom . Taylor, factOTY worker, of Lebanon, Ohio '&lld Dane Pu,rte ~, dotnestic, Mason, Ohio. Real E,tate T~an.f.r. 'Elsie Clark IIoTld E. W. Clark t o L. T. Fisher, Sr., tea] estate in Union Twp. . John C. Wolf and Mary 'E. W to Mary H. Frye, real esta.te in the ~illage of Genntown, Tortlecl.'eek Twp. _ . Catherine Dugarr, widow, Mabel A. Folt. and George EArl Dugan to Wilbur W. DugQn, real estate


Under New M~nagem~nt'


WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Hav.inirJ recently acquired the busineas, formerly operated by Tom Stansberry, I cordially iinvite the continuation ·of the Station'. former on. and also ' solic't the buaineaa of new patrons who' c:leaire the best of products an'd aer-vice: . ' 4 KOOLMOTOR GASOLINE and OItL LEE TIRES J.!IGH TEST KERO'S ENE TIRE REPAIRING



·tz r




Fairley Hardware CODlpany E.tabli.bed 1&1.9 _ Becauae or &tter Q.alitlJ, SerYice, . . . PriCle.

Phone 32.




If your Car 'Could Talk



EXECUTOR'S PUBLIC ·SALE The Underai,ned aa EXECUTOR of the Estale of AMELIA WIUIAMS, Deceaaed, will Sell at PUBLIC AUCTION, at the WAYNESVILLE ICE PLANT A lot of HOUSEHOLD GOODS . aad CooIc:ina Utensils. , SATURDAY MARCH 20th at 1 P. M. C •. M. ROBITZE&, Executor of the Estat. of A ILIA WIUJAMS, Dec_Md. ' . Also at tile ..... Place. a lot of Hau_oJ. • • froaa the hcae 01 C. M. ROBITZER.

uyou Are The Jud'c e"


And you asked it why you were not cettinl better service, its reply would ~e, "A fountain 'p ea can't write well with watery ink, and I caft't perlform well on poor quality . cas. " Men who know their auto and who want and power use GULF cuoliae. It bu.... ~!IUIJI,. add. enerl' to your car'. performIanoe.






·Elbert 'Wallace Hu"., ......

Wa7MPlDe ... Phone 20 Phone 1'IRa


Eighty-NiJlth Year




Whole Number 6265

MARCH 18, 1937

TIME EXTENDED FOR THE F. F. A., HOME ECONOMJCS NEW PATRONS ADDED TO WOMAN'S AUXILlAJty 8EREAN CLASS HELD PAYMENT OF DECEMBER BANQUET HELD IN GYM WAYNESVILLE RURAL OF ST. MARY'S CHUltCH MEET MEETING · AT CHURCH TAX INSTALLMENT WEDNESDAY EVENING ROUTES, <;ONSOLIDATION ON THURSDA~ EVENING The Woman~s Auxiliar:t of St. et Information ha. Deel\ recdvNI Over A Patron. ...d P)'. and M~ .· .Ralph Va nce (If 'HarveYlburg Canier, Luken. To Mary's Episcopal ChUirch met at The B rean Cluss 11 Id their m N_ ~mben He.r Cood Tal" By Friend, Of ,the School Attend h re that th l::lto te Tax ommll3.. W .. ytll~yiUe A. Harvey,bure the- Little Inn, FI'idIlY afternoon ing Thursday eveni ng, Murch 11 .<ion hill! extende.l the tillle f ol' th t' Raymo~ Hat{i'e W On F~tuTe Wilmi ngton. wet'e h - t and hoste. 8 I D,cAi,hted With PrDgram to I\. birthday (linr)el' In honol' of , RDutes AboJi', bed " with . Mil' Katbel'ine Pendlll'gaRt lit. the ba. ement of th e Fel'l'Y payment of the Dec mbel' in , 1nllScbo"~bip and Ability Il.~ hostess. hurch. Th e meeting was call 'd The Hom Economic!!, the fu· Mrs. Le Hawk~, MI'. J. C. Hawke, ment until Mutch 31. It in nltiu At a pecial . meetillg' of Miami MI'. A UQut 80 n w patrons weTe add1\11'5. E. C. Crane, presirlent, led to order 1,>y the president, Alma ure hnll1 !.' maken, cooperated with art Hawke and Mr. Don point.ed out lhal. this'\ the final Valley Chap~r F. F. A.., called by lJawke, OTI Suntlay. ed to tho W~yne sv:llc l'ural mail Ule d vations and lhe following erhard. Aftal' bu ine s, roll call h 1"u \If Flu'mers of America in und last pORlponcment and thal tbe president Leo Conner, l;h Hon routes io the co nsodidation of lhe program W~ ~ i ven ~ I!;iyillg a delightful banquet in the nnd colledion, which nmout d t o 'l'h ir guests wel'e Mr ~. Mary orary <legree )Vas c()ni ned upon Hopkin/l, Mr. amI 1'111 " arl Hawke WaynesviJI • Hnrveysburg service Piano ,0I o--1\[r . Gladys Bolin. $4.00, the following program was th in . tallmcnt mUll\' be llai(i by ormrul.·ium W e dne:s,lIlY night for that da t.c, according to WOI'(\ fro III MI'. Russell Frank. Mr. Garst lW'as M\·. ReadlngConcerning "Pint I'end red. ""'er on -hundl'eel parents and friharles Hawke, of ayton, thJlt t(J(),k place Ilere Tuesday, Mar. the County Treusul'c r's urnee. also elected to receive t his deg'l' e MI'. nnd Mrs. ]\f. E. Banta, f 16th. English Servic of the Prayer Song-"Way of the Cross Lad s ends. but due to the :fact t~t there Will! PlclUlant Plain, M'r. and Ml'S~ C. The Harv y.iburg route W&8 Book."-Ml'S. Ronald Hawk FARMERS , Cl.UB MEETSThe bQYll Of t h Del1artment futHome." a sch~ol board m ~ting he could I, e Hawku and fllmily, ·Mr. and bolish ed and ani r Lukens was Solo--Mrs. E. C. CrIme. 1ished the food which the girls pl'eolo- P rry Th om as. The regular m~eting of Wa.yne not attend. A Gbapt I' fr \>1Yl "' onal Rear d and served. Ina't,1 attractive uet.-Juliu Smith and Alma Mt·s. Don Hawke, MI'. and Mrl'. b'8I,1sfer:ted !r(H)'I I:Inl'V eysbu~g to Town hip Farmers' lub was held The Green - Bond clegre 'J. P. Fro~f)l . a nd son, Clyde, and W~yn svi ile, taking tile pilice of "]Joosibilhy"-Mr . LesLer Gordon. Gerhurd. 'llanner on the tables trimmed in InsL Thul'sday at the home of Mr, was conferred upon the10w- Ml'. J. C. l1t1:wke. Mr. Geol"ge' Mills, \Vb~ retired a A Cb8)lter from It A Fortune To bluc and gl)ld. tho 1<' . F. A., colors. Reading-HAn Open Talk," by MI·S. J. T. D nl'doffi' o.f Leb· and ....,. ing candi.dates.: Ralph Peter, short time ago. Mr. W. F. lark, Sh8l'e"- Airs. Bert H:artaock. . Eva lartin. ' Mt. Garst, uperintencU!ht, 'gav~ A GOOD START an on. '&obert Clary, Willard 'Furnas, Hat au bstitu t e earlier hl)d been serving Th ey adjounrned to meet at the 'Ou t,-"Yield Not to T mptaI.h invocatio n. After t he banquet AlLer a lov Iy dinner, the meetold Anderson, Wlniield Scott, Hal' Little Inn with Miss Clara Lite a tion," by Rose Thoma~ and Paul - wit.hout green bean3 - Leo ConI n the past six; weeks the Boy since Mr. Mill's retirement. OJ del' and the ing wa; called old Rut herfO'rd, Low 11 Sinclair, Scouts of Waynesvill have organi The consolidation i part of the ho teEl, in April. Gerhard. lie I', presldent of the organization business session was held, and the WilHam Strouse, Billy 'Spltler, Al- zed. Twenty-three membe . are F.ederal GovernmenUs Po t Offic e Trio- "Hand Me Down My Walk acted as toastmMter and introG"RANG&-Nol'1 CE foll owing pl'ugl'am was given: b it Hap, and Jl;arl Mend nhnll, redllct.ion Pl'Ogrnni ing ane," The Pumm 1 B oy~. ueed th speakers. now em·olle d. The Boy couts Prof. Boldt ga e n v ry 'Int rThis degr-ee was given. by the plan to. take many hikes and to wll ieh reKults in such consO'lidaWaynesville }' armers' Gl'Bnge horl. :Re'adi~ by Howard MLs Gehring, the Home ECOllesting talk on Riley, the 1I00siei following officers ! Leo Conner, visit [ndiah Mound " and t.o hllVe Lions most e verywhere upon t h will meet for th eir regular m~et­ Woods. mies instt'uotOl' wel,,:omed the Poet pr sident; Charles Fi'res, .vice presl cllmp during the coming summel'. retir m nt of tura.1 carriers in the ing aturday ev ning" Match 20. So.Jo--by Eva Martin {U(lst and told a bout the value of Mrs. Kelln th HQup;h re!l\l an c) nt; Mr. Crabbe, adviser; ,Clark We want every member wbo, B neuictiO'n. Home Economics. Francies Wat.The. leader. or · coutlna ter i.s l'Ural servic . and instructive llap r -:::-~~ ~.~~~ ~, acting IIICcr tawy; T la1: M.t. "Oa1'!' 11 c.~n to be pl'esent; li S thl$ Is the match was co.,dllcted A $pelling p on the subJeot, "Jl'ood • FrenCh. cience MORE EARTHQUAK~S DUE Hardin, ·tre8$'JIrer·; Enr! Earriha,rt, tea cher of Waynesville School. M)'. la. t meeting 'IIi our COn cst, lc(1 by Howard Wood. A good tim b on the ' 1cGu!I y Radel'." Thi' ':1nd NUl'tl'ili n." Lo-well Sinclair, paper was tb ~u bj ()t. of oi cu, · reporter, Charles Hoyle, first con- F rg u on, History teac1;er of th e Ohio for ma.ny 'Years to . come, by Leo onner and In.a rles Fires. was had by all. 1. freshman, gave a very impressive ion. ductor; John Boger, second con- '\ llyn avill a. choQl, is the A si t- perhaps for centuries, may conAll aplieations for membershi'p ' p ee h on, "Why 1 Took Vocation· MRS. NETiiE GRESHAM DIED Th e Club adj ou rned 10 meet at <luctOl'; and Ead SheeUl, watch. ant. Thi ' • '\Vol·thy cau e is SPOtl- t inue to experience an occDsi{)nal hould be presented at this meetWEDNESDA Y AFTERNOON th e hom or ~1'r .. and Mrs. Ernest ,I Agriculture." Delores Clark told Every officer knew h' part and ;.or d by by so me iniluential cili· mild earth " hock althQugh the ing. ' bout lh "Oil')' Place in the FUNERAL SATURDAY Buttorworth in April. t~e degree with the lesllons xem· ~el1s of WayuesvilJ . This meeting will 'be observed Home". Anna Gaye Tread)\'!8y, middle we t is the ·'mo.~t quakeThe invl t tI guel! plilled were put on in true veteran as "teacher' night ." We wouM 'On Mrs. roof dil'ltrict in the world." Thi Nettie Oreaham, wife of Bing Well Groomed"; Eve. FORMER R1:siDENT~' and f rs. Boldt, }\;11'• •md style. Iyn Purnas, "Ch~ld Car-e'; ; ,Charles is the opinion of S~t.e Geologist. like to see every tea.cher of the J ohn Gre bam died at St. Ellzabetb PASSED AWAY AT Irons, M'1·. all<l Mr$. ,liff Brandt. One visitor remarked, "The boy Fir(l" "Wbat Should' Be In . H. S. WPber Sto ut. He said t.he most W~yn e Twp. schools at t hi m et- llo~pital in Dayton W ednesday afCALIFORNIA HOME and Mrs. Vesey, Mr. and M . Re'v. IIhould be complemented ' upon ourses"; !Oharles Hoyle, '~hy ree nt al'thquakes , which caused i ng. The committee; i'or t.his pro- terno9n after an illness of . v I'ul C. T. John on, and J\11'. Roberl their good !Work and that SUl' .1>, gram is Virg-inja Hardin, Raymond year. the Farm Shop"; Earl Earnha~ r.lrlt. Annetta B. lements, 71 a considerable alarn1 in several /lawhan, all of Lebanon. future Qrgatlizatiqns shOuld n ot f ormer resident of Wayne viHe, tiol1l\ of Ohio, fiv,e' adjoining Braddock Jlnd 'Karl Bodenbender. "Animal Hu ba.ndI'Y"; . Robert She was sixty YCArs of age. -~ -.lack gOod leadel'!lhip," All non.n1ember wlio, can corne MRS. LUCY DYKE . he is survived by Qne daughter YO\lng, "What A Senior Knows." passed a,,,ay lit her hOm e. in Up- state.s and II portion of' Canada, Mr. Raymond Hatfield an hon- land , Ca1ifot'ni~. Qnr,iar h ' 12 and but 'r e u lted in ,r latively little prop .LO this prOgl'nm are most 'Yelcome. Mrs. Velma Hllrley 01 Dayton. D1ES IN DAVTON .Mr. Gnr t and othel' guests ·irlorary menibea:.gave _ good talk ad- wa.., buded 11ear that ity on Mon- eriy datnag, Was brought about The funeral sel'vicas will be hell,! ~Iuding Robert Thomas; a graduate ANNIVERsARY- OBlttiVEDMrs. Lucy Dyke, 65 years old monishing the'Mwly elected mem- di\y; Alllrc h 15, 1087. by a ,. n1all l'e-adJustment of layf la t year, .Mr. Jilltfield, AssistSatUt'dayat 2 p. m. at the Mc lure at the hom e of h )' son, Alvin died ben to consider w II t,he Ie ons Mr. and MI'S. OrviHe Gray and Fun ral Home and burial will be nt ounty Superintendent, Mr. M'rs. Clem nt wag the- daugh- ers of rock. probably in the old in Dnyton, en}'ly l'u sdsy morn- 10 Kers!'y, Smith~Hugbes teacher exemplified and advis that if all ter of ~than A. and Hannah A n glacial regions." Suc.h re-adjust· daulbLer entertained the follow- made in the Miami eemetel'Y. ing foll owing a heart attack. h e 'It r. banon High School, and Mr. foJlow tbe teaching no ODC) need Bro'wn, highly esteemed resid ents ments are commOll, bu t ftequently ing gu ests CQ a birthday dinner on GRADE SCHOOL- NEWS \\'as th ~ wife of lhe late Sh rnlall b ashamed of his future scholar- of Waln e T dwnship. who elate are of sueh S'mall extent that they Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Russell , S. Ellis, president of tbe Count, ship 'or ability as a leader. It · se ms that ther are quite a Dyke and ba b en a resident 0 Board of Education aLI gave rehorne was the brm now owned by do not Tach the sUTface, Oeolo- Neal and daughter, Sh.irley K. of Dayton fo r a num bel' of years. -Earl Earnhart Mr. Ii. E. Stok s. , pon 'os i(l. which t.hey commended gi"t tOllt pointed out. He added Mariemont; Mr. and :Nlrs. ErW()(Jd number of new studen!.!! coming The daughte:t of the late Eli D. .tlle 'Young people. Mr. Crabbe gave Tow ' on, <o f Miamisbul'g, and Mr. to the Waynesvill Schools. In tlle In more recent years, Mr. and that depth of the rock vlIries and WAYNESViLLE CHURCH and HI11dah rane Ba,rnett, Ml's. til: cJollillg speech in which he lI1r • I ments erected the hom e that ' vibration are transmitted and M'rs. A. • and son, first grade, Eld{)n Morris haS come . OF CHRIST Dyke was bDrn near Wa~e ville now. owned by l'lh. and l'4r . L. l'I. best through that which is ll8rd Paul. of Franklin. These were all hel'e from Harveysburg. D .l mar on t he farm where he~ bfothers lhnnked everyone who worked 80 W. C. Smith, Miaj.ter willingly toward making the ban. Gordon, on Third Stre t , from and den!W, Ilot through the porus celebrating the birthd il!Ys of Mrs. MOOl'e is a new pupil of MiBs Mcllurnett arc quet a success. 'The meeting waa Walter and Char,l The revival whiCh stArted Sun- whicb t hey r moved to Long B aeh type. "These earth tremors are Neal, l'llt·. Towson, and! Mrs. Gray. Kinsey's fourth grade, and Bel'nice day is pl'Qgt"essing very nicely with in 1. 1:Q_ om mon," he asserted_ "Ther is Sheean, Spri'ngboro, is in Mis Har still living. ended '" dth the singing of the High LEG IS TAKEN OFF Surviving ar UU'ee daughters, School Song. large crowd!! and ' SJl cial music at in lhe upper cru sts a1'ld din's sixth grade-. Bo th Noel Kova ten.,ion She is sUl'Vived by her husband, Mrs . J. F . Sherwoqd, postmas- rman , Spring Valley, and Je n- M'r.. Blanche G'l'Ublllll, or Wayn The. boy!! qual'tet consisting of each service. Ch1Irl 'S H . cr m nts, two so ns, when .this tension is' l'eli~ed 8 The foJlOlWillg subject:s will be Etham and Donald .and two very de hock occurs. Thet'e is nothinll' ter of Oregonia, ufl'm'ed an 'am- nette Sheehan, Springboro, have vill ; Mrs. Lav rne ThDmpson and Char les Fites, Bud LeMay; Robert 11'5. Rh en ritzer, both of Day- Hintt, Don Collett sang "There's discu ed this week: 'Voted t.cp-d aught(' rs, Mrs. Alma serious about it.. 1;'he 'interior of putation of the leg on Friday al enrolled in the second grade. lon; three sons, Ralph, William Both sections of th first grade Much 18tb- "Wbat Became of Tavern in the Town" and "When urrant 1Hld Mrs. An na Hanen- tbe ·~a rth is COOling gradually and the ltiiami Valley Hospital in Day. the Carpenl.ers Wbo Helped Noah stein. are preparing little song ~nd Iln d Alyin, of Dayton, also th"oe You CODle To 'The End of 8. Perwhil the rook, formation in ·this. ton. llfton fect Day." Mr. Fl'ank accompanied Mr. Sherwood r eceived II play l ,o r the coming Mother's broth ers, Walter ., pa~·t of the world is vei'y old lind Build the ArkT" ---" and Chlllles S. BIl mett, of WayMareh 19th-"Is One Church its YOUNG PEOPLE INVITED practically cold, a mUe local strain scratch on hl!! ankle sl~ve)'al weeks lub progra1J1. ~h elll on the. pianQ. agO', ~hic.h finally resuJted in g8J1Mis$ Reed er's :first grade l:s 'l'lad nesville. Oood as A~otller'!''' TO RECREATIONAL MEET C:l US rn lId ShDCks." FRIENDS~ HoME NEWS Funeral s rvices will ue cc;>nducMarch 21st.--sunday Moroing, gren e, caused by a clclt in the ar- to welcome Harold Lamb and Don• HARVEYSBURG at the Mc Clur Fun l'lll Home, Fri All youn.g folks are in ite d to tel'Y which cut off thl~ circulation aId Dakin back from illness. Mrs. Howell Fierce joined a "Chriatian Liberality." Sunday Evening- "What Must cOlne to the to)Vnship house. Tu{.! l\~r. ~nd Mr . IC harlcs Bogan Jr. in his 1 g. I Benny Futnas has been taken day artet'noon a t 2 o'clock a nd party of fdends Sllnday at the day [arch 23. Mr. W.ilIiams, l'ec- lind family hav:e mO'ved into tho Mr. Sherwo d who has been in back to the McClellan Hospital fO'r burial will be mnde in Miami cell1- home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Foster I Do To Be Saved" ' i or, from Lebanc;>n , reation upJrvi March 22nd- "l'be M(,iyor's NOl'a Hawke property on East a critical condjtion is' imprOving. tr atments. His c'ondition is. criU~ ete r;y. at Fosters, in celebrating the 81 Ohio, '" ill be there to ntertnin. PERSONALGRAPHS bil hday of Mr. Epgene FosteT. Wife." Main Street. SOPPER TABLE TOPICS cal. MI'. Wi.lliams holds severa.i world March 23rd-"Judas Iscariot." MI'. W. P. Me arren h8.'i bought Sanitary drinking cups were sup Otber guests Wilre: Mr. and )(no March 24th- "Prayer Meeting l'et.-ords in athel ti~. the Will. Shhden farm near WellMrs. David DeMo!ls and son of plied to the students Monday when MI'. and M'r!!_ Orville ol'neJI , Df Setlt FUI'TIIIS, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. olUe you nre welcome. man. iricinnati, Mr. and Mrs. Raggol' t.he water fountains failed to fllnc- C ntel'vilJe were IIUPP r guel/ts of MendenhaIJ, Mr. J{)~pb ,Under~ In Hell." . Mat'y All 1\ SI·.• ,upctvispr Mr. and 'Ml1!. Wllfr d Squires and \ (lod and Mt·s. Curtis TomIinaon. Mr. Lo:ujs Snell is nOW e1Ilptoy- of Wellman were Sunday gues.ts of tion. Water was brDught in "Come ' ltlt us go up unto ·the ....... ed at the Frigidaire at Dayton. Mr. a'nd Mrs. WUliam ' Coleman. la'l'ge tank from which e1\c'h stu- dau ghter, Marilyn 011 Sunday eve· Mrs. Lenn Hartsock who haa house of the tord.' MRS. FRAZIER HOSTESSbeen, qlll~ ill is g'l:e,u,y- improved. Miss Mary Eleanor ij:,awke was Mrs. Homer Ramby and daugh- dent h Iped himself. We almost ning. \ F~RRY tHURCH-O -F~C -H-RIST M':8. J. ' E. F,·n<,,,.... .. ier ''''a s ho to'S.: a we k-end gueat of her .' £rien d• ter, Naomi, are confilJed to ·their went back' to the busket 'and dipL ena Ha\'tilock' sister, Emma ' Helen Howal'd, daugi'lt.el' 0 f Mr. W. C. Smith, MiAMler to a sUl'p dse birthday 1\nniveTsar,y i.1iss Mary Ollrolyn Lukens,of Way llomas on aC,c ount of ilInes. pet· days. lind Mrs. W esley Howsn] is quit( Oal'vey and niece and husband, BI'r S tu d ents 0f teres h F b man L ' I'11 • paTty in bonOl' of Miss .To~phine neSVl' 11 e. 'anI,! Mrs. Marvin Hollingshead and Bible School at 9:80 a. m. , Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Ml'lIoh and alm Th e W oman 'sC"IVIC L " . K at h ryn G'bb ' d Little Janet. Hurvey caned on her Mn. Eva Martins' class of Jun- Banta. . on ThursdllY afternoon. eague en- family visited re-Iatives in Hamil- laos are makmg posters to s h ow I on n •,er tame . mem b ers aD'd f am- ton hn Sunday. ' lot' boys are to h.ave ntire charge Those present were : M .. Ralph t ertaOme d tb elr how many E ng Is h wor ds were d c- group 0 f f1'I' n ds at a overe d-(I'I~h Sunday aftemoon. • at a party at "h . on I'ast v ' of Sundav school for this Sunday. Linn, ?AT '" • Ba .i l Smith, Mr,., Sadie illes " .e gym rived !rom the anciel1t Latin f Ol'm. suppet' on Monday evcmng. MI's. Kal'1 -B7d~bender was , Connor, M-r<! Made.line Armstrong A ~ Mr. and Mrs. George Ramby and d C Communion at 10:4.5 a. m. .... Wednesday night. program was .. • - • Mr. and ·MrFo. Tri ppillt un alll- ho tess ~o . a' St. Patrick's Day and · daughter, Mrs. u~io Evans, son, of Dayton. were guests o~ SCHOOL TOI,JRNAMENT ~cbi.n" at 11 4, m. tendered which causlld much exR b d i1yof Dayto n IV re Sunday glle:;t r Luncheon 00 Wednesday. Pr ". .. d Mi~s M'ldre,l '' Mr. and Mrs. lJomer am y an . ---Sermon sUQje'c~"Cbl'i tian Li- an .• I . " ok. . dtement apd la.ghter, followeq The fi rst game of the to'Urna- of Mr. and Mrs, J ohn A<.IlIm ~ and TII B llt'tCl'nooh was spent tn ~ on ,J NE·"tBliRLII~~TONNEws by chd . . A delicious- lunch )Vas 'family on Sl1nday. ment being playe'd between 'c1ass~ fatnHy on ·Sunday. playing cn.rds . era 1 _'1 _ . __ , __ :... _ , . . _ _ ---, so~ed at a late' hour. 'This party Friends <Jf Mr. arId ~rs. Le. a es was played Monday noon be-MI'. and Mrs. Oodos Hastin gs of . TIle guests were as follo'WII: WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH Cha.1I Snyder of Cincinnati '\Vas is an annual affair and is ' eag~Jy Wi~enbul'g of B!\y City, Mich., tween the F'resbmen 'aod the SOJ'lho Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. W, E. Stroud Mr. A. E. Stout, . Mrs. L. A. Sunday: calling Qn Qld friends here on last iooked fOI'ward to each year. 'baV'~ received anlJlo~lOceUlent oil' mores -.i'ith the latter winning 22- were guests of Mr. and Mrs. 'na}ph GIII'st, Mrs. M'. A. Fu.lkerson, Mrs.. Sunda, School at 9:30 a. m. Monday. The W. C. T. U. · met at th,e the brrth of a daughter. 11. The .squ.a.d tbat represente;d Hastings.on Sunday evening. f\ . H. Stubbs Mrs. I. O. .Bro"WD. Miss Betty Hartsoc'k of Cinciri- Lhe Fre. hmen C1 wa: Preston, Mrs. Carl Sanker spent the do y Mrs. Ralph Hasting8j Mrs. ClarMornilli' Worship .at 10:80 a. m. • Mrs. Mary L. Campbell -who has home of Mrs. Mary BOian on last Next Sunday is Palm Sunday been ill lor flome time at the bome Thursday afternoon. Several mem- nati spent Sunday .with her parents Spitler, Rutherford, Mendenhall. with Mr. and Mrs. ' M. D. Bairt] ence Malmbry, Mrs. Ruaaell ---on . -ubject will be, of hel' daugster, Mrs. C. P. ~oggle bers lWere present and! a very in- Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hartsock. \. I ".. S h a n d flimil". and the ~..... F'rank, Mrs. Wade Turner, !lrs. .. jied S~turda." afternQon. The. fuiland SC9tt; w",i e \-Jle op omores ,, >J I'Forwarcl' With l'1hrist." '3 teresting program wasgi(len. Ar~t'. and Mrs. E'11' F'urnAs entel'- h 1 CI ....' Ho !A ' Furna" Plank Miss Esther Smith ~ p ent the week Gilb rt Frye, and MrB_ Wiltrecl , d f' F d tained .... 7 B( : a." Hyman, y.", Hartsock, ", · ..·h':fT'len d Tbere will be a"I.hort. meeting 0feral serviees were held at her old rang1lmen t 8 were. """ lilA e Or a. 1)0 a O"I'OUp of j~riend9 at> a Anderson, and' d e n Wl~ s inD ay to n. in Georgetown on Tuesday. S I ... 1.. to b .1.. Id Sat d .,. Ul.... J . H AI qui r S. home t.he otflC':-l, ,and SU'n day School . a e W..1C" IS e ~Ie ur ay card parto on Wednes:dau evening. Honkins. . "'U'''' essIe yman an d.... .,.I:S. ~ M'r8. F. p, Reeves was ho tess tQ '. I ' '" tI' .• Sam Henklc ,has been remov· Board- hn.1II ed"tely ~l1owin*. the morning, beain.ning at 9 :80 at Mp. and Mrs. Ever18tt Sellrs of The second game was played -on ·PolinsKy. were 'in Cinein· '" .the Dortas Olub on . Thursday. Cr .~ I d ed to his home frO'm the Miami mornin, aemct-. ' Fred Bogart's eam a .....t on. Spring VaHey were ~ltnner ' l'u-est'3 Wednesday noon with the Seniors nati on We nesday. , MTB.. Cl y d e L ' 40. terts' '- '; M .", 1an d arey an ('1 Valle¥ llospital and is V&17 lIlueh At 1 :80 p. m .• 'W'8 will.begin a ," Mrs. Nettie Eatlll'llne has 'be~n eVlCY "n m"" ot Mr. and Mrs. W. li'l. Seal'S and wfnning from the Juniors. . r. !ln~.. Mrs. ~'o improved. . 01. ass a'll. d ..... H ~rb ert family, Monday oevenang. serie. 0' Bo.Jv W , eek aervice& We ill .fol' several ' days. t h e S emor JUrtI. Fires, Coll.e tt, LeMay, Bogel' and son, 'I!pent a f ew days Lb I' wee k + ... Prel\ident Collins o! Wilmitta'ton d . D Mr. and Mr\!. J!)siah Davia_1'9 will meet each .vellini' except on Co]leg~ fined the pdlpit of the Cart' on 18I!t >Jaturday evening at A group of Bible Students frDm Donohoo played on the JuniDr with Mr. Carey!! parents in ay· inn '1' guests of Mr. and lin. Filidllyand Saturday. On 'Friil,,'1 at dinn el' in honor ,of -hel; grandaon, CincinnatI brought sE~veral special team and Davia, Earnbart, Young, ton. 17 :80 p. m. a Good Friday eenice Fl'iends Chul'ch' on Sunray. Mr. . Edwin Smith. .. A moat delight.- musical numbers on 'ruesday eVfl- Dakin an'd Satterthwaite played on Mrs. AJ Polrn ky was visi ting in Lloyd Da.vis and famiJy 011 Tuee-"te r 'WIIIC" ..... 1.. ning at the -revival meeting wblch the Senior team. D·... day evening_ 8.1,On Iast Mon'das'. will be held In the Ep~l!copa.1 ' Mrs. J. L. Canardy returned Sun f uI even in g was spen t IU . d .a. th re- party at th e is t>eing held at tbe .,. W. aynellVil1e M'~ses An na. Gae T Iwayan d :Mr. Howal'd Stanley, who ran . church. Our ch,irch is inVited to day from Pprtland, rndiana; where a II enJoye rea! ,s he "a8 been vl$iting her <lAugh . 1;(>1', MUTJlh Y a t' W'I • gto n, NEW VOLUME FOR LIBRARY' R U th Donah'00 were $ h " attend and tll!ke part.·~ I mm Church of ChrllIt. & opptng In \ nail in his. foot has been threattomplete. ~nQtinceJ1lents ~lvan Pettijohn. Mi'. J . . p, Thornbury bas bee~ M~. · C. Lee Rawlke and Mias Dayton Sat.u1"da.y ~l1Id while the'e ~l1ed with blDod poisoning. ' prdinc: the Good, .Friday and the The. L8dies Aid of the Friends quite sick. . Doris Hawke were In Dayton, Wed I'The Development of America" they lunched at Seville TaVel'll. -.---"- - '- ElUter aervicfl Wlll be made ~n .t he €hureh met .a.t the home' 'of MI·s. Mrs. Charles G()l1don entertain- nesday. a new history volume ha.s. been add Ml's. Lu ell(L Mi.l tenbel'gi!r or 5t,1RP~I~£ ON ANNIVERSARY u. Walter Mitchner on Thu1'8day. " " mannel' M'dell' e t own ' 1S .. vlsltmg .. . ed in. h el' usua'1 ch anmng VI'. David Thoma. !~ is spendhilJ; ed to the school librar" 1 a t , th e . next week',. paps" ted by Fre h om"' 0 f F .~. The W C T U n'le~ with: Mr~ b " lad' t _.. The volume is cDmple U M·I·" \, MJloSS M ary ' All e11 w au--. G. C. Dibert, Pastot'. . .,.., . quite a mlm er '0", lea a canas the week 'With Mr. lind Mrs. Ed. I wnuerger 00 ........... _ ~_..,; .. ~ J. :E. Com.pton 011 Tuesd., p. m . . on last Friday nigbt and surprl5ed Thoma... mont. P. Wirth Professor of His- Route 2. by a birthday anniversary dian. HOLY WBEK SERVICES Ml'. and Ml'8.. Homer Kneisley tbe entire . fn'OUP b ,presen tl:1\g h er M I" an d M1S. L 011 S1. J 0 h t W ednes., d" n''''I... Mrs. Jessie Robitz,er of Dayton torv ... and Chairman of the DlviBion n eni .. as ........ at he.. AT EPISeOPAL CHURCH have moved to the tenant house of mO~her, who the d8y be f ore had spent the weekelld with trienda of Social Science, George Peabody tc,rtame . d tb e Idl CWI' Id e Iu b t 0 an h orne. Marcil 11, SuDday next befoft J. H. PetenoD. l'eturned from New Mesleo. and relativee here. College for Teachers Nashville, all day dinner on Thursday, TIto!le attending the c1bm.. - - entertained · ' Murch 18. Ea.ter, Palm Sunda)" Eveninl' Mrs. rred Hubble The ~an)' friends O'f D 1'. O. G . Mr. and Mn. Howard HlIrle, Tenneaee. from Waynesvi,lle were: lin. BOo PraYflr aad se1'lllun at 1:80. at dinner last ' Sunday, lIarch 14, Randall wo1 be grieved to and famUy of New BllrHnaton, 111'. The book &~ntaln. a thorougb E. R. Bentley and Carl Cunner ward Burton ant! dauwiste, 11ft. On Gooel Frida" MVeh 26, at IIr. and !lin. Barr)' La1fIlOD and of biJI 'death at Da~OD on lIonday and Kra. Lloyd navJ" and tamU, dilcu88ioD of the New Dea.l a:od visited witb Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Della Venable, Mra. C_ _ Ba)" 7:80 p. Ill., the. choir .ated by lIOn of Columbus, Oh~, Mr. &D.d evening. Dr. Randall baa been and 1I1u Winfre.d were the- important polieie1l that win, no Anderson .at Fort Ancient, ·Tues. and duaghw, and ~. Al'tJIu ~bel"I o,f the lIetho4llt Chllfth ~obert Gibaon of Dayton,O., realdent of tIIll polaee 1:or over thir- Sun SUJ;lday IIr. and doubt, be retained in history vol- day afternoon. Scholer. ebotr wDl .... tite ea1ltata. ·'Cal· ·lIb. Pawlde .BeiIl of Wl1mlDcton, tJ ,ears and h.. won the love and Mrs. .TOIiah Davi& am. for ""11 to eome. Mr8. Ella Braddock, ~rs. Leana . _ ••-..;.....,.",," Itr_~ ....1. 111'. aQd. lin. CMIIoIl Fleenor and . . . .ct of IUft)' maAJ people for KcnriIIria Bunnell Ner. etnpha811 ia placed on IOC- Burris and Carl Conner of VayMI'_ and lin. lUehaId . . . .':fII' 'l'be pa1lUe la cordtally iDfited famDyot . .Jl~k, · .L . .n.. aro1llld here .He ,..rn be tiYH tn ltanau lIiIIouTI laI, r8Uelous, alld life. ton vilited Tuesdali with. Mr. and Da~OD, lb. . . . . . AIfnII tct ,all eenk-. IT .CIt creatlJ IIIiued ",. all. Feera1 .... Ill'. L. B. Oo:rdG~" The volume was obt..1ned .. a Mn. I!:. R. Bentley. of eDia aM .... _~.s. .....__ .~ I ~ Yicea.w be hel" oa T1111111da)' at- Smaoeo on at the BUt.. paooIIable testbook for tIM United Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Moore, of Ward ., . . .,...... ---.~ ~:.:=t &lmlOOD at h• • at ' " o'cloek mon Hote1 In. ThandQ. ~~. H!.~.!' CIaaa ill the eomiq Dqton, spent TuudaV and Wed· day afteIu . .~,.: i - ....~f eM IlJalaI CeaaW7wi'h Mr. &2Iel Ctl« of --"1""'11'_-' Btamett. MIJ\.MI VALLEY CHAPTER OF BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY FUTURE FARMERS CON. DINNER HELD AT FER DEG~EES WILMINCTON

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THE MIAMI GAZETTE ...... .... . No. til Entelled .t

S ....erlptlo• •ric., '1.10


Yea, ville,


b~forf', I foJlowed the bulk alone, 0, Cor severnl blocks, quite, Ollt of my I'\'ay, but. I waR 10 t, no, not Iiterolly, ju~t in tllought, . DATES SET FOR EXAMS TELLS OF TRIP Ill' It'l:\ I!urprislng to me how much LOCAL HORTICULTURALIST On pril thhd, the Senior gl'ound onl' can cover while loat in EXICO FOR THE STUDING AT UNIVERSITY 'cholat',hill T . ~ wi1J be giV' n to = I thought. When 1 could look at the ON LANDSCAP1NG ____ till' l'nior of tit!' 5dlO I. On April thing. no longer nnd I'm a great ad1\1 i >I ;\1nrie .Itol ('1, who h ll re- !I,Uh, thl' ei~hlh g-rade sludents I'd be ilUng to be t my last miter of horses, but the combina· Fam ily Ha , Beffl Enrcccl In Or. ch rd Bu,in..... Over Fifty contly rl'turned from a l'ip to AI. ",.11 be viv~n a h nee in th fo rm dime that you coufdn't guess ~\'hnl. lion proved to be too much for me" huqu rque, N 111 l('1(ic-o, has ~ iv- (1(' the r gular tate Eighth Grade 1 saw prancing down t.he 'moin 1 w eleve n blocks lrom where I Y r I In MiAmi Valley i ' yesterd y, but there, I've.,ll L. d !I t art d ,so .ul·a ml. Ga zel t e an accoun t 'L'cHt to . how what th ' y hnv c ,rag I stoppe d right ell TIl C' ... Robert Dukc-, ~ n of 1\11'. and of he\' vi!.,it to I.-leta Pueblo, on I ' alll<!u during their y n in practically told you anyway. It ther , tUl"lled around and started )II ~. . L. Duke, hQ!; enrolled at .J· R ~ervati on. g rad ~choo 1. was n hor,e, attached t o tb fun- hack, ~ut somehow [ couldn't get th e Tnulon the {lnh'('f!'. ily of inoinnlltj . wk· Th "Uleta" is on(' Lri~e of In •. 011 AI)I'il 17 th~re w ill be held nlest thing. No doubt it was sup- th e picture out of my mind and inA' the ~o ursc oO cr (f by that. in- ditln, and their cu t. ma, habits, In Lebanon lh Gen l'al Elimina· posed to be a r oadster. Someone W(IS turning around to st itution In Land·cal ing. pottery, 8nd fUlgl; diffe r from the lion te. t for high school student., was just being ·funny. The thing see ~lut was h.1,pening, if uny .F'01' ()v~r finy )'t'nrs, the Duke at." r tl'i of I ndiaM, ju t as we in the f ollowing- ubjects: BioI· had a top that looked very much as thing; nfte t' all , that was why I })ad l mil), ha, h d part in the horti· are djJ'feJ'cnt from the German ogy, ht!mi~try, Genel·n.1 cicnce if it would fold up, but 80 far I b een fo l1 ()."l'ing it in the first place. cultural liCe of the Lilt.1l! Miami and Fr nch peoples, s ays Mi 's Physics, Algebra, Plane Geometry' could ·ee. that W8 the <)nly 1'60 just to se if it w(tQld blow up, <)r ' Vnll ey, American H il to ry, English 9, 10: s mblunce to a car, except of if it would tall, or run e>ver ~he to l'cr. large ol:chard ha b n grown Th In dian homes 8J'e made of 11 and 12, Latln I Bnd 11 a nd course, it had wh-cels, but the moat POOl' horsll while going do, wn ~-ade. Ilnd de\'elop (1 C(lmm rciaily until "D ou b'" t "hic'h con. ists of straw French I :a nd II. prepo terous ones, or maybe I That wo uld have been terrible, and it ha~ becom 0. I Ilder in tbis sec- nnd mud mixE!d. Th yare one T am.s for the Genel'al Elimin! should hav said monstrous ones ; 1 wouldn't have been at>.le to .tlo tion. ·gre n hou' e and Illnd!\cap· tOl'Y high and flat on the top. ation t ~t.s will. be s leeted duro almost f our feet high. And would 11 thing about it. How could 11 ' I ing ser i e h.a ve ·ench be n more Some of th.em have the earlh ing the fir · t week ill April. Each you beHeve it, the spokes we I'e of cel·tainly have no fell I' of nny horse r cently add d atur~s. The lut- fOt, the floors, while other, have school is allowed two students in wood, and there 'Were no tires. that I vcr saw, in fact, I get est and most popular features are w~oden floors, each subject and lIny student on a HonEls!.ly, I was speechless. Be- . quite chummy wit.h them sorne a sur ed the patrons J\ the operal· 'The wi ndow~1 and doors arc very t<'a~J~!lYhta~e two differcn e tests ilides 811 that, there was sOl'nethill1r times, but this wal! an absolute inOrs thus k ep abre _t of tne times, small. ~I'Qn II1g e IS nl'oJlcu in the sub- lik a stick probablv, un aert'al dignity. My h 8rt ached for the . ' 'could 'see, ' VI'11' e IS pending a couple of weeks even I famili es may Jiv e in one J cts at that t'1mI.'. . . I1only so far as anyone it p . or thing, but the driv r, or what with Mrs. Belle Scott, Mias Helen hO\J.!e, as many as fourteen . T'~() COlltestants wno rank high. wasn't attached to anything. n pt ever th manager of such a get-up Emy and little Bonby Morgan, . /It.. particular home which she est III ach suhject will form a. even t.he horse. W 11 it wa I!!tiek- would be, scemed perlectly ignor1iss Eva Wharton visit d )i1'l1. vi ited c01)sUed of 'only two notbel' learn, all all .county team ing up in one corne: and kind of ant of the filet t hat he was enulIManis Wharton in Lebanon Tuc$- , roo m and conll.ained only the bare t which will participa.te in th e Dis. titled over and wubbled around. ~ng worry on my part, or even fun, day. 1\1r, and \ harton Are of life. It had only one I tl'i t T est Ilt liami Univer ity Well. you know, after I got over jf ones imagination could be oon moving to Dayton where Mr. I bed, with b nche built along' one arly in May. the shock of the thing and decided. st~etched 80 . tar. Well, 1 don't Wh a ton has employme.n't with hill ide of t he ~'I1,11 :tor bcd~. I =-=-:it was quite harmlells, I walked thlnk I'll enr ge~ over it. It was uncle, ArthUr Gt'efithouse. 'Th re was one table, One tove, in6l: -r ugs, making pottery, and along t.he sid ewa lk, no tro uble at undoubt dly the m,?st cruel thln&, frs. Agn('s L on.gacre and c.hil. but no cbaj-l's, and their cooking hand ma.d\! jewelry and they a.lso all to k ep up with it, why anyone- J ever witness d, 1.0 say nothing of dr n of DaytOil are now laSing utensils were h.nnging on the wall. do some farming. evet took the trouble to make such being worse than use.\ess. It has ' 'with he r pal' enlJ! Mr. and Mrs, E. The baking: was done in an outML Storer was most int re t;.. a monstrosity is more than I can ha~nted me day and nigM. When, ]3. Longacre. side oven, wlilich W!\S made of ed in the I'U weaving don by thls imagin , and ordinar11y my imagin 1 fm~ l1y got bB~k t.G the office, I Mr. and Irs Rn lph John a nd "Doubie." T.h,e walls being very tl·ibe. ation is very active, but ss I said d crlbeu the thlllg a8 best I could daughters have settJed in their thick, make it pos ible tor thenl ' to my 'bOl s, and 1l0W, steady your· home va att cl by the Young iam- to bake t heir br ad and other .:.~ --seli; or you'll l1eVe1' be able to ily, pasterie after the fire ha been stand the shock. H~ said it was a

Scholar ship




011.. ......


be Given in April

Po.tottlc . . . t Wal'UIa.lIf:~i;rnd Cl .... ~1l11

Dum Dee



MARCH 18, 1937


. PUBLISHER OF THE MrAMI WAYNESVILLE MERCHANTS GAZETTE GIV~S MONE" . OFFER HIGH "QUALITY &. BACK GUARANTEE QUOTE PRICES RIGHT 5Mb 250 New SublCripUo'u In A We wi h to call }'Our a tte nti on Two Week Period. Claim. A to th offering'S mad by t-be WayCood Pa~ Ja B_efit To All ne_ Yill~ D1t>r hants ~ th various ince M6n!h 1_t the [lew Illan- d"l'rh elll nt · oj thl newspaper.

ment of 111 .!iami Gazett has The Quality of m I'ch ndise of· .. upplied ,. ry f mill' on the rura l ferell by th m is of hijrh qualityrou - ou of W.a~-ne :ille with a worthy of youI' con ideration and . mple copy of h papt'r if they the price qu oted or asked in t.he ·tores is in practically all ca es 'ere not a,lr ad)' a . ub riber. Thi h~ bl!'en dane in order to' ~ost advantageous to the Waynes-(quaint ·the coz:nmunity with the VIlle shopper. We recommend the. type of pa r whi~h the editor store here and respectfully 1'1." ~hall endeayor to publi h and de. que t that when you approach the veJope throughout t he years to merohant, yo u tell him that you come. reedless to say it will be saw his advertisement in the Miami im pos.ible for WI to continue the Gazette. nding out of sample copies. It Boost your newspaper because can not be done ' and we do not it is a boo ter of the boo ts that believe that the folk of this eom. you have contributed in t he. welfare of the Waynesvill e vicinity. Illunity want us to do it. But, in <order to mainta~ and LYTLE a paper wortby of the community, it i necessary to inW illiam Cooper' is j\1 at t.bis crease tbe coverage cr sub cl'ip- time with an infection pf the foo~ lion LLst so that at least 75 or 80 Everett Early and daughter, Mrs pel' cent of the families living in Ruth Morgan, left Thursday by i his trade area are regular sub. motor for 8 short business trip to scriber&.' In order to reach th'at Florida. ffeeU-ve coverag-e which will be I Mrs•. Kesler Graham and dau gha benefit to every busine , church ter, Mis Bernice, spent Friday club, sehool and community en. evening with their aunt, Miss Min· terprise it becomes Jlece sary for nie Seiker who is ill a t her home in u to ask for at least 260 new /lub- Springboro, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey . Burnett scriptiona in the next two weeks. The response to our solicitation spent Tue day in Dayton. The f or· dllr~" the pa!¢ two weeks has mer attended a meeting of Miam i been 'Vfl7 lrI'atifyinll'• . HO'W'ever Val~y Milk Producer's Associa· there fa need to),' ereatel: haste tion. progresa in the addition of names Miss Sarah Smith of. Wayn es. to' our family of readers. There. fore, if you are interested in the may have the subscription pla~ed betterment of your com unity in- on open account. Our guBl'anteQ teresUl we respectfully appeal to is this, if at the expiration of your YOIl to order your subacription at subscriptiOn period you are not once. If inconvient for you to satistied with tile paper as hBvinsr pay for a full year - order six been worth tbe price paid, ~e will months for 76 cents; four months gladly refund one·half of the for 50 cents; or if you desire, you money you paid f.or i~


£XECUTOR'S PUBLIC SALE The Underlisned .. EXECUTOR of the Eltate of AMELIA WILLIAMS. Deceated, 'will Sell at" PUBLIC. AUCTION, at the WAYNESVILLE ICE PLANT ~ lot of HOUSEHOLD GOODS and Cooking Utenlill. SATURDAY MARCH 20th at 1 P. M. C. M. ROBITZER. Executor of the Eatate of ~El:-IA WILUAMS, Deceated. AJ.o at the aame place, a lot of Houleholdl Good. from the home of C. M . ROBITZER.





_ '_'_n_'_"_ _ _-- ,


~rs. Alice Brock and Mrs. Mary l'emoved. Mlss Storer ,a ttended the last of Marshall vi ited their sister-in.l'aw MTS. Ru th Pine llt Millmi Valley their winter dl/lnces which lasted Hospital, Priday. Mr • Pi ne u·nder. for the greate,r part of th e day . . went an oppel'atlon Thursday for 1'hel'e 'Were about twenty·live gall stones and lust report, she i people particil~ated in the dance. doing nicely. About fifty men were in a far Mr. and Mrs. Walter Whitaker corner "chant.i ng" or singing in Mr. and Mrs, Harold Whitaker &. their la~8uage'. daughter attended Wayne Town.. A very old man Will playing the ship Farm ers' Club at the hOme of toms. Mr. a nd Mr... Joseph Deardoff in The men were clothed in a a girdle . of white, embroidered Lebanon, Thursday. ir, and lU . Donald Hadley in black, with cQins fastened on little daughter we re Sunday din· the. sides. nel' g ue til of. Mr. and Mr . TherIe . About liheir waists t.hey had furs .' J on and on. yard gOO~i9, bs~th towels and many Friends her -were sorry to learn other articles that seemed of val· of t he death of Mrs. Lucy Dyke ue to them. at ,t he h ome of her son in Dayton, Their bead dress consisted of Tu esda y morning, She WM a for. cedal' and fell,thers. The men had . mer r esident of this community, their knees plunted wbite and the the motber of Mra. Fores t Graham women had their hands painted and sil>tcl' of Walter, Charles and white also. Cliff Burnett, of this place. The women wore bright. colored h Mr. and ~'rs. Caivjn Longacre s aw I8 and .seoveral skirts with lace ente),'talned to a t urKe y dinner and embrOIder on each of them , Sunday, in honor of the s hOwing, Their Jegs were wrapped .. of her mother Ilnd uncle, Ml'S. S. with cloth. H, . Burnett and Mr. Lee MlIIlon. Both and women, wore The guests were : Mr. and Mrs. moccasinl! and many beaas and ear . 'I'h . Lee Mason of Maso n, Mr. and Mrs, nngs. e men carried a goaro S. H. Burnett Ml'lf. Alice Clark in while the women " t!sch. . d hand, d f and Mrs. Margaret J ohns, Virgil, ... arne ee ar. Norma and Keith Lo ngacre . They alsodhave rain dances, corn dan Th c- Wie-a- MdOrU;-M. ' E, .ces an many other dances, have a sacred meanjng to Churcl~ met Ilt the home of Mrs. whIch them. , _ Jo iah Davis on WednesdllY. They earn their living by weav. After the business session deli. . · - - - - - - - ' - O - - . - - - -..... ciou refresbments were served,

and come in to see. US before Y~D buy




~~~~~~~;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;,;~~~sc~h~e~m~e. ~~O~f~gr~C~en~a~n~d;;~~'h;it~e;.~~~


0" Faron Nipt Radio Pro,ro. Of WOSU, MoDda,., Marcia 22 Inyit.tiOD .. all Me.ben

We sell Sanoco' T racor t OiI SAE "0, 30 ctt "'0' , an,d I!!O. All tbe same price.

8 :00 The 4·H Member's Pocketbook-Mi"S Thelma Beall, Exteusion Home Management Specialist. ' 8:10 Vocational Home ECOJl. omics Program-Studenta of W.l. nut Township High School,Ash· viUe, dir cted by Miss' Olive'Grimm Instructor.


L. H. ' G0 RDON

g~~ out~~~~

"buggy" . A BUftY, B-U·G-G·Y! W 11, 1 knew darn well there was some· thing wrong with tt, or the owner, and "bUJlgy'f ia the, only adeq~ate word one could U8e. And, th.e on~y thin~ more I have or want to say about it ill, that I'm glad I don't have to ride in the "buggy thing,"



C. M. Robitzer



8 :20 Bridging the Ohio-H. E. E swi n , Hi torian. 8 ;90 Music. :40 Farm }lome Period: Te nancy MM. as Viewed4y Farm WomanM. W. ...Howett

r.{o~tgomery Our HomesCo., andBrooksville, FamiUe Ohio ...... .no

Hel n Mougey Jordon, Est. Home Economi!:jt. '9:00 Music 0 : 10 Getting the Most FYom Your Farm Power-R. D. Barden, ~1. Eng. Dept. 9:20 The Business S~de of Farm.

~~~~~~~~~~~R~~~3~~.~_~~--~~_~~~~~~~==~~ ~~·H. ~~b~E~.

T H E G •· _






9:40 to 10 The Community. om9:30 ies Music . S~rvice Opportullities of Ohio Grange&--Grolip cl1acllllBiOJl participated in by Grange members and led by J. P. Schmidt, Supervisor, Farm~rs' IuatJbae,iJn Ohio. '


. t

Aslt tor a



Concrett! Air Seal Burial Vault For Sale oDl, IIr

Your Funeral Director McClure Funeral Home Pu_ 7

Wa,_YUl., 0.

The Waynesville . National Bank



F. T. Martin



LIe,.... ....



SATISFACTION ' Or No·-C....... Centervlle" .OIl'o ........ 7U

Basketball Season Over Summ ry of Games Given Award. Made In SEASON'S RESUME Senior Hi.h Varsity 'Basketball Tour. Tot. 16 5 21 Won 11 3 am .s Lost 5 2 Opponents' points f or he !lca. 011, ~(j games W. H. S. Poiot f or th e t:ll.·on .... .. .. .. ....... 397 l:> eH l' record fot the sea on thu1l IUllt y sr. T ournament r ecord not as good a Jast year howev I' we managed to tak second place in the counly (lgalnst v ry K\,rong comp eu~t.ion, ;Lockland beat us at Oincinrtnti, a team withMAGICIAN· ENf£RTA I NS out a 10" during tIle season. STUDENTS We slarted the season with 3 I ttcrm n back ironl last year. St.udents of Wayne Township were ;highly entertaine.d by the ap- Four boys who earn('d their lettel's pearance of MI'. Buckley,magician this yeal' will be· next fall. on Wednesday, March 10th. Mr. 'Yes S~ior Hilrh Re Buckley pulled a skull out of all emp.ty hat, turned things invisibl e, . The Reserves played G ga.meaand upset OUl' ideas generally. Th e Lost. 3 and won a. The highest high point of the performance was 'core we made f or the year wa when he shot a canary invi ibly when W. n. . R crves defeal d through the a ir lWith 'an lIl"my Bellbr ok Res rve 4.2-] 2. musket. Mr. Buckley is a resident of Wilmington. He took up the art of Gam e1l .Played "" '.. 9 dooeiving 11$ his avoentlon. So Game1l Won . " " '" ......... . .. ,," 5 Mrs. - Corwin of Greenfi Id WBa Games Lost .... " ... :............. " .... 4 a week-end guest of Mr. Il>nd Mrs. Our Junior High s tarted to Ray H . Wagg-oner and family. work tbts year wit.hout any m mbcr of las t eason's team on the squad. After lOsing five of the fh'st G gam s the boys clo ed l h e s a on by winning t.he Jut three games. Three boys receiving lettel'S th L' yellr will t ill be in the Junior th b ys H igh n ext year. even 0 er 0 on the squad tbjs seaSon were in th eventb and eighth grades. W~SHiNGTOND: C:-ViS ITOJt ROoT FOR AND COftSIGN ~-.- . ,our CAttle, bop, aheep a Dd calvel Mrs. Ralph D. Toll of Washingto Norrll-Brot.1I: C.... , live wire and ton D. C. i's visiting her parents, prorreuive ftnn f l)r the hll{best Mr. and 1.11' • H enry Sattertwaite, ' she \Va.s called here on a"count of market prices a n'd, good IlIrYlCeO ~~~~~ ~ who TQ~ tn on ~dlo Statill" W CK" Lhe death of Mr. Toll' uncle, 12 :2 to 12 :80 p. m. for our dan, lived near Buford, OhIo. . market · reporta. IIc a ~o n

Awa rds in Basketbllll fol' th Season 'Will be made liS fo.JJows:Se Dior Hi.h Letter. J ohn Bog r, Charles Earnhart, Jlobert Clary, Frank LeMay, Chatles Davis, Robert Sntterthwaltt' , Charles Donohoo. Sr. Hi. Numeral. Donald Cc!llett, For ~ Dakin, Charles Fire~ Iyde Fromm, Robert Young. Jr. Hi. Letter. Chol1le!> Collett, TOmllJY F!orenee, Robert Osborn, Robert Payne, Robert Preston, Billy pltlel"




__.;.~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~-~========:=~. . HIGH GRADE COAL MEANS LOW COST IN HEATING And

1\11'. 811d ~tn;. hav!> bc-a ('ntcrtllir.~ Mrs. lA'nll Linder, II( The funeral oC Dr. '1'1\.". hll'g Iy tlltende lit hiR la e LOOKING BACK home on Thur day 1\(' t.~ !·1l 0ll n. Now that t.he bask tbal! sell.>on ~1r. nnd Mrs. J Ohll Kt!nnedy is Ovc r we can allsettle back in were re (' ntly gu 8tH of A. L. K.enUr ea. y chairs and breathe two 1)1' nedy lind so n. three . ighs of relicf. ince Way1rs. M 0 rri: O. bo rn is II patil'nt ne:vill e was a1iminat d at illcin- at Halis Ho pitnl at Wilmington. I noli and all hopes for a State M1·. Fred Horlnn remain in a hn'mpionship was completely wip- vory critical conditil)n at Mi ami ('(1 ~ ut th only thing 1 ft to say j,~ Valley Ho pitaJ. , that Spt1ngboro has a mighty fine Miss Harriet CosBum nton ll intam. . d the Pioneer Club at t.h e hom of It c'ouldn't be Said that the sea- her uncl e, ha. Do. t-I!r and ial'nily so n was entirely successful and re<:ontly. yet it wasn't unsuccessful either. Mrs. H. C. Milligan ha ~ r etUl'n d Here is a ummary of the game . home alte,· a vi sit wi t h friends ilnd Judge for yourself. relatives in the nort.h 1'0 part oI the state. ',' ~ Su mmary of tho Ga me. M'l'. and Mrs. Clint Taylor enlerCenterville 22 14 lailled their curd club in a pleasJ efferso n 20 29 lng manner on la t S<lltul'day nigh\,. Morrow 23 31 Mr. and M,·s. E. C. Mannon of Pod William 13 28 n ear Wilm ington gSlve a c1in'ner Morrow 13 28 party Sunda y in h onol' of Mrs. Leesburg 15 16 Mannon's father, Mr .. George D~vFrlinklin 28 31 is, of Wellman , whose bil:t.hday anAlumni 19 18 nivers.'1ry feU on that day. Invited Lebanon 1.7 26 guests were Mr. G Ol:g Davi , Mr. Mason ' 27 37 and Mr8. Gl nn Dav ' and famil y, l\Jartinj;ville 20 33 2 Mr. and Mrs: Joe Davis and family. Springboro 36 7 Mr. and ll:rs. MOrll·i. nider of 13 Carlisi e ~:. Wilmington and Mr. and Mrs. KenKings Mills 48 24 n th Probasco of Columbu s. Bellbrook , 20 Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Me arren Harveysburg 13 and daughter, Miss Rhea, have Tou-.ament A t Kini. Mill. been spending a few day,~ her. Ottel'bein 16 21 1 Rev. Brown of Jarnest wn spo ke Mason 20 40 at ,the M~thodist church last SunHarveYcburg 14 24 day vening.





~:;=~5=E=;!:===-=J:~~~Jf~~~-~:~~~~ = ' a:d Ml'. anVIl Mrs. Maurice Hunter went to Dayton Sunday to heal' E. Howard Cadle. They al attend d Cary'. Jewelry church at Waynesville Sunday night. Shop 0

"THE HOME OF clns"

Lebanc;m , Ohio t

EXPERT WATCH REPAIIJING 'U.ia, ~ G·•••l_ Materl.l.

Mrs. J ulia Smith' celebrated her birthday anive-rsary T hursday evening, Morch 11 when, Mr. I\Od Mrs RcYmo Riggs an d daughter, Pauline took supper 0 e1' and SUL'prised her Mr. and Mrs. Les~r Gerhard,




End, "Cube- S~le" and "Ice-Famine"1 SI!.B THl! PROOFI


3. GREATER PROTECT-ABILITY K eeps food 5ah:r. fresher. longer! SEB THB PROOFI .

4. GREATER DEPEND.ABiLiTY 5-Year Prot. edon Plant- backed by Genen! ?-{oto rs. SEE .( HE PROOl'!


. . ... ~


ther operation at .the M'cClellan 1I10rris Fulkerson, and Mr. T. W. Ho pi tal on Monday morning. He Van Pelt attended tlhe fun eral of is said to be in a critical condition Mr. Bert Ba'ogam in Wilmingwn at pre.!el)t. 011 Saturday.

United States a rmy officers as in- I of the 135th Field Art illery, Ohio s~uctor8 for t he Ohio National National Guard, also at Cleveland. Guard. Major Christopher W. Ford Good news for tlhe esrly rodwho has been detailed to th e army a nd-reel fisherm.a.n was the anair corps service in the Ph illiPines n ouncement by Conservation Comhas been appointed Ohio Nationa l missioner Lawrence Wooddell that Guard air corps instructor, with the $1.00 Iicen e will be honored headquarters at Clevelan d, to suc- throughout 1937 andi that the purceed Major William C. Morris. l et chase of an 50-cent IiLieutenant J oseph Ganahl, former- canse undel' provisions of the re.

!!'!!!"!!!!!!!!!"!~!!"!~~~!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!~!!"!~~~~~!!"!~!!!!!!!!!..!!...!!,.~~~~...!!!~ """~~~~~




U'7 E

1" 'LA :Y I ·L..


New 9 -Way Adjustable Interior! SEB THB PROOFI

pringboro 39 33 Mrs. G. M. MacDonald and Ho.&.& ~ NEW BEAUTY! At Cmcinnati ward Mac Donald were Leban n AMAZING NEW 'Lockland 36 18 visitors on aturday afternoon. NO MONEY DOWN ABILITY TO SAVE ~Mr. and M1'S. Everrett SehumakEASY TERMS AND SERVE! MIAMI UNIVE RSITY TO et pent the weekend in Dillsboro, Comeia. Sceft'hatathrilli'n .. PRESENT "MACBETH" TO ~ <> Indian.a. advance Frigidaire with the H IGH SCHOOL Mrs. Lydia Ruddu,ck and family Meter-Miserbrmgsfor 1937:' ,vere· callers on Sunday afternoon SuPe.t:b Dew bc:auty pillS SUPER. Saturdo.", March 20th, the dl'a- at the home of Mrs. Mary Tucker. DUTY at the price of an ordulAty r efrlgeratOrl J You get proof of completeness never known before matic stude nts rtf Miami Univer- The Woman's Civi,e League met in ALL, BASIC Rl!.flUGllRATION SERVICES. _You. dOD" sit,y will present the ShakespeaJ'- at the home of MI·s. Madge Smart buy on mere lar'5o. Now )'ou sce PROOF, right ID.Oue ian p.lay, "Macbeth", to a number on Saturday evenmg, Frigid aire is the most c()mpl,ttl icc-proVider. of h;p'h sthool students of southMr. Robert Franklin ha be 11 food-storer and food-preserver ever known. PROOf ..., tbat it save, enough on food and CUJtell' to pay {or weslern Ohio. The University has a recent guest of relativ es here . iaelf and earn )'ou a profit besides I issued an invitation to the stuMr. and 1\irs; Chas Gordon sp nt Make suee of getting the most for your dents of Waynesville High School. Sunday with Mr. and M'rs. Everett. money. See our FRlGIDAUUlI'B.OOl'{p~ The :play 'Will ' be given free of Villars and family olf pring Val _I I>IIMONST&ATl(JN fitld charge. ley. . . Benny Fu~a~ ~derwe-;;t an oMr.. and Mr-;. W.-O. Rap r, M1' . - - - _. . • ~

Best of the N ew·s Dire From the Ohio State Capito]




Dirt and More Comfortable Adju~nt; General Emil F. Marx Iy stationed at Fort lWleyer, VirginWe Have a High Grade Coal for announced the assign ment of t wo I ia. has be.l:n detailed as insb'uctor Fumace or Stove. Homes:



~_ l~~ CUTS CURRENT Cl ' T TO THE __ . ~~.-.;:

Simpltl' rf/rigtril ;"g 1IIu h,'11i sm (!:J!t'rllflill l O 3 moving parts. il1cilJdiIJt. the motor •••

p l'rtn3neody oilL]. sealed a~inst ~~~'r~~ moisture oud d ir Gives SUPERD UfY atamszlnf savi ng .SliE THB Pll.OOF witb ao Ilctual electric meter test I

NEW INS ANT CUBE·RELEASE IN EVERY I CE TRAY See If In Action' ONLY RlGlDAIRl! HAS ITI . . .tlUI!ly relc.,~. leo-cube. f'n1m "".!r two or a do.enau time. Yields 20lt more fce b, endin. faucet meJa •• waSle. tC"~51 .dva.oce 10 JceCooveoil.:o(;e eyer known. Como iA. Sit. qui k. IUY'c:tJOo.

F air · -1-ey. B ard w

re ompa.y

Laraer Beeaule of Ikttet Quality ', Service, arid Price, tabl iahed 1849 Phon", 32. WAYNESVJLLE,OH. 0


cently enacted anglel'M' law will t:===;,=--~-~------ ~-~::::::=~-.,,=====~ not be necessary. Until this year THE SERVICE BEAUTIFU lh only fi hermen ,licen sed were .non-I'esident of Ohio as well as REGARDLGSS of h ow mu 'h or little you can ilfford Ohioans who used a r 1. Afte r .t o spen d f o), n fllnera l Her .i ce-our foremost considtheeffect.ive day or th e new lIngeration h:l . , . hCH uly . _ II of our large stock of le1'S law in May aU fish l'men who equipm ent i.' pltu' 'd at QU I' eli II Ll:! , disposal and the are resident of the tate, regardnumeroul" d lail l'l of a ~C I vice arc pai n takingly atless of whether they usc rod-andtended to so t h H t t he f e, ' It will be one of infinite l' I, canepole, willow branch or I • plain throw~line, will be r quire(i dignity :~nd b ,lill y . At our mortuary, the client to have the 50-cent Heens • Farm can be as ul'('d of a Hen- 'ce' that will leave an in. own rs and m mber of Imfini te l y he auti f ul IlICmol.l-lli cf ur tf Ll'easure t hru m diate families, when fishing in the yenrs. their own stream .'lre exempted. .Funds derived from the license Sale will be used for tbe purchase, propagation, protection and stocking of fish, including the operation and maintenance of flsb hatcheries P hone 7 Waynesville as well as for other proper eonS rvation acLivities under direction \.\.;:===...;;;;=--~:::.-- . . . ;.......:;..=-,;;; ·":~';;';;""'-=;""=="'---_rI of the state conse'r vatioll council,



J. E.


according \,0 provisions ' of the D.ew BELL BROOK NEWS. r Mif;s }letty ue Smiley speont tb. meas ure. . I ,H'kuld in Wilmington 'With fnPrompt Service - ' . A gain of 8.6 per cent in job M·r. and J')h!<. Flank TlinW i,fdiC l nrk . placements during Ii'ebruary as ha~e l'etul'THHI fr om !\ .Vi, il \\ ith i\11·.Q • J enn ie Ma~weLI has r eturnStore open .untll 9 p. Ill. comp\lred with the same mqnth n thell' dl\ughl,Eol', l' IIlky llnd ' II h Jme a£ter 11 visit with , ~ - ~ PHONE NO. 19 yelll' ago was reported by J. A. fatnil)! of COllllllbus. augh tc l', M'rs. Ruth Merid:eth of . I WittenbToo'k, chjef i()f the Ohio James Marshall i~ ll1 ()vinl\' el f! til , ('UI' FUl m<'l" ville. FERRY MEWS State Employment service. Of the G{)orge. Shaw fa rm ca -t of toW Tl I~li. Bluck has put'chased a n~ 10,141 jobs filled during the month (l.nd. WiIJ G10s at· and I,un ily nea l' un' V-S. W. C. Smith and family were eas ans 8,300 were with private employers RidgeVl'lIe are movi ng on th e M U~CB ;\J I",. Annll Peeree IS visiting be:r dinner rueata of Mts. Day in Way Mr. Wittenbrook annQunced. In pa h r f arm. (,n ~:Imo Peerce and famil1 in nelJViile on Saturday. . ' addition there was a decline of t 0 Mr. and Mrs. R olan d R:;lI c of pr:in . . Mr. and Mn. Royce Brown were HONEY CROVE ......... .. ..... " .......... .. .:........ per cent in the number of new ap- Dayton vi; ited her J)arenls -,!. aud NOTICE OF- APPOINTMiENT luncheon runt&! of Hr••lId Mrs. plicants for employme nt in Feb- Mrsl Eliy~h Casoy last Sundny, W : C. Smith, FridQ eveni~. )'uary, wbich was viewed aB ""ery J. R~ PenneVl'it olir hardware Execu.tor' Mr~ .Alma Gerhard oalled on , WHITE VILLA TENDER SWEET ......... .. . . . encouraging." in comparison with merchant is insta lling new el€cLl'k Estate of JonathaD M. ~ Benny Furn.., Frida)' afternoon. Jan uar.y. gasoline ' pump . . h T Decealed Prayer meetinr was hId TueaDOLLY DIMPLE R ecords' of t he Obio highway. Clem Penn ewlt w 0 wa$ cn 'oticI.' is hereby giv.en ~ 20 . ....... , ... ... , .... ................,.. .. .. " cally ill for severa l du ys is rcpl1)·t- e'~ie L. oak whose P oat Ofttee . da, at the parsonage, mas. planning survey, i.n cooperation cd Bome better a t th is writ tit16' is Waynesville, Ohio -baa preaent.; Mnt. Grace Furnas attended the with the United States bureau of I .(.'11 d uly appointed as ExecutriS etTy The Women'. M18lionary Society claas meeting at Tburaday LITTLE FAIRy ............... ; ....... :.. .. .... .......... pu bli c roads disclosed that the c.~. the Estate of Jonathan M. Cook of Fen)' Church will meet with evenin~. . Ohi~ motorist prefers .the rural autoist. The la ttlJ" is lwhinll I Ie of Wal'ren County, Ohio, el&Mfa. William Ooleman in Wayne8Mr. and Mrs. Romo Rip cele. h i. g h wa ys and byways of Ilia own , th.\!' wheel for an1 Ilvenge day of March 198'1 GREE·N GIANT ... ..................... ..... ... .......... tl ()f 7,876 d c,a)a~ LPedu' t.hl' "th iI b te d th i _ 18th -edding annl' M ville on Wedn.sday afternoon, ar' ra el!' ." The avera~ Ohio automo- mIles in _. twe v -mon I 1:"no . 'I nley & tanley & 81. The ladies. of both, Ferry and venary at the bome of .My. and bil e is driven 8,376 miles a year, Ilnd the formel' for 9. 68:3 1l1ll p ~In . M. H~nderson, A ttys . homas .Waytleaville Church of Christ are Mrs; Per r y rr: Sat urday, M a r o r n aosl a nd only 816 miles of t he total the,average. The u.lba n nl 'llOl'll'l RALPH H. CAREY . in•... ted·. . i 13th. . .' . t k I ts' d f the state. travels neal'!y twice as much ontJudge 01 the YO a es pace ou leo Warren OhiO Mre.. Ruth Pine Is in ~iami Val- II .Roger Th omaa J_ .. Ipen d109 !' The survey also showed that the ide the- stat.1!. as docs the [,Ul'a I (M'arch 18, Cotmty 25 and Apr.h. ler HospU8.t and II recovering &low I few weeks at. t:be bome of hlll HONEY GROVE ................ " ....... ,,,...... ........ city m,otoris t drives more than the drive r aceol'duul' to U1 C l·ecol·ds. CE DARVILLE-COllEGE 11 from a Berious operat ion. . . , grandpllrents, Mr. and Ml'I. Perry Mr. tnd Mra. Lester G er b ard l Th~ vu__ _ _ ___ _ a. _ ____ '! HORUS TO SING


Frank Wrigh t, Fred H u bbJe a nd J ess H e/!!! attended t he Milk M etlng at Biltmore Hotel in. Dayton on Tuesday. Miss Dorot hy Mol¢am . spent Thursday with Pauline Riggs, they spent the afternoon in Dayton. l\h:. and Mrs. Romo Riggs and daugh.ter, Pauline, Mr. and Mrs. Carl W rigbt, Ruth Eve lyn and Junior, Mr. and Mrs. Wrleht called on Mrs. Rosa. RilP Sunday. Mr. alld Mra. Maurice HlInter and dil<urhter, Dorothy, ~. and Mrs. Ed. Murphy and. Mrs. Lena. Rlgp were Sat urday .afternoon guests .of Mr. and Mrs. 'Robert Fu




No. 2 C


NO. .2 C


11 C 16c 18C 20 C




20 C

I-I .



I Idl'(s~


12C 15c


W. V. COUNTRY GENTLEMAN ... ... .. ..... .


W. V. WHOLE KERNEL ...... ........ ......... .. .. .

EASTER Bay Candy .. PlaceOrrl."./ot2l6.. E•••• • • 1.00 AI. Boz Callv ~'. .. 60c 10 1.00

;.16c· DEL MAlZ NIBLETS ................................. . 17c Peaches No.2 1 ~2 Canl

