Miami Gazette November 4, 1937 - October 6, 1938

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PROBATa COUItT ,Ileal eatate ordered .old in pablie sale lIl'tile estate cf Althe Wat kin., decelMd.


~r:~:;:owed uar coaftrmed by Tile foUowiD&' uc01lDta ftre ap




Waynesvill~ .aIL. d

e t· aiD Off·leers


' ONLY' FEW. =.:r.tR:n:,=- School To Sponsor CORpunt MI~SIONARY HALlOWrEN fROliC M::·c:!:! Prop'aDl IThars. Nov. Ith,. TO SPEAK HERE BY MOTHERS' CLUB HkVETOFACE OPPOSITION TIle tint Mel flDa1 .ceout of



Hill and John Cheater HUI, incom


P~ta.flnt and flM! accout of m:::ert;:~ ~::~:~!::~ ~~1~~ C. Bedkett, administrator, da In lteeping with this national ob.

,UAYN · ESUI n il I wish to take this oportunity APPRECIATES SUPPORT


fUT Waynemlle and Wayne Town· llervatlon' the Wayneavllle scboolll lougo from Korea where she is pres Th'e Mother's Club Hallowe'en ship wok(! up Wednesday morning are aivine appropriate recDirnition ot than~hl8' the vdteTa of W~yne ident of the only Woman's College Carnival, which was held at the yawn ed and went On their way, On Thursday November 11 the ToWDBhip for the support glven in the country. She 0(18 recently Gym, on Friday evening, October :laying, ''W'hat;'s in an election school pupOa and teachers extend me in the election on November 2 received, an honary Doctor's deg-re '" 29, wa:> quite a succe~s. Rrizes for anyway. "Fot', after reports. were • lJMICIallDv1tatl on to school par- 1987. from Boston University. She is an the dIfferent masked Chal'Mters all in Tuesday night the officiary and friends to vWt the school. Jesse Prendergast. ordained minister and will speak at were donated by the Waynesville rem'oined EIIlme befo.tIe, from In tbe evenlnlr belrinning at 5:80 The Wa.ynesville Garden Club t~e Methodist Church next Sunday and Lytle merchants and business top lo bottom of the- ticket. Opsupper will be served in the high met Tuesday Ilfterniin at the hos- morning. men. position, where opposition 'WM of· school buildilllr lunch room and at pital home of Mrs. J. Mendenhall The. Committee failed to get D fe red had gath ered but a small 8 o'clock en entertaining program After cordial twenty Jist of the names of the persons handiul of votes. ." wlll be beld in the sehool gyMnasmembers to Roll Call receiving dOOr prizes but those r eThe race for township trustee lum. with the re..g¥nons..... ceiving raffle prizes were< ha<.l cause d ,SOme speculation but ~.. of the floral Special attention is called to the m~a~ines they taking, w1ly Electric Iron, donat ed by Mothers the. finnl count gave the "old" Communitv Supper a..... pro"""'''' Pleaainlr Walls will be the 'A sub they ll'ked them why .om · e ' Club--Anna 'Mae Watkins. # IN ... _ •• j trustees t'heh: positions back with to follow in the ev.enlng. A number ect of the first leson in our t- \WIre not expecting re.subscrlb& Walnut End, Donated by lon ds of . confid~nce. The count of schools in this vicinity have in. tractive Rooms" Project t~ be giv After the minutes rerut. Mrs. The Wom&n's Auxiliary of St. Cappel's--Donnhoo was : augurated thta form of school acli en at the Grange H~l1, Friday af.- Joe Chapman read letter from Mary's Church will meet Friday Electric Table Lamp, donated by E. L. Thomas 462 i W. S. Gra.vit, with much Auccess. We be. terno~m. November 12 at 2 p. m. Prof~or Reese an invi- afternoon, Nov. 12, with Mrs. EdiCrane's Garage- Mrs. bene ham, 248: J esse Prendergast, 651; Deve that coming to the scbool, en- Miss Elisabeth Graddy. Home De- tation to attend Identification th Harris at The Litle Inn. Mrs. Baird. W. C. St. John, 645; Leonard Tin· joJin, a 100d meal, visltinlr with monstration Agent, will present meeting In Dvton ovember 9 at Hickenlooper and two guests from case of Corn, Donated by ROXanna ney, 181. other ,puenta PQils and teachers this lesson. Every wtllJIen tn the 2 p: m. A lettlr read by Mrs. Cincinnati '\\111 be the speakers for Canning Co.-Paul Williams. Mr. Gordon, unopposed contin and HeIDe th; teach~ (in the eve community is invited to be present John Preston. . the Nation. the afternoon. A good attendance Evergreen Tree, donated by Duke's ues as Clerk. In the- village elec· nlq propam) In a IIttll! different at this meeting. al Christmas_ow be 'beld at the is urged. Nursery, Everett Early. tion, Mayor A. K. Day received Ilcht fromuaual will be very much . Piazza, Cincirinatl, 5 to The names of some of the per264; Clerk, Hellder/lon, 279; Treaworth whiJe. I November 28th. FERRYISMS SOilS donating not mentioned in surer, Walter Elzey, 304; Mar· It is the desire of the school that Relipations -last week's Gazette, were:- C. this Comunity School nllrot may E C iM'Ill II From the parsonage comes the M. Robitzer, A. F. MeUob, Crane's shall C. p. Joy, 245; C. H. Gwin 106; Councilmen, Witham ... Ce.rer, be a means of bringing the parenb a~d n. and ac- word that little Edith Smith is a Garage. Conner, McClure' SherwooJi, and pupilll and teachen torether In an cepted with The Garden verry sick girl. Hoer tw~n sister is Those receiving prizes for maskSmith continu.e. as Villagel'rustees evenine of eood fellowship which Club alfinned at the for. ju...t recovering from a &imilar sick oed characters were: mq also be he meaDS of helping The Women'. ForeilrD Mission· mer meeting to a atate as- spell. We do hope this lovable Little Bo Peep-Mary Ann Melloh having had no OPpositiOn in the 1'aee. parenti and teache1'8 understand ary Society met at the ' home of sociate- membe... child will soon be entirely well Cinderella-Jimm)' Crane The special tax ll!vt earried by better the common problems of Mrs. Ruaaell Frank. Wednesda" Misa Perlle then took again. Little Boy Blue-Roy Furnas each other and thWl aid more ef. Nov. 3. Mrs. J. W. White bad of the introduc' g Mr. and Mrs. George Summer· Red Riding Hood-Bet\.y Campbell a vote of 203 for wit.h 118 against fectlViel, the development of the charge of the devotional. period, Mise Emma Lou who ~~e field of Cincinnati Visited at the Gold Dust Twins--Bnl'bara and .chaol pupu. durinlr 'WtIicb IMn. Baird sang a most exeellent on shrubs. parsonage on Sunday. . Dan Hartsock Whh the prilDUJ motive baa al "The Beautiful Garden fo Prayer" Havin" quite a f h b There was a cheedll surprise a- Cowboy-Irvin Kellis .. 0 B ru S waiting at the Ru~sell Muua'''_ I . read, beeD riven the patroNl of M1'8. F • U • I.eilia., rea d a poem, on exhibition. J ndian-Bobby Haatmgs the echool will be-aaaWtlag in a "Stewardship", and Mrs. D. C. The vo~ on Sunday visitors were, M'r. and Ml'I. Sailor-Benton Hoak very pruttca1 Ifty the advance Ridge pve a reading, "A Kabyle taken for the H. J. Chaplin of Hillsboro and 1M'l'. Clown-Dick Bradley ment of their scbool throueh the re Wedding." Kills' Alice Appenzeller, ing as foUows, for M and Mrs. Paul Young of Seamon Hobo-Mn. Larrick on. ceipte derived from the evenlne prealdent of tha onl)t Womell'. col- George Smith, for preside:: and a very young Illdy who weigh· Japane1le-Monimia Hoak. Ilmma Steward, adlllinlatratlz of prDpalll. Vieaal education l. .e In lCONa, then pve a most Mrs. Ed LoDPcn for Secretary, ed 9~ pound 8 aMnd who, decided ~of Gypsy-Lillian Crane die eatate of LewIs 8. Steward, come to be 1'8Cocnized as a vitalatel int.erelltlng' taUt on her work there Mrs. Ro~ . f Treasur. remlUn at t he urray s even I Ghost--J,ena Michsel filtd ... Uaftlltor,-. in education aDd the mone, derive illutl'ated with. man., pbotorraphs er Mrs. Pt!rcy , °Durlng the the other callers did. return to tbeir Bride and Groom-Phyllis Bailey Mr. H. L. Van Tresa who is here The wiD of ABa Welcb, dee- eel will be uaed. in purchuiq ap lin. pay pve the work from the bour followed the Congratulations on a very and Milton Jones iIi the interest of the Old Teleeued, "... adadttecl to 1ft_te. paratu to maJr.e tbta available to Studll Book, ""el.!Ca and Belond:' 1Ioateaa . . ; in se~ng fine little girl. Maggie and Jiggs-Mrs. Jas. Hart- graph Mill project which he is pro C. DoBIIt 1Mb. ~ Wqn-e "ToWDabfp papu. &ad po ANI tbe pl'CWI'am eftdtnl' ~ a liIrht :Mesdames Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cornell sock and 80n, Joe. moting haa _ fine dlapla., of .extol' of .... ..tat. of Loala It Briel troll&. BODC. ".Jesus Oalls Us" by 111'11. Preston, Lee Harvey were the dinner guests of Mr. and· Aunt Jemima-Elsie Stroud lean Art and Handicraft displared dece ••'~ .... IIIarl B. JDrtel et aI, Your attendance at Coamnuiit7 FuUteClon. lira. SWut and lin. Rye and Joe Mrs. Alvy Ludington on Sunday. Moon iMullins--James Hartsock in The Miami Ga.etta window. liable II. Dtalla ..... Nlaht wiU ebow 'yoUl' Interat in Watkins were ualldaDt hosteu. The Club then Another guesat was nil old friend Kayo-Gilorge Hartsock The objO'Cts shown are of type ant anel ............tris of tile .. the WarneavWa. ..bonl. and FaI~raon. whom they were very ~18d to S~ Organ Grinder-Jimmy Hartsock whieh he p1'OpOlfell to use ka dle tate of Jut .. ~ dlll_"'. promotio. of. education. John CartwrJght of ~hi Irish Waeher Woman-Lois Jean trade and businen at the olchDW. TIl. ...... of debta ".. lIPLYTLE NEWS cago who at one time wns cashIer Larrick. • proged ... the eata&e of I_ph FERIlY CHURCH OF CHItIST Mrs. Flora of the Wayn~avi1le bank. Old Fashioned Girl-AuiJrey Bur•. The wood work obj~~te are o.~ Verln7b, ....8Id. w. C. Smitb, IIiDlater The Hallowe'en Carnival at the. witb her sister On Monday evening The Harry t mterest. They are of Madrona In ... IUtter of "e ..tate of .. Lytle Rail on Thursday evening of er who is very m. Cornell's called on M'rs. P. J. Wi:h- RaYlyn Crabbe wood whicb is very fined erained I'raDk" B. fWd, funeral SUlld• .,: laat week, apouored by ttie Ladietl Misa Sue is suffering Thomas and brought her a lovely Talest Person-James Hartsock. $omewhat li~e the wood ot the ap.. bUl ordend paW. Bible Sdlool 9:80 A. II. Aid was • succeta ill· nary way. with a badl, ankle. glass dish as a gift. They also re- Largest Masked Family-James P~~ tr,ee. It 18 cut from the Mountyo..... adllllDhtntor Lord'. Supper, 1 :45 A. II. A very &ar,e crowd was in atten· Mr. end Mrs. Furnas, membered h~r mother with an un Hartsock fsmily am IU~~, ~uled don~y back to d. bo'aIa DOD Of the ..... of C. 8ermoD, 11:00 A; .. danee. The prisea elven were all daughter and spent Sunday usually nice salad dish. Thanks·a Fat Lady-Mrs. L. V. BraJ).trator a MeXican village, cut In.tO propel' Sermon subject, ''The Clean8- wortlwrbile and wele much appr~ n Cincinnati the of Mr. lot as the youngsters say, Youngest Masked Penon- Mary lengths, t'he~ put into earthen F. eo....... tiled ilia aftJdavtl In lieu of_mat. III, Blood." elated. ' . ad Mrs. Tom Mr. and Mrs. Pete Wieal and Bnrtsoc~ pots and bolled for a day, taldnC , Tbe will Of AIme .. 8heehaa Mr. Ben james ia very ill at his Mr. and ~rs. Mrs. James Wical attended the Oldest Masked Person-Mrs. Sides grea~ care that the steam. doee Jlot was flied In pro.... Bible stud., and cboir practice. home IOUth of town. tertained friends funeral of Mr. Ora Harria at Mi- 2nd Largest Masked family-Honk g'et Into. the eyes, u thla win TIle ~ of deb. ".. • ThandQ: Mansfield, O. amiBburg on Monday afternoon. family cause blmdness. proved hi til. ~ .of Clan ~ cIaa me,ttng. Tbfa clau The farme.n of tlli. aeetlon are Mr. and IIrs. Osbom Mr, and Mrs Eugene Schumaker There were no contestants tor Mr. VanTress has many .uch PI....D, ........ 1IlvlW- the ,abllo to ' attend thIa now barYutlng • large. corn C1'lOp of Springfield, Xl'll. Clar-, and little Ion visited with 1M'n P. HapJPY HOOligan Skeleton and objects in bis collection, baviq In In tile IMttet of tJae ~ ...... The procram committee Cbrcle Wharton atarted with .1&8 ence Allen of were guests J. Thomas Sunday ~venin&'. They Du{le and flapper. ' ' 1 9 2 7 started a movement in comof a.e . .te of 8euoD Ptn7 UJl~ tllat die, ha.,. lOme corn shredder the laat of the weeL Suuday of Mr. KrB. J. H. brought her a beautiful table COy The Committee 'Woullike to take merclal circles 01 1M"xieo for mark Blale. tIM ...... It ........ tIaat oatatandm, nWllbera tor the eye.. A larire number of people trom Smith. er as a &i~t. 18, it the custom now this .opportunity to thank every sting Mexican handl~rk. He la & eUtif!eel eopr of the 1DtiJ: de- ain,. A qaartet fro~ gi!ts msbead of flowers one who sO kindly donated and the familiar with the coun~, Ita peotenia~ the iDheritanc. tax to ton chareh win b, prelleDt to lrive nival at WayneS\Ville Gymnaaium SprtUll'day froni' to sick'people? Anyhow it is a ni~ persons who helped and took, pIe and customs. The objecta at be .pald be.eertl;flld to ·the toUD~ .."eftI numben; ud F. R. Smith on Friday evening. Phllis Bailey Hoapltal to the custom. charge of t'he booths. It is your The Gazette .office are for ;Joar aaditor. miniater of the Chure'h of Christ, and Milton Jon!!s won the Junior tar at Piqua. • Mrs. Lester Gerbard is so much help and cooperation that make inspection and the public is cord- • £1ft . , . Buran, AAlmInlatra- at New Vienna, a brother to our Bride and Crom prize. Miss Mitchell Miss Roe are Improved th;at she wu brought these atfairs a success. ially invited to view thell). triz of ])a Voa 1tunpn dec ....d mat. will live the addreu. Mrs. William. Coleman and Mr. motorielr to Saturday home and ia beiDIr cared for by flied her tint aDd fIDaI account. Come ad eJljo., the evenine with tmd Mra. Harry McGrinni« of Way momffrt. Mias v.ill visit Mr. Gerhard'. aunt. We certainly WAYI\IESVILLE METHODIST nesville ealed. on M'n. Walwr Ken friends in and MiIl8 Roe are glad that she Is getting along W; W. WhIteabr. admlDIatrator CHURCH , of the eatate of .lou MUon, de FRIEKDI HOME rick and other :friends here on laat will :ymt her at Granville. so nicely. Sunday. NO •• 7, 1937 , ceMed tiled Ide tiavntor,-. ~e Bou-d met at tU Home on Thunlda.,. 1M'ni. Holliday spend the Mrs. William Wardlow spent The Science classes of the sevenGraea Velelt, admInlatlatllz of Ta...., ~ Ita quarterly buatneu Mr. and 1M'ra. Albert Stacy. Char week end in Jut Fl-iday evening at the Law· th .rrade hav.e been studying the die ..tate of Albert O. V.ldt, de- ....ton., , ' las Morgan and· IIr. and Mrs. A. The fourth rence Thoma$ home. She aays thati action 'of acid on limestone. It 9. :30-Sunday School. c......,. fIJed hie IINIUeatloa for • ~ Mr. and Jln. Ro., Updl- of O. WiUiama of DaytOb attlended ~e.han" will be Mr. Wardlow is improvinlr and is was found that if limestone ~e 10:40-Moming WorsbJp• ...tIfIeate of ~ of.nIl ... DQtoD called· on their mother the Hallowe'en Carnival 'bere on noon. at the home 01 his daughter Helen put in acid it would gl'adllally dis AliCe R. Appenzeller will speak(. ~te. _, 1ft&. Ida Luat iI1Jnday afternoon. Thursda., eveniDir. Mr.' J. C. Mr. end Mrs. Mrs. WardloW' i.8· staying with het appeal'. A ch~cken bone was placed 6 :OO-EpW'orth. Le~. ReIU'J I. BerrodIn le, dIam'-4 Mr. aDd ·Kra.. Ernest KartJn of . Mr. Lee Ma80n of Mason Is C. L. Bawb, Weltz and Mrs aunt, ){Jls. Sue Reynolds ot Oen- 1)1 acid an left over night. Th4l next 7 :OO-Evening Services. fromo the UIe of FNd StDrpI, IX Dayton, Itopp,d 'here Sunday to \pending this week ~h his aister. Jobn Fromm Sunday Oct 81 tetville. moming the clps were surprise(l, 2:00-We,lnesda.,. Friendehip ecutGI' of ·tIIe ..t&tie of A.maa I. . . lin. Karqret Martin .tter Mrs. Allee Clark. with Dr. and H. Vance ad ·M'r. and Mrs>. Larry Stubba of to find tltat they could beond tbe Club will meet \Wtb Mrs. Morrie _ . ;; d. . .ed, ft. , llayfDa apl0re4 Fort AncieDt. Walter Kenriclc was again eleet- aon at IMT. and Mn. Middletown were the Sunday at· bone that was formerly rigid. ll'ulkerson. . ShePerd. " aL DiDaer peata,t the Home Sun" ed J\Utice of tbe Peace ot Wayne :It S Hawke and Betty' ternoon guests of Mr. and Mn. The Sophomore Latin class has 7 ;OO-Thuraday. Mid.-week ....... The .bIftetor7 III da., were Dr. Dudle, KeeTer and Townablp at the eleeton Tuesday. _d Mr and !oil'll. C. B&wke of Perry Faul and 10'0. started to 'Work Latin crossword vice. ' . JI'raDk .. POBt; dec....... ".. &po Kri. It..ver~ of CentervD1e. Mrs. Mr. and lira. Allen. Emrick. Mr. DA7ton and Fo.r of WU Mr. and Mrs. Enin Thom_ at- puzzles u a belp in. learning vo8 :OO-Choir Practice. .~ . , . CarrIe AIltam.. Mra. Amelia E. and lira. Ralph ' Barger and cbil. miqton were guesta, the oc· tended ~he Strand theater In Day· eabUiary and variQus forms of . ft....~ .. til. ___ of .a..twolll!. ... Aela Youse and dren, spent Sunday in Waahlnlrton Casion hODored Vance'a birth ton on Sunday afterpoon while worda. T.-atOa. .".., 4......'1 .... lIP .... Grace llet..rdie of Dayton C. H. The former with Mr. and day. . Jbnmy Thomas visited with his Two oneact plays will be pras&n., . --. proftd.~ andll'n. Bebecca Bup.. of 001- Mrs. Leon SaUsblU'g .ana family rrandparen~, ~r, and Mrs. Law- ted as part of the entertainment 1M'ia~1 Cn.pter .No. 107 ..... The Mtate of Ora 0..... .... and in the .fternoon accompanied .. ftd rence Thom~. . l'eg . ularb session, MOil'" to b..d e 6·ve n, b1 th e sc h 001 Th""" ...... mee.t . 1 In N 8 eUed, fa' ~ from . lin. Nannte l'Iorenca returned them on a motor .-... to the coal C:omlmtlLnlc, 8 Mr Bob Lackey WllS the dinner" N b .. 11 i t' even ng, ovem er . ....... 10: O. . Too Th . S \lay, ovem eJ' n connee Ion A "1 I...... of ....... · 4 tq. , .' . 8!mda1 to ber home In Columbo Plinea at Jaclteon., lMT. and Mrs. SclWliff4'1' officlatin~. guests of The £Irvin omas' un 'th th bse e f A eti n nnu.. e e" ••on · uUlCI8ft an . 1Il6e ..... of fiaDk A.1teaae after a two"" vialt at the I Barpi' visited their pannts, Kr. • day. WI e 0 rvanc 0 m.. ca paymen t.of dues. ' _to Eduation week. . A covered supper will -....d........ tile ezecllton are to RU Rome. . Ij .end. JIn. L. A. Bu;aer. NOTICE-- J H f il Ud --. . . . fro....... at ,mate tale• . IDIf .._&1- Colllila' Suda" The lAdies Aid met W W n e a a a v · n e esa eM am yea e. on The two plays will be . given by the meeting, at 6:80. B .·table _.. , if Kiu Mattie Hess of Spring VaUe, ' ' V ' ...... . . tor eeWuIe tenaoon callen were Mr. and ~ aftemoon at the, home "fd Irl~ Graure .1 .. _ • the teacher. In the one 'Are .. QU servIce. , ,d.... ~ a. tItlte .f Della .C harI. DeRdorf .Dd two IOIU .... Anna Johns With 'lira. Seale'Long' wtll have of officers for on Sun....,. LIstening," Miss Day. Mr. Frenk, Visitlnir members are W'l1eoiIie. , . ., :. . . . . . . . , 10 ' 1In.~. W. BlaboD aDd tw'o acre, )lila Velma Bmitb and , JIrs. the coming A lrDod attendThe Sunda, callen at the borne Hr. Turner, Mr. J~mes, Mise Camp All memben are urpd to be ~ . . . . . ~ "· IIadb&, I. IND"I &ad lin. 8U1ln SarloI' auiatant hOlt_ . ._ .nce i& deelre4. help to e of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Filer were: bell and Mi..oa Hardin make up the ent. . ' . bIrpt,.~ ...4, WU tl1td III op ad IOJl nadll, and ~ aU A Tban~ pqram 'WU glv led .,our _~ !rJ.Irs. Mary Co)'neU and friend Mrs cast. In the other-, "Chickens Come Thelma Sel:Ue..,~ .... . of I)utoa. . . , en. Th. December meetiDc wnr be Josephine Workman and daUKhter Home," Miss Roe, Miss Mitchell, \ ~!tn.~~~~ . , held _t the home of lira. C.ath. .e Mr. ad Cl,d& Betty JfJe, -Mr. and Mrs. Matahal M'r. Brown. Mr. Ga~at, Mr. HoUl· Minnie 1 WhItaker wl\b aD .aU dQ. 1II!MfUC.' ,hten Flier and dauebter, MillS 'Gehrinlr, Mr. Ferguson, ;~~~~i! :~:~.'~:~:=;;:~~I~ V_ 'AII "" __ L hl_ .a_-In hODor of . __ Ktu Smith and Mrs. ~ ..,e : .. ~~ .. U~_MlIi~,- '. Mr, and lIrs. Pete Wiea1 .ltd the players.

bollia non ' of the eetate of Su_n J. Brown daa..ead. The flnt and final accouDt of Callata Spencer. deceued. The tlrat and final account of Frank Wll.on, executor of the .... tate of Ellu Huffman, deceuecl The Inventory in the ,.tate of Annie Hamilton, d'ceued, was. provd. AJ'thur D. Kollmeyer, ruardian of the fttate of Ka., KoU. _I.. til Carmen d h meyer, a ...... or, e la inven to., In inhthe eltate. t e matter of the- eltate of .. Eva H01'mlell, deceued, authority waa ,ranted Aan. D. Hormen, ad mlnilltratrilt, to withdra1f ,SOO.OO tro.. the ~tual Home and SaVe fnp -'-oefatlon of na,toll. Diltrlbation In kind ordered ill the estate of B:Ue LewIt, deoeueeL . 'l'be 1It11 of 8,Ivester Tilton, d.. oea!ICd, waa filed end admitted to probate. Ethel Blair was eppolnted executrix of the eatate. Freel O. Ow.rl. Jphuou and Chari. wun.... ftre appointed apprataen of t21e eatate. . CIIarle. ftlppe, ~tu7 trIIItIee 01- the ....t.e of Gaeta" Poppe, deceued filed his supplemeat to tenth aeeount.. Belen S. BoblDllon s..err, pardian of CharItw AlfrecI Bobinaoa, ....or. filed her first account. Claude Heath &IMIQ ""_~ LI_ _ a ppUca,. tiorl for appolntme.IIt of • pard fa the of K. . . . all' IIarJ L. aeatll, ....-













GARDEN iti:~e~~:~e~' :!~~:~~l~ ~:~ AGREAl SUCCESS She is in the United States on

Mrs. ;:;"u







11., ..



Geo,.. ..





a.. ......




DtidI., _.



~=~ii;iiir.~~.:; ~



. . .,..... - ......... JDOtair

of t'be latter.


relatives dau!rhter Elai& Mae and Mr. and





Reibert t.ended party riyell at in Cbarleli FINs. LeMa" Jr., of hIa III of·near MH. Ja.the mesbirthday Wical and chUdren The bo)'& quartette composed ot. this and honor of AUen Luau on SUDday. Bohert Hiatt, and Do1itld .coUett il~ll , . On Frida,. the Wical chl1dren "frill mac. be bUd .u.l. pla., lID. . vIlited -' of 111'. Th. . . . .


. iIn.

thelrl!'&Ddparell"~. der · the .~ P-.rr W.d~"'·





Saturda)- aftemooll. Mr. and !In. Harold Shutt. ud children. Vernon.lIIarion, and War reno 01 near WaYluiavUle. Jtn. ver Jacoba and Mrs. James Jacoba of this place attended the Com HUsking Contest at Upper SanduaJe,y. Wa1nesviUe, ' Obio. aa CIaaa Mall M.tter

--••-=~==~~~==~~~=I;;:d D~.~~=.=UI=~==E=~~t!~r~==========~ mSUED EVERY THURSDAY Ottlce Phone ................ .... No. 112

Subscription Price, $1.60, . Ye87

- ' --





of too radio tie-up, the two days through November 27. instead of closing it November 25. Tho action was taken as tbe result of a survey which showed a significant inCTease in the pheasant end par. tridge population. State Director ~f A8I1'icultlD'e Earl H. Hanelield was tbo initial s peaker at the opening of a. two. day conferenee of farmers and agriculture.l leade from Ohio and "wo sister state~S in Columbus for tbe purpose of discussing farm leg. islation to be presented at the next .-esaion of Congl'Oss. Director Hane TeD mUlloD doHan' worth of ballcUDp lor the .1939 Gate IIlternaUoaaJ eQGlltiOD are &!read, 1III4er feld, in his address. asaerted' ccmstraetlDD)lD Treu....e lslaDd. 8aa Fraaolsco ba,alte the fair. Photo,rapb abo. . &he latest air view ., "This Conference assumes nation- the expoalUoD eroods. In the Immedlaie 'orel1'OUDd are the terry allps aad 'erry termlaal deslpetl to ...... al importance as the result of the .ne peak world'a fair cro"cla of more &haD .0,080 perIODS an hour. recent decline in price of many . fann product. which will mean a Mrs. WllburlM'tCarren a,nd moth community on the F. B. Nash fann The evening was spent in playTeduction in ferm ineome unless er.lIra. Ethel Beason called at the I:rere. Observers repol·t splendid lng game$. Refreshmentl of something is done about it," ·Thompson.Terry bome, Saturday work beiny done by the Machine Sandwiches, pumpkin pie and cider afternoon. . harvcs t'mg a 1a'-6 -- were served. ~ ,......... .... Jll.C Carren 1D Mr. and Mrs. Shennan Wilson of acreage of popcorn which is yield. A valuable. antique mirror. the Wilmington. were Sunday guats ing quite well. . Those who enjoyed the occasion biatory of which ~ates baek more of the Gray family. Mrs. Vera Regar was ploosanUy were Mr. and Mts. George Harvey than three centunea. haa been adMr. and Mrs. Harold Mounty Burprised recently several of New Burlington, Mr. and Mrs. <kid to t'be collec~ion at the Ohio and Miss Jessie Orhood ~f SpringState Arcbaeolo&'lcal a~d Hiator· field were I'e cent gu.ests of Mr. neighborll and frien~s 'Well Herbert Faircbild and daUghter, leal Sode'" muaeum, It was 611 filled basketl came to ~er Wanda Mae', Mr. and Mrs. L. A. thia land that the c:eDBUa be comed b~# 'D' H C Sh' and Mn. L. A. Jacobs and daugh. plete. boneat and aceutate. If you DOunc 'T U'eCtor enry . . e tel'. that she h~d l'e~che~ mile- Jacobs and daughter; 14r. and Mra. give me the facta I abaIl try to U8e tl'one. ~t wall preletnted by MlldMr. and Mrs. Fran~ Patrick and s~one in life. It bemg 29th Oliver Jacobs and daughter, Mrt. them for the benelt of all who 'l'ed R. .#Brookbank of Rosedale. d ht Sh' I A .. P >ft btrthday. C1arien Kager and daughter, MI.. Obi d' aug or, lr eJ nn, o~ or...... d M. need and want wort ad do. not I n el.•• A:ormer oan. an 111) m- mouth Oruo were guests on Thul'S' an rs. a Lillian Fairchild and Emma now have iL" The reciatration will scription on the back ~tes that day ofll1Ts.' Patrick's parents, Mr. Gloria Moore. Misses Foreat Tibbals, Neal be purely voluntuy on the part 0 it wall brougbt to America from and Mrs. Fred Fairchild. Ann. Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs Jacobs and the hOlte... the individual, Ilr. Earl)' ....t- ~&'land. by the Pomeroy ~~mi1Y Mr. and Mrs. Harold Beuon of and daughter. Donna Rae. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Oltve Jacobi and LD the ,.,. 1880 or 1833. DIrect;. Dayton 'were Saturday over.nikht and Mrs. J. F. Jarobs daughter daughter•. Donna, Rae, and Mr. ed.. • • • Shetr~ne said. and Sunday guests of Mr. and. Mrs Mise Mlnn~e, Mrs. Drake, Neal Bunce were Sunday guests Mrs. Sarah Snell, Neal of MT. and Mrs. H. J. CQon at CaA IitbocraPbed. pictorial map of Pr d' .... · .... Ohi. h Wilbur McCarren and Mrs. Etbel B Cha I Ell' EU the orlaiDa1 Nortbweat Temtol'7 e l£.lOn .....t 0 s Ie 001 B unee, l' es Ill, S ble. Ohio. and Misaes l'fellie. M'ary. and MarJor haa been prodUCed as • federal art foundation Pl'Opam might collapse e:~' Olaude. Gray and graJld. ~ore8::ibbalsd Walter projeet ad _ued by the North the practice of ~ver~stimating daughter, Elberta Ricll. ~compain J 1'1. gar an Dorothy ie Davis were guests on Sunday of west Teftltorr Celebl'atiOll com. collectioua ia continued was led Mrs. Charles Voiers to Leban· ean. Miss Lucille Drummond. mi.toll III eoUabtratiOJa with tile by Director E. N. Dietrich on Saturday. ' Mias Minnie Jacobs ent,O rnBID;ea Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Talmage. participatiae .tate.. It was anJlOWl the Stat~ Department of Educa and Mrs. F. K. Fairchild with a Hallowe'en her Misa Jessie Gamer and J. Tal· ced _e b)' DtreCtor-SecretarJ Eo He- estimated that Ohio would and Mr. and .Mrs. William Fairchild J MOdreD of the Ohio CoD1lDiufon the year 1938 witb .. deficit attended the funeral of Mr. Claude Copi.. of the map mitable t~ of ,9,200,00.0. "Eae-h year," Dit- Adkins at McClure funeral borne. framq .and 1'8pIete with aIplft. Dietrieb IBid, "ta collections in Waynesville on Thursday. cant lMtorial , data ad 6eefcDrt have been lJeklw the expectationl Mr. Jes~e Pennington of Ferry are ........., to aU 01U0 pabUc and the prediction of greater tax was a Saturday eveninlr caller ~t ad ~ 'lIChoola ~ eollepa JieldA than actnal collections Is the 'Gray home. univenitiea ud municipal llbrar. ~ne way o~ lulling to. alee~ those Mr. oand Mrs. Raymond 0001'1 and ies, Mr.-.mrren related. On ~ mtereated lD Bound flOancmg. U sons, James and Donald. were Sun'reftne BIde is printed the Ordin. continues, the fooundatlon pro- day afternoon callers of the Jar -- -'1IIIla.rtlrt-Htn;.......ilkrlr1ll'4aatett""tllrill.H~ will -ul~imately collapse." CQbs families. Territo1')' ~rom whiCh Ohio, IndianMr. and Mrs. Robert Ballard and Plana for the ueem· ployment census in Ohio are Tir· t.u611y completed, SOc:n!tary o~ State WUliam J. KeDDedy was informed by Thomas G. Early of Washington D•. c.. Speei~. &!!Sistant. ~o the national a~nlSt:rator and In charge of the Ohio Census, when he ~d at the Depa~e.nt ()f tlta.1l& in oonjunction with the work. On November 15 and 16, un· employment C'Ilrd.s will be placed in every h~usehold in Ohio .. well ns the na~on by the postman. The 'cards, w~lcb are franked and will not Nqulre pos~, are to be ftlI~d out and malled before midnlg'ht. November 20. Tb& purpoee of tPe c\nsus,_ authorized by an aet of Congreea, is ~o attempt to obtain accurate national flgurel on ~M exact number of unemploJed In the United States as well as tba number 'Wbo have partial employment. President! Franklin D. Rooeevelt haa said of the census: "The C<mgrea dhwcted me to take tb.ia 08D8U8: It ia important to the unemployed and to everyone in



a, BUnola, M~ WlaroDaiD. and a part of 'Iofhmee!ta were ~. cd. Althougb the celebration will get under 1M)' ofticlally December S wben an ox-clra.'WIl covered wagon cuavcn will leave Ipswieh. 'M8118., and travel the route of the pioneer aeWen to Jlarietta, Ohio', active participatiOn will !lOt be. gin until tl).e arrival of the cara. van at the mouth of the MualtiDgurn- 00 April 7. • • _ Th In that "betwIee:n . 6 warn g ~ rapuOy falling underrrolind -..ter I)' nd vh t i d s~pp. a an e ty- oot 00, Clncmnati is in amye dancer of iBSUed by Elteeuti"~ ~ David Wa.mer of the state --~ F C,on18rv,a ti 00 B OiUUo M W baa or many ach~eara .r. amer been pre 109 water COMervation with flood control. ad! hi. &logan baa ''D th ditche d &b ,s, an a am e , ()n 89W1 farml' At. pllbllc lag in Cinel.Dnatli und610 of the United States corps,lou, he which wd: liTo ."oid ., m~eh ture wlll mM1l


this area, 10U muat control ud the 40041 wat&ra in the Mill creeJc ,watenbed aDd prevent the oVe~o", of Ohio river backWiltet. thereb, av!q PJ'Operty cIamaI'e. mlttptine cIroutbt., farDllhiDp' fn,. duatrial water nppU-.p11l'ifJina the pollutiQD, be&utif7iDc the dtatriet, relabUttating th$ pound !WIa ter l'eRrVoir and f~ ftC. ,ution watlera for poeratioD.l 1et unbora." A mo~ extenSive. eampaip againat game law v,iolatora "hen


Mr. ~nd Mn. Clarion Kagar and daughter Dorothy Jean Walter and Foreat Tibbals, apent Sunday in na,ton, the gueste of 1lIfr. and Mrs. Ernest McGrecer. We .a re sorry to report Misa JOBephine Gray ill at this time-. Several from ~is place W'Ol'e in attendan,c e at the Hallowe'en Carnival at Harveysburg, Saturday evening. . 0.0Shan"· J t S ... ..... r., spen unday afternoon witb his ....... nd-mot'h. S U ... ne • Mr. Mrs. Raym~nd Eakins were Saturday ~veninlr guests of )fr. and 141'8. George Harvey of New BurU.: .... Oll ... ~ . Mrs. Ernest Mannon of neal' witb h ts M Anna Warwt"k f CealifTgoesI 1'8. .... 0 om a, were Saturday afternoon visitors at the Daria home. • Mr. Geoqre Davia accompanied them home for a abort vialt.

family of Miamisburg and Ml'S. Lizzie Bfillat'd of DaytOn were Son day afternoon callers at the A. B. TlllllUlge hODle. Mr. and'M'rs. J. R. Hiteman and Bons were Sunday dinner guests, of Mr: and Mrs. Robert Bakel' and family of neal' Waynesville. Mr. Otis Rich of Chinook, Montan~, arrived Monday to spend a few days with relatives here. Sunday visitors at the Carrol Deatherage home were MB. and Mrs. Ed. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Phillips of Foreatrille, Ohio 'Mr. and Mrs. Homer Deatherage of Cincinnati, Mr. and "'rs. HaTI ... Havey of Lebanon. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hartsock and son. Owen. of Waynesville. Sundaay dinner guests at the ThompsOD-Terry home were Mr. anel Mrs. ' J. Howard Willon and daugbter, Beverly Irene of Pataskala. and Mr. and MnI. Raymond Hitt of Columbus. Mr. Frank McCarren and BOns of Harveyabu~ are operatina the :first Co- Picker to be used in this





ta.,bit ArId 'pbeasant seuon opens. November 16, waa indicated aetioll of UJe State Conserva· tion council in votil18l to equip the cart of alf -game protectors with .t.te bighway;patrol fl'equenC7. it WM annoutteed by CoDtlol!"'ation Comrn.l8lllner I.wrenQe Wooddell. Unller the new IJBtem pme law ~tlon oomplaiata from farmers a114 ludow:nera ~ be telephoned II, u.. aIIerfff or JDuleipallaw en-

Real Eatate- tnaurancl! - Auctioneer I

~ndueb all kindl of clean auction ..Ie. ' . Perso~~1 service backed by' 25 yeara experience.

Oau 'or write.



neatest eta. ~ .-.... will III taD re1&, radio to til" pm, pro. "_' ~_ .I kaa Bluk, au· J*ol, .:,ned _ _ pMrol broMeutinC

'tUt tht



bF; tIia

Information gladly given.


IiI~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~g ,


~ I . . . .ta

Selll FIU'1IlI and City Property

Write. Fire, Tonaado, and Automobile Inturanee

" true Professional S~rvice Yearl of traiDia. and experience have equip. ped ou~.: ataff to ....der a genu"'el,. profellional aervice, ia .11 of ID&IlY detaib wMch make up • funeral of ~e t,.M which". . . . ~ ev:erlutin.,Jly conlolin'. ~. For .....y yean we have ~dered lincere. ".apathetic ...nee to thil _cOIIUIIUDity, at mocIeet coate ~ _tinly .poa the willa.1 and m..... of til. f-.u,.. . "





elected .Prai~.nt 01 tbe UDttecl St&t1Ia b)' a gruJ; majoritJ. 1900. New York adoptl Womenl SuIIrage, 1017. Nov. 7-Forty thouland Dlen paraded Chirago. a.a protest against the Sunday clol!n, of IIBloona in the City, 1916. Lewis and Olark expedition reaches the Pac. Iflc. traveling 4.000 miles, 1806.

THIS WEEK IN HIS1'ORY Nov. 1-4: W. Packard, Pack· ard CBl', born, 1836. Stamp /t.ct THOUCHTS FOR becomes law, 1766. ' - 'SERIOUS MOMENTS ,.. Nov. 2-Warren G. Harding, 29th President, bol'll, 1866. James A slender aC{qualn~nce with the K. Polk. 11tb President, bOJ1l, W~l'ld must convince every man, 1796. Nov. 8-France ceded Louisiana that action.. not Words are the t~ Spain 1762. W. C. Bryant, poet trUe criterion of the. attachment of friends; and that the most libborn 1794. eral professions of good will · are Nov. 4-WiU Rogers, humorist, born, 1879. Fit'st cash' register pat- very fnr .from being the. Burelt ented 1879. marks of It.--Gilorge Waebangtc)n. Nov. 5-The United States re. 1 We. &!ways, like t'hose who adcognizes the independence of Pan- Illire us. we do not .alwa)'JI like ama. 1\J03. Ezek Hopldns appoint. those whom wo admll'e.-Roche. ed by Congress as foucald. Chief of the American Navy, 1776 . None think the groat unhappy Nov. 6---Wllliam McKinley Te· "but the groat.-Y~ung.


THE HARD RECIPES ARE EASY ONESwbm 1011 coo" with PYROFAX GAS Moclero PrIOfu Mqle Chef RAnaet and den. 'oltallc·heodn. Pyrol'n Gal reali, make cooIdoa • pi_reo. You haft '. IDlOke1."., dnwer·l)lpe broIJer, aD . .-.Ii& 0YC!Il aad dcaa, dog·proof top blltllUl. l'yrolQ Gal 5erYlce CaD be youn; DO matter where ,.OU II.-=. for ,. lIede moneJ· Jlqldpm.c Ja._ned (01 oal, 19.7'. aad cbe IIQ .uelf c:osa u little u ~ per meal per penoo. Come In thI. week aad Idea , . . beautiful. mOcI_raqe. . 8m', .1lNb III ~Iq lIS ill_~ "ClOCK o· GOLD" • dIIp. baa. few pall11 pepper 4 . . poIb • cbop. ~ 1 ClIp milk I ClIp fOrD

1 tip. All I CUl'arated me• CN ",h1_ A "COnI U4 ~ __• III. die whole Ituall, ",10 ' - .boud HNt Iou~er. edd 8oIu. ..., -S pcppec. Add .Jlk anduaIlr• .urriq colb&ullr, Wlh' dUck. Met paced cbeeoe, aDd "lr UDtil mcJlad. 'our O'tft !he heatea _ rnlb. Add cam aDd ..lit wen. FoW tbto minvre IlcnrIF lAto Ihe adm, bHm1 . . whIas. ' - ' lI1CO •

....-.s._le. Set


ptICfu.llaai!c -

..... "...s ___ ..... lmmedJMdr. &em. 6.

PYROF!~ '''''D.·NAIII!

ns· ud


.UA.ANUID .I."ICI anOMD IMI OAI MAINI eOOIUN • • WAY" "lAY' . . . . . . . . . .AT.OM

D. F

E. S'A. 'VDlrD .:a... Sail" I . I. B' Ia :I:Ift Wela. ~.





~'From Ber~ and There -===-= ==--=-==--


Mr. and Mrs. Everett and family attended a. -bUotIMiA!'+-' dinner, Sunday, in honor if I\rtrtl. Haines' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Carey held at the borne of Howard Fisher apd family of near New Vienna. iM1's. WUUam Smith entertained in 1I0nor of Mr. Smith'8 birtbday

HOUSEHOLD HINTS kUled' in mtlic accid.nt. Try this with carrotli to be Uecld were pede trian , and If the ear for ealad.; Drop theminto ~boillng driver!> hau not IJ o-t'n more caretu1 water for a few minutes, and ,t he than _the peu~llll' l i rlJ the ratio skins 'Will home olf easily. \\ ould have b~ cn highl!r. Slice bread tbe 'long way ,,"hen - Eigh thousand persona burn to making sandwidies of fancy s'hap. dealh BnnuaUy. Guard against es for a party. With a largel' BUl'- fire. face from which to ~ut out the WAYNESVILLE CHURCH fancy shapes, less bread will be OF CHRIST wasted. " Scrambled eggs will go farther W. C. Smith, Miniater it a teaspoon of cream i8 added Sunday: fOr _ each egg. Incidently. this Bfble School, 9:30 A. M. will make fue eggs lighter. Communion, 10 :45 A. M. Christian Endeavor, 7 :00 p, M. SAFETY SLOGANS Preaching. '1 :lln P. M. In apl>roa.ching railroad crossSel.'ll1on subject! ·'The Marks in~8, train yOur mind to ,mind the " of The M~stet''' . train. ' Wedt;lesday: In 1936 more t~an 100,000 'p erPrayer meeting, '1 :30 P. M. S{lns }Ollt their lives in mishaps that Ou'r revival services will start' could have been p1'6vented, Prac- th e 5th of December .and run at tice safety habits, least. two "''1eeks, Clinton Fisher, The reason for most traffic ac- miniSter -of the Church of Christ cident/i Is the man bebind the in Sabina. Ohio, will be the song 8~«ring wheel. , lea der. with our local minister do, TWI> out of e~c):y five . persons ing the .pl·eaching, .

day hil epl11l1e waa written. The human tongue can do a great deal of harm, ~r it can do ... gl'eat deal of ,ood. The tongue reveals the individual and give8 a fair e:ross eection of 'his mind and' thquirht and life. It reveals Ikpth 4-cbu.o.'[ acter and thought, or it revealll -evening, October 2.8 : Miss aballl7,WlDleel. superficiality, inaiD- Sheets, Miaa Jeannette Wilson, 1:11'. cerlty, diihoneaty and littleness. arid Mrs. Donald Haines, Mr. The toDlfUe of the liar. the iosal- James Sheets, Leonard Ellis, WH- _,- , JHll', the of ideals, the ard Haine8, Robert Wilson. Charles A waahing' macbine ta being profane, the one who i8 conatant- ' Stanley and .the gue8t of 'honor, marketed that lOW, washes. rlna.- ly tearing 'down qthera, Wldermin. William Smith and tbe hostellS. and damp dries clothea automa. ins reyutatlons, blaatmg' cbaractThe Antram family, who visittlcally. The housewife menly in· ers. eBn do • creat deal of harm. ed in New York. returned bomo the lOiled clothiDl' t~gb On the "other hand the one whose safely. a door, pourjn a quanti~ of wuh taDI'll Is wholelOme, wbo in8Pires, Some of our members at~nded ins powder, and seta a couple 'of upUfta, who lights ambltlona and The Ministertl and Workers Condlala. '1'be ~ine automaticallr deai~, who awaken8 w/thin others ference in Xenia, Wednesday. Spencer Traoy is a husky taxi-driver and Lulse Rainer Is tma1rith water, per!ormllli a1Uta '. new 'h ope, a new vision, a new Mr. and Mrs. Raleigb Bogan, Mr his lovely Immlgr'a nt gll:l-brlde who fInd a great love Bet agaInst operation.. shuta off the water and dream. who ahows them bow to and Mrs. Wllliam Smith and daugh 'tpe ba()kgrounll of lhe soothll\g life ot a metrQPol'ls, ' In lhe the power ,when , the \Va4b fa com- build effective, 'helpful lives, who ter, \Marilyn Sue, were , dinner , excIting ptct~e "Ulg CIty" oomlng to the beautiful deluxe new plete and delivers fato lbe hopper. points out to men how to wairen guests of Mr. and Ml's. Horac,e Xenl~ Tbeater. 1n XenIa, Sunday• . November 7 for a. three The new machine MI" for ,1419.50 the beat that Is in them, who Compton in New Burlington. Sunday engagement. "Big Clly" Is not a pJoture wIth the soft elegance of a drawahoWi them boW to meet and OVel'- day. Ing room drama, wIth die dazzling beauty of a grll4t .dancIng . A movement " .been inatituted COlDe discouragement, how to aMr. Leonard Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. ensembles. Ills a raw, human, flesh and blood drama of a man b:r the Independent Grooen AUla- chieve faith - hia is a belpful Donald Haines W1!re dinner guests and a woman and tllelr great love for eacb other. nee to market throueh ita 6000 tongue. It is .uch • tongue that of Miss Jeannette Wilson, SaturOther well·known playors featured In Dromlnent roJes Includ~ Jaliet Befilcber, H~len Troy, AlIce WhltG. Eddie Qu\l1an. ator. cuned Crow meat. ' Crow Jam.. besought hia hearers to c,ul- day evening. Jack Dempsey. GussIe Sonnenberg and Man Mountain Dp· meat 11 .. Id to · raembt. In taste tinto and to covet. 1t is lIuch a Some ot our young People en· the breut of a PieeoD. tongue that mankind everywhere joyed Hallowe'en. Satur~ay nigh,t . needa today. It ia auoh a tongue until the "wee" hours of Sunday The Baltimore aDd' Ohio Rall. that everyone should strive ,t o pOR· ' Ing. road ComPlYlY anoouncea a new .... , Mr. John Wilson 4U1d son, Rob· type of locomotive w'bIeh .... cD.en were dillJler guests. Sunday, tinct departure frotn the eonVeJl- NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR October 24tb, of Weldon Wilson tlo...' Iteam driven looomotln. CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC and family of sear Xenia. The .... enPne IWtO haft aIxteen CONVENIJtNCE AND NECES. Mr. and Mrs. Oharles Laird of cJlhad.. llUltead of two. Adnu. SITY OVER I R REG U L A R Camden visited their daughter and Lebanon, Ohio tIpe. claimed tor the- new enrtne ROUTES. family, Mrs. Luther Haines, ~ne Pre.eutiul .h. Beat aad La •••• an a lDOI'e "en fI.", of power Public notice is he~by given da~ last week. Mrs. Haines stilll'e. In and abMnce ot Jerkinea and vi. that II. M. Hopkin8 baa tUed witb malns about the same. MOTIO~ PICTURE braUon, and a aaviq of 15 per tlie Publio Utilities CommiaaioD of Mr. and !Mlrs. Robert McMillan ENTERTAINME,NT .Frank LeMay~ cent In fuel. The new locomotive Ohio an BlIPUeation for a Certili. and dB:ughter, Martha, called on II whoD,. atreamlineel and ap work cat.e of Public Convenience and Raleigh Bogan and family, Sun61R2 WayneSVille 4~6 ih, parte are eJleloaed. Neeea1ty .~o traD1!pOrt property on day nig1\t. Tbe "Wide Awakes" beld their ~~~~~~~~~~I~~~ call of the 'pub"e over irregular I . . . manufacture of.. clotblq routee to ud fom Waynesville, regular meeting, October 24 at the : ---Ask for a "lboddJ wool' Ia wool reclaimed Oblo: NUDlbet' and capacity of vo- home oLLeon"rd Ellis, near KingMIAMISBURG PERMANENT from wooled nip. Wool of thIa hlelee to be UIMld: One, 1 1-2 ton man. 1fOTAllY PUBLJ(: ldnd laclaI apriq uel UvIIDelL truclt. Mn. Paul Peterson and daugbCONCRETE All lnteratecl partlei may ob- ten, Pauline and Beatrice, visited N.tS-a! Kar Seal Burial Vaal. TWO IllNUTE SBIlIIONtala lnformaticm sa to the time ber mother, Ml'!!. Walter Wilson, Wilt. DraWD • • E.ta... SettlN • For Sale Only By THE BBLPFUL TONGUE=- and place of bearing upon apo Saturday afternoon. . WAYNESVILLE, OHIO YOUR FUNERAL DIRECTOR In tile third fIbatter of the book pU~tlon b, addreealnr the Public Mrs. Raymond Wilson and loin. McCLURE FUNERAL HOME of.Jam.. appean aD admonition Utilities Commlllion of Ohio, 001. Walter Wilson called on Mra. LuSMALL ANiMAL HOSiPIT AL by the athor qatnat th. euel_ umbua, Ohio. ther Rainea, Thursday afternoon. PLOD. 7 UM .of the toDpe. The writer •• If. HOPKINS, . w. O. Bow.~ D. V. M. cautions lila Naders to be _ Wa)'ll8avUle, Ohio. Miss Winifred Nutting of Miss watchful of their tpHeb. ever Nov• Mildred Cook visited Jane Cook at Sprla, Ohial aaretul of their t.oIaI'Ua Tho. Earlbam Coleige Saturday. writtlen ..,.wI, for a QIIrtaID Mr. Balpll Winters and Donald Mr. and Mrs. Charlea ?,rey ~f 1r1'01lP. the • of which J .... Chew of \'he Cbakera Xenia the.. Dayton apent Sunday WIth their autions till 1I8&4en, .... JIlIt .. ,tre wen fu W.,.a..vm• .J:1eetlon 10ft and wife, Mr. and - \Mn. &0preaent tocIaJ u thq weN" Dar 011 land O&rey. For aM


enraged In anl diatur~oea that could bave held up plut Operat.iolUl for tbe year endiq October 81, 65,000 Inter· national HlU'V'eater Co. employee will racel". a bonus nut month of ,4,400,000. Workers wiUl one years wUl receive an eztra WeeW8 pay. two :rear', aemce, two week pa:r, th1'ee and three weeks additional pay.












Change •••

causes many of us to delay ,re-examined. Consequently we · . . . . . .~~~~~________.-4f--coo~~~~~~I~~~~~K)edtoo long ago. your glasses should change with a few minu~es today for that

Zettle O. D.

Oil Burning Heater

from 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. S.llu..,illio. 8 A. M. to 10 P. M. 19 N. BROADWAY


I'1'hls heater leada them all-In looks! In. efficiency, and In economy. Has giant a1ze heating surfaces and ong fire travel to extract ~oro

at before the hat gases reach the chimIley. Provides clean, nlthful. humldlfted heat without any lIDi.oke, BOOt 01' aahes. Butt '1 ; w priced fuel 011 and III famous fo~ ita economy of operation. 15'1.. have a size anti style to suit you and at a price that will pleo- , ,~u. Now is the tilnll to Inveat!gllte, get full dlltalls risht Ilwe:



Heatera of all types-Rang\ea-Laundry Stoyea

Oil Burners and Uaed Stovea

Fairley 'Hardware



Laarae ..: Becauae of Better. Q~ality, Service and Price E,tabli'hed 1849· 1937 Phone 32


,12,000 N_ btm;..


lad GRAND PBlZB 18;000 N_ if_mt.. Ho., ~10


Bach worth ,200, BAcH WEEK lot __ weeI!s..A total 01 102 prbee ••• 140,000. N_ COIItetldOlCl NoYembtr IS ••• weekly daei;,afw' uadI Deoember 4. 'P1n'i aiia SecooCi Gratld Prhe. wUl be ie. Jecud frOm weekly wiaDen.

it cost 'you juat

-··$79~S SUPER· FEATURE'S this n prize addition ,fOr reli~bi(jW' economy and· convenience to yoUr 'hOnke. RemovableINVERTIB:1.E ' agi~toi. Exclusive, Most &fficicnt, fast and' thorough.' Streamlined" vihlte procelain ~quare t~b. And remember it's ' the ' 2if gallon sill& for last thorougp washing.

For the nluable iI~ It _

taIIII 00 the BIectri s-.t.. ani f)f U"s ... for the eaUy bJak 011 whJda ' JOU write JOUr letter ••• f6r die camplece rulu of the coatel't. TbJa IOLIer hu beea mailed to aU 0'"' cuitom'fI. ' copl•• Call be ... b, caU-


. . . _oace.'l1IIt . . . .

'~_ k-_~'" . , . - til....... JGIIr ~


Lovell rwringer, adjulltable presaure. Au~omatic aafety. 2 ~ in. soft rubber rol18. Rubber insulated, splash proof motor; Heavy duty. Requires no oiling. \0

Sealed mecbanlsm. P~tente!i baU.~arlng drive. Qul~t• ~ _ Lifetime lubricated.



,J;tul;Jbs .1'un~tal J}omt To be U8e~ in advertising Churc~, Lodge, ~~eia18 'or sales with no cost to organizations. ' Just phone your advert~ement to this office and say "In8eri thia f\d in "Caps" space for ..••.••••.•• . .... ,.organlzation." ' •


Debold of Muon. tllf. . . . State of Ohio ft. 1* 0-. Harlan Marlon Steveu, 21~ laborer 01 DeDJ8S Implement Co .... "11. L. Jon.s, HD~Dee nQtiftcW:to a' . township. Morrow and Maiy DNICOII. 17 of Apear aJld Eillabeth Apgar. plain. monthl ha the connt, j.n.. . O!.,n!l1n,AUl!r of c.tate ot Morrow. tilt to recover of defendant ,449.. The State of Oblo ... Cul'S1dd• .... to Jessie Hayner -Sa~ent. aa. factory 9l with InterQt. . d f da t rd .. d to ' e l ekn f n thO e a t ,pahla' Sprint Valley !llught 0. t h r e e . . . Gustin 85.42 arl'es Clearcreek worlo&r 01. Sout'h Lebanon. John R. 'Miller was llppOtnttd tmoreW ,'ornerud battle in race for Il\lnyor toW'nslnp. 135 10 MQTro\\'. to\\"ruIhip. ' d f S Leboa arr c Or e luppor 0 ICUlt "u\ll'-day. Candidatt'R 01\ the .nnrvey L. Rye to W.illlnm W. Owen H. W.ager tmd I~furt.hll • Goo ....e . C. Rockhol 21.0 outh ,.ceiver In the calM! of the 1tllami children the lum of lix dollartl "f L CI 85 57 ,n I t 35 "I ... deceased to anon. Valley Building and Loan A88ocla. h :nd k tkket wert> C. A. Sollar.9 lind the Cl me .~m d .., a-ry . ~ne, . nagel', 0 In ... on-ow. Catherine Wager al. real el-I tiOD of Franklin va. Ivv J. Merritt eac a every wee • Fl'ances fIerb~rt and William tate In Morrow. NE.W SUITSand Loulle ~.rrritt. . ., Rcyerand G. W. Thompson. Re- 'IlCl'eS In Wayne townshIp. - - - tiring Ma}'OT-1f;-{). Bnrker1t! name Amos Cook and Ella Cook ~ I H'Cb~rt to Co.therme F. Wager, Jot Belle Simpson, de(:!~!l8d. Wall writ.ten in by a numbol' of sup- Harvey L. Rye, .3 of an acre m 35 In Morrow. ' minlltrator to Deynn Implement Co•• London New York Life Insurance ' Compotter.$ who insisted on retaining Wayne Township. Emma ,L. Villars and Chalea E. Bstate In Harlan un'lla5J~JIJ. Ohlo ' Vl!I. B. L. Apear and Eli&&- pany 'VI. Walter Dameron, et aI, -----'-~llriil.....m~ln office. The final vote Iberta Elizabeth Biddle and Villars to Sherman Powell and Joh H DoyJ to n,~..ri:rull.. beth Apgar, copovit. Forrest E. judement to platntlff in BUm of 6 n C. A. Sollars, 91 Glenn If. B . iddle to Grace Veidt , Ida Powe1, .36 Bcrea ill W~hing ebho!t, re~l e8tate In Hag Sidener, Jr., ol-Lon(fcm.18t1iiIi!~nmW.:urViliefi-Tnl:miManillfUBt;a;it1 n 'D k 69 t on t ownshi p. IUr- torne"'. - CheSwr ,,- ~ 40. 5 acres m Warren Coun t y. vey 1648. " Mar-....t Co"'I. 'VI. Cecu alapIe, execu to r 0 1 K • v. ~ar er, G. W. Thompson, 44 In" the matter of the estftte of William Johnson to the Logan M E. B t Swallow, ltatuto,., char,.. the estate of W. F.Elzroth, de The ' $U ssful candillate bas Sam' Meredith, deceased, to Sal- Long Company, 8.79 acres in to ;r:ert F CIA lIeD E. Young, Ia the attorney for ceased, va. The Valley Packing served the vUl~ several terms in lie Met'edith et 81159 acres in Franklin to\vnshlp. . So. b • the plaintiff. CO!D'pany, a corporation of Leban . ' . " m prmg oro. . the past and contes mto tile office Sugar Cr(!ek Township, Gl'een Ro.."3 H. Hartsock .a.nd Edna D . . ------on, Ohio et ' al,LNlanon-CitizenB with considerable experience. county and 4.77 acrcs in Wayne H;artsock tol Hattie McDufre~ Walter R. Fitts Dal COMMON PLEAS National Bank of Lebanon is made Other officials aho n were: tOWnship. l'cal estate in Wllynesvile. ton real e...cttate in r-ranlU'ID PROCEEDINGS& party defendant. , Mary Jane Lucu VB. . Howard Clet'K, C. M. Hi'Ctt, 163, Treasul'cr, , Anna Ellis Meredith. et ai, to Jim Reece to Addie Branden W. Lucu, it is ordered that a copy Mrs. H. J. Harper, 135 j Mars1mll, Sallie Meredith samc Pl'OP~rty as burg, real estate in Washington MARRIAGE LICENSES IIenry G. Sandlin, 45 millwright' o~ the motion and a copy of the .T. W. Reeves, '7.0, William COp~GY, Rbove. township. S; r. o. Petal'son, ,89. ' • Herschel '1\ and Suzanna. Mere James ~f. Sl,lncllin to Nannle f Franklin and Ahs. Cora Taylor entry and o~r be served on the plaintiff. felerson's name was written in dith to Sally Meredith, 159 aIres GuUinski and Maud Rubbe lot 2001 5.of Frenklin. lin the ballot enough times to up- in Sugar Creek township, Groone in Franklin. ' Etlwsrd nan, 20, merchant of Dorothy E. Branham VB. Geol'l8 s~t the "J'egUlar" candidate, County and 4. 77 a~res in Wayne Henry Str6hmenger to George Muon and Geraldine Morton, 19 Branham divorce grant4ld plainReeves. . rtO'yIllShiP. Eckert, 2 ~cres in Hamilton town The "old" Councilmen retained In the matter of the estate of ship. -their positions with only a. few Albert G. Veidt, deceased, to Meryl 13. Gray to Sam'hel T. ~ea-ttered n.n.mes being written in. Grace V.ei dt and Alberta Elizabeth Vail nnd Elizabeth Vail real estate ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN The membel' l'emaining ure: Bnd- Biddle, 40.5 acres in Hnrlah town- in Union township. ' ,our Cattl.~ hop, Ibeep and calv.. S. J. Roase and Lille E. Rose to gley, 132; Froman, 127 ; Jensen, ship. to NonU-Broct.: ec.., U.... wire and 15.2 j KYne, 147 j Willl1nbul'g, 125 ; Virginia Carey and Thomas Minnie ltawtbol'ne, real estate in proftUlive ar. the hleh_ Carey to Catherine F. Wager, lot Harlan township. WIlson. 120. mara.t prlc.. and I'ood lame•. Ual •• St_1r Y ..... • Clecl __1I. O. TO\\'DShi11 trustees, Mendenball, . Tune In on Radio Station WOJtl' Hartsock and Lawrence with nO 11:11 to 11:80 p. m. for t)ur deUt nPllosition retruoed· ploeea as market reporta. did Cl.,rk Hiatt.

V a IIey Chooses N ew • ayo~ and M arsh a I I n EIectlon



Hen~r:y. 'r:!:~t:






.Tim y·SUg]8stons


....Iiii.!tone Tires

Box ,Candy-That You Like

Court • •• •

Equip. Grip tires fuel-

Royal Anne, Chocolate Covered Cherries in Natural Syrup Country Home Chocolates, Mixed Dilling's W ellin~on Chocolates -ALL CANDIES FRESHComplete A ..oriment

~Co'l1tinocd from Page On~) township. D. M. Adams and Alma K. Adams to E. P. Kerby and !\fargaret Nervy, 5 ocres in Washington

Pbone 4 X ".

truck and tractor with these Ground they will save you time. money and

Dr. C. S. States Veterinarian TO MAKE THIS COMMUNITY The Safeat Place On Earth , To Ow. Li.eatock IS The Deaire And Purpoae of your VETERINARIAN Phone 18 R 51 HARVEYSBURG


Barker's Drug Store SPRING VALLEY

Truck and Tractor

For y

• • •

For Every Farm Us.


White Modern Lihgt from Kerooutstanding achievement in home Handsome and stylish with a wide

...IlDIl'. -


FOR SALE-Young Poland China Male hogs. R. L. Bogan. R. R. Waynesville. FOR

Prices today offer attractive profits to

Bog Feeders

SALE:- 1928 Chevrolet Coacb, No reasonable offer refused. A, D. Hole, Waynes ville, RFD No.2


FO,R SALE-Applell, 10 v~tles. SOc to fl.OO bu. Extra nice crop. D. B. Underwood, Harveys 96-3-tp

Agricultural experiment station figures show that growing hogs which are fed nothing but eorn require approximately 12 bushels of corn to increase the Jive weight 100 lbs. '

......-'-_;:---:--'-W:..:Ac:::N:.:..T::.;E=:D-Middle-B~d lady for compelnjon. Good home, one In family. Miss Fae Kelley. Box 24 Harveysburg, Ohio. 2tp

40 Ibs. of Master Mix 40 per cent Hog Concentrate feed with 5 1-2 bus. of corn will produce the same result and place the hogs in the market two to three months earlier than when corn alone is fed.


Consistent use of Master Mix 40% Hog Concentrate is an investment insuring big dividend. Plan to use it.




Auctioneer ,



.All I have dsctd4!d to quit farming. we sell at public auction. In order to dlsaolve partnership, at my residence on what is known aa the Cadwallader Farm. located on State Route N.o. 4i, one half mile eut of Waynesville on .


Friday. November 12,. 1937

BEGINNING AT.O O'CLOCK A.. M. THE FOLLOWING CHAnELS TO-WIT . 2-HORSES-2 Two good work horle8. weight about 1500 poundJ.

17 - CATI'LE - 17 ~==;;;~;;;~It;;~;;;~=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;~-I --""OIAD'e-.JeA&YJWJI 5 ye81'S old to be heab about December 1at, one


Jersey and Short Horn cow, five Short Hom

u d Cars


.Centerville, Ohio


ToWD Sedan, Radio,


Chevrolet Muter Town Sed... - '35 Chen01et Coupe.

Four Hampshire

35 -






; St:oath- pow.rful-

. ~ \~~Or~ ~;:tr:!t . .f'fino ma.Jmum "-Iw protad lon.:

- ' 0 dIfferent •• ~ '"the world'. ffMd rid • •"



' AUAIOUHD) lor... Inhotlon-llglolet,

btlQNer ...Ion ..Un"' •• ' COft.t, ~t1o .. moklov .och body 0 lor ..... of


8'1 eboata, wel&'ht

SHEEP .-.. 35

Thirty-five ~W!8I. from ' 2 to 4 J'euB old




Moline M&IIure Ipreader ",agon with flat top, MeCOrmick mower, Wheat biDder, One. Buckeye Fodson tratltcrl' caltlqtor, or hone drawn. ODe . .1kIqg. brealdD&' plow, single shovel, fiVe ebovel cultivator. IMtCormic1cl corn binder, Fertilizer wheat drill. corn planter, FordlOn tractor, Oliver breaking plo.... for tractor. tlIaetor disc, tIeD f,oot spike tooth harrow, one dirt ICOOp.

HARNESS Two eeta worlt hamill. coUan, bridle.. lin ..... etc. •

1932 Chevrolet Sed...


' 100 Bushels com

artlcletl too 'n umenlus to mentIOn.



~ "'.-. Garpararioli


c.iooroI .v_ 1""""'-- p',..--.ty~ to ..u,...,~. A CtnonI "'__ f'

CI.·r a -Llle







You'll be ahead in style-beautysmartness-with this bigger-looking, bett~r-Iooking low-priced car', That'8 the enthusiastic verdict of more and more people 88 they see, driv~ and compare the new 1936 cars. And we believe it win be yOW' verdict,tOO, when you CoDBider all the ex~ , cluaive extra values tWa beautiful new Olevrolet brings to you. See it at your nearest CheYl'olet dealer'8~tOOay!


Wm. Bernard


Baviq decided to quit fannin" I wm.offer at public auction at mr -reaicle~. on what it ~oW'n as the ez,og r.riD. located 011 ate, Route No. U, ODe mile south of Wayti.aville, 'Ohio. on ~

··You'U be ahead with a Chevrolet!" (WITH S"OCK'ROOP STURING) So IOf• ..;!JO comfortabf.



"You'll b. ahea'd with c 1,,·1.:'.


SOWI, one Poland Cblna about 80 pounds all fn\muned.


b;~g.or-1oo1 mO.


About 10 toni AI(a1ba.Hq

S'ylln; ... d\" os It Itta,,,a.. f'" 1fIi.

three Sbort Horn

olel. five calves about five montha old, lOnain&, wltb


Phone 78J




Spring V~lley . G~ain and feed


Tueacl.y, November 16


To Investl••te








...· 50 " 25c . . , 26e 80c . . . 25e • ,v.,,,.. ,r Crackers, lb. lISe 24 lb. SaCK • 88c • • uu ..... New Crop., lb. 20c Cake Flour • 2ae Flour, 'Glb. 2ge v,"",.,U;'CI, lb. 15e • • • • • • • 5c DlQII 'ley can buy. High Grade Coffee lb. 2ge ..... TRYUS rft.,,,,,~ GoOD UNTIL NOVEMBER 8 for Thanksgiving will be full with

real values



Nine good milk eoW1l~ three ~ be freah In a few 'fte~ Six now living. good flow of miU&


Buckeye two row eultivator, liIcCormh;k mdWel', ODe rtrw cultiVAtOr, h.!y Take, one walllli~ breaking plow, 'OUver _alb brealmc pJow. 60 tooth harrow. Troy, w...on with flat top and aide boarda.JJar ladder&, DunUam cultipacker, Dunllam hoe. corn plan~ two onebol'lle cultivators, 8tock loadlq abute


l '



Two leta work bam .... one almost ~WI colI~; Unea:bricDea: halten; new set team tty nets, mapa; ete.

HOUSEHOLD, GOODS ••• ,.. ,." South Bend maUeable raa,., dininc room table, 8 dlDlD&' rOom chairs, 8 rockinl' chain, two bede, two dreanfto chc of . . . . . . buUilt7ldteben cabinet, cuJlboard, ' chul'll, m~ cau, ..1lftar7 milk strainer, po.rcth awilll',. lard preis, ....... adader, Jan, oil 14mP. two Aladdin bunpS. , '


Lawn mower, ~, fori; and rope, ababa..



~ t~ boes, brooden, i~ti.tora, broo4ft ~ ,.., pultbJM- iloel.-"

troucb., double t,ree.. . . . . titeI. opfId. other .r&Ielea ~ lloil:leNUJ. to ........

...... . . . . . ,


IIIId - ,


Ben__ of the threat of war in Euro;'. ad the ,reMDce of war In Spain ud Cbhl.. - t'h. United Statel baa O,D a number of oeeulona cleclared ber lDtentiona oC N-

malnlD,neu~~~M~ ~ ~e ~~~~;;,~~:;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:;,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. .

extent to 'WhIch fortlaD DattOUl may become Sn.,ol?ed In war. With

Eighty-Ninth Year

OI .....


:SPECIA:£ 7 A'X LE' V r ,- ' n o


queltlon of neUtrallt)' worb out



NOVQf'BER 11, 1937



.,\;;onuicting ' 'Pinions

th. Cb......

E~'!':~Z::£~.:! PENN. R~ ,R. BEGINS Japanft(! altuation O\lr neutrality



'n Regard ,7o:Law'i Meq.n:ing, ,

J •

eH' :


. Armistice Day Finds ,"ets MAKES :~I~~I:di~':~~:~:~\na':'~ OF ,BRIDGES . Absorbed l n 'CI-V I-t-I a ,n. L'II'-~e SHORT B -I OfERECTION C ., . OF . ~ · ~vy UI t . oncert ASK fUNDS' fOR ' FUNDS T!~=!,ri::~::; ::mf:~ r.,oved Into Place USE' IN WAR-,ZONE

privately owned shila shall be allowed a



of must continue to be ~. to war· ring nstlon., even in the face of an announced polley of strict neu. .. trall~, ' ia that ,unleu luch 1Ihlp. ments are continued our foreign t1"ad. will euffer a 1018, aince it we inll to aupply a nation at 'WV, jt may d~ert ua In time of peace and aeek other markets. Thla, it seems, is the hUb of the "Ituation _ for. elm u,de, and ita 10Ba or salvation _ not neutrality. '000'Le\~' see how OUl' s,lItem of neutrality works in the pruent calle of China and .Tapa. Japan, belaule of her stratArfc poaltlon ad her lu1re f1a",. baa practically every Chlneee seaport blocked. The result Is that no lhipments from thll countrJ by can be deUvered in Chin.. but mUllona ot dollara 'WOrth are bel.,. dellTer. ad in Japaa. To my w~ of tIIlnldP' neutrallh. .., of this t7P8 ..... little. It lacka the one tbm. neceuary for Itrlct neutrality, ADd that is, In eHeet we aN aldin, ~e Japan. ele aplnat th. ChiD.... We jult!17 our act that w. mar I&ve .. lew million dollars worth of fOHIp




Monday morning the Penns)'lvania. Railroad Company began the worito' of placing the new huge conCNlte bridge sections in place on their right-a-way here. The ooncrete aections eaeh weigh from 40 to 65 tons, They were poured in the yard at Corwin 'loaded' on railroad car trucks' , by two 100 ton wreckilll cranes assigned to the job. . A two and .one.hslf mile streteh track has been raised appr<tximateJy S % feet In 'order to &,et the track above high water. Six new bridge. projects are envolv. ed in this endea:vor. The total cost of this will exceed $150,000, and has furnished employment to approximately 125 men througho\lt the late summer and fall months, lM'uch of t'he material necessary in building fOrllls and doing tlte Job has been purchased locally through the W. H. Madden Co, NIne , thousand sacks of cement, with 40.000 pounds of steel for re-enforcements were used in the. concrete eections. Mr. A. W. Duke, Divlaion Enrineer and Mr. S. W. Guyton, Mall ter Carpenter wtre b4!re Monday

, . An appeal to all Met~od~st Epl~ ~opal churches ~nd t~~lr ,membera In America. to ralse a ChlDa Emer gency Relief Fund" for the car~ of,. homeless and starving church 'tal f 'k d ~~m b ers, h OSPI . care 0 SIC a~ l~Jured, and the reJllova} of ~1&slonary motbers to 'places of , saft. t 'd th . Ch' e y ou 81 e e war area In ma, ·t\1Il$ issued yeste~da.y by the Board of Foreign MisslODS and the Woo man's Foreirn Misslonaty Society of the de~omj~atlon. , Mo!e t~n 26 m188ionanes In ChlDa al'e from OhIO. .The C(lmmlttee Is asking . that each church, Sunday school, Epworth Lepgue and auxiliary of the Woman's Foreign Missl,o nary Soc. iety unite in raising this emergeney fund for China on Sunday, December 6. No amount is stipulated', but it ill known that ,260,. 000 ean be , a dva!ltageou81y ueed, especially in medical work. "A widespNlad an<f varied ser. vice of relief will be rendered by this China Emergency Relief Fund," said Biabop Welch yelterday. "Chinese Methodist pastors and church members, left homeless and

City offici ala, 'at first when the vote stood 203 to 108 aa-1nat, thought the propoaition bad car.ried, However, othet" authorltl.. stated that a two-third'a majority was requiTed.


. Why b7 to aaD under falae col. and Tuesday directine the work. of starving by the conflict. must be 01'111 cleeel'flq DO one, aDd plaelq h bndee In place. three clothed and fed and rehabUitatleast of aU. other natioo&. miles east of Wa)'1lesvlUe. ed.

w. u.

-000- ~tIona, talk We. with other of our clealre to abolilll war. At the .... time .... fumIah to wv. riq nations the meIJUI for contfDuance, ad tlIla bl tile taet that then in ~. worN. lllat e&D e&1'I7 OD a major: camPAiI'D wltIlout plied with as. tdDeoJr. of war froID the ~very natioDi who deer)" war u a lin. AJonr with It all we cqntiD. ue. to jolD In a plea ,for 'World peace .that II made trqicaU, bypocritical beeaue of oar conceuion &0

Conf.lictlng opinions .. to tU meaning of law bas placed a C'Joud of doubt upon ' the apec:lal Ie., wbic~ Wa.ynesVille ~oted 1nton at the recent election. ~.,

Several have read the 1a" and studied if f.-om every tl?en anele with tb~ result that opintona dlffer. Lawyers are 8&1'eed that the is not elear in its statement. In a given section it appeua .. one says, "It reads U8 out and then reads us in &pin." Amendmenta paaeed.. emer· gency measure, plaialy lltatlq that they were paued to enable villages to ,find their waJ In ralaing r,eve.nue, to meet 6llpenaee. dare say that in 1919 everyone. of carry the conflicting clauee. . th em wo uld have been named . read The genersl code. statea ~t • lIy, majority' of vote. cast 'WO.1d be May the picture tell its own sufficient to "carry'" the I• ." .. story, reeal~g the eventful friglht- was voted upon in Wa)'llelrill., ful years of war. The prayer of November 2. Therefore the q.... these, on tlbis -day, aa they recall tlon is whether emerpncJ IIIriethe comrades left upon battle-Ilation la to be accepted lD the fields might well be, "Peace on spirit it appa,r ently Intended 01' Ja Earth." it to defeat the wishes of the maJ


• .Nove.mber 11. 193 Day'~ ~nly abou..Iit out on Main that a'l'e out were. forth after the owners had ken a tip from the ~oat office ~ieh was first to !hOIst the ~tal'S I~nd Stripes Here. in the offIce. t force has sought some meaU of calling attention to this imp0rt;Ult day of

hiatry, Our beat "find" was this i tu I' .... ,. pc ' re 0f" our b oys, ......en In 1919 shortly after they returned home from service. Not all of them are known locally for some of tlbese came from our surrounding toW'llS. Too many of their names are forgotten even by their buddie~ , completely have they been absorbed in civilian life. We





ority of voten becaWMI of Its COD· flicting phraaea. . The levy, as has ·been ,miaas-

"Refueee campI,andwith thouaIy new stated these WM Dot ands of C'6ristians uon.ChrIsta onein nor didcolumna it en~ the lans, are under Chriitian c u l d a . n c e ' amount the taxpaye1'1l were to ~. , Homelesa and parentle.tls children It ia a levy made three yUh", must be eiven a chance fol' lite. The re&'\Jlar moDUlI meeting of The Presbyterian Church of Leb to enable the City to meet Ita cur~ II[E '~ethodl8t hospitals are crowd. the Wayne Twp• ..otbe Club waa anon hospitably opened its doors rent expenaea. ed to the danger point by both held, Friday. Novemb 6th, The . on Saturday ~ovember 6, for the If unable to con~i'nue ~ civilian and military wounded meeting wu openad tb the &One A big featuTe of the 38tb Inter~ all-<lay meeting of the Warren the money derived Supplies of anti-tetanus serum fI.Mn(!rica, The Beau ' ul". Devo- ,national Livestock Exposition, ,to County W. ~. T. U" ca.lled-by-the-- sour~ the city. it ia repoltecf wID -even ether for operatioras are ex. tlons were read by Mr Ellen Con be held at tbe Chicago Stock Yards County preSIdent, Mrs. Eva Mc be unable to meet Ita CUlTft' . . Comunity Club, busted. IncOIIIe from usual cHen nero The 8ec:reta~ re the min- November 27 to December 4, will Donald, o~ lfa.rveYBburg~pen~ met Weclnuday &venlne, No.,. 10 tele baa of neceaaity vanished The utes of the last meetlri The. treas be the National 4-H Club Con The attendance was good, and at ttle high .chool gymnasium with I cries of neec4r men, women and urer reported a bala e ~ hands gress. ' the session most enjoyable tihrough aiout tort,.five men and boys pre I children must be heeded no mat- of ,178.62 at this tim ' The lunch It will be held for the 16th time out. An excellent covered dish din' Mnt. , tel' what the cost. committee reported t ~ colleo- in connection with the exposition. ~er .w,as 8C,"ed,. after which were r U. ,creed. Mr. II. C. Jl1lIIrin. aateJnP.,.&r7 L "Ghri"n BChools are open. go. tions for the first two web A,pproximately 1200 bo a and 'rls l~sPJnng dISCUSSIons on the ~?uc&E'e~t. WAYNESVILLE CHuac:H chalrmaD. in ~he abeecae ot !4r. Ing on wi~ their programs wher. IUllchea aa $62.20 an total dia- from the farms. of ne:rlY e~ry tlOnal aims &Dd plans. being mBU· It'~ OF CHIlIST , ~ KtmI'8r had obarre ~ ttle ever ,it il at all poaaible. W!rlime bursements, for ~ same two state in the Union will attend this gurated by the W. C. T. '0. In a meetlne Mon A - - -I-ht.' die ~ conditions and prieta, and the cur weeks .. $90.74. The f nance com. year They will be tbe I k f the Mrs. McDonald will meet again '""I " ,W,'.(l. "lDith. II~ ~ committee, consisting ot I tailment ()f their normal incomo ~ported n~t earninga 1or th~ car· milli~n membera now a~~ye0 in 4. with the Leba~on Union at their ~ran&'e elected the foUowiD&' 01. Sunda,.: , ' . . . . . Puterbauch, JIawke, Jordan bring tlhem critical financial situa- ntval weFe $nO.04. he Som~- H Club work throu&'hout the (1)un. next regulalr, meeting. T.bis· will lcers. Bible School, 9:80 A. II. and Ilartin served a fine chicken tiona, Some $Cbooh bave lfad to Econ~mics Committee gave a reo try. be held On Wednesday afternoon, Master. Chut Taylor; ONr...r lapper. , move student bodies to .other cit- port of expensea on provments F' ' November 17, at th6ihome of Mrs. H~l'?ld Beckett; Lecturer, Luella C....union. 10:45 A. ' II. CbriltlAn. EDdeavor. 7:80 P. II. The club beard the report prea les. for kitcben. fic~re CIf mittee reo It wU;--e Tnp. Awarded A. M. Hinch on East Mulberry' St., ~J1ligan; Aa't Lecturer, Eruea• Leader 'for Endeavor will be ented by MI'. Walter Jordan. ~ail'l Missionary 1DI0thera with amal1 po~ted that they had ot yet pur- ' d~' tri ~ ::~herifnfl of state LebenoD, with Mrs. J, C,-MeCoy as tin6 !MOore; Steward. Arthur IIu , Edna &diu.. 1l1&li of a C!ommittee which 8Oy&'ht , children are being aent to places chased a new room pic' ure. It was, a~ ~I: c. p;on a~ youths leader on the subject. "Peace:'. tin j ASII't Steward, Eldered ~ " Pre......e 7:80 P. •• • .. aid In road improvement for of ~~-tIOm& to the PhUippin. decided the club ~ d purcbaaa ~ ok h e &'lv;n ree trIPS to the . meyer, Caplain, Lura ,Ba.... ; SermoD nbJeet, "Popular The ,"port stated es, some to America. Other Wives a new picture for room to be ! eoc ow ~ congreaa to comSecretary. Irma Beckett. lfIioa ..... Cbriat.'1 BelIdon." that the commlttee'a action' in are remaining with thelrbt1!banda left in tbe room ~nentlY. Thd. p to f DationaJ honou. A aeries Wilbu~ Hawuj ,Gatebeper. . . . . We .Iiad & fine attendaDC6 at SMidDl' tJda tmplO'elllent, iasiOlJaliea of the Society....: · clothing ,committee wal voted ,10. ,of !a~iuets, ~ducatjOnal tou~,. and . ert Collett, Cerea, Nelle ...... , · both 'Ier91cea Jut Sund.,., Oll. come too late for Immediate ap aingle women--are, for ttJe most for any needed clotb·llg. . .en r nmen pr?granfs baa been Pomonl\, Je~nette PQterba..... ,, ad41U.. &0 the Church at eft- proTei aad that it would be necea- part, at their atation"" The first part , of e P'rogr~ ;::~getl for their atay, bere tIhfs . ~lara, Katherine ~,OU~j LMy A.! nlq aervlce. • 181')' to continue tbe petition f9r \\'88 preaented by ~il8 McKinJJ8Y's , ' , ' ~ Sltant St,ew~d. 1Ia9'. III.... MOD.,: future action. The commltttee ~ SURPRISE PAR~- , room.' The pupi" gav a very itt. ~mon~ the Important awards As -h as already been stated in a Haw:ke• . ' Youq people Co to nart.oD to and ,fnatructed to Iceep In On Sunday Nov. 7, friends and tereating Tban~vIDjIr . p'roeram- whIch w1l1 be made during the previous notice, the short course Program featured an excel'" lkate.. ' . ' tou. with the State Department relatives of Mra. George Dakin Ly~e Mothers supplie~~ their part W,eek are ,the Roosevelt ,trophies, this year will be conducted upon a account of hia recent trip to ,..... Wednesday: of JllrhftP tlO u to secure the tendered her Ii surprise. The oc- of the program with .~ violin 8010 presented In the name of the Pres-. different plan frdm that of the ka by Roscoe Furnas. · PnJl!r .meeq. 7:415 P. II. qulckMt t&~orahle action it can. casion being the 73rd birthday an. by Miriam Wharton, Bl~ instrum'ln ident to the boy and"girl w)o ~ve past; ' FoUowine ~e bullneas aeaaion, tniVeraary of Mn D~ The &'\Jesta tal duet by EvelYn ,~, nd Frjlnces made the mnst outstanding achIeve Courscs will be offered 'at the ENTERTAINS GUESTS , W1U Ita., th_ 8rd chaPter of RoIDUIL n.. w,uu. of WaY.1lea- ' came with well filled baskets and John., a piant;! a(l10, A 1lne Marylin ment in club work during the past higfb school ' building 'as follows: AT COUNRTY, HOllE , ville and Mr. B. C. JIIlI"n. b4~b a deliclolUl dinner was . served. Whitaker and ~ vocalluet by Eve. rea,r. A n~tionai. Jt.ealth contest, One course in lOme phase of Rural F~l CHURCH OF C..a.'T euemee men p.e short tallaJ on Those preaent were Mr. and MH, I~ and ,Frances ,Joh The pro 11\ ,which Wlnners will be aelected Economics or 'Fa~ Management . Mr. and Mrs. WiUJain Cum..... I . 'VI, C. Armlatfce Dq and Its chaIleqe.Sam Knee of $J)ting Valley, III'. gram 'W&I concluded two r~- ~rom ,amon~ ~te. htalth champ. for younw men from - l6 to 26 entertained Saturday ey~ • and Mrs. George Knee of SpriDg rinp' by Betty Petetsol~. lonl, III ano, :er eatul'4!. year" and, one' for Ildult men. Also number of, gueata ~t their beIuaUS ! .1__ : 1lIl~ lira. A. K. Dar recmed word .Valley, Mrs. Fanny Magee and Mr. The finance eommit~e reported Stoek,' meat,. and grain judging there will , be coursesoffel'ed in' ful country hOllle Oll ~ T.~ ')lIble Scltool, ' -taO A. II • lut. week Gf ~ death of her bro. and Mrs. Oharlea Servin bf Piq., they would have a '1'h8nbglving contests ud tbe ~xhibitfon ~f beev som~ phase of Home Economics' ph MlI!w j~, the 1'1.......... :~'. 'itapper, 10:" A... C. D. Be.- at hJa borne hi ua, ¥r. and Mra. <Horge Marlatt market, the dat~to ~ atUlouDced ' ~ lambs, and pIgs of t}telr own for both younr and older women. fqllpws: Misa ADI) Todll. 1Ir. J_ .is.a-. 11:00 A. II. VirIrlnla. he bad bem m 'for Qf Mt. Holly, Ilfr. ~d Mrs. AlJe later. ·.. rai.l~g are ~th~r e~ents in . wbicb The foregoing cou~ will be de. Jefferies, 'Mit. ~tTJ WIaItakw. a lcmr time. Dakin, Wa1neaville. Mil8 Mc:Kiosey'a ' ... om rece~ved farm youths will !I~~ pro~ln. cided upon at the first ~eetlq. Joe S8r~nt"lrtr. Pow. . o.w.r4 • • . _ the flower box for the b en month. ently in the exposition a lO.,enIDC· If lOU have sucgeatlons for" a all of Lebanon, lIr and Itn. J(a. ~~ . Ib: , ; ~ta- a4 chotr JUBtilll.G Two interestilll were week-end p~o~ms. State cham. co~rse other ~&!l ..,these, ,Pleaae netlb F:our~ and three cIdIGa. " "'# . ' . rea~ by ''MTa. pion .toc~ J~dgl11lr team~ from brmg your r,e quest to tiIl$ first Mr. and,. Mrs: AJa Eaa1ud ... ~ You an ~ ....., Being no further ' the m, a ny I~Will,. tompete here aa .. mee~lng. There}a ~ PQjJ8lbill~ . of granddau&'hter· 1nPa all ... v ',on 8~cIQ momlq &Dd r,·-o club adjourn d to b, th pre-openmg event on Friday, Nov· secutlng '& spe.clal lpstruction for Dayton"Mr. , and lin. WIlIIIrIi ~ &0 Ch~ ,f tat lit lOiq &0 . lultlDJa ~artaock, only daughter '~VlI and good force. pull upon an f'nt Frida ' ~Il a£&, e e~ber 26, Collece acholanhill!l will ~e c:oursea. ~udgel and f~y, . Mr. . . . . r .. f JOUf em ·the mol'Alq of, :Mr. and· .~ Byron P. Hart- mdJvldual. ~er later plaYII, all (lilt- J H te ,7 " be _warded. to tIq~ winners. After c1as8es ther" will be ' a Hudr;el of Oreeon.a 1Ir '~ : eIle. ~t the home of her par- !!tandlng, ,Iucb as "Eaat& 'Weat" Li''111Qa ,aaea for H~edre: - ' Youtlt. Edaiblt S~ .. recr~lonal pedod for gamea 'and DUmB and, ~mest S:atth .;, - - 1_, I{ cJa _lR_ " A ,Dum ' b er M anLou en IInOD ' A junior liVe atoc ' k feedine co~- ~ther amusements. " , ....... ear.,. OIl y mo.uuae. and _"Cat and O anary. Baird nesviUe. Mr,',and. 1Ira. ~ ~ , follow.a a IlqerlDar m- ot yeara' Ihe was on thil. Chautau'St. ~ bn ~est will be' h~ld on the 'ol1o~ng A ~age. of .100 for each coune and Raymond Hena.~D cd c.. ..... , .wcllbrourht her hOme about qau ~lref1it. D th 'S ' I>EI day In which farm ~:vs and glrls Ml1 b& made to · COVCl' minor ex- win Mr. and lira. A. J:;. ., totat, .• between ,the ape of ten and ~e~ penll.. fly. ~ ~o. /' H,r bealth failed ber about live ' " ~~kivill~ Ifdio. ad IIl'L & She ,.. ~OI'D in 1892, at Mor,; years aco, fo'l'einc. her to retire 8 e • aDd. ty .will exhibit hundl'eds of prISe '. We are anticijlating some intu- and son RowaN row. ~ from the from a DlDst pro1n1ame WAYNESVILLE . animals that have won blab honOh ,estin,r study and alao a good time, JOibn Woolard of , -Wi,:): blah ...,1 ill . . Throughout these,t' JI!&rI Ihe EPISCO!'.u. ,in oounty and state 8ho~ b&ld , The time fO,r .regula" ~eetinga and Mra. ~am.. ' . ' ella of ltU. Aftu.o .....aatioD~ foucht braveJr and COUJ'II8'M. earlier in ~he .~on. l:~trlea lor .bas , been 'let ~or Tuesday evening tel'S, IIUdred_ ~ .- ~'P!"";' _" II-. a.rtaocl:. entered the UDlvtr. with hope of re,.Jnin,r ber ,atreq SlIDday. tbl5 year'1 contest have beeD re~ of each week. Due, bowover. to I th, Mr. Donald Neff Uj_:l _ .!"'.1~'..!~:! ... 11l1li. eH:r of Oilo, .wllert "1III1ON~ In th iii order that ah. mlabt m ~8:' D:80 Buday , ceive.d· from ten state.. ~ontllc:tIi~ the fint ,meetine will be 1Reed of Xem... . . -==~=,::,tl"""d~tlC An.. .....aatIIIc in 1~ waY"ntuI'D to her ebOee~ tIeld $0 10:80 )loraine SPbject A stock j~qfn, contest for ...• held . on MOllday, November Utlll 'a nd DO,;. ,J dell(rht ~d entertain audlft~ "aome Is ' i . . . . . u." rlcllltural c!o1~e ltudents alIo at 8 :00 P. M. "., wu lpent Ia. CIII~",~;"1:j but It .as to DO &'fan.. ....' 8:ao Bpwoit1l '. be 'beld on the openiq daV"'of the w. beJive you are lDbireated The b - . TIl. flDal cnanaba. ...... dowD •":'00 ~ SUperi~. ahow. Student teaJllll from 0".10 In 'Work tllet 1ril1 boost ouT luDell . , •~ 'mct"'MiIa..1I .... I.~ liar. p&rentf, • hoet tuclent- GatH lltatea are now beine drilled tn' communitY. and ' W1I teel cId.... ~... 1IdcI ' _~ &0 WednttdaJ: 'atock Judrln, akUl for COlD,.. that you AI! In~ bl haVliDRl ber PI..... 11:00 LadIet AId at the titian wbich has beea a feature of a lOoct time alQne ,6e .tnllv_"'ftJ!I~~S' clr...lI'II1i11rr _~" ot tile of I til. upoaition aln~ @ae ~ MOW ,C~I or &4idreal 81q~nte:lldemf




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- Cat~ OD ,Uve St•

at the l\:IItofflee at WaynesViUe, Ohio, aa Second Clue Kall Katter.

Eftectlve November 'lIt, Nome Brock Company ann.ounce8 a draatic cut in commiaalon rates .t the Union BtoQk Yards, Cincinnati, O. The followina ia the new achof ratel which resulta bl an approximate 15 percent reduction which will materially benefit .aU patrone of Uda market. HOGS-1 head 60 (lentil; 2 head 40 cents each; 8 to 16" head 3i cen~' each, ~axbnum ,6.00; 1'l to 85 'head' 80 eenta ~ DId· imum ,9.00; 36 to 70 head ~5 centa each, maximum ,13.0'; or aingle.deckl car by rail $fa.OO 71 Mad and over 20 cents each, maximum $20.00, up to 180 head , or for double-deck by Tail. SHEEP-l head 40 cents; 2to ~2 head 26 cents each, maximwn ,:or:50; lS · to 40 head 20 (lenta eacb, maximum ,6.00; 41 to ,100

Harold D. WiUM,' EditOl'




lfflce-Pbone No. 112 ,

Subscription Price $1.50, Year

To what purpoae \a the multitude of your aacritices unto , meT salth the Lord: I am full of the burnt offerings of'rams, and the fat of fed bealta; ~md I delight Dot in tbe blood of buUocb, or of lam~s, or .of he g'Oats.-lsafah 1:11. --000-- , . . , ' • • The \IIlan who alwaya plays safe in' his bUSiness ventures may Mver auffer any big lo~ bl,lt he mbJSes a lot of fun that . , the fellow ftO takes chances experien.;es. , --000--' Herbert Hoover has recommended for the Republican party a mid-term Republican National Convention for the purpose of awakening more interest in the party. Nl\tio~al committee\1l8fl John D. Hamilton has annou.ced that the Republican National cOllllmJttee will meet in Chicago next month to don· sider the merit and demerits of such a convention and decide wlMlther or not one should be held. --000-Already & )i~el)' Interest is being taken in who will be the candida~a of the two major parties at tlle tlext election. AlI10ng the Demoerats, Sen.tor Alben Barkley of Kentucky is being · conai(lered, &J.)d among the Republicans a~tion Hems to CflIter aroand VandenbeJ:'g, of Michigan. --000:Vittorio Muuolini, son of the Duce, who W&I Jnvited to this countr» by JIal Roach to become figure head preaident of a film producing company, cut his viait abort wh~ be was open· ly snubbed by the at!ong anti-Faciat group in the fUm colon),. • It required CQnaiderable explaDation b,. Will Ha,.. and Roach · to 1IJltangie tile ill advised acheme and con:vey to you~u.. sollni, without oUending him,· that hia connection with the fUm p~oducing business in tIM country waa not desired. In ad· dition to the objection b1 the anti·Faeist 1I'0Up in thia coun· try there waa the memory In the minds of many of be fact · that ,ouna Muuolinl, durin!r the Ethiopian war, had bombed , delen..l.. and unarmed women and chUdnn and ho~ital.. , ad then gloatingly wrote badl: home ~t ''War to 'Us is a . ·cl9rioua experience." --00..U o.~'a work prosram,isn't nch that be geta "al pleasure out of it, that each clay ia a new adventure. and adventure to be looked forwarcl to with anticipation and eagemeaa, tben th proeram needs acfjuatina or' the incliviClual may .. weU make up b1a IPiDd that life will never hold anyting but drudcery for him. The man who plana aome clay to quit; iIDd retire when ~ ~ made his pOe will Deyar haYe that esperience. Tbinp Jut don't work out that way. We !ret our pleasure and enjoy. ment in 0111' work .. we go alona or we W'ill never get it. , , . --000-- . ~

head 15 cente each, maxlmum ,12 or f<lr alngle deck ear by rail tt2; 101 to 200 bead 12 centa .ch, maximum '.110 or for doubl ...deck cur by r.1L Ov., 200 head 10 cents each. CATTLE-l head U,OOj 2 ~ ~ 12 head 90 cente eac~ muimum $10.00: 18 to SO bead 80 cents each, maximmn ,SO.OO; Over 80 ,hftd ' 70 cents each. Fresh cow 'with calf ,1.25; car lota b)' rail '20.00; car lots FeedeH over 150 head ,22:00. CALVES - 1 'head 50 eenta; each additional bead up to 10, 40 (lents each; 11 head and over 80 cents ~achj maximum ·20.00 for 80 head by !tuck or sinele deck CAr by raIL Over 80 head by truck 20 cents 41acb, m~mum ~O.OO up to' lOO head or fqr doublt-dec)( ear by raD. "

ening and broke a hone in her BIRTH right arm. Born Sund&y NOT. 7, to Kr. and l-aboes come oft eDit troasera are roDe4 lIP .. lap aoWlen wete Mr. . UaIa aweam ID North CbIDa. I Mise Myra Haydock, teacher of Mrs. Ruasel Murray a dauwhtel". Orval Adams or 8a1& Lake CI'y, lJiah, left, Dewly elecled 01 tile barley IIaJIlera auoclaUo.., the intermediate grades, took the Ibown with Tom It. Smith of 8t. Loal1l, reUrllll hea4. fit Che uaoclaUOJl. I-Dorotby BaNal&)-, acreeD-pIa,er sixth gra,de for a tour of iupec· meee or Postmaster General I.mea A. Farley and Cardbu.. F.,Ie,., who recleIllJ7 beCame the hrlde ., Dr. tiOtl of tbe Xenia Gazette plant The Miami Valley Field Trials 'Lawrence Soros. 81l1ltetoD of Loa Anlelea. Monday afternoon. will be held at the farm of A. s.




dinner gue8t, Sunday of ber IIlace, iting friends neal' Marion, Ind.


THOUSANDS ARE • Xr: Z. EXPECTED TO ATTEND :::~~~,~~;~e~; ~=h::l~: ~;~i~cammahom Misa Katie CoTIiIl8. and Mrl. A.


to I':~':~,

uf::::.r is confined ~~~~~, ~2:~;ity, o:ndN~:::;)

~::::y=:i::::::::;::;:;::::;;:;::::::Z:::S:= -_.

Wm. accepted a posiHartsock and .tion withCoe thehas Lang Chevrolet Co. ,

at is working Lena Hartsock, Sunday afternoon. for M. G. Phillips in his garaae,

SHOW M~ve:::e:'~r~'~:C~~~~

:: Mrs. Emma Barnett dined at the Home, Sunday. Mrs Bertba Doane, Wilming. 'ton, c:aUed on her ';elative. Mrs. Mary Adams, Sunday afternoon.

The farmers' greateat shoW'the lnte~tional Livestock Expo. sition at Chicago-will ~e attend. ed by .many thousan~8 10 person but millions more mIl be there too, thrQugh the courtesy of tbe Firestone Tire and Rubber Com- ~EWS ITEMS FROI~ pany which wUl sponsor a dary NEW BURLINCTOr~. broadcast over tbe radio. Born to Mr. and The Exposition, to be heIr from



men of the Friendr/ Sun· day School, loosen in an attend· anee contest, served an oyster aupper for the women of the Sunday School Thursday evening. Mrs. Kenneth Roberta is the guest of ber parents, Rev. and Mrs Weaver. Mrs. Weaver is j:onfined to ber hQme by illness. Ml'!. F. D. Coonpton bad the misfortune to fall from the stepa Rohert of the Friend'a church Frid., ev·

New Teiepbones and


Changes New Phone. Installed Since October 1574 r4 Frye Gilbert Waynesville, Ohio, R. R. Waynesville, Ohio 17 r2 Randall C. G. _128 r3 W. P. A. (Corp. of Wayn.) Waynesville, Ohio Wa)'Deaville Chan Ie Made Since October 15128 r2 Power Plapt, Waynesville, Ohio

The Ohio Central Telephone Co.


November 29-Dccember 3 inclu· Smith, Nov. 6, a 80D obert weer'I~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' ~li _1IIi liive, is expecting a record break. Born to Kr. and Kra. ' Carroll ing list of entries and attendance Berryhill, Nov. 4, a daughter, this year. Alread'y thousand ... of Maralyn Lee. head of cattle, horses and other Mr. and Ml'!. J. L. ConaTd spent l'8Jatives in livestock of the finest breed from the week end 'Wi all over the world are listed to be Gel'RlantoWll. shown. The teacher8 at , The 4·H Club program will T. A. conference Inl Dayton, Fri. l18ain provide entertainment for day and Saturday. the future farmers of A11lerica, Ivan McClure is seriouslY' ill of while the judging, ~ttendance of kidney trouble: - Now workiD& on WaYeIllville Sewale variol1.l notable and prominent Mr. and Mra. .HUJ 8Z8 via'1'he. propoaed wqe and hour bill 11 colDe to f01'C6 IDdust1'7 ~iapoeal Plut ~ out of the south and middle west. It will dlacourage the develpellple, the horse show, aheep dog I ~::=~===~t::===:i contests and dozena of other!"! ope.aent of amallinduatries and caule industry to become even more centralized than it now is. No BnUlll indultry, anploylng -J-e~tLJNill...h6.....l!l.ll.UhLtL:BHl~J-JLLI~""""";:~~i:11;a:t~I.J.1~.l~~.:w~tlea¥Ul~J4i~IU-_..M!HtLD.UDe with Miami Gazette for eatimateo '. . fireside by tbe nationwid~ bodk" oDl, a few persona, can compete ullder the proposed schedule the NBC-Blue netMlrk . up over with a large industry in ' which mass production of the same L _ every afternoon qf 'the show at -4 item" employed. The auth,ora and promotora of the bUl dO .not P. M. E. S. T. reallH that tbere is a v.t difference in a small industry em· Hamiltoa, Ohio• . PhODe 3708 . ptoJina. few people, than there ia in a I&rge plant employing 110'1 AllY PUBLIC 1IIU7'\. both in the. labor cost and tbe prel8Ure under which men W. P. Watson, Mgr. are 'W6rba. TH imlaU industry emploYI no 88lembly line or Ma...... . . . . conveyor b6lt or other hleh pre'Sllure method! of production. ,,~ On.. • • £I..... s.uw It !a uafortnnate that all 8uch bUIs are not prepareCi by men Mr. and Mrs. Richard , Peele, WAYNESVILLE. OHIO wio have bad experience in buildinC up a buaineaa. meeting Mr. and Mra. Vaughn Peele, of the payrolla; and making a suceesa of it rather than b)'theorSabina; Mi88 Harriet Virginia I S~ ANIMAL HOSPITAL I tat. ed political opportdDistL Morton of CinCinnati, ' grandchUd. . ' ~Oo-ren pf Mrs. Harriet Peele, celebra~ O. Bo...... D. V•••- , ~ We bave heard thOH who pretend to know about money ted her birthday with a little Yean of trainina &ad esp.-ieac:e I refer to wIu&t' they c:all a stable dollar. As • matter of fact per in her aick room, Sun.!!..ay afSprla. Vall.,., ow. there ia not no., under' our ac:he'me of thlnea, any such thing ,.. oar ltaff to ....der a ,enuinel, prof. .oaaI ..... ternoon. . . • atable don.. Tbe value of . ' dollar to an individual ia Dr. Pe~le and Mrs. Peele and 'f'ice, iD aq of ......7 . detaila which ...... up a , ....... on1Y worth What it will bll)' for him in clothinc, food and Mr. Walter Hoskinl of Wilmington · A dollar in the covae of five J'Uft ;~, h.n a: d.oswere among iM'rs. Harriet Peele's ••II..,'.I:tIIlUIK'i of the lJpe which Iea.ea aD e.erlulia,IF coa~ 'en cHUerent values .. fft .. ita purebamn. powr Sn commocfSunday visitors. <$1~rrE · itles coei. If wbeIIt is a dollar a bulhel, a dollar will bay one me'm0r7• .For 1lUUt:7 yean we ~.e .......d..JdIM. . Miss Ruth Chandler of Geder• • blMbet elf wheat is twe~ty centa • bushel the aame .dollar wpl ville wa.s lJhe guellt ot ber aunt, l,...patJ.etic Mnice to this c~~. at __ _ \. b.Qf. ~lve bud. or five timea as much. T" dollar, afWr all, ·i ' Misa Rachel Pet~it, las' Thur~y. Ia wortb to the average indivldual .w~tever it' will buy tn food . COIb ........tirely upon 'the wiahea' a.d ....... of ' Mrs. Margaret M'8I'thi 'l'eceiveq' " ~g. aDd Ihelter. the news SaaUday atternopnof' Lebanon, 'the " , --000-", death of Arthur Heug, of D.... Pr....t1q tile .. ..t .... A move fa OIl ~ end. tbat there aball be an' amendment to troi~ Michigan, Mr., Hug was the 'In ' the coll8titution that will req~e federal job bolden to pal' husband of Mrs. Martin'& niece, MOTION PIC11JJlE state and fed~ meome taxes. There are 8,500,000 of thelle ' in tIIi& cou,qtTJ .nil good reason has ever been offered why spent much of her Spencer, c~Udhood with the ' former Mary who the, 8bould not :J»e subject to tile aune taxea a8 tho86 employ· her grand.parents, Mr. and, Mrs. •.._ _......._ _ _ _~~....- - - - - - - - - - -........ .... ed i1l privateindUJtry. l'h'omas Frame in Corwin. "· .. . .. ~ '1 --o0~ ~. Mr. I nd 1M'rs. C.' E~ Bratton, of ~ I _ III ~etWoUJl";eat that • ..,eci\ll MUion of Congresa will Dayton, called on Misses , AlloDie ~ . 'be QUad. it 'ia stated that the toft matters that, will be 'ai~en abd M!1me Browne, qn Friday•. I ' first attention are'tbe 'ftge &O,d .hour bill ,a nd fftl'JD l8I:iBIati~. • MrS'. Id'a Boster, of Dayton, W1UJ 'j,l" -It fa .med politics that the tw~ meaaur. are' brouglat up ta~er. The" fallnera IW! not In a,mpaihy, with the wage and t -,1ao1U' bill and labor ilJJl't. in sympathy with some of the f411'Ul , ' ' legtJfatioD. 117 ptaYlne one group ap~ the other tile ~ea­ , e'" ' Dr)' votes may be muatered to force the legialation through.

Levy Building, Ditching . Excavating



Friends Home

ha.. .....,.

GHAND .[H~JER-' 0" "t.,





,. WlfA'r WE TSIJIIt .' (~7...Frau DIxon)

NOJICE. OF APPLICATION FOR CBIlTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECES. , ... . 'i •"'Ill III opinion TI!Jlder~ at the re SITY OVER I R'I\ 'E C 1) L it. ~ " uen ntreetor la.... W. Killer ROUTES. lJI4)tate Department of ,Llq!lor control, 'A*mey Ge,niral Herbert PUbllCl botice ' is hereby Iilven & .DaffJ ~ 'that the aWe that'll. K. ' Hopkins baa tiled Witb 1m 4PO"NI' to tax or npJate the ~bUc Utilities Commisalon of ~1tadoD ·of IIPlritaoua Ii~uon Ohio ali. appUcation for ,a Certlfi. llito f~ UIQ' f'o~ or 1'8&0 cate of PubUc Conven'lence- alid . . . . . .08, tile eUlual•• puridlctlon Nec~ty to tnDsport prope~ on on.t 1rblcll 1Iu bMn ~~ to the c:a1l 'of the 'pu"lIc over irregular .'tJilteII . . . .. Tlltll'opbiipn wu routee to. and 10m Wayne8ville, • .0;,.......'" . .' . . . reRlt of a ~equat ....._ . ~ , ~ . . ' WIiP' Officera' OM,o. 1imn uvlt and capacity ()" ,'V~ ~ ~ Field, blcilea ~ be used: ~ne,. 1 1-2 ton .,... . . . . atate to .&lYe tbe truck. . _ _ ...... ~ . ' " _IE. padi••. 1IAjI!oJ..-\!K:..j. i






;~~~"I=':Ia~1D7~OJIiniOD of LlqQM

~ 0;"=:::'::= Ii

-<J'IIe Blabt Reveread IIeDrJ' IJ&.. tam plac:e informatiOll ..1IPOn to t1te and of hearing eafdtime ap. 0Mrre 'heller. blabop 01 Vlrrlnla to N- pUC&tlon by addtelaina .~ Public .... 1tI7 IUuI for III ,earS .- . the Utilities CommiMlon of' Ohio, Cte· It • 1IlIuIona17 III lapaa, who wu w.1III»-,.,.po. jut. umhua, Ohio. elected to lie preaf4fq Ii..... fit


.. .~_~ ..... Ia

foioiI ;j,QK',...........


U. Pr......t Eplacepal elnlrcll .. .. l1li• .,PnN8, &lie 1J'aIW States at Ita ......... , W.,.....w., Ohio. .......... It 0IdII,i



.True Profeuionai Service '







:advertising ChurCh, Lod,e. ~ia1a or to orgaDizatioDS, u~~~~~~~:~r~ advertiSement to thia oftice ana "; in weaps" space for ••• " •••••••• .Gnnl~i2~~~C)D."







WarreD 'Coonv CoartNews • • • COIIIIOM PLEAS L_ va.. ItOuart Alulr. Executor of the Estate and Trustee under ihe Will '- of FJrDian Klq~ deeeu~d, veratJe Artb,r D. Kollmeyer, Guardlall of the eetate of Kay Carmen Kon· me,er. Kay Carmen KoIlme),er a . minot; Hellbut Francis KinK and IaabeU. Corwin Attorne,., . Howard W. Ionl1a. · Su~ona n· turned endoreecL Alvoh Ik H&rtaoek venua Allee _ HartIOclk, an imD.aie of th6 Dayton State Hoapltal of Dayton. Ohio. Attoraep. Ilanhall ad Ifaraball. Partltiqn aDd equitable.nIlef pra)' ed for. Summons returued endo~

ChinatQWD Demons

arreo COloly:.Citizens EDfOll InlWPAr' Educational Class ~'========~==================

1. 1987. The first .aecount IOn, administratrix of John p, Grl'awotd, approyed and fUed, 1987.

Fift . W C"" Itl class' during the winter monthll. y 81X arren oun.~ c - More than 200,000, adults' are .AD_ of May Jack. by enrolling in WPA Educa. ... in the eatate ClaS$es Qr-e helping WPA t o rolled' in all ~Pe1! of WPA elwel deceased. WM achieVe its goal of, reducing adult. over. the na.t lon and the program November 1, Illiteracy in Ohio by one-tenth, it proVldcs useful work for 30,000 is announced by Paul Hopping of t eachers. '!be Supervisor of WPA EduClara P. · PierSon, Administratrix, Pl'ogram in Adams, Brown, It may not ~e p08llibJe to pre· b)' Wilbur L. PieflOn, her Admtnls Clermon ~, Highland, and vent such' shipments. I a.m not In· trator, In the estate o~ Mary A. Counties. . 'te}l~atjonal lawyer enough to an· Plerion, deceaaed. wu approved ' 'classes oare loca.ted in swer thf;1t one, but I do feel that a: anel fihid. November I, i987. ' , policy that t>e rmits shipments to The firat and final ac:eount of Unemployed t each ers g iven j obs wa;rin g na~ions that, as in the Indianola Guttel'J and 'Ladorah G. and 'Wages ,i nstead of the dole by C~mese.-Jap.aIt~se i~stance, mal' Reif. Executrices of the atate of WPA previoullly F E RA have aid one natIon 8galDst another, Lewia C. Guttery, deceased, WM taught the f undamentals of read- ~acks t he. prime e.le~ent of slncer~ approved ~d filed. November 1, ing, writing, spelling and arith- It~ that IS essent.lal In any declared. 1987. metic to more than 20,000 adult ahon 6f neutrality. Cbarlea O"e~ veraul ADdo The Will of, Victol' H. Worley, Ohioll.~s in the past f OUl' years a nd N. Bu~ and Carrie Bllck. Attor- deceased'WU fUed and admitted to , ~vill te~ch and additional 9000 dur(MIjSl)e5 Trnlena and Margaret ney. Charlea H. 0tt4ltman for JIlOn.· Probate. Nov~ 1. 198'1,' in~ the current year. Edwards left Sunday morning for ey. In the Estate of Alonzo Wea~r, Ohio still hilS 260,000 "function 'Florida to spend tfbe winter. Ed. EVelJD Johnson venus lfaaon deeeued, Addie 1M'; Weavel', Exeal ilIiterates"- those who cannot Ramby drove, with the Misses Ed.. Johnsou. Atto.r aey J. T. BUey. dl. eutrix, filed her first and final acdo simple Teading, writing, spell- wal'ds, to t~e it· destination, comine vorce. eharp, Ifl'OIa lleclec:t. count with vou.:hera for settleing nl\d arithmetic. . back by bus. . ... - Mrs. Louise Haley venua 'l1tIe ment, which is ordered 8uapended. CblDese boy 1IC0a's marchlD~ aJoq Mott street lD an IUlU.Japanese demonstration In whloh the Inhabitants Literacy work is only one f~ ~~~~=~~=~~~= Industrial CommiufoDs of Ohio. 'Nov. 1, 1987. eI New York's ChlDatoWJI partlolpated, III • drive for funds to aid _r refugees. The bOfli are oarrylng a t ure of the WPA Education Pro· AttorneYC. J. Wl.rd1ow, to nartici. In ~ Estate of Carol.... Mac hap blUlDer whlcb reJa&el: "Japall like a monster &lid a cold·blooded murderer." ADotber raUyln, cry gram in Warren County, Mr. Hop, Jfor donaUou " .. "Every _ ..y !dUB a Jap." p;ng pOI'nta nut In "U t"pate in State InIl1ll'anC6 Fund. Phall Smith, a citation i8llued to ..~uo " ... , ,"ere a re Benjamin L. Coulson versul Ella John K. Spencer, to appeal' Nov. 26 WPA classes 'with 279 pupils. I Btule and John N B'-Ie A. 6 1987 t h ' ,1. h count with vouchers. Nov. 2, 1937. In the elltate of Frank Hittsman Order su.spended. Nov. 8. Over the state 150,000 'gl'own-ups • • ........, , 0 a ow ca'U8e w~ly e In "-tate of Wm A A k ' de d"" d i f tr' . h . d I' d t' 1 tomeya, Carl Abaecherle and· should Dot be lIemoved for failing d"""E"" I B A' 'k' unAder'l. .".oalle, cop es 0 e les In reo w 0 mlsse ear ler e uca lono opFra k Sea ~ , .. ceue ~~,e . un er m JUS lation to or in any way affecting MARRIAGE LlCENSESportunities are burning the midJ P 22 FI f night oil in an e£fort to improve fO..!10fUl'8, u n; for monl!y and ::.d ~:!~:~'::t~ ~~ac:~u:= tratrix: filed .her invento;y of SJlid inheritance tax, orderect certified 'IF_...... Wh-.... -ad IDf~to tis T ' ~_ U 4 1937 Est.te•. Hearlllg on Inventory set to Tax Commi¥ ion of Ohio. Nov. asper el'l'Y, . , l·eman,.o thtUnselves in WPA classes, accord -........ , m r coun .. ru" ...e....~ov. .... , . f N b 2~ 1937 t 10 Lebanon and MISS Elva Hamlin . of the • .tate of El ftPI...--._ I th C D Witt wror ovem er 't, ~ a. m. 8. ' . , ' hjg to Dr. ()~orge- R. Bryant, state mer "IlIII'Wn. n 8 ase, e wner, ae N t· tl xt f ki b .t d 21, factory worker, of Lebanon. 4U ' '-I'sor of the WPA Education deceued '¥UIDa WUu.m D. Relt, AdminJatrator of the estate of Ella 0 lce ne 0 n y TeglS ere In the e/ltate ot. Della E. Foster ., . •• _ ... ted ten d to fU tl "'-Wi d· .. maU, who have not watved ordered deceued, IIchedule of debts, etc. MT. Harry H. Darst, 60 fanner, Pr.ogll&m. This work gives jobs to EnjOY perfeet e ·mo on. 4" . . . .088 nner. eceue ... verBulI N 1 1037' of Greene County, Ohio, and Mrs. 1350 teachers. winter comfort approved. Administrator ordered . Stat. of Oblo 'ftl'IIDa WDlle Sta.. Earl Winnel', et at, the report of ov. ,.,., • every hour of In estate of Alice M. Blair, de.- to proceed in settlement of estate. Grace Cullen, 58, 9f Springfield. Nationally, the WPA teachers ton. pleael cu.ilt, operatiq motor appnisen wu filed and DeWitt the day with a ,ehiel6 ftDe intOJdcated. Senten~ Winner. Adminiatrato;r was order- ~eas~, copies of aU enttles affect Nov. 8. , Mr.. George L. Hause, 22, Stand have. had such dem~d for their Sun Flame on Burntna Heater cel to 80.,. In :Ian, costa, driviq eel to txecllte ~nd to State of Ohio mg ~nheritAulce tax ordered certi,In the matter of the rill of Del. ar~ Oil employee of Lebanon dl'Id sel'Vlces that the millionth adult rfchte auspended for one leal'. in the stun. of '. 6000.00. Bond filed lkd to Tax ~mmlll8ion of Ohio ilah Everhart, deceased Will ad- MlBs Imo E. LaMar, 20, steno to learn to ,read. and w.rite. is ex· .tate 01 CWo V.. Earl Co,a.- and approved. Ordered that plain. Net value o~ estate '1764.~6. Also mitted to probate. Npv. j~ graplher, Mason. pected to enroll an a WPA hteracy In ca.l!e of Chas. S. : win · ad. Plead DOt 1fQflt)", afped for trial tiff aell property at Private Sale Fh:llt and Final Acc?unt WIth voue for calh. November I, 1937. hers for settlement ~~ filed by ministrator with will a' nex~d of NovemJ»er 18. F ..... Beud v.. EtIwanI ....... E.tat., 0...... AclftI'ti.ecI F'" Robert M. Blair, AdllUntstrator de e.state of Alt'he Watkins deceased ~ Di~oree plaintiff and eUitod, of ~Dt, Nonmber 1, 1837z bonfs non and ordered suspended. versus' Fairy Elma Bsger, et al. , eland cranted pla1ntlff. 1. Helen S. Bobinaon Harvey, Nov. 3,1937. Administrator granted privilege of The Deu)'ee Implement Compm), guardian of Charles Alfred RobIn the Estate 01 Louis C. Zedher inserting advertisement in CincinBums low ~riced fuel on and .. : \'trIWI B. L. and EUubeth Awar. IIIaoD. a minor. Fint account. deceased, first and :final account nati Enquirer, Nov. 8. lamous for it!! ecGllOlDJ' of bperation. We have a size to RI& Cue cUaJnJ. 2. Elva ~ Runl'an, Adminla- with VOllchel'llS for settlement filed In ,B&-Estate -of Lydin F. ReedJuclaement·. you-et a price tlu!t'l rJpt. sed. . tratrix of Estate of DeVou Bun- by Chas. F. Class, Administrator, er, deceaaed, Emma Iil. Reeder, H_ieJ'$ of All T""';-Raa... State of Ohio "&raws John RIch- 7&D, deeeued. First and Final Ae- and ordered suspended. Nov. 3, widow of Wm. I. ReedeJ, who was Lauudry Stoyea--Oil B....erards, motion to quash indlctnumt eount. 1937. administrator in the hatter of and U •• d Sto..... O\'emale4. 8. Wilbur L. Pie1'lOn, Adminfa. The Will of Harry Murphy, de- Lydia F. Reeder, decel sed, affi, State of Ohio Venue Jo1m. Rlch- trator of th6 estate of Clara P. eeaaed was admitted to PrQbate. C davit in lieu of aecount 'filed. Nov. ani., d-.urrer o\,er ruled. PielllOn. dec:eaeed. Firat and Final H. Youq appbinted Executor. 8. Anna QIoaer , , _ lou Raeb- AeeoUllt. , ~ttera Testamental'J ordered faLarger Because of Better Quality U. et aI,.partitlOD ordered. 4. Chari.. S. Irwin, Trustee of sued and G. F. Brown, John God. Service and Pric6 State of Ohio wnua Fnnk Granville P. De&er, deceased. dard and Karl M. Brown appoint~roWJI. plea of pUtT. unteoced Flrst end FiDaI AecouDt. ed appraisers. Nov. 8, 1937. Ilnl\l account with voi chers fOT Established 1849-1937 ~ one rear In &be peniteDtIu7. 6. Charles S. Irwin; AdminJatraIn the estau of Jobn W. Scull settlement whidh was V4,~'''''''' Phone 32 . &taW of Ohio . . . . . J " IUeIa'" tor of tba of Ada F. Noble, deceased. L. Earl Thompson, wu pended. Nov. 8. ~cfa. Plea of not plIt7 &IIfaDed. dl!CeuecL First aDd FiDal Account. appointed Executor, Letters Teat In case of Claude The Will of Jobn W:\. ScuU, de- ~ amentat)' w.. (lrdeN!d issued to ian Qf the person }lfovember 21W1. Ordered to draw vemln of fltty ...... . togetjber with teatlmolny said executor and appointment or- Grace K. Heath and Mme cue of stat. TeNUS RJeh.. of wltn.... admitted to proba~ ' dered published. D. E. HeyWood, F minors over 14 years ardL ... aad ordRecl fIled;-Ncw. 2. 1987. IE. WUliamson alld H. D. McVa)', Grace 'K. Heath, et a1. J!"el:itH'ft The photograph above' shows most important event of the Fall Hai'olcl Sheet.. .. AdmInistrator In the Estate of Harry Cartmell, appointed appraisers fOT elitate. mortgage certain the Rika.Kumler building as it season, iB attracting thousands of De "Bonia NOlI with the WUl aD- deeeued. I~re of AdmlnJatratloD I Nov. 3, 1987. Guar4ian to report will appear ,when the extensive customers throughout the Miami aned of tIM Jr..tat6 of Ell P.. Star- were ordered fasued to EUIIJDa Cartl In the Estate of Alice Weldh, de rate of interest and time for new addition is completed. This ie),••t .J. Plaintiff IfI'aDted leave melL I. C. FerguaoD, Bo), deceaaed. II. Luella SnJPP was ape he can borrow inoney•. expansion of the Rike·KuMler Com Valley. Every department in t:he to fn. a4aNndlMllt to petitiOD. and GTaee lloon, appolilted ape P,Ointed Exeeturfx and appoint8. pany is one of the largest building store is oft~rir\g regular Rike-. State of OIlio ""111 FnDlr . . . . 'fIl ~. ' Nowmber 2. 'ment was ordered published. Char In tIIIe g\llard:ialilahiip Paul E. projects under way at the present Kumler quality merch.nndise at TeBrown. AI SelrwVts appohlttd 1987. S. lrwln. C~ H. Young and G. Cutright. insane, M. Cut;. time in the Mi i Valley. It will duced prices during this event. Ipard. In tilt. estate of Clillton D. Cor- F. Brown appointed appraisers. guar.dian, filed first and give Rilre's approximately 60% tems o£ ready-to wear, b me furnUnlon Central Life Inaul'Ulc' .... , deeiued, authority was erant Nov. 3, 1937. final account with vOl~lchen for more floor space than it has at the ishingS' and home appliances ~re Co. "enu louphiDe ~DelI. ed execnlton to ..U certain pro- fn the &tate of Lewis S. Ste. settlement which .is ' pl'esent time-. Many new service specially reduced during Rik.e'a Ju~t to plaintiff. SUID of perty. NOTember 2, 1987. war. deceased, Inventory of E;mma In the ostate of E. ,E . features for ita customeri are FaU Festival Sale. The event will f12.119.18. In GaardiaDlhip of lea)' Carmen Steward, u Administratrix ap. ceased first and final planned. continued through Saturday, Nov. ember 18. Flo...... Parker venus Loa" F. Kollme,.., minor; Arthur D. Koll- proved and.filed."Nov• 4. 1937: WW~ith~vo~u~eh~e~rs~f~or~~~l~~~~ Bike's F..u G1o,aeiD. Defendant Ift1Iteci antO mt)'er, Goardlan' tlf Estate' and per In the Eetate of Otbo Eo Ratliff, !! , December 5 to plead. . . of KaJ Carmen KoUmeyer, dec. .ed. Beuie Ratliff, appointed mIn.or. .... directed aDd ordered A.dmi~istratrlz. !.etten of Adminto Inwat RID. of f12,aOO in put- IstratfoD ordered lulled to ter and PaOllA'I'R COURT PROCEEDINGS ehue of certain Life InllUl'&nCe aJlPointment to be publlah8d. The flrat &lid tlDal accoallt of Policy. Nov. I, 1987. ' Frank 'Wardlow, John Thompson, Bueatrm. A.. Pardee, in In Gaardiaiilhip of WGOdrow Mack Grapevine appoipted app'raill ~ . . . . of EllAbeth I\oIk, ~. aJl $ncompetent, Clyde e~. Nov. 4,).987~ , I deeeaaed .... .,proTed, Nonmher Wbitaere, G~n filed E .... ae- , In the E~t;6 of Teutonia OpeSI deceased, Schedule of Debts, etC., filed by executor approved. Order ad to proceed in adminiStration aDd settlement, NOYe~bt!r 4, 1987. In 1ile Estate of Da'rid W. T.ho~BI, cteceased we by L. M. HendlelllOll, executor, approved, Nov. 4. . In the estate of Walter Scott Frensdort ~(!eased, time for; fU· ing inventory by administrator ex· tend.ed to Dec. 16, 1987. tn the eatate (If VictOr H. Wor. , deceased, Elbert VI. !roDll-aDd Dellos 14', ' Worley apPoUlted adminiatNton with the w:i11~nex. ed.. To b6. ,pubUahed. Nov. 6, 1987. In ~e eetate of 'l'eutonil\ O~ dece.. Certificate of transfer of real estate ordertd ,issued to Co~nty Recorder.' Nov. 6. In tho"elltate 01 S. Bettie Conover, (alao bop 'lUI Sarab ' lJ. . d~ased) 'Fi~; fblat ani! distributivc.·&ccount' of iJ4Iartha ~Conover and Frankiin Conover. ' as ~AdmiDlatrator8 de bonia non 'Wi~ wiD annued filed aDd order. ed 8QlpeDded. Nj)v. 6. In. the . eata~ of Joim Kahon, dec:eaed, inventoty approved. In Uie estate of ~ E. , dec~ atfidav{t of 110publishing sehedu.1e 9f 1..cJ11lDl., debt. · and liablUtiea filed







Building Proiect Pro,' ressing

on Buminq Heater


Fairley ,Hardware Co.





ord~d '~.Nov.e.

. III the .... of BeD. LeWIa, dece..-cJ, "PUbUcatlOD of ~Il0tJ0. of :tAiIP01.-.t of c&aee ~ LeWtI, !:!~~~N _coIIisfllecl u4 OI'dtIN,)I8e



It~s ,g wa to' drive a CheVJ:ol8t~ "hen you can g~ aU of Chevrolet's mociein advantages at IUC~ low prices ~_ "Ith auch 10Vi operating cOib

on Fascists

Capitol News. Ohio .... Unlftnlty'a Pr,qP.'818

ill coplrlc l1leceaafullJ witb chanlrtD£rval OCNlclltlon. troulrh its col

1.,. of qriculturtl .ind tb6 Ohio

free in from aeve~ to 'eIght . yeBrs. Nototiatlons ate under way for the purchase of other toll bridges slne!(! th~ S\l.cce8!l o~ the plan haa been deteI'mined.

~cWtur. Ji:Kperimfent atation ",ill b. broadcast to the nation, The initial goal of ten per cent November 14 .. a PJ'eooThanbarlv In. featore of the nationa. farm J\educ.tiol\ in. l1li~cy in 01lio' ,,,d bom. hour, It was announced tlu'oUi'h the efforts of the teach· Preelclent GeoJ'1'6 W. Right.- era participating in the WPA ed· Dean John F. CunniJlgham ucaiion progr-am will be achieved· of the qriculture college was nam by next March, according to data ed clIeJnnan of the program, ~h.i~h complied by Geo~ R. Btyant, 'Will be heard over the blue net- state WPA education supervisor, ,.,.ark of the National Broadcasting Approxl1rillblly 9000 Company, form 11! :80 to 1 :80 P. illiterates;' - those who cannot M., E. 8. T. Invitation for the do simple reading, writing. spe11broad cut, one of a monthly ser· ing and arithmetic, are enrolled in Uell on the general aubject, "How the cUrrent clasatS, while WPA, the Land Grant 'Collep ,AIds in continuing the work of FElRA, was xtended by the United Stat~s has graduated nearly 20,000 oth· Department of Agriculture. , "We era. Ohio still h&ve about 260are planniJllr a pro,ram Which we 000 qf the "fu ional illiterates", believe will be of interest not only Mr. Bryant' sald. The literacy thOle who live on fanns aDd in ivitIes cODstltu't e only one feature Tural communities, but to urban of the program, which has differ· residenta as well," Dean Cunnin,· ent COUl'lle.S tllat reach more than h.m auet¥d. 150,000 adults and give employ. ••• ment to 1360 PI16viously unem· Eventual eUmin&tion of all toll ployed teachers, Bryant stated. briaa- in Ohio was predicted in a report' made. to Governor Martin Obio health commiSSioners from L. {)pey b)' Chairman GeOrge C. the eighty. eight counties, in eig~t· mn of the Ohio Brldlre ' Commls- etntb annual conference here, Iioa. Hia report wu baaed OD th~ 'ft1'6 urged by Dr. Waltet H. operation atatiatiel of the three tung, state director of healtl,1, to toll bridpa whieb the state pUll> .ponsor a program of tuberculosil! chuecl :wlthlD the Jut two years. te8tlng, especially in t.he higb ReM... fl'Cllm the Sandusk)' Bay ch la. He also advocated legis· Bridie. W1alch th. atate acquired ~ti: whicb would .require physII. 1, 1988. at a cost of ,1.926. lcal examinations of all -applicants ooG. alnad.J baa resulted In the for marriage licenses, and assertrecllmptlOb of bond. to extent of ed that a smoke control or;dlnance '181.000 althouch the toll feel i a necesaity in almost every Ohio were reduced fifty percent, Cbalr- c~ty aince 1mI0ke is a menace to !MIl 'Hm pointed out. The Fort ublic JJea1th. Steuben bridle acto.. the Obio p ~ at SteubenvUle, which ftII ' , ••• ' boalht Nonmber 1. 1986, for Mrs. . M'argaret Allman, directOr ,1 8000 000 aDd on wlilch the of the State Department 01 Pub· reduced one·third, llic Welfare. reported that the cur· to he;e "':...... ,. h ital produced enouab revenue III e1e. rent population of lltate osp s T 1IlOntha' operation to retire aDd penal institution.a totaled 36,,000 worth of th. honda. The 096, of which .22,974 were men POlDeI'07.IIJUOn bridae baa not aDd 18,121 were w()men. Papule.faHd 110 wen du. to bad .road eon- tloa fia'Ures have remained prac· dltlona In Wed VirIrhlla, but with tically stationary for several haproftaJent of the highwa,. in ~ears. Ohio penitentian ;beadekl the adjotDiq ata.te more traffic the Jiat with 4066 Inmates and tbe will ' " haDdled. CliaIrman BiD Muaplon State. Hoapital ~s ~e·






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residenta aa Mr. Sima was tele &'l'&ph operator heN for ~ral years.


• • •














... ..... 5.-.'.............. . I......... ............... _,y.. ........

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Pocket Watch.~ .:... .: '1.00 . ; Cremn With U........ .- SWAY.


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Com .with 40 .Ih~.


Market thia

"Try a tube TCMlay

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Raw.. Throqh .Ho•• aDd- C~~_ "'pJta




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b,e ready.

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· BarN, B1lI'IIet Ip8nt . .era! de,. Jut week In Baltimore. 1Id.~ atteDcliq ' a ,NaUoul DairJ Con· v~o.. lIN. Viola Cue)' of Lebanoli . Welch, 'the Lebanon car did not show t Jut week with her mother Mr. aDd Mrs. Clarence Otawtord Dellis D. Roll (unmarried) to William Oarr, E. T. Mc' ligbts as it came down the hi&h. ..-D .sater Ilr: ' aDd lira. ~nd children LewIs and Helen ~ Gugel, lots 11 and 12 in IG\lire, Miss May I w'a ~Il taw .pent Sunclay with Mr. and Mt'II. Doughman's addition to Villsge of Mr. and Mrs. Holliday I ~rs. RUllSOll Holliclay who has amea . . .~u SeoU"e of near Sardina. Butlerville. Nov. 1. were dinner guesta Saturday even- bee visitin Jlere husband here II~. ad lin; I. B. 10D': . : : : MJr. and Mrs. William CUTI and. He.e~ M. Gugel to' Herbert Bur ing of Mr. and Mrs. R~. Frank. pl':s to re~u.rn to her 'honus at tabled to. 0 d':: f children of Dear Blapchester spe~t gess and Julia C. BurgeS$, lo.ts 11, IOtber guests of .th~ evenine were 'West Union Friday. lin. Ada ow 0 and Sunday witIJ Mr. and Mrs. EIV1s and 12 in Doughman's additIon to Mr. and M~8. Wad,e Turner, iM'r. • termUe. ills. Meta RosenIIilton lIIichfU!1 and daughter Dorothy. Village. qf Butlerville. ~I?v. 1. land Mrs. Lawrence IGarst, Mr. and ----:-----"lin. ~ lonea aDd 8On, . • Mr. and Mt'II. John 'Rye spent Harry 'Cook (wi~ower) to hed I Mrs. Carl Bodenbela,de.r. and Mr. . PR~ESSIVE CLUB lit. ' aDd 1l'ra. C. W. AlbrlaIlt SundaY with Mr. and Mrs. Elton -Gray, Jr., and Albert MilJer, lot Bnd MTS. Ira. Browlil. :\. ., _d Iadd. Bachea of P.lda "::~ Evans and daughter. Marjorie of 699 in Franklin, ~ov, 2. H-artj Dumford 'land family of h :.~ Progre~ve W::i:~~Ub ~t~ ~ of Mr. ad .ano. naM' Xenia. ' . Malton Womble to Charles and' Bellbrook spent -Sl1.IDda.y with W. e :... 1 b~uaf ~~reL' ner . 0-"'-. ,I ..... ed W 1 2 ' .i f ' -" ",i . at ....e ome 0 ......... IDa _er 0IIIIUII0 Ml'8. Everett Bunnell and ·Ern Iluldl' omble 1 - aCres 0 C. St. .lohn an.d falIlily. .' T d • i I N be 9 lin. Ruth JlorpD aDd .... .A1 eatine Earnhart are on the sick land in Franklin Twp. Nov. ' 3. • ., Jesse Thomas 18 movintr in the ~~s:: teven ~ o~m~ Ice CIark::were DaJton _ton list. . Josepl! Kovacs an.d Julia Kovacs ThoJtlPson propen,: in the rooms ~ en y mem ere a~ mf.. lUI H ld . .b IMJorris,cook. .Itors preseht, , .a~eada)'. Mrs.• 'Mattie Levi and son Well- to Id a :In. a eman, 46 acr...s, Iformerly occu.pled • . l · Mr. aDd lin. H~ Burnet are in~n are spending a few weeks plus, of land in Wayne Twp. Nov'l Mr,s; ' MorrlW nal on ~4ID~r- . After the r~gu1ar ~u8In....... both lII1f'itia tt. srlp. witti Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Smith 8. tained 1lhe Friendlllliip Club Wed. 81on, the membtml d1~, lOme sewing lira. wnli:ert Swailk aDd Uttle and daqbtera in Dayton. Raymond. A. and E~len E. Con· neaday afternoon: for needy , people. , J~ SftDk of Chieqo ..rived Word has ben received here of fler ~ ~e: Lemo~. , lot 3 in Rogers ~rs. Robert CJeaver apent aey. The Den .meeting will be a dln~ bere .IIOD_ eveaJq fft a~. the death of iM\oa. Kate Smith of 8ub:d~Vlslon to Ylllage of Waynes er" , days this w~II, w.ith her PI'- ner meeting and a.rtatm&s ~ With ,lier 'pareata )fr. ~d lin. C. Da,Jton. ., ville. Noy. 8. . " • rents at ': lit. Ste~"in~~. ,~y. '. to be hel .t'the. Little Inn. ~ .B. . Lonpcre aDeI Itia. ~ Mr. and Mt'II. ,Em.erllon Dj1I. 1\Jld. .,Chas. Ry~, to W~lf~ed q. Sqw~~ Mrs. Cora RICh . 11 en~ , ..' ,"." ' .~ aDd cIlDdren, BobbJ aD!! son Ralph apent .Frid.ay .evening ~s t,tn4 ~uil1c:e Squires,· 0.78 aCTes tihe .Farmer's ~Iub ,Tb~ntd'ay at FA,LLS FROM ~E~ '/. . ' . , FriiJilt Stansb(l1Ti ~et .'Wi~ an "jorie. in Xeilia. · . In Wayne 'llwp •. Nov. 8., '. . the Grange lIaU•1. Mrs. Ada CllOIloweth aDd JIm lin. Frank: ~fl wu Wednes-= , . MT. ~nd Mrs. B:usell , Hollt~y ~c,cidept Thursday mondnar- while ... Rocail Be cUnner l'I1e. day 4iDner 'tue~t of Mrs. Herbert IM~S. LAWRENOE SIMS were · ~~I ~! Mr. and OD a ladd~r pl&ciJllr the ' flac in. T)lunday of 1Ir. aD~ lid. C. S. Karlatt. . . . . . DIED ~UNDAY·IN' DAYTON ~'. LaWI:e~ce. Gtirt3t, ,~orulay. front of nis pliui~ ~~usln.., Smith. II.... Oheno..,eth returned Ml'. and M..... ~t1ham Tate and Mrs. Lawren~e Sims died at her '. M18l! 1'(jlTl~ StoJ,~ , spent the ladder f~ll thiOwltig Mr. ;Btan~ to her home in Centervllle 8&~ IOn Rolkrt o~ . Bellbrook home at Dayton, ~unda1 Nov. 7.· week end Wlth . ))eJ~ P&:rents, Mr. berry .tO tbe pavement~ hurtinth1a day. af~ 11: couple of w . 'lisit, ,Su~day w~th. Mr. and Mrs. ' ~. A. Mrs. Sims was ,the former Edlla and Mrs: ltfllntie ~l~orer. a.t' Mart- back. . . witl friends here. ,.- RUllJon. ". ' 'Satterth-w,aite, daugbt~r of $ Mr,' inaville. . . ~ . ..' .t .,,_ .....:._ _~_ __ 1111'. and Jlp": Freel Rwb ' aDd ,Seferal from ohe~ . attended Mrs. tseral ~'. MaW1e Cralle viSIted with AN APt.UCIAT,JON ' '.' dlUdreD a,ttended th~ wed~ ...n funer•• lWedn.€!s4ar o! .,'¥'no Rose , re~.idents Ofl rWllyn~svJlle,. her nel~e, Mrs•. ~t~er ,Perlr,lns of " lapp~ee!*te very: muc'" ~ niv• ......,. of the 'ormer'a ~nta; Free~an. 0"near .Bpnng V'al~~f' " lI!1rIlVe~ ,~y her ~arentlt, h~ DaYton, Th~r~. ; .. ' 'port'given me !It~ the polle on aTid a :daugh~r. ' Ed Henderson ~~d lamily have 2hd. " "-. , ' Mr and II.... A. C. BUlh iD Par to~ IS Dda • '.__ .' 1 ' -m,oy~d to~CfO~~r.-' . E; L !J.!HO~B. ~ ~ Carmon), .... a din . Sid Pope me~ ",~th a l!ecullar ~ " Mr pesta BUDday of Mr. aDd lira. ~c~iden~ ,last . Th~l'8day e\renlnlr HELD 'WEDNESW. T. Olark in WayDearile. whlle' nding i1~O:fse-.home trom ' DAY FO. 'MRS. FREEMAN work. The animal . became Funeral aerriceil".were held W~d '. lIuclames' ~Dald Badle,. GUY, .Rou~. B, JOllie aDd. ~uth· enedat.' a. smHl w~n aD ,,' afternoon ' at the JlclClwre IIOraua attendecl a pot luck Illpper . ',a nd M~ln Street, . ,runnin, ~to. a FU.D'e tal Home for Mn. 'Sylvellteirl truc:k' and,. I down, ' Pinned ~ '. . "h ' d' d " t h f the Eaatern Star "in WaplI6 .0. , • Sid's foot . the ~hTup ..·~eeman w \) Ie a . er. r , "ral" 't' • Spring .Viille1, MOJlday. TIlle .Olld.,. eveniDl\ . . Hr. and Ml'II. Therle Jpnee a~d . , . , sp ~mg I .' ' '.. . • _ '• ' .• oem i!lUtoD wtrr-e gue .... ~~ dinMr FOR SA~E'-:Y'O ng PoIand China ' .}(r · Clyde · Mm Jel;lDi~ Myplu, \apent , - o·f IIr. aDd IIrL J . B,, u 1 b . R •PL. Bogan, Fe~y• ~ting " R• ' R' Su•....... ~. , ,.... a e op. • ~d , ¥r• .a~d d'ay Yoin'Y'U'_ d' .. .- With Tb ber: ' B l.-n. . .Thelr ti1ternoou _,n d even.' Waynesville. r ,.' ,were struck by ~ I '" ren, . .IIU'. an , .IIUIIo omasur iq pate wafe: Mr. aDd Iln. Al~!!!f!!ro!!!m!!·!!Le~b!!a!!non,!!!!'~·I~"!!!!!!J!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!~~~l frt4I Jcm8 and d,aupter, II'iM :::: ...., of Southern Bm. and 'Jlm II•• Sld.~ of ~brooJc. · Ba.., afteJUOD callen at 1IIe .... 0I1ir. and lin. Walter KeD .~NTElD HELP-F0t: puil~ihg or --~ u_ W G construction. Thirty cent& '(80c) ,.....: 111'. _ OabelmaD, ...., •Mr.• . per hour. R.aIAnd J. GeSt. Rou.te ""UJ'~I;'JU' Pens _ ' "PlI!i~26 to -S.96 / ' . .. ....... lIr.lllOOlt "'" J "P .Bob.t BaJa. aDCI lOb 42. Sou~h Muon. ; JleJrso.mltlst Arched Jeweled Watches _ ,8:.95




MI'!!. Serepta Wardlo.w who has er in honor ot Kill Edna IlcKlrby. been ataylng with Mt'II. Fordyce Ther. were fifty guests and thoae aince SIAn day was called . to the from this locality ;Who attended hOIl16 of ber daulhter~ Mn. Helen were Mr. and Mra. L. ~. ' Burton, Frrman, due to an auto accident Ml'L RUMell 'rerrUl and da~hter on lIIondq evenlne.· 1D _Ich her and Kn. Mary LeXay. little tWoy~ old wrandllon w.. Killl Jean Pennlnlrton attendetl badly hurt. The chUd is at tbe MI. tJle party aiwn by Mila V'erna May' aJ;lli Valley Hoa~lbllln Daytou and Hunter for the sl\nlora of tbe Way......... latest word by telephone saya that nesville. Hi8h S~ool. . ~e spent: a quiet night, Rev. Clarence Bennett Is now Mrs. Harriet Thomas).. getting charge ot The BugaJ; Creek ,Con ~' . nicely. but her recovery may gregational Christian ' Church and be slow. there wlll .be preacbing ~h first 'MiBS Wilma 'l'homas ia sick' abed and tbird Sunday morning. Sun· , witih Tons.llitl8. dq School every Sunday,. Well. so far It 1000 as thougb . Mr. and 1M'rs, J~ Ress entertain the whOle1neighborhood 'Was on the ed Mr. and Ml'8. Carl' Hess and dnu sick I~t. We hear tbat the littlest gnter on Sunda.y and Mrs. William Miss Hurray ha& been named Billmeyer called at their home on Laura Louise but,weOlave not been Wedne,day. Police diapet'lllq a crowd.1n Lond.on. wbere 'he recCoIL' attempt ., ~lr 0Iw~ Hodq .l e 1ea4 .; panele 01 able ' to ~t down .toher home to M1'8. Lestet Kenrick was tbe I 000 Fascist followers. to a mass . m~tJng provoked Silane ot &he worsl street ~latlDr InvolvJac !ucIIta""~ verify IIhe report.' - house guest fer several da-ya 're". ~U.Fasolata since ,tbe roneral .b:lke In 19Z6., Tbirty pertlODS were sent to hOl,ltaII ..• 1dIertq 11'o.IIl_ Rev. and Mrs. Clarence Bennett cently of Mi8~ Ella Kenrick'of Day woUDCbl &Del scores of othCl'll' were treated lor' minor injuries In &heir homea. , . and Mr. and IM'rs.. Waldo Elliott ton. ' . . , were caJliag on .t he sick of this Mr.·and Mrs. "J{. C. Smith n'llWe ne.ighborhood on Sunday. /, They aDusines trip to XeniB on Mondf1.Y • [ , ~ called at the HIN)' Fordyce home We ~~ very .Bla~ to report that to Bee Mt'II. P. r.-Th·omas and al80 the little Smith twine are well at ttle Russell Murray's to visit again and able to be out o.! d~ors. l: with Mrs. Murray and the new da.u· ,Mr. and Mrs. Pen), F&ul and ghter. • MI$. Inez William!! ~I.tlld with Mr. and Mrs. John O. ,Cart·Mr. and Mrs. Delbert I. ptoutz Mft!. lMildred Gra~am .of· Wayn,os I Anna J. ' Sturges/ deceased, by wright, of Cincinnati, bave sent and Mr. and ~rs. HaTmon New- ville on Monday evening. Mrs, eX8CutQr o~ TiRe and Oel'trude out announcements of the mar- hart and daugbter and Mrs. Flor Graham is seriously ill. Robe'r~, lot 878 . in Village of riage of their daug:bter. Janet, to, rence Newhart 'MIre Sunday afti!r Mr. a d Mrs. Ervin Th01,1\lls _ Call Franklm, N9V. 1. Mr. David Wythe White, which noon gue8ts at the home of Mr. ed on Mrs. Thomaa' grandparents J . A. E. Mulford to board was .olemni~d on Tuesday, Nov.· nd Mrs. B. R. Fordyce. • in Springboro and, Teport that IMr. ot education, Turtlecreek Twp. 2 ember the second. , MT. Charles. E. PoU spent Sun.. Kleinbein wh~' baa been very aick. 1-4 acres in Turtlecreek Twp. Nov . The ceremony",.. performed day in Dayton as the guest of his is much imprOVed. I S . . in the presence of only a tew brother and wife, 1M'r. and Mrs. Little Jimmy Thomas spent.last Th~ .board of ed?Ca~10n. Leban friends and relativea at three~ Henry Pof! week aa the gUest of his grandpar on Vllhage 8chool dIstrict to Beth· thirty o'clock, at the residence of ' Mrs. Rose Pope of Social Row ents, Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence ThOm any~ Obdstlan church. 64 .square , the bride's parents in Cincinnati, ente~ined recently With a ahoW' ... poles in :rw-tlecreek Twp. Nov. 8. with .the Reverand MaX')Vell Long' ~=~~~~~~~~~~~~!;;~~==~:;;:=;;;==:; In ~e matter of the estate. o.f officiating. _ I I~ Teutoma Opes, deceased, certlfl-. _The bride, who was iowned 'in a ..SECOND CHYRCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIsT, . DAYTON, cate of transfer to Olivia. Kelly, silver lame ~ternoon frock, car, OHIO, ANNOUNCES A 0.77 aotes in Village of IMlorrow. ried a bouquet of white orchids. • ..~ 1 Nov. 6. . Her only attendant wu her sister. FREE LECTURE ON CHRISTIAN SCIE~CE . Kate FortIage, et oJ, to Arthur Mrs. Geor"e Willis who wore' the Lovel1 AmlAbeh. tramoaa Frenell .. Entitled~hriatian Science: "The Science of DlvinePlower" Snladbeck. 4 lots in Loveland Park movie aoAress. ShOWlI alter her ar. gown of ailvery blue satin in Nov. 6. rival In tbe UDlted Stales Irom Par- which sbe was recently married. By Peter B. BieaiD., C. S. B. Nettie Bishop to NeUe Assum, ... She'D malle ,Idara he~e. Her flowe1'8 were Tocen Roses Of Seattle, Washington 8 lots in Village of Morrow. . The groom had aa .lila beat man, Tbe Miami Valley Bldg. and Mr. William F. Carr. ~ber of tbe Boud of Lectureship of ~e Mother Church Loan Assn. of Franklin, Ohio to Immediately after tbe' eeremony The Fi1'8t ChuMh' of Christ, Scientist, in Boston'AMaa& W. C. Pa.triek and Hattie I. Pa.tthe bride's mother. dresse4l in wine rick, lot no. 7 in Plainview Manor oolorect-velvet'with a shoulder corIN MEMORIAL HALL Addition to Village of Franklin. aag~ of ()rcbida, received her nr'at and St. Clair Streets. New. 1. guests a.t tea. The bride and groom WEDNESDAY NOON, NOVEMBER. 17,1937 Kate E. Williams to Margaret left Boon afterward. not rewaling Baird, 0.20 acres in Franklin Twp. IMrs. A. S. Collett entertained to their destmati.on until after Nov. AT 12:15 0'ICL0cJC Nov. 1. luncheon on We4nesday at Hole- ember 16, wben they wih be at THE PUBUC IS CORDIALLY iNVITED ' Joe 'rodor (unmarried) to in.the.wooos. the' follOwing ladies bome to their friendS' at Ten Park Grady Rhule and Stella. RhU1e.• 1 Mesdames E. B. Uoster. Howard I Avenue. New York" City. aC'l'e in Franklin Twp. Nov. 1. Graham, WilHur SIi[idaker, ' H. E. =~~~~~~~~~~= . Clara Thomp80n, Widow to Paul C. O. Ral1ldall, Oharles Main Str'eetin WaynesviDe,last .1i===~~=================!!!!!5=~

Cr. Berries '. " • ,I • • • • '• • • • : :" • • • •,.' ~ 'J" _" '.loclb ..Can PU1i1pkin~ l No. 2 1-2 Can •. ."," ••..... 10e : : a.wee~ P~tatoes Sib•. <...... ~.....t: ~ i 1~ ;.see~UeS8 ~af4i~ . Box:.... ,. , .... , •• ',' .•. l~ d


,,' . ,'. See~ed"'Rai8i~ Box ~ .; .. ; .. , .. :.... ..... l!c .

:::. '" , Oyster Cl'aeke.t s · . Fr~Bh. -1b • .' : " •• · f ' . ·i.··,.bJ: ' " No. 2~ ,Oan Peaches in 'SYrUP; ..••.•. .' •• ~lISc A '" '()yet'era. .~, D.ID l t . ·or-AGe Dates. Bulk lb.. .. .: ; .... '•.• ',: ••. ' ._ : • ~.:l:Oc Prunes 60-80 Slbs~ .... j. ' .e "" fa&c , Prunes 80-40 2 lb.. • .• ~ ••••.••• ~ •• '.',. '.(.. :26c' , . 'Choice· Aprieo~ Failey 260.Size, lb• .•• ~ ', • ~ 2~~ . \ Celery" Gra~e•• Head Lettuce, ·EtC. , . .. ,.~. Il . . . . ... . . ,.


.... _ . "



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•• :

•••••• ,

. .. . .. _ ....



'Get in on tile C'A D WAGON at once. Watch 'OUI; windows for detail'S , ' .' Our Coffee's touch- th«P"pot. ~ them. , ·nJs paper can not explain all we have to offer J'OU'. Come in and He. . \.


There ue _me pia M just .eem to look 8O!Ki In moat an)'thine the, pqt on?' There U'e a _few tbin~ that altord the aditor of a week-' 11' paper more ~tisflllltion wriJlKinw the neck. of the fellow 'wpo alwaya puta eommittee .meetill&' 01\ publicat~cm day. wout~

Jim Farley will be remembered by the new8paper men of the coun t\-y at author Qt th" nllnw that r&quire, and editor to pay two eents :f or , a notlcre of' elbange of addrell/l , of a ',subScriber, r'---:::'"7:-:-"'o-;:'--""~-::--:-::-"':""'-:-;-""'::;;'~--;;:""';;''''!':7"'':::-;~;:-:----7;--=--::-,----:,,,,,,,,,~'''''-----'''''''''''''''--:-------"':-::-~---7-.;;;.r:,:,,---,,,,,;,,,-:-;-:::-----...,...;:.--:.;~:..:...-,-~----"A reeent artiele





:!~:~~ :::~=~ie~~~: RESERVES' WIN,



of the '\Wund resulting from It. Rust I, iron oxide '~nd of Itself Is • not harmful1n a wc)u,nd.




I I'


14.-. and lira. GeOl'lre Sams of ne. Oreconia.eelebrated their 60th Waddill&' Anniversary at their home, Sundat, November 14" 198'7. The eOl1ple received D)&nJ useful gif·· dinner !Was d-r ' A Baali:et 6'2f II wi ta 8erve tc. th e 0 0 nw WIles : 14ft. Emmett Sweeney,' Beavertown;·Mr. and 1Irs. Oarey DOII(ett and 80Mt Bellbrook; Mi'. and Mr6. W'iDlam Sama, Dayton;, Kr. ad Mrs. Ha1'l")" Graves .Ild Mr. and


. 8ow.n~1t-

~~ ~

Woods ..... ,\......... .............. Sheridan ' .... ,., .......... ........ :1 Vauniman ... ?... : ........ .. ....... O P 1 ;.~~rs..::::::..:.............'. ::..................:::.Q ""Iey ml ,..•" ...... :.... ........ .,.... ... 1 Taylo~ ... ..... ..... ,............... .. 0 Smoot ... .... ,,, .................... 2 Brilclas .............................. 0 Totals ........ .......... " ...... 7


0 0


'Mer~hants Pre.sent .Challenge '





2 MarllU!el aWchet, JIoIIJWood'. 0 "ClJIdereUa ,Irl" who won the role 2 'otlieWlncJ."Tbialstheblnestbreall r ·Care8JI O'",ra In "Goae With 0 III ber career. Marrare& 8tartecl be4 hlJlcJ a typcwrlter. GlveD a small 0 parlin a picture Ibc made aach aD J Imprenlon that stuiolo eble', rave 1 15 ' her, a long time contrac&.


0 0 0 0 0


_Upon the appointed day, ~arly this week postal clerks of Wayn~ ville, as elsewere throughout the United States, distributed 2,000 cards in the National Unemployment Census. The response in returning of the cards was almost immediate for on Wednesday .tjhey were being returned at very rapid rate. Workers who al'C unemployed or only par til\l1y employed are to fill in the cards and return them by Saturday of this we'lk. Postage is free and they should be returned with all questions fully an8wered correctly• Unless great care is used by the


whioh we hlLve in ' our eommunity exi sts ,because of the work and ilffort the8e me~ have done in buildi~ Waynesville. They are worthy of far greater support than many of U8 give them. &.s a rule we are too prane to eOlldemn and blame much too severely the 800rt comings of local leaders. Ho~ver tfueae men 4lhallenge us all to better things. Shall we accept that cNlllengeT

·Grange. To Auxiliary Met Have' Specj.l With A Pr~grjam ' sa.t ..Friday F.IDe PrOlram. -WEesville'/ Far,mers' Grange 1 rda'r e:venl' ng Nov. will ee".. S8.tU . 20th, for their TCI~lar meeting. At this time ~SS Milrie Shutts, a teaeber in the Oincinnati schools will be with Ul! to flhow some p'ie. tures which slie b~LS taken. We feel sure this 'Will 'Prove to be a




On page three of·this is!JUe, several merchanta and tiladers of our commu'nity bring a· "Thank You" message to the folk of Waynesville We invite you to read it-study It. And, when ' you have finished, we are eerWiI you · will respond with a m~bty, "You're Welcome," for, alter all 'is said and done, the business men who so (!ourteously say, "Thank You," should in turn be thanked f~r the many: things 'Whicn they ha~e done for Waynesville.

We 'can't nelpbut ~ve a little curiosity what the plan will be to fipane~ the country and The long awaitcd first night of the ·relief procrem Wihen the .till the ~aBketbal1 aealiOn was. last Fripayera are stripped' clean, or just day ni&'ht. There was a nice naturally get tired of 'tl)e burden oroWd, a good band, and a nice e~­ of the fight and q1lit. ening 9f baskiltball. The reBerves ' won thei,: game 18·15 but the Var sity did not fare 110 well being on the Ihort 'enc! of a 27: 21 count. The 'next game is Friday at Jef} fenon.


B0 .w e rs..V Iel"I.e 2000 BLANKS 'DISTRIBUTED IN

Ap e n · "


known phYsician gcrateh by a ·rusty 8tates nail orthat pin isa not of Itself dangerous. ~h6 danger lies· In the infectionl that may

The Woman's Auxiliary of S~ Mary'8 ChurAh met at Tl).o .LI· ttle ~ Inn on Friday ,afternoon, at h\"() o'c1oek, with Mlrs. Edita( ' Hla.rris as h08teBB. The dllvotional exercise8 were eondueted by Mrs. Smith Hickenlooper of Cineinnati. TM meeting WaB then turned over

a~ :~e~~::u::ai.rige~~!e:~:d~~~:e!~~

A mUUon-4oUar contraet ror pearaDee. In movies, radio broad- able time will /be lost in' comJ,>i1ing ca." and prore8!llonal Jolt matches t be ·faots of the census. If one is tvaa Ilfned by John Mont.,ue, rabu· in .doubt as to how to: anewer the ::e:o::,'r~::cJa:~.:~~ir=.::~ questions, he may secure help fro~' 01 i .. o aeven-year~ld 8rs'. ..'etrPec th.e post office department. ... ~ ........ ' Th d 78 d had robbery cbarle on which he was urs ay noon car s broucht back &0 EUJabethtGwn, N. been returned to Postmaster F. 1M'. J. Montape, whose real name Is Fox: 26 of these were fr~m the I4Veme .oore, was a inystel"7 man residents of town: 27 from rural In 1I01lfWoOd ror a namber ~r ),ean. route No.1.; 15 No.2.; 10 No. 3; 22 from WPA workers; and

WARREN CO'UNIY most Interesting program as Miss to Mrs. Hickenlooper and 'Deacon- CHRISTMAS ' SEALS 2 from t.he ccq Jloya. Shutts bas ~veled quite exten- ea Fracker of AddYllton, who gave :~=~~:U":i~n~:~::: Preston :::~ .... ~ . ::::::::::::::.'.'.:..... ~, : .~ TEACHERS MI!ETING :t~y.h~n~~k:rlll::~ p~:r~: ::.ins~~~~~~~ a,?;:: T;~~:~ TO .BE' DISTHI8UTE DAGRICULTURAL• lira. ,Robert Dotnrett, .Bellbrook; Rutherford .. ........... :........ 0 f[ Tbere also. a cornie film Movement, Mis.sionary W~rk, ·ete. Mrs. Ve,da Sama and daucbter and Planek ......... ................... 1 2 4 . which all children 'will enjoy. We They asked 121e question, "What AGENT APPOINTED Ml'. and lin. List Uld son, ' . AT KINGS Mlll;S bope 'every gioange member wlio sbould the Convention mean in re' I; DAyton; Mr. And H. D EdTptala ...... ... .......... ..... .. 5 8 18 • L can do wiD atuend and invite new~cl life in, St. Mary's?" The ThoUJ>8~dll of men and women in ' ' ainaton aud ,ehlldnn, William. 'Y I ' . your friendB and neigbbors. General Convention enthusiat.tical- Ohio will open tiheir mail o.n the il bure, end lira. H. C. Gentner BoweraYlU"':' .... ly adopted the proposal that the morning of NovemlJer and fi.nd The altimore and Ohio Railand dauabter, Zimmerman; IIr. B F T The Kings Mills High : Sehool F?rward Movement be one mOte sheets of Christmas road has announced the appoiJltaqd lin. Homer Tra.". and HoiU!lp\foftb .-.... ......... .'.. 4 ' was the host ' of th~e meetings 01 UflRR£N CO IIIIIY _ as "a great spiritual adventure for Health For 30 yea1'8 the m'ent of Lester J. &Iriud .and lira. Harry Ash- Gerard .... ,: .......... .. .......... 1 0 2 the Wanen County School .Mas- nft E ~n Ohrist." praised tbe · in~pired little st~ekers have financed the cultura~ agent' et Columbus, Ohio. bauch, Alpha; Mr. and lin. H. W'. Storer .............. ............. . 6 1 1l! ter'B Club and of Warren Coun . and inapiring leadenfuip of Bil$b- fight <against tubel'culosis in Ohio ·Mr. Miller been agr~~u.ture1 Badaley, Mr. and Mn. s.d Linton ....... ,,.:.......... ,.. , .. . 1 2 4: teaehers Tue~day afte.rnoon. · . 'HE'll ESTATE op Hobion, of Southern Ohio and under tb. e direction of the agent ipr Warren, Count .. ~hio.. tr16)' Mid dauchter, 1Irs. Mill'Ihal. .... ......... ....... .. 0 2, The Sehool Maaters Club ert. I declared the Forward Movement Public Health Association, Oolum- slnee 19~2. .

M'ra. Ralph lIil1l, BeUbrook; Mn. B F T Charlea I3ha" and dt.uwhter and C. CoUett ..... ... ............ .... 2 3 ' '7






Oeoqe Mrs.




V .....






Seals. '





MUlet as



Oscar Lillian





2 joyed a trip tlirough bbe- Yow er - ~ ......... haa 'become a gloriou8 reality, en: Plant at Kings Mills while the In the matter oj~ the estate ,of listing the. support Ilnd enthusiasm' Totals ....... ........ .. ...... " 11 5 2'11 women he;ard a very interesting ~eason Perry Blair~ deeeased; eer- of tM 'Thol~ church .. Deaeonel5$ War-YiU. talk 'by MISS Elma Roberts, Dean tificat& of transfer to Raymond Fracker, wIh.o haS oharge of 8. misB F T o( the Hughes High Scbool in Cin- E. LeRoy, Fr,ank1i1ll 0, bio. Three sion of Addyston gave us a very Borer .. ,.. ,.. .................... 8 ' () 6 , ciDna,~.. rue R 0 bee~" interesting talk a~out her work ,0_ ,!",188 ... was 1 orm- Iota in Franklin. ' . ~ _ Firea· ................... ,. ........... 0 1 1 edy a superintendent of Waynesmong tile fc.undary 'people' of that In the matter oj: the estate of place. At ~e close. of t~e meeting . Lelia, ...... :.. ,.. .... ............ 1 6 7 ville sehool. Oqllett .... ........ .... .. ...... .... 8 1 7 . The ladie8 ~f the Kin....w Mills Carrie W. SielU!l: deeeaaed, eer- during the social hour, dainty re"1__ 0 0 0 e transfer 'b ' . '-IOU" ............ .. ., .. ., ........ , Baptist Church served dinner ,to tifieate "f " , ' to Clara ~• f rea milnta ~ere ":served to the Preat.on ·.. ·~;r.· ...............·.. · 0 . ~ ' 0 the teacbCTB at 6:&0. Later in the ~:~~a1fj!:~a1:~· l:;y~:, ;::: menibe1tfB and the followlnl guests: PlMlelC ....... .....1.. , .. " .. ... .... 0 0 evening the I'enet'al &ossion was view, Lebanon. Lota 208 and 206:n. enry Reed , Oakman, and ~ ' , ' , ' held in the auditorium of the in,'Lebanon: . ' 'Iaa N8IIey ¥'cBurney, !Jf Leban.: Totals· .... :... ..... ,............ 7 7 2i Church with Mr. Harria, 8UperiD.' . on, Mia. Smith IUc:kenloopet and lin. B. V. Walter, 68, lit~loll&' , Between halve" f!f the Varsity tendent of Greenlield sehools as ·Lydi. F.· to Emma R. Deaeone88 Fracker of Addyston. C ' " died th h I b d h d Reeder, et .t affluvlt for Trans. rea1d t f W anen ou.." pmee e 8Cj . 00 an mare e , the principal IIpeaker. Mr. Harris •n 0 at lIer home III Lebanon Wectnn- ,ID formation. The players head- bas distindion of beine the fer, lot 438 in Franklin.

Badgley a-..a Ml'fI.. 1Ial6 Sprilll' Valley, Mrs. Hattie ~arr; IIr. Jame. Wrlarbt, Dayton; Mias Huel Hain.., Bellbrook and the boat aud lloatea. Afternoon caUeI'1I were lift. Eden TelT)' and dAqhten, Oregonia, and IIr. and II.... Artb1lr Henderao . n.

..." ....... .... ... :.,., .. .. 1




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~~a: un. 'IDe

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bus, and its af.filiated anti-tuber- ". M~. ~lll,er 'W8B born. ~n.a ta,"" culosis and health groups located In Lu:lring County, Ohio, ·tn. June, in every eoli~ty of 't he state and 1~02, .where h~ grew up anil wi~ in some of the, citiell. . his ~w1D-brother operated the ,farm It· t' u d' th t th until 1922, when he entered the 750 01080 eSIeJo.ers I,:ae eon a ·ta~~Te College Inlng tahT\e Stat U·of Agrleulture '1; A!~ of.d Ohio U , Seals wI'll be sent to residents of ; e , mverSI y. gra ua DK' ~ ' the state soliciting cooperation in bin 1026' he .play!d' profewonal ' tihe battl that'B being aged a aseball, pitching In tfue Indianae I gainst tubcrculosis In Waddition- Ohio .\ League and emulatin" .- two Ohri&tt:"88 Health Se~ls will be sold ~~~~ b~~!~~:~.bO:: ::~e::: at pu\)1ic booths ond through per- r L . ionai solicit8tion. Every perso!'1 In eafv~g up hi8 ' basebilll' eareer th tate :ill b ' . • t .; I e gIVen an oppor' lafter four years of ft, he Teturned 1,.. 0 e p. . . to agriculture, bi!eominC'asaia.nt . Tbe Ohristmas Health Seal this 1 county agent of Van Wert Counyear depicts a j.any ~nd colodul WI Ohio, in 1980; In 1932, he be-





::;:~ ~!~r·OfG~~:da~~ ~~ ~::~ ~~:t;~:ro'. ~gent


:'yr:: of She waa born ID Waynesville, twirler fo " - roun t e tr 0 Y a r., ere , :n e JD ' r oj! tlie estate of d h t h b' . . d the dau~ ,..ter· ' of MI'. aud ..... or of th,e visi _ ' tors and alsq .. 'W, ed' manv of h'- l'nte-sti ' nIP ""pe~ , . ' ;a, .•' . . . , eornert; s., e rmgs to mID. Mr. 'MiIler and ~i& twin brother ... UT in h I I .. .,. .'" • -.- ~ice . Worltey:, dec........ cerlifi. . one , of.-, the .mo st popular and an- nrc ' the youngest of a fainlly of CharI~ E. WooUey. ~r. "eaver ODOr, ,of pur p ayen. iences in forelen countries. eate of 'J'ranafer to, Am~ V. Wor~ '. - • • ' . t b tc .10 t p~Ced. ed her ~ death July, 1919. .' ' , .. MUlie for th o e meetin.... _'W8I lev dow'r {nterest. Aniy·. ". Wor~n la6t T,~ursd.ay, Mrs; J.! Ro~- clen 'c ~rac .rs in, ~l1ny lan\"i'- .eleven children, allliving"D ne 9f aurvI e4 b 0 . # "', t Bake terta d th S hi the mll~. who ,, \yent from ihoUJ;!e to whom are graduates ,of Ohio State ~ is Y 'I. one ~Ii, • > f~rni8hed by student.a from Kings ley died Feb. 9,1 11~37 and: Dellos' '~I ~: ~~e . t,e Wl8 ne house warning of da.nger, University. He i8 ' ma , • nie.! and the Dan Waite" of Lebanon and· h"r ~I' O Ole M. W9rley becamel owner In fee ub at r p easan Country th d t t th h ~ '\ MilIS and WayneSVille. · . slu,r, lin. L. Crall. . . .. ". . simple. . ' . '. ~ome. It ~ t41eir m~l!thl, ~eet:- I e. news an pl'O ec mg e ouse father of three children, residinc. ~eNl aervleea wiU be held 'Pn r • , . • lng, and thOle present to en. holds. I . at 59 West Weber Road, Oolum:Frida, atternOoIl at ,ttie .nllldenc8 " "I~ "WAYCEHAN" GOES TO In ~ matter ~t, the. estate ot joy the bountiful dinner were The Seal was ; deaigned by A. bUB. ID LeknOll with IMuial in ~ . . ' ' . ,- PRESS E~Y..;. Wm. Butterworjh. , dec¥d, ~r- Ora Oarter 'and dau~, Louise Robert ,Nelson, weil known artist 'eemetarJ. ; Mlerchantl in WarnesvU1e 'have ' .. . tiflcate of ~nafef.. ,to. x.,therlne of ,Cincinnati, lin. AU8tin Con- of New . York, . who haa linked It • plaued to 'Ki", t31elrpatron"~od ' The TbaDkNlving edition of the Deer.. Butterwo~ 110"" 8th St. ner and dauehter of Lebanon, Ohio with ', Alexander Wooli.eott, the BlIlTHDAY SURPRISa service lor the TJwlblivlll&" bbli .tWayceh~" ~iIl be IIubllabed M~1ine, m.~!1 in. Hamilton, Mrs. ElidA Day, It.... F. H. rarr, Town Crier of the' radio, who has Ilia Dena: bavll utertained day by re~~iDl' open later- Ion tbe day b.ef~re TllanUci.tnw. Town~. ' . '". ' MlrB. Goldle '. Bentley, lin. Ell':' donatecr a radio .talk on the Ohrist Earl doyle who , was. eharaed, ta Mond., ~vaiili at .~ home :WedD~y, November _4.t1I • 1~~ ~II Jle nO' ,cbool on Tb~p. 'u Q. F. Brown, to l~~~l E., ,!o~~ abeth' Lewis; Mrs. '~in~ Madden, .~a~. ,. Sea,l . Sale, reco~dings .. of County Court, last. we., wtib opo, , Mi•. QiJfrl. EUIs ' lor Gertl~. ~e, t()~mne bve' aBk~ 'ua to giviD~ ' Da~ or. tale ' toUowiDJ;,.Fri- .le1. ,I~t 14 inSOu~;h' Park, s~b..cb. Mi811 Lucy Emley, Mn. Delle.· Ven- which will ~e h~ard tbroug~out tihe erating an automob~e 'WIU~ .~~1DaJdn. The sWtf. ..... 1IU1'Pl'lIe . inlorm' ~ p~bllo ~ theywJU . b,e clay,. Ol8l8es ,wiD reaum! their lvision, near ,LebUi(ln. , able; ~ Sadie Conner, ,or; MllrY land between Thanksli~ng and iested following a~. acclden~ ".. on MJu Dakfn; About I . dOI8D d C)D ·: l'hUl'iday, . Thalll'....vlng "~cU!,s ' et ~I~ht o'cloek MondQ' A. ' L. Kine to Lt~ Lemmon, lot Cook, Mrs. Charles . Allen, .. Mrs. Chrla~~s. I," brought to trial earl, on ThiireYOIme ladi. eDjo,ed the eftDlq I'D~7.. day: ,mle,., Hardware-, ~oJ1liDtr, Nov. 29. ., 16, 'wIth ucepttohti ,in EVan', ad.' Ina Baker~ . The bosteBB and ·~u.. Like the Town Orier of Old, the day lporDing, !i'ovember ,18., of dan"''''' MNeh- Staal.e,. , dltlon to VillaP. (If Wayne.y1lle. band ancl' Lois Jean. 1987 Seal warns " . . . .uct . . . -_..... .- BaUey, MIt,: Kroler , Christmas ,Health , Coyle faced the .prosl!icutln. Wit JDenta of pumpkip ple &nd , Clcl!l" Store" E Betallick, Mer.;, A, K. 'MRS.)CATJt· SlOTH DIES . ' Apes B. GU.~'" to lJ~l ' . of danger-the danger of tuber- nesseB in eourt with ' their e~ 'Were nrrecJ. . . • . D.,.~ O. Lee .Hawke, I?) R. Smith, Brooks; Lebapon, pa'l'ta of 10ta' 41 WAYNESVILLE .TO PLAY ~ulOli8. 'In-8lI-mueh e." they ""re R. D.4CoUett, I: O. /..., B W.a1la'ee, F' t ' ",,-, . . held"':"" .and' 42 in. ,Lebanon:: .. ' AT . JEFFERSON FRIDAY , to ...tve _MY evl-"--ee _"""'lo_~ . _ • ~ ... . , ,< J ' . . Sh , uneTa se.-yaces were ..... . , '. I b 11 iii' ...• uom ... ,...........~ ~ PAR," ! Gl'I".~, op ,. F~iday eftern60n at 'l1Ie K~Clur' ~ ,Howar~" O. ShQ~l e~ ando .Ra~e 'I'he~ .':ri l ·be a baaket a ~me of c'oyle'iI',1qtoxication or prewe. " on s.tWdI.J af~ · fIom ' .. .I . S;'. FUneral:Uome fol' Mrs. Kate fiJmlth '. Sbu~er~ t9 An'lltc!w .Oul~ Friday niafl,t at !T"iferson. Both ease against.him, Ute ~ 1ftII .... , I UJlti11. o.'QI~ct; actie J~~ .. en. (lAJU)' OF 1$UI1G~ ' :;, ' age 78~ 'She dieeJ'.at the bome \)( and Allean CUIMttao~', 88 a~ ,t~e ~eaerve and ' vafUt~ 'teams 'miBBed, char&'ea dlsmlBacid '.&"~ .. ,tettaipeCl _ ~UJD~' of tila ,Uw. .: We 'd~ly appreeiaW' 1Il~ .~~d- 'h6j son George, t Dayt~. Ohio. t~ Fran~ilft Twp. ,, ~..' , ,)'111 play., Le~ give die boys the .' 110nd r.,el~ased. ' ;. ) , ,.""... .~ fri~.dL TIie ~u~,~o ~8Ilt I.n ... all ~path,. ~wn ~ ,by ~rs; S~ith was ~be ,ndowot- the Carl~' and~~lel G. D~e to 8\lp'poTt . of • m.: fltllien#!. , rm~.! $he attensooa With {.ctde were: I nelaiibcira ,04: frienda at. the tlJne late Char)ea Smith '<arul" a , cousin GeoJ'ge Ganger,· - 6.50 aere8 in eb~ers. · , .. ¥a,riba Luk..... DoMle ~~ l ~f oUr b~~nt In l~.. ,of OUr of Mrs. Qlbarlea Jones, of Waf- W~ Twp: . "he M. , E. Ladies. A,d llilet for BUI,. Day{" Dan~, Sim)lIOn, ADn ..d....hter'l .J'uatiDia ~rt80ct:· /..~d, nqvlDe. ' , ' . . . fOOD, SALE, . a pot luck dinner .t the home of satte~te.. Barbata ~.• Ad-. 110, l'e tak.,:~ o'pportun~tJ ,of Surviving her, are F.RIENDS HOME The W~~e Township' Mothers :1Mrs. JOBiah Dayja Wednesday. ' a., I~ Lee Bracldoclr, Willi- thanldnt thoae 'WIKi helped . ·us D yt <> . .. Club will hold Ita annual TIlAn.lW In the ~ternoon Rev. L~Cy led .,... Badd~ Bob)" Baatlnp;- ttirouall ~ ,~, '. timea, a on, • )lisa ~da HaiveJ! apent Tues- ,elving Market at ~e Grange- Hall the grou'p in devotiona. . . , DO~~ R,.~ ",~u. 1Iartln, . . , cIa11" ad tbo_lwh~ . day in D~n, the-' cuest of her next )Vedneilday, Novem~ nd'rinw tlle bu~ineBB period Mrs. . ' Ann ••Iloh, and Harlaa ~ auiated in the ...,.. The ~on spent KondaJ ~ alater, lin. Shanan. from 9:80 ... m. te> ,:~O Po ~~ I W. : E'. Stroud wu-eleel;ed to ser-' , DaIIltr "'-lnn..-t. were ..... 141'. Ucl . . BJI'On RpoClt Dayto~ haonn. plcturel takem A Mrs. snap ' . rco~ :Vir-,. Allldl)cis of baked eooda, dOUlh , ve the group at prealdnet. ' .Ba~tlamlll aervtee, 11:at &: 11. . , . . '. . : . . tour".. ."..qed for them &bra ginla, called Aant~ and ~\lta.. . o~ and c~c"'n and I 'flaM we... clIIcuued tor a Tur- Tuesday: ~ • BlltTHS one of I>ayton'. ndla W llame JUt we.k. Inoodle.. 'J'OUl' patroDIC8 .'fa eo"cft ~ey iUpper and ma'l'ket to be' held . Bible study ~ ........ ',_..::: B03 to lit. Utd • 0Ur_ ~ HIO. ' Later 10 tIM 'dq' Kri. Louie S~eld .d. ·' . ~ I lin 'the near future. ' . \ tice. ·7 :80 P., II. ...... d IBddllton...... BotpIti1,. ~ made the' ~U~ 01, popaJai lira. SOUUsI ;> , s .,, ' ...." New. 1., .......... .. __ aDd .....unat.:' Some . . ., JDd lI.-maD, of Sundar,~. ud Ilrir:"Cbarlel, .-_ 'A r . --: and .... . ~tuNCl ·.. far. ... . '. . . . . . AtIaDta, 0... at the faOme A,adenoD . tnd their pest, . lira. \ DE.\TH SUn_Y, . I '12. Th... .' ~ '. . W• . . , Charlotte Snap~ vialtecl ·~ Bu.ben Eqan8 li}rman cUed at, . fo~ bapu.. . . '" Stiap's...a.ter. Ilri. Nina IIatteook Jlfa,ml Valley Ho.pital Sunday. ' the cInafeb. GeI. ._ . Who !a ' .• IU9icea 'ftre held ~~~~"!'!I!!i IIcChii~ PuIIl. .1 BGIIM ~D


Storea ... Cl T!b k .•


an ,' liVing


Met Thu'








.UD&b,. ' .

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Met W'e'dne.d'., j

.r. stu...,.










I What well b . . . mOYie .tar conductor ad vloUniit. pia;. ,the female lead in the pJaJ, ~t. If}'d Rather Be Rfcht". ReSell'

Friends 'Home


lyT O. ~mith, Minister 7. What well known ,movie ... treM playa lllritil Kath'arine Rep- Sun'd ay: burn in the movie, "Steee Door'" Bible aehool, 9 :80 A. II. 9. Where is the United State. Na Lord's Supper, 10:t5 A. II., val acad~y 10catedT Chriatlan Endeavor, . ~ tOO P. M. 10. For ,what wai Ge01'le HorPreaobinll', '7:1l0 P. 14. aee Lortnaer, who died Tecently of Bennon lubjeot, "T~e Healpneumonia, beat leno,",! . tq of. .Jain.'. Daua4lt.r.~'... fa Walter D.JIl- Wedntlday:


HuoIcI D. Win.. Editor ,


8. Forknown what did .John IIOlltque L ___~:""~~-----r--~-:--_-:'_____-JI become In the neWt recent-

Entered at tho Postofflee a,t Waynesville, Ohio. aa Secolld ./ CI~ Mal.- Muter.


ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY . Subscription Price ,1.60, Year

ro~:. ~::~ a.orlt


K. " Prayer meetinc, 7;4& P. !.t. new play In wblcb be 'fa pia to , mimIc PreIIident' Roosevelt and his Sabin'!.. Tor 'The . Miami Car:eU. administrative pOliciesT





It' must be 'amusing- tO , a railroad company wbel\ it discontinues the operation 'ot 'a branch .ine, because of lack of, patronage from the community. to ha-re tlhe Chamber of Commerce and other civic org. nnizatioll$ g\\t busy and appeal io the "railroad and the . Corporation Comml8aions to require the railroad to keep, its traillS runniDgs, ev~n though 110 one rides on them, and all the fte'i!l'h.t ia shipped by truck. With f6W exceptions every ~allroad that bas been abandoned in this . country haa been given up because. the c.oplmunity bas quit mh'lg the road as a freight transportation mecHum and has inven its passeng-el' bueiness to the bus Jine~ In timea put candidates for the llre6ldency, and other 'h igh offlcei have boaatecl that they were born in a loll' cabin or a Bod bouse, but we doubt If'the time will ever come when any candidate offers as reason for recognition the, fact that he 'Wu b\lfl1 in ~. tt:ailer. It is pretty gene~ly ~ed tibat the flp,plication , of Q c;onhnerCial boJ'cott by other nations w'oul,d be the most etfectivll meaM of putting an end to war. The difficulty Iiea in getting other natiohs W give up the opportunity to profit that the supplying of war munitions af· ford&. In other worda when we say we are in f~vor of ,peace, we say it with OUT fingers crossed

After fiv~ years of sometbing else we are more convillced than ever that the best relief program· that could have been put over in tbl8 country 'waa a road building program. Il all effort and mo~ey bad been devoted to' building a system of nard surfaced fedenl hlgGt. ways, just as many persons could have been employed, and ':we would have eame out of the depressions with a fine utility that would have IJ4!rved all th8' country. We contended for this program in the begin-

1. Tobacco Road.!.) Natlo." B_1I 2. Elixir of SulfanUamid~; Willa Dr.". _. • Etta••• 5 ...1.4 8. Joumal of the Americ~n ¥ed ieal- ~ociation. , WAYNESVILLE, O~IIO~ 4, She was freed by a - 'ury at ~!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!""_~~...!!!!..!!!!...!!!!.='!!_ New Brunmck, New Jeney, from , the cltlLl1te of fl1urder fo,: Ihooti~ Paul. Reeves in defenSe of-her bon.or. , , fl. Shirley Temple. ' 8; He is an expert golfer of Ho)~



" obe rt YOlllll8 JOM OraWford null Franchot Tone make all ex· I~ Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's thrilling· drama. "The

c\ tJ ltt; tnilllgie

your salea tax' Bride Wore Reel:! whloh opens at the new deluxe Xellf~ th~ter, 111 Xenia. Sunday. "NovombGT 21. ror 0. t.hroo cia, engagement, stampel This was ' the -advice isl~ood, wtlo ' rec811tly ' wall faced T hl! story of "The Ilrl~e Wore Red" describeS tb& colorful and witb a Bev. year ~Id rObbel'Y, sUlld by State Di'rector of Edudra m " Ic ' adventures of loan as a ~ovely cabaret lIaticer who bedha'rge 11ear EUzabethtoW'll, New cation E. N. Dietrich in pl)inting cantu a ~rand · ta.i1)' for a month, RqJ)ert Young haa the Nlle c 'York, ,which W'IUI dismissed. of JO:\I\ '!I" r1aablng and 'I\'eatthy Buitor while Franchot pI!!.,. Joan's oub bhat 011io fa ces 8: ,probable /;;\lInnt but humble admirer who can onl, ely. ber love. But wbat $9,000,000 deficit in i.s scbool 7, Ginger BogeH. a love.! . ' foundatiort funds by ~ end of 9. Annapolis, ¥aryland. nuuo Bu rke. Lynl\r> C:\rver. Mary PhlUlp8. Reginald Owen. 1937; :wbich he asaerted was due, 10. As editor of the Saturd&y am, Ickl e Moorq IltllO ltn vo f~ahr. d part" In the ga, rOlDanoe in large measure to tlhe tax evns"T h "ll'lde Wor Red ." .Sbnl'hig the 88me progrnnl will be a Eyeninlr Poat. _' ion, anjl said: "1 lUll cOl)fident that ~ harl )' Ie nr tby ~OlUlldy ntltJed "Neckln' Party," 11. He :fa a famous if all the money paid in sales tax by tbe pec)pre of Ohio was actually ber of the "Ohio Ton Litter Club" QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS turned over to th.e Jltate there hi d thO fall b forty , 1. 'What legitimate sta... p~ would be l\tU e or no deficit in the was ac eve IS I Y has the character, Jeetel' Je¢er' schoof foundation funds by the Futnro . of America. 2. What drug, used in medicine, close of the current year." Direc- youths ill- twenty 81X schC)ols, ac· III said to lhave been T88ponaible for tor Dietrich creditect the founda. cording to T. O. ~olender of the a number 01 deaths recentlly1 tion wito rescuing Ohio~EI d.eparlm~t of 8t!~l'1~ultu.rel educ,a · 3. Of what wen known publica. schools from the dep~ession, whicb tion, OhlO State UDlverslty, 0 Tbe- Uon la Dr. Morris Fishbein "'\.'?-I mnny schools 0 close and come a member, an FF~ ~outb 4. For wbat waa Margaret Drentel~ehers to go unpaid for two and must sponsor and eare lo"a Single nan recently knQwIl in the newa?" tbree years.. litter of pigs l\1i'bicQ attains a ' "Den~a,nd

'T:. Martin' Auctioneer

SAY. ~

ISFAC'!P,' I ON ;. '

h Or No C arge

C'en ' t ervIIIe, ,Ohio Ph~n. 78J




nine and bave llot 'Yet been convinced tbat it was not the beet plan. * * '.' D A ~ ' I t·ure, ' th e .n.t;TlCU , ll'ector 0f The President has civen out the word that he favors an extra ses- E 1 H H feId . ·formed i aion of Concreas to pua' Iegis1atio~ for a. f arm program. Tb . e b oe... J'ob'froar Wnsbl'ngton . ane D.was C. In :"bat the ,.. government ... ,. when it comes to aettiDg up a f~ p~ogram. d pesn 't conel st in pas s-, ' f.ederal has approved inc • bunch of legislation. It cOIIIIlBtII In getting the farmers to agree an allocation of $108,999- tor lmon what kind of legislation monld be p~ provementa at 1lhs Ohio State Fair


weight of 2000 pounds or more SMALL' ANIMAL HOSPITAL in 180 days from the •date of fariL 1 rowing. Tne heaviest btter, twe ve W. O. Bow..... D. y. II. pIgs • wh'Ieh _..... .....urh e!d a total 01 2610 d. was raiSied un d er the di • poun..... Spria. V.II.,., 0IaJ0 rectlO?- of Raymond Bo~ of 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!I!!!IIm_===!!I ArcadIa, a atud6llt at !"aahmll'ton


, Town81lip HiP S'~dboolln Hancock . office girl who is a reader of dUB . p.aper remar ked' th·s and reModeling was pro· A local , 111 I , posed by Directorprogram Hanefeld follow c?unty. The ae,e ol rItter, eIe~en office yesterday that the only 'thing that can &'Ive a w()ntan the same ' . th h' hI sst I 1987 pIgs, which weigl]led a total of 25- - of .. -'-king sensation th.. t is produced wbep one' recejvea notice fl~ ed f~ y , slucce, .....u f o 84 pounds. was lraised by Donald ...u. • L_": _L_• 1...... __ over draW'll her bank .,.. account, is to discover tlhe mg . h t 0f tb"" D'r an manCla ' t aMlB ' .... nce ht rThe m Hougendoble~ of Forest, a stu den... , ...... u.a ,_ \" e govetnmen was lIoug . . , . S h 1 i .W tile party, after the atoNs have ~losed, that there ... a IIlg runner estimated coat of the needed im. at dM:ar.eil1~ Hlib c 00 n y. ;in~h;er~laat;;~p~a~ir~O~f~h~o;se;.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! provements .was placed at ,760,- an ot coun~;r. I 000, ~md will include• , important * /; • LabanoD, 010.1. to attend the Ilome cominlr dance. additions to the over-erowd8(j Dr. Lewrence Pn_tl... the ....t . . . Mn.!Mary Kendall Stu~ of &tock barns. Tbe annu,1 faii and of the Ohio wild In Dayton, Ohio, 8pent Sa~urd&y tbe fail' .grounda are under ' tihe ti~, predicted ,MOT.ON PICTURE night 'WIth ~pa1. Mrs. Bertha Le.W1S and of the State' Dejlart- d dfughter, , ment ot Agriculture. a'ppro:lima-



...... 8m', II tlUb .. _6_'" ,IS 4""':, .....

__ IDu



Modem PJIOla Mqlc Qef RaDaa aad deaD. iDltllDt.beating pYrof.. . r:... ~n _._ .... L_". a Imokeles"v.. _ _.............. _ _-..1.1 __ • pI_ . . "........ ., dta""e.r'I),J)C b"'" ... d .tAr _ aad deaD,dos'pruollop bome... PFmu ..... "'-'-_ ... __~._ ."""'::"_ _ be ,_.. _ .. 00 ' matter where " "011 U"e. (or lime money. I JIqaIpmnt for Come olll, '9.7', the ~ IN iaelf com .. litt ~ .s ~. ~ __.. iDIIalIed .p er pcnoA. ill th1Iaad week teJea,."., ~uuru'.


... ... --. ~~ __

~ IMp.. .


1 'cup milk




~ FOlD

1 cup Mro _

1 cvp anmd m" 4 CU "Wits Ab. the "bole (unil, 'lrill ,.". IIboatl-Helt 1to~•




tor 4' _ _ .... ,........,. SaYee 6.


GAS PY RO F~ y ~""D"''''''': __ ~



.D 'r.'.



"CROCK 0'pepper, GO&:.D" Ie" ani.

--. _ _ _ 10 __ .... r_ - r r. - -"..... .. _ _'IL . . .---'u , . . .. lw. , .-.... .. -rl ......_ ....dy. un.sJl t tblck dd• Adif..... ~ ... Ilir util me11C\1. Pour 0"'" tbe hnteo esc ,0 Itt, A ; : ~::'~ mI~:,:I~!!:/=.M'::I:'~:~!l:;:.n '!'a~'~':i


Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bakilr and i" * . , ,previously Jean, -with \lilt. and Mrs. 'D. E.' I . , ', "llie.altber, the ' 1988 Standiford will spend the laat 'of ,Agreem~nt ~f th~ puhlic Ohio trappen lire. F. H. Miltenberyer Mr. aud tlie week at Manilla, IDdiana, ties. opel:atm~ In OhiO ~o pay their more than Dr. Hicks • , eh'ld eXCIse taxes bIn advance 01 the due Mrs. C. C. Aicl1deacon and I - _wbere the men will b. un~ d' t D 16 11 d' tb said there i. noli an Ohio 'county f D Ob ' ta · . a e, E:cem er ,resu ~e In e d ' od 1 ren, 0 aytOn, 10, were gues Dr and Mrs. Wltham R1 f dId t t ' 1' f which oes not pr uee some ur. ,' '.1. S · s at ei'' t1'0. Ie bearing anima1 of Mr. and ,.IIU'II. J..H. SmlwI, un· turned home SundAY evening at· bre eliSe d t 0f rt e -aye . peI... purpoaea, 'II'' on s 0 0 by Y·l\.me coun elt, 1 was day. -. I !I',l tel' 8pend~' 'sevetal lovel~ days announced State Director of wlrlch be terme d ,I:"e:ltc~lediqlly IIr and Mrs. ltlerle K~rns ,of lYith Mrs. Withams brother, James Finance !vI Ray Allison ' The re- usual" Cleveland have been. visitinll' Mr. St~ops and f8J!1i1~ at, Van Wert, lief ' funds, ''Which' totaled ·$11323,- and and IIH. ~. D., MMlatt. > • Ohio. ,. " 405, .represented tbe stateI'll :coJi. 11188 Joan Carr and £nen~, Friday elte~oon, Mrs., 'J: E. ~Qr ,relief ,Purposes durBill Cooper, at Cincinnati 1lpent Frazier drove her 'hoUse gueat, MTSing last Deceml;>er and January, Sunday afternoon with EvelYJi Binklq ' to her hOlJl~ at hbanon. ,which were,h"el~ up becau~ of tbe Jane) FurDjj8. ' Mrs. O. M. Ridge, Mn. Sadis Con. lack of operating funds aD th&.,paTt , Fred Furnas, Robert Baker, Jr. ner,!Mba J~phi1le B~ta acco~- of the state, Dil:ector Allison .Id. Je..e Mic:lial, Sam M~redith and paniecl them. *•* , BarlaD Powell spent Tuesday bunt Prof. and Mra. ll. A. Gant have The banal; of beo ~~ a DJemr '~ at Plumwood, Ohio. , moved ibto , the Zell property ' on - 5" I ' ' llisa M~ Welsh was ~ guest, Str~et. .' :\VedMJday 'eyeninll' of M1as Miis ~Ia Sears baa reBigned her, Alle~, at Lebanon, Ohio. ' . position ~th The 'Wurlitier Music • \, " , .t. . , llni. J. W. Haynie, of Oolu.mbu~ .Sto1'e in .Dayton to aceep.t. a POSIOhio, entertalM,d · on last. Thun.; tion ,with 111e ' Standard PUblish-. , ~y 'at,~Jin11er, at The Golden J;A~b ing Company of Cincinnati, ~ Pr:i~ .Her brother and wife, !Mr. and vate secretary-to Mfr . C. J. She;rp, :M~ J. ~ ' SJuitb, of Waypeaville, 'who is ~ ~r1d. trayeler. and ,wnter and Mr. and Mra Ralpb G~egor~ of note. She will enter her new ~u. 0/ ColumbUs, Ollio. ties, -December firsf. ' .. • lr(r. and Mn. ,Charles Day and , }fr. aud 'MrtJ. 'Albert ' Carver at:l d ,spn 9t Cat1e~Ul'I', K.ntucJ4., John, Saari of " CiJ\culnati, spent ~t sailaay With their parents, the .week..end with their , IIA1~'"nb., I ' Mr. and ,Mrs. A. K. Day. l Mr. and ' Mrs.., W. N. Sears~ , lir. ifrB Charle. The Public Sale ofWllliarn BeraaUirllter; "Joan, were ' nard" whlcb :wa&,' held la~ ' FrfdaY. ' ;'Qeati of ·111'. and '! 1ft, tWas, very ...iell attended j ,live ,~tock Cleaver! ' "," . (; anll feed brought good pricllSj ., lin. A .. & Stout spent Frida, 600 ,b,Ullbeta of ·c orn at 4.7c per 'bu~ ,and SatUrday ID Columbuj · abel. , " i-. ill.. tootbell ~e. On :,.' ' ~l----'---.. dq .~., Dr. Stout joined b41r IlAR.YEYSBURG, M: E. CHURCH ~ ? "S~ HOc'ftlllher 21 ' ,-"I "NOTiCE OF AitjloLIAATlprffdR Geo......::. Ii • . Weaver, M'mister ' ClEaTIPlIO .ATE OF . ...... . ! < ~ , r..'DII.o....·, ' :80 Ii.. M; Public ' Worship. Ser: • ,' CONva"lENCE, AND mon topi~, "o1~h~vah ..s.ba1o~'.~'- , , .,SITY OV~R\ I,,~ R'E G ~ M.",~unday, Schdol. Mr, ROUTES.' J, " , ',Milligan; Superinten'dent..

s. i,. __ '


E'• S'1-A.1I.' VDI:.c:.n' J:" D &" snA' _ Vlll , BIlIncnester I.. . ria. ' V 10 '

True P,efe'lional Ser-vice Yean of trainlM .aDd esperi. .~ , h••e equipo~r, ataff'to reDder a" elluinely frof~ionil" "'. Vice, ill all of, ....1: detaila whic~ mde p a funeral of the I7Pe which lea.. all everlaatialrly cOlUOtinlr .....cWr. Por ......,. ,._n w. haft rendered a1nc:ere, ~paUa.tic MI'9ic:e to thie ' COIIUIIamty, III r-I-I-J..-"lcoel~' ~ _tirel,. upon the wi,h.. ...d .....Il. , of



tit. ,famu,..











' . ~.'


~ I


. "



P,ubllc IlOtl~. ~. -hereby dven ~'., ...., , dsat ¥. II, JroplOns baa fIled- with AD~ ~igbt.incb electric fan takes , , tile Public UtiUtiea "of &bout as much electriciti as a 25 I i ........_ ' 01i1o ,an ,pplicatioll for a, watt Mazda b~lb. oate " of ·Publie: N~tr 'to transport 'property Oil 'eall of Uae publie over Irregular ,to and. " tom Waynenille, , 0Id0. K'PIlbtl' anil Capacity of .~ ..... to .,. ,aM; One, 1. 1-~ ton '



~ ."


All ~d Hrtle. ~ QJ,:. ~ .. to ,the time


of ~n aid ap.

br ad~ the Publlc' O'....on of Ohio, 001.




. ,








:'1 HE'proll;eui~e

me~hanh. profel"icnal men a,nd , ,~omen


~~ne.ville take· t\ii. oppo~unity of .

of W

publically expr~lling their a~preci~,tion and thanks f()r tthe pat,r onage give,n them during the, palt year. Our community hal been ~xceptibnally fottunate in many relpects. ~ It has been a pleasure to lerve each --

and eve~y one 'o f you. ' I\nd, so at ' ihis Thanksgiving ti~e ,we lay. '~Thank You"iand wish you a joyous Thanksgiving seaion••• count up 'your blessings and with them as our "capital stock" let us aUltrive .together ···in bUlines., in church, in school,' in every 80cial endea vor···lo bu~ld a bigger and better Wa,.nelville••• maintaiaring 'the-good traditions of the pa-at .•. niaking. progres towar~s,' the achievement of our pos8ibiliti~.
















QUICK CLEANERS, Kathryn Mendenhall, Ma... DR. H. E. HATHAWAY





lIn.. ;reale RobltseJ: of DaJton, Mr. and ?tin. Artbgr.. G....taid ot nelU' Blanche ter spent last 'Mr. and Mn. Albert Shepherd on I • Ohio, vllitell l'elativea over Sun· aturday ni,ht with MI'. and Mrs. houlle aDd 89na Dayton were Sunday. _ day. . Elv-i Michael and daughter; Dor- dinner guests, , of Mr. and Mr. and -an. E. C.. wo.olard of iM!ts. Hidy of Springfield, Ohio, othy. Mrs. Clyde- Wharton and family Dayton; 1M'r, and ~ Mrs L&wre~. Is Ipend,ing the win~r with her Mr. and IIb·s. EmerSQn Dill and and Mr.' Levi Greathouse. -' $bepherd allll famit, of Xenia; Mr .,.- • u. .-. •• • ........ SOD, R.aip\l were Xenia Shoppers !tl'r. and 1Mn. ' ~nenn Brock and 1~~I5~~3!!~5~a~ ,Harry Dumford and 80na from daughuu', Mn. John Pres·-on. Saturday. children, Mi88 Jame l Jimmie aud COMMON PLEAS COURTBeUbJ;Ook and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Mt. and Ml' . Norman . ltelllnge~ Billy, ana ·Mrs. R1asenberger of InMr. and Mrs. Gayle Evanl and Adami of Dayto1V vilited Mr. &bd N. . Saile ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL of Cincinnati, Mt· and 'Mn. Al1;hut (lianapolis, Ind., w~re Sunday children were gueats of CiDcin- Mn. John C. Adama and family M lvin I>icktl1lon VI OUie Sunday before Advent. Evening Kesinger ahd children of Dayton guest,os of Mra. Alice BrOCK and nati relatives Sunday. Baney DiclleflQn for divorce. Sune,lay• . prayer and Bermon, 7.:80: ~r8. Earl EVans " and were Sunday afternon· ol\l1e1's of Mrs. Mary MQ-r81~al1. Qba11(8l GroD Dee~ect of duty. Ml': and Mrs. Et'ne:>t Earnhl\l."t and Ml'. and Mrs. Allen Emrick en- Richard Camp~ll weTf CacU E; Edwarda iii the attomey. family. tertained to sbt o'clock dinner, guelts of )fro arid .. Mra. Raymond EUna 'Pbompllon, at al VI HatMr Lewis Stephens spent Wed· Sunday, tit)e foUolw ing gues , " ongan of Sprang ro recently. tie lrjaukinlQll, et al. For partinesday in Xenia wit" relutives. and Mrs. Clyde l\lount 'and <laUgh-I Mra. .Gusta Woolard and daugh, tion of real' eatate and othe'r reMrs. lierp l't ~ntlatt, Miss Cla- tarl! Missel! Edith and Cecil, and ter Hannah and son, Raymond lief, Jamea E. lIhrke, attorney. ra Daugliters, Mis. Elvi.s · Michael M' Miriam Sa1ilsb\lry, of "Dayton, I of 'Baberatawn, Indiana called on ana Weane!' VI TOJD YoU!!C KLEENEX, wi. attruti•• co ••r f..... ...... ." ....... ,2 for 2Ic . and dilughtet, Dorothy and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Salisbury and I, " For eqUitable relief and to quiet SOc' STATIONERY ......... ;...... :..... ..... ...... ...... .:...~..... :........ .. 290 Edmon Marlatt were Xe-qia shoper son, Wen"el" oir Wa!ih\ngton C., NOTICE ' OF ,APPOINTMENT title to -real eatate. Arthur 'Bryant, GEM; EqU.L La...cler Sha.lo. aet, juat tlie lIMD....... .. tl.11 Monday. H. and MrS. Mat·garet Johns. The ~huatratOl' with tis. WUl attorney. . Razor, Brusb, Supply of Soap ~s. Roland Weaver !has return dinner '\\-"88 in c,e lebration of ' the ADD.lIted. Robert B. Henaeen VI. Sigrid , ' , ed to her home after sPQnding the birth(lays of :frIrs. Emrick and Miss G'I CdS ' 10'~09 6 7 . Waclcelin Henagen. for divQrceAlwa,.. .... _ _I'-5 ••C\ft "'cioua f1a.01'I of. Ice C ..... for en oe, eCI. 'I' -,Groas Deglect il charge. Oarl Abpa t;wee~ with relatives in Dayton. Edtth Mo~nt. . _ Estate of Delilah Ev~rt, ~~ ,.our ' ~1u.i.iD. Dhmer. pla.t .... . ... ': ...... .... ............:., ..... 20e aocherli il the attorney., SpDING 'BRANCH Mr. and Mrs. Elvis Michael and d . cease • il hereby .given that ROIl ~ Da.ldn wl¥> ~n Day- daug htor Doroth y' entel' tal ne d a t FEDRYISMS 'The ~ of Jane ·W. Michael Mrs. Fl\IUIk "" ' , Notice va. How.rd P. Michael was dis.- ton anollplng last ,Thursday. 6 o'clook dinner Tuesday ~venlng There' is snow on the eJr this H Hartsock ' whoae Post Office mil$aed Witltout record. . Mr. John Spittler of Dayton in honor of her mother, l\irs. Her- ~orning, driftmlg do:-n medita- ~resa iI/ Waynesville, .Ohio haa Phone 4 X In caae of Charles Weissmann s~nt the week-end ' with Mr. and bert Marlatt, 6~th birtlhdaY annive tlVely ~nd a ~r~c'e in tlhe wind that been duly appointed tLJ Admin1&. va. W; W. Wb;j~ker, et al, ' extra, Mrs. Bert /)pittler and family. ersary. Those present were Mr. ays WInter la hore at last. trator with the Will Aimexed of jul')' rendered verdict in f,avor of Mrs. Hiley 'Gibson called on Mrs. and Mrs. Herbert Marlat~ Mrs. Mr. Raymond Hartsock and son, the Estate of Delilah Everhart plaintiff for , . ' Berthia Holton, ' of Xenia, Sat- Daisy Hartsock of Spring Valley, .Eugene, ~of Hamilton, were Tues- late of WUl'en County, Ohio; !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!~ . In case 01 the Stat4\' ,of OhJo urday afternoon. . Miss CJara Da.ughters, Mr. Edmon day gue~ of the Tom Burtons and ceased. • va Harley Frye defeDdallt plead MI'. Raymond Smith spent 'Sun- Marlatt and the host lind hostess. Mrs. J~nnie M~!len. Dated tlhil ~tb day of Novem. ,guilty to cbarge Don-support and day ev\ming in •Davton. ' Reverand ' Carl Smith was ' en- ber, 193'7. WII8 Mntenced to Ohio State PenMrs. Frank Dakin called on her LYTLE gaged to lierve , another year at C. Donald Dilitusb, Atty. itentiary for one year. Reverand Hugh Davis of Spring- the Ji'erry Church of Ohrist. RALJ?H CAREY, daughter, Mrs. Paul Armstrong of In cue of L. .aarding, et a1 Leabon last· Friday. boro made sevel'al pastoral caBs Mr. and Mrs. Perr~ Faul and Judge of the Probate Court va. The South Lebanon Paoking MTs. Ellsworth ' Gibson and in Lytle, Thursday, afternoon. son, 'Ervin, and 1lM!f. and Mrs. Dan Warren County, Ohio. Co., the court alfow~ the l'eCeiv- daugibter, J'ltrllis Mae, Mr. aqd A number of our citizens attend Williams call oll'the Irvin saun- (Nov. 11, 18,- ~G) • er,600..0.0 in ,part paJ1Dent for IMra. Everett Bunnell and family ed the Fish F.ry and play given by d s family, Saturday evening. Mr. bia aervicea. spent Tuesday ~th Mrl. Hiley' the tea-chers of Wayne Township Saunden i. very illlWith In · case of, Helen L,' Hisar, an Gibson and family. . ' sobools at the Gym in WaynjlsviUe {a. . , infaDt, ete. n, Waltel\ S. Cowan, Mr. Jim Miller ,ctf Dayttc;J is Thur8day--evening. Mr. aDd Mn. .Henry Hackman plaintiff wu s1ven leave to file spendhic a few daya with Mr. HiMr. and Mrs. W. L. Hardman are anDouncing the birth of a counter affidavlta. ley Gibson .nd family. were Sunday' afternoon an~ eve- daughter, Doris .1ean, at the MidC!U6 01 Fred J. x.elgbt VI. ,Mr. and Mrs. Bert Spittler were ning ~ests of Mrs Alice Tric~ey dletown hospital, :November 8. MoJ. S. B1ddell diunissed with- in Xenia, shopping, Saturday. and family. ther and daughte:r are donng fine. ovt record. Ervin Thomas now haa , empr~yMr. and Mrs. Harold Rogers, ' ·MII'. a,nd Mrs. ~arv~y Burnet In cue of Mary .Jane Lucas VI.. Mrs. Emma Gibson, of Bellbrook ' \Y'ere entertained at the Farmers' ment with Grant"s Chevrolet ComHoward W. Lucas; the ~ormer called' on Mr. Hiley ,Gibson and Club, Thursday, by Mrs. Cora pany in Centemne. . SALE-Several odd pieces order of court waa ratified. Chil family, Thursday evening. Rich at ,the Grange Hall, WaynesThree paison! joined -wlbh the o.f furniture, 80me antiques. dren retstored to plaintiff. Defend Ferry Church on S\fnday. They Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Gibson ville. Also a house for rent. lrln. A. ant to pa, for aupport children. and daughter, Phyllis' Mae, spent Mr. and lirs. Therle Jones and _re Mr. and M",. GlaaB, of MiH. Eanmart. Waynesville, 0 : In of Anna Gloeear va. Sunday W'ith !Mr. and Mrs, Char- s!>n Were Sunday guests of Mr. and amisburg a"d Mlrs. Clarence Etz: lona Jluebu. et aI. Election to Ue Crawford of Dayton. Mrs. Edwin Nutt, near Center- of this neighborhood. FOR SALE: Child'i large lile bed ~ pr'elmiaea b, Ami& GIobller MH. Glenn Dakin· and son, Rich ville. Mr. and !rIrs. George Schmidt wit)! aprings. Mrs. Adam Melconfirmed. ard spent last week wibh "Ill' moMrs. William Rogers and daugh- spent Thursday evening with the. loh. ther, Mra. Walter Woods, of WiI- tel' of 'l\filson viSited her aunt, Mrs. P. J. ThoMasel a.t .the Barry ForPROBATE COURTmington. Meta Rogers, Tuesday afternoon. dyce home. FOR SA.LEI- Spotted 'Poland Mr. HUIlY Gibson alld daughter III the matter of the estate of Cbarles Mul1enin and Lawt'ence Mr. and Mn. Otto Ginter and ChiJia Male h~p. 'Doubie immun DeliWl Everhart, cHce~d, Roll Stella; Mr. Morris . Lewis spent Rooney made a trip .to Athena, <laughter spent Sunday afternoon ed, good ones. Only a few left. H. IIarbocIt appointed adminis- Sunday at Lancaster, Ohio. . Tuesday ~1' the Lytle Elevator with the LawreXlce Thomas 'fa1pPriced for quick sale. C. D. SMe • ily. ' Several from around here at- Com~ny. trator. with th6 will Ulnexed, an~ han, Wayneaville, R. R. 2. Cornfiled hill bond. O. R. Un.leahy, C. tended the funeral of !rITs. FreeMISS ~eryl MeredIth, of ~ear . Tuelday afternoon callera of P. Joy, and R. F. ~ appointed rna..., laat ~ednesday; ~lso Mrs. Waynes~ll1e,. was an overmglbt Mn. P. J. ~ODlla& and Mn. . Har- WANTED, Elderly man, capable'I " Kate Smith a funeral, Friday. .guest of Mlss Geneva. ' Routzahn, ry Fordyce Mrs. Earl S.hiDn, ap.-ralaen. hand1\, deairing by day IM5BS Stella Gibson Ipent last Thursday. Mrs. . Frank Shilln, Mrs. Lottie In the matter of the estate of or job. Phone 112. Mrs. La\1ra How)a~d of Belland 14181 ]li'reda S~. Georp W. Croob, deceued. In- week w\~ Mrs. Everett Bunnell and family. . broo~, Mrs. Ed. Hopk1DB of WayMra. C. W. Pine is very ill with FOR SALE-l HOI' Ho_. siM Teatory filed by executrix. HearMrs. Mabel Stiles apellt Tuesday. esville and Mrs. Everdt Kenrick a bad' cold. inC ..t for NOT. 80 'at 10 .. m. 18 It &8 :&, 6 in good cOlldiUOa.! Mrs. S~Pta Wardlo Teturned All oak frame. Roxanna Can- I III the matter of the estate of witll her mo~er, 1Mlrs. Ada Da- and son, Bobby, . of Oenterville, were Thursday dtnher guests at to the home ' of (her aon, WilUam ning Co. W , Ste. Beuon Perry Blair, dec:eued" all- kin. ,the home of Mr. and Ml'S. Stanley , pliaatioD for certificate · of transMT. HOLY NEWS Balleyand daughter. -' .Mra. P. J. Thomas jg able' to be fer filed aDd ordered iuued. Mr. and Mrs.-John ~ye have re- Mrs. Eal'l Burnett and son Hugb up now, in fact, ia writing this In the matter of the estate of Brice B. Worley, deceued, aJlPli- tunred home after spending a :few Mrs. S; H. Burnett and Mrs. Alice column this week; although ahe ia cation for certificate of Tranllfer days with Mt:. 'a nd Mrs. E. J. Bur-,' Clark visited Sunday .afternoon not to I~O out to gather ton of Elyria. with 1Mlrs. Emily Thackera, who neW8. Next weel' we win try ' to I field and ordered iaaued. , Mr, and Mrs Ge.olVe Marlatt, has been ve,ry ill at the Ihom,a of bring ypu a greater variety of Ia the matter of the estate of Mrs. Raymopd news Geoip'l,'. Beeder, dee~ed. Ethel Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Marlatt and her dal,lghter" son Edmon· were Sunday dinner in Lebanon. , B~ce Wean of Belmont, spent Reeder appointed administratrix. gueats of Mr. and lM'ra. James Ball: Mrs. Nellie Montg, o niery and last week-end ~1~h the JeBS Bow- ' Hqb Brunk, Howard Surface .nd . daughter, Miss Cleo and Mrs. laMa. Carl Duke are appointed apprais- antyne of Troy, Mrs. David Lu~ spent the past Thomas Collins \ of ' Dayton spent era. we&k with frienda iii Kentucky. I Sunday h.fternoon at the home of SuLlcrib. 1'_ .n. MI...... c..ette I In the matter of the "ttlement . Mr. William C\irl and son, Don- Mr. and Mrs. Walter- Kenrick, ~ of the estat. of Louis Fred, deceaMd. Oerlifled copies of entries to ,• be lined to Tax Commisafon of



In the matter ot the estate of tile eltate of Carrie W, Slc:ker. deceased, Firat and Final ac~ount ",ttb voucber tor ettlement' file" and ordered. suspended. CLASS MEETiNC The Berean Class of the F erry church held 'their n\onthly class meetirur 'a t the church last Thursday eviming, with about 130 present. A fine time Wl4l enjoykd. by all, and a mos delightful program was off-ered. Rev. F. W. Smit!h, of New Vienna, brother to the Ferry minister gave an intere ting talk, llia boys played a piano duet, Mr. Perry Thomas .nnd Pauline ltiggs sang a duet and the quan'ltte from the East Dayton Churoh of Ohri~t rendered several seleotions. ~efre8'hments of sandWich'es, ooffee, and dOl,lghnuts were served.





Barker's Drug · Stor~









Ohio. In the matter of the letlement of the estate of Julia Betpl ,de. cieued. FIrat and final account with vouchers for ..ttlemel1t . roecl ~d ord~ mapead~d. ', In . matter of. tile estate of Wm. Butterworth ~...d, carti!i~ of transfer to ialue. I~ the of ' tli. .tate of Catrie W. Sicker, deeeuecl. Certificate of trantter to . . . In the iDatJA,' of the aetUement of th'e wtate. of Wm. Butte"'~ dece.cL , C~lcate cop, of e~­ ~ dete.sntnc tIihlritluce 1tu to be lII1H!1 to Coat, ·Auditor. " lIi tJle maHet of the -.ta~ J)f 10Mlti C. Chamher~ d.c....d c.rtWe4 cop)' ' of entrJ' determin· , ins oiDbedtanoe. tu to <;:Ount) A\aditor. , ,.,' . 'In t,!le ma~ "of tl!.. ~Eatate of Carrie ' I~ Alece.,.d, .certifled Copy of 'lInVJ. iMteimIDlna' bihar· itance t.u to lUu. to Co~nty ~Aud


Ito!>. .

..' ,


In the matter ·of t1ie ..tate 01 Jonatllan •• Cook. deeea.ed, ex, a'cutSs ·uth~d· to' ~ and trqId~ certificate fQl' the aum o'f '8~00. , : ~ . III the ·matter of · the estate of jamM (Lupe, deceuect. E8~ reU.yecl fi'omadminlstratloD • . ' i ojn ~:maWn- .of 'toe utate ,of All,ce We~ decealied. inventory H~ "t f~r,' ~c" 8, ,at 10 .. m. . In the ~ Cif the estate Wrlcbt, d~~' lnv.ento17 aIe4L IIearbac eat for Nov. 26 at




Prqne~ 80 - 40, Prun~, 2 Ibs

, 50 '- 60


. ,'.••. '.. ~ ..• ' ~6~' Hershey·s-Coeo!1 .l b .... ,.....................' 16c . Premier Mince Meat. Box .......... ;.:. '10e Premier Pumpkin No 2 i.2 can 19C .. lke C·rco'''nbem·e~.., , Q:ua~" ~ ... " .......... ,............ 1" . English Walnuts Diamond..Brand, 20c C~mpfire Marshmallows 'lb . .. " •.. 20e '. 4 X :PQwde,recJ Sugar ~lb8 .............. .' 26c '... ' . Laurel Butter Crae~ers, 4·1b'b ox .. 60e ", .' .' . " '. Laurel Oyster Crackers, lb~ ......... ,... 1pcf ' ...•• . u • Cnaeo, 3·Ib• ean ) . .). . • . . . .'. uuC , " Lard,4.2 Ibs.......'......... I ' . ''215c New .., ........... S I». Corn Meal ~:.; . ...... ~ ... 10e ,






I '


pOOI.cllo. '

. =.t;~~~ GIld



' ~"'~"'duotly

ciotoIrOIIed ...,"a"l>". -oN MA$1ft De lUXE MOOlUONlY



26e , 3 Ibs Navy Beans ~ .... :; .. :........ ~...... 10e ~nJls ~, ...............;...... 25e · , 3 Ibs.Cracked Hominy ~... ::. l~. : . ,IOe.

BUJk Raisins 3lbs.





•• ' ; . . .



, I ' lb. ' M~";!l,!fat B~anf\ ,: .. : .' ~ ..' : . ge, " I lb. Kidney B,eans . ~ •.. ;". ; : .•.. ~c ~ Ibs. _F~n"Cy Rice. .. '•. :"...•.•.... I.Ge APricots, lb. . .•' .... '..... 20e and25e Bulle, lb. • • . • '. ~ •• ' •.• ,. , 26,c ; 24 lb. O'Brl~ Ji110ur, ........... '190 . ' . 8 34 'lb. orBr,ien B. N. Flour' .: ... 29c . '.,' ~ -, , 8 '8-.4 I~ •.O'Brien ' Pan Cake ' Flour 25c ( ~. . 8 Ill. S. 11.: Gr. Flout' ••.• , ; .: • i ""; ' 15e . . . . ' 1' . Bulk" Dat6$, I}).. ' ..•. ,.... ~ . ..}. Oc I - ' •• OrangeEJ,~fdo,z.' • •• •• .#..l'f"' ,:' .. ,', 26c .. i' Figs, 8 OZ .. pk8'... ...... '.. .. ., .'. 10e f














Ei,htJ-NiDth Year




NOVEMBER 25, 1937

Plnyin g n. f ast aggressive game. the WaYnesvill e boys came tihrough to th'eir 'first vjctory of the year by beati ng a fig hting Morrow team 39 to 10. The JUnior High squad began their season over the Mor-

Sente'nce'il 70 Ohio State Penitentiar)1 ,

Hunisman Uses

Man. 16 Haa

P{EAD ,GUILlY TO .Perfect Record MANStAUGHIEQ menSomeul offinding Waynesville's young tbe hunting reJ h Ri hard 60 Waynemne P n c .a" " 'plead CUlity to Inanalaqhter chug es, Tu_y mom.... la WaITeD C n't Court d . . eoteneed 20 )'e.r:nin penl· tenltiary · for the 1Ibo0tine of ' bls ,brother·in·law Auatin L. But, 89 , " ·

;~ .:ate

to°i t!

day. , He saw four rabbits, fired four Mota and ldlledfour rabbits. All of this done so Quickly-},ounlr er men report trampillir all day 'without game, and, few Ric..nlll ...... c....... tum In perfect records. maMer of first dfllTee but w.. . . permitted to' plead I'Uilq .to the .


!:e~~~o:T:b.;::~ SPRING VALLEY · d b to 1 eerye J CODMll..... • pea . , :!be. ~t7 to tho ';'enellqhter ALUMNI TO "DINNER




MQtual Broadcasting compan}" will beam up in a co..t-to-coaat book· up at eDetly 9:80 P • .11. E. S. T., to the merite and reunite In the bearte of the alumni, the elory .aDd memories of tibeir Alma Mater, Ohio State Univenl~y. FJiOblo Staten -


SKELETON IS FOUND DOCTORS TO ~ ~a~~O:~o:r :::::~ B~.·7. RO A1D 'w''ORKMEN COUNTV If MEET AI ./lEBlNON · :.,i :l!. P. M., dafh!ec:=be~::~

to be held at the Iron, Lantern in X.::'efa ab&rp on thIa 8 5 ' en in . ' A dinner' will be held and the enetlt speaker will De Dr. H. GOrLectorell em Pedlatrlca at Town don Bay.., Professor of Eeonom· 11&11, Leballon, Novell\ber- 80, at· lea. : temoon ~OD: ~. . . __ i .. Iaboiaet0i7- ........ e = to attend wticomel-Dr. iIIJIrT Cook, PrN. thy L 41 d '88 ,Edna. Elam 2 to 8:00 P . . . "Care of Pre- '28 · oj. :::: ;illi~ Hartina'er' mature aad · Newborn IDfaata"- '18: PJI-;:'iOia~, and John W. Wbi~ Dr. ,Ainsworth:., id 'Ol- Superintenden r; 8 to 8:80 P. IL Diacullaiou of :Cb~oll. • , , lecture bJ membenhlp. 8:ae) to 4:80 P. II. " ud ' , Want'e First Troble!p8 Durilllf Year"-Dr. Ainaworth. " . • - }' 1III10n of ...,..... ,.• 6:00 P. II. Tarlee, dlllD.. at 8 . Golden Lamh .HoteL


~ ec'tu:~ tbov6~?mPbe'~iDplac:.


, •


: 0-

.oJ . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Earnha~€ :::~::::::::::::::::::::














b~l .




. a..... ~

!l:80 to' 8;80 P. II.. "CClntaeloWl CiarlatJ.a Fftlltf.l..... · D....... in: adldren" empbaalaln( ~ 1111-8 i!revcintative ImmgniatloD. ..ben , Gold.n Text · HereiJ\ 1. my Fa.

0 2

IZATION OF FAMOUS "TEELEN' ~:~~:~, ~. ·.·.~...~·.~~~·..::.:·,~·...::...5 10 GRAPH iMjLL'f AS A MOD R p . t 1 2 I es on TAVERN Plank ."' . ..,.............." ... ,. , Furnas ' On Novemo er 2Brd, title Wa$ ta; .. ul'day afternoon at Miami Chapel ken 'by Mr. H. L. Van Tress, 0 __ _ 'fol; Mrs. Jennie McCune who lie New York and Wa.y nesville, to one TOTAL .. ..............." ... 14 11 89 body was bl'ought from her home of the most picturesque 'f arm Un- Player , . FS F TP a t Kokomo, Ind. to Miami cemet. its in tbe far-famed Little' Miamj Orank ............ .......... .... ..:. 1 1 ery f or burial. Mrs. McCune was Valley- being the 85 .acre tJ-act Houstin ' ,......... ... .... ........... 1 1 8 the Wl'dow of Wi'Uiom McOune, on the hills opposit e his "Tele. . h M'Il" h' h ' me 800 Volkerding .......... , .... .. 2 bed ::e Little .. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4 6~' Har rison ...... ... ... ... ........ . Kokomo schools survives. On this property is an eight Carter ' ... . . .......... ............. , room residence, finished t1hrough. ,AJ1ison ...,.. .......... .......... .. ' out with walnut, a large bank barn, __ _ t he usual tobacco barn and outTOTAL . 4' 2 10 , houses. with winding road leading Waynesville schol>1s dlsmiaed up from the for Thanksgiving vacation, Wed. in true Little , Miami DCsda.y afternoon. Rev., Smith of Armed with a blr ran aad I mlDlature camera, tllils duok bunter style. T,he place is of r-are scenic the Ohristian Ohurch addresaed the ........ au bUDd for lome of &be wlnred tarreta te come along, This beauty, having a waterfall ' ,a J.le1'· /h igh school assembly in a Tbanlisaa," a eaapplDl IllDn:od wa. takeD OD Taw.I lake. lar-fiuDg preaerve Mrs. Lloyd Davis was hostesS, f ect amphitheatre, placed by na. giving program. School will be re" .UN! .orther. ,.11 01 Mlohlpo'l lower peninsula. Tuesday, to tbe Happy Hour Club ture in an exceptional sylvan su'mcd, Monday, November 29. at her home in Waynesville. A setting, the right ~istance above large proportion of the Club was th.e stoney creek below. and with. present . Dues for the year wer e in yards. of the. fall, paid and many items of business Deep ravines are on elf!ber Side of , . , were <lonsidered. , . the ancient house, while the creek ·I ( 6 Plans, were laid and · commit-' mentioned is within easy alstance tees appointed for the annual in the rear. ' .. Chr istmas party for which Betty ~rom the bluff in f r ont , one of A traced}' of the past, it Is be· down with 100Be gravel. , As the Oglesbee and Josephine Gons are the moat . beautiful and 10~arest Columbus, 0., Nov~mber 2'. It lieved was unearthed Tuesday as number inc.reas~~ the men sought hostesses at Mrs. Orane's h'Ome in views is to be hod up ond down is expected more tban 16(l0 pedlthe Wayne 'township road men tb~ source f roth which the bones December. the f ertile Little Miami Valley pro greed t'abbitl! ' will be entered in d Into th . el it th canle. . .The ·Oommittee appoj.nte~ to pel', l~okinl[ do~ on th s ol.!i Tele- t he show at Ohio State talrpeand8 u~ • e gray p ,2.n .e .i!!; . bout t' trI1m!r gro1J1ld, haVe charge of the Happy Hour grapb MUl, constructed 'nearl)' a here in connection with the con. clair .farm near Roxanna. right at tl;1e of tih!! gt1lvel Club's contribution to the program hundred years ago; and on 'the mil· of the Ohjo Stalle Rabbit No one ~U ever kno'Y the blltnk, a complete J!kelton was ot the December meeting of· the lar's :residence. barn, ond wood an d Cavy. Breeders' ..bsoclatiol,l) story but it is 8u.pposed by those ~ound. 0 10 e1' eX&lJUin~tion reveal- Moth er s Club reported the pro. house, which have. ·b een r~con- December 2 to 5. . . on the scene. that their findings, ed the fact that a1\l arrowhead was gram of t he December meeting of st,uctcd by Van Tress. Va.n Tress Accor ding to A. E. Hefh8rlnguesdaT1I"Oald"solve ~ mystery of lodged i~ the bl>nes indicating the Mothers Club r eported the pro is also reconstructing an old well ton, Columbus, chairman 'Of the a "misaJq who pushed that death. had beElD. meted on prepared. timb, cont igu?us. !O rabbIt breedine ,. fast out into tbe wilds when Indf.ans ' a man by a Red ski~. His tnends The program was composed .o~ these latter bUlldmgs, which Wlll becoming one of the country'alead roamed and slew the whiies who wer~ never. a?IA :to give fi~~ng readinlrB. by members and musi~, 8.oon , ~e ~inished and decorate~, ing industries, due to the ITOwinlr ventured too far bunal. No mdl'cations of a form· both instrvmental and vocal, was sho wlIlg on a small scale the .umfor moderately priCllIi far Tbe story, the finding of al bur ial W8.8 evident as the dirt t urnished by Qne of Waynesville.'a que decora tive mQtive, which will coats. Pelts from tbe bUDpias, died tahC8esto!o)rknirev·eon.,uiesS tOarbeo",.nmdadae was catlefully brushed aside. young artists, Mildred Oook; which consist entirely of Mexican Art- and treated. given rious 'trade .~. , ..... Several . teeth in the jaW' bone was much appreciated by the Club. craft snd Handicraft, of ~ch a 'IIames, fuhlished mo~ than 96 ton which the workm,e n unearther 'were sound and looked as ,thougb She was ¥companied by Mrs. copsiderable yar iety is now on ~j per cepts of women's fur coats In ..-they' loaded gravel. they ' had peen wldl kept dUriq John Gons: hibi.t in the windows o.f the 1diami this country, offlcll!ls, ot the ... ,Scooping gravel. ·our road build- life. lifo 'weapons oj: any Kind were Mrs) D~vis served an ice course Gazette. sociation claim. Most ,of th.e better era, noticed. few bonea f.lUng fou~d with t he bodly. at the ,close , of tbe afternqon to . "~r. Van Tress, long a r e's iq\!nt. felt bats t or men and women alao t members and guests. . in js.leaving for that coun· al'e made of r abbit ,fur. try be.fore mid·Decemb er to make There wlll be extalbits of rab-


Sixtv.ffve radio stations of the


Bogel' , ~" ..,., ...,.... " ........J. .. ~ F iTes " .. ..:... " ............... ,.." 1 ~!.4~ 5 ary ..... .,., ....... " .: ... ,......




boys by ::e ;c:;

~0:n:etl:dimabu:!:te:Or~ain~tnea~a(\Fe::2ns~~:' E~m~~~:;~~ n~e

tl . . .

.Judge Dechant fa Dot ezpeetAcl to OPPOIe parole for R1cbarda who will be elfclbe. fof fUOle in one , Upon word of Deicbbon and frienda R1charda Is declared to be of lood character uever in tragbI. before and bt' be .... put forth every eflort to pl'Qvld. for bia fauill, Of oeIeb\ cbUdnIt.

OL'I) TELEGRAPH MILL :~~:~~iO:o~igh IS BEING IMPROVED ...:'.: .:.:.:.:...=:... ':.:.......:.;: :.

and Camera

Funeral. Service For , M ~ . Me r8. ennle c une .Shor t ,ser~w-;;'e held Sat-

. one and one-l1ab: hours last Thura-

aeV4!~_~~~~1.~_d\ ~~



cord of of Alonvo Titus. 76. ~8ra of 8ge 'hud to epnal. Mr. Titus took ' his gun out for ,j







~!.rcaUd,=:.:.;:~== ::~t~!:~::! ~~:~":~IC~~:! .. ' ·WA·RREN CO~JNTt¥ · C()URT m~ ~,




HARVEYSBURG NEWS. !~daIJ:~~~::;t ::ti~;:B ~~~e:~~ :~::;o;o~s~on~~~~;'~~poUnd

'plate decoration of toe lor~er pro- Flemish gianli. The plAY il bred was the COMMO~ PLEAS NEW SUITS Dayton State' Hils~)ital Filed. .Ad. ject, the "'l'elcgraph Mill'! Tavern la rgely ~or while IqI,tlI, etc.-:-Dr. Eo O. ~ortoD. JOu~ of the dlaclplel heard ~e lAwta .. Drake, Ine., VB. Fret! 'u~ge<L insane. :Ap~lication for en· " Tichenor Tetumed proper. , 11ll'ger unnie!;l 8:80 to 9:00 . ~1IIIioli bJ .of tbia leaOlrBpokeli by ' . a l Aila. B Starke, trance to State HlJ)sp~tal to be Mr. ,!.~ t <riI .'tal Ftiday Mr . J. B. Chapman, well.known f~ make1'll and meat for maay . ..em~p. ., . On Th\Jl'lClaJ of what Is known Conovit Note: $106.08 and costs. ~ade. S~t~ H9sp·tal can ·-receive.. ~om . 0 ;IS . OBpl ;;'tiOD o~ Waynesville Real~J', .intervened· in hospitals and ~anitari~,1JlI becauae ·Dblner Ia '1. per plate. .. ~ .-uli'bb Week. 'ab1»ut ,88 Ja~es E. !Jurke, A,tty. hei:. 'Clothing:¥> ,be pr.ovi~ed,· ,00: ·('M~s. ?richenor 80. this sale. 'Mfr. anCl Mrs. We/lley .o.f ,the high p~rc,entage ~ Ilutrimake ~tiODa for ~1l1M1' atter ChriSt's birth and re-' .• Milclre4 K. DuChemin , ve1'llus In the Mattei of tbe Settlement ~ac 0 1S th . L.ltl Inn during ' Reece, forme'l'Jy f1:om.around lIam. ment it con~ms. A, gre maD7 retUl'lliIllf: Uai · ..1l4d~ co,t:ted. tIlen probabty lsometime GlenD Da€he~in for 'divorce, Ex· 01 tJt~ Estate bf ' )I'argaretha. ~oh. J?urn:_d at e • e • i1ton, .wer e the &ellers_ This big~y breeders fu~ish stock exclua1Yely e _ esteemed I family will be iased t o Inboratorl.e~ for 4tlq)erimental • ,card to b~ ~U~ JOu itt .a daJ, or MMi A. 'D; 50. John's' recard here treme cruelty fa the charge. Young rer, ~eed exe~pt ~rom inheritance ~lB a sen~e. . ...t__ ' "'0, . the onlJ one Of '~eae :worda of and. Youll4r' are ~e attor.ney~. . tax. Copy of aI~ entries to· be ~er• . , The t11.frd :~~.U15 of the n "". jfr-om our ,village life, where ,th~re pu~oBes, 'Fhe latest demand, baa Tbls lect~ II. nfnahQo a-.the1Wt IUPper just be Scott Wlii~re, Han)' Homap. tified to tax C,ommisBion of Ohi~. ly ,org~lzed Boo~ Review Cir daughters have peen atte!ldlng come l r?m gov~nme.nt experimeJloo , COgl'M ~ PaclIatrIca apolllOred by bJa eruClfJld.on. " Ellis Smith, cti,ton Clark. But. Inl the Matter of the Estate of cl~' wilt be held at, the ho~~f school, shc;>uld t'hey,decide to leave tal s~tlons u-smg rabbi" fot a • thII ,Bureau of, cbncl of It, f*:nf'1 QPropriatAI that John dette Whitacre, Car. Garner Roy John Fole}" deceased. Fr.ank C. MISS Collett ?n ' w con:amunity. P.o8lession will not pneutnonia,serum. , ' the · Oblo J:ltat. Of who wI, . ill CbrIat'S 'schnell, aerold Oarnahan, Anderson appointed 'E xecutor. LetRandall will a be taken by new owner until V. N. Lima, is , ...... The, Is . loVlIllro Hoormelr, Claude ters to iSsue Hat-, of ; "And " . March 111t ., except to, T. R. VandeTvQ.rt. .. the of Batler, . .ber ihIa applied pat- WilIon: Hurley Sama, Otto' Croa-, thew Foley. EDunI)n.....Bailey• .and The ,BII,ptlJlt !rlWlonar), poses of .0m4! ·Qf .his numerous col· aaoelatlon. WU'NIl COOlib Medical Bbl. OD ChriStIan ... the IOn, Darby, L;slle "ap;pointed appra1/1 belli l-{,C?vember at the and various personal . ef'tut ..I of 10•• ,(Mti john '1.:16- Joe Smith, va; .. en. : . . .. Of. Howard . Graham. fects. , .. are Welcome 18). ·'.. . , ,'" ' ' lin, Vei:at,! t. C. Haln.., In the the Estate of offer: ...' . '. I)' • TWo tbmia -of the A. Ac)lttir,man, Roy M. Olwnpney, Mc Clintie Brat;e deceaainB as d!,llclo!s ' . . MT. HOy..y \ . . , be t BetUI to QbrJatianI. Thili Wbitaae. )forrow Whitacre, ed S Clintic 'appqlnt4ld es, and coUee were . sery } e . /. , : ' .".,' '~A~ . a Brown ' and loaeOD .1;I ali ,to bh~" an4 ~ ·A,II. LeWls,.Walter Hel'DWl, W."E. mi~istrator. Letterll Teltament&rt b08~B8. . , . ~ Mr. ,and M1'8, Lynn Marlatt, . " rna. .,en, The ~DII, ,but e,aa juat .. aaUy ;mu~e, I1ester I)urham,!.;eo Woj to issue. H•.~W:. )i:eeker, Fred ' ,0. lM,h. C. G. Ra~~aU and aa~ s~nt_. Sunday afternoon wit li Mr. . ' , I ' t n in be' aPJIIIe4,'" or cm.kl, J. H. Ford, Me,en and John :HiDer appoint;.. ter. Helen spent days. last and Mrs. George ' , .. . .. ' ' 00 OP, ,pro - , Obl plied "to 'all Ohl1adaaa of W..rgoneT, CJlairman, D. W. Bish· ed :Appraisers • . " .' week in Van · Wert 81! guestl! of, Mr. and 'Mrs. Everett Bunnell Sarah '1. ¥urray, .,ed 7.0, Jean, a; , fammar With .i_;'J;De-' op, Howard ,L . · Cheney; Jobn 'E. I the " tter ot: 'the' Estate of Mr. James s k ops and family, and 9hildren,. Virgil and Oharles, ,"fid()w ' Harty Marra)', .. U T_..!"-, 't . J11 the An::' MU::l1 decEu d RuelH. Snipp. of Ta;e?ma _c· , entertable4 Miss Gi"son·and the borne of he,r nephew. ,Ra ,_ ........' -,.ainU to ' muatrate County, OIIiot B of Elections ; ~..emeson appOi~ .' t ed .n..~ "'d-:b'1Itw; .....atrix. companied them. !,-8 far Dine.. of - , :'-ftl_,_ . , ," .a8 Gr~n. Mr" Morris ,'Lewis' tor IIUP{ltl" , Sat-: " €on.ner, ' k. '. ~r. an •. "WiiIle bIB oo!ttem· U. ~\ Ruueu. c rk of W.rre~ 1n tb . matter ot" tbe -Estate' of ville. ".' urday .everui1g. ' " a 'Wee . ,'. . . ~ IB bJ th.·old ~fet.- Oou,n t,. Chio ard of Editions Lewis ;tibbB decl\ased. affidaVit Mrs. ' \J~nnie Smith, McOune, Who I¥!r. e,n~' Mrs. Herbert> M~~latt She W8!l ~~e i of ~n , C!h~ , - IrIrI. oot!ell ,..wa hell cia... tnea. ·fJ1IlbOli. .WDUID\ .J.. 1t nedy, In 'lieu of fn'eJ., ' . died . on Wednesday .,at \ home entermined , to Sunday dinner. and 1 a McODdJlud wtitcti.any sWe of Ohio•.and State Super· t f in ' Kokomo, was brought to ' of ,son and .. 0 • din. 1fe..' o....r tJle visor, and Inspe'!tor of Ele,ction8; ;In rna f,. Ot. the, lIrIiami on Saturday tor Those present were . I '!-"""' ~ Yet many lood .nd ain- and 'W•.D. Stewart, ChaimtaJj, ,M. ·Beach, d~~!IUIe,d. Sc du e burial betide ber , late husband Elvis ¥ichael an4' 2 P. M. the •• Ill., ~ abRat. , ' I of cer. toclay not S. IjQq, Jeaee C. IrIakwell:' RUB- of et..;. Ayp oved: Will 'R, MI=Qune. "Mra. McOane . Mr. E4.. burial in Miami JIar.riett • for the soU Conwell, an4 Edward Keller, Adminl8tator pro was a the HOD. John mon Moiu'latt. aud the hOst ana ' ton .' _tla.f 'OD 10 .oUaod ~ bJ, ...... ~b4!n of ~ Com~ittee for' opo ceed with ·Admln _ "Uon. Q~il1CY Smith, U. ~. Miniater to hostess. . ' . ' . JIortoIl, of C1nClmlatl, ~ God .. ~ to pUrp ,. posing .the Harlan Butlerv\lle VD. In th~ Matter of~ tbe Eltate of ,~..... '11), the middle ~igbties. ',' .. , trIaL 11_ tM dfiiCtple lD,uat, be lI&e Scbool ' DIatrlct BoDd IaaUe. Forauk. A. .. Sbe' w_ with the S,mith, ENTERTAINED SUNDAY r., In . . . . cd . . t q . _badt to ~ JII'OC'" P.titioa filu to contest the elec. 80 to be. P4~d to. Otto ar ~ Cou.~·4Dd Domer fam. ., ': : , 8uIlW. ' " : (Bee lint ." I tioD IUrIan 'l'oWDablp rqardiq 1aJa lepe. debtl to Mr. and Mrs. Helll')' pertquta,; ac:u'let lohn 16:8. , diplatiaeHa, poljomre1Jtia Uld ••nJohn the writ er who





Heal~ ~a_ ~ ~.mbel'a .in 4oun~

beC.... ~om




HoD '~


· .., a '




~ aU ~lng

~ ac_.. 11~>tn ~


Tes~m~ntAry MC~Ui1!.. ~obertqMooney, C~l'l J~ ~. M~tter oj~. Laura~,




uaI~ c0!D~ Hol¥~, n,~~~f!' /O


T~esda1· lriv~, ,.t8Y~e'. So:-Victo~, Soc'~ty ~he ~eet~ng l~ctiolls ~ome ~r:s. :rhank8jf~ng. pro~am. a~d glven~ :.n:~::



~8hton, stora~e'pu1" ~nd ,~ ~ec1'etary ~f ~,

presl~6Ilt Clew~d






lIrIr~, W88hingt~n


. . A. L -Vail .,.... 4IIMd

.. tINt . . . _ ...,.,.,. .


~ ' lleada .p~ ~ of ~Quld ~ ~Il c~

~ ~~-.~~~


tradi~. ~d aQtlIori~, t~

I ~P:~


$~. <Ho~~ ~1a$Dtiff oeo~

Na~ H~l~n






f;~~ ~~ ,




"j-:. .~edlatri. '

~lIInt1y l~itfulln


JA;c~unt tie



W , . . .. 0DIqan tMfIIl with the IOVJ ,,1aIela ... auhlDlttAd to au Yotera for ~ ~9D of ~ IIUIaD To'WaIIdP a1Id . .me . 11__ JOlJI VI1lap an.. OUt8a1Ioo1&. AI..aerU ... the

. . . 00..... of . . . lla1a., W'. ....... IM6, ..

&I'··'e • . ,

~!i~~I~=}nilili~! ::~~=~==

Es~e , ~

De~ts. Clai~B ~ ~::lB non .~


wru· ala~ ~

' "

",~ce d~rceas~ $=0.


the ,estate. . t:I\ the ~r 0t:~ ~ .of ceAled, Eata,te ltanee &ax.

' eertlfl~ ofOhl~








Har~ld 'R~thertord,

da~llter o~



. Mr. E. B. Daldll 'Who llaa 'beQ waite. entertained SUllday, fiov. the SeftleDlent quite D1 fa eIowlJ rec:ov:e~. 11 WItJl a famJly dlnneJ'. OJ tbla }(ormell Mrs. Lida Hatton Is tamUy onl, 2 of ~

~~ of fDm all eD~

T-. CoJlUllil.


clap at bel' bome "PJeu. were nbtwho preeeAt. Vie" / . ten cIlUclren



S'J'V1~s 'wil~. be .belll, ge~ater;




~~~~·~80t. ,1m~1~~ faniIU•

1eav~a ~iater, ~ brO~ ~ ~Qveral.lltec:e. n~beW1lo




~~~-----~--~~~--------­ Entel'e() at "h POllt!fi ' III Wayn ;il),~. Ohio, /IS S ' '11 1\11 ' •

Melnb I' S or Ohlu ~tnte Unl'l t'. lIity'l\ rccllrd-bl'eaking I\tlJdcnt liocly will be tlrri\'ing heInie till!! ~,. ck (Ul' the \lullRt,ion )lCl1iod. ,!:OUllt, Amonl( those fl'oll1 ' Lhi . ho have nt.tended , hio tllt.c thi yeal' III: ,: W"yn ville-Julian rabbI!. l:uk8v'ille- "~t'Rnk Pyle . ]lIranklin Hobel't TIamil ton, l\lllriettll Miller, ,John Mount. • L ban on- Eldon Blllltft, hlll'- ~ IlV. ~5, D Ie!; Guard, Edwhl l\~il I', 'R1t)' Sch-

'1"" 1\1 1\ U MIl t.tcr. -==~~====-H~t'Old D. Willi , Editor

- -.,- ---


==t;:"'_.. -


--===== = o. 112




(Lea I Notice.) NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS olle i , her by given to the provert.y <1Wnt'1' oC tl11!'"' Village of Wilynoa,vlllc, Ohjo to g t in iQudl with MI'. Shepard the En· glnuel' bf Lha." Vil\ag,ary Sew",r Projeet 80 thllt, their IMV· 0 1' I( Y" h us ('unn IltiOlll! , llAn h I en ted. rt j, ' be t to gee rn touch , with he Enllitl er at. {he tinic tll l,Hi W ' I' trench is tnrled. to 'be du ill f ron \; of t he pl'opel'Gy.

LY , TLE NE , W,.S ,I




,~, ,



•. ,



, ..


The ualtt\rly 'on!lll'en~'l' f ihit; chan.pC 'wi ll 110 helll at J.y[lll M. E , hurch, on ThU)' c)ay ve;'- I in, e. 2, at 7 130 ·wii-h Rev, '.I," ! T" rawf ol'd, til. tl.'icl .1I J)t, in ehtlTg~, II '~ isted by the local ) (\;tO I', R v. Hugh Davi ' (If pring-bo1'o. Bv I'yonll i!lv itec\ to t hi ' eJ'vice. e 'M'i-, Lee t il on <If 18 on s pen t I Corll gives tll'oml e of 166,005,- Thur (ia~ ~ ill) hi siljt or, r.1 r ', AI~ I 0 ' 0 bU$hels cQmpar~d with 1~1,- ice lark. ' I Q ' 5,000 'jJusheis in 1986 and 129· Iy:de Wharton ,mad e 11 pus-in I

--The Novetnbh· crop T'epo~t f ol' , 0 io Indicates Is 'gar crops of COl'n 5e ,beans, a'pple!l p~a'" , .und rmpc_ til n Were pl'ecii ·ted on mont h et 1'lIer. The iOl'eca, t f OI- potat oe h~ ~ ever, is substantially lower t il In on. Octob er 1, a ccol'ding to th.,; F deral-Stat<! Ol't)p r eporting cr -

Lo\' e land~Ann8 avis, • Mn on Rux Bnll" William iinton, N well Clal'k, Hel II Thomp$on, Ra lph \Toorh!" MaTt in


Ro , ,

Pleasan t' Plllin- HQwn~'d Dum-



Wurnel'- Bel'nm'd Ball. TO




Dean Stanley viii b e th speak. 01' ,~t a n ope~ moeting 'Of the WUI'-

h~~ ~e fiv~y~~ 19~- ~~ ~ R'hmon~ ~d. ~UN~~ I ~~~g~d~rl~c~~~~~~~~~_=~~=~~=============~=~==== ~n ounW~ub~cu~l'ondHe~~


. !


Lebanon, Ohio


• 1\




-tht!\ B ,!lll Dnd LAte.t



3 ! average, PI'elimjnary estuna.tes M r$, William l.)yk i/ld child- ' -:_,- -....-----r- - - -.. A f!sociation, Monday evening, MOTION PICtURE i l Jicate a. yield of 42.6 busbels per l'ell of Germall t oWlI sp ent Mon d a )'.1 'n Friday ~njn ul a unt'nll' trip l coming year- include.§ among other Nov,'- 29 In .t he Capital \'ro om in , ENTERTAINMENT II 1'e whkh' is almost 6 bushel a· of C~ark,~bl'd u sllnilu hr<l lll !lm'!w ; wit h Mr, ,Ear ly, ! t bhl gll health ducaUon, a fEel" Town Hall in Lebanon a\ p. ni. b yo averllge. COl'll ,IlI'C ham. .' , • J Mr. W!lllt't' Kcnl'il'k IS U ,1· cllto of tube.rculosis patients and Ali membcl'S ood :friends an! ill' _ ~ ,------q l' ite variable this year, especialfrs, A. L, • i4es 'V i iti1d T hUlI!- 1 , ~j n !t rt\!\' 11 II\'/I \~ l'I,\ ill ness. I' X~ I'ny. ' Ac(!ordhlll.' ,to Dr, R bert i!d to be VI'e.sent, Th . busil'1CflS I in the nOl'thern third of hio, day- with hel' duugh ~re 11:1.1: • RaI Ph ~ l\ir. Ill1ci !\It , Chal'l ';1\ Bunnell G, Pat erson of Columbuf,l, execu- m ~eting i CIll1e~ 1'01' 7 :30 . p. 1'n. 'iOT A'It- PUBI~ lC " here excessiVe ra ins earlier in the Hommell and f!l Mily in D n~to n. , I d Ully~(In w'r\'! "h\lI "df\Y ","(,lIi ng ,Uve secTetary of t)le Ohio 1;>ub~c N .. tt ~M ' Bank . as'on W-el'e detrimental. Outside ' ~r. Emm l:t Danie.l f , ! '~(rin- I (linn r ~\,Il'\tt~ t){ M,t·. ' anrt lJ.'_, lI ebl th A'ssoeia~ion, which has S.\lb lc rihe Tor Tho Mia.mi 'Gazette • , charge of the Selll sale through01 this northern 8,t ea, howevel', n a b spent Th lll's<lay tlnd F f ldllY Harn ' lhl! n'<'h ntl chl!dn m. IWIl'I . D, .WD , • E,tatel S.ttle t! y e1ds. ~re avera~jnl:\' quite ihigh. with Evel'ett "Jsl'ly, and fll n~ lly Il n ~ and l\h , Ke~lt'r Gl'uhul)l' out ' the s b!lte, th e year hold!! dis. WAYNESVILLE. OHIO I The forecast for soybeaIU\ 1$ -,~----......~ *-- _ lind d"Ughtl'.t' ,~i l3el'tli e ",el'e t in<:t' promise oi continued gain 2.608,000 bUshels on n prelimin, (L /{a l Notice ' , I ~nt 'dumed til din ner ~ un,dllY lit against tuberculosill in Ohio and ~ yield of 18.5 bushels pel' acre. ADMINISTRATORS " NOT Ie £ I the hVJl1 uf Mr. 11 1111 [har y (.;1 ontinued gcme)'ou/l upport on the Ask for a ' In 1986 the ylc:ld Ilveraged 15.6 bu' OF S~L£ OF BANK STOCK. ,h 1111. ' 'part of the p eople of the state in 6bels. ' ~1t~. ::)ll ltI 1,10)' JI ); INne t . a re h"w a gci:1I1 the h.J'!istrna elll ile will as~ MIAMISBURG PERMAN ENT , Buckwbeat yields are not quite Th e lind I's ig ned R! hal'd A. oa nfl ld, : t op I!l14 t.he ~;l1t r profec. your kOI (:. ure further pl'ogre~s tow81'd the CONClrETE ' u~ to average. ,Production is in- . nck etL and J ohn uckett, tld- ' with lJ ~1" d \I~htt'l" ' 11'" Vi h!'ini fro m Tub ~~ r cuI 0 s i $ goal of complete . eradicatiQn of Ai~ I Seal Burial Vault d lcated to be 330,000 bu hel com- milli trntoj's f th e tale of LaUl'!l I,. Tn, h llllJ faml ty. _ tubercul osis fTom Ohio. • , t Far Sale On By , ' pared with 320,000 ' in 1936 lind '}" Seal' elecea E'U will off er lor 11', ano ArE;. 'r he d !! ,Tvnes cn_ _ __ , " 410,000 . J>1l.. hel the fi ve-year, '01 a't Ure law ' £ric es of M a l" t CI·taiJt(:(\ t o n ph lISilnt elinnel' CHRISTMAS SEALS YOUR FUNE~AL DIRECTOR 1928-32. ,average. , hnll & MIll's hnll in the Allen ,'l\ lldny, 1I\,e l Ul't'r' s lllll'(,lIlls, fro ON SALE TODAY McCLURE FUNERAL HOME. , ,', Preliminary indications point to .Building :len i ll hio Saturday und 1.1t~, E ~}y,in Nu n oi HC~l'· ' n_ _ :..- , PboDe 7 WaYDen~lJe.Q Il potato Yield of only 82 bushels Deamhe: ll, 19'3 7 a~ 11:00 A~ t.erv ill , nnolln 11\ 'nt was m a d/! • per. acre complIl'ed with 108 bush- ,M. the iolluwibg' p€.fsonal proper-', ?Ill', an~ Mrs. O Ol'VC-r \fI' ,(:1; 1'ue:' cla'Y by the els In 1986 and 96 blJsh Is, th ten tv to '~'l't' n~L('nde I I hI! f UllE!" 1 0( Ml. L l'w lS .... ., ' li I h J\ • t' th t phon 78J ' ' , ., • '. . I 'll" 1(' lltl t . " fl/lOCIU ! n a year, 1923·32, avernge. 1 be mdl'20 , hare of a ital Ilt ingtl\.an on ) 1: ndu.y l,(turn un" th' 'N urren e~un t)' T\lb(!l'eulo~is ca~d crop IS 10,67 ,000 bu h e l s , p .1Is, '!lln'it, lcDat'R h of UI', '. 14 040 000 bushel I' n 19 StOCK of the WlI yn\1sb ! 'I It . ,1 , L'd , nd 1T I\lth A, socll,\t!on 'would B..-;n'~ -.... , , ,' . II n:\ ~J.I II I Uf""av nn" 1'1 uy . h ' ... lh ~ i ' --~--.-.--.-,~~~~------~~- ~-----­ . .f, 36 and 11 '35000 bu hel!! the five Yllle N'atlonal B a 1'1 k, , 1. h . l ' ' " I' IT uj.!'a m IIV,," CIlIU'Ile l'Cur ' ," , , W ' I 0 '" W'Itrl ~t' ('Oil-In , • rt,:, na ler ",en. 1 h . S I 1 . ••f year 1928 32 avera"'e. aynesvll e, IlIO, pur . k d f 'I . S tlt)\l ~ IsLnlos ell So e In t¥ snen , -, .. , , r iC . 1\.n amI y nfl(1 Oil a un ay t , Th 1 'II ']'h 1._ - ' Cl' beets 0 the blUlis 0:( n value 20QO. ('rtlf, ." f' u . d "1 ' OUIl '\ ' e ~a e WI open an"" ROOT FOR ANI1 CONSIGN I" .. ,n t "T 23~ II wns ",Ie g o, lit. (> , ... t , rt 1\ t ~, " ' ...... t' til h I' • h d 1 pl'eifminary estimat of (1.5 tons a e ,~o, . y. 11 Yi n N'll'dman ~ Rou "... . ~ IVJllg Iluu con InUI: UII l' S V' ~our Oattle, hogs, seep an ca V4!~ • • , to Norria-Brock Ct. ., live w and p r acre,' pl'omi e a crop of 188,Bidder are I'equested to ~ub11ft, ' ilbe l't \Yank '0£ C icago ' [1r;)gres8iV8 .ftl'Wl l'lr the ire big besl 000 tons· with 259,000 mit sealed bids' for said stock to UI'1.'ivtd at lhe hOme, of ' 1\11', t\l1d MI'~, ~tlwr a cket of WaYlles- market prices a.nd good service, in 1936, Unf~vorable weather dur - th~ uni:lersignad at. the ortie II of Mt's: E, B, tQ n ~a c l" Saturti ay, vill Will be thE hr istlllllS eal Union Stock Yard,' Cincinnati, 0 ing much of Ilhe early growing sea- 'Marshall & MOl'shall. · 1121 , ' wllnk 1m \! little Jjln mi hairmn.n. 'I'ht' ca mpaign will, Tune -in on lUldio Station WCK,\, son resulted in one of the lowest ealed bids will be opened 'a t Swank a,"com u;/l icd h Im home " ·(u.'ried llhro ugh' Plersonn<ll ~~~t~ttor;:d~. p. m, for o ur daU, yields per a cre on recol'd;. ~ 1 :00 A. M.! Sat~rd.y, ,Dec~mher ul\d ay unel' a \1lti t h e re, SOlll'll.atH~11 81le( schoo1 n es sn . Burley tobn~co produ~tJon IS es- 11 th, a which time saId bidders Mr, :lnd h ,: H \lbc-!'!; Pm'SIe.~' the ptllgl'nnl i11 ll~e couni y for the Leave name witq Miami Gazette for eatimat~. tlmated at 10,540,000 pounds com may be pTelilln!; and $hall have the and f~lmily of I"ran kJin a.nd .Jr, I .:====;::;====~~ ~ 1111. . . . .1 pared with 7,125,000 pounds in right to raise tbeir bid . I imd 1011'1:;, Paul Willi )IU, of Leb 1936 wbile tbe cigar.len! tobaeco The 'Ilnde.l'sifned administrators I I\;Q11 . wefe elltertlllll~d L() clinn<>1' " crop is placed at , 17,500,000 1'e 0rve tile right to reject /lOy ~nd S u nd~v <I t tho bOll1e of fir", pounds against 13,160,000 pO\lnd~ , alLbids: telms <;>f sn1:e: ASli ,10 % ~' cott,' E\,l!l'ett ' E. rlv 1111<1 d~a~~H--2.;:-::--\hd-zi;·""'V'f'm""''Dln-ttllr~'/~ , Hamilton, Ohio.· Phone 3708 last yeu. of the pU).'cba e price Will be ~~ tel', ' · TO ~IAKE C" 'Th~ ~ovembei fruit estima.tes., quil'ed ll~ a (ieposit on day oi sale,J Mr. enr! I'Jekei'in~ ot ' er1te):THIS COM MUNITY W. P. Wat 01'1, Mgr. Wltb 1996 prodcu tion "figures in and the balance to be. paid ~Yithi n iIIe stl 'n l llolt \\ "ek (It lh home The Safest Place On Eart~ parentheses, Me as follows : Apples ten cla.ys from date of sale. or Mr , BlI d b 'S, Kc:del' Grnham To Own .Livestock , 12,686/000 bushels ( $,059,000); FlU' particulars inquire of Rt~h- . lInd ailed 0 11 1I1an.)' Lyt Ie frie nd s (s Pea,~ ,992,000 bushels (384,0,90) j 111'4 ~, Sackett, R. R. ~o. 1, Way- t and 011 Thut tin y Ml·~. Pic:k.ering the Desire And Purpose and Gr Pesi 37,800 tOm (26,400), nosvllle 01' John Fl. ack.ett, R. R, II.nd MI~I\ Bct!lIQ~ Grllh am wete \.'n" of ~rou" Frank LeMay, Solicitor ltfilk production per cow in herd No. 3, Wayne. vjll e. " I l~l1;ahll'<1 Lu ; ix 'e1 ,eit ditlncl' /.ly' VETERI NARIAN • kept by ,Ohio crop reporters ner· Richard A. Sack ett I ~1r $, rar~a r~t J ohn., Ph 13, R 51 61R2 Waynesville 7 aged 13,5 pounds On Novembe,r 1; Jolm H, Silck(f( I' _...,.."",,~---.-!";--:--~ G





, . ,',Auctioneer




SATISFACTIO . Or N'o Charge .

, Centerville, Ohio




...... ••



i ..



True Ptgfessional ...


R"fl;~ !_ . "

compared -14.4 p.ound ,o ne f , t ire ' 1tl ),i»iiol' '" W:I,tki u;, , \'!lS a Uu),yeal' jlgO, wibh 1~.6 pounds two.9years Estn~e uf LA RA .Jl', I;ton 'l'lrul'sdllr ' ago, and 1:3.9 pounds the NovemEAR , dec'd. bel' 1 avera,ge, 1925-84. ~~A RSHALL & MARSHALL SMAl.:L A NI M;t:,-·-Ho~prTAL, ATTORNEY. ROO:M 0, 1 ¥'r, Jesse Pennington left Tues- .Allen BIIHding, W, O. Bow4) rs D . V. M. day for a .few days vi . ~ with bill Xllnia, Ohio, PlU'erlts near Leldngton, Ky. Noy, 25, 0 c, ',2, 9, Spriog Valley, Ohio





Year. of training , an<l experjen~' ba'\le ,equip-

ped our ataEf t'o rend'e r .; g~n~in~ •.Y ~rofe••io~~I" iter. y~cetin all ,o f , ."n~nY d~ta~ls' which make up a" funeral j




New Phone!: Installed Since October 15- ' . ' 7(r4 Frye ·Gilbert • ,Wssnes¥ille, O~io)7R. ~. 1'7 1'2 Rand~a11 C, G. , ' . , WaynesvdJe, Olho 1~8 1:3 W, P .. cA. (COrI>. o~ Wayn.~ ~a~es~lhe~ Oll~o'. " r Waynesvitl~, 'c:h'a nge Made Since October l,s.:;....;; . ' 128 r2 Po.J ar Plant, \ , 'Waynesville, OhIO












1JthC1i you






ele'ctri'c de~i~8 ' alo,ne would' have b en nOl.lgh ' tll p t(1ll (I tIlt· nerdy., Pilgrim (aUler and mothers. ncf ele tric WaSitillg m:wIJ il1f·. \.h."tt':!: irons alid ironers, el ectric 8weel>cr , Ho\~ tlH~;lkrl'tl a TI ' An ri" U1 1 ~IIH'I ('. ' wive~ would bavo b 'cn, for, these l~bol' a, 'r ! A.nrJ litl 'ru;Ho , . . i ;.rj~in;<A us eDtertain.m«}nt, new~; an.;d 't'dncation fl'(~m all ~~rn rl! " f Llil' ~1.t;I)~'. " , Tltie cOl'llpail y is gll;ld that'il i abJe to pl~y a r~1I1 iI, ltluking pll t: ihlt, nU , tI~e8~ 'electrical con \'enienc«:s , . ..,l1ncl ttl;; n ~ll)~e . hy uJ'II i ' jJ ill::; ~ dependable ele 'lric ~n'jce at 10',\1 C()~t. . '

cook' with

Modern Pyrofu M~8ic: Chef R,1lD8e5 Clnd 'd ~D, insl~t.heatiD. Prrofax Gns really make cookiog a pleasure. You bl\ve a ,fmolteless. drawer.type) broiler, arl, aJlQ~""#Q oycn ,Diltl c~eno, ' wp 'bumerL P,rofU 'G:u service cliI be yours. 11,0 matter wlierc you live. (or H IIttJe 'Il0nej.~ Jlqulpn:leot isJnl.ralted (or ollly $9,7 S. and 'the gas i~f ~'a.. llit1~ .. ' ~,. ~r 11l.nat~t petsOn, Com.e in thi, ~eck and R1~}'ofW' beautiful, " luodcro l'lIllge. ' " . ', ,) Her", II diJh .. meh4.qlin, lIS its _ "CROCK o· G01.j'! •. .4 .bip, lIou;' , few ,...toe pep{lei" .c eta J'(llb 4 ,bsp. Ito". I cu p milk . " , I cup corD '1 u p, .alr " • , " 1 Cull,l<orcd ch~ , ' _ . ' . eu whlre:). COrn Illld cb~! .pallle tbJlr tbe wbole famll, wJ II rue .blMlII J.PI bunet,

, ...lId fl.our. $1ll., Jl"dI, pepper, Add ~Jk &!.lIIItJlIlI\I, "~r~iaa"«laidAd,. Willi ddck, Add grnrcU ' dll!es.!. fAn.! siir ~odl melted, Pour OYer Ihe !>CRlen ~ ,olb,~dd om Qnd l11i);,:£II,' PoJ" tbb'. mi. "tu~e ' f"ro the .IlIB, b_~ W whiles,

POllr Into a 8 ' buke fur ,,~



~y ...(iUARA·~

5<.'1 FoUt.l';rofjll/·Maalc 'Cl\eE

ll:sl servlll~alcl" SCrYa 6.

OF,~)( TR40 E .... ARIC


OYCG III 3~" iW ' ', ' •


rE lit I£'''ICI ,ncf'HD THI GAl MAINI CQO.KING • WAU.".ttIATINO • Ill"I.I'~ION



The ,Ohio Centrar Telephone ~o~

THat's wh~ ~t is no'\~ the ell ~om to lJlwe turk y 011 Th anktgi "ing day. But did . you ever stop to think what. you!Jave,Jo h ' thllrlk flll for tilalllH" 'pjlg~.im8' didjI't h'aye : ,: . the mo(1e,r!l eJe tri ill ('I)n\'el~ien~' !> '~'hic h l()finy .a ....e. cODsi(lered neces ities, 1110. t homes bUI ~ hir h ~\'o •.l ~1 ,, (/\ c' h'l'pp uribeli'e ~ab]e' hlxurjcs.t~ our ancestor ? " . ' '. ' ·, Sight-saving ele'tric :Jight. £01" in tane _ 'Phis In t

of the fype which leav~s ~~n everlaatin,b C:09So1m, memory. For' m~D,Y years ' we haV'~ re ndered sincere, , - "' . .' , sympathetic aervic4! to this . ()ommunity t at ' modest . I: f': . , . . .. j, f\ , I', COtta baaed ent'irel>, upon the WIshes and ,ine~s of , .... J~ ' the fa~ily..






. ..



.,', .tub,b~' j*uniir~t·.othe



W'lmington's Greater End of Month ,Sale Has Atracted Witte Attention T roughout Tbis Area And eing Repeatea As Advertised On, This Page

End Of Month Sale F ent lJring u (,I'Ult p 1)1' SI) ll'lonnIJ! ' h ,(1 ' 1'01' \Vom Cll nllq hi1dl'~ n at ~l nIHii' "und {'l'JlI'i(' i ngH" tlwr t-'b.y f. .f t'lll g' vultl " Ii tt m ' 11 r HI 'avillg'Ii,

H J'e

Sill ,

Il l'


lwo 2 of t'b '

m a lty itcm. r'at llr ed ill


~9, · 30 . MOllday, Tuesday

Mt .



11 g)'! ,

New natic l'n &.


. ,

$1.8~: P ~! Ie ngth,



ver, nl11.1HI f i'om e lijoyed ),; gS M" Mrll,hete McCoI'mick nn d · t h B rown County Do~'1', who np I)ellred in el' on Il t t he Ohio Thutl'e in X nin In, t. W" dnesdny evt.-

. .' Silk Dress,/Lengths

8 1.2/ 4 I;l-n d 11 1 -~ yard, I


rom\)ineu- \ it h

ovember 27,

SZ.9' pair $3.50 and $4. 00

Thor ne' 5 Once-A ..Year Anniversary Sale

n i ng',

Mt\ tlml

Tt1e .'Lt:nd ·()f Month S!ll le~ U



WAYNESVILLE .CHURCH OF CHRIST W, , S mith , . Mini . te l' S unday:' . Bible ohoo 9':30 A, 1\1:, L o rd's Supper , 1 0 :4& A, M, h r istiun En <I ea VOl' 7 :0 0 p, 111:, L Ilde l' fo r Endeavo r will be linton DuVall, Pl'Caohi ng, 7 :3 0 p, M, rmon subj ect, " The G" eatnesl\ • o ~ ' cl'vi ce," " We dnesday : P,'aycr m eeting, 7 :45 p, M ,

H en r y' BU1'g . nOli children, ,J )hn nie' and Nan y .o f . Dayto n apellt SU nday wi.t h MIJ" L<' a tl l'4~ d By and 'Alhed orgun and il nughtel', BlIl'barR J eau , WILMINGTON'S :=~~~~ . ~.~~==.=~~===¥~~~~=~I.. M l'A, David Lucas hn r'turn eo t. her hom , nftel' 'pcndi ng toe J>lI!lt week in K n l ucky , with I ' . • RETAIL MERCHANT~ Will stud y the 4 t h ha pte!' 0 r rri nd s, . SOM~'rHINC 1'0 THINK ABOUT AS YOU R oman . M l's, R olund Wenver und ,o n, ASSOCIA TION Donnie, i . IIPcnding several d nys FERRY CHU~CH - OF CHRI ST with rela t.ives in Duyto n, · \', and ,Mrs, E a r l ' Marlatt Ilt~ H as )'eceiv ,d h a rty I'esW. , mith, Minister tend d n pou ltry ~how at ZimmeJ'- pOl1!'j e f ro m the buying pub- S unday: ,\'1311 l nst. FridllY ev en in ~, Bibl e School , !J la O A : M , 1 'hs. Hi l y Juson called on M,'s lic, IJ the mel' h ant Lot'd's up)1e l', J 0 :45 A , M, Herl) 1"l Mllrla U, MnnlhlY afte r- paliicipa ti ng h u \'e p1 a ed PJ·ea.chjng 11 :00 A, M, ve ry ef fOl,t at h e ir di spos a l Tuesda y : On , to make th eHe sales bona Bible study a nd choir pra cINTE RE STING FACTS FURNITURE STORE i. e niel'ing its ·2Q h tice, 7 :30 p, M, Will stud y t he f ide by g i iug " r ea l hon e t 4th chapter of R oman s, "A ll u pvalu ' , /I 11 li c..l ay n 'on- .ha\,il1g 2 0 ,0 Rq lla1" on the fi rst day of th t week, ! 110 . have l hl'ee eyelids, when the dis ciJll es came togetn- I rt oOI' !;!}H~ (} with VISIT I ' to bl'eak b!l·a d. P a ul pr ea chI T he LUl'kllY is the oniy spec i ' ed unto them, I'ead y to d e pa rt of poUltJ,y t o orifl'l nnte in lh , WILM INGTON Ullit('d I S~t ell, . on t~e malTOW; a nd co nti n ued II is ~ p e ec h un t il midn ~ ht. " REGULARLY • Act!; 2 0 :7 W illiam' T'ell~ occtlpied th e firs t FOR brick helU.. C! in A l~rj cn, . . WAYNESYLLE METHODIST CHUR'CH 'i'here a l'o senne nve hl111tl red IS 'pllrate lll usel in the human , u ndn y, Nove mber 28_ bOdy, ft :20 - Su nd ay cho ol ~ .."..;.;,~~~~==~~=:o= ~~~~~~ 'rh I'll is nough phq -ph ()l'l1s in .H -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ ..:-_ _ three old style mnt ch II to kill any ) 0 :40 Morning W orship, Su b jc( t., " Wh at ome s Ph t, " human Leing, y th botly \In (i :00 E PWOl'th L e ag ue t/l inK IllH)u!-th phosphoru, to mnk 7 :00 - E ven ing 'er-vi ce. ,0 00 mat _l_ l l!_S'_ _


E. O. M. Special, Reductions Ev e ry ft l'n1 i n I. hp ..

tOl' •

. . . ......


...,..,.,;~_: ~

t' Ibod)· ·NelliAl·Jy·made ha lf th.e . weight of up of l)1uscle , - - -'



l" i h live to b yelll'A of age,


th e



old liS 267 ( I


Fig ~l' ees will produ c e two cr ps

pons ort~d

Wednesday 2 :00 Woman's F oreign Mis ionlI'I'y ocie y a t. th e hOlll e of lit!;' . L, A , Ga rst,

By .



7 :00 - Mid-w e k i'vi ce . 7 :00 T hul'SdllY 7 :0 0 - O rche Ira P ructice :00 hoir Pl'actice




5 p r cent




H. H.W THORNE hio ilmin g t oll ,

We've joined in the Nation-wide Card TABLE l>ARTY to bring yo u t h is Na tionally Advertised

SAMSON Card Tables \' O!'df; and pi t:t u r es ean not ci o t h ·m .iu 'tic e, Dou b ] bra e d l egs

, t~~~:~'~eOf

. Ill ooth )' u nci . dg s

Pr ot t ea


01'1'\ I'S

Heavy s o lid legs

Largest Stock of' Chrislmas MerchanI .-dise i.n its' History



OUl' National Famous Mer chandise Lines in .this Sale H.ed!,l'rn ,0 I Ll'! ; G ag HaL', N ell y b 11 Dl'es fles, Id ill !! • i1k~; Btl iC l'i c k Pa tte1'1l8 ; 'J'u vadel' Prints; Cord I'll ' )1:111; O. born ;1 0\' ~ ; Mo<.J n l't Co)', t ; P~l'is ' a;\hi on ' h o.!<I ; Ca rt 'r n([ 1' W 111'; ' Wear-well



at I

UlliN'i t m.. 2;"), 51:), 7~ }l eI' eon !' OFF ,

Plan Christmas Shopping


R edu <; d

FREE 2 Coaster Ash Trays included with each table dur ing t his event. Reifularly sell, for $1.00 per pair. '

Bangham &Gallimore JUST A FEW

End Of Month Specials ..........


--- -

--,.- - 79c BlK. HEEL HOSIERY A ll • lol'J.\ a nd Hi z ..

- . - --....:,-- ~'f':' . QO

SPORT· COATS :::;iz s 12 t 52 all eolOt,

49c $5':00 SILK DRESSES

AH , iz f; a nd i::o loL's

- - - - 1-- - ; - -


T~e SYNDICATE Store h jo



Dt:)dge Is Ca,lIed' f; p'e d atid nlot(o n t ' hed in ~l c l , , , sty le t hat says t r n gth , , , gl'U C tha say, po wer a nd ' . 0 ) y l-, , . IUX UJ:Y th at In vo VCR com or, riving ease an d flllfc v, , , . "

Th 1" , ill a fe w \ 0,1'(1 .. , ~'O U have t he r ea 'ons why th e new 1H38 odge hel:; II n chd",t n · d t he "Ameri aJn B ea uty" of motor CHr . . Lo\' >Iy C la ud ette CoLb e r t, £ani.ou s Pa r a m o Llnt screen Hhl l', 'hl'iste ned the . car wh en s h e saw it a few \v ks Ilgo . " And t he new Oodg is in d e d ~tJl . " American 'Beauty, " by f il l' t he most bea,utiflll Dodge ,ever built . . . It looks t wic e its price, still onl y n f e w do llar more th a n t he lowest 1 )'i 'ed '1ll'fI . . .


t he 'men's · lothin'g atol' 'i'orm eTly kno~n as Val'eleman'~, Inc, W~s, put ~as~d .. Mond ay, t-tovemb'e l' 22, 1937, by Thomas . , ·South , of WIlmmgton . . . _ ' , • 1", j

Wilmin gton


Oh io

:Yhe business i , peing opel,'l1ted by , the new management the _name of Suutll and Baines' C g Store, without a,n y iut l'ruption of ar ice to the -pu bl~c. " ' l,mde~'


--- :Robert Haines, .Mgr.


. ;..-



Use It ReS·ol

'J tARRElv CO.

vObR7l\Ew,s 1P'

ww . . . . . . . .


H. B. Johnson to Frank Batsche. I Part of Lots 267 and 268 in Ma- . . - - - " ' - - " - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - -...,"-- - - - - son and .18 .acre In De.etI!ield Twp. ___. l!J1rY ,Bishop to Laud -4>"~IU1I".!!__ J_-......;;:;~----....:...,;."_--:;.----"---~!----.,,,....--~ and Mabel Bicknell, QM aCl'C franklin Twp. _ } - Catherine Rurupke to FTank Filuach, Lot 33 in Synde.rcrest Sub- ' division, Deerfield Twp. . ! Frank O. Anderson to Clarence B. Bowman, Lots 116, 117, 119 in ' Highland Park Subdivision of $. ' Lebarion, Ohio. Mary B: Eldridge to Edwin S~ I1Jld Sarah B. Eldridge. Affidavit of transfer. Property in FrankUn.' W:U1iam B. 'Fortlage, Trustee to I Willard V. P ierc~, 2 ~ lots in Loveland Park, Deerfield Twp. Anna Glosser, et ai, by Sheriff to Anna.. Glasser. 193 acres' in Tur- , tJecreek Twp. Harley J. Wantz, et aI, to Paul Tracy, et al, Lots 815 and 816 in I Village of Franklin, Ohio. . Fred~rick R. and Edna- nurge~ mair to Hewitt P. and Marion R.I Mulford, 34.88 and 6.99 acres in 1

on Thunclay. I. Mr. and Mrs. G~en Bland ud daughter l pent Sunday with Mr. aII'd Mrs. L. C. John.· _ Mias Mary Allen was the gueit of Miss IMliry Wellh on Wednes" day night. Mrs. Daisy SnydCjl' returned home Sunday after spendlnlr sevelal days at Dayton, O. Robert Good, John Whykle and .a fri~nd of Dayton were SaWr-, day guests of 1Mi'. and M1's. Robert Lamb. . The Gray families in Wellman entertained Sunday dinne~ th4I following guests, Eleanor Le.atibt of Troy, ,Bill Wil~on, Mabel Clark of Dayton, Charles ~axon, Mary Leath, of Wilmington and ,Jesse Pennington of Waynesville. Beulah Britain, 11 year old, underwent an emergency appendicits operation at Children's Hospital, Cincinnati, Fl'iday , nigbt. Last l'eporst indicate that the child is recovering nicely. Morton ROUBle is ve.,;y ill at the home of 'his daughter, Mil!'. Lawrence SUrface, Southwest of town. , , . Ronald Hardin, of Ch(cinnati, spent . tbe weekend with home folks. . Misa Roma Hardin and friend 1)1558 Helen Mangas, of Dayton, spent the 'week_end with Mr. and Mrs. T. SI Hardln a~d famny.

ed In the folJowinc' case~ :-: lA In ~ Matter of tho Estate of Belle Lewis, dece&l\ed. 2. Iii the Matter of t~~ Estate of Lucy,... Naylor, deceased. " 3. In the matter of the Estate of l\(ordeau J. Fur, d~ce~ed. in the Matter of the Gu,rdianship of FlaviUi ' whitacre, an. inaane PtlrJIon. November 24, 1937, at 10:00 A. 14. time set for hearing application fQ~ a guardian of ~he es~te Flavilla Wbitllcre. In the Matter of the Estate of Anna E. Sheridan, \ieceased. inventory 'filed. Hearing se~ for December 3, 1987.a~ 10:00 A. M. In tbe Matter of the Estate of Mary Wrigbt, deceased, Publication of ~otice of Appointme~t of Emil Wriglht as E.xeeutriJr. filed. In the Matter of the Estate of Turtlec~ek .Twp. Myrnn Lor, r.:; ~ , ' c:\ 'ce:' W -:lll UI1 too busy for love. Wlllb ni The Waynesville National Bank Harry . eartweU, deceased. PubliPowell as a hapl1Y'go-lucl<y nrtlst who IIv (! ~ in a 1'lIcCoon coat and to Leander S. and Anna Arthur, • cation of Notice of, Appointment a traller. Florence Rlce_ ~ 1l Myrna's IIttl o sister with ~r ulng s to be a movie ,stnr nlHl :Tolin E'llal as h l' mllquetoallt suitor form the of Emma Cartwell, as AdminU;tra- .64 of an acre in Convin. hilarious quartette who contrib ute t " tbe ' laughs and run or tri.x filed. "Dolflile Woddlng." tho com eu y,blt wh ich 18 schedu led for a In ~e Matte.r of the Estate of COMMON PLEAS PROCEEDthree day ongagement a t th o bC!o utlftl l new deluxe Xenia Theater In Xellla, beglullnlt SUIl .r y. Nll veOlher 28. John W. Scull, decea.eed. AfficJa... INGS . From on o rldl c lI! cl1~ ~ltll u tlon to another. the eUec~ of which vit ~f Publication of ~ventory and, In the c,se of the State of Oh,iQ Is often !osl beell l oo ot loag nn d loud laughter, drow ning out the Appraise,m ent ,Ued. versus Harley Frye, Grant Shatfer ' ' ensulng lincs. "Double W ~dd j l ' ~" p:'orceds to Its sIde splllting cllIn the Matter of the Settlement ~ appoinnted Guard to assist in max. Resides tho 1)r l:; C :ll ~ l:; tIl,) brllliont a.'1 l Inclu dcs Jessie of the Estate of Ralph. B. , Parka, transporting Frye to the PenitenRalph In pnoth l' or he:' In' " !~ : I ~ t1o'.Y~~'\ r r I ~c. FJdgnr Kenn edy as the dl1mh P"U!1 ' ' '1 1' r n hen ' II Ilor, :V1:ll'Y GordOn, Katharine deeea"d. Inheritanoe tax deierm- tiary. . MOTHERS CLUB TO MEET Al exnndor. ' Pris cil la U~ W UOIl an.l l;ar uott Pa kor. ined u ' none. > In the case , of Charles WeissThe Monthly, Mothers' Club meet In tb& matter of the Estate of man versus W:. W. Whiteker, et aI, ing will be held December 8, at . Ralpb B,' Park, deceased. Compl'O'o a judgement was granted to plain- of a limb did Judas bang himself? Anyone havinl~ specia. news of the Grade Building. The FriendmUe and payment' of claims order- tiff for ,500.00. . ' It must have been a dead one. See any kind may call Centerville 72 ship Club will be in charge and al,l I~ the case of Hel~ L. Bizar, jlatt. 27:5 Act 1:18. Upon wh.a t F4 and it Will be added to our col entertaining pro&'Jl8m bas been ed. . I In the Matter of the Estate of a~ infant, by h~r father and next kind of a branch will you Depend? umn. planned. I have' purposly Jeft 'out of p~int Mary E. Shurts. Amount of in- fnends, Welton HI~ versus W~heritanc:.e Tax determined as none. ter S. Cowan. ~otlon of plai~tiff the scriptures of this leason and THANKS'GIVING .to set aside verdIct, and for a new their connection tluil I .may have A-lJ th~ .eave.a have tumbled down. Schedule of Debta filed. In the matter of the Estate of trial overruled. more space for comme.nt, and to U-nearthly stillness aU around. Anna Mitchell, decea.eed. AppralsI,n ~e Cue of the State of Ohio 'give the reader an aJ,>pe'tite ' for T-hank~lving time III coming soon era a,ppointed. . versus Carl C. Ooyle. Case ~ismis- searching and studying the same. J1~nder a big round harvest moon; In the Matter of the Estate of sed upon motio~ of Jll'Osecuting . Your comments upon my ,to som,e it seems notbing Joeeph H. 'Applegate, deeessed. witness. .' umn will- be gratefuly received by l'IU'6Certificate of Transfer ordered. In Case of Carrie S. Monfort the editor and myself. N-othing to some-but to me, 'God Beulah Donnelly, E.xecutrlx, filed versus Albert UUum. Oase eomproGEO. S. MASON, J. C. Hawke will spend Thanksis near. her final ucount. milled, settled and dismissed. "..Mason" Ohio. giving at the' home of his daughBRINGS ' In the matter of the Estate of In Case of W. Cbester Maplej tel' and hush¥td Dr. and Mrs. T-11anksgiving ill a ' time for love, Lida Smith. deceased. Private sale Executor of the Estate of W. F. RalPh Vance of 'Wilmington. H-appine!l8, and thanks to Him ' of penonat property approved and Eltzroth,.deceased~ versus The Val MiS!5 Marata Vinson and friend above: ', Mr. Lealie Bar~lard ,o f Dayton A-ll the bleuinga sent by lovconfirmed. Howard J . Corwin, Ad- ley Packing Company" a corporaIlled I'-t .... d· fin-' ftion, in"" ·min'--·Af, ~,.ov... ] d et al, the defendant ~vlng Mr. Luther and Mr. Cad Osman :,ere call era SU , r~dBY 0 f Mr. and .... hand • •• account. al e to comply with an order of 'l Il'f8 J wm W~llte N.ature's beauty, rich, warm ferIn Matter of the !Estate of the Court, de!e~dant ~ill not J>e Zimmenn*, called on Harry .• , . . ,. tile land; T. Reeder. Inven~A"'" and a,llowed to in.trodul"" boot.~ and pa- Fordyce Tuesday morning. , MI'. and lin. E. L Thomas will , Geor..... '" ""'# "" Ai> tertain th Ii' h'ldre d f K-ind friends whose love for )'ou . ' Rev, . W. C. Smith attended ~~ e t :. I. n an amruns deep; . appra.iaement filed. Time for hear- pers ~ eVidence. ina set for December 14 1937 at In·the Case of Lew18 and Drake-, the Executive Committee meetibg ilies on ThanksglVlng ,day S-taunch friends who help you 10:00 A. M. " Inc., -versus Fre.derick StBTke and of the Xenia Area of Churches of ¥r. and -Mrs. Orville Gray wi11 when the path is steep; Ada B. Starke, Judgement to plain Christ, Sunday afternoon ~nte~in relatives at a Tha~iv- G-olden 110tea of a winld blrd's UoU. EST~TE tiff,for '106.08 and costs. Mi!l8es Betty and Shirley Mardis lD~ dmner. . song-TltAMSFERS In tlH! Case of the State of Ohio of Springboro .made the confession Mr. and 1Mb. iJ. Lee Hawke will I~nstnling cheer when tblngs' lloacoe Este~ to Tester Estep, versllS John Richards for Murder Sunday mQrning of their faith in have their childl'eJl with them for wrong: torly~th1'ee hundredth. of an . ~re in' the first degree. PlaintiU hriBt and were baptized with the dinner on Thanksgiving. V-oI~ of cfuildren, happy and gay, in ~ TwP. ed "NQt Guilty" to charges of ~irat tlhree wh!) made the good confesLaat year ret experienced the I-n merriment lifted in carefree WUliam Beigel, a wid,ower" and and .. Second degree murder sion a wee,k ago here at the Ferry CQld~lt ~eathC!' elf ,t he ye!'r on 'and cplay;: 1.1 0741 Beigel to Nicholas Drescber. WIDCn said obarges were nollied church. nesr Thanksgiyi'pg. , It looks as N-umberleas bteuings , for which, 65 aeres in Bamnton Twp. and defendant , plead ."Guilty" 'to Mrs. Al Cornl,ll1 remarked that though tl1e weathel' might be the each day,lIelen..B. Robinson Harvey to Es charge of Manslaughter and was her news was just, "My, but have- same tbis ~. G-od, we thank :rhee, in our humtel J. Wrig~t, 'p~ of ,Lot N!1mber sentenced to the Oblo State Pen- n't we had some winter?" F. B. HenderiBon and family ble way. • 876 in Franklin TwP. itentiary for a period of from onll The Ervin -ThiOma.ees 'Mere in will spend Tbanksgivinlf in Ham- ~ One -autumn many years ago, JQe To'd or to William Milton ' to 20 years. Orgonia Sunday evenmg. . ilton, guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. the Pilgrims weT~ very happy beScearce ~d Grace Jane Scearce, M~. and Mrs. P~rty Faul and H. Schoeler. cause their harvest bad been abulid 1~006 acrea in Franklin Twp. t MARRIAGE L1SCENSES son spent Sunday With the Miss Sue is sp nding a ant. Th.ey set aside the ,t hird T)lul'll Joe To'dor to ' Daniel Routt and ~errna:n Hering, 30, farmer, Ginter fllmily ill Mja~i8burg. few days at the home of Mr. and daY' in No.vember as a day to give La~a B. Rou~t 0,988 acre in Lovelind, Ohio, and Miss Alberta Beca.use of the illness. ~f little Mrs. Forrest, GI'Bham 'n~r Lytle·l tlian~ to 'the Creator tor Franklin TWp. Penney, 19, of Foster, 'Ohio. Ethel Smith, the Rey. W: C. Smith . Mr. Orla.nder lJ~h~iton who )Vas good fortunea." , .' Aaron Wright ..l1d Martha ' E . . Morris Harold Pric~, ,24, Elec- 'family didn'.t 'make their Thanks- injured severll' Dlonths ago is, , ~ii1C~e that timi!, we have observ:Wright'to 'E stel J. Wright, Lot No. triea1 worker, ' Lebanon, Ohio, and giving trip to :Virginia as they bad much U;nproved iiL bealth. , e~ Thanksgiving Day once each 7 BaUentlne Ad41tion to Village of Miss E'mma Mer1~, HQrnback, 18, planned. The baby is much be~iFran~ StanabtBRY is impro:vinlr. year. Perliaps SOl'lMl of UI are not 'Franklin. , Telephone operator, Lebanon~ now, however. ' Mrs. ' Shirley Allen of Detroit, as thanJdul in tho.uwht and' actio.n Jesse Gustin' to Joabeph E. Gus- Ohio. ' MT . an d tLlLP • J " T-homas 'ru!l:l!. were Michigan will spend Tbanks&iviDir . as We Bhould be, ao let'. atop and t~ and 'Mabel ,Gustin, 85 •• 2 in William E. Broedling, "'26, En- the Sunday dinner guesta o.f the with her father Alonzo . Titua. tl1ink for a motnent o.f all the Olearcreek Twp. gineer, Dayton, Ohio, and Edythe Lawrence Thomas famUy , Mra. C. I. Satterthwai~ was things we have recllived dUl'lDe the , Jo'bn B. , Thompson to ~ude E. Mae Rhoades, 24, Secretary, LebMi's. Nan~y P.ope..plana to return s~oppi~ in Cine:!nnati, Monday. past year. " . Wittlinger, Lot 992 ' and P~ ~~ anon, Obio. thIs week to the home 'o.f her da\1Mrs., Wal~r I1:'~h ~s ,s pending ' IndivjdusUy, 'w~ h~ve received ~ Lot 998 in franklin. , . gitter, Mrs. Wali1~ Elliott:: ~ . few, days, 10 , (l~cm~lo~U so as to nI~hY anji v!-ri~ua. ttllDl$. Aa ~ Ro~, ~orbln and SlIas Corbin to Mr. Amos ,Williams, 28 Factory Miss Julia GrushoD Ilnd Thoptas be near ber ' ds'oghter, who is ill, coun~, !lan be ,tlIaaldul that Marian ' Corpin, 102.'16 acres in Worker, FO.r t Ancient, and Miss Fllrdyce· were the ' Sunday supper !n' tIle hospi~l, l~tlere. ' Jwe ar'e.'at peace ~th the worldSalem TwP. ' Mary Stegemoller, 20, Lebanon R. guests of the H a n:1 Fordyce.'. ~ui8e 'Zimmlerman of AtiHIna" talat <We and our lqyed ones are not George' B. J<Jlu)80n to Allen ~ 1. Mrs. Grace Pennington Smlt,b O~o, . ca~ bo~e to speo~ 'J.'\ba~ks ~ufferiDa' ·the miiery, of W:~t ~ Huffman and Harriiltt Huffman, Mr. Mark Parker, 29, laborer, spent some time witb her plU'ililta; gtVlftg.. , Yes, we dO' have .. lP'eat ~an)' Lo~"ll and ,12 in Stokes' Addition Franklin and Mi!18 Mary Jordan, the Henry Penn iNion's, the past a.t!:r. an4 ~, Ralph ToU . of ~.tgr': wblch tel .b. ~, to Villaa'e of Lebanon. . Franklin. ' week. ' · ~uhfngton, D. C. are visitlDlr don't . MolUe Winnez: to Flo.ra KcKinKenneth Sim~on, 22, grinder, Our sympathy fo.r t1b8 Coy GOO. ;Mz•• Toll'. pue~ta .Mr. and, :&Ira; • , IIey '" ipterelt in Io.t 88 10 Vi1lq~ South Lebanon, and Miss Marian ams, whose 'borne and contents Ben.ry Satterthwaite anc;l other Of' Morrow:. ",. ,' . ' Kuhlman, 26 factory worfer, burned to the ground last satui-- relative.. .' . M~ S. B,a~eJ to Clifford ·E. Kings Milla. . . .day about 1 :80 L Mark ·Rad,en o.f Rodaen Turne, • and Fannie B. Tu~er, . T. 0. ,Glosslp, 37, mill worker, . Mr. Stanley G~~t of Gr,e en.up, SimpsOn Co.wl~9.· hsi , been UI ~ P ta f Inl ts 2'8 net S" 1 Leb.... somewhat ImprdiVea. . . , ar 0 . 0. I a ., n ,~ rank.lin, and MilS Virginia Park- Kentucky Jlpent the wj)~k~}ld 'vii:Mr: and iin., ,' Joaeph TIMe" anon, Ohio. . ,. er, .21, Mill worker Frankltn. iting W. C. Smlt'b 'and family. ·Hr. # . A. B. Tuz:per to Slc~ard ROJ Es FTed Holiveger, 23, steel work- G{aft is a former resident of Pee- and Mr. and ~[ra. WUllam .Lawtea, 109'" acrea In Wuhinaton er, Franklin R. R. 2 and IMliss Op- bles where Mr. Smith was the mini lIOn left TueiIdA'y fo.~ Miami FlorTwp. . al Boladay 20, Franklin. ster. '~ , ida to spend the,Winter. Wardl!n B. T&),lor ~d Sadie '. ' .. . The W. C. Smith family &pent Mr. ~nd kn. ~ St. Taylor and Sadie Taylor to. John INTERNATIONAL 'SERMON ••• Tuesday .afternoon with the _Coy have m~ved -~ .thelr. new home In S, R1~hardson. Lot 42'1 in Frank. ' GIIlJlms family and spent Wed. the Crou p'ro~ertJ lin,: Ohlo. . .•. (Continued Fron Page 1 nesdlJY with Mr. and Mrs. Paul MUtenjbeqe.r and ~D, , • GUUord E. Burgess and Cante wards ,the o.ther disciples were pur- Spitler and f~mily. ' MtJo, and . M~ Grace L. S~tb , B~ess , to Grigsby ~ral,ldet and Wed .at pentecost for much fruit. Charles Mullenix of the Earl~ ~e a bU!Jine~. ~lp W l,';enrJc, . P~ Cral,lder, ' Part of L9t , 871, Some 't hirty-seven yelU'/l ~fter ,~ Elevator at Lytle 'was :delivering a 'm Franklin, Ohio. ' " In ·, great mercy for a sin cura,~d load ot coal to, Perry Faul. 'DUring . .Ro~oe ES.t ep to Jeff Monk an~ world though tbe instrumentality his maneuvers he backed into the' Ida Mon,,? , Eart' of two aere 'tra,ct of ~itus the Roman general and hiB well wbich h~d only a ·'board tOp in Franklm Twp. soldiers, sacked Jerusalem, destroy on it. Mr. Mullenix was' rescued, in "WVden B. T,aylor and Sadie .ed th~ Hol~ ' Temple,. done away, due time and continued on his way Taylor to_ George Ublenbrack and with the typl e~l ' sacriflce and made none the worse for: ,his experience Sadie UhIen))roclt, Lot 228 hi MacIC a new and Iiviut way posarble, Beb. ' ~s. Ethel Faul and chndre~ tnaw· Mdl~on'ii, to the Village of 10,:20. . . ' . and her b)-other, ,H enry Burgess .' T~e frUItful grape Vlne'_ IS not cal,led ' Qn Mr. and ~ Lawrence FJoanklln; Olii~' l«dla Throckmorton A:sh~ fo~ all In t~1s ~e~on. There jl' ,a pa-- 'T homu and family, Molllay. . merb' 'Lydia 'A.Nckmo.rtOn, and tbetlc Plctur? aJao. D!ad branchell, . Despite whau.ver reve~ ' U1 GeOrp " "II. ,Aahton to Clarlaaa withe.:ed b,ra~ches, dead ones tak- of UII may have su'Uered, we .maY iJ'UoeIaaOrtoD • 18815 aerea In en way wi~et'8d ones bUrned, find lote to be thankfUl for thia Jl'nakUD'I'wp. these fia'uratlve branch~ mean Tbanlaigiving, ·We. .ven have . .UItI.. to Frank Welt. htfiiian· b,lnga. Yea, some snow,-it it-doe.D!t-all tnelt: in I'raiildin, Ohio. ~ mean hu~ beings ,mo A. Happy Thanksii.m.r to ~_ J_. ,Jl_IfOl~ ael O. ,. Dwa- once were' GhriatIana 'but now dliDallllfo.lrd &llilN~ eel up witbe~cf There arejuattwo P. I. ThoJnas will be :..JI,,·- - 'p _rortl. acre In kinds of branches In thla 1811On, to Nturn to her papUa ID about .f.). one Is withered dNd uafrnltful. tlro weeu and . .te to tIIaDJr 1lMI"~lnJrw' 0Id0, 'l'II. other .. ~ 1"U'Pd tor D1ee .... -*l ImIcb 010.















FOR . SALE:- Spotted Poland China Male hogs. Double immun ed, good. ones. Only a ' few left. Priced for quick sale. ·0. D. Shee han, Waynesville, R. R. 2, Corn.



FOR SALE-SeveraI odd pieces of furniture, BOme antictues. Also 'a house for rent. Mrs. :A. H. Earnhart. Waynesville, O.


Its rowdyl ~Iotous' Swell!. ;. os she lOVes her sister from hi", ... end I~ee"$ hi",henelft

FOR SALE-Open Wool Ram. . Lyman Day, 2tp. T AlCEN HAUOWE'EN - Childs Fire Chiet AutomobUe. Finder please return. A. H. Stubhs. FOR SALE-l HOC , House size 16 x 36' x G in good condition. AU' ,oak frame. ''Roxanna Ganning ~o. Waynesville. 8te. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT AdIDI~.tratCll' witb th. Will ,' Ana •• ed.

Gen'l Code, SecR. 10509-6,-7 Estate of Delilah Everilaft, deceased. Notice is hereby given' that Ross 1I. Hartsock, whose Post Office Address is Waynesville, Ohio has been duly appointed as Atlministrato," with the . Will Annexed of tbe Eatllte of Delilah Everhart. late-of Warren County, Ohio, ceased. Dated tibis 9th , day ot November, 1987. C. Donald Dilatush, Atty. RALPH CAREY, Judge cOf the Probate Oourt . _ Warren CountYj' Ohio. (Nov:. 11, 18, 26) .






' El4Dk










" itl•. I ' yrna .nJ Bill I





Berbert Lee Bristow, jJuDly..a'e yeara old. o~ SI&luda, Va., ",bo wal reoenU,. naDfed &be Star Farmer of ~erlca and ",warded a cub prlu o.r MOO at &he annual ooave.aUoD or Ole h&ute Farmen of AIDe loa In K.ansal (lily. Mo.. sbens com from Ole cob on bll 203-acre farm. Be reoelved &he award 1Ill'eoolnltlon of bIa Ane work In IIlacml h.. mort- · ,aced larlQ bome on a paylDc bub.




He's America's Star Farmer




--------.- --- -

a D






Four Are Killed In' OBITUARY ltARREJ~ co. WAYCEHANS PLAY l\tOvement Started ,For Automobile Accident Homecomini hi"MB:Y · SARAH BRELSFORD f~.~~L~~~~~ ISPRING VALLEY SAT. -================

IlEAL !ESTATE ~rRANSFERS "1 hearcl • voiee from hoaven11 . R.e SPRING VALLEY TO PLAY Four yo ung men are dead fol""'-_ to • --'te--bleued Wesley Reece and Li ey ece, The Wa)fnesvO~ H.. ..,~. un m_., to II L. V 1'1' 88 2,0 ac in After resting ()ver Thanksgiving lo\ving an accident, which wrecked .. ----•• ~'l-D ,wblch holels --~ .... the ,dMd 'Who ;'l,y "Ie in .a'th the Lord • ToWDBhip. an ess,. res '_I"mni ~the car in which they were riding r.. .. _ th Wayne V'IIeation, ~e V8'rsity and Reserve Ua , annual ,baDquet and meetlDga from henee fortll. ea ... · e G . W B h to Cla teams will again show their powers On the Wilmin gton Pike, aoout 8 o FrIA ... JllPt of -Commencement , Spirito-that thef ~y reat fr om w Beo~h 01::"" MurcS~ 'th drLoenc~ on the home floor, Saturday night, o'clock, Saturday night. The' dead "to .lLe'i r labo ' ---~ .. the l .. worka do . urc . ' IUOO. • ml an u, ~eek, baa .tatted • mOTement Wi i a W . V'erb ryka, LIIt N o. 230 ,m when they play the Spring Valley arc Orville Casey, Thu.r1 Hopkins, ,__ f l'a ...t.a.~U'.. " in.tereat ~me of tile Qlder e _ 0 avW w.oom. M Oh' ~ teams. J pshua mack and Kenneth Hodaon to lriduca their me~n to "tul'll Sarah. Brelsford, dauahier of aaon, 10. . Harveysburg defeat.ed Spring all of Bellbrook, Ohio. The acci• ' tTh ' nd An B Isf rd ... Irene Berger to Emma Bermce to the "'.D~ ~ llt!8'C~~~81DNJi. f B. B. WU~1OJl and fuDi1" b OmAa W· ':, tho lw2th .... Moore, Lot 42 Snidererest Sub- Valley two weeks ago. Can. we put Mr, and Mrs. R. J. Williamson dent oocul'ed as the car d.hltIi by ine lut Il&J' O. ,.. _ ........ 0 • om i n arren "ou'r' e d" . D rf' ld m hi ourselves in the same class with left for t heir hom e in Cleveland Hopkins went out of control on a ~_ f .... - e'·- of Mr. end Mn. R. J. WUJiamion f J I IS.... d liv d in that IVlBlon, ee Ie ~ owns p. Cblcago, meu....,t 0 -- . R b rt, Mr d IlrL Ita 0 u y, v .. an e, Thomas C Tarter and Mary Su- the Moassie T'ownship Boys? . curve and struck a tree: Casey was Sunday morning. 1886, wrote~ . letter auaea~C and BOD o. an same county .t' the time of her ST' FI S 11 Come to the game, Saturday, at dea d on arrival al; Miami Hospit1~f\·S . Charles WaGeof Mr. and t\at the 60th claM b. feature<l and Brown wer.e rueat8~t the home death at 3 :30 A. M. Tuesday, Nov. san nell, arter. to orence ne 7 :30. Give the boys your support, III. Hopkins died about 8 :80 o'Lebanon spent Thank giv ing with allO the 115tb. Around the_ ·two of Mr. and M1'& Harold Wil1l&J!1~ 23rd, 1937, at the are of 76 ),ears, 10 acres m Hamilton Twp, The Waynesville School ba,nd cl ock ancli as reported, the two 0cl..- eould b.e,ceatered thO!' of d~~ of Dayton for Thanlr.ttriTing 4 months and lladAra. COMMON PLEAS will march through some' snappy their parents, MI'. and l\'frs. Ra~, ,thcrs, the next day. The machine mond Wade. the .ame tene.ratiOD" A co~t- wner. On JanU&r7 lOf, 1890, she waa Ethel Mell88r versus Jessi!! F. formations betwe en halves of the was a complc'te wl·eck. ' tee waa -appoihted to ~ti~ulate ~~- . PlIof. and Kre. 1.. A. Gant and married to Hania M~rray, who Caudill, et al,-For partition of Varsity game. Beulah Bernard will The members of the Eamhart terest in thll w~rk! la . eonliatiD~ daqbter Ip,ent kaei~ day preceded her ill death abeut 12 ~al Estate, O. Donald DiJatush lead the players through the let- family cel ebrated with a real of lIIr. c&rtwriirht .. ehah'1n&D; with M1'& Ganh miter, Kr. and yean ,aco• Thanksgiving Dinne.r, The host and DOUBLE FUNERAL TUESDAY ~. and Nichols, Speidel and Niohols ters, S. V: and W. lIln'. OUY~ AUaa Braee, of W..,~ M!rB. He~ Plunkett of Trot-Ten yean after tihelr Dlarriage are the Attorneys. The Wayne T()wnship Teachers hostess w~re. Mr. and Mrs, H aTOld Double serv.ices were held Tllesa nwrilfe, aecretaTJ' Herbert S. vlar wood'. . , , RaJDlond Conner, a nephew came Jam~ Fituilnmons a minor, by held a 'lJJeeting Tuesday night at ,-""nnnur'L_ Those present wel'e : Mr, uay aftern oon in the Presbyterian ' 110 e 'With the Mur- Laura Fitzsimmons pis mother and the Grade Building. Miss Reeder and Mrs. Car.! Bobb anu son, of ch urch at Bell.brook fot Orvjll~ wick, YOllQltoWll; lin, Ruth H. ,Mr. and M;1'& Oeorp SmUll to ~ h~a t ... _a'L. en d 'Olnclnn.tI r.,., the and ' l\lIrs. Ernest E arn. Cascy, 25 yeal's and Thearlc HopWaltOD, of Da7to1l, and ....... ~ Ecli·" \'U apeD ....e w..... IU 0 f • -~'IUa mo- ne xt f r i en d, versus B 'Igi e 0 0 11e tt , gave.a told On Teacher Tenore aXenl'a,' nMr d li. Hawke of WapeaviUe. , The the gueata of. their daqhter Kr. tiler and IOD relationship that baa action for damlg,es, Bm()unt Claim- Mr. Braddock reported on the com hart and famHy of Mount Holly, kins, 26 years, T11 e young men .. d -3"000 ts CarI Ab ae- mittee' which investigated project- M ' r. and Mrs. ,u'-dl'son Earnhart died fro m injUl'ies rcceived' in 'an committee baa a ......,. teD .. OUt • and'U' _1'& ....... ~1P Zep.... IrfOwn atroncer with th e y~ e,. u. and cos. 'm .. __ .... ~ 'U" W. B. Allen ·"d 'U'_ and ...... _ I Oye ....... _ .... ..:A _1_ CU"' t.arU the attorney• . lettel' __ ........ .. __ ..~ .--.L_ U"11111 . .muano _r. "nlla _ ou t to env....,p ing machines for visual education. a:od faml'ly,' and Ml', and Ml·S. Al. automobile accident which oCcur-. al a DWDber ot, ~ of the lOla lin OIiUord Brace were In Cin- Ellen aa abi" Jou,ed tblI hoaaebold Charlel A Hinsch and Co" a cor- It is hoped that the school can vin Earnhart and sons, and MI'. ed Saturday night five miles north portant eYe lit and it la eq,eetecl ciDDati 'o n Thunda, tile £'lest. of aDd the tlu'ee ~.n ,wllo anne p<lration u~aer , the Ohio Laws, et raile enough money this year to and Mrs. Emersan Earnhart and of Bellbrook. Hopkins who is a that manl will nturn. The 10th Iti' aDd lin. l'illael'. " to bl. . their hom... at v~raU8 Scott WhitsCN, et aI, for purchase a motion picture machine f amily of Waynesville. nephew of Ed Hopkins will be ),ear el...~ wOl W 1888. ne COOla IIWa Cbar)otte B,e spent NYIt " .. back to- ~11 family group temporary injuncti()n. Alfred Hol- for class room use. Mr. and IMIt·s. Jim Good, of Day- buried . at Bellbrook and Orville mltt.. baa deeided, da~.... to eral~,. 1aat week 'With )("1111 lIel. that "Aunt sh~ waa .f- inan is tbe ~ttomey., The next meeting of the teach- ton, spent t'be week.end with MI'. Casey who is well' kMWD ~ere "NUl etart with 1~88, _1O ~ 18 ... 0aatlD of Utica, O. feetionately call", JJJ' the entire Blanc::b Worl~y ver;'us Harry L, ers will be held early in January, and Mrs. Robert Lamb. be buried in Miami ·Cem.etery he 92, .. the .1rf01IP center!. Uollt . Kr. and lin. A. B. S~1)be en- co1DDluDiq, cami aa her illn.eae Palmer, et aI, ~gnovlt note. H. L. I with Mr, Brown in cbarge. Mr. and Mrs. E. L, Thomas en. i~ survived by h!s, grandparents, the IOldea jabUe:e clalL "nle .11th tertalnW Olli ~vlna . D.,., overeame her f~lI~r atr~ and Whitacre and Carl Abaecherli are Mis~ Gehring; who was injured terlained at a fa mily dinner, on .hlS parents and a SIster, year clau In 1868. Tllerefore. th" Kn Stubbe mother. II~. A. beN she wu tenderl, and lovingly the attornqs. ' in an automobile accident on the Thanksgiviilg. The guests were . \ cOmmittee will &tart wIth 1110t aDd Gerhart and dauehter Ruth !If eared for until 'abe paIIe~ into the Elmer Wbitscr~ versus way home' for Thanksgiving vaca- their ohildren. Mr. and Mrs. 'Myron MRS. CARL SHERWOOD DIES ~o throUCIa 11111. DQton .nd . . E. E. ~m Gnat Beyond. Kelly, et al. Action for partition tion, is expected back the first of Thomas, of Mason, Ohio, and lIJlrlM'I·s. Carl Sherwood, Itge ,60 Tbe offlcen of tM W.p...nue o( Germantown, IIr. Stubb. moA true aDd loyal meml»er of t1Je of real eatate. Hayes and HayeD next week. No bones were broken ry Burnett and family, of Lytle, years, died, Monday, at her 91Q~ BIats Scbooi AhUlliai ~D ~. )VaJ'llenUle Kethodlst Church. . the attol1leys. . f but it is' understood that she suf~ Oh~o. here. Funerhl Servicea , 'We~ aN Ro. 1IartIoet. of W6Jll.....le lIr. and Kn. Rar Kat.oul epa abe at. .,. did ahara end more Reaaon Davia versus T~e Balti- fered a severe shock. Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Lamb were held Thursday P. M. at McClune eM of 11111 prteIchll&; lin. Clara tertained ,cueata 1'rlels, aruI S&t- ID &IIJ of the eh~ tuka rej mOM aDd Ohio' R. R. 00., money The whole sc11001 wishes to ex- guests, Thursday, of Mr, and Ml'S, F uneral Home, , .: V_... of &be __ eJ..." Wn.aa. urCIN', the pat. Friday wen 111-. witJt lOod -.voIlE ~pll~ed. and COIta. Young land Young are tend its sympathy to Miss J H. Smith Survivi ng here at'e her , hustiq,d toll, Ohio. 'fl. "lIldnt; lin. Em Mel lira. 00nra4 . llainooa Uid Tnly ber wPdo. and Imowl~ tb6 .ttorneys. , . and hopes that she will soon be able !\Jr. '8lld '~s. John Lemmon of and a son~ Morris, of CoLUmbua, ".lIcClure, l1U, ........." and 4aua6tara Reba aDd Imosene -.. Will b t l . " b, ~ J'ou~ onu Mary Patterson yenua J. C. Pat- to resume her work. Dayton entertained at a family'din ,nnd two Sisters, ,Mrs. Jennie"Mul-. Oeorp , treu- ~ DorotbJ EJ1aoh of Hamil- .. ~ moat take up the load .. tenon, et·. al. for alimony; James CONDUCT COUNT$ tier on ThanksgivinlS Day. Mr"and len, Ferr.y, Ohio, and 14rs. Mint,Jie Uftr. . tal, aD Satarclq 1&. lin: these older ·worken z.e.m their E. Burke' fa the t!torney. When parents receive their child Mrs, H. E. Stokes, Mr. and Mrs. Reeder, Oenterville, Ohio. .' It baa .... ' " ,...... for." WID. Bmlth .nd children of u.s. reward. , COr,lMON PLEA! ren's grade cards this term, .they Ernest Hartsock, and, son, Mrs, time tUt ... Ill. . . . . . . , die old- lltoD, 1&. and Jba. Edwbl Bub1' A flrDl beli" In a miaion of In,l the eaae ', of Oharles ,Otter- will. see figures in each block, as Ollie Mendenhall of WaYJlesville, MC ':l MER ROUSH DIED FRI. er eta.. di. nOt fttan to W..,. and BtUe daap.ter ~etty lea~ ed IfOOd dMeta prompt,ed her effo;rta man ve~ AnClo M• .Buck, et ~l, well as the letter( which shows the a nd Mr and Mrs. Clarence Dun- IMbrtimer Roush 8.1 YWS '0141,DemDe fol' th. . an. . . Praae.. Balmer of vmeeni, In tJa. Ladie!B Aid, 0* aehOoI ~ dilml8l8d Itn motion of ~laJn- W(lrk the student is doing. These ham -of Lebanon.. passed away at the bome of bill IarplJ bie ..... ~ of ~ ~. • . ' 1I0ther'e ~1dI IDA 0 ,1I}IiJ.tb~- tift.. J ' ;..IJ~ , , figures cone.pond 'W ith tbeDumMrs, Edith Hal;ri~, Mr. Bms dAughter, Mr&.' Lawrence $arfaee, OWll ' Ift.ndoa aN DOt aUimd to III'. aDd llri. R. I. 1fitIIilrIao:n I'Ople work of ~ COIDJDun'ty. 10 e ~ 0 '1'11e 9~te of {)bio, bers on citizenship cards which are Mosher, ·Miss Emma H-eighway Friday\, P. M. Filn~nl semc.. . . an, peat eateat. In hta aDd MIl Robert aniTed .t the . Bemainlnc to 1Il~1I1'D ~ 10. V.enul John ,R lebatda, AI Scliwartz now attached to each report card. Mr. and ' Mrs. Ronald Hawke and ~ere held Monday ·2' p. ',m. at the Cartwriatlt eaaeate4 .that If .. hOlD. of their pareata It. B. :wm~ aIld reOlelllber ber kindly deeds " guard. .' Sixteen different traits. are listed, son, Frank, and J. C. Hartsock and Stubbs Funeral ' Home. Burial iD ' WeN 1nlow'D tIaat ~ D1lIIlbft of iaDUlOll aad tamUy to spend the ' bel' foatei' IOD ADd IdaoIbIn the caae of liltaDbbe Wo~le~'some deairable, and some un desirof Milford, wello Thanks- Miam'! Cemetery. Survivors .re thON who atteJUl.. llehool ~a ~• .....,... tier, BQaaad .Dd Ellen' COnaer lI4n'y L. ~ilmer, ·e t a1, lud- 'able. If the, student is doing comguests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas one daughth, Mrs. SUrlace, one period: of teD reus or 110 woald II.. ~ Miranda spent and their chUd.reD, Leo, Ruth aD~ . to plaintu!f . for $889.89 mendable work, his attitude- will J. Mosher of Edwards Ro~d, Cin- son, Lyman ', two Step-10M, CO bact. It WoD,14 be quite..... ~ daJ;, the peat of Sara. tIN one'alater, I(n. Job Fox, costa. . b~ marked' on the card. If he is cinnati. Dallis alJd Charles Boger. Det to draw tho.. who ,W 1Nt 111'•. ,Ud ~ Harold Becket. of Jllamiabul'l', O. • brother J()fI.. 111 the ~ of ElOise Fry~ va. dOing POOl' work, a. number will be -====================~=!:=~~ eaellderaW. iIlt.NIt. Pu.rttlermore 8prtae Bruch. iD-. aDd. ¥no h . Bre1atord of Dayton, eevera! HB!'Jey Frye, p~intlff granted a put, on his card which will indicate he .d eclared Giat i\ ..~ aafortaaa .... Auu., of ClnciDnatl, Ohlo, Dlecea aDd JMPbe:w. aDd • host of divorce. . the reason for his poor work. It is :J for the iehool tt.lf that .. the 'WU8 &lao peet8 '.t the Becket In 'the case of lfary Hlatt versus sUJJROsed that the type of work a memben Ilf paduaUnc '~ Celesti.1 Hiatt, case dl'Dli88ed ~or person does and his conduct go The beautiful, peaceful town of grave yard of their own, located ex.. oldU'~ dJd DOt~ _d- lIr. ad lira. 'Br1aD PreDdftwant .o f proaecUti~ln. hand illlihand. , ·· ; ,.,Harveysburg was found a lovely farther ' down this beautiful ..... , be nbaptt.d. 'W'Itb . . old IHIIooI pat &lilt ohDdNll, tof MARRlA~ LICENSE In o~er to .avoid cluttenng up place in which to live. Rhoden Ham which is still being used for butial., apirit. Be latated there ihould be. were, ruMtll over the w.ek-end , Mr. Raymond Farquer, 21, Far- th,e assigne,d sQ11are with toomany was the first to discover this pret- The colored folks also have . two '1I10re cordial aDd indmate COD¥' ~ ~e and IIr.:II... ,PreD I P,'lt oat to .... " mre, WAynesville,. Ohio, and MI88 numbers, ()nl~ the ou~bmdlng ty place in the year 1816, when it ot their 'own in , the .u;. betieeD tIw ~1UIud Aeaocia\ioq ~ . ~ . But auCh a tide aa moYiDg,aeeDla Ge'r!aldine, Rlckar~l, 20, ~n~lin, traits, good or bad, 'will be m~ed; was still a wilderness, and t he In- lage, and corne in crowds fO,l' .mU. , ADd the m.Il SebooL' To, tllat end, . Balph JiainoUlj of Dett9~:1Iicb uleep: . Ohio. The pupose of tlie, e~ra marks dians roamed' there and bu'ilt theil" around to worship' 'ther~ \ ~ h' " ',l!IIIi4 tilt hope 'that A Hieta 'i8'e. the week-end 'With hiI T~ la11 f . ~uDCI pd foam. PROBATE COURT is to show each parent boW hiS campfires .which glowed .through ;, I The grandson of William Ia.w8ehoo~ A11U1l1ll .BefUillee 14...., ' Mr. aDd BAr 1Iain- When that whiCh elrew from out Jil the matter .~f _the Eatate of child' behaves jn school as well as the dark night in the foretit&, long living in the town. He is r.tber .... could be "'llIhed, Promoted au4 oua.1In., BlIJ'IOJDe Botner, of Vin tile deep Thomas P. lScott, deeeued, Estat:e as how I),e- knows his. Bubject, mat- befole it became a village, lthoden ed uow( and owns he only drq - 1DInta.... h~ the ~Oll, an. ceat, Itt., elater of IITto "1l0~1 Turua ~ home. relieved , · Adminiatrati~. ter. For after all, subject I1Jfltter Ham 'built hie cabin . there,. store there. He is Charles Madden, added to froID tim. to lie WIllI alIIO • week-end in the TwDJaht aDd "ulna b,eJl-,Meryl B. Gray appointed OommIB- does COUl,\t, but no more than 'bow Twelve feara later ' it became t he Some of the. 'Antrir,n de~8I,l~lUd. farth.rmor. dD_ted , that If at home. ' ' _ ~d after that tIw ~t doner to uecute i.nstr.u~e~ts as to well a person is able to , get 'along property of William Harvey, whose are living in California. At one • ', eOlll1l.Ba~ ' J~ ~unua~ of . • • ad . ...... . ~ ~. BJDta, of ~d IdJ ~ere be ~ .ad:nef18 of transfer of ~perty., Re..,~rt of with his ~ello~·beings. . name it now bears. The following timc the Ibome town 'had a'l'u"lvwIIC~I epDl.ait Oil, the plat;i' ~t I'la1n t th& "~.; '. , flrN~eU , , . . , Diltribution appr~lIved and' ,proceed year ,he laid out the village and sity, but that hna l()llg~en Sqq.. .-' form tlit,mcluatlu., e., and; cl' With II . '41:: J' h ' ftc> • WlMIo ~ embadto Ings ordered reeol:'de~: I ' , homes 'began to be built there. He In the Town todll,y; there are , ~ p_ ~ ~~ ~~ ~II, Cl~':.. :,. ., ~ D )' ~ ; 'For ~o" fro!ll out' oar. ~~rne . 'In the mattef ' ~f ' th~ ~te ' of [VA~~G'ELISlIC then opened a store, as the town still living the descendanta 'iI'f ~n~ • ~d~it _aid do lila. ~ '. ·aacI 'lin. JOlaD ' ·.tIme Gel. place . '< ' WUllam A. Aunker, MC!eased, In- [ It . continued to grow, and many 'of of th e f'rst se ttlers.SptPe liVe promote ill. . . . fa til, ,*lIbel ~ , ua4 entertaftae4 The flo~ mq beJr,..e f, , ventory .pproved" PrO'Ceedinp or~ ' . " .' the.' settlers came to trade ' with the ouiskirts, On f-ertU '; ~ , ' · tote;ju.e.·~. to~ttr.m~.. " ~, ~ 'BtqI'OJU . 1, hope to eee m1 Pilot face to recorded. , • • He would drive to Cincinnati which have made beliiituul":'tII ' cl~~ . ., ' .i . ~ t.Vlaceit, ~ ana 11ft. BAr lIam.. f,;ce . ~ .. __ " fl~~e m&tt er ~"htl;1e , (;Oaridlan , " for ' his supplies, and would often flowers, Some of the flist' b~t If • inalllbtl' " . . _ " When I haft eI'OIied the· ..-c. 0 "'I1IU,Ces J e&ID... ... 1II er, a m !lor.; . be gone 'sevenl days and nights, houses aI;e ~tilr standiilg, .firm aDd , __ v .... ~ J& ... .& . . . . . . . .U Bl'oWD ~ aDd I(TeDD7BQn) ~mber I, 198'1, fbed as ,tI~e since' the only way he could ~eadl' sturdy' tOKAY. Some o( 'tlie h!ul4 " tara a __ ~ :t:~ .-,;...t;i~ ":"" ~.. for hearinr appllClatioD for aPPolDt: On December 5th, a two weeks th t C'ty b d 't h d till"' " ~ ,~t ~ til. po.- .. w ....., - I IIOD. W " . - . . , aQDdar, of _e~ . mentot G~n. ' en,,{angelistic campaign will sta~t . a I was . 'I .'Wagon, an I ewn oors ,are s In ~ce. aftftDoQa ,~ ~'t PIWe .' ~ t ~"""~ ~ ~ Orl.., of ~ f:+!~ ~, aPP~, In the matter of the Eilt6te of at the WayneavUle Chu.rch , of too w~ a very small settlement at sleepers under , theseIl6J1118.. ~ J t~~· tile Ow.w.;,10 to .,.., CUlClDtenDle, IDtertalaed. a .. _ ...., ,Wtlitacd' VlaviiI. Whit- ,Christ, With. ttle local minister, .W. ~~at t!me. Harveysburg was at one large tree trunks,snl!lotbed .on'O•• ,\ . . . ~ .... ' \> " ,fa8aJl diD.. '~ , elatlo~ of 1 the 1IlaJIJ,' . JdDda.... .. .. .~.. t , . ml h d' th ' h' d time a very active business center; side to w\1ich the floor boird, aN ., l ',- -' ~ , ; - . I ,. • - - u dUrf3I* ~ DIn_ .aDd die,:\ al1· ~roeeedingli C. S t" OlDg e preac Ing ~ In the sixties the pork-packing act- nIIiled with old fashloned acili~ death of our AUJI:~\ .." ., ..' . " Clin~on ~~r,: of Sa,b~a, Ohio, iVities df th e Antrim ' brothers did headed iron nailS" ,' \an~ the ~k ~ ~,:.p eMu.CIi" ·' ,<" \ jL J.. CONNER, AND P~Y. In ,matter of ,~~ Estate of 1~!ldlDg smgmg and chaJ~ an iriullense business. The place slill clings to .manY of the aleepna ft. ,Wgi8ml!e ~. ~ . ~ Wrldtt, d~M&aecl" ~~llto!Y pIctures. " ' .. where the plant stood is still call- yet. The doors are ' joined ~ ,w\U loW tIIeII' - - - , CIl~ JeIID'V. . . Lacy. PUf;qr }"O~ , BALE >- , Ni~ .fat , J'O~DC ordered reeord~.,·,. The public 18 cor~ially lDVJ~ ed PQrk. alley, though the plant has wooden pins and shoW''th'e ~ Of ,~ ~ I ,.. .. ,~, ~ '8u~: ~ ~~IDI, tI'OIIll to • PQula. ~ In the matter of ~ E8tate of t~ at~en~ ,t~~Be .se~ces and a Ipe- long been,gone. During the depree- the hand ax-e on them. TIM. fa oDe btr ,til at . . .,.. of II.-; Bar- 8:10 _ 8~ School " pure , maple ' aJrUp. '.l0~ 000 E. ~, dei:eued, Proof Clal mVltatlon IS ext.ended ~ the sion, ~hrough which we have been house owne(f by tJie StulnP"~ ~~. ill, LJt& • • • Of 10:10 - 'lIondqWonhIP.,Sllb- ~Idll. ' t • ' , o! Pul:llicatlo!llloi ' Beufe ~~Uff, ePurches on the folloWing nights. passing, many people who could which in th'e beginnb.a- ,v..... loa' ' __ . ' ~ -:.~ of ~ '.. ~, ''Do Y~a ~ i __ God," , ',' , . " .. .. Admi~'fatr"tor. C!rdeNd ,~C!ord- Sunda.y P. M., Deee~ber 5th" Fer- not get work for love or money in house, bl,lt .l~tet: ,it :~~. a~u. . ~~ , ! ' ~ ; :'<: .;OO ~ ~ LeaP'. - ~ Jl'OR s.u..&-1II111 Ponijac Coupe ~, , ' " . . ', 1')' Church of, <;:~r.lBt. the. City, found they could make at made to it, and the) oga aie '~ " ' ." i , • ,. , . . ~. . . . . . .er ' ~ FID., ruDblc co~ditlon. l~ tN ~att~r of the eiJtate of MondaY, Wayne!Mlle M. E. lea!t' a living in Harveysburg. eli . with wea.t~erboatdin.. . "JICIQP~ .cauaat, , ":00 :....., ~ ~ ~ . ..~ ~Ml""'~ II~ "o~l. O. W. Sc~lI~ ~,ec4!~dl Proof of Tuesday, Lytle M. E. , Since. the very ' beginning, this heautiful old, house Witlf oPtn 1ln,,;1hIeO.d, S...., ID~ ~~ ~ J : • •~ ' , . ,1 , , • '. " , of" L.; ~1 Thompson, Wedne~y, · W.~ynesville ,Frl~nds . beautiful little village has b~im no; places in: it. •Back; o~, ~ ot $he ~ ' J~r Bob , ~a~, ~ ,W:~:, .l ,'~, Home ~Ort BaDa!t '()rcle~(Jfteorded. ' '1\I).unday, W,,:yn,es~l1e .Episc,opa,\ ted f,?t it'lil kindly, and ' mAny h~,u s'elJ On Main"StNet; .tbj,."..- . I+-!~ M;,10~IO A.: 1£ 1'00 _ JIri-c1IiIp Cl.-b,. tlae No. A 1, ~ . I ftiC!e In th. ·matter ot.- ili" JJltjate of FrIday, .Mt. HG1l1 M. ~. . . a frightened during the war natural , park., . woodJaitct.; ,aIIIk ~ "hOiae of lin'. lobD .PreiatoB. AJIID KiDa' ~~Dt- ~. 4. Allee W~eh, "deeeaaed. ~f_ of Satur~~y; Lebanon Church of . the North and' the South green pasturea, deep .h111a _Ifla , ......... . ~ )mil.... anel ten- D. HoI.. Up PubliCAtion of ¥.~aeUa Sn~p, ~ ' ~t;. .' . there way to freedo.~ by the lows. At tlie loot of th~ hl1l .u ' . , ~Borll _ ....... ""'.' ~Jd . MIlt enha..... . , , Executrix, ordered recorded. " ' We not onlY. in,.vite you . to at- kindness shown tnere. TheY ,knew wthich tbe viU"" ,ltQcIa' flc)wa ~" . ~ ~ ,.~ 7:00 Jlld..1r. . BenIee , ' t ' , FOB 8~ tabe · Croata)' In the matter 'Of the of tend 'on the' 'nlght a88igned 1,out if they eould only r~ach this Hawn 's parkling wateritof CUau'. dp. ~ II;' , , ~ .~.." .. ,ap. ~ o"~ IIarrp MII11'~."; ~·.·rroqf .ot c'hurC~ 'but come, eter111iellt. , they' wQ~ld find ~riend8 Wh~ ~ould a b,eautifUlatre~ . wlltcK .t . . . , I • ~~taa. D.: 00l1et. PubBcatJOD of ~=Ie~ ~"OU~ .' The following IIC!rmon ' au})jects hell' them ,an~ hIde the'1l until the ?~nng ~es.:vy, ra~, Iiec~ . . . NY '"'~ &'~ . . . ,t , .. ~ecu~r . or ~o e., f · be diliCull88d the first week I ' dlirknesB of mgpt came tf\en torrent. t" .' .: . .. ',' . . ' . ' . . .' ., 111 tlse '1II,a~' ,of ' die Estate, 0 , ' ,I;'. M., "The Kina'~ MafCh- ~ pa88 Nsem on to 9tbe~ , The S ·Hill is a "'O~~d " .,... ~~.., 8Ioda C&IITU.y , ~ 10 lIEn ~. E. S~urta, d~e~d, Scbad- i~ Orders' II. . . who .would ' see ' them across ~ut prev~n~ the b~ ~iI. AnI.... ,1I' BaIL...,.. ,. " , " ft. N... ~ will : - of ~d . Jl'onday ~'Doea ~1ia'i01i PayT" < border-where beedom awaited stll8 'hrougb the ~ ....... , oi 1M .."...-:~ 1:00 P. .. ~". 11ft. X. .. ordered •...,) • '. Tueadaj, "Sevft Detoura on tile them. ,of the reaj.~bts Not. ~ptll!Io ,-)0 • . A. ~~ In \tbe matte~~ Estate of War That Leadl to Hell" 18 a verY old gra~e-.yard the)' do Dot want _ _ ,_ _ ... .,-: Well aIiiqId. . .. B. D. !~~ d ~l be a.... WedeeadaJ, "Th. Coat of back of tlbe ~den home on ad. lion all ba... 4. . w.r. tIon .' .treet, w~OBe headstone bqra not need the .._.".- 'II......L 0eD11'8 B. y: UJl8, . . A,dnlID,.. Thunda, ''U It WeU With Thee'" d.tu OYer • hundred Ye&l'l , old. the, Bhre~;'=== of the of RDer Loat .ue-S...." There la anotber .nv..,-ard jult about· ., ·toIt!IrJ;' _ . I , " ' , Into Daqer" aero. the AYeI\Ue hOIQ i"'b ' a·"ool go;&I


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~ounty Basket Ball

. tate po.itiona will be con- required by law to plac. !hem on three key cities. Oleve- all bottles of liquor intended for

a.i~".....lLf.!·l'lJ1jldi!!(I in

Columb.u8, and Cincinnati, on importation into Ohio. I December e, 7, and 8 b~ the Civil _ _ ~... ' _ _ _ " l!!DteJoecI at the at Wayne&vllJe, Ohio, as Second Service Oommiaaion of Ohio, it HARVEYSBURG M. B. CHURCH Complete., unofficial, baaketbell Dec. 1-'7 Sprin,boro ......... .. .... . 10 .... Mall Matter. . schedule ..ol- each-cWanen Cou»,. Dec. 22 Alumni' .. ,....; ~ ...J .. ' . announced by Comm1ae1on Geo. H. W....., . . . .t ...~ High Sch901 is give,n below. Jan. 7 Kin,. Mllla ............... 'A Chalpnaa, Carl W. Smlth. . The 9:80 a. m• . Public Worshipschedule Is as near correct as po.., Jan. 14 Muon .. ....... ''' .......: .. :.. 'U ~sta will be .hllld f9f ~mmandant, Sermon "Jehovah Proridee"-:-alIo HatoW D. WiDI.. Editor sibl~ for us to ob~ln at thla time. Jan. 1G P'rankun ...... .. ;..:......... A Ohio Soldlen' alid Sailo1:I' ~ome; The Holy Oo·mmllldon. ~~~====== , ==== Jan. 22 Jeffenon Tw,p............. n' chemical enatneer,. division of by· ~O:~.O 8unda,-·SoMol. B. ISSUED ~VERY TUURSDAY CARLISLE Jan. 18 Barve78bu!'j' .. ..... ... :" .. 'n ,Ien~, examin~, divilioD of "CUJ' MUlIPn, lupt. · . . )WCI Phone No. 112 Sub~ription Price $1.50, Year Nov. 5 $pringboro ... , . " ........ .. A Feb. 4 Morrow .. ..... ... ,........... 'H itl,,; fi. ~l4!ment spnt, . di· Thursday. MeetiD, Ladle. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ Nov. 12 Farmersville ...... :..... .... B Feb. 5 Benbrook ..... .... .......... A vision .o f · conservation; gam.' pro- Soelety. ~eb: 9 Lebanon! ... ....... ............. A te~.~c,~to~ri.~d~ivi~si~o~ntic0r.f~c~on~s;elrv~a~tl~·o~n~Ni,?cE~~:;;~~~ENT Nov. 10 ............. ...................... with M~ and Mrs. Everett Bunn~l1 Nov. 24 Jefferson .. ............ .... . B Feb. 11 ' HarVeyabullf .~..... A hi OF APPOINTMENt and family of Mt. Holly. pee. 8 La.nier .... .... .................. A Feb. 18 Otterbein ........ ........ .... 'H HighwaYs; assilftaqt female pro· AdmiDlltl'.tOl' wlda tIae Will' , Mrs. Ervin Smith and daugh- Dec; 4 ~af11leraville ... , .. ... ., .... A . bation officer. St&,te Department ADD.." ....· ter Juith Ann spent Thanksgiving Dec. 10 WayneS\tille .... .......... 'u H-Home Game. Public Welfare; ~edical *uper. Qen'l.Code, Spes. 10509.6,-7 visor, di"vision of hygienei "pbysl. Esta~ of "Delilah E'f8lflart; de-: Mr. John SP!tler called on ~r. Day wi~ Mr. and Mrs. Tim Smith Dee. 17 Spring Valley .......... . A A-Away. and Mrs. Paul Spltl~ and famlly and fanllly. Dec. 23 · Kings 'Mills ................ ,H . - League g'aine (Unofficial) cian, di~ision of communic.iable dis." eeaeed. SUllda, Ilear Bellbrook. . . Mrs. Frank Dakin. Mrs. Esther Jan. 7 Springboro ................ .. 'u easeSi pbysician, bureau of child Notice is hereby given tbat Roea "QTARY PUBUC Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth GlbllOn, Dakin and Mrs. Lois MulfCl'd Jan. 14 Otterbein ................. ... . A hy:giene; serolOgist. diVision of· lab· Ha.rtaock•. ~ho88 Po~ Office Mr. Clyde Smith called on Mr. and Dayton shoppers Monday of last .Tan. 15 Jefferson .. ......... ..... .... A oratories; supe.r intenoont of ' the ","wun::... is W.ynelvUle, Oblo hal H..... '.... Mrs. William Bam~er and family week. Jan. 21 .... ............ . ............... : woolen mill. Ohio penitentiarYi been. duly appbinte,d as Admin'" Dr.". •• Eata... Se"IeI' S.u nda, afternoon of near CenterIMhI. Hazel Nixon, Mrs. Opal Jan. 28 Mason ................... ....... A . .-:=---' chief male probation. oUic ;r, ~tate trator ~it:b tJte Will Anl1Ged of ' WAYN'SV~~ OHIO Ville. Beale and daugh.ter Joyce of 'Feb." Harveysburg .......:...... -A Ohlet statlclan, D. q. Ueeter. of Department of Public W~lfare. the Estate o~ Delilah Everhart L.!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!! Mrs. Raymond Lucas of Wil· Waynesville spent Tuesday of lut F~b. 11 w.est Elkton ..... .. ... .... H the Bureau of ·inspectlon and su· . . late of ~a~n County. Ohio, de. mington. MIss Dena Lucas of Mt. week with their parents, Mr. and Feb. 18 Morrow ................ . :.... A pervision of public offices has A placement service for stud· ceased. Holly calltil on !Mrs. Glen Dakin Mrs. Frank Dakin .and family. compiled a pamphl,e t entitled. ents in 1!he college of arts' and Dated this 9th day of N;~v~ and family Saturday afternoon. Mr.. and Mrs. Glen ·Dakin called KINGS MILLS ' " C~m,~arat~ve Statistics, Cities of sciences at· Ohio State yniveJ,'Sity ber, 1987. C. Do~ld Pi1.t~, At; y. Mrs. Ada Dakin and daughter on friends at Wilmington laat NllV. 18 Sharonville ..... ......... .. H OhiO, wblch ~nstitut~s a. co~- hila been establIshed. It was reRALPR CAREY. Doroltly IIpent Thanksgiving Day Sunday. Nov. 24 Mt. Hehlthy .. ............ A :en8': report on Ohio city. and. vll ~~~ted by D~n ,?~ s;rad~~y, with Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Mulford Mr_ and Mrs. Ervin Smith and Dec. 4 Oxford Stewart .... ..:. H age mances.for. 198~. It IS bemg e new.~e~V1ce! n tra ey JlJ'dge of the Probate ,Court and family of Wa:Y'flesvilJe. daughter Juith Ann took supper Dec. 10 Springbor~ ......... ....... 'H 8e~t to. ~ubllc ., colleges, user ted, will ald . the gr~duates Warren County, Ohio. Mr. &rid Mrs. Bert Spitler and with Mr. and Mrs. Willis Hunter Dec. 17 Lebanon ·... ... .... . ...., ...... H untve~lti~s and o~ber interest~d o~ .the ar~ college lD ]~catlD~. po. ' f'l t last S cia ·th and family Friday evening. D 21 M . H org'8D1zationB. It Ilsl:& four maID sltlOns SUItable to theU' abilities M~l :o:e~ibboJia aD~n f:m.n-;Of Mr. and ~rs. Bert Sp~lter and J:~: 4 M::::~ ...·.....·.·.·.......:·:::.':::::::. A classifications: R~cei;prts, expe~di- and training. In addition, it -will 7 W '11 'H tures. dept and memorandum. Re serve another. important function ' . family. Mr. John Spilter spent Fri J near BelIb rook. an. aynesVl e ... ....... ...... . ts" old d" b b ' th t ' t ill d . daY' in Cincinnatl. J ' 15 Oxfd St art A celp , &!! con.., ere lD t e pu - ID a I WI enco~age an &II. Charles StU!!8 and &tty Mrs. Walter Woods called on J::' 21 Ha::e b ew . . ......... .... A are tb e p~oceeds of lev- sist qualified ' students in ' obtain. , DaklD spent T~ving Day her daughter Mrs. GlEfen Dakin Jan " 28 Mor o~s urg ... ....: .. • • x.. iea made in anticipation of the ing graduate scholarships and as· Ph~n. 78J with ~tr. Frank DaldIL last Friday. Feb: 4 O~rbei~· ··:::::::::::.'::::::.H needs of the municipality in the 8lstants~ips." l?r. ~arold A. ~ger· Mr. and .Mrs. ~verett Bunnell Miss Cleda Dakih has been suf. Feb. 11 Springboro ....... .. ......... A form of genena] and p,roper.t y ta~- tOn of .tbe J1DlV.erBlty faculty wa:a .and' andren Virail a~d Charles fering from a bad cold tbis week. F eb. 12 Harveysburg :-: .. ...... .... H as, fines, automobile, l.nd .other h· placed In charge ot too placement Alvin of Mt. Holly were SUllday Mrs. Tim Wakley and children. Feb. 18 Mason .. .. • " .... ............. H ~enaes, special U8e88!nents, gaSD- bureau. J ..e . diDnet; peate of Mr. and oMIrs. HU- Mrs. Mildred Luts of Xenia. vis- Dec 28 C rr I -A line tax and miacelliineous guo· , . a IS e ··· ·.· ...... ·.. ·.. ·. ·... "Expenditures" represent ~be In an attempt tq collect eddi· ey Gi6eon and family. Afternoon ited with their parents Mr. and ) " ~caUera were Mr. and Mrs. Clar- Mrs. Ernest Dakin and family one SPRINGBORO actual dis'bursements of each d~ tlonal liquor as well as Just "putting it. pff" c_uses mapy ,of us to. delay ence CtaWfol'd .and children, Min- day last week. ' partment. "Debt" is the Q~lIga- aid . in the 8uppression of · iIleg,.1 in having our-eyea re.examjned. ,Oonsequently w~ nle aad Lewis of Mt. Holly, Mr. Mr . snd Mrs. Hiley Gibson and Nov. 6 Carlisle ....... ... ........... : HA tion ' incurred in antllcipation of liquor brought into 'Ohio from otb· continoo wearing lens pres~bed v . ~o. ,lona ago...' " and IlrL "William Allen of CrOBB- daughter Pauline spent last Thurs Nov. 12 ~orrow .,.. :........... . ..•. future tax collections. The chapter er states. an amendment to , the wick' ' d 'th M d M CI Nov. 19 vtterbein .... .... ........ .. A beaded M~moranduml.. contains state 'liquor ' control act Wbicn EYe$ ' c hange .•. your gllUlBe8 Ihould change with. . ay Wl r. an rs. arence D 4 "-' H' . .' . . ' Why not take a few minute! today ' .f or t\lat. "them. 1Il'II. Mer Dakin and children C f rd d f i1 f"'t H I I ec. UUlIIon ..... ..... .... ............ supplementary data and infonna- would require tbe use of stam.... I raw 0 an am y 0 l ' . l . 0 y. D 10 K' Mills 'A .,. '' 1 . eye examination? Eddie Lee, D~e and Carolyn Mr. and Mrs. George IM!eCren Dec. 17 WlDgs '11 ................ . H tion. Co~ies of.-the pamphlet may 8~0~ing t~t. ~e ,1 .gallonage tax ' spent Tbanksgivmg Day with Mr. called on Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Dec. 18 K'ayne8Vl e .......... ... A 00 Obtalned ~U'ect from the bur- has been pauli w~ advocated by and M1'8.. Ervin Mullord and fam- Dakin and family Sunday_ De~. 23 Allngm~n .... .................. H eau in Co1umoua. State Treasur~ Claren~e H. Kniaily in WayneaviUe. Mr. John Spilter spent FrIday ec. . umm ........ .... ...... ... .. ley. Under the propoaed plan, the Open Ev'e r, Day from Ii A. M. to .• P~ II. lin. BUe, Glb80D' and daugh- evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ever- Jan. 5 Leb~non ..................... .... H Once again Wardeln James C. gallonage .stamps would be hand!. satltrdli,. • A. M. to'io P. .... . ten Stell'; and '-auline w~e .in ett Bunnell and family of Mt. Jan. 7 Carl~sle .... .............,... ,A Woodard of Ohio J>enitntiary has ed by the treasurer's office and 19 N. BROADWAY . LlDBANON. OHIO Lebanon Satur~ay, shopping. Holly. . JJan. 14 FMO~,~:;-, ........ .... ......... . HA granted. with enthusiallm, the priv- Bold to the dlstillera who "Ylould be Mr. and lID. Willil Hunter ~nd Mrs. Esther Dakin was. a Leb- an. 21 ran....... .. .. ..... -...... .. .... • ilege of mald~ toys 1~ cheer un· ~='~~'~;=~=:=~~:::;:= ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;; f.amil~ IJ*It Saturday everung anon visiter of last week. Jan. 28 Otterbeln ... .... ., .. ......... ,H fo~nate ~en at Ch,rlstuuui '! with Ill' and Mrs. Ervin Smith . "U J' S ·l.b . makin F~b. 4 Muon ............... ..... .... A to. group ~f ·inmates who are skH • . ",.r. 1m ml~ IS now g F b K' Mnbi H Pel cl&ach1lT JuJtli. Ann. his home. with his lIOn. Mr. Tim e. 11 lngl! ... . ....... .... _ Jed in woodwork and kindred lit. and lira. Harold Rogen and Smith and family. Feb. 18 Harveysburg H craft&: A spe al section bas been Mrs- l$mma Gibson of DeUbre·ok Little Phy1is 'Mae Gibson fa reo: establiabed In th~ new, chapel of Mr. and Mrs- EveN!tt Bunnell covering. from an attack of bron. MASON penal institution fj~r the work. and famB,. of Mt. Holly called on chtia. Nov. 19 lIorrow ........ ........ ..... . of toys will be fashionIIr. ad Mrs. Hiley Gibson and Mr. and Mrs. HaroJd 'R ogers, Nov. ,25 Fran'klin ........... ........ R ed, expertly .painted. and. turned famDy Saturday evening. Mrs. Emma GibBOn of Bellbrook Dec. 4 Springboro .................. A over to C!harltable orgamtations · Mr. a@d IlrL Paul Armst.rODC caned on Mr. and Mrs. EuIWOrth Dec. 8 'Le"~no.. ............:......... for diatribu~oJl to boY'l and girJa Now wotkin. OIl Wapaa.m. &tid daUehter Beandy Ann of Leb Gihson and daqg4lter Phylis Mae )ec. 10 Otterbein .............. ...... who ot:h~rw186 would have a to:y. . Diapoeal PIaDt ' I .' anon called on Mr. and Mra. Cha& Friday ev'ening. Dee 17 M«rrow .... ...... • .... .... • A lees Obriatmaa. "It"~ :iIlIlPiri~g in· Stil. Saturday. Mr. Monia Lewis Mias Stella Dec. 18 West Carrollton. ........ .R deed. to see these ' ~~ thus entMr. and Mn. WilliaD). AUen Gibson spent · Tuesday evening Jan. 4 Kings Milia .. .=. ........... B r.loy~.~' Warden Woodard .,len. -a,.e"l.l'.~-~)j.ll~lPD~~1 spent one evening of laat week. with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rogers Jan. 7 Harveysburg .... .......... 'B ,ftIallY of them were unfortunate. !!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!~!!!!!!'.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!



Spling Bruch News


State Capitol News


F. T. Ma.:tln Auctioneer



Centerville, Ohio..



'1~line: ~O :'CbaDge •





' ..

Dr, John Zettle ·O. D. '



and Emma ' GibBon at Bell- Jan. 14 Waynesville ...:: ......:.. . ly denied these same lUte joyS that I~~;~;~~~~~~=~~,t , brook. . Jan. 22 West Chester ........... ... H ar~ 80 dear to aU youthful hearts. Mr.' Orn Roades spent FrIday Jal!' 28 Carlisle ................... .. 'H 'l11is .Christmas activity of toy. .ADMINISTRATORS'! NOT ICE OF SALE OF BANK STOCK. evening with Mr. and ~s. Ever- Feb. 4 SpringbQ:l'O ........ ......~••~ making baa a whole90DJe influence. • ett -;Bunnell and family. Feb. 11 Kings MH~ ........ .. ...... H on many a man whom sorne .would The qnderaigned, Ric.bard A. Mr. and Mrs. William Allen F®. 18 Harveysbllly ...;.......... ·H :~~, &8 hopeless, I have rfound ~lett and lohn H. Sackett, ad· ~ent SatUl'day evening In ClarlusMASSIE miniltratora of the estate of Laura VIlle. aD IL. "U_ d Sml'th ca II ed o n Nov· 17 Spring Valle'" "' R Exaniinations for t~irteen c1 -..F. SeIu.'a. deceased. will .oUer for BU. Ra'"""o J n. n , .... ........ . sale at the law offices of Mar. Mr. and Mrs. George Sinith and Nov. 24 Bellbrook .......... --... ..... H SMALL sball " ~lIaraball in the Allen daughter Pauline of Dayton Sun· Dilc. 8 .... ,.. ............ ............ . BuUdlne; Xenia. Ohio, Satu......y. day afterno.on~ Dec; 10 Morrow ........... ..... ... ... ·H 0 -....... 11. 1137 at 11:00 A. HARVEYSB,URG Dec. 17 Otterbein ... ............... ·H at: the followi~C penonal proper. I?tfr. atlel Mrs. A. 'S Collett alld Dee. 18 Clarksville ... ..... .:.:........ :Sprla. V.IJ.,... ·ollo ty tG-wit· SOil; Robert, Miss' Nan Collett, Mrs. Dec. 28 New Vienna .......... ...... i~:;:::=::::::,' 1 "20 • shares of Oapital Harriet Smart and daughter, Jan. 7 Mason ............... ..........It. Stoc,k of the Wayne&- I Grace. and Mra. Badie Reason en· Jan. 14 Kingman ... ... .............. ~ ~;;~;;~~;;;;~~~~~. I vlUe National BaD k, joyed Thanksgiving dinner with Jan. 21 Kings Mills ... : .. ~........ : ·H ~ Waynesville, Obio, par Mn. C. G. Randall and d~Ugibter, Jan. 22 Adams .. , ..... .. ... .... :.... .. value '2001J.O~ertifi Helen. Jan. 26 Lel>anon· .....~ .............. A cate No. 1t86.'" Mn. Lillian Carr entertained JaJi. 28 Wa)'1}esville .......... ...... -A .!"'I.AIl!II.'II~~K'~ • twenty four : ladies at cards on Feb. 4 carlisle .....,....... .......... U Feb. 5 Martinsville ... .:..... :..... A: , Bldd~.. are · requ8Ite4 to lIub- Friday afternoon. mit ~aKICI bi~. for atoc~ t:o' Mlsa Helen Randall left on the Feb. 11 Waynesville .... ....... ,: ..... 'Ji the uildera!:ped at ~. offices of afWnoo-n of the twenty.fllth for Feb. 12 Kings Mills .. .. .... _........ A •• • lvnn "Marahal1. '. a trip to Salt Lake City, Uta'll. Feb. 15 Blanchester ...... ..... ... .. Mr. Robert Pranken and hiS fl~ Feb. 18 Sjiringboro ._..... ...... ... . A . ed :'Ids.. wil,1 be O~_~L at 11:00 ~. Ill.! ;;ra~.,., D_er ancee, Min Betty McLaughlin, of .• '.11"..... II th, at whic~ time said bidders Cincinnati, were Thanksgiving OnERBEIN may ~ present and~:.u b&ve t~e Day guests of Mrs. Mary Haines. Nov. 19 Springboro ....... ... ........ H (Lepl Notice)


~~ to .iai~~'

~ 'I1D .a dml niatr..tors rel8rve the rlcht .to N!ject any ~ all bids! terms of ~e: CAS~ 10~ of ~e pQ1"Chue price wlll be requ1red .. a depollt 01:' da¥ of we, and th. ·balanc.e to be paid within te!l dap .from dat. 9f &ale. For pjrtIeulan inquire pf lUelI· ard A. '~btt,,JL R. No.1, W.y· nenDJ. · orlo~ H. Sackett, R. R. No. a,.Wa)'Du'iille. . . lliarii A. Sa~kett John lL Sackett Mmlnlatrato~ of the - E.ta~ of LAURA F. ~ P:ARS. dee'cL . V4llSHALL" MARSHALL ATTOll.NJ:YS ROOM No. 1

Al).e.. Bund1nc•.

Xenia • .Ohio• .

N! v: ,2I, ·Dec. ~ 9.

', .; (Leca1 Notice.) .

1IO'tltE TO PROPERTY 9WNEitS ~~~ ia ,hereby gJv,u to t\e P1'O~ IOWDfIh of · .the- Villace 01 W~. Ohio to let In ~ ,ntl. Mr, Shepard the En· · fI. tM VU.... SaDitarJ ,"Jilt· 10 tUt . &lteir 88W· eolll~lo... can be

.. pt ID tolI'c:h .... time the


wuMrs. visiting An·n Dorster among Cossum, relatives who fOf several daYB has returned to her home in ColumbU5. Mrs. Hatti~ Kelly Kipbart and 80n, Kelly, and. lM!r. Wales Smart motored )lp from Clncinnllti and were the guests of Mra. H. W. Smart, on Thankagivin~ day after. noon and evening. Mf.. Vivian Tucker and Mr. Wll liama were united in marriage on November 26th. ' Miss Rosemal'¥ Oswald of Lebanon, visited her grandmother Mrs. Smart,. for several day~. . ' ' . . . RECREATION NE~S

Dee. Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. .Feb.

~ ., MallOn Stivers '..... ...... :.................... :.... ........... :. A :I:~;;;~~~~~;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~tl:~~~~~~~~~;:~~~~~~~;~~~;~:

10 17 7 14 20 2,2

Harveysburg .... .. .. .......A Morrow .. ......:..... .. , ...~ .A Carlisle .................. :". McKinley ........... :.: ........ A Darrtown ........ ............ Ii 28 Springboro .. :............../L 4 Kings Mill, ' .A 11 " ....... .. ........ ::::.~. ::: ::::.... . 18 WaynuVtlle ........ ,..... -At

MORROW Nov. 12 Springboro ..... ............. H Nov. 19 MIUIOD, ... . : ......... ;......... A Nov. 28 Waynesville .:..........,... B Dec. 4 .Franklin ....\, ..~ .............. . De.c. 10 Harveysburg ... :..... ,.. .. Dec. 11 Clarksville ...... ,........, The Township Hou~ will be o"})· Dec. 16 Lebanon .... .......... .....~~. ' A en every ' Saturday flYr Recreation Dec. 1'1; M88Cilll .... ,... .... ............ \tR Work. From 1 to 2:30; there wjll, Dec. ~1 KingS Mills , A be a Hapdicraft Clus for ·girls Jan .., 7. Otterbein ............ .. ~ ... .. . 11 ,from the age of 10 to ·16. 'l'hose in- Jan. U · Sprincbol'o =.. ...... .. ... :- A interee,ted, come up . Saturday, Jan; 21 ....;.............. .. ::.. ...... . December 4th. ~veryone welcOme. In, . 28 Kings- Mills ...............,... B . Thel'e will not be any pre~~hoo1. Jan. 29 Love~n!I .. ,.......... ,.... . age class on Wednetday until fur~ Feb. ' . ··WayneavUle. ..... :.. ~ .., .. -Ather notified. The attendan-ce has Feb. 11 ........... " ...~:........ " .. .. b~lol\' because of illnellf ~f MV· Feb-. 1.8 Carlisle ...... ;.. ,.. ........ ~follta. 1 Th.y are Feb. 19/ Golhen " ...............:... ... makina scrap booD. which have .• proven to be quite interesting. '. WAYNESVILLE There is to pe a meeting 'of the Nov. 12 BOl'8rav1lle ......... ..... .. lIlothe1'a, W~needa;, ~ December Nov. 19 Jetl~ .................... . lit i.. the clue room at I o'eloaJr. ~O'I. 88 lI0r0w .................. _ •• Mill Allen. S.I'- Dee. 4 Vallet' -.... ,......,.... '''''~'r vIIor 1& ~~!.~.;~,;...~.'i.'•.,#i!..i>~f.l ~~ . L . . . _ . . . .. ... .

. ..,."...•.:

~n. J . . . ICIIIu wen ..... of III'. aa II~. (CoDUIna'" 1'roIP,P-.e I ' K.IUI.tIl lobu tn DQton. , r II" Joeeph Grud of P1qa fill o~on. uul doe. a... Mn., -llii .,OlUr)' of Dqton tur tile town. It ..,.. tIiI'oack their 1N1't Jl'rida)' Peate of _. ·.tforte tb, ~cltJ __ ~ro.t lin. Wialtv ~k. to th• TJw 1trtI. an DOW Mr. ua4 Mil. Donald BacU., ~oocl" with "riP' lfIbti a' Dfllat. ad daqlattr ".. diDDtf a d mod of &III -JaOlllll,a1ld It It Th~ at tIM home Of 1& IIUl ~ ltd In 1IlUI1. otJatr ".,., kUlID lira. AlDo. 'Ooot ,.... Wa~ 1Ir. aDd


h~m.. and fD Inlll~'" P,Iac'ta. · 'I are Dlaft, placea wJser. hJZDee could b, buUt b, tboH who ha.e n~t muoh mon.,. Ther. It a .,~ Of ho.- dire. Jj~, of the City direl'" .... 1nl' up to the ~ t)lat CaD drift to eel froa their work In the cit)'. 1Ia•• ~ ....... beautiful ~udt, ud , .,.rt C;beap ren,. It Is J. . the plaee old fo~ 'Who ha..... old, .iOD~ and ~.nno p.. qaletl7 bappU)'. lIoR of th. :r418ldent. OWD their OWD boa.. which ~Y' . ' , tl1ul. ..."..u.Jr,ept ' ~D IaWDa In front aDd -bact, ..~ aparbUDC flowere $ftl7"here,., Tbe~ spukle 1I"\tIr ....y 'colon, hirda aIq In the and buJld th_ &rOod , doon aDd w1Dd~ the tam. ou.. nturidlll' each 7~. 000 in the ,tower of the ~ld town ball, and on. taD .ee OD aide and the touch of , God. man from H,,"e~\lra to Ii.,. Ufe III battie Jabe. Tumer. H. wu klDed in the battle ot ear..


th., .

me. 1'U'd.....







e)' ,.....9'rof ..1811, t, WeJt lui,,Viraillla, '1'l. A flaa iD decl· ieated, lUD,' S. 1918. bon tlnlllt?-1

~!;~U·o:-:.--:n":~c wert wDllDi' to Ih't u.. ::~~IW':~~"~ lOmy ,.ba•• puMd to the · hll'her life. wllo one. nefcWd In th. .... To... l'IIt In maD, cIltferea' Oem eteriel. but 0' _ In tilt


b ..1itlfullllaad· ~1IIItai7, .t Cor1m.' In it there ara JaIiI to nd pea pl. from ttnrr atete .. tU qiOD.' It rata MeoDd mod beautiful eatetar)' In the atat.. Dm to SprlJW Gro_. III ClIIGlDnaU. .. would In... IDU1 to YIIli thIa ,rtRln&' plaee. tilt old


fuhloned era•• JUdI .. tM)Iar-

••,ab...... diatriet. Tb.... 18 1IlUeh .pore that' equid b. toW of ... Yeaeeta1 Vw.,. of Ikn'~. Vb1t tile pleee _41 ... for ~ Mit bow beautiful It .... You too maJ'" . make ,),OUI' loa. th.....


'rill.. Harold ODa

1Mr~ aad lin. Elbert Wallace of HarwJlblU'lr were SWlday '&!ter: !II DODD ~ of IIr. MId lin. ell Tbomu.-aml daqhter, Betty. .lIr. aDd lira; Bun,. Barn.t en tertalDtd the diDn.r club . .turuy e~ A "'Ucbttul eY.~DC of e.rda "'"II UIJ~. Xr. Bftntt Ilarl)'. lin. Bt1le Soott. lin. Ruth IlOfIID ael lOll ~1Ilpul)' with IIiu Sa~

.,..IIIN.....N!II!.It4It1~lItCt4~.IttN• •IltNMltCt«t4(t1~~~pN~!~II4r.tit«!.IIIN



Whltatft &tWa'" Perill. Graue- at LebuaOD Batur4a7 home



, ..... Mr. and tlra. Fnd I'IN of Illfo

' 1Ir,

uti Kn. p~l

... 11, Lt~D.


¥n. GeGnnide StrUble of depeiliItDce. 'X1. were 0Ie....~. 1II!r: aDd 'l in. Walter ill&' aDei the' WMk-nd nttll of lI'rankUn and · IIr. ~d of the latter'. · pU'eDte. Mr. Rane, Buru~ were 1(000da), 1IrI.. Georp Gra)'. ~· peete of lIr. and lin. . . uelKno x.1er'Orabun,. l[eurlck. '111. crowd were 111M Bernice ' atteD4i)td • iau!U)' old achool matee at BprtnpOro. diDfa,]' TbAnkclriq cla)' ., tilt hom. of th. ~. ~ lIr. ' PERsOlfALS , aDd lira. C. W. AJbrlabt '.. 'Pe.... and lira. E.erett MendenctD. ' . ball aod dauatater Helen, Will Vra ~ CarmODy; in CODlpul), lIe~denhall .d, lin. Edith Oomp. with 1Ir. anel Ill'll W T. Clark of ton and daul'hter 'Edna of New Wa7Denille. ipent Than_rinc BurUneton were ·SuJicb., dinner cla, with IIr. and lin. Ewrett &"Q"ta of IIr, and 111ft. A. Clark and !tOIl In Da)'ton. Stubbe. IIr. and lira. DonAld Hadley IIr and I(re A. C. Bowman Md and IIr. IIIld lin. Paul WIUlama ot lIOn Paul of Franldin and 1&. and Lebanon motOred to Cinebmatt. lin. I;rlwood TanoD and DOD P'l'ldaf. ' TOWllOn of ,lOamlabull'. 1Ir. and Kr. and JIn. Walter Kenrick ~n.' Ru.Uel Neal 'iuuI ' daughte,r and lam.. Baln_ ".~ e~tertain. Shirley K. ~f CiDcinnati were dineel to dhm,e r ThanbclviDI' at the Der gueeta 'nwDbclvfD&' DQ of home of' Ifr. and' 110. William 1Ir. and lin. OnDIe Gra)' and


, '

,fAIRLEY'S 1IARDWARE~ SlDRE' r---:=--~~.......·s the, Christmas

Bedecked With a New, Store' Front ', Abd Marvelous Display of

Christmas Merohandise Having remodeled our store frol)t al\d made certain rearrangements within the store-··we are, naluraJly proud of the mercha'ndile an.d service we can give you-so we extend this invitation to . yo,u to visit our store as you do your Christmas Shopping.

sbopp~ing ...

II Unfair To"Santa Claus. And it:i,i 'I! , Y' .,lHau- to OUt

Select A Practical Gift For Each Member of the Family


Why Plulh yourself thi8 yea~Why fight your 'w ay throUgh a mob-Why take a chance on finding the very things you want. WeJtave the largest and DiOst complete . line of CIuistDuie and Holiday gi& ever Ulembled..ln our store- and invite you to come-in and make your gift seleetlon ..

:', :A:.Few ' Slllieitionl ~ MEN'S ROBIS B. wiI1 llire ·tIII 10ft wanath Qt. . pare- fIaiaItl robe. Tlaey eo.... · hi all .,... ...... .Dd

- fa.orIte oololW. '

MEN', 'IN~ PAJAMAS' A WIde ~ Of.q~ aiactl* tent.. Com. In and ... theM.

MEN'S LEATHER COATS li'lDe Bonehldt Jacbte.


WOJilIN'S DREssES w. a nomber of t1ater.... froeb tbal the beet dreeaeel women' of town- will b6 wearlq.

Make the Home the Center of Life! For. AQ1e!ri~an Homemakers-House. work w~1l be easier and ,the t'a lk of Home 'making will become ,a pleas'u,'e if the home is , equipped with

om BBll80metldllC ~ ., lunriouB w~ulclD't bUJ for b.,.U.

A ,Modern Up-to-date Stove







, RINGLESS SILK HOSE ' Ilftr)' WOIDaD ,nU be deli&'hted • aiIt of 'our bOIler)'.




from our complete line of America's best stoves,

... .

Quick IWleal Oil Stove '•• Kitchen Kook Gas Pressure Stove, Copp,e.r Clad Range '••• Estate Range



lETS ' .

MO~ERN ' REFRIGERATI<;lN is necessary the year around and of course · our

"FRIGIDAIRE Is the answer to the problem in the home

MODERN WASH DAY is no drudgery if there is a

~-.-.:. . .;~ . , M.A¥:T~O E,~th~r~le~,tric • _



or a gas engi~e type will make wash day a pleasure. ' .



B • • ...,t ..... · ~OqR -C OVERlNGS.' ;"Brllhle. up D~_ber 11'0. our kDO • • ARMSTRONes RUeS. ' , .

to ~_. It~ .eleetl... a '\


Ih~ ,

Iloor lor year. co.plele line 01 Nallo.aI


Aladdin LampsI . ~U types f and'1nodellS of this won-' ' Flood your home With Day-light aft~r Dark. Beautiful safe . econderlal radio aTe '9n display for


omical lamps. Be kind to YOUl' eyes.

your inspection.


Clocks Full line of mantelanl ~laI'm clocks, Also Electric clocks that , give continuous service without attention.

' We. h.;e dodced our cCnulten with the 'D'weat aDd lateat type of toy•• game. etc., fpr 'the ' kidcl~ 'decor.ti~igh" etc. For the boy. there are bumer-oUI ball .games, truck., c....... tr.u.., •••_ , f~ the .irl., doll h~" fu~lJIre. doll., book. and game. that ' appeal to th~ yOu.. Mi...., Tn. c~na .at,aabbi_ aDd, everything to make the kiddiee happy i. to be found in thi~ complete .... ~ in uul ba..,.dllate, y.... ~.Dder DO obli,a.tiOD to buy:





.' •








UIT-,BROS. Th. Bi, D.part~ent Store : Onae again our tore is prepared for ydur Christmas needs.-With cases, counters and aisles ove rflowing with. wonderful-new items of, finer gifts.-GIfts, of good ' taste that are beautifuLand practical'

Wilmi~gton's Qhristllla~. , ~~ty Starl:s Saturday, D~c. 4




Santa Clau. ha. the coimtrl.. oatatandiDa IDADUfacturen ' cooperatin. with hiJQ lbroaah Thome'. thi. y ..... I




Robes, : ..Leather





and tor

~~~I~~~~lme~~wel:~u~~tlon~f~lm- ~t~

-- ~~~~~~~~


a.s...... s.;lrlt

Diffel'Cnts a.nd d.istinctive Gift o!>jecta-for the home

I tarted .out today to gather BUS.NI~SSM~N 1\1r. Smith has been hired at news, but I could hardly enjoy thc AsSOCIATION Waynesville agaiD fOT a fourth year: Tue day he offid~ted at tbe'winter scenery in an open Toa(l· Children. Apparel, Shoes, and Ladies Ready to GREETS YOll funerU of the Shutts ba'by at the ater with t'hat fresh Wind cooling ' Wear. my brow. However:With A Stubbs Funeral Home, The baby Thanksg-iving guests at tihe Louis died of pneumonia, ' Burton home were Mr. ana Mrs, ROYAL WELCOME The MOl'l'is Hunter famiJ~ called PRICES' that mean SAVINGS to the Christmas L, B. Burton and Mr. and Mrs. Sho-pper. Charles Johns of YoUngstown, -at the parsonage, !ltfc)u4ay. , Ohio, 'and Mrs. McKinley and Mr. W I L M' I N G TON Rever~n,d Smith , ,gave_ the and Mrs, Johnson of Dayton, Mrll., " ~ . has put un tler holiday T.hal.lksglVlng , address at Wayne8~ Russell Ter rill of Xenia spent school" on Wednesday after" ,Sat- cI0 th es . . , be decked h erseI f 'In Ville ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~U~Q~~~rhilie~UB~~'B~ bri~~ glitiering C~~tmM fin~noo~. T t ton who Ihas been ill with influeu- ry and converted herself into a .... Young men g'lVe heed to the" za. ' • marksmanship, of our minister, for Going up the walk at Pete Wi.<?'ft Land " I he is a dead shot, as well as a savSOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT AS YOU The ~amlhar stores become ~;w, er ()f souls., :r!te p~rsollag~ table cal's home, I was grellted by a crow, who lay on a board and eyed a~d , different as the fa~liar has ~E\tl ~ced With twenty-two me suspiciously. I supposed he was sights. a1'& obscured by hohday rapblts, The missionary meeting of Fer· wounded and sUoped to see. He trappmtrs .•• aud . ' fastened his bill on the iliumb of W1LMINGTON MERCHANTS ry and Waynesville Churchet of my glove and I had to pry and have ~;We the transformation com Christ was held at the home of RDtwist strongJy to free myself. I plete by ordering mOt)tains of ger Bro'Wn in Lytle, November ~4, was surprised at; the strength in a . • with 16 present. ~e group studCI'OW'S bill. This on was fastened Chrlatma. Mer~~andlae ' ied the life and missionary workll Wilmington, Ohio by 'his leg to ~e bo;d with a piece and they have arrange~ it' in ~n- of EVariste Hebert, of :Jennings; of twine, Ml'S. Wical expieMea Bur Ique and attractive fMhlon to give La. '. .. , FURNITURE STORE ~s entering its 29th 'Christmas prise whei' J remarked about the y~u greater coavenhmce in shop· Thanksgiving ~e~te at the Arcrow and said tbat she knew notb- ,pmg. chie Kloatz- ';ome ' were: ·Mr. and Holiday Season-having 20,000 square feet GIFT LANJ> is an appropriate ~Mra. Charles Fry and daughter, ing about it. So, when' I find bow floor space with lbe crow came to be there, 1 will name -for ' ," Adabelle, and MeS81'8. Cb&rles Poll telt y.ou about it. Wilminaton Stores . and Ve~on FordyC4:. "eri.on: b~ Thanksgiving guests at the Wi· have everytibing r • : • " the by, acoomp8llie~ l?B failier to. cal home were: Louis Wical and G~ts for all ages, all types and a)~ Oenterville to get hiS first Thanks-. family of Miamisburg; James Wi· tastes, and the prices wi,l suit glvi~g f~t .a~ ili~ join~ ,the cal and family; the Allen Lucascs, everyone.' T1iere lue literally a mil; Klontz family, a8 , a d'inne~ guest. the Allen' Wiedner family, and Mr. lion gifts ,of all kinds _ suitable' We hope Vemon 'Was tlIankful. and 'Ml'S. Fred Conklin and family for every k:jnd of person. 7'hey Not all of us get two invit:afions. Miss LouiU Holland was the of Dayton. The day .w&! also the trayerse the enti:J~e range ,from ~e birthday of Mrs. Conklin, so ' she practical to the :frivolous in style. gUest oi Miss Verdena Fox at the Good~,

WILMINGTON - ' TIa. S ..... ~ ...

l' ou Are Invited FERRYISMS


B. 'B .THO


Qrad.ey (Knits)


i Ga,e (Tam Sets)


, !If"I;:. 'D~

, Gordoll , (Hose) ,


Field Creet (Bedding)


Ra,mGr I

O.horn (Glovell)

Her Maj. .ty , (Silk .Underwear)


A.terc:raft (Fine Linens)

Soft Sp.... , (G'ift , . ':to~la) ,




Plan c"larisfmas Shopping





Speed_ ~een VVa.hera , RCA ~dioa

Croal'~ Radioa Aladdin . ...I. E. S. Lamp.. ~..


K,lrina~ " ~fril-*t~ '


, .. " Moh••1t Ru.. _. ' Cro."7 ~.....tora •



•1 '


dise in its History

~=~=~=~::===~=::::::~::::=::::::= brQught a fine big turkey and they CHRISTMAS GIFT


Congoleum Rugs Popular Patterns . ,S.76 values at

The SYNDICATE Store Wilmington, Ohio

Christmas ,Season

No, roo~ will refect, Dlore cheet and comfortl than the floor covering and curtains "give it, So at this time ' we suggest you come in\ and see , our line of. r

Floor Coverings , ; lAe:dial Nation.l Kno~ Merchan~il:t' Only'

,,V eDitiu ,Blind. made ' by -lIWlufacturer . 'lbeleadiD. ". .

,. -rtWfI. l lhts CO~NGS RUes, FLOOR Opposite .urphy Theater , WllmiDgtOu, Ohio



aU celebrated in line style. M.., and MrS. W. C. Smith and family spent 1."h4lnksgiving at Con~ stance Kentucky ,with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Pee no. M s. P.eeno cam~ ' home with the Sniiths and is staying a few d.ays wjtJh them. . W. C. Smith and Mrs Peeno call ed, Friday evening, on Mrs. Lellter Gerhard, '~o by 't he way, is ge~ ting along finely, although a little slowly. .,

WiJmington 'merc:hants have ~ank Fox orne" , Thanksgiying been preparing for months to day. The other guests were Mr. make this the most memorial of and MiS. Harold Hutchinson of any Christmas. ISales forces have Da~n. In the evening, Mr and been augmeqted ~ delivery Jlernces Mrs. Charles ~~t1rt~ B!A a,;!p are read:y to' flmction in top form' ·ter, Helen,' called. ,' . (~ 'Special ev,C<l1ts liave b~en planned Mr. and', ' rs.) 'J.1homb ~Burton to make your aholpping trips enjoy- -and daughter, NaomI Jane, epen-t able. Best of ' alK, you'll find iliat t'he week-end :with the f-ormer's all merchandiBe has been priced mother. Mrs. Mary Burton.-to eave :you many doUaTS, despi~ ~Orvi11e Savage spent Thanksgiv- ' the .fact that .a hilUda:y sea- ill&' day and the week-end with his son. , siste" Mrs, Grace CalJo\Va:y~, iii coilE' To WIj;.MINGTQN Dayton.

Ju.' w~a~ 70.. lia.. __ wAiIia" for Seaaati '

~~'ilmin~i. Greateat Sale

, panstlDoail CUisima. Sale



F ighty-Ninth Year ~

-..- -- -




Gr.aae School Pupils





Present · Operetta December 21st . j


School Buys Motion Picture Projector ~or Educat~onal Use



FIRST SIX · (iIRL SCOUTS cN-g--:-~""""'ICE-·l'-":~:'-'g""'::"~N-RT-S-AN-D--'---H-e'-s-G-iV1":"'-·n-g"":"--H-er-an-~:----;-S-f-l=N'-=-G--=-----=-V-A-L-L-E-Y--",-IN.-S-- GRADES TO PARTICIPATE ItlADE CASH O!:l~r ::::n~, OVER W A YCEHANS ·N I)ONI,lTIO l occasional writeI'll, and tho86 having an nouncements of organizations, etc. are requested to get their stories into the office by 6 "P. M., Tuesif pOll8ible. Some have developed a habit of being la.te, thereby causing unnecessary hardships in the composinc department of producing your newspapeT. Therefore, a new ruling is necessary. Copy, which reach es us late may be beld over. for the following week's publication.

The Ann ual Christmas Grade Schoo l Operetta , "Chrictmas at the - - - - - - - - - - - - - Circus," will be give n at th e High Spring Valley's basket ball team ASKS RAIL BOOST SC110 0 1 Gymnasi um , Tuesday everomped wid1y, a t will, over a ner Wayne Township Schools in ning. Dec mber 2 1, 193 7, at 8 vous, un-str ung Waycehan team k ping pace with mod~rn educaP . M. Saturday evening. The he re las t ti mal beliefs are happy to anThe Op ereUa Cast incl udes 100 one sided score of 23 to 11 in din l/unce the purchase of a sound ch ild ren take n from gl'ades one cates, not the relative ability of mo tion picture projector. Visual to s bc, wiLh each grade having a s, but shows which t he two team education js rapidly developing in definite part in the prod uction. team " cam e down out of t he air," l£.rge schools throughout the counOn pUl'lkulllr feature of the 'and played bask-etball most consisttry. As a leading educator recentevening's en tcl·ta.inment is the ently throughout the evening. ly Said, "The sound motion pictur~ F ir:;t Gra'de Band, under the leadBoth t eams got 'off to a wild has a m&jor factor in mod-. ership and direction of its own start in the ' fi rst quar·ter. Wil d em life for tihe disaemmation of Drum Major. iIIlld fouling predominated passing information, knowledri! and ide~." Th\! pri nciple pa rts are taken a~ the teams tri~ to "get togethIt is beoause of that belief the by R uth Helen LeMa y, as Santa er. " l ocal school is purchasing equipClaus ; Raymond Isaacs, as the Spring Valley rolled up a lead ment. The purchase is being arRi ng Master ; Ru t h. IMx: K~ver, as in t he first half- was n ever in rrlnged throug~ the Board of Ed-. . ~very. life holda some relation 'rony, t he Ba rker; and Dorothy danger t hroughout the game. uuation. One organization' (now to the hv~ .u:ound ~t, .which enReece, .as 'roto, the Clown. Waynesvill e Rese rves play. The disbanded) the Girl Scouts made dears and ennchelJ It In luch a All the animals of the "big top", ed a steady, heads-up game, turnf i ' cash gift towards the pur- way, ill to give its permanent nnd everything pertaining to circus ing in a win to compensate for the aha ne . . worth. This is true in the life of a Beeae ID pet'l corDer of tbe LoDdoD 100 tbe ..II cia), lif e is crowded into t;he evening's f irst string losses. C se. M L ' d& S "lackie," .be cblmpamee wbo bal WOD Oae bearta or bDlIJd~~111 The macbine is a 10 mm Holm- mo.ther. ary ucm ears was chlldreD," IhOWD ..llIar leavtt of • ~OUDC admirer men t in a hilarious manentertain Friday the local la.ds invade t he es projector Whicli is the type used the dauhgter of Aaron and Anna .ecluiOD uID tbe 1938 lealOD rolla around. ner. characteristic of all of GathJoho J. PeUey, president of tbe Camp for the fi rst league Carlisle f{) d'ucational film. The machine Sean, Born June 11, 1B79, de- ___________-.:.._-:-________._ ____ AssoclallQo of American Railroads el'ine Allison Christie's produ~ I game of the season. which has applied for a 15 per ccnt t ion s. blanket Increase 10 freigbt ratcs • . MARRIAGE L1SCENSES The State Department of Educa- months, 29 days. She was unIted points out that during the past four tion maintains a large' llbral'J of in marriage to . Carl ~herwood, Rober t Jon es , 20, truck driver, years, duc to causes beyood the educational film which is free for March 21, . 1903. To th18 union West C~este r, Ohio, and Miss Ma- cODtrol of tbe railroads, there has been an increase of $663,303,OOO .per The December meElting of the ph'rey Flynn, 25, Hotel Hostess, yellr In the roads' operatlDg" costs. 6('hool use. The local ~choola ex- 'W1UI born one son. She was a mllDpec:' to use this' source for much ber of the Sugar Creek C~tian ,r Tb.e Friendship Club met at the ,W ayne Twp. Mother:s Club was ~ason, Ohio . . Ch h Mrs. James Ballaneyne, of of heir material. and was baptized b'" ' .Rev ' . home .o f Mrs., John Preston, WI·th held Friday Dec. 3' B,t the grade Albert. Aaron, Jef frey, 19, Farmer Th A F uture F armers of Amft-ica C. urc ...u. Sb e was a I uff _. Mrs, Mark v~I!Il'S', Mrs. Cle.rence bu.ilding·. The meAting opened with Oregona, OhIO, and Miss EUoonbeth TI'oy spent Tu eoday ,vl·th Mr a nd " ~ 'I A. B enn....... . e~~ ,... ~. f or many years. 'B UlO. L bope her auf- Rye, MI'II. Elmer' ~""1!0 Sheehan as as- th'" SO"'" "JI'n"'le Bells." Y Rachel Pringle, 17, Lebanon, 0, M-' 0. GeOI'ge Mar1a tt . of Wayne Township J:ligh Slhoo . Mrs. Hartil ".... • ; - - - -_____________________--: under the direction of M~. Crabb., ferlng with patience and a am e. siatant ihoatesees. . man read ' devotions. The I!4!cond Agri cul tu ral Instructor, will preaa She 'lf , eve!' ready to help thOA Devotions were in the form of grade in charge ' of Mrs. Kersey senl (heir Annual Negro in need. ,.s~e Will be ~tly mias- a play,' "The First Chrlsftnaa," gave a very Ghrista t 8: 00 P . M., Thursday. evening, ed ~s a ,,"fe, mother and slater. with 'Mtra.. A. H. Stubbs, Mr. A. E. mas program. Il'he ' 'Happy Hour :.-.'_ _.........,._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....,._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- : Decembel' lOth , at the high achool She leana to moUI'D ber ·Pine" ·Sto'ut,· M lhlfd, anr Mrs, Club" presented the following COMMON PLEAS Colliver , for money, amount claim gyI)1nasium, , ~ ' . ~ (t .R"!, }nc.. versu&. ed $225.00, etc,hul J. Gl,lj:;eli .The Oast inclucles s.11 3.0, of, thtJ ,Jhriatinaa Sem to firM Tuber--"" her busband, C.rl Sherwood, one Harold Eanihart. Mn. Jolin ~ ~Qin~~':'. '.~ lrs•. &nr h:"1 61 Cll ' l sta ~a1e ben 'this put week, eon, Morri. Sherwood of Colum- ton and R. E. Frank taldng part. Hartman. Mnsd!~'"B()ak F amI y. FrederIck i:)U\l'ltt, -.. : ' A,!Ithorized Dllyto n Ohio, is the Attorney. boys in the Agricu1t\lral J)epartwi h low committeemen, Wymer lIul, two sisters, one brother, MrII. Afte.r the busineaa meeting, a nuin- Reading-Mrs. Eh Furnas, c,on- to. sell pr.operty at prlV'li\e sale. The ll~. . " "jlll ~ecurities Corp. of men t. They sing, dance, and -play, Dr ke and ~e Watertl~uae, Minnie ~eder of Centerville, O. be!' of contests were enjoy~d and eluding with tWo ml)re muslcal The State of Ohio versus John Toledo, Ohi o, vcrsuS-.a_ k jOk~8 a nd cut up in true mil\ having appointed alib-eommittee8 Mi's. Jennie Mullin of, Terry, O. Santa. distributed gifts to mem- numbers by the DOale lL"amily. Richards, Plea of Guilty to chl'ite In Re plevin. Hal'l'Y Z. ( ! .. n"::-'fi..;;'''h,"-;,::-.t make a thorough canvue' of tM and . Mr. James Sears of Dayton, b~rs and guests. DeliciQus refresh. The' minutes of the last meeting of Manslaughter. Sentenced. to Atto rney, tiow:n. • and a hoat of relatives and, friends menta were lIerved by the-hostess were read and approvI!d. The ..tTea- from one to .t wenty yeara in the I ,Goo. J. St rum and ane Str um AI haa been: exp)ai~ed in these and hel' assistants. sure k"eported a ba1an'C¥! ~n hand Ohio' State Penitentiar:'l!. . ver _us Charles H, Letterst imd Dor col~m~. in Il~st . aue&, the m()D6:- The golden chain II broken, Nov. 1 of $178.62. 'rotal coHecHome OWnel:s' Loan Corpora- othy Letter st. For mon ey; amount derived from the sale of Ohriatmas It iii time to say good bye. GARDEN CLUB HELD tions for month $14.3.38 and total tion versu s Frank Vossler, et a!. claimeil $397, 92, etc. H. S, StevSeals goes 'e ntirely to fiR'~t TuberFor we know that we Ihall meet REGULAR MEETING disbursements f{)r sain,e period was Confirmation, Deed, a.nd Distribu- enson is th e Attorney. : her: '. . $200.07 leaving a balance on, han~ tjon. PROBATE COURT c1.l osia throughout the nation. Firms , nd indivi4uals are o\J1'Ied In her .home beyond the sky. I The Waynesville Garden Club Dec. 1 of $121.73. The finance, . H. L. H~rding, et ral, ver sus The In t he mat ter of the Will of E. to 'buy' liberally and- use the a8alB , met at. the home of Mr. a~d Mrs. committee reportild I~ net profit, South Lebanon PaCking Co., et a1, 0, JOlles, deceased, Will ordered as evidence of ~their interest in . No more suffering, no more Harvey Burnet of Lytle o-n Tues- of ~24.a6 0,:\ . the ~~hanksgiving Authorized to sell Canning Fac. admitted to P ro bate, Nelia Jones fi~hting this disease . .Seala may be . 10ngire, . day afterno~n. The J?rincipal speak market. . . to~y at Centfuville, Ohio. Also auth appointed executl:ix, Let tel's tes. had ~rolJl. com~itteemen and 'or~ FloI' the dear ODOtl gone before, ers of the afternoon were Mr.. Mrs. Bess Cook dODl~ted the club onzed to sell psrt .Q.f 5.60B acre tamental'Y to issue. Charles Kipp, On .. the river bank they are B.ewit t IMIulford <If Lebanon' who $1.00.-$10;00 'WaS donated to th~ tract in , WlU;hington, Twp. H-enry Kipp and William Schnell .ganizations aidi~ in the c~ I palgD. ' . ' waiting. gave an excellent talk·on the Poin cluD "In memory of 'M!yer ~yman Mary Pattersol\ vers~s J. C. appoillte~ apprl\isers. Charles S., Irwin, 'Adminisllr:aTo 'a:uide her safely to the shore. setta, its culture 'and life. Miss by Jessie Hy,man '4nd farruly. The Patter son, et al. Commercial check FJtIENDS HOME DelU1e Stanley in a most wQnder- club paid silent tributEl to his mem- ing account at Lebanon Citizen's tor, with the will annexed of the WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF ful maner gave tfue story of the ory'by standing. Nat'l. Bl\Dk released from tempor- Estate of Altbe Watkins, deceas·Mliss Gretchen Gehring who ·was -CHRIST Christmas Tree. After .n exchange . Mrs. Kersey's room . rec.~ived ·ary restrajning or~er. ed versus Foairy Elma Baker, eta1, in an aceident on her ,ray home, ' Vi: c. Sml.... Will.. of gifts 'the hostess served dainty the flower box f?r the n~ month. Art~ur P. Schulz ver:'us Ada :.~Ie of "Tract one" approved deat Thankagiving time is back with • ' refreshments 68lliated . by Miss Being no further bUSIness the -Madeline Schultz. AuthOrized ser- cea~d ord ered made to Zain ~'-=-l-""""""""'.""-us a~W· .: I . Our-:-~~1iatic. meeting ' s at ;bolJ; Mrs, Marion club adjourned to mE!e~ ~ain the vice by publicatio~. .age, purchased Distribut ion to Mal:tha Fri tz, et ai, aUIQ81V1t Miss Laura McKinaey is ata,ymg eel Qff Sunday evening, with about .Whitakel'. The ladies deciaed not first Friday i~ Janue.t'~' Th~. ~eet;... . A,Ivah R. 1Ta.~ck versus Alice proc eds fro m sa le: Trimsfer and Record of Real ~, with ua this wOOk (In account. of '78 Jlreaento.. Tbe, d61egaton f~m to hold any gathering in January 'iIlg closed WIth ·th~ club smging Hartsock, an inmate of the Dayton The Ouul' anship of Charl es Ai tate inherited: Lots 28 and 29 in b d· ther or F--ebruary. · "Silent Night." ," , State Hospital, Dayton, Ohio. Par- fred ',Robinson, minor. F irst acPllrk, Hamilton Twp. I f D ·yton apellt Brother Fisher Was with Us MonMr. Mul!ord' is one of the ownHostess for this meeting were,. tition ordered. .:ount approved and allowed. r/ . ' or aM' cia evening and a ,to have era -of tM Mulord Floral Plant in :Ada Smith, Anna ', Hoak,. Adria Bettina J. Bro\ n, a minor, by In the Matter of the Estate of In the matte r of the Estate of i:lundlLY .WI n ace ' 0 the singing each evening. Come Lebanon '. " ' Braddock Mrable DllVis, Lucille Robert Stamm, her next , friend , De Von Runyan De ceased First Willi am Harpel,', decerased, to Lizh Colllna w 0 Ja 111. d dr balk i ' . , h ' ' 'lAAb I D R B D' , . . . . hear him aing. an aW' c p c. Fires, Fanny Satter .w alte, £INI e versus onavon . rown. Ivorce Account approved ' and confir med. zie Hal'per. Lot 3BO in MaekilJ!lLw Emma returnt;d on t1Jl'e8. ',I'he .one who brings t;h-e NEW CENTURY CLUB Drummond, Barbaru;to . In the Matter of t he Estate of Addition F ranklin, Ohio . .Frlday from Toledo lIrrtat number of' people WIth MEETS AT MRS. HAWKE'S Carrie Filer and Coleman. . MI.ldred. LeWIS Tom Lew- Granville P. Decke r, deceased. Sec AJt he Wa tkins deceased by spent weeks, with getS the picture each even. .' 1S. Divorce to plaIntiff. ond account approved and confirm un. . ~. ' \, : ~ , . M Le Ha k ' was hostell8 ·to LADIES AID WILL MEET Mary A. Judd versus William ed. ' inistl'atort to Zain Annita~ Mrs. 1M8rla ' Elbo.n waa with ~ , SUI}~a7~un,..., School 9:80 a. 't he ~ew ~tu!y ~C1Uh on Friday WITH MRS. rHI~~~ ~RIC!C Judd, I?ivorce to plaintiff. . In the Matter of the Estate of 93 acre!\ in Union .Twp. Dee. 2. J here while '1988 ,' _way •. Ill. •• ,m. Sermo,. D . 8 I the absence of ·Mrs. . , ' h M E Pauline Clarke versus . Robert Ada F. lIfoble .deceased. First aud G, F. Brown to Joseph 'SchuchII is .. 10M t bj Tal~':' U ec.. n . The Ladle8 AId o,f t e . 'CI k D' t I I tiff '. en~ · sed \or Buri-d ., " Sackett, the meeting was' conduct:' ill meet witlil MI'II., F.hi.IliP aI', Ivorce o.p a n . fiiurl account apprOved, . Mn. Allee ' Cro , 'lIe }I'11&' au ~ ",t,' ter, 74 ncres in Hamilton T~• he1'e: . 0D.'. acco1m~; of litt16 ·extra . 6bri8tiiaD. Enduvor 7:00 1). m. d b M vi E Cornell .nd 22 ChurCh. W ' f Sam B. Moore versus Rachel R. In the Matter of the Estate of II;CIm...... ,·...· . .. ' , " ," ! Pre'a~hINr '7:80 p. m. Selmon e Yb r&.re · IIno'nd'ed 't o ro~I" call Larrick Wednes day ' a ~ethrnM9on, Moor-e. .Divorce to plaintiff. E Walker deceased C D. .... ....... b B' mem era -r '1. . 0 b 15 at 2 .p. m. WI rs, ' . . . . " , , , b in th t- .ecem e r , :Mrs; Ch 'I'he Peop1e~ BuddIng Loan and Walter appointed Administrator. ' MI" Fredaa nd Rutb Barley at,: subject ..'WbIl MUlt I 0 To e j tended ,a tM9:wflo ' n ,c:nar~ 8.avedf . ' , " .' . Followipg t~~ UI ess, "mM Elmer Sheehann ~nd . . as, Savings Co. versus John K. Spen- Letters to issue William Frazer . inc TM men 01 tbe 'FeriT and Way- ine was . turned .: .~ ihes p~: Allderson and' 1MIra. W. E . Stroud cer, et all. Judgment to plaintiff Guy Dicke~son ~nd Myles Penc~ Frlda¥ " . n,eeVille cbUrehea wlll fot'J!l the gram committee, • . ml as aaistant hoateaaes. for $12,469,91" costs and inter- a.ppointed appraiscrs. FERRY ':CHuRCII' OF ·CHRIST ohair ' render eeveral epecial and Mrs. L. M. Group 1 will have charge of de- est and ordering ,sale of premises I.n the Matter of the E Rtate of lMay Thompson, A. "'-'i• , W · . "., Saia '" ..... . .. ...). .,r ' ~untber.. ' .. , p~vi,dl!d ~ moat en oya 4!1 r-.. votions and put on the .program. unle~s paid within three days. Georg~ W. Crooks deceased. lnven and Ruth Cra.wford; to Edith UI n .ubj ...... . '. ,.. ", ~ . ~ r ..0·....·_ · a""-o The noon a ente~nment in the read- Each o-ne Is asked t<, bnng a ,ten: The Peoples' Building and Sav- t d 'd t b ord pe, lots 28 and 29' j.n 'Foate' r .....' " Y - . . .. '" • f th I pl ..... "Joint ...:# . th X;... ··Dgin~ . ory. approve an 0 e rec , ~o~ Po~ of -,tHe ~... .lDg 0 ~ ,~ ,ever I'HoI :,....e . 't' i- c~nt ~ ... t 88 u~ e..,.~ , " Ings Company versus John K. Sp~n ed. · . Deerfield Twp, I Blble Schoolt9 ;SO ... : Lord'. ·S upper .19i. 15·: a. .m. · . '.' ." Ownera in 'Spain, by MI88 V;ln !P~ta. ,~ve~ ~y ,o.r the cb~ cer, et a1. Judgement to plaintiff In ' the Matter of th e Estate of . Pietro . Sorr.entlno,) ,alid Sermon bY1 Frank Wrii~ of ~ ~eId.7~. Man ~ S&'Hd tre.d .Nu~~, who held her ~ II cordlall.y InVIted anJi, are u~ .. for 66786B. coats and interest and Victor H. Wor1~y d~ceased . .Inven Sorrentino to, Ilee ~ Dn..fULm,rall,iiI ',- l . • • • • '-_ . .. '.' • •' OUtlide.~ tbe ,<Ilurchf . 'IFrom to' enen. n,Pt .tte~i~n ~ ..... to come. ordering _Ie of pr~mises unless tory filed No'tlce' of hearing to 'b'e LucyDu'~ham 10.58 ., Be~ t' \' ; . ," finiali . , ' , 'd ' 8 da ' . . , _._.,.__ ~_ .. I Brothel' Smtth, betnc~,....a W"e4need.7-:-~ ,If....... " ' " T. RN S'rAR pal ' ~n YI. , pubhshed. field TwP,. .,' . , " e ' viV&i " r.,..~ 'W~ Hell. . .. ". , • , '. , ~ddllJe ~ t.!t ple,asure . of tile ORDER OF EAS ~E , The Peoples' Buildmg, Loan and In the Matter o. f tbe Estate ' of Carrie T . .Crippen ~iJd W~ pp]pit afternoon,. were two '. . '107 ' Will Franlcl. Rudduck, . deceased. C6r-. Crippen to Maqueiit&F; . b' ~ b tber Wricht ,ODe, of tM elCl- _ad. aOlF It·fa . Chanpd. , ~endered plpo lIO!os, .A H~, ~1I~mi Chapter ,NO.. iii cia !lB, . et a), Ju~m.ent to plaIntiff tificate ~f Trans.f er to Issue 4 0 acre.s and 1-4 acr~ In H~D ~ U' ':I rbl Ute .m..... of the n-t!l&7-The 10.eDt. Ian Dance" c The' Rose meet in :recular .BelJlllon .'On lor ,1899,72, intereat and eOllts County Recorder. F 4'st and Twp. '. ' .. • • " jmI th ohardl · Saturday--The .Terrlble co. . . by Eva , .' e_rung, Dec. 13. InBt;I!atiOn and ordering sale, etc. account filed. No ip.b.erltance tax, Masop Albert,:8. . . ._ . 'Way;nrerillie qtleilcel of ) .' I DUrin. 0er ::. pre-: In ' the Matter -of the Estate of 65.42 a'crel in ·Deerfield . PP -even&",. . 'tva ~ mvited t9 ~ tbep ... aerVed:!_ !~"kl\e meMn, __ . d ~~ere ti' BU 6.aO o'clock COMMON PL . EM NEW SUITS William Harper, deeeas~d. ExtenWilliam BUl'lre t6 Pa~n . . . . ' at ' . ~. ..t..._ . f a-cI ......lp out --..... the Gueatl ·of .-nh ·u.aW e were . mD cee ...... mae n R " '" t tii t D' b " 30th 01 ' B 118 ' " ~ ~...:~ We tl4d aD &~J1~ce 0 ,' " lID . ~ Nuttl Ifrs. 1IaJn~ Web, and o/lican and iqocl)ming office~ Charles , W . . McOoy verlus LeJia Slon 0 me . •0 ' • . ecem e. , ' ma alp~~ acr,ta ~' .......,. Bun::i .. ~~ withenofferlq ~f work. . Nf,~ ..._ k . • d t be'" t McOoy for Divorce. Gross "'el!'l~ct gJ;'anted C~mmls810ner. ton Tip. " ~ . MrL' Do 'IUIW e. are uqre 0 ~retle.D • , ... 9 SO't h N · • b 'ta ta .' "'1 H d ~_ ~ .&L ,. , . ml!qmben of the order are cord- of Duty,is' the charge. Carl Abae- . . 0 In ell ,nce x.. ' . ." ora en e1llQll w . Rf'I The B OpeQip f invited. -.' .AttOmey' ' . In ~he Matter of the Wdl of J. vm-H'enderiOn, pari of ~ • ,,,Ooore:, -.Shunlz versus . Ada Lester dA!cea:'ed. Village of LebanOD. of a b_ pIGt · Olriatmu IIOAab OF MadellDe Schultz for Dlvon:e. wm to under the .Wlll by Eha- , George W. GltiUCllll A. 11. their em ye. a , & ~ Abaenee is the charge. beth 'Mulford, widow. ple'a Bldg. DiaDer parl7 IflYa in ,OlDebmatL Th.. ..~ MONDA , Loa 0 . . In the Matter of the Estate of 101 &eNS in WIiIlM. hell empl0re4' for ' E. J. Leiter Mulford, ScheJ Qleph C.


~r~~~;~t! ~~h~ ;:::;~~~ ~;~.d ~~he1i~~e ~;V::b;:ar:s296 fRIENDSHIP CLUB


AtJothers Club ' Met f ridav





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S~vlngsCompany. versu~Josi~li~a







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tIo~o~:'rt ~m:::: tQl'4dQ81mII.







an Agdcultural College in Wis· ~urlington. nell..and chiJdren, Virgil, Chari" onsili. His parents, Mr. and- Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Bogan, Alvin, ~f Kt. Holly, · ~Ir. Morris Everett. Haines, Ether J ean Carey ,. Mr. and Mrs. Willlilm Smith and J;.ewis. Mterno Q call4!ra were Mr. L ·igh, and Elltol Dean Haines took ghter and ftlaTil:yn McFlLrland Olydie Smith, Mr. John Spittler, Entered: ~ the PostoWCt1 at WaynesVille, Ohio, as S\lcond - sp~nt Sun. with Mr. and M1'8, H1)r· Mr. Ell~worttl Gibson. him_to his school. Class Mail Ma,tter. fM1r. a nd Mrs. Homer Haines and aee COmpton In NClw Burlington. Mr. ~nd "Mrs. Paul Armstrong children, Ml·S. Haines mother, Mrs. 1Mlr. John Wilson visllied Mrs. and daughter Beverly Ann of Leb Millie Terroll -.and f amily of near l;Iattie Elliott, of Greenfield, Sat, 'llnon called on '?till'. aud Mrs. Frank Harold D. Willi_, Editor New Vi enn a, recently. uxday. · . Dakin and · family, Saturday. ' ~~=c====~~====~~= IMh·. Paul Sllittler oalled on 1\lr. ISSUED EVERY THU.RSDAY The Wide Awakes held their. ~ meeti ng, November 21st at the' SPRING BRANCH and .Mrs: Bert Spittler, Monday The ateel bodl.. of Iido. J . : Ie. Phone No. 112 Subscription Pric9 $1.60, ,Y ear home of Charles Stanley and, Dec. afternoon. mobil.. mJ.1 ....In the ""!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ '6., they held their meeting with Mr Mr. and Mrs. lUll A1lc1r13pent ~1r. and Mrs. 'Bill Allen calleCi "pact of headoCJa coW. alona but the bodl. of '!. and Mrs. William Smith. 'Dbe lead· last Saturday evening, with Mr. on Mrs. Hiley Gibson and fa~ily, driven aDd piUen~ .... Mrs. Louella Lloyd, !?til-. Wilbur et· was .Lc.onard Ellis. and Mrs. Everett Bunnell and fam· on e day last week. not 10 tou,L SMASHED '1 f Mt H II MlIffit and mother and Mr. Jess BODIES' ARE PROOF Mills. Mr. and Emanon S~nelair ' I y o . . 0 Y. MI'. and Mrs. Glenn Dakin and THAT IMPACT CAN · and Mr. and ~~. Mr. Jim Miller of· called son , Richar Mr. and I'dIS. ROlnO R 1995 sur· and fa mily . - Don· . Dayton . I . d, spent Sunday With KILL. ht P r aId Haines were among those pres on Mr. and 1M1rs. Hiley Gibson, .sst Mr Walter W-oo ds of Wilmington . d th· d The Joe Filer's celebrated by ~r18e 16thel~ . th~g . eT a~ me, on ent ill.t the Golden' Wedding Anni. Wednesday a f t e r n o o n . ' . kLline a 500 pound bog, Thanks- ~ N U'b a Y'9 Ton a Y e~e. versa~'y of Mr. and, 'Mlrs. Abe Cook Miss Pauline Gibson spent Sun. DRIVE CAREFULLY - SAV[ LlV[ S ovem er 2 . en J UUlor . b , Sublcribe Tor The Miami eanUe g Yin... day Their dinner guests nlng, ?':-r. ':nd M~ jim Hartsock and girls of CenterviUe school were ~f Sprmg oro, a week ago Tues· day with Miss Ernistine Earnhart ~~====~=~~~;:=========;;:;;;;::==~ f l1mily. In the evening, Mr. and present: Miss Dorothy Moore, Clar ay. . of Mt. Holly. . 7 l\; rs Marshall Filer and daughter, a B: Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Perry The ,New Burlmgton and CasMr. John Splttled attended Sun· Phyllis, and Mrs Mary Cornell and '1'homas, and ~. and Mrs. F-oreef sar's Creek W. F . M. S. with Mrs. day ~hool Ilt the F('rry Church, M t' P r . d many Raymond Wilson, Wednesday, Dec Sunday. e. e e BG-n, Jack, called. ar In. au Ine receive . M d MrS H'l G'b d useful and lovely gifts. ember 1. , r. an . I ey I son an Miaaes Wilma Thomas and Lina In honor of Mrs. Raleigh Bo. Stella, atten.ded the :r~nerals of the . Just. "putting it off" causes many of U8 to delay bOYS, Tu esday Lnnsing were the Sunday dinner gan's birthday, .MI'. and Mrs. Eva n Hop ki ns an d ",v.w.ey In haVlng our eyei re·examined. Consequently we Ir\lests of Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Bogan and family of Dayton enter aiternoon, ~t ~ellbr()ok. continue wearing lens prescribed too long ago, TlJotn8$ and eon, Jimmy. ta ined the followi ng to dinner reo Mrs. ErVin Mulford of Waynes· Eyes cha,nge : .. your glasses should change with cantly:- MI'. I/llld Mrs. Horsee ville called on her parents, one day Thanksgiving dinner was served them. Why not take a few minutes today for that to the following guests at the Law Compton, of New BurlingtJn: Mrs. last week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Da· eye examination? rence Thomas home;-Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Ethan Bailiff and Ellan Haines, Mr. and 'Mrs. William kin and family. Mrs. Perry Faul, !}fr. and Mrs. Per Bon and grand daughter of Wapa.. Smith Ilnd daughter Marilyn Sue Mr. and iMrB. Hilye Gibson and ry J. homas, Wilma Thomas, Lina koneta spent last Friday with Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Raleigh Bogan. family entertained at dinner, Sun· Open Every Day from 8 A. M. to 6 P. H. Lansing, little Ervin Faul, and and Mrs. L. 'Ml. Stephens.. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dabe and day. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Bun· . Saturday 8 A. M. to 10 P. M. I Jimmy 'l'bomais. Mr and Mrs Elvis Michael and daughter, Patty, who have been ~as Margaret Ar}drew and lIlias daughter, Dorotihy, Mr and Mrs. living with' Mrs. Margaret Antrem 19 N. BROADWAY . LEBANON, OHIO Clara Woodman called at the Lea· Herbert Marlatt Miss Clara Daugh and family, have'moved to 'Washr ' tel' Gerhard home, Sunday. tars and Mr. Edmon Marlatt were ington C. H., '\,,"here Mr. Dabe has Lester Gerhard ~t with a pain· guests tCl a Turkey dinner at the obtained work. ful aeciMnt, Friday, when he fell home of Mr. and '?lb. William Curl Mr. and Mlrs. Bryan Manning THIS SPACE CONTRIBUTED BY 10 fett from. eomen", landine on and family of near Blanchester, and sons, Kenn eth and Byran, of the side of hJa fue. Hia ear Wall Thanksgi ing Day. Middl etown, :were guests of WU. spilt about , an · inch and his jaw Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Dill and Ham Smith and family, Wednes... lUI stiff and aore, making awal- son, RalPh. were Dayton shoppers, day. . lowinC diffieult. He ia recovering, Saturday. Mrs. Ella Hurley has come to To be used in advertisjng Church, Lodge, socials"or hooWl8YeI'. . Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Johnson and spent the winter with her daugh· sales 'with no cost to organizations. . Kr. and 1IIrs. Ervin Thomas plan children form M.a.disonvi11e, Ohio, tel', Mrs. Raymond Wilson and fam Just phone your advertisement to this office and to lea!e, . Wednesday morning, for and Mr. and Mrs. Harold· Graham i1y. Guests in the Wilson home, say "Insert this ad in "Caps" s-pace for ....... : ...• We1'l&w, Ky., where Enin W ob· daughter, Henrietta, from Way Sunday were: Mrs. Hurley; Mr. . ........... organization." talned employment in a Ford gar· nesville took Thanksgiving Day din and Mrs. Lothais Winfield and fam age. Good luck for them. ner with Mrs. Ethel Faul anq child ily of Lebanon, and Mr. and Mrs. Christmaa Bazaar, Saturday, December 11, I;v. IIr. &Dc;! Mrs. Forest Trost, of ren. . Theodore ~i!cIntire of near New D&yto~, and Bruce Wean, were Mr. and Mrs. William Tate and en by the LAdiea' Aid of the M. E. Church, Waya~. Tban1aviving I'1H6ts of Mr. and son, Robert, of .Bellbrook, spent ville. Fancy Work, Candy, Pop Com. Rout Chickea .Mrs. Jeue Roland. Thanksgiving Da.y with 1M!r. and Friday and Saturday Dinner, 35c. . Callen..,t the Lester Gerhard Mrs.. P. A. Runyon. " Wine, WO"1en and Horaea" PLUS home, Thanbeiving afternoon, Mr and Mrs n.8.ymond Osborne were Emma and Will Darst. and and Mrs Euphemia Toms of Xenia Giant Bank Night Mrs. Drle1iorst, of Dayton, and were dinner guests of Mr. lind Mrs !flu Lo'uiBe Darst. of Cle¥eland. Emerson Dill and' son, Ralph, 1Mft. Rl~ond and the Edgar ThankSgiving Day. Gerhard family of Dayton, spent Mrs. Ethel Faul and son, Virgil. Saturda,. afternoon with Mr. and in Lebanon, Saturday, and Mrs. Luter Gerhard and family. ' called on ord neighbors and lIr. and Mrs. Perry Thomas en· friends. tertiineq to .. turkey dinner, · on Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Earnhart T~nbgiving Day, the fo!lowingarid children, Robert anr Ernest.t;th~~~"':" " _ or.. Mr. and Mrs; Romo Riggs and ine, were 6 o'clock dinner guests Now workinl, on Wayeaaville Sew~le replacement InabDatiaaL See daUghter, Pauline, Mr. Carl Thom· and chil~n Mr[r;S~·lyH~~.!'~B~.~E~a~rnhart=:J~I~~tElll Disposal ~Iaat bow thla a1rcad)o .famous as, .Dorla~ Alice and Roger T.homas and family, in " Mrs. A\j~ Clark, Mrs. R088 Riggs, Whlrlatar pdDdJlIle baa be= G. A. Kesinger further i~provcd by the Leave ~ame with' MiamjGazette for e.tiia.te. spent the week·end with relatives IICWClduaiveNorle"Aidoo'· Dayton. feature. See howtltlc IIAJrloc" Mrs. Ethel Faul and children, ,eeala the combuution chamVirgil, Helen, Wilma, and Buddy ber aDd prevmta aD lDnIIbof' Hamilton~ Ohio. spent Sunday with ey: sister, Mrs. Phone 3~08 cold air aa the faD CXlIIIta to a . Glen Johnson and family, in MadW.,P. Watson, 1tlgr. atandati11. See bowtbJa Norp isonville, Ohio. ' Oil Bumer ~ you deaDer, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Crawford and • ••• r •• quiet~r, more 4:CODODucal operation. Theft: ia a IiIe to meet: your beatina requirement. ~8.ional-Service Come In and 'let the facta ~t Years ' of traininjr an1l experience. hav. equip-

Utbt .-iami


= =====:z==============---=====-




Time To Change

M1. H0IIY Items


Dr. John Zettle 0 .. D.



jfuneral JJomt


to .... IIIeycIe ......... _ ..1..... DecI'. Cer." .

, WHAT ~NVENIENCE • wItIt .. ""~. dlrtr, ..mIief..... eheln .!MI ',...look to ""T. .



",,"ot be rldd.n

,!.~bo" your ~ WlTllout your "nn_IOII.

IIKE-LOK PROTECTED IICYCW . . .. I...,... Avallllt FI,. and Theft . for SI.oo ,,",lulII


•• It.-LOIl

"'lIe""""'" .....

LOCK IS NOT AN ACCESSORY, BUT AN INTl$RAL .,.., OF IICYCLE ".,., ~ 11*".. . , 6iqcI. h BIlCIf-WlC Prot«i«l

OrIn .,. N... 4«91 No Su";,,,~

Double Frame, Ballooa Tires Goodyear New J)ep~rture Brake, LatNt Type Tru.c. Rod .... at

$21.95 TRY TO M.f\TCH IT ANYWHERE A Car load of 280 Bicycles to select from at

Faidey"Hardware Co. W ~yne8vil1e, Wilmington, Hillsboro, Lyncliburg, Sabina Headq~ since 1849 for Worthwhne Gifts of Utility that last for many many Christmaaes.




L~v:y Buil~ing; Ditching

- --- ~--~xtavaiing . . '" 'THE HAMILTON 'GRAVEL CO. . .'


True Prof

ped our staff to render a leRUmely prof. . . .' .... vice, ia all of many details which make up 'a ~ of the type 'which leav. aa eviil.atinaly. couoUa. I



The underslCned, Richard A. Sukett and J oho H. Sackett, adminlatrators of the estate of Laura F. -sears. deceased, will offer for sale at the law offices of sball 1& lIanhall In the Allen Bu1ldlq , Xenia, Ohlo, Sahaftla~, D.o.• • 11, Itl7 at 11100 A. II. Ul. follow1Da perlonal property to-witl

grand son, Donnie W,C8ver, were dinner guests of tMTs Flo1'8 Hen· derson and family of Corw~n, T·hanksgivitlg Day. Mr. and Mrs. George Marlatt, and Mr. Edmon Marlatt .were Xen. ia shoppers, Saturday. Ballaneyne, of Mrs. Jamea Troy spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. qeorv;6 ' Marlatt.


Schnelder'1 T.xana , lar W/-W Act of and


P. E. Snyder ' & Son

. Pia••• ,




Several ·of o'ur members attend. , ed the double- funeral of Mr. and BlddetS an requested to sub·

cat. No. 288."


Reuben Jones at The New mit .bida for IJtock to the QDden!cDed at ~he officei 01 Burlington Friends Church, a week ago, Wednesday. ,I MarlbaU .. lIanhall. • Mr. Willard Haines is attending 8ea1ecI bide wUl be opened at 11 :00 A. IL, S.......y, Dec..Hr 11" .Ai which time said bidders . ma)" be pNMDt and aba1l _ve the rt.... to ' raiIe their bids. ,.... . UIl~ed administrators ....rn the richt to reject any and all ~ida; tt~ of sale: CASH 10% of the JllD'ChaiIe price will be , required .. a deposit on day of sllle, and .... balanee to be llald within ~. clap from date of sale. 'J'or ~ inquire of Rich· aN A. dacbtt, R. R. No. 1, .Way. ft....m. 01' Jolm H. Sackett, R. R-


Our remode.ed hcmlEt wit h j:lulll; fea· turl:!ll' haS been . a p lracti~ Christmas gift .to' the whole fa~iily. ;





No. Ii. Wip.mDe. :

. IIIcMrd A. Sackett loll. B. Baekett AdIlt'atmatora of the

. . . . of LAURA

aAU. . ...·cL.

-===;.6 D'l8RALL , Bo.l



LebariOil, o~



'IJes, _d 1!m glad . . pur,· eluuM!4 aU ·' the Jnaterials fl'ODl 'Maddt;n'~ lie- .~ "

uti iii..... ~f

. . J. B.. M.Clare, i



,Stock of the WaJ'lluville National Ban II:, Oblo,

.......... . . .. .


. "SO ebarea of ' Capital


. 'c oab ~ "".ntiJoelY upOn the wialaea the family• •



memorY.: For many yean 1!'e h~~e ~d"'" ,Ilac .... .~~athetic · semce to :this. ~~Uaitt~ at ..,....i ·

cause I 'know the bouse wiU ·,Iast. '



SATISFACTION -Or No. Charge .\

Centerville, f,)hlo Phone: 78J


PUBLIC Na"'" ....

Dra1nl • • £e..... s.ulta4 WAYNESVILLE, OHIO . .

SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON By Ceo. S. Mite••Q Subject: Christian Feliowship, 1 John 1:1-7; Rev. 21:1-7'We of this gettllration are the most wonderul people that has evcr graced or disgraccd the face of the earth. Not because we are good, looking or Ufl'ly or iporant and mean, but ·as a whole what we , hear, see and handle. , We compare even' more fllvor-


Tbc reather-throwlng pacifist, Frank 'W. "Woody" Hockaday, whOle motto Is "Feathers Instead pf bullets," Ia hustled to the cooler after . trewlng feathers over civic and AmerIcan LegIon officlab Who were ,'\lvlewlng a patrlotle parade In WUmingtoo, DeL '

. France Honors Legion Head

WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH Rev. John Veere Lacy, Pa. tor

ti t, the

said (Matt. l8:10-17.' Luke .l0:28) Blessed are' your e'y ea for they see: ~ild your ,ears, for they hear. For verily I say, unto you that many prophets and righteous men b,ave desired to see' those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have n6t 'heard them. , We hay/:! seen 'the greatest changes taken p14lce in our life.. time than any other generation, in the field of art, science, literature, invention and- discovery, it is trePal Brien. 8S a (list-talking. doubl e tuugh top-kl 'k of n two· mendous 'Wihat we have experienc- flst.Pd crew and Warne (Kid Gnlahnd) Morris as a hcart ' brellklnt; chln-bo-&tlng job, r.·equonlly come LO blows over th nrrecllons of ed. ' . pl et,y Doris W03ton. pIctured between them, In "Submnrlu 0 ·1" I want to make you acquainted the first autheuUe pict ure Elver made of Am erica n UDd ers a fo rces . with a man who lived two ages, It. acttoD. "Submarino 0 ' 1" will Olh;1I al lh e bea utiful new deluxe Xenia and beheld a, visio'n of the third, Th:.ater, In Xenl , SunclllY, December 12. for a rour (Jay ngllgefilent. he, must have been fully qualified Thill picture WitS produced wIth th e rull coopel'otlon o f the Navy to write on this subject fellowship wLb HI"b Comm ::!nd er Du!hl ells as fi rs t tec hnkal a.tlvl~or . Tho for his record abows him to be a . I1ctlon -Cl'a! ;iln~ J story was IVI'illc n by I,t. C Illlilandel' Frnnk W end. good fellow among others of the U. S. N. TilO acllon or "S\lbmnrill e D-I" ShuW8 th e' eX lllolts of subJJ1t\Tin') mnl:C UV6rR nnd' CO I11 hat WItJ I 1111 arlllada at batLl s hiPS, same sort. d,-ot, "yel's a.hl b •.... blu l,; plan es. Born and reared . in country although small was histor;ically rich with the special d~alings of ~d HARVEYSBURC and Mrs. Charles Gordon, Mr. and upon it. He worked with the hired Mrs. WeJldall Williamson, Mr. servahts of his father. He sat at Mr. a.nd Mrs. A. S. Collett and and Ml's. Clyde Levicy, Mr. and the feet ,o f a stalwart baptmt Robert entertained at dinner, Fri- Mrs. Clint Cleaver, fMlr. and preacher. He churned with his bro- day evening Rev. and Mrs. Thor- Rob ert Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. A. ther James and Peter the gneat. '. bury, Jimmy and Dorothy, Mr. and S. Collett, Mr. Howa.rd McGuinn This young hero of which he Mrs. Wm. Gillam and Miss Nan and Robert Collett. was one had fel\owship with him Collett. who had fellowship with God the Mrs. George Denny entertained Father. the following ladies a1; a one 0'Amidst this companion~ip he clock luncheon on Sat,urday Dec. was ~dmitted to the most sacred 14 , Mrs. J. P. Thornburg, Mrs. $100.00 <Q. month paid to many Occ~slons for over three years be Frank Sbidaker, Mrs. Wm. Gillam, men at first and more Jater. Lowas with the greatest figur~ of aU Miss lM'ay ~lan, MIl'S. Donald cal manager of nati onally known history, bebolding Him perfonnine Coate, Mrs. Wilbur Sbidakar, Mrs. conlpany wants to hire sever al his :mireles, healing the sick rats- Howard ' Graham, Mrs. Wm. Dos- meq for work in this localily. Dcing tfie dead, controlling the storm ter, Herbert Doster, Mrs. Wm liver orders to formet-s, rend er tossed sea, mingling with sinners, Shidaker, M,r s. Clint Sherman, ervice and do ' other work. F a rm eating with publicans, befriending M;rs. Volea~. Haclmey" Mrs. E, !eXperie nce 'lery desirable. Car and ' saving outcast women, min- William8, Kisa Nan Collett, MJ:s. n ecessa ry. P ennanent work. You stering to blind beggars and crip- Geo. Pidgeon, Mrs. A. S. Collett. only need to give your name and plea, on the Mt. of Tranf\treration:, 1Mlr. and Mrs. HOWILrd Graham address. Address Box 5306, care He was with Jesus in the garden entertmned on Wednc!sday even- of this paper. of Gethsemane ' and when his mas- their "500" Club and guests at ter was arre8~ed although fled nak- dinner. ' Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Carr, Name ..... ...... ........ .... ...... . .... :.... ... .. ed like a partridge flom. tihe liun- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Easter, Mr. Ad4r~ss ,.. .. :.... ..... .. ....... ...... .......... .. terll heretl1rned to the scene of I the trial bringing in Peter at last standing the foot .of the cross , ' . he' received the responsibility o:£>' caring for Mary the. mother' of JeNo, John . the disciple did not get his eredentials by having a , skin, or by shearing the by stealing an ape's thundr or rQbbing a parrot-of 'her crac~ - - , er. With ~ this ' practical schooling and ,experience do you not think dear reader, that this' fe1John the belov~ , disciple is able to Introduce you through the. Words of the leSson to· Him who came to ~tonement for you. ~lden Text.-Ou.r feUo_hip is with' the Father, and with His ' Son Jesus Christ 1 John 1 :3. '

In Case of an Aircraft Raid


Aid Lnr-




(·n. Ir .'I'l·vic



Marshal Philippe Petala (rlcb~' dl/coratlDC Daniel J. Doberty of the new national commander of flIe Amerled LecIOD, w!tb the erOliS the L~on of . "ODOr durlac . Ute ."It of I,HI) .i>ertODDalrea &0 France reccnUy •. " lour of the baUleOelds! dedication of war memorials and a luncheon .t &be IDv.tideal· "ber. "NapOleon and Mar.hAl Pooh are hurled. were maJQ,r features of the .,rocram. 'The LertoDalre. were cuesta oi the "FieDch IOVol'lUllent.. belq .lranaporte4 overaeas on the claot Uner NormaJi4le and qaartered Iq various hotels . -nd penslollS at tbe espenae of the Freaob repabllc ill "ar.. . and In &0. . Dear the batHe Oelda. . ,


.\ ulT1 d JlIY - La die!! \t(lLllC Ill' ?\ll'~ , ~ rhillip

unday, D c. 12- n :;'10 --. un- rick. Gift Ie chlln~ day Seh bo1. R. D. 'Collett, S upt. 7 :OO- Mi.Jw\!(.o k ,' c rvice. 10 :40- Morning Worsbtp.-Sub. 7 .0 0 'J'hlll . d :l Y, Ol'chestl'a je ct, ''If oncst Now." .. Jlrad i<." u. :00hoil' Pl"U ticc. The Cotton Blossom Singet·s will provide the morni ng m usic. 6:00- Epworth Loag ue. Sub.o r/b e for the Miami Cazette. •



7:(10 :.!; ()

,W E """

-f5hristmas •




colorjul t

~xterior and interior decorations, _

the entire store' filled with m~st attractive gifts, the ~ilirtg ·faces of salespeople • •, • all pro•



claim .that It's 4C,1;wislmttltime at Ri~e's. , R~e and unusual giftJ , Ihav~ ~en , indj vid uall y collected



'" fl'9Jl). the foW' cor~ers' of the world.

Yet yOll;

.' will find it, easy to ,choose gifts at prices within . your Clui~~ b\.Jdgc:t. Even the most inexpen-

siv~ gift tacrieS, witb ·it the idea: a ~ift from U

. Whr , not ' d~ all, your'

Rike's means more"

. Chf~as shppping ~rivediently in Qne store . and enjoy Service .in,' the' Rike~Kiumlet manner? .~,



t ,"


Santa Has Made

Fairley Hardware store Headquarters tete lin e of ~l r o n g- . d urabl e practical t Oy~w,l 'ons, c h ild!' uuto l11o bil ' H, HIe d .' , bicycl e ,


C0111 1

t ri ey l s , guns, hoxi ng i{ l \'r~, \)a11:-;, ha ~, baseball g lo vcs, watche s . tum pa sses. f is hin g lae k lc, game bo ards, dolls ,- in fa ct an ~ t hing' j' rlU might want . for an y onc, i8 to lIe found ill ollr !' J' ·l·inl 'h r ist-

mas display.

F~irley Hardware Store Larger Because of Better Qual ity, Service and Price Established 1849-1937 Phone 32

'N ew TeJep DeS and Changes New Phones Installed Since Oct~ber 15 74 r4 Frye Gilbert Wayn ~\'i ll , Oh io, R. R.

17 r2 Randall C. G. • ,,'ayn ~;vilJe, Ohio 128 r3 W. P. A. ( orp. of W nyn, ) W a ynesvill e, Ohio Waynesville Change Made Since October

128 r2 Power Plant,


Waynesvi lle, Ohio

The Ohio Central relephone Co.

Deetmber 0

Lvtl. New. J

ter with Mill Lydia Mr, and Mra. Kenneth Rlda't and dllllbtv 'o f Xaril~n, indiana


• Cburcll It .. lunchea at the Wilmlqton Stock SaNa thJa month _


tlr, ud lira. 0, W, a"t pd flJlltlJ havi moved to tM proper·

M~, ,lid 1Il1t I, N, "tenon _d dauahtlr. ..., ofjaert, wert PIlDt\lll7 I~I"" IIWN., "III *,Ir lutomobU, len tht road ~t • oul. bin ntll' th, ~omt of Ohal, Mtnher I nlllee Mra. Mildred Mltehel of home o~ Mrs. Harold Wh{ta~r. d4n1I1Ul on the Xenia pl~e. P..... NeW' Burlinlrton. ' Revel'and T. T. Cl'8.wfol'd, Dill- inr moto~lta took them to "doc-

ltarren c,ount)"i '

nol'" 1'1• •' ot bLt II~tI' )tn, H, I, BIU.wa" of WlrMr, 0, 111. RS4,. l,eI ~Ift. , wu • .'".. 01 ~, Lalin, IhRII Wbltull hal rlturn dlt' Aid It ,~tlr Obrl.tma. m"," td hom. att., I pl....1nt 'Itlt with Inl, on lut Wednllda¥, It


Electrical Appliance, Headquarters



rn,ntlr purohuH &om lIlA



Mr, Iltd Ml'I, R. A. Cl'IlI 'of Ok".lllild at. PHta ~f frl.ndll here.. . .

·Mr. lind Mrs. A. H. Schoeler ~1 Hamilton, B; 1liendersort aM trict Superintendent preached a tOr'I office where they received MH. Carrie ]{i1'll ot Orr\1IUe. O. f mily and Mr . D: L. Crane Were FERRYISMS fine sennon at the Q'uarterlY Oon. treatment. , la tM guest of her niece Mts. Jel5e . UPP .,. gu 8t- of Mr. and Mrs. 1. I Hello, neighbors I How do you 'ference, held -at . the Lytle Church, I:yle Morris who w~ &e;lou&- Hill and f-amily. B. Gor 8 , Sunday. like' this snow? Giv-ee one a feel. Thursday evening. ly ill of .pne~monia a~ MIamI Val-, _ _ _ _ _ __ Mrs. J. H. Sac~~tt bas been ingl of uhil81'ationj makes us feel Mr. and MI'S. WiIlia.m Long at- le~ hospital IS recohvermghA~~ctThe .Miami Gazette viill IIWhateoer very sick. well and, strong now dloesn't it, or d d h f . I f H 1 Lo orlly at his home ere, avmg rean I'deal Christmas 'M Il'. and Mrs. Orange Raper . ' ten ~ t e une.ra 0 • ar e~ .nB' turned on Wednesday. tllake does It'l at hIS late resldenc&, In M.latnlB-The Ladies Aid of the Friend'lI Gift. Coffee Makers R~fngeratora weN) dinner g,uests of Mr. and T.he Tom Burton's called on Mr. burg, Thursday afternoon. I ~~~~!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!~!'!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!'Waahers Toasters l\hs. A. II: Stubbs, Soturda~ ev· and Mrs. Manball Filer, Saturday A lal'8'e number of ladies' from I ~ Ironera Sandwich Toasters ening. evening. . here enjoyed tbe Christmas meet- ,.~~;ecllC~~iltilll~~~EtlPI(tt~(ql!tIl4PPP~_~ Sweeper. Mr, and Mrs. James Brannock Rev. and Mra. Clarence Ben- of the Mothers' Club at the Grade . WafEle Irons Radio. were guests of Mr. and MTS. A. nett and daughter of Sugar Creek Building, at Waynesville, Friday Asaottment Curling Irons Clocks H .. Stubbs on ~ast Wednesday ev· Christian Church, were the Sun- afternoon. Christmas Tree Lamps enIng. day dinner guests of Mr. and ' Mrs. Mrs. E. B. Longacre and· Mrs. Decorations Ranges Mis Kathryn and Mr. Ja~es l William O'Bannion and children. Agnes Sy;ank were - dinner guests Door and Window Fixtures Gibbons were dinn er guests of Mr. Mire. Marion Bugan entertained of Mrs. Cassie Hardy in Waynes· Ornaments Heating Pads and Mrs: . l? B. Cummings of the 'J,adies' Aid of the Unversal- ville, Frida,.. Xenia, Sunday. ist church of Springboro, Wednes 1M'r. and Mrs. Ralph Barger and Mr. Myer Hyman attended a day. daughter, Barbam, spent Saturday tea at Cinci nnati on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Briny of afternoon in Dayton. . Mr. and Mrs. Loren Jameson Dayton spent Sunday wiUl the Jim Mrs. J . B. Jones spent Monday and children of Miamisburg were Wical's. in Dayton and in the afternoon d.inner guests of Mrs. Jamesollll Mrs. Jennie Mullen and grand- saw "A Damsel in Distress" at LEBANON, OHIO mother Mrs. Maude Crane on Fri- daughter, Naomi. visited with Mr. the Strand. and Mrs. Thomas Collins in DayMrs. Perry Weller and Mrs. Hu- ~. _ _ ~_______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ •_ _ ;. day. I':JJdfdfdhJ~~~~~~~~~~~~ia~~~~~IiI·~ · Y.': I Orville Gray has been on the ton, Saturday evening. Mrs. Mul- bel' Bailey of Centerville we~e Fri sic k list. lens met' with a unfortunate ac· day guests of Mrs. Stanley Bailey MI'. A, O. Griffy who has been cident 'Wtile the~slipping off and attended the Mothers' Club at ill is recovering. the curb nnd' cuttincr the top of her Waynesville. !j ~ ~~ Mrs. Bertha Barr and daughter ankle very badly. Thl~ wound has Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Barger of in-la w, Mrs. Theodore Barr and b ecome infected and if, causing her Washington C. H. were Sunday I ..... - - . , . so n all o.f Dayton, visIted Mrs. El- much pain. We hope that she reo dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred n. ..,. StON of tIa.•• Spirit ida Day and Mias Dorothy on Fri- covers soon. Ru sh and children. WILMINGTON NEW VIENNA day. A delegation of thirty attend. Mrs. E. B. Longacre went by Mrs. Charles Oxford (nee Glee ed the reviva1 services at Waynes- train to Chicago, Sunday, for a Hess) was a recent guest of her ville, Sunday evening. The services visit with her son-in-law and daugh Santa Claus baa the countiiee oUbtandin. maDa· brother, Frank Hess and, family. are being conducted this week and te;r: Mr. and' 1MIrs. Wilbert Swank facturer. cooperatin. with bim throu.h Thome'. Mr, and Mrs. Ray Connorh hav~ next by Rev . .Carl Smith, Mr. Clin and Ii.tt1e gralldson, Jimmie tbi. year. ~ inoved into Dr. 'M1ory L Cook's pro ton Fis'be.r of Sabina, chalk artisi Swank. . Electric Trains, Dolls, Doll Carriages, Air Rifles, Dif.ferents and distinctive Gift objeeta--for the home and for perty on North lMlain Street. and singing master, ils visiting at Nine persons from Lytle bl'8.ved personal use--come excluslve~y to Thorne's from sty~lste Footballs. Basket Balls, Games, Wagons, Sleds, -all Mrs. Alice Sims of Spring Val- the Ferry paraonnge ,iluring theee the storm, Tuesday evening, in anVelocipedes, and Toys of All Kinds. ley pent Thursday with her broth. meetings. . sWer to an invitation by Reverand Bradle,. GOrdon Nelly Don er, Walter Underwood and wife. Lawrence Thomas i!. confined tQ Carl Smith to attend the Church (Knita) (Hoee) (Smocb-Dreeaee) Mr, and Mrs. C. Lee Hawke and his bed with la Grippe, and when services now in prOgT8SS, at the son, Dean and grandchildren, Ann asked how he feit, said he felt Christian Church at Waynesville., Ga.e Field C..-tRaymor Mr. and Mrs. Guy Routzahn son and Jimmie Weltz were Sunday ",orse today than yesterday, which (Tam Seta) . (Bedding) (J~ly-Baga) dinner guests of Miss Doris Hawke doesn't sound 80 gooel. ' and daughters were Sunday guesta Cro ley Electric Washers, Crosley Electric RaO.J;om Her Majesty at Lebanon, Ohio. Rev. Smith funeml of the latter's mother, Mrs. Mary dios. Electr~c Coffee Ma~ers, Waffle Irons, Toaster~, (Gloves) (Silk Underw.ear) Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hansel of services for Mrs. Carl Sherwood, Boitnott, at ,Tipp'ecanoe City. and SandWIch Grills, Sunbeam Ironmaster Electnc Xenia spent Sunday with Mr. and Thursday. Mrs. Harvey Burnett, assisted A.tercraft Jleaber Soft SpaD Irons, Bath.Room Scales, Perfection Oil Room Heat· Mrs. Walter Underwood. t Mr. and Mrs. Pete Wical spent by Mrs. Margaret Johns, en~l'­ (Fine Linens) (Luggaee) (Gift Tow;eJa) ers, Dishes, Knives, Forks, spoons, etc. Mrs. . J. B. Brannock, who has Su~day with the Alilen Weidner tained the Garden Club of Waybeen very ill, is somewhat improv· fami)y. , , nesville, Tuesday afternoon. ", ed. IM'iSB Mae Wical .spent the week +-elM _____ _ . IMir. an.d Mrs. Charles Davis and end with her parentil, the Pete WiANNUAL MEETING ., daughter, Betty, spent Sunday, the calli. . .' . guests of M.r. and Mrs. William Mr. and 111'1'. George ' Sum~er. The annual meeting of the Myers, at Clarksville, Ohio. ' field and Mr. Summerfield's fa- stockholders of the Waynesville HARDWARE AND IMPLEMENTS Mrs. Ella Bates of Lynchburg is ther visited with Re,v. and Mrs. N t' ~ 1 Bank f th f . .. h . M Mack D a ~on... or · e purpose 0 Waynesville, Ohio Phone 9~ R 3 V~lting er SIster, n. ... Carl Smith" Sun~~. _from Cincin· electing 'directors for the ensuing Ohio VIS. nati. Mn. AndrefW, ;Paeno returned II h Id ' th · b ki , Wilmington, , '1 Miss 'Dora Styles of Corwin bas bome with the-m. . year, wi be e at elf an ng aJaJaJdlddd~td~hJ~~~~~~~~~ gone to l:ebanon .to spend Brother Frank Wlr' t will fill rooms, ,Tuesday January 11, 1938 D~partment ~r;;;;;~;;:==:;::;:;:=;::;;::;:;;:~====;;;~~~;;;;;;;;~~;;;;~~;:;~:;:;:;;::~7 the Ferry pupit in .M 'f . Smith's ab- at 2 L.o'clock p. m. M. HENDERSON, Cashiel'. sence this Sunday ml[)rnlng. _ Dec. . 9 ,16, 23 , 30 Mr. .and Mrs. FOIITest M8fr"I;in Once again our store is prepared for your CnrlStmas-: called at the parsonage. WedDes: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!~!!!!~ needs.-With cases, counters and aiSlel5 overflowing day evening. with wonderful new items of finer gifts.-Gifts .of Mr.' Rex Williamson was the Sun Men's Hats Cleane.d and good taste that are beautiful and practical . day guest at the home of Mr. and ' BI~cked Mrs. Perry Faul. t. . . SOO A~cording ~,Ruth Lighter HOIiery, Uaderwear, p';,' RoJ;ea, Leather Men's 3-Piece Suits of Five Points, we will l4lvlI Good., Handkerchief., Umbrellas, ' Infaata and Cleaned I,lnd Pressed s~ this. winter( it. looks u Chi'drea. Apparel, ' , Sb~, and Ladi~ Ready to ' she is right.. because . the fint SOC Wear. snow of. the year (eU on the .23r<l .Ladies' one..piece of October. So, when we- brush the .dresses . Cl'Umb's off the table, let's to!j8 -PRICES that rn,ean SAVINGS to the ,C,h ristmas them out to the birds; a~d 'not in.' " Shopper. to the garbage. 'Poor little fellows can feel the pangs of hunger as


You Want Electrical"

Just A rrivetl, ,Complete

Christmas Cards Priced From Ie to tOc

Shumaker Appliance Shop


Drug Store

111. tJt.". .. ... .,/1'0'" I ~~\ o·


For The Children

Gifts For The Grown-ups

. ____ _... ___ ~



- --

R. 'I ). Collett




_~ t


_.- •. -..


....... -

The BJ'

- ==



So. Quick Cleaa. .

a i~~~~;U~~~~~Muclii"'~·iJli·i~i~·~~i·~'~-~'~~-i~-i-~i'-~i'-~-~-~-~-i·-i·-~·-~· ~'~-'~-'~-~'i-~'i-~'~-~'i~i'i-~O~~~

.Gran~ ~ways was a'keen shopper IlDd quick to "snap·up" a bar~

••• bu. you·U· tecqamze "these BARGAIN OFFERS without her years of ex." perieoc:e' ••• you save 'real money ••• you get a swell seleCtion of magazines aqd a fullyeat of our newspaper. That's what we call a "break" for you readers ••• ao w<?nder grandma says-"YOU'VE GOT SOMETHING THEREI". THIS NEWSPAPER-l FULL YEAR __ .AND ANY THREE MAGAZINES IN THIS ' LIST (CilICK • IlAGAZINU ~D U1'URN WITH COUPON) DHo.ncFtieod _ _ _ _ 1 yr. DHolllc Am NeedJecrafL._l yt. DLeahoro World 1 "lr. DMocher'. Home LIfe_ _ .1 yr. DPaah6nder (Wkl".)·_ 26 1m.. DRhode Island.Red loul1l11L I 7r. OPlymouah R~ Mootbly_ lyt. OSt!cc:emuJ Farmilll _ _ lyr. OWomaa', World 1 yr.




OPueaa·MqUlne . ,_ OPathDDder (Weeki,) _ _1 yl': OPiaorial Rnlew ' 1 yr,

I DPann Journal

I ,.r. I

1 ,.r.

OGood Sooriet. _ _· --,,1 yr. Ollomaadc MqaziM 1 yt. DHome Am Needlectaft-.l ,,.r. OSl1ver Sc.reeo 1 yt, OHome: Friend _ _ _ _ 1 oScreea Book 1 yr, . OLeghoro World ____ l yr. OTrue CoafesslOlll . 1 OMother'. Home Life _ _. l yr. Oopen,Ro.d (BorJ) _16 m~ , OPaah6ader (Wkly.) .. _ 26 islU" OPIJllIlourb Rode Mootbly_ 1 yr. Owoman.·, World _ _ _ 2 yn.. DSuccessfuJ l'mrmlag' ___ l yt. OBmerHnma &<~lyr. PoaIet:y Tribune _ _ _.. r OHome Am Needleaalt-2 yn.. ' OWoman·. World I Yl.


, Make Elzey's Home Shoe Store



~~~~~~~~ .


Oentlemen: I eaclose S , _ •• _ checkilll baIotr tIM olf... deaired wlt~. year'••ulH"uiptioa to)'lllJl paper.




your headq~ra for ' ~bnas Cards; Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Glovu, Overalls, Work and Dress PantS, Balloons, T~tys, Aprons, Fancy-work. Schoct1 supplies.

---_ ..... .

. FOUND-Pocketbooll: with sum of moM)'. Fin.del' ~}' have sam~ by identifying ,.Iil paying for this ,ad. . . . FOR SA'LE--:-l .aere. 4 room house cellu, well, c~rn '. on1y ,660 if sold tD D~ fe-:N dars. W. N, , Sears, Wa~av:ille, O. It.p.



The easiest way to a man's, !leart is through'.. t~e " ~iothes' you buy him. '0ur 13tOI'e .i,s brimming wlth ~ ' to give ,him. H~re 4lr.e a fe~ gifts to give, and rem~ber, , our label is a gUllrantee of satisfaction.


o American FrultGrower_ l.". 'OAmerlcan Poultry JouraaLl yr. OBreedet'aGazette _ _ _ Iyt. OBlade &< Ledgei' 1 ,.r. OOavedeafAmer.R"iew_I yr. OCowury Home .•. _ _ _ 1 yr• .



2--.---GROUP B-l:e'.ct 2-'OAmerlcan Boy 8_ OM<:Calh Map.ioe 1 yr. OCluIJdaa Huald _ _' mOl.

IIr: and Mrs. James .wicai en· teriained relatives' turtle soup as 'Wil well supper, Tuesday'~ week.ThOIe pre8eD~ ~rere: Mr. and Mn. Perry Wade' 8lnd· son, Joe; Mr. and Mrs. Pete I Wical; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wical sand f.amily, of Miamisburg; IIr. a'nd: Krs. Charies Baker; 1MIr. and Mrs. Ailen Lucas and 1Ion, Junior; Mr. 6J1d Mrs•. Allen Wiedner and ehil(lren.

FOR , SALE:- Nlcl8 ' fat young chick..... from & to 8 popdl. ~ 10 pure maple Ilyrup. Flora BerryhilL



FOB BALE-1929 Pon~ Coupe Cheap. FIDe l'1IDIlin. cOIlditlOD. lira. Kufauver. lilt. HoUt, O.

M_. .. Fine

Silk .Men'. FiDe "";'iher



Abnost imposaibk to A ri~ value· ln. ~~ew ~ind another at thiA Bt;flea akld colora i)ew, low p~lce. " . f :- ' $ $3~00



procacle . \

Rob.e .

$1.65 $3.80 . . '...

Men'. Gift t.e.~er

COATS Fine Horsehide .



. $7.60 • $15.00 '.


3'c-'SSC' SUk and Silk-A Wool


. .. . . . .>.. . . . .

!f1ie~ . iIJl't' ~ - . anrowe tlul,'t would Dot appreciate. fiDe eh!

mas boxee.

.mart C1uU~

:'$1.49.- $tM



) 'ightY-Ninth Year





;5t. Joli.n's House Destr oyed ByFi -'

" •

Irish Army Team Is Best at Horse Jumping

Golden. Wedding Anniversary T oBe .Observed Sunday ,

Mr. and Mrs. W. .P. Salisbury .a re celebrating their Golden Wedding Anniversary December 20. Mr. and 'MIre. Salisbury have lived ill Spring Valley a.nd Waynesville all th.eir Ilvl"s, wher.e he is well knewn in all surrounding counties a s a. Live Stock Business ?!fan. Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Salisbury are 'hQlding open house to their many friends. In honor of Mr. and Mn. W. P. Salisbury's Golden Wedding AJlniverSllTY, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Rye, Charlotte "a nd Do~ are entertaining with a. family dinner Su> ~ day. Those present will 'be r r, and Mrs. L. L. Salisbury, a.nd C c' ,dren, Miriam and W.endell of 'W ahington Court Houae, 1MIr. and MI . D. R. SBlisbury, their childr an Doris, Ruth, ~ildred, Ronald ani Martha, Mr. and ~rs. It. R. Benson and' sons, Richard and R obert Roy of. Cl eveland, Mr. and MT3. J. J. Fritzo'. and daughter, Nancy of CbUt.ton, W. Va., and and Mr. ' and Mrs. U. C. Salisbury of Charleston, W ~ Va., also Mrs. Sll!is~ury's ~ istm, Mrs. Ella ' Kent of Delaware and!Mh. Stella. Evans and daughter, Belen of Dayton, ;nd also M:r. , Salisbury's sisters, Mi s Emtna and Miss Ossa, from Spring ValleY.


Last week - this newspaper carried, a story that "Red" Bushnell, bus driver on the Xenia-Lebanon route had received '8 $100 Christmas preS:ent from tbe King Bros, bus line, ruong with employees of the company. "Red" state.s that we were misinformed on the moattel' and that he did not receive any such preBent. Too bad, "Red" we had just renewed our faith in Santa Claus w.hen ' we heard that. Now, you dash ~ur hopell to the ground l8'ain.

=::::=~~==:::=:;::~::"! W.A:YNESVlcLUEHRISCTHURCH OF W. C. Smith,

TIle JrlBlt Free State arm,. team of Lleall 'G. M. ,BellerDaD and Capt. F. A. Ahearn take the Jumpi dur-

IDe tbe pala: JumpID' cODtes' fOr'mW.af7 clan aa &be, NalllDDaI borse sbow ID New Yor~ recentlY. 'l'hey came I, &broqb wUb BrID, colDra &0 wba &be event., '


















Fire de tl'oyed t he home of nn d M1' ~ . W. C. St. J ohn early Friday morni ng, The bl'!lze was discovered by M,·s. Don Hawke, who wit h her husband , made their ' home in the same h6 use. M I'. Hawke had, gone to work ut the F ulkerson somo statio ll at mid-night, leaving the bedroo m uoo ,' ajar. At 2 a. m., smoke in lhe 1'00 111, a waken ed Mrs. A 10 P CI' ce nt increase in awards :.v iI! g ree t approximately '1 04 ,700 Hawke \\ ho im mediat't!y arouSed need y Ohioans r eceiving old-ane I ne re t of the house hold. • Jl1r, t , John hu nted to the base assistanc e when lh ey get their DcmenL' f rom whence t he smoke seem cember checks. Citin g th e increased cost of li ll l d t o be Coming, intent upon exLingui llhing t he fh'e with a garing which in recent month has de n h o~c connected in th ~ ' laundry worked a itardship on many of the ,'ool'n, State's needy aged, Gov, Mar tin Upon enteri ng this portion of L. Davey r ecently ord er ed th Sta te Dillislon of Aid {or the AA'ed the basement he fo und himself en'g ulfed in f lum es an d smoke: He to increase the awards. The increase was autho ri zod by was se inge d and burned slightly the Governol' followi ng a nin e- and nen tl y suffocated by smoke month study by th e Sta te Division before h~ eo uld esca pe. Th e house wa doomed to disof Aid for t he Aged in coopel'ation wi th the TIom e ,Economics D(!: tl·uction. Th e blaze ,had had too partmen t at Ohio State University mu ch . of <u stat·t before the "fjreand the Am erican F ederation of m Oil art'ivcd. Infaot, it is stated Labor which indicated that living tha t if the fa milies had not , been costs on f ood and clo thing have nd awakened until f ifteen minutes vanoed about 10 per cent in r e- lute r lh eii' escape would have been cut off entirely for the fil'e had cent months. eaten out all the inside, wuUs and As surplu s in state fun ds car, marked for old-age ass istance also supporis in its eal'ly ~tage. NO 'ne of the household E:ffects prompted t he incre.ase, or cl othing wer e saved. The St. , Ferd. M. Pickens, busin ess ouminish· r f or the State Division J oh '8 carried 'some insurance on of Aid for th e Aged, said thnt he the hou e and co nte nts. The' Don . awke's however, lost all of their, clothi ng Ilnd new furniture. MisS the hands of the 'r ecipients befor e Campbell, tencher in the Wainesville school who roomed ' at the Christmas. St. John's lost aU 'of her personal ' Th e additional 10 per cent 'will posscszions whi ch she ,had moved mean about $220,000 mor e mon thin to her rooms here. ly in awards to Ohio's necdy aged A large Per sian cat belonging receiving this aSllistance ,und el' pt·o the f amily escaped the flames, to lIisions of the SOllial Security Act, Und ex. the~Act, the State.olll].q ..Fed-. and was fo und safe and: sound . ' eral governments each contribute few b ot0"8 ~ter day-b'realC though 50 per cent pf the pr ogram co t.. som-ewhat " bewildered ~ver 't he Statistical t'eports of th e Divis- state of thin /I Jltbome. , , Since the fire, Mr. and, Mt:8. St. ion showed that for the month of N b J ohn Il(e staying at the,·I hOrM' of _. oven1 et·, 104,608 recipients were aided and paid total tlwards Mr, and IMlrS. Jeff Smith. m, aDd , amounting to $2,219,890 for an Mrs. Don H~wke have gone to the average grant of $21.22 pCI' re- hom,e of Mr. Don Iia.wke~S' grandcipient. With , the '10 perce'n t in- fath er, Mr. Jobn Ha.wke. Mias cr ease, the avera e grant f or De- Ca mpbell is staying wi bh Iller parcember I'S expected to be about ents who recently moved to I;ebanon. $23 34 ,,'The' l'ncrens I' not a temp ol' e s .. DEATH NO'"1ICE ary mOVe ,b ut on e expected to last a' and in,' th e spirit of the Social cThe body of Donaid ' Wol!; wM " curiey Ac~ in giving to the ,nelldy wns kill ed in an AUtomobile cid ent in Oalifornia, will aged living conditions whi ch are . compatible with their needs," Pi ck- brou'l'ht to Miiuni.~ Ceme~ 'f or ens said. burinl the latter part of the week. Young Wolf was 27 yeats old, the FARMERS' CLUB son of Mr. and' Mrs. Ray W91!, and ., ~ grand gon of the late Jol\n and , The Wa~nesvil\e Fa1'mel'S' Olu l> Emma Wolf of near Wellman, met; last Tlllrt:sd.ay, at th e hOllle Ohi o. of, W, A. ', S,!nrtzel and fa mily. ,A He is survived by large Ilttllndanc~, a good progl'ttm , pnJ·ents. ' 'I,\~d ' a very bountiful Jinn er made ' the day '\\ or !'\} white. Mrs. Ml1ggie W. Burne,t 'haa, as • hel' din ne r , ~u cs t.' Sunday , ,Ca thurine W. ' Hines of Center~ SECOND FIRE ' A second fire occured, Satul'- 'vill(!, Ml's. Emma Wade, Mi-. and day ~lVening, .a,t the home f Mr. Mrs. Julis Ri~l', Mr. and l Mrs. and Mrs. Ben Jones. A spal'k fl'om Geol'ge Smith all of Qayto~. , ' a fire in the grate set fil'e to the , , rug, causing much smoke and bu!'n ,Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Earning a hole in the floor. The fire hal't and Charles Burton were ' 'was soon extinguished, however. shopping in Dayton Frid~ y. 'fhey , met Miss MSJ·joria there, and all' BIRTH had <linnCl' togetoor. Born; Fri~ay; Dec,emb er 10, to 'Mr. and Mrs. WaUnee ' Treadway, ~t . Blair's Hospitnl, a daughter, JanroBe.

Now It's a Six·Man Football Team

manu- '



UNTIL XMAS ::e~k~e~::~ec::~:n\:~u:~a~e ~~


In spite of the bad weather our Evangelistic Services 'are. drawing Mrs. Julla 'Henlierson is spendgood crowds. Sunday e\!ening t h e . ' ing this week with hler on, Donmen had entire cbarlre of music. Miami Chapter O. E. S. met in aId, and, ,family at Da:yton, Ohiq. We the undersigned IQgree to Suno4Y even'ing Was firSt time the' re~lar session -on Monday night )fiBS Sarab Connell' spent sev- stay o~n every night beginning churcb had been filled for several ~th~ ~oo~ att~ance. F~~IOW- eral days with her_ cousin, Ell en Dec. 20 unt il Dec. 24 inclusive, at u~ess . ~ew 0.I:'rs, Edwards, of Daytpn, Ohio. which time we will close to r emain ye.u:s. Theis meetings are draw-!lilg th ing people from , many,' other or . e "Co.mlng year were lnl 1, b . " closed un til Monday morn ing the Mr. George Ro ,rison IS ,ll at 27t h of ~cember. churcihes, most every nisht -4 4e- eel ~~h sisters ~A~ G'raee ~five Cburenes are represented: dock and, Helen Randa~l of Harv- ~~e ;!ome of- Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Fairley Hdwe. Co. STATE CAPITAL NEWS There h~ been seven 8dditiorur to eyaburg Ohapter ~nd Mary CoIu 8. D. R. Smith. the clJureb. Baptlamai service to 'lett of ~ew B~rhrigton Chapter Remember I You al~e to att~nd R. ,D. Collett. , be- beld Sundq nieht. which elo&-as instalhng offIcers, the Gnade School Opleretta, TUJ!BMy H a. '. " ~ The f'OlIowing were install~d. ' day, December 21. ' ' K er . YGm. n. The pro'bability of a sigJlifie&nt es tL'e r·eVl·.... ' increde In the nonnal . '80,000,II ..... . , ~ - ' , " roger roc. and Baking Co, 000 annual limestone and stoiaSunday, Dec. 19ortl;ly IMlatron-.-8arah , Brad, ' Mr. and 'Mrs. Albl!ri ' Carver A, K: Day. Sunday School 9':80 a. m. dO,ck. WoriJ1y ~atron, Raymond oand Miss Lola Searu '81')d John Ballard Wallace (I. G, A.) . mite industry in western Ohio the result of findings made by the Preaching 11,>:45 L m. Braddock. Assoc~te Matron, Edna Sears, of Cinohmati/, :l!nd Mr. and state division tit geologicalaurvey Sermon subject, The Nature of Heitsock. Auoclate Patron, RoBS Mrs. ,Everett Sears ,and son, of NQTICE TO OUR BIeasinp of Adaptation. Hartsock. Secretary, ' MinnJe Spring Valley spent Sunday' with CO~PONno'ENTS AND' was predicted, by ' stat. Geol~ . C""ncun.IAn ..... ~ E ndeavo!' I 6"" Fromm.. Trea8urer Mary Earn- Mr" and Mrs W • N .•S ears. 1 U •• " Jl. m. r ~ OTHER WRITERS W l' l~,.,er Stout. "We have ' fnund r , R h'mg 7 '30 " hart. Chaplain, Bertha Hess. MarIMIr All Kibl er • . . . ' , ' m S G IS, ~~~Inlg hlds atter a two-year inveatigation, Ulat ' bjr~t Chr., ti' Up· ·t • '~Crmon shall, Thelnia. SettJemyer. Conduc- d 'h't CJl the wester" Ohio section contains IU ec, IS, an nl y. ome M' .,. ' . , aug er, Mrs. raCE, ""'611 a.n Regular corres""ndents oc"" _ ". ' • . I let ,u s go up, up to the house of treBS, Irian Satterhwalte. ABI!O- family of Oinoinnati. ,, ' ,,"v , '. _ s. a h1Jge quantIty of h~eatonea. and ii' Lo d" date Conductress Ruth M'organ ' . ' lonal wrIters, and those havlDg an stolomi~es of_ reqtarkable P!rity," t. e r. , Organist, BarbQ~ Gray. I Sta; Remember! You al'e to attend. :no,llncements of organizations, ~tc. POI'nts Lucille Bland OII"I'e Rout- the, vl\8de School OpE!retta, Tues- are requested to get their stories Geolbglst ~~out< repo",d. Many , " d D b 21 lp of the lim! atonu &lid ' &toIO~iteal', M~newa Hough, Pearl Ridge " ay" eeem er " into the office by 6 : M." Tuesfor w11i.chthelJe ' tare more than ", and Margaret ·Hadley. Warder, Obarles Chapman h!lt, Wednes- if possible. 200 uses, are from nln~ty:elg~t Mr. -Bnd lbs. Z. Hartso~ Helen P~eston, Sentlnal, 1'. K. day, .for Hollywood, where he will ~ome have developed 6. habit of to nine. ty-nlne. and a fJ:&Ctlon per- an~ family of Wilmington, OhiO, PrestoD., - spend the 1l0lida.ys with his bro- being. late, thereby , causing unnecent pure. Th'ey are by far the ",ere SundaJ afte,rnoo n Iruests of r , tiller, Robert. , cessary hardships in the compos-" ije t, discovered anyplace in ~., Mrs. Lena lIart&ock. ' , Mr. and Mrs. J,oBeph Kersey of ing department 'o f producing your WEre dinner guestS,' Sun- newspaper. Therefore;' a new rulworld, and when our ,findings are .. Mrs. Em~a Pi~rce ~nd ~~ Win TO AIR R':JRAL PROBLEMS oi1~c,la~ly publish~d and, 1'eleased nifred ,~u~n~ wete In Piqua. one . ON FARM HALL ,BROADCA:S'I,' day of Ml'. Kersey's '~roth~r, Mr. ing is necessary. Copy, 't'I:hi,,'h teach it is logicnl to hehev~ tha.t tbe In- ,day . ,aBt week. . ." , ' and Mrs. 'J ack Kersey. " ; es us late may be beld over for the Mrs. H: E. Hathawny spent follo'Willg week's publication." du stry, ~bic~ 'no~'DIQlly ~,IIs 6. " 30,~' .11dIrs. Le~a~ Ha.rtsoc~ ~88 shop- , Musical fav~rites are. ming~d 000,000 output, wil! ,be gr~atlf. ex- p,jng in DaytQn, S~~rdaf.' , with tlie following ,preBentations Thursday in Columbus. puided.'" 'Th~' m~st_ important' us.. ,'Mias K~tie Collins ' haa ~cov~r-' trom 8 to 10 P. M. " , _ Ruth, Conner isii8(~k in school, HAPPY HOUR CiUB MET ell for Iimeato,nes and stolomites ~ from .. week's iUneu. 8 :06 Union County Rursl Youth after ~ two week's absence on neue in l'oad constru.etoion, buildinlr, \' Mr. and' Ml'lI. :EJ:neat Martin, of Program~Membera directed "by count of injuries '1'el~eived while The Happy Hour Club met Tues and chemlc411 fields" Mr. Stout Qa~ton, called at the ~ome, Sunlr. G. Brubaker. 00., Extension pl8¥ing basketball. " day, December 14, at the bome of day , Agent, Maryaville. ' Lloyd JODeS, who hurt his back Mrs. Maude C.rane; with Miss Betsaid. ... . • . ' Tom Jonea of Earlham College 8 :26 Christmas yreenery-H. E. in a fall of a teater board, a cop- tie Oglesbee. as hostess. ' " pIe " of weeks ago, ,. is back at Prediction that the coml~ was a dinner pen at the Home, ' EswiM, Natu~ist. weeks )'rill find the !publlc indioat- Sunday. ' 8 :4~' Decorating I the Home for school. ' ' WOMAN'S CLUB MEETS inz increasedJ,JlteJ;'est i~ the ~o~){~. and Mrs. ,urton W~, of " Ohr;s~MfBS ~Jlne Biebrlcli- On December 1-7 , the. M. E. ,west T!3rritoiy cel~bratloD , ,eventa Wilmington, Ohio, were callers of, er, ~()me Furnishi!lgs,ist. Chu ch willlh.ave a POt: luck supper The Professional Woman's Club was made .,by E.,' J. ,Mildren, ' Mrs. ~arriet ,P~e1e, one dllY ~8IIt 9,:00' Turkey Market News-Re'=' , Dr. Crawford, Superlintendent of held a. meeting, Tuesd'a y' evenretary-dil'8c'tm' of the week. porta for Qhio TUrkey the Dayton District, will be guest ing at ·The Little Inn The ChrjstTerritory Commilsion Spe , " ~ :10 SpeCial ~sic by of honor. ' mas 'Program was furnished by cial text ,booka o~ ,the hlstorJ of MARR~A~E LICENSES WPrA Ore~stra. , Miss Bertha Poinsett 'of Utica. se~ eral children which had been the territory, from whlchOlito",and " Alfte~ ' ~aren Montville, 22, 9 :2~ Fann B~ll' Pr:ogram-Gl'oup was the guest of her friend, Mrs. chosen from the Gra'de School. d,lBCuaalon led by J., }? Sohinia~ Mack Rodgers. f ive adjacent ltat.. were carved, Mld,!lletQ'WD, 0., and Miss Marhwe been issUed by the commt.ion jorie Collins, 1~; LebanOD, O. Dec. Supervisor, Ohio Farmers~ ,In1Hr. and Mrs. /oe Mainous and t all ' Ohio _Ichools. for use ,u a 7th.',, .. " • ' stitutea. ," Kenneth ' Peters ' of pay,ton were \ reference in ;, prep'arina' grnu ~bb8, 22';""fectory 'work- 9:40 More music by: WOSY-WPA dJ~n~r guesta of Mr....rid Mrs. Ray s~p' , in a contest: "~lIlJOred ' by er, Leb~!>'D> and Mlsa Ucla Beltz, ' , Orcb~atr.a;.' · , ' MainollS and IOn, ' pon!ald, on SIintle, feder6l ' commissloll, -M:l'. , 2,1, Lebanon, Dec. 11. " _ , ',, , , ' , !faY. , . "', ,ren said.' In' 250 f. _ Carl Wiiltt. 21,: cha1;l!fe~r, MId- HARV~YSBURQ M. E.J:H~C.H ' ~oh,n Lowry 0/, Ye'l1ow Springs , dletOwnr 'anil Mrs. ~~ .. Witb~ , Ceo. H" w._••r, ,.IDlat-r ~ialte(l J. H; Sm#h, ~~onday. , I,btaries hiP.y.6 E ~elvea ~~ . exhfbita, etll, ~, pee.. '1~. ' ,Miss' J;,~II. ,BeiJham :1" IJI 'WIth, a «f 'the period tof tile ~arv,lD 'E. Yo~nc,,' 2~, ~elDlan l ' 9 :80 ~. in. Public !o~lp. Top- cold: , ' " •. :,787, whlch ' crea~? and Elaine €arion, ,20, ie,' "The Real ,Name of ~d.~' ': Every bat In ~ock op . ~le at "The lltait of December 8 10:80 ~. m. SundaJ School. W. ,1.00 eacb. Grace tlpcoh~ Smith ~,x-drawn cO'f:e~ ' ,..,ag~D ',cUaftD C. :~I"D, Supt. , I ,Kathryn .Glbbgnl spent the f roin' IplW'klli,i' M~_ _ ~ 7:80 p. m. Union Christmas with Mias Katluin Ogl~ ' route pver the O~Jia1 piOileel' progr,am of the sev~rN ,churcbu. bee, at Middletown., ' tra.ll to ~tta barbr!JUlrh' -.lIt Mr. and ~ra. Charles Zimmerad"ed intereat in the camlq .... FERRY CHURc;tI OF CHRIST man and IOn':Apent Sunday with qui-centennialpro.,r.mi" Kr. ¥U.. W. C. SmJ~ ........... and Mrs. Walter Callt. ' pointed out. "By tb6 Ume , , . '" Beulah Britain WAIl taken back car.van ' artrftll 'fD·,l(ariA. ,OIl SunclaJ-7Bi£le Sc!Iiool 9:~O .. to ,the "hoapltal at CinciD".tI Jut , April", Ohlaau:Wil1 be bl.1lfi1alJ . ' _ ' Saturday. She I. Dot 'Improving l'eC8ptlve mood for . .' ~ .~ Procram tiS be stmi .hould. .t~ to t. 08011'."' Part of durin&' praachlna bour in ~ Kr. and Mrs. S.. nTB,. Mr. lin. Fcireet II:a'ftlD. Karioll, Ohio, ud the of - . _ _ 8tQdy and IOD, ,. , Da1rion "




Letter Sarl_,



ttbe ,.iami «ta;ttte IlDkNd st the Postoffice at Waynesville, Ohlo, as Second ClaM Mail Matter.

Mt HoDy' .Items

Harold D. Wina.. E~itor






"!"''''' . - ...... :>Ui.. PboD_ NQ. 112

Subsoription Price $1.60, Year

""!I~_~I!I!II!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!'!!!!!!"!!!!!!"!~!!!!!~!"!!'!!"!!'!!"!!'!!"!!'!~!"!!'!!"!!'!~~~!~--e--e r:::

FERRYISMS Th P .. J. Thoma&' ar e maroon. e~ .. Warsaw, Ky. where they ",en' on Sunday wbile moving Lrvin'. h~uMho1d goods to that t "n.. ~ telephoned" Monday ,o~ It· wsa raining and it teU and the roads' ere • •1aae7 ·abee' of ice making 'h , d8JlC'U'Oua to travel b, auto. lIa,.be I am mistaken but it s ~8rna to me that this one ot thoae old fashioned winters bat U.e 10YerS of "The good old d'a)'8" lib to talk about. But ac. Nl'dinc. to the m&p'zines received t.~ ~jnar tiM! _d men are o,?timfjtle and beautiful red toma.· t~etI ud wonderful liUies, zinnias and ao 011 aN jl18t begging some one to ·bu7 aeed and await ,·resulta. The FelTT church of Christ wiIl a'i ve a Cbristmaa program on Sunday morniug Dec. 19th, to which all are mnted. ' lb. and ~ Haward McK~nst. (Tlae JQinlat&r'. aister) and . datiCiler wer. Sunde.y guests at


f:eemnc ..

,.no..... lb. and IIrs. Ervin Thomas and


OOD ~~' the over-nigtht guests Sat1lJda..J oJ The Lawrence Thom·


w• .are &'lad to report that Mr, LaWNDee '11lomu's health is im-


Ilr. and lira. Pete Wieal entertaiJled Ill'. end )(1'11. Fred Conklin aDd dauebter, Rosella of DaySan~J e....,ning. )(1'. lea Hea c&lled

and Mrs. Gayle Evans. Mbnday wital h,r )(1'. and MI'1I. Kathryn CaleY· of Dayton Mra. Geol'Jfe Mar"~t. MI'1I. Grafton Kesinger pent !lpent Saturday. and Sanday with Mr. and MI'S. Earl Evans. • the .week end in Di&yton. . Mr. and Mrs. Georae Bratten and Mr. and lira. Kenneth BMtt~n ~,d daughter Sherley Ann 'of DaytOn apent Sunday afternoon with Mr. ,nd Mrel. Herbert MaP;iI'.rs. Sue Harfs 9,ck f Spring- latt. . Vall y spent Thqrsday and Fri- to M~ ~rl~y Cralwford a~d New uay with h r uncle .and aunt Mr. I) raw ~rd 8peillt Sunday with e.nd Mrs. Herbert Marlatt and 80n iMlr. and Mrs. Clarence Crayrford and children Louul and Minnine. Edmon. Th e se wmg class had an all day sewing last 'l'hursdllY ~t NEW BURl.INGT,ON church room bere. - -Ohoir practice every Thursday Mr. and Mrs.~. W. Oa.nldin evening, leader Miss Bradley. ha~e g~ne to .Xenla for an extend , Mr. and Mrs. William. Tates viSIt ":lth theIr sOia B. D. Cankiin and son spent Sunday with Mr. and Wlfe. and Mrs. P. A. Runyon. . M:rs. Ella Wilao:n is spending ' Mr. &rid Mrs. ' Everett Bunnell several weeks with friends in


to see Mr.

Robert Stiles SUlluny l'1lo~ning. Mr. Stiles was so unfortunate as to 10 a finge r recently while 'working on his auto. iMtt'S. Marie R,udduck nnd daughtor Betty visited with Mr. and M,r s Harry Cornell Sunday a.fternoon. In the evening all four called on Mr. , and Mrs. Thomas Burton. Betty remained nt the Burton borne as 'an over-night guest and on Monday Mrs. Rudduck, Mrs. Burton ~nd Betty went to Dayton to do their, Christmas sbopping. Miss Naomi Bodenburg of Osgood Indiana was the week end gu'est of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fox and family. Mr. and IMIrs. Harold Hutchinson {)f Dayto , d ' 1'I1i Lo' S 'th s.n d CharInesan t ss ISt'h Bur on were e Smlunday dl' nnel' gues t s a t th e F ran k Fox home . Mr. and Mrs. Perry Faul and son caIed on Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Johnson and daugbte.r of Lebanon on Saturday evening. . The Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Burton were Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Jobnosn of Day. ton. Not much news this week. Either people are resting up from Thanksgiving or they are resting up for Christmas, Or maybe they nre just snow bound. T.he Ferry Ohurch of Christ will present in music and Sermon their Christmas program ,S\1nday Dec. 19 at 10 :80 8 . m, Everyone welcome. ..... , Miss Bessie Conley of Clncinnati ' s'pent the week end with Mr.

and children viere at Bellbrook Sunday afternoon. Several from here attended the Christian Church services at Wayne6viIle. ' , M.r. &rid \Mlrs. Em erson Dill and son Ralph were Christmas sboppers Saturday. Miss Dorothy Michael spent hsaturday nig~t atI d Su~day Withd or grandmother Mrs. Mlchalll an her aunt and uncle P: A. Runyon. ' . Mrs. Herbert Marlatt and M18S Clara. Daughters and Mrs. Anna Lucasan~ son . Edmon Marlatt were Xema Shoppers ~Iday.

Xenia. The Dorcas Club held its month 1y meeting at the Annex on Thursdny: T.h e Ladies Aid of the Friend Church W8.!I entertained by Il \ib, Raymond Car~ on Th.ursday. Miss Helen ConlpOOn s~nt the week end with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Chenowortb of Xe~lia. Mrs. W. C. Sml'th entered Mia· mi . Valley Hospitlll for obscl-vabon. . . . rhe M. E. Sunday School IS pla~ning f~r a Chl;stmlls program durmg the churc~ hour, next, Sun-

Dee. 21 at 8 p . •. and the1l'ri Dds ftt1'l. Allee Clark ~oMd to the unday •. chool pro,ram Dec. 26 Hlnina' Apartment In Dayton, at 11 o'clock. :rueaday to spend the remainder I of the winter. LYTLE Mr:' and Mr.. Walter Kenrick The'Home Demo1tsttation meet- were Franklin vlaito'rl, Saturday lng, with th lesson of "Attractlv afternoon. Rooms" projectJ was h Id at the' A number of folks from ' h4!l',Q hom~ of !\{rs. tanley Bail Y, attended nloetinr at t he Christian Thur~day afternoon. Church at Waynesville, Sunday eve Mr. and Mrs. Milton Sheehan ning. of Cent rville WCl'e FddllY dinnell MI·s. Margaret Johns- entertainguests of Mrs ~lice Clark ed at c.ards. Saturday evening: Mr~ . . Orville Phillips was -a. Dayton and 1Ml-.. Therle .Jonea and !olr. and' vi ioor, Saturday. Mrs. Donald Hadley. . M~. E, B. Longucre returned Mr, and Mrs. Fran¥ Criher and, .Moilaay evening after a visit with daughtel' of Dayton -were dinner Mr. ' and iMh!. Wilbert Swank ' and guests, Wednesday, at the little nephew, Jimmie Swank, in home of Ml'. and Mrs.' Forest GraChicago. ham and children. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hadley and Mrs. Ruth MorgaJl, Mrs. J. B. daughter were !tinner guests, Sunt Jones, Mrs. Donald Ha.dley and day a t the home 01 Mr, ~nd Mrs, 'MIrs. Guy Routzfihn ' attended In-

of Euteru star, at WayneaVUle, Monday' ••enlna'. The ChtUtmu Ente~~ment 01 Lytle Sunday School will be given at the ehurc.h on Christmas Eve. nlng, . Friday, Oecembel' '24. Thl first part will be given by ttle chllr !'en and the latter, "FOllow- tht. Star", a BOng and SOOTY program of Christine .. . Mr. and Mr.. Fol'es~ Graham anu children, Dorothy and Dickie spent Saturday in Dayto,n. " ·Mr. and Mrs. Elbert 'WalJac.e,.¢ Harv~ysburg were Sunday evening dinner guests oJ ' Mr., and ~1'S • Lowell'llhomas. , -------





-WI-Ibur N. .:Je C "'ar's f

Real Estate. Insurance - Auctioneer ~

Sells Farma and City Property Writes Fire, Tornado, and Automobile Inaurance Conduct. all kinds of clean auction ..Ies Personal service backed by 25 years experience. Call or write. Information gladly given.




Waynesville, Ohio


"G hristll1BS Special ,





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. ROoT iOR AND CONSIGN ,oar CaW., bop, aheeprand calvo 1 to Nom..BrockC"., live lrire a~ I proareafve firm l'lr· th. · bigbt' I marKet ; pri~es ·and rood semet U.I•• Stock V.nI,' CiDCiD'!!..ti. !.. •• Tane 'In on Radio Station \WCJ' ~ 11:21 to 12:80 p. m. foT' "ur d. ? market report&.

·A Gift Not Received•••


GQod eyesight is one gift that no one can .loolt forward ·to getting, y;rapped in a neat package. . But good 'e yesight is a gift that 'can and should , . be protec,t ed by ,seeing a; competent optome~t regularl,. . ' , .. ,


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O",OMERTIC EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Open Every DaY 'from 8 A. M, to '6 P. M'. , ,Saturday 8 A. M. to 10 P. M. Lebanon, O.

'Veteritl~riall TO MAK.&, . ~THYlIJ4I-S~COMMUNlR S&feat Place Earth To .Owu LivestOck IS :' '. ~e D..ife' ADcI Purpoae • 0 your

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;1'unttai ,~omt





be used in advertising Church, Lodge, socials or sales .with no cost to organizations. lust phone ,your advertisenien~ to thi$ office and say "wert-this ad in "Caps" space,for ... . .... . .. . , orgapizatiC?n." "

....... ,

" 2,


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Now wbrkiD& OD


ri..P~ Piallt " lAav~

nam. with ~ G.••rie for eatimate.


PhoDe 3708

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a".•• we..... •


:rJ,ue Ptof•••ionaJ ':~erviee" Yun ~f trainiq.:'and, experieD~ h~v. · "uip-,. 'peeI 'oUr etaff to ~.; • KenuiD.,,. p~e..ic~Dal . Hr- ' Yiee, in, all of ~y d.tail. which ~e up • funeral , 01' ~ ~ 'WhiCh I_Y~ ~ '~......tinKI, c,,~UnK . . ' For many yean we ,h ••• ~cI~ ~~~• ....... ..mce to thi. co~i17. · ,.t· . . . . . . . ..atlnly upon the ~e. ancl' ~..... of.






.' . ,

eI IE.. II.Clar.·.



Warren County 'C ourt News ', . • )MMON PLEAS PROCEED- , e:r sales. approved and confirmed. INGS, Anna Mitchell, <\ee'd. Hearing Nina GllIen 'and pon Lee Gillen on sche~ulo of debts, elaims, .ete. " minor·' iIlg~d 6 'years, - by . Nina set f91' Dec. 24, 1937, at 10 a. l ,illen, his mother and next friend Ann'le' Hamilton, dec'd. First V3:' Industrial Commission ot; Ohio and f~i~ na~I~~~~~~~~__-i__1P. Jury impaneled, Jury fin-ds in favIn the 1Ila.~r ,of ,tl1e settlement I' of the defendant. of the estate {if Clinton Corwin, 'fiome Owner's Loan Corp vii. deceased, gross v<Olue of estate J Jhn E. Tracy et ,Ill.' Contirmatiot) $35,872.04. V(llue .of succeSSions . : sale, deed ordered cl'istribution determin~d. , '/ . .' pro<:eeds. In the matter of the' settlement Ruth Rawlings VB. Thomas J. of -the estate- of Anna Mitoo.ell I:t\.wlings. divorce to plaintiff, de- dec'd. Gross value 'Of estate $8,f !}ndant restored , to maiden name 595.27. Value of successions de(, i Ruth. Cooper. termined. In the ma.{ter of the settlement Hazel '~idinger vs. Herbert 1 ;dinger, c.aSe dlsmisl'ed 'w ithout of the estate of Frederick MumI <lcord. mert, dec'd. estate free from InThe Union Central Life In's ur- tax. Flilvilla Whitacre, dec'd. Dan B I.nce Co" va.. Josephine Francis, , ' Carter appointed administNl.tor, rase dismissed without rec9r<l. ,. Lovely red.h\laded Ann Sheridan and handsome John Lltel are The Financial Securities Corp. letters of administration to issue. the lovers cGught ~ III a wel)- ot clrcuD1~ tali tial evidence In the tense. . , , Appraisers appointed. Iy thrilling motIon picture. "Alcatraz Island" which op enl! Slilld ny. \'s. Earl Dorsett, case-,dismissed Chri~ty McCray, dee'd. First ths 19th ot , December, at th e lI e w deluxe Xenia theater In Xcnla. Ilnd Final account filed. whers it will play through Wedn p- u,ty,. with out record.



was good, a'nd enjoyed a good PJ."Ogram. MI's. Mal'Y Haines luis been confirrea to her home ' for several days. Harold McVey has _ purchased a new , model 1938 Buick. ' , . Ml'S. Bar-h ey Shawan wa a ,business vi Qfto~ in L'e banon Thursday. ' John ~oore, attorney of Cincinna ti transacted business, here , Wednesday. Claren'ee Price has moved into the Huffnlan prop el·ty. John Tucker and Ellis Shidake1' have returned from the Seuth. ,


Electric Casserole

Christmas Gifts

DINNER SETS 22 pc, Dinner Sets : ........ , . " . . , . , $1.89 32 pc. Dinner Sets ' , .. . , . , , , ... . .. . . $3.98 35 pc. Dinner Sets ., ... , . .. ... " ... $4 ,49

5 pc. Mixing ,Bowl Set. nesting, in colors ... .


Casserole .. ' 25c to 39c Refrigerator Set 3 p~......... $1.25 3 piece Baking Dish ... 98c Coffee Drlperlator 1.49 Flqwer Pots ...... IOc Flower Vases .. . , .IOc Milk Crocks .... , 14c Ic~ Cube Pitcher .. 39c Hot Oven Baking Plates , ............... lSi:


the most de11oioQS oasserole dishel

, Electric Toaster

Fai~ley Hardware Co. Larger Because of Better Q~ality, Service and Price Established 184!J • 1937 Phone 32

~1i:tl"'I;~~t»aJ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~;;:;;:;;:;;::;;;:;;:;;::;,;~:::;~;;:~;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;:;:;~::;;:~

Choose from . · variety hands'ome toa.etere.

Do You Live In A Warm Comfortable Home




Good for Home Use



CARD OF THANKS We wish ' to thank thQse who h~ve been so k,ind, to ~ s in our mlsf(lrtun e. ""_ MI'. and Mrs, Don Hawke,

Crockery---Chinaware Dish'e s .

t~':I~~~~Z ~~~a~~~8IBo~ ~~~:1~~~~5 !I~~o~~ f~~l~~~:~I~h~~~;~r:r~:lt~~~

Sarah- B. Fred vs' , Harry C. ¥argaretba Bohrer, dec'd. first ot chwartz, ( et oj, clise 'dfsmissed a-nd .final account filed" ' and the dread In which It Is helel by the und erworld, Th!! at ory Is without; preJudice', ~ S'y lvester Tilton, dec'd proof of concerned with a dangorou s rncllcte r who Is tlnally con vict ed on Jean E, Minge a minor by Ruth publication of appointment of Exall locome tax evasion charge by a young crusnd lng district atby Gordon cast. Oliver. lI1 ary M li ~ lIlr e and Veda Ann torney, played Burdge, her next friend VS. Paul ecutrix filed. Borg bead tlle sllPportlng Minge, for clivoree. Gross negl.ect An!la E. Sheehan, dec'd ~l'oof of ~~~~~!!,!,,!,!~~~~!,,!!"~i'~~!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~!!!!~~ o'f duty is oharged. 'J. T. ~i1e , pubHcation of appointment of Ex- ,,,, ____ _ ' ; , filed. , The guardiansbip of Geo. W. Lebanon Villiage School District ,,, tiorney. Mary L. Claggett, dec'd. certi- Crooks, incompetent, First and fin to Harlan Campbell, I! 1-4 acres " Uessie Brandon vs. D. A. 1IaXt ison and Sherd Kerby for dam- ficata of transfer ordered issued. al account approved. known as Shak,er Hill school prong-es, ,3,000 and cos~. Frank C~ In the matter of the sjlttlement Brice B. Worley, dec'd. first perty. In the matter of the estate of Anderson and .Geo. E. Y~uni', at- of the estate of Wm. A. Aunker, and final account approved. t.orneys. f .' ~ d'ec;d. No inheritance tax. Carrie W. Sieker, ' first and fi- Horace E. Welch, dece.ased, certiSara B. Fred VB. Lebanon Anna E. :MItchell, dec'd proof nal !lccount aproved. fic.ate oJ transiel' to Charles Sylof publication of appointment 'Of van Welch, Hazel Louise Brunk, LQdgs No. 26, F. A: M" et REAL ESTATE TRANSFERRS Bertha Jane Schilling, 5.96 acres damages, $15,323.75 and costs. alinlinistratrix iled. l!Je ryl B. Gray, A. C. Fricke end ' J ; Lester Mulford, dec'd .Fred C. and Ma.ry Lawson to in Village of Lebanon. Also other Henry E. Beebe, attorneys. of .publication of filing of sched- Morris M. Hopkins and Daisy Hop property ' in Thompson addition. , . ' . ule of debts, claims, etc, filed. kins lots 19 and 20 in Johnson's Emma R. R~eder, el; al to Roy PROBATE· COURT ," DeWitt Winner. as Admtr. of addition to Village of Corwin. L. and Martha Hudson, part of ~oy 'L. Van Cleve, executor of t he estate of EIl8. Frances Win- . Olivia Humphreys to 'Maynard lot 37 .in' Fra,nklin. the testate of Emma Eltzroth ncr, dec'd VB. Earl Winner, et ai, Hunlphreys, about 12 1-2 acres in Iii the matter of the estate of Hardwick, clec'd VS. Lor~n J. Hard distribution of proceeds from sale Middleooro; 6.54 ' acres in Harlan Mary L. Clag,gett, _d-eceas~d, cerwick, et a!. Deed or~er.ed, ~Istrl- filed. township. titicate of transfer io P. D. and bution of proce;eds;trom sale. . '. In th~ matter of he. settlement Fred Redmond and Ella Red- Taey Claggett, 29.51 a~res in ,estate' of .Tames Woodson, mond to naymond F. Finley and 'Massie and Wayne Twps. 46.98 Mattie E. Walter decea ea, ve.ntory filed . ' dec'd estate exempt frOl\1 Inheri- Florence Hl,llber, 60 acres and 6.- acres, 127.37 acres, 104.18 acres. In the matter of the will ' tanoo tax. 63 8-eres in Harlan tWp. , Robert A. and Viola Whitacre Mary L. Claggett dec'd: Electi:on In the matter of the settlement Frank ' Waite and Sereva Faits' to . W. W. Whitaker 11-2 acre, in to take fi led. • < of the estate of ~c.therine S. to ' George Henry and Dorothy 'lMl 'M orrow. Wlll. F. SchencIC, de~\d. Adml11l-ol"W'00cl!!Pn1 T deJd es~te exempt Walker, 'property in Turtlec~ek istr.atl·ix's bond reduood. from. inheritan~ tax. - , Le.b anon. " , ' HARVEySBU.RG -Eva ' Hormell, de'd. Administ1'a- ~, T. · C. Franl, ,dedd: ,hearing . 'On ' Lulu Davis to Racha.el Rebecca tl'ix to divide and distribute per- Inv~l1tory set for Jan. 3; 1938 a.t Davis" quiet claim to lot No. 16 1MIr. Daniel Lewis and daughter SQnal pr<Jperty. · &.. m. . and northeast 'one-half (If lot 15 ,Lodi have -moved to B,owe,rsville. Eva Le,wis, dec'd. Executrix M~ry E. Spurts, dee'd,. schedule in John on's addition in Convin. Mr. and Mrs. ' Richard Williams . ordered ,to .s.eU stoc~ Cllrtif'cate! ot:deb~, c,1ai1n1.- etc, approved. J. ' A.!~'Mllrtih t\>, Mae Willis, 100 . (nee- Vivial) TucitaL)' of:W.ilmingPearl ''EulAwl, ' 'deti:!: ExecutOr E. E. ' BrxJly dec'd. first and ti~ 'acres in ,H arlan twp. , ton spent Thlll'SdIlY wiith her parordered to sell ooposit on n.aJ account approved. Olan .Purke.y to Charles Clell ents. sto~k lit " pri~-8te !l.!\!e•. , . The guardianship of Pall ' E. ThofflPson, part , of lot' 806 in The Business Mens Club' held i~aane--, first Franklin. their monthly meeting at the gym ' Frances Meloy - Chen dmr. de ' bonis non wiUt th~ Board of of Wednesday " even-ing, attendance annex.ed. of Olir9liD6i, 'Ch~nowe.~. dec'd. vs. FrQll efl Melroy 'Cb8llowetb, 'let a1. Service of by' publicatio!l ordered. In the ma.tter of;~th4~;84~ttJ<e,m<~l\.t of --ilie estate- of Hljol'dwick, dec'd. Gross estate $4991.01. Value of sq~~"~ 'I, siona determined. Ch1u-les !t. Brown, deC'd'. property toI be sol!! t pl'lsonal ' ~ , (( vale' Hle.' _ Emma'" Wjin's1tiel.

A basket ball game was played M:rs. Josie ,Wb itaker hlllJ &'Qne at the gym Friday eVlming ;s he- to ln dhmll1101i , Ind iana, to IIpeud ing tne f,i·rst Le!lgue Game, t he th winter wiLlt M1'. lind .Mr•. Ly';('ore was 37 ho 16 in favor of m a n Rou h. . I:ral'Veysburg, ~. John Weldy and daugh tel , Mrs. lIomel' Fen:is 'a nd husband of Wan ' Wel'~, w~ l'e here Satu rd uy' vi siting his ister 1\1:1-s. Frank 'WiI'o n who , hilS, belln quite ill for the past two weeks. '



EI~ctric Teakettle


A Cold Draughty House ; 'You may ,ha ve Snug Warm, Rooms by use of ,


Heats water -quiokly~ Whistles whsn hot. e

You may have warm 'Storm Doors for as low as 25 ,cents--just" use, Sisalkraft over ordinary screen doors \



Ohio ,

Phone 14



Christmas Gilts If you know what you want to give-·-we can supp,ly ,your needs ,at once. If you are "Wondering"-:-come

new rrodels

in and you will find an ideal gift,that will bring satisfaction to both, the giver and receiver. BUY ffi OM ~OUR~

Starting Dec. 18. our store will be"open every evening until

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,', ~Iso , wi8~ing 'to thank y,ou .for. your pilst patrona~e ,;



" and extend to you Qur best'wishes for a Merry Christr ~a8 and ' a ,Prosp:erous ' New Year, '1



._Ii_a. __ "

. . .


/' ,

"' "~ I ~~




Th u.e of,angelll was ODe of rna ny way God had to communicate with his people. One .reason for th' th • tl ~ Ik __ > I was, a~ lese ~o 8' were 'IW' as a whole, II People of lette~ The chur h leaders were 110 corrup~ that they could not be trusted with an angelic visi~, for when king Herod nt t he request o.f the wise men (Ma tt. 2 :8-6) inquirell of the cribe and obief Pt:iests where the chl'i t was to be born, they readily told him, although they .know him to ,be a murderer. No wonder the angels did not visit that type of professed leaders. This Christn'l8!! mnny chul'ches will .bave enacted plays featuring the birth of Christ with the visit of the angels to the shepherds. I enjoy these plays and they nre instructive, but most of the church memhers must change tbeir ways before. w~ may expect any thing more thsn artlSbown after Its recent completion to 8 at Corning, N. Y", Is the giant elee. trlc IIgbt bulb whlcb will surmount the $100,000 memorial tower to Tbomas Alva Edison at Menki Park, N. J .. where Edison inveuted tile first Incandescent clectrlc ,light. The bulb, It leet blgb, contains 960 electrio lights with a 2l-lncb reflector to be uUliJ.ed as an airplane beacon.

It Is twtlllht. lnaide the Uttle

II' left.uutteNd cottage a fire ' bla~ nR the h~, In froilt of which .., a w!Pte-hoIllred man and a lI~le lie: 01. It .. COly and w.rm In the 1'0 ' ,m, but ()ubiide, the world ia cold at 1 ""'1&8. A new-.fallcn snow blan Ite .the ,earth, enclosing il8ch be l$e In a tiny world of its own. The little boy sita on' a. 811001 at o I Uncle Jeff's feet, hia eyes on th window .alnst which the &now ia J,lfting. , 'Uncle Jeff; it's still snowing. I 10' e soow-I have so much fun pl1 ylng In It. Docs everyone like 1Ir.'1 w, Uncle J.~ff?·' '.rhe old man's sightless eyes M .l m~ ' almost to see the lad as he IItt ked the tousled head. "No, Sonnie, I'm afraid everyODO doean.'t lOVe the snow a.s you do. There are some folks to whom it means only cold and misery. You Bel,>, lad, everyone ·Jan't as fortunate as we tonight "ilo have no It me at all. And we mustn't forg<.t, Tim, that the same thing can bring joy to some people and sorrow ~ others. That dQesn't mesn that we can't be .happy abOut the anow, but we shOUld', at the same time, think of others a.nd try to hdp them. Tomorrow morning, on ycur way to school, you might help a .older lady across the snowy st eet, or warm the other children about throwing'anowballs at oloor people, You can't realize how much tholle simple acta will be appreciated." ''I guess y.ou're right, Unele Jefl I'll try to be thoughtful while I haYe a good time." The boy thought for a moment, then lookInc UCerly- .f"t'fte wrinkled face, he wed, "But Uncle Jeff, you like llie SDQW, don't you? Even ... . EVen if you can't· see it any more. The old man smiled. , "Yes, ie.ddie, I~ snow, 'for I beautifunt is, and

other than human voice8. The angel, were wry oofinite in thei... directioJUI SwadI· I h ~""Id' mg .c ot ell, a ve:ry young ",.. I ,"..n n.i . f a mlU)ger, 80mewl ng; umque or suoh an oc~ion, b~t a' good mark of desIgnation;' city of David, which could only be Beth_ehem.. . Just all the Alnughty was definite in ,reveallng <Jhrist at hill birth to differen~ ehwees, .as 'WlIS also Jesus' maniT'er in his life on earth jUII.,t 110 shall he reveal .himse)f to the present and future generation. . Now it is unne(~eBSary to tell you I am not a prophet or the son of e. ' pr~Pbet, neithe~ do I claim' to speak by inspiration, but , such my fa\th in . God's interest in us and in man's perse:rv.e rance in searching after him, that I believe some morning our children now Iiv Ing shall wak., up and see blazon across the pagell of tbe newspapers,

that 80me al~wth hound of the Infinite haa trai1e~ that elusIve lum· InafY called the Star of Bethlehem In ibl ecoentric orbit, t.rat'ed Ita J'oul'neys in .pace followed ' this " , monstl'oJiIlY of the univerlKl in Ita ~mon, th~ othor celelltials, calculated its Nltrograde. motion 'form EMt to West througH the skies, tracked and back this llIysteriou!t' object ·of


WAYNESVILLE IN 8 R 21-Burton, Mrs. Mary-Main St. 17R21-Clark, Ralp.h-Harveysburg 45R21-Hartsock, Ernest-Waynesville 45R2-Hess, Frank-Waynesville 18-McD.uffee, Mrs. William-Waynesville WAYNES,vLLE CHANGE ' 68R4-Garst, L. ·A.-Third St. 5R2-Crane, Carman-Waynesville 35-WaynesviUe Coal and Ice-Waynesville GET MOTHER A YEAR AROUND PRESI~NT ••• ORDER THAT TELEPHONE FOR CHRISTMAS

Jack·Spanlard Wasp.

A species or wasp In th e West In 41es Is known 3S the ior.k 'spau iard

SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON Birth Of Je.u.: Luke 2:S-20

Geol'ge S. Mitchell The first thing we notice in the record of this event is the eo.mmOn place of natural things intermingled with the uncommon or supernatural thif!g1l, a godly mother and husband, the birth.of a child, sheperds watching their flocks, folks with a knowledge of God 1lS a back ground i tax-gathering a little uncommon; angels supernatural. It was not \1ncommon for Mary . . . . . . . .n

The Ohio Central .relephone Co.

. . . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . ._ . ...

Master Mix Concentrates .




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Xinas' Gift . 5,,U OIga.t . Ions' . .. ~


of Wrappinlr and Mlala.

Xma, Carda and all kinda

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Drug Store

Phone i20

Waynesville, Ohio.

EL~CTRIC ita the Modern Practical Xmas Gift for the




Sandwich Toasters Irons . . . Grills , .'. Corn Poppers .. : Clocks ·... Percolator~ . . . Coffee . Makel's . . . Cigarette Case and Lighter Combination . ". Occasion~l Lamp ... Radio TUDes.


BOth StoJ!e.s

Disp,l ayof


Stansbury Radio .·Shop

Water St. Waynesville,

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Spiini{ Valley; Ohio

Store. Open· Ev~ 'Until Christmas






will tell me ·hoW' it looks, I 'will be able to see; Tim". '''Tile ,,"ow itin't falling npw, Jeff. EVel')'thJnc Is very IItill and ' white., 'l1be .moon Is just coming up, ,aDel Is' e~g tbe. white ,to ailVer. The pines In· the yud are laden. 'With IIDOW, and the moonllgbt OD them makes them look like giant -ChQIItmaa. treea With ail · Vilr branch... Oil, Un.cle ' Jeff, it is , 80

SOC Quick Clean.r8 _ _ 2 __

S.b.eri'"· Tor The .atl....

assure excellent results of a truly economical basis . , i,

Tim Mile a.nd walked to the wind"" whre he st~ looking out over tM ",hlte fields. . "Oh, Unile ,J eff, I wiah you could .11M, just for tonight, any~,l" If YOU'

SOC Ladies' one-piece dresses .


. Your Big Qpportunity ls Knocking


SO. ·

Men's a-Piece Suits Cleaned and' Pressed

New TeJephones and·


Stationery . .. . .... .. .. , ..•.•.....• . :25c and-50e-:. Gentlemen Sets ... '.. , .......... '.' ...•' , .\,. 98c ,! Dresser Set . . .....•.. ,' ., : ..... • $2.98 ~o ,6.96 Cig,arette Lighters ' ........ . . , .' .... , ... ,. $1.98 Cigars (Box 25) . ...... , ........ 58c to '2.~5 Box Candies ... , ..... ,., ... . . ,'r. 60c to $2.00 Pen Sets , ............... ;.............. 98c Desk Sets ..... , . , ....... , . .' .. " . : ..... ,1.00 Pipes " .... ... .. ..... ................. .... , .... _ 50c to $1 0'0

Hats Clearied and .Blbcked

Katltr)'D M.ndeahalJ,

I know that the earth is beautiful, to sing praises in the first chapter ;==:;;;;:;;;;;=======;;;:=:;;===~=====_;;;;_~ even though I ean't see it. You see, of this book. Every Jewish woman - - --- Tim, I have memories that paint hoped to become the mother of the my pictures for me, and I can re Missiah, but lIngels played .a part member IInow-covered hills and sol- here by informing her of the na· id crystal streams. All the years ture and future of her expectant · that I have been blind, I liave not child. (Notice the 19th verse.) lived in dal'lmesa for I have pic- MarY kept and pondered all these tul'fl in my mind ~hieh will remain things in iher heart, that. is Dot onwith me all my life. You know, Iy what the sheperds bad told ber, The b.e st feeds possible for science to :del5ign can be Sonnle, IIIl'Ow ahraya s,eemed l:o me but also what the angel ha~ told made wjth to be God', most beautiful way of her ' lIeveral months before the · atlowing Jiia love. When ·the tre .. birth. aN bare ana the fields brown, the Shepherds were common, carryIIIOW cOmea and coven the drab ing some responsibility with the neu with .glistening white. It used vocations. Moses &n$l Pavid .. were ,! and your local grains to 18em to me that all the eean of taught ma.ny things ebqut God , 'ul O . I.' the earth are bealed by the IlDOW, while engaged 1n herding Sheep. These rations are rich in aU essential vU;iami]18 and aDd it ia left purer when the snO'W

....." .


Tat. Luke 1:11. Uato )'oula bora tbi. cia), In tha Oity of D&vid a viour ,which Ia Chrblt'the Lord.

throupout the ,centllriea to the year, mo~th, day an~ perhapa, the hour of tbe nlgh't iD which it atood OVer the plaoe wher.. ·the )'oune child lsy See Matt. "'110 O·o'.Ie .... ~\& n




2 ca.. toot ~ cup.upr 2 liP. baklna poWder

aUTTI. a.IAD • ~ cup peuuc


.beauflf':lU"· ANNUAL MEETING

!l'be annual meeting ~f the 'atoekholdera of the Waynesville ' Nationa1 ~ Bank for the purpose ' of eleetina' dmecton for the ensuing . year, will be held at their blinking rooms, Tuesday Janust7 11, 938 at 2 o'clock p. ,tri. • L. M. HENDERsON, Casbier. Dee. 9, 16, 28, 80

butter 1 ea, ..ell beolea

1 cup milk liP. aalt

MiI dry lngudieoa IIDd cut In peanut butter wllb a putty miIer' or two knives. Add beaml eu and mllk. Mb:' IlJhdy ~ pow' into 'a butwed brad paJl aDd bake 50 minute. In automatic Pyrofaz· .MaFc Cbef 0VCIl1et at 350·.



known ~ BJ'a1l.d8Qf

.too.oo .. mODth

paid to many Dien at flnt and more later. Local ~nuer of nationally known company want.. to hire several meq -tor work In· this locality. Deliver ..ordera .to farmers, render 1t'I, 10 euy to cook appetiziD8 service., and do other. work. Farm dishes of ifill kinds wheD you lCXperience very. desirable. Car cook wim :fyrofax Gas. Whea Perme.nent work. You makins me above, for example, onlf need to live your name a.nd you CIlD just set the oven at the addre&!l. Addr81111 Box 6306, care correct tempetaNte and jqrg61 ot · tJPa. paper. . . . it dl1 it'. doae! . , ·W hy·put up lUiy loDger wim Na• . :.... •...: .......••••.............. ~ ........• cfut a.nd ashes, lOOt and smel.,. fuels? Pyrofax Gal equipment t ••

iI.iaItalIod for o~y '9.7S-and · me gU i~· cOsts as little as ~,per me8I per 'persop. Come iD this week aDd select 1011,. beautiful, modern PyrofaxMagic Qef Rage. , . .


. ' ,

Ch,·rtstmas . '. ,


Or Qre•• Up our Pre.eDt Cat Motoring i. Keen Enjoyme~t. We Suggest· You ' Inatall A • ~ •

Chevrolet ~uper DeLuxe Ra~li~ Monarch Heater ' . An Auto Clock Delc~ 01' Globe Battery Sleet Master Windshield 'W iper All Season Fan Ever-Ready Prestone San-roy Seat' Covers . . We will'~lloW $20,OQ to ,40 'for your ~i~, rad!o when , you, purc~ase a .new co!U\ole MotoJ;"ola Radio • . Come . in and let us tell you ·of·this op:portunlty. '


f.'E.·'Soyder &'


unval1ymg qualifY~ : ;

Premier or Fountaih ,S q. Coff~e .1b 27c Our . Special :Coffee, 8 .\,lb. bag . . . ',. 60c Fancy 30-:40 Prunes, 2' lbs. . .•.. ' 25c 50-60 PFune~J 3 lbs, :. .. ..... ' .. .. 25e . Bulk ~~~in8, ~ lbs .. , .......... 25c 2 Il?s, •. ! • .'. toe . Jack "Frost 4X Sugar, . 24 lb. Flou}!. ·. , . ', ..• 7'5c , Bag, O'Brien , •

Badlley Ch•••ol.t~ Sal•• SPRING VALLEY

2t,I----.....- ...........





'12 lb. Bag :'O'B~en Flo';ll" ; ..... l; 40c 5 lb. B~g' Pure Buc,k wheat . " • .'.SOc '. { , 5 .·lb. Table Oats ........ . .... 25e.. !

J'OB S~Phileo car radio; hot

. GAS 5 E R V.I C E beater. See ' tlll'em .lanafMIIsinIc.,.. "-..,..~IIaa... Craae'. G.nce Qr Leo. S. Con- :00111110· WllTEllIIU'NG • .1U1!I"'~ Up;





I ,,'....,


I ,

·;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;ti Price means nothin~ unless i1:4 is linked "With qUality•• ' . We .know that quality is ' remeinbered .llong 'after price is' , fo~otten'. . . That"s why " w~ feature Well


U' .

May we,.~.ha~e your attention now,. for just fivet. minutes '






~ ..

-..: r""


'Vote On .


·Alumni ·Bow:,: 10 W aJ £e ha ns A tta ck Wednesday Night NOT AVOTE Th.e bleb. ' ,eboot baakete ers ~ life WettneacJa7 night end l'tPHt ~ d,op6'~ br launcbi ng an at taclt that O,.eitJirew the Alumni 21 tic> lit After havinl" suffere d' a long at 'inc of defeatll It wu scarcely .1' ;pected ~ the ~ aehool lads C( ~l~ wit\.. Bitt tro.... the very start th ~ pme wu 'bitte~l1 contest ed 'Vi, tile quteoDle in doub~ "laahu of r brillian t talent and Ii laring never die .pin) carried t Waxceballll to ~ctory. .tt is Bald that if the team, confLues to play in such form as sbown iut night, ~ey will regain leJ..defSbip ~ the schools Oll the. ~hedale. Cll me

W. H. S. . , Phn& ;,.. , .......... :........... : 0 C.l1ett ' C. ..... :.............. .... 1, Cillett, p . ..... ........ ,......... " LlMq .............. .,............ 0 ,ger "' .................. ,.. ...... 2 Olary ... :......... ,....... :........ 0 l10tal .•. ,....... ............ .....



()bser~e 50t h W~ddin'g Anniversity . ~~


Funera l Service s for Fred Law son, 87 years · old, a JrlI:l=age m.echanic of Xenia, who died early Mon day in a Xenia. ~ospibal from injuries suffere d, Decemb er 16. He was struck by a passeng er train, while driving <lver a crossing east of Xenia. , . Service s were held Wednes day, 2 P. M., at. the Chu~h of Christ, WaynesviUe, Ohio. He is survive d by his wife, Mary, and three child ren; obis parents of near Ki~an; '" '1 ' and veral sraters and brother s. .s 8 Mr. Lawson formerly lived at C~r o· 2 win and was a helper Miami . 0 8 Ceqlete ry. 0 0 4 8 0 0 21

Saturda y a mnn was taken into 'Cu stody nt Wayne svill e by a. two StIlte Patrolm en for stea ling an automo b ile nt Wavcl'fy Pike Co. Ohio. Wh en asked if he hud ever be en in' prison the mun w id, no but upon being questio ned it was found he had served time at Atlantic prison, he WillS retu'rned to Pike 00. '




S 6



Special Electio n, Jan. 8th

Th e membel's of the •Vlllag~ Council ar c glad to announ ce the fad t hat arrange ments have been made to pre ent to the vaters of this Village , by means of a special elecl.ioll, .an issuc of vital impo rtance to all. 'I' he voters will be asked to either paSll 01' reject a levy which w'a vote d on at t he last November election a nd at the time rejected. This lelly has been on the tall: :I uplicato of the Villillge for sev6ral years but has now expired.

A , VOTE FOR THIS LEVY IS NOT A VOTE TO RAISE TAXES BUT WILL HELP REN~W A 2 ~ MlILL LEVY FOR GENER AL ·EX PENCE S WHICH HA'S NOW EX~ PIRED Gladys ' Ayers, David It. Aycrs, Th e Council, expend ing no litKennth T. F'l'anz, Elsie Franz, Etle effort,




has' secured this 'op- . portuni ty fOJ' t he resh:fents of the ~O/ pOl'lIticm of WayneSVille 1:0 reco nsider th' decisiOn of Novem~ bel' 2ncl, whicb undoub tedly W88 largely br'o ugnt about by many voters' mi sunders tanding the purpose of the levy. A vote.'io r this questio n i8 a vote fck STREE T LIGHT iNG-. ADDED FIRE EQUIP-HENT thel' genem! expense s.

dith M. Fl'anz, and DOl'Othy E. Franz to Ina LJ Franz, quit clnim deed. 2 acres, 2roads and 2.8 pole ~ on . Goshen -Main eville Pike ; 3 roods, and 20 polos of lnnd on Maineville Pike. Fred Davis and Samuel E. Davis to ina L, Franz, quit clrum deed, Same real es~te descl'ibed

Tu~!!day afterno on ~ias EvelJII Furnas was hostelS at a persona l



w... Walton, to Dora Burge, ;."-"";-_ _ .~,,,,,,--!~ .-"'The ' tn ' lIZette - Diffln"" its ment and in order to install some ;IS in West Wayne Twp. Scnools ' will close Woodville, Lot 87\ in Wla.yneavute !M~thodist 90th year of service to this. cqmJ ne.w equipm ent and re-arra nge our West Woodville. 10 Ilcres 10 Har' ~or Christmtl8 vac.ntioTi on Friday Church will have ChrIstm as ser- Imllnl1~'V ~n Januar y 1 1938, That illh.o.p fo~ the superio r ~ype of news- Ian Town ship, exclusiv 100D'. Decembet: 24'\ Vl\cation ends vices.. on Sunday , Decem ber 26.. ' e .of 88 . ' ~Ionda y mornin g J.anuar y ' 3 at S Special MUlIic" 8j1ecial. songs, spe- IS a long tlme 'to sel'~e. Few " . paper you are to receIve h-ereafterj poles. . ~ busl-, ~t has been d,ecided not to pubBenjan lin F. ~rtel to ~I\.rgl\t·et; o'clock, cia! Bullet,in .. and €brist:m es ser~ ness houses can -boas1; of so long lish' a :paper next We k. lfow~ver Lidingt on. Undivided A copacit y audjenc e witnelllled one-hulf inman. ··' period of ~el;icc. On Jl1nuary 6, 1938 We ' will b ~ terest, 10 .jIcres on Go hen~S~u Mrs. Alvis Lamb, of the grade op'el'e~ta, at the gym, ' bbs In' the Evenin g there will, be a ~n that issue, a spere;lal surpri~e ,1,Jac' wrt.h 0 l' ne.w edition Dayton , Ohio, were gJleats, enlll.rg- · Mill Pike. Except ion 1.37 acr es. ruesday evening. ,The operett a Christm as carol Servicp. .in Chil1.'ge announ ceme'nt of exce{ltiona.I urday of Mr. and'. Mrs. Robert in- ed Ilnd better than ever. Lida B: Young 'and Elal'l B. <NilS ~Qs't pleasing, what 'W~th eo&of. the Epwort h oLeague. Special te'rest to 191k lbrQugho'ut ,the whole r In the mea-ntime we wish. our., Young to Earl and Ernest EvaTls~ ~uming and th~ p~pils going Music and a ~stmas itory , territor y will be made. ' le.;aders a -very :merry m~rry Chris- 100 acres in Salem ~,' p. hrougr .their numberil like exper• mark tl\~ erv1ce. In prepar.ati ~ fOT tp;at ahnoup c ... lmas Ilnd 18. happy l\few Year. / Luelma. l)I.t tetson, ·to August~ enced stnges ws. The novel setIngel'soll, . 147 aCI'es in Hurl{ln ',iug was ideal for the antics 'Of ' ·Twp. 'he cil'cu~ animals and clowna. We " I . Arti;lUr D. Doughl\lAn . and M'Il- hiilk We would have to travel • mie P. Stu ton to Clayton Dough· ohg Wil Y to find a Toy Band that m,Bn. Lot 8 ·in Willoug hby's ad, wo uld, surpass fhe circus' band at di~o.n to :ViIlag~ oj. South Leban ~ he. pl'ogram Tuesday, evenlD&'. .~r. Ft.·.a nk; music instruc tor, the on, Ohio" . " ClaytOn B, Doughm an to W. W. '. ~nde bu.i1ding teacher s, 'a nd the WilUam Harper , deceased. COm- Shurts, Lot ~ in Willoughby's. ad, !arge ea t of .puipls ~re to be ' com~) ·I n the Matter 01 the Estate of ·mission . I'cturned commission and dition to Village of ' South Leb'an- plime.nt ed Oil the· fine Ilerformarlce , Hany · Mu~ph¥, !teeeased, Re~ort repol1;ed on itx~cutioo of instru- ' on. ' . . . . The high school orehe tra ' presen~ Execut or a~proved~ ~nheritll~ce ments. . · ,i .' Cheste r. S: and ?4a, tha n,app to d seveoo l beautif ul n\.ambers ' ~etax'·det ellmined. . . " , .• In the Matter of' the Estate of Allen N. and 'Fannie C. Rap]), .iJfO- .cor~ the ,bJf~i:etta began. . . In 'the Miltter of the E~tate of' F. S. Simpson, deceased. WiII The teach.e rs Of Wayne Twp. or- perty on '· Main Street, South Leb• Estate del'cd fi)ed, Will ,and codial w be !Inon,. Ohio. 'Y ill present their I1l'lnual Ohrlst., . ildmitte d to Prob~~, · . Edwin C. .n/lTid 11.1\ , to Anna S, mns pr'esC)nt to the .pupils 'i n th.· '. in the 'M atter of the Estate of Randal l, Lots 78 ar'l~ . 83 in form ofa motion picture, Fri~y . Harmorning in the scho'ol gym.• "When ; Rose n. ·Halsey , d·eceosed. Oom- veysburg: '. Lighten jng Strjk~$" , is the name pensati o for admini stratrix and . TTl the D,latte.r 01 the Estate of atto:rne y~ fi~ed at ,250,00 each. Tl, C. f ra;'1r;, decl!Used, Certific ate of the. featur\l which 'Will b.e ' .QP- ' plemimted_ by hyb shorts. •The new In the Matt1r of tpe Trust cre- fo · T.r~hsfer to Il'!a L .. Franz,. et al. schoo project or will be used • .qted by the laat WUl .of Emil M; ' 2 ,ac1'es, ~oods, and :~ .8. poles 0'£ Runyan , . deceased. 'Resipa tjon 'of land on ' . Goshen~MQunevllle l'{)ad, trustee accepte d. To ,file acco~nt roods 20 ~oles · o~ Dallal'- . '. EPISCO PAl- <:tiU~CH in '60 dan < Sunday after Chrisimas, 1M!JI'o.' " ' PIpe. mOil and Holy Communion at 10:- ' , I~ the Matter of. "the Adoptl~~ 30. ' of. tQIla. Mae .Wie'eners, Januar y Difltribu 8, 1,988. , Time aSsi~ned ' to . hejli Ildoption petitlo~. " : . In the Matter ()f tile Estate ot E. D. ·Jone.s,· de'eeased. Proof ; Of Pub)..ieat{on file~. '~. .





,t'" •

... ; •

and ¥r. Albert Starke caned at Chr1stm8$ day, the neighbors the Harry FQ1'dyce borne: Tuesday they leave behindl wilJ miss them. afternoon. -~Mrs. J c CBS ca1\ed on her sis..Entered at the P.o8to~iee at Waynesville, Obio, as Second ters, Rena and Josia Smith, Sun. .CI888 Mail ~fatter. day evening. ' , Mrs. Joe File~ was in Oincinnati Harold D. WiDlt, Editor Friday' and says she expects her daughter, Bertha home this Thun· day. "But," sbe added, "from the ISSUED' EVERY THl!RSDAY looks of the pile of papers Bertbn Subscription Price $1.50, Year bad be grade when I left, I have my doubts if she makes it home FOR SALE-Two heifers, then." fresh, can ' be seen' at Ira FERRYISMS Mr. and Mrs. Peal:l Cornell call· Mr. nnd Mrs. liarold Whitaker . Rich f~rm, Cl:arksville Pike The tim js growing sborter and cd on Mr. nnd /Mrs. Harry Corn ell and chi ldren called on 1.:11-. and hy t.he time most of you receive Sunday afternoon. Mrs Tom Burton Md daugh.ter, FOR SALE-Philco car radio; t i paper it will be th e da.y beSunday gu ests a t the Louis Bur Nao~li e , Friday evening. water heatel'. See them or ' hri. tma j so a Merry Ghrist ton llome Sunday were, Mr. and The Chl'icstmas entertainment at Crane's Garage or Leo. S. Can· ) lns to nil of you. Mrs. Russell Terrill and family the Sugar Oreek Christian Church nero UP. 'pcaking of Christmas r emind from Xenia, Mr. and Mrs. James will be held Fdday evening. Every 1 Ie of ometh'ing my algebra tea- Burton and children from Dayt.on. body is invited to attend. WANTED TO ' RENT-50 to 100 t l' said in school one time. Sqme Misses Ro eUa.. onkli n and EIMrs. Ruth Savage and so~s, Ken aCl' farm. Must have good J eople speOl Chl'istmas thus sie Mae Wical weedended at the neth and Everett, were Sunday din house and out bu il dings. Write ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lester • Xmas." Stle said that she never Pete Wicn1 home. giving details care of this paper. I ked to see it that way, beonuse Mrs. J;ennie (MuUen called at Kenrick and Orville :;aWlge. you kn'ow "X" stands for th'e tbe Ed Murphy home at Ce nterJoe Hartsock spent Monday eveFOR SALE: Y~all'ling Jersey BuH, \ nknown qUaIlity, and. Christ ccr- ville, Sunday 'a nd all of them :at- ning with his grandparents, . the Eligible for registration. Hru-t. ,inly isn't an unknown quanity. tended the Cantata at' t he Meth: Joe Filers'. old Wh~t-aker. 2tp 0' f ter that I have always made it odist church . in the ev~ning.. Mrs. Ramo Riggs, M'I'S. Perry I point to spell the word out, Mr. and Mrs. Lr->ter Klc)'Il'Ick Tt\omas and Mrs. Jennie Mullen ·' Christmas." called on the Henry Hackmnn s' sh opped in Dayton, Monday. Mrs. Earl He s and son, Hugh near Middletown Thursday evenRuth Wical spent Monday night v sited at .the Jess Hess home, ing. at the home of her grandpnrents, S unday. Mrs. Nancy Pope was not so th ~ Pete Wical's. Mr. IBnd Mrs. G. E. Roland were well, Sunday. She had a ' spell Rev. Carl Smith ,vas QB.!led to the - Sunday guests of Mr. and with her 'he~ but when we last Xenia Monday to arrange f uneral Mrs:. Jess Roland. talked to her she was fee ling bet- services for Mr. Fred, Lawson, )Vho Mrs. ,Harry Fordyce ' and Mrs. ter. was killed when a train struck his Po. J. Thomas . ~lled on Mr. and The Archie Klontz and daugh- truck. . rrs. Thomas Grushon and Mrs. ter, Connie Lou called on Mr. Ilnd Chlll'les Burton spent the weekI lien in West Carrolton, Sunday Mrs. Elvin Haines Sunday. end with his brother, George, in II fternoon. The Earl and Frank Shinn fam - Dayton. The P. J. Thomase/! returned Hies are wint ering in Florida. On The Allen Wiedners and the flom lee-bound Kentucky Wednes a card received lately they said Allen LUC8ses were t he Sunday' -"'l.::.-=-~":;"_ day evening. It was fun while it that they were enjoying t hernsel- gu ests of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Wical. lnsted bllt" they were so glad es v~ry much. The last meeting of the y.'aynes M~s. Lottie Starke, Miss Freda ville Church ()f Christ evangelistic get h~me again. ~ . services saw a good ' a ttendance. Mr. and 'Mrs. Perry Faul , M;r. . 'IMPORTANT NOTICE a nd M1'S. Dan Williams and Miss The Stores listed below will be open every night Lina Ln,nsing were Dayton Bh<!p. this week Ulltil Chri tmas. pel'S, Saturday. They will also close a ll day New Years Day and It was reported that the Russell will be open, Friday Night, December 31. Murrays named their baby, La.D. R. Smith, Grocery ura Louise, but I learned lately Kroger Grocery and Baking Co. that at the last minute. they chang

Utbt _iami




.. Bi.hop's Beauty SalGD

A . K. Day ) Fairley Hardware Co. Myer Hyman • .. ., R. D. Collett . Wallace T. G. A. Store ' We wish you.alI a Very Merry. Christmas and a New Year.




ed their ' minds and thl! baby, Barbara Ellen. . The Murrays I~ are m oving 'T hursday. T hey will be all settled in their new. home »y

' No~, workin& OD 'W ayensville Sewalre

Ellis Service

~ve Dame with ~ Gazette for eltimate.


Phone 3708

w. P: Wats9.n, Mgr~

...... .... ... ~



Farm Frank leMay, SolicltQ"t 61R2 Waynesville 7~6~ .



Fresh Table Drelled iI'urkeys, Ready for Your Oven, lb. Chickena, lb. 3Sc BEE F Chuck Roast lb . ..... _._ .... ........ 16 Round & Loin Steak lb . ........ 23 Swiss Steak shoulder beef .... 19 Fresh Grou nd Beef 2 lb ...... 83 Fancy T-Bone and Cube Steak .. ............ .... ... ...... .. .25 Rump ROBst lb ..... ....... ......•.... 20 PORK All -P ork Fresh bulk sausage lb . .................. ......... ......... 15 Fresh Callies FOI' Roast lb.. ... 15 'Spare' Ribs Meaty lb . .... ........ 15 POl'k Steak, lb . .... " ." .... ......... 19 Por,k Loin Chop, lb . .... ...... .. 23 Pork Loin Roast, lb . .... . " " .. .. .18 Fresh Hams (whole or half) .. 18 Fresb Side, lb ..... ,.... ...... ...... ... 20 Smoke Hams, Sugar ~ured MapIe smoked, lb . ..... ......... 22 Armour Star, lb. .. :............. ....25 o


Ducka, lb. . . ...... 37c Lard, Home rendered, lb... .. 1;2 Y.I Veal Pocket Roast, lb . .... " .... 15 Veal Chops, lb .... " .......: ... " .... 22 Veal Roast, Ib........ ,.. .... "" ...... 20 Home mnde Mince Meat, 2lbs ... ............ ........... .....,.25 SMOKE <MEATS Callies, lb . .................... .......... 18 BacCin Piece, lb. .... .................. 24 Jowl Bacon, lb. " ..... .... . " .. .. .... 15 Cottage Hams, lb . ...... ............ 28 Sa lt-Cured Bacon Smoked lb. : ............ .. .......... :: ..... :;.. 21 LUNCH MEATS Bologna, lb . .. .. .. .... ,..... ..... ..... 15 Franks, 2lbs . ..._._ ..... ... ._...... .... 33 Minced Ham, lb. '.. .. .. ..... .. .... ... 25 Pimento Loaf, l b., .. " ..... " " ..... 25 Pan-Pudding, 2lbs ......... ... ". ,, 26 ' Bolled Ham, lb . .. .. ...... .... ... " ... 38 Welners,·lb......... ............. ...... .28

TO MAKE . THIS COMMUNITY The Safest Place On Earth To Own Livestock


...•...•.. ;~ .. .~



T. Elzey

, Stat ion ' Gulf I~n




f\VaynesVille,,Farmer's Exchange

, ROOT FOR AND CONSlflN , .. your 'Cattle, hop, ~ heep aDd calv.. to Nortis-Brock Cc;,. liv, .~ and progressive firm f or tlie blgh~ market price! IDd good lemct; UDloD Sloe. Y.rd.' ClacID_tl, O. Tune in on Radio Station WCXY

~12~:~2~&~W~1~2~:8~O~·P~.~~~f~o:r~o~ur::&ill::r~::~:;~~~~~~~:::; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~; ;arket '


The Desire And Purpose of your VETERINARIAN' Phone 18 R 51 HARVEYSBURG


IHEAlEn Lebanon, Ohio







Dr. C. is. States Veterill.rian

Free Delivery

1I0TAIlY PUBLIC N....... ....

A Gift .N ot Received. ••


Wille Dn.... • • E.tat. . . .taW WAYNESVILLE. OHIO

. Gdod eyesiiht is one' gift. t hat no one ' can look forward t o getting, wr ap,ped in a neat package. Bu ~ good.·e yesight is a gift.t hat can and .shoulq be protected by seeing a competent optomertlst reg·ularly.

- Ask f or a

Dr. Joh. Zettei O! D.

CONCRETE • .Ail' s..1 Bulal V ..., ' For Sale Onl, . B,

OPTOMERTJC EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Open Every Day from ,8 A. M. t o 6 P. M. Saturday 8 A. M : t o 10 P. M .


-- -


Di'poaal Plant

10 Year


- - -- --- - - --



wedding of their ni~ce, Miss MIldred Haines land Mr. Robert De ~luUt, Haven, at' 7 :30, Saturday evening, 1 1~1 at thtvU. B. Ohuroh at Belmont, Th(l apostle Paul wrote this d ",ere also gpC1tts at the reo ter to the Pl)lIippian church dur- c:epti~'n , at the hollle of the bldde's ini his first imprisonment in Rome parents" ,~., and Mrs. Vf... G. ~6ciut 62 A. D. Halne ; ' Watervlet Avenue, Day- t almost any of ;Paul's Writ· ng we see eonaecration' cif ii/e , . ,nd. labots in every · lIge that we KINGS MILLS SUNDAY SCHOOL '


Tatl For me to U.. ADct to die i• •_i..


'clld. Cb,l,SElcration, concent,r~tion, Ind condescension are three 'Vordlil ,I\itl.t have a. o(:U1:£Qrent meaning, but ;):Iey aro v.ery much' related in a ~oligious sense. u ,w .IlY persons thlnk tbey are ",-. "onsccnted ttl God's cause if they -lve Borne of their wealth; others I>elieve ,they have done wellif they give some 'Of their time; and still others thhlk they have prepared themselves for heaven if they give orne of their talent. But the stub "' orn fact r emains thnt only Q. <mall portion of what they have ,nid on the altar is really conse~rated unless they regard all .heir weal~h, time, and talent as ~ elonging' to God. ' The people in America are j;nown world wide as notoriuos ...·asters. If I could not live on the !xtravagance of the poorest fam,lies, I would talce back this stat ment and apologize. I 'fear the worst for these untnankful and wasteful people. Even g ood people, it seems, fail to know the first principles of consistant saving, self denial; sacri· f~ce and serVice. Ohristia~ consacration means much more than thill, it means, if it means anything at all, a full consecration , of ourselves and all We ha;ve and are - all we can have can be in the mids't of ~he greatest hindrance and bandicap. Because oj Paul's consecratio,n t o the cause' of Christ he was tn.ken a thousand miles and put in prison. ,He ' was still consec11lted while there, '8lld' the name ,o f .Ieus was adv'ertiZild in every t;l an'd cornet of the palace and city until he had Christian converts


~n in/~~u~~d~~

covering. gram was given. l\f,lss lIelan Randall was a Cin· Mesdatnes Lionel Campbell and cinllati shopper, Saturaay. ~ Harry M(,!'Vay WeI'8 ,Springfield ~ J5o~';ld Wolfe, son ' of Mr, ~n~ s~oppeI'~, Tuesday. ,.. Mrs. Ray Wolfe WIlS killed in an automobile accident in, ~Los Ad- WAYNESVIllE CHURCH OF gIes, tte~e~y, ;JU1~~-4lls r emains were brough.t back 'lito burl ',' '9~ f '" CHRIS1r Miami Ctlihetery;, MOnday. ' " W. 'C. Smit~, Mini.tar The Methodist P \ . IAnnual Ohrist· G mas arty · was ••e d at the , ym , Sunday-Bible School 9 :30 A. Mr.-, Wm. , Chambers nnw daugh. Monday ev enins-. M ter Mart,ha Jane roM'-d:.,-te-tll-ei-+--,7~-,-~7------;__- t . A bnaket Ball game was play· Lord's Supper 10 :,«5 A. M. homo ' in, T>oledo, IMrs'. Cha mbers ed with ()ttei'bein, F riday eveChristian Endeavor 6 :45 P. M ,remained with he'1' mother .Mrs. ning: Otte l'bein \Von ovel' t he SenPreaching 7 :30 'p, M, ' . Zimmer. ior game and HarveysbuI' . g the Baptismlll services following , Mr. Ja1.!!.es Sprinkle,' of Love·

nen ds here, ' S unI a~ d VlSl "te d hi s f' day evening. , ' Mr. Raymond' Himes of Miami University is home for t he .holidays with his parents, Mr. 'a nd Mrs. A! Himes. ' Mrs. M. Bolmer and dlUughter Pearl of .Lebanon spen t Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. P. W, Bohller and family. ' ' Mr. and 'Mrs, Ralph Hunter and Betty Jane Will;lon o~ MidiUetown we~e the SUnday guests of Mrs, J. W. Wilso n. Mr. Eugene Talit I()f Ohio Wes. IYn University, Delaware is spend • ing his vaca tion with his pnrents, Mr, land Mrs. A. B. Tartt. The Junior Hi ba.~ketball teams were victorious in both games lit the Maineville gym, ~ Saturday night. Mrs. Josephine Cochran of Day. ton, visited her brother A. W, J?rake and family, Friday. Mr. Francis Clark fr om Alabama University is vlsiting his pal" ents, Mr. a nd ?;Irs, ~avid Clark. 'Mr. P. W. Bohner entertain ed with a musical program at the Cqunty ' Infirmary, Sunday after. nOOn. Miss Vi Englert of Cincinna.ti, spent the week end with her par. ents, M.r . and Mrs. Otto En glert The many friends of Mr. Boyd ,Rathgeber, Lovelnnd, were griev. ed to hear of his death at Christ B08P.ital, 'Monday. Mr. I Wm. Cunan has returned to his home in S~cuse, N. Y. uf-


Mr. and M'I's. Emerson DUl were Xenill hopp ers - last Frid ay. Mr. and iM'r , RobGl't Davis and daught'e r judith Ann 'Wa.ynt'sville al) d Me. ' and MI' . Mon:is Marlatt and children of New But'- , CARD OF THANKS Jingbon Spent Sunday afternoon and evening w,ith Mr. and Mrs. ' I wrsh to thank m~' fric n(!s on'd Eryin S. mith and daughter Jlldit./J neighb al'S, especially lhe Progreso Ann, sjV<l WOnH!n'S Club, Mrs. Ernest E'!Irnhnrt was a t h ' cae er fo r theil' kindn e. s shown Da.yton shopper last Friday. ' me duri ng my recen t misfortun e, OUl' Christmas program will be ALICE AMPBELL, ' held at the M E Chu rch Friday " " _ _ __ eventng Dec. 24.


Mr, G:lr~t lInrt+t-1~fHI-+""''H'''''-tt--.


" Ket'n of Ne,v Bur'-. sei·mon. Mr. 'Fl'''d We had gO in Bible scho ol Sun]' t t S d 'th M d day morning Wit.h a' full h~use to ~~~, o~n~~:~on ~711 a:n;1 SOn ~~pnh,. ,close revival Sunda? night. ~e Mr. and Ml's, Ellswo rth Gibson h,ad a. ery sn~oSsj:~1 tv~n geli; and daughter Phylis mov ed last ti:.meetIDg resu ng In we ve a - ,,,eok to a farm noor Centervill e. dltlon s to. the church and th e Mr. a nd Mrs. Elvis Michael nnd membershtp greatly ,stre ngthen ed, daughter Dorothy were Xenia I WednesdaY:-!M'issl,onary ,mteet- shop pers SalurdllY. illg to be ,a t Mrs. Lidie Coleman's Mr. and Mrs, Allred Morgan at 2.:00 P. M. :> spent Saturday afternoon in Xen. Bible study 7 :30 1.. M. ia . Sublcribe Tor The MilLmi Gazette 'M rs, Lewis Freelan of Wash.


.. ' = = = = = = = =

W ayn~sville

Crane's Garage,

Drug 5t,o rePhone 120

inglon C. R. is I'I pending lhi ~ week l i - -_ _-:-.....~_ _ _ _ _~ with hel' plli'cnts Ms, ~Il d ' Ml • St 'e Cr'aig a nd fUIlli.1y: Mr, and Ml'S, Everett Bunnell and children Virg il, lind Charles wel'e Dayton ~h opp e l's Monday',





';M a r t-In

Auctionee r

. SATISFACTION Quick ~Ieaners Knthryn Mendenhal1, Mgr.

Or No Charge Ce'n terville" Ohio Phone 78J

KROGER STORE Eldon Retallick, Mgr. Emil ' Br'o wri Charles Earnhart

Stubbs Funeral Home


In tiliia world of ojll'S, today with M s. W. J. Curran. ita aili In high 'places, injustice, >o ~presBion! and tyranny, I don't ~~VSBURG, OHIO b.elieve a w.ord of that poem, ~ ' L .. "Shldidc b • "W~n Jes,u s came to ~urmjng~ , . aura " , er as .. I~' , bam, they aUnply passed him by." turned from a several months VI S ' It. is 8 m~tery to me how with 't at Albuquerque, N. Mex. . ao m:any ~housands of p,eac;hers , W. - C. MCCatr~n ' 4~ , a~ theIr in twa country that they all' con- home het~ f~r the Hol.lGa.yS. ' tinue to p~ach and yet esoape be'Mrs.. Lydia POOl, ope. . of our i~, put ~h prison 'for righteous,nesa :~d Cltlz~nB~ 'Pdass..edth . aw:y, ~tf,her sake. The answ!,r may not be ~ . l111e ...... e tiJprlg leld ' ' are more-, ten- ChurcJl, ,.. hearla oa.uae men" . ' -Saturday. d JMIQ. Walter , Jordon, who was now b t th t ~r ta ate, , more thought to' be much improved, 1thd u f eaarfu1 now. , h' .,.ar ." ur' t " aI ' a sudden relapse now very , ,. e may expec a rev,.lv ill. : , ..' th~ p~eacbers !becQme so con~·' , Mrs. Louella Sewell Snypp " of crate-a , that ' Was,,,,n i.'! gt' . 't' h ' .' they:' shall. ddenounce ,... T neoma, on, IS e gue/it SID and evll of every kID even 111 f M € G R dall d "d ' h higli 'fplacell, ana that perse~ution 'teO, · Ht;S·l· ~· ." an an aug1', 'e eu. . I and 'prison eells shall be more 'we ' ' A ' I·...l ' f' M . ' ,,' B - re 11S.IOU8 program 0 oVlng ClOJM than ' e~pty. ·pews. ut w~ giveh at the Friends then, ,t he &to~8, _the rabble 'Monday' night and af the' ing Bema,rog:tles s~ll c~y out. scbool ' Mond~y aft~(jort.' T do 'hope that you Wlll rea-Ii ~ , -4, . . ' . ' . : .Reverand ,Thornberry hns ~ been ' le~son 8CJ?Pture; 1t will ~row, .chcisen Secretary of ille School mueh .. Uibt >on my ~ommen~. Board. " LV'tLE '

Junior. K.nrl Shidaker was n Wilming. ton Shopper; Monday. ' ' Miss Kathleen Gray spent the week-end with her ' Gra ndpal'fmts, Milton Aiken has ret urned from a hip t o Alabama. Word has bee n r eceived 'her,e of the man'iage of Mrs May Kay ton (one of OUI' forine~ citizens) to Mr. Mansfield of DeLand, Fla, The P . T. A , Me·e ting was held Wednesdny even ing, and a pro·


' Ml"!i;



Gustin ,Radio Service

',Smith's Meat Ma.. kE~t "


Oscar Smith


Paul Gustin

R. D. Collett ~ar~ware

and Implements

Phone 99R3


Hardware' Co.-

Large.- Beeause of Better Quality., Service and Pi-ice' , : Eitablish~d 1849 - 1937 Phone,32 " ,


-MIAMI laTH OF THE KING !:hem to the baby IInel' worshipbitter cold. Icy in~ him; -:!l'h y hud trav()l~tl foOl'

nl efcht waa

l"de .-ept the J~dean Hilla. The .]tumy hOU1'S ant\. many- lnlles to .J\_pad8 drew ~..r to (Ire, ~ behold . tpis wonderful t}\ing- a fl... ",Illab 'WU made feebly by the promise . fulfillell. They knew for n· »11\8 wind. 1\ certainty thllt Ule savioI' of the The,. drew the 'likina of the 'a n- world bad come. Intall u.ey wore clQsely about , Again the Angel!!' song broke,. IhlYerilll' bodie.. It was a .forth. 'J oy to the world, the Lord bl~1' Jlllrht.tol,' even a\aheep to be haa come, 'The ail' was filled \vilili oct ill. theil' beautiful , v.oices and the Suddenly their attention was 'at f ie hing of snowy wings as t hese tt:.ieted by a strange and beautiful Gods' messengers fle w ovel' tbe Il&:ht in the eky. It ' lighted the earth ' to tell the glad ' tidings 't o wilOle lrorld with Ws brlghtriess. all nation!!. ." 'then ~e th~ sound· of angelic The animllls in the stable gathyoie81 tb'roUi'b the c1e.r cold air, eJ.·ed around the mangel' and look· allliD6f, Peac~ on Eartl\ Good Will ed ~ith wondcl'in,.g ey s at the t<; man. They were frightened and chUd. Mary had to gather the li~ ... ondered ~ong th~mielveB what tie form closely Ilgainst her own this tJLIni' cou.ld be or mean. One body to keep it warm. I t was a sad 8E td, that .liarht b made by a t plight, so far away from hom and might)' star. Let ~II fol~ow i~ And I not a gannent put on her baby le'ltD more about It. It bas somed th . ht b· ... - Iy co Id . She ~'l ' to' -'- ' . an . e nlg so h""r, .. Ing .... ow Ul!.. . d f h' h lit They . left their flocks and fol- was so prou ~ 1m, er own . If; wed the star. It came to a IlOOP tIe son. She kIssed the baby hps O' 1!r • etable an old stable dug and the top of his dear head and h :0 iIIe hill.' 'l11e sbeperds stood marveled at the perfection -of him. w >nderinar and ~lking .<&bout it, She knew h~ was to be the sal• ·..d aakinc one another, "What vation of the world. The angel 'had it could .meant As it led, them no told her so belore his conception. It rtber, ooe Mid. "What ever it That only through this child could Ie 'We are 00 Bec is in the stable, the world be saved. Only thl'ough If ; ua. enter tuld see what it him could hUmanity inherit epterDl 18.118. Ther pushed open the door nnl life. But she did not dream that o. the IItI\ble and timidly enter- some da y he would tramp the high e,. There they 8f.\W an even more ways tbru dust, cold, and storm w j ndertul lig! t. It was very beau- g-oing about his father's business, t " ul and 'a younar girl, fifteen weary and worn, never thinking ;r ara of ~ eitting by the side of himself or his own comfort, o' an old DI&Il6fer in which a new hi!8ling the sick, raising the dead, h '1'Il )"b~ lay. Near by stood an and saving souls. This c.hild who ""Jerl, "ra, h&1red "man He was was born in a manger his only bed . the bUband of the young lifl, . aot the tather of. h.e r child, for tbe di~ a ~it of ,straw, and hiS mothltaby w.. the new born son of er 5 10Ylng arms. God. The baby was very beautiful H~, the king of the world, tbe . li te tile mother · who was fair of only king that was ever born a &Del hair. . ' ' . ' king. The frien~ of the poor and The eheperdJ could not account the friendl ess. He spent most of till d.e wol'l!lhlp they .felt for the time with the poor, his great filled with love and tenderc:Uld. 1hey bad never felt eo a?ut aD)' other, child-pot even ness for them. He had a perfect Leir Owll. They did not know this understanding . of their problems clUd' was to ~ into manhood and trials and still has. All those a ')d roc'k the world with bis mighty woo rely upon . him to solve their There was the tinkle problems will find .he will do 80 eJvllr belli at the door and . three ~day just as he did then. We, who ..iJe ~ID allah~ from three anow lov~ him, if we look closely can .hite ~e m~ were rich- see hl.m. against 'the night Sky sur17 pl'bed.·, The,. bad heard that rounded ,.by gleaming stars, his thle cldld wu tG come, aJid, that planly, J:\is beautiful nail pierced 'h. woalcl lave '11' e w.orld. ' An.d hands held .out in bene~i~tion o.v er I ' ",heD they I&lfI the etar in the east the wo:r~d. He who brought. peace the, Imew It bad come to pass. on earth and good' will to man. The, bl'OuCh1 rich Irlfta and gave Why not give , him a prese,\~ this year. Give him your selt. He wUl be eo plealM. No matter- what you have done, it :will all be . blotted out.. It is' Wha .. t vou . do after aiVing





Scenes and Person

e Current News


Joe Dj ' Maggio' Goes Fishing



LO~e- and . learn·:"




B.oIHin ¥oDt.cQmer1, Robert Bljhohley 'ana' Rosalind lilla••l! are'

merry tflo' who are all for one ilhd one tor all uhtll eudden Ita U:!he14 In ·'Llvl¥.' ~ve and Leal'n," the comedy the beautifUl De" deluxe XeDla tbjater . III raaU418 QII!!!rD~ XeaSa, Bunday, D ember ZG. for ' a tbt8lf day eDlllIl!Ulleut. In "LIve, Love and Learn." Ro"Ulld' RUllell .lacU" reDOUUCell Yeal~ and a poeftlon ID aoclCtt, to Ihare MOD(~Dlery'. lit• .b\> ~ Greollwtoil VIUqe prret, a Ufe Which It more than a lttU. comJIleat.e4 b,. "Oalllfled" . p1a~ed b,7 Robert Beluible,. CompUcallolis arise 'wben lbl. trio Ie vllited VJuon III th. roJe of all oJ~ JlCl100l


.' ~~"I_., ~~_



R. H.



~ M0n~m~. Ro~t ~~hley. ROialirid ~Rqssell .. .: , "Live.



-: , . , announced that the inare ·a g.reat deal worse.. It is this 1929, On the 'basis of figures which er this trend· comes to anythmg tstitute for social, which WIlli h'emendously important factor do not take fully into account the will be see shortly. Congr~sa can't conducted on the campus d~ring whith makes the pnst-September oW'rent recession. The trnnsporta- do it all-but it is generally lie.. I the fall quarter as a "prepar~tlon I drop something different than just tion indu stries are far under their another recession in a 10ng-puUre- pre-depre~ion employment levels. covel'y movement. And it is this The publio utilities ha,re recovered whi ch is responsibel for the amaz- only ril;lout one~third of their deing variety of prese~t-day lore- pression employment losses. Fi~ 'ca ts as to the trend of comiD~ ures for t:he manljfe:cturing indusevents. One school, including gov- tries are too uncertain to be quoternment officials and other New ed. The emplo~nt total of, even Deal partisans, t ends to minimize .1\. week 91' tw'O ago is likely to be the recession '50 far as possible, extremely high as aga:inst the Emand to make it seem less severe ployment total of even a week or than it actually is. Anoiller school, two ihence, as it is memufacturing whleh includes those who are 6X- which first feelB'a droOp' in COllsump ceedinglyopposed to all of the a 1ts tiori, and. is able to f irst tri·m -its and objectives . of the Administra.- sa ils to meet the storm. tion, tries to make the picture even In .all the industries mentioned, darker than it is. To try to strike with the possible exceptions of the iJappy .medium, bet\\'e~n th.e ItransPQrtation and t he utilities} a.postles of sweetness end 11ght on employment will continue to drop the one-hond, and the ~ arers ~f ttntil the recession is ~nded. Some the blackest tiding!r on the other, foreca.s ters are pessimIstic enough is the tough job. that confronts any to foresee a rise in unemployment annalist today. to the worst depnssion, level, when Fi.1'$t, SOII)e facts. Tbe coun~ it toucbed 12,0,00,000.. One tliing has not yet felt the' full bru~t of seems certain-it -will be impoB&the ' drop, though more and mo'r~ lble for the Federal government to of the ' impact is becoming viaible stay out of the relief: field on a daily. The emploYment si~uation big aeale, and to ' continue tbe rewill ,b e grave this winter. Dur~g t1'CDchm~nt policy begun in the Octobex, a'bout 100,000 workers early fall. The effects would be were laid off. During November, too senre. The '!eelin:g i.e groWing the numbeJ1. reJ?ched 40Q,OOO, oac- in induetrial qllarl.eral that, Much b timat bcording to the est es e~ 0 as' a balanced budget ill needed, the

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ,



uswal places of holding elections I :::::::=::::~::5:~=::: in each precjnc~ in the Villuge of t· WayneSVille,, ·to vote On a Tax Levy in excess of the ten mill limitation . The Polls for the Special Election will open at G:30 o'clock A. M., :and r emain open until 6 :30 O'clock P. M. (Eastern Standa:rd Time),. of said day. By order of the Board of Electi~)Ji, Wn.rr&n County, Ohio, " .CHA.S. J. W ~GGANER, Chairman. Attest: V. H. Russell" Clerk. • I-First rreighter to be launched OD 'he Great Lakes since 1930, the WlUlam A. irvin, 'ore boat, tbrowa (SEAL) up a mlgbty 'spray at lis launobing at Lorain, Ohio. ~"Banzall" ahout the vlctorlollS lap soldiers .. tbcy celebrate In front of the ruined Nortb StatioD bulldlDg In Shanghai. 3-Speaker of the House WllUam B. BaDII~ Dr. Perry P. Denune of tlIe de.. ,

him' you.rsejt: ,tbll! Christmas •. Make able .that 'still larger numller ' of

, ~;

fot' ," will be repeated b, popu . 1I••t durin. the winter ,' lua r. Tho claq will be limited to fifty m mbel'M.

ANN\JAI. MEETING . PROCLAMATION The annual meeting ()f th NOTICE . OF SPEC.IAI. tockholdera of the ' Wayne8viil ELECTION lI(ational Bank for tlle purpose oj The Bo~dof elections of War~ electing di.N!Ctora' fQl' the ensuln& year, wlll be held at tneir ba~int ren Oounty, 0hio,~8Sues this Pro- rooms, TUE'Sday Janua"" 11, 1. 938 clamation and Notic~ of Election. "~ A SP'ECIAL ELECTION WJLL at 2 ,o'clock p. m. BE HELD ON SATURDAY, tho L. M. HEND~RSON, Cashier. 8th day of January, .1938, at 'the D~c. 9, 16, 23" 8ti


8elf that counts, So give During Decembe~, it Seems inevit- put off. ' '" Now, snme theories. How ' long his de&r heart glnd. And npw, ,A .,. Merry Christmas to y~u aU. workel'S will be divorced from pa.y \vill the recession lasU' A few' ecO'll MRS. TRIPP roll and forced ' to look tor .n on- oml st s fear that it .cannot be check Harveysburg; existe~t jobs;:o B~bllist ~or n time ed, and will result in !mother Ij:lng, ~n ~vmgs, .WAlch In ~he gl'~a.~ ma- major depression, pei.baps culmin~CONOMIC HIGHLIGHTS Jonty of . Instances are pI~ully ating in an actual panic. The bulk Happenings tbat affect the din- small, and finally to seel,( rel!ef or of. the. experts think tbat the dbwnner pails, . divjdend ~hecks and tax charity. Th e Ch ristm~ buying' per turn can be cb~clied 8!lrly this win, bill~ of' every individual, ' national iod, wit~ j.ts acceleration in :retail tel', a,nd tu~ped into a ,n up-tpm in and ' international pt:oblems inaep- bade, wlll.keep t hl3 unEmpl.oym.ent late January or ead February, if arable born' local welfnI·e. ' ' . ro!ls from ~owing on a. ~~ scale Congr~ss Will .take. cerl~inrei)tedial AS' DOJ,'othy Tbo'mpson 'W.'l'Ote a thIS mon th In al1 probabll}ty, but steps . · the direction '~f tax refew' weeksYago, "The capacity ot the full effects will be felt in ~an- +o~rt:I, and a more frie'ndly attitude tbis " co~ntry to weather another uary. . . tOW'Ilrd industry. Tills 'Was al60 the depression, before the seriou~ so- ' Loss of emp loyment haa not oc- opinion -of " the' nati;I)D'. ' leadi~g cl!u, -economic and political effects curred eve nly in all industries. Ac- b~nkel'S in replying to a recent of 'tbe' last ~ne have worn off, is cording to II. U. S.,News. Survey, questionnair~they for~cast ,that one treat big · question mark." It the personal service, indUstries, the slump Vfoqld run on .tour itt this q:uestion mark wbich is per- wbich includE\ domestic and profe/!- .months, but not de~elop into 8haps the most unsettling fac~or in sional help, empl~ytod~y about. as nother depression. ~oduc'til> !has widely 4.ecllned. Se- many people as 10 192,~1ljol' - "Pr'lmintariii-'-f.i\"'"l\i;;;;;:-':h,;"-7l:r:--7.=i:-".:urit~esa~~ co~bing .th~ pri~e,dC:p-' ~ont~nued. drop in. indust1;ial . pr?thaI Business' sentithent is even ' duction would obV1ously be fel.t In worSe 'than the busine's5 productio'n ~ sb.~rp reduction of employ.mept figure :..=-: ',principAlly, because of In thIS bracket. Friday and ', Sllaturday doubt as ro the future and 'fear o;f Trade, di stdbution, and tinallce "Back In Cil'ctllation" what the coming, months may today employ more workers than Joan . Brondell ~, O'Brien bring. In other words, the statis-' in 1929. • . PLUS '· , tics · are bad, but the impondel'Construction, however, has made GIANT BANK NIGHT such ~s invest~\ology,. up of ,its lossell since him

lleved that. tiulJible lelrlala~v8 actiOD, especially ID the taX fl lel, ",.ould Rrovide the nec;el!ll&17 !Iteam to get the izldus~rial -eDgine~ tllming again.



1't ) ' 2


_ __ _ • _ _ _ _ _ __

WA"YNESVILLE. 01:110, THURSDAY,- JANUARY"13, 1938 WHOLE NUMBER 6308 ----~~----.--~--~--------~~________~w.~--~~==~~;=~~~!


NINE PERSONS' from a distance arrange to take GlIBnge officers and lrorkers LEBANON- The Warren Dun diniier near too meeti ng place to from aU parts ot southwestern ty Grand Ju!"y retu1'Tled nin e indict insure their arrivir18 lilt that time. Ohio wil1 gather at Wilmington On me nta Monday, nine cases were The seven regional conferences Wednesday, January 19~h, dia-an in!lovation itr Ohio Grange ig'l!o red, and two were continued , cuss activities tor the coming year Th-e jury was di$missed aftf.'r a The conference will be the fifth activitieS:-w\ll be held acc'o rding two day' session. Th~ jury exam~n­ ot a series of seven to be ·held at to the tollQwing schedule: Thins- ed thirt¥-four witnesess in their widely sepwated points through- day, Jan. 13- Southern Hotel, Co- in v'lst igation of· twenty cases. lumbus: Friday, Jan . 14- Central out the state. he fol1owing were indicted : The session, which wUl be held High School Auditorium, CamLester Dodson and John lJawkbridge: Sa.turday, Jar i. 16Mayin the Courthouse Auditorium, will ins, charge d, 'With brea king .and e nbea-in a.t 1 P. M. and will continue flower Hotel, Akron: Tuesday, te l ing in ' connection with a robthroughout the afternoon and ev· Jan. 18-Courthouse, Jackson i bery in the Lebanon High Schoo' ening. Discussion of the legislat- Wednesday, Jan. 19- Courthouse Building last ·October. Dodson and Ive, home economics, insurance, Auditorium, Wilmington; Thurs- Hawkins are in jail. cooperative, lecture hour, ritualis- day, Jan. 20- K. of P . Hall, PubCharles Apgar and Charles Ad· tic, membel'8hip, Juv.enile and lic Square, Sidney; Friday, Jan. ams, charged with breaking and publicity work of the\Grange wllI 21-High School Building. Find- enteri ng. The r were anested in have a place on the program. Per- lay. 6c nn ection w-Lh a pou;tl'Y theft iods have been reserved for conat the Lo13h L ~"l ;( i e farm in 'Mmch, ferences with State Grange offic- WARREN COUNTY REAL 19 37. Both a re lr. Jllil. Les Russell, charged with £argo, ers and ot?er speakers who will be ESTATE VALUES GAIN Leban- The 1937 re·appraL<la1 erf. Russe!l, ,who is in jail, is charpresent. TilTH! ~as also bee~ reserv ed for &UPpe~ ~n the , eveDlng and of real estate in Warren county ged with i ~\ling a fo rged checl: shows an approximate gain of two last October on the SpriJ:lg Vallej for a recreation hour. Willter F. Kirk, Port Clinton,. percent, county auditor A. M. : National Bank. signing th e aml MJSter ot the Obio State Grange, Parker anounced following a of Horac.e Stump. Udoris Goforth. Earl Crammer bas extended a cordi~l invitation check of the appraisal returns. to all Grl\ng~ offtcel1l and wor!!;- The totel appraisal prior to 1937 and Hazl e MaillS, charged with ers In- Clinton and Warren coun- WIUI about ,1!9,OOO,OOO but the breaking a.nd (lII ttlring in connectties to be present promptly at 1 new figure Is raised to $30,00,000 ion ,dth a school robbery at Ma P. M. It Is 8uRe!!ted that vilitors Parker said the figul'el~ show. ' son in October. Go£arth and Cram - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -,-- - - er are at liberty un dJ r bond and ,~# r J Maios is in the local jail. ~,. 'V John Shumaker, charge d with l. • r assault and battery last October nIpS on the warrtmt of Normand Allard. ' , Continued until the May ~rm 01 court we re charges against Cad, Croll and Earl DOl'8ett. ' The ju~ y ignored chari-es 'against the tollowing: 'Charles Gray, Clifton Harville, A. F. Kinney, A'.... 'Hensley(2), No?h J. R o" ,.ley ·a!1d . " Herbert





..... p.~


• '

bridge on b ucks to be put in place a mile belQw town when nearly two miles of traclc were raised above the blgh . k . ' 81' mar .

~Iectt d


25th .Term !Mr. Perry ' ThollUL8, wa'a elected


two 'WeekS; to aervll bla 26th ' year 8s superi~~ndent of the Sun day ~ohool at Ferry. Church of C~t. ,.

t B .

a rren ",oun reeUer S f it:le ",attle

Mr. Thomas bal been a constant cbureh _orbr evet since lis boy: ,bood date, · At the are of fifteen he united with the Sug&l' Creek Christian Church where at elgh. teen he became Assistant Superintendent lor two years " Lt.ter, ,,:hen h&:moved into the ·Fe...... neighbOrhood b.e waa cholen Superintendent and 'served one y,ar. Then another mao filled· ·t be office one year .and after that, Mr. Thomas atarted "loD&' term." In an IDterview Mr. Thomas polDted out ' that be ~d Mrs. 'Ilbomas ...Itarted houtiekeepirie, 'M". Elmer Sheehan, Wayne&long years agq in the ' buil,d ing vitre, 12 years bre4\der of Brown. which ia nOw used as a barn at the Swiss. cattle is sliown bere witb Ferry PlU'!!onage. nine 'nea wbicb "Ile recently sold



" Wnynesvi ll

CoWpi'lI Re-EI,c:ted , .T0 lastali. Officer. T~ Thirtieth Term

veysb'u~g Gl:ang~ will' lDatall u~ newly elected 'oflicen thll evening when Mt:e. E. p, Bailey, together with hel' cb;la -inltal1~Uon .tqJn, will, induct t~e ' offieera II\~o th~ir respectiVe chail'll. . J ' • Mrs. lJ&ile; will pe'Worm a 'RimUal' taak, ,FrldaY,evening,,at Maine ville and at Springboro" nut We.)Msday ev.ellina-. ,She inata1l.ed otl1eers at Oluk!sville, last nlPt. .

:~:R;'X~~:E 1,,~~~-;:=: ,


'Happy H our Club Banquet


Harvey.La.., CraDle ,

Rev. John Lacy p.astor of the Wayn esville Methodist Church, is , ')opular sp:!>aker at Clubs and luncheons throughout t his a.r ea, g iv ing his personal experiences and knowl edge of th e Par East a s a ('ctu rned missionary. Rev. Lacy -plans a seri es of meetings At the local M. E. Church in Lr ~ r: 9 1' f J· ture.



to a Penn. bl'ceder. ?tb. ' Sheehan has established himself all a ,suceessful breeder 'having' won many prizes at Fairs and Cattle Shows.



HAMILTON-All SS-2 and SS 2A Sodal Security forma must be MOR (J\V ,- AU directors "of in ' the Cincinnati I office of . the Int6e lI'lrst- N~onal' Bank w.ere re- ternal ' Revenue 1>epartment by elec;ted at the annual election held TU~day. T1i'e directorS ,will meet later' to lelect officers. '., I . " ' . W. Cowgui!l, vice I ' president . . of 'the. bank, ,~", re-eleeled for the thirtieth consecutive time. Otbel'l! t eleetcd w.ere A. J. Seheqrer, L.



Rev. CIinto.n Fisher, of Sabina, ¥ORROW -The home Of Levi ,clialk:' 'artist ' andJ song lead ~r, asthe Meadows ,at Zoar, neat! here, w~ sisting '.in 'the revival' meeting at Ferry qhu~ch of Chr)!t. INSTALL OFFICERS ClarksVille -l3everal

CLARKSVlLLE=-:-Charles G1~aio~ barb~. was llound. over J ' ' ~.' th~ WaneD County trTa,Ua jUrJ (lET DOG LU::ENS:£S-


Accide'n ts F'O lu '

persons auf-

fend se v ~ l'C inj ur i s as a reau1t ' f on automobile acci dent at the' i ntc l'~ e c tion of State Rou tes 73


concr~,' iron .etc. ~ IUlpended in mJd~ir 81 renD. Railroad workmen load: ~Cl the Ij.W. see ona of a new

A t


'l nd 4.8 fou l' miles west of here, ~'; a Lul'day , Th y were Mr. and MI'S, L. H. J aco bs, Lexingtoa, Ky" V irg il Robertson al d Eva ,"ra ye r, both of Middletow.,. The Ilcc ic\en l ccu red wh.en the _'~ I ' cll'i vr n by J , C. Wea mer, also f Midd letown, accompan ied by :.ouel t· CHI li nd lY.~ ss Fray-cr O()IJII go we"t on Route 73 collided " i, n th e J uco bs' machine coming 101,th ( n Route 48, The Weamer aI' WIl S ovel'turned and badly 'a mng.·u, A ~s cco nd collis:on oecured at he s allie in ter cction late Tuesla y" hen the cur of It. F. Appel, ' Mit'dlelo\\n n ew ~ p ap e r man, 001ided with that of Joseph Bien of Cincinn ati. W itn es~es said Appel i id not ' stop upon aproaching oute 48. No one wa ~ inj'tred but Bien' s cllr was badly damaged.