W. V. GOLDEN BANTAM ......................



~ .......~~.18c

w. N. SEARS· Real Estate and Insurance 22 Year. Experience

Waynesville, Ohio

The Cedarville College MInd ' hol'us. under the direction of KUI I' d Watt Bickett, will pl"Me1lt ' The Holy ity", an oratorio lip \. R. Pa.u l Sunday eve niDI', ~ _l1't., in t he Cedarville ~..b__ ' . iall Church. ~r. Donald Fo~ GI Vayne Ville is a member of u.' t. horus, PUpi18 of t he Wa1DMt'We HiS;h School will remtnn..... the ... cert &'iven b7 tbJa choraa at . . a~sembley Ian December. The'-" ulUor . (hurch of Quid n] etinc at . . lola lJeJlDlUI8II.


~~~~--~----------------------~hC(UNTY I


nt'.1 fe

tllIh II t I II -_...... .. • w w.... w. •• . .Iu{~ ]\fcCab~" l<'rnnkliJI' 1 I'OTTf.o;l) Bnd C T I"LO WER S for 01110 nnd Edith lIow counter Ea.te r , A. ' H. lul>b~. 1t ~1l1 FI'lInk]l" Olli()' ,=-= = -'=:' -==::a CREAMER REFRIGERATION S(RV1CE '111\ \ , ". ~"ifi. J ' pb Bllijey ltilborer Mildl. ATTR~ 1'~VE OFFER fOl' Man 1 .: \ I·.. Th 1111, . • \I idlJ \\. to 'arl tOWll, Ohio and 'Edith L~ng ~ b. \'"1lh Jllck·up truck to opel'Ute Pluls and Service for all Makes of R frio S . • t ~hlr 1\.'.01 I' tJlh' in thr il ~11C1n . hio. ' cl'eu~l r~ute. \VI'itc D.7 ellre lJerators; Molor R winding and Appliance Ir 1:"1' I r , I\~.II \ 11.. Iol'inl! pnrt oI Ther wer no ammon of MIamI Gazette. ""Repairing. A full line of Belte for all apIII It.'''. 1. Pro () dings. WANT OLD RAG' , 5 conts per lI,ury I:. Juhns Ilnll I 111u John~ N ew ::lull. piianc 8 and Pulleys. r·o und fol' go od, so ft, cleun tv ("111 '1 S. lui'l' , I'l' al ll>lt.a t:.c in Mary Agn Barlcer v. n:hony rag No button or hooks. At thl' \ ilia '\ lit' WII~'n . ville, being Barker 101' divorce. The charge is Miami Gazette office. port Jf' .. ut In "r , I. gro n gllect of duty. J. T. Ril y Lebanon, Ohio. 209 E. Mulberry Ka iI· I 111<11 til I"IU] 1\ , ~oth . repr s nts the plailntilf in lh e act- P' teul e. lul~ bl<ingo (lart of the Vir- ion . -c~-' ~ -""'I ginill ~IllIt~ I)'" , Ul'\"(:y No. 3798, in A. O. Griffy vs. Chas . . Ohl'stedt "'al r 11 t I \I II ~, Phi". for money only. Amout claimed FOR SALE: FRIo.: H Order Your II ull l ,,\1 ',\, '111 h, • ellio N w· $326.50 ~d costs f 'o r auto accident R laud, Spring - - - --: Climb, Minni' Newcomb, nlld Clar- Attorney fOJ' the 111ailltiff Meryl No. 1. POTTED or CUT FLOWERS I .:TH" S .. ' 'wclomb to William Coll- B. Gray. I in. find NeW ollil1s, r~l estate Nat..han B. Jurett vs. Mal'}' FOR SALE: Rli: A ?tl Sepal'aLor For EASTER BI:oodcr ,tove, 1 1·2 h .. p. ga~ '\ in ·,th. Villng ,Of l" I:lIlk~i,:, lot No. Jarrett for divorcel. harge is wilaIm engine. LO galion l1.! 111 Ptlt'k 1111 c AdditIon. rul ab ence. Plain1;iff is representcan, G piece Mod ern Dinnetu. A. H. STUBBS Bloadu i' IT. Rusk and M~n ed by Meryl B. Gray. ?ve'r stu ired u ite, a shot gun: Rusk to ChllS. F. 1Ifords and OUlda 2 bed~. Call! rnnge. . F. MelThael the pJace where good fellowship ltc. loh Garage. NOTICE OF PIUBLIC SALE Morris and .Jnlll t' L. , ells' and ~bounds and the fellows find good whole~rnn1a \", l1 , r eu\ ~ LntC' in North - -Sa l m Twp., 11 'ou nty. be. In pursuance of the order of the some food that satisfies their hunger. Probat ourt of Warren ounty, ing in I"'<'clion 3 T. 5 R 3 between Ohio, 1 will orfel' .lIor sale at pubJic Drop in and try our lunch lervice. tin· tIIi:ll11i I h· L. .a u tion on .Ilturday, the 17 day ha F nd Oui<la Moni to ot April, 1937, J!t: 2:00 o'clock.P. , i! • ~ M., 011 t he premieres the followmg \:.!'"~~~~~~~;~~;:~-====~~~~~;:;:==~~::: ~ .Ia.llIe ' L. \, dl,. lind E'mmn Well s . de cribed real e ta.t • to·wit:·' itu_~___ the undi illH! olle-ha lf interest in ate in the iIIage of Wayne ville, 'orlh al m in the OUllty of VVarren and Stnte 'rll\\ n. hlp. WllIl"II1 nunfy bet\\'<' n uf Ohio. to·wit:- Being a pal't of 1I1inmi quare as I~hown on the. reo the !\linmi'Ri n;. corded plat of sma ViLlage; Be. ' nom ro:. 13l"iligoe Lo Hayes and ll. innlng at the. west corn r of ~aid I,ala D. HOll. I'll11 1 ~ lai~ in the Vll- square; thence along the S. E. ide la .... c ,)f Franklin /Jeirlg lols 148, of Main Street '75 feet; t.hence }Jarall I with Hi,~h Str et about H!I, and 150. 11 01;2 feet; thenc.l~ southwe t.wJll"dMarriage Lken.e. ly para)J I with Main Street 12~ • , Jcet t.o the e8_t COlmer of th~ Ohris(al'l r {'lin tI IIg, Jll'oee wot'ker ~ian hurch lot· thence with Sllid in :Stc·e1 ~f'II, Iiddletown, Ohio, lot and P8l'allel' with High Street 101 y ZillC. clerk, pringboro, 40 feet; thence southwe tward ly and parallel with, Main St. 62 feet to the N. E. side of High St.; thence with H igh St. 801;2 :feet to the place of oe~:inning, being a part ()f lot No.6 iln said square and Not with a gun, dub or knife, perhaps but, 1:\0 much of the (lId public squore IlR is covered by tlhe above descrlp .. y~u were more dangeroua in that autotion. Being the sa me premises soJd mobile of youra with faulty brakea-so, to to Mary Etta. Q,rface by Ella t. al"man and Fn!nk ·W. Cannan ease your mind and prot~t the child that by deed dated November '1, 1920, We Welcome Our Friends and Patrona of and recosded in Vol. 108, pag truats you,--come in and let ua reline your 318, Warren olmty, Ohio, Deed LONG YEARS STANDING and Will be Records." Said premi es arc 10· brakes-we can give you the belt lining cated at the northea t corner of that money can buy-Firestone or RayGLAD to Greet New Customer. in thia big Main and High Streets in the Village of Wa.ynesville, Ohio, beatos-P. - G. Lining . . Value Giving Sale. fronting oQ Main Street. . Said premises are appraised at Twenty·five Hunldred ($2600.00 Dollars and must n ot be so ld for I 55 than two-tMrds 0 f said ap· F;veIvanhoe range- I h~~td value. Terms: Ca h in

Phone 130 -

for -

t n 7. 1 III h

MYERS Power Sp~" Rip, Rand ! For Sa" 3 Jehey coWl, fr ab Spray Pump., HOlE', Nozzlel, soon. Di sc Harrow, one mil& louth Hpray Gu"s and A cessorles. Bellbrook. Richard A. Sackett. .Plumbing nn d Heating Supplies. THE BOCKLBT COMPANY, . .iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_ _oii-___ Phone 360, Xenia, Ohio, 416 W. 1otJo. and Mrs. Harvey Burnett, Main St. fU·18·25·m4 an~ Ml'. and Mrs. fIa rold Wltltll' ker and daughter ttended a'll all· pi ce cnsl'mble suitc, lillY mCl'ting of the. Miami ValJ ey 5 cents; Ladies 2 piece short o.opcrntioll Milk Producer's Assport au ites, 70 cents; Lndi s sociaLion at the Biltmore Hotel in pring Coats, 70 cents. QUICK Dayton, Tu sday. LEANER . Kuthl'YIl Mcn dcnhaJl i MI'. AdtIA Eack ret.urned from Mana~r. Rid ,eville, Fi'iday, to ~be ,h ome of - - - - - - - - ' - -_ _ _ _ Mt·. Meta Rogers.


24. Hour S rvice


. -iiiiiiii_-.-__




--=;;;....-..;-;;....---;; . .; ;.;. ;:; . . . ;. :.;.-=:;......------------'""" •


Peck' s Food Shop






Did You Threaten

A Child~s Life Today?



Rogers & Simpson

Office Phone 23

LYTLE NEWS MT. ~d Mrs. Wllltam Dean and daugbter moved to Middletown last. week. A number of Indies from here

Night Phone

$ only

45 00




• This big raoge with nve long .cbimncr Perfection-type butnets is II. reI!. uy at this low price. It bas a built·in '·live·Heat" oven -a nile bakc~. Good·! oking ivory and black finis h. Burner cbimneys. oven pa.llet llnd cabinet back have porc:el ai o fillish; other pares in enumel, lacq uee lind japan.



Marcb 20 to April ~rd


A. B. Cle aver, Adminstra· ~~a of U;~~lc~~~~~e!~er.ary Robert W. BroWll., Attorney £01' th,> adminisw-ator. (March 18, 215, April 1, 8)



'1'0 'J'RU K DEA LEftS S 61 d bld.s will be Tecelved IlY the board of 'rr u$t B of 'Vnyn Town·

s hip, W arren ~Ol.ll1ty. blo, at tho oUlce the clerk: C1f en 'l d tOWnlihlD, ~~-~""· IJ-'QI-'~I!IJe'I. WIlytle8vIIt

att nded the Mother's C1ub at hlo. unll l HOVen 1)'cl9(:k P. M. East· Time W aynesvill Gym FrIday. R. D. COLLETT , ' rn . Standa.rd ..U rU 6.'" lUST Mrs. Mary Carmony spent Suu- Hardware and Implements ne two Ton truck equipped with two )·arcl . capaCity 11)'draullc d u mp day with Mt·. and Mrs. W: F. Clark Waynesville, O . Phone 99R3 bcd, cab, dual w1bl~ela. Ux6 HD tlr 8 anu tully equlppeU. r &4 lor duty. in Waynesville. It I. a lso til I nte~lo n of sal T,· usl ea to offer as 1> t p8.ymt'nt a UI:l7 mod I h i t.erna onn l Tru k tlulpp d with a 1. 1·2 yd.

There's Romance In The


For Economy Prices ~~tklul p, 3 '-14 oz. bottles ... " ............... 2SC FlIC e.,2 S1IIced Dill.. -, qt. J·ar ....... ,.... 12 u7W .. ..

C our, 4 b. bag ................ ...... ..............89c: Bocoan'St, Shredded, lb. ·· ................. : .... 19c: R~ownBI ugar, IS Iba .............................. 24c R~~iba3 Ibs . ...... ... .. ............ ... 13c

bed blOd r slmll submit wltb his

hid naml' and truck dt-rcrcd. 'I'he board ~t


Oltloa.t1ons of th &

M::it o'i:o,

Tr'ust ecs r ea rVC8 ll1e rlglhl to reJed any or all bide. . J sSe Pr B. L. Tbolrnas

W. C. St. .JQtln Trustee. L. u. qordon. 'l"Wp. Cl erk.


Pratty "Sa lly Booth" .ole. had. 8 broken . .. eart




fJtl ndher neww orkhapp...inessa II

r·urse -

';.In t en •· ... "gie." doll,

I .

be s.tu ~s,



to li t tle

s~cre tg

Sealed propos:als wiJl be receiv· ed at the ooffico of the clerk of the Village of Wa ynesville. State of Ohio, until 12 O'clock no 011 on Apr il 3rd,. 1937; for the purchase of bon ds ,of the said Village in the eggregate sum of ,23,000.00 dated the first day of December, 1936, Said bonds will . be fift y iq nv mb er and numbered from one to fifty, both ilnclulJive. Twenty of said. bonds Vli m be in tbe. de~ Mmination of ~~400.00 eacb and thirty of said bo'ndfl will be in the denominat ion of $500.00 each and will draw intere·st at the rate of 4 % per annum. payable semi·annually on the f~rst day of Mar ch and S~ptember ~)f" each year upon presentation and lIurrender oi the jnterellteoupo~ to be attached to said bon lis. Anlf one desiring to do SQ tnay pre~ent a bid or bids fOl' bondll balled on their bearing a. oitter,e nt rate ot ·inter .. e!t than that llel'einabo'Ve speci• I fied, provided that where a irac. 'j.tional interest rate is bid, Buch fraction shall be one quarter one .per c.ent or multiples thereof. Said bonds will be due and parable. as foUo()ws : Twenty ot Bald J:wollda of $400.00 each, one bond due March lst, :1\988 and one bond ella on t he first day of March each year therelll:tter up to and in. cluding Ma.rch let, 1957. Five bonds of $500.()0 each, the first bond being du-e Ma.rch lst, 1958 and one bond o()lll the tirst day of Marc'h eaeh yelllr thereatter up to lind ~cluding 'M arch lIti 1962. Twenty·five bOllds of $500.00 each, the' firs1; bond being due Sept. 1st, 1938 and one bond on the first day of Septem.ber each rear thereafter up to and includ. Ing Sept. lst, 1962. Said bonds are iuued for the purposes of paying the Villare's proportion of cONl.t ructing a Bani· tar')' ane.r syate"1ll for said Villare, in eooperation with the Wora Propell Adminiltration of the Feicleral and under 811thoritr of the of Ohio and of the Ulliform Act and of the vole of the on ember 8, 1986

• ·..... ·.. · ....... .... .. ... .. .... ,.27c

Woodbury'. Facial, Soap, 3 bar. ........ 2SC <IE" Laund ry Soap, 9 b ara, ...... .......... ,... 2Sc "E" Wallpaper Cleaner 3 cans 25Matchel , 10 p k ga . ................... ' .... .. .. oSC .. ... ..........


Patterns that please t.he .eye and will brighten up the home are avail.. able ' in a wide range of materials style~, and prices. Come in and 8e~ this line really fine , rugs.


Aecorciaaae of


Spring House Cleaning Made

EASY New, bright Spring Patterns and colors-make th'e home more attrae tive and liveable. H you are "housecleaDlq" get our prices today. It will pay you to Investigate our llDe

of Wan Paper.

Eiahty-Ninth Year



Whole Nllml.J




Waynesville Farmers' !1 Our Oldest Inhabitants RURNINIGAUlOMORILE 1RAC1 'MEE1S NE}(l Grange has Many I~~~~~~~~gl GAUJES EXCITEMENT ~~F!;!'~~.:E!??'~~,~.:?~,~ Planned Activities SATURDAY EVENING ' ~~~S:I~~~' T~S~~~~ ~::, ~n;l;"o:::du\~-Leb9


AUTOMOBILE OF JIM McDON. Student. Take T rip to Miami Uni. ALD'S BURNS WHILE GAS vera,i ty To See Shape~pear an IS BEING PUT IN TANK Dr&lI)a, "Macbeth."

Will Hold Party Saturday


T'h Home Economic s Committee of Waynesvillc Farmers' Grange is sponsoring another of It.s lib nefit parties " 'sturday evening, Mal' 27 at t he GI'ange HaIl. )rou are allllured a good and a plea. ant vening here. Therc will be games and forms of l!'ntertainment. There will be prizes for the e different games, also a door prize T'here will be no admission charge but a "fl'ee will" contr'ibullon is expected. R efreshme nt.~ are "free." ome nnd 'bring yo ur friend s a nd neighbor. , This do II not m an Grange 1ll'('lnber only bu t evetyon Is most weleome. Grange mem ' ben; please bring ei thel' pop com balls, pop corn cake r candy.

Family Eac:ape. Serioua Injury AS

1', w thnt bash,tha ll season L'I

and :O;PI ing i~ hel the high I'h<wl Ilupil ~ lI l' heeoming tracknind l (I. In just.a f ew weeks the 1m inu ~ ITack meet will be Tun Iff. Alth l1\1~h the xact 41ale ' for he Qunty le i 'lei Me t has not 'l'en dec id ed upoo it wi ll pl'obably Ie May 7th UI· . omel ime near th(ln . 1'he liat f or tl'yo uls at WElyn t! r() \\ nship Hig h School will be \ plil lIih. B wl'e n the two dates Il nl ld, the school ~ ill have m e~ viI h oth l' !<chools, Lehanon and .forl·ow and olher l'chools not yet I ~ dd ~ d Ullon, , \ 'Ct'

Mr, Dic l t'ick, who hu. b~l' n thc Firo& Truck Quickly ' Extingi.h Prof ess-oJ' DC W urld TI i401 Y nt ·F1ames Tank Explode. B IIfontai ne [()t' n~n l ' en 'Y aI's pl'e.- nied a "Pagcan L of th~ Story A Ford automobile, be l nging of Mankind" at. th f1i gh $ chool Waynesville Farmers' GI'ange met for . tbe reglliar me ting last to Jim McDonald threw Main ,·sc mbly Wednesday !lftel'nooll, aturday evening, March 20. AfStreet into high tension of excit eMr, Di etrich ~ hll\q:) d a hand ment lru t Saturday night \\ heli it painted sCt'een d picting piclol'iete, the regular business l'outine a hurst into llam s, most enjoyabl program w~ presally th lI i~tOl')' of th e World, and Mr. McDonald with hi, famil y told storie to cunn ect the l'icented to a large crowd of member had d,:iven in to the vumps n Mr. tUl'e~, and friends by the 'teachers of the Lester Gordol1's garage and had l' Wayne Township School. Mr. 'Diet.l'ich WM h I'C bC'fore in quested that gl,lsolin be pul into the spring ot: , 1931. This meeting WIUI Observed as "teachers' nignt." hi.s tank. As lhe gasoline was b Receive Memory Book. IV A1. of th<, mammoth TRke Tyip lo Miami Univeroity ing put into the cat', flame s bUl'Kl The following progTam was givat the oldesl Inhabitant '{'h i> Se lli o r~ have' ,'ec ived lll emfort h and In a f W second, (h I! ~n with a' committee ting of _ •..,..".. of North Amerh:a 18 the dl. whole car appeared to b afire. Severol high !:'chool stud nt:' and ly hnokfl fl'Qm Th Millet· School nosaur. Once the.y were at Virginia aardln, Raymond BradQuick intelligent handling of facul y lll(m\be l' ~ joul'n y (I 10 mi· [ nU ~ i n('~8 , in in innati, 'fh common in the foothill. of dock, .and Karl Bodenbender in the Canadian Rockies at iluation held the flames in ami niv rsily Saturday, to !ICC ,l iLl cr . chool Be nd ~ its congratulh charge. their successors. the buffalo, ontrol the Wayn sville Fire the Ye Merrie Player ' portray th .lt ions through thes!> Ii t Ue phamlntroducinoll of teachers by Mr. flond aome pf the finest spedD pnl'lmen t arrived on the sce ne great hllkesllC'urenn d l'n mu, "Mac ,It;t , in ,dlich a l' ~ eord of one's \neng IOl thel(e s>re-historic Gar t; Male Quartete, conllisting beth." ' chon] CIII'ct l' mllY be l'ecorded. iCre~tureJ to be unearthed, and quickly extingui hed t hem be · of Mr. Crabbe, Mr. French, Mr. have been found in the Red The day which seem d a typical , he , en iOI~ np pl'eciate these book fore more erious damage wall Brown and Mr. Frank j Song by Deer VaUey, a wild. uotic done. !llwing day rOl' the : t u,I '·o!.s. turn· fL~ now, and wil\ tJ'easure them a\l the teache~ "Drink to Me piece of countl'1~ lying be. Th occupants of the car es. ' ed int.o a very dillo rd cr ly 61H! shor t nOI'e dear in latcr ye~rs as th y "'r'"~.' .C:_.J~"'''''.:'~' 1U1l""1' tween Calgary a. n d Edmon. Onl'1/ With Thine Eyes"; "Current Iy afte r they)' ueheu the Univer· look back to sse the nickn ames, r~lI' ~ety .of ~nosaur ~as the camiverous or .flesli-eating. cllped uninjur d from what might Events," Mr. Ferguson j Ladies aphs allow 1IC1eDtiSti ell3nuning parts of re.main's· that have ! have been a seriouH situation h.lld "ity. The beautiful CUIllPUS turn - ellchcrs advi, ,and all about their ed . in the }ted Deer Valley and a reconltructc!d akeletolll Quartet, Miss Roe, Miss SmltJt, ~~~~~~~~~~'~. .cd into a very dreat'ji place a~ the :I'alluution activities, clnaveroul ~ino~ur in. museums in New York. '\ Miss Re-cder, Miss liardin; Piano th flames ~'e acned the gasoJin bail and dust ' \01'01 struck it. Tb l1 , wcre fo~d an th.1 "e.cnon of the Can:utian We~1t duet, Miss Campbell and M~ I ' Mr. nnd Mrs, L. H, Gordon and 6 1. tank and caused it to explode. Mr. R, P o' William s, Rccl'eaLional building. quivered by the · gl'eal Ker ey. Male Quartet, Mr. Crnbbe Mra. ~mma McOlure attended the force of th sto 11'1l , but in a fe" , upel'visol', c{lllducted t he follo.wMr. French, Mr. Brown and Mr. M~sonlc . banquet at Morrow On Wayn ,esviII Boy Scouts, lInder This was their fi~ t trip out and min\ltes, everything reLurn d to ng IIth<'letic f eat.s ,ror 0\11' local FT k Friday nIght of last week. the leadership of a. s1stant Scout they are ~'eed tlwt many more fO llllA' -tel'S of 16 or Ulld t. , an _._ _ _ " , Miss Abby Graham spent Friday Ma :ter, Ferguson, went, last Satur- will be undel tllken in the ftlture as its aIm sUtte again. Boy!!, Dip on Floor: Matheh Tur ',f he play W~ greatly njoycd Ievening with Miss Ro e Wilkerson lta;y to a field near Oregonia where th y progl'e s in cO\.1ting. l eI', 2U$ ; Robert Britinn, 16 by all who saw it, rt was !mel! at MOI'row. they spent the day digging in wbat A number of bonl:!s were found im \' ; Gen Th ompson, 14 timesj with many s ne which mude th Irs. L. H. Gordon Ilnd Mrs, is b I ived to be Indian and prehls- lying In 8. heap but no flkelton Long Rcach; K nnah Paldn, 4 audience gasp. Th e play made Th e members of the bOYIi and orlc mounda. were found. Some of the boy thot 'eet, 11 inch S j Gene T'homp on, on~ fecI as tllQugh he \y l'(! back. in . The boys found several keltons thlll,t the bQdJes of oldiel'll had girls glee clubs D,re deeply engross1 ie t, to inches thedays of " [acbeth," '1'h(! day , and fanllly. In SpringfIeld. preparations for the High. d in and inter sting articles, been bul'ied In a heap after a Standing B.'oad J,ump: r.laLhew ONLY A FEW PUBLICATIONS , A group of Fair Board members About. fifteen boys made the tl'!p batUe since it 1.\'0$ evi l1cnco t.hat School Operetta entiLled "The ,as ended by the lnying of th( rumer, 6 feet, I) inches j Robcl't traitor, l\l'(Icbelh. cowardly unbonnet Girl" hy Geoffrey F. , IN U.S. ARE MEMBERS OF , met at,. th horne of Mr. 81'l Duke Laking theil! dinners and camPin g \ there wall no sy mnlie order of dLian, 5 feet, 5 inches; Gene Wl)r(.': Mis~' H:u Those who went. Morgan and Fredrick G. Johnson, IIU t Monday e\' ning. , THE CLUB tn true Scou t fashion for the day. burying, din, '1 '. Gal' t, Mr. Dr wn, Mr, fhompson 5 feet, 4 inches, _~ Mr. Charle Chapman pent tht to be prese!}t April l ' and 2, Hil"{h. Kick: a ne ThOmpson, 6 The G .... t. I. Coaaid....abl. Old... ! week-end with his parents, Mr. aod It is a very modern sLory con- Frank, Mildred ook, Rachel Hart Tha~ Moat Publication.. lu M~'8. J. B. hapmlln. si ting of two actll which ' take man, harlotte Hartman, Vivian 'eet, 10 inches; Don sborn,5 feet onner, Ruth onner, Eklie Ma J inche. ; Virgil Parker, 6 feet 2 T ___ Of 11Iia Si.. Mr. and Mr • Levi Luken s and place in the garden uf Mr. a.nQ Wical, uella Bernard, Loui se Zim inches, Mrs. Hiram M adows, portrayed The Miami Gazette received, this family <If Sayette, Ohio, were ~n Potato Race: Gene, ThOl'TlpSOll, k ·ti f The Ameri , day guests of Mr. and Mrs. WIIby Margi e Gustin and Wilton merman, and ~'-al'gie Tinney. ,0 3·5 . econd!"; Rob rt Britian, 21 - !iam Lukens and family. WAYNESVILLE M. , E. CHURCH ' wee ,recogm ~n rom WAYNESVILLE CHURCH Hll;rts ock. Mrs. Col man, played by JESSE LEWIS K.ILLE.D IN AUTO can Press ASSOCIation, a very much . Mr G F B M P IM 1-5 second,; Jr. Stansberry, 22 OF CHRIST Anna Gay Treadway, who is Pres· coveted prize in the form of a cer- ' k . . . rown,. r, . ear cACCIDENT , CALlFORNIA ,econds. During this week we $re holding " i <- • if' 'f II bel' hl'p Mu en, Carey ident of the State Federation, of LAST THURSDAY P. M. th ca"", 81gn ymg II mem . _ and Mr. VIOla . . of a ~ r'ies of Holy W e k servil)es in W . C. Smith, Min'ioter Girls' tamling Broad Jump: . th e Half C · CI u. b IL banon 'M usie, is holding n. M u ie Seholal'In entury .~ ere c;a.lhng ()n f[Jends . ' which w'e are following the acti. Tnis second week of our r eviv· ship contest, She, is accompanied Mother Receive. Word of Virginia chuler, 4 feet 2 inches, Throughout the United states, and relattve.s, h r , last FrIday. Potato Racc: Jean McClure, 24 But Particularo Are Not Y C't . t'Iga t·Ion eon d uc ted by The ' h (r, Ernest I-larlan, of Dayton, vities and teachings or Christ from 0.1 'Wjth the audienc growing each by her on , Frank LvMay Jr., her an Inves ,ecoT)d ; Virginia ' chuler, 29 sec· KaoWll, Family Survive A . P A 0 .a tion has re as purchased the J'oulley farm on day to day. night and much interest manifest, daughtel' Delores Clark; and their Ind. m rlcan ress 58 '7 Thll.rsday is th.e day of com- makes it the best revival we have friend, Jerry Jackson, Robert - the Ferry road. veal d that comparatlv Iy few pau S b S" r Clevan el d Mr, Jes e l.ewi~. or Sun Frnnci· Sr, Supcl'vi~ol', Mary Allen 'f f r ' naYS. aI's "av,', 0 munion: and at 7:45 p. m. wewill in ye8l's. had Preston. The contestants con si.!t pers have been able to qua II y 0 1\1 r. II . H. $h ep h ar d, 0 i.M ansf'Ie Id observe the eonununlon of tb sco, Califo rn itt \Hl, killc:d ill 011 attendance Sunday Bible schoo l Miranda Meadows, p:layed by of >fASTER TOMMY \VAGNER IS b th e H a If Cent ury Cl u. I d M' h . ' automobile accident la. t Th Tsday wa 68 wbich W11S 3 0 above the Erma The Gazett has been been pub- an IS . Grete en Germg were l,.ord's Supper. hock y; adle Simkins, EIGHT YEARS OLD AND afteTnoon. HAS PARTY FOR FRIENDS Il.!hed for many more years than ~un~:y gues of Mr. and Mt's. J. 011 Good FdclBY a special canta- pr vious Sunday. Our aim thi s POI trayed by Evelyn John s ; Lu elParticular of the accident w<!J."e the half c ntury and is well on Its I ',.. apmdan · W 'I . L k ta will be sung at the Episcopal Sunday is to hav 100, Come and la Lumpton by Mabel Franerj an~ not forwar,d ed to lhe j:!lll1i ly her e Littl e Tommy Wagner celebratMr · b ll.r. an 'S, I lam u 'cn h h 0 h h h . I "each the goal. help u Evalina CI'oggs by Mildred Cook. '!'ay fo~ the , Century CIu b . VI hIC _ at t ncled a party at the horne Cif C ~rc. urc urc as a specla a this goe ~ to pl'es.s. ud his eighth birthtlay an ,n iversal'y O~r sermo n subjects discu sed The leads are taken by Bob, Frank 18 the hIghest degree ,among news E A W Ib ' M' " b' Invitation to attend and He is 'liUI'vivf;d lJy hi. wife, Eva, uy having' a. group of .e ight children e aum In laml urg, on pate in thO service. So will this week 'Will be, begining t.onight LeMay; and Sue, Vi,v ian Conner. Il. daughtel', Maria'l), 11 I>o n, Hicha rd, LIId his lcachel', Mr., Jack Ker ey, papers~__ _ _ _ \ atul'clay evening. " , be no m ee tin~ in our church on March 25th, "The Christ of the unbonne~ Sue is an prphan all of Culifol'nia; a son, Ethan pf L hi home on alul'day afternoon. LYTLE NEWS J\2r. William of Day. Frjday. New Testam nt." who was w ken in by comedy char- . nnapoli s, Ma l'ylund" nnd hi~ fhe aitemoon was pent playing M1,'8. Margar-;tJOhna and Mrs. ~on, and Mrs. William Gmham of Next Sunday is Easter and we March 26th, "Past Feeling", cters, Mr. and Mrs. Abijah mother, Mrs. Lizzie Le\ i ' of thi.; .l'lIln s nftcl' which delicio~s re111. Longacre. and 80n, Keith wer~ ~~~!~l:ne:~ ~~~~y.of Mrs. W. ~r. will b gin the day with a Sun Rise. March 28th, Sunday 1l1 0 l'ning, Ocrogg , protrayecl by Ruth 011· llace. f r ll, hmen!. wel'e sel ved. WCilneaday dlOner guestll of Mrs. ' M CI C dd k d ' t 6 00 At 7 00 t 9:30 a, m., "Recovering A LOflt n r and Robert Hiatt. McSpavin . H d rs. arence ra oc an me tlllg a : a. m. n ; , a. N n' B I' MOTHERsyo HEAiiSPEAKER d hte B t ' I L m. breakia st will be served in , the w Lestament e Jef," Casue ar y. the .constable, Charles Hoyle j and FROM MIAMI UNIVERSITY H8l'vey Burnet attendecl a co- aug 1', a rIce a".< son, e<\. dinin~ room of the church. Thill Bible chool at 10 :~O a. m. his so n Reuben, Earl Mendenhall We wish to thank our neighbor, AT SESSION FRID~Y o~erative milk meeting in Spring ~~ ~:~e M:~ ~IP~ ~I!~e:no: ~:;" br Il.kfast is free and you are cor- Sunday evening, '7 '~O p. m. "II! also add to the fun. There be biends and r elativ 's for th'il' field, Friday. A T St d S 'd dially. invited to come , worship One Church As 00, ~8 Another" Lapping and , dancing choruses and kindness to us in t ho sickn ss ano 'Tltt! 11Iwlal' meeti ng of th e 'll' R ogers 0 f Ma. on· . M . · cou, If \tOil don't ha" 0. CllUl'ch 'M1'8. W I lam .on·1m ay. and ·e at with , us. ' ,, ~ village boys and girls there to add death -of our I1'IOth Ol', Ml'rl. J£mma 1ol hel,,' Ill b will be held oOn . Th rsda witb her aunt, Mrs. r. A-nd Mrs, WIll t. John and horne, cpme visit U ll and ee if to the entertainment. Don't; miss T. Eyer. ," L"idtly, April 2 at th~ Grade School . ~t.ant R U Y (laughter, Ro e Mary spent Sunday Sl:'nday School at 9 :30 a, m. and Id 't l'k >Ai: b ..n il ogera f th S d S h I 'II you wou n J 0 to ....."e mem er- Lhe big hit of the year by the ,Iep ' Also the Lytle Ladi es A id SO<'- fJ uileling. I .' b f. fri d from with Mr. and Mrs. Harry 'D umford rom e un soy e 00 we ~I ship. club under the dtrection of Mr. iety, the nei~hbors and l·(!hlliVI'.~1 l\1,is.~ R~lh llocket of Miami Un,i. A arge num e1' 0 en s ,in Bellbrook. go immediate ly into the mornIng, _. _ __ here attend~d tbe funeral of Mrs. M h I A d h ' wQrship service. FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST Fra nk assisted by Mis" Smith and Cor the beauhl"ul flowers, Rt'v. Dl- Je l'!:;lty WIll be the speaker of at W. nesville. 'Friday. ~'. a1' es. n erson as been Lu~y D Mr. 'Brown. ' JYkeC Y f Sp~ingfield confJned to hIS borne on, account The . pastor will preach a 'short W. C. Sm·jth, Mini.ter beT~ and. ,Mr. A. ~. ,'lllbb ~ rOl' l, h,e 11ft r~oon. A hutncrrous skit, y o. -II". __ ' adrmon ' th hiS of sicknes . sermon on the subject of "The Bible School ~7ao a. m, ,1'111 be given a nd the first grade MISS --PICKER I NC:-<:ENTER. thelr e:fflclent ~el'VI r ' . spenht T~S a~ eve~~:~y ~f'rs, Nannie Cunningham, and Pow r of the Resurrection," after Pr(>sching I\t 11 m, VILLE RECE.IV.ES HIGH Mi'!!. Warr n Sudacc and fUmil ~' Itlpils will put on th e program. mO~i::' M:'iam ·~a~()n v;as a daughter, Eloise, and ' Mr. Lyle Ro .. 'w hich he will bapt'i e infants and Semon Bubject, " Recovering a RATING IN CONTEST ' . '-0 "f Miss Mil berts, of Dayton, were gu _ ts of adults and reccive members' into l,.ost New Te't8ment Belief." S day nUl'u" '" guest Mr. an d Mrs. 'B. T . V'lce, 011 Sun· ' the chu"ch d d Y un tI . D ytcJ 'l " , TueJlda):' evening, 7 :30 Prayer H•• Leadina Role · In Hilh School I'I! , .. OU g, m a " 'B t ' day; ' At 7 :aO p. m. tne choir will meetl'n'" In parsonagl". Operetta To 'B. Given In The , Mr. and MI'll.. Barvey uroe a..... .' • . ~ " d d,' t • t eetin, of the' MI'. and Mrs. Edward T'homas rend r e. P1'01&ram of Easter mu!nc. Wedn esday, 2 p. m. Missionary Nea.. Futur. tend.e a 18?C m W d I spent Sund Y' with Mr. and Ml'S, You arc heartily invited to at- Ladies' me t , with }{rs. Lydia Cole That little incident set us to Friday afternoon ~y()ur editol Miss fna Pickering, daughter of Farm Bure: In ~non. on e William Thomas and daughter in teno to tak~ part and enjoy mall in Waynesvillc, The women hinkinghow many of our suban , interos lll1g me e ting witncssed Mr. and Mrs. Cad Pickering renesday of t -W d Mason ' •, or all of these se rvices with us. ft·o ... both ch'ul'ches are l·n,..;'ted to Mr. and Mrs. J. B, ,Jones a!l • ' " . . " ." .. cribel's are old friends that have of old friends. ceived a uperlor ratirig at the Mra. Marg-.rll t, Jobn. were Sunday Mrs. Al Polin sky was in Cmem.~_G_. _C:.- r:bert, Pastor, attend. ot 'I'net for many .years! How While ~itting hHe ot th e desk Cerltral Ohio District Contest held inner ll~ ..t<' f"~ , h ~~d 'Mrs. natl on T'u~ day, Shl'! was a guest ASS EMBLY PROGRAM AT 2 ------:-- - - - - d at Gr-eenvillc, Ohio. At a later date a couple cam e in, anounecd that ) ng ha it be n ince friends have " d at a lunchcoll at the Netherland P. M. IN THE HIGH 'ST. MARY'S I;:I'ISCOPAL Therle J ones an IIGD. , Plaza. , CHURC:H she' will enter the state vocal COli- they were "old l'es ident.ers" hert Iud any word tram them since Mr and 14ra. Clyde whart01l . . SCHOOL GY~NASJUM /it Waynesville" and wanted, to hey went away?, test. , : ' t Satuid.v )fr. E. F. LeMay, of Atlanta" G d "'-.·d ill 1 b d So thinking tlut,t; it might be pos and daughters, apen , # Geotgill. 'WllS a week-e nd guest ' of' Reverend ,Smith, pastor of 00 .J.' II ay w ~ 0 serve at Miss P.ickering also has the. lead su bscribe for The Miami Gazette , to have a tittle visit aero ible ", dth M~. and Mrs. Motrls WbarWJ\ M't'. "nd 'Mrs" F. U. Le""ay and Chtistian Church of Waynesvjlle the Episcopal church at 7:30 p. m. i~g ,role ' in the Centerville High They 'said it had ",been yeara/l "A ... "I' Rev John J. Sehllcffer will be Schal)l ope-retta entitlcd "JtO\1-8 of since- there had been any connec' lese patres~ your editor takes the m Daywn. '..' Fra'_t.. S 'th and family, wiU delivey the Good Friday a,d · ., berty of suggesting a $ystem he oM'r. a.,nd mr.. ,..... mI . '. M , d r e s s at, ~he assembley, program assisted ,i n conduetilag the service the Danube" to be given a~ the famUy attended th,e funeral of )in r~ , and . Mts. S', S. Ellis, Mrs. Fl'iday afterllOon at two o'clock. by' Rev. G. C, Dibert, PllStor of the \:enterville 'r.ownship Hall, April 2 tion with folk back home and So 'opes "will tnke" among those of Smitb's father, Hiram Smith in Maude Crane, and Mrs. -Roy Ear'n Methodist churcn; , wanted the paper to keep alive the I OU who have galle away. Da)'ton, Tuesday. hatt were guet\ts of Mn. Otho Hen The I\ssemb~y will be: ODI~nl!al Th e ehoir augrne.loted by mem- and Srd. fond memori s , which they hold of He~'e i, simple a,nd eas)'. Mrs. Atmee Swank and lion, Ro- de,son on Thur da.y. 'V\'i.Ut group t~nging aft&t whieh bel'$ of the ,Methodist choir will SHOWER GIVEN IN HONOR OF Waynesville. Looking ovel' the list r>! &Ub. b ert arll ill at f,Ms writting. Mrs. Bertha 'Peters, Robert and Opal Henderson wll\ read the render the cantata "Calvary", by RECENT BRIDE AT HOME Before we had finished making 'cribers, we find that 'U len are Linnie Williamll and 1(1'0 Walter Peters, John Richerts, Jr., SCI ipture and Margie Gustin RenT}' Wessel. OF F. H. MILTENBERGER ' he proper entries on ur books, many way off in California wllO Hillard Greenwood at Lebanon, and Charles Middleton, of Dayton lead thil prayer, The public is cordially invited. another couple stepped in A pecu- i;ake this paper. - and' they are "ere dinner gueet4\ Sun4&y visited Mr. ad Mra. Walter Elzey Special musle will be Easter Day St. )~llff'B congre- MaD,. B...tif.1 aad U••lul Gift. liar, strained condition wall notic- not eloae to one an other either. 0 , Be.towecl Upoa the Bride to in&' o()f Mr. and Xu. Walter and Mrs. Della Venable on Sun- by the. st\ldcnts of music. gation will go t.o is to jotn in ,1ple as these lour p pole stood we uk you readeJ'.!I out \he~ ill Help Mak. the N.w HOIII. eyeing one another and yet try- that western state to write 118 a rick. ' day. !IT. AUGUSTiNi CHURCH the services at churCh. Mn. Marpret JOMe and 1ll'8. Mr. and Mn Charles Taylor, of ' Father Newton, Pastor The Rt. Rev. Wt.e 'Bob]Ill'll. F. H. Miltenberger and d:l.u ing to hid there inLel'est in one word concerning yourself aDd fam StanleJ Baney a~decl the tun- Fort Wayne, Indiana, l\1\''8r~ SunMua at at.. Au._tin .... ehurcla 80n, billhop of Ohio .hwr, IIrs., C. C. Archdeacon en· ~nother unde:t;' the mask of a i1y or the thin.. that are around eraJ of Mra,. Helen TUTller of ntal' day guests of Mr. and lira. CJar- lVel7 SundQ mornlnc. ' dloeeee, will the rite of tertained with a mlscellane<lul\ matter-of-fact business attitude. about you that ... apealal ... Bellbrook, W~n"'y aftern,on, ence Edwards and ~aupter, &rid . .I£m confirmation, aod be eele- shower in honor of tbe l'eoent bride But, tbe strain was releived as, terest--Iet Us 1Iaye C.Ulo.... 01 lIeredith Whitaker of Wltten- Mr. Allen Kibler aecompankld J'lnt.4IaJ School at 1:10 . . . . brant at the of HolJ Com. ·1IIra. 11110 1IIiltenbeqer at the Mn- 'lpon the announcement of a name t4:ra for th. 1M tenbereel' bome near L)'tle on Sun the old friends threw ..ide all Arizon, T..... ~ , . 1aerw Coli., SprlDafield spat 1u\ them bome for. tew week'. vkit. • fOI Wo1'lldp a' 10110 mufticm_,~~ 8aJadaJr IWlth Ida . . ._ Mr••nd lIa Ralph Weaver ud 10.... 01 . . y..~tt.;-;aD;4c1 the'r aftenloon. 1IaDJ IIfta-beauf Cormalities .nd a rei'll... WIdest. sue of APril 11' . . . ~. ' friaiSe 011 0Id0 .... taal-.d aMfW were beIItowed DPOD «ot IlDderw&f. It IJHm t.lUtt

Will Hold' ReDefit Party Nut Sat. urcla, Night, BinlO, Other Game. In Full Evenillw'. ' Fun







:~~:~r.~~~,I~~a ~~I~.~n ~::~~y





', .





Request Far OffR ead~ For Friends At H lne


Write -=










after- bacbit met fOr... ,.ta-.UI..

NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT 4-% per annum, par.ble Mml-aft- of bonds bid for and the IrfOU Executor nually on the tl!'llt da, of Marcil "mount of bid and arerued InterE.tet" of JOBatha. M. Cook. and Se-ptembvr of eacli year upon est t.o date or delivery. All bIds Nntioll I..t'1.·('~ Dec,;ued fires ntatlon and lurrender of Ute to be arcompani d with a eertifi~d Ent !'rcd nL t 11\' p, ,I l,l[ It', .n! i(·(' !~ hHeby Riven that iut.ereat c!ouPONI to be attached to check pB-yable to the- Village M III Wayn!'svUJr. (lith', .1' ]1, , i~, L, lJDk who~" Post Office &aid bonds, Any olle deRirlne to Waynesville. Ohio for $500.00, up· 1IIId/l ~s i" Wayn e yllle, Ohio hall tlo 80 may present a bid or bids on the condition that If the bid CII,I ~~ Illil )1:1tl l' t' I l rn Iluly appoint!'tl 118 Executrix (or said bonds based on their i.1 accepted, the bidder will receive flf th~ E~'at(' of Jonathan M. ook bearing a dirf rent rate of inter- and pay for Iluch bonds as may be Harold D. WaliA, Editor I II t l (\ r Worren ounty. Ohio, de- cst than that hereinabove speci. i.sued a above 01. forth witl\in :.... el a, d, ' f'ed, provid d that wh re a frae. thirty days from the \time of 1~~ll J::n Enmy TI1(T!Ui)l\\ lIalc'lI thi~ 9th dny of Mllrch 1937 Uonlll interest rille is bid, such award, said check to be t-etained O(fil"C Phunr . t~lnl<!~' &, • Ul nlt'y &. fl'action shall be one quarter of by fla ld ViLlage if ~ ald condition is . 'uhJlr riptiun Priel', ,1.50, ) I!llr L. M. II . n(\CI'l'Ol1, Atty.. 1I per cent or multipl s theroof. not fulfilled . RALPH H. AREY 1 Said bonds wiU be due and pay- The Villago of Waynesvill, J udge of the Prolial~ Court. pble as follows: Tw ntf of said Ohio, will furnish an opinion as to \ lll'ren CO<lIlLy, hl~. "onds of $400.00 each, one bond thl' vulidit.y of lIaid bonds by (March 18, 25 and Apnlldu 1tlarch 1st, HIS8 and on e bond Squire, anti l' & Dempsey, o r CO TO CHURCH SUN AY dUe on the fir t day of March leveland, Ohio. NOTiCE; OF PUBLlC SALE - --, nch yeal' th rea/tel' U]) to and jnRight iR res l"ved to reject Any t thc- al'Lcl' sea'un, UUI' Lhob Five l' II.)) bids. I n. lllll' \lance of tbe order of the eluding March lilt, 1957. tll!'n, (luile n:ltulHlly, 10 the n ·lIl'robal(l OUl·t of Wart' n County, bonds of $500.00 each, the fh"St lIlIi(), 1 will offer Cor sale. at 'p-qb.Jic bond bing due Murch 1st, 1958 . (SEAL) .· . Kinu/; t.'ndclw()r. b"lnl! PUt f or th B. ' K. RENU~RSON, CLERK. allctivn . on Saturday, the 17 c.lay and one bond IOn tlle first day of by ihe varioll!; chuJ'ch h n di(·~ in ot April. 1937, at 2:00 o'clock P. :MaJ'ch each year Lbereaf~er up to IIU r mid_l. Th{' good and n(, bl " 111., on the IlI'emis~s the followin and i,ncluding March 1st, 1962. itnpuL ti "ith!n u:; a\\llk"11 (I. the {!esclib d r ul e tate, to-wit : " itu- Tw enty-nve bonds of $500.00 1 {'w lif of '(wing SUI'l~~. lhru OUI' ate in lhe Village of Wayn aville, (?!lc b. the 1irst bond being due Ask for a in Lhe County of Warren and tnte ~ept. 1st, Hl38 and on bond on lnlire h.·ing-. EXP1(,.~ ion (d lh .. C>f Ohio. Lo-wit:Being a part of the Cirst day of September each Miamisburg Permanent .I"r f Jivil1~ i, "o ught. 0, f(>("ogni :11111011 Squa re as shown on the re- year thereafter up to and includ. .. ill!: GI ld, We' Lllrn in gnal r JlUConcrete eNded plut of said VilJage; B~ ing Sept. Ult, 1962 . lllborll, a thi8 :easan of the )' t'lIr, l1.inning nt the we t corner of said Said bonds or is!!Iued tor the. Air Seal Burial Vault f) 1l8I'e: thc~ce along the S. E. side purposes of paying the Village's t,l thc church. thai, lhru iLs wur~lf Main Stl' ~et 75 fe et: thence proportion of con.~tructing a sanit hili progl'om we III ight eome near For Sale only by ,P Uflll\ I with High Street about tary sewer system for said Village, "1· t o Him. GI'-l1t(' r ol c- ndnnce . Ll 9 ~ feet: t henc so uthw cstword- in, cooperation with th e Works hnd mOle inlcr .. ct in I elil,rlou!\ I. parllll el with Main tr(' t 12 ~ Progre s Administration of tho Your Funeral Director , ll1l\tt~rs I' ult. nd, ~o , to meet feel. Lo th a. t corn el' of the Cbris· F deral Government, and under ~=-====== tion hurc h lot; th ence with aid authority of the law of Ohio and t h~ !Iced in th lives of OUI' J.l oMcClure Funeral Home lot and parallel with High treet of the Unifonn Bond Ac t and of J Ie, \\' llyn ville churches ~re now 40 f et; t4ence southwestwardly the vote of the el ctors on Nov. Pho... 7 W.'D..~II., o. '1100 Dring Holy We ek ' rvices in lind parallel with Main St. 62'A1 ember 3, 1!lB6 and under and in :1) cilll progtl1l11S. We heartily t:efe ' t to the N. ~. sid e of High t. j accordance with a certain ordin. ~=======:;.:=====; th nce with High t. 80lA! feet to unee of said Village entitled "Or- :: - ----~co mm lid the attendance uvon the place of beil-inning, being a dinance providing for the issuance _~-----~-....- " " - these serin!c~ in th(' commu nity' part of lot No.5 ill said $quare and of bonds of the Village of WaynC1lin~titution.... We 'w ill all be b ette r ~o much of the old public square villc, Ohio for the purpose of paySOUTHERN PALMS wave in' the breezes 01 Lako Erie as Yeornanette. of the 'O reAt Lakea Exposition UR is covered by the above de crip- ing the Village's proportion of con. fllr having attended them. Try it. It Cleveland stroll through the 150 acres of the big sho ... that ope"., all new and er..ter,. on Ma!" Z9 to rurt lion. Being the ame premises soJd stru(l ting a. sanitary sewer syaNOT TRAINED? for JOI d~.. In the background 18 the big modernistic Varied Industries Building. whlc:h boURS the exhjbit. to Mary Etta: Surface 'by Ella I. tem for said Village under the of the nation', manufacturers and which I, a compan.lotl buDding to the lOO,OOO-lQuare-foot HaD Clf Procreu nl'man and Frank W. Cal"man Works Progress AdminIstration .. ur is 0 country of unbel iev- that ahoWl the developme.nt of the home through modem acience and electricity, A marine theme mariti thAI by deed dated N(\vembec 1, 1920, and <of the levy of a tall to pro. "THE HOME OF GIFTS" lile inconsi tencies. For five Exposition, whicb haa U I ~hief entertainment featu re Billy Roee', buge 5.000 leat th_ter. restaurant, and r corded in Vol. 108, page ,ide for Ithe pIlyYnQtlt tb.areof", Aquaca4e, with ita ecompan)' of 500 Lady.Oo-Diving girle headed b)' Eleanor Holm Jarrett, Aquabelle No.1 of :.J 18, Warr en ounty, Ohio, Deed passed November 17th, J936 and yl'ars our big problem has bo n Lebanon, Ohio the abow. More than 30 foreign nationa will be represented in the "Streets of the World" at the Expolltio". Records." Said premises are 10- of an amendment to said ordin. . tl.e unemployed. Now we are fac e which will draw more than ~,OOO ,OOO visitofl from CalUlda and the United Statet thla aummer. c ted at the northea.~t corner of ance passed on th 3rd day of EXPERT WATCH to face with a l' covery \.hat i be· Main a nd Big" Streets in the February, 1937, and are payable REPAIRING ing retarded by a reported shortiI1age of Waynesville, Ohio, from taxes unlimited as to amount fronting on Main Street. or rll,te • .age of skilled labor- what werc QWD.I_ Mat...l.b Benefit Fal'mers-G, W. Conrey Said p;em' es are appraised at ~d bonds will be sold to the thl> young people about during the Tw nty-flve Hurubed ($250'0.00 highest bidder f-or 1I0t. Jc. tha.n gronomy Dept. Prompt Service depT ssion? Evidenity they were Dollars and must not be sO.ld for: the face value thereof and ac. !l :50 to 10 Answers to Farmers' It s. than two-thirds of s81d ap- cl'ued interellt. not being trained for plac in . Store open until 9 p, m. Questlonll--Fal1n Night Reportel·. rrn l ed value. Tenns: Cash in All bid t t ,- th indus~. The 400,000 new young hand. B mus s a.... e number people. seeking employment each LOCALN-E-;~ A. Adminstrayear WIll have to learn to respect , , tor B. of Cleaver, the estate of Mary "-;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~33~~~~~~~~~~~ Etta Surface, deceased, · manual tasks a& much as white. a .. E I THE SERVICE BEAUTIFULl\f . ~ve yn Watkms and s~n, Robert W. Brown, Attorney collar jobs. Roger, spel1t the wElek-end WIth l Ol' the admin' trawl'. REGARDLESS of how much or little you can afford Mr. (lnd Mrs. Carl a~lker, in Ma(March 18, 25, April 1, 8) A MEDIEVAL SYSTEM to spend for a funeral servlce-our foremost considson. NOT I E TO Til OK;DE LEI( "Are we going to establish in Thanks to Mrs. B, F. Vaughn of a reUred minL tflr, IIIr, ollctl ' as Th Annual Achi l'!Vcm ent Day eration is . . . beauty. All of our large stock ot 1'1\1 d bids will be r c celv d by the this country a medtieval ~y stem ente.rvilJe, a copy of The Miami an uncle of ou r tllwnsmnn, Mr, for the Home Demonstration boa rd ot T ruBte " of Wnyn Town· equipment is placed at our clients' disposal ~nd the ~h lr.' 'Warren County. Ohio, nt tllO under which a man ie not allowed GUette, da.ted Oct.ober 27, 1886, John Coll(ltL Hawke. Work will be held Oirl April 2 at off ell Of th t:lerk Off 110.1<1 lown.hIP. numerous details of a service are painstakingly at· Il.l .ordon·e Gnruge. \ nY~8ville to enter a business i! hi prospec- J'ecently come into our hands, and M(mt~1 "uJtlll· wa~ not iguvl'ed, Lebanon. hlo, until se \'en 0 '\110<:11. p . M. E1I.8t~ tl tended to 80 that the re ult will be one of infinite ' tive competitor are too soft or we find ,nu h of intel'est in i as OR i~ te:ti£ rI by 0 l'\·P9rt. of the tlrl) ·tnndll.r<1 'rIme MII;:s' Suo rane i~1 pending a dignity and beauty. At our mortuary, the client·-too numerous to .stand hi compet; many changes have come into our "WlIyhe Inl.'titule" by t he gt'uce- ! IV daYl'\ with 11k Wild M'rs. Forn" two ~\f;!l t~~!k le~'JI Pped with two )'ltTd cn~lacl ty "ydraull dlJmp tio n?" a sks Bu ineas Week. "That Iittl community in hall a century. ful p n of Linclu H. Ilaine... , a !!is- lest Graham and family. can be assured of a service that will leave an inb ed , cob, dual "\WIe.ets, 3~x8 HD llr~A IItted.hwaite-. . a.nd' fUJl y 8QulppeO, r ad tor duty. eems to be what some of our ThoDla5 J. Brown e was th edi- tt'l' of h . hal'lc finitely beautiful memory·picture to trea ure thru It 18 nil!! lbe Int ntlen Of aal price.fixl'pgin&! laws ar Jeading tor at the tim.e and Mr. Browne WILL TELL - OFINCREASINC Truetc II to oUer 0.8 pnrt payment .. the years. 1927 mell e.1 Int ernntional Truck up to." st.:\ted in a short purngrnph that IMPORTANCE OF SOYBEANS Q\llpJ)c(\ with I\. 1 l-~ yd. dump <bed EMil b(()(J{'r ahall 8ubmlt with hla Busin€' s W ek then cites a law with tha.t 'Vi eek he wa beginning !J(() nam and liP cltleations or t.1l in a Middle-Weste rn tate ullder his ilixth year's conncction with On Fum Nig ht Radio Program of trllck. ()ff r d. W.oS U, Mqnd&.Y\ Mial'<'.h 29 which all car dealers are licensed The Gazett e (and it l'clI1aincd in The to bo ard OIl Trustc 8 reservee lbe ~I rill/ht reject any or 111\ bide. All Int~led in Farm Life J P8811 Pr nil I'ga,8t REAL ESTATE - and, if they make what state of- his family until Me beil'S ~old it E. I ... ,Thomoa f iciale conside~' excessive trade:in to D. L. rane. in 1025). 8:00 4.H Club Ne \'s- Ii. lluNOTARY Pl1B~IC W. Co St. JOII", Wa,.aesvUJe P~••• 7 Tru8tees allowancl!.'3, may be denied the ,This was, jndisputably, the lou Helt' 't, A s~t. Stott. 4-U Club !..._ _ _ _ _ _ _- - - - - _ . : rc ne;val of their licenses, which " bors Bnd buggy" era, Ill! there Lea<.rer. L , H. Gl>rdon '!'wI). Cl -rk LEGAL, NOTICE !! a mounts t () forCing tbem out of are adverti en1ents for two "carrj· 8:10 Fine,h l's.- " ~1 . Fer.. ----~ Sealed proposals will be receivbusiness. oge, buggy, and jageer" manu- 'uson, l~xi l\Rion Poultry Specialed at the -office of the clerk 01 Under uoh a system, 11 busin ss facttlr rs, one wns carried on by ist. • . ' th e Village of Waynesville, State of Ohio, until 12 o'clock noon on can b (lome 100 per cent "politi- Peter Eberly, grund-tather of Ml' . 8:20 Man's Effor! to Ma~ t r Order Your April Brd, 1937, for the Plachase c~l]y controlled" - no mnn can ChaJ'les And erson, on the sil ,o f lhe hio- U. E. Eswinc, Hi~ori!ln. of bonds of the said Village in the euter it wit-hout political pull and Ralph Hastings garllge. and the 8 :30 MIl/!ic. fgg,l'egate sum of $23,000.00 POTrED or CUT / appFoval. The magllzine adds: "If other was conducted by J allc 8:40 l~ar lJl H Olllo 1\,ti"cI: dated the first day of December, this is good for auto dealers, what Wood in the building owned by lothing hatr---Mif~ EdM Cal1936, Said bonds will be fifty in For EASTER nllmber and numbered il'om olle about c-lothing' stores and retail lW. A, Gustin in which i~ his hend lahan, Extt'l1~ h)n Cluthing 'pedto fifty, both' ipclusive. Twenty grocers and magazine publi8hqr~ ? I quartcrl' :for a chick en Inark t. ~ - ali st. A. H. STUBBS of !la id bonds wiIJ be in the. de. What business will your son be sides these ,f irst class carriage OUI' JI Clnt rg "lid farnill cs--I'IJI' . nOmination of $400.00 each and abl()·to enter? ' Your own business ) makcrs, Georgo W. Sides and Co., H elem ~l ou!rl'Y ,Tol'dun, l~xt. Home thirty of said bonds will be tn Otc denomination of $600.00 each and a nd no Are we to become ' did a large busin oss in t h ~nle of Ec nond l. will draw interest at the rate of a natio n of berllditary castes?" Wood~iIl buggies, cart a,nd carri(I:OU fll ie, Phone 78J Many other kinds of laws at- ages In new styl es. Be. ld-cs bug9:10 l3rlyhlf'rlintdlw lJol'uf! with . carnages . tempt to fix prices, change the ) gles, etc., one ou t -0 f - llou~e Plnll ts- G." 11. f'o(!Bc h, Flat , _ _ _ _ l~w of supply and demand, or in- -town iil'm advertised a . new style jculturc Dept. t.!!riere with free and legitimate and a very comfortabl e I igh . I r r l · h . 11 ;wO T (: nCI(~u~jlig mpol' ance I E " R P rmtz competition.ThuB (fat1 e1' . of LO'\\ IS 0 E Cloy co b r'a n" III . Oh')0 rt.' nrmmg• J• "OTARY PUBLIC , according to . .. It su mmary made by the Institute Printz) was the on y gl·ocer who B P 'k 1'" • S · 11 t 300 advertised "dry, and gree n" "1'0. 31 , of D....... ) Uit'LOn, more 'tt...IUSru b , !) 30 '1. ,. lUI rnr~ p~ela . bills affecting retailers wel'e in· I ccries. Location opposiLe Cornell : - II 'Ie, . WIJ.I. Drawo • • E!,tat•• Settled t roduced in state 1egislatures in ~ l!o~se," w.hich !s the buil~ing, in I !:I:411 How the 01119 Soli urv~y WAYNE~VU.~I!:. OH,O t.he brief period between January WhlCh Wayne~v)lle townshIp h br- !!.!'!...!'!!.~!-'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 and February J7 of this year. ary now floll.t·1 hes. I Some of these laws advocated . "Smith Brqthens," C. E. and trll d~ regulations ; others would I,JeUe!'sc>n were dealing ou t "beef' l create sales taxes ; others would l v a1 anel ll1ut.toJl. and "Jeff" is. restrict operations or levy class I still at the head of a flourisbing taxes against various bU&inesses. 1 bu ine ss of like natule. ThelY represent lInnatul'a1 inter- 1 J. F . Missildine, fIIther of O. O. ference with the ~stab1ished econ. Ml.ssildine, was So dry goods meromic machine and penalize the chant, advertising II large assortment of goods. consumer. "Medieval" is a good word for Cupid was busy also, <118 Lewis legislation of thi~ ~nid. Its bene- Stubbs and Miss Eva King were fiU! are non-exis.t ent--and it is wed in Lefanon on Octobel' 21 st without social or economic jusU. ana on the 7th, at WilmingtOn, .fication. Lewis Wollard and Miss Molli e> ---"LocAL NEWS Rogers, of Leesburg were married. __ Death stalked abroad ~hen as Mr, and Mrs. George Osborn, of now and had tak"n James Elliott, Lebanon, were ,g uests of Mr. and aged 83 years out of the Ferry )Irs. Ralph Hastings and son, Bob- neighborhood. Miss Mary (Wm .) Stays Tight • • . deep Coated with an extra thick Morris, on the 18th of the same crimp's in line wires give by last ~unday. ' layer of pure zinc by the famMr. and Mrs. Roger Brown and neighborhood ,h ad also di d. John the fence "Ii ve tension. ,. ous "Galvannealint!t" process daughter, Don, Mr:s. Harvey Bole Strain of nellr Spl'ing Valley a.nd . .. made of real cOJ~-bear­ of LyUe, Mr. Albert Car:ver, of Charles Wright 'of near Mldd lcRight Hardness (or ing steel. It fi~[hts rust MEMBER OF Springfield and Mr. John Sears of run church ",,'here Sam Meredith strength and resist.ance to through and tlJroU:gh. Cincinnati were SUnda.y guests of now Jives. strain. Yet so! t enough to Avaf}' Needles, It sta unch Demo- wrap and splice easily. Mr. a.nd Mr W. N. Sears andfam ily. "crat dispensed 4 mails daily, but Mr. a.nd M.l'!!. Adolphus Wmiams our rural friends were not then THE FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION of Dayton 8P'ent Friday night with served by intrepi~ carriers as they TiIh' Knoll • . . Can't slip. Keep the wires from ir. and Mrs. W. F. Gtll.haOl. are today. The railroad timetable showed spreading and stock forc· Mr. and Mrs. John Adams celehrated tbeir Twenty.second anni- ! that the traveling public had their ing through. - venary on March 11. Thei.r suellts choice of four trains west eve-ry weN Yr8. Viola Harlan and IOn. day and three eaet. / Everett. . Farmers received the top priCell and lin. WlUTeb Webster for their produce-12 cents for and famll),} ot Dayton, we~ the I butter; 10 cents for egiS; lard, 10 -" ot III'. Aft4 lira. John Ad- cents; sausage, 10 cents. , Rev. V. F. BrowlI was pastor of J)u and the M. E. murch, &Del the SUDda, Quarterly etiq had



Meets "' Gre",

Cary' a Jewelry



L 00.k lng · B ac k 1 hr 0 ug h theP ast

',..Ianv Changes Are Recalled By Reader of !he Miami Gazette

' I


J. E. lIeClare








Centerville, Ohio






This Fenc. is Dou .Ie Prol:ected

The Waynesville .. National ,Bank .





• •








Here Invalids Find Health, 7 ired, Re t

Instant Cube Release Feat re


w efrigerator


ONE tOOT TO ANOTJ.IER If I ct could talk, Pm fl'Ur til eould tell us a lot !If thi ngs, know t.h fu·st. qu ~ Li(ln I would ask "which one bf Y(lI.1 is the best foot," 1 can ' t say that I'Vft fll~ ay!! wanted to kn ow t.h!' answer to th;l.t qu stion, but not 110 IOllg ago. wh en a fri nd w going on n IittJ e l1'ip, I ativise\l him to be sur e to put hi . \.Jest t oot forwar(1. It hecame qui a puzzle, Do yo u know which i9 YO'ur b,'s t foo t? I'v e lri d fir'st one, t hen, the thcr, count! liS timl'S and I' m .i mply, not s ure, and iVs u~ 'kwflru not knowing. Sometime I'i1 want desper ately to put f orwQ'rd tl1y bost foo t. anti what can 1 do ? [L' " a seri ous thing. I'm sure it ac.i counts fo r ml\.ny failures. I took a I complete inventory of ea ch foot and the only difference I could ' Gone are the daY8 when tugging. chopping, mak es (lI'ai blc instantly nnd with no effort Jiscover was that one was t he left twisting gymnastics a re naces IIry to pbtBin Ice tray on tbe part of th e user (rom two to n dozen or md Oill ,. th!' right. Someone told tubes from an automatic refri g~ rn.tor. Shown above mllre c1I1H!I!l, dnin • away with the necessity for hold. m it wa, lhe ri;h t one, but it'5 in ~ tray und l' t he wate r fauce t nnd losing up to Ia the senlsalionally new and efficient instartt cube being right doesn't necesaaf'ily release featured 1lJ[(l1usively in the 1937 Frigidaire. twenty p ~ rClent l f the ice cont ~nt in meitage. One d~ L ~~ b '~ make it the beBt one. About th e De"elo~e~ ,In the research laborotorie of th e Frigi- grn5!ps th~' tray ( rmly with olle hand. lifts the lever only thing I can do with my right a.lre dtVI Ion of General Motors. the new type ice willi a fin A'cr of Ihe otttcr and there are the cubc:>e rendy f\lr us(' \vl haut fll S or mu8.$. h "'e rl •. I AA\f]I'onlnen, ' t b eau.1 "1 Il1 IUOS' attentl've ~fire For ca s .hand that 1 ca n't with my leCt i!' 110w would you l'l' ke to recov'er " u- "'. " . ~ • ~ write and go odn e~s kno'Ws J[ don't from your ills or l'est at the above ~\I1'rounding. a nd id aal troatment wh ere hOllp itali1.Qtion i!~ not requir write with either of my tNt, tho place to Inev nt encroaching iIl- that 'ug'g t heallh rather than ill- ed it icon idered ideal tl'eatn1ent, [ suppose if they could taUI they ne ? ness, al'c the 'conveniences and a t- s~lIf!ciaJizin g in quiet, wlhole orne could wl'ite too. Th e thin I&, that. T -b ' 0 f - tractions to "Ellst rchard." ~n(1 r-t. Lararer Bec&ua.e of Better Quality, Service, and Price. Th a t 'II wh at uo: "n on h a s.o ~'oods .. ~" worries m is that om tin1e I'm E . t. b lj dH~d 1849 1937 t r in "East OrchaJ'd"-a. nu ing Occupying an ideal it.e away A patient may .have strict pri- going to have a chance to meet a Phone 32. , W A YNESVILLE,OH :O home lor convalescents which is from the noise of th bu y stree , vacy of his O'Wn roo m, or may man I've wanted to know f or ever said to posses all of the met'iis of it is one of th restful spots 01 mingle with 8.!lIe~bled ,uests in a so long, and if I'm going to g et =~~=~~~~~~~===:===:::::==--=~---::_ _ _ _ _ _ _':-"....._~-----an inatltution of ita kjnd and wh~ re FlornvilI ' More th an 3.0 beautiful room provid d for their r ecreation unywhel'e at all with him, that is LOCAL NEWS lIhad tre es in clo e proximity to receiv'ing the attention of gradu- providing he asks me W gC) with hospitaliza tion Is not desired. Accordinlr to{) the increasing num th e hom, allow a spacious lawn ale or pra ti(}al nurses when tbll-t him, why, I imply must have my Mrs, Della Venabl e was ill L baber 01 cOnvalescents who avail wh r guests may walk and enjoy se.rvice ie de it d, best foot. in front. Anything' elM non on Wednesday. themselves of its restful envit;on- th u ouLdclOJ'$. ' Mrs. Hester Cal"\' is in charge of wou ld be. un thinkable. I must 11Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Re!ls e)n oD'd e They are IOf ULLORUM SAFE" ment to recapture health after nn Known BS a "nur Ing" in, Ut.u· Ea;;t Orl,thnrd NUl' ' ing Home. She gure it. before I see him. I can't "Ion sp nt un day with l.fl's, Sarlic . • We guarantee 96% UVABlUTY illness, e)r fore tall an illn Cl;S that ction, "'East Orchal'/)" i a llrivllte ) ceiv(ld her traininlr as a nurse in just start towat'd him with! fh'st R a80n in IIarv es-sburg, rest may prevC'rtt, "E8IIt Orchar()" I hom e where per Qns suffering Lebanon Ho pitallUld is weH quali one foot, then the other, trying Lo M,'. and M, . GilbeJ't Frye werl!. • You get exb'a rapid G~OWTH ' II!! proving it8etl amonlf Wott'cn from chr onic af!lietion!l ano oth Ol' fi~d tQ give t he kind of sel'Vice re make up my mind. Of COIJl'Se, 1 Il.osts to a birthday dinn l's giv n S Leadln, Breeds • They lead in LA ¥ING Co,.teat County's most valuable Institu- l ailmenU!, a \\' II as co'nvales- quested in an institution of this might take a chance, gamblinlJ' is in hanor of M·ts. Ira Rich on unWIIIt. Rocka • THEV COST NO MORE . i typ e. P tlons. ,I'cents, are a iJUl' d the r'Ine.." tnne no en d of fun, but when Thi! Man day . Those present were: 1\1r'. and Borred Roc ... S. C. R. I. Red. ~==~==~==~~====~=~~==~~=~~=~=~===~=======~is ~ ~d~ how co~d 000 tak M~Ha~ e yMo~ud&mi~Mn White Leshor"' ... n chance? Well, I ju t can't. I 'm Ira Richard and M,' . Reba. BradLOCAL NEWS WhIt. alway car ful to buy sboes alike dock, and I nevel' :fail to wear males. Mr. and Mr . Sam Meredetb and tr!!, T . B , Brannock and son T. , B. JI'., entertained the following The color cQuldn't make any dii- family, Mr, and Mrs. Horace Shanat. dinnN' la. t Sun day : Mrs. Lot- ference because that match'es my er v i ited i.n Hl\rvcysbu.rg, Sunday, M ., ny Lorkri ug ' Cl r • Ia I' Ib>" . h . f.1 nd ¥ I'll. J. R. Thom'pson Robert Lacy of Lytl e att.entled ruine B. Spl'ay and daughtel'.s of costume. No\\", let's get this down vill I', t nr1., \\1M a \Ve 11 1' 1111 I-'ue<t \ 1''' S mt dlty IrU ~ts of ft'$ . Thonlp Dayton. Mi-s Ruth Florence Fal- to a fine point. Tb yare bQ'Lh the the Dayton Pike Community ClUb of hcr molh ~ r, Ml':<. n, P. . :-:lnlldi. 'n '~ I fl l' ·n!,... 1I1t·. lind Mrs. H. M. mouth, Ky .• MI'. and Mrs. Albe:rt same size, it's too expensive to me eting held Friday night at the fo rd . 1 11 o f nlil11" London, Ohio. • I Brannock !lend daughter of Dayton, break a pail', I don't want to do home of lift" and lr~. Ralph Earn' Marri... Lie_... Humilton Twp" Wa rren Co., Ohio. Mr, and M rs. C. E. Elsey and that anyway becaose both my feet hart at· P ekin. _ ' Donald K. ling, welder, Fra'l1 ~ l\Iit1: Ingle!! mId Luoi ~ a Ingles to daughter, Oregonia, MI', !lnd Mr!!, are sevens'. Both feet hl\.vc~ five · ,....... lin, Ohio, and Virginia WoodWlll'di fl .. R. haw and Matilda Shaw, Ernest Wollard and daughter of toes and I'm quite sure there aTe ' the e)ne with the f ewest ce rn" . l'll inspector, Springboro, Ohio. real tate being part of S~C. No. Dayton and Mi'. J. M. GlJe , Cyn- no better corns on onc than ')n the I investigate light now and if 1'111 other, still, there's an idea.. Per- I right the world wiJI' be a !'aI er Harry Weaver, farmer, Middlc- 1 and part of Sec. No, 7 in Turtle- thian.a, Ky. wwn, Ohio, and Helen Ho:f(, Frank creek Twp., Wan n Co., Ohio. Mrs. J ennie Planck and sona, Ro haps .I, shouldn't c~nsider the qUal- j rlace in hieh to live (as ii tllCrc , Je e mith and Mary Smith to 1Ieft al1 d ROY, Mr. Russell Martin ity., It 8 th,e qUBlhty. It m~l st be WIi S any place Isc) , lin, Ohio. N_ Suit. Mildred Kindred and Bertha ;Kin- lind daugbter, Martha visited at Leora Ann Preston vs Paul.Pres- dred, real e, tate, being So. W st th!l home of Wayne Planek and 1\.T ton :for divorce. The charge is gros quarter, of Sec. Ne). 27, TWp, No.'2 family 'of Dayton, Ohio, Tu esday , ~s 0 ,~ews J neg-Iec·t. Attorney for the Plaintiff Range No. I) in Franklin Twp" evening. 0 1. T. Riley. 'Warren Co., Obio. Mr. and Mrs, Robert BO'W Cl'l" and Samuel Mindlin va. Minnie Mind I"r~d art to Elzie. and Bertha their Cather, Mr, Bowers of Spring' -------'I-------.---------~---lin for divorce. Charge is gross ncg WHlk!!r, r(lal state being lot No, field WC1'C Sunday evening guests Numer~us b?ok. ~ward . will ,be ty of, Ohio's chicf executive to set lect. Plaintiff ' is re'pr !anted by l!2 in the Village of Franklin, War of RO$ Planck and f a mily. m~de thIS s~rm.g ~n conJunction aside a day early in the spring for Young and Young. ' ren 0., Ohio. With ttle snow and the icy winds wl~h the radl~ Jun.lOr college of the planU ng of tr ees and the buildCarrie B. Williams VB. Elbel;t W. Margaret / . Moory to Edna Mo- of a few days ago tpllde it see!" 0fh~~ ,Stat e, UDlvel'i!lty, broade~s1. ing of hom 3 for bl.rds. I th~refo rl' Iro.ns and May Irons, bis wife, for cry and ldBI' ueri te Moery, real like mid-winter, but already the ~ '"hl C h.WIJl be m8d~ over.statlon proclaim FridllY, April 16, 'Arbor dj~cxrvery and relief. 0, Dolnald u t b' t N 88'1 ' th hurn of tbe t rnct ot and the bleat OSU In co.operatlOn WIth thean\1 Bird Pay', and call upon all Dilatush attorney fo[, the, plaintiff. ~4~e e~~, °Oh' ..;,: e of bil'by lambs is hea.rd in the rural Works Progress Administration in good citizens to pal'ticipat in 'its The Davitt and Hansel' l\{usic C t 0 Oh~Oan tn, 10, nen districts w hich sounds as if Spring' Ohie), according to Dr . .Carl Wat- observanc e. Especia.lly do I urge al·1 oun y, 1, WPA d ' . •. t S i t 1. • son, a I1)mtsw'a or. . evera eacn ers. an~ puphs in all schools CO. V8. Stan 1ey W a tki nil f or money John A. McCammon to James il; near- just around ' the cQrner. .j thousand stay-st-home adult stu- of the sUIte to celebrate this dl\y only. Amount claimed $387_67 la- • gether with interest fron! Novem- ~n~l N~rn Clevenger, l'enl e iate . Mr, SJ\U ~t'!i. Howard DJ'um- dents are expect.ed to enre)ll foJ' t.he wit ll prop er exercises.:' '" '" '" bel' 4, 1932. John C. McCarUey at- 2~~9g , m..;ur;::c y :o'T 45, ~ ao(l ~o~~ and cb~I~~en, ,Do~O~hr _~nd spring t.erm which williltart March tomey for tbe plaintiff, C In . lUI l llg n wp. , al'r n 8 p were vlf\lbng m am ~l ge 31 and which will offer fiv e college Appointment of har-Ies Beer of 0" OhiO, Ilnd the even Caves Saturday. A Ob' . Ii' William Wallace VB. Ohri tine C, . ' cQurses. ny loan 18 e glble fot Ashl and, well kown t hroughout Wallac for divO{)fce. Chatie. is the tt'aihing, and applicatiol18 are Oh io a s the former manager of thc ' gJ;'oss neglect. Plaintiff is reprcs~.o b~ msde th rough WOSU ~n Co_lohio State fair, as seGretary of the ented by Jas E. Burke. . l\1mbull. Students in the pu1; have stll~ boat'd of r eal estatcexaOlinCOlllJlJOn PIe •• Proc~lDir. lDc}uded - farmers; housll1wives, ers, ,Illlcc eeding Lawl'ence J, C01'.In t~e case oJ: The Union OenJ11n.ny of whom learned a f.oreign coran of Col umb us, l'csigl1¢d., \Yf\.:! . ~l Lit.e Insura.nce Co. of Cjncinlanguage while · doing . the jronil1gj annou nce d by tate Commerce Di · natl, Obio 'vs. W.a lter Mruc Long, et OPeretta By. GIH Club. of We)rfte •.,ine Hi,h School tax,ieab drivcr who liste n in while rector, Alt'red A. Ben seh. Direcon duty; even docton, lawyel's I\>nd tor E. L, Bowsher of UJe' State DeaI, the planltiff to~ecover from de- , THURS, aad FRIDAY _ APRIL 1 aDd 2, 1937 I engine~s. Many improve their e'd- partment of Ed\1cation announced fendanb ,6,0.30.20. Waynesville Na HE'S THE MARCH HARE- e' an though ' he isn't from Alice lD tional Bank to recover -1,445.08 ucaUon. At the conclusion of the the appointment of Warren G. Wonderland- because Easter COn1Cf1 in March this year. IGA Grocer • At Ei.a.t O'clock . ' La",rence Keegan explu.lns the hah fa of Easter rabbits to little Joan and COIIU, and ~rderi1\g lale of preGYMNASIUM sprmg quarter awards of uch W eiler of Fr mont as · asaistant su Leach aa youngsters tbro ) Iout ' h.: country lo~k forward to the day of mises. books ' as "Gone with the W'ind," pervisor of vocational agricultur e. bunnies, new frocks ,and colored egg~ , . In .'-. Aa. se Ok R. L u-rdin'" et "Story of Mankind," "Cornplete - • • ~ WIO ... ~ --. ~DULTS 2'0 C t .' AES£RVED a1 VI. South Lebanon, Pacldni 00.; - • Works of ehakespeare."· "I..ancer Oooperation of coon hunters next et al. application' rranttd for sale STUDENT C.nt. RESERVED ' at Lal'ge" and others will be made in sending to the state division of rta1.elltate and ,. . to perllons Wh9 write · the best let- of conservation the tags from cal) ·1~30'!5!!3,;=!!3,;;;E~=====~~ =~;=====;;;e=!!3,;!!3,;!!3,;!iffi The cl.e of Wallaell,J;Jower V8 J. '* ' terS on "What the Oblo Radi,o JU'll- tured' raccoons, together with' data t C• .WIl,on et a1 was cornpl'.sed, act' ior College Has Meant to Me." A-Ion the placl!' -and time of capture, I tied a~d dismissed. " The cUrrent J"ederal budget js al- warda will also be made to stlJd~nts was urged by ConservAtion Com- I In the cue. of LeUa M. Bunnell A PEEK AT BUSINESS ready di torted-th year's defi- in the sociology and French cI"s" m issie)ner Lawrence Woodell wben Busil\'ess briefs of LntereBt-will exceed ptevjou8 forecaats • .sea. h e reported that 630 raccoon, l.'earvs. He1'8Cbell Butmen, the caae was adjuated, settled and jiilmissed. . Retailfhg: Business Wee\ reSecurities~ There hav-e been • '" • ed on the Milan state .game f"nn la. tb6 cue of Cbuters D. Maple porta that ~n 19:$(J retail trade wide fluctuatlon~ In the "A tragic memory should give and tagged" are being liberate d in vs. Geor~e G. Pope et al, ordered gros,ed $.37,161,000,000 _ 14 market lately, dlle in part to Arbor-and Bird Day this year a various woodland districts. "We do to s,U ~ond tntct of ~eal estate. per oent more than i.n ' 1935, 23 to ·profit-taking. Speculation ie' mOllt profound significance.'" This nob know the range of the ractn the calle Lucille ' D.ever VB. per cent 1'088 than in 1929. rampanl7 especi~ny In low-priced WU the assertion of Governor Mar- cooo;" Commissioner ,Woe)ddell stat Datno~R'J D,ver; the divorc:e was Conistrpction: .According En~ issues. 'l,'he general tone of tile tin L. Davey in his proelalnation ed, /land if we an to succeed in granted to the plaintifl. ,gineering Ne~I>-Recora, ' Februartmarket is upward. which named Friday, April 16,' as propagation for restocking und er R.... E,"'e :rr••~f_. cOMtrilft.:on was' 15 per cent great market iSllpward. "Arbor and Bird Day". u1'he re- natural conditions we mu st have " .. - cent disasteroull floods brinlli borne this information. Without it we ca.n d 1l er than"'"th w~l<ly averag Alb ert K.oeh to Ml'8. 0 rea ' e ,.~or '11 " FRIENDS HOME NEWS · to Ohio again th _ shamelc 1 and arrive at .no definjte determination th Bays~m, real estate. i neVi age 1936, in apite of bad weatbel' in of Muon, OhiO, belll.l part of lot many "'ectl'ons. Private bUI'lding 'IS' careless destuction of it~ foresta," 01 the range required for a propaN 88 " , . Mrs. Lena Hartsock bas been Governor Dave¥ said. "WheUtel' it gation plot." o'd • 1 t C B A t up 145 p~r cent, public building vi iUng at the borne of her aon. is ftood 01' drouth, and the atten! • • I a C evenpr 0 • • Pi· down 30 per teD~. Don, near Wilmington and Mrs, dant appalling rOilS in Ufi!. aild proState Auditor 10seph T, Fergureal atate In we.t half of Sedion Railroads: Trafftc, both passeD- Harvey filled her place at the perty, each new catastrophe re..f- son eba~d that hundreds of per. . a Twp. 2 Range fi of lands be- eel' and freight, il holding to re- home during the absence. ' . firmfl the value of the tIee In re- SOlUl from adjoining states have tween .Miami Riven in Clearcreek latively. good levels. 'The induattT Frieda Harvey assisted Mn. Gel' latlO1l to the pl'e.ervatlon mi;rated into th~ Ohio river seeTwp., Warren 00. fac .. leglslatlve difficaltiee, alon. nude Barvey at a shower given in ter lupply. The .plantine tions o~ Ohio ainee the January W. 81lrder to Bina P&tteftOn, wt,tb the . ~1'Otherhood'. de'IIUU\d. honor of Jlre. Clara Sewen Bar- now fa more than a ritual ~[.!co,m- ft\lod In an attempt to obtain rcreal ..tat. In Kuale Twp.,. War- for 20 per cent ....... boOlrt&. "'I In ClarbvUl, Iut Thursda,. iDe .prin,; it ia concrete Iiet gl'antl. He ordered river cOllnren. : o. KI.-nr to N. D. Brew!Ioton: ~uctlon contlna.. IIi. H,nerltta licK mae, is perbapa we arelftrniDc .. bit ties to PUfl' their rolls of lIuch ater, nal ..tate in the VUIaIe of I good. Ne...tnke. are III prOipect lIP.n~ ... aprinl vacatloD at t ... experience. Fo~ one to Da- lIquatten 1IDd'l" threat to atop pay· - . Oldo . . . the .11 of howeYlr, ill 101M pluta. Dotably the D..... . ~ Ia tlot .oqll, ... meat of tile .tate lunda for 10\ It. thoae 1DPiDc MOlllme.. lID. all 'riIdted , . _at Kn. .... IIOlea. obUptioD relief He polllt.ed GIl cl ... . . . . . OIUo __talill

. R· "East 0 rc har, ,", e anon elgns at Peace an d Q utet


Fairley Bardwa ,e



B t f tel h D' ·rec t From the OhIO State Capl· to]



'fThe SunbonnetGirl"














Good-ye. r Tires Willard tterles







'.e .






Mn. B. "Have you decided un your meat dish fo r Easkr?" Mra. I. " es, I'm going to COYLES MARKET and ,g et one of thos(' delicious ug1II' ured n <' IOl ,A '0 bllkc • H ave yo u seen "

lhem? Any

Every car (!oming into our shop l'cceives 0. ctl ref~1 eXl'lminat.i on-on day last we k we dlS~OV(;!l'ed a car with ' pt'a ittally no g reafle In n~ at' end- the. owner didn't know that he ~v al da~g rously near serious dam . fig ~o hI prachct\lly new car until we all. d hl att ntioll to th fact-we saved him a lot of money-how's your car.

Sport Oxfords Lyle and Sm ~llt R Ilffi Rare B~rga in


Ou~ Compll ete Cheek·Over Service often aVOid. trouble for the car owner.



The Question Is Settled

, Avoided for Motorist



Ester Footwea r


29c to SSe Remarkable Sheer, clear fashioned to fit. Ex ell ently made, ideal for very day wear. R inforced toe and heel for extra Wear

Fancy You.g Beef

I. !

'---.. . . . . . .--.1




Beans -

............ ,


w. H. Madden & Co.



.Lumber Millwork Builder's Supplies



Wharton Motors Authorized Ford Sales and Service LEBANON, OHIO YOUR .LOCAL AUTHORlZED FORD REPRESENTATIVE;

w. C. StJohns. WA YNESV 11.LE, OHIO


......... .. .. 254

pure Ribs, IbR , "" " ,,, ,.... 15c ity

hicke n, 2 for .. ". " .... 15c

MARKET Phone , 66







mES AID EASTER-MARKET LeMay-Hawke, Insura.nce of~ fice. beginning 10 8. m. Saturday, March 27. Everything §ood. for your Easter dinner.

~!!!!'!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!~!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~'!!'!'!!~ ' ''


, . Everything fo'r Building

... .. ......

Main day afternoon. _ _ _St. _ _'_ _ _ _fll-18-25-m4 _ _ _ _ _ ij ome Thul'on manThu Williams i8 recovering 'nicely from an operation for apScreen. p ndicili.'\ at McClellan Ho pital BarbaTa Lou were guests of Mr. 1 \\ith )1'1'. and Mrs. W. E. ,wd Mrs. L. C. S". John on Sun-15P nding thj!ir E,ster vacation In t 'Week. WAYNESVILLE day. with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Cornell Mi~ Dora Turner has retu,r ned nom from caring for a patient Open Until 9 P. M. Miss Alma Garvin, of Columbus and other relativ~s. in, Mt. Holly. an(.l Mi G,retebeo1~ Gerin~ were 1:'1\e ne,v game, "Bingo" . and Thu rsday. nnd Saturday guesb of Mr. and .JMrs. J. L. ?,Ien- other ga.mes \vil\' lie playeq at the OHIO AMONG LEADERS IN Ohio led all state~ in the coun- denhall on SaturdAiLY evening. Grall~e Party Satutday evening, OLD AGE ASSISTANCE try durin&' January in tptal gran~ Richard Benson" of Cleveland, ' Marcb 27, Prizes given. Re1resb. paid to th e aged and was seeo nd lIpent 'a fWi day!! 'with his grand- m nb free. in the number of persons who re- parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Sal. 1\1r. and Ml"s. Otto Sebald, of ROs>T FOR AND CONSIGN According to the- latest statisticeived 8.'!sistanee. isburY'. ' Cincinnati wer Sunday guests of r cattle, boas, sheep an~ ealvei cal report :rell)a&edby the Federal M d M W Noni..Brock C"., Jive WlTe and S . ' . Winohl with had the Mr. and Mrs. Mengle, of r. an rs. . O. progrellslve ftnn 1')1' tbe hi heer OClaI cunty Boa.rd OJ) old age larges,t num ber of recipien\.ll fol- Morrow were guellts of Mr. a'nd Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dupree and market price. and good assistance ·during January, Ohio lowed b:y Ohio's 09,705. , 'J. ex as Mrs. L.C. Sl John on family of Dayton were guests of U.ioD. Stock Cinein.a'i, 0 , maintained its position as one of n, ' I'th 93 " 126 N I!IW York witl! 7 6 , day M I.. an d M-ra.. J P ,- - and SOlli Tune RadIO Station WOK"; d 'lng states . ' . . . -' ' . Firomm 12 :25 In to on 12 :8t p. m. 'f or our daU! t h~ Iea panle~atmg In Mr. and Mrs. Oarl Croll, of Clyde, on SUQday. market reportl. t hiS type ()f 'Work. . -347, and 'Pennsylvania with 67 _ ,668 'PerSOIIS aided completed th'e Franklin are the birth Re v and Mrs. 'G. · O. Dibert and' iirst five states from a tondpoint' of a baby girl, Mal'y Sue, on Wed ,daughter, Ma~tha were ih Ripley ', , '• .. ~. - --.,. .. -- , . -•.. •• . .• ,- - .. _ . ' of aged r ecipients assisted. nesday, 17. , on Thursday. ",' In the matter of total grants Good lookIng ha,U\ at moderabe Frank H k d W 'll' " " the le.ading stat es included: Ohio: prices. Grace L. Smith. aw e .1 lam ' $2,426,667; California, $2.071,675 Spend Saturday evening, March penter. of the University of Cm- ' _ _ __ -. _ _ "_" 27 at th G H]I H cinnah were week·end guests of a. ave a Mr d M R Id H e range o NTY AUDITOR CALLS good tim 'th f ' d d . an · n. ona awke and C U ATTENTION TO TAX p'-\Y'T. neigbborS~ IWl your nen s an they w~re entertained to six 0'- ' Mr a.nd Mr Ell" M Cl d clock dmner on Saturday evening I I C ' . S. ,IS cure, an by Mrs Edt'th H . ounty Audi to!', A. M. ParkeI" Mr. Lest"'",r 'Croek ,e ' t, ' 9l Spring' . arTls. Mr. ~nd Mrs. George Denny and T ue-sdar" , app ealed to this neWllpll- boro, were Sunday' gu.~ts of Mr. per tQ carry word to the Tax Pay- and Mrs. Elmer Sl~.eban. ~r. and M,rs. George Pidgeon were I er~ of this vicinity who have fail- The New Oentull' Club 'will meet dme~ g'Il'e sts ,of ,Mr. and M/,s. W. . ( d to file their Personal Property at the home Of M1Ml. Frank Fan'" C. Flchenor Sunday. 'l'ax Return. Mr. Parker calls at.. on Friday, March :216. Mr. C. M. Robitzel' we.nt .t o Cleve tention to the faCt t hatr March 31 Mr. Derth Sheehan h'as purchas- land, Ohio, Wedneedaywhere he is the last day without penalty and ed the farm at the corner of route visited with.' his daughter. and citizens are urged to file. their 48 and Lytle Road. knowm as the • • -~etul'Il by that time thereby mak- Allie T.aylor farm. LYTLE NEWS lng a saving of. the extra penalty Mr. and Mrs. Charles Davis and Mr. and 'Mrs. Frank Milten fce. . <laughter, Betty W'el:'e dinner guests' gel' entertained severa) Howevc.r, ,we tak e the liberty of , of ~r. and Mrs. , Ollie Davis on at dinner Sunday in 'honor of suggesting a more early settlement SunG'a y. so~ and bis brid-e, Mr. and o~ l'eturn so ~ to avoid the conges~ Mr. and M1'8. Clinton Corwin Milo Milteo,bergn, who make tlo,n and crowded condition in the Xenia and MisaEtizabetb Henkle orne with t hein. And in ' tbe office during the laflt two or t hree of Eaton, were wet~kend guellts noon a larger &-roUp >of friends days. '. their parents, Mr. and MTIJ. Sam relat~v'e5 were .tel4j;ained to' Our county om 10' Henkle. shower at which the bride receivnd Pie 'U b a.nd coul'teous groupcers .andare willada all I' z Su W1 . e given at tbe ed anum b'er 0 f beautiful and use possible to help th 't ' . Grange benefit party" Saturday ful presents. e QI lzens In any evening Ma h 27 R. --'• -way they can so, why not help ' ,rc. e~r,*"m.Dta , NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT them in their work by leSl!ening th are free. Anclllar" A_Watrator WI. str'ain which will bear , th e The Y. F. M., will meet at the Will A.a.• • , , upon em borne f M d M B dd 0 k r. an n. Raymond .... E.~te of M.r7 L. Clacett heavily at the last day or two _ __ '" , _. , ra oe , on Sunday eyeninc. The c.....r. ' Notice is hereby given \bat L. LOCAL NEWS :ABOUT TOWN leader is Wilton H&rteock. N!!'W Ha>. . E -'-_ IIr. anel M1''' Lewis Firu and M. Hend~non Who.. Poat Office ... Aor a .....,r wear at lamU Addrelll 18 W&}neaviUe ., were peatvt Mrs. Harold I'~ duly appoilrted ~ ~1I'~iIll~1'l'1 Lincoln'Smlth'.. HIGH SCHOOL OPERETTA Taylor in Centervilie on Sunda:r. Administrator with tM Sunbonnet Girl, April 1 u~bi HIG~SCBOOL OPER.ETTA. The rexed of the ....te of FUI'IIaiI Is improvhltr at. . . n;:et Girl. Apnl 1 and 2 C]gett late of Maricopa, Colinr.1 I·~=tr..:''''~i :=~~r:r Roofin.


Early Ohio-Bliss Triumph-Irish Coblers


Spincer Milled


J.·R. Gibbon.

Fresh Side, Ib


NEW BUR -L - I- NGTON NEWS WANT OLD RAG', 5 c nb per pouJld for good, oft, clean ' The Merry Wives Club was en. rag". No button or books. At t rt1tin d by Mrs. Theo. MaInUra ' nomi Gazette office. last Tue day afternoon. 'Mrs. J8 . McIntire is confined to b l' home by iIIne • MYERS Power Spray Rigs, Hand )it s. w. F . Arch,er who bas beep pray ,Pumps, Hose , Nozzles, eno usly ill for ' many weeks in Spray Accessories. t he home of Mrs. Ann,a Ogesbee, PI b Gu~and urn ing and Heating Supplies. di d on Monday. Funeral services THE BO.cKLET COMPANY ,. 360, Xenia, ' Ohio, 416 W: wel'e held at the Nield Funeral

-Sweet Peas--

Ib ".

. 24c

============ 1

Tall Mixed

Greet New Customers in thjs Big Value iving Sale.



POTTED and UT FLOWERS for Ea tel'. A. H. tub1>s. ltc Ile.£!.~..2Ug~t_ offe~ Itc FOR S LE: DINING ROOM tab1; ATTRACT1VE ~;FER -;-or-Man Oil engine, Bl'ood· ~ r,ream 1 1-2 epal'ator, h . p ga.soline with pick.up t~uck to operute 6 pi ce • dinnet~, 1 antique eream route. Write D-7 care J enny Lmn bed, 2 beds with of Miami Gaz ttl'. 2tp I spri~ ~. _~~~_G_a_rage ...:::-. ltc.


Dwarf Mixed -

17 ~c

Fresh Hams Whole or IILIIf, lb.

' AS ' CLASSifiED O .

,Bulk Seeds

Long Years Standing and Wi1l Be Glad to




W e Welcome Our Friends nnd Patrons of

.... 29c

Can 130 for 24 Hour Service Q 1 K . LEANER OFFERS n sp ec lIll EA TER service this w ek- . en d your clot hes at CREAMER REFRIG ERATOR 2 p. m. Frlday ,and they ""ill SERVICE be cleaned and t'etul'nlld for Easter wearing. Mrs. Menden- We Servi,e All M.kes holl, A nt, Wl\.yn aville. ltc. , Of Re'rileratora Belta_Motor_Appliance Repair FOR A LE-;-POORLAND- POTAE , fo r seed or table U8e. 209 E. Mulberry Lebanon ell' Oscar Kibbey, Randall f I'm n ar J!arveysburg. ltp.



- pleas -

FTC 'h Callies, lb.

Free DellveW'y

Flower' and Garden Seed.

March 20 to Aprl13rd·

h p Rib or Loin, lb.

Full Line of Lunch and Other Smoke M_t




Night Phone 6R4




."" """ .. 23c


PI' sh }lork

hould r, Roast, Ib 0' ..... 19e: , 15c Pocket, ROllSt, Ib FaMY Chops, lb. ......... ... 23c Fancy qUe , Ib ...,..... " 3.()e: Gt'ound Veal, lb. " 19e:

W. f,i17 E " ILLA


Pork ' Steak, lb.

POI'k Loin Roa st, lb. Veal





Fancy Pork Cuta

17c huck RO'ast, Ih. , . 14e: hort Ribs Ib Swi houlder, lb . . 20c "Round 01' Loin S1. ak, Ii) 28c ouck teak, lb . , .. 20c . 23c lub Stenks , Ib ,. Fresh ot'ound Beef, 2 lb. 35.:

& Simpson

Office Phone 23

you want and only 24c lb . whole

Special Meat Offerinas

olid Leath role. ; Black, Brown, rat nts, Whit R


i ~e


~nnoll:nci!,g Marc~



====~=~~;=======:::::::=::::::======== 1,'Poster Girl for Greal L(l , 100.s Expo'si·ion ~r- I




Boy Your Easter Candy PLACE ORDERS FOR 2 lb •• EGCS ALSO BOX CANDY, lb.

$1.00 60c to $1.00





ynea.ille Drug Store .t 120. W~, De.vill~, Ohi'\I



::~It!!~~_"JII!IIIi~_iiiiliiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiii' Iter