W t\ ynflsvill~ Club VI t Friday T he l'lIg ll lar 'honthly meeting ot ,ne Wayne twp. MOlher's Club was leld J anwlJ"y 7th at dle grade bldg. The m.eeti ng II s opened with the ion. "If Your Hea , t Keeps Right." ) evotio n were I'ead by Mrs. Laey. ;er text wru; f rom the "Gospel ot ~t. J ohn ," Mr. Holiday's room pore, ~ nte d nn in tel'ost ing "S,a fety" J'oljrnm. Next was two vocal soos 'by' Mildred Cook. Th e secretary rea.d the minutes , f Lhe last mee tin g and they were l pproved as read. '1 he t.reasu rei' rep or Led total r&~e i pts fo r December were $146.57 iIllId total di, bursements tor the same priod e were -130.75, leaving balance on hand, Jaqu iuy 1st.. of 137.65. Th e lun ch ~o mmi ttee reported ' n the 'fi rst ten weeks ' tAley had ec~ i ve d $306,34 f or lunches and 'la d spent $4 03.84 for food for <8 me pe riod. This makes a loss of .!17. 60 all lunches for this period. r hey are now showing m~re weeky collection thn/n disbUl'Sementa l nd 'hope to co.ntinue doing so. The finn nrc committe~ repor~ed ,hey would have an oyster supper )II J.n nus ,·y 21. t at lhe Gym', and lEked for donations of milk" a l uu Uer. E V'Ilr yon e is invited to atend. The pictul\e committee reported hey had the order ready to send ' or the new pictures as soo,\ ~ the 'Iub all owed them tb.e money, The clotbipg committee reported hey had spent $2.74 for re aboea , ,' od :hoe repairs .. Th.!!y ,.had been voted a $um of $10.00, tha~ey nw have a balance of $7.26 Q. H. The flowe l' DOX count w~ ' next resulting in IMJiss R~der'B room ~ e tt ing the f lower box for the next month. It W!ll.S very unusual that th e I'oom ,presenting, the prog~am should l'eceive only one v:ote. Being no furtber. business it "'a. moved and seconded that the club adiour. Th.e meeting was closed with the song, "Brighten ,T he Corn er Where You Are." Due to a millunderstanding, there were' no h~ tesses for this meeting.

NUPTIALS KiNGS MILLS-- Miss Erma Melampy of Lebanon and Mr. " BROTHERHOOD MEETING WAS Ralph Buchanan were united ID ", . WELL' ATTENDED, M~NDAY holy matrimony in Kings MilIa Jan. 8, 193'8. Th.e maniage took place. at the parsonage; and, u.. Rev. iMll". ' Gessner 8O~e.m~ized it. Mr. and Mrs: Rlay Bueha1)an .were " wifnes~es . of, the cer,amon,: ELE(;T OFF~ . CLARKSVILLE ~_ ~e"'Jy elec!-' ~, ted officers , ot the Pansy ' M. . E. Churoh Sunday' schqol iue 'J ; bn Homan, Superinten~t; , Geor,r.' SheJton ~ ,a ssistant superintendtai,; .E~,hriillm Garrison, Secretary ; U.... Lillian H'oma,n, TntaSur-eh . Jim Orville Sewell, Orgaltist• •, ,





Rupp, ~Ini$ter Lowell ·Sunda,., J llnuary 16, 1938 Th e Church School BooJ'd met. 9 :30 Sunday School. 10:30 Morhing Worship, S~bjcct, Monday evenin'g. at the c~urch tor a covered ,dish dinner after which "Meet Yourself." 6 :SO Epwo'rth League. Revea'and the officers and teachers .for the new year were -elected. As this goes Rodeheffer will speak., to press the outc'ome of this elec7 :SO- Evening Service.

:11 :OO- Wedn es<Uiy. Ladies Aid, Luncheon 'wlith Mrs. Stubbs. 5 :00-7 :09 Orlential Supper at the church. Tickets SO cents. Family tickets, 4 for $1.00. '7 :OO~Orchestra Practice. 7 :C,-a- Boy Scouts. 8 :0 0 Choi.r Practice. 7 :SO- Friday. ,;:. Dow Bancroft will speak. Public is invited.

Ml' and Mrs. 'Oliver Davis and the East, evertll days last 'W~e~. daug;hter Raehnel, Mrs. Nettie Tlie g u - ts were ·Mn. Curt· ·Llas Kepler otteni,\ed . the f unersl of Miss Mildred Kirkpatrick~ MI'. DonF lorence Davis Huddle which was held at Taft's F\lneral Home; Love land. Ohio, Monday. Ml1I. Peter Demas spent bhe week end with her p ar ents Mr. and Mrs. OUver Davis. A. H. Stubbs WtlS called to Dayton, Saturday, P. M. to take care of the Funeral of JQhn W. Riley. Th& fune.NIl was Tuesday morning burial at Greenville, Ohio. bomas of Mr. and Mn. M-on J '" Da.yton were guests. Su.nday. of their parents. Mr. and Mrs. E . .L. Thomas. Mr..Russell Salisbury,. who has been ill 'McClelland Hospital, Xenia. 'for severpl weeks, was brought to. bls bome, last Friday. where he is 'sloWl, recovering. Hr; and Mra. Edward Ric15s and f"&mill' of Dayton were recent -"'sts of 6'. and Mrs. Mert Baird. &Misa Connie Zeiter and friend, of Cincinnati, 'SPent the week-emi with ber mother, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Jonca; v lin.: J1l1ia Bergen came last 1!'eek. to spend the balance of the winter ~th Mr and Mrs. Robert

~Ila Hilland, Mr. Maxwell . Kurkpll.

ll·ick. all of Rural Valley, Penn., and Miss Dorothy Smith, of ton , ~a. ' ,. Mrs. Charles J one.s has been for several days. Ralph 'Meinou5 of California i< visiting his pare nts, Mr. and .Mrs Ray Mainous and ' son, Donald. Miss Roni'a Hardin arid girl f riend of Dayton' enjoyed a few days vacation at Detroit, last week. MTS. Daisy Snydtlr was 8 lunchCon guest lilt t he W omen's Clu . in Dayton , Wedn esday. Miss GertruiIe Waymil'e of Dayton a.nd Mrs. Lace of Yellow Springs were Sunday . g l\,sta of Mrs. Daisey Snyder. . Mrs. Myer Byman and son, Robert spent Sunday in Cincinnati. Ronald Hawke attended an Agricultural meetlng at Lebanon, Tuesday evening. Hlar old Carter and family, bnv,e moved frolh tb~ She&nan property on Main Street; tp a place i~ the country, near Jamestown, OhIO. Mr. and IM'rs. R: E. Cr~ attendKunce' ed Fanners' Institute at Harveys'lIln,r· · " burg, M,onday, and enJ'oyed a "'odd ~ A H Stubb h • • • ad as hha d 8S program. , I • h er gueat .. or se:ve~ aya, er m~Mrs. Cliff Ariderson of 'Fort An-.... G hart f D yt th"", _1'& er 0 a on. ciimt s""'"t ..-.. the week .end with het' M·l'S. T. B. Brannock accompani- brother, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Benteel by Mr. and Mn. Albert Bran- ley. , nock and 1MIrs•. Charles Elzey at.tended tbe funeral of Mrs. BranMrs. Robert Baker will enterIlOck's siater, Mrs. . Tumer of Cyn- tain the members of the Sunshine thiana, Ky. , Club on T-hursday. lrlr. imd Mrs. Charles Joy enterAttend Mother's Club entertain W~ed a company of friends 'from ment at Waynesville gym Jan. 21 i.


,S aturday, Jan.


A quantity of new fence posts, 'wire fencing. dairy and' stock feeds, grinding, and mixing equipment. . . .. ,

WID. Greathouse' •;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;~;;:;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;~_~. .._ ... _ ____ • • __ 1_._,____ .•.. ~



A:' U~O 'S ' a' les Fr'e d's .I!L Authorized Dealer for ,.

Guar;mtee~, Used , Cars

122 'W EST MU.LBER~Y S1. " 'J., pHONE oS t ,.





. . • • • • ' .. ' • • • j ~l L '. ...... ~ I \U ~ .. ..;. _ \I , :. l u "i U:tI nu c!' Jll iu e who fights , ·!t lt t be ( Ul'Y or a trgr 88 wh,m U08ulind Russoll steals her man ' In " Ma n-Proor" which wJl1 open Sund llY, January 16, at the Xenia t heator In Xenln f OI' a three dus' engagement.

luvi!lh Sl.w nSS of a meU'ollolltnn rl avor, Miss Loy appears il ·\\,s p:l por Brllst In love Ivllll n 80c: 1I11 cli mber, Walter Pidgeon. who man-los an helross. Rosalind IlusRell, Ins tead. Franchot Tone who w Ol'ks on the Dill e )lnper w il li Myrnll secretl y loves her but won't admit It to hel', They remain "pals" with Myrna temporarily forgetting her doCeat In Tono's gny (' mpany until the honeymoonrs rc.lurn nnel sh e roneW9 her slego 0 11 Pldg(loll's aft el lons, . The star U IIg cllmll_" of tlii s 1Iltra·modern tOllr\jlcl lld rOlllnllee hrlngs n out a hnppy end Ing for nil concerned. l:'romin~lIt ' ln tho 'BU(lportlng cas l nre Nlllla Bryant, Ruth lIU 88 y. Hila Johl180n aud John Mlljllll. .' liS II


==~=======================~' Lyn.E Horace Foulks has been quite ill with heart trouble. Mrs. Amos Cook of Waynesville Mrs.EaIp.'h Barger and Mrs. F red Rush were guests at t h e Lad'les Aid mee t'mg on W i d ay af I ast ec nes week. Mr. oand Mrs. G.corge DaVIS _. 0 f D tt l t k '"h ... ~ ay on spen as wee WI. . 'JJ.lIl. d M E B Lo d H all rs. . . ngacre an orace and Ernest Foul~. Mr, and Mrs. Allen Emrick and Mrs. J . B. Jones were Lebanon . it Th d f ' VIS ~ rs urs ay a ternooD. ( , Ruthann.a Johns was ,alisent from school last week on account of niness. ,Master Kenneth Pheiffer of near Middletow~ a week-end guest of Mr. &.n'd Mrs. Clyde Whar ton and fariiily. Mr. , ,a nd Mrs. Walter Kenrick and Mr. and Mrs. ,Boward Surface and, son, attended the' wed~ing of Linnie WitHams and Mr. Hillard GreeJ)wood at the M. E. Church at Lebanon, Thursday evening. Mrs. Ma.~ret Johns spent Friday in ))ayto·n. . -..,-. Mrs. Russell is ill ,t, tbill time,' Mr. and Mrs. Robert DeHaven of Dayton we're 6 o'clOCK dinner



Indiana, called on Mrs. Howell 'on Friday: . Mr. and Mrs. Tom Calvert and daughter, Miss ' Helen Calvert of Selma, were dinner gtlests of Mrs. Pi,erce, on Sun~y:

That mentE! credit of distinction: Last year being ~y first year .as a hatchery man set a ·standard' worth mentioning. Out of 438 sales 437 were satisfied"with their .purchal$e.' If there were more that were not, pleased, we did not hear fr~m them.



Centerville spent Friday evening with his parents Mr. lind Mrs. Hiley Gibso n and family. '. 1\11'. J ohn Spittler culled on Mr. and ~s. William Poff of Dayt on Saturday. Mrs. Frank Dakin 't ook supper with her daugllter Sat,urdll.Y evening, .Mr. a nd Mrs. Ernest Nixson of Waynesville. Mr. and M1'S. HI-ley Gl'bson entertained to supper Sarurda v ev. Mir d M J ' M II' d en mg . an rs. un i er an children.' Harry James, MarrlYn of Mr. an4 . Mrs. Everett Bunnetll and. children, James Vir'1 Ch I AI' f M B II gl, ar es VIn 0 t: 0 y" Emma Gibson o:f Bellbrook, KINGS MILLS BAPTIST.. Mr. Morris Lewis. . CHURCH MT. Robert Stiles haa beefi quite ill for a few weeks. is now up and Rev. iI'. S. :Gessner; Pastor ~eaching by tbe pastor each around again. Sunday at 10:00 A. ¥. and. 7:8.0 May the year 1938 teach you from !'th. Author Morgan, Mrs. ~wis p. m. ' . the past, provide courage for the Morgan .spent. Friday With Mn~ Bible school at 9 :30 a. m. and Hiley Gibson an~ famil:. BAU and Jr. BYPU at 6 :00 p. m. pre8~nt and faith for the future. , Mr. and Mrs. B. S,p lltler and Seaior BYPU Tb Be OrpalacJ family were shopping in Xenia ' The young people of' Kings MUla Sa~urday. are invited to meet in the Junior Mrs. Hiley Gibson spent Wed- room ot the church, Sunday eve., I!t ~ :30 lor the purpose Qf U'lI~I""""_.-!~ . . . . . . 7 Wa,..•••We A, lM1prgan of Mt. Bollly.· izll)g 18. Baptist Young People's UnMrS. Frank \ Dakin"called on her ion. ~ daughter and family of ,Lebenon, Pra,.... Meetiaa WeD Atteada.l .... ~ . Mr. and Mrs. Paul Atlrrlstrong Sat the attendane" of the prayer _ urday. ' me,eUng each . Wedn~ay is get.-



and Mrs. Glenn Dakin ed Mr. 0 ' t Q . calln Mrs. Margare ulrery 0f I:.ebanon last week ''one day ,'. . • . Mr•. Everett Bunl1en. called o;n Mr',BdlAllen MOlld,a y . " Miss Eleanor Pouline Gibson called on Miss Os:rold I. Sh~lly Sunday morning invil~ing her to '~unda,y school. '- .

ting to .the J'e:Cord it had.before back the hohdays. We" h~d thirty nine. last Wednesday. The .average preVIous to the holidays was ahO\1t f<lrty. We are studyiJlg the boole of. RfI,veJation. ' , ~~~~~~~=::;:~==~=

L M HE ' N '· BERSON •

" 'fOTAIlY ,PUaLiC Natl_.a . . .

, - ---~ ........... - .~

.-_----------~__"t WI... Drawa • •


Ita..... settW



AAAtlTAGE Sand and Gr'a vel


.4. Gift Not aecelved. • •

t Good ,eyesight i~ one'. gift that no one can look forwarc:\ to getting, Wrapped in a neat .package. . But good eyesi&'ht is a gift that can and 8hould be prC?te.c~ed· by seeing a comp~tent .optomertist reg-

. ul~rl1'.

Dr. ~..... Zettel o. D~ . . OpToM~RTlC EYESIGHT SPECIALIST "Op~~)!l;~ryQay fron) '8 A. M. to 6 ·P. M; · '~-"-I-.:!­ .. . saturday 8 A I M .. to 10, P, M. '

Phone Lebanon 4'7 3-K '

WAYNEsviLLEi - Mrs: J~ette ' Tnp~a:~ 'and Mrs. Kemp;" of


tion is not kon()wn. Tn Epworth League iii panning a mem.bership drive as a contest between the girls and the boys. .Interest in the 'League is gTowing. It is hoped that the older youn g people will be interested in working out a more complete program . SerYic" Fo': Jaa. 16 9 :80 Ghurch. School ~ 10:30 Worship. The minister 'Yiij. ~~~~'!'!!!"!~~~~~!!!!!!!~~ prOliCh. FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST 7 :00 P. M. Epworth League. John W. C. Smith, MiDi.ter SUNDAYDenman will be the leader. Bible Sebool 9 :3 0 a,.m. Choir rehearsal will be reSermon 11 :00 a. m. sumed, Wednesday evening, Jan. Sermon Subject "Get Thine 19. The choir will present a mus10 Year "-House in Order." ical program in the near future . Our revival started.. last MOI'lday Firat Mtg. night Jan. 10 with 150 being pre- MASON PRESBYTERIAN Farm Loana se nt, a delegation from WaynesCHURCH ville- Church of Cbrist numbering to, Frank Storch. Minister 22. T.hese '1lletings will run fOT SUD",. Seriie•• , Jail. 16. two week s. Meeting eacb evening 9 :30 Church School. Mr. Leslie Frank LeMay, Solicitor .. at 7:30 p. m . You are invited to CJasses Scott, Gen. Supt. come. 61R2 Waynesville 74R6J f()r all ages. 10 :30 Divine Worship. Mr. WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF Storch will preach. ~~~~!!!'!"!!"'!!!~!!"!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!"!!!!~ CHRIST 7 :30 Tuxis Young People W. C. S~itb, MiDi.ter meet in the cburch. · SUNDAY- .... .... .... .. ... ... ..... .. . WedD..da,., Jaa. 19 Bible school 9 :30 a. m. Choir Reheraal in t}:Ie Communion 10 :46 a. m. at 7:30. Endeavor 7 :00 P. m. Thunda,. ·JaD. 20 Preaching 7 :30 . p. m. Wide-a-Wlake Class meets a.t the The sermon will be delivered ,by home ot Mrs. Irene MOlIBteller. Harold Willis, Editor of the MIamI· ·Ga~tte • Little Linda Lee Hamby, who ._ . W ed nes day-P rnyer. meeti" n. a t Ima neen ill witl! a aevere cold is ROOT POR AND CONSIGN 7 30 better c.ttle. bollL ~ aDd calv.. : p. m. . • .. Noat.-Brodt 0-.., lin wIN and Hear the Barber Shop quartet ftnn f"r the hi(rbHARVEYSBURG'" E CHURCH • at Mother's Club Social, Fridayl -' prleetl arid rood Hrriee. . Ceo U W ha evening Jan. 21 Wayneaville. U.... 5toeII Y....• C'_la_tl, O. . _ _yer. tor • . T1nI. fa on Radio Statioa WCKY ~Iay Blntro at Mother's Club 11. to 12:80 p. m. for our daD, 9:30 a. m. Worship 'Service:- Social in WayneavlUe. 5c .. rame. 11II&I'IIet reporta. Sermon-"God in Buman Affaln! 10:30 Sunday School, B. O. MiWaan, Suptr

and over night guests, Friday' of their , uncle and aunt, Mr. and ' Mrs Walter Kenrick. Loren Rout;l)abn of M.iddletown spent the v.~elc-end with relatives her-e! ' . " Mill. Ruth Morgan and Mrs. 'J. B. JoneS ' attendea 'Eastil.rn Star meetiz1g.oat Waynesville ;M'opday .e,-: ening. . . ·Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick and James. JIaines were SUllda~ dinner guests of Mn. Juan Ca~pbell and MT. "and Mrs. , Everett Kenrick and ~n BobbY -at Center. ville.


CLARKSVILLE- A contest to determine the winner of Iln "IIonor Scout" cup to be awardt!d by Scout master Fred Raizk is now in . progress In Troop 5'3 here. Scouts will compete tor the cup in · M t only 8coutcmft 'but in re~ 'uiting new mem'OOrs, chi~ WOJ'k , Qu.d sian liar activities. The winn er of the cup will be permited to posses it for one year when it will nga in be Ilward ed. He inay compebe 'fOl' it t he sec ond year if he desires. The local troop , has 14 active members. It is copleting its stud; .,If Bigrualing ' and will take up first !lid next week. The troop meets Monday evenings.



I \




.. '19 'N, Broadway











Mrs. ·HI C. aarvey und iMrs.J~;;:;:::;;~:;:~=:;;;;;;S!= k Ha~ey, of ~banqn, ,call-I: ed ,on Mrs. Lena 'H artsock,. Sunday. aftenioon .. ' , ; . " , SPRIl!(G BR'A.~~ . ~re aowaH1Jahl. iii tJi~ . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stiles, commaait,." . . ~ Dorothy Dakin spent Sund'ay . SDpplemeat to ID~ "_r H~. with Mr: . and Mrs IiObert '. Stiles \Growa F~ Oo·IDP~te. For sind son George. • f~rtLer i~fDrmatioa .... 01' call

'L V. B'ra...



\ I


C,n~"1YIII.~ Ohl~. . . Phon,. ,, ~U: .


, ' &~1J~bS •


,-llneral .omt t

To b.~ ~U8ed i~ aaverf~ing Church, Lodge, socials or sales"iwith nq cost to organizations. ' Just pbone your. advertisement to this office and .88.1 "rnsert this .ad ~n "Cap.~"; space for .... ;', ' ...' ... . . . . . . . . . . . .. orga·n fzation.' ;

AaIt ' tor a

CONORET~ hal ...... VAl,

Motile.r's ,?lub. Social at the' Hig:ti Sc'hool Gym. Oyster Supper, BlDg-O, Fre~ Entertainment. Supper begins at 6.30. Music by ~chool Orchestra. Adm. lOco Ja.n. 2.1 •

.Mrs. ~nk' Dakin called .on Air However the poultry business was not at all new to "John Shaw and family of ~tor me because I made it a study fOl,1r years J)l"ior to"the IJ~ox.anlla. last Thursday. ~ ~ , . lUlU a ' . -, 'For Sale 0nJJ' BJ' 'time 'I atarted hatciling. All parent flocks are blood.a,n d 'Mrs. EllsWorth GibsJn YOUR FUNERAL P.lllEl¢T4[)~,' tested, two times a year with ali re-actors remove,t' 1 ~~.h;·tt;le~·da~U~g~h;te~i~p~h~y~lJi~S~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~I'I~C~~RE~M~RALHO.ME. ..I.~~~~~~~;;~;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~\ by,test recommended by the State, All flocks ' are ,in. spect.e d 'once . each month under' my own personal '.' , /Jupervisiop. , '. ""

Tbou~d8 \latching each week, can furnish some Qn immediate orders; Write or phone t9day..rlt: paYI} to , ord~r ear,l ytor l~ter deliveries. ' Visitors ·imyti~e. ~~. . $ udal bqsil!-:~'. ',~

..._. ..'s UatchefJ

IAbaDOB, Olafo ,I

~tI,,~"t"''''_t III ~VEYSBURG

H ••~

QId.. .. W.P.W._~

KINCS MILLS VICTOR OVER ftheir r ecord clean with a 19. 18 fOUnd the ralll'l tbe Mcond ~tJaJ'o teema pJa~ WA YNESVILLE FIVE ~lctory ove~ the Khlga J~ni()r higk ter and scored I&ven pointa as did hal! with Otterbein IRinla, the score thea beinl' 21·13 Dick Volkerding WA YN}: VILLE _ The Kinll's team. !fi 18 "hlnno·fl oor jjnx" too Th'c van ity gam, was more ex· ~ ~ half. . ' . team's points the fi nal h:.1 n m\l Ch. fOI' ' W y n6!lvili(!, FrldGy citing than the score if\dica~~ . Kln8'l .added to the'" sc~re $te.a d. lead his t' am at the hoop" Ho"\! an' ni '.ht, as Kin gH won deeisevily 4.3. The Kings laBs led, 1~6 Ii fhe 11y in the aec~nd ,h~f whll the 10- W~t pl41yed well for Otj:erh ei . t ' 21: Th local .junior high team kept fil'st quarter, b~t th e ' Wayew c~s found I~ dl~flcu1t. to score. was a. Warren Count~. Leacut. Hunes lead the victors In scor ing Game.. ' .. ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~--.. !!!!!:'~'~~_ ~_ !?!!....!!!! _-~~~~'"'! w;bile Boger and :LeMay did the Flayers resign ins i l'o m the te ' m Oh~lTto r l;ilo. 22 20 Reserve District No.4 bulk of the Wayceh scoring, were . Jasper' Crank, Ja cl( Rouso-n, The' curtain raiser was a thriller. Nelson Dukorn and hRI'I-es Ka ut7.. REPQRT OF CONDITION OF . At the .half the local Juniors led The Morr<l'W' Jun!or Hirth t,~ a 'l'l 7·5 and ~s toe ~me near.ed 'its won a thrill packed pl'e~i m in ary cIa they tnai1ed .=.bL·--=.:on""e"-<,-"o",,i.........1-"'-"=-'-"8,,_ ,8. 1.6. In th e tote of Onio, nt the closo of business 'on December Sl, w'hen ~obertson loolled through OTTERBEi N " publi~h c d in l' sponM to Co.U made by comptroller of the cur· his eighth fielder to provid~ the G r I , un der :'eetion 6211. U. S. Revised Statutes. . necessa ry margin. TUrner, t "·" ..... ..,, . ... .... 4 ASSETS WAYNESVILLE Rose, f "" .... ".!, .. "" ... '"'''' 3 L g flnd ,1Ii$co unts " ,, ' .. " .. "". """ .......... " .... ," "" .. ,, .... $101 .48 7,04 D. Collett, f ": ....... ......... ,,, O 0 0 West, c .... " .... ........ : .. " .... . 3 raft """ .. . ................ .. .,... ... " " "" ,, ,"''' '' '.'''''''' '''' 11.14 1LeMay, 0·· .. .. · " .. " " .. " . .. " .... 8 4 10 Ralston, c .. ..... " ........... .." 0 . tiov. ublig. tion , direct nnd f ully guaranteed '''" ... 14 3,1 56.65 1Boger, c ... " , .. ..... ........ .. " .. 4 2 10 Abbott, g .... .. " ........ ." ....... 0 () I' bonds, stocks, a nd securiti es .. , ", .. " ...... " .. " ......... ... . 146,089.28 1Clary, g·.. ... " .... "" ."""" ".,, O 1 1 Lindner, g."." ....... ..... ". 1 d ug hous , $8,0 00 'Fur ni tu r a nd fix tures $1,7 00 ,,, ,,, . 9,700.00 C. Collett, g .. " " "" .. ,, .... ," , .. O 0 0 R r ve with 'F deral He ervi3 bank ." ... .... .. .. .. " ...... ".. ... 51,000.11 Preston, g" ....... ·" .. ... " ",, .... O 0 0 11 6 28 MORROW 1, bulan e~ \I mth other banks, and ca. h items Furnas, g"" ..... " ... " .. .. " " ",, .. 0 0 0 - __ in procell!! of co llectio n ... " .. " ......... " ............ "" " ,,.,, " ". 100.090.24 G F TP 7 7 21 Sheperd, f.. .. ... .... ... .. " ... ... 1 0 2 Carter, f.. "" .. .. "" ....... ,,"" o 0 0 Total Assets ... " " ,.. " ." ................. ....... " ... ,.................... $011,684.00 KINGS MILLS F G TP Conn er, f. " .. ... ,,, .. ,, .. " " 0 0 0 LIABILITIES F G TP Hia niron, c.""" .. . ." ."". " 1 0 2 D nand d epo~ l t.s of individuals, partnerships . Hildebrand, f.. .. " ..... ... ,," 3 0 6 Vollrerding, g ... ." .. " ,.. " ... 8 2 8 and ol'pol'a Uo n ~ ....... ,:" .... ... ....... " ..... " .. " ..... " ........ ,.... $347,498,28 York, f ..." .. .. .......... .. .. .. ,.... 6 0 12 Allison. g ,,-' ... " .. "" .. .,,:. .. 00 0 ',I'i l'le dep<lsi'ts of ind ividuals, pa l'tnel'ships . . .' I Rimes. c .. .. " .. " .. .. .. .. " ...... 8 '0 16 Dare, g ...... ". ""." " ....... .. 0 0 0 • .and corporatio ns ... """, .................. "....... .. ....... ...... 66,225 .54 Holden, g .. "... " .. , .... ...... " ... 2 0 4 5 2 12 Stt1tc, county" nnel municipal deposits ... " ,......... .. ..... ... ... .84,969.77 Smith. g .. ................ .... " .... 0 2 2 ' Refere e-King Vi ,oisits of other bunks, inclu ding certifi ed and Burgemeir, f .... " " .... .. .. .... 1, 0 2 ------cushi er 's heck s outstanding "" ..... " ......... :.. "...... ...... .. . 40.00 Weis, g .... ..... .. ...... ..."" .... 0 1 1 MASON CONQUERS KINGS Deposits secured by pledg e of loa ns and 20 8 48 The Mason basJceCbnll team bow! .0 1' I n ves~me n ts .... " ...... ............ . ..........,,$ 58,628.69 Referee, Mussey ed over tlw lUngs Mills squad, Deposits not secUl'ed by pledge of loans Tuesday 'night, Jenuary 4, at th ~ and-o r investmen ts ............... " ." " ...... .. 429,204.90 HARVEYSBURC VICTOR OVER ~la son gymnasium, by the sco re of Total Depo 'tg ... " .. " ." ...... : ..... " .. ..... .. $487,728.69 MASON TEAM 34·20. This WI8S an exciting ga rr.e DividcnJis declared but not yet payable and amou~ts thJ'OIlg1Jout, as Kings is Mason's HARVEYSBURG Harveys- deadli est rival. T,be scol'e a t the 1,500.00 burg cha.lked up their seventh vic. set aside filr divi4ends not de"lared ........ .... "" .. ,,....... tory -of the season, against one half was 13-4, in MaSon favor. Q,nmOn· sto k, 1000 hares, pa.r $76.00 Th,e Varsity game scores f olloss, by defeating Mason, 27 00 ' 16, low: per sih al'e .. " ,. " .. " ." " .... " .... "", .. ,, .... " ....... I>'" 75 , 000 .00 Sur p.!lt!' " .. .. ., ....: ... .,"" ......... " .. "......... ...... ..... .. ... 19,000.00 at Mason, Friday night. Carr, MASON U Ddlfid.e~ proflt--net ".,"" ..... "".'.. .... .... "....... 28,4.56.47 Downey, and B~n each t:a.l1ied FG FT Tl field goals jn the first minute of Gorsuch. f " .. .. .. .... ...... ...... 8 o 6 Total Capital Accoun t .. :" .... ,,,!.,, .........,,,,, $l22,d65.47 play to quickly give Harveysburg Cunningham, f .. ,,, ,, ... .,, ... S o 6 .11 a 6 'point lead. · Harveysburg led Toshie, 2 2 6 T otal Liabilities " ... ,. .. " ..... .... ~I.. ""," .... .. " ...... .......... ,...$611,684 .00 at the first quarter, 10 to 4, and Browning, 11'.. .. "" .. "." " ..... . 2 2 2 U. S. Gov. obligation, diL'Cct and li)'" guaranteedJ "........ 60,766.26 although miSSing many 'shotS in· Fox, g .... ... " .. ..... .. " .... ...... 7 o 14 ' untl " e8 ":. , • o t her bonds,· stocks, and ~ ..:.. "' " ...".,, ,....... ,: ,,"',,' 16,718.75 creased their 'Ieacfto 14, against , Tuck~r, i .... .......... ,,, .. ,, ... ,, 0 o 0 7, at the halt. In the ~ half they Baker, g " ... .... " .... " .... .... . 0 o 0 Total Pledged (excluding. rediscounts ....... 66,475.01 continued to increase · tb~ir lead utnlun , g .. ... " .... " .. ,....... . o o 0 Against State, county, and municipal deposits ........... ..... $ 66,475.01 as Davis an~ Carr taUied.12 PQinis f tj'etween them. BOg'llll" PIa'yed 'an KINGS MILLS Fn FT TP Total ftedged "" .... ...~ ....... ,.... "."' :..... " ..... " ......... ,,:."'. 66,475.01 outstanding I'ame "!>n 'dehn~ f&t ~I!iiderbmnd the victors. S . . • g ...... .. ,..." .. 0 0 0 State of OlliO, O!>unty ilf Warren, " : Cllnningham and Fox Jed the Ma morlth, g" .. ..... " ......... " .... 1 1 8 son score3 with 6 and A porn'ts re"- . k, g ....." .. ,....... ./.... " .... . 0 '0 0 . ' I, L. M. Henderson, cashi er -of .th~. l!bove·~amed bank, do solemn..: Hune- c 6 2 l' . ' . - .. , ... .. ...... ,.. .. " .......... ." ... )y SW~ar that tbe"Y ye ~ta~me.nt is ttue to t~e ll~t , ~f my ~nowledge peetively. Next we k'C h Sa>' b "" d Holden, £.. ........."'" ...... ,, 1 1 8 and belie.f. . ' , ' e . Qac n om an W;,..,. f l O 0 ~. .."... .. ,.. ,.... :.... ,,;... 0 his boys invade' Clintoii cou~ii, 4 M.HENDERSON, ~as~ playing at Kingman Ott Friday Tibls game WWt witnessed by sev· Sworn to and .subSCl'ibed before .me thi '1th day of Jf\Jluary 1938. night. Harveysburg already holds eral Harveysburg p~ayers, w~o ~ L~ H. Gordon, No~ Public. two decisions over Clinton Cou t son played last F~day evenmg In COl'l'cct--Attest:t d h . , P Y the Mason gymn&$lum an ope to m~~~ this th~ir, For the Mason ~m~ F ox, guard:, H. A: Cornell, j was .the s.tar, both defensive and Goo: • W.terhoulfe. Mason Junior High- won 'trom !'otfelilSive. He is one of the m ' ost W. H.All~{I, Ditectora. ' H~e~'burg,,zi to 17~m a ' very ~~~~~~!!!!'!!Ii!!!~~~!!!!!!~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!~ ,close.a.nd exciting game. players He on the IIInd ;:; finest. blocker. wassquad the high




.W aynesville ·Nati.o nal Bank

, I

When reaearoJl· engineers of Frigidaire and Gen· era) Motors were making preliminary pIons to eon· tribute to the science of cooking, they asked thousands of housewives what features of design and convenience they would include in a new electric range if thl'Y had the final .,·80. Theil' BUgg~· , tions arc incui'po rated in the Dew Frieldaire elec:tnc

e. ""......... "".. ,....

to . . . "

Fairley .Hardware- Co~


... . .... ,





= ,

D~Vis, f ...........,....... __ " .. .. ,,3

,~- """'7

ttl MASON.




M Ell H" 1 ' M' of its lo!;S, drape its Chapter in .n . a ames I S not so we 1 as\)er • '" And wherC8s, the loving' Father mourning' tor thirty days and that Several of our members of the • . W F M S f th bns e.nll~d our belayed andi r espect .we ·tender to tne · family of our • . . ' were guest s 0 e . . d d h tl . Springfield W. F. M. S. at a Silo cd brothel' hom e, and he having eccase 1'0 leI" OUI' sincere can· vel' Tea b~ld at ilIe home of Mrs. been a true and' faitiful memb er do lence in their deep affiction Myra Probasco near Sligo. of our mystic Ord er therefor be and that ~ copy of these re90lu· Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bogan and it r esolved, ' that Ve;no n Chaptcl' tiona be sent to the family. No. 127 Order of the Eastern Loi Ross. Emma p'enquibe, Mr. and fMJrs. Weldon Wilson caU· I'tar of CJarks~iJI~ in tes~mony Fr.ed J. Hagemeyer . Committee. ed (In Raleigh Bogan and f.amily I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • Sunday ~vening. ' I" -, - - - - , ~ .. ...~~~~-~~~~~~ _ _ _ _ _ __ RESOLUTIONS' OF RESPECT


Chapter Hall and called to the Eternal Home a de.a:rlY beloved brothel', woo compl eted his faithful Jaoor here in ministering to the cry of the orphan, to the call 01 'Want IIl1d 'to ·the pitOO us wail of son'ow, and as. a recom~.en se has received,. th"l welcome plaud it, "well do~.e/' from the Great

CAESARS CREEK IM h. .Monimia B~ejJ was a X~nia visitor Tuesday a:fternoon.



Larger Because of Betfer Quality, Serv:ce and Price Established ,1849 - 1938 '. . Phone 32

~oin(man makinll'. sev~n f~eld goals In memory of HUgn W. Bough totaling fourteen poi ts wllo died has Dec .again .21, 1937. . . n. Dea~h ' en te"",red our


r~~=;~~~~~~=~=~rr~~~~~ --'-+ea-=-rr"""',-:,-" .-"-,,-...--',,-,,-.. .-..-.. -,, .-..-, ,-..6G


range, now, being introduced nationally as a fister product to the famou-s Frigidalre el~trle relrlgerator, of which more than 4,250,000 hnv.! brfon Installed. Of design in glcnmlnl!. hf"lime porcelain, the Frigidaire range liLe l'1lIl ~' ""." nl."In(·d in the kitchens of America 1.0 r:"'l "!!i"I' nt. .~ ·"·.l'nient, low-C:OBt and longtime sen I

1. '27

• T


6 1 4

Some of our members are ,Plan. ning to attend a miscllllaneous sho'Yer .!Dr. Mrs. Sara' Stanley Whitesid~. W~Desdac ,afternoon ~t the ~ome ~f Mrs. ' IDlizaheth COmptori. • - _ ..=...: )Jr. ,and Mrs. Luteer Hajnes and -----~~~-----_: .Miss Jl;mily Moore called on. Mr. I and Mrs. ' H()raee Compto:n, Tues. " day. . .


2 Ray,nopd Wilson and family, . 2 Mrs. Ella Hurley and Mr. afld - - - Mn, Walter Wi1ao~ were' ~Sunday.· . 7' 1 16 dinner guests of Mr. anld Mh. · :-t----;--c..,.-----.-..:.-----;-~ Theodore, ·Melntl~e . east of New I ~urli,n~on. , . Ral~, Bogan .and f~inily w~re I gues~s Sunday .of .1141'; . and . MiiI. Hor.~e Coml,)toll in, ·N~w. .Burling.. '

ton. _







. For Out$tanding Values '$2.95 's weaters, brushed ~ l.OO Regular 3 thread woo~~ twin, high .ne ks chiffon , black h eel . and />hQl't sleeves. Cl eat hose . ....' .' . , . , '. . ' " 79c ance Price . ... .. .. $1.00 CORSET CLEARANCE $1.9 ~ to ~2 : 91) hats. Fil),e, . ~1.25, $. 1. 5.0 / $~ . OO S:;ot \ felt , suedes, sflk~ , tnd set..... and. girdles -made' velvet. Clearance wi~h dup lex boning front pric ~~~~~__~~UU-i' ~n d bll;ek I ltc~ " . sizp,r'-94l~1 " , 69'6 to $1.95 t'a m sets - ' 82'.. : ..... ' .: :-. ". :- , . "9Se: ' to.b oggans,·hoods,' br ush79c. Coi'd ul'oy, light and' . ed wool,, i abrjcs da.rk shades f ol' pajamas all colors~ , Clearance ancl hou se,coats .... . 69c \ priCe. . . . . . SOc to $1.00 ' $2.f}5 2 peke' wool' jersey , dress~s, $wea"ter ' and swihg-skirt styles.' Si-ze 8 ,t o 14. Olearance . price'... .. ::....... .. $1.95 · '$7,9'5 and $5 .9S·' Dresses,' , .' , Nelly Don, p,l ain colorSi ; pr ints and dotted shin' 59c c~il«.ll1en's ' heavy union' sUIts, ' ,short sLeeves, m a I< er ty,pe, button and knee and an~le le·ngths. tucked trim, 10 to 2-o~ ' ~ 2 to- 6., Clen'rance ' price. " . : .. : . . . . .. 29c 40 to, 44 Clearance, $3.9&:,~ j



ItTh,$tores Of Friendly Sel pice" , .1



.~a41. '\~lid~.nt .. . ."



.. 'OLIVER . .", .,' ". .


Line 'of F.~lrmTools ·~s' well as,,{h'e .'


.' . ' .N'Ew ,~IIlEA a·~d~OHIO,:rlr'.:o~r'-)(" '" ,

• -


~ ,



j, Lines ~n~ would lik~ to figure with. yo'! ~ in~rested:" ··in any kind of tools, large or small. . . .. . "t; "




• •Do\not forget thatI am still' in the,trucking bUI!\- ' ineS:~ 'and irliul a~yhil)" lind ever.Fthing anyw)lere ana · eve1')twhet..e:' Y :OUI' business will be appreCiated, large Q.t 1J~11. · . , . .. I




$29.50 C6ats,' Fift'e(t,' straigqt lines and flare4 . skirts, wolf" skunk, 'oeav ' e1' f ux' , Black, Brown!, $1.()O to $2.00' Silk PanGreen and Wine. Clear. ties, J;>etticoats, S'Jips and' . anc~ .......... $19.9& D,a nce l a~ts .. Choice, \vith ' . '1,.2 off $2.95 ; Swea~ets.~ Twin; -,...' . , , " plain, lpng-' sleeve/J, coat $2.95 Rayop Lotlliging" ' ~weate rs, . 'button front.~ . ' Paja~as, polka dot 'coat contrasting and j:>laio 5' ,e ffect....... : .. ' .':' '98c bl?use, . brown, rust, " ·, t;.OO to $1.25 to $1.50 , wme and , re'd , si,zes 3~­ LL~dies' Balbriggan, two , 42. qlea rance ... $2.39 'p'j~ce plijamas ... 69c > '.. '::,' '. $2.00 and ' $2;95,' Kid" t~· ~5. :ao~se Conts. Co~ g1oves~ f1nc1uaing' su~d.e, \ on pp~tsJ SP~l.1; s,le,eves, f un. kJrts,. tfulored, and ,..qoeskin and pigskin, . in 'Wi1-ite, ,p lack, bl'ow~ at11i . ,em~Hre ·stye~ . ·., ~.a:fon nav;Y.. , Broke~ 't~e!3.•1.49 . raff~i coats also m· t~~ lII!l 'S5 G t" d . 1ll1'eg. "" ! . ual'an ee ' < ot earance . . 1. " 2:.3. . ). Dlar 8 thread · s~llc crepe, ' $4.95 Bla'nkets, the~mextra length hose, in atOUg" <J.Quble .b1allket one . tractive shade!J. · one style iii 25 1st p~ir ..........• ·l7c wool, one style 2nd pair! .",•..•.•• 61c none le.8$, lU'ir. . . . . . . . .. 57 c cent wool cle..,.,. e

, lin~ -of co~bin'es, :tl'aCto~;and tractor, too,ls and the ' .

8g all -\ "001 ' sleeveless ' bands, 2 ' and 3 years. Glear:ance price'. . .. IOc


~ Mr'. eoRriectio~l wi~h the' imp-Iement" business .is· with E.· L; Fer.r.ill. of Wimingto~. ,Game in and let's , talk 'o ver your ne~~~ for 1938••• Thank you.






.Want Ads

I on- Harry and Lillie, Gephart In I Perry Faul called Il.8t Monday sfMr. and Mn. Kenneth Binkley MI'II. Robert Gutermuth and the evenine. terMon on th~ Ray Shaws at of Sprinrfield are Yialtinl Mr. and ciauwbter Gunet, Mrs. Grover Fox Little ~aomie Jane BUrton II Whipp'. Comer. : Mrs. S. M. Berkley. and Mh. Jame. Fox vialted Mn. ill 'With a cold. Lucy Freelan vlIlted, with bome . Mr. Ind Mn. Equnett Pl1lqulte Ollfford Camp at Olar_vUle, Tu.1- OHICKS-That are hla'h In quality and reMOn.ble In priee. H~tCbeI Mn. Frank ROlen of Lytle'" . ~lkt, Sl1n~y. attended the fUner" of Smith day. I Sunda dinner guest of Mr. and Nellon A.aln of Deu' Olarklville Huah•• at Blancheat4r, Saturday 1Mr.. Lellie Franz and Mrs, Wrn. twice a week. Pi.... Ie UI have your orden ahead .it pOllllble. Mr•. Lester ~enrick. called .t . the LafteDle. Thom&i att6l'noon. . lWrera attended the P. A. a' By Hame€te Thomas QolM vlIt~ OUf' MW, m~t1'Jl lIr. and Mrs. Irvin Watkin. arid homl, Monda)'.. . Mr, and lira. WUU_ Iithop Xlnp Mllla l~ Mond., DJaht. Krt ---:~~:::::~::;=:=~ _~! dl.ulhter, Halel, spent Sun~y Mr. ,and Mra. Jell 'PeDt and ~ Mlal1raret lr.Wp wtrt Prand rave a ta1Jc On "TOe Aotl. hatohe17. Wetlll\4D'l Hatcb.rr, Mllon, Ohio. ..Pholle BS-a ~tUo. folb- Little winteriah to- , bacco. With Ute Pete Wical f~ily. Sund.ay afternoon 1Irith Mill. ruesta of Mr. &net 141'1. Ed. Blebop viti.. of ~e MUOn Mothtra' Club ___ ,01-_ .cI1" 1IIl" ItT Fln. weatb~r. though. \ I fo'u na Mrs. Lester . Gerhard The Perry Fau1a visited Mr. and Rene and Josie Smith. In Mlamlabul1r. Sunday. anei the Lunch Room." I noticed .~ t .wa. drlvtne- by the baking bread and fix:ing to wash, Mrs. Harry LindaillO d in' Dayton Mr. and 'Mlra. Forrest Trost and Mlu Elsie Sa-wyel'll was the over Mr. and Mra. L Earl Thornps()rI field, that Kenneth Fox was ~usk-'I Pre~y good 10-: ' a lad~ Sunday, and callea on· Mr. Linda- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wean called night guest of Misa Ruth Kettler, anq dlugt)ber, Janict, enUlrtalned FOR SALE 80 aeres extrA good tlSlt out Ute\ rest of his corn, with out of the hospital! She and mood's mother, who has lately Un- on Mr. and Mrs. Jess Roland, Sun- Sunday night. Mrs. Francis Thompson at a blrth- level tll~ land, good buildttfjfa, • pieker. ~I around men are fin- ' husband and the childr n wer~ dm- dergone, an operation. day eveni~g. Mr. and Mrs. Oharles Stonebrak- ,day dinner, Sunday In honor <It elEctricity, paved !'Oad. Farms all lahin&, their corn busking. J&.lS Ro_ 1ner gUests of Mr. and ' Ed. Mr. and MI'II. Henry Humphries er of Cincinnati spent .§undl\Y af- Mr. Thompson's mother. sizes. Wilbur N. Sean, Waynesland la flnlahlng up at Cornell's I Andrews, Sunday. They I8tt~nd'ed and little On of Akron sPent FriBEREAN CLASS IMEETS ternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Lealie Mr. and Mrs. ' iWl1ia~ Rogers ville. where he bad ... crop out. Tom Bur I Church at the U. P. Sugar Creek day and Satul'day as the guests of FERRY - The mont:hly 'meeting Scott and son. and daughter. Miriam, were the ' . . ton. has finished stripping his to- ~ chu~h in th.e morning ~nd called Reverand and Mrs. Carl .Smith. of the Class of the Ferr:y MI'II. Martha Stonder left Sun- Sunday guests of Mr. and Mn FOR SALE-;100 Gal. Horizontal ... = Mr. and Mrs. CHrlion Fish~r Church WIllS held last Thursday v~ day for Foulerville, ~ich!gafl George Fox and daughter, Joan in Hog Fountain with heather f~r and baby are staying at the par- nirg at the church basement with WMN! she will take up her work Miamisburg. $22.1)0. R. D. Collett Hdwe. )Son age during Revival services be- 76 present. W. 1.. S. Prairie Farm. Phone 99R3 Waynesville, .0. ing held at the F~ rry Ohurch. Devotionals were led by Mrs. IMIra. R. P. Taylor spent the week ---- ~ Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Smith and Jennie Thomas. end In Lorraine, Ohio. ~.. •• ..~ - ••• • _ •• . twin daughters called at the Rollo ElectiOn of officers was held Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Williamson Bolton home, T.lJur dllY afte1"O~on. and, the following were installed: left, Thursday morning for St. PeMiss Julia Grushon was a dinner Mrs. Ah)'la Cerhard', President; tersburg, Florida. gues of the P. J. Thomases and a Mrs. Meiul:re Holton Secretary; Mr. and Mrs. Lon Happer, Missup.per guest of Mrs. Harry For- and Mrs. Romo Riggs, Treasurer. sea Luella Happer and Mabel dyce, Sunday. . The following program was of- Thacker apent Saturday afternoon USED CARS Revival Services being held at fered, in charge of 'M1rs. Helen with Mr. and Mrs. William ThackFelTY Church of Christ will con- Murphy: er. tinue this week and next week unHarmonica Solo !Ir. Perry 1 PLYMOUTH '37 Coupe. Like New'. Bargain $400 til 'January 23. Thomas. NOTICE TO REAL PROPERTY The Garl Smitlu? and Clinton Reading - Mrs. Snyder. OWNERS Notice is hereby given that in Fjsher:; were dinner guests of Ml'. HIt\Wljian guitar trio - Holton and Mlrs. Frank Wrig ht, Tuesday. family. accordance with. the provisions of Mr. and Mrs. J oe Filer's daugh- Mr. Planck played a~d sang a ItO- Section 6606. General Code of ter, Mrs. James Hartsock, presen10. Ohio, the Reappraisement of the Repairing on all makes and Models ed them with a grny angora cat. Accordian Solo - Marie Pin·e. Real Estate in Warren County is The cat, a beautiful "one, can't Talk, !'Why Have 'Bible School?" now completed and the valuations make up it's mind where it belongs • - Mr. Frank Wright. are now open fO.r public in specIt visits the neighbors constantly. Duet - Tom and Verna Mae Hun- tion. . We 1Uc0mmend "B"g" Burton . and Bill Oole ter. . I The County Auditor, Upon reI attended a stock ~bow held by C'o- Duet - Pauline Riggs and Doro- quest, furnish to any person a-cer"COLORADIO" SERIES mer anci' Jordan at Spring Dale, thy Moore. tificate setting' forth the valuatioo 360 near Cincinnnti, Friday. Refrshments of candy and pop of any track, lot or parcel of real Tune. America.. Pollee Mr. and Mrs. Han-y Cornell corn were served. cstate, and mail the same when reAmateur .ad Aircraft spent Monday at the Tom Burton ; quested to do ao. upon receipt of MASON PHONE RO home. DEATH CLAIMS ARirHUR sufficient postage. . Expert Rep~iring And Se~ice I .~arry Sc.'baeffer and Carl HeEs WILLIAMSON A. H. PlU'ker, Cliff Bunnell, Mgr. I spent Tuesday 41i'bernoon with Jess WAYNESVILLE _ Funeral ser Auditor, Warren County, Ohio

Items of Intar•• t

Fro", Ferry





We sell for Cash and Profit

New 1938 Automobiles


On that Bali. w. Protect You by guaranting Satisfatory Performance & Service

27 Other Used Cars

Mason Super

Se'r vlee




Fred's Auto Sales Authorized Dealer for



Hess. Mrs. Waldo Elliott and daugh ter Frances, were Saturday afternoon callers at the Jess Roland home. Mrs.\'., .. Harry Fordyce Vernon Fordyoo, nnd Lucy Fr~lon attended tbe Community Sale, held at Lebanon, Thursday. Mr.s. Lottie Starke, Freda -and Albert Strke t1pent Wednesday eve ning with Mrs. Harry Fordyce and son, Vernon. ' 1Mlr. Louis Burton was in 'Dayton on busin ess, Monday. . Miss Geneva Rout7.ahn sPlJnt the ,'weekend with Miss Beryl Meredith. Mrs. Lawrence Thomas and Mrs.



Gr.o'c eri·es '

- .. -- ------ - •. _-- _._-


Mr. and Mrs.. D. C. Devine and daughter, Emma lM'ae •. Mrs. Wm • Bishop and daughter, Helen, .ttended the basketball game at Wit.tenberg Colleg in Springfield, I Thursday evening.

. Phone 2.3

Tow.nslttY· H~tcheries LEBA~ON

South l.ebaGllD, O.

Adm. Gents 25c Ladies 10

$76 a month paid to many men

at fint and mQre later. Local manater of nAtionally la)oWn company wanta .to hire leVeral men 'for work in this loeality,. Deliver orden to fa.rmen, render service and' do other work. Farm experience "'err deeirable. Qa.!' neeeua~ Permanent wort. Yo~ onll. ~e!i to lrive your name and ~arese..Addrela Box 692,9 , ure ~f tid. papel'. , Nune ........................:........ ........... Addrl88 ................. .... .. :... ..... ... .. '.

·'f····.·· ..... ... .... ............ ....... ....... ••....

Phone 66


'Free ' '".: . Delivery

o N:~,.Skid .

Spot .Pa~ci Trusses. "aliilacaora . CUtJI'IIIiIM

Mason .Drug,' S'to;~



Ca'r B,odies arid FencJers damaged. i~ wr~eks . and AccidenU! No' matter how badly 4amaged~ we . make "the1ll . .. 1~)Ok like new · " I· ,


· T~"DOMuu . . . ..... _CDOW to MY ~ oe. GoB a.&J..nco,. ,n. oeecI fDr ..,.. ...... nfriIu-



- '.



... --.~--

It. of .P. HALL

.... ..... ......: ......................... .. ... ..... .



Salqrday Nile Music 1:>y Red Shirt Orchestra, A good 6 piece Orchestra Everybody is Invited to· attend. We assure you a good time. '


Using F.resh·. Meats and

"The Home of Ser"rice"



A vailable each Monday and Thursday from U. S. Ap.proved breeding flocks, officiaHy tested for Pullorum (B. W. D.) and pronounced PuJ]orum Safe by the Ohi\? State Department of Agric. Special prices for January. ~lso libera! discounts ·on orders placed , now for .l ater delivery. -Raise "Multi-tested" chicks this 'year, and see th~ difference. Writ~, Cllll, or phone for new candid camera catalogue.

You'll Be Satiafied l'be Year AroUnd .





Rasnic's R.adio Shop

vices be held, Friday Corwin, at 2 p. m. torwill Arthur William~lOn, who Willi found dead in bed, early Wedn-esday. He is survived by an unde, Tom Clark. He was widely known here, having lived' at Corwin for many

Ia wlater.1a .._er. fDr rer ,hr 1&'• ...." ____ JG " .Idub-

......... c:iIG


'*' a.". aew "t.


...... Uat ... 18ft dane ' ~"",,_ca-


....... .


Nintieth Yea.. ±2!!(

LLE;-OHIO, Thursday, January 20, 1938

---r- _l



_ _




_ _ __

-, -



Methodist tlau~ch ChQir Dons hew \lestme~ts


fire Destral's Barn, Sta~~

FARMERS INSTITU,E HARVEYSBURG - the Farmers' Institute whi ch was held here on MondllY' lind Tu e!day, was un usually well attend ed bobh days, the programe for a ll the sessions Wlel'e interesting and instructivc, dinner was served on Monday by the P. T, A, ca.nd on Tuesday by the W. C. T, U. The state speaker:; were Mrs Mary Cartwright of De!aware County and MI', William Stone of POI·tage County.

iMlAlNEVILCE - The bat'n on the J, F. Mal*by farm between here and Loveland was destr.oyed by fire last Thursday , The loss to the born imd equipment was $20,000 it was said. The Mainevil\~ DlDd Loveland Fire Departments res ponded to the alarm . Cause ' of the fire was undetermined The loss included 200 BURIED ON MONDAY tons of feeds. Forty Itol'ses and a numbel' of cows and -hogs were led WAYNESVILLE The I'e· to safety, mnin s of 'H, E. Collett, Sabina grocer, who died last Friday, were bui'ied in Minmi Cemet ry, here, .f!ollowin g the funCoral sel'Vices, Monday afternoon , He was a bro· t her o>f A, S. Collett, of nelfr Harveysburg,

Friendshio Club Meets

Clubs And Societies Meet With Good Attendance, Programs WAYNESVILLE WOMEN WOMENS, GUILD AND ATTEND AUXILIARY MEETS WAYNESVILLE - A number of m mbers of th e Waynesville Easte-rn Star chapter attended the meeting at Wilmin@ton, Monday evening' In honor of MTs. Dove Campbell of that city, nt'w distl'ict deputy. Tho se attending were Mr, and Mrs. L. C. St John, Mrs. C. I, atterthwoite, Mrs E, F Earnhart Mrs J ohn Settlemyre, Mrs Gl enn Bland, Mrs, Don Hod·ley, Mil'S. Ruth Early, Mrs. Re.ymqnti Brad dock, Mrs, Guy Routzahn, and Miss BaT. bara Gray. CARD CLUB, MONDAY . EVENING

Mrs. D, L, Crane a8~i8ted by MJ'f E. C, Cro'nc, entertained the mem, bers of the Guild and the Woma ' ! Auxiliary of the Episcopal churcll at an all day meeting, last Frida y. A covered dish dinner was sered at noon after which Reverand J. J. Scha Her conducted a devotional service which op ned the bu sine~ s meeting of the Auxiliary. Thi ' was (ol'lowed by a session of the gui ld when the election of officers and payment of dues took place. The officers Cor the coming year ~ l' e : Mrs. Lee Hawke, president; Miss Katherine Prendergast, vice president; Mrs, J. D. Bolin, secr1>" tary·tl' e.a8 ur~ .

WAyNt;SVILLE-The Friend- WRITES FOR SCREEN After committees were named ! hip Club met 'at the ,home of Lil- CHILDS' MAGAZINE WAYNESVILLE - Mr. and the meeting was adjourned and lian Crane, on January 12, 1938, Mrs. Paul Picking were host ond the remainder of the afternoon There were seve.Tal members preshostess to a number of fri end ~ 011 was spent in eewing quill. hlocks. ent, and a very good enter~ainment Monday evening, Cards wel'e the was furn;ished by the entertaindiversion of the evening, The SCHOOLMASTERS MEET ment committee \\ith Florence Has "'uest.'l of the. evening were Mrs. tin~ in charge. Several songs and Carrie Williams, Mr, Thoml88 TayLEBANON The Warre~ W'o;attfp Se"lce~ ai tHe' \vayn~svil1e 'Met'bodist Church are lead by this newly vested contests w~re enjoyed by the c'ub lot· and mother, Mrs. Taylor, all County Sch.oolllli8ster C!ub will choir 'WnJcl\ cQI)!li8ts ~f . the fotowing:-:-Left. to right- bt row--a.uary LeMay, R-uth Conner members after which a short play of Lebanon, and Mr. and Mrs. Pew meet here, Thursday evening with ~ Helen Hawke, Loena Lacy, ' VirgeDe Ri)(i, Rev. J',acy. 2nd. row--Mrs, Collett, Frances Kirkpstwas ,presented under the direction terbaugh of Harveysburg, MJiss the progrnm' in cliarge of Al1'red rick, LolJClla Brown, Ruth Conne.r. Srd Row-Virginia Hardin, Esther Smith, Fronk Larr, Robof Florence Hll8tings. with the folDoris Surface and Mr, Earl Con· Watkins. Prof. F. B, Harris, form.en ·P reston. 4th Row- ponald Collett, Cecil Davis, Ira Brown. 5th Row- Robert Collett, Ruslowing east: ~er of Waynesville er county superintend nt of, schools I!eU Frilnk, Frank LeMay,' ·j r. ·... , The King-Lida B~aru;trator be the principal speak.e'r. ~ The Queen- Dena Moss f WOMAN'S CLUB MEETS The Duke-:-Luella Brown The P~noess-Cl.ara S, Sb,eeFARM BUREAU MEETS Mrs. Robert Baker w~ hotess han to the Sunshine Club on last Thurs 'w· YNESVILLE _ The horr,e Dellciou rdres~me.nts were ser CLAR.KSVILLE - The Waslf- • 'day. Nineteen were present at the A . , ' .ved by the hostess. assISted! by Mrs. Ington tl1~lIEhip ' Farm B\lre&u l 'Baker home to enjoy the roost ele?f Mrs. La~~11 Slde-, ~ f ormer res- Claudia MeIJ6h, DOlrothy Stout~ gant dinner. At this mleeting a met Thursday at home at Mr• . ,ldent of thlS commun~ty; was rob- and Luella Brown. 'l~hi! next meet fe~ men were present to enjoy Dnd Mrl!, Albe'1't Urton, near here. bed 1~cent Mrs. ~ld~ s 'was too i ~g 'Will be held at the home of the dinner. T,he guests were Mrs. a~ ~'he tune 'ot the robbery to. M!rB. Maud Crane. We welcpmed Lina Madden, Mrs. Sadie Conner. call f or help. The ~e n lat er one new member int o our Club at Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baker, Jr., ~re~ted and are In the - count~ this meeting-Mr~. Hazel Con. Ruth Cliver Duncan, a Mason and Lois Jean, Dr. MillY Oook. rd Jall.·iThey a,r e Heber Throckmorton girl, writes feature stories for Mrs, F. H: Farr, Mrs. Elida Day, and Gene Flqyd. rtdrs., Sides: now na • Screen Chlldia Magazine. She is M.k- • Elizabeth Lewis, ' Mrs, A mOB reside at Lebanon, .WAYNESVILLE . CHURCH OF 'quite popu''8r with llIll the young- Mendenhall, Mrs. FNJlk Thomas, ' CHRIST sters of the SeTeen beca1lS& of her Mrs. Della Venalile, Miss J·osephine ' . ~ DIE! AT· BLANCHESTER - - .. . \ . understand4ng and timely helpful- Banta, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. BentA ' CLARKSVILLE ..:..:. F~nerol serW. Cj SmIth, MlDlster n ss to tho!!e youngsters who are Miles a..;d mlietl ~ of, 'tile are beiDl' put in', the ground 8& thij, ley, Mr. Fred Grauman, JohIi HaWa:ynesvj~e W. P. A. Se"'lSg~ Disposal Plant is being pushed vices were he!d, Saturd~y, at BJan- S u n d a y : . <,lalled upon work -for the vens, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ba· along. ; ell ' L L C \' \' 65 _ Bible School 9.30 A. M. wor1d's -entertainment. ker Sr. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~"!"'!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!"!!!!'!!!!!!!!' I • as er, or • • ,0 IDS , ,re , Lord's Supper, 10 :45 A. M. I tired ti?nel', wh? ~Ied last WedChristian Endeavor 7 :00 P. M. I ---,....MORROW ' I"DEPEf'fD,ENT ' nesday In that VIllage. He was a Pre ching 7'30 P 1M I H. H . MAGEE . RE ;,E LECTED ~ REPORTS 'INCREASE IN LOCAL .... '.TE~ ,PLAY · BLANCHEST~R native of ?Iark,sville wh he was ' T~e s~o~ will'be delivered by SALES OF REFRIGERATORS Waterw.,y · Me~. t M{)RROW - the ~orrow A. v. born" APpl 19, 1872. HIS PIlr~nts Bro. Frank- WrigJtt .of , Bellbrook. KINGMAN'-: Thc Chester )l1l8~etbaJl tA!am will play the Hun- y."e~e the. late , ~an~el. and Ehza- Bro. Wright being a:n experienced towinsJtip Board of Education reIMiASON Approximately 2,· " "Boxer" which we. believe; is . MORROW-, This: c~ ~~ . qtil1.i, ~a~ . ?f ' ~~nc . ~ter .•on !,e~h, Co,lltn's. ~IS Wlfe, and abro- man in church werle will have a , elected H: B. Magee presi~ent at 600,000 domestic electric reIriger~ Warren County.' s oldest dog. He 19 to be l'epl'eilented . at \\Je Uitre ~ I~l coUl'f. Saturd~y evening. ther, WIll Collms, of Lebanon sur- message that will do y.ou good. their re.organization roeetlOg re- ators' were sold during the Plio!' has lived 28 years and ~ Iftill go~iami V:~~ley flood, cO~8enf.ney The: visitors /are a ·s trong aggreg,,;- yive." Last Sunday aft;er the Bible cently. Roy Conklin was l'1I8med year in thil; cou~try:, .according to ing strong. He is a- familar. figure meeting p~ Jan,ur..v , ~4 in the of-, tion, hav.lng b~~d the her-etofore. School hour the most: of the crowd vice president, Mrs. C. E. Haydock Adal1ls Di~kinson, hAl~d of ,Dick,'s around : Mason Sutler , S~rVjce sfa".. . fice of ~y~ " ••C~o_w. at OJnci.n-' ?~de~~ t~~~lle team. a set- W~REN COUNTY NATIVE dTove out tQ the Feny Church and clerk. , . R~dio and Elecn'ie Shop, local di~ tion, belongiD~ to Mr. and )Ire. natl,. Cooper i'1" prciSi8en~ 01, ~e b~k, Sunday. , DIES was there in time to lilear the morn tnbutors for .G~neral Ele.ctnc Oliff Qunnell, 'Mason, Ohio• • conservancy. movement. ". The Morrow team plays at Kings ing message.' home appliances. This was an inMayor E. J. , Maai- will attend Mills, next Wednesday evening in , ctARXSVILLE Robert PREACHING MISSIQN crease of 'abol!t 18 per cent over and· wilT be accompanied' by a com- a return (ram.e, Hinkins, 87, a natiVe of Warren sale$ for 1936. Practically ev&y ROUTE Wn:NESSES mlttee from the Men of M.orr~Y' r ' ,~, ,. County, died nea.r here Wedne8- .. FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST i' WAYNESVILL~ - The Way· state reported an increase for .19~OST ACCIDENTS . . da~ of aenilii.y. Funeral services W•. C. Smith; ¥inisteT , -nesville M, E. Ohurch will hold Il 37, over the preceding year; Club cOlIBistiDg of John E.. H()rd~ en, ~ar Ludlum and Cli.rlei CEMETE~Y OFFICI~S RE. were held, Satu«lay, 'at the Fl'iends , . pre,a ching ,mission, beginning the , "Increase ~ iri /lale.s of domestic : t ' . , . " ' ~.. , N~E~ CHurch 'Ilear, lJe~·, with "~ri~ ' in Our revival continues until Sun· week of the 28M., Every evening ~efrigerators by our firm · wa~s~2~7-1-a.u.tcl,"a,cciide.it1ts....aI-VV:al:Te;n..Jeo.uu¥-:!...._~~~ Weissmann . . ~.. ~ '~ :f.r , ::o.r, ~<\~S~I~n);, " ;Tlte., a"r;i.ilual th~ Friends J>urial gl".ounds. A ~on day night. Our ~rowds ;n~ve !;>een during the.week beginning at 7::' per;, cen'l ," h~ said. "We . in 1987 was augrtl,e nted,1)y. 6a ac-~/ ( . ·meetir\it 9f the ' Board of Directors andu five ~aughter ' survive: '" '.' .. good from the f Irst evemng, Sun-, 30 there will be ~ , one .hour ser· 1938 ·to~ I1howa Il\.f&' in ci<lents on Route 42 which passe .' MEN OF ~ORR~W: CLUB .of the ', Clarksville I. O. O. F : 'was day evening numbering three hun· vice. In ~ddition to the preaching \lnit: ~le8' '8S the. saturatio-n point t1iro,ug.h Waynesv.ille and .1Maaon.. ' } . "EARS LE'ANO~ ATTORN Y held the past ' w~k 'when William MORROW BAQE I; '~D ' dted or better. Peol)le have been service there will be · ' ~terioptican' is iiowbere in sight" despite the as weI I as this vtllage: The' repc>rt MOltRO~ ~ The', !MIen ~f Mqr~ SuttM: :viiU · 're.:~ec~ed presiden.t: BY DEATH, SUNDAY: admiring ,and workini\f,hard :Cor the slides ~f the Orient, many o,f Whie~ s,~e~di ' ihcreas-: in sale~ e~ch . of the . State Department office rOw, Club heard Frank C. :A.~de!- Harry 'Reed . was re-elected seere·, ,C halk PictU'N!s , drawn ,by G. <;:. were taken personally by Mr. La... . wfhere are three pnnclpal rea- here shows , 48 injuries andt two 1I0n~' Lebanon ,attorne)" diuUES th~ tary and J.If. Dodd terallurer;. ' MORR·O\V ..:.... l'he ';Fulieral 'aer- Fisher. People are being mo.v~d cy. The Orchestra, the ~pwor:h sons:'foi' the ~ptimistic outlook on deaths irl the accidents on this, life of AaTon lJun at their' monti!The 'othet members of the b06.Td vi,c es were h'eld 'Tuesday, afternoon by the old type ()f evangelistiC .League, alld the Choir, 'W111 a~lIl1st increased' refrigerator sales. First, route. Thi8 W88 the ,largest. total ly meeting, ~1'f, ~~IlJo~~1 .u, ' ~' " '~M!ltfo~ A; ~, : 9&rson the Vale Funeral HomeJor ~k message deliyered by W. q. S,mith. in , maknig . the . se~ces in*ere8~' the electric IIIlfrigerator .is a neces.- of any highwi&y. in t~ county. I Following, ~~AQs"" e' "ll~~' Tbo1ipe~ft ;' ~. ~6ffVemOn Lind~y, fiye, months, There have been ?igh~ add~ to ing. .' : , sity rand ~ith. the ,new home ~u"'dR'Out~ 25 h;d fou; &ath~ 'ana meeting Was ~edJ ojft,,\6 E:".<,.. ..(Th~ J)oJrd:.aI:-pianc 'do- tbiIlt v. son of, Mr, '. lld Mrs. Floyd "Pete" the c1aurch the first; eJg~t nights Mr. Lacy haS ' anno'un't'ed a,8 hjs ing ' program, the tendency today 27 injured in 49 aCCidentS; U.- S. Ludlum, Chalrli\ah tor the , eve- E. Bairey' bad ~en . appointed eu&- Lindsey, who cU~ sudde.nlY ~ on o! ·the meeting. We : in,?~ y.ou to theme for the :wee'k a.$ PATH- is toequij, \hese ne.w ',homes wibh Routes ,3-22 (CCC Highw , 'IlY) had ning -' ~', '. ,I.e todi ..... of. the'.. cemetery to succeed' SunOaY ' of an futelithwl diaol1det. th cO~ "Wou:Id You' SecoJld, new- f'lye deatb 8 18·t, 22 In ' j 11 , ed in 2--• ~~ '< ~. L ' , , ' h,an4 reb~ee wbat it. ,illl', &'OlDg :o8.don .',nf 'WAYS ' TO GOD"or ". , electriorefrigeratol'8. ' . Group: alnii..wwU ·under the dl- Roy , Cleave~. , ~, , 'I' ". . The /!~t~ea '\\"ere 'conducted 'by .e , c . u. at t e c~.1l8 r 8 ~ Li~e to.K-now.God?"yillitors from If '1:t1!'t~!ed oouples w~t ,to , start accidentS; Route '128 . ~ '"~8 i~ ~eetioll of r#f. 'L; W. Aliyti' wlth ,'. '; , ' . ." ' .. , '. Reverand ,"". D. Ryan: of th$ F~~. Blb~e SeMol ~.~O,Sunday the vanoua .church!!8 and froro, tb~ o~ ~he~r , ho}l8ekeeping. advent~r,es juries and no deaths in '27 secl. ' Alfred W~Wn8 secompan.y in, .' on MORROW PO~TMA:STE~ ~IVEN ~ . ~br.terian .. ~urclt Biiti.I mornmg Wlth ~hLl,!g at 11 :00. genera.l public are , Invited. w.ith . modem app-liances. Third, ' dents; Route 48 ' oDe ~tb, eight' .... ·,,In ' · '. . '\ ' N~W TERM was .in the l\f:op'pw G.etptery. 'The A. M. and meetmg. each evening , . more old homes , and farm homes " . . . 21 . "d ts : Ro " ~- 78 t "" "'" Y'W ' . • . ,. • '. il ,., t 7 80 PM , i' dfl' . h InJunes In . acC! en, !,lAQ~mtpi~e W, rep,0r:t "oil, te~~, . " ~~R~O' -7:n~ 'Yo~ ~:' 9ffi~~ P-::.D~·aD a ~~th8T', .Josejih;:s~r- 8 : • , WAYNESVILLE ttl. 'E. ~UItCH, ~ ~r~1 :;:'I:~t;;;: ~e~~ one 4eath and ' 22 i~juri'ee' In 18 phone 'ratea &D4,lIett1c" w.. lIa't1t- de....,rlinent bU· m.t.e: ' public tiie ' ' . .' , . . b t ' f . to I " accidents; Route 83, one deat h, ~ S Dda J 23 our ell tIC ngera r sa es year. • . j ri . 1 ' .' ' ed 'to be ~e~r:~ Qharl_ W~~ re4PPOmtment of Postmaster EV'OUT ' ' TO OP~N OFFICE IN MASON U ." , • -aary lh Di kl ' ha opened anoth- nine m u ,es In n ne aCCidents. man • .cb'ar~" Carroll' ~ana Marlon er-ett Bennett fill: & :our year term.. ' " , '. 8'unday school at 9 :80 . .' dis " ,_c , nsoll 8 d . d The cqunty total was 14 de14ths, !4ASON - The Mason Commun iMJ' p ....y room . j ,Un:u· _A' 210 aeci . 'd en '-' · Snyder ~ nam'f1&-<!1l ..... ~t , He, Is completlllll' his fiJ'st te1'lll, , , . Ol:mng servic-e a,t 10 "'30' B e- er ~ ....... ' "t hI' h' anl tservIce d ' . the- 161 In lD .... .... e ~ , . • 1.- i" be ' ",.. to th fli W:A.,",TDSVILL · E 'U E D Ity News will open Its M , ason ofgm' nl ' ",,,, of th'" pr"achinlw Mission _ .... en ' . w C . IS oca e In ~ ..,. . . ... " .. . ' ...v J}&' e ' alD..u e 0 ee ... ~'P _r. . ow · , 'Id '~" ";, "" . & . .' S d B 'Id! . t t~ ' . " ~ , ~I~: ~eiiO;d ,. ~~ ~lci': .19 i' 1ft :1'fJ#~ '% ' J!J :IUClceed . ~::G~ ane~oft:. 'Yen kn6v.'lI. 'In- 01110 and fii ce,nexth_~eek in t~ell Seward .bUI~ ; EpwoJ1~ League, ~t '6,:30. and ev~, fJ;o:~r:!t!: M:f:t~ Th: REPORT FARM UlAN GROuP 1 win.... tlle mM:h j:Qd "s~ tcfll.... . ::..a.."I1idat hi . liEl I.-here ' . af~'" ' di -" ng, 'VI ere we 'WI occupy p ning ' servIce at 7 'SO' S~ notice , ' , ' '". . , 0, , " '.. • '; _ . , ~~ , q puII~ . r . ;n. " ~. .' 88 ~r, Jte! !JP9-- O f ih .fl oO r . e \1Inth. ·Mr. Dick- '. ' . • ,.' ' ' expanSion w~1l give more amJ.lle IN EXC$:LLENT CONDITIOlf JT\e'rlta were eerv~d. w • ,. , L~tt was,the first.-D4tmocra~ . er, a1Jd lectur~ will ltive . an adi e ' h hSpa.c; .. ' 'd' ' d' elsew~re for !:he Pr~chillg. )lis· 1'''0''': to ' . dlll,nla' y .... e various' II'nel! , . , .' \ I '. .. . t u . di - ,. I " • " .• ii" " nlilon, . w 0 all opene a new 18- ~i ' ... ", . '" j ' bt U ... , ,... WJ ' - , Gut of toWJl penona a ...."ng Ie appointee·in Wa,ren (tount)' un~ 01'e88 a~tne Wa)'1luville Metb-odtst ,._,.• ! . . th ~ I ' t' . It on· wl'V'ce1 eaCn .n 1' . . '0 6 -merciharW':e aold by this local a ' 1Cl d ocu .AM . 1> H f 't'ebe.h- . ,._I' ,t.;;; , .h.:' '. '.1 l " '·~· i . " Ch urcIi"' t.... . In e sarne 'oca . "!9 LEBANON i nc . • , 1 ar r 0 me pr,eent 1"'"m naau,at o·n at, ....._ Evening, Friday, Jan. plaY . Th' roomliaVi . Ion. ' , f' < ,~ finn .' ~ , .,.\ O1a ' !ndl dart !leli.. of Cladtli- -WMhinCtonl ~ .. " ' . '\ "~' 21, at.. 7 :80. !I1he pubUc 1. 'cOrdlal: Ole , d .~~ pews, ~o'1nce. CHILD IMPROVING . County National"F\ar · uti. ,,' .I',': . t .' , t' '. ' . ' ' .1y inVited. While be baa not a~ me1'tt, 'tl°t: ewiSll"l,Ilh gt'b any us nees , , ., . ) C', ~DrClVI; w ",, " ODD FELLO ' ·W ! sodation informed:tbat' ia waa ' . ' I . 1 i .."', . ' , " ' , eel hi . . . tl'anaac ona t e IIII!In~men ' ........ 1 th bee f' 'al diti J • • MAsoN F'AR_RS INSTITUE nonuc ' . ssubjeet, it , is thoUp,* ~t find thb c~ntnilly l~cated and ' 'WAYNESVlLLE -:- 'the· eond(, '.' ~ e . t 1D~nCI .coo o~ , .. .... ' _ • . ,t~t ,he wP"I .""k ~ the lIubject al~ ' eeaalble ... , ., . tion of the' small daughter..of Mr. . '. ,. , ~ • . or ' . .. ~: ' \ .. ' ~ Tl:i~-Q tiee.. o'f. ney 01.' h9w q . ~ di ' . "~' ' al'lt!l~l5Iirs. Ed: Hendel.'oon, whlch.w '~ CllA~VILl;E - The follow: annual meeting la/St Thun:dal~ '1'lie J;&YNES~ , . ~bla~ , ': Dt m~($Ut of dollar. . dO:,~~ ~e will tie announc:' tained' isevere burna ricently 'When.. ing Jlfflcers: were .insta1led at the. report of G.;n. Henklej eecretarj', , meetlngofthe '~~f¥' ~ &De,. OI ~ 1,,~,7i ~n8' ,the'~ fann: ' ,~ :'. . " t" e n wee spa.per, slie~tinapailof'scal~inKwater,. 1M~~ ~f . tl)e local' l. O. 0_ F. 1Ib?~d ' 185 botto~eN: and a ·,P81 chuiChowaa 'held" 8u~, eft l~ti1W .. lU. .w~; ~owed a LECTURE GIVEN ~T HI~H is 'repo~d W ,~ , improved. Saturday ' -eveni!1g: WUlIa!IL Sut;:: p"rofl~ q~ $344.69. ". afwrno'o 'at the charch . ., Dr. PIn ~:~ ~ 7". ~HOOL . ' }, '. . . . " . " tl'-; ,Noble . ~ra~d i S~ ··Br~wn.,. ~ Tlie bet w~~Jl..ot:.tbe Pi'tpUii~ " FredbtaJl Ft.cber: pJ:elldtbir' • " Wal~ " ~~!,I ', ~ , IIGORROW',- ' Th-;:""~nual.l.rm~ itlNGS 'i ooSES MATe.. . '-nce , Grandt 1Ia'n),: '~edeti : S~r.e- ti9n .. 'lSl'.IUI••,~', ~ e1~ f~'f tha eomm.r fdbt of . 1~8~' ;lJj~ " .. era InatitUte will be. held at title , I taq' ~ E. CaltlOn, Tr~r; ~ that IoeDa.were 11",_ ... .1. . . ~u,ue ""H• .tU~, .-j!»r"wardOOer;lIf~e~ I\&DM~ , . . . JII~ ' WAYNES~ _ J(o~da, . .e ~"h ~0'1' gym on E:ebraary '1.8 ' XINGS MILLS -:, Theloeal ri- B. D04!!, ,Chaplin I Joe Wolfe,-War 18.per ceDt en; ,. 'D. Jreaa.non. ITtlnioJ' War- aer f:aDden, vicr-prealdent, .-ad 1It_,I_UAr7 17, ~ from It baa been annC?:!!l"ed by GeOige Oe team lost at Wl1ml~., TlUn'a deD, and Ernest.-j}oI;\d, lhaicl4t Se~- ~eUDq1fen~ 8iiilUllei~! ~~r~1 4eD. 0 ... n~ member..... 'E. W. ~ die 'State Uainl'lllty Pie audt.her 'l o--.Jutltute preuldent. b7 a IICOr8 of 1,S4~ to UD8l: . , n~ r......~ to tfae ...rr,-,.... -- ~~. . ,08 ''HAIime BMUtIfIcatlon." . Other offiCtlrs ofT the 'lutitate Scorea of the local aIiootel'!, " . . A >1lunibflr of members bom the two ,..,.. JI. B. ,,. u., ..coad talk ... 8ph are Parker; ' pneldeat; 8. Traman, 1'78; I. B. 171; attended ... meet. . for .va...·::~tJ~=~~~ · en.. ... I.. l*.'iOd toJl~ tile Oot_ta.


;D eaths r-



To' Aftf'bd '





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and M . r. an" MI'$. Don Fortney and j I{ spent the her expect. Mr. iuad lin. Tim -Smith aDdtop II... ad lin. Paul SpitUn' ot lIttl~ 80n. daughter, Ml'I1 and MT. Everett' Githenl and Miss famOy atteDded tM fi1il.-al of MU' Bellbrook one day Jut wek. Phono 112 MaiD Street Perry and lI.rrie Tbomas, Vern family. Be.rdell Leever of near Centerville their Aunt. lin. Clptla C. Buet· \ Irra. mle, Gibion. Mn. Emma Mr. ' and M1'8., H-el1lry Saylor 'Of ~re married, Saturday alId will 11!s"lIondayatte.JJloon at the home lbeOn, c:a1ledy Sunday, OD Mile. Fordyce, Julia Grushon, Lucy Free WlIync ilIe, Ohjo ~ and Wilma Thomas attend near JOMsville, fl'. Rile¥- Say- reside with the former's parents, of her dau&'bter, Mra. EnOCh Mer- ReO. an~ .1081. Smith. a theatre in Dayton, Saturday lor, of Phillipsburg and Mr. and Mr. and Mra. Joseph Glt"enll north rim an Steveneon. ' Hr. &Del Mn. Alfred Morgan In Nineti e~h Year , Mrs. William Creighton were din- of town. They were tende~d a Mr; ahd Mrs. 1MIUo ' Deal , and uct little clau&hter, Barbara Jean ilAROLD D. WILLIS, Editor ORVILLE SAGE, PubU.her night. Mr. alld Mrs:)rvin Tholll8S and ,riel' glIests of Mr. and ..MIrs.: Harry "belling", Monday '~veninir. daughter, Joyice, were ' TU~y Mt:. and ' Mn. Lue Morgan called Bon, Jimmy, at; Warsaw, Ky., spent G~h8m, 'Satul'd8¥ evuning. . ' evening guests of Mr. Fri.nk D... on Mn. Hiley G'ibaon,- Thursday Entered As ccolld ,Class ia il, M t ter ~t PostoUice, Waynesville, Ohio , ' . Saturday ' night and Sunday- with Mr. Lee GlICathou8e -returned to - SPRING BRANCfi kin and tamUy., atternoon., ' Mr. and Everett Bunnell the, fonner's pnrent$, the Lawrence t he hom~ of Ml'tI and Mrs. Clyde .,.=====-==""~:S:r.::~!C: ~ =E:rD EVE,RY THUnSDA Y Mr. a,nd Mra. B. Spittler called 8END 1ft YOUR NEWS EAR LY Thomases. Wharton, Monday c'vening, after and children, James, Virgil, and , Subscription Price, $1.60 Per Year, P.ayable in Advance The Jim Burtons' of Dayton and on extend~d visit witlli his son, AT- ChaTles Alvin called on Mr. and _'II An ~ndependent- , Ne,wsJ)aper Dedica~ed to the Service of WayneSVille the Russell Terrills' {)f XenIa spent ·thur Greathouse and f amily In Day fdlra; Bill Allen, Sunday, after, , aJld vicinity - Giving its patrons the b ~st newspaper humanly pos- ~undllY atternoon with Mr. and ton. noon. sible. Mr.a. Louis Burton. , ' Mrs. ' William Long spent T~ ' Mr. J-ohn Spittler oallep on Perry J. Thomas and i:dward day in CinCinnati, wh-cre abe is ta- friends in Dayton, Saturday. Gi,lIiLand hauled 376 bushels ai, king treatme~ts of . her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Dakin callMany people h~ve a confuaed- impreBBion about bal\k ownership. ed on Mr. Gnd Mrs. Paul Anncorn fat· Mr. George Gilliland, Dr. Seigle. Who co..... own the banb, they re~n. but people great TUlCsday and Wednesday. Mr. GilMr. and Mrs. Robl!rt De Haven strong of Lebanon one day last wealthT Surely bank ownership must be concentrated in the liLqnd ~urobased- the dom . f,rom of DayWn w-cre, Sunday evening week. banda of a comparat1nl,- tew capltaU.tal Mr. and Mrs. Harold ROtren at Oscar Blackford below Waynes- dinner guests of Mr. and Wal viJIe. ter Kenrick. Bellbrook called on Mr. Hiley Gib Yet 8)lch an eaBDmptioD II fAr reJIHWed from the actual facts. Mr, and lMIrB. Guy Routzahn and son and family, Saturday eveMrs. Lean Riggs, Mrs. Roy Hat,. In Ohlo---ad tlhroqhout the Uniied State..-It II the people By Harriefte Thomas atwaY, fI.!rs. Claudia Cornell, Glld f,ami\~ spent Sunday with the lat,. ,ning. thenuselYe6 who own the knkilll' .,at.m. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-~ 'Mrs. Jennie Mullen spent last ter's mother, Mrs. Mary -Boitnott Mi86 Pauline Gibson spent Sun.' FeTTY is sTow this w.eek, inc1ud- Wilma and Helen Faul. ThuTSday with Mrs. Thomas Col- in Tippecanoe City. day with Miss Ernestine Earnhart ' In Oblo alone there arw mon thaa 84,000 bank atockhoJders. Tbe situation fa IimUar in otller .tate.. Th. reuon for this ing myself. I seem to just miss During the services members of lins In Dl,\yton. Mrs. Belle Scott, E..'verett Early of Mt. Holly. popular ' ownersh~, which fa ~ strikin&' i:4btHs.t with othe.r everyone on whom I called. Even the church are entertaining Rev. Mi'. and Mrs. Otto Ginter, Bet,. Ml·S. Ruth Morgan a,nd son visi~ M1'8, Hazel Nixon, iMIrs. Lois Mill countrief, fa Dot wdto' find. Here In bhe United Slates we the phone no answers. So and Mrs. Smith and chil dren and ty Lou Ginter Wilma Thomas and cd Mr: and Mrs. Paul Wmiams in tord, Mrs. Opal Beal, of Waynellhave a bankill&' .,Item orpni.ld ud ~ctionln&, 011 the broad It may be that next " leek I'll have Rev. and Mrs. Clinton Fisher and ErvinFaul were Sunday evening Lebaoon, Sunday. ville, Mrs. Ada Dakin called on basis of ren&mna eenie. to the man,- instead of the few. Mr. and Mrs. Harv'ey Burnet at- Mrs. Minnie Marlatt of Mt. Hoisome extra news when I find where son to di nner. The following pro- supper guests ot the p, J. Thomasgram has i)epn foil \\,I" d during the elltended the Township Farm- ly, last Friday afternoon. these folks are. Hen a - . . . ._1, _ay..lcled .......... rie. i. The life -of a reporter is a hard past week: Mr. and Mrs. Perry Faul and ers' Club at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hilye Gibson and daugha ••llUl . . . . .~. Wednesday, Mr. nnd Mrs. Jam- Mr. and Mrs. Dan. Williams called Mlrs. Oma.\" H()llingsworth, near Ore tel', Pauline, Mrs. Emma Gibson one. Just as soon as I step in a door, some lady says, " Don't you es HartsU{:k entertained, on the William Bul'KW!ss family, goia. Thurscl". called on Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Runput in the paper what I am doing." Thursday, Mrs. Morris Hunterj Saturday evening Mr. ud M'ra. Walte:r Remick en- yon and Grandma Michial, last 0, dear, what is one to do? Friday, Mrs. Lester Kenrick; All of the children of Mr. and tel'toined to dinner on Wednesday Saturday evening. Member F~deral Deposit Insurance 'Corporation I said that Ferry wa s slow, but Saturday, MIra. Perry Thomas; Mrs. Lawrence Thomas glB.ddened .of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry IM\isa Stella Gibson was in Day_ MORROW" OIDO Monday, Mrs. Lester Gerhard j their hearts by coming !home some McGinnis, Mr. and Mrs. William ton, shopping, Monday. the Ferry Church of Christ is right • ____ 1 _ ... _ _ . _y"":. upon its toes, converts have and Tuesday, Mrs. ,Joe Filer. time during the day,Sunday, Coleman and Mr, Link ~ing of M1'8. Elsie BunDell, Mrs, Benie been added to the good works of Rev. Smith was called to PeebMr. and Mrs. Perry Faul and Waynesville. Gibson called on Mrs. V6l'Il.o n Shie-' the me:n responsible f()r the meet,. lell on Wednesday to conduct fun- ~. and 1M!rs, Dan Williams spent Twenty three persons from here lIy, Friday afternoon: I ~~~!!'!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!'!!!'!!!!!!"!!!!"'!'!!~ IIIp. ThOle who contessed were, eral services. Sunday as- the guests of .Mr. and attended Revival service at Fer- ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;~ ~--~----------------------,. Tuesday nigh~ Mrs. !t!Iary HayMise Llna Lansing returned to Mrs, Ervin Sanders. ry C!I.rch, SUl\day ~vening, In res- .. Illp <Of Spring Valley, who came her home near Spring Gro"e, 0" Mr. and! Mrs. Howard called on ponse to an invitation given them D7 etatement. Wednesday nigh~ Wednuday. t~ Tom Burtons', Saturday eve- by Allen Hole. Wilma 'NIomas" and, Catherine Mrs. Nancy Pope baa been vi': mng: ' Mrs. Ralph Johns 11WLS taken to Glue Fri night, Coy Gilliam, Earl Itlng 'her daqbter Mrs. Lawrence - LIttle Nalmo Burton is much Miami Valley hOtlpital Sunday and Can you think of JIltchell. Saturday night, Virginia Thomas and famll;, the Pilat w~k. better at this time. Iundierwent a. major operation. Guaert uct this Monday night, ~t Tuesday was Mr. Joe Filer's Mr. and Mrn: ~arry R: Fordye~ I Mon~y .moming. RE!port is that 67th birthday. His son . Harold and' attended the an. nU'IIl meeting ot the She IS dOing a~ well as they could Immediate Deli.ery OD 1938 C.... anythinll that aives the £,1 ; family brought a- lovely birthday Home Owners Loan Association, sllpper to surpriae him. . In O~bom, Tuesday: The Harry Cornell'. had a gTeat M11III I;-ucy F)e.eling visited her USED CAR! house of visitors, Sunday. They sisw, Mrs. Everett Blackford, i~ are the h~pltal lOre ot tolks Centerville, Tuesday. I -P~YMOUTH '87' Coupe. Like New.' Barlain ,3915 telephone afford. when whom one likell t" vlilit. Those who LYTLE came were :' Mr. and M.ra. Ea.mellt, Rogers Mr. anel Mrs. George Davia Fint Mta. and daughter, Betty, of Dayton; Dayton, ate ltaylng with Horace . Mr. 8lld Mrs. Lester ~cil and lion and Ernest F1oulb. FanD .&All. . . . Repainnl on all makes and Models at Middletowtl. , Evening callers ' J. B. Jones wu III lut week were .Mr. and . Mrs. Dora McCray with the 'grlp. Mt:. and ~. Albert Hawke are Frank LeMay, ,Solicitor now livil1g ill Cincinnati where Mr. Hawke has employment. 61R2 Waynesville 74K ZAIN ARMITAGE Mrs. Sam McClure of near Cen. ~rville spent Thursday with her l .--IJ!II-IIJ!l~--. .- - · Sand and CraTel . atQ1t, I(rs. EntIDa RUllllen, who has :Ehone "Lebanon 478-K been quite ill. .. NOTICE TO REAL PROPERTY ' Mrs. Margaret Johns spent Sat,. OwNERS PHONE RO urday with 141': and Mrs. Earl OD • accoTdance, with, the provisions of CUff Bunnell,' Mgr. WE ,BuY· -, ' IMrs. Mary Carmony was a din- Section 6606. Genenll Code at Cream, Eggs, anq ner guest, Sunday at the ho~ Ohio, the Reappralsernent of the Best Prices HEART SHAPED BOXES o-f Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Clark in Real Estate in Warren County , ill \ !J Phone_ 2228 WaYnesville-. now completed and the valuations 117 W. Locust, acrosS from BroWn of WlUIhington C. are now open for publie InapeeCity Hall . , Wilmington Propuce Co. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ti on. The County Auditor, upon reGeorge McNe~, ~. quest, furni&b 'to any ~oerson a certificate setting forth- the valuation of allY track, lot or p.lLteel of real WAYN~SVIU.E estate, and mail the 1ADl6 when re, JANUARY 21- 22 quested to ' do so, upon reeeipt of Wednesday ,OnIy _ Cliarl"!. Starrett Barba;. Weelu sufficient postage. A. H. Parker, uTWO FISTi.;-SHERIFF'" Auditor, Warren C:ounty, Ohio Stor~ ' ' 20 PEOPLE 20 . We will lell at Auction ODr berd of Short-"Unusual Occupations'; C"rtoon-"Candld C6ndidate" Phone 120 u 1935 2.DOOR PL'rMoutH ~• • • •Short- Que8DIJ of Hannony" "HIGH, WIDE AND

"'" ~





......_4_._.. ..

-.-. I.


Who Owns The B.nks?

Items of Interest From 'Ferry


F'l rst National Bank n_n_ .,.I_a __ .'.'_ •.. -

Chrysler - Plymouth


Warr••,CountJ ,A,eDCY


27 Other U.... Carl

••" tosseS.

1:win Theater

'Du ' bll'C' ..-::-<


On Our. 'Stage BEAUTIFUL"

ValtDDe Cards btl Comics JW Waynesville Drug






. ._ ..._ _-!"'...._~~~ 1.ocated three milel So~tb Ea8t of _ JANUARY'28 '- 24Fi~ed in mAl.l'O_ llIL.-.,_-I-__ Wa_yneaville, Ohio,' on tJi~ W~fl1es- Jack Be-iay Gall -P • ..t.,Jr.!.-":!'-' .H_ter 6nd ,~f;rolter !!!!!!!!!~~~~!!!!I!II--i"'''1I! ville ; and Clarksville :pike about , --In. ODe owner, very low mOeage mile ~.E. of the Will O'Neil t~im "A~TISTS AND MODELS" on Short-"Aak Uncle Sol", Goln&' at . - 1I0TARy"PUBLIC New! of the 'pay

\L.M,.·' 'HENDE'R ' SON N....... .....

SATURDAY, JAN. 29 AT ~.80 P. M.



milkers. Thi. February anet HeN. March,baa all avery U"'riab; lb.


Wamm· . or Co gM otl' '" ,

-.~'- D" . . ..:tat 8 1_-' Aaa Sou.. , ra ........ . . . - . . .. ett_ 17Head of High Grade er-in, WAYNESVILLE. '';_ \ , OHIO ' sey Cattl e "FIFTY ROADS TO TOWN' ~~::;~~~~~==~\~-:=..,....:= 10 head of iTe~ey Cows, ft:eah Epl81?de 'No. 8-"Wi~d West Days"

Doa 'Am.q.


I'" .

' WilD}lnl(t9q, O.

Lebanon, Ohio

' : ,



ll:_~=j~~~ ~~::t1~

This ia an accredited herd both T. B, and Ban&,' TesUd. ,a n Ideal opportunity to P111'Chaae BOme YW7 hll'h clau Je~y Cattle. ,



Easy To Buy" - Easy To . App'lY . WE H;AVEIT .~










B. F. averll&'e In -the- Dabi.'Herd Improvement; AuocJa~on bl ·198". 8 head of Bred Reiten, lnu-llnC




F, T. , Auctioneer, Center,: ENTER.TAINME~T ville, Ohio, Plione 7B..J '-

Phone 58 "



',' Eyerything To Bu.i,~d:ADytii~g"


Morrow. Ohio



.....h, School- Has Well




10 th\

Artices of wood · ar~ turned on the

Indusfriel .Arts 'departof anr rural ihirb aeb'o ol tn 'Ihls· is • lIew cOUl'lle . at tile, school but has become OIIe of utatandhrg dbfec~ ott,nrd.

,Form.q are poured ' in moulds, iron is hammered int o s~ape on the anvil 8S the . boys master here in the shop.

') he' empbaais· was on lIunyl-alril\ ' but. with only one material-Wood III the nineties the alPhuta shU ~ed to include articles both UMful and well designed. In 1910, Industrial Arts came into being and the empbaais wu enlal'8'ed to ineJude all f onna ot in au atrial eon- . :8truetlon and ghia as ~ ,~ b~~ The ClaTk!Jville dep~ent of. nt'S six distinct areas In indostrial arts. The first is in' 'metals whlC'h inc: udetl shop, abeet metal, founary, welding, and ' [roaing-. . Lateat equlP11l~nt has bOOD secured inelud ing a metal lathe', dHll press, Irribd er, welding outfit, moulding bench; grinder• . welding outfit, mouldilll bench, down draft forte. anvil and a &beet metal bench. The second &re is graphic uta ..,lIere students . C&D study ,phot'" j'l'aphy, linoleu.m. Jlainting, ete. A modem, up-to"CIate ,d ark ~om. block- print preu, lineolum cuttina. to~ll!, drafting outfita, ·lettering brush ell, letterill&' pens and ink are among the equipuUmt' ava11abh,. . Ceram'ics, wiu~1I ~ ,Ohlo'i . seeoll'd largest induatl')'. is available, and for students in~re8ted, tbere is provided clay, gJ,a.zes, bench Whitlen, wedeinsr board, damp , ~1()8et. for clay storace. Student. may create original and unique I., pieces of pottery witb tbll fine equ1P~nt. . Wood& alll6 come In fot plenw oi attenti~1\ dellpite 'the ~mpbaais focused' on the newer fOrDls of art.. New "maehiDe!7 'ia the elaO}l ~ worke bere l'eItlly ~Dteiut. toW. Th.e re ia a jig _ . Wbe and


Plana and blue prints are drawn accurateJy in the planning room before work is started in

~r combInations. There ~.I'1 a • Weave-It" outfit on 'Wil~h b oek..

Friday and Saturday ·




i' i




Edw. G. Robihson

4'No Time To Marry"

Clay is turned, sha ping and forming jars, pots, etc. into bea utjf ul clay pottery, baked and 'hal\l'l-painted. '


Co~ntY! ; Bask, et B. a II G.a mes . Of_Past Week G,ive~J~~aJls Mal)y.T1~rills







,,.·11 '




Bogan, g .... . " .................... 0 1 1 man 13, and Parker, 11. Starr, 1'.... " .. . .. " .. .... " ...... 0 0 O( Thllo varsity game was 'close for Hartley, f .. " ...... ........... .. 2 0 .. tl\ree quarters, but the Morrow 'Til Totals Will t.:; xz flfl lads drew 'awa y in the clbsing . 2 P. M - - quarter. The Teserve players playTotals 9 3 21 el:I a prominent part in the victory. I ' • KINGMlAN loe,ala led U-8 at ~he ~alf and Con." FG F . TP at the end of the third quarter tinuous McClary, f ... .. ... ...... :.,:..., 2 2' 6 were still in the lead. r Shows Carn-ers, .... .. ... :.............. ,. 0 1 1 KINGS MILLS Boran ........ . ... ,.. ...... .... ,. 1 3 . 5 . FP F TP " Stanfield, ..... ... .. .. ...... .... .: 1 0 2 Slagn-eck; f....... ............. . 2 0 4 Lewi!l; ..............1.. " .. .... . . 1 O· 2 Surlace, f ................ ,......:· 0 1 1 Stage ....:: - Hamilton, c ......... ....... ,..... 3 1 7 At 4-7Tota1!1 6 6 16 Oonner, g ... .,. ..... .... ,... ,.... 3 0 6 Bowman, , g.,.... .. " ....:....... 0 0 0 DOWNS KINGS . . \. ' - - . " IMiLLS Totals ·8 2 18 " 'MQRROW - : The Kinp ' Mill/! . MO,RROW teams d~opped ~ 'a~tuble " , - , . FP . F TP to the M'ottow A. C.-, CbIlrlton, L . . ...... :.. .. .,,, .. 6 1 11 ' ~t'. " ~4;l varsitY' . Trainer. f-g .... " ...... ..... ;.... 1 0 2 was 31.18;' -wtiile ther~serve team Kelly, f .... ..... ......: . .......... 3 1 7 count was 45-11. ' , ' " Coe, f .... .. .... ....... ..... .......... l ' 0 2 Th~ ope~ing , pme:l'~ . ()n.~'8i~- Sawy~r, c ..... ...... :...... .. ... 8 · 1 '1 \ ed .11-- the way ~tb tlle M'orrow Canava, g ......... ..... .. .. "" .. .. 0 8 'tea~s navi~ thr~ , plil~ . e~ Apking, g .. ....................... 0 . 0 0 outlcorinr the entu-.visitinlf te~. . 17 3 37






. '~Last Ga-,gster"


,'" • , ma"," De woven and later sewed t oHaryEysgurg continued to show -ther ~ l:hatr strerigth in. winning their 8th '. , '. . pme 1n 9 starts by' defeating •PlanDlng la the fin~ area ,of the Kingman 21 to 16 Friday" night in (').~rtmen~ Each stU~ent is ~ a very cl()~ ~d, exciting game; " Jredto ,pian and dt&w ~b pro- .~)'I!bqFl' although leading j ~ betQft ~:~o. ~~. moist: of tM way. never' had more 1 U1' adjustable ~wing ~l.s to- ,than .. 5 . pol~t ·advantage. King~ ther. wltb ' t,tie aftl88811l'Y drawing man with a vel')' good defensive team p~oved plenty tough for the e quiplnel\t, il p~vided. Other . !mpo~nt p~j~t1 are Barve,sburg ~ , eare~y counselinc. reIa.ted .cleDeee, H~YBbul'lr were ahead 6 to 2 Cl'att work. powe~, ~rtation, a~ tIH! flnt qParter and 9 to 8 at the half. They ' continued . to lead comlJ\unic,a tion. and, f~da. .... Itudent, tlt~.t , own,. of- 14 to · 12 'at the 3rd q~l' ~nd ficera who In , ~pt!1'atl~~ the )n,et~, their leld/ to Ii points. ~ departmenl.- ~i~b~~' ,yanee is ;the ~, 18J . ,iu~r. . ;, gen~l aup~~~te"de~t'(of ~e I~b>!: ,::: C'aiT~ Do~y ~ ~d ' Hartley oratol')' .. It5~' ~0"r''-' ' ~ t ~1'e.cJ .-b~t.ior the Victors with C. He serves as " ~l~an for ~ playing an outatand. 'eouncil c:onaitlng ot1>onald Baueh • log ~ 'tin .defense. " man, Williatp Johnson, ,J ean ,Small M.c Cary and T., Bogan were best wood, Cath4!iine Penon, C~arlee fol' the loosen.' ., , WillbLma :~d .'Do, ' :M~re: . , ":~4!fII~urg .reseiv~ Won 44 ~ ·Nat week end Harveysburg . These stwUnte ' eVJ ' fi,Bea for diloroerly, co,,~.r; mat.·)uneat: 'W~1ialk up, tb.e r : Bbhr "an4 ion8 for i~prove~ente' aD~, aimDar 10th ~~pe8 , of t!l&,'IeiU!on'" Fri~ , i' ", '",.:" ". . day'·~igbt. ·theY.' ~lay ~I~ , ~i~ at Th~ atoek roODl'Ij "tn ~ , hOOll\I , wlitJe l O1l ' aStDriiax • night Roy ' Thom... ,· ilJa\n, I4tl~er, . Coach - Sanbbm ,and hii '()~a Jtl• Chailee Wt11!ama. ' .':. , vad~: PUnt~n ' Countr pfj,y. The fa:at-erowiDl' Ubrary ui UD~ inc ~~ 'Adam& . . ~ '": __ ~r .t he '. leadenbJp" 'ot aa,bara . 1 IlARVEYSBURG , Tho~ W'bil~ tlut·,»foblem:of .aa . ' FG , i~i!n .~l ln ~ ,of . ~~~ f.~: . : ... ::.::'.... " ...... :.... 8 EnirJneer, Kenneth, Moon. ,. . . The 'work , done ·tii· WI d.~~ Ji D'n.I'II'~". '-;;;ent b ~·· el~· project a'bd "credit, =~~~~~~~~~~~ is ~qr ~t; i ' , ' Tbe~'-· ot u1Milil9i!dDi: ,tbI&' ·,la~,;p· .• oratOry .nd '-eeetnc. .t~t anlt 1"Ji' ~De ., thin..' In oI~ . get~ thls new: .~!lnt atut· eCt- dllriD&' ita fG8t~ ~~, la be",• , He • done by DOMjd vote. ,evet'J' aftenilOolh ' duitri&l been ,6f,,; Va11....lir.!"~_..,I~: r

- - -:- ,

the shop.





enta make their oWn looms of card HARVEYSBURC VICTOR's board or.wood and use vartO::;OI- OVER' KINGII,AN 21-18 .




cireular laW. 'The lathe . hu ~ • .-=;;~~~~===:=::============::::;::================;:~:;::=::=:::.~ ~n tor an aausual amo1l1lt of inter. ' '" eat due to I the atud~ta tlftdirll: out 'ITA . of work tht caD


U~(l; a~

<f VALLEY rr-


Ildustrial Art.a waa knoWn .as "M. nual Training:" -wheJI it wall ~ir. intoduced Into public IIC.hoolll ' In 187 •


Sl 'Rr.



poaibilltiea it oontai~

-~ -j SP~lNG VALLEY-'~I N3 1.1. I;.

teams 'wet'e The ~ . ,->Ol . c 'the 10' r. Th e ' amu ,..l,. .... ----' (l ilTvilJ~" High ll cl)m pro ved no 'started at n fur\0118 PIl C a·nl\ nt LE'BANON ~ !lrason and Ho1'- tou$'h ~oe for the local, team, 'Fl'i· the half, the. ScOI ~ J' 'I'd 8-7 '~IIY. v-eysburg were def nlA!d in hi dny nigbt, the latter w'nning 23- n vii e~ , SCOTe ga mes la~t weolF in tl\e ~lnr-', 13. T~e Cedl1rvil1e 1~d8 scored but The second h:lIf was the m?n Hall League here. Km gs four fl eld go s. pnng Vulley led story, nip and tuck r ll " L.,,---,,----=-'"',---'-..,...,---IMI ll set tho Harveysburg tea n~ fit the half, 13-9. Th e tw,o Ijquon.ds WCJ;C matched back while Mason lost an overtime SPRING VALL~Y poiJit f l' po'int ul)til the last j game to GoodyC'a+ of Lcl>a110n. The FG F TP min utes w hen" Wayn~vi1Je drew scores were: l:Iuin~ f ., ........ ..... .... .... 2 3 7 nhcad on field gOQI to win. I Han-ey aburll . FC ' P TP William s, f ., ." ... ...... .. 2 1 6 16- ' 4. Hartley. f ... .. ., ... ........... 4 1 9 Weaver, 1'......... ... ...... .... 1 1 3 · T he VI1I'Sity gam ' et:lrtl.'d off ' Sanborn, f """ ...... " ...... G 0 12 LUlllpking, g.................. 1 0 2 , in Mn .on~s favor. Th y \\ I'e leadBl'own, c ......... " .. :....... '" 6 8 18 Reeves, g ..................... 0 3 S ling, .J , at the 'e nd of the first McCa rren, g .......... ..... .. ,0 0 0 tone, g.................. ....... 1 1 3 !1unt'ler. 'he Wayne ville be.a m then Downey, g .. ......... ~" " ... . 0 0 0 threw 'u p a str ong defenSe dUTing - 9 39 ' Totals 7 9 23 the ~nd pU ft l't r and at the half, 16 th e score wn s 12-5, Mason. CEDARVILLE Kinlla Mlilla FC F TP 1 FG F TP . A much more spirited Wa" eeSalagncck, f .. ........ .. ... .... .4 6 1 ~ F ield s, f ......... .... .... 1 1 3 ' hnn "lJlluci took th floor the 2nd Driever, f ... .. , ............. .. 8 1 17 Pet.ty, f.. .. ...... " ~"' " . 0 . 2 2 halI. They used an alm ost imprcgFitzger,a1d, c "'''' ......... .3 0 G P eter on, c ....... .... .. .. 2 0 1\ nabl e c1efen c nnd began to find 0:'.:'. Lhe ba~ket. With but n f eW! minSteph enson, g .. ,..'.. .. ......... 1 0 2 B Wier, g . .... ........ ...2 1 6 PI'cston, g . ...... . . .. 0 2 li t es Lo co, tlnll th score 16. 15 'In Bowman , g ........ - - 1no on's favol' . DOl1ollld Coll ett tosTotals 4 5 sed a fi eld gUlI l in to pet Waynell18 7 43 vill t' in the Iplld, 17-16. WaynesMu on FGFTP , WAYNESV ILLE WINS TWO viII, endeo, ) . 16 , in the lend. It Gilbert, f ............... ... 8 3 1 1) I FROM MASO N W :'!; by rf\1' I h n'o ~ t thrilling' game Girten, f .. .... ......... ...... 1 0 2 of t ho cUI'!'ent y eLl I' f or the local Ulmc'!', c .. .. ......... ........... .. 4 0 8 JuniOr Hig h Rem ain s Undef enl<d roo l'I'&. . C. Ball, g ........ ............." 2 1 6 1 Sntuuny .nig-ht, Wuynes~i1 le 'tra Y G. Ball, g .... .............. .. 4 1 I) WA YNE VTLLE Ma w n elle:l Lo Fronk li n and IV re defeat.came inlo t own, Fl'iday nil/ ht, with ' d, but pot unti l they had put up 19 5 43 a ro nr, but wen t ho me con s'<lel'llbly a good fight. Goodyear FC F 8P rrcek 1'. Th ey werc met and dc· The Re; cl'ves pl pyed fiTSt and Hancock, f ......... .. ,....... 6 \ 13 fented, 16-14-, by t he Wayn ~vil1e had a low peoring game. ,FrankJohn son, f .... .......... .... ,... 5 6 16 Ju nior High nd w ere also de- lin was st.·o ng uefensively, anJJ T rent, c ... .. .......... ,.. ........ ,.6 1 11 f ~ n te d by t he W. H. VnJ'3ity, 18 ~ he' d Wayn sviJl to two points the Orr, g ............. .. ...... .,." ... 0 0 0 1Q. fil st half. 'I'he Wl.lyc c h ~ ng came back a litVan Ness, g .... ..... ..... .. 2 1 6 T h Juni()r IDgh ga me opened - - - Ih f esti vities of the evening. I t ie I!tl'on~el' the I~st half,- but w~re 18 8 44 Bolh ~nso n J. H. nnd Waynesvil1e onLinu ed on Pn~ Six.





H "!l Sebcol baa o)'Ht of the ·fillest ,

at m



Leana 8~ rra~ticaI SII. bperieDce '




ustricll -

Come As L8~ ~8 ,

11 P.



see 'A






GoudCIn, lot in lA!~non. Ella Winner, decClucd, by ad· mlnlst rator , .to E t hel G. Miller, real estate .In· Lebanon. Anna Glosser to Roy and MaTY Glosser, 196 acres in Tjlrtlccl'eellc'1 Township. pjerce and Mary aylQr to Smith and Grace o.ylor, Lot 231 in ~flason. . S. White ·t o Albert Gael).ge; •. 10' acrc in Deerfield twp.

When Grandpa an 1 mn celebrate ~eir wedding ~ . niverSaTy- wh n ~Qoby nos a ty--or henever any of the t ()1 other things happE~n in life, its worth a l1ictul' ~ llnd, a pic tu r~ speaks plainer thnn words. Well, lets take a pictu re ! Why, suret" end 'it in to this office f or publica-

Walter ' . Wallace, to Anna and 'Mary Wallace, l' estate in ~banQn. E arl and Ernest E vans t Q Car· rie C. Weissmann, 100 'a cres in Sa· lem twp.

ed. L t us look over them, or if you can plan it so We will be g'lad to hop ·over nnd' snap "you r eve nt" ou rselv(!s.

J . C. Hatfield t o Ralph Hatfield,

Remember, however , we are in the newspapel' bus iness and not photography.



. ~ XENIA. - Howa rd Heathman, as w~1l as improvements in mains -father, fMIason Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. ~rge .rones, fanner re8i· Mangagol: of t he <Xeni1l District of \ on company property. . dents of the 8ame commuriity, h$ve The Dayton POWel' and Lig:bt Co., moved into their recently purchall" f A,MILIES MOVEyoar OLARKSVlLLE _ Mr. and Mrs ed iholJle near 'Mowrystowill . . tn e largest electdc genel'ating ca· David Kneadler have moved Into pnci ty in its !histot;¥. During t ho the Runya~ property opposite the Phone are send in yaur Wllnt PMt year the hompany ad ded 25,- Villars Chapel church east of here, Ad. It will ·bring results. 000 kilowatts to he MiIle,r's Ford The property was rec:ently pur.

deceal8se::dri,tf~~[er;estiiiQ~rctirn:SltremiiiitM~~~M~t~0~d ' a~· ijth~a~t~h~ij.S~ic~~~1 are

George J oerling to Arthur Jo~rli ng, 12 acres in Hamilton twp·. 2 tracts in Deerfield t,"1>.

station cnpasity. Sinle t he ori gin-§le~r~'6~gr~a~n~.d~-tS:E~N~D~I:N=Y~O;U;R;;;;;;N5~W;:;S;E::;A:R~L:;Y al Miler's F ord station was put in. ~ _ , ~ __ . , _ to operation in March 19 18 with a capa city of 25,000 kilowa tts" it will be seen t hat the addition made durin g the past year is equival ent Good eyesight il!! one gift that no one .can look to the origi nal in stal latio n. Back forward to getting, wrap-ped in a neat j>ackalte. in 1918 25,000 kilowatts lo oked But good eyesiltht is a gift that can and should like it would take care of the. busbe protected I by seeing a competent optomertist reginess f or a lon g time, but each ularly. ten yeurS since 191 8 addit ional generating uni ts have had to be added . The ent ire new equipment at the Mill er" s Ford pl1lnt consists besides a 181'8'0 addition mode to OPTOMERTIC EYESIG'H T SPECIALIST t he buildi ng itself, of the fi rst ;byOp~n Every Day from 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. drogen·co lled t urbo· genemtor e ver Saturday 8 A. M. to 10 P. M. to go into el'VlCe, More thon -3,500,000 wel'e spent by t he Day· 19 N. ~roadway Lebanon, O. ton Power and Light Company in the developr ent of its electric fnc il ities ov~r a period of. th'o last two years. Besides the Miller's F ord plant activities, the company exch~nged its Longworth St reet cent.r al heat· ing\ plant. 1'he colpany supplies practically every downtown Day• May the year 1938 teach you from ton building with heating fae ili· tit:s and processing nteam . Dur ing the past, provide courage for the the past year also the company pur present and faith for the future'. chased and is now occupyin g i t.~ own home at 25 North Main Street this city, a nin estory bui lding, fo ur floors besides t he main floor being used for company offices. Further moderni zat ion took Pboae 7 Wapae••We place in the natural gas division of the company during 1937. There wer e expansion s of service throughout the company ter rito,ry

A Gift Not Received •••

. L. and C. Investment Co. t o Ben ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ and Mary Forman, 120 acres in 1iss Mitchell prese nting tlhe pro. .Warren and Montgomery countie~. "'ram. W. It Fitts to Ro e Elliston, 10 Mil'iam Wharton ledl devotions flC{'es in .Frankli n twp. O harlot~ Hartman gaye .a bri ef - 'Fred Gray to W. R . Fitts, plot hist ory of the liquor movement, in Franklin. and then t he class present ed 0 sketch showi ng" the effects of in. MARRIAGE LICENSES toxicllti ng beverages. Ro.; vernnd La Russell Dakin , 28, Waynesville, cy made timely remarks in the high An auto-minded w ire·haired terrier is Chip who is just ::IS inter· . and Marg:aret McCreary, 24" fac· school assembly. A number of in. tor y worker, Lebanon. t.5lecl in the things that m ake mo'toring comfortable U," his fai r terested adults were present. Sta nley Conover , 39, insuran ce mistresll, Jea n Milash (right ), of Chicago. Chip seem ill It geod T he studen ts ~ eagerly awaitposition to obtain all the valuable points as an automoUvc x pert agent, and Mildred Mi sel, 34, sten· th e ol'gtlnizaUon of t he high ing demonst.r otes an important asset to ~old weather tlrivinl!. In thiD ographer, Kings Mills. school stud ent cialion. Already ~.,sc it's a wlnterfront, which slips behind the ca r grinI' , Oltt of Robert Hillard Gree nwood, 81, a constitution has been drawn up i ,. ~ ... d protects the engine from !i:igid blas ts. attorney, and Linnie L. Williams, and accepted and the student coun 26, W. P. A. supervisor, both of cil will soon be ~Iected. IT! practice Lebonon_._ _~_ _ __ t he atudents Msociation should do much to foster a keener appreci'a. tion on the part of the studntes for the betterment of he scbool. Waynesville plays Jefferson Twp Cl inon County in basketball, of Waynesvill e pupils donned their thinking caps and w~nt .t o sChool tbis week. The game will be playCOMMON PLEAS lin, alleged insane, set f.or JanU-1 in earnest 18Bt wee k wit h' the mid. ed in the local gym 0111 Saturday PROCEEDING~ ary 21. ' ye ar exam s holding the spot nigh t. The, cue of Louis F. Glo:ystein, Exceptions of Frank Hines, Vet- For Bome it was an- 'O ccasion for a administrarol' of th~ estate of Wal· .mns Administrat~T, to the fifth well earned hoHooy in as much as MASON RESIDENT ASKS tel' heniMtorff, .deceased, bas been account ·, of Harry Hartfe~teT, students with A averages were $10,000 dismissed. guardian 'O f Otto Hartfelter, in. excused f rom taking bhe tests. On Wednesday afternoon follow MASON Dwnag,es' total~g Maple and Maple.have been nam competent to be heard . January ed attorneys for. J. E . Burke, Leb- 31. took trips throu- an·w- xzflft'ft'fl $10,600 and costs are asked by Distribution of .proceeds of sale ing exams high $Chool . students Main V. Hammond' of this comanon, recently named r.e ceiver for A. B. Levy, operallor of the Leban· of ~al i!state belonging to the es· took trips through a com fl akes munity in a suit filed 11lSt week in On Cafe. George Perrine, John tate of Th9mas Bagford, Lebanon, andcrac kers factory, studied soap common pleas pourt .a g'ainst Earl Paul, and- Baron Dakin were nam· ordered. $1,24463 to the Peoples sculptoring u - a hobyy and f ound Greenbaum of Cincinnati. The suit ed app.raiaers. Building and Loan Co.: otherexout how orange.s grew, all via the is t he r which esult ofo.ccured, an ac· !I I ' . eident Decem~er 5 __ _ _ ._ • The action of Blanche \V,o rley penses of estate, 34.S . .in8t HftlIry and Anna ·V. Pal· Valu-e of the est.&k of George Tuesday evetiing Mr. Crabbe and ~O, near Mason. I T. Reedel' placeil at '$ ,878.0 , net Lowell Sinclair.jour neyed to Hills. . Hammond 1\1leges ill his peti. · mer baa been dillDlisaed. Ethel Robln~n waa granted a value being $4,21 .16, five child- bora whe~e ~w€ll tOOk part in the tion that Greenbaum was driving Are DOW a ••ilabl. iii tbi. ren -receiving $6 2.15 each. The annual' F. F. /L. public spe8ldng south ?n Rout~ 42 whE:n he colli. , eomlDuuit? divorce fr.o~ Gle~n. Robinson on estate included real es tate in Clear contest. Low-ell used his s\l.bJ·ect, ded Wltb . Hammond~8 ear.' her charge of graBS neglect and 'k t . b' 1 d th ~ G b d "How to Keep Boys and Girls on ege a" reen sum was nvmg Supplem_t ~ mde ?Oar Home . . 'Id V· cree ,. owns lp. Ii en custody of theIr chi ; IrA The jnventory of H. L. Rosen· Tbe Fa,nn." He was awarded by recklessly, carelessly, .and was on Crowil Feed. Complete. For gil IJl8'l'&m was granted a decr~ crans, administrator of the estate receiving Srd place by the judges. the left side of the rlllolld at the further ill formation He or aiD fN)~ Hazel Ingram on tlie same of Fred S. Simpson .will be beard, Ne~ year Lowell expects to do bet time that the accident occured. He Presenting. Comp~ Fire, Cuualty aod SW'et, Protection in' char8e, . ,. ".' ~ F1ebruary 1, . ' . ter. state he r eceived a fr~tured. right ,Nine Reliable ComJl8:lliee at ~nabl. ,Coat. • First and final accbunt of C. C. On Thurarlay , ev:en~g , Vivian ~eg', chest andl other in~ PROBATE COURT Eulass, administrator of estate of Conner, Wyiodine , KUrfis/ Rot). jurie8~ fOl~1Imic~:-bE!-&akl~~rOOtJ.t1H'boIIIIt--rt1I:&II~-_ w.ayJ...,riUior.jttfllr- - -- )\ppraisera for ell- Ray Starry, Lebanon, and of WU- ert Hiatt IAln8ing Hardin Donald and , $600 Let us . Finance 'and Inaure Your Ne.... Car on a Oonvenient tAte of the late ~ed S. Slmp90n Ham and Jamea Da.rrah, executors OOllett, Frank LeMa,., a~d to .pi al': ~.., Low Cost AutomoBile financ. e. 12, 18 or U ~ Charles J. Waaroner, Karl D. of the estate of William C. Vail, Files, in comll~ny with Mr. Garst ". ,_ Dakin, ~nd Zain Armi~. . " Franklin. 8l\d fMIr. Frank, presented the proHAN. N A H ' 5 The ~~ ~t J~ua.17 81 as the Value. 01 ~e e8tate of DeWitt gram for the Springboro P. T. A. , FUIleral Rome '. Oe: U 0 date for beamng the lDventory of has been set at $1,001 and the eS:' Frida.y afternoon the 7th anru , . Eve-Friday Da~ Carter, adminktratOl' of the tate w~ declared exempt from in- 8th grades and high school stud. Service 24 Hours A Day -" eetate of _Uie late Flavilla Whit- heritance tU. ' . . ' . ents held separate asseml?lies. The WILMINGTON 2146 A , Good ,Outlet for all 'Vi e IIPeci~.uze in tile, ..Ie of Wh.y not try our ~ee 1 ~, ltoailbeatq. , Inventory of esta~e of SYl~ester assembly "'8& devoted to tbe TemBLANCHESTER 3231 . Kinds of Livestock We have buyera waiting t21a' we ue unable to ..Uaf),. Your liet, value P~ the estate of D... 'fUton, Leb";"on, fded by Ethel pen\llCC theme wUh the Biology ~;;~;;;;;;~;;;;;~;;;;;;~ farm ma), auit. . , vid Thomas bas been Bet at . $3,- Bla,i r, executrix, will be .Jieard Jan- <;)1a'ss ~l\d~r the spo1'! ~rshlp of '!! . 69S-by t))e court. uary' 20. ' .," . ,: 'F ' ~.rtl·n · First and ~n~ ac.coun.ts of t~e Distribu~i91l of certain allllets, F~~;;;;~~=~=;;;~ '1 tIil ' fo~'Owing estates have. . been flJed building and loa~ 8to~ks, belong. • ./. and approved: F-ran~. Rudduck. ing to the e8tate of' U. G. Conov, PHONE BETHANY 47. PHONE IIA~ .'L Wilmington Fairgrounds ! \ late of tHlIIl' Clarksville; ' Flora er haa b~n ordered. HARVE~ S~VICE MOUDta; Morrow; Christy McCray, Schedule of 'oebts of Sarah 1MiilSTATION Harlan townahlp; Laura J. Zell, ler, administratrbt of the estate Franklin; 'Annie Hamnton and M. of William Miner, hU been ape Clarksville Bohrer. .. p1'I?,ved. ' The ~ourt liae- ..~ a . 'Value of ' "Martha Marshall, Franklin, nam ....:......:.....=::--_~.<-~ $786 on ilie/e.state· ql the late War. ed beneficiary of ~stl\te of William . Cen~erville ' r en J. MUler. : ", " , Marshall. Value, of $6,500p1&ced , PJlone ':7lU . Em~.. Cartm.e ll" 'i8dministratrix ~.n estate; .,APPpU8ers ,are 'J oseph

Dr. John Zettel O. D.



Warren County €oDrt .News • •



Waynesville School News

J. E. MeClare



~=;:;======;;;=;:;~ ~~:~~~:~~~::::E=~~~~=~~~~~~



General Insurance Agency

L. V. ,BraJislralor


~he .



L"west k A eli n

Real Estate rai-m..

rAuctioneer' • . M" . ,'

, Wilmington Livestock ,.' Sales

Loais,.W. ~ Verhryke~

!. B. MOs$leUet


No Charge'

" Ohio


' Cartmell; of the estate killedofi~'b6,1' an 'Bon" auto acci· dent Jut 8umnier~ has filde h~r ,fjrst and .fmal acc()unt. T,be fam· ily . resides in .B&rlan T;()wpshlp: Second ~~OU)ltA~ been. filed by Grate W~\\'Orth, guardIan .: Huel, Ruby, and Donald Wad... !

wortb~ .

Sa[,,', Qf


til! alse;ts

'~ I

~t, the ~te

of Ri.~y e ..., d'eo,l 'P E. Y9 un g, .dml~tor, ~ has ··been approved, "," ", , . rheJ'trill of Nellle. Beltuoth, late of' Lebanon, baa. be~ admitted t.o

Mot'e.Roof. Oharles Coleman, Sr... anc! Enos

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~!'!!"!!!'!!!!!'~ - -- -,.....

REAL ESTATE • . TrusteB8 of Deerfield, township to Generva and Genevieve Bowyer, lot 8 in Maso", ,910, Irene Berger to James, and Stel. Ia. 'Scbhrldt, Lot 40 ih SnJdererest. Henry .. Qrote to 'H arvey \Vhl~ I:C!re, tract '~n Har~ .t;o~~p. , Sm~tbl. andGraee 1l'.,lor " P1er~ arid Key aylor, Lota and 85 in Jl..on~ " Mabel Purdy et al to Ll.V

mus~ 'gonn iea.e 'name . With '~i ' Gallette for '.eatimat••

~=~:!:;==:!:=:;;==~' I Probate. . Sale of 'real estate valued at :r ,1,600 ~Ionging to the estate of Tho~ Bagford, late ,of Lebanon, Day Or · Ni.hl has been ordered. R:aYmo~d ' FoU.., of Lebanon, \ appo~n~d admini~tratot 'Of estate . of Charles F.ollen at ,90,000 bond. J' W. G.. Rockhill, J: Ray Shaw, and .W • .L ~.ynold. , sam. Monfort were':n'amed apprais- Licen~d Embalmer and 'hner: al Dilector.

'TilE HAMILtON' GRAm 'co.

Hamilton, O~io.



Ha.. I



.' T~IS SPAC~ . tO~TRIBurq

·10 be )~$e'd Ln' advertising ·CI~~rch. Lodg;, ·so<!da"ls or '


'.<01 ".

',JJaJes w1th no cost to organizations. " . , Just phorie ;FOUl; ''advertise,meJ)t ~ "Ifi,ee and aay "r:nser,t ,1hiS. sa;in "Gaps" 'fol' ; . ; ,' .. ~ •. ,,' • I~ t'IOn •." .8~ce .'~ . ,. : ...... ~ orlSanlza .' 1"


Will Be ,Sealed' , . in; _.1 ~ Mothproof ' Bag

BY '.

.tu~lJ_ ~I ~uneral ,.ante , ~


s..fon ~7hl' ~w~, ~'


vi. P. 'Watson, Mit. '1·'

Phone WILMIN~roN ·




at ' '. .1.0 cents addition" c~ ~ranteed lor eiX ,montba

Quick.Ct••s. '






' .


~ '.





~ 1;


1\f'ether's Clu.b $oelal at the High -Be,hool Gym. ['V'I~P . Supper, Bingo, Free Entertainn)ent. SUp!;)er uai~.IJIlt . 6.1.0. Musie by Sehool Orch~ra. Adm. lOe.




etel')', for aa.traight Collett Hill a~d Its curve at the body • dasb ofcontinulnl' a couple ofonmiles, .ren bottom. $1 tband ourcloLhing f t,' green grass . be- I th e HDUH.n •5 an d t h c DafVOY "s, Lhe II (d 111 lI~rvl!y! bLlrg .from t'..0 J". or- I ur.d all th e wood \\88 t.l.k..D ftom tle tip down and up radol' on for a We have not had time to...... ea . 00 no .factoncB or latteJ fr om "hom derives itsn,ame. t Ws to the ll.ixt,ies. the nati ~ Iree3.. , """ screem! g who tl . . ' . . I . IS ~s or alrenl! 8hn~k I They were follow< od by the W,elch- '. The towns ~ople of UlIlt per· 'Ihis atol'Y will be concluded In then slow and brake. for .the the old landmarks, the tiM old in .-th n . y_t......~a... T~ g' rough our t>~!sceful nigh es, and bhe Wo.:e " the "E~rds, ' Iod, 19v1ng beauty and ~Iinement, t-he nex.t.,il!sue of the K1aini Gu:'Fer, from t.he Maddenine crowd" _===============}!Ai~ homes which w re 1fOfamillar to us In the iong ago even 80 we of rest. ~e have no feaf C?f flood D k" .... b'" d d tl ' h I otto Whatch fOf 't 1l1ilf altUatecniii1l, on the tablela·n d would .notknowto "... 'h 'omthey'be- or fanunQ, of cyclone, of tidal Loken~ a !ns, naLton He'seY5, .... lJh' ecCJlmglld .. . 11' rooms OUIiAlB · and .wood' . . UatLle . WI/. I. , W Antra E, Maceys 0 )I ttl! C;:lab ' h'H CS Sm'8rt. of the bluff, Wblch some 8 long, Qr of the famiHlls . who !ive wave. e have :blellsings and . ' " mil, o .e .' -, work cf hllnd turned 0. k Ill< O wal liundred. 'f eet above the east b8·nk I Pln tr.oniZ'e ·. th~ A,:.v Htiera of Caesar'. Creek, nestles tbe lItUe . Itberein, for many' years had pass- should co~~t them onll by one. ~:s~eW~o~'~ hatnd many others Who nut, the .floors we re ot h ard pin e ,.. town of HarveyaQ~rg. fed before :we came back home to If .there. IS not wC'Illth nei' .-» . government · land, T9 reach , this sylvan village live again and tried. to weave the ther I.S therll great p<lverty, no one ~st.ab)jsh~d farms and opened varfrom the west, .one muat come to PTesent with tbe past in memeorieS ~n all of the ~wn knows suffer- 10US ·busm es enterprises in the ~ilp.E!litl~oL,@eaIllll1:-_ _ _ _ _-t.~ln~g or want. town; these lI·cople Pl'osP ~fed, a~d Waynesvil1e, and, at the IItopii6rht . .is acom!ortablll p.ace to liv e, became the background of OUI' old on 42, tum eaet onto 73. . Speeding again from the foot there is not strife or strain! and and prominent famil ies. Mony of Speeding quickly down acrOllS ·of Colletta's hill we pass a valley one has room to !ill hi s mind and the sons and daughters married in the quarter mile stretcb between farm house and, . crossing the ' little soul~" an~ to .expand and grow. to families 'f l' om other cii i and the two bridgeS we note that most race bridge and iron bridge which This is Today. towns, forming Rocial affiliations of the 'great trees which used to . spans the silvery ribbon of Caewhich brought from ' oth er points line both. sides of this once b:eausar's Creek, we immediately beg in LET'S RECALL SOME HISTORY large numbers of .students to at~ tlful ~rive, ba.v.e faUen by the wood the ascent of the famc>us S bill. N?W terprises in the town; tbe~eshrdlu man's axe, and but a few are Among the first setuers were lend the Acadamy which f ;oorish· HeJ;'e it is that strangers gasp in on that aVeJlue of ,b eauty named .1 I dismay, for, graded along the "Lover's Lane", by one of Waynes side of the great bluff lies the ro.:ld vi11e'8 gi~ted daughters. way of a perfect capital letter S. Over the -Little )lloiiml River on The ends of the upper and lowits modern steel brldee, and. we . er approaches are correctly shapcome to th~ CI08ed and abandoned ed and engineered, the curves are sution of the Little Miami RailMI'. Dakin, junior member of short, and the center grade is long. road, across the single track, and firm: W;elchand Dakin. This We take. it in high, until the last on up Corwin hill· past Miami Cem Branch of the Penn. Railroad, then firm is -one of tbe oldest in Ohio, curve, shift to second, and on the C~,g 5. Doster's place is the farmers headquarters for many .a.cr088 th~ single track, and on up h1aving served ~rveysburg for upper approach' of the great Sand miles around fo~ imlllem~nts and s feed When this was snapb.efor.e we reach the le~I, are the ;the Corwi Hnill past Miami Cem- nearly a centul'Y. ped Chas. was Just clOSIng a deal wilh a farmer friend 'for flfst house of H'I.Irveysburg, Home some grass Eced·. "The Loved Old Home Town." . Giant and ancient maples, elms, d XZ and oaks which remain from the !Ot'cst primeval, t<YWer above the quiet and well kept little homes. The trees, beloved of each succeeding generation, outline the streets with almost sentinel regu· luity.....JN.bin Street, Second street , S. Faculty consists of eight in'3tructors Maple street, Elm Street and the namely, H. C. nlli.gnn, Lillian Carr, E. L. Sanborn R. E' Avenue: Hunt, Winnifred Starr, Imogene Vorers, Francel! Spence; For more than a· hundred years a~d Edna Compton. they have bowed tneir heads together and formed avenues of shade and beauty for us, who Lunches - Candy Magazines dwe)) beneath them, and for the . . , blood-tested f locks. Order now and avoid traveler who comes our.. w.ay, for Ice Cream being disappointed later. One grade, one price. ' an arterial highway passes· gaily School Supplies , -- through our little town and an evTHE BEST. We can furnish some on immediate er ceasing stream of tr.affic races Fountain Servic~ orders. Take advantage of high br.o iler prices .and by. Confectionery On every street are the green low feed cost. Visitors welcome anytime. No Sunsw--.rdf!9 homes of our sm-all popuSchool Supplies Harveysburg, Ohio lace, and tpo, we )lave our quoto . day business. PHONE 17 -R-Il. of large and PJleten~igys hpmes, which ad~ dignity. anll Pf(t£*ig@ ~o our vjJla~(I, School Lunches A Almost evtI')' b"me hall IlpacjOUS Specialty la"'11 at front or side, ana the houaes ar~ kept freshly patnted "Get Your Extra Copies of and beautiful. In summer tbe deep com1ortable Miami Gazette Here" J. Pewterbaugh porches are surrounded with privet to· HARVEYSBURG ~~~~......._~;,;,;,,;~....";';";:~...I r..._ _-.-_ _' ! -_ _ _ _- l hedge and glorious masses of !learLemmon~s Hatchery is starting its second year. Mr: Lem'lett salvia. bloom against their Iv~ons . shown O'UU!~de his plll~e of busine~ 8 has attracted con· . ory background. si.derable attt:ntion to Ra.IVeysburg wit~ his chicken business ~==~======~~=~~==~~~~!!!!!!=~~~~ Even in winter when a soft C blanket of white, ' white snow cov· ets our littJe comer of thl'! earth there is beauty, our great trees: SEE .s tark and bare, stand guard with a lIromise of stored wealth that wi)] unfold with gracious fulfillment when the glad spring time com , again. for As' in any city, town, or villa~, J~e is leismely for some and fil led - CEMENT .LUM·BER BUILDERS SUPPLIES. Groceries - Swift's Fancy :M:eats - F'1iui!~ l~ lI:!" J~' , with activity for others. here is a'b undant . business for the size. of . Yegetables LIME - PLASTER the places, and. the social life is varied and progressive. S~HIO Gasoline - ' Oil Heaters - Batterie. ROOFING OF ALL KINDS A new and' m~~rn 'toWnship Tires schoolhouse provides .educational Gr~de ARMSTRONG'S PAINTS facilities for about three hundred pupils, an e:r.:cel~ent staff of teachCourteous; Prompt Service ers, and several special teach en give a course of trairlhig that ~eas ures up and can comp~te witb the KINGMAN HARVEYSBURG best in the state. . (Our New Store) __ (Our flome Store), R.e verse Charges .Almost yery home is equipped. . .I , 0 8 I zed fot all modem PUl'2olM!l!l, 'and many We S<;>lic'it Your Patronage - See Our Handbills for 'We Build to Orderp< Hog . Ho~e8and BroOder Houses have bath and furnace. Consult Us For ·'Plal\s and Estimates on ' H~uses, Special Savings With the automobile, and ita rapid consumption 6f th~ mile w~ Barns, and Out Buildings. ' .' m~y quickly acq~fre those advantages which are ever the city Prompt and Courteous Service dweUer'8 command, while we have su~h abundance of that of which I h~ bas not. Again' our tl'Cea, OUI' We Deliver Anywhere HARVEYSBURG PHONE 13 R 5 , gardena, both ve,etables and, flow_________~~;...--.;.....;.....:;,-;...-..;,;.:.......;.;....:.." er; clear cold sparkling' water from

- Harvey.iurg

tl ~e, · w·th .




';Iary Syferd


News Room


Lemmon's natcbery



Ka"r l Snell



Prompt Service

Manufacturers of Hi~h Tankage

~rJervthinf for







~;==;::::::::=:::;::~t::::$::~:;~;:!:::::::::~~ d-.p driven


~r for



Phone 13R2 Warn. M. V" •• ...... "





Feed - Coal - Ferice

,Fa.-m Implen;e~ts ,

l' •




. What you want when -you w~'nt it, d~livered im, '.med~ately .at 8~ price' you ~an . affo.r.d. . " .. . , . ~,



Am~na' OlPo)LOl~' Hardware' Firms.. tOO 1e&rs • .of continuoU8 Servfce~ GlviDg thla vretni~est. . Courteop Dealinll bI ~ Trau&ctlOD& ' . ,








.We-rupecitu~ SoUc1tYour Oolltllnima' PatrQnap , ..... ..

Bros. "

Chas. »osler. ,.


Fertilizer. Company


MIAMI F'l~ralcl ............ , .......... 0 M&7M .......................... \ 0




bu,ten, ee-11i


. .\Jill pro4lletd •

0 0

FRIENDS ' HOME NEWS. WAYNESVILLE -- Mrs. Mar KenD...... \... " .........:" ... 0 0 '0 .-ret. ~D eehlbnted ~er })irtb· _ 4~ on SUDd.~\_.nd tut• .-tained _ . _1_ " t~, tollowlnl ,u..k ¢.4lunerl

C,.U1W14l froln 'p... 1_ dtcll;901y

0 0


bunch tf t~d.. 'Who Itlrte4 tht ,

e enoD..



titateheld M.onaay and -TUesday. Tom Speneer and Mh. lmo· Mra. Lillian C"rr :bas ieeued in- ' rene Vioers, there were 46 In atvttaUona to .. lhower, honoriar the t.tDCluct. l'eOlut brld., !In. ILtatir Mia CI~ Kirk II U1 at- bm

,Wr,' .

~nd Mrs. Mllrrl, J\otikln of PaytPn, and 1 1t1Ir, and Mr-a. J. L


'fh~ ~mmunlty

Saturday, Mf\ Han')' OoUoU of kUn.,

Olub held the.r and a fO'm er rnldent of ~18 tow1I'I evenlllg of Wai 1a.1d 00 reat in Mlttm. a.tne.

r .rwar n\eetiJ'\&) tIb!A Wedn.~d.y ,t he 12th,

in a -' man M~. and M~. Ru"el MartIn And ~ebd~nha11. · A dellcioul tiry Mondot., afternoon, tier. At lbt bait· they ~d JUlt falnlly and M1r. Will Taylor ~ere Silnday <;allert at.the Homo w@te supper \VU served by the el)ter.. Mlaa Helen Randall att.nded l dOubled ~ .ICON, 18.9; . gu~ts, Sunday, Olhi~' RaObel. Ml's .. J. 0: ?~rtWl'ight arid 'Mlss tainment committee. Mr. Buckley shower ~ven for a friend at Miss I\cl'Otnu.ntl~ had 1\0 intention of Wells, of Da~n,? 0.. HalTlet Vlr&'1ma Morton, of Oln- of Kingman was especially inter. Fre!lche's home "on the hill" in 'IIl1lttinrl ' . Mr. ~~d Mrs. Milo MI~tenbe~'lr cmnnti; PtU~s' Somh Catherine Hart ting and my tifying. with bis dis- Leba~on Sa~urday afternoon. · Wayn~8Yi1le came out stronger entert8.ined, Sunday" the,followlng sock,.. of Oakhwd; Mrs. 'Nellie Up- play ofsligJit of hand perform. Mr. Dethridge of Oregonia is ill alter the half, and b~ ro\1ing guests: Mr. and .. .Lor!!n Rea- dyke of Dayton. . ances. at his horne. Ull polnU lid tlgbtenlng their de- on, Mr" and Mrs. Emi1.Brown and Mr. Donald Rowe of ·.O.aklan·d, . nnlo but the Fr8llklin , boys hnd SOn, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Moran and California w:b.o has been vis'ting . ~~. n~d Mrs. Ja.mes Hall are , " . ...." F ' dAM ' . vlsltmg In GreenfIeld and · Washt60 l1Iu6b. bf a lead bullt up to 80n , ..... 8s ranees an nna ae relatives and friend in Ohio and . . . overcome. .' Watkins, an~ Mr. Don Collett and Michigan, made his gtllndm~thill' mgtol',l C. H. tIllS week end-. • ... .J • I ' 38 22 . Leo Conner. 'u M . . . A baby boy W06 born to Mr. . "'1IIe . f,ma sco~e. was 10 . . ..d'S: argaret Martin, several call a nd Mrs. Ralph Clark Saturday FOR SALE _ Hybrili seed corn Franklm s favor. Mrs. A. K. Day spent Thursd'BY durIng the last week, made her nlg . ht U S 52 t th b est d . . FRIDAY'S GAMES and Friday at Cincinnati with her 'his final Vi.Sit, Friday evening be 'l ted h " d . f ne 0 th e te. ~:p'. . · WAYNESVILLE J. H. sister, who is ill. fore turning his face we tward. "The Hungry Ho und" were eny rl s Or sou. wes rn 10. FG FT TP M tertained lilt the home of Mr. and $6 and $6 per bushel. John Set- . r. and Mrs. Albert Carver and 1\1 ' W'n K . tlemyre Oregonia Ohio. R. R.t Daly . ............... ........... ..... 1 0 2 Miss Lola Sears of Cincinnati spent HARVEYSBURG l S. I . ersey of OregoDla, Sun ' . ____ ' __ ~bertson .. .,......... ,.. .... .. :' 0 g Sunday with their parentS, Mr. .and Mrs. C. G. Randall entertained dny. WILL PAY STRAIGHT SALARY Payne ........... .. ...... ....... ,... 2 0 ' " Mrs. W. N. SeaT!!. the Book Review Circle with: a One Rev. Weaver pastor of the M. $36.00 per week, man or Wloman FlorenCi! . ............. ... ......... 0 0 0 Mr. 8lId Mrs. E. L. Thomas vis- o'clock luncheon, at her home on E: Ch~rch was unfLble to ~ttend! with auto, sell Egg Producer to Stansberry ...... "" .. ,..... .,.. 0 0 0 ited their son, William and ",ite, Wednesday, with ~ J. P. Thorn- hIS d.utles here Sunday .mornlng or Farm e I'S. Eur(Ka Mfg. Co., East Planck . : ........ ,....... ........... 1 0 2 lil t Mason on 'MIonday. · · bury as ,g uest. After the delicious evening o~ account..of.lllness..Rev St. Louis, Dl. MeUo~ . ................. " ......... 0 0 0 Mr. and Mrs. M. J . . Bailey of roast turkey luncheon , a miscell- ~ugh ~:Ight of WILm1Ogton fIlled . PUrka ............. ; .. .............. 0 0 0 Wilmington were recent~ . uests of aneous program was given; Mrs. t e pu Pit: . TRUCK[N.G of all kmds to 'and _ .Mrs. Cora. Rich and daughter, Mrs. Lido Hatton told a delightful story A very lovely shower WtlS givfrom Waynesville. See David Total 16 Reba Braddock. in her usual plensing manner; Mrs. cn Sundny 8!teM).OO~ at 2:30 for McKeever, Waynesville. MASON Mr. and Mrs. C. Lee lfilwke, Mrs. Olive. Hurst p)a~ed sevel1l11 request Mrs. Lester Starr a recent bride, FG FT . TP Ida Parshall .Mr. Dean Hawke numbets on the piano, including and teacher in our school for &eV- FOR SALE--IOO Gal. ' Horizontal ran' ....... :... " .. ....... ...... O . 1 1 Miss Doris 'Hawke, of Lebanon: one of her own comp-ositions, her en years, i t ~as given at the homo Hog Fountain with heather for McCurley ......... , ............ .. .. 1 0 2 we~e Sunday guests of Mr. J. C: genius and talent is gl'eatly appre- of ?tiTS.. Lillian Carr and by two , ,22.50. R. D. Collett Hdwe. WIKiDI ............. .. ,... ,........ 3 1 '1 ~awke, and 1Mi-. I8Jld. Mrs. Donald ciated and enjoyed by all members school teachers in our scho.ol, al!!o Phone 99R3 Waynesvil~, O. Calve~ ....................... ;,.. . 0 , 3 HaWke afternoon callers ' at. the of the Circle. R~n)'an ... ,' .. .... :" ..... ,... -... 0 0 0 Baw_ke hOllie' _1'6 Mr. 4IlJId .Mrs. f\. small coUection of master,G~D ..... ~......... : ........... 0 '1 . 1 Carl Ha;woke of Dayton. . . pieces in art was presented fol' ORDER NOW - SAVE MONEY ROI8 ......................... , ..... 0 0 0 Mi!l6. Gertrude Trlmble and Mr. review 08.nd discussion, the plate ' ~riahom ....... , ......... " .... .. 0 0 0 J.obn Misel of Kings MiUs were witb. descriptive notation s, and With t callers of Dr. and Mrs. J. E. With.- ~ketches of the history and lives of To~ 14 am On Sunday afternoon. the .artists were incluped, .which 5 Gallons of .C~ttle Fly Killer.. • WAYNESVIU.E VARSITY WlIliain Schula-·and family ha .. e proved interesting. 6 Gallons ....... . . '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.00 FG F1' TP Imoved into Mrs.. Rachel Earnhart' At the close of a most. delightful ~• . ~t ......... ~............. 1 0 property 'On Maln Street. afternoon the CLub adjourned to . BJuck .'1 .... .,' .. " ......... " ., ..... 0 1 1 Charles qliapman returned to meet with Mrs. William DQrste~ ?n 1 Ga114)n of Household Fly Killer Free Le May ........ .............. ..... ... 4 1 9 [Buffalo, N•. Y., last ~ndl\Y, after JanWll'Y 26th. itogor ....... ~............ :.. ,.. .... 0 4 "08. visit to his J>8rents, Mr. arid Mrs. Mrs. Lida Hatton 'of Cincinnati ~ ,............................. 0 2 2 J. B. Ohapman. . . came up to ·a ttend the Fannel"s C. Collett ........ ...... ...... .......0 0 0 Mrs Robert Davis spent Monday In.stitute and the meeting on WedPreetoD ............................ 0 , 0 0 in Dayton, the. guest of her friend, nesqay of the Book Review Circle MASON {' . - MfS. Hobert Gray. .' of which slie is B' member. \ 18 On last Thursday, MT!!. Pau1 ' Mrs. William Wrigtht of Dayton IlASON VARSITY Picking eptertainew In honor of?rtr ~s ,8o-on to return to Harveysburg ~ .. - - - - .. . FG F1' 'l'P Pitkingos birthday. The guests ~ and with the opening of her borne "!!!!""!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~,!!'!-~r-~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gol'lRlch .................. ...... .. 0 1 1 lent weN Mr. and lIN. David on east .)lain street will l,"e·estab· Cullninabam .......... ...... ...." 0 8 ' ~tll!l and IMIrs. Baer, of Dayton lisb oller .residence among old ,.oeble .... :.. .,. ...... :.... ,.:..... 8 0 6 Ohio. . '. _ . frjends and acqu~intanG~ , fOlt .,... . :.:.,..",., ..! : --" :':' 0\ 1 1 F,. U"' ~, MilY baS returned ..~. Walter Jor~an remains cri· ~~ : :~ .... i. .... 0 '0 0 Ihome after sPendi~ several _daya tical III at the home of h~r daugh~;.~ .~ , .....~ ........ .. ,..... 0 0 0 lat Westetville with her aunt; ter, Mrs. 'P0n _Hartsock of near . 'tucker ............'0 ............. 0; 0 0 Wilmington. . . . - , Phone are lend in yaur Wl!l1t . Mrs. Laura Shidaker was hosTotal 16 Ad. It win brine re,ulta. tess . to MT!!. Mary Cartwright. SAnJRDAY'S GAllES state speaker . at the Farm~r8'. In: WAYNESVILLE RESERVEs . - -- - ., ' \' . •~ FG FT 'TP ~"" J,. " _ . ' ~" J~"."' ''' ' .~ ~ ............. ,... .. ., ..... ~ 2 6 \,


-~ . .

(Wll\lftt~ MoIlWtl,~ on Sunda, ' bom••lnco

1h, ' and Mn ErJ'O t Martin ~nct J~lI, 10th.




' iI! ""'IF f.fllii .~

W an t Ad •






0)--,---...----______________,__..__,--,--.--,----,----.--.----,--.t'oi ..





Drag Store

,M aSOil


•.... __




~qollett .. .......... ......._...·..

1 0 2 1 O

~ ..... ,.. ...: ....: ...~ .; ... O flettIn ............................ 0




0 0


0 '0

~ R,der .......... " ............. ..... 4





... .............,.:.......... ..

. , 3 2




_yn. ,. . . . . . . . :. . . . . .

0 0

, ·S eeds ·. Are 'S carce




.i WAYJf~SVIlJ.E VARSITY " , FG ,r;r: TP ~{ Co~le~ .... 2· Q . :4.


PJa.nck ............................ 2 , 0 ' 4

1/;' _.' .:.-.;;..................... 2 B~..-r ........ ;.... ,......... ....... 8




:~ .


' As. PrQteQtion Against !W1e .in Price And Scarcity


Year W e ~ved Farmers Many Dollars , Through- This ServicE: . '. \ '. . Why Not Av.ail Yourself~f this Accomodation Las~



' .






,. . k\ ,\


· 1st t~e 'Hybrid product grown in '87 ' 2nd Yellow com, any variety, no var iety n~l1led.-just yellQw corn 3~d White ~nd mixed · 4:th. fhe Junior f!how,·and variety or . ,' color, ·but,corn must' o.e' grown by .' '. 1>.oy ' or' &irl . n.o~· over 1R years .of : age, and grown in 1937·. . '. ; ', . . ,. . " . There w:ill , be five premiums o{Hybrid and ¥ellow. .





I ,

'AIr"'I.~V"'. .01' SaJ. Onl,. :B7 l












All oth~)~ -premiums will be $5.00 first; $2.- . •,' Iy '., 00 secolJld.;· $1.00 third. . ,"j,;C






YOU.·ftI.UAL ,DIRECTOR f. .,. ,1LC.YU·FUNEIlAL HOME... ...... ~ . -. , Wapae9l.,O, i.



'10.00 f~ .; '5.00 ' second;- $2.0'0 third; !;!.QO "fourth, ~nd ribbon OD fifth; .






• , .; and you dol III ttJe toD.YOn hear, th.e beauty fO'i see, the Unpl'O~emeots . you point out to friends a ; • Ibere·•• difl'erence .all along the IiDe. That'. why we urie you co. Co. . in CO see mao

new MotoI'O.... , w. ~ yod~1l tolD .. ID ~ .4Jf~

AmIdc&'. 6DeIC ndloI" Pricee . . .~ .... IdIMl JOG be;u &ad" , .J:aD. Tbefn dae ~ ... , PtQmpc,oa CO icturein your •. ~. m10d whJda ~CIODIO"" , . . • or Isble IDOdel beat matcheS

, • your li.mI1'OOm!


, I:.

Malon, O. ._ _ . _ _ _7




Ask for a

You'd upec::c to find a differeace in • Motorola Home


Fifth--We will have classes for corn as


~ .


Fourth-We w.ill have Prof. Moore of Ohio State School- of ~gr0(10illY" .· who knows corn ~nd ' vphowill answer . your: questioJUJ .

•• •

~NKLIN VARSITY , .'" .,.. . Fa. '1T ['P11~~~~~rn~~~~~~~!!!!!!!"~~~~~!""". sellon ~'; .. ;."..... :: ............... :: 8 ' 1· ." . ....... , ... 1,

___ . . . .






Third-We ;will have . least five growers o:f Jiybrid seed. who are properly ae':' . . credited by the Ohio Seed Improve_. ment Association. . .


u ............ :.:,... ~.;:.. ~.:;....... 0 ',,0.


muat be .in . place on our . tnbles Friday .bY &~O P. M., 80 the judge can get at it Saturday morniIlg. It's a blg job·to examine' it and be mu~t have the time needed. .

1:' 15' 1 l '1 CJ:ary' ............ ;....... :... :" .. . 0, 1 l '

ei' Collett ....................._,



0 , 0

0 4


First-Corn will be judged Saturday m6rn. ' il1g so you will have opportunity to 'See 'just what the Judge regards aa best.


Q--,.natein .................... 0.· 1-: • ~JI&'WOIrWI,J .....; ........."... 0 Keo'1H1d7 .......................... . 2 0



l 9 1I~~be .•:;.i'~"" : ': "" " ''' ;'' '' · 0 . 0 ' 0 ,......... ........ .......... 2 . O. .



Total . 11 • FRANKLIN USEltVES ; "FO F1' TP ,



·2 2 1 · O·

I'u!jaa .. ....... ...... ............. 0 Rutherford .......... ....... :.. 0 fir. ............ :............. :..... 0





If you 'wallt to . know ' wh'kt i>lat~ . you

should U8~ bring i~ al)out two quarts of~. t'he seed; we will have a planter on"the . 'r~ck' to. test - ' then take yaup seed . home. P'~niU~g, right .i sh.a lf· ~he battle '~ 'g rowing a· crop.' ' ,; ' . ." •



We ~~e~~i




, '.

t . '

.... 1

yoilr help to. n1a~e this ' the; best L01'U sn6iW' we have ever, had. . '0 ..' ' 1

,\ ...

,;. . . ', .'1-

. :'New No . .11' Special price.

oliver 'Sulkey

Breaking Plow -


BOok Yoar .• •••.Ord.a6. Now Inctease the v~fue 'of Your grain ith Tuxedo Suppleinent Feeds. Let ·us explain'. -. . '... .,






~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==~~==~~~~~~~~~~~==~WAYNESVILLE, OHIO THURSDAY, J~NUARY 27, lt3~ WHOLE NUMBER .310


- --,--- . -


. '

f lOad' Control On 7-tuT--Htu~n-~----P~~~ts:Little Miami River. 1 al~ed Claims IWpre entativ.e of Little Miami Valley towns, including: Morrow, Wayncsville. South Lebanon, FOBd tlh ear"y t ers, Lovc I.a n d , an 0 C'l' n ." communities mlCt with .i;ol'mer Gov<ernor Myers y . Cooper. LieutenU

dams on East Fork, near Batavia. and on C'n esar's Creek. The Waynesville committee has proposed a dam above the village. Mr. Robitzer stating that more u e tul land was flooded above the moutb of Caesar's Creek thlln be~~It ~~I;n~I~:';ee~~ ; ~I~i~::: ~fcol~ low. Also that if a dam were built I above taW1l, it would illimiMLe tOf Jatavia, · and Jud8'e Howar d Val I of Lehanon, in . a meeting. riSK of damage to the sanital·), sewMOnday, at Cincil}oati and discus- erage system in addition to ~he flood control situation of iog it safe for th.e sch09l bUEBes ~I: t 'II. tI Little Miami River. to cross t e avenue. . b II A public llleetmg is to ~ ca presentatives from Morrow Mayor E. J . Maag, Council- ed at Waynesville in the near future 'wherein Dll invitatiOll is exJ. N. MeKinsey, Cbarles Weism c r., .m, E. A. Ludlum and J. E . tended to Lieutenant Colonel D· A. U o. ler. Cooper, former Governor Cooper, l :ayor A K Day had appointed Judge Nichols, and Judge Howard C· . Robitz'e r-to represent Way- Ivans, that Waynesville's needs lles'/i\W! and community. migfht be presenLed. A 'ttl)' Engineers had rec-ommend~... III-b on Caesar's OTeek .and HARLAN-BUTLERVILLE ~11 ..... East Fork. but the Federal Gov· SCHOOL BOND VOTE IS cl'n nent is seeking further infor: DEFEATED

Ml' Hrb; r l'C";"l'ey, of ne1lr e\\1 Viennn, erftEl rtaf:ne d ' \dth a misc~l\an~ouB shoWerl Saturday for Mrs. Leste r Stan. r ecen t bride M'1'6. Stan was Wir.iIl'Cd McEI.

S everaI

She·r iff Gra--,{Basket Bait (laslte-s· ham .Buried Of Fast Week Review.ed · 1 hU r sd a'V

1WAYNESVILLE WINS TWO . 1' ARVE YSBURG WIN S TWO ' . FROM JEFFERSON I GAM ES OV ER W EEK.E ND HARVEYSBURCWOMAN IS F RANI<LIN - F un rill fCl'vic s I , '. v BURIED WEDNESDAY were held her e to . !!y ut t. M u ry'~ 1 WAYNESVILLE W uyn oslI AR J-.Y P.U RG Hnrvey.wee. ... ... f W .I' . E G h rill High will receive the na ml;! won two ga m c ~ ove r tJl1e weekeJ, d Tw o intere tin ~ contests were "ure" o r 1 10m . r a a m. . d 10th HARVEYSBURG _ Funeral 1V 0n by Mrs. He b ert CalT. who Wall'en County Sh er iff. who died ?f being a vel'y bad h.o, t to visit- to ch.u lk u p the ir 9th an sudd enly of a heart atta ck, at his m. ~ basketball squ als If they co .n- victorie!! of the sea On .n g)l ins . ::.:.i C~~ ;~IJO~~11~" ~~d;:~d;~e!~: ~1~:se;::d~I~~e~ri~:e::ul~e i~lri~e~ home 'a t Leba non. late Saturday. ttnue to lr~unce th~m as tlrey <li d one 105-· . This makc:' 8 sLI ~i~ht ' Bu I'LI I \\"a~ n Wood hill ceme tel Y J effcrso .n '1 wp. ( Clin to n 0 . ) Sut- ga mes that Coach San bo1'n's boys a resi<l e n~ 01 this communitYI wljo ,;in ing room. where Mr Stul'r un. hAr A. . I urda, '.I n~:})t. ha ve won Rin ce thcy lo"t a t wo diep at the hpmll of her qaugqter . wra,pped her nlllny' useful and beau .. Y I . MI.s. A. Z. Ha rtsock, Satul'd!l-Y. tir u! gift . Glaham " as marEhall .here f or '1 he Reserv e~ won 21· G. a nd . he point ga me to OttH bein,. ear y l.hl 27 yoars prlOl' to being elected Va r!':i ty. ~ 7- 1 5. the season. It is a lso t heir. fourt J3urja\ was in t he Miami Cemetel ;V Dainty re heslJ en~s were ~·rvvictory over li nton County teams. 1Ic Res rv , s sl !\ltT"~ liervlces wer e nt ~h c 10G . nl M. d ' 0 the followln'" gu es.~ : .u"' s. shel'i ff in 193 6. He was wid ely Th e WII" ne' vi 'K .. • ..~ ~ . , . . . . .."'. J 111 cloven games, H l rv e y ~ burg ha s E. Church. thomas pencel', of Le ulln on; MIIJ kno wn and had m!lny f riends : d off 'll l a ·f.a~t crp. ~eOl·i llg first sc ored 45 6 po ints against 220 for The de cea ed Is s urvived by h Er c.llIa.r:es Voiers, 'of Waynesville ; am ong lho~ e who ran afoul of tI c ' and leadi ng lit thc e d of th e fi ·!'.t I II h' f ' d t'heir opponcntll. husband. her daugh ter. ix grand- MI'S. Hel·belt CaTeY of Harveys- ow liS \ <i as among IS rlcn 5 quarter. 8-2 . 'lhey we re 1 by n', On F ri day night. Ha rveysburg childl·en, and two ·i!>ter. Mrs. Ber- burg; Mrs. Maynar d Borton, Ml' a nd a ssociate s. . . a fll£t fl oor g!llll e, both off ngive- rlef ea tcd Kings Mill s, 40 to 10, · tha Gray, Dayton. and Mrs· Elmer A.lton · Huifmo!ln, Mrs. Charle3 Gra r..nm was bo rn In Fmnkl.n. ! 1'.1 and dcfend vely. Th e sro:·e stoo 1 lIr. d on Saturda y ni ght. they jourSchro.ed€l', of Lebanon. Han ey, Mrs. Raymond You'og. Mrs· tihc 80n of Mr. and MI·s. Tha r.nas ; 10-2 in W ynesvill e's fav or; .~e f- neyed t o. Ad!lms. where they snatRober t Ooak, M l'S. Wendell Briggs Graham. · He was r eared lind ha d f e son h!1 d twro poin ts, on e t hey ched a 5 1 to 28 victory. This DEATH CALLS CARROLL Mrs. Joseph GJeasC!n, Mi:6 Pa.u line liV Ed p l'~ l i C!llLy al\ of his life in I:n rn en d all eveni ng. makes the second time in which DEATHERAGE ON' SATURDAY Starbuck, Mies Marjorie Cal'Cy, all tha t community. rL His battle Wl'th "hroo bank r obThe second half proved to Le a t. he H,.l rvey sburg lads ha~ top· of Wilmington; . Mrs. Theodo r e " d th 50 k thO II \VA YNESVILLE- Cal'Tol\ Hun t Dunsieth of Bloomingsburg . ber s in 1!la5 att~act.ed wi de a t Le !_l l'Cpi ti ti on of the fi . t . J c f fe ' s n : e e )n ll r IS .sease . er Death erage. 84, di ed at I!)i s . Mrs. AliCe Sting-:ey lilld Mr". li n. Lem ning tha t the Fra nk lin put up stubborn re ista,nce, b~t Kings MillF., play in~ without Nat ional Bank was being t'obbed, Wa yne, ville WJlS n a sr.ori ng spree Iheil' ~·eg ular cen te r. W ~ 6 10 mate:}] matl~n on the matter and 110 the l\fORROW-The special election home south east of here Saturday I Hom er <AI key, • of Germant own d Id t b d d for }[ol'vey"burg. 'l\hey were trat to TUe!day in the Harl'8ll-Butlervi1le eve ning. F l services · . un era were Miss Este II a J ose p h 0 f Blan o- Lu Es" G,·a ha m arrivr d at th e mome nt t he Ian wou n o c e nl . i ng. 8 to 0 at the quarter. and 15 • mc .Jt mg, Mon d ay, was caJled ~o,y t~e m.a tter 'before a ll commun- schOol district lost by 25 votes of held Tuesday afternoon at thE. Mc- : tel' ; MI s. Raytnonil Ha dl y, of a- robbl rs e me rged from the enThe Reserve victc r y l11U'~l h:lve t o 4 at the half. HaTVeysbuTg hid Itlol la an endea'Yor to locate dams ~he required 65 pel' cent at a SIHl- ' Clure Funeral Home. Bu rial wa s bina ; Mrs. Wade Knight, of Na · trance. In th e exchan ge of gun fire I been a stimulant Cor th e Vnrs: t y at the thi~d quar ter. 27 to 6 and at best places for greatest good. t cial eleCtion Tuesday. The district I in the Lebanon Cemetel·Y. pol on; MI·s. Leo Iluebler. of Cin- M.!I rsha ll Graham .f atally wounded becaure they started in On Jef- at this point the r eserves went jn Thel·e.!ore, .:c-IOch community '\\8S ' h~s continuall.y been in the news In addition to h~s \\ iie. hc is ci nnll ti; MI·S. Albrt M~Mul;en , on e 01 tilie tdo· The other two es- ferson in L'he ~iIlme- manner. The f or HarveySbnrg and continued to • asked to gave.da.mage do~e in !>inco the November 2 election. survived by six children. Homer. Miss Meredit h Bogan a nd Miss co ped. Mal', h,nll Gr ham was woun- game sta·rted fa st an d r emained il1Crea&e the lead to 80 point!! ' at flo ds of prevIOus yoaTS 1Jlclud- ' Ap~Jltly . ViCtOT by a fract:o r Deatherage. Mr!, Blanche Bll kel' Rutlllinna Dogan, all of Clfll k .- de d. that way throughout.. The W3yce. t he end of lhe game. ing that of 1913 and of 1986, a~£o Gi. a Yote, • recount showed a. loss of Cinci nnati. Mrs. Dcr tlul Da i 1 ville. · In November, 1930. Gr wm W;}/,\ 'h ans led. 8-2, oat the en d of th e Adams, pillying very hnrd. held adva ' s. for each elected f o'! a f our·yea r te l m ll S C· t qual' t er a n d were pever b e- Harveysburg to an 8 to 3 score . In! '. communlt, of one vote .and t~ r8jJuired plur- an d MJ,'S . AI rna Sa b er to n 0 f C ,.rth4t certaln ~ama ml.~ht offer. ality. Meanwhil. the d~tric, h~l! rol!ton. Ky .• Mrs. Ross Hnrt , ock FIFTY -SIXTH WEDDING sh~ l' iff of Warren Cc l;hly. He ·, ook hind. At the half th e score WIIS In the first quarter, but the HaT-the commltt~e wdl layout a issued notes in anticipation O't the of th,is cO!l!munity. nnd Miss 'MarOBSERVED i>'ff( ·e. Janua l Y 1, . tIJ 7, quit t .ng H-9 in Wayne!!ville's Iavor. The veys burg quintet stllrted cliclring pl'GgJ'am and Wlll attempt to get sale of the bonds. The board W~IS tlla Dllath~rag pi p .s·r tpn. his po ilion as M8r~lial1 of Frank- Waynesvllle ~uad pla yed ~ood de- on all five in t he second qual'tet dama w~ted for greatest g~od. restrained from tlhe money The deceased wall a f"rm !!f fllf ~ORROW -:- Mr an~ Mrs, IiI!. fen ive' ball in t he last half. Th -y to score 21 points and run up a .seeks the erec~on of and lfater ordered by the ComlOOn m:any)' ns a nd active In agricul- Seott Dlttme,fS observed th eir flf. He leaves his mother Mrs. 1l.)jz- heIdi J.efferson seoreless in th score of 29 to 9 at the !hIlU: With r ' .'Ieas court td return it. tural activities' in W:ln'en County · ty lI:xth 'Vedd~. g aU'nivenary, wed 1beth Graha.m.. F rankl!.' ;' hla wit1C. IV , third q\lInt&T 'alld al1<Jwed them many substit ut-es in the last half MeanwilUe the bOM'd sued the . lIesday a t their .nome. :west of her:e Pearl; a dliu ghtel·, ;!\Ir . Hugh r d- nly 6 poin ts in the b st Quarter. the victors continued to build up eJecti()n board and Judge Decha!lt .MRS. VALERIA BOWMAN IS ~n I the 3 C Hlgh~y... 'they ha.v e v.ards. Un'on City, .Ind.; two .on s. The ·final soore was, WayneSVille .their le.n d. . hiIud the caae, counting the voteB CALLED BY DEATH }lved on the farm ,; ,hICh they OC- I lt~chard. Lebanon, and Dudley, Chi 27. Je·f ferson, 15. . The scoring was evenly dividerl , a,nd sustaining the recount. The CLARKSVILL'" .. F unera . I se r- cupy the past ~lfty V ARSITY SCORES among the . p~ ayers in the two . . £fM for Di ' . . f hi ca"'o' ... th ree stepchild'ren , Oharh a , -WUfiam Hufford Jr\ Honday ba- '"Oard ~en appealed to the state v·cell we re he' d Ftid ~ y at t he Su,.! 1'. . ttme~ ~ a n.atlVe 0 t II ICh:ester, and Nelliq Tl'ent. :L~banon : .. ........ ' W.yaen'il1 e games wit h Bogan a.nd .D~W1l1ey came Oh~o'a youae. · Iherlff court but .as . 00 descision waS e r Run Baptist Chur' h south of cc,mmunJty and 18- a ~ustee. of the f ive sis.ter~ . Mrs. Cecilia Lee. MidFG F TP pla·yh'lg outstandint ball on the "",ben Ikle W.arren Co1lll1t.. ~· ,' ?forth coming secured Tuesday's here. for Mrs. Vale~a Bowman, a ~ooar M, E: Chur h; ?,~r8. d' e t own; Mrs· yaul DoHbes, Frank D. Collett, f :............ ...... 2 1 6 ]' defense. t'f MidPI" " _1. f Harveywurg Junior High demissioners named. Mm eheaU .to · .pecial election. . , e Iong re!I' den t 0f th e Edwar ds- ' IS I ~lso rt a hIe tong re' ,ldent of thIS \lin'. Mrs. Margaret O'Flynn ' a n" ..... .............. . ..... . 0 1 1 _ l d etown; Mra. Vernon Tolle, ~y- LeMay, c; ............ ............. .. 4 2 10 feo.ted Kings Mills, 13 to )0, in a . cceed William E , Graham,. who . Meanwhile, tile boardadvercised vil\e c:ommunity. Interment 'Was in \ oca \ '.I' . . died .oddenly,; He 1. 26 ,or bids on the proposed 'new the cemetery at'-EdwardlWme:.. . . . ' ... ; ton, and Mary G~ah!lm. Jilranklt;". \ BO'g er, g ....... ........ .. ,.......... 4 1 ,9 ' real thriller and Harveysbu,t'g reyean old. . building at Butlerville. What actShe w~ the widOW' of the late .tASON COUNCIL CONVENES thre~ b·" others. Johh and Edward, Clfiry. g ...... ........ .. .... , ........ 0 1 . 1 s.erves d,efeated ,A,d<aD1S re,erves• M~~~:~:IGHT. MAYOR Fl'anldin. and p enni s. Middletown . . 0. 'C ollett. g ... ........ . ... . 0 1 1 135 to 9. , . • ~uffold served as deputy un~er· Iou the board will take is still de · Sam Bowman. A son Frank, at his father for fo.ur ye.r~ . and :u n - b&table observeta say· home. survives, as does seven ! . " Fifes. f~.. ....~ . ...... ... , ...... .. ... 0 0 0 HARVEYSBURG del' Gnh~ for one. BiA appomt. grAndchildren and e ~t:'ht-e en great- ! .MAS~N - 'l'he V:llla~e counctl EAL ESTATE Total 27 .. FG F TP ,m ent was ~'CI1l"ecelvecBhrongbout PUBLICITY 'GIVEN TO . gi'8ndchildl'~n and) f our sisters. ~ held their. ll'Iol'lt ?ly meetmg, M.on- l . '. . Carl', f .... ...... .......... ... ... , ... .. 2. 1 5 ·th:! county. . WAYNE TW-P. FARMERS ..:cLU &BYJllond-kd a'l1l ot-n~ereJ u c venl!.Jg WI th Herbert RlchC!a lc nce L. ShUl1.s to C\y<\e Jeffenon o 'HQffo~~ llnnoun,eed Thur~d y ' . . is a 'g~and d'tlughter. rds: presid ent of council, presid- l ~nd The:OJII. Erbeck, 109.86 acres ,. . . FG F TP the appomtmilnt ~f Ge~ld , Couden. WA ~~ESVILLE-The Way~e . . ID the ab~e nce of Mayor W. E. In Deerfield twp. Collms, ! ............. ............ ..3 o 6 Hartley, f .. .. ... .. ............. 2 o of orrow as hiS chIef deputy. to'W1Jl8hip Farmer's Club was glv- NATHAN GRAY lIURIED BI bop· Clyde Erbeck to J osepb Shurts Cho~ey. f.. .. .... ..... ............. 0 1 1 Downey; c............ .. . " .. . .. .. 1 o The Coun cil voted to table all lot 70 in Mallon. IPa tton, f ......... .... .. ......... ;.0 2 2 Roberson. c .... .. ...." .. ... .. , ... 0 2 2 Couden, a membcir of a pioneer en utem;.ive publicity by the edi. Warren ~County family•. is a~' pre!- tor of the 'Milami Valley FeTm ~e THURSDAY AT CORWJN I ui~S fo~ the pu..rchaa(~ o£ a police i Anton and ~arolina Pittlte ~o Melvi~, g.: .. .......... :...... ..... :1 3 5 Starr g ............ .. ................ 5 3 13 ent a memb~r of .. the VlIlagoe coun- of a Dayton newspa,pcr on Jancal unttl the M. y or returns, when Carl~on C. SmIth. 50 acres ID Taylol, g ...... .... ... ... ... .... .... l o 2 Harvey g .......... ......... ...... O 1 1 ciLet Morro'w. He has been a ape- uary 22 when two columns wele WA YNESVILLE Nathan a s-pecial meeting is to be call ed ' Turt\.cc!eek twp. . Cr.osley. g ..... ......... ,........ .. 0 o 0 Jefferi , g ..... ...... ...... .. .... :.1 0,' 2 W!lit(;r ··S . .lone deceased, to ' Pattol1, .... ..... .................. .. 0 o 0 cial d~uiy sbedff for a number devoted to the club's activities in- Gray. 84. W!8S buried. in Miami Meryl B. Gray, villiage solicitor, Total 15 of yeark. . : ~' cJIJdinlr j~' 1938 calendar. list of Cem'e tery a.t Oorw<in Thursday fol- I presented the coune~ with six co, G·eol'ge J one, 168.'29 acres in Total KINGS MILLS • officers, members, P1l~ ()fficials, lowing funeral service~ at the Mc- pies of the ViII.age C(.(,e. which. Ihe Harlnn twp· . W.,De&yille Relerye. . . FG }i.1' TP FARMERS' CLUB MEEST . and ·even the constitutiol'\' in fu 'l. Clure Funeral Hom e. Rev. W. J. recently revi oed. Charle". and Ada Kash to VerThe WaJne~()wnshl; Farmers' The latter w.ila u,!,!d, the writer Fo~ of Springboro conducte.d, the ' Routine busih(!SS c.': (..l•• unlud .the non .. and Mel'6ditb Michel. 5.78 Fq F TP Hild eprnnd, 1f ....... ..,.... ...... 0 0 ·0 Club met last w~k with Hr. and ~ald. to atimulate inter(lst' jn' other services. re mainder · of the meeting. in 'Hamilton twrp. Preston. f .... .... ............ ...... 3 2 · 8 Smith; f ........ .. ... .....! .. . ... .. 1 0 2 Mrs. Omar HollingaWlOrtli.. Dean communities for t¥S type of org- • Mr. Gray died 'lI,t tlbe home of hiq G.-crge and Olive Bllrscm to COo-IIett. f.. ......................... 1 1· 3 York. c ... , ........ ,... ..... ....... :\ 2 4 . Wies. g ..... .. n .. .. .... . ...... 0- 0 0 of Lebanon ~'poke on "The anizatltm.. . ' daughter, Mrs. Carl Duke west of Wi! iam. and Maggie Myer, 100,79 FumllS, Cl...... ,.. .. ··" r····· 1 2 Stanlev , ", FORMER OTTERBEIN HOME R th f d 0 1 0 4 Holden. g Re\l~on;" Harvey Burnett of LyPresent ?fficers ere F. U. La~ oore last MOl'\day. ae. III surv.ived acres in Turtlecreek twp" ., u er or . g ... ..... ...... ..... . tIe pye a talk on th'e outlooks for l$a~, preSIdent; Ead . Hockett, by his daugbter. threc sons, Earl StJ~ERINTENDENT IS DEAD Robert and. Oassie Sturdivent to Fires, g .......... .. .... ... ....... .... 0 o ' 1088. .. .. viee pr~d@nt; Mrs. J •. H. Sack- Gray of near Harveysb~rg, Fred . MASON - Wth°rd has .been Dre-. Clarence Robbins, 86.07 aellCs in .P~ters......... .... " ..... ,:... .... .. 0 O· Following t~ dinMr 1\0Ul', .. so- ett, _ I\ecre~-treaaureri Ro8C~ linton Gmy e~ived here of. e deat~ of !. Harlan t~.P. Sc~tt, ., ............ ........ ;....... .1. Q eial period was e.nJoyed • .Mr. and Ful',n~ :c.rl Duke 'and Walter in New Mexico also . b f John R. Klllg, first Silipenntendent EIlzabeth Sheward to Alma Spitler ....... ..... .. .... ......... ,. 3 o Carl', f . .......... .. .... ..... .. Mr&. .- Stanley were guests of the Whitacre, executive committee. grandchildren,. anum er 0 of the ..Otterb?i'!, 1-lome, north M Lewis, lot in R.oachester. .Eamha'l·t, ... ..... ..... .. ......... :C) o Davi!;, f ..... ,..... ............. ... club· lilt the'lnvitation' of the Holhel'e, m FlOrida, last week. Dr. . Irene Berpr to Lawrence ant Total Hartley • . ( .... .. .......... ...... 2 lingswoltha. . t.UKEN~S STOCK- FARM DAIRY WELL KNOWN MASONITE IS King e~tablishe~ th e~ home when' Lqlian ~.pp, lots -75,76 in SniderJeff~.on Resene. Downey. c .. .... ............ :.2 RATED HI.~H _ '. tlbe Umted Breth~rn C~u~ch pur- or est sub-division, Deerfield twp. NEW CENTURY CLUB . CALLED BY DtATH AT 92 ehaood the exten_lve holdings of Joom Reeder to Geneva Warren FG F TP Starr,. g ...... .... .,... ... .. .......8 . . HARVEYSBURG - Aecordlng ___ the Shakers amounting to approx. . . ' Cochrp,n. f ........... .............. 0 1 1 Bo~an. g ...... ........ .... .... ... 0 Mrs. D. C. Ridge will b.e the bos- to the 16Gt Dal' Herd 1m rove. . . . . 2·3 acres III Washmgton twp. W'I f 0 0 0 New ..... . ry P . MASON-Mrs. Rutlh StItt, 92, , ~mately fOUl tho.U!and acres· • . Daisey Stoff to Montie G Rich- .\ son, ............ ..... .. ....... t SII to the members 01, \. . . ment A~atlon report, the high one of the 'ITI'iOst' "w." d e Iy kn-' e \' Dr.King VI ··S a m'ISSI'onary to C t Cluj, the afternoon of . . un'll r ~~ .. ards lot 18·2 2 in Loveland' .Park. Drew, f ... .... , ... .. .... .......... ...O 0 0 27 at the Little Inn. The herd vnt~ an av~ra~e of 3~ Ibs ·B. idents 'Of this community, .died at' AI.rica. prior to coming to O~ter-. . charles A. Mitchell to Karl Patton, e :....... ....... ..... ...... l 2 4 ADAMS .or' H' e m'..etlnOP' was Ja" F. and ~iah cow With ~OOO Ibs of the Ib ome of thsr daughter . here bem Home. He left t;he Home sev- Kitzmi ler and Carl W ' Frey' lots Taylor) g ............ ................ O 1 1 FG :F. TP . t date tie ... - WI ,. __ II. milk and 66 lb. of B ~ is owned . I 1 d t fill ' .• "rosley If ' 0 0 0 .. ~; 28 but was ehanllle'ir 't o the 27th '. , . •• ~ . Monday· FUneral eervices were Itra years ago tie 0 a ng 2026-30 in Lov.elandPark. J. , • •.• •• , . .. .. . . .. . , • • •• •••• • , 0 ( .T,ong, f .... .... .... .... :.... ; . 1• ~ 2 . lit· , ~.:. . ' by Luken a Stock Farm, Harv~- held WedneGdav at the re"idence health. . . . C Fnuaer, g ..,......... .......... .... 0 p ' f " . . <)1 ~ ~ , • on ac,count o·f the '0. E.S. meeting b ....... - "'-reI f -'-~ . J ~ Peoples Building and Loan o. ," "- th f . 0 .' 0 0 ,ope, .... .,...... ...... .." .-" ~,,; ,... f, . . i ~ _ " uTl'. . .. II1III.~ 0 re.,,..,ered er- and burial w~ In Rbaehill Ceme., ' . ' . ;....... 0 , .... ... ... ,........ ... ... .. . Warm: f 1 l' S on Fri~y:~~ .:' ,. ..' _ le18 IJaa ~verac~ over '00 Ibs O,f·\te • Muon. . I '. HELP. FARMER \1J'ITH CROP to ~rank and Aa.thenne Loop, lot '. Tot~ . 6 " ...... ..... .... ......... T . TY .. ,. . B. F. for the laSt tour years, . . 94 In Lebanon. _. . .C rosthwaite, 0 .... . .. .. ... , ~ } .. !O~::: . ; ~ NEW FItANICLoIN PAPER " . .~ ., Mrs. $titt ~as ,'!I native of nearWAYNESVILLE _ Mr. Carl Roy Glosller et al to George and SPR.ING VALLEY SUBDUES Jones, g ............... ..... ...... 2 1 Ii .. qANKLI!f - . Ito.. Farquhar. FIRST SHOW GIVEN' BY CLASS by Pisgah where ~e wu--born in Smith, farmer living northeast of Florel!~e . GI~s£er, 88.80 acre~ . JEFFER~ON QUINTET, FRI. Webb, g ;... .. ..... .... ,.. ......,: ..,0 ,,>. 0 . JL _, ' for twenty .~an. 'm~mlier, ofr..~ WAYNESVILLE _ The first 1846. She ~~rr!ed JOh.'! M. ~r- here, Is around thanking his· farm near Lebanon· Harvey, g ... .... .. ...... .... .....::2 ,._~ ~_ staff i)f 'thi! Fianklii,l O}ulon~cle. shOW .pon~ored by the ReCreation "win in 1886, who dl~d lD 1878: fr~ends for a kind neighborly deed. E.sta~e '{)f ?,eorge Heidman t.() SPRING VALLEY - TM 10Total thia, week' faS!1ed ~ f~ - . 'Of., Clua of Waynesville· was··lIven at ~hre. tW8~ r:'~r:rIe; several ye~" 1a .\ Last TUI!Sld.ay fift~n men came i n Bernadma ~eldman, 37 acres In cal bigh school team .subdued the 0 tile Franklin Sun. He recentlt··re- Woa,ynesvUle G)'mn~ium, Mond'a , .1981 . William titt wIIo . dle~ it,t with a 'corn shredder and slrredded Hamilton tw)). . J~~etson quintet here, Friday • .by signed frotill. ~ Chronicl ~r. 1 nlgbt, .JUtuatj >24. part of the ' pro .. • . , I his crop for him. the put I Estate of Alice Shea to 'Loretta a score of 25-2.4 in ~rd fought CLARKSVILLE TEA",: WIWS Madison c;· Hu1:cblMon' of ' Lebail- t ceed: are to go ·to the Wayneaville l She)lad two. ~h~ldren by ~ch aeveral months Mrs. Smith bas Higgin!! et ai, 90.8~ . acres in Mas· g.alne. ' Hllines ..nd WiIIilll\Jls were SURPRISEVI(:TQRY·.... ' on la t~'~,e", qbronlc)e edltor< . . High Sch'OOt for the uee ,of tJ1.eli l'fJ:1US~~~id'l ~reei l ·1~.fIrwiwhom 'far~ Utv- fbt. e confined' to her bed and the siAl twp. '" \ .Uhe local aces o.n · the oUen8~V~. '. . .,.,. "l'/' . " • ' . ' , I' '. '.. • ng: ..... !!8 JU np e no ' ·.r()S er f k ':'_,.s b lui ' . ' . • while Stonebergter was a ilhimling OLAlbKSVILLE -: '. I • , ., • ~ ., '. , •.• -equipment, the Teat to- go for ~P-. tb 'I ' t. b h' d arm WIOtr ,...... E~e'n somew t · . '. , , ,S .i'ul'ple ~ , oRDER OF ··EAS1I:ORN S'tM'" pJl~: fot ti\e'.lIecreatlon 'cl~ , at 118.. . e , ~n..y on~, 0 er c 11 ren .~y \ Ulrown behind during her IIIne!&. PROBATE 1,ight. On ehe defen!!6: torey was and Gold warriors slag!!d .!Iii up-' I • " ".~. _ ~f t ..." ' , , -' 'Will .the t~~ 'tUi:1I • .On 'MondAY jan- j ber fl:tat husbamt; ~IJ " ~'.. This I\~ighborly de;e!d i.. certainly First a~;s 'final ,;ILCeount of· Frank outstanding for the iJeffet;son set. .Friday evening, when tliey ·The :r~n .r-fi{st, Dlstrtc~ , 1. ~~ '$1, .aDothe'r show wlll .be giv- Mln~~ Bc?wye~ and Cllf!ord Sti~, · appreciated by 1tJ~. Bm·d ~rS. Smith Whita'Cte,'·'¥.o.rrow, · ad~lni~trato:t .team. clipped ·1'he· wings of the f.a$t f1y~ . ." hold ita an~1I&1 .~~~ti~ t~ W~., . ~~tled: "His FI t C" d .both Of. Mat'On. ate her oUler. ~1111d and has ea:used the~ little joy. of thj! estate of late. Belle SimpSIlRING VALLEY Ing B~che8ter~eam hex:,e. 26-24,. ,.,...•......f l :neavtlJe FriIl8iY, .Jan•. 28, 1988;VO{tb en, . en ~. rs . o~nm~ll' ren·. . " . ' ';; \ ' ... • d ' FG F '1'1> Favored to . Wl.·n eaail"', tM. visi t..i'n~ . . in MUio ' with.-'a lWllllam ~oyd ,Comedy ' _t ." . ". so" apilrov~ • " 0 af~emoon ~ an.d enn .1f '. n~ . d it t '8 '6~ P'" Beside. h~ c:lUldren, ·Mrs. ,Stitt N'OTICE TO WAYNESVILLE James Clark E'rne. t Counts lUUnes. f .:.:.. ....... :.,.... . ;......2 · S· 7 team . found the IJ'ldtan defense I bed ..nests . D'._Li--· Will In- no.o~ an a p c ure a :. • -. t · 1 d hlld' ' Ut.. .. . '. , . ~ .• 3 2 8 ' ba ' rd - -r " , ...~ ........ .. ... ".-. . E ..~ . , I vited to ' tte d . eaves ..s x gran e )"en.;, ·m.,,:,t'Pt:- GIRLS . and Richard Barnhouse' have been WillUima, f.. .. ...... .............. . penetnu:e throughbut. . . , ...... c\u~~ the: Wo~~ Grana ,.ra~ of : , ve'q. o~~ ~ .. n ,. .. a ~" , et ~n~_.John", Colol'Jdo; ~?"'Ow- ,: Ali girl6 'inier~sted in handic~ft nam1d of th3 estate of Weav~r; ,2 1 .6 . MiBsing numerous s'!Iots the- 10.. . • th~ ..~~ O~pter ~f ?bio. -.IIIt'l'll1 . " . 8re1 , lti1.e:fr.. CpJIi ,~, :riz'-t meet Mf88 fdary '-!\ll!e'?t at th.e Ben-.. Jacob . B~rc'ht ·. SF- .T.he court .~ R~ve!; , :·,.: .. :....... .. :.-... ...... ,0 1 ,1 ' c~l wOn' by virtue of' theJr • J~f& ~:" Pecd~.l~ ~ :allt ~\ ~' tIOrt born 'to Mr~ and MrLR.0- !!~ ~~an !~~~ ,'~as.o,q, . 0.; tley flat, .J,anua,ry: .:Z7, .at 4:00 0'-' named.Jat;ob N. B~l'ch~ adtnin~stra~ .$~neberge.r, g ..,.: .. .;........ 2 0 • defen~e and Oa.ptain Donald ~~ '. 'nep~tt<.,~r~ ~",:vn . _ lM land oiJ,. . sat~. Jan · . 22, ~Ta. '""'~ \Aln; CInclnnati, an~. ' clock. h • tor. ·' '. ' : . ' , '. .. . acre's' accuracy ~t .~ b.~et.He , ,' Dlsti'ict, Dov.e W.· eamp~1 ~ "~D' io ':"and ': ::' au" lIn."'Ul~am ; To~d~ san.- . P.ecil'O, .· , T' . _.__ • John ~ooul~, Wayne,E'Vi ie, na,m , \ Totals ", ~01,l .. teen ~in.ta, B~Jl~l' WJ8 . of ·Vf<ilmiD8ton• . , . ." . .rolp~• . Bildebloant. ;TuuarJ·: 1~ Calli., . CJ,:ARK!$VILt,E IIjt)ME EC , , ed .adDli,nfatrator of the . ei~te of. . , JEFF.ER&ON 'CO 'I'D bllst 'for Bl~c:he8f,er M.t h · I~ . _ ~ . ~ .inelll~. ~te.: 'luchlrd. Wayne. . . " _, . ' . . GIRLS WILl:. E~ITE~1I'AIN ' . Pearl SC:hul~, appraiae1'8 n.~ed ' .- . • . Fq " ~ poln~ Cba~ In W~n. ~1itozi ~ ¥.r. and· lin. ,MIlSavace aft WELL &MOWR ~bENT.!J}:~O~1UC8VILL'E )~'-=-ThA! H:om~ ~r~ Fred FUJ1l-.;3am .reaith jJ.olllqsworth, r"',·.... " T ·:.. 2 8 q The locals led bl t1\'O ROI.n..... BilrhlAld .COantiiei. 1'8 ~ 1IluDt .·an~u..,.q the ·btitb...of a • • \ . __..:..,...... • .,' Ecpnomlca Depal'b!leDt -will e.llter- and O. &. Ungleaby. .. _ Bow~:>o> _0 1 1 the halt and Vl.llre tfed . Tl;le ~"Ite. (lbapie .4 . WedlMlldar. "au\1UF 11, Frank ManII, 76, died hi. taln the. faculty and members of The invento" of RaJtllond A. Stepbens, f. ,.... .... ....... ,...... 1 0 i ulat.o~ 116&red eoiIrtph~ No: 107 1114 Warren No. h Wed"....I.. nf bt. Fu rat th B d f and their Conner eXecutor or the etItate. of Store" . c .. ............,.. ....... .... , 2 10 when EarfDiUow cft()PPtHI . DiDenr be ..,ved"" tit. Ill'. ...d Kn.. :dor~ EIUa. ad ~~_ s:~~: II , ne. ~ The S&rab j lIurray ."prOyed. Llaton, r ............ , ...........: ...1 a • pointe-r to oJDeh ~~III ~ . Gf . . . . . .. _Ii_ of BMr -ir~ ..___ &lui ta·"B- · · .....t c ea FIrat 'aceount' J'4lePb GriW,le. MaluaH............ ,......... ....:.0 0 0 ed 1Itruftle.




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It ODg." I _ itab1e 801't 01 folks. ture of rosewood and mahogany, ed Dr. J. W. Vandelvoo)"t, '" 0 A o(frienda from Ly. 1 Mr. and Mrs. AUen Emrick en. t . Dr. Bnd John Pllul. Bolton were busts of famous men el'ected a home the cleared tIe o.ttended thtl funet'8Lof Nalltan tertained Mr. tmw Mr!. Leon Sal. Ph 1\ .. 11!.. ' e Main StNet h f ' t and authoT set on pedestals ot tion of the gr~ulld8, with a 4r1V • . h· vis ited \\ ith t e ornl.e r & pal' 11 s, bronlte or marble, and' ,bOOKS, way winding back ~ beneath . th O"ny at Mc~lu'" f,un~-' home, I's bu'ry, d""ughter and on. 0: W.aAh"I '. the ·Rolla. 1.Indny. Whole' IibTary's 01 in cases to\\lering -t rees; On cOlnpletlon of Waynesville, 1)ounday, afte]'!loon. ington C. B., dlnnel:, Sunday. n D . ORVILLE SAGE, PubU.h~ · Mr. and Mr~. Lou is Burton and built to the ceiling. the home a delig htful house wann· , Harvey.,lJumet t attende1 en all th~ 'aftClrnooD, tbllY all. alU'ompan· . D. WILLI S, ·Fditor Mr. an'd Ohal'l s LeMay at· lng' .... rty . WillS given , by Dr. and 4y mooting of tne Farm Bureau ied.. Miss 'Mliriam to . . Dayton and --..,.....-....,-~-'"':':". '11.e, Ohi0 tended thll theatQr .in Dayton, unAt a mu eh later pt riod, .tbe M- .... ' ted th e "".. A ..... I 8Ihe ~"1\tered A s. I: IS .I-tail M:..t Lcr 41t Postoff'.ICC, W!lyn~svi Vandervoort assisted by their meml>ers at Wilm40gton, .Th Jll'&o V,tu ns LIt u t e, where , "W II w)'itler remembers when, on Sun• "'. . . I" t d t. ' day, olld ow two 9ho\~ , e s charming young lady daughter and day. tS 111.. s. u en Fat'O'o," and .. eargent M,urphy.It day the m en attended ; chul'ch in I ~~~=;;;;;:;;;::;=;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:=~ ... I'rince Albert coats, wore silk hats two interesting sons. Frie/1d~ herO! are IIOrt) to earn ~ . 0" Per Year', Payable in A-dvance Mr; and Mr Allen Lucas and h Guests were from near of the d;c ath of Allen Fleming at MBULANCE r son' , Jr., Mrs. ·Perry Wade and son, ti nd C61'l'i ed canes, . t e :wome~ , d b '11' t th· g di ~D_ I' I t k A ~........Were attired in silk: dresses that and far an a rl Ian gil ern\ his home In In' a ....... o IS, as wee .l An 'Itld- ' pendent Newspaper Dedicated ,to() the Service of Waynesville I J oe, Md l\f~l'y .Ethel and Everett "Nould " stand alone" and in sum- of tbe socially elite were present. Mrs. Fleming was. formerly 'Miss Da:r Or atl~ vicinity - Giving its patrons the best n wspaper human y . pos- Weidner spent Sunday evening , . ' . ks Mr. and Mrs\ W. C. Tichenor (Lu• . Adda Higgins) a '-bel~ved primary ' bl 'th th J Wi 1'-'1 qler would al;lpen In summer sil h . . • I I e amw ca .... ml y. . of abilt\JllerinQ' ~nd. changeab Ie coI • tie Vandervoort) now occupy t e 't.eacb'el' 'O f Lytle scliQo, severa . .Do~vn · at Red 1.ion ther~ is ah ors. home with its glorious outlook of years oagQ. old wagon that· IS over' I ' th " 1 .' ht· late wooded glen and deep ravine, witn Mr. and Mrs. Claude Riggs of W. 1.. Reynold. a bu'n'dl'cd years old. It is tl,ie pro- " n . ' e. ear y elg 'les or the creek below .in all ·,its. clulng· Dayton. called on the latter's grand Licensed Embalmer and F'vneTperty of Ralph Oreen and is the 'scvenltes, 'Jo~otha~ Clark, a ~~I- ing moods, freezll1g, ghnttng Il~d motheT, MIrs. Mary Cannony, Sunone that his grandiather start'ed th~ and retIred Citizen of Cmcm- gl'eying from its ~Id depths tn day afternoon. al Director• . fa.rming Wlith. Any other items like ab who owne: a .s:mme~ ~omel on winter, rising, swelling an.d roar· Mrs. J. B. Jones sperit Monday Pho'ne this one will be appreciated the Ave nue.. o~g to, an eve op· ing in turgid .wra~h, in 8~~ng an,d shopping in Dayton. WILKINOTON 2323 By Harriette Thomas if folks will tell me about th~m. ed the Sprmgs Into a very unus- in summer tInkling, smlhng and Dr. and Mrs. B. E. Hathaway ual park~ Down the Avenue, and 1 it' d . • Wtn. s of WaYnesville were Sunday guests .,Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Thomas at- ubout one !)alf mile south west of ripling shallowly a on~ a8 teIll!l~d a b~ar.d meeting of Sugar town,' springs had long ago been Its way to join the river. WhIle of Mr. and Mrs. Barvey Burnet. B·r-r-rl Did Old Man Winter ' paper ? The four known are Perry Creek Chrlsttan Church , at the found issuing from the sides of far across the open vall,!y they Mr. and M1'SI. ffidwin Nutt and desce'l1d on US out of a clear sky, J. Th omas, Jan. 26.- Wancla ~ome of Mr. and ~r!!.. W.aJ!lo El· the bluff and tr ickling dawTI tbc may see the darkling ek7 line as MT. HermaJlln Nutt of .near Cen. 01' not? Still this is wint.el· ~ime Clark, Jan. 24; Everett Githens, batt, Tuesday evemng. stony hillsid e ; clear, pure and cold it cradles the setting sun. terville and> Mr. and MIra. J. B. and " '1& should expect cold weather Jan. 16 j a nd Milo ' Miltenberger, Mrs. Hom,e.r . Powell of Peebles there were fifty or morc of these In those days of rrunance Ilnd Jones were entertained to dinner, has bee~ vl~lbng at the parB?n. gqshing springs, and growing wild dre~ms, it "'8S the habit of o.ur Sunday at the hom~ of Mr. and \yhen winter is duc. These balmy J im. 18. daya we had have just spoiled us, Miss Lucy Ft-ela n spent Sunday age.' dUTlng the last week, haVlng about them Wl!rc great masses of vllhage folk, lovers, young, mId· Mrs. TheTle Jones and son. I. bellc'Yc. afternoon with her motber in Xen- arnved Wednesday. fe . and violets and blue ' ane. de aged and old, in tM late afterRelatives and friends ' heTe Ferry Church is holding its eer- in. ldl'. and Mrs. Lester Cecil and I n , noon of a quite day to drift down preciat~ very much receiving coLebanon, Obio vices over Into this week, I heard Mr. Rex Williamson spen.t Sat- lIOn spent all day Sunday with Mr, m one. to the top of this hill to watch the pies of 'a book 9 f poems from Mr. acre or t d t _.. upon that bee.u f S Mr. Clark selected and sunse an 0 e.-e , and Mrs. Whittier 8u'rnet, 0 ey• t hey '"ad ei"'ht converts lost ni...l.t urday n''''ht with the P erry FaulE. and' Mrs. Harry Cornell. •~ ...I djdn't l e~rn the name IS" ... Filer and Reverand O. I 11 hose broad acres I -more, Mo., Mr. Burnet IS . the au(Monday). Mrs. Joe MI'fI. Jennie 'M ullen caiil.ld On Mr. of ta b' o la r:d a t. the top of t~: e t'f 1 u va f!IY w (n and Mni. Rolla Boaon, Sunday. bluff, and clearing this, buUt sum- genUy roll and undulate from of the canverts, hOWlever. C. Fisher were dinner guests of m~r houses of lattice. work with C C k th t t th ' . MOTION PICTURE TM Jim Wieal family were 0011- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fex anB. fam. . Reve~"d ._. a'nd Mrs. Cnr.1 Smith v t ·th· I tf orm for band easers rea. Rion e ea8 th ' 0 te Little MiamI vel' on e wes. drove .Mn . H omeI' Pow ell t o her sea s WI 10 a p a ing, Sunday, on Mr. and Mrs. AI. lly, Sunday. home in ' Peebles Monday. and spea~el'$ was er4!cted, as were Along the four miles of dusty ENTERTAINMENTlen Weidner and family and ' Mr. Reve-rand Smi~ conducted a fun. Following is the progTam fol. swings with great w(Joden uprights highway which us with and Mra. Louia Wical and famUy. eTal at May BIll, Monday after- I IOw.ed by those who entertained and wide se'ats, wooden benches Waynesville, were some of the Mt'. and. M'l"8. P. J. Thomas pent noon. R were ,,\need around, and ground, Iteautiful farm homes of the. early ZAIN ARMITAGE Sunday with Mr. and, Mr& Thom· Re nd Smith 1 and family Revcrand and Mrs. Smith and ev. was cleared for cr·o quet and otber I A f f th h are vera Th 'd ' and Mrs. Clinton FiweT the la t sett era, ew 0 ~-e omeB Sand and Gran' aa Gruahon anel daughter, in West spent S~y at home. ~y 88J IfeW' days-- Thursday, Mr. and Mrs sports popular with the ·day. still well kept and retain . a aem. WUmmglulI Ohio Carrolton On t~ way over tn'Gy that-was surel.y ne.",. and tlult folks F ra nk Sn'..I er, at Miami£bur."", FriPaths led downward to the bla.nce of the p re 'ge of those Phone Lebanon 47S·K nslted ib6 M.()1J1)d at 'Mlarnisburg. Id te hI :1'" ... wou ~pp.recla 18. as suc. . day, Mr. end Mrs. Don Willi ams' . largest springs which had been eorlier days. T"-~ is a wonderful view ft'om the ' Th 0 S th f I t be ...,.'" e e~rge ml amI y spen Saturday, ,MIt. and Mrs. Perry Faul walled, and rulltic spring . hou~ One old landma rk has en tom . STARTING top of it, but aligntly windy. Sunday WIth Mr. and Mrs. Lon· T d h" k M d M built over theln, rusl~ic bridges too away 4nd repla~ed by a .handsome "'-' . st . t B lIb k ues oy of t IS Wee . , r. an rs. h WE BUY .. _nty-4Jbr. yeara ago this week. tile evens a e roo. Fred Hubble. were .made to span small ravinCjS Ilnd very modern country , rune; Cream, Eggs, and Poul~ry J~30 Ib babies were horn within eight Thursday evening the Sam Mlere and add grace and charm to the another waS. sacrificed to. tne traBeet Pricee cia;.. Dr. Brock of Lytle W1l8 the dUh family enjoyed an oyster sup· woodland setting. At the foot of gic force6 of fire, and all along Phone 2228 "- _ aUendine physician. Only four of per with the Harry Cornells. the bluff and extending over the the waYt/ practical utilization Is 117 W. Locust, aol'Ollll from the namell were available, ' so if Last week my co~umn started water, Mr. Clark erected a dance more in evidence than the digni. City Hall anJoue reading ' tbis lmows 'th~ that the Harry Cornells were a TODAY AND YESTERDAY pavillion, and never before. ' or ty and elegIBDce of the ' coTlier Wilmington Produce' Co. Il&mee of'the othel' 'two, will y.:.u "hospital ooJ'e." bat ",as a ' mis· since has there been such 8 roman. days. George McNemar, Vgr. " . pleallC .tid to me, in eare of the print, entil'ely unjntentional by By Hattie Wale. Smart t~c setting (for Harveysburg) to This was Yesterday. : t eo ! . , ,_ . -... ~--- sway and swing to the dreamy , (Continued from last week~ strains o'f the waltll, while the LYTLE water murm.uNd ~llIld lapped beHarold Whitaker attended tlbe The fumi shlngs of many of jlow the baluBt~ade of the dance . District Grange rfnAleting at WU. Good eyesight is one gift 1fhat no one can look these homes were Q08~ly and ex- floor, and ~e dim light from coal miilgton, Wednesday ,afternoon forward to getting, wrapped in a 'neat package.· . quisite, there were fine old /ilquare oil side lamps C'1'ea,ted ·an effect evening. . But good ~yesight is' a gift that can and should pianos inlaid with mother of pearl, of ' fairYland to the sbadQwy and Mr. an~ Mrs.. Earl Clark and be protected by seeing a competent optomertist regvelvet and brussels carpets cover- happy dance~ It was never a pay Mra. Alice Clark of Dayton spent ular)y. . ~ the floors, curtains we're of da- ing . propositi~n, . a.nd at.ter Mr. Thursday 4!yening with Mr. and mask and tine lace, oil palntings Clafks death It [lQ>ldly d18interrat Mra. Walter ' Clark and family. anil portTaits adorned the walls, e4 and was abandoned. Mr. aJ'lld Mrs,' Guy Routzahn and and there. were in)~id and hand I Later ·the l:ipri~l!l ~ purchaa- :family vislt~ &mclay, the. latter's mother,' Mn.. M.ery Boltnoft, OPTOMERTIC EYESIGHT SPECIALIST ,. 8'J\ATE OF OHIO , who ' i8 ill ILt hel' home in Tippecan·. " . , . 'Open Every ·Day from-8 A. M. to 6 P. M. esEI'M: T. .FEltGUSON. A!OoLTOR OF STA'irE Oe City,. .. ' Saturday 8 .A.' M. to 10 P ... M. .... 'Bur a~ o,r lnspc:ctlon 'Iuid Super,,1810n 01' Publl41 OMce8 Reverand Hug!b Davis anno\1nce· ed th'e re wiD De preaching at Ly~ 19 N. 'B roadway Lebanon, 0 : tIe Den Sunda7 evening at 7 :30. ' ,. . Everybod"y hivited to this eervice. - - --, ~ARY rtt8LIC A . . _ l It"'.... (Jof 'I'll" Vlltrk O. 'I'h e vm ••., o. '\\'a,..,8 't'IUe" W.nen Mr. and Mrs. William Rogers Coant)',, For Tt.~ F'I..;al v.... Endl~ .. ~ . 31. 1eaT Natt.aaJ ..... and clau(l"htel' of '~n ~re SatUTday afternoon . and evenjOg :::===:==:;;;;:;::=~~:=:~= W"" DreWJI •. • -Eala... S.n," \ V."IlHVI.Ue. Ot.lo, JallaalT l2, lNS gue8t& of Mrs. Meti. ROgers. WAYNaaVIUL OHJO f h r ebY ,1: rllfy th e (ollowlng' report to be correct. The Farm Bureau Diseusaion " R. K. lUlNDIllIUION, VJU~e Cluli; Group was entertained at the ho'me ·3 ~Room house, metal roof, garage, cel~ar, electric, of Mr. ana ' Mrs. Barvey • '. • ',. .. ' " t' good condition. In town, "600. .' _ _ __ 8I1MMAJt~ OF Ii' ND DA.IJ"-NVGS, Rl!l(lEII"I'8 AND EXlPENDITURE8 Tuesday evening of last week: _ ~ .\~. '. 4. Ge'n ()raJ '1"und ... ........ . J n.j.47 J 4,175.74 ,2,451.61l ' 1.758.& 8 ~~ were twlenty-two 'preaent, .• AI, , 6 . .Auto 1~1 1:' ''e St. n ep, J" und . 1 a.17 799.84 743.99 229.02 G. Una. 'l'l1x ::it. it.ep. I!' und. ,. S41\.~9 l,193.00 884.65 • 659 . 2~ Mr. aDd Mrs. Walter Kenrick ~I!e U. Total ,,:. Vlllllge Jo undlt. . &57.63 G .!68.~ 8 •• 080.27 2.646.'i4 gueste fcrr the .evening. 10. Waler Works j< una .... .. . 1,4 f .P!! 2.olG.ii3 3.630.21 381.3. 13. Sa!1,llary Suw r Mrs. Elizabeth Smith of ~~ ,..... ~' . Conttt. r und ...... •. .•.. . Morrow, ,~hio. _ _ _ n _ _ . _ 1 6,2'36,7 6 was the '\veek-end guest of ber H. Bond II tir em e nt Fund . . . 21 .29 3 .8 ~9.34 . 2.29~.69 17. FfrullIon'S .lndm. Jo und ' .. . . 7C6.5 9 181.61 Siste-T, Mrs. Margaret Jobns. • :I t. Q rand ilQtalll of All E ' unds . 3.017::l 3 - - - . - . - - :!:::Ls~ - - .. .. - 0 36.728.71 ' 25.237,92 '22. Outstand ing Wa rl'aill. (Alld.> . SeveTal from bere heard Mr. E~a. Tr a aur er's Cas h llalallce . 18,603.1:1 DoW' Bancroft· at the M. E.' Church 26. TOlal"Cae h Bal. Dec. 31. ' 1937, ' I c . " . H.274.01 W4PryD~le, Friday night. ' .; . C~'G' . SuMMAR,\, OF ' Il£VEII." I'S . • Everett .EaTly ~s m,aking exten· I. Prop r(y Tax l!-G\lile.r.n'1 -F~nll ' . .': ... ,: : : ........ f 2.101-96 C!>ive repairs on the property Va.'. ¥. . Bond .fl e tlre,Dl tlni. 'and Inking I!'un()s .. . ... '. . 2.280.9U :. Other Jl'u n ~ ~ Ilte r and, .~'JrC lO en' .. I,ndm·)'. I HO.17 cated by Mr. and 'Mh!. Do!!tald'JIad- .. .' · Total PrOPElrty Xax e.. . ; . .•...... , . , , ... . ... • , .• .. 40568.02 l~y. ' . . ' ,, ' 1 . ' " \.,.-'" 5. Clgnrelte 'l'ax ' •.. , . ... , .. . . .: .. .. .... ... .. . , . . . • .. IiY.11I ,6. Slat Motor' Vehic l e T ax ••.. , .. .' .. ... " •. ... .. . 769.11. Mr. and Mrs. Allen. Emrickr Mrs ' , :'. '. ':,, ' . New No. 11 Oliver Sul~ey Breaking ·Plow 7. (, 11 80Ilno 'l'a.x .. ;', ........ : .... ... . ... . ........ . 1.199.00 · Inh e l'lll1nce Tax--;<Oonerlll l.'\lnd .. ••... . •.. . . . . . aaa.77 Kate .~eeder, and daughters, 14ia3 Special price. 9. ' .8on(l Rell r e nle nt !lnd Sinkin g "' und~ . .•. . . ' 383.17 10. Total In'h erltll nc · T a..x ... . ,...... ... . . ...... .. 787.6 4 eS Eva. and! Rutb, and Mr. and Mrs. " . Phon.' 78J I r 1 II. Sales 'lax . . . . . • . . . •. .. . . . .. .. , .. . . . ... . .. . . : . , . 878.08 Walfler KenTick t , Stale &ler Llc\JntiO ~ e 300.110


~rs. ~olt_Qn,

~;l:Y~lIC~!I~ ~e~~







...v.... "....










~'~"='::=:::::::::~=::=::::::==::::::::::::::::::::11 w~


Items of Interest From Ferry



ap- '.





A Gift Not Received •••

Dr• .Joha 'Z ettel o. D.



NOTAllY puauc


Cbarles' We~mann


J 8~ CHAp.'. ~




·SATISfi'"A ,:,. .

.Fa_ e• oIi',,

Or ·N. C


li' 1 . Local Llce,, ~e d

Book Yqar Seed Order. Now

Increase the value .of YOQr grain :with Tuxedo Supplement Feeds. Let us explain. .

fARMERS ·. EXCHANG~" CO. Moore and Pyle, Mgrs. _ .. !22!I!2! _ __ -'

Phone 321,

S ..,; .'... ...... ,... .. ,. :..

nnd Pe rml 18 . ..•. .. . • ... ... ... . . 5".110 H . 'l'otal LlceusIlB un d Pel)l1 lta ..• . .... , . . .••.... .., . 30&.00 19. Fln,ea and C08tS ..... : .. ......... ,,' . .. . . .. .. ... .. . 8i.7t 20, Renta anll Inte rest-Cen eral '\rllla..e F'unds •• , •• . 21. \\later and Llgh.t Fund . .... . .. ....... .. . .. .. 1/10 22. spe91al Alae •• men t . Coullt, Fund•.. . __ .... . . 7.U 24 . Fireme n ', Indemnity Funll . .' . • . .•...•.•••.. ' . .1.U 26. rotal Rente and Interest ' ; ......... . , .• , ....... . , 84.08 27. ",et und or A.dvlIonc e for Preliminary . . 'Sanltary Se wer Surve~ • .. , .. ........ .. .. . . ... 4lI'.1'O 29. Toi,,1 ~I.ocll ll\neoua "'~ 6ell, Sales and Charge. .. • . '411.10 10. pUDlic Service lllnterpcleos-W.atc·r ~ental.; ~,oto. %,Dllt.U • S4, Total Public Servi ce Enteo>rlae8 • •' ' .' . . . . . . ... • . . 2,515.68 sa, Sallitary Sewer COD.t. Fund• . , •.... .. . • . . ••• . ..• . 23.0'iO.08 ·SB. Bond ·Retlrement and Sinking 1- und, •..•• . • 71;0;0 410' 1'otal Bond IIl1ue, and Loans . . . ... ...... , ..... . 28.710.00 •. l"remlum and Mcured fnterellt~Bond Sale • .. .. .12.15 43. Tran.rers [rom Olher F·und• .... . . ... •.. . ..... . 21 .•1 45. Grand Total flecelptll •••. .• '.' .... .. . .. ..... .... . 85.128.71 ,


StlM"MAl1.V OF EXPEND1TtlIl£S (Council) . .. .... . .... .... ,

1·. Gen ·GGov.l~ ISlatiye e ne ra l Xecutlv e

. 'AvailAble each Monday 'and Thurs.d~y .fi.oq:t U. s. . A p.proved b~eed ing flocks, off~cially tested for ' u)~ )ot-um (B. W . .D.) and prono~nced Pullorum Safe by .t he Ohio' state Department of Agric: Special prices fo;' J anu!iry. Alt;JO liberal discounts on/ord~rs ,placed D.ow, fo.r later delivery. Raise "Multi-tested" chicks tbi8 year. and 8e& the ' difference. WIite~ ~all, or phone for new candid camera catalolfue. A


6. Totlll General Qov or nlrl (lnt ....... . .. . .. •.. ... ••

~: protfY:~o~. t.~ te~.~~? ~~.d..~~~~e~~~~~.I~~? . :.: : :' :


U7.0 0

. ...l

R11wllys--<J e nernl 'VlUage .Fund, . .. . .'.' ••.• . ~ •• 2.5l.6.13. ~'Otlll Hlg!twal'S . .......... .. , . . .. '. . . . . .. •. •• ...... ' 2.611.6.13 ' 3,172.47 a;1T2.~f 164,26

PuPlic Sor vice E nt er'H:1.8e ""':'Wa ~cr Work •• : ... . TOlal Publlc Se l-vlce B nte rp r l8 II .1•••. • • • ••. , . . . ltIJ e ll n n Ous--Gen eral V~lJag J<'Und s . • .. . ..... Speolal ASSe881llent Gons t . ll"Und8 . . ..• • .. •• TOlal Ml~ce llall eous ... , .. . ......... ,,; ... . .. ; ... a.on d nellr m ent and SinkIng Funds . , .... Total )nl e res( · ....... ...... 1'·.·.. : .. ........... TO (II I Exp. '"



15f.2.8 54018" 540.811

6. fu. 11. U . 17. 20. 1urno ,('L. .. ... '..;.. ...... .;,..... .... . 7.7621!8 2' ~~rr1~lf to coIL . , ••• 1.6.U5.a:t . '

35 · • 2 1, 2¥.1 21.1 ' OUtlIlY-') ola 0.- Co

llond netlrement and F·uhda • .. .. ... .. . 1.'76-8,00 . Total 00l'dll and' 1..olln8 Pald, . ~ .••••...•.,. . . .. . . .. . 1116 .00 Orllnd -Totul 8xp /) nllJ~urell f LJ .38, a~, 41. 42. 48. 44:) 26.217.92. B01'lUJ!)D ·D~. LlABf


• ..., ..







___ .



4..... .A

":"""······ •••••• l u" •• ' ,' .; .. . .............vO.Y",

----t .... .. ... .......... .. , ................... ~ .. ,.



•••. I ........................... 815.000.00

"'=::; fl.




~~i2~Genel'&l !Wnd, (~ayabl , fJv General '~~zat 011)

a . Bo~de4 ",J)ebl «hi..............


.711)'.S0 1IlH~

2U.6G <rota I .l'rotcc tloll to Per8~m .nnd Ji>rop rty •..• ; .. , ' 6f1f,e6 Health Total. .. ••.••.• ', ......•. . . . . , . . ,.: •. .• •• ;. Sanlta.ry Sewer COn8t. Funds & . Eng l l1e erlng I\nd Legal <;:08ts .. .. , ..•.••.•• ., •• Mtal Sanitation . •.. . ..... ..•..............• ,. ... . .


Phone 23

IH.OO 482.l8

. ..... . ............ .. .. .. .. .

~. EleOll{)n~ . .. . . . .. ,.... . ... . . ... . • . ....•. . .. ••. . Bull Ings (TQWn H~II. etc.) .... . _ .' . . . )0 •••••

.. Bab, . Chicks·.



, ..... CPlrnMe .,. ". '

~~':.1'~"':1:~1: · •• .. .. • .. •. : , ; • • :................... .&.....IIJ. lIl Debt ............ . ........ D""~'" 'IJeilt • ~ •• '••••• ~ ••• • , ••• , •••••••••• -..

4"·iI ·

. .• ' •• 11.4' •





Thea' r"-· e"





Women -of Country. -Designed This ., l New Frigidaire Electric ~anle ' .'r

- •





Friday -and Saturday ."LIFE, BEGINS WITH f.:.,OVE" .

'BANK NIGHT" f"l'~II ~ lI t("


' I

, , Attend Ariy Hour Either / Frlclliy or Saturday and Be '! llalblel _' _ __ ,


5UN,D Yva '


" ~\\"'\." ~ ~

'Rosalie ' is M-G-M'. biggest hitlBecau.

It', packed with more lOBO ,malhea, d.uzlino If&nl. beauU· fiil girll,' romanUc thri1la • • • than any two plcturu Mf.,r,1

Nelson Erld,' 9r:d Elea nor Powell In "Rosalie" da "R.osalte," the gigantic musical, opening at th ~ Xenla ' theater, Sunday, January 30. for a three y engagement, 18. 11 tortune In entertainment valu e starring golden voiced Nelson Eddy a n. El canor Powell, the girl with the million dollar aps. d b Ilona MaBsey, a aazzllng blond e COlltln('nta I discovery, pack s a WO\~ In ' her American screen e ut In "Rosalie." She Is plcturell above In t he background leading ' a chorus singing the latest Cole Parler hila from thla musical. SOlli e of Ute new songs Inlroduced In clude "'n the SUll ot the Night," "Rosalie" and "S,rtng Lovo I s In the Air." The thrilling romance of lhe pic' tUnt leoncerns Nelson Eddy as a West Point cndet who raUs In love with El eanor Powell a cO' cd at Vassar. Frank Morgan. hidna May Oliver, VirginIa Grey and Rny Bolger ~Iso huv~ fenatro"~ e u.&.,.. roles In this show of showS, "Rosalie,"

__ =-=x


SPRING BRANCH PERSONALS ' and also called on oth et· fdend Levi ShambDlUgh of Washin gto n in In. Holly. D. C. is spending tw o W'()eks with MI' Jliiye Gib son and daug-h- relatives hel'e ~ be.fore leav in,g f?l' 1M1r. and Mrs. Glenn Dakin and ter Stella' Mrs. Emma Gibson I a three 'years pel'lod of el'VICe tn son, Richard, spent the weekend ~. Ada Dakjn attended the 'ali Hal,uli i. with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Woods day Sewing Clull. I~ Thurs;'ay, The f unel'a! of Oscar Sham01 Wilmington. ut Mit. Holly Church. bau gh was coducted at the Ft"iends Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rog-ers .of Don't forget to COllie to prayer Church on Saturday. He d:etl Bellbrook called on Mr. Hiley , Gibmedir.g, Wednesdo!l-y, Thu rsday. la :t. ThursdJly morning at the !home son and family, Sunday ev,enin g. and Friday nights of this week. of hi ~ aug hter, Mr. and Mrs. F. Mr. J!>}m Spittler . wns in D~y. Also Revival services will start, H. Lundy. He been in failing ton, saturday On bu,sin~ss. Sunday, Jan. SO, at MI _ Holly health for five y ea r';. Besides Mr . Mrs. Grace Allen spent last Wed Church. Evct·y body" lc om l' . Lundy he leaves two other daugh. n.esd&y with Mrs. Elsie Bunnell Mr. n'nd Mrs. Ellswolth Gibson ters, Mrs. Vergo Mitchner,' nel.r and little daughter, PhyUs Mae, i..xen ia, ,mnd Mrs. Ray Taylor. n1!ftr of Centerville, were Sunday din· Wilmington and a s<.n Levi ShamHa.... Your carmeDb Cleaoed ner gue s of M , r. and Mrs. Hrey baugh; in the servicj~ of the U . S. Before LayiD. Away Gib"on and family. Mal', W'IIsh~ngtom. D. C. H ~ is Mrs. Ada Dakin and Mr!?'. Esther a lso surviv~d ,b y III ister Mrs. Will Be Sealed Dakin attended a sale, near Leba.n- Laut'a and two brothers, in on, one 'day Last week. Lawt oll and Josep'h. Mothproof Bag , at MT. and Mrs. Paul Armstrong J. 13. Sullee and Samuel Shanks 10 ee'n ts ' additional charge lo'f L banon, Mrs. Ada Dakin can- \\ "e in Covington, Ky., the fore guaratlteed for six months ed on Mrs. ~nnie Marlatt, last part of the week, ' selling their


,I-Ie Cleaners' Q Katherlr\e t


Whe n r esearch engineers ot Frigi daire s nd Genel'al '11-.10: 01'8 were makinw preliminBl'yplm 's 10 contribute to the teienc!! of cookirtg, t hey asked thousands ilf bou£ewiv s wha t' f eatures f dcs:t n and convenience they wiluld ,include in

See I t ~t C()oking SCh~o.l

Fairley Hardware C~.

'hops of tobacco. I Mis Pa,uline Robi rison is in St. Larger Becauae of Better Qualily, Serv~ce al)d Price NEW BU!tUNGTON Elizabeth Hospital. Dayton, for ob· Ealab1:ahed 1849 · "1938 ' PhQtie 32 I 'C. D. MilllS is recovering sati:!- s.ervation. iacbori y irom a ' majol' operation Miss Fl~da McKinsey has ac.. _.... - pCl~forri:ted in McClella n's hospital \ cepted a position 11$ teach~ r in Mrs. ' J . . O. Cart\Vl'i 'ht of Cin\ Dayton , ' dined with Mrs. Ida Lusk, of Cincinnati, wns the guest. of la"(t 'Vo' \!c\i. , , ' Jacks ntowD, Ohio. cinna.ti, was the gu'est of h,er mo· on Sunday, nnd Un . l-usk r tum- her grandmother, Mrs: HarTie ' -- - - The W. C. T. U . met with Mrs. ther, Mrs. Hannah Rodgers VEry ed to Da.yton, intcndinlf to make Pc l e ' on &\lnUay. I J. E. Cl)m,p t9n . \ a short visit there. , J TeacherS in b'be local school, Mr. recently. ' ,Beam, 'M;j:s Haydock, " An all day district meeting of Mrs. M'IIry H. H;opldn~ of ' Day- MOTHERS' CLUB TO HARVEY SERVICE and l\1n;. Mar , shall attended the Greene Co. Tea. south\\testem ?hio. ~iscussion I ton and Mt S. M. SeJlCl:s~ ot L?b- I ' _ ME'E T , STATION I cbers Cenf.el·ence in Cedarville, Fri g roups was held 10 WIIm!ngtoll at anon spent Wcdnesduy With MISS' Th e Monthly Mot nc n3' Club ,,~ I ' day. . t he M. E. Church~,? J nual'y 20t~. l es A~nie , nnd Mam e BI·ow~le. be held, Fe,bl·ulu·Y. 4, at the uG~r,,~du:e,-_ _ Clarksville Problems confrontlOg ~ha. Ame,l't- I Ml'S. ' HarLan Harvey o~ Leban-" Building. Eu iness m ee~ing will ,oJ, '! can farpter o~ today \\ ere ta lked I on spent Sunday at th.~mt!~ en at 2 '00. All \llQt~ . urlt;!jl over. Those to attendance fl'Om MiSs Hal'riet Vir!,-inia 'M inton. to attend. . p'roducta Wayne T()wlllship 're Mr. and ~_ ;:! , . ~• .::::o:~ --~.!!~"'''' , Fireatone Tirea Mrs. J. L. 'Mendenhah, ,MIOI'JiS Cornell. ~rnest Butterworth, Harvey Burnett and Ronald Hawke. ., Full line of Valentines , at tho ' -sT. HAN N A H ' ,5 , Mr. and Mrs. E. L· Tpomns, Mrll., ' Elzey Hom:e- Shoe Store. ~ ,D. L. CI~ne, and F , B, Henderson The Wayne Township diseus. ' ; . . Funeral Home attended ~e annuall convention of sion group met at the ,home -of. Mr. . • ",service 24 Hours , A . .-, t~ Episcopal Ohurch, Southem, apd I\1r9. Hal'V.ey BUl7lebt in' Lytle .. WILMINGTON 2146 ' Ohio diocese , in Sptri'ngfieJd, Tue:;:- ' ~n January, 18th. At th~ COllclusion .BLANOHESTER · S231 . r . ;.~ ,;.. t'IV day: a soc.iaillou'r was enJoy d during ~__;.",;,;~~_"!'"';;.,;..:;...;.;.;..:..._~ . Full lin,e of VaJ,netines ut the whicJ.l the ho tess ,Set'Vfd a ,dai'nty

! Thursday even ing. '


Mendenhall, Mgr. Waynesville, Ohio

l'l1~~5~=~==5~~~~ =;= VALE FUNERAL HOME

a new electdc range if they ihud mOI'e than 4,250,000 hove been inthe final say-so. Th eil' ~ ugt! e t ions sta' led. 0 lilrealll iin e . design jn are incorporated in the new F rigi d- p:lea ming, lifet.ime .porcelain; th , dre clectt ie I'on;;: e, now bein g in - Frig idaire r,n n~e literally Wfi~ plaTtroduced nati onally as n si Let· n-cd ill the kitchens of Amet:'ica. to PI' duct to the famous FI' II(rl nire gi'le efficie nt, convenient, low· electric ). frigcrator. of which I cost and longtimc service· .








Lady Attendant

';:=S;~:.~==, 5~==:!r~'"1':1~Shell

Livt'.stock Auctiou

Wayn.sville Personals ,




I . ',our


DO' m

.any ·n nel\) s Righ·t : .

Elzey Home Shoe Store." lunch. I, , 'M r. and Mrs. ' Geo. T. Quick of , Full line of Valentines at 't he Tdjamiseu;g and ~r. and :Mrs. J. EI~t.y aOlIle Shoe ~tore. ' P. Larrtck-were gUa$"tI> recently of . Several members of Wa.ynes. ' Mr. _and ~.Jrs. B. ' C; Stur,d ivent of ville Grange i1tten~ed _8. ' COV1~gtot:l, Ky. " I , ' meeting. in Wilmington', ;fan u al'y " Mr. and Mrs, 'VV'a1ter Ross ' of ' 19th 'at w'l iian Staoo l\f.aster Kirk '/ , MaS~n, were g\lestl3 , S~nday w~th V::as' theprincipal':·!.lP~aker of -tllB ' I' M:r ~~'I Mrs. J , P. ,JL&mck. afternoon. ' Miss 'Mary AlleJII ~nd mother. ' Mr. a nd ' Mrs. Bert Hll'rtsock .and" Mrs. . Chas. Allen, and Mi~s Mast Mr . and Mrs. Iton~id , Jlawkli!w~re ~J ;LebaJ!.!l~ were' in Dayton , -on g~ests of Mr. and ' Mrs. Fred Hart" bUSiness Fl'ld~y, _ , sock on Sunday. ' Miss Emma Heighway who is Mr. a.nd- tMh. George Henderson 1 and son_s and Mrs. Julia Heilder. ill at tl),e ' Little Inn is slightly 1m. son spent Sunday at the home of proved. ' Mr~ and Mrs. T. ~~wso.~. , " , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ '. ' QUICK DELIVERY MT. a~d Mrs, ,E nuriett Beltz , . ' FRIENDS HOME NEWS. ~, re ~est$ of Mr. -and MTS., Qney I, : WAYNESVILLE , - ~ Mr. . and I OHIO at O •. J. B. .WleJ'e Mif8 MASQN , Mr, IPId 14rs~ Milton Carr, I Gretchen '·s dl,n ner guests •'Charles Carr a!,Ci :so~ 'Of Nev.:ton, on Sunday. '..I '0. WeN Sun!4y, eV'.e nmg g)leat8 of and·1tIrs. Roy UpdYke, 'Of 1~==~===~=================:w:!J Cleo Artmn-, Ilndfamil;V. ' '~~::::~==~.~==~===~:-::::;::-::-:::'----:-~-~==~==~ . Jtobert Satterthwaite and For· eat Dakin wel'C- in Cincinnati, Fri-

When Your









f;' .!


1' ;'

senle of ,seC?~ity the

, t~ephone affor'd, 'when "

Come Fr< m


."";;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;~;;;;7 , ~age~ ~










1M.1ra.' Ma.ude Crime ' spent part of last we~k in 'M!Uwii8b~. visit, " i ng ' her 'a aughter, , ,Miss. M~ry · .W,ell~ spent , Sabur\ ni&1tt and . Sunday , wi,t h Misa - Reno at cO'rwin. · ,,:,., , 'Mfer ]lY'p''Io8n had as her IlInleSl13 Sunday evening~ Mr. . and ~~~;l3lgl~:~t~Wt~!K~; Mrs. ·Ballard ' and Mr. and Mrs. .'Al Polisky of Cincinn.a.ti. " C., Co. Arehdeacon 'ehil!iI:€m 'and ilI~. F . H , _UL1."'~' . 1 • wej-e ~\ln(h"Y ~sts of M,r. J. H. "SDIlitli. ' ' .._ Cook 1~ Cent.emUe ,-:;."l!all t' Pllll'C!J;1IlM11 the,' pljopeJ.ttf north: of , ,tel ~!rl Stro,nlll! ' 1'-' "will- take po!jse.upn - Mr. ' aDd Mn. .;WilH8,m Lukllna vUdted. ~nd. - ft~ Columbus ' last ~ ' ReV. Preston of CDampalp, . been 'tJle ' of bia lIOn









Mason Personals


LAMAX' Wimington, Ohio SATURDAY AT 11.,. M. THRU nJESDA Y An Epic Of The Winning The West BOB BURNS JOEL McCREA FRANCIS DEE In

CA'NDY On' Display , ,60., to $:1.50 .' ~



Val Illite Cat ds and

Eomies . ~

. M<~


WaynesvilJe. Qrug tStore .

EPiScOPAL"" "CHURCH Sa __,..


iMbming prayer and sermon, 10: SO A. M., Reverand Frederick Fi~h er 'Officiating.

Phone 120




' With 1-27-St W. ,N. S~T8~ tAuet. . 1-27-St HARVEi'SBURG Mr. an d' Mrs. Ric:hard Eean of ' ""'"'! - !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,!!,,,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!0.1!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:!!!!!!!,,!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!" Dayton spent Sunday evening witb the latter& parents. , Adam CamppeU attended the I"II~'"'-.-:;;;~.,......., funeral of! his anut, Mrs. Fre~i ' 'Smith a.t Washington 'C. H. ~eIC. ," Mrs. Laura Shidaker has returned to ber home 'here after a vlsit . , with frienda a.way. , In order that melR.,may trade',their work or the resq1ts ~t w.eir Perry Weller of Spring Valley 'V,101k for things other people heve, money i .• necessary. , , ' was 'a viSlitor here, Monday. . . If a workman wer.e paid for hiS labor by being given a: certain Mrs. Nellie Haurd, a native of number of (I!t.e parts hy! made each day, he c~uld not pay for , this ·comm.unity, wes buried, :Monhis groceries unleu the grocer' happeDd. .to JliHd ~ , day following funeraj services in ~ ~., Wilmington. Money enables pebp~e to exchallP tbillp, bavinc dJ1fe~ent val· P..::::::::t _ ue~ Bank' check!1 'a re ·handier to ~" tbaQ currency. WMn )'OU give a bank check you are ~nlferi'lil' credit to the ,bank'. INSURE AGAINST boo~8 ' f~om y'our~~e to '~t of ~,~r pen'bn. ,In thfa elm· , pie .ws,.y, about '90% of the buuneu In tbe United. State. fa , .. t ' tra.nsacted witipout confueion, '\1Ilith 1it1e ' expense, and at·great speed. Thu" banlti provide a unique and convement· service. ,

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Bole with Touch Tuning. Press a button and' ther's your statlpn I Choice of 10 statio~II, Electric Ere .


We will ·allow,you, up ~o ~S~ ; . ,on' Y,~ur prese~t. ".dlo AS LONG AS ONE YEAR . TO 'PAY I



station focus. Two Speaker Units. Walnut Cabinet.



First Ivaitlonal Bank '

Member Federal Depoeit In8U~ce ~~atlon '






You may be tlbe beat -ot. the beHt dri ver•• but there are many oUier dr',,,;;,... t'hat a.rj! dr!vJng on theroad who areD't! 'Tho8e iLre the on«\11 ~ha:t 'YOu 'have' to' be ' reeted a, . , B '. !fake eare oC thla .Jnllur:ancl' nOW' l lt" e,o onomlcal, It paYIi 'n the long, .run . . AJtk , UB about ' . " . ".


.Mo~orllt ~~tua'I "_ :" :" ·• . insut:at)".... --•






W~YN~SVI~ ' Iff



1I1Rll-Lemmoll' atcheryj Barleya1nuv • .Ohio. "i4 'l. . ' . Ii' . I, '. ,,\,~;_ ': " MASON IN :' ,, 65a.-:.Tun:Ye-', . ~~iit~j Maeou, Ohio : ;. 16X-Niedermall,.;Joba P;j It. ~, Malon, OblfY. .

MORROw 't N '


6IUt-Dare, W. -E.. R.Jl.; 1 MorroW, Ohio 100R21-Agin, Jb!•. ~, R. R. 1. Morrow, -OJdo




~1I~a of ,Cattle Fly Kater


6 GaI.ona . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ~ ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.00 I Callon'of HouMhoJd FI,. Killer "ree

MaSOD: Bl-us ......










-"--- ' ----~

·Harveysburg Enjoying Gr~eat Season On . et


NE'W' BURLINGTON WOM'AN BURNED Eastern TO, OEA TH IN HER I-iOME MONDAY H'a ve CHARRED BOD Meet New Sheriff and D ~puty FOUND IN RUINS ---.:=-----~-:--------- I

AS~ Hme Office P a st ~'eek

New BUl'lington- Mr·s. . Mary Wnyncsville:-W nynesvill e and Hurlan , S:3, was bu rned to d-oath b Barv ysbu l'.g chapt s of the Onlel' he r home, t hree miles south ol' the Enstern Sta r e ntertained of h e.! c Monday at 7 :46 p. m. Het u her ch.uplel' of t he 21st di strict nephew, Nello .lcNe il , w'bo resid' at an nil dny meeting in Wayneserl with her. returne d fr om NeVI v Ile 1,' 1illa y. he di : t rict III etings Builinj.{ tc I at 7 :45 p. m: a nl III ~ among the impo rtant oClasions (ou nd lhe interior of the IjlO U ~· · o f lhe YCH in the Ord e r and eOI\1ablaze. , i.le social plchwl' _ wi h election Wh en h,~ opened t.!:e fron t dO<., c f orricu's and. rit ualistic wo ~ k , flum es ~ ho t out into hi..> rJl.ce. HE T he Lay b' . - .1 with lun hcon Lh.en attern pted to enter a sidE Jllinn b~" t he hostess cha pters a t door and a real' dool', but \\US u n IL ~ e Lilble Inn at 11 ::3 0 0 _ m. The able tQ do . o. Ne ig hb ors he.n ld hi t pa rty wa. an clubora te one and C'I ieR 1'01' help a nd ~ u .lll11olled thE hon uruJ Mis~ J es: ie Peck. of Fos· New Bul'li llgtltll bucket br igade Lr. rill , worlhy grand matron. Mrs. ITh ? firem cn werc unable t o gail Ilo \'e W. Ca mp be'l, Lhi s city, disentl y to th e house thro ugh brokel tri ct deputy n:;~ t l'o n , and th e I!i wi ndows a nd bi e b laze ha d gainet n i(,t offi cers: Mr ~ , Sum B. Nicely, uch headway that their eff ort& t hLnehl's cr, pr e ~i d c n ls; M, s. Cl incOl'tl'ol it wel'C fut ile, l r n r dIe, Wi l mins~lon, vice presiMeNeil left home a~ o ut 5 p. n dent; Mrs. Howard Hudey, New to purchase gl'oceries in New BUI I lI rlingt nn , secr ~ ta r y ; M s. La rm a lillgtOIl . Li e slIi d ,h,e t.end ed ~ ' <:ewo:l, la rksvill l;! , tl'eaf Ul'e l', fil'e i'n the coal -to ve bcfor.e l-oa" Di stingu i!hl!d guests with 11 B ing a nd told .his aun t tha t it woul. PIck \1cde MI'R. P.e ·l J! HiI' . of not need fU'1ther atte n ~ i o n befor Denn iso n, deput y gmnd mal'l on of his l'eturn . He said she was quit the] 4th district : Mrs. Mal'g aret 'ole-ml1n, of Nc,,N P,hiladelph'a, Youth took over t he WUII'cn to !lucc:ed rll han1 a d he chos: ac t.ive· for a ' woman of her a g(). A'red frag ment of the body i unior past deputy of the 14t.h di.- , ount¥ s heriff's office fa lowi ng the as his deputy, Gel'a lt! W. 'Jud : n fo und in the ruin s of wihat hap l!'iet. death of Sheriff W. E. Gl'l1ham. 34, ri h t, of 1\10rl'ow. lleen the li v~ng room of the hom~ The meet: ng a t !..he Masonic William Huffo'rd, '26, left, .was n:lm r. ·C. E. Kin zel, Oounty corOMr T mple wa s open ed a t 1 p. m. by - - - - - - - - - -.- - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - ., YOUTHS ESCAPE I l'etu l"l1ed Il ve rdict of accidental The Harveysburg' Bask etBiin' S3B - points against- 2S 1 'by a 'un, ElnH.! l· tnlT. f i M M I d Mrs. Mi dl'e en~ e, 0 on ow. SERIOUS INJURY ' New Cen tury Clu b M.t ' Ieath. This was the firS't corone ' team, ui'uter the guidance of . their opponents. The boys sho\vn Back l'ig hi to left, Kirk Jef- junio r past pl'esid'8nt. She asked ca ll he hod received in 1988. OoIloh Sanbom, has a v.ery im- 'here are : . f el'ies, mto n Harvey, Robert Ro b th e distr ict officers to talre chal'ge William hockey, 19 and Wa l" Ent rtained 1 hu r~ da y '--I I d h ren Cook, 16 bot h of nea r Wayne ; I T he ].OS8 on the six-room houee ~om Tight to left, Billy Curr, in n , Cliffol'd Doster, Ju;n ior and M rs. Campu.: pree.slve· record- winning 12 gam. an t e guests vi:le, escaped vlith mi not. inj u rie WAYNE VILLE Th ~ Ne \\ vas estimated a t $2,500 in addies, 108i~g 1: Altogether it h lS Bob . DowneY'. Richurd DaviS, Cal'l Hmthy, oa ch E. L. Sa nborn; ub w ~s V I;! . y plea~o!l ntl~, we re I e·ented. Mrs, Sara Brad- in a recent . autom obile .accident Century tion to the con tents. MeNeil said ' --~~-------------------------------------------, do;: k; of Wayn e£ville, worthy when t he car in which t hey ",'Cre I en ..."'" _ .J , ~ ' d t TI L·t'l .. .... II1 c -a Ie I ~ e ...... n, the proper ty was not insured. The matron, ga ve the welcome and ridi ng skidded off t he road neal' Th ursday, Janu8l'y 27. by Mrs. U . lOUse i loca ted about ill quarter Mrs. Campbell J·esponded'. Kings Mills. C. Ridge. T wenty on e member If a mil e off Route SBO, . H~rveysburg Di tl'ict officers fo r 1939 wel'e Iwere p resent, IWIIO th ol'oug1ill y or:· Mc Ne il said he. did not " cnow , el~cted as follows : Mrs. Qlinton CRANCE TO MEET joyed t he follow ing VOl y intel' •.. t whether his a unt had gone to bed • ~alnes last week (A U games on \ narVCysb Urg .. " '" .... .... . .. . 800 Peele, Wi.1mingt.on, presid ent ; W '1\ F J G lI1g progl'amJ' s t he time a t which she ret i!'ed Otterb ein .. ... . ... ... . . .. .... . 800 •. h'l!. Ge orge Davis Greenfield . a ynesvi e armet s. range . . . FlIdn y, a n. 28 ). UT AYNE S VILLE ette I'b em . won over S prmg . b01' 0 , Ca r \.ISI ... " ... .. " ................ " ... . 60 0 vice . solo-" Gypsy T ra Il" \n. varied. Her bedroom was said to ~. , - 0 n F r I,'d"y ... pres"'.l"en t ' M'1'0 's ara . B r ll d'- I WIll ' Tl1ICet Satur day• evenmg F eb. ' ,.\ H •• ing boro. k ' W.lly nesvJ "Il e" -.l;eCite t II Yi mISS ~~ . 6 f orr the ir ,reguilii' meeting. A pro ~, o ld Eal'n, ha rt acc~mpan ie d haVe been locat ed, over the living night, Harvey.sbu ~g and W aynes· 27·16 at Spr Springboro ...... .. . .. .... ,:..... .. . 60 0 doe. ' , b•• 3M a ~'K N H h r i Us claehed in a very hectic bat:Harvc.v«burg W M ' 60 0 H I J L b t grom has b een auanged. A good y 1' . '.•• oug . 1'oom a nd, the po sibility that ahe ,, ~ won over nynesaBon .. ........ .... ..... .. " ...... " • e en ames e ,anon reasurer. P ' , t ro()m 0 f' the t e mpI e attendance is desir ed. E ach mem- I per- Ancient American eu Kings J\oIi1l ~ '" . ., ... .. .. .... ADO TIIe b·wnque . · irad gone to bed before the fire Ie of tl'Ie\ courts. This game was Ville at Waynesville 19-1 7. . -'_ C01"O' ber ' of t'-, .-. , JuV'~nl'le Gran'.g e l'S ore· t ure," M'r . ·K . 'Ml . Hou"'h. sta rted was mentioned. ctic in t h'at is is backed by a very . Ma~ n won over Carlisle at Ma- Waynesvill e .... " .... ..... .. .. , .... . . 200 was beau tif ,'' u I n 8 1' t'IS ti' C ur.: . v ' eo ' e n e but friendly ri val ry. ;"on 31-27. Morrow ... ... ........ .. .. .. .. ..... . 000 tion. Holly w~ t win ed about the quested to brmg a vai'lmtine. P.a.p er~" ici ly" by F.. L. Mrs. Harlan ibad lived near Nq T hl! ~ame f itted the se~ti ng 11erKihgs Mills wo n over Morrow at G ll1e~ played to date. ' long tapers ' n c1i ng in ~l ' . tal , Thom as. Burlington the greater part of bel' . Ca'rli ' e won over Springboro, 'W~ch" were placed t he GUTS HA~~S AN~ FACE~ Vocal Solo-- "The Golden Key", life. Sh-e was t he daughter of,Iuae ' ctly as it developed into a nip ~orrow. 26-16. ' . fl.' It t uck affair. • Qames to btl p layed on Fdday,. King. Ii\~m" an d Wayne 'ville . ,Lost length of tlhe anquet tables. W~yne.svlne.--Olal.enoe Pierson ,Mrs. Ellrnhart. ! nd R~bec~ Spray. ~he :8.Jo ,. ~ )I....-r!__"'Y""~'¥'Veyaburg, due t o t heir im~ February 4th. . . t Maion .and Otte rbei n. '. Mrs. Sam B-. Nicely retiring of thIS village WIA' cut about t~e " 'During t he ;:ocial hour \;empting ed by a sister, Mrs. Kate: H~"""di· J,lt'e3Siv-e l'ecord and high 'scores, a.t ·Harveysbu rg. pringbol'o won from Kings pl'esident of the district. open ed h~~ds a nd f ace ~h.e n a ca: m refrreshrnent!j ~"e l'e served, .aiter of Cincinnati, several nieees and ~ent into the game as f avol'ites, S pri ngbor.() ~t Mllson. Mills, Morrow- nn d way ne5ville:1 the eveni ng sessio n, when mem-' ~~J(m he .:::as rid mg. coll!ded, whjch the member adjoUl'ned to nephews. Ot~,~ l'bein at Kings Mills. . Lost to ~ !.IUe Ilnd Ot:OI bein. bel'S of the MJl8.o n cha~ter g ave w;~th another 'Ifle~r. Ham~lton S~n. me~t with Mr . Whi t e in Febl'uary, . 'put got. a big ·Ul'PI'sa. The WoyA shart f uneral ,liervice waa con• .• cehans w~i"e not at a ll impl'e : d 'Mol'. OW 8t Wf!Yoe ville. ._ Kings 1\11115 won from MOrl'Ow t he 'me morial to t hie 28 m embel'S of day. . He was lIdlDg WIth J ames at the home of Mrs. Mlaude Crune. ducted w day at 2 p. m. in Spri /I by 'l'eco;Js, and, f ought t}t'ElIll, p oint Lesgue 'tnndings foll ()l\\ in: Ilnd WaY li c vii!. . Lo~t tJo Cu.-r lisie" the distri ct departed during the F nedrlcks . and Alfred Thomas of Grove cemetery by Rev. ,Edw ~a""r'T---'''''' tor point, Harveysburg scored gu n. · s on I n.nuury 28t h. Spl'ing bol'o and , M m.~u~ . ' past ·y eal'. Rituali st ic work ' was Lebanon. Bogan. Burial wiII be- in clulrp ot:. DIED AT DAYTON thloe ba ke ts in a r ow 'but were OTT~ ER'B ' 11111 on w6n from 1I1'1l~le , Mol'- under the direction of Mrs_ Camp.. -------B. D. E. ·Arwiur.- Wil. Journal. · d th .. 'd "I d E IN HANDS .DEFEAT d 0 b' L H " ' , . MRS. CRAHAM APPOINTEDt S oppe en · .. n " Ie l'cO.... rea , TO SPRIN"' O R . . ow lin Lte l em. ost t o . al'V, bell' and remarks from two guests, Mrs. Ka t heJ' ine FI'o mm age 8~ 6-3, 'HaTVeysbiirg, at the qUQ1'ter. ~ 0 0 HICH oy bUI'go and Waynesville. · , Mrs. Vi oln Schmid t, of Norwood, Lebanon-Sheriff William Huf- qied a t he.r .home in Dayton a nd APPOINTED ADM.-=-:The gama- l n ,lJhe . . ~ond q uarter MASON- Tho Otterbein Hamil Harve~burg wo u over Kings worthy grand cha:plliin; and MiEs ford Mo.nday 'a ppointed Mrs. Pea rl fun e'l'.al services werc held ' last Mason- Clifford Stitt, a lIOn, w,a mo re or: less ' a. defllnsivc game 'te~m hand e pl'ingboro a 27-1.6 Mil ls, M (In, Mo rro w and, Waynes Helen Reid, gra nd r ep resentative Gra ham as Mat ron' of the count y Thu rsday fro m her home t hen. hll!! been named administrator of ""11 de.feat Fliday in, !l Warren Oou nt-y fVii 1 I ' . ~ jail. She served in tbat capac ity an...1 a t th e h a.If , H M'v.eysb urg s., e. Lost to 0 ttel'bem ,I of ?I'~g()ln. W~ liC hear d wi th, apMrs. F I'Omm wa the mother of the estate of Mrs. Ruftt Stitt, who Hig h ~a.~ue g.ame. 'Wa lker and MOl'I'Ow haoS won no league pl'eClatlon . while her husband, the late W. E. John Fromm of t his city. led, 10·6. Idied I~st week" AppraiSelS lfIamed . b oro, K'111gB F rom · th .... ru. 0 f th e 1liSt. h-'f .... Abbott e!l.Ch tallied a dozenr poi ts gan . Ie. Lost t ~ S prmg The meetinn- ne,xt ""'a r wi1l b s Graham, was sheriff. Her' a pp.oint. e s "n were Charles Hoff, R. R. Bereaw ' '. d d . . .ment is th (l , 'h) PhoJl~ o'r send in yo ur n ews. .. aYl11g Silee e. up. B0 t h, for tlh,e. ~ast stepping Otterbein ag- ilills, Mason, B arveys b ~rg ~nd held in Mason. . f or the term of S herif f :a nd ·D. E . Heymxld. teams '~ent aI~e1' each ot htw, toot o tri'Cg'lltion. · Otterbein. . I Buf f old. an d naIl .It ~Ils tbe fastest played . Ottu bein . C F TP'I Otterbein won fl'om Carlisle, WA YNESVILLE, CHURCH OF . --, ----ante \', ~tllessed in the Wayn<fsviI!e Jto~ ,_ f , ......... , .... . ... . ,' 0 0 Q .e J ' C eelc (SPJi ngbOl'o,>' Harvey CHRIST ' , THIEVES~TE~ GY,Ol thIS "eason. ,t \V lk . 5 " bu g and Morrow. Loost to MaeOll . .• .. ' Morro"" A com cha nger , co n'11 b tel 'll el, c .. , .. , .. ...... .... 2]2 . W. C. Smlt., Mmlater t aining $8 a revolver candy a nd W .a yneavl e egan Cl'eep W st, c "" .... ........... .... . 0 0 0 Wllynesville \Va n f rom M ~n. Sun,day- 'Blbie School 9: 30 a. h '" , tsk . b steadily upon the' Massie Twp. L' d ' Lo- t C l' I S<" · b 'IT! , C ewmg gum were en y . JH. , . mel', g .. ,..... .. ,........... 1. I". 3 st 0 ar IS er 1'1'Ing oro, AJngs m. Lord!.s Supper 10 :45 a. m ...I.' t t h H ·~I "II' I f 'U boys and in une last q uarter ml1n- Abb ' M'l d H b ,. ,Ieves a e at.... n e sey I II ott, go .. ,.... ..... ..... .. 5 2 12 lis an a rv ys urg. Chl'l:.tlan Endeavor 7 :00 p . m. ' ng Station between be e and '. ' h ~'e? t 0 tIC up t e S.COl~ a t a . TQltn l .. : .. ..... ,.", ........ .. .... '" 11 5 27 1 . Preaching 7 :30 p .. rrt. IR h t F 'cIa '. ht l' G ld' nary.ey,sbu.'&; ~ulled ahead, howey r S rin boro G F HAPPY HOUR CLUB TO M , EET . oac es er , rl y nrg . era lllld· w,oll .by Ii score of ~9-17~ .' , S~litl~ f ....... .......... : .. ,.. 1 0 T~ • ~ ,' I : Wedne;dl\~'-~I-ayeJ: meeting a~ .Oouden, depu t y sh.erif~, epo~d The Wa~n~sVi1le . J~nl0r f Rlgh Hupp, f .. " ... ,. ,............... 1 0 2 WA1:NE VI.LLE- Th~ ~a.ppy I 7 . ~0 p. m. · . . . a. .ske lton key had b een used ,to . dI Q,PIJ(~d i~ f n:!!t ~a.m,~ of t he £ea.- Starke, c ".: ... ........ .. ...... .. 2 '0 4 Hou r Club WIll meet Wltb Mrs',J Howard of Clncmnatt gam entra.nce. . son to the! fast Ha rvey~burg 'quin- B h l 13 0 6 F I'Jlnk BI'addock, Tue. day, F ebr u- day a nd ta ught t he. young peoples . .' , .t.~L T~is '" 115 a good, low-sconng 1t\\~C. e O'r, r, ...... " , ........ .. 0 ail'y 8. A miscella neous shower 'will class also led il~ the dev<ltion s MISSIONARY SOCIETY MEETS ~:me wlith ple'n ty of action. The F OI!O':' ~th""""'" .... . ' .. ·.. 1 ~ ~ be given f or Miss J en ette Wilson. Sunday night. Lllist Sunday being The Wom ens' F or eig n Missiontwo tea ms w~re .d~ad 10~keQ most T~~Ilt.~~~....'.. .~ ..::::.· .. :::: .. ::S 0' 16 All m mbel's al'e u l'ged to attend. ' t he fiftlh Sunday B~other Smith al'y Society met Wednesda y a:ftCl' of the way. the SCOI'e bemg 1-] at preached both mornm g and eve n- noon, Feb. 2nru at the home of t h,!! e,nd 0 ...4' ~he fiT"t qual·t el', and 8- SPRINC VALLE:Y FIVE IS '11:1.:5. J ohn Lacy underwe'nt ami- in g. Quite a fe.\\ of t he church at- Mrs.,R. D. CQllett witlh. Mrs. H. H . ~ ~ 3 a t the Iha)f,time period : Harvey;:- STOPPED B:Y ROSS nor opel'ation a t Miami Valley bos te n ded the bapt ismal service held Williamson ancL Miss assistburg , provQd , ~9 be a . li.t tle.' to o fast SPRING . V ALLEY-R.o~s town- pita l, . Tuesday mornina. at the li'erl1' chur,c h Tu.esday even-. ant hostesses: f or ·t he Wayt\esville lwysj and, had hl ed h . . . The devotIOns were conducted just '.a. 'littie to much)·r~zzle~da.zzle 'S H ' P\: sn~pp. t e ~kPl'Fm?d'~ Vall,ey by Mr. Wh, ite ,and Mrs. LeMoy . " " ,, Ig a wmnmg stl'ca • rt sy W\tfu h S dshi f OT tile bl)ya, So the ,g ame e nded, 19 15 ' .. ..~ Tl . tJ • • g'Ilve t e t owar p program. 15-11 " with B)~rv~ :'1 burg. On the r' . V IC~,I'Y. I ~ . :~C or$' h~ Il.l'glll ' DUI'ing t he- bu!;iness sess :on ' 0 . f o\l.owed, MI·B. , CO I lett a n, ' IQng '"'1.end,. ,of t he score. , ,. \'\ctory h 'was . ma"e . at t e fo . ul which .' : - S · ,~ . . me, cae team sc seven field ouneed a Missionary Tea to ' be WA YNE VILLE J UN. n ( GH goals ' .. " ', . ' FG F TP 'R . C F TP given a t the church Fr iday, F eb., Rob~rt..~1) .... .. .~ .. .... .. ... ... ... 0 3 & Goa~ O'l1 f #3 9 11th. Mrs, UVlt1ls r eIWrted $iO.39 J)' I . - . . 0 - 0 II . , . ... ' . • ., .... .. .. ,. 3 from the m ite boxes: a y ........... , ...: .. . ':.. .. ... .. .. , Swaney, ! " ....... :.. ...: ....... 2 0 ~ Mrs. Stout theri prcsented t he Payne. ..... ' ........' I . ... , .. .... . 2 0 <1 Moore , . ' , c .,.. .... ............... .. O O 0 progNlm as .f ollows ' Florence .. .... ....... .......... ... 2 0 4. DO ~I~ u n g 0 1 1 . . . .. ' , . ~, .... .... ........ ...... Study B{) ok, Mlrs. Wil1i am ~ on; .,Stansberr y ..... .... ..... .... .... 0 0 0 Talbott U' ' 2 1 6 . . :' ' . ' " ......... " .... ,... ..... , Piano Solo, uJtazel Brossoma" by Purks ,.. .. .. ... .. , .......... , ...... 0 0 0 Total . ' " 7 5 19 " . .' " . ' ., " ' ''''' ::; ........,'-... .... .. • Ruth ,C onner; Duet, "A Little Bit .p)u ck ... 1 ... .. .... .. .... ... ., .... 0 0 .. 0 .SiWhili Valley ' -· c F TP . • \ ,. ' . ' . ' .. , _ '. . . of Lov·e" Hale n Hawk and ' Mrs.. , , . ". U",lIn ee, t ... ,... ,., .. .... .... ...... 0 ,, 0 0 L ;'IC .:. Total ' : . . 11 t Will'lamll, f .. " ... _'... .. .. ., .. 2 1 ;/ I)~ , e ... ~y"_., _ _ _ _ _ __ , HAR.VEYSBURG JR, Hl~H \v{~'v~r; c _... :.. ,...... , .. , .. , .. 2 () 4BIRTHS , •. FG F T~ i Reeves, g •. :.,." ........., ... ! ... .,l . () 2 Born to !Mh'_ and MI·s. Har old Bogan ..., ...... .... ,.... .. ...... , .. 2 1 '5 ' Stoneburger' g 2 0 4Shutt. Jan. si, a daughter E ll eti Marie.. .. . . . 16 Born to MJ:: a nd Mrs. -,11arry , L:8,cey, Jan. 28 a son. lilcXniR'Ht ... ,~ . : ...., .... "., .... 2 'Z 6 . _ _. . ~G F TP






Waycehans Give County League Standings A Brouaht 'up 10. Date To, ugh BattJe










I ,"


~l:~:;;:: :: :: :::::.~: .: ~ ! '!I'~~i~·i~~~~:~:~~i~I~~ .

-.:..: carr,. . :,:., .... ..


I .. .. ,


.. ... ... :

., ' 0

8 1 7 1




o o




0, 0 j'.


Total " f( " • 1fi ' DlI,vis, .... ,. ,J... "' .... ............. .. · 'W,AYNESVILLiz "v:ARSITY DOW'Iltl .... ,..... ......... ,... ., " FG ~ F 'TP StalT ...... ,.. .J::.:......,....... " l , ' D. Collett· ., , ................. ,. 2..., O. 4 ..... ..... ......... ";';" r; . 0 1 1 T tal '.'

3, 1 7 ~ " 6 2 1- Ii 1 " 0 . 2 , ·19


Z F~ _ IS sOl.lS--,-

. J.l9,rtow- :W. · D. ,Beaftler bas llf&. f arm on t be ~u"ile...i11e Bel removed to Evan~D, JJU.


Mrs. E. C. Cra nfl' entertain tbe WO,!1ian's AuxjJ'~ an~ Guild o~ t he\ W ay~~~v.il1e .Eplscopal Church, Friday afbemoon, February 11. AU memben aTe 1ffired to

WUliarlt Stroud and

P. L.


~dC!~.,.." ~ . underwllnt major o,pent1one

at- Miami Valley hospital, 'Mondo, motQiq. Both men are ,conve~.. clnI ·~:

Ption.111 Wayne ville, Ohio


'lfOTARY PUBLtC Sealed bid. wl\l be <received by the board of Trustee6 of Wayne Township, Warren County; , Ollio; ,N.i tl. Orl' ~b ~. , ~.t •• ~ . ~ettlecl at the o[fice of the cl erk of s!lid , WA' NES"'LU., OHIO to\\lI\ship, Waynesyjlle, Ohio, until . •• o'clock P; M. Eastern Stand. _ LlEWIO _ J._

LEBANON-A building committ:c compo~ed ' .of Cllrl D)lle, ORVILLE SAGE, PubUlher chairman, Harold SMt'P, Lyle HAROLD D. ·WILLIS, Editor ' Stewart, and Her chel Bunnell, JDnt~ed AI Second 011\$8 Mall M tter ..t Postoftice, Wayneavllle; O'hlo have been appointed by the We. Ten QO\ln~y hlr Board to conald.' I S ED EVERY THURSDAY lIr plane, for a tentative ,60,000 Su~ cl'lpl\otl Prl~e, $1.60 Per Year, Payable In Advance bulldlllll prOi'ram. 111 Nin tieth Year


ard time.

One two tori or two and one Day Or, Nil"t hal! ton truck or both equipped 1-1-WlAA\-~~ yard durnJ), 6G in_ wide. Cab fully equipped, S4x7 HeaVy Duty tires or equlvo lent in W. L. Reynold, balloons. ' Licen cd Embalmer and FuneeIt is · also, the intention of said Trustees- to offer as ,part payment al Director. Phon. a 1933 Model Ford Dump bed truck, rebuilt motor installed Muy ' WILMINGTON 2323 1997. In good condition. The board of TI'ustees reserves ~;:;;::_ ~~~_~~;;~_;!6~~. the right to reject any or all bid s. Jesse P~ndergast E '- L. Thomas W. C. St. John. Trustees L. H. Gord'o n, TWl>, Clerk.


Dedicnted to lhe S rvice of W'ay - n'-e-sv-n-Ie The liro.,-a.m in()ludes a new and. Vicinity ....... Giving it · patrons the be t ncwspap t humanly pos- IIlrl'lcu ltural building to ' replace alble. . th • pr~sent "l~oundho use~', gra ! d hall, and house. dining It is thought that poultry it will ;::::::::::'_:-=-=-=-=-:-::=:::':::====~==::=:::::::=:-I stand, be ubmitted as a. WPA proje 't.

rt i - also hoped to hnve agricultur· :il building completed in time the 1938 frur.


. . ;;;;;;

Phone or send in your new!;.

By Hal'l'iette Thomas lb~"

gentle and good workel', Mrs. Lil er Kenrick was taken left home at the request of a \ 1 Brown [-1'OI'[;e will. woi'k any· t·o the Miami V~lley Hospital, on bLack cat who lived at the ~mp whe!1e. Monday, fot:. a tP'lsil operatio n. hou -e. Six ' month'! later lJhe ~ '., \ FOUR MILCH OOWS Popular Dick Powell :llId Ros IIl nry l.ane. his newest leading Report: from the hIospital says low cat decided thn.t be had been On e cow, part Holstein and lauy pictured with him above. lire the young lovers of the 11l11a8h· that she had a good night and that exiled long enough and returned Sh orL Horn, n ' ne years old', with Ing musical hit, "1-1 011)'\\'00<1 Hul e l." "omirlt; fo the bea utiful deluxe . home. heifel' calI 1 y side giving abou t her condition is good. Xenia thellte r In Xenia, Sunil:! 1' , Ppbrll al'Y 11 , tor n three do) engagement. The lady in question WB8 no t 4 [rul. of milk per day. One cow Mr. and . Mors. Ervin Thomas 1 _ who makes lIer lI!l)\':lJ (] , u Ul I II lllis s pectacular prodl\ ' .. Iun turn~d home from Kentucky, at- Ul'e that it WtlS her cat, so ~hl,! pal t Holstein nnd Short Horn, !) "wood,\~I~h the old ~:r LlI lin P:l . ;on3 I, e lu vo d "Pir" t I.a dy" of Holly: ui day: They &1''0 staying ,with Er- deoid d to prove it. ' She fixed a YOO1'S old, giviag 4 g.u.l. of milk HolI ~ \\ oo'i HOl e l tU l'll " l it I bl c on a w o lt kn',wlI rnu " PI'Ovin's folks un t il Ervin getS to lal'g'c saueel' of cOiffee ond e.rearn pel' luy. I:'~ Holstein cow eight .r:.ra,':' wl' ~ch !""'''!I' I I-''~ h' 'l ' c' llI rl' p . I'VU b:' Gle ll O I P u l'l II , ~1nbe , 1 0 ..... \•• ["\.I,H l..a ll ,- , !l .;: .1 i. . .. . i . lh '..' Iptl! 1 cj H f':l :Y. A I n ~Iow· feeiing better. and put it on the floor. And .di<,l yea r o! d and· will fre h n in June, IIr ny . An d 8clg ~ I' 1,1'1" '1" ; n" 11\'" r ca 1.' 01 ro J '~ H." ,";nu Mr. Holton's clllss ond Mrs. Mar that cat lap? N ow the lady is con· giving about 2 1-2 gal, milk pe' \lIlg o ~ "Orch'd' n o" m" U ' CIt' ·· ' !·\I R >! I ,: r ~ .!? I ~ ! , Jl '~ ,.:lil B..:Jlllv tIn's cia .of the Ferry ()nul'ch vinced and MPPY and, the cat is day. 0110 Jersey cow six years old , UoUm" , ,!l ilt! lli s S w ' ' I; ' \:'! II t! "n t! /I ·r- r ltt er li lt'.' d i~ 1I Ull .~ /'11 II ("~' hit tuues. ' visit-ed the skating rink in Day- blissful, it had been .so long sin~ and will ·fl1(!shen in November, to~, Thursday eve.ning, Tbey said \he h ad had any coffee. And if you giving about 9 gal. milk per day. thlit they had 8. gkrrlous time, but don't belive me, I'll show you the ;hese are all ~Od Co\'I'S. ----- - - ' that they weren't there long e- <;at, t.he lad)", and some coffee. OGS 7 1 ~_ Dough. M'I'S, :Romo Riggs figuN!d in an 6 'Poland China Brood OWS, due Revemnd and Mr£. Carl mi~h accident last FridllY· Her machine to farrow 'about April 20th. 1 Po· . ORDER NOW .- SAVE MONEY . W&!i badly banged up, and she, her land China Male Hog. and family and !Mk'. and Mr8. Hal" old Willis <lif\ner, Sunday, wus painfully bruised. She a nd FEED With with Mr. Willis' folk below Way- Mrs. Gerhard had gone to Dayton . 3 toos of Timothy" Hay. Som 5 Gallon; of Cattle Fly Killer nesvllle. , .and returned to Mrs. Gerhard's bundle fodder in the field. 300 bu. ' h m . 'MIl'S. Riggs was backing ou' h,and ~rte d corn. 5 bu, seed corn. .. e Smith and 0 f tbei ane w hen 'o.not h er machine FARM IMPLEMENTS TOO NUM Mr. ami Geol'OI 6 Gallons ' .. , , . . . ... , .. , . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $ ~. - 00 dAughter, Wilma, called at the par ran into her. The snow was so EROUS TO MENTION. 1 Gallon of Household Fly Killer Free son age, Thursday even'ng, cep that no ODe could stop inMRS. HAZEL ABNER Mr. and MrS. ' Perry Faul and prevent tihe acciden"t. F, T, Martin, Auctioneer lon, Ervin, were Sunday dinner Ladies of Utica Ohuroh lunch cuest$ .df the George Johns fa:::PUBLIC AUCTION i1y at Lebanon. . MASON As the farm ha' been sold we Mr. alid Mrs. Wilbur Seal' Jolm Sears, and Howard Knuckles t he undersigned will sen at P~blic VALE FUNERAL HOME 0..1. the Seminary, were guests of Auction at the residence known as , \ ; the Smith family, ~turdll Y eve. the Frank Burnett fa.rm located Lady Atte~dant nhii'. , ' . four miles south of Cenierville on : _The, J~ Rolands have ~n ullex- 'the Dayton and L banon ,p ike, If You Are G9ing To· Have ' A p~~~ guest in the form -of a blaek th.ree miles Inorfh ()f Ridgeville, Phone 86 hound with fou.t white f-eet. He 2 1·2 miles west of Lytle on· Wed • . 1200




Service 24 Hours A Day WILMINGTON 2146 BLANCHESTER 3291


. ........ ,.-- - - -.. Jr.



~~ ~



. (.'(Ill E<l'I'r0 N . ' UOND,EU D mll'l', De<:. In, '1031 , ... "0 1I,I'I'I13:S . _.Ot!t~(nndlng Ocne;nl B.onol·~ (Paya bl o by Oen eral 'Fnx lltiOIl) . G~IIH" P"~".' '. S,",w,",r ( mage Port on) ............... .. . , .. .. . . .......... $ ~3 ,CQ O.00 1'1111011" tllltt..... . . . , W'Ilt 4!r W<>rks . . , .. . . . . . . ... \ •...• ... •.. , •. , , .•.. '. .. .•. , • • 2 ,000. 00 . -!rotal General .Bond d D ht ......... ... : .• _..... . ........ $26 ,000.0 0 ~ . O..... n ...... SpecolaJ A .... "~n' .... t 110nd.. lind Noi_ il'aYable 'b'J: ., '. Specla, A . •




Judg e!$I.,",clnl ment and ost. e nt J.J bla.u!!. . . 16601... ..• ...... . . . . ,, •. 406.'0 <1 Total Assellsm ....No ........ . . .. . . .. -. .. 495.00 Total Bon,de.d DeJJt . , .. / • .. • , . . . •.. , ....••..• , •.•. . •.. ' . . , " . 25.495.00


III_flair. Debt.; .. .:. Aocou~tll Pa),a)lle t h(lald ~1I1~ .....• : • . , •• • •. : •.•• '...•. ' '1011,00 ' TotaJ; .10atlng D ebt .. . .. . ....... ...•. , . .. . .• . " . ...• , .... 100.00 . Orand Tolal Deb l, D c. 31, 1DS7 .... •. • • .• •••••• .,. _ •• ,' " ~ '" :lG,r;Y6.GO

.:):::S::$- ,- -" _ _ _ .

• .-









, Clar.lcaville



All .S&ell Prod~cb "




.. '





" I





Phone Rranklin 142 J2 HIl~teltlei"Y . Closed On Sundays: C~me any other time.

I ......!ii.......~•••-

3-Room house, metal roof, garage, cellar, electric, good condition. In town. ""l500.

Charles Weissmann A Gift Not ·Received ••• Good eyesight is ~me gift th~t no one can look forward to getting, wrapped in a neat package. But good eyesight is a gift that can and should be p~otected by seeing a competent optomertist regularly. ·


Joh. Zettei O. D.

OPTOMERTIC EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Open Every Day from 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. Saturday 8 A. M. to 10 P. M, Lebanon, 19 ' N.- Broadway


~;... ~

Av.aiiab le e;\ch Monday and Thursday from U. S . A)),proved breeding flocks, of:ficia\ly tested for Pullorum (B. W. D.) and pronounced Pullorum Safe by the Oh:o State Department of Agric. Special price. for Jan~ary .. Also liberal , ~liscounts on .orders placed ' no\v for Inter delivery. Raise "Multi-tested" chicks ' this ~ear and see the difference. Write, call, or phone for new candid camera catalogue. ... i. lhope 23

'Yownsley Hatcheries . '


. HOI~




R..d'o8 $19.S5 to $175.00

We also give liberal trade-in allowance . . ~ . Time Payments .




displaY of electrical ap.pliances at. our new on. (2

doors west of. Kroger)

ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN .}'our; Pattlll, bogs, sheep' and caI re; to Nonis·Brock CL, live wire and pr':>llresslve Il rltl ("IT th'e bighesl ma~ket. prices and ' g'ood service. UDIOD Stoc" y ...d.' 'Cincir.natl -0 Tu in on Radio Station WCK\'

•••••••---.:I ~12!!1~to 12 :80 p. m.


for our dail-




Hamilton, Ohio•. '

. W. P: Wats~~, Mgr. leAL AND '~ATISFY BUY



•Phonf'. 84 OHIO










{,J$,e.t>tirtgs on Tues.d ay and Friday,' Each Week


Phone 78 J

See the New 1938

Wm. J. Fox


Every Friday A 'a~od Outlet for - aU Kinds of Livestock '


,:·.,.·..".,.R·IN6BOR.O ·: H ·AJCh~ RY

MARTIN" .Aucti(}oeer.--


Under Strict Sanitary Condition

1< "


Centerville, Oh·o.


~;':\l:':'~ IC~sto, .n· ,Ha tchiilg ' . . .' ..




Phcne 18J _~_ . ___ "-___ ... _9'&-7" ; ._-

C ' h • k l~e~f::t'7 :- iJl~¥~e7b~r:"'ul.:.a~ry~.~c~aQ'I·#1i.·"~~.!s~a!.!le~.-,H~~a.!.v~e·~~-,!a~·.. ,. I I I '~_--I__ .~,y~. Ie •


Wilmington LIvestock '. ~;.' ~1,. EXTRA LOW PRICE ":, ,< - DURtNG -MONTH . OF FEBRU/.RY,


Cal t he man ~hQ gets the most dollars for you, conducting AudiotU! nearly every day. I am in contact with buyers for your chatt'els that others cannot . bring you. Con~ucting over 200 Auctions last year, youJ1 A~c.tio~~ solicited and appreciated .. Remember, few days,'" __

Eire,tone Tiro ..

Livestock~'Aul'~·O· D "

Centerville, Ohio

',.'- --------'-"-'- ---'- "-'- '--..1





Funeral Home

!------, ------,--,--.~.

hiI:a a ~re~ of.wIlite :On ;his breast , Desd.y~ Feb~.ry 16, CommenctDIf and wears .a collar with a rin~ on at 11 ,: 00 o'clock in. They 'Wish that some one would 4 HORSES 4 co~e a.rld get- him. if he is theirs. 2 Bay MaTeS, will v:eigh~ about A. lady in our neighborhood' had 1200 lb~ sound and will work e nya ~uti!ul yellow cat., The cat I \kmere hi had. 1 torrel mare, wt,


Or No Charge


- - - - - - - - - - - - - -.- ,- -.. ,i''



-.-=--- .-. - - ------- ---. ---- -



t.taroh , 4, st38


Items of In erest From Ferry ,



fair Board 7alk Main Street hew Butlding.·


IErilm1 Keasler vulte~ Mr: r.nd ~r-1


. . ksville SOciety ' l ar C


-LY'FL~ '~C1~:' ; - a~ Iblo. ce· S~ttlr l~y. t') I no'l~ ~it'" th;- f~rmc""~ mr-'her.l ."~ ,:, ••. ~·t r.'m nuflh Obarles Burh at Jeffersonville, The ~hool bus unable to the ~me of ·Mr. and Ml't!. Jamea·y Cl!rmony. . MOrgan, Mrs. Paul Wllil&DUJ, )1..... . _ ' Sunday. make the tripe and Johns. She 1a rowly convelescing. 'llhe Ladles Aid held an all day Ben Hawke and Mft. J. B Jone. . ~ Mrs. Statia Andrew visited Har- ,'mIqn4ay on accoUnt of. the £n~w ' Mr. and Mr~ Stanley Bailey meeLing and covered dish dinner attended a dinner of the Ealt4:r11 LADIES AID . OtM~8~ttending were Revel,'8lld I.ry 911bom alfd tamily, near _~IU'- d1;ift8. 1. and .daugihJ1ie~ . PhylJi ' . wert; e~- Wednesday at t~e home of 1r!l'8. ~tar at Warnellville Friday evenThe.M. E. CbuTch t'adiea Aid F. H . .Russell, Don Branst1'UOr, veysburg', Sllhday. Mr. a~d Mrs. W. E. Clalk of tertamed to dlnl1cr Sunday a~ the Arlene Jone~, a&istant' hosteesl: e~ tng. met at tbe. bo~e of MI'. and Mra. and L. J. Groy. ." Mr. an~. Mrs. Roy Dodd of Da y-!Way~esvllle tMlre FridiLY guesta of bo~e. of MI'. and Mrs. Everett wer e:' Mrs. Cleo Gray, Mtrs. &unice Mrs. Emma RUl!8ell lB ' quite 111 L. J . .Gra)" Fr[. The meeting wa. 1 S.m Charlton 01 Xenia la apend- ton "pent Sun"ay at the E. C. Jef- Mrs fr1Ia~ Carmony. ~enr\C:k ~nd son B"bby at. Cenoor- I Mii! l:nbel'gcl' a nd Mrs. M~nnie at this time .. MTB. Samuel McCIU. .' . Ii\ u1ic!.. ~h.e Ve:cntinr;l l1ogl'_1n of near Centerv:l:e i s a -:~n~!-:llf ' a s~rprlll6 birthday p~~y to~ Mre. , Inlf tIbi. W"~ at the Oharles' Hat-. fr-.ey bome near heTa and ~8lted j . ~r•. land Mrs. Harold Whitaker v1l1e. Nannle WhO ia .pendln, vey hom.. .' .' Mr. end Mra., ~, H. Dodd ID the I attended Pomona Grang. at Ma- . Mr .. nnd ·1rlrs. E, J. Carmony 9f wa! in charge Gf ' Mrs. Margaret MI'a Bertha Brown in ('<lrinll ! ">1 the winter with the ·GraYI. A pot 0 .. W. Sewell Of. Cuba was. a vis· efternoon. ' . 11011 Saturday. . Sp rint:flc ld spen t Sunday a(tIlr- J chn21 nn~ Mrs. Nettle Emrick. h.r. luck dinner wa.$· '~l'ved. Mt: . . Mae itor at the ' Weime~-~ewell [h001ne, . .M1·. .Bnd Mu Wll1IBm MeCollla· Madams Stanl(1Y, Bailey, Therl e RU$Sell presided in th~ absence of FridJlY. ' tal' ,ana SOlI, JWbCl't, and wi fe of Jones , MBTgard Johll!~ and J. B' j tho president. li'oUow)pg !:he open- . Mi Nellie ~u8Sell of Nowtot1I1- , Wilmington visited. M£ 'altd Jone!l"attendea the COoking SC~01>1 in ; ~xerdses and the reading of Ville spent· th(l. week end .with. Rev- Le() McColll ·tel' at It! ngs MI • lay ~he Brides Wakes Up, . Ilt , th r1 minutes Il "MoGulf y Pro- !lnd Mrl!. F. H. Russel l. Thursday. the TWin Thea,t el' at Wnyncsvll ie . l/:! m" was given with Mrs. Allie , R.obClt Jeffl'ies of Oiive Bl'anc.h Mr. and M:rs. Hnl'l'Y Osborn and Thursday ~(te.rnoon. v. .ore ond Mrs. Hattic Ellis in ' visited ~t the J. ·H. Dodd home, daught~ of Harveysburg visited Mrs. Ehzabeth Hough of Harv. Sund:ay. Mr. and Mrs. Charles' Rosenberger eysburg' is viSiting at the ·h{)mc_of Chbrge. tcadings wel'c given by Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Moon, of ; Sunday aftern oon .. ~ . IMr. and Mrs. Al1e~ Emri ck.. E" ilh "F\irty Yeul'S Ago"; ,Mlt-s. BLunchestel' visited wi th MI'. und 'lY.h·. and Mr~. Wilham WII I·.lI a r. d , Rev. Hugh Davl ~ wn.s a dm ner R "Wlhat I Live For'" Mrs. MI . A. T . Vnndervoor ,Sunday Hayes watso. n of New Vienna, guest Sunday evenmg .Of MI'. an d lyan:'R k M" T SI M afternoon. . visited MI'. and MI'E. J. H. IJ c()d Mrs. J, B. Jone . ' . " oro, oc e 0 eep, r . . I M E ~ l'itt "Ned's Ne':Y Sled"; MI'S, Mr. and M . l\Qelv in Ponning· ; Sunday afternoon . Mr. Ralph Johns was bl'oug-ht Bl anstl:'tor, "Jack Frost"; Mrs. ~on of DaytOn Silent the weekend . . M~" a~d Mrs Carl Russell of from' ,Miami Valley· ho!~pilal in Mc. ! Cln cmnatl spent Su nua y WI th Rev. \ ' Emily Gray, "The Sn()w- Bird at Ute A~l\Jn Penni ngto n home.. Song;" Ml'!l. Fordyce, "Mother's Sunday guests. ~t the hom e of and Mrs. Russell. Gi rt Song;" IEthel Goodwin, "We Mr. and Mrs. Wilburn Myers, Sr., . ~trs. C. E. McClung of Dayto n A e Seve "; Mrs. Larmn Sewell, were Rtnlph Myers ~nd fam ily .of VISited Mr. and Mirs. A. T Vandoer"Little People"; Mrs. Effie Thomp Dayto n, . .C~as: ~VI~ and . ~BmllY VOOl't, Sunday evening. WH , "Try, Try Again"; Mrs. R. E. of Wayn eSVille . MI. nu M,l S. lil rPurtell, "The Voicoe of the GI'8"II"; mon Evel.a nd and ~eo~·ge 1· ergu!;oOn HARVEYSBURG PERSONALS I !.Drs. Russell, "Meddlesonl.o Mat- and fam~ly of W!1 n:lI ~gto n; Mrs. A.... ___ • I ~uc, Mr. 'lnd Mt·s. A. S Coll ett lint! ti e" ; and, Mjrs. lLelen Whitacre, Frank Mllne,r fiu d c~ Il , . r ~n . Lebllflon, Ohio "T''''e Mr. e Gleaso n.son, n0 be rt , (I n,,,,r~aln ~- .• ' e d th e D'In· •• Tempest" . . and . Mlrs.. . Geurg I f 0p KHlnGgs Mills V1 Slt O( Mr. and M1s. , ner Club at their home,. "ho.le in I . Pre.entin, tb. Bealt and L~t,,"t · . leason, s un d ny. ' h d ., S d . R 14 B h d r ' l d M t e woo s ,on :ttu r BY evening. I . . us lin ann y 'a n rs. A. deJi~iQu full course dinr~ er was n MOTION PICTURJ:: serve d, 'afte r which the guests pl!l Y (92}) ed five hundred untll a lat hour. / ENTERTAINM ENT , The GmnQ'e held tlhe regula!l' mon~m e~nget ~G~p~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_~~~~_~_ _ _ _~~~_ _~_~_-~,-~~~~~~ _ .4 FOR SAl:-E-Brooder Stoves and Hall on Monday evening, r efresh - ,- - - .- -~. ---WtlmmgJun Ulua houses. Sam D. Honkle. ltp. ments 'were srvd n ft l' h et busiesen ..... . ments were rved after t~ busi·
















IR ~

J'1A.fIlEft ' .&rl12fl PUPER TllI I!!EJ.¥/f



Fairley I-Iard\vare Co.

Want Ads'


s~~~~s BUNDAY


FORhands SALEtoday, - LIVESTOCK l'Vices f or Mrs. W I· I On eight h·ea d of ness Funeral HU LseS and Two Mules. tel' Jordan, who paser.d away (In Onc fou·r·year-old Belg ian Gel- SatuTd.9 y eVlening, were held f rom . ding, work anywh ere, weight 1600 the 'Mlethodi, t ChurCli On Wednes· l(/Unos, ·sound. day aftemoon 'at two ocJock, interOne thl'ee-year-old Gelding, half me-nt ""IlS in Millmi CelTet ery. Th e Book Review Cit'cl e met on broth er, un-b-roke, weight 1500 ounds, sound. the I'egular Tue ' . afternoon with One two-y;eaJ'-old Mare, half-si~- Mrs. William Dorster, "Mon the sound. Something good a.nd \ UnknOWn," was a bly giv en by Mr. •• R. E. Hurst, excel'pts and quota. One ,ten-year-old Gelding, good tiol}B from Dr. Link's treatise on worker anywlbero, slightly cut in t is expe .ience and. tests with psy wind. chQ logieal ,pati l'nts wa both valI These horses ftl'e ' el igible to be , uoble 'n nd entertaining; delici ou registe red. Th ey aTe sorr.el in color light .r E\fre.::hmenls '\Ii!.rc served b ~' THE W. with flaxen ml/lne and taH . Until the hostess. February I , 1938, they can be &e.en ~ The pl. y, "May i!l J l: no," "hi h at t he farm of J. O. St. John, six ,was directed by Mrs. ·E~ th.~ r DorfWith II \ III ( • C·lll · milos south~ast of Xenia, on the ' ter and given at the ' /'. rmer's InHussey Pike. The others can be stitute was r epeabed on Monda.y In the Beat P,1ualcal f:>lcture of 1938 cen at our farm two mHes west of evening before a large · a l: dience New Burlington. L'ook them over I' and greatly enjoyed . and call. . Miss G~ cO" Smart, nccompani.ed ... ~ '. '. W. O. SMITH &. SON by three ladies from Cincinn'ati, -:::~:::::::;:==~~'==::::=:===- I NEW BURLINGTON, OHIO left- f or Floridn, on Friday after· ~. ---Phone«: Be1118-F-4 noon. Clinton 6332, Friday • Saturday Mutual 6. 1.27~3t.. . . For quic.k, results ute the classi. "MURDER ' IN fICdIiOS. Februuy 8·7·8·9





.''Haopy' Landing"


Greenwich Village" Dick Arlen -

FlY Wray


''Bank N

Attend .,any · dllY: and be





'J'l(1U • • • deep crimps in line wires give the fence "live tension. It

Coated with· an extra thick layer of pure zinc by the famous "Galvannealing" process ~ •• made of real copper-bearmg steel. It fights rust through and through• .

Richt U.rdnea. for strength and resisfanoe to &train. Yet soft eooUgb to .wrap and aplio! calwy.

, .


REI BRIID Every roll marked with the lamous red painted top wire. Tests have shown it outlasts other fences of standard grade, yet oosts no more. A full range of atyles. heights, weights, and spacing. ~ed Brand is the lowest oost fence per rod. per year. Come in-get our prices.

slip. Keep the wireS from

spreading and .stock forcing throug~.


IMPLEMENTS -:--......... .,. - . - - -- - - - FOR SALE · On tod~y as follows: I ZAIN ARMITAGE Two u cd John Deere Tractor _, Sa~d and Grav.el four-wheel, type 14-27, 'in good running order. Two 1. H. C.,)(j·30, old sty:e, Phone Leban<?n 473·K


W. ayneS'YJ"II ~ Farmf rs EXt:h'a nge


r ebuilt with new motors. . ' I VI aynesville, One Regular Famlall with 14- ' - - -------:--:-::----:--:----.:--:-:-----:....,--- irlch Plow nnd Cultivotol' . . New sleeves ' and pistons last year. . I ' . . · W-e guarant-ee these Tractor3 to w~rk:', . . . ,We ~so ' have both new and used , Sulky Plows, Tractor ' and Hon e Discs, Harrows, Cultipllckers, One ,··Qnd y.·. TWIO'1Ww Cul tivnto~, Dll makes. We have ' Corn planters, Wheat Drin, owe", . Who Co~. Binders/ Ray Landers, 'T'h'''''RII>'1 'Iui .Machine!!, 'and al1ytqing you need on the farm. C·ome . see 'f1)r you tset!: W. -C: SMITH & SON NEW BtiRLI~GTON~ OHIO Phones; Bell 18-F-4; .Clinton, 6882, . M~tt,lal 6. '


".ncy Mlcbilan Hand Pickee

10 SSe


lb ••

100 Ih. baa $3.43


SPOTLIGHT 3 lb. bag 47c



'l'IP* Knot. • • . Can't

r-------.. .


This Feaee is Doa ble Protected





~:~ I~~~'



a:! 99c

CORN ·F LAKES C~~~~y~ ~::; ZSc








a~~a5e .Z~140C


24 lb. bag 75"

.•......................................................··············1 i : :



16% DAIRY FEED ._ ......... ~ ..........100 lb. 20%, DAIRY FEED _ ....__ ............... 100 lb. 24% DAIRY FEED ..... ....... .............. 100 lb. 32'% DAIRY FEED .......-'_ .....___ .. 100 lb. HOG FATTNER ... . ._ ..... _ ..... _..... 100 lb. CRACKED COr.N ......... _.. _..............100 Ih. E-Z BAKE conN MEAL . ............. 10 lb. WESCO ·EGG, MAS ~-I .. . ............. 100 lb. SCRATCH FJ.:E:l .... ..... . .............. 100 II, ,STARTING & CRO\" I;\;(: l'tb.:h . 10i) 11, SCRATCH F E"D _ ... ................ _. :::5 Ill. STARTING&. enG""ii' r·. ~ O " .. :: 5 '


ba. ba.

OhIo $1 .•'

K,. $1.113





ba. ba,

$1.93 '1.79 $1.59

$1.87 ,1.IS,


balf half


$1.78 . $ .ZISa



$1.99 $1.73

$Z.OI · : $'.71



$2.29 ;

'11, baB





i i


• •••••••••••••••••• c.a QQ •••••• ~.If ••••• y •• • • • • •••••••••••••• . , . . . . . . ..

POTATOE§~I;Ck inO~~lr'1.4S




Hoi easa. • ~ faster steerlni. • • a new- climax in eol!lne smoothness!





R. H.SMITH ....Ith·. Sentce Station W.p~OhIo -


the gallon of ,.y Plymouth owners '!witb . amaZingly little oil' . used;" .The big . 1938 ' . Plymouth 18 even m.ore eco;' . nomical~En~eeting ad~ancemellt8 ' ·.make the great Plyin~JJth engine easier on oil than e,v,e r! . ~d" ln this greatest _ \. ." . Plymou~ are the brlUlant,enaUneering Your BrIt ilaht of ttils areat Plyand , preci8ion buUd~ that ~e mouth'. new, 'perItllng, beauty tells ' ... Plym~utb. the ear ~luJt ;tGnd, uP'l!eit! :fOU, Jt'. ~ car you'D ~ f~ own. QUD • ,. ~.rut JOu n. , ·.the _tra' There'8 it bla, beautiful 1938 . Plyroom 100 ~t :. ~ In"'~ dlmenalon. mouth here our taleeroom for you Oilve Itt -You"U d~ver new band· ~ to try. Make It today, If' you can. ~


.. to 24' 'miles- , to

. "18





( -

-' l







Florida Juice

or Navel

Do• • •




NEW POTATOES Re:I Triumph .... 5Ib...... . NEW PEAS Well' fillcd .... 2Ib ........ .. ... ......... 1'Sc HEAD LETTUCE Large S i ze ... .2 for ........ ISc CELERY Medium .... Each .. ...... .. ......... ...... ; .... 5C

.~J!i,lFDR193B stUdio, this bii~ " beautiful Jubilee Plymouth .for 1938. So silent you can hear Y9~. watt:h ~ck.! ' .~. , 'APd' l't gives you. the' most 'a mazing ride sensation you ·ever experienced 111 '" Ii lo~ pilced car. ' DllICQver 't his great : r~de· .l~u.-,elf• .. <lome In 'J1Dd "dr!ve a' , ~19h, ft,1iDo~t1;I: to<Wr.. '" '. '


:APPLES Rome Beauty, Bakine 01' Eatin. . SIb. .. .......... ... ,........ ....... ... .. .. .... ........


..Jt'.·8Oundp:ro~fed like .a ·$odern radio




MEAT.S Oyatera Extra Standard I, Pt... : ..................... . Fillet of Haddock (801lelella) 2 lb........ .. .... 3'111:' . Whiting. A Good 'Lo~ Pr:ced fiah, Ib .......... · 10e Breakfast Bacon, piece, ib. •..... ..•.•.• D..y Salt S'~es .l b •. , ................: .... .... ............ .' .I9c Smoked Bacon Square~; .Ib.... :.... ... ,.............., lile: 8010g·na,. Fine Quality, 2 ab ••..•.. ' .•. ( . 3Ic .. ' Shay'. C~eeae 'lb ............. ,.: ..... ......................... 38c ~



"_iII___•••••• .Lukens Stock farm


I gli1'ill~rield, lIF. lind Ml's. James Id,ay at Lebanon the guest (lr Mr.1 SURPRISE ' Wll~"lle ville: J\.(r~. ~~e811 Ha~ y, 1 ~ ~".1III Hnwk amI I\(i~s G'('nnll nllwke. und Mrs. J. E. Mung1!r. On WedncsollY evening Feb. l MI·s. Wililum llllCkm.lln, and iMk-tI. ~ . Mr.- unci Mrs. Robert 1aft. of Mt'·. '\l illltfield and MrlS. the memiJe of Lhe 8u~lshine Club Mnx Grapevi\t~ Monow; . Agnes t LiAyton; , ilr. und Mr , Fl'~tnk -Talt, ,.Dllnno. 1lills of Lebanon we~e slIl'llri cd Mi lJorobhy lay nt- Whitellcre, BuUm'ville; Mrs. CIurrSo ltlb. Chal'leston, eaUod, Satur- guests lust Thur day of Mrs H. E. bel' ,home dn Tyl I' t. Th mem- I Elzey and Mrs. HarQld Beck- ' 1I1r. and M r,~. Wil~Qn. Erl\\~ \l'ds dlw nfternoon nL th IlOine of J. Hath~I\VllY. ers staged a ('c ui surprls party tt, Ol·gonfa. " u • I:tt ~t "r l,hl'1'\·.,,..I,,,,,, "" I!I. II. :So ~a r SI,ringfla.Itl, Iltertalned nt II W: Whilje. Mrs. adie onllel' pent Tues-. as MillS Day w~; tak,en campi tely \,) liutiful\'y appoint e.d d,inrter, n ..... d"-~ H' L··t M .ft'day at the home of Mr. a nd Mrs. unn" j·eS. Those prescnt wel'e Mi 8 CLARKSVILLE M. E. CHURCH l UJ . an LU • • . 0",,1 al"", 1'&0 R d C . . . D D' " Sll;nday, celebl'ating- tlie tweny-fif- turned Rev. F. H. Russell, PlIstor t heir home at -Spl"ing-' ayrnon O'lIlIer. orothy ,a.y and Mrs. Elida Day, ti~ anniversary of their m rriage. field, and Miss, Glenna returned , February 6 Mr.. and Mrs. Raymond Brad- Mr . Linn Mla dd{m, Mrs, Louie Ur" The INC ta f,rom W{ty.nesVille were Chlrk ville-Sunday school, !l :. Da'yton after several days here dock were at Dayton Sunda1 4'D.d ton, Mrs. Ed H ough, ,lIf1's. F .. Mr. and Mrs. Ronn~ d Hawke, ltfrs. , t {tl . f tl " d th l'W ent to' ee FI'ed Braddock \~O I I' an', .1\'11-8 Franl, Thomas, MISS 30 .A. M.,. R. O. Boulw~II'e, Supt. .• accoun a lelr Il I r II ea . '11 ' M' . V II b ' I . Emma ie ,lure , Mr~ . Edith! Han-i s on ... Butlerville":""Wol:ship service, !l: ' L'll" B en'ham spen t T J . ephlne Banta. Mrs. Robert Bak".ISS I.. ue -l .at IIIml a ey osplta. Sir ... lind ·Mr. Hnrris M.osher; from , MI'. .and Mrs. R. D. Col1ct~ at,. !!r, MI'S: Della Venable, Mrs. R. 30 A. M. ; Sunda y Mool at 10 :30 "UlI'U Uu 't ulnu."~r lI"r" ' 11!lI:ltl 1' .. ,,'11 nu 1,'13' " ·ol,," . .. rr . -----------------~-------- tended 'a dinner given by the E. B ' ntley, refr Shme nts ,of ice A, M., At-~ur Hitch Supt. I ~K ClIH.,:I,tc'rM n \·t'rn~C'd :I:'t l II:", II. a:'l4t~id "!l!=~~=~~==~3~333333=333=3~=;; -1 Merry Wives Club at the homc of cream I\nd cake \\ rc rved. Olive Bl'nnch- Su~dny sehool ot P 1II-l, I 1/1", 1O,1Ik..... " . rI . ~U. Lester Stanfield, New Burlingbon, \10:00 A. M" F. J. Hagel'meyCll', ~(" Il lu sulhul :::l.J11 Unln, n.'" II t Ulo:.h tt' rJl U\ (' .'.IAt·,1 :'''':.' , .. ,.., Sunday. ATTEND MEETING Supt. \V OL' hi» se l'vice at 11 :00 A. ~" tl ln'l'4 Nc-nlt' 11. ", ' UU, . ~I 1111'4 . ... 111( , h°,.., :'.:H ~""7;~' Miss Sue rane returned home Th ooe altemling the Ohi o H ome M. ' 1'1,,' 4 ' ld'~ ~t ' 111 .· :t:.!IJi1 :: ... :1:: lit •• II. lo'. I II ~I~ lit ... III l l k Ii.:': I h",. II I. 10' , I :\ ~ :t:.:. lI uI 111 · 11, . : 0:' Saturday lifter sevcral days visit 'o unc il me ting from Warren :C.fl:; dR'" .I n.' ~ '- hue. ,\ . ..\ . " with re la tive at Cincinn.ati. r.( unty at olu mbu s :Il~t we ek inPho ne a1'e sc nd in yat:r Want 1\11'. and {rs. Lin ley Mills of ,\il ' ; lud~d MI':. J. L. i\1end cmh\lIl , . New No. 11 Oliver SuIkey Breaking Plow Arl. It will bring rcsults. I lan d, Mich iga n, ,nrc g u'c ts f OI' n .special price, ~ ~ ~~-----------------------a.~~--------------~--~~--~,--.".~Ans~uo~.~x~ .~~,,_~_______ I few days of his fllther, G. D. Mills . _.f • . ; " :' . • 1'.!l • ulld wife. . Elder Daily of Indianapolis, Indiana, was II, Snlurdoll Y last din Increase the yalue of ~OUI' gra in with Tuxedo I nc r guesl of l\'I~, and Mrs. Frnn k upplement Feeds. Let us eX1Jlain, Hess. !I;, ' . J o hO IllI)EOII pl!nt the pnsl t' Ii at I i . y ,O Il, Ohio, with hel .. i ~ lcr, Mrs. Ea rl Ol;ndorf. l\Ii , s Flo ra Tibbals and MI'. How· lIl d ollett of Wilmington wcr , I Phone 321 ~oore and Pyle, Mgrs. II! ent guest!; of Mrs. l\1'nry Silver. ~:i:~3~3333=33333333=333=3==~', 'J'l:c W . F . M. S. Society \oill l meet wit It MI . R. D Colle tt on Wednesday afternoon, Februa l:,'


Waynesville p ersonals

R egiste'red




Jerseys and Percherons




For Sale



Book Your Seed Orders Now



__ ________ __








Mrs. Belle Dinwiddie is ill at her home on 3rd tre ct.



Viola EllI in e Wilson daughter of El'!lest and Violn WiI.:on of Hal'- / veysbuI'g', died lit ~he Dllyton Stali_ Ho.,pital, Wedne day P. M., Jnnuary 26. Age 16 yeal·s. She is survived by 3 sister and 3 brothers. Fune.ral Services 'were held, Snturday,- a t 2 P . M., at Stubbs Funeral Home. BUI'ia) was in Miam~ Ceme4'ery.

New Model AW· 201

FRIENDS HOME The botard met in TCgular session here on Tuesday. Miss Elizabeth Chandlel' of Hampton Va . in writing to her aunt Mis Rachel Pettet spoke of atte nding a meeting held in Washington at tire Floriaa Ave. meeting house. It was th.e .Friends Fellowship Council of which she i8 a member and elbe fe lt a vel'y profitable and enjoyable meeting. ·Mlr. A. Z. Hal'tsoek and family of Wilmington, W. T. Jordan of Harveysl' urg called on the formers mothe" Le na Hartsock on Sun duy. It being, her

60l ACTIVATOA gl." . Lo"g Lif, to cloth.. PERMAORIVE MECf,fANISM ,Ive. Lon, Lif, t~ wa,h.,. RUBBER~OU".,jfED G-E MOTOR i. quiet.



is ·hand.ome. • asy to eleen. QUIET WAsHING OPERATION , • ~ • no '".",~w,ackin, "oi... PE~MANENT f Stro ng . sturdy dnd ~ .. ndsome. LUBRICATION. LOVELL WRINGER Thet describes the letest Gen· . . .. . . famous ne",e in .. ringers. er,,1 Eledric W .shen. You'lI GEN~RAL ELECTRIC GUARANTEE. "gree when you see them. 'limp Mod.I at .Ii,htly .rtra l:ost,.• ....II.-·_H_~r_e_·,'.._•..;.;he:...~_~o_u~ ...._n_t.,

Now~., The

more you buy the more you Save

Weare ent~ring into one of the greatest Sales this store has ever held and we intend thlllt all in the vicinity o{ Middletown shall benefit by it. You owe it to -yours~lf to come in and select your needs. Whether it be one piece' or a complete outfit Imagine this Georgeous New Suite in your living room. Finer con stru~tion and quamy cover·~ ings .m~kethis a n unusuaHy de· sirable suite and a sensationa l bargain for t he money. The 2 Piece. Only




Smi ~h,


Sunday- Bible School 9 :30 a. IT). Young people will be in charge of Sunday School a nd devotions for church. Lord!s Supper 10 :45 a, m. Preadhing ' 11 :00 a. m. Tuesdny- Preaching 7 :30 p. m: Bapti smal servjce to follow the

Truly 1938 in Fine Styling and Comfort Sele~i from thet~


, Mason,-O.

Thursday- Berenn Class meeting' '1 :30 p. m. A program that will be ()f interest to al\ is put on by a class that invites 1111. T here were two additions to the Ohurch Sunday. morning, Wilb~r Cartel' of Bellbrook and, Oscar GI'o oms of, SpTing , Valley. And a,t the Tuesday night lServices I there 'V 1et'e t hree ·more new mimbers. Mrs, Claude Lewis .lIying west ' Ferry, Paul and' Ruth C~rter of Bellbrook. Thcre hn's been 33 additions in tJhe last three weeks. OUI' atte ndance last Sunday .~ 142, come let us even do bettet' th is Sunday. We owe it to the L OTd to do wbat we eJin while it is cplled dar·

SPECIALS' They are .11 .' Barg~iD' ~nic Pic~ lure• . .' . . . End Tabl~~ . . .


:"f· 'h'" , ,lnlS your '"



Suncioy, February 6 9:30-Sunday School 10.40-Mol·ning Worship. "Hypocrits and Rigbteous." 'I 6 :30-Epworth League. 7 :30-Evening Service. Wedlieaday, February 9 2 :00-The Friendship Club, will 'meet with Mrs. Maude Crane. 7:30-Mid-Week 'Service. Thursday, F.ebruary 10, 7 :OO- Ol'chestra P1'aetice. 7 :OO- Boy Scouts. 8 :O.O-Choir Pr!Wtice.

T· hen~ .. eromar Way


Move into your new home sooner by specifying Cromar Hardwood, floors - the oak '. , floo ring that is factory-finIshed. !;8&dy, to uso ihe minute it is laid. No ,sanding , nO Y&l1\ishing. no wQ)(ing-i,t's all "in the woop" . beautiful!y " nd p,errjlanenfty pre.finished. Never marred by ot~8r c9ns~ruction ' , "


,~id\.t~~du;:u !~'; ©[3@M~!]l ""'f1ntto

lise it.

Clothe. \lam-

Mod~rn Bed' Roo.m Suite Suite consists of, bed, chest, vanity or dresser. All 'in walnut and ' other ch oice wOdds. This. 'is a very special offer ..... .............., ,...... ... ,..... ,......... : \


(filIi" c




11l1@®lJl~ .. ' i


ville spent t he ....;eel< end with Freda nnd Ruth Harvey.

$59.95 $S.9S'DOWN ,'



FOn SAJ.,E - :!3uck.,!!ye . Brooder , st~ve; 500 ' Used 2. yt'!!. O'rili Williams:. Phone 281, ClarkS ville, OliiC?,


\. \

WE BUY ' . Ct,eam, 'Eggs, an"d. Poultry Best Prices Pholle 2228 U'1 W. LocqJt, acrou from , Cit, Hell , "

Wilmington Produce Co. ceorp 1111'.

per•...... 97c

Indirect Floor Lamp. ' : . 2.49






h '



9x12 Rug 'and 2 Throw Rugs

Seamless Velvet rug in tich orien.. 6.95 tal patterns and Oc. €hair. tWQ fringed Vel-, All Cotton Matvet throw 'tugs, tre.~ ... ',' . . 6.95 'complete, priced , , ~oil Sprin.~. ~.4Q at :....... Table. Lamp. 1.39 Bed room , ,Rugs ... . . , 1.49 5,ilk Pillowa. :. 89c ,32 Pc. Set' dishes . . '.. 3.95" RadiQ Tabes . 1.19 Book C~ .,,; 4.95 "'





. WHOL E NUMB ER 6311 __ 5

",av nes vill e Stre ets Are lorn bp A s~........-t~IP ...r...oR'.id...1i.cers .T o . Sew e r Is Lai d Alo ng Ma'in Stre et :e el He r e· "~r O


WAYN ES ILLE - 1h-e nnnu 1 meting of the "\Tayn e 1'(\\ Il , ,h' r 'Mlilk Produc ers A',. oc:nli" n ,'. iIJ Ll he.ld at the high. sc\'ou l g~ m h I' I Friday art ernoon n . (no o'ckl!k There will bc II mrvi ng .,ktUl .~ u. he WC I k bei:lg dOl .\, by l :' e or!!·, n ization. MI'. ~ hie r cf lhl' 1'1) a ' ,m- l : Agricultu re's e n J:i n c" ,; n ~ d ~ a I ment 'will b e pl'e"cT.l 0' 1111 1 e questions and g h'(! <- VI! : y po:; .i ~·( hel.p to tho!o i n l.~ t o~ ~"t1 ill h · b i <1 ng of n.i!le hO:lses or st1 b l e ~ . Ice cream made in I he ,'~ • ri lon 's pl an t ,a t Grc Iwill ,' wi.1 be serve d f t'ee follo\\ in!:' lhe P I' O';I,[1Ill All IT<C 111 be1'S I\l'e UI ,!. ed to neLl) .!:

Wo men 's Clu b Wa rren Tax Met FrId ay Rat

e Fixe d

The regul ar ,mo nthly mee ting of the Wayn e Twp. Mother 's c1uiJ wa.> h 10 ?l lhe gra de. bu ild ing on


~". ~ II ..

lil e

11 1~eLl11~

\\U .-! Uj. ' I

Local Rate. Gi••n LE BANON _

Th e 1988 talC

ell I rates w ill L less than in 19:1 7 ai_

With the 'o ng "Auld Lang yn " r • ,• • c • th ough the ne w v.a luation s H e ' t en UovotlOns were ~Iven by 11'8. Bura I l I11' h . en p~ I' ccn ·' e r the f'p" urCB k it uraddocK. ·ho. to ok us hEr tc ;, t out by O U~I Y Audilo r'"A. M. P.r~11 c . n · ~ (UVOl'lW Hymn "0, Why kel' wo w . ;:i hould t he Spilit of MorLaI [0 I II lJec~f i e l d tow nship, The Irfal:Ion Corpora ti on d:rops ( I' ,m 17 mil~ T he six th gtade prese nted a I to 14; that of the school diutl'i " >,nJgl'ul1l co nsi. ling of lwo bo n.,S I f rom 13.7 10 11. 3 mills; Kings . nd li n "amatu cr bl·oadea .t" , I Mi lls di.;trict ~2 . !J. to 12; w-l.i ie the ~ 'hi vh was enjoyed by n il. F uur l f Ste w,a') t DI ~.tnct IS 15.69 and WIla ,He thil'J grad pupils play ed I,i u- .3 It ig hci IMt yea1·. o S J I J ~ . They w':: l'e ~ i d cd The 1;00'pora tion of MorroYl "ill OUI ne, Rich:ll'd WhiLak er, Ann pay but 15. 10 mills, cohlpar eJ ,/ lu, and . Gle n Smilh. Conclud- I wi lh 17.20 n: i1ls last year; tbe Ilg ,he Irro.g ram was a re adi l g school di ~trict will ask 11.40 •• f MI~s Win ,f !ed Nutting . Wayne Twp. cO Olpnl'Cd with 13.70 8. ye~ r 81;:0; . " whil e portiOn in tlhe Lebano n Th e I1.ll r, utes of the lest mee.l ng school the f.4u(ation di tr-ict' will pay 13.00, a reIVere read by the secretury and d t' f re th an' a ml'11. .pproved as r ead. 1 he t.reasur er I uc Ion 0 mo WAYN ESVIL LE _ The WaYlI 1.' • • HIII'Vey M. Lu r-net of Lyt l , a aporkd the receipts for t he Waynel>vlli e taxpay~rs Will pay Twp. DoaJ'd of E (:llcaUo n mel i.. tiVll in t he! Miik Pr. d /Jce l" ~ A .onth of JIUI. were $13 1.06 ana 21 . 70 as compar ed With 22 80 a " . regu ln mo n hiy ~ e:; ion , Mo n. soclati on is pl'csid·2 n ~ f h ..isbu l!:.cmen ts for sallie pel'iod yeol' ngo ; th e school disttl~t. IWU da y evel in ~ wibh cill m e n~ b ers pres Wu .v ne town r.hip or'" _nhaUe n n 13 60 from 1470' othe r school dls e re $137 .67 leaving a balance o f ' er, t. negula r bills were all :;wed a nd we l ~ a3 " ice p, csident"~ . • of th~ I\.i n" ~1 31.04 0 11 hand, Feb. 1. The fi- t~cts i~ Wayne TO'llo"JIshlp por01 dcred paid. Vall y Associalion ' Boa rd f L i Main street of Wayne <.viUe 8s it ditch into which ' is b id t ne ance commit tee rep or ted the n et tlOns bei~g Lebano n. 13 from 14.nan of the wOI'k MO that the who le is 1\11'. George Smith p r e~c nt cal e ! ector ~ , a state associa tion d ·rec· a ppears this week with soores of line of tile for th~ en .ire earning s of the oyster supper •"70' Maw e 11 . 90 from 1..70' Qlwa effici entl y nnc;! t:lke r 'at t,p e high ~ch o o l building tor and was city. 1110vi l"g along , rece nUy nnm ~ d a ~i r· N'C 1'e $13.78 . The lunch commit - ter townsh men workJllg on 'the I\e'W 8e\Yage The wo rk is hig1hly org:m ized ip (Clinto n county ) ·16.w:th quickly. retire at the end of thL sch ool ector of t>he nationa l 3esociati disposa l plant, digging ... wide ~pen gangs of men doing er n ce l'eporte d $116.63 taken in for '80. while Oo~win Corpor.a.t~on Will _ ... J I y~a r. The Board offered the pO- I ATTEN D RURAL YOUTH . I iunClhes in Januar y .and $125.27 e~Joy a .~ mill of a ~ed.ucb on, the sH ion to Mr .. Albert Cl ea vcl' to. be,MEETI NGS AT DAYTON .pent· in the same time making a figure bel~g 13.80 thll year. I "'L S th s if t deficit of "'6.74 for that month. - THIS FELLO W GOES THROU GH ~ o l,? e e ec lve up!>n 101' 1'. ml CP~,\l'ksvJl_e-.Vernon school dlaI WAYN ESVIL LE _ Robert " trict owne~ wl11 pay 14.70 In WalbCONCR ETE AHEAD OF CREW retirem T he ent. Board also is taking under Du k e 0. f thOIS commu m'ty was aI t was b roug ht b f h e mee t - Ington e ore t townsh ip 88 compaT ~ . e d to · t t',,,\' l~~ men 111> rc d uc t'Ion -0 f th e mong t he group of Warl'iln C unty ing. that d1ltlng baek to Jan. 1, 14.80 last year. Others In the town .. " y()~ng peo ple attend ing the Rural 1938 the club -would have to pay hip arC Morrow . 11.60; Millime, I \'(\sent bu s l'°fu t cs dlu~. to . sh~JS Youth C9 n f \'cnce a t Dayton , last ales tax on all lunches ~ld. Af- 12.70; Lebano n, 1-3.20, all being . ~( .chan'" s (l p~pu a Iqn!1\ ~ I Thlt~'lJ(l tI )'. Those atte~drng an tel' an open discussio n it was moy reducti on. lJarvey sburg corpora I dl.h1 ct. Inembe r . of bh/il ounty Oenluri nl ed and S'econde dj that a commi ttee tion will pay 12.10 na compar ed to •.j l AP: roval ~ .ts given by t he Club. . . be appoint ed to investig ate the ' 14.70 last ye.!ll'; the townsh ip rat. Boa td to the inclu sion of Basc- I Olher attendm g \vere An a,Fra l maUer more th.oroughl~ before the being the f)8me, while the- temaind , ball in spring athl<~tiC5 which had ccs Pyle and Eleano r Villars, ~9 mps and vendors h cenS(! were er of the county is to enjoy eiJ!lllal' been d.i.: continu ed' for a numbe r Clarksv ille; Rop ~mith, Curtis l>'W: ehased. 'l'he folio-wing com~t- reducti ons. ,! yeal'l!. ' \ Beck, . Ruth ·Crone. Nellie v er- Ilee I\vns appointe~, Mrs. Opal -_---~bl'yke, and Noel Easton. tubbs, 'Mrs. Mi dred Sheeha n, and ---....:....--:---~--------.--. - - - " - - - - -Mrs. Sara Braddo ck, c:hai :man .. ...... .. The flower box count was taken l'~sulting in Miss Reeder 's room r.eceiv\n g the flower bolt for . the UlBAN ON - Frank W8l'dJGW, ext month. of Morrow, WIlS elected vice~pre... Being no further busines s to be ident and Charles Ellis of Wa~nea discussed it WiliB moved and second ville, secreta ry, at the annual meet cd the club adjouTn ed. iog here last week. Robert Moon1I0ste!1!!es for this meeti ng ""ere ey wss named preside nt. Retirin g Mrs. J. ·B. Chapm an, ;Wrs. Jes~ie officer s were Harold Becket t, HymlUl, Mrs. Jean Conner , Mrs. Spring Hill, preside nt; C. B. J. L. Menden1lall, Mrs. F. U. Le- Browni ng, Mason, vice 'Prelide nt; May, Mrs. Ed a 'opkins, Mrs. J. B. C. D. Crocke tt, Springb oro With clecti tc IICcreHere we find. crew p~\Iing 't he filled. The::e are " hefty" . f ellows CrAbbe , Chas. James, and tary. I th i '. I ne worl,il:a n cu .s throllgh crtbbtn , from ~ ditcb (}Ie' 011 t he long be_n\. Mrs. Lena lJartSock. t.he concr~ te paveme nt so that the Township chairm an named: were tile Mve been. latd ~d the ditch .! , R. M. Hawke; Harry Schnell, s..pthel:s \lilly f ot!Oow and dig the '; ' ' . _J Icm; Howerd Graham , Massie : C. L diil'b. B. Browni ng, Deerfie ld; Howard ' WOME N'S MEETS nleWn,A MI.EssSI'oVnl~LyEso'~I,,:tTyheO~ ~h.()e· . s ~. ~ .. ,. U WAyN ESVIL LE·· ..:.. The Way-' ~B~NON ON SP~E E AGAIN ST F.rankl in; John LewiS, HamOt on; Ferry rail(t . Way nesville Churchci; Hinrold Sharp, Harlan ; Frank Har'. WA ' YNESV ILL"' ntllvUl e'varatt y team downed Mor" , . WAYN ESVIL LE '1 .. .The Pro- vey, East Turtlec teek; Miles naf" met. at the home of Mr.;. Wl l i ' a t I W CI toW here, Frtda1 night, 24-13, but b f th ' ; )'e~~ vc omens u 0 S . aJ IS com- vis, West .T urtlecre ek; and J. C. t t 'Telegr aph Mills, On Febru a ry 2, 'lost to Bellbrook', Saturda y, 85-28; LEBAN ON or:ng D1 0 a, a . ·1'hc meeting took pln.ce one _ mUllity hns announ ced plans for a , Wi1 ~ori, Union. will, the . local high WI\ n d tented we;k iate because of the 1I)Illll0u th card ' party to be given _ _ _ _ _ _ __ w ow. The Junior team won both evening Wayne sville h~l'e' Wednesday' eveat the higih school gym, next Tues,~ "".' • .. • ' ' .~ j , drifts t he week befor e ' . In 'the' Morrow g~•• both teams OIng', ~8-26. Rcypo19,B len~ .tIl, .I oy c ' ven ' , I'ng i~ or t' he b'enefl't of MAN FINED ON MASON u.. _ ttl\! .The 'ogrant had-to do WIth 0\11' plaYed. a f8lft, aggreei~e ga.Jn4!,~with . ·men bl'~llkill~ i nt.O th ~c\l~m nocdy familie s here. . g ,ctll: 1\fission arifs, Mr. and Mrs.. Leslie WOMA N'S CHARG E .ltrJorrow lealiing dUring the early, umn, ;"""ih fiftee~ PO\l~~s.. I 1'hele will be. games for men, wo . Wolf and !MIl'. and; Mrl!- Ben AJl'son part of tna' game. The Io.cals \l(e~t The Wny n ~ vlll e ,hne\;p lind who are workin g in ~e Phillipi me n, and children , tbe COlTblTl ittee MASON Dewey Burlon of nes. into tlbe 'lead near the 'e nd of the poil'\ts mnde wer : Plall k, .n Marge of the event, has an- Lebano n" liS fined $60 and f, 2; seD-. half:8n d e~ntlnuecl. to bold it, th, u- O. 'Collett , f, 2; D. Collett, nounce d and all the games ten~d to 30 da~s in the f: 3; . 'Refres hm.enU) \V'ere enjoyed du r Wal'ND out, , a,coring '((aa lirht. I.e LaMay, 'e, 6; ~ ger. g, 6; wi:l be availab le. There will be pd Coun1y jail, alter bein&, Fms. ~ng the soc!-B1 ~ur and the mu tfound May "nd' Carter Jead tJle scorelS g, 8; CiaO' ~r.4. ~es for the various games and lun- guilty of leaving the seene . ' , I m g adj ourned,,, to meet ~t Mr~. of ~ . on their .respect ive tea.mtl. Waynes ville J unio}' t m ~on, Claude Lewis's for at;! a ll-day h y. ;m be served. , \ acciden t in Squire W meo' •. S. l t ,Brown '• . ..' '" 22-18, against the L ebanon court ing a~. d a. covered, diSh, lunch T'ickets are sell,ng at iifteen 'court late Thurld ay. Burton e pr ved n abo to' TIi-e Bellb1)90k~" ."'!m u. ' cc'n ta an·.d· the party will start at pl~ded guilty In a ' charp A rerent bride, Mrs. Wm. Bene" Februa ry .t w.enty- third. . be a fait movt~1 fUt ~rina ~~e team. of GPO. • 7 :30 P. M. . . erating a vehicle withou t • ~I .. former ly Mias Violet Fox, daughwith Dl~1 thrllie; BellbJiOOki took HEALT tI CROUP '1'0 ~ET cense. tel' of Mr. and -Mrs. John M", Fox. the 1ea4 an4 ' beid tt throU&'llout, ,I" • , YOUTH S ~OUND The charge against Burton " .. OVER of Mason. havinw a i4-e: m.arCln at the'bl~. WAYN ESVIL LE - Mr!. ·Sybll .:r0 GltAt:fD JURY', filed by Mh. Mildred an ot , Their wacl .adWi'!idled ~t the tbiril ;~ay" secr~.ta~y of the Warren Mason, followi ng . acciden t neU, . qual1ier: .' o ,l8~17, but in the l~t County and .:'H-ealth MORR O\v COUPL E WED . MORROW. _ RQoert Xtooks; 22, NAVA.L STUDE NT IS PROLeban-on, Janu8r J 29. SqulN 64 YEARS .TODAY ' quarer, bGth team 'atqed ~~rint' , A~Gda~I!o~, ~as anno'UnQ>.~ Games p1»'~d on Friday, Feb. 4. Brown also l!Uspended Burton , t hat and George '. ' Oberle, 20, 'Were 'u'e ' bG-e bound ~':"m' MOTED AT ANJII!APOLlS epreea with .... ... - . havin~ t'h'e W · .... the 'Coun t G . organlz oonM• AlSon 31, ..S.pring boro 22. at Ma I'drivin g rights. f01"' a .~r.. , all atlOn d . . L will b ' mee at he oVllr .... " "" e,rren ' MORRO W y .tbe oCJce. ran .......•.. Mr. ~nd "'1 '" ".. M-rs. .Town H. In e anon, on ar Jury, FIidl9" on cbaTges Gfbreak~ W A YNES:VILLE - Word has Charles ' Leaf, of· tlbis village, b .:'. " ' '. f .' evening i.i at 7 :30 o.'clock. 411 "lem- lng .and el'!t~rlng, wh\ln 0 : Kings: Mills 32, Ol~rbein 30, at , _ a~rai~-. ~ee.~ receiv~ ber.e t~at Ethan J. served their 5~th ~<weddi ..Tne Ju-:a~ra }lad , ~h~1,r 8cc>~n. t'bere ,are qrged to !'-tend ~n~ the. -ed belore ng annl- I Kings ·MUla. MASON SPORT SMAN IS ' • Justice 'Wade. ' B rown; at Lew18 of thiS COIl')'PH lnlty, . who. is 81 v.e rsary at their home here, to- ! ' Harvey sburg 80, c~ the. on 1D ,b~~ ,runes, B.c onng ann~!ll electi~n of. officers Wlll Carlisle 16. at 1:& LcPano·n. BQnd~ were Il~t at ,$300. studen t fit the""tI . NAMED SOCA DIREC TOR .S. ~lI;val Aca- day. • . 22-8, v!c_tlot7 . ~v~ MC?~ and I held, ' . .' . . ' ~ Harvey sburg. . ; " I . . .; .... :demyat Annapo lis '~as be!ln . ~ro2~;,1a over B611brooJc. . Th~it;.~\lfe~- 1 The cou.p~ · 'W,as · marrie.d ln thai Wayne sville 24, Morrow 13 " ' at MASO N- Cbarles LaymO D of -' mo tc.d hr rating in hiS pharma cICl11 bome '-of Mr. . and Mrs. ..Bi"e.plaYi~Ou~~.e thell~ ork n~ :, " Waynes ville Mason was re-elect ed .,.diN!c·t or of .' ;studi~8 there; He is. the. grandso n Worley , Butlerv ille, by · Squire Gther ~epa~na. , " .. ' . ' ...... .: .... Le~ue StaDdi... .... :....... the Southe rn Ohio Coon Hutlte ' ot n Mts. LizZie LeW18 of Wa yncs- McFl1rr ~n,. ~eb. 10, 18U. Leaf ,'.WA¥NESV~n.LE ' VARSIT;¥ .. , associa tion ~t 'the annu&1 eleetloD vilt. e . ·, ' , 77.~ M ~. ~eaf, 76.. . " FG T TP . Februa ry St", last Thureda)1 evening. .A. E., ~ r' •. " .•.. • Tht;y are the parer· ts . of t l!n. , .. , , ' W L S Martz (if Cincinn ati Was N!-eleoted , l,I e ls o·n e of tbje t~l·ee . Ol\no ehild'ven, seven of whom Pla~ck, . f .,: ..... .... ... ,...... , ..... 1 , ~. ~ liv- ~n vey~burg " 5 ~ . •833 to ~ t.he organiz ation for a 14~tudent s who' ere Idvanc:OO..lrom, . D: Collett, f ...... \'i .." . ~.. -7'q.: , 1 , ' 0 . d . 21 grandch ildren ", The Ottel'bein 1' ....u... f 4 2 . •667 ond term. . . ., " 0 0 10 'liospita J 1I1'Pl'entice .·bo Pharma'clst' mh·gilld· .~n r·e'.., ,.," ,; ~ . . ' . ' Ma'"nn, ~.,.~ ....,''' .. r···· ......... ,.. ~ . '. "~" 4 2 ,667 . . j! r~n a . ." . , , "!" "'" , Mate,. third ·.c]ass. Laymon has 'beeq Tille new . ~ BOJeJ:, .:... ,......... :.. (.......... .... 3 . ~, Gllrnet.h Le~ f ,. PittsbuJlgh. Fa.; ' C ~rlisl.e ac;U"-.· ". ,,3 ' 3,. ,50 in tile 8&SOciaiioll ,forve17 a numbU··' . 'wi'1 b ke eUed Fe! l'uary 16 ·gnd L ' . L f ' Pla~nvi1le' ·Mrs. .. I'•..:.!......................... ~ . ,.,. ,I ~ Rilla ~ Springb , ' .'"'' 0 "0 0 • oro a a .5CO of rean. T.he g8.~e committee 1. is 'a di!ti~etive hono~:~ in 'N aval cii-- V·O~I~ . eaC~ . tl' M''n' '''';nnie . 'll:ings .', '. C,' C1ol1~ aw ..e r, mClnna , 0 ~ '0 . 3 S' ~500 ported at the mee' tt..... • ..,.. . ,no ' lMUlls .. " whl'eh __ '~le&. ·,' _, Firu ;." ..._ .' p , ..., ....... ! ............ ,., ... ,0 , ! ) .r StaI'kcy , -BlanCh ester; ·lM!rs. ·Caro· WayneSVille . ,. tal ' .2 4' 28 heli! .tlt L9y,~nd.i tbat 1.100 -"~ ·~>. 01••·~'t"lllll?" ~·· I j'l' "1'\,,., .' Mrs. To. Clloke Morrow .I " '.: Yll .. lU.acre;. ' 0 6 00\1 • .'S_.aJlM bit. . ... -...t:e. . .. ,:..I .,, ' · . ..-,.. ,n' rela_••aa.l' r i..r .. Mrs' Maupin, aU of Leb· .BEWsaOQlt VAB'8l.Ty varnes I.1hJs w~k, r.on-league a~d· Clermo nt eountle~l.,by ~h~ 0)&" ," • ano';' . . L~af is a prOIDinent -reUred !g~II\!.!iI. . lin ... ', ' • ~. i. Game Con~rvatl<lD (4l'C~'" .' . ,• famner . ~.' , FG '~' :t:P .. l . ,. I £'cb. ll~West EtktGD at ~arli81e. NEW SEXTO N N~ ' AT , PeDewl~ f ........:....."' .....~... 1 . I-' __ I- 'KIng&- MUla tit SpringbGl'o. ,8 MAsON CBIIB TB,Y . HoplBDi. f. ......;........"""!.....I ~ '4 O}.ARK$,VILLE _ The annual Waynes ville at Harvll:fsburg. ", . , .......;...~ RUItIoIi, Institut e at A4ama toWD- Feb• .l2-U,, "el/,8l1 urg at " Kiqp. 11 ·U 'mIDASO N ~~~••C• • StIl....~ ......... _ ............. 1 0 . I ~~st of 1!pe~ wtli be held, IIW.. • ~ • ton .t tile" ~lehSlll~ W.w.t.. ~...:....n ...; ..... ......O 0 ,0 1~10, .\-'tlle hlp _001 1 .....Fbi~ Lague qlmes ~o be play. pUI8Cl _ . ... C..B. of PI. Feb. .,..







. .

L;vf.tock M-D S-I-cl

Mew Official.


.'W~Yn~.v~lI.e Triu~phb' ~vkr Morrow, LOll To Qell

roo .


Card Par ty To Be~efit ' Needy ~cK~~, c~oa:~~~~6. ~~~~:!:


Y . N








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atb£ ;fl(ami


St. FI'nnciB II ()!'pitnl o\umllus. ' Ilur('hnlled of In}'lmce Hruwn. I rnO t lIny time of fear. Occ-asio-nMrs. F. D. Compton ill n patil' l1L Mr. und Mr,. 'lal'cll 'c ijrown al }>Ionll! will require a second In St. Franci5 hn, pitnl. 1111 e moved to N01'WO()U. liruy. Itshould be remembered that Mr. and MI' . Howard Beum and I Mill!' Morj orie nter · the sodium chorate solution will BOn bave moved to the farm they I IiI: d hel' Sunday llchool cluss on kill plants othel' tihan PQi~on ivy," ~ -~-~,---'Thur~dny vening. Tholf!! pl'e"cn l . J. Wi llurd, Ohio tat.e UnlverNOTICE .wei'e: Ruth Eleanor Bluil', Helen sity, TO TRUCK DEALERS Elizabeth ompeon, Re be en a mi Rulh E ·t her, Mi ll l'~ Jo 11 Deaav· Sealed bids will be received by c n"Mary Lou Le JOll e~, Ulid .Hele n "Rny of tUgh feeding vallie the bonrd of Trustees of Wayne Mlc.ndenhail,' is secul'eeL.when most of the ~uring Township. Warren County, Ohio, Phone 01' send in YOUl' n ews. is done in windrow. Los of leave>! tit the office of the clerk of. said , . '1 109s of groon color by bleaohing, town hip, Wayne ville, Ohio. until 'Our •. tests ind'rcate that 'poi so n leaching by 'rain, and heating in s'eve n o'clock P. M. Eastern Stand. ivy can be eradicated by n,l'PJ' '- the mow all mean hay of hw feed· ard time, ing' two to UWl.'e pounds of sodiu;;l ing value," Earl Jones, o\;io tate March 4, 1938 On two ton ·01' two and one hlorate ' pe t· square ;'od of area at , University.

~a,ette l\rni

ORVILLE SACE, publiaber



Items of Interest From Ferry

half ton bothbed, equipped witnl threetruck yard or dump 66 in. wide. Cab fully equipped, 84x7 Heavy puty tires or equivolent in balloons. It is also the intention of sa id 8 ~' d Mnr;> hcw. ""c rourteen. of Belleville. III.• ao orphun. was the ' T rustees to offer as Ip a'tt payment firs t or 2.000 burs Ilnd l:'i1'ls to will a championship at tile natlooal f·R a 1933 Model Ford Dump bed cl ~ cOlll:'rcss in cOlln cction with tbe 10:e1'oallonal Llvcstock sbow In Chi, truck, rebui :t motor instal1ed May {':lo::t~ rccenHy. Boyd Is sbown wltb bls yearllnf 8outhdown-Shropsblre 1937. In good condition. ' a m ;)5 "'h il'11 were a warded the blue ribbon. Th b f T e oar 0 ru tees reserves the l'ight t reject any or all bids, joyment had witlb a Reed ' Da)'ton. Jesse ()1'g'Rll . Thc PI' 'd ent Mrs, Grace Glaude , Goodw'in and family E. L. Thomas , W. C. St. John. PI!,mire call ed t he meeting to 01" moved from the Kahn property on ll' 111( h Mi8s Lo i Ross se cretary. I Second street to t he property 'l'eTrustees After the busines sl!~ion a joint cenlly pUl'dhased of Th oma, CleL. H. GOl'doo, Twp. Clerk. le Lt r wa '1lTilte n to be sent to land. Mr. and Mrs. ames Lumll IIn(1 Mr. William Villars at Xenia. son, . C. Deatherage are living in There were aboutol'ty present, the property which vacHt d Opal McGr.ath is now all the by James Ballard and f ami'y 1'0ho me of Mr. and 'M'rs. James cently. Clevenger. J. V. DeCK has returned from NEW BURLINCTON a few days stay in Cincinrtati. ' The W. F, M, S. mi!t in the Mr. and Mrs . .H. M. Bush were home of Mrs. H. F. Compton on Cincinnati vi itol'S Wednesday. Wednesday p. m. Miss Mary Eleanor ' Hl\,wke of lMIrs. Luther Haines is recover. Harveysburg was a Sunday after· ing satisfactorily trom an appen. noon guest of Mr . .and Mr . J, H. dectomy at Miami Valley Hospital. Dodd. Mrs. J. W.. Moo:re and son WalTrnest Dodd hilS taken a posi· ter are recovering fr-om gaiter ,op. Lion with the Jewel Tea Co. er.ations performed last week in

By Harriette Thomn s

Mr. arid Mrs. Gi!orge 'Smith and good kid glovcs. family called on the Harry CO.m · The Allen LUCllsc5 !.\ .Il ['('te lis' Thursday eVi!ning. Wical s' wel'e guests o f O:c J 1.l1es Mary and Charles LeMay spent Wieal fa mily 'l'hul'sd y (".o:i •. ;;, the week end witlh the fo rmers' Mr. Sam Mered ith '1' d !lll·S. parents, th L. J. Burtons. Ha rty Cornell celcLrJtuj the ir Tom Rurton and Pete Wical are I birthday wi lh a dinnc l, SL . i !.\~. II cutting wood the days for all the Cornell homc. there is in it. Th ey say they are Jam es Burton and f un i y cui : d cutting a view for thei r neighbors at the Louis Burton h um e, ' und y, and the neighbors certainly apprec 1111', and 1\1 rs. J oe McCI '~ y w , r ~ iate it. Sntul'dny evening up pe r UCB.S Mise Lucy Fl'elan accompannied of Mr. and Mrs. Harry 011:.11. her brother and his wife, Mil'. an d Rev. and Mrs. Smith dtove to r. Smith ha.d Mrs. Stanle.y Frelan to Columbus, Peebles, Saturday. unday to visit another brother. a funeral service thel·e. On the way they saw nume.rou ' A litle boy sat watching his chickens and cats and even a pig mother embroider. After a while ·t!hat iutd been crushed by autos. he l eft and was nailed by his broThey' saw two wrecks and picked ther, "What is Mon doin'? " , up a man and ",'Oman who had ' "0," l'ep1ied, bhe first boy, "she been in an acCident. Lucy hasn't is in ' there sewing thl'ead in quite recovered yet, but we have goods." ' hopes. See you next 'w e ek,. folks, if MrS. Perry Fan1 and Mrs. Law- you have lasted this long. . """'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ renee ' Thomas were Dayton vis~t· ors, Monday. On the way home OLIVE BRANCH they called ,on Mrs. Walter Thom~ The first Thursday in February as at West Carrolton. . being the time for the annual all A record attendance was set day' meeting of the Olive Bl'anch Sunday at the Ferry Church of Ladies Aid Society several of the Christ wben 166 were present for me.mbers \vith their famili es asS~ndq aCh~~l. Five aQ~]ltlon!u sembl ed at the home of Mr. and were made to the church. Jame~ Mrs. W. L. Ros and Miss Lois. C..ur of Bellbtook and Mra. Ethel After a bountiful dinner much' en· John~n' and bel' children, Kenneth and Frances and Mr. Glasa of CentervUle were the new 'mein.







Bev. Smith' conducted tbe funVm. V. Orndorf at the McOture 'Funeral HOllie, Tuesday, "III'. Will Allen of Crosswick i s Ohio ~ patient iii the Miami Valley hOI!' as.,. 'ri(JU . ; • deep Coated ·th i ' thick aimpe in line wires give WI an extra for pitat· ;He 'WU operated on for np· the fence ''live tensioD." layer of pure zinc: by the fampealliCitia. , 'BABY CHICKS ous "Galvannealing" process kv.' Smith motor~d Miss 'M1arCUSTOM HATCHING~--~~~-------IHI'~~.made;o~rem~;~~~II~----~ tba Coo~ . Mrs. jennie Bradley Rlrh' Hardu.. for anel Mrs. 'Servia to Dayton, M<on· From Blood.tes,teel flocks strength and resistance to Order now lor later deliveries daJ: MiM Cook visited, Dr. Hudstniin. Yet soft enough to and profit by liberal discounts IOn to have .1& wisdom tooth pJ,llled wrap and sp\ice easily. that bad groWn lip under lherfals'e We Can Fumisb Chicks • plate " For Immediate Ord~rs Knota •• '. Can't ilrs. Lell~r ' Kenrick returned Every roll marked wjth the famoUs slip. Keep thfr wires ~m One Juice, one gl'8de--the Be t hom& from the hospital, Tuesday. red painted ' top wii:-e. Tests have spreading and stock forcTholl&'· who joined" the Ferry shown it outlasts o~ · fences of ing through. " cl!urch . '1I\at 'Tuesday njght, FAlb. Try O~r r.tixed standaxd gra~ ye cOsts 00' more. Balanced Ration Feed , 1 were, Mrs. Claude ' LeWis, Paul A full range. of ~ ·heights, and auU(Carter. . weights, and. spacing.. Red Bland is . To Poultry Raisers Rev: ' and , Mrs. BenMtt called the lowest c;ost fenoe per rod, per • . • We give, ~b.olutel)' free, Sunday, afternoon ' at the Harry Post mortem service, 80 if . r ,Year. Come br-tet our ,prices. Ford~ home. Miss BerylM~edith spent the your flocks need eJt8.rttinationcall us at once. week end. \\'lith her brother wife, Mr. and Mrs. Nonnan IMJer.e-liI_ _ _ _ _ _ _~---_ ~ of,

'his Fel.1 'i l _0._11; 'f,01•• 1••

. Ha~chery




FE •• E .


, dith in BeUb' r ook. , Callers at- th~ . LawrenceThomM hOM:e ~.p..I)~, .w\!r.e Qharles Thorn· .:.-..aa,. 41Id Mr. and Mrs.' Walter T,h~as \&q,Q, family. ., Rev. Smith \ visited the Cincin· nat( Bible; ~~~inary, Thursd and .Mrs. SD)Uh' called on' her lIis· ter,: Mra. ' Sjde)lc>lz. ' · Ge~ljre WiJUlI celebrated his 12 , birthday, S'unday by a . dinner giv. t, en in h~s honor. Those present were: Mr. and Mrl$. Charles Baker, l\ir. a~d I1dIfs. john Sheets Mr. and Ml'II: . Perry ,Wade, and Bon, J 'oe, Hr. ,'a.nd;Mrs.,' Allen Weidner and farn!l,y, .)o1,;, and M~, ~Uen Lucas and'"children, ')lr. and Mrs. Fred Con\dtn: ~. ~n~ P4rs. Pete Wi~ cal and daughter Elsie Mae" Bud· dy Fifer and the James Wieal family. " .' Mrs. Jess He~ and, son; Ro)' a,t.tetltkla, titcf: F!U'mer's Institute at Bellbrook Monday and Tuesda.y, Sis ,ROb.nd opened his Sugar I'':: ..:.~ v'"'!...."

·Tu..aa. • r: '




· 'Mt.:talid ~Ml-ll. Louis Wical and t~>, , 8pt!J,1t, Wednesday , evening with;:<ak " and'~. ~ames W.ica'

, and·tillY, I


· El&ie Wiea'1' 'aJld Edith ' Lu.caE ~llect ' 'On , ~,~ Marjorie' Tinn(l~, ~.lma,·' arternOon l " " ,Bruce"Weall. 'Spent Ute week end at: ~- J_,J{ horne. ' ,the in our tl~~d ~h(r tient ov~r to . ,., " .. dolr.' -Th~ \lor' went into , rai;I .MId. dUlC~, Ilrou~d, sudd_ blUlri-r' her master one in \b r-t .He , ~ '. ody: no:.e, ·lb. pap UtAId ftf)-IOtT7, but who

, TIl,"




- t mqbe ~ ba4 ~W1Iys . . . . . . .. t.IIal v-r 'thinr• ~Mt;."" an on ~e lub~ 'abo1lt the . :W. . ..j~.,.11'¥ ber



::~:2:~::;;;;==~:;:;;=:::~==:==:;::;:5:=:======::;==~===::::?::;::::=~ .








, "


I j

~. - -


Three grQUps of people enter into the, operation of your local p,ublic utility company. The first group, without which ' there could he , rio business of any kind, is the consUmmgpublic ••• you and the other citizens of your com. mUnity. It was to serve this group that t~e other two came into being. The second group are the employees ••• people just like yourself;, residents of the communities where they work. No doubt you are personally acquainted with -,some who fall into this classification. The third group are the stockholders ••• men . and women who have inv~sted their savings in ,the equip~ent of ' this company. Very likely ,t here are members this group in your neighborhood, c'eJ'tainly there are many i~ evW community we serve. ogetlter, thes.e th reo groups m,ake possihle the 'public ulility serv~ce which we all enjPY.



~ 'J





The Dayton Power &-Lighf ,Co. '














YOUR FLOORS ARE . , In building or remodelling your home-be sure of beouty -dur~bility-economy, Insist on Cromor! Ask us to show you' ·somples·. The Crom~r fOdory-finish permits you to see how your . floor will look before it is loia.


Whon you spocl· fy " Crom~r" it is novor noeoSiory to turn your homo in· to 0 fo ctory. Cromor fI 00 rs oro eompl.tely finished beforo thoy leove tho plont. The .. se of In· stoliotion will surpriso you .


» ...... '

w. H. Madden &


Large and Wet'" Equipped Lumber and

Millwork Concern



~~~~~~~~~'~~~~~~~~~~~~_ ~ _~ _-_ ~~~.~25~~ _--------~~~~~_ ~2!~~~~~--~~~~~~_ !L-~~_~~~E22~~_ ~~~~I~ _ -~ ~ _~i--~_~_~_~_?~-=_~Mn~',~




~ _ ~ ! ~ _~~~~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~~-.-_ _ _ _ _ _~_~.~~~~~••~~Y

found' it. Tllere will be vocal and I strainer, oil cans, oil drums one And this hill ill never vacated. instrumental numbers as well as 50 gallon one 30 gallon, go'od hay "l'is a beautiful little town, Noted for people of renown. choral selections. An oftierin.$,: will rOpe nn 1000 othcll.items. be taken to apply on the pUl:chuse Term. ea.h They've gon& out. into the .world of :vestments for each choir. M. B. BOURNE NAUVOO now MISS H, L. MA KE And all with whom the}' com" in The PanlJ}' Wies Ailt h~ld their PUBLIC SALE ,F. T. Martin, Auction eer . contact, bow 'regular meeting at the home of As we ~ll disco.ntinuing farm. .Mrs. -Kenneth Stratton, Wednea- lng 'we will sell all our chattels, 10- Th e towru 0 f Uaarveysburg should All because of their good wo.rk . done, day. . cated 1 1-4 miles south of Lytle h!\ve .A big name, And the prizes ,they have won. As fT.()m that town Mllny of W'-onMr. and !Mira. Hubert Haggerty 1.4 mile south of route 73, 3 Many dear onlCS 81'e numbel'cd with and baby .of Mason visited Mr. and miles west of Waynesville, 1 . 1.2 derous fame the post. Mrs.. Leshe Hagg~rty, Sunday. . mile east of Dayton and 'Lebanon Clime into this 110 1' 1<1 of sin a'nd As like all else of life, they cnn Mrs. Oharles Runynn, .Mrs. May- pik.c, on th e Township road on w<>C, nard Runyan, Mrs. Lesbe Bagger- Tueaday, FebruarY 22, CommenTh ell' . gaOlI sec d t o . en"·t el' nn!I not last . ty I8ssisted Mlrs. Fl'ank Mulford sow. But their good wO'rks ' will last ~th her quilting, Thul'SduY. ci~ at '0:00 o'clock. Iforevel·. HEAD OF HORSES 3 At tho top of the old S-lIiil it is Mn. 0 rVI'11 e S ewe II an d d au gh · 3 No one can compore with them, ters and James Sewell visi ted Mrs. 1 mare 9 years old, weight 1650 located No- Never. Sewell at St. Francis Hospital in good, sound. 2 colts yearlings Mis. Mar, Francee Thompson of bo th mares. Columbus, Saturday. Darbam, 8. C., riveD Ule tIlle of '9 HEAD OF CATTLE 9 Datlonal caanla. champion b:v tbe MASON METHODIST CHURCH 16 milks cows, all fresh in April. 2 ,"8 , clnb con,real held rc:cl!nU:v In Lowell W. Rupp, 'M~ni9ter Heifers to freshen in Spring. 2 GODD~'loa wlUl tbe IDlema&lonal Heifers not bred. .Ser"ice. for Suncia,r LI-.e.t~ck eXposition at Cblcaro. Some Poultry. S head of Turkeys 9 :30 Ch.urch School and some chlckens. Tlarke, Flies 55 Mllea."an Dour Mr. Willard Losh, Supt. A wild Turkey was clocked in FARMING IMPLEMENTS 10 :30 Worship ftight at about 55 1'1l1e8 on hour. over The Minister , w ill preach. Fnrmall T ractor and plows, djsc a distance of olmosl a mile. 7 :00 Epworth League nnd corn plows. Tractor and equip. Let each Leaguer be p cscnt. me nt like ne w. Troy wagon with "Farm . organizations should con· 'l\his will be an import!lTIt meet. flat top, mo-wing madhine McCor· tlnue to sponsor co.operative entering. mick, Oliver riding cultivator, FaiL' priseR 'but they would do w.ell t{) Choir r ehearsal each Wed.nes- banks [urse Feed Grinder, Superquit building occupational fences ior whc.a.t drill, fertilizer attach· day evening at 7 :80. around. tKilm," Ellis Cowling, Ohio ment; Corn planter, fertilizer atI mportant Datea t 0 Remem b !!r . State Farm Bur(lau. Do you ha vo a Feed. tachment; 2 log chainS, post hole . ':1 L F eb . 10 Th e E pwor th E!l,-\ u e IS u' f k h I h . I Wallace Beery 1M starred as "Trigger Bill," a riding, roarlD', giving n social. A .pr()i; ['um and Igger, or s, s ave 8', oes, sing e in g Problem . . Are .0a-ot-a-guD from .Arlzona who makes everybody duck for shelter refre 'hmellts will be provi ':c '. A n a nd double tr~s, gravel bed, and STATE OF OHIO you when he speaka and the town tremble when he laughs In Metro· 'f f ' '11 b tak t h I tl ho st of small Items. getti ng max· .:{OSEPH T. FERGUSON, Auditor 06ldwyn-Mayer'a saga of the wild and woolly West, "The Bad 0 ermg WI e en 0 e p 1e Bureaa of la.pecti_ .aad Super- I Man of Brimstone" which will be featurecl on the sereen of the Leagllle in its missionary ~nte l'. HARNESS f .i.iowa of PubliJ: Office. new deluxe Xenia theater in Xenia, for three days beginning Sun' pri se. The ' public is cordially in. New set of 'harness only used daYI Feb. 13. . vited. last year; britchen harness 1 side .' Drama, romance and bllarlous comedy are combined In "The 1 ' ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT . Bad Man of Brlmaton'e" a picturesque and thrilling picture whIch Feb. 15 The Brotherhood will of single harness, collars, lines and Do you want 'g reater wat fUmed ill Zion Canyon. Utah, In the beart ot the rngged WeM. meet Tuesday, February 15, in. ' bridles, set leather fly nets. ADAMS TOWNSHIP VirginIa Bruce has the leading feminine romantic role opposite stead of February 7. This meeting FEED 1 profits ... . If so, call <' CLINTON COUNTY, OHIO . Dennis O'Keefe, M-G 'M's new dlseov,ery who gives every indica' will be the annual father and ~ on 500 bushels of good !(lund com. For the Fisc!!1 Year E/'Iding tlon at becoming another Robert Taylor. banquet. The Ladles AId Wlll 10 ~ons of Alfalfa and ~oy bean I December 31, 1937 __ .._____ _ s~rve the ~eal. A fine program hay. Shredded fodder, 40 bushel s I, Population 676 in 1930 no matter how trivial t() police wlll be prOVIded. of oats, 10 bales of wheat straw. A 100% all'mineral product lbat -Total 'Salaries and Wages Paid TRAFFIC SAFETY IS URCED You are under no obBY JASTER authorities. . " . February.20 The Choir -will p,re- Houaehold Goo~ and Mi •. Arlidea coale you 1088 and givoe you During the Year 1936 • - $2612.09 better results. A monGY maker for It is much better to knoW! what sent a mu Icale, Sunday evemng, Meat table, Ice box, and severligations, of ocurse. Tax Valuation - - - - - $760,00'0.00 st()(!lunen!Wd poultrymen. Ask ua. Traffic safe1-y is the concern 01 to do and better still to pJ'=actice ' February 20, at 8 :00 o'clock. The al other items from the house. Tax Levy - - - - - - - - - - 14.80 . . wh a a t a II times n eelI it in orde~ to prevent'accidenta. Icommittee in charge · hll.l~ . sought 2000 tobacco laths, hog trougibs, a II motor1sts,' Wilmington, Ohio to do everyth1ng humanly possible But, also, it is next best to know for talent tar and wide and has cre.a.m cans, 8, 10 gallon cans, January 8, 1938 \ what to do in case the accident \.. J 1 hereby ced-ify the following to to pl'event accident!. Larler Becacu.e of Better Quality, Senice and Price be' correct, J; E. Kimbau'gb, Town· However, any motorists who does' happ~n. --John Jaster, Jr. "ip Clerk • . may become ~volved in an oed· Eailab1i.~ 1849 • 1938 Phone 32 . . dent must be guided by humaniSPRINC H'LL . I • cCENER.AL TOWNSHIP FUNDS t4rian ,p rinciples of conduct • . aOEIPTS- . . First-Give necessary aid to any Ralph Hobson of Sprmg HILI 'be- , 1. General Property Injured person. If ,the injul'y seems came . manager of th~_ ~arrn Bur' Tax ................ ". .... .... .... 777.49 to be seriou~ call or have so meone cau Co~operatve A8SQclabon at Leb anon, Tuesday, succeeding Paul 2 •. Salea Tax .... ......... :.. 200.00 call an ambulance or doctor. 3. Gaaollne Tax .... . ,,, .... 2,350.00 . Second-Obtain all· essential in- Vandervoort, another Spring Hill # 4. IDh,ritance Tax.. ...... 90.48 f~nnatlon in writing. Get name boy: Paul took charge of the. But. 6. Ciam'ette Tu........... 6.18 and ad1iresses of aU witnesses and ler county co·operative. Misc. Receipts . (Speinjured ~1'8Ons, licenee. number Mr. and Mli;!. Charles Vilaars cial Relelf) •.•• :" .... "..... 87.00 of vehicles and' drivers involved visited the formers fatlter at Xen· 1 ~ BeeJ'6 , Lipense :Tax.. 100.00 }oeation and time of accidfl~t. Th~ ia, last week. WAYNESVILLE IN -"'o~ Kise. "Re!l,eipts . 1~7 .00 Informatlon .may turn' out to be Betty Marilyn Hook spent t be i 17R31 Cook, S. Carlton, Hal'veysburg, Ohio GeDU~"'...: J_.end "". without obllpU(.IU. COUlp.h:w hlformutJ\()n about Serw:. '. 15. Depolitol)' Interest.. · 1.17 more valuable thaR ' at first sup· weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin I 83R3 Hardin, Roma, Waynesville, Ohio R. R. UJect.rolu ••• \Ie K _ ,\ ",rljJt!rator. 1fl.t.ft' tN, ~e~ta;.,. , ..... 3,6~2.112 po&4ld. ': V.l.ndervuort. N~._~ 42R3 Harveysburg Fertilizer Co. Harveysburg, Ohio PAYQN1S:' TJprd-Be colirteous. Do not re Mr. and Mrs. James Clevenger, : s..... or R.F.D·__________________ 83R21 Orndol'f, Henry, WayneSVille, Ohio 20. ::~ . ~xecutive vile others. Argumena ~v:er set- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taylor, and fa.m- L ... _________ .... __ MORROW IN Town State :. : ~ieerCompen. of tled any accIdlilt. ' Hy, Mrs. Emma Plymire, and -Vir38 Couden, Gerald, Morrow, Ohio ~: Tria.ea , ....... :............ '11 5,00 Fo'u rtlb-Report cve~y ~c:cide.nt gil visited Mr. and Mrs. George

Guy" Beery

Plymire at Sligo, Sunday. Mr. and tdrs. Charles Vi1!1lrs and son, WaYFle, vi~lted Mr. Gild Mrs. F. L. Beair at Piqua, Sundi\y. ·


Why Pay Six or Seven Dollars

\\Then $3.00 Bu) s A High

Qd ,dity Product Like





. . .



Fairley Hardware Co.


New Telepbones and Ch~nges ..

:.u. t"






-~lct~;~~:. ~~.,..... ¥v, .ToW ~~.l!jxec:dtlve -Set.!idM.; ...............:.......

-ao. 'Other' Fire Pr9tec" tion Exp~rutes ... ...'..... ...


965.00 12,00

31. ToW Fire Protection ..... ............... :...........


.pAYM~N'fS-+ , 1. Total Payments

Bro~~bt F-orw&rd.~ ...... $ 977.00 . 2• .il..t~Pa~ts " .to HOI'pital Aaa~ia.~l tiona :: ..... .. ...... :... .......... 117. 60 3. Boor Relief....,-Mecli· . 91 ~00 ~ Se,rvices ... .... ~ 5: O~er Poot. Reliefm. , 11.18 , 6~ Total P~,?r,. '~lief. : .. 102.13 . Road 'Malntenance Ke~La~6r. . and IrIateriala.... ...... .... . 2,231.6~ h 'R~ Machinery ' and 'rooia ......... .:.·.. ;.. ... f.. ..... 845.45 12. Roofing ... ..... :.......... 84.02 Total Blchwaya. ....... 2,6 ~r Cemetery Ex~


:!... ... :

- - .-


Public 'Auctions, To' Altend

Feb. l~th Rear Estate 'a nd HousehOld Goods, 3 miles N. W. of Miamisburg, Ohio. Feb. 15th J. C. Woods, 3 miles S. E. Miamisburg Feb, 16tli Mrs. Hazel Abner, 4 ' miles S Centerville on Leb· anon Pike. i '. Fi!b. 17th 2814 W .. Ttb.i rd St., Dl!yt"l>n', Ohio Feb. l8th F. S. Longs, Dayton, Ohio Feb. 19th . Mark Pa.U, Dayton and Springboro Pik6 Feb. 22n~ 'M. L. Bourne, ' 3 miles -We Waynesville,' Ohio. Feb. 23r:d Household . Goods, Dayton, Ohip Feb. 24th Large Auction W. Third Street;-,'D=:-a-y-;-to-n-,~Ohio li'-eb. 25th F. S. Longs, Dayton, 'Ohio ,, ' .Feb. 26iJh P$ul BJ'o'Y·n, 4 ;miles N, Wnyq)esvllle, Ohio If you are', 'g oing to have an Auction, get the man who ·ge~ the most dolllU:S for you. I advertise nnd conduct your entire sale. Call

.~~ T., MARliN,' Cent~rville,


Auction~r Phone 78 .J '



70L Mason Hatchery, Maso~! Ohio

The Ohio Central

Lartro 'Chick

relephon~ ~o.

Iluilder The Proved W Ity To Build Pro~itab'e Layera S~

your chicluOD • • •

lArro Chick B\lilder

after 12th week change to

, \ combined starting Ilnd growing mash for first 12 weeks.


Lano Egg Maah


•• , • attained thJlOugll ·the incorporation in Larro Chick Builder and Larro Egg Mash, of manganese, a tested safeguard against a major ca~s e of cos tly perosis (slipped .tendons).

Farm Service Co•. Ma.oD,


TotAl c~~~~ri~:::::: Mlac. (pUblicationa, Etc,) . ;~ ; .... ,:"........... :". 28 •. Geper&! SuppJies.. ;,.. U, Total .J;fiac. ............ ..

• Never before baa G-E ,offered' much rerrig.rator for YOut moaq. AI· 'ways a thrifty investment for the honie (evea wheD prices were as much as a hu~dred dollars more) todar.'aG.Eildieoutstand'iag • buy" ,o fall time. You . now save three ways-'on low first cOit, low current .COIlt and low upkeep~.








• •\









, --...:;.;....:.--,.._------

=========-:-:-~:::::.'~ . :=:: ~-~ - ::=. - - -, -------------I

LEBANON - Rich in hi on al i Lebanon .continued to grow aud', this county 's cat town, whien as t he county ' seat early took it& 'Perpetuates the · name of the fa': place as ·the center ~f Warren mous Cedars oFLebanon, is locat- County's life. As the hom.e of the 'ed In tlHe ~ut!f\ll TUII't\ecre.ek renow ned Corwin, who was not Valley, It was laid out in Septem- only Governor of the State, but ber of 1802 by Icabod Halsey, on Min.ister to 1Iexic.o Ilnd Secretary lands owned by Iabod 00 , of t he Trea ury, it was known far Silas Hurin, and Ephriam Hatha- and wide,


ing .p lllted worKS .. sl\ot·~, bridges, I1'hd f\lou!". .' ;



. .' .


ROCRESSINC FOR COUNTY TOURNY ' , f J W L t The app;mtm~n: 0 h ' 0 z, s'up el'inten e~t 0 Y t e h 0~0\; St}ChO~~S and h' AI' to°ung~ t e~_ ~d Ie mason SC 00 II IS JJ<lVI B, Clark of ::: l' g"<; Mills with the Warre n CO \:l1~:; TH '" ~n-~'" ~tball tournnment has be n' unno unci!d, Th-e tournament will be held' at Kings 'MIllls, FebrulIl'Y . 4-26 and all teams in bh& county will cOm' pete with the exception.. f Lebanon and han kI in, W h'ob I are exempted schools. A foul shooting con lest will also be conducted by J. W. Holt of Springboro,

F~Y CHUROH OF CHRIST· . W. Smith~ 'Minist or


JlI"C )"



' nh~68'­

Bible School; 9 :30 A. M. Lord' . Sup(l~r, 11 ,45 A, M. Preaching, 10:46 A. M, I Tue"cl:ay Even:"It'Sermon and bap~l \C.l H IVice, j . We are still g>ettinJr res.ult s from I the revival- fine last Sunday, for . . tlheir names lookjn Ferl'y items- I TOWN HALL und three more Tu esday eveni.n g: I Henry Johnson, of Bellbrook; Tom I Lt:BANON Fordyce, and Mrs. Naomi S. Fordy,ce of Feny. This makes 41 dditions in iaat tou,r 'eeks. We had 166 in attenWinc last Sunday morning, the largest for a morning at 8:15 P. M. service ift years. Please come and have a part in the Lord's wOl'k, Sponsored By


way. '11?e second g.l'eat . populanty I t The new town was laid ' out in a r~celVed was. us t h.e Slt~ of the NI!l~ f orest of lolty troe and a thick ~Ional Normal UDiverslty, found0rl und cl'brush of spice tree . At that I? 1~55, by Alfred . Holb:oo~, Untime but two cabins wel'e ('\'ected. til Its .merger .'V1 t h Wllmmgton They 'Were the lhoms of Oor",in Coll~ge In 1917, It was one of t he and Hathaway, On hundred lots l~dlOg normal schools of the coun were laid out. try' The Hathnway home became t he The burying grou nds on We3t cenier of the settlement's business Mulberry contain the remains of and civic lifl besides being a tuv- many notables including Elder Dnn ern, it was a pluce fo\' hold- iel Clark, Francis Dunlevy, Mathjng court a~d the first goods ever ias Corwin, Judge Collett, Eliza 9 80,Id in Lebanon are said to !hove Clay, daughter of the I'enowncd I . "If winter bna:ley has any place Lebanon been bartel'ed here, Henry Clay, was buried there WhE'n AN ORDINANCE TO .REGU. in Ohio agricultuJie, is is on go od, : The first school house was 1\ she suddenly died at the time that LATE THt OPERATION OF MO. IWen-) soil!!., in th!! r~ uth e rn I "Orville Keever Lou. ROlllloll'.1 rough log cabin, and stOOd on the the family was visiting 'here, but TOR VEHICLES AND TO PROhalf of the state," Pro J, B, Pal'l<, ''h bank of lhe Turtle Creek, whose remains were later taken to VIDE PENALTY FOR VIOLA, 9hio State qniversi.t y. I :...._ _ _ _ _--___~__.... near the west boundary lin e. The their Kentucl<y home. , TIONS noted historian and ed uca.tor. Fran Lebanon 'was the scene of the Be it ordained by the Council . .......,::::;s • . a f CI emen t Va II ingof the Villace of '~rl'O"", Slate cis Dunlevy, was the first teacher. f ata I s hootmk n w'h 0 aCCI'd entIy f'Ire d a gun SECTiON of Ohio: 1. No p f!On h il opHis pupils included Govern.or Thorn. am, aa Corwin, Judge- George Kessling, in explaining a. case, being ' 0101'. ' M th' v.ehlcle uron any H on. ' Moses C orwm, a las Cor- tally wounded . Durbin Ward was erate a !l11ltor bl' ' d . h' h' . I D i 1 V h' J h d J another figpt'e hC'l'e I street, pu Ie loa ,or I ,'I8y to W n, an e or IS, 0 n an a· , . , ' the ViD age of Morrow ti t a speed · .. cob Sellen all noted r('rsonages The Centennial celebrntlon, In t, I th .' bl I .. • . 190 d' ., graa el or C.S a n IS rdl w <I'Ia.e. ' . . later. 3 was outstan ang ID. I\S com- lor proper, having due r got d, to the The modernly equipped Leban- ' sho\~'Tl ,on the I~'er left, while the Joshua Collett, later a Supreme pleteness and 18r reacbmg' thor- traffic, . ,nnd 'hl h of the on High SI~hool building is 'shown I ne~ To)vn..Hall is- pi!!Utred. on, the Court Judge, was t1he first la.~r Ioughnes. Ke~ing step d~W1l thru street, road, or bighway, .::nd of on the left of the above group. Op- right~ · The, c~nter sce ne is the Lit-in the toWll, The first court hou!e the y~ars, It IS n~w a tYPical any otM r condition Lell exisling' posite is the Public Library. The tle Miami Valley.., taken from Ft. ~ ereeted IOn Broadway, was a ty seat commu~lty, J~~d number and no person shall drive " ny mo: Warren (::ounty Courthouse is Ancient, L: I ' d " :two story brick buUdil'li' copleted many substantial' cItizens, . busli n 1805 for 01450 In this build- ' ness el$tabliShme-nts and manufa.c- tOt r v ... c bel.ln . and u1lohn. "hny sucJ.'t ' ,. turers. . l'ee t ,pu IC rOil ,or lit ,way, a l~ the e19Quence of Thom~ O~r, , a .gr>e8ter speed tha.n vi.!l p rmlt WIn .and, Jo~~ MeLean re.c~ved Its Loca~d 10 a typ.lcal farrrung him .to bring it. to a st O']l within earliest tram ..tlg. The buddmg, la- section It ters to .the fanner, yet th assured clear distance a head, Now Lo~'~ ted. in Our Own Build:ng Across From W·nrfCD< COIlQ<o ' ~t shall be prima facie law!ful t erabandoned as ~ c?urt. h?ue.e it adequately eerv,es other p~rsons. ty F " il' Grounds, Lconnoll" 0hio. Ropte 48. Good eyesight is one gift that no one e&n look , .• ~ destroyed by fire In 1874. Its manufactured ,p r9ducts., mclud- for the. operatol' of a' motor , veforward to getting, 'wrapped in neat package. 22I!!! hicle to drive the same at a speed Bring in YOUI' Lh1est ock ill any number B,ut good eyesight is a gift that can ·and should not ~ceediDg the following: b' e protected by seeing a competent optomertist reg'l'wenty miles pe.r hour wben , ulal'iy. , We Make A Specialt~ of Selling Fat Stock passing a school building or the .. grounds ther~f durin:r selioQ1 recess and while children . are Bonded for Protectiop of Au Parties Participat.Ua. ' going to or leaving school durIn ~Ie ing the op~ning or .closing houn. OPTOME~TIC EY~ICflT 'SPEGfALIST Twenty miles per houi in the . Open Ev:ery Day from. 8 It. M. to 6 P; M. V. H. R;u~n; Auct. business 91' closely ·built up por- Saturday 8 A. M. to lO"'P. M. Guy Thompson and W. H, Irwin, Cltll:ks. , tions of the Village. Thii'ty-fiviel miles per hour in .19 N. Broadway It. D. Vail Meter, General ~lansger. Lebanon, all other portions of the Village. .~'. D_ Ea,iley.a.nd C. H. Stewart., Ex. €om. It shall be prima facie unlawful Everyone backed by the ;Fred guarantee. 52 years for any' person to -exceed the foregoing speed limitation's as set forth of service to the people of Warren County, tbe differerft zone3 in ~jd VUla~. ' '. SECTION 2,' No person erate a mqtor vehicle ()n ' .any street, public· road, or highway in the Villoage Morrow, without Availa,ble each Monday and Th~day fro1Jl U. h,!ving due. x~rd for the safety Ap.prov:ed breeding flocks, officially tested for' Polan~ rigbts ",! pesiestrians, and drivers an.d . occupants of all other' ve~ (B. W. D:) and pronounced 'P:ullorum Saf~·by: hides or Pl'operty ' of Ilny p'ersbns· W. Mulberry, at the bridge Lebanon, Ohio 'the Ohio, state .Department of Agrie. Special while in the lawful uee of the . . , ' " ' prioes" , . street' ()r highway. for. January. AlSo llberal discourits 'on",ordeJ;8' placed . 'r~ " i ; ' . . SECTION ' 3.;\n)' person VioIa:, ', ~ov( f,or la,ter deliyel'Y . .}taise "Mul~i-teatedY; chicks ~""-!!~~~~~-""!!!'!!'!'!!!'!!!~!!'!!~!':"!!!~!""!\"~~~~!!!!"~'!!!!'!!!!! ' I ting any of bbe pr!)vision. of'this this year arid see th,e difference. ' Write.~all, ' ordinance &hall 'for a fTrst .0 (fenEe • tr ~ ," '~ '\.0" ' t.ti ~ : ~ :. thereof be ·f ined not 'Iess' tbn' Ten phone"for new candid camera catalogl;le. poBar!; ($1q.OO) mor~ than One HunclreJi . ~ollu! ("10~.OO); and Phonei-23 for a sccond : o.u~nso n et ler:; Clan Twenti-five ' Dollars ($25.00.) ,or mOl'e th~n. , One Hundred Dollars (flOO;OO) ; and for a third ofJ'.enln~.1 shllll be tined Ilot J.s.s ~ri' ty DQnars. j ,50.00) · qr mQre "thlrn-l-31-'DWo- Hundlred Dohai:&~ for dependable


Tiesda" Feb..lS·







Every ,Thursday'


A Gift Not Received., • ~ a


Dr. Joll.;Zettel O. D.

.of '




. ':

.. .




• ';


of ail w.inter ·m,erch~Jldise. Bargains in all depart-



New Spring

Mereh~a(lise A~ pricel! that will meAn real 8avi~is, to.,you:

~IQ~~g Fumiture ,-


5,boea -

Stoves , "


Dry COo"ds ~ Drape~~~ . Ref ..ileratora , ,t"


,~I 'Nati~~.Uy ' ~dveiti~ ~raDd~ 52 Yeal'S Of Satisfactory ~e.rviee . , . ,


Jtu.s I






.,- I'lo loll! '.'n~ rord, t.u bbkwTI, was tl'cll ted uL La - . !ll o'n, F ,.id ay·, f d,' li n injul' ~ U~­ ~tlin(' :' vh ' n bilten by a dog lit hi honi '.

s~~~~s SUNUA Y February 13·14·15



Up At Th :, se Prices


r u n nyo IJ ~ Ibe he~t o r the Iten. Ll: t Ih 1'0 :tre ma.n.l' .,the? ,1'·1", "A t'lInl !Lre <l r l,. ln. 011 Ule p ad wlli' n rcul 't ! Th o •• .. tile

Men's 3 pc. Sui ls ' eal' er! . 3l'd P re :;sc d 50c . Men's Hats I,'an ed and Blocked 50c. Ladi es Plam Dresses 50c



n ll ~8

" li'{l

tlmt YOU


lL ~8 h : ~1. Tl\k

tt.· .flt.... r .. ot tPrl. to

' . 811 rnnCe n f. w. Il' e e con oM'cAl; It paY8 In ' the tonll' run. Ad O' u\)out

Motorist MutIItd

Quick creaners r{ [ lhl'~"Tl


.l r h· ~ , 's .


Mend enhall, Mgr

with r


A silvcr plaque has been pre- I Herbert S. Nonneman and Edwin D. tionol nve rage. the most recent figsen ted to The D yton Powe, and Smith, of the rural department, ure for which was 23.7 per cent, Light company by Electl'oHlBster third and fOUl th on the ri ght. During 1937 the company built 318 Inc" of Detroit. manufacturer!; of A survey of the rural c1 ectrifica- miles of ru ra l lines and sold more electric ranges,: 'in I ecognilion of one I tion expansion carried on by the lI' an 1,:30 electric ranges. of the most outstandi ng dcvelop- company during the P:Jst yea r shows In }= ~n ia Dist rict at the present ments in rural electriIicativn in the that, in keeping with the company's t,::1<1 \,,::(' :Jre fo ur miles of rural United Slates during t.he yeor 1937," ' poli cy of extending its lines into The nbOl;e illustration shows K. C. rura l sections The }Jayton Power i,,_ u"<l ~\: construction, according Long vice president and assoc.iate and Light company h n I brought Lo:!:. ~I. ~rc: .th.m:m"dist. 'jet ,?BIl:Jger. ge n e;" I D1tl nag er. hold i ng th e ' electricity to a total 0'[ 56.2 pel' cen t In . • 1.uon. 1.2 miles of Ime have pi q u ~, .:. ~ : '!:os presented 1.0 Mr, I of the agricultural section of the J _ ~. l · approved by the cOInpnny's :('1,;:, L~ -jolmes. commer- territo ry servt?d by the company. en;li neering department I'lld :J r : c:d !,-,[ ,,,. " : cxtrcme left, This is greatly in excess of the na- , I' ady fo r construct;- ..


P. M. =======~~-~.~ - ~=========

Ready to Change Oil and Greases for


Spring '~,riving!



._-- - -I



' Texaco ' S~rvic~ St~t'ion .

1J'>laat happens to mv m' one'" on. hen 'u eposlt it In t he bit?

' f






BeFt Prices Phone 2228 117 W. Locust, at'r051S from City Hall











-- . _







,SPring Ii,Ju~t ~round . Th~Omer

~==-=~--~-E'-~J~~~~.~~~ Livestock AuctIon

. Let>us have "yotlr ·order~ for Clover Seeds and Fer-

tilizer, . T~x~o' Feed'a ' for 'everY! need. You can reduce by mixing your own ~alD. . .




w. L


,licensed Ehtbaimer and Funer'al Director. / , Phone WILMINGTON ,2323

Phone. 321 =

---.---'-.. - -' ~

George McNemal', Mgr. , (! -~.~ ..-.. ~_! ,_ . , ..... I't_ I ''':'''-'''_ ' ''_ '''' ' ~~''_'''-''' '-''''''- ' _ _ _ _ _' ' '

Livestock CClrefully Selected Killed and Dressed Unde-r Strict, Sanitary Contiiti_ Accounts for High

Wilmington Livestock

Sales Wilmingtoll


Phone Lebanon 473·K

.F. f.· 'IMlartin , .'. Auctioneer '


Moat Particular Cook ...

For' 22 Y cars It's Been







for Meats




. ' ...,....,~"'-" __ ~ '~) -.,.- f~~ I .-.,'-'O.-..



.. .: ~


3-Room house, . metal roof, garage, cellar, eI'e at. , l' good condition. In town ..... 500. . . . :---i


Ohl~harles Weissmann


M ...

..' .. 1o-.t"'-"~""""""~~~~"""~"-4)--'




With· 5 G~lIona of Cattle FI~ Killer S,Gallona ...... .. ..... ........ ....... . . . . 1 Gallon of 'Household Fly Killer F .....

Mason _D · ............., MASON

We .offer a Sat~sfact'*7 .

Service at all times.

Phoae 7 ,


to Norrie·Brock , liveand wire and four Cattle, hoga,C... sheep calve. pr.:>gre,~8h'e firll'l " f "lr the· hi~he' . mllrk!'t , pril'll.ll ' and good serVice. Un;n" Stnclr Vard,' Cincln .... I, 0 ' . Tune In on , Radio Station WCKI •· ,. \2,: 2~ to '12 :30 p. m. fo; nur ·d atl· I

.. p ' S" TJSr"ACTION _, . ", .

' . "

Meats That Satiefy

J. ·E. Meel....

- --,.

" .\ . 0 -,'. No, Char.g.


A Good Outlet for all Kinds of Livestock

. ZAIN ARMITAGE ·Sand a~d G:rav~l


W nyn esviJle, OMo

Every Friday

calle'd. on MT: Hiley Gibson and family Friday evening. ' Mr. and Mrs. Clarlwce Lake of Hamilton called on Mrs. Estel' Dakin and family Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J ess Smith. ~aIled on Miss Rena and Josie SmitJh Sunday afternoon, Mrs. Emma Gibson return· to her !home in Bellbrook Sunday ai-

_ _ _"

Smith's Senlc. eta. .

Wilmington Produ ce Co.




R. H.....TII·

Cream, Eggs, find Poultry


an? Miss Eva Wha rto n of ~he I te l' spendi~g a fe~v weeks with ~er I Fairley Hardware CO., .Way nesvllle son Mr. Hiley Glb on and family. atlendecl a meeting a nd dinner of I Mrs. Ada Dakin Mrs. Est e-r DnDon't Forget That _he F 'gidaire Corp, in mClnna- kin tlend ed. t he Alva Hartroc k ti on Wednesday of last week, sa!::, aturduy at W ay n e ~ville. ' MI'6. S. D. Hinkle of .near WayWe are very sony to hear that nesville spent Mon day with her MI'. Bill Allen was I.aken to th e Gives Your Motor Absolute !;istcr Mrs Alice Trickey and fatr.- hospital a t Dayto n 'I onday night. Protection on All Moving Parts ily, MI'. n~d Mrs. C. L. Duke were MI'. and Mrs. . ll rl ." Gibson a nd Our Oil and Greases Stand Up evening guests at th e Trickey family spent S un cl :r~ with 'Mlr. . and , Under Seyel'e Abuse home. MI'8. Harold Roge J;'s of Bellbrook. Mr. and M'I'S. Guy ltoutz ~ hn and Mr, . Everett B~pnn ell cnH,ed on Farmers Will Find These Products fa mily visited the lutter's mother MI'. Bill Allen M?nda y eve mng. for Tractor and Truck Use Also Mrs\ Ada Dakm ~alJed on Mr' l Mrs. Mary Boitnott \lho is quite Same High Quality Throughout U. S. ill at het· home in Tippecanoe and Mrs. Charles Stiles lrust sun., C'ty day Drive .In For Complete Service I . Miss Carlen Shilley called on Mrs. Margaret Johns, Mrs. Wal- Miss Pauline Gibson SatuI'day after Kenrick and MI~SSI'S. Erne t ternoon. . ,'" Earl Conner, Prop. a nd Warren Cook I8ttended the , Mr. and Mrs. Bert Spitlter and Farmer's Institute Monday even- family sPent Saturday afternoon :;~~i======i===~~=ii~~i=~~=~IMrs. Walter ~' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ..... _____ , _ , _ •..;;-~ -. .-,_......... Mother' s ClubKenrick meetingattended Friday th af-e ing at Bellbrook, where Mrs. in Xenia. Johns' grand-daugh tel', ' Vivian Mrs. Dorothy Kelles, Mlrs. Dora tel noon in Waynes"Hle anrl aft!:l" Johns put On' an acrobatic Qct. MOll~an, Mrs. H elen Crawford of ward called on Mr. a.n d Mrs. Don, ,..,. r aid H.!l dl e~' and little daughter. Mr, and Mrs: Wlll.iam Bergda ll, -=::::~~:;::::=:::::::::::=:;;~ Mrs. Frallk Robinson and Mr. and :-- - -~ - - - . - -- --J • • Mi 3 Sarah ::imith of Waynes Mrs. Harvey Burn .t attended a HAN N A H ' S W J' ville is now h lping Miss Bertha reception for. M'". ana Mrs. George Funeral Home . D !)wn cafe for Mrs, Emma RusHinkle Saturday e"'ening at bhe sell, ~ho r emains q'ui te ill. Service 2.4 Hours A" Day Under normal conditions your mo-lley goes into active home of Mr, and 'Mrs. S. D. RinkWILMINGTON 2146 Mr, and Mrs. C. . Smith an':; e, near Wayne~ville, , bu ineas use. When you deposit bills..or coins, your account is DLANCHESTER 8231 ( Mary Sue Gal'ol1 spent sevcral credibed On ollr books. A re~onable ,ampunt of cash . for ."till Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Gray had i' da ys las.t we ek with 'r-fr. a nd Mr: . for th eir. din,ner guests Friday, , m9ney" is kept on hand to meet. the daily requirem.ents four -I~ --~ Allen ' Smith, and family in Day · Mr. nnd Mrs. Albert Stocy of cu&t9m~rs, In (Itlse -of Checks, when collected, they are cl'editton. .ed to your account and deducted frQm some other account in Dayton, Mrs, Della Oliver of Wil· Mrs. Della Olivet' (nee B,lI· ton) mingt on, Ky. Mr. and Mrs. "this bank, or some other bank, thus completing a bu iness 'fOTARV PUBLIC ~ of Wilmjngton, Ky., was a week tran action. Dearth Sheelian 'a nd Mr. and MI'5. National Baal! end guest of Jlel' uncle and aunt George Gr ay. Reset've!:; as required by law, and additi onal funds as Mr. and Mrs. George Gra)' . dcsirild lire kept in other' banks payable to us on demand. A Will. Drawn • • E.t •• ". Settl"., j Mr. and Mrs 'l'hel'ie Jon es and SPRING BRANCH platt of our depQsits is invested in government bonds an;1 sound., WAVNESVILLE, OHIO I-son l\fil t.o l\ w~re ,entertained ' to . ]\[1'. and Mrs. Walt er Woods of I eadily.mal'keted sccuritie_ A, is loalled to i : dividual cus'Sunday dinner at the home of MI'. Wilmjngton spent f;unday with tomers and well-managed ·entCl"prisllS, .which, hel s the general 'a nd Mrs. E1iwiJi Nut t near Ce nMr. and Mrs. Glenn Oakin. ·bu:.inesa life of this community. . ' terville . . Ml'. an d Mrs. Hil~y Gibwn had Mr . Lowe ll Thomas, Mrs. HarHARVEY SERVICE llS their dinner guest; Sun cay MI'. old Whitnker and ' 1M!rs. Harvey and IMIrs . Jess Smith of Camden, S:rATION Burne t a ttended the Mo th I" S Mr. and Mrs. Henry' Burges !lnd Member F-ederal Deposit insurance Corporation ciub meeti ng at the grade school Clarksville children, Nancy Lue, Johnnie of Friday. ~101mOW:" 01110 Mr. andl MI I·S. Ellsw!)rt'h Da.yton, - .I' , Allen Hole left early Tu esday Gibson and daughter Phy}is.. Mae" All Shell Prod,ucts morni-:;g by motor for till! v.' t. of near Centerville. 11t1r. and Mrs. ( ~ , ---,,,,He wm'visit relatives in I'uwford ,F.ver-ett Bunnell and sons Virgil , Fireatone Tires GI!!!!!!E:~E:E:E:=2=~~~====;;;;:;;========='fil1 ville, Ind., for a time, 'IIDd the Oharles Alvin of Mt. Holly and ~o on to Friona Texas, where be Mr. Morris L(Ywis. and his jamily lived at one time. - -MisrMaIY Cook"O~e6Ville WeAllen 'a re glad to that r:n Mr.e :' Bill is g ettinl~ was a dinner guest Friday of her and will be home in a few days. Wh~ 'nt>t check-up on "Y:0ur ,re·p airs.fol'. tools; hatness, .. sJs~r, · MI'5. Margaret Johns. Mr. and 'MIt's. 'H arold R~ers, '" .' - . ' Etc. ' Mr, and. Mrs. Stanley Bailey Mrs. Emma Gib on ' of Bellbrook Waynesv'l! e Thursday ev en ing. MI'. and . it". Ca lv ::l Longacre have both be n vi L! m~ of he gl':P Lh e past week. MIs. Ralph J ohns is onvalesc· ing ni cely a nd Itble to : it up for ..t ~·C t· t t illlc a t Ih is w it nr:, ~.Il'. ti nt! ·Mr!. T il ? dc .J" r es and • C n werc Saturd ay v :ling gu ests . f 1t'. and Mrs . . or a !.l Hadley lind 'daughlcl' in Wayn :_'Yilie. Mr. and Mrs. Paul WiT ams f Lebanon were Sunday gu e~ t s 0 ' Everett Eat'ly and famil)' . LitLle Bobby Morg" 1 returned home SundaY' after spending the week with the Williams in Lebano n. , MI·~ . TherIa Jon es, Mlrs. J. B, Jones, Mrs.- Cliff Burn ett a ~d

Pel' 'onal Accident



mllr)(pt "P\'Il1m


;: -~:==;:==~=~=====:::=~~~~~~~i~$;;; : : : ~ , i!!!!~ ~ ~





Hamilton, Ohio;'


. W. it. Wa~, MJr.

""=~I!!!!!!!!!!!!l.O!!l!!!!!!D!'!!p!!"::Z:!!!Ie!'!'rso~-n!!!!.aI!!...~st~--:'''!'!''W'''!!!'!' -!'!!!-a~ --r~!!!!!r~-e!!""!!!!!n~!!!!!C!!!!!!!!!!~O~D~n"!""!!!~'"!y~~!!!!!!!!!!~~~~""""!!!!!!,,!!!!v!!!!a!!!!!y,!!!!qnj~e!!!!'!!'s~-v-1!!!!1~le~~... "!!!I-;r!"'"be-h"'!'~-ld'!!"'T-lJ-~S-da~~--=:~~e~ning~~-F-eb"! !r! '! --C!!!'"l:.'!!"~"!!!RX!""'S--~"'!!!~LL!!"' 'u - "·~-·i.t-.""""!E.!"'"C"'!!H!'!A!""'R-C-E"B"""ai~rd""!','!!"M-I'II~.-c"'!!a~-'i~~'!!!!'U"!"~l:l-'l"'!'~b""'!y-a~:d I~


Court News

al'y 15. ThIs mee ting will be a Fatber and Son banquet. The progrllm CommiLtee pronlisl'S a good program of apeaking and music, Th ...... T -d'les -A'<\ 1 I WI' II S rvo t h<l mea. The hoir will pro nt an evening of mqsic, SUnday, February 20 at 8:00, An offerjllg ,will be taken. This offering will be used in the purc'luIse of ve tment.s f or the choir. . S.ryicea fo Sund,a y, February 13 Church School, 9 :30. Mr_ Willard' Losh, Supt. M DEB d A t S t r, . . eywoo , $S . up. Worship, 10 :30, The ministe r will preach. Ep,o;orth Lea.... ue, 7 :00 P. M. .....

Persona IS

RIlV, F. li. Russell, pastor Mrs. Mildred Sheehan, Clal'ksviUo: . Sunday schooJ; 9 :80 A, M. R. O. Subacrib. for the Miami Boulware, Supt. Worship Service, THE NEW ,10 :30 A •M • Pancy: ~ Sunday school, 10:00 A. John Homan, Supt. VI. orship 'lervice, 7 :30 P. · M: WILMINGTON, O .

,Mr. and MnI. VI rail Shurls n~ urtained at dinnlYl'. unda~' , the • • • !ollowln... an- est8: Mr. MI' . Mrs, Lena Hartsoe1\: visited ,h er ~ .. "-::::==-==-~======= Wallaco White, Mr. Rnd , ~ ra. WIlIPROBAT . ~--son, DonaJd a nd family at Oaktel' Oompton, Mr. and Mrs. GeOrlN 'I1 F. COURT NE~S . CARD OF THANKS land , Sunday. · ~e court set . Febru ~y 4. as We wi h to thank all wllo help- Neiglhbors and fr iends of ·M.r, W.tJiteand family, Mrs, Nim~ COlnp y ton IUld daughter, Nelson Olinger, ~e J~~~ ~oc~~~~r~:d t!~ ~::::o~ edd itn an waYfin the 's!cdkne dafnd a~d 1.1l:s. Will ~•. Gra~am (nce Jotl f h Josepb Barr Ilnd Nelson' Erbcck. B ch J d" f h' f ' ea . . 0 our a ler an gran a- aie Whitaker) gathered at their . Mrs. Burt B~l1 attended the mar ~r , 1'., a mmlStra~r o . IS a- ·ther, Mr. William Orndorf.. All who home, Sunday evening, to honor MORROW VILLAGE .n:ld~d Hal' nes nnd thar, Jacob ·Burch, Sr., .af Mason, Sent floral tributes, to ~iss Em- their marri""'e which occured last Tl1age of Ml'oo .,., mu .~ The se nd count of Grace I h R S 'ORDINANCE Mr. S. R. Gambrell at the First ' co a~ ey for er songs, everand mi h Tuesday at rndlanapolis. '( Continued From Page 3) Clarence Benyhill and dnuglh'Baptist Church in Hamilton, Sat- Wad worth guarduln of Ruby, Ba- for his' consoling, words, and James SE T[ON 4. This ordjnnncc z1!.1 M., and! Dona111 E. Wadsworth McClure for bis efficient services ter of D-Ilb 0 k ts t urday evening. . . .. AX! r~, 9 were 'g ues a shall take effect and be n fol'cefl . Mrs. Minnie. Losb, Mrs, t.eIJa has b een fi led. . , The. Children and families. the home of MilSses Mamc and Anon a nd af~~l' the (!tll"ie' t pe ri rd u.Loeh noel: Mr , Mabel Keltner were Th e cstate o.f A~na Kunker, Mol' nil Brown, Saturday. lowed by law, 1l1ld here by r op(1!1I ' : . I h r I'OW, has b en declared exompt HARVEYSBURG M. E . CHURCH P L Reh d t JO nt ostess to the Triple L (l'Oln l·nherl·. - nce tax. . .' aaon, W 0 un etwen a.n all ~ol'me.r ordinances I'etating to Ceo. H. W_yer, Minialar k I Class at the latter's home, Friday F' d"" f' I h opera t Ion a t D aYOn .&as t we~, th.e speed of motor vehicl e ~ in t e ma accounts ave 9:30 a. m. Public WOlship, "See I (I t t b .. I Itst an The program 'Was a combined pa- b n d b C S I . d' I 'ep r ed 0 e rllC(}vermg nice y. Phone nre send in yaur Want Village of Morrow. triotic and Valentine nature. een l e y . . rWIn, ~ mm s- irig the Invisible." . Mr. and Mr8. Hsydoc:c PA SED: F:·ebruary 1, 10 :.1 8. 1'3tor of the estate of Altn e Wat10 :30 II. m, Sunda y school, H. M Ca' G or. E 'A d. It wHl bting reaults. Mrs. Richard Duncan and son J' , Irl ~ regg, ".:r mma n Earl J. Mao ll', Mayo \' kins Morrow; Emma Cartmc l', .ad · C l'ill ' il 'g Supt of Harrisburg, Penna., Ihave com . I ~n,. Pierce and 'Mrs. Ida LUbk attended T: K nneLh, Wi1 lilm ~, mi nistrnto l' of he r son, Harry Cart -~::-::=-:=~======~ PUBLIC SALE ATTE hel'c to be wi~ her mother, Mrs. Lhe Friends mceting Ill. Selma. Clerk. L. E. Thompson, who recently fell mel1, Hurlan Twp.; Ilod W. F. Kun WI 5 . B. anu E mma LeWIS left:. On account of far m being old, kc r, a dmini strator of the _talc of S .... and WllS seely injurd,eve r nturdllY.. for a visit in Floridu. I wiil ~ell at rublie Sale, 3 mi. and was Severely injured. Annu Kunker. Mrs. C. H. Death c l'~ge of Ore- NOI th Eutit of Wayne ville, ju ~t FRIEKD : HIP CLUB Mr: nnel Mrs. -W. E. Bi ' hop nnd H . . Cummi ng!. ::! dmi. i trator 1" ' R SALE :- 3 B rood Sows. Kind !;,oniu is visiting hel' du,ugh er, Mn'. off Route 42 on On F elJruary !lth, the FI'i I' d· t •• or I'' l'x u " r nll·n hcs ter Whi'"'.A. "V. IIelme '-, Fos . Ros H al'tsoc k . . C1,U I.u me t [I t IIIe 'home l C 111 l's' l daughter 'WC1'C Cinc innati visitor", ) f t.l1 ~- c"tnte ,, 0'" . . SATUR PAY, FEB. 19th ~ ,liP Mnso . n, au.lJhorizcd 10 ~·ctt lc n." le I' , R. n. 2. Mis os DOI'is Ha\\ 'ke an:1 Ca'r Moude Crane. 11\-.1.S Satur'day. nt 1 P. l\f. Prompt . , Edith Luken. 'M<- - ' Belen H ill of Mndisonvill e c1a lllls IfIg:u nf;t the II. m ,··. I b: Ul 2t men Gurza of Leban n \\'el'e '",el k: " II ' I f H 2 C 2 had ch8l'ge of the devotions, nCtr r '1 I f $250 II I.1 I I w eae 0 orscs, OW3, ..... " ]', 0 \' a' tl e! ' F OI" SALE' 48' K'l I spent the weekend \\;lh Mr. ,wd .ral I'OM :0 r C hi 'end gu estll of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dro oC: SOWE. 5 Shoats. whit h t h bu.: ine.· s me e~ ing wus ' ft' Ed. L h In un ace"1eut at [llre , ;n 11 cross- , .ID, I C len a n- Hawke I " ;·c! d. fir.", I1 elen Prc3lon ha ::l .rs. os • I . C 11 5GR2 1 W vlll 3t I • ['"ARM IMPLEMENTS 1 Dorothy and Sylvan POPJle of Ing somc tim e ago. at. a synes e. .) Miss Saralh Cntherine Hartsock I . dill.I'll' of the pl'ogram and e nter. near Mon-ow spent the wee kend Walter Griffith, ·x ' (' lI l o ! of h,' :1f Oakland ~ pent: the W<! l.e. d with .. 1 goo ~ .w agon. box bed, .1 sm ~ C LiJj mn"nt. everal Valentine gnmes . 'th M d 1\1 ED' estate of Funny F rn Griffith Leh FOR SALE- Brood er .StOV(!S and Ic latives here. CI ' , 1rllllng Ohvcr bre:::k lr. g plow and oollte ta 'were 'enjo yed aftC!" WI h . r. an !'S. . . lTOr- 8non, filed fi\.~ t a nd finnl acc~unt. l. u S~;'. Sam D, Benkle. ltp. MI'. and Mrs. L. M. Henderson 2 ws lking breaking plows, 2 spike \\ hi c.h ~<lveral members enlertni _ IIU~. d ME . C mp to lInn-ict May Kinder appointed I nd MI". and M ~. J. B. Chapman ~( oth harrows, 2 riding culUva or~, ed the I'emainder of t he c!ub wi h visit;d a~l'S. ;;'ora u~~'~:e aOt th: cxecu Ldx of the estate of Frll-Ilk FO R ' SALE-One good t~Dm of 4 \vEre Cincinnati visitors, 'l\.londay. 1 roller, ~ Mil - ie Harris Ho.c u Ian impromptu wedding. Delicious 1 H' ll Kind er Fl"ankHn at $16 000 bond. a nd 6 yeal' old mal'es, wt. 3200 Geol'ge Sears of Greenville is Wheat Drill, 1 Crown mower, 1 refreshments were served by the · H . C II Me th 0 d 1St orne In 0 egc· I re" na med admin. an extra goo d tel m visiting his son, ' centiy. Jncob, Bun h, .Jr., lbs. T h'I IS Wilbur Sears. , J anesVl'11 e corn p Ia~ter, f ert;i'1'Izar ho'·tess assistEd by ' Mrs. I l'ene I K ch d d ,1.t istrat.o r of the estate of Jacob and g uaranteed to be scund. See Mr. and Mrs Vern Britten of cheek rower, 'i- e idrag, sled, 1 '!!!!!!~!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ AJ ""rt "" 0 I\.lI aug.. er \Vere B' P 4 12 . . l . ' f' hi ' 1 f . t Ldl f Bu rch, Sr., ·Mason, lOa atterson, m~, \~ES South Bend , Ind ove Ip.ow, Walter Gerrard v bg k q j en ucm W f H b g th H . , visited friends I Ive I bed hurrow1ng I t a 'o-un V~~~~~~~!!!!!!!~~~~~!,!~~~~=':~;;:;;:;;:;;'1 Sunday guests of :Mlr. and Mrs. Illim of L. EDrl Thompson of °b arveysLu: on , e d arveys- here over the w e~k end. . Ph ow, tkrllvh'~ f 'k hOg kO~tn la 6' Walter Gerrard in Dayton, the e~ taLe of J. W. Scull, MII ~on to UI'g and e..~ non roa . Miss Lois Mitche.l visited fr'ends ay 1'0 . e, ay or, ~y ml e, I .. L sh d be heard, March 7. in Miamisburg over Satulday and gal. drum, 600 Ib, Stlllal'ds scaJ ~ M r. an d M rs. Tew 0 an 4 'd h r b 'dl I Schedule of debts filed by Ethel PLACE YOUR ORDER for Clover ·Sund~y. e .arne~s mes, r~ es, co daughter of Indian Hill were Sun day guests of Mr. and MTS. Burt R.eedel', administ rator of Uhe ezSeed at the CLARJ{SVILLE Mr. anQ Mrs. Joe Tinney h ave lllrs, gr~ m ~Ck5, 1 hoatmg s-tove, Ball. tate of George Re ede r, lIpprovFEED & COAL CO. returned from a vIsit in Florida. 1 post hole dlg:ger, 1 top for Ford, Leonard Binkley of Springfield ed. . Miss Anna Crane ape nt the week son tractor, 1 fenoo stl'Ctch~r, 1 spent the weekend' with Mr. and An llJll Mae West, daughter, has FOR SALE _ Bucke ye Brooder end in Miamisbul:g. grass seeder. !louble trees, Sin gle bee n named administratrix of the 500' U d 2 Mr, ana Mrs F oster Haydock o;t tl'ee5l, hoy ladders, 2 ladders and TM Mra. F " M Bbe r kl~~y• stove, capacity. se ynl, • I f ' ~lt . I 7011 •••••,"1.-' ba:lJbalri , Mr. and .Mrs.. I. T Feltner spent estate of J. T. Deal'd.oIf, Lebanoo, I 'Oris Williams. Phone 281 'Olarks Pennsylvania., are staying 'at the a ot 0 o. er artlc es. at X:roaer Sunday ,,:ith Mr. and Mrs. Harl!ld and bond at $5,000 fixed CiUf ville, Ohio. ' 2tp, Frie~ds Home wh ile con ducting FEED-3 tona of hay, 100 bu. of will Whitacre" at Butlerville. Brant, I. J . Irons and G, F. Brown meetings here. corn.-Terma Cash . KONEY in An,. . man's JaajuAp I , ,'Mn. Walter Stone Scofie!d, a named Il]}praisers, CH OICE ' HEREFORD STEERS, Mrs. Anna TI!1'f ell bas been 0_ B. MARLATT fonner 'Ilesidenit died. at 'Detrqit J, E. Holden and H, Winstel, 800 Ibs. up. T. B. tested, Truck ill at the hOJne of har son here, Stanley & Koogler, Auc ·. start toda~ 'a nd I'll, the mOlt ,- out of Mlchigin, last week. Merrill John- MOrroW', executors of the estate of or Carloads, y.our .sort, Uniform Ben Te~lI: , . R: D. Collett, Clerk. ,"our fopd dollarl in eize. Priced to tell. Ah o' hei- I HandIcraft class In . the preson, Mrs. W. Middlt'ton and Mrs. Emma Winsbel1, . ~i1ed tibeir first lL. C. &Y80J"e and daughter at- and final account .' . ferll. Buy direct from ow.ner. 1 sch~ol age ~Iass r oom Feb. 10 al EveJ7 item bi thla, ad represeDts a nali tended the ~uneral. ~ Sch~dule o~ ~ebb•. fllcd 'by KaWdte, wire, or pbpne. Ga' e ~ I> c~o~k. GI ~ls come 6n~ see our mone),-eayiq Value, L. . R. Mockabee and .family Qf I tie Fritz, admlmstr~ttrl( -of the e!!Dooley, Birmif\gpepn, Iowa. 1 tp me of n!l ndicrtlft ~aterlal. '. ALWAY8-CHECID WAYNESVILLE ¥iddletown spent the weekend tate of ~~dard Fritz to be heard " , . 1 Mr. and ·Mrs. Orville Gray a .d • KROGER FlRSTl irith Mr. and Mrs. james Baysore. February 15. FO~ SALE:--One' 9 x 1~ . Gold daughter were l~uesta ,Sunday ?f BEFORE ' Y 0 U' . FEBRUA RY 11 - 12 BUY!! ) < Su~ guests :of MIS. {;ydia Inventory of Raymond Follen, Seal 'Congoleuml; ol\e di ~ Mr. .an d Mrs. Russell .Neal of Cinb!e and 4 cbai~; one 'smaU heat- cinnsti. • Jane Withera - Thoma. Beck Tbompaon were Mr. a nd Mlrs. Chas admini strato.r of the- estate of Chas Mn,' Anna Stonebraker. . Follen, 1\(1]1 be heard, February 1. ifljf slove. Mrs. Robert L, MeyShirley K. Neal of Cincinnati h. - In- : Mr. and Mrs. ,yle 'E ads spen t I H . !t, Moss and Gilbert Frye, . ers, Mason, Qbio. visiting Mr. and Mrs. O. Gray this "45 F ATHJ;:RS" Sunday with Mr•.and M~. Norman adm imstrators -of the .~state of Ira ·'Week. PhiliPhs of Lovela·n d. Rich-, Wayoosville, filed their finlt FOR SALE:-6 ' year old sO.rrel Ca.rtoon- ".BiIly Goat Whiskers" 'New g 'urll'og'ton Vl'sl'ted w'I'th' Mr•.a nd final account: , Com - ed" "Bel' r Toda'''' ~ gelding, 1>'0 od. , Good 'J obn Deere WAYNESVIl-LE '. CHURCH OF J . :t a:n'd Mrs. Verne Spaeth, Sunday, . N. L, Dearth, E. C. Wver, and " . . g;l ng plow. J. I. Case corn plant CHR.IST FEBRUARY '13 ... l' . B d M h b d , Mr. , and lMh. Donald Ertel of owar unger ave ~d n&nle cr. Check wire and fertilizer at.- 'Sunday: ~ I , P P Lebanon Vl' sl'ted Mr. and Mrs. Bar, .t o appraise the estate of Frank tachm , ent; U. yr. Hidy, Waynes- . Bible school, 9 :3'0 A M. Ian Hunter .t .tenon t. ry McVey, Saturday. Kinde~. , Mr. and Mrs. William Maddox 'of ville. R. ~. 2, on nr. Keever Lord's Supperr 10:45 A. 'M!. -infarm .2-10p Ohrlstian Endeavor, 7 :00 P. M, "S2nd STREET" Madeira visited Mrs. Ivy. Combs" RE AL ESTATE P L 7 3') P M SundaY 'afternoon. " ft .r&a.Cmng, : , • . Short--"Educated Face" Coulln)' ClUb AppClar~ L. Bur.()ugha to Vena Bur- WANTED-Sewing of all kln~l!. ,Wednesday: CHOCOLATE Mr. ,and iMlrs. Cly4e Shnpki'ls TO\lgbll', Lot. 27 in Maineville. RobPr ' e U ' 7 8A 'p 'M lIl'ews 'Of tihe Day le - ' Razor 'of near Lebanon visited MI'. and MI's. Lon Beckett, Corwin. ayer m eng, : v ' . • · L~. S·•• ' . BI8d.cs'. Or.ange . ert Strouse to Dorothy Cook, e i g,i1t ThuTSday evening': ' FEBRUARY 18 -: 19 . M.ra. DoDalcf'Dwire, Sunday IIfter. W h" Lo ' , SU~$ - Shoe Polish noon. " acres In ayne towns lp. VI!FOR SALE --.: LIVESTOCK The church wanta W take a delADD Solbern - j~ck Hal.,. 'Peanut B~~te.z: Lo I Ad ' 'f T land Motor Co., ' t o Clifford J. Bunegation to Jarn.elStown to attend ' . I · Mlila u ~ . ams 0 erre nell, lot in Mason. \ " On bonds today, eight head of the Xenia Area of Churcbcs -of . . - n. Baute, Indiana, is visiting Ml'. and Alfred '~. W.right. to Lee and Horses and Two Mules. Christ. . , "DANCER-l,OVE A"I:. WORK" Mrs. W. E. Bishop this ~ek. .Oharles Teme)) plot In WaynesOne fOUT-year-old Belgian Gel. Short--Edgar Bergen (~arly Me · HUft·CC . Carthy) in "At R-aces" , Mrs. Verda Hopkins and Mrs. viUe. Fred Wadsworth to Lizzie ding, work anywhere; weight 1600 WAYNESVILLE ' M. E. C Un Wright 'of Raachester were Wadsworth, real estabe in Turtle- pound 8,80und • K Baking Soda· ... 'Bill'S.....,.: 'Feb.r aary 13-. "Boo.l'ay For , g~ests of ' Mr. and Mrs. Eugene c\,eek township, R, S. Avis to ~nna 'One three-year-old G:e1 ~lng, half ' bi!l:ra Ann , Tin~~o · ~mpton, 'tMhnday._ .' Mae HeatMn-ly, 62 .acrea in ['ur- brother, ullrbroke, weight 1500 9:30 /:Iunday &hao]. Soup - Bulk Rice ~ Mr. and Mrs. William Ball were Uecreek town&mp. Sam D, and Nel- pounds, sound. ' 10:40 Morning Worship. Toodlplcka LOmbai-, dinner guests lut T,b urSday of lie W. Henkle to R . H. S£rouse, 2 One two-year-old' Mare, half-sisSubject, "Man's. Worst El)emy." 4i 'Mkl~d. Mn, E. Weimer hi Cln,·nD~ti. . ,acres in Wayne to'wnship In Way- ter, BOUnd. "Somllthing good AUld.. 6 :80 Epw().~ Lea~e. \ nesville. · nice. 7 :.3 0 EvetllDg SeTvlce. . \ -' Walter and Ie D Sheehan to Eva One 'ten-year-old Gelding. 'good- Wed ... • . . .' .' ~ :' '. , , . ',; ..' ,~" Evans, lot in Corwin. w~rkcr ·snyw!here · slightly cut in 2:00 Ladles Ald. ~t. the home of Find out ' ~bat-l?aw80n's Med ·\ , Otto and Belle Dumfo rd to. Gus- wind. ' , Mrs. Wnetzel. , .. .icat~d : ~og , FoOd ~as d911e ·Se~.kinl tave anQ Roxanna Ha:ake, real esThese horses ar.e eligiDle to be 7·:00 Board Meet~g. for : fal';1l)era II8v1ng Jtogs r . .j.., ,' , .. ;. .' . tate in Deerfield township. registeroo. They 8m-e sornel in color Tharada:r-'Wore · it' is' too late. This with flaxen mane and tail. Until 7 :00 Boy Sco~. food de8tro~it goerm; 'and alro February I, 1038, they can be eeen 7 :00 Ordle~ iMOR~OW - the Harlan-Bu~ COMMON PLEAS , wil" produee ~.liv:~~ whl~h 8 :00 Choir Pr~lce: lel'ViUe School district case Which Acti~ n of National Fire Insur- at the ,f arm of J. O. St. John, six means that 131 :a 11fe-aav~ • ~ been involved in a series of ance sgainst Mary Munger has miles 80uth-east· of Xenia, On the MA' SON "~TH'00' ~ST C· HUrRCH er. 'Send fo-l , , literature ,to. ~. cO.lII1; ~cUo.. "foltowlll4l' the bond been dl!'Jllissed for lack of perse- Hune,. Pike. The others can be seen at Ollr farm ~o miles west of ' . Lo~n W, RUIIP; IIblliter " e¥.~ clet..ted In. 1986 and a cution. . . , . 11lbMqulnt ·, 0ot laat November, Evelyn ,Johnson bas been grant- New Burlington. Look tl1em over . The Epwori~ "Le~e loola) w~ .,nnounced l¥.if ~e.tik '~r J'lb. J ~ a I new turn durin, the peat ed a divorce from 1Mbs0n Johnson and call W. C. SMITH & SON 10 lias <been poatponed. l'h.t- date ' ~k, when "petitions were flied and has been res\.ored to her maid N~W BURLINGTON, OHIO . will be announced later. ' ~tb W~ :County Board of Ed- en name of Stowe. uc;atibn by portioiu of the district fo, annexation to neighboring disClinton ,6382, MARRIAGE liCENSES Phone«: Be1118-F-4 trl.cta•. Mutual;.lI. Charles Astikian , 22, hotel man(l'he Vmaee of Pleasant Plain, ager, and Josephine Ajamian, 21, ~da, which haa oppoeed the proposed both of Waynesville. ~ einee ita' creation in 1936, I MPLEMEJ'lTS Roy Conover, 40, postal employ- FOR SA+E h 1 petitioning for annexat~on to ee, and Mrs. Leah Rappold, 26, On hands today ,sa follows; . -SCREEN":"th. Goshen ' alstrict over the coun- both of F ranklin. Two 'used John 'Deere Tracton, Frank ·~o"gan, *7"11ne in OIennont county: High --tyPe 14-27, . .in'1\ goo,d Sh~pherd B. Sanders 32, chern, four-wheel, " Beg,' Borrow or ate, I" , • • '1 _ •. .' ~ol pupUS tIlere now attend at ist, and Rnby Wilson, 22, Leban- runmng o.rder. Gc'IilIIMIIl. • on . . Two I. H .. C., 16-30; ,old' ~le, , ~t.~OIll:, f.or transfer of the rebuilt with nilw motots. '. ' Le.ftl aDC(. Middleboro district to REVIVAL TO START One Reg.ular ' Fannall' with . 14- , . ~he; B"Dcheiul:' district have been inch Plow and CultivatOr. New in eireulation. MORROW- A series of revival sleeves and ' pistone l~t' year. ' . " .. " ~he Wan:en OOUJ:l~ no"rd vot- meetings will open at the Morrow Woe guarantee these Traetora to H 'ito aet on the petitiops at its M. E. Church Sunda.y eVllnin, Re~. work. ·. ," ' ". ~* meetiq. Charles Cramer has announced. , We also have b'qt~ new..and l,Jaed There '\vill be no morning ,lIervice Sulk.y Plows, Tractor. and Hone ue to lfue cvening one, Rev. Cram Qise!i, lf~ows, <;Ju~.tip8c~ers, Ipne er has anno unced. He. added that and T\¥O-~ -, Cultivat9rs, ' ·.n he will be the. ev,a ngelistic speak- ma~ea. We have Oom . plintera, ,er. Wheat ~ril1s, Mowen, W1feat ~nd , Com Bln~ra,Ray Lo8ciers,Tbresh iog Maehines, . anythiq e180 I ," you need on the f&rm. Come and MORROW ~ Th eodo~e Coud( n ,~e for ),OU1'ie\t. . W. C. SMITH .. SON was naJ;ll!!d tQ su~eeed 'hllL br6lber, G!'Nlld Ctludl!n in the village coun- . NEW :8URl-lNGTON, OHIO . cil h ere, lll.'lt' week, when the 'Jat.- ~onea: Bell 18.F.-4, '.er re~lgned due to his recent ape C1l11ton, 8882, Mutual 5, pO,intment as deputy sheriff 'of W""en County.



'''V an t Ad






Twin Theiter

I '



<eeeb Ioe



'J:larlan ,T wp. la, .Change

Z lor



I. . ·Bawloa'.·Medicated.,

Hog .Food' Co.

'-if~~~E~~~i.~~¥~~;~~~;~~~~~~. 1 • Saturday

"~ Night" ·

,and '



....... . -'



WAYNESVILLE, OHIO, THURSDAY feb'r uary 17, i9~8 --~

....... ..,_.

Clarksville Native Die. At WilmiDlton

Member 0) Pioneer family Form Against CLARKSVILLE -, Lauren A. . -II" ~ Wysong. Passes Awalt Waynesvi 85, member of ,a pioneer

H."vey.burg In


Engagement ·:Announc.e d .

'Men Of Morrow Hear Cincinnati Professor

Pre.byterians To Make Canvass .' ''--'-~'---'~ •

MORROW-.,..The montJhly meeting (}I the Men of MOl'I'OW Club A gl'eat season 01 loyalty ' B.n d " 'Cuu'ksville fllmily. died la st Wedwas held ' Tue!o\day ev ening a t the the consecl'ation of every indiviWA YNESViLLE Miss ErnWA' Y~SVILLE The local neaday at his hom~ in Wilmington. Municipal Buildi·ng. Following t he dual member'S and friend to the High School b&,9ketbllll team found He had been ill two wee ks. Fun('I" rn a He ighwlLY, 80, who's un~e lJusiness m~eting a pl'ogram WIIS church and to its causes is being' , Jwrveysburg at their bost, Fridlly al services were held the I'e, • at- laid .out the village of Wayne ville l:'iven. with Wern el' Kelly as chail'- sponsol'cu by Ma.<;on Presbyterian over a hunclred years a~o, was bUl: night, at their own gym and suf- urday, witlh burial in that city. man. hUl'ch. in conjunction with the fered a 50-21 ~efoot while the junMr. Wysong was bOl'n here, Dec- ied a't Corw in, Monday, follo\~ing The principal . pen ke r was Prof. grea t spil'iLual loyalty crusade bei~r team took its second defeat ember 6. 1853, his pal'cnts being funeral services at the Stubbs fu n FI'811cis Bird of the Univ ersity of ing co nducted in Cincinnati Presby a 18-16 count.' M. C. and Mary Wysong. He 11 _ eral Home. Reverand J. C. Schaef- , incinn.ali who spoke on" Hu- bylel'y by Dr Geo. Dowey of Los The varsi~ game .saw the home tended the local school. Nation al fer officiated. Her death 'was du e man Int e l' e~ t in Businl'ss." Kelly Angele s . ' . lads (}ff to a. commanding lead at Normal University at Lebanon, to celebrul hemmollage. Rhowed two I'e Is of travel picturTill' e g l'cat services are being Miss Heigl1way WlIS the ni ece of the stnrt. They led, 14-4, at the ond Wilmington College. es lind a m\1 iCIII IHogl'um was giv- planned in M·nson Church, the at.John He ighway who laid out Wnyr'ia:rter mark. contin.ue to !bit the lie taug>ht school until 1886, en. tendunce upon wlhich, it is expect~ket I'egularly and let, 31-12, at when he joined the sales force 'of nCRvi\lc a nd hel' g'l'undm othel' wa ~ This included in addition to ed will 'allp l'oximaote t.he overflowhalf. Waynesville playel bet.. tbe Champion Briuge ' Compnny, re puted Lo be t he fil' ~ t white girl group s inging. u selection by a ing congrcgations of great E'asteT t ball dUring the s ccond half. where he I'emained for forty yeol's. born in Cincinnllti. She wn ' a m m l rio compose d of W. E. Whiteker, Days. I , t could not I\top the steady Hnr- He mal'l'ied A nno Curti in 1883. bel' of St. Mary's Epi scopal ' L. W. All'utz. and Orval Barkus, On Sunday. Feb. 20th. the Sesvtlysburg BCOring. She and a daug.h ter, Mrs . Elha Church of Wayn esville. Bccompanieu by Alfred Watk'n s, entenllilll of the Pl'esbyterqui'he is sUI'\liv ed by II number of The Junior gume was a hard one Everson survive. MI'. Young was a violin, and ear l Huisman, accord· Ian Church in the U. S. A. \till be to lose as Wayne.svllle '\VmS off to Mas on for' 58 yean; li nd also a nieces and neph ews including Mi 's ian. obse rvcd in Mason Church with ~: 1l1 ily J aco bs CJ f W Ity n ~ vill e and a good lead. The locals led, 4-0. membol' of the I~ri~nds Chu l'ch. A report on the possibility of ap plopdate rites. Many special M r~ . Annette Case of Leba Ion. at the quarter. 8-4, nt the half county wid e toll-ft'ce phone sel'j eatuI'E8 will mark the service. but in the tbh:d quarier Harveys- TWO GAMES WON vice was given by Charl es WeissThe Litany of Thnnksgiving will FERRY CLASS MEETS burg got to going and the score mann and it was decid ed to ask iSY CLARKSVILLE be I' ad nnd ~ PlllIyer for the FuAT CHURCH., THURSDAY was tied at 10· 10 at the three qUOT ol'ga ni~otio n. a t Lebanon, M·nson ture will be. ofttlred. The robed ter '\Wly. T.he Massie lad8 finally CLARKSVILLE - The Clarksand WayneSVille to co-operate. ; hoir. un der the direction of Mra. FTHRY - T he Ber enn C' a: of ~ pulled ahead tb stay in the closing vUle High Indians Qudcd two vicMayor Moag reported on . th e Harold C. Stocker. will present a minutes. flood c<lntl'ol meeting January 24 tories to their string duri~ the lhe Ferry Church met in th e pecial number, The Rev: iMlr. and an estimate of flood damage Storch will prell,ch the sernwn. Haney.Lur. FG F TP past weekend, their victims being chur c.h basement in their ~eg ulnl' mont h y meeting, Thul'~d u y ' eveCarr, f.. .. ... .. , ... ......... .. .. 3 1 7 Kingman and iMIoson. since 1913 was rend as On Sunday. Feb. 27·th. in, conDavis, f ...., ....... .. .... ~ ... ...... 7 1 16 Kingman was off to 'a good start ning . Februory 3 with the larg t IOr the di strict oflicials. Junction with all the churches in attendance they have evel' had, beMr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis are IHigh Sc~oJ class of 1937 and is A social pel·i.o« followed the Downey, c ..... ..., ... ..... ..... .. 4 1 9 a nd lea.d. 11-7, at the half, but the the John Calvin Division <>f lIog.a.n, . g ..... :.... ,.. _........... 8 0 6 1Indian offense got to clicking in ing 160. announcing the engag>ement of now e mployed as secretary in the meeting. Presbytery Campaign, Mason The progl'am .con ~ iled of music their daughter, JI!sn to Sylvester I High School office. MI'. Nru·tker is Starr. g .. ............ .............. 3 2 8 I' the final period when they he'd Church wm conduct its own Loya:nd so ngs and moving pictures. Hartley, f :. .. ...... ..... ......... 1 0 t he home lads to eight POifitS ond Nartker, B.on of Mr. and Ml's. Fel'd- empl'oyed at the Frigidah~. No MISSIONARY GROUP .. Ity Crusade. Special features will Jeffries, t ...... ... ...... .. .. ..... 0 1 1 continalliIy broke through their de. Mrs Bob Furnace played a number ina.nd . Nartk~r of' Lebanon. Mi~s date has been set for the wedding. ENTERTAINS M. E. WOMEN .ikewise mark this service. Tthe on 'the harp and guiba.l', accompun- Lewis is a graduate of Lebanon Robinson, c .... .. .. ...... ........ 1 0 2 . fense f or points. qo bed choir !Will sing. TIle Seri~d by her daughter, Jean, on the 50 Dillow and St..anfield paced tlhe .Total WAYNESVILLE - On Friday vants of the Church will be conse, . WaYll ••• ill. Vanity Clarksville 'Ilttack while Bogan and pian o. A quartet of the Holton aftemoon, Jo'eb. 11, the members crated in oan impressive service Planck, f .... ....... ... .... ........ 0 0 0 McClary were best for the Chester family on guitars was much enjoy- Way .. esville Gral1ge of the Woman's Foreign MissiOOl- Mr. Storch will preaCh on, "For ed by evel'yone. The program was D. Collett, f .... ...... .. .... ... . 0 0 0 lad..' Ary Society .of the M. E. Church / Mee.t Saturday Night Christ And His Church." In the LeMay, c ...... ..... ... ....... :...... 4 iI 11 The Mason team, reputed to be then turned over to the s ~udents entertai ned the women ' .of the afternoon, every Presbyterian Bogoer, g.......... ................ 2 S 7 .pne of the "tj'est meeting Clarks- of the Cincinnati Bible Seminary. church .at on Jnternational Million WAYNESVILLE - he Far mfamily is being prevailed upon to I\h. Bruck, field man f the Sem· Claty, g ......... ... .. ~ ... ... .. ..... 0 2 ville, found the attac.k equalMORROW' ..:... Funeral services Un it F-ellowship Ten. Similnr Teas remain at home from the houn el'S Gmnge . w.i1l meet, Satarday C. Collett ,.. ,... ,...... ,.. ..... 0 1 1 Iy a8 e'ffecttve Saturday evening in.8t'y, and t'b l'ee boys and Miss Vii' 'O vening, a.t the Grange H.aU. The <l>l'e to be held today at 1 p. m. for were being given by the W. F. M. of 1 :30 P. ·M. until 5 P. M. .Thi8 Il'illiu Conrad furni 'hed seveml Fires ............. _.... ............. 0 0 0 and lost, . 27-21. program will be furnished by the Marion Smith, 30. a native of S, Aux.i1iaries in all Methodist Ep- will be a great "AT HOlllE" Sun- . umbel's -on the Piano, Violin, and' Tot.l21 ' -----teachers at the local schools who this .community, who was killed, iscopal churches throa~hout day, wnen the visiting servants of piano accordian. .MI'. Burck then RETIRED "'ARMER DIES Hane,..bu,. Junior. will be g uests of t'he order tha.t 3al'ly Mond·B.y in 'Iln automobile ac- world Jlnd their ~urpose was to lihe church 'WUl wait · upon every showed. pi ctures of the school in AT DALLAS TEXAS. cident at Spring Valley. Reverand promote fellowship . and under- indlvidu.1l1 member, young a.nd Hietman. f ...... .... ... ,.. ...... 1 o 2 evening. . Cincinnati and some of the build Bogan, f:......................... '6 o 10 Mrs. Luc ille Fill'es, l~turer, an· C. E. Cramer officiated and burial standing with the olher church old. in thei~ 'bomes and re<l"uest a in charge of the Vale Funeral organizations. Bell, c...... ..... ....... ....... :.... 0 ~ 0 WAYNESVILLE Funeral iog in Cincinnati. nounced this week. manifestation of their sincere Mid Refle hments of cake, sandThe meeting was opened whh Campbell g .. .......... ... ....... 8 o 6 serviceII' wore !beld here, Mo~doy A good a t.tendance of members Home w-as in the local cemetery. consecrated loyalty to Christ and and coffee were served. wjches Tthe deceased was the SOOl of Mr. Devotions led by iMlrs. A. K : Day. his church. - McCarren, g ....... ............. 0 I> 0 afternoon for Frnnklin P. Jones, is lU'ged as seve~al matters of imAfter a few words of welcome 18 wlclely ~.n()IWn Ntired farmer who Altogether jt was a fine meeting. portance 11t'C to bEl discussed at th e. J nd Mr . George B. Smith of near Total ,.. ,............ , .. ,...... ..., Sunday, MIU'ch 6th, the tirat Mrs., Joe Filel' busine s m. eting, Tbe genral pub- MOl1'oW and woos born ' and reared by Mrs. R. D. Collett the follow· died, Sa~lIrd8Y, at flIe .home; of a r J.a.IOI' '. Sunday innhe holy of Leut · lic is invited to at tend the pro- here. He was nuvertising manager ing program was p~·esent.ed . Daly, ' i .. ... .. :,....... ,............. '0 o 0 son, at Dallall, TexaS: Burial woos A is to· be VICTORY SUNDAY. Music~A. special arrangement l ' 11 in' Miami <Mmetery at Corwin. TO DISC\JSS USE OF MORE of the Li ttlelord Brothers Comgram u\ll'ing the lec luI'e hour. • Robertson, f ..... , .............. i; l'I!port on the success of tb. e ca'l11. The Ju:voeniJe Grange ~ilI have ,lony at Cincinnati, living near· of Dvorak's symphony. from' the Rayne. i.,..,..... .................. 0 o O . Mr. Jones farmed in this vi- . PASTURES be presented. Thia wiil paign will New World, 'by the High School ---~harge of the ref·I'1lshments. Eac.h Cheviot. Purks, ' c ......... ........ , ... " .. ... 0 o 0 cinity for twenty 'years, but reUr: . he a great service of rejOicing, for He is survived by hi s w.ife. Lulu Sextette. Florence, g ...: ........ .... .:....... 1 1 8 ed ift 19liO and went to live with On FU'~ Nil'ht Ra,dio P.rolfram ~range fa.ritily is w-ed 'to bring a A 'Welc<>me 'by Donny ,Lu·ke·ns. Mason - Chur.cb has . h"~~in--~~-.-~~~~~ Of WOSU. ·Monday, Feb. 21 pound of food, such as ' candy" Smith, a son, Gerllld and a daughMeUoh •. g ... ................ ....... 0, 1 1 hi1I IIPn, C. B ~ Jones, at Dallas, Tex Music- A special arrll;ngement loyalty 'and courage of each . of where the latter is an N. C. R. Dial 570 Ke. Bookies, pop corn balls. or food ter, Marylou. illS well tiS his parPlanck, f ,...... ,...." ............ 0 o 0 of T·he Rosary by the High' School its members to serve Christ and. a.nd n broth er, James at' Coents, Stan8~erri, g .................. 0 o 0 A~nt... . MaFical favorites are m.i,\1gled easily served>on tl'ays. 'Hls Church according to the meas ·Trumpet Trio. · lumbus. 16 Total In · addition to ihi.s so~ there, h~ with the following pl'csentatiQns ure in which God has' prospered Exercise, Missions Dollars, by DIES AT FLAT FORK is sU~lved ~y h!S Wife, Laura, fr m 8 ~ 10 p. m. him. Thanksgiving, Divine 'W'or~ Little Light Bent·ers. the 'FORMER ' CU ' RKSVILLE three Qther sons, Jerome of Kon-J ___ MORRO A: C. WINS ship and sermon.. Special music. · sas, Alfred of Dayton Robert of 8 :05 Greene County 4-H Club Recitation, As FOI' Me, by Don Continuing in Leilt, the memo. TEACHER TO RET~RT Chicago'~ and two dau~hter's, Janie, n~d RuraIio~h :r~mdM in ee W~~~;o~~L~~fe M~~ · ~.tie~~ RUBBER GAME S·AT. Henderson. bel'S of Mason Church ~ropose 'to. OLARKSVILLE -.:.... Word baa or Chicago, and Helen, of Flint, c arge .of ,. ' . ra e an rs. Thompson, died e~Lr1y Thursday at MORROW- The Owensville InExercise, "Let' Be Friends. by practically filJ its I ~ews .every Wit- Michiga.n. . '1Ru.t h Radford Bloom. Co. Exten.- the family home at Flat . Fork near depondent basketball. team fell be- the King's Heralds. , been "':'c~I'v'ed he...... that CI-de OJ . lIams, wllo tatJ"'ht a' t Gum GI'O'15ion Agents, Xenia. . T.alk concerning wor~ of the .5unday until after Easter• . 6'''' 8 30 F N f W here. Funeral lirlmgements had fore the onslaught of the Monow onhool. ~e'!lr her'e, ' and at Warren . arm otes , rom ash- not been completo,d at press time, A. C. team hel'e · Sntut'day. even-. local Auxiliary by Mrs. R. A. Con~ .. : , POSTMASTER DIES :'Y anl)ools be'ore gOI'ng to St. MARY ELLEN STULTZ .. ington's Diary H. ·E. Eswlnc, ' . ner Coa!l. " • H' . The Stubbs Fun.eral ' Home, in ing 39-27 in the .rubber game of . • OF HAR:VEYSBURG DIES Istol'lan. . charge, 'said. a three game matcn. Vocal Solo, Teach Me to Pray AT PLEASANT PLAIN BerTlard, in 1920,' will ~Ure, AUBusb 3.1. :Mb. Williams, !Who was ' 8:50 How Pl;anning ' Improves The looal defense wo at its by Mrs. F. U. LeMay, a,ccompa'nied , MIs$ Carri.e Dunn before tibeir WAYNESVlLLE - MI'!!,' Mary .tibe .W inter's F'ood Supply - Mrs. best and kept the l'enouwned at the piano by Miss Mary Eva MORROW-John A. Keller, 68, marriage in 1908 18 a 10l'JllA!r rea- Ene~ StJlltz, 79, 'Of Harveysburg; GeorgI) Folke.rts, Darke County Morrow School Owensville point m~kers pretty Le!Miay. postm~er at Pleasant Plain, w" ident of ttl!s con:munitY. who di~d ~iday ~t, the home of Farm ~orhom.ake.r. . much in "-ubjection . .The local ofTalk coneerning t1j.e \V'ork ot buried here today tollowillg funWilliams 'was • . n.ttv .. of F'ort :a. da.ughter 1,0 'Milddletown, t was 9 :00 Poultry. ~omters--R. E. ---. I h the foreign field, by Rev. J. V. eral services at the ~_nt PlaiD .. b fed t B f d S II f J1 • A program will be given April )en~e WIIS also chcking we I wit L y --I-P1~lbv1;er:i1m:--f'%tITCltr.--RlI!'9':-::-j:"-lO:-7"::";:7;~~ Ancient . ~nd afier becoming.,. a: ·. ';1--", . a ~ '01', : lUI ~, ~ , 0 '''' . • t in COllnection with the bi-cen. Oharlton, Sn;wyer 41;Dd COtftava in aAc ; .. _ t''A • teacher, ta,:,g~t School the~ fro1)1 I~g " fu'ne.ral servlC~ In Mt~dl~~. I 9 :20 ~etter Pastare /01' Dairy ' .i . . . . r leading roles , L""'L' ,ue program ""a was ser- Ryan officiated apd burial wil8 in . 18~6.98. He then' taugbt Gum t~ •., Arrang~m~nts. . were In Far~a--:-:-D • .R. Doad, Ext;. p.asture ~enn)al c e bratt on of the sctt mg . . vild and a social hour was enjoyed. chal'ge of the Hannah Fune.i'al , It d I M Cne :v II t of , the nOl·thwest territory. The The Goodall team Will. p14y at I . . H·ome. Gr.ov.e . for t1u\ee years,. . folJo.w- o•\'a"';' ..,.....l>e, 0 f St u bb.~ F u.nera,'I H. om~. S IS, a.n., van IP, E x. h "'.. d d . D Salt arran .....ments will be in charge the local gym SatuTday fllg t. 'ld by t\Uoee' yeara at Maineville six UJe ecease 'WUI~ a resld~t f . airy peel I S . . ,HARVEYSBURG DOWNS Mr. Kellu died Monday !lfter at GenntoWn, ~d one at Harieya- .Harveysburg for the past twe!:ve ' . 9:30 Preparing to U~e, Electri- of W. W. Cade. BLANCHESTER TEAM In illness of six 'Weeks. He wu a r burg. , . '. y.~ where she made her ho~e city on t~e Farm-,-l . .P. Blauser., " Temperan ce' will be the theme NATIVE OF NEAR .18tive of Warren county, a mem~ After /heading schools at New Wltll . • son, John Stultz. She is Ext. AlP'lcultaral engmeer. >of an IIssembly pNgram to be giv. CENTERVILLE DIES HARVEYSBURG _ The loca' bel' of the Butlenille Ma~nic Madison and ~sburg, .he. was aU~lved b.y tWQ other sons and 9:40 OSU-NYA Orchestra. en by the hiWn. school and grade WAYNESVILLE - Mrs. Eva · basketball team took Blancbester iodge, Goshen chapter of EaateTII princip\ll .of ,'em~d':, Hig.b fOUT daughters. students on Mal'ch 4 at Ip. m. SmithJ 77, who was born at Cen- over the ropes, Taesday night, 45 Star and the Pleasant Plain ~ ' sehool from 1920 .to 1984, wlien The 1a t issue of "The Buzzer" terville, here, was buried at Mi- 32. 'i\h eBlanchesfer team is coach byterian Church. . he beeame 8uperintendent 'of the . Real E.t~te Transfe;. . '" was not o";ly pl'eplII'l!d by the mem ami Cemetery. Corwin, following ed by IGarl Bodenbender Cosch of He is survived by his wife;' a St. Bernard school "system. Trrum~n ' Cass n to Ferth, Rob- ., . . be.l·s of the joul'llIilism claus but funeral servic{'s at Wilmington, the Waynesville court teams last daughter, Bertha and three bzQ" . :: .: ; >'" ,, : .' •. ' inson, five acres. Fr~nklin · tp. . ,. WAYNESVillLE -!.... Miss' Ruth they a180 produce'ci the paper on Wednesday. She .spent the major year. ClI,rr paced the Massie at.. thera. Charles, Mathias, and ' Edrd.S .MAR'Y: LEMr,tON ~ Victor B. Jo:hnsop,. . 07 a'c re, Tur C4ndler of C~darville, waS the a mimeograph machine through part of ' her life in Clinton Coun- tack with 18 points. 'It was the 10- ward .wnd three ' s_sters· . Mi.... ,' . . PIES, SATUADAY , tlecreek tWP. . >' g\lest of her aunt:, Miss · Rachel the co·ope)·ation ~,f the commerc· tJ. .- I I cals' seventeenth victory in nine Dorothy, Lucy and ChaTlotte, aU "', '.. ' '; P. A. Kamper to Estel J ; Wright Petitt, Saturday and .Sunday. ial .depa.r tment. Death was due to a paralytic teen games. of Pleasant Plain. Funeral lot No. 241, Frankl1n. . ' J Miss Gretclten Qebring spent the A new set of books and pamph- stl'oke. Three sons. Quincy, Irvin, . Harny.bura WoI\YNESVn;LE eervieeS ' ..eN, held, . Monday ' eve- ~ J. K. and Ida E~ Spencer to the 'We~,end in T~le!Io with her par- lets for the- general guidance of t and E~,,:in survive as do seven .Can:,. f .... ...... ......... :.... .. ... 7 . 4 18 WAYNESVILLE WOMAN nfllir,' for Ml'II.1Mli\l'1··E. Lemmon. Lebanon Citikns' N.alione.l Bank} ·imts. .' the individual student has been gral)d-ohlldren and one groat.grand DaVIS, f ...... .... .. .......... ...... 3 2 8 IS RE-ELETED I MJ\ >and Mrs. Haecock, added to the lib1l'8ry. They deal child. Her parents were James and HaTtley, ,f .... . ............. ...... 1 0 2 74, ~ . cliett·.at' ber' '~ome helle, real es~~, Lebanon Saturday .' &f~r a lingering ill, ' Fe~ris Robins.on to Truman 'Oaa:: fMIrs. Oarrie G,egg, Mrs. Howell with ' ~ocational S1!.le.tions, person- Elizabeth Brown Camp~elJ. Downey, c .. ,..... .:...... ... .... 3 2 8 neaa,. · ~~d J. · P. Thornbury son lot No. 243 Franklin ' Pier~e '1liited ~ '~ugel\e Eoster a\ appearance, sIQ.cial beha.vior, Starr, g ........ .. ......... .... .. ... 3 1 7 .;,ot :ijal'v,1IIJ>Ul'lf officiated. and bar. .' .. , .' , .' family at F.o8ter's\ Croasing' 'on manners, Ilevelopment of person- INDUSTRI~ ARTS CLASS Bogun, g ...... ............ ... ..... 0 2 i.J.~.,~ ~ Dry Rifilge, Ky~'; .. ' MARRIACE LICENSES ' , Ttnlrs~y. . ,,'...., .> , ' alitYJ mOJl8ls. c1iaracter, effective $T ARTS WELL · <on · T~~r· . .., . ' .,. ' '.1 ·Vemo~'. M. Drummond • .' 84 Mill8 Cla~a 'Lil e of Washirigton speaking and pers'linal hygiene. Mnr. ~m~~n ,was tJie \wf~w; of worker, Cozaddale, .and · Mrs. C" H:, ;w&& din'liet guest, Tues'day, ~iss Joan Davie!! a member 'Of CLARKSVILLE - .The new In Blanche.ter · ' t~e rat~ 1ohn: N. Le~oh aDd ",sa . SoHooley, 23. of Pleas- o.f 'Mrs~ lJowe~1 Pletce~ .' / the teaching staff, was a.-b~en~ dUsttia:t art; · claase~ for ·.adlilts got ! K:e.Jley, f ......... :.. ........... ... 4 3 1 . tier as, 18 6'8, a. ~ Clo.- ant;Plain. .' Dr. ,DUdh!)' Keeyer, C~ntet- f .h· lasses lash wee" because off to 'flDe start at toe school . Hu~ter, f .......... .... ;.... ... .... 1 ' 4 6 · b!,m,>Septem -- K y. She w. ...•~ mem b er of . 110m er c .. . " . . 8 0 memo,I S ~ ' k ey, c ..... ....... . ........... . 6 ? 12 thi a"'!"O ~Qhn . Holweger, 21, state high- \'IU~ 'ait"d . M1'8. Keev~r, of Center- of' illness. '. b)lildmK, Mon. ~veml)g. · the ;Joo&h'~ RUn 1~~P~t ~ha~. way . ,and BaTbara Sq\l.i~r, ville dined a~ · ,.tne B:ome,··:~unday. A .new fh:e alarID sYIlt.e.t)1 is ~ ,?I)d wo~en a.tten~ed, and ~.~s , OO.nstabl,e, g ... ........ : .. .. ,... 1 1 . 3 , SUrviYine are two 80~, .~e, Cif Ohronicle employee, Mrs. Ca?,l~ ,GM,gg ~~tti~ed to ing installed <lind is In accor4ance ID w",,:vmg, .dra';V!ng , .metal work; Pnckett, g:.. ,............ . ,...... 0 o 0 " '. W~e, and 101m fJi ~-. . '. 1~?~~, .In W~III~p., on M0!l- w,ith the n!!W' statE! fire code. , ~I,!ather m~l?in.g. ~otte~, and furn . too. ', ,:.' . ... . .day. , " •. .', ' . • Seven seniors wj\l compete In Jture l'e.(~)'Iujhmg were 8ta~d. . .. M.i~ S. M•. Selle~and ·MJ8. Lina' the stllte seh lar Jilip·te8ts on .April • ~r •• <?~~n: c~u~ty 8upervlso~, ·is. ----'~---..., ·lbwl.tfn .~~t1t 'U,U~ .,,. 01 . Lebanon . lca\led ,on 2, at Lepanon . .'rhey · are Edn.a as~~~!ng 10 getttn~ th~ e~.s . C.A.~lD PARTY IS , the 10_ ~ .~ atation ~ the 1}l'oiJ\e, . ~U~~1 *c:h,te~l), Ja~ . Eesley, ' Hllrd- started .. ~~n Thatcher, regular in- WELl. A TrENDED to pro" that ·& Jili com crop ing Bolling, lda ' B'r own, 01 the day ,claaBe8, ~ ·in hot &~. bleahlg to:farmen. _ " . Wright, £rle Mh,a'nda an C!l)arge. thori ..,. tumera cUnot ,.The Wllue. 01, ~qrta from the Poppe. ' ~----..--the 'effect. of loW lor the 'C8Dter of the pou~try raJ,8 , 'Stat. ~1lI1ne' 1987 Dce.dThe I!A:hoc1 .equ·i nn-nt--hlll DIES. AT DAYTON l..ili. . . . ~. to' . IndUll&ry~. ~ 'N_ eel ' tbat fo~ 1DIPoi1a by app~- supplemented 'by ~be. addition of help ........ t:&8 pork -M IDOla ' . ~ haft had: >'q~lte a matel7 '250,OOQ,O,,0. BoJih sales a series of Be'" mapa and charta• for ..... In the numbers of poaltii7 on eel eSeeeded ·tbfte bJl- The subjects more atractlve SattenrUt&.. 78,. a fonner realdnt . in ~ put few ~. !'oat.- Una of . In: ~. ' b, .~ '. are ~~ of !his c.o mmunit7, died Tuelday eltintr and aD attendiba reportAld ..... ;.. >r•.•~.~ .:~",i~~~1;:.:lil.~~ ·Pllfer ••. .. pl\,. 'vocatiOns, . blolo" at DQton. Bu.-la1 wUl be at $prlnl ".~"t ;· ~"""''!''· I1.!'''~




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Marion Smith







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eon, Louis and' MillS Irma Denunn , Mr. and Mrs. William Hardm an and family 'and Mrs. Irma Sw.eetman ~lnd family" Cif Dayton . I Mr. and l\In . J. B. ~ones enterWned Mr. and tMInI .. E. B, lJOngacte, Mr andl Mrs ~herle J ane."

Main Street


Entere d A

An Iud pe"den t Newspa p r Dedi .ated to t.he ervice of Waynes ville II pd vici ni~y - Giving i patron s the bost newspaper humanl y posMble.

ner, Suhday . Mr, and Mrs. Walter Ke'lrick had for their dinner guet!ts, Sun~ day, Mrs. Josepb GraBSi, MiRs Lou ella V:0ught of Piqua, Mrs. ~m'" McCleAry lind IMrs. L:oyd MUlcr . of Dayton.

Good e'ye ight is one g.ift that" no one can ·Iook to..g.etting.- Vff-Q-pped-ift-'a neat pac·kil'ge. Bilt good eyesig ht is a gut that can and should be protec ted by' seeing a compe tent optom.ertist regularly . .

M as on Pe rso na ls Mr. and Mrs. . V. Dun-ham il ed MI'. and Mrs. Ear! Creage r w~l'e tihe guests of Mrs. Gertie li nd sons, at Loveland, undny. · Kirk of Lebanon, at six o'clock Mr. and .MIrs. Lou Rappe, Mi s dinner, So.turoa~' evening . Louella Hoppe.aI1d Miss '[ubel 1tr. Rnd I'M Elmer punn of Thnckel' of F oster were Thured ay NOT'wl()od, 'were the !;ruosts of h. even ing guests of Mr. s nd Mrs, and Mrs. Robt. Bund y, Tu esday Wm. Tha cker. vening. MI'S. Delln Girton was the guest Tho Fidclity Club \ ill hold a n of hrr sister, MI . Eti-.e! Fi ,hel' of The Barrell ramlly showD at \Were), hoapl~ Cblea,o , ' .wbere 1111 day moeting, featuri ng a cov- Newton , Friday. Isabel Barrell recently by caesarl aa operation. Len t~ right are tbe fifth chUd was lIorn to I\lr. and &Irs. James 1I1orQ'l1n , nelVcst addition to tbe ered dish dinner with Mrs. Anno Mr. and h·s. Will. HDmmond family ; Mrs. Barrett ; Maurice, the father; Allee. twelve: Theresa Ayers, Wetlnesdoy F eb. 16. I\ CI'e the Sunday guests of Law- 1I111. The ext.raor dlnary aeries 01 dlftlcaU blrthll la belIeved to be . eII'\'cn; Mliul': cc, JI'.. ten; and John. close to a ro('or:l. Mis Mary Dickinson of Colum- rence Sn id er and family of Main · Ilus, is the house gu ~st of her bro- ville. HARV EYSBU RC . LYTLE ·Mrs. Mary Oarmon y and Mrs • thel', Mr. A. Dicki nson. all Church The Pl'esbyLerion Bibl e Class By M.... Louiae File --Walter K enrick in compan y with street. m Qt T hiJr.~ day at the home of MI'!'". Many f rom her-e attende d the 1MIrs Adda 'Bu~tt spent Wed- Mrs. E. J. Carmo" y and Miss Bet1I1l-s. Robt. J ones !lp nL Thur,;:- Floyd Lancer t. Those pr;e~ent to funeral of Mrs. Horace Smith nes~y of 1~ W\l!ek with Ml's. I chel tof Springf ield enjlOye d the day with her mother , ?iiI'S. Lonnie enjoy t.he meeting were ?fils. 'held at the ArthUr Fun,eral home Alice. Clar1,l; ,at the Higgins Apt!. 1 picture, "Victor ia the Grent," and Uammond. Thelma AyeI', Hazel Ban, Mary at Wilmington; Wednesday with in DaitQn . a luncheo n afberw ard in Dayton on Many {donds , here will be sor- Butler, Helen Calvert , Bertba burial in Miami Cemete ry. Mrs. Elizabe th Hough returne d Wedn esday of last week. ry to hear of the serious illness Case, Mary Compton, NMmi HecIMr. and Mrs. Arnold Collett to iller thome neur Harveysburg, Mrs. Alice 'Mliller. enterta ined , from pneumo nia of Eldon Bowye1' gel', Helen (j{)uld, Hazel Laymo n, and ' Mrs. Licia Curl, were Dayton SatUrd ay, after a two week's visit the foll~wing ' relative s, Saturda y who is a t Chl'· . t Ho_pita l incin- Mabe] Scott, Eula Spaeth , Emma shoppe rs Wednesday; at the h()me 'Of Mr" and Mrs. Allen evening , in honor of her mother nati. , Tet:rick, Lida T~omps on, Beu~ah Mr. George Hoilg~rs of Mason E;mriek. Mrs. Alice Trickey 's 77t h birthda y: Ml'l;. Raym nd Hoff is slowly WhIte, Euna WhIted, Ivy Whlte- was in town We dnesday looking Mrs Therle JOliilS, Mrs. Margar recupe rating fl' am a long illness, hou e, Gretche n Wolfe, Lola after busine5I:JI' and will ghfil! a et JOhn9 anil ' Mrs .. Stanley Bailey at h~ home on the Le~B non pike. !f:orton, Irene Mossteller, ~el pic~ure shoWl' at Town Hall every attende d a borne demons Church es of Christ, Scientia t Mr lI'nd lM~~. Dean Girton will Pagett, Stella Peacoc k and tra.lion M~s Wedne sday night . meetin. r at .Ridgev ille, Thursd J ay, u_ "MIND " is the subj ect of the Les. Mrs Lot t i e ' 001 brate t heir 25th weddin g an- eaD8'."" Wl","';_ ..... "". • .' . Frank Wj· l~ftn was a busI' ness where the topie "Groom Your Ion -Sermon which will be read in ~ nlvcrsa ry on Feb. 19 at the ir Runyan was a. VlS ito r as was all Cl\Urches o[ Christ, Scientist. on a 515- visitor in Wilmin gton Friday Clothea" was discussed. SUJlday, February 20, 1938. borne. , tel' of Mrs .. Lanoer t. : ~. and MrS. Pearl Noggle s of Mrs. Alice .lI1i1hlr attende d the Mrs. Alice Wright of Readin g, The Golden Text is ! " 0 Lord, how Mr. and ?tiTS. Lee MOsstel le.r New Burling ton called on Mrs funeral of Mrs. Sarah Hardma n great arc thy worksl d M A] and Mrs. Tom Deven~ 0 f W yom· were guests a f ""thy , ma" •. an . 1'50 - Frank Wilson Sundav mO'rnin g en- at Webste thought s are very deep" and (Psalm s r, Ohio, Thursd ay. ing, Ohio were t h e re cent goests bert 'U' " ' m.osst]1 eer, S un d ay. route to Hamilt on, where they \Mr. and M/rs. Harve.y Burnel, 92:5). of Mrs. Edward Wright and child Among til e cilations which . comMr. William Bowen spent the spent the day with her sister, attende ... d th the ' Wlilyne Townsh th ip prise the Lesson-Sermon is the ren at "e b orne a ,f Iller mo' er, pas.t v.~ek. end in Columbus. Mrs. Fra nk Shidake r who bas Farmer s' Club at Grange g from th e Bible : "And God Hall followin !'tIrs. Richard Cox. ' spake aU these words. ' saYlllg, Mr. ..and Mrs. Wm. Bercaw en-'· be'en on the sick list this . . , ' winter Thursd ay enterta ined by Ml'. -and 'Tho u shalt have no T,he Father a nd' Son blillqlle t ltertain ed in honor of Miss Virginother gods bc,called on ' (lId friends S~ turday evMrs. Barvey Sacke: t t. IV1lS held at th~ M. E. Church par- it Bercaw 's birtllday, Sat fore me" (Exodus 20: 1,3): . u·rda.y enipg. __ .1 • A d Mr. oand £1. B. Longac re The Lessonalso lIIc1ude lors on T u"""ay evemng . goo evening . Those ....iho enj oyed thi s the following Sermon passage {rom th~ Mr. Frank Wilson and daugh- "'ere aftern0 9n guests attenda n.;.e. ",as pres-ent. of Christia n Science textbook, "Science • happy occasion were Mr. and. Mrs. ter were Lebanon shoppe rs !\fon- Mr. and lMlrs.. John Pite. at Blue and Health with Kcy Prof, Young' s elass of Young Robt. Grow, and son of Hamilto to the Scnpn day. ._tsh. ... .E. Churc'" gave' a Men o th m f e tures" by Mary Etldy Baker , G ;1. ~ 'h Mr. ' and M ~. James Bercaw and . or,.l(n and Bogan o""ned ~ Mr. and Mrs. S. IL Burnet s.pent "Heaven . \'~. not a locality, but 'a " Valent ine P1Irty at the· c,hurc . son of Cincinn , ,all dh-ine ati, David Bere1lw, tltir grocery Monday ready y v for Tbursda of Mind in whlclt the y, in Lebano n and ~be lat- maniiesstate Monday evening , each membe r i n- Christe ne Bercaw and Glen tations of Mind are harmon . B,aU. busineSs, . furmer ly occupied by ter's ~other, Mrs. }>}rnUy Thack er" iOUII and immortal, because sin' is viUng onl! ,guest. 'An enj oyable ev- nd the gu ee.t of honor. Jefferi es and Son. . returne t. d home with them for a not there and man is found hav ing R enlDg was spen ' MrS: Lottie Runya.n was a visno righteousness of l1i8 own, but in ass Hartsoc k o(Jf Waynes ville visit, . The 'M E. chait' will give an avpossession of "the mind 01 tht' at the Good Samari tan. hospi- was a business caller here SatMrs. Barry Gr~m was c~)ed day Lord;" as the Script~re 'says, (p.. iug at0 8:15~ ~Suv purpose 01 sh.e , en'ric tonatl; 'see Tliursc .'F uslefo!\. her n iece, next' MrS. urd.a:y. evenMr. and Mrs. Richard tal incalled -Qincm Egan of death of her sater,' Mrs .. J~ lay where purc~ing J:ob~s for th,e choir. .. ~Iayds Rhodes wbo lias. boon very Dayton are visiting at the hom Nash, nee Virginial Saylor. Mr. Everyb ody invited . No a<lmiEsion ill of her parents . will I)e cha-rged, but a free-will of• The Ma~onic - buildin g and .burial there, Saturda y. fering will' be- very muc'h apprecia"Obio farmer s will spared fire Thursd ay from:.a .spark on ') Mr. Charles Middleton, Dll·"._D",r.' .ted. . • disapPOIntment in purclhasing hy- roof but soon. put_ou t caus'irlg ' tha Peters anlt 'sons of Da.yton Mr. Bnd IMlrs. Andy NJmiar th. brid corn seed if tney follow as far little damage. were dinner guests, !:lunday ' evewho are caretak~J:S of the Durrell as poilile the Stale Experim ent The quaraft tfne for Scarlet Fev- ning ' of Mr. and Mlrs. George home- while' the Durrell 's are in Static>D and the extensi on .Dasemce 'er a.t the Brook's home has peen vis and Horace and . Flot ida 'were the hosts a t a 8'111all Ernellt FO, u lks• d recommendations. . on varietie s l'ft . 1 e. . . Mr. and M . Mrs. J. B. Jones, party at ~~e Durrell horne, Satur- WIDeh are adapted ," R. D; rs. Lewis Forest Graham attende d the h nday. ~veh~rig. Those presen t ~re Ohio State ·U niversit y. For quick res~lts use tbe classi- ~ral of Frankli n Jopes at W!1yne Mr. and Mrs Conrad Borden felter ; =. ===::=;~:;;-;:;t: si==-==== - iie~ ads_ ville, Monday aftern-oon Mr. and M~ "Homer Neufar th, .. NOTIC E Mr• . and 'MrS: CI8lrimoe ,Reitz of TO TRUCK DEALE RS, Socialville, Miss Clara. Mae Reitz ' ,Sealed bids will be 't'eceived by of Lebano n. board of Trustee s of Wayne M·... and M~. lMIarion Clenden ~ Warren County , Ohio, in ' and' daught ers ~f Hamilto n were Sunday afterno on guests of nt the office of the clerk of said Mr. and: ' Boward Girton; toWnship, Waynesville, Ohio, until o'clock P. M. Eastern Stand<b ~eB ' ~iiton and son, CurtiJ of 1Ia11li\1;on visited relatives ard time. Availa ble .each Mond ay alld Thurs day fro,m 'U. S.· P,tarch 4, t 938 1;t.el'e' and ..also Mr. and Mrs. Rod·Approve~ breeding; flocks , of~icially test'ed ~:....:P:..:u::I-_'-IfH_ One two ton oT ' two and one ne)' T-or~1'loea' of S~. · Lebano n, r-~ lor'u~ (B. W. D.) and prono unce, . Pullor tim' Safe half ton truck · or both · equippe d ~Vil1dai ' Yard dump bed, ' 78 in. , FIiends here are grieved 'to 'with th~ Ohio' State Depar tment of Agric. Specia l prices l~arn of the deatb of , t~ infant '\Vide. . Cab . fully equippe d, 84il7 for Janua ry. Also libera Heavy l discou Duty tir-es or equivol ent in nts on orders placed · daugbt1!r of Mr. and 14rs. Howard F,aulkn er ' (~ 'Leila Fridge) at balloons. now. f or later delivery; Raise "M'ult i-tesie d" chicks It is also tbe ' intentio n o'f said tbelr home . n ear ., X:enia.. . f' ,'. this year and see the differ e.nce. Write , call, qr . M~. ..and Mrs. .Lr,Ie, Stebbs of Trustee s to offer ·as tpIrI't paymen t phone f or l1ew candid camer a catalo gue. Dayton , iMlrs. SUsie Stebbs of Leb- a 1988 Model Ford Dump lied a1\on and Mre.. CODrad B\?rden fel- truck, rebuilt motor Installe d May ter we-r~ Supday aft~rnoo.n guests 1937. In good conditio n. Rhone 23 • The: board of Trustee s r!lIlCn:~ · of. Mr. and Mrs: .Wm Albrigh t. Mrs. N.ol& BmIily attend-ed the fight to reject any or all bids. Jesse P.ende rgut .. _ Teache r meeti04f· of < Hamilt on E; L. Thoma s County. Tea(:he ra at the Y. W. C. W. C, St. John. , A. 'at Cincinn ati, ~aturday. LE~NON Trustee s . Mrs. Bag-le t Miller and daughL. H. GordOn, 'l\wp. -Clerk. · , ters of LebanlO n . were eaUing on relative s and. frienda hue Sunday afterno on. Mr. and Mt;a. Cliffor d Stitt vig-



Dr. Joh n Ze tte l O. D. OPTOMERTIC EYESIGHT SPECIALIST '. Open Every Day from 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. Saturd ay 8 A. M. to 10 P. M. . 19 N. Broad way ' Lebanon, O.


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In boilding or remodelling

your home- be sure of beauty


sist on Cromll r! Ask us :to show you 'somples'. The Cromar factory-finish permin you to lee how your




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before it

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is loid.

fv "Cromer" it is

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faclory. Cromar

flooro oro complete ly finish~d before they ' Ioa~e the plant. T~o .all of h.

st.ll.tlon w,il' surprho you.


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Way neav ille

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Baby Chicks






.Townsley Hatch~..ies·


WE BUY Cr,eam, Eggs; . and Poultr y Best Pr\Ct!s ' . Phone 2228 1) 7 W. ,Lo~ust, acr~ from Ci9 Hall .

All' Kinds of Insurance •


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' Produ ce Co.


, "







Ma.ODt Ohio~ -Phone 84.

: \


Far-Famed Little Miami .,Va!ey A:nd;The ~oll-,

nd Their

tel' which Mrs, Hatton ~ve a I day tWening .boat short review of "The Nutmeg present. Ttefr", a delightful day was "enol Mrs. Mllry Ha.ipes an.- Mr. Clrjoyetl by the Circle. , " 1'011 mart attende-d tbe .funeral 01 Mr. and 'Mh. A. S. Col,I() ~te and 1Mrs. Kinkaid in Winohester, In4. , sOn Roberl attended the annual ,F't:iday. ' -, bunquct' of the "Fleece ~nd L:.Imb "j M ' W It J d ' d dau'ghClub" of Clint01l eounby at Sn- "A' Tl\~ ,aner Hor ....~ II n a , Y1, ' T ' ",,1' , rs. on a. ""ock an ........ bma on hur.sday , ~vemng. , and Mrs. Will Tichenor mJ)tored Mrs. Louella Snypp of Tacoma, I to' Lebanon on Monday. Washington is the guest of I'll C: G. Randall. For quick results uae the clauiMr: nnd M1's. Clyde Levicy enbe rtained their card club on Thul's fied ads.


ing ~ill Man B~ H.


L ' VA,N


Hardvvare 1 hat Satisfies The n&ar Blero of tlhis story is worthy succe880r and co-worker of the heroic individuals who made up the three civilizations that left, and a~ leaving their mark, in the beautiful Va.1ley of the Little Miami River-,t he prehistoric, that of the early nineteenth century, and the present. His name of Burns Wilson Mount, and Ihe is a typical rolling mill man, who for the past eighteen )'!Cal's has been in 'the service of the American Rolling Mill Co." at tMir la1ge home plimt in nearby' Middletown. Mount is now engaged in Sheet Mill No.1, and if that which he has accomplished in th.e Little Miami Valle.y, in a small way to be Bure, may be accepted as a criterion, he must be one of the best men, in am Hne.

The accompanying an altogether inad equate idea of their work and artistic skill. The M6und Buildcrs of the Littie Miami Valley, whose most imporllant work is nearby Fort Ancient, thc largest prehistoric fortress in North America, al'c known only by various traces of their exi8t~J,lce. Their primitiV'j6 civilization disappeared long before the discovery and settlement of our country by the white l'ace. They are known only as Mound Builders. More valorous and greater build era were our forefathers, who so firmly planted our civilization in this Valley and the adjacent hilltops. They were empire builu (ll's and rugged individualists of t'he Below the Village of Oregonia, highest type. The hundreds of on the East Bank of the Little .iM~- sJllendid farm units created by ami, near Mather's Mill Crossl~g, them .and handed down to posterBums Mount, his cheerful and m- ity are distinctive and extraordinduatrioU6 'Wile, Kathleen, an~ his I ary in their beautiful setti ng, Pic two SOIlS, Arthur and R~lph, (!Iglft.. ture for 'yourself broad" fertile een and fifteen respectlVely, baV(! acres of rich bottom land on eif I conllttueted a delight u and , un i- ther side of the far famed Little que sum.mer. home, doing all tl!.e Miami Valley River and exb!nding work, both In ston~ and. wood, to the foot-.hillll; which slope to ~and&caping and embelliahlngo, dur tile b~ight of orne three hundred 'Ing "Week-ends 1Ind the long SUDl- feet. The hiJJsldes are still amply mer ~omlngs and evenings. wooded, cedar and walnu't pre·dominating. Ravines at intervals and numerous springs add to the verdure of the blue grass covering of the picturesque hills and \vA YNESVILL.E dales. On t}i(! tops of these hllls, ,t he farm units consi sting ~f state. FEB,~UARY 20 - 2-1 ly residences, 'the 41d time smoke , house, ample barns, and corn Homolka-in- Fl'Ulce. Farmer cribs were constructed. The ho uses "EaT_DE" were generally ' of brick, of eigh,t • Cartoon- "Let's :Celebrate" or ten room&, <with inside woodNews ' c1o. 'o f the' Day work ~h as mllntle i FEBRUARY 28 sets, and book ca~s, of black walCln..rt Rot.... - HlIllt nut; tlhe dool'S w~re of the same -in-hard wood. Fir~ places, in many "THUNDER TRAIL" insWpces, were placed in every Short,....:. "A«ent on Beauty" room , including the b ed rooms. Serial No,. 12- "WiI!I West Days'! These splendid old residences; many built a centuJ'Y ago, are' still FEBRUARY 26 -" 26 standing. They are conneCted with B.k .r_e. the valley belOlW by 'Winding roads, ,fhte or six hundred yards long ' and _-in"BOSS RIDER OF CUN CREEK" well graveled, which still add beauCarto.on- "BamF~d B088" ty' to ,the landscape and furnish , Comid.1~ "Dime A,Dance" m~nsl of , reaching these hill-top

Mr. Em el'son Earnhart, l?tft'. Alvin Eal'nhal't, and Mr. Harold Earnhal't are bown hel'C with the three foxes which they captured

during the !hunting seaso n. The 'Will be made up into "chokel's" for foxes were taken within a , few their wives. miles of Waynesville, The hides have been sent to the tannery and

home , Some are hidden away in the most unexpecte() place-, lihough most overlook the valley and are visible from the rivel' rands. In additio n to the e roads and the ,main arteries in the valley, a hundr d miles of well constructed s.ccnic by-wa,ys up and down and in and out, within a radius of ten miles. A veritable Switzerland in minature. Empire buildel's indeed were our sturdy forefathers, who asked no odds, not evan of nature, and ,certainly no governlTlent assistance. They hued their farm s out of the wilderness, !Which SO OI1 blossomed like the ro&e and became productive, amply sustaining a contented population. Many of the %l'iy settiers were Quakers fl'om the Cal'oIinas and Maryland and even direct from England, Others were of good Virginia Stock and still others, hard '1vorking Yankees from New England. New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania cantributed their quota. They complained not of work and much 'I e·s of the ,weather. The y thought not of' superf icial and frivolous pastimes~heil's was the safe and sane Ihoroe and buggy age , of sound rea~ soning. Years it took to conquer the wilderness; but conquer they did, those sturdy men and 'WOmen who left u~ such a rich heritage and s uch ample proofs of their wisdom and industry. Coming down to the present time and the present day hero of our, story, other Tolling mill men of '1;he great Middletown pl~nt " uwly became acquainted Wit .h gra the beauties of the Little M~ami 'VaHey, where they fished and hunt ed 'along the river banks; but left ~is mark' as 1b.8S Burns Mount. Nor has he finished. Stone by stone, assisted by the eager and willing members of his family,. this TOiling, miU man, during the ,past few years has built for himsefl an attractive summer cottag~, nestled away in the foliage by the 'road4ide, with the steep hills ria· in'g from its very foundations. Landicaping ibas not b~en overlooked, Bnd lawn fixtures and fum iture, including a rU$tic bridge Iiave been prQvide!l by tJM buHder-archlteet, who was guided by inspiration , 'rather than by plans. Beyond the Way n8llviOe,.()regonia ' highway is the Little Miami B ' 'h ' f h P . I . b_" ranc 0 ,t e ennsy vania .tW1.U-

add life to the scene. Cow, bells ful a nd useful, the snm e as OUI' from up the hillside arc heal'd, as forefathers, who accomplished' in Switzerland, altthoug'h less fre,_ 1su ch wonders in this Valley of quently than in former year~. The gl'een pastures and still waters. blui!ih waters o.f the rivel' are sep- As did our fOl'efaU\cI's, Mount de Larger Becaul~ of Belter Quality, Service aad Pric. arated from the rnilway track by lights in accomplishing something E._bU.Led. 1849 . 1938 PboDa 32 a wcll-~ept embankment, equally useful, and spends his spare mo- : the pride of the owner, the stal- ments, winter and summer, in thiswart, and ~nthu 'illStic rolling mill healthful, highly remunerative and I ~• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •~ man. invigor ating pastime. Oregonia, about a mile up Lhe Mnny, of Mount's comrades and river, is the 'n earest settlements. fellow-workers may have hobbie s Thoen comes Telegraph Mill, Jo- and talents that they put to good cate d within a perfect h'orseshoe use i but is of Burns Wilson bend, a nd furtilier up is the d.e light- Mo~nts tha.t we write and of ~js I ful Village ,of W~esvil1e. Ju st deilghtful httle summer and WlDbelow is the cl"ossing of the ' WiI- ter play ground, flestied away in mington-Lebancm higbway, stii! the thlcket at the foot of the hill, known as Mathcr's Mill, although overlooking the placid waters of the old mill has been gone these the famous Little Mialni RiveI'. many years. T:his highway, from whiCh Fort Ancient may be visited, HARVEYSBURG , joins the Three C's at Sligo. BeDr. e.nd Mrs. W. E. Oglcsbee, tween Waynesville and Mather's iW'Cre Cincinn~ti visitors ThursMill crossing are stretches of rare day. I scenic beauty,. I When you buy RED BRAND fence and put it ~p Mrs. H. W. Smath has ~en conright, you've got a fence line that will give extra long The stone of which the Mount fined to her bed for several days service and cost you a whole lot less per rod per Tesidence is constructed is the 01'- with severe wId and gripp. , dinary flag stone, or lime stone, of Mr. and Mrs. Oharles Gordon " year. the nearby hillsJdes and ravines-- entertained with ' 41 dinner party It has been tested by many ye a rs Of weather and mcsUy from the' surface. The walls On Monday evening. fence line stl'ain on farms ,all over the country. 0:( the little' cottage, inside as well Mrs. Lida Hatton was hostess as exterior, prE~sent tihe , same un- to the Book Review Circle with a Call or see us for .fencing information " dressed, unev~ appearance. SluIrp luncheon at the home of her projecting edgE~s and comers add \ daughter Mrs. Ren Cffiins in Hartto the pict~resque~ess of the struc- well on Thursday, Feb. 8th. ' a ture .and lt , ~ al.ready most excellent and ,deeply interMaaon, Ohio mentioned, a rustic brIdge 15 not e.sting revieW! of the "Citidal' was lack. jng, as Mh_u. nt, the architectby Mrs. 'Es!Jher Dorster ' afII]Ia: builder, is no less skilled' as a ~rk er in wood. Rustic chairs, benches and a swing are provided, in a prop el H Itirg , f( r tb'3 M,'unt fsmilr • guestls. R ' b'11'd h ousan d t hell' ustie and stands and boxes for flowel'S and vines dot the landscape. The ample. chimney and fireplace are worthy of sl>ecial attention and examination. ' ' Ingoeniously !Constructed stone steps, each three or four inches ..bove the otlher, lead from tihe rustic front gste Ion the roadway to the front of th.l house, wbleh pal'rallel8 the roa~l, rather than faces it. Near thEi ' top of the stone the word, "Welcome" in mosaics greets tJle visitOr, and ' a cheerful welcoD!le it IS- that awaits at as Ih.e appl'oac~es the ,p ortico, with its Armco Iron roofing. A in~noiith s tanrul at the corne~ of Ohlo~ ~orth' ~roadw~y the house, in " rock and cement toundation ,encfrclel,l' by agate and glass marbles 6f various colors, showing date of 1936.


Twin Theater

~• • • • • • • •II1I.Ii.IIIII!• • • • •--.--II1i.~!It

BA BY CHI CKS ta.ted aacl culled flock.. , .... tlatc'lai.; 2 ~ e per' a,.. ( " , it. ..tela


..da -tr. P~I"riDi

OSy,;j.R'S., HATCHERY, .




Yell_ Sp"in,., Ohio ', "

Is From


Fairley Hardware Co.

This Is The Fence You Can Count Oil

1 0 Last Longer!



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MoCur:l ey ImpleDlen't , CODlpan~



Yelephone 199

~:~=:::~~~~~~~~:=::::~~~~~~~~r~~~d~I~~~o~s~e;t~rn~~~s~ ·' ~1~6~N~~~~Y~0~~~k spired ~~is~~~h~ '~ builder-a:rchitect. Good taste

is not departed from, through over e.n thusiasm. Yet' the man who thus improved his spare time, the builder-architect is a rolling mill m~n; w!ho .knows more about steel and iron sheets than htj does about stone jlnd wood. Not just another ahap,er of stecr;'bo~never, as he possesses above all iinspiration and industry, with' an eye for -the beauti-


Several . around, here attended lard8 enjoyed & turkey dinner "t the home of Mr. and Mrs. harles the Harveyab\1rg and Wayne ille ona Brunner the FOR. SALE-For fenee and week end wit.h her par~jDta, Mr. I. Huffman, Sunday, Mrs. Millllrd basketball K'/Ulle at Harveysburg, kindred products get my low furnished the turkey. The event lallt Friday. • nculu m tlng of the Laci ~d 1M; , . J. J. Oel1!ter at Dill boprices. Hllve you Been the new w'a s in honor of Freeman Millard's Mr. , Kenneth Eakinll tOok SunAle) of the M~ E. cbl1rc:.h wall 1'0, n. . twin Douglas motol'cycle? E. E. birthday. dny dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Robbelel t.he cbu,rch plIl,lors Mr. and Ml'$. Waldo Whitaere Anson, ClarkHville. 3-17-lit. Carl Gilbert of Mason visited el·t Lewis Rnd fllmily. c:..t.. M H P A _ IUtd 8011 IItotored to Blanchester, ~ neadav, ..... ~ -::""'" -er.,oon. rs.. ' . d d ' 'ted M:r d 1\1 Mr '~ nc\ ldr ~.' A. jjbert, 1\\o.nMiss Lillian l'1lirthjld and Mr. • um had llJlarge of the-Pl'ogru.m. ,un ay a~ ' VISI . 1 • an , rs. day. " Herbert Ellis of Kingman was a PLACE YOUR ORDER for Clover \'rblch , C!Oblllited ,of l·c.ac1!ng:; up- elyd~ Whltacr~ who ~ave ~ ecetitSeed nt the CLARKSVILLE IMIl's. Ed~in George anc.l children Sunday aftel'noon , caller of MIs.~ .... nriate t L' I d W ' h ly retuTnoo from .F londa. p '~ , 0 meo n an as - " . of Tole~ aNI vi~ting Mr. and Opal Lewis. FEED & COAL cO. Intn;on . .An 'excellent lunche 11. ~as )11'. and_Ml:$. Walter, Gray weTe lIe,l'Ved by tb~, Q\oste 's Mrs. Lo~ the S\1 nd l)Y gues ts 01 Mr. and Mrs Fred, Hagemeyer and Maynard this '"'!!!!!!'~~~!!!!"!'!!!!'!~!!!!~!!!!~!!'!!!!~~~!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!~~~~!!!!~' week. . ': L :=:s " oni Brunner and M\~. Bertha W-alter Fa~lington ,at Madeira. Mrs. E. ,E. Bevan is recovering . Wllllw: Mr, Ill)d l\lrs. Bade Kendle !lnd from IQ ~erious illness. Ml'S~' W. node -enl.el'w,incd family v~r call!ng on Mr. and , Revemnd ond Mrs. Thomas Lasthe mem~ 1'8 of the 'Mon;ow Mr!l. Roy Conner , Sunday , evening. Sabina were unday dinner --l---"-':''I)ridKe clu j) on ThuTsday evenh1g. Mr. and Mi'S. Theodore CQudem of Mr. and Mrs. D. ' M. }Iig'b Scor e!! bl10ught priw to Mr and 'Mrs. GI'IICC Couden visited Adams. S. L. Bu,'khar dt and Ml's. L. A. Mr. ' and Mt'S.' Ro bert Couden at , Last Thursday the Silver Grove f Knapp. A delicidu IUllcheon wa Norwood Sunday. Ladies Aid Society had an all-day BOned. . J ohn Lohl' eontertnjned a group coiled meeting at t1le home of Mrs; . Mrs. Theodore Oludcn with of ~irl s and bo ys aL his countl:y G. W. Speaight. It 'WUS her birthday. Mrll. Mnurice Whitnc\'e as nssist,. home on utu)'duy evening. Members of the fllmily enjoyed a lug h steBs entertained the nlIC.\Il:Mrs. W. W. Whlteker and son birthday dinner for Mary !Mbl'tha , ' bel'S of the 'Pathfinders, a Sunday are visiting relatives at X(!'I1ia Gregg at the home of her grandsobol, cia s of tihe M.' E. 'chu~c'h, on and Spring Valley. parents, Mr, 'and Mrs. Sam John'J,'u~ay evening, at the home of Mrs. Carrie Williams and Mr. son. the former. Games and ' contests Art hur Hill of Lebanon were The Valentine seMion ,o f the hel'pl,!d · to make a very pleasant Sunday g uests of Mr, and Mrs. Friendship Club was at the home ,evening. Frcd McDonald. of Miss Anne Attlesey ,on Wednes:'Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Eichholzer 1:iss Wildn orrigon, II tudent day. In severe weather tests, Red entertained a group of friends at nurSe at Jewish Hospital, was ' Saturd.ay even ing William nnd Brand fence outlasted all si& o'clock dinner on Sunday, hom e ove}' th e!' week end. others. Yet coata no more than Leroy Gilb ert of Mason called on h~noring, the, b~rthday anniverslIl'Y Mr. lind Mrs. J. W. Newberg Blvi .y \ ' tm vel'. t ho fuste t at ppi n ' gal clean rl'OI r, t il e other brands of standard grade. MI'. and Mrs. N. A. Gilbert on their of Mrs. Barry Fink. Covel's were lind family visitoo relative s a l Ozarks and her hillbilly kinfolk . Abn er Ill1 d Cleero WCIlVOI' l1Inke Gives you more yean of aoocI ~ way to the Clarksville-Ma son blls, laid, for Dr. and Mrs. Wooster of Goshen Sunday. ~ heir first screen nppeal'u llce ill "Swlllg Yom' Lady," the illlllrivice for your money. That', .... kctball game. OU S com dl' wh ich wlJl open' SUlldny. Febrllary 13. n ~ the 1Jl!!l.lItltol Mr, lind Mrs. E. C. Keeler of ;Middletown, Mr. and Mrs. Harry fence value. lIew de]lIx Xenia theuter. In Xenia evening Mr. and Mrs. SundRY F,ink, Mr. and. Mrs. C. E . Demilt, DaytOn were Sunday ev,en,ing dinTit !) all'stnr cas t ot comodlans also fea tllres Louise Fazelldu Doli••• Protected Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. 'M ra. Bessie Haney, Mrs. ' Bess n er guests of MI'. and Mrs. Hal'Nat J> ndl ton. Frank MeH\II; lt ana Allen J enk lll S, " M o\lll tlll~ James McGraw, iMlrs. A. C. Mc Jennings, Mr,s. Elln Eichholzcl' old Brant. Swlllgnroo ," a new danco sensati on is Introdu \:ed In this breezy, Extra heavy ClOIl~ 01 pure line aft production, Th e bysterical story can orne a dumb wrestler Graw and Mrs. Loui e Jack on nnd .' , and Mrs. J. E'. Holden. Mrs. L. A. KnApP, Mra. A. D. the outside-plenty of copper unhe played by P cdl eton. , who 16 mat ~h e (] with an OZllrk ludy blnck· son, James, of Cincinnati, called ateel. Full ~\lge wlres • • • "Uve'" memb'el'S' of the R. F • .0. Vale, Mr . Eldon Whitacre and smith Louise Fazendll with whom he ralls tn love. Pendleton retension aimpa ••• ac:curate~ at the Fred J. Hagemeyer !home. c1aas of tbe J>resbytorian Sunday Miss Alberta Parker motored to rusos to wrestle with LouIse but Instead takl!8 011 bel' former ••• tight knots that can't slip. You Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Adams at,. • aehool met at tibe home of 1t1b:s. Pomeroy, St;inday, and, attended , .mountalneer ~ultor. can't ... all theee rood qlJ81ltfel. t~nded .a Baptist meeting at WilC. E. Demitt on Tuesday evening. the . funel'lIl of Mrs EliZabeth but when you Bee the top,wire paintM~ Ben~ Walters wlis assi sting Scha~fer, grllnd~her of iMlrs. _ I~ mington, last week. ~ RED, you know you're eettiDI Mr. and M,rs. Charles VilIaTS hoate8a. The ev-ening was pleasant Knapp. . Arthur Sears and family 'o f tion at the Plymire home, Friday. them. We have a rood atoc:k of Red n.'ed faoe BraDd Fence. Como ill Iud _ It. Iy spent with gam~ and contests. Mrs. Ralph W. Sackoer of Law- Middletown ~were Sunday guests Mrs. L. D. Mul10rd and Mrs. vL~ited William Villars at Xenia. I William Jeffery and daughter of uau ..... ;pua _ _• Mr. and Mrs. Georgoe Sacker renceburg, Ind., spent Friday and of Mr. and Mrs. Adam P-enning- ,Charles Runyon atoonded the fun~ weJ:'e~e Thursday evening sup'p er Saturday WIth Mr. and l\lrs. Chas. ton. era] of Mrs. N. M. Gmham at Rock Dayton spent the w.eekend with Mr ' , and Mrs. E. A. Jeffery. I a-ueata of 'Mr. ' and Mrs. . Chas. Socker. Delbert WY$~ng of F,IIil'bnult, ford. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vllars, 1 sacker. ,Mr. George Sacker, who Mr. W. W. Whiteker attended Minn., Ed Reeder of Waynesville Mr. and Ml'll. Maynlllrd Runyon baa been 8I!~ng ~. telegr.aph op- the Bank-er's Mid-Winter meeting Roy Reeder and famii y and 1Mir~ spent the weekend with John Allen Wayne and Eleanor Villars visited ~=;;;==::=~::;==~;;:;:;;!!~=:=~~~:::;:;:==~ Charles Ellis at Washington C. B. .erator in l(OtTOW h8.81 been tran&- at Columbus on ~aturdaf' and Mrs. ' Emmet Reedel' of Tllear at FayettevillE~. . ferred to , Berena Ind., and left Mr. and Mrs. Austin Lindsay New Carlisle, Mr. and Mrs. Will Mrs. Harry' Haynes of Ne.w Car- He is quite ill. IMlariettn Thomas spent the week Friday morning for that place. and son visited Mr. and Mrs. FNd Reeder an.d family of near Blan- lisle spent last week with h~ par'With Betty R\ldduck. end Mn!' Sacker will visit hel' mother Humphreys at Middleboro, Sun- chester and Mrs. John Brown and ents, Mr. and ~!rs. Amos Moomaw. Wilmington ' Ohio Ilra., Elizabeth .veidt at Lancaster day. children- 'of. Martin .ville 'w ere re1drs. F. D. Mulford called on WELLMAN for & few days before. joi~ing her Mr. and 1Mlrs. S. K. ·Pierce were cent visitors in the E. E. Reedel' Ml's_ Zulli Camp, Monday. ' , haabancl. . in Cin'cinnllti Saturday and saw home. M~·9. Cleo Runyon called on Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lewis and Dr. Elmer Lu<il\lm o! Carmen, ," Snow White" at the Alb~. , Mra. Carden Spen'c cr of Mas- Robbie Moomnw, Sunday af~rdaughters, Memecta and Opal, and ,Olda. _)lent seve~r ' days, last Mr. and ' Mrs. Ohas. Haines were sillon spent ' Jast week witlb ' her noon. w4!ek with Hi and Mrs. Edgar Sunday evening guests of Mr. mother, Mrs. Rose Sellver. Mrs. R. T. Roberts W6S called son, Vernon, were Saturday visit,. HOS~ LADIES' RAYON SLIPS Ludlum. ' , and Mrs. Philip Glancy. ,Values to 79c Tailor.ed and lace trimmed Mr. IUId Ml'S. Russel Miller and to Bet.hes ay llospital, Cincinnati, ors of relatives ' near 'Bowersville, Ill'." and Mrs. E .. J. ~aag atMr. and Mrs. Earl Gasjdll visit,. daugbter. of !Middletown lind , Mr. be04use ,of the serious condition of Ohio. 2 ' fitr , '1.00 AU Sizes Mrs. Everett Bogan of WayneBtended the Lincoln Da, dinper al: ed,lfr. Qn~ Mrs. Lester Starkey at and Mrs. Pbil Bloom IUId Billy her husband who.has been a patfent -/ $1,.00 vUle and Miss Martha- Ashley and the Hotel' M.nch~lter, · Middle- Middletown Friday." Mullen were Sunday lPu' ests of Mr. there for some time., .. ' ' Mrs. Anna Grimm ' had as her Miss Berneda Lewis, both of HarPURS~ CH1LDREN'S' KNIT · Sunday guests, 1M1r. and, Mrs: J. and Mrs. Ed. Wysong. veysburg 'were Thursday afternoon vaiu~ . to '2.95 Teelen of Norwood, ,Mr. and Mrs, Su'n day guests of Mr. and Mra. SPRING HILL UNION surfS callers (In Mrs. Carl Judd anei litr $1.00 Vlm .. 'Vaterwol'tb, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Mills w-ere M1'. and ' Mrs. ,SundllY ther~ was a family gath- tie son, Richard Lee of Oregonia. ' 5~c VJllue. ,B roken Si~e:; " Ralph Gri,mm of Ft. Thoma:&, Ky: Fr'llnk Mills an<! Virgil Karns ' of mng at the home of Mr. and Mn. , 4 For $1.00 Mrs. Chds' Wa~kins ~as the Kingman and Opal Wills of D!l.y-' Ste~hen Lowe c~msisting of both FAST COLOR PRINTS Tuesday dinner gUest of Mrs. ton. ' , , then' paren~, ' 1.29 LIN ENE UNIFORM , Valuell to 25c Jane Brant. . ,Mrs. Amanda Baldwin of DayMr.. and Mrs. Charles H. HuffTan YellQw ' - Blue. - Green Mrs. E. J. Maag spent Wednes- ton, Mn. L. E Baldwin and Mary man Vlsite,d home f<>lks Last week. 7J~, $1.00 " '" $1,00 • day '.with her ' slstet, Mrs. D. C. Emma of Middleboro visited Alice Be , had ,a tan d",ys' leave from McKitterick and famHY at Kings Bowman, Sunday_ ' Camp. ." Mr. and Mrs: H. M. aush were . All of --;thLHuffmans~d Mills. ,. 19c TURKISH ' TOWELS COlTON "OUSE " ., , DRf;SSES Louis Wei~ner lias returned Cincinllati visitors, last WednesLarge 20 ' x (0 'slt:e ~ bo his hOme at Elmwood after day. . SnOl't Sleeves. New Spring . 6 For '1.00 BANK: ~IGBT spending' a <week witl) ~;Mir. and Mrs. El1Ul'I.a P-enquite and son; Prints • , Every Mrs. Oscar Bines. " Dale, ~Mrs. William McCollister, $1.00 Mrs. Ben KelJy spent several and Mrs. Sarah Sewell visited Mr. Friday - Saturd.y • CHILDRENiS PAJAMAs days last week with Mr. and ~rs.. and Ml'S. Leo, ¥cCollister at Kings -Sereen.~ Balbriran and 'OuUn" Mickey Rooney 1 ' .. , MliI14, SundllY, afternoon. ' George Kielly in LebanonI' . . ~. uO ' :Value • "Only Young Onco" Mrs. Fred D~ke of BI,anchester Mr. and MTS. Joe Wolf~ visit2 For .'.00 ,.WII8 calling on Morrow friends ed Mr. and ' Mrs. Earl Reeder at FJ;iday. , Black Hawk'C, Sunday. " L•• H. Brown, ,Sr. !baa purchued 'Mr. and Mrs. Squire 'Bradley the fa'l'm -lrn0'W'll as the "Snether of D'nyton spent 'l;'JlUrsday with fann" and mov~ his famj}y last Mr. and Mrs. Albert 'Gephart, Mr. wee!c. He will continue l!l the gro- and Mrs. GeorgE! Taylor and ' MT. eery business and wOl m~~or: to Waters of IMdamishurg were FriAdulta - 160 'Til 2 Ally Day day visitors. Showl COfl!lnUOU8 Every ' Day ' Ryy Conner ' spent last w~k ,Mr. and Mrs. T.. E. 'Leland of witb' Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Kendle Detroit, Michlgan, visited Mrs. Em OU , at Maineville. rna K-esSler, Monday.~ -+~'.......-l!J--:....,;~----,rni'-"--;--'-----tr..~ " Mr. .. and. Mrs. Robert 'R edf,e rn CL¥KSVILLE , SPCIA,LS lett, Monday, for a bU&ineS9 trip Mr. an~ Mrs. H8l'V'ey ~ Ha'rdwic)c to West Virgi~ia. and , SOli, Iieelie w~re guestS ' at a Robert Dunn and family were • .... .j.... " , birthday dinner, Sllnday" in hon- Sunday afternoon visltol'8 at tho CHARJ\CTERISTIC , V ALUE5.-HUNDJEDS OF or of Mrs. William Hardwick. home of Mr. and ~l's. Charles Cle, ,OTHERS OFt:ERED ' Mr. 'and, Ml'S. George Redfern of land. . , Mr. and iMn. Carl' Bowman Wilmington visited Mr: and Mrs. Clyde Smilib, Sunday evening. Mrs. ' Elizabeth Bowman were M~ Allie McMullen spent part guests 'of Aliee Bo,vman, Saturdas! And Monday , o( last lW'eek ~ with Minnie Suttles evening. , ' _ _ 2 DAYS ONLY _ _• and took supper, Thursday night Mr.-a.n d Mrs. P. A. Worth and with Mr: and M"rs. C. E. Suttles. family &Ild Mr. and Mrs. E. C. The F~Au8, Mr. ~d ,Mrs. J' "H Dood and J. Raekers and family all of 1Mbunt V. Deck spent Sunday a,t the Wil- Washlt,lgton were Sunday guests bur Hadley home. ' of Mr and Mrs. Charles Wimams. Mr. and Mn. Frank Doyle ' of Ed. Dunn 1 of Blanchester vi&ited his sons, Robert and !,.ester Montgomery 'visited. Mr. and Mrs. \ . and t~elr families la'at· week. ' liiu-ry South, Sunday afteimoon. Mr. . alld Mrs. Roscoe WindroBs . Mr. and 'Mrs. ~Ichard ,Simbro 'Y01:J~ of Pleasant Ridge , visited, at' the attended a, birthday surprise at the Rahe-Chamberlin home, Sunday. home of Mr: and Ml'S, Ernest Cox 'I Mr. ' and Mrs. Earl Ernestber- near WilininktoD, unaay; , It'. 'A Genlilln. Scr..m g~ and 'Mrs. WiUilim Jone.ll vis.IMlrs. T. T. OsSorn visited relaed Mr. and Mrs. Leo Necamp at tive~ at Martin, Ky., last'week Dayton, Sund.y. " ,', .Mrs. 'Frank Collins viBited Dr. Mr. and MI'Il" Frank , Lapnon, and , M1'$. ,L. D• .Sanders a.nd hm~ Mr; :alld M~. ,Roy ~weU, and Neal Uyat Bond Hill, Tu~sday aDd,W~ Har,n,on and , fab)t y ' of C,olqQlbue nesdsy: . , " , , ' , ' ,,' . were Sunda,Y' guests ,ot ,Mq. : Gla- -" Ji1riendil and neighbo~ of Mr . . dy~ Weimer IlU\d f.~~~Y,. \ ' ; and ·M~. Edward ~~lt'~n'd fatp~ ,;Mrs. ,Don '~O!Jenq!!rger, ~rs. ,i1y 8p.tang~ , a surprise , o~ tliem, ~harte8 ,Bose,n b-;rger,and ,MtSJ Sta. ~b~ay ,ev;ening. ,A ,f8l'ewell "partla Ar'lcJrew ,~nped , ' sboWer ltv tr ' . they, aN . ,m, ~o'n" to en last w.eek~~or !Mh. J.~ Oab,orn," ~ ~ me&1' ,SaJ»IDa;' . a 'reeent brid~, near WtInpniton,,; Glenn 'Foster ,and ,IOnS of Day. Mrs. Ethel Van ~o~ an4 ~gh , ton ~ted '.Mr. and ~. " gehm ter~and Nathan Had~~y Vla;l~ F~.ter, Sunday,', ' , Mra~ Lina M,aelden at W.~l~ )11'. and Mrs. Charlea ,vnlal'J! Sullday, ' were4lI'ln'!,JPJ'esbJ of Hr. and lin :.;»... fod M~ BaQe,Yi of DelDSeWeO;Frlday. :.• , VWted th.... trnrJdmother '.Ihe leaden, lHra. Grace Plynilre' Kate PeJlqIlIt& ~a t~ir aunt and JlIa ADtI~ Atp,eM7 'Baebel a..torcJ, Sa.,. , bo~ d;oWP.&' e~~d~o....





, . Ttl'


Waynesville Farmers Exchange

H. H. .Thol'oe' CO~ Dollar Day Extra Values Tliursday~Saturday




All Y ' Lovera Hill Billy


Take Noticel,




Weaver 'Bros. and EJviry · In


\.. " LADY'"

' me '.

aOELARDAYS ~(FrubY: ~d Saiurday .


Warning Issued Ear Kite Flye.. ~


Men ID Accidellt

- !john Wolt~, father







Ray .eeder, double tree', of near ClcrksvHle. nuda~ was In On IIC<'OUrit of farm be;ng sol,J, t.rees, hay laddcrlt, 2 IndJer. and IDea "Ulmg on Miami .Cemetery at Corwin. Rev. I will sell at Public Sale, 3 mi. a lot 'o f other articles. CLARKSV" LE - P . IW, E. Bogan of Spring Varey of- North Ea8t of Wvnesville, JU~ FEED-3 ton. of haT 100 .,~. of ~ ~. ,ra~k.!<ln~ticiated. ' off ~oute 42 on _ . Clorn.-Term. Ca" ' ~an, 80, of ~I!adln~, who flgul-ed The deceased lived in WI1." ing -~ATURDAY, FEB. 19th O. B. MARLATT In n automobile aCI~ldent near ·the tqn township, ncar Beech Grove at 1 P. M. Prompt ' tanl y & Koogler, Auc. Warning to children I schools in Greater Cincinnati, Lon C~rson farm, Tuesday, wes for a llu,mber of yellrs and ",va, 2 Head of Horses, 2 Cows 2 R. D. Collett, Clerk. . March wln'cia are coming. Hamilton and Middletown. O!jic~ ,late~ fmed $?~ ~nd ~os~ on . a well known in eastern Warr n I BI'ood, Sows, 5 Shoats. ' \ That 'means kite-flying time. chalge of drtvlng while mtoxlca- Oounty. ' . ials of Bov Scouts. Y. M. C.' A. Kite flyin&, is dangerous tf not and other youth organization have ted, when arraigned before Mayor FARM IMPLEMENTS ' Phone a,re s nd in yal:r Want done in OileR places II.way from als<> been requested to cooperate C. Q. 'Hildebrant of Wilmington. CLIFF HANKS BUYS . 1 goO? ~agon, box bed,. 1 sin=!'Ie Ad~ 'It will bring resu:ts. ectric 'WilleS and moving vehicles. in this move to insure ,a minimum He suffered scalp laccNltions and SHEA FARM AT SALE dISC, 1 .rld mg Ol~ver bre' kll' g pl ow Th'e kite shoyld not have a Inet- of needless accid bruises accident. OLARKSVILLE '-:.... Cliff H k 2 walkmg brenkln~ , plows, ~ spike Krone urge::::s::!a!7I"-' I-"' w~O'Od-----+b h Alb . a n s tooth harrows, 2 rldang cul!J va oro al trame, wire string, tinsel tail, HAN N A-H' S , essen ac u n~ ert former WaShingtOn Township farm 1 roller 1 Ma&sie Hani or e.en a wet string oar cloth tion for kite frame!!. Metal U ·Hm"·,,.' , etlberger, also of Readmg, suffer- er, \\ Iho moved t o Wilmington 18 t I Wh t 1 C s oeu Funeral Home tail. ' .. wire string and tinsel tails, h e ed lacerations from barb.fd wire. I year again become a ' Iand~\'n er I J eS' rl, /'own mow~ ~, 1 , Service' 24 Hours A Day 1I These are some of the Pl:~cau­ points out, are' hazardou . U eilh er The car tore down a r~d of f ence I in this vicinity when he purchast d c~ne~vl . e corn / a~el" f ertilizer WILMINGTON 2i40 tiont reeommerided for the PTO- of them comes in contact with an belonging to Carso'n. It was bad- the Shea tnrm ut public auctiol' f' ee h Io~er~ ', e rag, ~I (!d, 1 BLANCHESTER 3231 tection Qf children by Robert, H. electric ,wire, iiot only is the chil d Iy damaged. I " ' , Ive s ave p.ow, 1 furrowmg ou t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--: a t weeA. plow gravel '--d ho f •• ' I Krone, safety director of The Cin- flying the kite in dang~l' of bein gTh . . ,,,,, , g oun""ln, ~~~=7.:~:-::::_-_:_-__:::= e farm hes near hIS former Ihay rake hay fork hn k'f ?5 cinnati Gas 'and i:lectric Company. Oi but a resultant damage TH CLAIMS FATHER possesion and contains 90.88 acres I gal dru~ 600 lb 'Stl'IIYard sC ' I~ It L: shocked, They are contained in bulletins to ~he electric system in th at 10 alOF CLARKSVILLE MAN d . •t d b ' , . B ca es e • r, '--' an IS repu e to e one of of t he 14 oide harn ess lines, bridle - c.1 1and posters di tributed by him to . . 'lOT ARY PUBLIC' Ity IS easily possible. . CLARKSVILLE -- Funeral &Cr- best parcels of farm prope'rty sold lars grain sacks 1 hentin ", t ' puJ;>lic, parochial · ana private The plea for children to fiy VIceS wer-e held, last week, for , in recent years. The price puid was 1 p~st hole digg:r 1 lop r; ~ ov~~ N"tio".1 8 .... kites elsewhere than aro und el ec . Clljlbln WI! H" m R. (BUh Wood. $8130 r Of( tric wir,es, Krone says, is purely rorm cr Arm y bacltfleld ace and a ,... . son tractor, 1 fence stl'.;: tche r, ] Will. Dr.",n . £".'eo !l"~I '." CI_n Up At The .. Pricea one for child protection. Kite fly- twelve let!er athlete during hi. ca,. " 'fRo O. P. in the poultry! indus- ""'. '- .- WA YIII ESV'LI. E.. ~9n's S pc. Suits ing should not be done near any det career, who bas been named ;.' ',~, try means records of performance : Cleaned and Pressed traveled street or hi ....h "ay. No ef- bead rootbllU coach at the United %-~~,\:-,':::II k b ' AMBULANCE SERVICE .. ' Stlltes Military academy at West ept y br'c.eders who knoW' the 50c fort should be made to rescue a Point. N. Y .. to succced Captain daily pt'o duction of each hen . , Day Or Night Men's Hats kite' lodged in electric wires or a Garrison U. D!1vldson. Cilptain . who have r~ cor';~ ih , t " n ~ bl (' tl; c tl' Cleaned and Blocked HARVEY SERVICE tree, he adds, as climb?ing m y Wood g"l'aduaLc!l trom t1le ac:ulemy to ide ntify the parentage (}f (!ach 50c lead to falling and serious injury, In 1!J25. 'chick hatlhed," P. B. Zumbro, USTATION Ladies Plain DreS6es -~~~!!..'!!..~~~ I nited States Department of Agr!. P8l"enbi are appealed to by 'M'I'. ~~~~.~'!!..~~~~ 50c W. L Reynold, Clarksv;llle Krone for support .in this safety bar- Helen Voorhis. FOR SALE-On~ good team of 4 I culture. Licensed Embalmer and Funercamp-aign, He emphasii'es that I Vivian Vernon, the belle of Ceand 6 year old mares, wt. 8200 sc~city of accidents from kite I dSI' Point--Ruth Brown: nil'. Ibs. This is an extra good team AN ORDINANCE TO , RECU- ' al Director. All Shell Products Kathryon Mendenhall, Mgr flying in tlhe past does n'o t l e~ all and guaranteed to be sound. See LATE THE ' OPERATION OF MO· I Phone ===_==:---:_====::;,~.., tlhe ,possibility .9f its being a sport Bina Patterson, 4 1-2 mi. Wl(!st TOR VEHICLES AND TO PRO_ Firestone Tirea WILMINGTON 2323 fraught with extreme danger. TI of Harveysburg on the Harveys- VIDE PENALTY FO.R VIOLA. \J II burg and Lebanon road. TIONS - - - ._- --.- --_. Be it ordained by til. Counc;] · WHER.& de.Jiendability WANTED '""C" A 32-volt Shee l of the Village of ' Morrow, State counts, only tJb.e highShearing head. W. B. Kitchen of Ohio: • • R, R. 3, WayneSVille or call this 'est quality electrical SECTION 1. No person shall op· . ' lew 'paper office. 2-17 pd. Every Friday erate a motor ve hicle upon nny Sf R[NGBORO- The loeal basproducts will do. One ket ball team 'set Kinga Mills back .;treet, public road, or highway in A r OR SALE-Clover, Timo ~hy hay Good Outlet for all such QUALITY ·PROthe Village of Morrow, at a speed 1here FriWiy night 42-31. They lE: d and baled straw. Joe Githens, Kinds of Livestock MASON- The Junior C'a"s of 15-14 at the hnlf but ~e t their seal greater or less than is reasonabl.; DUCT Is the QIAL 2-17-ltp. Mrason High Scho~l will present Iins: machine into nc ion the secon d Lytle, or proper, having due r gardl to the TELl1fPHONE. AUTO"Cyclone Sally" a's their cluss play 1 periOd to establish 'a command ing raffie, surface, and widlh pf the ~TJC TELEPHONE , coached by MIllS Myra. Robin Shaw lead. Hutt and Starke led the ' lac I FOR SALE :-8 Brood Sows. Kin d .; treet, road, or highway, .and of Chester White. W. Helmes, Fos any otMr condition theri existing; han. scoring attack with 13 and 12 SERVICT is DEPEND tel'S, R. R. 2. and no person shall drive anY mo 1 ~~ date 01 pre entation , is not P?ints I'es p:ctively. while .York ~vas Wilmington Fairgrounds ,ABLE. PLACE YOUR Phcne 78J 2t tor vehicle in and upon any such defInIte, although it is understood hIgh for Kings Mills WIth nme. street, pu,blic 'road, or highway, at -- _ . . _ _ .• ___ .__ !fWD:£sze ORDER 'TODA Y. I that the event wil take ,place the Springboro juniors won 24-18. latter part of March. AllJlOunce- Spriqboro FC F TP FOR SALE-4S in. Kitchell Cabin· a gr,e4ter speed than will p ermi L .~~ - _ "'I~~~.~~~ ••_ ,~ _ 1I _ tt ~ _ _ • __ et. Call 5GR21 Waynesville. 3t. nim to bring it to a stop within of tile exact date will be ,f .. .... ..... .... ...... .. .'"" .. 2 1 6 the assured clear distance ahead. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;; made in a later issue. . , Hutt, f ." .. ::"" ... ."."" .. " .... 5 3 13 FOR SALE-Brood'lr Stoves and It shall be prima facie lawful Rehearsals began Tuesday Feb Starke, c .... ... ... ........... .... .4 4 12 , , . S houses. Sam D. HEmkle. ltp. for the operator 'of a motor ve8. The cast of characters is' as fol- mith. g ................. " ... "" .. 2 1 6 lows: ' Morgan, g ...... " ,,, ..... .... , ... 3 1 7 to drive the sa'm e at a s~ed PLACE YOUR ORO:E R for Clover not exceeding the following: I JaC!k Webster, own er I of t ' e - - Seed at the CLARKSVILLE T'llI'enty miles Pu hour when Webster . estate-.:Dtck Young. 16 10 42 FEED & COAL CO. passing a. school building or· the Reggie Manners, a young Eng- Kin •• Mill. grounds thereof during sdbool lishman- Dick. Cunr.dngham. . ' I Y?rk, f ............................. .4 1 ,9 Pbore 7 recess and while children are WaYDesvWe Jim Jerkins, courted tor twen ty H~ld brant , f ... " ............... 2 3 7 FOl1. SALE - Buckeye Brooder going to or le·a ving school dur..... ~~ ...... _~_~_ n stove, 500 capacity.1.rsed 2 yrs. yean but nO.t yet cHscouragea- lH ltneS, c ... .... ", .. , .. ... .._.. 3 . 2 8 Oris WiUlaD11\- Phone 281, Clark, ing the opening or closing hours. --'-- - -... - . - ~ -- _ . I Olla!;les Aylestock. . Y«>ung, c .... ..... " ........... ... 0 0 0 ville.. Ohio: . 2tp Twenty miles per hour in the Pre...tI•• ' til. Beet aiM ............._ Willie Clump, the !Worlds eigllt'h Holden, g ." ...... " ...... :....... ,2 3 7 business or closely built up porwonder-Earl Brunk. - - tions of the Village. Sally, Graham, "Cyclone S~II}''' 11 9 '31 FOR SALE):- G year oid ·. sOrEe! gelding, good. Good John Deere Thirty-fivoElj miles per hour in -M~y Alina' Taylor: ,. go.ang plow. J. I. C,ase c orn plani. all other portions of the Village. r,tOTIO'! ~I~RE J~nJlY Thatcher, f.arty" and the BELLBROOK' ACE IS ·e.r. Check wire and fertilizer atIt sba-ll be prima facie un.l awful • object' of Jim'. persilltenee-Ch~~- SPRulic YAnEY NEMISIS' ENTERTAINNENT tachment. U . W. Hidy, Wa.yne£. for any person to exceed the forelotte RoIlS. Y~ur Bank is obliged to:vllJe. R. R. 2, on Dr. Keever ~oi ng speed limitations as set forth ~uth Thatche!"a peach Reggie BELLBROOI( - Arter sc oring farm ~-10p :n the different ~ones in said VilWOUld. like to pick-;-Majel LaMar. , 22 points agl8inst Waynesville last ,,,.,,safeguard your deposited funds, with nil possible diligence lage. --~ . -------Effie V~rden, cute little n eigh Saturday, ~belt Hust(l.n · came . from dangers of fire, theft, and forgery. SECTION 2. No person shall opback with 28 against SprjngValley WANTED-Sewing of all kinds. Mrs. Lon. Beckett~ COl'Win. a motor vehicle .on any Jrate Friday as Bellbrook won 50-27. · .. Make your money available to you when you ,want it. 'ltr~t, public road, or highway in V,ALE FUN'E'RAL ' , 90'M' E Six other local players broke into FOR SALE :..-. LI'VESTOCK the Villllge of MOTrow, withou t · . ,Cash ' ~our checks upon tJh.e order of your signature whe~ the. scoring oolumn~ baving ' ltue On hands today, ·,eight bead of regard for th.e safety presented by yo~rself or other duly authorized persons. Bellbrook· lineup and points, Horses and 'Two MulEls. and rights of, pedestrians, and drivMoore, f, .6; Hopkins, f, 8; Hus· . ,Return 00 you .accura.te statements of your account with Lndy Attendan~ One tOUT-year. old Belgian Gel· us ind occupants of all other veton, c, 28; Stiles, g, 3; Weller, g, cancelled cheeks,'b are legal receipts for expenditures. ding, work anywhere, weight 1600 hicles or property of any p encans 1;. Wlird 1', 2; ' Stewart 2. Springpounds, sound. while in the lawful use of the Your bank is able to meet these obligations throug honesty .Morrow Valley-Haines, f 8 •. Williams g.•. One three-year-old Gelding, half street oar highway. and .skill in management, which renders i~ serviccs worthY' of Weaver, 0; Lumpkin. g, 6; Ri!eves brother, uD-~roke, weight 1600 SECTION 3. Any pet:son viola.your support ~nd the confid ence of the entire com.munity. g, 2; 4 i Smitlh g, 2. pounds, sound. ting sny of thee provision. of this One two-~ar~old )\Iare, hail-sis.: ~rdiilance ah~ll for a {frst \>ffen ae You mPJr be. the· be.t of' tbll .. b~~ drlvere. but t,)Iere are many other tel', ~~und. SometbJng good and thereof be fined, not .less thm Ten ~rlvcre t'hat, are 4rlvlng on ~hll -~-t-+DJce. Dollars (,10.00) .or m.o re than One " 'M ember ~deral Deposit Insurance Corporation -jt-......:...---:....:.:.::=.~n rO'a d ,who' aren't! 'thelll al'e the One , ten-Ye6l'-old ,Gelding, good Hundred DoUars '($100.00) i and fone" tb ~t',. you. have to be 1)roMORROW, OHIO worker anywjhere, slightly cut In for a second offense not leS8 tllan 'te<;t&d ~gO Inl\~1 Talt~ (larll ' 0' title 1nli\lran(lll now. WI !!!!onqrnlcal. 'It wind. . Twenty-f.ive Dollars (S25.00) «>1' ; paYI In .the 10h .. run. ' Allk us , 8-Room house, ~etal Foof, ~arage, cel1&\r, electric; 'these horses are ,eligible to be more than One HundreCl Dollars abqut ' • ZC ~ood condition. In ,town. ')500. ' . reg:lst4ere,lI. They are'llonel in colO! ($190.0(1); and for 4 third offense ~~~~~~~;;;-~;;;-;;;-;;;'~;;;;;-;;;.~~~~~;;;;;;;~~;;;'i!!i'i' !='i!!i-;;;-i!!i-i!!i.4 s MotOrII~ MutUjll with flaxen mane ~nd tail. Until shall be fined flat lell!! 'than ' Fif- , ::: .. February 1,1988, they can be eeen ty Dollll1'& ($60.00) or more than . at the farm of J. O. St. John, six 'Pwo ' ~undired Dollars ($200.00) • . , ~ ,miles south-east of Xenia, on th SECTION 4. This o.rdinance take e.f fect and be enforced HuB8ef' Pike. The others ean be Why n.ot check up on your repairs for tools, harneSs, ~n at oul:. farm two mil~i .w est ot on arid after the earliest period al· Etc. ., Burlington. Look them 'over lowed by law, and hereby ~peals ' and ca)). all former ordinances .reJ,a.ting to Let us have your orders for Clover Seeds and Fer, . W. C. SMITH. " SON the ape,e d of motor vehic]q in the tip:z;er. . ~W BURLINGTON, OHIO Village of Monow. Tuxedo Feeda for everyi need. You can reduce coat. PholJE«: BellI8-P-4 PASSED: February I, 1988. by mixing your own rJrain. OIintoll al32, Earl J. Maag, M.,yo'r Mutual 6. ATTEST: Kenneth Wmt8ms, CLARKSVILLE 1-27-St Cierk.

t '·


At "'it... · t

I i





II ::








' LUK~lS

Quick Cleaners

:--.. . "!"""----------,.


f P,S







liVfstock Auction



Centervine, Ohio

WiJmington Jjvestock Sales




We offer . a Satisfactory Service at all times.

J. E. MoClare


What Obligations


IDoes My Bank have to Me?

First National BaDk


Charles ,Weissmalin ' '


Spring Is Just Around The Corner


:===~===: . . ZAIN ARMITAGE


•. "


, l .


Pho'ne., Lebanon,. 478-1C


f-ARMtRS' EXCH-ANG~ CO. Moore and Py,le, Mgrs. "

Phone 321

yn••vllie __ersonals .



or last Sunday In the form <of Jlobin who perched fn 'her Cl1taiplI i r '0 II nil chlrped hopofully. .Mt'. aOlI Mrs. 9]'\ Hess spent Saturday with 1\11'. and Mxs. , JellS H s . -...., M;" a'nd ,Mt .. Pete Wi~al call ed ,0 11' M r. an d M",s. L 9U'.IS W'cal Sun I, ila afternoon .


The molt recent ones Are: liBllt. Tuellday ni ht, , Mr. Henry Johnson, Ml'lI. Barr,)' FordYce and ~on, Thomlls. Oh Sunday morning, Bronson Moore and Mary Ou,tli(!rjn~ ul'lmcr ,01 Mlallli Bbul'g, Milli Benson il'om thc FI'iood'9 hurch of Spri:ng Vall~y nnd Ml-. and iMh. G-mnville Benson, 'ol'\d Verl)o" Mauri o. These folks will be bapLised on Tuesday ev~ning, .F b. 15. Miss Lucy Freelon WflS callecl to Xeni a hy the, illness 01 her 01 0-. the'r dnd is not staying with MI·s. Fordyce a ny longer.

.. PROBATE ~OURT N'E WS Pi ' t mnd :UJlu) account o~utie Fl'itz, adminjstl'atrix of ~he s'tate of G~ddard Fl'itz, fil ed. . . Thml a cc.ount 01 Montoe We.'It, ' . exocUL91' of the e tate of :}. ' G. W ~st, h.a been fil ed. , y . . . Fil'st, .final, nnel uistributive -ac- ·ferl'Y Church of hnst. repQl ts cou'nt .of i .... R. Mo nnd Gilbert nIl attendanco of 181 nt Sund"y Fryc, a·dministruto l's of the es- ·Iast SlIni:l~I.y. , . , tat" of Ira D. Uioh, filed. . MI', Lesool' Ger hal'd, 111:. Wlil First and final account fi1 II lJy Pinea and ReveralH\ Smith made Rodl\e.y Forkn er, South Lebanon, a business h 'i.\> to Mialll isbu l"g, administt'ator of the estate of A. Tues,day aftel'Doon . . . Revival services IIl.t the Church SPRI~G VALLEY J. FOI·kne r. l~ il's t, final, lind di tributive nc. of CIU'is t in Lebanon will open thi Mr. and Mrs. Russel Carl' nnd count m il d by R. F. Lel'OY, Frank- next week with &everand . Ca l'l sons, Wayne and Dick, w'ere Sunlin, ndmini b'utor of the estate of Smith in Ohnl'g{' , I\ll', Olin Hay day guests of !MIl'. anel 1\11'8. N it il e ~ so n P. Blah'. and his wile will as"ist 'With thc Oompton. Mrs. John Kreit~el' hns l'etul'UEleventh a count of G e ol'~ E, music. Mrs. Hay is the pianist. 1··l'y, executor of the e tate - Misses Elsie Mae WicaJ and Mal' ed from a vactltion trip to Miami weekend Florida. of Edward Conovel', filed with jorie Tinney spe nt la Mr. and Ml'S. Carl Pepple, of 'which is ordered sus- in Covington, Ky. Mr. J ess H ess was the Sunday Xenia, will move this week into 111'1 Duke, Waynesville, afternoon g uest 'of Charles Thom- 't he property of 1I1iss Emma Salisnpp oinLe d ad ministratrix of the es us at Miamisburg. bU1'Y on Walnut . treet. Mr. nnd IM~:. Perry Faul and llomer Walton has lJeen COIIta~ ~ of her fu th r, !Olio Inte NafoOn, Ervin; M)·. and M rs. ]'el'l'Y J. fin ed to his b ~ the past we k Lhan Gra y. r nt han Fred, Lebanon, appoint- Th omas und Miss Wilam Thomas with a ,h eart at-tack. 1111'S. Mary Zell oC Yellow . et! guardia n ud lita m in the ma tter were Sund ny clinn er guests of the 0f Wal 'r hcsll cy, guardian of Wal ter Thomuses fllmily at West Sp rings, visited untlay wit h her 1 Edwal d brother Lyle Alexander. 1" ·t, un incompetent, Curr Iton. Mrs. Goodpastor and so n, Karl i Ralph Sh eehan is confined in vel' ' U : Ed \\ al'd Cri5t . A, H. Stubbs, Waynesville , fil- David of Dayton, spent one after- McClellan hi!lpitllJ wlbh. RJlinal ha l'l es BeCKett, on . tI his first and final account as noon wit h Mrs. J. S. Filer the past meningitis. Geo rge Beckett of Mrs. Flora Mason of Dayton is bhe estate of L. week. MI', and Mrs. Otto Gintcl' 'W'C re sponding tho week here with First lind fi nal account or Har- dinne r guesl.s of Mr. lind !Mh·s. Law friends. ry Z. Gray, Le banon, administl'a- rence Thomas, Sunday. H. H. Lester, in charge oC he Mr. and Mrs. James Hartsock tOl' of the estate of Josie A. and family ~re Sunday guests of Seneoo lAke dcptonstration area a1·nes. 1 al-i1yn Squires, 14 month old Inve ntory of Anna Kinder, Reverand and Mrs. Carl Smith and for the" soii, conservation service, . reports that sev~ral Noble county daughter of MI'. and Mrs.. Wilbur F ra nklin, administratrix of the es- family. There ha ve been 47 addition~ farmers tiving in the Summerfield Sq ui res of Wa ynesvill e. iste of Frank Kindel', to be heard February 23. . to the membership of the Ferry district ha ve reqUested plans tor . Photo by Reuppel Will of Carl'oll Hllnter Deather- Church since January ' 1st ot this !>'trip e~opping their farms. age, Waynesville,( admitted to pro bate. First and, f inalllccount of Alton F. Brown, administrator of the estate of Oltie L. Brown, Lebanon, eloubled since the firs t of the fi led. ~~lSCOPAL CHURCH COMMON PLEAS year. There were six responses Sunday, February 20R--' BHrJl ".". In Tlau Ad - . . , . .. To Claeclt Church school at 9 :30. Morning to the inv·i tation "tlook in Fel ry The Maxon Premix Burner Com 1Cro~ Pint B./oN Yo. Brql S,Nd~1 News for num es), lind Tuesday Prayer and sermOn .at 10 :30 .• pany ask, fo r rccov~ry of $229.27 night we had 125 present. Two from t hl! Fibrewal'e . Corp, of mc·n ~Iade cl)nfe' ion, Carl Curt- Franklin a uit entered hel:e M~ WAYNESVIUE M. E. CHURCH 8POTLIQJlT ner of Mlarnisbul"g and Vernon p1.c and Ma}>le al'e attorneys: SlIaciay,' Feb. 20, 1938 3 1... . bal 47c Fordyce •. ~f Ferry. The baptisGross neglect is charged by Til9 :80 Sunday School nlal Servlc~ fol\owed, the prea ch ton BlaiI' Lebanon; in his auit 10:40 IMbrtling Worship: Subje.ct, eo..~-fl~b . i~g hour. There were nine ~p- for divor~e entere~ by O. D.'Wider H9rizon's" 'PEACHES • 2· No. 2% ~lc' tLzed. 11I1sh, his atllorn~y, against Mrs. 6:00 Epworth Le~e. ' 7 :30 Evening Service, Tuesday: Jane Blair, They woere manied, . . . So.... Pit'" :rlleaday Pireaching, 7 :30 p. m. November 19, 1936, and sepa.l'8ted CIiERRIES •• • • • 2cana2Sc Sermon to be prea,!= hed by John November ~J 1937. 5 :80 - 7 :30 Washington's BirthStaDcIa.rd . Qualley Persinger o:f Dayton. day Supper at the church. .


Mr. and Mrs. .Hom,el· anthet'IIg and daught. \', Fern, and Irs. B1Mch Baker, aU of i'lcinnati

visited their mQth r, MI' . Addle Deathetagoc at the 11001(' of Mrs. Maude Crane, Sunday. Mr, D. W, SUl'face and dnug}l~ • torS, M~8. GlIlthnm of Wayrtet!ville, 'and Mr. . C. 'MI. Brown of Beaverto\yn, attended tlloe funeral of Mr. SU.l'fnc 's' sister, 1111'S. LueUa Clanahnn ' ng d 8t at Urbana last Friday. Mi ss Jane Cooj( wil.h h l' fri nd Mjss Ruth. Ooppock of Earlham c011ege sp.ent Ule w'Cek end at h/1l\1e. Robel'la Laffert-y , 15 montb old Miss M~¥y Crnne of Cincinna ti daughtc.I' of Mr. und Mrs. R, B. vi ited her ' mother Mrs. Maud e Lafferty of .wa ynesville. Cmn,e, ~unday. · Joyc Loo; 'and John J.ame&on o~ 'Mliamisburg t heir grandmother .Mrs. Crane Sunday, . ~rs. Addie Doatlh,el'age is now ~aking her home with Mrs. Maud e Crane. Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Seeket· of 'fl!!ar Dodds ,,{ere Sunday guest!: of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cook. . iMlr. and Mrs. Omar HolJings.. 'worth -of" Oregonia, .were oa'ners 'of Mrs. Morris Sherw.ood and Carlon Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cal'ey of ' Dayton were Sunday ' visito rs at the home of their eon ,Rolnnd Carey~d family_ Mrs. Monroe, Mrs. Retliek of --"_. Leban.on visited Mrs. Addie Death The Spencer boys of Morrow <eraee' Friday. we re also caught by the camel·a. lIrs. Besi White and daughter, ;»ls8' GeMMine of Akron, spent the week end with Mrl!. WWte's .siater, Dr. iMlary Cook. 22 from 5 :00 to ,7 :80 P. m. at the . Mrs. ' Daisy Sn.yder called on church dinning hall. Mrs. ,Eva Everhart at Miami Val- The La dies " Aid of the M. E. ;ley h~spital at Dayton last Fri- Ch urch will have a Washington leIay_ .. _ bil·thday supper, Tuesday, Feb. 22 . Mrs. S. S. Ellis is in Miami Val- fl'om 6 to 7 :30 p. m. at tbe church ley Hospital where she M11S ope~- inning hall. iated on, ~ Ftiday. · lit'. .a nd MI'S. Rob ert Cleaver Sa~rday being the second birth entertained at a six o'clock dinner d y.~niversary of Winifred Stout unday evening the following number·of relatives callle to cele- guests : Mr. and .~~rs. COOS. Lehrat$' With ber The guests were May, Mr. and Mrs; Wymer DNtke, Mr; .ind Mri C: E. Boyer, Char e' Miss Doris Surface ~nd . Mr. Earl , ~nd George .Boyer, Dr. and Mrs. Conner. ,I. J I Stout,IMIr,.and Mrs. Oarl Sny Mr. and Mrs.' A. }~. Earn,hart an,d ~jlr of Da.J fon, OhiO, Mr. and Mrs. son and. Mrs. Alice Croll spent James . Snyder of Columbus and Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mr, and M1'8 'A. oJ. Frost, Piqua,. Mrs. William Sheehan, at penter~hio. .. '.' . villej it being Mr. S,h eehan's 80th • Mr. T. J. Smith is ill at his home birthday annivel'Eary, Thllnda,. hefe " s~!f~ng from a heart at- . The Arg.u not Bridge Club me~ 7 :00 Boy ScoutS. tack. . , , Tuesday afternOOn at ,the .)lome of . '1 :00 Orchestra. Praetioo.



·COUrt' ' N,ews




'Church Activities'




L~· ·16c



Wed~e sday:

MissieOnary meeting at the home of 1M.'r$. clfitid6 L~.


FERRYISMS Sam Wade cl\lled on MOse Bo-

St_cIa.rd Q_Uey



' .~


CORN I"Dr~io..w' BEANS 4 N



'1 ' ';l

north:~0~4fl~t~0~w~n~rt-8~:0~0~C~h~o~irMP~ra;';ct~i~c'e~'~fsuutrl'lll,rn~"":~-:-===::T=t=:=.~=--=--:-:--pg!!:a~n~a~t;-:;Wr;e~1l;;;m;;;-a1n~°itnifi'fM-:0f,n..d;aiTY;;-:af",ter~-~tLr_ _~_~'!!'-U~_au:.E.I'4~;~'·-.-:.~~~_,~_o.~~CIU)a.l ....~~ ....~'~...

' Mr. O. J,Edward , lV.!r..and 'Mrs. S. D. Henkle, J Wilson Edwards ' of Springfield ,M"TS. · Henkle, being the ,n ° ',.ere here" tO-a~telid .the flneral of £he olub Ii pleasant sesSion of with·Ufe and direction 'a nd '. Miss Em. l1(eighway on. Mon- bn dge WIlls enjoyed by those pre- help as to where to go? God has ,,' _, '. sent. the" opty correct answer. Attend qay. l and A prom' , am ,vl ' l l be p' r 4sented a church' and! get acquainted with :· .lir. and'lMfrs. RobertBBaker k S "" ,,~ mother, ~s. Uob~rt. ~ :r, r., the Friends Meeting House.. Wa yGod. ' ?ere IIhoPPlpg ·in Cmcmnati, Tues-- nesville, on Satu1'day ev.e ning, aa~~ f J h F ebruaTY 10, peginning at eig\ht MASON PRESBY'l'ERIAN , - DJ.~. S~h!! Meredith 0 0 , ns- o'clock. Motion pictures ...Y'ill be CHU~CH ville~ O~lou Was 6 recen: guest <of · shown giving views 91. tbe F.riends O. Fr~k Storch, Minister !tIr., ~n.d Mrs. J. W" Wh.lte. World 'C<>,n ference and t:eports ThurJday. Feb. 17 ' Mr and Mrs Raymond Oonncr. . ' ' , . [ ~ . '. • . ., R WIll be given by several who at· Oo]onia] .Tea' to' be' held at the aDd daughter, Ruth and Mrs . . . tended: tbis Conference: Evqry- h~'me 'Of iMlrs .. Lydia. Thompson at 1 ' ~~:~~d:;~e \a.t Oxford, OWo, body welcome. ' 2 :30 p. m. ,v,,' . '; 'U: nald Hawke is spending The Junior class oQf t he Fl'iendll ,Sunday Se"iC:.H, Feb •. 20th TS .m; ~ S d ' ' h I ill' b 9 :30 m.-Church. School. Mr, ..... I a week with her eister, :Mrs. un ay sc , 00 WI gIVe a c).x, sup, _~ed Hartaock at IMlllord. ' ~t the Meeting' house, on Wed~ Leslie Scott, Gen, SuP£. ·Mr. Wm, . , .: ,__ '" 'I ·v· La F U La nesday evening, FebrUll}:y , 23. Bercaw, Asst. Supb. Mt:: Edward ey, • . B '\1 b . d ff b Barr, A.sst. Snpt. ' , ......ver~... • "'av' and' RUUell ,Holld,ay, attended 01e6 WI ~ auctlone ' 0 ; e • ..., , • " <P t' ' I k. Cla~es for all' ages. ; H'e MOUlId . , Builders Area Exeeu- gmnm", a SlX 0 C oc ~ 10 :30 a. m.-Divine ·· Worship. v ieUng at '.....d.il1etowD, Tues- I)1U sIc by' th"" " J un.l'~;r .. ore hes t r a . , t ',l,a lU' -, Th.l. ).)1'" d"all ' ·." d: Fol Mr. ,StoT,ch ..viP prtlacl.. Sesq.ui.Ccn ,. day. ev ftjn'g : . ; '. " ' . I ~ .pu IC POt I Y ' mVI"" " .. - . . ~ I' . a th e ' upper, a. ' t . ht . f': l The members .of· the Church of 1oWIng elg · 9,- ten,pial .Celdl,i'r tlon :160th." Aimiv~r" ..:-t .enjo-a Vaientine social. clock · there ·will be a FQrutil .on sary of t he Foundi/lg Qf lh~' PresCb 1'''' ,- Ed . f or b Qt h'JUi'!-. byterian Church ·in the U • S. A. 'I:'U .. c.. .v nl'~b't I·n. the Gfange Ha\1,' • ucutlOn, , .1 d J b AU al'~ cOI'dially invite'd t.o this Gasea -alld ' eontests ~ and 'refresh- lor anu aut meln en, and any , meut. 'V ere ~. main events of ' the others )vho may be .interesteq. sel'V,ice. eve~ing.,. ' people were Sunday even ing, F ebruary 20, 7 :30 p. m.- Tuxis Y,oung . th e F ri end s' Association ana the People's Society wiIJ have I8S its p~~ent. 'd 1M.... R II N I f Juni or class of the Fri end s Sunday guest, the Tuxi G roup 01 t he Ke n,,·S. uase h' - I'res b .... · · Ch Ul'Coh . . ' r. . anti .' k d ea 0t schoQI ~"ill meet at the home of ne d y H' elg... ... ,;e1'lun CtrI~nna d~ ~,~e ' Owc e enG gues dS Faith Tomlinso n at 7 '30 ' There Special' program and re f1'e~hn\ents o ....1' an !nrs:. rv il1 e ray an , . ' . 1\ . t ,"te' d S\,o I N i h '.' will be mu sic games and a dis.cus- h. Kemper WIll spook, d ~g", r <&p. "~n° ey ea~, .0 . 1.& • ' • W dn F' ' k ' ng xt d " t 'th MJI slOn of the work of the American e eact..y, eb. 23 m'iI IM all iC ell ed VISI WI , '. Frielidl! Service Committee, Choir rehel'sa] in the Ghurch at 1;11.1 • ~. Gra¥: ' . 7 :30 p m. ~1:. and Mrs. Clarence MalmFriend Sunduy school meets at F"d F b ' b berg and' B~bby spent the week 9 :30 lI.nd Meeting for Worship at N rl ay, ~ ruary 25t ena in Portsmouth with relatives. 10:46 each Sunday. Foster .and . ew Er~ Society meets. W~\ij'i1gton birthday Mal"g,a rettn Hencock, of Bedford, d Spec,al AnnouneemellU be given the Ladies Aid of Pa., will be pre~ent on F ebruary SunS a y : IFeSb . 2?-Loyalty SlInday h T nes day, Feb • 20 and 27.' ervlce-10 m, ,M.· E • Cb.nrc, SIIIldpeCLa . :30 •.Sunday ay, Marc h 6-Vlclor,.

.' .




R ' o

For 2,238 f·armers in tree Ohio sylvania, an meolne of' ' $1000 o' more in money or produc'ts- used at home wlls ne~essary before savings. could e set aside. More than one-Iout1;h of the fl\>l'mers who furnished figures on income, rec,eived less thllJl $1,00'0 for trltl> year 'ending in 1936. ~ cou,~ ties an~ one in Pe

ames _ were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Perry Wade, Monday evening. Reverand Carl' Smith iIUld bis


family were upper guests of Rev. and 1I1rs. ' Clinton Fisher at Sabina Monday evening. . . "Mrll. Lottie Sba.rke, Al and Fre. da Starke called on the P •. J.





on ~uesday ~venlng. Mr. and ~ Ray Shaw .are the parerit~ of a new son, named Geo. Want born last Fl'iday morning. ' Mrs. Jess Roland reporb a vislt-

, co..c;tIT








Crack... '~





. . p...... ..


I" :"-



Service at 10.:80 a. .



'LivestockCarefully Selected ~

I ~ill:' and Dre.sed 'Under 'Strict, Sanitary Conditions ~




,Quality Meats That Satisfy The


For 22 Yeari It's


WAYNESV1J.LE CHURCH OF ' CHRIST W. C •. S~ith; ; Minister Sunday. Bible school 9 :30 a. m. ,Communion 10:30 a .. ·m. Talk by Mrs: Ell!l -Willis a. 'm. "Christian Endea,vor- 7:00 ~~achi~ 7 :30 p. ~ • Wcidn.e sday-.- ' " . , Pra.yer meeting 7:30 p. ·m. '. Missiona:rY Pl:eeting' at .Cl/l1:1de Lc~s beginillpg at 8. m. J ~




. HEAD LETTUCE, Solif.l"·H ..d.~ 2 for o': 'f







GRAPEFRUiT, T~a. Marah ~IM~ t: -

• • .



6 f~r " , •



-BASKETBAiI ot.--'i



. HARVEYSBURG The local baaketball team downed Sprl~ngboro at the latter's gym, Friday evening, 62-27, to cinch the Warron County League title. Leading 18-2, at the half, the Massie lads continued to score frequently thro t he :remaining period. Starr, Downey, Carr, and Davis all scored double fliUN totals. Han.,.~bll'" Carr. f "" ............ ..... .. ... 4 2 10 Hartlef., f ,.................. ..... 1 0 2 Davis, t .... .. ...................... 6 2 14 , DoWney, c................ ........ 6 01 . 1~ Bocan, ~.............. .... ........ 0 ~tarr. C.. : .. ·· .. ·.. · .... · ..:· .. .. ·· 6 1 13

!'.,.I-.N.o , l tt, t ........ .. .. ................. 1 2 4 • rgan, f .... .. .. .... ..... ......... ~ . .rke, c .... ...... .. ........... ... ~ ;.lith, 1'... ::............. , ..... .... Hutt, e.....:..... ·.... ·.. ·.......... Bachelor, .... ..... .... ... .. .... ..

1 3 2 2 3

2 0

4 6 ~ 4 6 0 6 27

Won Lost Stand llaneYIIDurg 6 1 .867 Otterbe.ln 5 2 .714 3 .67] Carlisle ". KIIlIIS Mills " 3 .671 Muon ' "3 .671 Sprinahoro 3.. .429 Waynesville 2 6 .286 Morrow 0 7 ;000 '--ue 5u....17 For 5 ..._ Cart1sle lost to IlallOn, Barveya. bur« and 9tterbein. ' Harveysburg loSt. to Otterbein. Ki~ MilIa loat to Carlisle, SpTinpoTO and ~eysburg. ,Muon lost k> ltinra Ml1ls, Har, veysburg and Waynesville, . M.orrow lost to ' Carllah~i SpringJ(il~ uan:ersb~ ,borq. otterbel~ ~ and Waynea. ~e_ . . . . -otterbein loat to Kinp MU.


and "~n,

Sprhi,boro ioat 'to ' OarliaJe, M.. Barv,Y1bullr and Otterbein. w,ayneavme lost · to Carltsle, Springboro, ,Kinn Mills, Harve~ bura' and Otterbein. '




lI~SON A large alJdJenee en· jo)'e~ the musi~le given at the Ma aon.;lf. E. ehui'ch,J~undaJ evenine. The P.f ogram · included vocal ' and instrumental 1010., nolin duets, and ,trios and otaler features. Reverand L. W. 'Rupp, pastor; in addition ~ liviDa' the invocation and benedlctlon~' ,ave a trumpet solo. Others' appearlnc on the pro· Jrl'1lm ' inclbded ·Nornlan SWtord; J()h~ ~Ichards, EIther. Erbeck, Mr. end Mrs. R. A. Young. Mrs. James Bercaw, BeUl Fledl"r, vocal 18lect!oll8; violin solo by M.-s. ' pej:'caw i Clarinet duet by Margaret Hurat. . and . Dol'iiblY! ~berl!!on; clarhiet' solo; ' Paul Johnson; ' plano duet; Baroara and . Helen Thom~ bury; voe~ tiio \iy G~ce and Mar, guel.ite ' Losh . ad Ml'lI. Wilter Compton and a 'number by ~he .. , choir. '.



·ANNOU~CED AT ",.... S. ·

1'1 AYNESVlLL'E "7"; The cast of

OHIO, THURSDAY, February 24. 1938

At the regular meetting of tbe Warren C<l'u nty Home Extension Council held in Lebanon on T·hursday, Feb. 18. plans 'WeN made for the anual county-wiae achievement meeting for all homemakers who have participated in the BOrne Demonstration activities during tbe year. Due to the increaaini attendance at this yearly e~ent the ~ustom. of holdin~ an all day meeting will be discarded in favor of an afternoon meeting followed by a tea for all homemakers. This to be held Saturday, March 20 at the Leb/lnon Bigh Sclbool building. The progrnm promising to be of outstanding interest to wom en 'eharg,e of Mrs. Paul ShaUer, Carlisle, President of the Council; aSSisted by' Mrs. V. H. Whipple, Lebanon; Mt·s, Louella Milligan, Harveysburg, and Mrs. Mac Grapevine, Morrow. . Hostesses for the 'occasion will be Mrs. Esther Binkley. Ridgeville ; 1Mlrs. Chas., AlIen, Springbor~; Mrs. Geo. Deardoff, Franklin; and Mrs. Bessie Haney, Morrow. Exhlblta relating to the past year's pro8'ress will be directed by M1'8. Chas. Elzey, Oregonia; Mrs. Agoe. Whitacre, Butlerville; Mrs. Ifal'old Beckett, Oregonia, and Mrs Hester Rogers, Mason. The tea to follow the program ""ill be in charge of Mrs. William Miller, Mrs. Karl C()'\\'1ln, Mn. William Hackman, Lebanon. 1Mlrs. Amy Bailey, Lytle' Mrs. Lelia Swank, Maineville. and Mrs. Robert Collett, Waynesville.

Rent for Royai LandlQrd

W~}'DelVilie Couple

. Injured' In Craah WAYNESVILLE Mr. John Willis, 71, and Mrs. Ella Willis, 64, were injure.d in an automobiie accident, Sunday evening as they were riding in the Studebaker coupe.drlv~n by their son, Harold D. Willis" The three had left the home of the parents at Old Telegraph Mil, at Horse Shoe Bend, to uttenu church services in Waynesvil,e. Having pulled on to route 42, at the Three Bridges, they proceeded around the curve towJll'd Waynesville. A few hundred yards past the curve, the Willis car struck the Nash coup'e of Mr. C. M. Robitzer which was stopped on tlje highWll\.y It is stated that the lights on the Robitzer car were defective, ·and had stopped because of that trouble. Mr. John Willis received severe head wounds, being cut on the fore head and bruised badly. Mrs. .Ella Wi\ ,is WJlS taken to Blair Hospital in Lebanon where she tlas remained undet· the care of physicians. . Harold D. Willis, ddver of the automobile, was uninjured ,



MORROW - A pl'e8ent realdent 1' he ann ull;l Warren County basof tbis community and a tormer ketball tournament gets under way one haVe informally declared their totlay at the Kin,. Kills gymnaintention of seeking the Republi~ ium. Eight seniol s and ten juncan nomination for the aeat iD the iol' teams will c,ompete t hrough Oh io General Assembly for ;whIch the thl'ee days of tournament play. the incumbent, Arthur Hamilto~, Kings Mills and Otterbein open has declared he will not be a candithe tournament ut one o'clock ~his date. ufternoon; Carlisle and Springboro .following two o'clock ; Harveys The potentia\' candidates are Alfred Watkins, of near MorrOW', and bu rg' and Mason at three o'clock and WaynesVille and Morrow at Dr. H. L. Rosencrans, a former rea 4 o'clock. The winner of the first idant, who is a dentist at Leb&nOIl. lwo games clash at 7 o'clock and . Hamilton is servinc hia sixth the losers at So'clock. The winterm in the state legislature and ners of the second two games play he is.a former Spe.a ker of the House. He has always enjoyed at !l o'clo ck and the losers at 10 :splendid majorities at the polla In o'clock. . The Junior teams will dominate Warren County, and especially 110 here. the play on }<' riduy. Only the Senior em i-finals will ' be played 'i n Watkins is instructor in Mua1c: adui ti n to the JU;liors play. T~e at the Kings Mills and Loveland Mason' Juniors will cpen at 2 0'Scho~ls and formerly beld a' aim· clock againgt Springboro, the folilar position at Lebanon and later Little RenD'eth llodCe. two, I. pictured al he 8ald IWOd-by to the two lowing gam~s in order being Blue at MOl'row. Bali-Maineville, Otterbein-Kings ·creyhouads, Shot liail Nimble, beCore they were tliken away rrom LaUDONRo~encrlmS"- practiced deniatr), Mills; Harveysbu rg-Cad isle and ton, En,18ad. to be presented to KIDe George VI as part 0' a feadal here before moving to Lebanon, tribute In accordance with an ancient Cornwall custom. Other ·ltems Iu Morrow-Wayneoville. also practicing some at Clarbvlll•• tbe 'eudal.trlbute were sliver spurs •• riding claal! and. pound 0; pepper. The senior nnd semi-finals will He is a son-in-law Gf the late Fred MORROW CHURCH be in the even ing and ' the finals Simpson, of Morro"",, IWbo .... IN EVERY MJEMBER CANVASS and consolation games. Saturday county commisioner and later coun ' MORROW - The Morro.w Pres- ty treasurer. . evening'. The 'Junior an , semi-finbyterian Chu'I'clJ, inaugurated its als will be Friay evening witb the that Robert BroWn aDd Rumor is Every Member Canvass, Sunday, finals, Saturny evening. It. Wilds Gilchrist, both ()f Lebu.when Reverand E. " Bannan, a All teams are l'eporte to be Bet returned missionary, IIpoKe at the on, are reported to have declared for the climax of an interesting --morning services, Sunday. Mem- their intention to seek alao tb. · eason. By virtue of th~ir fine play CLARKSVILlLE ~ The QlaTksThe Circle Tea met at the home .>ers B~rted the canVJlSS, Sunday :lomination . ~o date both the senior and Jun- ville High' School basketball team of Mrs. Lydia Thompson, Thursday afternoon. E. A. Ludlum is 'chair- ... - . iol' ·teams at Hal'Veysurg are con- I closed the leagule season here, Fri· afternoon assisted by Mesdames man of the canvass and A. J. Scheu .TELEPHONE COMPANY eeded excellent chalices of winning I day by bSlnding New ' Vje~na Clara Stitt, Lavonia Maddox, EmRICE-MOON NupnA1:s ' rer is secretary. S.HOWS MATERIAL GAIN in their respective divisions. but a 26-20 defeat for the Indians' ma Tetrick and Irene MossteUer. SOLEMNIZED, SATURDAY The follOwing assisted In canthe other teams are .all set to do fifth -consecutive victol'Y. The The g~ests were r~ceived by vassipg the church membership fOI WAYNESVILLE - ,The Ohio CLARKSVILLE _ Miss Belen roheir best and upset the predic- game was slow the first half, but Clara. StItt rep1'esenting. ~eorge pl~dges to the bu4get for the comCentral Teleph()ne C()mpany ,b0walee a.n'd Mr. Wayne Moon'. bOEn; na~d Hagemeyer visited Miss " scoring machinlss did. conSi.derable WashlDgton an~ EJn~a Tetrick as irtg year: Team X; E. A. Ludlum, ed a lall!"er ·gain in new aubldibof this community were marri - ien Hagemeyer at Carlisle S work tbe two follOWIng quarters. Martha W~mgton. Mr". Stitt W. W. Whitaker; Team B: W. F. erB in Warren C<lutity durinc Jan4t Covington, Ky., Saturday, a ey- day morning. She iB The locals' stage a valient was dressed m lace r~ffles and vel Vance, W. W. Cade; Team C: F. uary than any other unit 01 the from fln attack 01' pleuri~y. fourth quarte!.. defensive raUy to vet breeche!! ",ith. SIlver buckles C Wellnnr' J A C cording to an announcemen~ ma4. 'UL.... ' . ~, • • orne tt·, T eam :irm, R.• E .. Graham, manqer. aaid .Iere thlJi week. !.t heMt. and Mrs. F. J. subdue the VJElltb1'8" aI.t hougb ·the on her shoes........... ·Tetrick WSB D' Mrs' H A We't 'U'r M " • •. z, ..... :s. ae here, Wednesday. Mrs. ,)I'Oon is the. daughter Irs. , latter scored but five goal all eve- dressed .ID laven der an d () ld 1ace. Fl'azier' T ' ea' m E' 'M C E D The system gained 29 aut.eri'T ' h h . h st d h " . rB. . . eMr. and Mrs. Sanford Rfc:,e of U\ ' Iliftg. They hnd llluch better luck ~ c a~mg 0 eu an . er mitt; Mrs. W.' W. Caile ; Team F: • at the foul line , where they scored .a,ss~stants were also dressed rn Co- Mrs. Bess Haney, Mrs. Leroy don- bel'll during tbe mollt~: fIfteeD of. Gum Grove community. Mr: Modte~ were in Warren County,· On iAn employee of ~. foundry at Wi~tn- . half their points. ' 1()D1al costumes. .. n ero Harold Gilmore is handling ham said. There are 33 exchanc_ ' . T,h~ visitors led, 4-2, at the qUilt.' mington, is the SOn '()f Mrs. Ait a A very entertammg prQgram correspondence with non-resident in the system outside ot thla COUD And the late D T. Moon. The bri tel', but two l~oaJa by Moon and was presented. America the Beau- members. ty. '- - i& a . graduat~ ~f 'Mkll'l:o w one by Whitacre enabled tbem to tiful. was sung by the group. In a Gains. were shown by WaJll.t~chool ~ut a n ed school ~ ~e knQt it 'at S all .at the half. A lou I small alcove tnrule especially ' for ville, Morrow, and Lebanon: expreviously.,. Mr Moon aiso atten by Vance, two goals by . DiI/{)w, the occasion ,several portraits were MASON GRANGE TO HAVE BANQUET ·SOON .. changes, Graham added. ~ d Clarksville schO()ls. one each by F'rank and Whitacre presented. <The first \WI8 entitled MASON-: The local grange will _-.;._ _ _ _.__ . accounted fQr Ithe locals' points lis I "The Old Spinning Wheel", the they assumed ;~ 17-14' lead in the so ng being sung by' Reba Fox and' have its annual banquet on .lMBrch OTTERBEIN TEAMWIN5 4, it was decided at the meeting OVEI:t WAYNESVILLE CAGERS ,WENINGITUS VICTIM thlrd . quarter. Mrs. C41r.a Sitt, while Mrs. Lavo~­ fROM WAYNESVILLE The visitors rallied to make it ia Maddox was seated at an old last Thul'1lday. T,he committee .named at the 17~16 but Buddy G90dwin caged WAYNESVILLE - The 0tterSpinninl[ Wih~l. meeting were' Mr: and Mrs. Frank WAYNESVILLE - Ralph Sh a bunny shot, Moon lind Frank a bein Home team ,' firliahed their The next picture was that of the Wilkins, Mr. and Mrs. Heber Jack han of ' hear Spring V.alley, w foul each, and Moon a tw~-pointer league schedule bere, ,F riday ••ea former resident of Wayn for a commanding lead. ' ; , Life 01 Washington. Mrs. Spinner 80n, Mr. iIInd Mrs. George Spurling ning with a 27-18 victory over tIM read tbe Lile of Was'hington aa t~e Mr. and Mrs, O. B. Dumford and ville, · is .reported recovering "ft'() ClarkayjJIe W.arne,ville Caeera. The a.n attack. of spinal Dienlngit Vanc~ f ..... ..... ........ ... ..... 0 1 1 follo1Vin~ pol't!ait was presented: Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Jeffries. team failed to dlsplq any 'lIO" of Another· victim of the disease, M wtiitacre, f .......... ... , ........ 2 0 4 Little Ge~) 'With' bis hatchet - . .The · memberl!hip contest is be- an offense while , the ,0000beia iug led by the Green team headed Ronald Lee Maddox. 'Harold Bennett, died at Xenia h Stanfield, c.... .... ...... .. ... :.. 0 - 0 . 0 team played.a ",Oct enoach blUe! pital, Friday ,,'1l1gbt. . ~he is al Baughman, c.... .. ...... .. ...... 0 0 0 George Washington at $e 'age of by Tom Cunningham Llabon Ire- of ball to keep In the lead, . twenty-one-Mrs. Beulah White ton is captain of the Yellow team. fro~ near Spring Y-alley. F.rank, c .. ., .... , ..... .. '....., .... 2 , 1 5 ~ 18-11 The Otterbe' /I lao As a t;ellult ,of .tbese ~~3, t\ Dillow, g........... ,............... 3 1 7 George , and Martha Oustia--Lu- .It .Iasts througip A,pril. lead at~h6hall and ~ co&l by' I.e cille Bercaw and Ronald Lee Farmers' Institute m~tings which Goodwin, g...... .............. . 1 0 2 May was all me Wahehl ,eoaW .wet.e: for !M'o ndalnmd Maddo'!. ,TAX ItETURNS WILL Mo~n;".!.:~ ...... . " ...... ,..... .. ,. II 1 7 gamer in t~. leeoall If 'nteJ ,Tuesday at Spril,lg ! ValIer were This was f\lllowed by a group. ,BE DUE MARCH Slat ~ did not score a pOInt the fou" cancelled anll tbe Spril)g Valley25 song', ' "Yankee D~odle,." quarter. ,Be."vercr, ek. bask~tbal1 ga~~" FrlThe next 'portrait l:CPTCsented N_ Vienna The o.f flees of "LEBANON, Walker and Lindner 'Were hlab day waS' played l\\'IJth no fops pres Burton, f. ...... " ." .............. t 2 4 AbTaham ' Lin~ln ; portrayed ' by C<lunty auditor A,' M. Parker and for Otterbein wbile I!6 Kay ..... ent, and under health d<cparlm~nt Benard, . f ...... ..... ... ,........ 0 o . 0 Mrs. Winnie H~bsen. The, 'Paper of county' tN!~urer, George B. supervision. Linkhardt, c.. ....... .... ...... 1 2 4 on Lincoln was by Frank Jollnson will be. open dUring ~ best for the weals. The Junlo.,. Sheehan in the son of Mr. (md Rulon, g............................ 2 3 7 'Stitt nnd read oy Irene Mosteller. noon hour so ' that taxpayers mal' won, 21-8, Robert.8on )e~ln" witll . ' .!\Irs. Ellrier ' Sheehan of "this com, The program w~s closed 'b y 't he secu~e their forms or make re- nine points. . Binkley. g ........ .. ........ .... .. 1 3 6 v . " 'munitiI. ~o group singing "Tenting on the 01(1 turns, these officials nave announ- Otterbehl-• ced: ' . . Camp Gr{)und." . . I'.. ,,,TP Turner, ( ..... ,.. ..... ... ...... ,..... 0 0 P " ·The 1938 property tax returns Seated at the table whieh was de CA:MP~RS REUNi~N. corated in red, white, ' and ., blue, a'nd the December rear-estate tax- Walker. t ............. .. ,.......... 5 0 1A with ' a log cabin and flap as a es will be dUe by March 31, and West, c...... ::::.:':'.~.~. :. : ..... 1 . 1 I center p'iice, Mrs. Storch' ~nd !Mil's. these offices will remain open, to Abbott, g .............,... ...... .... 1 '. • Lucile Bercaw, in pink costumes, assisi tax payers in handling- t.hi Lindner, g ..:::-:::...... ,...... :.. 8 I i Rose; c..................... ......... 1 .0 . " se~ved te~, hatchet and c~err,. matter 'more effi~ientl~. calces aod Ted and white and blue ' WAYJtfE FARM BUREAU WAYNESVILLE - Ross H. candy: W.,.n..ylU_ . T~o~e present at this deliglitlul ME~TS, TUESDAY ' NICH Rartsock has been '. named execuW~YNESVILLE"":' The Wayne Planck', t ..... ......... ... :., .. ,... 0 tor of the estate of the late C. tea were Mesdames Lottie Rimyarl, Po~a .;T<o~pkiJJ8, Bla~ch Ger-: Towrishfp Farm Bureau met at the D. Collett, f .. ..... ... ............ ,1 ar~, LOuella Stouder, L!zzle GOT- hom'e of Mr. ani Mrs. L. V: Brans- LeMay, e" ... ~~. :... ........... :. I' trato1:, ' Tu(l!;(!ay iNening. Tbere Boge~, 11'" ........ ...... ........ .... 0 were approximately twenty 'mem·. Clary, g .... .. ,.. , ....... ...... :.;.. 0 C. Collett, 11'...... .. ,... :".,:.•< 0












BAR" ARD SI!,,f 'PER Main


WayM vUle, Ohio In N1ttct~th YIlll,r

________--_....;l~---'-...,.--_:r'-----------~ ORVILLE SAGE, Publflher 1l~ , A. Second ...

oi ss "laU

M~ ~et .at PO$~orfi¢e, WaiYn~~ville , 'Ohio

. lS'SU~D EVE,Ry ' THUaSDAY . + .......,


- ...:..-





Sublcription Price, $1.60 Per Yen)', Payn.ble in Advanc

I~. lncl~Jlend4UIt NeW HAl millity.· -




paper tQ the Service of Giving it'S patrons t he best n ewspaper ' humanly pos-





Mrs. Hazel Dyke (lnd daugllter of Dayt.on and Lester Purvis of The next meeting of the Moth· ers' Olub ill be .l1eld on March 4 Gerrilantown wcr,e Sunday gu ests a 'w,hic.h time the progl.'am will b e of Mr, and Mrs. Emmett Beltz. ,Iven by ~. Frank and bill ,musM:r. and Mrs. W. B. Squires a.n d ,ic p\lpils. All intel'ested are urged Mrs. Nora Hou ~h W(>l:e Sunday to attend: guestS of MI'. and !Mh'S. Charles MIOtH~RS CLUa



The CoIl win'· seni tOS the p nn I ~Cn i (ll·, soholnt· hip tesL in Leba.non, JwlI 2: Roy.' Crockett, Jlln ~ .F\tnlllll,13eu:ah Bernard, Rnch el lInrt Jl]on, Vivian o'nner, Ruth onner, Iildred ook, C." A. A llderson . , Mu.ic ~ew ,The ollth vcstcrll 'vilio Music Festival will be helll, M'nt'ch '2 5-2';. Sevel'al oloists from Wayne ville will be entcred. ' Vilual Educe tio, Seve.ral pletu,ics' hnve b en presented on OUI' nl:w projector in thil last few we Its. The&e pictures ar e as supplemenlary cln.s....u/1m in~ Iltl'uction. Monday. "The Frontier Woman " was shown to the hi tory classes. Mark Twain's famou s novel, "The Prince o8.IId t he Paup er", was hown to the E nglish classe,l on Monday also. Studeat Council N _ _

MIr, lind Mrs. Herbert , Falrchild Church.. 01 Cbriat. Bclentllt ' "CHRIST J ESUS" i, the 5UUj«I were Saturday night r ues of Mra Raymond Eakins' Siijtcl', Mr. and o[ thc Lesson· ermon which will bt Mrs. George Harvey of New' Bur- read in all Churches of Cllrf t. lingt~n.. ~9~itl~5t. on ' Sundl\Y, Fe~ruary. 2i, M!§B .. Marbba Ashley W\88 tht'3 Tire Goldcn Text is: "We preach we ek's guest of Mrs. Carl Judd of 'not ourselves, but Christ Jesus th~ Oregonia. Lord; a'nd ourselves lour servant . Sever!!l from hel'e paid theil' last for Jesu s' sake" (I Corinthians respect for Mrs. K. E. 'rhom}lson 4,: 51~ong the cilations which com· Saturday. r prist: the Lesson·Sermon is the fol· Mrs. Ethel Beckett was a Tuer.- lowing from the Bible: "Let 'nOI day afternoon visitor of Miss Ber. your hea~1 be Irou~led : YI!. belicve in d T_ • God, believe also In me ..•' . In my ne a ...,WUI. , Father's house arc many mansions, SUlli!ay afternoon visitors of Mr if it wo:: re not so, i would have told and Mrs. William Fairchild and you. I go to prepare a place £01 family 'Were '!Mlr a d M J h you" (John 14: 1, 2). rs. 0 n The Lesson·Sermon also ino;ludc~ . n Oay! Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Day and ' the {ollowing passage from tht Christian Science textbook, "Science fami ly from Mayfield, Ohio. Miss Mary Elizabeth Smith was and If.ealth with Key to the Scrip , a Sunday aftern oon visit or f M' tures" by Mary ~~ker E.d.dy: "The . 0 , 18S finger-posts of dl vme SCIence show tlie way our "Master trod. and reo Oralene BaIley of Wellman. Little Janet Beckett, daughter 'quire of Christians the proof which 6f Mr. and Mrs. Harold Beckett is he gave•. instead of mere pro[ession" f (p, 242). · . II Iow Iy Improving rom pneumonia. - - -_ __ Miss Opal Lewis 'WIlS an ovcrnight guest, Tuesday of Miss Mar· tha Ashley.

ArnO'ld CO'Hett enLouella Snyp and dall to a 6_o'clock dinner, ' Word has been~ l'e~eived . of the marriuge of Edwin-Randall to Mila Beiltl-i~ Wil~on, bot h of Nallhville - , ,Tenn • .

, Estate of L. A. Bowman, deceased. N~tice ,is hereby giv.eb. ,that, Olarence F'O'rdyce, O'f Blanchester, Ohio and Carl Bowman "of Clarksville, Ohio, have been ~uly appoint ed Administrators De Bonis Non .. of the Estate of L. A. Bowman, deceased, late Qf Vel'non ownshlp, Clinton County, Ohio. Creditors are l'equired to f ile their claims with sa id fiducillry within f-our months or be foi'cver barred. Da ted this 16tih doy of February 1938. HUGH J. WRlGHT, Pt'obate Judge 01 said Cou nty. (MIr. and Mrs. Carroll Smart and Feb. 24-3t. 1\11'8. Mary Haines left last week on a motor trip to Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Charl es Got'don Over••eu. Phoning lurrap. entertained twenty-six friends at I dinner Tuesday evening. telephone fieTransatlantic for the first radio six months o[ tral· 1937 Mr. and ~rs. Philip Gray of was 90 per cent greater than for Williamsport, Pa. :were r ece nt the same period in the preceding guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles year. Puterbaugh. ,I The Civic League entertained ~~~~~ -~~~~~::;:;;:;::;;;::;=== the mC'll at their meeting last ~ H,A N N A H'S Thul'sday 'W hich is an annual cusFuneral Home tom. Service 24 Hours A Day The Frank Tietmeyer home !has WILMINGTON 2146 been qUarantined for Scarlet FevBLANCHESTER 3231 cr. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Bishop and Mr. and lMk's. Ducry of Wash ington, C. H. were recent guests of Mrs. Mary SY'f rcd. -"OTARY PUBLIC Mrs. Louell. Sewell Snyp, who hall heen the guest of Mrs.' C. G. Ra r, all, left Monday, for Tacoma. Will. Dr.wn . . E.t.tu S.tll.d Wash. WAY~£SVILLE, OHIO

Bobby GrecD, who will capt aiD the Harvard IIJIlvcrlllly f(.olbIiU team In tD38, )sbo'Yn 3rter his election at the DlllioD bou~e at Cambrld,e, Mass. He sueceedll the famo,ulI Clint Frank Con ell. a. aapt:liD or ahe Crimson and Is In GARDEN CLUB TO MEET bls Junior ),ear. DISNEY FILM IS BOOKED A. H Stubbs and famil y an d The W'a ynesv.ilIe Gardeu mub At a ' r ecent mceting of the stu· KEITHS THEATER, wiu me,e t at the home of Mrs. Ross nfl'. .and Mrs. H. D, Willis 'were dinner guests Sunday ev ning of dent council the question of daneRobert Sheets The most sensational film ever 'Hartsock, Tuesday aftcrnoon at Reading, Abraha m Lincoln t o come out of Hollywood, Walt 1\1 r. and Mrs. Cla re nce .lalmberg. ing at school parties was discussed. 2t30 p~' m. . It was decided to put the question Evetyn Smith Disney's fi rst full-Iengt~ picture Mt'. and ~{l's. John B. , Gons ob- to (\ vote of the students. During Vocal Solo _ Alton Earnhart "Sno\v White And The Seve'n' lIiss Catherine BranstTator of 'erved their .eventh wedding anni- home·room sessions of each high , MembeI;l! of Mr. Frank's public Dwarfs" has been held over for a lIorrow spent the week end w th VCl'SR I'y, Sunday. Their gu es ~s school ela~, Friday the question speaking class gave two ' very second week at the RKO Keith ,lIr: and 'Mrs. L, V. Bra'nstl'atol.'. w re MI'. and Mrs. J. Q. Gons, was discussed and voted on, by a enter;taining dinlogues : , Theater in Dayton, Ohio. Never be Mrs. J. L. Mendenhall is sedo'us :Fred B. Hend erson and family a nd aeeret ballot In every class, the ma Ruth Conner II.Jld Jane Fur· fore in the hi story of. the RKO Mrs. D. L. Crane . jOl'ity vot~ d in favor of dallcing I)' 1\1 at he~ home near here. nas gave' "An Interview with Keith Theater have so many thous at &ohool parties. . . Mark Twain" ,by Mark Twain a nds .,f people crowded in to see . hi Y P fopamMr. and Mrs. Lester Hilltt, ,Geo. , The JUnior Cl 5S of the Fnends' A lIem B~ulal! Bernard and Jean Fur l one film. And according to all reI ' h8 d cal'ge h Rohert on ,a nd Cleo Arthur attend unday school held (\ box SUp-, Th e Fresb mancass nas, "The Elcctric EEl", both ports everyone claims it is worth d W h per at t e church, ednes ay eveof to .. bl F 'd ed tbe theater in X'e nia Tuesday . e assem y program, n ay F II . of whioh were humorous sket- the milliOn dollars spent on it. mng. '0 cOWIng the "supper t here Th b'rtbd ' f th . f . \ venjnll'. ' ' e t ays 0 ree amous Am chell!. The picture will continue to d Lo·15 J ean was a forum on religiOUS educa- en'can II were ce1eb rat e. The New Century Club , will .' play at the RKO Keith Theater In .Ion. L arnc · . . k announce d the foUowi'lk Dayton, Ohio until March 4th. To 1ft t Fridli1 afternoon with .Mh. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Bolin spent program: ",liss it is miss one of the greatest '" W. Whit as hostess. The meetMu sic by the Junior Orch . ,11\1' III b Iheld at tho ' ',home of Monday in Dayton. wonde.r s the screen has ever offerReading, HenrY W.' Longfellow .... Maude Crane. • ed. The music, tbe lovable little iMr. and Mrs. Ernest Martin 01 by Frieda Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wical and d\\'Iltfs, the mUltlplane TeehniIf", and Mrs. Al Poli~ky of Cin- Dayton spent Sunday with M,r s. Music, Freshman Bllndtheir family wer e dinner guests, color all combin-e to make "Snow cinnati' spent the week with Mrs. Mal'gal'et Marlin at t'he 'Friends' Mary Moss Sunday, of Mr. and ~rs" Perry White" an e nchanting picture for Myer Hyman., Home. Roxie Sackett Wade an'4 BOll, Joe. adults .as well as children. There is lin. C. I. Satterwaite arid Mrs. Roy oJ,ohnson of Cleveland Martha Martin Rev. and Mrs. Clare nce Bennett no advance in prices for adults ~=====-=::=;;:==~ daUghter Ann airll Mary Welcn visited relatives here over the weelt Olyde Smith and da'u~hter. Genev'a r, were Sun· and for children the admission is ':' end. wk. LebAnon visitors' Tuesday, Betty Braddock day dinner guests of Mr. IIlld Mrs. 15 cents by ' contract with Walt . BO'» ~an~ll ' o,f Xenia visil~d Miss L"ois Mltch,ell, teacher in Ruthie Conner VALE FUNERAL HOME Disney stu,~ios. P. J. Thomlls. bill mother, Mrs. Walter Unde;r· the' Local high sch'ool, will ,spend Alton 'Earnhart Mia Shirley Mardis is spending wood Tuesday. , ,t h week-end with her mother at JeaMtte Kurliss a few days at the parsonage, this HARVEYSBURG~E. CHURCH ' Reading, George WashingtonErnie AdAms and lamily bn"e Ada: Lady Attendant e.o; H. W, Miaiater week. , Tessa Stansberry , moved to ~ tena~t houae On t he M1'8, Ross Plancl4 Mrs. BeUe 9 :30 a. m. Sunday School, Prof. Mrs. Harry Cornell and '!Mh. Music-Mixed Chorus-Hal ·Man.oua farm: Brak-efield and 6on~ Don, with Mr. Burton were Day1;on shopPers, H. C. Milligan, 'Supt. Phone 86 Morrow, Mrs. Cleo Artbll,r and daught~r a nd Mrs. A. O. Griffy motored to M'.artha Hiatt 10:30 a. m. Public Worship, Ser· Monday. Roxie Sackett ~et9 ,.nll George Robertson spent Detroit, Michigan; laSt Thursday ~on topic; "Loving the Unseen," JIlr. and Mrs. Forest Martha Martin S'!llda~ wi~ !Mfr. and Mr;s. L. Hi~tt a~'d stayed until Sunday, visiting Dayton spent Sunday at the near, here. , 'WIth re latlv~s in the automotive ~uthie Conner Roland home. ' Alton Earnhart Ml. ~d Mrs. Earl Davis of Day city. , Mr. and Mrs. Perry Robert Lacy . . to~ spent Thursday w}th Mr. and' W. N. Sear moved, Thursday, to son, Ervin, Miss ~mma B~nny Fu:rn.ass lIn..' D. C. Ridge: the Ridge property on 'Fourth,St. and Lyle Fox attended the Eve.,. Friday ~J ' , ," ball ,game at ~ est C:arroltoD~ , ' . . ' .. j! J ~.:. ~ Good Outlet for all' urday night. ' Kinds of Livestock .' A delegation of 213 folks the FerrY chur ch atttmded the Area Ohurehes of Christ; beld at town. Mrs. George Smith, and Mrs. vy Hole called ' 011 Mrs. 3mith, Sunday altermon. Thc"youit&- peOple's ohoir of Feny ehurch will bJ;Oadcsst W. , K. R. C., Sunday February 27" On the Church pro~m at eight There were 156 present at 'day SchO'ol at Ferry nnd two ,j~lned ' ohurc:fu. Tbey were :E . , . N.t~JlI Ton••n~· bel~ty of , ter Ball and IMlartha l\fcCray. ca~ln~t'fonn ' .~ Incompar.ble w~re ' l!aptized last ~ll1eaday " ( , Mr.anel J4:rJJ. HarrY combin.tlon In th... 1938 caled at ,the Hatty Fordyce Stromb.rg.Carl.on., Equipped Cen~erville, Thursday.. , ':\ with the L.b,yril)th, th.y pro-. Mrs. P. J. Thomas i8 on the Phone '78J list with one of ' thO'se ~evere due. tone .0 nltut.1 ,thet the

• ••










Livestock AuctiOn



Mr. Farmer Thcre is no need to lose your hogs or poultry . I have a remcdy which cnn stop cholera and swine fil edge among hegs. No user of Dawson's Medicated l!og F~od hall had cholera since using this tlmetented st.ol'!ilbl(. For literature which shows what has been accomplished witlt this remedy, write .•.

D,awson's 'Medicale,d Hog Food Co. Ha,rve'yaburg


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Martin .Hatcliery Auctioneer



nilrvel 'of "dio .glln becomei . ' ' e'thlns of wonderment. ' cabinets ,11111 yoil, .senll of .b 'luty by thei," artistic' form end exquisite matching of rere ; woods,


eommoon ·here 'latelY. : Wleal, Mr. , Mi. and Mni. Louis .!llId Mrs. Allen LuCas and Mr. and MIrs. Weidner and their lani. Uilla ' spen~ Sund~y , ~vith ' 14r. and Mrs. Pe~ ' Wical . . , " I>~lla Jean Wical ,. spent Monday , night and Tuesday - at the



~~;~=;;~;~~:=:::::.~::;:::::. I . B"A' CHI OKS . ' M i

1\ hatch _i., we .." ~uUoram t •• t.d ~cI culled 'flock .. Cu,l tom, HatcbiJi., 2~c Pl'r e ••: ' • " Phone 340

. Y 1'-, S ri

~ome I~, the gue'sts !:::::!:=::=::=:~:::.:_:::p:a:.:.,:OIai:.O:~

WicaI ~)ki., of the young •



wEllMAN · , 'Dani~lte:'t1- IUl~

.Mr. dj.u.,ghter MISS, Lo~ ap.~\iIi. 'Mn. HoW. ai'd Harness ,"r,e..Tb;Urs!f~Y" callen :,; ~ ", ulativea and trien, d,s of thl&;eomln.tlIiih'. ' "' :" 1MIr., ,and ¥ri. JlO'be~ Lewis, Kb$B ~me!la and V,,",oil and Mr., and ¥rs., ,Ra)'1llond ,Eakin , I~ of W,,elll1\1'lI. S we~. uncia,.,' 'of, Mr. and Mrs. MiltonEaktna . ,n d family of Harveysburg. ' ', , Seve,ral from here Ilttended the Harve;pbul'l',and ,Sprjingboro gam~ last Friday night at Springboro-. f Kr: and , Mrs. MiRto;D Eaidn8~ ali Jean, 'f s,-aturday , ,nopn callers of ~eir ' Bon, Mr. ,Bay wen mond EakfriJ-and,farnUY ' 0f-




"m'" ,











-- ---


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~l~lod~!tr !ii' 'UbllC1'~PLlOII 1.0, TIle Chrlau.p ",1l1li" .1oI01l11.or for I rear U.OO 8 months aUG 3 mOlltbl "2& '1 mOJlUl 160 W.dJlUd," lNue. UlClludlDl 1I.,YIn. 8ecllon: f "ar •.'UO. "lIIuu lSI .

xam.----------------,-------.~-.---,..' . ..------------,.---'. -.-

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"A eaSIly C~ance: :.,




. ~6ur eyes~K'bt: ,if!. too precIO'~a,' to taki ebancea ' WIth It. Eyestrain IS dangero:Us. Damage 'm&1 be: \do~e . b'efore you realize it. ' , . ,' , 'l Jave' all' eyeexaJl!i~ation to-day.; YO'UO'W'.:1t to 'youraeU l •• to .gtve this m¥cb time to your 'tight. "




D•.:!-. . . . . . Zen-. O. D. QptaM'RnC EYESIGHT SPEeiALIST . Open Every Day fro~ 8 A. ¥. to 6 P. ¥. Saturday 8 A. ·M. to lOP. M. 19 N. Broadway

BABY CHICKS , CUSTOM HATCHING ' From Blood-tested flooks ' Order now fO il Jater deliveri~1 and. profit by liberal discounts

We Can Fumiah Chick. For Immediate c:);rder" One price, one grade-the Best

Try Our Mixed B-:laneed Ratio~ Feed . . . We elve, .blOlutely ' fn., Post moryem service, 80 if • yoll1' flocks need eXollmlnalil)n' call us at once. s



To Poultry Ralsen


HaneYlbur., Ohio


'_~CIDENT '!'


Mason Personals

RallrQad Purchases in


........""'" • c.....". CaIhM

e ntert~d to dinner Sunday~ Dr. ,home of Mrs. Bel) lfawke next and Mr~. El"nest Ro.ltl;lplo and' W edn ~sdQY afternoon, Mllr. ~. 'hildl' n of London, ' 0" uno Mr. I MJ'I\. CQrL Duk . and Miss Ruth ' Hnd Me '. Hal'oli,l Whi Laker and Reeder nrc aSf\I~tal\t hoetes8os. . childnm. . · MI'. and ' M11!j ' Stanley Balley aud Phon e arc e nd in ya ur Want daughter had for tb{!ir Su nday Ad. It w.ilI . bring results. gue~ts: Mr. and !vir '._ Irvin ifui. -.- .. -'~ .. ford and r)tfldren and MI'. . and Mrs. Russell Wilso n and family of Waynesville. · Mrs. W. O. Bel'gdnlJ Ilnd Mrs. Frank Robinson called on the former' s aunt, !viI'S , lem 'DK..-II-----"......_ .............._r------':-::-:;:~ I ~wit at Bellbro ok unday afLer· noon. The Ladi es Aid will moot at the Lebanon, Ohio

Mrs. Alice Clark retuI'ned from Miss I$abel Got!!uch of CincinMr. and MrS. ,George Fox and Dayton last we ek to hel' . ·home nati, visitea home folks over thc daughwri Joan, f ii11L;,.,'; ..l-m".,..,..j.....I-=:'fII~~II!!.:=,;,..~~~..-:.~,., . hore. .' week-end. , , Ohio, were $unilay vistt.o·rs at the Mrs. Hru;vey But'n at nnd M:f.!. (MIT. and Mr,s. Hdwuf'fi Gorsuch home of .Mr; and Mrs. Wi! I ~ m Margal'et Johns ,vel'c DayLon shop entel'tained -Mr. a d Mrs: 'Guy Rogers and daugi~ter. pors Tnursday. Jackson and daugh~r last FrlThe M. E. Laaies Aid reali~ed a Mrs. Russell .Camp bell has been day eveni!!&,. neat su~ froll\. the proce'eds of the ill the past week. . Mrs. Resin Walker entel·tained lunch tand at tbe s'8le 'ot H. M. l<~ i.iteen members from here at. "The Teacher'a Bridge Club, T~urs Scott, lilst Friday. te :-. ~ed Grange at Waynesvil,e daY' evo'n ing at her home. in East Friends of Miss Virgina Sa.Ll' ay evening. Mason: ThoSe present were Miss- ford, 'Who formerly resided here, es 'M ary Louise &bb, Alta Mao will be , SO;1'1'y fo hear that she is Therle Jones missed a couple of Compton, Dorothy Sanbo'r n, Vi.- ill at Hamilton, .ohio. days work laat week at fhe Frigginia Updegl'ove, Virginiu Dicken- . MI'. and Mrs. Leslie FJlSnz and idiare on account of illness. Inson, IM1ary Case, and ~eSdames family were Sunday gue~ts of 1Mlr. IMIr. and Mrs. Robert DeHaven Ray Young, William Bercaw, Ver- and Mrs. Jos. McFarland of Leb· a'nd Mr. and Mrs. Robert Raine. anon, Ohio. non Spaeth, Raymond Larue. and Iitlte son of Dayton spent Prizes wete won 'by Mrs. Spaeth A meeting of the Home Coun . i1 Wednesday evening of last week and Miss Compton. was held, last hursduy, at the home at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wal· ter Kenrick. At the regular meeting of th.e of Elizabeth Graddy in Lebanon. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Day- of Mother's Olpb 'hi!ld Friday the 18 Mr. and Mrs, James Phillips(nec Hamersville were Thursday guests " th, at the school auditorium: Mrs. Willa Thomas Flowers) and childof Mrs. Bell e Scott, Everett Early Hester Rogers presidea in the ab- ren of Monticello, Ky., He the and family. sence of the Prcfjident, IMlrs. Les- house guests of Mr. and IMlrs. Wm. Mrs. Brown returned to her lie Franz. Owing to Inclement we~- ~ercaw and family. home in Washington C, H. Sun· ther, there IW'8S but a fair attend· Mr. and Mrs. Richard Baysol'e day after spending a week wi lh ance. A pictore show featured by and so n, Rex, of Cincinnati were her daughter, Mrs. Ralph Barger the "Quick Cleaners" was a part the Sunday dinner guests at the gnd family. of the program. home of lI-h-.- nnd 1\1rs. H. C. Gum This map is one of a sel 01 slate maps recently presenled /.0 I.he special Senate comm~/t~c invcstigali?B une~pll»'ment and reli!!1 by I. I. Pelley. Presiden l. Mrs. Mal"gBr'c t John ~ in COnlTh.e friends of Mrs. Blanche mings and daughter, Betty, A,,?clQuon 01 American RaIlroads, 11'ashinSlon, D. C. Each spO't .indicates a ny . with 'MIr. and Mr. Amos Ringler, '\\iho has been recovering Mrs. Chades Webcr and daugh- a City .or 10lUn ~hcre .one or more railroads purchase materials and supplies. Coo k and Mrs. Donald Hadley of from her pTolonged illness at Iille ter, Olive, of Morrow, were call- In OhiO' Ihe rmlroads purcha.sed mnteria13 and .•"pplies in 637 cities and WayMsviJIc attended the funeral towns 100cated in 87 01 the 88 counties in the, slate. home of her daughter, Mrs. Eliot ing on relatives nere, Friday. of their cousin, Mrs. Israel Sat· Hunter of "Middletown, Ohio, will Miss Virginia Bercaw is visiting - ' -tel'hwaite, in Dayton, Friday. be ';Iad to know that she plans to with her b roliher, Mr. James Ber'" and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Graham Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burnet return to her home north of town caw and her siste r, Christine at ' h . B d H ' ll h' k called on IMlrs. E E Bevan Sunday. th ell' by March lat. orne m on I t IS wee . · . I N She is gaining strength after a V Irgmia · W Ik d Misa Stob man of 01' Mr. an d .. Mrs. R ~8Jn a er an wood was tile Sunday guest at the Mrs. Carrie and Mrs. severe illne ss of lagrippe. daughter VISited With Mr. and Mrs . . home of Mr and IM1rs. William Bi- Arthur Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Clif. Little Janet Beckett is gradual?arles Rulon at New Vienna, Sun shop and d~ughter, Helen, ford Beckett and children of Leb- Iy recov~ring from pneumonia. WHERE dcp endability y f T I J 0 Misscs Virginia Bercaw and AI- anon, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. R. MiSs Visa Mather (II Lebanon a · C I St 'd counts only the high. Mr. ar ou 0 e 0, ., i . t h e d'lOner guests 0f Beckett and family, ' . it! 1 t'er 0 f ' lis ce C ox were Sunday even- spect t h e wee k en d with Fred was VIS ng re a Ives and rlen Cl I est quality electrical d Mr. and Mrs. James Bercaw and ing. George Beckett was a Sunday ark and fami y. ·" th "'ft k h ere 0 v... r e """e en. M' Ch . t' B f B d . II H M'II d d f '1 pt'oducls will do. One 'G S . ' d ISS rls me ercaw 0 on mornmg ca er. enry I ar an ami y wel'e Mr. and Mrs. uy upmger an H'II I h ' • d II U ban T d b such QUALITY PRO· family of N_ B.u rlington were I. n t 0 evenmg', accompame MI'. and Mrs. Paul Vandervoort ca ed to r a, ues ay, ecause the' guests of tJhe Vernon Spaeth by Messrs. Glen Ball B.nd Robert of Lebanon w ~ lcomed a nine of the of ~j§ niece. FreeDUCT : is the DIAL McCurley they fOl'Dled a theatre pound daughter in their home Feb. man Millard and famny and Mrs. f am II y, S un da:y. TELEPHONE. AUTOM d M J b B 1M party an d atten d ed "snow Wh'te I 19. . James Jobnson attended the funTELEPHONE MATIC r. an rs. 0 n . a.lT, .'t. and t'-e Seven Dwa'rfs." I W d da and Mrs. Edward BalT vlalted relM ,II 'D_' .... B h Q The Silw" Grove Ladies Aid era on e n.e s y. SERVICE is DEPEND '11 S d rs . .-..pu e m was a ueen quilted at the home of Mrs. D. 1M. Several Spring Hill people were C· . 'to Frid . W'I . < - S d sf a ti ves a t H amersvI 0, un ay. Columbull Hoskins and wife of Ity VlSI . r, ay. Adams all day, Wednesday. miming""" un 8y ternaon. ABLE. PLACE YOUR . Mrs RIchard M Cox accompanMrs. Frances Plymir~ and daugh . . • On occasion of bel' birthaay Mr. Mid'd letown were the guests of rel-. ORDER TODAY. led . bbYt herd dachilu~hdter, Mrs. E· :· and Mrs. Edwin Vandervoort en- tpelr a:e _staying with the H. E. atives here,. the past week-end. W We extend' our sympathy to Mr. rig . an .r en ;were t e t rta' d FI d H k d f'l ymlres. and Mrs. Aibert Stubbs for the gu~ts W~dnesday at , the home of e I~e <!y , 00 an amI y The Clothing Cleaning project death of their infant son, Saturand Mrs. Ed. Wright of Read- for dmncr Sunday. . . , . met with Mrs. Grace Plymire Friday ng. Mrs. Harley Plymue 15 111 WIth 'day. 'Dhe hostess and Miss Anne ·M· A A >.erta· d Jimmie Baysore is ilt at this influenza. Attlesey were the Jeadl!rs. n. nna. y~rs en~ · me "'t' G 111 the Fidelity Club at h~r home, ~l'1M,mg. J B d Mrs. Edwin eorge and "..ay· MT. anI Mrs. D. M. Ad~ms, IMr. rs." ames ercaw an 80n, nard Hagem~yer visited Miss Viv- and Mrs Will Ross, Mrs. Lida Wednet.s~ay. ELeven members were Jimmie, are visiting with her par_ ion Hagemeyer 1St Carlisle Sun· Sha~ han and Mrs. Frank Everitt prosen . Sh e "IS recovenng attended the funeral . Frankll Hi . I f Ch' ents, Mr. an,d Mrs. D. E • H ey- d ay mornmg. o:f Alfred G. n ngf~' Of h IC8s.go wood. Jimmie is on tine sick lilit. from an attack of, pleurisy. Robertson at Wilmington Month was tMI 88 V'IrglnlA . . .uercaw D Mr. and ~rs. F . J . .Hagemeyer day afternoon. urday. e guest 0 uJls at er, was. th e Mr. ' and Mrs. Dean Girt~n vis- guest at t'jle bomo of Mr. a~d Mrs. ited reJativea at Marathon, Ohio. Burt Ball and aons, Sunday. -,- yan B'bl' C''-Mrs. Earl Thompson The W e..... I e .......8 me t ' . H . returned I .t'U rth P _ home from ' Chnst OSPlta, B a t tb e b orne 0 f M_ . c. e a en . . M d h' \. __ ,-,.n<- Fr ' 'd' clllnati, 'On ay avmg ...,.,n a qu i .... , lay. . h f b t lMIr d Mrs C I D ha p.atient t ere o. t e pas sever.. ar ,un m were al !Web IW'itb-a bl'Oken -hi~. • an called to DetrOit, Friday, on ac' . .. 1 t ' f tb d ..\. f M Du Thompso.n IS recovermg mce y. eoun 0 e ea.'I" 0 r. nM d U 'D_ D mford and Cl nI D b r. an .ura. u ..y u h • b the am a rO' r't feLeb un am '. a Mr. ' and Mrs. Adams Dickinson Oh f ormer real d en anon,lo. J 1". enJoye • d a th ea t er party Sun ~ ' • M r. Dun ham lbad , been In poor . . Ci' t' health for some time as ' the lie- ~ay eveDlng In ncmna I. suit of a stroke of pallBlysis. He leaves a wife a brother, Carl; a FRENCH SMI',l'H 80n, Robert of Norwood, a daughHARVEY SERVICE t~r Dorothy, in Franee. ' Buriat at STATlON Detroit, Monday. Mrs. Maurice Lukemire Mr. Clark8vil~e and daughter of Elmira, New York were the guests of Clayoon Fubr, All Shell Products Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy MoretOn and Fireatone Tina lon, V~on, were the Sunday , eueat~ of Mr: ' and IMn. Harry Hurley of qayton, Ohlo.


Pr e ... nting the Best "nd uted

ZAIN ARMITAGE Sand and Grav.el Phone Lebanon 473-K






f" 0"





Everyone likes 13Sty. sliced ..... ~ Miami Maid Home-Made , ~o Bread baked the old ·lash· \foCl) ioned way with all the bUller 0" .c(\ u ·ivc it thaI delirioos dis" ,bO'" tinctiye hUller) Ilavor, lit no e~lra cious Mia mi ?-f3dc Home·Made cm1: to )'ou. • ': ou'l1 like its "Home M3dc" fla· Bread. Serve it ever) way. If vou vor ... its lhorouAbly baktd, smooth don't Ih ink it's the best you ever text .: rc. Tasles beuer. is rich in cn· tasted, I'our money will be cheererg ;, e ) to digest. children lov.: i •. fully refun ded . Order toda)', from Be -amonA the fust to tnioy deli- yo ur Independent Grocer.


1 M I r \•

All Kinds of Insurance Mosher Insurance


Agency W. H.MOSHER

Ma4on, Ohio- -Phone 84




Aue·T .I ON! .,.




the Ad Gilbert Fa~)

'Tu••d.y, ' 1, ~



·3' 0 5

.'~ , C




R E 'S

LOCATED, 3 miles East of Gratia and 4 miles' West of Farmenville on County Line Road in Jackson and German· TownshiPS. Montgomery County, Ohio. . FOLLOW v . . . .THE RED ARROWS. , ' . , TO AUCTION S~ .....ROVEMEN1S·,2-Story, 8 &om 'Brick House, Barn40x60 with tJW'O cement :sUos attached, Tool Shed: 40lt5'O, S/leep Barn, 20dO," and aeveral OutbuiI~irigs. The building!! 'are sustained. anil hi gooti"xepalr. This fal'Dl is equally divide-d as to bottom ,laDa .and up,lan!i. 17Ii acree !Ire tll1~~!e and~roductiveJ. tRe balance i • .K:90(l pas~ure Thill farm is ·. well adapted for . i:S~ck and GRin Farming, You ·are invited to inspect t~ Farm before day of S~e. ~ember-Tlhis is absolute Au~onl '

Sil. to ... a..lel . . PNllli~ SW'till, ProJllPt.iy .i,t 1100 P. ,M.'. " ' .' -Rain or Shine---" , . TER¥~:: C~h 10% '~ah o~a~ ~t' B81'e,' 15%', 'on deliverf of deed, balaflce 'ov~r • peri~ , of 6 yean. W~rran~ deed and ~b~ ) straet:of titl. , to be giv~n ~urcpaser. r08Se8Slon' once. "A ", ,Ione-b&lf i"terest in approXimately lS"aerea ·o( gro~JI&' :wheat' to go with .~be~f~. 4~' a~*e" of .alfalf, and 2·2 , .ere~ of ~eet . clover now on farm. ' , . . ", . . , ApproxUnately 2,000 bUlbela p;ar ~om and 26 tort" of Alfalfa ' ,'. '. ~.y wiD' be sold fol\,oynnJr sale .of F-arm. t ",


A STAR VALUE FOR 1938 Your Old ·S~n · l. W~~ " 31.00 0. ' Thi. New Malic Chef " pyrofax Raaae HERE IS OUR OFFER..;;.. . . ' New ' Sta~ <; V'alue"" ': ... .. .......:,,, .. .... , ... ,..... ... ;... ..... ,..:.. ~ '1.21.00 . f'Yi0fu. Installation ................ ... ,....... ... .... .............. .. 9.76

01~: Stov~ Allo~anQe.:.: ...... .......: ........ ..:.... .. ....'...... ... ..... 19~:~g (.

$ 99.76


·l ei."*, Stoji . l~d ~It ,' o.a.n .. ' .' •


of. ~ •


.' ~ lOBNSSON, AlIeti~neer' · . 2'11lD P~aoad - PhOn, LawncWe- "1848 aa1aml,,\i1, 'OtiJO - BMIIlilT BAlLEY, 1IIl1l.


PI&_~"'" 7~'~~~8&r:.l~~:d1t

Electricity, ~ugh the many ccnivm:aient hoin~ applianOO8,

res modem mother's.the benefit ,of more 'spare ~e · •••

tilDe to 8pend with he~ly, with·,friends, in J'eCl'e8tio~ or nato · Ye' • . ... electricity COIU only Q 1~ceBt. Q day• . ,



ATE OF OHIO 30 E H T. FERGUSON, Aud ifor 'of St.ate unt Olt' IN PE TION AND ' UPEnVI: I F PtmLI :].' b' rOE ." .. FINANCIAL REPORT OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION , Flae.1 ·.... f Endln, Dee. 31. I ~37 W~yne TwP RIll'al School District . Wan n ount y. · RECEiPtS R EV ENU&,T axes-LoCttl Levy .. ... , 19,611 .14 lnki nt and Bond R . ' til' ment F und .... ,. 2 23.54 Ie Tax. .... .... ......... 23, 686.32 Tutal Taxes ......... . ,.. $4 6,320 .00 er t f rom State on rt!duci ble Debt .... .. .. 1,01 0.71 )\ n till' 'f rOm School Lands nel Prop l'ty ".. 29 6.07 Dellosito ry lnterel!t...... 102.0!l :.'.Voclltlol1al Education and Rehabilitation for Deaf. Blind and Crippi d· Childr en f rom State and U. S. Gov.... 1,057. 03 l otal Revenu e .... .. ....... 48, 784 ,!)0 NON-RE VENUESal of Pro ~rt y ... .. .... . 30.00 Miscellaneous ... .. .... ..... _. 179.5 2 Total Non· Revenue .. ... . 209.52 TOT AL RECEIPTS .... .. 48,!l94 .42 BALANCID. JANUARY 1st, 1937eneral Fund _...... .... .. 18,094.7!l Bond Retiremen t I"und 3,434 .62 cho I Buss Replacement F und ........ 19 6.00

Phone' Operator R1efu e to Q'uit Post as Flames Attacl Hospital

I .

Mason Pr e. byt~l'l Rn Church as one of the 6<,venty-tnl' C ch ul'I~he in in cinnali Pre!;b y l () I'~! is pur\i- ' ci,patir)g ill the P I' b yterian~wid(! Bll dget nmpaign, whi 'h hl\s' ns it " goal th TIll mg f approxtnl utcly $400,00 . This ,c a mpaign is u~rd .


ricks a nd Mr. Leslie Spaeth. The following f OUl' Jl cn·o n.~ al'(' ti, be ~he Capta in!! of Lho fuur ca nvB. sill g len lll ~. o. A. Mr'. Walter, h Rn·oy. . a, MIr a. Oll i puc t.h. ' 0. ( " Mr. V t!j' l1ic SJI Lh. Co. D, MI'. 'r. '. Il uy!!ot' . Til this th e 1'60 th Anni'vQI'&!I I'Y 'Y <'Il I' f tile ol'~l\lI izutio n or lh ' scuttcl'ed Pre:byte\'ian Gr oups in h ' lI ited tntes in to t he' gr eat PI' sby t.' r illll hUI"ch in t he U. S. '. Mil S n Pre. bytel'i lln hurc h pr tl p o ~ es \:0 1111I-l'ch f orwll rd, ahI' alit of th Advil n e Gua rd,' in he cause of itll Lord and Master. J CS Il S 11 rist. Ri. e up, 0 In n of God I . Hnve done 'with l e !llj~ r' lhin g~ ; Gi v~ ll cart and ~OIil nnd mind nnd st rength To scrve t he King of Kin~s.


STATB OF OHIO J O E'P H T. I,'ERG U 0 ,. Auditor Bureau of In l pec;tion a,n d Supervieion of Public Officea





CI _ _ Up At Th... Price. l\J e n ~ ' pc. Suits C' cat:etl aqd .Pl'essed·

50c Men's Huts leaned nnd Blockcd

50c Ladi


,PlaJll Dre9 ses


Quick Creaners Knthl'}'n' Mendenhall. Mgr

Hurlan Town hip War ren ounty, Ohio For t he F iscal Y ar _En ding Decembe r 31, 1937 Total ala l'ies :!nO Wng s Pa id Duri ng th o Y lit· 1!l37 . .. $164 :UI7 I • Lift high the cr'oss of Christ! Tax alulltion ...... ..$ 1,328, 060 FOR AND CONSIGN Trend where HiR f eet have t l'O(\: yourROOT Tax L vy .. .... . ..... .. ..... ... .... $2 .20 Cattle, hogs. sbeep and catv.. A ~ brothcl's of th e Son of Man, to Norris:Brock C... , live wire and P lea$ant P lain, O l~ io projtresslve ftl'1ll ft)r th~ htghNt Risc up, 0 men of God! J anu ary 25lh, 1!l38 market prieell and good lIernee. hereby certify t.he fo llowing l'eUnion Stock Yard.' Cincillll.U, O. port to be eorrcct. W. R. HOWIl I'd Tune In on Radio Station WCItY For qui ck results usc Ule cluss i12 :25 to 12 :30 p. m. for /)ur dan, GENERAL TOWNSHIP FUNDS fie d ads. nl llrket reports. RECEIPT . 1. Generlll Property Tax ..... ... ............... $2,785.34 2. Sales Ta x. ._ ....... ... .. . 66. 13 Total balance ...... .. .. $2 1,726.41 3. Ga 'olin e Tax ..... :.... 2,000.00 Total Re(,~ ipts Llnd Balance ........ ... .......... 70,719.83 4. Inheritance Tux i 31. 40 DISBURSEMENTS 8. Cemete.l'i es-A- P'ERSONAL Sll:RVICE : 10.00 Sales of Lots . " ADMINIST·RATIONTotal Cemetery Re1_ Mem bers BOIOJ'd 10.00 ceipts ........... .. ......... .. of Educat ion .... ...... .. 64.00 2. Clerk ......... .. ........ :.. 40 0.00 11. Miscellnn eous Rc3-14 All other Adminceipts (E mcrgcncy Leave name with Miami Gazette for eatimate. istration Salaries ;i' Relief .... .. ............ .. .. .. . 160.00 25.00 and Wages .............. .. I M .OO 12. Bcer License Tax .. .. INSTRUC.T ION16-29 Principals, Teach.1. 00 13. Refunds .... ... ...... .. .. ers, etc. ...................... 23, 517.13 14. Total Misc. Recci pts 263.00 ERO rS.M untler fire I smoke swirled arollnd h~r. \lVater Wh ile W ss O'Neil and Mezera AU1.:ILIARY AGENCIESThis describes the pa rt' seeped thro ugh the ceiling. luiced were ,figh tin g to maintain tel ephone 25.92 Intere. t 15. D epository ' 86. lJmployes for played by Miss Mary O'Neil. dow n the , tairs. and swished around service. a ncw swilchboard was 19. Total Receipts .. .. ... 5,271.88 TMnsportion of switchboa rd opcrator, during her fell. r ile plaster ceili ng th reat- rilshed fr om the "We lern -Electric Hamilton, Ohio. Phone 3708 Cbildr-en ..:. ................ 6,89'9AO PAYMENTStl recent fire at St. Ann' s Matern ity ened to , ')P, bt!t Miss O' Neil COll rOPERATION OF SCHOOL and put into service by ol11pallY Gen. Execu tive Sen ' ices Hospital in Cleveland. O. W. P. Watson, Mgr. agcoll , 1I kept on answe ring calls. PLANTCampen ati on of Tru s The firc broke olll about '10 a. til. while lIu ns. nu rses, and olhers car- ol h I' Ohi o Bell 111 n. It was rcady 42-44 Janitors.' Enginetees .... .. ............ ........ .. .. 692.50 in the rear of the main building. A ried convalesccnt mothers and new- for opcr'lt,ioll by 9;00 p. m. ers and other EmAn cxc l' r~ t from till editorial nurse notic d the blaze and nbtifil:cl ly-born babies to otl;er secti ons of ployes .............. ,......... 1,'106.50 Compensati on of ----------------------_ -.--~i-.-.-.-.-.-.-'-------_H.________~.' hCudcd "1Ieroi m at Switchboard" 260.00 Miss O'N eil, who immediately sum- the institution. '_.. Total Personal Service $32,612.03 23.TO~~r~e~·.. · E~~·~~·t i~~· moned thc fi re department. Bdore Gcorge Mezera. repa irman fo r in the Clev eland l lain Dealer said: B- SUPPLIES the fire was extinguished, it had " The Ohio Bell Telephone Company. "Spec ial m Ilti on should go to Miss 1. Administration Services .. ,....... .... ...... .. 842.60 swept thtough t he second and the arrived immediately afte r the fire 11ary O'Neil. switchboa rd operaoffice ._......... .. ..... ..... . ,. 43 .98 25. Town Hall - Mainthird floors and destroyed the ei\st broke out and, kc:pt the switc.hboa rd tor, She rcfu ~ cd to lea vc her post ,4 Tel(t Books ........ ,... 305.21 t ena nce and Repa ir; wa ll, in work ing order liS Uiss O'Neil whi l<: einbcrs alld tIlen \\later fell 6. School Lib~y . J 50.00 Al thougb ordered by firemen to handled the calls. He hacJ to keep about her. News of the fire sp'read 233.88 ' Rent and anitor .. ,.. Books ...... ......... :...... ,. 50.00 leave. Mi ss O'N eil stayed at her protecti ve covering over the board quickly and anxiou relatives and 6. ' Other Educational 148.45 28.Total Town Hall .... .... post an wcring hundrcds of calls to prevent the water from irnparring rri~l\ds ca lled c on cer~i ll g the sa fety 9. Fuel ......... .;......... :.. , 1.098.04 Health- Pa yments to 10. Janitors .. .. .. :......... .. 210.25 Hos. Associations ...... 169.66 (rom fra n ~lc hu sban(\ inqulflng ~cn' i ce. At one time Mezera though t of the paticnts. .B y her gallan try about their wi ves and newly-born he would have to raise the sw itc h- Miss . -o'Ncil saved lIlany people 61'3.64 3. . POOl' Relief':""'Med13. Other .. . .... ,.. ....... ..... W.e will have a, cal' of ,Marat hon 'Coal rn a f ew days. Other 1'0001 Supplies .... ... .. $ 2,658.45 I S 35 0 children and from ;\II"xi\luS rclative board to keep it above .. the waleI' n 1l1l iOU8 1110menls 6f ullccrtnilHY and C-M.\TERIALS FOR icn eryices ... ........ ... .00 good Coal in stocK. ., . , and frie,nds. while embers fell alld 1'1 illg 9" the fl oor. fili SpenSc." MAINTE~ANCE 5. Other POOl' Relief .. 24. 68 We , are always i ~ the market f or good com. 1. Building and . 6. Total Poor Relief.. .. 374.68 Grounds ' .... .. .............. 124.20 10 ' R ad Ma'ntenance SEEDS - FEElS - FERTIUZER 2. Equfpment and , 0 1 the personal direction of Dr . Geo. Presbytcl'Y as previnusly m ention- great campaign must be ~a d from Furniture .................. 153.76 an: ~pair~Labor G. n owey of Los Angeles, Calif. e~ a re esti mate d at over $40 0.00. every single member and' fri end CLARKSVILLE - -- ;-, an utena s .......... .. 4,4'13.8 3 Dr.- E dwar d D. Robel.t , Associate J , .... Total Material for · . 11. R'O ad Macqinery flll d Mason Pres b tel'ia n Chu l'ch, to in M~ISQ n Chl,ll·ch. So hopeful nre Maintenance .. .. ........ .. 277.96 Tools .... ...... .. ............ .. 234 .76 Su perintendent of t he ' Cincin nati do its share in dris g.r eat cause Ior tPe ofiieel's that they are already D-EQUIPMENT RE· 13 . Total Highways ' ;... 4 , 708 . 69 Public Schools . is the . t 0 ma k i ons f or , PLACEMENTS . . gen eral ~hail' t he church of Chrl' t nlust und er - I,p1anmng e r ese rvnt . ~ , 6. Oth,er .. ........ ... :.... ... . 163:36 21 \ Cemeteries-Com· : n ~f dt.h~/~~P: lg~ Th~ .P ~'~Sby- write and have the pledges of it the g l'eat Victor Dinner to be held ~s ~~ e _10 0 t r ee IVI 101'1 S " ':vidual m @Rlli'9 )'S eemflletely I in Cincinnati immediately after , pe.nsation of Officers:' : Phone 321 Tiltal \Egui'pm~nt 1. and Employees ... ...... . . 174.20 a~l supet'vlsed by Dr. Dowey and ' cover the fo llowing budgets~ For !.'he campaign. . Re.placements ...AND ...... ...OPEN. 163.35 22 T 00 1s', M 'hr.s' 181'ge l staff t he .J oh n Curren tE' xpen 'es and L oc al obU- ; 'l' he-' pe -onnel o'f the local Bud~ 11:';;:;=;;:;;;==;;=;=~=~~=~=5!!~===~====ii!t E-CON!J'RACT ' ~'""h'meljl . . pe-ona . :" and MaterIal!! ..... .... .. . .'14 CalVIn D. IVI. ~on, the J ohn Wlther- gut ions, $3 342.25. F or Benevol cnt C . 0 . . ~~~~~~~!'!!!~!!!'!!I!I!!!!!~!'!!!~!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!~!'!!!!'!!!!!!!'!~~~!!!!!!!!!!"'! ORDER SERVICE Did h J h K • gc amprugn rgamzntron is a s ;--~ 346.00 26. Total Cemeteries .... 174.94 f spoon IV sion a n t e o n nox ces a nd the wo rk o.f t he Four foll ow, iMIr~ T.. C., BnYSOl:e. Gen".- - .....- ....--.~-------,-----....-".... 2. Repairs school bldg 4. I Repa_Jrs.motQr v , ehi. 1 28 • General Suppll·es... ... 57.58" Division. Th e cbaimlen of t hese B d f h CI h -:.~ d onr so ' t e lUrc, $400.00 al Chaixmnn j Mr. Joseph White~ es use . In transport. 84. Total iMlisc. .... .......... 67. 68 respective divisions are Reverend The. complete a mou, nt to be sub· ' hous.e, Budget Ch.a.i··l'man'., M •• C. tng PIl1?J\s ..... _.... ,.... .:.... 8.40 P 3 79 J. C. McCoy of Leba no n 'Mr. L ouis b • 37. Total a yments ..... . . 6, 7 • 4 · . . ' scrl ed totals, $374 2.26-: . ,' Wll1ill m Bel'caw, Canvass ' Ch·a lr. 8. ReplUl's other ' '1- • . ' . . , - ~ eq~ipment ... ...... .".. .... 300.63 SUMMARY OF OPERATIONS B. Blakemore and Mt . Ed. J. Wuest . The PI'eSbytel'y, ~nd the off icers . ma n ; ot.hers sel"V ing up.on l he com. 81. 51 1 B\' FUNDS both. of Cl~einnati. The respective of Mason Presbyt . e,lrian Chul'ch feel mi ttee of O.rg an iza. ti oD',. are.: ,Mrs.. 9: Water ..::. ........ ... ...... . .JO • .E~ectnclty ........ ...... 386.71 13. Balance JanuaTY 1 • dist n ct chaIrmen are as follo\ .' In • f • . ,I .' I~ 1. · Telel?hone .. .. .... ... ... . 45.20 I 1937 (Cl~rk's ) .... ... .'.. 4 the J olin Calvin P ivlsion Rev:. F. assured of t he VICUO!'y of this grea t Ollie Spaeth, Mr. E. · S. Durrell. Your Ban k assumes Importnll~ obligations 'When it· accepts your ~8. Haulmg .. ....... ...... ... 33.12 . 1,'D04. 8 E ' t " . 1"'1. _ ' df D" t . t oampaign in Ma all e HU1'ch: To do lIr.r. Waltet' " Chlls ney', MI'. Charles . .. .......... .. 1871 • as man rs ",.~ ll· man 9. .Otb er '.... .... money for deposit. ) n return. it asks from you: . . . . , . 15 14 Reeel'pts D u r I' ng . .IS rIc t his, how ever, a . complete ·. and St<.mebl'akei:" : ~l's. Eff ie Cpnover', . Yoor , .. ............... .. .. :.... . 5,271.88 No.1. Revere nd O. I~rnn k St orcn, .whole-h earted par t;ie.ipation in ,this I Mr. Vernia S:(!a~ ~h, Mr. Emil Benq - Total Contract and .,,, Your confid~nce, for without· t he' confidence of de.positor. . 15. ,T otal Receipts and Jr., of Masort; Ch airman of District ~::::::::::=-====:==::;::=::!t==============~~=======~~ . no. bank cun operate ~ ucce fully. . Open Order .s~rV1ce .. 8.0 72.32 Bal No.2. Dr . R. Caskey ' of Lov,eland ~-----, F- FIXEDCRARGESAND ance .... .... .. ...... ...... 7,176.36 D' . N M J ' , ....-'--~-~,---. - , -_ CONTRIBUTIONS. . 16. Payments During tstrlct . o. 3. r. obn Fuhr qf ,...:Yo~r support of itt policy of tpaklng only loans ·and in... 3. Insuran<:e .... ........... 263.31 Year .. ........ .. .. .............. 0,3'1'1.94 Williamsburg, District N o. 4. :Mr. vestm,ents of your money and that. ~f oth,~r depositors. . - - -- 17. Balance December . Harry }Jean, Di,sh ict N,o. 6. The ....Your- understnnding Iqld 'e ndorsement of the fun,d amental Total Fixed Charges 263.31 1 Sl, 1937' (Clerk·s) .... 798.4.2 .Tohn ~~t?ergp()on ~n~ tQe. J~b~ . 'b anking :principle that in ., Qrdet ·to riv~ you alJd the COllland Contributions . .... \18. Outstanding War. Fox DIV'r~l ~n are Cmcmnatr Drvl. 'munity a sounl!. well-managed blUlk, ;it must avola operating B ......DEBT SERNICE 3-Robm 4ollse, metal roof, 'gal'age, cell'a')", electric, r an ts, December 31, Bion s and t he c;h~ i l'm en of th ~ res326.00 ,losses in conticting Its "accounts. It does ·this through mOd:.. . 2. lnterest on Bonds .. , erate se.r vice' dlia~es 'w here ci~~um8tonces. requir.e,. '-' good con,d iW:>n. In town . . '500. ' ~ , . 3. InteXest on Gertifi· . 1937 (Add) .. .. ..... ..... .. 757 ..23 l>ective . districts. a re dist.ingulshed '0 ;, ~';'. ~ .cates · o! Indebtedness 198.83 t 19. Balance in DeposiCincinnati Chul'chmen: . . A Dank is primarily a oommunity ·enterprise. While good man. • Total Debt:· Service .... .. ~g-e. ment'.':an~· good BOTViee ~r.~ ~ !ise1)traI. it, e~nn·ot . operate: suc: . 1>23.83 :~~:~~: 31~ ~E;;;:}~:65 ~ T.h e· Campaig n GQals 'for the cessfully WIthOut , the confidence. and aid of' ·its 'depositors; I-OAPITAL OUTLAY 6. Ec;Juipment for old I ' 397.QO . . sehool .building ...:.... M01TOV;' , Ohio.

1 -:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~_ e-~ZE~~Jt~,-~ - ~_.~._~... ...422U~~ ..

----------------.- ---

Levee Building, DitchinK Excavating






Has ·Returned'





I .



What·Obli:g atioDs ·00 I .h ave 70 My Bank?




, .











Charles Weissmann


T-otal Capital Outlay , .. 397..00 Cer·tifieates of Indebted· I ness Paid ........... ......., . 6,291.01 Total .D isbursements .... ,46;254.26 BALANCE. DECEMBER 81,' 1937 General Fund :... ..... ... 18,836.4J · Sipkihg and Bond Re·· . til'ement Fuhd ........ .. . 5,933.16 School Bus ~eplace· ment Fund .. __ l .. . " ..... . , 196.00

.Fi,r~t: N'a tional 'B~llk . )




.. - -


- - - - --


- -

~ • . , . --

Satisfa~tory ,


Then ...

Total Assets .... ..... ,..... .. 96,606.6'1 LlABlLITIES': I ·Bonded Debt ............. . 6,000.00

A W.~EK TO 10 . DAYS . Move into your new harp,.

NEW HOME ---...- -

- .~ ...






.:........~I-...~~..-........~~......,~~..-.~,~~'_ I~~ , ,

sooner by specifying Crcr.l~r Ha rdwood floors - tho 'Oq~ flooring thtlt is factory.fin .. ishad, ready to use the· rjrinute it is laid. No sanding. no v,arnishing. no wa )(j ng~i t's all "in the \vood", beauti. · fully and permane:n1ly pre-finished. Never marred by other constniction " , work, .because . i+' slaid last. an d,yo~1 or.a -. t.he fir?t ,to use it• •


,t "

w. H. Madde'n & Phone 14

E. McCI,.re

Pbone 7

IT"-the ·· Cr~mar W~y

aby Chicks AvailabJe' ea ch IVlonda-y and Thursd ay fl'om U .. ~. A p pl'ov~d breed ing ' flocks, offici a lly:··t e!)ted for Pui:· '

Jorum (E . vV.·D.) Hud pronoun ced Pullorum Safe by . l' ' . th e Ohio 'tate De'pa,ttment Q1 Agric. ', Special prices for Jan ua.r,~ . A l ~lo. lib ~ral. (Usdount~ 9ri' orders pl~,c ,ed now for l delive ry .. Ra is e "M.ulti-t.ested" chicks ., ; this yea~ anU ~ee ·'t he 'diff~rence_ Wl1ite,' call, l)ho~ e for 111e~ cnn..did camera .c nt~logue. --=-. . . _ " -r--Phone 23 e'



'MelTlber Federal Deposit Insurance Corpo.r ation .



Sel'vice at all tirttes ..




__ ~ ~~~i l___ ...-..~~~ ~.,.....'~~,.......~~..-....··

We oiffer· a

Total Balance .. ........... ... '24,465.67 'Total pisburscll)ellts and . &lan~e .........:... ,.. .... .. $70.719.83 ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ASSETSCash .. ...... ................ .... 24~46·5.67 Inventory Supplies and iMlIiterials.' .estimated) 1,200.00 Land . (C.ost) .... , .. ..... .. 2.500.00 Building (Cost.) ....... . 60000.00 Equipment (Cost .. .... '1,600.00

Total Liabilities .... ........ 6,600~O'0 lllxcOllll -or Deflci-ency J of AsSets .... .. ,...... .... :.$89.166.67 · Scliool District P. O. Addres8, Waynesyille, February 16, 1938. " ~ certl!i tb~ foregoing to be , c,o rrett.





.. '



' .



lates Boost N. Y. Fair


A-60 Other SpeCial SCll"Vi«s " ........ . Total P ersonal Service B-12 Recl'eatJonal Supplies ( othe r.. than playground) ........ .... '.. ,.... ' F16 W oTkmen's Qompensation "''' ' .. , State Examiner's Exp. O. A. & C. Home ...... "

The .members of the N. P. A. lliam, at Detroit, Micihipn, on Mon-Club. were dellg4tfully entertained ·day.- - . at-the home .Of Jrred Penquitl! Mrs. Esthllr Southgate, Miss Mar at Blanchester on Tuesday after- tha Welch and T. C. We lch I'C . U ', noon. Prizes were awarded to iM1t's; ed Monday from Ii six weeka' visit Ben Kelly and Mra. RUBBell Drake. in St. Petersburg, ,Fl.~• . ~ia8 Albe~. Par~er ~entertained Mr. J. W. Newberg attended a the Hit or Miaa Bqdge Club at her meeting of the Mat'hematics Club hOJlle hd~banon ' on Thursday; eve- of Greater Cincinnati, a newly 01'nijl&,~ m,h' scor~ .brOUlllht prizes to ganized associa~ion, of which Mr. Mi-B. A. D. Vale and MrII. Marion Newberg ia II. charter member, at K~llY. pellcloua refreshments were Cincinnati, 'o n Saturday, lIel'Ved. MiB8 Audrey Dawn \Wes a guest Qn 'Frictry aft.tlrnoon the mem- of the C. O. Auxiliary at their sesof tt)e PNletes& Club wer.e 0'Il- sion on Thursday evening in the talned by, Mrs. Qllva Kelly, at Netherland Plaza, Cincinnati. 1 I home of lin. Bess Jennings. Mr. Ralston Vale'uf Akron spent tnt.efe-.tiQl" Ilaper Mil read by several days last 'Wtlek with his bTO1\ iII_ Kath~rine. Trainer on "Oapi- ther, A. D. Vale and family. tal Cities- of Austrialia and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilkerson Zane Mounts, read ~ paper on the spent the week end with relativ es latest current event8. A fine lunch- at Columbus. eon <was served during the social Mr. and U'tft·s. E. C. JQeJer of hour. Dayton were six o'clock dinner IMlrs. Bessie Haney entertained a guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pi~k. group of ladies at a meeting of t~ Messrs. Harold Brant and EV~T­ 'Home E~tension Servl~ on Tues- ett Bennett visited the Lebanon day afternoon. Mrs. Everett B~n- Masonic Lodge, SatuI'day evening. nett was the leadel' of this unit Mrs. Rose )!;vanshine and famand gave .an interesting talk. Re- ily were the Sunday guests of Mr. fresbments were served. and Mrs. A. A. Deakyne at LeesMrs. Edgar Ludlum was hostess burg. . . t~ the Ladies Aid of the PresbyterMiss Berbba Schneider of lVit. ian ChUl'ch on Wednesday. Follow- W~hington is visiting Mr. and ing the business meeting . plans I iM'rs. Chas. Sacker. were discuued for s.e rving a chick MiB8 Mollie Shaler was the guest en dinner on Thursday. of MI'• .George Kelly and family at Mrs. R. Cliff -entertained about Milford over the weekend. _18 boys and rids on Saturday afMr. Robert Couden of Norwood ternoon honoril!e the 7th 1!irthday spent Sunday with his moth er, MI'lj annjv~rB8ry of her nl~ce, Doris Ful Grace Couden. ler, \\I~O received ~ny dainty gifts Mr. Sam ' Robinson of Spring-Li&'ht refreahment8 were served. .' dale was the Tuesday guest of his Word has been received here i sister, Mrs. J. N. McKiney and fa m that Mrs. Nina Roberts Dunn is \1y. eonvelscin&, from a major opera- I Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thatcher tion in Good S,maritan Hospital. ot Wilmington spent the weekend On account of illness Mrs. EI- with 1MIr. and Mrs. H. N Smith. don Wlhitacre was unable to attend Mr. and Mrs. JoJm Morton of the tune,.l of her uncle, Clem Dun Lebanon ' were Sunday guests of

lIfrs. B. O. Tbompeon. A pot blell be eerved and It ...:1'l'he Cla1:ksviIlc 'M. E. (..ilurch I • peeted that the quilt on which t~. 76.72 dies' Aid wiIJ hOld an on-day meet- aid has bocnworkinr will b. com- . ing, FeUl'uul'y 26, at the home of plcted. AID TO MEET

~ inn er '\I i'l


102.12 3G,0j) , 6,7.80 88.92

'T otal Other Purposes.. 285.79 Total Other Auxiliary AlICncies .... ... .. :.. ..... 862.51 OPERATION 'OF SOHOOL PLANT A-42 to 44 inc. Personal Service .... ..... .. 1,040.26 957.69 138.58 IE-l0 Electnclty ..... .. 347.08 E-ll Telephone .... :.. ... . 64.65 48.10 ('rclty Nettle Bomzc di ~ p!ays the 1938 World'. raIl' IIceDse plate. E-17 Advertising . 84.10 wh h:h wlll help to advertise the New York World's raIl' to be beld In 1939. E-18 Hauling ............ .. .. World's fair promotcrs bcl[cve this will bc aD effcctlve mcaDS of telliJl& E-19 Other Contract and the wnr"] In advancc alloul the exposition. 87.00 Open Ol'del' Service .. 10.75 F-3 In surance ... ..... .... . I Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gaskill. STATE OF' OHIO T otal Other Purposes.. 1,737.80 Mrs. Harley Winfield is on the JOSEPH T. FERGUSON No Chain i. ~lronller t .... n ill weak"l link and nO bo•• Ie Total Opel'ation of sick list. Auditor of State amarLer than ita IHIt luxuriant room . . . • Bathroom. iD _. School Plant ............ ,2,778.05 Ml'.'and Mrs. Pearl Gardner and cellent ta· . to, in putel tonn or white .... CTeated "" daug h ter, DOl'Othy, of Middleport Bu .... u of Inlpection and Sup. MAINTENANCE OF SCHOOL Fair:e, Hardware COlnpany. Our model balh~ 'Will r ..... PLANTpervi.ioD of Public Office. were the week end guests of Mr. A-46 to 47 inc. Personal a mAlterl), unification of the 'bnndaome willi the mechaDiean,. and Mrs. A. D. Vale . Service ................ .... . 268.4 2 1 perfect. Mrs, L. A. Kn a'p p and Miss Al- FINANCIAL REPORT OF THE 0-1 Materials for Maint. berta Pal'k '1' were Cincinnati visitBOARD OF EDUCATION 209.84 I WE CARRY A COMPLETE LIN!: OF' Bldgs. .and grounds .. . For Fiscal Year Ending December ors on Sat~rday. C-2 Materials for Maint. 31st, 1937 I M1'. Ben Kelly spent several lGS.12 Equip. and FInn. .." -'--_ _ I days la t week with Mr. and .MJrs. Morrow Villal~ Scbool Di.trict George Kelly at Leban on. Total Other Purposes.. County of Warren 872.96 Miss Nellie Wolf CYf Cincinnati Total Maintenance of p. O. Address, Morrow, Ohio. was the guest of Miss Mollie WinSchool Plant .......... .. 626.38 Date January 28, 1988. nel' on Thursday. I I certify the following I'eport to Total Operation and Mrs. Theodore Coud t n and Mrs. be correct. lMJaintenan~ .......... .. 3,404.48 Grace Couden were shopping in DEBT SERVICEH. F. WINFIELD Middletown on Saturday. 600.00 Clel'k of the Board of Education. H-l Bonds Maturing .... 247.60 Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Coffman Tax Valuation ........ $1.834,380.00 H-2 Interest on Bonds ' V>el'e Sunday guests of Mr. and Tax Levy ............ .... .... 13.70 H-3 Intel'est On Certificates of Indebtedness 362.42 Wtl have; available for ),ou, ' a man "raiDed ",y th. f~ctor,'_d Mrs. WiIlia'ln Titus at South Lb · School Enrollment .... ...... 422 anon. witb enlineerin,. experience, wlio will call aDd overSalaries and Wagie·s .... 20,511.24 Total Debt Service ...... 1,109.92 IMlr. and Mrs. Kenneth Williams place, makin. aU.le.tiona. and if de.irN, f.rnl.ho blue prlDt.I and daughter spent the week end Summary of Cub Bal.Dce., Re. CAPITAL OUTLAYaDd • .,.,c:ific:atiolU for complete inatallatioD, free of char••• 1'-6 Equipment for Old with Mr. · and Mrs. Francis Wi lceipt. .nd ElIpeDditllrea u. for detail., alao reference. frop! •• li ...ea u •• n. School Buillings ..... " . 770.88 liams at Madisonville. BALANCE. JAN. 1 , i987 General Fund ..... ......... $ 9,267.46 770,88 Bond Retill8ment Fund 1,168.36 Total Capital Outlay .. CLARKSVILLE SOCIALS Certific~es of Indebtednesa Paid ..... ......... ... , 18,921.96 Larler Bec:au.e of aetter Qu.lity, Senice .... Price The PhiIathea lass of the M. E Total .... ............. ............. $lO.435,ln Church met at the hO'me of Emm~ REOEIPTSE ••bliahecl1849 - 1938 . Ph... II Penquite, February 9. Mrs. Helen General Fund ........... ,. , $45 ~992.48 Total . Expenditures .. .... 60,289.86 WAY~ESVJ.LLE IN Wysong 'Was ·added to the member- Bond Retirement ll'und 6,684.88 Total TransaClt~ons ...... 60,289.36 --'=;;;:;:;;;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;!fr;ll 18R4-Bogan and. (;ordon' Grocery, Harveysburg. Ohio. ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ship. Following the business. meet47 -Borders Service Station. Waynesville, Ohio. !I ing. the entertainme.nt committee Total ..... ... .. .. .. ...... ........ .. 51,677.26 ASSETS--:Cash ....... .. _... .. ..... ....... .. 11,723.71 took charge. Several lively con- Total Receipts and MORROW IN , tests were held, Mrs. E~el~n KipBalance ........ .... ........ $62,013.07 Inventory Supplies and 69R2-Dayis, Mrs. Frances, Morrow, Ohio Materia:ls ... ........ .. .. .. 500.00 hart and Mrs. Charles Suttles 'w in-EXPENDITURES .MASON IN ni!lg awards. Mrs. Laverne Burton General Fund ... ,........ :. 49,641.86 Lands (Cost) ... ........... 4,000.00 , 20X- Bolmer, p. "fl., Kinp Mills, Ohio . gave a reading on Lincoln and Bond Retirement 'Fund.. '147.60 Buildings (Cost) ........ . 45,000.00 Wa ~h i ngton. Nineteen · members Total ... ......... ................ 60,289.36 .E quipment (Oost) ' .,.... 6,000.00 w~re pre·e nt. The M'lIrch ·meeting BA~ANCE, ·DEC. 31, 1937 On the Deardoff Farm, 4 miles north oCJf Lebanon, Gn the Da,.· ton and Lebanon Pike, Statc Route No. 48 on will be \vith M1.1J. Evelyn Kiphart. General Fund ............ .. 5,718.02 Total Assets ................ $67,223.'11 " " .. ~ Or.du a Rhone Inltalled in .your Home tod(JY _ Ira Pobst of Blanche ter was a Bond Retiiement ' :F und' 6,005.69 LI~BILITlEs.:IJII!I~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I.!-e'ccnt: Visitor at · the Glome of his. Accounts Payable ........ 2,027.89 si~ter, Mrs. A. T. Vandervoort. Total ........... .............. ... 11,723.71 B?nded Debt .. :............. 5,500.00 ~~=====~====================I Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Wilson of Total ExPtlnditures and , Oertificates of IndebetedB'a lance _.......... ...... ... 62,013.07 ness Outstanding.... 2,500.05 Wilmington visited his mother, Commencing at 11 o'clock a. m. Mrs. Ida Wilson Sunday. · Total Liabilities .. ...... .... 10,027.44 MI" and Mrs. GeoTge Gleason . RECEIPTS Excess of AB8Cts .,.. ... .. 57,196.2r; of Kings· MUls visited MI'. and Mrs R~VENUE;8 marea 'bred to Everett Runyan Pel:ebeon Stallion, ,2 work " , P. H. Gleason Sunday. Bond, Int~rest and horses, Draft C~1t coming 2 yeaTS old. The Five Horae. and 3 one Mule .al'e good 'Work~r8 anywhere hitched. . . Sunday dinner guests of. MiT. and Sinking Fund .... .... .... 75,,05~34 •• 87. 0 . ~Id 'il'e~ "n~ ~re..ecI Under .Stri~t, S.~nitary· Conditions Mrs: Claude GooQwin were Mr. All other pultposes .. ,.. , "'I . ~cc!O'"!ta .f!Or ~Iilh Qu~lity Meats ,That Sati5~y The ~nd Mra. Lon Taylor and Ol&Tence of Norwood. Afternool) visitors Total ProPtlrty 'Tax: ...... 12,628.68 MO't ' P8:rti~ular Cook•• 6 ' milk cows, on~ ' young bull. Were Mr. and Mrs. Farquar Interest from State on , 26.86 Irreducible Debt .... .. Fayetteville. Depository Interest ,... 93:00 Miss Ambel' Stewart of near Foundation Progra'm . Wilmington and .Mr. and Mrs. H. 6 BI7WS to Fal,'ro:w th's spring; 1 brood sow with pip , GrQB8 ........ .............. .. 18,921.96 J. Stewart -and children were Sun~ bOllr bog. Liquid Fuel Tax , . guests of D. L. Stewart and 25 FEEDI~G SHeATS 85.66 . from State ... ~. : ...... .. .family. It wa.s his 80th birthday an fUll qNE OF fAI.t~· IMIi»U~MI~N!!M-..:....;,l....~~~~:...::;;~. niversary. . , ' \ " Iltnr•. amd Mrs. Stanley Sneli and Total Revenue ........... .. .. 31.706.09 ~ AU~O~OBI~t:S ily,. and Mrs. Fred Irvin., ' all N01o!-REVENUE-· HOUSEHOLD' FURNIT,uRE of Dayton. Mr. and' Mrs. Clayton Accured Inte'r est 0111 " T~RM's CASH .. Bonds Sold ...... .. .... .. 18,600.42 Sinith of Wilmington and Mr. a nd Sales of Property ,':.... .. 1,270.75 Mrs. James Cleland visited Mr. ~nd ,r Mrs.. Fr~nk Snell and family on QUICK DELIVERY Sunday. _ . Total Non-Revenue .... 19,871.17 Erniiet Dodd of Dayton, spent TOTAL RECEH~TSSunday with home .folkS. Total Transactio~8, " " .. 61,677.26 J. ·V. Deck visited his aunt, Miss . EXPENDITURES ___ _ ! __ Will Ward New' Vienna· the :first .ADMINISTRATIONof the l\'Y'Cek. . . A71 .to 14 inc. Sala.ries , ·.Mrs. Zula ·Qamp. and Norman and Wages Adm. Of· 487.10 weie' weekend gu.cflta · of Mr. and fieers and Emp.i):Yes.. 48'7.10 Mrs. da.rI Degener at SilvertOn. Total 'Porsonal ' Service 150.67 Rev. ,and Mrs. F. ·H . . RUMeU\ 'B-'1 Office Suppli4!s .... spent the : weekend':with" relativ~ E.8 Repairs Adm~liatra. .50 ~nd friends at Newtonsville a'!]d tion ~quipment ... ;.... ON '. Amelia. '. . -----,161.17 Mrs. Edw.rd Wysong- and · Mrs. Total OtIter Purposes .. 638,27 Leo Smith visit.ed relatives at 'Day Total Administration .. ,. ton Sunday.' .' , '. i, ' _ ' , ' IN$TAUCTION"":" :911ar1le Martin spent ~Jna.y A.16 to 29 inc. Ptlr~ wibh: ·his da1:lgh~r,~. ~07d ~or. sonal ·Servic;.-,., . ....:, .. 18,66,8.76 riB and (a~lI,. at' p.~~~ :' [(I 1'..' B~~,rText Boofi8 . "~'jj. "" " 1,206/11 ' I ' : .:Af~J;'., .~ndit\g " ~ev~, days- B~6 Qt~erEdu~i~i1al With: Te~tive., ' In Clitl,.ton :,c~unty, S~ppijea ' .:.. ,'.::..... :" ... , D.~lber:t WYSODfl' .haa 'returned; D-4 Replacement Educa~ ' home at ~'F...i!,bau.'ltl, MJn~ " < ". tionall- Equipment .. .. .Mra. Hazel Fisher Qf..llamlltOn ' . Mrs. Artliu ·Atkinson ·were 'I1otal oth~r purposes .. .. Sunci&:y ' af~l'JIoOD callen 'at the' T'. Ololl LI . .;~nstr'~ction... .. +. .. . ~ome 'of Mr 'and~ .. ChUie8 . Ro~ LlBUoJUESo-> " .' enbe~eJ'- and , 8on.. , ',,' . ~Ii School Librel!f • Mr. . J ,Bevan of' :Bookf .1.".1::.. ;': .:,:... ,..... Fr·~ Ollbol'D' '. ~{, • ''\ ., .,.-.'-~~ • I. \ r.! , i:)UI1UMIY. ' • , , • " Tout .OtberPurp()sea · ,. \. 8U.~'9 ~ Mr. and Fraftcla A~1a ..,nd Total' Llb~• .:., . ,~. , ~. :'. " 884.59 Q.llarle8 'Dal. of' Xenia :.pent part, TJi.A..NSPORTATION OF PUPILS of tltia, week., With Hr. and ' Mra. E-12 TraDaportatlion Pearl Wilson and DiMli. Contract .... .:.......... .:.. 8,768.20 lira. .Emma Iteasler apent Sun8,788.10 day ~1Ir. and O. D. ,BuIIl Total leff'~ ToW Ti'anlP4)1'tIIj~n


::~o ~~it~~~>;~~~ii~~"



Of Beauty

"STANDARD" Bathroom Fixtores "AMERICAN" ,Hot Water; Steam aad Hot Air rumaces





I penes auel Cilang-e

Faitr ley Hardware



Liv~stock Caref'u1ly Selected '


6 Head of Horses and 1 Mule

H , . ' Over Second' Week


. 32 HOGS 32

For 22 ·Years It's Been

U _~l _ U~





Auction Sale!

'. The ..Oliio .Central relephone Co

'Of M'~son for




Men " V\OIlftC Mttns ,



direction of Mn. Harold C. Stocktended the f uneral ()l an Aunt In ers, 'wiU pre8~nt. special nUlnbers. Ripley, Ohio on Friday'" of DaySpecial emphasis in the erv ices. Charles ' W. Robinson $uffered will be placed upon tft meaning of ton spent Sunday afternoon with a severe heart attack last week i Til COTlR'l',cgation will be Lent An art! cordially invited to her Kl'andmother, Ml'l\. Harriet his !!llndiLion is ' lightly improved. . . Peele. , ' EWT1HRODISTM?",URCH . to give sncrificially to the Chinese MASLoON M ",e I1 upp, Inlde.. E n ' I' f F d \.. .. \ ,Mrs. Lena Hart:so. c k started "'h ...... . 1 · d b th I11Cl'gCIt~y J W Ie un at t nlS , '~. e ,uuSlca v. " ervl!-le and ,Sunday noon on a f,ol·tnight's trip " l t d sponsor I II I' VIce. lease lltten dthIS ~UM~GROVE Ch ()II' 8a un ay v~n ng ,,~s we 1 t· h' th .. d d ... j d' b II Th (() yont' Pill' In t lS WOI' Y cause. WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH to Min.mi !<'lorida, where she will Mrs. Sanf.ord ,Rice and son visita"" n e anu . en aye y a. e u I' CIJlnOSe .b bh d" I be toe guest of. hel' bl'other, Olem ed William Burge and 'family, Rev. JOhD Veer. Lac,., J»a.tor hi " d ' I ,,-.~ 1 II I r e ren esperate y c l' ~s t~ep y gra~ u to a W 10 need UB, our prayers and our gifts. unday, Feb. 27,' 1938 BUI'nett and family. IMlrs. Hart- Thurstlay afternoon. . Epw()rth League at 7 :00. • Tehd. n .e ptt'hogLram • . 9 :30 Sunday Scbool. The Orches sock j9 i ned a par~r in Lebanon, L b '-\ . . e E pw ol ' . eague I p annmg Fred Day and family visited Mr. • P h ' k d . 1 S k et us e PI'Ompt at tn s el'Vlce. tr~ will play. Victor Love, of Leba consisting of her, ister, Mrs. Pearl and Mrs. Fr-ed Spaeight south of a S... a .. lc ' a.yn.. oCla .I 0 ""h' cop '" k' L L to rna e the e eague non and Cincinnati wUl be pre nt Haney and MI'. and Mrs. Hayes 17 (lpen. r,'ocec( S 0... v IS ·. 0 tru Clarksville, . S~nday evening, - - HF--'--'---"--.......• • . t ' d h I f I '11 ' to Ind ' ~ th d tncetlllg5 In crestmg 1\11 e p u . lead t he singing, and tellch a class. Keever, with whom she made the 8OcIa I Wl go 18 • .01' e 1IMr. and Mrs. E lmer Hiles of 10:40 Morning W ol.'ship. Subject, journey. . cation of 8 boy, updcr ~he Rl!v. J~ \I_ U\Uddleboro visited 'Mr and Mrs. "Wise U"to Salvation." Mrs. Alice 'CI1011 is caring for MASON PRESBYTERI AN Patterson of the Hyc\cl'1lbad conSanford Rice, . Wedn.esday. . 6 :30 l!:llwOI'th League. MI'S. Ha~tsock's patients 'du ring CHURCH ference South Indin W. D. Carder is confined to his 7 :30 Evening Servi.:;e her absenc-e. Ohoir rohearsa l ~"ery WcdnesO. Fr3nk Storch, Jr. B. D. homebeeause of illness. Mondey --t"' \i-.-' - day GVehing. MiDi.t .... Scott Day and family spent 7 :30 Official Board Meeling. NEW BURUNGTON, OHIO S~rvices for Sunday, February Fridsy. February 25th, The New Thursday evening '\\-.!th Denzel Kip Wednesday . W. H. ' Davis, east /?f town, is hart and family in Clarksville. 27th.. . Era Society meets in the church 2 :00 The Woman's For-eign Mis-, critically iIl-at McClellan Hospital Church School at !I :80. fo\' its regular monthly meeting. Roy Honor and family have reMr. Willard La h, Supt. Sunday Service , February 27th. sionary Society will -hold t heir mon suffering fro m a stomach dis-ail- moved from the Sargent farm to meeting with Mrs. Kenneth ment. \ MI'. D. E. Heywood, Ass't. Supt. 0:30 hurch School. Mr. Leslie one ,near Cuba. The pastor will conduct a class , cott, General Superintendent. Mr. Hough. Other hostesses are Mrs, ' The. W. F. M. S. held its r-eguMrs. M-elissa Archer is spending lar nleeting with IMIrs. Cnrl James seve l'al weeks with' Mr. and Mrs. in church lTI('mber.!hip these Sun Will. Bercaw, Assistant Supel'inten Crablie anll Mrs. Ungiesby. Thursday On Thursday. . day Scb!)ol hOUl' ench Sunday unt il dcnt, Mr. Edward Barr, Assistant Alfred Shumaker neal' Fosters. The Masonic Lodge held a Fa7 :00 Boy SC{)uts. Easter. Pat'ent desh' ing t.o have upel·intendent. Fred Day and family visited Mr. ther and son banquet, Tuesday and Mrs. Dewey Seaman and Rob7 :00 Orchesb-a Practice. their children enroll in Lhis class, 10 :30 Morning Prayer and Wor8 :00 Choir Practice night. Judge F. M. Clevenger was ert Day and family in Dayton, Sat please see the PllstO\:. ship . Sermon, "For Christ lind His Friday and Sat~rday guest speaker. Worship at 10:80 ul'day. hurch." The el'VanLs of the Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cuny were The district Epworth Leagues The minister will preach. Scott D~y and ' family vi sited at ehul'ch will be consecrated at this l'Vice. Su.tnday ailteJ'noon ' from will hold a midwinter Institute at guests of their so n-in-law and the Alfred Shumaker hom e noor daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Fostel's, Thursday evening. 1 :30 until 5 :00 o'clock will be Riverside cllUrch in Dayton. Lent Lumpkin of Cincinnati, Friday. "At Home" Sunday for the memNEW Wednesday, March 2, is the beMr. and Mrs. C. P. Noggle atbers of the church. Dul'ing this set ALBERT ROBERTSON tim the canvassers wilJ call upon gin ning of Lent. The Methodist IS BURIED, MONDAY church is to have a national broadevery member of the church. 7 :30 Tuxis Young -People meet cast at 10:00 p. m. over the MutuWilmington, Ohio CLARKSVILLE Alfred G. in the church for devotions and al Broadcasting System, It is ex- CHOICE HEREFORD STEERS, Robertson, 67, died at the county SOO Ibs. up. T. B. Tested, Truck that vhw will enrry the pected discussions. THURS~ 01' Carloads, yoUi' sort, Uniform iniirmry at Wilmington, Saturday, Wednesday, March 2nd.. The p I' a g . ram. Jeanette M.e Donald, in size. Priced to sell. Also hei- was buried in th~ Clarksville I. O. Barton, Arthur Compton Choir meets in the church for rei-ers Buy direct from OWlner. O. F. Monlay afternoon following and 'others will speak. Remember hel·sal. Write, wire; or phone. Gale fun.e ral services at Hannah F unthe time, 10 :00 p.. m. E. S. T., Sermon Subject. Announced e1'al H(lme. Reverand J. P. ThornDooley, Birmingham, Iowa. Wednesday, March 2. The Rev. O. Frank Stor\!b, Jr., burry Hal'Veysburg officiated. has released to hi s congregation The deceased was born on DeFOR SALE: 1 Victrola wit h 60 rethe subjects of the sermons to be CLARKSVILLE M. E. CHURCH cords, gOOd shape, and one 300 cember 26, 1869, in Warren CounRev. F. H. Russell, Pastor pl'ea ched from the ,p ulpit of the 'cap. oil brooder. W. G. Eiehman. ty. He is survived by one son, Sunday, February 27. Sunday Presbyterian Chlqrch duling the Lyle Robertson of Harveysburg. Mason , ()hio. Loyalty Crusnde. Morning Prayer school, 9 :SO a . m. R. O. Boulware and Wo rship is at 10 :30 a. m. Superintendent. Worship servicll FOR SALE-Foi: fence and ' 10:30 a. m: every Sunday: kindred prodlJ'Cts get my low Sunday, February 27th. Pansy Sunday Schoo!, 10 :00 a. Sermon, "For Chl'lst and Hi s m. John Heman, Sup-erinten'dent. prices. Have you Sllen the new twin Douglas motorcycle? E. E. Church." Can ecration of the Ser- Worship eervice, 7 :30 p. m. Anson, Clarksville, 3-17-6t. vants of the Church. HARRY CAREY Sunday, March 6th. FRIENDSHIP WEEK PLACE YOUR ORD~R for Clover Sermon, "Great Hot'iions." VicSALLY EILERS New BurliD,toD M. E. Church . Seed at the CLARKSVILLE tory Sunday. Report On the suc8 p:-m. FEED· & OOAL GO. in cess of the spiritual and budget SUD""", Februa .. ,. 27 March 6 c~mpai gns. "DANGER SPEAKERS FOR SALE-One good team ot 4 Sunday, March 13th Sunday, . Feb. 27th-Dr. Chas' E. and 6 year old mares; wt. · 8200 PATROL" Sermon; 'The ' Meaning of the Turley lbs. this is an u:tra good team Cross In Human Experience." Monday, , Feb. 28th-Reverand and .guaranteed t o be Bound. See -Sunday, M.areh 20th. John Kilmer . Bina Patterson, 1-2 mi. west B~ptism of Sermon, "Decided." No.8 Tuesday, March 1st-Rev. Walter of ¥arveysburg 9n the Harveysadults and recel'tion of new mem~ C. Peters burg and Leblln«lln road. bel'S. The Sacrament 01 Holy CornFRANK - HAWKS As.1J Wednesday, .March 2nd-Rev• ~union w~l be administered. . '·MYSTERIOU,S · W. R. Allen, Xenia . FOR SALE-4a In: Kitchen CabinSunday, IMjarcll 27th -et. Call 66R21 Waynesville. St. PILOT" Sermon, "What Men Have DonEl; Thursday" March 3rd- Reverand B. .E. Wright 1To Ohrist" , March 4th-Dr. H. G. Cur- LOST.:....SmaU · W1!-it/~ gola---Wi'ist Sunday, April ard. less watch, gold blind, between my Se1!lll0n, "Indifference ." Sunday, March 6th- Rev. J. R. residence and~ritr Theatre or J! Stlnday, Ap:ril 10th. , Fields, j{enia . at the Theatrjj. llteward. Finder Pal~ Sunday Service., Baptism You are urged to come each may leave at Gazette office. of Infants. ' night 'and give the former pastors MrS. Lillian Crane. Good Friday, April 15th. welcomel Following theee services 8 P. m., The Sacrament of Holy Oommunion 'will be adniinlster~d; a meeting will be. 'held at the Par- FOR SALE: 'Two pairs of pan illh House, for all who deslre to ecales, good as new. Sam D. Sunday, April i 7th. . Hellkle, Phone 59,R6. 2-24-1tp Easter. Sermon, . "The Easter spend 0!1e. night a week dunng Lent,· in. Christian Fellowship and _ Faith.'" , p~ayer. A study 'Of "some book of) FOR SALE: Fine' Guernsey c~w. Spe~iatinu/3ic \~ill mark'lIll ~r:v­ Bina PatterSol~ 4 1-2 mile~ vices. Th~ r obed choir, under the the New. Tesl>ament, Will be a fea. ±:2s: tura .of th.e All are weiw~st of 'HarvE!;aburg on the come! ,\.' Harveysburg-Lebanon .Rd • ..

Church Activities p.


CLARKSVIUE GIRL, WEDS DAYTON MAN CLARKSVILLE - 14j&8 Lois Virginin Minton of Clarksville receiv d .a lkenae to wed Joseph Barkley of Daytqn, at Covington, Ky" Satul'duy' according to word received here. . The blide is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Minton of near OlarkSville. She was a student a( the loeal high school prior to this term.

Twin Theater

- --------- - '

Drive Belt Specials 50 Ft. 6 inch, 4 Ply, Red Stitched Endless Canvass Belt ... . ... ................ $12.25 60 Ft .. ·..... , .'......... 14_75 75 Ft: .. ..... ......... . 18.00





Mr. and MTS. Will Runyan 'arid fam-Uy Mr. ~d . Mrs. James BurKe ' of Madisonville were . Sunday MOTHERS CLUB MET guests in the Rnhe-Chamberlln MASON - The Mason Motller's ' 'home. Club met in the Mason schoo l build Mr. and Mrs: Carl Russel of Cin ing, Friday, Februllry 18 lh, at 2 :- cinnati ," "01'& gue sts' of Re~erand 30 p. m. and Mrs. F. B. Ru~sel1 ; Monday After t he business meeting in 'night and Tuesday. . . the study hall a movie sponsored Mrs. Howard ~lrchl1d and' Rob ' by t he Quick Cleaners of Lebanon ert ()f Osborn spent Wednesday and Thursday 'With Mr. and Mrs. was shOWn in the auditorium. Charles Harve~ and sone. MASON PERSONALS A happy evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Girton, Satul'day evening, the 19th that day being the 25tb AnniverWA YNESVILLE sary of t heir wedding. Those pres ----:-F~E:-B:-R:-U~A-R-Y-2-7---2-8--­ ent were Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gil'- C. Lombard - Fred Mac Murra,. ton, Mrs. Ricltard Cox, Mr. s.nd - in, Mrs. Earl CI'eagor of Loveland "TRUE CONFESSION'" 1Mlr. and ,Mrs. Pete Harmon and Short-- "Four Smart Boys' family of Monroe, Mrs. Edward News of the pay



'Wrlght and chllcboen, and lira. Rodney Fork1\er of South 1.ebanon, Mr. and Mrs; LaWTence Cox of King's Mills, Albert and Gltin Girton. After a daintY' lunch, thf,l . g uests left, wishing Mr.. and Ml'!l. GiI·ton many more happy YClars (If wedlock.

Phone 99R3


Waynesville, Ohio





MiLK' •

4 tal.

Carnation or Willson'. ,

Milk '.

3 tal.

caDS' llc


Country chib


cana Z5c

.. • . Z4. lb.. baa

Gold Medal


P~. 'l ie


ltlRACLE WHIP D~~G Q~ 37c . '


TOMATOES'\vOH~ALB 3 caDI 25c Countr'y Club. ASiorted Flavon Z 16 os. jara




.Warren e,O. Far.mers.Find , It~$ Plo ___ ·...--n··~Ikn......-..~.........~~ ,


CALUME1' , :~~~~Jt

'HAC' < ~~. '3SC ~ ·-=·.'·-


A ~NDAI,.E' F,"OOR, ~ll' l~. ~a" . .1 , . <:;alifornia N~vel Oranges 200 ~o 220 I!ize, do:'.. ~ 25c Head Lettuce, Arizona, 5 doz. 'st~e, 2 heads ...' . iSc e l M e d'lum, " Each . ........ '.. ........ . eery . ..I • ' • • 5c • Doll't put up

Grec~beaD., Florida, round stripgJess; 2lba. : ..': . 25c


Spinach, Fr~sh, Texas Ib ..... : . : .. ; ..... .-.. ... 5c To~.toe., Florida, Repa'~k 21b~ ~" "" " '... ; . '.25c ' T-u~ipa Bulk 1b . -. ,': ':, 5 ,' ", " "", ...., ••• '•••• .~., ~ . . f ••• 10 . . . . . . . . . ' 0' c

all illadeq~~t~, old. faabionN retriptator ~11o~Pf· '

Win~p . Appl~a,' _Wash. , F~!l~y ·. Boxed :'4 'l b. . 190 '

"a-I, .... tint cholet ·

Florida StraWbel1'lea. 2, ·pintif.;. ~ ....

'.~ mllllo..I. now

popularly prIeM. More people bousbt Geaeral Electric lat year 'tban ever before. And ,t'b is ' yea-: tbey're eveD. bi~gerbuy~'


J. I:: Case has been' ~he l eadin.g ''pl~w' manutactur~r . for 100 years: 4~ representativ~ in Warren -CQ~nty, " we are oftenng t he most modem plow 'in all th~ ··. w.orJd. If full 1in~, of Farrp IPl.plement&' are now on . d~8pa~y In Lebanon ~hew ·t:O,(lJlJ. You ari.' crordially In\. . Vlted to come dOWJl1.' and ·see tltem. Especially · do ·we r~colllme!ld

the ·~ew 'R-(f (1~ase'Tra~tor ' which .' has pl'oyen tne best and mQst eC.()Dom~Uor the 8'!,er.age . farm use. .

! ' •• : , ', • • ; . ' •





__ __ --"l



. WA.YNESVILLE, OHIO, MARCH '8 , 19::s8 ~

I '







,Annual Me>~ti~g-ef W.aynesville ",F armers Exchange Held

( DEATH .CLAIMS T. J. SMITH, OLDEST LOCAL BUSINESSMAN Waynesville- De.nth claimed T. J efferso n Smith, 74 , Waynesville' s oldest businessman, late W ednesW A YNESVILLEi-Fu neral serday at his h ome here. vices were held Tuesday aft.el'noon Dealih was due to 11 hoo l't ailfor 'Beryl Rhodes, five months old ment from which h e hal bee n sufSOn of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Rhodes fering recently . wtlo died Sunday at the family Funeral se rvices will be held on home west (If town. Rev. J. V. Lacy officiated and burial Wag in Saturuay afternoon at Lh e late charge of the 'McClure Funeral ' resi,d ence at.2 ~'clock. Burial will was in Miami Cemetery. be 10 the Mlanll Cemetery hel'e. He is survived by his parents, two brothers and a sister.




WaYneavni~ -:-. A la~ number r~ sale for '1937 amounted to' $20' j at p~ser:tt include, Olarence Rye, of stockholde1'll and mem~ers of 648. A 4 pel' cent dividend was preSIdent and Lawrence Furnas, their familie~ attended .the annual j paid to tbe stockholders at the secAretar · Y'. f h f d 18CU8810n 0 t ~ pro,gres 0 ' .. • meeting of the WaynesVille. Fann- I meeting. Net protlt for , 1937 was his organization in manufacturing era' Exchal'\~ in Farmers' Grange $1,669;01 'and the net wortlb of t.he farmers supplies was given by C. n, Charlell Michenor ',company is at present $29,.553.74. T. Latshaw of the Ohio Grain & manB~r, reported on the activities Improvements in the plant during Supply Company, Fostoria, .Ohio. of the past ye.r. J the last years included the instal- The Waynesville exchange . is a . stockholder in the Ohio Grain & B. A. Wallace, extension eco- lation of new truc~ ~cales. nomlst from Ohio State University Two directors.. ~w.rence ;Fur- ' Supply Company. If&Ve an auditor's report of the nas .and W. G. SwartZ'ell, were TeDinner was served at the n09n company business duTing 1987. To- 1elected for three years. Office1'll hour by tli'e Waynesville Grange.



. WAYNESVVILLE-Moses B. Bogan, 83, lifelong WashIngton town5bip tarmel', di~d at the home of tis son near here, Friday after an extended .il}ne88. Funeral servicell we~ hel& at the McClure Funeral Ho~ and. burial was in' Miami Cemetery. . Mr. Bogan farmed i'n the SPr:ing Hill community and was widely known in this vicinity. He is sur~iv~ by his 's(ln, Willard, and a brot~r, John Bogan tOf near Lebanon. His wife, the late Mary Rich Bogan. preceeded him death.


WAYNESVILLE CARDEN CI:.UB MEETS TUES. AF'f£.RNOON -+J,lJ.&-l~" WAYNESVILLE- Th e Waynes ville Garden Club met 'l' uesday aftcrnoon ,lIt the home of M 1'5 . R0 8~ Had.sock with 1 ~1lrS . Harold D. W ill is u.s assists n tho tess. The l)l'ogrum wa s in chul'ge of Mrs. C. L. Duke who after a brief talk, presented Mrs. Geo. Smith. Mrs. Smith gave II VCJ'y ins.trucliv e PIIper 011 "Wild Flowers". Th is was t'oll owecl by discu ssion and t:he howi ng or thl'ee beautiful p Ol ted plants brought by M 1'8 . Duke and Mrs. J ohns of Lytle. Resig nadons of Mrs. Hend erson and Mrs. Irvi n Mulfol'll were accepted \dth I'c·g'rets. Twelve memb ers and five visitors were pl'esent to njo y the afternoon. 'PLAN PETITIONS TO BAR LIQUOR SALES CLARKSV ILLE Wh eth el' sales of liquor llnd beer iJ] this vilage wiIl 'te proh ibited ig a question •hat. may be decided by voters at . be forthcoming clection . ·Rev. Fred H. Ru ssell , pastor of he Clal'ksville Methodist EI)iscopal chul'ch~ said petitions, II.Sking that tne sate in the village of the Intoxicants be banned, would be circulated within 10 days. He InJ icated that the question might be made a local option issue at the electio ns. Declaring the movement ,had th ~ uppOl't of the churches and the " better CIBSS" of' peop le, Rev. Mr. Russell said he believed the " morals of the community" wolld !> uplifted by the campaign to e nd ~ he sale of the b here. . Three local business establishme nts either ,hav.e' liquor licenses or have app1ied f or them.


WAYNESVILLE-Eight ~our. es are planned fol' the Epworth Leagu e Mid-Winter Institute Friday lind Sa tu rday March 4. and I> at lliverdale ·Methodist Episcopul Church on Warder Street Dayton. A banquet at 6 p. m. Frid.y will open the conference, with classes starting i ~ mediately atter the dinner. sessions are schedu led f Ol' Saturday. Rev. N. C. Ba ng-ha m, pastor of the hoat chUl ch, will be dean of the . Institute . The curriculum includell, "Meth odism's March Through Two enturies," ta ught by T. T. Craw1'01'<1 , Dayton M. E. District Supt. "God in Daily Life," by Rev. H. P. Kell ogg, Grace Churoo; "Mod.I'll Protestanti sm," by Rev. CuI Plummer, EpW01·th Church; "D.. veloping a Sp il'itual Culture," by Re v. Carroll Lewis, First Church, Mlidd l town; "Jesus' Life and Ours," by Rev. C. O. Dutoon, Trinity Church, "Churchmanship'" by Rev. H. Gra ham, First Cburcb Franklin, " P ersonlll Charm .and Spi l'itual Experience," by )(ri. Temple Barcafer, Gracje Church md " Group' Discussion Methodll", by Rev. J. V. Lacy, Waynesville.

DEA-TH CALLS , MRS. E'MMA: RUSSELL WAYNESVILLE, ~- Mrs. Emma CLARKSVILLE SCHOOL IS Stansel Russell, 88, was buried in GIVEN CooD RATING tbe SPringbo~ Cemutery follow- -- ing funeral BelVieu, ~ruesday. She CLARKSVILLE - The Boud died, Sunday, at her home in Ly,If Education has received a lette.: i tle. . . COMMISSIONERS PLAN from the state department of edo ROAD IMPROVEMENTS Her husband, Eli RU!8ell, precation g iving the local school an ceded bel' in deeth .n few excellent rating following Its reCLARKSVlLLE - The. Clinoon ago. cent examination by Dr. H. F. Oo~nty com.m issioners announced Vallance, a member of the state , this week that they Bre 's eeking AR.RANGE FUNEiu~L RITES TWO HONORED AT BIRTHDAY department. · In addition to wi Mrs. JUNIOR. TOURNAMENT rl.gnt-o~waJ' along the Harveys• \RV£YSBURG WINS FIRST FOR. MR~. BERTHA LEWIS The new studies added iilcludSURPRISE "" A~~~N COUNTY TOOMEY burg r osd In Vernon township 110 WAYNESVILLE -- Funeral ser Mary Smith, be is survived by one ing tbe industrial arts course were KllIfGS MILLS - The HarveyeWAYNESVILLE _ The Way- that it may be .w idened to fifty vices will be beld lat the Church son, Oscar of Waynesville; three highly lauded by Dr. Vallance .. MASON - Miss Alice McClung ·burg Hie~ Scltool balketbaU teant neaviUe Juolor. High came. tllrourh feet and - lie ~dd.ed to tbe State of Christ, FtidQ . ~temoon . at 2 daughters, Mrs. Glenna Carey and WII.S the general conduct of tbe fint. Warren County toul'1l ....inat Mah;le~Ue, ~tul'day 1I1gh~ high~wa,. system. H~e'l6l' rall.~e o'clOck or ~ ~ Lewill, G4, ~rs.Nina St. John of WaynesviIll' and Mrs. Cecil McClung were the school.. ~ent ~el'!' Stlturday nilfht, when to take ' the ..,.untor Hlgb Touma.- Iando'W1lers 'have not yet given the who ~eCI·lat:ii her'home. and .Mrs. irwin' Pence of · Leb~non. happy victims of a birthday surMr. Smith ' was in t he meat busi- pl'ise at the home of Mrs, Emily CHAMBERLIN APPOINTED"' they .defeated ., 'Itu'bbo~ Ki~ ment, 26-18. Their first 'victory commissioners permission to move The services wJll be conducted by MUla five, 27-2(. The ~le team 'Was against Morrow, 26-17, on fence to '\\'dden the ToacJ, . Rev. W. C. Smith and' burial in ness bere for many y,ears '!Ind was McClung on Pike Stl'eet, SaturTO SCHOOL BOARD -,eDt .throutb .the totmlam.ent uno. Fri&y amI' they followed it · up' F. L. Conklin, president of ' tbe charge of McOlure Ihtneml Home widely kno'W1l in this locality. day evening. CLARKSVILLE William He and 1Mlrs. Smjth observed , :efutfd ~in&' M~~n, ~:-;eys; with a 30-~ack for Carlisle. Board ot. Commission~rs, say that will be 'in Miami Cernetery. 4S a member A beautiful cake, decorated Greathouse I'esigned ci Mrll. Lewis, wido, of the'. late their fifteith. w(!dding anniversary with Orange blossom~,- sent by of the C1iarksville-Vemon Board an . lnb~ack age a innsSt .~ ~nt'l Robertson aver age approximaif the t' ~~' _n comull' "'R: la ., • d oecesary permission was &eMr. Ben Coulson of Lakeland, of Education at itt' monthly mee& t ' I th fi al ely four~een points per game in cure a . crew of WPA workmen Otto Lew, is survilved by two February 20tb. .erA·fnt e n laS. bI h wi leading hie " mateS to vicory. would , be, immediately pla.ced ort daughters, Miss Opal. at home and FloTida, graced t he bountifully ing, Thursday evening and H.rry . er a m era e a 0 ng a- II. -1 M h \ d ' h . t . . th f DAU(aHTER BORN spread table. hose present were: Chambel'lin was named to fill out I t Hen b i th· fir t .~. net orrow e score fIfteen t 0. proJec re.movlng e encell Mrs. Isadore Robertli, Lebanon. ga nil 'M ,. eya nrlft nl' f elrd · s T~ loCals traiJe.d ~t the balf, but and wideining the roadway. When Mr. Frank .McClung and family th.e term. . , game allon came 01 e an won '. . ...... ' . . CLARKSVILLE WINS ' 'Mh·s. RaYmond Burden of Hughs Station; IM/r. Elmer Mc I Cham berlin Is i former member Mr. and ' I... d';""nl U -o 'w Way thllir . ~ fellse ~eld the Morrow lads this work 18 completed it would be CLARKSVILLE-Afte' h 'n thi d r 'I~..ce'd Vt"h' ~.&' "'19"d' C' Ii 1 in c~eck the aecond half while offered to the s~te hlghway sYs.r aVl g announce the birth of a. daughter, Clung and wife; Mr. Floyd Bin, of the Board, ha. v ing been prelinel VI.e an e "lDSp re ar s e ',, ' ' upset the dope bUB.IU!t, S. Barbara Ann born Februal'Y 25. nail and wife; ·H enri Coulson and dent in 1936. Greathouse, who,... b • t It'n ·'ili RO'b ertaon 'scored twelve points a- tern and be m.a de a state route. te am b'f e o~e oWlng 0 pillS. . afternoon, by defeating Reesville, . r wife, Doc Vanness and wife; and elected in 1935 for four years, is Otterbei~ was the dlsappoinh~ent lon8. Th~ road runs from the cec the Clukaville High .Indians fell For quick results use the classi- Mrs. Emily McClung, Alice 'Mc ' l'emoving to near Morgantown, of the tourney, Kings. and Carlisle Morrow, Hofer, f; Robinson, 1', highway ~ the co~r~ti<?n line before a superior Subina team in Clung, and Frank Eifurt. Kentucky. def~ating them the lint day in 3; J.ewis, c, 1: Brunner, g,5: Hin- to the Adams town&lup IIJ~e at the the finals of the annual Clinoon fied ads. . kle, g, 6; Co-nner g, 2. 'Waynes- ~ J. , ~eorge farm' at .the.1D~e1'llec- '~unty Toul'J}amelllt,. Sat\1rday well played gamu. Wayneavtlle bow~ to Harvey. ville--Robertaon, 115; Payne, f tl~n wlth ·the Lebanon-Wilmmgton night. T'he splendid showning of bure and ' Ma80rl after defeating 8;Purka, If; Planck, g 4; Melloh pike. If added .to the state system locals was one of t:b6f surprises of Morrow In' their fint game;- 36-26'. 2;· Florence, 1. it would run f~om New Bur!ing- tbe oournaiment and WjLS the highMallon eli~inate4, the' pluck~ bqt ~a~li81e--Price, f, 3; D,&&, f 2; ton t? Cl~~ll1e. ,!~e, road has'l eB~ a Clarksville tealm had landed '''inexperienced Morrow for 'Cheek, f 6; JI.".,ld, g, 4; Sorrell been nrlprbv,ed aa 8p~i!led by tI).e since 1919. . ' their flnt victol'Y,_ After defeating g, 2; Smallwoo'd, g 1: Waynearille state- department in Warren Ooun- I . The Indians downed Blancbestllrll",., Sprlqboro ~q~e~ "to .....RobeJiaon, f '1.2.; Daly,. f. 6; ty and 11'1 Cliton County in' Ch~~ter tel', Friday evening, 36-26, after Klnp"t and, .CaJ!lisle in 8 retu~ MJeOob, c, ,6'; Florencll, g. 2; Purles townllteP; drawingl the bye. They played fine game•. " '. ' .' 11:: Stansben'y; t, 2 i Payne, ball against Blan and Reesville but . 'theseore"4,t the flnal.'irJme was Plan~k ~,2 • CLARKSVILLE AWAITS were tired against Sabina bu~ .. Jj'BrYeY8tiul'l', ' 2~; Klngi l4U1s, 24. " Agawat the .Maineville team the . DONKEY BASKETBA.LL ~bowed thl} fight and spirit that · " '. :,. local ,defense pla-yed. sterling bl\ll C~RKSViL~ - Th!i! basket- carried them tJu'ough seven F AIR,LY HARD)\" AR~ STORE anI ~e, o~tenBi~e divisi9D functiol,l ball season will be cionclud~d bere straight victc?ries. INS'r.AUS NEW FRON:r., " ed ·In a. capable. manner as well. March 9 w,h en a ,donkey basketball 'Against Sabina tlhe ·loc_als trail: WA.YN~~VILLE - 'rhe F~!tl~y ~he locals led 9-"7 at the half, but game will be played, sponsored by e.d the majority of the. way. They . Harctware Store this "ilk iDstalled Dall found the l-ange in the second the higH school atnleti~ association. were behind 22-15, at the. three new ' c!~lol'ed p'late glan ove.i · the, li8lt'to salt t:be game away. form' 'of basketbali is a novel quarter ' way' but the Sabinl!- lads ltiwer,p,0rtion of t~ .t~N front , . Wan:...ille- " . . ty; but ~nemeJy inie~ting• .," sensing victory tuJ:oed . on .!.~e~lIew. If~.!l! JII' blue. and add; Daly, f ....... ~ .. .~ ... :.. .""." ... ,, 4 PlayerS may toucb the. ball onl~ and pulled out in front for. good . .t!.ct~o the .*,t!w~b~e~, 1.~~t and ,eo- ,Robe;rtson. f ".,,,,, ... .,.::,, .:. 6 :when they are mounted and the ,-be passing and sharp ShoOtl~g.of ti'ftte tbe ato~ a!ou-. Mello." :,,~ i animals' are specially 't~d for Gl'avA!s and Allen Wilro deCIding ,b~IUdInl:, ~~d;·a~cl. iJluch.,to the · n.:-k • .· .... .-, '<, • 0 the. sport. .Ail f~ns in thill viainity fac~rs in the locals' 'defeat. ~PiPe.~lpCt,I~)!f: .:tht8 <.h1l/li~~' dis- ,J ~;;n8be;;;" ';::::' :::::::::::;: 0 aJ'e . Iitvite~ to aWend. The names Tlie locals best was against ..... ,I, ". i • those who will play has not yet Reesville. The league champs got j'ir~t1U been decided. ' " . eurprise of th~ir life wben ,they ran up against the Indians' inspired ' defense, scoring but seven field goals. . Rtl8svlUe led, 6-4 at t~e q~arter and 10-9 at the hnlf. ThJ) localll steam'ad up.' the-~th ird quarter and led 17~18 ~t· its conclusion. Play was tenlle the final Period but the Indh~nll 'B tubbornly held on to their lead, , de~pite ' a ' d-espe1llite. rally by tne champ,a: .( . :B1an~lIellter lou!rid ·. thtlir defeat of Port William a .strain and could tber lol1oWln~exee~eDt not ·pul. aheitd ·p.I. !~he' Indians ,wHo . .,'; , pl~t~da ~~t prhe. Chl!-rlie: Stan \1~j!liI ,· M",In.._"RI"'tr Me .tJ:le ~o~ .;ield and ,K'enny )~oon we.r e out, ·&n~d~llra:.'iCbU'le!l art,'" F..arnlla~ ae- stan'ding lor' ·the IOcAlII. . ., ' companlpd by ~. K. N. ·~o~. , Clarbvlll.e ~ playa' Osb'orn" ot T~bU~·~D.~ Nation's B .. Gre81M! Co~ty" , flatur,cla.y at .the . !tOea b, Mrs. ·W. ~. Oomel!. cIistrIet tourney at Payton. Wayne ~atlt7-0~~ ,Cnaf...· to the _Vlrjin. who d~ Reenu1e, 82-30 In ~dI," by ~' EUu~th Gnd- eo~olation, meets Kinp"......... ,,''''...



,"'B.l ll









:c..... ....: ..... "...


dJ\roeal.i~l'9DillIn' by

. ~hart.

~!:tt~1~f·"I1~·...··. . the ~Thmqh." the , ~Djoj



deUclou ftf.....


~bt ,



jlt1ialni ~-~-

E ditor



ORVI LLE SACE, Publish er


Payable in Advance An Iildl'l nd{;l t-~ \~p;'--di;;tl!d to th Ilrv ice f Waynellvme anil vic!nit - Gil Irg it ~ I'alron s tn(> be. 11 \\'spa ) ('1' humanly pos-

here, Sunday , 1>11'. nnd M'l's. Carroll Smart and !If rs. Mary Ha ine h Vf' r eturned from a 'hort t rip to Flo rida. 'lr a nd Mrs. L. E . Bowyer 01 Mr, and 1\11'3. H!chard Dixon were Dnyton shf. nP \", ~atul' dny. Dllyt 'lI were here Qll business ovel fr_ DnJ MIS_ EmmOl- l\lungc l' of , the wcek(' nd . Wl1mi gton w(,l'e vi -iting fri end s :\l'r~ . Laura Shidak er is vi ; it ing - - - - - -- - - - - 1,1'1' da ug hte r , lurice, a t Wclhound ing . Cl ea n Up At Th elc Prices \) 'lIimn Bates of Colu mbus visi Men' s 3 JlC, Suils C'cahctl and P ress d WAYN ES VVILLE M. E . 50c CHURCH Men's Hats Rev. J ohn V . Lacy , P as tor Cleaned an d Blockcod Sunday :Murch 6. 1938 50c !) :30- . l1nday ~c h o ' l. R. A Lad ies PlulIl Dre" es ollett, upt. ' 50c 10 :40 - "'~ rnin g Worship There will be as guru t preacher , KathrY'Jl Men de nhall, Mg r Rev. G. W. Thompson , of Spring


of many years ~o, they all h' Wedding Anniversary, pi1s were ,eag-e l' and glad to see be,' a-

cd frien til! here, Sunday. The G.l'a l)gc hetel a f arewell pal'y fo.r t he B e ~k('bt anti Hawk fum,Main StN!et iii '~ h C) wUl so on TOrnOV , from n('nt II re, at Lh m eet ing, Monday. ' . .


Quick Cleaners

Vall~ y . (I :30- Epworth L eague. Miss Roe will speak . 7 :30 7 :30-E vening Servic e. econd of the Lenten series.


Public Sale

. "'IQ _ ..,.~ . _ ' guin a ctel' th ll many y 'ars al ~o. 'rhe unde. rs~ned as admlnlstrator lIfL S. ny pp I ~n ,acco m'plished tl'll VfWllh th e wH L anncxed, of tho Esaler' ao tl: enjoyed I) coupl o 9f ast- to t o ' of Delllnh Evel'hal't d ccued, ern!:! nncl a so ut,h " n tt'i l) ",hUe will 'ell at Jlublic a l.l cti on., ut 'he'r 'Th!' ounc!1 will \'!leI t , a the l\1 :1Y helle. A most -ente r t..'li11illg \\Io ma.n , late residolice in Co'\'\vin, ' Ohio, on ' or'lI oU i eJ lIllond.lly vCl)i ng. _ her f l 'ends I!(l~l'et~d her d ep~ \'t,u l'e 'S ATURD'AY, MA~CH 19, 1938 lIIi, I. ut hl en Gray sp lit t Il.(> f or her home an ~'he wst. I • Mrs. Br tha Gr ay .has l' t urn ed 13 egin~mg at On p. m. . harp, The weekend with .he r rnndpaL'ents, f l'om u trip to relatives in Indiana, f ollOWIng cha ttel to WIt: here. ~I·. aJld Mrs. A S. Coil tt enHOUSEHOLD GOODS AND Mr. un d !\fl . Wi llianl RO I'S e 't rt uined, on Thu~ael ay evening, KITCHEN FURNITURE -,.. and SOil , _Ho\\.!Il d, 1111 d Mr. a nd fo r dinn er Mrs. Louella, Snypp, Consisti ng of -o-nIl heating stove, !\fl's. A. ol1 et~ and son, Rob · , Mrs. H. W. Sma rt and 1';1I:s, C. G. di nin g I'oom table an el six chairs, 6 crt, at t end ed the meeling, and ban. ' ' Randall. . .'oellng cha irs, ide bo,ar d, wUl'dqu et >of th e C().opel'ncive Live robe, dlop 'Ienf extens ion table, Stock A£ao<; iation nt ' the Netlle r\\~O c u pho (\ rd ~ , t wo straig ht back land Pla 4n in Cin cinna ti O.n T,h u r~ l\i tch'e n ('hai r's, ice box , th r ee pelce day. More than ixteen hund red bed r~om suite, onk wash stnnd, pel ons were in att ndance. oe k 'chiHon ie r t wo straigh t chaIrs, 'MIl'S. Hal'l'Y Hougll has taken WA YNESVILLE ro unel dro p leuf t able, iron bed 'ooms in the home of M l·~ . C. G. nnl springs, day bed and pl'ings, MARCH 4-5 Ran dall. I Ir on foldi ng bed, wooden cot, odd' Bob Livinll'aton-Ray Carrigan Mrs . . lInI'! iet W. ma r t is slow'lot bedding, ,old tl·u nk. oil heater, - inY I eCOVal ing fro m her r ecent iIIRed star oil cook ~love, laundl'Y "COME ON COWbOY" ness. stove, cop p ~r wush boilel', clothes I Cartoon- Elmer Th e El ephan b MrE. Lidn 1I 1J:t{)n clUne up f rom I rack', fl ow er ~ ta nd , s~ w i ll'" machine Charley Mc arthy "In Pure F eud" in rir,nnt i to nttcud the meet ing I han 'in ' >lh -If, flollr bi n enbinet, Comedy- Da tes a nd Nu'ts of th· Beo k Revie w Circle a nd t he l'Ug 0)( 12 lind othe.· ar t ichls too An nulI l PilI' Y of the Ladies Aid on ' n umerou s to Illo lltion, such ns kitI Mondny evening, MARCH 6-7 chen utensils ele. r...El'{!'e crowd from here atte ndArticles e r~ Antique Irene Dunn _ Rand olph Scott d ~ I: c Da ' k t Ball Tournament. at . ix piece mohair living room suite, - in,.;:i ngs Mills t he I ~t t lll'ee uuys of 'HIGH WIDE AND HANDSQME' marbl e top &tand , old burcau, two the week. parior ehul'rs, one split botto m ... Ca rtoon- Hula Hula Heaven. Mrs. Lou lin Sewall Snypp, w:bo Choh', ki tchcn saf e, table, :bric-a\M1r. and m. a hos't Metro News has been ea t f or the past six brae, odd lot chinn nnd g lass ware. of f riend s \vho j oin 'in expressing Mason observed t heir 56 the Wedmonths -cttl ing up t he est.nte of A f ew othe.r nl·ticles. MARCH 9 her deceased sister, Ml·S. Welch of ding Annivel'SQI'Y las t wec'kend. best wishes upon the occasion. ;TERM& CASH Leblil non, has r eturned to h.e.r home Th ey have liv ed in Maso n fo r t he W. N, SEARS, Aucl. in Tacoma, Wa shington. Going by - inROSS H:lIARTSO,CK, Admini.tra way of t he Sant a F e, she will vis it tim e with relatives lind f rien-d s' l da ll and W~5 most happy in renew tor with the will .~nexed, of ' ''OUTSIDE, OF PARADISE" t he Gra nd Canyon a nd will stop Wlhil e here Mrs. Snyp p was the in'g ol d ac.qu ainta'nCes among the No. 1 Radio Patrol (Serial )" Estate of Delilah Everhart, Deco.. , ed. ' • at Los Angeles to spe.nd a short f requent g uest of Mrs. C. G, Ran- g rown ups wh o wel'e her small pu- t

Twin Theater



2 :00 - Friendsnip Club with ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ~~ ~~=-======-==~======~~~~~==~~~==== 1\Ir . Rachel Ear nhart. 7:30 LENTEN . SERVICE. Take time to get acqua inted with God. ROOT FOR AND CONSICN four Cattle bogs, sheep an d calve! to Norril-JJrock Ct.., live wire an d proll'J'eUive fil'Jll l'Ir the highe81 maHet prices and good service. UaiOD Stock Yarela' CincillDati, 0 Tune In on Radio StatIon WCK'Y 12 e211 to 12:80 p. m. for f') ur daU, mark.e t reports. . '

7 :OO- Boy Scouts. 8 :OO--<:hoir Pro~tice . Apri l 3, will be Home Comi ng at the ch urch. Rev. Grouser, a f onner pastor ",,:ill preach. There w jlJ be specilll progTams at both church and Sunday School. At Phone are fJend in yaur Want noon there will be a. pot-luck, dinAd. It 'bring results. ner.


Brooks Garage

'Smith's Set,vice Station


Waynes viUe, Ohio 1

a Satisfactory Service at a I tim~s. ,

E'. McClure

~~ ~Phoae



' You; cy esig,h t is too p recious to take needles chances with it. E y~s tra in is dangerous. Damage may be done before you realize it.




Have an eye' examination t o-day. You owe it to yourself to give t hls much t ime to your sight.

·D r. John ~ettel ,O. , D• • 7'


I '


' OPTOMERTIC EYESIGHT SPECIALIST , Open'E very Day, from 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. Saturday 8 A. M. to 1'0 P. M.

Lebanon, O. '

19 N. Bl!Oadway ~

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .... SL _







• A new tire cornea to town to give you the . this new Silvertown is 'also the otily tire that geatest life-aavingprotection on wet, alipl>CfY ' givea you the Golden Ply-the famoUs GoOdroads that' you've ever had on your car--a .rich invention that resin; ~e terrific blOWtire that's a~y a ROAD DRYER I out-cauaing ,heat generated inside ,au tires Juat look at the row upon row of never-

Chic'k lJuilder

by today's high spCeda. By resisting'this in-

~ding ,spiral bars in this new Life-Sa1O'U "tetnal heat, the Golden Ply"protects -You

The Proven Way To Build, Profitable ~aYer.

Farm S.e rvice,Co~ Phone 18

Tread. Then you'1I 'JUlderatand why it a~ ', agaipst high-speed , blow-outs~·' , like a battery' of windshield wipers, Swel~ ,. ." . t the water right'and left, forces it out thro\aih . Extra Safety At 'No EXtra ,Co. ,the d~ grooves; making 'a DRY TRACK., Remember, m8riy,tirescoetmo~ for the rubber to grip. . than SitvertOWD8j but no other Yea, air; the new 900drich Safety Silver~ tire-at any price-,can live you toWn with th~ Li~e-S$1I'er ~read \1I(ill atop you this two-way protection against qui,c~r" , safer-on ~ wet pavement-~ iJDds and blowouts,. Unless you any ~ .~. ~ver stopped you before! Tlult:s make your next tires Sit~wns why' a "Sil~o~ Stop" ~ eaai1y J?e'a'lilo: ' .. you'll be I cbea:~ yo~lf .a nd aa~et tq ~u ~ alippery r~.-drenched r~~d,I, i .'YQur' fanuly out, of the" Ife8tC8t 'addiiil one .aaf~ feature another, tift: safety eVer offered. ,.' .ADd, '. '. . to,... "' . "






$8,lSO' in the case ot Hanore Keefer and- Mary D~nehy against William Mahel' et aI, ordered t1istribution. T" 1;1: ~ - Lo C .. .,e ome 'lIIe~s~ .. an orp . " h8~ entered suit again t J. H. and NEW· SUITS .. Nora Newell, Franklin, for fote'The Home Ownere Loan Corp. clo ure ~f mor.tgage and r.ccov ry hRS 8 ntered: 8ult against J H and of money totalmg $2,897.46. B-ert Cullom .asks f<>r acqon on No_... Newell, Franklin , :f~r '''ore~ . . . . • '1 d closure of mort..... &e and r covcry a COgnOVIt; note II) 11 SUIt :(1 e a, .. . gamst J~cob Enz ~t al n~' d oes R. ' of money totaling $2,897.46. Bert GuLlom asks for action on L. Eggleston agamst M......D. and " n cognovit note iIi a suit fi1!ld a- Belle Forman.galnst Jacob Enz et al as does R. PROCEEDINGS . L. Eggleston against M. B. and ' George and Ethcl Bl'ubakcr nnd 'Belle FOlman. Esthcl' Cox have been named de. . f h R Georg4! and Ethel Br)Jbaker nnd felldants In the sutl 0 : e ome Esther Cox have been n8med de-I O,vne, ra Loan Corp. agamst Rob-



fenda1)ts in the suit of the Home ert Smallwood. Ownel's Loan Gorp. agait,st RobBert McCullom awa rded sum of crt Smallwood. $342 in suit against Jacob EI1Z; Bert McCullom awardttd sum of I R. L. Eggleston $785 from M. B. $342 in. Huit against Jacob Enz; I and Belle Form:!n. :R. L. Eggleston $786 from M. B. / Mabel K. Burger awarded a and Belle Forman. judgement of $269 again st TreMabel K. Burger n'Wla.rded · a vor Offord, Leban.on. jU( "'ement of $269 against Tre- I Proceeds of a sal e amoun ting to VOl' Offord, Lebanon. $8,130 in the case of Ha nere KeeProceeds of a sale amounting to fer and M.n ry Denahy against Wi!.,-

to F. Ru ~n Tuesday. ed Adminiatrato(l buhon. . [and othel'S, 195 Dcres, Turtlecreek Mrs. Gladys lrobinson ·and Miss of the Estate of A. Bowman, PROBATE COURT tp. Anna Hoyle 8pent )Londay in Leb deceased, tate of Vernon ownlhip, Donald' .Cooke and Ja'mes 'Burke , Cornelius Cornelssen to Mi1la W. M nl'on. . Clinton County,. Ohio. b d . tr ' f and Rosa A Tinch C' 1 ts Mrs. Calvin Longar.l'e .and rs, " 4 ----",....-.----Creditors are required to fil. hav.e cen named a mini ' ntors.!L _ _ . -: ' . ' IVe. 0 1 tnnley Balley. sp.e nt Thursday in ' NOTICE OF A' prO' IN ' TMENT '~he estate of A1i~e .Cooke, Dller- , rnnRhn. their claims with said fiduc~ fiold ·town~hip. Ed' Hoppe, ' Johri MarY L. Russell to Elina Thtlmp- Dayton. , within four months 01' be forev.1' :Maag an4 ~. E. Stewart were son and othe~8 •• S9 -acre~ Clear- . Mrs. Ra~ph ;ohns swr ·.:ble ~o Estate of L. A. Bowman, de- barred. namlld appraIser . . creek tp. Sherlff s deed. . netur.n t~ er .o~e. a Ul !lY, - ceased. , . Dated this 16tib day of Febru. HarOld Bone, Lebanon, a.ppoin tSilm D. Henkle to,· Ogle Belville ter staymg .wI:n MI'. and Mrs. j Notic~ ·is hereby a17 1988. . d" d " f h f 8226 . CJ . k James Johns smce her retum CI giv-en . that e a mlhlstrator .o t e estllte 0 • acres 10 eal.Cl'ee tp. , . i . arence Fordyce of Blanchester '. HUQ-H J. WRIGHT, h'IS 'mot1leI', th e IteM l E I CI B I :(rom MIBml Valley hosnltal. . Oh' ' a yrt e ., ayton. n.n.c . Arthur' W. •. " . . 10 an~ Carl Bowman of Clarks..., Probate. ~dge of said County. Bone. D'o,ugjhman to MamIe P. Staton, Mrs. Rutb Savage of Cen~ervllle ' VIlle, OhIO, have been duly appoint Feb. 24-St. ' . thel-G. DUke' , )ot No 1, Lebanon . was a dinnel' guest at the home of ~~~!!!!.~~!!!!!!!!!"!'.~~~;;~~;;~~~_ ~~_!'!E~~_~_ ~'!!""~~!!!!'!! administrab'ix of the estate of NIlMamie P. Staton t.o Carl W: Sei. Mrs. S. H.". ~ Burnett on Wednes- ""~E=============EE=============E===~~W,; tHan Gl'BY, Waynesville, to be bert, same pToperty. ~ay of last week. .. heard Fei>Tuary 28. " Wilfred G. Squires to ElberL Walter Kenrick has been apThe ibearing of !.he inventory of . and Gertrude Wallace, 1-4 acro, pointed one of the Tax A sesso r May Simp. on, administra trix of WayneSVille. for' Wayne TownshiP. ' J d h th e estate of HatTY Mi randa, Sue Lewis to Pa ul and Helen Mrs. Ben ames ret\1rn e om e Plea ant Plain to be held March E. William s, lot No.8, Lebanon. Sunday from the Cincinnati hospit 7th. Clem Baldwin, Egar Darby W. Ern est and Edna A'pking to aI, \vhel'e she underwent a major and Charles Homan al'e the . ap- Etta Hill, .21 acre in Lebanon. operation some three weeks ago. praisers. Charles C. Hend erson to E lbert Mrs. Alice Miller has been' i11 Fred J . Leight has been nam ed Burdette, 60.16 acres in Union for the past~k. administrator of th e estate of An- tp. Mrs. Elizabeth Smith of Dayton na E. LQight, Cleur. Creek townJohn Schultz to Eslh eT Dakin spent Sunday evening with her sis ship, William Henderson, Geo rg'C .85 acre ' in Wayne town ship . 'ter, Mrs. Margaret Johns. James and James Dwyer. T. Jelf Smith to Walter and Mrs. Alice Clark spent Friday The inventory of Madon Snidel' Mary Josephine Sm ith, lot in Way- with Mr. and .M\rs. Milton Sheehan executor of the estate of Anna nesvllle. at Centerville. Mrs. Sheehan is re- ;







Carlton C. Smith t o Joseph Fed.. cov ering from a fall

Donald <..ifOke and Jam(>s Burke deI'S, 60 acres in Turtlecreek twp. have been named administrators of Clifford T. and Eliz.abeth D. t.he estate of Alic-e Cooke, 'Deer- , Hayes to Anna Collin, 26 acres, field township. Ed. H9Ppe, John Harlan tp. I Mnag and A. E. Stewart were namWalter T. Jordan a nd Viola J. ed appraisere. Hartsock to Lewi s and ,lIfijnnie Harold Bone, Lebanon, appoint- Wasg, lot No.3, HIIl'veysburg.

\ hatch euh week. Pullorum tested !lDd cull..d flocks. ,C uatom Hatchiaa 2~' c per ea ... y .. now SpriDrs. Ohio



Snid er, to be ,hea rd March 2.

Phon. 340


lIa~ Mabel' et. III, ordered dlatrl-1 lngs Co.,

ed administrator of the estate of 1 his mother, . the late Myrtle E. Bone. The hearing of the inventory 'of May Simpson, adm in istrat.rix ot the estate of Harty Mi r and ~ , Pleas ant Plain to be held Mlarch 7th. Clem Baldwin, Egar Darby and ChaTles Homan are the appraisers. Fred J. Leigiht has been named administrator of the estate of An· na E. Leight, Clea)' Creek township, Wiiliam HendersOn, George James and James Dwyer. The inventory of Marion Snider, executol' of the estate of Anna Sni del', to be heard, Morch 2. First. final, and distributive 00count of Solomon K. Kernohan, ad ministrator of tne estate' of Presocia P. Spence, deceased. Con-ection and approval of fifth account of Harty Hartfelter, guard I ian of Otto Hartfelter, Mlorrow, incompetent, ordererl. W. Chester Maple, Lebanon, .a~ministl'Btor of the estate of O. W. Brown, filed third account.

Victor and Grace Compton to GeOl1ge B. Johnson , plot in Turtlecreek tp. People's Building, Loan and Savings Co., to Jonathan F. Rusell and others, 195 acres, Turtlecl'eek tp. Cornelius Cornel ~ se n to Mills ·W. and Rosa A. l.'lnch, five lots, Franklin. Mary L. _ Ru sse ll to Elina Thompson and other, 80 acre, Clearcl'eek tp. Sheriff's deed. Sam D. Henkle 'to Ogle Belville 82.26 acres in Cl ea rcreek tp. Clayton B. and ATthur W. Doughman t o Mamie P. Staton, lot No. I, Lebanon.. ' Mamie P. Staton to Carl W, Seibert, same property. Wilfred G. Squ.ires to Elbert qnd Gertrude Wa.Uace, 1-4 acre, WaynesviUe. . Sue Lewis to- Paul and He1en E. Williams, lot No.8, Lebanon. 'w. Ernest and Edna Apkihg to Etta Hill, .21 acre: in Lebanon. Charles C. Henderson to Elbert Burdette, 60.16 acres in Union tP.

COMMON PLEAS In the case of Edith A. Munger . . MEETINGS PLANNED VB. John H. Weddle, courf! orderEd sum of $11.86 paid plaintiU and HARVEYSBURG-The Church.' f!!rm va.cated in ten dayS. es of thi s community ha:ve announI . Defendants given ten days to ced a series of union meetings to plead after motion is overruled in be held here sta,r ting next Suncase of C. H. Moore versus Charles day ~vening. E. Mears.

SNYDER OFFERS YOU A ~TAR VALUE FO~ 1938 Your Old' Sto.e I. 'Wo"th '$31.00 0.. Thi. New Maric Ch!!f '. P,roJax Ran... . . ~ . HERE IS OUR OFfER. New Star Value-..I . .. . ... .. ..... . . ... .. ... . .. .. ... , .. ....... , .......... $121.00 Pyrofax Installation_................ ,.. ... ..... ,..... .. ....... ,.,.. .. 9.75


REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Cliffol'd . and Elizabeth D. Hayes to Anna Collin, 26 acres, Harlan tp. Walter . Jordan and Viola J. Hartsock to Lewis and Minne Walsh. " Victor and Grace Compton to George B. Johnson, plot in Turtlecreek tp. People's Building, Loan and Sav


130.76 Old 'Stove Allowanoe ....... ......... ............. ,.. ,.... ........ .....



• 99.76





ago. Mrs. Fred Fisk returned home near Indepen'dence, tucky, after visiting the past with her parents, GeQrge Gray. Mrs. Margaret Johns

A Bathroom Of Beauty

ner guest, Sunday of her sister and brother, Miss Mary and Parry Cook, in Waynesville. Mr. a.nd Mrs. Harvey Burnet atte11de<! the Dinner Club, Saturday evening ,at the ,home of Mr. and J\flrs. Joe Chapman at WayneiviIJe. Mr. EnoOh Gray of Dayton spent a couple of days last week with his nephew, Leslie Gray and family . MT S, Emily Thackera of Lebanon is visiting at the home of her daull'hter, MTs. S. H. Burnett and family. Mrs. Stan1ey Bailey and Mrs. Therle Jones as Isted with the dinncr at· <1range Hall op Monday; Walter Kenriok attended the District meetin~ -of the Farm BUT-eau Autonrobile Insurance Comp.uny, Tuesday, at Wilmington. Mrs. Margaret Joh11s, Mrs. J4lSsie Longacre and Mrs. Edna Burnet attended the Garden Clu.b at the home of Mrs. Ross Hartsock in Wnvn~vil1e, Tuesday afternoon. 'Mlrs. J. B. Jones, Mrs. Stanley Bailey. Mrs. S. H. Burnett and Mrs. T,herle Jones attended the annual en.m per's reunion at Lebanon

No Chain is stronger than its weakes t link and no home is Rmarter t han its I ' a st luxuriant room .••• Bathrooms in exc e ll e n t tas t ,in pl e a s ing pastel tones or white are 'reated iJy Fairley Hardware Company. Our model bathrooms will reveal a masterly unfication of th e handsome with (he mechanically perfect.


"STANDARD" Baihroom Fixtures and

. "AMERICAN" Hot Water, Sturn and Hot Air Furnaces We have, available for you, a . man trained by the factory and with engineer ing experience, who will call and go over your p·lace , making suggestions, and if desired, furni s h blue prints and specifications for cOlTlpl ete installation, free of charge. Ask us for details, also references from f:l atified users.

Fairley Hardware Co. Larler B_'Uae of Belter Quality, Senic. _d Pric. E ••bliahecl 1849 - 1938 Ph_. 32




. Wilmington,

Thurs • .,

Fri. -


3 HUGE' HITS Rex Beach's

"'fHE BARRI~R" . w~th

"EO CA~RILLO Will. ' Drawa _ • E.tat.. S.ttle. WAYNESVIUE• .OHIO



,'$"TIS'fA~tIO Or No Charge

SAT. AT 11 P. M. With A GAl. Midnieht

Show Thro'.I,h Tueld.y.

Ce~terville. Ohl.o . 'Phorie 78J .. _











the:r , ' early "hile the · ,holel Is wid'8;a~ fine ' c.. rs · now of red at,' ro~~-bottom' prlc~s .~~, Thi. Natiopal ' Used qsr



Week ~ive. you a gre~t opportunity fo ·· , OWN A BETTER cAR tor a small' investment. · Automobile de's ien 'co-op~rating .' ,fri ·.this l?ig "sale' hav~. a fine selection of ".used 'cars ~ and pricel. are far below "'th~le' of ~~vei'~l inonthi ago. .• '. " " Maoy are 1937, '36 "and '3S models ~ ba~ked, by the ·&nelt.· of d~aler gl'.1arantees. All have thousands of mites of : fit.t-clal. unused tra~~portation in them. And, the "int-class" tranlPQrtatioo of . these modern can represents aatis&o" tion 'YfiiCb the· cnmen of older ca.... can hardly imagioe. Beautiful, ·modem .tyl. ,ina - . mote cOinfOrbible ride - more room for I'QU ael your tuuag. - her.


M . Rill' Shaw. on, we understand tbat thi is a very fine baby. M\'. al1 d Mrs. P. J. Thomas, Mis3 Mr. _a,,~ Mrs.•~allle8 _'·ijc,1l1 a nd l.lUIiO G-l'U h(ln and Th{)Dlag and cbfldrell VJsited .w1th Mr. ~nd JlU' ' 1V rllon FO,I'c\yc(f matle II l'ound trIp Chari B~ker or IJrln.gboro . on to Pike ount-y on ~ undO:y. ,MLs S~nday. MI 8 , Betty., Icnl Who ILlIu ;Llincing ~'etl11,"ed with t hem I<pent. t,he w?ek- n~ With hel: llelc and is s~yil)g , wit,h JlfrS. Harry Ilnd Aunt ~eturned, ~ome "n th her F rdyce. T.hEiy had no 'adventureH p~e"ts. , ~9re:e Wlea'l , sp ent t he but they brQught home a splend weeke'lld wlth his gmndparen t:s : a ppeti t in . pibe of the fact that Mr. ~nd Mn, Peny ~Vn de. l~cyhad a large lunch during the MJ Rosella ~n kll n of Dayto n aftN·noon. wa~ the week.end gu st f !lt r. and 1\1r" H arriette TholMS 'Wli S Q<ver Mrs, Pete Wlcol. com e by f UnI cs f l"O m the exhaust Mrs. Perry Pope and dn ughteJ's : of the ga 'oli no mOLor washer she Mirs. Jcsse Rola nd an d Ml". Waldo \\' /IS u. ing, on Monda y. She "was Elliott called to sec th e nel\' babY 0 11 t" onJ y .al Ylom nt 01' so, but was at the home of 4l noth er rlal1ghtc~, still feeling the effects of the ac-


ES -

cldent on Tuesday. Mr. and Mre. George ohne ealled on Mr. Rnd :Mlrs. Perry Faul on Sunday ni'g\tt. Forty.fhre menlbers attended the miss ionary meeting of the l~dies of the Ferry and Wayne ville cJ!urches h Id at the homc of Mrs. Glaude Lewi On, last. Wednesday. A floe PI'Ogl'8ID wus given. Tbe progral!' Wag in charrc Of Mia. Lester GeThard and Mrs. Coy GiIliam. ' Reverend nnd ?ill'S. Olin Hay are residing witt) Rev. and Mrs. Carl Smith and family during the Revival services at Lebanon. 'Dbey have had gOod erowds and bave had seven I!Idditions. There were 106 atoonded Churcb at Ferry, Sunday. Between 45 and 50 of the young people broadcast over W. K. R. C. in Cincinnati. Rev. and Mrs. Carl Smith Bnd family spent Sunday with Mrs. Blackmere at Leba.non. Rev. Appercrombie preached at thc Tuesday night meeting at Ferry instead of Rev. Smith.



___ _

Robert Shanks who were married recently. ?tIiss Freda McKinney of Jack8Onto'\\"Il, Ohiq was ho~ ov i' the week end. A large congregation' was IJresent Monday evening at the M. E. Churoh to greet the former pas~OF, Rev. J. O. Kilmer and wife of Colu1,llbus: His nlessage WIlS eloqu~nt and inspiring. As a special number Rev. Kilq1er sang "The Holy City." , ~l·S. Na:nnie Hawkins has been confined to her home by illness, but is im~oved. MJ's. F; D. Coinp~n returned Wednesday fl'om St. Francis Hos.pital, Columbus. much improved 'in health.

TOURNAMENT BRIEFS ( linton County)

the mo.t of any tourney ....... New Vienna and Martlna.vtUe e .. c~ Beored 11 fouls ill their Ilng!e game, tops flgut'e ..• SabIna top.. cd t~am totals wi th 120 .. After pillyinlr overtime to down stubborn New Vi ennu, Wayne nearly eUminaLed Sabina and then ~ et Reesville', back, Saturday night.,

None of the semi-finaliSt/! reach ,J d !)hat far In the 1987 tourne Mrs. Ida H~we of Dayton 8~t hartie ' tantitlld led the local M()nda~ nigh~ and Tuesday WIth seoters with 24 points, an BV ruge <Ml:'e. Martha Marsili. ' of eight per gaine ..• ,Movies Were Mr. and Mr,.. Cilarence Malmtaken on nlany varilld occ:asions, b erg and Bobby, :Mr. and ,Mrs, featuring (1upta\ns shaking hands. Ralph Hastings a nd 80n were ~he while the referee gave instruction. SON BORN Sunday guests nt A. H. Stubb for the game . .. SabIna and Clarks , home. ville not only bnd the two best ' WA YNESVILLE-;...,Mr. i1mi MI's Miss Rutb.aDna Harvey spent teams but , the two best ;pairs of ' John Lamb of near ,hel'C announce .-' cheerleadCTS if We may say so ... tihe birth of a son, FrIday, Feb, 26. the week end with relatives at Charlie Stanfield set the pace for Clarksville. ' foul shooters with seven straight Mr" Clyde Shutlt.s returned to in the Blanchester game... Reesbis home, Friday. alter a week in eville was pretty much of a disapthe ' ijlair Hospital where he was pointment as was Martinsville last operated on. ~. IIlnd Mrs. Ballard Wallace year, fini~hing fourth as the Martinme.n did in 1937 .••. have moved i,nto their new home 'HARVEYSBURG CLUB Stal'key of Blanchester playcd lately purchased of Wilford SquirHEAR CARNEGIE'S BOOK Haney.burr, Ohio two fine games, Friday .. '. Tom es. Mr. and MI·s. Jesse '~ndenhall Phone 17·R-ll for will occupy the bouse vacated by HARVEYSBURG - The Har- Page. captain cif tMlnrtinsville, 'W'IlS BABY CHICKS the Wallace!. veys b\l~'g Book Club met on Tues- high single gnme scorer with 20 CUSTOM HATCHING against Reesville... Mr. and Mrs: Robert Lamb Jil1ve day at the !home of MI·s. R. E. poinls From BI ll od-tcsted flockll Clarksville , scored 22 f{Ju l pol, n ts returned b,o me after a pleaS/lnt Hurst. A r eview of Dale CarneOrder !lOw for Inter deliveries stay in the South_ gie's, "How To Win Friends and IIIndl profit by libel'nl dillcounts Mr. and Mrs. C. 1. Satterth- Influence People," WIlS given in We Can Furnish Chick. WA YNESVILLE CHURCH waite and Ann and Ml's Howarl ' a very interesting manner by Mrs. For Immediate Ordera OF CHRIST Burton and Mary Ann w'ere Day- H , . Milligan . Following this reSundayton visitors Monday. fr eshments wel'e served. One IIrke, one grade- tbe Bible school 9 :30 a. ;;,. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Turney of Those present included Mrs. LyLord's Supper 10:45 a. m. Mlason were Su,nday guests of Mr. dy Hat ton, Mrs. J. p, Thornbury, Try Our Mixed Balanced Ration Feed Cht'istian Endeavol' 7 :30 p. m. and Mrs. Robel·t Baker. MI'S, Willi om Doster, Mrs;- C. G, Preaching 7 :30 po. m. Mia.s Flora Tibblilis and Mr. Randall, ~~ss, Helen Randall, Mr~. To Poultry Raisers Lebanon, Ohio SermOn to be delivered by Har-. Howard Collett of Wilmington H. C. IMHhgan, and Mrs. Cassie . . We give. ab.ohatel, , ..... old Willis. were guests last ThllI:Sday of Mrs. Collett. Pre.entinr the Beat .nd Late.' Post mortem service, /10 jf WedlleadayMary Silver. ------your flocks need (Wtmill1llionIn Prayer Meeting 7:30 p. m. airs. Lawrence Davis and Miss c Phone are send in yaur Want call us at once. Doris Davis were sh,()pping in Day- Ad. It~~i1l bring results. MOTION PICTURE SIMPLEX BROODER ton Friday. STOVES ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL Prof. and Mrs. N. P. Blatt and ENTERTAINMENT CHURCH family of New Lexington 'Vere reMarch 6, 1st Sunday in Lent. cent guests , of Mr. and Mrs. O. CHOICE HEREFORD STEERS, sermon and Holy CommUliion at R. ' Un,leshee. 800 Ibs. up. '1\ B. Tllsfed. TrUCK ~ 10:80. ' or Carloads, YOUl' sort. Uniform Mr. and Mrs. Will Bradley have THE WORLP'$ GOOD NEWS Wednesday, March 9. evening purchased the property on Tbird in size. Priced to sell. Also heiwil l come to your homr evrry do through Praycr at 7 :8lf, 'Rev rend Freder- St. belongiilg' to the estate of the. fers. Buy dil'ect from o\V'ner. Ick Fischer, rector. Write, wire, or phone. Gale THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE 'MONITOR late C. M. Brown. . Lenten Services will be held' on Dooley, Birmingham, Iowa. II" 1"'ernalio,,oJ Daily NnJJl/>op,; Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Hardin and It reoordl for YOU thl world', clo~n . cObs tructlvo dO ings, Tho Monitor each Wednesd,uy night' at 7:30. family enteJltained relatives ~t <IDe, not uploU arJmo ~r lon'RlIoD : neither doe. It IRl\ore thom. but doal. corredlvely wllh Ihom, Fealure. for bun menDel .U the Holy Communion on the first Sun- Sunday. The fol1~'wing persons FOR SALE: 1 Victrola witb 60 ~e ­ familY. In.' Ud~ lbo Weeki' Mo.azUll SceUon. day morning of each month. Sun- were preaent: Mr. and Mrs. George cords. gOOd shape, and one SO'O :;;O--~~;I;~I~~-e:~:::- ;~;~~~~- -e:,~~;~--------------- -::: day School each Sunday at 9 :30 Lemon'S of Lexin~;n, Ky., Mfr. H. cap. oil brooder. W. G. Fiehman. On~. rrorw~:r Str •• l" Boston, Mnaaa wuctu n. m. A cordial l\\-elcome is eXtend- P. Hutton ' of Covin,1rton, Ky., Mr. Mason. Obis>. PleM ent.r m' aubscrlpUolI to Th~ Clirlallan Science Monllor for a r erled of ·' • ed to all. Rev. Frede.r ick :iis/ler 'of and Mr/l. S. R. Conrad, Covl<enr IU,OO e mon~hil tUO , 'mon th" 2 .2~ I mnnll! 7fto WedDud.~ IMU •• IDOlu'Ilnl ),fa."zlnc ~IOD : 1 , car 12,00, a Issuu 25. London in charge. FOR SALE-For fence and Ingion, Ky.. Miss Roma ' Hardin Nome ____________________________ _______________: ___ • __ • kindred products ~t my low of Dayton aiid Mr. Ronald Hardprices. Have you seen the new FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST in of Cincinnati. Addrus -------: --- -f'';'jJ'.' Co,;-,-oii-R ;,.";--- -;,--- ----- - -. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Walter, of twin Douglas motorcycle1 E. E. W. c. Smit'b, MiDi.ter Anson, Clarksville. S':17-6t. Lebanon, MT. · and 'Mrs. A., H. Schoeler of Hamilton. Mr. and SUllcla,.PLACE YOUR ORDER for Clover , Mrs~ J. B. Golis <8Ild daughter. Mrs Bible SchQ01 9 :80 a. m. Seed at 'the CLARKSVILLE Kathryn Turner and F. B. HenLord's Suppel', iO:46 n. m. FEED' & COAL CO. ' derson were dinner guests of Mrs. 4 Big Days Sermon 11 :00 a. m. Sennon to be delivered by D. L. ~ne' and f~ni1y. Sunday. FOR SALE--One good team of " Mr and Mrs. J. B. C1iapm~ 4!nFrank Wright. and 6 yeafold mares, wt. 3200 tertained the "5'00" dinner club, Tu .. d.y...:.. lbs. This' is aD extra good team 6-7-8-9 Saturday' night. Preaching and baptismal service and guaranteed to be sound. See W.' O. Bernard ~ and family are 7:80 P. m. , Bina Patterson, 4 1-2 mi. ~8t During the absence 'I>f our min- moving from ·tbe Cadwallader of

..... _ _ _ . _______ "

S'UNOCO NEWS It is not our intention to be pl'ice cuttcrs, but 'U l! to just opening our ne w station we we re i ol' a f ew da.ys ONLY a little lower- now since we are c, tablished, OU1' gnsoline price Is the snme as all poe;ted serviCil stat ions in lh e city, We a r c nil trying t o make an honc:;t liying and all desel'ving BUT if you prefer BLUE SUNOCO produ cts we will be pleased to serve yo u, AI 0 tires and batteries.


Lemmons Hatchery

:s-- ---


Collins Service, Stations • PR1NG VALLEY

Want Ads

BABY [.HICKS l1"EA VY BREEDS . .. . ........ '\' . , ,$8.00 per 100 WHITE LEGHORNS , , . " . : .. . . .. , . , $7.00 per 10()


We have exceptional offEn'S in Started Chicks Custom Hatching 3 cents per chick. Settings on Tues- ' days and Fridays, .Come anytime except Sunday.





WILLIAM J. FOX, SPRINGBORO Phone Franklin 142~2


Ciricinnati Bible Seminary preached last Sunday morning both at Ferry and . Waynesville. Hervie Abercrombie of Bowersville preached last Tuesday evening. The 'revival at Lebanon has been well attended ' and ,baa r4!8ulted in seven additiona to the cburch. NOTICE Automobile and Truck driver's license are now .on salll 'a t Fairley Hardware Store. State 'law requires all cars must IJ'ave license. Mardi! 31st. L. H. Gordon; AUXILIARY NO'TICE Tihe WonuiJl!j')\uxiliary and the , Gulld of the St. Mary's Episcopal cbureb 'Will meet at tM , home ' of Mrs: ,E. 'C. , Crane, Friday , afternoon, March 11, at 2 o'clock • .'

on Fqilrth Street. · 1Mlfa. Joe Tinney,' Mrs. Leonard SALE--48 in, Kitchen Cabin:rinney, Mrs. ' Lura Werntz, were et. •Call 56R2l, Waynesville. St. in Dayton, Monday. ' . Miss Leada WeJltltz 'Of Dayton vi!>ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. FOR SALE: Fin~ Guernl\ey Slow. Bi,n a Patterson" 4' 1-2' p1i1es Robert Wetntz. west of Harveysburg on the Harveysb'ti~':Leballo", Rd. NEW BURLINGTON 1 ,. , I Sixty-five MagoNS and ' guests FOR ' SALE-Complete Set Hal'were present at the Father and vard Classics, an~, F,urniture and /Ian , BlI.!'lquet, Tue'sd~ night ' Houseliold Goocj's. Mrs. Charles Tbe 'Ladies, Aid met with ,MiSB T4!rrell. N. Main St., W. Jennie Reeves on Friday. ' ville ' , Mr. and' Mrs. Charles ' Menden~1l -have m6v~ 1 ,0 tl)e home FeR , RENT. :which they recently purchaSed ' ui Mjss Effie Burnett: Mr. and Mrs. Elmer ' Barnes en· ~eUainea with a " f_mily " dinner 'Sunday, in IIOn-in,anil an() M:i's•



.. '


SignR~il)ting .,

NOIOI CONCINTIATQ,R GAS RANGIS lead with full Rock Wool insulation, ,choice of five' diff~ent clock" lamp. and condiment Beta, visual heat control, anc~ dozenll of other plus value features you want.

. NOiGI .UTOIUILT WASH. 'lIS ..... DUOTIOL .IRONERS now' even, further impr6vedl ,~·aealed tub kew.. water hot ,loni~, ' N~laih ' finisbed a~blot -Gd~ve ,~~, Nor&~ - is '~ 'lfot, &entle wasbing.

,~lioIlen bav,e IpeCial h~t....fio


", •





NEW NORGE ROLLA TOR REFRIGERATORS give you more electric ~old. more Power-for only a few pennies' worth of safe, sjJent electric current. ,Norge stores more foodmore conveniently. Norge alone has the' fully sealed ice compartment that gives you ice cubes a8 pure as tbe water you drink ••• PLUS ••• to.YEAR WARRANTY Oft tIte RolI.t/H' compress/on un/U O,.'y Htqe ~I,pl~~.~,Ro',"tw

' comP'!ssor-Nwl.",.. II_



~ tb-.t. cqQ~t costa

' ~' ~~



In • P_'"'~ MfA 01,

pro"c,tln.oI~.r"" ,• .""tIte


Inlllll,U. H.,"

~S' AGAIN! ~= :2~~.y!~.'!~twn't "

'~~ownsley , LEBANON




- ----- .,





-~ ---

fOR COuh7 Y SER\llCE .

In ·Charge of Home-Coming To Meet Here March 257 0 Start Plans For Event Car.twri.• ht County .. en Iehalr1D an . . te ~AP:M_UZ ly.aee Ing ottend ..--




T~a~/hi ' 'ng

Lebanon- Representatives from Morrow, Harveysburg, ,Lytle, Wayl'Ie svi ll~ and Lebanon, about twen· ty in number met at the Golden Lamb Hotel in Lebanon, IMbnday evening to discuss pos!libUities of secu'ring mm'e extensive telephone service. The object of the meeting Wla ll to see if it would not be posaible Cor arrangements to be made 110 county serv ice without 011 be rend el'ed by t he company now o.perating the exchanges at Lebanon, M Ol row, Mason and Waynesville. T-he. committee from the above mentioned towns praised the local services rendered in each of the comunities but regretted t he Iimita tions whi~h ure 'laid upon the U6ll of t he phones now iii operation. A moveme nt to popularize the telephone and induce more Bub· sCl'ibers and secure free county· wide service was. discussed. The movement had ita beginnings in IL meeting of the Men of Morrow Club and at the Pamona Grange me.eting several weeks ago. Vari· ous clubs thl'oughout the county have disclussed the ,matter heretofore. The meeting last Monday was an attempt to formulate centtaliz. ed action and to take the matter up wih he co~ny. Another· su~h meeting will be called in the near future. .


,''[',Jm (,.,. y oung'In

TheWayn~ regu· larWAYNESVILLE monthly meeting -of the Twp, Mothers' Club was held, Fri. day, Marclh 4th, at the Grade Building, The meeting 'WllS opened with devotions by Mrs, John





"Alumnr Association. C.ommittee c. M,.


'EightY women,

WA YNESVILLE-c. M. Cart- dressed in colonial costllmea and Preston. Mr. Frank was in charge of th ,= _ 19ht of Chicago, chairman of w:hite wigs held their annual mid. special committee appointed winter I:amp reunion in Lebanon pTogram and presented t he fol. the Wayneiville High School Grange. Halllast week, in Lebanon lowing numbera : Three songs by L mni Association, to promote Grange Hall. Pregent were women the seventh grade. Piano Solo, intereat in the attendanee of memo from the county who, d'uriJlg' the Mary Willis j Clarinet Solo, Dori Fires; Piano Solo, Charlotte Rye , bera of the older classes, reports last 16 years, have attended one 3 so ngs by the eigthth grade ; six a very 8'l'atifyiDg response to an or 'lnor.e of the anDu.a l vacation appeal sent to c\aases, the class of camps. aphone solo, Frances Johns; Piano 1888 ... one bub that beln th Solo, Reba Surfoace', and a Clarin, g e In charge Of the meeting was a 50th year clus for 1938 and 1'913 composed of Mrs. Chas et quartette, Charlotte Rye , Doris 'king the _o f the 26.yetar Bohl, of Lebanon; Mrs. Cliff Brant Fires, Monimia Hoak, and Reba tbere Mrs: Reva Braddock, Surface. grollp. Of the class of are but tJwIO members IIVlJlg', Mary .Waynesvllle: iMh. Vera Bamber, The secretary read the minuted E. Cook of WayneSVille and West C~ter, and MidS Elizabeth of the last meeting and they wel'S p, James of Seattle. Mr. Graddy, Lebanon. approved as read. T.he treasurer James attended a reunion a few reported the total l'eceipts for Feb o years ago. Of the clus of 1913 The CGmmittee to make -plans ruary were $103.24 and Total di • there 'are seven membel'll, they be- for the 198'8 camp was elected and ' bursements for the same period tng EUzabetti Hart of Dayton; Lu. consists of Mrs. V, H. Whipple, I were $180.16, leaving a balance 01 $104 . 12 on h an d on Marc h 1 . _ o~pson Hartsock, ~'pring Lebanon: Mrs. Elizabeth Jones, ellle Th 'I1he lunch Committee reported Valley; Nina Smith St. John, of Lytle: Mrs. Emma Gilbert, Sharon tGtal teceipta on lunches' for F·eb. Waynesville: Mrs. Ruth Hartsock ville; Mrol. ennle Graham, Harveys. Walton o.f Dayton: .Albert. Cleaver, burg; Mrs. Dorothy Helsing~r were $101.99 and total disb urse· . . ments were $130.16, making a de· WaynesviUe; Lawrence BroWll, F'J'IImklif\. Wantesville and Glenna Hoblit ' WeariD. cardboard .hrapnel b I L d I . ficit . of $28.17 for that month. Conner of Dayton Cente' ba the ncUm ta, rf e me S!UI <m~r.v "n loy 1rUD!, these Japanese cblldren aro belnr Instruded The clothing committoe re'p 0"" , . nng a. en 0 ... are .. par~ 01 their childIsh play, When the reaJ tblne comea aloD and the ~ l'" 'boat the &o~ ye'a r class will be . ' old enwab Io.~ar arm. for their em(lp.ror. Qae3' won" bfi allorether raw matorlal. ..' y aro cd they bad spent ,$6.00' 'On shoe< the members of classes from 1883 and clothing, leaving them a boal· 1892 hl'oluslve•., 26.yul' MANY. Will PRIZES AT SPRING VALLEY FARM a!lce of $l.21 on hand. ' group will ranl'e between the olass BEtHANY CORN ~HOW SESSiONS NEAR CLOSE The 6I+les tax committee report ' . MASON - A. laree number of SPRING VALLE)'- The an- cd tbat after a ,thoroti~ investi_ of 1909 and 191'7 Inclusive. One of the WNtity,1I&' feat~res win .be On March 9, 1988 ~e Friend- , farmers Irom tbiA community at- ~once ' n1lal Spring 'V alley Farmer's Insti. gation they decided it would bE a "UnIOD of 190. the memo ship Club was entertatned at tbe tended the ' annual corn "how at ~ " , necesS8JlY to purchase vendor'e NEW SUITS beh ' celebratine the!r 30th reUl). Mtrhs. bRaclhel .. : Bethany blat weeK, several having' licenoo and sales tax which had al· Wilbur ·D . • Tinney, charging Ion. Seth ~Ful'Jlaa of WaynellTllle ..... 0 ne & W! ness meetin", t entries. Prizes were ~warded win. ~ rea'dy been done before this meet. grOSIt neglect and extreme cruel_ 1.' prealdent of thia claas and haa Mrs. Gar!lett MalmbeTg took ners in fourteen divisions. meningiti~ led to l8. 10 day ban on ing. ty, has filed suit for a divorce WAYNESVILLE: A good public gatherings in the SpTing A bill WIllS presented for the naming Gabrielle. Tinney the dll· " _uur!!d Mr. CartwrJaht that all ch~~ of the program and enter. ~ P. N. Cornell of near here won memllera of the clau will be pte. play . entit!ed in , aix divisions including sized and . appreciative audience framing of the pictures. It was The couple was mluried "Dt. . • 4.,el¥"bon was pz:esent b)' tt'ii-ee bybnc\ corn where he won third heard the ))and concert by the Way ley' town hall. q\oved and ,~econdeQ that the bill in September, 1929, at C!)vington, . Tentative 'p1&na class lor a reo of ~he club memben-Mrol. Mild. place. Howard . Laughlin won too nesville School Bund last Thurs• 'be allowed. Ky., and was sepaTated, Oct. 10, ulI~on of the otder memben the af- red f?be~han, Josej)hine Earnhart ,10 award ,or tlbe best ten eats of day night,' March 3, in the gymPrinciple speakel's were Mrs. The flower box count resulted 1937. Tinney says his wife, whom ternoon preVioua to the enn.ial din and Luella :BroWll. As a part of. any' wriety and George Baecker nasium. 'Dh$ was jlhe first fo~mal A. G. ~yatt of ~olumbus, and in Miss Reeder's room keeping th e he claims is 12 years older · th&D. nel' iD ~e evening. In addi't lon tQ. the play M~. Josephine. EarnhJirt ~n the ,5 prize for the best sin- concert ever given by the band and J~hn ?rlel'So.n of Hillsboro. Gro1Jer flower box for another month. he "bQll..,lSCd him around." . the classes mentioned a special in. ~~ a solO:-After-the-play-the--gle -ear 'of any variety. it is hoped that it can be an An- Kmg IS pN!sldent of the in stitute. Being 1'\0 further business it was The . Kroger Grocery &; Baltln&' vi~tion will be sent to . al1 cJaues ~nhart boys, Earl and AI- . ' nua] aUair. Proce-eds .of the conmoved and seconded that the ,club_ Co., ~_e defendant in two damage ton saDg a ,d qet. A few games and ACTION ON SCHOOL DIS. cert are to De usc!d for the pay. FISHER HAPPY OVER adjourn. suits totaJlin -$40,000, flied in . of tJie older )rears. ' . AlISOc~tect ",Ith M1'. CartWright conte~~ ,,:r-: enjored by the club " TRICT PartitiOn DEJ..AYED Dlent of uiforms. INCREASE IN FISH 'FARMING Hostesses for the day were: MIra. 1936 by William G. and Alma on the speciJ} committee are , Her. ia(ter delicioull lie· MORROW--.Aotion on requests Two selections unusual in COLUMBUS CGnservation Ross Hartsock, Garnet Malmberg, Hegner, h!ls been pennis~~S. Warwick, Youngstown, 0., freshmen!.s Wlere serv~d ~y ~he of parts .of ~he Harlan.Butlerville that Miss Beulah gernard gave a Commissioner L Wooddell 'today 'Beulah Waae, Mrs. Ira Rich, Mrs. ion ~o file A motion i~ the ease clAU ,of 1902; Mrs. Olive . ~en h08~a9 assi~~d by Mrs. ' Irma School DJ.s trict for. tranSfer to. ad· demonstration in the art of batan announced 'tlhat' 38 BOO 00 -fl h Jo.ue Graham, Bertha, Hess, Mrs. asking that the plaintiff's alJ'l! of W.,Deavllle; class of Fl\~, ;Joseplhin~ Earnhart Alld joining districts was postponed triling imd in the other, ' Frances had been distributed' in Lakes and Eva Davis, . .:M1rs. John ~l'eston, e~ petition be .struck from the , l918, who Is actin. a~ secretary Ethelyn until May,' it was decided at the Johns" MiriAm Wharton, and AI- streams of inland Ohio by the Con. , Mrs. D. R. Smith, and LOUise 'I;urn ftle~ .. The defendant contended the pf. the comitdttee; MnI Rutb Hart ,LAND CHANGE ..... .HA'ND'}: monthly meeting 'of Warren Coun· ton Earnhart werea featuN!d in a .servation Division during the 1937 er. petitIOn does with a , ,claaa of 1915: Mrs: IJ IJ ty Board of· Education, Saturday. trio 'accompanied by the band. year. It was the larg1!st distribu. I . court order wlJuch sustained the Edith .M. ;aawke, olasa of ~90., of . WAYNESVILLE Witb the~. School oUicialS indicated. con· Both numberd were very good. tion ever made in the history of ,PLEASANT PARTY AT DAY'S defendant's - motion to 8eparatel~ Wayneavtlle. _ ' . ' cording of t,!Je corr6llPoilding deed &ent of the state of Ed- ' Tile finale was SL rousing march the Division the Commissioner de. SUGAR CAMPstate and nllmber the cau. of • Mr•. CartWright ia arrang;ng to in Lebanon oil March 3rd, Mr. and ueation was n'lcessary befo:re "EI Capitan." 'clared. ' :Waynesvile--Mr. and Mrs. Ly, the plaintiffs action. m,et the officers ' o( die ' Alumni Mrs. J,ames Bergan sold to H. L. changes Can be made. A third pet. The last half of program con A marked increase in p-ro. about . The Hegher's filed .the actioD ljla Van. Treis, of Waynesville, the ition flte Middleboro of a movie, "Dance Band '. duction of the State Fish Farms five friends at. a " sugar bollm" ?n the grounds they were Auoeiatlon. the I' memben own committee and of the 'rear fourteen acres i)f the HorSe. leoion ' of the dlltrict be .tra?sfer. feat.uring Buddy Uogers. This was ' over the 1936 1"-ecoras was noted ,last mght. ,oualy and pen,n'lnently injured ot1H!r resident alurpn1 OD the at. shoe Bend . on ttHI, Ljttle. ,!Miami red to ClarluvnJe. 'WIlS ftled.. _ . well received by everyone. in the figureB releaded. Production Durmg the day, about 1000 gal. gla:!8 in haml:iurger alleged to bav:e te~o?n of iJlDarch 26; at IrIn. Mc. Rl~ ThUi deSirable' . ,the I Boa~ , of EducatIOn ' Mr. Russel Fra,nk directed the Qf fry from the Put-ln~Bay Hat.,t lons of water had bee,! collected been purchased ITom the Kroger Olure I Tea Room t!> talk over tom land is unique . band Mr. L. ,A: Garst, Supt., chery on Lake Erie accounted fOT from the trees and placed in tJhe store in Mason Jor the program .nd esp.l!c. Surrounded 'on all aides' by water. aaid to' have beeI;l sup· {)resented the inotiolJ picture. 33,00Q,000 of the total. The .;fish supply at tb.LA..up,r House. Bertha ·C. has been -piaUt to the On ' tbe West 'by the Mill Race ,of ported . by 869 of residents Following is the program -all it farmll contributed .6 079 000 adult ! Most of tJje tQlk ' 'at the party pointed gua"dlan ad litem in th. . . of the ,Miila, and on the aaklJlg' tmnefer: of was presented: game'fish to the tOU:l. 1936' the weN! enjoying their firllt introduc· case ,!f Ethel Messer againllt Je..· L, A. l1!:v.te.d ..,.it"IS North, Eaat, .., and " SoUth by the to . oWlllAlip, Honor Ban- Mal·ch:.....Weber fi h farm 'production was 4,000,. tion to the art of syrup making. sie Gaudil and others. ' aim . of ,the Little Miami; After a great many Blanchester, Clmton C,Punty, and Flyer-Marcb- Wehm' 000 ' adult fish. ' !They havenad no better op· Judgement of $326 on cognovit to.' bring about a e10eer this 'land agam' becomes part to ' WashingtOn Township or Mor- Village Chapel- Tone Poemplanted, 264 :... @efflV !cmfwy sbrd the Days gave ,note has been Awarded th,e plalnehlp .t he Alumni Telei'raph Mills propettYI row, Warten County wete filed Ribble Of the total llumber of fish on thIS occasion. , For, beSide:: tiff in the 01 Paul and E'ff!e I:ion apd the 111gh foreOn either side of WI)Y month. Petitions . for the reo Mal'lIyn-Wal tz-.Weber b'om st11eBms, laked, and ponds watching the hoUiJlg' th Surface against August and E1of, a more .bitimate . bond nesviUe.,O regonia.rO'lld, below Way filed foll!>wing Trombone which were in danger of becoming . host ?ostess had arranged f.or ward Meyer. baa been nl!- nesville,.phio. The Horseshoe Bend of a ,bond isstle for a' new ,j\furc.h (with Ma. unsuitable for life. Some were very mtlclDg refresbmenb, conslst PROBATE COURT lng bySupenDtendent has a fl'bntag of eight hUlldrei! scho.C)!. '. jOJ;) Hayes . taken CTom streams where pollu. of five plump hens in Inventories filed in the Bettl8Ji!:,' Warwd"k of feet, with' a de;th of fifteen Blue Moon-Walt:v-Cbenette . tion threatened: others were sein- I the coals beneath the fire-box of ment of the following altates have You~gstown, a ~ember of. ~e red 'filet. · Mignonnette Ove'r ture-Baumann ed by 90nservation Division work· th.e Evaporator. . Pot~toes, sweet been approved : Ruth Ann Stitt, co&mittee and one 'of' the prom!., Vi Ions (Tl'io for Bariton and , tw~ ers from pools "which were inaa.n.• potatoes · and other edltables were Lewis C. Mol'l~, and Frank ~. ni nt. a1umni 'o't the school; will Hilre, it 881q, the trem , water E fhit Saxes)- Haycs of. drying OT where "IWlter lev_ !likewise in this fashion . Kinder. B . ..Is were too low to "upport fJ'sh Later in the evening .pop corn was The sixth ACcount of Fannie ;B•. '..I~e .,the ciommenc'em~mt' address pe.,rla for ·w.bich' bhe Little Miami •, .. ' e~utiCul Garden of Pra yer~Fi ll- .,. w h'U thiS "'ear and bri,'iiI' ,greetings fl were found in ' li'f.e in bot weather • popped and marshmallows toasted I, guardian for William A. Slddmore 9. ~ ..' ' of same, EI Capitan-Soul18 OlJe of the' encouraging as experien ces of more, iIIn inmate of the Lima State f the shape ,o f mussel' shells in PlU'ts of the "t:ommissi~ners ~port ~ods and camp were related In hospital, has ' been tiled. . EPISCOPAL , ia V¥ble the WOMEN'S FOREIGN SOCIETY was the definite increase in fiab' chatter. The estate of the late Laura .B; . ST. , . . (:HURCH . . ',. , and ben small ,ielandlf of MEETS farm productio.n • . In 1981 these The traditional sugar candy vatued at · · .' w~n., 0Ia~~ fa.r ms produced a total of 2 226'. read>, for "pullin'" was passed $603, has been declared exempt ~111'cla7. ~ 13, ."' . .: , . WAYNESVIJ,.I.E - Mrs. Ray· 0 adult fish'. In 1934 the' to~ with ~s~ of the. recipients eating from inh!!rj~nce tax. . ' 9:8,0 A. "M" C.O UNCIL Acts mond ConneT entertained the Wo° roSe in 1936 it gTew : without of taking '. Proofs of pu,blication of t:he' 10:80 'M. Momlnr Prayer- ,and. Af:fA. , I,NSJ ,QA.MES • Foreign Society, Wednes. to approximately. 000·0()0 'w here the exercise .pullmg. The notices of die appointments of day p. in:,·' MarC'h 2nd at her· home,' ' , '. j"b ~ " db M D f II . h bId . of , "4 "MASON _ , Th Vln:"'" c ' 1 remained duri,lg 1936. The :to· rown sugar plW!e y. r .. ay 0 owmg ave ee nfi e : L II; ", Peeuhar, People." Lenten Se,l'Vicea ' ' , e with Mrs. Unglesby and Mrs. Crab tal was more than a million above ,roUlilt forth exlannatlOns Henderson, executor of the : ev,ry: ' WedlHladay.' nlfrht me,et\nl be host>essell; . . that "for . surprise and will long be reo W. Thoma's estate; James E. Me, ~t. Good ' M_c. EV~'Il'ybodl ~~ek. to ba,n: C!t~ ,'ga~el .,.,ithln '.. Mrs. White ledl in tile d~votio.nal . Increased e~ficieilcy ' of ·the fisl) membe'red br. those . who; visited Clure, administrator" Charles' II. " Ia coriua111n~Clo.iie. )e~.r.i;ld .tlle ~il~!gj!. Roqt~ne ' b~~ll\e con., p/-"OITam d.uri ng w~ich Mrs. Baird farm!!'is chiefly due to the U&e of tbere tha~ .111ght, " ".'. ' Brown eStatte and Norah- Hough,' maJor of tbe ( Ufe's J;taUway ·to Hl!'aven. 'ne,"wI:" dIscovered methnd- of fisb .Mr. at;Jd M,rs . .Day wetle -declared executor of Ed. t. Hough ....: FrederiCk : Fiacher of London · ' . ' '. , j m!!eijDc ;,' .' ' . . 1, , ., .., t bId rta.1 tat . 1n r . ' . .· aced,med Mrsj L4i 'May ' chsrK-e tbe Plained' ultqre 'C 'Ommi8!iloner Woodell ex·· ers 0 eby 'tbeir entguests hQsts an 11 De ....-,will Methodll of feed!ni' d~vel. w.ho ente dep~rted . " . , be'. it ".N oped by Dr. T. H. LangloiS' Chief 815, the Jlames in tl.I e large· : : ;: . ~R~YSBUBG ..... A . Cl)aip .ed. . , ." . , " follow ill&' prograim, prepared;: .by ~f the B~eau of Ffsh M~~ement died do~ to smolll~e~ing em~r~ Stone, have zeen ' Qrdered d~ bf ~cl'l'rC.1 .... b"~I,:.brOUlbt Il!.U, lIP" Him to ttle cro.B'J. Mra. Day was given. . and Propagation' also lU,ve b&ei1 un and a long day of sugar boUm buted. ·· . .. . ...... A'rtbv ~oli by' ~" ",ere ~illlt 'Rim. "God ~tii. The Sorceress 'S'urprised Them:"'- ~ually Buc~ul, it , was stat~d. came ,to' a close. Eight ,heirs snare . in the 'Iordul; .ot ~JIIt... ~. Jla191' lira. obu-k.·' · ~. . ' While ~e total number of fish. was , ' " ' • trlbution of tne estate f WBlUldebfaDt'a ~Urt ', " Wtt;. increased coat o· f!"b ' fariil 0""1'. and !tin. ~ near Dr-~ .\ , . '~, .,'U.Mr.'-b h Lo1:en dJameso~ W of l'lam W"',..,aton Iate of IiaIIIIMOIi. &. o1Iarc* MIeIlola *tiqn haa l10t been r~ised the Com ....lam... are ' ave move to, ,ayeI'· 1»0 'Dh' - ~.tiN1U.JI. frena Mal 8114. missioner declared. .... ' .; Jy, 0hio. Hi! .a nd' ClarenCe ·Jame· .........,........ bM , . leD of lAbaJfon have purchaRd a fi" W • • dfq &tore tMre. 'Net valu~ 01 the . . . , ,. . Jate AliDa Lytle, You'll enJo.,1. tb, m,h School aet at ,t2.1P&.98• PrIeto.... at tp wJJl ,be 'lmid .......














rt Pleases'


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I~ dilltrict~ng_were faU~re


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Toboggan~Weber D~m






















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~rtion Di~tI,~""

~an D~y entertaine~ T~esday



.S~JKlay' S\!pool. MAS~N A~ ~~ se~~n:" SubJ~t ~rmOnj." .~" , o~ncU ~ariJ,8' vo~d .t '~h~~r rerul~ laB~




~he ~ Alum~~~cl~ti.on

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Robert Taylor's Firat He-M;a n Role

tC :,it I'o:;lofficw"



II 11 ~ i S



LE~LIU'-I!e O~.;k, ::,'\.00.

in Advance

L. A, Gu rst, Third ville,


l. Waynes-


N 'v Store

FOR SA LE- L<:ath ~ )' livin g room suite, good cond ition, $9.00, 1 new Schick Electric Razor $1 0:l}0. Fleatrole healing ·toy e, 1 new coal range, ChCIlP, Roland J, G e~ t Route 42, 1 mile oulh Maso n, S-10

rt !l1I)'UJe \ V(! l' do ubtod

llltlt I obcr t TaYlor, Il.& tesL h art.tbrOb taus isn't n he·ma n to boot, thel' have a pl en so nt to t bem In Bob:s lotest storrlng picture, "A Yank ut Oxford \\ hlch will op n Sunday Marcb 13 at the boauUr . 1 1\ W 11 'luxe X lila theater. In Xeni a' where It 'Will piny t h ro u~:1 th f Howlng WM u aday, Prelly MUllroen O'Sulll van lias th e rom antic I 'a e\ op posite T a, ·l!II' In thlll refreshing 8tory of a cocky a ll 'star at hl'l from!l , 1110 11 Am !'tcnn ollego 1Ivhe P>()O!! to Odord to "t..'!n,'iI tl! nu ttvos" I~OW ttl ltv 11.1\(\ 10yc, Lionel 13 !ll'ry 111 ore, VivIen Lo:gh and Griffit h nuc'!! '1:1\'0 t he 1 ading lIuPllorllO t; roles, of ,u,~ fOlll1n lllO UIPt~!I "~IlII ~lg




_ __ ._0£2: ___ _

FOR SALE- Clcrmon t Heating St.ovc, lI ome ComIort Cook Stove, Dining Room T.lIl1l e and Chairs ; Sid, Board; r.'1I-s, , Frank Mon h, Wayn sv ill e, 3 l ~ p, FOR SALE-Onc Go d 10-2 0 I nt el national T J'a tOl', $2!i0 .00 McCurley Implement Co, 308 North B"oauway, Lebanon, Ohio, 3-10,


Mr.. Allen Emrick. FOR SALE- On e tI cd enameled Ivory a.n d G reen R a nge WI·th ,,_Mr,... a nd Mrd, St ' anley Bailey and l\U!ou gllter, Phyll m ~ere Sunds y, Ro "'ervo'l P rice , I '. L 0 ok S I'k ! e new Th(' T ike-Kuml er CO,mpony' _ west. The decorations of this shop Mrs. Stanley Bailey and Mrs. gu~sts of Mr, and, Mrs, Pel'ry Wel- , $35.00. R. , D. Collett Hdw: Pho ne new buildi ,g plogl'am in Dtlyton are the very last word jn smart in- Th rle Jones sp ent T hursday niter 99 R3 WaynesVille, 3-10p ler, near Centerville. IS fns nCtll'ing ompli!tion, 1- tcriots. Beautiful satiny w opds, noon in Lebanon attending the Mrs, Alice Trickey is spending roady 'ou. can lice' the am .lzing l'C- t bronz~d minot'S, delicately tinted Home Dcmonstration meeting, a few weeks with her dnug.hter, WANTED - Cistern work, also ",ults of thh. l!ltLcnsh'e building pro I wall IWl per.; and other features add Mrs. Viola Curey of Wa ynesville Jesse W, Kerchner and Mrs. well a nd c l e ani~, Osgram. lew uepal1.ments at'e being I to its distillcliveness, A separate .,pen t several days with her sister, i1y in Dayton. car Hayslip, Clarksville. Inquire opened daily. On the ain flQor, barbel' hop for children completes Mrs. J ames J ohns and 'IIttend ed the M,r, an.d. 'Mem, Harvey Burnet at Reeder's Shop, ' lor ill tal1c~, ~'l1 U \ ill find Rike 5 its many services. , f uneral of Mrs. Emma Russell. and Mr:!. J. B. Jones attended the nttrnct.ive n W OUIl ' F'ouriUlin , A On the fo urth floor you will find iMlrs. E. B, Longncl'e was a Dayannual meeting Bind di nne), of Mir ide on one at th four new, hig h- Rike'!! famous Gift Department toll visito,r , Thur day. 'pc d elevator will inLloduce to made lovelier than ever. The Everett Savage is remodeling a ami Valley Milk Producer.s Asyou the last word in mo .rn de- House\'llBIcs Department now in , building on J, B. Jones' premi ed soc i ~ tipn in Dayt.o n, Tuesday, Mr. ad Mrs. Therle Jones and artment stor t1·lIosportution . On its en]~e d qllnrters has every preparatO'ry to stal1ting a black son, Milton, were Sunday niterthe 'eoond floor ~ u ""ill find the conceivllbl g.adg t and ute nsil f or smi~h's s'hop there, gr aUy nlut'ged Obildr n's D.e- convenience in the htlme and kitch A large nu~b el' o.f persons .t rom noon guests of Mr. MId Mrs. Mar_ _--"W;.,.;t,;.;. lmlngton, Ohio partme)'lts, To~, the , ttractil'e en , The new Si,lverw re and Lug- this commumt.y enj oyed the band ion Bradford and little daughter new Y~rd Good~ ecHo and the 1gage Shops al'e other poinf' 0 11\- 1concert at t'he WQlynesviUe Gym in CentarviUe, Special dervices are now in pro beautiful rtew hups for Lingo! ie taresf on 1lhe f 9urth f loor, On t he Thursday evening, and · 'I ntimate .Ap.lore!. Many hn- fifth floor yo u will fiJld the Linen :Mr: a nd Mrs. Albert Ra.'w h gress at Lytl e Ghul'ch, under the 'prov6IM t ha e 'b-ce/l Ul1l<dc on and Bedding Departments in t hei r IllGved their household goods tc direction of the J~ostor, Rev. H~b Rike's ne\.,.ly \!n.lar~d fashion riew' setting, \ ~o~kland " Mat' Cincinnati, t)le' Davis of Sprinbboro. These will continue until am~l'ch 20. each. e~e­ . flool" You'· \VlU ,fmt\ a new Show , Rike's \V1lo Bre now celebrating ~Irst , of the w~ek. Salon, all attl'nc ive SP Olt W~lll' their 85th Anni erS8ry, invite you ' Mr. and Mrs. Roy Felts of Ohat- ning at 7 ;'sO. Thll }ftiblic is cordialh op, the l'Itloeated and e~largc1 to see th ese mllny new Im~rove- anooga, TelTIl" weI,'c called here, ly invited, shop {or Dress 5, Co-a.ts, SUits a nd ments, '\ mch are giving the store las; week, by the death of the latF,ul's, Abtlve nll , yUll U'tust, he s~re I the reputation of bei ng "The mo t ter s aunt, MTs, Emn~a Russell, PUBLIC SALE ' .t.o s ee th ne ...~ B~uly Salon whIch modem Rnd beautiful department ¥rs, EJverett K~nrlck and. son, On accou nt of, the death of my !s perhaps tile mOISt modern O'nrl store in 'the ' midwest," Bobby, of Ce ntel'Vllle were dtnner husband I will ~ I at Public Sale I guest:!, ' ThuI'sc!ay, of her' sister at my residence on Fourth ~ tree&. most beautiful S Ion in the miq!""~~_ _" ,_ _ __~.~_ ,,,_';"'.__ ~';'; ' ~_.•_.__ Ml'S, Stan ley ~ai1ey ,!:nd spent t~ e Wayne!>viJIe,' 0, on , " ~ternoon with Mrs. Walter KenSATURDA V, 'MARCH 12th l1ck, " ' BeginniJlg a t 9l1le p, M. t he fol'~

tam- ,'



'- - - -..

;~-H d I~I IIO U


" ntctuil'O f, ga!':tJ.{I!, '·lIn!' electric,

it ' d 'ondiLion. 111 lown , '500 .


.:• •

..: ..

Ohi~harles Weissm? n

\t ~ •• ~~., ~ I ---i'~~ '~ . -..


'-'O_ I~I .-....-.I.._.."_'I..._.. . . . . I ...-.~ . . . " ..... I. .,U _

b ....

...... ·-.,...-.aI-'-

.. - I' .. ,.••

,I_ O~I.....I...;....,~·.._ " ._.I .....,.. ..••


I "Spring Opening" I Again we lead, the


ion Parade of Ladies Apparel! Of l:o urs e as .usual we nrc first to -h"w the Jnte:t, smart st cl'eativc id l1fl in fcmi nin a p parlli, ~ om­ prising ( uality wil h low pri :1 on l

Coats & Suits F eatur cd at

$ '1 0.95 to $35.()O Silk Dresses

$2.98 to $16.95


$1.98 'to $5.00'


$2.98 to $6.50

Al so ornp lete s ho wi ng of Infanta and


Wear.•. Domestics "

Dra peries

Yard Goods

3 s~:~~s SUNDAY