e::'1'81 weeks

:i::!:: ...

~ rs~: ~.rlion& 1:':-=' dar of

k-end with

~."Io.'~" ~.


Eighty-Ninth Year l





APRIL 1,1937

Whole Number 6267

_ _ __

Annual Achievement

Dav Prog,r am


Farm Womem Warren County Women To Meet In Lebanon Fridav, April, 2nd: In Charge O .C Countv Farm 0 rgan~ zation At ten o'clock, Friday morning,



Death Of Cat

S~~~b~ "~n~~:',~~Y

C"W QineaJ' Morrow was credited with havin1'\" ,·nvetl th· family of Autl·cy r.tew Crol1l pl'obuhl deaLh by car· bon monoxi d gos poisoning I1l0l' L tunon on Sunday. When lilt-. rew aw his cat that wus rying b side him wa s dea~, he stoPPI!(i h i!! car and found that his wife and ~hilt!r n in ihe rear !>eut

SCHOOL FOR M.E. WORKERS On Tue<.uay, April 6th ot 7 :30 P. 111. the Methodist churches of

Warren ounty will begin a County traillin~ school fot Sunday chool Work ers at the l ,ebanon Me Lhodi., t Episcopal h utch. The

Ea·s ter.Services Attract Large Nu bers Sun.

Has Party .for


d,,.",,, Janic , on her tenth birthday, Mr~. ,HaIry BUt·nett nterta incd at hel· hom!;> in Lytle laRt Thul·sJny ('\'()_ lIin" from 4 :30 to 6 P. M. A loveIy hil·thday cak e fonn~d lhe cent ' rpiece fOl· a table d£'corut d in pink Gnd green, f which a luncheon ''as sel'V d. 'l'h e following cI· ; mat s were invited: Mal3' Lou

Fine J-tteather, Specia Programs, Make For IdealObservanc s With Additions To Church s Reported E ,to..,· :-iIlIHlny nluming dawned IJrighl llnll c1 ~11 1· wilh just enuugh

lo r

cli.,p chilly II. inrl to make Wnyn e:;vill ,'.- e:l1'ly Cillirch goers l'tf' 1l I i,,' ely II~ Uh('y gllthcl'ed at the M. K chutch fOI"!t SI1I11' i ~(: prllye (· I ,.I'1"V ic e. A minor accill ent occur d 011 ' bOllt one> hun(]l'~d ine! ivIduals lbe Wllyne, vilJe.J..cbanon Pike, join(!d in th e w\) r~hip s rvice led pt·oximately COlll" mil!;s fr om h,'j"(' hy H,-v. nih .tl. pastol· of the local 011 unclay nighl about 1~ :00 P. ~l. ilfl'l.hodi-i congrC'' " ntio)1. when tw ctu's : idc:<wip\',l each , A lightl' d ct·II.::; mad an effecthe!". The car goillg ~outh l<J\\ut·ds il " hackJrl·ound for the s rvice incinnati was damlll{~d ~ome, "hirh Illyeu. empha is upon whllt, while th e cnl" g"oipg OOl·lh, lIw l'lt<:ifiralion ane! Re~ul"l'ection towm·d leveland, t· c(\i\"ed litLI Il f .l l'!':u. hl" i ~t. damag. None of lhl.' ~Iccuptlnls · Sun ... ,,, Prayer Serviee names, f rc ICIWIl Ii, but it wns N -· With lI.Ji~s Ruth onnci' at the ported lht'y sC<\Ill'ii , ithout irljupinna. t"~ cllng1't'gatio n joined in ry. (h : inj.ti nA" \If the favorite old Virgin!ia Surface Injured hymns of lH'isti an throughout Virginia Surface, daughter of the agc~. lIIr.Ead Earnhart, acEmer~on urfac of Ridgeville, sul cQ n1 l'unicd by Mr. Ru~!'e ll Frank f red slight injUlieK when the ear at th~ piano, ~unt~ a ~o lu. Mr. in "hieh ~h wn.., ridill~ ~ul'~(\o(1 CUI. t. who for the past ~i x: years 0 er. The atl ~e of th al'<!i(lcnt hru,; b!!clI \ orthy' membl1r of the was du e to th(' b1"l\k\' ~ IQcking .... h Il lnca l ,chool Ily . tem, made the applied on. the lowI·t· Springboro dtl)cl1. , "p aking upon the import~oad, jllst off routc No, 42.. : lIIce 01 the R Al.\rrection, telling _ ]\fiss Su-['face Will! accompuni cI eIie!'lively, of I\n old lege nd conby hel' sist 1", [!;il en and lllO son 8 cet'nillg the R c: nncction among of Oran Shoup who live (In routl! the early hliF;Uans. No. 13. Have Church Bre.... f.~t She was removed to the BllliJ Follow ing th worship servicll", [[os pit...t1 in T•• bnnon for treatment. \ brt'tlkf st wal; ,CI'ved in the b eTh !I.e ·id lit occuJ"ed lIh' :1:00 . nlcnt of lhe ehul·ch, sponsored by p. Ol. unday ('ven ing'. h "'ri.end~ hip Cla!!s of which Mrs. - - - raymond onn!.'\" is the teacher.



April 2nd, sevel'81 hundred War~~~~~:l:;.om th effects of the mo· df;cho01 will continue fO·I· . ix. Tues- lla ·kman , Ruth H l.'len LeMay, Ray ren County women !Will gather at ay eycning~. FOUl" sub j ects will b lin "'8bb, Viviu n Pummill, Rutl, Th ' i~ physician said the entire l au.g ht Wl·lh t wo SCSSlOI1S . the Town Hall i~ Le banon '..oh0 1l ( fot each Wical. Ina Mae Crub r, Bonnie Pelheir annual achiev ment m iing family would have been asphyxia- cla~!; Lach eve ning. Th,~ work will ters, Ruth Anna Johns, Wilma Sura a climax to their year ot llolne ied had the cat not attracted hi L" ccrcd ited under th~! I adl'l". hip fac!), Nancy Williams, BeUy Routultent.ion. ' demonstration work. M rs. V. H . 1l'1.lIl jn~ CU1'riculull1 of the Mat.h o- 2llhn, Milll"ed miih, Lanna HildaSPfingboro Grang will visit di t Epi. opal hurch and Int r_ bt'ech t, Hel n int, and Dorothy Whipple of Lebanon will SC1'V(l· o · chairman for ilie interesting P]·o- Farm er'l:! Grange SatunJay even ing nat.ional oundl of Religious Ed- Graham. gram planned for the day. ApriJ 3. This i an excllunge prou calion. Those enroll in,,, may take - - - - --An original playlet relating t.o gram. one subj ct and in ol·del' to receive the project work in "H08pitality During the buain(); 's ~esBi o n , ofrediL must b pt·esent a lllinimum in the l-Iome" will be presented by !icers of the pl'ingboro GI'an~e [ of five evenings a~d lmve at lenst women il·om Fronklin Townllhip will fi1l1he c}lah-s after which the ten houl' of wotk on [LS ignm ents assisted by Miss NOl'ma Aschbnch- Itct'urc haUl· will be in char ...e of The Waynesvill e- Garden Club outside of class period. Ther will .. ill t t 7 30 T d E l cr, extensions nu. ritionist, Ohio the pring-boro I~ turer, Mrs. Will ~~ mee. (\ ; ucs ay ven- b 110 enrollm nt charg;e and t xt f Mrs. boo k material ",m be flfrn ished by Slate Univer itv. Null. A "'ood ntten(Jance is de i r elng d ' Apl'Il 6 , l lt. th e home o. An automobile accid ent, in ., The clothing 'J proJ' ct work will lind we feci surB you will be repaid C~rmlln I·ane, In t ea d 0f M 111. E r the Methodit Union of the Dan+ ~n which Waynesville people were th e M l! d d t n.. 3 ~ be I'epresented by a discUJ!sion of ;(or attending this m eeting as thE se ;"111 U ~t as announce a vue District. FollOwing at"e the classe plinciple parties, occ.urred la.>:t spring and summer fa hi ons by progr·um oro alway ent.ertaining ast meetIng. _ ___ ._._ _ la'nd instructors. I-How to .adminis.. Wed ne day evening On Route No. Miss Edna Callaha.n, clothing pee as wcll in tructivc. FERRY CHURCH MI SS IONARY r the Sunday Church Scl1ool. a 73 about Cour miles ' west of here , ialist, Ohio State University, ac~fay we IIlso iOlpl'es. upon the MEETS WITH MRS. COLEMAN course fOJ· superintende nts and ofrt is reported lhat the Meid!;!nt. companied by models wearing eot- r adcrs that any on i s mo t w I· fieers; Rev. H. S. Graham of Frank oc-curr d durin~ t'he S v,er hail ton and linen dre el!, street and on1(~ to the. e GI' ng progJ'llnl!i as 1111.' ling w.a opened by Mrs, J en lin win he the teacher. 2-Adminis-- ,and rain storm , which s wept lbi aflernoon costum s suits >lind coats th lectul'e hour is open Lo all who lIio Thomas, »res. Song, ,41'11 Go lIulion of hildren's Work in the section about 7 :30 'cluc thaL shown by Lebanon tores. can~ to attend. .' Wh J'I! YOCI Want Me to Go," the hurch, (or b ginners and pJ'imm'y ev ning. Mrs. Gladys Whitacre, ·violinist, j' , ,·h fami ly i I'e qu .-;ted to Ihl!me song of year. Devotionals depa.rtment. workel"~; te~tChers, MrB . In an attempt to avoid a he~d-on of Mason will provide the music bring 0111.' dozen cookie". 1\ c, e lead by Mrs. Lizzie Hole. An I John Timb rlake of Fr,anklin and collision, it is r ported. ~hat Mr. fo r the review. ' GRANGE BENEFIT PARTY alticle, "J~ollow Me," ·was read by Ml·S. L. D. VI.'. y of Lebanon. Wilfred Squire ae ompanieel by An out tanding feature of th Mr!'. Snyder. n nce prayer a-Guiding Youths approach lo Re· hi · wife, pulled bis cal· fa.r to the afLernoon progr8lllt will be the 'rhe Homo Economic olllmit- which wru closet! Dy little Bobby ligion, A course fOl' teachers of \'ight side of the road wh r he tee of Wa'"'esvill F ' ~.. e al."me1,' Ii Campbell repeating Lord' Prayer. young ) oplc's c1as.~e!J t ea hcr- ?fougbt it to a stop before plO"'.in g discussion of "Foot Troubles" to be given by Mi. s Esthel' Gilman of Grang sponSOrcd another of iLs TW'nty-onc nl~lllbel.S Tesponde A Mr ' . .Blonche Calion of the Leban- .' nto . an embankment. Mr. Squll" s . bene:f"t art· S t d . ~ Y t.he phy. ieal educatio n department I P le" a u~ ay evening lo loll call with eighteen vi!litoTS. o~ HIgh chool faculty. !t-How the Is .a w e~1 Irn~wn contractor lInd of Ohio Slate University. March 27 at the Gl"allge- Hall. Collection wa five dollars and BIble ame To Bo ; teacher, bUIld r In th!!) cction. }Ie and ·Music for the day will be turn- There were about 85 in attendance ninety-five cenh. Th~ pro~~ .m, L. D. Ves y of Lebanon. Th.e Re.v. 1\.11-11. S,.quires. ~scap d serious. in' and v ryone e nJ' oy th e S "king Lost Treasul.e "" ~ ",,~ The young people of the church, in i h cd by the County H om mak ct's of Moun11. S. Graham of Fra.nkhn wJ11 Jury WIth minor culs Ilnd brUIses. evening D I • ze wer . f "ih " ~o odly nilll1bers, assisted at the Choru!! directed by Mrs. Zan e . ~ ·l II e glv n ' or ~ e tain, WM lead 1}y MI •. Eva Martin . ~el"Ve a dean and Rev. G. C. ~iHowever, Mr. John L. Kenrick, Mounts . and aCQmpanied by Mr . game lind the l.Ioo!· pl'ize was gibert at r gistrar. Each ellurch 1n 44 year old farmer and thre hing breakfast by waiting upon the tay Burnett. ZENETIA RO-SS-D-IED ' II'S with alacri t y that was condlic<I • • e the counly will have Ii delegaUon machine operator for lit. 'number of JuJi'a :Mu ;nnich of Fosters lind by ven ,to Hn_, "op corn and ClInt! Y III . 1arge MARCH 24th ive to hl'il'itian fellow hip befitta chorus of colored worn n ~Jtom r prc !lnt for th school. yea rs in this vicinity was seriou ly Harveysburg trained by Mis!! Mil- quanlit ie wa s rv d to the guests. Zenet.ia Ross, daughter of Dan I • - - --hurt and taken to the Blai r hospit,. ing t he occasion. dred Bradley. Eight dollars and fif y cents was iel F. a.nd Mary E. t. John was , al w'heTe the physicialls report.ed Mrs. Ad,unc E. ,Stanley, 48 ~r.. Continu.e. Revival M_ti Dc , Exhibits showing the activities giv n In this "II e will" contribu- born June 9th, 1 78. She depart- U a snattered elbow and other in-' of ag , M:ldu leto~! 1:0 ':011 I'r, dl~'d The Way ne vile Churlh 6f Christ ' of t he Child Development Sluely , lion ","hi his. greaU}T appre~iated d this life, Wed'lle day, March juri . He wa unconscious follow sudd e ~Jy tlHet' being slT1cke.~ while Rev. W. C. Smitb, pniltor, a two Group will jnc)ud~ recommend ed by th conl)'tnttee and we Wi h to 24, 1937, age 58 y ars, 9 mos. and ~ng the acc~dent and has umained a~~e~~~~!lt.. h a;~lI1r~~:~I~f Dr \'111 Nog w·eek's revivul tllceting was in protoys and books for childr n of the l t8k thili oPPol'tunity to thank all 15 days.. ' tn the hospItal for II Cew 9ays, g,. y . ~l'e~s. GI·owing .i)1terest in the serpre-school age. who he1ped by thcir donationa as h had been in poor health for .. Both cars wel'c badly damaged. h e IS ..'ul'Vlved by her hu sband Ie of meetings caused the pastor Lunch will be 8erved at the noon I ~ell a ttelldance, _ several y~r . . The production "The SunbQnnet - - - Robert, two . ons,- had s and to announce on Sunday morning, hour by the Lebanon Grange · and ~~ She waa united il) marriage to I Gil'l", an opel· tt.a of two acts will OBITU-ARY .OF LUCY Waync, ~t home ; :t;vI'o ~a)l,g'hters, 1-\0 continuance of the service!:! ilie Fellowship Community lub. ' Rolland Ro. , April 1899. To thj be gyve n toniglht .and tomorrow ELIZABETH BURNETT Mary E. an SOl'ah. of Wllmlng~n; .Jntil W dncsday eve ning of this No admission will be charg d for l union three children were born. night at the High chool gym. It Lucy Elizabeth Burnett, daugh- h r father .and step-mothel', Mr. w ek. the da.y's program and th e public One daughter, Lura, died in in- is to b iven jointly by the glee ter of Eli and Hilda Crane Jlur- an d Mrs. WiJll~m E, ompt.on of The hUl'ch of lIri t reported :J invited to atte.nd. fancy. Twc> sons, H eber of Middle- club of th& High School as previ- nett, wa born on a ·fa.rm n ear Ly- near New Burlington; a ?rolh r, A 13 in attendance at BibJe School - - -- - - The annual Athletic Banquet of town a nd Oakley, of Lebanon. She ou Iy ,a nnounced. · tie, July 13, 1871. Attended the mo E. om~ton, and a sl~ter, Ml'S. with one of the largest. audiencC$ \i aynesville l1igh School ·wil! be also leaves behind two sister, LauIn addition to pl'incipal charact- district sc hool at this village and Ethe~ F. M1tchcner of Ma l· ew n l'()ccnl yenrs attending the " held on Thursday evening, April 8 ra Mard· of Lebanon, ElJa Adam s et· , village girls and boys help to ' pent most of her life in this com- Burltngton. . !hul" b S J"vices both morning and in the gym nt,6:45 p. m. Here is o~ DaytOn and two brothers W. C. make the product.ivn a most cblor- munity. Funeral setvICc~ w«J·e hel~1 at vening'. At the M. E. Church an opportunity for patrons of the st. John and L. C. St. John, both ful pnc. _ S he Was married to Sherman theNew BUJ'l lIlgton F'rumd~ -ht'l· \\I('~ 103 in attendance at Humor and Merrimen are clever Dyke in 1889 and here they raishu rc~ on W cdne l.IUY III 2 P .. .l\1. Bible chooL"\\ ith "vcr two hunOn Friday afternoon March 25 Wayn(!svill e- High School who wish of Wayn sville. J . , B url/l I was malIe In N ell' B ur I1111.( Ired at. the mOI'ni ng worship se1'7 · the N&w Century Club , met at the' t0 SlOW t h eil' appreclatlon ior the c'RADENEWS Iy blended with ong and dance to ed a family of threEf so ns and bome ot Mrs. F. H. FaIT. The ml)et- accompli hment of our ath le t i c . . make this ope.retta one of the most three . daughters, nllm ly: Ralp'h, ton Cemetery. lice. . fo rmllJ '"'.,an 'IThe pubeauthu ' . < 1 t h e schoo l has evel' ' ' pro- Alvin, Mrs. Laverne Thompson WILL-ASSIST - - - - VENDORS A ClUltata Give-_ ing W~8 called tc. order by the te.ams. to gath er at an In h follOWIng h d Fourth f ~ GMde d . IN It. f b d pi save ' a per ec .. gra es 'In d d t president, Mr3} W.F. ClaTk, and as ~uc IJt onol".o our oys a)1 en- spelling for the la t month: Larma ucc. _ _ ___ - ___ and Mr. Rhea Critzer of Da.yton, MAKING CORRECT REPORTSAt thc Epi.ocopal churcn a canitwaa Good Friday a portion of the JOY a good dmner lind fine p,;o- Hilderbrecht, Ruth Anna J ohns, GOOD FRIDAY PROGRAM WilliaI\1 of Gennantown, and Mrs. Mr. M. H.K elo l., IIffliutcd with ala" aJvlU'Y" by lIenry Wessel niMteenth and twentieth chap- gl·om be. ides. Blanche Graham of Lytl e ,as given beroN! an aPPI'eeiative n ters of St. John's Gospel )Vcte r ead Those int rested in the welfare ·fTaoche . Ludington, an d Wilma SurThe student of Wayn sville In 1915 they left tihe farm and th slaL sales lIix. !\cl"vice will iJ tudil!nc' on Friday E'vening. The of the t al' d· 11 . ·ted in Waynesville, Monday, April 0 I· cj by Mrs. R. A. Cvnner' and tbe eam·.e CIlI' la y lnvl. The Third Grad ;s glad to have High School observed Good Fri- moved to Daytofl, Ohio. . h h· h ., I n ' ltHf ft'n el'jog the production Lord's Prayer was repeated by the to come and brtng a covered d h , ' " d IE . ince Lhe death of her husband Wlt IS eUuqu artet>l at tIe 0- vas mad up of the following: " . h d"l ~ f Virgil Longacre and Robert, "ay an t te a ter Sea on at a ... r- immon s Gora"t' wh~l"r. he will . A ·1 1933 she had been in ... .. opmno voices. Mrs. MIl'"'ard Wei sanuW1C e.~, all fll verwarc. ",0 fee clu " "" I , Swank back a/tel' one week's ill- special ass mbley program Friday In p..I , :Jssist me rchants and tt-ade. men in .... ~ b 'f · ty w!l1 be furnishcd by the commith h ' Iloor health and' very lonely How z, MIS. E. l'ane, MI· . Donald · Th e f lrs.. nurn er 0 a ve ll,· t ness. in t e 8e 001 gymnll$ium. Opal . - filin g their I·egulnr 'lunrLeriy re ter.esting program pl'epared by Mrs ee. ___ ___ ... _ ~,' Donald Brown, Gladys Rye, Bet lIenderson a sophomorE! read the ver, the last few months had a ports. Any vend o!' desiring assist- ruwke, M't's. Bo:yd HenderSon; L, M. H'e nderson and Mrs. J. ; P. ENTERTAINS FRfENDS tie J()ues, Rosa Lee Bunnell, AI~ cl"iptu're lesson a!ter ~~hich Mar- marked improvement in health. ance will l'cceive nll aid pos8iblo la~~ voice, Mr. R. E. Frank, ·Mr. Fromm was ' a selection on the vlc, ' b B II W ~ I J no -. . She had made her home. chi efly . :. C. Crane, Th soh~ist werQ MTS. M W d T ert unne, .. tel' II · son, gil' Gus.till, also a sophomor e, lead h h·ld by confe\"ting with Mr. Kce)()t' who 1uynaru W It.z, Ml.... Gilbert Frye trola, "Silver Thr'e ads Among th e rs. a e urn el' was a gra- Richard Ctansberry, Dor6t'"'y Ber- h bl i M· among er c I r.en. . . f t! ff·· I I hI P d h Y y n prayer. USIC was Sh e was O'~t a ch eerf uI d'ISPOS1. IS an 10 Ol'me 0 ICIII tlOI'Oug ~ ,t nlj 1 'Ir R • E . I~ k Mrs. Ka ' th ""'old, ."Mrs, uenclerson in her pa- CIous . h t on "'h .~. urs ay w en CI St I d =-- A'' La b t e assem . . J. ' fan. "'''l, h t t d f f i d 1")', eo an ey, an J!J IIJery m f ur n n.hed by a trombonl~ trio com- . . . d acquAined with all phul; s of lhe II d T 'd :D/ilr on "Hobbie~" told us that, "If e en er ame a group 0 r e:r:r S were perfect speller last week. posed of Charles Fires Donllld Col t.lon; had a large ClI~cl~ of fne~ 8, law and is~ g to give all al'!- yn . en e!"son orner pres) ed at hobbies were CY<\od for nothing else to a lun~heon. T'ne folJowmg In the ' Spelling contest John Per '. whom she always enjoyed mlng- . hc organ '\\ilh Jack Cmne Cruci.. ~ t 6 d fte f lett, IIt.Dd Tressler Har din; and the I. '.1. d te >_: • sl·s tunce in making proIH'j' l'epQl"i.Q. ·Cl·. than to 10 fill one's mind that there ~ue .8 enJ ye an a rnoon 0 •• ry Sackett is leading Norma A- b ' t t .. t' f F mg WILl' an en rwunmg. __ - ____ ._ _ _ oys quar e conSlS Ing 0 rank Besides her children, she ill sur LOCAL ITEMS Attend Xenia Church would be no place for worty and plaYIng ca-rds; Mrs.. A. H. Stubbs, dam's team 6 tp 1. di,scontent and to affc>rd a goo(l ~rs. A. E. Stout, ' Mrs . R~s8el Spring is here and the attend:- LeMay, Jr. Charles Fires, Donald vived by fifteen grandchildren, Easter Day gu est with th e Lar. The members of tIle St. Mary's outlet for neryousne8l!, they would Frank, Mrs. , Karl Bodenbend:er, ance record shows it. In February Coli t t a-nd Rober t Hiatt. and three brothers, Walter, Cliff r ick farnly were Mr. . E . Ol'tis, ~piscopal church attended in a be of \I,n told .beneflt; Bgt hollbles Mrs. Lawrence Garst, Mrs. Morris t he highest percentage 93. In The Reverand Mr. Smith, pa - and Charles Burnett of near Lytle Bloomiilgtol't Mr. and Mrs. wdy, the' Ellster service in Xenia, produ~e collectlons or acoumula- Fulkerson, Mrs. Boyd Henderson, March Miss Hardin's room is at tor of t he Christian. Ch'u rch , Obit;. ' Frank Hoffman, Mi~ Ruth Lltl"" ~ unda.y morning. . tilln8 IIf though.t, words, or articles , ?!Flrs • IMra O. Brown, . Mrs. Gilberdt the top of the list witb a percen- ?n the Easter story, th.e cruciflxOn the morning of Mardi 16, r ick, Mr. Chas. Billings of Dayton, Give.. Special Musical Pro. ram ~.~ ~V& \'lIlu, to others. There- I lYe, n . George flenderson, an tage of 96.51. Ion a,nd ressurection of Christ. 1937, she had a severe h1!art at- Miss Elizabeth Mullen and 1\'Ir. Sunday. eveni ng at 7:30 o'clock foro In help Inc yourself you bene- , MlS. Roland Carey, Pertec~ spellers in the second PERSONALiilEMS tack at the home of her sQn, Al- George Quick of Miamisburg. .he choir of the W~yn esv i11e M• ... I.J " " Q~~ k e 0f many PERSO--N-AL-ITEMS ~- l>. C. Ridge, IMrs. JOlie vln in Dayton, and in a .few hours J My. Crew, Mrs. ... , t ltIaDa.n\&,.,....,!!p0 las.t week were: Mildred ........ P Land Mrs. k Robert \ , E. Church, gave _t!. evening of "·i · passed away 'a t the age of 66 years . . arric calJed .. N~~erfllt h0 bbles sue h a8 au to- I Mi88 Ruth H oek ett, a stu d ent Bourne, Marjorie Conner, Barbar- Wh ltaker, and Mary Lou ' on fri ends In nusic, the progl'am consisting of '" eo11·' 8 months and Miamisburg Tuesaa.y ,rap,.s, eC ...Oll of .tam~s, d 0 11 B, of !Miami U.nlverslty, Is h orne a Crane, David Hartsock, Eli'win were in Dayton. on TueEiday. _ 3 _days. _ _ Mr. and Mrs. J . P.afternoon. Larri ck at- the following numbers: two anand antiques. spending Ih er spring vacation. Michener, Pauline Parker, Virgin Mr. 1m Brown spent the CARD OF THANKS tended the funeral of Mrs. Matil. thems by the choir, lolo "Open' he Gates of the Temple" sung by M D ld F n," t d t ia Troeklemean, Ann W,eltz, Rieb- end with his parents, Mr and da Smyso..- Goslen last "veek. MrS. Fromm chose for ber 111111ir H bbi" r. ona OU.l.llo>, a B u en d Wh'tak d N i E . We wish to extend olir sincere ,. , drs. Winfred Henderson, 11010, j ect 10Men an d The o . es. of Cedarville CoUege is spending ar I er, en aom am· Mrs. Milton Brown . Mr. and Mn. K. B. Bodenbendcr 'Calvary" sung by Mr. R. E. She gave the followIlIg definition. . . . ' hut. thanks to our friends for their f H bb • hl8 spnn., vaea,t lon in B~averfalls, The Redbirds are busy learning Mary Lou Sowash of Mansfield exprelS!iio~s of s}'mpafjhy 4 t he- spent the weekend with r elatives Frank; solo,. "Largo," by Handel; o~'A °h:~ I f it Pennsylv.nia. , . ' about airplaMs and are sp-ending her Easter · vaeation time of ou~ bereavement in the near Defiance, Ohio. ung by Mrs. Katherine FulkerMr. and Mrs. Gene W~ham of th . b kl til ·th M d M D (' RId death o·f our dear mother, to Rev. Miss E l;lther Smith SPe11t the week .on; solo, "From 'M y Lowest Deo , s a avorlte punu or oeeaaaiollal OCCUpation which . , elr own 00 e . WI . r. an rs. . Jo 1 ge. end at her born ,' e in Massillon, O. ~ ~b _. - - - G. C. Dibert for , his consoling one U/llea to fUI their leisure or ..... anon wete d·mner - gu;est S 0 f Miss Gretch en . Ge.hting vt ited , th, 0 ' Sea," sung by Mr. R. D. ~e time oJ'1I1a,. to divert the 1 re d S qUI.res · an d words and . to ;Mr, McClure und bis her parents in Toledo, 0" during Gollett and a male quartet, nameMrIJ· W'lf ' y Mr. ' Ira . BroWn, M. R. E. mind from daily rou~ine.'j She told on TUE\sday evening. assistants for their efficient se rv- the 'WeeRend. "rank, Ml". R. Coll ett. and.. Mr. of many bu., men and their 'hobMias Rutb Hock-ett ice. The Childr en. Mr, Fr Deh vi~ited fl-iends in Loyd Davis, singing, "Were You bles, &mo1\&' whom were Dr. E. R. group of friends at a dinner par_ _ _ ___ I Wilmington and ' Blanchester durTbe..e When 'JIbey Crucified My Arn and Dr. CUrtia Ginn of Da),- t)' on Tuesday evenine. WOMAN'S AUXILIARY MEET ing weekend. Lord." tou, Dr. Dafoe, Pre•• F. D. Rooee. The infant son of Mr. and "Mrs. INC APRIL 9, LITTLE INN Mr. and Mrs. Ed Thomas we~e nit, Ed, W'fIIII- and Prof. John C. H. iMorgan i. verY ill "RUb pneu Easter guests of Mr. anrl Ml·S. Bar- , ~OTICi TO liNiMPiOYED Holt of Spriucboro• Sh. a1ao menM.ra. W. H. Britain and daucbJoaathan Francl8 Sherwood, 67 all The Woman's Auxiliary will ry Burnett and daughtn at Lytle. There i.5 a decided .ahortqe ot tlOMd tile late IIr•. lIraet Harris ter, RutIi; wen the week-end meet Friday afternoon, April 9 Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Allaman a nd farm wllrkers, housekeepet'!l, ucl who ..ide from hIa active ba.m", peete of Mr. and Mra. Harold at the Little Inn, w!th Miss Clara dhildtCII, Mra. W. A. Gearhart al1 d waitr\!sses in Wal'ren County. An, lif. devoted much ttme to bill fa. • ud lOR of Da7tc!a. Li1e as bosteu. M.... Rotret Bogan, daugohter, Ruth, all of Da.yton and , one interested in obtaininc employ vorlte ~IOU and l18Cretary of the DioH8IIl United MI1I. E. E. Hartum of Germantown ment of this nat1iR aholllc:l .... lD ,neolotJ'. • - EIItber, Tha.k Oftering Is expected to be were euelt. of Mr. and Mrs. A. tvneb with da, HatIoaala..J:IIQI.,.' Alter tbe Ill"" WIll ad,jOIlftlWED SATUaDATael Pl'elellt. __ • _ H. Stubbs and family SURda,)" as n.ent aemc.IoMW ha .............. _sIItc:I by IIarr Mr. ad lin. R. D. CoJ.lett and t1w;r honored their lOll, Bill)," HOU"I~"~;j~~~~ Wau. . . faml17 9IIltecl frieDd. Sa Dartoa thdaJ at this. time. Mr. and ,""11811• • on 8a&'Uda~. IlUard illia of Darton wen







Mrs. Stanle y

Stricken A t Funera I





[- -A---- ' . thletlc . . B anquet Apnl 8









. ~







&Iwre ill




M rs. GJ'o e Sm it h W ri cs of t h ! . d ' t b t I Did M ch Damage to Wayn esville II r I.' it,,~ ;\1,. n. F . Call,,>, No. 7


\ au 111'~ :\lll I un "L\1{, kln~ Boc\.; II II ,Illy 11. Tl (:a \10\1 II \.1 th, 1'\1 ," .\n. lhlt' llic, fl ht .In" tho iill' IIi, II O\~!l. ttl'l(,"]( • Illy nlilJd. Thl' hi\! 'llw., wi , lIfl'l'l If (1',,11\ lili fire' til

1t!";.1~ 1 <' \

ill! lin Api'll

. 0 I lhl' "flit a I" uuml f\ if h e is been duly appointed a Ex Clltrqc raM d November 1 'ah, 1988 and I lUll II I .11111; r m f l ' '. uutil yo ur "j th!' L~ la t . ()f ('1& iu!, G. Rundall uf an , anll'ndm nt to said ordlnE3i. , Ih IIll ,h. {"t tl.e In .• n IIml y u IlItl! I'! Wanc n County. Ohio. de. ane t' p n I:d on t hl.' :lrd dllY ot I cea cd F l,brual')" 111:37, I&nd ore payabl II , I .. , 11'111 " 1'lll t Ill! nlh'.lIt your If',' !. lie lilllt:d this 27t h duy uf March fl'um ta es unlintit~d a s to amount 11nll f inn, I l'IIt'>l 1;(1 worrted (\ al yo u Q'l·t t o l(137. ur rate, 1:.ll· ~, IIIl! thl i' 'Inl that yo'u \\(lIl1le l if it I Il. 1Iilli Inl GH',,"wood, tty. Said bond!' will be sold to the ''''h , "I ,. 'I' ll<' 1'1 1.1 " ")IIld ma ke I dl1l f " l'l :m y hl.' l l(l)· RALPH R. CARE Y highest biddel' l or not Jess tha.n 1< I \ it h HJ'm 11 JIla de if ) '011 I( t oil and \\ (lhd. IInnc .,. 1 J udg.· of th e I'I'UUII I.e COI!rt I Ihe fDCC vlllu c th er eof and ae· ~ lum" \ III t·hl<,k \~ . urt II·C - t y o n and kceJj " l ( ApIWa{!'~n f t l; t.r) OhiO. , crued i~ lerest. back" bcca u e flo\\ (r us Ill" I I '_ ' , " 11 bid s mu L stat the numLel' : . ) , ~ 11 I 1 • 0 f bond bl~ for and the 11'0. ~ t> J. l o that ~ xtenl. Yt:l, I m lllclin- N,?TICE OF . ~PPOINTM.ENT ;J mo unt o f bid (Iu d accrued inte lt tl lo.t hink ~ Vt't'Y U1I ll " ho rides the An.c:t llary ~~~L;:.~~r.::J Wllh the 'l'st, to dule of. dlliv.~l{' A\~!d! TlWl' mng hu I Uht Ia OI" had some , CJ )C no Ompn llll!( WI a cer I Ie ... Il1 nltYl cd an_ estol·s. .. ..•• E.tate of Mary L. CI.,eU D ... I' rh('ck Village Uo f• _ _ _ ___ c:e H. \ , Ilyn eplI~abJe vIII •.0 , 0 f 1,tho 11' $600.00, i

Il tllv (. "I th

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,,,·y. Key

I~'I'(I . ;l1;lI1Y thill.' oil\! in W:lyn\ - E. II "eln~. tiu p.tltl· ornce. Mali. I I· \ h" I ill f( II I:I\JI}( r II . T hl' I II I't.{g '1\ hVII! ,lIld LUI bel' . hUll.



Natie is h ru by Ivetl th to. L. {'n th e c o ndl ~ l on . t.hat I! the ~i .l M. JIll!HIC!I" on whose P\>s\' ff ice i.; a ccepted, the bId der wlll ,recelv A drll'(' SS is Wi yn ~v il1 (' , Ohio has ~ nd pay ,fol' uch bonds as ma! b ll hor n duly II.I, point ud An ciUary t~ 8u ed 8 S abov set forth . wlthi fl Ad min i;ttil lol' with t he Wlll An, thh'by d.aYII from the ttlme. of l' X d of the of illl'Y L. a \\ ard, sa..ld ch ~c k t~ be retame.d 'InK",tt late of MUricopn ounty by IIld VI1!age I f b~lId condition I S Plizona deceased. ' "11101 fu liilled. U ted thil:! 2 3ru day of 111 rch The Villag e of WaynesVill, 1931. Ohio, will f urni h an opinion as til 8tan lr y & tanl ey, Att.ys. : the validity of a id bonds by, Ralph H. 1101' Y Squ ire, Sand er & Demp ey, 01 Judg of t he Pl'obate Cl evQland, Ohio. t. QUI' . Right is reserve d to rejeet a ny W Ul're~ COl;lnty, Ohio. 0 1' rill b ids. . (March 2 ii,_ A_ P I.·I_1 1, 8 ) ( SEAL)

_--=-.:: '-_-==-

I,,. .\11'''. YuuJ(hn Hul" '. " IIf l'tl"I1II1Y II rI lor om fil'~ uCl'ttl'\'d 14 11\('" 1\. "Ill. ( \'('Ill, Amlll!) I' n~ee till \Iafll unll tI'l Kin~ Ilt'''Il'.t). T il. F INANC IAL R EP ORT OF l'HE cffic.~ dr.: .: J l'lll1 1Il1. l' \/\ 011 '-ullll'· BOA RD OF E DUCATION I II L. U. 1'1 int .. \\'n~ In th~ J,:I'lJ . j"y ,\I.dl i 011.1 . tu' "I ahCltlt 10:r rng For Fiocal Yea.r E ndinll Decem be r I tl r l'lI.inl' bu t I", ,,:.:\ ILlC tc<1 \5 1;1 ·ing ill f' r, (1'1 Lilld I ll' 3ht, 193 6 11'1 lovI\1 \\ht: r e It,., Joox no\\ h" nll·H,b"t· wdl the II I ••~y ~c\"e 1\1a. ie T O\\'lbhip, R\Jl'll 1 chool ; Lu,inc ' and lIlE' Gazt'tt cHic() (It .. Litoi'. 'tlllll' to VI \I 1h(' lui .. :. lH.,tl1 t. Wa r ren ounty RIDI NG T HE. BUS RECE.I PTS \'a~. in the l'()Om , ahov . Jh arlf!s Ill' "IIUart.' \\'1. /. \P~rl .,f! 0(\ fl.-d '. 'll'l fcctlonary Wll, a f fiW pl'opl<.' drove." p. onl! flfter nllo h. lI :l\'C YI.\1 ('\'111' rilldcn 01\ a bu~, n f~ is UE : , vy ..... $694 7. 19 'l'ux's-- Loc Il J tr'or!; Qa·t of lhL room, t\ntl It was I' ill IJujl'g-it'~ , art'i~t)rr:~. tic. to ,In 1111 t"<mlll y a ily hU1'. 'to IVOt'l< i n Shlking a n Bond Ret ireIh, ll!llr of Rt!~d' .. wh 1'(' the . ce t h' d c~ tluc liJ 'n till' (in' hud thl' IlIIH'ning', l' yllU don ' t m nt Pund 1941.76 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT n. K. HENDEUSON, CLERK. ,·lHI. \(t.:r lht' tel'ri1Jle file wlQu~hl IV 111(ln. of u . Wa~n ~. ',I('l k iit a city. 01' mn!~b~ you dtln't 1\I~si£ied PI' p r ly E xecutor l ' ax!'s lUI d T ngllJ ' Le ., O·... 78 E.tate of Jonathan M. Cook, bu r " ull urt<:1' n 'on. only viII dot'" 11 'I rhll llg: e lI\llch III it, \ vl' k.. .IIL. But thtlt t;hould n't Decea.ed t.1YERS P ower Spray Rigs, Hand Hale' TClx 1461 7.33 lIuill.ll1'S \\ dl' ll,ft slandin~. looking hllrk :li )"(.:., C "tl: Li~ KILl' :"u (rum dding on a bus ear' ll'lIta l fl'om Sl:hool Ln ncls 'otice IS her eby gille n tha t pra y P umps, Hose, Nozzles, hl me oJ! .11'. laifi~ and ch;m~t':; in Iii. 1,,11'1 ;tnll il I (I· Iy in thl' nlOl'lling lit leapt ollce in 11m' PlOP rty ... 57.5 0 R ssie L. Cook wh se os t Office Sp ra y Guns und Acce orles. pll', Jam l ~l"UI u.• , lli' Pu~l ,IIII' 11ft'. You I'cnll)' ~ h o u l<l, jl1 t lkposito ry ' Jnt.ere:;l . .., 10.52 It d ll1'e} li S \ uy nesvillc, Ohio has l een uU y ap poin ted a Exe cutrix Plumbing and ,H eating Supplies. ,~ ~ , I" I I If" l' Tuitiu n from othel' " " ' l '. L"llit .1.IY our drul·;ji. t. rlCl ('. ' now t H' ot H : r 11 Ivell, of lh c Eillate 0, f J on uth~,n M. oak THE BOCKLET COMPANY, I 11 (I t It\~ In on naturfl In . t he raw. Lil\Districts )JI'. 'f r , (l. ,\ I~xanl Ier lind Ilr.•f. T .• uid Fu I Tax , ..... '" 180 .~" 5 Inic of \ afl'lln ou nt.y, Ohio, de· Phone 360, Xenia. Ohio, 416 W. 1';111 Ihlt' 11\:1('. On" Ilail\1r ( tr.'_II1.'s UII C'liUcllti n in it", .If. A b~olu, ,31:1 0 6,8 .. CHISI' d. on .1 "an . Ie n,{ rd l' 11 • ntfll-18-26·m' nllllllH'l" most <Ii lilldy WH~ th,' Itl'l~' no hlng in the world like it . . '. 'l'r<l11 . Gru n t . 20-100.00 Dat('d this 9th clay ()i March 1 937 Main St. l"~ phl'a" but her iR lie thm I • m 10 Il In have cI~p(h uf lIl~nn· fad (hnt WI' of til' ruilhn ry ~llll' ITh 1\">; thl' mlln be, ide you who TOTAL REVE'N E $48126.1 ~~~I.l!iI!de~~~~,Y ~ty . it • which if Ir:ll1 q f 1t!1i into pl'l'~­ )ltl!. I\in~. !flud;\l' n j . LliLn It"tl 1imc to h ve break! t, it NO! ·HE ~N E: RA LP H H. ARE Y ;\rl~I HI(' 1: 11111 In, Ihl Hvbirn;on 1l1i j!ht huyc been 11 late ~Ur)JlC l' b ut Am i';:; received f l'om ne" J u dge of th e Probate COUl',t. l' t day Jivi ,1(. give~ Ie 'u!,;th nnd \\1 h' . . '. Di t.r lets undeJ:' F o undsI 11I·pose. O"l'~r 'alld m~ el l' lIith IlllUlY hel- n YW(\Y. h ,t llJ has h i toothpIck, t ion Pl'ogt'am ... : ,, $63 1.82 n al'!' n ClJtCnty, 10 . LUMBER pU'~ CIlITitd lIUI' c"mph le wc k to \\hich he l}l'obe ' n'lt'I 'c il()~~l y her e ( Mar: h 18~nd AprlJlT fE CAVALCA.DE PAINT - GLASS , f.ty. p luci l i': it in \li,,~ 'ynthi allil thOle in hi tee l b. fe~ of I TOT L NONNOTICE OF PUBL1C SALE \\'h 11 11 th bO\l)Jl Y , I' 0 1\12!1 E\rl1l~' \'Ill'.t. \ ;1(1 • • ( , . Lrrl. EI. (h(1l1 lllu.1 U baclly \I' rn . bectlusc j HE E E . . .... $ 63L.82 In purs uance of ,t he order or the Roofi~ to haflic d ;) h ta:1 aclll'tl thl' bon 1l0~ livu . T It.;l .11' nt' oy il ''lU J Uy one h Nll~S a .1I ckm · . 'rOT.~ L RE F.IPl'S $~8767.98 Probate Court 01 Warren aunly, Scr __ i hi . I 1 ' 1 ' b· .1 h I;ALA E, J . 1 t, 19 36 u w nrl owelll high nf : 0'00(1 W hQ n·:u. t . n. I\ho ,WIll " 'all .oUJld, 1.1 nn lUg urnwn t ru Gcn(1ral .Fund . ,... $20351.60 Obi , I will ()ff('r fOl'ss le at p u b-lic o th., the nation 1\(\9 puck Iineld lll~ c('llmct .. d 1 lIlt it that J ill hllll timnd whitlllc, !\lost a n no y· B(}nd ~Rctlrem ent Fund . 254.33 auction 9n Satu rday , the 17 day WAYNESVlLLE ~ I\(In 'r' h eo T t ul B a Iance " "' 'f~ 20"11 pril, 1937 , at '2: 00 o'clock P . t I t not, ufIidenUy. "OW. with h avc nOl m'Clltio\l cd loul to me lhe I· i i , in Isct., ~'ll1g, to t u · . 93 ofI ., on the prom i es the fo llow ing bllsin .s iud ice.· rl~inJ.( steadily, \1(' l hing1; I It. VI \\1 ill( n or nl' \! ll1~ poin l t h I it posi ivdy /{ives me de &cri bed r eal es tate, to.wit: "Situ. Ope n Unt il 0 P. M. m to It,,, ntbnrldng on a new o'u tshlndlr" f atUI'C;I o· till' bi-- Ihe ·hill". I Clln~id('\' III ,ving, but T OTAL TRAN·. .... G9369.ll l a. te in t he ,VilIa(l'e of Wuynesville, " " DI SBU RSE MEN.TS h .. Thursday and Saturday Looom }it r ill cciden\s. Anel thcl'e fin of l!lOO. 01)L' \'v.1 ill.,ville 'u· \1 h('lC? l. th quc.>t ioill. T he c[lr is A- P El! 'ONA L l:i B RVI E: . III t e oun ty of W l'1'en a n(l StIlt e i a d(lnegl' lIwt trafflc dNlths i n ti nul On1tk III n.n 1I1ll'1atcd in packc. iI. Be~ide., pr!lcltienUy eve ryMen: bc \' DOlu'd of ~duI Ohi o, to.wit:· Being a P~ll't ot ""!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'! t iami Square as s hown on t he r 1!'37 \\ ill 'J:(' ch the ·lO, 00 mark. 1m t the entire blu k il'om t.h t' t he t' Q 111 tlO'.1 (wcuph:d by Pd:k·. ' wl'fI c 1 look there ar'~ n ew~\lape r cu\,ion ... ,,' . .. $10 .00 ('? rd~d pla t of AUl d illag ; Dn. can 130 for 24 Hoy.. Sel'Tic • Where ,~ilI this ca\'rucade of • tional Bank t o B urto n 's corner. food ~hop; nfl,CI ih fire they ' being pCI'uscd, opened. rattled, f old , ~\~r~th'~t:' Adniini"ll'a~' 2 5.00 Inning a t the wes t corner of aid ntl ono h as a vi ion of tion "~llIri sa nd nges '2 square ; th nce along the S. E. sid e CREAMER REFRIGERATOR I. 'alh halt? 'hl'n \1 ill l' t.u'I'n it The fire dcpat·tmenls f r om L eb- bUtlght UH! lui 1111 lh \'IIlO.ill! cor· \ I. M l', clecting theil' 0\\ n oulltlin '. k nQcked (l own hy M mc- bIg IN ' TRU TION : - ' .30 SERVICE L rl:~ SUrely the AnH,'lienn 11co' ano n, Morrow, a nd Mr:. Onacu L. 'mith hu.itJ~~s mo.n wlto . impl y m t see Ptillcipn i , T!!(tchers , 11,7 56.22 11 9 f t: t henc e southw estward1 J ar ado(jua te to cl'pe wjlh this y. re call d on to h(:) p fight the thl' in itle of th at IWper, probabl y Ol' 1i:R!lO OF S Jl OL Iy parallel with 1\Iain Str et 12 -We Senrice All ......oci I COWlA' ncy. II re we h a.v e Of Refril_to .._ hunting the btock r(!p'~l' t, or ~aybe J'LJ~~i~O;:; Engin e rs, Other /eet to t he' ea t c? rn er of th~ Chri. . lh~ automobil~, ndow iug u with B"lta.Motor-Appliaac. Repair Dl°t' huntin" a job. An y w a~' I dl! cido v lllpl oye~ 7 " 25 0 tlnn Ch urch lot , t~ nce WI th s tlld the manifold uLe' ill' of Il molar .. J' '" ~ ".. .., , ", ... lot lin d pnr all I With H igh 209 E, Mulberr,. L.b._ e. Why don't \Ie control it , ond not to nlOV ' ; ju~ b'Y to th ink of PE JAL SERVICES:140 f e et; thence southw Dvt OJo,,<l II .. 11lething 1l101'C plea ant t o keep Lectul'e$ ..... ... ,... .. 20.00 Imd po,rallel with Main St. 62 retain the hl s. i nw, ra ther than di~si1l8t tlH·m in deat h, inju l"y and Irro).") hellring t he \.oc) th sucking: TOTAL P E RSONAL feet to N ..E. ido of High St.; lhlt there-'s h e m an in front of 16.02 then ce With Fh g h ~t .. 80li! !~(!t to t! • truction i I. . . SERV ICE . .. $12 the pluee of begm mng, bemg a part of lot No. 6 in /laid square nnd P ublic lion hf th e P,'Ol)(l$ rl ex- Tit .... :: :~i(l"s nr til(' ind . I.rial ail' me "11 h lllllit cigar WhlCh moILs B~ .PPLI.E S ;- . Th~ gt'(ai il'ony i. that while cutive bud·t of the !!tate f<h- ~y fa CI! of th~ ~tnt ,1'1:0 a pnl't il ' . Why Ilnyone wants to ch w a Ad'nnnls traiLon Off ice ..... ,$59.40 lIo .muc.h ot the old public !!Ollar'B l t;Olll pl'<J(lJe h.l·llg thcir houlde '. l' hudder end cy, If,;. ot'hing an ' lae 1!J37-1!J38 b ien nium, a.s ' i t of the- e mmi ~. i ,,'f! '1l0~ralll. un. c-igur i ' mor .... than I could eVCl'.fi g. Text Boo.k s .... .. ......... .. 380.71 ~ a;; lS co~ered by t.he abbve .descr ip, tier the db.C'U !l of its dhi:ilm vf lll' out Why n ot che \\' to bacco? cho01 Li brary B ooks ., 12 0.56 ilon. Being t he same premises soJd b~ done ~b ut it," uth\:(l1 arc doh g wa.~ PI' sent.Ed to t h e ;Ninely't k b t that Other Edu cat iontll 11 7.6 7 to Mary Jilt.ta urface by Ella 1. • ntb Iy b y Gover- ~are.t. 111111' h)lgi c. to ncoun.ll,(C! ( m n very {'e n II ou F u el .,................. ... ... .. .. 6 6 :llruon a nd Frank W. Carman Olll ·thing about it, nd uQing it r,n d G('ULl'a I ................. ,.. " 51.09 by deed dated Novemb er I, 1920, 'cry wdl. It i. a matter of r<ecol'd n(;1' M.ulin L. Dul' y, was an i "~ r est in f'.Ilfely m '0 url'S no ~ith£r, but at I a t it woul dn't JoII ni ' r 0 1. 108, page hut the ei ties and to\\ nil \l'hich arc Il\JUHCed by director (If Finance l'Ily £01 the \\(:Jr:U(1 or t he WOI'- "row. till , it d es h ve its p oint , Other ........ : .... .... . . ,... ., ... 76.33 , and r ecorded in t he mall beside him is I :Jl8, Warren 90unt y, .Ohio, Deed UI ui s: po,·tive, vlanlJlcd und per- 1\1. Rny All ison . Di tributi n is be- ('I' iJut 111.'0 'l,yith th e vl(\, of Ie.:'. llcclluw . .. TOTAL SUP PL1E . $14 123 I Records.'1 Said preml es are 1 0 , ' . nlQkll1g hlS IIrar. !ln~1 b. t.ween :he 'MATERIALS F OR 1\iAI NTE N caLed at th e nor t hea st co rnel' of RC!S)T FOR AND CONSIGN 1\ anent. pollci " of routing out the ing m dl t'o mdul>CTs of the Sen, ~njn,l( th· co, t of incluf;!i inl acd. AN E:!I~.n in and H ig b Sheets in the four ca~t1e. hop, .Mep and calv.. iundaJl\er:t.u/' of tb it tl'l\f- . lat.e institutions a nd boa rd ~ , II d dents lind thereby ('. blLh ing ~\V o of them , I' m begu1111ng to Wish ' . 1'. Di l ctO I' .'1-' II'Iso n I conditiOll!; whi h \ ill ret'll)it 10;; - t ha"n't had U'n,, ~~ n fo" breakfn.. st. B UI'I d'mg a n tI G'IOlln d s .•. $34 6.66 1f\ dlage 01 M --wJI;"'ne o Norrl.. Broek and fie ncc;iMnt }1r blcn1s, at'e l' duc· ... ... a"C ... JCla u t· . "'s vI'lle ' Oh'"IO .~progreslive fir81 Ct." f"r live the,nr. hlahut Dlar m , IIO lllC " j u:;t got quipmen t and F urnitu re 2165.4 4 1'°Sn ,1;;g on . n t teet. . market prices and good lerviee. ing nccidonts a.nd chopping away enid tha t exccuti cs o~ other; ~r ,tilt!! i1t~llr:H1ec fund \JI'emium Twe~ty!1f:: ~~ Il~~~ dap.r$2~s~8 ¥O;Oft IStock ;:.,.dr... • ''KOy' CUlI,.,l. tiOll . It i' a mettllr of 'e- lSt.n t r t'conon)i!;t on )Jubbc que .. - ra t 1:::; , Chairman Gr.'g ory assl'l'ted. 011 . an d with tl t.i ny baby, Door ,Other ... .......... '''".. ... , ... " ... ,2 iion~, lib ral'i u:;, fi nd c olleg es and The ldo"'..t-n Iur lhe III etl ' ng" ,. 'j ' ll ning, it'~ L gu n lio cry. I'll bet DoUars and n1U ~t not be sold 'for 12u~2"0 toll °ln2 '80 p10 mStaftiOIl WCa UJ COid that despite the ur'lpl'eceden t .. ~ , T OTAL MATERIALS FOR ot' our d .omeonc I in ched it . And now, I'm MAl T EN AN E 27189S It, s. t han tWo-thi rds ot said ape mll~ltl't re"o'rtI. · . cd numb~r of d at h in 1036 , nille univu"itit', have Indicllted an in· be '\'aI ty i" BHtct' thn.n lhhlkin!-l: h ow g Lad 1 am ' th ot l'm D-E UIPMl!}NT REPLACE.' pal ed value. Terms : cash, In teen ~t tt;~ educed tllt.'ir traffic crea cd de,mand fot' publicatio n, pensntion," d t se.. • I y In ' a b us, I' n l ure I't hand. . a u,I t til'1 d , ocu men Il t (~ b:1) IENTS:. H tniity r ,couI" on ti ll avcl' of w h ·ICh IS A, B. C1 aver, Adminstra. hin f~lrn er this Yl'ar vill J e· nH::<t be blld e nough jpst being a Oth er ... "." ~... . ." ................ ,, 50.00 tor of the ,estate of Mary 7 II II C nL A,1I but tw or the"e ting fo th by ) ·tter of tuns mi t tlll Ask, for a \I est;imated g n ru l r eve nue vole inc I lI~e<l CI'NH1:e (0 crop~ , il II. baby, I l'lclllJy can 't rem mbe-r • ., E t.ta S ll.rfa~e, ,decoased . . lc curried oul lOS i.e ll'aHic Lh t W. Brown, AttofDey ROl!er ~ d th d d" ~11~ intlicut('(! in a SIll'V\ y marle by b 't 1 t I \l t h ' TOT L E UIP1ll ENT Miami.burl' Permanent control pl·ograms. Yu,;, it can b e .. 11 e pr opos expel1 hU ~ , (lll,t I , ) U am s r e .. "y mo er It PLA. CE~lE TS ..... " tl!6"O.00 :for the .I ldministrator. fo r the bienn iunl. It lists i n de- H . . Ral11tio\lCl', n~dcultural x· (lldn t take m e to t own on an early E-CONT~A T an d OPEN ORdune' (Ma,rcb18, 25, April I, 8) Concrete L' ' . _ D".R S E"'VIC 1'rnific control 1 ~ not yet nn costs of all state f unctions un der .lensio. n director :\t Ohio Sta t tl l1 · bus. r_ ~" ". LECAi..-NOTiCi Air Seal Burial V.ult hudgc~\L'v contl'o l, and howe d Ivel'~lty. Tbe udd 'd lIel e P;l' if lief "UUl'SC' in order .tn get yOUD R epairs School Buildi~g "" .. 9(1-90 , 'act ~cie nc ,·. But "uthoTitil',~ arc " ~ , y tho t th 1re was a net cash balan ce ces;oful. trlg(·lhcI· 1\ith bc.:ttel' pl i- Illone y'S " 01 th, yo u sho uid . live at J(e,p airs . th I' 'Il:C\.uipment :, .. 3.60 Sealed prop osals will be Neelv. ' .. 1·/: d thllt far III rc is known a· For Sale 9nly bJ at $l , 5 9 4~4 1l avai lable 011 Janu- Cd; , it; lxp.cled tu h(jo~t the 1937 th e bl'gin n ing of th.e b us line. You Ell;ctrlcit y .................. ,. 178.07 ed at the 'O ffice · of the clerk of iiOU t it tlUlU j being applie d by th ~ W BJ'y 1 for pa me nt of ou tstandi ng crop inC(l na~· dbuyc the $23 ,0 22,- have a much better chance ot get . T td ms .. ~f Pupl ls·Contract 37 62~:' O ~~e Ovhiilola, gu~ntOl'lf l 2 a()~~leo:killne'oo~taotn e Your Funeral Director • \ l1et gt. community. We need not A ve111i;Jng .. " ..... " ..... ,....... 21..,8 .... u bl 'lga Uons and t h at th stat ' cs- 000 Illll'VU t. 0 r /11 .' •" year, 1\)1'. ting a I.' ~ a t, und nt f irst you may H o a uling .. .. .... .... ............. ,. 10.33 April 9rd, 1937, t or the purchase I,~l1 ·LO.OuO IIlI: , ",omen all d chil, -----~of bonds of the said Village in the dr r\ thi, ,; l'UI' if WE' d('tl.!l'minc 1l0t titnated re venue dUl'in'g 1937 and lliIm)o;o\\ I'I' :Iid. It i: thought. th nt think you'll cfi tch up on your elee p 1938 \\ as 63,24.0,00 0, making a corn a' /h"\) will pr obnb ly Ilhow but 10 save you dire disa ppointTO TAL O'NT~ACT and I'ggrega"te s um . of ,23,000.00 McClure Funeral Home • lIll i r \I'~ PI(t (lte Ironl at hailing total of $611,834,411 r.o meat thG the la lS!' ".t iriC1NIS,' beCl\ U ~e of mcnt, don't (!ve n t h ink a bou t i,t . OPEN ORDE R SERVo .. ,, 4066.68 dated the 1irst day of December Phon. 7 Waya_-"U.,O.h\' c<\\'ll.tcede Ot drath (in t he Ii ... ' t1 . F- FrU iD ClJARGES A'ND 1036, Said bonds will be rifty i~ b I' nm. um 0 Il l'tgaLi OlIS. The r ecom, pi\eval'I'111,:- '00 dpI'lees an the Then, If y.ou ~o live TIe?r t he CONTRIBUTIONS: , , numb er and numbered foom 'one ,'f ' lhinl!'1S tl) bc done now! f or th e smull Iltmn I,t. of labul' an d fe rLili- middle of the hn e, occasionally I nsu ance ............. ..., ... ..... ,, 175.00 to,! fi~tdY' both inclusive. Twenty -Contl'ibut(ld 'llanded apPl'opl iati n LWO·ylffi l' p er iod lotal od $59,68 2,- zel' l'cQuiH cI (clr its product ion in th e re is a pO(ll!ible- ,c hance of a Tcachel's R etirem ent Contri.162.70 (\ 981 bonds wilJ be in the de. - FE-RRY - NE W-S- 577 ' I.LCcor d'mg Lo t h c p u bli<:ati on. COllljla l ., "n \~ I L Il nomtnation ... _ _ _ a he-t'. crops. 'Il!! , b~tt ,nine t il'l1es put of t en you , ~hirty !Jf saidofbc,,,00.00 m ds will eacb be In and the ' n tl'on of ,4! "00.00 -ac "I t "f I R d · There 1' 0 1 1" ;J, G8G,000' a.ct'e~ of w ill hav e to b a ng onto a strap. TOTAI# FIXED . CHARGES c enom ' l11 · hand a 1'. tint J1 1'~. :t(imo igg an Th AN D CO""'·TRt ' 11387 70 .... eightb ,a nnual A Ll·O hio cCltn IH ,w n b,Y Ohh, fa)', ne1'S in And us the hU ' p"o"'reltses slowl" ' ,," . " ..... " ..... 'I' • will denw int erest at the ra" a of ''.lught r, . L'3ulillct, and 1'!1 i l;l~ J ean S f C \'" ~.. 3 H- DE BT SERVICE: .., ' 4 % pet annum, payable semi·an· • a ety ong rl'~s a n d Exh ibit, u n, · I H:1G. \\ inll!' I' ht'at was second down lown, more and more people P UI n'r!' guests of Mr. and d . f h Jr-ten!st on ·Bonds ....... '." . .. 8~0.00 Dually on the fl·.... t da f.... h cr auspices 0 t e . rnd u~trial to corn ill :lCre:lge harvested. g" t on and yo u a re constan t ly a n00 yo_are .'d:. 'p. t:rt·y 'rhomaR on Sunda,Y. C and Sl!'p ternber -of each year upon "THE HOME OF GIFTS" 0 11H1Ii , ion of Ohio , II ill b Hlag· . na y d by a song and dance from TOTAL DEBT SERVICE $840,00 pres~ntation and surrender of the ,II'. lInu ;\h.,.. L;}wrcnce Th om a~ d in olum bu s on April 20. ' 2 t An attl!l}lpt to Ob(::IIll lhotu;nrl d t he d livel' "Step bad: to the rear I- CAPI'FA.L OUTLAY: ' illt~rest coupona to be attacbed to', Lebanon ~ Ohio .lfId (umily, Mr. uud .Mrs. Irvi n a nd 2 . accordi ng Lo Comllli ion of dllllsl.' in ut'li nqu 'TI t sal ~s tax of th e car pl ea se" and the tune Ne. W. Buildlngs ............ $88327.46 flaid bonds. Anyone dettrlng to 'filmil:)' and family, !1ft . R )( W 1Il hah'ma n Thom as M. Gregory. r~tu, ns ", i ll be ma de by a foree of g et s more an d more plain tiv~, and E qul/(m.ent for N ew School do so may ptesent a bid or bids ' EXPERT WATCH mnwn, Ilnd Joyct' SllNII'S wer e . ' BUildings ." ....... ,"" ......... $600.00 for said bOllde baled on their REPAIRING J('UI;i'ts nf .lr. UflU Mrs. Pe rry Fi1~ ,- _ ._ _ _ _. Other .... " ..... .. ,.... " ..... ... . " ... 4886.00 bearing a different rate of Inter· t eet than that hereinabov . e .!Ipeci. ' U.i.. 0..1,. G_al.. ",t.rial. - --- Estel' ':;unday. TOTAL CAPITAL OUT. fied, provided that Wille" a fraeo MI', and .lIIr!'. Rorno R iggs visitU ., f ro. ~ T "'Y ' "'4'"213 '6 iional. int'erest rate Is bId, such Pro~mpt C!-rvice ~s 0 ew ' ~ ,, '1'.. ... fraction shall be Olle , quar~Ar of· '""' . 1<1 B~I'n)' FUrtHI~ at the MeCl _ c; "" BALANOE DEC 31st 1986 " 1M ( , . , . one per cent or multiples thereof Store ope': until 9 p. m. lfc"})it.IlI last Saturday. General. Fu.nd ., .. .. ...... $1352.37 <:"d b d .j, b d d'l .. 'r d ~r L t 0 h .• inkin ... and Bond Re~al on s Wllol e ue an pay • .. r. a n .• I;; , Il~ e-r ct· nr" til' me~t Fund' ... .... " .. $1672.47 able as foll'llwlI: Twenty of Baid l ~~~~~~~~~~~~~§ .md fOlJllly I/o It d inner gue~ts of t:>onds of '4.00.00 each, one bond :; IV. Il d 11,. \'1. C. • mit h anel ~ TOTAL BAl.AN'C '" $2924..84 ~ue Mar~h lst,)988 and one bond .llllly 1,;11 Fa.'t~1 ASSETS AND LIABILITIES cue on the first day of l'dat:ch j " u ~ J ASS' '''I'Seach. year thereafter up to and m· LI·~."-" 8roL-!tH, and " Ir ~. ames Uar t. ock h'" clu dlng March lat. 1967. Five ~ '.... and r:lmil,~' bJl "it 1o:a t el' with Mr. Cas ...... .. " ..... :.. " ........ :". $2924.84 bonds of $500.00 each, the first REAL ESTATE ACCOUllls R ec~lvabl e- ..... U600.00 bond being '. due March 1 t, 1968 HI I • r . S, ~. I' j ' 1' lin J~n.. t '1 . Irven tol:y SupP.1ies an d . and one 'bond <In the firs: day of ~,fr', 'W. c. Smith Wtt , pil'u. 'JIliJ~' Matel'1 al ... " ...... ....... .. 860.00 March each yellr thereafter up to N()TARY PUBUC UlpJi cd, ,hUll aft I' ell I'~h ~t!I'VLa:\(I~ ( Co~t),. , .. ....... ... ,$1000.00 and , _ncluding Match l,et, 1962. 'C..i 'f n,}! , >' ,\'eniIlJot. Mat' 'b 25 , I ~ull~ll)gs Cost) ... ... ... $70000.00 Twenty-five bOllds of $600.00 ~~~~~~=~=========~ . . ; l:n ., '. "or n .IS lIun te l' IIlJd 'I· Equlpmtmt (Cost) ... )",_.$2000.01) e~ch, the first bond bein'" .. , Sept. 1st, 1938 and one bond on fanri1~' un d M,., I.Intl Mr<, LeeteI' TOl'At. ASSETS .. $80874.84 the first day of Septembe.r each LIADILITIES-year thereafter up to and lnelud. Accoun ts Payable- ............ 4831.00 ing Sept. 1s t, 1962, I Bonded Debt .. '... .. . ... $2l000.00 · Said boncb are luued for the purposes or Pitying the Village's TOTAL LIABILITfES $25831.00 proportion Of cONitructing a I!;XCI!: S or DEFICIENCY . ta"7 liewer sy tem for said Village (~F AS ' .ET~ ". , " .. $55043.1H in cooperation with the Work~ t' ch ool .D1Sit1Ct P. O. Addres. Har- Progress AdministraUon of the .vey burg. F'ederal GoV'l!lDmellt, and under March 2"&, 1997. authority of the lawl 01 Ohkl aDd I certify the foreaoing report to of tile Uniform BOlld Act and of be con-ect.· the vote of the electorpon Nov. J, W. Davis. ember 8, 19S8 &lid under and In Clerk, BOal'd of Education. aceordabee with • certatll _dinTax Va.luation .... .... 1180176.00 of wd entitled ~OrTax 6.40 Milk W~ ... '" !!~~!:!!!~!!!!!~~!:!!!:!!!:~!!! Scbool numeration . ' . ... , .. 270 _ .. NOTICE OP-APPoINTIlEMT of




d R Od' ecommen s Earlv Bus?


J. R. Gibbons






~~r!1r~r ,~rrh\l i:l~ ~~:;it t:~~~~


----- ---- ---c' t B t of the New's S ' FrOlTI t he01 l l a tate C apitol -- - -----------c-










Cary'l ·J ewelry Shop






if the .

G.hat Lakes E ..pos:,tio"II ·

....... "" .... ".........

'J. 8 . CHAPMaN




C.nterv_.. Ohio ....,. 7U

Lei ",... , .... ", ..

. '


E. .....







McC'I!·lIan Ho pitat is 25th. Lc-hanl n on unday. family or Cincinnati, Mr. d at t.hi. ritinjl', Mr, and Mrl'. Ray Smith, Mi1<" Earl r.:nI~r~OI1 Illlri Miriam J (ail William Kt.'PPOll IUld famU, Mr. and ?II ,t and Mr. Ilnd MIII. J, B, (lmlln Milt/lt'd Smith and Mr, Kenneth Fiel of Wilminp:( on 'llil nt th ir Dnyton \\ HI! f(U('ste of M.... ~fiss llt'Jen ('alv~rt of Sdrua anu. 'C'InCI'n na tI'on "1 I... 'th . .. "ere In •• on ny. I ",ml , ( I f D ny t on, E pent 'a" .. t.l't 11.11'\" I' VIlCnllnn \\lth'011'11 uncI' telle Shaner on ElUlt r. Mrll. Mti l' HI. Elhan were dlnnu' I B'II' k'Gil d \\It " h M r. 10 d •Mr', ..L' , II. C'Jl'lihalll Ilind aunL, Mr. tilll!. MI'-, L, 11. G(1I'-' )[1' (11111 Mr Howard Wbetsel 1 18 Me II 0 h spell t th C gllE'.;t!\ at th e Hom e on SUllday. with l'elntivclI in Hamilton I and family 11 . .. k d M1' J ohn Goethcl' of incinnali 0 11. of Da yto n spent the wee -en ~=~~~~=====~-~==--'::"-~---::_~====::_= c~lIc(i on H Ollle fri nd~, Sunday.' MI. a~;d M~. ~h~ynlll'd' i :~;t.J: MI:. llnd 1\11'8, A. O. Griffy cn· Iiss K'lher Smith K)ll'llL lhe with Mr. and Mrs. U. G. Whetzel. . . I f iI and Iaml y 8p~lll n. LeI \\ t . 1" tert.:llncd at nn Ea"L r dinm· . th e week-end at her hom ' III Mas~i, MI'. Morris 'hCI-wood of CoIumy COIII,IIIOQ PI ... PI"OCeed'DIr• Mlafmll ,valkICl'~ Blod g : &toLO~nr'I~S-1 fMI" A. wZ'i1])~rt..'OCk and atm and !'tlr. Fl'cen10nt Weltz and fam j following guests: DJ'. and MI'8. A. Ion. . d In the cal!e of the Mutuul Feder ~ II, f) ' ran ln, h 10 .. J uur 0 near mlng n were. a th e i1y Qn Ell~tel' B h I' d f .] bus !\pent Easter with Mr. an . I " e ton an anll y JI.lJ' nnd M' AI. b C h M 1 Sh ,. al Savings and Loan Ass'n., of Zil1l1nc'lI11I.lll, I'cu! l'st.ulc, being lot lIome on atunlay Lvt·ning to ~e.1l1 Mrs, F. • llal·t~oc k and Mi S AID. j) f', ,.' . ,I • 1'1< ,I e~' III am .pent tlOril. aT erwoou. Miamisburg v • S. H. Frazee t ai, No. 4:10 in the village of Franklin 11 ' , L nn Hal' ock. Iildl'ed .l-Jart!:lock of MiHord wete' 1\/,8. d l\;nc~t, laC 0 C;nCI~n;tl' d~y \ ilh !\II'.. and Mr . Frank Kul')11', lind Mm. harles ornnell judgement giving to plaint.iff from Ohio. I Mr, und Mrs . .Brnc, l Martin, Mr. gue ta of Mrs ~;Jith Hnnie and " 1I. ~~ n~. Mar P on;aG ~f~ ,a~ £1 .... and Janl1ly. of Cent rvill wl're guests Qf !\lr. derendanta, S. H. and LaU I1a FralIelen Harlsock to Hob ert D. und Mrs. Mnuric~ Ro c kin, of Day_ll lIlr Harris Mo.:he on atulrday j lfY;"1 r. nd 1 I~ •. au GI'I.frY anll l Mr~. L, A. Wa~hburn (If Xenia and MI.,... Wilfl' d Squires on ,' . M d f J L M . . anll Y (In 1'. Inc n t rt Y a . . Th zee t'he sum of $2.~93. 97. and Mal'Y , 011 L" le ~11 e,;tntu, be ton, .and, 1'. an I·S. . . enMrs, Raymond Wi1~on and dnu- all of Dllyton. ' !'\ p nt Mo ndllY With MIS!! JIc.I ell ursday evening. In t.he case of Elizabeth Hayn s lng part of lot o. 1 In J rfcr!!on denJ:lnll dm d here on und~y. ce1e " ht.H J eanette were guc'sts of " IIawk e. MI'. Il oward Nuckols and Mr. > 'd M R b t F 0 Mr . Irene Thomas, Mrs, E. R, Mrs. J essie ITynmn ~p!!n~ Sun - r hn ~elu~, of t,he incinnati Bivs, Robert Haynes divorce wa .'qUl\l· in the Vi1I"gc of Wayne!!. hraling Mrs. Mendenhal l's bll·thday l M ·1\1 I'S. L .ellu~a l~ rt r. an I·S. " 0 er urnas n B.ntley gl'anted to the plaintiff and mai d ville, Wanen County. Ohio. '00k 5pent S a t Ul'- Salul'day. , .and . M'r~ . Della . , Venable . ' day with h('[' "bt~ I', Ml'o, am ble Seminar)',. Mr. Albert, 8l"VeT en nam ~ restored: to plaintiff, ha.<, J. Waggon l' and Gl'over day eveOlng With Mr. aml M~s. Hal' \1 (.) e gue!\ts of Mrs, LIZZi e Lcwls Shallut, in incinnati. )[ Spdng-f il! ld , Mr. I1nd Mrs. EveElizabet.h Pence. C. Knapp lo Frank Dilatuslt,l'callan Hal'vey and family of Lebanon. , MI'. and Mrs. L. . Jame on a~d on Wednesday, , H v. mylhe Lind.- y of Cin cin- I'ct\' Sears of Spring VaHey, Mrs. . . VaHey est::tte 10 ' Tu rtlccreck ,rwp., War- ' 111 r, an d M rs. B tme II ,0f Jaugbt r.' Joyce Lee'of. Mlnnlls. ' In the Case of the Miami er eyiar . I J\:T rs. I r' ne H en derson was gueflt n a1 1. \1 as it guc. t nt the Li,ttle lOll II vil1 Millet' and llllll, Donald, of . tract being .' 0 Ia\\me, - . an (I 11', an d M rs . S.M rane of CInCIII· 0 f 1\11',an • d MI.SE, · .T. troutI On n Ell ' 't er llnday. 11 . burg . ' MlOS Mal'y . Gr~ln\'iIIe \\ ere dinner guests of Bldg., and Loan Ass'n., of Frank- 1 n ou.nt.y, OhiO. . " . h ·11 I S~llel' 0 11 d 0 n t h e uti • and Mrs. Maud e rane nnd Eo S' ler •· }\.Jr. an d M . N. P. B1ntt of ~1r nnd M Gephart ot al part of section 0, v III t e VI age ~ , 6£ L~b ~ 1111 n, ell -e W N Sand l in ' . .Ohl'o ' v~P. May B ~ ~ ~ , • 1 ' d! dl/.ught 1', Ann.a. Lee, were gues . " rs. . , I'S M deci IOn was confirmatioll deed of Lebanoll, OhIO. 1 rowne un ay a tetnoon. . MI'. and fJ .. H. If. Wad. wort.h N.,\V Lexil1j!ton, 11'. and Mr,;. family on Ea ~t.el·. M anti distribution " Ernest R. and 'Flora L. Snldel' l of d ;. a~~ MI' 'fI~~nl~Y t~~e n l of ~ eRt al'rollton and Mr. and al'l ankel' Ma soll, MrR. I~ v .Mrs. Lydia Duy. M ~s Dorothy R_I. E_ta~e Tranaf~ra to Cincinnati Ga and Electric an E ~uLg ~r, nr a In e anon Irs. L, F. P rklns of Pa ' enua were Iyn Walkin \! nnd llon, Itoger, Mr. Day, MI's. Sad ie Conner and Lou. h f fi t" ' 1 on as fir. d M M D George Uoward and P earl 0., rtg I-,t, 0 .wa y or ~ ec r~~~ M,'. and Mr!!. Hom er ~;chmidt ,;uP~,r guest, of Mr. an~ Mrs. B. an 1"8. • • Buil'(l nnd daugh- is J ea.n Baker were guests of Mr. ward to Jos. Bruce and Bannie n rgy, "elng 10 survey . o. , d M _I M St I ' Cl k . Ice on un day vetllrlg, tel', Patsy. ' spent EIll ter with Mr, and Mrs, R. F., .Bilker on Ea ter. Bruce, real estate In the village of ill ~Iamilton Twp., Warren County :~d b:bya ,~:~, r:.j. D:~:~~ , ~1~e. Ceorge HII.r ock ent.ertain- ancl Mrs. O. R, nglesby. Miss Mary Burton, Mr. Charles Franklin, being lot No. 207. OhlO. ". te ts f M d M e(j at an Ea tel' dlOn el' the followMr. R. D. Co]J('lt pllrchaR d th e LeMay, alld Mr. RObert Cleaver ~ D. Vale to Glad:ys Mllr· Wtl'lIiam~' .a rl' Ramby gues and 0 an· rs. ~ 'ng .,cruests I'll I'SG· 'M ~)'gar!l t, Th oma , home of Uclen 11nr'lsock on 'X"II'I'd W'I Alto... · : t' GBerthad M Ei ' Ket· t .Hom f1'. amily. I wel' gll :l-s ()'f M'1&.'1 L'll' I Ie I so n C. .' and n shall real estate in Military Sur- sey o. hlntClnrna I aS all I' etc. riC1 t r . MabeJle Burger aud 1\1rs . M1"!l. .,'anda ."filth and family; 'Il' et. in !tit. Sterling, Kentucky. on f vey No. 1619 in Washington Twp., 0., rig 0 way or ec nca MI' Dnd Mr C Archdeaco I ). f Lb' 1'. Herb rt Glh . on of Piqull a nd Mr. , Irwin Mille r a nd son, Don- '\Jnday. . . S 2' T " N . .. '" n UI'( la ross 0 e ano n wel e Warren Co., Ohio. nergy b ClIlg IJ1 C. 3, . u 0, and childr n of Dayton; Mr . F. I dinner gu ~sts J>1 Mr. Wit! 1\11-8. 1'Ii1·S. A. T. Gilpin of Springboro. at 1, of Greenvill e spe nt thc weekMr, and ' Mrs. Ken'lleth Laney arrie Shawhan to Cba . Reese, 3 N. Turll,ecreek 'I'lI'p., Warren H. Miltenberger of ,near Lytle and I Ollis Mis eldinc On Sunday, after , l\iI-. nl1~ Mrs. Ed. Thoma.- p nt end with IT. an if 1\1rs. W. N. nd brother of Mason. Miss Dororeal estate being lot No. 8 in t'h.e ounty. OhIo.. Mrs. Lu 1111. M.iJtenberger of Mid- which they call d 011 MI'. and Mr, Easier , With MI". .. and Ml's. IIal!'y Seal's and family. lhy Moxham ~f Ferry, and Mr. Frank A. Dilatusb et £II to Ral - dl town were Sunday guests of !'th. Victor arp n tcr of Bl ue Hall in and family. Mrs. Ralph lJastin and son, Gcol'ge Robin . on spent Easter • village of Fredericksburg, Wart' n County, Ohio, ph II, Carey teal cstat , being a and Mrs. J. H, Smith . , the aiten)oon. ,Tnnlce BUl'l1 e~~, of Lytle celebru- Bobby, w re in Dayton on Friday, 1with Mr. and Mrs. William ColeCleveland Scott and Henriette part of CC, No.5, T, 4, R 3 in M J h R I II' ted her tenth birthday anniv ersary Mr, lind MI'. Ben Beckett and lman. Mr. and 1\lrs James Bergan ent·s. os p an< a I was guest Th d . M I Scott to Katherine L, Watt, teal TUl'tl creek Twp., Warren County. tcrt.ained und~y at a .( amjly din- I of M1': and MI'8. Rnymond onner O~t llr ai hve~m~, Ill'c;' 25th !!!!!'!~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!'!!!!!!!~~~~~!!!!!!~~!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!~. h a o estate being lot No. 4 in section Fronk A, Dilatusb et III to He" n cl', the 101l0wing guests : Mr. and and family on MOhday ~ivening. h e:. 'ICf .o d y, a vIn g II wThor - - - -- S3, twp. " in the Miami Purchase f 'hel N. and Lula M. BUnltell, real , M R II" d' a I e.r ",II rlen S In r or 1\ party. e in Warren County. tate being tJ.·acts ' 0. 1 and No. Mrs. George Johns and daughter, I". ana I. 1 pen lUg coup eve ning was ,enjoyed by playing a Mrs .. reStella E. Lamb nnd Robert 2 in the village of L ban.on . War- Patsy', . J ulia Bel'gan of Way- of weeks Wlih her grandparcnt nul'll b er 0f games a fter w h'ICn 1'«n' County, Ohio. n. i1le; Mr~. Genevive Dening I' Mr . .and M'r!!. Ed. , Edwards. II Cl:hmenLs were l,"Ved. Lamb to Etta B. Larrick, r eal e • of Dayton; and Mrs. Viro-lnia Ann . MUlS Barbara Gray • .a st.udent l\1 d OK Al P l' .k tate in Scioto Sq., in the village S. M. Buel'kl e to Victor L. .... f W'l . gto C Il . d' , r. an ... rs. 0 In !: yare of Waynesville, Warren County, St. nge l' a l .estate being lotI!; No. stl'ong of near Lebanon. 0 ) min n 0 ege lS 'ljen 1I1g spending' thi week in incinnati. 35, ""6, <>"7 1')1 tIle villa, ge of -.1asol'l Ml'. and Mrs.' Carl Peterson and herMrEaster at home. Ohl·o. " Jackvacation and Richard Adams J Mrs. , J e-;"Sle R0 b't )zel', 0 f Day l on Nona F. Drak to Trustees of ""' anen County, Ohiu. daughter, Jianlce, 01 SPI'lOgfle l d ' ," and Mr. Lou Pl'intz were Sunday Deerfield Twp" real estate in the Gus iukel' to Eliaa,b eth Siek el', li nd MI', and Mrs. Starr and family spent 1\~he w de~nq ;l~h ~~Ir par- ~uest.s of Mr. and Mrs. J, D. MarVillage of Mason. being the eost r al e. tnte, being 10L!! No, 277, of Xenill, v;el'e Easter gUests ' of ents, r. an 1'. ~ n IUns. lotto art of lot No. 8. and 279 in the Village of ,Lehanon Mr, alld,MrR . R osl! Plnnk and fam MI'. and Mr , Otvll1e Gray and 1\1.r and Mrs Ral h I l t ' .... P il . daughter, Barbara wet' guests o n ' . p as In.. ~ J


T Tl '




















Marriaae Mrs, Melvyn Banta of ._&~~~a~Mrs.A.Q&~~~n:d=, l ' 'F kl' MJ'. and Mrs. Chfford HlZar of E~a~K~g~ Ma~LL ~ Wnr~n Gun~ Lic:-en.ea bio, ' ~ 11'. andT, lam ~0:n~'2B~0~b~b~y~ ,~~~~~e~g~u~~~~~s~o~fl~~~!;~~~~!~~!~~!!!!~!!!!!!~ . ' nlan an·d son, P au, run In. ))onald Kesling, Wel\l el', Fr'mk- 1'1 ' pent the week-end 1\1 Ed 'th B d f '1 f

real estate in Clearctleek Twp., between the Miami Rivel's in Wal'l'e'n Coullty. Frank Brandon and C, EII.n Brandon to Edward and Minnie Hawthorne, real estate bing lot No. 662 in the village of Fra.nklin Warren COllnty. John E. Holden to Kathryn Vincent, real estate being lot No. 45 in Salem Twp •• Warren County" Ohio. C. G, and Thelman E1:beck to RUB ell Gilber Hoffman a'ltd Ethel Rosina Hoffman, real estate. being lot No. 91 in th-e village of Mason, Warren County, Ohio. Ortha Bryant to Daly Griffith real estate in tract five in the


o!l~ ant.<

wit h lclativt!s her~. .... eall1s an a'~l y 0 New Vlellla 's pent EIISt.~I· With Mr. Mrs. Russc:1I Frank, Mr~. Karl and Mrs. Ollie Davis. 13od~nbcn~er and Mi'S. Ira. Brown Mr. 'and Ml . GiJbert Biggs and: \\(ll in Dayton Qn Tue, day. family "V.ere gllc ets of 'Mil'. and Rev. Kearns Preston of Cham- Mrs. Wenzel Herl'es und £amily paigfl, lIljnois ill vi~ iting Mr. and of neal' Harveysburg.on E[LSt r. MIS. J. K. PI' ston and famil y. Mrs. L. S. Arthur who h;~s b en MI'. and Mrs, ;1. P. From m were very ill is som what better at t.his time. . Ea 'tel' guest, of Mr. Fromm's paTent.... Mr, a'nd M1'3. J. J. Fromm in l'tlr. and MI'S. Edward Woolal'd Daylon. .and family and Miss Min nil! Davi', l'I1rs. GlIlee kCuDe of Lima is 'all or D yton were guests of Mr. N~ SUIt. f P ding a few days with her and ' Mrs. Cliff BU1'nett find famOra. T. l,<nowlton vS. J o~ Knowl- niol her,( Mrs. E"a l\'l ill er. i1y on Sunday_ . ton for d iv orce. Charge I gross MI'. and Mrs. Charles Henkle, Jim Edwards, of Dayton is D nd Mgl~et, Young and Young nt- , Mr. Donald Wright and Miss Mary ing his Easter "acalion with hi. t otn~y~. , .. Kauifung of H{lmilton were Eas- grand paren ti', Mr. and ?;[r!I, Rufus WJlha,m Wa,uace VS. Chrtstine C. tel' gue t.s of Mr. and Mrs. A .. F. Watkin. villall'e of South Lebanon, HaDlll ton TWp., Warren County, Wallace ror divorce. Gross n glect Melloh and family. Mr. and Mr • Harry Conner at:e Mina S. Cre. to Luther Dun can of duty charge. J~s ..E. Burke at- . ;Mr. Robel't Chapman left announcing the birth of a daug'h~eal est~te beang lo~ 35 and 36 tOJ n y 101' the plall\tJil. W ednesday on a trip ' to California. tel', Mary.Jane, at 8,1. Ann's Hoapi m the Village 'Of Spnngboro, War. I Benny Furnas who is at the tal in Dayton on Thul'.·d8,Y, Mar. ren County, Ohio. . 1 Mrs, Oilbel"t Frye was. hostes~ , ' . Will H. Irwin Jr., and B.r nda- to nn Eas~er Lunllh eon on Tbu rs---lee Irwin to Wade Shepard, real day. An afternoo.n of playing ,;:= etate. being in the Miami RiVU I'\68 enjoyed by t.he following urvey in Sec. 21, town, 4, Range I guests:. Mrs. LaWl'e nce Garst, 2 N., in Deerfield Twp., Warren Kal'l J3odenbender, Mrs. R.u sell W e ar equipped to handle every detail of a Cpunty, 'Ohio. I ' Frank, Mrs. Wad e Turn-er, M1'8. funeral, eve-D to such small but iV1portant m'att~rs W . Jones and, Kenneth Mote to 1 Ra.lph Hastings, Mrs. A. H. Stubbs as carda to friends and l'elatives. anan gement of the Elizabeth Updyke, real estate, be- and Mrs. 1. D. ')3'1'o",n. seati ng in t he fU'neral cn~"S. selection of pall-bearel's ing lot No, 412 in tbe village of I Mrs. IJOster Surfa~e and dough- " and the like. We will also handle all c metery de· Franklin WJlrr.en County, Obio, . tel'. Doris. Mrs. Edwm Ila.mby and tails and anything else that is necessary In any parElla Grov~s to Ann.a Bunnell, daughter, Linda Lee w-ar Sunday ticular ease. Many bereaved in their t.ime of grea.t~eal estate in the village of Frank- guc.~ts of: Mr. and Mrs. Herman est grief feel themselves incapabl of attending to the numerou detail.!! of a funeral. We welcome the in, Warren County., Ohio. Stu'face. opport.u nlty tbu presented us of taking these re.· spon ibilitie ofI the shoulders of the grief- trieken. Jin, Ohio, and VirlTinia Woodward, c' in pect 1', SD~ingbol'o, Ohio. Harry Wen-vel', ial'm4:r, Middletown, .Ohio, .and Hel n Hoff, of Franklin, OhiO. Everett Gregory, telll Work(lC, Middlcto\\n. Ohio, and Elizabeth Pence, Iadory worker, Fra.nklin Ohio. • Gerald Brewel', gr ce·l'y elel'k, Levanon, Ohio and Th~lma Fl'eew labor r L banon, ?lllo.




"The Sunbonnet Girl" I'

Operetta By. Glee Club_ of WaYDenilk Hi.h Sch?ol 'THURS. and FRIDAy ...... APRIL 1.~d 2, t>~37 At O'clock GYMNASIUM ADULTS 20 c ... le STUDENT 10 Ceale


RED ·.

'G ood-year Tires WDlard BaUeries

Lot. of service in these tractor s If you are- in th~ market for a new or used Tractor or any kind of new or used implement, visit our J. I. CASE implement D'isplay Room at Waynesville, Ohio. A SUGGESTION TO POULTRY RAISERS STEP .up your Chick's livability and Vitality b y using VIG·ATONE in the ~rinking water from the atart. Your chicks muat be ,trong to counteract the ge.r ms and diseaa a they meet in • the early stages of their life. USE VIG·A.TONE IN THE DRINK t ING WATER. Tested and Approved by Practical Poultrymen· Everywhere.

.Fairley Hardware Company Larjter Becau.e of Be tler Quality, Service. and Price.

Phone 32.

r.. tabl'iahed 1849 -



.• ,1

~\\006 ,., "'.'


, Laata LOll•

ft. ...' UIL , ....... S waJ. ·In severe weather tests~ Red prand fence outlas~d · all




Pboae 7



an opportunlty to to save m9ney!

J. E. MoClare

,-0'" ,1


othets, Yet it costa DP mo~'e than other' brand.s .of atandard ' Jrade. Gives you [IlCft years of good eervice for your money. Thai:', real

The· Wayne ville National B nk MEMBER OF

fence value.

Dou.... Protected &tra heavy

mating of pure .me en

tbe outside-plenty of (Opper in the _ steel. Full puge wires • • • ''liw'' . tenIioo aimpa ••. accurw

••. tliht Imota that can't can't ... all tbeIe 9l~~" blat when )'011 _ the Mn _I~ ell RED, you.\aIgw them. We tine • 8IIIId ..... c:c.a. III


'erv ill at Da, t on at th

Millmi (111)' In l>u}tun.

..;;;.;;;.;;;~;.;;..;;;o.......;;~;.,;;;..;.;.-_ _









.11. Alic· CI 111111 . In•. :\1111'. nn.1 Mr'. Weaver had lIr. and M . W. C. Kers@y "f Vallt'y Hospital. Mrs. Eutl Clinl' Ilnd MI'~. Rub>' J.:'II l .1 h ~ hft', lie. 1 11Ilh' Jla IIL _____~~------------,..-_:__ El\.l~; P;l1l'~t tht" I' three 80ns, ~e ta of Mr. lind Stump Wl'rc calling 011 fdt'nd, hl'n° I'I 'li. Ilith I:lip. I .... .. ...... _ ..... .,.., _ l'tllIl, 1101'01.'(' And Harold Weavl!r MI'!'. G. M. l'tfad)ollllld and family last wt'ck. I' \ Ill~ BUIll. l l:otl.. rlllirl('d . e\'POTATOES: LATE SBEJ) anti eaL ,.e Cnpitol University, Columbus. nn h-l, W t1nl· ~ tlay 1"'l'lIing for ~up H - Lut'il", Tucker ,lOll £ri(11111 luI 'tlttl ~ irl fl'h II I. Thul .llI~' ing JlCltlttoe~. St.·uu (! BI·o~. R. The funeral oC David J. Noggle, flU. fl'0111 incinlllltl ~ p('nl lhl' \, I'Lk- t'I ' llin " III hUIlC.t uf h,'\' lJirthdllY. . R. 2; 1 1-2 uliles nOI th on llgcU 84, a native of this communiMr~. Ro.' 81'1' and f, mlly ennd here. :lJr . I':. B.'l· Dnd family Wayri svillc and f'erry Pik . ty WlIS . he ld at the M. E . church t rtained tbe 10110\\11111: gut:!lts for Mr. nnd MI·S. Pcrcy Reason an itlll'ru"~, 1 1\ fLcl' hosing 11 si l'~ 4tp. her on Sunday afternoon. l. \." rand cal'd" on last. Friday s pent unday vening with lr~. of th e ip. M " IfHREE PIE E SUITS, 1l". and Mrs. ~. G. Phillips a~d t'v~ning: Mr. and Mrs. II. . TuckMr. adi R~ul'\on. ' 1\1 r,. S. Jl. BUI'n tt • p<,nl .CVCI'EN S ' 1 attend d a birthday surprise 11011 cr, MI'. alld IIh~ . C'lyd Lcvicy, M['. II', and lr~. ollett SPl'lIt al \lay. hl!;t IH 'k \,ith fl'. lind 1\11'.". cieat~e~ n;ld resB~' 5~ ~~l1t~. flIt' Mrs. Limps's father in Daynil 11'<\. hn~. DQ,tel', II'. ond en R {L ~ c can,e un . OC Ea.-ter \1 iLh lth-. nrlo Mrs. Weith n RU ~I'~ 1I BUI'llctt a 11(1 !nn)~ly ut 1011 , Sun,in;-. .fl· AXColl eU' Mr, I1.nd ]l.irs. hn ed, 60 cents. 'lop outs, Spe 1'111 Ea. t r a~erVI'eeB were ~I\' )lUI' I·plgton. J(jt! 'l'ville, on aCcuullt. r th e '\II I K 70 I Ell.! tel', 'MI'. and 11's. lint le nv1"I'S. T ' UI' ~ hJ'dllkcr lind MrR. B "t cents. Quick cancrs, at 1- h ld in both churches h r~ last "YJ un.. Il~~" of In.. u I'ne, • ryn Mendenhall, Agent.. r, fr. and Mrs. Rob rt Wallacj·. ha. Gordon returned home un~11 .'. Hulh Stlva~e of (, lIlet'ville SundllY· 1\1t-~. ' Mary Doster, Ai s~ Kabhleen day ev ning a.f!.('\' a vi.,it I~ith Mr. pC' nt Tucsduy Ilt her i·oom.s hcre. F;OR SA LE : 2 WHE-ECTRKILER Miss Blanche Evans was host as Grahal]1, and Mr. Robert oll ett. ~nd l'Ih'S. W. P . Me anCn of WIII, 1.1'. llntl nil'S. J. B. J one will good tires, boo b d'. Gu. s to tho Meny Maids Sunday School Miss N 11 Boc! tier £ Nor" (10<1' h n dhlg. soo n pen II 11('1'0' grocery in t h e heets, Cro s-swithch, Waynes cllllls and the teacher, Miss Mar. sp nt la t Thur day wit11 h. and J\lr~. ora Hawke of Wilming- Brock property, whkh lhey recentville. ltc , jorie Haydock on Friday night. lITr • Wilbur Hawk and fahlily. ton call~d (if fd nds h I' Tu e lay. ly PUI' hll~ed. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Compton Mr. ' and Mrs. George Beckett, 1\I 1', nnd 1\1 I's. has. B ogs n J 1'. 1111'. l~nd MI·~ . Donald Hadley an d sp nt Easte r day with their daugh I ere host Bnd hostes to th -ir cord nd family .pent Ea tcr wi th Mrs. litlie daughte r \, t're at l\ fa mily dub on la t aturday night. ter alld family, Mr. and Mrs. E. O. c.= ____ _ __ _ Bog n's pare nt, Mr. and Mrs. Tur- La ·tC'r dinn r Ut the hOnl' of it·. JITNEY UPPER in ocilll rooms Bogan of Duyton. Mr. Alva Kennt:'dy Iwnt F.a t r ncr of N w B urlingt on. and .irs . Amo ook nilill' W4Iynesof the 'M'. E. hurrh, Tu esday, Mrs. &bert Stanley moo sudwith !tIl'. 'Porn Tucker and Mrs. Mrs. P au line iIlars of Spring ille. April 6th 6 to_ 7 p. m. hic.k n, d nly while att.ending the Noggle J Les ie Lawsoll and family !If n ar MI'. and Ir. II ,11 1101e attendValley visited relutive h ere on Roast Beef, other g ood things to fun eral unday aftern0 OJ1. She is 'pring Valley. ed the fUll ral of lh'e fortner's Monday. cat. ltd. urvived by her husband and four ltHss Ko thJcen Graham has re· unt Mr • Anna lontgomery of LYTLE PERSONALITEMS children: has, Wayne, Mary and turned to her home at Hickory.. "UIlRV rlown, at the RobeTL's funville after spending @vernl we k.s Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Seehon atSarah; her falh er, Wm. E. CompVi rgil Longacre is slowly re- eral hom , Dayton, Tuesday. Th e 1 b ton, h r step-moth er, a sister, Mrs. a t the home of Mr. and Mrs . E. B. T A YING after school used to mean eitber a birch ro~ or a e~gt y tended a. sal near Trotwood on eoveri1;Jg alter a couple of week's burial WII. at ent rvill . I re, Bllt Rose Kohout, senior cooed a t ~el~s Instltute, .Chlcago. T d Lal renc Mitchner and a brother, Dakin. iIllle with ma stoid trouble. • MI'. and Mrs. G\lY Routzahn and d o' . 'l1 to mind. She and he~ bome economlcll.nstructo~, MiSS Kathues ny. • Amos E. Compton, al\ of this vic i_ The many fri ends of Mr. Frank l\{r . Alic Trick y is spendin g .falllil.y wete 'ullday gue t at tho eli ", indllllge in a little after-school munelllng of big red .apple. Charles Wade, who hurt hIS leg nily, Funeral se l'vices were held in Harvey of near L ebanon 'will be thi week with her daughters in .ot' the latter'.s mothel', ~~I'S'I fr st0ln State. Instructors at Lewis upset the old tradlhon- a few week s ago, is much better. the Friellds Church Wednesday T t p ( Ipple to teacher-by serving apple! to the pupils. In the Il.lad to learn of his recovery from Dayton. ' Mary Boitnof{ at Ippecanoc I y. I f'len other fresh (ruin. are scarce, I\pplc5 ate found to be all Ml'~. Emma Farr Dakin of Xe- afternoon . a evera attack of pneumonia. Mrs. Mnry arnlOny \\11 an En • el 'ate for spring fever. Mr. J. B. J ones and Mr. and Mrs. nio is spending a f ew days wibb 'MI'. and Mr.s. Everett Nickerson Mr. Fred Harlan till remain and daughter and Harry Nickerson Tnerle Jone ~nd' on spent Satur- MI'. tel' dinnel' guest t the;, lark home a.nd of i;;~=!:~~!!~==========::=======~F- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Farr. alHl frl!. 1~I'c ... t'ett .Mr: and Mrs. M. ornell nf Dayton, IIpent 'Sunday with Mr. !" , ....... .. Kesler G r aham and ' spe n t Ea t t' wilh Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. L. C. Stanfield and fam Ru!'sell Stockstill in Dayton. i1y. Size - 28 x 16 t1aught r, MiS!! Bernice attended a " $90.00 [amily c.linllllr E' l~r Sunday at ...._ _ _ _ _ _• _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ Dena Lucas of Mt. Rolly i :Miss Miltlr 0 Carl' - of Wilmingth(> t. Elizabeth HospiUlI in Day- ton ollege is p nding the Easter t he home of MI'. and Ml't, Jobn MyOLIVER SINGLE DISK HARROW ton for treatment. holiday at her home here. el" and dau ,htu in Duyton. Size 12 x 16 - Tongue Truck - Double Trees The L ~·t1 Ladie Aid will b old $55.00

OreJrOnia were






--- ------



!'!.....~~I!'!M!'!P~E'"'!R!'!I!'!A!'!L'!'!!'!T'"'!R!'!A'!"·!""C!'!T!'!O!'!R~D!'!J~S~K~H!'!A!'!R!'!R!!'!"!!O!'!W!!'!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!..!!!.!!!~ sUI~I~ ::,~y~:~

Mo ods 'Of Mu s,; c


BLACK HAWK CORN DRILL With Fertilizer Attachment $70.OQ 60 TOOTH WOOD BAR HARROW $24.00

t hoir Aptil m~Lting un W dnestlay, ihe 71h, ilL the home of Mr. lara Hunt. This Will be the birthday meeting 'lith II covered di h dinner The nB il!tant hoste' care: Ml·S. J es'ie Longacre, 1.1,'s. Emm a Lacy, and ~i8s V Ima Illith.

All Kind. of Plow &: Wagon Double Trees and Neck Yokel


R.D.COLEn HARDWARE & IMPLEMENT Phone 99 R 3 WayneSVille, Ohio

Sunday: Sunday hool at. 0 :$0 u. m. I Morning. "or hip at 10 :40. The sermon subjcc\ will be: "AJfter En ter; Then What." Evening 61'Vices at '1 :3 0 p. m.

A. H. STUBBS FUNERAL HOME Wayne.ville, Ohio

Large Spacious Room s--Pr~perly Arranged, beautifully (,iecorated with Modern con viences for handling funeral corteges Acce sib le at all timesOut of the Business District-Yet, is centrally located CO,m plete funeral arrangements with use of this modern Funeral Home at NO extra cost.

On Monday of next week, b eginning at 9 :30 a .m. the Di stl' ict (In terence will b held in the Lebanon hurch. Dr. Ra lph ockman of New YOl'k 'Will be the principal speaker fOI' the Our church ~hould be w 11 1'C'PI' . ent 0 in the

Present thi. Advertisement and Receive A

$1.50 Bottle for 89c Wayne. ville Dru, Store Phone 120, Wa)' ne.ville, Obi. IT'S TIME TO CONDITION YOUR CAR FOR SPRING




Th e LadeT hip Training School for the 'M ethodist hu tche' of War ren oUJlty will begin ne xt Tue~day at 7 :30 1'. m. a nd continu for -ix weeks, m eeting once each week Q

w. H. Madden & Co.



-===~==============~=~=~~==== throughout that period. The cia = will be held in t he Leban on 'M, E.

Naturally Me1tin. snowa, •••• heavy ,down poura ••• blazin. aun.hine, • • •• all I~ve their mark. And leaky roof can run you in. to no end of repair bill ••






Wedne, day: 's Foreign M' lonThe Women


~~r:iLJ]~~ii~~~~~~~~~Tune .Up SpecialCarbon Removed Spark Plup Arc Cleaned

Motor Cbeck Vp, Gas Line cl~aned VaJves checked carbu!'etor adjust ed, and raditor is flu shed.





at-y Society well meet with 1111'5. Dibc l' (It 2 :00 p. m. Bible Study Ilnd PI ' yer Mcelillg at 7 :30 p. m.

G. .


, Riding High On Twin Keyboacds

OCHELLE AND LOLA, dUOo I b el' tar IIwnynaUve land. Her petll~ pianists In Phil Spltaln'y's fa· tellm mate, Lola Lutzy. comes frollli mOU8 all·glrl OrChj~8tra wbo make Fostoria, Ohlo. Plelr own mU81CSII arrangemen' Both girls shldfed under echolar-! !Leard on the "Hour of Ch ili ' I) • Rochello winnIng her award Ivery Monday over NBC nell 1\ the , Pbllhormonlc Symphot'y ~t .. p. m. (E.S.T.) t y and Lola, from the Cblca, d Rochelle KrltchrnaD. a a.~ ~~I College. ttull81an wltb, .leek black 11 . " Hour of Cbarm" Is 811C\1 I 14 ,,'(e-~J(ln .;\J,"Jlu}xlon. II " )' • .. I\It:r, at &he GCI1:.t.J " •• , ~1 •• , ~ lilt .~e I ••• • • "'\. .. - .-- - - - - .

Dibert, Pa stor.




Wh en you take long Spring drives, be sure to avoid trouble. , Expert service by our trained force gives you assurance of per.. fect perform ance.




W. C. Smith, Miniat"r

Phone 14

Dealers in Lumber and Building materials carry in stock, at all time., the following roofin. materiala--RED CEDAR SHINGLES, CHANNELDRAIN "COP.R.LOY" ROOFING, MULEHIDE ASPHALT and ASBESTOS ROOFING and SIDING. The.e materials are of , high quality, low, in price and the firm atands squarely behind all Qf the.e products. No high aoundin. and rash fly-away-by night claim. are made, just to be broken at first trQuble one may have-but thi, ' firm is locally establiahed and will remain here for many yeara of aervice-therefore it behooves us to aive quality merchandise. Do you noed roofin.-:-eall us tor an eati· mates on material • .and price••

Bibl e Schoo l Sunday Morning at 9:30. ommunio ll ot 10 :45. Pr a h ilig at 11 :00 Sel'nwll sub ject, .' Stew8niship

Office Phone 23

of Givilll'{."

. Monday Evening, Official Board of chuJ'Ch m eets at the parsonage. Tu .<dllY, l'1'ayer tI1 eting, Study 'ing 7th <:haptel' of AcL We invite you to come and worship with us. ·I'III.I •• t ''''rl,.



i'~ i lst Sunday aitl!r Easter, April 4th,' servide Oif Holy Communion

O 30 a. m.

at 1:




"0411.,,011 RoIlI"'.l) I .

WHEN Motber Nature turns sculptor she works on a lavish Kale. With the elementli, rain. 1lstunlng, frost and wind al her tools she carv.. h.,r creatlona out of mile. ,o f aolld rock and out of whole forntl. The Canadian Rock'y


ST. AU GUSTINE - CHURCH Father Newton, Pastor I Mountalna contain many examples h b her work but non. more .pec. M ass at S, t. A ugue ti"ne I cure uClllar than the tw,O pictured hete. every Sunday morning. At the top i. Old Man Moulltain. eM gigantiC firur. of a Ileeping .... lylna a-top the Colin Range ID jaaper National Park, Alberta, I and dominating the AtlJlbaska Valle, for '!W'y miles. Th. Sa,", lndl.", who Inhabited the I'e~ion before the eommg of the white faee WOOl, • ....nd around him. To them he was the old man who had bllih tbt ' CDOlUlulnl Ind Iulvilnl!l finished ht, work, had lain doWTI on top 91 ont ' .. die tlnael,' pulled hi' blanket over bim and gone to lieep. In the , . .Oer picture i, ,hl)wn the famous Blacll Cat of 8rllle. ,Tbl. II an ,Imoe' . Dlffeet Ii"",_ of a f,elinc on the 1008e that Is Just .lIout ,Ie arclt ttl bac~ • I, il • piece of woo' c"-ving which nature baa fashioned out of • ",bolt : . . . .t. 11 cov.rt ne: " .• \1 northern .Id, of part of che foothill. tilt I" ~kJ. ,11M' Edc; ' 1nd It ,I I visible for man, en. "" bcH


Long Years Standing and Will Be Glad to Greet New Customers in this Bi.-: Value

Gj iDa



--- -------


mon subjl!et "ATe We Fit To Live'· BaptiSTl1al service at 8 :46 p. m, Try-Stat.e Club meeting at the W. C. Smith, Minl,ter ch\lrcb on Sun dWr afternoo'n at Wedne.!!dllY of this week closed 2 :30 o'clock. OQr r evival 8ervicel~ which begllJl Wednesday r Prayer meettn•• two weeks ago lut Sunday. WIth Will study t he 6th chapter of Acts. no 'o utside help we fIgure we ha.ti overy !uccesllful revival. All serv, FRIEND.MEETING' leea were well attei ded and rood Firat-day 8ello01 at 9:11 L ,..1D. . OF CHRIST



We Welcome Our Friends and Patrons of




t~~ligh. ~h~ ~ aI\a4~~ ~~~AC~:,~:~,.., .



SALE .March ZO to April


.'_ ...... ~?

throqb. (18 in Sunda)' hotlAe Sunday "IIere eight p.ople

church dunng tile Bible School at 8:80 L M.


Whl1 E \lILLA



IIth Aaaiversary

Night Phone 6R4

all the WIly Meeting for 1t'onblp at 10:1. we had 1D. and 'a full Mr. and ~ra. L. C. 8t. Jolm eaThere tert.lned at 8 o'eloek dbmer oa


to the . , Thurada), eve.. the fol1owtq

Komlng .lUeltal Mr.


x...thl1[aSt. . ...l"'-t lin of



, New Lawn Gr••"Seed '

MCC~~~O~~~I ~~~~~~: .........:" .........33c McC~~Og:-rt~~1 ~~~~~..~.~~......,... ....,39c


~~~~~?:;!r~.~.~.~~~~~ .................28c 'Onion Seta

McCULLOUGH'S ONION SETS Yellow 2 Ib.. for ............... f ............2Ic Wbite, I Ib for .............................. I4c

Me Cullougha Bulk Seeu BEANS lb..... lie ...... lee ...... l7e _ . lie PEAS, lb..... 13e ...... 14c: ............... tlc ........ . . CORN, lb. ........ lie ......••.... _

Pack... S•••

Eighty-Ninth Year


Mother's Club Bas Interesting Session


7 reasurer Reports Balance In 7 he food fund As Meals Discussed



Whole Number 6268

, APRIL 8, 1937



HAd" Rteek

The Waynesvi lle Village Coun. ci l met Ia.:tL Mondoy night, April Club Will P./r ticipate lin Copnty During the next 1 w days the moving adi Ie no longel' wanted , f'lh, 1!I :17 , with Mayor Day presidSLow At F In Lebanon Aereaders of The Ml omi Gaz Lte will Many Iive-and-wide-awake mel', in and ouncilmen Carey, Smith, cording To PI na an opportuntiy to save sev-' chant;; use the cia liWed nd$ l'eg~1 SherwoOd, Witham , nd McClure The Waynesvillt! Garden lub eral hundred do llars. For, this pub uJarly. pre ent. La st month. we kept track of met at t he hospitable home of l\{rs. Iiealio n brings to the folk of this • The regular routin e of buslnese CaJ:mi Crane. After ll ll'asan t. cOlllunity anAl the sUl'ounding ter- Ollr clas (;'d IId ~ nnd found thnl was followed with the malor mat.greetings and a socia1 time the ritory a number of IIdvertisements anexceedingly high pe1'centage of ter of importance being t he award president, Mrs, Mendenhall, call d which have been placed, in this them bl'ought ~e s\1lts. lng of t.he village's sewer bonda to th e meeti'4l', Lo ol'der. The 1'011 call m anner befol'e the buying public, Every membel' of Our ;;t/l £r i he the s uccessfu I bidder. Mit.cb.ell, Bobby amJ)IJcll. son of Mr. & by the seeretal'Y waS r es,p onded to by reputable firms that are known jng in. lructcd to olicit classifiecl Herrick and 0 •• of Clev.eland, O. t ' . Richard C mpbell bore ly es· wit h the exhibit of a cutting or a for their honesty and fair dealing ad fOI' I'If,'xt w e k's publication. S ven different b onding com, capeel S [,iou, injury and poss ibly Dig around and see if you hav ~ panic sub mitted bids for the purrll ant. Interesting facts and quell- in elling l'eal worthwile marthantlooth last Sututtlay when he atHons WCTi! dl5()U!ked and 8.'lked, di. e. ~ v ral articles which you would po cd $23,0 00 village bonds in the t empted to crO ~8 the street in u n k Bi 'hoj> Reinheimer, formerly .... r s. ""u e ex hlb'Ite d ~;all1p Ics 0 ! It will pay the folk of this eom- like to dispose of-o r ndvt> l'tisa for Sewer project which is being·o nl. of his home and wn hit by utive . eCl'ctary of the Dioce e W1'tch haz,I one ha d bl oomed in munity to watch these pages each something which you may wanton unknown motol'ist . He was of ouUlcl'n Ohio but now an act· F I' b ruary an d ot h et·s m . Mareb and week for the firm . that. advel'tise the cost is ex eedingly low- only ltructed in co nnection with the Fe d ral Govemment assistance. knock.ed down but. 1'01)ed clear of A '} Th I . . , iv lead'er in New York. tate, was P1·1. e p an are qmte ira- througb your well es!.ablished c m one cent pel' wOl'd. Try a cia" ified. Evcl'y one will the ea)', suffering on ly a. few one of the main speakers at the grant and the fruit ta\te~ n y ar munHy paper is a 100 to 1 shot bruise and . crntche. . t t read it next week. ' annUIII convention of the Epi co· 0 maure. ~orth considering wh en you, Mr. Bobby hlld beon acr oss the pal church in Columbu , April 0 Th e reslgna . ' t·Jon 1> f ... .." rs. 1-"~a.rI'Y. Buyer are in need · - -or commodities. WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF stJ'C 1. on an rrand t o the g r ocery tok w 'v d "'h t and nh. e as l'eCCI e Wh regre. Th erefore, we take this opportuCHRIST ANNOUNCEMENT Th e W. H. M. S. met at the ~tol; e nnd on his return had Th e minutes were then read a nd nity of calling your attention to ___ cut. act·o 5 the street in the middle INVJTE YOUNG PEOPLE approved . Mi8$ Perle RilIlY, t he the adverti oments that app ar on W.. Smith, Minister home of Mrs, G. C. Oioon with p icture. A noinina.ting committee, eom. of ~he block- not going to tile inTO TAKE HIKE program leader, then too k charge. pages two, three and four of this SUJlday :_ Mrs. A. K. Oay and Miss Sarab Snlith assistant hostesses. posed of Mrs. Clarence Rye, Mr . tel clion wh ra he might have lhe and opened tme meeting wit h a week's is ue-read them, check Bible ehool at 0 :30 a. m. George Henderson .a nd Mrs. Joe proteelion qf traffic light. The I All you ~g folks are invited to very i teresting talk in which spe over yoU!; needs, contact t he mill" Communion at to :30 il . m. The subject of tbe devotions Chapman Wilre appoin ted to sele t drivel' of the automobile dodged go 011 a hike Saturday, Aptll 10. poke of a Chri tmas rose. which chant and we are sure that you hristl an Enden or at 7 :00 p.m, conducted by Mrs. Moots wu nnd applied brok s in ,guch man- Meet ' at t,h Town ~hip House at was given her dUTing the hoUda17s wiU enjoy the purcha e and use of Preaching at 7 :45 p. m. "Chl'ist the Truth". Cflcers for the coming year. Mr. Kenneth Hough, presented The first grade, under the di- n r as to I\void hi~ting th child ' 1 :3 0 (I , m. by a friend which was of interC.'lt whatever article you -may select-The sermon subject will be "A the Stewardship Prl''''r8m and read notion of Mias Reeder and Mjss qual" or ~h !l cident would Mary Allen also a letter she received recently for it will be of hi~h quality and Noble Beast," "A Soliloquy No .• gave ane'Xcellent pro- have bocn a seriou tl'Ugaay. Jllm~s Lues Directors. !t'om the car tak~r of the gardens at a fa ir price, And, don't forget W dn day:After t he business session, the gram as follows: at Mt. V rnon, whioh told of the to tell t he merchant that you I'ead Prayer meeting at 7 :45 p. m. ------- - - - - -,~ - - - - - - - - - - - . v ge'-tl'on ...... ere. She had 'recel'v\IT ill d 'h h h Anrl'ouncel" Phyliss Bailey; A (' o ll owing program was rendered; .... "'. his advertisement in The :Miami 'f e w tu y. Ot c apter 8010-,-l1ls Eye is on. the SparWelcome, Yvonne Stubbs; recita- I l!'l J 'J1e cd the letter in respo nse to on e. Gazette. Tell him that you will be of Acts. tion, "A Young Cook," G orgian- yy eUU, .IS h e wrote to Mrs. RoosElvelt's sec, looking for it next week, too. We had 69 in aUendanee at ollr l·o \\'-Mrs. M. D, Baird. The Study of the Lesson-MI'II. na Hobblit; Song, by the Little retary ,who ref erred her to, the Next w ek is known amOng the SUllday morning wor, hip, and a Songsters; reeitaUon, "Nett 0 caretaker of Mt. Vernon. Mrs. newspap er folk as "Classified Ad- good size erowd for the pl'eac)Jing Egbert. Quotations Relating to Misaionl Bad", Rush Wieal i a play, " ,F lip. JO~ Chapn:an, the.n rea,~ an inter. vertisement" week. Every publica. and baptitmlal service Sunday eve. p rty Flop," by eight girl a n\1 t eley n o'clock, Saturday W'/I, hington D. C. th i!! popular tmg artIcle entitled Fragrance tio is out next week to secure a ning. There was one more addi - Ml·S. J . Vandervoort. Solo--I 'U Go Where You Want eight boys; recitation, "His Own mOI'ning April 3 I.'d , the wedding of young couple will make their home of the Garden" from Beitel' go:Oly number of cllli<siCied advel' Lion to th church nt th evening Way," Roger Watkins ; piano solo, Mi II GI'ace J eannette Fox, c1augh- at 40 Burto n AvC!, , Dayton, Ohio, Homes Ilnd Gal'\lens. Mr. arl ti.sementli. And. folk ev rywhere service making nine in the last 3 Me to Go. . Betty 'Meredith; play, "Child La· ter of l'olr. lind Mr . Frank M. F ox, They will be at home to th eir Duke presented a reque~lt th~t the are beginning to realize that these week s. The meeting adjoMned to m", bol" ', by five girls and boys ; rClci- Wayne -ville, Obio. was olemnizecl friend. after April 23rd. club make plans for a Simple little ads are of great worth in EPISCOPAL CHURCH with Mrs. Crabbe in Msy. ation, "On Exception", Marion at lh home of th • bride'~ parentf<. fter Lha many lovely ifts had garden display at the War-ren Co., _ _ _ _' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ENTERTAiNSFRIENDS Shutts; song by the entire group. Before an improvj. ed altai' dec ora- lecn unwrapped and admired flf- Fair in September. Several plan FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST Seco nd Su nday after Easter, Mr. and M,ra. Donald Hadley en Mis~ Ruth Hockett, a student of tcd \lIh ferns, pink carnation lind WCI'C discu 'ed and it was ag l'eed ApI'il 11. Ev ning Prayer and sertertained to dinner Sun,d ay, . Mr• . . Univ rs·ty "'ave a f ' l ne ' f td . dl "h . ty guests enj oyed the delic ioutl buf k th 'tl 1 ith SERVICES ANNOUNCED mon at 7 ',SO , ,.. •"laml e I .. . whIt!! can e •• e marl'I~l> eel' to ma E> e expOSl on I~ ong w and MI·s. William HadI~ and famdre~ On "Barriers WIped Away." mony was l'ClId by Dr. Willi am n. fel w{ddillg breakfast. other county Ga.,den Caubs. W. C. Smith, Minister ENJOY- WEEKEiiii:>VISIT ily of Blanchester ; Mr. and I)(n. A playlet given by Mrs. Edgar Beachl I' of New Lebanon, Ohio, Tb ~uest.'1 wer, besides the Score cards will, be given and the rs. Wil bert Swank of Chicago, Raymond H,adley and family of Sa Sunday:Smith. Mrs. }loal'Ce Shal)er, Mrs. The bl idt! enteJ'ed on t h a1'l)l of immE"diate family, Dr. an d M 1'8. Stat~ is tak\ng an interest in the e S'pent the weekend with her PUI'- bina; Mrs, Veda and famUy . Bible School at 9 :30 !l. m. the social hour, C1em(\ lt Sa.t herwaite, Mrs. ROdS h l' father to the trains of Men- William H. B achier, Mr. and Mr. exhibits. During 'ents and ister, Mr. and Mrs. E, of Wilmington and Mr. MorN Comll).~nion at 1.0:45 a. m. Planck, Mr , Ralph BUng, Mrs. de ohn's " W ddhl March". he Harry Bow r, Mr. and Mrs. Law- dainty refr hmcints ' WI~l' enred t 11 '00 B. Longacre , and Mrs. Agne Radley of Clarksville. Afternooll Harold EaTnnart, Mrs. A. II. wore a simple fr ock or thist.lo col- rence Leis, aJl of New Lebanon, by the hosteas '.a,ss.isted by l'IfaTeh rmon a b" taO ~Il' b "0 Swank rind children and was ac- and eve ning callers were : Mr. 'and ' . .. d'" R .... , , R d ' I e sermon su Jee WI e pStubbs, Mrs. Lillie Eghert, Mr. orcd crepe and' a ~h o uldel' corsage OblO . .,fr. an ...ra. aymonu mC dames Harvey ye an b'WJn ifu . " companied home Sunday evening Mrs. Emmet P.enquite of MUon; Malmberg and 'Mrs. Rachel Earn· or purp le violets and lilies of the Curdy, MI'. nd 'Mrs. Fred Hutchin f ford. The Club odj ouJrned after portunl!Y, by her little n ephew, Jimmie Mr. and Mrs. Charles Doster and hart was enjoy d very 'much. Th e ~all y. H el' i. ter, her only otteu- , on, Ml'l!. Ern est Kit.(! and Miss t expressing tbeir pleasure of the ~~:t I1-Y:;- 7 '45 Swank, who '\\ ill remain for an x- laught r of Harv.eysburg IIoIId lIr, club adjourned to partake of the dant, wOt a 'g'J'e n afternoon Ruth Cran e of Lebanon, Obio, Mrs Jevening to meet Tu esdtLY evening ';"lle ~tud y thm . h tc ' f \nd Mr . Amos Cook. dainty refreshments o{ cup cake' fro k. !\II', Hutchinson was attend- l O cal' Michael, Mi Virginia Lack- in May with Mr . Irwitl Mul1ord. A ts I stu y t e t c ap r 0 tend ed visit. and ~offee, served by the follow- cd by II' Harold Bow, er of N w i eY , Mr. and Mr.i!. Charles Davis and I Mrs. J. S. Mendellhal, Pres. cWo h d B tte d S ' Cl' d ht f D t M' R be .... - - -- - - - -e a 4 to a n our uning members: Mes d ames ar- L~bano"ll aug eJ" 0 ayon. ISS 0 r.... NEW BURLINGTON NEWS d . h' I f Ad R·d ence Rys, Irene Thomas, Iren Da1\11'8, HutchinS()n was graduated and CatIl ine Gebhart ot Middle- I I ay mormng w~rs IP, severa 0 h I ' to Mr and Mrs Owen Gross A group from Ada Chapel Wi!. our members betng .absent on ac· h k8l:, Myer H yman, GI a d YB L ynn, fl'om th 1 banon RI, C QO 10 wn,. . I . , . ' J count of sickness. Basil Smith, Harvey Rye, J. K. 1928 and attended Wlttenberg ' col- and Ml'S. Paul Shaffer and daugh- , mmgt on wn.s 10 charge of th.e Sun. , T Lad' f h h h d dAR Preston, Fr~nk LeMay. leg", whcre sh~ wa a m~lllbel' of tel' of arlisle, Ohio, Miss E ~ther l Ev\!. service a t the Fri~nds' Churcb $20,~~ ab r.!ne se :::ucm~~ll: Mrs. Mildred Sheenan, Pre . Pi Kap na Sigma educaHonal so- Bodenberg of Napoleon, IndIana, Rev and Mrs. WeaVil[' and l\ll's. M dig I h Th " d l W. C . S mIt.h att.e~ d-" Quarter IYl last on ay, serythis nil' corning unc. Tves ey Ml'S. Ethel Sa.e-kett, Sec'y. rority. ." Fol;' a term of three years 1\hs Mary S FIedler, outh Ben' <>u have anotheraale ,U S "- sh was a t.eacher in the Waynes- lnd . Mrs. Charles Huffman of Co- Conference In X niB on 'Monday. d vllle schools. IU11.1bus, Obio, Mr. and Mrs. W. ~. Mr. apd. Mrs •. L. S, Hollandihavc a~~. H. Sm.ith, minister of the lP'~ ( I . (lQ Mr Hutchinson was gradulited Hayner, Mr. and M~ , Ge.orge Sl' returned to theIr home here, af t e . r . . c. t ' th Lbo High School i~ d nstricker of Franklin Ohio Mrs. spending more than a year in th New VIenna Church of Chr~st met F~iClral of Hemry Kelley chool gym under the direetion 01 r Ion 1~2~. For ~h:np;st 'everal years Mary Taylor, s'on an d' daughter, home of Mr. Howard She.ehan, \V.lIth OUI' chur~h boa:r.d Monday . Funeral se~vices .ro~ Henry Kel. Mi. S I)mptotl. he has been con nected with t he U. Mrs. Agn es Wh atley of Miamis- near Spring Valley. night an~ explame~ then new way ley, 76, a .natIVe ~f fllghland COUli Me.::d ames H. C. MHligan, W. E. bo~~~,or:: g~:~ '~IO;:~ ~a~~a~~ S. Post Office in Dayton Ohio. bUI'g, Mr, and Mrs. Marion J. Fox Misses Evelyn McChu'e and Mat o~ ha~dl~: the flnanCts of the ir ty, who died at hll;! hpme ?n th f ~- Oglesbee, Clyde Levicy, H. S. Tuck AfOOl' a trip thro ugh the east to of P ekin Illinois. . jol'ie Hill played impol'tamt roles in c urc . here ;ere e even pres· ven~e here ,w ednesday mg ht , 0 - .'r, Mary Tucker, Howard Graham, W. Edwards who, with her sister, , the Sr: Class plllY at Spring Valley ent. at t e mee mg. lowlllg an Jlln ess o( some time, ,1:ary Uaines and Miss K.a thleen Miss Trillena Edwards, has return-H. S. Bldg. on Friday ni,ght. Thur s d a y : - . wel'e eonducte~ at the Prospect ,}l'ijham att.ended the Achievement ed from Delray Beach, Florida. SCHOOL BOARD MEETS I~ ITS An interesting class of nin e The Berean Class w,.11 have the Church, ncar HIlls boro last Satur· "-1ceting at Lebanon last Friday. The Misses EdWards have been in REGULAR MONTHLY SES. you ng children was b'lptized 'by regular monthly meetmg at 7 :46 day at 2 p. m, ' . l\{t . harles 'Madden Is iJilp--the 80Uth since last October and L ST MONDAY NITE p Mr K II Y ov d to thIS VIllage ....... have wintered tberefor fleveral SION A Rev. Weaveroi"the M. :E. Church, .m. __ -.- ....._ -' thh' ~ e h h a10r~ i ng~ftera 6eriOU5illne88. " ,years past. The upturn Ollt of the The Wayn e 'Town's"':p of Sunday morning. w 0 VI ~allse. H e .1\6'., J ordon , ~ ft~.l·sted b' ,w t • Wulter ~u "oa:rd D M I ti d 1'ri d t- IW . ....... ' - e.ville M. E. Church. Wl er teaeI'hel'aug at wl"'ayn IS ~ deprusion is. quite evident, Mls ~ Education held its regular monthany re a ves an en S & Weekly Announcement. db t b t h f R'n" :Iarolu McVey is in charge of ~ tended the funerlll of Mrs. Martha . surVlv e y wo liOn!!, 0 .0 I ~. , . ' Edwards sal'S, with nearl'y as .many ly ineeting; Monday evening, April McKay Skimming in Wilmington; Sunday : boro, and one da ughter, MiSS F~ye, o. t offIce. _ folk-at the resorts as there wall In 5. Bills of the- preceding month, Ftiday P . M. She wa tih,e daughter Sunday School at 9 :30 a . ~. at home. .. Mrs, Earl Hockett and dauiliiAr, the years previous to the ''bNak together with the payroll for the of tbe late Mr.. and Mit's. Robert Morning wOl'!lhip at 10 :40. The Former Realdent . DIed 'llss Ruth, called on Hn. Sadie llf '29. However, these local folk C OlaTS Ip ' X. month of April were allowed and McKay sermon subject will be, "As His Word has been received of the ~eas n , Saturday afternoon. are glad to b& back home to greet ol'dered paid. Plans were made for ' - - L - -_ _ _ _ , _ _ _ Cu.!tom Was." death of Mr. Harrison Mullin, 90, Severa,l from here attended th. their friend. and relatives in WayThe Senior Class members have additional drinking faGilities at N~WSY NOtES AT HOME Evening IIemee at 7 :80 p. m. former lY(lf Clinton county, but for : uneral ' of John Shel"W'Ood of Or. neaville and Dayton 'Where they selected , as ~helr class play I;the grade building. Following a Mt. Stanley Bailey) !Ioul man· Wedn~day:t he last thil1y 'years a resident of ]j ia last week: Bible study and prayer meeting California. Mrs. Lillian Carr wu 1Il0pplq , maintain their hornell. Mr., J. WU- clone Sally," an hilarious comedy genal'at discussion of school policy agel' ot the Fairley Hartllware comlion Edwards, a nephew" Spring- in three acts, directed by Miss Roe the Board adjourned. pany's store !here, underwent an at 7:30 p. m. He died at t.he home of his son, '"\ Dayton on Saturday. field, Ohio, was with, the Misses and Mr. BroWll. It will be present.PERFECT SPELLERs operation for 8ppend~citic8 at the Friday;-, MHo Mullin in Lo s Angeles, Sun ., Several from her.e ,a ttended. til. Edwarde viaitlna here Tuesday. ed May 6 and 7th. 'McClellan Hospital in Xenia last On Friday of this week begin, at 11 A. M. and fun eral services eretta at Centerville on l..t JI'rlWOf4AWS AuxT"IARY ,MEET The followi~ is the cast of P erfect spellers in the Second Tuesday evening. ning at 10:00 a. m. i~ Grace will be beld there on Tuesday. ' ay night under the dlrectloll of ING APRIL t, LITTLE INN characters: Grode : Mildre.d Bourne, Barbara Mrs. Winfred Mason and Mias Church , Da'Vt6n, there will be held W . C. T. U. Hold ... dilute !is~ Helen Stevens. Jack Webllter, Charle.s Durton , M~rtha Franer, Robert . Mildred Mason spent Sund.y with a City and Rural Institute, for all The W. C. T. U.· held their local Rev Elmer BroWD ot Jal!leato-. The Woman's Auxiliary will Earnhart; Reggie Manners, Clyde Gray, DaVId ~art.soc~, Jack Mw- r4r. and Mrs. Bert Hartsock. pastors and Sunday School offi. Institute on Thursda~ of last week ;poke at the Friends' Chu~ OD meet Fria~y afternoon, April 9 Fromm; Jim J erkins, Leo Conner; fford, Jan Pelffer, .Rlchard SheeThe Happy Hour Club , will meet eel'S and teachere of the Dayton at the Friend's Chul'ch. Mrs. A. S; ~ ll.turday evening. at the Little Inn, with MilllI Clara Wiilis ClUmp, Charles Davis; Sally t han. Glen Sm ith, Mary Ti,n~ey, at the ho-me ot Mrs. Walter Wi!- District. Collett, director of this departm ent Miss Kathleen Gray waa a re.t Lite as hostess. Mrs. Roger Bo~an, Graham, Su ena Bernard; - Jenny ' Tommy ,Wagner, Ann Weltz, RIch. ( ~on on Tuesday April ll3. , G. E . Dibert, Pastor. had: charge of the mee ting and a uest of Miss :Lavone Osbon. . NEW- sToriE-AT LYTLE most intoNsting program was r ellThe many friends of Fred a.raectet.ary ol.the.Dlo!lesAJt UnIted Thatcher. Evelyn Furnas; Ruth ard WhItaker, and Esther Lukens. I ,M,r s. E. C.. Crane, M :rs. Wymat Thank Offilrmg ~1S expected . to be Thatcher, Edith Hoy I ; Effie Val'· Norma Adams, Donald Brown, Drake, Mrs. D. R. Smith and Mn. der ed. Ia n will b~ 'pleaaed! to learn of ... prC.'lC1lt. . \. den, Elsie Mae Wicatj VivfaJl Yer- Ronald Clark, Gladys Rye, Rose· Elsie Weltz were In Dayton 18.'lt Lytle 'has a new groce\"Y. J. B. o. E. S. h .. peeliQJl much jmproved condition at tile III CONCERTS I"DAYTON non, Glenna Woolard. mary Mulford, Bettie Jones, Be. Tuesday. , , Jones the owner op.erted up the. Th e O. E, S, InspeC'bion of Har- &mi Vaney HospitaJ. Several Seniors journeyed t? Isie Lamb. Walter Johnson, Ri~h; Miss Betty Hartsock, of Cincin,' 1new ;Iace of. busines Saturday at veysburg chaptci' will be held on Mn;. Harry Oshol'D baa . . . ttl· Dayton hall been added to th.e Lebanon, Saturday, April , 3, to al'd Stansbel'l'Y and E sther SmIth. nati, spent Munday evening with his residence th e Brock property. Thursday eve of this week. j oying a visit from her ' of list of cities which Ohio St~te U.n~, take the annual Senior Scbolarship p! riect. spellers in the, second her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert GUY Routyahan of the LyUe Dinner will be served at 6 :30. Clarksville. ver ~t)"s concert. band wdl , "?Sl~ test. gl'Rde. John ~erry Sackett s team Hartsock. ' I Garage has a new truck, a"lld start I Other Communily News ' Mr. Chu. Boan .Jr. Is iD BlaIr on " l~ spring ~our. The 90-plece I Those who took the te~t ",ere: won the spellmg contest. Miss Gretchen Gilhrillir. Mrs. C. ed an oil and gasoline routi), MonSeveral Masoru! from lhis lodge lIollllital a.t L.eban~n aad....... orgamzatlon ~lll play afternoon Suella Bernard, Leo Conner, El ie "Cin.derella dressed in Yil110W" I L ee. Hawke and Mr. DI~ Hawke day in this section . attended inspectio n at Clarksvill" t reatment. and eve~inl concerts there on Mac Wical, Doris Surface, Louilie is beard from the girls play were In Dayton on TUe,!lday. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Nutt of On Monday evening. Mrs. Harry Haines and a..rt. April Zilllmennan, Roben Young, Glen- ~ glOund and '''DuW! and fin dubs" I Carl Dakin underwElnt a seri- near Centerville were Sunday dinThe Grange met on Monday 'lmart and family were 9u1wIIII MASONIC NOTICEna Woolard, and Margie Tinney. I fl'om the boyt! as the apring 'l'eath· OU8 operation a( the McClellan hOI nel' guuts Qf Mr. and Mr!!. Thel'Ie night and enjoyed B box social and .Iinner ' guesta ot Mr. aDd . . . Students from Muon, Kings er allows the pupils to IIpend reo : pital in Xenia last week. Jonell and son. cards. 'Iales Smart and Ions of Sta~ commanicatlon of the Mills, and Harveysburi tied for , ceea playing marbles and jumping I Mi.. Jeanette Wilson Is pent Wed Mrs. Alice Miller and son, Ray, The Jonah's Run Bapti t Mission i They spent the aftenooa .... WaynesVille Lode. No. 168 F. " first plaee. Buella' Bernard had the rope. neaday evening with ,MI.. leall attended the operetta at Center- ary society will bold a Food Sale [1'. Bob SIurt aad l..or Of A. "", Tueaclar eTenilll, April 11 highest core from the sndent. ' TiIP Fun... vUle Hall Saturda'1 evenlac~ at 'he store room of Mr. Cbas Do&- or. villa and were ......... at 7' 0 clook I 111 !who went from Wa},llemlle and Donald Fouln retul'1Md b<lme BeDnJ I'un1aa 110m. 1Irs. Allen Enriek and Mn. ter on Saturday Morning, April 17. hi'll slowt, reec~ S~ciaJ co~aDlc~ttwO~.a-01' da,' IIhe ranked 10th ia the Cout,. ¥onda, evening alter • dellth~1aJ frolll tile MeC&olJaD in Walter Kenrielt were Dayton The Women of this AOdet, are no- iou. IUn ... apedioa aDd wilDer, .... ---- - - --Xenia 011 FrIda" v~ mach ton Wedn"'" ted for their good oooldng so be OD n. April 11 at I .'eloelL .' 1 1'. an. Mn.. Vem Amdtqe, Vip ith a friend frolll lmP1'"ecl "-d u_ Ba- Bumet hand. to b Ul Iota of goocl tbiDp ton VIBltblc . . lIOjoualDlf ~ and Mr. a.d .... W. C. oJobII to his hom. in P e n , ' , - s~.item;d~"wlUl ,tor ,oar dinner. _ _,•• _ dlImer of ...... vaea 011. They rid fanI.. ., Tih e Wayne Township MotherR' Club met at the Grade School building, April 2 wi t,h t h president, 'Mt's. W'alter Sheehan, presld ing. After the opening hr"m, MTIl. Mamie Brown led the devotional period. The minutes of the Murch me tint were read and l1PPI'OV d, The treasurer r epol'ted a net balance of $178.71 on hand. A report from the high school l\lnc-11 c~mm itte(lo was given by Mrs, Hal' vey Rye, stating that.a balonce of $68.12 re1l1!lin~ ~'n theil' fund. Th Exeeutive and High School Lunch committee will decide how much. longer hot lunches will bl> sel·ved. Miss Reeder's room won thl' flow r bo'x and Mrs. Kersey's, t he



lit. H. S. Had'Meetjng


S 0 le mn,zed , A't B rteel' P t e s a ren .S ng ,







E'-'wawo-'&<o R eturn, I·da



eSI ent 0f Harveysbur,



ec ntly

way C' b andO rganlzatrons ' " I I.Active 7hrough Week

I asse




AG 1 k roup a e S h' h" E



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I I~~:i~~~n!..~~ S~!: ~D~ollllln-"'''''l'''p''''a'''y---M''''''o'''r~e'''!.,....,.,....,,,....~iIIIIIIIIIII~~.. .Jtnp Crop

ul WUYI1!' vii" ', Olti", n~ .'('('IIlId

('In: Mail




In Sectio". With ,Hill,. Fi.lde Ohio fal'tl'lerS "ho' wnnt to ~ee, Buy your Baby Chicks from Lemmon'. Hatchery and how lill'ip fa rming work. out in act asaure youraelf of high qUalit,y muter-bred chick. c ==--= I , unl pl'llctic will ha\.'(· no diCficulty at reaaonable pricea. All chick a bred from high pro1SS l Nn EVF.RY THURSllAY finding fat'm, wh r~ thi ys t..l'rn i!! ducinl', diaeaae free, f1ocka. Blood te~ted, uainc the ' b(!jng used, acconJing to r ports Ifi e Phone I madl' by, agricultuml agent.'\ from m e thod recommended by the Ohio Pou~try Improve· many counties in the staLe. I ment Allociation. .htr(!l·. on c unty will hav nt Thousa nds hatc:hinft each week. Aleo atarted It'Qat on .farm r in every town ~ hip ,Who will be growing crops pn th/a chicka at very low prices. So. take advantage of co ntou this year. F. r. Taylor, ntheae reduced prices. breeda $8 per 100. ' ~gl'ieuILul'al ag nt, ~aY8, "Strip crop White Rocks, Barred Rocke, White Wyandottee, I d monstru.tions wel'e laid <lilt on tbe fanns of E. J. McKenzie in the S. C. Red. and ' large type White Leghorn.. Order n orth ell1 part of the county; Rusearly for late r delivery. Viaitora Welcome. ell Dairy in the north·central part IJo ph app, near Rno_vllle; Ina Publ i Au< tion of Hou.dtold fur Frank Cleavel', in the ¥treme vuI tbern 'part." ..ituN of the late Mary E , Sh~. wood. 0" Second St., WaynesviLle Parts of two farms were bid ont HARVEYSBURG, OHIO BOX 131 ... tUI'ciay, Apri l 17, at 12 :30 for trip cropping in Hocking oun ty. J. R, Smoo~, assistant ng-riculMiRS Dor thy \\foxhnm of F I'TY turnl agent, ~ tatl's, "Farmel'1J hel'e .-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_ _ _ _ _iiii-iiil.___iiiiiiiiiiiliii iii_iii-,;;;;iiiiiii..-_ -iii·..-_ .__ • hus been ill at the home of fr o are much interested in erOsion conan d MrF. William Col man for bl',e tro1 by strip cropping. Acres a)'ld I' t f ew days. ncre of farm land are becoming A. H. tubbs was cailed to Midworthless under the old sYiltem of dletown Thursday afternoo n to ' cultivation. L. G. Linton, Gt en take care oi the Fun eral of Mrs. 1 WITHIN THE ROMANTIC WALLS of th "Streets of the World" at The Great Lakea ~xpositior~ township, and P orter H einlein, Anna Mal1tha 'Locke. Burial wa which opens in Cl""eiand on May 29 will be 135 ga~ and color~u1 ancien~. v~l1ages, eafea. ,~a2.aar. a~d shop, 01 Washington township, are the men mad . I.e . b Oh ' S d 4() nations of all s.'cti()., s of the world. In contrast WIll be the BIlly Rose PIoneer Palace With its backgroun<l In WI utg, 10, un 8y of tbo Hocki e's ~. ' Wild West barroom setting. The "Streets of the World," located on the far eastern section 01 who al'e trying the new meth od." afternoon. the Expositi " ' ' ,e cool shore of Lake Eri This scene shows a tiny and inviting section of the Austrian From Monroe county, W. H . Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Squires en- Village and 1 ;afc an,d musicians. Th Exposltio~ continues througb September 6. Coulson, agricultura l agent, r e-Harold D. Willi., Editor




Lemmon's Hatchery

~rtained~d~neM~ and \\fa t~~~-;-~=~=~~---~~----------~--T~==~~=~~=:~==~~r~IM~R.L.&ili~&" o~


..:.,~===:;.:::;.:::;.:::;.==-=-::::=-=-=-=-===== ,ervutiOI1 S r viee, and I compl~te d the strip crop demonstration on lee tbe W. H. Thomp n farm. Mr. Thom:ptlon 'a so n, Wayne, plqwed .,.. Eat.te of MArY L. Clage tt De· C: ~ :i. RllmOrS sOrpe of th strip after tbey were • '<llic{' i h reLy iv n that L. laid out and I asked him how h r. 1l DIll I' (Ill \\ hOlle P ost ffic e Ilk d the new arrangement. His 1.' ,\ dcj}u if " ·ur ne ,v ille, Ohio hilS p ly was, 'It' a lot eal1ier to plow l J ~('n uuly lll1Jllllnted M Ancillary RUMBLING RUMOR h b f Th Atln illi.lmtl r with the Will Ant an are. e team does not I' xed of tIl(' E- tatc of Mary L. T do hopl' r won't b(! considered have to dl'ag t he plow up hm, I n. 'elt la !' f lnricopo. County, on alarmi t, but spent:ing mildly. can plow mOl'e gro ul\l! now and I p.liton u UIlCCU, eli. I'm very much worried ' abou t the am not as tired at night'," groug of fri end s to n lu n helln on lI!lted thi s t:{rd day of }la rch t ,f ff' . h' d Thursday, A)Jrll 8, An afterno ,m 1037 . . pr(), en S .....te 0 a 81rs In t IS ear The C~ hoct.on agent, Carl W eof playing- cards wu s vcry I'\l uch en ~tn nllY ,& "lllnlf Y, Attys: ole world of our , therell, says, "Strip cropping j oyed by the followin~ guests: Ml·.~ ilalp h 11. ar(,y So many rurmors are going a.- ' hould b practiced on many more A. E. Stout, Mrs. Wade Turner. J~~~ of t be Probate round . Yell, they do gc't around. fal1l1s and t he in terest in the sys11·~. Ru ell Frank. MI'5. KUI'I BoWtt1'1'lm ounty, Ohio. No one ever knows just ·whe,re tern is growing. Farmers who have denbender, Mrs, Lawl' n c Garst, UtI! rtlt 25, ANil 1, 8) they come from, and to me, that is already begun the system are R, E. Mrs. Ralph Hastings, \\frs. 11'a NOT] ' I-] Ol':-APPOINTM'ENT very stran ge .. W.hy, with all. of I Wells, Co hodo~; Elmer Endsley Mrs. Ada Smith entertained her Brown, Mt . Wilir d Squireii', M,'s. our great 'Cleotl ts, ane mlgh Coshocton ! Robert Chamberlain Executor u.rel.Y b aUow ed to think, and ~I Newcomerstown ; Edgar Worthing: • card club to cards Thul'$day after. Clarenc ' Malmberg, Mr/!. Morri noon. A ,delicious lunch was er- Fulkerson and Mrs. Hnr old Wjlli~ . E.tate of Ca"i... , G. Randall De. WI Lh In ren on, th a t SOMeone wou Id ton, Coshocton; R. E. Van Winkle, Mr. aod Mrs. Ch rles T . Mo ohcr c c:ued. be able to di cover thl! scource or Tunnel Hill; Charles ,A. Karr, Co. ved, to the follow ing I dies: Mrs. Anna Hoak, Ada Burg~, Addie Notice is hereby given that A n· mnke-u'p of so commom a thing as shocton,' Mile'" Bros., MiILe"sburg. E II Ad ' of Edwards Road, Cincinnati, ell- 11 • n"ndull ,'110 e Po • Offi ce " • Rild eb·echt A , blmyW 'la ey, H i1'1a tetained at a fanli!y dinner narty uuth' S~ it; " Hl\l'v "'y, burg, ' "hio, ha s rumo r. In, the firsl~ plnce it is Other fa ...... Braddo.. k M .. .. ers w' ho WJ'll la-y out c, 8 ,e lon, a rr et b d I . t d E ' an one alloy. I t mixes with thel'r fl' elds for s· .... p cropp;n ... b ~ l'IIcMillian, Eva McMillian, Ro. on Sunday in hon ol' of Mr. Moo- eeo u y appOll] e as xecutr lx b i t I h' ~I ti . "'" -... ~berta Cook, Reba Braddock. Eva her's birlhday. Tn gue t wer of th E~ tnt , <) f Cn, · ius C, R:a ndall a so u e y anyt l~g... orne mell ~t fore seeding tbne are Dale Finle y, Me !lillian went home with con 0- Mrs. Edith f. lIan'i , MI'. JIB)'ris ~~~e!'Sedr Wa'lI'ClI CounlY, OhlO, de- g ts so badly mlxl'd that one IS Millersburg; P . J. Emig, Coshoc· ' Mooher, Miss Enln' s H" j",hwoy" DfltC'(1 thl' . una bIe tQ discovel' just: what. i s the ton; Kenneth Lorenz, Fresno', H. J . Ia ti on pnzo and Mable- Wilson. w i t h ' ".." ~ , !!7tb day of la rc.h I hi 'f h ' b t' Mr. and '\\frs. Ronald M. Hav~k e 1!)37. r t'll t ng, I t ere 1S IIny; and e- Ka~er, Warsaw, and Harry A. Cafi t. A f' me Ime was had by all. " lieve it or not, everyone I've ev r to n, Coshoct.on!' rs .Hilliard le('nwood , Atty. Mr. an d M rs. H . J . Gr en and and son ' Frank , and M·r. an d M r~. II R. RALPH II, CAREY analyzed wa ju t plain rumor with , One Harrison county fanner ' is Ma E. O. Green, of Martinsvill e, T. C. Hart$Ock and 8011" Chat! tI, Judl!; i thl) ['ropate Court evera l jigge of e.hoice gossip using strip croppin g to enable him I WlIJ'ren County, Ohio.. mixed in slowly, but dilfinitely mix to prepare a field for perman nt sp nt Sunday with 'Mr. and MrjI. of Milford • , ( April 1, 8, 15, '37 )

W. O. Raper Saturday evening, celebrating Mr. and Mrs. Raper's Twenti eth Weddil1g Anniv(!l'!lal'Y. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Fulkerson and {I'. T. W. Van P It spent the week-end at; Culver, Indiana, at t he .home of 1\Irs. Fulkerson'. s L _ ter, Captain and Mra. H. H. Harper and family. Donna Mae Simpson is confined to her h ome on account of ilIn e !!. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Raper were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Malmberg last Thursday, cel!!braling Mr. Malmberg's birt.hday. Mr. Herma~ Ott of Dayton i, spend ing the week-end with Mr. nnel Mrs. P. L. Reasoz;t and son.

William Lukens and family. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur lark, MI'. and Mr . Frank LeMay, Ml·. an d frs. Josiah Dav is, Mrs. Martha Rough and R V. and ;\lr ,G . . Dibert and daughter, Murth a, att ntfed the District on feHnel' of t he M, E. Church, in Lebanon, on [on day. Mrs. A, H, Stubbs nt rtaincu n

D um D Would Stop

NOTICE OF APPOIN TMENT Anc illar y Adnlil'li.lrator With th e Will A nnexed .


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~§~~~~~~;~~ ed. b~l~ing~tdrumRpd~& ~QA~~.,.k~ ,---


- -

originators ought to b e earma.rked agent, explains bow th meas public menaces or' have their thod will be used, "The field n<>W ears . clipped. is a poor pasture, but; strips 1n it But getting back to that state of will be plowed and planted to corn affair, I have a formula that i and then to wheat. Hee,vyapplicag uaranteed to ruin E~ very rumor tions of lime and fertilizer will be that starts. I a.dmit that's a broad made and pasture grasses will be sUj.'t m nt, e. pecially !lIter having seeded in the wheat. Next year the alreaciy o tnt~d that no one ever other strips will be plowed and the knows just wter they come from, same l'otation followed . 'DIlis field' but I'm not. advocatiJlIg cure. J'm is Oil a 30 to 85 per cent slope and cedain that. that is a l()ng 'Way into wil l make an intere tiog demonstra th [ tttu re; hoV/ever my plan will , tion." I'uin very conceiva.ble rumor, Ormann R. Keyser, agricultural whether it is in' it's irnfa ncy, half agent, Stark clOunty, saye, "The g cw n, or a full grow'll, man size CCC camp at Shreve has star ted rum or. It, will utterly demolish on a complete layout for strip them all, one by lOne, lOr Qrmies of farming on the J. Le ter Hawke them. ' Y ou know, they aI',! really farm on U. $. route 62, two miles




JU=~T~~~~~ I,u~:~



End.I··Cube':Sirua. " -" ··1ce-,.......··/





.....y nuQlDAlltI 11M III.



pl'otect your eyes It is real ec-

Terms': Cash in



Pl.~ty of light. . ':•.:;:, . :I,.~; ;i.,:'I - , : :,i ..

The D',ayton Power & LeIg'ht Company


f . a..e RetrlPl_tl ••

IS- Year Prot.c#on Plan. IHIdIMI ",


Etta Surf aee, deceased, , 0 ert W. Brown, Attorney Y()U who try it will be ,emancipated the administrator. forever from the B,tillgS and on(March 18, 25, April I, 8) , slaught of the terrible thing. P.bYlli~M~ is 'quaranteed , Now, here it is. Take a deep with Scarlet Fever. bl'eath and SMILE, fLnd SMILE,



fl~v-by.night i- r r81sed

:;~·g::.!·~';;u~:v~:::,~~: ~~~ :::: ba,d. tor A. B ..CI~..,. Adml",,__ of the estate of Mary




sid cl'ation U'lltil now I really be, the answer and all of R b li eve I have

'aew Compl_teness

2. GREATER STOIlAGE-AlIInY NIIW '9-W~ A4/1u,.,. In"""'" 3. GREATER PROTECT"ABILm JriU1p4 food . .fer. fruher. 'otlllWl 4. GREATER DEPEND-ABIUTY '

tcrojnCld'tyl'tl'oWnislll'nimyPOrUorvehtoh~:e~:: :;.,: ~,: I",!:. !:'.

ed from the human race, and be-. ~lt""s" s.--th·a=n=tw=oZl.Eth=j""rdc8=o=f=sa =id=a=p=_

Heve me. th is is

' ;1: ,:1'

awful pests an d sho1l'ld be eliminat of Wilmot."

_atu. As . Brings thrlUing

pennies ,spent for elec-

~-+-&",J9S1,t..~...A.i lAVE •••n

Fot nA..


Some tefrllUlJlOl'l may a-'. ..:..... you PII'" of of Super. D uty. W' IDlOUt '_L III e,e·wirne~: ~ "' . e Service-AbiJityyou aeed. But Frisidaire ' deace of All. 5 D"',C S''''VI'''''S • -00 f . L .... Ui "" ..........., you C. "".lI' p .. )'OG..... P 0 U1D ng com. . be .ure of ,ettin .. full 1937 aJ S . • plena... ia ALL , BASIC so. F"d .. v uc, c_ <." l' Vlc,s. That'. SUPJia - DUTYI tlgl aire Proof·Domoalt.r;at.loD f:¥fol'! Y" . Play Buy OA1y oa proof ~~D lA-Vi MONIY .oa YLUU f ,~


,ley Hardware Company


In pursuance of the order of the I Pfobate Court of Warren County, Ohio, I will offer for lIille at public au'ctlon on Saturday, .the 17 day of April, 1987', .t 2:010 o'clock p, M., on t he premises th\l' following described real eet,.te, to·wit: "Situate .in the Village of Waynesville, in the County IOf WanE n and State of Ohio, to·wit:- Beine a part 01 Miami Squate aa ,shown on the reo corded plat· of 88ld Village' Be· ginning at the west eo:rner' Qf said quare; thence aJong the S. E. side of Main Street 75 j~eet; thence parallel with High S.t reet about 119 ~ feet; thence southwestwardly parallel with Main Street 12 % feet to the east eomer (If the Chri!!tian Church lot; ~en<!l e' with said lot and pa,ralle! with Jljgh Street 40 feet; thence southwestwardly and parallel wit4 .Main S I:.. 62 ~ feet to the N. E. side of High St.; t~ence with High St. 80'AI feet to the place of beginning, being part of lot No.6 in said square so much of the old public 8atl~!1 a ~ i ~ covere$! by the above detlC'Tln-1 tion, B the to Mary Carman by


and 18,


Superior. Values at Greatly Reduced Prices! Every Item Offered I. of 'Regular Hi.h Quality We Mentioa only. few of the many item. which' you will find in our atock 'at cteat ..vinp.

'$1'.69' ' 79 $1 49 $1 39 S1 39 Here'. aD'S 1 .39

. RAIN -COATS, For Women and girls, a ,fine assortment ' , Eacb , on~ a $2.98 v.lue.-:-now offered at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DRESSES-Latest of styles and '·fashions. a wide range of patterns, $1.98 value at only ... , ...... , . . . . .

MEN'S WORK PANTS, Strong durable- trousers for . he-men who work. $1.98 ".Iue ......................................

SANFORIZED OVERAU, Will not shrink, always roomy, full cut, woven to wear, $1.59 value .... .. ... ...... .......:"......... MEN'S DR~ SHIRTS, Every shirt, a leader for style . . aDd quabty. Dress up, a 'I." "aI.. for only. • . . • • • • • • SHOES FOR WOMEN aad CHILDREN, opportQmty to aive your feet a treat, $I.JI ...... ........ .... lot of child'!; ,1.10 to '2.00 value at . . . . . .




elugee amille Are Res ~ to Homes • As Greatest Flood In History Recede

. 0"

I)in. T. B. Brannock. WiI. !·



llln\)n, nd

• kaude


thll wt'ek,cTld with trtenda lit 'I. u~JlIJII • __ .. h. ,j '\fl"', H. II. Cullett __ III I I lIl r I" Ilt • unday with Mr. , n.1 ~h , 0'(;111 ' Slanfl('ld and f~ ;1 ir " 1 \ VI('n na.

noon I y. ~It·. lind MI'l; . nrl StephonSOD Ml:. Fred Wilson, l\h. Wull el'l l\h, arlll l\11·~. II r,w 11'1 Wit t~1 1 'Inrl It:Hll/:ht j ', Mary Reba, of MarI WU Ko n lInd l\fi .~ MI.ille Wil ~o n of" or l>(lyt"lI hllY,' nll\uJ "the' :O;hl' 1\\. MI' ( )!i.I1'Y Ellen Edwards, Selma ' came unday aft ernOo n til hun III'o Pt.!lty on ~I>l'th i'tn'Pt, lJEl~'I.m, Ruth COn lll'I' Rnd Sarah sea ]\frs. How II Pi I·ce. 1\11' , ,Iuhn T n'l,Id\\n~ ,11'/ f !llIili' (', IHt('I' W('I'( ~u ... ~ l' of Mr. and Mi.- s I"t'ances Alden flf ,, 11l111" have mo\' rl t" th· "1u,Jd~1l 1)f'''J> l' r· '11' H:dllh I( llf;tln)::'.i and son, Bobhus, was the w k-end gu c.L of hcl' ty on \. ifth , SlIcd. toy, (' 11 Sunday. si~te r Mi ~s. Adalin Alden. I~rnllt d<lll~h~lI "r '\[1. Hilt! ~It, ~JI. uno l\ll'~, D, n. Adam!) and , 1\1['~, JIo v> 11 I'i t'1'C I! tO~I\th('r M~I'I n F,l'aner IS \ tiulI. lr ill IIi h .lIn , 1\('\\'11((1, of Dayton spent with Mrs. J. L. M nd ~nhRIl a n.t PI1(1111101l1(1. '~ ul~dtly wit.h Mr. and Mrs. John I. ' I II', !lnd )!r,·. Ball Can', or l,"h-J Admns. JIll ' >I. 1•• 1\1 • II c ncI"'r , ,, 0 n W(ll'e !JUSI., ne!', vi, it01'l1 in incinnati on ~atul·day. 1 ,r.'='=~---~--------~------=~==~ )l , MI'. and MI'-;'. H,+J. Azzling un<1 Mr, nntI MI·~ . D. B. Vice of Duy- ' ton wert:' g u ('~t:.:; of Mr. and Mr~ , w,· an' ~'1l1ill',·tI , I .. h HIt., l'V"l'y clt·toil of II B: T. Vice on S unday, rllnl'I' ~ I. l'n n to ,'udl 81lU, I but imporlant malwrs Mr. und MI'. Ii"rccl Sour a nd II., ('ard~ te) fl'i cllob alltl l('la j\,('~, art ungl'ml'l1L ~r the family of flamilLon sp nl S unday 1"1Iutil1l; in the fUllel'!'!1 ,. I ,', ,('It'C\ iun of (lall-beUl' I'i! with fr. and 1\11'1;, William 01. ' nnll Ihe iii..·, We will ai,,, hanelle ull ('l:metcI'Y , I ll1an. tails und I1nythjll~ l·l~c that is nccc~5ary in any pilC' I ~fl.'. and !\1l'fI. W, E, t roud wel'l! t.iculur ca~e. Many l)('h~avl(l in th~ il' lime 01 greatguests of M~, and M rR. E. T. ~~~ gol illi fe'l'l lhlll1scl\'{' ~ iJ\!a of aLtcniliflg to Strou d on unday. · II lhe nUlUer(IU ~ d l'tuil.< or u ! Incl'u\. We w~lcome th e • Mr., and lI1rs. hade!! Edwards opport1lni t y lhll, 1'1'(' 'clllll! us of lakin!; these reo and daughter, Mary Enen , Mrs. :p!)n~ iuili l ie:; o~f Ihe shoulli I'S of the gricf-stricken. J o.seph RanalH and on, Ch'Lrles spent the we"'k -end with MI'. ant.! Mrs. Raymond onn r. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Woo1!\rd and daughle l' of 'Dayton ana 1\hR, Ltlrt'ain c B. Spray and daugbter, Phone' Waynesville Evelyn, W(,I' SUllday g uest of

seri.s of pictures

shows how th e Red


"1 {'(I 1\' lth . Public: A_lion of Houarhold fur Mr II nrl I Pe-e) c VI~I , ' 1'j . .,,10' rot T)' F: . Sh",. rei Ut 1\'( In , • u "JlTIll ! ('\'l'W I 1IUl 1.lure of I Il~' ll tly. I wond. on S...,nnd St ., 'VAI)'n y,ll,. )rl', And Mr~. fo~d. lIialt of atulIlllY. "1 1,11 (It, I.!:':I l ' l'f' In ('l V" , Mill'll! I ,\I rll llll II- ~l'" IIIIII'I!' " r·" Illin"t ,.t (t t\ en II ~(I \un l 1(;11· " • 11\11' u 1 . ' duys , ,'. l'l:U'Y , \ (Ilm~, •S un. Iay alter· r \\11 Ii ~r!', U II! ,II', \ , (). <.i1·Jr·



Cross meets the needs

of f1ood.stricken fame ilies so that they resume life on a sustaining basis,








J. E.M Clare


was a major need IIl'Id the mother makes her $e. lection. 1 Fur1'liturA

A Minion Persons Who Suffered Untold Hardship in Rise of W,aters I" Ohio and Mississippi Valleys Helped Back to Normal Life by Red Cross


HEN the raging flood waters In Ohio and MI~sln8lppt Val· leys subsided, atter a record,break· Ing rise In January and Febl'uary, tbo Red Cros8 eaUrnal d that tho hornell of a million and a IJllarter por, l onll had been alraded. More tball '760.000 of these victim came under the care of the R d Or08S bocauee they needed reecue, ahelter. tood, elothlng and m eel i 0 a 1 attention, Maliy thou sands continued for 81lt 'Weeka or more In Red ross retug 0 clnterl, b 10re their l1om\!8 were 11 t .. live In again:

Work of restoring famllle. to til Ir ' hOlllC,S weJl the eecond groot task of the Red Oross. For th06e families who had no slIovlngs or credit or other relloul'Cee, ltl& llcd ross nss",med responqlbillty, while several Go\,ornment agencIes pre· pared to lend money and bolp to oth 1'8. Government, state and IQcal ngenclea a slated In cleaning up bOmes, " In thousands of insto.nces, tbe Rod Cross r epaired, rebuilt and reo rurnlsllrd !tOI'R. Wllcra w(Jr.kmen lo ~l lh ,,~"., were supplied

by Red Cross, ,uat as any nece8sl, lies n oeded tor lIelf·sustalnlng 1al)1' Ily life were given, The Ameti can Dubllo gavo ,22., 000.000 to the Rod Cross relte! tund, I~ conttlbutionll ranging from 10 ceuts ,to fifty tbou.sand dollars. This money was epent for maIn, tauance of a. vast rescue Heet of 2.700 boats; for maintaining 760,000 refugees In camps, theIr hODles I ' with frIends and relatives; fo r ?' bOlJpltall; for food Bnd clol and tor reh8lbUitatloll of stricken families. The ned. (

Umnted Ihat 75 Der ennt ot the fUlld would go toward rc palrl ng and re' turnl hlng hom 8 I1nft giving olb er necessary aiel to fnmlliea so thill they could resumo a nOl'llIalllle O[lce more. The asslstance given by the I1t(: d Cross Is n gilt to lbe flo d SUfferers from Iho contributors to tho funcl , J ':lns are nev r Ulade by th e Ft e~ • ·<lSS . The h eln glv n I,s on tbe bil SI~ the famlly's needs and all s r's of the R ed CroBs art! lllldttec '\ War De partment aud 11 re, I~ rt wIUI the U. ~l". O()llgl'fl~ ~ ,

~--------------------------~--~-------------"--" _ -_ ____ __ --i - j.ects the iibl'ary hss added ten - or treEl. of the Squirrel and t addi ional voLumes and in th grounds." The Best of the News Direct plan1j oth purcb es, There is a vote, let it be known, was unnniwailing 1i@t to r virtllally all of the From th Ohio State Capito). books mous. available. • +• P~IreC/ns

~' elve


• ••

Va stly improvw bU,' n f and in transacti ons in 1935, Secrctary Fi~he rmen wele warn ed by Com In nn attempt. to l!\sh the heavy dU!ltrial conditjons during fh e fil'I't J K nn t1y sa i d . ' mi ~. ione r !lawrence Wooddell of toll of killed and injut'cd on lhe I quart. r of 1037 were nOk'd ill a " .. • • the division oi con. ervation that the stl'eets and highways of Ohio, I ropot-l by Sectetary of State Wil(ir ,ate1' I1lterellt in dental h eallh I t he daily bag limit established by the Governor's S~lcty Cool"dina' l ged ,the I!tate consel'vation COuncil will tin g bur au, under the dire.cUon Ham J. Kennedy coveri ng the ac· (,pcclklly fol' chlldren, was . d' i' by 0 1'. Waltel' H. Hartung, d lrcc· be- ri ....idly enforced . The protected , ' tivitie of the cOI'Poratlon IV 1011 lor of the sta te Departm nt of 'I ri. h "and lhe limit 1'0[, each are: the _talt~ Depal'trn nl of .R1~h. f tbe Departm nt of tate for Hea lth foLI-' 'Ing the , l 'ath of a k B II ' \. wa~'s, \VII Inaugurate a mor'e m· ,vn u C ~ 1 00 , row, 01' MlIll"OW t r o u t , . , . . '. the period nding March 31. It is M~igs '10unty child fl'o m blood poi. combined, specie eight; large- tcn~ l V'e camp~ugn III tlafflc .acc1' ; an established fnct that. the cor- !loning which resulted from an 'JI- Imouth, slllallmQu~I!, and spotted dent pNvenbon. The commlttee8 poration division crvl' a!! an ae· fccted tooth. sll1'v('y by the 'tJ. bu&'l, combined speciO$, cight; named te? map ou~ Illle ~lB.ns for curate barometcr f bu, incft8 and l1it~d State. public b 81th servic gree n. pumpkinseed Ilnd long-ear the cru.'ad~ anu thel1~len are l i,ndustry in Ohio, Secretary Ken· nmong 1,600,?OO chool ch~ldren \' unfi, h, combined _pecies, twenty; Engineering. nnd statistics, IHrec' l nedy pointed out in Ilnllou(lcing who t'anged III a~() fl' m SlX, to "hit and black cl'appic, combined tor J ohn Jastel' Jr. of the Depart. that total dome.sLic and for~ign rourte n ,yetll' revealed that Igh · spec ie, itwenty-five; rock b8$8, nl nt of Highway j school and , corporations fees and misc Ian· ty.nin e r>~l' cent had dental defects Lwenty; bluegill, twenty. For the chUd safety, Director E. L. Bow. eous receipt t.opped the lirst. (Iuat· ~I" H:ll'dlllg said. H call ed attcn. inland district onlYl Yellow pike \ sher o~ the St.a~e Depart~ent of ter of 1935 by 71,709. For the lw n to the fact that the depart' p el h, ightj yellow p erch, twenty; EducatIOn j public education, Suo l quarter just ended the total fe<'s m nt's bureau of denilll hYg iene ijj wh ite bas, twenty; catfish., all pelintendent ThomaB P. Kearns of a.nd miscellaneous receipt amoul1· _Jlonsoring • dental h ealth educa- ' kinds, twenty, _tate divHon of safety and hy~ I ted to ~136,119, compa)'ed to $ 6,- tlon program whiCh at Lhe pre: nt • • • gien~; and enforcement, Colonel I 688 'hi 1930 and to $63,410 in dme is confined t o lell1entary Ten-ye~r-old .Alycc:mae of Cleve Lynn Bla k, !!uperintendent 1)£ the} I , 1936. sc ~ool aod rcque ted the co.oper.' land t, singularly happy because ' state highway ~a~o!.: _ There \~el'e 2,53~. t~'anst\cti~ns n.tlOn ~f d~nta1, m edi~al. and IIU[- of a unique liJ1d unexpected honol' { M~lnbel'B of ' the sta:l'f of the recorded In the dlVlSIOIl durUlg smg ?1~llmaUolls . .Patent-Teacber~ co.nferl'ed upon h ('1' by the House Miami Gazette have been il~y ited J'll;" ua l1' February and Mllrch , bf IIl)\so<;mtlOn an! .c~vlcs groups. Of RcpresentativQ.S. Following ~ ! to atten~ tJl~ tenth annual m.eeting thIS: yel,lr compared to 2,052 trans" vi ~it to Colum\).os with her father. of th e Blu e Pencil club of Ohio" actlollS in 1936 and to 2,368 Chl f InLel'est at t~o slate cen' Repl'cBt\ntali'o!e Jahn T. DeRighte. to be held May 2 ~t the Flaculty I ~:::::~~~~;;~== te,l'$ around .publicattoM dealing .Alycc mae, \V'ho spent most of two club, .OWo State University. A ' I . W1th the Umted S~~s supr me days in the Statehouse grounds news photography clinic and eshi- I ' court and the constitutIon, accord. I with the squ irrels and pigeons bit 'Will be conduoted in the mornjog 'to State Librarian PiIlul A. T, while 'h er lather attended to legis- ing. Following the noon luo.cheon Noon; To a collection of more than t lative matters, wall declare'd by a a di.scussiort of current neWfJpaper I 200 publications on the two sub- resolution of the House as "Mia- problems will be presented.

















AnftOUDCelDent Mr. R. E. LeRoy,. having severed his former connection, has accepted a franlchise to distribute TEXACO & INDIAN PETROLEUM PRODUCTS in tbis community. ,


LU s:

$16.95 and $19.95 Women's coats and suits •• . . , •...••••.•. $13.85 Sale of higher priced fur coats at only ., ...•.....•••••• . $85.00 New $5 millinery $3.45; $6.50 - $7.50 millinery now, . , ...•..• $5.45 Salt! of higher priced .prlng dresses •.. , , ... , . .. $9.45 and $17.45 Well-made cotton drelS~1 for daytime wear at .••..• ',' • . , . $2.69 Higher Priced Imported fabric gloves, special '- t, . ; •.•.•..•.• 79c 75c ch"'on and seml.servlce Almcee hose Mc, ;) pairs ..•..•. $1.8.5 $8.75 and $10.50 Barbara Lee Shoes ••••... , .. . ... $7.45 and $8.45 Regular $6.75 and $7.50 Rhythm Step Shoes .. . . .•.•.•.•.•.. $5.65 3Z-plece Imported porcelain dinner sets at only .••••• •••. , . $2.95 517.50 to $22.50 floor lamps with shades at .....•••• •••••. $14.95 Regular .$2.50 electric kitchen clocks at only ...•• '.' .••••.. ,$1.95 $1 a week buys a new 1937 AMC, washer at ... , ••••••••. . ,.$39.85 $1.75 a week buys a family size Frigidaire at ...•• •••••.• $139.50 $1.50. a week buys a MaCJlc Chef range at .... . ••.•••••• '•. $84.50 , Sale of higher priced Iprlng handbags at just - , , • ••••••••.. $2.59 f ale of ,$l and $1.29 neckwear for women 'at i ud •••••••••.••• 74c ..: !Jlesman,' s samples 'of CJlrdle. and corsettes. , , •.•.•••••• •• $3.98 $2 alld $3 silk slips and gowns ... , .. , , , .. , .• . , ••. $1.77 and $2." Mallinson's $1.19 Mel-O-Dee Sheers, yard now " .•.•••• ~ •••••••c Tablecloths, values up to $5.98, special at,., . , .••••••••••• S3.te Clothing for little and big boys now reduced . . •••••• ~ •••••• 10"Self.Starter, Collegienne, Foot Train.r shoel.' . •••••••••. lOot. . . A CJroup of girls' coots ..•••••••••••••••••.• ,$8.49, $11.49. $14.4' A troup of children's coo••••••• • • •• ••••••• •. ,$6.49, $8.49. $11.49

' Sa'. Now I. 'rogr... - 'nd. Saturday, ' April

.R. E.







top Look Lilten At these Special MEAT P~ICES a t

To Be Held



P hone 79 . ~y!!!I~I~O~o._ ~ -Wel'l:g"et th e om mi:'l;ion of thl! w ~l'k, howeV(;r il ap peal' ne xt. wCc-k Wur.'cn '()unty Co urt New t hb!<() t hat OU I' rl'lId!l may b nform d.


Ie's Meat Market Wher e Quality i. Hilh And PRICE i. LOW

. FANCY BEEF Swi.. Steak. , Shoulder Cut, lb. Boiling Beef, 2 Jb .. ...... 27 Chuck Roaat, Ib .......... 18 Round Loin Steak, lb .. 29 Chuck Steak, Ib .... .... 23 Club Steak, Ib .... .. . .... 25 Bee f Hearta, Ib ........ 12 lit Beef Tong.u ea, Ib ........ 15 Beef Liver, lb ........ .. .... 15 Ox-taila, each .... . ... 08 . Ground Beef, Ib ........ 15 Home Corned Beef, Ib for Jig' a corned beef and cabbage ...... :..... 18 FANCY VEAL Pocket Roaat, Ib .... ...... 15 Shoulder Roaat, Ib ...... 19 Veal Chops, lb ........ 22 Veal Cutlet., Ib ......... .33 Veal Hearts, Ib ........ 15 Cheese - Brick . Cream American - Limburger Butter - Oleomargarin e Cottage Cheele • Picklea Full Line of Lu nch Meat. a nd Delita..ena FRESH P ORK Spare Riba, Ib .... .. .. 15 Calliea, Ib .................... 17 Pork Loin Roaat, Ib ..24 Fresh Side, Ib ............ ..23 or Ha lf, lb. ....... ..24 Fresh Hams. whole Pork Chopa, rib. or loin, Ib .... ................ 29 Pork Steak , lb ............ 23 Pure Pork Saulale 2 lb for .... ........ ..38 Pork Liver, 2 Ib .......... 25 ATS SUGAR CURED ME That Ham W h at Am W hole or half, lb. 25 aeon, piece, • Ib ... . .... 25 B Sliced Fa ncy Bacon, Ib 30

Wfill E "ILL A


LeMay, PHONE NO. 19

Hormel Corned Beef Hash .... ......... .. . " Schnells Genuine lurtle Soup ' ...... ,..... ....... ... .... 23c Express Canne d Oysters ... ... ... .


Ask for a

. M.i a.mi. bur, Perma nent

Concrete Ail' Seal Burial Vault · For Sale only bJ

Your Funeral Director M cClure Funeral Pho_ 7 .



CAPSULES $1.50 per 100


W ayn~lvilie Dr ug Store Phone 120, W a, nelville, Ohi

MI'. nnd Mrs. Vi!'gil R. Ott, of P ublic Auction of H ou .ehold Fur Dayton, w r guest.s of Mr. and nitu re of the late Mary' E. Sher · 1\11'8. P. L. Rea. o n on Su nday. wood. on Second St., W . ynel ville Mrs P. L. Rca on R,nd on, LorSatur day, April 17, at 12 :30 .. 1en, were in D1l.yto~ on Monday.

• •

.- ... " ' - '

--_._-" ---::-----~----~


Cra'b Meat ... .................... . Noodles and Mushrooms in G laas ................. .. .. ..... 1& ............. ......... 15c .... 19c .. 25c . .. .... .. .. . .... .. ..... 10c La Cboy Bean Sprouts ............... :.... La Chop Noodles,


Grape Jam, 1 lb jar ....... .. ........ ... 15c ;

2 lb ....... .27c. .., ,.,...,.., ........ ,,,- ,... - lIN _ ~. COtUItI")' CI.lt19f1111U7 1"" _ ...." ,. ...,... .t • "IOtA JU,A., prl<w. A ....... ac iI'. "_",. ....., .oWa .... ~;.,.. T_ _ , .. qaoIity - " ~ _ltd ,-011,..,,1" R. IIIUGpr Bu)'el' (PIa... CIa ~). ' ~='§I~~

re,""" ",...

Doles Pineapple Gema, 2 , can


Green Gav;e Plums, peeled, 2 ~ lb can ...... .... .... .... 18c.

~~~~~~~§~::::::~~~~;:~~:~:~~~~ wet'e unday dinner guests of Mr.



An n Ui1 In p.e cUon will be h eld !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ Friday evening, April H1 at '7-30 CALM YOURSELF p. m. preceded by a din ner at 6:30 A Rollicking p. m. Mrs. Bla nche W. Curt D. Sid sp litti ng S. Act Com edy G. M., of New Vi nna will b ' Jlf en t. W ell K nown Local Pl ayer s


You h ave seen a nd enjoyed

Mr!. Clyde Wharton and daughthem before I . ter, \.'Miss Eva spent T/1 ursday In Dayton. Come . a nd See Them A gain A large nllm ber of people from Also Novelty Acts here enjoyed t he 'operetta at Waynesville Gym., .Thursday and F ri • Mu ic by Bud LeMa y's. W1y evenings. Orchest ra M ~ Reba. Surface of the TowDship R oad spent Th ursday night At t he Gym with Miss FranJ:is Johns. Thursda y, April 22 Mr . and Mrs. Harvey Burn et attend th e fun eral of J oluJ Shey- 8 p . m. Adm. 10 and 20 wood a t Oregonia Friday afterT he Friend _hip Club n oon. Mr. a nd Mrs. Wilbll.' Fou lk M. E. Church


Wall, Paper

Linoleum .,

Rugs Window Shades.

.................. ..... - Lace Curtains w ...... ........... . . . . ,~,..-


. . cw. ....... .... ..... ..-..-



"SIFTE 0:· PEAS '!E'-U~·I.!~~!..I

2c:;,2 27


' -_ _.L:J..==..:'----' y Sold Only 61 Kro, .., ! • ycll•.••• :! ~7 • ••• like " ,.!." • ,ric. -

'.1!"'''' ....,




SlIveJr Sklllu. A bl, b. rlaln



In 6 dclic toul fruit tl.vo ra


14e .


CATSIUP g~:bntr1 Be WHEAl' PUFFS ~fuu:try DOG FOOD ~n Se RAZOR BLADES21!li~:1 Ittr~d:.l Oc .



5 0a . pEa ·

LB. 12~c


4. Del i~loa. •.... "0 ... .. kono.. ... CI,ur), .• • M.ple • • • Vlnlu.




For T buflcI • ., April Blh on I,

RYE 8RE"~D ~~.!';·I~':f· • • •

loaf ge

Whiting, Ib

For Frida, . 0111 S. turday April 9 .lId 10 o nl,


COOKIES • " • Coco.nut


2 loave. 1ge

Plaint Ie'"

Cre.m lill.d S.ndwich or R.J. t"


CAKE . ... . '.





, t





lRED PERCH FILLETS, It, ... .. ~ .................. ..... ..... 23c I

lb. 15c



,~YSTER5; pt. .......... ..

• each 31e

... .... .. ....... . .......... .... ....... 2Sc


.4·pk... 19c. . ....


BOLOGNA, Ib ... ....................... ,........ ... . ......... .. 1

W ith t •• puraha,e of 4 Plr lt. of Twink le Dn.ert you will rec.i". f'or pnly Ie & t r • • beautiful 8 . inch tiDte c1 ..... SALAD MIXING BOWL. Twinkl. QI.I.tin

.0.- . _ _ _ .... _

···· ······ ..... , .. ... ....... .. lOc

F.ILLET of HADDOCK, Ib No Bone, No Wade .... 1&


c.. -

on ft'lll~t). ·

HOI. b ot .



IrImU 0/ 60ft tNr. Ii ..." M. III _ Hidd"" N","" Trl', I ..ho.. tft I. Krtl,,,r ,,_ /'O"./fW Imoo,hll6l1, rit/tn....".1 tru. /I.,·or. /tI, .,abll!d '0'" 10/.1 ",11 'hey 110"'0;" Gb,0I,,'.11 "U~. filler i",r. Ji ",•• " F .... Cand, Makar. (Na ...e "SC!~r/l1

2 ~:~ ISc 1221e

Frrth bak ed

S.lty Sod ..

Gold.n TO.II.,d Coco.mat

Spring ·House ' Cleaning?



Cary'a Jewelry


PINEAPPLE ~~~~iI.n J;.~I. 10e PICKIL.ES Bond'. Swu~ lSj~:' 1ge OUVJES ~~::~.l. J.r IOe CHIPSO FI.~e:::I~I:;ul.. !:;: 1& HEINZ SOUPS ~~c::!l:~~e:e 2 .2Se POUI who le center alice. In can.-In hUV1 . , rup

Purple P lums, 2 ~2 lb. can ... ....... ..

Remember We Are





............=IZ:i.: .... .. ........... ,.. ....... ...........


Come and Look and You Will Buy

Inn Chicke n a nd Noodles in Glass .. ...... 30c

W. ,Den 'iUe. O.

F OR SALE: Good seven rOQ1ll house, either for home or investment; will rent to pay 10 per cent. Shown by a ppoint ment only. W. N. Sears, Wa ynesville, Ohio.

Home-Made Eat.


cy at nded OrangI' al W.aynes· ville, turday Ie' >ninl!. MI". and Mrs. Moni s miller und duugh t r, Pran c· 01 Zirntnerllla we!"\! Sunday uftcrnoon gUl'~t. 1\11'. and }1r . Walwr K ,~ nt'ick,

Henry Foulks, cl!lcbrnting his 76th birthdny. 1\[1'. Ca. sie Hardy h been . quite .ill the past; week. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Whitaker, "THE HOM E OF GIFTS" . nnd childn'n moto"cd t(l Ci ncin. Lebanon, OhiO nnti last Sunday. Mrs. Alice Clarki in' company . ~XPEIlT WATCH with Mr. IInd . M~. Ronlo "R iggs of RE PAIRING ocial Row attended the operetta .lna 0 ...', G• a • lae .... U' " -teri. la at Centerville Friday evening. 111'1'1. E. B. LOllS8cl·e ntten ded Prompt S er vice the Church Oooferdncc of the DIlY Bean aacon, Ib .. .......... 18 ton 01 tl'ict at LcbanQn Manday. Store opeu until 9 J). m . 33 Cottage H _ml, lb .. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Whitake r, H MEATS Mr. a nd Mrs. Harvey ~urnet. M l"S. LUNC ~E~~~7,:~~:::::::~===:;: "ST ICE- - J . B. J Onee an d M:rs. S'~ ....n Iey B·I al· Bolopla,lb .... .......•... ...1 5 ,..

W einera, Ib ............... .. .23 Franks, 2 lb . .... .... ...... 33 Minced Ham, lb .... ,.25 Ch eese, . Ib ... .... .36 · .L lver Smoke Sauaale, Ib ...... 25 Liver Pudding, Ib ........ 15 SOUle. Ib ....... .. .. ... . .....20 Free Delivery-Phone 66


Wn.yneilvil l E~


Formerly A and P A t 10 0 d ock All Kinda of Good



. ................................. 2Oc

lCREA~ CHEESE W lb. . ... ..

.. ...... .......... 25c



,CURED CHEESE. lb. .. ... .................... ... .. . ,.............32e




.ROLL BUTTER, C~untry Club lb.........:.: .... . . ....36c

:PRINT BUTTER Country Club lb. .................... ..37c


}HEAD LETTUCE·ot!?p2~or tiC .. e..............., ..........._ to ...... ..........

• ~




V . . . . . . 111....

RHUBARB • • ; •• 10•

."-APPLII " ; •.


.... "..., . . wta. .,


... .......... .

GtlAP&PRun ; I fer I •

. APPUI . • : .' .... Me ·CAULIPLOWIR • & lie . . . . . . . A ......

CWae....-pe,.w ......-lie

GRAPII • • • • • . se. OIIIONI







Eighty-Ninth Year



y --

Miami Gazette R ead B y Family. 88 Years 7 exas Subscriber ",rites ",ants 10 Hear from Old Friends




Whole Number 6269

J\PlUL 15, 1937

i Friends Sp

nsorPeace ~~~FSu1:rRID L.-~~:_ .,~ ., -=a~-;,~-;r:;:1=:::-----I Program S eaker I


Twelve F. F. A. Boys wj)) try o ut hybr 'd corn h re this year. A qunnlty of se d has bpen pure-has· ed a.nd divided among the boy for pl'oject.$. Ench!'le will plant his hybrid seed. alon8 pide other varieties; in the same kind of ground, to bl tended Lhe snme nnd hnvested tht IUrie. By tbis method we hope to learn some facts a~ to the relative importance of hybrid corn as Com pared v. ith go<Yd seed of open pol. HnaHon . Ab out all types of soil and con· ditions for this locality will bl' I'cpresented by the boys in th


Svlvester Jones 10 1 ell Of Spain At Meeting In New Burlington

. yh·(.'ter Jon s 'will come ItO Wilmind nn, Ohio within a few days /lnll \\ ill addre. s various in. tere. ted groups of Fl!tend and nth 1'.1 who Ilr' concel'ned about ,he war ~ ituati()n in Spain. He ,·ill speak 1.0 a ~lUicd group at , he Friends Meting HoU&e in . ' w Burlington, Sunday afterDEGREE WORK BY C ARKS. I\oon, April 25, at 2 :00 p. m. VILLE CRANCE ; LOCAL H is a Quak l' business man in MEMBERS ATTEND Chicugo, went to Spain in Decem. Mr. Katheryn lIerrmann of Forget about th schedule pubTh e regular m ling of thl' Ma!'.· hel' at Lbe request. of the- Service 703 Palo Pinto St., Weatherford, lished and write hOw-we will ar· s ie Gra,nge WUII held lit Hnl·veys•. 'Ol11ll1itL c. He visited refugee Texas in writing, states that her range order of pUblication. burg, Monday eveni ng, April 12. chilll'cn'. colonies t hroughout grandfather, Mr. Robert MouTlt.~hi~lfpe. J'enL ._s:t_ion_s of the townWOI'k of the Lbird nllll fourth de.··t t fl1jtOry, erjtered Mad· joy subscribed for The Miami Ga· "' _ gree was I?ut on by the lurkavillt! I ill during the siege and later viszette In its econd yeor of publi. Grunge. iled BUl'1{o , the Nationalist h~aa calion and that the paper h~ can· 'fh eJse who nt-lend u from ·Way· 'i Uul· ~el·s . He discovered tber& tinued in the family ever inee. . n esville weI' : MI'. and 1\Jr8. L. W . weI' J 50,000 r fugae children Mrs.Werntz, Herrmann's mother, Branstlotor, Mr. und l\1 r~. W. A. "' ithout- Fufficient food in Loyalist Lizzie died lut MarchMrs. and . Luken s and family, Mr. and Mr ~ . ='psin. Another 30,000 war orp· shortly be/ore her death, she asked ,;"""",.4,41, .~.",.Ju" 1I.u.s.t "-,/rIr1 10rJis Ol'nn n, Mr. and rvlrs. J. B. hllns in th e care of Nationalists her daughter to continue with the . WA YNESVILLE M . .E. CHURCH Rich, Mr, and Mrs. Hobert rew, were in urgent need of clothing LASKA II a country that paper. Sunday:Mr. John Schultz and MLss FI'ieda 'II1U medical suppliQS. Sylvester ha, been . under three The Jetter al 0 state that she, Sum!ay chool at 9 :30 a. m. harle William Beckett, son of fla,l. ,F irat owned by Oreat Hal'v y, J on s return' d to America early Mrs. Hernnann is Interested in the Mornin wo hjp at lC):40. The Mr. and Mr . George Beckett, ha (J Britain. it wat c~ed to Ritl. i ll February to report to the Serv· letters Irom former residents as sermon ubject will be, "He Paid the misfortune to fall at the home A in 1825 and that country icc ommittee. He recommends the editor a.nnounced th m in a re· The Pare." acid It to the Ur' I Statu of hi ~randpaTen ts, Mr, and Mrs. .or '7.zoo.000 in r p r ompt nction to save liV';Cs by .n 1867. cent i8llU&. Howe.v 1', California IifC Beckett and break a rib la~t ,"'Seward'. foUy," . 1 was folk-who had l)een asked to write Evening senice aL 7:30. , ' (' ndin~ food and medical su pplies caUed at the ,tin. 'ouab first, wer~ to<> modest and so JIolrs, them c 101' our ~tudy will be, week. o pe udmini~tered by American ..venty yean I l ued Herrmann' letter Irom Texas be. "F(lllow~ng Th Man WH,h The ol.k I through established chanWalter Jorda.~ is recov T. Mrs. ~ce then, 9laib $ of Pitcher." .saia , II L on both sides. comes the tint to make its appear ing from II fall she r ceived, break the inftuence of J ere stiU to be Men I:. . :a. The RUillilln The Am ricnn Friends Service ance in .these columns. So here's to Tuesday: ing several rib . I it 01 Intereat to the th nd. of tollrilta who viait lftftuaUy Texas. On Tueaday n xt week th t' r Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Dakin are .the ole! block bouIe,~ :t SltJll. b aM,the. f~~!. ~! ~th ~Itora. Th e be. t of all the Maj o1' Bowes olllJnittee represents the ~ligi­ Mrs. Herrmann saYB, "I know it will be a <troup Me eting of tHe Wo visiting at the h()me of Mrs. e. units II OW tnurning l.h country is ~Ui> Society of Fri nds (Qllaken) will be int resting to read lett 1'8 m n" Foreign Mis lonol'Y Society celia Crawford in Lnwrence counheaded for the RKO Colonht\ in in efforts to promote peace a.nd to from form r reaidents so I don't held in our church. This will be. ty. 'Mr. Clyde Levicy is caring Dayton, Ohio, for the we'k of Fri !'eliev(! human suffering.. Ita !Work want to mill any numbers. one' of the very important m eet- for the hardware store during the day, April 16th . It i.~ Major Bow has b en widely shared in and /Sup "I seC!! Mrs. :Minerva Keys Mill ings of the year. There wtlL be a absence. ported by' Americans of other d.eAmateur Of ALI Nation s quite oft n, he lives in Ft. Worth foreno on and ufLcl'l100n s 'ion nominations and faiths. The Grange met at the gym on and hm't so well at all-she puts and dinTler will be se rved in the Monday night and invited Clarks· I The Committee proposes to send , I elief wOI'kers with food, clothing me 10 much in /1Iind of my mother. \!hurcb. ville as their gU .. ~t8. About one ,ond medical suppUes to Spain .. '1 would to com back to Wednesday:bundr d were present. WaynC$Ville this Bumer when there The Ladie Aid Society will a non-partisan mission. Its appeal Mrs. Anna Mas Donald of is no sad occa iOll to bring me m et with Mr . Whetsel. rol' funds is addressed to members Chri pin Lippinco tt, 88 year old pringfield spent everlll days tbe e--I didn't get to e all the Bible Study anll prayer meeting last week with home .folks. ,of all religious denominatiiJna and resident of Harveysburg died at , to non ·church people concerned in old friend!! I 'Would have liked to at 7::ro p. m. the home of his, sisier, Mrs. Sadie 1rfr. and, Mr . Herbert Cnrl' and ha e ~eeo on my last trip (when G. C. Dlbert, Pa tor. humlwitarian relief. While ihe Reason at 8 :15 o'clock 1'hu (ray son, William, were Dayton visitors .~ ork il proposes to do will be rep' morning. motber died and we brought her WAYNESVIU:E~CitURCH last Saturday. "csenbltivQ of all Americ8l'ls 01 back. for burial). , OF CHRIST Mr. Lippincott has bee n 11 paper r ood will, t he Committee upholds "Edgar Smith is mN nephew and hanger in this territory for a numw. C. Smitb,' /1 te timony for p~ace. In this it i.a I am seDding him Bome Bluebonnet ber of years. He was also an act( o.operating with the Mennonite. plants, the Texas state flower--50 Bible School Sunday at 9 :80 a. ive port man.and was a great hunMajor Bowes [ nd Church of the Br~threD who if anyone carell to see thme they m. ter and fisherman along the Little "International Revue." The stal'- , with Friends comprise the three ea.n visit Edgar and ltIary Jo. Communion at 10 :45 o. m. Miami. studded show feature s a cn t of I bi~toric "peace. cft'u:ches" of Am. Endeavor' at 7:00 p. m. more than thlrty-iive hand picked erlca. The pToJect lS endorsed by Preaching at 7 :40 p. m. winners and is trul y the greatest tho Federa! Co.und] of ~be Churcbcrmon subject, "Rebuilding the of th se shows to play Dayt.on. cs of O?~st 111 · Ame?ca and. by Walls 01 Jerusalem." Variou s nntionaliti s al·c. repre. (,.ther r ehgtous and social orgamza.. Prayer m eting ~edn day !len ted by top Ti otch Amateur en- tlons. It has the approval. a~d en· 7:45 p, m. tertainers wbo hav e made good on t~uragement of the Amerlcan Red Will study the 6th chapter Major Bow es famou s radio hOUl·. £083. . Acta. The RKO olonial also IH·otnis. Fou?ded In 1917, the S~rriee What is reported to be a rollick-i Don't. fo~get the ~rea meetin~ os outstanding screen entertain- Com mittee, conducted extensIve roe lng sidesplitting c()medy wi11 be to be held 111 the Xe",a Church 01 ~cnt in addition to this smllsh lief w.ork in Europe durin~ and pre.ented I).ere next Thursday eve Ohrist Thursday of thiS week, be· ~tllge attraction in the gay and ro- f Ilowln~ the war. It re?ullt d~­ Din•• April 22 at 8 p. m. in the ginning at 7 :30 p. m. A fine pro· mantic film, 'W omen of GlamoUl'" v ted Village!, fed stal'Vlne ~Jl­ High Sebool Gymnasium. ' gram has been prepared . which cO'$tars [Ivyn Douglas d (en., reel.oJ·ed farms an~ carried . Tbe three act nonsensical farce ] FE;RiiyC'iiURCH OF CHRIST a nd Virginia Bru ce. All in all, the n,: d,ca~ aid tOQJ;eas atncken by is 'beine eponsored by the Fdend- ' w. C. saUdi., Mlni.ter stage lind scroen offoring fOI' ljnd . II1ICS. These and other relief ship Club of the Methodist Chureh I lhat. week will be one oj' t,hefinest lS' l'VlCeS \vere rendered ~ appl'OD The east inc:hldl!ll a long list of Bible School Sunday at 9 :30 a. ever presented tlt lhe JtKO olon. n: ately 7,OOO,OOO.people m Franee loeal star Ptrtormen who have m. Mrs. Jennie Wilso:n was hostess' t er which deJjcious refreshments inl in Dayton, with the same popu e l'l~Any, ~ustrta, POlan.d alld ·eBtabliahed lomethine of a reput8- ' Communion at 10:46 a. m. ' to the Happy Hour Club on Tues- were ervcd. la.r prices fOL' the engagement.adv. R'\SSI:1: DUTlllg the DepreSSIon, the ~ion aa public. entertainers. Prllaching serfice at 11:00 a. m: day at the home Olr Mrs. Glenn CO,mmlttee fed (0,000 cbildren o! It i. aald that fTom beginning to. Sermon subject will be, "Sim~IT Wilson. Sixteen men,bers answer· The Five Hundred Dinner Club LOCALNEWS c,"sl miners ill fhe United States. ed to the 1'011 call. Minutes of laSt met at the home of Mt'. a.nd Mrs. end, thiA performance gives each plicitY of the New Testament Way. This emergency relief work haa eh.ractel' an unlimited opportunity Board meetine M~ndny night. ._ - me eting were read fmd app.roved. Harvey B!Jrnett on Saturday eve. Mi. s Jnnet m'twdght, form er illce developed into a re>habilitato contribute a. maxium of hllarioul! Prayer meeting Tuesday 7 :45 . Lewis Stibbs, 81 years old. pro· After th business the meeting ning. Those who were among the ly of Wayn esville nnd Mi ss Rani· ti III program for unemployed mIn. entertainment. p. !'1. minent farmer and retired rail- was turned over to the program guests were Mr. ~nd Mrs. S. D. et Wiggel's of incinnati, left un Cli; permanently displaced by the Those who bave a part in the Will study the 9th cbapter of road ma'n died at hi' home near committe.e and the folio, ing pro- Henkle, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Chap. day for a two week vacation in cl langes in their industry. insane jumble an.d panic of laughs Acts. . l.\j Lebanon, Ohio, April 8. g,ram was given: Robut Cosp, A man, Mr. snd Mrs. Monis Corn- Miami, Florida Ilnd Havana, Cuba. are: Mr~ 1... Brown who il east All mem))ers aTe requested to Mr, Stibbs was well known in Verse from the Bible.' Elsie Hock- nell, Mr. and Mrs. fiarold Whitak. 'Mr. John Shultz and Mrs. Ho. Fred Smithie, a husband· with a attend the Xenia Area of Churches this community, 'having, 8. year ett, When II: Rains; Opal Reason er, Mr. and Mrs. Ern.e st Butter- wal'd Drum mond attended the i 'perpetual rroucb. MH. Ralpb Hast' of ChriSt, Thursday, held in the ago, married a Waynesville girl, A Reading; the- rest; of the pr.~ worth, Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Hatha funeral of Mr. Lew i Stibbs Ilt the Friends her are glad to I~am inga. .. Fannie Smithill, dQea a : Church of Christ h;! Xenia, begin. Miss Eva King. The funeral was gram was given by jeanette Wilson way an,d Mr. and 1.11'11. A. S. Col. Johnson FUMral HOlne in Leban. tJ. lt Mr. Stanley BaiLey is recover· torn. .. the hQlband'lI boss; :Mrs. ning at 7 :30 p, m. , held Friday from his late borne at th~ piano and P,a uline Peter. lett an'd Mrs. Howa.rd Graham of Frid j'~ nicely ince a reeent opper. Rusall Frank, ifltea the part of l We hlld 104 preaent at our morn with bu\"ial in Miami Cemetety. son, the piano accordian. ' on1.i:r.. Mrs. l~ownrd Drum. til n at Mcqlcllau hospital Xenia. Lucy Smlthie.. their. off spring, just ing cburcb service last Sunilay, and Mrs. Stlbbs and a son survive. . The hostess serve~1 a very deli· Harveysburg. mond and children, Dorolhy nnd Ml's, Agnes Swank and, children crazy abo.ut love. Mn. Boyd Hend- 'revery body .agreed that it Wh- a Those who attet;lded t~ funer· cious, lunch. The meding adjourn. The Woman's Progressive Busl. I Ralph, visited with 1.1'r . Rllf'vey hll ve moved bllck to Dayton. ,er.on, ill no oijter than Barbara velty impressive service. Tilere al from a distance were: Mrs. Eli ed to meet with ?bs. Rambo in ~e s Club held their regular meet I Smith and family Sunday evening. Mrs. Geol'ge G·ra.y is UI and un'Hanlon _ nearing the dangeroull were _ Beven that C!am~ forwa:rd King and 'two children from Act- May. lng at the Golden Lamb Hotel in 1 Mr. Drummond a1 0 called 011 his rln ' the Doctor's care at thla time. aga _ three times a grass widow; to ·uni~ with the church, five of on, Ind., Ha!'Ty Cooper, Co~alnLebanon Monday evening. After sister, .Mrs. Ida Banks of HUl'veys Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burnet A e' """oup of members of the the dinner, they attended the thea I burg. . • ta'ned the D'II1ner Clu b 01 lit. Frencb u Harold Ainsworth is .... ",.em to b e baptised A pril 2~th. bu' s, .0 , and W'll I L'Ippenco tt a f I an ideal 'WMltend guelt for a. bouae The other t'tTO b ..vlnr already been Waynesville. Waynesvi\1e Eastern Star Chap-'"whcr.e they, sa.w Grace, Moore Mr. a"d. Mrs. Wayne Plahck of W'\yn sville at their home Setal" '" b id " evenl'ng• party; Ruasell Frallk ·u Jack Biru, aptze. GRANGE 'TO GIVE DEGREE AT tel' attended th _e E:astern Star ln When You ra In Love. Dayton took super with Mr. Ross uf,y a talkative yo.uq Jljan who knows 'the ladies 01 the eh)1rcb furnish Inspection at HarvElysburg . last Mr. aDd 'M,r s. Kesler Graham . L bl SESSION SATURDAY EVE. Thuuda" evening. ·Those pr'esThe Ap~il meeting of the Woo Planck and family Sat~l·tla y. ·a l d daughter were Sunday _Iterall .1be anIJWera. a.nd wise cracks cd IUDCh at Mr. J. Wilus' NING APRIL 17 M rs. .MII bl e. StlIl:r. lin d d~ught~n:, n OO n gueste of Mr. ' and lin. - C• " pu ic ent from~ here were: Mr. and Mrs. man'e Auxiliary ' of st. Mary's . with Ilill proapeetiu; sale, Tuesday of this.. '\1n!Iek, making At the re"'"la.r 'meetin" of the L. V. Brans.t tator. IMr. and Mrs. church was 'beld at the Little Inn Patt~ 01 Xema VISIted WIth M1'5, W . Albright at Peki" ... . lin. I..illle Egbert u lItIn. Geofl'8 , $~1.76. · _ ..- . . .'TenDle Planck MOndllY .... Wonder, asocial IIpt of the haugh , "Come let UI an go up unto the Grange on Sa.turday, April 17 L. ··C. St. John, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Friday afternoon. April 9th 'With . ME' h h Mr. and Mrs. Loon $allat!ury, there will be ,8 clus of caJldidates Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. RaytnQnd MillS Clara Lile as hostess. M~. Manon c lfresh w 0 as .0'1 and daughter of W .. •... '-....AD ... matron tJPe with her Ituaband. house ,of tile Lot.d." , , been til for severl,ll weeks a.nd had ... "6 ., WM will be gt'ven the first and Dec. Braddock, 'Mrs. Kenneth Hough, As Mrs. Roger Rogan, Deosisan . . . C. H., were entertained at dinner under coatrol: Prof. Garst, U . .I'. .............p .. :-C ..aufRCH ,. ' J 0 seemed to be much better IS not ...- """"" ~ bnd decrees. Mrs. Harolll. Earnh.~rt, Mrs. es· Treasurer of the United Thank f I Sunday at the home of Mr. and Georaoe Wonder, a social taUlllrbt- ~ • _ • sie Hyman, v~8. W'anen Brad- feri .... wa present tb time was so weli as her friends would wish Mrs. Allen Emrick. nder all rt .... ··, John Schult... ......ird Sun"-v after '-"-.... er. Apn'l NOTICE JR 0 U A M " ' / " ..... II , e , f at thO WI·t·ng a ..... ~... 'n UOl. .,..... • • •• dock and Mrs. Martha Hough. . aiven to listenin .. to her very in- or .1S·1 I . . Hank We~, j1a1t a crude Umb of 18, Evening Prayer and sermon at --D·.. f Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Lonpere en· laW", and .ra,Reba Bnddoek, 7:80 0 1_ 1 On Saturday nlamt. April 17th The Friendship chib met at the struatlve bistory of the organiza· iM~. ant? Mrs. Ott°tsSfrabMald't od tlt'tained friendll from lIil'. .d the guoa tion from its beaiDninlr, telling of I Dcmna I, were gues a r. n Cl't", Sun"-y, E .. a maid at 7 :30 p. m. at die High Schoo.l b f Mrs. Cam.on Crane on 3 .... as ~ ..:...... doDbt, ' t FalEND, IIBKTING orne 0 rapid growth and tbe cOlllltructive Mrs. -W. O. Raper, on Sun4ny. M:ad v_ WIl1laa-The cut has, .......out . pu JI'lnt.da~ 8eboo1 at 1:1' L III. Gym, Miami Vallef Council No. Wednesday alternooin, April 14. work It has done. A number of Mrs. Albert Drl\ke, and Mrs. r. a --~ --• Jot of work tn on thil production for · lronl!lp at 10:10 103 Jr. O. U. A. M., wilJ qempli· Mra. G. C. Dibert, lirs. Geo~e .o.este were present. . Vera Regger and daughter, of' an.d daupter ollluon were 8 __ and . .urea the pllbUc of one of fy the work on a Iarp clua. '1'be Petenon, Mn. L.' V Branstrator, day eveninlf cuelr.a of 1(110 l i the moat oatatabdm.1ocal ~.. • _ • crack dearee team of 81lDlhine lin. Alvin ~rnlUlrt, aDd Mn. Iln. Ira O. BroW'll waa hoated WeUman. spent Fl'id&y with Mr. Ragen. tlOIIa W--...m. ... had for.... IT. AUGUlnn cftuaCil GUbert Kra. Crane. to a luncheon-eard part)' 01L Thurll and MH. William Coleman. • - ~.:::-:==. time. - . ...... ~:=.eU will bave , obarae 01 tbe The pi:.;~'Calm. to b. day. Th. invited cuesta were Charlell Lacey Is i1~ at the HamFRIENDS HOIIS f t• • LIaIe eaWWHCI .!!:-B~~"~ ela1lNla TIo--- -.III _. __ Io_ a __ s~~ .sivell the 21nd of and a food lin. L A. Garst, lin. Ruuell Ilto n C::°Cuntyl DaSank~tarluhm.. h Mr. Dick PMne, . . . Mr. .ank ... _ , __ - - ..... _ . . . . .A rU 17 announced I'nnk )In. Ral..l. v_....a __ lin. ar In w 0 II in t e Loui~ Plere. . . . - • n-a... ~...._ 1_.... • _. ... 1 _... to t. &11 ..:...a.b • on p . " . . -_.. I M Cl II H Ita!· X . i -. . . .0 ....... _ .-- 111'. ed- lin. R. IIllttllbe!a- er aDv p -.., AM . . . . . or at the buIln_ Wilfred SquirM, lin. Wade Tar· e e an OIIp In eOlA . 5 klt of Tel• .." .IIn. B . . . ....." lin. • aM . . . 1IUtiI...... 1iq Cone...... in>rited ad alii 1M lIleetiDe the ur, Kn. II. A. hlkeno., lIn.jimproYinISIOWlf, I~"of V....letl • &Ie nq....... to lie oYU' to A. B. M1&bha, lin. A. II, &teat, • Mr. ad Mra. John Klotz. of H .U ....... BoP .......... I ~ of :Ill'. - _.,.. ... .TIIe Miami GauUe received a Editol'i,s Nole-I know that this put wedt for a '\lb. Jetter will strike a sympathlc cord .uipt'iGD which it pri." Yery much. I in the h art of all her old frie nds Th ••lIb.criptioD .:erne a. a (IlUiI1- 1 ~and its the ,ne with everyone m.ent 01. prorqi.e mad to a . of you 'f.elk out tbcrc a II distance motJlet. I_a .i1lce , to bel' re. 1 so, I invite' you to write baek to ward by • daucllter ~o in those h~l'e at hon. for ' too often ~till!lli.... the ... b.c::,Jjptioa, IeHII' it. is al! ]\[1'8. H rrmllnn stat.csT'Ioe Ga~t ,.cia, hato the femilr "only on ad occas_ionslt that old where it .... b.- .. -"I,. Yl.itor friend mee~. Why not write in f~r the p •• t eiaht,..elict.t 7'l'&rs. the joy .and pl easure of life.

check tbi.







--- _.












DIED LtltJ r ;1 WEEK '













Newtoa. ......

:n. ro.







Dum Dee Entued at the l'o~toffice at. Wayne ville, Ohio, 8S Second la Mail :Matter

Harold D. Willi., Editor


Inr fri l' n ll ~ '\l' Il'

doin' 1t .

Golf, I . lll'l\ n, b ut .tlrn 11I1\\' I f('lt I j\l ~ t. 'oulo n'!, It Jl\llh d .0 darn d silly, kllllddnl,( a }jil l! ff

of a "tl'e" , "ie'. t ha t '!, \\ hal thl' l!olfl!T!I call - i t, a Tee i ri'~ mblt'u 11 11 ovcl':izcll No , 112 thlJ lllbtuck, 1 til ught . Hoving ,,Price. $1.50. Year entua ll y h it th bali you pick up ==-==========~=:a a he3\'y ttl bllg ond fo llow ll)e APRIL 15, .1 9 37 ball, thllt i if )'ou can fi nc! it. Tht- n when ~'''u do, hit it ngain, hunt it agaiil; till carl'si n"" th MAKE OUR TOWN SAFE bag. and t hat" (Inc t hi ng' I nev l' Y

193~. t~!fic


Dur ing rea hed Dew deaths t,lid li ke to it. do. Thal's Hold t he bnq . 1.: 0 accidents highs. and Y t carrying ren11y anmbu~~~ a ~~ w ns ~~ m~h. W hy. ~oili~ ~s ai l I _ _ _ _ _ _~~~~~=_~ ag d to lower ca. ualties in pite could see an}' n cd ! r, but no, -~-----~-':'!"~~~~~"!!!'!!~~~~~!!!:'!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ----- - - f the general tren d. ix of th everYOll . mu t havt! a whole bun{'it lel! , . in diff rent population dl or 'em. bra ck !.s, w ere tb ",inn 1'8 Of But the rc'", one thing you n "._ fety r caD coun t on. That's powers of lhe Fifth Natio.oal I GrT' A cit 'PersUBS' on on (l wom n~" m ind. -riCK&i "'f" Tb Council b no"," publish I Anywl\Y, Ollt' day t In t th "Pl'O" ~~==*:;a C~DAR RAPlO~, outline!' or the progt'Nn pursued nd it w a just too bad, beca use . ' UI(WeR by these c nunun:ti - Tnt' ~fore I k ne ,. it, there wns all oi ( \ ,f" ~. " ? g ram of the small _ h' l'('e iv- mr ys tntion money in n g olf ut..}Al.T.tMAtJ ' --"=~~I ing a prix!!, Wilmet e. 1 II fit, nnd my fir t 1 ssOn. Shan I of exceptional i U' _ in ever forget it. And yet 1 can'l could ~ pursu • io • r m mb r half o( it. I t \ a "kN1P or enlaJ'g d man r. b "",'''L'. ''- ' Y ur eye on the ball, " "ing your ally every communi)' in m6:r-1C'./1I hips, m ake your a rm. stiff, watch Wilmette reduced it& acc ident your. f et, r lax, tay in th . fairexactly 100 per cent.--from t hr e way, but a bove all hit the ball und in 1936 to n one in 1936--and its always replnce your divots." Yc injurie 31 per cent. It adopted go<le., 1 did n't know I had any, bu t the following plan: it seems r had mO l'e of thl'm lhml Law enforcement was 'any thing else. Woe is arrest!! total,ed 152 ~ HI36 as 8g"ainst 51 the preceding year. Magistrate &Ild prosecutor co· operated vigorously. High school students convicted of dangerou driving were "fined" by making tbem write theses on sa/ety. Tra.Ulc ch~cks w~re made peri· . d d h odically, and when necessry the Mrs. Art hur Bolton a n. a ug.. streets were widened ond r esur!ae te rs of Los Angles, Ca hf., w~re ed. All ~ml>eJ'B the police ,weeken d gu ests of ~~r. and Mrs. A. :force atte-nded classes in accident F. Melloh an d l~. prevention. Mrs. Ida K I ~ey, Mrs. EmnlB Me The village conducted a driver's Clure, Mrs. Nellie Gordon a n? Mi~~ safety school in cooperation with A~by Grahl\m spent Monday H1 W,I three other nearby villages. 'J1be mlllgton. Mr. and Mrs. Gorge Ramb y ami police department was kept free irom politic&--no one had 8 pull. son, of Dayton wer e Sunday gue 't. Exte' 'd ~ n:tion of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Ra mby rullve P.~CI en:Oj pre~e . and famjly. work was earned on consUltently In schools. Stanley Bailey who was op.e rat ~d Here is a synopsis of the kind on ~t .the McC.lellan. Ho pltal l!I of safety program that produces Xema 1 improVlnlf mcely. ~~::w1 results. No community Is too small M:s. Emma McClure and Mr:. to follow the principles laid down, NellIe Gordon spent Tu esday 10 \ in an effective manner. Let's make Dayton. our town safe' t ...." ranee ."rYiu, w, N. S....r.. Mr. and J. L. Me~denh~lI 1 Mrs. Howard Archdeacon ~n.l Wednesday. The invited guests bert Baker, }lrs . Gl'a ce spent the weekend with friend In tCltnin d the fv ll wing guest were ; Mrs. Liuio Lewis, Mrs. Ro Lu cy Emley, Mrs . E. R. Bent ley, , Richmond, Indiana. 1 ~. dl·'ln " t· Un 'und nv: Mr. nnd 11!!!!~~ ~i.iiil!!!!-!!i!·~!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!i!:~ Mrs . H Owa rd Burton and daughl'T ~ " - of Dayton ---O!!..,_ : zz7Y!' ~ Mr. and ~l'S. S. R. CO!l1'ad 0 f , .... Ml'lI. H t' my nrpmter te r, MUl'y Ann, Mr. . hnl'l s Allen Crescent Sprmgs, Ky. , pent Su n- Mrs. B ertie Arehdeacon , Mr. and Miss l\Ial'Y' Allen. and day with Mr. a.nd Mrs, T, S. Hardin Mrs. Bt'uce Archdeaco n and !jon, A ROLLICKING Mr. Dud M ["iI . Marion Whitaker and family. of New ienll.8 , Mrs. Lydia ViIhave mov ed to t hejr home on the Tbe M.iami Valley ? ouncil N (~. lar~ , ot ' pring Va lley, Mr. John S idNplittli . . 3 Act Comedy 103, JUnior Order Unrted A me1'1- Jllc UllO\Hth !lnu 8011 f; verett of can ~echanies, entcrtai~ ed their· Springbor o. The aft rn oo n call. families last aturday night. MI'. e1'8 ~\ 1'1': 1111'. and Ml' . Wilbur Well known Local Players and Mrs. Isreal Scott, Mr. Kenneth Ill'penlu' and 11'. bnd Mrs. Carl I Fox and Mr. a Mrs. A. ~. St.ubbll Gl'O~S and :family of Frank lin.'l'he You have seen 'and e joyed wel'e in charge of the evenings p l'O- cli nuel' wn in celebrlllion oC Mr. gram which consisted of It va]-iety H oward Arch deacon and Mrs, them before of games and contests· into which B,.uce A rch deacon's birthday anREPAIRIED WITH sixty of' those pt'esent participated. n ivo rf;ilde~. Come .-I S_ Them Atai nl Mr. Chas. Ande l'BOn was brought Mrs. Mable Stoup an d daught(l r AMAZ ING NEW SPEE D' to his borne ' today (Thurs) I t nl ~dlla M:t e Qf L bllllon . pent Sat".. Genuine G:,ruen Par t:J Mial~i Vall~y. Ho pital al\d is iO.'-. utrlny v 'n ing with Mr. a nti Mrs . . A b o, Acts proVlng rapldJly frpm an appendL'C . '. 1. Sn ttcl'thwaitc. Now Arrive in a JiJ1y operation. Mr• . nella Venable entertained 8bouId ')'00 hal" e t be misfortuna Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Day mo 'ed [\ groul' 01 f rienda at dillner on to damage )'our GruCD Wa tcli. Wednesday to the Sheehan propwe can repall' il; Cor ),OU quickly .ad eftIciently. lJnusunDy speedy delivery of.P.Dlline Gruen parts Orclteatra Ie no. po!l8Ible IllDder a De'" eyat em of distribution. T ...enly.fou r ho!l" I, the m OEJt t bat is e\'er NHIGH SCHOOL GYM qulted,aDd inmost _ d elivory ·f is made in hut ' Lrraction of l hat time. Tbu. you are ftflSured /let-. T HURSDAY, APRIL 22 !Jog parla mlldl~ witb the lIamo


l::=-:7]~~lKlesISl e lrll\ " I-I kW


' Calm '" ou rse .


Are You A Nagger?

How To Make Your Home Lile Happier

. Don"t


Don't VI to mllk~ vour partJ1er

,OIl;JOtl't, criticUll. I

Gille 710nett appreciation. Pari Wtle GUenUon" Be (Jollrteou., Re41S (J boolc on 1IIBNiagll.

I)1HESE are the seven rulcs for

1- making your home life happier pointed alit by Dale Carpegle. au· Ihor of today', beat aeller, "How To Win Friends and lnfiuerice People," wbo will discuss tbe eecrets of marital bliss when S1) aldng as a ~ue8t . on the "He Ina Magazlne of the, Air," April 19th, over Colum· bla', network, ' "It Is an astonlahlng and alarmIng tact tbat one marriage out of every .Ix In the United States end a In divorce," said Oarnegle;' "and If Ibat l1umber are actually wrecked In the divorce courts think of tbe Dumber that muit be unbappy but clon't end In divorce ~cause of cbU· 'dren, rellgloD or economic rellBone. , "My advice to a wife lIeekJng ,reater happiness III to lIrat ask ber· lelf why her busband marrle4 bel'. 8 be'll find that It wasn't because he txpectecJ ber to nag or criticize him. We have mauy famous women In hlatory ... ho ruined their hap»l· Dess by nagging. "Mrs. Abrahllm Lincoln trIed it tad falle4. 8h& was always com· plalnlng. always criticizing her husband; nothing was ever right. She ~omplalned tbat tbere was no I prlng to his Itep, that he wae ttoop-shouldere4. Sbe didn't l1ke the way his huge ean stood out at right . ',ngles from hla head. "Mrs. Lincoln's jealousy was 110 roollsb, BO fierce. 80 IncredIble, that ~erely to read about SOlile or the ~18graceful Bcene, abe create4 In I'ubllc makes one gasp with IIBton·

~orner of

Dale Carnegie

hlhment. 4.11 tbla nl\gglng only Plad" Lincoln regr t hlB marrln!;e aull It made him avoid her presenoe 1\ much as possible. "Marje Eugenle, tbe Counte •• orl Teba wall once c a II & d the mo . ~ beautiful woman III the world. N il' pol on III of France, nephew or Napoleon BOllapllrte married b I. Tfiey had health, wealth and power fame, beauty, love, all the requ ire: ulenta for a perfect romance. "Napoleon could make Eugen /a an empress, but neltber tbe llOWN of his love or the might of 11:/1 throne could keep ber tram nagglnll The wlte or Count Leo Tolatol we .. a.nother to dillcover the dead!,- ' polson of nagging wben 1L was tOti late:' added tbe famous au lhor

Stree~ ~:-;.-

Tyler and Third on Second St., W.yne....iUe Mr. ~nd M1·s. Karl Dod ~nbe n clel' : Saturday, April 17, at 12:30 and MI S Gretchen Ger;hmg werc- P bl' A t' f H C!'h Id r u~day gu sts of Mr, and 'Mr . F, U 'c uc Ion 0 0". , 0 ur U. LeMay ;-nd- family. . . niture of tIIo late Marv E. Sber. .. Public: Auction of H ou.ebold fur I w.ood, 01\ Second .:street., Wa:yneenature of the late Mary E. Sher. } v1lle, Saturda.y, Aprn 17, a.t 12:30.



Opera Dreams Coine True For Two


-- -- - - - -


core and

Adm. 10 ancll 20

8 p. m .

preci~)n, that

goes into

the manufoctlU'B of Gruen pre. cision watcbes.


Remember tbat eveD the finest "atch in the world requirea nn occasional clearPn« and oiliug. A


ous inlury to the d elicate mcch. ' e.ni8~ later on. ~Jring }'our WO lch



Dla,), preven~ seri-

In 1b.. week for III free iJl8pectioll

by ~ skilled 1t'I~tchmahr.


Ronald 0.. Turner ' Watch Maker With "ra nk L. Miller, Jeweler

FerrJ" . Bulk Seed.

..... ... -....

Law... Gr...


.... ,


Phcne 2iq4


CeDtrally Located The :site on which ouI: F uneral Home is loeated can be reached qu ickly kom any local business or 1'CsideD tial IIiOOtion.


This iA

a convenience that ill appreciated, one that

particula rly

recomm end, our Funeral HOlDe for ' services. All of it. f.cilltles mal be h.d by client.

extra colt. At . . . . . . . . , . .




Ope ..a lumlnarl.. frHt ".web.... (2) Thomu L. Thoma. and MaxIn. It.llm,n, wlnn.... of the M.t..,.. Air, a ... congratulat.d by P,..nlc elNlprnan , hi. Wltl (Glady. Iwarthout , and H.I ... Jepeo", (I) Edward Johnlon, dll'llCltor fIIf the M.u.polltan, and Glady. Iw.rthout look on e. MIll Itlllma" l ana Mr. Thom.. c.leb ..... th ••, victory by cultl", the hug. rec8ptl01l oake. (4, MI•• 'tel.lme.. f ..d• • portion of the oake to h., vloto.,. partner, Mr. Tltom_ (1) On. of the ellve.. plllquee pr••• nted to til. wi... ...... b)/ Mr. Geo.... A.... rtln. !

i Iltan ' Audltlons of thl

opportlUlft, 01 .1aB· ,,...: •ropolltaD an. loldeD Important role. at the lIet· Ope,.. wu . ... rded to III......In. SteUman. IOpl'llllO, 01 . BratUelloro. Ver.lllOllt, aDd ftoIIIaa L Thoma, barltolle, 01 IOnIIIoII, PaDuqlftDia, .. wiDliera of til. "'eII'ODOIIWI Opera All4WOM ., : tile ...... ".,....... Cboeea


... ~tte


","bered b.. mll. lt:al l tudlea nDtn 1 be . . . 1I00B appeariDI u wttIl ua. He. York PbUbeMllObIt Orob...,. ud OIl 'fIU'Iou . . . .







F. ·r. Martin Auctioneer


Centerville, Ohio Phone 78J

--------------------------J. B CHAPMAN Uc:enaed Broker


L. M. HENDERSON WOTARY PUBLIC Natl.a.l Baa" Will. I)'r a.. • • Enet.1 S.ttle<! WAYNESVILLE, OHIO

- ~~~-~--~~~======~



POTATOES: LATE SEED and eal lng potatoes, Strouse Bro$. R . R. 2; 1 1-2 milel! north on Waynesville and Ferry Pike, 4tp. c:=

REOUCED PRICES on Vllll1 Pa. p r. See Samples Now. Latest desigl1.'l. _..... Ed. Standiford. 5·13p FOR SALE: Or will exchange for good property in Waynesvill e an eig'bt room hou e in Carli sle, 0., big garag , coal bouse all ill good condition, lectrlc, fine water, located at junction of thr e- rouds, one state high way, especially fine location {or Filling Stati~n. Montgomery Howard. Address PO Box 98, CarlisI. Ohio. 4-15p. SIX ROOM HOUSE, electricity , city water, will rent to pay 10 per cent. W. N. eara Hc FORSALE:'yearling Draft Colt. a good one. Walter H. Whitaker. ltp. WANTED: Middle Aged Woman fOr hou,a ekeeper and companion. Address XYZ thi newspaper ltp.