~~~'D aUS

hone Your Want Ad.

. ~~~~~-~-~~~~~-~~~r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~'~"~ FANCY -


I - , -,-



S LE- Il )'oo m house, lal'ge lot, water lln~ liglJts, $2100 ; now re nting to pny 12 ~ per ce nt on the invest mcnt. W. N. ea)':!, Wuynesville, Ohio.

11\"jt S

'\.c~H.Ic'r~ to

WtlYlle~ yil l ,

_ _ '_'_ _ _ _._ '_ : - _ _ _ 1_


ill, Kitch n Cabln-


F It AI,E- ll'ol' feu' , anu kindr dprou uc1:s get , my low pl·ices. Have you B en tbe new . twin Douglas motorcycle? 1iJ E, Anson, ClarksVille. 3-17-Gt, '

RVILLE SA GE, P~b1-i.her



t. Call



Want Ads FOR


':0 -





Mr, and Mh·s. Guy Routzahn and lowing , o~i1dl'en moto~'ed t? Tipp~c?~oe HOUSEHOLD (jOODS

City, . Thu rsd ~y evenmg, vlsltmg t ho latter's mother; Mrs, Mary One King Clermont Heater Boitnott, who remains ' quite ill. Home Comfort .~nge, NelS(lo oil Mrs. Margaret John was a din- cook stove~ ~up»9'Brd', ~xtensi'm ner gue:lt, Friday evening of , Mr. tabl,e and six cilairs 4. cane s~ at and Mrs. Rlcbard Turner and 'her chaIrs, 2 rockerll, . Dav.e~ette, Side grandson Paul Turner at Cente r - board, kitchen table stand, on!! ville. ' , , iron b d a nd springs, bedding, 2 Mr. and Ml's. Earl, Burnett. mov- clocks; gla s~ churn; . copper ,wash ed, ,- Monday to their n,e\v,' ,home b.o ilers; ,Qil lamp.s; lot ~mall ru~s' ; neaT. Mt, Holly, w~ich they !fecent- lot ~f , dishes .and ~~okmg utenSils Iy p,urchased. , I ~d' many oth~r artIcles too DumlMIr. Bnd Mr,s, L eon Salisbury 1 erous to mention. and daughter, Miss :tt~iriam, of GARDE~ TOOLS Washington C. H., :were Saturday Law.n ll10wer n·~dy new, garJ



~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~e; v~~~i~n~g~d~~~.n~e~r~gu;e~s~ts~o~f~M~r~.~a~n~d ::: ~ _ ~.__

den rakes~ow; ; axe;25!ed~who~,hoe~ shov.els ; porch fumiture-a·n d 'many e>ther ;small >articles ~erms Cash" MRS. FRA:N~ MARSH ', W, N. ~ears, Allct:

Public Sale

·TO, BE lllE1L .:HOT811 "

, ' .




. Electricity, through the ~~y ~Qvenie.nt·home,, " gives modem mothers ' the benefit of more spare time ••• . time-to , sp end with her farn.jly, with friends, in tecreatibn or rest. Ye' •• , electricity only a 1610 ceilII a day. '


Th e undersilmed as administrator with the will annexed, of ' the Estate of Delilah Everhal't dec8ase'il , will sell at public' auction, at her late residence illl Corwin , Ohio; on S,ATURDAY, MJ\.RCH 19, 1938 Beginning at Oil,e p, m, Sharp, The following chattels t.o wit: HOUSEHOL[) GOODS AND \ KITCHEN FURNITURE Consisting 'ot' .one heatln/f. stove, dining roolll table and six chair~, 6 rocking chairs, side .. board, ward· l'obe, d ro p leaf extens ion tw o cupbo'ards,. two s~raight baCK kitchen ~hai rB, i.ce box, three peice bed room suite" oak wash stand, oak chiffonier, 1lWO straigllt chairs, , rou nd drop red ~,ble, iron l:k!d a nI ~p ririg's, day b ad ',and Springs,. ,jr~ n folding bed, wooden cot, ~dd lot beddi n~, old trunk; oil h~ater, , Red star oil cook stove', ,liqndry stove, copper wiBsh· boiler, clothes rack, ·flower stand, sewing machine hanging' shelf, f1pur bin caliin et, rug 9jc12· a!ld ,oth ~r articles too numerous·' to mElntion,' 8uch as kiteben utensils Qte;-.', Article. Con:.IdeNd tultiq~• I Six ,pieCe :ntoh!lil~. Uvingl'oom SUite, marble tOp stand, old bureau, two pmor cnairs, ODe split-bottom chaiT, kitchen- tUlle, ~ble, btic-abrac, odd lot cb~Da and Klaas ware. I A few other artiCles. I ' CASH

~C;~~~;~ . ~~~~

W. N. ~'j ROSS





--- --



- --

Hurst, linaton in wwn, Wednea day Earl Frost and Mn. Erskin eveay Thursd , hostess t assi.tan . citizens calling on many of ()ur bad, .was timo fine a and ning Xenia of Scroggy Charles Mr. , . IMtr •. and Mrs. Wendel l William many The Waynea vitte Higtt Sch~1 w~l'e here rece.ntl y calling on, ..have rented the farm hom~, SOn ~ Band 'came over Wedno sday 1 :30 trre{ldll. ly owned. by Mr~ and . M-rs. former her visiting is Smart ol MI·s. Cur p. m. arid rondtlr ed a be~utiiul . . ' ac- 'WilbuT Hawke. prog~a.m at tho' gymnas ium fo'r all 00 ugi:lte I' in Pittsbu rgh on then .to moving ara Hawk' The I beof her grand.d aughter 's t th t<l chool childl'e n, also tbe public count. k. f t move 0 ell' counnt;ar u ure . SIC 109 ball Bask-et the to ' lly especia and ~ilb.ur KirkM of trYThhom.e1 , nenr; Leesbu~g. t th ' " MI'. and T am that iW'On the Tourn~ent e I awfl' s are moymg ~ elr r s. . Dayton visn..,d hiS sl!Ster; .. purCha sed farm. around Leb newly day. Wednes ' f ' C' b . Russell Jefferle s, SMI:ISh· at anon. d Norwoo of er Boerstl Will Miss olum us . arry up en . 0 Lewis Wash m!>ved made a business viBit here, Wednes is visiting friends-bere-tlhl the propert y recentl y vacated E. inw The "FidelI a Class" of the M,Mrs. by bhe Williamilon famil~', but now day. Revel'end Weaver of Now BdT- 1Church m~t at the home -o·f owned by Mr. Wash. Karl Hall, Bon of M.r. and Mrs. -.- - Hall recentl y broke out James .:.------- -with measles avd the only ClISl! in







" f Muskln gum . Conderv ancy el" G of many beautif ul gifts at a show· NEW RULIN G ON FISHIN NEW. BURLI NGTON belo w Si x Mile.' Da m III and DAMS BELOW t t,. me r h" r r Mrs. Robert Shunks C~111 1'y C,:th r !!i\-t!n Il t t ltt' htl llH' li~, and f OI' a tl illt"n Walhonl ' un';l : Thlt Ohi o Con e 'IHlnn SnLurerine BUl'n R) \Ills bM r eociJli l'nt (' I', M I '. Elm '!' 1l1l1'nc!I on below all dllms in t lie . feet 00 8 of d perio U I' f hnt, t has onlol:ed . day hi~h l. -~ , l ~;) 8 i<ingd mll betw en CO ShOl·tt'll 1I II 'Miss Hele n E . omptpn pk!l~:ll\ t l nc yea l', b !:'in ning ;\''!ll'rlt ~ ' TATE OF 01-1 l0 an d tIle Ohi o Riv·l.'r, .incl\ttl in r t I,' .... l y ntert\lin ed ltl' l' ' u/lllny ('h tl Ql 9utli n P, set.lines, t ril l-line JOSEP H . T. F F. RG SO~ , Sl'rl Dam, a t the moulll I r . I ... LI l1 '1 0 L !i be no" hall c~ I;\. s and l Qllch I', Miss Mru' j(/J:i J (loatJi n Au(lito r of tilt fa)' a diS_ I llig' r iv ~'. ' Haytloc k O D W-ednos day evel)ing . in the strellm-s of Ohio n S of I pe t'o B p_r. , W. F . l<ing c,f Ahl . n is Ih . ta nc e uf 1, Q~ O f~et belo"\\ ph'! d ow n a a n, c: I n Offic:1!S UI eau "ision of Public: Mect t he g ue t of his ~on-in-I uw it. d clough- li't rcam s ide of III1Y dum . thi! J .] igoh. at I 5, t e. Jun o t ' l J'Y Febl'u<l F~on~ H il! and I ANNU AL FINAN CIAL REPOR T I tcn' .Ml" an d II!r . J . E. m. te d Marchi permIt he all Sh all t a no . Wayne Towns hi p, \ VulTe n oun fa mIly.. _ ___ _ _ _ I the ill feeL 1000 of MrR. Vernon I nwood is r ' COY 1': Cor 011 dista nce ty, Ohio. For the' F1SCllJ Year End ze the Patroni I he t low be ly Le ia tl im;uc trcams f l'a1 01 n li : ing .;a tisfa ctorily fl'om' ing . Decemb I' 31 , ] H[l7. Valley, I ,I tion perfo l'lued in . Hospita l lust w ~ k.


I . ______


l\Ii(lll~ i


~~.~';.-~-~';;~~-;-;i"~.~;;';-;'i~::~:"":~ ~~~.~.~~-~;;;;~~-

Mr. und M IS. '1'. W. n w h,) es Total'dSalm'ie I ' s atlna wag s p"nt tile \\,1' 11 ', e l' II I'lh I h -~I' I' ve Ila Ul'l ng . Ie p8.1 (1"36 17 s ~"·3U veal' t l'n d t Lho' 'I e 'I I c . .'. V . , . . . .... '" . " ons . . II' lo,r. 0 Tax Va luat fon ....... . l>28.1 !J 4.5_ h ere. lIIV rc u e , 1. 47 T ax Levy ......... .. Sunda y gu e~ t.<; of :WI'. ::I nc! It's, I . . . town. 193 8 W. ,C Sm ith were : M,'. nnll Mrs. 1, FEb. OhIO, e, svIll Wayne Dina d attende er Shidak Harry f B('x1 :her eby cl'lt ify th c f ollo lli ng I' C. 1-1. ' mith and dll'IWll~l's ner Party, Saturda y evening given r cpOl·t '" t COITe be to I by friends near Wilmin gton. l e~ ; Mr li nd Mrs. F. L. ~ntit h :111<1 L. H. GOn OO • I Prof. Moore a fonneT teacher in Town ,;hip Cl'l k. childr en of Co lumbu s; Mr. li nd this school was in town recentl y R. W. mit h un ci of pri ng Ml'~. I Valley. FUNDS S.flP TOWN AL A GENER friends ild calling on ., • Amt • Rec:eipts We are sorry to of the ill· ille nesv 111 ... J umes Bea m, l\Ii s;;e~ ·l\Iyra Way "..~ 4,8"0.11 L T il 6' P <. " G e Phon I ness of Mrs. C ona Cl eaver a f orm- en . ropel' y il l( k lind Ruby nii th a ttell uHayduc .80 1"8 il 'th Sal es 'Cox . k •• - .- --'- - - -....- - - -, - .- - - - - - - -'.. er r~sl'd.ent W h 0 was stnc en WI 2,0 00. 00 cd a fac ulty par ty at lhe Hig h Ga s T ax' 2 28 00 10 I Inherit ance Tux ., ~ l1i1 d in g Wed ncRtillY cvenSch ool . , 7.89· - - - - - - para YS1S. f I L . k M·rs. 'M ory Haines was a recent Cigaret te Ta l( ... . . ] 27 .49 lOg o as \\ ee . caller on friends in Wilmin gton ' Mis. Rece ipt s (List) Raym ond lI ur:c: MI'!;. und MI'. I 200.0 . x T~ ~e n e Lic Beer ' , . and Cincinn ati. 140 .00 have moved t o Wi lmi ng t on. Emcrge ncy Reh ef d' . T he co ngreg uti on of t he Fri c nd~ 07.4!J 4 .. s Rec-eipt Misc. l a Mrs. lAIur~.Shldaker has r et .In- T ot r ch visited Xeniu Frie nds' Chu chances s 0B 20. needle .. .. take Your eyesig,h t is too preciou s to ed from a VISit to hel' daug hter at Deposi tory Intere,;t Walhou nding. with it, Eyestra in is dangero us. Damag e may be done before $3I} ,G2 1. 24 ChurCh On Sundny mo rni ng. Several from !here attende d the T ota l Receipt s .... . you realize it. ENTS PAYM E Have an eye examin ation to·day. 'You owe it t<l yoursel f Basket Ball game with aton in Gen. E xe cutiv e SCI'vic s . Compen sat ion of to give this much lime' to your sight. Dayton , Friday. 750.00 Tru stees " . . Compe nsatiOn of Make up a party to attend the 250.0 0 Clerk .... ·Hig.h Scho ol Opere tta MDl'ch 18 .

·sfa cto·ry . ' ,a l Sat er off We I es. tl·m all at ·ce Ser vl

eco mm end ed By f act ical Far me


Continental fl me·S.eale{~

J E M CIar e

1 -.

A Co stly Ch anc e

Dr. Job a Ze ttel o. D.

OPTO MERT IC EYES IGHT SPEC IALIS T Open Ev'ery Day from 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. Saturd ay 8 A. M. to 10 P. M. Leban on, O. 19 N. Broad way


- -- - --_._ -----




Le vee Bu ildi ng ,Dit chi n& Ex cav ati ng ' Leave name with Miam i Gazet te for estima te.



Raise "Multi- Te ted" chicks this year and se'e the differen ce. Baby chiCks av~ilable each Monday ;nd Thursd ay from U. S, , a.pproved breedin g flocks, official ly tested for Pullot-um (B. W. D.) a'nd pronou nced Pulloru m ' safe by Ohio Stafe Depllrt ment




of Agricu lture. AIS<l a fine lot of 8t;.rted chicks at the Lebano n Plant•. Write, call, or p'h one for new candia camera catalogUe.

is a Cont i nenevery n ' ' d a ro un d CYL; l'Y


t a l F' l anH~ .sea l c d F ell c r h om e and fa rm .

1'0 1'

om e in :l nd let Wi demo n sl r At e t he HU )ll'elll> " olth a nd d u rHbi lil y of 1his fe ne . 'i ou w ill ' be s u I'plisc u a t t he eru nomy with w h ic h YOLI C'IO cre d n Ct!ued 1 neing .

,Harvey aburg. Ohio Phone 17 ·R-II for Payme nts to Hospita l Associa t ions .... Mr. ad Mrs. Earl C"e ig hton an d 602.80 CHICK S BABY family were Sunday g uesls of Mr. Poor R~liefOM HATC HING CUST 0 300.0 .... es Medica l Servic Ilnd Mrs. Robert Lewis and fam- Burial -tested fl ocks Blood From 104.00 I Expens es . ily. 774. 16 1 Ord er now f Oi' late r deli vel'ies Other P OO l' Reli ef Miss Oralene Bailey was a Mon· a nd profit by lib era l discoun t 1,178. 16 , day evening gu est of Miss Bern- Total Poo r Reli-ef Larger Boca u. " of Belter Quality . Service on d Price We Can Furnis h Chick s Highw ays_ Phone 3Z eds Lewis.. iMll . Evel·t.,t Bogan __ E . ~abli $ he cl! 1849 - 1938 onu I\'lai nl ennnce a nd For Imme diate Order s and Mi ss Martha Ashley al so wer e and or Repa ir- Lab . ... .. ... .. .. 9.401. 4 0 One price. a il e gra de- th e Be ·t Monday afterno on visitors . iMlatel'i als and brother , Ros d Machi nery and Mi~s Berene da Tools .......... ........ .. 2,026.8 9 1 Try Our Mixed Vernon , 'WIere weeken d vi itol's of ReyJock Mrs. and Mr. Balan ced Ration Feed friends, . · hways' .. ... .. $1 I, 48829 T otaI H Ig nolds and little sons of ,Xenia, 'Poul try Raise rs To Mi.c:ellaneous (Li.t) 217.40 , Mr. and Mrs. Milton Eakins and Genel'al Supplie s .. .. .... We g ive, abiolut ely free, 217 .40 Misc. ........... ..... daught er Jean, Mr. and Mrs. Ro- Total Post m or tem service. so if A hatch e llc:h week. P"lloru m tcatcd and culled flo ck •• bert Lewis were Sunda,y guests of Bal. Jan. I, 1937 ~' o ur flocks need ex..1.min ati onCUllom Ha.tchin g 2~' c: per egg. Mol'. and Mr~ Raymo nd Eakins. (Clerk' s) .. ,....... ... $ 2.14 0.69 ea II us a t once. s During Year .. 35,621. 24 OST ER'S l-i" ATC HER YSpring. , OhIo Miss Berned a Le-w is was an over Receipt SIMPL EX BROOD ER Bat. 37 ,761.93 .and s Receipt Total Yellow 340 and Mr. Pholle night gue t of her cousin, S:rOVE S _ _ _. ._ _ _ _ _ _IIiJI_ _ _ _. ._ _ _ _ During ntg 31, Pal"me 1937Y.r . .. 14 .486.66 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Bal., Dec. Mrs. Raymo nd &aki.ns. (Clerk' s ) '........ .. ....... 23, 275.28 Everyo ne will meet the "!Mlagazine Princess" MI!-Tch 18 at the School .G ymnasiu m. Health -


Fai rley Ha t' dw are Co.





I ..

ROOT FOR AND CONSI GN jou'r Cattle, hOg1l, 8beep and calve. to Norris- Brock CL., live wire and pr.Jgresl!ive .lint r?r the hlgheilt . market ' prices and good I!ervice. U ~ ion Stoek Yard.' Cineinn ati, 0 Tune in on RadlQ Station WCIn ,. 12:2/5 to 12 :30 p .. m. for nur dan, , m I1'ket felloN

Phone 23 · .

C1_n Up At These P rices Men's 3 pc. Suits Cleane d and PI'~S8ed

r(;o. w'n sle y Hateher.ies ,

M-en'B Hats Cleaned an'd Blocked







en tl F la m e -S "Il l d Fe li ce .

. -----'-

W. P. Watso n, Mgr.

.......... .

1,000.0 0

Le mm on s Ha tch e.r y

LOW FIRST COST A ND NO EXP EN SE FOR UPKEEP - lhab; Wh a t y o u ~et wh e n YOIl :e l ' ct CO ll t ill-


Phone 3708

Hamil ton, Ohio.


TotaJ Genera l Exec.u tive Service 'l ..




'50c .


Ladies Plain Dresses


ners Quic k Cleahall, ' Mgr 'Kathry u Menden



NaUo••1 Bal!. .. Draw Will" . • . . ' . Eat.tlla S.ul.cI " ~


throug hout (he Miami VaUey are planni ng their shopp ing trips to Dayto n to attend Rike's 85th Anniversary Sal~ . New spring merch andise , meeti~g every RikeKuml er standa rd of qualit y., is offere~ at savings you carmot .afford to 'miss. You'll ~d out~tanding values in Men's, Women's and C~ldren'~" apparel, as well as impor tant sayi,ngs in home furnishiqgs. Come and ride . ··· tbe new, high:s.peed elevatOl:s and see the' many modern improvements aitd ,lovely new department~ ready for you at Rik ~ ·.s . , .





, IA .Complete Stoc k f.'



~ ~ f;arm, ,Fencing .




These ,A dvertisers Are



• • • .


Used Car


SAL E! 1934 Pontiac Sedan 1936 Oldt!. 4 Dr. Trg Seda n 1932 Lincoln Sedan 1980 Whippet Sedan 1936 Dodge 2 Dr. Sedan 193:1, Dodge Sedan 1935 Ford Coupe 1932 Nash Sedan 1929 Ford Sport Cou pe 1934 Plymouth Sedan 1932 Chevrolet ,Coach 1937 Dodge Sedan

1987 1 H37 W87 1937 1937 1987 1937

1928 Chrysler Coupe 1929 Ford Coupe I Hao F ord Sport Co upe L\)29 Whi ppet Se1l nn L932 PlymoutJb Se da n 1932 Ford Tud or 1!129 Ohevrolet Coupe 10aO Fot;d Coupe 1929 Chevro let Coupe 193 1 Pon t mc Coupe

Good Used .Cars


19 2 1932 1932 1932 1932 1932

CHEV . Master Town Sedan CHEVROLET Coupe CHEVROLET Standurd Sedan OLDSMOBILE Sedan FORD Deluxe Tudor fJ 3G CHEVROLET Sport Sedan 1936 CREV. Standard Town Sedan

Fred's Auto Sales


1935 1935 1935 1935 1935


1934 1934 1934 1934 193 4 1934



You Can Afford To Pay $15.00 to $500.00

1933 ,PLYMOUTH Sedan 1933 CHEV ROLET Coach 1933 CHEVROLET Sedan

193 6 1936 1936 1936 1936

10 8 E rsex 5o<lan 1937 Plym outh DeLuxe Cpe.

BUICK AND PONTIAC DEALER 122 W. ~ulberry St. (At the Bridge) Lebanon, Ohio - Phone 53

7 his List OJL


No Reasonable Offer Refused

to Serve

1936 Terraplane Broughman 1934 Chevrolet Coach 1929 Graham Page 1928 Whippet Se~an 1928 Essex Sedan 1926 Studebaker Coach 1-2 Ton Chevrolet Express Tru ck 1 1-2 Ton Chevrol et Stock Truck 1, 1-2 Ton Chev~olet Stock Truck 1 1-2 Ton Chevrolet Dump Truck 3-4 Ton Terraplane Pick-Up Truck (New)


1931 CHEVORLET Coach 1931 PACKARD Roadster 1931 CHEVROLET Coupe • 1930 FORD Coupe 1930 PONTIAC Sedan 1930 FORD Tudor Sedan 1930' FORD Sedan . 1929 1929 1929 192.9 1929 1929 1927

The Kilpatrick-French Motorcar Co. LEBANON, OHIO



.~ :

- ' - ....


c/o. OHIO

During' Nation,a. Use!" Car-Exchange Week

We'll 'Set JIbe 'PAeE In ll.s ed·4~ar Yalues

"Eor Service, Economv ,Satis),action . Many of the finest Used Cars in this territory


Look At Thes.e Typical Buys 19,3 7-4-dr. tr. Dodge Sedan' .... $681') 1937-4-Dr. Tr. PlYmouth -Sedan . 6215 1937-.2-Dr. Tr. Plymouth Co~ch . 5915 · 193B-Chev. tQ~vn sedan : . , .. '. . \.491; , 193B-Plymouth Touring Goach , ,500 1936-Dodge Coach . : ... . . ...... 541; 1935-Chev: 4-Dr. Sedan " ... .. . , 44l; 1984-Chev, Coach, Master ...... 811; 193~Chev. Coach Standard .. .. . 27t; . 1933 Do<lge Coach' . ; . r 81',' -• •• •• •• , • • • • t 1933-P)ym~utb ~ed.8.n " ...... ," .. 291i 1931-Chevrolet Coa'e h ", ', .. 7: . 12l; ,1930-.Nssh Sedap .... : ........ 9f; 1929-Packar<1; Sedan ........ '. .. 9f;

, are availab~e through us. We have wide contacts which make it possible fo;r ' ua to take you right ' to the 'c ar', y<l U want. Just come in and let us know what type 'of car you wish .. Se.veral already in stock. We give you liberal trad.e-in allowance. Come. Inve~tigate. , . '




1929-Buick 4 passenger . , , , . , .. -1930' Chevrolet coupe . : .,..... 1.929-Ch'evrolet coupe " "" ' " 1933-Ford V-8 coach " .,.,.,. 1931-Ford 'sedan ...... : ...... 1935---:;.1 ~ ton ' Chev. short W. B. . Truck, A-I ': ......... .. ..... 1934" liLt Ch T k 1 1 . .". on ev. ruc -2 yd'. dump bed _ . ......: ... .. 1935.- "H, D. ·1 1-2 ton short W . B. Dodge , .: ............... : 1929. 1 1-2 ton Ford witli bed' and ~, t:acks, .. .. . ~ , . .... .... : . "

75 . 75 65 195





FORD-Model A, 1929 GRA~AM-:Bemonstrator, '1987 ' PLr'M0 UTlI.- 2' Do()!., 19,34

325 350 450' 95 '

War_l__g /.~to'r _ CO.

C.ourts ~


Tw.eo Theate' r'