AJJ we. have sold th.e farm we will Bell aU our farm ch ttles by P ublic auction, located one half mil n,ort.h of Waynesvile; a !nil east of Lytle' on the Lytlc-Wllynes ville road on T . . . April 20. 1937 at 11 a. m. Two HHod of 12 ~d 14- yenrs old, blael! " mares; weight, ab ut 1400; , both are excellent worken. Fo.r Head of Cattl. 3 milk cows, 2 fresh by sale, carrying ~cond c~f. O,n COW', fresh May ~. One yearling heifer 15 Head of SbopabiTe Sheep 14. very good ewe will have lambs by sale. One good buck. This is a choice bunch of sheep, 6 Good 'Duroe Brood Sow, 1m· mun".... "2 " pi...... .... - Poultry· : 35 Buff Rocks, 6 (ffiod Stock Roosters. 1m plements: Duall Row Crop Tractor Box bed wag.on, Clover Lea.! Ma· nure Spreader, Oliver Breaking ['low, Walking Plow, 1 roller, Sup rior Wheat Drill. witlh fertilizer attachment, McCormick Mowing . Com CIt' machme, U Ivat or, M 0 rme com planter, fertilizer attachment gartlen cultivator, · potato piowl single d\.BC, 500 lb. platform scales corn plante·r, work b~nch, blocks, pulleys, coop sliovels, forks. and chains, hO~B, ' corn abellers, IItep ladders, hog fountain, etc. Harness for threee llorses. collan. lines and bridles. Ho....oW Good. Good coal range, Copper Clad a'nd O-K. 3 rockers, leather sette, c,o'Uch, 4 atralgbt chairs. mirrors. 12 ft. extension table. reclining chai'r, wal'drobe, lot matting. lamps dishes. cooking utensils, rugs. a.od a. variou. list o( items. Butchering tools. 2 kettles, lard IItrainer, 58Usage grinder, lard pres!, scrappers lJlock and tackle, etc., 5 gallon· cream bucket, Primrose Cream Sep


--- - N_ C..... Filed Suit for the reeov ry f $2,000 hu ~ bel!l\ filed again st F1'Ilnk 1111'1wy, formm' adminilllrator of tile e>lwt.e of F.1i P. I rkey. Th e nction was brought by lIat'old Sheets, admini it'ator d bonis rnon with t.he will annexed of the tarkey estate, Sheets, in h ' p tition, fil ed by Meryl B. Gray. aitol'n y fo" th e tat , chul'ges Sta .. ~ey with h'aving failed to list a $4000 not, recovel'Y of the undjvided half Int rest of 1,\ hich i Rought in the action. Charged with nonfeasanee, misfen!!allco and malfeasance, Stal'key wa~ t· m vetl lIS administrator M.arch 1 by Judge Ralph






Helll'ing on the application f or for th approval of conlpen~ation r At h· an · rrunl'uinn fol' o ury ,\pm ,&8" 'Lanl y R. hapman , hIlS b en set lor A])ril 27. F_ AllowedAuctioneer's f has been allow cd for sale of prop rty belonging to th state of the late Mary Etta

Loui. a J. Stark('Y !to K PI' IIUt! • 'IInni-' J, I\IJ.[>. yilagl' olf Bu\l~\'villl'. II, IIdllt (i. \\ ill~. l.r Ilaytl' II , t, • Iluth I l'Ulllill. (110" .. ,I J It. Bl'ntl y and I ,I' II, lila \,,1' gue.b of Lo ( . I). ~h,·t'han. n~lIl t' llll' iT! 1If1~', II II d.,p, l'~I· •. I'U' h Ibn t I( lncr 'ek to\\ l1.hil'. 'Ill. Oh i". . .,tld i\!1 • II: IT 1)'11111\1 I' ill DRY' Gll\d~'!l MulHY und W. W. Mub1.111 l (~I'·'Il. l' oJ"" \1111 r.1~ ," l'Ort ,'UIHIIIY. 'Y to OI:i~ J\f. 1J1lnetl, rl'llll'htllt" 1'1', \\ llynt-:vlll,. I)h", .• llltl ,\Ii,' .11 Lltl'Y (o;n,l "y -(lenL Sunday III llurluat Township. Utll'~I, I,'ml,",i". ohi... \1 h II. and Truman Ward. lIie L 01111 tt to \V. W. l\1ab NEW HLiTS II" \ 'tlltl J'ultlilr. ry lind GIBdys Mabry, I'eal estate C'livt l lto!)f):llli \ . 'Ial'l"ri' .1,',.1 MI-, lJ. t. Rifltrl! whl, und !'Went lil FI'unk lin 'Iowlk<hip. l>l hrolllli oil,'f ITL Cltnl'}:," iI/II "I'('j utilln at the M ialni Valley 11<·1 11 G. Will !:! to Ll oyd Colli\' '1' g'I'f' s nq!1l'ui of duty. l(r'["'l't W. III I it.d ill l),lytUrt i ' )mprnving. ~tI1d L iman O. ColLivllr, l' 41 e,'lliolln is thl allUI'II~Y. Mr. '111tI l\ll~. Charles Henkle ttjle in Jeal'crbek 'fo,v llship, .- IIn,l .'LI'. and :1-11". George W<,iss Lucy ..'" Clell v l' and lint ClM. LOCAL NEWS fJl Hamill"n were gue!\t,; of Ml'. vel' to J. W. 'n U and Osa i 1111 :'>11' • A. F . .)lell()h and famil y :nell, It·nl estnt in Uurvcy.uurg. ~ll'. W. ~. Gmh:LJIl sl"'nL .'unWih;on BCI'gel' to Harlall fl. IIpy ill 111 inllli~I'lIn", lhe gUl·.t 01 .11'.<. t.: rac(! tile un· hal:! rea l'pent 1', lot~ in Franklin. hill fJl1l1~lltt'I· . l lr ~ , Hulph T.el,j ,.. III/lied t .. I.. r hUlII' in Lima, atter f,', nnd :'oIl' . :'olllr'IJn Whi(llk I John E. York to W. . CUrl "Il' 1""I\JIIlj' ~,\ c"'111 UilYS \,'ith her and Agn C!lrlstln, lutll in fo'rtlnk- hU I(, Illovld tn th e ir 11ume on till' Jtt"lh'·I. )11'". ,,\Ullet'. llichf1Hl11d, Jl1d I111'1I. lin. . :n,-. L ,tn SlIl'face and MI'S. 1i'l'ank H, Thalch l' and Thelllla B nny FUl'llacl' "n. l'Ul1tIV,· c1 l\I

Notice is h ereby giver., that Anna S. Randall whose P,o t Office address is Harveysburg, Ohio. has been duly a.ppointed aR Executrix of the Esta~ n{ CaR.'ius IG. Randall lale of ,Wal'ren ounty. Ohio, de1'",' ceased. , Dated thi 27th day of Marc)! 1037. R. Hilliard Gr cnwood, Atty. RALPH H. CAREY urface. Juds:c of the Probate Court Will FiledWanen o\lnty. Ohio. The will of Anna J . sturges, late (A....!?!iL1. 8, 15:. '3 7) n. of Franklin, has bee-n fil d. ·hip. Th e estate of Elizabeth WhitCharles G. and Florence Shell lo acre. on which a ne't value of I Thoma~ C. Parkl!r and Mary Tnrhas be en placed, hns tat·, 1 aCl'e~, Hami ll n to\ n~llip. $4,656.1 b en held exempt from the pay. ' --- - - - ment from the payment of inammon Pleas Proc€·ed in 8'l' WVIO Uuytoll visihel'itance tax. In lhe caire of hades H . Youn g, Thatcher'lo Raiph Lemon andl the Mclclllln 1I11~Jl il.;ll in Xenia l' y. fury Lemon. I til ill TU1·tlecreek Ion Friday aotl i", impl'Ov iig nccl1r·t1I executor of the last will and tel!La· harging gross negl ct, he tel' Eat.te Reli~yedWibh a value of Ie s Ulan $500 ment an d e tate of StephCll A. StHTol er hus Wed suit for 11 divorce ngllinl't Frankie Tol ·r. Ja mes E, the Jestate of Ed,.areJ Strouse ha~ well, deeea ed,vB. Iren Heb Holli e n r lieved from administration. brook, et aI, on motion therefor, Burke is lhe atorney. 1,lainliff granted leave to file l'eTo Sell Sec:uritie.Five Persona Gran.ted Authority has been granted t o p ly herein fotlhwith, Divorc. hal'l s . Irwin, as admitli traIn th ca ~ c of H -len Wombold , Judge Charles B. Deehant grantor with t he will annexed of the a minot·, by Be. s ic Wombold, het' d five divorces t.his week. On th ground o{ gross l1eglect, estate of Ada F. Noble, to sell eel'· mother, vs. Richard Brough, motion overruled. def~ndunl given I ,, Elizabeth Ecton was grAnted a di- tain securi ies. 120 days to file answer. vot'ee from William Ecton and re- Accou.. ta Fil.,d'. tor'cd to hCI~ majden name, Holey. Fi \ account of Wnller ham In the elise of Union Central Amelia C. Dozi r, charging bcrl ain, Ilxecutor of the John C. Life Imul'ance ompanlY of ingrO,~11 neglect, wa 'nward d a dehamberlain e tut and Fannie V. cinnati VB. R, Wilds Gilchrist, el ct('(~ and l'estol'ed to hEn' maiden Boxmeyer, guardian for Ro. e L. I ai, The Lebanon itizcn. ationname, urtis. YettE'l', a millor'. have been filed. III Bank granle d lea ve t.o fil e BnsOn the grounds of wilfu ll ab- Inventory Hearinllwer and CJ'O~s P tition, forthwith sp nc.e, 1I dlvot'ce was awarded to Hearin g on the inventory filed al 0 judgement in fa vor- of the to Maude Est , who sued urn by Margll e" i!c B. RQII, adminlstra- plaintiff anti :from thl' defendants Estes. Her maiden name, Purcell , lrix of the, state of Ralph L. Roll R. Wild !'! GilchreSl and Edna wa. r tored. la tc of Lebano n, has been set for GiJchri'l in the um of $11,6'78.61 Willul abse nce wa. th grounds lI1ay 3 . \ April 2. on '\A hich Samuel Snook wa.· -rant Proof FiledIn the case of Marg'aret His y e d 11 divorce (rOm Minni e Evelyn I'l'oof of pu bl ica,tion of tihe vs. Hemllln H ' ey, diYOT f or th Snook. notice of the appointment of Mae plaintiC:f and child to Ute plaintiff, hri tine L'. Williaml'l was di- Miller, administ ratrix of the War- April 3. v ced ft'om Richllrd Ow en Willi- ren Mill r e tatc, has been filed_ NO MONEY DO 'NN In th oose of Mon~1 F. Drake ams wh n she proved goro, 9 negl ect File Aec:ouTli_ ~ogan, vs. Wilbur C. Bogan, rule EASY TERM.; Til ive cu stody of /l. miMl' Robert W. B rown, ex cuwr of OF child, was awarded to the pla intiff. the tephen C. Phillips will has allowed, April 5. In the case of H. L, Harding, et filed his fifth and final accollnt.; C..... Diam'"aedThe divorce actiOn of Leora Leontine' Roger, guardian (or Lut'a al. vs. The South L bllnnn Pocl<for Hona6 Refrl,et.tton Ann Preston again t Paul fr ton Lou Rogers, minor, file.d her first ing Company, et aI, report of sale approved and eonfit'lfll1d, April 6. I and final account. ha been dism is5cd. C EATER leE·ABILITY REAL ESTATE TRA SFER. For want of pro eculion, the Mar';;alfe Li"""' ....Ends "Cube-Struggle" and "IceClifford mith to 'rhomas and of J o.seph Lawson against Ernest Gr~en., 25, Waynesv ille Famine"t Mary Ann Weber, L(1,t No.8 in laude P. alToeh, and otherI', nnd Alice Bab el', 2l, Franklin. ha be ~ di missed. ' Harry Gribbl e. 29 and Mrs. 1\1ar Grand View. ATER ft STORAGE· ABILITY Belle A. Brow n to Ar;miOft.y Allowedgnret Hizcy. 29, both of Fronkiin. E,u!s old·fashioned CTowdJnll! Louise Ing~1l 8. Town I ,t in LebanThe defendant ha, been orde!' d Real Eatate ' T".,,"fersLo pay temporary alimony and atGeorge P. Smith to J . Mare Up- on. Frank and May Schmidt to Lilto rn y's fees in the ca e of Ora dyke, lot No. 33, Franl!lin, Exlian A. Havlin. 23.68 acres in Ham 'to Knowlton ngainst Joe Knowl- cutor's dCEd. I ton. Board 01 Education of Morrow i1ton Town ,-hip. Rachel Ward to Jam es A. and Probato Court to Charl ns R. Bonner, r al el'tate Robert S. Wal'd, Lot 32 to Village A decree for the adopti on of in Was hington township. I Joseph Eldon has been granted to S. Lemmon Packing Co., to Geo of Harvey burg. Fl r'ence I, and A, H. Dicken. Lynch, lots No. 79 and 00, S. Leb- . Edna. T. and J. C. Hatfield t o J . ~'he t . anon. R eceiver'S deed. . Hatfield , 81 acres in Deerfi eld I nventorlea . 0'L . T . F':L ",ed I /I r, S r., t 0 Sam and Township. Only Frlcldalr. has th_ The inventori filed by William Minni p , Miller, 1.23 acres, in May Gellhart.· t a i, by sheriff, INSTANT CUBE·REL£ASE R. and Jam es K. Darrllgh, a ex. nion town hip. to Miami Val1ey Bldg·. and Loan You Get ALL The•• G.nulne It's in every ice ·ttay, in every"Super-Duty" Frigid. ecutors of lhe William . Vail e '- ' Joshua and Carrie Hill to Mollie Assn. Lots No. 400 and 40l in aiJ>c. Iostantly release. "SUPER·DUTY" FRIGIDAIRE lale and arah B. Fred, execut- F. Flynn, 7 1-2 acres, in Hamilton Franklin. ice-cubes from cray, two ADVANTAGES: rix (If the estat of Louis Fred, township. Frank L, .Miller to Mae Miller, or a dozen at a dme. Yields 2o,l more ice by have been npproved. Walter Max Long to W. 1. and 3 lots In Wa.yn esville. NeW I ..ITANT CU•• -RU,UI. CUTS CU ,l.INT COST TO en~og faucet .mclrllgc MnEiI.MISlEIi Files Aecou~tHa1.el Frizzell. 79 aer So WashingLydia Jade Candcll. dec ased , T I 10NI W8 e. Come in, See its Fir t and final account of Clar lon and Wayne town hips, ..,oOD-I"'UV INDICATOII to Mrs. Et'hel '1\1 e!;Scr, et aI, on e qui k. easy actioa, Simp/ill' Inc""ating mtchIn .......m ..rt_nt once Weidner. administrator of Clara L. Farr to Lovina McKib- lot in Lebanon. .mis", ,,', r buill! Ooly 3 "UTOMATIC ICIt TIIA Y IIE.LUIIE Georgo P. Smith, decew cd, J. lhe Ed tlrd O. Weldne.r estate, ban. lot No. 93, Springbol'o, Spec. moving pans, I"d,ul;,'g the motor ••• per-: IUPEII.DUTY HYDIIATOII hilS been filed. ial warranty deed. Marc UpIlyke, lot in :Franklin. mancntly oiled, sealed against mouture and . -yItAIi PROTItCTION PLAN ditt. Gins SUPER·DUTY at arnulDS ..yin•• Inventory 15 ApprovedS. M. and Elizabeth Simmons to George E. Hall to R.uth M, K olb p c KED .Y GEI't£RAL MO.TOIII Sllll nIH PROOF with an actual dectric Th e jnv nt.o]·y iii d by Charles I Eva M. Millard, 73 acres, in Wash- lot in Franklin. ••• A lief mall" oUtera .,.., ONL Y meter tes t!. I'RIOIDAIItIE C41• •1....._ . Poppe, 8S exeeuorix: of the tate ington township. Rice K. Evans and Dorothy EJ... ~ \ ""' ....:. '" of the late Martha Jnne P op pe hI\.'! Louisa Gaskill to Clarence E. valU\ to George Hall, Ilot NQ. 42 in been apPl'oved. Gaskill, a.nd Bertha M. Hill, real Franklin. Inve.ntory H..wiina, estate, 1\fajneville. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!''!.!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 11 anng ' on t h e 'lflven to . ? f'l1 e d I Charles W. and Minnie M. Pyle by Ralph Ungle by. admlrustrator I to William P. and Etna M. Jent1., Larger BecaVle of Better Qu.lity, Service, Ilnd Price PHONE 32 of the e tate of Oharlotte Ungles- 112 acres, Warren county. E5tabli.hed 1849 . 1937 WAYNESVILLE ,OHIO by ~n. been set for ~pril 28. ' Emma and Milton W. Ulmer to To Sell Bonds. ' John C. Ellinwood and Harriett EI10 Year Authority for the sale of bonds linwood 50 acre~ Deerfield townFirslt Mtg. ;j t d nmorlg lhe lU'Sets Of the eli· ship. ' , state of thc late J onathan M, CooK Sa h B W t th to G M Farlu Loan~ ha3 b een gran ted ..,esslc. n . L k ' ra . a mo F corge. 00. W t - th 87 kl' to the eXllcutrix. a mo, acres. ran I~ wn Wilt Admitted . Han'Y H. Pence to Leshe a~d Will of Rebecca Morton, lat~ of ~earl h?ombs, 14 act'es, Frankhn Frank LeMay, Solicitor Franklin. has be Cat admitted to owns Ip. Yr probate. r Gt:olge n. McKeever t9 C. D., 61R2 Waynesville 7 ObI)". In". .toryMorgan, 93 acr , Wayne town- ....." .....,..~____....~.....,..~___~ Judge Ralph Carey has approv- . ~=-~_~.~=~~~~~~~!!'!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!~~~!!!!~ ed the inverltory filed by. L. M. ' Henderson, andi,llary adm\nistrator of the Mary L. ufagett estnte. £.~ate . .d Of AU ClailM;The estate of Leonard Wardlow. • The, .... '4PUUORUM SAFI~" as guardian for Leiman, Denzel I'IN8Dtee ~ UVABIUTY and Mary Helen W ..rdlow, hilS - You pt un rapid GROWTH b ~n discharged of all claims which • TheY-lead in LA\1NG Con._ warda might assert against . it. COST NO MORE . W.ardl6w ,died Feb. 15 in w'uhington township. Ac:c:o ...t Filed~ The first and .final acc(lunt of








Fairley Hardware .Comp~.y '



• w.


~Iph Vall Meter. as, executor of ~;;;;;;;;~;;~;;~;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;:;;;::;;:~ the Nannie Van Meter estate, has - ; , -- - been filed. Eatate E ••naptThe estate of Edrar C. ' Ford•. , ., valued at $318 ball been exe~pted We are equipped to handle every detail of ~ from tpe payment of inheritance funeMI. even to such small but important matters tax. as card. to friends and relatives, arraDllement ot Ilhe Real E.ta.. I. Tr...f • ....t-eating in the funeral can,. selection ot pall-bearers Real estate ot the William B. and ~he like. We.tll a11iO haDdJe all cemetery deCullen estate baa been ordered tau. and anJthill8 elae that Is Deoeuary III any Efartranaferred. on the tax duplicate ,tq ticular cas.. ManJ' bereaved in their time of 11' attbe decedent'l widow, Grace Clark est trriaf feel" iDcapable of attendlna to Cullen,' II. The widow Ie the the Il1lmel'OUl ctetatla of a flmaral. We welcome the 101. Mlr to the ..ta"- CulleD died oppoltu.uJty tbal preM.ted u. 01 taklna tb... IUDe 8, Be WIN Imown aponlibUitt. otf the sIIo.lelen of the 8rief-lltrile~~n . tM week.... wItIb bom. niIIw of fta. race bpnu. aq111tlll...,I ....... C........ ......tDn

ar..OOr, milk crocks, janj hay fork, rope and pulleys, Feed, about 9 tons, mixed hay. Several cords of wood and posts. Terms: CASH F. T. Martin, Auctioneer. 208 Custer BIde. Dayton Ad. 8661 , 78 J. Cente~, Ohio. Photle 78 Lunch will be ""e4 o!n the ground.. J . . . RICH - - - . p&aSONAL NEWS ......l__ W N ._--1... . - ........•• IIr. IloDald Bardbl of Cincinnati ad 111M Rem. RardlD of







tnatnt nt. haa retur ned vel'J much improved. ·M. IIF.NlJERSON. C'.8hlpr. Mr and Mre. L, S. Rhoad.. Swurn 10 ,""l l<ub.t·rlbel1 b , for. "'" lhls Plh ,I,,, .. \' .\1 rll 1!137 (•. n. (Jurdun. Nota.I"Y Vul.. llc daught.ers of Ver8llilles, were dinOor r cc t- Att .. t : ner ellcsts of Mr . and Ml'II. Ira W. U. Al .t.mN Oll: . -!. W ATE nHOUSFl O. Bra" n. Sat.urday evening, H . A . ~On.NJCI..L Carl Dakin ",ho was operated on Dlreoto r • • lit. the McClella n Hosp ita.l in Xenia Mr.-;;;dM;.- R:iph John s and family lind Mrs. Mela Rogel'S we{e is improving slowly according to Su nday aftcrnoOll gue!ll:<> of Mrs. infol'nll~tion at ha nd at this wri ting Mt·s. T. B. Brannock VlOS the . ngie Heckt.hor n and ruther. Mr. guest of Mr. ami Mrs. Harry Shaw Frank mith near Miamis burg. • Mr . W. N. Scars spent Sa.t.Ul·. in 01' gonia on Sunday. day in pring Valley. the gue8t of Mr. nnd Mrs. Eveu'eite Seat'S.


SHE LOST 20 POUIDS OF FAT HARVEYSBURG NEWS Th operet.ta "Belle of Bal'ce10na," WII.S given b fore a pocked h use at the gym on ln$ Fr iday 111/,t'M Ullti('1' the direclion of Mis Edna OompLon . th(' music teacher. 11 did their parts well Bnd showed that much tim and labor had been sp-ent on its preparation. Mrs. Donald oate of Hickory· viii has recovered after a siege of ickne s. VOI'd has been receiVed of the aTl"ival of a new son, Donald L e, at. the borne of his Pill: nts, Mr, 811d Mrs. George Wall of Calif., Mr1', Wall was Miss H elon Grabam before her maniage. The Order of the Easter Star here held their rnsp ~ctio ll un la st 1'hur day evening. L. T. Volers, who ha been 0 seriously ill, is better at thi writing. Mr. and Mr . Warre n Van Tress of Springfield spent Sunday after nOQn with Messre Walter and Will

Beautiful Landlubbers at New Greal Lakes


R es erve Dt.trlat No 4

Report of the c:on dltlo n of the Waynesville ~latlon al 'Bank, of Waynesville, In the State of Ohio, at the dose of busin el l!, Published in response t o call Mrs. Elma Vermo of Havre de made by Comptroller of the Md., writes: "I took oft 20 Currenc)', und r Section 5211, Grace, lbs.-my clotbes fit me fine now." . S. Hevised Statutes. No drastic cathartlc&-no constipation- but blissful d al ly bowel acA SSETS tio n when you take your little dally Loans and dIscounts .... 132 .R~O.~3 dose of Kruseheo. n!t Nl Stllles \IV rllnl enl O vjtr d rafts 41i .G9 ",Ililg tlnnlO,.............. dire t and (or) t lllly guarllnt d •• ]q2,.16 5.0!

Other banda. .toe ks and seeurltt,·s • ... ..•..... . flo.n k Ing \house. U ,OO O.OO.

lOW OFrEN CAN YOU KISS AND lAKE UPt J;lKW buabande _ ~ wUo ebouJd turn from & plluant COIrlPeQlOli IIlto ........ IWOlie w bole week III mOlltb.. You e&JI _ Y " l'm eorry" IIIICl

.r why •


F u rniture and fl x- •

wlU, 8.tlrve !Ian" ('I\sh. hll\o.rtO bl,nk s, nnd t n I)rl,)('<' a Othor asseta


II with 11 h




'le lnS of coli etlon 21 .t.56 .7 ,........... :l. 7

C. 0

and cOI1Porat\ons . • .••. .• . . 64.022. 7 Slat e, oount y, ann mUlllclpul d 110511s ..... ,..... 32, 144 .94

Dp))(\slill of oUh r ',on k s. Inc lu illng .... li'tll·!l and "!llllo- r' y c'II,' k s (lUI· stnndlng •... , .•. ... ... T OLl.1 \'If tt ~m8 U to 1 8. Inclu 8lv e: (4) Secured by pll'dge

m Mil



$~22 . ~64 .




Capital account:



In severe weather tests. Reel

Brand fence outlasted all

otheI1l.. Yet it COlt. no man than other brands of standard pade.


Gives you more years of good _vice for your money. That'a ~ .

rence value•


Double PrOtac:ted Eztra heavy ooatina of pure line ell

the outaide-p1enty of mppeI' in the atee1. Full gauge wires • • • ''Uve'' tension almpa .• . accurate epadni

ta.393. 4

Total Cap ital Account ... .•

Streamlined Chorus Girt. bave a colorful part in Billy ~oee'. 5.000 eea. Aquaeade. enter· ..inmmt f.atur.• of the Great Lakes ~llpoaftion that nIftI 101 daya from " . , 29 to Sept. 6 at Cleveland. today that they must be able '0 swim II weU u dance and ling (or the world'. fint aquatic "trav-

• , • tight knot. that can't .up. You . can't ... all theIe aood qualities. but when you aee the top wire paint~ ed RED, you know you're rettina them. We have a aood stock or Red

Total Llabllltlea


Memorandum , Loans and InvcetllTlenu P l e dged to

Se ur Llab llltiea . United Stat B GovernmeDt


obligations, dlr~t a n d \ (or) tlllly gun.ronto~ • 20.3 6.88 be made of cellophane ,nd waterOther bonds, etoclh, and i securi ti es • •...•. • . • •• . . 5,457.60 proof fabricl 10 · that tbey may parade into the waten of Lake Erie Tot(tl Pledged (excludi ng from th. mammoth 160 foot .tage, r dlfl()ounts) ..... . • 2fi ,SH.3 a. thouaandl watcb from tbe theThe \937 Great l.alres Ibpotltlor Pledged : ater.reltaunnt on the ahore·. edge. all new and greatel', will have u itt (b) AgaifUlt StRte. county. . Roee will allIO bave a big feature, central theme "The Making of r and munlclpn.l deposita 25.8H.38 th,e Pioneer Palace, In the Eapo- Nation-The ROml~ce ~! Indultry Total P l edged .. ... . • 25, 44.38 l irion'a " Streeta of the World," Agriculture and SCle:n~c: in a lo() ~ , wbere forty nations will be repre· 000 square foot eQlbltion hall rO" f tented in authentic reproduction. or ~~~i c h Juan Larri:naga I. crearu.., foreign buildinp.. t :;e murala.



"'There will be no water winca in tbil ahow," aid ROle, . hown on tbe ,atreme left, a. he pi cked tbe beauties of eigbt lUtes fo, the cut of 500 In the IlICctacle. Gorgeous coetUmea for the show girla U'e to



BrID4 Fmce. Come in ud _ It. .

pa'elated .... .... . . . JMrI ......

Waynesville farmers' Ex. Co. Phone 25 Wayne.vllie -- --~-- .

Velet&ble OompoUDd. It

..,.,. Ne&unt toDe

up lobe ~ &bua~ the dIeoomf~ftoOaI


lWIetlonal 41aorden wblela

JU1.iA eo4ure In the tIIne

JlI'OIChIDa " middle .......

DoD' t be • tbre&-ctuarter WIl8. take LYDIA B . P~NKHAM'8

VBOETABLIC OOMPOUND.., 00 "B1D11iD8 Tbtoufb,. ..


Announcing Our Fifty-Fifth Annual Spring Exhibit and Sale of


Miss Mary Funk, R. N. o'!- Xen· ia is earring for Mrs. C. D. Mia rs who 1$ in a crit ical eondltion . The teachers attended a meet ing of the Green County Teacher Association at the Spring Valley

UIe: 1. TuruIDs IIrom C1rlbood to WOm&Db094. :I. PIe.~ low molobWboocI. . a, AJ)oo Cll'(leeb of

CAESARS CREEK Sc hool buildi!llf last Saturday. President Collins of Wi!. Mr. and Mrs. Lut her Haines. mingtoll ol1cg-e was the speaker. 1\l r. and Mrs. Palll Peterson were Mrs, Annie Curry is s pendi ng 0. , g uests of Wn ~ter Wilson a nd wife f ew weeks with he t· ! on, Elmer Sunday evening. . and wife, south of to" n. . The "Wide·Awakes" held their I ' are r egular meeting at the ho me . of M r. ancI Mrs. T , W . Con kl In . ts' h I f th' Jeanne tte WIlson/ Sunday evenmg. g u .• In t e ~o m a a . e~r There were five visitors present. on, B ert and fam,~y 01 Xelll8. l\~ NIl ' B II till . 'lrS. e Ie nnne s remams· The young pepole of the. M. E. quite ill at her borne. burch melo n Thul's(iay ~lgM at Rev. and Mrs. W. E . Bogan of t~l e ptll'l'Imnge and orga nized ~n ne!\.l' Spring Valley caUed on Mr. E.pworth L~llgu e. Th y held thel!' Ralph Leaning, Mrs. Nelli e Bunnell f irst m cetlTlg ' At th e church on and Mrs . J ohn W ilson, Sunday a!.


Lats Loll.

••• Thll'. Why!


C mmon 8 toe k . 1.0GO s hares., pa.r "75. 00 par . share. total .. $75.000.00 Surp".8 ...... . • 17,OOO.GO Undlvlded proUt.rt el

. ,ea1

\\06 'I'

ot 10ana 8oJ;ld (or~ Illve tm nta ,lU.2n.20 (bl Not B~ured by p edge ot loan. a nel to r ) fli V08t ·

- .~

~.,1 ,-0 1

Ill R. IHtrtnershlp8,



9~5 .0 0



T Otal ABBe 18 .... ... . . .. .• LlJUll LITI IilS Demand tl p alts or Ind"' I(Juals, pl\ttnera htps n.nd C(u"])o r'n.tJons " •• '01,627.74; Tim (lelltlslts or Indlvldu·

11M told 1oIIo\ber haw to 10 . . . . . ... t.IIrouab" with LYdia B. PIDk-




!tt' IIBrVIl

IdeI and make up ...... before 1IIIII'I'Iept.ban lie wile. IrJOll WaDt to bold ;YOUI' IlIlIbulI!, 7GiI _'~ boa t~II""wIt8.


13~. fi 1.5.

ture .. . ...... .. 11.99 .57 HI al '8latO owu llel otllor lhi\n bllllklnp; house ., .

Harlan: Mrs, Howard Graham entertain ed several ladies at a luncheon one da,y last week. Mr~ Clara Gaines and ·daughter, Nancy, visited her th e part of the week. Mr. and Ml'S. 'Claude Gray of Wellma n spent unday with Mr. and lIfrs. Chas. Voiers. Mr. Lida Walker and family of Cambridge spent Friday with M.r. Barr Nold r of Dayton sp&nt Tuesday 'with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ob1l9. Thompson. Miss E\'elyn McCarren of Columbu8 pent Tuesday with friends and relatives here. her sister, Mrs. Raymond Brooks and family,

Feel full ot pep and pos8e.,8 t b,B slender form you crave-you can t U: you listen to gossipcrI!. To take oft excess fat ljO IIgbt on fatty meats, butter, Cf am and augury sweets - eat more :frUIt and vegetables and take a b alf teaspoon:, ful of Kruschen Salts In a glass of hot water every PIoornlng to eliminate excess waste. .

CHART ER No. 2220

"Piquali ty" Memorials 1-t:f


Su ndllY (lvcnj ng. MisAliee Thomas has been emp loyed a ' house-kee per in tlhe home Q{ 'MI'. and Mrs. H. F. Comp.

Why be confuseCf in the selection of a memorial for your' family bur.ial estate? .Why buy from a plcturfl or make your selection from a few? Visit our factory showrooms and inspect the larg. est display in the Middle West. . ., . The HCALLlSO~ is an' exampre of our fine wor,kmanship; material and design, recently shaped in bur factory. It is 'a guarantee of· durability. memodal of merit backed by. Since t 882 THE PIQUA GRAN ITE CORPORATION has fumished thousands of PIQUALITY memorials. Join this ever increasing list of customers by placing your order now for Memorial Day detlvery. , . . Buy Ciirect cmCl save die C1ifference. Open Saturday afternoon and SIM'KIay from now until Decoration Ddy. . ...... _ .Send for our free, ~etely Illustrated catalog.



* CLEVELAN'D. BUFFALO · "'.WI. . .Ier" S'a..dard ri_ ~

DlJfly "",I. . . . . . .." Ste am e n CITY OF

BUFFALO and CITY OF ERIE. Fare, one w,y • • •

'3 65 _

UIIliDO.lted roUAd !rip, lUI. Denb. IS . . . \IIl6 up. 8.-... ..eelt· en" rou.... ~pe I_vln, &turda, rush.. home Mooda,.. 7,30 A. M .• • 3 ••••

W"''''' ,...d ..... CleMlad to ...... ·r....... $4.70 V ilit tlu GrH1

Lo... E.w/>Olitl..... _OM w.. :"Gr. Onttnvh "f

cUroed, G4IoI00I. . C........... TnmlaGI


C 1I B Un&.



'STBANER GOODTIWE-DaU"...-Ic:. JUIle 11 10 Sept_be 6, I.. "i ... ClncJ.od at 9, L5 A. M . Wee" <I. y rowuI tripe 10 Cedar PoI .. 1 • , • • • Sunday . nd H ollda, r-.d ~" ' U•• T" Put-ln .Ba" Z5 ceo,. .ddlrioDat. COIUlI!fdo. . at Put.lll - Ba, (0. VIlTRO IT dally UC~ MoDda,.. aad T ...... '"


.. CL.VEUND • PORT STANLEY Cana ... & dln .. Frida,... hilda.,. eod HoIlda"., JUD. 25 10 14" OD . ...' ..cunioDe£_


Scpce. . . . . . . . . . _ .


$54!! . . . ..........

- _ _ "L8 nANn8I!1! duria. Jul~ I nd A u_ ~, ""Id..c h '''''', Saulc Sc •• M..... CI~...... nd ... 01 ....1Wo. W .... foe tpeclal folder. 1larea .........1


T............ ..........,"""'. ,.,. ..... ,,... ."..

_ ••C . ..

.uprALO. TRAN.'T CO. DC Do

MT. Rn d Mrs. A. L . Sides were dinner guests S unday of Miss Vel. rna and Herman Sm i ~h. Their af t er . noon guests we re: Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hommel and son Ilnd Mr. and Mrs. Geo~'ge of Dayto n. Harvey Burnet. made a bllsiness trip to Columb us 1'uesday. Mrs. Burnet an d sister, Mr . Mabel Hathaway, of Waynesville accompanied 'him to London a nd visiteet their brother, Dr. E rnest Roznagle and f a mily. -Mr. and Mr8. Waltl!1' Kenrick, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wharton and daughter, Miss Eva, a ttended the funeral of the ir relatives, Ha rry Kenrick at Centerville, Sunday alternooD. Friendl from here who aIIo attellded were: lira. S nle,













. Eighty-Ninth Year




.. . .





• • • • • • - · r-------------~.-----------------------~----> •


Whole Number 6270

APRIL 22, 1937


• •


Who'll"! your Editor is • auffel'ing from • a severe • ca~ e of dodg W <-dodging would be assuilHnts of the Extensive improvements nnloun - - - - ting to around $20,000 Ore being OHIOAN ELECTED TO MEM· • long time subscri ber vari- .. made a.t the Roxanna enning BERSHIP IN NATIONAL .. ely of The Miami Gazette. It al~ gl' \V out of a state ompany, Wa.yn svill , acc urd ing GUERNSEY CLUB : ment in last week's issue to 11 S'l.ateme.nt mod Tuesday by The American Guernsey attic .. whel' in mention was made , • MI'. A. O. Gl'ilfy, Superintendent lub announl! II tho Icction of C. .. of a family in which The of the plant d1e-re f Ol' th past ni no Wolc ott ll ('nry of Madeira, Ohio .. Gazette had been 11 conyeal's. to membcrship. MI'. Henry has a .. slant visitor fo!) 88 YC'.l.rS. A new building, on the old !lite herd of regi&Le1'ed Gu ernseys on • It see ms that . several of is now und er construction. 'fhe hi s farm n CO'Zlldc{alc, Ohio. .. our f alnilies have like reo sou nd of ha.mmer:s, playing a tirThe Am ericltl Gu " rnsey attIe .. o1'ds and are proud of it, ring ra\'-a-tn.l as carpenters nail Club j , a. nalion 1 organizatio n of • o a: a new ite m- it of pur bred .. boards and she ting denoles in no 26,000 breeclci just wasn't worth much ex ~ ncloubiful terms the progres G uel nscys. 1t r '" Li lli r('gi strB- .. c pt for thl! argument it which is bei ng mad here. tion .of ,,0 1' 0 bred Guerns ys which .. . tlllted- a whole flock of New machinery; up to date and trace t o the Isllllul of Guernsey, .. familie s have like records modern in overy d tail has been t h original home of the breed, in .. and they wanL this new Ed J>urchased and will be installc\l a. the Engli 'h hunnel. It also sup f - .. . , h vises tests of produclion and ~ to know. And, he's jolly 800n all the ellrpentcll's have fini ~ well pleased but, now he ~hr()ugh hlcn GUI!I'ns "If, I nc., • ~ ed with the building. is l!pJ'inging a new one on ~ When completed ' the local \!all- su" rvillCs the marketing of Gold- • ning company will be a n illstitu- ell.. Guernsey milk. .. thesc old timerslion of which Wayn vill may Who ha, been the loogc~t time on!!iant subwell be proud of for it will have, then, faciliti es which are second ' : sCI'iber to The Miami Ga2; Daddie~ grandpas, to none in the industry. Farmers th:roughout the. vicini· . : In-Iaw.~, etc, don't \!ou nt. ty are being contracted with at Jus t who has plunked Due to th e. xpl.-ati n of SuI!. .. dbwn their $$ each year .. good prices on acr a.g basis. About 2,000 acres will produce the Rou . BiU No. 1)5 at midnight, .. fot' the longest period of corO' tOI' the local plant Mr, Grif. April 15, db' ct l ' lief a~ it has • t.ime inol'd r to keep this .. fy stated. ' becl! or I'lll.-d for the 11B. t sixtcen • newspaper in your home? • • W ' 1· t l . f .. The seed is uPl1lied by !.he com mon t h:; in Warr(!n oUllty came ve a It e prJZe or _ pany and is being hell ed, graded to an end on thnt date. .. the one who reports being to size and Backed, r~:ady for the 'Du e to t.he failur of the G n- .. the Jon st constant sub- · I't do"'n' . , ral • cmbl y , .... Tl nC' n w re- • . crl'ber farmers as soon as t h e gruun d 18 . Wr'lte " , re •• " O~ w . . .. _ . b M ay 1. '_ rearly. A large tYJl of Evergre n lief lcgislation, the oUtlly Com- _ port to us '!! Sweet Cotn is used ex~ensively. mi. lo~ rs are without authority. ome on you old timers! Tbe plant wa e tabh hed hel'c On r "'II'c1 nllltter and dir ct "clief • .. ~ . . . . . . - • .. • • • _ • in 1926 and has operated euccess.- au tomnticaJIy r verts to the lullY" supplying' work ~nd payroll itiM and Town 'hip .Trustees. Un for a number of folk In the com· til au 1\ ti n1/! as n , new relief Inw RECEIVING APP~ICATJONS mun;ty. At the prese nt time tne i cnacted and becom s effective, FOR EMERGENCY CROP improvemens being mllde ive the all relief will be . hlU'ldled by the AND FEED LOANS






~h ock









Ihu"Vcysburg . comm unity WIL!I tl by an unfortunate tradDIED IN BEDFORD, IND. cgy In t Sunday. Mi. s Messenger ollin~ , was so severely burned LAST MONDAY Mrs . li:va Thoma~, 7.l ye-nrs old , that death re s~lted in less than lIi ed at hel' home in B 'elford, 1nd- hour. aft l' ahe had attempted to inllo, last Mond ay mornin g.' The revive a fire by throwing kerosene CIIU~C of her .J ~ ath WM due to.' ()n. it. Along howard evening, :!II! she p neumonia. l\\t's. Thonla s wa born near I was pr~ p.aring the eveni ng meal, Wayn esville and lived in lhL· vlc- Ml·S. ollins attempted, according inlty througbout b el' childhood. to re!)orts, to rekindle the fire illl he is s urvived by one sist r, I he kitchen stove. Sudden ly, flames Mrs. Sadie R t:ason of Harvey.s- burst fot-th, setting fire to her burg. cloths and in a moment everything Funeral service. we re con d'uc\'- in the room was ablaze. ed Wednesday afternoon at 2 0'Mr. ollins an d a daughter, Viclock at Bed ford. Burial was in " la, did all they could to IImother the Bedford enetel'Y. the flames and old t he unfortunate victim but too quickly had the can flngation done its worst. Though she wa: rushed to the hospital at Wilmington in an ambulance, Mrs. ollins djcd s hortly after bel" arI ivaI lhere. The house was damaged cons1Request to locad health commisioners througlhout hio to co-op- lerably . but the Harve-ysbut'l!' fire rate with upcl'int ndents of the depal·tment lIoon extinguighed the schools and POI' nt-Teachers' as- blaze. Mrs. oHins is urvived by her 'o eiation!; tt spol1sot;ing ia ~y WHEN Ihe tire. of the plled,up peak. aro'und he, home and the radio "Health-Day" program wa made hU l>band, one son and five da.ugh§falll to produce ' a good program. Mr•• L. A. Smith, wl'e of tho by Dr. Walter H. Hartung, direc- erR. AU o·f the family are grown. .",.dlan Natlonll Ralt.waYl' oectlon foreman at Gelkle Itltlon. In tho flirt of Juper National Park, Alberti. cln alwayo eln Into tho bUlh tor of the StatE) Department of. Id hold co.nvel'8atlon with "Beauty," her pet elk. For' five YUr. Health. Miss Cat'herine M. Forr t Beauty hu kept up hi. acquaintance with Mr.. Sm ith even Ugh It II lometlmel hard on the SmIth larder. In additIon to lund-y health dbcator in the' bureau of t ' , child hygi ne, ha~ been appointed e a bl 01 an d I oavel of brealf, thl,. elght·year-old bull etk conllumed 0 crltOi of applel thl,. winter and Iprilig. Thol., Mr.. Smlth eXplain., . tate chairl'nnn for the events and hll de.lert. From November to May, Beauty II' the Smith 'amllll she is 'prepared to ass! t health com Ho then becomel a travelling man. "Sut-" IIYI Mra. Smith, " he mission.ers and schools in the prooun't fall to come at my call when hll playboy da)'. are over. ' It w ~~I~~ a.n,:!lvC:~lIal·y _y.tlth_u. 'WIt f.IL'~ _ _ gram. The ' request wa made by Dr. Hal·tung following a sugges· Oh ioans are rapidly becoming -~tion Cor such Betion by the chil- 1n1,l!\eum-mi\ldect and a museum d:ren's bureau of the 'Uniwd States o;h(Ju ld be established In every DepartmenL of Labor at W shing- Jounty if' not in eve~ city and far as their limited Application for Em ergency comm unity a $300,00 per 'week Tru.'!t.e s in ton. tow n in t he state!' Tlbis wae the pay roll. _ _ _ __ rUllds '11;11 permit. Crop & Food Loans for 1937 . ar The dawn of a new day beckonertion of Director Henry C, ed the blind per.l!ons in Ohio's state hetrone of the Ohio State Arcbae During the past sixteen. months now received at the County MEET~ hospitals and corr ctional Institu- logicial and' Bistorieal Society direct relic! 'hM cost Warrell Agent's office located at Lebanon, , II,] tio ns with !.he ann ouncement by museum in commenting on the ounty an avernll'o of $4500 m~. Ohio. la.h Bernsrd. Mrs. Margaret Allman, director of pos d. Wood county museum which IlIl d while that figure will be con· All farmers who cannot obtain Tw enty-one studellts went to Bas eball throw fQr gra de girls the state departmimt of Weliare, wiD be loeated i n the coun bouae siderably r educed during the sum- credit from any other source and Lebano n Saturday morning to that a. program of instruction in "it Bowling Green. The project is I mer mo!jtbl\, the~e will ~"Il be who cnn meet the Nlg'ulations is- c-ompete in the elimination tests under n6 J 'bs" Frieda Elli . Buseball throw for grade gil'19 Braille, ha ndic1'art and other work "lacked by . WPA, supplemented sufficient deman<ls to cl'cate a ser sued by the Gov ernor of, the Farm f or tne county teall~ which will will be j oa.ugul'O~ d, The blind N'ith an appropriation authorls,d io us pl'o blcm for the local ortlci. Credit A.dministration will be IQan compete With other counties of over 5 Ibs., Evelyn Smith. " Plans for e tab1ishing a 200· ttIs due to UHlir v !'y limited i unds .ed the money necessary for tne Shot Put for High School girls, constitute about one per cent ot by the county commissioners, The the Southwest Di. trilct at Miami acr experimental and edu~sLion­ ()n hand . purcbas of f eed and f ertilizer for 'University, Oxford, Obio on May Ev Iyn Furn as a nd Beulab Bern- the populat.ion of the state inlltitu- lucleus 'Will be a collection of al arboretum in J ohn Bryan tate arcl. ions, Mrs. A-llm,an said, and ~pecia) nor.e than 700 Indian arrowheadl, The Works Pl'ogreSll Ad mln is- his 1937 crop, or for the purPark, neal' Yellow Springs. Ohio, tration will l;le able- to absorb chase or production of feed for 1. The fo llowing boys were winactivities and soeh. service w'Ork !ooldng utenllils &rid oma~ent8 ofThe students who pla.ced either have received final approval and pracl..ically all able-bodi d w~)l'k- livestock. for t hem .h as been neglected. • red by Professor W , P. Holt of first or second nre el'igible for the crs:first plantings will b gill this able men, unable to b plnced in 50 yard da h lor grade boys, WAYNESYILiE- SCHOOL Bo~ling , Green lState University. county team. Th e following WayThe security for these loans will month. acwr ding to a n an.nounce private industry. Enough npprov HONOR ROLL 'listorically inclined Wood ~ounty, nesville stude Rts 1'~Loked: Carol Wayoe Scott. meat made by the National Park ed projects are on hllnd to carry consist of a first lien on' the cr o{ls 75 yard dash for grade boys, ;itizens aj d that as SOOftt .a the Ludington won first ' in Latin 1 Service at its regiollal headquart- this program forward for many financed if the loan is for the proI Selliol' -Gl etlna Woolard, and {uarters are. prepared descendants and first in Engli h 1. Mary Eva Tommy Florence. duction of crops, or if fol' tbe purers in: Richmond, Va. 100 yard da h for grade boys, Margie T inn ey. )f pioneer families will offer many months but only those physically LeMay was fil'st in Algebra. Anna The arboretum, which 'Will be fit fo r ibi typ 9.f work will be chase of feed, a. first lien on all Chal'les J ones. Juniot'--Charles Anderson, Beu raluable relics, such as spinnlllC Mae Watkins tankedl second in livestock. open to the getleral pubUc as well emplo1'ed. Broad Jump, Wayne Scott. lah B I'nud; Thelma Biggs; Rut h ", h cb, hand mills, guns, farm, 1m. Th e National Re"rhese loans will be due and pay Latin 1. Gle.n na WO'Jlard , flt·. t in '8.11 to botanists and schools for High Jump, Robert .Payne. Conn er, Vivian Conner and Jan e )lements, chinaware, llewter.foml mplo1'ment Service is making English 12; Roy Crockett, first in study of woody plant na.tive to many placements in p'rivate in~ a ble October 31, 1937, and inter- Am elican HiJ;tory; (~harJ es Ander Pole Vault, Cbsl:les Jones. Fuma . ure, newspapers-in lact atIl'Ohio, is to be stocked' in the prc- du try and have daily calls for est at the rate Of 4 ~ will be de· Shot Pu t, Frank Lewis, Sophomore - Margie Gustin, .hing that will depicit tbe' bygone son, econ d in Chl~mi stry; Ada Iiminar.y settings with 145 species farm work us and domestIC help . ducted to that date. Potato Race, Wayne Scott. and Eli.zabeth Hoblett. lay in Wood county. • , Belle Frye, second in Geometry, of !;rees a.nd shrubs. The list proInasmuch as it ta.luis approxi- and Elizabcth H oblit tied .for secBop, step, and jump, Tommy Fresh man-Betty Bernard, Ma· "This type of museum Ihould' vides for approximately 3,000 mately t.wo weeks to check and ap ond in Biology. . Florence. ry Eva LeMay, Carol Ludington, :onfine itself to its own limited ~ t~ees to be collected by Civilian prove applications, those farm ers Iligh School Boy.!: Eighth Grad e-~iriam Wha.r- erritory and shoufeJ be careful n.ot Mt,1SICIANS RATED COMerv~on Oorps ,enroll ees or ,~no are in need of assistance 100 yard dnsh, Robert Pr eston. ton nnd Mar~,.'nl'et Vint. 0 duplicate the service pr<>vided AT OXFORD purchued by the Ohio Div:ision of shou ld file their applications imand Max Stephens. Seventh GI'alle-Frjeda Ellis ,yother sources," I)irector Shet. • Forestry and the National Park mediately. The Music Depnt'tment of t he 4,40 yard dash, FOTcs.t Dakin, lind Alton l'JarnhUl·t, J eanne Bnk- 'one said. "The local m.useum Service. ForeBtry and park forces er, Gene Collett, Lyle Fox, J ean· vhich accumu1a.tes a hodgepod&'e ' William Humbert, aged 84 dle~ W A YNESviLti STUDENT Waynesville Schools s nt four of Earl Earnhart. are sup~rvi8ing jointly a conserva-its young people to (!ompete ill the 880 ' yard dash, Willard Fumas McClure, Franc s Johns, Marion 1f ' this that and tho> other, from Su nday cven in~ at the , home 0'£ BODY HEARS TALK t lon-l'ecJ"eation development. proMusi~ contest at Miami Univer- Bnd F'o rest Dakin. mi th, Rj!ba Surface, Anna Mari- . . ere, t here #nd everywhere, Ja his daughter in Middletown. 'rhos6. gram bein&' carried !forward! bY' Monday, April 12, the Waynes- sity last Ft:iday: Vivian Connor, lyn WhitacrC'. < <lothing more thao an 'Old' Cariowho s urvive are his daug h~ers, Mrs High Jump, John Boger and J CCC youths a.t the sta\te-O'W'I'led C 00 High Scbool was favored by Soloist; Mildred Sixth Grad e, Helen Hisey, ean ity Shoppe' and 'will not 8urviTe," ville Amos Fox, Mrs. Callie DeLong · r~h 1 area. repre- Charles Fh'es, trom bOnl!i\t; an d Frank LeMay. Hart.~ock, Jane IJa rtsock, y or es [6 promised the fullest eo-opera.. 8l1d one son Edward, all of Middle a talk from a prominent · ' Id F k T - "I J t te Pole Vault, Charles B. Eam- Orndorf, and MllTce I'lOe p.The trees will not be planted in e""rs. [on of his organization to other town. Fun.eraL services weT.(! beld sen.tative of t he B USlness wor . 'ran .u.ln ay> r.j rumpe r. geometric patterns ordinarily emMr. McClellan, president of tbe Some of the studE!ots were crit hart and J ohn Boger. Fifth Grad e, Wilma Dibert, and oun ties and to ciUett and. town. Tuesday a t 2 p. m, at Mr. Humployed in nurseriea and orchards w.ere nted. Shot Put, .Tohn Boge",. Robert Woolard. yho wish to establish such muse-, bert's late residence in Spring- Littleford Nelson School of Busi- ici,zed 'and some but will be let in natural groupne 9 in Cincinnati gave a very in· ' Frank LeMay, Jr., won a cerWEDDiNG HELD-AiFERRY Fourth Grade, Ruth Anna Jo' ms. ings with aBsociated vegetation boro. ., ~ teresting talk co~eeming the de- tificate of excellence i~ cor~et .at CHURCH PARSONAGE, A hna, and Ruth B elen LeMay, ' 'lECREATION PRoJECT NEWS Miss Caroline Ivin8, ared fiB ma.nds Of the buaoiness world jo> the Southwestern Oh!o Dlstnct as they occur In 'Utldlaturbed wood Id B .,., ,. , 0 f d SISTER OF MRS SMITH'S Third Grade, Dona r<YW1l, The RI'ng Toss T - ...... e ........ 1.... laJIdll, AIillroxfmately one-third passed away at her home BOUth ot C"nn eetl'ng with h;"'h school gradu Music ellmmations ll.eld in x ~r. " . J GI ~-- ""' .... hi Charles Dibert, Bettie , ones, a"as started In tbe winter baa of the arboretum area ",fl. be left Richville, Wednesday morning at ates. last Friday and Sllturday. T S Glad" Pe eno of Constance, Ky., d S 'lih b' b1 " dye Rye, an Esther lnl . heen completed. ip o]>en meadow to per11\:lt the 6:30. She is 8ul'vived by two sisHe pointed out the difficulty of ranking qualifies 1m as e ong- and George Summerfield of Ginem Second Grad e, Ann Weltz, Nao The results are al fono".:-plantings of m.tgLnal flora and ters, Mrs. Hannah Rogers of Way- ' , . . ing to the group fro m whieh the nati,. Ohio, were united in marria. man or a woman to obtain a Job tat f' 1\.A ·11 1 ho.sen mi Enrnhar. Tommy Wagner, Oa>'1 Miller .first plaee, 'W0li 18 nesville and Mrs, W. W. Smith of of IIhrubll which require maximum , h' b hid t' s e lOa s"" WI >e c • age at the Ferry parsonage by t h e ' " " The state contest will be held brides' brother-in-law, Rev. W. O. Barbara Crune, Marjorie Conner, ames, lost fI games. There ..... lIun light. Plani provide alllo for Dayton. also three brotbers, La,. ~thout a Ig sc 00 e uca IOn. Mr . . Mcelellan madeit. ve"" ...J._ letijnlr a awamp group in a valley tay~te and Ellis with whom she . • -, May 7 in Ob er I'ID ,. Oh'10 an d tb e Smith, .last Saturday lnorning. MI'. Mildred Bourne, and Richard i '" between the two MCond ,lIayen, Matb~w T>umer, ud Bowhere th& IQll remalna damp thxo- made her homej and, Lester S. of cle ar that ,he WU, not advertlsUlg National contest(! a week later in and Mr.!!. Smith accompanied the Sheehan. group back to qnelnnati and atFirst Grade, Bettie Thomas, !Jert Osborn, each winning II of Defiance, Ohio.. Funeral servicell for the Schc;>ol of Buslnees. He Columbus. oUiht the year. Sele~tlon of trees and shruba will be Saturday a.ftemoon at th& stated bis purpose in coming wu TRACK ELIMINATION HELD tended a wedding dinner prepared Yovonne Stubbs, Dickie qrwam, he gamell played and looal... 10. ri' Id f '1 Th Patsy Bair d, Phyllis Burnett, and The high 800re amoll8' IOHN luitable f-or . plantine WIL!I madli in resldenc~ and burial will be made to arOllse the high school students in finlling their lif~ work before 'I'he tryouts for t he .t rack teams by the Summe ha~Il:. i e Norma ·Lo'ngacre'. ' rean McClure, won 7 gam.. 1od . cooperation with botanilta of. ' ~e in the Miami eemetery. T,he n' umbe " .o f pup· ils who have 19. Oh'lo S~ Vniveralty and · th. tALLED....BY'o-EATH OF AN OLD 'thl'Y were graduateil from lIChool. ~bich will com,pete a.t Lebanon on c~up~e ar~ to ma e t ell" orne n • . en teree t1nc ,,,"!, 1moW' , May 7th', W l' t h 0th Tlle requirements of success , cr .co unty I ClncmnatI. __________ neit her been absent 001' tardy are. 111 is qUI~ Ohio ' Dtviaion. Gl Foreatry. VegeFRIEND LIVING AT COS- given by him were: know ~hat was held a~ the High I,.ODGE CONDUCTS DECREE Miss Campbell, 19 '; Mrll'. Kersey, ·l.OW little tots will pe.ttem after tation Dot Indlgenoul to tile state HEN, OHIO you want to do, ' sacrifice eve'ry- Scnool play, groundf. Monday after WORK WITH TtAM FROM 14; and Miss Bardin, 14. 'l ur older folks c:1&11. wei excluded. All plants will bear Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Larrick were thing- for that aim, be able to,reap noon. OSBORNE, OHIO f th f'fth For an examp~,!IIar-, ADD tdelltifiation tap. The followi ng gitls were win- --P el'fect SJ.lelle~·s or e ~ 1~rton and Witb"r Woolard baft Pienlcldq and automobile park called to Gorben last Thursday, the cost at ),our labors; and select . th t nen! . A crack drill and degree team, term weWre: DaVid Hartsock and )een watcbin ... the older OData IUD ing treas, shelter buldinp, drink- due to the of of a dear fri- only that pro 1esslon a you accompanied by State Vice Coun- T my """'er ... , ' d I tet. to d 60 "", r d dash tor grade girls, Fri_... 'k inlr fOUlltailll, eeenle foot ~ralle end, Izetta. Sm,yaor, who pUlled a- would rather eve op 0 ~ol' lo r NI· seley, from sborne, Obio, om f t . otato raCe8. The., Meided dae# eda Ellis. There were 81 --. So tJse.,. NIl liz · ~d a cantaltera residence are wa'V at her home. Her mother, 88 anyth 109 eI lie 'm th e worId • . tonk ~har&e of a class of sixteen I . •_.... k 'teen t h per ecdwaft " ted to "1I J 75 yard dash tor grade girls, Mar y v .. spel era ...... wee In e seco n races and Wilbur Woolard WOD • arnone the 'Work project. carried yean of age preceded ber in death The businell& representative fur tha Martl' n. candidates for the Junior Ordet of de ' . • gra • gamn and llary AIm Bartow . . out In other eeetion. of die park only a month ago. ther pointed out that when, you do Uro'ted Mechanics here last SaturD' ~-===::-: 50 yard dasb for , h igh sehool In a spelling contest, Charles 1 2 gam... by oce enrollea ainee the, beto seek a pOlition in a buaine88 ofday night and brou them into - E-W·S ITEMS LOCAL N girls, Beulah Bernard and Betty .. bert and Jackie Preston are capIt will soon b. time f . can the deftlopment aotlvitiea in ----.urfice, )'Ou should ~k .,ourself the Bemard. full member4hip of the order. ' taina.. The lIeore is four to tbt8e tart out ekle for the WI I Ir" JaDe, le86. TIle, abo lIav. ,re.. The Jr. Bible Clau of the , tollowine QU~ltlons! Am I capaPotato race for grade glrlA WI~ The degree work lind meeting with Charlee' team.n the lead. Our first I.....- _ atortcI ... a natue - " a loll&'- Cha.rch of Chrin held i~ meeUne I ble! Do 1 have a'ROOd eharaeterl der 96 Ib!l., Frieda Ellis. was held in the hieh scbool gymnaLOCAL N-E-W'i ITEMS be tn VoU• ., bd .0 abaDjoa" Metion of &be hlstorie at the bome of Dorl. Davia, Thurs Do I ba.,e a pl...log personality' Potato race for grade Kids Ilium and w.. 'Wen attended b,. a gill., pradiee . . . . . ,*~.ce~ cia, e".nine. I CaD I pt al01l1 with my employ- 95 IbIr., Opal Flelda.. lare number of tbe local meDibers Mrs. I, P. LarrlC!It aDd daughter Hane,.tll........... --~.. .'. route . .Ieb windJ throup theThe Dext m..Unl will be at the . . . emplo,",' Will J do my atPotato rac;e for High and visiting brethren. Wel"e in Loveland Weae., after bol'O thO . . nek-, IorP th. ·Little IIIaDII trIrIe. Betty Ben ard and lIIabel . LOCAL ITEMS noon. , &lent of . . . . . ., a plctDlwqUe del..... h01lle of Clara RopldlNl nut Thor. moat to help ollt. the baliDeleT Ia ....rat. Il. II4drea ,... char u.,ton. Mr. and II.... .... in ilia .... !Ipriqtltld










..- - -











Dum Dee ---------.;;..;...-- I



h I' ' in t I! lhl hltrk ~ru und. S, ,\\ pit II d"n'l th nlk I' m 1101·' .'rt i. in~ llU 'l'lt uli Zl\ tio II for . 1 ' CIlle

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~)'I \' ' \ ~' I'

Cnurtnl'l' and Mr. Mrs. MUIY Carm ony lc· n Th'lr~ ' A . hl'rurt, vf CuvinlCtC!l1 . J a.y on a motor trip In Virginia

J. R. Gibbons

s!wn t t hl we ckt' lH.l \\ il h Mr. IU1(' llOd North Carolina with Jwr ~ Otl :'Il r' . E. T . Stroud . and wifl.', Mr. alld MI'!!. E. J. Cal" .M ill!! 11l 11l'Y ('mn e an \1 Mias Mar mony 9f Springfield. I,:a l' 'I. Brown L1f inc innati SI)Ont Mr. unci M rs. A. E. White and Sunda y w ith Mrll. Maude Crune. sons of olumbu s were unduy FRIENDS HOME NEWS te rn o~ n and «'ve ning gou ~t..., of Mr. and f rs. K esler G raham and .3-lIel-' at Ule 11 0me IIL~ t un- daughtel'; cluy we c: 11'. nnd Mrs. H nry ' [)ll:kso n of entcrville who WM The e ond diviSion of Lytle La dies Aid will give a play and olher hel'l' lo see Mr):. NeLLie DicksO'n; cn t ertainm l'nt at LyLlI' Ra il Fri. MI'I!o. T om Welch, Mrs. E . sie Sou- day evening, April 3 0. • tbirllll! a nd Miss M:l~li e Welch of Mr. and 1\11'S, Le iiI) Gra y an d Monow, to see Mr!\. Mar y Ada ms ; ML·. and Mrs. Dearth. hcehan a tMl' . C. N. Bel'l'yhill nnd Miss rIal n Berryhill of B l1brook to t ended t.he funera l of t he·ir cou sin , Mrs. Reba. H eitz 8 Germa nto wn , 1< e Miss.e Ann ie and Mnnle Thu rsday aftern oo n. Browne; h . Fred W iso n; Mr. Mr. Ev ereLt Early and ,(:r. a nd Waltor Wilson and Miss Mable Mt's. Low 11 ThomJls a tten ded th eWilson of S Ima to ee Mrs. Howe ll Pi-erce. opel) ball ' game III ros.! y Field, Tuesday. Mrs. Lena HSltsock was one of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. the g ue is at a surprise birthday tel·tained to a turk y dinn!" JIIIl·ty f{)1' h r _Ister-in.l aw, Mr. Thlll'sday , Mrs. E mil y Thackera of St.ncy 13urh tt, near Ce ntervielle, L eban on, Mr. an d Mrs. Earl Burn· u nda y eveni ng. t t, Mrs. Alice la\'k, Mrs. MargaI' Mrs. Edmon d Bl'eckett o f Tol. et J ohns, Mrs. Calvin Longacr e cdo, is stayi ng with her mo ther a nd childTeYI , Mrs. Mildred SurMrs. Rowen P ierce a nd ~s. Ra; f ace and daug hter. . Mr. and Mr s. W. . Jl ~l'gdall & mond PierCe l'cmatned wit h her from Tuesday until Mo nday. Mrs. Fra:n k lto binson a ttended t he Mrs. How 11 Pi erce wall In ~ c- !u ~e ra l of their cousin, Clem Pen le llan Hospita l, Xenia two days eWlt, at Bellbroo k, on T uesda y of I. ·t week wherf: she "ceived last week. , ' spec ial tr e tment 'for nn affec ted Mr. Ev erett Ear ly 1\'nd Mr. and I.oe and is now conva lescing nice- ~rs. L(}well Thoma attended. a ly a t the home. dInn er dance in Th e Hall of Mirrors, a t Netherland Pl aza , Tuc&- I Dr. ' a nd Mrs. Ro coe P eele, of day evening. Dizzie D an wa the I Wilm inl,rto n an d Mrs. Burrett guest of hono r. Hiatt of Wilmingto n Rlld Mis Miss Haze l So dders of Da yton May Peele, of Dayton, wer e to lind Mr. Albert Hawke wer e mar· a e t hei r a unt.. Mrs. Hllrriet Pe ele. r i d, SaturdllY, April 17. They Mrs. E mily Thackera of Leban· a L'e .staying f Ot lh e pre ent a t t he on was w eek·e nd guest of her sis· home ot t he latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hawk e. Friends tel', Mrs. Alice Clark. her e wish th m a long and happy

PAINT - GLASS I lh Ink t.ha t no< f ar bnr k J1 I , I' ll ',•' ll ~t 'I" . I .U "P I 1<'1' ,. r'111 rI··I n !l "~I \P1 call run mll r r, I h3vl' II h \":1Yll bcen ! h'lp II ~. "~I I I "I n l.. !'\~. (l l :ll' 1 4,'tH},- 111 \1(1 u u r LUMBER \.aug ht U1a~ you CUll [ '101. }lIl1·t p f l way . Ll)lIk (",. it , 1111(1 In: IIA P ] rl lr.1.~~~~~~I~~~z.~iI .=~ - -== =-=-=-,.th e people p a rt of the 11m c, but • - - Special Price on Cedar Harold D . w. iii. , Editor you ca n' t foo l a ll th e people nil WAYNESVILLE M. E. CtiURCH . ~l r. Willianl Luke n s Il ttendC'd ~~============ Shin,les EVER Y TH It 'VA Y til(' limt'o Ilntl t h MOIl' go ~ for fI Ilil" ctm':' met'l irlg of the hio undar. p e n until nin p. m. on pic1\.' ing them - all of whic h rl'~l>lte J('r~(ly Catll I luh at· NewSundny ~ hool <II H ;;30 tI. nl . No. 112 minch; me _ for no r a~lln Ili all Thursd ay and S· turday Offi t' Phon<ark. hi on T hur ,s day a fternoon. - of a quotation of Goethe's :\!o111in~ " ol~h i l' III IO: ·1lI r iption rn lhe evening h att nded thl' W ayne.vme~Ohio which [ onee r ad. I 'm not clever The . ~rnlUl1 .· uhjccl will be, Li king ounty J erse y ' CalUe --~============ "Finrling Ont'~ ~ l! lf." Phone 54 at r mam berin' exact <,!uot.a tion Club Ba nquet. NO LONCER A " LABOR" but t his iden w s thllL 'if you have Th I'e will be n ~h rt m ling . . . . . . . . . . . . .Iiii fill" nnd Mrs. H arry A. Slltu-rQUESTION ;alf l'espect, your fell w men- or till' Offieml B OlIl'd in)tllcclialely entertaint'd M f. and Mrs. Lhwail , The lilhor . ituq.tion has r eached foll owing tilt' I1w rn in'~ ~ (,I'vi c. lIin times ut of t n will r 'pee .... R. E. Ha rbach Rnd Mi.. an d Mrs. a lloint.. " hel"(~ it .lrect every d· j' OU, however, if you do happen to E\'(lnin U" ~ll' ' i l' C at 7 :30 p. m. TI nJ'y aiterthwaitc la t Sunday Monday: ti7.en. be that tt'nth in line, and they at a family dinn er, The unlawful 0 cupation of pl'O don t r sp ct l'OU, having respect Th r . 'I ill ut.' U Ill(' ling of the HERE ARE SOME THINCS 11';;. David DeJI.Lo s .and so n, pert y by w\lrhr!< to ('nforce their fo r yours If will enoble you to do ' unday ~ choo l Bunni nt 7 ::10 fl· of incin!llti spen t Su nDave, d ~ mand . , and th brt'a'kd own of WE SAY m. Wedlll! ~ dIlY : eflll' with Mr. s nll M rs. William our lllw t'nforcl.'lllent Rgencies in wilh out th l'ClSP t of othl'rs. 01 man . elf ro p I uch II broad B' bl h . I e OUI' al\lJ prtl ye r meeLing ABOUT OlJR SILENT protecting the Pl'Opcrt~ wiler. i. Mr . and 1r . Carl Sa nker , of a ne\ ' experi nce in th t' United worel, nnd many. m ny tllings haye III 7 :30 p. n). LAWN MOWER Ma.on, werc gueSits of Mr. a nd G. C, Oib"l't, Pu. t or. States. It i. but one sL II r 1lI0ved' been said 1\hout it, and written "Ml'. O. R. Ulngqesby last S'Unabout. it, v n \lng bout it. It from revolulion. dllY· . If one class oJ citizc ns can dis- ha:; a lot of fine .d finitions and WAY NESVli LE CH lJ RE H 1. It i. TLENT ~ynonyms, but to my mind, it OF ) CtiRIST Mr. and Mr . ' barle Davis pOS!\C!II an thE'r cia. 'of the use of 2. It ia PRAC'l'ICAL an.d f amily were guests of Mr. th ir property, it is only 8 . tep means ju. t onc th ing, happiness. W . C. Sm ith, Minia t er. and Mrs . Robert Davis a nd daugh 3. It 'I, EA Y TO ,OPERAT E furt hcr to take over su~h prop ~ r· I admit it ho tak n the u e of Sunday:t r , last Monday evening. . 11 permanently. We have witness a lot of words to g t around to my 4. It i, LIGHT Bible chool V:30 a. Ill. Mr. and M.'rs. W. B. Sq ui res I'll that in Russia and Spain. definition, but it didn't come to ommuni on 9 :46 n. m. 5. It i, UNBRE AKABLE Iulve moved t o t.he Ba ir d pr operty If worl. . men stop to think. lh y me in a min ute's time. And, speakhris tiun End avor 7 :00 p. m on the Fr lIklin Roa d. 6. It i, EAS Y TO LUBRICATE \ ill s they ar de. troying their ing of time, if you'll b ar with mc Preaching 7:45 p. m. Mr. a nd Mrs. Wade Turnel' own, snfety and liberty w hen th y and give me few morc minute of ('I'mon s ubj ~ ct, "Th-e Temp. an d son ; Mrs. J. H. ack et t a nd 7. It i. EFFlCJENT. ices. your time, I'll try to seH yo u on tation of J e u '." :fomellt rcvolll/lionary pr daughte r, Rox ey, ~~pent the week. 8. It i. SIMPLE Thoughful p rQons who have my idea of how I ven tually got WednesdIlY.end in Whee ling, West Virgi nia. thc best intel'e t of worke-rs at aroUJ1(l to think ing of se lf respect Prayer meeting 7,45 p. m. th g uests,of Mr. and Mrs. J ohn heart, can only warn them aga inst in ~el'ms of happinc!\i\. No doubt Tho above ,. a plain, coneo.e Le ' on study Acts 7lh . Chnp- TUl'ne r. . uth tactics which in the long' run you a lready know, but 1 do think ter. .tatem,ent of the claim. ,..e are The Y. F. M. will meet 'with "ill 10 e unl~ government' ta- my way 'was unique. makinl for thi. ne'" m.oiwer aad Our Bible School attendance Mr. La wrence F'u r nlIS, with Faith bility is de royed- then what? we are willinl to have )'1). a.k You see, I wa one of those "all last unday WM 66 a nd a ttend- Tomlinson as lead er unda y cvcfor a pra,ric.1 dem_atl'atioa, work a nd n o pi y mnkes Dee a ance fOI' evening service a few ning, API'i! 26th. LET'S DO A LITTLE today. FLAG WAVING du m chil d" so rt of per on . I had more. We had visilors at each erMI'. and Mrs. P . L. ReMon and icc. 1. n't it time to have a 1i1.tle A· just one idea in mind, to get every so n, Loren, Mrs. Fra'nk quil'es meriea n flag waving right here at th ing do ne in one day-an d i:f it FERRY CHURCH OF CHRJST and ~aughter, of Harveysbu rg W. C. Smith, Miniatu. at.tended t he tu:ne ral of Mr$. Eva home? was huma nly impossiblc-th en H ordes of outlanders some na· wor ry about what I hlld perforce Thomas in BeMo'r d, Indiana last Suntla.y :__ __ ._ ~ HARDWARE. IMPLEMENTS tive born, others paid an d sent had t o leave un done u ntil an other Bib le ~chQol 0 :30 a .nI. h re f rom foreign shores a re try- day daw ned, and not on ly t hat, but PHONE 99RB Waynesville, O. ' • • • • • • • • 11!11 • • • • • I~ life together . They wel'e enterommunion 10 :46 a.m. tain ed by friends to a Clulr ivari ing to spr ead C mmunism thr ough to f ind f ault with everything t hat Preaching 11 :00 a. m. part y last SlIturday night. •••••••••••••• out our country. We wan t none of I did get don e in that it wasn't 'eI'm n lllUbjcct, "Foll owitlg it. In Russia they have killed th eir perfect an d should have be n much hri ~ t .• , t heir ' stot:ckeepe-rs, b tter . Mean t ime I cou ld n't leep capitalists, Balltismal Eel' ice 11: 5 a. m. % DCllWlD, lPaYm,ent lheir landloJ:'d , their business ex- in pea ce--couldn't ea t properlyOur SUllday chool nttendWHERE QUALITY IS Day Trial ecutives, t heir ' scientist . Aiming couldn't re lax-couldn~t. laug h.--or a ncn la!'1. unday wa l 16 Il nd al THE HICHEST at a "ela Ie " society made up rea d-or play-~ u 8t work a nd evi'l'y one slayed fo r the / AND PRICES ARE LOWEST , PLAN SHOULD BE only of peasants and manual Ia.- wotrY. Oh--so many oI us. do that pr aching ervi e. VERY INTI~RESTING bor ers, Rus ia today stands as the in this bectic, mad-ru b day and v ral of our members ar VEAL greatest sodal f ailure of the ages. Jlge. Always i-rying to get ah ea d. attending th TO NOI'th Alnerican ' If the American workman knew Ahead of what--no one seems to hrislian Pocket Ro~t. lb..... ... .... 12 1.2 onv I)~ion tilis week, lhe truth ab(}ut Gommunism, as it know- jUs t ahead. AnyWay, mo. held in the ,udie Tabernacle, InChop., Ib ...... , ........ . .. .. ........ . 18 actually ~rks out, he would fight of us can' t take it. I couldn't-bu l dia napolis, Ind . This convent ion $6.00 t o $9. 60 Down it to his last gasp. And e pecially r happened to be one of the ver y wlll lu !;.t until ullday night. 1929 Ford CGad, ' Sholiider Rout, lb .. ......... ..... 16 whose body gav e wO'U ld his wom.en folk fight it be- f ortunate on 1929 Na.h Coaclh T he Missionury ociety of tbe cause its atb.eism a nd its use of out, but my mind, I firmly believe, F rry Church of Christ w ill meet 1929 Pontiac C..Ib. Veal_ Stew, Ib ...... .... ...... .... 28 1929 Sed". wo"ulc1l only as brood mar es for remained intact, altho you nr e April 28 at 2 p. m. with Mn.. T. ? E •• ex Veal H_ria, lb ........... ........ 1 future armies l pr obably the best judge of t hat. B. Brannock. The ;,vomen of the 1930 1927 Buick SHiuI Nor is FasciSm for us. 'we need Well, 1 finally gave u p to going Waynesvi lle hUl'eh. are urged 1;.0 1929 Pontiac Sedan Ground Veal for loaf, Ib ... .. 1 1929 Chandler .sedan no dictator to tell 'WI what we may to a hospital where my body was a t~nd.. 1929 Ford Roa.iater r ad, ho~ to vote, how to. salute t'xamined a.nd cut, nd the worn PORK 1928 Chryal_ Road.ter and cheer f or him, when to die for out pieces.. removed, (I never did FRIENDS-MEETING 1929 Chry.ler Sedan him, forbidding us to travel, to learn if th ey were r eplaced), th en First-day School at 9 :30 a. m. Fre.h Calli.., Ib ............ 16 1-2 marry as we desire, to live as we it wall clamped t ogether again, Ueiting for Worship at 10 :30 $1 2.50 to $17. 50 Down 1930 Chry,ler Sed_ Spat"e RIb." 2 lb. .. .... ...... ._....28 see fit. watched closely, caTcd for prop er. m. ____ 1931 Euex SeCkn The gall of them- trying t~ to- ly with go od food, bathed and ST. AlJGUSTINECHURCH Loin and Rib Ch~, Ib .. _.... .28 1-931 Ford Roa.clater ment U8 into rebellion against the massaglld, but most of all it was Fat hl!f' Newton, Pastor 1931 Ford Coach things our fathers fought for, tl'Y' relax d- virtually t ic;:d to 8 bed M8.$B at St. Augustine's churcb Pork Steak, lb. .. .............. .... 21 1931 PlymollCth ' Coupe 1930 Buick Sed_ ing to get our government to gag flat on it's back. At first it was every Sunday mOTning. 1933 Can't Sedan PHONE NO. 19 Sall.ale, lb. .. ........................ 2 our newspapers, drilling in our very ore and fidget.y- but in due IE-ss. t ha n two·thirds of said 0])1930 Olda I midst i.n foreign uniforms, inciting time J h.e brain began to ullder- rral e~~ _ !e~: Cash i~ Fr"h Ham WlIole or half .... 23 1931 CheT. ROjlchler our people t(} "sit down" in the stand what it wa all about, and 1931 Dllrant S,edea Pal"k Loin Rout, lb. .. .. ....... 2 1932 N ..h Coaell - - ...:. best. jobs we've Iuld for seven or took the body in tow . It very calm. Fre_ Side. Ib ...................... 23 eigbt, defying -our Ia...... s. Iy r elaxed , and what could the --~~~ $22.50 to ~;37.50 Down White VHfa There is nO hope., no future for poor body do but be very , calm . ..NOTICE TO OUR 1934 Ford Coa<:h LiTer, lb . .................. ...... 12 1.2 1933 Ford SedUl. Country Gentlemen t he American bU,siness man, pro· too? It was so nic e :f'o r ~h e brain FRIENDS AND PATRONS He.:rts, lb. .. .................. ..... .. 15 1933 Terraplan,e Sedan fessional man or ...... orker in either not to be pushed and heckled all Beg inniftlr May 1 . White Villa 1933 Willy. Sedaa of these alien doctrines. Isn't it day long, and many t imes all nite, 1936 Willy. Seclanr Country Gentlemen, Whole Kernel HAIR CUTS W[LL BE 35c . QUALITY BEEF time to throw .thel1l (lutT 'It just r e.sted and read a littl _ 1932 Ford 1932 Dod •• C(~ Let's do a little American fiag watch ed people and thought a Boilinl Beef, n, .. 13 WE AL 0 WILL CLOSE White Villa 1931 Buick c.,'..... waving and back it up with old· little about them-wonder ed ·a bout MO 1) Y & WE DNESDAY · Golden Bantam, Whole Kernel ,.. ........... .. .. .. J933 P~tiac 'Cotacb . time vigor that gave us our inde-- them--even wishjng they might be ·EVENINGS I 193J Plymoatl. S ....... Should Swi•• , Ib ....... :........ .... 2 pendl!Tlce and made us the most en enjoyjng such elegant peace. Too, 1934 PI)"mou.tll Coach White Villa At 7 :00 O'cl ock Golden Bantam .. ,. ........ .. 1934 Plymoatl. Sedan vied nation .on earth. it saw and IOYed' the flowers that R~ 01' Loia Steak., lb ......28 C. LEE HAWKE· 1933 f'ord C.,.lch SPRINGTIME CLEAN.UP came, their donors.-heard th e n ice Clab StMk, Ib ................ ...... 23 White Villa 1934 Ford Victoria ORVILLE GRAY . 'TIM;E nice things that were said with out Del Maiz Nibleta .......... ,..... .. ,....... .... . luck ~t~ .Ib .............. . ...... 21 $42.50 to $49.60 Down You ' catI .\le ~ signs of spring fe; wandering, and 'Wondering' what .....,,"-,........ JA 1935 Ford .Coup. GrOllnd Beef. :& 11M ........ ~ ..... SS MI'. and Ml'S. Ralp Toll of AI- ""ar alm\>st everywhere. Farmers was going on in the o~ce. 1935 Ford COllch . ....... .. ........ .... . ..... exand r, Va., carne Thursday to 1935 Plym01ltJ, Sedan are plowing 'and sowing their Then, olle morning that body . 1935 Ford Secla a White Villa fields. VUlagcl'$ are pla.nting their and brain awakened simQl tan is it uti j the last of th e week with Co.:ch gardens. Housewives are cleaning eowsly with the most bea.utiful ser Mrs. Toll's pa l'ent $, Mr. and Mrs . . 1934 Pontiae Country Gentlemen, No. One Can .. .. ... ·.. TRUCKS and revamping homes. Comm'Uni- enity-tbe brain wi th the thou ght H enry Sat terthwa ite. They were Down ties arc starting improvement pro that it was grand to be alive II-nd eall rcl bu k to Hillsbor o upon the 1933 Cbn. PUllel" 129.50 recent death of Mr. Toll's aunt, 1934 Ford Panel '$32.50 jects. . attached to such a well behaved 1931 Reo E.p..... $19.5 . Winter is apt 'to be a time of body, and the body exulted that Jt Mrs, J ohn Pucket t. White Vilta 935 Terrapia.,. PiCk lJp $39.50 Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. " Fox general lWglect;-parlly because belonied to such a well ordered 1936 Ford PicJll Up $"",50 Little Fairy ..... ... ........ .. .. ........ of severe weather and partly be. mind, and was glad it } followed a ed by Mr. and Mrs. Har 1936 Ford PUlel . $49.5 011> Pel.., Ih ............... , .. . 2 White Vill. old Hutchins on, 'haye just return· cause of the. prese of other matters thru with the brain beca'Use togeth SpeCial Notll~ .Thil Ad i owl a.COIl lb .......:......... ........ Green Giant .... .. ..... in that busy season. Vacant lots. er they had found two things in cd f ro m a trip to Pekin, Illinois ,ood : for. fi¥e dollar. on lcbl Pork, II, ... ................... 21 yards, and even streets b.ecome un the hospital room--a kindred wh ere the y yi aited seyeral days ny uaed : CAlr 'or truclc. White Villa sightly. Now is the time for a . Spirit. and Happiness. Th~ Kind- wi th their son. olo.aa, lb. .. ..... ...,. .............. 15 thi. offer·: •• kMI·· for month John Adams sold his farm e!\st Dolly Dimple ......... . ............ thorough spring cleanlni; extend· red Spirit was and' is the fin e t and F1>aal", 2 lb. .. ........ ...... .. ..... 33 of April onlY. iog through' the community, in the beat f'fiend the owner of that body of town last week to Guy Rout,. White Villa blced Ham. lit. .......... .. ........ 25 DAYTON'S 'NEW interest of health, eafet)' and civic and br~in ever had, and when they zahn. Tender Sweet .... FORD DEALER Rev J. R. Troxell of Dayton, a Pim_to l;oaf, lb. .. .... .. ........ U proreill. realized that,· everything else fell Suoh a camp. 111 &. Into line and they knew they were former Lytle .pastor, called on Hone),Gro•• Boi*:,. Ham. lb. .. .. . ............ 5 splendid activity for civic clubs, hapPY'. They bad learned to laugh friends here ThursdJlY a.fternoon. Pea. Mrs. MargaTet Johns spent Wed 530 N. Ma'ia St PJaoae 61 chlUObers of commerce, Boy Scout and to veer, and to a.lways see the o..7ioa, Obi White Viii. Fr" DeIi• ..,and similar groups to sponsor. humoro& side of peole and situa- nesday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thon:as of Social Row.' Dolly Dimple, No. One Can .... ~ve.ry town should emulate tions, and to I~ok for the best in those communities which, through tholle around thllm-to be chul· a spirit of fine co-operation, have table and generous and ldnd-nev8uceeeded in. gaining the name of er skipping the little things in life "Spotiesato"WTI." in hopes of (indlngo expression in ,,~s, 1:'M SOMe Doc:ro~1 Wben a movement to paint up, SDrnething big alld grand. . But mak I GRAOYATEDFROM THe ' dean up and beautify sweeps a ing each waking minute of each 90N 1<0 ME:OICA L r,:::;::;::::~-....., community, it leaves In ita wake a day happier, beca."\1se that sick CORRESPoNDENC~ healthier, happier town. From body and tired brain found In a I.S! the .u.udpoiDt of fire enfety alone hOllpital that they bad a third ~ movement paYII big dividends partner-". Soul", and that be___ the rec:orda show, man), • i~i at&tiatied with a. day's work dlINtroua fire haa been eaUMd b), could be and was, not worry and nbbilll ud littet'. Drop • clp.ret- cbalflin that more wu not ucorn... butt lata aD acc1UllUlattOil of pUwd-but. lenSE of lelf ~peet ud • ,oaIIqraUOII IIlQ 101- In that the best had been done, ud ~. plied rubbish 18 thus followed happinell8. ....ptIWe to apOlltllDeoua Try t4) be happy. We an bav. ....... our little ups and downll, but then really are far more ups than the... cl.o II, ud ou reaWr Ilt Waynl'n illl', Ohi o, 8 :1 'Ia l> Mail !\1 ultl'r

~ ec ll nd




R D. Collett

•••••••;;;.-. -. -. -.-. -

Thiele Motor.


oyle's Meat Market






W Fill E "ILLA






. . 15c . . .... 15c

L .....

16C 13c 17c"" 12c 10c



I'111111,,"",..._...._ ....

~::..ey Gr~~.e



Thiele Motor.

' "




. 20c .. ............. 20c . . . . . . 18c .............. . 16c ..12c . . .,. . . .: . 1Dc

~ I I · ' • •••• ' .

'" p





= TATOES:LATESEEDandeatl~--~~~--------~----~~~~~~~~~~~~


10 Firat Mtg.

ing potatoes. StTouse Bros. R. Plaintiff Geh JudrementWile Ia Kunkel' H.jrFarn!! Loana R. 2; 1 1-2 miles north on Judgment in the amount of His widow, Nora B. Kunk r, is Waynesvillc and FCI'ry Pike. ,1,588 hn",! becn Hwunlcd the named beneficiary under the will 4tp. plaintiff in the ('a (' of the Miami of the late Henry I? Kunkel', of "rank LeMay, '"Iol,icitor he is to reREDUCED PRICES 01) Wall Pa- Valley Building and Loan Ass ci· llurlan towllshill. alion, Franklin, against J. Rid- I ceive b(lth th~ real and personal 61R2 Waynesvilile 7 per. See Samples Now. Latest pl·operty. At her death, the three desigllll. Ed. Stand iford. 5·l3p df/II lind others. Divone G"entedchildl n, barle.~ E., Bel'tha E. & c:=;t:::::> FOR SALE: Or will exchange for J1 ground:! of gross negl~ct, Albert S. Kunker will become the good property in Waynesville Sarlie M. Adam.s has been a~fI,rd- beneficiaries. The widow is 8e~ an eight room house in Carli d a. divorce from William E. A- ing a executor of the decedent':; sla, 0 ., big gal'age, coa.! bouse dam. .. The custody oC a ehild was wil)" Gl!'Qrge Veidt, W. Frank -rOTARY PUBLIC all in good condition, electric, also givl'n the plaintiff. Kunkel' and Perry Simpson are National Baak fine wllter, located at junction Jury Offid.l. Are N.meci....lhe appraisers. of three roads, one statc high Judge Charles B. Dechant has Prooh Filed-Will. Drawe _ • Ed.te. Seulee! BRINGS COMPLETENESS NEVER kNOWN BEFORE way, especially fine location appointed'Mrs. CiaI'll Gilmour, of Proofs of pUblication of the WAYNESVILLE. OHIO -.-... . . .' for Filling Station. Montgom- Lebanon and Pilut Duke, of Way- notic s of the appointments of ery Howard. Address PO BOll nes ville, jury co'mmillsioners. They the following have been filed: HaC.ll 130 for 24 lilour Service fOR HOME REFRIGERATION ; succeed C. G. EullLSll, Lebnnon zel Barcalow, eXMutrix of the 93, CarJisle, Ohio. 4-16p. CREAMIER REFRIGE RATOR and Qunicy Gons, Wayne ville. ' John E. Bunnell 'estate; Josephine .fi _ b,,8,' , LEANING lfOUSE? }lav\! ' us Church Property To Be SoldS£~VICE O. SelleI'll, udministratrix of th e 1UIIItI-.~NtI'~ clean your dOnlesLic rugs, Authority is roque t d by t he Ella D. Sellers e tate; George P . GREATER ICE-ABILITY ' . $2 :50; Curtains, 40 cents per Chul'ch of God, South Lebu(lon, ~o Gat ll, administrator de bonis non - We Service All Malce, pair; Dro pes, 50 cents pe\' Be ll r al e. tate belonging Lo th with the will anexed of the eaUlt Of Refri,eral~ra Ends "Cube-S~gle" and C<I(o.PallliA.-' ~ THE PROOF I pair; We clean tap try and organi~tion in that village. Mr. of Varri~ . Vail and Ralph UngBelh.Motor-Ap~i.ance Repair fancy pillows. KaLhyrn Men- Frank C. Andrnon is attorney Ic;sby, admini tratar of the ' har· , 209 E. Mult.erry Lebanon GREATER STORAGE.ABILITY denhall, Mgr. for Quick New 9-Wa, Adjustable loteriort U8 " _ for the church. . lotte Unglesby estate. I~~~~~~~~~~~~~"'!"''' PROOFI Cleaners. Two A.k DivorcesBond Redu~ . ~ harg ing wilful! abse nc e-, Noah The original bond of Dean E. GREATER PROTECT-ABILITY 11 ROOM BOUSE in excellent condition, will pay 113 per B II has filed aoti 011 for a divorce Sta 1l1ey and Mellie Rye, exec utors ~RO'OIr0od safer. fruh";!.. loa,er' 'RlI no cent a l5 rental Sbown by against. Stella. Bell. Arthul' Bry- oC the John B: Pence e tat , has been reduced hom $580,000 to appointment only. W. ,N. ant rept·c. e nts lhe plaintriff. GREATER DEPEND.A8IUn I't Randolph, ,charging gross $375,000. In r dueing t.he bond, Rob Sears. ' -Year Protection PI;;; ~~dc.d \. n- ~ negl ct, has fil 11 a divol'ce suit Judge- Ralph Carey found that Moton. SEE THE PRootl .r. HOME GR.OWN Cabbage Plants, aga in st:. Edith S. Randolph. James the asflets of the e tat ,had been PRICES GREATER SAVE.ABllCn AS LOW AS also Perennials. George Peter 1':. BurRe is th pla-inlu!'s Ill- l'edu ced by payment~ and distriONLY FRIGIDAIiii'iiU son, B lib rook Pike, I tc torney. butionR and that the property Appeal Filed, now in the hands of the executo,N' ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN A n appeal from a ju ~ticc oC the will not exceed $187,000. four Cattle, bogs, abeell and calve NEW BEAUTYI MYERS Power Spray Rigs, Hand CUTS CURRENT COST TO Dl E t o Norris-Brock Ct.., Ji1ve wire arid Spray Pumps, Hose, Nozzles, pace's eourt in 1.1 moncy a Li n To HeRr WiIIAMAZING NEW Simp/,st Nfrig"Qtil'g m.,hlflf. has been filed in the case of F. Hearing on the application to pr"reS8jV~ finn f')r 1~be hlghes! Spray Guns and Acce orieB. AlIUTY TO SAVE ~O MONEY DOWN tm. tfJtr611i1110nJy 3 Jllc.,-.·iag ~~~~§iii.'~ admit th will of W'll' H u mar et prtces and good service. parts, ;'lCluding the an t'cor •• • Plumbing and Heating S.uppli es. Brandenb~rg against b;l1is T. urt 1 lam . "" C- Union Stock Yard.' Cilncionati, AND SERVEI permanendy oilc(J. 5e,,1I)'; (ltj'Aillo<'! .~:-·IIiliI.;;. Grath, laLe of Washington town- Tune in on Radio StaUon WCK'Y • EASYTERMS THE BOCKLET COMPANY, well. moisture and dirt. Gi ~"t ~UP1UI­ 1. . Come lao See what a thrilling ship has been set for April 26. 12 :25 to 12:30 p. m. fOGr our daih Phone 360, Xenia, Ohio; 415 W. SerJi., To Set As ide WlIJDlITYatamazings",;,ol Ufl 'j'P-! advance Frigidaire with the Action to set a~id(! Lh will of To He.r Remonl Petitionmarket reports. PROOf with 1Ul 3ttll'" iaI.~ ~~ C4't.J' Meter·Miserbriagsfor 1937: Main St. fll-18-25-m4 Superb new beauty pillS SUPERWilliam Downey has b en fil ed by Hearing On the application of !iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii,iiiiii;;i;~ t the price r.:( Q.Q ordinary refrigeratod elia J. Shawhan. of n ar Xenia, attorney.s for Mary Elizabe-lh y " I ~ct proof of c''llUplcteDcs, Dever known before CHARTER No. 2220 again t Wymel' Duwnl!Y, one of Hurfit, and others, for the remov, .HI. s ~-'ASIC BJ!fRlGI!.RATlOl'f SERVICES. You don't Re •• rve DI.trlct 1'0 4 I f Th { Ask for III '" "n mere. ~}'-so. Now you see PROOF, right in our Report of the condition of the of the beneficiaries under the in- at °h omus J urst as executor ~n f. I hR t FngICiaire is the most ro",pk/~ ice-ptovider, Waynesville NatIon a' Bank, of str.u ment, and others. 0 t e Il.~tate of t.he late Nancy M. MIAMISBURG PER MANENT " ,,!:',nrer and foo<l-pre~rver evcr known. PROOP WaynesvilJe, tn tbe State of E.tate ExemptHUI st will 'be conducted May 4. CONCRETE , :" " 'lWt'3 enou"b n food and aureaC to pay for .... )! ,,,,<:J "'Lt,) you II ."rofil bujdesl Th e e tate of Chnrlotte ng- Authorized To Complete -Contract Ohio, at the close of business, A'ir Seal Burial Vault on March 31, 1937 Ie by, late of }<'I'Ullklin which \YO; lIazel Bnrca)ow, as executor of .\ I.u. .:' !l\Jrc \.( ~~ttltlg me most for ,our For Sale Only By 11~r'l y. ~e "U l ' 1'IUGlIJAUUll'llOOllPublished in responso to call valued at '1,9 9, ha b e n held the John E. Bunnell estate, has ~OWST1lATJOlIIlincl made by Comptroller .of the exelll('lt from the payment of in- been authorized to complete a YOUR FUNERAL DllRECTOR ~-------~------Currency, under Section 5211, herita.nce lax. contract mad by tile deceased McCLURE FUNERAL HOME. U. S. Revised Statutes. To Diatrihute Bondalilll'jng his life for the conveyASSl!lTS The executors of the e tate of ance of real estate. Phon.. 7 Loan. and ~Iacount • ..•. 13D.3 3 ~. \ ~ the late John B. P ~ne have bec-n Stibb. Will Filedoverdrafta •.•...•.••.• . . 4G,tiU ~ m .. PHONE 32 Laraer Becau •• of Better Quality, • Service, and Price unit d Stlltes Gov rnment a'uthorized to dilltribute certain Will of the late Lewis Stibbs, obllptlona. dIrect a.nd " T tl k WAYNESVILLE ,OHIO E.t.ebliahed 1849 1937 (or) tully Kuaranl d .. 1 02.165.0. bonds, Ii ted among thQ a cts IIf ur ecree township has been Other bonda. atOCkl .n4 ' 5 ' the estate. filed. - - - -- leourltlea .... ... ,,"" 1:lP. " I. -==-::::::===::::::~:::~-===:::=::-::=:---::--::--::--- -:--:-~='-:===:::::::::= BanklDt{ lIoule • .,.000.00. I . Adm; He.r Ift'l'e.. tory~ Hearing on the inventory filed . ~ -~ r~';.'!. u.~~ .~?~..t~at:99 ,67 ' 11.998.57 Tn bond of $100, George E. i~;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; by Charles M. Robitzcr, executor A Large crane with n heavy a. m' 'Lei' workman who causes its Relli.~D '~~~krn~n~~u~~\~~. 1125.00 Young ,b as been nam ed admini'of the estate of Amelia E. WiIli- bucket hn been used in digginJ!.' IonIC, .. hal']~ teeth to bite down inn ....rve with 1l'6deral Retratol' of the estate of the late ams, has been set for May 3. out the Mnd and di rt. Wc,ighing a ' Lo the so il, thus pulling out n early ::~~eb~:~~ 8 ;With" iher G3,04 .03 it y ass, of Franklin. Appr.i.e... Named-ion, it is tht'own , out wtth Ililill bY : ;t, tl'uck load of dirt at a time. blLnke. and l\ah It 11:18 I Ok- .J E. C. Weave r, T. J. Parker and r, - - -- - - '" - - --- - In proc 8S of colleetlon 21 ~.r.r,O , 7 n"e'nJtory - Ollbor a .. eta . . ... ....... H7 Approval bas been given the William Bacon llave been appoint 1)I~T T otal AlI.ete • . ........... Gfi7,030.91 inv ntory filed by Ella Hoover, ed apprai ers of the estate of RiWe are eq uipped to h Lndle every d tail of a LIA:BILITIES adlllini. tmtrix of the estate of ley Cass, late of Franklin. Cun.eral, ev n to such small but important matters Dem~nd d pOBlta o( h 1 T H I t ... Individuals. ftartn r.1tb lpa l e late Rosa May Kel y. 0 _r or... .. (If He Tried To Sw.t Them) H earlng ' DV_ II eal'd to fri elldll and relatil1es, !\l'I'angement of the and corporo.U{)ns .. ., ~6 I ••n-1.76 Debt. App rovedon t h e inventory by sealing in the funeral curs, ~ election of pall-bearers Time d eposIts ot Indlvlduall. partn rahlp •• a.nd. The sehcdQlc of debts filed by J oseph H. Fed deTS, executor 0 f and the like. We will also handle all cemetery de· cot1POrallOn8 ..•.••• ••• u~,n2. 7 Mer,,1 B. Gra-J. adml'nistrator of And, so there will be pi~nty of the pests the Elizabeth H. Fedders estate, Lale, countY. a.nd munlel• I Y," U tails ond anything else that is \necessary in any Pllfpo.l depoallB .""...... 32.144.01 thc Howard Chen weth estate , arou nd this summ et". will be conduct d May 10. ticullll' ca .. e. 1a ny bereave I in their time of great.D"P081l~ ot othl'r ba nKe. MARR'IACE LICENSES Includlng " rLllrl od Ilnil hus been apPl'ovd . We sugge t that you get your s~re Ems est grief feel Lhcmselllc, i Tcapable of attending to CMhl r'lI ' ~as outI A . t -" John Marshall, 23 and MaTita slandlng ...... . ... ,., . 41.r.O· ppoln .... ,the numel' 11. tletaiLs QI a illne.t·al. We welcomo .the 'l' of !teros 14. to 18. Mrs. Nannie Lain has been I\.near Iy a n d , 0 f course, use your goo d J. ud geBrelln 'I', 2J, both of Loveland. opportun ity thus presented us of taking these reIr:~u~ceJre4 by pledge poin ' d admini t tri1c of the est.ment in getting screens that give honest saOl'vel Gillie, 28 and Ma ude Tay spons ibilities urI th should 1'8 of the grief-stricken. r~y'e~~~~t:nd$lJ.~R20 ate of her mother, !\Irs. Lella ltotisfaction in long service. 101', 21 both {If Clarksville. (b) Not, .ecured by binson, late of Franklin. Bond of Sylvester HOA 33, CLal'ksville ~~~~lrrnvo:.t_toan. and 6000 was filed. Mrs. Robinson W e carry a complete line of screen for and Irene Lu cas, 21 of ¥orrow. m nte .... $522.364. 7 burned to death in nn automobile door and wind,ows-::screen cloth, bronze, Oscar Non-is, 44, Fo tor and (0) Total a'ccldent at Franklin last week. galvanized and black. I Viola Greenway, 22 , Mason. Deposits _. $538.C37.07 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS CapItal account: D&ua hten Get Toclluaftter E.tate ;:::.:,.~.n o.~roo 1.:~~ Two daughters, Ada Phillips We Spedaliae ill Makinr Scree n. H. C. andi Mary E. Hutch ns to Phone ., Wayne.vlDe





in ALL 5 BASIC SERVICES I 'D._J' .'\ .;:.:







$ 11 3~





Ute. ~.~~


If"'" ..

Fairley H ardware Company

oah M ••ssed Both tbe Fl.·........



.I. E. M .Clure


and Della Brant are named beneficiarles under the will om Anni Todhunter, late of Lebanon. The Total Ca¥ltal daug.hters are to receive both the 'ccoun ... • ,1,18.393. 4 real , and personal properl}' of 'the ... Total Liabilities •. , .•. S57,030 .9~ . estate, the will, da.ted April 18; ................ 1.oan. and 1928, says. I\frs. Brant was named Inveat>ment. Pledged to Secure LIabilities executor of t h,e will. G. F. Brown, United States Governmeftt C. J. Wag"oner and Cbarletl SteobUDtlonll. dJrect and .. (or) fully guara.nteed • 20.386.88 wart were appointed appriasel'S. Other bond••• toelt •• and _ aecurltle•... . •• .. . . ,... 6,467.6() r.i •• Account.-Gr8(le 01 ark Cu II en, as exec.uTotal Pledged (eK.C}UdIDf redllH:ount.) '.. . ... 26.S44.38 trix William B. Cullen, Pleal'ed : . tate, of hasthe filed her first and final (b) ~alnet State• . county, And m.u nlclpal \1 0\.1081ts 25.844.38 ' . account. Co . I All . lota.l .. U 6.000.00

\I'!.d· " ' p' ·1';"fi._~17.000.00 8 U~unrdPI~. n et ......... 26,39 . 1

=~~~~~=:~~=-;;;:;-= '"~-~'::::E::E=~:=~

to fi t ,.our widows or door•• The

Elva L. Mosher, real e tate, M'a son.. d Board of E ucation of Mason cnn' O'WlD _II eq,dpped .ho,p. to Otto B. and B. Dumford, real ... Deer f'ie lei t ownsh )p. ' eouute, Mabel Virginia William s to Elizabeth Harpel'. 36 acre, "Turtle ' •• crGe k t ownsh Ip. George and Emma Shepher to W AYNESVILLE, OH IO Arthul' and May Sehlotman, 89 Bcres, Hamilton to-_WPho.e 14"~ Arthur and Mary Schlotman to

mm work i. done raht here m'


Btf~t.o~\l~n~:~:a~ ~~~r::~' ~!




The court h.aa authonzed tbat

W H Ma dd en & Co.


R. Stanley Mellie a bo"l -ftamad bank. do .ol.mnl~ Dean executors of the and e.states 'of John ...... tllat t he a~e atatem.nt Ie true to Ithl of! my k lllOwle4.. B. and Frank A. Pen.ce, be paid an« bel . t.

t' t compensa Ion OIll .&Ccoun. Will, Fi~ The will of Albert Price, late COrl'ect-At~iu. .ALLEN of Salem township 'has been filed. OEO. J . WATmRHOUSFJ A hearing will ' be conducted on H.. A. COR.NIilHr'.otorl . . April 26. . The 'Will of Flora I • • Mounts, late of Morrow, also h DCI ..~ been fil ed. A hearing will be conducted APTil 26. The win Flora MO,unts, late , of }lorrow, al!lO has been filed in court,

M . and HENumRSON. SwornL. to lIublorlbedCaeMer. beforl m tht. 13th day 0'1 ApJ"ll 1937 L. H. Gordon. Notary PuLlI1!

"• M arln t• F Au.c tloneer

.SATISFACTION Or No Char•• Centerville, Ohio ..... . 7U . ...

To Di.tribute A..e t _ DistributiOn of assets beJonci)'lg to the Carrie C. Vail estate has been authorised. To Tu. Depoai"William J. Schmid b.. been commissioned to take the depositions of ablM'l1t witneaaea to the will ~f the late Flora .ount&. Qattel To . . l)latri...... Chattel pro)1e1t7 lilted amoq the IIIIII8tI of tIae .... of Willi-


. . C. Vaa. ... of PraakUn ·baft bea ill


Auct· I·O'·-~-)n "· '

SATURDAY -' ' ,APRIL 24 Sta rting Prolnptly a t Noon

a t the . RESIDENCE of MARY ' E. SHERWOOll> '

Three piece Jaquard Velour Living-ro()m suite. Walnut Desk and Book case, Three piece Lloyd Fiber Suite. Three piece Walnut Bed room suite with inner spring mattreBB. . All steel Ref~erator

One ~inute EI'ectrie Washer. Floor and table lamlNl GHder aood .. new

write, 10 acres, Deerfield town sh p• C . W tk· to M 'D-th arne a lns ra. '"' ena Mills and Miss Bernice Sawyel'S, lots No. 46 and 77, Maso n. Frank W est t 0 Ken' t an d'"_a... 1"V Sebastian, lots No. 225 and 226, Franklin. .' .• Elzie H. and Bertha E . Walker to Frank West, 19t No. 82, Frank-

Mattie and James H. Gal'rison to. Stiver, 135 acres, Hamnton township. Harry and Jemima Adatru! to N. B. and Marilla Brumfi ~ld, 12 acres, Harlan township.' Ella. Hoover to Walter and Phlena Conover real e!tate in Franklin townahip.

to Alva. C. and Mary

A creW of Sta.te BIKhway Department men bave been busy, early this week 011 the hilfhway from Waynel'VilJe to Corwin. Tile



of p.alnt, maid... a ehaDce In appearance that is nrJ pl....1nlf to the .,.. Sips 4. . .1'


...4 a 'Waf'IliDIr to .otorllta have





brlq.. have J'eCeiTed a

-- -

W a ynesvI-lle rug ' S tore , Phone 120t ·W· a' ne.vI·11 e, Ob-10 ' J

35 Walter Dameron to W. T. John son. 170 acres, Harlan tow:n.t!hlp. Waller H. Stenger to Mary' G.



Come in Look a our Selectl·on 0 Mot h er,1 Day Ca n dy, or dera l. ke




House C'eal'l :ng Supplies

eS- l$::::=::::::::~:::::::::i:S~1 D. an dcreek Emma acres, Turt1i! township.

Total Pledlred • . ... •• 26.844.38 '


Lemmon's IIa tchery · Now Has T ri"'-., Ie-test. d BABY C ! ~ IC KS IOne ' hundered per CE.'1.t li"eability guar. antee the first fourteen (!ay •.


nicks nine dollars per


Singlc-tcsted hickil eight dollars per hund red. The gU81'imte h!~ood only for Triple~ tested chic k . Take advantage of th,'ne low prices, Order from this ad. rices 8ubjeet to change without notice.


t'riday "aM confined to tbe roof. FU1-tunaldy it was extinguished ' in t illli' to p rl' YI!Dt :;(ll'ltl uB loss. S l n ppj ..~ D~"th i n L" y'iotr lit I',.. t;f{i l' Con Bnd Mr. Wil. Floc". SC'm B~yond P ow.. r o f.. • Iirrm H(Ill Iln11. of Xe nia penl SUIl~ I P r en t !rt'l\ci ... day a ft et'nl)on with the I ormc.r' Oh;" pC)ulll'Yll1l'lI, at (\ 11ll'l'ti n,,:' aunt, M . Patience Thompson FOUR NATIONAL DIRECTORS TO AnEND BIENNIAL i n f 11111 I,u,; . II tltl C (t'd thllt MJtIUl d M,,'. und M~~ . Meal'le T e rry. "clary Il f ,ll!lh'ulture n ' "1'~' A. , MI'. Clyde ::;tuns wbo has be n HEAD CAMP CONVENTION \\"Illne l' h. n~k .. 1 hy (ol'mal I'l'.co_ ~u tl'crin!r with lin inf c l d hand is luli on In Cl'~ hn,h 11 l'e~t'Mt'h "tll much il1lp'·ovl't1. . th'll in Ohio 01' in tl1l' llIid,Ua \\e"l MiRti Mary Thontll on of Lebanfill' the - tllu)r of puultry di eu~es. on made II !\hol·t. ca ll on home Ohh. llIt'n \\I'l C not Alull!! in thi~ fulk " Suuday eve ning. !'I" lucst. Itll l'l'llrt':5Cntal iv" from ~1is~ell Mury Eth I Su ms and ~ I x olhfl' :inl(l!'. join,'1l ill th e .1 _ rari ~ Wells We l'c Lebanon vil-lici"i"n lo 11 k lilul tht.' , cCI'et.tIl'Y tln'S ::!atul'day evening. . lIell e! a 1'<1 t of lh r Iund~ l11udl' 11Ml·S. Deiot~s ash nnJl bahy vailnhh' Q)' til\! flnkh iltI-Jon . dllu~hter of DaytO n were weeket fol' til\' (JIII'pn 'l' (If r ducin ' nd gue-st!l of MI'. a n'd M~~. Fr d Jtli<IICS ill Ih,. pnullry indu st ry. Na h. - - 80_ Tht' ''l In. , "'~ III :(0 h P1WY in luviu<l' Mrs. Anna F nig and Mrs. IJu1111 ~ , IlaIDq T . We lle " ' UUam It. 1I000ne, De B. Bradlhn W I' fl eck.' th"t "UIlI ~ (,ll .. hin poult.rym cill ~ Beckett a nd S Oil of Hnl'v YRThe biennial Hend Camp conLarge LocallDvestments haw h<'t' ll f ill d li t of bu>dne~. btlrg \\ re Ft'iday gUes ()f tIle vcntion of the Woodmen of the W00 dmen ac tt vltles . . r. '"I. r·t'lgU:Oll, , in thlB ', xtepsion peWilliam Villars family ncal' Clu rk World2.ill3 OWo be held GCon s t a t e are a1 v.: ays noted with in- /' clalist , May and 4will in Toledo, in POUIII y h\l:\}t\ndI'Y , sui;villc. cor!fi!lg to J ohn T. Dickel, of LeTest ?y n abon al headquar ters. mat es t hut. IHl au of cvery fOIl I' We W I'e lei I'ry to leal'll of th Cleveland. heAd consul of t he :!;;es~~e:t~~:;~~o~:~1 h,:;sl bll'd~ put, in the layinj.( houlj dies death of MI'. William McG~th of jurisdiction. county and st ate securHiesP ~ 1 Iwf()1 the tint! of th~ yea I': T hiS Oliv B I's nch on lust Wednosday. Se ver al hundred d elegates a r e this area . 1 all~l't1 n lotul ,,~S (Of more than Mr. McG rath was n form r r 8expected at the convention, and The Woodmen of the World if G.OO().~110 in . hi o ill the 1935-36 . ~INTERLA~D. beautiruJ ice palace starrlng the nation's ootstanding aJtaten and b 11 t ident of this neighborhood. at least four national directors today t he strongest fraternal Uf~ prorlllclio n Yl·II I·.. H::e :\~~: ::::::~n at th,e Greater Grea.t Lakes Expol!ition opening in Cleveland on ~a; for MI'. and Ml'S. . B. Talmage, J. ~~o:UI~:\::J~ ~~~r~vN:~r~ wurance a ssocia tloll in th~ ; 01'. A. n. Wl ntl:l', poullry de- HaHison. producer a~~c~=y °t~:eGre:!~~n~:i::I~~~::!~W~~to\lPper right are (1el~ to.right) Lee T~I~lllgC and Miss J essie Oa rI recently appointed secretary of world. with assets of $124 493 972 I pal tn! nt, Ohio Strite Unive ity "lnza,. as they discuss plans for Winterland. Unusual costuming brilUl'k rr~ucerir wbo WlJI dIrect the n I', VI lted 011 hiduy afternoon, : the association ; R ainey T. Wells, 8 S of January 1, 1937. ' , . : I silid thut 10 .. s coulli be kept at tured In the production. Winterland is located In the heart of tho 'ExPO~~io~ g~~Uend~t. an novel act. are fea. , th ir cQusin M'l's. Lizzie Ballard . ' general attorney, of Omaha, During 1936 alon e, the Woo:! Il()r cen t only wh en fl ocks wet'e 1_= ''''!:?2! i !LJO t the home of her da ughter. Mrs. I Ne br, ; William Ruess. director, men of the World enrolled m lu·t. culled nlinumdy to remove Clemma H tzler of nea r J ' of Om aha ; and William E. 90,000 new J?lembers, with weak bin!". At the Wooster tn- the Ohio Farm Bu r,:::-. . son'" I f town. ames~ Mooney, director, ot Chicago, Insurance protection totaling 1" ti I' h . R " eadcr8hijl, chord Il ingi ng ' BEECH CROVE NEWS MI'l!. H nry Moo l'(l II d will attend all sessions of the excess of $108000000 •• In am In t e' l1 i\'c l'::lIty pouUryes() urce lea dcrs for t he insti- Ilnd music appreciatioll ' D0 1'Othy M P' ea I! on .' " . I fl ock, I sse" hove bt'tll as high a !'. ~ule include Neva L, Boyd, p IO' p, r ow II !lccl'etnry CoLumbus Y MI'. and Mrs, Harold Beason I'sd, utlonc Thompso n la!'.t Wed tl Woodmen mem ber ship now to· 40 and 60 p r cent when bir08 rc~s.ol' \l.f $ociology, Northwe stem l w .C.A., a'nd Dt,. C·eor..... T. HIll'd-' of Dayton wer S\l nday visitol'hl say. lCOnyention. and ther is a possibility th at De Emmett Brad- tals. nea~ly 400,000 m en, or- were kopt unti l th.,y iliC'd U ",g " sha w. Omaha, national president, ganu:ed 1Il about 8,000 lO~Al . .' I1\ve~lty ; Lynn I~ohrbough, iT\ Ing Ill, p~y l'\iatri. t all(l dir etor, 'o f Mrs . .E thel Bea.wn Irn d Mr. and ~~ ........ - - • will also atten\!. . camps, in 44 sta tes. • G. S. IckPr, hlo Pourtry Im- ~el'nall?n811Y kn0:WTI authoTity .011 H I'tiing ·anatorium. MI'9. WI lbur McCarren. ~~ Prominent Sovereigns of this Two $1,500,000 RelUDd. pl"OVement ~sso.ciBtion, represent- l~c~ent~o.n and ~elsure 1 ad r hIp; entral ommittcc · sponsoring Mis J essie Garner mad a NOTICE TO OUR In the spring of 1936, and a gab IJd t.hl.! 0 ? nlzBtl on at th e ~loetin~, . 1I.Ilthctoin F. rl'1 Rohrbough, au- the institutt! L compoJSed of R. . hort call II. t t he Almon Fen is FRIENDS AND PATRONS • Jurisdiction who have indicated I that they will attend includ.e in February, 1937, the a ssoci.,. J ..A. DaVid on. Ea t L!lJ1sang, MI- thor an d .e dlt.or of books .and re- Bruc TQm. Ohio tate nivel's;- home Saturday.. . L. C. Wolf. of Columbus, state . chlgan !lJ1..l '" B' - r - ' " t I ' Begannanl Ma ... 1 , " p . . au "'" .LIl!x lng- ~o,u~ce l11R ena ~ on c~eatlve leis- ty, chairma n ; H. Ross BUllee, 0 Mr. E lden Du nfee spen t a few .. ' manaier : Louis ' Stoffel. Cleve- hon returned about $1500000 " assessments to its ~e~belll. lon, Kentucky, were del egates u. Ie, .J . P. Schmldt. Otuo tate Un- hio Al'ea Y. 1\1. . .', ad I1 ut- days last week, the gue t ~.t Mr. \ HA IR CUTS WILL BE 35c land, field supervisorj Chutes G. These were the largest single t,'" rl~Ont simi lar organizations in t. E t . S h' . v~ I Allhoff, Dayton; O. H. Fisher, funds ever made by a fraterna.! lho e .'! tntes. Prole ' 0 1' E. L. Da- IverSI Y . It enSlon ervice; Roy C In .'on, Ohi o Pal'DI B ureau; Mis. nnd Mrs. Curtis Nash in Da yton./ WE ALSO WILL CLOSE Akron ; A J . Diedrlchs, Cleve- society, and affected, nearly 300. , ken, Ohio State Uni vel'.ity. an d orenson, S2istant genera l Powell: I\l~. Eugene lI. Rain y, Mr. Dwight Benson a nd Miss M N OAY & WE DNE DA,Y ~~;K~~ ~~~~s~~~;l~:r: 000 members each ;yeal:. Ellglbl~ Director . G. Williams Woo ter tary of t he Nation,al Council of ITo.mel', hlOi W, Elb rt ta~n, Mal·j Sm it h of Sp'ringfield .spent EVENlNGS At 7 :00 O'clock • ley, Portsmouth; and William F . ~~o r=hdSeldWaerebenaellBCmi'aerymbcec·.~ o.hio Expe.l i.ment Station, g.a,,; the Y,M.G.A.: Alt amay Knapp Cal O'hdiOR lU'isJtian. r.lL~ ionnry ocicty', Saturday aftnn oon at Mr. Bellta lk· k ~I th H k' . , an ev, am A. Vel'burg, Pres- son's home here. , Earnst. Dayton. tUicate (in IOod standing at t!:e .:5 e I Ml1mg e pOll ry tHtu- illS, . !o r~er Instru~~tor lit public bytE)] inll Board of Chri. tian E d\lThe f ire. which damaO'cd 11 par t C. LEE HAWKE Bleei Sovere.lp Camp Delerate. end' o! 193D) for two years c, t' atum in hto, school musIC and i sit to I f Ik t .. ORVILLE e RA Y more. I PI'orcssor Dakan WR empower' II rue r o o ' f ca on. of the Wymer Downcy hom Is t



Woodmen to Meet in Toledo on May 2, 3 arid 4














beAt ejected to represent &he juristhi.s meeting, delegates will .diction at the Sovereign Camp convention, the supreme repre. entative legislative body of the .Woodmen ot the World, which lIleets later in the year. A feature of the convention will . . th, initiation of a large class III JDembers from all .eotion. of

President Bradshaw, who f"i honored and respected in eVotr.,1 state in which the association (, 1>-: ~rates, is particularly interes ll'C!' 10 ~provin. and enlargir" Ir.:. serVlce. of the c."t lt:i World Memorial bo.pUal at s,.. ,' Antonio, Tex. Bere, m,:tr. _ _~ afflicted with "'berou~" tre.tect ..wa.ue ....


~ ~~~ ;Fiiiiiiijiii;;iii~iiii;iiiiiiiiiiii;;iiiiiiiiiiii~~:;~~iiii;;;;~~~~~iii"iiiiiiiiiii~;'iiiiiiiiiii~;-;;-;;;-;~~-==-=;-.~;-~~-~;

d to appoin t cQmn}it.tee t.o dra w th reI' lutl(~n Lo be sent to Sec l'tl tal'Y Wal/act'. '}'femb ~ of t he comrnitt c inc lude feed T(lanuIacturors. equipment el1er~ , hatchery rnen, and pubU her of poultry joumal. as w II os fann 'oWners' of It C' f th I . po~ 1')1. ople 0 e reso uthe hon Will be -c nt to poul~ organ~ . or." ~ ....... 1. ~.:;;:;;;;~.,.,........_ ,.... , - - _ _ .' .. . . _ _ iza tions in s veral states a nd t hey !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'! will be a kod to lend their infllu- I !! • . ence to get the research stat ion . Davtona' established n.s soon as possible. \


Improvement At



Leading Store

ANNOUNCING Our seventy-Third Anniversary Exhibit and 'Sale of

Fine Monuments and 1\ arkers At Xenia, Ohio


II Mrs. Orvill e GI'IIY l'ecently visited her . tel', MI'. RUl!sel Ne~l who unde~ ent an operation in Cincinn ati. Mrs. M. E . Mouser (nee Mar y IIu ote.r) of Young town, Ohio spent a few daY$ this wee k with 1.1r. and Mrs. L. n. Gordon. " Guy Routzo.og has purchased the farm 01 'J ohn C. Adams on the Waynesville-Lytle Road. 1111'S. J~ h n Bu iegar, Mrs. Nonna!. Buicgar and Mrs. J ess ·Ross 'If So. III a feW' weeks the sound of ri- and will relieve congestion in other Lebanon were gues~ of Mrs. Della veting T(lachines will herald the ap- departments of the store. it is said. Venl/.hl lusl Su nday. I lIfl's. Mab le Davis unde rw ent a proach of the new and Jarger The n ew addition, facing on SecRike's Department SOO.r e here, ac· o;nd StTeet, is pla nned t o give 'Rd- tonsil opel uiion in Dayt on last cording to an anpouncement made ded space to the vSl'iou8 selling de- Mon~IIY' . by the exeeutives of the Rike-Kum partmcnta. · M ISS DoriS Salisbury i.lj spendjng IeI' Company l'es.t:erday. When this Since the p lans entail one story . the week with her ~ster! Ruth. who new )lunding is complew, the MI- fo the pr.esent·build.lng, the rem9V- ls attt>ndin g the Unjversity of Ala. ami Valley may boast of having al o;f the cornic es. is necessary. The bam a in TUscaloosa. Alabama. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Fulkerson one of the largest and most mod- present architectu;r~1 detail, howern department stores in the ever, that of Greek Revival Inf lu- have moved to their nome on Rt. State. .ence, will pe-retained. No. 42. Plans under construction call A new bank of four high-speed .Mr. and Mrs.· Charles Gordon for an eight story .addition t o the passenger elevators will be added a nd EOPI Robert, of Harveysburg present buUdlng as it now stand .. to the present elevator lIIystem, and spent 'sunday witn Mr. and Mrs. Work of laying the foundation for two new high-speed freight eleva- L. H. Gordo n and Miss Abby Gra- I the new addition has already been tors will be installed ill order to in- bam. started, and erection of ateel will erealle lIe.r vice facilities. Mrs. Warre n Webster, .o f Day- , begin wit hin a few weeks. The enApproximatEly 1 ~50 ton s of new ton, sp ent T hursday II.S gue8t~ of Largemeni will givP liike'll IIIpprox- structural steel. lire-proofed wit h of Mr. an d Mrs. John Adams i.mately 600/0 mON floor space. A. concrete, will be ueed in the new Ill1 d daughter. Mar y. bout 8,000 Dayton men, will 1>6 e.ddltion, accortling to plans. HarRev . G, C. Dibert was called to em~loyed at different perlod's ry . Schenk of Schenk & WlIliam s, Pando ra. Ohio t o preach a lunerthe COllSfuction of the addition, w~s, the architect when the present al last Tuesday a.tternobn. and ~ is estimated that 4400,000 building was built just 26 yea1'S · - - --will be paid as'VI'ages to theae work ago and is In charge ot plans for THIRD OHIO CREATIVE • LEISURE INSTITUTE TO BE men. the enlar&,ement of the stru ct ur e A modern, a ir-conditioned room now. It . ill hoped that the addition AT WILDWOOD

Completely Remodeled Di&playRooma Open Daily \

Original Deaigna Ma,ter Craftsmanship ' ) Perfect Service




ill included in the plans, and will will be completed by late fall. hnv e a one of i1:& f eatul'es 8 'comSTATE C"R-OP- REPORT plote walJ built 01 ~18S8 brick.- A --larger and lnore modern kitchen Based on April 1 co nditi ons will serve t he n ew dining room and Ohio's winter wheate crop will to, pl'ovid moat- of the food prepara- tal 44,415.000 buahels. according 1111 lor t h Employees' room. tion tbe Gri1l on dinine the first 110 01' A Ilew aod luger beauty salon will be located in the new addition on th e lhird !loor, adjoining the ! lIshion department.. It will occupy lo bo", twice t1)e floor space of the pr Bent salon, a,nd will have the 010$1. modern equipment and faclliliea for handlinlr ita patrons. Comple~ly 1)ew and larrer fur vaal Dl be lut,aU.d, .lld will the Il e developme1ltB in P .... ttor8Ce equlptlOII wiD abo ill e of the

The third annual Ohio Creative Institute wilL be held .at Camp Wildwood, n eal' Col umbus. f rom May 17 to 22, it was announ ced to day by Carl R. Hutchlnson, of tht; educational depart ment of L~ j su r e




.. ~ ... te heart'. lrlDYte (or. loved one. W bat' more fittinll ellpre•• ion of luch devotion could btl cho.en th • .,1 • Dodd. Memori.l? Pbi.e..inl! incllividu.l beauty and 'b'eIlatb .. ever 1.llinl ,•• love it. .lf, Dodd. Memoria•• pay hillb tr'ibute to the ..,emory ot .lo.ed one. who b.~ve rone. They will withll.nd the .,lementt. for C!enturie•• In '~elD you ha.. ..curlty and . .ti.f.ction. '

Nothing" too 'ove; our central m.nuf.ctarin, pl.nt in Xeni•• See the Memorial.' bei!!. fa.hIODed from hUla bl.,.:k. of aranita. You 'Will ap. preciate tb. Beauty .nd Quality of tbe un, fini.bed Memoria". Exhibit .urp. . . . . .11 othera we have -abown. ' It fePr.aenb the.•• and. emperience 'of aeventy-three year•• A wUl ,,,,nqu . .ti~bly pro.e int.r_tiDt and ••..,. helpful.


Have you heard Earnest Roberts, t he Memory Singer, over WHIO on Wednesday afIbernooon at one-thirty o'clock. We pregent him for your entQr.tainment and welcome ' ;you to his large listening a·udience. .

Tble George" &. SOns Grant'·te'·', ~',0".

t 7 a t ¥'. OU ItIell A


"7 h e l S enJlce ' . e M emona e


. Nt



.-&• . ee " J '

' ~"rel'tfla

r~~~~~~~r;;;;;;';:~~l~~~~~~~~~~;;;;~~~i~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~:~i~; """'p ....

crop service. e f igul'e to an repotiing e,'stirn&te by th e feTh deral stat e repre~cnts an increa se of 2, ..... 000 in comparison with the 19361 ..or ...\'O total but ill 2,000,000 bushels less Mew.. ~,... S. ~'MK' t ha n t.he 1935 wheat crop. Wheet, corn lind oats etoc:k8 on Ohio farm on April 1 were elltimated to be slightly more thaD ~ the lise of the stocks at the time last year. G-R-O-U-P-MiETING OF DAYTON DISTRICT F. M. S., meetina held at the local Methodiat CIHm:h . . . . . '

en As' verlasllog As Love Itself

Eirhty-Ninth Year


Wayneaville, Ohio, Tburada3l', April 29, 1937




_ _ __ 1





Mary Ann Burton Observe. Birthday


Mary Ann Burton celebrated her birthday with a party and those enjoying the oceasion we re, AIoorta Brannoek, Anrl attl)rth4-H C l ub..~ throughout Warrell waite, Don Rye, Jenny L e Brad- ounty will be (}rganizing d\lriop. Editor of dock, FI'Ilncis WMtak er, Ann Ro- the month of May states Lest er J, Mr, and Mrs. J, D. Marlatt celeTHE MIA"l .'" GAZ, E'l'TEMr. John Drew Ridge, l'Ion of gers, Mary Ann MeUoh, Bobby Miller, cQunty ag'lIt and Mi ss Eli, llll.!!tings, Danny Simpson a nd z.s bet.h Graddy, hom dt'tnonstra· brated t heir 60th wedding atlnlAnne Sweet Ridge and th late In opening my las·~ week's Gaver~ary a t the ir home on Noto. Phyllis Martin. tion Bg("nt. , Clifford S. Ridge, who for th e IOllt zette, almost the first item my eyes tr et, Su nday April 25, 1937. APPI'oximately sixty different 10 rested on was your eommenL on .. nine months has been connecte d At the noon hour they served _ cal clubs with a total member hip with the Nl,ltiona.\ Parks Service in t h old time ubscribl~r to ou r old three course dinner tQ Mrs. Jl!8ld. of nearly one thousand boys and Washington, D. C., is Bhortly going home ))&per. 1 was dl~appointe<l Robitzer of Day~n; M'r. and Ml'II. girls will enter the 4·II Club pro· to Motococha. Peru, as mining geoalsQ to not find an}'thing in Lhe 'Merle Kerns and Mughter Joan. for 1937. gl'l\m 'logillt for the Guggenheim Corpor. paper from any one I knew, I sup. and Mrs. Roy Johnson of Clev&, Boys and girls joining the club po e I woqld be called an oldation. He hlUl a contract tor three land; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walter can se.l ct allY of the following yean. He and his wife will llBil time r as on the fir t of last Januand on, Robert and Miss Maude projects: pigs, sheep, dair)C. cattle. May 10 from New York City. His III'y when I renew~d my ubscripHern oC Dayton; Mr. and Mrs. A. . •1 u.~e! • S ' poult'!'y, colt, gardening, farm mec o mother i8 one of the edlton!! scc· InadditiIYn to the signed tion it madE! 56 yearl>. Now, since The Tn-State- Christian R. E'8'1:'nhart and sons, LeMar. retaries of The Nationnl Under- ficate, M'rso Graham, alao «lcel~ed 1 come to thing of it- th at is a amp i held each s umm er at Chau hanics, clothing, coolUng, roo m ax Earl and Alton and Mr. L. N. writed at Chicago. six of her endorsed reCipe, Jong time to be "plan,king down' tau qua, Ohio and is composed of rang me'(lt, etc. Printz. The only regret at that Last year over eight hundret: "Jacie" Ridge, as he Is familiar· each bearing th.e Better Uomes and for anyone thi ng i n"t it? ,Well, r young people b tween the Bges of time was the absence of their only 1y known, got his Bachelors and Garden!! Stamp 01 Recipe Endorse will own up- sometime I would 14 to 24. These Christian Young boys and girls were m mbcrs ot son, Raymond Marlatt and famil,. Doctors degt'!ee at the Univenity m nt, which she i 'ving to h er Friday, April 30, Waynesville's think when my subscription Tun P oplc gather there from OhiO, 4-H clubs in Warren ounty. Th~l of Eugene, Oreg~n. The guest had of Chicago.His parent, both (Iativ~ Track and Fi Id team meets Spring out that I would not ren.ew it put Indiana and K~nt:.ucky for one attended at least ig'ht local meet n Very pleasant time chatting with of Waynesville, graduated from Gooham's endorsed recipe bOlO and FNl-nklin at Franklin H. when the time round I al- wCoek of real Christian 0activily. in~, completed a l'ccol'd book anl~ the bride and groom. the high Ichool. Hia grandfather, folIo So This promises to be an ex.eiting ways did because, somehow it al. The camp this year will be held exhibited the'ir project at the loca. Then frorn 3 to 8 they had Qpen the late DreW' Sweet,. tor many Stuffed TOmAto Sakd meet in which Waynesville fans ways seemed Lo Hnk me to my child July 19.25. Tbe entire cost per county fair. house for other relatives and frio All boys and giTls interested in years was editor an.d ow~er of The 6 firm Tipe tomatoes bave high hopes of another victory. hood oome and r always look for. per.son is $10.00. ends of which 125 gue t greeted 4·H CI~b work this yenr s hould Miami Gazette -end later estab· 1 cup peas Charles Hoyle is added. to the ward to its corning and sometimes The Tri-State 'Young PeQple ere them. llshed the Waynesville News. 1 smaU celer heart, cbopped local line up as a high jumper and my heart has been fiJll d with pl ea 'having three banquets thi$ Sp'ring. see their local lead er or leave theil In their dinning room a at the county office in the (ul tea table with the keeping o. ' I (5 1-2 oz.) can shrimp J'ohn Boger will replace Max SUI'e and sometimes wlith sorrow as The first one was at Latonla, Ky •• Court House. ye-Jlow gold with candle and JeUaw Mnonnaise tephens in t he 220 yard dash ac· it would record the passing away -April 9th. Now comes the one at r0.!1e8. They served a daiflt1 luncb Salt to taste cording to Coach Bodenbender's of some of myoid timcl friends and Ferry on May 7th, starting at 6 :30 to every guest. The rest of the Scold, peel, and chill tomatoes., recent shifting of the wearers of . cboolmates. I imagine very few of p. m. The cvenitlg will be fill ed house was attractive with cut floWl tbcm are living ther~ now and what with pep songs led by Russell Mar . •ScooJl out centers, ]oo.ving iil'm the Orallge and Black. etl! and potted planta~ ---- 'P rlect shells. ombine peas, cel· TheSe local track meets between few there are, like myself are get tin; mu ieal numbers, toasts, Itnd The. New Century Club met at ry an<l , nrimp and add mav~n- schQol have created in'ta-rest in ting away down the w'estern slope the main address will ~e given by tbe home of MI'S. J. B. Crabbe on nai c to moisten. Serve on CflRP track and followers of the team are of lite. I used to know everyone in Rubert Anderson, mini ster of the Susanna Collins (n Mou ntjoy') Friday, April 23rd. Th& ,p resident Ictuce leaves. confident that the team bas im- and around there but 1 have been Columbia Avenue Church of Chri t dauglhter of Joseph anel Mary called the meeting to order and 21 - • proved under the contests. .... away long, I feel a.lmost like a in Cincinnati. The third banquet Mountj oy Wlls born near Clarks. members responded to roll call. Tri·State Club Has Session This is the la t enga.geJ:llent be- stranger thel'& now, bllt I will al. will be at Germant.own, .Kyo, Jun(l vilJ\!, April 18th 1877 and departl!d this life ~pril 18th, 1937, at Aftel' t he busi~nell8 meeting a Verj ' The Tri.State- Club, composed ot for~ the CQunty Track and Field way!! have <a warm place in my 18th. pl'OI'I'8m prepared the young people of the Ferry and Meet which will be held Friday, heart for Wa l:nesville and its peo· The Camp QUicers are W. C, the ' age of 60 years ... An all-eount1 grade muBie Mrs. Emma Piliree, H. l'an' Wayne ville Cbl'lrches of Cbpst May 7th at Lebanon F1airgrounds. ple-,but say this is r'unning into Burris, min' tel' of Hillsboro In October J 902 he was united festival is to be held at the count, .. nd MTIl. E. L. ThomQ was pretl· hod thelOr regular n'Anthly meeting LOC-AL- -NEWS letter. , s.o will top or you will f Ch . t C M na"'eM in ma.rriage to Messenger Collins fair grounds on May 14th • -, t th or i S , amp ented. T he f ' · nU,m. be r. 0 f the" Sunday wlth- VeTdena Fox. There Smitb who suffered a d rop t h IS m.o . e wast e. bas ke t U?- Church Executive committee Arch a.. Hoven, and to this union six children The gradea are to be grouped born,and five girls, Mrs. Knowl Lizzie into four S~ti9ns and each croup program was a BOng, A prl I Eyes were twelve present along with broken ..arm and severe head wound , Tea d so, oWlS h:mg you success minister of Chase Avenue Churc h were McKeever Mn. Berthtt. by MI'8. H. 8. Mrs. Tho- four of the women of the church a couple of weeks ago in an 'autOand hope .you Will of Christ' in who broad· W esville Ml1l Fanny will p'r esent a number'of eo-np. mas read 1811 interlll!ting and hum- who hl'lped plan the menu ,the mobile accident at Frrutklin is re enJOY hVlng In Wayn,eSV1J1e I 'l'e- casts every Synday morning over ton of aynLeb ' M ' La . In addition, an aU-eounty ,....d. orous paper banquet. The group was served ' . I main as your well wil3hlng friend WKRO as minister of the Wayside Albertson of anon, 1'8. Ulse band and orchestra hae been ,orh on "Humor". ·..... it she s&Jd wOtb d liciou8 rcl'l·eshmenta. covermg mceDodson y. Harveysburg and Viole. trastlng umol" Wh ... w Miss [ris of Toledo hlUl and su b crl'b er,-: . Church. Chairman, Chester .'\. will· Walker t home'ofalso one son. Walter of ganbed for the occasion. Other that humor is, elwa18 a\)!Solute IThe Ladies Missionnry Society returned to make her home with Mrs. Priscille S. CQmpton. ialJlJ!on minister of the Chut'ch of a , 0 ' , events will also be. feat~red on the ' ... th w"'le -WIt is fanciful We do • 'u 635 Carlisle Ave " L P tary 'Manchester OhiO, n u " • met with tt)e loadies of Waynesvi e ber grandmother, Mrso C. J. MarDa Ob o' , Christ Seotda e,o a.; &ccre . To a'l1 many friends and varied prograll,l . n'Ot lauah at bot. It.. church in the home of Mrs. T. B. quardt aDd entered her Junior yoo.r _ __ _ Frank Buck, for neighbors, Mrs. Collin's death About 200 tudents will r-epre. seventeen memben at Springboro. BEECH GROVE NEWS Cincinnati Bible Semmary, Treas has been a great shock. She was sent the WayneSVille grade•. A keen sense of humor 18 Vital to Brannock everyone and suceessful peop.le are present and eleven visitors. Mrs. Heleu Graham and da!Jghurer And the teachers are con' . . d The county music teacbers 6ft al_ys cheerful. D . The for di cusslon was tor Dolores Jean were weekend Mr-. a.n d Mrs. WilbUir McCarren . t d .. ten chosen from th.e the ltind of a nelgb.bor and fnen in charge of the Event. Mr•• Roaer of her ' ..... Mr. and Were shQPping in CiDl!innati Tues secra llTCa e mlnJs n+.A Ohi0, was "Phillippine Mission Work, Under , that all knew they .could depend d of al""n. then uce d a'll d pve a. ve.ry . ' th Direction of Les1ie M' .. r.s. C. L. Duke. day morning. The Waynesville ana Ferry 'on in time of sorrow and need.k FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST W. C. Smith, a&ni.t. ,talk on Alaaka. Dunng The bfferl'ng amounted t" $4.82. , J Les.-'r Kenn'clr who -so Mr. and Mrs. Almon Feries were . hwhdole TIdfe ,,:as stoPenhtlin th Ul'&e ot his tIllk iH! dwelt 'Up. 0 " ' ....,......., . I f til A B Churches have II local club ~rgam... mgar an rylllg e p every Perry TbOllUUl, S. S. Sap·t. t e co I · histo . The society received four new seriously injured in an automobile , Sunday d nner guests 10 e . . zed Cor the purpose of getting the 'th whom be came i'n conSunday on Alaaka'lI ry, In members into •their organizatoD. accident on . Route , '18 ,G Talmage family and Miss ' Jessie young people interested in fTri. du.trl. colomz&tlonon,an d fl~owen. h several f e to. to to'net. ac WIll anyolie W88 ill in the Bible School 9 :30 ,,: m. T' ded with anoth· WAYNESVIu.E CHURCH weeks ago, IS now at orne rom ani r. State Camp and ralse mone community sbe was always one Preaching 11 :00 a. m. e he ht S gn by OF CHRIST the hospitalllnd slowly recovering. Mr. Mearle Terry made a busi· help pay part of e.ach young of the first to offer help. Sermon subject, "WhAt it takM er B01IJ' B E . h 011, Mis8 Dorothy Mid ness trip to Xenia Saturday morn· 80n's way to the Offlcen • To fam;ly he was all that for a Churcll Member to be Saved" ........, bour• R. W. C•••i......i...... ..... • di ..., goat Sun- i.g. ,,, th .Iob. • " <om....d 01 • wit. and mo"", 'quId b" Tuesday ColJller and the Mlues Janice RoPr Browa, S. S. Sup't. day at the Duke home. M1:S. Patience Thc>mpson wibo Savage, Treasurer and They aJways came Jitst her, Prayer Meetilll 7:46 p. m. Mary Eva LeMay and Mr•. George Reeder, who has been ill the past Mveral weekS de,ua Fox, ecretary. These young and no task was too hard to unLesson from ..tcts 11th chapter. Ra l' C bb isted the' bQi!tel!& Sunday: . been In poor health the past Wln- is slowly convalescing at her home expect 125 to be present at dertake if ahe tb.ought it would Cincinnati Bible Semina!'J" SW refreshments Bible School 9 :30 a. m. ter is somewhat improved. . Mr. &lid MTs. A. B. Talmage, J. the banquet. benefit her loved ones. A de_ lenta brings us a program )(a7 11 . 110. ra d In tbe IIM'VII'I&' lel!8Qn':Abraham, ' dMr. Gar LOCAL NEWS ITEMS' voted wife and a lov'ing mother 'tarting at' 7:45 p. m. to mem beenC an d i'~Ita• Ml... ..... A Subject M f of Fa:ith " ".. and Lo Mrs. II D ·Elmus fCarmony Sprirup Lee Talmage and ' MiSis Jessie . e M B d M H B Earn an o . an !II.ISS ue a ouce 0 ._- ner attended the J'Ilc'k Rich sale are two titles greatly to ,be de-Friday, May 7th. ha-:. n. ' . ' Lesson Text: Gen. 12.1-9,13:14 field w-ere Sunday callers on Mr. near last Tuesday. Mr. and en- sired and she .d eserved hem both. rown an Tri-State Banquet at 6:30 p. m. -18. and Mn. Wilbur Clark. This place was well represented tert&ined at SlX 0 clock on 1 her early girlhood she deThere was o~ &ddltion by baptLOCAL NEWS Christian :00 p. m. Mr. William and son, at the Ed. 'McFarland sale in Sunday' in honor of the birthdays ser.:ed them both. 'sm last Sunday. At the beautiful country borne EndeayO'r l!ubJect: How I Billie of Lytle, Mr.. Henry Bur- Harveysburg afternoon. of their two the [n her early girlhood she unNEW Jones BURLiNGTON of ' L. J. Satterthwaite on Salem Make My Vooation Chrt - gess of Ferry, Mr. Virgil Fe.ul of Mr. and Mrs. Brannan Misses Betty Manlyn and. Dorothy ited with the Mennonite Church Sylvester of Chicago can Pike. D""... 9h1o. M,•••d Mn. b_. . , ML a.lly, M,. C1u,"" W.ol a.d "i" Edna D.dg• • , X.nia Yo"n". at •• bot .t I.t. y•.,. .n .ddre. . .n the relief Albert Hawke were bonor suesta Preachmg '1.46 p. m. ard of thIS city wer& Sunday C'&11 spent the weekend as t he guestl! of Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Stroud of she w'a sn't privelcg4.'4 to attend ;pain at the Friends Church OD to an elepnt dinner and 8Mwer WelJnesday: ers on Mr. and Ml'II. HaT?1d Gra· Mrs. Patience Thomps<m and Mrs. Dayton. were guests at Mr. and many .services. loy afternoon. on Sanda,. After dinner the b?de '1:46 p. m. a and dalllbteT, Hennetta on Mabel Terry. Mrs. E. T. ,S troud on Sunday. God's plan for us is sometimes °Mrs. Vernoll Stilell and ehUdrea was hlvited to open ber beautIful Bible Study taken from 9th cb p Fifth street. Mr. and Mrs. Lowen Early and Mr. and Mrs. David Ross and hard to, und erstand but we rejo-ice pent last week , with relativee In 'and useful : preeenta. ThOSe wno ter of Acts. . Mr. and Arthur Shoe- ehildre1l of New Cl'rliille were Sun family of Ridgeville spent Sunday to that she bas onl)' gone Xenia. were invited to the day were Our attendance Sunday and fa1JUly of 0., dey evening visito1'8 nt 'the Terry evening with 'Mr. and Mrs. Ralph on before to be to welcome C. E .. Dowdell ot Xenia. a Mr. and 11ft. Albert C•. Hawke, ing numbered 8'7 and tbe evenmg spent Sunday with Mr. aDd Ill'll. home. Hastings and 90.11, Boby. ' WI home when our time shall come. : emperanCe address at Communl"y same. Virgil ShoemakeT on Street.. Mr. and Mrs. P-erry Wells en- - Ma ' has accepted a and chilo Club Tuesday evening of last week, Mr. and Ill'll. P. B. Hawke an.. M1sa service CJeo Hawke of Lytla; IIr. FRIENDS ROME NEWS Mr. and Mrs. DaJl. j)f teTtained their' friend, Mr; Joe Poin Dayton ' with. the Me. dren, three \:1rothers, . Robert Miss Marjorie Haydock . . . R. V. Sibila, lIIiM.Louise SibJl" and Mrs. 'Erma HaNey was in Dav near Lytle were viaiting In Dayton well of Ke1Itucky, seve'ral days last ,Insurance Company. Harveysburg, George of Oregonia to bel' School Clau Mr. Sibda, KI88 Stella ton Satutda. Sunday. week. ' Y ra I E Adams and Edgar of Dayton, one sister, Mrs .m Fr)(lay evenrng. Those , preMaQ Vance of Da,wn; Mr. a.nd Mrs. Miss Bertha DOIlUe of Wilming,Mr. and Mn. Fred Hubble, 111". Min Hannah Jordan pleuantly Mr. and M . . 'f D Nancy Lewis of Harveysburg and were: Misses Ed.n a Wad, H ..... James Morria nd two IOns &nd ton called on tier relative, 'Mra. and Mrs. Perry, Thomas, Mr. and entertained sixteen membel'll of the I Jack and Richard 0 ta numerous other relatiVES and fri- lYUnd-enhall, Rhea Jeanette Blair, dauchtera and Mr. Lou 1I0miof Mary Adams Sunday afternoon. . Robert Gibson. attended the Friendship Club at heJr bome on ltou were the gues. enda to mourn ller loss. . Charlotte. }lanman, Sabina, Ohio; IIr. and Kn. "'W..... 111". a'lld Mra. W. H. Rehlins and NatioDal Conveutlon at India..... Wednesdayaft e.rnoon. , Mr. Mr.. Jolin . •• -.. Gone. dear mother, gone forever, M:ary Louise 100... a'Dd ren Elpe, and 1I11a IIU'J Satter. d Ulrbte f Dayton called Sunday polls, Ind., and were a'Ueu of IIr. Mr. John Cummines of near ghter. ¥ary. Ho'Y we'll miss your smiling Dlanche EpanB. r,o M Maraaret Mar- and Mrs. WUlialJ\ Drake, formerly Waynesville made a ..bort can at I Mr. and Mrs. Rusaell Sall.sbury face • Mrs. J. W. Barton. east of town. ' thwaIM of CtDkrrille, Ohio; Mr. o and • • .Art.her Slamer. . . . ti ternoon on rll. residenta of thla 1he Talmage home Sunda, evening. ! and family, Mr. &nd Mrs'. W. P. But left us to remember died Thuraday at the Miami Valle, .lIabel Staup, IIIN Edna Mai. nirr; aDel M1'8. R.. Brane of )IT. and lin. Ben Smith of I Mr, and Mrs. Clyde and Salisbury and Mr. and Mr.. Leon Nona on earth can take ' your Hospital follow!nc an opendoD Staup of Lebanon; 111'. and lin. 8 rID i ld II d Mn. Nick Oaborn and Mr. Uld lin. Georp children viBited MTS. Sam. parents Salisbury were dinner , pelte of place ' , for gall stones. Funeral•• lIenl"J Satt.rtllwalte, Mr. and lira. 'M":' Lucas of Smith motored to Tuel l' Mr. and Mrs. Eph. Smith of the M't. and Mrs. Harve, and tam.A . happ; home we once enjoyed were held 'in , Dayton on TuMda,. HaITJ A. Batterthwaite and' two Sprinrfield caned on Miuel Fre day and took dinner a"d .upper Olive Branch .last. ily on Sunday. How the memory still; Mr. and Mrs. KeDneth Icml &nd two daqilten, RU;th E·· cia d'E I , H ' S da after with Dr. and M.... E. J.. Smith. Sund,y. Mr. E. F. Lell.., of Atlanta Ga., But death has left a lonliness Columbu8 were peats last we.k Battftthwalte, Cbarle,. SatterttJ.. 1 an rma arvay un y " Mr. and Mn. 1I0wvd licKeD.. IIr. Cal Houn and family, aTe I Bpwt the. -weekend with Mr. and The world can never fill. I f Mrs, Robert'. paTents. Re'f. waite, Robert Satterth'W1llte, I. P. noon. zie and Frances Smith of New moving from the. farm owned. b, Mrs. F. U. LeMay and family. You are galle but not forgotten, :.!rs. Weaver. , Tbomu, HUlb Burnett of WaynM Mrs. Dodle, Keevel' of Vienna .Pe'llt Sunday evenin, Mrs. Effie Cbe:noetb to the Mr. and MI'!. Rorer Brown, Mn. Never shan your me-mory fade, Mr. and MTS. Roy ConkUn . . ville and Mr. and llrs. L. 1. ville. called on friends at the with Rev. W. C. Smith and family. Miller farm near WaYllleavile. IT •. B. Bnnock, Rev. and, Mrs. W. Sweetest thought, will always Janis Mae spent the weekencl with trwatte. . Sunday. Mrs EdThe of Ferry Cburcm. Funeral Bervices for ,MiM Flor., C. Smith and IITS. Fred Hubble of 'Mr. and Mrs. Martin a.rt..Ila ... J ' Fu • Jeanette \VII Mra. HOWEll Ple,: e, J L'M cleared ,,2.00 at the pllbUc Al' enCe Rowe whOla deat:h ocurred In Ferry, attended the North America Around the grave where YOIl aTe "on at Adamsville, Ohio. ean . :::eadayeven!ng with mond and n. • ;n. on Monda-V, April 26th. ' Dayton; -were held Mondt.y after.! Cburch of Christ Conference laid. -Contributed. :Mrs. Jesse HUl retumed .on ..-;tM Lothair wl.n.", ,- donholl "'nt to II,., J ...1e d ............ at W....,..... C. B. CadI' ToI>o"'''' I. • • • ITEM. ' ! rom .....t "'tb •• _ . . . __ n. altomOOD to ... M,•••d."'" AI ' - ..... lI..d '..tb"r .... \ ••,... l.dla,. .n Frid., and LYTLE;E';;. B Lo ,,",b_. Ohio. Miss Dorothy Bourne entertain· ed Satu;day afternoon in honor of her sister, Mi~dred' 8 eighth birthday. Games wll'1'e the diverMrs. Keslel' Graham, Route 2, slon of the afternoon. Delicious Waynesville, Ohio, ha s just been refreshments of ice CI'eam, cake n.~warded a Certificate of Recipe an d oon d y . "'ere. served . The guests Endorsement by Better Homes and were: Tommy Wagner, Barbara Gardens for h r rcceipe, "Stuffed Orane, Bobby Gray, Ann.- Elsey, Tomato Salad." Esther Lukens, Richard W/litaker, This certJficate, which brings na Naomi Earnhart, David Ha.rtsock, tional recognition to MTS. GJ'8h am Margie Conn.eJ:', Ann Weltz, Jac kl e is given by Better Homes, & ~ar- Mulford and their school teacher, dens only 'to distihguished recipes M 1'8, Kersey. which PIII!S its Ta$Hng-Test Kitc~__ en's high sLandards 101' dependabJi . r(' ity, excellence of taste, and f a m i l y , df...)


















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11111.... ."d 1Iadaoe' of ...... - . 01 IIr aDd lin. Bert Bart.oet and .... - IIr. aIld lin. aeU7 faaIlJ of DQton .,.at , .... 111'• .ad lin. 0!7dI IIaaDelI ' l1li4 .. ......0,.. lin . ,falDDr. .... lin. .. T. vs. JIll, 11Mb.. n.... tit DIQ('IIl



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D.......t ., tbla ....... '" "." Sour Day- ..:" ,;," ..; " . : . . EPIScoPAL •CHUIlCII __ MT. and }feats of Mr and M.... guests: Mr. and Mrs. WIlbert Ik7 I, aermon aDd ec.. Y i'. • _ . WAYNESVILLE II. E. CHURCH toft on eYe- Swank and Jimmie Swank of Chi. mU1llon at 10:80. Rev, I. Death CIaima Mr. Willlam 0 ema1l cago; IIr. and IIrs. Melvyn Swank Seh..fler in eharp. IIr•.Edward A, DeLaey, father Sunda,: and IIrs ErnetJt and children, Bobby and Marjorie _ CILlNCi'iN DAft





.....of M ... Tho-. C. diad S.........., .t ............ >or S........... > at bI........ - •• 110m............ Kr .John RobhY01l. lira. 1ellie Ro ThundaJ'. April Ihd. Th. urmon . . . ; . . , _ . _ - ............. _ - _ . _ . . . . . . . . . ClJaebl1latl; wltll Once lI'Imau ud

_d lin. D..w Calftrt Uttt. daurh"'; 111'. ... Tom CalTert . . II- JW,Ia of ......, Mr. ... . . . 1Ir. I.

















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mt ffiazclte Ke f ami Iv ..:===..;:::=-~ . . . .-===' -= Lived Here Long the r -torrlc Thi,. t h(' first of a !;eri~s tor artiel whioh is bring: writl l' ll 11· liractt I.. • mith. cI Alin~ with life 1'\0(' , an d l'v('nbl in .he hi14l( of Wn 11 ~v'i1l . Hie, Phon


N.tloaal B.aIa

Will. Dra.,. • • E.ta,•• SeulN WAYNESVILLE. OHIO K~y~

( cLlndy


Call 130 lor 24 Hour Service

"llll' t bit .. ,. '1111111,

:ltany yt'nrs 3$('0, about I 19. 8 _ _ 1.:)0, Yenl fath r and moth r, with thl'ir. tlm'I' -===:;i::=======~=== cbild r n, emigrat cl from P enn. WHAT ' IS TRAFFIC CONTROL? i'yl'vania t-o Ohi Q on(i locaL d in Wayn e villI', . Ohio lo mo'kc fllt·if' ISN'T IT ANNOYING ntlLed trlll.c authorit.y rt' · C t h This mon was the n flU" . ..Ii cu. d the trRffic llcci- u ur ome. To fi nd you h~l'c fln C\' ning. , "", Itr ndtalhrr ()f H oraec P. K<!ys. fr cr of "" ('ry hilltt ,IU d every-nne, .Il nt 1''1' bl~m il1 t rm r t.hl' lhe . ubjl' t of hi~ pketl'h. Tn thiJ; Th f · l ' one ~'[) u ca II muk (O IIll yc,ur o\\"n, trp /I of rety. e II' lS pl'l'- pan of 11 yaM<, WayneMU() has \"il h 1\ If'" II 1'001-., I,j a m g fl Zini.', onol :aiety, the n ce .. ity lor . I k th Ke" ,f a...·' ,.. J ... IJt 'om~ I) " .(. ,Iu. Ic tt~ I\f\ you'v prot cting the. lim\! 11.1 live'S of (''1 nllDUOU~ y nown e I I y. \I . al. 1l0l'llCe P. Keys was orn in h l'c n \\'lll1 l i n ~ til ~t' l nt , nn,l .you hI Th e~ond i. Illoral . aiet)' , the 1 62 on lot whH h now lives tf' t into .nnll' ('PIllIy ('Iu(hcs r lg nie n ce.. ity tOl' QUI'ld"tn~ lin nppr el- - a period of 5 "earl'. H e was lhe uIler dtnn, I lind pill! com " W. and a ra~ ~nn cu"hlnfl.•· in ~uur l' I11'Y thnir, alion of th va I ue. of IlrOI) r re- ~on of Judge J ohn _ t· t h' I t1 ttl hav l' I I.... lAmp Juot I'ight, t.urn on ~In. Ion. . or Y 10 '3 . C French Keys, a native o [ New J r · th(' nil io. and H Il et ,\O me g 0 I inevitably lOv91ves the law and ~ey. Jud~ J ohn K h at! 1\ moth. L. . ...,, laW "",e\"Vance, er_ of ra r e e ecutiv ahility and o l'ch , ,t l a _. all rl s tilL. down for l'v'n inJj! yo.q\'c b~(,11 hoping Dil'-regnrd lor the laws of the when left 0 widow in h l' nc,",,' h .1 nd \\ 1 hin\! f\lT, fljl' " ks, nnu ro~d, 'n the mlnor on breeds ho~ with limited m eans. prove <l dR1:lh ! Blclh ! YOll r olcnrstra h . conlempt and di. regard for more herself amply equal to the situ a~ turneu into :1 political peech. I<erlou rule 01 s ciety, e p cially tion in which most women \\'ou1<1 • 'ow, ] II. k YIIU, who wOl,llcl among the YOilllg, Lor in th e early have faHC'd. This "ome self t~1i- hu<o!, d lib(.ra t ' Iy nnd Ill' m d~ u.g di.."J'c peet 101' law masqu ranee '8uel courag. shc handed ilat edly tu li~ (.n 0 n PQlitical ades as adv enture. down to her ~on, Judg K ys and I'IH'!.'ch, 0)1' l ny kind or spc ch on The thi~d is the ne~d lor protcc he. in turn, to his on, 11 r<lce . the or}ly frc~ ~\'(>n iJ1l.t you've had ting the economic be.n fits which Mr, Key lntber von a man of CClr l1lonth. ? rt.;:. I) JrIE'lhing 111US'iNE ;: DoNALD, FPnIDl'NT TJlE IlC rue from the wide-spread use ~r II inflQellC ;n the!' community, Ill UlIt H I 'r! d . :0 yo u g t up, put. of the automobile, 'l'raf!ic a cci- In i839 h e was hono r d with the PAl.'IIO ~ATIQ\t /J,K)/;IJ(FO FOO A t:X'MJC'N /lentA not only cost miUion& 9f office of Ml)yor o£ Wayn ~vi1le . t.h(1 b,lIl k u n tht! ta ble - your !'l ice dona~'8 directly through 10 t eal'n- In 1842 h e hecam Ju. tice 01 the ly u rl'ung~<J pi ll ws oJl fall down I'.4CtOQY "'~.4~Kl.IAJ Al/r0M081J.E c-aHR4NJ/, 1 - b UL Y u gv \I V I' to th e radio, ing pow I', 0 t time, hosp ital ex- Peace, which office he filled for and aItut' llIucb dial lurning and IlJIIElV lID fX)Y, IN ~Y~Ui'E. N. P nRes and repair blll!r.-tney al 0 30 "eal'S. , othing u h down prope lty and renltnl In" the Fall of 1872, he 'Wa e· tuning you Hnd Bl ck anoth Lhen l' to your 'h values, low up bu in e turnover, lected Probo Judge of the cou n. pr gt·am. cushio ns .aga i.n, l'e d uce the value of inv tment ty. This po.sition he held un t il the chair t Ii • portfolios, large and small. year 1879. Mr. ' Key WB! also a get yOUl' led COm fllIlab lv settled Our understanding of th e trn!~ cabinet maker and when H orace on .the OLlOll1 ll11, ell ose a nice nuti/) problem might be better served w~ but 18 years of age he enter - Ly choclliate, find YOUl' page in the il in thinking about it we ubsti- ed into the bueine s witJt, hil) fa- book, and s igh. Ah, nch luxury, tute for the '-relatively narrOw ther. A.fteT the . death of his lathPeace at lust! And, yO-l,l sta rt term "tr41ffjc safety" t!te more ac- er, be continu\!d on with th busi- 'r eading nd munching, when, uch curate term "traffic control." ness a'nd was an active bu ineas~ a racket, blating, crazy noise. Tlie Traffic control mean the appli man in Wsyne ville until a few radio. Th abomin ble thing gets of certain logical principles y~rs ago, loud t· and loud!!1', und you can 'c)ltion • id' al q, ntotor v4lhlcuJat mov ment Mr, Keys obtained his ed uca- most . ec thp. neighbol" h 109 about the advertisi ng in Eng- with a grate in each l'oom. The whioh will at once ea e congfl$tion ion. in the Wayn esvill~ aehool . their car" and calling all sorts of FIELD MEET HEl,D ON THURS land. The .English people are very rooms are very crudely arranged and r,!lduce hazard. None of the boys lire left wh o, CUI. e ' down on you. Th en with a Thursday n.ftertloon Wayne - slow to change -their mode of liv- ~d all the plumbing i done in An important step in ~he dh'et- wIth him s-wam in the old swimmi n gtt!at. denl of dismay you g t to ville held a field meet .with Mor- ing-hence the amount of advert- lead. 'tion of effect!v control is the bole 01' kated on the MiIl-rMe in the thin\(' lind twist the dial vio(OW nnd Harvey bu,ig at Morrow, i ing i negligible ~\\ c~mpared with . There arc good railroads I:Uld publicati n of the handbook, "Cre' the winter put Mr. Keys lives so 11'nt1~'. l'c eel Bahl But now, it' l'h team representing the Orange that of the Uni d tales, The omn ating Safer C 1unities," Pub· much in the past that, to him those bHL r, HI you get t'ttled again Dnd the Black was the victor, mak- radio in England ' controUed ' by trains; however, the ~tuation of the automoQile is very bad. All th ' bUL llnly t o fi nd the music has lished by state .motor v hlcle and dllYs are m Q t real. ing 55 points' compisred to 20 and th BI'iti h Broadcasting Company. streets are banked with h d Cl.'I, af ty authorities in 24 ~tea in. His hobby was watch o and f.dcd c mp le Iy away. 0 once 37 for Morrow and Harve¥sburg There i nO adverUsjng, but eaeh co-operation with the National clocks and one incident he parti- more to the rtl.dio, con idering re p ctively. The f'ollowing sho'Ws radio is taxed thr~ dollars and making th view impollsiblc . There are an average of 125' deat.hs with Bureau of Casualt y ond SUTety cularly remembers When the old thro\\oing the whole outi'it out ip the poinls seoTed, fifty cent a year to pa.y expenses. 7,000 maimed a month in London , Underwriters, 10he handbook tells f amily clock .refused to run , he the allcy, b~t with ~ c~rtain WIl y Har. · Mar The English think thnt it is be· The co t for II. car lic n e in Enghow to set up !l community traffic told his father he coUld fi;t it. His 31'1l0unt of grtm Ii tcnnmatJo l'l to 100 yd. dash ....... ..,5...... 4........ 0 neath their dignily to advertise land i $10£ 0 yeo I' and gru oline safety orglUli.zation lind pre ent father told him to . et it nlone btl ' not l~ t it _poil your disposition, Shot .... .. ... .... " ... .. 7....... 3 ........ 1 (,'0 Mr. Bradberry aid) . The costs 6 a ga llon. Th ere U! one a 8 ri of prOcedU f(lS for reduc- one day his fath r left hom e b e YOU fin.(l anotMr n.tion, It' fine, ing aecident.8 by removing th~ir took the doc.k to pi ces a~d' re- b t yet in fnct.. Sort of peppy, Pol e Vault ............ 4 .. .. ..4 ...... 2 programS are- all of the cia, ic ns- uutomobile t..o every t.hi.rty peopl , J\lil~ . ........ " .,.. ....... 8·....... 0 ........ 2 t ure with very little variety. There cau~s. It. dCllerlbes howe sential paired ·i t. Fortunately, the c:lock but n ot ~i. ~ul'hingly IfO. eated Mr. .Bradberry ,ave a v ery reyd, ...• , . ....... " .. ,6 ........ 4..... 0 is practically no jazz. .. 220 accident information is t an- IIInd c<>ntinued to run illld ogain, ~hls t Ime tlesperatt ly detel' markable picture of th~ English The English clinlnte is most diSgives instruction f<>1' developing give good time until II short while mi n d n ot t.o uotic~ if ~omcthing 44.0 yd . .......... .......... 1.. .. . ... 5 ........ ~ educational system. Evetyone has 1-2 Milo .... .. .. ......... 6 ........ 3 .... ..... 2 agreeable. The atmosphere is alenforcement, enginee-ring and edu agl), ' goes \\fo ng. But, in spIte of the eight years of general schooling cational progt;ams in line 'With ad Horace P. Keys, was for years, book that, fascinates ¥Oll, and the High Jump ........ 1.. .. ~." .... 3 " ... .,, 8. ways very humid, thus making the :free. Then if one is lucky to obtain vanced, tested methods of making a very enthusiastic worker in the deliciou andy, the Iact th~t there [)i.c\cus .......... .... ...... 6... ..... 3 ........ 2 changes in climate seem more -ex- a scholarship he may go to Gramtraffic safer and less congested. Knights of Pythias· lod e. Always Ill' no Ie. s th11n three statIOns 9n Relay ................. .... 5 .... ,.. 8 .... 0 U' me t ban they renlly nre, There mar School for four years, with In just. this kin~ of coordinated a bachelor, Mr, KeY8 and his sis- that particulUl' spot YOI1 last chose Broad Jump .... " .. ... 3 .... ... 5 ........ 3 is very little sunshine and the very exceptio nal students going on Total ....... .. ,... ... 55 " ... 37 .. 20 houses aye heated, of necessity, all commu'nlty approach to traffic ter, :Mise Addie, made their harpe kecp::! pounding o n your b.rain unto college. There are no cOllrses J ohn Boger threw the discus the 'year around, problems can 'We hope to achieve Log ther until a. few years ago lil in exa~pcration you rush over taught in manual labor, agriculturDuo to th e above-ment.ioned eli al 'Work, and instrumental music, maatery of a grave menace to the ",hen M.:i Keys d ath l seperated and hilt .the darned thing . oIf- 102 feet and 9 Inches, to lake first nation' :pel.'l!onal, mOI:nl and fin.- them. ju t in . time Lo mi , Gt'aCle and and the n took the shot put with mat~, agtricul~ure is a thing almost except bands of reed in's truments 40 feet and 71 ineh~!S. Rob ett Pres impossible. The corn crops, wheat which the atuden~ made themselancial safety. ' The borne 'Was destroyed in the George. Whlltta. life: ~on 'Won the 106 yard dash and the oahl, barle'y, and rye are grown. ves. 'The teAcherS of the clas!$es 220 with times of 10,6 and 27 and Oats is th e best 'crop because there let them sing ()noo in a while, The. one-fifth seconds r,espectively. Wi! is so much mo}stul'e. Their wh,eat classrooms llre -very cold all the; lard Furnas took t:he mile, with a is of very poor quality, it Ls nec- time . . The children are r gulat.ed time of 6.40, and 'the 'half mile essary to combine it with Amer- by rigid discipline, In the fir t with a. time of 2.34. The 'Pole ican wheat to make eatable bread. four years "t schooling, basketvaulting was won by Charles Bur- The farms are, in general, abou t weaving and book binding are ton Enl'nhart who vaulteil LO f eet. ' the same size as those in our eoun- taught to supply the puplb with ---"'ASSEMBLYtl'Y· . The controUing of s<>il eros: something tOo do during their leiOn Friday AP1'il 23 the local F. iQn IS not known at all, The ~ng Strre time. The commercllallst.8 of , , F. , A., prought Mr'. BTadberry, a. I'1,\h purchase .OU1· corn or "malse" England prefer American laborers' native of EnglanCl" Ito the high ' as th.ey ter?, It, to filed the cattle to English because · they 8ay the ' chool gymll8!jium. Mr. Bradberry and f OT .t herr own food becau~e the English laborers . lack imagin atio n ~ . 'ted to talk to the students ~ erop9 they raLe a re not all fatten and haVe no inieLative. was mVl I. T'" . . ld i Englad about agricultura:I conditions in l Ing. illS corn is 80 !1 ';CYCLONE SALLY" England. He poinE!d out that all f .o r ninety-six ~ents a bushel, In· he said was .a pictu.r e of things he I g neral there 1s ab out the same Don't forgEt the Senior ob~erved and t he sum of his opin. · farming eqqip~ent uaed at· about Play: which is to he presented uni the same expense. der the direction of Mis!! ~oe. and o~~ drew a very descriptive ~ic- Mr. Bl'adberry ~ks It is .. Mr. Brown Gn the ni~ts of May ture of the English "Bobbies" or task to keep hou~ In Eneland. As 6 and 7. policemen as we would can them, in ILll other En.ehsh enterp.,uea the. The play, "Cyclone S.Uy", is a as w'ell as a descriptiOn at the fa-- ,h ousiug conditiona are the ~e a. comedy which guArantees an evemous agencY ' Scotl and Yard. theS' wen forty years . ' Due ning of freed9n trom. worries and Of ',t,he thin,s lMr. 8'radbmry to the ciamp,elimate electricity baa cares. praised ' about Engllalld, he ranked becom e a terror instead of ~ modThe cast hic1udea the folloWing first the flo-wen, It seema that ern convenie~ce, All .the oua: Senion: El'elyn Fuuas, Edith E lishman loves flowers having electrlcity are wil'ed wi eV~1 't~g xpen or an am~ 280 volts. There are innumerable Hoyle, Glenna Woolard, 'Elsie Mae an 5 el er a~a~b 'little town haa deaths by electrocution In England. Wical, Charlea Burton ·E arnhart. teur grower. h k· ' done over a fire- OUarles Davia, Clyde Fromm, teo its tlower festival once. a year. T e coo dmgh 18 h alle he.ted Conner, and Suella Bernard. . Mr. Bra dberry spoke particular- place-- an t 60Dle! '0.


Dum Dee

CREAM.ER REFRIGERATOR SERVICE - We Service All Make.Of . Re f rll'~.tore Belh~ MotGr .Appli.lIce

209 E. Mulberry



IF. ·f. Martin



SATISFACTION Or No Charge Centerville, Ohio Phone , 78J





TNe VASt,,4








Wavnesviiie 1 ract 1 eam , 1 akes Meet At Morrow HE~aT

Mr. Bradberry 1 ell Of English Methods And Customs 111

Entire Na~ion Hails P~ace in Auto Industry







t&ATI Q.AQ: 14fSOI),OOO ...It. cauoUUllIl: _.000.000 .... ,1S~

Ina: .." .. •. ••• •. 20'-' UAT1fIl, ...It.... " .a,,.


c:b'rToH: "l.IIO ...., .•••• , , .

WOOL UMILITIlYI4f,750..000 ....

mod.'. 811alll mo",. out to 12,800 de.'er Ihowrooml throllllhout the UnIted atat... A .'ng'. 'o,.,rloecl cal' like the 1187 P'ymouth, Wheft It oom.. off the a ••• mbly line; oonta'N 1,701 povllll. of atHI and 100 pound. of Iron; 70 poundl of..rety .'.... 180 pound. of rubMr InclUding tI ..... of .oppel', to pound. of .Iumlnu.... and ..........rI... toe nllme,.. ~ InemlOll.

• -"cit TIt


automalltle ,....", ..

.Re-member tM entertainment at Lytle HaU this Friday evening at 8 o'clock, given by ·the Ladi~ Aid of the Lytle cnurch, There 'Will be good music, a short play, a nd ~verybody is welcome. AI' Clark t Saturday s pen , G IC4!C 't In the I 1.. ot EemUY Tb.aek . ~~'. 10 t '" h era f her IS VISltl1\&' a "",e ome 0 ' II E r1 Burnett .nd ~hter, rs. . a dy. Mr, Everett ZentmJTe il I!0w the bome' 01 111'. and lin. p, B. Hawke. I E--tak' Hr. and Mn. AI en.,u-... d Oft Cbu. AD~. pel W~, Bullda,. afternoon, Mr pel )In. .Jo~ AId

Muton apent BOW ~.. ~ I=.r'1

wltIl the ad .... U.

in Waynesville Saturday. . Mr.s. Cassie Hardy spent ' last week with Mr, and Mrs. Henry Wachter in DaYton. . Little Donna Hadley i • • Victim of whooping cough. Mr. E. J . Carmony came after bis mother, Mrs. Mary Carmony, Sunday afternoon and took her to his home in Springfield to see their beautiful magnolia tree, w hic b i a now. in full bloo~. G Mr. and Mrs. Georp ray returned bOllM! Sunday after .P8ll~ ine a we>ek at the hom. 01 h1r dalll'h-ter, Kn. Fred FlIk and lam-

heui'&1lC. s..'ie._ W. N:


ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN ,our cattle, hoi'S, sheep and calv•• to Norrli-Brock. Ct.., live wire and progre88ive linn flJr the bleh_ market price. and goo d ••nic •. Vaioa Stock Yarela' Cinei__ tl. O. TUll4! in on Radio Station WCKY 12 :211 to 12:80 p. m. for " ur dail, market rep!)rtIl.


10 Year

Firat Mtr. Farm Loans Frank leMay, Solieltol'

61R2 Waynesville 7 L





••• _'e ....

Centrally Located The site on which our Funeral

Home is located cii.n be reached The Lytle Ladles Aid will be entertained for their . May meeting, quickly :from any local bueine~ WednesdaY, tile lith, at the home or residential , eection. This is of Mors. .Id. Wical near Ferry. T'h e a cOl\venlence. that Is aJlP.l"eassistant hostel8es are: Mrs. Cl.eo Gray, Mrs. Vaden Wlcal and MISS dated, one that particularly MaTy Young. There "will be a recommends Gur Funeral HGme Mothers' D!y program, and eaoh member is to- invite. their mother. for services. All ot ita facUlties ". an d 11(n. na mr. ueGl'B'e G ray, Mr. may be had b¥ clienta at no and Mrs. LeslJ.e extra coat. d.'" CiaGray and G Mr. and ~ an _rs. rellce ray .... tended the funeral of Mrs. Elisabeth Barton of near New Barlincton, at the lIorril SoDI' 1lmeral 17 at Independence. Kellt1acq.. bome, in DaJt9D, TuBlday afterMr••nd Mb. Ernest Baclolph 01 I noon and burial .t lC_wa, CernD~n ~ were Sunda, afternoon eterr, Wal KIa I rueata of 111'. and lin, ter I III'. 8DCl lin. Ba,lm01ld Banett rick. of Da7toa; II" dd II... HIa B_ lin. III.,. Catm01l7 nt1Ime4 of Bellbrook; Ilia. • • TIIMJr,. JI'rkIa,. after a c1eUChtlul trip ...


_ ~_j:'..4


enlor Class Play CYCLONE SALLY

TIl<' pl·r(t·(·t . pt·lIt·rs in th!' third I/(I'lldt' {or (h(· ll\~t two w. . eks Ill' : Ilt·Hi t• .ltln 14, Esth{'l' Smith, Anna l\filcJH'II, Glady~ Rye, Norma A(lam. , il'gil Longacl'(,', Emery Lllll1b, Walter Johnson, Ronald CI<trk, Donald Brown, LeRoy Owin un tI Richard ta n~ be I'l'y. Th S ond grade haR twenty{OUI' pet'feet spellers for IU.!It week. The- lll'('ond grade is very intere ted lind busy worki'ng on a cotton proj ct. l' rfect spellers in the Iourth ~llId arc: Janice Burn tt, Raylin I a hb .... , La['ma Hildcrbrect and nuth Anna JohnG. The marbl e tournament 11M endI'd, 1'1.1' fo ll o\\ ing are wln'ncl's: 1 ,,'l'adll"- James Lamb; 2nd gradeRalph Bigg ; 3rd gra.cle-Ivin Fi·lds; 4th gl'ad~- K nn th Braelley 5th gra(Le--D nnis Morgon; and (j~h gl'ade Ev relt Smith.


The home fof Mr. and Mrs. HarMAY SIXTH - SEVENTH old McCoy a.IJld family, east,of town II as dcstr yed by fire- one At Eight O'clock dny last w ek. ,It was one of the Wayne.viUe H. S. Gym. olde.• t bomest.eaus in the neighbor Admiasion hood [lnd was built by the :father Ten, Fifteen, Twenty Cents oC t h<.> late George, John and JoRe.erve Your Seat. seph Mann.

In Advance

'- -

--- ------


.Take Your Bome Out Of The Shadows

As t ime goes OD. the h adow of decay gathel' about the old home. The l'oofing become leaky, the plumbing out of repair, th g nera) appearance antiquated. But its too good I' house to abandori. Therefore we uggest you call W. H. Madden and Co., for mater ials wit-h , which to r novate the .home compl t Iy, quickly and at smalLcost. ..... Let Us G ive You An Estimate

/ W. H. MADDEN & CO.



,Mill/)n~ (,I' VI I't I'lll lillY'"

.\\ t 11tJ\1~ IL Ih' :\l .. ytaK w:\l'\hin 111"1'el' '11(,t' to :It . ,t \"1' illl(' it \'<1, flr~t pIH('('(J ()n the m~Hket. FIJI'. 11 pro It I'.' In \('(" en"t \\.~hil1h""'; for more years - OeCllll'W it \ :I"h\· dot\w' I Il'Hll by water acLion alon - h 'cau.·c it de,,· IIII' washing' with maximum case and ;lH.'e d. Tl'uly, this .lay( Wi' thl' \Va 'he!' that yo u can b :;t aCfon\ to own, . <H'

Aw. PartiliollTo Hear lll"e ntoryPartition of l'eal estate is sought Hen.ring on Lhe inventory 'fil d if) the caRe riled by Normal S. Coy fil d by Josf:phine D. SeJlllrs, adll C again t art ibel, and othe'rS. minislratl'ix of the Ella S . ~lIcl'S . Donald Dilatush i , the attorney esta,te, has been s t Cor lMIlY 1. We recomm nd llrolllpt ;lefor the plaintiff. . Will Hearm1r~ -HOLC Fil_ Two Act ion a-Hearing on the will filed by iO Il to . eCUl'(' Lhe.<e at Pl', _ The Home Own 1'S Loan Corp., James Elmel' Bereaw, lat.e of Maent loW' prices" wh ich 1'a >(. Washington, has fil d two actions ~on, has been set f()r Aplnl 30. from $1>!J.50 to $~ltl.50 - fol' here in the past week. The first, To Air Clalmindication ' aI'e lh. I. thHe fil ed against Frank and Grace Hearing O'll the petitioln for the will soon be R I i'l! of npprHI' V . sl r, is for $7,39a.64; th sec- al lowance of an executor's claim _ imat<.> ly , 10 Jll' )' un it, ond, asking $5,352, names Jessa.m- ag~inst" the estate of Anna L. KITCHENKOOK in R. BI'itton. Frances B. Jon es Cary has been scheduled fat' May Every convenience whie h lhe fin es t citj' gas .. tove · antI William H. Jones defendants. !17th. can offer is yours, no matt r wh r you li\'(I , if you B\lwal'd W. Ivin is the attorney I Freel each en e. Nathan Fred has been named own a Kitchenkook. For 1 itch nkook lights and opASK FOR DIVORCEadministrator de bo"is non with erat s exactly like n gas l'\'t ove-in fnct it is a gas harging graM neglect, Dorothy the will annexed of the .estate of tove which makes its own gas. now has filed a slIit against John the late Eugenia Peach . . Bond of Fast cooking speed - t!co nomical - SflVl:~ tim' R. Snow for divorce. C. Donald $1,600 was filed. Proof FiledDiJatush Is th . attorney. Divorce Sou&,btPI'oof of 'Publication 0:1' the notMary Virginia. Lay.cock has fll- ice of the appointment of Joseph ed diY'ol'ce action again st Frank H. Fedders, executor of the EHzaPHONE 32 Larll'er Beeau." of B"lter Quality, Service, and Pice Burns Laycock. She chal"goes gross beth Fedd rs estate. '/ A YNESVILLE ,OHIO E.tablished 1849 - 1937 neglect and i represented by J. Application Oked........ T. Ril y. Application of Ed. W E!n2el, t.h e Sues For $400guardian for Mab el R. Wenzel, to rietta Keller to Fred Peg. Sr. , and Ml'~. A . F , .1 Iloh :1nfi ft\mil~ ,,1 fOI'd, lmliana, ai' pending a few Money in the sum of $400 is increa e a loan on real ei,tate, has ?tlr. and 1\11"!1. !lum e'1' S hmidl.. dny ' with MI'. ILnd M r:!. P. L. Reareal estate, Maineville. so ught in the case of aobert F. beeJl approved. Fred Kell er, Sr., and Elizabeth of ,Dayton; Mr. I\nd 1111'1'. W alt r SO il, Young, JOhll H. Doan and Law- E.tate Ifxempted-B. Keller to Fred 111. K 11 I', Jr., Wasso ll and son, Bllb, ilf G rman, 1 MI', und :\h . Ed. Libbee spent re nce L. Baver against Lambert The estate of the lat,e W. F. t 'wn ; Mr. and III 1": , Ed. Rmnby ~untl!ly in Miami. hurg. I'ca l tate, Malneville. Rho Cl.<Jes. Boomershine, valued BIt $8,a88 Inlur nce Service. W. N. Sear•• Katherine Wurm to P·e.arl Bar- and daugh tel', Lindo Luc, Wl!l'e the Mrc. Camp A.1ta DivOf'c__ ha s been exempW<! from the payton, 51 acre, Hamilton township. gu sts of MI'. anti ~h~. Homer j ,1\l'l', Ed, Thomas and MI'. It. A. hal'ging failUre to provide and m nt of inheritanc e tax. 01 nn~ll ILtcnded the Shrine lJenry W. and Eliv.abeth While.: Ramby, and family OTI ·unday. that her husband is an habitual Acco-u..t Fileclh ad to Ru sell E. and Lou A. Mrs. Sadie R a 'on of Bary )':-, ' pl'ing remoni ',~ Bl\nquet in dl unkard, Emma Camp has filed The first and final account of Smith, 1.2 acres, FranKlin. town· burg and fary Gr{'sham, tiL Bcd Dayton, Friuay e ening. , ction for diY'orce against Roy Anton Fu ~ t, admini trator of Camp. Mr'/!. Camp, in hIlT petition the Anna' Fuer t e tate, has been ship. Irene Burger to Albert E. and stat s that by Camp's refusal to filed. ' Bertha Mellish, lot No. 72, Sni.der work,she ha been forced to Pl'O- To Sell A .......c rest. subdivision. vide n ee alties of life for herAppUeation of Charles S, Irwin, L. G. Sweney to Lucinda J. and self and thllCe childre'll. Camp, it administrator with the wiill ann\lXJames W. Sweney, 4 acres, CI 8ri.q . tated, quit 'Working when be ed of the estate of Ida IF. No~\e• creek township. r'pc 'ived hi veteran's bonus, the to sell certain assels, has been appetition I ' cites. The- plainitiff proved. further allege that Camp has I",...entory Okeh.been in jail since November f.or Inventory filed by Hayes C. one r ensOn or another. The couple Keever, administrator of the Marwas married Aug. 26, 1920, at ion D. Keever e tate. has been apXenia. proved. Suit For $10.000 FiledH_rioe May 20-Mrs. LauTa E. Chrstedt. Colum Hearin~ on the a.ppli~:ation bus, has iiLed a $10,000 damage probate the will of Albert Ruil against A. O. Griffey, Way- has been continued to May 20. of Franklin were dinner guests of n ville, as the result of an auto- Account Fil~ Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mainoull Sunday mobile accid ent near that village. Howard W. Ivins, e:x:ecutor of and afternon callers were Mr. and Wife A.k. Dl.orcethe Louis Keller estate. has filed Mrs. Willie Flanery of Middleamantha Swiget!t. , charging his third and final acount. town. willfu l ab ence, has requested a ACA:OUIlb O. K. eclMr. Charles Jordon of Norwood divorce from. Ray Swigert Maple The following acc()rllnts have Ohio, spent Sunday with his neice, and Maple al'e the attorneys. been approved: first and final, Ed- Mr . Cleo ArthuT, Ta.x Lien. Fileclgar A. Bone, executor of the MyMrs. William Coleman, Mrs. A federal tax Ie in of $202.34 tti E. Bone estAlte; first and final Oharles Day, MiM Dorothy Moxaha been filed against the Miami Alton F. Brown, llxecutriLx Frankie ham . pent Tuesday in Dayton. Valley Coiilled Paper Co., Frank- Dunham estat ; fir~t l!.lld final, Th e Mi"sionary Society of the lin. H. L. Harding, administrator Mil- Method' i Church will meet at the Cue Dil mi ..eeIlie L. Harding estate; fit-st and fin home of Mrs, J . B" Cra.bbe on Wed Th damage case of NelUe Mar- aI, Louis L. Keller, administrator, n sday, May 5th. ian R against Roy Michaels. and the Carl Penkawa estat e; fint and Mrs. George Smitb, wbo has others, has been dismissed. final. Dr. Edward C, Morey, ad- been ill, is improving. Sur. For $10,000 min.istrator of the estate of John Wal ter Johnson bas moy d \'0 Awarded $100A. Lerch; first and fina'l. Dean E . lhe house, 'vacated by George Mc s~ Ticht . • . deep A jurY' in common pleas court Sta'n ley and Melli e Rye, executors Keever who moved to Oeklahoma. Coated with an extra thick crimps in linc wires give Thursday awarded Will O. Gustin of the Frank A. Pence "state. layer of pure zinc by the famMh. J o iab Davis, M! . Ll oyd . the fence " live tension." 100 in hi damage action against Adm'iniatratorous "Galvannealing" process . Davis, and Mr. Cecil Davis were the village of Waynesville. . •• made of real copper-bearLouis F. Gloystein hu 1>een nam in Xe'nill last Saturday. Gustin had sued for ~10,OOO ed adminislrator of thE' estate of ing steel It fights ·rust Mrs. A. K. Da.y spent a few BICh' Hardneu for through and through. claiming his property was damag· Walt r S. Fern dorf iro bond of days 'this week · in William son . strength and resistance to ed by werage from the Waynes- $2,000. West Virginia, with he)' bl'Other strain. Yet soft enough to wrap and splic~ easily. ville sewer system, which, Wife hi1.enh McCrath Eatat_ who. is seriously ill. claims, was dumped upon hi~ pr~ The Garden Club will meet at His wid()w, Carrie B. McGrath, mise:;. is named b neficiary- under the the home of Mrs" Irwin Milford , 'riPi hots . . . Can't Every roll marked with the famous Judrmellt Set A.id_ will oI William H. McGrath, late TueSday c-vening, May 4th. sUp. Keep the wires Crom red painted top wire" Tests have In the case of Theodore A. Ti. of Washington township. George Mr. and Mrs. L, S. J ameson a nd spreading and stock forcshown it outlasts other fences of gar against Lillian D. Burkel, and W. McGrath; a. son, is named ex- daughter. Joyce Lee. of Miamis- I ing through. . standard grade, yet costs no more. others, the motion of the defenll· ecutor of th.e will. Lewis Kpih.a.rt. burg, Miss Mary Crane an d ;Mr. ! A full range of styles. heights, ant to set aside a judgment was H. A. Millard .and Mike Lamb are Charles Doolng of Oineinl1ati were w~,:pl(l sP'l+1ng :Red Btand fa gran ted ,and the plain tiff was gtv- the apPTaisets. upper guests of Mrs. Maude tile loWest cost fence per rod, per en t~;} daYJJ to file a n answer. MARRIAGE LICENSES Crane on Su nday evening. Divoree CraDted-Newton J .Pfistner. 31 and Paul Mr. a nd Mrs. Lee Hawke, Mr. J. , Ka.! E. Simpsqll, Lebanon vil- inc E. Naigh, 24, both. ():f Fra.n klin . C. Hawke, and Ann Weltz ape-nt D&wey Moore. 82 and Ruth S unday with Mr. and Mrs. R. W. ' lage .cl rk. was granted a div,orce from Dolly Simpson. He charged Wheeler, 22; botb of Morrow. Hawke in Dayton. gross neglect. A property settle- REAL ESTATE TRANSFERES Mr. and Mrs. Bill Terry, Ml'S. ment was approved by Judre ChaT Jobn E. Bunnell to Oerald Bar Frank .Baker of Harrison, Indiana, les B. Dechant. calow, lot No. 'S86, Fr~mklin. Ex· and Mr. and Mrs. J. J... Sheley of < : Partir. . I. Ord.,..t-ecutoT't deed. M:dnro e spent Sunday. with Mr. Partition of TMI eatate 'haa been Laura B. In,le to C. J. Combs, ordered · in the case of J. P~ul real e.5tate-, South Lebanon. EKCody against Albert Cody. John ecutor's deed. Goddard, Harry Murphy and VirBlanche Bailey, and others, to gil Russell were commissioned to Joshua ,a nd Carie Bill, jl ~~ree effect the partition. Hamilton township. Brother. Si.ter Get MoDt, James S. Ingle to ' C. J. Combs, E.tat....... reel eetate, Union township. A blother" Leonard Monte and Roxie T. Doch to C. 1. Combs, !lister, Grace E. Monta. are nam- real e.tate, S. Leban~1'1.. eel benefiCiaries under the will of Fred M., Jr .• and Henrietta Kel..... Flora ' Monts. late of Salem town· ler to Chel!ter and Wilma Branden onnerly H ..tlnl~ shiP. Each to s hare equally in bu.r g, lot No. S. Main·mIle• Carrie N. and Bruc~ :Harding to • division ' of reel estate known 88 ~ Ft:. Ancient farm.. . Thee remainder Raymond and ,Minnie WhitIs, 21 of th~ estate -gO" to the sister. aeres, Harlan township. wm FIled- . Clementine Whiteselll to Ethel The will ot Catherine Palmer, Oscar Malott, 17 ac:res. Salem late of Fran~1in, baa been ' filed. town.hip. With Each Oil Challf'Je With Refill of TlOLENE O. L We Will Give Admib WlIICharlel J. Schwartz to J. EverThe will of Anna J. Sturgis baA ett and Ida R. Pence, lot No. 107 been admitted to probate. Lebanon. • T_ Named _ ViNton ...... Alfred Van Doren to Walb«r Mrs. R. 111. Br.dlord, Lebanon Moni., 80 acre., W ..blnlrton town and Allen Tbirldeld, Franklin, lhip. have been appointed memDU1I I. B. and Pelrl Rich to Charles tbe count, board of. vlaiton for aDd Kary O. "lebln..., 98 acres a three 7IU' term, .tarttne IIa7 1. ill eoantJ. I~~ HeuIaIAdam and Eliabetb Roeach to All Mak.. of C.... aepaired At RealOne Me Coat Rearlnr on th inftDtorJ' aDd Albert aDd ReleD lIiDer, part of appralHlIle1lt fUed fa &be Emma lot No. 18" PruJdlD.