ep,urt: Hous,-

S. South St,


~~~~~ ~ ~l~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~a~~~~~~~*~U~~"" '! " " Cl InleS ··A.utO:,' "0",118

, Wayne tp, j , , p' 0 'Wil bur li.. Hawke to Howard E, Continued age ne Th F d H h G M A son, RandalJ. T. I vins, and ' hi~ omas • an anna . c· Guinn l 76 acres, Massje tp , widow, Mary R., are. ~amed btmeHe~rs of t he es tate of Warre ficiari.e s under . the will ' o'f C14rPoppe ~o Emma W ellnel', lot 'No, . ence · W. Ivins, Leb~non dl:uggist 46 E. Morrow, who died sud,denly in Florida reLena M. loms to Wilbur anel cently. The will , ' filed in probate Dorothy Ra~ke, 92 acre~, Turtle. court ' here; . "dispose~ .of. ·an estate creek tp. of undetermined value. ' The ' Maxwell P a per Co t o The son is bequeathed a num. Fowler and Ru'thPl'esdmore, lot bel', of ·sw~s of stock and the No. 137 f Franklin. , reSIdue 0.£ the estate .go"es to the D' 1 M d M b I H O' I 'd A co d'lei'1 to t he Wl'1\ di,reet S I tt ame . an a e . aWI ow. to m cl! E W 'll : that IVins' Share in t he Ivint!-.Tame . e e a.n ,e , I mmson, . Dru St C h to 101 acrM, MaSSie and Wayne tps. son , g are 0 ere pass I !.he widoW' withOut appraIsement, 8med Mi's. Ivins is t:l I executrix. . James ' E. Burke hIlS lieen apI . pointed a,d ministratQr with the will . WAYNESVILLE annexed' of the. estate of Anna I, . eonleY,"late' of Franklin .towndhip. ~ARCH 11-12 , Bond' of $2600 'waS pro.vided,

• -'I

Phone 200.7-Wilmington" Ohio.

Buck Jone. in

, MAflRI....C.E . L1C~NSES . "EMPTY SADDLES" . AUred Bl'~nk,' 22, and Winifred Cadol,l n' "The Lion' Hun't" Snider, 17i bo~1i of Waynendlle,' Comedy-'-The Air Parade Jea. IWilliams, ' Wa shington C, ' , '. ., '11. farmer".a.nd. EvelYn Clinger, ~.l, 'MARCH 13~14, . .fur~ rou~, MaSon. ..' I (I"ren~e' GraY ,21, ca.ndy, ruak. - in-.' ft' .~d Flo'fa .Joones ,21, rur," route, ". MET MY' LOVE , AGAIN" Lqv.lUd. -Shor t -Mexican Ml\lriel: News . MARCH

16. ~ ··

John -wape-M~ H_t '



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Mrs. Lina Madden .•Plus Southern Trip



Heavy Rains Vis






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Commencement Spe ake r To .Be Noted Alumnus

Spenke rs HARVE YSBUR G CLARK SVILL E - Funera l ser th~ Evange listic Service s to be for Bftery vices !\Vere held, Tuescia. opened at the Harveysburg M. E . noon, for Edwal'd HockeLt, 64, who Church, Sunday evening have been The an~ WA YNESV lLLE Heavy died at his home here, Saturda y Y EMPLO TO WA YNESV ILLE IL announ ced. Rev. George H. Wes· COUNC L d two of illness an after evening , and ver, pastor of the Harvey sburg nounce ment by Superin ten enand\mong those 'who have made Tee rains through out t.he Little Miami LMAN SOON officiPATRO Ru~stlll NEW H. F. will s Rev. . churche months ton end BUTling Friday hools New bl' started the which o.f the ( l .'ations fGr the tenth annual tour Volley pu IC. sc , A . GU1' st of. • lasted through early Wedn-- .lay, ated and burinl in charge speak, Sunday evemng . the board of eduof =uand Lunken s Funera l Home was In the mber~ c m the patraffic new A Retail Wof ation MORRO A1I80ci of th~ Ohio caused con. iderabl e damage Reveren d H. Brown will speak t Sherwo od War . Hel'ber ry. that Cemete cation F. ' O. O. Engl.e. 1. ' as pubon londay aoo Tue:!dIlY evening s. trolman to ~u~ceed . Fred Lumlber dealera is Mrs.. Llna Mad- delayed farm work os well Autown, Ohio, who ilt Ille, Youngs of Clarksv at wick born will ,. W'aS He Monday I ed were reSign here who near d Illlunn Lowlan will es The fOl'nler evening 's sel'vic den of this city._.Th e 1938 tl!ur will lic 'works. VIllage connect ed with the '\I ater workl sevel'al ' gust 27, 1873, the on of Isaac be a !\pecin l service for schoo l be employed soon by lhe leave Cincinn ati on March 25, and Inunda ted by water for t t t He t. d I Hocket . C ey McKinn Rhoda bod y d' . . and that of r membe a , counCil I days. in sa SCSheectP&arTmuebne CO0 children ylOn, PIPtown will enjoy extende d stop-over!! ' of aJl· . thIVIS numbel A cek. \ N nity. thi said commu of this in pnotor life> his Russell H spent oungs ·.' ·F C ~choo's Rev' The Wavne township A , "" . . both iMiami and Havana . . . th e comme ncemen t a d'. been received for , WI'11 gIve " ns have nna plicatio to Hi,; wife was the former the ISl'k;;ville Church , \vI'1 1 spnnk d . . h ~. b . First ston will be at Cross City ' bere dismissed, Tuesoo y, due M It I ~ exp ectcd that drl!ss, ay 27, was receIve l e post an d · y the1 '\' be- Goodwin. Wednesday eveningk andThRe v.d J. an high water. The "avenu e" will bC "e officel' l'ienced is expe he I wife, .his to Florida , to see logging operati olls the l:!' n '11 additio 1 1 ' In ' ll • SI ~ coverW tween here and Corwin was uro ay 'd .at· D_I h DaV'I, . a el WI spen On n AW8yn~s~l .e .Ighh Schoo AI.u,m f in a cypress IfWatltp, where tlli'll par- ed by water during the greater survive d by II\. son,''''' ' P n high sch ool stud ' ntn cUl'ed. wh ing even great satld acI Wit GerlatlOn oMIra. sSoc rs, daughte Mny, in two here home, came and ann y, y Englem Tuesda I , Monday of win b'C honored. ty will be' enterta inedbb lulmbehr part el'e- , tion. The organiz ation through ~ part trude Fry of, at}d, Mrs. Rev. W. H. Wilson will speak 1937, when the ~osiLion \\as manufactureTS at a bar ecue unc Wednes day but. for the most do- Mary Etta Hardy o! We st Carroll ,special commit tee that is promot - I'vld sC traffic was .able to cross by Friday evening and Revere nd Guy n.teU by the .councll. He has and dinner da,nce. t Hocket Hencie s, brother ting closer relation s betwee n the two has ton; nnd , post that m tiy Tu cker, pnl'tol' at the Go hen M. ilfflelen After a day in St. Peterllb urg, ing so dlowly. Hockw Woodro and ille of mo- I high school and the A,umni A&Route 73 which was relered to of Clarksv board a P. & O. E. hUrc h, will close ~e meeting s, ::~U:ib~t~. to the safely the party Ind. on, Anders socialio n suggest ed to the school of ett be. . c1osed was onow.. I'fng In March 27. steame r tor Cuba, where four days 'in the abov~ lines, , Trenton and boar~ and Super!n tendent Gardt own Middlet DJES tween MRS. ELLA BEVAN will be spent at the Plar.a Hotel in 10 order to brmg about a closthat Y Electri here. SUNDA of SON west OF miles HOME tW1!nty AT Havana . While at Havana , in adof interest and to continu e bond r e ' dltlon to the sight-se eing schedul e, cal stoTms were reporte d through s once every five ~eare Wedne ship, late relation ' Valley, E1la Mrs. entire the _ out CLARK SVILLE there will be the daily round8 of r of the Alumm A8mE:mbe a so or ' d S d day. Uadley lIevan 79 d' reception!\, cocktai l parties and o'th n be c'hosen to give the com sociatio ~~ 'h~~~ hemo~'l l ED cerebra of HONOR L PATRO Y er enterta inment which has been SAFET every "home of her son, Ralph Bevan, Imencem ent address and that . BY FATHE RS AT BANQU ET . planned by public official s and lum tion associa the of r membe east of Clarlu!ville. Funel1al ser- ' year a . her manu.fa cturers. words brief Ad· few a Geo\'ge bring to ILLEappear I YNESV 'day WA of Weune rs ted CLARK SVILLE - Funeal Sel'- vices were conduc The return boat trip will bring I MORROW _ The membe LeaseI' of greetin g to the 'commu nity from were nms, 77 years old, residen t of Cor- , vices ·were held, last Thul'sday, for I afterno on wjth Rev. Byron tbe party to Miami for a three day the Schoolboy Safety Patrol Son win for the past 35 years, d~ed of in the the Alumni Adsocia tion. MT. Warwas FatherRobert T. Roberts , 38. local fal'm- officiaLing. Burial itay at the Miami Biltmor e Hotel. g1\1eBt~ of honor at a home at 2 :30 his at attack I wick, therefo re, will be the first Iheart a here. ncar evening ry y Cemete Tuesda field given, t Springr ati Banquoe er, who succumbed at a Cincinn From Florida tJhe intinera ry leadd'l g. mornin ay alumnu s to appear official ly for Thursd Hal'of Men She was the daughter of I hospital last Tuesda y after an ilIto Washin gton D. C., the date 'of . under tbe auspice s of the ill in been had the Alumni Association. a Adams and Mr. ey Hadl . a Susann . ~nd I~~ Mrs. Min· ' nc,;s of two months . The servicll s bu thllght member of the Fnends arrival In tbe capital coincid ing ,' Mo.rroW' Club. LLl'~ YNESVI WA . week.« three past the for health An overflo w crow fIlled .tJte d .nborn near for many yearo cor- I at T ·Mtrrla with the official s opening of the conditio n iw<l Funera l Church . Her husba nd ' the late 01'- ' Mr. Warwic k was at the Hannah l ing room of the MasonIC Hall ho~ver hi~ red · th were held t Mt H 0 11 y, f01 t' d . t na Wellma n, d. . as W'l ately ' ' kn0v.:n I . J'mmedl now b th !lpec~. " He consl'de H been e served 1933. . a 1 espon en I mmg on lando B~van, d ~ed in urla m _ment sponsor ed by where the Eastern Star houslllg develop Miami Gazette , was bm'i ed in Mid_ l ome WI In Ma~le TownshIp, June 14, sons, th Na tl onaI Lu m.b er Ma.nll f ac t ur- tOle banque t. The meeting adjour- gerous. four by d surVIve IS, She e ny cemeter y. L884. His middle' name as we)) as He is survive d by bis wife, dIe Run Cemete ry last Thursdl ed to the sch.ool gymnas ium where . Mr. ~<>berts was a native 01 Ralph, Orville, ~o.race, and. Hugn, the at s era Auocla tion. service funersl ng follQwi two , children lallt name indicate the pioneer thirteen nis and d Maud Highlan of t under ed relllden a present latter was ~ the The public is invited to join the a PT~gra . Rev. Kentuc ky w'here he was born on Church E. M. Holly Mt. childThe . from which he sprung. bTother families one and R:ay .. Mrs sisters dUPa m·e,l\· county ; two dau.g hter8 tour within limitati ons of the IIpe- the dIrectIon of J. W. Lotz, of ,Scarf of Spring Valley ?fficia.ted August 22, 1899. He was many s on both sides of his and' forbear grown His all are ren pubhsh the o~ WIfe , Howard ~chools. m.ond dent?f of Eacial train. "Inquirie s should be ad- erinten. In charge ber of the Fratern al 0 del' were nt& me arrange and home. pioneer settlers from e were distanc a at family live ~rs; them .snd s~ow. degles" H~ lived on Rou be 133 south elo~ th,: London Pless drealied to Findley M. Torrenc e, . ~ovmg plctu.res were d d b C man, of the McClure Funera l H.ome. . road W rail ~. . ' forr.n a was Chlcago He er ?f d on mvo.l,:e Fllllays steps Leslte folvanous the years ave eru;' lIecreta ry (Jf the Ohio AlISociation plctmg was born m Way- of here for a numbe r of ounty Marlatt a.rren Mrs. I? eIght pension and on lldr,en. retired gra.ndch been 1'1 ns havi~ well Ity n. cture of electriC In southerH.n OhiO ford more of Retail Lumbe r Dealera, Xenia, 1D the manuf'a nesville, her given name being lowing his removal to this commu great-g randeht ldren A sIster Mrs . 31ded til 135 , and a!1otile.r of the values o~ safe- Isevral yars ago. ' _s · u - I'ty. . She Pratt a. 'o. Armind Clara K ' b years. e gradua te .from an Ad ' M Chap· 1 . an automobIle and enW. G. Rlchal'd;;on of Villars Ohl om m ty whde am~ was h"f r. S , " In . dnving nited in marriag e to Herber t Marhome his this mad had W ? brother s, Dt. H. A. Had the Waynes ville High School but tucky t and el . sOns two walking e, also when 1898. She is I R u1~lV1n: Jare I~;I 1j~, 1Un M'arch on State latt Ohio from nnd ye:rs. 1902, of number a for ati . Cincinn E. A. ~ummel of tbe amell, Ive daughte rs, also SUTVlve usae an s~n, a d, hUlIban r e h. by d a survive took held he beLater will s 1906. in service l' ve\'sity AutomobIle Club spoke as did 1 Funera ow, an~ a d'SUgh· Stella, D~lI.a Fran~e s, Helen, Ruby I Wo«?dr d, Un Edmun at Denver m. at p. 2 at course e lln gr~duat afterno y post Saturda I new n, J~mes E ..B,urke of Lebano I a.nd JeSSIe, two s.lster , Mrs. Lot- , Bur- ter, Mrs. Lena May MIchel. iver$tiy and the Univers ity of vI!lag~ l!ohcltor at Morrow. Robert I The Stubbs ·Funera l Home. tie Carter, Gre_ens burg, ~nd. and .~t. the .of r membe a was She n. He is now a.e rving y. r . Michiga Cen~te Miami in , be will ial . ~aSafety_ Cox;vm, maj?f of ~he lliG she Jom Mrs. Zed Hopkins, CynthI ana, Ky. which Churc:b E. . M . Hol!y his · second year as the presltrol, Cap~tns DIck V?lkerd mg 1D 1900. ed GUILD IARY dent of the Youngs town Church AUXIL PAL EPISCO ' ant and ~rle Mlrand.a and Lieuten F. F. A. BANQU ET IS . .., NOON be AFTER Y wiJI MET FRIDA Old Fiddlu 's Contes t Ll?yd ~oe were JDtroduced: ~"~eratlon. M~. ~arwlck was tam , EVENI NC Y FRIDA ON SpecJal number s were gIven by . · HELD . .., field Friday Maro'!) ~6, 8 :00 p. Ill. c;olThe WoWAYN ESVIL LE tMlOR ROW- A group of sixty- Iharly known .:n hIS ,sOh~ol an~ a quartet compo ecLot W. w. Whit WA YNESV ILLE _ The memat the WaYnesville Gym. ~ . of HI" bUBIDes5 guild Dave.' . the as and. y days l~ge Auxliar Oxto man's ed Kelly journey :! Werner , student Altrutz eight W. s L. bers of t he local Future Farmer Eight good fiddlen are in the eker, al Ohurch met, Frida,. to attend hie bas been largely spent in wee , contest from Lebano n, Pleasan t and Orial Backus , accomp anied by the Episcop Americ a Chapt!!r here were hon ' ford, Ohio, Saturdl\Y, of E. Mrs. of peare's 'promotional work. H;e-was the first home the Shakes at of on ance afterno perform a Blanthe ' at Alfred Wetkin s Plain, WUmington, Mason, or'ed at a banque t given attend od go a was There .. full-time alumni secreta ry of Ohio Crane. C. present; was . cheater and Morrow, with Riley s~h.ool, .Iast FridllY evening . Chss. , "Hamle t." The play two . ance. ()f State Univers ity llnd sen-ed master ad Miami Lion of Red ance of 'Freeze t H e' was tOll8tmastet for the oc- (d as a gift perform ..... a I umm. presl'd en. ye OPERETT~ Fuea ted . ars as I.., Stud. The opening service , conduc School Hig.h ceremo nies MT. Freeze needs no for cason aity Univer . ' . r8l1e was followed by • by Mrs. C • wss the first leader of organiz ed intrOdu ction &II he ia well known Thel'e were nO (Jutslde speaker s, . ts f S th - Weste rn Oh'10. h' progra.m The . session s ou busines 0 the en and ic mu g . here. the program includin eerlng at footbal l games 'at Ohio c acwho faculty the s on missionof rs re.nding Membe of d r conlliste Chapte the of rs The ad- talks by membe WA ~NESV1LLE Noy.tty l He was the founde r of the' State. J Edith Harrie, M Mrs. by topics th d ary . p . c . . ope'rett~, on the organIz sale for the M e group were r. . Nationa l Council of Alumn i Se~ Riley Fr,e se and his entire band ;;me ;m a and K th vance tIcket work M' d atIOn's era L D MI...... given be to Col b d t ' ne an , ISS 11 • "l\{agazine Princes s" •• r.>. r. W. W. Cade, Mr. composed of himself and childre n. . otz, of the parents . urn US, March which eJt e at the schpol, F:riday evening. by re$ponse from one anes an at re niter Harfast, George Pr~ndell Mr. , eri~e I Schnell recent Tlhe Harold _ suc ding SVILLE o~tstan CLARK an Don't' f~i1 to Be.! the latest ~mthe .honor guest of Higb School Glee Clubs is ~ e- I It was voted be the will ~T~ he 31, rgast aPrenil.e Branstr MIs:' ne With Cntheri gUI.ld, . MiBll y and recentl ' per ,the back d REc ess by thoseat tendmg . . this organiz ation. During his CGIb her of .his cornpan~: Hen~ MO?Te , rsins have held .< _ .1 t tmg SCdSlon. tor' . t f 'dening ' sidmg, held, an mteres The Dancm g I' t ted WPA .0 e ~ety goo. .' P()11It:U ' of ers of Middletown, treasur dllYs he played on the 01110 the lege of reporU The ~I <> . . proJec s ar • f?r musIc. Kid.". the g c~achtrl IS Frank footbal l team and made an 8ubstan State shGwed ations organiz llle·Har- both ES Miss Helen Fogle's tap dancerd and lmprov mg the ClarksV the productIOn; 1. . 0: Brown IS III FIRST OF SP~CIAL PARTI paid. bills all nt record. A few year" a"o with s excelle balance Hal · ip. D townsh NAME N Venon CARSO i~ E. p~ke A. ~ veysbu I HELD, THURS DAY of Lebano n. Rjaymond Shrock , of and Esther cs drarn~tl the of .. g-e cha hosthe period 7 social the During CLUB F. WPA O. g HEAD OF I. O. Middleown, accordi an pl ..yer, Bar. , The work IS bi!1ng done by the well known Hugh Fullert on, to the SmIth of tJh.e .Dancm . ments refresh served tess sion Ralph lIupervi in Mrs. .the article under an LE and s ESVIL wrote WAYN .! ' ports writer; bara Lou Bland; Springb oro, tap laborer ' . membe ra and the followi ng invited ' The ca t mcludeks . 75 f student Hasting s was ho tess to a group CarE. A. SVILLE CLARK af d b dancer, Elizabe th Rallton and of the ioun,ty commissioners. 'Dh h W some pres. "Libert y" and credite d }Jr. WarE. MilleT, Mrs. D. ~ h 0 ave een wor mg ?r r~The section being improv ed is gueste: Mr8. W. of omen, , ur, a.y ternoon at son of near here was elected wick as, being (Jne ot' ~be pronce n James Sutton, I.ebanon, cake wal k WeltZ. ~lme to put t?C operett a l~ d Maynar Mrs. and Smith shR. Leb "dimini tbe of with !!CTies a tion of fit'st intersec the the ' mess. .Th ere 18 811 even ' dlstnbu Instrum ental quartet from "ViT- from . . . in organiz ed college cheerin g. O. I. County Clinton . .the , of ident the by ed ginia's ,Melodear&" Le~anon Geru. h. of music, dialogu e and danc· ing" pa.rties sponsor Columb tion 'W' ED be HONOR Whirs y DAVIS E montJhl tne GEORG at Club Juncs Its to Booster d, F. Club. O. man Band lrom "~nla'8 Melo- alnon-v.:I~mtnhgto~Croak ing in the PI·od.uction and, plenty Wayne TGwnship Mother 's is to meting held here last WedneSday 'was associa te secreta ry of th.e Coroa d near AT BIRTH DAY DINNE R of these parties object The d. !tears", Lebano n ' O'Brian Boys; t on Wit.. t e . rea promise is comedy of ' ett of WU-. lumbu~ chambe r of Cdmme rce.' the nOIM of Eh Gla ..:.....,!hen com' _ Bellbrook. Red raise !undsr to assist the finance · evening . V. G. Marcon ~efteFal s iliv~,he . plot T.he .Dave ~eorg YSBUR HARVE Mr. Warwic k was mamed . In to naGmed Se~retary. HUII&and C~ll'ing OOnte8 t--dpon - pleted the .road may be added pohcem en, who ~~::~:i I~::~e!~e expense s of. mingto n WBS four lIs l : and Rozle diny birthda a at d honore , to Hazel Hain of Columb ul w.,a is 19'08 01 run the state Ilughway sys~m and Mrs. Hasting 's guests 'Were Mrs. TNleasuV~er andCb . l~' Wright sore~ by 3rel Circle of M. I mu ch of ~he comedy t?at upply h er, th daught d his by Sunday m. given ap nes lenna, ton. ew Burhng James, N~ from here to ey ave three chi dren, th, Chur~ Adm. ?6c and 16c. ,. !In operett a ca'Trles. The settmg C. J. Egbert, Mrs. C. G. cal l l i R H F R 1MJrs. E. C. Manno n of near Wi!· the pastor, oldest being Herber t Sherwo 04' a seashol'e and here a group ofa Mrs. E . .E. Hartsoc k, Mrs. Maude . ev. . .' . uS&C ,0 mingto n. Mr. Davis was 76 years is supply ' women and. men " 'k, II . ., young at t.he Warwlc speaker .:.. . prmclp al old AGED RESID ENT OF, HOME here f or t he var Crane, Miss Marie . Storer, Mrs. W(lS the and music was furni shed mORRO W A. C. SECON D' , . E.SDAY ' atmo~p te WEDN meetiDg collegia Mrs LATE sand DIES HarvllY Berry Ethan Crane, Mrs. Mr. Warwic k illwIha re'tllinisC:ent. . EPEND ENT' TOURNE.Y IN IND h scenes. ·OUS d' Those attendJ'ng from b H th d I en ·h e was In were: Mr. and Mrs. JOdCph Wilson, Mr~ ..'Lowell Thom- y owar sore estra. burg Russell states ' at siniSter moo has Rozie Red r, Howeve N Burge. eliry . H et. MJ'S' Mrs. as, D. A. Ferree School, WAYN ESVIL LE esville WaY1l . family. and Davis M{)RROW _ Tbe Wilmi n-nn ne Magazi a- tie B. Dickson, .9 5,( died at the Davis, Glenn A. Stilwel l ( the S. and Mlllrie, e lind principl motives was and ERS Mr. TEACH Snell. Y Louis COlJNT Mrs. W.t.RREN . Mr. and . tb. Among . tendent Gooblers, comp081ld· chhifly of FriendS Home here late Monday Mrs. Joseph Jackson .·of Dayton P 'incess, is th,e object of these superin WII8 AY TO MEET ON TUESD R CORDON Wilmin gtotl CoUege play~rs, Oe~ Snide,' evil intentio ns. Around tbese ' is MRS. LESTE Morris Mrs. and ' 01 ' Mr. &cho and th'" in Wedy s d. ENT held his in ACCID .were s s IN R teacher service .. l FINGE LOSES feated the Morrow A. C. quintet F\1nera .... but'lt thl··~ fl'ne operett a. You~ . • d. nesday afterno on at DaytonB .and of W.i1mington also attende ent d . -Indep'. )s of the '" Bar. flna give to d Carrie 'tn tb"" , prepare Benham young people ar'e ,.. " LEBAN ON - the Warren Coun "ere Lillian s were . sen~ • to mgWAYN ESV", LE- Mrs. Lester ding elioutstan of nu ~vening Marla an die, you baaketb all tournam ent held Fri_th e. rem&in Dinwid Jennie I&.v., meet, will Uon '. of ty Teache r Associa . day, Satur.daY and Sunday at Fay. hamp.ton, N. Y., for . bUrial.,FrIend.! tertainm ent and your attenda nce H. Gordon, \ .!. of the clerk Chandl er an-d Flora Little, who lao . FRIEN DS HOME los8 Tuesda y afterno on at the Mainethe Pnor to enreri~g the d suffere ip, townsh Wayne each by .-ette\'il le under the auspice s of 't he ated ~lppreci gl'eatly d be will . of ft h ' Updykle i h Roy . • 1 1 ' Mrs d m IIbe I, Mr. when , for married Mr. Ferre. As he put. ' Monday ~I~ed' ter DIckson , of one finger, Ho.m e ~ere~ ..M!rs. VI . e sc 00 WIt a emoon an eve Perty A. C. 'ft sur . to I one of them. She current Sunday a marvelous group of in-' the on on Dayton "What 'here it, In turned were years tly ed. Uayton schedul acciden ten being , . ms . . .progra ng iec . in l • The Jocal 'team ,suffere d the lou Vlved I ·e an ean c Lusk to by two sons ' Henry Dick these persons ." Mrs. oring , rs--a1l endeav mother IItructo while latters iMlanthe . B- see J. Raymond Schultz ()f I ....... e ' ll Ode in the final ..-.. of .Chul,·e EXECU TIVES SPEAK f C terville and AJfred SCOUT bel1&-' scenil)g to knoW' that Jlr convale .ing is ... . who interest ' is sweapr It . tric tManhes . North en The team 80n 0 of due ' to a broken ILIIkle. The finger severed from chcdter College of Mi "'-_.1 H arvey spent TuellGaTy, Ind.; four dgrandBANQUI~T .o\! k is promin ent in politiCal ' 'Can •• i n Dlclcson Warwic speak le &-nrua 8S , princip ' . the be hUd will tInd., er, tw operd which , h'ld fan a the hand by the was pUoted by "Babe ' '-_ life in Young~town and With ·the' - day with hjlr folkaa t Clarksv ille. 0 grea gran c ates the sweepe r. She was given ' er. the absence of Coach Arthur Ap- c I ; en an Donald SVILLE CLARK sis· ber and t of the 'bead of bls .orpnik consen Hartsoc Lena Mrs. . sum-\ sh~ "mg. They defeate d t~ wilmin g-1ren. d Baughm an was awarde d the Hon- m'edical attentio n after returne have be wm make the :race for zation Harvey Emina .ter GET-TO PLAN . mond assistan e and is reporte d 1 JUNIO RS Father ton Eagles, KflOX S~natol'S of Cinannual irst f ' the at Cup or Clem ' broth~r t?eir: to from a. ~sit. Congress.m an itlj his di~trict in GETHE R MEETI NG cinnati, and Owensville to enter PROGR ESSIV E c.'-~B MEETS relltit;tg as ~ell as can be expecte d. Boy locsl th.e of t banque Scout . . Flonda l\fla)D~, In RepUblican primari es. ~~n!!::~:'w~~: t~~:~ia :~ The I;'rogresslve Women 's Club Iand famlly Scout troop at the school house, - The local NS FROM HOSPI TAL ILLE RETUR YNESV the WA at 9, March ENT day, ~CCID Wednes IN met ' be to . lIOn:' Monday evening. The cup Is '1 ba an J 0 U A M C home. of Dr. Mary ~ook. A . s , Mrs. Wil- r. . . . . ouncl and .Mr. J h W'II' W MORRO SIX- . M 1D by ~c~ enJoyed excelle was f~r y HARVE Y. BURNE TT NAMED .. supper annuall d luck meetawarde ether to d get.tog a return~ that l IS I · n nouncer . 0 that rs, word d ests. 'receive two Vance teen membera. and HEAD OF MILK PRODU CERS Hall hos-' school work s'couLmg and SImIlar liam Junior BlaIr SUNSH INE CLUB _ETS the at th.e h'eld from ell y be will Monda ing bome • th f . '"" . , ' ." ., . Saturda,y evening , Mal'ch 26. un· was Vance e evenlDg pital, Lebano n, having l>een there H. R. Dr. n, o s. their ·.. .. ~e pro&,!;am or •. . , es. ' actIVItI . aut an ng followi The commit tee in charge Bdks pian'n SOl08 by ' for three weeks LuI; ThurSeJal M~h 10 the Jad- consiat.ed ()~ several principle ' spe~ker8 were injured when his car was struck Ha~,. .The wa~ L~~ she Y~SVr which A W In t bring. acCiden ng i mobile attend. by rs $010 membe all ' voc~ a that .re Edw...~, .Ies of tbe 'Su'~1ie Club met with Perle ' Wbitelhead, Regtonal SC(}ut )1y anothe r at WilmingtQn t of rural route 2 Wias r. ' Cook, -..nd a .taIk by 'Mias injured when tile car in wh~ch sh Dr. Vance's car W'aII a covered dish. A progrom ,has been I Burnet resides. he the of Portz Mr•. EliSabe th Lewia. 14 ~I.. Fred ~nd ve, executi son~ her ' by 'presld'e nt of I'tbe 'M iami driven elected riding, new wall of', I.lg r somethi g membe a , includin d Nutting , arrange ield. badly damage d. '. ' were p~t tQ. enjoy tbe dlllDer Springf at alrters headqu Area cra. a in' ratliv~ 'Milk Prodacfigured C().o<ipe WUlis D. Valley' se~ Harold of her I 'whiCh the coin1Dittee is holding t I and lOCial hour with Mrs. Lewi& the club. MI~ ~utting told Richard Marshall gave the welcome . ' sville. at the annual e WaY1'!e tlon ,below ASdoci~ .2 ers rou41 on subof teacb:er a ' .s eret. tbe EJlfTE~ .TOU~NAMENT d '1110" pr~1lt were MN. C~l• . ezpene ncw review~ Carder alpreath G ' and . ' " . . ' . . . . tion at Daytoti~. Tpesda y•. Jle .....~' cnf d C amp pr,li HARVE YSBUR G· ,&llen ,and cIa~"'_ ,1I&r')', 1In. Dormal children . ' . .. · The local BIRTH DAY PARTY ' NAMED ........ NISTR ATOR · ' dinner es. I or TM club .will holdInn.a in actlV}ti Baker, tro"1l . ceeds John H. Kauffman ,"'~~ ' " Llna ~deil, Mrs.IIri.In& April. meeUiC at the Little Bo. Mrs. lNae Baker, Honor Cup anI! li're high 'sChoo] bas~etball team, winthe sente(l: I ed. tihe organiz ation 101" ..._ _"Lo. ' u .... S C I . . . tournac)( lin; Ireo• . Th~!Mho E. "- .... . cout,ma ster, .,made merit 'nerd of the 1938 county ' " y __ . Re:lzk,:, t;Nelv tine4 e.ppoln enwrta. E-The onn~ ~VILL adle WAYNE '........ 1M1ami th.e FINED Iii PAINT ER ment, are entered '-" " , ~; MIL S_ Evan.; Mra. ev· Y aon, caabiet badge ' awsrds . 'SaturAa B6Ilder friends M. of L. y of compan ment a being , ent Valley Open tournam P. R. lI'U'I', lin. . . . 1IIlkr, KiM 1I0RR O-W-H arleJ, Clark, paint of tJle W,a.,nesville Nationa l ,Bank, Burnet t fll the WllI'I'en Jose'pbine Mn DelJa..tV.__ s~d ~ged th~" week ..t Bom- ening in ,ru)nor of Miaswere phi I llJnTH .... t.ive on tIh... of estate Mr, r .,"'pr-en the of atntor nreaelJt .~ Il&nbd Tbnlle aa fined Banta. ~..... wu ' lnity, c01DIDI D.... thll · I of " 8!. ' '~ " . wi8. , -. · til b-~ Kn.,,1a Ioea I rea- berger gy'm~ n a.l'.on. Smitb former n a I Collena 01. route· 5, leffe-n :Frame, and . Mr. Alice , Thom. Mis8 Of Frasier C E. W J. , v_ . Mrs. . '-. . and ..... _ . . --.I 0 0 ,1• • - • - - • -....,.- . ..... Cva.. u~· _Jor o ~1In.~.rl;ti;;;::':iiiiiDJ -who died here recentJ4rs. Ray Mainoult, Mi.. Lilia Ben Gl'e!Clne. ~lIty'elll~rat; 1D01tt of Lebaao n, Sunday OD a Dieat dealer, SON BORN at Pu- , died lVllle, . Waynel of Ident ViC'I!-Pli by' 'Week elected last MI8I1 eed and 'announ Evan., ... bam, M~ Sullie ifrtibll ' a "bi~ wbO. IT, _ . ____ uctae-.a.IPIt B .. CueJ of the War- adella, Calif. Februa ry 20, 1988. . M1'. and~ Mrs. , Fox .-n- MiJdl'8d Cook. A dellgbt ful eYen- Lawre ue . .doIat.L . F101d lI ren Ocnuity Probatle Court. The Ilnl' "'aa spent with Kra. Conner er Uld ....=~~=~~~ Phone ~ .ud In , . . Waat nounce the birtll of • IQn, JIareIa .. hoI&eII. two dauab I BoecUpr'. . rIPta :wen alao.. .. IaeIn JIIcIade bt. WIdow, 10. . wUI .bftIq -u.. It Ad. . "~D ucI ON ~ teIDI

Little Miami Valley




d ams A ge Geor

Farmer Dies Two Montb s IIIDeSS '

passe. s Away




Circle AllloDDces Old rHidlers CootAGt

Monow Studeots See Performance of Hamlet




Work Started 00 HafV ysburg PikeI



E. '




...Li ...!'



,tar. .... ...


a~ettt Phon,lI '12

W':l) II ~ \'lU


c'llildren, (arlyn and Hnny, 'Of ANNOUNCE EXAMINATION en~ SlItUI'duy evening FOR HOME SUPERINTENDENT Dayton, with MI'. nnd MI'II. I,lil Y Gib n WiL~n~GON - E aminulion and bmi)y. Mr. and' Mlrd. Wnltt'!' Wo o <l ~ 'Of ( apil licanls fi)r tho po ' ilion 'Of Wilmington spent Ii ridtlY with 1\1 r u perinteTH\ nt of the Clinton Co. und Mrs. Gle-nn Dakin. . Homo (lnfirrnary) will bJ 'condu - " Mr. and Mrs. Ev 'rott Bunn 11 ted by cpeeial repre:lentatives f Mr. and Mrs. Hiley Gib~on 'attendthe State Civil. Senice -Commis-, ed the !ale of his cousin, Mrs, Hn~b'anon, Ohio hm; in the Court House, Wilming zel Loman .o f Moraine City last Pre.eatia, the Be.t and Lat ... ton, Ohio, Thursday, March 24, 19- Tuesday:'. . 38 at 9 :00 o'clock a. m. accoTding ' Mr, and Mrs. Tim Smith (Y6nt In to announcen~ent jullt made by Friday evening with M.r. and Mr:;. tn tb Carl Sm1t~a-i:rtn, and IJHl1aa:tJt'II:l"YuSillllli.l.lll.-_ _ _ ' OTJO~TURE Ral ph W. Emmons, Member of ,the , Misa Carlin Jeanette Shilley call Commission. ed on Miss Pauline Gillson, SaturENrERTAINMENT. day aft.ernoon. The Commission has iS15ued a special bulletin showing in detail Subscl'ibe to your local newspaper the requ.ired qUalifications necessary to qualify in tbis ~xlUllination Friday - Saturday which bul1etin, togeth er with tbe Cion Up At The' e Price. r equired application blanks will be Men's '3 pc. Suits mailed free to those interested. Cleaned and Pressed -SCREENIt i:l also possible to procure bul 50c ' ,' "Sho Married An Artist" letins and ~pplication blanks at the JOhn Bolea Lull Oeato Men's Hats office o~ the CO\lnt}' Auditor. Cleanecl and Blocked Continuous Shows Dally 50c . Adult. Only 16c ITII 2 P. M. Ladies Plain DreMes Churches of Christ, Scientist


, Ohio


'in;;ti t l0cal'


, ~ ORVll..LE SACE,


end vicinity -

Giving it,



ad opt !llandlltd accident re porti~g . iti s 0 \' 01' 10,000 popula tIO n will be importuned to enter the


deLY Council's u-affic

"Bank Night'

Principal re[\so ns \\ l> y the Stand al'd i\rc ident R porting y tt'm shl.u ld be u 'ed by cit;es and cou nti e;; a re )jst ecl by Secretary Willinm s as folio" . : 1. To Icarn where accidents are

To promote traffic accident prevention in Ohio, the Govem ol" s Safety oordinating Bureau i ~ launching a state-wide movcment t'O interest r ou n tjc ~ and rities in installing th e t nndarc.l A cci tl nt h::lppeniul!'. , 1" rC ctly cast. glaworous J oan Ora, ford and nlgged Spencer "MATTER" is the subject of the Reporting Sy tam !IS p,repared by 2. To learn at whllt time of da y T racy toI'm ~ Dew romautic lea m that audiences will want to Lesson-Sermon which will be read scr mON of. III "J\I£Q l1neq uln," the tender roman ce of II s hop· in all Churches of Christ. Scientist. the National . niety Council, nc- they occur, girl and a III lI ionnfre, wbfch will ()Pl"ll at tbo beautiful now delu '; c on Sunday, March 20, 1938. cording t o ()ordina ing Bun'nu I 3, To lenrn h e und el'lying causes Xpnia th eRlor, Sunday. March 20. for a tbroe day Ollll n"emell t. The Golden Text is! "Trelilble, A s J c!)!!le C:lssltly. the sbop· girl f ed liP 0 11 ,poverty. wh o ft Ce.cretary F, E. Williams. of the~e accidcnts. thou carth, at Ihe prcsencc of the II pts love ns an escape. hae It faj! bel'. Ilnd th n finds a I'e I Loru, at the resence of the God of ~The Stat.e Highwar Patrol will ,I. To make fact unl studies of lovo worth Ii btlng tor. l ias CI"tlwtord has ille t.ypo of dynamic Jacob" (Psalms 114:7). contact sheriffs in an endeavor t o I accident-prone locat ions in order role wb l b she does so well. Sb wenrs Adrian do 'gned gown s Among tbe c.itations which comhave count ies in tall the s y tenl, t o apply corrective nl eosu res. stunningly as , a mannerluln nnd ~ tngll a new son hils. "AlwaYll prise the Lesson-Sermon is the fol- , while repre entatives of the Gov- I 5. '1'0 llave monthly and yearly and AlwIlYs." Alnn Curlls and Ralph l'>fol'gnn hoael the supporting lowing from the Bible: "But the nat. Lord is tbe true God, he is the living ernor's Sa,f ef)' Coord inating Bur- r ecords for comparison to deter? God, and an everiastlQg king" (jere· eau will undertake to have cities min e the ef(~ctiveness of the corpointe d out, beca u e of the, fact land labor to the tJhings which I!\ r e miah 10:10). I'ective m sure undertaken. The Lesson-Sermon also includes . t - . _._. ~ ine and counties installing that accident r ecords are the bosis. 'most likely to be profitable. the following passage from the al\ accident prevention activi• I Christian Science textbook, "Scienee AMBULANCE SERVICE th e sy tem will be asked to co- (or ties .. By their u se it is possible to' A federal research laboratory i and Health with Key to the Scripoperate in the acci dent prevention map out whnt activities are need- for study of poultry diseases will tures" by Mary Baker Eddy: "W~ Day Or N igbt movement by cending monthly rebat t he injury be placed at Michigan State Col- define ma~ter as ~rror, because it is d to ports to the Traffic Buenu of the e com . ' ' . , ,. tbe oPPosite of hfe, substance, and toll taken by motol' vehicle accl- lege, East ,Lansmg. OhIO l,Iou~try- intelligence. Matter, with its mortal. State .l:lighway Department. The dents in the tate each men and the Ohio State Uml(er- ity. cannot be subst:llIt,ial if Spirit is reports will then be studies ' to sity poultry department had a substantial and eternal" (p. 278), show what the accident picture is L Reynolds FARM MANAGE CLAIMS major share il~ the work to have SPRING BRANCH Licensed E1nllalmer and ¥lIner- f9r the state as a ,vhole and a. COST RECORDS NEEDED this station eisl.ablished but Ohio Mrs. Fl'auk Dakin spent blanket Teport will in turn b al Direc~r. W. W. Putnam, m~nager of the Stat~ University was un!oble to week-end 'With her daughter nnd made to the National Safety Coun4,837-acre Orelton Farms, near furm sh ,the I.alild re~uire~ to have family, Mr. and Mrs. Ervin MulPh'One ciL London Ohio tell Lymon Bakel', the statIOn located 10 thIS state. ford. of near Wilmington. WILMINGTON 2323 This state-wide safety moveMr. and Mr~. Ells'worth Gibson ment 1s being undertaken, it is county agricultural agent ot M.a dand daughter, Phylis, spent .M.loni on county, that one of the things St.atistics seem to prove that 4ay afternoon with Mrs. Hiley Gib he has learned as manager has farmers huy twice as many used son and family. been the necessity of kJ!eping ac- cars as new .cars but R. F. D Mr, Bill Spittler of Bellbro'Ok curate COdt records of the various "Brown says Uris is not because called on Mr. ' Hiley Gibson, Sunct'Op and livestock enterprises-. glossy paint is hard 'on rural eyes. day aftel'noon. ' ?tus. Esther Dakin and childMr. Putriam believes complete records are just os' important to ren moved last week to their new. 3-Room hou e, metal roof" garage, cellar: el~ctric. the average Ohio fallmer as they .horne on the Bellbrook and good condition. In town . .... 500. aTe on the large tr,Bct of hind he nesvj}\e road. manages . He admits th'llt Mr. and ,Mrs. J\m Miller and farmers are very busy and that it - - - - -ris difficult' to find' time ea.c h day HAN N A: H ' S~ for much bookeep'ing but he Funeral Home claims that it is PQssible to, make Service 24 Hours A Day __ •• _ 11 _ 11 _ _ _ 11 _ ---:. simple notes of daily transactions . WILMINGTON 2146 and then . bring the books up tOBLA~CHESTER 8231


Quick Cleaners

KathrY'JI Mendenhall, Mgr



,Lemmons Hatchery Hane,..burl', Ohio Phone 17-R-ll for



From Blood-tested flocka Order now for later deliveries and profit by liberal discount.

We Can Furnish Chick.

. ' For Immediate Order.

One price, one grade-th.e Best

Try <har MiJ[~d Balan'c ed Ration


To Poul~ry Raisers ~ We give, ablOiutel,. , .... , Post mortem se~ce, 110 if )lour flocks need exarninalioncaU us at once. SIMPLEX BROODER STOVES

A BARGAIN . Charles Weissmann ~-"' _~l _ D _ D


II _~

day through

THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR , Air In/una/ion41 Dtlil;. N~J'1dtur

date. J,'ainy day.s. ROOT FOIIf, ~D CONSIGN TheonOrelton' farm manager' saYlI y'Our Cattle, ' btDta, sheep and calve, ' ';~~~§:~~§~~~~~ I th~t it"is impossible to determin to N'Orr~9roj:k C... , live wire' on" ...- - . progressive ftlrlll . f'lr the highe: . Z- AIN ARMITAGE wbich enttj!l'prises a re profitable market pri~el !lnd good service. and which lo ~. money unless ac- Union Stoe&. Yard.' Cinclaaati, 0 ' ' . . cur-ate accounts are kept. He gives Tune in 01) Radio Station WCK' . Sand and Grav.el as an example the fact that all 12 :26 to 12 :8'0 p. m. f'Or our dan, livestock enterprises on the 'Orel- ;m~a~r~k~et~.~t~e~p~oTtl~ ' Pnone Lebanon 47S-K ton Farms ,w ere conducted at a;; 108s in 1937 but all crop 'Operations 'w'Ore profitable except the WE BUY production of ~heat, Every .Fr.iday Crea~. Eggs. and Poultry Mr. Putnam says this set of corBest Prices cumstnnces may be almost exactly A Good Outlet for all Phone 2228 reversed in ' other years. However, ~inds of Livestock 117 W. LocUst, acrolS from ov er a period of year/l,' it is posSi<;:i~ Hail . ble to tell whioh phases of farmWilmington ,Produce , 'Co. ing ar~ most .likely to bri~g p1"Or-ft"_'ft McNetnAJ',, ' Mgr. fits and the farm . operations can be planned to g ive the m ost time ~_~!!!'...~~~~~~~~~~~!!!! Wilmington Fairgrounds


10 your hOlDe every

n ro.ord. lor lIOU Ule ....01'14·. clean. conClructl •• dolnl" Tho MOD.l tor doe. not .~pton crime ~r aenstl lton: lIelther dou It IJ!lIor. tb.m, but deal . corro:ctl.clll "Ith them. ~.tur •• tor buu ,men and ell the

~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~?:~-':'~~~.--~~~~~---------~------; Tho ChrlaUan Scl.noe Publl!hlnR 8oelet'

Olle. ,Norwa', Streot. Bo. l.on. MIlS:Inohusctts conter mJ lubsc:rlpUon 10 The Chrlatlall &1011 •• Monaor . lor




r:~~~ N,oo

e month. ~50

J blonl.h 150 1 'ear 83.110. e lIIue. 25C1

3 monl.h.t $2,25

W~dnesd&J Iuu •• I~oludlnll MagUlne

seeuo\,: _________________: __r________________________.. _ _ _ _ ...

Live.stock Auction


W.lmingtton Livestock Sales

L.M. HENDERSON -..OTARY PUBLIC National 'aanla

Will. Dr.'w n . • E.tatee S.ttle.! WAYN,ESVILLE. OHIO

F., f. ',Martin

SATISFACTION Or No Charge • The 10-Year Warranty em the Rollator compression unit you buy today will still be in effect in 19481 Only Norge has the surplus-powered Rollator compressor that makes cold by revolving slowly in a permanent bath of protecting oU ••• That's why the RoUator compression ~~usive to

Centerville, Ohio Phone 78J


ries a IO-Year Warran'ty.



.nd n-'./ce'



..... U." PAT. ,,",


A .. \

unu AS

• Pel. mOdels come equipped wicb • CoDyeAieoqt Set o£ three

,. .


.J, '

,.now cmDware disb~s, ~o 1-quan water bPuIes aocI aD .... p.. DaIed Sec. Be 'UL;e to .e~ the Norse bei'me ,OIl ba,l



A NEW' TELEPHONE DIRECTORY COES TO fRl'SS · SOON! Your Namu Sh01lJd Be la" ltl Is your piresent listing in the elephone Di,reqtory correct? ' If you plan to . move-if adqitionIII listings are requirel or your present one needs ch~nging­ if you' are ordering a telephone or require additional serviceyou'll want, to notify the Business Office NOW I Make surie that you are properaly reprE!sented in thi .. new issue aboult to go to press. Cheek your present listing and let us know AT ONCE of any additions, clfJanges, 'Or correc-' tions. Call the TelephOlle Bu.iae.. Office Wit. 4211.







All ~hel1 Products

PHONE 112 Firestone Tire.


Lady A;ttendant Phone 86



Leave name with ~i Gazette fo~ e,atimate.' "-4 1 _



700 came away teeJiD&' tiona eould do Wal dOli I . by bus- These patient toUing I Iy spent F~day evening witb Mr., better. band, chUdren and friends, but to on and p,1t-~. Hal'ry Smith and on ( Marlatt) One wondered $ometimes how no avail for the time of the de- That chUdrlln ,migl t Il'hut ~ ,GI nn of orwin. , ngo back "Ir Bert ~a I tt 11 d t . she could stand ~uCh infringement parture was at band. Again and a- I almost weep, ,~ th' f th . h '" d 'd HI d' T h'ldh d' . ~l • 'U r a wad 011 0 e e home, but gaIn 8 e Jla B&1, am rell Y -\I ' 0 ~ I 00 8 dluta It day, . the bedside of his broth l', Joe Once more tbe curtain that di- upon e privacy 0 Marlatt ~"ho I ill. vided the Been from the unseen bas she mllde one feel she ever wanted go", and so peacefully and quiet- I think how thelie hunds j 'O led been drawn 'Bside that one of the ' it thus, being always 1y ~d out of ther aIm of nail ' r' saints God mla'ht paaa on to iflce that others lives might be the scene ,which is tempora to the }\'hen mine were At their play. Mr, . an d Mr:'l' Henry .Bu rt;l. ..s Him who prayed, "Father I WIU brighter arid happier. ',l'hls attitude realm of the u'llseen which is I Il nd c~tldren o~ Daylol1 ,spent SUIltheyalao, )Vhom hast was Qeautlful\y illusttated follow- eternal. Witlh callnt J'eeignation 'We SuCh beautif ul, beautif ul handsl ' lay her parents Mt'. and Mrs. I given me, be with me wbere I am; in, t~e death of ,her diBter, MJ'I. bid Ib~.r farewell. feeling that ae a They're growing teeble ' Dow; , LeWIS Morgan. , I that tbey lIIlay, behold my ,lory, Shoemak~l'" of Xenia, Ohio; wlib Christian ' Btle bath entered to an For time and ,pain have left their Mr. ' an d ,Mr~ . Evel'e~t , Bunne:l ~Ich thou hut given me." On left two small I!'irls, the ,eldest of lnllerlt,ance incorruptible, and un- work " fllld son~" ,Virgil and Cbarll:8 Alv in , last Monday afternoon at four tJhese being a little pas t two years defiled, and tbat 'adeth not away, On hand) and heart, and brow spent F riday IIfoornoon with Mr. Alas l Alas l the weR1~y lime find Mt·s. Henry BUl'ges lind Ch ild· thlrt.y o'clock the soul of Clara of age. To theS'e orphllnel chlld- reserved in Beaven for. h er. Armlnda, familiarly kn~wll as ren Aunt Minnie became .mother, She leaves -to mour n her 10811 l\nd the liud, sad da~, to me, ren of Dayton. . Mr. and Mlrs.· ElVIS ~icheal an d Minnie ' Marlatt, passed quietly taking them into her home for bet liull a a-;- ol1e -aOIl, Edmund, at When neatb the1 daiflied, out of ' and peacefully out of ita' frail some length of time, ministering home, one daughter, Mlrs. · Lena sig)lt ' daugl~tler, OOl'othy, spent' F t'iday evening witfu Mr. Joe Marlatt who terNIment of clay to itS eternal re- to their nee ds as if they were her Michael w:i~h her husband Elvis Th ese hands will fold ed be. ' wnl'd, w.hile iller loved ones stood own. Too young to remember Micllael, one grandchild, Dorothy But 0, beyond this !shudow y dam p is ill at Corw in. by with teat dimmed eyes and ach- 'much of their naturnl mother, May ' Michael, two n,eices, Mrs. Wh ~re all is bright and fair, -'------in&' hearts and beheld her going. tb.ese grateful neie,es ..ball ever Bansford Jackson, Xenia, Ohio, I know f ull well th ese tl ear old As tbe I}e 8 quiclcly spread sorrow cherish her memory, not simply 'as and Mrs. Cluster ' Shaw aldo of llands cast it's mantel over the entire Aunt Minnie, but as ~e" one who Xenia, Jlnd one nephew, Harry Will palms of vIctory bear; community as it felt the 10Bil of fiUed so well the place of mother. Shoemaker, Xenia, Ohio, and many Wlhere cl'ystal strea ms, th o' ondWAYNESVILLE one who~e, 1I1e had touch~d t~e The writer, having know:n her other relatives wit~ an unusually less years, heart-strrngs of·so many Wltb. love through a peri od of years feel s he large number of frtends who shall Flow over golden sand s MARCH 18-19 and kindness. Clara Arminda can best Bum up her cba'racter in ever remember her, not by monu- And' 'W here the old grow young Gene Autry in Pratt wall the fourth in a family of tbe words pf Solomon in the thir- ments of stone, but by kindly ad· again, "PUBLIC COWBOY, No. I" .f our children; two sons and two tyfirst chapter of Proverb". ministrations tha tw rate' their epi- I'll clasp my mother's hands. Cartoon- Band Conc ert. daughters, ~nd was born in W~y"Who can find a virtuou s wo- taphs UPOn ,the tablets of their I Charley McCarthy in "Africa nedville, OhiO, November the SIX- man? for her, pr ice is far above hearts. MT. HOLLY PERSONALS Speaks E nglish" teenth, 1878, wheN! she spent her rubies" ------Mr. a nd Mrs. Audrey Crew ond Comedy- High Ho Rollywoo l rly ~rlhood days~ but while "T.b~ heart of her !husband doth famil y of Oregonia spent Saturday MY MOTHER'S HANDS II qUIte young she b~carl1e .a. res safely trust in her, so that he 9hall with Mr. Ed. Crew.. MARCH 20~21 • ·nt ()f Mt. Holly and here ~he have no need of spoil." Such beautiful beautiful hands ! Mr. and Mrs Frank Kl.'llis visitDorotby Lamour-Jon Hall : I Jnt the ~ernalnder of her hfe. "She will do him good and not They're neither white nor small ~d Mrs. Nellie Burl~ett and family - in1I ~~rch ~h.e slxt4;enth, 1898, she was evil all t he days of her life." And you, I know, would scarcely' m Dayton, Sunday . , "THE HURRICANE" umted In marrIage to Herbert Mar "She riseth al so while it id yet think Mr. Charles Demke and son, ! s latt. ~nd ~he happy coupl'! took-trp might and giveth meat to her That they were fair at all. Cl)arles, and Miss Hel en Lobb of I hor Love Goes West theIr reSIdenCe In what IS known house!hold, and 11 portion to her I've looked on hands whose form AmElia and Mlr. Edward Fishba ugh Metro News 8lI tJhe- old Marl~tt homestead. To maidens" of Dayton visited Mr. and - -- - -- - and hue this m~st happJ.. union were born "She ~tretcheth out her hand to A sculptor's ,d ream might b e , MI's. Hat'old K ell i!! and children Mill.RCH 23 r two ch~ldren, Lena !Mily .a.nd ~d- the poor: yea, she I'eacheth forth Yet are these aged, wl'inkled SundJly. ' C1a.i Trevor--Donald Wood. mund W09drow. On July the elgb- her hands to the needy" - inMr. Earl Marlatt was called to hands, .th, 1900, she. united with the Mt. "Strength and hon~ur are ber More beautiful to me. the :hom e of his father becau ~e of "BIG TOWN GIRL" Holly Methodist Cbur~h under pas-, clothing: and She shall rejoice In Shorl;-.F:t·om Minuet to the Big illn-ess. torat~ of John ~, White where she time to come." Such beautiful, beautiful hands I Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Sm ith and Apple. remained a' flUthf~1 member all "She 'npetreth her mouth with Though heart were weary and sad, daughter, Judith Ann of Mt. Hol- No, 3 Radio Putrol her .life, every ready to .l~nd a wisdom, and in ber toungue is the _,_ .. ~ _ _ _ - "..,._ i :c helplllg band in evety octlvlty of 'l aw 'of kindness." the ch.urcb. She was ever a faitbShe looketh well to the wayd of ful fnend to ' the pastor, one her household and eathebh not tbe 'Whom h e could safely trust, .~d bread of idle~ess." to whom he ~~uld go for counCil 111 "Her children arise up ani! call regard to varIous problems of he 'her blessed: her husband also, Dnd churcb. She often expressed a I!)ve ' be praiseth her." for the Old, .churctr. and its. servic- I Mrs. Marlatt was lUlturally es, ~nd thIS love grew WltJh the strong and robust but a- numbel pasSing of thf;! years. of year:! ago she suffered from a Mr. ana Mrs. Marlatt journeyed complication of diseases. Recently life'8 pathway together, sharing she Buffeed an neute attack and its joys a~~ dOrr(}~S for nearly her case seemed hopeless, but to forty years, and t!helr home was a the joy of all she rallJed from this meeting place for the entire com- and seem'e d well on the road to remunity. Here w,as a home .where covery when oItricken suddenly everyone felt that indeed and in with.a. cold 'Which developed very truth "The lateh-string was al- rapidly into Pneumonia and beWaynesville, Ohio ways out.': U one were tired, sad fore we were aware of ber danger or lonesome the thing to do was to she was gone_ , stop in see Aunt Minnie a little Everything tilll!.t loving ministra-

while ud







- D,o n't ' Wait!




Twin Theater






Flame-Sealed Fenc,e Ins'st on a fence th at's GUARANTEED TRIPLE· GUARDED Against Rust GET. THE EXTRA PROTECTION AGAINST RUST THAT FLAME SEALING GIVES 14 TYPES TO CHOOSE FROM Exclus ive P ;oneen Knot Can't Slip

For Better Fence Valu es See . , .

Fairley Har dware Co. Larger Becau.e of Better Quality, Ser vice and Prico E'lIabli. h.c d 1849 - 1938 ' Phone 33


Phone Your Wanf£ Ad. Ie per word.





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Harveysburg, Ohio

. ~_a_n.

'We ' o~fe~ ' a Satisfactor'y Service at all times .

.I. B. ,M eClure WayaesvW. Pb.a.7 ____ a _a _a_a.' __ • - -. - -£8-.-.-,.







• A new tire cornea to ~own to give you the great~t life-savinKprotection on wet, slippery roada that you've ever, bad on your car·-a tire that's actually a ROAD DRYERI I Jpi,t look ,~t the ~w upon row of neveren~ IIPi!al bars 'in this new Life-Saver Tread. Then You'll imdeniand why it a.d. like' a battery,of windJbield wiper:s, sweeps tile ~~ rilht and left; forces it out through the ,deep making 'a DRY TRAICK for the rubber to pip. , ir~ the 'new Goodrich Safety Silvertown with the Life-Saver Tread will stop you quicJrer, aafer-Oft a , wet pavement-than any f;ire baa ~ 8t~ you ,before I That'. . ~ a "SiJ~o,Wn Stop" can eaai1y be a lifeMver to you Oft aUppery rain-dri:nched roads. ~ 4ddinC ~ feattueto another,



PAY $5.00 ,A Bushel for · , '.~HYBR~ C~RN! .,.. , . P.Yt l~ Each. loi.m~S~EY'~ , MlllLTI-TESTED CHICKS. , Many 'Lead~g A1a'rrn~rs, ·· .Do I A -! Reason


this new Silvertown is also the only tire that gives you the Golden Ply-the (amous Goodrich invention that reaiata the terrific blowout-causing heat generated inside all tires by today'. high speeda. By resisting this internal heat, the Golden Ply protects you against high-speed blow-ouu.

Extra Safety At '10 Extra Cost Remembel', many tires COlt more than SilvertoWD8; but no other tire-at ariy price-can give you this two-way protection against skids and blowouts. Unless you make your next tires SilvertownS you'll be cheatiJlg yourself and your family <:nat of the lI'eate8t We safety ever o,rered.




, GIVES AMERICAN a<lL~.m:~~~'I«



a nd .Mrs. J oseph Gra8li ot Piqua Earl R ~8d e~ of C a 'kpville, Mr. AIfI cJ J e-hn . D by statement wee1cs ago. spent S unday eveninlf with Mr. and Mr!!\. RUIi:>l'1 N.·nl ahd Shil1ley .from a Cbutilll 0 ;[ Ohrist in "'KenM·N, Ida. Howe of Dayto n wna :md Mrs. Walte r Kenrick and their I d~'(1 nn nltd child run, Rob ert a nd of Cincinl)nti, IIh ·. nnd Mrs. Harold I t ucky. the ,g'u.:>st of Frnnk W ilSOll nnd ~ gut' t, Mr . Alfr ed Haines. (' t t. LOu of Day ton. - O,' lIo l'O uud sons nno .MT.~and .Mh;. . T ho:Se Illuking t hc. g>a od eont es- f amily W~dn(hldI\Y. . MIs..'l SIIrn'h Co rin e- "Furnas. of . Mt·. a nd Mrs. Claude IJe.wJs en~ . 1:1'• .a nd ,M rs. $B,ro uriace of . E, nd 'on of Wayn vill , 810n and were baptazed und.,. Mrs: E'mI&TSon F.~az\er has "oll e A Ii 5; .... ··b- It It ('hiltlr n l nllill n \ \1 roe caiUn'", on Lester SUl' . . '. plor n.i ng .'were J (,hn ' and Charles t Q IndIana: o n a l! o ~nt or tho deut h G ~ ol1te School, Pt'n n.,. Is l\Pen d·m ~· l!el'tain ed Lho fo llow(ng' guc:jts to l a COUll] 0.£ w~ks W i th hel' pa r, Sunday linneI', -nt t h.cir :o untr y 1'1, , . 1 • "'~ n I ' d f 'I WO d d ' " ' Ourtne r, o( h r brothers WI:/" , spell\: 1'u 4a)1 with II I' moth r, face nn a nll y e n . ny· venM h b 'd d hte , f ento;, MI'. .a nd Mra. Set h Fo t' nall 'ho m on Rout 2: Mr. · and Ml'a. Mrk. W. A: Gerhart at Dn~on: . illg'. " .' . . WA YNE'SVILLE~ CHURCH OF oluTn~'bus a::e el'~:~8t.s n~~ ~l.:'s. on RQu te. 2. ha rles H UTley, iM!r. and M1'8. Ml'. and. k~. . P of! nnd ctll ld11'. R?ber~ BakoT, r. has b~n . . CHR:IST Sten . on until . M1;. . hu mbers 1\11'. and ,Mjrs. llnl"Vey. Burnet had J~lCl!j H urley of Hrun lit o nJ M t .' . ~ r\ ~f lt1ianuabu,rg nnd Mr. and on lh Slc~ h t. t;h ptlst week. WAYN ESVILLE M. E. CHURCH W. C. Smith, Millialer daught~.t' is improved in h altho as t heu' guest the pest week t h and Mrs. Woodrow Lewis and litMM!. K nn j:h La ey of Dodds Mr . Edwin Rnmhy, Mi'!\ .. ~ ter ·Sunday, Mar ch 20 SUlldaTThe Ladie Aid oclety met Inttel"s' aun t, ' Mrs. J ohn Rayner 1.10 daughter and Mr. R.Qbert Kruw gu (If ~lr. d tr . Wm. ul'face and daug ht r DoriS were 9 :30 unday ·chool. R. D. ColBible Sc'hool \J :S O a. m. · thei.l· regul ar me ti ng p lace Tburs- of W esterville.. I' of Da,yton a nd Miss H~l en K ruo.lollli\.n ,u n duy nIL rnOl.)n and eV- 1 Xenia hOl,pers' ThUI.'lIdOY' lett upri nteltdent. co mm.union 10 :46 a . m. da.y aCternon with a VOl'y good ntMiSt! Rut h Morgan has b een Wa.lter lnrk WlIS a Dayton vis· N rs. Frank IItarih ha gone to 10 :30 Morning Wor hip. ubject , hri tiun Ende""vor '00 p. RI. tendanoo. enmg. it or , We dnesday. / ~ . quite ill' t he past week. ' M~. and .1uJrs. ,A. H . Stubbs nnd Da yton to lUak-e her home with her " p J; " . Feecl:ting 7 :30 r. and Mrs . .Churles GtlW lind Ml's. Kove rma.n and family mov- "'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~ fa mily visited 'with Mr. Stubbs daughter Miss Glenna Marsh. . 6 :30 Epworth League. Wedlle~clay- . . daug hter of Miamillburg .villite<i ed, . ladt week, f r om near Spring- -:: b l·.9th~\" at CircleyUle, O. on Sun- . ~iss Marjorie Eden ot Buffalo 7:S0 Evcn ing Worsh ip. Pi-ayer meeting: 7 :30 p, m. their paren t~ and grandpar ents. f ield to the f ar m of S. N. Burn- ~------------:. , In spite of the rai ny eveni-ng we R~v. HaTtman of Bellbrook was e tt• da y, . . N. y, wus ·a ditmer gUest of. Mr. l\Io nda~L....:. . Miss D6t'oth~' Coleman ot Colum and h ·s. J . B. Chapman on · Su n· 7 :30 P. M. Offic.inl.B onrd Meet- had 85 present a it t he evening s'er. a gu est in town Tucsday e-.:ening. Mrs. Mal'gnl'e t J ohns visite d bu lIpe.nt the we k nd . with he r day. ing. vic!!. There wel'e 50 young people -,...- - - - - -- - - - - - Mrs, l\{al'tha Hough neal' Waynes.. .'1'0 t el- paren ., Mr. nUd Mrs. Wm. Miss Margar~t Crawford of Thurada y pl1asent f or Chrh;t ian Endeavor . vill e, on Wednesday of last wee k pr ing f ield is pending th is week 7 :00 Orchest t'a Practic-e. . Coleman: Mr. and Mrs. Rogel' Bro wn a nd Mrs. M. M. McCray \\Irs. Dus- with her parents, 11'. and Mrs. l7 :00 Boy Sco uts. ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL fa mily moved to t.he Hockett prot in nnd MI • Hin es of Centervill e Earl Crawford. 7 :30 Lent en et"Vice. . CHURCH pel'ty in W I~ynesvill ~, T ue day. v· i d wit h fri ends nt Wayne!!Mrs. BalInI'd Wall o e, Mr . Mur 8:15 Choit· Practice . Alf red Hain es of Dett'oit, Mieh ., Notice for Third Sunday in Lent vlll Satul·day. ion Whitn k 1', Ml·~. .AI P olin ky unday, Ma rch 27, the Distr ict spent part of the pa t week and Barred 8. Whi te- Rock. , Red. March 20, 1938 Alonzo Titu i:l moving' in .th e Mrs. Leroy Ellis and Mrs. Irvin Superin tendent, Dr. T . T . raw- 9:30 u. m. . unday dtwol.. Sunday with MI'. and .Mrti. Waltel· . . W. C. P hillips pro'perty on Mlnin Ellis a nd Miss 110e Trcadway a re f ord will preach. Hom ~co min g will White Wyandotte. Kenrkk Sli d James Haines. 10 :30 n. m. Morni ng praye r M d St. spend ing .a. cou ple or w \!eks in t he be Apri l 3. Dr. C: S. Gra user w ill T ho .meetings con tinue a t Lyse rmon. Reverend H. F. Vand erWhile J er . ..y Gianb 'l'homos Adam is ill a.t hi home South. pl' ach . tIc hurch until Sunday evening 1 lip, of Columbus, will preach . in Cor win. BIRTH DA Y SURPRISE - ----'--Special.. Len ten sel"Vice, Wedn es- F OR SALE- l S acre9, 5 roo m under t ho <Iit'ection of the pastor White & Bro;"n Le-ahorn. Thursday being Mr. Grace L . Last Su nda y a t the invita'lion of MASON METHODIST house, '" 11, cistern, watet· i n Rev. H ug h Da vis. day n~ght. All are cordi nlly wel· mith' birthday and Frida y irs. Mr. Orville Gray a p Irty of 1'ela. EPISCOPAL CHURCH come. Reverend F rederick Fischer h ouse, $1600. how by a ppoi ntMI'. and Mr . Clarence Mart in Pekin Duckling, Ru th. Betz' they ha d a din nel' party t ives and f rien d knowing it ,was il Lowell W. RUPP. ' Mini.ter ment only. W. N. Scar, Wa.y nes- and Lhe form er' mother 010 cd in charge. Fritlay even ing at th home of lIrs. Gl'IlYs birLhday b('took them. . . vi lle. Ohio phone 78 -R- tl. ltp. fr om Duyton , Tuesday to their n ow Brenze Turkey Poults Mrs. S mi th the u ests were J. H. selves to t he 'hom of 1\1 1'. a nd Mrs. Th e Choir ap pea red m their home hel'c, which t hey recently pu r mith 'and Emlll tt Bell?. Gry, bent on surpri ing her. The I vest ments nt the worship senicil MASON PRESBYTERIAN WANTED:- White R ck bI' ding cha d of Mrs. Lidd ie OIGlIln l.. Soli. Caction Guaranteed Mm. Delta V eneable id !'pendi ng resul t of t.he il· lit tlG co Spi l'llCY w as l a ~ t unday. Choir and congregaCHURCH M I'S. Margaret Joh ns was a dinflocks, W hite Pekin du ck eggs. seveMI dllYs with her da ught er t all that coul d be desilocd and h er tion a like, wore pleased with thi" O. F rank Stol'(:h J r. Mini ster See Mill al'd's Hatchery. R-I Oro ner gue.;t, Sunduy, at th e home of Dayton. surprise was ;30 g reat t hat . he f eature t hnt does much to add dig---'- gonin, Obio. P hone Lebanon lit I'. and Mrs. E. B. Longacte. 1tfTs. T . C Anderso n ' of Fort scarcely kn ew what to do. 01 nity and beau ty to worl>hi p. ' Thur day, ~arch 17- Th e P olly 471-R. 17-2tp MI'. and Mrs. Therle Jo nes and ,. Ancient visibCd MI'. a nd Mrs. E . co'urse t heI.·e \VB, s the usual bonqutilt The mini tel' was unable t.~ ann a Cla:>s h eld at Saint Patri ck 's on entel·ta in cd to din ner S unR. Bnetjey on T uesday. which' is most im portant. Those pl'each last undllY due to a tie-V- Day party in the chu rc h. Box Soc- FOR SA LE~tlaytag Galloline miG- day, ,M'l '. a nd . M'L·S. Edwin Nutt and R-t Oregenia, Ohio . Rodger Browl! and f umily of Ly present were Mr. and Mr s. Glenn el'O cold. Broth.or Th omas Chattin cial. tor in goO.d hApe. Cheap. Ethel i Mr. Hermann Nutt of Centervill e Phone Lebanon 471-R tIe 'lu1vo moved .into the hou e 1at- Gray a nd 1'Ond, J ohn and Richard . wh o is a looa l preacher belongin« Sunday Ser:v i .~e d, Mal'oh 20- Foul. Mt. H olly. Hpd . . B·nd . Mr. Ilnd Mrs. J. B. J o n e~. ely vacated by Mrs Fran k Mal"l'h. 1.1rs. J oe Hawk in o'f Dayton, M-r. to t he Mnso.n Quarterly conferen - 9 :30 Chu rd! School- MI'. Leslie MI'. and Mrs. Ft'a nk ShI elds, Mr. and Mr . J . Smith enter - a nd Mrs. A. C. Bowma'n nnd Pau l, Ce occupied t he pulpit in Mr. Scott, Gen. Supt. 1I1!r.. Wm. BerSALE- One set Dree.ching l\M ~rs::'~'_l\~I~a;ck~M~c~O~le~ar~ y~of~D ~ny~to~·~n~;;;;:::;:;;;;;;;::;:::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-; tained Sunday .Mw·ch 13 the 101- and Mr. J ames Rautt of F ranklin, RUJ)p's tead. caw, Ass't Supt. Clases f or all ages FOR harness. 5 1-2 ft. f olding tu g~, - - _ . . - - .... - - . ~ -~ -- -.--- - - lowing guests Mr. and M.Ts. F. ll. Mr. and tMIrs. E dward T.awsop and The classes in prepartory mem- Mr. E dwp.rd Barr, Ass't Supt. 18 ft. 1 1-8 lines. Pt'i~e $5 0.00. R. . Miltenberg,e r, Mr. and Mrs. Milo MI'. Don Tawso n of Miamisburg, bershi p are growing in interest 10 :80- Divine Worship. The D. C ollet~ Hdwe. Phon e ' 9!lR3" . . ' Miltenbel'glCr of Lytle, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs J oe Wol fe and Mrs. and in number s. T hese young peo- Sacrament of Holy Communion Waynesville. Itp. pi e are taught. th-c great f unda- will be adm inistered. men tals of tihe C~ristian fa ith an ~ Baptism and r eception of new also are instruct ed in the id eals, members. Mr. St;orch will preach. WA NTED- Tl'8ctol' .w ork, plow. stan dards nnd polity of the Meth7 :30 - Tuxhl Young People ing; disci ng , new equipment. W ork g uaran teed. A P l'lm rose r um me et. od i t Episc,opal Church . • • Sepa rato r f or sale, goo d co ndi tion. The Epworth League g~ve a. St. W ednellday, March 23- Choil' J . M . . Eferd, Phone 433; ClnrksPatrick social Thursday evening. Rehersal in t he (:hureh 7 :30. ville. . 3-17 4 t Back in tll!c dllYs wh nf t h hend of the fn.m ily The pu blie was invited. F riday, March 26- Th e New ervlces for Sunday 'March 20. Era m eets. 0. lo no pr oduc I', taking t he fru its of hi. labor f OT WAN TED-- Plowing .. r ensonable Chu rch SchOOl 9 :80. his family I!lnd depcnding on " blnter and t l'llde" to prices. Lawrence Thoma!;, Feny MI'. Wil ard Losh, .supt. EUI)ply eheir adiJitionlll ne ds, confid ncc a nd cI'edMr. D. E . IJeywood, Au 't. Supt. it w re two great unkn own facto . POULTRY PROFITS fo r yo u ·Worship 10 :30 . fro m Cha nnel's money-m.aki ng . Too Rev. Mr. Rupp will preach. Mr.} and ' Mrs. A. S. Collett en- c hic ~ 1 All par ent stock blood T oday most busin ess tl'nnsnctiotiS g1!pend on .. cl·cdit .E pwollth League 7 :00. te~tained . their "500" Card Ch,l b t ested. Now is t he time to buy n d the ba nks, t hr ough credit, provide f or t he What a Pric~ • '•• Stock.Up Nowl Friday rught, t hose who attended yo ur baby chickl;. Phone your ors wift, e " y f low of nla~I' ial . of all kinds, f ro m FERRY CHURCH OF CHIUST w~e MeBs~rs alll? Mesdll~es How- d!!r. AU breeds $8.00 per 100. AU producer to n ~el', fl'O~l market to market. . W. C. S~it'b, Mi~i.ter ard Graham, (lllmt · Cleaver , Rob· h eavy a.9S01·ied, $7 per 100. Cu~ ert Wallace• . Herbert· J. Carr, tom hatch ing 2 1-2 cents 'Per eg~.. . Th~ manufacturel' needs . nn w matcrials to fill SUIicla.yClyde ~vicy, a nd Howard Mc- WILM~GTON HATOH ERY ' 318 Guiti ,. Billie Mrs. Rose Ca~, N. '.MAllberry St. Phone 3831: BibJe Scho ol 9 :30 a ... m. f ut ure oJ\d~rs; the-- ' conI m rehont Ihust "order .h is I Communion 10:45 a. m. . Ml':I. Laura ShEidaker, Mrs. Sadle 3 17 3t supply far in advance of the h-eatlng scallon, t he P reachi ng 11 :00 a. m. Reason and Miss Sarah Smith . . 100 lb. bq ~.30 f armer needs money t o grow a nd m ove crops. These Su m n subject "Oommunion." tMIrs. Osee Harlan was -in town WANTED-Au tos a nd tra ctors to luoe but few -{)i the 'mnny ·exampleS of t he daily Lijrhthouse !,.0-80 size Tueacla7. W edn~day . on a visit. 4 lb•• llc CLEANSER • '4 C&D8 lOe rRU~ noed f or crediL in which t)le machin ry of the bank P r;el,lching 7 :30 p. m. Mr. Russell Bentle y of .County . r epair. Reason able pr.ce. Vernon FordYce. Rou te 1. T elephon e h·elps to keep the wheels of l;Iu t urning. Oqr lltt endance la t Sunday Wad Boai'd of Health was here WednesStandard Pink Anion Wall Paper 17 1)) C'enterville 72F4~ 172 with- nn offering of ,36.89. day, looking ~lftdr 'the Sanit ru'y SALMON Z cau 23c . ' CLEANE~ • • caD ·Sc . . . Co~e ~p us reach the 200 11UI<tk. conditio'n ot our town. Ba nking cm dil s implifies w htat w.auld o th eTWi ~e be Barbara Ann . Leader .T hose making the good confesM'rs. Bicl'tha Gray of Dayton, ;WANTED:' MiS!! Aleen McDuffi e ;........~.a.: " -lL mo t com(l l (»" · busin e~s tr nsac:tiQn . .It is easy· t o :rOM. SOUP. ·4 caDa Ilc BROOMS each Z5c · sibn ,. last F rid ay night w-et;IC qeoTie hat! returned tc), the homeof ~er of South 8rd Street a.y ncsville imngi ne f he seriM tic-ups in bu sinc!!!! traffic that. Stlirdt _CanvBIl CON CARIIt"E1 Oountry Olub Graham and . Betty Johq!{)n. ·-Mrs. sister who pass ed~ away a· few desires. house cl ean ing work of I! a ·\\"\) ul QC;C ~ if t/1 ~ crQdit mnchin Cl'Y .of bl\nks CHILI · • . • 3 can. ZSc (al.OvES' . ' . Z pair Ilc - , " , \ a ny kiria.~Mu5t' be home at n ight. - .. ceased to f u nction on an y busin eSlS day. " Cotton EvaPorated REPORT OF CONDITION OF Price Reasonable. Ca ll Wayeach 23c PEACHES lb. ·lZ%c MOPS 10 oz. . nesville 1,8 or cO'me to t he lhouse' n~t . t~ EpitlCopal church. Galvanized . . 17 1tp each tic • • Z lb.. Ic . P ~ILS • •





Bargain Priced Best Quality


MIIard's Ha·tchery





FLOUR Z4 .b. .,•• 6S








Traffic rie-lJps in Business


I •



Tile". Wayn~sville Natio~al Ban·k

New freab stock

Swansoft Facial

OF WAYNESVILLE, IN THE STATE OF OHIO, AT THE FOR. ALE- For fence ,and CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON MARCH 7, 1938 PUBLISHED . IN RESkindred produClts ge t my lo~' PONSE TO CALL MADE BY COMPTROLLER .OF CURRENCY, prie-es. Have YOIl seen the new UNDER SECTION ~21l, U. S. R~VIS.ED STATU1iES . twin' Douglas motorcycle? .E. ·E. Ansoq, .C larksvine.- 3-17:6t. Reaern [)j.trict·· No. 4 Charter No. 222~

PINTO .BEANS 3 I.b .. Ilc TISSUE • • • pka. 'Ie

.Ohlo River Br~nd

Startlnc aiJd ~rowlna

10~ lb.


(Sliaht1,. hi.her iD Kelltucky)




25c I

C~~Ry, 'F'IOri~a, Med. Size, each .. .. .. .... .. ... ... ... ... 5c BAN~NA5; Very Fine Quality, 4 lb..... .. .... ... ... 25(\

:NEW CABBAGE, Med. Siz~.' Green ... ..... .. 3 lb. 10c ' NE~ CARROTS, Fine quality, bunch ....... ..... .. .. 5c •


Ne~' Potatoes, U. S. No. I Bliss Triumph II 5 l.b. 1St:


Florida R~pack, 2 lb ..... ... .. .... .. ... .. 23c·.

MEATS 80101~ ~au.ale in the piece 12 1-2c; aliced




...... ....... ...... .......... . .... . . .. . 10c

FWl",CATFISH,ib. ....,.... ...... .. ... .. ... ......... : .. 25c

" B~~'~LE5S FiLLET~, '2 lb:

. ... . . . .... ... '. . . 35e

SMQK~ri H~M, whole or shank end, lb .. .. :.. .. .. . 2~c


.1t'[ ember ·F'gderal Dep ]ns urance Obrp{)rat ion 1




. '

ASSETS 1. Loans and discounts .... ....... ...... .. : ...................... ...... ...... $164,605.48 2. Overd rafts ........ ...... :.... ....... .... ..., .. ............... .......... ,........ . aO.68 3. trnited States Government 'obligations, direct nnd f ully g uaranteed .. .... ..... ..... ..,... .. ..... ....... ...... ..... ....... ...... 143,156.65 4. Other bonds, stocks, and tfOcurlties ....... .......... ,............ 149,321.32 6. Ba nking :house, $8000.00 Furniture and fixtul'·e s $1700.00 ... .:.. " .... :,.. ....... .... ...... ,.. .. ... ...... . 9.'700,00 8. ReseTVe with Federal Reserve 'bank ....... .............. ..... ,... ~a,864,.a0 9. cash, b:nJanceli with other ban,ks, and cash itelllJ~ in . prosess of coneetior. ....................... .. _,.: ........ .. ....... ..... .. ,. 87,863.19 18. Ot her as ets .. ,...... ...... .... .. ..... ........ ............ ..... ...... .. .... .. .. 2.84

$2'• 2''S

.FLOJ,tIDA (iRANGES, .S weet and J~icy 10 lb.


Total Assets .......... .................. .................. . , ...... .. $608,632.86 LIABILITIES " 14. Dema nd- d'ep'osits of individuals •. partnership:!, ~lDd

115. ;~~~o~~~~:i~S ~f..i~di~id~~i~; ·~~~·~ ~.. hl~~: ..~~d··~~~~···$363,0~S.3S.


pONtions .......... ....... ... " .. .. ........... ....... .. ......... ..... .. .. ........


I 16. State, co o~ ty, and municipal deposits .. ... ..... ... ....... .... ... 70,280.23

18. Deposits of other banks, inchiding certi1ied and . cashier's checks outstanding ... ... .... ........... .. .. ... . ......... .. 9<!8.17 D e~~si b! secured by pledg-e of loans and, or --, I . IDvestments· ., ........... ... .. .......... .... ... . ~ .. : ........$ 60,126.50 , Deposits not secured by pledge of loans and, .o r investm ents .......... .. .... ............ .... .'.... .. ... 436,,618.7'l- . Total Deposits ...... .... .. ..... ...... .. ....................... 486.644.2 ' 30. Capital account: . . Common stock, . 1000 shares 'par $75 a share 7.5,000.00 SUJ:plus .......... ............ ... ..... .. .. .. .. .... ...... ............ 19', 000.00 Undivided profits--net I~':: ........ ...... ... ~ .. ... .. ..... 27,888.5Ih . Total ' Capital, Account ......... ..... ' ..I .. . ,. .. ... ... _~., .. . .'·_.: •• : · 12111t~&.~,9 · Totlal.

~iabilities ......... ... .... ... ... ...... .... .. ..... ,..:... .. :........ ·608,~~2·. 8.~ · ,

ME;MOR'A.NDUM: ~. aDd Iny_tmeDt. P'~lpe( To. Secure .) , I U.bilitie. .. · 31 . United States Government obligations, direct and !- . '. ';tull~ . gu~anteed :... .. ,: .. .....................: ...... .-.:.:.... , .....~..:..... 32. Oth~r. b.on9s, sto~ks, and .slieurities ... L ... .. . ,. .. . .. . . .. .. , .. . 3,4. Total rledged (exeludiDg lIe'diseounts) ... ,.... :".:.. ... ~ .... .. :., Illi. ' PI~dged: . ,'. , '.t . _ ". Aga \bllt ' Sutte, 'COUJltY, ",nd municipal depoeittl ..... ;.. ..:..... . To;tII;l~ PJ'lld~ " ·!..: .. ,·,.. ,:··,.. ,,:...~ ;.l':.;· ..... ...,.,;., ..... ,,',,,1:;: ." .... 66,4-7.&.01 ' · StAb&, ' (I f Ohio: .Cp ul'tt)'of .W,arren, Be: '."'" .:1 .. , J ..; r . " I; 'L. M.' ·~ ndenon/ cashier- of the ~oye-nam,ed .b.nk; do Bolemn~ ' , 11' ,wear ~t · ~'" .axwe at.te1nttnt Is to the- beat of my' k8.wle~ an d b.llet, ... "' , .' . '. ..... . ~ , : '. ' ,. .' .' L. II. BeadmQn. Cu~ier .swom to and lIubscribed before me this ' 12th dar qf MI,rch. 19~8. L. B. GotdOil, Notary Public

'; ue

U5ID : CAR ,

Nor.a: ,.... tilrlleU.lto






~'. ; '





!2!5,-,- .



High 'School Op~retta , Pleased Large CrowCl


Back row, left ,to right, 'are Mr. I. '0 . Brown, R. D. Collett, Mr. Holliday, Cecil Davis, Leo Conner, J. W. Litcy. Front row" left to r'-ht: Mrs. Conner, Vi-iniaH111'd'Ill, M rs. .. ~.. WIIlI8!tntlon, ~s. Brown. .


. ~he : Waynesville Methqdist Church' i8 ""Iannin';' a Home-Com,.. .. ing tor Anoril 3. They have invited rthei~ former pastor, Dr. C. S. Grauser to be the p.r ineiple speaker. "

D • ecorating, Vi rginia Hardin Public itY, JVev, Lacy . !MJemorl'al Bouquet , Mrs . Ma r y ,Collett ' Care of the Aged, Cecil Davis SpeclIl ' I G'! I ts, WII.Itel' Whitaker Repcoel!'nttioedn and Ushers, To be ap1')


HARVE'YSBURG. - Mlore than 114 ton s of milk t esting 5.62 ' percen't butterfat wcre produced by the l,·co\ pure bred J ersey herd of William A. Lukens, Waynesville, dul'ing a recently completed 365day test. . The record, made under the supervision of the dniry depDl'tme-nt of tbe Ohio State University, is authenticated in a Herd Improvement Regi stry certificate issued to da.y by the American Jersey Cuttle Olub, national organization of Jersey cattle breeders. The Lukens herd's total production wus 69,607 P-O\lnds of milk, · 'tb 3 ' 839 poun dso f buUe ri at, WI an lJ.vct'llge of eight J erseys actually niilking throughout the h d h Th test year, t e recor s s ow. e average milk yield WllS 7,803 poun ds, and the 'fI,v'erage butterfat yi eld was 430 pounds pel' cow. The herd was milked twi e daily. The highest individual prod-ucer was the 4-year-old oow, Mary Carl'i e R., with 9,~46 p un ds of milk and 530 pounds of butterfat. '


Mr. :IJld l\{I·S. Ro m'~ Riggs and d.l.\ ughtet; Pauline wer e vel'y highly enterooined to a bi rt hday supp cr and theatel' party Oil M.arch 17 , by the Gerh':IITd's, it bewg thei r twentieth wedding anllliverslLry and the birthday of 'Mrs. Rigg . A ve ry attl'l.lctive table was 111'I'ungeu in gl'eell by Mi's, Gernal'd ,:,ith li ttlc Shamrock baskets as favor. After a delicious supper of good things, green ice cream and white cake trimmed in green W08S sel'ved. An enjoyable t.ime was liad by bot.h parties.

' Fun eral servi.c~H W l'C heIJ -MonWA YNESV TLI E _ 'rI ll ' rl cluy aft 1'l1Ol) n £01' Mt·lI. 11 . A '01'- 1 ' .• 1~ Igl n II who djcil at her hOllle 11~r c ~I t Sc h o~ l opel'e~tll~ pl'c~cntc d by the 1 i" " I I vys an d GIrl S Gle e Clubs of G'30 , JIi[ .. . C n . III \Vayne T OWII: IliP ' 11' 11 ay. G t ( . I):: II . Ch00 I \ \· u ' ,I'. o~n d bwash • hY ubrs °d age IV II l'cccived by a lurl!;C uPPl' eciaan d I ~ survIv e . y er U;, un , Olle t' d' I F 'd ' duug-htel' Y.!,s, WUI'I'<! n Bruddock' IVe IlU le nce lit,· 1'1 ay c,v ·lIlng . a Ii hi B tl' Th e plot of lhe pl'(!ScnLutlon \I Il R !,Irllnl (R Ug cr, • y; , onc b1'o- lai d ll1'lIund 'I'he IUJ{azin' Prill('C ~!; th 1', JI urry PI'atc l' ; one SIster, M n ; MOI'ie who "'lId fl ed f" 1 11 C , ' /1 . 1\1'1 r naW, E, Cor nell. tIve la nd and IVa ' nlnl(lng- hl' r way ServiCeS \\ 1'~ held at the Methou by opcl'n iing n MaJ{azine sta nd ist hu rch of which. he WdS a.mem nem' the campus of Ba rgi. ,)Il cgc, lI el·. Rev, Lucy. pa~t() \' of thc' 10- Ii er irl onity discovcl'e d, designing pirates und er di . guise E111 Kov el'nclll ch ur ' h of fi . iater\. . lIl ont no-c nts attempt to cun'y her Mrf. ornclI wa al so a m(,ll1bcl' !l w~y . Pl'cvenletl by stud ents whu llf the EIlS!CI1l . t UI' Ilnd of lhe 10- cleve rly luid tl'ap", the story cloFCH I Gl'unge , cd with nil parti es cxtl'Uc t ~d hom h



Mr, and Mrs. Walte'r Wil On will hold open house on th~! il: 50th weddinlrannLversary M81'c~ 20, fron; 2 till 5 Rnd g to 9. They r sille at the old Wil; on homestead" where Mr. Wilson hali! reside,d all his life except for nine years. , They have \1w'O cbi\ ren Raymond H., wh.o has two daughters, Mr . Th~dore M . dntiro and Mrs, L.eonard ~vEllis, and Mrs.~ Paul Peterson of near Xenia who has three PhI P I' H' ~ Id d B c i dren; au me, IU'u an eut rice. All friends and. rellatives are invited.


rarm . Meeti-ng'' ro-.

gra.mHeld'" Monday

emb"l\ss ing sit ua.bioM wi Lh fre ~dom llnd love Il nd happ in ess abounding, A bout ~ enLy-f ivc young peo' p I e took pa rt in t h e pl'Od oction whi ch 1\' 1\5 " bly PI' s nted, winning [ t1 ' h h f av ol' an JlI'a l ~e t l'Oug \lut rom. patrons and fl'ien cl ~ or the sch.ool. Th . "lea ds" we re well take n and play clj:HI foll ows : Casl of, Characlera

MUrie , I'r ince ~l! fr om Rozenia, called th 1\'1 ~l gn1.i n e Princess-Vivian Co nn CI' Michael St. Deni s, Hargis Graduat e, Now in · Secret crvieePrank L May, Jr. Adam, A ~ h c p e l'd boy and friend of tb e Pl'incCS$-- harles Fires. Gen eral Red Rozie, Sent from R zC'nill. to kid nap the Pri ncess- ' Robel't Hiatt. . I"lorene !:itCW:ll'l, Pr ofe ~sor of Enl! li!h al llargis- Anna Gaye 'fl·cndway. I Her bert Minter, A se ni Jr nt Har' g i ~-Ea1'l Ea'r nhal.t. Peler, 1 11 a stud ent aL Hargis . - Donald oll et t. .Tessica., A Hargis co-ed- Verna Mac Hunter. Dozo- Tl'c lei' Hardin, Nozo- had es ollett. · 11 inky Hoyal Police CommissBenny F urnns, Kinky onel'S from Rozenia.--. Clyd'e mith. I Betty Mintel', Hcrbert's sisteTErma Shockey. Juliu. o-ed at Hflrgis-Buelah Bernard. aro, A gypsy- Viola Campbell. 1' he Bear, Mabel Franer.

A group of former members and .of · the ehurch are ,s88ist_ friends Covel'ed DI'sh Dl'nn er (S a t ur d:ay jng with the plans as it is believed ANNUAL ACHIEVEMENT PROthat this church has meant much Preparati~o) n , Garne tt Mal . mW A YNE~VILLE - The first of CRAM TO BE' HELD SATURDAY berg, Mildred Shee'han, . Lu- a county wide seri es of meetings In ' shaping the (lOunes -of many cine Armitage" Pearl Ric.h, to explain the 1938 AAA farm pro All the ladies of WayneSVille lives, is lKl'W, and alwayslhas been, &, beaCoft.!ight tor good in the com and Opal Stubbs: (Sunday i!iTam was held at the local .gym, and vic.inity <l1.l'e 'urged to attend · ~unity. ' care of basket), Rachel 'Eal'n- Monday eveni ng. The Wayne ·town- the Annunl Achievement Program the pro""'am is h art'. EV1eIy.n W a tk'lnS, H e1en ship committeemen, who art'onged to b~ held at the I,ebanon .,ig-u u .,. . T.he purpo~ o·~... W awaken tlie community to its Pre~ton, Elsie Strqud, Carrie for tbe meeting are R. M. 'Hawke , School Auditorium Saturday afteroblfration to the church - to inUnglesby. . ' . . R. Furnas, and C.. T. Ellis. noon, March 26. ' !Wi Caroline t , spi~e thoee who are now carrying The program fOr the Sunday school The Ma sie Township meet:ng Bradley of th.e Fine AI1;!j Depart- I On ita work "to .greater 6ttOrts - at 9 :80 follows: is scheduled for this Thursday and ment of the Ohio StOLte University I to ,aaalst In the repair budget - to lrit'roductory ~emarks, R. D. w.ill be beld at the chool boilding. \vill give a chalk talk on "Illusions I ~ . o~e awaken In :aU a new faith' ln God. Collett, S t ' T II The Committee chairman are as up. The township c.ommitteemen th ere in -your. appea.r,ance." ea .wi be Renr ~ow, left to right: Ohas. Fit'es, Donald Collett, Clyde follows: !. • . .l?~~:~~euP.t. for the da~, W. E. akre' HarolH.d Be kaeGtt,~arry Shid- ser:c;.d ~mmc,dla ely followmg the Sm ith, Bennr Furnas, Robert Hiatt, Charles Collet.t, Tre.l!Slel' Hardin, Ml·S. L ena Riggs was .ple.a santly " .,. ~ I a. er and owar rahom. • pro... a . Frank LeMay, ,Earl Earnhart. . . surp rised la t Wednesday evening S"S. Pr.ogram, &Ill'll. nast ngs Song by the school . Othor ,mect·1Il1r1l wel,'e h eId a t F ront row, left • ~o rig h t: B IG Ohurch ~&'J'8m, Hel'en Hawke ' eu nh Bernard. Anna aye Treadway, lIy Rixteen of her friends in honor Devotions, ,Esther Smith Washington township bo'u se, 011 FARMERS MEETING 'HELD Erma Shockey, Verna Hunter, Vivian Conner. of hel' St. Patrick's Day ~irlhdB.y. LOcal Ipvltatlo·ns,' Mrs. Ellen Con Roll Call and' Offering Tuesda , Salem toWnship at Mor- MONDAY AT,'YM--:-. Much fun and laughtcr filled the nero . . In~trumental Duet, Dorothy and 117 d d H 1 t' HARVEYSBURG CLUB TO JOIN AUDITOR NAMES LOCAL MEN ' ....... I-I..lla.'. ~ uons ' , "'_. Wllll'am ' B row on penes ay, · a r an ownMond~y eve' n l ' ng 'I mentl'ng wn~ room as tb-e guests obse.rved" Mra. S "'~n-: Gre~~g:M~~e~llen Conner ship, at 'Butlerville Tuesday.; heJd at ilie H.- S. Gy'; 1,!~\r~~~l~~~N_ The H ar- TO ASSIST TAXPAYERS Riggs unwrapping everal presents R ' Ifamilton town- hip on WcdneS(J I\Y by farmers in this 'area for the pur WAYNESVILLE ~ With up· on\e being scurely: Closed with espo~lie, Mis. Selma . Gorsuch at Maineville; Deerfield at Mason , . " vey b1,ll'g Men' s Club has voted to 1,"oxl'matel y 1,"'00 P"I's'onal Il'I'O- wir and much string ' & Raymonl Ha~ield ' 0 Tue da~' Unio at South Lebpose of dlscuwng fum problems. join th e ot her Warren County • ,, C' . • J NTERTAINS FOR APRIL Instrumental Se«tette n " n '. The county 'lIgent was pJ:cscnt gl'oups which a re uniting to secure perty tax return s slill due, severo I As the women and girls preparJUDE-TO-BE" ~~marks, !'dr. Mercer anon o~ Thunday; Turtlecreek at a.nd. gave an ad:dre~s, also a talk county wi de telephone el'vice at appoin bments have been ma de by cd t he I'~fresihments fOI' serving Saturday afternoon, March 1~,: Junior Choir ,Lebanon also ,.on Thursday. Cleer- w1iS given by Harold Bi' kett, a com exchllbges operated by the Ohio ounty Auditor A.M. P·a rker of each were adorned with a slip <Jf Mta. Ahlin ' EarnlMu't · entertained , Song by the School creek ,at Sprmgboro on Wednes- mitteeman. The ta lks were on the Ce.n h'al Company. locnl persons to aEsist with mald r g gJ'ee<I1 paper bearing the name <Jf. a ' .til -t,' CtOliing , B'hl ' . dli' a .l.a' ~eon an I)e!l 8 hower Prayer, Jo&iah Davis '~ day. - - .~~-.- - - - - -sub'Jec. ""Ma k'mil' Ulie 0 f"" uue S UTQthel' groups octively en~e d 0 0 '"• I' etu' rns • l e w 0 man, rut d eac h man. , an d " l'u.n-L hono~ 0/ MIa If:arJon~ E_~hart ,The j)rogram for the church !ler- ATTEND COUNTY MEETING OF plus on the Farm" Md were quite include the Waynesville Grange, Wymel' Drake an d Walter Ken· boy n cOI'J'(!spol1ding gr~en- paper Who i. to be an April bnde.· viCe at 10 ~49 will be: SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS helpfhl and education.a l and .practic, Wayne Township Farm Bureau, ric.k have been named· in WUY1I C bearing a desc t'ipti on of the partThe date · ot the ,c:omlng event l'relude a!. Lebanon Chambe r of Commerce, township to assist taxpayers. F'ronk ner he wa s to ·seek. The merriment was annou11ftd in- a uniqu.e man-- , Processional Burt C. Hartsock, D. R. Sali,.,. Mason Grange and the Men of Wilson hUll been nam ed to assist incrensed as the men WLCrc requestner wheni'. MI.. 'Catherinc Ha~oek ' Cal! ·to Wonhip bury and K. ' N, Hough, members of MOTHERS CLUB Morrow Club. in MlJssie Township and Elina ed ,to be waiters to their padllen &; 'Of WlJ~lnrtc?n opened 'her dinner . Congreptional Prayer the ,Wayne Township Boiml of Ed- TO MEET Thompson at Spdngboro. self in two courses, serviillr a dain.roll, a 1In,al1 pa)8r' came outl with' Gloria" uc'ation atten'eied' tlbe county meetTRACK MEET TO F. A. Hudson was nnmed to as- ty sandwich of baked' ham apd letthe names M,a.\rJorie E, _.r nhan . ..... d. . . Scrl'ptura ing held G at Lebanon Saturday afWayne T<Jwnship ' with this work at 1\1ason. toce, bedecked with a shamrock ... ' I I Mothers F d AClub. BE HELD' MAY 6 Sist J. N. Ro~IMOlI'" Appl "9,. 1988. Pastoral Prayer (Choral Res- ternoon. rOVeT Traxler, secretary mee.ting wi I be he d. ri ay, prll emblem, St. Pat's salad and !!a1tt . A:bo~t ' 15 'Were pres~~t at ~e ponlle), Supt. L. A, Garst to E. N. Dietrich, state director of 1 at the Grade Building. The school The Warr. n County School wafers f or the first cou~, and ' lunc:Mo~ an,d m.-nf bea~tiful prellPreset:JtatIo n .of Memorial ' Bou- Education spoke on the state Foun- year is qra.wing to 8 , and the ,Tl'Dc,k Meet WLII be held May 6 acBRIDAL S~OWER Pin'eajyple ice-ereani, cakt " .'Pd on•• of 'linen -e're recelned by Mis8 M J W ' da.l ion pro""""m and A. M. Parker. officers of the organization al'e <1e- cordmg to an announcement mode A shower was given on March shaml'ock cookie:s for tL.· ~ .. ~d " ." '1 ' . ' ..... , " " qU'et,Choir . rB. .. ' . Ward, 0· . k by M1'. n . d F . I:r.,.a t- 12'm 'honor 0 f J canne tt e W'lI so n, with. plenty of St. Patl'iek /.'" iI iIOIrj~ne. '., t · , . ·" ' Junior county auditor discussed the school sirious of·having a full attendanC'e thOIS wee J'-<Iymon '1 " 0 "'~t II. . ' ~ 'Al ' . tav set-up in r.eIation to the county at this meeting. field, /U'sistant county superintend- who -on Mareh 22 was united in cundy for' fa'vo'fa and d-ec!=tion ' , n .~ ur:::71 '1" oe.venlllg', DArs. " OU<>r.t ory;' Prayer ana Response " t · M d V". "'-" hart ~as I h .. - ' .. ' Anthem"Choir "'" system. . ' , ' .. en. to ". LeonaI' Ellis. uoU n··dl·ng much ; amusement- . ~ .; the ' vin' .~lUn , ~ga ,n oS"l"a 8v , " RAY M'" J h Ga I'st marrlag-e ' • ~n L f '. ELLIS.WILSON W.EDDING . . oung, .. son; 0 n Dorothy Smith and Ladomna vnl'l'o' U nlcth'ods of servl· ..... ~....' the a .di. nner ·partY IrIv~m In _nono1' 0 ' . Sermon', Rev. C. S. Grauser C " I'ls1 d "r C M'll H ' " ..... II Mlu . Marjo,fi.e Ea!!l~ait. The R . f\marks, Nelson .lI. R ss ENTERT A:INS AT DINNER HELD TUESDAY-Ul' b c, an j;.·h 'I hI 6g d an, .ar- Haines a~ a miscel- men progr ased: .'. ita t..... d b y~:M r. _nd Mr8. OBSE. RVING BIRTHDAYS,..n.. L , ' 0 f M1'. veys sc 00in. charge ea B serving Then ..... hhme t' he mental "'test and .1f\Ie£ en ..... ame Hymn . '''''I,L, eonardEli I,' son on th urg e comal'e mittee of the laneous Raleigh sh<l'VlCI' Bogan. ac the home - of Mrs f1.arnha~ .and sQns, l\'e~e: Mr. and Be,-.ediction and Response In honor of several birthdays of and Mrs. HOI1!l.ce Ellis of Wilming- event. Tho bddil-:to-be . I enl.llllSi&sm ensued wh,n "each ~rMrs. Emmerson Ea hart and Char ' ',: .,' the Hawke £Jfmily wJ\ich 'come in' ton and· Miss Jeaneitte W:ilson,. the r'1 d tt t' l'ece~;t mllny SOn l'cceived a green slip paper lei Bin't!>n lF4-mh.a rt,· Mi~ ~rjorie Ev.e ryone is Invi~d to bring' or tho-mont\! of Ma,"cli-his ow . - ,d·a ugbter of Mr, and Mrs. Raymond ENT' ERT"'INS useDaUlntan efa rS'ahc llIe g l 8.. on which W;lS a mu(·h tangkd group .. ts "'-J:.N ·..~r to h 0 n or .tlie 'mem ' \l 1 d ed,JIll". ... J • C• H awe, k asslste . d W I'l son 0 f WJlynesVl " 11 e wCl'e un!'ted " yb r t re 40men tswere rv-' 0 f Ietters an d w:llcn '" arraNf~ _ '.J ~n h a ..... ... Y!.~d aJf . Rob"m80~ an d send a , ' J1ft· ~n,? cu· 'Th ' l "f)'' . 'h' 'P.f " . cd A se I were .Mr. ·an!!~. Orv,ille Himes. of Day ol,'Y-of som~ne who has been d~~ by, Mr. and Mrs. Qon Haw'ke, enter in marriage Tu e day March 22nd ' e . Im1l115 mg' ar les spon0 a QU gues . . co or l one word representing ' a Bibl. ton ...· . 130 toem and. as Il tok-en of loyal tain,ed at 'a ;family. dhlner Sunday, bY ,Rev. J. O. Kilmer ' of Columbu . sorell' by the M~ther's Club ~re I sch ~me ?f green and, white wa , em- bird, unal11 il 01' chOJ'acter but with - , , .. ' " • I ty ·t,o the chPrch .. A single bloom Marc}! 20th. .' They will e tablish their home p~ov!ng to be qUite popular. and 111- pl oyed In the lI~pol~tments. Con- the heIr) of a )1artner were quickly ' · WAYNE!$VU.LE M. , E. CHURCH trom your own garden . is suffi- . Tlie guests present were: Mr; O"n a farm near Kingman in the cldentally arc neftmg a bdy sum ~*lsts and a SOCIal hme were ell- corrected. . ", ,. ci~nt. .. I • . and "Mrs. Ray ' Hawke; Mr , . Carl lieill' futul'e ior the club. Among tho e entel'- Joyed. B'bi h I dd d . \ d 9:~0 Sun'day scJ:tool. R. D. Col. lnining todllY Cl'hu rsday) is Mrs. I. e c arm es a : J~y' · AD " let.t , .SuPt. , .~ . ' F<lllowing the .mornirig worship ~awt~e anDrd Mvr.s. MarYdHfopk~nls Off FUN ' ER.AL SE.RVIICES HELD .Jack Preston who will assemble tile JUNIORS TO HOLD hapP,m e£s to tho d1'emamder l~f ~• . . ict' service 'at 1 :00 .o'clock - there will . ay n; • ance an amI y 0 f()lIowing 'ladi es nt ner home, MeseV() llIn~ and all 'eJ?'Brted ~. Ishmlr 1,0:40 M:ornin'" W-orsliip. Distr I' h ' Wilmmgton; :Mk'. John Fromm arid FOR JOSEPH L. MARLATT SPECIAL MEETING SATURDAY Ml's RIggs lnany more happ" birth au perm. tendeent ,Dr; T. T. CraW'- be h ,e d m t e basement of, the pa '1 • C L H ' k d' f " 1 dames, J . n. Cbapman, William .. . " . ,·. fordwilJpreach 'cllurchaco¥ond:dishdinnerwhere Mrru~ .". e:Wa~ ea~ h~IY; JosephL. Mal'laUaged 78 di'ed' GI:a!ham"Mert BDM), Vere 'Lacy, WAYNESVILLE Mr, Ettrl duys. a " 6 :30 ,Epworth 'League. , g.liest~ an~' friemls .will .ll1ingle to~. OrW8.y'::v e z, an c I ren at the home of his daughter, Mrs. L.....V.. Branatr.a lor, Frank LeMn'y, C.oylo, Counsellor, of the Junior , Those pl'ese~t ~ere MTS. Grace . 7:S0;' Eyening., S~l'Viee. g'~the~, spendJng a perIOd. of fel. '. Hendel'SOn l ast Th uTsday alld waS' Ralph Hastings and Miss Helen Lodge has anounced a spcci al nleet- Furnu$ and chlldten, Robert, Jean · n.nclar-- . . , Jowship togethel·. ' All fomier ' and b)lried Sunday aiternoon froll! Mt. Hnwke. ing of th:lt order COl' Satul'duy eve and Benny, lilt.. and Mrs. . Pern' ' '':00 ' J.unior. Cli~ir. present members, friends, past and ' ,ASON - ·Mrs. Clifford' Camp Holly Church, burial in ·Middlerun ning. The progi'am for the eve- Thomas ond grandson Roger, Mr. , . 1:0'0 QOf Scouts. .' pl': 8(lnt are ,cordially invited to at- of ClllrkBvil'e, daughter of Mr. and cemetery. Rev. Lacy ill c'harge. Disease bacteria holds annunl n ing 'will spring a 8u,'prise f eaturc. and Mrs. Le te rGerhard' and tam' 7 00 0 h 'tr8. Practl & t.e nd these ,s~. rvices. lntere,st in the M:rs. Grover Fox of near he'r~ is Mr. Marlntt leaves three' children • . Mr. Goyle sa idJ. The members ,!Inti lIy, Paul, Dona.1d and Dorothy, Mr• .... ' : .d re .K , , . c. " churc'h will result·from 'this gather, in Chri"t·. Hospital wher~ she Is re- two sons, John W. of Norwood, nnd reunions In unclean.ed poultry fa1l)ilies arc ul:ged to attend, bring and Mrs, F. T. Martin. and: Rutb .. . ' .·:;:5,·rn:::~~~~~~· : .inlZ'. co-.;ering: from· an' appendicitis op- Earl of Springfield and one daugh- houses'Dnd 011 contamll)ated I·ang'-. ing a covered dish anil tuble se1'- Savll{l.'e also Mr. Romo Rina and " .,' , 'l: eratiop:.:· , , t~r, ,Mrs. Hendersoll of Corwin. eg. vice ' fOl' 08 supper 'fogether. daughter Pauline.. • . .. .. ,- - ,


.. _..,

Had IeadOIng Parts· In 0peretta"

H0Id S'urprlse · P.arty At RO.ggs H





~ :-.-.-.---.- ,~.-



.... ' .


- ~



Cast'Vhich Pre,sented.,High ~SchqQI Operett'a "Magazine ·Princess" ·At








. ....







W. aynesvil1e .


L __


~iami ~,a,ettt




ittle Mi~mi Assum~ngShap

Entered As


S ~ co n cl

u~cli ption

Pri e,


rnoOIl . l\J r. u nd Mr s. Allen ~'''o d a u g h t(' r ~ of Dar ton w el'l~ un day dinll cl' g uest:; of M I'. an d Mr ~ . ~. mith. Mt'll. P a ul Willia m of L hanan ~p n L a couple of duys last wi!ck M1'l:. 'v\ il hur lurk of Way ne.·· " '>i l h her g rnndmoth .. , Mrs. Bell e vill e . pent F I'iJ uy lli tcr l100n wi t h Scot t and famil y. her mother, 1\11'5. fary !l.l'mony. A number of person , f1'om h ere MI'. . 1\1 :II'garl't J ohn s W~IS 11 di n· enjoyed tbe operetta at Way ne - n er ~u flt Sun da r even ing of 1,'. ville gym Friday evening. nnd Mrs. Ali en ;E mL'ick. Miss< Laura Rosnagle of inein- Rev. '1'1l 1' ff o f Spring Valley a nd nsH W11$ a w eek-.end g uest of M r. neal' fOl'ty III m be l'; of N.J•. !fo Ji ) and Mrs . Har vey Burnet ~ llI d H'. , hurch whel he i" past 1', a tt.c nded and Mrs. H arold Whitake l' an d , cI'vice of Ly tl e chulc h. F riday evchildren. ening. R ev. Scarff do liver ed a wonMr. Lee Shelto n of L e !;burg u.s- dl! r fuJ sermon. A lut'g number of f ri ends II'om ai ted several eve ning . with the music at the meetings at Lytle her e atte nded the fu nerul o f M 1'5 . chuTch which closed S und ll Y even- Eslella r nell at the M . E. ChUiCh ing. !It W a yne ~vi ll MondllY uflcI'noon , . Mrs, Ada Chen oweth of CenterMI'. a nd Mrs. H nrvey Bur net e n· villo I s visiting t h is week wi th Mrs. tel tuln e<l the J1inn :!'l' lub at thei r )f~ta Rogen. honie to a covel' d dish dinn e1' Mr. and MI' J. B. J ones w ~ l' e W dn e. da y ev ni ng of last week, WRiter K nt'ick .is a ~si ti ng wilh '. unday a!tern"oon a11d evening gue£ts of Mr. and Mrs. B rn ie Dill l he pel'sona l t axes at. the COUI t at Clayton. HOUSe in Lebanon a nd is helping · Mrs. Susan Saylor i v ' it ing h el' p erso n in t hi co mmunity at h is , lion He n'r y Saylor and wif nenr home at Lytle in l he even ings. New Lebtnon. MI'. a nd ·CI' . tll nl ey Bailey and IM~. and MrE!. E. B. Longacr e vis- daug hter ntertnined Rev. and Mrs. ited friends in Greenville Sunday Hugh Davis an d: littl e daughter • J •Loi ,of pdngboro ' and MI'. Lee helt.on f Leesbu rg to six o'cl oc k di n ner unelay, Ml·S. Lowell T homns ent rt ni n ed a Mother' Club par ty.Thu rsd ay a r.wAYNESVILLE t ern oon. Those pI'csent were: Ma da ms A d en J on es, Catheri ne MARH 25-26 W hita ker, Cleo Gra y, Amy Bail ey, Bob Steele in I Ed na Bu rto n, Vnelen Wieal and A. II f~

---- -


_Or No Charge

Centerville, Ohio

HARVEYSBURG Tbe P . T. A. held th il' regular hlEeting at t he Gym W dnesday n ig ht an d' each family a t te nding i)l'oug ht a we,l filled bas ket. E ve ry one had a good t ime and well at;., t end ed, Mr. Hedges . of Mason gave 08noth l ' good' pictl.ll:e , how ' a t th Town HaJJ T hul'w ay night. He will b ;! here next Tuesday night with mother !tood sh ow. 'Mr . John Va ndtrr ·\1ool't, of Witrt\.ington .aft e1· the , death of Mr. ·ander Yoort of a few we ks ago, is now vi iting in the, South. ~11'. and ~ rs. Irvin and family o f Da~1;o n , moved here, into the pl'Opet ty rece ntly vacated by Jal;lles U ell "md family_ Dr. Ogl esbee has gone to ana for IL I'e t o.r a fort-n

"TH E COLORADO KID" I H·MSr~URbnbJ·Mrs. H CI vey B U1'n~t and Cartoo n " ':ugs Bee Ll e a nd Orch ." I\fr. a nd Mr.>. Walter 1< efil'ick saw Shol ~-"Lets Go Latin" . ' T he Gi r l of tlt c Golde n W est~' at Sbort-r opulnr Science No, 1 Lowes t heate"r in DAyto n Sund'ay eye inc;. • MARCH ' 27-28 Mrs. Calvin Longacre enter taind to 'a clinn er pa d y n Wed"Or day Ronold Colman-M. Carroll f I ·t 'w -ek in co mplim e1nt to t he -inIbirt hda y of hei· motber, ~1lrs. S. PRI SOIIER OF ZENDA H. Burn ~ t. '1;10:. ~ pres nt were . I Mr . Cassie Hardy and Miss Mary Metr o News - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cook of Wayn svine, Mrs. Ruth MARCH 30 Savage of Centervill e, Mrs. Emily T(d Rouftdy-Sprlnl 8 y lnitoD T h.I\ kel o f " J~ebanon, Mlrs. Mar~ g a r t J oh t. s, Mrs. S ~ 8D l(:y Bailey . -in and Mr". E. B. Long acre. "BORROWING TROUBLE" Short Pictoral No.2 . Phon e or send in yoqr ntlwa. No, 4 Radio P at 01




., ,•

evi dence of the skill :(}f the stone mason. Over tb e mantel piece . embeded in the stonewl~Tk .·a re three bea\) tiful decorative toiles, in carved cedar frames, ed by. -a wellknown Mexican artist, of the old school, together wit h a hlgbly de; cgrativ lacquerl! d \lna hand-paintd Wooden ]?la t e; in bright blue and r ed colors; te n inches in eter. T'w-o piece~1 of r.rexican onyx inlaid into the ' masonry add furthei' to tho(! uniql:le stone effect. An ancient s hotg:un, with' ratm'od and usual receptacles for powder and hot 1'e. f on arid hang from snarp p ro jecting rocks. On ' another tiny pro jection i s an Aztec idol. T,he interior decol'ation of this in n buil ding will consist of Mexielln Al'tcrnft, evidence which · is all:eady visible. ' The .p1assiv() chimney was desig ned.and bllilt by MI', Fl. M, T ho1lipson, of (~lar}tsvme, an old-

Satisfactory Service at all times.. ··tI. < E~. 'MeciiaJre . '



ri:_k~le ~ ':before you buy -., rm.i8~torl ~D how the 10.Y ..... WA • • AN11 .smaU.ett Norge BI.dric RoUator " on the Ron.tor· compression unit -< compressor'""": the surplus-pow. you buy tod.y will'still be in arect in 1948 ••• Only· Norge h., the > ered , lDirade-meChaoilm of reo lW'plus- Powered lloUlilor Comfri~cio~eeps thr•• Norge ,prenor th.t malle. co~4 bY rewolw~ cold ..~ .ho:w -Norge inS .Iowly iit'a permanent bath of protectinlJ oil ! •• That'. why the Ii- 1qb" _jlliu"l cold~less R'oU.tor com'p ression u~t~clu­ ~pr Ute. Seethe ~. dYe to Nor*c-ca.rl'ies a ~()'Yeai' . _. u . •. PA~, on. NorP .,.,. JO.D "1' ~ War~ty.


_______ •• I . __



a • • • • • • • • • • ___________________ _

Levee Buil~ing, . Ditching Excava.t ing ,


name with Miami Gazette for eati.mate.


Hamilton, Ohio.

W. P. Watson, Mgr.


---------..;.~-----~-. -----, -.-----..

------------~~--~~----~~-----h e./U'th f u rn ish' additional

The old barn wi th its d istin'c-' tive tlmbe'dng ' of by-gon e daYil that is being I'econstl'ucted and embellished by H. L. Van T ress On bis Teleg rap h Mill p roper ty, on the HQr seshoe Bend of th e Li t tle Mial1,li River, b low Wayne vi Ie, is Il!;suming s hap e in such a mann er as to g ive passeuby who lQok over the wOI'k a pretty good idea of that which ,will ultimately b e accompli shed. It will hOllse ~bat is to b,e .Known as Horsh eshoe B end Inn, fo r erunner of his coritelilpate'd Telegi'aph Mills Tavel'li . · The accompanyin g photo of the stone chimn y and f ireplace, ju t completed, ' is p t'oof of the fact t hat this p art 01 the work has be en w-ell done. 'Dhe 'well a rched, ample firep lace is topp ed off w·i th a massive mantel-piece, of oak. five inches thick by seven f eet, six inches, hand hewn, in ke~ping 'With the other barn timbe.r s The back of the firepl~ce prop~r a'n d th~

We .offer' a Let 1iI giTe" ou.~e £acts 00 this

r. . Ma.r tin Auctioneer







·A......DI 64 .....1" Ted PMy.. til. , . . .• . CkottJ,o


'T welvePer'-And Glad to Get It

By H. L. VAN 1'RESS . ORVILLE SAGE, Puhli.bcr



Mr~. PAuline Villiars of Spring took part In the- etyle boW, time Clinton County contractor ,"/Ill cy vlsilet! hel' 1\1OLher :ticJ:'e The play: 'Millry's Little Lamb" lind buUder. Wcdn day. will be given at. the H, S. AuditorThl' s cond ophoto IIhoWB arU tic 1\h'. Karl Pottorf is con{ineu to ium Friday eve. The cast III com~tairway leading lo the loft. 'hi s hOnl c o n aCCOI,llIt of.- illness. PI? d of the tlla hcl'll oJ the town-' --i1)st mll;\t l' Fitz off Spl'illglxlr-o . hip. 2 -he pl'oceeds are to._be, addwas calling.o.ll friends hllre Thu rs- ~ . ' t.o a "Rcnlth Fund" whIch I usdny. .d f'() l' medical att.onbion fO.r, pupils MI'. nnd 1\11'. • Collett en- .0'( th Q-"'S(' hools of the township, t el'tain ed theil' "600" Card lub l\fl'S. Daisy Haincs' l'ctU}"ned Satof W ayne vill e, their hcs pitulit.y i \ urdny from 1I. visit with hel' f~n-il1w 11 kno\vn. ' law tl nd daughter, MI'. and Mrs. The phrase, "he , slart ed fro III the , ~'. ll rie! Mrs. El'Il2 t MlIIlnon hlts.. l\tl\ dd n of .Kirj{cr ville'. bott om," applies to ev ry one of the en tertn in d wi th th-e-ir IInnulII bil·th 18 president s of the companies in the Bell ·t lcph one s)'stem and eal!h da y party r ll' M;I'S. Mannon's filst::lfted his tel ephone career with an t h 1', 1\I r. l .. :J I'g e Davi s of near We llman . initial sa lary below $1,000 a year. . Mr. . W ill r n Cleav er of Detroit TI,,-cir start ing salaries ranged from mud e u l.Iu ' il1 ess ellli h l' C the Iil'Sl $ 14-1lo.~ $988 ycarl y and ('hat Of W aIof the " I . ter S. Gifford, presidcnt of th e W. . J\!l Curt'en of Wa lhoundAmeri can T el ~p ho n e a nd T elegraph in Rnd Bu . v ey sbuxg , cum e down o'1llpany. wa s $10 a week. Mr. Sa t u I day · \' enlng and t oday w ent Giffo rd slar ted in the W estern Elec- to Dayto n t o attend a bir t:h t!s y tric Compan )"s pay roll ..department di nncl' f OI' h is mother, as a clerk. ROOT FOR AND CONSICN Deel' U nited Church meeti n-gs Randolph Ei ~e, president of The arc beg inniug unday evening )'our Cattle. hO'gs, sheep and; cal\'ef Oh io Bdl T ~ l c ph one Company. Mar, h 20 . ' Eve ryone is . we lcome , tc Norris-Brock CL., live wife a,\d pNgre~8lve firlll l'lr the highe8t started in the Ne w York Telephone so please come. lT1arktlt pric 8 and R'ood service. COlllpal1/s tra ff ic department. A Edwllrd Dakin; and wif e, Will Union St~clr Yard,' Cincinnati, O. former Ohio Dell president, Charles Welch and wif-e motored t o Xenil1 Tune In on Radio Station WCK'Y P. Cooper, wh o wa s born in Cald- Frid.ny. 12 ;25 to 12 ::10 p. m. for !l UI' daU, w ~ lI, 0 .. also began with the New 'M\rs•. Laura Shidakel' is visiting mA rlrpt r erH)rt c . York compan y, as a junior engin eer. he r daughte1' Pauiine Villal's of H e is now an Am erican Telephone Spring Yalley. and Telegravh CQmpany vicc-pres ident. J ames F. Carroll , 'who went ;fOT ARY PUBLIC NEW ~URLINGTON fr om a vicc·preside ncy of thc Ohio NatioDal 8 aftk Bell to preside nt of the Ind iana Bell "'III. Onw.. . . Eat.te. 5ettl." Rov .. Ray hamplin of XC Il i'a JeT elephone olllpan),. start ed as a !ivel'ed the sel'mon at the FI·jend's WAYNESVILLE. OUIO traffic studcnt in Sy racuse. Church on Sund ay. First jobs of the presidents varied Everett McClu i'e Is abl e to go greatly, includin g thc classifications back to work nIt er having suffer ed of night operator, c1 c ~k , repairman, injuries in a n 'automobile accidtmt helper, wirem an, a w.e'~ ago. cable , splice r' stenographer, coll cctor, canvass ing M.1·. and Mrs. Sanl . Shanks Jr. agent, salesman, in spector, traffic an d family of Cincinnati ""ere week student, and ,draft sman. end g uest of relatives hel·e. Most of the jobs pa id about $10 Mi ss Ruth Reeves, l\1rs~ A. W. or 12 a week and one president DeHave n, Mrs. Jesse Hill, Mrs. was glad to get an initial salar)' of F1:ank ho,'der and Mrs. T. C. HaySl2 a month. The oldest Bell presi- dock were members of t he Wodent in timo of service s tarled in lhe men's cboru which sang at Greene bu ~ine ss in 1894 and the youngest in County Achievement Day program l!HI. .Phone 7RJ on W~dne$day . Mrs. W. N. McKay

Horseshoe Bend II 11 (j~n


_ l!!!2ti-




PJaoae 7,


. '"

'.~' J



A 00'5tl)'- Chance~ . .. '


YO~T e~e!'-Ig.bti

is. too - precious to take 'ne~dles chan~ea with it. Eye strain i~ dangerotts. I)amagc "may pe done ' )jefore ' you re"lize it. · . ', ". . .' t, ..


aD' eye, 'examination

,~o-day :Yo~ ' 'ow~ it

to give this ll\i1ch time to )lour sight. '

to "yourself

. '-

.Dr. -Joli. -Zettel-G •.o-i.. ...




OPTOMf;RTIC EY~i<;HT SPE;GIALIST Open Every Day· from 8 A. M. to P. M. Saturday 8 A. M. 'to 10 P. ,.

'. .~ran~a:a1waya w~ a ~~n·.sb~ppe~ and

to ."sn~p yp" ·• .bargaio · .,.,

~ut yo~ 11 recogruze these !.BARGo!U~ QFFERS_wi~out her yearS of ex. real money .•• you get' a ,iw~U selection of magazines .~d a full year, of .our· newspaper. That'~ what y;e ~ a ~'bre~" for .you ·readers ••• -nQ wonder grandma says-ttYOU'VE GOTSQMETHING THERE!'" "f

~enence ••• you la~e


O"-'~fruitG~ .::"1 yr. ~" OH~e Prlrud ...::.. _ OAmeric:anPowtt)' 10umaLl·)'t. . OBhl,eder'. Cia2eue ~ "..' PBlade Irl,edau , . I' yr: . OOoYedeaf Am. ~lew_1 yr. IJCowatrt.HOJU 2YA 2 FA Of&nllJoum.1 OGooclStorl~ hr. OHolDlCllde .1 ,~.

OHome An. NeedJCCI1Aft.....l Jr . OLqhom WQfld ' 1 OMoeba'. Home 1Jfe _ _ .1 OPath!iDder (WIdy.) ":"~ 26 INUes




DPI,mouth Rock Moolbl,_ I)T. O~cccMful ParmJoa __ ' _1 ,r. OWomaa',WorW 1,r. .




Bellbro ok. Fronk Wright lind W. C. Smith attended II commiU et! m<} t lng or the Xenh Art'& ehurcheB Qf Christ in _?Cenia Sunday IJ ft r)100n.





Dairy cow. 'on Pebrua rJ 1 ..... Infant d~ughter, also Mr.. Jellsie erDed about die' 4eclln. In unc,onc RobinF(ln and daughte~, Mi~8 Jeaneondairy praduc tl' for prices on called nnati i ctte all of Cine' tlon. pl'94ae of lel/el high a tinued un e '~iel'c Emma Mrs. aunt thei;' 'Ave l'lIge product ion per ~ ..... ' d y tne highest for that d~te In the , a .. ERIEN DS HO~E MlSS Ruth Ohlllltllar Qr Cedar past five years. M/· . . Emma Pic rCI) and Mrs. I.e- ville was th e gu ' st of her aunt, na Hartsoc k att~nded the funeral Mi ~s Rache l Pettit, Mond~ y und Pa t ron i7.e the Adv rti~ er. · of Mrs. Nettie Dickson in Dayton Tuesda y. Wedl e!«la y, of la ~t week" - , Mrs.. Ida . Lusk, who has j>een ill for , everal we.llks, wns remove d to ber 'home in Dayton Oil MOIlday' mor ning, ;Mr. and ·Mh . John Robinson and

lYB)tlJler's Lov e ·AlJr!. Pete Wical Buffers a s prain

but' i8 recover ing nicely. H1'8. Sam Mel'Cdith and daugh- ad ankle, . Forrest Trost were and'lfr the Mr. ea~ yl r ' and~e Beity tl1l'11, Qf Mr. and M;rq• guests on Sunday afterno Sunday . HarlY CornelJ ls



i I

I \. 'I


' . ! ) .

6e Be





A New Num ber! SLIC ED 20 oz.

c James Sl." 0.1 . l a " d p. etly Ann Iluthm'! ord share th ~ romanti of one " Hearts. Human "Of ion product que pictures lhe In t spotligh one ot tbe th e screen' s greates t contrib utions to Americ ana', oud open most drama llc stories of mother love ever written which will at the lI ew Xenia Theate r in Xenia, SUllday, March 27 . for /1 three... . day e n gagem~nt. his mother The story which Ls ageless eoncel'fts a son and was bro\l ght and how the boy's lhonghtleijBlleSS alld In gratitud e wh o und e l'8too~d to B hnlt by a stern but t enderhe arted Preside nt, The backgru und til fullest love of a B It,sacrifi clng molher. r of 185 0 ' with .. of this glorious drama Is laid In Ohio. in tho yea Bondi and st unly pioneer s taming a wild erness coulltl'y. Beul ah cust. Walt er Huston are also promin ently teature d in the Urllllunl

Wc arc over·s to cked o n fa rm impl em'e nts and prices ha ve uee n g'reatly r ed uccd in ol'd 'l' to move them. Look a cr this list anu ch ecl< t he saving-so

W A.NTE D- Tractol' work, p owing , d i~ cing, new equipm ent. W ork 'I'eam A Prim l'ose ~ ual'antee d . • epol'aLo l' fo r sale, good co ndition . J . M. EreI'd, Phone '13:!, Clarks3 j 17 oiL vill e.

Walki ng Plow Ge nuin e Im perial, 13 No. 3t W. B. All tee l Equip ment pt. ctl'. Mlbd. $1.00 less if cast point 'nti sfa?toI'Y , Reg. pric e $25.00 • 10, e Out P rIce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

WANT ED- Plowing . I'eas onable prices. Lawrenc e Thomas , Ferry

POULT RY PROFI TS f or yo u fro m C hann e l ' ~ money-ma king I All parent stock blood chicks LOAF to buy te ~ l e (1. Now is the time YOUl' baby chick ~ . Ph one your 0/'del'. All breeds $8. 00 per 100. All KROG ER REDU CES THE PRICE ON heavy a ~o l't cd, $7 pCI' 100. Cu,;it iJ makin LIFE" OF "THE STAF F _ _ I .. _ _ tom hatchin g 2 J-2 cenls pel' egg. po..ible for you in tum to REDUCE WILMINGT.ON HATCH ERY, 318 5 nci F\ra t nigh esday Tu 10. Jan. Jess Roland THE COST OF LIVIN G. M.Ulb eI'I'Y·St. Phon e 3831. N. Normo !1.n~ MI'. nd Mrs. Ead FI ye , Mi!s I Gr aham, Ada Cat'ter, 3t 17 3 l o n. MI'. MarLha Hill a nd Vernon Hi ll. were Sa.ylor made the co nfc~: NOW YOU ·GET LOAV ES OF THE Due d. baptize was Gruham Sunday g l\esls of MI', and Mrs . Er- George FOR SALE- Fol' fence and FAMO US CLOC K B~EAD FOR THE , to nn inabilit y to walk withou t . Thomas vin ... 6, kindred product s get my low braces, and becau se he COU ldn't THE FORM ER PRICE OF the new I get hi s brar es wet, M'l'. GI'aham prices. Have you seen Sunday a G was DOIN He!<s IS Chal'le~ ER Mr PROO F THAT ~ROG . was bapti~d in a chail'. homt'o ' E. E . Hess ycle?· Jess e motorc th s at COST Dougla guest twin THE CE REDU TO PART IT'S on coiled Smith MI·s. and Rev. I. . trIp a 3-17-6t m?-de ille. l'dycc o F, Clarksv ry r Anson, . II. s. Hu OF LIVIN G. '. ' M/'s JQhn Willis Friday to Da yton i{)ur days In succes. ' . · t a "Th says she sion Inst week, but MI'. and MI'l!. P er/'y Faul llnd son WANT ED: Mis Al een McDuf fi e ien'Cne ws thot's just monoto ny." and MI'. and MI . Logan Ervin, I . of Sou th 3rd Street Wayn e ville , of . Mr. I Mr. ·and Mrs. Fl ed COl)klrn and Green wel'a di nmlr gu estsM ,'. and de ires hou se clea ning work of da~ghtel', Rose lla , were a~ the Pete and Mrs. Dan Williams. kind. Must be home at ni ~hl. any of guests I Mrs. Faul W'ere l!Upper I Wlcal home Sunday c~emng. . Call WayR ca.~o nabl e . Pl'ice Il dren I the E: J. Lindam ood s in the eveSevel:al of. ~he ~.Ica\ ch hom I come to thc Ihouse or 18 nesville . e, at VISIted s and theIr famllre I . . . . .. next to Epi:>copa\ church. Saturda y. The Allen Wi edner's nmg. m Cm 17 lip spent the day, Rnd the Allen Lu- ~ . Mrs: Fthl'~nk F,;;: IS v/ slttng IS wee . cas' family spent the aft.erno on. in cmnatl R v. Smi th preachcd t Ile funeral FOR SALE: 10 x 20 Interna tional the evening MI'. and Ml'II. Wi a l of George Adam at th e Stubb ·tractor , also FarmaJ l and Cu lticalled on the Perr y' Wades. l Home,. Saturda y. Mr. Funera el' Bak vator on rubber. M Curley ImMr and Mrs. Charles ' gue sts of the a nd Mr . J . S. Fi1 ~r attende d the day pl ement CQ. 30G N. Broadw ay, all ernuy 'Tu were If yoa waDt doOar for doll1 funenl . . n, Phone 199. Lebano Wicals. Jim out day iD day' , ar .al •• , who has Ga.",el't Simon Mrs. and Mr. evening r Monda On you'll do BETTE R with a WANT ED- .Custom Plowing , discMrs. Pe te Wi cnl and Mr. and Mrs. been con.£ine d to her bed .... • • Quality .ercheD di••. is ale ing work, good equipm ent, reasat faIr pric.. ..ery day ia James Wical a nd f a mily were pres- sever e 'cn c. of t he "Flu" . the wee". onable price~ . If you are expecti ng ent at the 15th ,Weddin g Annive r- ' t o be up and about aga in. Mrs. Edgar C ok is v ry ill in to have work don e Bee me now. 8ary celebra tion of .Ma'. and Mrs . Miami Va ll . y Hos pital. Th" Walter Sh eenan, WayneE ville, O. the ' burg. Miamis in ical W Louis report saY3 that her condi- 3 24 It latcst Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Lawren ce and daught er, Wilma, spent Sun- Lion is very unfuvo rable. Miami sday. evening with th e Ray Shaw I Mr. Fron.k Snider of and Monday of most wOI'ked burg . alalla. family. famI ly RtllJ'ted Tu esd ay at the l~erry Church . Cane ' Th ~ Th omlll' Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Smith and S..... a7c steu mrng tobacco . beds, M~nday . spent MOl(lday evening with amily f pent ianllly cal ~ W The Ja~l~s th's sistel', Mrs. Howard Smi Mr. Myron i Sunday WIth MI'. and Mrs. Piae MhJed of New Vienna ie Mckinz CorD .. eal Sheets. . Han-ey .bur., Ohio Mrs. Joe Filer ~pent M~nday visM-i-ss-E rma S.hock~y sp e~t Tu ~s-, Phone 17-R-l l for d ~ y afterno on and nrght WIth MISS iting I'clative s in Wayne sville. Mr. W. C. Smi th and family , Wilma. ,!homa~ . In the afte rnoon CHIC KS BABY s pent Friday evening of la st week they vl £lted Bellbrook. school. OM HATC HING CUST of son John be/·t Al of home the Thel'e have b ecn slxty-on e : ad- at ested flocks Blood-t Fr'om .. =~ Avalon ditions to the Fe/'ry Church smce =======:=::-=.==== Order now for later deliveri es FRESH CREAM 3 box. lOc MATCHES .;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;·;;;;;;;;;;.' I -- ME~ W A-;;TED and, profit by liberal discoun ts






--- --- --.

Lemmons Ha tch ery


$19 00 .----------- ----- ----- ----00 20 ----404$----S'$20 00 00

Walki ng P lows, ~cnuin e ?liv el' W . 13. Reg ular P n ce, $26 Close Out . .

Wa lking P low, ge nu in c Oliver "0 4 B. Reg ular P ri ce, $2 6. Clo 'o Out. . .

' •

Doub le Di. c, genuin e Im perial 24-16 horse with ' 85 truck fOt' ecal'l'iage.. Regul ar Pric e,$ • $125. Close Out PrIce . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Doubl e Disc, genui ne Oliver 24-16 horse with tr uck $85 fof recarr iage. Reg. Price $125'.00 • . . . . . . . . . . , ..... . . Close Out Price


Frida y

Countr y Club. Tall Canft

-SCRE EN"Para!ll ce for Three" Robert Younil, ·Florenc e RIce

Whea t Flakes 3 pkg•• .25c:

·19c ·

Satur day

Countr y Club

3 can. 25c

. Tom. Juice Avlllon


CHIPS 2 pkg•• 29c ,

t" "Ba nk Niah -fit

Contlnu ou. ~how. D.lly . Adult. Onl~ 15c 'Til 2 P. M.

Parkdal e. Quart .Ta\'!!

APPLE But:ter' 2 jars 25c'

., Wesco ·Eeeds. .






.. •

lb. $2.;'10 .....,&t,AA 1I'·S·8, .lII' .•",,,, bi'. GrOWl. .




EGG .•



OD ,....Iity

g Oliver , 2 row 128 S. B. \\ ith ton ue$ 75 • .. price ut Close 5. $153.2 e pric Reg. . Clippe r Fan Mill No. 2. 'Iean.e d bu. Reg. price $60. Close out p l'ice. .

W ~e -: l!l' •. ith runner::; 39. te eth . Re g Pl'Ice, $16. Clol?e Out Pl~lC e . . . .. .. _



f:.areer e of Be tter Quality , Sen-ice &Ad Pric. Ph"D. 32 E.f!abli ,Led 1849 - 1938


We Can Furnis h Chick s F or. Imme diate Order s

S9 c

One price, one grade- the Best

Pur san g ~axative Tab lets • • • • S-S uit Brid ge dec k Car ds, per 2 fQr .$1.7's

Try Our Mixed Balan ced Ration Feed

To Poult ry Raisers . . We give, eb.olut ely free, Post mortem service, .80 if your flocks need ex.nmin ali oncall us at once. SIMPLEX BROOD ER STOVE S


New Lendi ng Librar y - All Late Book. 3c Day - 6c Minim um HEAR PURS ANG PROG RAM WLW EVER Y MOND AY AND WEDN ESDA Y EVEN ING AT 7=45


populAr .ariotl•••


Wa yne svil le DruWg Sto reOhio '


Phone 1

Recipe Baki ng

.POWDER 2 =:·.15c

0; l:I",dOdc, ~ lb.. .. . . . . . . . . .. ...... ....

WHITJNG~ ,. H~~ie.., Ib

:.......... .., ........ :.....

You '




:BEAr.. B~CON. SUI.~ C~red, lb•. ....

j ..... : ..........

71",~ TuflAl FE'lWI:E,




PROD. UCE '9RA:NGES, FI~ V....~ 10 ,lb ......... ......... . . ~


QltAPEFRU,IT, GoocI Qaalil 7,. 4 for .................... Itc t23c: ·APPLES, -Wu... Wm.. apa, -• .Jb. ........ ..............-. : O~IONS. M~. . 'YeIiow, lib. bal ;,...... .. 'ltc "

CAU UnD WJ)t caJlf. SIlow White ,· Head' .... . tic F..... uuI T~. Ii.. .............. tOe '. .

Th ey 're Multi~Te ste d!



, RED PERCH FIILETS~ lb. .... ...... .. ...... ............ 2~ . :....... ~ ... ~... lie . lb. : ........ DredeCI, , F~h )/t'~. :RED~ . . , "'~. jj ~"'( J cAttr5i1, ...,.....~ .... ,.,;.. ......... .........:.... 27c '



Fairley Ha rdw are COa

.~~d, potato.

A ••lectloD


00 00 00 100$40 00 '$12 50


Gu ltivato r, Ca. ·e 1 row S. B. 6 s Pivot $ 5 5 • Axle. Reg. Pl'lce $73. Closo! Out . . . . .

Addres s ... ....... ... ............ ... ... . ....... .

~o.r «ro••r Man . ..fir for th. lieat price


Mo liJ~ e . R g Ular $69 P low 2 • P I'lce . .... , . Out Close . Pnce $95.69



. t.~$ldt3 ·



' .

Se.d Potato••·

$65 a month paid to many men at 'first a nd mOI'1(! latel·. Local manage.r of nationa lly known compan y will hire severa l men at onc·e . Deliver ord er s t-o fia nner~, rend er ser- . vice and do other work. F·a rm experienc e a1l"d car n ece~s9 ry. Permanent work . Ev~ n though you are no()t much in tel'csted in changin g . y{)ur work, if you will send your name we will gllaran tee to furnish you iniol'lll'lItio'J1 that will be of great value to you. Address Box 4330; Cal'e of this paper. Name " ....... ......... ....... ...... .... ... ..... .. .


Tracto r Doubl e Disc 2'8-1G, Genui ne $ 8 7 • Imper iaL Reg. $129.5 0 Clo:.; e out '





R ck breedin g , flocks, White Pek in duck eggs. S e Millnl'd 's Hotche ry. R-l Ore goni!!, Ohio. Ph one L ebanon 17-2tp 47 l-R.



i6 oz. Slice d

. •

Sale On Farm

W ant Ads NOW THE FAMO US KROG ER "CLO CK" BREA D . FOR LESS --Sam e fine qualit y. same fine ingred ients AT NEW LOW PRICE S ... to help make your food bUdge t (0 farthe r.


It has been .tested by many years of wea. . ther and fence line on (arms allover . the oo.~try . coating ' on . zinc There's an extra tluck the patby on put fence,· BRAND ~D ented "Galvannealing" Process: Th~'B plenty of oopper in the ateel to niake it resist rust. Coote on in and let U8 show . you 8Oni'e·.more of .the features of RED . BRAND fence. ·We have just ~e helaht can fully reOOm. 'and weight you want, mend·lt aa a ·reallence. value!


. ~"""D, 'Ohlo ,...,.............tIq· . . . . .t .... La....

.: . III

- - --

offlcl.a l Teated .for Punoru m Disease (B. W . D.) under theture ant;! , Bupervlslon of the Stale Dpartm ent of Agricul . passed as "Pulloru m Safe."

Tested for general vigor and truenes s to breed by men working under the supervi sion of the Ohio Improv ement Ass'oela tlon,


. Tested fo'r liveabil ity. by thousan ds of cuslome.r s who 'report . . , . an' ..average ' baby <!hlck lI:veablllty of 97 per ce/it.


Tested for m~at product ion by broller_planls In fertlnt section s and pronounc,ed outlltalldlng.


. iI.: 6. Te.t84 for, ell · .production . In the reacUa, La71Q" . . . .. and ' ranking wltb t)le ludel'll. \




Can Do Bette r With ToWnsley Chicks


you ' to' TEST them tor ""ultl"Teating " pro~.












I ---









be w~ched at th<! Kings Mills most one hundred present last. Sun produced In the put fifteen )'ean," ,'/a'UI' Iln ot: Lebonon and Rus.~('l1 Haptillt Church, beginning un- day. For the eveninJr service April 1& the characterization .pplled by l 'ul't Ilf Lobllnon vi ~ ited Mr, ane! day evening at 7 :30. The 1'vangel. 1 a, we ure going t.o have1i1'lillustra- Eugene Go0886nll, 1!0llductOl' of tile t I!!, 1.urell J un\6lIon of \'i averly, iRt '\\ ill be t:he Rev, ~1~', Lel'll1d Je- ! led patdatic, tempel'ance service incinnati ymphonty rjlheatra , hio, • undllY, rome Pow 11, pa stor of the Nor- , "Und r Two FlaQs" given und~I' to bhe ymphony in G by E. J, Mr.'!, Eva Mille I' rotu I'l~Cld to 11 r I I W, ad Bapll. t C,hurch, Norwood, O. hl' au pices of "The Cleall Life r Moersn, EngJish cQmpo ser. The ~r, nnd-fill's, , ill Luk ens, l\1i!<~ h III he r . S.lliurdlIY, hl\ in~ spl!'n t "rlle meetings wi!! last lor 1I week LeaR',!e," C, E. Dowdllll will be in . k, ...."h.i h created '(I, ~ nlWlti9,ll n1'1 arolyn Lukens, DOllnie an~ Lhe \\ inter mon ths wi th Il()r daugh' l 01' so; and there will be no ~L'vice l'harg~. You want to plan to attend at its world prenlim-e in _ Lond'On Loi Lukens and l\tl'lI, H , B, Ea11l· ~er, GI'a ee Me une at Lima, 0 on M'O ndllY nights. I t his "erviee. last mon~h, ",m be given its first har't w(!t' !:th pping in Dayt9 n al. Miss Lucy Eml y wa a dinner Mr, Po 11 has be en the ' pastor American performance by the Cinu.rday afternoon, g u e_t Thursday t!vening o f MI'" nt the Norwood church tor 13 YI'S.; FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST cinnnti Orchestra in Mu ~ic Holl at , hai'les Lewis , und TI \!ico lis ~ I PI'nnc e~ Brannock und MI', T, B. .l\.I1d has a membership of over a W. C. Smith, Minilter 2 :45 -o'clock Friday afternoon aqd Emma Lou have retUl'n d home nf- Bl'annock, . thousand, 8 :30, o'clock Saturday evening. t l' ~ ix weeks sp fit in Fl ol'idn. 1\\i . MbJl'~' Wesh spent Sunday . I Sund.y, p cIa prayer group arc meet-Bible eh 01 9 :30 a. m. Haydn Schumann and tM\aasenet Mrs, S\1 .~lII cnnlan was a WiI· with her' pur nts ncar t h e Oltering twice n, dny in Jlreparation .f~I' Lord's Supper 10 :46 a" m, have leading pilices on' th~ same ming ton visitor T-ucsduy, be in H ome, these 'meetings, AI 0 the pastor IS S 11'00 . pl'ogralil. Mr. Gooasens bas IDcludMrs, My r Hyman wns in Cin1\fto. and Ml'!.', A _ Allen of. Detro it , , . I 't . ermon , a. m. . glVtnll'.. speCla InS ruction in , per- T d ed Haydn's Symphony No. 93 In oinnati on Woonesday, Michigan sp nt the week end with sonal work. u;~e:~hill 7 '30 P M I D major; which he dellcribes as Mrs, Moude I'une und daug-h- Mrs . Allen' s fllth ~r Alonzo Ti tu , The public is invited. T _ t T gd' r:A ' 'th e sermon "delicious. music"; Schumann's tel'S, Ann ond MIII'Y D1ld Mhrthu 1'11', a nd l\11' ~, llo1l1 t'r Deatherage ..... 8 ues ay a ",,1' , . iln'd dau g- ht." I' IIf Cincinnllti , vi ~ ite d we had n baptismal service in which Concerto III A .11111101' for Plano and WA YNESVILLE CHURCH OF five people weI' baptized, Tw'O ' Orchestra; and t.he Overture, "Pheth eir n1('l th(! I' MI'~ , Addie Deathl'rage· at tho home of Mrs, Maude CHRIST , making the good C'Onfession that tiro", by Mas8cnet. . I'n ne, SundRY . \ W, C, Smith, Minilter night. Our attendance last Sunday The Schumann Concerto wtll, b,e NEW l\11'!<. George Hlll'tsock l'e turn ed \VIIS 147. Come let us do better this played by Charle,s Nae~el~, brllltSunday ant young Amel'l ran plantst, who t o her h ome h ere unnny after havSunday. , will be the soloist III these con· ing spent the past , <,vel'al 1110nths Biblc School 9 :30 a. m. v i s itin~ with I'elati ves in Virginia MUSIC ,PROGRAM TO BE HELD , certs. , Lord's Suppet' 10 :46 a. m. a nd lit Piqua, Ohio, Wilmington, 0, Christian Endeavor 7 :00 p. m. IN CINCINNATI FRI. AND SAT. .l\rll'. nn d Mrs Leo Dcut.sch anll Preaching 7 :30 p. m. Phone are Bend In yaur Want ~o n Billy, and 'Mrs, Olll H idy of SATURDAY 1,1 P. M, Our Sunday evening sel-vice is CINCINNATI,- "The most I'm- Ad, It will bring results. S pringfi eld, were ,u nday dinner growing in attendance. We had 01- portant piece of symphonic music gu~st.s of Mr'. and !\II's. J ack PresPI' l Ly C01lnie fl c1In o lt \lln)'~ "I!~ nl to' get" In her lales t hlla rl· lon. 0113 COI11 cl y ":\Tcrrlly W Li vQ," which wtll op 11 u rour day en1\[1'8. Viola Harlan , MI'. Evcl'ett I grl";:lIncnt a t tll heau! trul now ;\( Ijcslic th !l tOI' in Spl'ingrield. wll lt u ml dni~h t III'C \' ut! show. Slll nt'll l1 Y. :\lUl'ch 20, Brian ' Aherne IIM'lan und MI'5, l< en n eth Hough I H C'onhc's hHllci s o Oi c nn'<l "W o lI 't · tnk r · lIo ' ~ol· · n n ans we r" s uitor, n n" two chi ldren, Mary DOl II and Sll'('s sill/; lhu >llI\llr l. will y. "lInCOI1 ' C< CllS " I )'Jl C' u[ ('ollledy Lor en w"el'e St, P ll trick', UIlY din. so po pul ar today, "~J c lT ilr \\'0 I.h·(' '' is n ;;1 11 <O UR 11l11l :l ll t e or a ncr g u e ts of Mr, and ]\(I's. Harold glnlllUl' girl HIIlI it "I:cntl lI1un" tl' an' p, f'nl ~y Ii:" il), . Billie BU 1'I, , EOl'nhll.l't, The occasion being t heir '\nn OY o1'n l, II Ill! T ull, Brown Itn\'c ll rCJ mi n ~ ll t ~ U!lllO l ' li l1l' 1'01<" little dllu ~ ht tl' Ruth's bil'thdny . MI'. and Mrs, Phillip Larrick enMY MOTHER'S HANDS I t I'tai n ed MI', and Mr , Glenn Huth I kn ow full well these deat· old nnd son J eTrY of Xenin nn d M:I'S, ha nds Fl'ank Huffman at supper la t Fri- 'ulOh beautiful , belHtlifu l hand s ! Will pu lms of victo l'Y bea!'; day ev ening. ' Th eY'l'e nc ilhl! !' white n ll r s nulJl Wh e!'e cry~t.'ll 'tl' 'U IllS, tho' endMI'. and ,WI'S, Ralph Has tings And you, f kno\\', would sCllr eely J I s yeuI's, nnd on Bob spent Sunday with thin k low ove r golden ~ ands 1\11'", H a.ti ng ' s brothel' and f.nnily, That I,hey we l'c fnir at nil. And \~' he re th e old grow young Mr. nnd Mr: , ad tephenson of I've looked on h:l n,j ' \\;hose form agllln Morrow, and hue / 1' " las p I y Illoth t! r's hands. 1\'It-. and Mrs. Edward Gloeckler fn m mary of Illy mothcr Eva <If Sprin g boro \\'!!I'e unday guests ft: ~e u)pt or' ~ dl'(' a)11 miRht be. \ et nrc th!»' aged, ' wl'mkl cd L. E arnha rt \\'h o passed 'away of Mr, a nd 11'5 , Adam Mell o11. h~nd s, , ,Mll l' h 25, 1932, Curl herwood un d W illinm GraELEANOR EARNHART BABB ham enj oy<,d two days of fishing i\lo r ~ ,bJllUtl fu l to me, the fir t of the ' week at Indian Xenia, O'hio, Such beautiful, b 'uuliful hnnds ! ' ________ Lake, Jlfe-dJ1meS Earl and Roy Ellis, Thou)!h heari. \\ re weary and sad , ' KINGS MILLS BAPTIST Ballard Wallace, M.nrion Whitaker These patient hOlld k~Jlt t uilil1g CHUR'C H on AI Poli ns ky and Miss Ma.e TreadH. S. Geuner, :0 . D, Paator way ha ve r eturned from a ten Thnt children mil: ht be g lud .. days ojourn in Miami, Florida, I a1m lls t wce,p, a s loo kin g back Special Meetinlrl At Kine. "bra8. hat" of wh ere they visited with Mrs. Whit- To childho od's dis tant day, A s pecinl series of meeting will aker's mother, Mrs. HUI'old Ches- I think how ttl 2se hands rcsted ihe Dwarfs who' nldine. not , Miss Lola Sears and Mr John When 'mine- were a t th eil' play. ,N gets everyJhingl Clea n Up At Thel., Pricel Sears nnd fri end, Mr, H. Nuckles Men's 3 pc, Suits mixed up in thei of Cincinnati spent the week end Such beautiful, b eautiful hand Cleaned andl Pl'essed with the forme1,"s pnrents Mr. and They 're growing feeble now; ,.Y most impressivQ' Mrs, Wilbur Sears. For time and pain hav e left theil' 50e Julian Crabbe of Ohio State Un iwork ,Men's Hats It's soundproofed like a modern radio ·manner. ling ease. • . ' faster steering. . . • vel'~ity is spending his spring va- On hand, a nd heDrt, 'and brow Clea~ed and Blocked studio, this bill, beautiful Jubilee a new climax in engine 8!Doothn. .t catl(~n here, , Alas ! Alas ! the \Yeary time 50c Plymouth for '1938. So silent you cal'. M1SS Cathenne Branstra!or of And the sad, sad day to me, 16 Ladies Plain Dresaes hear your watch tick! ' • 18 to 2' miles to the" galion of Monow spent the weekend WIth Mr When neath the daisies out of 50le gas, " say Plymouth owners "with and Mrs, L. V. Bl'anstTlltor, I' sight, ' , And It lives you the ' most amazinl amazingly little oU used." big I These hand will fold ed be . . ride sensation you ever experienced In 1938 Plymouth Is even more eco- , WEDDING J\NNOUNCEDa 'low priced car. Discover this treat Ku,thr)"l1 Medd'edha1.l, Mgr nomieal. Engineeting adyancementl But 0, beyond this sbqdowy damp AND TH r; . ride yourself. Come in 'and drive aTh~ w<adding of Charles B. Whel'e all is bright alld fair, make the,treat ~IYmouth enlline easier 1938 Plymouth today. « Chapmon and .M\I's, Marjorie . Eden on oil than ever! And In this greatest Allin /r.arvrlou. of Chicago was solemni·=rt-+r.-Bonv::Plymouth are the brilliant enllineertna ' Your first illht of this treat PlyMU' Lll!'LA1: E ton, '0" on Saturday evening Mar. and precision building ' that JDake mouth's new, sparkllnl beauty teUs ';:C!-J::ICOtOR 19th. After the ceremony a delight- I ,P lymouth Ihe cqr _.tluJt---:-r;-.---...-....,.. up be,t! you it's a car you'll'be proud to own. t lui dinnCT was enjoyed with the I Get in. • • and you'1I find the edra • •_ • •_ • •_ • • • • ,grooms parents at the Biltm{)re There's a bla, beautifuL 1938 Ply-• room you wan t ••• 'i n every dimenslo~. Hotel. J

A Spring Tonic

Waynesville Personals






















Quick CI,.. ners ' -.





We Do It Eve..y ': Day. -AND-,

Arvin Radios

mouth here at our sSlesroom for you to try. ' ~ake it t~~y, If yo....-can. ,

DrIve Itt You'll dlsc:overnew hand,

Cliff Bunnell, Prop.


and up


Radios for the Home


Small Down Payment-As long as one year to pay.

Rasni'c 's Radio Shop The Home of Service Ohio

Mason - -- - ----_. We will Satisfy Both Host And Guest With




this piece'"


By' Test . You, Always Get Better ,


·W. B. lIadden'& ·Co.:, ~



For ~ our tve~ds In Phone 56

Building Ma·---


Mason Super Service'

Like It





Phone 14 "




, s





Wayn.csvill e handled ,14,943.'75 Maso n and Wa.ync ville's post Saturday, May 28, hes been d'eIn addition SuperintC'lldent L. A. _ At an inforn11l1 partlY Sunday evoffices oUnin ed high mnk amoll ':: of our citizen's m(lney for 18th IIlgnated as Waynesville. High' Garst of tlhe public schools was ask- tion's hisory, up to date tempe'!"- ening Dr. Frederic Stan-Lon, 209 By Harry Eldridge, Jr. Lhe five hundl'ed third clASS offices po. iLj n. School Alumni Day alld l,t will ·be ed to b!l present in as much 86 the anc~ inf(ll'mation, "Ten Nights In ThirteC'llth avenue, anounced tihe nited At MOjITOW only U,443.76 went a briK'ht spot in the calelld8.T' local-special committee has in mind a A Bar-Hoom," and tlhe following englll.gement and aPPl10aching mar- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - in Ohio, in lhe FoliJe of ly beeause an effort is being miule plan for continuous cooperation songs oJl beautifully illustrated, I'iage of his daughter, Juli t Ellen, Too much ennnot be ~ id against laL ~ avings Bo nds dUI'ing the fOI· t h purchus of these govel'Dto get mem~n of the older cljlS&- with the sChool system and secur"Am/.lricll The B'eautiful," to Mr. John F. Sehoedinger, son the Firenmls Licensing Law pro - fi scal YC 8I' • ept.emb er 1, l !):lO tlwu nw n t bOlld soll>ccording to the l\eporl, Thi s is the part our local people n to retu'Ml, At a meeting at IMh. ing tho backing of thO' Alumni As"Where Is My Boy · Tonight?" of MI·. and Mrs. George R. Schoo- posed to ongrel'S by' Attol'ney Gen Aug u. t :lJ , lfJ37 ae( ol'ding to reEmma Hawke M,j:Clure's Tea Room sociation toward a plan wftlich will And "My Co untry, 'Tis Of dingel', 78 Auburn avenue, Colum- eral ' umming!'. This bill shou ld be [lOI'ts ["c l ea~ d l!llrJy this \veek from have played in 'the great total of $J,5R4,4Gl!.876- which on Maret. Ji'riday afternoon tfhe officers of unite the graduates more closely Thee." bus. label ed, "'Dhe Sportsmll n 's W orRt Wa'Shingto n D. C. Ma,oo n's office sold a total of 7, J !Ja8 had been handled thtu tb6 the Alumni Association 'Wl\!re pres- to the school. In addition a numbcT At W~esvil1e Cp,Ull:'.h of Miss Stanton r ece ived her A. B. Enemy" since it would rcquire .:_It; theye.11 being members of the Jf the local alumni were at hand, Christ, April 3, 7 :30 p. m. · Under deg'l'ec fl"Om Ohio St:ate col1~ig"e of every gun to be I:egistered with the $25,556.2 6 and 'w ilh this figure po t office d~pQ.Ttmlent, ~retary: .;,:. of 1911. ROlil lIartsock is rePresenting. th two groups of IlU pioes of "The Clean Li.fe Lea- medicine. She 'is a membel' of Del- owneM! fingerprints - a nd a dollnr obtn in ed 12th po ition in lhe slate. of the TrcllSUI'y Morge.ntbau announced'. •• ~-idellt. - Mrs". Claora Hawke classes around which the reunion gue." ta Gamma sorority, Strollers and I'egistnition fee fol' each one. No t • Vance of Wilmingtoll. vice pre&- wl111'1lvolve, the class of 1888 beBrowning Dramatic society. g un could be loa ned fOI" a tiny 01' Apllroxinlo8llJely 16,000 post ofiden: Emma H"awb McClure'. sec- ing the 60-year clw;s and 1913 be. Mr. Scho'eding.el" is a graduate hour without 11 transfer, fingerfices throu!,'1IlOut the country are Itutho,rizcd to sell United StatJell retary; George Waterhouse, treas- inli the 26 YC!8!" class. Those presof Cornell where he became a mem prints and thc dollar. Thi s bill ~P-. urer. ent were Flora. Woolley Cra~, '83; bcl' of Phi Gl1.mmu Delta [rater- plies to ally firearm. Bel youI' botSuvings Bond. The ~ial committee' appoint- Emma Fetter Smith, '85; Ad'el'a.ide nity. He is associated' in buiness tom dollar ill egal gu ns won'l be The maj ol'ity of purchasers aN cd by Pre8'idmt Hartsock to pro- Thackiera Burnett, " 87; Mary' E. il with his-father. registered, and the very p'osition of \) :SO- Sunday School. ome of mall investors who are buying the mote interest in getting the return. Cook, '88; E, V. Barnhart, '91; 'E dT>he weddin~r will be an event (If his bill - in the Ways and Means th e old wOI'ke l's .of preyious years hond s out of t hi(! ir income. of the older clllllllCl! w&a pTesent win Thomas, '92; Cha:rles Midhener Mr. and Mrs. Walter Will;on ob- June. Committee (If the House - disclos- will be )11·c!;e nt. Special instrumenMr. Frnnlk Fox, postmaster at with the exception of Herbert s. '09; Helen Hawke, '14; Elsie R<>- served their 60th wedding ann ivDr. Stanbi n h, In alumnus of es one of its purposes - I l l fUlt her ta l unlL choir numbers wi ll ,be g ivWaynesville . tuted tlhat Ihad the re-W6rwi~k, '02. Mr, Warwick resides gel'S CartwTight, '99. el'sary T-uesday, March 29 at their Waynesville ,High Sr:hool and has tax on the nation ' Spol't~· men . en. pOI·t been f OI· the cal.ander yearat Youngatown .and will give the The tentative plans are to have home, the old Wilson homestead, many fl;iends in this vicinity who Write immediately to th e Commit- 10 :40- MoTning Wor hi p'. Dr. the tots.1 a mount of his sales would commencement address tOO ~vCClinlr a get-togeth<er of the older claSSles Nei~bors IIlnd friends from faT will bo intel'e:!ted in this bit of tee Chait ma n Robt, L. Doughton , C. S. GI'8u ser will pl·eaeh. Chuirs have been a mluch larger figw<e for, l previous to Alumni Day. However, on the ground of the old school, and· ncar came to visit and give newe. Hou~e Office Bldg., Wn shingto n D. will giv e specia l numbers. All duting the lasb ft'.'W m-ontoo of th.e he aent a te1etgram which was Tead n()w used a grade school, at four theil' best wiShes to the couple. C. a nd protest again t this absurd bring lOne flower fO I' the nlcmol'ial year ·Ws sales had increB$ed' veri and aroused much enthusiaSm., The o'clock in the afternoon, May 28. Mr. Wilson is 76 years of age, "Anti Fireal",s" bill. See the cd- bouquet. raJlidily. other memben of the committee '11his will be a roll call o'f the old. quite actiVe and enjoys a rugged itorial page of Apl'il "Field a nd 1 :00 Covered Dish Dinner. No were at band, they lleing_ C. M. er classes, a. social gathering where out-doors life, participating in Str~um" for iurthel· details. Tuble service is I·equi red. -.....-'ftht '86 c.. , 01' too oldtimeT8 can meet and rem,in- from hunting and fishing for recreation ~ -'000 p C.. ,. ......, , IUCIlgO; Ive lace. th~ many farm. duties he per6 ll:30wo:rVh 7 :3 O- E Even tng Leag.ue. Se1'VIC~. All. Brace, '16, eecretary of the f The New Comtury Club enjoyed. The first big meeti~g this yeaI' committee,' Ruth Hartsock Walton 'l1b'e get together assembly will orms . . of the Warren County Fish IIlnd 2:00W'e d·nesday WOmGn'E GI'eeted by an old friend who the ho iPitalit~r ' ()f Mrs. Emma of Dayton '13-, Edith Mosher bl;eaJc. up about 6:30 P. m. Follow: made reference to the pas mg . Gnme Protective As n. ",ill be held, P,OI'Cign 'Mli sisonary' Society will Peirce at the Friends' H()m e, FriHawke. '0'. Ing that time there wl11 be an o,p. . . Tuesdo,y, Apri l 11, at Menlorial meet wilh MI'S. Ridge. otlh,e I· hosportunity for class dinnEtrS ar ,y,ears, Mr. ~llson rephed ~ulckllY, day ruternoon, March 25. Hall, Lebanon. Election of officers loesses are Mt'S. Hanis nnd Mrs. K. Severa l from here attended.. the . After tlhe bllBine~s session all en will be followed by a feed and re. I'l"OUp gatherings for the evening Bet I enn hit a p~easant ., WIth any Hougoh. MI·s. Hough will be the A~nu81 Achievement meeting at meal. At 7 :16 p. rru. the annual al- of 'em yet." He keeps a. good c~on joyed the following intel'Csting Ireshments. All members are I-e: leadel' • V the LeballX>n High School Auditor~ umni meeting will be held in the hound and eveq once In a. 'Whlle, program. quested to bring friends inter ested. Thuradayium ~t Saturday afternoon. Mrs• goe on a long tl'8J11P h ntin Book ,Review-"Gone Witlh The S~l1a Prater d'auehter of H enry """""';nasium of the high sehool: , u. g .. 4 :OO-Jlmior Choir .. ~... MS W'I h Wind"-Prepm'ed by Mrs. F. U. An extensive proorra .,. ,...... has been out M81'guerite Grapevine 01 Morrow, and Elilabeth Sallds Prater was Preal.dent ROBS Hartsock will prers. I on w~s a gracIous I oslined for the coming' year arid will 7 :OO- Boy Scouts. v ry capably acted as cbairman y born- near Wa.ynellville, Obio on 'side. Following the business meet- te ~n the anniversary aa : Re LeMay anti Nl8d by Mrs. Elbon. .be presented at the ~eeting. A reah '7 :OO- Qrchestra . and presented IIhe following proApril 27, 1873. H'er ent~re life ing, w.hiCh will be partidpa~ in countJn~ many_pleasant experlenc"Down Ip I>ixie"-Mrs. Martha tur nout is expected I 7 :30- lJenten Service. gram, "Gt"Oup Sillg1ing," "Fifteen was spent in thia commullity. by " 'both the older and yorngeT es of life tha~ has been theirs to HOtrg'b. , . -000 -' 8 :OO-Choir Practice. Y enrs of H~me Demonstration I H C getJhe nterta· ·ng la ·'Our. ·· SOul) rn HighlrandeTs" She ,waa marraed to arry or- members, there 'Will be a treeeption T,. e Int a , rgegroup Has anyone f(lund iIlny Spring Work In Wan'en County," by !lisa nell on .December 28, 1898. in the high -scllo01 building ~re Of. ladles, many of them girlhood Mlrs,. ol· Q. Gems. mushrooms yet.? It's plenty early, Minnie Price, State Home- Demon' fnends During' 'be' socilil hour follow1\0 this uni on one daughter light refreshments will be served_ . _ ~ but with this warm wet 'Weather truton Leader; "'o~ition> -of Over the malltel wheN theiT ing, tempUnl!r retreshments we-re some of the sponges, Ted (Inks and Adria. wall born who lived to be , Following this the annual alumHome ouneil Members and Leada great ~ort in bel' mOthers ni daDeeJ wm be -held in the gymn..- favorite rocking chair brings it in served by the hostess. Guests f others may begin popping. el's" by Mrs. Paul Shaffer at this last IUD_. _. llium -and this )'E8r Admiaalon will to full view, there hangs a strik- Mrs. Pierce. 'were Mrs. H. H. Will-000time flowers were presented to all ATTEND BANQUET She.:pueed .way early Frida)' only be ~y ticlGet. T_olfJcen have ing motto which has been the phil- iamson, Mrs: RoS!> Hartsock and Doc Zettle of Lebanon is offer..... ObA'p"-V I·n ....'b-.....,u--"-old It I'" the ladies of the Flriends' P(lmo. Mr. a nd Mrs. William Lukens Home Counci~ members, leaden tIIOroiJIc .Marcb 18, 1988 '6t Wle decid'ed to cha~ esc member "" 'U~ "'.'" uv - . , . .., ~ ... ing a r ~vaTd for the name of the Elizabeth Graddy. attended a banquet of the Clinton and to Mis ~ of 64 ~ara, 10 ~ontha ~nd 18 ~njl ."ae8t ,60 cepts, Wbieta Will in- "TodaY. if! the Tnmorrow, ~u wor~ guy (not Doc's descr,i ption) who County Jersey Cattle Club held at "Musical Numbers" by Carita» CIaj8. , clude admi8llion to all ' functioM. ried .~Ut yesterday-And, It's 'filled his pocket ·knife with limburg Wilmington last Tuesday evening. Homemaker's Chorus; "OU[l 'Cloth. . A • • claugbter 8be was always President Hartsock and' his asso- All Right." er cba!,!se at the annual King' Mills H. E. Dennison, field man of the ing Pt'ojcct" by: Miss Edna Callafaithful in every way. A;s a sister data 'are now preparing the pro_1;hey Ml,ve reared tw.o children, Gun Club meeting last weekI Do c American Jersey C,a ttle Club' gave han Clothillg Specialist of Ohio. hi "~l' f~.y and th, Ol'ders abe eram which ~11 nat\Jl8lly ' have RaymoneL who with his family ~iv0 . spent all the nex.t day trying to 10-- a verY' interesting illustrated talk State University/', "Illusions In 80 deeply c:heriabedl and so nobly much in it of~t; warmth of the old, es fl.CroSB the ' road!, a few hundred This we'e k Wdll' bring to' a close cate tJhe smell. In addilion to prac- on his rece nt trip to 'the Jersey Your.. Appcarilnc" y Miss Car0promoted her tru8tful faith lig~t- time WayneSVille spirit whim the yards f~.()m the parental , r~of, •anI the aeries of Diminishing PaTtie~ tical jokes 'lind a good feed' - the [sle. Paul Jac!cSoil,lffi!lil(Jent; line Bradley of the FineArla ~ tate Cattle Club also was a speak .n~ the burden of BOrrow ' and graduates of distant yem pledge ~. Ohve E. Pete~on who lives sponsored by the MotJhers' Club, ' club elected the following officers: partm,ent of Ohio State., "Speci-, illclined her to tbe wice of duty. all~ their fidelitY' ~ ~ high , III the Mt. Zoar neJ~hborhood. , .Among those entertaining this Pre~. C. L. Holden, Vice-President, ar. On Friday night, Mr. Lukens, alty Numbers" !iy Marilyn Bergwho is president of tha Clinton _Mr. and Mrs_ WI.lson are bolib Wleek l8l'e: Mns. Vashti Conner who J. C. Beedle , Cec'y and TresS. , C. 'As & wife 'With &plendid courate lChool. The general impreasion is Cciunty Jersey Cattle Club ~nd a holt, five 'Year old Miss of Morrow and . t~stful (aitll aneL pailllltlaki.n g , that (theTa. wiD be quite a numbet membel·& of the Friends' ChUTC'h invited a group of ladies f-or today ,Stetl'henson, Jr., Rifle Capt. E. Sni- membei·. of the State Board ~f Diand "Vocal Solos" by Miss Vtpin evety ~tail, .b~ 'was beyond of the older class m~'m.ben,p~nt. an~ are known t~r{).uglhout the (Thursda.v) to <B -"thimble pnrty", der; Trap Capt., J . Tanner. Twen - rectors, attended th,e Darke Counginia 'Ducker of Harveysburg: AlreprOAch_ ' This yellr.the time is especioally fav , ?elghborhooeL ~or kind, s(y.mpathet- J. :B. Chapman, William ty- ix attended the m~eting. ty banquet at Greenville, Ohio, tel' the pr;ogl·am, Tea , was served As. mother., IIhe 'W.,s meek and orable inasmllct\ as the reunion will IC understandl~g of the~r fell?w Graham, and William Lukens 'Who -000at beautifully appointed tables in , quiet yet h$r- Ii,fe ~ fo-reeful and be held on Saturday, the ·~xt dily I men and as .h.1l.Vln~ a quaht! (}f In- were joint hOI,tesses at the Graham Thirteen dollaTs and eighty-five WAYNESYILLE CHURCH OF the dining 'hiall. ~nrlehed by noble traits. will '00 Sun~y and ~ following dustry tha~ IS tY~JlCal Ame[l(~n. home to twenty-five ladies on Wed cents was r eturned to Game WardCHRIST ,\Sbe w&!' a true ,and l~yal .mem- day -w:i11 be DeOOll'ation Day. se that ~r8. WIlson IS Ul'e. daughter of Maday afternoon, Mr. Estelle en ,C liff Hin cs for the County's Wm. C. Sm'ilb, Mlni aler ber of the-Methodist ebureh there will b~ ainple time to spend ~~, ~nd ~rs. ~ly 'Hames and a~ a Shaner and iM:rs. Romee ShaMr of his sare -of Wild Life ResThose nearellt to her who r~- a couple of days in . Waynesville gIrl lived In. UIIS rome com,mun~tY. who also entertaineeL on Wednes- toration Week 'stamps. This mon ey main ' 110 mourn her. lO~5 "'ue t1\e and vicinity .and get back home-liy Whe~ qu~tlon:d' as to t~e fIrst ,!lay afternoon, Mrs. Lloyd Davis was turned over tp the Warren Co. SundayBible Suhool 9 :80 a., m. husband alld dauahter irand~ the .f ollowing Tuesday":lI1'Ol'ning. meetmg hIS Wife, Mr. Wilson re- wlho invited' fl'iends ' in for today Fi h ~nd Game Assn. for propogaLord's Su'pper 10 :46 a. rn . daug~r, Betty ,BTaddo:k a bro- . GhairJl16lD Cartwrigiht of the. pe- plied, "~ell, I Ih eard my fat~er and ~esdames Walter Slreehl8~ lion use. Let's hope the 30 percent M'r. and, Mrs. Sam He~le ellte1' Chtistinn Enleavol' 7 :00 p, m. ther, Harry Prater and a IIlster, cia! committee outlined the plans say that he nearly froZe to death and OUlnl8n Crane who entertain-pt'omised th~ County will be r etained their dinner club on lut Leader for Endeavor , will be Mrs. leabeI Cornell and a host Qf that had been formulated end made wlhen he -«iIen.t coul'ting the dis- ed lilt a "500' party at the Crane tumed f()L' th() large mailings sent Saturday evening. At I\even (J'. Harvc"y Hol~ . rel!ltiv_etI and frienda. ' .uaieationa.-tQJ, oVC1lMlnt .. that liance WillS. so far." "Now! I made home bodily. individual spol'tsment. clock a. sumptuous 'supper 'Was ,s en A patriotic t&lI1ilCl~'aJlGC leciuT_ may be initiatel ..... bring th lum- up an:)! IIlllltt to get a- gu'l closer -'000cd. On tln-iving at tile tablA!~ IJV e h " u- ' d·d' . CARD OF THANKS ni Association 'much closer to the om!'!. ,',u.e I. W~ al'e happy to' hear tihat ,OUI' illustrated W1ith stxn'eopt.ieon pic- g'uests were surprised to find 'by; t ures. Come l et us find ' out how We wish to take this opportuniIIChwl. Following 't~e~meeting Thr~~hout the day, tokens of good friena "Dolph" Long will be their place CArdS' that tJhey were t)r of exprellllJng publieally oUr those pl1eBent were guests o~ Mr. appreclBtlon and est~m we~e in business for himself a'f ter April we can I·jd' -Waynesville of its to' represent such famous radio heartfelt thanb end appreciation Cartwright cat an afternoon tea. heeped upon them makmg h~ppI1st at 126 South Main St. Tcar, beer joints. · We had lOG pl'egent ~t Drs as Gracie Allen, Bob Bums, ness as great 'On the 60th_anntverin Dayton, 'Dolph has for over eight last Sunday c-v ening. f or the Idndnese and sympathy ex.Kate Smith and others. This w.. tended to u, hi our recent Meav..,.. sary as ,u pon tihe we~diJlg day itOn Sunday, MM!. Jack Kerl3ey GTC'aTs gone to bat for Miami Valley \rl'eatl y e njoyed as well as the eveself entertained lilt a fl!lmily basket d./nWedneaday-ment. · J ncr honoring the birthdays of MM!. sportsmen many times, both in his Preaching service at 7 :30 p. m. ning of five 'hundred which folio"," :At such times a. tbl. 'One learna News column and ot her~ Chnrltes Hart..<\Ock aneL }fIrS. Cora Da.yton · ' F. H. Smith of New Vi enna will cd . The following WeTe tlhose who enj'O yed' this occasion: MJr. and to ltM\w~ ~nd appreciate the true 0 , Rich. ThosE~ to enjoy this plea~ wise, We take this opportunity ' to pI'each the scrmlOn. Mrs. Harvey Burnett, Dr. and Irf~ value ot tb-ose _round about. The members of the Argunot • • • ant occasion w.ere: Mr. and Mrs. join Warren County sportsmen in H. ' E. Hathawa.y, Mr. ·l8.Ild "rio And, 10 agaln,and "Thanks" Cl"b met Wl·.i. :u.~ OO'l,tell Fe.lDlly" .,~ Mrs. D. .1>. -.., RI'dg' e Inspe~tl·, 00 Willard Bo~m and family of H ar- wishing him luekl -000Arnold Cassett. Mr. 'and Mrs. Ho, ". . " Tuesd'ay afternoon. The followin'" vey.sbUl"" Mr. and Mrs. HartJe" FRIENDS HOME wal/d Graham, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. _:,,;,;,,;~_-~_,-":,,_,.,-, 'm ' embInspection dates fill' the t w eMos!! n - 'and· " children, M'r. and Mrs.'J ·O ur fi shing joul'nal thifl 'W~ek -:... " andl <111 e '-, ' ests enJ'oyed a d:: ~ Iightful altemon of 'bridge. · Mes- ty-litst district Ghlo, Order of Gilbert Frye and son, Mr. and starts w,ith news the baSIl are: \hitMrs. IMIirlnie Poenewitt of near Cpap,man 'lind boo host and: 1h000~.I(: dame~f Jack Preston. Harvey Rye Eastern Star, as announced by Mrs. Jac.k Riclil , Mr. and Mrs. ting at Indian Lake and crappies at Bellbrook and g'l'anril>on, Earl, call . . ( B H T B I"' .... ~ th~ Deputy Grand ' Matron, ·Mrs.' Ch I d L tih Celina Reservoir. Pr'es. Trimpe of ed on Miss Browne Sunday after ert IU'ts'Ock, II. • ar es H~rstock an son, u er, I d· Lak ' G · b 0 &m Henkle, Will Oomell, Clif. Dove' W. Campbell, Wilmington !lnd Mr. and. Mrs. J<ack Kersey. n laD c un Clu Wt'ites of nOon. Mr. -_ o ct 11&8. alter ~Uler an- ,ford Brace D. It. Smith, RuSsell ar~ as follo~s: Leba~on,. 1M~<[ch catcbing four basfV totaling ten . Mrs. Carroll Deatherage oj Orenounced ,the 6JlC'agement of their Salisbul'!Y• . RoB!! Hartsock, Ralph 29, .Waynesville, ~pnl 1, Sa~lna, SURPRISE DINNER_p.ounds, Which Is real-sport in any gonia has become a m.ember ()f the dau~ 'Mia Helen Kruer to Mr. MlUlel', Ronald Hawke., John Cart- ,,~prll 6; New ~l'hngton, ~prl~ 7; language. CaTI Sherwood of Way- FderWs Home family. ' J&me. Lewia~ .o~1 of ..~; ia.nd wright, Mi~ ~enrietta McKins;ey, LY)Jl~.hbul'l', AprIl 8; ~artln8Vllle, On SundllY sevei'al from here neaville got his limit (If ni~ crap- Mrs. .Garroll Deatherage and Mt·s. A. H. Stubbs el)tertailled • April 22' Leesbu""" AprIl 26' Mor attend,ed a !;urprise dinner on Mr. pies lat' Ceiina as his partner. grand on, WI·llon J-[artsock alt~n(l- group of iitt\e folks on- ·Wecme.. . '- ..• , fa. ~ , ' llludle, L!lwt. llt · a party M~ Emma M, c Clure and the '. . ~7: Ne.\\'\ ' .., ,Vle~na, . ' , ' 'A pnl . '- and M'l's. G<!Orge Henkle of Leba", One ca~h was reported. ~f eight, ed church at J onahs Run Sunday: < • ' h01'loll of Milia Kruer's' bil1thda)f an- b»stess row. AprIl day afwrnoon 001' the plll:llusr~ ~ ; niv~ ", e~~. . , ' . 28; M~~, ~pril 2~; C1aT.~vil1e, non who were ~ecent1y . mIlIrried. Weighing over eight poun R. SO , Mrs. Ge,o,rge Chl'i~\:ie aneL party hel' son, Billy, ~o (In tIlat ~ ,'~,'.' '~e'. occMioii ¥ay 6: SlIIkilig $prings ' lI(ay 10; Tho~e pl'cse'nt to .enjoy thle happy long, Gang .l Ray Gaskel of Morrow, of friends of Amand.a, Ohio called celebrated hi!! third, birthd.,y an-, 'Claule ',Leow1a, Hllrveysburg" r.ra~ 11; Blanches.. affair ' wel'e: MT. · _a nd ¥re. Sam got three. bass in Todd's FO'1'k as on Mis sas, Bro,wme Saturday morn.' niveM!ary. Many g.a.mes perta~ " Kruer MId' 8o~ ter. M~\ ~~; Gree~ie~d, May'23, H~nkle andl daughter. El!iiabeth, did Frank Sear.s of Fronklin in the 11lg; a l1 d·in the .afternoon they were to the, Spring and Eas~'_, . . K aiintt . . and WtJnungton ~oUne 20. Mr. and Mu. Clinton Corwin and B8m~ strea~. The latter wer~ enter visited by Mrs. Louel1a Bilo,1 'WlCre enjo~dl ' by: Pliyl~s ~ Wal: A cordial ~nvi.tio~ is exteJiMd Mr. and> Mrs. Drake frotnl New 'cd 'in the. Albaug1b-Good. Drug' store Miss Julia of CentervilLe.' and .Mr. 0.:£ Germantown, Sue Ann ~~ ~o membel'lfo-f the Oroet:-to attend Ca.rlisle: ' (Franklin) pt'ite bass contej!t; This Rusell Browne cf l\Jmba~ " of Day:ton,Ruth and HO;j.~·""" In~tion-'of Miami Chapter April stor-e is I()'fferi~g a"live dollar prize Mrs. IMlargaret ,Mai-tfn ~as in hart, Warren Sheehn~' PODII& '.... 1~ at 7 :80 P, lrL .alaO to a dinner FE~RY .CHURCH QF"CHRIST Qf fi9hi~ tiilckl~ for the largest liebanon Saturday . ~ternoon . in BliIIn~9ck, D~nald . Rye, DeIiO.served at 6:30 P. 'ML 'Pteeeedi~g W. C. Smitb, MiDi.'er · .-'1'11 : (lIfS!aM };Q) sS1Iq q~nu~ llvw,s OOIT\pan,yo with Mr. ~neL Mrs. Ern- Berry; Martiia and: I;du Lu~ . Inspee~oD. /,,'."., en fr~ Warren County streams by est Mortin of Dayl;Qn_, . LoI'en J{oug)l, ' ~i1helfuina ~ , ¥innie FrotJ)J'llt, Seo'.¥.... Sam Subcl.J- ' . _ ' a: ~esident, o.f "our cO,unty. bef.()~e - ,Miss Gl1etchen Gebring; spent {l?-ck and .tb.e httle h~~t .. ..... ~dQc~ "ii, B!ble Scflo\li 9 :1)0 a. m. Mta~. That lun,~~ milY ~t ~ou the. week end with , he..- p'nrents In lJll1~ w<>'I\. , W~1iI !lhe _l'eclpient ,01 Cominuniorl' ~0:46 a, m. B; ~ew. rodl or Teel. Not ~lI;~U:ttf. 10c.8JT~lelio. . rnlany ,'ovely gtfts-• . Deliabttul • .TAX NOTICE , ~DU':OO' .a. ,m. · ' nilws-but Larry Sehallt ()f F:Iamil- I 'Mr. 'anci 1'!Ir$. E~wa1)d_ Coo~r fte!!h~entl:l servei,l b, ' . . . Of to'-tll.e public .is T ......~- . · t~n la,nded a -8 lb. 20z. malal ,mCiut~ and lif Ie $on of VilUIdalia 'called Stubbs. faat ~"Qt a lJttl& over two Pr-chfJIl(8I1d-baptlsmal fll!I~f!A in S.ev,en irtlle Cr~t measured em thl:irc aunt~ -Katie' Collins .-=-~-..,.--'W'I:Ib ~ in "him to pa,. Real at '1 :30 p. m. Come ·'Iet U8 18 ~ inches;, ,. on Monday dt .:moon-.. ' __ In WUnn Count,.. ...· 2ftO· ma~ by Easter. NOTICE- .- Mrs. HoWn 'P ierce in I!ompany April 11. . tell per cellt with 1Mb. Edith JJarria and Mi.. The ·piejMl1w will be *di.....,, ~nnllttalIOI.. Emma Loa . called on their c:opal ,e1lulrall""'~MII friends. of ~ . ~





New Century Cllllb Meet." n





Attend Cattle

Breeders' Meeting

CI (;, ' .- O ' f ose .Jenes · D·' 'T d InnerS ay .

"500" Dinner At Henkle Home -


'Basket l)inner. On Anniversary

A'r gunot Cl ub . H Id M eetlnE,





0 E S S

et , pates

'. ' ,Announce ,_ 'EngageQle' t


Party Held


For Third Year


en: :un:




If: _"." _. ".



L_" ' ~_'" JIn:. ~(~f,~":~r~

I. 1'Un oft many e&nqIl are Bcene DC: partiell with vlaltln.r alld' tell$tmg-'plunlp hena aJe baked in the asheS ()f coal l>e:neath tht!. tire bOl(o Potatoes ami, many othl!-l' ditable arc li~e~ i S\c pre: ,1'&r d. As tthe nrc oi s in th\? c.vaporn to I' OIHt ran lize as he steps into the clean, crisp night with just il. tang of april!g in the lIir wOO,1. the 'poet' meant when h said; Th , Yelll' .is ' at the SpringThe Day') ~ at,-'th ....,.e'-::M~o~m~':-"'"'_ _ __ God's in Hls B~ven;- . -' r- ' , And"W\ll's righ,t with the W01'ltl .

Sugar Camp Activities Pictured

At Stony Broc)k

Phon 112 Ohio ,



HAROLD D. WILLIS, Editor F; nt.ered As Second


lass ' Mail Matter .a.t Postoilice, Wayn esville, Ohio

Subacription Price, $,1.60 Per Year, Payabl'e in Advance

An l ndepend nt ewspnper D"dicnted to t he ervice of 'Waynesville and vicinity ~ Giving its patrons the best newspaper humanly poslible.


Lytle Lndi · ' Aid wiJI hold all The BO{lk R('viel\' Club 111 t on all day meeti ng IIna covel'ed di h Tuesday nt the home of Mrl'. C. din ner next W'ednesd!lY, April 6 . and Helen Randall, the meet- at the home ()f l\11's. FI·a.n k KUt·· ing w.n, openl'd by th~ president. fis. A. isting ho tesses QI'e ·Mrs. nnd a rc!<um e I()f thc last five meet Jones, Mrs . Long and MI'S. BunThe Sugar nlllp ~ of this vicin ity insrs ""!IS r.ead' by the secretary. nell. closed down auout three \\'ecks ago, 111 rs. RrutrloaJl gave a partial readMI'. lind Mrs. Therl('- J ones were having e njoyed , a faidy profitable in)r of The Oountry Kitchen by Dayton vi itol'S Fl'iduy. soaso'n, The camera IlIlin visited Della T.- Lutes, the stOTy 'Was quite The Young People's m ~e ting of one of t,h camps while it was in hum'orous, and was much enj oyed Lytle chul'ch met lILt the home of fulJ swing' and bl'ought back the Ly the ladies of the Club for its Mi Bernice Grohum Frid'llY eve- story in p ictul'cs for the of veTY . true delineation of friend ning. The Miami Cn z,ette. The camp \'isitcd WIIS the one opMrs. Je. ie Longacre entertai nhusbnnlL and his doe sire to b(' fed; II'S. Lym!IJI ./I chamcteristic which se cms tJo .cd ' ncarly thirty guests in the in- erated by .Mfr. lind dominate him from the ,cradle to lere t of !her Sunday school class, the grave. Dainty refreShments at the Hall Wcdnesdlly afternoon. were served.. A fine social time was enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rough of Rellres1nnen bs of ice C['M m nndl Wilmington called on Mrs. Lizzie oa.kies "I'e el'ved, Houg.h on. Sunday afternoon , . Mr. and iiI'S. Allen Em~'icl(, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Levicy with Mrs. Ran'y Graham a nd Mrs. W. E . Oglesbee drove to Martins· Walter KenriCK spent Friday afviile on Friday for a visit w'ith Dr. I tertlOo n in Lebanon. ~glesbee who is spending Mr. and' Mrs. Harvey Burnet at bme at the resort, rec uperating tended the Dinner Club at from his recent illness. tlhe home of 1111-. and Mrs. S. D. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Collett and. Henkle nela.r {Waynesville Satur~obert :e1t:eIt:airH!d with a St. Pat- ~Oay evening. ' I rl~s1 Dasy dmner Thursday at 71 Mrs. Elizabeth Smith of Dayton p. m. thj:! following guests; 1M!r. was a weekend guest of her sister ~d . 'Mrs. H. S. Tucker, Mr, and Mrs. Ma rgaret' Johns. ,. Ws. Joe Davis, Mr. and Mrs .. car- I Mrs. Alice Clark enteltained rGlI D. Smart, Prof. and Mrs. R . ,Mr. and MCll, Milton Sheehan of ,Milligan, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. I Oenterville to dinner Sunday. Puterbaugh, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert M W 'lb F lk . _.... _.... Dont M, d Mtts E R. H rst" rs. I ur ou s en...,,,,..meu, t6_ er• Mr. an I . G'd u ... a ·numbe.r of friends Mondll.Y eveARC. an d rs. Cha r es or lOn , an.. . . . - S 111' La Sh' d k nlllg at her country home m honor e road Wind d'o'\\"1'1 tJo the urs~ urn. I .a ~r. , of ber d;a.uglhter, Mrs. Elmoer gar house, n'estled on the hillside, among the. Sugar Maple Tk'ees. A School was dIsmIssed on Tues- \ Groves. day because lOf the County TeachM. d U W' ll' , n . thousand ,o r mOIle trees a.... availUl t ' h' h ft.' 1" t t. ,an .,d'S. 1 lam n.<>gl!1'S , . 68, ...;oee It\g\ W IC was .,e Ul _ a and daughter of Mason pent Sun able in the camp ite. Some of the Mamnlle. All teachers from b,e re dlny ~th their aunt, M\'S. (Mleta trees are petih.nps over a. hundred attende~. . Ro rs. ~rs old. Stum;ps of old trees cut The Baptist Missiona~ . Society ge down reveal marks left by the met on Wednesday at the ~ome of dinner Sunday in ihonoT of drills a hundl'~ , years ago when Mrs. George Denny devottons and b" d ......· R' "--d CLa " k' an1)t~r generatlon gather<ed sap . ad' ' b IMlrs L H' h It grea~.. ran ""n~ IC",w: I' S , ., "Me IDDg$ a)"1 C 't ura oug h;aD second birthd-ay anniversary ' at rs. ' on d' oa e we,r e muc ap. M r. . t ed b y th& , mem b erg an d at tlhe home of rus parents, pretia


Higon up, just under t he windows 'boil- th'e steam issues i~ ,dense out through> thre. v>entilntor NOTARY PUBLIC ~housnnd gallons of Sugar Water shown on the roof in the preceding a_k .. , may be st red~ The water r uns' "icture. Forty gallons of water are Will. Dr.... • • I.uloi ITom these tanks into the large pan boiled h'Cre in oroer ' to obtain one WAYNESVILLE, OHIO ' on tho eV6J)Orator. Boil - Boil a nd gallon >of Maple Syrup, A wries are two large tanks into which a cloud


Day, located on th.e Patterson I tOIlY Bl'oOtk Fllrms. The road leading tlhrough the woods, along the little brook where one must fOO'd the creoek twice is as beautiful and e-ntic:ing as one could a k for in nature's out-of-doors. The birds singing in the trees and the babbling of t;he brook make joyouS spring~ilnle' harlnon

/ - - - - - - - . . . : . . -- - - - -


THEATER Lebanon, OhlG


Pre •• Dtlnr the Beet .nd La•••• In






of pans m.aJc.e up the evapol:atQrs ' syst8!'l : The. wat er is siphoned from

one to the other and as it. goes forward the back It becomes ,heavie~, until it reaches the syrup stage. That is not an orio'l e's nest hanging over the ev.opol'ntor, but the heavy felt s:tra.iner thro ugh which all impurities ete. atre taken out of t he sYIfUP be£o~ .. it i r un into cans for storage. lre.r!l. Young tl'Eles are set ().u t and ! Skill and experience are requirp!l'otected so ' &at in future years cd to make good syrup. Constant the camp will still yield. . " attentiO'!l 1Ire required on the pa.rt In the picture, ' one Wltl ' see a of tWe attend!'nt. " ' pile ()f wood-gTC."4t long stacu of 1 , R~umlng to tbe o~t,.o!-doPrs it are cut and piled each Yllar to I we fm~ a team ~d wagon with feed the fit1ebox und'er the evapor- tanks filled w:lth water, backed to ator pictur,ed below. I the wind'ow ,reedy to unload the , Moving insidE! th e house one !rugar water lnto the tan'ks we saw fuld a it spi~ and gpan-elean, inside th& Ihouse • . - " T~ !Den g,ath« tl1e _ter 06 pictured in the last twlO scenes. 'It i8 work-yet pleaeant and enjoyable. lolla! make lark of Jt fo.,. at night TN! is short and ' is 'boiling down


ObIo Ph~_ 17-I.M 1 fo~

'BABY CHICKS CUSTOM .HATCHING From Blood-tested flocka Qrdel',no,r for later dellv rl~8 and p~oftt by llberil41lscounta


We Call FUl'lli11l ,Chick. ' For Immeiliate Orden One price, one Irfade-tbe Beet

Try Our M.ixecl , , Balanced Ratioa F eecI

To Poultry Ralseri •. We' give, ahlOhl'oI~ free, Post mortem service, 80 if your f looka need eltamlnatloncall us at once. SIMPLEX 'B ROODSR . STOVES '


guestS whlO '\\~re present: - -..u the Mrs. ' Leslie Gray entertained socjal hour St. Patrick's Day was delightfully ()bserved in tlhe dainty Mothers' Club party at her h~me refreshDHlints and a,ttractive little ,rhul'sday afternoon. "souvenirs Mrs. ~nny had brought Several mEfu1bers fr-om here atup' from Fklrida. The hostess' was tended Eastern Star in Lebanon I aasiited by he.r 'daughter Mrs. TuesdJay IElvening. Ruth Picjgeon. 'Mrs. Mabel' Dinnwiddi e, Mi~s Jonah's Run Ba,ptist Church Antha Dinwiddie and Mr. and! heM ;; candle 1igQltning service 0"1' Mrs. Rue Dinwiddie of 'Dayton ' Sunday morning at eleven o'clock, were Sunday afternoon 8'tlests of instead lOf the usual preaching in Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burnet. 'celebration of the sixtieth IIIJIni(Mliss (Bertha Brov\.1 has been I, . versary of the. c!hurcb miSSion. q1!-ite ill for se,v eral days. , Mrs. Esther Donter and Miss Lois Sunday dinner guests of Mr..' Gillam :were attired in costumes and Mrs. Walter Kenrick were; re'pr.e~nting si~y years ~ and Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Haines, Mr. I now. They. each read interesting Jacob Gablernan, ·Mr. and! Mrs. and appropriate selections-. A spec- Robert DeRavi&n, Mr. an(\. lM~s . Ro bert Haines IIIJIdJ little son. • .. f . ial musical program had been arMadames ' Catherine Whitaker ~, and the offering was, given VI..jih ~verythin~ i'n o[:derly manner. The firebox has' glIeat .yearntn~ and . , d. wing tne candle lightning cere.- Axlene Jones and Amy Bailey were joint hostesses 'to t he Moth- 11hte evaporator shown in the fore capacity fOr btl~'Ilmg '~Ood whicll ,nOD~. ' ' . ,. . h ' " Hr. and' Mrs. E. B. Dakin wexe ers' Club party at "Ue orne of ground is to' bod ,the Sugar Watel·. we sa.w piled in the' fornier picture. called to The Mollie HaTmon, the former Thursday afternoOon. __ ___ Hom~ at Lebanon on Tuesday beM~. and; Mrs. E. B. Longacre., , ' CQU8e' of the sudden illnes of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Burnet moAllie Dakin. tored to Washington D." C., last A CJlOup of five ladies motored week to see. the. Japanese Cherry 1*>'" Willnington on Tuesday eve- blossoms. 'ruIey TCtumed Sunday niDg to see Shirl~y Temple. in "Re_ evening. beeca of, Sunnybrook Farm." , The ladies fro m' here who at. "UniOn services are. being held' ,iendJed. t he Annual Achieviement ·this iWeek at the Methodist church day of t~ Ihome extension work 1Va,ae.~e Phone 7 ' • • -different minister irom lOut of in WarrellJ County lilt Lebanon on 'toWn is fining the pulpit eaoh' eve SatuTday .afternoon were: Mrs. fling, much interest is b eing' maJli- Stanley . Bailey, Mrs. -Therle. Jones feited, five young women have Mrs., Emma. Lacy, 'MIrs. Alice :;;;;;~;;;;~;;;~~~;;;;~;;;;~;;;;;;;;:;;:~;;;;;;;;!~ii::==~~. 'stlUified their intention to unite Clark., M~. Allen Emrick and ~rs. , , J. B. Jones 'a nd Mrs-. Walter Kenwith the church. . MTS. Susan Scanl()n anIL son rick. You Ferre (}f Waynesville were calling Can IOn friends in Wilmington and on )Jetter Mrs. l.larriet w,. Smart last WednesdBi. ' . , Tlie ,local W. C. T. U. will be Town~ley , :. be.Jd in the Friends Church Thurs- , l~hick8' , day April 7th at 10:80 a. m. every qne. C01'~ially invited. . ... The Warren Oounty W. C. T. U. . 1. - Tested for Pullofum Disease (D. W. D,) ul\d~r the official 'll'lstitute will be held in' the M. E. 8upervlalon of the State Dpartment of Agriculture and churdh at Ftanklin fi'jday at 10;ROOT FOR. AND 'ClaN.!!IICN pMsed a8 "Pullorum Safe.'" '. . -SO 'L m. _ . fOUl' Cattle, holS. .beep Mr. and Mrs.. Charles Gray of to Noma-Brock Cu., 'Uve 2. ': Tested for general vigor a'nd trueness to breed by .. Jij."',1aburl>' called ,on the,ir ,p arenta progreatve 11m for II the .men working under the supervision of t.IiIe Ohio -'" . , ,market pri~ell and BerVI!!'•• In;'provemen t Association. , Sunday "attCImoon_~ YaloD ,Stock Y.nU' ~!~:'!.a~l-:;~~';~, I \. , ', Tune In on Radio Btatlon i, Tested, for lIveabnr~y by thousan'ds of cu8t~lliers who · report ~~;;~5;;;;;;;;;:~~;;:;;;;~112 :25 to' 12 :80 p. m. fGr our :. market reporta. , ' an average paby chick liveability Of 97 J)Et~. Ilent. Up At 'I1a.~ Price• . '. , Men'. 8 pc. Suits 4. !I'ested for meat production by, brOiler pllUlrtl In maDI Gif. d8aned and Pressed ' terent aocHona and .pronounc~ ou~tandllll. ; _






~---:-~~~~ 4.I _ a

-- ,


J~J _.

We .offer . a Satisfa~tpry 'Service at all .times~'

J • E. MeCIUre , .

- P - ' -~~_ II _~_ n _ .a _ b _ lI _a. l _ n _O


'Witli .

They're Multi-Tested!



Mea'. Ua OIeaDed and Blocked




Phon~ are send ttl ya1lr Wan\ Ad. It wjll bring r~ulte: .




F. \T~ jWI-aJ:tln AucUoliee ..




-'- '

-- >-:

'5. Tested for egg produotloll In the l-.cllDl :Lqtq ClOilte.t.< - .. ~n4 ranking wlt11- the leaden, , ',<


Ul'Ie you to TBlBT ~.m our "Multi-Tettllll'" propam.

... ~


"'" .


""-" "-" .,.


• Grandma .IImya ~as '~ keen

sh~pper IU)d

"snap up" • bargain

••• ~ut you'U recognize these ,BARGAIN' omms ,:y.itho~t ,her ,years of ~~ peneoce ••• yo~ save real money •• ,. you get a ~well seledio.. of ~es and a ~ year of out lIewsp,aper. That's what- w:e caU a "breakt~ for you; readers ••• no wOilder grandma says-','YOU'VI GOT SO~G THERB!" I

) . , . ,



.~I l ;~ ,"""

-Warren County Court News •

-'I -,


In the matter (If th1:! estate !!<ot'k lind , dllugllle t· llol)l':t II ' f Churchel of Chrt. t, Sc1eatiat E. D. Jones, deceasoo, • _ J t. 1':l'llrk,IJlII' V, Hey, :Ill'. n.1 'fT . "(J .·l·I·.~_ITY" i the sUl)ject;;t ' tiled. 'l'nn KelliS {!11t1 claughtl:~ Ru lh . the L~~, UI1,_' rnlUlI whiC1, will be In the matter of the cstat of. MI·K. urtncu ;. wfol'd, MI . rei\~ ill all. Churchc of Chrl. t Sci~ Anna E. Leight, Inventory til d. Ii 1'old Kel1i~ Il nd MI'!'. L r- Alii' d 1\10rgan JlJ1(1 d:.l ~ht(' I' i\fl I\ CIHI. t. n~\ :'1.ll1d~r· Al?ril ~. \938 . ~ In the rna er of -ttl .l!state- ot ,, ' I~ Duylo n !l.hopp J" RnTol"u K "IS hll ' .lnt . I on." 'I.' Gol(~CJl Lbl IS: " fh e world , 'I. nnd' p:l lhc ~,el h. nway. «11(\ Ihe lusl thereof: Itr tbe matter of tb guardian- .MIntha Settles, d ceased, inven- Hal'l'Y Miranda, deceased; . ale In;. Orn Hoa dlJ" :Mr. Ihwid L illus I hut lie Ihal (({'ella the will o f G <1 J!lhip of .Hil1'()id Oharles"' M~tldox, tory filed. filed. i\:lr. BCI-t MaJ'lu~t an d son F.d tli 1\1'1:. I.Quis 1'1'O(>'lul1, i\ll" Lou MlIr.,· ;thid Ih r r cy C,I John ~:17) . . 'I 'rd " In the matte.r. of the tl'U te Sllip' '1l m nor. tljl accQunt. " " In til '111n,t ter of the estate 'of of 01'lve Maud-e Lerch, decca ed, I WII~ visiting 11'. 'HiI!!y Gibson Fri_ l l'!lY !lP ' nt 1\1.lI l1da y r.rlCI'IlUl'n ..., iLb }~10111!l Ihlo ,Gll«ll~n wI ll I! coni' . . . pn c t II' _l'~ f'n· ermoll I tie In the matter of the e state of Edwan~ Maloy, dllceased, inven- firsb account filed : llay .eve nlng w'ho JlIS~ had Illl op- l\h-. lUlU- Mrli. 1li1~ ~' C iu .on nnd , followil1 fr Olll Ihc' Bibll":" ast thy «harles E: Lewis deceased; deter- tory' filed. In tlhe matter of the estate of e ratloll .' f~l1nlJy, I hurd ~ 1I lI11.~ n the Lor.d, a nel he shall mination <if ~ust. ' In the matter of tho eatate of Sylvester MUton, decc a ed certifiMr. olld M't' : 1. El'vi n Smit h artd MI" nnd Mr '. II III'V DU1" r\'~ 311 d su ta~1I .th ce: he shall ncvcr suffer In tlie matter of the will of AI. Carroll lJ. .Deatlherag.e, deceased, cate of tl'llnsler Of real estate or. . ., ' '" ,. " tbc n g lll('olls to bc III vc d" (Psalm d aughwl' Judith Ann llJle nt Frid ay chtld ren of Dayton !'Ip!!nL a Ut·- 55 :22). vin M. Cook, decC8sed; will pro- tranflfer of auto bile to .!A~d~d±.!i.!:.ef..l1JeI:f~_ __ _ _ __ bated. Deatherage ordered. ' vening with. 11'[\'. and' l\h. Willis I day ni ght al1(L Sunday "ilh ~h, l'h~ Lcss.dh-ScrlJll' ll also includes In the matter of the estate of MARRIAGE LICENSE 'In the matter of the will of I onncwi t lind sons. nnc.l 1\( I'S. luI' n' (! ~l' a \ ro t d an I tho! ., " ~lI\O\~'I ~ t g pa"sngc fro l11. the Arthur Ballm'd, 18, Morrow, In. , . fa m.i I ' hl lSllilh SCIenCe j~xlb o ok, "Sclcnce Edward' 0, Robinson Is the star (,harles W~ Enrly deceased, will l'liny Herbert Whitaker, deceased borer nnd Lillie Cole, 16, Clarks. MI s RULIL K ellIS or Dus, ton y. I and H ealth lI'ith Key to Ihe Scripor the com 'l ~Y riot. " A Slight Cnse • ·ed. , inventory~i1ed . ville. ' spent III w k nr! wi Lh her ' pa. Mrs. EJllI oson Dill s pcnt unduy tures" by ~tary Dake r Eddy: " Who Ln the matter ' of the estate of In the matte t· of the settlement leve Noble, 27, electric ian, ot Murder" whi It will open at lh e I cnts Mr, and 'M rs. FIJ\nk Kelli$, aftel'n on with I l' ~ i"lt r i\11'. un" I lhn l "as t 'It tit ' I u~~ uf hUllla!1 pca~e deluxe Xenia Th aler In Xeni'a. l . lliam, H. Noble, dece'lU!fl d, ce.rti· of the e tate of Charle J. Lebanon and Maggie Gabbard, 21, 1\1 ' P t R ' 1\'1 J I " It:! . IInl R~llIr(1 Slnlt\gcr deslr s for Sunday, April 3, tor a three duy IS. e uoyon s pent la t I l'S.• u -c 1.IJn ml' I'I1llltl an d r'll1lil~- . pirilUal Jt.),;.. f' til f l ca~e of transfer ordered. Schw,a rtz, deceased, inheritance faclory '\\'Orkol', Lebanon. ' Col . b . f B' .t . . ' , . , . TI'I Ie oss 0 ear I y ongagement. unt IBy 1n UIlI U attondmg the 0 cave l 0\\'11 , hares ?n.1 rlc~'IHC~ brightens the . In the mat.ter of tbe estate of lax determined. J€?hn Baker, 21, mechanic, BlanMorman c hurch. 1r~. Earl Mal'lfll t !rnd fnt h!.'r Ilsrc n (~I11~ .. ath <If many a heart" Bertha Ferguson, deceased, Helen In the matter of the gu.a rdian- chester and Arlean Duncan, 21, Storer appoint-ed B8 administratrix ship of EItner McIntire un in- Wayu ville. Fl'iday Mi, 's la~'a Vaught I'S ~pe nL un MI', L u St~phens 811<'n l\l ond<l)' (p , 2C1~), ' high school buildin g On - In the matter o;f the estate of competent, Murch 29, 1938, Date rlay III Spring alley wit.h Iricnull. 1Jl,)I' nin~ with Mr, Hil ey Gib ~lln, K e('11 Phone PlmllModern e\tcni ng. Frank Knorr, deceased, proof of Bet for hearing. M.. ·• und 1\1l' '. \[m'old Ke lli s and 1\11.,. Jilek Lev i IIlI d ""n l[ J)a ._ ,\1though Ihe I Icphonc is now ·Miss Blanche Evans pleasantly publication of' appointment filed. In tho maUer of the estate of entertaine.d the lnC'mbers of he r I~nlll~ had ~ bn-Lhdny di nner lIll ton i'JI~nt M" nday niJ,tht a nd TlI '~~- more tha n GO ycars old. morc than In the matter ot the estate of Ethel B. Lowe, deceased, sale bill Sundny Sc'h'ool clll~s all tl the teach (:lY [~I' Rob crl.n li ard ock. Tho ~e ut hom e and J('turned 10 Ilay i u ll tw o·thirds llf th e telephone plant in' Anna I. ConleY', deceased, notice f iled. service in thi s co untry has been built of appointment filed. In the matter of the estate of cr, Miss Mal'jot'ie Hllydock on la>.:t<illlg" ~he d ~lIn e l' WC!'I' Mr. and 'ruc .• d'IlY vpning-, MI's . CU·rtIS 11111 of Duyton. 'Ma·. within th e IOJ,st 20 yca rs. In the matter of the estate. o.f ~athan Gray, decoas,ed, distribuThe Fen'Y Church :had an at- Thursdaly ng , IUld Mrs. 1[or~hal Bunnell of LohDella E. Foster, deceased, certlfl- tlOn ordered. ' tendance of 182 Sunday moming. !M1'. and MI:=<. Elme l' Cuny , , . l·t .< r [(11'(1_ II bSCI'I'b 0 •.0 YOUI' locul n \\'<'papet' Ph on!! 01' se nd in you I' news. catTehcf t~~~er 0h~'derefd'R th A W~lnl' tho Wmhatter of the estate of M,'s. Grace Kruer and· Mrs. Chul'- spent Sunday with thei l' son-in- ano~, Mr, anti ' In;. 1'0b" U nn I mm caton, d e c e a~od, sch- 1 K' . e gu....ndans Ip 0 Stitt, incompetent, third s.nd final edule of debts filed, es utner mlllde the confeSSIOn •. law and da.l Ighter , 1\11', and Mrs. aceount. • In the matter of the c'tate of Mr, Frank Snyd-el' spent Tues- Robel·t Duffey of ni xley. The estate of O. W. Brown, de- Florence LeMar, deceaaed, Ma.r vin day afternoon cleaning and filling ceased, ' third account. E. Young. appointed as administra- t.he bapistry for the Tuesda~ night III the matter of the elftute of tor. baptizing. Mr. and Mrs, Lester Gerhard e ntertainedl b'he W. C. Smith fnmi1y lo supper Saturday evening. J. Lee Talmage was amon~ lhe Th ocoasion WIS !M1'S. Smith's nUmIDCI' ·,,1110 enjol<'-ed th Futher birthday anniver~ ry and the eve. and Son banquet, IIlon<1uy velting ning was p.asse.d in !!he pluying of at the Masonic Hall in Harveys· games. burg Messel's Frank Wright, DouglRS The address Wtr.18 given by fr. Harris, M. Harris, Victor Glass HadJey of Wilminj?toll wh o gave a 'an,d W. C. Smith attended t.he talk on hi$ travel in ma llY plncos. brotherhtoocL supper of all Chul'c'h- The adrll1ess was very much e njoyCos of Christ held tit the Colored ed. . Church ~f Oh.rist in Xenia, ' Friday Ml'$. F. T. Na~ln , until rece ntly vening. a resident of this communily, with Mr. aud, Mrs. lIm'old Filet· and hci SOlD· and wife', MI' . .und Mr!!. dnughter, . Gwend~lyn and son , Corless Nash, of Dayt on, wet' Mon Harold Jr., s pent Sunday wi~ the day callers 'of the- A. B. Talmage fOI'rruer's folk. family. Ethel ,St.urgis spent the Sabbath Mr. and! ' Mrs. Chas Miller, of at the parsonaglC. Hamilton, wel'e I:ecent dinner The J. S .. Filers' spent Monday _ - . - : - - - - - - -.......- _ - I • Why take a chance on a refrigerntor Perry with Mr. JIUld MTS. James Hart- guests of IMll'. aind Mrs. ER.MISER . that may 'Y aste in onc way all 'that it Wells. S<lck and family. Mew SILENT MET , may snyc 10 one, two or three olher Miss Hannah Jo'r dan and bl'Oth Miss RutlJ Nut!; who, has been in Uses $0 little cmrcnt-You ~n hnr~ly ways? Play safe! Sc e how Frigidaire: poor health is out and around a,- Bernal'd JOordan, we re visitors in he:u it runt S.il1l~lt'st refn~ rtlung ~aves AIl4 W' I1)'S • •• 011 current, food, gain. . Waynesville, M-anday afOOrnoon. mcchlloism l'I'rr bUilt. Come In. Sec, tce and upkeep. And prOlllJs it before Mi Ann Attl-esey, of the Olive Mr. and Mrs. Lester Gerlwrcl hear the PROOI'! your eyes, ' before you buy! spent Monda'Y' with Romo Rigges. Branch community a shower Mew"Double.Easy" QUICKUBElRAYS 'Mr. Alfred Johnson spent Ft·!- Friday afternon for the plen.'uT'e 1. R~lcase cubes illstantly-save 20% d'ny evening at Rev. Smith's of Mrs. .GaYIe- Richey (nee. Mi Mrs. Victor Gla.."S and Mrs Mrs. Luella MiIlal'(JI.) " more ic~1 , 2., T rtlys c me frec nr floger.tOuchl Douglas Harris called on . Mrs. Among the lad ies invited from On.Tl Smith Friday evening. this vicinity 'Wel'6: Mrs. Ella F erris, 'nbe Perry Faul's attended an Mrs. Anna FCIl"t'is an d Mi s HannAh annversary' dinner at tlhe hOOne. of Jord8lll. Mr. and and Mrs. [rvin Saunders Friday - Saturday at South Lebanon Sunday. Miss JesiYie L. GlU'n er W'Bs a Wed Mr. and. Mrs; Oscar Klienhemm nesday caller on MTS, Addie Death~Ight" called on Mr. and M'rs, Ervin, el'llge, in Wllynesville. • ~OU I' )'e · i~,hL . i, tno 11I'cciou s to take needles ohances ..;...8CREE'N"Thom~ Sunday. _ _ __ tM~ss Alice SStn1&, of Lebanon, With It, .Ey .s tram IS dnngerou.·. Damag mny . be done before "THE KID COMES BACK" you rcall ze It. . Mr. end !MIMI. Dyke Pence are with, her parWayne Morris, ~une Travl. the proud parents of a six pound ents, Mr. lind M ,Frank Sams. . Have, nn yc :xomination lo-day. Yo u owe it to yourself baby girl I)orn last Thursday morn Mr. and Mrs. , Orla.ndo Umnnan, to g ive thIS llIuch t llll e to your. ight. ContlnuoUI Shows Dally ing. ' of Xenia, were. d'inner guC8ts SunAdult. Only 160 'Til 2 P. M. Mr. and. Mrs. Archie KlonLz day at the home of Mrs. Alicc' Ter'have Tented their place and have. 'tY and MI'. and ~Irs. Meal'le Ter!'y moved to' Wright Field where Mr. and:Walker Terry, OPTOMERTIC EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Klontz has a permaMnt position, Aft;ern~on. coHeirs were: Mr. and . Miss PaulineRigg'S played in Mrs. O. M. Ridge of Waynesville. Open Every Day from 8 A. M. to (; P. M. the Ce.ntCTVilIe band at Oxforc;i: on !Mil'. 'Ohns. willdler, of Doyton, Saturday 8 A. M. to 10 P . M. Saturda1, Marchi 26. The playing the owner of "SUIIlny Sidle F1arm", 19 N. Broadway Lebanon, O. rec-eived' the grade of "Excellent." was among the int.erested ones who Mrs. Gr~e Furnas pent Tues. attended the AAA farm program • It','here to lave Your urel It hUII,drY roads .:•• driee wet roadS. day afternoon: visiting with Mrs, meeting, Monday eve·n ing at HAI'It wiD protect yOu against.dangero car-apinning skids 'in all dirCeI-cna Riggs. ' v~YBbu,rg. tioai-forward, aldewaYlI and in reverte. . Mr. and Mrs. Romo Riggs a:nd Mrs. Mllbel T,erry returned to That', becauee the new deep-grooved poodrich Silvertown with daug'bter, Pauline entlertGined her ihome. h; I\e a:fter several days' ~ ~e LIIe-8a", Tread, i. a~lllly" a road -d~er. Its n~er-endihll Wtitb a birthday annivel'aary s~p- Iltay ,in CQlum~us un Dayt?li with ~ ban, actin, like a battery or windaliield' wipen, Iweep the e1' in hooor of Mr. Vernon Har- relatives and fnC'nds. She W1t1I00.v~ water riaht and left, rorciJlc it out throuJlh deep drainalle IlrooveI- ria.. !March 26. . i week to '1e!9'lme hel' former , maJdDI a,dry track ror the nibb,er to IiriP. -', . M~. Oarl Duke ~nd Ml'3. 'Paul work in.' Colum bus. . '. yqiall know 'wh'at the word S1,"OP ;Wly mean' untii you've ' Du·lee called on Mrs. Harry For, Mrs. Amelia P~!nce. and son, Clif· . felt the pip or the'new Silvertown ~e-$aver Tread on a wet, lIipdy~ and Mrs. P. J. Thomas 'On fwd, of neal' Waynesville, Mr. and PerY road; you'll never know wha~ mil rreedom from blow-outworriel Tues.d ay ai'tern'o·on. Mrs. R.O. Boul\vare, of Clarksville i. until YO),l>ve diIcov· _ Mr. and Mrs. Pete' Wica.l called Mr. and Mrs. M(~rle Terry Mrs. ere4,the Peaee-of~mind on Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hill and' Bina Patte rson imd daughter, FausthatcomesrrorilridinC MT. and Mrs. Perry Wade Sunday were Sundanr visitors at· the on tirft bunt with the arternoon, home of l\h. and IMIrs. A. B. TulGO~DEN exclullVe Oolden Ply. The James Wic!al 1lamiiy were mage and' family. Mr. Talmage is Get,the aaletY rid~of1 Frid4y evenillg1 guests at blt~ home some imporoved in. health at pl'Csent. the new Goodrich of 'Mlr. and' Mrs. Jo'hn Sheets. Mr. and 'Mh's; Mearl-e Terry were ...: . Wety~~ , vi itors in Lcbano~, Wednesday. UI~." '. Superintendent Th<>mas NEW BURLINGTON....., Kearns of the Division of Safety JAMS aRYAM The Adam8 and' Jeffe'rson to~ an~ hygiene of the Industrial Com AI.I..IiH JSHKIHS ships Y. Pi B., rendered an inter- mission of Ohio related ' that eon-' esting prog'\'1Il1)I at the M; E. work WIiS the cause of 'Chu!eb- Sund~ morning. ' more fatal accidents to worker3 dur IN FACT, ~ANY TIRES COST , .' k. 'basket dinner was enjoyed ing 1937 thllmi any other branch of ~ORE . 11ff, Sunday :b1. members of the Fri- industry, CIl\lin1s for. fntalties filed ICndS' Church ,' and ' p8.stor, Rey. by bhe dependents of conm'uetion AT ANV PRtCE:"CAN Give . ,The litde .cene pictured ahove' represents' one or the' Leasure. , . workers, fOil the year totaled' '142. The undersigned will sell at pubYOU THIS UF~-5AVIN<i joy. of ~wning • Stokol. Thil luperior automatic: cod' lic auction at the Inte residence of The Th~ultyplay, '!Mary's Lit. Supt. Kearns 'an'nounced. , . PROrEcnoN .'6AINST 80TH stolter ~t. fuel COlts 10 to '0 per cent. It bUfD8 leu " Ainandia Mafiit, on Mein street, tie Lamb" ·w!1s enjoyed' by. a large. expen.lve coal and, beca~ of perfected ,combustion.t ~ sKlDS'AND &LOW-OUTS . " , . Patronize the 'AdvC1'tiser8 Waynesville, (),hio. and ' audience at the _ess .of it. 'Jut tbat's nOt .U. StoltOl feedl the automatic.lly. You, doa.'t nUl to the basement ev ' ,SATURDAY APRIL 9th 1938 weather cbaogell; ' i. OD the , Beginning I\t One 1). m. The :fol ' to gtva you dean', avelt, controlled heat. Available in . lowing property. hopper and bin feed mode". A,k .bout our ~~ tenu.











OF YDU moy nDf' S'ove of' 0111


Fairley Hdwe. Store

A Costly Chance

"Bank '

Dr. John Zettel O. D.






••~cOme In and 'e~ , us prove if it






'Public Sale ..

HQ. QIHI.B t!&,-


.r .,..,. ~


~e. ~~



IUUD~ with

Mblmi ~ette



for' ea~mate. '· .

. -,IIAIILTON GRAVEl CO.. Phone 3708

Book caS'(! dining rcom tabl!! and six chajrs, Auffet, chLffoneer , brass bed and springs wood bed ' llnd' springs 2 , dressers' 2- wash stands, odd dlulirs, 1l0ckerS, oil eO<ilt stove, .laundry .s tove; lOtclten c~binet" , . eupboatd, TUgs, washing machine; lot of di~be!t I\IJld cooking utensils and many other small ag1;icles too nume~ou to mention. ":" GARDEN TOOLS

e. i

Ho"," Take, abovell, an4. man, other ImaU 1lrticlea. TellllllJ' G. . . . . . HudI....



Stol1Q~. ~Iw.ys


E(fW'lIrd ' Mol'ris urd Go I"~e Brown~\' 1eo Ar- Cleveland Woere unday KlUesu of safety gr~p9 in a state-wide cam ]Yr. lind MI'!!. Harry Azl\ngo and all stud nt. fro~ the Ulljvenll~' 'h Ya''lc•• RopbCl'ts0Bn ,.'Md'rs. dCM 1'111': . hi!! \ i(,: of Oaytqn f C' , t' ur, ",ISS atay 1111' nn 1', an d his brother, Russell ' WillSon and paign to Ihn the misery and eeo . , 0 ·IOCI nm. ). " 1 nomic loss suft~d by Ohio citiw ith It'. tUld 1\I1'!I. V. T. ' I CC on ' ' .. , ' W ' . ' MI' Mrs, Harry Smith and son, Glenn fruUJ y, MI . and MI •. Will atl CS, 'enjoyed a .picnic suppel' nt the beau Mr. IQJld Mrs. F'J'ank Jones have zens through mUlc accidt).pts. Su nday. : /lnd MI - h:11'1 5 F' 'iqr anel Mh·. I • MI', a nd 11. Levi Lukf!.\'l /lnd d 1\'1 'V" '1 0 t II f Dayto bfll.1 I>ar~ of Mr. Ilnd, Mrs. Harry trI()V d fro:m hat is known as the Mrs. Mary Osborne of 1.I'bnnon hildl' n of FUYl.'tteville spellt the nn I . 11'1\'1 t t 0 fa 'M n~ Smith. ' Wayne Villa to the } vin Earnhart n ew mott-o, 'Before you i~ a spent' la 'l. turday with her Ili t I' W wCI,I,end ,\d th fh·. nnd Ml'~. Willi- M I'e P unc gues SO l'· a Mr. Alvin' Eurnhart who has property on 'FI'anklln rondo gu-oon light', tlhie. road is not deadMrs. Margaret Wh 'tzel. 'nlll' LukellS. I' . eJ'cy t ll~ o n. bAen quite. ill at t he ' Miami VlIIlley MI'. and' IMlrs. Ralpih G~'eegol' oand' " end,' has been adopted at the Ohio Mr. and frs. J ohn Ft'omm & Mr. M r . nnd Mr ', Willilm Stroud 'H~spitl\l, is repOlted to be improv- Mrs. W. Haynie of Columbus ;Reformat-o.r y for Women at ~.ry&,Mr. and Mrs. lrn. Drown · were "weekend guests of the former' !! J ohn Hawk", visited wi th Mr. Ray w-e re Dayton hope l:s on Monday. ing~ visIted Mrs. Haynie's brother, Mr. ville., Mrs. Margue,riteReilly, 8'(Inparents in Vi l'sailles, Ohio. Hawk e and family of Da~rton on and Mrs. Ellis McCl~re a.nd Mr. and Mrs. AI Schoeler of 'and Mrs. J. H. Smith, Sunday. ial superintendent of the institu' -~rlan Ear~and de u- unday , childre n ~llent Sunday ,\\1th M:r. Hamilton pent Sunday witli Mr. Mrs. Viola Carey will after re- tion told members of the Managing Rihter, Naomi weTC Dnyto n shoppBoyd Hen d.e r.. on WIlS in Colum- and fl' . Elmer Sheehan. Fred Hende rson and family. modeling her !house retul' - Officers' association of the State' erslast aturday. bu!! Tuesday laking t he J".unernl WOI'k has be~u n on M1'8. Vernon 1 IMr. IIln d Mrs. Al Polin k'Y of Cin nesville to live. Dc,pnttme nt of Public Welfal'o!! at Mrs. Lucy Din s of H a milton Dil' etOl os examination. Houg'h's n w bungalow. ' cinnati spent too . weekend wit1t Mr. rand Mrs. J. E. Tthompson ohe ir quarterly March meeting. S he llpent ~nst week with her siste r, I Gu ellts ~ t t.he Pre5ton homo on Ml'5. Clarenc e Dunham of Leb-!l- ! Mrs. Myel' Hyman. have moved to the country to live, etressed Lhe l"Chabilita,t ion ' of the Mtrs.. Jeff SmiLl1. Sunday, r e : Mr. ~lI1d Mrs. Robert no n. Mr, Harry J ohn Lemon of Cin Mr's. Wclt~r ' Undel',:ood and s~n inmates, arid said : "I keep in mind Miss Gretch n Gehring spent Andel'Eo n and child,'cn, Mr . a nd cinrna ti lind Mr. and Mrs. John Robert HanSlll al~d WIfe -of XilDia STATE CAPITAL NEWS that a penal institution ,is pTim8ll'i1y the ",~ke\ld with h r pa rent in Mrs. Walt er l\1~lrch a nd chil dren LemQll of Dayton wen Sunday spe nt Sunday with r elatives in Cor for the protection of ' society a. Toled'!). ,f , of WYIO ll1ing. guests of Mr. and Ml. Harry nel'Sville., IndiJ8na. As a res ult of seasonal accident aga inst the criminal, but seconcftar':\l.'rs. usie Evn ns ent rlaincd ~toke . Mrs. DeHa Venable, Mrs. R. E. inc, affecting motol'ists, Sup- l'ly, I·t., obJ' ~~ I' ~ aal".ng·e_"'-'" o.nl_ Supterint.end ent Garst and Iamt d en t Thonlas. P K f ~ ~....... '" a.~ u'." Mr . und Mrs . FI'Il nk He·, ~ ' enler- I Bentley and: Mrs. Fl'Ilnk Thomas erm i1y hnve moved to the Terrel Apru-t at ~ IIJ per aturday eveni ng Ml· . th den ' . . I af t d ear~ h ' '0 vage 0 f h uman sou Is. I n k noc k'mg S'-eet. J o sph - hamb.Rugh of Harv eysb urg tn'nec} Superintend'ent and ' vi sited Mrs Lena Burris at Dayton C IVISlon 0 s e y an yglene d a va~ and breaking it, one ment on M~'n ~ ... I . .. I Wed e~'d of the: Industrial commiSSion again own . "" n ~ ay. wal'l1ed of the carbon monoxide may pick up the fragmoots lind Mr. and Mrs. William Graham and MI'. an d. Mr '. Frank hinn and Garst and .laug ht er, also Ml. a nd on Mrs. ROB.S' H~I. tsock and mother danger Ilnd cautioned about crank- 'glue thetn togeth.e1· 0 that the veswere Sundny guests of I\fn. Daisy l\h·~ . Earl hinn. 1\1 rs . h a lllbl~u gh Mrl'. Rus ell Frank at supm' Tueswe re shopplllg III Leba.non Wednes ing cold. motors. "When the motor ' ffel ma>" perlorm the service. for Snider. , rel11Q-1incd ovel' night. Slinday guest da y evening. Miss Barbsi'll Gl'Uy is sp,cnding day. _ . an automobile or truck in a gllr- ' whIch it 'was origi nally intende d. Louise Zimmerman Who is a of l\li'~ Evans were 1\11'. anel Mrs. ,l~utc liJf nlld so ~~ of Ci ncin- her sprin g vacation at home, this Rev. Thornberry was calling on age is running be sure and In picking up t he pieces- -or human 8tu~ent at At hens ColLege is .sp I1 d C. Mrs. Maud Crane and Mh. Death- ~.h e ~a~age doors open," he saId. lives that cornie into our (',luLrge Ilt ing her spl'ing vacatio n with hcl' naLi; Ed \\'ul'J Angle and Rev. and wJCt'k. The beautiful Spr ing weather of erag~ Thurs~~. It IS necc:ssary to cr~nk ~ mo- Marysville we stick the.m. tOge\!hCI' parc!lts, Mr. a.nd l\h~. harl es Zilll- MI .. Angle a nd da ughter of Mid tl lctow n. Monday was the iMpiration fot· at MISS J e, sIC Gnrnel' of Beech tOI, be celtam the mac.hlll e IS out th t th . b k ' t th merman. G' . . . M' of gear that the snnrk I S retal'd~ so a ey may go ac .I~ 0 e - )l~', t1,nd Mrs. W illiam Lukens at· len: t one outdoor s upper .. Mr. and l ove vlS'l ted WIth IS. Deatherage db' II .... k th th b' world am:b perfol'1lI' as they were in Mrs. Maude l'oR ne entertain ed , u S bb d h'ld Monday an y a means eep e . um . at dinner on Sunday, Mrs. lI'c ne tendcd !l "500' party at urda y Mrs. A. n. tu s an l' 1 ren, . " . off the crank handle in order not tended to do. The scars WIll always Hend~on and 'IIU'. and Mr • Willi. ni l: ht at. th home of Iint 'Taylor Mt·. and Mrs. OI18 nge Raper, Mr. MI'. and Mrs. Corn nell WIlso n of to sustain a broken arm if t he mo- show, but t~e is no reason why of ll al'vey>;borg. tor kicks." boo woman , if She is> normal, may anI Stroud. Rev, and :\1~n; . G/lrst wh o have A survey conducted by the bur- not foyget her past amd with the Zain Armitage .of Lebanon has . om the been spending' sevlIl'tll week!! with . . t'Ives repurcbo cd a tract of land fr 1 eou 0 f buSlDess researc h at O'h'lO II new I'd ea Is IIIn dI new IDccn Lee Lemon ' £arm and i , opening thei r so n, Supt. G or~ t a nd f a mily Stnte univel'sity and the :federal enter SOCiety on a higher plal1e a gravel pit there. have returned to their h me nea l' burea.u of labor statistics indicated I than whelll She fo und henelf a woa n e leven per ce.nt ...,- R eilly, a form M'r. and MI'$. Willis L ACY of Da y Germantown . Rev. Gal' l .. ho bas . decline in Ohio man crimina!." ,ou,..". Iwen <"IU itc ill is not much impl'ov d employment. durmg January wh.en er Clcvela'nd attorney and' assl' s,ant ton were SunuHY g uests ,o f Mae d h h D b f ... lind i st ill 'onfin d to hi s bed. compare Wit t e ecem .e r Ig- 0 t h ' d 'd Treadway. MI'. and MI'S. Earl Davis of Day_ •, ' ures. The declin e represented a c un y, ~rose:uto:h a:& game WI e drop of thirteen per cent when rec~~Dlt!on or, e system of reIon were un(hlY guests of MI'. and compared with the Janu.ary 1937 hnbllitCItion wh ich sh-e has es\JubI f d R 'l MI·s. if 01' I( gc. • employment, it was reported. A lished at t'he reformatory during NEW Mr. a nd l\!J- . Benjnm ;n Jones total of. 6,232 f irms in everY sec- the last throe years. ' ,

Waynesville -Personals






T uel day, A prJ-. 5



Correct.·on Of Ad 0n .Pag. Three



LAMAX Wilmington , Oltic, SAT. AT 11 P. M. THRU TUESDAY

11ae Bie Show of the Year I "THE


Snow White AND THE 7 DWARFS"

have " oI d their home .', Main, known a t he ' II property to Mr. and Mrs. Alva T ilUmpson of ii1!linnnti. Mr. and M~·s. Jones have moved into th e Earnha rt prop erty I'ecently vacat ed by Mr. and M)'5 and Mrs. Will St. John. ' MI'. and Mrs. Emerso n Enl'l1hart were Dayton sihopers lIturda y. Mr. aoo Mr. Ray Conner and duughter and Mr. and MrS'. Lon Beckett visited r elatives in Cythinnia, Kentucky on Sunday. 1al:cnce Barnard of Alphin calL ed on 1Mb.'. and Mrs. Ada m Mello'll Sunday eVlCnlng. . Mr. an d irs. Don Hawke spent the weeke nd with tJlte later's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Anderson of Kingman. ?I,it'S. Pierce, Mn. Edith Hanis rand Miss Emma Lou Lewis visited' M . Geol'gia Mendenhall Saturday afternoon at the Dill Clinic in Da.yton. They found Mrs. IMlendenhall some what improve d in heclth~ ~cv. MI'. Covell of Cincinnati conducted services Sunday at the St. ' Mal'Y's Epi copal Chw·ch. MTS. Edit'h Hawk-e entertained at s upper on last Frid~. evening, her son, Prank Hawke 8:nd friends,





Vau ' d eVI_II,e'





Knis~y .-41poorted a decline of 21)2,508 In saleS' taoX collections dul' Ing J.anury and February of the current yeaI' Whim cOmpared with the collecUons during the C01Te&ponding two months in ~937. The total collectto ns for 1938 was ,5,": 037,712 while · t hEl con·CStpOnding . 1987 totai ~ ,6,830,220, TreasUI'Clr Knisley 8lIl1Ilounced.


Nieht Only

Two Show. 7:15 p . m. and 9 ,15

Morris Jones Vanities 18 BIG ACTS 18

High class 'e ntertainment feoturing . Pep Goldens Glamou!' Girls- La Vone, "Th.~ Queen -of the Bells"'TIhe Famous Finoue Sistcrs--Nov· cIty Acrobats. Full 2 hour ahow- Mulic, -fun anel la ulhter for all. Sponsored by Jr. O. U. A. M. No. 19, Lebanon, Ohio. Adm. 26c' Entire Houl. Committee-Robert Baker, 'Marion Bl'own, Harold Harrison, Miron Shutts, Oliver Elbon, Kenneth

Sh'utts, Rec: Sec. tion of the state and representi~g ,P. S. Dancing every Fr iday night all kin~ of employment were inStat~ TretlS~1'2 Clarence H. at Jr. Hall, Lebanon, Ohio. . IClud ed In the survey. !!E!D While only twenty.five percent ..::'• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • of the highway traffic mov~ at ~ night tlh!ere are more than thirtyWAYNESVILLE INSTALLATION 144R31- WALLACE, BALLARD, Waynesville, Ohio. five per cent mo~ perscm killed 88R3- MENGLE , J. R., Waynesville, Ohio R. R. No.1 in accid6!l.ts than during dayJjght WA YNESVILL~ CHANGE hours, accordin~ to' data in a bul- I 78R4-SEARS, W. N., Wayne. ville, Ohio. letin iSS:U~I ' by the Goven\OO"s ' 42R51- WILLIAM$ON, H. W., WaunesvUle, Ohio. Sa-Iety Co-o~inatjng bureau. ComMASON INSTALLATION bill'ed with high speed, I11eckless 60-M- MALOTT, WILLIAM, Mason, Ohio, driving and ' driVing while Intoxi· MASON CHANGE cated, thlIOO addiitio-nal ma.jor fac674 -M- SHERROW, MRS. MATTIE, Foster, Ohio. ton, headlight glare, rcs?,icted MORROW INSTAu.ATION • vision and ktigue, weN listed 88 6R3-GILMORE~ HAROLD, Morrow, Ohio. . the principal causes of the extra 16R21- WEAVER, JAMES, R. R. No.2 Mor.row, Ohio. lnight-driving hazards. T.1le funcMORROW CHANGE tions of the bu.reo,u 'BII'e ~o promote 74Rll-DA VIS, MRS. FRANCES, Morrow, Ohio. 89R21- VEIDT, W. B., R. R. No.2 Morrow, Ohio. sa,f ety c.a mpaigns, co-otdinate tilre effol'ts of all state departme;nts actiV1e in a highway safety program, and to CO-OPe.NItJe with al~ civic


111 ~

- IW




The Ohio Central TeJephone CO.

Order a Phone Inatalled in your Home totJ.GY


·WILL.STOP YOU .QUICKIR,. 'SAFER ON WETTEST'ROAPS. ••·.come in and let us prove'lt •

• It', here to save your lifel It hug, dry foads ••• it driee TId; roads. It will protect you against dangerOul car-spinning in ~ CSJrections-forward, sideways, and in reverse, That', because-the new deep-grooved Goodrich ~v~ with


the Life·SiIver read is actuaUy a road dryer. Ita nevel'-~ding spiral bars, acting like a battery of windshield wipers, IWIICF.' the , water right and left. (orcing it out through deep dra4ha"e IP'OPV~ making a dry track for the rubber to grip. \ 1. You'll never know what the word STOP really me:a ns until ypu've felt the grip of the new SUvertown Life·Saver Tr,ead on a • • a1ippery road j you1l never knQwwhat real freedom from bloW'-out w~es is until you've discov' , . . _ - - -'....- _ __ ered the peace-o(·mind that com~ from riding on tires buUt with the exclusive Golden Ply. Get the safety ride of the new Goodrich SafetySUvertown. See us today.


WANTED-Tractor work, plow. ing, diseing, new ' equipment. W guaranteed. A Primrose . CJ<eam Separator for sale, good condition. J. M. Eferd, Phone 433, Clarksville. 3-17 4t POULTRY PROFITS for you from Channel's money-making chicks! All piuent 'stock bl90d tested. Now is ,the time to 'buy your baby chicks. Phone your or,der. All breeds ' ,8 .00 per ' 100. All 'heavy assorted, $7 pei: 100. CUlltom hatching 2 1·2-eents ·per egg. WILMINGTON HATCHERY, 318 N. M.Ulberry St, Phone 3831. 3 17 at ' FOR SALE-For fel'\ce and kindred produc~ gEt . my low , prices: Have you ,s een the ~ew twin Douglas ni.o torcycle? E. E. Anson~ -Clarksville. 8-17 -6t. . lJABY CHICKS"':" )teavy B~eed8, 8 cents.' Leghorns 7 cents: CustOm 3 -Cents p~r chick. Settings on Tuesday and Friday. ,Phone Franklin, Ohio 142 J 2. Springboro Hatchery, Springboro, Ohio. 81-2t





One used No: 11 Oli~;r Sillky Plow in good cpndition, $10.00. R. D. Collett l:ldwe. Waynesville-, Pho,!le 99 R 3.



You'" ~nd this woman. everywhere you go I

",... at the movieS, at ,church, amobg 'y~ur f~'iends afid .rteigbbors'. , She is 'the typical ' ,.:


modern house"Vife who ke~p' 'Y91ing ~and , finds' time' to live' 'and play be9ause ~~e ' lets . . .

.,Can't',Stump Us





~UFE~S.VU ~ •• ~.COI.DEI PlY . .,,-OUT "O~ff . ;



Sinith'8Wa,..eaville, Service Station !lIdo O.









, electricity help WIth'. het hou~~work. ~.he ',. All Si .... aDel Tn.ei




~'yers ,


Pumg arid .

Wat~r Sy~ems



·washer, irons ':with washes ,w• ith. ~ • electric ' ... r

an .~Iecttic- iron, 'cleans with 'an electric ,




sweeper; has an el~ic miXer 'to help ,with· . . .... the cookiilg. Wherever she can slje putS this modern' setVan~ ' to wor~ ~~. she finds ."' "". ' .,--:: ' theDenefits S<Jp,at and the-cost so small. --. ~








The Mothers' Club is sPOriSOl'inlr a banqu ~ t for the ,Athletic teams and members o,f the band: to be held at the Gym on next Thursday evening, April 14th: A ba ~ket IJUPPCI\ will be served e.t 6 :30 0'· clock. Members of the Athletic As ' . sociation and parents undl fr iends' and band and ml!m~rs of the Mo· thers' Club are cordially invitei to llttend., Table service will be furnished. Capable com.mittees have been appointed and are plan. ninlt an evening's e ntertainm~ nt without a dull mOlOOnt. Show by YOUT presence, your aPllreciltion 0 :, what these boys and girls have a ."l') mp1ished and what they meap to (lur community . ...


Sun"',,Bible school 9 :30 'a. m. Ilord's Supper 10 :46 a. m.

~~~~~E7n:~~a;.r::00 p. m.



Social Security Benefits


'C hurches'


This committee, in charge of reo uniOn on Alum ni Day, has- :had their plans O. K.'d by School Au· thor-iUes anti from all indications this will bc a big eve nt for Way· ne8Vl1Ie.

Th e committee con~ i sts of the Emma Hawke ~c IU I'P, R uth Hart followirrg, standing, back row: eock Walion, ~I's. George milh j live All en Brace, Edith M'osber I Mrs. Flora Crane, 111, • J ohn Ogrt. Hawke, E. L. Thol~las, Ross Ha~t'l wright, Mrs. Clara Hawk~ Vance. s ck, C. M, Ca rtwl'lght, C. E, Mlch enol', George Watel'hou se, Seated : .




~~:~~h:!:e:;~~r:~~~t~~mbEaT FRl.l DANIEL MORGAN

All workel'S who may be eligi. ble fot, un employm ent compe nsa· tion b ~ nefits in Ohio aL'C lldvi ed t o ' obtain ~ o _ illl ~l!cu r ity account pumbc: s ut once. This advise is given by Robert. 11. Minnich, l1111n· ager of the HamiILon Fi eld office of th e ocinl Securi ty Bourd. T.hhi office ('I ves Waynesville nnd vic ' inity. "Ma !lY millions of dollars will be availuble for t he payment of un :lmployme nt. In surance bCll efits in Region V in the ncUt· futur e," I\Jr. Minnich said t.oduy, " I t is nee· e::;fary t.hat a ny one' who w ill upply I \. these ,benefits should have a social security account number. If t,J\c oriA'ina l has bo 'n lost, a dup· lic nle hould be obtllin ed now, as we ant.icipa t.e a I'u: h fo r : uch Dum bers when Ohio begins to pay ben efits on January I, 103!)," h. Minich said . He made public figllres . howing th e amount of money w:hich Lhe unemployment compensation com' mi sions of Regi on V had deposit·

Birthday Party Held CH~~-.:..-~ AtMrs.Furnas Home ELO Eli Furnas, assist d by Mrs.' 'HOMECOMING 'H

Rhodes Bunnell enLertained a pal" ly of Children , Saturday afternoon , honor ing thl! s ixth bil'lhday of her li t Ue ~ on Roy. Muny gl10lCS \\ cre enjoyed bUl th e clim a x of thc uf ' tel'lI Oon was th e nrrivlll of l he laTg! lJirthday ca ke, accoll1 pnni cd by olh· Cl' dainty I'efr "llhmen t . Ma. Ler Ro was t he recipi ent of llla llY lovely gifts. Th e inviled gu e~ ts were Wa r. I'e n , hec hun, J enny Lee a nd , Wi l· hcln,lina Bradd cck, Eu la HOlik, IA nn Salterthwaite, Donald Mm't hn li nd Lois Luk c n ~ , Il uwnrrl Do ~ ler Mary Dora l! oug-h, Dor othy nn ,; Miriam \Vi ls n, ural Bunnell, Donald Burge, Belty and Bon ny Sattcr t hwuile, Nancy rune, Hal" Ian Earnhart, Jackie Jallles, Da n' ny Simpson, Billie Davis, Donah' Rye, Mat·y Ann Burto n, .Timmy I'lI ne, and Sue FUl'nas.

The Rorne Coming of t he Way' l csv ill c l\1ethodU Episcopal ch uTCh. was a g reat success fro m all sta nd" po ints, Lh e beautiful day, lat'ge atte ndanc , splondid oervices und a ~oo ll dinn er. W. . Younce of DayLO n a fOI'mel' superintendent of our unci uy ~(, hool hud chargc of'the ' unday Sch ool hour. Mrs. E ll en Conner extended greeti ngs " 'hieh were gruci o u ~ l y I'esponded to by Mrs. Selm a. Gal' uch of Dayto n and M,', R ~ ymond :Hatfield of Lebann. Selocti ons from the Junio.r and 'cnior choil's. a bl'a ~ s scxtette, and 1 mix ed quartette were greatly en· joyed. MiFs Est er Smith and Mr. ' J osiah D3Vis had chal'ge of a Mr. beo!\ uWul d voUona l period Ross unci Mr. 'Mercer both of Day· ' on gave inte l'esting talks. A beau. .l ful memorial 'basket was present~ d by ,1\1'l's. Ward and accepted' by Rev. Lac1. Rev, Grouser of De· ' iance, Ohio, who was pastor here in 19 15 when t hc church was dedi' catcd dclivel'cd the morning serman. Sixteen hundred dollars was 1111'S• . Edgar Cook passed away 'aised toward, t he roofing fund. At Monday mOI'ning nt the Miami he noon' hour a basket di.nner was ' njoyed in t hc dining I'oom by almost two hundred members and: weeks, Her maiden namc was Say. 'l'iend s many of who.m had come dista nce to renew .acquaintances ,is by her husband , a nd worship again in. th eir home a nd children: Ervil'\, Herbert, Mrs. hurch. J am s M'll (E sther, ) Mrs. H el'· I er


~:g~~n~h~p~~ F~~',~:~~;' y ~n8.W~~~ ~au~IC:e:~OS;ilialr:I~)?~\~e3 :~sn;- ;\~~ mon ey is ear'marked in the treas.


~;·~/~~tc::~Y~m~snet/:o~il~~e O~l~~;' 101~he sUI~ived

purposes. Substantial ~ um s in inTh e first serious uccid ent to oc. terest have been ear ned by all of cur on th e sewage di. posal pro- the state f unds du ring the period bert Bar'lon (Cletu), Warren, ject happ ned last Tuesday after- the mony has bcen held 'in t.he fed, W.ayncs Lawrence, Gl enna, Veda noon when one bank of the djtch eral treasury. The stntus of the and Wanda Ray. Sevel'al brothers whi h men were digging caved in , individu al state f unds as of Feb. and sisters also sUl~ive, a.nd two pinning one of th ~ workme n, E lzie ruary 28 was : grandchildren. ' Doctor beneath rock Ilnd covering State , Deposited ln t Eal-n ed Funeral el'vices were held , h' 'th I d' t \ . Th d f I h On last Thursday -evening Mrs. Inl Wl OOBe · Ir . Kentucky $1 0,750.00 $ 89,183 urs ny a ternoo n at t Ie ous t 2 d t th S C k Carmen Cl'8ne opened her home 48,083.535 3511,667 ah p. C Th e 'cave·in occured in fro nt of. Michigan h m. t 2an30 a · e ugar ree f or a par t y of young folks, the 00._ ran es ga rage where a "fill" had Q'hio 58,284,819 529,497 c urc a : p. m. . . b' caSl,on elllg the birt.bday of Mrs. been mad'e a t the time the ga1'8ge Crane ' s sister, Fl'anc-es Watkins . was h built. Total 1', Those pl'esent to e",joy the even· T . e ditch wlas not deep enough ' Region V 117,118,454 979, 347 Uuing which was spent in playing to g Ive any ahol'm or thoughts of Total U.S. 77!l,500,8!)6 8,674,347 "Monopoly" and other gam-es were danger. CI:ibbi ng is used to pro]\oh'. ~innich ' called attention to .t t.he Misse!\ Ruth. Conner, MaTY t~~~ the ~\ orker.& ~ni nst such aC' t the fnct that the three tntes in T\\clve memb ors of the Waynes- Caroline Lukens, Anna Mae and CI ents ut. hardly. th ou ght nee· Reg ie n V have ac cumulated more '11 G d CI b T d F W t k' L' '7 ' essal'y until men arc below t he sur ' t han 15 pel' cent of t h a fu nds VI e ar en u met ues ay af· 'I'ances a lns, oUlse ,.,I.mmer~ ternoon at t he horne of Mrs. Frank man and) Miriam Wharton, MeB8era health scounge. of modern civili· face. . But bhel'e dirt, withou t which had !Hoen sent to Washjng. F'arr f 01' t llell' ' A pri1 MB 11 h Ch ar Ics Fi res, Le 0 meeting. ra. ernard Meo, I loose . ~tt on,--e8l1cer, t u b ercu Ioals, venwarnmg, ro ,E~ In .Upon the men lion from the,entire coun bry up t o Conner, Charles Burton Earnhart -, fteal ' diseaee being the o't her three.' and Mr. Doctor was c.aufrht be' February 28. George Smjth president, presided " UL... """1 litt··l . 1m f h nea t h I·t. at t he b u 'mess ' hour, r eadin let· an d CIy d e Fr omm; M 1". dna.It >DlIn5. wnl e e III own 0 t e cause I t I'S reported t hat twenty ml'n. t el' of intel'est to t he members. Milo Milton erg-er an ' r. AlIa and cure oOt the first it ia' T.cCOg· Th . t' M W'lf d mled that alcohol Is a contribut-' utes elapsed befOl'e fellow worke resign a Ion of I'S. I I'e , Mrs. Crane and son. At the close ing factOr in ~eaths from cancer, Will DISCUSS PROGRAM OF men cou ld dig thc unfortu na te Squires was read and a ccepted. of t he evening dejicio~!I refreeh. that it "makes the bed fOT tuber. .R URAL YOUNG PEOPLE workman out. Mrs. Carl Duke opened the pro. ments wer.c served by the MStss. culosis," Is 'responsible for from 8 :00 Music and P R When taken to Blair hospital it e, gram by givi ng a short descript ion rogram s· of the meani ng of "April" A ume wa discovered , ~he had' sustain ed Wa~rnesville Farmers Gl'a n,p'-e . • ENTERTAINED AT SUPPER 76 to 90 per cent of venereal in. f . .... pllper entitled! "In a Million Ga r ' ~At.. and M YY W tkin ection and tiJ~ sole cause of al. 8 :06 · 4.H Club News--H. W. a fractured pe<l\ris and oihel' er· met la t Satu.rday eyening with a d S ,, ' '''1. rs. n 'enry a sen' coholism, ~hich does not mean Harshfield, Asst. State 4' H io us injuries. record cl'owd enjoying the pro- ens, ex Real'S Its Pretty Head! ) tertained the following at supper drunkenness, but the fatal effects Club Leader. Doc tor is 2 ~~ y aI'S of age and gram presented by the Springboro \~as l'ead by Mrs. Hal'old D. WII· on last Friday evening, Miss Louise upon use 1'8 W h 0 may never h ave 8 :16 How the F FA Develops I OUI' President, Hastings, live~., on t Ile ~:toke s I arm neal' GTange, ,A cIevel' lilt . Ie playlet wa lIs; t hen gave Z ~m1llel'man ' M · ISS · Francett Wa td . t Mrs. t' t' I ~ d'd Mrs. tDuke f th . a splen· f been drunk. D ·rea a very III eres 109 aT IC e, town. ' f h' I l'epor 0 e meetmg 0 th kins Ml' a d 'Mlrs C C Leaders~ip- iscussion bi!. "Our· Children", and also read a gIven a te l' W Ich supt. Holt en- Gurde n School Ihe.h'd ,a t t he Y. :MI . • and ~son, ·MI~. andl M' rs.aMrml'leonMl'lrteann~. Th e results of a1coiJollnn reachtween SIX members of T o w n ' tertain ed in hiS inimitabl e mann er C, A." Dayton., In March. MISS berger, Mr. an" ", 10"_. Charlie Wat. . '. - note of thanks from tne teachers es muc h fartber than the individ~ shend Agflcultural SocIety. of the Grade bldg. for bhe picture ' wit.h a half h,ouL' of ,magic. At t he C th G bb d t d U <uri! ual drinker. The prominent person 8:25 Columbus Chamber Orches- each roonl recel'ved. close of an enj oyable evlming, re' most a erme I ons can uc e a kins, MI'. ~erry Watkins 'e .nd Mr. intere. ting contest on 't l'ees.' Leo Conner. composing the committee of fifty, tra I A short play ",vas 'presented by Ircshments were served. . ' .. The hostess served daint.y reafter making a ten·year study , of 8 :35 Jack Mmel', Frtend. of Wa- Josephine Earnhart, Mildred Shee 1 f l'eshm ents dudng Lhe social hour, the alcohol problem, pre&ented a terfo~I-H. E. Eswme, Na· han, and Louella. BTown. The title The dry goods store of A. K. 500 CLUB MEETS The club wiU meet the first Tues- BOARD OF EDUCATION NEWS two·volume report, in bich they turahs'"' , of Me play was "Neighbors" and Day is obS(,l'vi,ng ' d , its twelfth a nni' l '1'01'1'. and Mrs. James Wical e n· day night in May a t the home of Wayne T.~P. Boatd 01 Ed lound ,r ink to be directly and in· 8 :46 Selectin~ e. "" Cotton w'a s well received. veTsary thi . month with a special tcrtained a few friends of a 600 I Mrs. M,al,'tr.a ret J ohn in Lytle, dh<eetly "responsible foz 20 per cent Dresa:-MISS EcL'ith B E t .. ucation met Monday ' eVening ,. eny, ' x It 'I\1!IS moved and 2nd that the sale of unusu aJ values for the ma- club for the Moth ers Olub, ThursAl>ril 4, to transact regular month7 of divorces, 25 per cent of insanClothmg Speclahst. Mothers' Club sponsor a supP'er ny f rien ds of t.he in stitution in this day evening. BIRTHDAY PARTY ity, 37. ,per cent of poverty, 47 p_ 8 .'66 Columbus Cham be I' 01'ch es-- for the athletic association and the co,m munity . Those pres('nt were : Mr. and Tuesday, March 29, Mrs. Gayle ly business. The Board voted to cent ot child misery and 60 per t ra. band. Mrs. Preston was a ppointed . Mr. Day, who is also Mayor of Mrs. Harold Whilacre, MI'. and' IEvans entertained from 1 un til 3 !!.Ceept an offer on the. part of the . cent of crime. 9 : 05 P 1'0bl em~ 0 f . t'h e Growln! to take charge of the dining room Waynesville, came here from Leb- Mrs. Lowell Thoma , Mr. and Mrs. a··group of small folks in honor of Alumni Committee headed Dy . O. Flo~k-R: ~. CI ay, Ext. Paul ' and Mrs. Le'M\ly the program, a non, and establis.hed t he &tore in Thom'a s Burlo n, Mr, and Mr.·s. Law Billy !her son- on his fourt h birth- M. Cattwl'ight of Chicago to estry SpecJaI!s.t. , , . I The clothing committee report1926 and since thnt t ime has COil' rence Briny, IIII'. and Mrs. Robclt day . There WlCr.e two beautiful I,nblish a reference library in tile FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST -" 9:16 The, FunctIOn of ~redlt In ed t hey had spent $5.73 for shoes ducted t he bu~; in ess in such'a man' Huey and the host and hostess. cakes each had four candles and high school., It Wlls also decided! to ,give each Fannl~-:-W.. E. Stough, and ho e during. the month and ncr as to merit the patronage of a ea st er basket with candy egg!! nnd Bible Sehool 9 :30 ... m. Senior one dollar towards gr4dua. Man~fleld, ,~Irect?r, Fw:m were in: d-ebt $4.52. 'It was moved large numb er of l-e ~ id ent of this EASTERN STAR -':0 bunnies In them. BaJloons and LorcF. Supper 10:46 a. m. C,f'I!dlt Adnllnl str~tlO n, LOUIS- a nd 2nd ,ilUlt the bill be atlowed. vici nity. MJ;.ET M)ONDAY EVENING wlhistles, dllinty refreshm ents were tion expenses. , Sem.on-1l:00 Principal business concerned VIlle. The foUow~ng nominating com. All resident of Wayn e ville 'a nd Miami Chapter No, 107 O. E. S. served. Billy received many lovely f:J.6l,9 :25 Colu.mbus Chamber Orch- for pick'ingt n ext year's ,oillc6l's the surrou nding tel'ri tory are in· will me et iii regular session Mon- gifts, Those present were Billy plnns for t he addition to th~ bi!{h , Preachlng and baptismal service estra. . ' ' we.r e nam'ed ~ Deana Mo~s, Ollal vitod to visit MI'. Day's store and day, evening April, 11. Members of and Elaine Evans, Kathl'yn Riggs, school building on W'q,ich it is pl&n. " 11:00 p. m\ look over th e Illany bnl'gains which the ord er are co rdially invited. 'Henrietta Graham, J a net Thomp· ned to sta rt work soon. 9 :35 Rural. Young People m the Stubbs, and Arlene Jon-es. ~ E.xtens~on Prog'ram-Group This concluded the business for he is offeri ng at this t im e. Sara Bra.dd»ek, W. M. Minnie son, jn~ice Wilk e on, J ean HopBerean class meeting 8 :00 p. m. dlscuSSt~n led . by Robert ~. the day and it was moved and 2nd Fromm, Sec'y. ' kin s, Elsie Lamb, Bonny Biggs, FORMER RESIDENT The're were ~Ive people baptized DIED, WEDNESDAY ~Iark,. ExtenSIOn Rural So ' the club adjourn. SCHOOL NEWS Charles Biggs; J acki e and Annette last Tuesday evening. and two Montgomery Howard, 78, a fonil" clologlst. Host esses for the day were:As a part of the Easter obser· PIGS GROW FA'STEST Tinny. makina the Irood 'oOnte88ion ' that er resident of Waynesvill,e, died / IN CLEAN QUARTERS evening. One mOIe came b1 con- 9 :50 Ool:umbus Chamber Ol'eh' l MeJl6h, Mary Rye, Mrs. VallCe the W:l1ynesville school will estra. , C. ~ldge" Mrs. Ray Conner, Jose- have a- shcw lIIg of t he sound mo' Ellwood Butler, a Fairfield WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH Wednesday nigl1t at Ibis borne in teaion Sunday m!>rning, ,m aking, \ ,., phine Earnhart" Nettie Rye, Mrs. tion picture f,'Ki gs of Kings'" on county , farmer, had worked out a Sunday April 10, P,. lm S\anday Carlisle, following an injury' suf. ' 66 new: members since' first 'o f the fere d in un automobile acCident . WEDDING REHEARSALS Mark 'Rogers, Mrs. Whetzel, Edith the afternoo n of Good Friday succe~Iul an d unusual system of 9 :30- Sunday School. y,!ar. 90me 'let Us have 200 ,by ' April 15. Showing will be made to growing hogs on his farm, but he 10 :40- Morning ' W orship. Sub· near li1rankllJ)", Monday I6Vo4!ning. ,C Rehearsal for the Robinson· Luk(lns, and ,Mrs. BC1rnard. Euter Sundlay. rn, attendance. . ' . Funeral will Earnhart Wedding nn event of Sat.. students froTll ' .tJie 5tb grade found that an improvement il) sani ject "The Palms in Life." . be, Friday .afternoon .,. " at 2 o'clock,' from the Croll, Fun" ul'day, April 9th, took .place ' laSt EAS:rER-N ST '"'R 'through hi<>h school. There will be tary cond.itions in the ,h og lots I, · 6 :30- Epworbh League. HARVEYSBURG M. E. CHURCH . .. eral Home, andl burial will be made ' roo m f or a Ilumb er of adults and mad~ a , big dif!ere nce in ~he rate 7 13 0- Evening Service. , . • . . Saturday ~vening 'a t the Metho dht INSPECtiON .' " ,Ge6. H. W.Yer,, Mhda. W Church with "he. en't ire bridal par,' In . te re ' t e d IS ' mVl . 'te dI to a t - "'. . 1In ' • ht w·" Miami Cemet.erY. ' ~ The Way~es'ville~'Ord(!r of Ea t;.. ,anyone uu-e hogs gameu welg . """nel day ' ' . ty ' present: After re},learsal tlte ern S~ft- Ii' eld' thel't .ann' u·a l l·ns ..... :.. 1tend, . ' . . , Brqod sow§ on the ·Butler faTf!l 2 :QO-. Th~ Frien.d\lhip ClUb,' wil} Publ W onbip, Ser" young folks w.lre 'Invited ·to ,the \/cu." ... . " ___9:30 ~,..;a. til. ' i'Loa'fi Ic· T ..... __ • " tl'on last F~l'day "'lg'ht at. 6 • .1.0•. A ' , • In t h,e Semor Scholatshlp T ests. farroWie. d ,in ,J une in., a. ir·c~oled' rn~et WIth Mr. Wh , Ita k cr. ~."I'n ......,0., ng oruu....,uIDa· Earnhart ,h'orne, ,;wh:"'e ' refresh. .. m U /'\. AI ' ()j,portunity far Ohriatial) Baptism menta 'w~r~ 'served and a J'olly 8v.e. 4eliclous dinner was served. Afte:r . given at LebanoJl, ~atuT<lay ~rl ~alTowlng: pen8, the pIgS ~re kep~ Thuracl&y ' ti ""'u b..l tthi "inner Worthy M t ; 's B d'I ~' Ro,y Crockct~ ,of WaynesVllle lI~' c. IQver pasture all, summer, turn' 4 :00- Junior Choir. d Recep 0.0 'W'W e ••ven • an II nin" en ' joy ' ed. _ a a ron a ra r.lf b --IA,e.' . , ' t. • , ' _,'. dock ··'Ied' th lodi ' t' .d t plnced 4th in tihe unofficial results ed' into a corn field in October an_~ 7: O- Boy Scouts. • ....... , , \aU e ~ 0 . 01' er a , ' ' . , . ' b ' . ' D" 7' 00 0 h tr P t· '10 80 . S ' ... , h 1, H' ''''-l'ch i !_'e 'Gr'a~d" Worthy M ' a .... c- an,nounced. '" " . , then take n to , t.hC! arn, y.ard· l,n. e·, , : rc es . a. r ac Ice . a •. m. un..... , f ~ 00 ' • WOSU'S : PROGR aM' BULLETIN"'" wm Campb 11 f Wi!"~ .. • C M.: MillS Dove Lebanon Semors made' the bes~ c-ember ,to be tlllt;tened lor the Feb 7 :30- Lenten Servjce. • 1, n, ~pt. '. - .' Each month" radio •.sta.ti~1n ton con&Jcted ins;ee~on Arot:,; scor\!s on. tbe .basis of number of rua!')" market. T~e . market ~-o~ 8 :O.O -:Choir· Practice, Thu~.y aftemo~ the ~epJar, WOSU publishes a proenaln . evening was -enioy~dV l' I s.enjoI:s wHo took t~'8 t~st. In com· hogs at that. tiln~ is u.uallY high,e r ' , . meetbla of tile Ladie. Aid Soci~t7. tin liIVfng Inf~rmation . ' parison With other .colln,ty than during t~e ' peak of the mar' AU.XII~ I~RY· NOTICE , o · junior colleB'8 couille. . ..,the Waynes' riUe team, made an seallon a month or two ellt:b . ,Mrs. O. R. Frazier will be ,~ost· s1. EPISCOPAl; ,nmll broadcast from tha The' total ':(Irat ~nd sales of bur eeUent ,sbowing. ler. . ' esil to the membe.JB of the ,WQCHUaCH ~t Ohio State l1nivenlty. You . ley tobacco ' in 't he 1937.38 m,at'· m'im\i · of_ the Episcopal Notlee for Nm Sun~, April have JQur .narne.added ·to. the JDail. keting lealon are eatim&ted as be- BOX 'SOCIAL Acceptllnce by larmers of the churc.1i, at tbe Little Inn, Monday 10, 11111 iDS 114 tctreee~ the ~m Bul iD&' 8' per .eent la11r-.r tQan the · Junio,· Lod¥e Box Social Friday acreaee allotmentS on· corli !atternopn, April 11, at 1:30, 0" .. 1e&In ' " ' .by PG*l laJe8 in 1938-87, and th& lUt'but. April ' 16, • > 8:16 p. m. Everyone wheat will help l tabnlze at '. level ,clock. .Mn, Roger Woodhull/ot to ley ' only &. per and , )lounell. Old' whic.h can be marketed at f!kil lDi~ri dloce_Ban united thpk ot·

Mr. J. A. Robinson and Mr: C. E. D ow d eII tell and show the ill ef- ' fecta of alcohol upon, th~ human , body, the instigator of crime, as well 188 destroying the, Bouls of ~ . many people. Let us hear what Borne prominent peO]}le have to say about alcohol. . . DE ' r. mil Bogen of California, a . rat i th lIJlecla d 1. -n e<Iiqmptoms, causes an..... aaHl"',' of seases says, "No i ot ...., •r.:.. po son canses so many deaths .IIr ,.,....s to or intensifies ..... ___ b th . 80 many ,u _es, 0 physical and mental d a1eob I as o e a o in the varioult form. "in lfhlcb it is taken." Dr. C. C. Weelcs, citea four Bri· tiah medical Writers who narrt~ alcahollsm' OU, f1f the fOUT great

D 'el ",t.. 'gan 79 d' d t th mvl , ,Ie Tuaesdaye Blairam'hospital, Lebanon afternoon, following an a utOmobile accid!ent on M.onday when he, apP8l'ent ly confused by immediate dange r, wa lked aga inst the side of the car driven by Rev. Cramer of South Lebanon. Morgan had 'b een helping to reo load fodder which had fa llen off, a wagon along the I'oad side. Rev. Cramer Mn .... n his car into the . ditch, wreclcing his machine in an eff ort to avoid hittihg Morgan wbo was cauglht by' tbe door handle which is -aid to have torn his abdomen. (JOIoner ,H. M. Williams investigation stated that MOTglln ,,,ified of " intel'nal injuries following an automobile accident." Funeral services will be (',Dn. , ducted Friday, 2 p. In., at Mc· CI ure F unera I H ome, WaynesVl'11 e with burial in l\1iami Cemetery.

Th e regu I.11' month. 1'1 meeting of the Wayn e Twp. bthers' Club was held , Friday, April 1, at the Grade Building. The meeting was opened with aevotions by Mrs. Hoall-. Her t ext was " The Child. r ns Friend." The f lower box count was take' n l'esultin" .. in Miss Reeder's room keeping the box for another month. It was r epor-ted t m: L. · dl·· minishing parties had made .,.<t39.· 0(' up to t Ws roe-eting. The secretary read the minutes of the last meet\ng and they were llipproved as ' rend. The treasurer reported recei pts f{)r l\farch \vere $128.22 and expenses were $128.26, malO ' 'ng a balance of $109.0 9 on hand on April 1. Th c Iunc h comml'ttco r-ep ort e d they would continue serving lunch until May 1 unl -, t ' eO<) 00 warm wea· .ther prevented. The program was presented by the F irst Grade in charge of Miss Reeder and Mrs. Jackson. The lit tle f olks had b een well trained and the program was enJ'oyed by all.

Birthday Party Held

G d CI ar en Met A' F ' arr s


W aynesville Gra no e Met.


'Merchant's Ann .versa ry

W ,



a: m.














adclr."•• .

'JI;;i~;~;~:~;~t:: ~h~ 11!



prices without ~rt to any mar IfJr1q.,tr~...rer. wtll be peat .quota.

~. .

lltl~ :~I"'.

Make an Easter Egg

UDeep Sea Monster" Causes S-tir Among Inland Residents

o~ , Cake

Main Street



was burled In the cemetery here, on Thursday. /

Clean Up At Tbue Price. Men's -3 pc., Suits Cleaned an(~ I~r.ess~ d

ORV ILLE SAGE, Publiaher

H.,.'RQLD D.' W ILLIS, Editor

50c Mt'n's Hats Cleaned and Blocked

\ ayn csville, Ohio

Entered As Second

50c '

Ladies Plain bresscs~

in Advllnce


An Independent N · wspnp I' Dedicated to t he . Cl'vice of Wuyncsville and vicinity - Gh' ing its patron. l he be t newspaper hUlllnnly pos· fible.

Quick Cleaners KathrY'D Mendenhall, Mgr

Cha . am and Peggy, of Sardinin. hoI' brother, er no n, and Mr. nnd Mr!!. r ot.n~ and Freddie, all of . Mr. ilnd !M1rs.. Wayla nd .,J ordan Dny1o n. Mr. and Mrs. Ben M:lrlatt and family, of incinnati, '\' re I lind J oe of Le~a~ o n. 'l\lli·s. Fred Saturday dinner guest of Miss a,m pbell a nd WIlham, of H.arveys Hannah Jordan and brothers. . burg, MI'. and Mrs. Frnnk Sallis 1'h~ Davis lnmii y spent ~tur. and the guest of. hOllOI', Miss Alice. Aftern-oon callers were : Mrs. day nfternoon with f riends in Lelr nnon Lilli e Da kin, MI'. nnd Mrs. Lerner nnd Eva lyn and Charles Albright, , M.. M. Terry was n bU~lIless VIS- 011 of 1iddletown, Nellie Hllmmer , ItOI' In Lebanon, Thursd ay: of Red Lion, Dw ifl'ht Beason of Mr. a nd l\~rs. ~lIk spcnt S Jringfi eld, Mrs. Ethel Bcru;on and Sundayevenmg wIth the A. B. Tal Dr . ld <'. ona _ = .ms. mage f am il y. _ _ _ _ _ __ The home of l\f r. and 1rs. J ohnny Kilban e t old Colonel Frank 'SalllS was opened, undllY, Lynn Black, superintend ent of the to welcome a group of their rel- state Ilighway patrol, that he could atives and friend s, when they gave teuc h t he members of the patrol's a birthday surprise dinner to com- current "roolrie" school a lew pliment their daughter, Miss Alice tbi ngs about the manly art of selfwiho at 'Present resides in the home defence, and Colon el Black acceptof l'tlr. and Mrs. Ben Mlarlatt, in ed the statement at its fac e value. A a consequence, Kilb une, formLebanon. A sumptuous dinne r was seTved el" world's fea her-weight champion at the lIOon hour. Guests 'who help- boxer an d now nn cmploye in the ed to celebr-ate h r twenty-fifth office of Attorn y...General Herbert S. Du'ff y, uses his spare time anniversary wer~: her grandpar- to instruct the embryo patrolme n ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Sams, of in th e fin e points of se lf-protecnear Blanchester, Mr, and Mrs. t ion.


. '


.. I


Is In The Air

P h Ologruph.

c nurl e~)'

Schrllt'lI·8. N ew York


the family and your flavoring. Beat Vigorously 5 min: friend s thi~ Easter! Make an utes. Bakt> in a s low oven EaSler egg of cake, and treat (300 °F). Chocolat. Fr,"ltlng-Melt 1~ you rfie lf to so mething different, squares chocolate over hot water. too 'fhi. unus ual Easter Cake Egg Add 1/3 cup scalded cream graefThen a fe'" grains (If salt. from Schrafft's cake and candy .1ually. egg yolk and '" teaapoon melted Rhops and restau rnnts, is one . you butter. Stir in cc)nfectioner's 1I1l. can make at home. Simply get an gllr until of right ('onsiatency to oval mold or tin, mix a rich pound spread. Add ~ tsp. vanilla laat. cake batter, bake in the usual wa~' Spread all over round",1 aurface and ice with chocolate frosting. of cake. Use your ingenu ity in its decoraDecorative Icln,-Put J e,g tion . A few drops of vegetable white in a large bowl. Add 1 cup coloring, anJ you have icing for of eonfectioners' sugar, )lifted, delicate pastel flower s as well as about 2 tablespoonfuls at a time, white. The It'Ucring may spe:J a beating with a perforated wooden greeting of your ow n devising. spoon until icing is stilt' enough Pound Cake- Cream J cup but· to spread. Use putry tube t er. Add 1 cup s ugar gradually. squee.z lng C)ut ie:!ng in de8 ire~ Continue beating. Then udd yolks forms. If colored flowers are tie· of 4 large eggs, beaten until they sired, place small amounts of thle lire thick and Il'mon·colored. Next, icing in separate dishes, adding add the stiffly beaten whites of 4 a ,few drops of vegetable colorin:r eggs. Then 2 cups flour, 14 tsp, to each, according to eolors pr.. mace, pinch of salt, S tbsp. brandy (erred.



A strange-looking creature emerg· ed from the Scioto River at Chillicothe, O. It resembled one of those things which appear in dreams after an ice crum·and-pickle banquet-a monster from the deep; perhaps an oftopus. Then it was revealed as a deep·water diver--and even an octo· pus would have seemed no more out of place far inland in the heart of Ohio's agricultural section, The diver, Tod Rabbit, of Thacher Brothers Company, Toledo, was eDgaged by The Ohio Bell T elephone Company to lay a submarine telephone cable across the river bottom. His equipment consisted of a fiveton boat and hil diving apparatus and gear. After the cable wu lowered to the

river bottom, the diver excavated a trench four 'feet deep beneath1i with a high pressure water gun. Powerful pumps forced water through. a hose, with the diver. handling the nozzle, As the terrific sJream from die noz· zle gouged out the trench, the eablt settled to the bottom. Currents and shifting sediment covered it. Diver RaQbit said that ISO ·feet of under-water trench digging was a good day's work, depending aD the kind of river bottom. His suit consisted of a watcr-tight rubber olitfit topped by a metal helmet. Ob his shoulders rested 7S pounds of weight, with otber weights on his feet. A water-proof telephone line kept him in contact with .urface workers, with his end of the telephone inside the helmet.

ROOT 'FOR AND CO~SIGN ,our Cattle, bop, sheep and calv. to Norria-BrockCC/., live ..Ire a~. progressive ft~ 'I)r the blahen market price. 'and good service. Unioa Stoe" Y.rd.' Cinela_tl, O. Tune In on Radio Station WOKY 12 :215 to 12 :80 p. m. tor our daU, market reports.

F. ·r. 'IMartin

. wit h Dorothy Hunter. Mr. and ' Mrs. Homer K;neisley Mrs. Thomas Grushon called at have moved to C. R. Shepherd's the Fordyce ,home, Sunday evening property in South Burlington. and accompanied the family to the MiSses Rebecca and' Ruth. EsthTemperance meeting at Waynes- er Miars enter tained the members ville. of their high school classes on FriDorothy Fay Guy, who under- day evening. -, went an appendicitis operation &t Jeanette daughter of Mr. and the McCiella'n Hospital , i8 back at Mrs. Albert McKay is conlined' to home and recovering nicely. her bed, suffering from complicaPhone 78J Mr. and Mrs. Joe Filer an tions. daughter, Mrs. Barbara Hartsock W. H. Davis who has been a pa. motored to Cincinnati, Thursday. tient in McClellan hospital for sev·I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . James Hartsock, Jr., was tbe weeks has returned to his Sunday guest of Carl Smith Jr. home, somewhat improved) in Mrs. Harry R. Fordlyce ia on the bealth. sick list again. Her daughter, Mn. The infant son of Mr. and MJrs. P. J. Thomas took h~r to the Dar Marvin Roberts near Wilmington ton Clinic, ' Saturday morning and Hane,.b...., OWo $he had two X·Ray pictures taken. PIt_ n·R.ll , . The Lester Gerbard family wer& Sunday dinner guests of the HarBABY' CHICKS lIOTARY PUBLIC old Filers' at Alpha. CUSTOM HATCHING a..k From Blood-tested flOCD and Mrs. W. C. Smith and E.e.... s.ule4 Order now tor later deliveril!l> family called on the Morris Hun· Will. and profit by liberal dlacounte ter family, Sunday afternoon. WAYNESVILLE. ' OH,I O The Allen Lucas tamily called 1-----------...:...---- We Can Fumiab .C hick. on Mr. and 1Mlrs.· Peter Wical, Sun· , For Immediate Orden day evening, One price, one grad&-tbe Beat Ruth Wieal spent Frid'ay night and Saturday w.ith Mr. and Mra.. Try Our MiKed Louis Wical and family at Miamis



Centerville, Ohio

Lemmons Hatchery

ry Graham spent Saturday in Day. ton, Sunday dlinner ItUests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Whitaker and Mrs. Mrs C, S. Smith were: Mr. andl Harvey Burnet "tere entertained Mrs: Allen Smith and two daughat a Mothers Club party, Wednell- ters of Dayton and Mrs. Alice . day at the home of Mrs. Will Gra- Crowl of Waynellyille. ham in Waynesville. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick Mrs. !Margaret Johns shop- visited Mr. and iMn. Eli!lY Lewir., ping in Dayton On Thursda~. 'Mrs. Jessie Hosier and Miss Zoe Mrs. J. B. Jones has been III for Duke near ,Beavertown, Sunday sf III!veral days. ternoon and found Mrs. Lewis and a.lanced Ration Feed Several .from here attended the Mrs. ' H~ier both improving. The burg. Rev. Smith and Mrs. Smith and home-coming and basket pinner at Kenrick's W' t hen Sunday eveTo Poultry Raisers twin daugnters visited Mr. the M. E. Church at Wayn.esville, ning dinner gues1tl1 of Mr,and Mrs. • .' . We give, ah.ol.l"~ f ...... Frank W~t, Monda_---l·+-JI'nnllllltiwLe.-tbaDfiAo1ln, Ohio Sunday, Post mortem servi~, 110 it .It . . . La•••• ,e vening, Harvey Burnet made a business ton: your flocks need, eumin.tion175 were present at Ferry In trip to Columbus, Friday. eaU U9 at once. '\_ Church Sunday School, Sunday, Mrs. Alice Clark, in company SIMPLEX BROODER with an offerine' of ,$89.00. On. STOVES MOTION PICTURE with Mr and Mrs. Rruno Riggs atlacldit10n by prima17 obedlenc'e. tended the Op eretta of Centerville Miss Elsie Mae Wical is at home E"TER.TAINME.NT - - - - - - - - - school at the Town Hall there on again, ·going back an(t. torth to Friday e vening. The Pete Wicals' called! on Eva work. Mrs. Belle Scott was taken very Dakin and Landa Johnson, at Way ill, Thursday, at the home of her nesville, Thursdny eveninlr. NEW BURUNGTON so n, Everett Early. Mrs. . Alice Mr. and Mr", W:illis Brewer The W. F. M. S. was pleasantly Crowl, of Waynesville is caring were Sunday aftern~on guestl of entertained by Mrs; R. L. Bogan for her. Her condition remains cri· Mr. andl iMJrs. Jess Roland'. on Wed~e8day of -last week. tical. . The James Wical family spent The Ladies Aid of the M'. E. ' , . Mr. and ~s , William Rogers of Sunday ' at the ;bome o~ Ml': and Cburch met at the church p·arlors' • .. . .. . Mason spent a couple of days in Mrs. Perry Wadi!. ~n. Wade, ~o on Tliursday, ..• - . . &9Aw ... Lytle, last week, assisting !tbeir hasn't been -well, is much better. Rev. and Mrs. Weaver attended Pboae 7 W.,.aeIVWe aunt, Mrs. Meta Rogers. Mr. and Ml'S. Pe,rr:y taul and District Conference at Martinsville Several members f ro m here at- son, Ervin, and MiBB Wilma Thom'- on Tuesday of last week. I '" , _.- -,- ill - 0 tended the , Mothers' Club at the as spent Sunday' afternoon at the ~========~~~~~~====~==~~====~~~~~~~~~==~~~~~~~~~~=====: Grade Quilding in W~yensville FYi P. J. Tbomases•. Perry Gbtberie day. -------tadlmrinrl~~~I~~~'n\--~~~~. .~~~~-=-=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mr. an el Mrs. Vernon Forsythe Quite a groulP of . yoUng ' folks of Waynesville, and the .f ormer'.s from the Ferry church " attended sister and ;}Jusband: of Dayton, m'ov the Temperance meetlitg held at ed" Saturday', to Everett Early's the Waynesville Church of Christ property. Sunday. Mr. J. A. Robinson and Miss Bertha Brown, who· is un· Mr. O. E. Dowdell, leaders 01. the der the care of Dr. Stout, is slow- Imeeting, rejoiced that there :were ly improving. The Dr. took here to 179 present. Dayton la t week for treatment. Mrs Edna Smith was in Dayton' \ .' Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bailey and with Mr. and !MlI·s. Lester Gerhard, da-ughter, Phylis, were Sunday din Thursday. ncr guests of Mr. and lIks. Huber Douglas Harris called at the paT Bailey, near Centerville, sonage,. Saturday evening. I • Filer sp.e nt Sunda)' Mrs. Susan Sayl-or and Mrs, Har



D...... . .


Better tban a spring tonic to liven the laugh forces, Quicken the heart springs and brighten your outlook Is tbe comedy romance ''Merrlly We Llye" whicb will open ' at the deluxe Xenia theater In Xenia, Suuduy, April 10, for a three day engagement. Pretty Constance BenneU and llnlldsome Brla Aherne plctureci above have the romantic leadlS In this mad, merry story of tbe Kilbourne family. liS carefree a gr(Jup as were ever assembled under one .]'oor: BlII i(l Burke heu~B the supportIng cast as the matron of the Kilbourne hou ~e b oh~ Who delight!) In refoImlng tramps. Patsy Kell)". Ann Dvoral(, Alau Mowbray. Bonltn Gran"l1\e, and Tom BI'('\\' n IIlso have Illlilortant featured rol es. • ,


. Only Mother and Baby.Porpoises inCapti:vity


We offer a Satisfaetory ' Servlce ':, . a- t ,a. II t·Imes..

Cia ·· ...



With EL*D'Rle/Jr .lfOU1t wfwfe st.untneJi, '/. *



The~e is no reason whatsoev~r in going '~ugh 'another Sp~ng.a~~.' :

Better With To,msley

They're Multi-Tested! M 0 THE R porpoise (Tursiops The opening ot their nostrils, or blow'. tutS'lo) and ·ber baby, believed to hole, is on the top of their heads, U be the fll"st pair ever caught alive. can tbc arrow Ihdicates, and they breathe be seeD here COming up for air I ust only when their heads are above 'the after the1 bad been 'placed In the new water's sur!aee. . Th.ese two porpoises" together with aquariums ' at Marineland, Florida, two others la Dolphinus !felphiS and TIle mother, thougbt to be the largest another Tursiops tursio> which' were of the .pedes ever captured alive, recently caught are, according ·to the ,",Ithed an' est.lmated 850 pounds, and acting director of· tbe New York bU baby, whlCb Is probably only a Aqulll'lum, Dr. Char~es ,M. areiler, Jr.. l.w months old; abo\lt 125 pounds. , Llie first living porpOises "her to be After bem. C8u,ht about one mile exhibited behind glass" or "to be ~D , _ .north 01 KariDelyad, they were car· swlllllIllng In sIde view." ned froiD m-. doak on stretohers up These are believed be the onll . -, Adde of · Studios' three- . porpoises 10 captivity today. The onll abrl aQUltlllm and lowered Into others known to have lived ID capUvu..1r 118" hom•• In .tbt.' IJpper pIcture it:;' were at the old New York AquacaD be.em just befoTe b 1ng rJum. They died In 1913. . ,:==~wfth Ita mother whleh It 1m. In QddJUon to \lie porpollel, IharA I folJow d about. alway~ /llcngUlnS, huge turtles, CallfO.I'Ilia'" tel breathe at the 111m!! lions lind !lllier and ama1ilol'Dll


~3Iii5=tIld.~~:~:=~~~<- ,.I''''',r'.'

of sea !ife 'Il

....wJdch mbled ill


• ")'0





: I


maqy accessories .available. ,

Tested for general vigor and trueness to breed bl tralned ' men working under the supervision of tho Ohio ' POiltry Improvement Association. '



3, Tested for llveablUty by 'thoueands of customers who report ' . an a'verag,e "baby chl~k liveability· o( 97 p~r' cent, . Tested for meat' producU~n . by br~lI" p1antl' 1a m&Dl 4ff~ , ferent section a and' pronounoed 01ltatan41n,lr. ~.'.~. . -"" "", . _... 6. Tested tor au produet1oa III tJae .lea4In. LArlDC Oo1lteeta and ranJrlng wtth the )tl!ide.... . ' f.


- '

We IU'I8 lOU to 'l'BST them lor our "IIUltl-TeaUDI" Pl'OIi'am.

d.: :::~~i.:==-:IdIcIll_.t"'l!::.~~~~~=~..;.~~a~=i~~~J~I==

\ .'"

',I." I





Tested tor PuUorum Dlsc:iaae (B, W; D.) UDder th~ offJclal super;vlslon of the State ' Dpartment of A.lP1culture and passed as "Pullorum Sate." . .






another SQmmer wa~ting the con:veni~ce ~f .el~it ,·~servic.e in .the ,




•, '


You Can Do

*.,' .





WhY, dOltt you trY. it?






Look 'Who sHere: Snow White and ~14e Seven Dwarfs!

The local Wal1~n ~unty ·W.C. T. U. will be held. in the Fri~nl'ls Ohurch . 'fitursdkly, April 7th at 10130 a. m. everyone cordially in-



nil{ht with Mr. and Mrs. William The Mt. Holly Sunday Sohool Bible Clllss entc"tained The S)lrin~ Colnlnn. Iyde Smi th ,,\.turned hoi'llc Sun- 'alley Bibl e las Fridlly eveninr Mr. :In<. i\1t.!' F.1I 1'1 '('!'n",l ol'rln nd tiny e-.: nin t:' nrter pe nulng t~ (e w in Lhc (!hu r h TO m . All enjoyed it fnml1y v i~i tt cl ·MI·. olld Mt·s. lar- ' days wILh Mr. lIno M \'~. r~lIf1wcd~h ~v l y much. Icc. cream .nn(! cake e nce CI·t\WfOI·d Ilno family. ,i llb. on -an ~ daught \! 1' r hyllis .M at' wl!l:e s etved . . ' Mr. lind M'J'R. MclbOll"11 Sm i h of Centervil le. . Mrs. "tin Da kIn spt:' nt Sundb.Y and daugiller Melba o( nCllr Sp ring MI'. nnd l r5. II nl'old K 'Ilis and \\~Ith Mr. B.C I·t Mal'lah and 'son Ed Vall Y, ' Mr. and Mrs. Willi s Pen- I child\' n. MI·s. larence I'awfo l'd dlj! ~!nd b'fns C"'t~ Daugh ~e rR . neLL and childt'en visited Mr. and were Dayt on sheppe/'S S~ tul'llay. I LIttle Rob j l tu IIa rtl~ock spent 1\1!1"'. E rvin mit h and da ug hter .Mt . an d Mrs. Elv is Michael and Sa turday ni g ht wi th little ' Jude th Ann Friday eve ning. . da ught'er Doro th y spent Sundny K ellis. MI'. lind Mrs. E mel'>on D ill lind wit h M I'. a nd M I' ~ . Bill url' of neal~ 1 IN HOSPITAL . .. so n Ralpll. 1\[1'8 . Edna Osborn of Wilmington . Xeni a wer-c Dayton sho ppel's at- I Mr. an d J\Ir~. Bill Ta ic or Bell1\1 1':;. Trene II ndcj'son IS III the urday. broo k spenL Sa turday evening with St. E l iz ubcl ~l h ospital a t Dayton Littl e J oan Ke ll i~ spent l~riday Mr. and M r E. P ete R unyo n. l Io~ obsc rvutlOn.


! l


Dr. Oglesbee ha3 returned from MartinAville, lnd-., where he !has been for treatment and rest for the P~lIt two weeks. . Mrs.. &die Reason has returned after spending lleveral weekB with hel' children and the IllSt one being Percy Reason, who underw~nt an operation in Dayton, he is much improved and almost well.



Twin Theater

"Daddy wanted us to have a safe car



-Always A Good Show

so he bought a CHEVROLET because ' it has PERFECTED

Public Sale ' The undersigned will sell at pub. lie auction at the late resldenoc of AmandIIL Maffit, on Main stTeet, WayneflVille, Ohio. SATURDAY APRIL 9th 1938



Beginning at 000 p. m. The following propertr•



T laSL Liley make their appearance 011 the table-Snow White and Lhe seven dwarfs In chlldren·s. party 8lTay! Snow While Is a flully pudding. recipe for which Is given below. The dwarfs are Valeucla oranges-the big fellows of the orange familY- Wearing caps made from children's half·socks and with features cut from adh esive nllHerlal and set In "collars" of nut CUDS. • ,FilII dll'ecUon~ for making them follows : Snow White Pudding

Baat egg yolks slightly. Mix sugar, cornstarch and salt. Add and rub: well. Add scalded milk and cook In double bOiler till mixture coat!! spoon. Cool, add vanilla and pour Into sherbet glasses or Into glass serving diSh. over peeled sllced oranges. Beat egg whites till stili', adding 8ugar gradually PUe on custard. making "peaks" It pas. sible. Jf desired. jUst before serving sprinkle with sh'redded cocoanut which b09 been rubbed with grated orange rind. Makes G portions.


Select firm Valencia oranges: these are the large. uniform oranges (rom Florida. For the "teaLures" uae Scotcb tape. passe partout or gum.

Book cue dining room table and lix chairs, buffet, chiffon~r, brass bed and sprinp wood bed and aprinp 2 dressers 2 wash stands, odd diai1'8, lIOCkers, oil cook Btove, 2 e,,". eeparat.ed 4 table. poons ,ular I cup ."redden laundry stove; kitchen cabinet, Y. cup IUllar 1 ~ tea. poDOl coeoanuL cupboard, rugs, washing- machi~; corr•• tarch 1,'!, ten spoon IfaLed teupoon salt 0 b ll FC rind lot of disbe9 18.11(1' cooking urensils 2 oupa ",.lclecl mJII, ~ V. " linn Or o.nle. • • e "d many other small articles too ~ telllJlOOn wanW.. J merous to mention. .







med labeis ot desired colors and either c~t out tree·hund' Or skelch IIghLly wlt1I penell Bnd CIII ou I. Pasle on to give humorous expression -making Borne With blO'oed.down mouths. othe,'s with spt'ctucleB. elc To make "hair" ('UI II strip of Iht' malerlal and then snip Lhe ends wltb SCissors hI II frlngea ell'ecl. Eyelaabes may also bp made thIs way. with Smlt lll'r "leeeH ot lll o ma · tetlal. After allhtlOg f"lllure ~. brush IIgblly with It COlli , of clear sb ellnc. to kee p tbem ·Slu<.'i1 on" pennn. nently Mukp caps. ur pupel 01' ot cblldren'8 ball socks, toldp.d 10 reo semble peak ed cnps F'ol "co ll urseel each orun!>€' 10 8 lIut "UI' wl ~b frilled edge. or milk.> rings "f s ill" card~oord '

GARDEN TOOLS Mrs. Nora Hawk of Wilmington ~ IMlrs. J. W. Snell wa.s a visitor Other .............. .... .. ... .. , 286.02 Total Supplies ....... , 1,680.67 Boes, nab, IIhovels, and many w8s i~ ~wn Friday on busi.ness Saturday calling on her many C·M.ATERIALS FOR MAINTEN--' I ' T C--'- ' and VISIted Mrs. Frank Wilson Ifrlendt!. . M W'll W . ANCEother s mall .....IC es. eNnS ........ ' -"tt while here. rs. I eloh, has been crlG eor.. B• H ami - , A ol'l1e,. . 11 '11 h' . h Buildings and Grounds ill fact for A.maDd. ,Maflit; Mr. ~nd Mrs. ·A . S. Collett made ~Ic~ . y ~ , t IS week, WIt aecute Equipment and F'ul'lli W. N. S ....__ Atae'. a busines8 trip to Dayton Friday. mdlgesbOrl. , tur~ .... .. .......... .. ". " .... ' ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;=~;;;;=;;~;;====~;;;;;; It MS been reported there are Other ...... ........ .'........ .. . !' twenty-one eases of measels in the T otal Matcrialfl fOl' 8cn ool and in; tWa township. Fred Hagelmire one of out CoonM'lIintenancc ..... ....... 2,711.73 missioners, made a business trjp D-EQUIPMENT EmPLACEhere Thu,r sday. MENTS~Your eyes; is too precious to take needles chances with it. Eyestrain is dangerous. Damage may be done belore The Magnolia tree in Lulu Mill_ ............. ' you r~alize it. er's yard is beautiful and: very atTotal Equipment Retractive to ~ll. placements ........... :.. .. Have an eye examination to·day. YOll owe it 'to yourself Robert Franklin ,h as taken up E-CONTRACT AND OPEN to giv,e thia much time to your sight. medical studies at the Ohio State DER SE'R VICEUniversity at Columbus. , Repairs School BuildClarence' Hormell is confined to 66.56 ings ........ .. ............ .. .. his home again with a severe iII- Repairs Other Equip' '1,\ OPTOMEI,{TIC EYESIGHT SPECIALIST ,ness. m~nt ...... .... .... .. .. .. .. .. Open Every Day f~om 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. Jane E. Fite has had the meas- Electricity .. ..... .. .. ... _.. 197 .00 ~ 330.21 -Saturday 8 A. M. to 10 P. M. e1s and will be back in school next Telephone .. :... .. " .. .... .. 29.35 week. Transportation of Pu-Lebanon, O. 19 N. Broadway to pils-Contract 3,808.50 STATE OF OHIO 30. 92 Advertising ..... .. ..... ... . JOSEPH T. FERGUSON, Auditor Hauling .... .............. .. 92.27 • •• • 18.10 Other ....... ... .. .. ..... ... .. FINANCIAL REPORT OF T~E Total Contract and BOARD OF EDUCATION Ope~ -Order S,ervice.. 4,572.01 F-FIXED CHARGES AND CONFor Fi,cal Y_r Endinl December TRlBUTIONS3lat, 1937 175.83 Insurance ." ..... " .. "" .... MASSIE TY~., RURAL SCHOOL Othel' Workm an' s Com DISTRICT, WARREN COUNTY pensation & Examin !J6.34 RECEWTS 01' " ,. " ....... ' .. . ,, " ... .. " Lea.e ftame with Miami Gazette for eatimate. Total Fixed Charges REVENUE. r 272.1 7 and Contributions...... Taxes-H-DEBT SERVICESinking and Bond Retirement Found! .... .:,... $ 6,445.64 Bonds Maturing ........ .. 1,000.QO 830.00 AU'other purposes ... , .. .. 4,663.03 Interest on Bonds .... ... . , Classified Prop. Tax .. .. 347.06 Interest on Certificates .... .i n e ed:ness ........ 32'1.47 Pho'"b'e 3708 l-t-'FootaH'-es-..,.,...,..,. .. "., .. ,"";.. .". . m.".,--l-O,45!U i3-. T ota l Debt Service.. .. 2,157.47 InteTest from State on • Grandma 8.tways was a keen shoppe~ and quick to "snap up" 0. bargain Irreducible Debt,.. ... .. 47.06 I.CAPITAL OUTLAY, •• but you'll recognhe these BARGAIN OFFERS without her years of exDepoBitory Interest.. .. ... . 84.43 Improvement of Sites'., 25.00 perience • , , you save real money .• ~ you get 0. sweU selection of magaz.ines State Aid for EducaNew Buildings ".......... 4,080.04 · •••• tional EqualiUltion .... 16, 577.14 Lanliscaping a·lId PIn)". and a full year of our newspaper. That's what we call a .. break" for you 86.50 P. W. A. Grant ..... "" ..... 46000.00 grounds " " ..... "" .. .. ... readers ••. no wonder grandma says- "YOU'VE GOT SOMETHING THEREl" Otller .... ..... " ... ....... " "" ... 426.74 Equipment for New Total Revenue .......... .. 32,101.90 762.G8 School Buildi ngs ..... ". ,THIS NEWSPAPER-l FULL YEAR ••• AND NO~-REVENtlETotal Capital Outlay.. 4,964.22 ANY THREE MAGAZINES IN THIS LIST Celtificates of ,IndebtedCel'tificates of J[ndebted nesaSold .... ...... ........ .. 9.361.70 (CH"K I MAQAZIN~ AtlD RETURN WITH COUPON) , n ess Paid "" .... " .. ... ". 16,564.26 Total Non-Revenue .... 9,361.70 To~1 Disbursements .. 44.672.22 oAmeticao I'tultGrower_ l yr. OHome Priend _ _ _ _ I yr. oAmulcanPouIuy JournaLl yr. o Home ArtS NeedlecrafL_I To~l Recei»tS-: ....., ...... .. 41.543.60 BALANCE, DECEMBER 31, 1937 1 " oBreeder', Gazette _ _ 2 yrs. Oleghorn World _ _ __ l )'1. , BALANCE, JANUARY bt, 1937: o Blade It ledger 1 yr. OMothcr's Home Llrc __. 1 yl. General Fund c............... 3,896.91 oCoverlesf Am. Rrvlew_ l yr. OPathf.odcr (Wk/y,) ___ 26 issue, oCouatry Home 2 yrs, o Rhode Isla nd Red lau rOI'L l 7r. Bondi Retirement Fundl" 1,6<!4.76 General and Bond Fund 2,306.21 ol'annJouranl 2 yrs. o PI)'mou lh Rock Monthly ._1 } 'I. 379,78 , Construction Fond........ 311.94 Construction Fund .... .. .. oGood Stories 1 yr. OSu'cceS5ful Forming ___ I yr. Total Balance "........ .. 2,684.99 Total Balance ... .. ...... ,.. 5,813.61 oHome Cltde 1 yr. o\'(Iomao'. World _ _ ~ 1 yr. Total R:eceipts and BalTotal Disbursements ' and Balance .... . ", 47,357.21 'ance .. .. .. .. .. ........: ....... 47,867.21 , DISBURSE!MlENTS ,ASSETS AND LIABILITIES f THIS NEWSPAP-ER - 1 fULL YEAR AND 4 MAGAZINES , A-PERSONAL SERVICEASSETS- -GROUP A-Select 2~"ROUP a-Select 2 - Administration,'. Cash ' .... .. .. .. .. " .. " ..... ..... . 2,684.9,9 D Amerlcan Boy 8 mos. oAmeYiOln Fruit Grower _.~1 yr. , Members Board of Ed Accounts Receivable.,..... 3,392.40 OMd:aIJ', Magozine._ _ l yr. , 0Americ~n "oult..,. JournaLl yr. Coated' with an",extra' thick 1;~mtl~1 O Chrlltlllo Herald _ _6 mDS. : oBreeder.Golellc _ _ _ 11 yr. ucatiQn .... ... ..... ... : .... .. !SO.OO Inventory Sup]~lies and OBlnde & Lt'tl ge r ..__ .. ___ yr. layer.of pure zii1Ijby ~ famoPareatl·1ofAgo.Uoc<__-:6 mas, I OClovcrJen£Amer. Review_ 1 yr. 300.00 Clerltt ......... .......... :...... .. 199.611 M;aterials ." " .... ....... .. oPath6Dde,(Weekly) _ _ I yr. " OCOUIlIT)' Home ....:.._.___ 1 yr. ous !.'GalvanndliDg" prqcess Lands (Cost) .... .. .... .. " .. 1,000.00 Ali other Administnl., 0Pictorilll Review _ _:.__ .1 yr. oFarm ]ouF!,vl _ __._.,.__ 1 yr. ' . . made of i'eal ~-bear· . ' ~ion Salaries and WaBuil!iings (Cost) .... .... " 75,000:00 ORoinantlc Mllsazlrie _ _ '1 yr, OGood Stom,_..;.-'--_ .1 yr. ,steel. ,It fightS . rust . . , O~ ome Arls l'kl'fllccrof 1 yr. -.ges ...... , ..... 1".. ... .. .. . .. .... . 12.25 Equipment ( Cost) .... .. 3,000.00 o$dverScreeD _ _ __ I )r. QI'I.,mefriend ._ .... _ •. __ ~_ l yr, " thioi1gh ,and thtoUgh. , . : ', oSereen BooIc ·_ _ __ 1 Yr, Oleghorn World:..._. _ _, l ' yr. .. .. -Total 'Assets ............. . 85,3'1'1.89 I1lf!truction~ OTl'ueConfessiolU __ __ .1 yr. O Molber's Home t lfe _ 1 yr. Principalll, " T,oeachers, Lli,\BI~ITIES-oOpen Road (Boys) _._ _ 16 mos. O Pnlhfin,d ~r (W k1 y. 26 issues ·: ~tc. .;....... :..... ...... :..... 10,637 Accounts Parable ........ .. 1,018.66 OWolnan', World . 2 joN, oPlymoulh Rock ~luolhly~. 1 yr . . t yr. . ----:-'--O Su(ce"Cul Farm lD _ ·OP.e~tion at School, Plant-- , Bortde'd Debt .... " ... , ..., .. :: 20,000 ,00 O~ Homes'&Gard"n8 1 yr. o Poultry T ribulle _,,,,: 1 yr. JlUlittn-.s ; EDgin,e en . ", Certificates oUnd'ebfed· ' oHome Am Needleemft , .2 yrSo 0 Womnn's WOrld _ .. ~ 1 y.t. \ Every roD ,marked with the ~ and ~her Emp1oyes.. 806.00 n,e ss Outsbmding NOl)e red.pam~ top 'Wire. Teeta·Jlaft SptlCial Service&. T~l Liabilities , .. : ..... , 21,018.5'5 ,~it outJuts other. ferIceII 01 Lectu1'OS ....... " .. :.. .. :..... Excess of Ass~rts .... :... ,... 64,358.84 aidIud'p8de., Yet Co.t. Do maie. Otli!!r· Special Services.. SCh601 Dbtdct; P. O. 'Ad.d ress 1Iar• .4. full ranae 01 ~ . ~ ,To~l Penponal :Serviee-.. 11,'"""'''''''' ~eysbUrg, Ohie,. March- 3.~, 1~3!1 WeIabtI. and 1P8drlI. Reid BrIDd·.. BrSUPPLIEs.-: ' J" certify the foregoing to be cortile IOweIt COif' fence ' ~ tOd. per. Adinlftktratton Office.. , 26.48 !'fict.,' . . ,..~~~~ STOny OFFER Text Boob ........ ....... ,.. 88.48 .J. P. TH{)RNBURY ·Ii: ... ~a-WSPAPER-i ~..A~ ,ALL 5 School Lib..., Boolqa,.. . 108.00 Clerk, Board .of Edbcation < 'I~c S OI'Y " 1 yr. Other Educatloaal ...... 286093 .. ,...... , .. .... 1,288,770\ I ,OUS hll;J _ _ _ _. 1 yr. ',ood l:,';tict ____ 1 yr. .............................. 1"1.00 .............. .... 7.9 Mills!. EIIUIlIle]!:atiion ........ _..........01 '{"u .. \1'" :loftlC . ..... l,r. .


A Costly Chanc'e

Badgley's ChevroJet Sales & Service

Dr• .101m :Zettel O. D.

Spring Valley, Ohi,o ~~;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;~;;;;;~~;;;;~=.;~~::;~~~;==



Levee Building, Qi_chinl" Excavati l1g





~~~:·R·~tj·;~~~~~t..F~~d:: ~:;~~:!~ I






'IEI ·1,1:1·11 FEICE .

I ,...

_....0&', ._ '1ft'!....


S2~ .


ONa.y !

W yn ••vllle

Sunday. There are 80me nallty ru- by Friday or Saturday, but keep w nt an appendix operation at try home, t.he following gl,le~ts~ ,mars going around that Dan's thG~e waders pulled high.,....tltere'lJ 11l1lh' 11 pilill, last ,,' k, is get- Frank Mul!utd aud family: MI'. 'tin~ alo ng nicely and is elCpected and Mt', Oh~rlt>s Runyan . John bailS was aaught in a certain pool' plenty of water. yet, bOlD soon. . AlIIln' arid family; Gletln FOl'/lker where the Lebanon . fellow8 get -000. . ~heir minnow., since he w'o~!t give .Th Am~lcan Leg'Ion Pqst at and MJ's, Oharles J. Mosber Mr. and Mrs: Morris Fulkenol) and family; Iyde Runyan and fl\Jl't had all th ir guests la t week t'he if 'I; Amos Mool\lll\v and fa mily; out the size 1 It. took Cliff Hines Lebanon hadl a fine fish fry last of incinnatl entol1.ained .at CI. lotter's siater, ·Mrs. ·R. H._ Hat""r 'Kennllth tl·a.t0.n • "I . an d l~ ltnU.\ 'I; ."r. half an hour to convince Doc Zet- week with the 100 Ibs . .DI·. Crone By Hanlr Eldrid,e, Jr. b~utltully anpointed dinner On t'~ ,.. and daughter, Mary ClItherine, and Mrll. Asbury Hill, lar'ksville; tel t~at the dandy "grass pike" he sbipp~d up from Florida. Sundtl v" in ~onol.' of Mr. Mosher's from Culver, Indiana. Lonnie .Robinette lind so.n, . f nso.n. MUg-'ht, Sunday, at ,ohe "Dutch.000birthd~y. Tile guests were :Mr. It was Mr'. Runy·a n's bil·thday. Plans have been completed f or man's" near Loveland was really Do' you knoW': '" M h f e d ' t Mrs. Flossie Carey and son, I Samue~. mg on; Mrs. ChaJ:ies Dnvi ' and son vi (he big get-together of Warren Co. a. ?ig dogfi h, and only ~i.t for ferThat Dayton not only bas a ..,o. herel' 0 0 f a~.llA.arengo; u Chester, Mr. Effie Smith and M I'.. F os t er .uO ited Mr. li nd MI·s. Myers at Clarks portsmen, Monday, April 11th. tihzer: An~ Doc had It dresse d. greater . number of casting club Mr. an. d M-'i>. J . C . H aT ts ock. an d Miss Lucy E mley spent 'Sund y ville, Sunday. This meeting' of Wllrt'e n Cou nty beautifully. It seems that even Mo()e b . . th a I·t f .•~ . "I! d .... with Miss Bertha and Mr. Walter . I' h' . k m m els an ny c y 0 I"" Size, son, Char1eS, 0 r MI or; lUrs. Mr. and lI1~·s. Don Hawke w",re Fi h lind Game Assn. membel's and h N ature IS p aymg tnl tnc s. but has the first all' women c~ting t er ·th H . M H . ...e. h Carey, near Dodds. .Ed 1 an;ls; r. al'TlS "nv5 er; Sunday dinn.e r guests of Mr. and friends is open, to anyone Interest- What's happe.ned to All Drake ..and organization ever formed? Mr. and Mrs. Ronilld Hawke an·d Mr. and ~1rs. Walter Sheehan Mrs. Clifford' Hormel of New cd in imp'r<,>vod hunting and' fishing the other flshel'men out Kings That better grades of split bam. and .sons visited with Mrs. Nettie Burlington. in ,o ur own county. Arrangements I on,. Fra~k, of Waynesville. Mills way? Let's bear from yo~ boo casting and fly rods are. aged Mrs. Edith Harris had . as her Hatfield, at Lebanon, on Sunday Dr. and Mrs. Alfred Stout lind are being made to assure yearly infellows. O~r o\"n weekend con8is~ aftel' gluein&, for six months to. a dinner guests on Monday, her bro- afternoon, Sunday eYening, they daughter and Ml·. li nd Mrs. Ru ssel ' come for that p\lrpo e. After. elec· ed of helpmg Ray Doogan set up year oat a ' .fixed temperature _ ther, Samuel F . Mosher of Card· motored Cincinnati to see Miss Frank vi. it.ed in Dayton Sunday. tion of officers there will be a fee d his boat and then spending the af- . t l'k h' k ? . F d K h ' 't JU l ew IS ey ington, and nephew, F oster ' Mosh· Rebel·ea' Dunham. Mr. and Mrs. Gayle Evans had I and t'efreshrnents a gab-fes. ternoon m re a n s cal' \Val· Th t th _It wa t er • •• ' 18 e BC h00I S s.... Mrs. J essi Robitzer of Dayton as their guest on Sunday, Mr. and guaranteedl to upply the usulII • er ·0 f No.. . arengo. mg for the wmd to let uP, (1& did· fl h 300 ' 1 . . .. . W Id game s are nn es f Dr th er Mrs. Eliddia Day and daughter spent Saturday with her pa rents, 'l\tIrs Wm. Fischers lind Mr. and num b er . o. 1 ta 1 tales. Don't forget n ,tl) and" hstenmg to ;rhe or no·rth than usual for this tinle of Miss Dorothy vi 'ited relatives and Mr. and Mr:.<. Marlatt. Mrs: Charles Stearns and their . gang-Memorial . Hall , Leban on, Is Yours program telling all bhe e d th bl f' h k I e ue 1& ·, mac ere, good most Jlawks do _ and how 'I ar an friend s in Blanchester, Sunday. Mr. and Mr Harold William- son Don of Cincin.nati. . 8 :00 P. M., April 11 th. . etc., are ex pected on tihe northern so n and sen of Dayton spent Sun 0 Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Lee HenMr. Ilnd Mrs. Raymond Wilson -0 0mls.un~erstood they are - even fishing grounds a month ahead of iI I n Bpi'te 0 f a II the h'Ig h. pressure derson were Dayton visitors Mon- day with Mr. and Mrs. Harry ':V - and daughter Patsy called on Mr. defe ndIng duc~ hawks fbccafusle time? liamson. day. T~e Miss~ Mayme a nd Ann and Irs. Earl Evans Sunday ev- publicity pictures and write-ups reo they are sometimes ts an d b al't .used or a .Th a t pu bl"t ICI y agen Brown wilnt as far as Ceqterville 'Mlrs. Caroline Barnett returned enillg. leased from CeHna the core up cont'y! Th ey, II be gettrng all hawks deal t L k St M . ers II a e . arys re f use to hel' home in Bellbrook after th 'nre last ..... the song bIrd to b . d th . even crows on .an d visitedl relatives. "'" ek end was a blank· liS and . ' . e convince a t th ell' new spending several weeks with her MuyQ.r Good of Franklin and his list next. So ends thIS weeks for"German B " ate not h'mg but The Misses Trillena and Mar- d aught er, nuS. u_ Eth. eI Sac k'e tt. . . . ., ass CAESARS CREEK brother can testify. It may !have shortened Journal - barrlllg ram -. t y 0 f carp.? I'aret Edward's arrived hom e from M'I R Uth C onner h a d as h er . our gar den varle be en the high, mUddy water, but thIS w,:ek .mos~ count.y strea~s .000. Florida Saturday. Before opening hou s guest over th e weekend her Sever'al of our memb ers called these rotten "six card" hand/! the (exceptmg pOSSible Twm and LltTh K' M'II G CI b ifl their house they will pend sever· cousin, Miss Mary Eilen Edwards 0 11 ~I!I'. and Mrs. Walter Wilson weathel' man deals us mO t w~k- I M · .) ' 11 b ' d h e . lng'S I s un u r e e ~l~n~g~oo~(~s~a~po team will take pllrt in the first al days in Dayton and SpringfieJd. of Da yto n . eu G0Id en W ed- ends has something to do with it. ~te==la=l=ll~1~\V~I~~ wh 0 ce ICb l'1\ te d t h' match of the southwestern Ohio The mat!.Y friends of Alvin EliI'll Mr. and Mrs: William Graham I ding anniversary Tuesday, March We hear the fisherman in LebanRifl~ League~ Sunday, Apl·jJ 24 , hart wOl be glad to know that he were Bupper gu ests of Mi Kath- 29. on are still -eating Sardines with Friday - Saturday ' at Millord. The seven teams in this is home .and is improving i·n health orine Gibbons and brother, J. R. Rev. Mary Antl'atn has been con t he exception of Prosecutor Don league consi qt. of Wilmington, Hitm Mr. Morris Bourne has purchas Gibbons on last Friday evening. fined to her home because of iIl- Dilatu· h, 'Who ' got. his first bass, i1ton, Mliddletown, Ut'bana, Miami, ed the Parshal property on third Mr. a nd Mrs. Ralph Hastings ne • -SCREENMarie mont and Kings Mills. There .treet. and son, Bob, vjsited Mr. a nd Mrs. Visitors at Sunday School, Sun"Love Ie A Headache" will be &even matohes during the lM'ias Virginia Roe spent Satur- David Ross of Ridgevill e, Sunday. Gladye George day with her mother in Columbus. 1M!!'. and rMs William Graham day, were Mr. and Mrs. George season. Anyone wanting inf.()rma· Franchot Tone Oharles Anderson were S un day ' d"Illner gues t SO f M l'. Bunnell and son, Larry tion about the rifle team get in IMr. and "'rs. "1 '11 V··t · h h of CenterM' Continuoul ShoWI Dally touoh with Capt. Everett Snider 'Wel'e Columbus visitors Saturday. and Mrs. C. M. Brown .of Dayton. , VI . e. lSI ors at c urc . were, r. Adulte Onl)' 150 .'TII 2 P. M. of Kings Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Leason of Dr. Stout of Dayton, father of OtIS Pramer of Goes Station, Rev. ' Las k ' M D All d St t . . . . and Mrs. W. E. Bogan of near ·000· ChICagO spent t wee WIth r. r. re ou , IS lmprovmg In S · V ' II d M and M ff d prmg a ey an ' r. rs. · Although it has appeared several f h h and lrIrs. Marion Whitaker. ealth a ter avmg au ere a se· R b t M M' II d d hOO Mr. and' Mrs. Charles Zimmer- vero heart attack. 0 er c I an an . aug r man ' in:oto~d to Athen~ with their Miss Ruth Ann Donll!hoo had 68 M~rtha of nea~ Guernyvllie. daughter Louise -who r eturned guest over, Sunday,Miss Harriet :Mft•. J ohn Wilson. and son, Rob" WANTED--TJrBctor work, plowing, disc ing, nmv equipment. Work . Sunday to 'her studies after en- Ellen Miller, ot Leban on. ~ l:ereW~~nday :1~ne~1 gU~sts of guaranteed: A Primrose Cream ' joying a Spring vaclltion. Mr. and Mrs. .f!llIyr'lard Runyon X -e . en I son an rum y 0 near Separato r fo1' l;ale, good condition, , iM5S8 Jean Hartsock, who und er- entertained, Sunday, at their eounema. J. M. Eierd~ Phone 433, Clarks- . ville. 3·17 4t ' ~;:~_=-:_';'-;':_~::::::::;:~~:;'::::~~~~:;:==~~d t ersMl·.called Clifford Miars and daugh-on Everett Haines and







"Bank Night"

.places we wU1 lummari... the Ohio Divialon of ConaetVatiQII Coundl Order No. 96 on fishlna. Tbi. order jumps from pillar to post and it is no won!i;er some fjshermen are a little puzzled. The following is of par~icu)ar interest in 't hls territory. Size and .bag UmitSl Catfish . (combinetl specie's) 20-nQ size limit,,; Pumkinseed,. S\lnfish (combin ed species) 20- no size limits; Rock Bass, 20 - see remarks below i Bluegill, 20-tlee remarks below; Crappie, (Combined species) 26 - lIee remarks below; White Bass, 29 - no alze limit; Large . and Small Mouth Black. Bass (com bined apecies) 6 -:- size Umlt Te· duced to 10 Inches, pl'a.c tloally a pan fis'll; Bl'ook, Bro~vn , l1nd Rainbow Trolit--need we list the limits? Now about size limits of Rock Bass, Bluegills and Crappies. This Ol'd~r No. 96 give no limit for these fish so we judge the old limits appearing On licenses will hold - 5 inches fol' the first two and 6 inches for Crappies. The ruling states that· fishing with< trdt lines, set lines, etc., is absolutely fOl'bidd en for 1000 feet beloW' tho down stream side of any dam. That is an impol·t a nt ruling that must be kept in min d. It does not, ihowever, prohibit or limit the fishing with pole and line around dams, except three near Dayoton during the closed bass season, and sevo.ral over on the other side of the state. And that, fellows, is Order No. 96 boiled down, except that it states approximately one third of Ohio streams will be closed! to bait takin&' for at least one year. Let's hope 80. Subscribe to your local newspaper


,,4; • ,~.'


. ~Ae orgo" gAII4er ,eem.,o f)e tAe

0tIZ¥ d~

petIIer ol.tIde ReId fAat 1M to . , ~... 'r«Upl.



Ufe the 8ODllboP) todlJ is more tban ever Uke life at the gamlUI table of the Riviera, or, If ·1 0U prefer, Reuo-adventufous, sasl!1natIng,exclttn3.: ·ever pre.en~ Old etandards are no. longer rellable. JDven thoee three f~erl1 mGBt. dependable theme&romance, roBel... and rlvere-DO lOlllBr carJ')' IW1J!8Ilce or IUcC8llo .

',.bI ~ IODII ,of· the lut ·twent;. The pra" ttOw .0 ",~cA . ~" ~0,t«J aTe )ean haYe become standard omon, 1ICJrioa concert orcAea'rGI 01

"pUlarl iii the eenle tbat "Trey" and "1'Ii. IID4 'of a Perfect Dar' become ltendan! Mml.c1aBSlc8. 'J'be ,IX are Irviu BerUn'l "Alex, ~4el". KlcUme' Band".. W. O. . BaDd",'~ Louie Blu"". ·!DIDah". b)' Hun AUt, Sam 114. . ,

Ln1J &Del Joe "'OUlll: •

tAe otr 01 "villi cmJII pari, 01 greo' compaiftWM .n4016&te41¥ JUII (f, orig'" (". 'he pecMl'ar "me ·ltm~!a­ .tiOftl'ol file &ro4cfCCllter,. 7'he prootf~lt· u 101' &ecqm(ng 0 matter 01 COftIf4era&re onflOliance to It .. like att (n"'tatCOA



fo o ',U"ner, cml¥ to 'he '0"" 0114' rOGl' oller ,old hGile &eett

.' "80ml of Theae Day.... '

." 8heltoD BroOD "T_ for "'JIwo" . bJ TolUIWII · &Del Imq O.... r, IUid Victor !~\JI!I" "81l18t ~Ile", AU of tJa... pleoee ba.. mact. amaU forton.. for .lbllr wrltm. " - " .


omfUed an4,attlloctCOA ",at f)e lrad,.1 at aU,." cI "rolO~ tart.

EuDJr the belt theatr. baD4 at 'the - t time~ that 01 ~RaCiio City · MOlle Hall,p.... aided 0 Y I r by Emo Rapee. The orchestra · bu . a mua1cal ·ed,. on' the more pretentious l)'lDphonic periodi, com· In, alit does a full bour or two before them.


~ baa Jcma IIIIleCtIcl bY the taM-

1IIihba.' ODtYJOIIth.. a ,me1OdJC: amc. Yet,..

aocici .~7 · aoq


Oley ape.ka (ASOAP) .

.....,... fOUDd • . b~ ...........

Percy WID-

family Sunday evening. . BABY CHICKS- Hellvy Breeds, Mrs. Eila Haines spent Friday 8 cents. Legho'r ns 7 cents. Custom with Mr. and' Mrs. Walter Wilson. 3 cents per . (~hick. Settings- on , Robert McMillan and family, Tuesdny and Friday. Phone Frank- I Mr. and Mrs. Donald Haines and lin, Ohio 142 J .2. Sprin -boro . Luther Haines a~d fa'mily were Hatchery, 8,pl'lingboro, Ohio. 31-2t ' Sunday dinner guests of Raleigh Bogan and family. Mr. Rex Mc· MIlllan of Wilmington College and FOR SALE -. Fl'igidaire, .In .good Miss ' FI'anees Restid also of the condition. Mrs._Maude Crane. college motored · down in the afFOR SALE-BUilding lot · ''With ternoon. • baseme~rt foundittion and cistern Mrs. Ella Hurley who has been Good, garden • . Pri~ed to sell. Aleo staying with her daughter and son u~e d lum'b er 'Il~d t'lI, roofing. See in law, Mr. and· Mrs. itnymond WilW. C. st. JOtIQ. . son has gone to stay with h Er daughter Mrs. Bertha Shambaugh POT FLOW·ERSlFaR- EA-BTER.and family. A. H. !:lTUJ~BS. 4 Ip_ Mr_ and Mrs. Rhoades Bunnell and family entertained the folloW'MEN WANTED ing guests Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. $86 a mont.h paid to many men Georg~ Bunnell and 'Son of Cen- at first and more later. Local manterville, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bo- ager of nationally known company gan and .M1isses Nellie and Moni- will hire several men at once. Demia Bunnell. . livel' {)rders to farmers, render sel'M~. and Mrs, Walter Wilson call , vice and do ' other .work. Farm ex· ed at the Antl'llm home Sunday af- perience and car .n ecessary. Per· I ternoon. . . , ' 1!ianent work!. Even though you are ~e MIsses Phylhs and. Emily not . lIlIuch interested in changing Hames w~ re among. those pres~nt your work, U .you will send' your at the . Kmgman .Freshman HIgh nllme we will ·guarantee to furni sh School party at the home of Ruth you informatio that will be of ~sther Miars, north ~f New Bur~ great value to nyOu • Address Box hngton. 1 540'6 care of this paper. Mrs. Ra"1eigh Bogan was hoste~s to the New Bu~lington and Caes- ' Name .... .:.. .. .... .../.:': .......... : ............ .. ars Creek W. F. M. S. Wednesday I .. . , AddF.eSS .. " ............. ............. .......... ..

See u. before you buy. your

fertilizer t,tIN


- -"'+11-- -A 100% all'iii"me,ai DI'Oduct that coats you Ie .. ancl' shea


better reaulta. A money·maker Cor ltockmeD aud 1)OultrymeJL Alk UJ.



qHIS=,'" " \.-.

. Fairley Hardware Co. Lu,.r B _•• 'of Better ~uallt', Senic. _II Prlc. P ..... 31

·E...bli..... 1849 • 19.38


Winter Lubricant. Are Not. Made For Spring and Summer' .



Therefo,re . we offer this



n~'" thai you ' h~ve

us give ,our car a comp,lete chck up, ' u'sing Havo1fne Wax free and' Marfak Grease•


.rIeb', HPut on Your 014 EQually at b 0 m e in Gn7 BoDJiet"-dse belt of the JP'Ul• . Genhwin or Qrieg, It hal bullt up

a, ..... to our mlDd-wu one of a name for hull that u:tenda to tile IIIOIt DOPUIar tuna In the bia- every crouroad In the ·land. tGr7-0I TID PaD Alley. It Itill ecboee tItrOQIh tile COUDtr)'. . Too Many Torch Bonlll Comedian O'Keefe 8a11 :'r~~~ there are tooWalter many torch songe• . . data back before the Clva too many !\Gngs concerned with War, bUt It 1acb the IWinI and ''love'' and "skies above". When he melody Of·the Wenrlch I hope turns out.a tune. which Is rarely, he CruiDft .... pUt it back OD the abell. selects such titles as "I'm Gonna .' Dance with the Guy What Brung 1"',ln, 1n thl Bhower Me". "Henry's Made a Lady Out of Wer. a vote to be taken of the Lizzie" and "The Llght,bouse Keepfa'fOrite be11a4 01 the beth In the er's Daughter." Iut ~.,. }'eUI, tint place. we're The last named has a quaInt tale. certain, would be .em eul1, b1 "On It tells of a man who sat with the the Road to MIDdaIaY". Alide from lighthouse Ileeper's daughter In her ita popularilj In the power or be- front parlor one night and persuad· fore the abavin« ·mirror, it i. the her to turn out .the lights, with ItaDClbyof the concert 'baritonq, .It ed result that all tbe ships In the II the moet reliable of aU their set the North. Sea plied up In the backyard.



TexIco Service Station· EARL CONNER, OWNER ".




." "

There are thre, musical versions of Klpllng'B .beet ·known poem. one b,· DJ'ndley Prince, one by Walter Daml"oleh and tbe third-the most · popul~b, Oley Speaks. Several thouaand performances. of the song aired by the broadcasters every ,..... 0tI the radio, It bas been moef IdentUled with . the repertory or Re1nald Werrenrath. It. enormous appear long ago ..tabllshed Oley Spjlaks as one of AmerIca'. mOlt succeuful ilong· · ,,"tera. 'e"I1IM tor him a '!\mall for· ·tuDe aDd biBh , standing In tlie






Rad{o and the movf~B have 'rellothe 30ngwrlttnl1 1001"14, The 4elnand for 30ng3 far e:uee41 the BVppIV. 8onglorlter. no tonger can write casuallv, whenever the mOOd ,elze, them. Theft write to order, upon a,Hdea that hili a/reallfl been created lor them. Gone" the old devfl-mai!·care attitt£de. 8oft(1. w·r ltlng, fndee4, heu become bfg br~ine... Oon.equ.e1!tlll 'cmgwrUer.... ~a ve to 100r~ "arder. And .0 rapf4/11 is the popular~11l 01 tllefr IOOl"k e:rhau,ted t1Ieil have to tUUlIefr U

Here's The M'Ichlone . t'. ha' t .



even write once lIfllltn, U

(~ag!!latfon. '!l~e. 7'~'II

BOng, loda'll wUhovt


ar. ...


Farm Machinery

I~Uon tzed

!'IeCflna", to Ne tAe wora /'Iotle". AlItIaora,ud ~bll8heri. ~ wrote hLB "el'8lon thirty ~ ,..,. aao. It- t001l him. 10 the ltory Gaorp II. Coha8 WIOte eoaa at .... a little more than &Jl hour to 18. JoIII2Q an ...... III leWD tile tun.. TadIJ It I. Idduate when hi tara.4 oat "'CdIrMWD'1rlMre,,' tb. air wa.,.. roll. qlWtW". Ro,li' Wo1ft ...... . . . . is obYlolll. It II 'buad WIlla b* wtote "a.II7 .. . . .. . JOI*1at pOem, and baa Ia- Oeoq. 0erabwID ... 19 . lit . . aaIIb' Iplrlt ·of die peaDjcI ..S.......•• . .




P tS' '.Your ,.'

Perfect Shape

.AT BARGAIN 'PRICE Fordson 'Tractor and Plows ...... :...... ......... $ Fordeon Tractor .,.. .... .. 10-20 Inter. Trllc .... .. :.. 126.00 2· bottom 12' gang plow 20.00 Farmall '. reconditioned .. on steel ~nd Cultiva- . _ .' ,;tOr ..... " .. ..... .. ~ ........... 440.QO 1 Used Allis-Ohalmers C()mbine (Rel\.80n'able) · . 7 . f~. Disc HarrGw (Reasonable)

··McCarley ~pleJDeDt· Co. LEBANON, OHIO PHONE In

101 N••tlO~WAY


Springtime Repair Time, •





And now is the time to fix up the home for: c.omfortable living, TIU'oughout the suJbmer mGnths, y~u'll want to : i!~joy your home - ' if 'it is unaigbtlY . because' need .of repairs ' or If 'YGU y0'.1 W8.1~ until the.n to d'o tile 'Mlrk, 'yo~'l1 .be misslnl( a ~ot ' 0' . good enjo~ment that. c()mes f~om. the saUsfa~tion o~ job well completed! ' . . . • ', '


WUl b. glacio to gift. eltimate template.

~D materiale for an,

Job yoa eon-







Solemnized Sat. Evening Saturday. evening at 7 :30 hi th.e Waynesville M. E : Ohul'ch before an a1ta1' beautifully decorated with paLms and h uge urns Oof snapdrag· ons and Elaster Lillies, and' lighted with lar8'C tapers, Mias Marjorie Earnhart became the bride of Mr. , James Robin801l. In. the presence of . h undred frieqds and nen1'ly two relatives. Rev. Vee re Lacy, miqis. tar of the church, officiated in the impl'essivo single ring ceremony, wh.ich united' this popular couple. In the half· 'MU'l' program pre· ceding the ceremony, Mi1!S Betty Hal·tsock presented organ selec' tionll and aeeompanied Mr. Orville Himes, who 1iIIUlQ' "Oh Promise Me" aM "Because". The bride choae for her matron of honor, Mrs. Orville Himes and tor, her brIdesmaids, Miss Jane COOk and Min Ru.t h HaTtsock. Mrs Himes wo'r e a frock of aqua mar· ine chiffon, an{jllMllss Cook chose becoming pink 18A:e and Miss Hart1I0ck, blue lace. They carried bou· q uetc of spn'ng flowers. __ Mrs. Earn~rt, mothe.r of the bride, chose a eown, of b)OUk lace for her ensemble with white ac· ceI!Bories. She wore .. ~ corsaon nf ' ''~... pink sweet p'eas and r01le8. Mrs. Pattereon, mother of the groom, waa in l'C)&e moire with sil· ver accell8ories. Her corsage was white sweet peas and roses. The bricte was lovely in a gown of wbite satin fashioned on prin. CC!!! TInM with a ' row of tiny sa· tin buttons running from the neck line to the waist, oand w~th a full . train. H~r veil was illu.iion t&stendted with orange blossolJlB. She carried a bea~tiful bouquet 'Of Calla Lil' iell. Her only omament WIllI a d[a,. mond bracelet, • lrift of the groom.

- - - . . 0 . . -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,..

Lo-_' W HappemOngs

Warren .County H. S. Start woman~I~~~~Ii?~f:~et~~ Musical Festival


Banquet Tonight '

,- - - - - -- - -- - - ' - - / Final plans hllve be en made for the Athletic.Band Banquet to be held at the G"'n, bonight (Th.ursJ' day). Mrs. Jack PI·e.~ton, wi th ca. pabLe helpers, has chal'ge of the diding hall and has .arranged the t's tha,t t he band and t oom memb ers may be .euted together. At each of their plates will b!.' a cleverl y hand.dl'Uwn individual place canIs. A gro up of sopho'more girls will assist in serving the dinner, wh ich will be in the form of a bask e-t din. tiel'. 1\11'8. Fr.a nk Le May has prepal'oo this very interesting pro. gr8lm: Invocation , Music by PI;. mary Rhythmn Band, TOo astmaster, Mr. F erguson, Songs by all, Woel· comc by Mrs. Hastings, Pres. of Mother's Club. Response by a basketball boy. Response by Vivian Conner, Pres. of Band. Toast by a n Athletic pa re nts. Toast by a band parent. Sketc h, "The F atal Quest," a group of ladi es. Talk by M'I'. Frank, Talk and Award ~ by Coach TUI·ner. School ~ong by all. Two hundred parents, fri ends, and m embels a r.e ex pecte d to at;.. te nd. -


WHOLE NO. 6320


Work On

New H• S'. Gym

Episcopal church met at the Litt!.. Inn, Monday (uternoon with Mrs. C. R. Frazier, h ootEi~s. Followin\: t he opening service the a ~nual electl' on of off'IC ers wns heId. Of . 'ing y<'ar arc · f or t 'f lcel'S . eh en sur Mr s.. C . H . B race presl'd ent ; "~'I 1'5. E C C . ' d t , ., . . ran e VIce proSI en ; "rs. Bert IJarlsock ~ec reta t .. I'y. reasur· e1'; MI'S. Ro Id' Il. II\\' k e Un!'ted . na tha nk offering trea~ urer. Mrs. Roger Woodhull of Oakwood was gu est speaker for the afternoOon and gave a most intcr~ sti ng talk of her 'work as thank offering treasurer of t he Dio,ec;;e of South. ern Ohio. ,

The local high school band will participate in the WalTen County Ricrh Schoo l Mu s.ica.1 Festival - ,- ,,- ,- -,,- ,- - - - - - - - o n ~ truc t i (, n on lhe new Audi. ., whl'c h I' to "e h cId T ues day, A pl'l'I l (I!'ium , Gym n a ~i um and Cafeteria ,_ , _, _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ u 19th ut Lebanon in th e Town Hall additiun to the Waynesville Higb Dorothy and Dickie Grahem Thealol' at 8 I) III ncc ol'dl' ng to !School w as starlet! offici nlly . . spent the week end wiih their s is· a n anou nc-e m nt mnd e here lhi. - .- ,,- .- .- ,,- - -,,- ,- ..-,,-.~ we<,k by II. W. M os~. President Oof tel'S, Mt'S. Mild~'ed Smith and Mrs. week by Mr. Ru ss~ll Fmnk who '.1\11'. an (I "" , nl·.,. WI'III'unl l- .uk"ll ' the B081'(i of Education. ,W . r. A. wa ~ r CIIl'efenw<:!J by Kathryn Smith of DaytOon. ha charge of mus ic In the Way· atte ndcd a "GOO" Plll'ly Ill· lhe Miss Anna Lee Crane has been nesvi ll e sch ool. home o f I\Ir. un d Mrs. Ru ymu nd Di ~ trict E'ngi nc:c r MI'. Tscnan. and quite ill fol.lowing thell'emoval of Th e FeH ival iH hcld an nuaJl y Dugan o f ~P I i ll~ lJ li l'O last Friday Sup ('r intendenL Frank Envill. ttrm j{eJlrcH'n Lative>l o f th~ some t eeth. and practically all seho Is ill the ni g ht. GI unkcmcy cr (lnt! S ullivall AJ'(~hi· Mr. and MI·s. Har le y Bmnden· cou nty ~U'e rc pl'ct;c nted by !dud· Mr. A. 11 . StuiJ s~ altrnd c(1 a burg and children of Lebanon were ent.s musicall Y' inclin ed. Fun erul De l'je t' tol ," meeting lit the te cts. wer e prl'.'r nl and staked off Sunooy guests of MI'. and Mrs. L. Numbers will be given hy orch· Bi ILn1Ur' Il ot~ l , Dayton last FIi · Lhe bu ildin g. MI'. Sull ivll n. 1\11'. Gus Herklotz, V. Branstrator. estl'a, choruses, soloi st s en 'cmbles, day. Mr . R. G. RO(' ssnel', Mh·. S. Gay Mr. and Mors. Loren Jameson ba ni!. and massed bands. ' MI'. and Mrs. Phillip LlIlTi~k and children of Wav.eJ·ly pent Sun . Lo cal stud'cnt wh o will enLer the ' wel'e Ci ncinnati vis i lor~ on Sun day. and T ho ma. Steen, who wi ll re p· day with he I' mother, Mlrs. Maude soloist's division ure Bud LeMay Miss Caroli ne L\.ll, ens hud as her rc ~;e nt lhe A rchitects full time Crane. and Charles Fires. house guest uve r the week her du rin g con~tructio n . The building' wi ll c~ nlain an Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Davis en· The mu . ic teachers in Wal l'clI cou sin Mi s~ Louise Ha rlsock fr om tertained the following at supper Cou nty have charge of the fesLiva l Wi lmi ngtlln. Mi;s Loui se 's brothel' Audito1'ium and Gym nasium, SltlltOon Monday night, Rev. and Mrs. Edna E . Stiles USI administra trtK which has attl'acted con sider a ble a.l J oe !;pent t he \\"ce k end with O\\'en ing 700 persons and when us.ed lia II Gym will hllve n Basbe tball court Lacy and children, and Mr. and of the ~state of ,,voOodrow Arm· tention in Cormel' yea l'S and pl·om. HUJ't soc k. Of 45 x G8, wi t h seati ng capacity M,rs, Josiah Davis. strong, decea-ed, plaintiff vs. Wil· ises to be even better thi yea r. A 111 0jl.&' th se fl'ol11 here wh o at· Mrs. How~ll'd Hurley ~l'Od daugh. !iam Arm strong, et aI, defendants, tended the funel'a l oC MI'. Mont· of 700 in a bleachel' and portable Nathan Fred a ppoint ed trustee a nd tel' were wee k-end gue ts of Mr. go mel'Y Howard in Frlln klin las t blenc hel' on th e stage. T~ stage and Mrs. Josiah Davis, Mr. Hurley guardian. Friendship Id Salul'll ay wel'e 'Mh·. Rob ert Crew, has a proce nium of 40 feet, and joined his wife on Tuesday. In t he matter o:f t he estate of MI'. Charles. attcrLhwait.c nnd Mr. i · 20 feet in de pth. Dr'essing rooms a re provid ed on either side of the Mrs. Harbld Earnhart and son Annie 'MJelros.~, decease d. inventol')' and I\1I'S. Howard Archdeacon Meeting Wednesday . tage. H I d .I .A h R h filed. ar an. an tel' ut ie were MI'. Bnu MI· ~ . Sam Henkl e were In t he baBc m ~nt is a Cafeteria Sunday guests of MJ'. and Mrs. AI· In the matter of the estate of dinner gUC ~ ls of Mr. and Mrs. Clin 45 x .68, available for school and vin Earnhart. U H-enry May, deceased, in he ri ta nce tMjrs. 'Valtel' Whitaker was.lws· Lo n' Corwin of Xenia SuncillY. Mrs. Karl B'Ode~bender of Blan. tax determined. .. tess to t he Friendship Club at her MI'. and MI·B. Carl Stephen. comm uni ty fun ctions. Adjace nt to WAYNESVILLE'M.. E. CHURCH chester was visiting with friends Werner Kell~, executor of thE bea ut iful country hom.e on Wedne s so n and daughter Mary Reba vi ~­ this is a large kitchen, fully equ i. E •• ter SU'ld • .,. April 17, 1938 here last week. She was an over· estate Oof Teutonia Opes, deceaseCl, day {)f this week. MI" . Ca lmen ited with Mr. and ·Mlrs. Ra lph Hast- pped f-or ca.feteria seI'Vice. 6 :00 Easter Dawn Service. Und'el' the bleacher in the front fh'st and final account. Cl'ane, pI' - iden t, presid ed at t he ings, Sunday. night. g'UeSt of tFte LeMay .family, 7 :00 Easter Breakfast. pa.rt of the buseme nt are large Leona M: Kroener, g uardia n ot bus iness me eti ng, which was open· Mrs. Ethan Crane is enjoying a Wednesday night and waUl Mrs. 9 :30 Sunday Schop\. Maria Elool't Thursday night. On 10 :40 Morning Worship Service. Ode Art hur Kroenler, insane, sec· cd with a song and t he Friendship weeks' vLit from h er sistel', Mrs. locker rooms and shower rooma Friday Mrs. A. H. Stubbs enter· ond acco unt. . Motto <> f the Club. Mrs. Veree La- Ge orge Clevenger Jr. and daug h- fOol' boys and girls. Baptism <>1 infants a nd child ren , The enti re addition will harmon· talned at dinner Mrs. Bodenben· Bessie L. Cook, executrix or the cy read the stOory of t he r.esurrec· tel' Nan of Snn Fra nciso. Mrs. a.n d the EJasl;2'I' Class will be ta· ize with th-e present building, anll der, Ml'I!. Morris Fulkerson and . Oof Jonatbaill M. Cook, detion fa I' the devotional period. Crane's mother, Mrs. May Cook of estate ken into membErship. .A lter t he busine!!s, Mrs. Ralph Dayton will spend paTt of the week .vill be built dlirect connected to ceased, fh'st account. Mrs. Maria Elbon, Mrs. Wiills call- 6:16 Epworth League. .he so uth end of the present build. M. Luella Snypp, executrix at Hastings too k charge of the social with her. ed at the Stubbe home in the af· 7 :30 Cantata by the Choir. ing, wi th. the corridor co.n.nect~ the estate of Alicj~ Welch, deceas- hour and presented the foll owi ng Mrs. Annie Haltscok of Dayton knoon. ' ~. Bodlenbender joined Wednesday pTog\'llm: Duet, "My Mother's Bi· will .spen d several day!! with Ml's. with t h-e present school corridor, his wifle Friday night to spend the 2 :00 Ladies Aid will meet with ed, fir st a.nd final account. ';hu s ma king II. complete school UDadministratrix o.f ble" by Ml's. Orpha. Garst a nd Mrs. Su! ie Evans t hi s week. Mabel Neville remainder of the week with Mr. Mrs. A. K. Day. it, eting the much neede d th.e estate of Thomas Bagfordi, deLouella Brown i A skit entitled, MI' . Ire n' e Henderson is at the and Mra. Ira BrOown and Mr. and Tharld• ., ceased, fi rst and lEinal aecount. "Praye1"s", which was given by home of her sistel' Mrs. Ma ude l'ec r eational and, community faei· Mrs. l41ranlc LeMay. . ":00 .1\unior Choit·. dward Bretney, ~rdian of Ml1>o H nrol d Whitaker and Mrs. Crane and is improving. in h1lalth. lities long need'~ in this IOocalit.,. . lira. Lina Madden spen.t Sunday 7 :0.0 Orchestra Practice. The entire building is to be built She was given in marriaee by with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Addie TJbias 'Bretney, fourth account. C.lyd'e Egbert. Several Bible ' tMlrs. Susie Evans spent the wee k 7 :00 Boy Scouts. her father, M·r. Emerson Eai-nhart. Madden of! North IM!wiston. of fire-proof construction" which Hazel Herd, guar.dian of Alice games, inclu ding " Bible Baseb al~ end with hel' son Coleman Morgan 7 :30 Mid·Week SeI'Vice. will be welcOOled by all, due to Mr. Robinson. wu attended by' Mr. and> Mrs. A. H. Stubbs vis. and Rob~ rt Eugene Herd, "Bible Alphabet, " . and u. con test a nd fami ly of Dayton. Pummil 8 :00 Choir Practice. the bride's brothel', Mr. '"'U""'''81 ited with f:riends in Lewisburg Sat. minors, first and final account. which consisted of the g uessing Oof Mr. Le Roy Moran has purchns. t he he.zardou& condition of the pre Burton Earnhart, .. best d '. In th-e m.atter of Herbert C. the titles of Bible pictures' were cd the Earl H olland pJ'operty in se nt buiTiIing. ur ay. . S ARY'S EPISCOPAL the ushen were Mr. Orval "' ..... F •• ~I., Ra ymond B rad· The Board of Edu cati on is to be Dawson, he is admitted to Ohio enjoy-ed. ~o pill~o selections by Corwi n and ' with his family . ...r. an d ... mil'S. CHURCH complimented on t heir {fir-sighted• . and Mr. Harry Winters o.f Dayton do c k Mrs..~ F....d Bl'ad u.~c ...· k an", .... JrNS. .,hospital for ep ileptics. Anna MarIlyn Wh.1 takel· completed moved to his llew home. .Notice Fol' E . ..tei- D• ., and both former claaamate.t of the Fran k H ess a t>~' d EaS te I'D Sta r 9 :30 a. m. Sundey School The estate of Eva Lewis ,di!- the pTogram. Mr. and Mrs. Oakley Unglesby nraB in obtainil1g a W. P. A. A'rant ~enue The following. ladies assisted the and Mr. 'l1 nd MI'l'. Mert Baird and fOI' $28,804.11. ceased, approved, a llowe d and con· Groom. l1i.spe'ction at New Bu.r lington on 80H I C . After the wedding a. reception Thursday night. . 10: a . .m. 0. y firmed. hostess in servi ng delicious "efl'esh daughter sp ent the Wl.'i? k end with was held at the Little Inn for the ' , . Rev. J. J. Schaeffer WlII p.r eac h. The estate of ]Pea rl Eulass, de' ments, tMlesdames Harold Whitaker, Mr. and Mrs. Blutt of New Tren. . . . Mr. aI\d'M1'8. Morns Fulkerson Good choir music. All are invited. bndal party and out of town w.ere 8'I1ests ' of Mr. and Mrs. ~ ce8.l'ed; seco.nd and final account. Clyde Egbert, a'nd Clarence Ed· ton . . Warren guests. . 'Hal'old '\ran PeJt of 'Xenia Mo.nday I . . The estllte 0 William H. Mc· wards. IMp'S. HardlY was a Thursday The couple lett for a short hOon· evening. The occasion' was the \ WAYNESVVILLE CHUURCH OF Grath, .j)·cceased, first and final g uest of Mrs. Calvin Longacre of Festival eymoon. The bride chose for her birthday of Mr Van Pelt. CHRIST . account. Lytl e. traveling suit a becoming wedgeOn Sunday; Mr. ·and· Mrs. A. H. SaDdar-. Th-e guardianship of William A. MI'. nnd Mrs . Mal' ena Le wis a nd \lood blue e.naemble .with navy ac· Stubbs en.tertained., :M\r. and Mrs. Bibfe School 9 :30 a. m. baby of Cheviot visited Mr. and Wilmington College will b. Skidmore, confirmed sixth account. ,"elsori~ After' ~ter. Sunday, Waldo Gruehon o.f .Dayton to din. Lordfs Supper 10:46 a. m. In the matter of t he estate oC On .last Saturday evelling, Mrs . MIt·s. C. 1. Satterthwu ite on Sun· hosts to seven bigh school band. t hey will 'be: at DoDHt ~ their ~e1'. Irl the afternoon Mr. anet MTS. Easter program 11:00 a. m. Frank A. Pence, deceased, t hird ac Morri s Fulkerson opened! her lov· day. in this distl'ict on Thursday, April Christian En~avor 7 :00 p. m . count. fTienda In a newly furnished aput· N. R. Allaman and chil~n, M'isS, ely home to a g!:ou'P of frie nd.. hen Mrs. Mable Stau p of .Leban'G'n 28th. The Wayne Township biand Betty AUsman and Mr. Roscoe ~1.1- - Preaching 7 :30 p. m. ment on :Wayne A~e. , Dayton. In the matter of the estate oC ()iring 'M1r. and Mrs. Karl Boden· spent the pas:!; week ·with Mrs. C. ha$ entered this festival along with The briile. it the channing daugh aman ~l of Dayton were visitOors WaIdn. . ..,Thomas J effersoIl Smith, deceased, bender of Blanchester. The follow. I. Satterthwaite. the ba.nds represEmting Blanchester ·ter of ·~r. and Mi •. Emenon Earn· of' the ~tubbs family. . Preaching 7 :46 p. m.· inv.entol'Y filed . . ing enjo)'.e d a pleasant evening to· Mrs. Miriam Satterthwaite is a. Mal'tinlwllle, N ew Vienna, Sabina, Mr. and' Mrs. Robert Crew and Don't forget ·the Easrer pro~m In the Ipatter .of the estate -of gether and a delicious buffe t sup· gllli n a ble to be out aCter having a nu Wllm ingto n Highl School. h."rt' of this place. She ~ gnui" uato tbe t WaJllMville Hfgh Mr. Phineas Cook were Sunday will J)e given Sunda.y morning so Emma Heigihway, deceased, Inven.. per, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Br'~wn, Dr. her tOI) ils removed a t Blair hos· The Wilmington College Band and Mrs. Stout, Supt. and Mrs. L. pital on Mon ay. - - - -- itFllll'''''l1ro;rnts-err-nr1rive--th:e--mI'1!llr-, School CII_ of 1936 :and .f rom gU~l!ts of Mr. and, Mrs. John Dia. como and' help get a goo.d attend' tory filed. the Dayton Conq;tometer Schoo.l. mond of Xenia. Mrs. Diaaiwnd, is ance. There were 80 present at In the ma tter of the will of E. Gal's''" Mr. and Mrs. Russel Mr. and MIlS. Frank Loop, Mr. schoo l bands 'something in. the way She is employed. hi the oUicea . of completing 'Plans for a: trip to Cal. oqr Wednesday evening service I Michael J. Long, ~eceased, will reo F rank a nd Mrs. Frank's motheT, and Mjrs. Raymond Harshbarger of an exhibition when they take the D.ayton Pump and lrfanufae· ifomia. and is expecting to leave and 101 at Sunday evening service corded. in Wa.rr en County Probate MI'· . Pars on of Cleveland, MI ~s AI · were. g ue sts of Mr. and .MIt·s. C. I. the field . . turil18' Co. • nilxt week. with six additions to the church. court. ice Campbell the host lind ho tess Satterthwaite on Thu l'I:'day eveni ng This event is strictly flon.com1MIr. Rol!inaon 'iII the I!on ' of Mrs. MiM Doris Hawke and Car. In the matter of Cora Elizabeth and the honor gueSts Mr. and MI'. Jlnd Mrs. W(! b Squires and petitive. Th e th<Jught. back of 1& '. Mrs. . Karl Bodenbendoer. , Mary Pat~n of Dayton. He men Garza Of .Lebanon were . Sun. FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST Askew, admittance to State 1l0. Mrs. Bernice Hough and so n Paul ;s for the pu rpose of creating in. ~U&ted' from the P~rker 'Hijrh "ay peata of her parenta, Mr. and SUDdarpital ordered" wcre Cincinnati visitors Sunday. terest in b.and work and to introSchool' and Unlversit, of C1ncin· Mrs. Lee Hawke Bible Scho.ol 9 :30 a. m. In the matter of the estate of Miss Lily Benham entertained duce the studen ts to the musical nati, . At prNeJlt be .i t connected : !kv. ud tM;S.' Angle were dln~ !.otIVe S\Jpper 10:45 a. m. Walter Scott Frensdorf, deceased. at Maud e Cranes' on last Wednes· de pal·tme nt of Wilmington Colwith ,the N. <? R., Da)'too. ner puta of Mrs. Suaie Evan. on Ealter Program 11 :00 a. m. inventory filed . day the follo.wing' to. ' dinner, Mr. lege. Monda, of thJa week. 'In the mntter of the estate of Obe Shimp and Mrs. Reta Love of T . . . ..,.- . . .'....t:::n:I M~. and : Mr8. Will_ Lukens Preaching and baptismal aer. William Burton. deceased, seventh Mrs. Ray COonner entertained a Appleg-ate, Calif., who accompan· REV. JENNIE CAREY SPEAKS had ~ dinner pelte on Sunday vice 8 :00 p. m. aecount. group of children On Saturday IS f· ied MI'. Shimp's wife's body t o AT HAPPY HOUR CLUB Dr. alld Mrs. Ward. ThandarIn the mattelr of the estate of ternoon fOl' the pleasure of her Ohio for burinl, >lind' Mr. ana Mrs. • '. A d'fllegation goes to Lebanon to Alice Welch. dece8.l'ed, first and little daughter Judith Ann whose Glcnn Dorden. Mrs. Mable Wilson entertain- \' t1'e Xenia ATea meeting. final ·aecount. Alventh bi·rthday anniversary ooc· IMlrs. Nora Houg h is spen ding ed the men:tbe'r s of The. HapP7 . The · W~'n'. Foreidl )ltaalo~ Frhlt.7In the matter of the 1!state of cured last "'we~k. The. little folks sevel'al days with her sister Mrs. Hour ClUb 'a t her home Tuesda, . U)' Societ),. met Wedru!e4a:v af~. .. , Yooung people don't forget the Thomas BagfOord,._ decea&ed', first enjoyed many games ' chief C)f Richard Mul't'ay of Spring Valley. afternoon . Rev. Jennie Carey p.... . ~0~1i April 8,. -* the' beme of M..... . . Tri·State banquet at HilIsb~ro. and final account. which was an Easter egg hunt. A Mr. and Mrs. John All en were tor of the Friel1ds church at Oe.... D•. C: Ri~._, with II!'L Harris and. ~: Howard Archileacon was a Th~l'C were '170 present at In tbe matter of the guardian· large birthday with ' "'even Friday guesl:$ of Mrs. Hannah Rog- aI's Creek gave an interesting. talk' Mn. K. "' . 'Ho.lII~ u ~lat,nt rraeiQua Mste&! to e. paTty of r.el• .church' Sunday morning, and t~o Ship of Tobias Bretney, Incompe- candles adbrned the table IIInd was ers. concerning the Easter season. DurhOI~ ." ', " . atlves "n'd frienils at dinner Suri~ ' . . to church at'oIl'uead'ay ev· .tent, fourth account. the' c-entel' of attraction. Judith MI'. 'and Mrs. Maynard Rich of ing the social hOour lI'efrellhmen.ta' JI~. l.iac:~ ~onductea ,.~ devo.· ~y . ho~p,ring the b4'tbilay ann~' enlOg ' service. In the matte r of the estate of Ann rec'eiv'e d :rn,any lovely gifts Vandergraft, Penn y!vania were were enjoyed by 20 mem.b~rs and ~10na1 per!o.!.l and Mra Ldfay th.e v~ of. Mr. Archdeacon and Deli~h Ever~rt, deceased, sale from her little friends. The follow week end guests of his parents Mr. the fOollowing guests: Rev. Catley ". 'Bruce Ai'ch~n bot,h ' of , FRIENDS HOME . , / bill filed. ing .were the invited guests, Mary and Mrs. Rich. , Ste)V.,dshfp.....rltual , and Mrs. Elizabeth Carey of "'~_""" occured last week. ~e ~ol~ ~rs. C,. H. De~the1'~e attended In the matter of the estate Oof Ann Melloh, Jenny Lee Braddock, MI'. and iMk . JoJhn Bake r of tel', Mrs. Stanley Bailey and . . '. :;!rs., Kenn~ H~h ~ ~....... of the p~ her ~DWaI .!Ib. lowl~~ ~r.e those ~o enjoy this W. O. T. U. c?nvention at Barv· Anna I. Conley, deceased, inven· Wanda Ti.nney, Ann Roger., Nor· .Mi ~hawakll, Ind., were week end Loren Reason. ,.' = I n a . ~ S~lfe~ .the ha~py ~ion, ' Mr. and 141'8. eysbqJ'g last F'flday. I . wry fned. . m:a-Pum el EUla Hoak, Illien Brown gu'ests of MI'. an d Ml·S. E. F. Earn· .. " ~and. . JIrB. ~t r et'8 of ' Glendlale, )III'. and ¥I'II. Ida. Bosler .,f Dayton ac· In the matter of the tst~te of Fran~s WhJtaker, Betty Call1Ppell hart and attended the wedding of SUNSHINE CLUB ' 11~ rl!4., e selection, . Mra':." &.... ay Carpenter of Rev. oand Mrs. SChaffel' Charl~lI. w,. Eady, d~ceased, mven' PhyUis Mattin, Bobby, Miss MaJ'~orie. . . . . The mem~ers of the Sunaliln~ . the Htrh Lilhtll of tbe , . _ ' . Muy ·.G1e~ apd .My ' and . ~ited 'her niece. "tor~ fi'ed. . .Donald Lukens, DOlUlld Burge, .Mr. J ohn ~aw~ e enjoyed ,n. VI~t clu'b .enjoyed <II. brasket dhiner iIit 8~ucl.ntr . Co~erenc.~" ~ and th~ of Bu~~Ue', ~ CoUtna. · .::. In the mattoe,1l of the estate of. Kei'th Longaere, Wilbur Woolard , Wlth all of hIS chIldren Sunday af- the hollnie of iMfr;t. Lina Madden to.\., p~ ~loaeil"""" . '.Q iaeltiona ATCibdeacon. of Wilmington Rufu& Kersey, .tten~e,d Lewis 'CI~fford And'et!ton, dece~~, Delmar Betry. and Don WalLace .t~rnoon. The followin.g were pre· day (Thllnlday) Madden nand ~""'-" .. which a mtmb~r .&lid MnI, (BrUce ' AtchCWaeo~ ,meeting, ~~ . ~o\t. dinner inventory .apPl'oveiJ. . Henderson! sent, .Messel's Cad and Ra.y Hawke . turned last week fram an e.njoJ'of Ia~e. JIUtldPatecl.. ,,' .~n of Deae;Vje~ M~• .John homi!.!>n Su~.y: ' . In the matter .of the will QI ~int,' Of. D~yton, Mrs . Ralph. Vance . of able trip spronsl»'t!d by the 'Ohio ~ ~ ~oDl'.lWd to ·meet IIcCullo.uch and ion Gf this We .are glad · to report Georala· Hines; de.c eased: c:ertlficate of Wllmmgton, Mr. and ,. Mr. John Retail Lumbermen De~er's with .J Irij. IAcJI ~ ~. . 11m. Ucla vnlari of ~priD&' Mendenhall vl!l'Y. much improved. transfer ill8ue(l. Fromm and ,'M/r. Lee. Hawke. . ciation. 'Her itinerary lne:lucied ----~~PPl"--Ie, and 'the bo'R and hottteu. Mrs. Emma .Ple~, I\nd Mias In the matter cd .the estate. of Mr. and Mrs. Maynai'd W.eltz points of ·interest-hi. Flodrl'a A~OT•. AldeJJ accompanied a ,Toleph T. D\!8J:doff, d~ceaaed, flTllt The Guild ot st. Mary!a Episco. sp.?nt Sunday with his parents at tJ!e E",t Coaat and. W~I3b'iDirtol.. IIIii. llIek ~ ,.... chllrmfrleDd to Piqua on. Wednesdat. and fi~l account. ,pal Ohurch' ill sponBoring a J1)usjc' Wilmington. , W~le on her trip 1Ir.. bw boIteII at. her ~Gl C!C!UDtt:OTICE iIr. and lin. E; .J. Hktt of Wi!- , ale to be given at _the Little 'Inn, Dr. and Mre. - Alfred" Stout en· sent scenic p()llt carda !to kF .." , to .1If· tile , . .. eant'd 9ft. MrB. ~ Aci.· SON BORN W,edneaday evening .April 27, at te~ined Mr. anil Mr:s. ·L V. St. mem~rs and tbeie 1Nft . . ~ The Ladi.. Aid.o-f· tb II, E. &nl8 S~,...· Mr. and Rui.I!ell F1rallk are 8:00 o'clock. AdmlllSion 25c an~ John at dinner Sunday. Their sup- topic of the 'afte~1l ofl-Chw!eh WUI.o,neet.:et th.. home' Mr. Lewis Ginstle IIDd the proud uar'"DI.JI of an 8 pound lOco .. pe1' gueata were Dr. and ifni. ;rohn sumptuous CIIIlIUtIE'. ~ nat WedD .. W. lIapret bo, born at Good 8marilen Riebel Jr., and c:'hil_n. Dawn and ~l~ thla 8abacribe .to ),0" local D.w~p.r John of Columba. ~




LocaI Happenlngs' .


Club H



Buffet Supper


BtO rthday' Pa [-ty

fore.' lis-' - 'omeD's . sio..., SoCiety.


Birthday. Dinner




Mus·t. ca' Ie





To Hold Band

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Phone ~12,

Main Wllyn l' ~ \'ill ~,


t reet


--~----~---~------' lI1l'licth )' e al'

-- _._----"'-- - - -


ORVILLE $AGE. Publi.h"r


Entered As

tOil IIJl!'n!. RundllY afternoon wilh i'll". B I't M81lut.t nnll, Sl)j} F.ddie, Mrs. LOlli ' .;\1 I'gnn, frs, L:II" nc' ,I'uwforll, lvIr. unci Mrs. \. frud Morgan. Ullti l\ft-. and Mrs, .Elvi Michael ntt~ n d('d t h funer. 0.1 sel"Vicc:-." of Dunia l M.llTgon Fri· dll y, at <[c Ju!'~ l~'un el'u l Home . .. Evt'l'ett :Bunnell and E lvi s Mi. chael wcnt li1U~ lrl'O m huriUn • ,Mon J ay IInll E\' rl'elt fo und 18G s pan· I:,'C in o ne slIlall place, lind Elvi~ fo und 52 in on sn}u ll spot. All \.0la lNI for tho day, Lhel'c we re 1\25, mo. tty foun d n ru: Wayne. viii , . -I1i sB Ruth Kellis of Day to n, sIl cnt th e weekend with he l' pllrents, Mr, alHI MI'S, Fmnk K e lli ...



An ltld epl!nd ent _· e \\' ~ rap,· 1' \)edi,'utNI t o lh· ('rv icc of W uynesville and vicinity Giving' it ~ pall'(l n~ th e l.l '~ I neW ~ Jl llp (' l' humullly posaible . ._ I

U I' Uhu Ill, I ~ll · . nil .! 1\I1'~ . R.'\ lph Bnrge l' :Ind ,'hi1l11'l' n J('turned 110 IlW u ndo y nI-


1"1' ,..",' ndinf! til" most OI f la:L w eek Frank 1\1iJ I (' n hl' l'j!" I' h:ls \I ith ,\1 1', and ;\I I'~. Forest. Dn\\'~on bN' n '1l1it(' ill t he I'Il~t \\ (, ,,I<. , ill . ·p l'illJ;'fil'ld. ]\11'. 11111 1 :'11 1';;. Leo n S!lIi~b llr y i\lrR. B('I1 (' Se,.''' i;; .• ligillb' illlproved ( !'0 1lI h"I' ~: " i " ll~ ill li e.". and ~O ll Wl'nd c ll of Wa ohi ng't oll Mr, :ln d ;\rr~ . I 11(' 1'1 ., ,It' nl'~ all,l l ll. \\ 1:I'l' SlI ndlolY cven inl!' gll r5 t~ of Mrs, J , B. J onl'~ a\l('nd ,I C.. nlt· I·. ~l l'. and ~ II'~ , .'\ l len ' EllI dc k. "ill e Gl1ln l<l~ tlTl W ('d n c~d ny, " I'ell'['I I J . I ing of lll ~t \\'e!.'k . . ~ l l'. ,"IllI :'1111'", 1 ~ 1·. (' on es a n r ' II b'II' G I'R h m n () f'"., pnng.. ~ . I n )llI lo n w ~ r C' dm ncl' lI. uesLs III IS ' !<penthng. ~lIn d ll \' .,f {\l r. Hnd " Irs . EdwlI\ bol'O IS U ('lI lIJll c or \ \ ' (',· h · . at the home o f hel' ni c('l' .~lr. :o\lIlt n e:1l' Il t' I'Vllll', Frank Kurfis Bml family' .~ ul\tlay d innt'l' g il l = f MI'. a nd MI ', Marga I' t. J ohn , and i'l l'S, ~ l l ·s. lHrencl' ,'ll1ith wer e 1\'1t·~ . Npttie Emrick spent F l'idny in n .\ ~, '\l nl'J!UI" ,t ,J oh ns und MI'. lind Mrs . ton, J . B. ,Jun!.' . Mr. nnd Mr . ''' . F. ClllI'k M i\lr. nnd Mh': W ulter Kenr ick Waynesville spent. Satu1'da y an.,l'- and JUlIl es lI aines cal led al the lIoon with Mn;. MII I'Y' arlll uny, hu m .' of l\'lt s. Emll1u O;: bol'l1 ami ·MIf. and 1I1"s. A_ 0, W illiams of moth e), und 111 1'. and i\11· S. Mu c k Dayton visited a co upl e of da~" ill c leul y in Dayt n Sund ay nftcrlas~ week ~ith Mr, and 11', . W, T . ?llr. lind I I'''. E. J. N icker son I1 nd du ughte l' movC'd F)'iday from l he W l1 l1 l1ee property here t o th e haut8u(Juu g'rou nd s ne al' Franklin. 1\1 1'. a nd lIIrs. L 'Ii e Grl1Y had f<Jl' th e ir ~\lIHla~' dill ner gues ls; Mrs. Fl eel F i, k a nd 50 n ~ , Gl'O l'g{' MI'~.,

' I

, .

un ll Etlgul', )l1r~. Mildr ed P opp nn ll haby dH lI!! ht er o f n Ill' In dependa ll ~ e, I\.~'., and MI'. a nd Mrs. Geo.

ROOT FOR' AND CONSIGN ,our Cattle, hogs, sheep and calvet Gl'II~ ' t4! Norris-Brock Co.., live wire and Milt on .J une ~ f ell Monday e v en· progressive 1\1'W"I f..,r tht' hill'hesf in.£:' while plo y in (\' al the bnl'n at market price!! and goo d aenTice. i Harol d W hitn ke l s ' cutting n gush Uaion Stock Yard.' Cincinnati. 0 ,. , h Tune !n on ~ n di o Stalion W In' l u nd 'I' hI chin . H e IS und r t e )2 :26 to 1 2 :30 1'. m. for QUI' dai1~ Cnl'e 01' Dr. Stout. II1 IlTk .. t l'epnrto Mr~_ Ru th MOl ltan I1lte nded Lho ---.....Robi n t n-Elll'n nrt wedding nt t he M, E. chul'e h at W ay nes\rille Satv~ nl· n g . U rllay ~ >lOTARY PUBLIC Gu e~ l., of th La d i fi Aid a t the National Ba"k all da y m eet ing al th e home of "'III. Drawn • • E,tatea Settl"d MI S Edith KUl'fi la t week 'W r: WAYNESVILLE , OHIO Al du Wi ll inms ' of Duylon,

STATE CAPITAL NEWS "Th e biggest boo n to libra~'Y service in the !history of th'G tU be." This was the sCl'lion made by State LibaJ'ian A, T . Noon in re>ferring to a s tnte-\vide WPA Iibr,llry project now und('r way. "A I t.hough Ohio lead th e nnt ion in Ii· balry act ivity, ~ c s tilt'lHlV l' a con.', ditjon " 'here f,600}OOO pel'SOIl di. not Ihave 1.'1 library with in a I'e n: onnble di ta noe -of :tllteir homes," 11'. Guns arc an c:,scntia l part of any military parade. Bnd here Brc som e of the huge fi eld arti llery Illecc Noon oo id, "The of the WPA DC the lI uli:lII army drawn up for a huge military spec tacle in Rome, recently, at which Premier Mussollnl libra!'y prQject, ~onsol'e:d by the re vicwed his Iruop . StaVe Libal"y, is ''y rvi ' e for :..-.----~-__=_- -__==::::====~=~=~:_:_:_:::,_:':""_::.::...=========:::_:=:::_ ve l' y~ n e in Ohio,' and we ure po • !\Ii~!\ Abloi ' Gndl<lll1 o f S III'ingUO I'O I'hu old of n ear J o hnsvill e Rnd Miss :with hel' [larents MI': and i\I r~, [)e na f.i c lw ic k unci 'U n Bobby Abbie Grnham of Springbol'o, Mi s Louis Morgan. of Ilt,e l'v ill c MI'5 . Mu1'Y Bu r nett Pauline Fl'iend W(J S n week end Mr and Mr~ . Bi ll Ta tc of Bellalld ~ \\, ll dUUl!'h l 1 , 1\])'s. Pummel gu est at the Kurfis home. brook' spe nt Sunda y with 'MIl'. and all d Ml·~. May Banta. MI'. and MI"S, George Gray 1'e· Mrs. Pe~ Uunyon. Mi. :; Onel a 'rowl of Dayto n and t umed to their ho me here Sunday Mr, and .Mrs . "Ervi n mith and Mrs, Al ice tar k spent Thursday nfter spe nding n couple of week.!! daughter Juidth Ann spent Su nwi t h MI'. and l\h.. Wnl t!' 1' Clark with their daught er, Mrs, Fred day wiUt Mr, -and Mt's, Tim Sm ith and dnug hter 'MUss Wondo. Fisk and family neol' lnd epend· a.nd family. Mr. a nd Mrs, F "un k Kud is III;d unce, Ky, Mr. B en 1I'l a'datt, sun E ddie a nd da ugh ters en t ertai ned to di n nlll' Mr~ A. L. Sides was talren i~ 1 Mrs. E lvi s Michael and duughter Sunday. ,MlrF. • t Iia FI'ie nd , Miss- on Tu c_day of last week and hIS Dorothy s pE'nt Sunday afternoon s Helen and P a uline Uobe','t an d condition remai ns about the same. with Mr. and frs. Alvin Enrnhal't Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hommel and and family.


Women Outnumber Men A. Investor. in Phone Business

Only nine United S ta tes cities ha ve a pOl)ulntion exceeding-the total number o( Hell Telephone System 5ecurily holders. amo ng whom nre more th :\n 7,500 Ohio residen ts holdill g stock in the Ame rica n Telcph one and Te1egrapil Company. ~~~=========================:':'=-======== Excluding du plications, th ere are ';'>'- - ' --,-----.--.----,--~---,•• , about iSO,OOO Bell security holders. This represents UII increase o( 15 per cent in tell years, during which period the "a lion's population in· crea sed about 13 per cent. Bell Sys· em securilie s include those of the '4l~~....--'~.J..I~......~~~~-------H~=m~c=r;:ic:;a:::n Tel ephone and T clegraph Company and Ihe associated Bell compa nies, More than four·fifths, of these inl'estors-or nearly 640,000 - hold A. T. & T. stock. They arc Pboae 7 • mai nl y smal l investors, for more Waynesville 'Ihan half o( th em own only tcn harrs or lesF . wh ile ab out 95 pCI' cem hold less Ihan 100 shares. ~--- -- ------------~ The 3\'Cragc hold ing is 29 'shares , ' • • • • _ I • • • • _ • • • -~---------------.--------.-.-----pcr todcholdc r, " .





_. . -.--l- -__,-_...;.._._,_.,_.,______. _,':.

Insurance Co, five Large The rema ining perHolder ccnt who

Levee Building, Di~ching Excavating Leave name with Miami Gazette for estimate.

m.E HAMILTON GRAVEL CO. Hamilton, Ohio.

Phone 3708 W. P. Watson, Mgr.



- - - - .-


hold \00 or more shares ilumuer auoul 35,UOO alld 011 the nveragc hold 270 share s ench: H owever, many of these 1\ COUll! IIr ' in the names of instilll ii II. alld I1duclarics ' which rCllr li t Inrllc IlIlll lh t r lJcncfiCial Ilwncr , 'fir l in" t tIJ kholdcr is In in sllrnllC (' I 'nil, No one ~t ockbolder ' )"'1 11 11111 h as one per ccnt of th e IQ\' k. " lfwkhohlpu outnumber mell and th eir hurcholdlng also exceed th ose o f th e mell, Ench year. womcn stockholders have added to Ihe total rHlIIIU er of their shares. At pre s,cnt, 41 pa ce nt of the out'tanding sioc k is held by women, 32 per cent by men, four per cent by joint account s of ilHlh·iduals,.and 23 per cent by all others. , , The A, 1' . & T. slock Ii 't outnum· bcrs by more tJi&p loo,odo the hoidtrs of comJllo~'I~\" ill any' other one corporation. - . .

Nab Poache~8 By Phone and Radio Telephone and radi o. combined with co-operation of fa rmers. are used by the Ohio Co~ervation Di· ri sion in a nelV plan for enforcement ,f state game laws, When a farmer, sees a poaching lUllter, hi s . part in the plan is to ~eph o l1 c the, nearest game protec· dc· klr, ~iving the local ity and . cription of the poacher's car. The &alll e pro\(clor tel ephones tlie state high way ' pa)rol and the information is broadca st by fud io. The nearest game wa rdeI' h ears it over his' poliec radio a nd heads for t he, locality to calch the offender, . About scve n j)1in utes elapse from the tinte th e farmer , telcphones tb thc IllQmcnt th.e gall1'c 'w ardcn hears t he radio 'broadcast.


Think of the imni hment railroad rails take? Well , . . these steel .posts we made in the same shape . • . of the same touJ;'h rail s(eel. That's why they st;a ml puni shment in your fence line.' Notice ~ there are no lugs to catch the wire as it is stretc!Jed. Yet it can't pos!libly slip, becauljC the fasteners fJo thr6ugh holeti in the post it~lf. The big anchor plate is ftnnly ' ri v ted on!,. ...

l .i



Ahllrunwn I op posts are beau-

tiea , . . linjsh&l in t wo glossy con t,s of

baked red enamel. We have a good sto k 0( all aiae&. Come in nd look them over!

Farmers. Elcha~ge '

Lemmons ,Hatchery '

Harvey,burl, Ohio Phone 17·R.l1 for

BABY CHICSS CUSTOM HATCHING From Blood-tested flocks Order now for later d eliveries a nd. pI"Ofit by libel'al discounts

We Can Furnish Chick. For Immediate Orden One price, o ne grudc-:.the Best

Try Our Mixed - BaJanced Ration Feed

To Poultry Raisers . . We g ive, abaolulel,. free, Post mortem service, so if your flocks need ex.nminalioncnll u Ilt once. SIMPLEX BROODER STOVES



We offer ·· S, ervll'I

itive that thill goo) will be achieved c\"('JItunlly." The project w\l1 100' LUI c branch librol'lc Bnd d(!posit 81 tions in isola d IUS ri 08 \\ '11 n..~ the Iibl I~'Y-(ml.wh e ls, 01' boolt mohile. occol'ding (.0 pHlns, '


rAuctioneer .. "IMartin ' "_


Centerville, Ohio Phone 78;1

f on o'f Dnyton nre staying roost of the time al~ t he Sid'es ,home, Their colle l'S Monday wer e: Mr. and Mrs. Will ides, tMln Gordon Bntte lle and daughter of Dayton . Th e Sunday chool Class of Mrs. Jessie Long1le l'e was l'ecentJy . cd d th f orgamz un e r '6 name 0 "Cheet'fIjI Helpers." The officers al'e : Mrs. usan Saylor, pt-e identi Mrs, Minni~~ Foulks vice presid ent; M ]\1 .. 1 G h t rs sect'e s ry d . MraaJula. K I'a am, an rs, ovennan, treasurer, , ollle by.laws wel'C adopted and 8 veral committees named , All la d ies of the community aTe invited to join this class, MT. HOLLY

fMJrs, Ethel, Helpham of Dajrton, M r. agd MI. Jim· Valentine of Troy, Mr, a.nd Mr•. Linley Ma rlntt of Dayton sp~nt unday with Mr. and Mrs. George Marlott. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Barnhart and family. MI'. K esin Tel' and M1iss Clara Daughters spe nt Sunday with Mr, and Mrs Aruthu1" K es'Inger and family of Mel'lin' H eights and Mrs, K esinger J'etu l'lied home with t he m :nf"~r apending, a few days. Mr. nn4 Mrs. Clifford Ba1t~l' and friend of D.ayton took s upper with 'Mr. Bert and son Ed. d ie and MI:. and Mrs. E lvis.Miicha el and daughter Dorothy. MI'. and MI1S. Glenn Druhot and

Mr. ChaTles Crawford of Ci'n cinna ti spimt the week end ,vith his broth el' Clarence Crawford lind f'lIrnily. ' ' Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Earnhart and family attended the wedding SaLU1'da y evening of Mlis Marj01'ie Earnhart at Wayne ville.

son D nald, Mr. and . Mrs.. Aly Kesterson of Cincinnati spent Sun· day with Mr, a nd Mrs. O\;a.l'eJ}ee Crawford and, family. The. after· nQon callers were Mr. nd Mrs. Rus el Morgan a nd da.ughter BerJ)idli Il,n,d 'Mlrs, Wardlow' of Lebon. on, Mr, and Mrs. Earl Crawford and daughter Margaret and Aud-

- The Ns. Goodrich

Safety Slivertown witfi


M,'. and Mrs. Ray,mond Lucas of n~y. lVilmjngton spent Sunday \vith Mr, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kellis and and Mrs. Dave Lucas and fa mil y. fa mily spent Monday in Dayton. MI'. a nq MI·s:·,H.enry BUI'geS and . Mr, and Ml·S. Geot:ge Bratton family of Dayton spent Satutday .and litt!~ IJl11 nudau ghter of Doy-

~===:::=~====;=::::::~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~r -; - - - -- ,-

"'TE' DRI'VERS ' V, ' . ~

..4 Seri."


Briel Dlu:uuion. 0/1 Driving, Dedi. cuted to the Sa/e'1. Com/art and Plemure pi .he JIo'orin8 Public, Prepared by General Motora







-M 08T"Of (Iur motor ca~s will sO much faSter than we ever car~ to -dlhe ~hem. 'lha~ no ,d~u~t People oftl!n wonder why so ~ch speed: la bl.\lIt into them Ita the first place. Of course, automobiles aren't bWU with th~ Idca of pleasing ~he ' manulacturer or the engineer or the ' .' " salesma n. 'l~hex're built to sult the men and women ' ~~'."4 who ure goflng to own and drive them. And there are.". :;:it · .~ certain tliillgS that people do insist on in their cars" ... It hoppens that some .of those things are Of such a ~ nature 'thai: When the engineers provide them, an -:: ability to go fast just naturally reBults. . • For instance, near~y everybody llkes to iet going ~ ,~ as promptly as possil>le. Now, that's just a matter of ~~ the power we have in our engine and how our car is .' ~ .,. . ..,. geared. . -,: .. ' ~ Then there's the business of hill·climbing, That _' " .. ... may not much In some localities as in others, ' . , but cars have to be built to suit us whether we live .\J.rA.... ; '~ In Maine o,r Florida, Iowa or California-wherever ~~ , ~ . we may Iiv~e alld ~herever we may want to go. Engineelrs tell us that they could bulld a falr1y_ low-pow~d car that • would pull us up the steepest hiu. But If th~y dlli" ~:;", ......,,;:....-= they would have to gear it so low that whe~:we got . §'~~;-. :.~~ over the top and onto a level ,stretch, we could only ' ¥"'-". ' -.':: go crawling along at a- rate that woulan't satisfy V ~. '-~ . even the most .conservative drivers. • 'S But perha1lB the most important reason lor bavJ Ing our power what it is In modern cara, is a matter that many of .us have never cOnslde~ed, We all know what happens to us, when 'we, ourselves, Bre going at high pressure all the time, either phys lcaJly Or mentally. A person can work 12, 14 or 16 hours a dBf, a:=;;;::r' ,I but we know we get alo"l best when we "on't ,tax t.. ;~ our last reserves of energy all the time. " \ ~' " In ' the isame wa~. anybody wh,o has. ever ~ .' . , machinery k.nows that if you keep it J<llng at 1ull capac.lty, alld full Il)eell 'daY-In·, you're just multlplyinl the ' chances of Ii breakdown, lOoner or Jatl!!'. And that's how it is with a car. By bllildini In the abm,y to run at high &Peed. engineers make It prac-, tical to run at reasona}lle speed., It our .car' can go se"enty, eight)' or maybe:even more miles an hour, then it won't have ,to strain to 80 ~-flve, forty. or somewhat taster if c1rcun1stances demand. So 'we can drlve'lt along,at aenilble l{ieeds 'hour after hoUl', day lifter without over-working it. . ' :, . When we ' stop 'to think about n, Iota of 'thinea' built With 1h8t added safety mar,1n. Elevators in our offlce bu1ldln~ CoUld caiTy far heavier loads than the wetlbt 01. the people th81 can hold. So CC)ula mOdern brldg...• 'l'he steel IIrden of our bulldiDp, the raDa under our traln.-:-ln !ad. an,. number of thbip we depend on dal'-bY-daTare much the7-reall7 hav.t,o be. 'l'bq all haft tbJt extra DIaraIn of protection. • ~ . So \VItia oar What ha'f8 to hDleIII_ ..

. ai '

• Before you experience that pit-of.tbe. stomach feCUng ' that comes when a' alcid zig· zags your car wildly over a wet, gtassy _ road - Defore a -high.speed blow.out throws youI;' car out of, conuol - Iet us equip your car with'li set of' new GoodrichSafety SilvenoWlls. . Otitsideithai the new Life-Save{'Tread to give you a dry track on wet, slippery roads an~ atop you quiclcer, safer than 'you've ever stopPed ~ore; in81'deitstm hal the ~OUl GOld~ Ply to provide you an. your fa,rnily with real protection againlt ·d8ngeroua high·speed, blow'Outa.

Nat ~e yo~ buy tire;.. remFbci- ~


money·tiaVmg fElet. Many tires coet more, I but,no other tire-a.t aii~ price~can alve you thla wa.y 'piOtcc:tion agaInlt both a1d~ ~d l)Iow...outa. ' ,









Smith's Service 'S tation Wa,..eniu., Ohi~

Payroll, Force, and Tax .

J •



.FaDI AdWe Star. on Marriage!

* •. * *

• I

dueUon 'of March 23rd. "It was In. deed vivid and the theme was true every respect." the hitler said. -

An Increase · in The Ohio Bell ill 1937 than in 1936. The slate's Telephono Company's' opera.l ing ex- agricultuf,al income was improved . penses exceeded an increase in substantially. "The improvement in business for operating revenues in 1937 la the reeult of a larger payroll and other tho year as a whole was accommajor factors, including higher pani~d by a demand fot mor", taxes, which addod to the cost of phone service. There was a net gain furnishing telephone servi~e, accord- in telephones of 69,114, or 11 ' per ing to the annual report of Presi- cent. This represents a gain greater dent Randolph Elde submitted in than heretofore experienced in any by the company. The gain in Clevela'nd. . ,iTotal telephone revenues amount-· tho previous peak ycar, 1929, was 62,260. . ed to $41,920,140, an increase of I'l,Gain Slows Up 649,264, Of 6.7 per . c~nt over 1936," "Although the company had In Mr. Eide reported. . service 695,430 telephones at the end "Allhough total: telephone reve- of 19J7, it is still 26,402 telephones nues have increased each year since shorl of the maximum development 1933, th ~y are etill' $2;443,022 under which was reached in 1930. 01 the the peak year of 1930. Total operat- net loss in telephones experienced ing expenses, excluding taxes, were during the depressioll years, 86.6 per .'26,426,962 in ~937, an increase of cent has been regained. The rate 'Of '2,968.775, or 12.7 p~r cent higher gain during the last quarter of 1-937 than in 1936." slowed down noticeably. Pointing out that operating taxes "In order to gain 6~.114 telephones were the highest in the company's in 1937. it was necessary to handle history and still c:ontinue as a major 228,155 cpnllectiolls and 158,n3 disfactor inlluencing the cost of tele- connections, a total of 387.078, or phone service, the. report said thaI' about six lor each net gain of one "taxes assignable to operations for telephone." 1937 were $5,695,692, and amounted Mr. Eide said that the cost of the to $8.55 a telephone lor the year, or Ohio Bell plant in service at the end 71 cent. a telephone a month." of 1937 was $177.669,878. He gives Wale Incre.." 5.61 pel' cent as the average rate of Referring to wage and personnel earnings on average plant in service increases as m~jor factors contribu- for last year, as against 6.09 per cent ting to greater operating expenses, in 1936. the report said that at the close of "During 1937 there' were handled 1937 the company had 10,195 em- 1,175,000,000 local conections, an illployees, an increai e of 1,178 during crease of 139,000,000, or 13.4 per the yeit. Total 1937 Pllyroll expendi- 'cent over 1936. Calls between cities turel . were fI6,569,336, an increase numbered 23,200.000, an increase of of $2,520,120 over 1936, or nearly 18 2,300,000, or 10.9 per cen.t over 1936," per cent.' The repOrt said that this he said. amount represedts wage increaaes "Local connections, which are during the year and payule'!ta to ~eio coml!leted within a few seconds, employee. added to the force. . .were )Jandled without error 99 per "The average level ' of general cent of the time. The average time bushfeas ac:tivity in 'Ohlo during 1937 required to complete long distance wi. higher than in 1936, even though calls was only one and one-half min.' a definite contraction in industrial utes." Mr. Eide described the rate redu~ operations and in other line. occurre«l.4urina the c:losing months of tion made April 1,1937, as the larg- ' tho yeat," said President Eide. . est in its' history, resulting in .ayings "T~e manufacture of automobile. fu customers of neatly $.2.000,000 a and accessoriu, macbh~~ry, machine year, and added that "dijl r~duction, tools, ateet, and oUer dural:ile goods, together with other adjustments in forms an especially important part local and long distance rates made of Ohio'. indultries. A high rate of prior to that date and amounting to activity in these indultrjes was a ..\libg to the public of Illore than maint~ned dlJl'inlJ the fint three $500,000 a year, makes lin agg'req\lartu. qf the year. Retail '~nd gate reduction in telephone rates, in wholesale trade reacl)ed 6etter levela r~cent years of $2,51,>0,000' a year." .

loves to

~~~~~~~~ti~~~~~!~~~~~~~~t~h~e ' J

that eran they have IIDe wedding, an ImpatientwhUe fello,w from dQWD Sou t It declares that he'll "fix the doctor if be don't attend 10 it right _ aWlY." ·Stlll an.t Cartton Young other ·w riter deplorH the fact thl\t Beas hal given in to romance. He saYI he'll take care of the "varmint" Dr. Robbie. if Bels gives him the word.