Fairley Hardware CompallY -

This Fence is Double Prolecled

,---"'" ... ...... ,

EVERY l)ETAIL We are equIpped to hondle every .detail of a funeral, eve-n to such 8111811 but important matters as cards t() fri ends and rillatives, arrangement of the seating In the funel'al car~, election o:f pall-bearer s and the like. We will also handle. all .~emeteryde- ~ tails a'nd anything else t hat is neoossn.ry in Ilny particular case. Many bereaved in tbeir time of greatest grief 'fee) themselves incapable of littendini to the numerous details of a funeral. We welcome the opportunity thus presented us of taking these responsibilities off the: shoulders 01 the grief-stricken.

:I•. B. lIeClare Ph. . 7


Lemmon's Hatchery Now Has Triple-teated .

BABY CHICKS lOne hunderecl per cent liveability pcrant_ the firat fourteen day•. chicks nine dollars per Triple-tested hundred. Single-tested chicks eight dollars per hundred. The guarantee is gQod only for Tripletested chicks. Take advantage of these low priceI'. Order f,om this ad. Prices 8ubject to


chaqe without notic•. ,






' Y~"" '4~e;; ~"~ '~" ~

Waynesville farmers' Ex. Co. Phone 2S


eat announce . opening CRANE'.. r




IE. Bardwiek ........ tiD1Md tel April


"-n eoa· '

Lee C. ad .\Ala E, J'ield to BlIa Crowe. 10 .....



111'. and


A. B. Stubbe en-

tertalntcl a ....oup a' frlenda at their home on Saturday evenin~. Those- whe were present wen: Mr. and Mrs. Will Stroud, Mr. and Mra. Ralpb Rutin", Mr. and Mrs. Clarenee Malmberg, Mr. and MI'Il. J. P. Larrick and Mr. &lid 141'8. Harold D. Will:la and! daurhteT, Mary Lomdne. MT. and Mra. Wilbul' Clark pent Thursday in Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Davis nnd Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Davia and tam ily spent Sunda.y a.s the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hurley and family in New Burlington. Benny Furnas,who i8 in the Me Cellan Hospital is improving. Rev. and Mrs.. W. S. Dbert of Ripley called on Rev. and Mrs. G.' C. Dibert and family last Friday afternoon. l_ u....Be. Semee. W. N. Sean. Mr. and ,MrS. Alvin Dy1<e, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Critzer of DayUlI 'W,e re guests of Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Graham and family. on Sunday. MI', and MrS, Charles Zimmer man and family were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Durward Vice, in Dayton Sunday. , ' Mr. and Mrs. Kad Bodenbender were dinner guest!! of Mr. and Mrs Ira O. Brown at the Seville Tavern in Dayton on Saturday (lve-


ning. Mr. and

Mrs. Joe Thompson spent Su'ild6y with Mrs. Th{)mpsons parents, Mr. and MI'Il. H. 'M. Hall, in West Jefferson. Mr. Lawrence Furnas and son. Willard ate supper Frid'ay evening with lIr. and Mrs. Russell Wilson and daughters. The meal in honor of Willard's and Dorothy's birth.. days. RE:-:A:-::L-A-:-R ~T:!!"BE· A-U-T-V-S""HOP

Due to an increase in our, busi· ness it ' la neceaeary that we have additional space, operators and equipment at Ws time. As 'We enJarring and remod eling our Dayton location \'fe have decided to combine our Waynesville an'd Dayton shops al of MaT 1, 1037. We wish to take thiJI opportunity to thank all our patrona for their loyal I!UPPQr't and patronaae in the past and to extend a eordl&l inYiatlon to visifi UI at 1607 - 1609 Huffman Avenue Dayton, Obio., where prioes are right and lernee ' the beat. Phone KE6731. Operatol'll: Gladys Strong, Helen Rolland, Winlf...ed Henderson. Grace ~viJ, ~~.


y. ,./.


"-"7'#. "


. ...



POTATOES: LATE. SEED and eat ing potatoes. Stroule Br08. R. R. 2; 1 1-2 mile. north on WaJ'lleaville and ' Ferry Pike. 4tp. , L-~







__________________ _ _ .


REDUCED PRICES on WaD Paper. See Samplea Now. Latest deaians. Ed. St&ndifotd. 6.13p L;::S "



11 ROO

_ ......

~ !&!1£

HOUSE in excellent ,c~ndition, will pay, 13 percent as rental. Shown by appointment only. W. N.


Let's Talk . Things Over

Rial. Bud . Spray Pu1nJJ8, HOM, NoaI-. SpraJ GuU' and Aeeeuor&e.. Plumblna and Heat1ll~ SuPpU•• THE BOCItLET COKPANY. Phone 8t10, Xe~ Ohio; 411 W. Main St. 'l1. 18-215~m' MYERS Power Spray

A lIew'paper i •• community 'i n.titution and a communit~, that consist.btly IUp"rtl itl newlpaper' tbro.,h and b, patronag,e help. it••lf to become a bett'. r comDlullity.

FOR SALE: EWht Guernsey Rei. fen, O. P. Ellis, ' &ute 78. W~netvin.. 4-29p SALE:

To Merchants

To Our Siubscribers and Frie"n d.


Good 1iIaree,

vel'J reuonable pric:e, One an excellent brood mare. <leo. Baclenoa 5-8p. ANNOUNCEMENT : OPENING' A Nai'llhw Home after Ita,. 1. A re.aI home. JInI.. Ada COaden, /SOO W. Loout, 'WfIndnatoIl.

Phone 408.. Rata Reuonabl. /S-l7c

Merchant. and trad..people may not .Iway. reap a direct bene Ilt fram • .ia.1e .d••rtiMment but never-the-Ie.. when youd ' newap.p_.. booth for the local schoola, churche., or••nization. and th• •ctiftt_ ." ibdiYidu.l. merch.nt or benefib materiall, from the community i~tere.t .nd . olid.r.ty ~.t ia created throU.h that lDedium-the newapaper, for, the ........ public ia awayed to buy where thei.. iater••ta are. So, w. appeal to the merchanb of W.yn...iIIe to ,devole their .......... per cent of ..I.. promotion to advertiainl in The. MiaIDi c...It. aad we par.ntee, ia tum, th.t furthe .. anel, ....._ .....efita will be Wived from the aUlD 10 apeat.


Since comin. to W.,....vill. ha•• fel. "at th. ....... ....del" were ~ theint...., ill ,the ...........' .... which the m.rch.nta ha•• ao .........1,. ap.... dan. . the D ••t few week~ on .h.........' Fr.aakI,. the reba..... aael "espon.. to them ha. notbeea up to eapectatioeL How..... w. . IIlDd....taad,th.t it haa been .ru. to th.Iack' of alr.Gppjlq Ihrou.h the p .... of your local ............. ~on, • • •p1i. . .1 to you readera that, ... oceaaioe P .....te ltaell. you make ....own to m8I"Chaab and tr••.......a, ..... you woaW apprlci.te wh.le....r ..... m .....e he ma,. ha•• to MDd J' th. medium of The Miami c.••u. Tell ..ia tt.aa po.ten, ......w., and .ipboarda do Dot boo.t the th..... ~ .... moet iDa..ted ia - your family - your .....'1 I - ,our ~ oua - your fateraal- your ecODCllBic . . . ,...-1OCiaI ..........

Come ia Lobk · at ,Our Selection · of ~other"


Candy .rder. taken Plie.. 60c to $1.

Wa,..emu. ~StoNPIao..



Eighty-Ninth Year

Whole Number 6272

Waynesville. Ohio, Thursday. Ma:r 6, 1937

----- --- --








Laura F. Sears

L:lura F. ears, 81 y.ears or age, On the mOI'ning of Apr\! 14, died at lhe hom of Ric,ha l'd SackThe Waynesville Garden Club NOTICE here pa~s(!cl from ou r midst a nev ett, n ar Bellhrook on ThUl : day were the guc-sts of Mrs. [rven Mul ANNOUNCEMENT I, A. K. l)ny, a May or of the- I' to h fo,tgolt n rt'i~nd and bene aftern oon, Apl'i l 29 , Th o cau, r.f Villl1ge of Wnyn esvill e, hereby ford Tuesday evening; afteT pleas MADE OF . MARRIAGE :'ac(ol', risp:ln Lippincott of Harher de lh was due to heart de~ignutc and R~ t n. ide the two- veysbu rg, Ohio, Alth ough we had a nt ex:challge of g't'eeti ngs, the . Club was called to order loy the I AOllOltnCement L heing mad h·ouhle. weeks pel'i cl beginni ng May 6th <nown him bu t 15 0'£ the 88 years president, aftel' calling of th e 1'011, of the ~llll' l'iage of MI Curo lyn MI'R. ears lived near F rry f or and nJillg !\tay 20th as ('LEA Ie fI}lI!nt. near the "iLe of OU1' camp, to which sixteen an wared pre ent Rae n11 th, daughter of Th om us ~c v('rnl y('ars and i, w<,ll-known l Ii' WEEK. lilt' HS;loc intiotlf) with him see med the read,ing of the 'mjnut B follow . I Ray Smith of PerrYRblll"g, Ohio, Ull'ough out lhic commun ity. She o carry u!\ Lack Lo the days when ed. It was an nounnced when Mr. I and Mr. Men'ill Hall CQ I , Qn Qf i survived by two n ephe\~s and le t oo WIIS a boy and roamed the Duke h~d spoken to the variou s I 01', and Mrs, A. S . . ole of Chisone ni ec~. 1Ifl'C. Ruth Me luI' aod 'it>ld" hill ' and along the streams Garden Clubs of the County, h holm, Minn sota, which WM sQ lem Mr. J. H. ackcti, of W!lync!\vilil' v ~ 0 love so 'well. Ju st as we will call a meeting of th cOmmit- nized nt the ML Auburn Pl' sbyter (ln cl Mr, Richard Sac kett, of near ~ aHze that The Creator of the tees of ~he difIerent clubs tQ make ian llUI' h in Ci ncinnati at half a1 Bellbrook. ' 1' at outcl oor s ,has becko,nf,!d him arrangements fo'l' the di 'play at four o'cleek on Fdday afterFun ral , ervices were held at' 0 hit the llU1t trail that leads down the County fair. Th e names of neon, AI)~ il th thirtieL-h, with th uf'day oftcrno n at 2 o'clock and hl'ough the valley of the shadows M~! Jojmma May Lewis and Mrs. ~e:e l:e nd ~. E, M~l1tgQm ~ ry ofburial was llIade in the Bel lbrook ;1'On1 whence no man return, so Harold D WiJl is were accepted as I telatlng. Mu.'s Loul e mlth of emetery. 00 do we realize that we have new me~bers. FouT' new . books Duyton woe her si~tar's only atMrs. C. D. Miars -t a true and noble friend. It o handled by the Libnary for the tenrlant, Mr. Wallace Cole served Mrs, . D. MiaI'll di ed (!mly un .vas he who \.aught us o-ur first Garden Club were on display; a aR b s t man. , cal I ;: on in patriotism, as he(lay morning at her home one-half tour of State Parks was announ'l'he bride. who wa given in tood 'at aUen tion, h ,d uncovered mil nOI'th of this village. She ced to be held May 26th, the meet mal'rjage by hel' lather, 'Wore an 11:1 we mo.rched past. his humble had been In failing health for It ing was then turned over to Miss ufternoon clr ss of tUl'quoi ~ hlue ;\! on our way to our first I nil' ti me. B e~ides her ou-band, Riley who gave a very interesting wit h ~I'ay DcceR ori and cotsuge I ar camp. He taught us the , she is survived by two daughters, showing of .lide8 and instructiv o£ pink ros s. Miss Smith was 'atERE are two examples '1llu of u nse lfi h and true friendR becca and Ruth Esther, stutalks Qn various wild tlowers, na. t it'ed in navyl blue with navy bh-" of Nature, the sculpter, hip by his many donations and dents in Rillg1l1Qn High School: tive of Ohio. After 11 delllrht:ful acc l'3ori !! and wo re a corsage of serious and comic vein, limo, t daily vi 'its to camp. He Funeral ~ rvices were held at social hour, duri ng \vhich time the yellow dasies anI.! delphinium. the top is a natural arch \'as always willing that others t he Fri nd s hurch Tue sd ay after which is a8 Bolid a. Mr. . Col is graduate Clf ho leSll, 8 isted by Mrs. R 8 ny ever built by the c1ever!hare in that which be could give. noon. Burial willi m~d e in pring liartsock. Mr . Ray Waggner, Mrs. t ele F£igh clio I, DayLon, and Fs t engineers. h spans a We learned from him that lite Valley Cemetery. J . K. Preston, served refreshment. of Christ Hospital School of Nurs,hasm along one of the tae\( is the greatest of 'aU games, CAR' L WiLLIEHM, 80 YRS. ' O LD Invited gue til of th host sacs ' lng, incinn at i. MI'. CQ)e i s n gl'sd trails that lead througb JasInd that he who obe~ ,its lAWS, DIED AT CINCINNATI w J'e: Mrs. Ray Maniou s and MI' . uate of the National College of Per National Park, Alberta. L":':==;':;;;:'::;;==;;;:'=~:=::;=~ o the ,COlumbia Ico Fields :eis lhe most out 01 it. Raymond ~'Ulford. Th e comp81).Y PhyslothcrllPY in Chicago, IiHnois. Carl WiIlielm, 80 years old, a n which the CQlumbia. Athabaska lIld Saslcatchewan Rivers, ' tlO'/l'ing H e believed a cheery word, 'a adjourn d to meet with M . B. Th co'upl e will r eside in incin retir d farmer, of Lebanon, Ohio. hree different oceans, find their source. Tbe bridge isn't putt)' but it :ri 'ndly smile, a hearty hands,hake much used b)< alpinists and traU riders going to and (rom the Ice V. Smith, Tuesday aftel'neon, June nnt i ~ ~ J Mr . ol c conducts the di d in Cincinnati Sunday, Fun ef· The Wayne T ownl'hip Board 11' a kindly deed could make onea rection Of the Canadian RockieL In the .maUer pic,ure. nature appears 1st, .'weo is'h Health ln s~ i tuw. at services were held Wedn esday Education met Mondoy eve ning, ife a richer one. He 'had no place cartoonr~t . Here i. depicted an almel' perfect earicature of a Out of town g uest lit the wedMI'. Willie 1m was a native of Gel' :J toque. It i8 one of numerous figures wrought by the C!ffectl' of May 4, to tran ~ llct the reg ular fO r cheap compliments, believing. ding included Mrs; A. S. CO'le and Dlanyand was wen known in Way in the soft sand·stone formatio n of the Red Deer River Valley in monthly bUlliness. No change:< that an occasional lap on the back Wallace ole of hrt holm , Min- /Western Alberta, a regiGn that is known as "The Bad Lands" nesville and vicinity. were made in the tench-ing staff wa about all the praise that a real nes in, MI'. Th omas Ray Smith ,which man!_ ~~cell nt specimens of dinoll!ur skeletons have been . Mrs. Mary C. Cross i.'! home af- of th sehoel fol' the following boy needed, He believed that a an\l '1'om Smith of Pel'rysburg, ter spending the ~intel' in Flori- year. The stni'f COMi t.s of L. A. f How s hould keep his tl'Qublea to , fr .. C. W, Barnett and Mr. E. V. Garst, uperintendent; J. C. hlrmell since it waa likely that Burnhmt of Wayn esville, Mi ~ Crabbe, Vocational Agl'iculturej pther people bad eDQugh of their Loui!;e Smith. an Mi s Virginia spent Friday R, E. Frank, MUllic; Raymond own. He believed firmly in the old ullningham of Dayton, and Mrs, Braddock, Earl . B clenbende.r, adage, "li you can't say anything CharI s Bobrink o[ LaWT encebu~; Plans are being made fo r the Ira O. B rown, hal'1es Jam ~, al'l lfr. t, of Ferguson, Wade Turn er. Darrel 'Sood, don't say anyt hing at all," celebration of the fifieth alumni Indiana. alld taught us tl! know, that one ot this high school on Saturday WAYNESV1LU~ E. CHURCH Th e action of the Count.y ComAs. a re"ult, temporary aid will Dayton, and Mr. Barnes of Xenia French, E. irgene , Roe, Esther lvaS never down and out until be ' May 15th. Mrs. Carl Duke of near mls i ners in discontinuing direct be the resPQnsibility of the Town- were speakers Dnd musicians at Smith., Gretchen Gehring, Eva admitted. it himself. He taught us Lytle is the president. Dinner will Sunday: \elief at tbe expiratio n of Sub,' ship Tm tees, and only lhose per- OUI' church, Sunday. Mr. Dowdell Reedel', Virginia Hardin, Eleanor to know that nowhere outsIde the Pl' cede th.e e'Venjng's entertainHouse Bill No, 65 on April 15 has son 'il rlllanently eli bled" or in spoke in the intere"t of temper- Higbtman, Mrs. J-ac~ Kersey, Al· unday school at 1) :30 a. m. church CQuid we approach closer ment and a large number is expect Next Sunday is Mothet'S Day, been sustain d by a ruling of At- such lip. culiar ccmdition" that anc;e. ice ampbeJl, Laura McKinsey, to OUr God than in the Great Outed to be present. An unu sua'l pro- and the mothers will have entire torn ey-Gan ernl Herbert S. Duffey thoy cannot be Cal'lld.1o,r except in The "Wide-Awakes" held th~ir and DOl'Qtby Day. doors. gram, commemorating the fiftiet h chllrge of th e SundDY School_ A ' on April BO. , a county home will bEl subj ected regular meeting at the home Qf Mr. Frank will continue giving He believed in hone1!t frientl anniversa'ry will be prese nted. .. pecia l program will · be rendered By this ruli ng counties lack au- to Coun y aid. Phyllis Hain es a week ,ago Sunday free mu sic les!lons during the sum Ihip and man ever attained a Mr. Walter J erdon attended B in keeping with the day. thority to handle relief adminisl'o r the pre, ent th C'ounty Cil l - night, 1\Ii3S Reb'ecctl Miars and s.Ls- mer months to W:lyne T~'P' pu· lig"her degree in Clean sportsmanm~eting and banquet at Lebanon wOnlhip at 10:45. The tration which is turned back ·to the li fyinl!; Agency \\ ill be- maintain- ter" Ru t~ sl..he1', wer guet!ts. pilB. ;hip. He W31111 friend of yeuth and on Monday of this 'W ek, which 'ermon su bJ.ect Wl'II b , "M 0 th ers township trustees under the exist- d ftl' the purpose of investigat,Miss J eannette Wil son enterGeorge S111i th, Ed Hopkin s, and !Specially the Boy Scout$ of Amer wa$ given by the BOllr/l of Health. of ..· '1 n" .Ii iog law that was in a ff ect b e-l-ore in.,. ancl handling of permanent1y tained Mr. Leonard Ellis Qf near, Albert Cleaver have been l' tain- lea, and we are bettel' beys for '..", The luneral of Fred Harlan, Evening serlice at 7 :30 ll , m. the Fed raJ, State, and County disabl tel , transient lind , non-resi- Kingman I8.nd Mr, and Mrs. Don- ed as caretakers tor th buildings. lavi ng known hiJ)l. who died last Th'IJ rsday evening at Sp cial musIc . Wl'11 b e f urn .IS,,,, '- Ad a t governments took over these re- den t cases, the return 'll non-res.. aId Hain es to a dinner, WednesSchools will clo e for the sl1m- l arewell brother, may we meet th e home of his stster-In-Iaw, Mrs. l h 18 The dinner was In mer vacation on Moay 26. · serVIce . lin d·1. \.1112 th erne f or t.h e . ponsibiJit.ies. idents tQ their legal set.l1ernent, es day eV"l)ing. .. you, Emma Cline, held at the Meth evening wiJI 'be, "Th Man by the - - . . ~ ablishing eligibility for the WPA honor of Mr. Ellis' birthday. C n that land beyond the skies, odist Ohurch on Sunda'Y afternoon k Rev. Mary Ant'[am attended'li be no more parting, and burial was made at t be Spring N w Burlington Flljends nd thcre"ll be n'o mQr6 gOod. field Cemet ry. ,:\,he funerl1l WIU1 c1othi,ng, and. thc audltmg of out- Su nday moning . Dible hour and prayer meeting byes. largely · attended. The W. C. T. U County Instiat 7 :30 P. m~ standm g rehef accounts. He operated a tore In Harveys· Friday: ~ . There has been a velC'Y sliustan- tute held their meeting at th\:! Shar est witl) us h ere on eartb 'so burg for a num.ber 01 ears. He bad • OhQir prachce . IIt 8 : 00 p. m. 0 n Apl'1'1 29th a t 8 Q'I k th e tial decline in relief e1~pen ditures on Chu rch, near Kingman, last c oc_, lowly, lied all of his lite in this vicinity. G. . Dibert, Pastor. in recent months nnd t he ch\1 nge Thursday. In uRic d pal'tmcnt of , edarvllle Nhile thy spirit soars on high, Mrs. Jeannette Pewterbaugh SODle of our members attended Co II ege pte en t e d an opera , '(T na . I ' YNESVILL- CHURCH at this time will ef~ect fewer perWA ~al' ell friend may we meet you, epe.ned her Tea Room on Saturthe funeral of Mr$. Clilford Mial's J " I '11 t ev al of 'the loca) · F. F. A. . ons than at any til'Ie in recen by ury, a t e( arYl c, O F CHRIST !'lIrewcl1 brother, now good-b,e. day. She bas a most attractive Tuesday, who died at heT home, Th'IS opel'a IS . a sa t lre " m the E boy, together with the instructor, yeal·s. n g lOYS OF ECHO HOLLOW room and is now relldy to serve W. C. Smith, M'iniater made R tou!, of southwestern Ohi o Many who have been aided ,In north of New Burlington. Sunday !ish ' c Qurt System. LODGE many tempting foodl!. la t Saturday, vi iting a number their own hom~'S in thE' pn t will morning. Donald Foulkes of Wayne~ville, Sunday : FERRY N-E W S 'Dhe death of Mrs. Rob ~t~a Ro· Bible School at 9 :80 a. m. of the outstanding dairy herds. be offel'ed institutionlll care as The New Burlingtcn and Cae- now a student of edarviJIe QIbel'!!on Hopper .occurecf at Miami Subject for discussion, HAbra- Thel'e were boys and instl'Uctors penllanent cases. sal's Creek 'ft{issionary Society met lege took and active paI:t in thl~ MillS Lois P ennington who spent Valley Hospital early Sunday morn, ham, A Ma n or Prayer." Printed from ' .1 6 different departments ' Those ease l' quirinl&' "tempor- at the home ot Mrs. Arthur Hart- opel'a. , be winter teaching school in a~d she will be buried at Mia- text, Gen. 18:L7-32. who participated in practice judg- B-I-Y aid" " while not great in num- man,.. Wednesday afternoon. On unday Itfterno ~n, o.f :May 2, ucky is now back at home to mi Ceme~ry, Wednesday. ChI" tian , E ndeavor at 7 .t! . m. ing under dir.ections from Prof: ber, wlll be a problem due to theMlc Kathryn Saund~rs, hOUS:- Donald Fou lks, with 5eve~al other pend her 'Vacation with her parTo-pic : "What lIfake Happines Yn 13lackmll,n qf the dairy husbandry IlaCk of fund s Of. the TcJWll liPips. keeper for Mrs. Ella Ha mes, s~e t Istuden ts pf Cedarville College, cop cots . . Givea t';;'cheon T-he Hll me" Col. 3 :1~.21. department of Ohio State UniverIt is hoped that, w hen it be- .part of Sun~ay WIth her rel(ltl.ves ducted a religious 'Pl'ogram for ,Betty Reddick ha Si been sufferMrs. 'clarence Malmberg enterSermon at 7:46 p. m. Subject, · .• ity. All received some valu able in ,comes know" that Pulblic Relief neal' New- Vlenn? • N r I"YOuth's Day" at B~th el Baptist ~ng since Monday with an at~k tained ,today (Thursda.y ) at a "Some Moth · 1'8 of the Bible." stt'uction and practice and f elt has come to an end, each communMrs. Ella Hames" MWI~'J elle Dayton Ohl0. . ,f appendicitis. She ~ taken ' ' I k 1 h M L . f h d t. 1 h . I' f·' n Bunnell and Mrs John 1 son are --~ twelve 0' c oc unc eO'n: n,. ' Baptismal Service following the 'veil repll1d or t ay spen ity throug Its own l' Ie org~ - . h ' k t W '8'b f l' ' ENTERTAIN MISSIONARY Wednesday afternoon tQ the ~ ....fA" Garst, Mrs. K. Bodenbender, preaching hour. Next Saturday, May 8 a like izations will see that none of Its till on t e SlC IS. e- W1 0 SOCIETY Imi Valley hospital by Jim Me dY re~ove~t HI ' Songs of th~ day will be select- trip will be made for practice in ' deserving needy sutfer. them a speeM. Clure. Mrs. R. E. Frank. Mrs. W, Tur ner, I iif t ck . dgi , Mr. and rs. vere a neB, Mrs. J . B. Crabbe entcl'tained Mrs. Fred Hubble entertained , Mrs. B. Henderson, Ml's. 1."" ;0 ., cd to honor motherhood. gcncm _ '::":5_0_ 2 ~ ng, FRIENDS HOME NEWS Er"'ol Dean , Carey Lei ...h and Esf th M Brown, Mrs. A. H. Stu bb8, m Tll. Wednesday : . , , '" The Missionary Society 0 e . Sunday din ner Mr. and lira. W. SqUires, Mrs. R. Hastings, .Mrs Prayer Meeting each week at New BurlinatoD, Ohio M'is9 Henrietta McKensey and ther Jea~ B~i~es w::.a~ Su~day d~l E. Chu rch Wednesday and was fa mes Cordingly of Springfield, M. A. Fulkerson and MR. A. E . Rev. Mary Antram filled the l\liss Viola' Duel'ess, of Ashtabula, ner gues s 0 rs.. I?es pa~en ; was assisted by Mrs. Edith Harri. ':-bio al)d ' Mr. and Mrs. William) Stq.t. The afternoon was spent 7 :45 p. m. • • pu lpit of the Friend's Chu.rcb Qn were \veekend guests at the Hom e. M~. and Mrs, BenJannn CQt'~y 0 and Mrs. Lilli e Egbert.. rlickB of Dayton, Ohio, and Mr. playing cards. FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST SUfi AM , Mrs. Mal'garet Marti n joined a Highland. . ' Mrs, Kenneth Hough" vice-pr es- R obert a nd Rose M'8ry Skillman of • W . C . S mi·" . and . . M'I's. Sam Shanks Jr. & company of relatives . MT --,,-- 7.,:tb - Miai.,. ' lIlr. a~ d frlendsI . ' and Mrs " Donald Hames ts' "cal id ent pres Id-a. e Mr. J . W . Wh"It e 'Dayton, Ohio. Enterialn. .. I F amUY S d' ' d Mrs Ha', es paren ...~r DiDner I un ay: family have moved to Cincinnati Sunday at t he home of her son in e ' o~ S. I" had charge- of devotions and u sin g ' Russ II Martin of Oentervllle - -- ' Sunday School a t 9 :30 a. m. whcrre Mr. Shanb is fo\lo-wing his Da.yton In celebrating hi.ll birthday. and rs. d mers:tn mc all' a n ,M 'hc.r to-pic, "The Life". Mrs. nt'eached for the Church of Cbriat Mr. cd lira. H. H. Williamson .Preacbing at 11 :00 Il. m . trade as carpenter. . M.iss Ruthanna Harvoy, Clarks famil1, su: ~ a ~~~n. W' I Hough lead ,th e stewardship ritual. 'It Hollowtown, Sunday. He waa ac and Miss ,Grace Williamson enterSermon Subject, "Mary the, The Masonic Lodge held ite an- ville spent t he weebnd 'w ith ' her . ~r'Man R l~' lr ~, r n .~:: Nl's. ,Egbe,rt reviewed t he book, companied by his paTents, IIr. and \.alned at a f&mily dinner on Sun~ Mother of Jesus." ual inspection Wed. evening. MO'I'e sisters Misses Frieda and Erma an r, a elg I~ M "Mother India," by Kat hyrn Mayo Mrs. Forest Martin. day 'the following guests: M... and T~day: than a hundred brethren were pre Harve;. ' among t~01Ie whO' ca Ie on r~ -an d Mrs. Hou~h, "The Good ' Dorothy Moxham was SUlIda7 R. J. Williamson and son, Robert, Prayer meeting at 7 :46 p. m, se nt.. Dinher was served by the 10'Mrs, Ida. Bosler, of Dayton was Ella Hames, S'u nday afternoo Earth" by P enT I Bu ck (uest of Mrs.. W~. Coleman. Mr. and M'rs. O. C. HOUI!!3r , all Qf Had 23 present Tuesday of this 001 0 , E. S. chapter. dinneT guest -of hel' n~ece, Miss 'a nd evelling. . ' h The $Ociety will meet next Benny Furnos is improvill8' ., ,Lakewood I Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. H. week, studied 11th> clJapter o! . M C J II d h 'ldre Katie Collins on Sunday. ' Mrs. Luther HaInes an.d daug - month with Mrs. Mary Cross, (r e McClellan hospital, and is __ J nd child;ren Acte. r... • . oppel' an c I n o.r L sh f D yt '. . m tle Phyllis <attended church at -- . d 'II' of Long Island, N. Y. are visiting. u 0 a on lS SOJOU , - Fair Haven ',a. week ago, Sunday. TEST ANNOUNCEMENTS pected to be. home m a fffW ay.. H. W 1 lamson, , r., a , of Dayton, and Mr. end Mrs. Ira . Don't ;torget Tn-State Banquet in the home of Mrs. Hopper's fa th ing at the Hom e for se£~.araHl week~ Mr and Mrs Raleigh Bogan ARE SET FOR MAY 15 Ramo, Riggs, Lester Gerhard-, O. Brown . .. ET Fl'iday night-of th.i! week begin: J ' N B 1;' nd Q ' Ml'. and Mrs. Fe8!.er aecoc . . . M '1 ' vtaurice and Ev.erett Hunter w.-e ATrEND MEDICAL ME at 6:30 p. In. here at Ferry er, . • ar ,o n a !i n . , ever-nlgbt I1Msl;a at the 'Mrs, William Sm.lJ;h and an yn Winners in thi year' s state dojng some Carpenter and plumbThe W. T. M. S. met_m the Home on Tuesday, elU'onte to their Sue .and Mr. JakIe Howard called scholarship tests will be a.nnoun- in g work at the F.erry chlll'Ch lion Mr. and Mrs. Jim- McClure Church. All young people betwee-n home at Mrs, J. A. Hartman, Wed home near Bedford, l'elllDaylvania. on Rev. and' Mrs. W, E. ~oga.n, Iced, in Columbus on Saturday', day evening, after completblg tended the State Medical meeting ages of 14 to 24 are invited. of last week. T1iey were given a ro~1l welcome Saturday evening. Guests m the May 15, ' according to Dr. Ray G. their work, they enjoyed ioe-creaI at the BlItmore H;otel in Day~n 35 cents per plate, Mrs. Annie Curry returned Sun. Ilt the Meeting House ti¥ a goodly Bopn home wen Mr. aDd Mrs. I Wood, of the- state departm ent of and cake with W. C. SmUt. .... on WOOnesday. Our attendance Sunday morn- from an extended ~It with her number of the FrieIlda 'In the eve- Charles W4nrlek of Columbus, education. , fa mily. sO'n, Orville-, and family, near Wil- nin" ~n a deliciou covered :M'I'. and Mrs. Ernest Sheets of J Ceremonies hone ring the state 's Le t K d .... -\c h ot. I. _ _ HOLDS Ing was 92 with an offering of '_" .. , JUnp Mills BPent Sunday April b' t h' h soh I at d ts '11 b I S er en rIC .. n ...... r_-ION -2 mm .. _n. dish supped ",as aervedl h 'd t es IJr 00 U en WI e abl-e tQ wo'r k thi& week 0 aeeolmti CLOSING S~ ., 8.87. • _ _ The . Ladlea Aid of the M. E. 1Irs.. Cam. Sanborn formerly 25, with Frana,. S eets an am- held at 10 ... m. that day In Cen- f . lei. D The 'IkItben Club 'Jield Ita lut EPISCOPAL CHURCH Church met at'the Annex on Thul'lI a ' resident at the BelD. paqed a- tly. . _ ' tral .hIgh sellool auditorium. a se1Ml'~ _ _ _ _ way in II1amI Valley Hospital, Mn. Raymond _.WDlIOn visited I This year'. tNt have attracted • BIRTHDAY DINNER meetlnlf of the ICIhool year today lIay 9, Sultda, aftar A.eDlion, day last w~!: _ ___ . Thunday, April 89th. Illtermelit her parent., Mr. ~d Kn. Erneat recerd number of entrl.., accordHELD WED. (Tbunda,). The t,Uowintr pro- Eveninar Pra,-.r aDd sermon at NOTICE TO IlASOliS on SatuTday mornlnr the Vau.- Budev at the 1iome of Mr. and ina to Dr. Wood. In' the stau I18npaID' wu in charp of the pallt 7:80. &.--1- elated eOID~lllc.t:loD Ifb family Jot in Rich ond, Ind. lin. Lothair wtnJfleld ~~Wbanl'_~ lor testa beld April 8 there were I W ~~~~~ . ... b u.. Club· De, -- - __r laat WOOneeday. eall1le..leV" 4'107 eontelltanu. New recordl C! ,"",",ay . ......... So president: n l . ' · • WOMAN I AUXILIARY . of the Wa1DftViUe Lod,e No•. 188 JUNIOR ORDER TO MEET called tIlere OIl Tuuda7 aftenao01l. a180 were let 01l tile Satvda,... Mr, Leo'YOtioeIt lecl by Supt. ; Piano The WOIMD'S of St. ' A. F• • A. II•• Tuetldq. . ., 11. Th, 111Il10. Order til Ullfted IIr. aDd lIaI. Lather Kalll. . .1Id diatrickWe COllte.ti. 111 e ..... I JI...... _'"-, OM, (Joe IItrtiIOCt . t Vir, hid I ael aoJoantna .. " ....





FUTUDE , 1\ FARMER ~;i~~~:~ C~CF~~~~l ~~,Ie:;-~~" a~l~. BOYS TAKE TRIP

Br~; ~:esday:






•- - - -








l ' ---- - --, -



'~"Rtn t

i • th !rl'unl " I u dl\ .. r~· . I'u I '" ,'''n tlllJ! ,',1 til •• "r"onds. Ce .. Jllcf,rmeftt,Juclgt'nlllnt or 70 doJlar ~ w u\\lInll-d EIU1 l1r ' t·,' and n. N. \rllIt,'nh\JI Y, d ni ll ~ hu~ inc '~ ns the 1\ 1'0 t .\ , ',c iu le . • ill the il' suit Q. 1-:'1111 . t tbe 1,'i\)t'l'wurc orp. The I j ud 'lI1 l nt \I ll. takl' 1l hy ci t' foult. PROBATE COURT CI im Settl dLtl ll'll .J. 1::mlwi{'1<, nU !'linnd of t he late E mma E lt1.roth Hard wick, 1\, ho fnil r n t o r ecl l1('st thnt $500 ')Q R<'t (If( t him \I h ~ n th e inven,.. 1~o ry emu appr(li' m n of lh eslll t ~ '\ Il!j mud " ha, o('cn awarded that !tum jn fu ll s ttlcm nt of his cluill\; uJ.:'a inst th e e~t~t . •1

Where Do Authors Go In The Summ


Harold D. Willi., Editor ==~====~====---

---Office Ph one .


No. 112 • u bscri ptiQn Pricl', $1.50, Y ar


NEUTRALITY AfoID ECONOMY Abo ut the only thing that th Atneric It poopl and t b ir Cov rn ment have gt' ed upon i.n recl!ni yenrs i t hat w should k p au of w r . t ra ngely enoug h ev ryon seems t o be ~ali 8fi c d '\I ith the neutrality program of UJ' G'OV't:'rn '


I • . I

liam B I'faw WAI appoln d l!'t'y • istralor, with he iU tLnnex d, Pi___ E.t.t_ 11. MeV"y, John 111'ndrl(~ks ILnd D. Wilbur L, Pil'~on has been apl':. JleY" ood Wffl: aPJlointed ap- poinl~d atltnini, trator of th(' 4'Spl'fli>l~·rs. t~te of ianl B. Pit'Tl<on, latL' of Order R..ciacl~ .1 l"l'Ii III tr. Bond ot $liOO wa!! An onh~I' to s II tOC1k or tne Eg {utni ;;h ~ d .. Gt'OVQ1' '. Qr en, John I'Y Rt'gi st r 0., list d Ilmong ~bc n. Huff linn Wnlt<'l' Comphell m'Re t. ~ oC t.h(· .~tOLc o( ... harll' F. W 1'0 nmned t o proise t.he- IIl'op('rThil'ki eld, hOR b en I' lIcincj<'d, ty. . ()nIp nSalion of L. Eat'l !llnc e th e uuminhn l'l\lol' rail ed to Th ompson, nll administrator de s\!'ll. t.he stock An exch onge of , e- . boni ~ non with th will ann exc41 l'UI'lt ll' waM Iluthori zed by Judgel ( onlinu l' d on third ]luge) L!2 _ _

Can You Afford To Take Such Chances

Fund . Distributed-


Proceeds of a sal of. , e in th l' 1ul'Y Etta SUl'raCe estate have iJcen o rd er!' d ul I rilmted. InventClry Olc:ed-Tb e inventOI'Y fi led hy Rolph ngl e- by, as ndlllinistl'lltor' oJ Charlotte Ung1 es by, late of F ran k· lin . ha . h ·en a pP t'll v{'(1. Fred Stuxv ho~ been appo intl'd exe('u lol' of tlll' \\ ill of th e late Anna. J. turges. No b nd WDS r eo qll it>ed, The tlpp rn i ~ r:o; a l't' Dt', S. ' . .'tahl, F'l'llll k m il a nd a rl


Th United. tate NewlI a ys that de l'~r ' sion co t two bill ion dollal'S more in six y a t han wars of o ne hundred nnd fort y years. Ii that is true, wby dO sn't some Con l( ressmnn w ho wants t.o prove t ha t ! h e isn't. a rubb r stamp • uggest I nlore wa rs in the interest of economy. There's 110m t hinl!. r eal " nu lty." - -P-R-ICEFIXINC

. " .Twenty-eigh t, s~a.les now ha ve Fjnancia l ResPQnin cluding luo nnd ery tate that tou h s hi _

R1UI.hty Laws perbumng to a ut o drivl)rs,

. Th . only wa.y to mak e Y O ~lrR If lia f from \ Ol'ry a nd loss Jl'I to h.we g d, sound In~ uran c ill H l' Iillble o.mpany. ou can not afford to be wi t hout. On hun dred four peopl nr killed en h day ill Hu to accicl nta so, 111'ot t your cnI', YOllr savin gI'! and y ourse lf.

Let U's Insure Your Car

roll .

Un d,oubtedly. eo ttl and pri<;.e I III bond of $1000, G 01'&' W in~ REASO~ABLE RATES al taking an upwa rd win g. Hal f ner has been na med n(lmi nist l'oa dozen States have eMcted low.s ' I o~' (I f the estate of al'l B . WinTI \', late of L bilnon. Robe rt R osfo r price maintenan ee but the reCr. li nton Rntlif.f an d John Volp ort show tbat the di sp ~ition to , • kHing oTe. t he appl'Di ers• . ma ke resal0 pr.i(' eon tracts with . f T BE' answer to that is easyl Why, they go fishing. tion of Maligne Lake and inset bve, noted gentlemen Waynesville, Ohio dealers 'ha been put mto orce . h spinners ' of lett-~ r6 who cast a 8y as deftly as they fashion an HlUba..n~ h Sole Heir-And at I ast four <;>1 AmerlC41', tOJl·notc to d n ot with r egard w llquors, an .f yarns plus olle motion picture edltor go as often. idea. From left to right they are: Courtney Ryley Snmu I A. Polm er is nanlecl sole '!'!'!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~_!'!"! . _~._!!"!_~~!!!"!'!!!"!'",!!,,'!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a Ie er extent witb drugs. Th e as they can to Maligne Lake in J as per Nationsl, Park, Cooper; ' Corey Ford; ]ac¥ Eaton, ,editor of lponing beneficial'Y unde r th will of Ca th ,,.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-..:._ _...;;...______ q uestion of monopolies, price-fix- \ ALbuta, which thry declare to be the greatest of all mOllon pictures; Irvm S. Cobb anld. in the cent r, erine Palm I', late of Fr nklin tp. Ipeckltd trout w aters. Nature provided the lake Ilnd R 1< Beach, d an of aporl men and 'weaver of tales of ing, and restraint of tra d e, seems I n l ' 'd 4 ....H '1ob . .litlrrin, out!1oor Ildventures. The will has be n au mitt d to pro. to become more complicated, f or ~ .-mDll vanIA prov! e - trout. .Jew. &a a Ii«- ,.:. " _ .~.__ _____ bate, , while it appears popular to go aiFran k Whi tacre has been spt er Andrew Mellon and' the filum~___ pointed. dminis s tor of the estate inum mOllopoly, there are . d' h of the late Bell Simpson . Bond of o le ,a a oth6r indostrl'es 't hat appear If he Idn't s top me, and bad t e Complete, scientific lubrication S l'vice is availabfe ~ nerve to ask me what \'as tho rush $'7 0 was filed . Th ap praiR r ll are "" to motori&ts at Gordon'. Garalle who Q~mand that to get the offieial okeh when h ~ Right off I toJd him that was ex.act A~RREN em Bald win, Georg Veidt and ~ogether for the p~rpose .of Iy wltat I W 8 tryi ng to find out, Perry imp on. their car be in tip-top condition for Summer driving. ~Ig~ng u~ and contro1lin~ ~lalrs ond besides that if he'd get in with Inventory OKehIn lndustr1 II and commo(htJes. me, w ~'d SOOn .see. I n vel' coul,ti ' The inve-ntory f iled by Ii fford , This c~mplete etvice in -Iud s cleaning out winter • - - -,~ I W b1 H aci minish 'a to1' of t.h e Lucy D OJ.I and ~Jrt accumulated dUl'ing the winter, remo ing APOLOGIES TO THOMAS J. ee a moloVl'cyc e. ('aug L ull NEW CASES FILED \:V hcI'eby The O. nod L. E. r ailroad Na ylor e tat hlts been opproved. dIrty wmter gresses and putting in iJ'el:Jh summer There is a-to-r-m-o-ver W88'hing- ;nt~ ~ r~her ind s~rt o r~r, i~ harl! i rIg ~I uss nogl 'ct, J qn n - was di~t11ised 0 a def endant hos To Hd r Jnventori_ SUNOCO MOTOR OIL and GREA ES. AlI points ret tr I h it ~c, an> 8 pa.ssC! I~', ' W (m . . tte Bahr Y(l ung, a hi'id e of .fo ur b ' e n ,et n, ide ,~n motIon of the H.el\rin.g on tho i nvcntor y f iled ,by car manufa tur rs m'e sOientifically t~:' mem:~y ~n:~::ition:~~~rnr: td fha(l .lit In a ~o:~- montbl'l, hns !lled suit foL' divorce I p ln intiff the case, N Ilie Mori_ by Geo rge W. McGrath ex('cutive com!,"ended lubncated With the, ext\. t oil 01' gr nse specified. late to the life and works of the I in S ea O 0 gO lt~gEeadro~~ln1 e ag'ainst AI·tbuI· J . Young, J r. : L b- ! ano.s, of Fmnkl in" who wa grnnt- of t he William H. McGJ:ti th state, 'ta1 UdP ~ non . . DonllJd Dilutush i the ed 10 doys to' fil'! an • mended "e- ha b(!cn s t f or May 20. The il)great TlIomas J effe rson . There is curdve. to k h . w. (!t gath h . Our up-to-date equipment and tools , to render the on 0 tnl1n 0 e 0 pt ,a n laintifI's a lorn Y. ti lion. a scheme to build a big and sprawl oon found out he was our ene my P . C D' ,. d ' ' ventor y in the Harry F . Kunker es hlghe t type of Jubl-i ation servi e quickly is a de idiog nlonument,.-bigger than the number on e. And! do you I' now - COMMON PLEAS. a;~e ~:~"":f "i~obert L. Bowen tnte will be heard May1.3. ed advantage to every mot I'i ts th,.t omes in for it . t d :r ' J It Aclminiatrator, Two E.tateaLincoln Memorial--on the very what1 That e,op saId "I always ge t Jam ~ E. BUl'ke hM b e(!n apPoIntassures him of pl'Ompt and ffici nt ervice at reason· ric • h es t III · I',. . . " M . Coyn e, supenn ce ' d aTh omas C. Runyon h a ' b een ap.. spot th at 18 ... posses- my. man" and, [ . lilst let blm kllow d jtu ll1'dll\.n (or Rlchal'u . t Re nb ent t M 0 V Ul~U1'tln H able rates. alO1\8 of Wa hington's famous Ja- in no uncertain tenns that I 01. a min ot: in t he case of Normatl S. gt3hIlls hO ebr 'd ' ant dOtne , on pointed administrat or of the eseTS, as een Ism s e . tates of J ohn Thomas Runyoo and Pane~ ted Oherry half Tre ·11·es , wMch '.to at t - \\lays d 0 too, lind that I ~n ew pr e- C oyne " oga1ns~ arI eib eI an d 0- 0Divoroce Craatcd-Motori ~ are remin~ed that J'aditors, engine , geat·s trac a ml Ion VISI rs 0 ciseJy ju t what I was gO ing t o do th 1 • ' " J oseph Carl n Runyon, both. late and cha IS weresubJe ted t o additional wear and th Capital City recently. To add with my half o:! the r eward. T he Sylva n D, J am e:on , court boil- N On ounds of wil lful nhaance, of WayM , tp. Bond 01 $500 WIUI tea~ during the Winter months. You are invited to ' to the :it'Urt, the 1'amoul! b~in.. big bum. ( et 1118 m '& D. iff bas b cn ~ppoint ed a de put y .a tho n Jann ett ha!;l 4e~n granted fi.led in each case. yours Ives of this complete lubrication service avail But "ust to humo r him whi) I "he riff. divorce :from Mury Jarre Lt. Tl,tle ,Widow ~h Bulle of E.tat_ which is one of the most beautiful that will pep up your cars Cor summer driving. . I I Ie • th E t '11 b .J • • '. • • . to real estate W EIS r ClStor ed, to the H' ' d D ' ., M t B ~ rtif' a lC18 a es In , e as WI e was drlVlng him back to hiS "pudSe l'VIC (! by puhlicatlOn hos b een I IS WI ow, als J _ al'gaTe e.reshaped if . the scheme that h dle jumper" I asked him what he ord 'red on Harry E . P nce" Jr ., P ~n~iff.. caw, is the ' principle beneficiary already gone thtough Congress is was goil')g to do with his Teward . a nd J ohn D. Osborn is his guardhe f gqmd JUTY for be Mol' under th will of Jam es Elmer Bel' carried out. The Nati~nal Capital money, and I guess be had ,b e n lan. B th are non-resident. defe nd- t erm , 0 court c,onvc".ed Monday caw, admitted to probate here. Ber iB all cluttered up with spashy and con idering it ' hccau e )'Ight away ant i n the CM of Luella Lett, mOl'filllg. The followmg persons cow, a member of the county extravagant statues, and fewer in- he s~id hi wile had always want- and ot hers, against Dean E. tan- wer.e excused from duty: L. W. b.oard of health, died leaving an es sead of more of them, would be an ed a PC8J:'1 necklAce f or her beaut i [ley a nd 1\1 !lie Ry e, as executors S mit h, George Holmes" and tate valued at approximately ,24,improvement to the city beautiful. ful neck. You know, that 's anoth- Iof the Fmnk A. P nce estate . The Geo rge W. Krager. In their place 500. Two children, Carl Elmer Ber ~~, Thomas Je-1ferson, ~hat a.t- er lhirlJt th4lt annoys me. P erhaps Pence will i being conte ted. arc the following; Ethel Hamilton, caw and Naomi Bercaw Boyer, rerOClties have been eommltted 10 I sho Id have said "word" tbat an- Order Set A~id_ Helen Wood and Mabel Blair. c ived smal1 bequests. At the withy nam1!. noys me. Neck, wby 'no't say throa t I A fOl' mer oJ'd ~I' of the cour t. Cet. I)'iyorc_ dow's death, howev r, the residue • - • when I hear "fleck" I'm ahV$Ys r e I t , of th e estate i tG be divided equal = minded of thin and bony p eck!!, l chtnnU-. In the case of Elmer Lewis a- Iy among the children. Charles Wil but a throat; Ah, tbere's the wOTd, Mr, and l\tl'S. Ba ird and ~~~~~~=~~~~~~ filled witb lovliness, soft, whit e, da l,l !!ht~l', Pai; y, Bnd Roger Watsmooth. Can't you just see pearls kin a attenllc d th e IIagen back-Wa1 WHERE WAS I? on lj. throat, but a neck, Horri d. lace Circ us in Dayton, rriday eveIf ther6 is anything in the world Makes me think 01 a baldh eadcd ning. that bUl'1l8 me- up it is ~areJess- man, and I just can' t Imagln any Mr. au r! 1\11' '. Beli 1{a rtsock and ness. I think the city ought to ap- thing wone than being bald, esp ec on , Ih)\liti w('re guests of Uss point or eleet, whichever is proper, iallY .if I had to wear a wig. Think Knlhryn Gibb on.. and Mr. Jim Gib I haven't managed a city yet, so' of having to worry evel'Y time y ou bons on IlHday. I don't know the correct pro- took off your hat for fear yo ur 1\[1', ~nd 1\:[1'. F red Cole, Bnd cedure, but any way, there ought hair came off too, or the win d da\1/rhter" Phym, of Dayton, visi. ~'!: to be a committee for abolishing blew it off. 1 feel certain, too, tha t ted h.ew on unrloy. carelessness. It ill undoubtedly the I couldn't sleep in it. Suppose I ' Dr. l\f!\l'Y ook ntte nded ,t he S. C. R. most gross o~ crimes, It was should get up and fo:rgot to put it ·ta te 1 ~ dical the Bi lt;.


Aids In Keeping Car In Condition"








, .




Dum Dee

The truth about TERMITES

Do not be milled nor made the yictim of


""NL._ .....

this last week that I was out mow ing the grass, and a man .came along the street, reading a paper, and very nonchalantly tossed a burning cigarette right at my lawn Immediately my dandmower. e.r was up. Oh, Yes, I have one. A very good one, and that cigarette tt; it oft like eo firec.racker. Just think what would have happened .if J badn't been there to stamp out the tire; .and if the grass had been dry, it's te.rrible, too much. My lawn burned to a crisp, to 88y valuable to my Why, which ten thousand nothing of i8 quite dolJars 'Wouldn't replace it, and then imagine what it costs the city when the firemen come to put out fire, and particularly if it's too much for them. Tilere's the'ir ti lost, and my bouse. Dear, dear, I'm in such '8 stew, or fry, or thing, .nd the firemen are and tired and \Vet. And there's t.h police too; don't ask me where, but thef're tb.ere, keeping the cl'owds back, Tunning and yell and giving orders that n'o"one listens to. They must be exhausted, too. I must get them some coffee. Poor fellows. Such a time. When )IOU get. it rigbt on down to a fine poillt. that ill, if you feel you must, I think the polille have as bard a life .. the firemen. Jllat last nJrht I wu eruislnc 1011, the h\frtl a)' whell a ear will... Hd put m. lib a null of lIcbtni . I bad mad. up II ordiMrIIJ him, eIl •••en

ra..... , to

......t.:. .


on: 'Oh, the Humiliation , SlliciJe wO'uld be the only solution. But, what'm I doin? Where am I? Iy poor over-worked broin; I thought I was mowin' the laWn. LOCAL NEWS}oil'S. Susie Elvons is spen ding a few days with her Ron in Da-yton. Mrs. Callie Cross has r eturned tjome from spen~ing the winter in Englewood, FI~rida. A. K. Day spent Monday in Cin

WWte ......... ~~WWte~;;;;;;~~~~~~~!~~~~!~!~!~!~

more Hoh'l in Da yton on W edne _I day nnd Thu r.; da:y I~ M I 1\1 J' H S k t t d C _~ . niH ~~'d ' h ' e I a: f :(a lnt y n lte n e t e unel'a 1\1rs. LeUI Il ca l'S, near Bellbrook Satul'd':~y Uilel'llOo n. , Mrs. lWlIa beth Sm ith, of DaylOll , penl 'u nda y wi th Mi ss Mary a nd M I'. P etTY Cook. M\'8. J cssie Hyman is spending a ,iew daYR with r elatives and f rie nds in Peo ria, Illinois.




YTriple-tested BAH ' CHICKS






lOne hundered per cent liveability guarantee the fint fourteen days. Triple-tested hundred.

chicks nine doll a r


Single-tested chicks eight dollars per hundred. The guarante is good only for Tripletested chicks. Take l\dvantage of these low prices. Order from this ad. Prices Rubject to change without notice.

Hat~hery '

· TerlJ1i~~s, . <?r S?,-calJed Vwhite 'ants," are ' social JDsects whIch ,live m ·' colonies made up of different forms or castes. True ants are enemies of the termite. Five Cardinal Truths ExposinC The Tennite , The potential danger of termite damage ' is an obJect of gross exaggeration, Termites are n()t spreading over the country, nor lire they of recent origin.

All cellulose materials and many others may be eaten attacked by termities. The use of wood, ,either treated o!, unt~eated, co~crete, brick, steel or tile, does not of l.tself tnsur~ agamst these insects. It is the ME'rHOD Of. constructIon that effectivelY safeguards agamst termJtes. '


1......- ..---------------~~II!i~!!

Lemmon sac H t hery 1'1 ~ N H


...... .... nat'._1


In severe weather tests, Red

Brand fence outlasted all

others. Yet it 008tI DO more thaD other brands of ItaJ¥.iard IJ'IIIIe. Gives you more flU' of aood ... vice. lor )'QUI' . . . . . , . _1bat'I ... feDQe value.

Dou............ EItra heavy coetIDc 01 puN _

In order to live. termites must have -moisture The hom~ ?f .the termite is in the ground where it finds an unfaIhng source of moisture and shelter. De.troy the .....nd contact and yo~ destroy the tennite.. TER'l MITES .CAN'T STAND EXPOSURE . Termites are not brought into a building new or old lumber. . .

in either

· Lumber ' used in. buildings propedy constructed is nt> danger of beIng dar,1aged by termites. .


· Proper coutruction will keep termite. out of build-

In •••

W.e il}vite you. to come in and receive definte and


the outaide-pIenty CJI c:apper In tile Iteel. Full pup wiree • • ~ "'ImI'" teDIIoo aimpa ••• accurate ...... ••• tlaht knota _ CIIl't IlJp. Yoa CIIl't ... III U- aood qUIIIItIea, but when J'OU _ tbe top wile ..... ell RED. J'OU bow J'OU'" ~

them. We haw • IDOd IIiock 01 RtiI

......... ec.. .......

conc~se lllform~tIon on this matter before falling prey

to. high soundIng schemes--receive our booklet on tbls matter-you are under no obligation.

w. H. Madden It.Co•

Here Is a Corner

c: ;;cw 1937

Great Lakes Exposition

family on Sunde;. Mr. and M",. family. Ilf. Dayton \Iith lIlr. ~nd 1\Irl!, nnd MI'N. Gritf~ has a few lIuy. visit wi them . I Mr. and hs. Bel·1. Hartsock nnll ML3" B Ltv lIal't~ock', of Cincinnali, wlln~ dinner gl~e ·ts of J\f r . nnd Mrs. F. . HUI'l.~t)ck in 1ilfor<1 on Friday cv ning nnd later thl!Y att nded the Spring Concl!rt /:i:iven by the nu I'll ., of Th e Geney·~1 1 l/o ~l'I itlll In jncliunull, \here Mi .8 llUfts ck "Ias the nec mplln-


tat. Mr. and Mrs. Don Hawke IIp.'nt Sunday with MI'. 1m\! MI s. Da" c n. Anderson, In Kingman. I Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Ij' ulkerson I ent I t.ninecl at dinner at t he LitU(' Inn on untlny the following guesj.s: Mr. and, MI'.s. ,J. W, 1"ulk I'so n, of pring V4111ey, Mr. and Mrs . J. W. Hopkin s, of olumbus anti Mr. T. W. Van Pelt 1\11-. and Mrs. He~b rt U1m, My'. I a nd Mr ~ . Harry Brown, Mr. and ~h·.i . Walter ' ampbc ll and ' so n, hAdes, of DaytOn, Mr. nntl-' Mr$. J. J. Munsel: Mr. and MI'S. Chus . Miller, of Oolumbu s, W t'e guest uf Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Ridge on






(Special)-The nation meet here on the shor s of E rie this summer for the 101 of the new and great~r 1937 t Lakes Exposition, which runs May 29 to Sept. 6 with every inch of the big ISO acrc .....'"'n''" packed with entertainments educational exhibits prcs ntcd leading industries of the nation. Pr~pa ration!l arc peing mllde 10 more than 5,000,000 visito Cleveland. . :rhe ~entral th~me of the exposi-

tion is the Making of a Nation, thc romance of industry, science and agriculture. vividly prc/lcnted in the 100,000 square fo'ot Exhibition Hall. Forty nations will be represented in the Strcets of the World, reatured by native foods of many countries and by Billy Rosc's Pioncer Palace. Just onc small corner of the big cxpo~ ition grounds is shown above. On tht' II;i t (I) is the entrance to thi . rr t llll the Court of the P re' " : 2) Cleveland's st:tdium, where the Indinns will play; (3)

~. I


. ', .'' . I ..


End. "Cube.Stt;;ggIe·· aad "I~·FamlJ:le"1 SIll THBPROOFI




-, . I

New 9 ·Way Adjustable Interiol'l SEE THB MrfI. HQ.zel Fritz and daughter•. PROOF I Nancy, Cleveland; Mr. nnd MfS. GREATER PROTECr.ABILITY W. P. Salisbury were dinner Horticulture Building and gueflt.s of Mr. and Mrs. Hussell keep, food safe&', inlher. loogerl SEE THB ' PROOF I . gardens; (4) Aq\lacade; (5) Hall Salisb urv IIb<1 19mil,. on Sunday. Progress and Federal Exhibits; Mr. -an d Mrs. r. r.. Ren~o n, 1111'. GREATE,R DEPEND-ABILITY , Varied Industries Building. featu and Mrs. Earl Hoc.kl'tt and Mi. transportation; (7) the Mary Gr~ham WE!re Sunday grand stand ror Wjntcrland. the gue ts of Mr. 'a nd Mrs. Rhoad es ' :~~~~S carnival : (8) Higbee tower; BUt:Jnell nnd family. jf_ ':_~ ~ . , Florida Manor and (10) site of 1" Mrs. Charles All en and Mr . aod I ' $500,000 addjtion and orange Mrs. Austill Conn rand daUghiH'1 ' . NEW BEAUTY. (11) entrance to the new Mi,~w,.4 or Lebanon, wn gu ll.!. t of MI' , . CUTS CURUNJ COST TO 11l1_"..._~ and amusement zone; (12) Firesto' ])", Ua Vena r)//, 'In Saturday.' • AMAZING NEW Si",plul rtfrigrr41 it'll ." mha,,· Farm and OJ) Singing Fountai. Mr. and Mrs. Myroh ThoJnll 8 of I NO MONEY DOWN ABILITY TO SAVE is", ttl" built I Oaly J moving ;lod (14) lighthouse and Erlesidc AND SEI parts, i",I.di"B the motor. '~~~ I trance from lake steanlers. Dayton SIlent undl~y evening EASY TERMS VEl permaneody oiled, teaJed __ .. ___~• .::I.......~'--'\ \dth Mr. and Mrs. Edl Thomas. Comeia. Seewhatethrilling moisture and dirt. Give. ~!'G""'-::iI.. ,. , ..: "': DUTY atamaziog saving. SEE THB Mrs. Hazel Fritz al1ld daughter, advance Frigidaire with the P~OOP with lID actual electric meter tosll Nnncy of lcveland are spending Meter-Misel'bl'ingdor 1937: , . . Superb new beauty pllll SUPIlR.. a few days With Mr. -!lind MI . W. . DUTY at the price of an ordiDaty re&igemtorl NEW INSTANT CUBE-RELEASE III P. ulisbul·Y· ' Vou ,get proof of completeness never knoW11.before Ml s. Lillie Weller and Mr. Ho- 10 ALL, BAStC RDlUGIlRATION SIRVlCES. Yon doo'e EVERY ICE TRAY mor Strong wel'c guests of Mrs. !Juy on mere.say-s,o. Now YOIl see PR.OOf,.right in our a.. It I. ActIoIt' . I ftore, that fl' b the most "",put, Ice-provider, o~y mIGIDAIIUI HAl rr. r.. Uell.a V nlable on SuotilllY. iood-storer and food-pl'eservu ever known. I'R.OOII Iwnl, nleaHe .ce-cuha hID aq Ml's. A. E. tQut WillS a chal'm- thllt it savet eJlOUP 00 food and eat to pay {or two 0.- a do~en.t. am... y .... 201 iog ho tes nt a luncheon -card l)ar I \ itself and eam YOII a profit more lee b, ellell,.. ta_ ...... .... t... GtUtear .dvane.11I leo ea.. ly at her hom la t, Thu ~dIlY. Make .ure of getting the mO$t or your vcnlclICII ev« .. no,.... Come ...... • .1 h ~te \ I m\)oey. See OUl' flUGIDAllUI PROO'. Id quick. acdon. f l's. lvill e Gray , pent "Severa Those -who nJoyeu t e a~ rnoon) , D'.MONSTllATION ind ' dny,~ lust " eek with her & 0'£ playing cards were :: Mrs. Boyd , . . 1'1110 Russell Neal. in Mariemont. Henderson, Mrs. A. H. Stubbs, ... - -" :"/,": ..'t! ' ... . . . ' ' " MI'. alld Mr. RlIY Peterson and Mrs. larenee Malmberg, Ml1!. L. . un, Stephen Ray, of Lebanon A. Garst, M . Russell Frank, Mrs. weI' l\'ue t of MI'. and Mrs. L . H. Kad Bodenbender, Ml"S. Wade Turner, Mrs. M. A. Fulkersbn, Gotd on on unday evening. Larcer Bec~u.e or Better Quality, Serviee, Bnd Price PHONE 32 MI'. aner M I'·S. 0 .. R. Unglesby Mrs. Wilfred Squires, Mrs. Ralph E.tabli.hed 1849 • 1937 WAYNESVILLE ,OHIO Hastings and Mrs. Ira Brown. . . pent Monday in Dayton.









Motor Service That Satisfies! The fa t that R large proportion of the motorists whose cars " serlriced atROGERS AND SIMPSON garage are old customers PI'OV S the high quality of th e 'orvice rend red. n Iy he - bes petroleum produ t al' U 'cd .. . all work is done by skilled mechanics. Official A A A Garage Get your n w FOl'j V,S h r A k for a dCOIonstrntion -Limited supply of useu carsI

Rogers & Simpson


Fairley Hardware Company

Mr. and Mrs. Ray McMeans and H!!v. nnd 1I11-.~. W. C. Smith and ra mify, of F ny, were dinner family }love moved intiO the hou se COUNTY COURTS j:\'uef\ l~ of Mrs. Oleo Arthur a vacat.ed by R. D. Colll!tt on Third (Continued ft'om s~c~;d ' ~ge)

., Mtt Fernsdorff estate. Tbo 10110" in~ Ilcc o unt~ nave Guardian Namedbeen approved: fit'st and final, Ro ' Flrances G. RoJ] has been apof the estate of Mary H. Ellison, !'Il Muy K ell ey, 'executrix, William I pointed gUJlrdllln for Phyllis L. has been fixed and attorneys fees E. Kelley estate; first and final, ~ Roll, l\ minor. Bond of $4600 'WU also have he-en allow'Cd. N. G. Fitzpatrick, administrator, riled. Acc:ount Filedharles V. hamberlaio estate; Inventory Filed.-- ' W. hester Maple, executor of thil'd, Edward Br tney, guardian InV(lntory filed by Marguerite Lhe Lafayette Nichol. on estate, for Tobias BI'etney; first and fin- B. Roll, administratrix of the ha!< filed his s cond account. aI, Ellh 1Ioover, admi nlstralri,x' of Ralph L. Roll estate, bas been apProof FOIcdth<.> estate of RCX'!3 M, Kelley;.first proved. . Proof of publi<:ation of the ap~ nnd liMI', Robert E. Monn y , adM-)(-·R- R- .-A-GE LICEptCES pointm nt of George E. Young, nd minislrator of Gllllce L. Mooney Mare Updyke 23. and Pearl Le mini irator of the Ril e.y " as es~ stale; fourth and .f.inal, Go rge 'l na Scboll, 23, both of Frallklin. \.:Ite, hil S been filed. R. ha))nHln, executor -Sara~ J, C. Harold Bone,36, and Flollli• Report. Approvedhnpman estute firs t and fmal, Bltz-roth 31 both of Lebanon. Three sal e reports, fi1l!d by L. W~. C. Vail,. ex(!cu\,Or, . C3rt'i ~ Geol.~e Taylol',80, lndiilna Eal'l Thompson, .administrator 0{ \I V811 e tate j flr; t {In.d .flnal, l~r- I)olls and Frances Traylor, 18, of the J. Lee- Thompson estate, have ence ~ eidnel', admlnlstratol' ~d. Waynesville. belln filEid and approved. Thomp- O. W eIdner estate. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS ~o n al 0 filed his first, final and OKEHS ' Invenloryp ar~ C. Wilso n to Frank and di.. hibutive account. Inventory .fUed by harles 1\1. mli3abeth Buchold, 303 aerel. , Robitzer, executor of th e Amelia Hamilton tp. E. Willillm s e. tate. ha . beell a p -[ ath .r yn E. Franz to Rllth L. proved. Pi ~h 1', plU't lot No. 267, Lebanon. Named Apprailer.. . Executor's deed. haTles and Emma G. Mean to T. B. Griswold, Charlc~ ,j. Wag- ! goner and Roy Yinger have been ::)ocony Oil Co., lot No. appointed npPl'1lis er of the Walter :l83, Franklin.



~tubb~ ~uittral

Aecou~t. OKED-


To be used in a.dverti sing Church, Lodge, socials r sul~ with no co t ~o organizations. Just phone your advertisement to thi office and say "In', rt this ad in "Caps" space f01' •• •. • • • . . . . . . .. . , .. organization."


-============= I

60c to $1




George and Oliver Athe1'01l, to K nneth Polhner, r eal estate. Washington tp. Quit claim. Frank and Eva. Gross to Amarieta D. Gross, 69 acres, Franklin tp. I Zulu M. Cn-nlp to Am()1 P. s:ncl Lucy Po e. 13 acres, Washington


ROPT FOR AND CONSIGN MOTARY PUBLIC )lour Cattle, hop, sheep and celvpl N.tloll.1 B_1i: to Norris-Brock Cc.., live wire and progresllive lim f()r the hlghUt ' . market prices and rood serviee. WlIl • .Dr._ • , E.tat •• Sottled tp .Unloll Stoc" Yud.' Clnclll_tl, Q WAYNESVILLE. OHIO Sam Rosenthal to Oommereial TUNI In on RadIo Station WCK'l l~ooJity '0 0., fou'r acres in Frank": 12 :211 to. 12 :30 p . m. for <lur dan· Call 130 lor 24 Hour Servic·, i ii tp. market reporta. , CREAMIER REFRIGERATOR Mutua.l Federal Savings and SERVICE Lonn Association t -o Eleanor aacI [rene McCarthy. lot No. F I·anklin. - We Service ALI MakelMutual F ed eral Savings" Of Refri lleratora A sk for a Belll.Motor.App.Hance Repair Association to John B. and FIoJ'o MIAMISBURG PERMAN EN 209 E. Mulberry LeblUlon cnce Moore, part lot No. 808. CONCRETE Franklin. Joh.n. W . MeClul)g to ~ne. S. A'ir 5_1 Bllrial V.ult [o hnson, 146 acres, Deerfield tp. For Sale OnlY By Lydia B. Vandervoo~ to Join 'YOUR FUNERAL DIRECTOR C. and Linda Ad\Ulls. 96 ac,., McCLURE FUNERAL HOME Warren eo. Way.....;Il•• 0 . George and Hattie L. MeDII_ Ph_7 to Roy S. and Emma Kaub, ~I estate, SaJem tp. Elva Lavonne MOlher to u,wia Maddox. part of lot No. II, .... son. Richard Rosa to GeDevl.,.. . . . Paul Greene, lU ecre.. J)eer.. field tp. " ,- '. , Rojlert W. Van Bema. to __ Phone 78J ,"nret Van HOrDe, LI ..... Fl'ankllll.




* CLEVELAND • BUf~FALO DII' " P••• T,,,.. aervlce . . . . .,.~

Ubllmlted ~ triP •

"How Sweet" she saysTo give Mother any kind of candy wm bring her sincere pleasure. But if it's a wonderful box of "Blue Rose" or Page and Shaw" candy, her delight will be doubled. ThiJ' candy-pure chocolate, chewy nougats. crisp nuts. tasty caramels - is th.e 'g ift de luxe. .


£ . . . . . . ...-...

Steamen CITY OF BUfFALO aftcl CITY OP ERIE. Fare. one way • • •


.-.a•. BcrtJu , • .a. OIDd ....

Sc-lal ...nllocDd .....nd



MODday. 7.30 A.M., P ..L

W............ trip,


~ .........

Viol, III_ ~ l.G1ra ~

nIJbt, b _

falll ••• $4.10

-...r ....

I'M'. dl....., ~ ClewLiu T ......... .(C II B U ...




'F• o r. Martin A..ctloneer


Centerville, Ohio

James PD. _d 1'. W.


Albert E . . . . ,J:~':~t~~!1 No. ' • •4 J



,lRlthtt nt'athl'rlU!'. o( Ila~ton. II) ~11fl"ay .linn!'l· ~u(',ls of llr. Imd Mr. . 11. Dl'allh'lal(L ..M •. flinu PIIIl< 1'. lin lind "htldIl'n, ('I:lyt"n, tllld l',htinll " II Mr. 1\ I

MrR. ROIfP!".• my Grandmother It! and looks iOrE'WA!"d 'II h \.\ l' k-('nd to lhe Miami Ga.;l·lt ~ "hlch Rhe l'C:ldg from beginII ill ~, 1<\ I'nd. (,l'!mdllHI wa:; n former reo id nt (,f WI\¥ 11 villc having , left there \I It h ncr fllmily bout fifty-six II'lbly. Most of th se me8.'lur s hllvc to do with strC'ngthening ho llositlon of mortgng institu· do n. and I' l'mitting borrow I' to . finau<,o homoll On asi l' ternls in ulder to 1) rmit private mortgage il),-lituti ons to comp t with feder al lending agon ieS. y a~ ago. he is the widow of ~. Mil n R oyers of Waynesville, ohio. he i in pretty gooll hl':llth for nl'r 114; • She is able to be up and ubout, and enjoys m eting p oplc, CFP ('ially h r old friend. Just thought )'V u migh t like a word i

~12 yCIl!'!."


Used Radiol 7 tu be Ai l hn e Super

Twin Speak ra in console cabinet ... .. .

$12 8 tube radio, console


........... .

$8 9 tube U. S. radio


model .... . . . .

$17.50 Above radio' are all' in good playing condition'.

Stansberry Radio Shep

Circus Near here


J\,hn and a[ll'n unyon who wcnt ..'\11)' un Ma¥ 6th r lOaS. '('h,')' little thoug-ht whl'\'t 1t' :I\' in~ Th" "orld'~ IlIrgt--1 circu!<. trav. ~Cl' n at 11 u. Ill. Hundreds ,IC hor· homr. <'linll' C)n thl'I'l' train>l of double· s , Jive hCI'ds of el phanl s ,Uld from an old Waync .- \'ille family. 1';\'1" II Bnkl'" \\{,I'I' .'ullda~' en. I,'n!:th ~tt'l·1 lUilroll.d cal·S. with IIVO cal'llVanll 01 cam Is from the [ am the daughtt'r of the l,ltl(\~t ninl{ \·i~ i to,., "r I'1\' Talmadge ralll They w ulrl returlh 110 more; i'~. That thl'Y in d"atllt so !ioon would l.U 11 P(,Ulll(', 110 ('1l.[)lmnls, 812 grl'at d 'st!rt will be l:ICIlI1. In lh ', Znna R. Haines, who terTI lllld I ave us h!'I'c to mOUln l1lellag'~ri ahimals and 600 hOI'ses pi tU'r esque line of march will be \\' 1\.' hOl'n ill Wllyncs ille linn ill . MI·~. [ m<:y \11011', 1\11 s F'nincl. buried in Miami L·IllC:t<'ry. .G!'nnd · (' en Nh. 1\11 ~. Oll k .f ncul>s Ilnd When twilight hours draw neal', will ·yhlbit in Mifldletown, Sat· ~.iiiiiiiiiiiiiii': lind s Ullet paintl! the sky, untay. May 15 and through t.his I • pa. J. 1I1ill n Rog r is also buried !Ill". LOlli~1' .J ucol~ W(ldlw"duy n ft.eln l'''n o f Mr . . Pu· W think of you, deal' [Jud ont! ~t) clion plan' ure perfecting ior there. arlen, , t h t ) at.lendance of ev(>ry mUll, woGrandma has anot.her daughter, lien (J Th lnJl~ntl nllt! dnu).t ht r. Mr. 1'1'(,u 'u"h l·et.ul· IH'd to hi And 1he dll~ gonE' by. mlln und' child-1'\o it aeenl&- at Mrs. lifford . Davis, who lives IV rk in Richmon rt' 'Iftl't' ~p('nding Th ought~ of you come drifting on' of the 'performllnc s. in Covington Ky. back within our dr Rill S to stay, EVl'rybodr wish es to se tho Grandmn was very anxiou s for the \\ rpk.end lit hi. home here. !\II'. Gl'fl l'!!!' PU\'is lind RnbE'rt Tn kno\,· that you re l'cRling, C Ie Bro .'. Iyde Beatty Ole to send fol' the pap r. [)avi ~ madl a . holt cnl! un the Tel' When twilight mls the /fay; thi. . year which r eturn ed . arly in Re pectfully, Iy n l'(),~ . \ \.'dnl'~d ny ..,\'(' ning . Though our hellrtli lire filled wi('h 1!J35 flom n triumph~1 five year Mr . R. . Kuhlman Mr. nnd ;l1 r~. Dan L(mg and sorrow, tour of Europe, and it is a CoreTRACTORS HUM AT ~11'~. lIl\l ry Lling ( f n ay,ton 1<pent At the 10 s of yOU, dear bo gone conclusion that the world's BEECH GROtE • u ntiay nrll'!' nOVIl the /.,'"\1 Ms of . unounued by irll nds 'We lire largest tent, seating 10,000 PCI'Mr". Pulil'ncc T hulhp~lIn und MM!. lon~sOlne, ons, will bl' filled to the last Qhair Thc ound of !.he tractol' is, in· [n the ·midilt of our joys, we are netet'n on and night. Six rings and dt'ed, heard in the land, e!;p~cinlly ;\Illbcl Tt!IIY. \Ye W\'I'<' !\OI'I'y l 1 '8m of the blue; . tag . und th hippodrome track, in the vicinity 01 Be ch Grove. It to say nothing ni the VIISt 11 rinl would S60 m that the entire com· cl~lllh of M I'. F"lInk HaI'lan which With Ii sm ile on our face, maze for the Q ~rth 's foremost areIYlUllily is und rgoing a complelu oceul'red in' Dartoll lal't Thursday We' ve a heartache, ('venlng . FU nl'rlll ~ "rviCl'~ werc Longing dear Bud unci Carlen Ior nie ullent- 400 ~ cknow]edge d turn-over : With the sound of you. kings alld QU ens of daring, grace, eigh traetol'S in hi ' ellJ'$, th e h(-Id Sunday aft rllU()n. MI'l'. u'lw1'('nC I' J8I·ob., 11 {orm- And day by day we miss YOII skil l anti incr edible agility. SixwTite r feels that here shou ld be !l more, t y clowns will p1'oject ten times bountiful harv('St es the result. of er I't'N iut'nt, is conCinNl to hilI' bed lit. her hom" in Holl . ysburg. [t is A s we walk throQlrh life alone that ntltnbcl' of mirth w vcs. so much activ ity. hOlled "he 1\ ill l'eeU vel' soo n. adly missed by mother and ountless new foreign fea tuTes Mr. Charl es Hagclneyer nnd son Daddy and Si tel' Mildred. and innovations new to Amcrica 'Milton Hurvey und littl broth· James of Wayn esv ille Vier e in ut' ,'I', "Buddy", of \V ·lIman mad e a Mr. and lifTS. Thomas Runyon are introduced on the gigantic pro vicinity Is t Monday. and naughter, gorum of the world" greatest amUSe J . Lee Talmadge and EMen Dun , hOI t call h~l'l' Sunday moming. ~~ . ~."'!!! _~""- menl 1yd :B eatt.y's fee were Lebanon visitors atur- ".Burldy" i th pro ud po. e .01' of !'!!!:!!!'!~~~'!!!!!'!!!!!~~_ a new "bike". and Joyce Ann visited Mrs. Emllla gigantic t.rllin d animlll exhibition day evening. M,'. II, rt li e1'\' . and daugh- H enry and 80ns l)n III t Monday will be pr II ' nted i n the main perMr. and Mrs. Fr d Thompson formance. and Mrs, Martha Cleaver w re tt'I'S, l\li ~ses . h:unot', .Jacki e and uI ernoon. . shopping in Lebanon sturday 1If· . laine, of Duyto n und Mrs. ora Mrs. Ida Hanks ~' a a Will1lingKen Maynard, the ~creen's gre~t lemoori. A. T hompson of incinnati,. ere ton vis itor on last Saturday. at W esL 'n s tar, will ~rsonally MT, Ralph Stibb and Mr. Pea rl c,llling Oll fl'i ends herl' Sunday. ' Miss Helen Osbor," 'pent the be . een at 'v ery peffoTmance'. Mr. eff of Lebanon were visitors in lI1r~. R . coc H endrick.:! of Mid· weekend with her I)arenta, Mr. a.nd ' raynard ha starred in 87 picthis vicinity Sunday. d/etown, M rs. I aac Jone~, Spring Mrs. Carl Osborn IiInd family. tUl'es produced at the major stuJUanita Hobson Mr. Ruius Roberts of Ma on boro, Glndys Lamb of Waynesville Mrs. Mary Tucker spent Wed- dios in Hollywood. H& is by far u: Lot- t h e h'Ig h est priced star ever to b e more than three score elaboratel y was n Su.nday caller at the P. G. and Mrs. II nt"'.·.f Moore of this nesday wl'th her mo't her ,.uTS. p~ce made a hort call on Mrs. t' South of Lebano . carved and gilded allegorical floats Well home. Ie n. seen 'Withn" CllCUS. AppearIng 1n Mrs. Fred Nash sp nt sevel:al Pati nee Thompson ' I1nd daughter The marriage of Miss Glennn Oo!! his wild We t how this season tableau wngon and open dens days last week with her children unday afte l·lloon. . born arid Mr. Herbert Fairchild oc- will be s~re& of champion cow and cages dlsplayin'" the Clyde Mrs. farth " lenv r ntermin· curre d III ' K en t uck I t _ I k. .. I in Dayton. ' y 8.'l wee boys and cow girls, Indian s a.nd Beatty me nagerie. Doors to the Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Murrlsh and ed Air. Lucy Moore one nfter· Mr. and Mrs. Churles Bogan, Jr. Cassocks. big show and the m nagorli! will d ra'l t til k d 'th lion, lark of Xenia were callers 1I00n of last w'e e k. nn • Int Y spen e wee en W1 One of the largest, finest and b ope.n at 1 and 7 p. m. The big Mrs. Wilbur l\1 arren is the Mrs. Bogan's parent, Mr. and in this vicinity, Sunday. pr oud pOsse!! ~r of a t<plendid TJ1! ;Wft, co.stliest street parades will be, sbows start at 2 Rnd 8 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. MarIe Terry •• Mrs. W. Turner.


Iwet'e shopping

in 'Lebanon Satur· kel'O<'cne range, u IH'el!ent fl'om day afternoon. her hu~lJand. The wri ter j hoping Mr. and Mr . Benton and Miss to enjoy some of the delicious f ood lOI' which MI·8. McCarreh is _!!L2! note d!, prepared there on. eversl fot'm this place were pre ent II th e unveiling of the or:ncrstone of th new Lebanon post office last Thursday after· noon. They repol't. a lal'ge attend. ance and a .plendid address by It matter not what price funeral may be selected-and \ve Hon. James A. Farley, postmaster general at .Washington. offe'!.' services to m et. any nt'ed--n othing is left undone that ' Mr. and Mr . Ern e t Evans and brot h,~ r, Earl of Lebanon, Mm. .will leave with the family a l)eaut.iful anw con'soling memory of Annella P ence, Mr. Clifford Pen ce the lovcd one. That is the mission of this institution-one which and Mis ara h Smith of Waynesville were unllay afternOon call· we .have perform d faithfully for many years. Our funeral home e of tht' Talmage fatnily. is always open for public inspection. Du e to a pecular accident, MT. P. G. Well was ·forced to dispoEe his best milk cow this week. The animal engaged in playfully butting ag<ainst a bank, slipped and injured h er~ elf so severely WayaelvWe PhODe 7 that h r dispo. nl was nec essary.


Service That I, Appropriate and Beautiful

J. B. MeClure




MI·8. Lydia Rudduck spent Saturday even ing with 1\11:8. Mary Moor~, Misses Alice and Wanda Tucker and family. Lee Williams, Mr. a nd Mrs. Ralph Mrs. Maria Elbon of Waynes· Shelt<Hl, of Dayton, Mrs. Wi\! Siville called on friellids Sunday af~ denstl'icker of &llbrook, Mr and ternooo and attended the funeral Mr. Alfr d Jones and daul?ihter, of Fred Harlan. Miss Mary Jones, of Southeran Mr. and Mrs. Mc,nls Sherwood Hills. Ilre slowly improving nfter an ex- I B: 'Id' d Ltended' illness. UI lng. an oan uOC:la· .. - • bona to Meet LYTLE Officers and directors of 48



Stanley BII,iley is -;ble to be' out Ibu.i1din~, loft!' and savings assoc.iagail'l and oversee- his work at atton~ In SIX ~o.uthweste:n Ob10 Fairly hal'(IW18.I'G store at Wayn es- counties, comprlsmg DistrIct No. 2 ville. of the Ohio Building Association , Harvey Burnett, in company League, will hold their annual with Mr. Lawrence- of Dayton, at- pring meeting W ednesday, May tended , a Co-{)perative M'< Meet- 12th, at Memorial Hall, in Leban · on. G. H. Young of Lebanon, dising in Toledo a coupl e of days la t week. trict president, will preside. Savings institutions 'ith reA large crowU .enJioyed the good sources of approximJltely $100,entertainm nt by the Ladies' Aid, 000,000 f ,r om Butl er, Clark, at Lytle Hall Friday evenhl g. Greene, Montgomery, Preble and Ralph Joh ns has ibstalled a new meat -rei'rigratoJ' in his grocery WaneD counties will be represented. Alnong th e 48 building, loan aud will keep fresh meats all the I,lnd I!avings 8.'lsociations in th e dis


. _ -----'

CLASSlflfO ~DS. . --==----==-======== .

=- ---



POTATOES: LATE SEED and cat jng poln~oe~. Lrouse BI·o~. n. R. 2; 1 ]·2 miles north on Waynesville and Ferry Pike. 4tp. ED J\RICES on Woll.Paper. 0 nmples Now . Latest design.'!. Ed. Standiford. 5.13p


MYERS Power Spmy Rigs, Hand Spray Pumps, Flosc , Nozzles, Spray Guns and Accessories. 1'Iumbinl! and neatin~ Supplies. THE BOCKLET COMPANY, Phon 360, enia, Ohio, 415 W. fl1-18-25-014 Main St. 11 ROOM BOUSE in excellcnt condition, will \1ny 13 per c nt as ren~ll. Shown by IIppointme'JIt only. W. N. Senrs. l<' OIt SA,LE: Two Good Mares, very reas9nable price. One an excellent brood mare. Geo. Henderson 6.6p. ANNOUNCEMENT: OPEN[NG' A NUtiling- nome after May 1. A real hom . Mr.!!: Ada Caudell, 600 W. Locu. t, Wilnl.ington. Phone 4064. Rates Reasonable 6-27c FOR SALE - Ewes nnd Lambs. Ernest Butterwo'rth, RR2 5-6p. TEERS DAY FLOWER. Or. d l' now r r prompt deUvCl'y: A. II. Stub~. Phone 29. 5-6u FOR SALE : TI'ansplanted Garden plants of all kinds; Sw t Pot ato plants, ready after May 10th; Also good selection ot ne and two year old peren ... nhl! flower p lnnts. George Peterson, one mile north of W ynCIlville, Bellbrol)k Pike. 5-6p: SALE: Black Hawk COl'll Planter, A good one. A. D.

trucks represented 60% alld emp' I~~~H!!o!!l!!e!!,~W!':!la~yn!!e!!s~v!!il!!le!!,~~"!6!!-!,,,6~C

ty trucks 40 % of all trutks obser·l ·

ved. Loaded vehicles averaged 16. 700 pounds gross weight, while empty vehicles averaged 6,200 pounds. The average gro weight of al) trucks {)b ervcd was found to be 12,600 pounds. Th e average weight ot ioads carried by the com rnodity eIllTiers which w ro observ . ed was 8.200 pounds., During the months of Septem. ber, OctobE!1', and November, there was a slight 'inere in the average gross weight of observcd truch while during th,e month ot Dec mbel' and January there was II slight decrease. Single 'Unit v~s averaged 81 miles per trip while two unit combinations averaged 287 miles and thre~-unit combinations, 161 mil es. The average trip mileage for all commodit y carriers was 129. Monthly variatIon in trip mile age was practically negligible, exccpt for th month of December when th average trip for all tru.c ks was slightly longer. A survey of vehicle compoliltion, on the stalie hihway system during i936, Ilhows th~t commercial ve· hicles represented ·15.9 % of total traftic on the system, as compared with 12.2 % in 193 4. .

waite, ~rl!. Harold Burg and on, Robert of Daylon vlalled with Mr. and Hn. Henry Satterthwaite ~n Wednesday. MI'$. W. A. Gearhart, ltfr. and MT • N. R. AUman and daughten and Mr. ud Mrs. Kenneth Shnml of Dayton were visitors last· Sunday with: MI:. and Mrs. A. H. hibbs atld fatnily.