WHAT are tlle favo1ite loord8 .n Babv Snook,' vocabula'1l' Fanll" . B1ice 8011' that thell total up to twentll·8il£'. lIere thev are: "l;VhVr". "Do "ou Jeel ·011i01l"". "I don't knolo," "Ye,. Daddv." "1 100nt an ice oream cone," "Wa(UJ(laaoah!,,, "1 IDant 8om,e." "Uh·1Juh" (lnll "Who" 'hal1"


, OAPTAIN Stanley Beatty of the Kansas City. Kansas, pollee. wrote a ~OngTatulatory letter to Phil Lord for bls excellent Gang Busters pro-

Mis. part thirty differtnt candidatH the job, she turned to Stafford saying, "You win fh, e JO. . bY au're th . e only one who can make me mad and still love met"

• • • CLAYTON COLLYER (hc's MIchael Conway .tn the "Pretty KItty Kelly" cast) sho,wed up ror rehearsal l~t week with hJe golt clubs. He has otrered. a challenge to the otlier members of the cast for a game. Itt seems that th4~ ! first time out · this year, he shot a seventy·nlne: ;

• ••

FOR the flftlt time last 1'hura.. ' day ni,ht, tIU~ whole 'Good New..-" cast sat on the .tage a la Show Boat days. Up to now, tlH, film folk have, Una Merkel been coming OIiL from the wing11 as · their cues turned up • . _ Una Merkel, who was: in the cast. brought along her friend, Anna May Wong.


Reverend M~. Smtth motored to family. Peebles Sundlay to preach a funMI', and Mrs. Leste l' Kcnl'ick ateral. ·Messrs. FI'ank Wright, M. H. tended the Earnhart wedding in Holton, Maurice Hun~r, and Coy Waynesville, atul day night. Gilliam ~companied him:"' Cl,lrl Smith, Jl,·. also ' went along and

Cooks Do Not Agree till On Term "Well Done"

stopped at New Vi e;nna to visit his uncle, F. H. Smith and famity. There wel'e 170 present at Ferry Church, Sunday, ~th a colleetion of $39.70.

Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Lester Gerhard, Mrs. i.e£te r Kenrick, and Mrs. Oarl Smith were . Dayton visito I'S, Friday. Wednesday evening, Rev. F. H. Smith of New Vienna preached at Wa vnesViile ChureD of Christ. H.i8 ~-



>111611 and

Calling.. Station' N-E-W.·S.. .-.

-. Increases Boost Costs ,Qf Ohiq B¢ll (lperations


pari' ite!; ,are extrelll~ly next 10 th e hUlle wiih a sharp I IV ~Id tny r!lth~ al'~ 1I0t 6 'cn cxc pt un_ l pointed J<rli fe tn be :'-UI'(' ~he ni at CI' to st 8111 i wilh hi!; " steu II1 C1'''. d I' ..tho ~llkl Clfi 'ope, T ht! re j~ Ito lind jllic UI C III) Ion l r -!'e ll t pinl, which i. 1111 :l 101'1:,' G. M. ('. 'I,·u('k. ' jtllll;l!l'!l-i-way at inp cti ng llO I'k to in ol nl·. A J;'(hl d way" nvoid'ltl'Y- T1 ~ tUI'II,; Lhe ; kfl lli li n rOI' I I) ~:JO ' locuLe them. \ hen pOl'k fr om af . ' ing out i. to ul'l,wn t il ouUd or minute>! and kill s all i llsc c~ e~Ii , i ected hog i~ ~hOl'ough ly ' 'ook ed thc pOlk (~hops fi l'tIL a nd lhe n CfjV- larvu, pupa Ulld adult s, II np pI! ty the o tgnni. m i ~ destrnYl' d. H the pnn :lnd -<: 0 k th em slowly. weeps . Th e n cessul'y precautions 11I'C 1" r oz~ 1I O l~ " c ry co ld n\cat ma y r e• THIRD: 1. would got th L' ~m lLlI qui te s ill1p l ~ . On-e ~ hould I"m en be r qUi ll! I /LA' r cooking ti ;'lle, whaL· that large pi e, I!S rC~tllil' mu ch ' VCI' Lhe cut, than meal of orl in - ;1t(.nd pl ow il om lhe Ilh d 11l1u wi th mor~ C oklng'l:h'nn s ma ll On eR, be- nr y Le mpcl'at ul'e. (<t h :! he!p of my big bl uLhl!·~ , I wo uld milks Lhe '1'0 11' dowll IICI' O s the cau e heat l)ell elrUles ldowly jnto ~ald en :" the ent e r' f t he' meat li S it co o k~ . SCHOOL GIRL'S VIEW --,---- - - - - - - - - -- :-;-:-Cook approx.imate ly 30 llIi nuL ~ l OF GARD E N PLANTING FOU RTH : Th ou~ h fa. t. but not the pound in a ,modera t e ovell, nf ' If t ,lnl conc ~ llU u ld, by ti ny' I ast, I (all by l'ly··('If) wu uhl tel' broll'i ng lh e o u t~ id c __ urfac e Lo chan ce , hnpll n t o as k m e I11Y id .' I pla nt; lh e seeds ~m d ('over the m develop a I ieh fl avot'. If a " III a l of 'IlInk i n ~ n g~ l'll c ll , th is is whut wiLh Lhe 'II i I of t ill' hoc. AfL(' I' that thermollwt ci' is U!\C1, con k to be- I wou ld tel l tlll' lll: all ( wo uld ha y "~ t o <I .. is til Ret Lwe n 18 U and 1 5 degrees. FrltS1': J wo uld gel my hl ol he r, : buck an d wa'ih Illy 1',. tl s ~ I w. Pal'liculnl' cure s hou ld be tnlc- [' 1' 1 Y, \\ ilh hill 10. 2 0 Mc CI, rlllick- 1 By \\, ih" lJ Thomas e n to cook pOrk chup well dunc to Dt·, I illg- lraclo l' nnd ,;N of plows, I th e bo ne lv.~lk e u slIIall in c i ~ io n Lo l, ln w l he I!'I'II 1I n<l for 111 1!. I S ubscribe for Ih e Mi a m i Gazette. I Th ese


"Cook po r k thoroughly well done," instruct ions always say, but cooks have differences of opini on ab out what well done means, according to A lma GII I'vln, nub'iti on s:pceialist, Ohio tate Univel' ity. Well-done pork, says Mis Garvin, ' lost fiJI its p ink color, b ot:h

I .' j




Uniform tinc coating o.only applied. I~jn


or . unprotected

spot ..

2 Copper

bearin g .le!1

wire rosish rUIt.


Fin•• loa led coating guaranteol rU990d lervict.

W J can n~w : ~:-:. '; , _~ '.. ::1. pr aclically any style of tho new Continental Flame Scaled t cncc , thal you might noed. This fe nce is made by a new patented proceSSj which plac es a heavy, even line coating on the wire. Icaving no ' thin or unprotected spots. DouLie protection i5 a [forded by the uso of coppbr bearing (20 to 30 point.: , ~" ' 1, "rd ,\, ~ wire is actually Flame Sealed against the at m~ ' [' ~,: c.; t on.l.!.on! 1-',.;" CCluse rust.

It incorporates in design the exclusivo Pion cc: C ': .1 ', S ~ i ? f: l1:> l, h JI· ~ ~n· sion r.oil in the line wires, and will last y" .-: i"n:;: r t:' ~:1 f t ~:) '-'~'.~ does not have thesc important featurcs. Come in and let us show ~'0 4 w..:'.

Fairley Hardware Co. urler Bec-ause of Belter Quality, Service God Priee Est.abliahed. 1849 - 1938 Photle 32

wif and fnmity and his siter, Fran in the meat and in th e juice. Fre sh 1 pork is tendelr so many p eople cook ces, came along with him. Perry Faul has been doing some it too quickly, especially s uch cuts painting at the parsonag-e the past as chops, temderloin , 0)' sausage. week. RllIns, bacon, smoked sausag·c, nnp Thi~ Rev. Qarl Smith family otbel' pork produ cts a l!w must be ';~~;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~Q';;;;~;;;;;;;;;~~!!!~~-;;;~ sp ent Monday with Mrs. Smith'!; cooked well done. and daughter w-ere gUests of Mrs. folks at Constance, Ky. Pork tha.t " is no t sufficiently Mirs. ~hel Faul and childrcn cooked m.ay M ntain parasites that ,Har.ry Fordy-ee, Sunday afternoon. called on the Perry Fa uls, Tuesday cause 8. dise:ase called trichinosis. _~__...... '" Tommy , Hunter, a s~.udept of evening. Mr. John ' Scott and daurhter. CeilterviUe _ School, reeeivi!'d a I Mrs. P. J. Thomas.and Mi-os Wi!' , · J ets .grade on a vocal _solo ma Thomas called on the Earl and N rna, 6peD t S un d ay with.h ~ e · . of Excellent · . Clean Up. At These Prices Htl. family: ' " _ 'W~ he re,ndered ' at 'MarysV1lle j Fr.ank Shinns, Sun{]ay afternoon. Men's 8 pc. Suits • r . Sat.urday, .April 9. The. ~rade a The Shinn's are. just back from Cleanelt and Pl'Cssed Nanl!;y p~ IS ~e ho ~ Excellent is one poin.t below the Florida. Mrs. Shinn said that Flor60c peat of her dauehter, Mrs. Jess highest grade which can be recejv iiJa. was very nice~ but give ~r Men's Hats ROland an~ her tuJaband. ed. . Ohio. Cleaned and Blocked' .M r. ~ Mre. PeIJY- J. Thom~ Buster Faul and . Henry Bul'gess Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Trost I 60c eall~ on the St&rlllol family at spent Sat urday ~t.ernoon at , the spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Ladies Plain Dresses Ridgevm., Tu:eeday .venilW' . Perry Faul home. · Jess Roland. ~ruce Wean of Bel60c ~r.>and Mra. karry "Cornell call Ml'. and M~. La~ence Thomas mont is spe)'lding his Easter vacaecLon the Sam Meredifbs' Sundey and daughters, Wilma. , and Mrs. t ion with the Rorands. " afternoon, am! after they had re- Perry Falll attended the funeral Harriette Thomas and Wilma Kathryn Mendenhall,' Mgr turned home, Mr. and Mrs. Ray- of Mrs. Mabel Cook at O_n's Thomas- caUed on IMbs Ruth Light- ";;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ mond Davis of Dayton ~.l1ed on Chur ch, Thursday aftemoon. er, SUnday aftel·noon. ~ th~eni. . , Mr. and' Mrs. Ernest R~gers will _, ':ple Harry Cornells were SunLittle BettY Lou Mereldith is be dinner guests of Mr. and .M!rs. day ~vening guests of Mr. and sufferilll' with rMumatism, having Harry Cornell, Easter S~ndBY, and Mrs. Geol'gle Smith and family. m~d lIeveral da.n of 'school late- daughter, Betty Rog~rs' wiil spentd Mra. J..esS HC$ visited wit~ her WAYNESVILLE ly. ~ Easter v~tio'n with the dor- sisters, R-ene and Josie $mitlJ at , Mr. and !Mka. Delbert '1. Pfoutz nell's. Mt. Holly, Sunday evening.


' ¥ FERR


... <\ .


Quick Cleaners

Twin Theater

. ,I' . . ' •

~~.~ :1- -~~~~~?~~~~~~~~~~=::;:===~=~:;:::~ - -;- ...--..' ~I

, ,'



, J. .......




Iu!a mad. , lal~ ~ ;. .



' ...... ,One 01 t1ae·....i...t DaQIDeIlW ' Iia hta life. III taCt 011. of t1ae .,eat-

. . IDOIIMDta Iii Uaa blIt0r7


I <.



1I~ .


Nancy Pope. in is "planning to spent her bh;thday Ferry with the Lawtl't!nce Thomes family. --..:------,---.,.--- - - ~R:AIE (~, I Mr. and Ml'S. E. J .. Lindamood :ealled on- Mr. and. Mrs. IJa.Wl'ence ",ht. It wolllcl pl'e, or Iaow loDS It· Thomaa and' thjlir two grandson's; . ' would Jut! ~'. . :Sunday eve~ing. . !J')l. 0Dl, information aYaUable tQ Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Thomas and 'Ute baJar .... the wattap (en• ...,. son, Ji1nmy, called tp ~e oMlr.· Kris !»UlUIlid) BIlCl U.e yoltase, lIlcllea~ I .... th. drcult.. 0Ir wbJeh the tamp Klienhemm, Saturday evening. MT. . , illould be uad. . KlienMmm had' just l'eturned from mAil' more Important to the pub-' the ' Miami Valley .hospital,. where Llebanon, OhIo 110, ¥r. BJidfak7. reuone4, were the l ho had received tl'eabnent for a PreseDtinl' the B •• t Bnd LBte" Dumber of le.1II (caIlCllepower) < 'a 8ive ·d.lloUq the 'Dumber of cancer ' on his Ii p. In the lamp 'could be. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Mrars~l Filer and daughter, Phyllis, and dogg,ie, Tt:ix MOTION PiCtURE ie, taken e. few rooms with ENTERTA the ' parents, the JoeI':iler


_ . . . . . ' IImCs. tpt · 'ft0lllU J,Atft


Always A Good Show


• Grandma alwars was a keen shopper and quick to "snap up" a bargain , , , ~ut you'll recognize these BARGAIN OFFERS without her years of ex. penenc .,. you .a~e real money, • , you get a swell selectioq of magazines and a full year of Out newspaper. That's what we call a "break" for you readers". no wonder grandma says-"YOU'VE GOT SOMETIDNG THERE!"





O Amedc:an 80'1 _ __ 8 mot. C1MtCall's Ma8Jl2ine._ _ ._1 yr. OChrlldao Hcrald .. ___.6 mos. p 'M' , 6 O areots allll%,ae. _ _ me». DPatb60du (Weekly) __ _ I yr. DPictoriai ReView _ _ .1 yr. Dllomaode Ma,wne _ _ l yr. DSnvu.Sc:reen _._ __' _ _1 yr. 1 D a---- Book

' .



Teste4 . for general Yt,or . a~d , truenCIIB to breed' by ttain~d\ men 1\'orltllig. under the .8uper.vifilon .of the Oblo Poil.l try Improvement Alloelatlon...,



, . Te.teel: for! . m_t-. procluCtl~n · by broller <t)Lanu tn ·many · dU,



fennat MCtloauI and pronounced oatitanclilll'. :



... -


. ~ ,



.aWoman·. WOjJd , ~ __ .... 2 yn.

OD-H •. G--'-' 1 ~< DOles '" "",COI ._ yr. . DH,ome Am Necdlecra~1 ..2 Tn.


DArner/can Fruit Grower.._ l ·yr. DAmeric~n Poutlry }ournaLl yr. .,' OBreeder • Gazcttc _ _ _ l yr. ,D Blade." ledscr .~ _ _ ll'r. ·OOoVuleafAmet. Rc:yiew_ 1 yr.



Home .. _____

1 yr .



: gPlymoutb Rock !"oncbJy __ l yr.' Fa.rmIDa - ~--. 1 yr. DSuec_ful POllitt' Tti bu~ __ ~ I yr. OWomao's Worle! _ . _ _ 1 yr.

~OM£O~~ . ~~--~~~~~N;";;~~~~.r~~ ~HS ,''''X~S''APU-I YEAR ALL 5 =~:::: c1'~jn".~ne.d"''''''' .

( . ... .,! Morl. ~


21 0

r.!':'Clol;'.-Myuine _"_I yr. ' ,!o..... ~'Vorld~1 yr. ' . - __ 1 yr. :-,. E.• r",J'')'urnal. 1 yto . ," . , .



ri.- 'haW- far "" JI'OIIactloD ID t1ae ~ LaJlq 00llteatl IIIl4 rakIJIc wItIa the 'leaden:.


DFarm Jour.nal _ _. _ _1 yr. I D~ Slimes _ _ _ _ 1 yr. I OHome A~ Ncedlecraft-l yr. DHomc FrIend ___ _ _ 1 yr. ~ • I yr. OLellhor~ World'--..... _._ I yr. DTtueConf~oDJ _. ____ 1· yr. OMother I Home Life ...:... _ ._l yr. ' D()peo R'oai.di(8o)'... _ .:... 16'me». OPadifi.Jlder (Wid,.): ;26 issues


' TMte4 fOr ' nveabWty' b, thousands of .cu.lomera who report ~ averale bab, cblck 'Uveablllt, of · 97 per cent. . ' . \


DPath6nder (Wkly.) _ 26 Issue, DRhpde Island Red Jouto..,L 1 71. DPlymouth Rock Monthly _ I yr. DSuecesslul Pa.rmias _ _ . _l ·yr. DWoman', World 1 yr.


(D ,y!. D:) und r the ' oUielal .u~rvl810n . of ·t he State Dpartme,nt of' Agriculture . alld " paaeecl,' a8~ ".PUUoJWJl ' Sa(e;" , ,. , '. 4 • •

DHome Frlcllld _ . _ __ 1 yr. DHome Am Nccdlecralt.-.l yr. DLesborn World 1 yr. DMother's Home Life _ _ .l '1r.





DAmerlc:an.Ptult Grow~r _ 1 yr. DAmerican POUII':" JourQaL I yr. DBieed.e t·a Gazette _ __ 2 yrs. DBI..te " ledser 1 yr. DQO'fetieal Am. Revlew"":"' l yr, DCoanuy Home 2 yrs, DParmJournal 2 yrs. DGood SIOries 1 yr. DHGGle CUdo 1 yr.

:T'b ,ey',re , ~ . .~ Mu'lti,~:restedr

• 1.·.. Te.teci . for : ~I~~m



piJlout ""upon careiuI17.

Oentle~, I eoclou $ ... ._


'" ~~ . ( am che';'ktnl ....In...... ofrero!oaired with a lubacr4Jtiun UI your paper. OBIG VALUE OPPER OTIJE QUALITY 0fPFJI:




• ~~~~~~~~~~~------~~----~~~~~--------------------------~---i------' .~ -~~~--~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~SE~~~~~~~ Game Prot e\' lor l'iff H ule r t Ul'n ('d Inq Tlml dllY Ir m specia l duLy III Indiun LaKe !\n(\ t ells of seoing 11 /;I 1-2 po ulld ba t hat Wllll taken oh ,\ fi r r od SUI' face lu re - if thni: 11m'\. :1 eombin tion w ~ dream " ab utI We fou nd ' n 1ll ac~ n ew to By HalT~ Eldrida", J r. u ut Twinl.. ukl's - n Jlair of InrI; grav I pi Oil Wag nel' F ord ' Roa d Word has j ust b een r(> cived b)' just. one mile n t , of the TJ'O Y Pike Game PPbteotol' liff Hines that nbolll 2 miles north of D ayton. the '! oll!,wing ·trea m have been The place has been stocked fo r 18 cloa lel f or t he taking of bait. This y a I's nn~1 is owned by I.a r nee ruling applies to minnows, cray- Booker nnel his t wo boys. W SII W fish, and liv bait of a ny kin , but Cl\Jite l' tak e a ll eighl een ineh ilo not nifect the fi shing in th s bal a ncl wutche-d a chool of 15 stream ". T he clo 00 0 1' as in \Val'- inch cltann ~1 cats pla ying in shalren. Counly 1\.1' : ' esllr 's r e k. low wa ter. .Thut. was enoug h to fl'om I ts mouth to the Warre ll Co. drive th is \Hi t I' nut in our good , line ; Li ttl e lMIiami from Kings clothes nnd with no e qu i p m~ n tl M ilJs, (l OW'll to i t s mout h ; Th o ell- Our new Asso ia t ion P reside nt tir c length () f Clear 'r k io its Em'l Gustin f ollowed D c Zel te l'!' mouLh. Don't forget whi le t hi.. may exa mpl llist week ond pa id 15 ~Iec t a l empo m ry hardship on ce nt, a poun d' t o ta ke two dogfish us individual fi s~l1m n. it. i pro- oUl of th e Dutchmnn's Pond. W h ~ n tecti ng theso streams fro m r a vi h-· he foy nd out wha t they w ere , he cs of commo1'Oiai bait stenlel's, a nd gave the m lo n fr iend who re port-tha bettM f e ed a l\\"3ys means ed that alLeT cooking th y " i!tsted like a d()g smells" I more fi sh. ·





day. isltorl; in the home Of Mr . a n 1\1 B. Cl \1 n Davl , and d"utghttm;, Mi ss :l :Nell ie and Marj orie , wer!) 111 1' • . li nd MI', K Ilncth yaney ()f Lebuno\l . .

Mr. !lItd 111 1'~ . Hu nr y M\lrph y we re nle l'Ulill' d at d inn er, ' Sunin t he hO I' le of 'M~·. lind MNI. al'r, o! K i ng mlln. IVlIi l'Ifrs.· F ra nk Sa ms hlld a .. t heir gl\..~!i!!! f ol' sev eI'II I day!! last. we k..,t'tn e latta ·'s l'elatives, Mr. and Jrtl' . Elwood he now t h, of D~y to n , who have I'ccently ret urneel fl 'O I1l Floridll, whCl ' t hey ha vo sp nt t h P II~t. , s ix mo nths. Theil' htel·, Mi s AliCe Sams, Lebano n, was t heir . Sund uy dinner g uest . A gl'o up of r elatives. a nd friend ~l sse m b l ed at the home of 1\11'. and 111 1'S . Wilbur McCan en, und'IIY, to participa te in spr inging a surp rise on MI'. 'MIcClwren, which ha d been planned by his w ife, fol' h is plensul'e on his birt hdny. Th e f l"iends of G.· W. Davis nrc pl ea~ed t o lem'n he is imp roving fr om an illn ess of a, week ago . His daughter, Mrs. E rnest Mannon nnd MI'. Moo non, of n 21111' Wj ll~i ng to n , IVcr e visilor& at 'his home Thll1"sday eveni ng . l\1.any fr oIII hel'e nttc ndecl the of t he metal. each three one- f une ral scl'vic , Friday, fo r Mr. thousa nd ths of an ' nch th ick , 14 inches long by nine and three- Daniel Morgn n, of ~e b an o;l1 , \vhich quarters w ide, we're attached to th e walls of tlte cham ber so secu re ly they have become literally pa r t of the s UI·face. Whe n Mr. Al brecht was asked whe the r he intended to pat ent his glue. he re plied: "No, because no chemist can discover by analysis wh a t is in H. Some of the i ngred ients vllporizC hefore ·t hey can be de tected." The pictu re shows him inspecting a surface upor. w hich he has p asted a coppel sheet.


* • • • • •

, Guns, bird, dogs, fish rab bits, Arrongelilfml have be n comconservatio n, taB st ol' i s, olher pl eted to have hun t ing lin d fi lli ng stories - j ust a fcw of t he thin gs Lie~ ll scs in W~rre n Co un t y sold y6 U hear being cussed an d discus- t hl'ouj!h t he Fi sh lin d GlI me Assn. 8~ at a gabfe t .and feed f ollow- Tackl e nnd gu n deal er ' , filling st a ing the busin ess mee ling of t hc t ions, g roce ries, and oth er b us iWar ren County. F ish a nd Gam e ne~ses in each t own t hrough-o ut NEW YOHK (Special) .-H has " cella r labor a tory- and he proF'rQtective Assn. last Monda y night the coun ty have agreed to co-opfor an amat UI' ch emist d uced it. remained at Lebanon Memor ial Hall. Sixty-' erate in tur ning all license fees He is Benjam in K. Al brecht, in p ursui t of a hobby in the clu t- one -ti me sandp.~pe r salcsman. f ive or seventy . members and co llected in to n fu nd to be usoo tered cellar of his count ryside His home is on lhe outski rts of friend s wer e presen t, r epl'c ·ent.. for r s tocking f ish a nd gwne, lo- home not fa I' from New York Rowayton, Conn ,. M I'. Al brecht . ing evel'y cor n'Cr of th e co unty and ca l conse rvatio n work, co-opera- City to p ut a happy end to the was requested to contrive the every bra nch of sp orts men's ac t ivi- tio n wi t h the Stato Conse rvatio n lon g sea rch f or an adhes ive to glue \ ill orde r that the plaster sheets of me tnl cndul'inllly wa ll s of the Boa rd of Director's ties. Put Doe Zettel ' of' Leba.non, Dept., etc. It will menn tha t 10 fasten room i n the Administra tion to wall s udaces. Slim Laymon of .Ma on, AlI Drake cen ts fl'o m every fishi ng license. T he h unt was begun by one f Building of t he N(!w York World's of Kings Mills a nd Ray Dugnn. of a1ld 25 ce nts ho m hunt ing liccnSr th largest copper and bl' as~ cor- Fai l' of 1939, ot F lushing Meadow Pa rk. New York City, might be Franklin together and you've g ot es you fe ll ows buy fr om one of po rations in lhis country whcn covered wHh squ ares of paper .cver al pl'Ofession :11 eh 'misls had an unbeatable quartet - but when lhe places appoin ted by t he asso- 'ailed to disco v l' the desi reel th in coppe r. As the <.lclhesive W IlS found to you start telling lies to e ach other ciat ion will go dirE'ctly toward bet - ~ Iu e; Ap peul was lit t m:lde t o - watch outl SUm fi nally won a n ter local hunt ing a nd f ishing con- .he subur ban omateur w ith the clo its work perC..,,: lIy. 2,500 s h ~ t.s "mpty sardin e can with the surry ditions. It is onl y t hrough t he efthat down at Mason the people are fo r ts a nd coopel'a tion of these val' of {JU1- speci fi c qu st ions were n ot 'i\1J'rs: Lura Hough , f oll owed by n Departme nt of t he Ohio Co uncil ISO fish-hungry they fight to stand ious bu sinesses that this plan is an swol'ed : "het her · t.ha co un ty it- t.nlk give n by _Mr.;s Ruth H adley. of ChU l·c.hes. A largo a udie nce WIlS present a t In line a nd buy carp, being caught poss ible. We will have a list ready eelf would r' ceive IIny I' ve nu e On Sun day th e Methodirt chu rc h off. the dam , for a dollar a piece . ! for publication next week. Let 's from sal es at t he full price of 1 rece ived in membel'ship even- th annual inspect iOn of t he O. E. per sheet, and how t he income de- toen a pplicants. Tlhe Reve[lend Mr. S. on T h ursday even ingof last But 'according to lim th f isher- drop in and patron ize them. rived by the F ecleration will be Weaver offici ated in the baptismal week. Mrs. n ave- Campbell of Wilmen wouldn't sell ' m! 'DUTing the busine meeting the Several weeks ago this colum n spent. Accom panyi ng Mr. Shoe- csremony and in accept ing these mington was t he inspecting offi cer following oUicet'S were elected f or published an open letter to t he m3ker's lettel' wa s a pamph.let who j oined by pr es entation of let- pr esent. t his y ear : President, Earl Gustin General Wildlife F ederation a-k- whlch we will sunlmarize IJ,(lxt t er. Mr. and Mrs. Ors n Tur n er and of Lebanon who did 'a f in e job as ing some qu estion s about t he in- we ek . Mr. and Mrs. Hany Tucker en· roIlS (If Ne.w Philadelphia a re aeeretanr for two yean; Vice-Pres- come derived fro m t heir unpre tertained with a six o'clock dinner guests in t he home of· .Mlr. 'and idents, Doc ;lettel of Lebanon and cedented dri~e to sell Wild Life on Tuesday <evening the fJollowing ~s. A. W. Turn er, during East er Yours Truly of F ranklin.; Secre- Restoration S m.(1s . Wle publish g ues : Mr. and MM. H oward Mc vacati on. tary, Bud Nel o n of Lebanon. Bud her e an a nswer fl'om Oarl D. Shoe Mr. and Ml's. J. C. f lckin and K ay, Mr. nnd !MInI. Harold McKay, recently joined the staff of t he maker , Secretary of the FederoPrOf. and Mrs. Milligan, Mr. and son of Dayton, Mr. and MTS. Frank MI'. Howard Collett of W ilmingWestern Star ~l\d is 1\1 real a dditrou tion . This letter is too long to pubMrs. A. S. Collett a nd Mrs. Sei- Leist and ons of Miam i burg were to Warren County Spor tSmen. Jom. lish in full but t he portio ns of to n will ad dr ess the Communi t y fert. Sunday guests of Maude an d Wil"CLub on Wedneljday evening with Ham Hm·lan. '·Kersey of Waynesville was electe d most inter est f ollow: a ·talk on n t ronomy, and he will Mrs. ~eo rge Wall, wit,h her t,:"o Treasurer and will handle t he As- " Mr. Han y E Id'ridg.e , Jr., Mr. a nd Mrs . Samu el :Mitchel' en wit h lan ter n slid e. views sma ll chlldl'en, and her slster, MI 's tertained their f am ily t o dinn er on illu strate lJooiations augme nted fund· <that's Fra nklin, Ohio f rom a n u nusually f in e colle'ction Kathl een G'raham arrived from unda.y. a ~od word!). It 'Was decided th,at Dea r MI'. Eldl·~d ge.: belong ing t o the li te ev. rl r. : F ue llel·t-on, CaJifol'nia,-On - Monooy after liext month's m eeting in Leb_ W e have your letter of r ecent pproprblte services -will be held C. Bennett, who was a n ackn o-w- f or a n extended vi 't with the ir anon the ' following ones will be da te in 'which you ask us a lot of in both churc hes on ·Sun da y. . held in different towns of t he Coun quest ions a b o u ~ the affair s of the ledged authority in the science and pa.rents, Mr. and Mrs. H owa.r d Gra At th e M. E . Church a large i'\a;m, the . Wall family expec,t to ty; ipcludi ng Monow, Mason , Way- General Wild life Federation . . . research of a tJ·onomy. class will bo receivecl into m.emT he B ook R evi e\v lub will meet remove to San Diego on .MIrs. 'n esyille and Franklin. This will All of the info r ll)ation w;hich yo u bership. Sunda y even ing, a t the Wall's return to Calii()ornia. give all sportsmen an oppartunit y will r eceive in this lett e r will be On Tu esday <li t the hom e of Mrs. F ri ends Chu rch will be a Union to participate in the variou~ Assn. contained · in a bulletin whicn will Han'iet W . mal·t. Action at A- I Mrs. Lida Hatton has r eturned Se rvice of t h Ca esar's Creek and . cinnati" wlhere she bas. New Burlingto n meetings. Rev. 1l\I!ll' Activities.~ go out some t ime in th e n ear fu- quilln by H ervey C. Allen w ill be ' fTom Oin • • • • • • . ' ture to our various aff iliated or- revi ewed by Mrs. A. S. Collett. sp ent'the winter with ber dllugh- Appl egate ()of W.ilm ington will be Our journal fOT the p ast we ek is g'anizat ions and groups throughT h Civic Leag ue me t a t the Ler, Mn_ Ren Ga ines, and is open- t he sp'eaka-. a pretty sad affair in spiti! of the out the country. home of l\>hs. . G. Ra nd all on Sat ing hor coun t ry home for the ,S'U m fisherman's . cal~ndaT predicti ng " In the f irst place, we did not m'day eVening. ' T he pla nt ing ' of mer. . good to e;xcel1e~tl With hig.h wa- send wild life poster stamps to f lowers t o be!ll\4Lify the t own a nd R. W. Smart of Sharonville visit BE.ECH GROVE tel', lots of rain and - L ord help th e seven million licensed: hunt ers to cov>!!r th e open spaces between ed rela tives and! f ri ends, Thursday ulI-even sno:w, ~ few hardsl)~Lls> a nel f ishe rm en in· the Uni ted gtad'es of t he "S" hill was di ~cu8. an d FridI8,Y. · MT. and Mrs: Harold MC,Kay and . t e d to M; .s. B e rtL~ ard McKa y ... 1' t took the trail. Dave Roberts r~ ports States . . . We prin ted .1,300,000' ~sed and a co nbml'lte e .a ppom ...... GI'ay attended the H v~", . .. e r e \·" 'T I mlll g on nic6 catchll8 of blUls and crappies sheets of stamps and th(l. ;demand a mlll~e f ol' th e pl~ n t l ng of h ~rd y w~ddlllg ~f . her grandda ug ht:e r, visitors, Munda y. at Dick's Dam in spite of high, mud! for' them r eached about 1 100 000 pel'emals. Travel (a lks were given . llh ss M8.1·Jone Earnhart, wluch Mrs. An ni!tte Mc Carr en! was 'a dy ~ter_ T!t(l.y're being eaught sheets. This does not mea ' that all by t he members of the pl:qgra m took place at the Methodist Eplll- Satu r day morning calleI' at t he along ,t he banks: Stan Hirsehback of ,· the~ sh eets will be nsold be- co mnlittee. . copal Chur~h in Waynesville., on home of Ml·S. .F lorence Sams. ' and Paul Noble of Red Lion · got a cause state directo r!:! an d coun t y The Farmers Cl ub will m eet ,o n Satur day eveninl;r. ~liss Hnilllu h Jo~dan and brothnice catch of channels ' at Celirw., and local chairm.en sent in th eir ThuT day at the home of MI'. an ~ Mr, and-M'rs. ~n Hlu¢lIO('4,.&jiLJw.cLJieJ:n2I~d J.ordan ta t h nded lallt Wednesday and Thursday fhen r equest s or wel'e f or warded a giv- Mrs. Quince Gons. MI'. a nd Mrs. family and Mr. Walter Jordon sel'vic-es' a t St. Francis de Sali!s the lake ~as 17 inches above nor- en number of sheet s . . . The one A. S. Collett, and MI'. ,a~d Mrs. wel'e among those ' who .tte~ded Church , Sunday morning in Waymal. It's noW 24 inches up with probl em that nas confronted t he H OW!II rd ' GJ'aham will a ttend fl'om t he ma rri'a ge of Miss Earnbrt, nesville. f r om this vicinit.y. ·· Owen Hart£ock of .W<aynesville ded b entil'e movem,ent f OI" the last her e. many (Jf the camps s urroun y "T.he W. C. T. U. held an all day ' water. Few crappies ;reported. third of a century is the .fin anci ng of a n organi zation whosi! s ole pur- meeting at t he F riends Ch.w·ch on NEW BURLINGTON, OHIO pose is to h elp r.e _to re our wild- Fri day. Th e mornin g se!;!;ion was P~.aee study ,g roups' met: in each life, develop the needed programs devoted to busin ess and disc ussion of the churches, last Wednesday, Friday - Saturday and stimulate the so vitally-need- after whi ch a bount iful n eon day -a:nd, pai'took of "Lest We Forgel" ed interest from the great mass dinner was, served. The ' a f ternoon· luncheons. This project was a. part of the American people. program opened wit h devotions by of the pr()gram ·of the Women'1! , -SCRE'EN"During our campaign this year "Little Mill Roughneck" we made lots of mistakes. Th1swas ~ ,.. r.1' Edith Fellowl ,I, Leo Carrillo a great experiment laboratory this year and out of our experience woe Continuoul Showl Dally WANTED-Tractor work, plowhave pined much knowledge. We Adult. Only 15c 'Til 2 P. M. ing, discing, new ~quipm ent. Work will not make the same mistakes g uaranteed . A Primrose Cream next year. We probably will ma ke Separn.tor for sale, good condition. others, but no t so many of them, J . M. Ef.erd, Phone 438; ' Clarkswe hope. ville. 3-17 4t "One of the things that we have learned this f ear is th,a t we canBABY CHICKS- Heavy'" Bre~d8, not hope to finance the movement 8 cents. Leghorns 7 cents. Custom through the mailing out of single 8 cents per chick. Settings sheets' of stamps such as you reTuesday and Friday. Phone Frankfer to in your letter . . . Alth ough lin; Ohio ' 142' J 2. Springb~ro we f eel sat isfied that a i1 ice r eturn H lltchel'Y'/ Sp ringbo ro, Ohio'. 31-2t , I will be I'eceiveti fr om this source . _' . we do not expect to USe it FOR SALE - Fi:igldnit'e, in good 'next y.eal·." l Jndivi.dunl Mailin~). condition: MrS. Maude Crane. "We hope to be far better or glllnized, not only cenb-ally i n each FOR SAliE- Bullding ' lot mth stat e, but in eVi!ry coU!lty · and basement f oundation and cistern ' eye ry town. Good, garden _ P viced to se~l. ":Also' l Thanking you 'for you r ' intC'Test )1 ~ ed· lumber and tin roofipg. See in our movement and with best W. C. St. John. ~ Wishes, I"'~ajn Yours rbT wildlife, FtOiwER'S FOR CARL D. SHOEMAKER'" A. H. STUBB~. " Ip. I We will not c;.Q~ent on this --~;;"'.letter .except to point out that two W ~~ED :General H1luHng. Mjfo ' Hartsock. Prices Reasonable, I Glamorous Bette Da vis. and ha nd:;ollll:l Henry FOllda' are the ----~--lovers In '\Jezebel" the unforgetable romance ot- the Old South Phone 45 R 21. . . Itp wblcb wUl open April ~7, Eallter Sunday at t~le dellQte .-eola NOTAR:Y PUBLIC . I theater .i n Xenia, tor a three day engagement. FOR SALE: 1 horse, 10 year. old. out as a fascinatfq, helld.iltr~mJr On! 12 inoh breaking plOW', am. of tbe man abe ot I nothet rle diBe. Co", cultivator. nlellllNt'. Vaace. ~ L ,"'~~~W;~.


... ....


''Bank Night"

Love In the Old SouUt:




J. B. Chapman

calling in t his community Sun-



held at·the McClu~ Funoral Home in Wuy nesViIle, A nl0sL deli htf ul day w as s}1ellt \VC{ln sday, Db t h McKay home, with Mcromnes E dith n.nd 110. KAy ~s hoat ses, when t hey assembl d l\ cC 1mJl"IlY of la dies, membe rs of Ute ·Fl'i e.nds' hu rc h, Cor a verY inter o Ling meeti ng wit h many ta\<ing IJRrt i n t he to pic djscussed. Th o inrvitations W &l" extended from ·elev n in. the morning unLil 3 ' -:- m. A. covel'e.u din ner was a pl ensnnt f eatul·.o of the noon hour . GU(!sts wel'e present f rom WiIming lon, Hur vy e but'g und lhi~ vi -' ci nily .

, " el'S

MEN WANTED $85 a paid to mnny men li t f irst Ulld mOl'e later. Local ma nager o f nati onally kn own cOlllpany will hire se vernl men at oncl!. DeIi vel' or tlerf! t o farml:lS, I'ender servi ce and do other work. Farm ex pCI'ience nn d car necessary. P er lYI a nent wode Evc n though you are not "much inte rested in chllng ing youI' work , if you 'Will se nd your nalll e we will g uul'U ntee to furni sh yo u in fo rmat ion th al will be of great va lu e to · you. Add ress Box 6400 car e of t his )la·p er. Name .. , ..:.. .......... ... .. .... ,....... .. .... ,.,

Check Krol.r Firet before ,ou Bu,l · '


COUNTRY CLUB~~!:: 24~:i69c' AVONDALE ~":::"

, 24~59c

GOLD MmALorpl~~~~r7'·24~~,89c . Countr, ' Club

PASTRY FLOUR 5 lb. baa t9c REC!PE BAKING POWDER 25 oz. pka. tSc ,.



You caD the kiddiea • Eaater balke.. .. er, ecoDomican, at KROGER Store I I


Jelly Bh'el

· lb. lOe EGGS lb. lOe Marshmallow· EGGS . doz. lOc Foil \Vrap Creum EGGS · eaeh Ie Assor ted Flavor EGGS'


Ohocolate Cream ,






Creaift Egga 2. for Sc




Country Club'. Sliced or hal....


No.2" can l6c 3 ~1UlI '250.



lIeats. . Smoked HamsEt~,!~ ~b~~~.,~~.~'25 . C Whole Or


.SMO~ED CALLIES, lb. . .... .... .... 19 1~2c' BRMKFAST BACON 3 lb.-End C-u't . lb 19' 1.2c " .'." Ib.23c ' ' r · "Center .. " Cuts .'B _ .: . ..· -'.' ..; ,... . ....... SL CED BACON: lk -" . . _ u . ,; - . . "__ .. _...... ,.lb..... SBc HADDO.OK . r:1~tS .. . .. ! •••..• .•• _ •• '.• lb. 17 %~ , OCEAN fl~E FI~E.~S . ·' t .• , ' ••••••. ', ' .lb. 17%c ' JACK SALMOfi.. Ftes~ Dl'~~sed ., ....' ..... '. .. lb.' 27c BOLOGNA SAUSAGE in one l>iece . .' . _. . .. il,J>. ' 25c ' .






New" Low ·Price " ~ . .... ' .... ,5Ibs. . CA.ND,y yAMS The fin st sweet potato . .. 4Ibs. CELERY ~.orid., . Medi~m Each '''5c :c'A RROTS C!llifO; liia, .1a~g~ fresh· ,bunch,es ..' . 2 ISc ,




. ,. : . /'..' . ':., 5lbs. l~c TOM'A~O~; Ex:tra Fili~ Qu~lity" . : ... ': . . _.. i5~ CUClUM.BERS,~-Each . '....: : ' .' ....' _. . ... '. .' .' . '. : ,5C' , i';I!W'PO"J:ATQES

TJ:.S. No~ 1



H£AD LETrU~E, Cal,ifomilr ...... : : .. Each 15c AP~LES, Win~sap . , ........./... , '.... .... ' 5~tis, 19c ,




..~~~~~~~~~~~_~:SC:~~,~!2222~~ _~_~_ ~~ _~ , --~~~~~-'~~ ~ -

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _~,~--!~~~~~~~~~~~~-_ r




Class 'o f'~birty ' Years Ago ·~o~' -&--.&~eiiUiin~--f-I Reunior- Here; M 'a y 28

~"ur ; I ~' A" L ~

B erean .·Me ' etl-ng




,' u'i1d of St. Mary's" " Episc·opal Church i6 sportsor- .. • , .. Ing a m.usicale to be given at • " the Litt)e Inn, Wednesday ev- " .. ening Aprll 27, at 8 :00 .o'_ " , .. ·clock. Admission 26c and 10'c. " " .. .. " .. " " " " The 'Berean Class of the Ferry " Church met in the church ballement Thursday - evening with a lal'ge attendance. Aftel' the. business session a fine progl'lIm was . , en joyed,

Th"arsd ay

Many pe-rsons who 1I1'e noW' idle MI'. Harry FUl'niS eldest son of ,are entitled to lumv-sum benefit Elizabeth EVans LcwH, daug~MI'. and Mrs. Davis FUl'nas, of payments un der the ohl-ng-e in urtcr Charles and Katherine Ev.' WnyncBvi11e, and Miss Thelma Lu- once portion of U\e social sMurity Tn connection with the WaynAnother feature 'of the forth- ans, o;f Wlt!! born, MOl'ch 22 1862, and cns daughter of Mrs. Mabel Lucas act, 'according to R~b ert ', H . MillnesviJIe High Scn<Jol Alumni al'lo coming )leunion of 1908 will be departed, this life, April 16, 1938, of Miami sburg, motored' to New- mch, Manager of lhe Field OUlce nwa1 celebration and meeting May the pl'e~e nce of C. E. Bratten, who ag~d 76 years and 2.4 day. port Ky., On Saturday, April 16 of that ng,ency. 28, on-e of the outstanding fea- was Superintendent of schools whcre. they were united in martures will be the presence of ~I when this ewas graduated, and "Thel'e arc mnn y persons who She WIllS united in nlal'riage to riage with Miss Virg in ia Honnkrc nre now tempol'lir ily unemployed the members of the class of 1908. Chades Carey, the p\·incipJe. Both ~n:a~:n,\~~~:,l!~~' ~:r~~i~~n!~~ and IM\J·. Frank Bolanger IlS t~e i (' who al'e entitled to but 'have fai1~d There will be a class dinner pre- resi~e at Dayton, Ohio. A quartet ,opened the program, attendants. They are now residing to claim th ese benrits," Mr. Minkilled in an accident, about a year vious to the annual meeting and C. M. Cartwright __ a.go in San Fra nciSCO, California. , . sung by Roy GI(].l\s; Gnuiville Ben- in Miami sbu ng. ' nich said today. all expect to be present.a.t the ~t _ •_ _ ~_ , _ _._, _ _-= AI t f' h on, .Tulia Smith .and Perry together as, embly on toe grounds "Percons who have worked in ~ ~ - - -,~.. - - - - mos ' IV€ yeUl'S ago, c was Ann ouncement of the marriage Thomas. of the grade school. The class of comm erce or industt y covered by stricken and had not been able to of Mies Dorothy Hartsock daughA I ' ~valk, to a ny great extent,' since. p ano sol{l by Virginia and 1908 is notable in that the 13 the nct Ein/:e J an UI1I'Y 1, 1937 nre She bOI'e it bl'UveLy and was always tel' of Mr. a nd Mrs. J. V. Hart- mu ieal readi ng by ': Dllnny H artmembers who graduat d 30 years entitled to lump-sum ben fit Pay~ sock, formerly of Waynesville, res k II ' . soc fo ow ed. Rogel" Tbomas gavG ago are -a ll living. On its twent- •._ _ ,______,_ _.. hoping that some day hel' usual idcnts f,or th e past year ments eqWlI Lo 3 Ih pel' Cffit of 'of San \ stl'ength would retul'n. a Comet,' 010. \ ieth reunion 10 wel'e pl'&ent a t $uch wage~ , It is not necesary to Sunday vi sitors, of Mr, and Mrs. Antonia Tc)ras was received here the Alumni meeting. On th e »re- Benjamin J ones we I'e Mrs. Bessie Full of energy s he overcnm1! ob- this w·cek. Mr, Howard Woods gave g n inMr. and Ml' . Fl'lI nk Hess enter- retire ,to I'cceive these benefits.-Iuvious l'eunions a cLass picture was Retnllick of Lebanon and \MiJ·. and stacles that others wou ld hav e giv_ te re. ting 'a ccount of \ his l'tlCent mined th eil· ch ildren at dinner on many casl:S omployers pla.ce the Sunday. en way before. The groom Gus A. Scheler is the tt·ip. taken and so togethel' with the Mrs. R. N. Hillyer of Cincin,na.ti. names of fUl'loughted w'O'rkers in ' . only son, of ,MIl" iIlnd Mrs. Adolph E ar Iyin graduation pictur.c t hill wakes a. an inactive file and thus do not .relifl(! she united "ith the 010, "1'11 Ta k e You \Rome ,ARev. and ,Mrs. J. J. Schaeffer Mr. and Mrs. Orville Gray and Schelel' of New BrahinfeLs Texas. gain" \vas sung by To,m01Y H\l~- ,vere guests at dinner, on Easter port to th e U. S, Collectol' of In" , continuity, of pictorial inter,est. At Christian Church but fO I' several dau~hter spent Sund'ay with Mr, months, owing to hel' l'8pidly fa ilFollowing the Easter week event tel'. '. , Sundoay at the Little Inn of Mrs. ternal Revenu e th e foact that such the twenty-fifth rE!union 'n ot only Grn~' 8 parents at Wellman. . s t rengt'h, hns bee.n un able to at- Mr. and MI,s. Scheler wiil be at wel'e a ll the membeTS pres~nt but mg A d'u et was ' rendered by Paulin e! EdiUJ Harris arid Mr. Banis emllloyoees have rcncheu th e age of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Conner alld tend the stated oorvices of the their recent ly newly f urn\shed Riggs and Dorothy Moore accom- Mosher, wilh their famili es thcre Will! a 66 yeal'S and ceaso to be covered Mr. Hcmy Achter man , fo rmer under th e old-age insurance pIJII'n." total gatha-ring of sixty. Seth Fur- daughter, Mr7 and MI~. Lou Beck- church until the last Sunday before home ilt 91 1 W. Euclid Avenue, J..ll lli ~d by l\{isil Riggs on hl3t- guiwhere the tar. , shoe repau,. man of this town and MIl'. Minnich added . ,l1 es of Waynes'ville is pres!d cnt of ett and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur New- she passed aWaY' she attended both San Antonio, Texas Wilma Thomas played a. Saxo- now located '''' Wilmington, was a the clll.S8. The girls who gnnduat- ton of Lebanon spent Easter with' Sunday-school a~d chUl'ch sel'Vices. young ~ouple will make th ei r fuHe sa itL t he fact that no such ~hough wrenched with pain he ture. h~me ~md wl1el'e MI'. Scheler phone Solo; "Mighty Lak -A Rose." Waynesville visitol' Tuesdl3 Y. " d in 1908 ""ICI~e. Ellen Sh·eTWood Mr. ~~ oM~'s. Jamell Conner of New report " made deprives the social kept a. hold on life ,a nd du ty. is empl,oyed. _ And la~t but not least, 'Mr. Perry 'onnel', Susan Wfig<ht Scanlo)'l, Burlington. security field -o ffice of an opporMI'S . l:IJdy 1& maki ng an ex_'_my Hay Day, Mary Gray Ear,nMI'. Joseph McMillan is quite A few days ~o a change came Thomas 8'.!lve his Bal'ny<ard Scene tunity to contact workers who : an, Sybil Hawke LeMay, Bertha ill at his country home. She grew worse rapidly until t he and sot the ,vIllole group to laugh- tended visit with her daughter, reached this al:\e and; are entitle~ M~. J ack Preston and fumily. ':,mith I:Iess, and Flora Berryhill; to lump-sum be nefit payments. Sunday guests of MT. .and Mrs. feeble body could ilO longoer with~er. Several ladi es from here are at- Any perSOll who h/4 become 66 ' at all residing in Waynesville. Mae CIM'ence EdwiardS included Mr. stand the ravage of disea,,:e, and ' Refreshm ents of slI,'ndwiches, tending the cooking school in Leb- tel' having been ~ mployed in an oc:Stral\Y'J\ Stack lives at Wyandotte., Allen Kibler and M1'. and Mrs. the weary soul - wa s' freed ,from coffee and: cookies werei served Mich. Raymond Williamson is con- John Segal and daughter of Cin- earthly fetters. L [ and the meeting a-djourned. an~;. and Mrs. J. B. Gons enter- cupation covered by the social seiIlected with the Coco Cola Bottel- cinnati. She had ' fought long and hard curity act should apply at once for L " tained at dinner, Easter, lMlr. and a lum'P-sum b enefit palYlnent, MIf'• 3ng <;:ompany Elyria, O. Fred . Miss Mary Orane and .MUss Bon- and has now conquer~dl for h~T suf_ The I;'rofessional Business WoMrs. Al Schoeler of Hamilton, Mr. -..iIawke is the one member that, has nie Kellogg of Oincinnatl' were feTing is over. She was )'eady to men's Club {If Waynesville met ~ '1 M Minnich <'uid. His office serves all Fred Hendorson andl J.<B ml y, 1'. wand'ered fllrthest away, he being week end ,guests of the fo~mTCr's enter the biplane of doeath to m'eet last Tue day evening for their reand Ml'fj. J. I. Gons and Mr.!. D. of Butler, Wan-en, Clinton del at Tamp~ tIa. J~hn Str~wn lICFayette counties. mollber, M'l'B. Maude Crane. her Mn.ker. gular monthly meeti ng at the LitL C sides at Millord Center. ' 0., and . ' hard fight for lif~, tIe Inn. MtiCl ' enjoying tJ.' delicious , " ,. '!'h~n~ary Cook has r eturned , Mr. and . Mrs. Sam Henkle enShe made a RaY'll1ond! E. Davis at' Dayton, bt but w hen the end Came it was vel' y dInner served at '6 :30 MISS' Eva tert.ained the following at dinner to h1V' hom ~ in Dayton niter spend being connected with tbe , Grey- on Sunday: Miss Elizoabetn Henkle peaceful. God's f inger touch e~ her Reeder pre!'id ed at the business Eoat.el· at the Waynesville M. ing II 'tH'ol days with ~er daughter hound Lines. Seth Furnes is the and l'o{' s Martha Price of Eaton' and s~ slept. Hel' many frIend s meeting, It was decided that th.e y E. Chut'ch bega n with a dawn aerv., Mrs. EUl\an Orane. - only boy of the clnss' that ,resides Mr. and Mrs. George Henkle of, and latives will greatly miss would have a dinner and, theater ice, at 6 :00 a. m. Three horns in l Mrs. MaI'Y Osborn of Lebanon in WayniHIville. Lebanon; andl Mlr. and Mrs. Clin- "Aunt Lizzie" in this communit:.Y. party .a,t their :Mlay meeting. Dur- .the hands of Ruth an_d Vivian .Con us spending I5cvel'al d'ays with her ton Corwin of Xenia:. Oh! why !lhould memory, veil- ing the Social hour Sup. L. E. n~r and' Frank LeMay, Jr., greeted :8i tCl', Mrs, lM!al:gal.' et Whetzel. Five r esidents of WayneSville 01' ed With g loom ' Garst .."',a ve a 'splendid talk dealing· th e mO~'nlng, . T"""'- '' a wors h'. lp serv . .. _1. ' WAYNESVILLE M• E . CHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Berry and ,Miss Ayleen M4Unous and friend bh e 'Imme d'Illte VIC Inity 'have '........... eD Sunda,., April -24, 1938 family spent the. ~ek <cnd with And like a sorrowing mourner with the futul'e of. our lfOutb. ice was heh! inside the church. A ",ll!iss Anne Dasho ttl Detroit spe nt up a fOI:ccd abode in the Warren 11'30 creped.' Prof. Aired' Watkins entertained so I0, "Ivorl>' P I " wns ren d cr- ' EaJ;t<Cr with Mr. and 1\(r8. Mainous ,Coun' t Y J'I t T .... I' tb • . - Sund'a y Sehool . relatives in Brown County. a aecs 011 1 a Ul:Uanon I urlOg 10 :40-U'orning Wo~ohip. Rev. Sit w'eleping o'el' a,n empty tomb \yith some plea ing selections on d b "'I E h rt Th to t f I It ' t' "'hi .. Several of our ·high school teache y LlUI' arn a . .e pas I' 'alia iamily. pas ew (ay~, n oXlca lon, w Ch t he violin. Adon.. , R FI'elda ..,Af FI'rst'" E ' O"urch oJ.. 'Il e1'S visited with home folks over w.hose captive has o~caped? ~ .. the l'nV'l ted gav"~ a med'+ftti' l .... on On the sub'lec t S unday g uen of Mr. 1l1lQ Ml's. resu It ed ni d a ',s t ur bance 0 f th e Xenia will preacb, on. the subject' Easter~ Miss ' Esther Sniith.. The joys 'We lose ar~ but forecast, g~eBts 'W'el·,e Mrs. Mred Watkin, ",Beyontt Tradgedy," in which. he William Bernard included Dr ,nnd peace, broug ht mo t of the offend"Jesus the Disturber;" with' her family at Massilion, MiFs Ana we ....s all find them ~all once Mrs. L~wrence Garst, MI·s. Mary sai d that to many life Was t ragedy Mrs. Ellis J. 'Smith of Cinci~t1tlti ers into court accorciing to reporta 6'16 more, 'Chapman ulfld Miss Mildred ' Cook: b ut to rea I ChrlstlOllS . , • ,In thceases. . - Epworth League • Mitchell, at Lima, and Miss Geh' t 'h at was not and Miss IMlal'ie Ben'yhill of BeUI{)r the p.!lst, "'h · S ervlce. . We look behind us 7.,:80- E ve nmg ring at 'J1oledo'. the end, it was only all eVEnt and brook. ~ .0 e Wh0 arc <I' etatned in the M ada But lo! tis all before. h II A f I ... "1 o ,.Mrs. Ira Brown taught Miss t at death did not$ a . eMr. and Mrs. Glell1l Borden en- CO UJl y,Y Jal are 7 :SO-Official Board Meeting. Smith's classes on Monday, She leaves a brother, thriec lowship Eastel' Breakfast was then tertainedl the latter's parents, MI'. son, Enr~~t MilicI', John Hopkin., Tue.da,.Mrs. Cassie Hardy had ns bel' gl'a'll<i-children--E than wis - 'fenjo y<ed by n e al:l~ one hundred per ,and MI·s. Jo eph Munger of Leban- an<LLo.uis BJcl~·ns . ...ThealL pal!lled 9 :SO-District Conference at Sunday guests :Mlr. , and Mrs. Ed. the U. S. N., Richard and Miriam sons. ,On on Sunday. through Mayor Day'!' Court and . . , The Sunday School wus held a IMlr. and Mrs. HB1'OM Chesaldine are now $el'Ving ' sentenc:e. , Centerville. Longacl'e and Mrs. Agnes Swamp Lewis of San F):ancisco, CalifornThuradaJand children, all of Lytle. ' ia, and. theil' mother, Mrs. Eva. Lew us.ual with 180 pl\eSent, 20 better 'or Miami, Flol'ida, 81'rivcd, last The fifth, Ea,..! Moran, Wills ta~ 7 :OO-Boy Seouts. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Robin on of is, also of that citv, be,!ides many LEBANON - The new Warrt! n than Ia..<¢ year. Tile MOI'ning Wor- Thursda,y fo r an cx:teJl$lecl visit by Lhe County Sheriff on a for7:00 Orchestra Practice. Dayton were Sunday guests of the. othl!r ' relatives and friends to County Grand Jur~ will convene ship sel'vice was held' at 10:30. with Mr. and Mrs. Mar'iUfl Whit- ge-ry charge. It is reported! tbat 'J :So.-:.Midweek Service: latter's parents M.\:. and Mrs. Em- moul'n her loss. hel'e M~y 2 to investig'a te 20 com- Just over three hundl'~d attende d. aker. \ Moran forged a check amountinc 1I:00-Choir Pr{lCtice. erson Earrihart. ' Ethan lJG~is wishes to eX]lress in111 cases. The jury was d'l18.wn Sat Thirteen were baptized and tW'oenty ', Mr. Liodl ey Mills ' of Midla nd, to $24.20 on Eli Furnas, at ~b. Frl_r-Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Larrick and his '"incere g ratitude to th~e who Uf<WY by t.he jury com.mission. five were tAlken into membership Michigan wUs an ov.ommght guest Sjlme U'me, (raged the endorsement. The nan,lOS 'Of those drawn fl'om of the church. Mrs. Mert Baird of [\11'. a~dl Mrs. Geol'!!c lMills, IMt l on .~)'n est Sheets. The check is wd 12 :30-Lebanon, District W. F. Mrs. Frank Huffman i8.ttended the were so kind' and thoughtful to his M. s. group Luncheon. 'Two ,for funeral of Mrs. Huffman's broth- g'l'andmothaa- during h1!r long ill- whom the twelve JUI'ors wm be se- sang a solo u'nd the Choir rendel'- Thursday. ' to haY ti aeen passed on the Stande.eventy cents. •Make rellervations er, Mr. L. H. Clutter, at iMlilford, Especially to Dr. W. E. Ogl es lected are : ed an Easter number "All Hail Vic Friends of IMh' Russel Treadway' ard Oil Sta'tiw) at Silvu and Br~!l with Mrs. R, D. Collett, Friday.aftcrnoon. bee fOl' his untiring cffOTts to alJ esse _ :Prendergnst, Ol'egonia; torious King." ,w ere s urpl'isoed' t~ hen l.' of his roJl,r- way, in Lebanon. . Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Frye and leviate the pain-I'acked body and Tbomas Bodley, Pleasant Plain;' In the evning b id>es the usual riage to Miss Virginia LoCI'or , ot' GRADE HONOR ROLL BIRTHDAY PARTY • ~o() n of Dayton -and Mr. and' Mrs: to Mrs. Gr~ce JaffileS, her nices, Lawrence Branham, Franklin; Au- young peoples service the Choir Dayton which oCCUlTed' in FalA mouth , Kentu cky, M:n rch .s1 ~ witt. lflM..p.t Gl\llde- Eileen Brown, Bet Mrs. Oil'a.rle.s Berry has invited Burnett Butterwortli of Lebanon who tried in every way to gusto Peck, Lebanon; Clifford Hi!- l.'€ ndered an Easter Cantata. the tonoWilli' chillil10n ,t~ bel' home were Sunday everling-guests of Mr. her lifo happier. He also thanks J. debrant, F'oster; John Voik1l'I'ding, numbel' of interesting solos duets, Mr. and Mrs. Will 'Laccy f)f Day- ty CuI'Itt~'I! ll, Fl'llnce Wh!taklll'•. E. McClure 1'01' 'hjs oe-fficient Lebanon,; KeUer Hoak, Waynes- til'ios an.d quartettes were included. ton as witne!lS. Hcrsh e'l t1.W;t, pelmar ~erry, DoDtoday ('J1hursday) from 2 to 4: in and Mrs. Gi,lbert Frye. MI'. OIJ.nd Mrs. Riohard Ch esaldin(; aId Lukens. Ir I honor o'f bel' little da tighter' De- • 1r!r; and Mrs. Frank Hu~fman Vices, ~1,1cy E~ley for the bcauti- ville; Minni e Seiker, Springboro; ' One of t he special features was the " ,RalplrDlrrTDgh, Franklin; John sple did chorus work. of Cincinnllti W(lI'C weeke nd guests Se.cion~de Phyllis BaiJe~~ )io'reA' s~th birthday: , enurtamed the fo owmg a a a Cummins, Wa,ynesville; W. ' C. Easter se rvices a t the. b eautiful- of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Whitaker, Donald Gerrard', E~ 1!l 'lLy& .BDlJ' MarthA and LQia Lukens, Hal'lan ily dinner on Easter: Mr. and Mrs. the floml off~rings. Lewis, Lebanon; Clyde Levicy, Hal~ Iy redocrwted St. Augustine chu'rcb Mrs. Verne Simpson invitcd sev- tnn siJelTY, Yvonne Stuq,~t Be~ :and Ruth Jijarnba,rt, Ruth. Ward- George Quick, iMllss Eileen Larri~k, vey. burg; Ethel Sackett, Way~es- welle ,opend wi t h high mass at !J a. eml of the neighbor chiJ~ren ,to hI\' Thomas, Danny Hartsock, ,low, H~rold , Miller . Jr., Jimmie and Mr. Th<YII'Jas Fox, all of Miamis vill e ; WilllU\: Reever Mason and m. Rev. Dr. Robert Kruaho1tz was hom e Saturday afternoon fin' 1'( - Baird , Mal'joTie Swan~. ' \Crane, Billie Stubbs; Wa.rren Shee- burg, and Mr. and Mrs. Phillip . Anthony Sweeney~ F~anklin.' in chal'ge of the. sel·viees. fl'eshments a.nd! games, the occa Third Grad-e-Jane Pfeiffer, han, Loren Hough, ' Wilbelmina Larrick and daughter, Lois Jean. Mrs. Effie Horton and son and Boys from the St. Joseph Orsion being her son Danny's birth· I ' o~i Earnhart , Ml1rjorillo ,C onn... Braddock a~d Da~ny , Simpson. " FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST {J1hanage Yl ere in th.e. choir and day anniverljary. :1\11l1d .. oo Bour ne, Est'her Games have been ptannedl to da.ughter .of Dayton spent Sunday ' W. C. Smith., MiDi. tell' sang the Easter Mass. Several MI'. and iMIrs. Russel Treadway Barbam Crane, Anne Weltz, ,make an enjo-yable afternoon , for With Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baker Jr, The . Waynesville F'armer's Lold's Day: \ children from hElre a.nd Spring wel'e Sunday guests of Mr, .a.m, othy Conard, Blanche Dickensbeet:l, ,;the ' IItt~e folks. " Several from Waynesville at- Grange had an interesting meeting Bibl'e School, '!J:30 a. m. Valley received thcir first com- Mrs. George Hend erson anti fnmi 'Y. Robel-t Gray, George 'He.ndfto" , tended the Card Bellefit Party at last Saturday night. A splendid Sermon, 11 :00 a. m. . munion Sunda,y morning. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Busick son, Ralph Fox and Richard She.. DINNE,R, GU~ST~ . ~e,yltburg" sponsored ~br t~e He· program 'had been prepared by the Sel'mon Subject, "The Chrjst of The Church of Christ observed and children of Morristo'w-n, Ken, han. ' ~ ~OldAEirI'n~oart ebntlCl'1 veys~u<rg Alumni A.esoclatlon on , lecturer, Mrs. Lucille Of the Church." the Easte'!: Qeason with a special tucky wel'C week end guests of M... Fourth Grl1de-Gladys led-_ 1_ ...e8 Ice amp e, va ' Tuellday night. · " , ' .pe ial . t t ~. ",.: / program in whi«:.h the Cross was Link King. Fifth Glade-Ruth Ann ' D_ ... _ ;;.. ...... Glad Rat"" ". ' . " ',. C 10 erell w_ ""e presentA- Tuesday, 8 :00 P. M.: S I ' I J ' B ,.-.1-: '!'!"'" ys ~e 8,lX 0' . Mr. ang Mt'~. ~i1bert, Fry'e and tiol'\ of foll~ da.n~e& ' by 'the- C:mturPreaching and Baptismal Ser- the- central theme. evera specla Mr. and Mrs. A, H. Stubbs a.nd Mice umett, WilHam. W(]'ol...._ (clock • • fdflDd,a y evenl,ng for ,son and M • Reba BraddOCK ,~re ial' Club .of Leb' M Ca 1 vice. 1l1usica1 numbers weregivenamong child'ren haQ Sunday dinn er with Sixth Grade-Robert it~1t' guests of Mrs. C,ora ", .. Ire read ....It....napearnoonn·sp nng ' ~s. Fl ow r , pleas.uJ'.e - bI>t her daUghter i . Na: SuncJay .linner '.! '-1 .. ~ Our attendance last -was which was a vocal solo bl' Mrs. Ro- MI'. Stubbs' mother, Mrs. E. E. MarjOI'ie Rooortson. cum' wbQSe t~~ ann VersarY Rich. ,.. ' . f " . • '. . • gel' BroWn, another by MillS \Marie Hartrum of Germantown. In th E Seventh. Grade-Lansing ".. tbat 41lY 1.1~t1e Mias GlJldys :UI"';' Robert Bak.. r J'r ' d Mn ' er" an~ ~Iantlng. The ,mouslcal part 233 with an offering of $44.03. Pine. The pulpit was banked with aftel'noon they visit~d ,M~'s. Stubbs' in, Helen Hisey, Marcelene • • '. ) ~... oo • . '" , . ,an. . of the program was furnished by One ,addition to the church. Don't .stay.~ over nli'bt Wlth NaomI. • Robert , ~er • Sr., were dlDn~r a. mixed quartet comp~sed of MTs. fOl'ge.t you , should go to church flowers which added materially to mot her, Mrs. W. A. Gerhart o f Eighth . G~d e-Betty , guests Qn Wlidne.s!lay of this. 'week y , B ', ' .I..... H 'I 'D'_ k the effectiveness of .he service. Dayton. Gene Collett, Jeanne Baker, , BIRTHDAY PADT' ~ Of,."" Ch 1 A'II ' ' "" .L'I'e1le aiI'll,' .... lSS e en, , CWoW e, other Sundays as well a5 Enstel'. , E ' I ' J h M' ""- • . , ...,~ 4. ~ es I!!IA , , Me/l8l's. Bob Collett and Ru.ssel At the St. Mary s plSCOpa Miss DOl'othlY' Moxham Colcman ces 0 ns, arIon Smith •. · S ' LtMn . • A. H. tubbs entertamed a, Mrs. ~usse' Frank ,and YO-ung 'IO'I.C--k' d I ~'I t ' b WAY.'E',SVJLLE ,CHUR ' CH OF church the choir sang appropriate of ColJ.!mbus spent th e Ia.tter pari F'relO hmen- Opal Roberts, 'd S tu ' d ' ' aft " '. " , rDlUl an an nsu'"mento rlO y '" , ' Ell' R ;PB'l'tf D1 t'lhil ren" , a r ~r , er- ,1I9~, \\!~Q baH been chrls:ened Rich- tbe ' John's ' sisters ", CHRIST numbers fitting in with the season of the week with MI'. and MI·S. Wil- 'IS, obert Osbo,r n. ' ;1lDOD bOl\oring, her daUir.~terj ,ard Edward>;; have returned- froin . · and message wlrich was b'rought by liam Coleman. Sophomores--Chnl'lotteY.vDue'. eighth , birthd~y. t the hOspital 'and:~re iJ1ow 1i.t' t~ir ' . .' sunrJ.;· ' C. S~i~"" MiDi.te~,' " Rev. John Shaeff~r of, DllCfton. , Mr. ' an.d' M'ri!. WiJliam Stroud man, ·Carol Ludington.


Local Happenings











JU. .











tA,E '

~n .=~;;:~~~. Yvonne hO~:~. ~Ieme)it Satterth~lte"a~(J·:' GRAY.,. fAMILY HOLDS .' ~~~~s SS~:;~~9~30~4~' ;:·m'. ~:~sd~:::~ts~u~~.~y;n~i~I':~eE~o;. ~i:~~~~~~~~~:n!~!~: , .hml~. ~e dauk!!~ Ann s~nt Bundal ~Uh [I~E8' R' , Christilln, Endeavor 7:00 p. m. Entertains Stroud. Senior-Dena DaVis, Anna:' t:~:';n-: ' ,incl~ed,..', ~e~ foJlo)Y.S~ lipP:" ,'j ~tia::~ , an,d ~ M~. FlUk .. [k . 'AJ;lON SUNDAY Pi'eachii ng 7:4~ p.. m. ' Miss ' Orpha Garst was'fafc~armd - an~r~h~~~e:rs~e~i1li::ndaLyU~~~ ~:,e~~::~ds~~::m~;:~~,:.l;er, L h ' r,. Wednelld!IY: ' ing 'hostess to a gcoull ' nen s, . 1'ec:elged JM.n7

Kl'te. ,

L . o

.:Patsy B.t~, ~le

in~, P ,JUb

SU',1da~ '~e~, Qt , Mr,' and Mrs.': Tb" Q~y tamilie~ i~ ,the, Beech \' Preaching 7 :46 p. m.

liaUe.>\ Betty, ~OIlWl, N&91ii1 Earn, Al~1l Earrib'iart'\y,ere-, ~r. and jMre. Grove neighborhQod ' sl.\rprised Mr.

ihut, Glen,na l\ ~de Norma Gruber, ," lGlaif» .Rn, Gl~~n Smitbt ~r, :W~ ,Bob M~mbe~ Mllto~ .iJ __, ,!Hc1Ug'll' Shlwban, E~~ Lq.: ""-u__ AJ11UD1.D a--.. 1'O._,u_ UMU'III _ , ~ D1e~ Graham; Ylctor ,.homp . . . aa.rlalCODatld, Dc."'&'O~d Con.~ Ecty! Burel, and ~~,


~Iii. BaiIU. . . . JeeII . • '1>_1._ _ of etL..;..L.. _ _


~ ---.- wftIa her

Ralpb -Blood of Dayton ".l1d \MIt. J T • . Gra~ wjth a. baske~DrrthMY a~iI Mrs. 'Emf Meeture 'and! ~apgh- dinner Sunday. , ~h:e invited ~bi!sls ~ of Slltin~boro., were tMk'••oand Mra. Charles, VOiers, ~. and Mrs. :\YJthim Ha~eysburg, c;Jlara ,Garjulo, ' Mi. .j

ed to SUD.... •• dlnner W"t"I"IJ' .. ham's ,cousin Mn. G. ~Rpd.11 :!ugbter, ~ B~~en. of ~, Y1 p-,. 'EPISCOPAL Sun~ afar ~,!!,~C~l 24 , . P; IChocil at 9;10; W'Ith rabllo at



' ............. , an"" _l'JI. U10n'las 'RIch MT and ·Mrs. ' Elbe,r l 'Rich and fa~IIY . t Mr. ancn.l~. Ol"~iI1e Gtiay-and B~~bara of W'll'fDesvllle, M,'t. &nil , Mrs. Joe Ha~, Hr. ano Mrs. Glenn Gra.y ~~ aona, ~n, Mrs. ~ Leeth. Mr. C~ee Wilmington, ... ' Mr. J.




last l''Tida.y/ when .she enter~ined ,. Our at't~ndanC'e I~t Sunday eve at a'",E1Ist6i" ' ~uncheon at he.l' l}orne nlng w,ns '186 'With. one add,iuon to Small bowla of spring flowt!1'S IIlcltil C!iu1:clh, ~n~d baptized four can'. oined the ,b eautifully u'ppointed tadidate, who made the ,gOOP cpnfes,- bles. After luncheon" tite-aftemoon sion, Sunday a week. , was spent ,in' plllying car~, with \ ' . Ing ' '" ''l' " Mrs. Oharles M" iI'lm b,erg 'recelv " .F AMILY DINNER ti~st priZIt and Mrs. Ira Brown, the Mr. and lITA. tIoyd, DaviS' enter- conBola'ti~n. · ' --:: "', tained at a family dinner Ea~ter The guests were Mesdames Ira Sunday, Thol!e to enjoy' the pIau- Brown, RuuelJ Holklay, qlarence ~Jl( were Mr. and Mrs. ~"'- l4a1mbery, Morris .Fulkeraon 'Ralph arC1 ahcl children of New lIastlngs, Gilbert Frye, Wde 'rurand MIr. and 'Mrs. JO. 1le:t',' Carmen Crane, Harold Miller, slah ' ~red ~,t, aft Albert Stubbs.

MI·s. Luken' pa'l'Cl)ta ' Mr. and ' Ml'$. H. J Green' of 'Martinsville. ', M~. .and MloS. Horace Shaner had ore'd guest 1lt a. delightful as ~i~itel' ~ests,_ o,n E~ster Mr, an(j .[ pa\'ty 'on S~lldoy , iit ' the M~s. Benl ·of Xenia iIIJ1d Mr·~ Su- he, son and wi£e MT. 'a nd sie Evans. ', ' ' n~th Hqul!'h. This to ul&" DA~1'5 'Yraw'-~, -I'. De"n the e,ightieth !YO .... . ,' B. ,,-,, ''~ Ha.wko~ and Mi$ Carmel) Garz£\ Hou~h, which ' OCCU1'8 le1t~~jday' mornin, f,?t Sah An.", T'hose who ewoyed tonla, Texas, where" they will visit day were Mr. .and ~ ,llelatives of Miss Gana. They ex· rick and Mrs. PC:r~oa:: ::~~ ~:;;e~ were ~r~:~~;.:., , , Sunda.y dinner guests 01 !Mr, al1d and the bOA. Mrl'6 Morris Funlkeraon. cblldnL ' M

.----J'bpnu 112

Main St1-eet Wa Y\l c!w il' e' Ohio --~~~~--~--~~

Tn Nlnet i lh Yl'ar




An tn depend ent • eWlIpnp(!I' Dec\icnt cd ~ o the erv ice of Wayn esville And vicinity - Givi ng it patl'ons I he be t newspapel' humanly pos.ible. I

1 1'5,

md Imnily in

T he phras(', "he star ted from the b Oil om," applies to eve ry one of the 18 presidents of the cOllipanies in the Bell telephone sys lcm and eaeh , start ed his telephone caree r wilh an initial salary below ~I .O OO a year. Tbeir starling salaries ranged frolll $144 to 988 yearly and tha t ,of Wal ter S. Gifford, presid ent of the Am erican T elephone and T elegraph CO,mpan)'. was $10 a week. Mr. Gifford started in thc \V estern Electric Company's payroll department as a clerk. , Randolph Eide, president of The Ohio Bell Telephone Compa ny, started in the New York Telepho ne Cpmpany's IralJie departmeut. A form er O hio Bell pr~ si denr, Charles P. Cooper, who was born in Caldwell. 0,. al so began wilh the New York company, a a juuio r engineer. He is now an ,Am erican T elephone and Telegraph Company vice-p(csident.. J ames F, Ca rroll, w ho went from a vice-presidency of the Ohio Bell to preside nt of Ihe Ind iana Bell Telephone Company. slarted as a traffic student in Syracuse, First Jobs ' of the presiden IS varied greatly, incl~di ng the classifications of night opera tor. clerk, rcpai rman, cable splicer's helper, wireman, stenographer, coIlec lor, c.a nvassing agent, salesman, inspector, traffic .tudent, and draftsman_ Most of the jobs paid about $10 or $12 a week and one president \ vas glad to get an initial salary Cif ,$12 a month. The oldest Bell presi'dent in timc of service started in the lbusiness in 1894 and the youngest in ,'191l.

LYTLE Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Brock of Indianapolis, aft er ' attending ' the funeral of the forme r' uncle, Prof J ohn Fen ter maker in Da.yton Thu'rsday called on Mrs. Alice Brock and Mrs. Mary Marshall here ,in Lytle. Dr, and Ml's. J. W, War<l' of ,Hal" veysbul'g were calling on friends _ ttere F r iday on the 54th anniversary of the 'Doctors coming to Lytic to praetice m edicine. His office was located in the Baird hou e where Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bur;nett and fa mily now live. Miss Laura Rosnagle of Gen eral Hospital, Cincinnati, after attending the Nurse Conven t ion in tlayt on, last week spent the week end with IM~'. and Mrs, Ha rvey BUTnet , M . Allen Emrick, 1\1r.'l'. Marl.'1I ret J ohn , and Mr,'lI\.l1 d Mrs. W~I­ t et: Kendck spent Thrirsd'l1Y in


Always A Good Show Clean Up At Theae Price. Men', 3 pc, Suits Cl eaned an d P ressed

50c Men's Hat s It'aned an d Blocked

50c it R Pl all1 Dresses


Quicl( Cleaners Kuth l'y n Mend enhull , Mgr

Lemmons Hatchery Ha ..... ey.burg. Ohlo Phon... 17-R.l1 for

. BABY CHICKS CUSTOM. HATCHING From Bloo d-tMt d flocks I'de r n ow Iol' Inter d elive~ies and profit by Iibel'al discounts

We Can Furnish Chicks ' For: lnu;nediate Order.


Skeletons Startle Telephone Linemet1

-T we1-'ve Per,- A n d .Da yton, II'. nnd Rulp h J ohn s unci ' G I dau ghtcls dinner GI a d to et t day of Mr, a ncl Mrs, Roy M -Kirubyn· f:'u ~s l!;

WC1' C

Ervin Thonlases the 'Perl'y Faul's and the Lawrence Thoma cs. ' , Mr. and Mrs. P l'l'y Faul entcl'Th Guild of St. Mu'ty', EpillCotuined l to a fal)1 illy dinner on Enst- ]101 hurch ill s ponllOl'ing 11 rrlu~ic­ , , er ' Sunday. Those present wlCI'e ale to be gIven at the Littl" Inri, - -, Mr. Blid Mrs. Lawrenc e Thomas W dncsdllY evcning April 27, at Shout:ing Dhl:orh Voic. Ilnd dallghte r, Wilma; Mr. and 8 :00 ' 0 clock., Allmi Sl\ ion 250 lind Wh.n Phoning 1:0 Dill:ant Ml'S P l'ry J. Thomas and Mrs. 10c, Nancy Pope. Countri •• 1\11'. and Mrs. Walter Thomas When talki ng (or the first time calle'd on Mr. nnd 1\11 • Lawl'ence on an over-seas telephonc call. many Tho l1::l!1.,~ Monda y evening. NOTARY PUB IC persons cem in slinctively to ra....,is"",e-+-_ their voiccs and shout as loudly as ,possible, Bul that's not the way, accordln8 t~ Mrs. LaRuth Ehrhard, chief long distance operator in Dayton for The REAL ESTATE Archeology is not in the lruillill !i Ohio Bell Telcl)hone Company. course of lelephone linemen :I n "Th ey used to do that In tJle when a group of them uuca rth cI, early ,days of long distance Icl ephthree skelelons frol1l shallow gra v(" while working on K c lley' ~ h l;1I1l1 ;11 Lake E ric. norlh of Sa ndu ~ ky, ' their first th oll ghts pictured a 11 111r d ~r myslery, It developeu the skeletons \\ ell those o( Indians, two adults ami :I child buried abollt 300 year ~ ur,o _ Lebanon, Ohio All ~vere \~,ll presLtrved, O ne i· Preaentili, the Beat and Lat •• t beli~ved to be that of a C 11l1\lrll':I ' tive giant, as the sku!I , all" ~ O\\,I" In jaw bOlle were of pro(h glolls SII.C, MOTION PICTURE EN'TERT AINMENT MI', and MI'\!. Glenn Blan d of Springboro nnd MT. L. C. St. John '!\pent , Easter with Mr, I\nd ' Mrs. John Se ttlemYl'e of Orel/:on-

Press Freedom Keynote I ON,DYER.SEAS CAll at 'New York FaiJr

in Advance

Su bsCl'ipt ion


J. B. Chapman


Du ~, ton,

.I I', ,\rill Bergd nll ' and duu ~ h ­ t I' :\Ilrs, Robi nso n ~ P C l1 t Thul',' duy in Dayto n. l\Ir. ~In d Mrs, Ha r\,cy Burnet on ll .1 1', and M r s, Haro ld Whitak er all ended t he Way nc T own shi p Farm l'r's Club oa t th e ho me of Mr, nn d M I'S , Qu incy Gons, nea r Waync>,v ill!', Th ur sduy, M rs arnh E nf Lo n an d da ug hte l'5 , juli a a nd l\hll'Y Qf Mi amisburg nnd Dr. a ll d !\oI l'S. J , W, Wa rd o r Ha rv eysburg wer e a ftH noon iI\t. Clillcl's at the home of ii'S, Alice T r ick y llnd l\fu s, Alice Mi ll er, Mrs. Pa ul \Vill ioms o f Leba no n hplpcd nt the Elevato r office here T u selay. 1\1r', and 1\II'S , Ke, lel' Graha m a nd daug htel' Miss B erni ce were Sunda y -evening dinn er g uests of ony. whon the further away people ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN conversed, the louder they thought Mr. Il nd Mrs, C. W, Albrig ht a t, four Cattle, hogs, sheep and ealv.. 'it necessary to talk." said Mrs. Ehrto Norris-Brock C"., live ,wi", au. Pekin . hard. pr()grelillive firm !'1r the hlgbeat The Sunday School lwd a nic e market prices and good Bervic.. "However. over-seas callers soon Eastcr e nte r ta inment with the regfind out that a clear voice. instead of FOR SALE - Frig id ire. in gO,od Union Stc>ek Yarda' Cinci~Datl, O. ular services u noo y morning. Ttlne In on Radl e Station WCKY a loud voice, is required. As Ii matcondition. Mrs. Maude Cran~. 12:28 to 12 :80 p , .m. for our dan, 1\11', and Mrs. Allen Emrick and ter of fact. talking loudly not, only Ynllrkl't reports . , MI'S. Mal'ga ret J ohns attended , a is unnecessary, but results in D)ore FOR SALE-Building lot with birthday di nner S unday at the harm than good, Loudness distorts basem ent foundation and cistern the voice when electrically transhom e of MI'. an d .MD; .. Kenneth Good garde n, Priced to sell. A]so mitted." ' Hough a nd child r en near Wayn esNEW YORK-~tatul!S which interpret.- two basic factors 10 When the voice leaves this coun- used lumber and Un roofing. See , 'fOTARY PUBLIC ville in hono1' of the 80th anniverAmerican liberty, freedom of press and worShip, will have a promW. C. St. John. try. it is amplified to the extent Natla.,.1 Buk inent part in the decorative scheme of the Central Mall of the &l'Y of Mr, H ough's moth er, Mrs, A necessary to make It heard at the 5125.000,000 New York World's Fair 1939. Above are models o( tWI) \lll'm. Dr... • • E.iat.. S.u.... Martha Hough. 30'(00t sculptures by Leo Friedlander. The figure on1 the left, rep- , origiDlil pitch at ita FO~ SALE-Used 4·hol'sC Double -",,, , , WAYN.,vILL~. OHIO 1\11'. a nd MI'". J B. Jones had rcsenting the unadorned truth, is Freedom of Pres!!' . The pure, de. Disc. Good condition. Will trade for thei1' FAIstill' dinner g uest. vout l:nidl'n on the' right Ilorh'ays Freedom of Religion. . . ~ . .. for pigs. Wm . . A. Br.own, 1 .mile MI'5. John Zimmel'lna n and Mrs. mother motored tr Tolesboro, Ky, South of Centerville L~_· ~ 4-21p Elsie Turner of Dayton, Mr. and on Sunday. Mrs. Wri~ht a.nd Mrs Sunday with thern parents Mr. Mrs. Thed e 'Jones :and son, Milton Riggs were called there by the WANTED :General Hauling. Milo and Mrs, Gearge IMhrlatt. and Mr. Lawr ence Rooney. death of th~ir }Jrothel. Hartsock. Prl~es Reasonable: The teachers of the littl e childMrs. Belle Scott is slowly imMr. andi Mrs. Joe Filer were Phone 46 R 21. Itp ren of the Sunday School Classes proving since h e.l' l'ecent illness MI'. and Mrs. H emy Burgis and Easter dinner guests of M'r. and gave a egg hunt f o1' tMm. All ena_n d able to sit up a ,litle each day. Mr. and lM!rs. E. B. Longacre family of Dayton spent Sund~y joyed the aftern oon very m)lch. tMlrs. James Hal·tsock and fa~i1.y. FO~ SALE: 1 hollS&, 10 years old. Mrs. Nancy Pope visited her One 12 inch breaking plow, sinwere Easter dinner guest of Mrs. ~th ~r brother MI'. and Mrs. AT- Ice cream and cake were served., Satul'day gle disc. Col'll cultivl\tor. Hugh Cassie Hardy 'i n Waynesville. t Ul' organ, Mr. ~nd Mr. Ervin Thomas Vance. R. R. 3, Waynesville, Mr. A. L Sides' condition reMr. iIInd !Ml's. Clare ~ce Cm.wEpent Sunday with Ml', and Mrs. , 14-21 pd. mains about'the sam-e. Miss Lillie ford had for Sun day dinner Mr. P"'one ~'J Kriss K1ienhemm. Mr. Klienhemm Be nham of W~ynesv1Jle visited Mr. 1and Mrs: Hiley Gibso n and daugh.will be opel'ated on for cancer on an d Mr.:, Sides Saturoo.y. tel' Pauhne. his lip. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick Mr. and Mrs. Ervin ~mi th and Mr. and Ml's .. E."l fe;dges Mr, and Mrs. Pen'y Faul and and JiII:mes Haines attended the daughter Judith Ann spent Suncalled on the. Har:ry Fordyees Sun son Ervin calledl on the E. J. LindEaster services at t~ B. chu'rch day with their parcnts Mr. and day afternoon. • moods Sunday evening. a t Belmont Sunday and were af- Mrs. Tim Smith and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse MjcR!lel There was an ntendance at the tel'Wlard dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Emma Gibson of Bellbrook ,h ave ju t returned from a trip in ~rl' y OhUl'ch of Christ Sunday Mrs . W. G Haines and family in pent Sunda y with Ml'. and Mrs. North Carolina !\1mere they were of 288. One addition was made. Dayton. " Everet t Bunnel! and son ' Vil1gil the guests of Dr. P.endall. , M'l's. Hayslip <>f Spring Valley. ' Mr, iII nd 'Mlrs. William Hardman oa nd harIes Alvll1. Miss Jewett Blair visited' 'Yith Mr. Frank Wright, Mir. Maurice and family and Mr. and Mrs, BallMr, and' MIt's. Frank Brat~on of tMIr. aneF Mrs. ¥a:rshall Filer Sun- Hunter and Rev. Smith called on PhODe 7 Wapel"We ard Snlith and little son of Day- Dayton called on Miss OIara ____ a day. M. H. Holton Monday afternon. ton spent Easter with their mother Daughters Sunday afte-I'noon, Frances Smith ,of West Virginia Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Smith eall•• - - - - • • --.-.0 and g randm a tiler Mrs. Alice Mr. En'in Smith att~ded the spent' ]a t week.and with her broth- e(l ,at Miami Valley Hospital to Trickey and fa f ish fry Tuesdnyevening' ,at Mr. er, ·Rev; Carl Smith and family. visit Mrs. Betty Ammon 'of Pee- ~._._ ~'~.M.~ ' .~ .~'----~--~------~-.-~_. .4.~.~. and Mrs. Hal'1'Y Smith of Corwin. .Rev. ' Bennett of the Owens bles, Friday evening. MI" and Mr '. Harold Kellis and Christian church was ' unable ' to Guy Miller, rural economics de'Mrs. Joe Filer was in Dayton partin-ent. Ohio State University. family. MI'. and Ml'~. FM.llk Kellis minister, to his congregation Sun: one day 11ISt week. says reports on planting inte'n tions and daughter Ruth spent Sunday being' confined' to his bed with Tne W. C. Smith family were in indicate that 'plantings' of potatoes with Mr. and, M1's. Hershal Bun- influ'Cnza. ' There, was an atten4- New Vienna Monday evening' , at , in 80 late-producing states will be nelI of Lebanon. ance \ of, 114 ' An interesting prb- the ,horne of F. Smith" II\:IIiss-Ruth Kellis pent the , 3 per cent less than' in 1987. A gram w8S renderea. ' Betty Joh'nston and Ada ' Mae norma] yield on the reduced! acre- end witb hel' folks Mr., and Mrs. , , , Mrs. Thomas Burton' is ill at he): Carter were dinner guests at the " age would pl'oduce a c.r op consider Frank Kellis. home here.. with ~he- measles. parsonage .sunday. Mr, and l\hs. Eth el Helpham of ably below av.arage in total bushLeave '~ame with ' Miami Gaaette for eatialate. Harry , F-ardyce is co'nfiJled Mrs: Nancy Pope was given a " ' .j .. Dayton, Mr. and ' Mrs. Jim Vale'n- to Mr 'by a senous illnesS. els. surpri&e supper on hel' 72nd bitthtine -of Troy, and -M r, andl Mrs. and Mrs' l'rank' Wright, day Friday ,e vening. T~08e presLinley Marlatt of Dayton spent Patronize the Advertisers _ .. , :x Mr. ~omo RiUs ;;nd' M~. Riggs' .ant were the' P. -J. ,Thomases, the









SAliISFACTiON . Or No Charge ,

, Centerville; Ohio

FERRY , ---Vim.


~ - ~ ~-~

__ • •

tt _ _

a ' Satisfact9~L Service at all times.'

I 'We ' offer



"eJ. E.







Levee 'Building, .. 'DitchlriC Excavating "


Mrs. Mr.

Calling Station N -E -W- S Screen Star Wanted to

Be Sculptress

'------' _ * * * * -------' YRNA LOY, beautiful Itarof tenel' the othor day, Perbaps " M screen and radio who will be an automatic conScience! • • • heard on "Good, ,News-n, Thun· day, April 21st. intended to be a sculptre.l. n an actress. was started toward,fUm heights when the late Rudolph V.ntin 0 dillCovered ber, and recently made ' first .ally


JAOK aRTHUR. who atdl' -/Imfl.tea for part-

Myr"i Loy lel/ , 8tahOl'd in the "Snook," .pot on "Oooll NelO'-" the otMr night, 11ad J1£8t returned from Rio de 'Janeiro 1vllere he perforined.four 6tie· tlinga ttt. a !Iight c'u~llIJ,liecau8e 01 the "ate ' 01 eitchange, fnsfstea upon being ll~ia In. American mone.,. 'The laat dall 01 hi. engagllment"thc manager took Mm to the local liank - 1vhich Jao~ ,aia lookea like a lJar-(lna paM hl1/1 of! fn. the A.7Ilcrlclln monell they had - one doll(lr lIllIa. Jao1r.'~, pall tea. 11.409 • , . The., of!erea to 1Ila1r,e CJ package 01 the vw"ell. bitt he teal a,lrafd ~e might ro.e U..Jlo ~ack d'uids4.JJl.e '1I0fH!1I tflto pflet.ana .Ulf!" It fn~' "fI, pocket" •• . Wft'! ,./,p.,looe ' W PIlt the Flu came III that nigh', he alio"t ...,'"g 'n Bfo, lit. clotlae. b.d,1jrag I

oa." t"I, m ,hi, .,/It


BESS JOHNSON rushed, her winte.r clothes into moth baJla laat week and then came to "Hilltop House" chic but ahiverjng in her new Spring finery. , Winter had reo turned suddenly-with .now and all Ii' . , the trimmings' • •brought • • J1, AL GOODMAN this stOry back' from the West Coast. Out In Hollywood. Goodman recently ,went ~. to have his teeth fixed. l'be dentist ' handed him a pair ' or, eal:·P[IOn'e!l',••\ and asked him to listen torecorded music while the , dental work was being done, 'in tlie -inid-' die of the llrst number, Goodman begall to express aome surprise and by the eud of the .Jleeond 'number; he looked up 'a nd said, ''Why, thal'i' Meredith Wtllson'll music!" It de., veloped , th",t the den,tls£ has a ISp~ clill "alr·eheck" recording device on which he records aU' of 'WlllaOn's'" "Good New&-" numbers. Then he playa these num· ' bers for his pa. tients In order theIr


Hamilton, 'Ohio, '


P. Watson, Mgr.,






Local 'Stude~nts



areactiveJy engaged In digging the foundation for the new high school gymnasium. Each day sces considerable progress as the

forms taKe shape_ In theIOreground are huge sections, made of lumber which are used as the forms for ·concrete foundations. Notice

. Wayn e Twp , pupils made good Showings in t he Scholal'ship E liminatiOn T est!l held at Lebano n High Sch ool list Saturday. Six pupils will r eprese nt Waynesvill e on t he District Sta te Sc holarsh ip Test to be held a t Ox fol'd May 7. Foll o\\; ng al'c the t ests tak en ·and placement of t he PU»i1s. Biology, 1st Leila Kove.rn,an second, Robel't Pre oton i (,both go to Oxford) Chem istl,y, 5th Ma rgie Gustin, Oth Wilto n Ha l't~ o c k ; Physics 3rd Roy Crockett ; A ~ b rll, second F ri eda Ellis (to. go to Oxf ord ) ; Plan e Geomet ry 4 th Caro l Ludingto n, 6t'h Ma L'y Eva I:.e'May i American History, 2nd Eli~~ ab e th Hobl et (to go to Oxf ord) ; ElnglL h 9, 5th Opal Rober ts ; English 10, seco nd, 't he scotion of t.he wall torn out of Carol Lu dington (to go to Oxth e old building w'h ere entra nce in- ford); 3rd Sarah Miller ; English to the n ew building will be made. 12, 5th Chm'l es Anderson i Latin II second Anna !lMlae Watkins, 3rd , Cha rlo tte Hartln/m . F ive years ago this group, was ti n in a great !,'l'ea t home comin g The annual 8th grade year test altoget hCl' _ a t t hat tim e t hey at Wayn esville chool. will be :held on Friday morning, I plann ed fo r a r e union in Ma y of Th ey Rn:~ f rom left to right ! April 29. Oyer f orty s tud~ nts will tms yeal', and un less somet hing Ra ymond Davi s, Set h E. F urtake the test at. Waynesville, goe s ~'1'ong th ey will b e together nas, Bel'tha Sm ith' Hes~, E llen The Waynesville Sch ool Band, ngai n next mon th when t he cl ass Sherwood Conncl' Raymond WiIwill play at the Wilm inJ;,-ton Ba nd m ets with t he Alumni A s~ocl a on Thul'sday evenin g. On Friday ev,ening the Juniors - '


Waynesville Has Much Activity In Building Trades New CentuT), Club Met




G8zette Recor dS

Such Progress

All T


:i~~:~~:r:::~'~:~ :~:~~~l:tn~th~~~ --L;~ii;pp-~-nfu-gs

Young Women's






liamson, Mary Gra y Earnhart, Charles Carey, Flo ra Berryhill, J ohn W. Strawn, C. E. Bratten, May Stl'awn Stack, F red D, Hawke

AM ~y sH ay Day, Sybl Hllwke Le ' ... y,


usan Wri ght , Sca nlon.

ass· omp R A ete eUDIOD '


The New Century Club met with Ime4 at the Strand --FrankHu\v::e Te-t ur'ned'-to -the Many interested persons gather- Mrs. Raym.ond 'Co~ner F\iday ~teProg ress ! Progress I Progress! VI< ed at "The L, ittle rnn' on Wednes- noon. Apnl 22 W1th twenty three Ever it ,mu sIY be pro ..ress. It's a University 0 Cincinna t i on Sun da y - - - - - - - : - - - - - - - b t .. COMMERCIAL tEST RESULTS day evening to hear the ,musical mem ers pre~en .. . . pal·t of the tradition of our vila,ter ' eight weeks of wOl'k a t t he As was anounced lo st week, the Aite The Commercial Elim inatjon Robbins and Myers of Sprin gfield, . presented by The Guild, St. Mary . l' a ,b ric f bu 5 1ne s sessl0 n th. e wge. Listen to t he voice from the class of 1908 of Wayn esville High meetmg was turned ove to the Te t was heldt at 'Ha rveysburg High ChurCh. The p~gra11) was as fol. ' r" past. A page from the files of The Mrs, Margar et Hllmmond (n ee chool, w ill hold' its fou r th reunion. ro '"'am committee Mlrs Clark SC;hool Wednesday morning, April P lows: ..., . Miami Gazette under date of June Zellars ) and ~ o n Willi am of MiamAt the reunion five . years ago, In Weltz, Ba.m ara and ,a nd 'M~. Har~i s, who ~resent- 4, 1873 carries this startling story 27. Tests in Typring II a nd Steno, . b S d ts f M ' 1933, it was decided to have anoth- ' So.........:...Ann d t graphy II were given, In Typing IS urg were . ~1l ay gues 0 r. . .... d t te t Crena e. amos m res Il1g an ms ruc- recorded here agajn for our read' and Mrs. William Bernard, or in 1938. Plans and arrangeti II Jere Utts of Carlisle took first, Instrumental Trio-!Mtmimia, ' ve program. ers today: me nts were started in October of ' H k Vocal solo, "In the Garden of . - - and a Kings Mills student took sec Mr. and Mrs. Ral ph Hastin gs Paym ents under t he old-age in, 93'7 b' h' b A< Be nton, an d- Anna Lo ' U1se oa. T ' M HIE "WayneSVille is lively ' more so ond. In Stenog' raphy Ida Bro'vn of and so n , Bob spent Sat urd, a y with . 1 to flng t IS a out, ~ a reEl' W I omorr~,' ra aro d arnhart, ~ , • surnnce ]lInn of the social sec uri ty . f h 1 , S I Vo cal 0 0 -. Sle e tz ,_.. b'y . Ruth"" than accompan..,.. "on e rusual ; " One store bUlldmg has Morrow took first and G.eraldin e Mr, and Mrs. Ca rl Stephenson of act, a mo unting to $63, 741.00 wc re cent f thOmee t Iing 0th t e loea members ta S?ng-DNaney ~CTan e ' ' h "How Do OUT Present Day Novel- gone up; another is going, two Dakin of Waynel!ville t~ok second. Mrs. Geo, Smi t h attended th e made to t he Ohio wor kers or their 0 IS C ass d ese arrangemen II C ar~. Co P lano ue~mary W liS, W' h O E I A dwelling-houses are on the way' I were complete. L.ll_ R tst mpare It ur a1' y m_ , . . , fun eral last 'Thursday of Mr s. W i - e t ates du ring March Rober t MinAt I 'el k"; 28 tho Ivw... y e " erican Novelist" Mrs. Edith Har- 'and on e church, With the 'Prospect LUNCHEON CUESTS-" Ham P eacock in Day.ton . .MJr, Peae even 0 oe lJlay , e In My Gallden -Quartette of anot her. What poor mummy utnlch., !Mlanager of the Hamilt on, members of. this class and their Aecor~ian Solo-Miriam Jean ris; Vocal solo, "Shadow Time," tered the surrilous remark that Mrs, James Robinson (Marjorie cock is II cousin of Mrs. Smi t h and Ohio, Office of the Social S'ec ur- wives or husbands together with Fife Ml'S. Earn'bart; "The April Parade Waynesville was dead?" Earnhart) was a g uest at a lunch_ a forme~ r esident of Waynesvill e. ity Board sllid toda y. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Bratten andMusical Reading-Jimmy Weltz in Nature's Gal'den,~' Mrs. W. F, . ' eon last Saturda:y at 0 'If Rike's Mtorrow. Th e average Ohio payment' was Mr, and M·rs. Charles Carey will Cornet Solo-Irma. Fires Clar k; Pian.o_solo, Ruth Conner!If t he wrI ter of tbat rarof f day beautiful privatie din . ~ l'ooms, MI'. and Mrs. A. n. Stubbs h ad $4 1.31 as cO'mpared with the na- mect at .the 'Crane To.ur ist Home._ Vocal Solo-Robert Preston Aiter ad~o~rnment. Mrs. Con,ner could r tlturn and see the changes given in her bOllior by the girls of a s s upper guests last F ri dllY even- t ional a verage of ~3 4.6 9 , whe re dinner will be served. In Song-Ann Weltz Barbara and ~erved .deltCIOUS refreehme.nts to .that , have come to pallS he would the of fice of the Dayton Pump and ing Messers Had Cornell an d Hal'th e afternoon an informal "'rogram . guests: say ,o ver and ' that"W ay Manufa cturing Co" where Mrs. r y Prater, Mr, Minnich explained that t hese , th e mem bers ano d f 11 owmg over agam . will g 'lve opportunl',ty for... Vl'sl' tl'ng J ack eranft .. M· A B M' M '11 dl t d d" paym ents a rc lump-s 4Jn settle, ISS nna rown, ISS eyme ne"VI e assure y was 1)0 ea. Robinson is employed. Mr. and MI's. Ross Hartsock and G and talking over old' times. Saxaphone Soio-Fances Johns B M R H rt lr 'M"" men ts made by the Federal overnOlano Solo-M- Robert Walton rown, rs. , oss a soc.... a e . And, this week, we carTY proof Mrs. D, H. Deatherage motored to Then at 3:30 o'cloc'~"'-y will .J...J .... J h P est d M H d ment wit h workers covered by the "" ~.... Vocal Solo-Earl Earnhart <I n I' on an rs. ar ol again for, our readers that Wayn es KINC'S HERALDCarrollton,. Ky., Sunday and SP (!1 oldage insurance program who a re go to t:he grade school building ana Instrumtmtal'JIrio-Evelyn, Fran Earnhart. . . ' ville is very much.~1ive - more so --the ,day w}th ML', and Ml's, P~ rry now I'enching 65 or with t he estates join other classes in a receptIon to ces, and Ruth Anna Johns The May meetlDg w1l1 be enter- than ,mo t towns of this size. Miss Virginia, Preston \\"as host- DaVIS, ~~s. Deatherage r emallled of wo rkers who die. He emphasized old scholmates and friends. , '~Cl18dle Song"-Quartette :ined by Mrs. Martha Hough at Homes are ' at a premium. Just go ess to the members of the King's fo r. a VISit. that these settle ments should not In t!:le evening the Class will Dainty refreshmenta and a. 50e home of Mrs. Maud Crane. out and t~·y to find a vacan t place. Herald s on Monday afternon. Mi . s Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Stubbs and be conFused ,with 'Payments made meet a nd a ttended the 55th cial hour were enjoyed by all. Whenever one move is made one Mary Lacy, pres ident of the cla ss 'Ml·. George Robin son 'Were Sunday to ,t he n!ledy ' a .... ed persons ' under anual re union of the 'Waynesville FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST , notices a complet'e shifting around presided at th,~ busines meeting. " J_ d iriner g uests of. Mr. and Mrs. Earl t he public as s i~ta n ce pl'ogl'Ilm of , Sc ho ol Alumni Association. SUIl_)': "'HURCH OF of a dozen o'r so families. During the sociaIl hour gll'mes were I U . . S eth F urn. ns IS . presl'den t o.f WAYNESVILLE ... S_hllff er of Lewisburg'. . th e Social Secul'ity Act. . lUr B'bl 's h I 9 30 ' l e e 00 : a. m. , And from th.e evidence that the enj yed and refreshments !Were th I d h h] I CHRIST e C 8 l'S an Wit t e oca mem· The follOWing Dl l!mbers of t he L or d' s S ~pper 10 :45 a. m. , came~n~an brought in after an served. . "The nulJ 'O l' pllll'o~e of the old b ' L, h d t Sa --.s-... I S 11 00 .- '" local chapter of Eastern Stars at'. ' ,., ,- ers IS W01'KlDg ,a r 0 ma ke. t h• ' ble School 9 . ' 30 a. m. ermon : a. m. hour's stroll about town, Monday age IDsura nc system Mr Mlnl1lch ' a success f rom eve~ 8 t aD cI, BI .J_ te.nded inspeat ion at Ma r~in svill e . ". e .' rCUl1lon T Lord's Supper 10:45 a. m. a ......,: . afternoon-there is plenty of acti ARCUNOT CLUB , Friday evening Me~ dame: Ray- SRlU, IS, .to p rOVid e an assured point. It is r eportEd that 100 pel' , Preaching 8 :00 p. m. vI:~!;y ;" the buiJdl'ng trades. The- . Mrs.. Harvey RYe was a charm ' 'hI y mcome a t age of. 65 to cent a tte nd a nce of this old clasa 18 C~ri8tian Endeavor 7:00 p. ,Tn. w . - "IDond Braddock John Fromm, Em- mon . ...... ching 7 '.45 p. m. There were 182 pre, s ent last Sun. tures taloo.n dQ nQt re resent mg hostess to . the members of th e E ' h Will ' L k work ers covered by the p'lan. If _ v nnA~MI P ."'.. d d I t 11 k f -- -- . CI . e rson aTn art 18m u ens . . .' ~ ~ . ----------~-:e:,.: A group of the students from ay, an e a wor o,r e all that has been, done 1'eccntly, b¥ Argunot Bndge ub at the Little A C k H' Id E h ' D' howevel' a ny worker dies before _ _ _ _ __ __ • 240 for Mother's Day that WIll on h loT d ft Aft mos 00 I aro al'n art, . . , ' . C' i t' Bibl Sllminary will put ', ' - any m,eans, but aJ'e just w at came nn n ues alr a ernoon. er BUd d dM L H attammg t he age of 65 hiS estate K. P . .BANQUET mc nna I , e , : ly .mean ' seven more than' we had ' d l' htf 1 f t· . f d . n erwoo an I's. ena art , . ' Qn a. pro.gram ~u~day evening Just Easter Sunday. Thoug'h the far. m- to be noticed along the street. a e Ig u a ,e rnoon 0 car 5 , sock ' will r eceive a se ttlement computed l Ast Wednesday evening the " t e d to f 0II ow the ~elicious refreshments were servM'I's. L'd Sa' of , wages, earn ed members of, the local K. of P. lodg. Y au are 1l1Vl prece,dIng th, e sermon. The progra m ers are very busy around Ferry at I a wm an d 'daug h ter . a t 3 1-2 ""'rcen ".~ will cons~ of special music, ~th this' time of the 'yea.r our midweek story thrOollgh from poge to page ed·. Ruth of Trotwood spen t Saturda y at covered occupatIOns Sin ce th~ enjoyed their banquet ., vocal and IDstrume.ntat. along WIth service has been dra.wing around ;n pictures. MASONIC INSPECTIO\li.. wit h Mrs. A. H. Earnha rt. i:a;9:;~ me effective on J anuary tho Grange Hall. Thirty K. of P'. and their wives were present to .110 chalk plctu~B Illustrating the seventy each week. The members of the Mason ' Mr. a nd !Mb·s. J oe Thompson lIongs. YOIl will want to be the~. "SO" CLUB MEET wore Sunday guests of Mr. and Settlements with workers attain, j ustice to the sumputuous dinner There we~ 117 present last Sun.. , /' lodge gathered at the 'Ml3 sonic Hall Mrs. Raymond Braddock. ing age of 65 this yeaI' arc comput- which had beonpreparedi by ' ttl. . FAMILY D1NNERDr. and Mrs. H. E. Hathaway Wednesday night. At six (jo'c1ock . ed on the same bas is. Indies of the Social Committee of day evemng. Mr. and Mrs, John Framm enter the we re served a sumputuou s Mr. Ralph Smith has r eturn ed W~Il..daJ.1 tained at a family diner last Sun- .wel'e hosts to their d.i nner clu!> last y . fl ' f h from a vi sit with Mr. and Mrs. cm Mr, Minnich pOin ted t o a sharp the Grange. After the dinner they ' Preaching service at 7 :45 . p. m. dBy~ , Covers were laid for the Saturday night. Th.e ta~le ~ ~an~uet ~~ t~ft o · t~e~ 0 !h e I ford Bu ick of ,Morristown Ky. uptu rn in number of cla ~ m s set- enjoycd a movie at the theater. be ' d,.'llvered> by , beautiful ~ well as WIth I I adS ern d r 't :d e~ e t' nner e MI·s. Robert Crew is slowly im- tled since December 1 nnd al so an T. he sermon wUl • T . , fo!lowing members of the family: a' centerpiece of tulips and laden 0 ge con uc e mspec Ion. , . h Ith ft ' Ol!n n,a!. min~st~r of the Jame~ Mr. and Mr.s. David Davis pnd . . I provmg m en a er a severe inc rease in average paym ent; of TO HOLD LAST MEETING . y three children; Mr. and M~. Ch!ls. with delicious, food, Six couples attack last week town -Church . of ' Christ. .Tomm OF YEAR claims. The national disbursem ents were present to enjoy the dinn.e r ,W EEK-END TIRIPMr a nd Mr Ph'IIi L . ' . k d ' ill Cb h Th e Wan'en County Mastera f or t hese claims am ounted to $565. Hunter 'of' Fel"l'Y ure ' W BlDg .Chambera; ~rs. Frank Dupree' anA. d th iff' hundred T.aking advantage of the b eauti- d h't L , S'J I P dllMrrlc an f 'd '""" . 11 'n M a n , e even ng 0 Ive . . , aug er OIS eal) an 1', ,a nd 159 in February and was made to Club will hold ita fina I meeting Gf or us. au....terli, . a of ayton; r. and which follQlW'Cd. ful weather over the week-end, M.I. Mlr G Q . k ' _.• Mrs. IM:eIVID Btllta of Pleasant , and Mrs, Loren. Rea on enjoyed a . s: eorge UIC . ~nJoy~ B~m e 16,294 claimants. This rai sed the the school year at Springboro Hlarb WAYNESVILLE M. E. ~HURCH, Plain' Mr. John Hawke, . Mr. clyde CLUB MEETS motor trip to Detroi~ Michigan and ~ISh~ng at the lake 'lD Cehna on total payments und er the old-age School on Wednesday, 1MBy 4, 1938, After a fi sh fry at 6:80 p. Ill. system to $2,588,366,57, , S..da,." M.,. :1. itsa Fromm and the bast and hostess. .. Windsor, Canada where they visit. u~ ay. d M Ch I Z' Mr, Martin V. CoffeY, Secretary 9 :30-Sunday School. ' . . M and IMk's. ,Earnest Butter- ed with rela.tives. r. an rs. ar es lmmel''.SO-M---i"'; Wonbip. ' S ubject B, I RTHDAY' DINNER .!" ' man and son were Sunday dinner FIRE A,T 'CONNERS STATIONArnel'ican LegiOn, Middleto~, will 10 wort~ opened tlieir ,home to tbeir h I t' , .jIn"'~I·ble f t - I - o.... ·" ,., ' , . R 'Y guests of t e at er s parents Mr, address the club. The meeting 'bad' ya .nIB . ' " "dimier club" last 'Saturday night SE~IOR PA 1. d M Wal 'c ' 6:16-'!ipwort.h Leacue. , Mr. , anil, WUbam L~kens. The .e,veJim", was" spent hi plaYing Miss Jane Furnas invited the an .rs. ter ast, ,F ire did cons iderable damage at originally been planned to ,b e held '." , 7 :3()-.Eveniq 'Service. entertained ~lth ,a family dl~ner "500'~. M'1'.~ Morris 'C ornell won members -of the, Se~ior Qlass to the Mrs. Irene Henderson spent the. Gonn er's Texaco Service Station at Fort Ancient. in honor of their daughte~. men;s high pri~e and Mrs. S~ S. home of Mrs. Kellar Hoa~ on. ~a!it w' eek !lncd with her ister Ml·~. Wedn esday ,eveing about eight 0 'M d e rane. 6:80-JM1i~110dtn, Union ,at Ell" , fIfth billthday. 'Tholle present Ellis was winner of women's 'high Monday nig'ht: An enjoyable eve_au clock. A gasoline tank in the MOTHERS' CLUB worth ;chureh. ~yton. Dr. Ker. enjoy this ,h appy occasion- wen!. prize. M~: alld Mr~ Jack Rich r~ 'ning ' of dancing and games .were Mr: and Mrs. ,Phillip Larrick and adja ce nt shed bl ew u,ri,. and f~r a Mmbers of the Mother's Club ·Mr. and Mrs. Levi Luke~s and ite con80lation prizes. Af- enjoyed after ' N<!lich delicious Te; Lois Jean, were Dayton .visitors .f ew mi nutes loo ked ,lIS though it ple1:lse take notice that the ~ext . ton Rle. of Detroit to be , ere . " ( children ,0f ·Fayette, 14r. and Mrs. a , pleasant evening. of ear~ .. fre"hments ~ere served. Satu rday. In the even'ing they I.·.' ould cause a more seHous fire. meeting will be ThuTsday May & W"..;...,. , , . ;r. Gnlen of MattinllviUe and delicious refreshments Were served we re dinner guests of Mr. and' Mrs. as the regular ,meetin&, day lalla OIl 0.'0" ,.n. F. M. S. Win meet with Mrs. Len~ ·Harisock. . ' MISSIONAJt , y"OCIETYGeorge Quick of IMJiamisbu'l'g, ATTENDS MEETI.NC~ the Field "Meet Day. The p·r o.....~ _w " " to the following, Mr. and MTS. :J '. Mr. Link Sides is able- to b e up ... ~, at thePanonqe. Mor;rla Corneil, ·¥ -r. and '! Mh.' S. W. F. MS., oftltc M. E. church after, suff~~ing ,a ' strok\! 'of paraly' committee ill planni'n g an intereat. LADIES. MEETs.-:- ", S • ElllSO M,1'. ,a n d M' 1 'J8 'B RI c, h will m~t 'llext' Wednesd$Y • with ses ~ .;. Revere-nd ing ,' program by' the Kinde•• ............. .;. , , • -~ , .' ' AAID ~ > .' J• RARVEiYSBURG .... 'JIh b -~':Oo--Julor Cho~. . ,Krr. " A. Day aaalated by Mra. Mr. and Harry Smt~h, Mr. Mrs. J,ohn ,La'cy witt)' Mrs. S~llie ' • .' . ,. ' 1:', , om U'fY, pn$tor of the J on- pupils. Election of oftici~rs will 7~0c)""'()~hutra r.,netlce. Pearl Rich. 1Mb. 'Mattie ilnd Mrs. L; V. Bl'IUUltr:ator:-and the Smith and Mill. A1'chdeacon as as- ,·'Mr. an!i' Mrs. Clark Salisbury of ab's Run Ba.p tist C~ur~h attended ,take place' at this meeting. '7:0~80,. 8eouu. ' , and Mrs. Mildred SI,eehan hos~ and hOJtea. sisiting hostelil!~S. Charleston West Va., spen~ the the ' spring 'lDeetjng of the Clintpn 7:81h-Prafu "'tine. ,~he' of the 'll. E. --.-.:week end wit h Mr. and M~. U. Baptist Association at Bhincbe ter 8:00--Ciloir 'PractIoe. Ohu~h at iter home last Wednea- ' BIRT~ ' . EPISCOlf-AL CHU,"CH P. Salisbury. Other dinner guests Monday. Reve-rencl Thornbury is a cIi.,.:"" Mrs. Elaie. Stroud pi-eaided Kr.:and Mrs. C&rl Fisher are Second 'S' !lfter EasteJ:. of Mr. ,!1nd Mrs. U. P. Salisbury lformer moderator of -tile orgBnjza. I'aDeral held _ at ' the buaineae ~IIC. Plana nOllnclag the blrUt of .. daughter lMky 1, Church Bchool at· 9 :80; on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. tlon, "" CIIIrIEnSll6, a.turcIar,.Jor.... WeN made ~ct committee. apolnt- A~ i2ud. !l'Ilt~ youII&' lady baa Holy Commun 0111 at 10:80. Harvey ~ye ' and children. M~'P~ilg, afternoon, and evening U 1'·01·* 'I'It....t'lld to tee to. baYiy the basement beeit .... ~ Catherine. Guests at the home of aeBlli.~l1Vere beld, the yc1ung peo. ef lin. redecorated. KrI. Rachel Reason on S'unday were Mr. and pie ~'ring charge. of the latter. har& IJI"OIP'UD of Club wIIllIMet next Mrs. Vii'gil Ott of Dayton, Mr. and . were laW for , ~~.,!,,:,,~ p;IMNI1M_I~.... ,eV.I"'~iJr lIq B. wit) Mn. :Mrs. Rhodes Bunnell and cllDdl'en lira. Ma.ry Crolll , f. expected Drate, JIU~ alllfJo·j"k.~ . and lIlr. and lin. Earl Hockett. l'rlda,. Lanel

I 0(1:.4 S L

SEC UR11 Y P 4 Y MElv 7S



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who with her family, IIv the fa mily home in which tho tath~I' hi. ntire lil\!. 'l.'hHe IIJ . O l'eM ·ln ~tre l spent , EW P AI NT JOB muin. n broth el', \ iII i ~1 1ll th e 10,1I MASONIC T EMPLE I Thl" min treJ ho, s ponsol', d by I1\t nlU I ' (If th l' Inl'p;e fn mily of Ac l. Bolow we f ind \\'(lI' k m n g iving the cdnrville 011 ge Y. M. C. A. t diso n nnd o~ othy LClIlnr Crnfg. : lhe Milt on ic 'l' mplc 1\ emit o f I llst Thul'3(}u y nig11L WIl S U ~rc.! u l paint. , [I !;\I c(!S~. T he ir moLt ol' fo J' he. how ~ r,!~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~il ' VIIS " A Ii ~U'" nonson e n'ow lind It tukes a 1m lau d I' til roach (hen, 1 r elished by th best of "way up her e" , m ( II ."

T a1{es a rt




tiAROLP ' D. W ILLIS, ~d , to r Ji;lI torcd



luss Mull

O RVILLE SAG E, publiaher


l\1 qt.tCl' {It

P~o ffice, · Wuynesvil ic ,



' ll~cri)Jli~n Pl~ =~;O :l~,~~'!;';'r'-,-"r;=;n-=)='U=b=ll'=-=i=n'=A""d=V=lln=c=e== An' Indep nd cnt N W~J10 Jl 'I' n tlicr ted to the and vicinitY ,j"ing it. pulrons th!! , U ~t IH!WlIpapel' IrIble.

Do nul d Fou lks of Waynesvillc, edA l'vill but now n slude nt nt College t'oo k nn uet iv!! 11l rt. in thi : i;how.


WE Will tALL

FOR YOUR FURS t4J1'i te 35-37 N. Maill St.

NEW BUR~IN CTON Phone. AD 1267 Ilath a \\' u~' in WnY!1(>sv ill l' , SnlurlI1i s Marj ol'ie H (lydock s pe nt Lhr week end wi th f rien ds in Dayton. day c\·ening. Bor n to Mr. and 1111'S. 'I'hOnlll5 . , I A nl'd Porty wa~ given oll · Moll; Wilson Ap l'il 2 1 t win s, a !Io n nnd u day eve ning li t the Gym f or the MI'S. Laura ' hi rlnkcr an d tr. . benefit of the Ma,sie TO\\'n~hip daughter. adie Reason ent,pl't ai n d ot Ihe , lumni A.socintion. A numbel' I Howard and Everet t McClure, hom e of Mr . , hitlnkl'1' with a 500 , fr om Wnyn e""i!I c \\ ere presen t. 11k a nd Mrs. W. E. Coe spent Sun_ porty on Friday l'Vl'nillg. Deli c i ou ~ R eII'cshm~nt s were S IT\, d. I day ut St. M~ry's . reCI,C'Shment s were> , cl'v t'd nt II Inle , 1\J' Nil Coll ett wh o !'I}ent a Miss Evel ~'Tl McClure of Dayto n T . 1 I lind ISS, n , Workm n beg an III l Mo nday to hour. he gu est ~ InC ~\\el :~'lI~rs delightful winte l' in Gl endale Cal· W IlS hOiTI e over th,e wee.kend. wur off the t il e of t h M. E. . iforni a, liS t he g u e~t of her co usin Mrs. Rhodes Bu nn,'II. , I. , I ~ 'M1iss Dora Turne r. 'who has been Chur ·h. T his buil ding is a be8lU tiharles ERst er, )1 1. and 1\11'_. How- :'I ll'. Willul'c1 ' Yeo a nd f amily hus ' nursing in Columbus, is home f or a rd Gl'ahl\lTll lit I' !I n I 1\11':. \ \ . P. I ftl l t r uctur e and it s po ition is the summ er . .. ' .'., ' !If. '\ COI- ' return ed 1.0 her home for the SUIllsuch t hat it attracts t he attention McCall en, I. an d. rs. . . . . mel' much to t he pleasu re of he r Ml·. and Mrs. A. W. Tu rn er oro lett Afr and I f l'. ( . E. !.(>\,Icy. i\1 r . . of irnvelers on the highway long , . 0 nUlllerous fnends and relatwes. spendi ng' t he week with th eir . oneSAFE before they r each the t own . and Ml'!5. Chll rl ,,~ G u \'Cl ~n , l\Ir~ . - , The Father of Mrs. J . P Thornin-taw n nd daughte r, MI'. and Mrs. see Harlan a nd i\Il '. LI ~s:l Curl. d W 'd d eMODERN· ChE\rlos Bogun Ju nior of Hal'v Yf'oBut t he roof began leaki ng Eame Mr. and Mrs. R o\\ urd Graham bu r y. pn. 5 a \~ay L on. ' l~ n e~ II Y burg. and Mr and, M I S. A, ~ . Collett at- at khl home III OUlS\'1 e, enlime ago a nd the interior of the e INEXPENSIVE · . tuc 'y , Sevi!nty-seven brethren partook chu rc h was s poil d. Now a new te nd ed th eir Five Hundred lub a t ,' M' I M R T k ' d I'. Bill rs. any uc ' er a n of the ban q uet pre ceeding tho anro of will' be pu t on. It is reported . the hOllle of DI·. and ?lh;;. H. E. f IIm l'1 y a tt en d C(1 tlI e run er u1 0 f 1\1 r. nua l inspection of the M,nso nic thllt th is \vill co:!t in the neighbor-~- - -- - - Tu cker' s si LeI' at George t own, Lodg.c" W ednesday eve ni ng of last hood 0 r , 2, 000. Other wo rk is 'VI .~~'" NOTARY PUBLIC week . .Ky. on Su nday. , plan n ed as the co~gr eg a tio n denion ervices were h eld a t the c.lem ent V. CI'aig ag ed 74 years, ires to mnke their place of worFUll STORAGE Methodist E pisco pa l Ch ur ch on d ied ~t h i home east of t own, earship \I orthy of wha t it stands for. uncl ay evening with preaching by ly Mo nday mornin'g . He is surviv.e d • complet" fur .,,",ice Ju dge Wright of W ilmington. by the follow ing children : • . toraq8 not billed 'til fall Dayton Wilbur. of , Kent, Wnsh ington i REAL ESTATE MI'. a nd Mrs. Smith Mrs. LaUl'll Blessing , Yell ow DA YTON. OHIO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ called on ~1lrs. Sallie W r ight on :::: -..--~-- -~ Sunday. Sp ring s i Raymond, Clevela nd; IrTh e Bapt i t Missionary Society il y, an d was strangely igno ran t of t prog ram closed wi th a. vocal quarMrs, Bina Putter on and f a.mily win, of Dayto n and Mary Adnm~, met Ilt t he h ome of Miss Nan Col- the wher~a bo u ts of Mrs. Tittim- lett composed of Willard Tllylor, had fO I' Sunday afte rn oon caller s, lett on Wednesday afterno on . De- den and he r children who fled to James' Doster , El d:r ed Teitmeyer her brothel', George . Clayt on nnd WAY NESVI LLE voti ons by Mrs. Will Gillam, and a sma ll building hidden de p in the a nd William Campbell, Who sang l MJ'S . Clayton a~d MISS Betty Gil. l'eading by Ml·S. J osepb Beston'. woods surroundi ng the ir )llnnm- "Come to the Church in the W i!d- mer all of. Le wlsbu rg . • El ection of officers for the ~ nsu ­ tion. Th e tory ends 1\;th the mur - wood" a cco mpan ied by Mrs. J . P . Mr. a nd Mrs. FI'ed Thompson House deaninr time is here. Before you buy your ing year resulted in t he ~el ecti o n r iag.e of Mrs. Critte nde n and <A>1. Thornbury. and, Mrs. Martha Cl ea ver were Floor W ax; Moth Spray and Window .Cleaner take of each 1:!f th~ presiding office rs: Franklin wh en peace r e igned bea look, and hear about the SOHIO PRODUCTS. Th ~ Reverend Wi lliam, T urley Way nesville vi itors T hursday. - ---. - Miss Nan Collett president ; MI's, t wee n the north and the outh lectJur.ed !before the P. T. A on Many from this community atNew size bottles at 2Sc only ..1111• • • • • • • • • W ill Gillam Vice President, Miss once agai n. H ervey Allen has g iv- T hursday evening at: ~h e Gym: His I te nded the ~p erettll Fl'iday nigh t May Har lan secretary ; M r~ . C. G. en t o t he r eAder , with much less su bject wils Big WQr ld whk h he at the Gym III H~I'veysbu rg when . Randall treasu rer. F ourteen mem_ detail t ha n in Anthony Adver e, a presented in a mo t interesti ng I"Sun ny of SunySlde" was p resen tM. A. Fulkerson. Waynesville bers a nd t hree gu sts were pres- glimpse into the lives of a few per man ner. Tr aveling from t he pJace ed. , ., ent. Delicious refreshments were . ons in an obscure sm al\ to wn, duJ' of h is birth, 'a small 'ha mlet known I Mrs. Erma Beckett will exte nd seloved a.nd .a most enjoyable so- ing t hose days of the Civil W nr as Quaker Bottom in! sou thern Ken th~ hospita lity of her home to th e cial b oUt:, "'''as spent in. t his ho pit- when lov e and f ear and -hate and t ucky, and going intO the 'Big members of t he Fl'iendsh.i p Club .~----, - - Har.ey,bur" Ohio - -- -- - - - • ,able home whieh has been d osed Phone 17.R.ll , for death brought pea ce and love to Wo rld of life an d experience. A l on W ednesda y afterno on of thi~ ~ul' i n g Miss Nan' s a b ~ ence in Cal- t hem aga in. Thanks to Mrs. Col- good attendance of member s and week. BAllY CHICKS CUSTOM HATCHINC ifo~·n ia . All were' g lad to welcome lett fo'r such a pleasing story. Re- frie nds enjoyed his very education- 1Mlr. W. M. Thompson, proprietor e her home. II\eshm~llts were served dUri ng the a1' talk. of t he T hompson Bo ok Shop in Fr~ m Blood-tested flocka Book Review Cllrll was held T he Mrs. Wildes Gilcr ist and Miss Dayto n, h is dat,lghter Miss A ndro ~1i:Vlce social houl'. Order now f or later deliveries anru profit by liberal discoUnts on Tuesday. April' 12th, a t t he T he Massie T~wnslljp Sunday Nancy of Leab~~n call ed', Sunday m eda Thompson, ~ t eacher in one home of Haniet an d Grace School Conve nt ion was held, Sun- afternoon a t; the home of Mr. a nd of tbe. 1?ayton H igh scho.l ~ f OT We Can Fumi.h Chick. Smart. "Action Ilt Acquilla" by . ' e ~. For, Immediate Orden Herv.ey C. Allen was reviewed by day afternoon, in J <\Dah's ,R un Bap Mrs. W. C. T ichenor llt " The 1many years a nd their frie~d Miss tist Church . The meeting wa!! open Springs." Dorothy W ebbel' of t he city wer e Phone 7 Wayne.vUle ' One Juice, one grade-the., Best Mrs. Cassie Collett. The story wa s ed by Willard Taylor. prestdent, aftenwon caUets at- th-If one 'dealing wTth certain incidents and RQv. W ea vel' led in prayer. A home of the A. B.,Ta lmage famil y.•- - -- -,- - ,. , - - - - . - - . - -,- --=-0> of the Battle of Gettysburg which Try Our Mixed musical nunl ber f ollowed. Mias Mr. Thom pson ha d not been in t his L z::::::s Balanced Ration Feed were neve r chTonicled in the var- Roberts and Mi.s s Mjld red H urst . J . vicin·i ty f or &Orne years. • • • ••••••• , ••••••••••••••• _ . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . ious acco un t.s of that historic with clali onets were accO<lllpanied To Pou'try Raisers event . Acq uilla, a small t own in by Mrs. E. R, HUl'st lIlnd daughte r Orlando :lJrannon of Xenia was .' •. We give, .b.olutel;, free, the Shenlla ndoah Valley was the Clean Up At The•• Price. a Su nday afternoon visitor at t he Margal'et at the pinno, An interPost mo rtem service, 60 if scene of the death of iMajo r CritMen's S pc. Suits Mrs. Alice Terry hO"1e .... est ing talk on missions · in Africa you r flock s need ex.amina tionCleaned an d Pr-essed te nd~ n . and t he subsequent bur nMarso n Wells W IIS a visitor in was given by "MIl'. 'Edwin Mortow. ,call us at once. 50c ing of his hom e b y Union Men unr eturned missionary from A f- Hamilto n Satu.r day afternoo n. SIMPLEX BROODER Meo's liats der Col. J ohn Franklin. <A>lonel rica. Mrs. A. S. Collett gave II. read E ldo n. ' Dunfee sjl,en t Satur day STOVES Cleaned and Blocked Franklin wa s at once t he f oe. and ing "The Bap tist Newsbo y". The evening in l£banon with f riends. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t he fri end of t.he Critte nden flliln-






J• B • Ch apman


Twin Theater


,A lways A Good Show


Sohio Service Station

. Lein ons Hatchery·


We offer a Satlesfactory

S · · a t a II t Imes. J E Mcl'lu-e'




.tEL .

Phone Girl Uses Wires and '



lJotber's Day ..




Wits to Find Distant ·Party FinallyGebMe'lageThrough By Enlilling 'Mayor'. Aid ' I.. City Called If the ' Bur~s or tbe Pinkerton detective agencies need a 'persevering feminine operative, they would find a promising prospect in Miss Constance Fina, Bell System long dis-

Basket and Boxes


Waynesville Drug Store Phone 120

Mis. Constance Fina

For S~le..--Bargains

Used Corn Planters

tancc televhone opeTator in Clevc~ lam!. It , took Miss F ina's persistence and an accolllodati ng southern mayor to completc an urge nt t elephone call from 'I:homas S. Lowry in Cleveland to ,his sister, Mary, in Savannah, Ga., after nea rly three hours of telephone searj:h illg. When Mr. Lowry nrst put in the call, it was foun d that Ii is sister had ' moved nnd her tclep\lone was dis-





Quick Cleaners


SA~JSFACTIO~I Or: No ' Charge .

c~nte~vill~;' Ohio I


IJatveysburg, Ohio ~



E:very 'Tuesd~y N···. .


Reasonable Rates on Advertising AllllloluJ1leeJUelDts Box 36 Bellbrook, Ohio


Kat hr)"ll Mende nhall, M'g r .

F., ~~ Martin

Free 'Motion"PictUr.e s

Leave name with Miami Gazelle for eatimate.

Ladies Plain Dresses

connected'. Then: Mis. Fin~ the operator, called the Savannah Red Cross, ' where 'Miss lLowr-y was in charge, but there W3S no answerit was closed for the night. Next Miss Fina ilia,rned the aame of a woman who lived in the apartment formerly occupied by Miss Lowry, but found that- she, too, had moved without a forward itrg address. ' ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN Mr. Lowry suggested that a cer- ),our Cattle, bogs, sheep' and calvet tain Savannah ' minister probably to Norris-Brock C... , live ·wire and, would know where to locate his sis- pr~greasive ftn1 f?r the blghest ' ter, but he had only a vague recol· msrket prices and good service. Stock Yard,' Cincinnati, O. lection of what the minister's name UnIon Tu ne In on lladlo Station WCKY sounded like. Miss Fina called a list t 2 :215 to 12 :30 p. m. for our dath of Savannah mini' tenl whose names market ,r eporU, started with a certaiin letter, with no results. . It was next sugge8't~d that a MaCOil, Ga., fricnd of Miss Lowry'. 1fOTARY PUBLIC might help, but the fl'iend in Macon National B...I! couldn't be' reached by telephone. During these calls, some one in Will. Dra_ • ; E,tatea 3 ettlecl 'Savannah told Miss F:ina that Mayor WAYNESVILLE. OHIO I!obert Hitch, of that· city, might be able to locate Misi l.pwry. So she called the mayor at his' home. Expressing willing:ness to help, Mayor Hitch said he was about to go downtown ~ o add ress a meeting and would stop at Mis. Lowry', former address to make inquiries. When he did , so, he learned ~is. Lowry's new add r C~ 8 8 - and her brother was 500n tallclng to her. Nearly 900 mile. separated Mi., Fina from the sc~ ne of her aearl=h. . ,-Phone 78J .


- -

,Levee Buil'ding, Ditchin: E~cava~ing



Waynesville, O.



Phone 3708

.__..- .. ... ••, ~



• •1 • • • •

---~ ...---



or • • •.• aa • • • _

~~ ---......-~- -._

~ON'T · . r~1I Your Grass .Out The Roots!


_ . ... 9

By:' .







'were II c~mpani~ by frs. Pet'ry f Llr. and Mrs. John raul Bolton II!' ~ li'.lul and ~Ol1 0 Cincinnati, MOll: l , pont Sun IIY wi h hi~ parent> lofT. I f uy, • a nd M. , . Rollo Bd~n, ! MI'. and i\,li'''', 1" J , D:Il\IJn ll'l"Q Mr. and Mrs. E.'VITI 'Ilhoma9 ~all_ I I'CtUr11 d il'om a ll'i() to P 1I1Wy1. ~d 011 Mr. and M I'~: h'ri$~ KI.eit,I vania. I" II 'atu I'dIl Y venlnp; ~nd f ou.nd 1 . lhllL MI'. KI il1ho.I\ ~ a ' m hI) liMI'. had s DUI'tO Il anti II'. "-": n d \ I .I V a 11 .y ' H ollll l.a I , 11 e' \111 d rw 111, . 1.-118. 'h lll'lCMLeJ\IIlY CIIJIlY d II j I ," b fit! I) Th UI.'lid I IY, bUt 18' , ' l 'i) Sunda an !> ~ I I~n II JI1V; 1 I, ~; " "._ il\l(ll'o ving nice ly, MI':. allCY 1 0lle I vlSII ln!! he l' Th '8t k f il ' II I M dnu"'ht l' 11' Lawr nce Thoma!', e at II .a m y ~a l ( on ! 1'. ' ~ . 1'1 I 1\1 and l\1.1~, p, J. Thoma , and Ml'. 1\[" l" ·FJ· crll'Y. 'tlodtnaM s <l.n( l[ : ' . Vernon Fordyce on Su nllay aftcI'P 'fl'y ·.a u VISI C I S. alry ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _"--=----:'-"--'-0 Fordyce at th Miam i Vall ey hOS - no~~. Ii F d' " tl 1\" . I Th d ' ",1'5. . any '01' yc 1. In Ie <1(l1~1l~ . . ~~.a~iIIC hn been 0 11 t he 11mi ~aJlcy ho~p ital n lld ~;lS IHl n S.clow \Ve fou nd this n ew Ii LHe • I. I' f Ol' th e pil l:! t 'I 111l1HOvcd home ov er in orwin. Com f ortable ~ IC" I t "lrec weok s. I vel'y III , but 18 gl'ently ' The P er l'Y hurch hud 811 atten d-' now. und cheery (n side, Ml', and 1>fl's. I L~ s I I Evans will oon be moving anceof 1 2 Sunu ay wilh an orfer- , MEN WANTED into th is lH'JI home. ing of $35.96. h 'd ~h ' S 01110 0 f th C mem b ers Af ~ "e I $85 a mont pa1l t v many men 'c , at fir t and , more atll r. L cal lI1 :1ncIlu re h ea II e d II t tlIe par .: om_I!: . d ' I' M on(I ay evenm g , a n enJOYC( ICC agel' of nationally kno\\'n cOlllpany . honol' of th e will hire several m en at once. Decream a n d ca k e In tw in:' fourth birthday. liver ord 1'9 to tal'm cl'S, I e~ licr ~er. . . vic·n~ and do other work . Farm exMI' ~ , Grace 1·'urnaH IR 11Ilj1" OVlllg I ' nicely at the Miami Villi y Hos(lil- p Cl'lc nc and ~ar li ce i s :lI'Y , Permal .afto\' an operati on i'or ClIlI ' ~ r. 1 anent \\'ork. Even til tI~h yo u ~e Tw'nty from the I~C I' I y Church 11 t mu ch l~ter esl<:u, ' II cha ngln g attend ed lhe X ellia. Ilri u hi-mon thly ' yo uI' wUI'k,. If you will s nd Y~UI' I fe llow s hip 1l1eeting at Leba non nalll e, w e WIll ,g Ual'8l1 lcc ~o furnish hUI'eh of hris t lasl Thul'"day, ):ll~ lllformatlOn tha t 1\)11 • b' of . Sixteen Young people of th e er( al va lu lo YOll . Adehe s Box Ferry hurch ntte nded the Tri- I li~l8() , cal c of lhis (lupel'. tate , Ba nqu et at Hillsboro, last Nume ... .. . Friday evenin g . MI', and MI·F. Doris Blai r .<l nd Arldr e~s baby called on M\·. and Mrs, Mal'shal Fi ler on Sund ay :lfl el'noon .

Rootin~ &0

mil to be the ordel' of the day in W lJy n~s ­ vil1 ~. A new one at he liend rson home.


' j

I . I

A£tual shoppin, leIlI prove Brande ire .. .. !4 leu than many other w,U·kAown brudel s.vo .. much .. _ dollar out of four by buyina ~r Brandal

Here Ire tx••ples •


Ire . . . . .1.'len!

rw:::u .... . FLOUR 2:;:. 50.. .....

.,; V~U






12",OUR Velll'



1 La .


We almOl\t wal k d under th ladder of Robert CI'CW h p erched high upon the of the Jibr-ary building, day, Bring your wOl'k do here so we can sce it, Crew.



1 LB. PKO.




Wil,oD', CeraatioD',

and sons near Wayne!!ville. day evening at the home of fl'. Mr, and ,Mlrs. Todd and baby of and Mrs. SWlu'tzel neal' W~lynesN.atl.~, Dayton moved last week to the ville. ' Wallace property her e, Mr. and Mrs. The l'le Jones and Mr. . and Mrs. Lowell Thomas MllS. J. B, Jon e~ Wlas a un duy Mr . .and Mrs. tnnley Baile"~ at.. and Mr. E.verett Eal'ly attended aftern oon and eveninsr guest of t nded the 4-H club r eception at tho ball ga:me in Cincinnati llist Mr, a nd Mrs. Carl Pi ckering" and Lebanon Friday · evening. . MI's. rweek. daughter and Ml'S, Ada Chenow th J ones and ~'r , Bail ey have b e n Ml·. and Mrs. C. W. Albright in Centerville. chose n as 4-H leaders for the Stl 111- I and Jackie Hughes .()f Pekin were Mr. and Ml:S. Wal te r Kenrick mer. Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrs, and James Haines wel'e Sunday of Ke!iler Graham. terMon g~ests of Mr. and Mrs. G, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Longa.c re F. Slade and fllUl1i1y near ChautnuIn 6 Pan Fndt Flavon I and grandchildl'en spent Thursday qua grounds. 'evening with M'I'. and .'Mil's. John Mrs, Wilbert SW~lrI k and little Edna Burton is I'ccovel'ing niceFite at Blue Ash, Jimmie Swank of Cllicago spent Iy frol11 the measles, MI'. and Mr , Aaaortecl-Freeb Baked Mrs, Emma Lacy nad for her several dayS weelk with Ml'. 1Hany Oomell bave visited her sev lSI Val.,' Lit. g u ests ' S unday a week ago. .all of and 'Mlrs. E. J'J, Longs,cre. eral times th e past w eek. oua pale. 1 t Me ' her children and gl'and -chlldt: en . Miss Virginia Cla thert of the Mr. and Ml'S. Howard PenningA 100% ,II mineral producl tbat A covered dish dinnel' was served. Spring Valley chool was a week , ton sp ent Sunday with his Jlu r ents I COUll you 10 SII and gives YOII Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Bailey i!nd guest of Miss Geneva Rout- Mr, e nd Mrs. H. . P enni ngton. better resultB. A money maker (or 'tockmeu aud poultrymeD. Ask UIIand daughter attended a birthday zahn. Miss Wilma A ims of Way- I Mr. and !Mll' . Eugene Punnewitt dinner Sunday in honor of the lat- 'llesville. was also a Satu.rday gue t. and. Mrs, ll'rna Wilson and child- ' Mrs. A, ;E, 'White of Columbus ren cllll ~d on the il' parent", Mr. I ·ter's lather. Mr. Edwin l;Iopkins' in Waynesville. " was u. f3atul'day evening dinner and M'[ . A, S. Cornell, Sunday, to Larjrer Becau.e of Belter Quality, Senif;:o and Price Mrs. Margaret Johns, Miss M~ry guest of Mr and Mrs:. Kesler Gra- celebrate their father's birlhday.,ed 1849 - 1938 PhoDe 31 . P r~th er Mr. Robert Friend . and ham. . William Metherd is now work.• Standard Avonale ' ~ Sour Pitt~ ~~: and ,~. Walte:r K'enrick atI ~. i ss ~Ieo, ~ ~{awke of Dayton ing for Mr, Lawrence Thomas . Cb.m.. • ,.0, I eaD' 1011 Suier •• 21 lb. , be, 11.27' - ", • •~{ !l;lj?it\ · , ' ' . ..... • _ I tended the K. of p, dinner at th~spent Fl'lday wrnlher parents, MI'. Mrs, LawI'f nce Thomas ce1ebrat- .a.. ( One bar FREE with , Campbell'. Grange dining hall on Wednesday I and Mrs. P. B. Hawke. . ed her birthduy, Sunday. H~l' child To•• ..Juice 1-20 0 .. C!an 170 , AU.... Soap • .... ban 1"Cal\dn Longacre, rho i work- t'en, Mr, and Mr. J , I'. Thomas, , .. . . . .- . . . . . . . . .- • •lI!II. . . . . . . . . .... evening ()f last week a'nd enjoyed the show ,I Stand In" at Twin ing in· Detroit spent the weck end MI', and Mr. , Thomas lind !Mh·. and Country Club. 88 · os. jan ' Chue • Sanborn Theater afteward, hel'e with bis family. Ml' . 1) rlY Faul called on hm' 'durCoif.. • • • • • • • lb. 14e Appl. S ....r .. ~ I j~ ITe Mason InstallationMr. and Mrs. Guy R()utzahn., Mr~ ,· Herman aylor of n ea r ing tho day \.0 wIsh her' many mOl'o Tuty, :peUC!ioWi Armour'. Star tJomeci R3-M-Bul{a ., R Ii No.4 Lebnnon, Ohio. Betty and Russell , pent Sunday Dayton spent last 'l'ue day with hnlJPY bil'thdu)'S. . s .. , H ..G •• : . 11~c Creck.r Jack • 3· pili" lOe , aftern()on and even ing with the her po-rents, Mr. and Mlrs. W. C. MI'. Il nd 1\1r8. LllwTen c Thomas Mason ChangeCountry Club .' . 6 Deicloua latper's mother, Mrs. Mary Boit- Long. cele brated theil' 27th II' dding an78-R-:Scott, M., Mason, Ohio, J,II-o D....~ , Z pqa. ~. Cora Flail., I I •• pll... 1511 nott at Tippecanoe City, who reMr. a nd Halrvey Burnet nlver ory April 20th, . wel'e guest of t he Dinner Clu Mr. and Mrs, l~an'y FOl'dyc~ eel'mains guite .ill. . Morrow InstallationCountry. Club Country Club ·, • Mrs. Meta Rogers is spending Saturday evening !it the home ebratod th,eh' wedding oIl nniversa'ry BraD Flail., 2 I,. pll... Ita Wh..t Flab•• \3 ~II ••• 210 89R31-BowHng, W. D., R R No, 4 MOL'row, O. this week with ·her nephew ' and Dr. and Mrs. B. E. Hathaway at Apl'lI 20th also. l04Rll-Hendrickson. M. C., Morrow, O. SWlIseald College IDn \ . \ niece, M·I'. and- Mrs. WUliam Rog- Wayn,esville. " Ma.l'vin Fox returned 'to . chool 56Rll-Krohn, C. P., Morrow, O. A..t •• , Soup, . '3 J.... Uo OraD" Julc", S caD' lie era 'and their daughter, ~iriam at Miss Berlene GraQam.. was an at Cincinnati. Sunday, lO-W.hitacre, Richard S" Morrow, 0, Mason. . overnight guest of Mi 8 Iona Tit- . Rex William on topped nt Fer/MIr. aneJ M·r s. Therle J:ones and comb one night last week. . Miss ry to vIsit friends, Sunday evening Waynelville Installation,BOn, ,w ere Sunday guests of Mr. Titcomb was a scho<tl mate at on his way home from P-erinsylvan77-Edwllrds. Miss Tl'illena, Waynesville, O. alld Mrs. Edwin. Nutt near Center.- Dickinsons, . ia, where he 'had: visited hill brothCT 129-Le\vis, Miss Emma Lou, Waynesville, O. ~o;;"Irr.;--.--:-.---'guests of. Mr. and Mrs. and sistet'-in:.ll!<w Ilnd aunt, M1·. und . The- Ladies Aid will be ,entertain' Fred Ru~h were : ~r" and Mrs, L, Ml's. Chc er William . nand .Aunt Waynelville Change-Bo~ele8S Filt'et'of Haddock ..... (.. , . /. .. ·lb.: 17 l-2c. 'ed'at tite home of Mrs; Lelia Smith A, Bar.ger, da~ghter Ro ealle and Alice Short. He found , his ,a unt 73R21-Garst, L. A., Waynesville, O. " , . •• , 1.... next Woonsday ~ternoon ,May 4, son Richard and !MIl'S, Becker of very poorly, . White Fish" '..... , . '.' ; ...... :'". , . _, .... ' I lb; lOe . . with Mesdames Eva Graham, Em- W,ashington C. H. M·r. Virgil Faul and Mr. Henry Lee), and Clara Hunt ll88istant Miss Bel'nic~ Grn'ham attendeei Burgess called on Mr, and Mrs. Red Bass, Fresh Dressed ~ .. . '1' • • • ,/ •• lb~ 13 1-2c a personal shower Friday night in PetTY Faul and son, Monday eveMrs. Marg~et Johns in com- ~onor of Miss ViL'ginia Cromwell ning. . Ja~k Salin on, F~esh Dre~ed ...... ' ........ ,: lb. l ,9. c Order a Phone Installed in your Hom:e today pany 'With hel' sister, Mrs, EUza- in Dayton, ,\v'ho is to be a bride in ?th:. and. Mrs, Lawrence ThO'mas Bologna' Sausage, .in the piece . . ... ,... lb_ l ·t 1-2c


See us before you buy your









Fair'ley Hardware Co: .1'

a., \',







The Ohio Central


Frankfurter~, Silver Farm ' . '.). , .....; ... , . _Ib_ 22c' Bean Bac~n ............... t • •• ' . ' • •• \. • • •• Ib_ ilk '

. KWi~.k ' Krisp B~conj Sliced .


I' • • • • • , • • • , . , • ,




Cream C~eese, ~lld . .. . .......... ~ .. "" .. "

t;eth Smithwith of ·their· Daytonbrothel' spe-nt and the theMrnear andfUlure, Mr-. Harvey Burnet a\.Mr. and ¥l'!!. Amos. Cook tende'd ,~he Di cussion group Tues..


Ib.3..5:t 'l8c

.. ~ There'. Ariy "Easy Monley"



. . '.. , , , '. ..} ..... ' 10\ lb . 25c . Oranges, Florida ,fol" J~lce tiananas; .Golden Ripe -. .. .. '.•.. _j. , . • . .. 5 lb. 25~ . App , .ohl~· Grown :WiJiesaps ,./...... .tt 'J) l~. ,19~ ,





Lemons, :Sunkist" , .. .., ...~ .. ::.. : _ ..". '" ..... ; D~z~ ~9c '. 'N~w 'Cabb:ag~, Solid' Heads ., .. t • •• • '. : •• ( 3 lb'. .l0c' . Potatoes, S~ No.1 \ • . , .,.... .. .. ... '.; 6·1b. l&;c . . • Green Beans, Florida .. : .. \ ·. ·r ... '.. ', ./., .. lb. 5c'



. Cele~, Medium '... .;. < . .. •.,\,- ... : .... ~unch 5c:.;

.n.~~v~'&>,~',1!S'u,,,,,'. HOln~ ;Grown. '.' . ~I' • • • • • ~ . Bune? } .2 c ,' ·



, t


A recent editorial in "Poultry Tribune/' brings up the follow~g~polnt. . . "The ,t ime . when anybody can easy . money ' out of the poultry business is pa~t-unl,ess, . well, unleSs .aomethhlg'· ha·ppens. Wh~t It may b,e we ·ean't see now.r But tl\e man or WO"'I~ w~o II WilIia. to pay ;. fair ' pi ice for well.bred bal!.,. chu:k~, , lao li wUlm.' to prOYicle.ood manal~m«!nt condl-

. 10a~

wlao is

wi'JiD. to ' pay

apecial attentiolD to mll!-

ketiha op~Ditiea will coDtinue to mak~ faIr profit froID a flock of poultry. ·' There .1s very \ittle' ,"easy mOney" in ' the, poultry business any~ oilier b';lsiness, ~ut. ther~ 18 oppOrluhify ·for an enormo~s amount of -satJsfuc~lOn, an<;i a reasonable 'amounLof" profit, if quality chIcks ar;e . pUrChuecl, and g~od management Is give~ t~ the . ." . , chleks and the flock: I .Tbe~, witt ~l.ways 'be a fa!r profit ir(]tm, ~ f'l~ck : ot well..bredpullet8 and 'there 18 a st~ady : incom~/ a definite' reward for good man~ement. ,Fot . p.omt8ra 0" increase poultry mCQrfle, "st,op 1n and talk with our Hatdtery .Mapa,er.




am 1';.' a" u..8. ,,,pro,,,d

r~Iephone ~.

~:::~::::::=_::~:::::::::::= , _ .__ _ _ _ "

Friday -


"Bank Night" -6CREEN- .

"Love; Honor and .Behllve" Wayne Morrl, Prlsf;:1111 Lane Continuous Show. Dally Adulta Only 160 'Til '2. P. M.


Do It

An Enjoyable Summer Depends on


.. .SPORTSMEN'S CORNER '87 Harry Eldrld,., Jr.

Ml'I!. Mary Anson, past 80 years of ago, will 1'eturn f rom Dayton where. she hn mnde 'her hOl1lc t he past { ew yenl·., and will mll'~ e thl hel' '~llew hom " - it hav ing ' been her home long years a~ .



Hen', a list of business houses tbat are .selling hunting and fish·

An old bUilding which fo r mDnY yeaTS has been falling into decay In,llcenllell Io'r the Fish a nd Game is being l'e1podeled by its owner and, tho ugh t he roof had fallel in, r-7:'~'-::--:-:-----':""--':""--:----""=-=~r=-------I---" . now is fust DSsuming t he Ilhnp,c of .n. good, comforta\;ltc home. Albaulrh·Go04 Drug tOl'C Tackle Dept. Feddel'8 Supply Co. JlWles Sernce Station Banghant',S Texaco ervice Stn· ...-.... ......,...:.........,. ti'o n Lebanon Famous Auto Suppl y (The Yellow Front ) lteo Lion H. E . Ivins Wllite Villa Grocery a nd Service Station Springboro Gilph'\s' ~ohio Service Stotion , . Carllsle Cincinnnti Oil Works Office (Rob~. Mays) Harveysburg Cad P eterf's 1. G, A. Grocery. These stores Ilnd f illing l'tntions have l'eceived their license nnd ~e turning all Ceoo into a f und for .fish and game con ervation work. By next week license ou tlets will be s~pplied in Mason, Morrow, Waynesville and Kings Mills. Every sportsman in War ten Count y owes ' d-ebt of gratitude t o t hese busine. men for their coopers,. tJon. Game protector Hines will keep Ucell8es distributed t o all au' leta and colle'ct the money tr:om license sales. Thanks, Cliff1. f or your help also.


A Good Town To Live In

----- "

T he a mem ',ma n round thi rd street really bu zz ing wit h activity Mo nday. !A t ,MIt·. J oy' s, our dilige nt Mal'shal, a ne\\' wash house if! be· il)g el'ected a nd t he men in the pictur,e al'c wheelin g concrete for the fo un dulio n f ortns.

Make Your Home Here Permanent



. Plans have been completed for the next I)lg gen eral meeting Tlte sound of !iammer and saM' the Wanen County Fish and Gam e are heal'<l at the Sheehan propel't,\ Prote~ive A.£sn. at , Leban~n, on Thir d St reet also, and here w e Tburaday,. May 12 at 8 :00 p. tlll. found Mr. Fromm b usy ha.nging a Following the busine!s meeting Dr. door. Rosencrans of Lebanon will show some' moVie,s of his Michigan , fishComplete refinishing of thO fine Inc trip and another film he has old r-esidence i under way a nd obtained for the meeting. PNsI· when finished it is going to be one dent Earl Gustin promises a good of the- most beau tif ul and modern lunch and refreshments to follow the, show. 'I t is vitally important homes. tliat every aSsociation member and , meetiDg to elect a resident of their ,towuabip' to the Board of Directon This ,.Board is Il'esponsible fn the dtstrtbution of fish and game in the member's township. Each will be elected 'Only by his town. , , ablp ~idents. Sportsmen unabl~ • ~ attend-can -send their $1.00 dues &Jld vote f~r Director to Ear1 M. Gustin, Lebanon . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I 00 0 · clear .water last weekI Ray repQrts M l'. snd Mrs. ' Ern~~t E rnhart Guest s at the home ' of Mr. and , a nd two bass taken a.nd family had Sunday gu ests fOl' Mrs. D. C. Ridge, Sunday wel'e Mr. I still t:ryi\1g to push his biU for the at Paint Creek Sunda.y. That clos· dinn er MI'_ Bert Marlatt and Miss and Mrs. J. Clarence Shaeffer and registl'atio.b of all fire·arms !With es our journal fur this week ex· Clara Daughter . Mr. and IMlrs. Walte r Campbell ' of . finger prints and a dollar for each cept to remind you fi!llows not to I Mr. and iM]i·s. Claren ce Crawf ord .l?ayton. . I one. ,Every letter 01' telegram' of tum' ba~U~minded wnen the and family had Sunday several of Miss TheJma Howland of Cincln. protest to your cI,mgressman will baaa season closea Saturday. There their relatives from Cincinnat i. nati was a 'week end guest 'Of Miss help kill this ".sportsmen's' Worst is plent 'Of fishing sport with 'crap· Barbara. Gray. I Enemy." pieS, bluegUis and channel cats on FRIENDS HOME Mr. and Mrs. Gilber t Frye and -0the lo s~nc;l another good b e~ Eva Ros of Wilmington called son were Sunday dinner guests of Cbas. (Slim). Laymon of Mason sil)ce this y~r the regular 5'Oc lic- on , Mary. Adams on Thursday. Mr_ and Mrs. A, H .. Earnhart. I advises that aU Warren County ense covers f ishing f'Or ' trout, why .Mi ss Mary P ee ll e of Qay ton c 11 • . Mrs Eli F U1'nas ,a nd '/Mlrs. L. V. Bl'anstl'ator were Dayton visitors ' sportsmen and their wives are in~ not try 'Mad Riye r up north of us? ed on Ha1'l'ie~ P eeHe Saturday. vited 'to Southern Ohio Coon Hun~ Some nice l'airjbows iWere reported Mr. and :M ·s. Thomas Calvert Monday. ers Assn. spring dance, Mlay 5 at last year. ' . and daughter Hele n ,of Selma visit. Mr. and Mrs, Or ville Gray had ~he Casin'O . A good time, is guar.ari. -0ed their sister Mrs. Pierce on Sun. liS dinner. guests on Sunday Mrs. I teed. Go out to the farm where you day. A. C. Bowman and son, Paul. -0nted last .season and offer to Mr. Edwin Bricket of Toledo Mr. and Mrs. Ji>hn Gons and "What did you do yesterday?" out the crows that are nest caJIje down on Sunday evening and children ' were Sunday guests of "Just what ~he rest of you' fel· It will be a favor to· the farm took his father Mrs. Pierce ' home . fri ends in Middletown. who did )'ou one last year-and with him' for a ;week's visit. Among tb~se from' hel:e who at- I tydrant water without a strike." it's good shooting! Miss Anna and Mame Brown at- tended Cookmg . Sc:hool In LebanA lot of the fello_ws were blank. tended the Century Club on Friday 'on last week were Mesdames Ross I ed out by crystal cl ear streams M Y. HOLLY at 'Mrs. Raymond Conners. Hal·tsock, Ralph lIiastings" J. B. (except th e Big and Little MiMrs. 0. H. Deatherage accom. Chapman, Willi.B.tl1l, Gt:aham', and L. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Runyon of pani ed Mrs. Ross Hart~oi:k ana V. Branstrator and Ernest Haft.. amis) bu t we. fi sherm en al'e funny . - we wouldn't be happy if there near ' Waynesville spent Sunday family to Carrollton, Kentucky, sock. Mrs. Hartsock '!Was one of the wasn't omething We could blame with Mr.- and Mrs. Ha rold Kellis where she will spend some time hostesses on Wednesday. . for t hat empty creel or stringer .! a nd family and in the afternoon wi tl1 her ' daughters: Mrs. ~arola li:arnhatt and child· ren and Mr. .and Mrs. Kenneth This w !'iter was lucky in taking they called on Mr an'd 1Mb. Harold , fou r bass Sunday with Nick Leroy Filer and familY' of n ear Xenia.' , ,Hough ,ari,d children spent Sunday I of FrankJjn and Walter Maynard Mr. and Mrs. Morris Marlatt and Ha~p"m·ngs with Mrs. Viola ~~dan . of Middletown as witnesses I That children of New Burlington calJed " " ' should spike sori1e cjf those t um. on Mr., and Mrs. Ervin Smith and HARVEYSBURG :....- The. local. ors ! " Slim" Lllymon of Mason daughter Judith An n Wednesday --~-~. H. ' S. traek 't eam,'· will compete writes that th ose $l.00 carp" evening. ' , Mr. and Mrs. Luther Perkins 'o f in a trla'ngulat .m,e et at Morrow•.' Mr. and IMJrs. Jon e sand Beaverto\vn were supper gue ts of Friday aftemOiln 'when BI~ches. · don't mean a t hing ince he took that 4 3-4 lb. small mo'uth bass grandchildren Mr. Bill Jones and Mn. Maude Cr~ne Sunda.y.' tel' will join them !'Or the e!fair. Mfss Marie Storer ,spent 'S'unday The Massie Lads scored a 54-41 ! and a 4 lb. C'hannel out of the lit- Lida JOMS of Xenia called on Mr. . tle Miami. Slim quits bragg ing. and IMlrs. DaVIa Lucas Sunday af- with her parents in Martinsville. victory over Blanchester in a dual long enough to add that some of ternoon. M-r. and Mrs. Elmer Peterson' of meet last week :when Bill Downey ' the other f ellows are getting fine Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hartsock Dayton were Sunday evening tallied 18 po~nts. fi sh ou t of the :;ami! stream. "Doc" and daughter of near Spring .Val· guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Con· :tnd Dwight Gilpin' a nd the three ley spent Sunday ,w ith their par. nero Mastel' boys of S'pl'ingboro got a ents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kellis. Mr. and' Mrs. Charles Allen .and f air catch of channel at Celina, Mr. and Mrs. M'o rris ' Dill and daughter, Mary. spent the week. while ~he t rio of BurtOn, Baker family 'of ~banori spent Sunday end in Lancaster ,g uests of Mr. and Burton-also of Springboro- evening with Mr. and Mrs. Harold and Mrs. G. A. Allen . ]yJ.1' • . Lawrence Stout of San . carded , 6Q. crappies at St. Marys. Kellis and children. Satn ~rixner 01 Franklin entere~ Mrs. Arthur Morgan spent Francisco California )pent seve'r al . a 17 inch bas f or ~he. . Alabaugh· Thursday with 1Mlrs. Elvis Michael. days witti his aunt, Mrs. .IMaria EI. , Good. Drug Store prIze an d! Frank M:r. Charlie Crawiord of Cin~ bon the latter part of t h e week LOST-Sawrd fte bl k .:ram~ "enjoyed , the t rip" to In. cinnati spent the week end. 'with ,Mr and Mrs Paul Griffy of D~y d hi n:~ ~ ~oon, ac 6 ' d,ian La~~. And spe.aking· of trips, Mr. and Mrs. ClIirence Crawford ton ~isited with t he fOI'mer's 'par ' an IdWh te 8 h'teerfr ert P~PdPY t. 'T, ' . G f as . • ':W1 1' ' ee an" one u ,,'u.., ra 0 f Lab a'n on, d on't and f am il y. , en.t s Mr. lind Mrs. Bert Griffy the- I mo; 0 ato,p \akin« hi f rie nds ' fishing Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Smith and first of t he week ' ' lbtOW~. R~ward. If l'eturned ~o' M:rs. and compa.ny" daughter _=t · " Harold I' , "just for ' the n,de ' , . : had fo'r . , th' err S un d ay 'M rs. CI."<41'.es Elzey and daugh. It if M~lIer.. 5th st., WaynesVljle . there'. jfOlnlf t.«>. be an Antl-G~af MISSLouise Smith and Mrs. ter were dinner ·g uestl!. of Mr. and P. . " " Club formed, ~Ith Earl Gustm, M'lldred N ewland and children ' at Mrs. James Hartsock on S ,d y "Ike" ;Eicher Me'l'rill Oook my. Dayton. .. ' MM' B ' un a .. FOR SALE: Gardeh Plants, also a Ortis ourne and f(lmJlr d I' i I , , , . r. MIf .ad Mveral ~tbera as eha)'tt1r Ml·S. Ha.rold Kellis ,and etiildren, have mo'le<l into his recent! ur. · goo Be eetlon 8l~ ~nd 2 year 1 1M.m~n.~id take the o nly big MfS.- Ervin Smith and daughter chased p~opel'ty on Srd stre! pMr ~d hardy per~llal plants. Geo. thne pounder) the. day we Jlldith Ann, Mrs. 'Morris Marlatt !Miaynard Weltz and fam'l ' h ' ~terson, one au].e from Wayne.. ala. . bat Jule explains that and family of New ·Burlington call- moved into the Ma..... haU-· pIrY artve ytlle on the. Bellllrook Plkit. ltp. ' Dc ' . h 1 _ ' d M J ' ope y n f o~ ~~ DIqaa l'S. C a.r~nee~wf01:d and vacated .by the Boumes. . ' ., FOR SALE: • Rock Fries, o 1 n Jl an u °Ene even 118' t week. Mr. and lira. Harry Stokes, M.... Grace Hockett. HIIO~ on tta Blalr of Xenia is Emest Hartsock and Mrs. Herman _ _ _ _~~-..:i:L.·.IL',he a»e~~ ::: .. with h.- fto- Surface _d IOn were Da7tvn










& 0



esville, O.




Buy Remodel What Ever Is Put Into A Rome Is Deep Rooted .and Sure

PRESENT For The Past 33 Years

w. H. Madden And


Have F~rnished . Quality






rsc Bounly . On Crows


----... _----


Directs Fire FroQl TelephonePii1e L~cal -Happenings





Veterinarian Has Missionary Society Opened -urru;e-nmt----U.;;1T~~;;__---:-=:.~R

It Is not orten that a t ll'e ohlef n HI'llIn d urc, n B'I'n<1 unte of Ohio clln give OI'd'!r!! to his m en from Mr. a 1111 Mt·s. L IOyil Dav is nn d • I nh" Unlvcl ·~ 1ty, a nr! U lll'ucllsi ng Ml's. J . \'. 1.:1 y WfiR h" ~ t e~ ;R to ' r. aT C'r' h~oldon, , c1 e rk ode In tol) a tclcph one pole but ~ lI ch wns h lll.ll'l," und ?l1r, u nll 1\11'8. Charl eN v(: t l· rll111da n. 11iI .... l:du. l lI· lIJi 1' .·~t l ~~11( ") W ,nyn e owns IP, I'e c'z.'ve d wor the ex perl noe. Inst week of Fire J nmeN u nd chlldl'll n I1 r c ~ttend .nl: Uie I tn ll)l ~ 1.."1 11011 IU'fI)Jt' n:y vn ~··in h }il. lhp \ yuln .... n ·s r··ul'eign 1\11!o's i(11l 1tt' Y last W ed nes day morntng that a hlef 11\l"nce Dunha m of Lebanon. lIllnHtn'l I-; I> o\\' ttlag 1I by em ployeI'll I II rlll will l'lI g! Ig'l' til IH'a('licl ' IH"" ' . It e ~od (' IY. \V, 'llllc"day nt tCI'IIUOJl , .\I ay ~oullty wus to be ofre~d o,~ cr.ows 1.11'. Dunham who Is empluyed by oj' Ih l' ))uyt(m PO~"f'l' 1111<1 Light '0'1 \\ H~ rlQ' II H,l t ' ly H:-: ~( I \' la l(l d w itll It I • I , wllh Ml s~ SlIlJJo Smith :'I nd .\Inl. 111 Warr en county ag1!IID thL~ year. th o tl'lcphone om pony as line re- ilL thl' N . C. n . ~" hoo l Build ing to· I'·l,,jl·!·lt l BUI'I'.ItI ,)1' .\ n inJa I I nLlu:llry ,\ , lid 'n~ oll lI!!fll!lting, Th a m~c l'Ctlds: The Co un- I)uil' mlln WIlS ot \vOI'lt In Corwin, I 'H'hl ('\'h ul'sduy) (:ec ll 00\'1" will "'hit ' ll \\'II ~ "II J~aJ.:'(1 l1 itt llll O H: ln~fi .\11'';. ,I. \\' . " ' hltl' IIn ll ': l lId'l\'~ nr t! CO mll\1 ~LO n er~. of Wl!rren wh en call!; co m e through ollr loca l I lay In Iho o..ehe!!t ..... Uis "'a~c l' I'l lilIcn llnn W ~ JI't\ tn t ' l1ntun County, Ohl:O, hlllve appI·oprlUt.ed exc hunge 'lhat a eh'a had bl'ol(l'n out M,'. ,and M,'!!. 1~l1 l'n est lhf~ .h,I\' (lliol1al p e r iod, clu l'i n ~ Which '('Unly. the s um of. $260.00 f,or the d0e5truc a t tii e fllLY Will e form north of nn el baby dl~ughL I' \\. I'e S unday II ' Hl t;;!) r"':tr't iI ' J a ~ n \'('l ri n ad .l ll 1 ~ ' · \' I ' I·f~ ...t(l ::\11 ', I.~ a y 0[f"' I'(\(1 pr ,l ) er tlon o~ crows In Wal"'on ounty Lebnnon. 'rh e operator here looated I ~u :;la of 1011'S. T . U. Bro nnoclt. \\'hll 1)1', .\14 11' 1"1 :-; "f l ~itnH whu is \\h lp 1111,1 :\11':1. I.l' May sR n g "1'1 .. , IJld effectIve MU1~ I, 1.938. . I Mr. Du nllflm who l'1'medlntely )\,11'. lind MI's. Josia h JJnvhl Rpent I~" 1",,, wll 111 tha I 1'I .-I l1il), . IJ,' . I )v" I : UJ;I;'t'(1 ·I'U ~s. " Anyone plcse ntmg a CJ ow head hooked UII his tl eld se t nnd \Vus soon • ,. rill days lh r lJ·~t ot the week i H u1. : II'1" il'd H Utl IHt H 011 1' KO tl . I I I' I lI al~n. and two crow feet f()r each .n e~d I !(Ivlng orden! nbo ut goW ng his m en with 1\'l r. lind MI':;. 1I 0wn rd Hal'lcy :'0[1'11. !.('M"y r ead "Til" I :. (ll " n lil I1H hl H ilff\p · at hi:; n ' :i hl"IlI 'c . tlo .tho Clcrk of the. Townsh.lp lIl ! to g ethe,' a nd In .. tl'ucl.lo",~ to thcm nnd flllllJly of N e w Burlingto n. \' ,'"sl'I" 1'0 1' tho " I " \\' \1''( 'ill " 1"'0. whl~h they are . a reSIdent, W111 be I lhough he WIU! ustrlde a pole ten 01'. find Mrtt. UI1:(' HU BS(Hl of Dny· lil'il m. e lill'lble to ~i've a compensati.on n,Jles a way. ton were ':;Ue:;L8 'I'hul's<lny ot lhe .\1)'". 1'1f1 .I' an(l. MI'I!. Lal ') l;a \'O of 2(; ce ntll (or enc h c ruw head de· I 1IJJ",.C'!! Tl'llh'l1 l1 1I nd IIIII 1'J,l':t r ,' t Eel· \j' ,' Y i nt e l't.':..lhH: I·C TH.U ' I :.. 1'111 111 1ho live r ed to said Clerk. wurda. l li!"i tl~ i(" t n "flttp )r"" ~tlnH h l!hl at 1. I~ h­ "Upon pl'esentatio", of ~ cel'tiMI"s DUI'ls Hawk e l'ptu l'ned home " .. ,n . April 2~. cate from the Towm:hip Clerk to fl'om hel' south, I'n 11', 1) I".. l FI'lda.v. 'l' 11 '~ I" 'J.;"IIJ. II' 11 1'II g-rUn) f IJI' Il c' :,fl"1 the County Auditor of the numMn;. Ol'nng(' Il:qwr Is RpendlnJ; no"n '1 ' 1 'I 'llIz n8111 11' a s th u b e l' of heads counted and th.e athis week with he ,' slttlCI' In (' Inei n· I i. I/lf', S ·I f; fullows : mount due sa id palrty, the County nnLi , " (tn 1 ~1 IHling th e N (\ \\' ~ I)nJl I'HOI_ LrlR l FI'I,l:Jy III J;hL wil l " tn nll 01 \11 Audilor will issue a county war- WAYNES\·lL ....E 1\1. E. CHURCII 1IIr!!. hh'l ey AII(>Jl uf Dell'ol t I ~ II, III anu a l!! ur th Jllulur" " nil ~I ' II ~ I.I·~ . \\·llIiIl II1 Po n. mnt for Said amount, This is in SUIlIluy 1\ln)' 8 spend ing thl l! wee l, with Mr. Lon "./n pan ,' l' .\1 ,, 1h(' I'''' :1111,,."- Mrs. iVI':-; a~ lint ' uf t hl' OW l" P)CiI :-;U III accordance of Section 1410-2 of 9:30-Sundoy school _ Mother's "Itus. ,·t'nts o f theh' "dIDo I ~·Cll " ". (In thal ( ·)·OllS. the Gene ral Code of Ohio." Duy program. Word M e b en ·r cclved ,thnt Dr. "l'h ll" II 111)(1 l-lltlte ')'1),111),,,_ 1\11's. r.h:h t Ila- .1 uniors "' IH L' rt ~tln~c1 th'.! 10:So-MOI'nng Worshi p. "A Salute and Mrs. L. D. Hull hnve pU" (' hnsed :';cni()l'l; and ] II;; h S 'hor)1 F !I(' tlILY III D,,}' . to Pm·enls." propel·ty In ·olumbuB. II I IH 11'1 li t l. ' I' III} S~I! I H' W itS Lh IJ ':I II· 2:00"":"EJ1worlh L eague meets ot Mr. Ethon Lewis who ",ns cn lled lIlul d in ing n' m f Ih' Young "Vo' the church £01' s pecial trll) to Hills he,'o by th e d eath of his i>\'Onel mo· II I n 'N L' ·H J.:, l..I t l f UuYlun n.n ll th e el, 'und Dilies. , lh I' hus r lurned to his lIo"t at An1I ' lous <llnllc i' wn~ ~ ,' \',,11 by tlwt 7.30-EvC'nlng Servlcc--Sterloptl- n il 110118. Mnryln nd. ')I' !;U n Izullo n. u n IIdes. Mrs, J e f( Smith. Miss Pho ' be MI· The 1'l1l1owinl:' pl·"~1'tl 1l1 \\' 11~ pre· " 'edlll'sdIlYrunda. Kllthel'lnc l' ndl'l'gnllt nnd S nt cd wh li e Ilt Lhe lubl '~: 2:0o-Th tl'l ndshl\> elltb wlIl m eet Mr. J CSM PendUl'gnst wel'C' l;unday T OIHit 1\1 11:;l (' I', H.t) lw l"l H .vlua n ; 1 nguests of Mr. anll 11'11'''. Byron P e n· The Senior cl!lss of Harv~Y'Sburg with Mrs. Ganlet Mullnbe rg. voen lIll n. S IIJll. .1I1'f1t; ' V 100111 :. dc. rgllst of Hyde Pnl'k. 1 ' .- Hsla l' I 11I1'l1ln ; HI't!l lu n ~ '. l3 ' LIl ah 'I'he hl'lRtlll 1l Chur h had nn unIlcbool has just ~liTJ nounc ed that by "'hurtldll)'4:00-Junlor Choir. M,'. a nl1 MI'". WlIlJurn Conner nnd jil'rn nl'd; Toa>:;L. Ewt!y n ,] ohn8; 11:'1 1.111 1 sCI',,1 ... Runrlny eVl'nlng In I1S special al'Nngerr,.ent they bave pro 7:00-Boy Scouts. c hildre n of Duyton elll1ed on MI'. n nd 'J'l\lk~ . :II )'. Bruwn, Mis:; ~llI iLh . A f. mu ch 1111 Lh e gr ·ull'r POI'C r It WIIS cUI ·HI the rig hts to Bruee n rand 7:00-<>rcbestra P rllCtIce. MrR. V. M. Hol}lett a nd Mr. ond t -I Ililllle r . 1\ th el\ tl'e pa rt y III the ~I"e n by the m C'mbers of one {'Imlly on's latest and gnY~Bt romed.y en730Prnyer Meeting. Mrs. leve on nc r. 'unday nrt 1" HII'III I<I T 'Il II' w",. e ll Joycll. About Theso wOl'e th t~llenl (l young' full(~ titl d Hig,h Pre..sl1I'e Homer." This 8:00holr 'Procllce, noon. Olea 1\(')'" :Lnd IIUll il" wC)'f' 1'1' s. of I he Senrs fa mily. 1\1r. Alh, rt Cnr· com\:-d,y is to be given on May 13, Our first. last nnd beRt depe ndence Mr. nnd MrR. B njnmln J oncs have \. I' 'w llll IR s tudying (01' the mlnl~. c nt. at the Hla.]'vey~bul'g Gymnasium. i lI'y t\ t il hrlstln n Rpmlnnl'v In The. cost has ueen selected and j~ If.! o'n Lhe ' hul·ch. PeOI}le are turn . moved bnck to Inclnnntl. Mrs. hnd cs Ames hod na dJn ne l' CLASS STUDIES l ', IH'lnnIlU 1'\'11 VB IL s plondid tolk - till,. r-40hearsi~ diligen t ly under the di- Ing toward th e c hul'ch. Arc you a . MISSIONARY WORKinl; ",I "S U S the bight of til" World" rection of Mm . Lillian S. Carr. monll' th em? Our attendunce at the &,uests llUIt Friday Mrs. Fl'Onk 'V I· Good pla.ys f,ooo amat.eur playe-s morning Bervl e has Increased 28 son. Mrs. J oe Lloyd. Mrs. Ell M e· The {)\'gu n ize d aault Bible Cia ' B as hla subJ ct. Miss Lola S aI'S V ry ore d,iftlcult to find and that is I) r cent over Inst year. April aLtond. Gregor o{ Lobll non nnd lIf,·s. Emil 1of J ona h' s Run Baptil!t C h ul'ch met I cn pably played several 8 I <' lions on 'Why this play 'Was snapped up for once Wll8 double. Many hove joined Srown, 'Ilwt at t he home of 1\11'8. Kath el in e t he nccordlon . !\frs, rver (nec Er· th church. Are you doing your Mr. and Mrs. Hllrry WlllJumson local prclIOntntion illS soon as it . Resto n on Tu esd!ll Y evening Mr ilia S ars) ond 1I1r. J ohn Selll's, u. sharo? ontertolned (0 Sunday dinner MI'. wtas re.8d. If you have never attend ! E dwin MOl-r OW, return ed m'ission: Seminary student ffLvored with sev· and Mrs. Harold 'W llilamson of Dayed a laugh, fest here is on-e because ary from Africa talked informall el,",1 80 ngs . chief of whl h \' n8 '''J'he ton and Mr. a nd ,l\1rst 1m "B)·own. · "High Prel8ure Bomer" is just Ii "hert ' h('\',vood ,VUI',vlcl( ot ~Iny 27. Bo nl Ileal' .T-l l'nll Cck, he . ?f codd;iti~ns there and of his work Hln n I'. nOll the Song." John took Mr. and Mrs. Milton She han ot WAYNESVILLE ('HURCH OF that--a clean, entertaining and Thil'tee n the IILUt uf th sin ne r nnd Mrs. a r Ccn(ervllIe '!pcnt ono dny Inlll we k Youngs towlI. Ohio. a ",lied Alum. CO Dles from 1\ I nil' lIno of \lIOn ee" ,l n t he mIssion sch:ools CHRIST IIcreamingly funny comedy that with Mr. Il.nd l\lrs. A, H.. Ell rnh ort. nus oC Way no Townsh ip School will r:un Jlle.~ th at sot tIed in this a rea . . menlbers and five guee~ were p res v I' d llictud th e slol'y In chn1k on hns broken nU nOn ncc r ecords ev· He g ''tIdLlnted tl'om the 10c.."\.1 SCllo01 e.nt tho blnc kboard . Tho ohurch q uartet Mesdames Robert <!lu1lett. John be the CommC'ncem ant 8I1MI, r here i In 1902. 11»1!Ill led wllh th is song. eryWhere. Its a play far the 'entire lAIrd's DayLacy and A , K. Day. attended t he Bible School 9:30 a. m. !n'm Hy, BQ get your tickets now Mlsslonory luncheon at the Lebanon UlCliCLE ACCIDENT VACANCY NOT · FILLED an II , have a bright and merry e v· Communion 10:46 a. m. H, E. Church last F riday. LIllie MIs'b Ruth Wardl ow (lvc AT HARVEYSBURG SCHOOl,Christian Endeavor 7:00 p\I m. ening. AdiDission is 10c tor childTwelve members of the local Ma.Preaohlng 7:46 p. m. Y !lr old da ughter of lIlr. n nd l\[rs. AccO'rding to 'ts ' h ren and 20c for adults. . 'J'1'uman Wal'dlow sufCe l' d a ballly School Board has~gor '{1Ve:n t e . There were 84 In Sunday Sohool sc ns attended Masonic Inspection at Harvesburg !nst Saturday evening. apl1l ln d. nnd t Wls(ed (oot lus t week lock in t h e eff~lt to ~n a a del8dFOOD SHOP BEING Sunday and 160. p resent Sunday evMr. and Mrs. ,G. A. Becbtold of wh n aho oaught . lt In Lh o wll('el oC be l' to fill the vnCi8Jl~ oose atede IMPROVED THIS 'VEER enlng. There waS' an Interesting pro- Oxford were Sunday dinner guests hI l' ol1~ln ,\Vllllam Irouse '!! blcy. j th rClllg r.l Ot!on a nd ro;':~ of M~ Clement "Peck" Satterwalte, man. 'gram presented ·by a group of stud- oC Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Crabbe. o e upon wh.lch shc wus I'ltUng nI l' Wilbu r Hawke as " 'et . he . alrer of .Peck'l" Food Shop, III Im- ents of ' Cincinna ti Bible SemfnRry Dr. anll Mrs. Alfred Stout. Mra. Mr. Snrg n nt has built (l cozy . . , ¥ no one s Th rrll'mbel's of lho O:lI'd n Clllb .. h(llldlo bnl'S" . be.en chose.n to s ucceed Mr. Hawke. proving his place. of bUSiness this just preceding the sermon. Let us Mal'y Cross lmd Mr, a nd Mrlj. L. C. modern hom e In connc tlon wit h hll:l week which adds to the Improvement net forget that Sunilay Is Mothers St. John were Sunday dinner guests 'oll s ta tion u nd wllh h i!! fam(ly 1M WPI'C t,nLIlI 'L,llncd In 'Lytlo, Tu esday ot the bUSiness district which has Day, l!O In r ellpect, to .mother let ~us ot Mr. and :Mrs. Olenn Blond of living tbere lind uperatl ng n Shell \'f' Tlln~ nL Lh o hom or Mrs. Ma r· go"l' t Johns wlLh ~1I·s. HnTv Y Burn· been In prograu here. . go to ohl\rch. Springboro. station. !'t u8s lsting. "Peck" himself wellded a pRint WedneetlayMr. a nd Mrs. Wilbur Sears enter. Mr, .lohn oal'!! left Munday wIth Art ,· th l' hu s lncRS period the pro· brush In redeeoru.tlng hie store and Preaching 7:46 p , m. talned the following m mbers ot (\, groull of s mlmu'Y st ud illS f r a the job Is one of which he may well their family n t Maude Cmne's Tour. tour which will tuk ' thcm thl'ough (;rnm wns In chn l'l;O of Mrs. . L . be proull. 1st Home on Sundny. Miss Lola severa l southern s(atos. P"ogl'llnlS Dt.k .. pl'Ogl'lIm ch,d l'm nn, who In· FERRY ClIUR<JH ~F OHRIST Soars. Mr. John Sears and Mr. a nd will be put on In churches on th II' tl'ollu l'l'l1 MI's. Miltmun or Dily t on. HARVEYSBURG- . Lonl'a D8)'Mrs. Albert Carver all of Inclnna IUnerary to rn.\ se funds to build 0. ownel' f a V' I'Y fin grc n hou~e . Hc B'IW' a shui't tolk. th en gnve JONAu RUN CHURCH Bible School 0:30 a.. m. U and Mr. and Mrs. Eh'erett ears new semlna.r y In CincinnatI. .,. Lord's Supper 10:45 a. m. Lh ' memb rs til opportunity of aak, and baby. Mrs. FI'ed Hllrtsock .. etuI·ned to WINS AWARJ>.Mothers Dliy program 11:00 n. m. Mr: and Mrs. Wlllam Ca rver and he,' home In Milford Ilrll~ r SI)endlng- Ing queI'll n. Ma ny I) I'pl xing prob· The Spring Meeting of the Clin- . There wero 174 In unda y" School lem!! cUII(,f'l'nlng II111nt IIf w ' r solv· ton Baptist AlI8Ociation 'Was held> at last Sunday with an oHerlng ot Mr. and I\1rs. H all ot Spl'lngrield IUllt w eek with hor uu nt. l\11·~ . I::dlth I'd. The club ft,lt VP I'Y (OJ·tunate In were guests ot th e Sear's family Hal'I·ls. the Blanchester :Oapti~ ChUlrI!h on $40.22 .. Come 'this S~ndny In respoct h:l\'lng MI'. 1I1I ttmnn In Ihelr midst. NI ,' . u nd M,·s. IsrUle P la nel, of Mid· C;unday. The silver CIlP for points of moth er and hclp- us reacll our Sunday afternoon. Til ' hU ti tf's~ sorved r :'> [r~shm e nls t Among those from her e who h eard dleto,,' n \\' el'O lllurday C' uelilts or the lin Nading was awarded the Jonah .gonJ ot 240. The men of the church a nll lin ·njoynb l !loel:.1 time WIlS Howard E. Cadle of the Cudle Tab. fo rm er 's aunt; MI's. AnmL Uukel'. Hun Association. lMIrs. Jennie Gra;. will have charge ot the program. Be· e njoy h by n il. MI'. H. A, ol'ncl1 pUI'chused th is ham wa. eleeted association sec.r et- aides the special mualc thero will be drnacl ~ speak at MemorIal Hall Day ton, Oil Jost Sunday were Mr. and \\'colt th e John Long 111'01) rty on ary and ti'euurer, Those attend four short talks by the men. lItrs. Clyde Egbert. Mrs. Anna Baker 3rd s(reot, ing from here were:. Rev. and Mrs. Tu~a)'. •, Imd Mr. and Mrs. 'WIlIIum Stroud. Miss Flossie Fin's is III at lho .T, P. T'hoIr.nbury Mr. and Mrs. A. Preaching 8:00 p . m. Over five hundred mothers were snld hom e ot hcr pa l'e nt s. S. CC?llett, Mrs, Mary Doster, Mrs. ThnnclayMr. and Mrs. 'Wllliam Jo hnson and Jenme G...... am &nd Misa N:an Col. Berean ~Iass meeting In bo.I!ement to have gone to the pulpIt tQr con· secratlon and reoonaec"ntJon after Ml's. Johnso n's · you~g all!to,' stopped lett. of church 8:00 p . ru. __ The church bell rings an Invltll· hearing Mr, Cadle deUver a Mothers' I'tlI'Oute from Camden N w J ol'S Y to ]rlvo [hous:lOa Boc ia l security ac· thelt· bomo In Los Angl('s. III C. t.o MRS. COLLE1'T, HOST'ESS tJon to ' one and all to attend these Day sermon. MiB8 Gladys Rye Is Improving In spond Tuesduy wltll Mm. Murla E I· cou nt numbe l's h l! v . boen Issued ' by ,'1'0 BOOK; RtVIEW CLUB-. services. health after being quite III as II. reo bon, th e Soclll l Seclll'lly B<>ru'd fUce In )Irs. Caasle C\lllett hoste88 ------8ult ot an InfectJon eaused by stre· Ha milt on "Inco the opening of th.H (Continued on Inst Page) to the membera ()f the Book Re. EPiSCOPAL CHVRCH ornco on Augu!:!t 2. 1937. It wn6 learn ptocoeus throat. She spent severa l vie!" C1u~ with II. lunCheon at her eel today (mm Roh<ll·t H. Minnich. days at the Miami Valley hospital J'ICNIC J'AR1'Y dehghtful 1ro1M "The Hole in the Third Sund,s.y after ' Easter May last week n.s It was first ten red shc fi eld oW m a nn gel'. Miss M 100 0 u ~t1n dC' lh;htfully cn· Woods",' on Tuesday, ~pril 26th. 8. Church school at 9:30. C~Ptain WI18 sutterlng from an attack of all' 'o lthel' th name nol' the account :rwelve l{ldles ·w.ere p.resent includ· Albert Sayers ~f the Churcb ariny pendlcltls. Observa tion proved It to lerta.ln d s ixteen of hel" c lassmates n 'mbcl' of th o r,.oor'lh [LPIllicant to 0. 1.lonl c j)I1 I'LY!lt h l' l' co unlry ('ou ld be Hscl' rtal ned, from th Ham· tng Mrs. Mary Do1tter as guest. a.nd ministelr in chal'gl6 of St be an Infected colon. Mrs. C. G. Rap-doll completed the John's church, Colum.bus,. 'W'ilI con: Mr. and Mr/!. W. A. Johnson of hom o laHL Sil turc\.\y , frum ~ to 5:30 . Ilt"n MI'lre. hoI\' 'vc r, ow ing lo (ho review of the The Oount.ry Kitch- J duct services and preach at 10'- Los Angeles · and sister. Mrs. Loclt, The oHm'noon WII~ "II 'IIt In th e con fltl n UH 1 naturo oC lhe Boa.rd's en," by Dellia' T. Lutes. 30. • of Laurel SprIngs, N, J. were 'l'ues· \Voods on(l ns n olilnn x a dcllclous r('(:ll l·d. Mr. Minnich sa id that no day night guests of Mrs. Marla EI· picnic SUJlller sCl'v('d li fter which lhe Inf;"rmnilon co ncerning im IIcco unt bon, guest/! hll, tl to th 11' hom eR. Those numher app llcnnt 0 " cu rd holder Is .... S. M' ARY DOSTER prescnt wei' Mnl'Y 'Villi!!, J ean find u \'o llabl to the publJc [or any pur· '''I"' I CI I R VI 1)0. e wh llt socver. HONORED AT DINNERJ a ne HnrL~OC <. ,~.r olle ye, I', "Both lh llullil Intcrest [lnd trle w.~ D I l\'lnlo P I'cston. ~llIry L ola L llcy , ar· Mr: eadn dwU.' Mhrs• C '""P'. oste.~ en- a h o'1 n ",·. Bllpn Moss. Ruth Black. t'fflclc nt ft<]m lnlsu·:tU on of the f unc· ." ' II\I!) evelllng dmner . ' tions of th o Board a rc b fit s erv ed tertam OD Sunday honorin Mr D ter' fOI'(l, EII7",hplh Tlurnl'lt. Mnnlmlnla wh on ,t ho (,onClllc ntlal na ture of a ll mother, Mrs. M~ Do8t'er~s wh! HOR~'r 1I!(\\·Jcl'll(· n?rI PO topl'!,;, I I ClclnMH~' \\,fl go l1 nd ot hcr l'~cOl'ds In the P08' has rec.ently from having sey, I' '!I Y, cc n 1 m. Ron, nm al · s ' sslun of th o 'Boar(l. pertrtlnlng to spent the ",inter in K.okomo, Ind., Ie Hnrdln._______ a llY pel'soll. a l'e pr,·g r ved." he SI1.1<1. the folJoWl'ng gu~"'- we~ pr,...o-nt "Any r eq ul'sl for Informa tion about """" .~ ~"'" : nJRTIIOA V DINNER Mr• .and 'Mrs., A. S. Collett and Bon a ny s uch I' COI'/I mus l, th orefore, be Robe:rt Mise Nan Collett and Miss Mr. and JI'lr/!. Olll> rl Fryo en1er· d cllned." May IUtrlan. t al ned with I\. rnm ll y tlInne r on SunBy mctl na of thclle n,cco unt num. : -;;...________ dllY at tlll'lr bNl.U UClII country h omo h('rs an rLCC lIl':lte r 'col'd la I(ept ot LUNCHEON GUESTS east ot town. 'l'h(' oC('~'l.s ~ lon W IIS nl an· li n Indl\'lduol's wageR and such r e· 1 Mrs, Alfred Stout proved herselt n ed to do hon ol' to tile I'ece nt blrlh· cord fO I'ms t),C' bnllis for a reLlre· to be a very charming hostess when day n nnlvol·sn.r y of MI I ~H 1Irol'Y Rnd nwnt Incom pllid to him upon reach Th o Rl ke·K umlcr Compony e x· ' air ovel' W H I O. 1\11'. F . N. Rlke slle entertaJ~ed II. group o~ friends Miss Ellen :'oIOHl>. 'OV~II'S wore lrod In l'\' age 05, 01' tOl' a lump·sum PIlY Inst , Thursday. Atter a delicious for Mr. a nd 1\'11'8. HlIl'tl.oy , Moss, rllc·nt to him or his estate: ' It Is, tends nn Invitation to the entl ro MI· will COI'mally 0pOII tho new IItore • . luncheon, II. delJghttul afternoon was l\lnry, Ellen n nd WllIln.m MOilS, Mrs. th rofore, Important tha t · any em· am i Vulley to nttend th COI'mlll JIlt·, Dllvld Rlke, his 80n , lIfayor spent In plaYing "600" with prizes Cora Rich a nd the host n nd hostes". ployed pel'son sccur and r etain ollonlng of Its nl)W s tore on Thurs. B )'e nnn n of Dllyto n, lind 'Vayne Lee, day. Muy 12. fl'om 7:30 to 10 o'cloolt director of th.e Doyton hamber ' of going to Mrs. CI~rence Ma.lmberg StI (' h an nl'co un t nllmber. high and Mra. A. H. Stlibbs with ,\UXILIARY TO !\fEET FRID,n ' Ovel' 3G.OOO.OOO acco unt numbers II' th e venin g. For th e past y ear Commerce, wtll sponle bt;lefly. Vnr· .10W score. Dr. Stout'. made pictures The WomnJ\'s Auxllia l'Y ot th e have boon \sSlll'd th roug hout the nnd n halC onRl ru clion ho!! been un. ' lous . guests oC the stor on ' that ot the guests with. hUi motion ploture EnIIlCOPI\l chutch wlJl meet nt tIle : nltcd Stut 8, 2.290,00 of which nre dCI' way (0 1' this mag nifi ce nt . new nlgh~ will be InterViewed on the aIr. Photograph E:dtlblt , il8,m,e rn.' The following enjoyed the homo of Mrs. L. H. Oordon Frlrln,y, from Oh io, Thc H:tmllton ,office aer- bulldlnJ;. wllk\) \ll'umlses to bo one As an openIng feature of Rlke'. afternoon, Mesdames Clarence Mal,' May 13 at 2 p. m . vice!! th e co unties of ,B uller. War- of the most beau\Jfu l nnd modern depm·tm ent stores 'In the MIdwest: lovely new a udltorlulh on the eighth mberg, canne n Grane, Morris Fulk. I' • Cllllton, and .Fayette. 'I'he open In'; nl~ht sh ould be a vory floor. an e~p lblt entitled "A Hun· ~raon, ~ H. Stubbll, H;a.rOld Miller, FRIENDS HOME gn la occallion. A batt'ry or 26 glrint l dred Years ot Photography" , hlUl ,W ade Turner, Lawrence Garst Rue· t\ool111gh ts wl\l bo ,p layod on the I been loo.ned t h rO,lIgh tho courtea)' 1Il!1l Ho,Uda.y, 'Gllbe . rt Frye,' Ira lIfrs. Edith !If Nut , Durham ! N, R~-Appo)·nte~ B H .. 1I1tJl. Sara h Huntington. Codo ,· &J hull(llng a nd 10 glnnt Navy 8enr<:h'l Of I.ho l\1Qdern · Muse\lm (If Art ,of rown. Ralph 'Hastlngs li,nd the' Rnplds. JCt:, wel'e dln'her g\)ests of lights mounted on · th e top ot the New York City,. Thllf interesting ez· ll08teaa. ':' Elmma. Peirce on Monday. i\'(I'. A lbert C. Wilson. son of Mr, store may be se n tor 'mnn!!' miles h1bLt shows the WOl1ft Of the World'. _ _.... . . Mrs .. Nanny Florence .<1 ugbter I:wd MI'I;. John Wilson of , Wan~s · 8urroundlng Duyton. MIchael moso '\'umous I"Ihotogrnphe~ trom .. ft&&lI1"IIuS ~H . (JLASS MEET Rebeo,CI\. Hughs of 90lumbllS ' woro ville, lias been teach,ng tho' sell00l Hauer·s. orchestra will entertain, anll \ 183 to the present time. Hr. &;ad loire. Kellar Honk ' enter. dlnn~r gUests on Sunday. at '1'h'o, OhJo. for the post eleven loud speak on every- tloor wlll Ot very special Interest to t~a. tIllne4 the W. F .. M. youog peoples The qua.rtly bonrd m t here on year!! a nd was r~ently r .employed enrry t he muSlo throughout the Who Ilt tend this openJng Ct).le)jre,Uon clll.8ll .of the ~endll . ChUl'Ch at their .!J'uesdu.y wlth .a full n.ttendo.nce. by the 13oo.rd or EducnUon at that litor , B illlUtul ",Indow cllspltlys aml" ' be the Williamsburg OaDer.t..' county , baine, SunlJay,-eventriir. Ji&. Mrs. Olive Curl o~ Orl¢nt. Ohio l> for I\,not,he~ ter~. __ displays throughout ' lhe store,.,...IIs 011 Hlke's new furn\!llrc rJOQr. RaYmoU Braddock save a ~ble our (ormer matron ~Jcd on Sunday Mr. Wilson griLd ullted trom (l\Vo. well lIB lovC'ly spring Ilo\vers, hns ~Qonstructed a bolll8' d~II1I:JUI" readlii&' aJld Mr. Charle. ~r Save to the joy ot h",r formor boarders. ea.! f;lC hool here at W lty nesvlll\l sev· give the atoTe II. ~sUvo air. Employ. In the mnnnl,'r of the . a atllena~ na,ture talk. The Sunday Mrs. Emma Pierce b(UJ returned eral year!! 1Igt), He also tnught here ees of the soore will aot 'a 8 hORt., !lnll ,toratJon ot IIOhool cm:bMtra (ul'JllllbeO the mU8Jc. from '1'01000 after' a v1s1t. fOr throe yenrs nnd I\~ Bellbrook ono ho.te~sea on this oooasion. Iu. this lovely. 9( .alai hoar cJelIotoue Ice Several trom here the Cu· year as 8upl'rlnt"nd!'nt of the school Rac1Io I'r!tPam \VllL i!!e re.,l'QIJ ..o~~ • . .ot __ ' ........ A1)Out alral of Mr. Fred Ilt SeUna 1_ having been prlnolple for ' the put " Century tUl'nltal'll. GO,,*, At 8 0 clook a&ke"ll WW ao OIl the sinal. at WllUaiDJallanritha ID~. 011 BUD~. • I ten fear;' ... _ • _





Junior-Senior Banquet Held



Play To Be Given At Harveysburg



Talented Family At local Church




I .

--c-'- ---:--'Galden Club Local Happemogs

. .EntertalDed



Rike's In Dayton Plans Gran-:;;;d-O::;:-p-e-n-ing -~~

Account Number Issued By Social Security Board;



Mrs.' R. D. Collett Heads WaynesviUe Mothers Club







11&1'' '

'Qtbe :miami

,,-el',' I'<'!KII" ,1 wk,-n lit J\:ln"" !lfllh.. Dan :11111 1:\111 IIl'llWll ' , ( J,'rl1 nklln S ll \ II ~~ Ineh I hit' ant af\d Il ~o In"h

~a?ette Main Street

Phone 11 2



Entered As

An Independent N w~pap r Dodicated to the SCI'vice of Waynesville ..nd vicinity - GiVitlg i pa trons t he bes t ncwspnpe r humanly poslible. '



1J rake ,( Klnr;tl Ml1ls ".,.It s thil",y ~ ,Inw n IlInl \\,:1 ~' a ,' f; ttlng a ll \1I,'''' f1"h, ,\Ie J'l' P l)rts at<:hlllg a r. J , ~ Ih, ,"cl ho,,~ ) nnd says ' 11m 1.1),11I11 1l W O ll't sp,,"k lO ortll ll'lI'Y peo pIc "In('(' <'a l Illn/-!, thnt hi!\' 4 3,~ Ib, I ,"~": I:, 1), J Ill Y S oC Fl'tI lllilin got u ll e 15 1,2 In , bliSS i ll 'Toods Forie, By Harry Eldridge, Jr. nnd It took n omblnallon ot - J ohn 'J'lmlwl'lnl n anll mys<'if f1' m Frank, lin \"Itil W ltllCI' May nard of 1II1ddle, It mll st be II k<.l In 0 1'\1 \' It, Ill",n 10 hell) 1". cl Bycr" bring fih i p ,mol S'O 0 11 II 'flsh ln" trln Htl It " 1;)81 rillY " N,lch ot on l<l 1,2 Inch "PI'"xy" n o",.,' "dl III clui ng this bros fl'om th e Ramo Rlream! That WE-o k, but we !}''IUnllry mOl'tllJll h lw WI1,; lOur ~('cond sn d ex pe,'lenco of tn be cOnltlni with tho mNlI cr til ' Wl' -lc, lhe flrat hl,,'lng b en a ,.,ort nvnll tlblo locn lly for t h 1)8st !! J,2 mil Il'ill down the Littl MI, week , Arthlll' lIl c l~l rr IIh antl \J om !'I' :lmi with H II Y Dug.l n In his pOllable BUI'ton of Sprnl;boro gol thr c doz, bO(l 1 \\'Ilhunt ;:L Rtrl\( , '\\'e'd b g un {'II nIce C)'n)ll,l!'s nl cllnn., lind s v ' to th ink It W IIS 11 jinx but 1",' d Hllh n el'nl other cO Il'hes (If l'a l ~ , bass , bluo lin d 1/nn \\' a It (' I'M f rh o "t , C un II ,,0 gills Hnd crappie" w ro taken but C'xtl N ly th e Ra m ca t"h tit 0 " gonll\ both at the Hescn 'o!t' a nd lndlnn wh"re w 'd I.-rt 'em! Doc Gilpi n li nd Lake, Loca l stl'en ms were s Ull far .1 'nn Bla nd of ::;I)I'ing \)(),'o \)llI nl;cd loo clonr exc('pt Little ~1i ll ml . wh e.' Lho '10 Xl day, .'01111" nice luumale ~'!!!"!'!!!"!'!!!"!'!!!"!~~~'!!!"!'!!!"!'!!!"!'!!!"!~'!!!"!'!!!"!~~~~~~~~~~~-~ , ,\J f


lH 'k

to,' '-"m n" n,"


t ouk









Compul,orr mspection of mechanlc!ll opeJ'atio.n of an automobU. is unnecessS\ry, according to, Josepb R. Gardner, president of the "Cincinnati A.utomobile Club. J:.owever" every.',ilutomobne owner should have his car gone over, ,tlghten~, tuned up and repaireeJ to:' ap~- summer- driving, Brakea ahou!~ ' be adjusted, head


I!" t

'''/ So I h I! L'C , [ l' lIo\\'>! , I,. th o Joa,

In" plctu,'p o( III

~Jlri ll ~

.;0 11 ""01(, ,lid ~\ ft.{' ,. ( 11/1 smuk

hut hnd

hal'S ..0 ..... 01 Bt d Ir,ln't! cl nr"d 1111(1

i,,,,,,,,l8 weI" ,,('o,','d n t I ho !:lo uth, Oh io ,{I n,1' L~ llS' u S hoal a t Wilmingto n, SlIndllY, A I>r1l ,24. ir w lu;. (ou nd that tllll (h'st plnce 11'/111' ",n:! lh \'lImo Rifl o lub with a sco r .:! ' ot J9i6. Klngs MIl~ ub r t('d S (l nd with a I!core or 196G, "Good hooting BItI" uyer or WIl· mo CAnlell 0, J)e.'teet I!core of 400 to wi n tho ' up, 1'h next mu't ' h wU\ I nt th l\lInml runo h e W ~I HY S Runge III l\rtlford , E\' l'yOI\O Is cc. me,





Americanism-and by that we mean free speech, free IlrelUI, and free worship-i our greatest heritage, and the Uniest mark must U()t be allowed to - imprint itself in that armor, -We strongly oppose the agitated:-$enato ' in his tem,pt to I gislate ag~in!!t the Karloff.:like dramas. Advocates of all s ort of l'a ciical theories are allow'ed to speak , from the public plat.forms. Why then, we, ask. deny the Bela Lugosis of ,this d e mocrac y their day? . Shame up<>n thee, Senatol'. Apply thyself more to thy f loo d co ntrol , and" busine S I'ece/ilsion ' and such- like. WHEREFORE the $10,000 per annum?




(10 r~t) ){oSH ttu~l

\v('~ lO I'J I



'";l Imt l"~

..r LIII"'), Lltc h or F"'~llk· \..-li hit, nil " l 1'\\'lu '1'1' , k .

Un ch' 111111 l lQ' J )Uj.,'ll ll tinlt:: u l but ,vit h

O,R V1LbE' SAGE, Publisber

D. WILUS , Editor,

:l ei In




~hnv,' lh

Urges Sane Car Inspec'I .:-.,In. , For . . Sa ,','.Le*,Y II

to aU •

' .4


Ugbb adjlUlted, tires inspected because all contribute. to safety. A~tomoblle owner. ahould do this without eompulaory actJon

by atates or communities, Gardmir said: Memberaotthe advJaory boarda of the various (UvlaJona of the Cincinnati-Al1tomobile Club beld their annual apring convention in Clncinnati and attended the o~ning game at Red1and Field. Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky w ere represented. Touring service 'f 0 r members and the public funds made available tor big h way buildings w ere t b e principal subjecU discussed, Membership in the Cincinnati AutomobHe Club throughou ~ the Ohio Valley now exceeds fifteen thousand , A r 0 a d sIg n prtlgram Is being " ann ed for th is spring,

'f ho Albnugh ,Gtloll Drug Sta r prlz of $5,00 tIC 1<1 mol' hllndlso or· der for the largl'st \VCl rron 'ounty smu ll moulh W OM WOll by am Brl", ncr or Fl'Il nltlin with his 2 Ib, 4 ,68 01., lIllS!<, [11K n In 'l'wl n I'cek , It \ \OS 17 1,2 In h 8 long IlIl just u>;\,.t Ihe 21 Ib, 4 ],2 oz, <latoh of ]"ntnk S arB of Spl'lnJ;bo,'o, Co ngralula, tlGnR Sam - we'll bel yo u pick tha t new ,'cel en the sccol)d sbelt, Among th o proposed projects 10r actio n of th o ' ,\'n rl'en ounty ]'~ l >lh !Lni! Gnme Assn, Is on thtlt should :====~;:::================~=~=~ I)cor 1l111C 11 f I'll It In II10 grune dl \'. 1 ,S ENATORIAL SYMPHONY "Ion, bUl' coun ty , , , near L el,nnon hilS been r 8J)onslble for a We noticed in the public p ,r ints recently that a memlot of splendid soU conservation ber of the Senate, has become more or less disturbed over worll, a nd uptoln Larrison, camll cohlUmnd I'. hM xpressed hla w U· numerous blood and thunder skits that are being preIIngnPtls to WOI' I( with l he game om ened in large doses over the radio. We pause. We consimi tt 'e of lhls ol'ga nl:.:o.Uon on con- der. ~e l'va li o n programs, Th res ult will , . • • • undoubt dly be bolt r c\lvcr a nd PIcture thIS domesbc cene-Father 'W Ith hIS, newsparood fol' mOl'c gU llle, This program per-Mother all intent' upon her knitting-J_!lnior's ear , might 111 0 Inclutl SOIll C st"enm 1m, glued to the loud speaker. From the wireless rolls forth pI'o\,om nts ll~ogram 9, Tho a8socla- \ these awe-inspiring word-"Krakula and the Horrible lion wUI I' , P Tf t he two yca.r o l d . . . PWA project of buildin g a serl 8 ot Dwarf. Screams rend the aIr and waves burst loudly upon clams In I III' reek - b to re this the rocky shorE~ s t,. am Is campi t Iy ruIn d by WlUlh But to be serious for a moment at l east Personally we uts, P la ns ar also being mnde for , , ' .' . , . the extensive planting of (11Ih and WIsh to give thanks that we hve 10 a land where by a Slmrnlslng of game, The orgnnlzn,tlon I pIe twist of the wrist we can excluded from our lives such Intontls \ 0 creat best h U)1 tln~ and , trash, It is a fact that in another section of vale of flsl: lng h~,,(' In Wnr,'on county thtl tltears coercion of the most compelling sort is used to force Is posalble - a nd wlth the license '. . ' . , . , Cee mon y nvnJ1t~bl e. the tunds ob, ' one to hsten to the nabonahsbc or political blabber some ln lned f,'om Lhls so urce your yem'ly so-called or sellf-called leader is wont to spout forth the dollar m em bors h~ fee, enn mals.e ether waves. " t hese J)1 11n8 a reality, Come to the We started out to be humerous about his but we beF ish and Gnrno IIl ce tlng ne..~ t Thurs· , , day Illght - 8:00 o'clock. Memorial came sort of wrought up about the whole thmg. Any Hall. 'Lebanon - a nd meet n flne abridgement of our freedom of speech-guaranteed us by bunch of sports men - u good time the Constitution-Is is to ' be decried. Censorship of this Is n!ways uad by the wholE\ gung, right can spread like the plague if given an opening

Free Motion ' Pictures ' Harveysburg, Ohio


Ev:ery Tuesda·y Night Reasonable Rates on Advertising Announcements Box 36 Bellbrook, Ohio


We offer a, Satisfactory Service at all times.

J. E. McClure __ I

, •........ __ ..... ... ..

Leave name with Miami Gazette for estimate.






~ernal just take one


ride and you'll agree that thete new ~. ri h Silvertownl vlltb


Tre.d ,top qUIcker OIl. wet road thaD aD3 tire you've ever aeen.


~~:~~"m~o PIne: :n.wllrt'en'.:~ ' -E =X :-=-=H :-·=-=I~ B=== IT=-, a --;-n--:-:i' d ----;=: S~ A-=-: LE MY DADDY -


(Not Original)


My Dllddy can, I'm certnln, catch Fiftee n brook·trout .in a batch (It the sun ls not too brIght nnd the wind Is blowing right,) My Daddy. 1 am sure. can bring T~yenty bass h ome on a (If the wllter's not too rO\1gh) a nd he gets ther e soon enough), Such an expert fisherman As My Dany .ALWAYS can catcb the Umlt rIght along , (It. well It, thel'e'B nothing wrong!)



Our Central Manufacturing Plant , IN

Now in progre,ss

S high spceds, quick· T ODAV' action and alippery oU-

brakes, filmed roads, aU spell S-K-I-D. To fight this dangerous hazard that killed and injured thousands of mo, torista last year-to give,you a dry, tracJt under your car when the going leta wet and skiddy-we have the new Goodrich Safety Silvertown with the amazing Life·Saver Tread',


the extra security of a "Silvertown Stop." You'U never have reai motoring peace-of-mind untUyou have the extra blow-out protection of the famous Goodrich Golden Ply , between your car and the road.

No Extra Cost

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.7k"ul Goodrich~

SAFElY Silvertown

lIFE:'AV£R T~EAD •.• ,. GOLOn : "; • 3f tl W·OUT 'PROJECTION

SmithJ 'Sernce_,S tation Wayae;'ville, Ohio




You n~ay permanently beautify your cemetery plot by erecting an artistic and symbolic Dodds-Made Family Mo~ument. You may mark the individlual grave beautifully by placing a suitable and lasting marker there.


N.tloa.t Buk Wille Dr.... • • E.tat••



And just thinlC, you now ~joy this extra safety at no extra cost, be· cause you pay no price premium for Golden Ply Bl:Ow-out these super quality tires. So for , Protection,' too , safety's sake, come in for a let of You'll never know what the word long mileage, extra·safe G'oodricla ,_ STOP means until you have felt Silvertowns foday;


ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN four Cattle, bogs, sheep and calv.. to Noma-Brock Ct.., live wire and progresllive tl~ l'Ir the higheat market prices and good ,aernce. Union Stock Y.rd.' ClnciDlUltl. O. TItn. ba on Radio Station WCKY 12 :211 to 12 :80 p. m. for our daD, market reports. ,

Open daily


F. 'T. 'Martin Auctioneer


.,-..,.,TISFACTIO" Or No Charge (:enterville, Ohio Phone 78J


IHEAJER ~- LebanoD. Ohio'

Pr....tlu. . . . B..t ............


Guaranteed G~anit~ 'Marke~s ,from. $25, to $85

Phone" 3708

Hamilton, Ohio.


th , past • severn! com· wedge. viligance is Liberty's price, and this. day , plaints have been turn d In to Game of a very flustE!red and topsy-turvy world, in which dlctaProtect r FUm 8 of commercial bait I' torship, and suppression run rampant, \\;e must be more denier stripping the small tributary vigilant than ever. ' creeks ot minnows and crayfish. ' ___ _ , __._ __ _ ___ These I'n n move In a nd out 80 fl!8t It Is ha rd to catch them a nd find out whelh er they nre J)roperly licensed, I do not ha ve a ny gam e minnows. and ' ha ve not Jaken o'ver the limit ot ' bait, Even If t hese dealers ar e o per. ; n tlng ) gn!l), - nnd tl lot of time , tbey 're not - It Is stripping ,the few , mall creekR we fishermen hn\,e ;, a vullnble for bait . with so ma ny la rge strenms closed In a nd around t he ounty, Let's watcll and rOport every balt truck.c-wo see to alitr ~1---4J--"'''.IWt---~h'''''~a--'''':'''''''''''''''Tr:lI5'P:lY~>1Ii"rr­ Hines. tel phono. Lebanon 172.K, a nd .make these men realize that ln'

. .... ..... .....

Levee, Building, DitchinK Excavating



PhoBe 7

W. P.




••• •







Patriotic Theme. Will Be Stressed ft!FIY chu.rctt-ha~ a~t~llance --;-.!'' 't Ne ()~ 17" llUlt Sunday~ . a w 'York Fal·r



Culti.Packer. Rotary



.' ~

Mowinrr Machines

Farm Seeds 4

Se'ed Soybeana


Seed Potatoe. HOIII F ountai...

CHAS. DOSTER Harvey.burg,


W. C. Smith and family called 'll S on Mir. a nd Mrs. Co ~ G1 am unday 'afternoon '4ond looke d dver their neW! home ih which they ,m ov cd Mondey. of the Ferry Church Th '"'" JnD" ~. are glvibg a Mother's Day program SundaY..tbey help them reach 'their goal of 240. Mir. and Mrs. W C. Smith: called L'. k ' th ""ami ,.on :BeVel'aI :()f t .'" SIC In e JI.I Valley hospilJal Fridray. IMn. Lena Riggs called on Mrs. Grace Furna s at the Miami Valley hospl·tal Sunday morning_ Beunable to attilnd ehurch because of a sore foot. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Thomas, Vernon Fordyce, MI'. and Ml'S~ Ervin Thomas and son IIWld ETVin LenFa.ul. Mr. and Mrs. Martin e~d • Z~k, . Mr. and· Mrs. Perry McCray and children Rosetta, ,:Martin and . 'ted M a d Mrs E M ":~enc:eTh~~as antM!r~ Nancy POll Sunduy n! tet·noon. Albert Willilwnls called ()n F er ry friends Monda.y afternoon. MT. and Mrs. Perry F a.ul !Bnd Mi~8 Wilma Thomas saw "Test Pilot" in Da....~n Sunday after~IIV noon. . Mr. nna Mrs. Dan Wi11iams cal1ed on Mr. and 'MIrs. Perry Flaul Monday evening. Mrs. Fordyce's oondition remains tabout the' same. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Thomas caJl e'd on Mr. and Mrs. Chris Klei~hen Sunday P; M. BJld ~eported his






condition improve1J.. He return ed Miami Valley Hospital Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Cornell visited 1M'r. and' Mrs. Mark Wilson Sunday -oafternoon and report that Junior Wilso n had to his throat .nced because of tonsilitis. Mrs Tarp Burton is recovered· fl'om ihe anoeBsles, but now little Naomi Jane is taking the m. Mlr. and Mrs.. Logan Green near Mt. Holly visited a f ew days with her sister Mrs. Dan Williams this week. Mrs. A. S. CornEll has- been suf. fering with aJ.,'Il;me leg the last f ew. weeks. . Mrs. Na.ncy Pope is going to visit with her daughter Mrs. W. C. Elliott TUJ(!sd;ay eiternoon.


ODe of the mo~t common Illht. In


I *The EXCELLO is the outstandinu---




towna DOWad.,.1 II a row of parked oua lndlcatiD. that their own era are -.lther ukiD, queatiQnl concernlD, TOWNSLIIY'S THOR-().GOOD pro..-am or booklnr their ordens for earl1 dell"l7 of TBOR·o-aOOD Chlcu or maldDr arr~ae~ents for future dellye17 of TOWDlley'1 Thor-().Good Ohlcu. Juit In the lUt few daTI It leeml &I If oar parkin, Ipace II cz:ow4ed all the Ume - pronu, that chick bu7ln, wtll b. heaner 'than last Tear. It Ihou14 bel The opportUnJtT lor income II Ifeater.


U 10U wW ltop at one of our batcb· .erlel .e wm be ,lad' to revle" rea-

sonl why the outlook fa In, for poultl'1 keepel'l.



TOWNSLEY HATCHERY "'1!ho .... O·GoOd Multl-T..ted" · U. . . Approved Chlckl WILMINGTON

By I.

. ~---:" JJru~lo Featuret A Photo ' Sl/fItlicar, NEW YORK-(Special) - The most elaborate artistic project in 'NOT DiaIiJ IOn~. of rOlet anCl I Only once bal a dance tune been the hl.atory of expoiitloDB, a vlo1eta appear to be written aired from Soviet RUllla on Ameritoda7. -tbey 'were' as numer- can microphones. It Wit a num~r $60,000,000, mile-long Central Mall OUI a8 tun e s called "Hello Moscow". There W iI' i tor the ~125,OOO,OOO New York about rivera and nothing revolutionary in the rhythm. I ,World's air .1939.· was .-evealed . here ~y Grover A. Whalen, Pres.'moonlight. -'11ite - of th eir old· Olllv Ollce, ~n dent of the , Fair Corporation. .F e r d e Grofe, tim e ri b-tickllng popularilll, M '4 Mr. Whalen redicted it ·would <:omposcr and Ice caught the accen t, 01 the SOl II , ce 0 the world of tomorrow in lLlxurioUB and hax:moncon d u c tor, " Wh ere Wa, Mose, When I"e liS pIcking up Light8 Went. Out'" aneS "Where D'cJ loua buUding conltruction, !n sculpturin, in mur .... in landII P I), r II 'Change ,YOU Oet That Halt" ICllping.and in novel active water l~ hese days by • and lighting effects. . Iieadlng a dance • ,orchestra at col· . There Is invariably a welcome to· . Like a jewelled band. the varilege parties tol· day, thanks largely to radio, for tlte colored Mall will be laid across lowing footbal\ male quartet. There mUlt be' hunthe main exhibit area at its widLoul. Reid games. His last deeds of them scattered about the est point, bordered by about 211 of the most Imposing buUdings _ 'chore In thIs Une was the dance of country, winning new favors with the Arm}. Alumni Assocllitlon at familiar ballads and folic longs and in the expolition, studded with numerous sculptures fashioned by the Hotel AStor, New York follow· here !'ond there pi~neering in the world-famous artists, inlaid with Ing the ArOly·Notre Dame gaOle. complicated harm?Dle& of such mod. \, _ _... _ ems al Rachmanmoff. I five lagoons, enlivened ',by ftve ....-.---,.. Most of them confine their attenwaterfalls, accentuated uy huge Once (n a lilue 111 0)011, as " cckolled tion to such sure-fire songs as "Dear pylons, sparkling with literally hundreds of fountains and lined 'n Tin Pan Allel/. a great 80ll U hit is Old Pal", "That Old ·Gang of Mine", with more than a thous~nd of the written out siae Hs ,,,ad and merl'1I "In the Evenin§ by the Moonlight", flrieat trees available. !lOI'ders, sel'ves as tile atart l ng poh,t "Down Mobile' and "Polly Wolly In ltatues, relief figures and 01 a new and spec /:aoular career , Doodle". Of all the numbers, murals the Central Mall will tell No 80llgw rfti ng SM' the story of 150 years of demo"Dear Old Pal'" by cesa, 'fI/or example, has cratic government in the United Gitz Rice, has day in bee~ more astonishing States. Br coincidence attuned and day out, the greatin r llcent 1Iears Olan to its patflotic theme, it will be est vogue. It is known that of Hoa(JlI Carntl· laid out in a line that, if continued in every part of the chae!. Not 80 /Ollg ago in a southerly direction, would biworld has been transCarlltioh.ael had Wall sect the Statue of Liberty, a fact lated Into many lan. Street lor on adllren . unknown when it was designed . guages. Dealing in stocks and Dominated by the lS.story Per. bOllds in the dall tlme, isphere"the largest ball ever conlie de voted l1i8 nights to "Dear Old Pal" I.. Born structecf by map, and the 700'fool dabbling in 'Inelodll. Olle Th e melolly 0/ "Dear Trylon, the tallest triangular spire time he had espeoially Old Pal" 'came to alt. ever. )devised, plans for ' which tn mind seemed to hint Ri ce as he tOaB ser ving have been previously announced, to have the 1IIakings of as a /teutellant (n the the Mall will include two more a . popular hit. He Calladian E:rpcditionarll "greatests", the largest portrait· "nk ered atoal/ at U, F orce in France. D",... statue sculptured since the Egyp. .moothed it ot!, polfahed. (ng a f u rlough (n Lon· tians hewed the figure of Ramese: ie "p, l1a ve it the t itl e, Hoagy Carmichael don lie 'Inet Ha rold Robe, II out of rock in the country 0: (ASCAP) a verse writer ana pro"Stard1l''e.'' W ritten a~ the Nile, and the highest sundial a rhllthm ,ong, .t qldcklV found a (Iucer, w ho toas staging a recruUitlg ever constructed, ptlbll3her. Alas, it p opped. Then .how. The t w o decided to collabor .




fetc lIears later. it 1VOS ate.


Lawn riower value this year ••• • Colorful finish, .modern stream Un. in r,: with automotive type plated s l(~ cl hub caps. • Noiseless U . S. puncture. proof, rubber tired wheel .. • Automatic :adjusting, overslu ball bea rincs. • Heavy.duty, four·shoulder, locked frame construcdon. • Lipped cdce cutter b:ar ttecl for "sclf.• harperun\:," • Six.inch dl:ameter, cuttinl: reel, five crucibl e steel blades, four full cir c ul a r malleable spidert. • Ten.inch wheels,

. ixtccn.inch li:e.

Fairley Hardware COe Larger Beca"l" of Belter Quality, Service and Price Phone 32

E.eabli , h.ed 1849 • 1938

One ni uht . w hen exchaflgi llg

token doum fro m its niche in obU· r emifllscence3 0/ the war, Gltz Ri ce vion and arranged as 0 ballad. It talked 01 1118 lillie m elodv. He caught at once tM fanC1J ot th e co"ntrv, became ollie of the blgg ost .ong Mt, 011he Tloenttel . It is sWI Cl la11onte. Oarmlohael, ri~lce thell, has created other 8uccess/1I1 melodlel, 1IiI moll recellt hit being "Li ttle Old Ladll", an inoento"s "mother 80no" tchich waf the rage 01 B"oadtoav and Matn Street 'a f elo m onthl ago. He .eem. to have a k naok 0/ w rW ;IO 'unel that tickle t he ear. At allV event. hi, talent ha., ta ken him high up ~in the roater of the American Soolet1l 01 OOntpOl er l , A ll/hor. and P"blflhers, Ital ledn lor 111m at pre~. t.nt '0 ItlCraUve JIOSt ~n m.oonlft,

honel/suCkled 1101 /1/100011. -(#-fJ~

hu m med it aloud. Robe liked H. TII 6!I Ret the .tune do wn on paper. and " Dear Old Pal" lVOS the r esult . TIle 80ng wa~ introauced to Amer. i t a (n a recruiting . holo calleeS "Oet. IinO Togeth er." John McOormac~ attended a v er/ormonce Clnd was '9. tmpre"ed lill the number that .1te placed fI on hts pr ograms-il I1wo,.. antee 01 end1lNno 8ncceu - and made a recoreS ot it. Soon U IO(U sung wherev er men gathered. (Htz Rice has lcritten other .ong.,

611""MONEY II' your' fields are well fenced, you can make your farm produce bigger yiclds-and more money by rotating crops with livestock on legume pasture to enrich the soil. You can save down grain and roughage that would be wasted.



a popular mem ber 01 American Booletv 01 Aut hors, Oompol 6TS ond Pu blwhers. But none 01 hi' .wbl equent numbers ever entolled the teorld'lotde renown 01 "Dear Old Pal."

RED BRAND (enee Iasta a long, long

No bust of Victor Herbert or Sir Arthur Sullivan 01' Stephen Foster Senator Millard Tydings ot Mary. or Tschalltowsky or Beethoven or George Gershwln-·to nnme the six land Is said to be an expert pianiSt. 'composers roost · frequently repreIOnted on the air-yet decorates the silky salons of the radIo lords. 'Mendelssohn hal been honored by There leems to be a ·new vocal the lwing boys. In flct, he ligures tn'bute every weel, to "baby". Of in the title of a ne.. hot number, all the tenna· of ellldearment in the just off the Hollywood griddle. With Republic, "baby", next to "sweet- .WOrdl by QUI Kahn and music by heart", haa remained ' Iongelt in Kaper and "urmann. it bean the the love-making lexicon of the command: • Swing, Mr, Mendel.. .Iongwritera. 80hn". Fancy that'

time when it's put up right. Won 't have to be repaired or replaced for many years,


and t hat saves money you can use for something else.

" ,

"Galvannealed " Copper-SearlngSteel

Mr. and Mrs. W. F . Clark of RED BRAND fence has arrextra thick WaynesVille were Saturday afterzinc coaling put'on by the "Galvannealnon guests of the latter's mother, ing" process : plenty of copper i.n-the-steel Mrs. !Mary Carmony. Miss Alma Nutt a nurse of the to fight rust. See our RED BRAND fence so YOU WANT TO WRITE A SONG?! Well then: Miami Valley Ho. pital visited Satbefore you buy .•• oompare it for value urdey afternoon with Mr. tand Publishers say the "ballad with a heart' throb" is in and price. Come in and talk it over with us. Mrs. Therle Jones and son. widest favor year in and year out. Mrs Robert Hunt aanll Mrs. Em~ L&cy spe.nt Friday in Dayton. Mrs. Elizabettt. Smith at Dayton was. -a week-entL guest of her 's is- latters sister Ml's. Angie H ecka- ' Wa rd or HUI'vcysburg nnd 1\11"11. Mnr ter, Mn. MfU'gm'et Johnll. thome and family neal' Mi umi s- t111\ Ho ugh of Waynesv ille s pent Mr. and !Mira. Ralph Johns and burg. un dny afternoon 'wlth Mr. nnd r1l18. daughtess spent Sun~ay with the 1\11'. and Mrs. Mar'V y Burnet vi a. Wil lia m Hunt nd da ughler ncur Waynesville, Ohio ;ted lhe Government Sclllcme nt at n ed Lion. Oreon Hills nelll' Clrlclnnall Sunduy. SIIJlduy afternoon g uests of M '·8. '!!'!~~~~~~~~~I!!!A~~!!'_ !!!"!!-!!!.~~~~~~!!!!'!!I!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!! MI'. und M '·8. Rudd Saylor a nd Ii;mmll · we,'c : Mr. a nd 1\1 1·S. family of Da.yton 'vlslted Mr. a nd Fred Lang nnd son, M r. nnd M,·s. ·Mrs. WHllum Creighton, Sunday. John Kennell lIncl Mr. and Mrs . WaJ· t r Lacy a nd family of Duylo n al,d Mra. Alice Clark spent Thursday Mr. nnd Jllrs . Wilbur La cy and f lllu. In Da ylon . til' o( Roule 73. Mr. a nd Mrs. CI;n renco Dunlhoo

Waynesville Farmers Exchange



. Quality Printing Reasonable Price at Miami' Gazette.


~rmu~ 9~~r ~ Dn~~ :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

were ilie ca llers Sunday attN'non nt tho homo orf M I"II. Mnl'gar ct Johns. Mrs . MOLa. Rogcl'S Is v iSitin g thi s week with Mr. and Mrs. Shel'man (;'ogers at 'Vest /ur ollton. Mr . nnd Mrs . HlIl"'ey Burnet at· tonded th e fun eral of J oscph Mc· Millon at lhe Frlcnd s Ohurch. Wny· nE8vlllc Monduy aft el·noon. Mrs. MOI·go.rct Johns enterta ined the Wlly ncsv llle G',l'den Clu b at h"r homo Tuesda y e\·enlng. Mrs. Hnr· v y Burnet WIl S IlBsilitnnt hostess. Mr. nnd Mrs. E. n . Longacl'e, 1I11·s. J . B. Jonos and Mr s. J ames Johns a ttonded the funeral of Th eodol'e Bishop at Zimmermn. n Funeral Bome. W st AI xa ndrla. Sunday nfternoon. Mr. BLs h ~1P was tl. fOI'mel' resident of this community und a member of Lytlo eh urch. • Mr. and Mrll. W~j ler l{enrlck In compa ny with Dr . .and Mrs . .T. W . CI_n Up A~ Thel e Price. Men's 3 pc. Suits Cleaned and Pressed


LIIiHTI.nli IS An ALL-YEAR-ROuna mATTER • • • Some folks .think that W inter is the only time we need proper lighting fixtures in the home.


MEn's Hats Cleaned and.' Blocked

50c: Lodies Pluin Dresaes




Kathr)"l1 Mcnd,enhall, Mgr

NOTARY PUBLIC . W. . . CaaIouI ............ ad PGbaI·tbrOqh........... V~~,aD.I~ ...·.~DeW· .. .......... _ .......iIDIDg of our ~ opeD..... ,... will be ..... .beautlfallolal 6pIcq.. .... w:iada... ad ...... III'. Ieatar-. PJaa'1o . . . . . .,.,.. _ . . . . . . of .... 1mpwIaDI .......-

A ~oment's reflection must scatter such an idea.



Twin Theafer WAYNES'VlUJl

Yes, a .good many persons have grown to believe that only during the winter months, when days are shorter and skies are overcast much of. the,' time, does the need exist for affording the home and the family the right kind of lighting. ' .

Lighting is a year 'roun~ matter for study. WQeth~r for children or adults all seasons of the year ~~e imperative dos~ observati~n of the subject.

..Thalavtan'Dillar .;;;Ught r":-


org e Dodds & Son s,A nni ver sar y Reminds.Pub , lic of Be aut ifu l Ce me teri es I ,Ill '

Th OI.'Ol'l{O }: 0 'Ila nn I :<{lnl' \ "unn,' rlot\~ \\ lUI IIr I' ad 1'8 th t\t It I'onlt ' · mlltlllY. (:X"IlI,, _ 1111" .. .11 flltill ff we p,,-t ' 11<1 to tht'111Ou , ('lln , mullo /lnh cnH'nt or lh,'l r Uhllllih !l '(11\1 "'In '(H '(, ",IRll (> (111' ,'pntverl!lH'Y liS ('1'\' WI'I! f n,on u, " li N'''''!> th ~lIlIllhQu t lh ),{'I1I'tl. to m I1t " In th is tW'I·lton'. 'I'hlt! <1m ' li('IllI'. ))any l o w 11 k llo .....lI In tlrl~ u r" li " 'hlll1 lhlnklnt :' ot llWIlLUl\ 1l1l' Ilr o nl;l ,hnv hod ~o m \II:\' satlllCnC\OI'Y I llll'\I!:'hl 8 lurn to t ho ' (If OUI' IQ\'od


01\('1' \\'ho hllY<' ]1""""'\ 0 11 " ",1 now 111',.1 '('pin/; I n Ih" "III!! "f Ih(' .h·nd

,1I'O'LIIlI n ll.>l1I li t<. :1'11 ,'" U!'l' l!(' \ ' 1'1\1 fin" CI'nll'(",'I,'" a l'oun.1 \, ,, ~' rltls\'lIIe

nn<l th C Illf' l'(l. with ( It Iwlll of lIr ,~nl{l''' \'lng pl:lllt lJl'llI~ a Illl som \'I (,l\'." (1'010 Rome or .th(' c m t~l'le~ no\\' In \1~1I.



1k1J:'lulI fjm llk"" 4-)'eu.r-(\hl


h4!8tnllt Rorl'ell, weight :'!OOO Ills, WlU mulle tit I!f"uson oe 1938 ut 1.10)'(1 SOUn!'" f:lnn, 2 1,2 mllll!! south w('Ilt of Ro(l 1.11)11 . All prtlCILU 1011 wUl be tull n 1'41 Il!'e\'e llt u\!C'lcients but wiD n;,o;';.T.b:;; o- "-----''--o: rl'spllllsllllo s houhl OilY occllr. 1'ollng r~glst(l retl 8l~lCk for sule at. all tbnclI. ' (Jllll ulll'r 81111 • outh, I ' hollll Lebll1l4l1 l .104 ,Jt.

FOI1 RALI'; : Sw ·t poluto p ll1Ol8. 3»


hu n,lre(~ ur Ihl" c hUlIII· IH I f or' $ 1.1)0. All klndR of gn ,'d ' n 1)lu nlH. .. 0 ,'(' nts IIC)' tJOZl'1l ur :l lozen rut' ~r. c('nt$, 1 1-3 mill''' n rt h of " llyn Rv llia . I)n corllc ,' ut 'W ay nesvllle, t:' "I'Y and Lyll F um!. Wl'R usm URO'rH E n S II. n No. 2 6-1:1 I'd ('(' II( 1i 1'(' 1'

Hun ;hul'ch on rind!! .:fUU HIllI a" one Il"e>< flll"lH'I' Into ('cm!'leIT lIltll Is unu s ua l In ' :II" till' lut. iI...:' ·luwgl ng of lime 11 1),1 lis Pl'Il I'U nCl' fo)' tl rOIln-t)'y <:h ur ' h blll'Y' faR ll lons IIml ·u .. 'unr Ing STou nd, Id "tonI''' h ero Indlcalo in lh o l:!lOncs , Inscl'lt>t~ n),l1 n ut!' eel ioflH, el U. that hac k In 1 \15 lhis h ad bee n OJ) n · ,." ,,~ II cemete r y. 'l' \r ehUl'ch wus r-: w rlll' lIn gt on h Ull pl'ovided It, Ch'st ol1;anlzed In 1799 nnu Ilk · ..0 B If with Ihis lil lie C 1Il\'l I'y not FOr:. SAL[;; : 11 r Om hOll SO, WJII('I' Il1llnr ph,ells In th o a J'i y days, th e fu r from q ,e ttlwn . Tl Is I c:rl,'d o n II nd II ghl " . lot 80 x 20 0. Pal's I:! lrJ'l(Vl'~ \\' (' I'C (lug r ight Ol th e IIld or l a I{noll, un k ore th "nLi mUl·ld n gs. m a in h lgll\\'n y 11 I' C nl Int cl' s l on In\' e~ trn (' nl . S,)m,· lin e lin" so le i th ll l lhe Will' til e hu lldlng. O n e g€ts n "lew of t he li nd I1lltlws It pretl Y pi tu,'c with ItS POI- fllt'l h I' Infol'mli llon SN) ' V . N, In wllld. :a P""I,lc Car£' Cll r tl1\'lr d ond vltll'I' :> 'l'llon first wh en enle l'lng th e ! \\,(·11 kept. ol'd erl~' ,.yo;lcrn of g I'U V,' tO I,. Intlil-Oli Sal'll , W ay ncsv llJ<,. Oh io. \'c of lh hClI1'l .Uld Ho ul of tlw lIvjni:. IC 140 . l h en liS 0 11 ' loolls a lv B. F lttlngR. P lumbing upon th eso placcs wil l h fOl' yc:u 's Ph. . Illlfl H OOl lng MnlHln l, IItYI~ HS h lW b en til l' \n",t rf'RLlng pi n e 8 Hand nnd 1,; 1 cU'le l'umpH. J . I', of lh clC'llIl rtccl - w mUSl 8I\.y lhnt B KLET SUPPLY CO .. XENtA . lhe foil' s how bOl h hono,· II nd estecm OHIO. Ii 6 8t rll r t h o flllBslng gcnl'I'at ions, It


At orwln, ono Clnds lhe entrance Cl l''''"l ..leel}S on lho hlLlsldc. mote ry tOI' 37 yea r" . to the JllIaml C m lery-a lJ a utlfu l '0 Hl1lull pm'l oC 'he bcuuly nnd lillle lh (fo \\'(' "S. u 'ecs, QI'ehwo y with a wi nding I'O(I,('! thal f UUlIty of Ihls 1)lu e Is du e lo the fucl :til II slll'ubs. e tc, hn ve I'N'pond ed to I a~!I Into one of , lho oulstnn dlng lltn l Ihe fl lll) rlnlend nl . Mr, . 'nst. his WAtc hful 111'0 a nd ov(' rJ< lght In cm etcrleB of Ohio, P no ilio from (ar has ha d dcflnlt plnns 'find n ellr com he r lo admlt'e this mil king 1hls cornel and visIon of suc h n way tii;lt t lte d sign of (l tntls· ry 8011\ thi ng t I' workmn n Is cvldent, extl'lwr dlnnry buda l I;roulld. ol hc,' limn just ,~ plnce to loy a wny Th em le,'y wa~ orl;'aJ)lz ed In Around 6.000 Il'l'twes ~lrl' within I lhe d "d. 1867 Ilnd In cllllie Ju s l " littl e 0\' I' the n los\lre, A R cvolullo nnry 'Yill' lIl r . llst with J t,ny-n ine nercs. ~. _ • • H(H'e wi- hllV lit (' ntl'llll rc lo CIII" . lr'~ Cr" 1< C- llH'l ,'y, N tlt'I' Ih stUIlC ",,,11 I" III piero by pi c by (l worl(tnu n lon g Yl':" '" "go, N c ... h,(l bere on 'he h I1Isl <1c Is o n or th e mos t qu l<'l Hnd l'oN tryl "pots in lhls BE 'Uon, C:v~rYlhlllJ'( I" h l" 'p to mal", a fill e ccmel I'y fo r 1I,\lU" h ns 80 Ru n ound od this plnea wllh woods :lnll a wlUlling lrcdm lhnl on for , gcls Il hI n place wn re lo\'ed ones IlI'e I fl a l n e tor all time t o come,

s'r OLEN : Boy's B1cycl . Junior B lz~ da ..l, rcd with whit tt'hn, ROllllm ll ' t r, R ward for lnform nllo n lend, InG' to r overy. Roll' r Wnlklnl lo



SALE" .Llll'go Roll- top Desk,

1 _~OOd


Carl -frye. .



SundJ9Y gue: ts of Mrs. An r. a &,1 sbcc nntl W. F, AI' he r were: Mr. eo rge A\' 'h I' . Miss Berlha AI' h e r nnd MI·s. Jos l ' In rk ot Quincy , Mr. and Mrs. Ed Vetrers of Pique , Mis s. Anna Bl' wingto n of Os born and MI S. Laura Steitch of Day to n. , Supt. a nd Mrs. I;nne nnd duughleI'S mov d , n.turcloy to their h om e in X.enin which they t'(! ce ntly pur- brook clliled on !lfr. a nd Mrs. P te MI's. Vernon Hough' chns ~d. Runyon and M,·s. MI hnel Saturda y I'Il llldly neurlng compls bu ngalo w is tlon. Mr. lUnd lIJrs. T. C. Rag-doc k and evening . Mrs. Viola a.roy Is h 'nn s tormlng daug hters Marjor ie III nd Myra, MI'. Mr. [tnd 1I1rs. 'W lilis Pennew ett h er I' s ldenc!) Into n two,apnl'tm nt a nd !M1rs. J. A. Hartma n and fam- a.nd family ca lled on Mr. mid !III'S. dwellin G'. ily atte nded 0. fn.mily dinne r Sun- Ervin Smith a nd d'LUght er Judit h Mr, and 1111's. Ross Hnrlaoc k and clay at the . home of Mr. and Mrs. Ann one evenln g .last w eek. ,f(l mlly we,' unday dinner guests A . H. Tel'rell n,car N ew Viennn . Mr. and 1111'S, Elverl!lt Dunnel l and lo{ lIfl', :md 1\'[1'8, William K el'soy of Mjsses Ruby Smith, Myrra Ha,y - fam ily r;pc nt lust Thursda y Wl lh h is ! Oregoni a. dock an.d Min.blel Wheele r, t Eachers parents . Mr. nnd Mr.~. Bert B unnell lIft·s, al'l Bo(l cnbcndc r of B1anin the locral chool ,,"er e ho..tes...~s II nd family of Utica, ch est r wns a dinner guest un dny

IN ).JOVIN O MEl\tOR Y III loving tn mory of OU I' ClIU'lIng 80n s nnd L,'"O lhe l's. John /tnd Carlcn n un~' o n , who w nl a way on l\:[uy 6th. 19 . .