• ,

The many friends of Mrs. Anna Margaret Johns was a di n- trict, 31 are state chartered insti· Randall will be pl eased to learn of ner guest Sa t ur day ~It th e horne 0 f erlll tutions and J7 operate under a fed charter. h r recov ry from a .recent illness. Mr. , and MT~. Kel1lneth Hough, OLIVER SINGLE DISK HARROW with. To....ue Trude Ml'S1 adie RellSon has returned near Waynesville. Sp akers at the meeting include Arthur Hamilton, member of' the . . . a'IIoCI Three HOU6 E 'l'eneu ." .. .' ......... ...... , .. ...... .. ...... $50.00 home after . a two 'week' absence. ~lSS Laura Rosnarle of Cmclll· 92nd General Asse{llbly and formMI'. Ilnd Mrs. W. P. McCarren natj was a week-end of Mr BLACK HA WI( CORN PLANTER of Walhondi ng were guests of Mr. d M H B t • er Speaker of the Hou se of Repan ra. arvey urne . resentatives; Dr. Edward Blair, With Fertilizer Attachml!nt .. .......... ............. .. , ....... $88.00 and Mrl'. Chas. Gordon and 'family Mr. and ~ rs. Elm!)r Groves 010- Wanen County hooltb officer; NEW IDEA SPREADER ..... ....... . ...................... ... .......... $145.00 on Saturday nig~lt and Su~d ny. tored to RIpley, Sunday, fr~ Wal ter F .. lIeer, Columbus, preslTh Masontc InspectIOn was there along Ute flood ares of OhIO den t f th Oh' B 'Id' A . FAMOUS GRIDLEY HOC FEEDER t. oLe e 10 JU' lllgA D !I!oc!ah Id last Friday nigoht and was River to Cincirlnati. . d h Ion · ague, an 0 n . eVlne 12 Feed Doo" .............. . . .... • ............ . ... ......... .. ... $48.00 l~rgcly atte nded: About seventeen Mr; U. M. WhIte of Anchorage pnd Don 1.. Tobin, also of Columdifferent Ma. on lc lodges were , Te I Ky. was a lrUest of ,lhis un~le ond bus, secretary and public l'lations PI· Dtnner wa s'e rved by aunt, Mr. and Mrl!. A. L . SIdes, on director respectively of t he, buildHARDWARE a.ul IMPLEMENTS the 1adlcs o~ the Eastern Star. Moonday. ing and loan men's stat organiza~ Waynuyitle, Phone 99R3 Mrs. Lorraine Spray and The coo kIng- school at Lebano n , Mr. ~nd Mrs. E. B.Longacre tion. This is the first time in many ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;: on 18 t Wed nesday, Thursday and and M.r s. I. B. Jones spent Satur-- y . th a t b '1d' d 10 n xe tel', Evelyn of Dayton are gue$ ; . Fl'iday was quite all attraction for day aflie rnoon in Dllyton a nd . at- ean h ' Ul tlllgt a· n b' a a e. - of Mr . T. B. Bl,'annock this week. d -" h i b · ' cu t Ives aVe m c a L e IIon. M . · . . th . e I adl C of th .comm umty. Sev- ten eu: a 8 ow n t ~ evenUlg. ' . With rentals constantly becomrs. Spray will t~ach In bbe Day. eral of them aUened all three days. . Mr ..and Mrs. Virgil Slde~ of Cln ing higher, reality pr.ices stiffen- ton schools next year. . T.he school was taged by The ' cm~ati . end Mrs. F lo Sldes ~f ing up, and a wave of thrift again Mr. WIIJ Mohr and. MI'. John Pal ( Weste~n Star. SprIngfIeld: were week-end ,guests Bweeping the state, bUild In and tures a~d daughters, Martha Ann ~:~~~;:;~ Mrs . . Laura Varner Reed and: of Miss Velma and H~~rman Smith. loan associations are leadin~ the an4 E;llzabet,h, of Darton wen ' ... daug?t~l', Miss FI~ramond, a:e .enMr. and Mrs. Norville Olborn ot way for ~ revival of the construe. guest. of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Barnte,rta1l1lng a relative fro m Wlscon- DaytMl, werei Sunday afternoon tion industry and the trend toward ett, Sunday. guests at the home of. Mr. and Mrs hom ownership according to the Mrs. Oliff Burnett .ltd dallchIsin.Th!! Friends Qua.rterly M'eeting Walter Kenrlck. ann:uncement s~nt 'out in connee-I ter, Ruth, We.Te In Da~ Wed. will be held at the Friends Church Mr. and Mn. S. H. Burnett ~d tion with the butlding and loan nesday. ' on Saturday morning, May 8th. Mr. and Mrs. Earl BU.I.ett viSited meeting The 11'. Bible Cla'ls of the Rev. Jane Carey will the relatives in Bellbl'Ook. Sunday af· S .' Churc.h of Christ mei last Thurs. ternoon. ' th tatlS~~S tombed at~n~~cedh at even in&, at 't he hom4l of Clara Hopsel'mon: s tOJW, kins. After the bUSine.!l8 lIesllon, Mr. lind Mrs. Willia m Wilson Little Dick~y Ironll who Jivel! t·hetmb ee• Ing ~ Qh.e ,111 y 'ta.n at the home of Mr, . and Mrs. . a usmese In J? loS conI! , y , dainty refreshments wen served. Mullenln broke his Irm in a fall Improving. In the C<luntiea to bel M · . t/WI1M, I . ,. repre nt d t tbe ti T. and Mrs. J. p. Larrick lIC· Ll.. PORK • on ·the cement lut week. He is b 'Id,se e d la meet dn~. t' ~ companied Mr. and ' Mrs) It. H CtoqAg ... CJIy S,,", . VEAL getting along nkelt under the UI mg an oan aurvey n Ica es t S . . . . Jl,. .... J.yoaa til. 1M maJae Fresh Ca.llie., lb . ... ..... 16 1-2 Poclcet Roa.t, Jb ' .. E 'S to ~ that earning power and employ- tubhs and famIly to Gennantown dos'"o aaocb., d •• wi-L,'oM. ,SptU'e Riha. 2 Ib .............. 28 care 0f Dr . .,.. . . u... I Sunda" evenin t • 't --'th M I UI_ Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hadley It ment are both up appreciably ove!' .', g 0 V~St WI r. Pyn6i 0.. Su>ricle. Pytdaz G.a ShouJder Roalt, lb. Fre'" 5'ide. lb. .... .... ...... 23 ' l"ttl d ht d M M last year. Those iJl attendance at Stubbs s mother, Mrs. E . E. Hart- ft8UIadaa~PIDIIlCJt lunWIae.I I e ,aug er atl n. argar- h ' -'"' I L _ ._ j rum. 10 ,.'-110 i::banJe. Yog paf oaa. Po.,.k Steak, lb. .. .. .......... 20 Chop., lb. . ........ . , ......... .. et Johns were e1\~ertained to din- t e mel, wll lI""ar •.d ~CU88l01\l , the Imall tOlcanil eh..., . of ner on SUll d '1 at the bome Mr. of the laws affecting ,butldlllg 8JId Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crew, Mr. f9.75aod ....... ~CClIIIu . . Fre.h Pork Sa."'e., Ib . 20 . Stejak, lb. ................ .. .. . It can be ins ured ..... and Mrs. Charlel Doster, near Har loan associations passed at the re- and Mrs. J. P. Larriek wen In ' de u 3 or" CIIIlCI........ , • I Pork Chops, rib A: loa. ...... 28 LONCH and SMOKED We can in ure it ..... veysburlf. cent session of the, Ohio General Dayton Wednesday. Ya. a ......... 1m QUALITY BE EF MEAT Sunday dinner guest. of Mr. 6 AN- ANALYsTs-OF"'TitUCK MUSHROOMSEASON ~~..c::.:.,=~ n Mrs. A. L. SldM were: Mrs. Flo TRAFFIC IN OHIO Th h . ..... ill _ .... ,..., . Bo~inC Beef, 2 lb. .. .... 25 BoIoe .. ~b..................... 15 Sides, of Sprlng::field; 1'I(r. and Mn e mUB room aeuo~ is at hand . . SIaort R ib., lb. .... .. ........ 15 Frank., 2 lb. _... ... .... .... 35 and a lways with a In a lltatemen t illllued today, by For the Past week IndIviduals 8IId Virgil Sides of <'incinnatil Mr. CIUIck R_t, lb..... ........ :... 18 and MI'I. Ralph HOlDm,a1 and lIOn, the Ohio Planning Suney In Co- parties have been lCourinl' tJae Piece, lb. ....... .....24 com pany. that will R.-I A Lolli St..Ju .. ... .sZ Howard, of Dayton; Uld Mila Vel- lUmbulI, lJIany facu of Interest wooda looltloy for the priled Hallll, wt.ol. or half, lb. . as honor its policy. S..... It......~ _t 21 ma and Hennan Smith. lating to truck tratrlc: an dJaCJOI- ,1unlrf• ~ • M<aced Ham,\ lb. ........ ..25 Mr. and Mrs. ed. Observations of truck traffic No daintier cUab b eYer set beI SI8alr. I" ................23 children attended a on the ltate hllhwa, a1ltem fon .a _ It HetIle. Aad, aD of ••• I ••••1A1I .AII••••••• IIIC. / a_ SteM. III . . ......... as :'iYer Puddin., Ib .. .......... 1& I!I$. made at 216 welPt latlone ecat- WapeniUe and v1cialt7 appear to •. .~ ••••" ... 1.1 1A1~~.!!'.! t Fi.....--Lilrhtninl-Tomado Iner, FrIda" tor their Georce Ora" at tM of tered ~ro.hout the State, aDd be amdo1l1 to partake of tIut tNat I-. - - '- " Hail' AutomobUe and Mrs. ,Fred lI'bk, IlldepeD- • were coatin-aoul from December ' IlAtare 10 ~ pl'Oftd..... p. L IIIYDIR .... SON dence, K,. IIr. uacl Gra, 51. 193& to December 4, 1818. Ilddel,.o weD tIaIIt tIM .....,. .. ' Y companied them home the eveAll analJlil ot the data obtata- ....... alDg, eclufta t.IaU: of





. Quality High • Price Low


If .










YROF'" V ft.A · .



A. .1. VIe. .}


KT. l







8ighty-Ninth Year

Wa)'Dearille, Ohio, Thunday, MAL FRIENDS HOME


Whole Number 6273

1:l, 1937


NOTICE I, A. K. Day, as Mayor


f the Sunday dinnel' guests were Mrs. J, R. Updyke, 6i 'Dayton, Dr. Roy Crockett}llaced sev nth In Vill.age of Wayne8v.i1le, her by and Mn. A. E. tout and little the County Schooll Clas ilication of ,J,eslg'noLo ~nd set. asule th e two(1Ilu~hter, Jal'a Lile, ChIJ.B. and the studentJ:! who took the Uniteu weeks P.Cl·IOd begmnlng May 6t.h ·~ R' t t t t M' . . and endIng May 20th 8l'1 LE ANE~ mma L ou L ewi , Emma Highway Sta .... s IS ory es 8 . I8ml nl- UP WEEKS on(1 Ru t h handl!'I·. vets ity Saturda,y , May 1. Carol Lud . Mi s:! Fr all Harvey ac~ompan- ington tied with three others for I a.·k all pro~rty own ers and Harveysburg Men's Club held it." The Wnrre n Qunty Field and i t.I Mr. and Mrs. Dee n Mock to seventh place in ninth grade Eng. renters to cooperate to Lhe fullest Waynesville schools will be regu llir meeting Wednesday ev n- Tlack Meet WIIS held at the Fair lev la nd for a few . days visit on lish. The other st.ud nts who went xte nt in tbi.s Pf gram. Let's An Ohi o fi sherman, to be l' ellre~ented in the county mUsing with about thirty men present. (lrounds in Lebano n, Tuesday, May Sunday. to Miami ' were Charles Anderson, cv ryone clea.l'lup lawn~ and gal'· purch. e a fi Rhi ng license b tween ical Festival ~hich will be held' at Mr, Garst, ' upel'intendent 'of the 11 . a I'i'I Ie p IaCefI' f 'It·s t , WI·tb Way' CiaI'll. Lile of Wa.chington C. H. Chem' try; 'Mary Eva LeMay, Al- d n ..On(1 1'1 'I t ou r propel't ICS 0 f ac- Monday, May 10 .1ncJ Mon<lay, the l~alr Gro unds in Lebanon Fri. Wayn sville Schools wa.s the speak- n ;svill e and King MiUII tying for is her fOr a f ew days. g bra I; Ada Bell . Frye, Geomct- cum ulated ashes and rubbi sh May .3 I. will have qu ite a selection da y, Ma'y 14, at 8 :00 p. rn., ~ord er of the even ing. Mr. Hudso n, sl'cond in th o high cnool boys' Co Mrs. Emma Pierce, Bert.ha Bdek .I'y; Glenna Wool:ard, English XU,' hcap~. A little work and very little from which to choose. ing to a tpte men t mad e early this ex"t' n 'c shoul(I 'r e"u "y Lik e milady, .."ick_in g a summer Iveek by MT. Russell Frank, direc. Mr. David~, !lnd Ur. ,,~ Reynolds, busi ven'" ..,. ett and I?reda Harvey were in Anna Mae Watkins, Latin I. u ev~ryone ness leaders in Wilmington accom· J ohn Boger took fir~. in both the Duyton on Thursday. JUNIOR.SENIOR BANQUET will len d wondrl'fully toward im- bon net, t.h(> horny-han ded fisher to r of music in the local school. panied the president, Mr, Enter tli CU!;. !lnd shot put with record Mrs. J . R. Updy"k.c of Dayton The Junior Cla.S! of Wa ynesville proving t he appearance of our fOl' bass or cat may have some dif· The F e. tival, however, depends Munger out from Wilmington and bUlaking thl'OWS, Robert Preston ' spent. Su nday with her mother Mrs High School will Emtertain the g rad com mun ity. ficulty in selec ting between the upO n the wnatherman'8 whlmisical had fe llowsh ip with the Harvey!!- \lIMed second in the 220 Yl\rd 4ash Luck. uat ing clas~ Thurl,d/lY at a ba nqu et Th Village Dump at the Ea t blue, t.h e whit and ~he g)·een. And mind, Mr. Frank said, for if rain burg bUll inessm n in ihis ses. ion. and third in the 100, CharI 8 Ea1'n Miss Gretei),en G hring and a the Golden Lamb Hotel in Leba- Gnd of Miami t ., will be open and ther is more to cbnfuse him tha~ is the ol'der of the day, it will be> TO ENTE~TAIN hurt. placed sc~ond in ehe pole her n10th er, Mrs. Gertrud e Gch. non. Following th e banquet all will pl'opet'ly posted to indicate the color, for the Oh io fishing licen ncees ary to give way until ' more and v.:lI la.rd Furna was \ ri ng, of Tol do took dinner on att. nd a t.heatre ... nt the Town podion of this area we. wish utiliz- .' iluation will be quiie COUNTY GRANGE L _ I d f d . for t he n ext f w week . . ' condit ions prevaj). Tuesday. Uall Th ea re. c . or umpmg purp ses at this Massie Grange of Harvey burg secnn d In t 'u! ml e run. The pl'ogram is as follows: In th e gil'ls' ·vents, Fri eda Freda, Ru th and Erma Harvey, CAESAiU,-CREEK time. Th e confusion is cau sed by the will be host to tne county organlAII o'unty Orchestra, Mr. AI. atlon on Saturday, May 29th. All placed second in t he 50 ya rd dash Andr wand Alfred Shawhan of Again I r equest of everyone, fact that old laws are passing into fred Watkins and Mr. J. A. Good. grange are urg d to at - anti t hi rd in tile ba eha ll throw for larksville were ' callers in Colum. The held their "LET' S CLEAN UP" the backg"round, while new one s tend girls undel' 95 pounds. Evelyn Fur· Iw a, Su nday ev ni ng. ' Signed: A. K. DAY, Mayor. are becoming ff ecUve . Two oldu dc h, directo rs . • k ' ~~nd' t h h t t ., meetmg at the h, me of Mr. and mea ures ju. t now a"~ bl'entht'n . eI ction s ,.. their las> one the t·od-an " · ree l 1'1 . " h IIn d e s 0 d' Mr. and M'r. Wm. Hoover al'e na ~oo sevv pu anu Mrs. Emma Pi rce and <laugh· M..,s. Do nald Hai ne, 'unliay night ,~., Standard Benrer now nice,ly loeated in theiT n wly E V (' Iyn S ml" pace seco lie 1', and Mrs. Bert.ha Bric kett WAI'C .., the other the trout u . I n m ","5 ' Mr. and Mr . Wa lter Wilson and cense law', 1'1 · Firelight Shadows ih 0 f U b b purchased home of Ed. McFarland pound us a r w or g lr l\ over" . '(llma vi.sitor on Friday. Mi ss J eann ctte Wilso n were SUllo cense law. Thc univeTSaI angler'! Miss Mary Gre hllm of Bedford . Mr. A. Z. Hartsock a nd family day dinn er guest.s of Pau l Peter· rIcense Iaw is jU!jt coming into Corona Indiana itas Tetutned t'o hel" home In the Junior •n igh Boysl cvents of Oakland call d on hl's mother, Dream Faces k f' . h son and fa mily of the Eleazer fOTce. h Ill' I I!R J one~ .00 .-r vi iting r elatives here and Jr!;t In t unday aHernoon . Blu e Skies h t ' h' , 1 • t n ~igh b orhood. Th af..., near Waynesville. . 0 put nnu t Il'u In bo h the pole The Pr~greB, ivc Wom en 's Club e I·od'- and·reel law will Chorus, Grades 1 & 2, Mrs. NelMr. and Ml"s. Howard Graham v8,.u lting nnd the 100 yard dash. had a Wilmer Roast at the home of Some of OUr membe rs attended • breathe its last at midnight, Ma y ly Williams, Dire tor and Miss Kathleen attended church Rob rt Payne was thil'd in t he high Kuthryn Gi bbo on Tuesday quarterly meeting at Harveysburg 30. Until that tim e anglers who at Springfield meeting hou se, af. jump, Robert Zimmernlan took scc night. Friday and Sat.urda y. Th c New Lexington News, in <\ fi sh without b n efit of rod-and· "e lecti ons ter which th y were dinner gue ts ond in th 75 yard dash and Wayne _ _ _ Mr. and Mrs. Evan Bogan of r ecent release. eal'rieu wllrd that reel need no lice nse ,while ,t ho e Us A Dream of Mrs. Graham's sister, M,r . Nidll • colt placed third in the pot ato Dayton and Rev. and Mrs. W. \. uperi ntenci ent of Schools, N. p . ing thos refin emen ts of thn ang· Sing a ong of ' ixpence Gerhart and family near thete. Bogun Were dinner gu ests Friday Bl att, who had served two years in ling art mu~L have a blue rod·and. A[l April Day Mrs. Mary Denny and ?'Ir. and SCHOOL STAND INGS of Raleigh Bogan and family, that capacity, was r e-employed f 'Jr reel Iic cn!;C, costing $1.10, "coin o( hOI'US, Grades 3 & 4, MilJs EdMl'S. George Pidgeon sp nt thc H. . Gr. Tot Mi: L oui e inclair was a din- a fOllr year p d od b ginnning Aug the real m. Bright a nd carl yon Ma y 111 Comp to n, Director r week-end in Anderson, Indiana. nrli81e 16 ~" (l 221.(, ncr gue t of h er brother· in·law ust 15th this yetl and continuing 31, however, the univel'sal angle rs' '01 IlCtionB Mr.. Clyde Levicy ntertained WnynQ., ville ]3 !J 22 and sist er, MI', and Mrs. Dona ld until Augu t 1941. license law becomes effective. Un· Indian Lullaby in a mo t charming manner tho fol King Mills 13 5 18 Raines, Sunday. Mr. Blatt was formel'ly co nn ~ct· del' it. terms all fishermen over 18 Pairie Crew 12 15 ' 27 Mr. and Mrs. William Compton ed with t he Wayn esville scnoo: for yearA of a~, regardless of equip. lowing ladles at a luncheon at her Ma n Frolfgy Would a Wooing Go nome on last Thursilay noon: Me~ pl'ing boro II 7 l !;. .. yclon e Sally" the Senior Class and Mr. and M rlil. Ral ill:h Bogan severa l year~ and made a host of ment, must have licenses, T,uise Toy Band, Evelyn Wilker3 t,;, 1 4'A1 play wa, prc!;ented before large calJed bn Mrs. Ella Haines, Sun· fri end!; while here all of whom will cost foul'·bits and a dim e. Whil~ ,on, Director (Mason and Springdam , Sadie Reaso n, Rose Carr, Morrow , Mary Haines, Lizzie hidaker, ba Ilarv y. burg 3 8 11 uudlenccR Thursday a nd Friday day. b glad to hear of hi continued t hese I.icenses do not becom e effee· bOI'o Schools) Welch, Bernice Dakin, C sie Col. Otterb in 3 3 ' 6 nights. Suella Bernard pr'otraYE'd Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Wil son succeSl, in the teaching profes ion. tive, lind r t he law, until May 31. Selections Wayn e. ville High cho()1 Boy the pa rt of "Cyclone Sally" well. and son, Gel'8ld of nellr Xenia, The eWl! states that Mr. Blat t th y will go on sal& Monday, May lett and the gUt! t of hono r, lilf March from th "Nut Cracker Martin of Tacoma, Wo hington. ti d with King Mill for 2 placi!. We might add that ally grew were visi tor at ou r church, Sun- "ha..'! b een active in an effort to 10. They are white in color. Suite" MI.!8 Evelyn McCarren of ,Col. In the Grade chool bOy 'events more vigorou at the end of the day. improv e the education require· Into this picture also strides the Moment Musicale umli'us spel'lt T ue day with Mr. and ~.fa On won fir. and Waynesville In ' t· aet than at the first. In the Ra leig h Bogan and family had ments 1)f the local schools." trout license-the green one. Soldiers' March again pa ced s ond. la t act shc became madly in love as their gue sts, Sunday, the follow Prior to hi s acceptance of the These cost the Ohio fi herman $3.· Mrs. harles Gor~on. Chorus, Grades 5 & 6, Miss VivMrs. Wilbur Sbidaker had tbe In con idel'ing all bo and all wi t h her 'enemy Jack Webster ing: Mr. and Mrs, Horace Comp- work at New Lexington, he wa 10, inclu(ling the i uance fei!. ien Hagemeyer, Director ton of New Bu rli ngton; Mr. and s uperintendent of t h schools at They will not be required after ill ctions miefortune to break her arm last girlsev nts the stand ings are in (played by Charles Earnhart) . we k. Mrs. Laul'a Sbidaker i car. fo llowing orde r: arlisle, Ki ng Reg-in 11 Id Mann rs, a. typical l'Iirs. Evan Bogan and children of Manch e ter for five yea . July 27, a,cc ording to the new leging for her. !Mills, Mw on, Waynesville, Harveys Englishman , was played by Clyde Dflyton; Weldon Wilso n and fam. He is a graduate of Wilmington islative act. Until that timll, h<rW. Mrs. Osee Harlan has returned burg, pring-boro, MOlTOw, Otter· Fromnl. Hi s "charmed in fact more ily of near X l"n iSI and Rev. and oll ege at Wilmington , Ohio. AI. evel', an yo ne pursuing the wily than charmed," was an asset to the Mrs. W. E. Bogan Of near Spring t.e r his graduation he took a post brookie, t he rainbow or the Gerhom after visiling her si tel', Mrs. b in Emma Cline. J ohn B g'r t.hrew the di cus ,)Iay. Charles Davis played the part Valley and 'MT. Robert Wilson. gr aduate eours at incinnati uni- man B.rown must pay hi $3.1 0. Mr. Harold Tucker celebrated 11!) ft. 7 1-2 inch " T he old rec rd of Willi e lump. Everyone laughMr. and 'Mrs. 'rheodore Me In. versity and at Miami Univ ersity. Th e trout license is also good for his eighteenth birthdllY onniv r. liS 1 8 it 6 inch s mode by Stake ed a.t hi forgetfu ln ess, especially, tire, C/lSt of New Burlington, were He obtain ed his degree at the 1st- any other type of fish. . sary last Friday night ~ ith f1. din· of Spl'ingboro. John put th shot" h, n he didn't know whom he had gues t s unday of the lattter' par. ter institution ju t prior to going Whil e it has not been so annou n ced off i ially, i t is und erstood that n er party comprised of his senior 14 feet 5 3-4 ineh~s. The old tn· proposed to. It was quite a mix-up ents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wil- to New Lexington. c1u mates and Miss Anna and cord by t;l)rke was 43 feet. - \\ ho wa~ Sally Graham and who son. MRS. ANNIE E -DW-ARDS I'od·a.n d·r,e ll Iicen es purchased beMr. Howard MacDonald. Aiter II To hie a sophomoTe at Mason was ue Bascom? Evelyn Furnas - - -- - fore May 30, will be honored all delicious dinner the evening was won first in 4 events giving Mason played the part of Jenny tbe Irish LYTLE NEWS BURTON PASSED AWAYthrough t he 1937 SeASo n. The same Silent in g~mcs Ilnd cont sts. He all of their 12 p iiitJ:!. His leven houseke ' per on' ~he W~b.ster EaMrs. Susan Saylor has returned Mr . Annie Edwards Burton pas· will hold tl'ue of t~~t licenses. I 'r eceived e" eral lIeautiCul and IV re 100 yard dash, high jump, ta.te. Jim J el'kin j (Leo Con ner ) l ~rom Cantield 'and is now making sed a'Way May 7, 1937. The funerFERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST much appreciated gifts. broa d jump, nnd pole vault. with his baton wn the 'hired man her bome wit h her so n-in·law and al was held in N ew Castle, Indiana W. C. Smit'h," Next aturday, Coach Bodenben on t he Estate. He had daughter, MI'. and Ml's. Harry Gra last Sunday at 2 p. m. --Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smart, Mrs. Anna Randall, Mrs. Cliff Mar de r is taking John Boger, Charles b e n tl'Ying to marry Jenny for the ham. . - - - -'--• undny: Th P . W Clh / Furnas to past . tw ny years. Effie Varden ' tin and Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Collett Earnhart li nd Willard Quite a numbe!r of p eTsons fron'• LOCAL NEWS BI' ble e,hool!l :30 a.m . were dinneT guest of Mr. Lida Cincinnati wher ll" the local boy (,ElSie Mae Wieal) was neigbot:: here aUend d t he class play at Mr. an(1 Mrs. Ross Planck had e rngresslvCl omen'S u Hatton on aat Friday evening. will compete in the District Tl'BCk glfl who had full supply of riddles Waynesville Thu:rsday and ' Friday as their guests Sunday Mr. and PI'Cachi ng 11 :00 a. m. net T uesday evO"ning, May 11, fol' Mr. and Mrs. Lewi Snell a nd .and Field Me t. If th ey place with. for Reggie. Vivian Vel;non playeq n ights. MJ:s. Wayne Planck and daughter, Sermon ·sub] ct, "The Case of ts last m ee ting of the year,' at the daughter, Joan ,specn.t I1nday with in he first three plaes will be by Glenna WOOlard was Wte socir':y Mr. and Mrs. Peter Banta were Janet of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. Ap llUos." leautiful country home of Kathl7n ' t S t ' I f C d Pit R T d 1ibboM, for B picnic and weiDer · th St t M Dayton relati vea. ent rdn e a e ee, a. ur· glr 0 e a~ 0 n. u th Thateher Wed nesday dinn er gue!!ts of Mr. lark Starr and children. Robert ues a y I Miami Quarterly m ceti g was day May 22 . was playe(J by Edith Hoyie. . Sbe and Mrs. Kesler Gra ham. Joe and Patty of Xenia, Mr. and Pray er meeting 7 :46 p. m. Will 'oost. WAYNEVILLEM. E. CHURCH was 1\lrs. Alice Clark was 'a Dayton Mrs, Ru.ssell M'Ilrtin and daugh te rs study t he tw elCth chapter of Acts, hort Following picnic a held at tbe Fritlllds' Church on last · . b'kjnd soul whoThhelped Regbu ~lnes the session waa supper held and SJlturday. Mr. J line Carey d eIIVSunday: gle ge IS apron on. . e play was visitor Saturday. . Martha and Phyllis, and Rosemary We had a very' suece~s ful young .. d h' hI prese t d d th d" M officers for t he. coming year were ered t"e se:rmon an was Ig. un day !Ochool at 9 :80 A. M. n e un · d Y t Ro d Mer B e Irectlon of d rs. h Donald Hadley and little Titu s of Wayne ville, Mr. an d Mrs peoples banquet ~c at Ferry last named: Eva Reeder, president: Em appreciate d' , D lOner was serve a Momil)g, worshi p' at ]0:40. Th e _ eon _ _ _ T._ _ro,wn. h aug ter f spent Thursda-y at t he Robert Bowers and their father Fl'iday eveni ng, drawing people na Lou Lewi.s, vice president: E ... . hel' Smith, @.<,cretary; Grace 1Ioc:t he g)'m. serrrionsug j ect will be, "The Great WAYNESVILLE CHUR'CH ,orne 0 -her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Freeman Bowers of , Spring. from fifteen churches. Hillsbor 'I:h ~ Women's Civic League met Essentials". OF CHRIST Amos fiCld, ,Mrs. H. C. Ald en of Miami had th e largest de legation of 2G. ett, Treasurer. 'M ' Cook near WaynesVille. · l s Reba ~t the home of Mrs. Mary Tucker Even ing servke at 7 :45. Spe. d Surface ]'" of the town· ' Florida, Mr. and Mr!!. carl P eter· Th el'e wer e lOll tickets sold, netF iftee n members and two _ .....tat h W on laat Saturdn~ evening wit~ aev. cial music will be r endered by the • C. Smitib, Mini.tet' IP roa tile I g uest of MiS1l SOl) a nd daughter, Jan ice of ling Lhe Td-State Club aro und fi- Mrs. Min erva Hou.,.h and G&rb:ude .. ~ J S d ' "'. J h S ' to' enj07 tbe ~ral members .present. A!ter a choir. The special. ~opic for t hi! un a y .l',·ancl 0 ns a coup .e of days last prit\gfield and Lewis Planck, tty dollars, Russell Martin of th e :handler were present .. the program C'v ening will be, ,"Wby I Go to Bibe Sch ool 9 :80 a. m. wee wife and 'daughter, Betty and Miss Ferry Church led the si ng inlP. . and a n eve~ ing of Binro.' ..ahort buslnes' sesaion, .. H'k •b S ., Ru· ienl<! , committee presented a Mothers' Church." This llubject will be di'!. Lesson subj ect, 'The Forbeare er mith of bear G rman· Ada Planck of Yellow Springs bert And erson of Cincinnati gave and 'M'emorial Day program. cussed by. Mr. French and the pas. ance of baac." town is visiting her brother and sis Mr. and I,'.{rs. Glenn Borde n of a , ve.ry inspiring add r 8 on, "Liv· Mrs. A. F. "M:i\o'h, aaslated by tor. There will also be given op. Printe,l Text : Gen'. 26.' 12-25. tel', Herman and :Miss Velma Smith Franklin, Ohio, weve calJing on I ing in the Pre!lent." Lola Sear., ,frs. HOI'ace Shaner, Mrs. EsteUe Miss 'Virginia Tocker accompan- portunity f or open dlscussion of 'I vr . d III . W aynesvi II e, S unday. ....., Christian Endeavor 7 :00 p. . ~u s. CIyd e W"..1a rton and (Ja'1lg.h f rem gave two accordian numbers. Min hane r, Mrs. W alter WhiO-' _led a Gospel Tea"1 from Wilming. this topic.. Preaching ,7 :45 p. m. m• . ters, Misses Eva and Miriam , at- ' Mr. a.nd Mrs. R erman Surface I nie Nunl ey of Cincinnati gave :r8. Moose , and Miss Grue Will· ton College on last Sunday to Mor Wednesday: Evangelistic m sage. tended the servic,e of Rev, Cadle of and son, Mr. and Mrs. Harl'Y1 three readings. Eve1'ett Hunter , entertained the Friendlbip ' TOW M. E. Churcb where they pres Th e Ladies Aid will meet with W ed nesday Indianapolis at South' Park Church Stokes, Mr . .and Mrs. E . rnest Hart· president of t he local club ,sang '8 :Iub Wednesday. After the buaiented a very iJitereating program, in MrYaOnd Da t Su k Mr. M II0 H artsoek spe nt S un solo. The meeting Was closed by ~ss ~et1o . d th e f 0II oWlllg • . A. F. Melloh at 2 :00 p. m. ' Prayer meeting 7 :45 p. m. M n d:,Y. h M C soc, procram Miss ,H.elen Randall attM:lded her Bible hour and prayer meeting '1'011 • n rs . • osep c ray of day with Mr. and' Mrs. Clarence severa l volunter prayers from the as given ; Poem, Mn. CUben SOl'otity formal held, on last Fri. a t 7 :30 P. M'. . ' ere w.ere 88 present faT morn Miamisburg weN! Saturday even. Dunham of Lebanon. group. 'rye ; So lo, Mrs. .M. A. Fulkenoa. 'day night at the Mal'iemont. Choir practice at 8 :00 P. M. wOl'shlP and 100 Sunday eve, I ing guests of Mr. aTid Mrs. Clar· Mr. and Mrs: J. E. Th omp son EPISCOPAL cHURCH :ecitation, Betty Meredith; · -.....'. Dr. vJ. E. Fr08t and Harold Tuc G. C. Dibert, Pastor m ll8 · There were eight young pea· \ ence Smith. s pent Sunday WIth the Ia.tters par· N t S d Wh 't I th 1 contest in charge of Ml'II. A. B. ker attended a Field Meet at ___ Pie. f rom tbis church atte-nded the Mrs. 'Mi&I'Y Carmony spent Mo. ents at West Jefferson, Ohio. ex un ay, . I -, Unt ay, e '::;tu bbs. LOCALNEWS Trl.StB~e ban.quet held at Ferry , thers' Day at the. :l\ome of her son. Mr. and MTs. Ballard Wallace ~ mbe.ra of St. Ma~y s congrega- T,he Haypy Hour -Club meetl... Greenfield on liSt SUndllY. lll.'!t Fflday IlIght ' ,'n law and d ~t M M te taO . d th I ' tt ' .. 'I t lon will attend Christ Chur ch, at ~. held at Ioh h f 111 0 Mrs .. ,Jessie Hyman entertained . . , w· augul er, r. and r s. en r :ne e a er s Jaml y on X~n ia, where the Rev. Mr. C~vell ,.. ~ ' . ~ e orne 0 ra. 1('Mr. and 'Mrs. 1. W. Snell visitD ed Mra. MT. • .... F. Clark . . t ' WI'11 con d uct t h e corn- i1 TI.. le Rambo 11 S II b 0f C'mClOna, CI" on Tuesday. d 'th th ~~ " Snell'. mother a t Monter- the members of her immediate d MWaynesville. Le M er say. d M R M ttl D family, 011 Sunday evening in hQn. ...r. an rs. on Salisbury, r. an l'S. a s ury I . '-, ",e ·U" ope-ne W1 e ~ ey s:nl::-Cla:: under the dl- or of her mother, Mrs. Jeallnettc ' . folr. Clal1ence Crawford Slid .t am son and of Washing1.on and family, Mr. and H. A. mun on ervlce at 10 :30 a. m. 'A' of the creed, by ,roD Block. About twentv ' D'uests were Ily .spent Sunday In Sardenla with C. H" .spent Sunday evening with Cornell and Betty Braddock were FERRY NEWS nil wi~h seventeen, members pre. re Ia ti ves. Mr. Itnd Mrlt. Aillen Emrick. guests 01 Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Corn Miss Betty J ean Rudduck, who Itt all d one. gue8t, Miu Alice Go_ rectlon of Mrs. Lil1ian Carr, is resent. 'J • presenttnr It play entitled ''Moun. P Mrs. J ohn Cartwrlgbt and . the minute. of tile M .' r. EUsworth Smith and family Mrs. Albert Stacy of Dayton, ell on Sunday. was operated on Wednesday at · II OWl' d Wlt/1 taln M1,1mpll" on Friday evening, daughter, Janet, of Cincinnati, of .Dayton, sJl~t Sunday with "Mrs. Mr~. Oscar Wad,e and Mrs. Guilda . Dr. Witham had a pleasa nt sur- t he Miami Valley Hospital for rup a, t mcetmg. May 21st. Aft er th e b USlllU, . were' guests Mrs. Hannah Rog- Mattie Levi and son, WelliDgton. Baker of near Springboro, Mpi!. s u o n e day last week. When an- tured appendix ~ti11 remains i n tOe pl'G~ Mr. and Mrs. Cbarles Bogan en era, on Sunday, Mrs . Emerson Dill and 80n, Ral- san Saylor and Mrs. Allen Hole swering the doorbell, met his O. W serious condition, They ask her onsisted of a rea.d~ b, ~ tertalned with a ramOy dinner on Mra. Gertrude Gehring of ph, spent Sunday with her uncle were guests at t~le Ladies Aid Meet U. Classmate Rev. Zimmerman, ,friends please not visit her until Og lesbee, another 1"IladiD~ bF RoSanda,. Sp.ringtield, Miss Gretehen Gebr. and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. ing last Wednes(lay at the home of who, with his wife, was returning h er condition is better, Ml'ta Cook and then Alice G-. 'M1'L 1. P. Thornbury haa been ing were dinner guests of Mr. and ler of Dayton. Mrs. Ida Wical. . from Florida. Cora Thomas and her lion Ru· goa'le a deseription of lome of " lick but la better at this writing. Mrs. Lee Hawke and family Mon. Mr. and Mrs. Stacey Craie anMI~ Mildred Graham and Miss Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Orcutt and bert were callers at the home of things she haa AeD in.l'Jorida. At. The W. C. T. U. met at dayeventne. ' nounce the birth of a baby gi'rl on Blair of Dayton. were Friday after daughter and Mrs. Emma Orcutt, Mr. Will Pine Tuesday evening. tel' this, a hl'llc:h ..rwcL 'all hom. of lin. Oha Welch /)11 TueaMr. and ¥ra. Carl Sanker, of, MlY 11. noOll cuelts of &h. and Mrs. FOl'Nt Dayton were ,dinner cueste of Mr. Harold Filer and family took meeting adjourned to .... wWa dar afternoOll, it hemc postponed Muon. ,Mr. and MR. Mut Baird Mn. Edward Cre. .pent the Graham. and Mr•• E. C. Crane. Sunday diDn_ with Lester Gellb&rd and Monimia aad NelUt . .... trom lut Sneral and daqllter, Pata:v, lin. lh. . . .ek-e1id at her h~e heN, )Ira. Thoma Colllni of Dayton Mr. and lIIn. Clarence Edwards famUy ~Qnclay. June. hera wert pr......t and It''Iyn Watldna and Ion. RoIfU, were IIr. and lira. Jo1m . , . .... & week-end of ber uncle and daqhter entertaiDed tIM fot. Elmer Spencer of Piqua, Ohio EN1'EIl!T~AIIII~!.;~IaI.' tn. ProtrUl ba e1larlre of Sanday Pefla of IIr. aDd lin. O. tained at a birthday dbaaer and aunt IIr. lin. Walter Ken lowine cu..ta at a dinner on San- &nd Ilr. and ~ra. Roter Brown of ltI.... Ilarl OIlu Gordoia .... pnMllted. a. Uq1eeb7. day. Thoae pr"'llt "en: IIr. rick. da,: Mr. ad Ifra. Cbarlea Bd-\wa7Uhill e took aupper with W. Drift, ~,.............,_ U&T WCJIIAR'. AUXILIARY lira. He"bert lI.rllatt and r. aDd J . . . . Roll • .-nd warda and daqbter, CharI.. Ban- C. Smith and fuail, Snday, , moD, .... lin. . . . _lIPter, . . . JIuJ Of aUl, of Dartoa. III'. . . . lin. Rom. Rial ad faatI, h.or .. AUldtblO , aU ..... I:ndIaD at

































I"'or.,,; I ~ I,r ,I cl'nlJ alil~aTht' M rion Cuunty Rural EI<!c natul'lll mu\'l'I",'ll t 10 A· I, h (' r" '11l rIlLi\', I{r 11\, J the conI1lll kiln TllClgrt·'" Inllu:.-II'Y hu I --------------~ " 'l linl n1l'mort', «v ( 1I,lel for it .. cun,tnlctlon prOJl'ct Io:ntetl!u It tht> Illilnity nl'~ lin lht \1l\r h' I.. tn th·· 1\\:1 .11 . \ III /(' I" t11l11 ,inr,·h(' mlldt" th.· t. \\:13 , to tht' Paul L, liilll1 l1 l C' Company, I\~ Wayn ~ 'jill', Oltin, as ~ conll , 'P I I t h'I~ whal Ih!'r!' was about I Ir' tlult lIf l' IUlllh\1 ~. The' Marinn c n-op count ry" , a \011 t I' IlJl~ 11\ l'r In •. n~ 11IlI 'Ia,. Mnll Matt~r ~ ien (>, ill\'('ntinllJ elr tTir~t y. 1\ \ rk, but I ma'!l tIl<' mi tali •• of l' oul.1 mllke me ill. ", ill vl'ntually ,01'\'(' fnl'm, in Mar chemistry lind PYllPnl' rhlg' h~ye mentioning it tt' ',11 or my V\\")' I admit I have ~, en IcJ.,'"S thqt inn COllllty anti l'llrt. of Wy nelot, H • .-old D. Willlo, Editol" p3.\"1' 1'111' ntrd Illultitutil"'l of nl'''' t~ h hili IrJl.'n.k ~hl' 1\ kill In!' if nUHI!' 111(' ill. bill nut min, t Iikn Inno\\, Crawfl1ltJ nd Uardill wonrlt>r!\ in th e past fcw ),('111''', I h.'l.1 1!""t,,1 ~l'a "'..,.. \\"\' I ('.,n(u<- mr I. I!". lind 'th~)'rl' Pl'('Uy too ,'ountll''', 11(' n nn th t- march. nl? I h d ttl e.1\ IllI' "hole trip orr, Ht'$tdl'S th, t, [ don' t lim)w "hnL on Tubulnti nn of bids. which w.ere TO, 112 (al th 'I ~'ould do without them, 0p'n d Iwi! 2 " f(lr const ruction It hn, b COmt' fnr, more t han a I h d III :.'It'd "f ' .... 0 I('~, hut 1 eN· . " und if lll1l! mwt l'hang<' Il'W' jUbt to of lines for 'till' Northwest r n Rurtill h, (,I'iptioll ['rir.,. I hifting 0 f fnctoric!\ nnd h011l1:_, t a inly lIe\ "" ,'\\ nil a Pil II' , anu .,.,r..."....... 4 ' ....... ... - " ' - , hold tOl' '0 h t h : ( a crown "ut on u mun' hemi, III Elt>ctric Oop rnliv~ i · expec· ~........ ,~==~~====~==~ more 'thnn 11Io\'in~ fr(lm n center " h nl mIX"lI Illl' liP . (\ W 5 I II .,. e " ~, >; .... --' tt , ...~04h':.f.·_',ounaer, Do~eera au ' wn." ~o .Im- Wt'll l'm glnd I chang d my mind I'd, l (), !low aWIUlI of thi. contract OP PORTUN I TI ES of den~ popultltion "out into th~ ",' tm!;'1I t t lII n k' t hI\l It .. ......., ""'h t b'l b ' 1'1 ... to elml\,,(' ft'Ul Innt! 11 "'. to In . l ad 0:( illY leftS· ' wllhln a fe" days. Thi. proj et ~J jourDAlI.t tn her ~W1l right. I .. ... - - - _ - ~~ -- I " , ., 11 "j.{1lnninll' Vl'lIter i nn inex· COIlI1 'I'y. 1 e au mo 1 e u ' ln('s-· hal' b('en built up ~incc th(' turn f ~"Il I, I!" I'm not ,, \' , II t ( ttllin that REA ANNIVERSARY FINDS \" III SN' , 'C' 1 000 fnr~l'~ 1n WII~lams, wi[~ t!~~~ f:D!~:, ~:::tl~~ hau. tible r EOUrC!'. nlih th« ,,)t. thi cenlury and it r<'pres nt !' all onc chnn~ tl tr l::'. nuwb he OHIO CO-OPS :SUPPLYING Defl~nee and Pau1l1111$;' COU.ltll!S. Ia tl'lMllleaU, put to me ' bJ hllu~t ible proclucti\ 0:( conI mines. thllt 1" m lint by the torm "indus-I,mant I " h.' ul.1 ha\' , b oth kinds a· POWER TO 5000 FARMERS ~'vl' l<la~ co~trnct~ ,completed people." · it do ~ not wcil;h dol' n !<tE' I ,rail. Irhl prol:rl'~" Alfrl'd P 'loan \lInl[ I'm not t nil ur "Th - d - , :;£"t'IU t!unnp: pnl Will facilItate earl y TbompeoD.....ho- cOntributes , . .. , . ,. : , , ." e secon, . nn~ Ivor, ory 0 e \ ('!Ill for 'on!!tl'uction bids on lines col utili Ir ·ight cars to roach Ihl' r int ,Jr,. hilS 8tated the purpo es of G n but If ~h dId n1 611 thUL. \\1'11, It $ nUI'ul Electnflcatlon 011 MIIY 11 " ,and.dally II aatho; at "h:('h it .IM i\ "ork. It lIo " ~TI\I motors in eh llrting n ew, rou.te iu I tuo mn ny. : om .tim,e, I think nudR hio ~till maintaining the 10 16 countl('s, The loans are: liTeral 1)oou OD nIC8Ilt .. pacta hdt I' th, n that. lind 111 I,hod, of d centra!JZtlllOn, t W() ure t, 0 ninny. B e"l\ 1\ o~ th al I les o of the count .... ' in the e lectri- Holmes Rural Electric '. and Ita ....t 1# re. will ·.T ' eUfJ'8n t "Runnin wnt (' r commands mil- on . iuel'Rble promin.ence was giv- !lou' (,Vl' n w what a legs arc. fication (If larms nnd faJ'm tl e, projccl B, $280,000, H olme , I..."" .... ' the ou Uook . f or li on. f h o l' ~ )10\' r of c!,' ct rie n- ,'n th labor trouble to the way the I lookt>d diligl'ntly ill my diction- home ," said Murray D, Lincoln, Med ina, A shlund, Wayne, nnd ~-:'tt:ealtc;..~ e r g'll. It load. th wiT ~ at lhe rl\' - comp.'lny. ary for a Ill·fin\( iOIl Q-f them, and executive of the secretary r tho S RChocton counli!'.; Darke C Columbia'. network, the morll' 1'1', or stream, ,a nd fire-by-, ire trauri I Elcctl'ic oope rnLivl'. $226,v •• 10th. . 1 couhln't find on e thin'" nbout The abo\'e articl W)lS writl~n in " O h i o Farn! BUI'enu, olumbu~, to-v ~ l noisl(. Iy. . tl'lldily lind cer"'1'. but I found out. a lot 000, 'Darke, Ml'rc(>I', and Preble other wu 'lpea1r:tq af 1023 by J. E. Jones; hO\\eVeT, at " ,< a" .". dllY, tt\in!y to every point wll re i b about leg. in "'c. n ral. The" would counttes; l\:fO lTOW RU1"a l Electric Unlyel'81t." and a young mr.n the present time it has gr Ig '" " The :inn iversary dat(' follows by .• ., to luteme... me for the eollege n oded in Ih con enienee of hom nluke I\. remarkable "ub)' cet for r~ ooperatlvc, $250,000, Knox, l''£ nificanc or at least that i th ~- a few days of thcl annoUncement d D I ' said KI .. TbompaolL. "'He life; r in th .. ~ffairs of industry. T lin there I'S a· of completed constt'uction of aU kI'OW 0 uwnr\, counlies ; Mus"·u.o·-me -U b"ll" at:bJetfc way it seems to us day. And, here Il arch. I d on 't b ~II'eve ~ ' I .......... ,wu . . ., "Elec'rl'~I' t" hUl ' lt ~ ' I tl' • nnd I'm nolhnr ""ol'd I ' n the E'lg1I'~ h I"ngIngum Val cy "'arm Bureau Eabout t.tent, "'ean -'41, o , '. ~ - at Waynesville tbi. social- conom ~" " . licction of the PiOlllCCI' Rural Elec- I " '" radl· Dorothy Thompaort PHI\- d civilization. But 1'1 \;ricil)' uage that is 0 varied in meanin" . ,1 hal". th cctl'ic oopCl'utivc, 144 ,00 , 0health and energy, ID the ic change hn.s two-fold po ibiliI ' It ': tl'ic ooperat,vc, :~nu er.,.. e scboclon countl',' North Central of the ,I nternew he ..ked "ith the !lid of "ater 1)0\\' 01' and ties, and u" , I found jus t p I1 In leg' present u e of pO'w'er from cooper- Far TIu EI " t' 'Do 70U think that m7 gene. . your pride III In yourllU and not In l with power trangmi..L ion lin ha f irst, and iL WII$ defined in , 0 . d' , , I' b I m reou eCoI'IC o-o·pera Ive haa a futUre! \ Bo many people 1IQII).8 olllee that you hold. . First it would seem that nhve I tnbutlon mes y ncar y $270 000 wf d H S ,'th I th1 : "Tbe world Ie ruled b7 mell today , air ad)' und('rtaken a far bigger dence in the rural d' l . t.s ' many ways and I became 50 con- 1)000 fat'ms in seven counties, Mr, , ' " W' ra to r, uron, enctheS;o~:r~'~ ere 8 'no nl who hadn't half your cbaneea: men : tll, k than anything pr viol1l'ly ('red h t b d ' d ,... lS rlc, k 1$ ru~ed that I wi.. h d I h~rin'1. start- L,'lIcoln al'nounced, Lines of t he capa n~ fall d 0 count ies. , . , d t 't I ' fl f muc 0 e elUTe. u4any wor el'S d' ( . . ' l'OJCCt already under con truc replied b, asklll8 him a qun- who Bhoed horaes, taught school It I? 0 I S marve OU8 In U«llCC. . th f t' t d ff' I It, t was like ('l1tlng Pol> corn, Pioneer co-op bu'ilt at a cost of t' 'I d Do )'011 think that the UnlLed worked as common laborers, edlted~ f i n e Be ones, ore an 0 Ices th t th ' Ion me u es th se of the lnter ot America ' ,baa a future' email newsPapers with no drcula' f rt • an d a d van ·Th c com" .... ges 0 ' of the surrounding cities ar anxe more you e.", e ,m?re you I approx imately $l,()OO.OOQ, are 8 1- Coun ty I<'le t . , ti . ' th cHies are all becoming avail~at nover qulte !ltl 'fled but d • 3 500 f f T I ' C l'lC oopel a ve. serv_mecl to lurprlae tlon. lJved from hand to mouth. Tbere never was a time tn hlawr 1'1 I I h I' , t.h iou to take up 'fet!idencc in the wh: the IIOP norn run out' you'" I ~('al\lYI s ~v'~gh Ib" darmh aml,les ing Highland, Pike, Ross, Fayelto uld. 'Wh',' 01 course'. a.,. e 0 p op e '\\ 0 tge 1n e les.s congested area. Thu w e may ,.n ~. , U 10 nml,.., y an ampalgn and Ii l t' q tb D I m,anawertotheyounger wheo the Whole world was so try country, Huddled. con pe ted hu~ give a 'I'cat deal If \IOU hadn't t' ' th I rt' I n on COUll I~. e enIf AmerIca baa a ruture tng fOr mell 01 skill nnel brains and saf Iy pr dict 0 futur with bright . ' ' coun I S, WI I E l tr ' f y 0" cannotell it manity, i, being show I t he W&)' to even popp d It your'e ...O un 001- t ' L t b ar (I :I IOnn connec- ware County R .ura ec II' o· & Ulare. I cbaracter, to take reapoDJllblll\y, tOI' 011 look lor on e who daT s to in• • . IOn.." ye 0 e ma,. " operative; the Butler Count Rul'It, bill, ...hat II more 1m· ullravel problems, to ~bul1d whut I he open spaces of the couotry, t d te h ' d' CoJ'lnble. And that S JU, t. the way R 'ce nt developm nt hl!."hhght I EI ' . Y it callDot e~18t without 7011... hu been badl, done". declared Vi sa and it is there it will find a civili- ;,e :: pr:m~ thO oU8;n g ~n 1- I [ f c1 about thl; leg definition, It in th cooperative electrification ~ tl ctrlc ooperntlve, to serve b." tbe reat or UI will be Thompson, , Visa Tbompson baa made tbe top ~3ton better t han it ver dreamed Ions I'oug ou I a eG. nny t ted th t 't OR th l' b of an I R I Oh' I d h d u er an d part. or Preble and ,op will be It", workers in thc cit.y are eager for S ~ a 'i ~'1, e 1m . 0 ura 10 inc u e t e rciwaJ" 1Iamilton C t ' s· th L will we .et Jobe'''. queried Il1ght a. a journalJ8t within the 18lltl exist~. , " ' . anima l IIUI'Portll1g th body,ant! no of two new construction ' contracts oun Ie , e ogan D len yeare and her radfo. voice and homes here tn th VICinity, But h ' th h I def' ' t' t!' I County ooperatlve Power BDd dou" kno""·. replied MIs8 dynamic personallt)' III knoWll U "The promise 01 d central iza- where are the houses av.ailableT ~t' ere t'? ' e t"h'o e b intI Ion I ( apenng and tabulations of bids on Light As ociatlo n and the Unio n l~bolIllPeol"'4: " U ,ou ' want someone mlllloD&. She was born In a par tion i not an idle dream. Industri I men IOn n mg a ou peop l e a third Pl'OjCCt, a lnd the comple'R ' 1011 In an ol!lelt or In a bank eonege In Lancaster. N , Y., tb. al progr. is e entinl to maintain Second, it look to u as though, having legs. But I didn't li\top there lion 01 loan contract s with REA ~unt;y urnl Electric Power and guaraniM Jour lire to extreme dau,hler o~ a. Methodist mlnl.ter. t.h yst m under which we l ive, with industi-y already on the r went to the lilJl'ary and T ad official at Ws shington by :five ad LIght A sociation, and ' the Union ase, I Ihould gueu DOl. , II lL'l Sbe attended , Lewla lJl8tUute In The land val ues are too high, the march and favoring decenlraliza- ve rytbing r c<luJd find abcut Jegs ditional, eleclric coop rnlives in ,OUDly Rural Electric Cooper,ou want. all 'OU hne to do Ohlcago and wae gra4uate<l fro 1)\ oat ,and open ,OUI' eyes r.nd Syracuse Unlverllty In 19H. Sbe r n too exp n:;ive, th taxes too tio~ that Wayn sville might by /lnd humlln one!'! s imply don't count l he s tate. tlve . a' the thlllll tRlat are rJtng IItarLed ber jourll4Uatic career iu T , Neal'lng compl etion and a lrelldy burdensomt, and lhe pby leal re- umt ct eftolt on ~he part of bUSI- I'm ~ I'iously temptt'd to be i . ul ~,," be dOll& It .. .,el7 harcl to starve Europe ... a roving reporll!r wbere np~s leaders, ea!uly secure loea- ed, except for the rpr., t that I kn ...•' 1 he W e t rn Fann Bureau Rur,. ' death thl. world. If you bIlve sb. encounlered 04Ycnlu~, trAi~ 1 !<lrainL and di dvantnges nre l 0 f t " al Electric Cooperative contracted nCl'glled In plIrt ale the Loraine< . d' . Lion of 'Il f.act<lf Y or manu' nc ur- I hav laus and pr.l.lctically everyM " ___~,..._ _ _ . . . llralDI, . •~Dd It AIV' .trlre,' nJany In t he cll.y Is lrlcta. hlg concern, Surely additional pay 1 19 k h th-' ~"_ with the Davis-Ilytdaker Comp,lu\y, eui nn Rural Cooperative, and "Thin .....s a lway nre cnang~n'" now II em , ~ ., .... el'e of pencervI'lle' 01"'0 .. in roll and proyressive, Am erican one e, e "I, f or cons t ru- proJ'ect A 01 th e Hoi mes C oun t y rI '!!!'!!!"!!'!!!"!!'!!!"!!'I!'!'!!!"!!'!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!"!!'!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!'!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!'!!!!!!!!!'!!'!!!'!~ Ollr .forward-moving age, and inmlll't be sonie thing I'm o" u look· cion of Jines in AlllgJai z.e and Mer- Rural Electric, Cooperative. Lonna Mrs. ' Marl' on McElfresh ,·s liS nnd Miss Mary SatteTthwlIite: werl! ,. b' workmen are d irable for busi~.~ du t.rial orgamzatlOns a re ellla' ing. I'v I'cm' ly been a b le to ' car counti S. When Its develop- and allocat' f t t' , . , hopping in Dayton, Monday. tr n~,..t.hened by taking them "out ness tability, It i , eviden,t that in . lOT) or cons rue Ion ID well 8 S commOn at thiS tlme. MI" and Mrs. Homer Schmidt of ' of anything e1. c. Jy fri nd even m ent is compl eted, Weste rn will Ohio totaling ~6 078 000 d f 'U 1 h d ' ' 1 ' " , excee T. and '1OLrs, Emmet Be tz a Dayt!)n, Mr. ElJwin Ramby and into lb.e c01lntry", Of eO\ll'Se pop· dustry is seeking location but ulation , moves wit.h Industry, for where is the local force which went so far a~ to tell m e that white seTve 4000 farm i n Hprdin , Al1t'n by seve n hu ndred thoU!!and dollars hud as their guests, Sunday, Mr. daught r, Linda Lee were guest one cannot ]list "Without th other. might nttrnct attention to our 10- I'd probably make the trip II!! Van W ert, AuglullZe, and Mercer tho e for nny other state in the and Mrs, Harry Green of Dayton. at the h ome of Mr. and M . Homl't · rig-ht, if 1 didn't; hav e sea legs, 1 counties. coun try, Mr. L I'd " Thus we may clea.rly trace the ca I 'Ii I mco " $&1 • Mrs.. Roy Ellis, Mrs. Irvin E1Ii91 er Ramty, Sunday. (1IIul',·



Dum Dee


"Will We Get Jobs?" Cries American Youth


-"- - -=













,- I




Gifts from the County Seat Ti.ely Suggestions for Graduates

Have you a male Graduate to Gift?

IThe Orilinal , /,'1. ,

Tel.chren. Electric Clock $3.95 up

From Cary's

T he Name of M. B, HYMAN & SON on the Gift Box carries the preati. ~f many years of .k nown quality, . , '

GIVE THE GRADUATE A LASTING AWARD. , ( hoose qua lity Jewelry- a fine watch , a dia mond ring, an exquisite bracelet, or a beautiful vanity case.


We enjoy showing you our complete line of graduation gifts. We feel certain you'll discover the 'Perfect grad1llation gift-j ust what your gra duate wants- and at t h e price you want lo Pay.

LAMPS Bautiful Floor, Table a.nd Desk Models that will de... light the young folk , ... . .. . ... , .. . . 79c and up.

-GREETING CARDS F OR ALI~ OCCASIONSStop in to-day while the selection is y~t complete

Cary's Jewelry Shop Gin." , "The Home of

Palm Beach Ties Al'I'Ow Shirt. Inte~oven lIose Munsina Underwear , Pajamas Pack.....d Electric Razors Sport Trouaers

Swank J ewel..,. Arrow Handkerchiefs Sport ·Belta Su.pend .... Lounaina Robe. Houae Slippers Polo Sbirta

Other s ..itable aift it..... too numerous to lIl_tion


AN AUTO RADIO As Modem a . you't h



itself. Every YOUR8

motorist de.ires one,


Many useful gifts at





~J~~M n~ ~iliOf~~~~.~I~r~~~~~~~~~5~~E~E~~~EE~~~~~~~E~~~~~~~~~~~i~i~!

fhl." }<'Ioro Moulll~ lat, \\i\I be e tate. . MARRIAGE L1ICEi~!IE Cl.Il,luct(:,j May 18. Eat.te E,.eIBptI'aul AUIe back, 22, Th!? e~tate of Jo~(ph 'arlen Run lJockney, 21, both of NEW CASES FILED No. 116, 117 and 11 , Highland yon 'hlls been l'x~mJlt('d from the Jame E. Buton, 23, The case of Carrie S. Monfol't Pal'k, 'oulh Lellnnon. The nropel'- pny'm~nt pi inhel itanc tax. Ky. and Mary Lou Albert Ullom has beennply has h('('n npprailll'u Itl S 150. FI·anklil1. at.ainBt 10; _ Appoin1,(i Adll1'iniat,..torLyl H.a~tinj(s, 24, and Eunice pealed form . Squir Wad e . Th" a tion of Emma nmp H. J. ol"Win ha.· been appointed A (,N', 25, both. of MOTl·ow. Brown's court, wh re the plaintiff again t Roy limp has bnen u' - ailmin.h·p.tor boni~ non with t.he REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS . Mutual F d ral vingll antI recently awarded dnrn{lgnB. The misseo. wiil nnnex(;d of the (! tatn of AIcourt aetion WtlS th rcsult of an The plaintiff has lie n granted ·bel't C. Vail. J. T. Riey. . E. Loan A!lsoeiation to David IIno Ir· automobile accident in Lebanon. a divorce 1n the case oJ: William Moore and . W. Munger are the cne a.l5, part of lots No. 124 allU harging gl'oss neglect of duty, Wallace against Chti linn Wallace nppl'aL rs. 126, Franklin. Joseph E. Lloyd has flied a sui~ Th char~e was gro.s n glect. R lAity Tranafered- . Pred O. and Arty JanDes to John for divorce aainst Anna Mtly Lloyd Proceed of a 811 1(' in the CIIS(! of Rt'ul propel'ty belonging ~o the E. James, lot No. 17. south of L bThe p]Aintirff's pe~t' on tates the Union Joint 'lock Land Bank, nlllate of th latt' R. J. ~bnn anon. that the identity of an unknown of Detroit, again t Art.hur N ufar I ha a been tran8 fe~ d to the heu·s. Fred O. and Arty James t.o Leocorrespond nt will be made at the th and otbcl'S, have been contribu- To He!,r h\'ve~toryla and Helen Jam c., lot No. 18, bearing. ted. I Hearing on the inventory filed south of Lebanon. . COMMON PLEAS PROBATE COURT \bY Georgc E. Young, administrator R. Wilds Gilel1ri t to Union Cen Death Cbdm Is Settledof the Ril(y !i tale, has been tral Life Insurance 0., 166 acres, PROCEEDIN<lS Thoma C. Runyon as adminis- s dt for.. May. 20. bReal Idestate, ' kl m ' t p. ase of the Union Central Lift' . dvalut F ran Insurllncc Co. against R. Wilds ttntor Qf the (>.l.'1t of Joseph [11'- c at. ",700 15 to $0 In or er 0 Board of Educ tion, Ml)rrow, to thtl tatc. Robert M. Senior, l'cal estate, \ Gilchrist, and other!;!, lias been set- ) n Runyon, who wa kUled, has been lluthoriz d to n ccpt $250 ill \ H artng Se~-=. Wa hington cp. . Ued and di.smissed. In tfe case of Walter Biggs !.\_ full of all c1aims agnin l the PennM. Y 27 IS th~ date set ~OT the Elm r McMullen and otht'ts to llinst, Gertr . ude Biggs, the plain- sylvania railroad in connection ' hearing on by L'·IZZle ' Mc Mu 11 n, Io.• N o. 3l R the d 1\mv ntory It . fIled f ttl g A. lln'a S. an!l, rlx.o tiff has been ordered to contribute with the death. ,0 and all of lots No . 32 imd 33, 021to the support of the child. Fee la Fixedell R late d 11of tbe late Dl'. a85lUS G, u dd a Ie. Sylvan Jamesoll, c'ourt baililf, F,e e for Harry · L . Darmod'y, Da~ a U CharI B H . onover to Raymond has b en named law librarian, suc- guardian for G orgo Lepo.~cbak, III J H" ta . re P-th h d I f d bts Conovel', and other, 1.58 acres, .•. J E • F 0I I ' . al'lng n c sc e u e 0 e 'I lepd . . TheA poh iUon pay. $600 a year. Th guardIan filed hiS tentll ac- d d" t t f th K ' DlVlsl0n . en, a mInts ra or Q e um- Jo . of AId for th Aged . h ut orlty 'ha been granted the count. gunde Ro chm er e tate. has been t hua HIli, four aen's, Hamtlton trustees of the ChUTCh of God to I ..."cmtory Hearina. set for May 20. p. sell real est-atc, con sii;ting 01 lots Hearing on the invellto'ry fIled IE • t a t e E Kemp t ed Warren K. . and l\1ar'J\'arel FeTri~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!'!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!'!'!!'!'!_ , ~ inc\! th). liabllili. s of t h • hheirfl. t.o F)'snk Me....'II. r al estate fo atel' Park. execl! d Lh ('If S'uCCc.-SlonF, no III rI. , tance tax \.\ ill be levied 'aga 1n t J . LeRter Mulfo rd tOi SmIth Multhe J. O. Jone st.ate, valued - at lortl, 50 acres, Warrt'n county. J . Lester 1fulforcl tQl Smith Mlll\ $1,800. Kenn eth Jones, the exccuIlol', has filed his fir t and final ford, 4] acre , D erfitld lp. Iaccount. Amanda E. tillwell to arl L. I Named Tru lt__ Miller, lot No. L3 1, Lcbnno n. J. Earl Th orn] R n hAR been apar l L. Mill er to Marth.n R. Kl'at pon ted tl'u, t _e under the will f 701'1', S3me property. the late Florence E . Sau"scr and Martha R. Kratzer to Carl L. filed bond of $4000. Hl1 1'. lot No. ]32, LebaMn. To S II SC!cur'itieaAlma N. Bridg to Adam Bridg The applicatiQn of harles S. 11'- real estate in Franklin. win, 8 adnlini. trator with the will Mal'gaT t Anderson to Estnl J. annexed of the estate of Ada F. Wright. lot No. 874, F'ranklin. N bJ , to se U ecurities belonging W. N. Thompson tl J. E. Vivto the e. tat.e, ha b en granted. ian Kunkle, real esll:.a~e, TurtleProof. ek tp. . Proof' o( publication of'the noJohn and Myrl,e A. Sheets to . tice. of ~be appointments of the T. Rou tsong, 100 acres, Clearcreek ...,.~.;;deep Coated with an extra thiCk aimpa In wires give . " following have b en filed: Graet tp. . . layer of pure zinc by the fam- E. Mounts, executrix, Flora VirgIl · and C~rne llol:ill1son to the lence "om tension." ous "Galvannealing" process Mounl estate' Della Brant execu- Arch and Fanme MUll'l'a'Y, lot No . . .. made of real copper-bear- trix of th A~nis Todhu;ter es- 952, Ft·anklin. ing steel. It fights rust ta e and NOTa B. Kunker, execu- Fred Carr to FI?8. Z. Meeker, ail'" Baril.... lor through and through. . atrength and nsistanc.e to tl'ix. of H my F. Kunker. lot No. 744. Franklin. atnUn. Yet 10ft enough to Children Get H. V. Crumley t~1 GwilYnl E. wrap and .pice .easily. .~_ .l· ..E t t Jone , 94 acres, Salem tp . . C orw-('ft, • a. It His children are to hare equalAlbertle.C. Ayzel to Howard and Iy in the tat.e of Clinton D. Cor- I Z.e tta Walts, 11 aerl~S, Clel'mont 'IfPl EIIGII •• • Can't Every roU marked with the famous win late of Turtlncreek tp under and Warren Cos. 1Hp. Keep the. wires from red painted top wire. Tests have the'ternl.s of the decendan't' will, Lillie Urton to H. S. Steveson. ~ and atock fore:shown it outlasts other fences of lui througb.. admitted to probate here. The e _ two acres, Hamilton Itp. standard grade. yet costa no more. tate ha nn estimated value of $36 Lizzie McMullen to Joshua . and A full range of styles. heights. 000. I~ncn D. COl'Win Jr., a son Canie Hill, part of I/)t No. 31 and weights, and spacing. Red Brand 18 and Rebecca C. Beckett, a daugh- a1\ of lots No. 32 ~ulld 33, Cozadthe lowest cost fence Pet rod, per dale. tel', are named executors of the • )'ear. Come 'in-get our prioea. will. E. J . Beedle, Karl M. Brown Pauline Terwilleger to Ruby and Albert Cowan are the apprais- Waits, one aClle, Hamilton tp. ers. NEW-'-BUR'LiiiiGTON lav_tory Obi> Pupils of the !lchool here pnrtici Inventory filed by Joseph H. pated in the Field Dny cont sts at Fed~erB, executor of the · Elizab~th the H. S. Building On Friday. They D. Fedders estate, has been ap- were successful in bltinging back proved. several "ribbons".



When You Buy Fertilizer



The Smith Ag,r icultural Chemical Company •


everal Good, Dependable, Used Corn Planter . \


A m~~pcl"~ ~s b~n ~~ ' Cil d~JohnHemyR~~~Fri~ Hru~l~n~.





~~I~ ~~

Planting Season is at hand.

Compare Our Prices And You Will Buy At

Fairley Ha~dw,are Compa,n y


Larger Becau.e of Better Quality, Service, and Price PHONE 32 ·F;.tabli.hed 1849 - 1937 WAYNESVILLE ,OHIO

I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ , -~--

What's Behind' Your Electric Sw-itch?,

'.is Fence ·is Dou ble Prolecle.


••• Not merely Q network of wires Qnd poles Qn« generQtors. These Qfe only the mechQnicQ) structure. -'*'.!t' ~ ~ ." 'I

• It"s the human orgaruzQtion that goyems the efficiency of your electric"s hundreds of men cmd woman of tested ability, -of long experience-trained in co..operation.


'aynesville farmers' fl..Co. Phone 25

• They are proud of their record in serving YIlU. They are your friends and neighbors, They know that in giving you the best possible se~e, Qt low rQtes, they are promoting better living conditions for aU.


* ••__



The Dayton Power & Light Co.



~-~~~~ The following accounts bave been

Lemmon's Hatchery Now Has Triple-tested -

BABY .Cl1ICKS lOne bundered per cent liveability parantee the fir.t fourteen day ••

chicks nine dollars' per Triple-test-ed hundred. Single-tested chicks eight dollars per hundred. The guarantee is good only for Tripletested chick"Take a\lvantage of these low prices. Order from this ad. Prices subject to change without notice,

~~ispent • . Sunday T.CH~~ &~~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~5~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ daughters In ' James-a~pl'oved b.Y Judge Ralph Carey: town, the guest of :Mr. and Mrs. teresting ~()thel" B pay Prog1'81ll


fll'St and fmal, Ralp

Van Meter executor of the NanDle Van Meter estate i first and final, Lora D . Ford, administratrix of the Edgar C. FOl'd estate; first, Fannie V. Boxmeyer, guardian for T oee L. Yetter; first, Walter C. Chamberlain, executor for the estate of J o..ep.h C. Chamberlain; first and fin al. Leontine Rogers, as e-lCecutrix of th e Lewis E. Thompson estate and.. fifth, Robert 'fl. Brown, ~d-

Thomas Haydock a.ndr $on. . at t he CIUltan C. home on Sunday " .' . J». M. .h Mrs. E. L ..~eason loS confIDed to Mr. and Mrs. Everett M8l'Iatt er home bY.l lness: , . I have moved into Jennie Mc Reeves Mrs. Wilham C~ 1S l'ecovermg , property. f:onl a severe attack of appendiciMr. and Mrs. Frank Lundf, Mrs. tiS. Ruth Noggle, Misses Myra RayMr. and Mrs. A. W. Turner dock and Ru by Smith attended the pent the week-en~l in HarveYB- Annual Inspection of Wilmington burg as guests of t.heir daughter, Chapter O. E. S. on Monday Eve. MrfI. Chas. Bogan l it'. and family. Roger De Voe of Xenia were The Epworth Lea~ru rave an in the week-end with his grandmoth ·e r, MrS. Etta Mass and aunt, Miss Emma White. Mrs. Anna Paterson is seriously ill at the home of her niece, 'Mrs. Howard Me Clure. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Cornwell and son of Wasb ington, ·D. C., ar~ I visited Mrs. Cornwell (nee Maudie I relatives 1n this commu.




Lemmon's Natchery .,


6tubb~ jfuntral ·.omt To be used in advertisirfg Church, Lodge/ socials or sales with no cost to organizations. , Just phone your adve"rtisement to this office and say "Insert this ad in ''Caps'' space for .... . ..... , . . . . . _ .organizatio,n ."

• O\Ie,:"'O miles of lCeak beauq. Dai1,proatam' ofd.Qdn.. m.... 800r .bow•• decklportlaod IOCW C\'entt. $ptlCiolll,mQ(i(m1 balltoom. SeuonJlIIy9coSept. ,.l!aIcbouDd fromChlcqo each Fricl~y.M.ckinac: bland S.turday, Clne1and Sunday. Westbound from BIiKalo etCh Moad.y, Sault See. Marie Wednesday, Muk.iuc bIln4 Wednada,.

S. S. SEEANDBE£ tbe larleac and DlOlt la_lIrioli •• te.mer OD the peat lakes deYocecl e.c1alh'el, to crai.. HI'"fic:e.• " " na&efOOIU aad puIon ••• ~


.......taIa ......'~ a..1or Ca.-


...... ~"'1IiP w..l. .. . F......~. . JIa7 I! • .u.. tOe









price flmeral

m~y be . selected-and we

will leave wiLh th family


bell\ltiful andi consoling memot'y of

the Joved one. That. i8 the mi sion of lihi . institution-one which we ,have performed faithfully fol' many yea:rs. Our·funeral home . is always open for public inspectio n.

J. E. II Clare ~bODe




~------_-_-~--_ __ -


Lebanon, Saturday after-



offeT sel'vices to mect. any need- nothing is left undone that

BEECH CROVE Ml'. and, Mrs: P. G. Wells were t tebanon visitors Tbursdayafternoon. I J. Lee Talmadge spent Friday afte·m oon in Dayton.• . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thompson were Lebanon shoppers, Saturday afternoon. Mr. anli Mrs. Wayland J'ordan and famity of Cincinnati weN guests Saturday of the .Tordan fam ily here. Mrs. Mabel T erry attended th e funeral of cousin Mr. Richard Nel


Harveysburg, .Ohio

Service That Is Appropriate and Beautiful


Albert Lee Talmadge

'FARM MACHINERY OLIVER SINGLE DISK HARROW with T01Icue Tnck a:nd Three Horse Eyeoeu ... . ... ..... .. .. .. ....... ........ 50.00 aLACK HAWK CORN PLANTER

With Fertilizer Attachm_t .. NEW IDEA


...................................... .... .......$.

FAMOUS SMIDLEY HOG FEED.ER 12 F~ Doors ..... ': ......... .. ...... ...... _...... .. . ...... ...............



HARDWARE .ad IMPLEMENTS W"yneayilIe, Ohio Ph.... 99R3


~ a~d Mrs. Fred Nash accom-

r~tumcd tq Da~n, Sunda.y eve- p.anied their son, Ourtiss Nash ' and

DIng after apenC\ml the week end family of Dayton, to Goahen, with tbe Talmadge. family ~ere. where they visited Mn. , Fred Ill'll. Elden Dunfee WM. a Sat.- , Nash's brother. ·Mr. John Rose, on urday lIight and Sunday VIsitor in \ Sunda,. · Da,wn. ' -..~_ _ _-:--. _ IIl'I. Alice Teny called on Mre. DinMr peata on Sunday of Mr. - -.. - - . '" aDd lira. llearle Terry a1ld lin. \ Patience Thompaon, Thunday afTholllpHII wve 111". aad lin. Hell- temoon. rJ Carpl.tll' of DaJtcm. Mr. AIId ~ IIl'I. C. H. Deathlrqe mad. a OrIado BnaDUI alld ... short eaI1 at.' the Talmaclp bome, DCHIp of Snia. AtWI'IlCleIl 1101141., afterDOOJl.



LOCAL -NE:' I' Rev G. C. Dibert ".. caIW to Pandora, Ohio, Wedne., noon to conduct the fa. . . . . . . . vice Q! Mr. Kellt, wllo" ..few yean ,halt .,.... --...• .,. -.- city ' .Robert H,... daya ia ChJcIIp,

.~;J~~~. .~~~~"~

Tickets for dance revu , Mon.: duy, May :11 t, may b~ uut iht'd ~I'om pupil" or Mrs. E. C.



I\l\' •• n.1 1\11 • t, . II .


:\ll' s. EIIlt t

Eurni.lI t C!t".1 1 lUlKhi !'I'~ 1.1110 ,I IIIl 1.. \"t IH al KinKS Mil\~. MClndllY, Mr. and MrS!, Hl' nr~' BU1'g'l.'1I ; In<l children of fl ay! 'II ~P(.'Ilt Sun I\Y "jlh Mr. un() l\Tr ~. IA,\\is l\'I 'Jl')!,u n. Mr. ntHI )1 r~. r . . 'Runyon lIllll MI'~. Euph!·mi..\ T"m ~ u l l ('nd II !\ fUHl'ri11 at ~1I1llntlth,1 yu;te l'llay. MI'. :lnu I\tr . Cl11n',H:' l'I\wf(lrn and children, I\1 r~. En'letL Bun-

('l'Dh(' .

n IIUIlY !



l")mp to ('on8l'l'VnMr. and MI!'. !\tlldon Hlanl(ln "W'%w~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... t lun ('ull1mi on l' L . \\ ObtlJtI'II, lJ (> \l'ill pl!rs'ona lIy he in Dayof Mt. 01'IIb ~IH'nt the w k"'nd \\illl GUll1\' P tlt,'ctur John SJ'uft' of ton, Ohio, at. t.he Miami Hotel, n "ith MI'. and Irs. hal'lclI Joy und \ a hington , ll .pla.dn ~ "1111\) it., Wl'chH'sdny only, May 19th, from falllily. llJl' ,nah. t'ruf(' ", .. ill'S th. t While POTATOES : LATE SEED and ent 1 :(JO P. M. to 6 :00 P. M. and 7 :00 T'end N wmnn, of Kingl'l MillR, jng potatoes. trou. e Bro ~. n. p:ll1 nJlh,g !tnUk· SI ~lk(' ,'cl'k he P. M. to 9:0(l P. M. fro Bnd 1rs. J.P. LSl'flck I'n· a m mller of M1"8. Wit h am'I' , un.. ~p il II IL IUIW' bltlcksnakc wih hi. lL 2; I 1-2 miles nor th on 1\11', l\tein hanJi . uys: "I have had · t rlilincd fol' Moth",r~' Day, Mr. Ilnl' . chool elns , now I ivmg in D ay hl·nd in n J,lt nHllnt, 11~ .·t. The pro-, Way" iwille IInl! Ferr'y rike. tw nty .\I(lnt.s xp ri nee '" ith nl)(1 I\frR, C. I: . orri of B\o0111ing· ton, "ith he\" hu band called upon t.'dDI' shl)l thC' f< l1ake; "'I (lulop.:y :===;:...-.=======~ lhou!'nnd~ o r Ruptureu Men nnd r tOil, lIlintJil', Mi.<~ mi7.nbcth Mulll'n nt,. and !lfrll. Wilham :for a nice rc\'(okd thal til , I'cpli lc hac! ~ wlll· , will give you valuable information and fro Geol'ge Quick and Tommy little isi! last Sunday afternoon. • d n II nnd chid I ~I\ , Il. !lltd Mr.. lIi - 10\\ l'tI !'ix (',"~s II hk h \\'l'r ' I'<'llll'n-! without. haT!!,e. Positlvcly no surPox of fiam' burg, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Viola IIarlan . ~ntertall)e eli to thE' Iw~L UlHhtmnJ('<'d. Elcv n ' iN y, m' dicnl tre~tments or injecFrMlk Hoffman. nL n family dinn r on S un d ay, •lay ley Gib 011 1\IHI Cllmily and MI'. Le- (llh I' (,.g-g:; wero ill til nl!!i\t.. tions used .. (Only men .are invib . Winifr d Hart 0 k !'PCllt 2nd, Mr. o.nd Mrs. Harol d E a1'n- wi ' MOl'j:I'Iln tlpenl Su tllJ'day even· WILL ANSWER-QUESTIONS ' t ed.) This visit. is fOt' white people '1 M d "1 King in X~nill. d f "'A k.~nll in t l·oit't.he guc t hurt an amI Yi r. un "r. en the MYERS Power Spray Rigs, Hand nly. . "" " 1I MI' . •[111,1 Mr~. l~r\'in Smith Il1'Hl ABOUT GOING TO COLLEGE of T nell !'IJaey. neth Hough a.nd fam~IYi M~. l\~11 tluu~htl'l" ,Judith ~J1(>nt • unllny pray Pumps, Ho se, Nozzles, "My hield produces immediate n Monday, 111. y 31 t, at 8 :15 MI'. 0, L. warlz; r. an fl;. wilh 'Jr . and ~IL'" Timulhy mith 01\ Farm rio'l'bt R. dio Pro,ram pray Guns nnd Aece aries. r -\lit on lhe av rage, regardless r . 1\.1'., Ii - J . Thoms will present Ernest Harlan and falnily and Dr . .and family. of WOS1U, MOD. May 17 Plumbing- and HaLing Supplies. of th size 01' location of your Rup h er pUj)il'l in a dance revue at the J · lA! tnt aHrd I of Dayton and Mr. Di,al 570 K() ; THE BOCKLET COMPANY. tur no matter 110W much you ex 'Il C Ad1's' 10 E vel' aran. LYTL£NiwsRESENTINGI Bunny Berigan, Phone 360, Xenia, Ohio, 416 W. erci!' 01' strain." (No leg straplI Wayn e Vl e ym. n I sion c Mr. and Mr. . Ed Libb e enterMr. fll1d i\1J'~. lI nl'vey Burnet at8 :00 P en)' au n1 y Ii-II lub latest swing sensation, ana his fll-l8-26-m4 amI no cumb rsome arrangeMr. nd Mrs. imp un , of ew tained MI'. and Mr!>. Milton Ro , temll'tl the (uoc llIl of Mr , Della PI' gl'Rm- M t' mb ~rs dilected by t:.0rrid trumpet. Bunny lets 8 hot Maill St, • . _ _ j ments.) York ity, Mr ..and Mrs.' eOl'ge of Daytol), und Mr. and Mrs. Don Taylor (It lwl' latc home ncUI' T. II . John son, County Agricultur- pace for his H -piece band on the new "Fun In Swlngtime'" radiO ANNOUNCEMENT: OPENING A My hield i wnt rproof Dnd a lliS of 01' ~oma 0., M.... a~d Mrs Libbee and family of Miamisburg, terville, u11day'moon . a I A g-ent. om,. ct. . show every Sunday at 6 :30 P. M '. Nursing Home after May 1. A muy he worn while bathing. ItWillard Edgetoll and inmlly of on Sunday. R v. Bnd Mrs .•reil~ Kline of Dc. 8 ::'10 R 'v. J ohn Ra nkin . an Ear- E.D.T., over the MutuQJ network. renl home. Mrs, Ada Couden, may be removed at night or worn L bllnon, Ohio, were nte\'tained Mr. and Mrs. Joe Davis ent er- 1fuil, Mich., \\ ho had been visiting I r Oh' bolilioiJ i!lt-H. E. Es- Tim and II' nc, comedy ,pair, supply ~ I~ . 600 W. Locuat, Wilmington. 'c ontinuously until no loger deskat the hOllte of Mr. and Mrs. AI· tained at a 'famlly dinner th ir 111. the h om of Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Har- wine, XII torlan . I th e laughs, I Phone 4064. Rates Reason. d. vin imp on an~ family, Friday ch~ldern and grand children on ry COl'll1'1l n ~a r F ny, called on 8 :"'0 When li:lcctl'icity 'Yorks , Bnmes "" '. uf Puu llling to attend utlon: I have no lepreeentaable 6-27c vening. undny. Mr. and Mrs. Alle n Emrick, Monfor You- ML Vicloria llal'rll'. J\ s the Wns hinglon encampmen t; and ·F-O-R-S-A-l.,-E-:-~N ~ -a-nc-y--H-n-lI~,-~P-o-rt-o tivcs. Everyone mu:;t see. mc perMr, and Mrs. Samuel Surface of Mr. and Mrs. Haf"ry Burn el and day. Dt·. anel frs. Ern t Ro nagle . i tant in Home Economi !\ Ext en- WUllett..1 (,dnt IIf MllI'ysville and Rica, and Yellow J rsey weet po- . ellnll~. I .have been comJUg .hC're Marion, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Wi!· family, of Lytle, were Sunday Robert P eny of icke l'Y, to assi t tato Ia.nt, 40 ct . per hund red, for fIfteen y~nr. ~h re IS no •_ \iam Lee and .son, Billy of Dayton r guests of Mr. and Mrs. 'Ed. Thom- n.nd ch il(!J'en (If Lo ndoll, Ohio were s ian. 8 :50 The Pl ace of MU !lic in Rur- in Ihl' Illtlnllgcmcnt of lhc junior p '.' 0 charge for u m Ollsh·abon. RememWeT gue st.\! of II'. and Mrs. Los· a . unday eve nin g callers at the hom '" an d all KInds of gnrden plants, 1 2C ber t h c name MEINHARDt B ef nlt'. J'.xpcn a ) L 'lfeTi ~s Kalh . l'yn 'l'hom pslln, ~l'~ of two or the Wash d 25 t I l I • ter urface, Saturday aUernoon. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. . Graham of .Mr. and Mr '. Harold Whitak r. c. .' , ' . pel' do.zen, at' /l or. n ill~t 11 II 'l e~aL~!! 'will bll puitl bY'1 th Wn 'I\e and wnre of lmitatOl'll who copy thiS no Mrs, J. W. Haynie and grandson. ~pent th week-end with M[. and Miss H len Early staying with Mu ic Stullcnt.. l uu ent thl! Ohj,~ (ir ng ' in nppreciation 011 cs nor on , YOI.' Vl tic 0 ', 10 Th J1j"'h chool vid Greegor were guest.\! un· Mrs. Adolphus Williams in Day- her aunt, Mrs. Mil lon heeha.n .. FCI'ry Rond. . I. ok.· TOWSI'd Collcgc~ i CUBof lhti,' wo rk in the jUllior grunge tJ'ouse Brolhers, R. R. 2 =========~==== day Irs. Haynie's brother, J. ton, in ent I'ville., while Ir, .. hcehan ,iOll bel ween JII. D. Hal'hock, Prin and 'lhe l'. il os of th oth I' two 6-17p H, Smith, and wif . Mr. a'nd Mr. Harold Earnhart i in th Miami Valley Hospital, be ciyal Iliilinl'd!1 High School; Mrs. will be 'I~s umcd by the Ohio Bllnk-I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~---~_ l\lr. and Mrs. Ralph Hn tings entertained ~t a Mother's ~ay ing quit<' ill Ilnd \\1:105 tnken ~h re £.'ttith L. Gorrl~ ll, Director, chool 1;01' asso iaUun as lin cxpre sion of FOR ALE: Good se lection of Ilnd Bon, Bobby, spent Sunday dinner on Sunady. The follOWing Tuesday. of HOnlo Econ)om ic , and John F. appl'~cit.l~ion of Uw ·I· U clubs in l tlon plantE!d vegetabl plonts. Al so with MT, and irs. Carl Stephen· guests: Mr. and l\lrs . EI'nest HnrMI'. and 1\Its_ Th 1'1 Jones liof pt'oviLiing rural Loy and girls wilh I hanly perennials. George Pewrson, on and daughter of near Morrow. Inn and daughters, of Dayton, Mors tertainHI f.t-: and Mrs, Edwin Nutt linn ingham, Dean, Call g bUliinc. tTO illing-, MI'. Palmer ug,. B \lbrook Pike It , . . Viola Harlan, Mr. Everett Harlan and H erman Nutt of n ar C nter- gricultu1'e. !) :30 Mu ic. s rted. _ _ _ .~~ Llzz;e bLe;lS spe?t Cun~lIY Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Hough Bnd ville ilOd Mr. und Mr . J. B. Jone 9 :40 to 10 Why R creational - - - -:~ FOR SALE: Well equipped job \\'1 rd' 0. n . flJI1 es In en er- family, Mrs. Martha HAlugh and to .six o.'clock di nn T unday_ h ft L odership Tl'Ilinil1g7-Group disprinting plant. Going concern. V~ll,e an later I~ t e a ernoon Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Swartz. Mr. aTld. Mr . Willillln Rogers She Love. The ./ri.h! Bell Press, Lebanon, Ohio. ltc,' impson in Mrs. Edith Hnrris spent a few und dsughtel' of Mn on were un- cus.ion :inc1l1d~ng repre (l ncativ vIsIted Mrs. Ohve FURNI HED LEEPING Roo ms Sprmgboro. days in Cincinnati, the guest of day dinner gu ts of tbeir aunt, of Ohio re llth'!l 'Leisul'e In titute, SANDW ICHES ond J . P. Sc'hm idt, Sup rvi or, for rent. Mrs. J . P. Larrick . 5-20c h r brothel', Mr. Charles Moshet·. Mr . Meta Ro.gers. Fnt'me'rs' Institutes in Obio. SOUP Mr. nnd Mr~. A. F . Mello.h and Mr. and Mr . .Ke!'lel' Graham nnd 4.H CLUili DELEGATES rami ly were guests of Mrs. Mary daughter entertained to n family I E- REAM ur n w s ummer prices on Kauffing in Hamilton, Saturday dinner Sunday . in hOllor of tbeir NOTAR Y PUBLIC AppointDlent Qf four dell' at s baby chick are the lowe t we CANDY evening. mother, Mrs. . W. Albrig'ht, f or to the Nutional 4-H Iub a... have vel' offered on ThoroMr. Kerr R outzahn has lnoved Moth!ll's' Day, the follo\ jng guo ts m nt nt Wa hingt on D. , Jun WAR good Multl-'r~ted Chick/;. TI'y to. thc farm vacated by John Ad- Mr. and II's. A. E. Whit and t.wo 17 to 23,. and of t"\\ 0 III em bers to th III at the low "Get cams on the Lytle Road. .~ons of () lIm bus, Mr. and 1\1r, IG RETTE e\'Ve the juniol' board of the quaintcd" prices and prove fo.r !!!"'!~!!!!!!~~~~~~~~!!!!!!~f Mr. and MI's, Ronald Hawke en- John Myers and daughter, M~. H er. ~Ohio tail' faif was announced by yourself thnt th r nre no b tTOBACCO Call 130 for 24 Hour tc(tained the following guests in Innn Albl'ight and n f Dayton, '\ _ H. PnJm er, stat 4-1-1 club lead ter chick at. lilly price, and no honor of Mrs_ Edith' Harris, on Mr. and Mrs. . W . Albright, Mr. Junction Rt. 73 aJld 42 er. Tho e appointed, in recognition CREAM;ER REFRICERATOR bett~r price anywhere on renl unday: Mr. Harris Mos her, Mr. and MI • Raph St we and two Qf their out tanc1ing work in 4-U SERVICE ualit:; chicks. 'Phone 23 fol' and F, C. I1artaock and son, chidl'en and Jackie Hughes or PeERWIN ELLIS-ED RAMBY activities, arc Jane Griersoll of detai~, 'Townsley Hatchery harles, of Mil£ord, and Mr. kin. -We SerYic:e All MaJue.Reynold burg, Fl orence Edgerton Lebanon , Ohio. Frank Hawke. LOCAL NEWS , Of Refria_aton. of Bsrne ville, Edgnr Jones of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Schatzman W 1lington Mrs, Che~ter BIlTr~W and chilBelta.Motor-Applie,l1ce Repair Itnd Herbert M. 209 E. Mulberry Leb.....n dren and MISS Alberta Waggoner nnd son Bal'ry of 1adisonvill e of Reading Ohio were guests of I and Letitia Schatzman of Oincin~ Slar Return. to Air mIM'S her hUiband . • • and Mr. and 'MI'S. A. F. Mellon and nali were unday gU "t of ' Mr. y 'J. doesn't care bow mu~h time famMil °OntFriH'~dY" ~ S .~. Id' and Mrs. W. O. Raper. yotell to. ' "Mike." Sure an' rs, a 1 yo.. prmg.. le IS ---- _ - - 1 rene Nobletle, better hall of ~im . ' • . 'here on an extended visit, the STATE CAPITAL NEWS rene, comedy starl or "Fun guest of Mr.' and Mrs. J. K. Pres· The New olflci I 1937 Ohio wingtime," microphoned unday 8t 6:30 P . M., E.D.T.• over ton and family. highway map, is ued under auspie Mutual network. Bunny ~eri. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Cutler ces of the Stale Departme!'t of tan swln~the_ ba~~. and son, of Norwood, and Miss Ab Highway , has been published and , WANTS TO COLLECT . f by Graham were Sunday gue.sts of is now Bvaila/Jle for distribution, The s m ewhat )weighty probtcm Mrs. Bertie Mills. accordin~ to Highway Director of how t o coll ect an e. timnted Mrs. Ire1le Henderson, Mr. and John J.a tel' Jr. In addition to b _ Mrs. Will Stroud, and Mr. and Mors $20'0,000,000 in delinquent Ohio ing larger in ize and more attracI'C I e~tate taKes \\ ill be the subHarry Azzling of Dayton were tive color combination. Point of guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. T , ject of study ' by a pecial com- , int.erest, "title park~, ait-pot·ts and Stroud on Sunday. mi:l."illn Cl'(>ut d by the ·legislature. i J Phone 78J I Mr. and Mrs. Orville Gray and American Na.tionnl R d Cross-high Thl ec stille Fte nntors, th~eo repl'~- I way emergency f'irst aid tation daughter, Barbara, were guests of s hlalive~, a count1 audItor, treas ~ ;==~====== ===~=====;;;i;;=;;;;:===='1 Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wolfe in Clarks- in nil . ections of lhe state al'e urer an d prosecutor will compose "'!!!!~~~~!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'~!!!!!!~!! designated by special markel·S. Atthe cpmm is~io 11 . The per on nel ;: ville. tention' called to the fact that H'any Lizar was in the Hospital ha s not bee n nom d with the exat Dayton last week for treat- the stile higbway pat'ol offers ,.,IM RYAN .cored • le.naatlon c plion if enators Bernard J, Mc tw nty·four hour service and that 1.1. radio lueceD lalt Summer ,pinch Clu. key of ment. uyahoga, Don R. Mrs, L. A . Washburn of Xenia the nearest patrol saion. should b hitting for lack Benny. Now he' Thomas of Montgomery and VerREAL ESTATE call ed in case of accident or ~mer­ back with hIS attractive wife. Inn spent the week-end with Mr. and geney. The 'telephone number of in their new mUlil e,1 laugh riot, "Fu nor E. 're~c'l lf of Wl\shjngto1\ NO~ARY PUBLIC · Mrs. F. U. Le May 'and family. each pntl'ol sta tion i li.sted. A sec n Swillgtime" every Sunday a countie . The commi ~io n will re.. :30 P. M .!. B.D.T" via the Mutua 'port its finrlings nnd ' make recoMr. and 'MT8. Marion Franer are ti011 the rear of the map is de- etwork. :swing:-trumpeter Bunn mendatio.ns to. thc General As emb a.nnouncing the birth of a son, voted . to Ohio's traffic laws and Berigan and hill band lupply. th Danny Lee, on Friday. 1:;, ~ulic:. Friends of F. U. Le May and ~' egulations and typical standard 1


- =






Open For BUlinel1







1HA1 SUfERIOR Rug Cleaner





$1.50 Now ...... 89c

. Or No Charge


Centerville, Ohio

Waynelville DrUB Store Phone 120, IW a, nelville, Obi __





.~;~~::::_~'~:~~~::~•••~_:..:._ ,. . ~~• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

famIly are In . t dSigns C wed . . sympa th y WI'th tb em highway warning in the .. may be becaUSe 0f th e d ea tb 0f h'I.'! bI' 0 state b . are P'C ur~. . OPICS . ther, Mr. E. F. Le May of Atlan- 0 talO ed flfceH~Yhwl'ltlngCtolthebDe t 0 . wh'IC h was th e t . ; ultl< parmen Ig ways, 0 urn us, ta G corgln, D' . 'l 'd t nectar Ja ~ t,er saId. t b of an au omo I e accl cn.. ' .• • •


t E ; ;r7 wt6rth';hll. , ...


Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Atkinr;on, 1 S t· k L f . , ason Ie e s . 01' of, Spring HtU, and Mr. and MI·S. univcr. ity's five home io()tball Howard BurtO'1l ~md daughte r, I . th C f a. II Wl'11 go on Slhe 1 I MAd M D II V bl games III ' " T FOR AND CON-IG" ROO ~~.. ary nn an l'S, e a ena e . t k thl t' f tb II ff' ,ou r Cattle, h0Jr( IIhee~ and wee', n de . IeTh 00 . ' a 0 1-"spent S UThday WI'th M r. an d MT .nex . I to Nonis-Brot Cc;., I ve ....,t a C F' b . H 'Ito cIa s· announce. e pI'lce of a JlNgres.ive ftrm for ~e' hla'hut arl IS er m amI n, . eason bo ok will ' be. $11 for n remarkef prices ·a n4 lr90d ••rl.l... Mrs, Mary Cr.o$S wa the dinnel' rved seat and "'15' for a box seu.t .. Ualoa Stock Yarda' Cla.lall!l\." 0y' F U L .,. T ulW! In on ~8dld Station WOK guest of 'Mr. and MI'S. . . e The chedule is; September 25, 12:2!l to 12:80 p. m. for CDur cIaIlJ May and family, T e!,=as Christian university; OctO-I market repo~. , Ruth H udson spent she week- ber 2, Purdue; October 2~" North-

tul'e found In ANY r e. .•.•. , . pl•• the COHS'E RVADOR Uucontlitlonall), . _... a.n.tetHI ~o _t-eeoaOlll· I • .e aD7 other r.fric'_. ator. Maire.. pro•• · I it r' ,I f ~i.era tor




Ask for a MIAMISBURG PER.M ANEN CONCRETE A'ir 5_1 Bun.1 V..,,)t For Sale Only By YOUR FUNE.R AL DIRECTOR M<CLU RE FUNERAL HOME p 7 Wa71l~.ille,O.



end in Cincinnati visiting Nlla.tivea. Mr. and Mrs. Willinm E. Stanton and Miss Mary Ella Stanton of Springboro were dinnergueats of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Chapman on on Suncl"ay. Mrs. Gertrude Gehring of Toledo spent 8ev~HI days here, the guest of her daughtel', Miss Gretchen Gehring. Mr. and 'MTS. W. P . Salisbury

we t rn univer ity; November 6, lndiana university; and November ]3, Illinois. Ceneral ~dmi sian (or I the games will be $1.10 with the exception· of the Illinois and 1 Northwestern · gridiron events ; when the price will be '1.50. In. dividual reserved seat tickets for the Texas Christian, Purdue and Indiana games will be $2.60, and $3.00 when NOI'thwestem and l1Iin ois play the S~~e!' and Gfa y. .

entertained the follow in g

TROUT SEASON T' h -. 1 I e trout season is Qpen in OhIO, I dating from April 15 to September 15. It is lawfu.l to take and possess I brOOk' speckled Von Bohr or \ brow~ trout bet~een those dates ' both inclusive. . '1 'Mad River and tri butari es inclu ding Kings and Cedar ~reeka. ar. I tbe only publi~ streama affording !


at the home of Mrs. Maud Crane I k on .Sunda.y : Mr. and Mrs. C ar Sahsbury, Mr. and Mrs. John Fritz and daughter of Charleawn, West Virginia, Mr. and Mrs. Rus· s 11 Be!,son and f~i1y, of Cleveland, and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Rye and family. Mrl. Salisbury ae companied her ~hUdren home to Charleston for a IIr. an.d Min. Orville Gra)" and ciaupter were KUest. of II!'. and lira. A. C. Bowman in 'F'ranldlD

inc 11DiL

Come In and let a.

Ibow 7Q11 how 10aa tblt DeW nf'riprator wiD nul co one penn,y>1 worth crI elec:tricit)' at your ,..t~ " See the peOD, met" • tilt. l.ooIr ~ tIdIr nameplate beror"



public fishlnr for trout.

The Conservation Dlylalon haa • report of a catch of two rainbow trout In Mad River above SPriJ2efield, a fe" da,. aco, by Lewta lie COl' of Jl(e1lla. OIle wetchect 814




YO\l'1l be P4 ~ 4141 . .1 l)uy.


",.. !

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.UIT TIle , ...t ...........leIr . .__ ... U.S .............. ..,....... . . .

........ ,I"" • ...." ~ ....

LehaaoD M.d.....izi." Inc..

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