Le mm on $ Ha tch ery


In H, upp I' Onl'tJen g , 'Ing. Just IVIl.hl n {he )lollrly gats. '1'houl;h our harts I)'l lLY bl' Rk wllh Ip at th e tl&rrro,..bu.... Ohio nt' :By80\'l'OW, I t h e I; rler so hnrcl to -bear, Tim mlth n.nd family . Pho_ l1-R-JI for tl'nded n J ersey cattle sale n t Collins ' -e sh a ll m t them .ome bright· The Ladies Aid met in the pare JIll'. a nd Mrs. Bill Tate of Bell. ville on Sntul'dn y. sonage on Thursd ay. \lrook. lilt'. nnd Ml's . Elvl8 Mlchn ng , Mess()rs Harry Pra ter a nd William Inmorni Mr and MI'Sthe UI)lHlr Vernon garden Stil~ tli and r eo und daughte r Dorothlr, 8pent Sunday Grah a m enjoyed severul W aning slrengl h, a( (lIcllon a nd days of ,n61y mlss rl by Molher a nl! D a ddy I 1)l\ln he. plltlently endur d.· Whll he children , with a p arty of frien{Js , with Jllr. and ~Jrs. PElte Runyon a nd . 11 hlng at Tndlnn . Inlte the first of spent Sunday a nd s is ter, Mild red . at Old Mans Cave, MrR, Michael looked on 11(0 with serIous n ess. he whose birthda y wns th e w eek. near Chilleco the '. Mr. o.nd ·MI'!!. 'l'homl\s Runyon Ilnd . lInday which . she WRS 86 years oC pus... SOl (i a qulct humor whloh color Mr. li nd Mrs. W Riter Whltnk el' Mr. and Mt'S. Joseph l\fcMlt1o.n, Bon of JOI!Ia.h ed n il with wholeso m . n e88, His PIISS' and IMIL'S. Grant Geo. Phillips , Mir_ uge. W ull "ish h el' many more I entm'wl ned Rev. and JIll'S .•Tolln Lacy Phillips and s on yea rs. nnll Rebecca Ann Whiner y MeMU· Ing was but going l O sleep. a mi family I,l. f itting were at Sundny dinner. Cincinn Rloti vis itors on SunInn w as born In tb e Mel\OJlan sottle closo to, n. well dll' cled , ' Loulso Ae hloum Putel'ba ugh und lI(e. Mr. Allun Kibler Is visiting with CA.RD OF TH~S day. me~t, . nea r Cbester Frie nds MeetHobert Samuel Puterba ugh tok 0. Mr. Rnlph H u ston of the Ro;m.nn a. Mrs. Wm. Compto n is serio usly In" Houso. CLInton We wis h to expl'ess Co., Ohio. " It Is na turu.1 that w, ta ll usleOI) our thonka to \.rIp Sunduy throUl;h Kentuo ky lmd neghbor hood ths w .. ok. [l l ~ those who h Iped In any L ll\,e tired ohlldr n wilen th e dl~y Is ill at hel' home south of town. down the Ohio rlvel' tbey onjoyed 8-2(.186 1. Mr. a nd· 1I'1 rs. Howa rd, Archden con in/; ~he r ecent Illness ' nnd wn.y 'dur lIl ,'s, CI 0 W oga mon Is earlng tor the done: death of McCo rminc k·Dee rinl dny very much . He was the younge st SOil in n. tam· We, , , 'U Com Sundny dinner S'U Sis o'f 1111'S. ou r rnt her, .Al!!o to h,e, living n eed not weep J. El, ' McClur e Mr. a nd Hansfo rd J ackson , Mary GIG'cr a nd Mr., IIY of ten chUdr n , In those earller Whenthodeath ~llun loy hilS fo r killsed his (ficl lho nt slillow s rvlces and lo n il l\ll'. nnd Mrs. Chester Sha w a nd son of Butlerv ill e. In th dll),S, [t physica l educatio n was [LCPlante r cheek : e uftemoo n they thos who s nt f loral offeling s. Bob\ly s pent Monday evening with call d on MI', anti Mrs. qulred by strenuo us labor; the mind We do not s ig h w h en G rant My lho golden slcy THE FAMIL Y Mr, and Mrs. Elvis Michael and of GI ndnle. wus tn\lned by rlf;' ld dlsclplln e ; text - h as .donned ' . , Genui ne D.u nham CultibooKS of grnmina i- and r eadlng were Tho put'llie s hadows daughter DorothiY. and the g ray of fllled with selectio ns eh oson tor their " night Mr. a nd Mrs , Hansfo rd J ackson, packe r., mO\'tL1 teachin gs; .religiou s lite ,was Bocause , we kn(hv the Mr. ana; Mrs. Cluster Shaw and Bon morning lies MI'. nnd ' 1\1l's, Cha rles M. Moders- ;Bobby, 1>fr, ana Mrs. Robert Smart nurture d by the dally practice of Cle';;' -Up At Theae Prices -beyon d. 8 ~ftd- 9 ft. viii, o( Evansto n , 1II1nols , called on a nd daughte r of Xel\la Bible rea<Ung a.nd tamily worship . And ' we must wnitQ was suppel' while for light. Mrs. litll'1'let W. Ducl.\rl nnd Men's 8 pc. Suits family guests of 'Mr. ond MI·s. Elvis MlchUnder ' such IlIfluenc eS Joseph Me So. wh n, grown wea ry with car e Sunday morning . Cleane d ~nd Pressed :'ll11un grew to manhoO d. Throug hael a nd dnug~te r and Mr. B.e rt Mar· a mI stl'lfo Tho sprin g m eotlng of tbo_ Ollh, Intt nnd son Edmon. out. hl,ll wbole lite b e strove to live Ou r loved oncs find 50c , . In sl ep the lon Bnpll~t AsSocia tion - ue to , h;1g'h sta ndard. He was was held at Mr, nnd Mrs. Forost Eolat Ilnd Men's Hats love th Y crave, the Blanche ster ' Baptist Church on family of Waynes ville Tracto r .Dba undauI\ ted by. the nccessit y of h ard W s hould n ot w eep. spent Sunduy C1eanc. d and Blocked but learn to Sunda y.' The s liver labor, ,COUrageous In hardshi p, and CliP for points evening with Mr. Bert Mlll'latt and ,, co un t this m e Lebano n, Ohio on r cndlnG' wns a warded the Jonah's Mr. and Mrs. Elvis ·Mlchne 50c e'lier tha.lntnl ned a cheery faith In his A prelude to lbe one l. boyond th e Run ASSocia tion : II1rs. Present ina the Be.t and Lat•• t Ladies Plain Dresses J onnle Gro.' f allow ~en . Mr. Charles Jones !rom tbe ctc . g rave, h a m was elecl d assoc ia tion secre· Cnmp spent 0. t ew He attende d the district school at An 1 thu s be h a ppy for days with Mr. 50c In ll, em. tnry aml treasure r. Those atte nding h ester, nnd aspiring to hig h er II t - And IUt. oul' h c.uts wJlh Hdwe . and bnple menta · love to God from he ,' wOl'e R ev. (lnd Mrs. J. P. Louis Crawfo rd. tolnmen lS. h e aUende d Wilmin gton Mrs. Ethel Helphat n of Dayton , MOTIO N PICTU RE n n(l sm il Thornbu r y, " Phone . 'R '3 ' Mr. a nd I\[rs. A, S. Col- Mrs. Jim Bulentln e of Tl'oy and MI'. O911ego ' for II. time ond spent two And tru st, and h ope. ENTER TAINM ENT , n nd walt - 0 I Lt. 1I1ra. Mnry Dostel', Mrs. . f Kathr;v n Mcnden liall, }4~ ,. • ' Jen· and 1I1,'s, Linley Marlatt from Dayyenrs ut Oberlin College. IIlllo while" WaYD nle Gra ham. a nd II1lss :Nan CoHelt. ton spent !:?unda y evening e.ville , O. 2,9,1888 bo WIl8 mnt'rl cd to Elromo. ' A fe\\' weel{s ago. wllh thei r when wo real1\[1'8, Cnssle Collett was hos tess to parents Mr . and Mrs. Dwlggil ls. 'r hey founded their h opte thnt tim e (0" him George Mar,\Vas hrl r. he th o momber s of th e :Boole Review latt. u».o n . Christia n princiPl es) ~ nd BUP' dl ctnlecl l hls mellSllge l o lho ch lld- Clu b with a IUllch con at h er delightported It by' IItrenuoU8 1nbo.r 11m. l'eD: fu l h~m e '''rhe Role In the Woods" frugo.llt y. 'l'helrs waB a househo ld "D nr oh lldren, us each of you on '.rUesduy , April 26th. Twelev lefull of joy, a nd ' \ol/e, and life , tor to cam e Inlo our .h om • ';"SCR IiEN- ' . thl!m were born eleven children . a ll \Ven t out of the h ome. a nd us each di es wel'e pres nt Includin g Mrs. I've g t qulle "Fool. For " Mat'y Dos leI' as g uests. Mrs . C. O. ot whom r eacl'!ed m a turlt'Y. Wha t d enough lo pray" I.ord 'l.'hou h ns Ra ndall co mpleted the review Carole Lom barCJ ' splendid monum ent are they loday, given , now I am gi of The \,ln Mr. 'n.nd Mrs. John Fromm ond Fernand Gravet . dedicate d to the Christia n Ideals of hM h elped ua to mise g back " . God Co un try Kltche n by D ella T. Lutes . FRESH CUT FLOWERS each of you. Mr, a nd Mrs. Chnrles Dosler en, so n Clyde a nd Mr. John Hawl<e this mlln and WOml\ n, who, like I '\'0 tried to do my s pent Sunday :wlth Mr. James hl'st to I):lc h one l erla ln('d wllh a n Contlnu oul Showl evening Dally t torchbe arer!! old , tnlthtul In bear- and to dinner show no \lllrlinJ llY ;1Il() I'm on S unilay honorin - • _ Adults Only 160 'Til 2 P. M. g Mr, Doste r's Hawke of Springf ield. Ing tho beaco n light OV<ll' weariso me 8ur mnmmll. t,'led to do lhe so me, mothel'. Mrs. Ma ry Dos Mr. a nd Mrs. A. H. Stubbs and wastes 01' ,'ugged hlllij, co urageo usly I ll'u~t onch of ~'o u ler will try to do 1' ( cc nlly returne d f rom h a , who hus child ren wer.e dinn er guests Friday ving s pent PU BIl!ed on th~ light, !'1G'Jll In th e face , of Ood a nd In un. lhe evening of Mr. and Mrls. Hllrold WIl, wlntel' In K ok omo. Indiana ; tho A Friend by birthrig ht, was no May God bl(!>I'; enr.h of the g rand' followin g g uests were present. I I Wayn eaville , 0 : Mt'. lie n nd da ughter. lig ht or m eaningle ss title, hut 1m, hUd J'cn , Goodby e. Phone 16.-R4 Mr. a nd Mrs. Percy Reason a nd and ]\[I'S, A. S. Collett and son, Rob, plied \lntllnch lng devotio n to the A son. I\S h w it nessed the C I'OSS' rt, Miss Nan Coli tt and MIllS May Mr. n nd Mrs. Loren R enson w ere rlghtln ovory deto.ll of living, within Ing of his fnth <:r's sp Sundoy dinner guests ' of 'Mr. and lrll: t h,'ou gh th e Ha rl a n . the 'home ' and In every contact with land o( sh::Hlow.;. penn ed these lincs: 'i'he orga nized a dult Bible Class Mrs. Virgil Ott of Dayt:on . In th e af' J) e lghbo~ n nd f~nds. In every com l tl sn 't h a rd to di e, or. J onu h 's Ru n B nptist Church met t ernoon Mt": a nd MrS. Percy Rem~on munlty In whloh th ey lived · they BY"n thougll w Ju st lie, at lho home of Mrs, K ath erine Hes- lind lIfr. a nd Mrs. Ott attende d t he w re nctlve In tho local m eellng . AI. And ~eO m to sufr r muc h t on on Tues()uy eyenlng . Mr: Edwin rUneral of Mr. Theodo re BishOp Ilt thoqgl\ the. » tlJl8lng , of lLfe's compa n:Wh e n It hUI·ts so to lOU ·h. " Mor,'ow , l'elUl'ne d miss ionary from West AJexand rla. 1 Ion II ven yea rs ago was 0. severe Mrs. Susie Evans h a d as Sunddy' Arrlca. lalked Informa lly ' of condl· , .r teet, hla 'f aith und trullt, In a 10VlnS' l lt hiD't hard to di e. tlons th ere a nd his )Vork In the mis- dinner guests Mr. Md Mrs. Colll1-IIo'a~(mlY' F/!ther nevel' wlLVcred , but Wh n p'ul y w o cODlpl y sion sc hools. Thirteell m embers and man Morgan a nd l\{r, a.nd Mrs. Don· Phone 30 . sustaln.e \! bim, In . the . lonely days With t he .C IlTlstla n wuy of living, five g-u 'its were present, lIld Morgan and baby dnughte r. ot Iln,d In lh common duties, For UnHqneat, upright beings. 'rbe el1001 . Boal'd h (ls 'been . nl 'n. Dayton . , ' . 1 J~e , lov co/l ur ; t h o varied liller, \ 1 . (lead lock In the eftol't to choose a Mr. nnd , Mrs. Wl11lam B ern~d en, l8 ' t Ule tann ; t h e co r e of cattle. it ISII 't h ord to ·dle, member to fill t,h o yacaney crea~ed tert.n.lned M!'. and Mfi'· the u'itttre of ilie garden: the pro, by the r eslg nnt lon and removn l of man. n nd d!lught er Bet.ty ~9'y ' VlI n we know tlmt of OB~rJl d\lC.~IO/l ot "rl t n~ujt w er o' ·to )'l It)'! Is to IIvc wher H c,w .to die Mr. }VlIbur Hnwk, 'n8 yet, no one h as on Sunday . n III . joYOUI labors crowned by the pride been chosen to succeed ' Mr, Hawk : '\\ hel'e vel'l'lhl ng Is bliss. Mr. and , Mrs. A. H. Stubbs R'lll uhd pi 8ur !,If \)Clng with th child , ,'" , . 'Children. visited frlend8 nt Johnsvl lle !J:ho 8urylvl ':l' 80ns and do ugh, 1t Is n 't ha l'<'l t o die, " nnd' ·a t Dayton on Satllrda~, tel'il Ilre~ Mr. Ellmer Jones hM purchas ed · Wh II w(' 8:11 ren.lIze n lIE'rt arlO' ·WIIllII <i! the Charl,es Fry Jlropert y In IilaIIt W I' rn ol't deni- ones beyond, ..mlnato n. l>lUon o,nd Eva ot eln<lbl· '~a~esvl11e Olt Rote . 18 and 'hllll " ..'11(ir G (i's g l' a l lov ([Munds . U. ..-Ie , 'of MIIl~lilown) ..e!!fo - ~ _ tJ'I'6Ved there ",1tOl s family': _ . Mis • .. Jtuth KeltIBo f ayton A<lfrllbel1. ot '!'enn spent Mr. and Mrs. H4J'Ohl , 'RutlkB olan- :::0, Ulen, we 0 'nl:>t ifle, tlte week -nd wlll\ h cr parents lItr., daughte r Were Sunday Willis lind JI'ort Wi . n fl, Indlana , Mabel I W 'IIv fOI' God. YOU Il ~d I. evening aup· ond Mrs. Fmnk K eIUs. . " per- gUell~ t;!! Mr. and :Mrs. A. :tI. ""bit', IIntl Hi i-bt,lrt (,In I Wh n WI' nI'(' l(,lWlng h ere Mr. and MI'B. Ervin Smith and St' ~ are IMlvent4!OJ1 ' .and fat1llly. '\Y8 rememb er God 'I s near. daught I' spent ono eevnlDC laat lII''-'lQl tlIlkb_ oc Mr. COMan m bo w.. mO!lt purcbU etl ' week with Mr. nnd-MI"/!. Morm Uar. the .John ' . ' JilDoeh care on SI'd at_ . nd flllDlI:v i)f New BurDnll tOn. ' Plana ilre ~.;;n;a;.;; urvlveL 'I S.....ri... 'or 1M MiaaI GUatt. . Intt R Mr•. and Un. DOl Tate , of :Ben. Ing ' tbla

_~l~O~t1~,e~o~t~h~e~r~t~en~OI~le~r~s~o~titl~,o~t~o~'~vn~-~~JI~'~rs~'';E~'rv:;il~n~s~·m~lt~h~'1a~n~d~~~~h~~l\~l~r~.~a~n¥ll~ri'~~~f£~~~~~~I -


I~~:::=~~=~~;~~~~~-IN OW




On Display





.R. D. Col lett

Quick Cleaners


Friday -

Local Happenings

Satur dar

"Bank Night"





.- ·MT.





L~s~erty· ' P~q~ie ,Garrden ,.

" . . . . . ' "





..r-- ' 3



Teamers For Neil Year Allpom· ted At .



A,!!E~~~ ::!d~IHQof-UBflET~,--1lt-f-H-lf"l:l,tI-U;iR-~' ----II---==:lI~:=-==::::&:..__=_=_-=-== tended the Beta Sigma Pbl Founders ])ay at theQlUltNeliherland COURT NEWS • PlazaBanquet In Cincinnati Saturday

Last Meeting Of Mother's Club Held Last~ Thursday

evening. Mrs. Charles P. Tall WIlB 'o ne ot the speakers ot the evening, CO~."ION PLEAS !--------~----------~The girls In the sorority remal.ned "." '1' h Il1st m onthly mel'tlng of the ' I - I. ~':' ~RN STAR MEETING at the hotel over night and enjoyed .ulhodzatlon to dlssofve the Frank Woy ne TOWJIs hlp MOl,h Cl"" Cl ub for a delightful breaktllBt together Sun. 1\1 r~. ,I. ,~. n obe"l son (nC<! Ma.·jorle lh current sc hool yea r Wlls h eld \ lin Mfg. Co" IIpat to.clory. W Illi grnnt· In a special meeting Monday even· day morning, !.I I' nll "1) \'::\ :-' lin h uno r \11 gucAl nt 'rhu" sda y , May 5. at th Grode Bldg. ed this week . by Judge Charla B. Ing May 9. the WaynesvHle Town· lJechant. 'I'he di ssolution suit WD.8 , 11(' ~ 0,· ~3.l 110111 r n f l he Easle "n Slar Tit m ee tin g wos I)penod with the fll d, March 25, by L ester Aue, II t " ill l-!. Mnnd :, y ('v e ni n S'o The to,l· Nong, " F low Gently Sweet Mton ." Ihlp Board of Education tilled teach· IlI win(; 1 l'oJ;l'aru was pl'('sentell fo r I~o ,· Devotions. M r8. Lily Egbert Fra nklin, president ot the firm and ing pcWtJona In the Wayne Twp. I, r Il l.,.'KII1·(': l 'lnllf) 0 10 . "At Dnw n · gu vo 1\ M th r 's Day 'l'rlhute. Tho Goorlro R. Oesper. Cl.nclnnatl, the Schooll for the eomlng school year, 'I ll": " ,,~. ~",~. r,r.' nn BIlli.d, Hum- progl'l\llI, was op en oxl with n. 0010 by secretary. Fred Zartman, E , H, Bind No chanrca were made at the grade ' ''-0111 ' I:,· " li n",. ~ Ir"'_ J . O. J on es 1\1 ,'>1, Irene. BaIrd . Th klnd rgo.rten ley a nd J . T . Rile y wel'a, nllined ap· I \ 't,l'J d :--'ululi. "l{Uti l'R" a nd "Swce t - f,:·'·oup under the dlro:oc tlon or MI88 prnlsers. bulldlnlr. the tollowlng teacher. hav· . " ~L ~ I ""Y I ~\' ' I ' Tolti" by 1111"" _ 1£ru" i\ta,-y Allen present ed the rollo\ylng Proceeds ot 0. snle of real property ing been rehired tor next. year, MI8s (l Id 1.':1I1'I'h:\l'I . A h n uliCul IIII .TIJJ· nllmbr rs: D l310gu by t ho en tiro Eva Reeder. prinelpat, Mrs, Eleanor The Frlendllhlp Club met with h ave Heen ordered distributed In th e waR glvpn i\ll' s . nulJhl !-4l111, tl I' cl'nt !-:.'IJUP: Son g I~nd da nce by Mary Ann cnse of Ethel M Bscr against J essie Jackson. MNJ, oiiJ. Keraey. Mlaa Dol" Mrs, Clarence Malmberg on Wednes· I,rlde, hy th l' Ens te r n , tal' Membe rs. B'II·ton; 'ong by Donnl Ryc , con· othy Day. I/IIas Virginia Ha.rdln. an4 day o.tternoof\ with Mesdames Hart· F. Ca udill nnd others. I )('lIrlo\l H I'dl'esllml'nls W l11'O se rv - c1 udlng with twO d"U lli by the grollp, A judgement lUllounting to $13,620 ley MOIIIJ. Ira Rich, and Lawrence Mr. Ruuell Boll4a.y, 4'.1. • Anothl'" 8010 by M r>! . Irene Ba.lI'd oo n At the high sohol buUdlng the tal. GlU'lIt. as assistant hostesses . Mrs. hfts bee n awn rded the platnUCt In the "'lId,>;,l th p rogram. l .... wlng teachers were reemployed, Crone opened the m eeting by having cnsa ot Benjam in J . Coulso n ag31nst The sccr elU ry read the minutes 01 I 1811 Ltola Mitchell. Mr, Charlea the club recite the club motto, Mrs. Ella t, u.nd John M. Riggle . Judge ment of $87,66 wall o.wo.rded the lust meetin g a nd Lh ey we re ap. ,J :mel, Mr. Wade Turner. Mr. -Carl Jack Preston bad beautltul devotions proved 118 r ead . ) rguson, Mr. Ruuell Frank, Mr, her subject being "The Ho ly Moth· th e plnlntlff In. th e CIlSO of the 1 1'11. Brown, and Mr, Raymond Brad· er." It was deolded that th e n ext Sparks· Withington Company ngatnst Th treas urer gn v the tollowlng dook. prlnclpal. Mr. J, B . .crabbe. va· meeting woul4 be n picnic to be he ld Hay Kautz. Morrow. r eport: The CIlse ot lh e VLllnge of Way· catlonal agriculture teacher'S time at Vrlglesby's woods. At this time Bogan of Hhrveysburg ma king his leap of 5 ft. 7 in. On h a nd A prLl 1 -$109.59 and to· does not ellplre until July. Mlaa E. the Ufty cents which each m ember nes vllle . aglLlnst TrHenn o. and Ma r · tnl receipts for t he month ,.ere in the High .Jump at Warren County Track Meet last Sat I V1rgene Roe IljUI resigned to accept WIlB to eal'n wUl be collected, During go l'at Edwards has been dismissed. $I 21.18 n.nd total d lsbursemeillfl for t . h . lIayF .ln<'ru l ser vices w cr held. Sun . the sarno period w (\re $166. 30, looy Jud ge Decha nt overl'uJed a mo· urday This was a new h'gh f • th a position In Pleaao.nt Hill, Ohio and the social hour, Mrs. Ralph Hastings , I 01 e co un y, owever, It :o [tc"noo n a t th Lowel' M iam i 161l1li Gretchen Gehrll1&' hIlB resigned gave a reading entitled "Your Moth. ilon of the defe ndant to strike from " h lll"'h nt'fu' Dayton for R vO "end a bala.nce of $75.47, On Hand, Ma y to accept a pOSition In Toledo, Ohio. er and Mine." Mrs. Unglesby h a d lhe fUes of 311 petitions and Judge· wa tied by Toshie of Mason. J . O. (Ja.rst, 09 years, ministe r and 1. Tlte yearly report sh owtl that the me nts In th e case of Elmer P eters, The Home Economies po,ltlon waa charge ot a "Who Am 1" contest. vnrlo us r ecelpls were $253.91 "·I(,f'l ,"., of ~he hU" ch oC !.be B ., ,th :ltotnJ offered to Mise Varela. Mae Hellel· Mrs, Ho.rold Earnbart then dlvlded ot ai, doing business a8 the Artists nd lunch receipts were S730.0Ii. To. ~ 11 fl'r 42 years. R ev . Ga rst' hus bee n IU'soclates agelnt The Flberware finger or Lakeville. Ohio, The other the club Into two groups . group la I val'loua expen ses Cor th e , rt ~ I 01' or the LoWCI' 1\1 lam I Church pollItiona have not yet been tilled. to put 01'l, an ama.teur contest. Much Corp. were $116,60 , cook, $172. 70, a nd food II n! II h.L8t December wh n serious Ill· -hllarlety WIUI caused by the Imper· n R S rorced h im to l' tlr ,He had $729 .02. . sono.tlons or "Aunt Ida and Little Th c lothing oommlttee re llorte4 I,p" n bed (nst si n ce th flrsl o r' Inst PROBATE OOURT • CUllord." "Mr. Frank's Band", Char· Be ul31l Ri nehart h M bee n ap point. . Mrs, Georgia Ml'ntl conh nJI wn" nble January. mu ch of lhnt time h a.vlng th ey Imd spent ' 2.79 lhls month for Mrs. EmN'Son Enl'nhn rt en tes·to.!n lie Mccarthy and Bergen." "Jean. ed exec6trtx of the w111 ot Albert to be rcmoved to ,her hom urtCI' " 11 lIt with his so n, S upt. L. E. Garst shoes a nd hose and th at the bl\l w ile nette McConald" "Eleanor Powell" L Price lato of Salem tp unpnl(l, It wns moved and seco nded 8p ndlng s ix w eeks In DIll's 1-108' cd o n un lltty In honor or M"li, Earn ,r t h Is plaeo. h a rt 's mot h r, MI'!!. B rllJlL (J "ny (f and other famous radio stars. Dellc· ~h at t h e bill be pald, thu s reduc ing 'The l~ventOry m edl by 'Howard P . plta l In Dayton. ll nr veysburg . Cover s' we"e 1:1.Id f() Rev. F iddler of neR r Dn~to n con· lous refresh menta w ere served a t the Ass urn , ndm lnJs l, of the Moille Mem bers fr om e lma, Green P l:ti n , MI" an d Mrs. J. N. Holllnao n nn '- l ucted th e sel'vlces li nd burlnJ wo.s the yearly balance to $72 .68 On Ilnnd , close of a delightful afternoon. A.Bsum estute , ho.s l>i!en approvedb y Maso n, . SprlnB;1'leld and Yellow Mrs . Mary Pllttel'so n, g Utlst o r honor )~ ad In th Lower Miami Cem etery. T h e clothing committee hall sp ont $17.31 for c loth ing during the y (\1' th e court. SPI' ln b'1l were a mong thos who nt· t1 nd th e host and h ostes.'!. ' h bea.u Uful rto "ul 1)lecl's a nd large bOf!ldes what cloth Lng was donllte4. Gladys Brumen sohe nk el h afl been tended th e 311 d'ty QUllrl rly III etMr . Rnd Mrs. L vI Luken s an ' ,tten dll.nce .\t th o fun eral wcre mute The luneh co mmittee rellOl'\ed their In an eCtort to- create a greate r appointed admlnlstratrlx ot the es. Ing III th e F.;end·s Me Hng H ouse, ch lldr n o r I' ayette spe nt sever, I tcstlmo ny of the e teem In wnlch and more underlltandlng InterelJt In • " tate of h er husband. ChrlB C .. suo Sundll Y. Foster (lnd 1I'l a rgar ·Ut•. Hea ll uys with "el"Uves ll(Oro th e Io.ll fo he WIlS h Id by muny (l'1en ds. He Is t<'tal reeelpt8 tor April were U17.78 the United States Air Mati 8ervlce, tl nd disbursem ents for same month perlntendent at tho Lebanon State cocle were th e Illa.ln s pcnl< ers. purl of the week. lhe week of May 16 to 21 Inclusive ':I urvlvcd by his w ido\\', two so ns, were $2 49.59. farm, who died r ece ntly. Bond of Mr. and Mrs. Ross HIlI·tflOc le a n d Mr. n nd Mrs. J . D, Ma rln lt h a d u.s S upt. L a wre nc Gn_ r at of W nyn ee· hl\8 boon deslpated aa National All'. The nomin ating co mmittee named Mr. a nd Mrs. IIffo l'd Ridge moto r. theh' week e nd g ues ts, Miss An n Co n ville, I\Jld S upt John Garst. ot Ca r · $2070 was provided. MaJl Week, WAYNESVILLE CHURCH t h e following oftlcera for the coming Christman has been na m· cd to D ill sboro, India na, lust \ Ved. Mellie Probably ~ere &1'8 few persons I.n way, 111188 Mnrl!Lm lI uasclbee Ilnd lisle, bo th ordai ned mj nlste ra at th o year: OF CHRIST , ed administratrix of tbe Daniel T. nesday afternoon. MrR. J essIe Robltz r [til of. Dayton . Church at 13relhre n, ono (Ill ugh t r . W.;lynellVllle who have given much Sunday: . Prcsldent, Mrs, Robe~t CoUe'tt. Vice Morgan estate, under bond' or $2026, 111 1'. K e nneth· HOllg li and . Aon, L or. thought of this rapidly ~wlng and M.s'!'!. Edith H U"rls In company Mrs. Da vid Brown of ·nen.r Dnyton Pr sldent, Mrs. Kenneth Hough. 8ec· Bible School, 9:30 0.. m. developing branch of the poatal aer· Ethel DunhlUll. Marie J ackso n a nd on , MI'l!I. Martha Ho ugh. 111." nnd with h er broth er, lItl·. C. F, Moser and three grantlchlldr h . Communion'; 10:46 0.. m. re tnry. lIIrs. lI'o.s. H:ar tsock, and Treaa • Mnry Atkinson are the app ra isers. Mrs, Alan Emer ick uf Ly, h' , a nd Dr. r nd wire of e lll Innall SI1 ·, t Satur. vice They know It COBlJl 8 cents an Endeavor. 7:00 p . m . IIrer, Mrs. Clement Satterthwalt• • Prop erty In th e Ethel B. Lowe- u.nd MNJ. J. W, Ward and Mrs . LI-<. lIa' lind !:ilm day with rc.a , lvR In ounce (0 by air. and that once Chrlstian Preaching. 7:46 P. m , Baptlsmat T h e club voted to accept ' the offll Cu.rdlng'lO n , O hio. estate, valued a t $7800, has been or· z1e Hough of Hllr veysburg wero Su n on tbe plane it travels at a high rate COl'S . service tollowlng' preaching bour. M.·. a nd M.'8. Hn.rry StolHis nlel'. of speed. 1 de red sold. day dinner g ueElts ot . Mr. and Mrs . Wednesday: It ,vas brought before the etub The department has no desire to HearinG', on the Inventory flied by Leon Snll.s bury, of Wo.shlngton lalned lIle fol lo\vl ng Ilt dlnaer, Sun. Preaching, 7:46 p . m. th a t all the old 6UIs, caneelled Raymon4 C. 'Fo)len. a dministrator of CQurt House. day: talk patrons Into UB1ng the air ser. There were 88 present, Sunday ch ecks n.nd other pa.pers from pre· vice for "ahort haula.''' There Is no Mr, a nd Mrs . Claren ce Dunham and th e Jam4iIB Follen estate, will be can· Mr a. d M L C St J h t momlng with around a 'h undred d ted M vlouR y ears were being kept . .J{ mo· 14 . n rs . . . 0 n spo n economy ot Ume unl_ the distance 8J'. S unday With Mr and M J h son , Elarl of Lebanon. Mr, and Mrs. tor ~ the evening service. There u c Uon wo.'" nsked tor t hat these be 4ea· Distribution of secu.rlU es. . Hsted SelUm~,.e of Ol'e' I, rs. 0 n ,fohn Lemo n nn d da ugh ter, Dorothy, the maJI tm.vela II more than 800 troyed up untl~ th o currsnt yenr. It were two addltl'Ons to the church. Among th e aSRets ot the 'FIrman J gon il" a nd son, Hn.r.·y of Dayton. lI[r. I\Jld miles, 'Ilhere Ia economy. however. Mr . L'twro nco Furnas, a. proml n· was moved and 2nd that thlB be done. Our goal Is one hundred for Sun· King ostate, hlUl been authOrized by Mrs. Mllry CI'OSS was 0. g uest on both In coat and time. where this Mrs. Ernest Hartsoc k li nd 80n , Milo. nt farm er east of town. :tnd son of day ~hool, Sunday, Come help us Judge Carey. The flower box count resulted In Sunda y of Mr, a nd Mrs. Fmn l( Le .lIfr. a nd I\!rs. H nnnn Surfaco and t he la te Mr. 'and M'·8. EdWi n Fill" dlatance .. ezeeede4; for Instance: make It. MlslI Campbell'l room receiving the Walter KenrIck, L ytle, h lUl been Mn.y n nd famUy. a 8PtiCual 4e1lvery letter to (let us' baby son, und 1111's.' Amos Menden. nas. a nd Miss AUIn. B31I y, da ug ht r box for the reet ot the school tenn, named n.dmln1strator of the estate Mr. Ralph l'tleh or m:nr Orego nia hall. MY) DeIs 1II01uee, Io,va. coati thirteen ot Mrs. Almlm Bruley of Wllming . --SInce ttlere · wu no '.further FEBR YCll11RCH (JHRlST ot Elizabeth E, Lewis. late at Way. and lItlBs Ester Ross of Gen ntown. centa. leavea f1ere thl. evening n.mS Mrs. Bertie E lbo n entert llined at ton war unit d In mnrrlllg~ , Silt· ne II, It W M moyed and BCConded the nosvllle, Bond of $2000 ,vns filed, a grnndda.oghtE! r of Mr. an d Mr s. s upper, SundRY evenin g, lItr. and urday o.tlernoon at 3:30 nt the home reaehes there tomorrow. The l!D.Jlle Sunday: 'BIble School, 9:80 a. m, The appraisers nre E, L . Thomas, Clinton ROBS wore ' m nrrl -d on April Mrs. Chcs tes' utlel' a nd so n' of Nor· of th bl'1d!l's mother borore a beau. club adjourn unto nellt September, lettr woul4 go by air mall tor IIx 'JIhe meeting closed With the 801IIf. Communion, 10:45 I!m. Ben Smith. and Ross . Hartsock: 30 at MayaNeld, K en tucky. onts, and beat the special by an wood a nd' MI'. a.nd Mrs, L ew Thomp· tlful ImJ)rovised n iter of Clowers, "Bleat Be tho Ties that Binda." Sermon, 11:00 0.. m. Cho.rters Maple. trustee of a trust Mrs. Alfred Stuot Ie Bvenfllng this son. Prof. W endell F a rr Iler tormed lho "ur. Hostes8Cll reI' the aa,y wers: ·111.... established by the wm ot the la te weck w ith frlelllds In olumbus. AD alr mall letter leavln8' here at Tuesday: !\fr. Il.nd · Mrs, Russ ell Holldny Imp" salve Orthodox F rIend 's Ser· Mills, Mrs. Frank Cook. Mre, HfIIUT Mary Constable, hlUl tiled his third G uests ot Mr. and Mrs . Glenn Bor- spent S unda.y with his pa.rents at vice which united t<hl s you.n g cou· e p. m . wlll be In Lo. ADpJes at I Preaching, 8:00 p. m. Burge, Mrs: Bull Smith. Mrll. Lon Our attendance. Sunday morn. account, L. M. H enderson. exec utor den o n last Thursd,~y wcre Mrs. the next morning. Rolland. pi e in . presence of 0. fe w rela tlvelf Beckett, Mrs. Alvin Earnhart. MnI. Ing was 287 which broke all at. of the DaVid W, Thom9J! ootate. tiled R ebse a nd da u ghter. of L banon and On the 118, air maU routes (8a.· Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Bolen vis ited and ,c10B f riends. Ir n o ThomlUl. Mrs. Cn.rl Connard. tendance records for the mOl'nlng his rtrst and tlno.! account" MI'. and Mrs, Da n Sheph erd a nd (riends In Morl'ow, Sunda y. 000) mUIlII more than 260,000 mUes P receding llic cer emony, Miss Lu· and Mrs. Gladys Linn. service In 96 • hi 8t t. th Mr. Charlcs Hurst of Frnnl~lIn , per 4a. are~ own by the air mati Miss F lorlUllo nd Reed, of Harv eys· ey Rice acco mpanied by MI'sII Ethel Church. The Y::1'Il4J9 ~~nodLlDe: Mr. and Mrs. Willia m Graha.m en- bu rg wo.s a hous !:l uest of Mrs. GlJIlUll, bo~h elolle frie nds of the t ....... ~·. r pilote, tor the last month was 211 and REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS· tertnJned ut dlnn I' , Sunday. Mr. and True, the department 18 not mo.. bride. sang lwo beu.utl f ul IIOlos. R ev. H. and Ernest R Miller to M rs. D nn B roWoIl a 01' chLldren a nd Raymond Bl'llddock lust week . for the same perl04 lOst year It king a profit; the Itlea Is Increuect The bride chose, becom ing lo.ce for Mrs. Oakley Ung lesb y entertained Beatrlce B. Bo.usmlth, 178 n.cres In M d 1\1 h WIUI 99. Ferry being a rural church r . an rs. a rIes Brown of Mrs. Evelyn Watkins , M iss Helon hoI' wedding gown with blue ac. eUlclenc)' and development. lB out ot· the ordinary that It Union tp. Beavertown , Air mall· C\nveJopea, with a. dis· Ha wke. a nd MIs8 EIr Iyn Furno.s at cessorlea. Sh e woro a h armonizing draws many of Its members from . Hnrrlet and, Harry Roland to Ma· Mr. a nd Mrs. LAwren ce Sheph erd dinner. Tuesda y, co tlnetlve red an4 blue' border. ready bel, lots No. 21 a.nd 22, a nd family, of :ICenla h ave movcd In Fnllowlng lho ceremony a delicious Mr. and Mrs. J, H. Curt18 at R, HtamiM!d.' are on sale at all U. S. the surrounding town. to the coun Lebanon. I try. Some of the towns represent. wit 1 tJle 100ttel" S parent s. Mr, u nll R. 3 Way nesv ille on S unday e nte r· two co urse lun 'hoon was served the Post otncea for 70 each or , tor 260 ed SUnday were Miamisburg w1t,h Ida L . and R ebecca Woodruff to Mrs. Cllnt ROSH. You can belp by aendlng at least tal ned their grand son, Robert Cur· brldoJ Plll'ty a nd g uesls. The. ProgressiVe BU8Ine811 Women'. e. Springboro 20. Centerville ' 12. James H. and Ma.rY 'Ellen Arnold, Mr. and ·MI'l:!. Carl Hess of Day. tis, a nd famHy Ora Mae his wife Alte r It s hort hon eymoon, Mr. and Club h el<\ th e IllBt m eeting ot the one leUer by Ilr mall 4urlnlr the Dayton 10, Bellbrook Spdng. real estate, LebanOtL ton called on Mrs, Cn.rrowthers. Sat· _ k of I(y 1&-11. a n d d a ug hte r Bll rbara LouiSa u.nd Mrs. Furnas w ill bo at h om e to t h eIr year at tho "Golden Lamb" In Lebv&Jley 1'1, Xenia: 4. Lebanon 1, Yel. Sarah E. Rlcho.rd8on to Walter urday a.cternool~. so n. Robert JunJor and ,Elizabeth friends nt the Fu rnas 'Ca rm on R . R, anon on Monday evening. About 11' low Springs ,. West CarttoR 2, nl· R.~~~~I~~~G~~ ;=I~ltt Dan Mrs . 'Cleo Arlhur and children urtls a.nd the ir daug hte r ·In·lo.w, Ida 3: m mbel's and guost!! enjoyed the d .. U __ F~_ r":_J_ 41a.napou. 2, Wayneev1Jle 7. Genn· spent Mother's Dill' with h l!r. lltlr· Lee CurLi s of Detroit, Michi gan a nd lIolous dinner ' served In the 41ntne linaRIa town I. Drive out BOme Sunday leis, 49 acres, Hamlton township. en ts. Mr, and 'Mrs, Milton Carr of nJso Mr. J . O. CurtiH Itnd fa mlly ot h all of thlB hotel whlcb wu once a • morning and visit with us· We win Howa.rd W. MUla to WUllam O. Newtown, F r n.nkHn, Ohio, and Mrs, Euge n e EI· h IstorlcnJ old tavern, dlnn&r. 1I'den4b Jield , tlleir May Quarter!)' ~e you wel~e, Dugan. lots No. 38, 39, 7. and part Mrs. Eltdill Dny and duughter MlsH IIngton ond cousi n. Rosa L ee Elling- BIRTHDAY DINNER Mr. II.nd Mrs. I<onne th Hough.s Miss Eva Reader pres1d. u p ..... meetlnc on Sun4a.y amone thoee oau· --F,=w.~'-::>pI:~~~~-.:::-::c:---.,.-+DcJ=t hy "'lJr9 -Saturday guests of ton of Dayton, Olilo. Mternoon CIlll· Ide nt durlng tnebUslne811 .pl&rJOd. at t":"lle- we- To- caivert and Wits WAYNEsVlLUll M. C~TD"'H Ruasel G. and E. It. HoUman to ·Mrs. Eo.r~ Mulloy ot Leban n . ers we re Mr. a nd Mrs, C. P. Ellis bea utlful c() untry h om o wi t h Its spa. which tlmo the tollowtnc otftcv... .v n"~ I;oul8e S, Gander, iot No. 91. Meclo us Ia.wn WM a beautiful setting ancl dautrbter. Belen. Ralp)l R .oweU Rev. John V. lAley, ·Putol\ . Mrs, Julio. B ergen spent S und ny and family of W ay nesv tile , Ohio. for th o e n aulng yoar were elected, and' WUe. ~' M~. Downing Sunday, Mv lll-c son, with he r son. Mr, J ames Bergen and 'rhe ro were fo ur generu.Uons of the fOI' the party glv n, Saturday after· P I'ealdent Miss Emma Lou ' Le'tfW. Xenia., Dr. lUobard M!ctUner o~ e:IO-Sunday- Sohool. I Home Owners Loan Corp.. to EI· ram II y. J , H . Curtis family present; two n oon, by Mrs. Hough for h ar lit tle Vice P r esident. Misil ' Dorothy Day; The followln!f from here aUend- c hildre n; s ix gra ndohLldren, nnd da ug hte r. Mary Dam, whose slxtb aoon.. FoIIter BfIIUlOCk an4 MJlLl'lrar.,. ' lO :800-Mornlng Worship, "God and mer Jonee. part of lot No. 4. Way· ...... nellvllle. bi rthday a nniver sary was Thurs Scor etary. MIs8 Evelyn Kereey an4 etta of Bedford. Penn .• were with ,.,.or," cd the iuner31 ot Rev, J., O. Oarst tlll'ee great grand·chlldren olJllln u tbtIt ttme. I:l5-;Epworbh League. Frank Sohroll to Clark M. and L . near Dayton , Sunday aCteMoon , Mr. day. Mrs, Hough was asslJted by Trellsurer. M'lss Laura MoKenal•. R egret WIUI expresasd that thr.. he r s tater, Mrs . Harold Earnharl, 111'8, C. R. I>eathe~ who 7:IO-:Evenlng Service. P. Walker. one acre. Union tp. a nd lIir!!. C1mrres Januis. Mr. and been 8pC!n4Jnc two weeks with Moncla7William and Luetta Dumford to Mrs, Raymond Braddock. Messrs. FARMER'S GRANGE whoso blrthdl~y w as Saturday. Out- members would · be absent Mother k F'ergllson. door games we re the order of · th o year. Miss Rowe, who haa accepted dauahten., Mris. Perry DavSa of . 7:SD-Called Meeting 01 PWclal M. S. and Myrtle Anderson. 13 o.cres F ran. Turner . a nd MET SATURDAY afte rnoon until the arrlv.rll 'Of t h e a school at Franklin. Illlaa Smith roUton an!l ··Mn., :rr.eman Board. In Hamllton tp. Brown, nnd Mr. a np. Mrs, George The W ayn esville F orme r's Gnmge beu.utitul birthday cake., which the n who will be In the P~eaaant ~ of Gent, Kentucky. retuml!<l on SUD· Wedneec1a.rMIUs a nd 8O n, William. Schools and l\IIBB Gehring who wlU daJ'. ..' ll:oo-AiI Day Meeting ot Ladles MARRIAGE LICENSES Mr. and Mr!J. A. H . Stubbs en · m et . SaturdaY nig ht. with a nice at. became t ho ce nt ~r ot attro.ctlon . teach at Toledo. Atter the bustn. . Mr& O. H. Deiltherap. Mrs. Lena mooting with Mrs. Collett. $amuel Huddleson, 26, carpenter lerto.lned the fo Uowlng at dinn er on tenda nce. Mo.ster Iio.rold Whitaker Ma ry Dora. r eceived lov Iy g ltts from lh e group e njoyed "The Jo'l of Llv. pr sided a.t the bus lncss session. Mrs h er little frIends, The gues t IlBt In· Bart..Ick were dinner tuellta o[ their Thul'lldq. and Nettls Cadwallader. 21. Both 01 Monther's Day. Mrs, E. E. Ing" a t bile ToWn Hall. The nm chUdren, Jolt. , _4· ~ ~11111 Hart· 4:0~unlor Oholr, Morrow. rum o! Germ antown. and Mrs, W , Rpss Hartsock had oha rge at sev- eluded Bobby Hnstlngs, Martha. and m eeting ot thQ IIlub will be in Sept. e rn l games. The m31n teature ot the LoI~ L uk ens, Martha Wardlow. Roy sock on. M~". ~. , . . . 7:000-Boy Scouta .John Edward Fitzgerald. 22. paper A. Gearhart, ' Mr, and Mrs. N. R , em ber. 7:0t)--()rcbestm. Practice, mW worke.r and Edna Thomas. 20, Allamo.n a nd (:hjldre n. Mr. Roscoe evening WM a . /lumorous d ebato. and Sue FurnlUl, Warren S hel) hu.n , M .... Jilmqa.... PlaNe," oIitre, Anna TolftllJulon( ~ ~p.; " M;artba Ben· 7:800-Pmyer Meeting. Both of Franklin. Allaman a nd Miss Belty Al laman of Rellolved: "Husbands Cannot Be 'Don Rye, J e nny 'Loe and Wilhe lmina Spojled." The ladles taking tho n eg· Braddock, Naoml nD(~ Harlan E '1rndenan. MID Fran_ ·AJden e,nd Don _8 :OO-Cholr Practice, Dayton, a Uves Side wero winn ers. Mrs, WII· h art, Ann Roge rs . Jimmy Crane, EPW,O RTH LEAGUE ald Sadley "'81'8 , In CIncinnati on Otflclalla ot the church ~ pleu· Mr, WUlIam Lukens attended Thllrll4a)t lulL ed With the attendance laat Sun4a¥. Dlrector'8 Meeting at tho State Jer· 110m Cornell presented t he follow· I, Ma rgare t Hal·lu n. Beve rly J ean ENJOYS PICNIC . )fJae Ruth dblUuuer of CedarvWe Sunday May 22. Ia AldereCllt& Day IJIl¥ Cattle CI!lb In Columbus, F rid a y Ing musical progrlUll. Vocal Solo, Lotz. a nd M!l-ry Ann MeUoh , Don Rye, Plano Solo, Charlotte Rye; About thirty ' membe.1'tII ot the Ep8pC!Dt the! week eII4 here..whloh celebrates the 200tb 8.rinlver~ evening . . . e wo rth L eague of the !rI. E. Churob ' IIIaa- Sarah Bartaock 8pC!nt· the I!U'Y of John Wealey's Great HeUgl· Mr. and Mrs. Jnclc: Preston e nter · Musical Reading, " Ma.mmy'/! Lulla.enjoyed a plonlc at HWs an4 Dol_ week en4 with her IP'&Ildmother an4 OUII ellpe~ence, Pla~ to be present, tal ned the following me mbers ot by" , Virginia. Pr'eeton nnd Vocal So· FAMILY DINNER Dn.yton -S unday aftemoon. Gam. . other relaUv. here. th eir fo.mUy at supper, Sunda.y eve· 10. Robert Preston. Mr. and Mrs. WIlliam Luken s open· ,wer e pllQl'ed and a plcnlo .upper .. IIrJ aDd ~ A. Z. Bartaock. an4 SAINT MARY'S EPISOOPAL The Warren County Agricultural nlng: Mr. and MrII. Leo Deutcsh and ed their spaolo us hom e to m pmhers ved. Tolle MlBses Miriam ' SCott &lid ~Qhter Helen. ~ Mother's Da}I CHURCH Club met Tuelday evening at Mem· son of Sprlnl.rflllld and. Mr. a nd MrR. BmTRDAY DINNER caU8I'II on thetr motileI'. Mn, Lena Notice for Samlll7, ' ~., 15 orlal Hall, Lebanon With the memo E . D. Hldy n.nd son of Clnclnnntl . Mrs. Boyd HenderSon entertained at th e famil y. Su n<l l~Y In , h ono r at Ado. Belle Frye had cho.rae ot ttle '. Hartaock: ". " f r o m Wayne Township tumlllh· u.nd Mrs. Ota Hldy. Mrs, Ota B ldy the follOwing to six o'clock dinner, Dr. and Mrs , J , A. Rotls of Oklllhomu discu ssion period the aubJ!ict bet~ . m , e:lo .s. 1 , The *".unday Schoo). . Ing the program. . returned home with ,her son. Mr. Friday evening. the occn.slon being City. At the noon hour a sumptuous "TI,e Value If any of the' lIIovle .... . '. 10:10 'a. m," Momlnc ·Pra.yer andeer. Mr. Fratl}t,·wbO. haa- chnrge 'ofthe E, · D. Hldy a nill ta.rillly tor a short Mr. Henderson's birthday. ¥r. nnd <lInnet" WIlS enjoyed. Those to enjoy 1'I'hlS Is 0. wlde.lI.waJce o~ mon. ·· ,: ~·t . . III I th I' bo MrII. Albert Kretllng (Lnd Mls8 Eu· this h appy occlUllon which brought of young ~pl!!. They 'h&ve instal1e4 " ,'" Rev. Karl Nyi>ladth. mlnlate~' 'of mu 0 n , e .ocal ach. Is had charge vlalt. ot· the Jlro8'l'lUD, which COI'IslBted of Mrs. SUllie E 'vllDs spellt the week. n Ice House. · nnd Mr. John Ko.ler· togeth er Mrs. H , J, Green and h er Illng, porig' tabl~ and shuttle' boImI 'C\lurch, Xenia, Wm ottlctats the t0Uow nI1&' num be"' three s isters a nd brotlIer we~ .Dr· l ln the' church , baseme.nt an4 ba.v. , .... : SaJaI.P\tWle end with Mrs , IJ. E. li'ra.zler. dine all at Newport. d h Ill,ld Mrs. J . A. ,11.oS8 a nd Mr. and 1~ tarted work on a ' tenDle court iD ap preao. , . . 11010. ' France. Jo1ms; Vocal 8010. Mrs, 'WllIlam Grn.ha.m BJ) n t !!IW. Everjb04y iii cordJally welCome. ~ "'''-1 Earnhft-O Mrs. Van \\feter ot Oklahoma City, the rear churcli yafd . , ' .... : T,ap D anoe. Jean eral days last week with h er sister. WILL B1JILD CoRN ;DRYER ' , Reverend Frederick Flacher. 1II1n- ~_ who ~aa accomlNUiled by Dena Ml"8. Charles Brown at. Beavertown. John . W. SetUemyre. promin ent Mr. and ·lItrs. H . J. Oreen and Mr8. •'l'll. Da,,;Ia. , ,f The WI~yne T ownship members of farmer and Hybrid Seed Corn Pro· Carrie Gree n or Martinsville. Mr. and , Rev, .John V, ~1 . .paator .of the tbe County Ag ricultural Club with ducer. of near Oregonia. recently Mrs, Louis McKenzie and daughter RECEIVES PROMonON . _& Wayneavf}le MetIpllst Church. a Mr. William L uken Chairman pUl'Ohruted th e Olive Branch School of Columbus . Mra., W. R. Lewlll. ·Mr. Many frlerida hllre will 'be 1I'1A4 ~ tormer mlulonary to 'the , had chnrge of the progl'am a t th eir Bulldl1lg. MI'. Settlemyre pll\lJl8 to and Mrs. Robert L ewis .and tamUy, ma4e an, intez:oeeUnc addreas on the n!gUlar m eeting held' Iii LehaneI'D convert the b u ilding lnto a Hybrid 1I1r, nnd Mrs, WnJter WHilom/! 'an'd hlear thq.t Mr. ~k (Rue) Dlnwtlo !,ub~t,t "Myatrles !,f tbe Orient," '1;uesdsJ( evening. Rev. Mr. Lacy wa~ Com Dryer to care t or hfs seed · bus· tnmUy •. Mr. II.lld Ml"8. Les ter Lane die a fonner WJlynesvllle boy .... ILIId ramlly. Mr. a.nd Mrs. A, CoLef)n· been eleet~ Preel4ent of t1be H..,.: .peaket', of t hE! evening and music Ineas. ." ard lind family, Mr l3ert ~ all Itt Soap Co. of PaYton. Kr. ~ was 'turnl.hed · by' several of Mr. LADIE$ .uO of Wilmington. Mre. De EI1lIo N:ewlen die nll!O o.cta lUi ~uiir Of • Frank's pupUs .• , Charles Hut;l&y PIIII"d . Mrs. Mllynard Weltz and ~ The _ Ledlell AId of the M. E , and dlI,ughle r. Hel'e n, of Xenia., and Company with wholD 'be. .... h~e near~nbrook. vl!.l~Phls parents l Mr. and church will meet 'with Mrs . ..JI,.-D. Mr. and Mrs. WIIlIMl Luken. and ~ted for the .... ~ • ~ In U II eJerir. lI'rIdQ-. ~ Jf'I. Mrs. F. L Welt,c at WUmlngtoo, Sat.- C!lllett next Wedneac!ay tor an ' 1I.- l'HIrmtll)" day meeting, Memben baving birth· lot Otterbein Ave. Ria mD1~r. He Ia ~mved by hJa wIfe. Em· urdo.y evening. ARGUNOT OLUB lIIabei Dln.n4dJe alao ~ rna: olle daUCbter. lin. Carron.Bar- MrII. Vern.umJ~ spent the daya In May Ilnd June'wIll be puts loin. Ralph , Miller WII8 h98t_ to ton. two ~4 _ . Lawren,e an4 weelc end In SprlngfteJ4, the «ueat and need brln. no basket. lIIrs. Lar. division w1Il have charge of the meqabera of the ArgullOt Club Tb.I:=~~=:;iI: ~~ of ~. of har daugJlter, lIIra. Woo4r<iw the program. All memben are UI'Ir' on Tuelldal' a(ternoon at the 1 i o m e o ...,... were heJdo 1II0n· Owen&. eel to be ~1'8II8Dt. of her dau.hter. II.... JIlcIpr' Bmlth. , " ' ."'' ' 1 . . I .11at tile BellcleDoe. Mr. aDd - - - - - -.. .., .After

• Special, Meeting

Friendship Club Holds Meeting


Last Rites For rev. J. O. Garsl



Waynesville Personals

Air Mall Week Ilay 15-21



Prominent farmer Weds



Progressive Cloh' Held Last Meeting .


new. •.



AgrieuIturaI ' Clo'h

EDtertained At Lehanon


' l;iaE~;i~~rl







~iami 8.a~t tte Main Streot

Phon. 112


Ohio Year


HAROLD D. WILLIS, Editor Entered Aa Se ond


laas Mail M.a Postofiice, Wayn esville, Ohio I SS UE D E VERY T HUR SOAY

Subscripti on Price, $1.60 Per Year, Payable in, Advance

An Independen t News paper Dedicaled t o th Servi ce of Waynesville and .icinity _ Giving its pat r ons the best · n ewspaper humanly

Lnrkln f\f Qreenrleld. O. HJ)ont thll week end In (h h ome ot thE'lr gMlnct pHrcnls Mr. and Mrs. T. . Ha.ydock. 1' ho ulLk!!r l\lu.h.l1l OIub and lemJ('1- , Mills 1>fa'lrJ~rlo ~iaydo ck WeI' . l"iOtl.l;lLrttly enl rWned In the borne or l!l1t""IOO\Jll Ann Mlt ohner ) nllt :J bl1 l"5dt\y II nlng. MI AS Olud Y8 t\ nowolh _on tort l\lncd U plU'ly ot f1'I01I118 In h nor r h I' blrthda , o;tl,lrdny. . R v. nnd· Mrs. 'Wenvor, Oeorgn la and DfL\ild WCllovor attencled tho oncel·t In D,\y oolI ' unday eVQnlng by lhe !vI ns hO rus of capitol 'U nlvers lly. Th reo sons of Rov. and Mrs. ' '''ef\.ver were In t h chorus.

Twin· Theater Always A Good Show


. phone 78J CI~D Up' At .The .. Prie" Men'i! 8 'pc, Suits



Prot.ctlo" - Fireatone'.

~t ~rotecta a~lnat punctures.

. Come in today. Let UI put a set or thue Iarp abe, r,.a-l, LOlli wearlna Flreetone . Cobvoy ~ OIl your car.- rem'~mber,


.f \- '


Phone SO

NEW YORK (Special) .- n has r emained fo r an amateur chemist in pursuit of a hobby in the clutt ered ceUar of his countryside llome not far from New York C ity to put . a h appy end ~o the long search for an adheSIve t o fasten sheets of metal enduri.ngly to . w all s urfaces. The hunt was b egun by one of Ule largest . coppe r a nd b r ass COfporations in this country when ~everal proCessional ch emis ts h od Sa iled to discovcr t h e. desircd ~ Iue . Appea l w as at l as t made to .he suburba n amateur with the

cellar laboratory-and he produced it. He is Benjamin K. Albrecht, one-time sandpapE!r salesman. His home is on th(~ outskirts o.f Rowayton, Conn. M r. Albrecht was requested to contrive the gl ue in order that. the plaster walls of the Board of Director's rool'T) in the Administration Building of the New York World's Fair of 1939, at Flushing Meadow Park, New York Ci ty, might be covered with squares of paperthin copper. As the adhesive was found ·to do its work perle ( tly, 2,500 sheets

H Il.l·veysbllrs, .wer c en tert n.J ned to (Un nor, umlay III lhe homo of Mr. n.nd l\It·s. Leon SrulsbuI'y und clllld· re n a t ,\Vasblng ton C. H . Mr. Vlclor Loer a nd Mr. 1II11l0n Enr nha rt of L eba non weI-e visitors 0 ': L ytle Sunday Sohool , Sunday m rnlng. 1\11'. La I', . a wlde·IlWake Sunday ehool worker, had cha rs e of tho entlro servic, t aught tho men's closs an d ulls a talk on Mo· ther's Da y progrrun. follo,,!lng tho Sundn.y chool; whICh was n.1l very much a ppreolated.. Mr. liJanhnrt, who I'ecenlly celebr a ted his 92nd blrlhday. WIlS In years brtck, a frequ nt vls ltor of hla da ughter, Mrs. Viola Duke and tamlly n nd mllny fri ends here. Mr. E a rnhart proved. very inter estlng , g iving H, on tho program a nd a lso r eciting sev ern.l original poems, One honoring his own motll· er s nd anoth('r a bout one of Lytle's old residents. his friend, )\11' . F rank fi omll LOn. Mr. RlJey Saylor, who tea ches a t Philipsburg wlUI also a visitor and taug ht I\, cluss. Tho Sun-

Dill 's porents Mr. o.nd Mrs. J ames NEW BURLINGTON SOWtU'Cl of near X enlo.. Mr. and rMs. Arlhu:r Kesinger I4ld fa mily of Dayton, Mr. nnd Mrs. Nor_ Miss J ea nette Ha1 I p ~· ot Rlcllmnnd, m a n Ke8lnger and Mr. nnd Mrs. Ben Ind. waa present ut lit') FI1" 1l(1 ~ Miliott or; ClnclnnlUl ca lled upon Mr. Church on Sunday an] h ·)11 ...onfer, Il.1ld Mrs. G. H . K esmger and Mr. ence with lhe Sunrl ,y School tl" \,'h_ a.nd Mrs . E . A. Earnha.rl o.nd family en. hI th o II rt ('('nelln . In the a tternoon , ?h-s. Ada Da kin Mr. IlJId Mrs. Chas M.uldu C ( ot s pent aU day with \Jh em. Kirkers ville, 0.. a nd IIfls3 H ~kn Mr. and Mrs. H enry Burges an.d H uines at Tnboso, 0 .. wer e week l' r.d fnmlly of Da,yton spent S unday with guests of their mother Mrs. DnlHY her brother Mr. an<il Mrs. Arthur Hn.ln(Os. Mo rgn.n. Mrs. O. H . W e,,':or was the ,110, 1 Mr. and, Mrs. Roy 8haw n.nd fam- lasl week of her w a m) lIy of near Spring Valley, Mrs. Rob- daughtor Mr. and Mrs. K ~ n"eth ert Green, Mrs_ Leona Thlerheal and R oberts of Colwflbu8. children, Mr. and Air'S. Chnrles Up· The members of Ule lill>worth L ench urch and family ol~ Dayton spent guo entertn.lned. their mothers l !) six Sunday w ith Mr. and Mrs. LouJa o'clock dinner Sunday ovenln/J. Morgn.n. T he afternoon cn.l:lers were Mr. and Mrs. Thurmnn Mlcellner Mr. and ?1rB: Hiley GIbBon and tam- and son Dona ld and Miss Helen i\I('n. Uy, WIld Mr. and Mrs . :Henry Burges de.nhllli spent Sunday In Cinclhnatl and family, and attended the ball gamo. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hardsock Mr. and Mrs. ,Ed W eer Of Schen. and daughter of Svrlng Valley spent ecl.ady, N. Y .• are guests Of their Mothers Day willI ,h er parents Mr. sister Mr8. W. C. Smith. .

~~~~es ~~~&

of the metal1 each three onethousandths OI an inch thick, 14 inches long by nine a nd three quarters wide, were attached to the walls of the chamber 'so se. curely they have become literally part of the surfa ce. When Mr. Albrecht. was asked whether he intended to patent his gl ue, he replied : "No, beca use no chemist cart discover by analysis what 1s in it. Some of the ingredients vaporize before they can be detected." The picture shows hi m inspecting a surface upor. which he' baa pasted a coppel sheet.

Wilber N. Sears Real Estate -


T,reffone CONVOY


Benl EState

Tomrulo, Wlnd8tenu AutemobUe


Farm 8aJeA


HoUlehold Goods

Complete peraonal aervice--Same ~c:.el to' everr one, ' . Wayneaville, Ohio

Second Church bf Chriat, Scienti'at, Dayton, Ohio Announ~

Free Lecture 00 Clnislian Scie8ce


Marlaret Morrison, . or Chlcaco, IlUnols



when the whistle abruptly phf-f-fl out. He found himself vis-~-vis. (or was it tele-a-tete ?) with a snake, draped along the wires, The snake bi s~ed and the Iinc:man-T awke1f."· But the telephone company strongly disapproves of eavesdropping on its lines, so tile lin~n did B bit of snake-charming, removed the trell?BsSer, and wondered what would have happened to the telephone circuits if it had been an elec.

tric ceL


c. s. .


1>1e01oor 'or tho of Lectureship of The Mother Church The First Church ot Christ. -Scientist, 1n Bo~tono

IN MEMORIAL HALL . Ftret and St. .ClaIr Strcets


Waynesville m:radeBoys R~~ay Gfeam Co-operation in i~~ivid­ -ual effort at , , Warren -County, Track, !'(.eet set ~n example for all in ., eomDlu,nity: l~e... · TJtoqg,~, . . they did' ~ot · win the--.:. ,.' race, 'they _ran'it, with all , tbe'i r might·. and - way. well smile i ,in havi~g done, the " best . they '





Lebanon. Ohio Preaell}liD. dte B ..t aad


r.... ....

.C hicks


or 00cI And


~M_~~K~~_~;d~~g~~~~~~~~~~Y8n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~g~~~~~~~~~~~~ _ ....

noon callers were Mr.. anl1 Mrs. Her. sha l Bunne)) and frilmds from Lebnnon. Mrs. Marla Michael Is spendlng a rew' weeks With h er daughter Mr. Il:Jld Mrs. Lee Duncan of near Mar· row. Mr. Bert Marlatt and daughter, Mrs. ElviS IIfiohnel had tor the af ler· noon callel'S Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Hans ford Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Cluster . Shaw and son Bobby. Mr. (tnd Mrs. Robert Smart and daugh· tel', Mr. Harry Shoemll;ker of Xen· la . Mr. und Mrs. E. A.- Earnhnrt and [a m llY nnd Miss Claro. Daughters wwe Xenia shoppers Satur(lay ev· enlng. Mr. Bert Marlatt ls on tho sick lis t tLhls week. Mt:.scs M a~y o.nd Dorothy Tier_ ney, and Miss Mnrl' Camden and Miss Clara Bell Brul.!en a nd Mrs. H enry Schlties from Dayton spent Sunday afternoon a nd evening with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Puterbaugh. ].iI'S. Robert 'put.~pbaugh spent Tuesday with her pnrents. In Dayton.


4.50:20 ...-.:: ..•,.M

4.50-21. ••••••• 4.75-19 •••••••••• 15 5.00..19 ........... . 5.25·17 5.25-18, ••• •• •• ' ••$ . 5.50.17, •••• ' ,' .IO.4S 6.00..16 •••••••• 11." 6.25·16 •••••••• IS.IS


E ntltled-Cillis lian 8clence Reveal. The Unit,.




Fire & U,htnlng


peleDted COIUCl'W:tion of 119'0 eatra laven of Gum·Dlppe4 cord. under the tread .


Wayneaville, Ohio '

tuned notchet thalli ve full protection


Kathryn Mendenhall,


qaDJt alddding,

Nine utra pouada of rubber are added to every 100 of~ bv the Pircatone Patented . ,G \DIloDipp!qpro<:ea which counteracta inwnal fricd.on and heat that ordinarily caue bJ.owouca..

Quick Cleaners

Fifth Stree't


P.1otectlon -









Cleaned and Blocked

J. B. Chapman'

smooth, worn, unsafe tires. A recent lurvey dlacloses that 59 rolUloR tires men. women and chlld,ten and now in \1le . are, or will become, nculva mWlpri and.a quarter more IIfIlOOth this veal'. Do your part to Mrs. Dora Morgan n.nd Ml's. Ettll • Weft ~ured. More than 5Z,ooo of . . make drlyinlt 118(~r. Replace smooth BiniI' of X enia who Is spending a the. c,leadut ··and injurietl were tires on your car. Come in today tew days here Silent Tuesday with on d Mrs. Hiley Gibson and famCIIu.ed . dliecdy by puneturel, " aDd equip with Fircstone ConvoV Ily. blow,o ul. and .klddln, due Co Tlree and uye 2S'JI,. Mr. n.nd Mrs. E arl are par('u b. of u ~lnu ght e r she has been na med Enima Louise bOI'n May 5th. Mrs. Arthur Mor gan. Miss Cltlro Da\lg hters and E dmon 'M:arll.~tt wpro X onln. . h OPIl r s Thursday. M I'8. E sther Daki n a nd children C!;l lled on Mr. I\dld 1.1rs. Pele Runyon , &-etu4"~ Firestone "Yet! money bV ~ntrolUng Tuesdll.)' evening. and aec:urlng rubber and cotton at the lOurCe and MI'. and MI·s . Raymond LuC!;ls Ot bV more efOdeDt WlImlngton spent Mother 's Day wltl1 his par ents 1111-. a nd Mrs. David LumanufaCturing and ens, dutrlbutlon. 10_ Mrs. 'Ettn- Blair r oturn ed · to her Mvtnp make poIdble home of Xenln. lhe Inlte:r part of more eatra Values at the w~ek . low' prkea MI'. o.nd Mrs . Emerson DUI and son Rall>h sp ent Sund(\,y wlLh Mrs. N. . Hlitt Q .... ltyPlrat choice rubber and selected crotton that conform. to Flreltoia~'. high lIandard. and rI,ld T clepho.n e linemen encounter all .pcdfic:atioru. sorts of obstacles and difficulties when out Investigati ng trouble reLon, MII....-Safe, ports and a certain California line. . • llent t r'ead dealln man thought he had seen everything. made ot tough, ilow Whistling cheerfully, he was huntwearlo, rubber lhat ing a trouble source along a line, ......rea lon., milea,c. Sturdy bah 'unl


50c H4ts

M~n 's

lAulies Plain Dre8lle8


year hlahway coK the UVei of more than 40,000

Cleaned and Pl'essed


from these gentlemen.



Or No, Charge , , Centervllle,Ohl.o ,

;\11'. nn,1 1I 11·~. Ilion!!; !lImel·. :<on !l 11, 1 <1 :IIlJ.:'h tl" l' t of n r :u· Zhn nl CrnUl,n \\,l'l'l ' • \Imlay IIrt l' l'IlUOII g uests oC Mr. II nt l ?l1 1·s. \\' lIltr'I' X ('nri ck. :Ill'. llllvin I.....,,\/:I\. I"' . wh o jlj \\'01'11 11lj:l' III Oelll·hOI'II . :\!lc hh~nn, liPcnt th "" '{'II ' ' nd wi til h iR 1'/\ rnlly h ' I' . i\l r~. ' Hu th !II 1·S'rul. 1\l rs. J. J (l n • • ;l11·1!. n " n J InwkE', n nd lIt r " . Guy HOll 17J, hn a ttended E astCl-n ::i U'" II I \ VIl), nes" llle , J\Jondn.y cve-

'l'lw Lytle IHlt·.,·h I" l'1'('('lvlng som needed I'('Jlll l r~. a (' II I of whil e 111\ Int on thc olllrllol(' :1nl\ pIl! wrlng on th() Interior. 1If1'8. l!lllznbeth IIO\lg'h or l1 n.n 'l'Yshurg h.. visiti ng fo r It C(' ,," dRYS Ilt nine-. M I'. a nd ;\11'8. G UY R OII ll'.II.h n nnd t he 1I0me of lItr. [11111 ~ 1I'S . J\ lien Emfll mlly vl"lIcd I'clutlves III T lppecan. rl('le. ('. unelay. Rem moor th i\f u ~ i<' n l (' ntt'I'I:tl nI\Irs. "I nl'gar t .Tohns spent Fri· m,' nL Ilt L ytle H ull I his F rldny ('y o- tlllY nig ht onc1 -a t ul'day n l t he hom e o r " II' . rand !\I I'S. Amos 0 0 11 n em' nln g. Wny nC'svlll '. MI'. nn d Mrs . T h r~ l (1 .l,ln,· s M ,'. Bel, Wh ltllkor of Los Angeles Mrs. fl. B. Lang-nel ...' \""r In Dnylon II l1for nia . a fO I"le.r \V:\ rl'en Coun ty 'l'hu rsd l~y In th Inl erest or chllrl- r ~s ltl nt . Is s p ndlng a fow days with J\lr . a nd I\1rs. 'V. . BG' I'gd a lJ r n's doy ot th e S u n d f1 ~' schnnl. Mrs. Margnret. .Johns , M,'!,. l '~n ley nnd fam ily en ro ule to his old home In Wlnch slel', ;Va. . Rull y nnd Mrs. IIl'lry M:l I'Sh a ll WOl'3 ~lrs. MIll'y Ca r mony WIUI lL guest . 11/1yton "lsi tors , Friday. Moth r's Dil l' nt a frun lly d!Jm er a t, MI'. Rnd M1'S. R!Llph llargl'r nnd th homo 0(' Mr. nnd Mrs. W. T. hlldl n were Sun llay aflcr noon CI(\.r k in W nyn svllle. Mr. a nd lIfrs . Ther le J ones and son g u sts ot 1>1.1'. and :lh'S. F or t Dnw, MUton had f<l r t b 11' dinner g uests , tIOn In Sprl ~gtl eld . Su ndll.~·, !\flss Alma' J,llt at Day1ffr. nnd Mrs. )I uto n h chlln oC ton, i\1l'. nnd lIf l'S. E dwin Nutt and lI ml l.l Y dinn er H !l'ma n N utt of n car· Centerville. CentervlUo w r M rs. W alter Clark and dnugh te r, guests at Mrs. Alice lor k. Miss W a nda., who hn.v be n III fo r Mr. and Mrs. Ha lllh Homm I nnd some ti me, 11.1' n Ither so well at . son. Howrurd. · of Dayton. ond MIBS lh ls time. Mr. and Mrs. BIlJrd anq two child· Velma '0.00 Hermnn :mlth, were Sun r en of Da yton moved, last w eek, to dn.y guests of Mr. o.nd Mrs. A, . L . th e property of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Sid s. Mr . Sld s , WJ10 h a.~ been IJI, Thompson; Which they roo ntly purfol' seversl weeks, rema ins abe ul lhe chased. Mr. a nd [rs _ Thompson and grand_da u ghter , NI!-ncy WUlIanls. are sam e. occupying 0. p ilrt of the hous until school Is out, a fter which they wllJ move to Penn. Mr. and Mrs. Sta nley :na.tley and daughter, P hyllis, visited SUllday a f· t ernoon Wllh the former 'lj uncle and a unt, Mr . a.nd :Mrs . P erry ' 'Veller , WAYNESVillE nenr Centervl11 .Mr . a nd MrS. A.lIen ·Emrlck a nd guest, -?lrs. Elizabeth Hough, In ' com pa ny with M.rB. Mnrtha Hougb, K enneth R oug h nnd son, Loren', of W ay n e vlUe a nd Dr. and Mrs. J. W . 'Wa rd






. Auctioneer

' Mrs. Silm R onkle and dllugh l r , Belly , Mr. und 'Mrs. 0 00. '1 nkle of L ebanon, nnd Mr. nnd Mrll. Clinton Corwin SP nt unday wlI:h 1>J ~. u.nd Mrs. J . W. Drako. __ E _ _ ._

"ble .






. ,

Thro'ughOut 'the past several years ' .Agriculture , . make advancement via Co-operative effort .. • ..I


MANY 'OHIOANS OWN STOCK IN ,A. T. &T., 'WOfften Outnumber Men A. Inveato... in Phone 8"line.. Only nine • United State. cltlea have a population exceeding the total Dumber of Ben Telephone System "curit)' holdus, among whom Ire more thin .7.,500 Ohio realdent. holdin, atock in the American Telephone and Telegraph Company. . Excludinl duplication., there are about 750,000 Bell security holden. This representl an increaae of 15 vcr cent in ten yean, during whu:h period the jlltion'. ,population Increased about 13 per cent. Bell Sy.· tem lecuritiea include thoae of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company and the associated Bell , )mpanlu. More than four-fifth a of :.ese inveatofe-or nearly 640,000 - hold A. T. & T •• tock. They are 1,lainly sm.n investors, for more than half of them own only ten shares 6r less; while' about 95 per cent hold Ie •• than 100 aharte. The average holding Is 29 aharu lIer stockholder. IlUIurance Co. Large HoJdBr The remaining five per cent who hold 100 or more share. number about 35,000 and on the averlge hold ~ 270 ahafte each. However, many of these accounts are U! the Dfmea of institutiona Ind fiduciaries which (epresent 'arge numbers of benefidi.! owner.. The largest .lockholder iB an in.urance company. No one .tockholder own. IS much al OIIe per cent of the .tock. Women .tockholdere outnumber men ~d their lharehold~8I al.o exceed those of the men. Each ynr, ,",omlD .tockholden hive Idded to tb, total number of their ahare.. At present, 41 per cent of tbe out.tandin, alock is held by women, 32 per cent by , men, four per cent by joint Iccount. of individual., and 23 pe.r cent by III other.. Tbe A. T. & T. atock lilt ontnum~r. by more than 100,000 the hold... ,of common llock ill ao)' other ane corporation. ............ ~




Poachers By 1, Phone' and Radio

Telephone Ind radio, combined with co-operatlon of fumen, are ued by the Oblo Coneervatioo Dlmioa in a new plan for enforcement af atat~ lal!'. ;When a firmer IICI _ po.chinc 'anter, hIa part In the plln iB to tI1cphone the ncamt same protector, &'Yin. the locality and a deecription 01 the poaeber'. cu. The pme protector te1ephonea the .tate biahway patrol and the iDformation i'-, br(IJdcalt by radio. The Deartlt , same warden bears It over hiB poUe, radio and head. for ~ ' Iocality to catch the offender. . . About leven minute. eilp" from the' time tbe farmer telepb6nea to the moment the pm warden bear. tlle radio' broadcatt.



Mickey ,Struts His Stuff



MI'II. LeIteI' Kenl'1ck Mil MI'II. Hen

ry Murphy .ca lled (l the pOJ'Honage, Mon~. "" W. O. Smith Md family I Pent the dny, FrldlLY, In Clnclnnnti. D. R. Harris wiLe a call r a t the

Want Ads ---_. - ...----

FOR SALE-Sweet Potato plants, 'Early Goldens, Porto Rico, NIUICY HIill, TellJUl Y1UD8. SGe per 100 or aoo for U , Also cabbage, tornnto nnd other garden plMts, D. H. B ockett, 2 mI. JilwIt of Waynesville on rout e 73. P hone f)GRll . 1t chg. QOV1i)RNMElNT WOOL LOAN: Oon· a1&'n YQur ' clip to the OhIo Wool Growerll Cooperntive AsIIociation. G et full lUDount of t he guarlUlteed Government Loan. Advlllloe of 16 e ent8 per pound on good woll when d elivered, nn nddlUonal ndvlIJ)ce of several cents per pound In the BeaBOn. See U8 for further de· tails. WAYNESVILLE FARMERS EX· CHANGE, Local R epresentative.

Jacqueline Laurent and Mickey Rooneyl~ "Judge Hardy's Children" Mickey Rooney the funniest kid In pictures Ie back with hl8

gr~lid tamlly In their moat excIting roma nce, "Jud ge Ha rd y's Ohlldren," which will open Sunday, May 16, a t tlJe hea utlful new deluxe Xenia theater, In Xenia for a two day en gllgement. This II the third of the now famous Jud ge H a rdy Family at orles. And In this picture the fa mily takes a busl neBR trip to Washington, D. C. Lovely Cecilia P a rker Bnd Rollert WhItn ey have the rOllinutic leads . Mick ey a lso hu s u roma n co wIth th e I)re tty IIttio daughte r of the French CO ll8ul 1'Ictur ed a bove with

:Rocks , 21b frIes, !6 cents pound, dressIng, 260 extra. Mrs . .Joeeph H e8ton , Imllo 80utheast of Harveysburg, Phone 84 R • .


FOR SALE: All klnd8 of tra.nsD1lI.nt· eel garden plMts. Annual (·Iowere, rL~=b=ln=1=.=============~=============~ pansles, good eelecUon ot 2 y ears pnrllOn nge, SD.turda y ven lng. MrR. LuwrenC'£' M .lo/·O of WH mln g· . old perrenloJ flowers. George P e· Frn.n k W right und W . C. SmIth t on sp Ilt th o nls ht wIth MI'. n nd t erson, 1 milo east ot Wa.ynesvUl~ , cnJled on Mrs . Nno mt Fordycc a t t he Mrs. H . O. CoI'l1 II , ': undny. Bellbrook Pike. Mlrun l VnJ.loy HOl:lpltal. W e(lneooay , M t . 11 1111 MI'". M W'~h:0 1 Flier a nd 1 t. 01 Inst week . <l a t1~ h tc r, ]"hyll1,; m oved to Alexa n· I Olin Bn.y und wlte of J amestown del'Av!\le las t F r ltlay. GEORGE INDIGENE, ~glllterec1 took \llnner with W . C. S mith Ilnd L ast we k Mrs. J( nnle MullIn But. , OeIctaa Ill11lUon, t.Je...-old cheamut fnmUy r<:'I'ed (!'Om stoppIng O il /I /lu ll . IllBt W ed nesday evenin g. IOI'I'elI. ~ht !ooo lIN!. wm maRe About 36 young poopl from the P r ry J . Thom na dro PJl ~ d n. crossthe _ 0 of U38 ., UOJd South'!! erry Chu roh went ska ti ng In Day· cut suw on hIs I ~~ . ~ at uJ'(I I1 Y v· r.,m, z t.: mW aooth weet of Red Fton lu t .Thursday evening . nlng, !Uld h ad to havo two cla mps LIon. AD .-aUon w1Il be taken to P"lYaU acddeitts but wm not be 'l'bere 267 .pres ent n,t th e F er ry put In. Na.oml J ano BUI·to n Is r cover Ing I'8pOIlUble llheald -117 Young Church, Sund ay morning, wIth nn ~ idocII lor sale at all tbuea. ot!erlng of ' 46 .07 . Therc were 13 nicely from the meoRlcs. Lobi P ennIngton spen t th o week Gallaher aDd 8otdb. Pbone Leb&DOD dIfferent towns r epresented. Mrs. Groce F urnas hns been r eo e l1 d with her (olk s. I ...& moved trom the h ospital t o the homo Mr. a nd Mrl<. P r l'y F oul nnd son, FOR SALE: Sweet potato Dlants, 86 ot Mrs. Romo Riggs where sho is n nd Mrs. E thel F o. ul nnd childr en e nj oyed undn.y dlo n l' at the homo conts per hundred or three hund· recovering very nicely. Mr. PI no Is a ble to be out at work ot Mr. and Mr s. Hu m lel Oruhllm In red tor $1.00. All kinds of garden W a ynesvill e. plant., 10 cents per dozen or a agaJn. Mrs. Maggie 'Brown nnd h· Mra. Irm a. W ilson and da ugh tcrs dozen for 25 cents. 1 1·2 north of Waynesville, on cor ner ter, J ennette called on Mr. and l\Ir s. crulcd. Sa tu l·eln.y. n nd helped her m o' Sunday n.tterooon . ther, Mrs . A. S. Corn ell , clea n house of ' WaynMVllle, F erry and Lytle H. 0 , Foad. STROUSE BROTHERS R. R No.2 f)·18 pd


nEIl', ",e r (\ Su nduy vllltAll'II at t he MI· IlOlI 'IlOl OU!ry, nnd ll!tl'r In t ho alter lIo~," . ('/1 110(1 il l lh l.' hom" or Mr. nnd , "' I l' ~ . nlllK'rt L.tmll. ncur W rlYllcllYllle. . (!hufches of Chris Sci ' I t, IDt It " EV ERLAS 1:I N G PUNI SHMEr' is t he s ubject of the L ellson-S ermon which w ill be read in all <:=h urches of Christ, Scientist, on !:iunday, May 1: ,1938: " . T h e Golden r ext IS: Halle I a ny plea sure, at ~ 11 that . th e w icked s hould dIe ? salth the L ord God: and no t that he should r eturn frpm hi _ .way s, and live ?': < ~zck icl 1.8 :23) • . !,\mo n ~ the c itations which comp n se thc Lesson· Sermon is th e fo ll owing from the Dibl e: " The ear th at hearelh the r!, of life abidcth a mong th e w Ise (P r overbs 15:31) . . I T hc Lcs~o n-Serlllo ll also lOc1udes l ie. f?lIow lO~ pas sage from the Chn s tlan SCience ~extbook, "Scicnc~ and }i eal th With Key to th e ~cnptu r~s by M ar~ Baker E ddy : A m aglstra tc ~ ol1)etllncs remit s the Pb cnalty , b ut tillS. u~ay be no moral cnefit to the Criminal an d at best it I th ' ! I . ' for~: y f save~ h c c;"~;;na from one whichol isU:~I ~ ~ ~~ 't Ie. " !0I'31 law, denl 1 I It! n g l 'ducq Ul l ~r c?na orta waysls dcan em a'go n s up reshigher.' tllutlon b efo n, re m Broken law brings p enalt ' . d to compel this progress" (y 11t)r er p. .







Pipe, VoJves, FltUnp, Plumbing and 1Heatlng Material, MYERS ~d and Electric Pumps. J. P. BOOKLET SUPPLY 00 .. XE~lA, OHIO, 66 8t

will come to your home. every day through

THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR All ["'ulla/lo,,al Dail, N ftlJIPap ~,.



SllIII AU '1WAY.£.

STOLEN: BoY'IJ Blcyole" Junior sizEll dark red with white trim. ROndmn· ter. Reward for InformAtion lead· ing to recovery. Roger WatJdn"



NEW SILEN' METER~.;I SER-use, 10 llnle current. You can budly hur it run I f) NEW "DOUBLE-EASY" QUICKUBE TRAYS -Ileleuc cubH i IlSt1IDdy-s ...e 20l' more icc 1 • NEW fOOD SAFElY JNDICATOR. • NEW2·WAY COLD STORAGE TRAY. .AUTOMATfC TRAY RELEA S n. • 2·WAY FROZEN STORAGE COM. PARTMENT. a p. t 14I!XCLUSlV1! LOWPRESSURE IlEPIUGERANT . • Rl!MOV. ABLE BAR·TYPE SHELVES. • SUDING MOJSTURl!. SEAL HYDRATOR. • PAMILY SIZE-IO,9 SQ. Ft. Sbelf Areal 5. 1 Cu. Pt. Storalc' RDom' 41 Bi. Icc Cube••1 ODe Premnll

OR YOU MAY NOT SAVE AT AU! Some refrigerators may waste through a "hjddea extrava· gaace" all ~at they may save ia one, two, or three other ways. Why takc! _ chance? Frigidaire gives you P,.oof of All 4 S"IIi"gs • , • oa current, . food. ice, upkeep • • • before your eyes, befOIC! you buy! See Frigidaire First and Save I

recorda ror JOU the world', cleM, CODltructlYO 4011111. "ontLor dot' Dot aplolt crIme or .onaaUoD; nllther dOH It icD4lre tll.m, but dull correctlve17 wltb tbom. "".ture. ror bUIJ men .114 .11 tb. r.Dill7. Inclu41na the WaHl, MtIII.aIoe SecUon.


The CbrlltlaD SelcDce Publllhlnll !IooMt,

One. Nor ..·. ' 8trHI, BoILon. "'aaacbuaetUI Pi.... enter mJ ,ubaerlpllon Lo The CbrIltIaD 8clence IolllDlLor fOIl

• r:~~ U.oo

• montha $UO 3 mont... aus 1 mODth 'I5c IUUU 2&0 Nam. ___________ ,, ____________ _______________ • __•

, OR SALE, Large Roll-top Desk. . Good condition. Carl Frye.

Wedllel48' tuDe, Inclu4lnl Mqu lnt SectIOD! 1 'ear t2.eo, •

Fairley Hardware Co.

A44nMB ___________ ___• ______ _______ _____ • __ ___ _______ • __ _

FOR SALE-18 inch 5·blnde Ball· ~ Lawn Kower '6.95. R. D. CoWeU Hdwe, Phone eem Waynes·











nnd Cflj led that their Mother's Dny 11\11'11. Gt'Orgf.o Rlll lth , n"or o r"g,mlrl ' , ~ h· . und 1\11',,: Altllull j~ 'ITt" nnd Ilrt:'fI('nL for her. Mr. nnd ~ I ~. 1';1I1l '0. J"'.n nllY lt RI"'rJIli1 11 1~C'r r l" W"I'e StllI ,I".\' dlnnl' I' nnd lIn ughl ' I', Jnn l('<', t,n J )\'I1·1i. Mill ' 1;\1(' t" of "11'. 11 1111 ~h''' , eorgo Del.' l,:(tIff:! ~on , flen r .i3llln l'ilPstl' r. nlo> P nnlw lt , t l'Il)ring \ ' ILIlI' Y t fl~. ] th Q F' !'I'y r. hlll· h, Sun'll y . 1\111':1 All,:!), SI~Ol .ind IIl lle J o mor nIng, • an d IIpent tho rost or tho I MILI'lIllt I r L Ilfln on , \v I g uests (lilY w Hh Mr. a nd MI·s. A. , orn· from Sa llll'(luy tlU IIl Monday morn· 11. I l lig o f h" I' (Junnt ll. 1.11'. n nll "ll·f'. ft·. " ml 111 .." , L IU r.' nco Thom as ' P l'lwk Sa ms. . h Url!' n ('n1le(l nl ' th ('11' h om • :';unT h ' h' >,on . \· l'll on . lUlll fl frl nil . r urn J tl~l!tl 1~1'!l q lll'lh , bOlh ot Dnylon, a nd dl\Y vonlng OJld e njoy (1 Ie a nd ·cake. Donn 1«1 IlIl.S we r!) t heir S unda y din Mr . (Lnd Mrs. Erv In Thom lLS culled ne)' gues tH. on Mr Kr ls l<l elnlu:n nnd 1·~Jlo rl.ed Mr . a nd ) 11'9. Ed . J l!tr 'ry \\' h' v is. hIm verY m uch Improved . It 1'$ of I'ehlllv s In Doyton Hu n Mi'll. J en nl Mullin. MI'8. Ln wrenr doy. ' a nd Mra. P l'I'Y F a.ul nccompfl nled MI'. Alfred J rtfll n nnd J . L Tal. V, BOln ThomllR t o D ay ton , SnllJl'day muge W 1"0 Sa.t u rClll Y lilV nlng vl"ilol's to La ke her m us ic 16890n. In L eI ano n. HW'olc1 Fox II< r mll loy ctl wI th II MI'. lwd Jll t'$.Way la n{\ J orchln nnd new Dr~ l ' mln g " tnbllllh m cnt In . 'l. lI y, or Cln In llll li , \\'1'1'0 t h el ln. L M n on. I . ·('sts. unu ay, of t ho JOI'llIu l MIBS LlllIn n enh?m ~~o k t1innl'l' ( ' Ll I~' .. ",·C. with J nnlo 111 ullen ..nd 1 . 111. Durtu n \ '" I.' P I "'1[8('(1 10 r" p0l' t th e 11 \vs a nd fam il y. 1"[ th(' 11I11 '1'1'\'('mp nl In h pnlth o f 1111'S. Nuom l Fordyco wus brougl t I ':, ., 111"",1 I :t'~". \\' ho hal; bl' 11 III (or horn ft'O m Mlum l VnJlr y Hosllit ul "'\'(' 1.,,1 () "l"~. In It somewha t Im p roved eo ndilio 1 'I' "r ll'III I"' I.,.. "r th O\l \'o Tll'a neh on T uesduy. La IHl'~' .\hl :-;",,11'1,. '''''' rn bletJ T hurs I y .. ' 'l a ,''It 'I'llll0n III the hom(' ur l\I n., I (;, n I:,' ,1; ,,t l. Amon!; th ma ny Ifl n I BEECH GIWVE "OO(\I'OW n,nd B lld HU s or So u' h I" urlall I' \I (' ,' , .: ~I.'~. Flol'cn e J ,·rr,·r y, L .. hll non, wcrc Sn t Ul·dll.Y VI Rltol's r. 1' .\ II'.~. 1''';'''''1 ~ I " ""y. 1I11·s. An nll F .'I" ' d ~. II I . .' 111 ,,.. ' I ..III., \1'1" I ' . "'1' ,I. It nd 11h ..>; . "1 r O'\(\.I' C O ns ,nell I ' :8, 11.11 " LUll lI lt ~ . Mill y \\ 11 1111111 . \ lI1a rs. 1111'. un d M I'A. Clyde SnIDs wer e Frl M I'. (tnd MrR. A. B Tnhnngc . .J. dllY c:Jllel's a t t he horne ot 11,[1'. Iln,1 L N' Tll lnH1F((' a nd Miss J es. Ie L , (hr·


.N....... .... DR. . . . ....... IMW.


• G1'IU1dma always was-a keen shopper and quick to "snap up" a bargain ••• but you'll recognize these BARGAIN OPPERS without her years o( experience ••• you .~vo real money ••• you get a swell selection of magazines and a full year of ow: newlpaper. That's what call a "break" for you readers ••• no wonder grandma lays-uyOtrVE GOT SOMETHING THEREI"





(~• • IIA~"" AND Krull" WITH COUPON) O~'rvIra-_l".

OHome Frlead _ _ _ _ 1 yr. 0 Home Ana Needlrcralt_ l 'Ir. OLegborD Wotld __ ___ 1 OMolher'l Home Llfe _ _ .1

OAmericaa POaItr)' Joam.t.l yr. OB~a ~ 2 1tI.



OBlade 6: Udpr

. 1 yr. Oacrferleaf Am..,llrf'jew_lyr. OCoauuy Ham. 2yn. Ohnn}oumll 2 yn. IJGoo4 Srotiet . 1 ,r, Orcle 1 yr.

'It:t ~n athletic c~)li~~ n.o t all can rec~.ive the first prize " . but in our bUSiness it is our purpose to see that ALL CUSTOMERS recei~ F~T GR.Jj)E QU.l\LIT.:Y merchandise and fair treatment. ';




'RE ' ·P·;'·w"· RS





ORhodeIJlandRed}oUtMLl7r. OPlymoulb Rock MODlblY_ 1 Fr. OSuc:p!lSfuJ FarmlDB __ _ I Ft. OWOllWl', World J yr.

1111 NEWSPAPER -1 FULL YEAR AND 4 MAGAZINES ----QROUPA-...ect. :I~ROUP a-Select :1-O"-JcaaBor 8_ o Atnerican FruhGrower_ 1 ,r. OMd:s1l'.MapzJne l,r. OAmericaD Poulur JournaLl". OChrUdao Hlirald

.' .~,

- --

6 mas. •

DP~ ~_-:-6mOl.



o Breedu'l Gazette ~lJ ,r . 'Ir.

, OBlade &< Ledger


OCloverledAmer. RC'Yle'll'_ I,r.

DPidWlder (W~k1r) _ _ I ,r. I OCounlI}' HotJIc ... _.. __, _ _ 1 yr. OPlcroiia1 Review _ _ _ I ,r. I DFann Journal _.~ _ _ l yr.

Hctc .}Vat..... '~ · H~.Feeder.



Ostt\'U' Screen 1 yr. ' / ., O,Scteeo Book 1 yr, ·OTnacCoafessioDl ._ _ lyr. Road (Bo71) _ 16 mos, ! OW_·.World , . - _ ....2 YfS.1 OBeau Homes 61. Gardeot . 1 yr. GHome Am Needlectllfl . 2 )Irs.

P&iDt ' .....w BiDd.. Twiae' I'


Phone 18 R 2

OPath6.0der (Wkly.) _.26 imacl


F~NCE '~ pOS"'S (,Wood,' C~,nent, ~e-l) ;....:.. ,IMPLEMENTS, .'



,;')us N'CWSP,APIR-l YEA:':

•"1' Hou.l:!olCI

qoocI Stori.


D Leghorn Wadel. . _ ., _ _ 1 fl.

O Motbel's HomCLlfc_ . ,...1 yr. OPatbfioder ~y.) .- 261_H LlPlymOUlbRodtMotllhl,_ I". OSuct'eSsfuJ J'atnUq _ ..... ) yr.

0 Poultry Tribune _~ ) ,r. OWOfUllA'1 World J yr.



'true S"Or)'

D Good SlOrles,__ ._._ ~ I . ",.

D Homc Friend Am Nec~Jecr&ftJr. OHome ,._ __ _ _ 11 yr.

t yr• t JL


Ot:HE HOME O.Bl'llll N~~





-- - -

Quints Born to Zoo

nior Class To Give Play At H. S. G~ Tonight THe 18as Graduo.tlng Clall8 at Wo~' ­ T l\1 ELI:>RIDGE, him" !,""me H~h B hool galtlg - to ollett ..

are -

a fa.1'ce tonight entitled '''.Nleril GoeJI Tho Brlde_" The claa ' have taken diligent CItro ·to Pl'9duoe what they seriously bopo wID be one of til most entel1.uJnlng . 'Playa to be nr sentcd her In y . aI'S. The caat, 01. hed by IIlr. I. O. Brown and ' Mis Vlrgenc Roo fol· ; 10,,",: PHYLJ,.ISj., ol'!lP'~ed to be mtlrrled. Beulah SOrnru-d_ • Ml~8. URTI, h I' mother '- Anna . GayO Treadway DR. UR',l'I, fatho.r - Roy • Crockett BlllJ\CHY. h r slst I' - Viola caml)bell BILLY, her brother - Mn.x Stephens ANASTASIA, th urU" Cook-Heln Crockett OFF1ClllR O'FLYNN has. Donnhoo , N~TALIE, P,lIyllls' (I'lentl - Vivian . 90nner LEWIS, Phyllis' n, nee - Fran k La Mny, SALLy ,tllO 8.11'1 next door - ChrlsUne McClain PNHJlt






DIN'l'Y, I:lllLtt

It -




Tom's fri end

Stagemanagers C,ANDERSON - BERMELLOH The entire acllon occurf\ In the IIv. Ing I om of the url18 hom The t nse sequen c !s dlvld d Into Uti' e It. UI ot ffUjt moving comedy. Th e (\l'st ntis the prese nt tlm In nny mll'll'" home, The s cond rollows In unbrokt'n IlIumOtly lnl I' In the same day, Ilnd the c.U mllX Is In the Ulit'd ILnd IMI a t, just fift een minutes 111to.,· In limo Ihnn th scene ot tit PI' vlou8 .tct. Tilo bUls tnkes \hIs menns ot ot{('ring' th II' utmost thanks to the GnIlow!l.y I\J1d h rl'y Furniture of X nh1., Ohio , who were willing 10 lond furltur (01' tlt e BC nes, In Ident(llly, the CIlBt tonight will be tho In lone to use Ihe preEjent gym nnslum for their pel' renllll play, si n e tho new gymnasi um now undor onslructlon Is scheduled lo be f inish cd berol' noxt year'S clnsses begin pmctlclng, The So.nlor Clnss Pin y has become customnry In nenrly eve ry comm un Ity throughout the UnHed St...'ltes nnd If a ny school nctlvlty Is more outstanding. than any olher, the Senior 'lass Play ia thut nctlvlty. Funds deI'Jvedfrom lhla means nr used fur pecltlc and mlsct'Ua n ous .xp n8 !I r elevant !lnd vital toward completing the high Ilc hool course.

wril,.3S-37 N. Main St.

Phone • AD 1267

SPORTSMEN'S CORNER Tonight (Thursday) the second big meel lng this year ot lhe ' ,varren OUIlIY Fish nnd Gnme Assn, \Y\1Ibe h Id In Lebunon Memorial HnIl at 8:00 p, M, The business meeti ng will Illcludc lecUon or D irectors trom 0110h townsll\J> to handle dlstrlbutlon of fish and game In their territorY, 'D~, Roaenoru.n s of L ebanon wlll


Baby Chicks



BLooD 'JESTED STO()J{ new low price for balance of Season



7 1-2c each

• cOlllplete fur aemc:e • at_go Dot bill.d 'til (all

We handle pouUI")' equipment ami a d(1Hludablo Uno of remed1e8

.Springboro Hatchery



Construotlon or a. large r eorea.Uon· al and conservation dam on Cowan Creek In Cli nton county (near WIl· mlngton) that h!L8 !;Jeen on .the tiro (0 1' sGvel-nJ yenrs cah ue underlaken hnmedlately It lippl'oved by onl.l'l·'·ss the Wa ,' departm nt h!L8 Q.c:\vlsed the nllle co m'me commlll e, The oom mlttee 11:1 'on!!ldcrlng n. I' solution to au th orize a n a pproprla.tlon of $475,000 tor the project. This BOCm S n Inrge ttmo unt to r s uch u n Item and wo wo ndor whol her tho Pl'CSS release d!d n 't th e declmnl Delht mlspla.ced. 'Warre n county fis h hope that lhe dam Is cum-

A lioness In tbe st. Loule soo la believed to have broken aU recorda for her kind when she cave birtb receDtly &0 ftve cubli. Tbe motber .. sbown bere with her young wblch have attraeted na4101..1 attention. show mo\'l 8 of a MlchlglL n fishing ot I'oally fino flsh _ Those Sprlngbotl'lp nfwr which lunch and refresh- 1'0 sportsmen lU'e prnctlcnlly commuting to Grand LIlko! Fred Meekm nts will be s rved. A phone call er of Frnnklln on tho oLlter ' ha nd' tl'om 'Dolph Long, we ll known drew a. bla nk up there, We und!'rSllol·t~mll n nnd Dayton News "Rod !Itand t hat Bud Brown of Franklin Ilnd Oun" EdltOl', ndv l ~ s lbat be took Dr, Slofrle(l over to Cllesar.'s will IllIond thO m eUn g and give a. "hort talk . So II looks like a big evnlng fO l' e\' ,I'Y man Interested In n.ny of lI'l other Natul' 's sports-let's bl\.v IL turn out. of over 1001 -0--

By Haa:l'J' Eldridre, Jr.

S PRINGBORO, 0, Phone 1.0 J % Franklin, Ohio

!lmall trlbulal'y o( Clear Creek, While the smull j'rl't'k was not posted and tlli,'60 MltlutltluUI'g mNt hnd Ollly about 1.000 mlnnmvlI In th IT po e~­ Iv n, lit r eo Is 80m doulJl 0.8 to whethr tJlI~ bait d llers lie 1161' (hpy Ill'rled wnlt valid, It hlld been iH8U d to n de~,ll'r In ellna lUll} cn r ried no Hale. (ihlmc l'rolllc lor Hln 8 Is ha v· Ing It c.h ked In olurnbus,

W ell- the eprlhS' bass se8.ll0n 18 over a nd rl~h ermen arc looking Cor· ward to that Michigan or Wisco nsin or Ca nudllu\ (lshlng Irlp-1'lll excellt we poor cusses who have to stay home und w~rry nbout " P r o,,'Y" Roos velt's Recession , We' ll pin our bllss hopes on the morning or June 16 nnd ntter. Abno rma.lly clear wnter fo r the pnst B vera.l w~eks h M s hown nea tlng bues fl'o o.t least two weeka b (ore the Ilson clos ill. ,While th so f.lsh will ' seldom tUke n. bait or lure, each mille lak n off a ~eBt m a nt th e dest ruction of B.PPl'Oxlmately 3,000 ~ try. 'Ye'll make 11 bet tho.t abo ut Jun e 1st n trIp Illong our ·Wn.rren ounty streams wlU show f w, It any nesHng fish . It Is opinion thnt th o closed senson atnrla fi nd ends two weeks too late, A genernl ,et down In activity Is nIwa.ys noUced j n the fishing cnmp for a wh ll afler closed season comes In -wllh the favorite spots Cor solnee b ms ellna, l ndl nn Lake o.nd the rlv I'S for cnrp. Fred Kab n ot LebI1non will tnke nil comers for ca rp fi s hing-he's mQ.c:\e four trips In II we ! "Prof" John Holt of Springboro won I\. "crappie (lont est " with "Doo" O\lplh by banting him nt Celinn 18 to 10, It took J ohn Woodwnrd and hi unole ot the same town to ShOW 'em botb up with n: limit catch

BEECH GROVE Woodrow £111(1 B ud HUes at South Leb<Lllon, were Saturdny visitors ot Mr. nnd Mrs, Hownrd Co ll ins ,ncllr ·Wellmnn. M.t-. a nd Mrs. Clyde Sllms were Frl dny cullers ILt lhe home of Mr. a nd Mrs, George mlth, ncar Oregonlll, 1111', a nd hIl'S. Almon Ferris and S hermlln Ferris were SundRY dinne r guest s of Mr . and irs. George Bec kelt and Bon, near Bla n 'hostel'. Miss Alice Sa ms and IIttio Joe l\1url ntt, of Lebanon, W I'e guests from nl urdny until Mondny mOl'n__ _ _ _ _ ._ _ _

Church.. of Christ, Scientiat we re s tili there-lots of 'cm thilt you I "ADAM AND FALLEN MAN" could see-but to cat ch 'em was an· is the subject of the Lesson-Se rmon oUt r story, Doc Is lookIng for a n ew which will be read in all Churches teacher! .Aren't we all! Clint New- of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, May come of Fmnklln got n nice oha nnel 8, 1938, some suckers and small b!L8S at Cue· 1 The Golden Text 'is: "The R e· 8IIr's last week, ('i'he baSIl mode n deenier shall come to Zion, and unto round trip), At l!L8t someone hns been them that turn from transgression found to Ifhop up' Julo Graff of Leb. : in Jacob, saith the Lord" (Isaiah nnon . I~ 1'('malned! for Jule's wlCe to 59 :20) . s how him how to ifish at Celina. wh en Among the citations which coms he got a hll'lf dozen nice channel prise the Lesson-Sermon is the cat8 0(( th e pier w hllo Jule and hl8 following from the Bible: "The LOI'II llOrtnor were tlshlng out or n. beat thy God in the midst of thee is III I over the lake! Mra, Graff a utom a- mighty; he will save, he will r ejoice UcalJ y joins the AnU·OroIt c.1ub!L8 over thee with joy; he will rest in honorary member! his love, he will joy over th ee with -0singing" (Zephaniah 3:17), "Smokey J oe", a s Lx year old The Lesson-Sermon al so includes black and tun coon dog took top the following passage from the honors a nd won $120 for h is owner Christian Science textbook, "SciSam T hlUT of Dl\yton, at the s ven. Chce and Health with Key to the til an nual spring field ot tho Scriptures" by Mary' Baker Eddy : Sout.hern Ohio Dog nnd OunlO Pro- "Christian Science separates error tectlve .Assn, neltlr Venice, Ohio, from truth, and brr.athes through the "Smokey oJe" took the grand tree sacred pages the spiritual sense of prlz of $86 a nd t.h e g ra nd Une prize life, substance, and intelligence, In ot $36, this Science, we discover man in the --0image ana likeness of God, We see Through cooperation of Fish nnd that man has never lost his spiritual Game Assn. member two minnow estate and his 'e ternal harmony" dealers were lo(!ated stripping ' B. (p, 548) , '


.f··· .


Levee Buildi..g, Ditchinc Excavating Leave




Ga.ette for



Hamjllon, Ohio•.

W. P. Watson, Mgf. •• •

• • •

J ,_ . , •

.,; • • •





~ T~4A~ UJ ROW / OF ~ PARKED CARS! OIl. of

da, enj01lllent musl have 'q uality and character, too. We endeavor, in his building businell, lo give luch malerials as will make for Itability, beauly, and enjoyment.

In Harveysburg It's'


ih. moat commOD

Ilgbts hi

tolrilI DO",,,..,I SI a row of parked oan ln41cattn. that thlJr own.. are eSther aakIna flueluonl ' eon';~l1llnl ~WN8LlDrB

THOR-o.aOOD pro· or booklD. thlJr ordera for earl)" deUn", of THOR-o.aOOD Chlcn or maJdD.' &rranpm.nts for bture deUy- , el7 of ToWllIJe)"1 noi--().()004 Oblon.


.Jut lD th. lut few 4&7. It IHJDI Sf our parklD. lpace Sa orowdad all the ,Ulne - :pronn, that chick b11)1DI wiU' be bUTler thaD Jut year. It U

Th. opportuulty for hi·.

Ihould bel

com. Sa areater. If you will


at ODe of our


ert.. w.· wiU be ,lad to renew rea· 80111 wb7 the ouUook Sa. 80 eacour.g· , : hi, for - poultr7 klMlln. ' ..



For -

I have taken over the Gulf Servic~ Station formerly operated by Erwin Ellie on Route 42, 'at junction with Route 73 in Wayneaville.

Will AJlpreciate Your Patronage

Elvyn L. Bernard

. MultJoT..tecl"



ApproVM ce,lolce X.NIA

DIE RIlE eM, m 'DlY Will toMVlRU ".

Yea, air, jUit take ODC ride and you'll _iree that th- new QOocl. rich Silvertowna with ·the e,mUini Llf'e-Savel' Tread atop Clul cker on _ wet road thaP mY tire you've fNf6 teen.

We, offer a Satisfactory Service. at all times. • ., Way.e.vW~

The Community Is Proud of Its Young People. They Are BuilderS. of Tomorrow. True Sportsmanship ~akes Life Better.

The Housea and BuildinSIl which go into the Making of present


~~~ekc:~h I\.o~e~:: ~\':e~~8 ;I~~e :tt~ I


6ongratulatrons .Girls!

Ing or her parente, Mr, and Mrs. 1HARVI!l1'8BVRG COMMUNlTl' Frank Sams. ('(; B MEET 'rhelr 8011, ~rC I'lIep, ILnd It frlNltI, 'l'h' Harv )'sbura' Community J IISC fo'ml\udh , both o r ~1I.~'lorl, lind lub mot, W Cd nMda)' night, with J ol,lu ld an "' wero the il' S unlllLY d ill 1.""l)nl)'-/I"o mmnb('rH pr<'lIO nt, Jlev. n r g ucsl.s" ,I. V. Liley ot WnYIH>Hvlllc' ,?",ve n. JIlr: n.nd )\[1'8. md. J etf ry wcr vls- V I'Y Int er~atlng I:.u lk on th OI'I!!nt, I ~(jra of r 1t~t1v" In Doyton, SunTil L.'Idll'l;! 11'1 11 be : oll tertt;\ lnell at d uy, . . 'Ihe Juno m Hng. Mr. Alfl'G(l J Ol'(Inn and J, Lee TIllmage wer' SIlLurUny ove nlng visitors . SALE In Lebanon, Tho pel'ljonnI proporty belonging Mr. I\J1d loil'll, Wn.yl\Uld Jordan and [llmlly, of ClnclnnMl, were the dln- to the estate of Emma I. R U8sei l, do· nel' I>uests, SundJ.t..y. oe tile Jordl\J1 cC!lsod, will be sold at public vendue, . [u mlly, here. nt tho. I tt' >lId n{!o or lIUJd dec 1lflIlll., 'W e ILI'e J}leas 'd to r eport the news nt Lytl , Wllr!' n Cou nty, OhiO, on ot Ut Impl'Ov('m n t In h ealth or JUra. Sllturdu.y. Mul' 21, LDSS, Slllo to com· Rnymond nOl<!!, who hM been IJl for Illoneo Ilt 1 o'clock, P . M . T erms. sevel'Ul <Ioys. ns h. 2p . IIh-. tLltd Mrs. A, n_ 1'a lml4; , J , L . M. HENDERSON L 0 Tll lmnr;o n.nd Miss ,J: SRI L, On r ._ Executor n('r; W(lI'e Su nduy vlsltol'S at tho MIlLIn! '('metol'y, (I nd In.t l' In th e a[ler Don'~ ! OI'S t th FooQ Mlll'ket to nOO ll, cllJlcd ILt th home of Mr, and be SjJ nso red by lh o Friends hurch, ¥rs. Robert L lunb, n ear Wuyn esvlll e. Satu r~lty.




1\l}range Ext ens'l ve

COIillIlencemerit IWeeks

u _ _ _ _ _ •_ _ _ ••

To Start This Friday _~~~,_~~~~~~_



Grand JurY---l--:-·~'-'-·-·--::~=--'·~ WASHINGTON TWP. Report~d· Mon. ~~~!!e~~~ lfADS TAXPAYERS

Classes 1888 and · 1913 To Be Here

Visitors at the home of Mr. nnd 'I'he ' Vnrren 'ounty Ornnd Jury M'ra. l\'l n rgnr ct 'Bmwn ana dnugh· A ~4 P r cent call ctlon of n n l Mrs. J . W. White on Sund/LY ' were r eturned s evelilte n Indlc tm nts hi tOl', J ennJ1(;Ue of Da yton we re gues ts E s lulc tu xcs fol' lh e D eccmbel' In· Mr. u nd Mrs~ •Frn.nk Taft of South its report, Mond'ty, to Juu"c Ch.trles of 1\1 1'8. V I'non Houg II on S un d ay. Ro ss Hnl·t!lock, 1911. prellident DC Chnrleston a nd Mr. Robert Taft and B. Dec ho. t . "'bu.teen ens ..8 wCI'e i", Th fo llowing me m b el'S 0 f II10 Ia II I s tallm nl or 1937 is l' porled by th ~ .. E aste rn Smr allen ddT Miss Jean Ferguson at Dayton. i I e nSllec Ii on •. I Co unty TrctUl urer . Total am ou n t tho ' Vlt yneS vlll High School Alllm· '231.• 89' .60. At th ~. un me tim e , nl Association. haR completled ar· nored, 86 witm 8B s x n m n ed neon Blnnch Sle r Friday evening: Mes·. Pllid, • Mr. and Mrs. L ee H o.wke e nter· s idel'ing sa caller· 'J'hroe cn.sea were dames F I'ed Braddocl(. D. B. Und r . H per cen t ot lh e llellnquent n eal ra ngeme nts for whu.t Is called Ui.lne.t the foHowlng to dlnner on continued. " Alumni Duy " In Wny nesvlUe, )lay E s Ltll e tnx s we re paid. K ell nl' Hoak of W a"n svllle was wood , K e nneth Hough, Hnrold E n!:n' Sunday: Miss Doris Hawke of Leba· ~ . M llI\ d At lho h eud of the lis t In pay· 28, whe n th o nn nua l m ee ting of tbe rs. . ymon m enls is ·Wn.shlngton Tw'p .• wh l 'h orga niza tion w ill be beld. Th'1a year non ; Mr. a nd Mrs. Don Hnwke and a foreman ot the jury. 'I'ho imH I · h UI·t and Mr. a nd BI-addocl;. 'J'w nty ·flve Enslern Stal' Mi88 Esther Dennis a nd mother of rriimts were lUI fo ll ows n s p clol e ffort hns been made to 111 moors attended Inspection at Hal' paid 97 per cen~ o t its D 'c mbe r 1 Dayton. 011 bring back to th 11' old haunts memo 91 1 pun ',\\ UOl'lIPPlW '.{3'1 'I PJ.{fI veysbul'G' on W edn esday night. lnx. Le bn.non Corporation ll11d 'I'ur· Fridny mnrks the beginning, of Bim Hl'II. Mabel Fa.rr was bOllteas to wife, Nino. were ordcred held for . . lI er.r eek Twp. rank Rccond wllh a bpi'll of thO! classes revolv.l~g (LfO'u nd lor fesUvltles ' at Waynesville Hlgb tho Sunshine Club on last Thursday. Mr. n.nd lIfrs. William Lukens at· trl I on oharO'eR of bl'oakln'" nnd I Dr. untl 1111'S. L. B. Hall nnd ram"y .. .. b S d Ith M Uli IH'I' (' nt collection. Hamilton, th e 501h year class, ' 1888, J1,Dd .the School. About twelve members enjoyed the te nded n banquet of the Hlghlnnd ont.. ring In co~n cctlon wlt'h lho; r al um us spent un ay W I'. MaSSie , F I'n nklln , Decr'n Id, n nd U n. 26 yenl' clnss , 191;1. A com mittee wa. On F~lday mornln« at 11 :16 the. a~· aumptuou~ dinner at the noon hour. County J e r ACY Cattle Club at .Hllls. robbery Decem e l' 24 of the F I'a nlt ;L nt! Mrs. Harry McGinnis. G Mill call I lUll 'rownllhlps onch hnvo n 94 POl' a ppointed to promote atten~ncf!t 01: nunl clau day actlvltlell begin with Ml'II. John Willis WIUI accepted boro. Frluay venlng. Bur ge r home " car here. Th y w er e Mr. and Mrs. eorge 9 l'( C nt nverag.o Clenrcreek, Sal m, Ule older members. th o march of the Seniorll to the Gym iIs a. new m em oor. Mrs. Julla Bel" Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert Bnker. Jr., ft rr s t ed at tllAlr Tyllus Avenue on Mr. and Mrs . StUD ?v.(cClure f It Is known nolV that there will be . v I 1Llld Wayne Towmihlps nnd Frank: tor their CIa.n Program. Arrayed In gen was un Invited guest. Alter din· e nterta ined the following guests on .Ilome C hrlstm"B D n" , Collowln " a . e n~ rvlll e on undILY . n very sntlsractory nttendance o. D I I It 111 'In Co rpornUon ' s how a n av emge of capa and I'0wns tho prolJl'am will n er the followln8i poem was read In unday: Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert Baker, serie s of robbElrles In W '\I'ren Cou n. 111 1'. J osluh a v s l' mo. ns qu 0 nfte r havlng Buffe r d n stroke 01 99 p<'r cent. Tho coli ctlon for llnr· the older grouP . espeCially from con8lat of the foUowlq numbel'll. memory of MI'II, LizzIe Lew~s, who Sr. , Mr. a nd Mrs. Tom O'Keefe 'nnd ty. ,. Ia n Twp. amounted to 92 per c nt. other points. There wlll 00 an 48· Devotione - Thelma Blgp departed this lite, April 16. 1998. child re n, Miss Louella Rlcha l'dllOn Enrl Dorsett., ' u ·ba non. waa indic· plu·u.Iysis. : . Ra nking first In delinque nt tnx pny. s embly ot the old I' clnaaes at • 0'· Solo - Verna. J,fae Hunter "Our SUMhine Club Is broke n, n nd Mrs, ·T. Rlehardson a nd two ted on four counts. two of them I Ml·. li nd MI·S. la lt'e Hlnklo nn r. "" nor we re gues t s 0 . m nts Js D ertlelcJ Twp. with 66 cloo k, p. m., May 28, on the arounda CI888 Prophecy - Anna ' Tread· One Link Is called above grond·chlldren, B tty Lou and Bob· ch n~gln '" em"'e.zlement of personu.l daug hler , .".,e!l ~ " U' • L d r II P 'I' ccnt, followed by Hurlnn Twp. ot lhe grade ljchool, where .moat way To be torever with Jeeus by ot Lato nin, Kentucky. property; the oth ers without !l uUI· ~Irs. D. . ,'an e. nn am y . wlih 82 por cont. th so attended ' Bchool. Tb.1& 'wlll be CIn8II Bong - Christine McClain In His borne of eternal love. funds . ITho embe.7 .zlem ent Week· nd gues ts of Mrs. EvO ly . Mr. !Lnd Mrs. Jack l'tlch a nd Mr. clent In(orm al n.nd. will 00 In th~ ri&ture V. kl 111. d M R d I Any figures on de linquent collec· Muslc . - BoYII Quartette n.nd Mrs. Charles Hartsock and son c harges w ro W d by Joe Ha r ris 'ilt ns we I' . . r . nn I'll. u 0 p , Lions 0.1'0 some what misleading ns of a get together function. It will Class Will - Jean Pennlncton J eaue came down In hl8 garden. Lu ther aitended th o t unernl of Mr. and Edward H ' r rlc k. L eba non, for White of Du ylon a nd Miss Beh : . 1e amounts or baok tllXes vary nlford opportunity lor soolal Inter, Awuda - Mr, Gar.t· To transpln.nt the' fAIrest and best, John Snethen at Middletown. Burial w hom Dorse tt f/orked. J Olin !1'ltzge rll.ld of Ollborn . greatly In different Roctlo ns of tbe cours, remlnls~enc. nnd reuni.oD. Farewell for Senior Class ;- Roy She'll not .meet wlt'll us today, George Ooorle nnd Rooort Rooks MI'. nnd Mrs. laren e Mc on n wrU! in the Miami Ceme tery. If th weuther Is, the 'ounly. Crockett She Is enjoying her eternal rest. Mr. a nd Mrs. WIlliam L uke ns e n· were nam ed In ' true bill II on break . of plingfleld wO"e Friday evenln: . A (tnnl effort Is being mado by gatheri ng will be In the school bull4 The publlO 18 ~rdlaUy Invited to tertal ned their bridge olub 'O n Satur. Ing n nd e ntering charg s. They gu s tB of Dr. a nel lIfrll. l;l. E. Hath : lhe rer·s oUlce to let t hos e .ng. attend these exero'-. Bhe had great trials and tribulations day night. 'l1hree tables were In were arrc.sted 1h coimectlon wUh 11 wuy . . olvlng delinquent taxes to come In At 7 o'clock p. In. , the annual On FrIdAy alternoon the Fl'tI8b· But 'Jolly, she BIlt In her whee lchnlr piny. Refreshments were served nt robbery J •• .. J. tIle H(U'ry rs. Susie Evans s pent sever. ' n nU(LL. ry 28, IU. n nd IIlgn undertakings before the x· meeting of the u.Iumnl IlSIIOclation m en CIa.aII will bonor the Ben lor M..... Lew1a bore It with pntlence, the close all a. delightful e ve ning. Kelsey f illing IItn lion a t Roch ester . da:iis lh latte r part of the week w1l! plrotion ot lho law. S ptember 10. Ivlll 00 h .Id In the high lIchool gym. alrlll and faculty to a tea. On Fttday Today she 18 hnppy up there. l\4.r8. Rooort BIlker and daughter, Other' Indlctm~~nts Incl uded: W illia m friends In Cori nth, K entucky. eyenlna the Sentol'll w1l1 frolic to the Baker, a utom obile tbe ft ·, H ugh Cam. Mrs. C. H . Deathcroge attended 1938, Any prope rty Which h aa boon nasium wllh Pre sId nt Ha.rtllOClk In Jean' w4!re Dayton' vlsltilrs Friday. hUI'eh at Harvey burg on Suntln.y. C rUrled d !inquent fo r threo yea rs charge who will gIVe the creetlnar tunN of Baron Dakin'. Orcheetra in Then let us 00 watching and walt· Memoors of the Junior and Senior pbell, non s UI)Por t ; Earl Morgn n, Mis ll'ene 1\1:cCnrthy of Frankli n a nd h ns been adVertised In the de· a.nd tell something of tho present the Senior Prom. Ina-, Clnaae , II e njoyed n sight seeing trip to forgery; Dewey Alexander, non·sup· Bunda)' evenlq the Baccalaureate and Mr. . N. Ber r yh ill nnd lIOn of IInqu n t IMiI lis t may be sold nt num rlenl strength of the orl'11nta.. For IIOmeday lle'" come from Clnolnnati IlUIt Friday. ,Among t he port; Joe Sbott, cnrrylng co ncea.led 'Bellbrook ,' mi lled on Mis s .iame !lnil n ny tim . Unu er tho time paYlllont tlon. Emma. Hawke McClure, 1911, Exercl8ell wUl be held In the high above place« visited were Strletma n's Bak· weapons; Ralph Cruea, Jnmes By, Amia Brown lns t w ell. pion n sma ll p nym ent may save 0 the seCI' tnry, will read the mlnu tee lIChool audltorlum. , The IICl'Vlce ' III To tran8plant all of 'Hls flciwers ery, St,o ck Ynrds, a nd Proctor and e rs n.nd Rooort . Sharp, robb ry. echedUJe4 ' tor T:46 p, m.. with Ray. L cead n W e rntz ot Da yton ",u s a pr9pet:ty, but stops .should be tnk n of the meeting. All th e officeI'll of In Hle heavenly garden or love. Gamble. The latter three were Indicted on In the very near f uture. tho nssoolatlon are membe ... of tbe G . C. Dibert o't Elmore, Ohio, former , .8,unday dinner guests of Mr. nnd complain t . of Wilbur F. Luco.s, Who wee.k 'end guest of he r pn r nts, Mr. eiaRS ot 1911. lIfI'll. Olal'Q, Van n of 'p astor ot the Methodllt Church, W(lF Our SUMhine Club wll1 then be r eo Mrs, A. H. Stubbs w ere: Mr. and 'nsserted they robbed 11~ of $12. ILnd Mrs. nobert Werntz. W ilmington Is vic ·presldent &114 ellville, deUvertne the me-.e. united Mrs. WUl Bowser, Mr. J ohn Gearhart Cases of Edward Fitzwater, as· George Waterhouse Is lre81lurer. 8clIool da,y. wUl be over ofticlallY In Heaven wl1ere we aeed no light; Mr. a nd Mrs. Henry Gearhart ana snult to kill; 'H omer McGill, assault 1 oj the current year on. Kay 26 .~hen For It Is made bright by G~ and Miss AlbertA Oearhart. n.U of J oh ns · and bnttery, ~~nd Walter Mentz, non Th e welcome to the now graduat· )JuplJa wID . receive report cardB de· Jllllua ing class n.nd n.t the snme time ... v ille. Cnllers In the n.tlemon were support werEI conUnjled. ' flotlng ac'lifevementa made durlq E'or thOlle who do the rla'ht. A secret indictment wns Inter raMr. and MI'II . Amos Fox and dnugh· The L a dles Aid ot the M. E. gracious snlutatkln to . tbe '1Jd ~ard tbe~. • W, Betty, Mr.. Louella Heaton and vealed ns 00ln8 p.irII.lnst .Tnmcs Knott hul' h · h Id un ll.Il dny m eeting on will 00 given by Janll (loq1t, nil. 1'1, S . Wantick, noted &lumnUII will By her Sundn.y School T /lcher, Ml'II. dn.uS'hter of Germantown n.nd the caretaker of Lhe Mason Cemetery. ~,; dn (!~day nt fh ' nome or Mrs. R. Tbe response ,.crom til l' p~ 01 11111 brine the commenoeDlenti ~ In Elld&a. E. Day Misses Ednn Ward a nd Hele n Man· ch arged with e mbezzlement of ap· WAl'NESV1LLE 1\1. E. CnURCIl D. olle tt. Aboul tw nty me mber s will be m ade by Roy Crockett. tbe fltb comihenc:ement el!:erollle of . A card 'of appreciation wns read denhall New Burlington, proximately ~~300 of belonging to .Iljoyed lhe dinner nnd utternoon At this point the m emoora will SUII"ay, l\llIy 22 the .8Chool on Frtda7 evenlna, IIa.y trom, Etha n Lewla tor the expreaslon Mrs. Anna Squires of SI)rlng Val. Dee.r tleld township. 9:30 Sunday School Dul'lng the bU81ne8s period, Mr/!. pILuse In t ribute to th.o se of. their ZT. 'ot sympathy from the Club at the ley and son, lr. Cnrl Squires ot Hn.m pechl l Strout! presided. . Mrs . Lacy ~ead numoors who hnve died durlnaf the 10:40 Morn ing "oI'llhlp .csaaa reunlone aDd ahmaDi . .th· time of bl8 arnndmother's death. IIton were guests of Mr. and Mr . R. service In m e mory of Aldersgnte , 0 1' the d votio n the 31 chapter of year and to n.U otherll w ho alao have erln" will feature the da,y on sat· Ill'll. Farr 'thanked the memoo... fOI", O. COllett on Sunday. gone beyond tho hUla. Eval'y n Fun'F U10 2001 h Annive rsary of the Prove l'ba a nd lend In p raying "Our urday, IIa.y ZI, watb the Ka1D Alum- tb..,. lovely gifts to her. ' Mr. and MI'II. H. C. Harvey of Le· he 11180 read ex· ke)' Andrews. inol, wltl rend tbe tounillng or Me thod ism . Expecting L ord's ' Prayer." III meetlna lD tho Ir\'eIlIna'f banon a nd Miss Mnry caroline Luk· colol'ed slngel's. . l m cts from the life of Suzunn n Wcs· memorlu.l. There wUl 00 then a. recommittM ens wel"e suniJay dinner guests or Evening service omitted ,on ac· I y. Bus iness waa completed, Mrs. port from the special Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hartsock and A drlv~r ot a Tnyste B" end Truck co unt of Baccnlllul·cate. Ml11'Y CI'OSS gave nn tntareaUng talk thut waS appointed by th~ preeent mlnlstratlon to j)romote ~ aHend[tUDlly, n her winter vncatlon In Florida, alldnce barely esenped serious injuries Sat· Thursday from the older elassee and t~ . Mrs. Wllllp.m Lukens wns bostess urday morning when h is truck ca· 7:00 Boy Scouts She told of n trip around th e sta t e , . to a STOUP ot friends Tuesday after· r ee ned Into a telephone pole on the 7:80 Pmyer meeting of F'lorido. i!pcaklng ot pOints ~ In · suggest m eans whereby there wUI noon. Sixteen Inates e njoyed a plea.s corner of 4tlil street . a.nd route 78 8:00 Choir Practice ter est. Mrs, C"OKS told of visiting bo In the future n closer cooperaThe Happy' Hour Club met on IOBt nnt afternoon of bridge. many WaynOllvllle ftUDllIes' In many tion ootwee n the alumni IUIIIOClatloD a nd thon s hot, across the road. tear· Tueeclay a.tternoon wllh MrII. .Tahn MM!. Daisy Snider and Mrs. Willi. Ing down a (,e nco and landin g In n HARVEYSBURG M. E. CHURCII dltferent pnrts of the statB. Mrs. !Lnd the high Bchool. C. M. can. Gone. During the eocla1 hour. plea.. am Grahn.m were shopp ers In Xenia P hillip !.n.rrlck co.n cluded tho p ro· wrlG'ht, 1886, 18 chaJrman of tb. mud ba.nk. 'I'he driVer h ad a badly Goo. If. Woover, Minister Kl'II. Myrtte lAe. IB, a BO\lth Car0- Ing rendlngll were given by MI'II. on :J4onda,y• . Notices ·for lIfuy 22 gra m with n "true u nd fl~lse" quiz. ommlttee and wiII give the repore lacel'llted 11mb and c ut lip. RondR Mr. n.nd Mrs. Carlos llll8t1ngs of lina 1'YPB1, paatng lUI a Chrlauan Pero)' ReAson: lIrs. Kener Hoak. n.nd mad e slippery by the rol n ' was blam· 9:30 a. m . Public Worship: Sermon Mra. Oakley Unglesby \vtlB the win· L. A. Garst, superintendent '01 Science Doctor, obtained IU bom Ill.. Betty Qaleeby. At the olose at Da)'~on were . Sunday guests ot Mr. topic: " The Greatest Force In the. ner ot this con t est. The Jllna meet schools, wlll r~!, pond to' the liugpe. ed for tho ILCcide nt. , Robert Leahley, 56, a farm... .reeld· :...!el:V~~ afternoon. dainty lunch ' nnd Mrl!. Ralph HnsUngs and ~on, "\Vorld." Ing will 00 n t tbe home of Mrs. StI· tiona ot the committee. Tbe OlheL' ina DOrth of ·town on Route Hav. members of t110 special commltt. Bob. MlJSIC LESelONS TO , BE GIVEN 'Last Quarterly Conference will )le dJe Conner. Intr biIeD DOtWed b,. .. nell'hbor that n re Olive Allen Brace, WlI¥nllllYu.. B(eedames Clifford Ridge, ROss -AGAIN THJS YEAR held lit Sh'u ron churah, Sunday, June the woman .... at the t..bJ'ey farm', 1916, secreta ry ; Heroori. S. W ...... Hllrteocll all.d Oakley Ridge were Da y Music lessons will be ' given this 6th. &IARTIN TO SPEA. K wheN the two bIoth_ 1WI4e, one Wick, 1902; Ruth Harteock WaltoD. '''---l~>n-~.u._i-loIondny. smnmer-to:"a11 pupils- deSiring them, CJENIfERVlLLE SCHOOltied·,.... lIarallAl Cb&rIee Joy went 1913; Edit h Mosher fllLwke, , l'~' , Mrs. Mo.ude Crone and (laughters, who are In 't ile 8Cc~md grade ,and FERRY CHURCH OF CURIST . to' their f~ aDd found the CYPII)' At t1d ~ Juncture Prellident RanRussell L. Martin will a~ lIver the Anna. . Lee and Mary, Jd'r. ~ Russell above. W. C. SmIth. Minister t~~. H~r8l', no ' COID~t .... Carr, ,M r. Pnul LeFever spent Sun· Mr. Frank" the musio Instructol' P e rry TbomRs, Dible SClbool Sup't. . BucClliaurento n ddress at Centtlrvllle sock w ill ha nd th e gavel ' over to Bel' n £.Xt Sunday evening, May 22 at 8 bert S. Warwick. 1902, wb~ ' wUI ch~ .UDtU later ,W IleD lAlbJey, About t1!Jrtf ' friend. n.njl ne\Arh. day With Mr. Md Mrs. Loren Jame· Is nsklng th l1t nil pupils .pla nnlng Sundny 11m. Mnrtln WtUI a. graduate ot the have charge of the feature m dae "'!t.lq qte money. notlft84 authorl-. bol'!! tenqei-t!d'Mr, and~, r..;.Wt'Cmce eon ~d !8f1I1Y a~ Waverly, Ohio. . music for the s umm er see him nt B ible School a t 9:30 0.. m . CIBBs of ' '36 at Centerville nnd now progrnm . t hnt is entllted "RIili:r ., 01 0. otlAblUlon. DepuUee .Qouden aDd FUrnaa andold.fuhloned 'belline" 011 Mrs. Eva Hardy who hliB been III the Gymnasium on Tuesd&y , Mil), Lol'd's S uppe r at 10:46 a.. m. attendin g C I~clnnatl Bible SemInary. th Old Ol!ard." He w1ll. I..trod .... Sehwana &rreeted u.. woman In Day !alit Thursday evening. Alter a great hlid aa S'liests on Su'iiclny, Mr. WIlach 31, to arra ng.B fo r Icssom times. Sermon at 11:00 a . m. mom bOra of the clll8ll of 1I,I i UI4 ton a~d' broqht b~ betore Squire deal of nolee and .good .llIitured fUJI. er ~ild daugohter, Betty and Mr. W est Sermon s ubject., "The Lost. Book." 1918. Ruth Hnrtsock WGlton wUI Kenrlok of Lvtle, who,tlaed bel' 1100 the guea.,. 'were InVlte4 In fol' r.- ot Da>1on ~ I DORCAS CLUB Our n.Ltimdll.lloe · last Sunday wna MT. HOLLY NEWS' a~ COIta and warned her , to . ....,. ,treahment.l. . rcsJ)Ond for the 26 year I'roIiP. ~ Mr. Warren Braddoek· n.nd family Mrs. RobeI'll ColleH was hOlltcss to 165. Com e on und let's do belter MillS Stella Olbson and Mr. Morl'ls E. F urnas, 1008, will brine ........ out of Warren oOUDt7. are moving Into property on Third th e ' members or ~t>he Dorcas Club of thlR Sunduy. Lewis and Mr. Edward and Ings (rom his cl~. It ~ eapeeW . Tuesday BOMB SOLD 8ti-ee,t which waa recently' purchased the New Burling~on M. E. Church , MIIl8 Ruth K ellle 8p en t( Friday even· • • , . by, Mr. Had Cornell .. ~f Mr. John on last Thursday, A bounteous din. ~r'each lng 8:00 p. m. , Ing wlt/l Mr. and MI'II. Harold Kellis that the 1~ m emvers of ltOI ~ graduated the n will all , be p~,. I Mr. ' and Kn, W, F , Clark h&ve Long. . ner. WtUI enjoyed at the noon hour, Sermon 8ubject. ':Lellrnlng How To a nd taihllY. Th en the 50 year group wpi ' ' ... . .'-' . ". " i ~3 ~Id , thetr, home . on the corner o.t ' Mn., ~. ThOmpaoD 11114 ,as gqeBts During t he soclu.l hour. R ev. John Give." Mr. and Mrs. Emerson 0111 a nd Ileard from under the caption 01 Mr. ' ,ADd 'IIU 'lI'Ii,ina. Open~ .-FIfth ~d Chapman etreat. to ~. last :week-end, her motiler. Mrs. F. Lacy spoke of his work as a mls. W edn esday son, Ralph went to Lebanon Tuesday their lOVell' bome In the coUntry to alld Ml'II. J. R. Updyke of D~n, S. Frl8llard n.nd lier !lunt, MI'II. Allee slonary In ~orea. Those trom N ew The Ladies Mlsslbnnry Society will night to see H ug h Cross a nd his "Baokwnrd Turn ~kward.'" MIa. Anne Sweet R idge, 18112, ~U ..... BUrUngt~ii who wore present we re meet nt Mr", Coy Qllllamlillome start radio pnls. a a-rQUP of trieDd8 OD 'We4DftOq who w11l ~upy It abqut June ffrllt. 8hlelda, }loth of CinCinnati, pond for this clrole. Then wlU ~ 'ftlel ev~, ........iR ID P,lay. The Clark. will move to thetr prq. Mr•. .n.nd Mrs. ' Homer Schmidt of Mr. and MI'II:. W (lr ner MorriS, Mes. Ing nt 2 p . m. The n.tternoon cu.llers on Mr. and what is r eslgnated In the PrOtrnDa Iq ."&00" , aft.rwblcIi ~UII re-, ,perty In O&kwpod~ which they nayton and ~r"lUid \.Mra. Ed ~mbYI dames W. C. Smith, W envor, B. N, Mrs. ·E. A. Earnhart a nd family on 118 "Short Talks, Remlnbloe~ ~'t.I .... 1lene4. Tbll ~ chued .J.!lIIt faU, ' . and da¥l'hter IIPCnt Sunday wlUl Mr. McKay, C. 'g. McKay, Donll.ld De '" AYNE8VILLE <lOURCH Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Sob S lorles, PersonaJlUell, ~ ~r& .... aDd Rho&le ~D,ID, III'. qpdylle 18 t~vel~nar au~ter and~ Ml'II .. :Somer Rau'lby. . Haven, H ar ry Nickerson, Arthur OF (]BRIST~ Sims nnd da ughter ot Cincinna ti and Jokes, COmplaJnt.... · L. T. Sh.~ Mr. aD4 ,IIIJI. J,,1ID ~1Ij. Mr. ~ tor ' The l'Jli.tlonal. Cub RearU~er, , 1Ir• .and Mrs, Harvey Burn.ett. of Turner, Lestlll" Stanfield, Miss Jenny W. (i. Smith, Minister Mr. and Mra. Willard, Lowards und 1902; Raymond Davl8, . 1.0.; tIUrt lira. ' lAWnaa. . Cook. ~;" aDd 11ft. Company, Botb .~ea In ~e t~~ Lyt]~ alld Hl'II. EdIth,. MoGI~y 0/ Reeves, Mrs. :Ada Orapam, Mrs. Jose. . Roger Brown, Bible ·School Sup" family of Dayton. Miss Clarn Da u · Dodson, 1900; Trlllena, ~~....; Free{ Bnd&Ick, Kr. ROeooe 'W'urDU., acUon ~ reprel\e~ted bf' W. N. Dayton were ' Saturday ..evenlng phlne Vandervoort, n.nd Mrs. W. N. Sunday ghters s penl all day with them Sun· E. V. Ba.rnhnrt, 1891; Emma. . . . . Kr. Robert 00., .111'. ~, II.... ~· Sf,IIll'll; l~ real eState broker. ~eata of tir. and Mr8.. H. E . ltatha· McKnY, Bible School 9:80 n.. m. day. Smith, 1886; and Evalyn F~ .... llam L'UII..... u,4 Kr. ucl"Kn. ~... wa:v. ' . , _ ,._ _ _ _....._ Lord's Supper 10:46 a. m. Oharles Alvin Bunnell Is recover· drews, 1901. .. " renee ~. ' ftup ~r: alld MrII.; NOln.n Conner enter· NOTI<lE • '. There will b6 no ev.e nlng service on Ing nicely ~m tbe measleR. ~UIII talned their daughter lIl'11. Jack Ket. Tho Foreign n.nd Home MJsslon. account ot the .Baccalaureate service - The . Mt. HQlly M.' E . church Is r e o FoJJowl~ the l]leeUng the member. of·' the . , .' lI_ Roma BardJD. fa com~ ley and busband ohlldren on Sun ary jSoclety 'ot the Ferry !l-nd Rt the Sohool auditOrium by Brother .ceivlng some ne w p nper and plallter. olatlon and their ar~ co ~ 1M o with Kr. ud MI'!'. Kee8le-r Graham di.y. ' . . . nesyllIe ChrlstilUl Church will meet Dibert. In g; this week . ' high school ,building ,fol' '·a ;.8ocIaI ' 1'1 ' an4 of.Ltti.e , lett, Kl.- Mary E .l len of Day. with Mrs. COy GIlInm: Wednesday. Wednesday . Mr. and MfS. Elvis lo:1lchenl and for .. month'. .tour' bY hour, where, light l'tIfreaIUDeDfa WUl ThUniclay," (toI1&)'t",,- " 8ue . .-.....-~.I forni&. , . auto In CaIo , . ton <W1la a week.end 'guest of her May U"~th. 'P reachlng 1:.6 p. m. daughter h ad Sunday tor dinne r, ~ served. ' This funcUb~ wlIJ be .. wID 1I!e .. . . <If hODIII' at .. coualn. Hlu Rulb Conne~. ' . _._',.:;'_ _ __ tnther a nd b rother, Mr. Bert Mnr· chnrge ,!>f P~ldent ' ~k . . . ~ the btriDe Of Kr. UMl'1IN. S. 9. ~ON ' W . and;' Mrs, ,BeDJamln Jonee wni SOTH' BIRTiq,AV-:FARMER'S CLlJD latt and Edom. OctleDiAD of OnnlaMtI" . tbe OCCuiOD , move Into. the p':Oli.e~y P.t Mn,, 'L !aJe M1"ii: Ethel HarVey SIlOKett · and a~d l\bs. J. W : -whtte enter· Mr. (Lnd MrS. George Marlatt h M his II.IiBociftte8. 111ere :wlU. be II. ,. . . . )I8IQ the 16tJr bIrt~ of K ... The I!:-, lIi'!It' week, ~q \0 Smith OD, Third Street. j>rotl\er, Mr., S. D. Sackett of Center to.lned the ' V{aynesvllle . F~mer's on Sundn'y 'their ' cblldren from Day. cln.t reception commltt.. ~ tor .·g ettlna- 'the ,older Dial.... ... eraa.. ~er .... wtU be lin. the .cbool tllUb_ , 8h~ui4 baYe Word haa baen rec'eJved that "Mrs. ~me spent. I~ Frldn.y with their llUIt week at' the Gr!,-ng~ Hall. t(ln n.nd Troy. . quaInted With tbe mo .... neenl ....., h CIw.De, Kn. c: CraM. u4 Mr.', ~ aa fOUO;W8: . Ru~h 'Jan~y ~d 'daushter, LoUella motlier, MI"!'. Co.rollne Bar.nett who The Lord's Proyer wns proyed by the uates. · ' . UId ' IirI,. IiItbaD CoIeID&D of ClID· 1{o ' chaapa were ma4e at, tU ~ve lett Deland, l!1ol"lda, etartlnc on tbnt day obller\1ed ber 80th birth. mtm1 jlers for the Invocation. Alter WAYNESVILLE PERSONALs:Follo~ ' tb1a ··-.veDt eIQatL G~ lluUdIDa. the folJcnrlq ~ Jut ItODdaT mornlna- and will be day. The day 111'118 plenaa.ntly, 'but 0. bounteous dinne r PreIII~ent Fl'!1nk Mr. Luther Tinney. pnaaed j1way at alumni ball 1VUl he hllld 'eben h&",- baeD rebIre4 tor hop!e h'e re m a. f.w dIlya. ' quietly epent lUI MI'II: ~mett ~ a Frank LeMn$ presided nt the busl~ ~ DIJDI.a JeU', II. Bva Reed..., GUMta of lira. Ida Stokee and sufferer OOIln..-heart trouble. noas meeUn.!I" Tl!e_,mlnutes of last 'bl& borne In Hamilton Saturday',' J,(ny naelum laDd' adml-Oft _-."- KIwi, lIDeanorlac~. 01& ...... ~ 09urtney OD .Blqlday were ' . _, ' ,. -were ',r ead and approved. i+th. lIb. Tinney'"was a fonner rell,l. ~ ' be Ii)- ~t, ,. ~ , lIIdeIa~ lit. &1111 lin. ~ JIradIIoQk eq, IDa Dorothy Dq, ilia II1'II. Beal ot IllamIaburg and AtJXlLlABY MllBTJNo.:;.. Vl'II. Marlba Houl'h ably dlBCU8IICd dent of thIS communlt,. alld a brother BOCk IUUIOUDceI\ that II. UII1 obIMnD aDII 111'......... Law- IIaIa BardIa. m.. A1Joe Campbell. K .... lII. W •.HenenatelD and C1aupter Tbe of the 8t. Mary'1I the "Business of Living A Lons ot Joe Tinney. WIll eDtitle a Dlember w 1IIa·1A.or& IIoKID..,. aDI1 ~. aU- at Nol'WOc!d' held Ita rearuIar Wblle." Rev. Lacy aa JUeet epeaker PreI1Uce Tinney ot Da)'toD Jll)eDt at aU tunctlODL - Ka8dQ ...... of ....... lira. . . BollllQ, '"lIn. V __a aou.h moved IDto ~ liJtU'Doon at Il10ke fanDlna- In th.. ·Orient. De· Sun4q with bla pareDUl. Mr. aJII1 . ... .... cd • '"IIIaI ~ Roe ,!au ,........ p q baIIt baqloW OD Jut . LeIter GordOD wttJa .pIte the beautUul tannins weather. M.... Joe TlDDey. . Dr. and lin. ..... . oftIceN flI1fDc the aD but tour iamwea IUlBWIInCl to ron p1eaaaat be .. Bawle.

Senior Class Sunshine Club Numbers 35 "Met Thursday









Ladies Aid Met Wednesday'


SWindlers ea1iglit. Near' Here ue fmed

Driver Has Close CaliOn Wet Road

Happy Hour Club Met



I;\elling For


8rl~ge Pa"'" 'Kra.





Blrtt:hda Y.'Dl-n' · . .rier

~uahter atnner · ,



Bu~, ." , .


D.lI I



............... .sa





, - Pilone 112

Main Stroet

• f ••

d_West f-:lonored at: 1939 New York . Fa,ir ,

WaynesvnTh, Ohio


inetieth Yen\, ORVILLE SAGE, PubU.her

ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY Subscription Price, $1.6 0 Per ~e ar. Pnyable in Advance An i Independe n't News paper De d icate d t the Se rvic e of Wayn esville and ~iclnity - Giving its patrons th e best newspap er humanly pos~ble.


TALK OF THE TOWN If you 've been listening in on t hese 'stray bits of wordage that fa ll by th e conversa tional wayside, you 've probably no ti ed a change in what Mr. and Mrs. Average American are talking abou t th e e days . Yesterdays' baseball gam e, todny's engagements, and tomorrow's spring hat a r e being dged out of popul ar discus ion by new subjects-democracy, doing on the international scene, and dictators. In a city tavern, a $2,000 a week executive weeps for ,the fate of democracy. On a village street, a passing con. vereationalist calls for a stand a ga,inst dictatorship. In a ru..ral store, the evening's di cussion turns to Hitler, Mus-. solini and "those guys who want to run the world." And it's pr06ably a good thing. For too long we Americans havQ thought of our democratic freedom as something p'erpetual and eternal, something ordained for us since the beginning and destined to tay witli us until the end: We forget that democracy is a child in the world of ideas, a stripling in man's 4000 years of progress. For too long we have sat back and enjoyed our freedom, and done I,' 'li ORK-"Johnny Appleseed;" quaint evan,ellstlc B,ure of mid-west foiklore, will be honored , _ Vl:tcc among the sculptures which lwlll adorn the Now York World'. Fair 1939 Mall, a mile-long little about preserving it. ~ vromenade to Include 26 lu,e and ornamental buildings, five lajtoons, hundreds of lountalns, a parade Whether America's democratic ideals face an actual ground, many statues. the Perisphere, an IS-story ball, and the Trylon, a 'JOO-loot needle-like spire, threat from the spread of the dictatorial idea is open to The preacher shown in the model tor Edmond AmateJ, tculpture, bepn his eampal,n In Ohio In 1801, ,discussion-and it's certainly been getting it. Be that as bestowing appleseeds obtained from Pennsylvania chl~.. )nllls and tbe word of God from &be Bible to it may, the current prevalence of! the problem of dictator- t'lundredS of thousands of midwest settlers, once savin, a &owa from an IDdlaD massacre. ahip on the public voice and mind ought to lead to a renewed inter~st in the government and system under which Mr s, ~~n l: y c~r~eil ~ 'Dayton gave W a lter K enrIck attended a meet· I Hain s f or 11 co nCer nee with 1I1il!s a bht h clay <Ii nn or In ho nor or her Ing of Agents at the Farm Bureau Jea nn elt H a dley of Rlc hmond, r,nd. we live, . A democracy, t<>t be a success, requires the active in- !!\cl cst da ugh ter's twenly·tlrs t blt·th· Aulo Insu m.ncl~ Co .. In Lebanon on The Young Peoplc of th e churoh Iltte nded II. QUal·terly Meeting Co~ terest and participation of each of its subjects. If the cur- duy S undli Y eve ning , Mr. a nd Mrs, Monda y eve nln,g. J . . F iler , MI'. nnd Mrs. Jim Harl· Mrs, Cell!\ Gra ham and gnmdson, terence. a t X enlll FrIends 'hurch on rent flood of talk ~.does nothing else, it ought to renew and sock a nd fa mil y, MI'. Bob Hal nes and Eve re tt Savagl!, Ilttended th e tun· Sunday aItemoon , May 8th. revitalize . America's interest . in its own , way of living. ch ildren . a nd his mother. Iltlend ed oral of Mrs. Q'rahnm' s sister ·ln·law, Missos 'eille n nd 1\1onlmill. Bun. A HAND FOR YOUR HEART


That heart of yours, pounding away in your chest, give it a hand' and it will ' pile up a most impressive record . Day in and day' out, at the rate of 100,800 strokes every 24 hours, that machine of tissue and lmuscle is heading to~ards a record of 2,437,344,000 beats in a normal life. With increasing frequency, however, the speed and pace of m~dern life is wearing out man's most important machine s1'iort of those two billion beats, In figures just released by the U. S. Public Healt~Sel'vice, heart failure, ru, a cause of death, has shown a most alarming leap. The throb of your heart is the pulse of life. Pumped by this amazing machine, the body's six an<t" one-half quarts of blood are forced every minute through the 100,000 miles of arteries, veins, and capillaries that make up your bOdy. IIpagine a five inch machine strong enough to pump a 8~ream halfway to the moon-your heart does that every day. . Mighty important, thit heart of yours. Give it a hand -don't go in for excessive exertion, don't get too fat, don't be I_chronic worrier-aolt yOUr heart will hand you years of life. Let the increasing heart disease toll be a -warning. G~ve your heart a ·hand,


Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Filer s pent W~nesdny In Cincinnati with dlelr daughter, Bertha.. Farmers around h ere have ' \;)een 'Waltlng tor rain so they· could get • at their corn planted. Now It looks l1li It they are going to get too m~ch, but ·then, 'We humllJls are never l sat· ' idled. ' . 1&8, Mary South is h elping a.~ the Hal'rl' Fordyce home dUl'lng th~ Ill· .. D _ ot Mrs. Fordyce. Tbat patient J~'. oondltlon' shows no Imp~ove· ' ment. Dr. Slagle Is attending h~r. .' Rex WnUamson spent the week. end In Ferry, 'vlsltlng with Lawrence Tbomo.s, SlLtu~ay night and Ilttte nd· " I~g the Ferry, church SUndll,y morn· Ing.. He called on the Perry Faul's, the Frank Fox fo.mllles Ilnd the Romo Rlggea Sunday alternoon. • Mrs, Jennie Mullen was the dinner

guest of Mrs. Truman Wardlo In Wayncsvllle Sunday. Naomi J~ne Burton Ilnd th e Smith twins are r ecovering from the meas· Is ' but oh, my! th ere Is gettlnl1 to be suoh a. c rop of them around h ere that F e rry looks spotted. Betty Lou Me redith nnd Ervin F a ul are tlj e latest vIctims. . Mr. Ervin Saunder of L ebanon spent the week-end w'!th Mr. and 1\1rs Perry Faul. Mr. u.nd Mr,ll, Fores~ Trost moved into the fn.rmhouse owned by J oss Rola nd on rh e Bellbrook pIke Inst week. W e ,,~e lcom e 'our new neigh· bors. Mrs. Lowrence Thomas, Ervin -ThomM Ilnd 'Vllmll Thomlls were sh~pplng In Dllyton Saturday a!ler. noon. ,Laverna Faul, Wilma Thomas and Henry Burgess called' on Mrs. Ethel Faul and children. at Mt Holly. on Monday -evening:

'Webster Has The Words (Apologiei to Don Marquis) Webster has t)1e words, ~nd I Pick them up from where they iie; Here a word and there a word- "...... . ,,> To describe a handsome bird t Webster's done ,t he work, you know, So we cackle and we crow , All about the chicks we Bell; Hoping you come pell-mell! ' ,' But words are dull and pallid things ·W hen compared with tiny wings, Y.ellow down, royal blood, and Parents that do 'beat the b~nd, Being husky te8te~ birds. Since we cannot with mere words Fairly .show a TOWNSLEY chick Won't you come al!d' take your pick?

'ih ~ '.:

.. .

•• 1,.;.-



will (Jrolm!Jl y be "listcni'lg in." , Therc's II Iso the probability of a t11e s~ag e be, ~ot11in g garbled by passin g throu gh 't oo lIIany hl1l11on transmill er s, If tr ied in the U\lite~ S tat c~, an "oo· lc·ay .ee-hoo" from O liio m ight !Jecome a "hot·cha.clla" in Calif orn ia. More: thnn 90 per ccnt of thc little Europea n ' country's inhabitants still do not know what a telephone is. Dctcrndn cd 10 enli ghten th em, King ZoS. Iheir so vereig n, decided to have teleph one systcms in Tirana. thc nnlion's ca pital, and the t!lwns of Dl.lrazzo and Scutari. Tirana's system is now in operaliOl !. wilh JOO subscribers. But therc arc no telephonc Ilumbers. All call9 arc macle by name.


We offer a Satisfactory · Service at 'all times.

J. E. McClure

Phone 7


.,---'----------..... .. -....-.......- - - - - - . -..-..----.-......-.......- . - - from thIs ne ighborhood, 1111'S. Cor · Mrs. EllizabeUl Sa vage W a tson, near nell. Mr. RaleIg h BOgan Ilnd M rs. nell presen ted he r da ugh te r. EI.teen idn ey. Saturda y . WUlIa m Smith a ttendcd th e Se nJor with a bea utiful mel'llld ring, Nonna Longncre Is a. vlcllm of tile Class Pla y a t Hnrveysburg F riday The mem ber of the H arry F o r · meas les. ,night. dyce home wa nt to tha nk aU their A gypsy WOnlllJl, Mrs. Myrtle Lee, )\11'. WilHam Complon spent Sun. neig h bors a nd fr iends who have been . of n gypSy camp north of Dayton, day wIth his sisler, Mrs. Ella. Ha.lnes. 90 kind In nss ltlng In th e cu re .of WOB brought Into 'Ya.lter KenrIck's Mr. a nd Mrs. E va n Bogan and M rs, F ordyee. She has l'ecclyed m a ny Ju tice Court 'h ere Friday alte.m oon ehlldren 'or Day~ on a nd Ralelg<b Bo. cards and flow rs and good wis hes by D eputiel\ Conden and JOY, on a gon Ilnd family we re Sunda y dinner ot whi ch she bllS bee n very nppI'ecl cha rge of obtaining money under guest s of lI:Lr. a nd !\Irs. H orace Comp Leave name with Miami Gazette for eatimale. a live, alrho no one Is ll110wed to see Ca.lse pretense. On advise of her at· ton or N ew Burlington. ber. torney she plead guilty to the obllrge Thomas. P. J . a nd wns ' t'Ined $100 IIJld costs. The 8 t\LE Thomns and Vernon vIsited Mr. and tine was suspended tbllt she not reo Th e p ersona l . proporty b long Ing Mrs. Otto Ginter a nd da ughter, Bet· lurn to this county_ to th o esta te of Emma I . Russell, dely Lou tn l'.~am lsburg Sunday after· Mr. IIJld Mrs., A. C. Thompson Ilnd ceased . wlU be sold at pubUc vendue, noon . g ra nd·daughter Nancy WlIlInms Ilt .tho Inte resIdence of sa.ld decea.s ed, Hamilton, Ohio. Phone 3708 W , . S mith, Jr., nnd Beulah and moved W ednesdllY to Strattonvllle, Ilt Lytle . W arre n County. Ohio , on Emmo. J enn Smith wer e entertAIned Pa.. whe re both Mr. and Mrs. Thomp Sllturda y. Ma y 21. 1938. Sale to com· W, P. Watson, Mgr. • meneo at 1 o'clock P M Terms In the Alfred Johnson home Sunda y son h a ve rela tl,ves. !fe are sorry to Casb. • . . 2P ' with a blrt.hda y dinne r In honor of have them leav'e Lytle but wish them L, M. HENDERSON j •• Betty Il nd Fl'ances Johnson. happlnes In their new homo. , Exeo utor F e rry Sunda y School had a n nt · Mr. and Mrs. Kesler Graham Ilnd ~~~~~~~~~~~==~~~~~==~~~~~~~~~=~~~~==~=~~~=== tnedu.nce of 165 Sunday a nd an off. daughter. MlsEI BernIce and Miss 'I erlng of $40.58. This church takes Roma. Hardin left Sunday morning but on · offe ring ea ch Sunda y. . for ~n auto tOlUr of the West. They I EIG'11ly members attended th e Be· \Viii be gone 0. month. Be rore reo rM n Cluss meeting Inst Thursday lurnlng they will visIt Iln uncl e, ChIlS evening. These meetings a re held Slowe and also a couple of aunts ot on the s econd Thursda.y evenIng o r M rs. Graham's Ilt Lo8 Angeles and montb and e ve ry ono Is cordi· Hollywood. Mr. a nd Mrs. Harry Grll· !LIly invited to Illtend th em. and have h Ull), Mrs. SUlsan Saylor are tllklng nn e njoyable e ve ning. care of the grocery In th eIr en ce. D . R. Hnrrl.s , F rank Wright, Hon· Mrs. Ma rgaret; Johns will Illso 'help ry a nd Alfred J ohns ton and W . C. out some. Smith were In Xenia Sunda y In the Interest of the X el\,la Aren of the Chul'ch oa of Christ.

Levee Building, Ditching · Excavating




Caesars Creek

l\lr. William J. Sayers of Rloh· mond. Ind., wns speaker at the A large number rn::m here attend. church , Sunday. He WILlI 'entertained ed the class pla y at W~nesvtlle I\t the home or Luther Haines and fa mily, Saturday nIght. ' Gymnnslum ThursdllY evening. Some of the 'm embers attended the , Mrs. Meta Rogers spent last week With Mr. and MI:S. Carl 'Plckerlng Quarterly meeUng , at HarveYllburg, Saturday . . Ilnd Mrs. ,Ada Chenowe lh In Center. Mrs. Everetl: HaInes Willi among ville. those present at a mlseellaneous The freeze of 'l ast Thursday morn. showel', held Saturday Ilt the 1I0me Ing did a lot of damage to the early of Mrs. Albert Terrell near New gnrdens nnd grapevines In this sec. Vie nna. for hell: neice, MIss ' Lucf.11e '!' tlon. Fis her' who Is tl\e' brlde-elect of Mr. Mr. nnd Mrs. Therle Jones and Herbert Hooley. . Bon, M.Ilton, Misses Anna a r.d Ruth The Young People's Meeting met Nutt attended the s radun.lIon ex· a t th e home o.t LOuise 'lIJld' Lowe'n erclse of nurses or th e M!nmi Va11ey ' Slnclalr, Sundo,y nIght. .' Hos l>ltnl at N, C. R. School house, Mrs. MJller ' Terrell- ot near New Da yton Thul'sday evening. Mrs. Vienna Is spendinlt a tew dllYs WIth Jones sister. Miss Alma Nutt wus h er daughter, Mrs. Homer Hames one of the grndun.tcs. , and family. Mrs. EdIth MasLardte of Dayton Mr. and Mrs. ;Leonard Ellt. call. Is vis iting b el' COusins, Mr. and Mrs. ed on Mrs, 'Ems'. parents, :R8.ymond Ha rvey Burnet. Wllsoll; and wlt'e~ S!lndI\Y evenIng. , Mrs. Margaret Johns was 11 guest Mr. and l\lrs. Walter Wilaon were of Mr. and Mrs. Cla rence Dunnlhoo dinner ' guests theIr daughter, MTS. ot CIrcle Drive, Dayton on Tuesday Pllul Peterson and family Sunday. of last week. Callers Ih the WIl80IL home In the Robert Friend was called to Ger· evening' were :Mr. and Mrs. Frink mnnlo\VI\ Friday by the death of his Braddock, Mhl.: Qiennll 'W llson and fa ther. Funerlll servIces wns held daughter, Mrs. .Theodo(e McIntire. th ere Sunda y afternoon. .I The W, C. T. U., ~ul'ld tht\lr regular Mr. nnd Mrs. Glenn Brock and meeting at · tb,e !home ot M1'8. James of.. Indlnnapolls were Sunday McIntire, Tuea~IIlY, afternoon. ' urternoon eailers Ilt the homes ot On ' Monda.Y" E\vimlng, May 9th the Mr. and Mrs. J . B . Jones and Mrs. members ot, OUII' Sun4ay Sehool met IUlcc Brock and Mrs. Mary Marshall. at the home ot Mr. 'D.lld Mrs. Luther



A lban ia's "mounlain tclt phunc sys tem" is 0 11 it s way to ~ ile j,ce. This meth od o f com m un icatio n re· Quires no e le ctricity and no l[n('5merely a s trong pair of ' lungs, It 's the old "whoop an ' holler" . sy stcm, I One ma n s tan ds 0.11 a hiiIside UI)d halloos II m essagc across the val Icy to a ma ll 0 11 'the opposile hill. 'fhc latt er passes the word along by, the . , ,same method. Mcssag es arc sent scores of mile s like this in a few hours, Dut Ihe s ystem isn't very successful if secrccy is desired. In fact. if a tearful Maril za telephoncs to ma ma th;lt she's co mins hOllIc because H us· band Ahmed spent the ni g ht in the Al pine Tavern, a larg e portion of the country's millio n infla bitnnt s


-SU- ' 'S!!- · 'SU· UOX21 $l~· '7s,o·, '~785·


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· 4.75x11 · 5.10.11 ,


Nallle Of





Ft,. Ancient Park

from the

'Nw nlllll f' or ). t , A n lent Stllto I 'Il I'lt , a Ollr 111'1'13, as n chn,n ged tt> J"t. Ali(,jont ' Ia t M'mol'lltl, L. J. (1 ,·IlY. , S up rlnl ndl! nl, has announ ·






c('d, 'l'h( Y 'h nn ~o w as <)ue, Mr. (Ira)" salll. to the p)nelng or al l pru-ka un· <1 I' th hlo Aroheol glenl and H:Ls· tori a l Soc I l~', under th e division

r octed at 11 1f' l,a r'lt nll'llll C'e muny I>" illi fl lhl'Ou gholll tho pa rk and add I,j (lie 1l1l l'll :Uv n .. 5S or the M morla,l. ItmTlI~

IS{' RI'~A E


f)I~ A 'I'IIS


('Ill' :-';'I'Y,

Thll't y " ll':h l h lrth H nnd 21 death. Co unt)' dll rln g' Apr'lI , Dr, Edw(ll'd Blalr. c:"unty 11 C':l lth ,('o lllnrlssione l', reo \\,1',:" ,' f" 'onj('iJ In \\'arre n

\ ' lI h.. d lhls w It''I I<.


ll n In c r~ asc In bll'ths'4\lId In d<'ll thA over Mql'ch, 1)1', Blrdr l'C'porl d . wh n SO births lI lHt :! fi th-n l hM , vcr o "econled. '1'1, 1"

(I N' I 't'lI~e


'~um-''''" /erllHfleW/or men..,w. brain••"

, Bfch up amODl the peab of Switzerland, two

mouietHp salesmen extraordinary ride their merry way. TheY are Stan 'Laurel and Oliver Bardy, burbling with chDdl.h Iflee .. they look to the rosy future. For is Dc4- Switzerland a country just reekiDg with cheese? And where there is e'beese there mUlt be oodl. of mice, aU eagerly awaiting some


embrolclend DIOuletra.,..


"Ola hear ,heerklce. go-elairp, ehirp, elairpl"


at the Alpen Hotel another great career bloSsoms. Victor Albert (Walter Woolf King) a prominent composer, has fled to the Alps for solitude. Inspired by the atmollphere, the :Cl'eedom of short pants and the verve of his valet (Eric Blare), he composes a cricket song. The melody is contagious and from aU over the hotel, voices take it up in joyful chorut.

"How dare you inler/ere behceen U$!"



Ll~n i\l\tpU~i\TED

,: . ~I

• ' In the meantime Stan and Ollie find their fondest hopes blasted. The Swi ss don't like salesmen . And besides, they loue their cute little mouseyw.ousies. Things g o fl'om worse to rottcn. Onc day, they barge in on u Swiss h ousewife h appily quarreling with hubby. Stan takes h el' pal't and gels conked on the hend, while Olive r is he who ge t .; slapped . The boys flee.

That day, G1 r,~' "'' in ';;l!i ~1I the Alpen Hotel. Anna Hoep f el (0 lin Lind) , n Contin ental prima d onna, has come in ,.lfsuit of her husba nd, Victor. Entering the court ,'" ' I she s ings fOI' the local boys nnd churilla thcm :. ;: into n Il·~t t ing dith er. Sh(' ir. un awa re th a t h l' fl ':, ,o n ", 1><: lilll,n,1 " " \\'iO. tho"c L\yo


81U 'C

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t o read th o

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Sta r. fl it,; C)ljYf" .

f[; isoc/o.




:Robert Gentry VB. Elhel Gentry, c1lvorce, grOSB n eglect, J . T. Riley Frank Sellers vs, Trwln C. BeldIng, (or money only, Bryan E. Moor, Frank Schne ider vs, Gorge E. Hedger. replevin, Harl'Y) Z, Omy. Suit tor $11,828,77 wae tiled In common pleas court here lUI tho reo Bult or an o.utomoblle o.ecldent at the Intersection of the Greentree and Otterbein ROllds, nen.r llere, Jan. 18. • CI(U'ence G. Tarkington, Clncln· natl. the p~ntu:tf. ch,urged that It o . Work • Dayton ignored a stop . ' • Blgn and cl'11shed Into TarkIngton s car o.t the road croBBlng, Tarklng· ton suttered a. tractured collar bono nnd other Injurlee, his petition re· cites. The ,defendant 18 charged with having tulled to observe 0. stop sign. ,

COMMON PLEAS Judge Chnrlea B. Dechnnt has overruled a motion . by th4l'der ndantll aaklng that the plnlntlU'/J petitian be made more certnl.n In 't he C~8e or ' Sarah B. Fred vs. the Dob· anon Masonlo Lodge.

Glenn W, Ilnd Lucie C. Alexander. 50 ncr es In



HI\.M'Y R. M redlth to C. E, and Grace Schoonovel', Ight acres Warren co. John E , Hold II, to trustees ot the Presb~·terla n Church, lot No. 114, Morrow. Virginia K , Vnn Horne to E , M. and Vel-til '1'loch, real estate, Fronk· lin tp, Mason BullcllllS' LOlln und Sov· Ings Co" to J acob a nel Ada. Frost, lots No. 15 nnd 16, South L e ba non. W. F. la rk, W ayn esville , to .1, Roy Il-nd N · lIIe U pdyk, Dayton. port of lot No. 12. \Vn,y nesvUle . , Ralph Un,1 shy and N 1110 G, WUlsl;lr to Laura A . Gross, lot N" 307, Fra nklin, E 151.. Von Bul'S' to H CIll'Y "' , 8n u· tel', I' I s til t In Fl'Ilnklin town· Rblp. Cnrey Ponn y nn{\ JulllL P e nny to harlotto W. FI'ench .et 01 , two a.oreliJ 'In Turtlec :reek tp. ' lsallc D cn rdoff n n~ Jllck Deardoff to Moulle E. D ardofC, lot No, 12 In FMUlk 1111 , Wo.It I' R. Fitts to hi I'd Klrhy and J e nnie Kirby, 147 rods In FI'an k_ IIn·townMhlp. Morris Cook to I ll l' n ce Oulnn, ot No, 6 in Waynllllvllle. ZIlJn AI'lllltage to Thomas W. John ROn, lote No. ala a nd 3176 In D r · fl f- Id, • , !lOWIU'll W . Willis to William 0, Dugnn, lots No. 38 li nd 39 In Spring·

Tbebna Mlle Lewis hnJI been glilnt t;~oB. Brannoc)( , (I e('lls d. to Fmnt1. dlvorco trODI Harry E. Lew- I:es Brannock, t nl, 168.26 ncr s In Is. W u yne tp. , Cnrl Elmer Bercaw and Nnoma Zoe JVl rv ey to E s tel '.T. Wright. Bower VB. Charlh W, BereaVl"' et al, lot , NO: '340 In Franklin, O. E, -Jtiywood. Os 8'Uardlan of VII" Stun .Tohnson to Wolter Hltle, and Rlnla Belle , Bercaw, and Chrlstl!l6 Angeline Hllte, lo t No. S04 In Frank· Berca.w, III minor Is gronted leave to ·lIn. . fUe hla IUlRwer. R e va H, Mill r to Beatrice B. B a u· Fannie ' J, ' Welsenborne vs. Alvin smith, 128.66 ltcreS In Union town'Wehmnborne, dlvorco granted to Bhlp. , plalDtift. Hnrdet R()lrul(l to MILb I V . WU· Martha - !Jahn vs. Charles Hahn, lIamB. lot No. 21 ,Ilnd 22 In Lebanon. ~t ai, caae dl8m.llIIIGd . • Elmer Peters, R. N. Wlt.henburg. 4,b.a artist lUIIIOOiates VB. Tbe FIbh!ware CorporaUon, motion over, ruled. ' , The ' ~gan-Long Co.. an Ohio ---0.corporotiOU ,VB. Village or Fmnklln, Mr. and 1ol1'!l. Clyde Boms and 8OD, a murilelpal· corporation arid J. T. ~Ie)', Mayor ot the vUlace of ~nk:' Donald were Monday visitors of MI'. lin,' caae \lliImiBUd at the CC?st or the and M1'8. 'Eph ·Smltn-or OUve Bmncb. , MI'. Donald E11Is Klngmlln nnd Jllalntlft. , , Hol'n& Owne,r's Loan corpornt)on Miss Lillian Fo.1rc)llld of Wellman, 1'8, Robert ,E. Smallwood. plnlntJtr spent Wednesday evening with Mills to r ecover 'trum dorendantJI the. sum Mary Ethel. Sums and brother. at $3.794.72 1"ltb Interest at t.hO rate Miss Hannah . .Tordan and Mrs. ot tlv~ ~ cent, ' Shoemaker , were among tbe many I BSTAm TRANSFERS who attended the Closs Play at Harsprtng Valley Nat\onal, Bank to veysburg, Friday evening. \ eel



,Myrna Has GabJe and' T~a~ . ' . Up In The ,Air -'.

MI'. Baker of Bowersv ille was 0. bu s iness cnller h er e .Thursday. Mrs. Et'hel n and Mrs, Marl· n eUe McCarren of n eal' H a rveysburg w re Friday visitors or Mrs, Florence Sums, Mr. and M~s. Frank Sums h ave been enjor.Jn g a vl!!lt from their dnu· g hte r , Allee and .Tocy Marlatt, both of Lebanon from FrIday until Wed· neOOay ot' this week. On Sun'dDy th ey were a ll ente rtaln ed at the home of Mr, a nd Mrs. Wllllum hnde ot n ear Dayton. Mrs, Blna Palte rson entertained ",-Ith a. little party Tuesday evening at dinner tor th e pleasure of h er dau ghter, Fnnstlcne. Ouests were MI'!I. J o hn Bondu ront and two daughtel'!l, Mary Ann I1nd Be tty. WUI Droke u.nd H a rold Lucas of 'outh Lebanon were S unclny after· noon en4lers, here. MI'!I, ElSie Bondurant was 0. busine ss visitor In Kentucky. Frida y.


The eoonover home burned to the ground Thursday noon . The Enst rn Star Inspec tion was h le\ I1.t the lIfnsonle T emple Wednes· day evenIng. Clydo Levlcy Is stili co nnned 10 hIs home IIna r emains the same. A son was bOI'n to Mr, and lIirs. Cnriton Cook Mondny. The Harvel'sburg sch ool wUl close May 26th, We are pleased to r eport that our school placed scco nd In the Warren County Track Meet . , The c itizens of this community ure /,lOrry to lea rn that · Miss Com pton, our music teach er bas resigned In onI r ' to accept u like posItion nt the Sprlngboro /!Chool tor the coming

& ' student

tended a CLlrd party a~ tho hom of MI', a nd Mrs, Joh n S hoets , In M id , ill ·town, on Th ul'sday eve ning, Th R., A, E. lub , womon t each · e rs or Clca re reek TOWllsl\lp, w e re en· tel'talned flt th e hom of Miss Ellzn· Tho pl'l ngbo l'o HIgh hool AI· umnl , Assocln.l.Iun , will h old the on · !luu} buncJU t tlt the Hi gh School hulldlng 011 th ~ ,"cnJ n g or J une 4. A ll ta het's fO I' the comIng ~' e" I' ll.l·e nOl hll' 'd us: ye t. !\:lis!! Lucy Unn· tn Is I' tiI' lng on I)Onalon a nd 'Mlss Holnes has accepted II. t eaching 1'1.1 s illon In Dayton, Regular mee tJng oC Orange will be h eld on 'Vedoesdll.Y evo nlng, The l.,cturer, 1[1'8: E stn Null, has pre· pa red a s pecial l\[emorlnJ PI' g ram, A g roup (rom ' Springboro plan to HUend II. mcetlng of R epublica n wom n at th Golden L a m b, In Leban· on on Wed n esday fit 3 o'clock, to hem' nddrelu!es b y th e Hon , EclwQ.n\ C. TlIl'lI ~ r o nd D enn la nl ey, A numb r ot: , High School s tuc]· nts of Springboro a ttended the Class play or , Barv ysbu r g High <:cl\ool on lOdd!lY evening" lieI've n xt YCU I': Preside nt, ' Gladys B k, V lve Prcsld nt, Su e Ault; Secl'tltru'y.Tr easllrer , Ml'S. J!lIva Allen , A food marke t was h eld nft l' th meeting, n tlltllng sum to tho t1'~~asUl'y, chool Acth'llIcsTho Senior In.qs play, "Professor PoP." fL cornedly, wm be given at' t h e HIgh ScholJol AudItorium on Ed· day ev ening, M~ 20. Re\', ,\" J . l~ox h us been c hosen to gi ve the baccal oureatc sermon, on S unday veentng. May 22, at the sc/1ool a udlto l'lum, Tho dn.l for the Junior· e n lor banquet h as been set (01' 'l'uesday v nl~g ~ray 241. The High Seh ool Comm ncemont exerclsOll, with gl'U!lu ntin g


fram the ~ ....... had the hOllOr of beIDa' cme of tiM apeIJera 111 the "8peI1bIc W.H.L9.. ~01l_



MI'. ami lIt l'S. Chru 'I"8 \ a ll neo nn d MI'. tl.nd Mrs. Ei:llwood 'V \I~'lIns at,

' Hunt,

1111'S ,

Ml'. nnd ::\1 I'!!, Ch l ll' l l' ~ Ik ck e nt r · tal ned th e 1\U!!IICS 0 11\' n nd Ol"ll('e Bccl<, of Dayton , ov" " th o wcek en d . Mr, and Mr!l , Bdwn l'<! ooke or "'nyn ('sv lll e W(!I'e ~un'l n y dinner ':lIests of Mr. and :\Irs, ' '''aller ·el. ker: Mr. a nd 11'11'8, Rl1y m olld Ault, Bo n s and d:uig htcl', 'nt prta.i ned ~ ftlmlly I)Orty lit Sund" y dinner, Rd a tlv 8 w eI' present rl' m Day ton, 0 ,. en. vill e li nd Troy.

a')"1IlIlMI , IDV.r,.one ta oord1a.u7 Invited to atteD4 brInPIa' Wen JDlIl4




Mrs. Jllverett, Villlira_ vlijlted hore with ber BlBter. },lrs. ,Ohades GOrdqn on Mond&7. ' "' , 'rhe 'Oomm~nlty BuDdlng' Commlt • ,~ met- :Monda)" evenlntr. ' , The' SCboo~ Picnic wtll be h~4 OD



\Vn leH ' mart IA co nnned to tho lw .. n l ~' stucl illS, wIll bo conclucted (' a t·!'! :lclivili es W tlS g ive n by lhe h om of h is pnre nt" In a (' rlU cal on III Lhe Hlgh Re h IJI IUldltUl'lum on "' I'l'l :l r ~' , 1\11·s. Elv ;~ AII ~ n, ']' he <lItlon, Thul',;clay l! v('n lng, Mn.y 2G. I., " ,;t Importa nt pa rt of Wle work Th e, 11l'ln,;boro Moth I'S lub h ('lIl "'" '" the ser ving of f re h ot lun h s It vc> ry In l I' s tin g m e ling on 10'1'10 ~I 'flde school p u pils fl'om Nov· day afternoon, A fin e repo r t of the l ,, ~ d' to April. Subacribe (or dJe Mla.m l ~t••


WedJtiuda¥, -Jift.)" 25tb at the

- Eugene Stevenll, son

AI te vens, under· nl fin ope ration the past week for (he :lmpllta ti on 'or his leg n car the kll e , lI o h ns bee n fOI'ccd to ' UIIO a. Cl' ul ch we lIS , and the leg became 110 p rtlnful rec ntiy thn.t ,an opera1I n \\'IIS found to be nec ssary.


Ml', u nd Mrs. John Fromm and 80n , Iyde nte l·ta illed th e following n I"dlnnc l' Sunday. MI'. und Mrs. WilBon ElIw:trd:-t a nd <l a ughte rs, Mary L eit h n nel 1I1 [l rjorle a nd son, George r pl'l ngfl lei nnd MI', .Tohn Hawke,

year, Mr. and Mrs. Will McCarren nre spending the week·end, b el·e. The Senlur Class Play "mgh Pres· SUfG Homer" WIUI presented ot the gym Friday evening. there was a large atendance and It was much e njoyed by all . . Mrs. Emma Ellis of Xenia Is visit· Ing friends hero this week and at· tended lite EMltem Star In8~t1on. Mrs. Frank Harris and daughter, Helen of Dayton attended the Eastern Star IT)8peCUOn, Mrs. Will Wright and Mrs. Og· ~esby we~ Dayton shoppers Tues· day. , Mrs. Will Snell of Moterey called on friends here ThursCla.y and attendthe Ladles Aid. Dr. Stout at 'Waynesvllle was In town Thursdn¥ calling on somo of his ~tlents. ' Prof. R. A. Fl11ncls and family wero week·end vlelto!,!\ at the home or Mr. and M:l;,s R. E. 1Iu.rst · and family_ The State Fire Marshall transact-, ed buslnese here Thursday. The Friends' Quarterly Mdung WIUI held Saturday lit t~e Friends Church. ' . Miss Nan Collett enterta.lned the Book Review Olub, Tuesday to a Jun. eheon apd Mrs. Edward Dnkln reviewed "The LICe or ,Madiune Curle~.u . + , Born' to Mr. and Mrs. RObert Wall· aCe ,(nee IllUh pea.v;er) 8. daughter, Phyllis. . " ," , Mr. and ,. Mrs. ,Robert Smart' , of _S~~nvllle wero ,calilid ' here Frldny evening' Owing "to the illness at Mt'. Smut's' nephew. , MnI. Charles Burs,t eler o( Norwood 18 'spending the week-end hero at ber


1 t nuw


you may not save at a'"

• Some refrigerators may save pen. nies one w.y, only to wa;te dollus anotherl frigidaite gives you Pf'H/of All 4 Savings • • • OD current, food, ice, upkeep •• before your eyes, before you buyl


'$118 1


Releue cubes •

20" mO~i ... t1!O ';'~e 'Very a. 1_ everymode'a"Do & , 7 &II

QUickube Tray.

~ Je."'~


Fairley Hardware Co. LargeI' Beeauae of Better Quality, S';'lce IIIMI


Ealiabli.hJed 1849 • 1938

Friday - Saturday

"Bank Night" -8'CREEN"Fool. For Scandal" Carole Lombard Flrnand Gravet Contlnuoua 8hClwa Dally Adult. Onl7 150 'Til 2 P. M.

More than 3 out' of every 5 mOtor car JI.,yers today are choosing sbtes. "And, ofcOut:se, the,most, popular six of aD ~; this new chevrolet ~!hi Six lupreme I Discrimiftating People pfifer ' it ,because of its high qualhy • • ~~ of Its great waive because it's th. , only low..prked ... . . 0'

0 ' 0


_ -*'III all 'these -flBe ,Car featuresl

"You'll It. AHIAD

wi,,. a

..... .....~.


15-ItP. VAlw.uWuD



saOcmoo. 51. . ..• ,


'C H.VaOllrl"

oney Island Par k To Open Saturday, .May 21 e n.)', Is la nd, Am rlen's nt park, will p n !ts 1'<'''' ular Heaeon on Sut,urday , May:11: Th {amolls r ort will th n to.'lh lx' I) n aiIJly thl'lltS'h La . r J)a y ottcrllll~ It muny nnll val'! fllU'l\C, Uon ll, InclUdin g Lhe dell l; h tflll ,20· mil 1'O un/l 'tl'll' on th hlo lU"c.r lIl)ollrd Ita l)t:\lnUI\I. n.Jl-at 01 t nme.r, tbe J~IMd Queen. Three ntt'rtaJnlng or IIN;1mil w\1l hi ghligh t t h lI terudnm 'nt pro, gl'llm tiS tho rcgllhu' SeaNon op n9 . B rt Bloclt (\lid lila reh Sl rll. f (\.turing th "b U music" " ' hlch !tas Ill/we thom known from coost to ('oost. will be In l\1oonllto On.rdens. oney'~ lov Iy "lunm er OOllroom. At th luhhous , .wh I 11 will open In nl~ Ita fr shl Y-l)ll\nted nnd brlllhmUy lig ht d g lory , Smlllio und His Gnng, populnr lost seuson. will l' turn with Q n wand exotic set·up. rony ol a· mn k nnd Hi Orcheslra will bfa,

t uroll (In th!) bnlll'9om d eck of the Tslnnd Qu n. Tho on y \\'Immlllg pool will Inaus-u rate Its 1\ on .n~ong wlLh the I' s t of th attl'a tiona. No CIll' rul _ _ _- - - h01lsokt'l'\lc'l' has over ' bp~n more FIVE BUR n:J1' OIL RANGEl wIth 1h rough In hel' house olounlng than ov n aunch ct'- $2 4.75 . ' ollett's tht) , n~' mll.nag me nt in getting Hd,,'e. Ph lie OURS Waynesville, 0 th e 1)001. ready :tor t he season. E orythh));, ~'om the hugo basin to WHITE ROCK . 9 Ib, (rles, priced tho locker roms. Is splck a.nd span, In mnr l<ct. 2Gc for (\r ·s.\llng. Mrs. n nd th hug fIltrntlon pllUlt , which Joesph H s ton. .F:J.nrveysburt, USSUI' 's Ih ub lut IlUrlty ot the Phon 34R4 W leI'. hilS b e n o\' rhauled n.nd re' conditioned ror Its n w servIce. -1 EA'TRA GOOD doubl e tnrrowlny h o us!'!!. l etal root: sled runners: " India". 0. "Jungle parad is ", will used on I:i a!lon . $15.00 cacho am bo one. ot th n ow nttl'l.tcUo ns Il t D . Hnkl . P hone 69R6 oney this season. cores of cleverly truln d Illonl< ys CI.I'O th l' p ortol'mol's W AN'rED TRENT sm nll room in this show. 'rh J..and oC 07., th special pIny SUllUbl fo r orflce on Moln Str eet or lOBe. An swel' Box No. O-lG In plnce for 'ney's you n g st pt\lron s , hus he('n cOlllplet ely overhaul ed [lJ1d .' I' n d illoncd and will b r~lldy for FOR SALE .. 'rwo hou ses ono on th e ir usc. A [t'ee pIny grou nd, n eal'· MaIn BlI'eet good rut· a hom e a nd by. will bc a vRllllble to c hildren of nlso busIness. One on North Stroet a ll ages. . with garden. gnJ"lLge and chicken The p'lcni grounds a nd t he IItlllot. run. InQulr at orrlce or write Box Ie field. with Its scvemJ baseOOll <11il_145, Wnyn Bvllle, hlo. mon /h,. a lso have bee n put In orde r for til S nso n ~fI eO I'll st plcnl kers. F n ALE-Sweet Potn to ' plAnts; On Lak omo thcl'e II! /I. (\e t of Enl'ly Gold nl!, Porto RIco. Nancy I Hajj ; ~'exllB Yn m ~ . 36c PCI' 100 01' 300 w I Ill~ u nll cnnoes. , n ( l' $1. A Iso Ilbba",e , toront o n nd Tho list of on y flllluscm Ilt de· other gnl'd n planls . D . H. Hockett, vices 'Is long and vcu'l d. but' th 2 m!. E us t of Wuyn svllla on routo pl'lnclpaJ att ractions ru'o the Wild 73. Phone G5 nl1. It cb". lIPI)e r, L!lff.ln .the.Dm·lt,1 Crulcad s, a new "L uclty Do nl<ey OOVEH MENT , qOOL LOAN : Con. Klok" <levi e, Tumble B uS', how I s ig n your lip to th e Oblo 'Vool Bont . ItOotCI', WhiP. uddle· Gro\\'crl! 001) I'allve ·All8ocla ti on . Per ds Wh 1. Airplane Ride. Mer · 0 t full a m ount of the guarn.ntecd 'l'oo nervlll Trolley, Govl'rnlll nt Loan . Advanoe of Iii Auto nil (' I', Wntm' Cycle. POny I cents por p ound on goo d woll whe n ArCllde l" lnrtt lOn dellve l·cd . an adt1lt1onn l ru'lvnnce or k P enny Trnc, . II v nil c nts lIer pound lute r In


Want Ads '.

An uno'/Cp ted, QuJck au to tl'lp ha taken thIS WI'lter 011 a slice throug h Indillna., Illinola, Iowa , N e· brnskn, and e nd(~d hen at the toot

CI_n Up At n ••• P ..le•• MCll's 3 pc, Suits Cleancd and Pllessed

50c M n's Hats Cleaned and 'Blocked



Ladies Plain Dre\I8C1


Quick Cleaners

KAthrY'D Mendenhall. Mgr of the South Da.kola BI~ok . Hills, W,hUe our mIssIon 'W8S the sad one of burylng ;H . C. Sr.'s brothel', the .trlp 18 one thnt nny dlilaatlatled ,Vnr ron County sportsman shOUld malte wh en he, starts kloklng about th e potentlnl ,hunting and fIshing In our owri ballwlck. · After seeing the mUd ditch s cnlled rivera In . central Iowa. nnd the dry, bIlrre n plains ot Ne· bl'll!lk n. 'broken only by tumbleweed r nces, we .8hould be thl1nkrul for Mrs. Hem'y MlU(Lrd and Emmett o ur 10CIIJ atream!1 Md woods, which Frecman mude 0. viSit In Columbus If pl'Operly stocked' and conserved, one day last w eele. will be a. comparative pllrn.dlse to Sunday, Mr. 'and M.I's. l{e nnotth that nvnll~bl~ to 8Portsmen' In some Wagsta!f and 80n, and Mr. :md MI'S. ot he r sections. While we don't have Wag8taff, Sr., nil ot 0lombu8, and t·he s l)o rtsman.'la Id eal dreMl of Dean St Ilhen son , who 1s nttendlng IrLkes Md fol'Cl:lts; a. trll) such as we Capitol Un1ver~lty a t Columh us' h ave just mad wou ld make nnyone were dinn er guests of lIfr. nUll Mrs. g lad to live In southw ste rn Ohio. ha rl es I. HuUmnn. In tho uCter, This (oot·hllls town of ;Hot SprIngs noon, Mrs. Lorena. MoAdams unci m eans just whnt Its name ·sI1.YS Fronk Stephe nson or KIngs M ills th l' Is a fa lit m ounln.ln su'ca m rIght thl'o ug h th e town. has 0. t em ' FIGURE THIS ONE ! p erature ot GO to 90 degrees - and , H 2 p le8 ,\'ere plu.ccd on e nd 30 b('l1 ve It or no~. cen talns some renl foel apurt. one 40 r et hIg h (Lnd the trou t - ralnbowsl At lel\.8t, so t hey other tiO feet hig h with lines draw n t 11 me, a nd l'vo seen some smnll (J'om the LOp of ach p olo to the JlOt· ones. May gel a. chance tor 0. day tom of lhe ot he r . at whllt distanCe at closer acqua inta nce sl noe th e from the ground will th ese IIMS trout senson just opened. Also hop e Cl'OAs?-8ubmltl d by T. S. BardJn, ROOT FOR AND CONS IaN to stop on da y at plrlt Lnke. I a., rour Cattle, liop, Iheep aDd calv. nellr th e Minnesota border, tor a to Norria-Brock C(;., Jive wtr, atld JOBS AND 1':\1: ENVELOPE lJ'Y ut Illk , The season opened May progreuive firm fl)r the hIghest FAVOREU AT IEETINGHane;rahu.... OIUo 1. n.s did th e trout Sen.Bon 10 all market prices and good lemee_ J obs a nd Ilay enve lopes . . . a mI PhD... 17·R·ll 101" ~hese northern States. J have hea.rd Ualoll Stock Yareb' Clllcla_ti. 0, ot several four and 11ve pound Loch n •• t f!Lllcy IIchem s . , . a r n ceS!!1l ry Tune in on Radio Station .L omands being take n from Rapid tl) stimulate hom own rs hlp. This 12 :215 to 12 :80 p. m, for our 'daU, Was lire co'n cenAu s of opl nlb{l exp!o s· market report.. th e senso n. Sec us tor furth er de. Cree k near Rapid City, North Dannd kt'e·Bnll. A gorgco us f lower show will b ta il s. . kota. '1'hls column wants to thl1nk ed by 8p enl(el's at n con f r n ce of "lug In th e cx hlblLion building by " rAYNE rUE FARMER EX. Bud N elson of the Lebanon Western building a nd lou n x ec utlves from the l!~ed rat d a rd n lubs of Cln· HANOE. L ocs1l. Rep t'esontntiv c. Star tor writing the local news six so uthwestf,ll'n Ohio co unUes, he:d clnna U uud vlcJnlly, during th e first journal this week . Keep your linens In lJebanon lnst Thursduy, 'l' he loa n execlltl" 8 w r · a d(II'ese week of lhe season. MIlY 21 to 27, White Roeka, 21b fl'les, !6 cents wet. SMg. V~TERINARIAN sc! by J a mes A. D evin n nd Don L. The hr ln()J'S of Incln natl nnd pound, dr si ng. 25c extra, Mrs. 000 Fifth Street Joseph Heston, Iml le of Phone 80 Dayto n , Ohio, will stage tt fumlly Up at Thief River Fnll. Minn .• Tobin, reprcsenllDg thc OhIo BuildBnrveysburg. P h on 34 R 4. outing at oney on the opening day, Waynesville, Ohio the Federal Govel'nment buJ1t a 400· Inl! .Assoclllt-ton Leaguo, botb of ntul'day. !\fay 21. thousand-dollar d nm to creatoo. wild· whom r(lpol'ted that th buildin g und Tho sch edule o f dl'illlxtur s or the FOR ALE: o!Ul kinds ot transplant. fowl refuge proje<:t. They bought loan bU81nes had made grClltCI' Md ed gUl-den ,)Iants. Annual flower!! , more stride t9wal'd rt:covery tha n Island Queen from · Its wnrfbout. pnnsles. good selection of 2 yea rs bout sixty-two t housand aores but uny other buslnes In Oblo. fbOt br Broadway, dally, will bo as old perrenln.l tlow \'S. George P c· refused to purchase addItional land Devlne ' polnted out th a t hlo 10n n foil ws I' n . m ., 2:30, 6:30 and 8 p. m. t l·l;Ion . 1 mil cnat of W a.y nesvllle, ~he farmers claimed would be flood· a~BocJatlon8 durin g th Urs t four with a n tr trip a l '0:16 p. m. on Bellbrook Pike. ed •. The spring r,n.Ins have backed n,onths ot the y 0 r ha d Incrense.d Sa tu~ays. Sunda.ys o.nd holidays. 1 t water allover this additional la nd . , AutomobUe pm'klng Is (ree on the and were ruining the cropa, when theIr SAvings nnd th vohime of • public la nding for tbos goln )Jy GEORGE INDIGF.NE, regtstereiJ yeaterduy these tilrmera rebelled Md mortgago lonns over corresponding Farma lfoeal EII*ate Fire " ....ght»lng boat ; a nCl InsIde oney fol' those ar· Belgfnn stallion, 4·year-old · chestnut dynamited the dam to prevent tur· BOrTell, weight 2000 lb!!. Will mal(e ther crop dj!sructlon. Bere Is an· rivi ng tllrough' the a uto e ntrance, Torna(lo, Wind tt1Mn Properties ~arm Sales the season, 1938 at Uoyd South's other ClUIe of eonservaUon money AutomobUo Business 1I0uaehoid GoodII 1am., 2 I.;! miles south weet Red Flatronize the AdvertiBel'$ 1fOTARY PUBLIC Uon, All precaution \\-ill be taken being spent out i n this section withJ . eomplet~ personal .e.:vic:~ame price to every ODe t-o prevent accidents but wUl not be out the proper tOIlg-r3.flge pla.nnlng, N.tlo.a) B... reaponslble should any occur. Young Up at Spearfish, ' North Dakota. WAH Wayneaville, Ohio Church. of Cbriat, 8deDtkt registeri!d stock for sale at all tbnes. o.noth er example of the same thing Willa Dr.W1I . . • E ...... UNIVERsE, IN. Galla1ler aml South, Phone Lebanon whe n-Bureau of li'lsheries ' model hnt· 494-S.VED WAYNESVILLE. ch ),'y was ruln~ld by floods. It hl\.8 n ever been completely rebuilt, We the Lesson-Sermon which ' wnt FOR ALE: Sweet potalo pla nts, 35 all lmow that conservation pro· be 'read in all Churches of Christ, cents Jl r hundred or three bund · jects are badly n eeded' througiiout Scientist on Sunday, June, 19, 1938, 1 d for , 1.00. All klJ:ld s or garden The Golden Text is: "Out help p ltllltfl, 'lO ce nts 1)el," doze n . or 8 is in the name ot the Lord, who dozon fOl' 25 ccnts, 1 1·2 mUes made heaven and earth" (Psalms north of Wayncsvllle. on corner 124:8). . oC' Way n esvllie, F erry and Lytle Among the citations whi~ com~ Foad. STROUSE BROTHERS R. prise • Lesson-S~qn .. JS the R No.2 WAYNESVILLE lollowlng hom the .BIble: Beware 6-lS pd lest any man spoil you through philosop/ly and vain deceit, aft~t the tradition of men, after the rudiments Pipe, Valves, Fittings, l'1umblng and Heating l\faterlal, MYERS of the world, and not after Christ" Hand n nd Electric Pumps, ;T, p. (Colossians 2:8). ~OCKLET SUPPLY CO., XENIA, The Lesson-Sermon . also includes OHIO. ' 6 6 8t the . foUowing passage from t~e Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with K:ey to the STOLEN: Boy 's Bloycr , Junior slz~ NOTARY PUBLIC Scriptures" -by-M-ri'y Baker ~ddy: dark red with whIte trim, Roadmo· "The true theory of the universe, tel'. Re\vo rd for Incormatlon lead· including man, is not in material hisIng to reco ve ry, Roger WatkInstory but in spiritual development, . Inspired thought relinquishes a material. sensual, and mortal theC?7 of FOR SALE: S good Poland Chinn the univerle, and adopts the; SPiritual REAL ESTATE mille hogs; 10~s olm Vac, and immortal" (p, 547). . . c1nnted. Dunfield Soy Bean Seed, . ~ i _r re·cleaned. Clnrenc6 Rye, Phone .• GfU4ma 'i1wayi .hopperaod·' up" • 22Ra, Wl1ync8vlile, Subscribe to your local newlfpaper ••• but you'l:1 recognize these BARGAIN OFPERS' Without her yean pf\ex2T

F. T. 'IM



Or No Charge .

Centerville, Ohio



Phone 78J




By Harry Eldridr•• ·Jr.

tbe. country. but tlll'Y Khould ulwlI)s n,\,hthfl nr !lult l!C'lI f. He IVIIII that be proc'~ed b Inlllllig ot 11.JlU co· Ohl, IltlllO balon" hlld IIP\ll'OXltll(ll Iy OPCI"<\tlve IlJAnntr . I$ J('O,OOO.O()O or Idh) Cllll\tlll ~WIUUIlt; I' III\' ettll l\nt. "DUI tit I\VQrns por· !Il l I~ n t h om e- mlndet! 1\1'1 I nl!' (lSI Th W nl!hlngt,," TIVp. ,umlay I h" III n 1 SUI'C 0 '( hla w k)Y wOf!' ," hO(lI onv nllon wnll h eld I\t \1- 0 \' Int' !laid. H d '¢lu rctl th nt th e hurch SUrlda.y nIt I'n on Igu E'1'mlH'Ilt Ilcud look nl? fll l'lh I' (01' vel' Grov In th e ab sence ot the prcs ld nt Md 1/\ .1l01utlo n to bolst I' th e 'on9lrUction vice prosldont l\h.', F. H. Hugemey. Il,dulll IT tlm n t PI' vide jo b~ . To· er presided. R ev.;T. D. RYM of bin told tb building and loan 'de, Morrow, who wlu!l to have 'm ude th e leGutes tl\ut 1i1ck or confiden ce I1l0ne. address did n ot arrive. R llv. .tames stool1 In the woy to prosperous lJ,ulll . RillaI'd Ilnd severnJ m \)mb rs ot the n ,.. co n ClitiollS In Ohio. 'Til It nev I' 'l'odds Fork con gregntton w . re pres. WaH n IJVOIII so n l\r lho' SUI' fuce a.nd s low In brcallln'" .. throu gh," e nt, Among those Who gnve sbort yet tnJks Were R v. Hillard, l\IrS. Snm 'r obi n Hu ld . Whittaker, SUllerlnt ndent Swurtzel of o'regonln, nnd a llitp el' by Ellzu. beth lark o( Or gonln. 'rh n xt ~eLlng will bl! In November at the . Tod(\'s Fork hurch . The Friendship Club niet wIth MNI. O. R. Beckett, .Wednesduy or this week,

Lemmons Hatchery




Wilber ·N . Sears

. Insurance


Real Estate

Auctioneer .



Twin Theater AlwaYil A Good Slbow

~IIY 1'1"

DOli"" •.UY


U.oUTOIY ..pOftl .................. .AMOUI

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....... mill,.,. to t •••• , ....",••



. ••• 'w ..... "

..... GRANO


"'IfON4KID-TM ••" Geo4IfeIa Wldo do. 2'n'eoI ...... .14 -'"tan.. ~


. . . . . . etMr tire ....... mcl..t"'......... u.t..s .t '"III 40~ to

'~ ..... IIo.rk.. GooUIdI 1l....4Idol





SALE TAYSTEE NAMES The personal property belongIng to the Of Emmn. I . Russell, de, 80ld/a t public vcndue, GOLD STAR WINNER atcensed, the late reside nce of HnJd deceased,

dIIri . . ., ... otller ..... . ;

will be

-' ........ 0'" '. .......... -,•••.!., ••... r..... . . I ..' " _

. . . . . . .,. ..... .....

at Lytle . WIlI'1'cn County, Oblo, on Snturday, Ma y 21, 1938. Sale to com. at 1 o 'clock, P . M, Tel'ms.

...J;OW..out' P.OT.ct'ION~ Dee.... t . . . .yor. 'E ' '


~- . ...,.. ..... .... ..,. _ . r 1I'IIIJo

L, M. HENDERSON . Executor

0' ....................... ...

,,,. tine


.pu.ienco ••• you .ave.te$l money ••• you.get • ~e1I .election of ~ea and a.full year of our liewspaper. That'. what !Ve C:all. a' "break" fOr you ~en. : . no ~onder 8f!Uldma says....,..... yQU'VJ,l GOT 11:IBRB1'" .



a.a _d



hll, • • • 1IIIIIIUiOUTOIY . ,

Edward·' J. Gardner


TH." NIWS"• •";'lfVLL TENt ...... ~ ·ANY THREE M~aAZI"a ' 'I N. THIS UST (OMIICK a 1lA8AZIMU·...D .....,... WITH C~.....,. . ~ •

OAmedeaa'rulcG_ _ l,..,

l::IAmIIicu. PIiulIl)' JoWaaLl ,..,


' 1'





OHome PdlD4 :"-_~l.rr, .OHoaiii Ana NMdJ-"-1 ,,;

OBraida', Guet,t ~".. O~ '&"odd I,,", IAdpr I ". OMoeba', Ham.IIA .1 ". Am. &mew.....:l p, . O~ (1VJd,.) ~, . "'" OCC_~ 'Home ' . 2 ".. O~ ItIIIIdW"]Oanial..l Jr,.

OPIJlIU1Qth AOcIt NOIIdJht _1 p, OSaccellfal..f ...... ~I 'fo .

OW_', 'W'odiI -

. 1



State Senat«l~r ' 1


SECOND.POUR'J:H DISTRIC'T Brown, Bu~ler, Clearmont, WarreD CouDtiea . ·DEMOCRATIC PRIMARIES '


__SmidI's----fU . ... .-Semce Station.



qulc;k .to,"liiap,

wu a:keen



In sales worg .Is the Gold Star which WIUI today 'presented to IBtlfOl'd R. Bushford of 2851 Benning· WajnMvDle, Ohio Avenue, He has been wltb Tay organlzatlon for three and a Half During th/lt period he has won. awards tor s~" drlvll)g. Ballhford Is well known in' ,the grOQery trade bere. He la 1..,n,.,I'1,,,'1 and the father of ~ne cblld. sa;Yl! that hIli hollby I~ the fUcln. ~-II-+=:r.t__ one ot photography whl~h knoWII no seasons, Arid that hla favor· It - ,10rt la footbo.ll, Groc~. accordln. to Buford Bub· ford, like to pusb bread that Ja ...

as Tayatee U. 'l'bat'. ""til' Tay· la popUlar on hili route.

IlrItllber and rc.t.a.ln. beoau.. of '~ "II!al1tJ"",o.-,A(lv.




THE' WQRLD'S GOOD ..,IWS will come to your ~om. eY1rJ day. thr4'.•

TH.I CHRISTIAN SCIINCI ,MiONITOR ,4. 1"',,.,'11';0.41 D.;I, NIWI#.,W . ' .

It _ordl far '011 the _Id'. eJou, -.uuoUn dolllia. 'l'lal1Iaaltor dote aot .xplolt _ . 01' "_UOa: JUlI11tr Il1o. III . . . . ~ bu. doala ~Uft1r WlUJ UJIaI. pqwtw lor buIr _ .... all &be ~. laolu4!DI the w..~ IhIaIbM IIooUoD.-. '--

-----------------.---------------------.,.0.---.,...-----IIoIeDao I'lIlIUIbIDa Iloelob ' " . ftdnra, ISbW&, IIoItoa, lCaoIaohUlflo ." PleQo ml8 IIIJ nbocrtpUaa to 'I1aI QIIrIRIua . . . . . . . . . . . . , . TIre ChrII&le



IIIee....., ....

J:ILL OUT COLJPON' MJ\IL TOr'''V P,...cIlp.lI.,oI ____ ,l/Jout . . . .~. '




tb ,""'.lUbealpdwa


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0nD Ql1AUTY opa

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01111 S'ftmY'0IIIIIl

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Welcome Waynesville AluDlDI Storms Do Much' WaynesviU~" Band Memorial Day Obser'vance ·W AYNE PARK TO At The Miami Cemetery OPEN SATURDAY Damage Through- To Give Concerts out This Area Duriltlg Summer , Local Happenings Local Happenings _u_u_u_u_._a_u____ 1_._' '{'he past few woek ~ llave resam· b l ..d ChrlstmlUl Ruah ' at Wosn08' v i lle'l famous pleasure IPot. And per h lll)s fhJs lIummer when thll whole family Is enjoying !tHOU beneath the luxurla:nt trees for which Wayne '.


Eatert_ :AI' '. Suday Dinner .oene


'Collra~ Al:e~,~iYen~

.1, '"



~l< ' lll ol' ln l Dny R ~ I'\'I . 8 tho ba ll rolling ' wit h n noon meal h <.'llI , 1I10ndllY, I\I A~' 30 , nt li nd nrtcrn ,'o n reception : Seth ID.

Irlll ll '('HH I\" ('

will h

Furl( ls famous. Chrlatmas wantllor Mra. E . R. Bently enterta lned th e w~uid not be a bild luggestion, MJues Martha Dlebert of Elmore, The ru.,h and bUI!Ue haa not be n Oblo, and Mary Ann Melloh to dln· uBeleee, however, I inee everywt'lere . ner on Monduy. one glances, noticeable Improve· Mrs. K enneth Hough enterlaln 'd mente and repalra nre present; and to dinner, Sunday, to,: tile pleasure it 18 thell6 yeru:ly hnprovements of h er little so n Loren who was wh~Ch ure reapon81ble tor th can· 'three yars old etl~at dAY: his grund· Btantly improved and enlarged reo mothers, Mrs. Martha Hough and eort ,around whlcb the enUre south· Mrs. Viola H a rlun, nnd his uncle , ern portion of, Ohio more or le88 re' Mr. Everett Harlan. volvo during bot an4 IiUltry eum· Mr. and Mrs. Sam H enkle and Ille r monthe. Mrs. George H enkl e and dflughter. LuI: year Mr. Robltser Inaugural. Ellzabeth and Mr. a nd Mrs. George .ct a. restricted area for church or- Henkle or Lebanon were Sunday ganllatlonl. cluba, etc., In which gueslll of Mr. a nd Mrs. Clinton c" . liquors of all klnde are entirely pro· win ot Xenia. hiblted. Oraanlzatlol')8 are at Uberty Mra. Susie Evnns ha d na ove r. to reserve theee tabl88 at any time. night guests, Saturday Mr. and Mrll. Furthermore, all plonlo~erll C!ln take Cnrnllih Ratcliff ot Cincinnati. advantage or varioue Improvement II Dr. and Mr8. H. E. Hathaway c n, added tilt- YClU'. joylfd a vltllt from AlI'S. Sa.l1le La' Last year a larl'e porUon of ' toile Fayette ot Middletown on Sunday mOllt beautltul I14!CUon 'of . the afternoon. I!:r'Ounde Was too low and hilly to J(ev. and Mrs. . E . An gle nnd be UIIed, To remedy tl'lt- Mr. Roblt- family spent ' s vernl darll wlth reinIter baa u.cI more than 1000 cublc UV88 ·In Huntington , W l;'st Virg inia, ylU'dl ot tOlMOll. Thle illlPJ:'Qvement last week . They n,tte nded the runmAkee available 10 04dlUonal tull- Ill'll! of a brother·ln·la w, Mr. Will elzed tablee. Since many groupe IUt 'Womn k While ther e. year were ~rced to walt unUl ta '14r, and 'Mrs. Everett S ea r~ and blel were. not in un. tho Importance baby son and Mr. a nd MrJl. Wilbur of thLl enlargement cannot' be in-' Seara 8pent Sunda y atlernoon wltil tenll1f1ed. • Mr. alld Mrs. Albert ' Cnrve r and The iarge 8\vimmlnc pool with ul- UI88 Lola fjenrs of Cinelnnnt!. tra·modem and euperler health Several enses at m easles hnve C~ hu Ju" been repainted and been reported among the younger WW 10011 . . tUleeS With clear well folka of the community. wat.... Water Ia. contlnouely being Ur. John Seare of Cincinnati P\dDped throucli tbe huce pool from e~nt the week e nd with his par. a well ww.r . never taltered even .n ent., Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Sears. th. drIea,t' I.womer. ,Since only pure. Mr. and Mfa.. George ' 'MUls had 01., ~.Il ......... . ....... Wa,.M as Sunday dinner Irueshi ·Mr_ and Park oa~ ' or~r one of the Mrs. Paul Savage and baby of Mid. and .1JlOII.l aanltuy ft8Or1- 'In tlte eD- dleto-,m. 1 tift! ,country. . ' Mr, and ' Mrs. A. H. EArnhart and All ullual, rnClilerate and cUltom- eon, Alton, were Dayton vl81tors ary prlceli wID prevail In the mo· Saturday. • 4ern restaurant and In the nltreshIIr. and Ml,'s. A. K. Day enter. ment ata.qd on the trrounde, The talned Rev. Q. C. Dibert or Elmore, plonJc &,ro" nda' &nl alWI!-YB rre., and Ohio 10 dJnner on MoOOay, Mr. C. It. Roblt&er corcUlLUy Invites . lofl". and Mrs. George Mills a nd all out-ol-doora lovera to visit him William Strouse attended tale C!aas and enjoy &·be&Jthful, retreehlng • PI4¥ 'at CentervJl1e, Saturday night. In the o~n, '. Mills Jean Hese had 118 her house over the weekend. Mlils eJ 1I IIUlUIIUr'l'l of Da.yton , Mr, and Mrs. Fred Sherwood ot Columbus brought Mr. Sherwood'8 mother back to her eon, CarJ Sher. wood~ Sunday, atter having enjoyed a from her, They were Ilccom, panted by their grandeon, Richard Price, 'lltey I1)ent MondRY ~th Mr. Tbe be&UtHul COUDU7 home of Mr. and M,ra, Clarence Edwards. ail4 JoIn. EU ll'um" 'WU the .,ra. Raymond MalnouR enterta.ln, at & very p~......,t . .tllerlntr qn $un· a group of frienda Ilt her home, dQ'. the oceaalon ~1Dc In bonor ot lut Thursday at · a. dinner , »IU'ty. MI', IUId Ilre. La.....nce Furnas, who Covers w~e lald tor . Mrs T, B . ,w.~, Juat.' ~JIF ' ~leci. At th~ ~nOCk, Mrs, John ~readWaY, II~ covl!fII w~ lald for tho JoI1'II. . ru,gor Bro'Yn nnd children imd foUlnfbai' ~~ , Miss Lucy ErnieI', Mn, .AIJnIr& Bailey ot wnmJllIr' Rev. 0, C, Dibert a~d .chlldren, tOil: Mr. 1Ul4,Mr.. D, B. U,,4erwOOl\; Wilma, ChUles, and Martba were 141': . ¥II William .Deletei' alld overnight gueets of Mr, and Mrs. IJOM, Howard an4 Robert: Mra. Cath Walter Whitaker, Sunday. erlne Heaton and Mr. FAward R ...• Mrs, .E . S. Coleman, of Clnclnna. to~ Illl of n_r Harve:r.b~,.; Mr. and tI. was :the guest of Mias Sue Crane JoIn, ~ lp'umaa and IJOn, S~th , Jr.; and o~her relatives bere, . _ ,' and . .~' Fred, Bra4doctk:. • r , days, thIs week. . . ' &lUI ~ 'Raymon4 BraddOck ,Adaufh'.a, Wilbelmlna and .'; ~: .... W:JI~1ai-a FIll'IWI, the gueslll ~~ ~, ~~ ~• . hoet ,and ~OIIt~ ~ud. ~U~n, 1101 alld Sue, . . ~

P I' s ldent Ross ' Hartsoc\( 0& the . chool Alumni ' \Vny nes \'lll e Hlgh Assocln tlon SW IeR that all arrango· III nI H h,l\'e b en coml>leted for ' AI· · IImnl Duy, :1tu rdllY , of this wee k. Th e ra m UII B C ll~fCS of 1908 will start



FO,r.EI~Ction .SuPpfies

Contract for election . suppll88


~ lIam l

nwt ' l'Y tlcco rdlnS' to a n an· Purnnll of \ Vu y neJ:!V lIle Is prellldimt noun cem cnL m llde cn rly l hls wee ll of th o el:u:ls li nd Ra ymond E. Davla Mr. RU Bsel F ra nl,. Ins Ll'llelo l' In by thp "ommlttcc htw ln!; Ih e m utt I' of Da yton 10 ofCl cla l spoke8man and ba nd a n d o l'c hestTn' In ~lrum en t8 In In ·h.ll'!;' '. Tho commlltr.e co n sis ts ot th e local 8c110018, an noun c(·d Ih ls orotOI' de lux e. I'll clalili e xpeots to tho [ollowlng m mbe rs w ho h a ve fl'or A colored ma le q Ullrte tlo w c!'k Ihe contlnua tlpl1 oC til c ustom Wllberforce Coll~ge pleased both th ' served vCry efflc l nUl' t Ol' scverlll have Bomo or lh Illumni of!lclals 1\ Cl\mmunHy bnncl or h aving Sun dny S ch ool u nci !lurc h congr r years. nam Iy MI'. OeOl'S'o W a l r · !lnd notublcl.I call to pa y their rosthroug h out Lhc s\lmmer on thc gaUons of th e M. E. Church. S un hO U80, Mr. R08S r'la rtsock, amI Mr. Il!.'cts while It IR In scsslon. Thls III streets. th only class Ihllt mnlntalns a reg. , dol' morning with Be V I'ul well rer. J ohn HllwllO. 1'he first prac tice) wll\ be held On SU)l 1.'1'i1ll nde n t Olll'Ht w1l1 be ch a ir ul a l' orgu nl w tlon aild hav ing grsdeI red B e lecti o n ~ . Tuesday ev,enlng, \\fil l' 3 1, nt 7:~0 p , Hu s 'cl uul d 13, C \' I'yo no Is s UlI llvlng. a JI ll', a nd Mrs. lliilllh l1 ulltln gs a r c m cw uf the dny with MI'. m . In ~h fllgh IIOllbol gymnasium. i-'l'Ilnl; Icndlng In 0. mlll!l a l l)I'og r'lm ve r y I' mll l'llnbl fuct . The 0 18l1li or lled JIll' . u nd MI'. !'o n, . Bob, vls This Is a n oppo'rtlln lty COr musl· E me l'y tcp h nson of P Isgn h on S UI with Lh e High S 11 0 01 Band, which 1908, by the WilY, 1\1111 act as th o ofGlnn8 who h a ve 'gl'"t\ unted t rom he has developed Into ono oC thc FI la l I' c('lltion committee nt the sod ay. soh ool a nd those wh o li ve In the :1I1r. nnd Mrs. C. E. Ec\ words 1111' , " dill g" m us(cal orgunl za tl ons III the cial Cunctlon (ollo\vl ng the bUBlnel!e communi ty to get Oll t lh elr Inslrll ' meo ting. This ",111 be h eld In the daugh ter. Mll ry, of Duyton \\' ,. ('ollnty, m e nts ""nd strik e u p a tun e In u n MI>lB Eva R e cI I' w lll lelld the high 8ch oo l hulWllIg , li en PreSident g u es ts of MI'. nn d .Mrs. Cla r ' nce Ell o rga nization. wa rds u nd duught er , R cbu. ov er II" flow I' boys a nd glrlll In , th Ilnn u lli HllI'tsock lCl,pclll eve rybody to get Mos t com munlUeQ PIl Y well rOl' n cUll lom 'of d ecomtln g the Cannon . IlIlx d up a nd well ucqullinted. llr. community band, but W a ynesville, wee k-end . Mesda m es Ross Ha rt Rock, J ac l Il ('> v. John V,, IllLs tOI' or th e 10. I avis w ill IU'!lId th e rece ption oomth rou gh Its fine met"hod ot ha ndli ng PI'eslon, D. . Rldg"('> , IIntl H llrv!.'· 'Ii l :l leth O(llst Chur h w 1l1 bl'lng the mlttee lLnd Ils lde Cl'om the membore th o mu sic dE' partm en l coope ratively ,,( J 908 th c l'e \\' 111 be som e helpers at escapes the us ual canvlUIses nnd do. R ye n tten dcd ' the Antlcili c D lspl . \ morla l nny Ad dr 8S. Other n um · dClllr e8 at t'h e Gibson Hotel, Clncl nnull, O. • II IlrC on the I,r ogm m and wlll a ll hond. PI' s id nt H:u·tllock nation s thU B m a lting Cor bettN' com· , 0. f lttlng observ ll nce of the OCCIl' lIIIS. to be on of th main t eature8 munlty Bplrl t In s u ch proJec ts. lost Friday . This wns vcry Intel' AI ,Ion. r lh duy . II wlll nable the ' older Mr. Fln nk Is ilel'!lrous th llt every Ing to nntlqu e lov rs ns vlllunni an Mr. Walter Cost, w ho (or 110 m n n y memb I'S to ,;ct o('quolnted with the one who wlll plny . ln the bond turn tlque pieces frOIn 11 11 ove l' I h call : m etel'y n o w e l' o n QS . , eal'S has k ep t t il Ml ll ml ou t 101' this first proctica. try we r e on dis play. lmong PI fo rem ost In the etut e , has Mis!! B eula h Bernard e ntertn lne At 4 o'clocle In lhe aCtemoon thers co upl ~s at ollJlcln g ut h er ho me, o· ,)(' n I{fnd no us h to co nesent to mn.k · wi ll be a nlll y oC lhe Old Guard, on in ll' neccHIlU I'r arm ngem en ts for the l h gl'ouno lj of the old sehoolheU\IC. las t Monday ev enln g. 'om rort of those who will utle nd. l 'here will be h provided a u' Mr. and Mrs. D . C. Ridge hnd u hOU80 g u csts OV I' th we Ie encl, 1\'11' A s peak er s tll nd with ple n t y oC m tho campus. 'l'h o building wlll be Duo to the m nny graduation ac· and Mrs. H . H. Davis Dncl gmnd · avalla ble ch a irs w ill b e provlded. II II so th nt those who desire to Uvlllel:! In Warren Co unty during EPISCOPAL enURC.. T ro nspol·tn tlon and cha lrll will be !lee th eir old chlflll l'oOma can go · daughter, Miss Mll ry Lou SowaJlh , the lutte r purt of M,1Y, the StlltO provided by l'<Lr. J . E . M lure. baok to II ho I ugaJn. The HI8'h r IIghwuy Socllli Club w lll pos tpono Mny 29, S unday afte r As c n slon. of Mansfield. Th Flow r om mfUec con sists of 'c hool bUlldl ng will a lso be ollen ngl e' :j~ Mr. a nd Mrs. On l~lcy ttll regula r monthly meeting until Church IIchoo\ nt 9:90; MOl'n lng WOI" th following prt.lrl~tlc ladl es : dUI'lnll' th nIte rnoon a na e venIng. June 24th. ship, prllyer a nd sermon c t 10:30 . h nd the foll owing " " cI ' nn r g U ~ t 8 Edith B n n-Is , Ml\bel Hll thaway , 011 Aunelny: MI'. - nna l\fI's. Frank 'rile bUl<lncsl! m tlng wlll be h eld Mrs. Jlmmle Mul!ln and Mlas Lilla Wern er. a nd Miss M t nlll ~ Bt'ow n Muri n E lb<m , nIlsIst l;'d by Mr. A. H . In th Qy mnllsl urn at 7:15 o'clock Benh u.m were Da~·to n v isitors. Thurs from Wilmington, MI'. G. F . Brown , tubbs, who will 11 'Ip In trnn s porl· In th .. eve ning, th e reception ' In the FERRY Omm:CH OF CHRIST day. W, 0, Sm!lth, ~Unl8ter from Lebanon, nnd Mr. Will Brown Ing flowers. tc . Hig h School 1') ullt1lnl.\' lmmedlate ly at Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Burton a nd Motorlsls nr e reg u\!stecl t o obSer ve tor an(\ l he n w ill 'orne the annual S;:nday: ' from Muson. UtUe da ughter, Mr. Cnrl Sh erwood, Bible School, 9:30 a. m . Dr. a nd Mrs. AUred Stou t amI the dlrecUng ot t he Boy Scouts un· Alumni Bllll In th Oymnaslum . Mrs. Jennie Mullln, and MI88 LlIla Conlmunlon. 1():t6 n. m, daug h ter called on Dr. J. J . Atollt del' the I ao1cr~hlp of Mr . Russell Presltlent Hartso k t lnds tlu;t.t a .B enham were guests of Mrs. Morris ot Dayton who ttiougll m uc'h Improv Jlollld!lY. 'I'h 110 boYs al'e IUlslsting number of m emberll fro~ out ot P reaching, 11;0.0, 0.. m . Sherwood, Sunday. Ilnd vi!lited Mr. Tuesday: . d, is ~ I ' ll b d fn st following a se each y e!).r 0 11 thlll occlIs lon, a nd by town wui be IJrl'sent n.nd· ,ihers Ill ' Sherwood at Whlto Cross b ospital, Pren.chlllg a t .-8:00 p. m, lIe l'e II <art attack sll vera l W I(s a go. glvlng t h em chnrge of thi s Import. x p cled to be a ~ralld roll cal4' of where l1e Is recovering iron! (l reThe s noon, 'Will be cI livered by Mrs. Ruth JlUle y nnd dLl Ug h ter , a nt Ullslgnemont OJ'e CaRt len rnln g Ihose In til Way ncsvllle vlc lnity.eent opera tion. Brolher Nathan Johnson or Lan- Louella a rrl v d In Ohio last Friday. bits of knowled ge th a t h olp In mal:, T he two c l(ulseH featured nt thl. III cU ng wlll bo 1888, th e-fi&oH!tI'-~-z-:! custer, Ohio, B,rothe r Johnson ser v They will , spe nd ~ev\lrn l days with Ing t he m · r espon sible y oun g' m en . cd ruJ mJnlste r oC th is chUl'ch t en l\fr. Ilncl Mrs, Wall r ' W illia m s o C tJ'h o co mmlttec C8P clall y urg II class, and i918, lho 25,year group. years ago. K ingman before opening th eir home thnt a ll flo wers whl 'h may b used rh e 01'1 'I'.!!!!...!llemberl!. In , the qllUlll Our ntt e lJdlUlce 11181 unday w u.s he re. j\'1 I'. Bert O'NOll I' Mco mpanl d In th e decornil;;;;- bO' bl'OUS'hLt~ 0;;;- of 1888 were Ma ry E . Coo k, who died th Janey's h om e li nd Joined his Township H OU80 on Mondoy morn. d urin g the y Il r; OQprge P . Jam~ IllG a nd an ofeerlng of $37 .50. wHe at Dennison wherc sh e Is t each · Ing before 10:30 II. m. 01' If It Is 1m, Walt I' Pugh und Hurry E. Rida_. I)Osslble to bl'lng th m to thlll place- Mrs. Monroe resided on a ta'rm beln g, WAYNESVILLE CHURCD Mrs, Frnnk L eMay, who WflS lenve word n nd .th e Scouts wlll call twc n W ayn esville tl nd Leb!Uloll OF C'HRIST ' slnco th o lust reunion. Mary Cooll ' R cpI'esentlltlvo Dlreclol' a t yo ur h om fo r th ' m . Klndergru:ten , Which hna bee n can Sunday: !Ind Oe<II'gc 'J ames 11re the only 8~r­ ducted under the s upervision of This being the fI(th untla y we from the W a rren Co unty Chapter vlvors. Mr. J tl mel:! r esldea at Seattl.. . . atte nd ed lhe m eetfng of the Ohio M188 Mnry AUen (or the pas t n ine wlll have Prelwhlng at 9:30 a. m. Public H 8JlIt'h Association In Colu·m· Mary Cooll, th er efore •. wl}1 ~/ .the months. closed, Tuesday, with II. pnr and Sunday Sclhool' at 10:30 n . m, hub of th wheel, so 'to , 8~~, bus on Miw 18th Il nd 19th. Oth er s ty at the homo of Mlss All n. Twen· Sermon supject will be "The Lost tl l'ound whic h \vlll I' va lve a number trom this county who were present ty IIttie fOlks enjoyed the games Book." on Thursdny were Mr. HlIlyard Th e home of Mrs. Carman Crane or C'lIlIl"I.'S of tha t pnt'Uc~lar cla;Y, planned, and dellcious refre8bments, The Young People of the hrl8' Greenwnrd of ~ebanon; Mrs. Hur . on North Street was the Rccne oC Ruth Hartsock Walton: Who liv_ pupils between three and five yearl:!, tian £ndeavor Boclety will m eet at v ey SackeLt; Mrs. Omllr Hollin gs· festivlUes on 'thursday last, when on the J\1orn lne Farm. '" D(i.yf:o~ sua. were enrolled at Ule beginning of tho Church a t ~I:SO p, m . to go (Contlnu~ on Page '2) .' the year. and thlrteen remalned ' at for an out-door meeting. The ma ln wortb, nnd Mrs. Gladys Beck , th e sbe entertulned a t lunc h and 600, latten from FrnTlklln. Covers w er e laid tal' tw lve at tn· end of the yenr. The clllll8es were 8peaker of the e ve ning wlll be Ed· Mrs. Rnlph HlUltlngs spent Inst bles b eautifully decorated In pink held in the room over R. D. Smith's sel Dale of Middletown. They pIon Thursda y with her s ister, MI's. ClIt- and w'hlte, wltlt pink roses forming Groeery. This p Ject hus provto be back for the e:venlng sCI'vlce. lord Hlzar a nd Mrs. George Osborn th e ce nterpl ces. ed Quite snthrfnctory. and will pro· at proac hlng , which ls h eld at of Lebanon. Cards il nd favors wer e place.d fOI: bably be oontlnued next year. 7;46 p. m , Mrs. Noh~ Sh,eph erd of Dayton Mesdamos Lnwren e Gar st , Alfr d ., Wednesday: v/slted h er parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Stout, MorrlR A . Fulkerson, Rus· Preaohlng Ilt 7:45 p. m. Asbury Hill op Tuesday. aell Franl<, A. H. Slubbs. RU Bsell \ Mr. Cu rl She rWOOd, MI58 Lly Ben. Holliday, Ira llrown. Wad e Turne l' , D9puty A.udltor WIlJ Ranker g_' W AYNESVTLI.E M. E. CHUROII h nm, Mr. a nd Mri'l. Tom Burton and Harold Miller, Ollbert Frye, CIaI" Mrs. J e nni e Mullen vlsltcd Mr. Mol'- en el! Malmberg, a nd th e hoste58. nou;'cl)d thllt the $231,871i19 F~bru. SunDay, !'flay 19, 1938 . Mrs: Emma Pierce at~nded a fam The high honors ot th e nftorn oon nry ~istrlbuUon of December. 1917 rill She rwood, Sunday afternoon , 9:30 SundllY School. lIy reunion nt Marion, IIlRt Memorial who is In Orunt Ho!!pltlll Ilt olUJ)'l- w~l'e a w:arded MI·s. Wade Turn er , coll'.lct\on of real eatnte and puhllc: and spent t he \Ve ~ l( end wllh t-er 10:80 Morning Worship. bus. with Mrs. Cill renc M.a lm bor g re· utillUoa tn x s was mnde ttit" week. Day Servlce. nephew and n :ooo. W a.lte r ancl MaMr. nncl Mrs. E . M. Conne r a nd ce lvlng co nsola tion prize for low '}'h e following are Inc luded in tb. Epworth Lengue. 6:15 tx-I WilsOn at l;Jelmo.. daughte rs ente rtained Miss Wlni. score'. dl ~ t .. lbu tfo n ; . 7:30 Ev nlng Service. Mrs , Gehring of Toledo Ia spendfred Conner of Dayton, Ohio, MI' s 'hoole' , $102,860.91; town: Oimly Wednesday lnC the ' week with her clnughtcr , IN HOSPITAL s hips, $3[,486.01: , C;0l1loraUone. " 21,~ 2:00 Wom a n's Foreign MI8slonary Eugene McKinley of Muncie , Incl., bere. 189.411; Warre n <)aunty • ..$61,281 , or- • Soclely a t l\le LeMay home. Ml's. and- Fmnk L eMay nt dlnne l', SunKrB. H. C. Det'herace a nd daugh, Miss li'lo!!sle Fi res wns take n tu IJh a n usy lu m funtl, $2 ~ 126 .76; bQnde K enneth ' Hougllt leader, and Mrs, day evening, ter, Mrs. R. H, aart.8ock, atteneJild Miami Valley Hospltlll on Tuesdny, and Intorest . $9,325:02:' ltate an. Cross, Miss H~lwke , and Mrs. M, n. shower at Wlll Kersey'S for ElInMay ' 2t. Later In the 'wee k , s he will county road fund, $79.94; mlnleter~ DINNER GUESTS Hough Hostesses, 01' Clark WlUlam on Sat urday. undergo on operation tor go it r e. Her la l fund, $2,129.23; Board of H'eilllh ' , ThlJll'lday Ml'II. , Boller and grand daugbter mllny friends a re wishing her n $2,483 .33 ; S tate of Ohio. $271.20: Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Chapman en· Boy Scouts. 7:00 from ' ' Dayton called on Katherine , t e rtalned the toll'Owing to tllnner on speedy r ecovery. She h os bee n fluf· Ml a ml Consel'Va ncy 8:00 Choir Practice. CoUlns on Saturday, $788.&6. Wednesday evening, Mr. and Mrs. ferlng for se veral weeles. Coming Events '\'he s totc, county, township8. ,an4 Sunday Evening, June 6, a play Emmor Bailey lind children, Mrs, Ht1NDJUm AND I'IPrIETB corporatio ns s hal'cd In a. dlatrlbutioD FARM BUREAU ~IEET by the youm: . folks, entltled, Lauro. Dunham and Dr. Steddon, all ANNIVBR8ARY THE B8TAB'or Lebanon and Mr. and Mr8. Chas. Mr. n.nd Mrs. Ronald Hawke e n· or Inherl Ulnce tax es amountl'u to " Why Should 11" . USBMBNT OF NORTHWEST tertilined m embers of th e W lly ne IlPPI'oJdmllte ly ,6,899, Iianker iaid. A planning c!lnferenee for t1te Chapman. j TownShip Discuss ion Group nt the ir Church Worker8 to bE! held, June Ib' B.' L. Van Tfeu country home , Tucsduy evenin g. BIRTHDAY PARTY 6, HAPPY HOUR CLUB MEETS On' tJiUi ridge, 'e neriding up·rl" r The Happy Hour Club met tor lt~ to Three' Bridges Comer, the 'flgbtMay. meeting with MI'8. John Gona. DINNER CLUB MEET In. between " tbe red ·meD and the WHEAT INSURANCE Mr. and MI'8. Hnrvey Burnett The vice· president pres lde4 and tho Invading wtllt811 for potlIIe8llion EXPLAINED. FRIDAY UllsIstnnt s ecreta ry servcd In the a bo entertained m embers or their din· of the beautiful and ferUle Miami Farmers of tb:ls communlty wer.e sence or the reg,u lar officers. ner Club on Saturcla y ni gh t lit th e ir wU . 88peclal)y ' fierce and among thol;le ' attendIng the meetNames of ' meml:lers for :'speclal 'I)oll'le In Lytle. A rter a bounteous Ing hold at Lebtitnon, Frlday night, frlendll" 'h ad been arranged nnd were 'dinner, tho evenin g wns spe nt In to explnln the' provI8[0/1S of the new plnying ~ '600 .: ' dlstrlbuted. orop insurance program, Spea.kj!rs . A Drogram ' on the ge neral thome includ~ Harry Donohoo, BlanchellBffiTHS ' ter, W,iUIlJ'd · Loll'll, County Crop 1;n- of peace had'. bocn prepared, The hoate88 s erved n. nicely ap· s~""nee ~!1pervt.ilOr -and D . B. &.1 pointed refreshment ~ urse t hree ey, county ~nt .. 'guests well !i8 a Inrge nuuiber , nonohOo 1Itntcel tbat 1V~eat. ln8 1' 1 ot the cl ,u b membersblp •. The '~ ance stntte wltb thll 11111 crop. ] ma1na of that 'fort are etui {oJaJblO" that the aVerage coai would 4·R CL1JB In aD4" arowi4 .. plump of Locut 118.6 bUlhel an acre In, the beet land; ~ Tb&t . JlUtJCuiar IIpot baa ne! 1.1 bUlbel an acre on good land; ver lIeen"ctllUvatecl. Tbu. the memo aud 1.8 on hazatdoua Jande.. Piem· ~ Ml'II. Clyde ,E gbert hllll ' been chos- REUNION AT HARVEYSBURG en R8 04vlaor for the ..·R Clothing A moat happy reunion of old o~ of thOle berdlc cta:rl baa . J)een iam rates atel:lJ bUlbele of wheat blends. f9rmer restdenlll of H(lrVey8~ , aJ14 !D&7 ' be paid In ldn4 01' cuh, 1\ Club tor thls lummer, KI'II. ball 'b ad a ;reet deal of experience burg, Ohio. waS. given In bODor of , TIIIII II for the tIIMI of . . . 1&14III (hIe work, bavlnlr I8rved &AI cloth· IIrs. Mara MUla Barbaue, .of Data. 'l'ouriiIIII _ tor tjloII8 of OUl' ~ Huold IS4!('Kel,~, Inc lead... XenJa tOI' 6 yeara. The via, OhIO, at the apaefotul borne . ........ ..... _ of oontempla.. man. aid it tint meeting wW . be held at. the MI'I. lIIIU'tUet ADaln

A long, dry spl' lng with th e g rouno b coming much to ha rd fOI' brm · ers to d o th II' c uslomal'y Sllt'ln g work hIlS been brok en by rnnny d ays ot rain and se ver e Atorms tha t h a \'o don e cons iderabl e mlnor d umag S . Many acres of corn a nd n ot II. few garde ns been Illnnted ove l' , due to late fros tll and fl'eezlng w ea the r . TOITents of min have tulle n, s eem · Ingly on t he lauBt provocation of th e weatherman, and most of th ese s torms hnve bee n accom l>n nled by much thunde r and llghtn lng . LUllt Monday, 0. calf was kUled by ligh t . nlng on Mr. Ch a rles Mlohenor's t'nrm . The calt wns a young yearl · ing. Sev eral roofs or sh eds lLnd bar ns h a ve bee,n r ellortoo damaged. The barn on what Is known 'us the Wullace Berryhill tarm, on.h ll l! mile north of Bellbrook wns destroyed by tire last Frlllay nlght, h nvlng been sturt d by llg htnln g accOl'dlng t o r eports rccelved h ore.

Meeting Postponed CHURCH NEWS

Kindergarden Class' Closes

Entertains At Lunch

News From Friends Heme









;i=i~~i=iJIIIErJi~pt ~ ut·


GftUll:e Htdi OD

---'~~r~~~~~~1~~;9~~ ~~~


0... AniIoD,

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_ _ __ I


\' lel MAlhlll" nm) 1I11H!! Evelyn 0118' fly and ;Mr. nnd lI.... Jama ",tOo"l Ill' ,-In". ;\f1't!. WI1l Anlr:un lInd daught rs, th I!IImo. "I'd , W I' ,'umltlY ~;'IWllts or [I', IUHI lind family were lmllera (,Ir IIII', nnl) :\Irs. " '11 1'11<"' ;\Iun·!. \\' I~ Ih .: I Hrtlcfhtl a nd ~l lI rle noll jtl·amltlaulOh· lIlrs, Lml'r ' 11 'I' 'J'h nllll-' uml ""W!'lll ;\11'.;' ~lInon U~"(>I't. Mrs, Pet(l Wlcul, l\f nclay night. gu ~{ ()( 1'I'I,Iti\C'~ 111 Cln .-tlllllltl. li'HI II/I' Antm 1\Ioe lilli's, :\I.... n lld .:\11.,.. II tr ·" tlll I1t for 1Il'I' kltll1l'. umlt' l' Mra , P I'I' Y Faul nn\l ;\IlSN Wllmn lIfr, and 1111'S, Joe Pllcr -IUld MI', 1':ll II H dIC)': .'Ira, i\hu'Y nll"l" 111 ' .Dr. olcmon , Illst 1:{1l1ll1·cl,I)' . RI}!' I~ , ~ Main Street \\' ('k , Pbo.. 112 . T lwn lll" 'I' 1'0 In Dn)·ton , AJondny Ilnd Mrs, Jnn1e HRrtllocl1 vl,<;ltccl tho :'11'«. J elln l,' ll,'{On . ·of '1 1l ~j nlla tl K , l\ll'. WlII 11 11110\'111 : !\I I'll. l~ u · been anftn <I .to h~I' hro o, until \ "el· Wnyn~sviUe, 9hio 'In lruant! Blhle S mlnlll'Y huil W k, I \'1 ~l tln g l'~l:ILI,' " 1111'". ('III LnUl'\'lIC IlntQrtlll Mr8. AU'1l n eliday. lI[)'Ij, Mary ollth Iii 1'Il l'Ing tlHc-I'lwon, ;\\1', nn(l Mrs, FI' () Cu n\dln u n .1 "iV. '. Smlt h n n e'! 1I11'1!, Smith IIhop· In Ninetieth Y~at' · A ll I sers In a n t1IlI' lItltlnc(> ('on · 'u'mmlnll Anson ; " ' UUlltII An llOn H o.· tor b el' . . tps!, t he IlII' n hr l h ' ~r. 'I., , S , lI oua. u ll of L OS' A nie Jos, MI', L w ]"11'$, Eug nc . e hu1ll nlt \' u nd ><'" , Ml\ li nd 1I1rll. Lolil8 "VIC~ll ond film· Il e(l In Dayton, Tuelld!lY Ilfternuon., ORVILLE ~ROLD ' D. WILLIS, Editor W 1' 0 hol 'l l\l lhl' \\'OIl WII or Ihe S. '~Qn rR (lnd BO n, Ihl \\,ll l'd , fi nd {p·u.lld · 8us-enc, Jr,, ' tll'cnt FI'I(l ny a rt C:I'l1onll so n, Howllro Jr., of lIfonrovhl: t\IJ with ,Ml'li. P. ,r. Thom'lS. Entered Aa Second Clasa M'ail l\1atter ..a.t Po stoff ice. Waynesville, Ohio ., .lI11lfl\1 ~. "l'l'111111;. • L • -~ MI' , lind :\!i'f<. U , 1\1. 1\,1" y " I It· 'o m\ "!I's. H II I'Il<'l'L [ ow 11~1 claus-h· n v, Sroll11 all \1 o n l\lrl', P OI'dye!! en frt l'll"'" a l U,·th I. 0 11 l'5Ul1,lay. UlI', ,Joy ,ot Glen /lule; l\-h-. lI nd W dn lIdoy mornlnl(. ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY j\It'S. !\lOS!: I ' "'1ll' l1-,' 1 Of \Vaynt' s· 1111 F . B ig ny, o{ Pu-'Illtl >nn. . Perry Faul hM paln tod his F , SulHlcription Price, .$1,60 'Per ' Year, Payable i n Advance I ~ H I "' I1,l111 ~ II f, W \HP jll! wllh r ed. __ . nn tl M I't!. 1J, '!'n('l' MII('h ne l·. 1\'11 iii Mllrjorle Tlnn ~, wus th e 0\'('1' An Independent Newspaper Dedicated to the Servic of Waynesville 111 1':III'. . ~ .... night guest or Miss Elsie 111110 WI. nnd :III'S. 1',' lly :Bun e wer and "lclnity - Giving its patrons the best newspaper humanly poe- \\' ek ond gu st~ of I' Il1 t l\'(,8 I\ t P ort cal, Saturday. I1ble • . Wlllinm. ---Tl\,e Allen W eldn ers' nnd Allen Lu · At n m 'Cllng ot lho BOllrd of Ed · R ev , ,V, . Smith prellched the Mil 8 spent Sunday with MI'. nnd pl'inl! \ "(\ 11 'Y TW1)" bacpnla ul'ente sormo n a t Flncllst! , Mrs. P ete 'Vicil l. who Is chll irma n oC tbe sp ecial com· ucu t\o n 0( R v . Nllthon J o hnson ot La n ns. mlh e app lilt d by President H a rt· Thursd ny en~ llln {1', n il of th e 1 neh · Sundny ev nln g. H Ul n motol'e<1 on Leave name with Miami Gazelle for e.timate. sock to promote the otte ndAn eo of Ol'S '\' (," 0 re·eDll'loy' d r I' AnoUler to P eebles' nnd spent Monday th ere. IeI' tl f0 1'l11 1'1' m h' ~ " ',' h ero, ' I ~ to the ohler m embers lind t o m np out Y Ilr, x opting lh 1 Ilcber of H il me Mrs. croce Furll1as, who hos e n preach llt FCI'ry, next '· 'ruesdny n. plan of closer oopemtion betw een E conomlctl, wh o wn.!! n ot 1111 a pI>I\· convuleflclng at the 'h Qm e of Mrs, nIght the I\ssoclatlon Il nd th e school, will ('.ant, Romo Riggs, r et u rned to her lJOme Mrs. E :lI'l hlnn, Mrs. Lottie olllillued Crom PaS'o 1) &i" e n dlnne l' a t The Lltlle Inn In Locnl I n he,." r e: Primary, lust Tuesdll,y nlsht, he III I' over· ll1rk\' , a nd Miss Freda StIL I'\; cll il· the evonlng 1'1'101' to th o business Ruby 'mUh. Inlermedla tc , ~lyrll Ing very nicely, ad at th HurI'Y Fordyce h om e, Mon. IIrlJ, wi ll ~ p uk ror 1913. Ruth Zlm· m ot-tlng. This will be In tr ibute to Hayrloe\;. (1r:1lnm:lI' nl'Urles , J nm efl 111 IsS , Irglnln. GASS rt 18 hellling day alto rnoon. 1111'. nnd .MrH. HUl'ry Phone 3'108 Hamilton, Ohio. rn..,nlHl.Il no~<'I's of thi s clILBB dJ,'<! his Associll t es on the commltt e. Th Boo m. . Mrs. P. J . In the CIlIO or ol'n II a lso w ('r (' vll3ltor>l Iha t clay n nd I ~ rt a little g irl. MIlI'Y herwood olh l' m mbers o r th o committee nro Mr. nnd IIr~ . T. C. H n.ydock 11Il') bor mothe l', Mrll, Hllrry F orety c' 1111'. nnd MI's. a d Huml'l ck , M,·. W, p, Watson, Mgr. b limo a nurRC :UI<1 died , Ada :\lIt· Olivo All en Broce or 'Vnynes vlllc, dn ug hl et'/l, lIlnrJol'1 lind lItyl'll, . I>on~ Tho lutter's condition I' mu lns aboul ',ulIly HUlllrl Ie, AII'p. h(' nE'r, ono or the IJrlll'hl l'Sl Iltud· se rcta~· of the committee ; 1-1 rbert und ilY wlt.h their son ·ln·!n \\, n nel hnl'h~s Osborn, AIl'S. Hnrv oy CrUll!" nts oC hel' d ay, WU lI tl'llchlng In t he . \Vnrw1c.1" Youn gstown; Ruth dllught er. Mr. a lld 1111' . 'V. D. L u I" 011 and ·SOIl, Da l , Mr. nnd Mrs. DII' 'V • • ••••••• north !'I'n pm·t oC Oh io and on h r Hllrl socl, W a lton, Dayton, nnd Edith kin nnd ranlil y of (il' nfl I(), Ohio . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ way home tor Than ksg iving Rolldll), 1\108hl'r H nwke , of W ay nesv lllo. The mf't with un uulomobllQ ncc.1dent , huslJands of the women m embers I 11 r enr bing hurtled over lhe bank will be prescnt, Presld nt Ross HIll't· . ........"'"' oC n river and she \\,1111 dr wn d . Th Bock of the Alumni Association nnd 8urvlvo1'8 ot Lho class Mlde {rom MI·s. Hflrtsock, SU I)erlntendant of MM. BariJn u I~ t he g u es t of her nuth Hartsook 'VnHon are Eliza· Sc.hools, L. A, GIll'st Ilnd Mrs . Gllrst a unt, !\I I'S. Antmm o ncl Mr. An . \) th .fnrt, who Is a mUllner In DIlY' will be the guests at the dinner. tra m n nd r llmll~' a nd olh or frie nds In t on : Lucile Thompson Hartsock, Two m embers who a re o n lhe pro· South ern Cu,lI ro rnlcl. ' "ire oC Raymond Hartflock. 'resldes gram tor the ev ening, Anne Sweet 'Whlle njo~' ing lh e d..,II<'1ous pic. nt Middletown: Nina Smith St, .Joh'n RJdge a od Evelyn Funkey Andrews, nlc lun ch n and R})end lng lh(' o frol'. Pi pe, Valves, Fittings, Plumbing of 'W aynesvllle; , Albert Cleft vcr or both of Chlc.ugo, will be In the pa rty. noo n togeth 1', th g u Slf< In n r min . nnd H eutlng Mnte rlnl, MYERS W nynesvllle; Lawrence 131'Own of Mr. Cnrt wrl " ht wtll be accompanied H a nd and Ele<~t rlc Pumps. J. p, a IMcen e mood, bl'()ught bact( m omor· B KLET SU] PLY CO A...",..... IA W ny ncsvllie and Glenna HobllL f Inct nn ntl by his slster·ln·la w, ' ., ...""~ , Sensational Holiday Bargains InttOductory Sale Price On Famoul KroIer rom lea oC m a ny hum orou s a nd Inl I' s t · OHIO. 5' 5 8t onnor of Woynesvllle. Elsie Rogers artwrlght nn d his In g e XD rl cn es occurr ing In thc tonia Club or Rocky River ~veragel ........ SA~!! _ ___ .__, It Is . interesting to know thnt ni ece , Evelyn Cartwright " "lIIls nnd " 01<\ Home '1'OWII." FOR SALE: Thoro ughbred Polnnd when the cl.1UIB of 1918 graduated It Geo rge J. WlIUs, her husband . They Arter i he r a iling of the poem, Chinn , Malo HoS's , Geo rg ,F1, F1en· wall the tlrat one to drop the old· a lso will be at the dlnn r . "Beautiful Ohio ," ",rill nby MI·s . J. d er son. nFD No: 1, 'Vuynsvlll e. time custom ot havin g e veryone In LATONIA PI' s id lit Hnrtsoqk hilS nppolnt d F. Blgony, we bailo OUi' h ostesses ltp LARGE the clll.SS deliver an oration, us llomlnn llng committee fo r th t Ar well lLnd thnnk d the m Cor a CLUB Herbert S. Warwlok, '02 , of Alumni Associa tion: Olive Broce 24 OZ. very cnjoyl\ bl<, Dnd m emornbl tlay, FOR SALE: fo.nchu oy B ell ns. (Phil Dlpollt) 'Youngstown, '\vIIl arrive In Wnyn es· Wayn esv-llIe, Ch a irma n ; H. S, W n.r · BOTTLE Those presenl W 1'0 1\h ·s. Mnl'll Price 41:25 b~l ll h c !. D. B . Under· ville, FrIday, and that ev ening will wic k, Youngstown, Ohio ; lind C. M. C ••e 59c Borbl'u u, or Batnvla, 1.110; MI'. a nd wood, Hllrveysb urg, ltp give the annuai common cem ent nd· Cartwright, Chicago. dreBB. Ho also will be cllnJrman of IDchaded ar-<:ARBONATED WATER- LemoD LIm_LIME RICKEr, BEER, STRAW. that part ot the program at th e AI· NEW B U RLINGTON BERRY SODA, LlTHIA'IED LEMONj GINGER·ALE ETC. . \lIllnl buBincss meeting n.sslgned to tllC so·ca lled Old Guard. Mrs, Alice stu mp. who has been C, M, Cartwright. '86, . of h lcngo, serio usly III of heart t rou ble, Is 1m. V E TERINARIAN )

...--..-- .'.. --_



.... ............ .

Levee Building, . . Ditching ·Excavating

Welcome Waynesville Alumni Association










Fifth Street

BREAI ::=:= 5

Phone 30 Waynesville, Ohio


WAYNE PARK ' OPENIN.G Satorday, "ay ~8


MUSTAllD . Ballt.,., Br..~ ROLLI 'mb a.ItM DILL ••C,K L.S Nar, I.e.

Soiithern Ohio's Modern Pool

I'IG. BAlli ~A~~·U. OLIV:.. STUP,PID. Lara. In

Finest Picnic Facilities


Mem bers and Ot h ers ar-o I n vJtecJ to Inspect Our 1'001 and Gronnd!!,

O~ at N oon' during week


and 10:30 all Sumla)ls & lIoU~IHY8

WAYNE PARK Waynesville, Ohio

SUNOCO NEWS We are not c losed for good-o nly cooperati n g with the town a nd local ';"on , by having o ur stutlon cloSed w hUe wOI'k Is going o n . Ii UT we w ill REOl'EN, all drlvo ways w ill be clear ,


. FRIDAY, MAY 27 r eady to serve yo u for l hat week ·end t rlp.-Sam e service M a lways.

Collins Service Station S OUTH END OF TOWN P. S.-8ee u s a bout that R C A Car Radio, Also I'ALE TffiES (lk)UI 011 t eru18 to suit )Iou.) ,

FIRESTONE Gives Y01l rhil High Quality Tire at This New Low Price ' !Jec,e;,u4,e


IUIII!I!I~ .• • •HlIII


IIWdIetuwn and llamlltoa


Be '~To Tuk -To



•• M..... r

Before Y_ B.,. A ...,




CAitE 59c BACH



Lonl MII.a,e - Safe, silent tread design made of tough, . C.QNVOY slow wearing rubber that FOI CARl AID TRUCKI assures long mileage. Sturdy bars and rugged notches give protection against 5.0·2.0 .. • ••••• • .•7.60 skidding. 4.5.0·21 ,: • .'••.••. 7.90 4.75-19 .••••••••• 8 ••1 Blowout Protection-Nine . extra pounds of rubber are 5..0.0-19. •';. • • • • • • . 8SO • added to every 100 pounds 5.25·17 .. ........ 9.21 of cord by the Firestone 5.25 ~ 18.......... 9.61 patented Gum-Dipping 5.50-17 •••••• , ••.•0.41 process. Every fiber of every 6.0.0-16 . ....•.. • , •••SO cord in every ply is saturated with liquid rubber which 6.25·16 .. : ' , ,. , . ,.~••I counteracts internal friction Tins •• , True'" ~n. _ _ .', At . Le.· ...... and heat that ordinarily cause blowouts. .. PunCture Protection - Firestone's patented construction of two extra layers of Gum-Dipped cords unde,' the tread-protects ;, against punctures. New Low PrIces - Never before have .all these eafetv ,and economy features been combined' in a tire priced so low. '




C B liforfJ ia



• Don't take chances on your holiday trip. <;Ome i!l t~v.• L.rt us put a set of these large size, rugged, llong weanng'tires' on your'car -:;- remember, Vou·. save 25%-" . COUNTRY VLUB Whole or Shank-End


F.... I


only 19c

Fire s tone saves money by controlling and securing rubber and cotton at the sources and bv efficient manuiacturing and distributing. These savings make PQSsible extra values at lower prices. You get.;·_ __ .


8euoia Gate· PIUl8 With EReh ~. %9, 30


Buy 1 pk,. for 2Sc Get a,n extra lb. ler


.1'aId AdmillBlon, Ma)l


Se Qt, IS• 5 IN. aSe . Be. aSe

HI", Quallty~First choice rubber and selected cotton.. that conform to Firestone's high standards' and . rigid 8pecifications.





.LeSoardsville' Lake



S wimm ing %rlcl 8 1.1I;;le Senson $5.00 Family Seal!on Tick et for two $7-f(lr three $9 a nd $1 fo r ea ch ncldltlonnl tic-k et. Oh lb cason Tlclu}i for four or more $3,15 cach o Single AdmlJislon Tlek etll bou gh t MI~)' ! R, 29 or 30 wUl be a pplll'd on Season Qr Club tickets or be good for M ot h er swim.


-;--;:- -;;-

, SAVa

"J'" -;;-


.WARREN C~UNTY COURT NEWS PRODATIll COURT DIl'ltrlbution ot !lssets of lhe ea· t nt!\ of C. Wilbur Ivins, lQ.lo' L ebn n on drusslllt/ to lhe heirs, has en ventory t il d by' M:nry 'R. Ivlnt!, ex· ecutrlx ot t he Clarence W. Ivins e8" t At e. a u thorized. T he ,eslate hn.~ been val . u ed at l24 ,7 UG, 'ot w hich $18,060 18 repreBented by r eal est.ate. ... Charles 8, Irwin, administrator ot tho F,rnnk B. Post ostute, has tiled b iB tlrlll' and <flnn.l n.ccountlnj:f. • RllIph W . Earnhart, exeou tor of the Sarah Annie Earnhnrt estnte, h as tiled hl8 ,tlrst and tlnal account. I n Yontol'Y tllod by RaYll)ond C. !'ollen, executor ot . the James ,Fol· len esttite, ~la!l b ~en II llprovod. . In tho matte.r ot the estate or Wlllln.m Mnrsllll1l , deceased, exempt t l'Ol11 Inheritance tax. I n the matter of tho w ill of Elm. mil Cho.mberJl n , deceased, wUl ad. mltlCd to Probato. [n the mattar of the estato of T . C. l<'rnnz, do elwed, sohedule of debls alillrovcd, " In tho mattor of the ostato at VI tor Worley, (I cenaed , cer tlrleate of t rrmlllel' lsHuod. In the m t er or the eetnte of Al·

Luella JJuppe to A. E(lwll Mrs. IIl'nry Moor<', who "':t" tuk ro ,\ bert L. l"rlce, dec IUJOO, ~, C. Wen· 80n. to Il lIlltldl lown lloaplt:ll.l JlIst Sun· Chudoll Ellwnrd Vnn Ness, 26, O.OH CIt lIn aertl In Dc rfh' ncr, Alllt'r~ Ooorey !lnd Alt H. Ee8. duy, haa 1.>1."·n . rtllcullr III .IUI·I I1 ~ [.(Ilmnnn. Rtlll'O Dlunng r and Willa BhID~ I Iy Ol)poln tell IlS n PPl'uJaers. I . Augutll r~l"m'n c 10 John I/.. Huld: In lho llmllel' oC Ole lItuto ot C . .Jenn He Bcodle, 26. South Leb/l,non. n lot nO . 114 III J\fOI·~\" . Bl'urn !l6ch nllel, dccco.8Oil, Now· pOll ta l cl l'k . .J: Lee TnlmaA'(' und J L. NI\thnn Jones, 21, Franklin Inbor. , VJrginlu K. VtI lL .I:!oI'OC to E . M. Carn I'_w 'r SUlld,.y /lfl l'n OOIl ('1\11· ton DoW('ese, Arthur ourtJ y., nod huun co hn lln.ln appoInted nppr.als er, alld Luna Rosa, 21, I'm nltUn. Tlnt,h <tnd Vcrtn TInch. I' u l {J Lot 1'8 at thl' h ome r Mr. a nd 1\1'1'8. In ,F1'l\ll~lIn town,!hlp. ers. Hay Houlwtll'C, In 'htl'\t IlVIlI , W. F. Clnrk 10 J . ' Roy I n U1 , matter ot the eslp.t at COM I ON PLEA P ROOEI!lDJNGS I oh rt Davis, 'l Iirs, J.J;di t h lJuvl". .JoSlde . Witt, d ..... efta, I t George R : Oe8p'i!r nnd' Lest r A. and Nelll~ . I~yl< , lot. nQ. 12 u nd 1I111lj S N 'U! Mllr y nn d M,\I" ......,., nvon ory AUG V9. Frnnklln Manufacturing WlIymlsvlll ~. approved. jnrl o ]),.vls were L t'l.Jn n on dill to I'!< , I 1I 111h Ungl "by and Nellie a r· Salul'llny. 1n tho mntter ot tho estato of ompnny, Inc. Fred Zartmltn, ]1:. B. .John R. Booth, deceused, tlrSt nnd Blndley nnd .J. T. RUey appointed n l'd W Iltahlt· t.o Lu.urf1. A. 0 1'089, lilt 'N I'I:!. AI ·lIm. F(,l'ri s Q comprLnlO<! No. 379 In J!'rankllo. flnnl '!lccount. hy MIRs V In1n. Htou d 1' , a nd MI·S. 1;n the mnUer ot the ":'~~~~~~~'1ii~~~r.ilimrrro=C~0;i;m;.;Pr(!n~,n«yrl-~A;..~E~,-:-Cc:II.Udm, et al by Sh eriff to Sloudel'. aU or Lovela n d, "'Ike Sun· En.rol\!. C. StookeI', dec6lIsed, VI!. Relt,-rem-cslatc In Leb· dny UJ'tOI'II00n g uests or MI'. a nd relloved from administration . f r om defendant, anon. 1111'S. Almon F e rrIs. In the mlltter.. ot the eskl.te of W·. Chester Maple, executo r ot In the matter at Ule clll/He of . 1I1r. a nd Mr. al'cy Sh umnll I' Clllronce Wilber Ivins, doceased In. the estate of W. F . E ltzroth, de· .Jonnthan F. Sherwood, deceased, \0 ha ve h ad ns guests t or severn.! days vontor.y tiled. ceaaed va. The Vnlley Packing Com· Ruth E. Sllel'Wood, ct ul .' lots :-<0. 8 th eh' d,lUghler , :\\18" :-< on l\ Hnd her In tho mn.lter of the" estnte of pany: n corpo~atl?n of Lebanon , et 9, 10 and 17 In Oregonia. friend, Roy ' vII 1o, I ulh nf A. h· In the mnttcr or lhe es tatf~ of Joh n lund. Kentucky. .John W. Scull, deceased, schedule a i, contlrmntion, de('d and dlslrlbu· Wldmel', dec(,lIsed to L ouls..'l W. Wid · of debts poslponed. tlon . Mr. and !\Irs. Arlhur ) nIg ht !lOll In lhe mutter ot the eslnte of MOl'Y Louise ROBS, n mI nor, by mer, et al, lots No. 6759, 0700, 6761, fnmlly, of Orego nia. wcre vis itors . Nalhan . Oral', decessed, tlrst, tlnnl Maud Medley, bes t frie nd vs . .John 6762 , 6763, 6764, 6766, 61GG, 0767, nn d Sunda y. of her p n l'c nts. MI'. n.nd 6708 In Lov land Park. nnd distributIve account. Henry Ross, divorce to plaintiff. :\1rs. J . D . mllh. MUI'y M. Fllrr, d ec UR l'd to Amclln ,'he OSllLto ot lint Hln cs, decens. Ponele ''farnlb VB. James W. Ar· MI'. :InrI Mrs. Fl'Il nl< S wcre cd, first onll fI na l t\Cco unt. nix, alvorco to p laintlrf. F. \Vhlt e , et n1, I'eul es ta tc In \"n~" ,,'cd l1<'s(\ny \,l lIltol" ('If f l'l<' nd H In L .1o neevlJle. 'Jlhe cstate ot Franlt Howe, NE\ V SUlTS . anOIl. John H,arding 10 lI:H'I'Y L, ]fn.rd, tlecOfltlNl, first necou nt. ' Lovy W. L o ng V9. Marne Long, dl· MIR8 N cJII Ma ry DavIs 1"8 one of InS', lot No. 128 In South Leb a non. tho (wc h 'o S'l'adua tcR nt Il urveys. Tn the mntt cr ot tho eetato at vorce, groBs neglect .J. '1'. RIl y. ha rleR ,tellhens II ml Marthn burg Hig h ,"choul, Th ursdn.y MoJII A8s um. d c n"od, Inventory Thl)lmrL Mue Lowls VB. Hn.rry Er' v ('· Stephens to Julia C. Burges , 4.06 nln g. I\I' I)l'OvOO. win Lewis. dlvor 0 to plu.i nllft. Sarnh B. Fred vs. L clianon Lodge acrcs In )'Iarlun town shIp. 1\'I.I·s. • R. B ee l, ' It I'PI'Y dcllgh t· MAR RIAGE LIUENSEl No, 26 Fre n nd Acc pt d Masons. Cully ('nte rla ln ed the l af\l ~s of till' Wilbur EIZl'oth, 21, Lebanon shoe et aI, motion ov rruled, dc! nd!lnl S Frie nd s hip lub. Wedn Hday aft(, I' l\IT . nO LL~ NEWS 'york er n nd L eona. Poltort, 21 Leb. given 10 days In whlcJ:1 to fil e. nuon. Am o ng th e g u ('s l ~ wer e: M,'!!· [LnOn, Emmn Hodgcs hns 1)l'e n Il PP Inted dam s l~lol' nc J ffery, EdIth M, MI'. und 1\{I'S. '£1m SmlLh of . ' prlng Alb rt Barnes, 21, Mnson, truck. execu trix oC the cHtnte or Snm ucl B7.ronch spe nt FrIday nfl l' rnOOn Kny, Id ~ McKoy, EvaJyn M c Ka;' , er, nnd Geru'ud L , PI'lce, 18. Mil' HodII' S, IfIle of FI·IIDI<lln. Th e ap· Maud e Cllno. Josl'p hln c Cline . BII " praisers lire Fred S. Bon', Wllllnm wlvh their so n, lI'lr. a nel \l11·H. I': r vln ,F I'rls, M el II1lsB Hannnit J o rdlln Smith and dnught 'I ', .Judlth Ann. J, H Ctnnum nn d H. G. Fltzllatl'l ·Ie. Mr. and Mrs. Ev'er 'tt Bunnell anei NEW SUITS Clarence O. Tarkingto n 'vs. L . O. son8, Chal'lE'B ulld Vlryll , s pent, Su t, Work, for money only, Oelsmul' und urday nfwl'noon wllh \III'. o nd Mrs. Duerr Dona ld Dllatus h n nd Ben Oruber und Cnmfiy of nCI Lr 'VII Y, Duerr, and DOntlld DIIIlI ut!h a r e t he nCHvlUe. Mr. and Mrs. J ohn Hyc l"tUI'll attorneys. -6CREENborn, 'Ved ncsday , from n few tl a ~'s' " I!IELOVEO' BRAT" visIt with thor dnughl I' , Mr. alld 'BONITA GRANVILLE REAL E TATE T R ANSFER S Mrs. Ed. Burton. DOLORES CO S TELLO Fronk Shl'oll to Clark M. nnd L . r. u"nd MI·s. 11I 1'once I'Ilw!ord P. Walke r, one acre In W a rren Co. u nd ,Cumily, Mr. Lou Murl'llY s pent Contlnuou. Show. Da lly William Ilnd Luatta Dumford to on cv nlng \\. ' k ' w\th MI' . nnd Adu lt . 0 /1 1)' 160 ~1I 2 P. M . \If. S. nnd .My r tle Ande rson. 13 acres 1\11'8. E I'U'I ruwfol"cl a ncl family or In Hamilto n Townlshp. nCllr UUea. Ernost Gross und B essie G. GrOSB MI s lara Dn.ughte l·s spent Sun. to Elhel Blah', lot No. 104 In Leb, uuy with Mr. and \I1rs. l"ICIl CH l E rll·n. nnon. hurt aml fnmlly. Laura t . Jackson to Eva 'Irons 1\11'. and Mrs. Etvls :\1lchllol nnd Buntn. nnd MYI'on J. Banta, lot No. dnughl r, Dorothy Ilnd \I11·S. H erborl , 66 a.nd 66 In Lebanon. Ma rla tt anel so n, Edmon. Mr. a nd Mnrgll.l' t A. Butt ' to Adn.h Seh· lIfl·S. Ar l hur Morga n n nd MIss Clam WILrtz. lot No. 646 In 'F'rnnklln. Dl\ught I'S we nl o n n filAhlnj.: trip . ldp. L. Bnnghn.m nnd Rebecca E. Saturday, nt th o '" s lhoro Re~e r · 'Bnns-hl1m to J n m es fr. Arnold alld voir. ' J ' Ma ry E llen Arnold, real ostnte In , MI'. a nd Mr. Ervin mlth a nd Lebanon. dnright 1', sp nt S\lnday Wllh th eir Snrnh E. Richardson to Wnlter R. pare nts, Mr. und Mrs. Jim . mltl~ ,Fjtls, lot No. 512 In Franklin. alld Camlly. Albort . 1\lason to Addle M. Mr . and Mrs: MorrIs D ill n nd tam· Hnub, 60 1·2 acrl'S In D erfleld town· Ill' o f L ebnnon sp<'nt Sunday with ship. Mr. nnd Mrs. Haroltl )"e llls nntl fam Leon:lI'd Tlnncy a nti Bm1Ble Tin· lIy. ney to 1~ lI s\\'orlh J:~mes Il nd Ollye Those thnt- e njoyed th [Is h (ry, James, 41.40 neres jn Wl1ync town· MondllY eve ning at Mr. Herb 1'1: Mnl" ship. latt nn flon, Edlnon, wcre Mr, a nd Mrs, Hl\Ollford 'JaCkson of Xenltl, Mr. and, ¥.rfl., Rob!)l't Smfll·t and (lau ghte r ot ' '1'1'1 ~l n CB, Mr. a nd Mrs. Oeorge Marlntt, Mr. uncl Mr". EI· vI s fi oh en l ond dnugh tet·, DOI'othy, !lnd MIRS lal1l Dnugh te rs. 111 IsS 'Iarn D a ught r EI Apenl Mon· ullY wlih 1111'. Il nd Mr'll. Isra I cOlt of Ilenl' Wn.yncsvllle. Mrs. CIa rene CrawfOl~ lind dallgh tcr. 1\1 lnn1e, hfl's. H1 1 y Gibson nnd daughter. Pauline, Mrs. Evel'eU Dunnell {lnd sons called 011 Mrs. HilI' old K ellis n.nd family, 'l'ucsdllY ' nf, tarnoon. 1I11·s. Mildred Weaver' hns l e n on l'he s ick list this pjU!t w eek. Mr. and Ml's. Clnr(lrrcl' Cmwrord and fn.mlly called on 111s brothe l', Mr . and Mrs. Earl Crawford Il nd family, Mo ndlly evening. M I'S, Emerson DUI Is ' recoverlnA' (l'Om II. m11d CllIle of Qulnsoy. MI'. a.nd Mr\!. Lo u St phtW called on frl nds III Jamclltown, o'n e after. noon lust week .


.J'(iiiiiiiun DoubJ. }I/do_aUe

I RONMASTER faster--stay. hotterironing in THI.RTY SECONDS after you connect i t. T h. ONLY au tom.tic iron with T humb· tip Hut ReguR CAli

. t art

t aCOr up in tbe handle, away from tho finger., convcni. c:.l • 'I marked for al\ types of f.bric: , WeiSM only 3 % lb.,

• •• attd this $4.9;



Friday -



Pbo_ 17.R.1l for

,·F.~, ,. Mar.tin'



Or .'No

. Charg~

Centerville, Ohio






Cleaned and ·Blocked


Larger B ~&use o f !;Jetter Q uality, Servico and P rice

E.llabli.hed 184 9 • 1938

P hoDe 32


, "~M• .,wtMd t ght"ing7 ThOll try tIoe ..w "". rlcIe.


DAMeI to ....UI... NOOHUTI o.uaIHI-....... ~ DlCI ITAIIU ,.NI tfl, o.cJt.,tra .



,. COII4Iy" ..w CLUBHouse



~ "".... '-0.1 by S""10 .... 1

HI, Gut



s.v;ce I.e.". MW



.1 foodl



fA tM .....w·.,flM". de. .... pMI I - .. lot '100 Kt./dr.. ,.


J; IQO. ~tI . vk"•• H::':) 10. .... 'ARIUH. tllW CONlY. ON U. S. ROUTU I ,

M ' It,.p...,W......... ..... .

ISI.AND ...,j .. 01 _ .....qUEEN " 0 ....... .. f ...


II .... . , ... . lilt . ' .. .

DAMCIH. . .... Trl, P•• • • _ JOe C~II .... " .. I~ . I .. (lw.4I .. . ......... hrtl

\ U.lln' 'RU l1li',\11111110 011 PUIUC . . . .


50c 4

Fairley Hdwe. Co.


Cleaned and ' Pri!ssed

Phone' 7&1 .

lio. 20



CleaD Up At The .. Prices Me n 's 3 pc, Suits

Me n's

·4.75 III s.• .~ 11 ' .. · ~""·.""'1nioII



Cut your costs with a

DEEell GROvE . Mrs. .A lmon Ferris wos n. Satur· day nitel'noon '.'Iallol' wit h Mnl. RUA sell Wilson nnd {nmlly In W'uynea· v ille. Mrs. Blna Pntters on wns In L b· nnoll on buslncss, Thursday nIter · noon. M r . a nd Mrs. Robe~t Lnmb, or car Waynesville, we re Wednesday evening cnll crs on frie nds In this commu n ity.


$7~ , ~7!!~



"Balik Night"

. Lemmons Hateliery

;$§!!* se* !ffi~*

E3sielt to hnndl_light in wei ght--<>ntiret y A utonlatic. • Self openin g • Sci flocking • Self clo •• ing I Sets up a. YflU .<t it down . . . fo ld. up u you pick it up . No lI.ooping or bend i1g. H30 t ho ""clu. ivc, pat<ntcd lo ck-rins that ho l.l. t he tablo rigid , steady, solid when .ot up. Folds compnctly con veniently hung on wall or door. Obtainable ONLY with Sunbeam Ironing 5Cr.




j '




50c Ladies Plain DreSl!es



Quick Cleaners·


K athryn Mtin<1~mhall, Mgr

• • • •



N.IIo_l BUlk D....,. • • E,Ia\.. ;.ttled WAYN~SV1LLL' OHIO


Twin Theater WAYNESVIU.E

Alway. ~ Good Show ,I




IAllaa!~. Ohio


)"/ ,:,.....


and enjoy all worthwhile motoring advantages

School.·Days Are ,Over For Waynesville .Boys And Girls I

Sec. I. Grade Eight

The Senior Class

Th'e Junior


The 'Freshman Clall

aw-._.:...!.:... f .~ ,

SecJ I. Grade Seven





No doubt students in the vario s classes will appreciate having the. picture. of ~eir elaumates ..:- : they are presented by the courtesy of the ' foll~winK ' •




merchants, who make it possible for The Miami Gazette to bri~g the .pictu~sin this iuue. The 'publUiher sug~sta that you thanle the', ~erchanb :per.onally , ,

for having made this page possible.

. ,Borden's Service Station

Conner's Texaco Station

Gray's Barber Shop

Rogers-Simpson Garalre

Bishop's Beauty Salon

SarKent'. Shell Station

Bernard Service Station

Stubbe Funeral Homel





: Gulf'lnn


.Dr.. H. E. Hathaway '

Smith'. Groe~ry

. A. F: ,Melloh', ,

Waynesville ' N~t'l. Bank


Waynesville Farm.e r'll Exchanle

'Fulkerson t

Stuuherr)' Radio. Shop

Coyle'. Meat Market

Crane'. CaRie

W. ' H. MaddeD ADd Co. LeMay-Hawke Aai.c!,, . Collett'. H .....w....

~rvic:e' SIMiOD


n. Little 1_ Fairley Hanlware





. _ z:::::;:a




b _


_ __


~~~~_tl_ lI .

LIemorial Day Local Happenings Former Residents Observed Here .. ;-'- -, -- -,- _. ,·ID -Auto Crash, Day-.. Ion Man Kill,e'd

~pro'printe Ilnd Imilre llllive eel" vlc!ls were h eld, Memorllli DIl.Y, 'at Cemetery. Superlntendllnt Oarst o.c.led D.8 Clill irmlln for the o ccne1on Il.8 the folk of ,the 6urroundlng communities paid homllge, and Mr. RUI!IIIeIl Frank leu4 0. mURlual program 'w , Ith th oe ,W a"nesv IJ Ie , Hlgh School Band. • Tho devotional WIl.8 given by Mr. Ha rold D. Willis of Wuynesvllle nnd Robert HlaU, of Lytle, delivered ,the Gott:n,burg AddrellS: -

Mr. a nd Mrs. Clifford 'Buslck and children Silent ' Monday' with Mr. LI,nk. King,

Local 'Happenings

_,.'8___ a _ _


Frida y evening guests fo Mr. IUId Mrs. ' Adllm Me1loh w ere Mr. Ilnd MN. € hnrl08 HInkle nnd Mrs, Mnry MI98 Edna. Male Sta up, Lebanon, ~II.U rimg of HlUJlllton and Mr. Ilnd a for~er I' ·8.Ident of. 'Wa ynes vllJe, Mrll, Ed. 'Bro~kler, nDd MIs8 Mill" sUstaiued Ii p08s Ible Cro.c.tu'red RkuU, Jor~ '1'aylor of Sprlngbol'o. serious In rations apd bOdy bru\tIOl1 In an ~ utomoblle crMh. n ar LeI n · Mr, ilnd Mrs. C. E . Brntten were on , en ):ly imduy; wh en Orville ·WlI· vis/to ;; ut th home of Mr. and Mrs. l .. A.' H. ' E a rnhart. Snturday ev ening. Ron. 30, of D uy on wns klllell. , ..J Russelt, Robert T nylor a nd D orlli Air;, and 1111'S. Don Hawk weI' Stm lp Gilrrot~ companions of Miss Bund y evening guca!Jl of Mr. nnd surtor e4 bruises . Mn:Jl:lllrry Hopkins of Dayton. Melvin 'V. Brown, ' Dayton . dl'l\'~r '1'he annutiJ Memorla,l Day nadress M~ ond Mn. D . C. RIIlg ttnd as of the car was only sltghtly hurl. WIUI delivered by R v . 'l. V. LaOY 01 . gue on Sundny Mr, and Mrs.;r. The ~our loefl young folks had • WaynelivUle M. E . bUI'Ch and Cla.rer.ce S ' h oc r.r r ot Da yton . and been at an Inn nenr Middletown !lnd wna ' pronlMPlaM. by all tl\ere lUI en MrR. L . ~'lpl)Y oC wh en 0. mnohlne whloh they had ey . of· the ffuut to be d OUvered 'h Qre' tor P,Ooted did not nrrlve tor the me sU! rt· IIIIve"" yan. The 'flOwer committee. consisting n nel MI·!J. R. D. Coll·n "'''LtlIlIU' ' ' ed to blt'oh hike their way to L ehan ' Dny Service .at Spring on. It was BIlld: Th ey hatled Brown of Edith Harrill, Marla Eiben, .... ':"d '• ' Sundoy morning. nnd o.t New and WilBOn. At Monro th e Dayton Mabel Hathaway, and assiste d by l<J1tu rUn Irl,] . Sunday nfternoon. They me n pmnn"" _A to 1e t t h e m out an II lofr. A. H . Stubbtl, IU'e r BPonslble ller guests ot Mr. and MIS. drive ' on to th eir h om es but the for the fine array ot flowers. Stunrteld a nd c.hlldren. young p ople persurulcd th m to The Impre8llive cnnnon decor:Ltlng nn d Mn. Milton Sheehan ot come to Lebnnon beforo' turning ceremony performed by the cast or Cebt rvlli o oalled on Mr. and ',Mrs. A. northwl1rd. , lmall chlldr n was coaohed by Miu H : Earnhart, Sunday afternoon. C(lmlng down the · Sha ker Hili. It Eva Reeder, 'Who hll.8 been r: and Mrs. Phillip LMrt k vla·t· wall snld Brown 10IJt control or th o tIllI part of the annuat program f()T ed Mr. E , W . Clutte r and Mr. Dnd mach 11'/0. It struck the right s ide. the- put IHIveraJ' Yl1ars. The progrl\m l\IrlJ. 'Murrell Newell und ~b\ldren. of d nUng It! The Impact turn~ WOI closed by the 80undlng ot ~fljrOrd. on Sunday. , . car over on Its s ide ,und It s klildell Tranllportation . facllltl_ were Dr. Ell Cre\'; of Dayton ,c alled on GO or 60 teet beCore It struck R. t ele fered In the afternoon. by Mr. ' J . phone pole on- thG left ' side or the ),fcOlure. . . ' Mrr and Mrs. Robert Crew, Satur· road. The cor Willi demolis hed. Wit. day e vening. . Mi. Rnd Mrs. David RoSll and nelses expressed s urllrlse tha t nny· , o;'Hdren or RldgevUle wer Monday one survived. veralng guests ot Mr. and Mn. ----Ralph HlUltlng •. Mrs. Morrla Fulke rson nnd baby IdllulJlI'nlle r nre now a! home. • . Jam s Ke rrick spent several the lllttQr pn rt ot the w eek T:he young peo~e of the Mel.hl:ldilit-! WAYNEsVU.LE M. E. CHURCH ,I ' ,Iallvet! In Falmouth Ken· Church bave prepal'ed a play SUnday, June IJ, 1938 ttecl,..!!WIly 8hould I." .ThIlY are go. 9:30 Sunday 1 Sebool: n.nd Mrs. Harold Cbeseldlne Ina to put It .on at the 10:40 Morning " Wors hll:). SulJjeet. I\nd Mrs. Marian Whitaker Chureh ',tlilB . comlnll' S.!J11dn.Y "'l'lmelellSness • in the Mlc!s t of ",pent the week end with I).lnl\l' at 7:30. Time." {.....,. Earl Hartsook In Co- 7:30 E vening Service. Plo y by th e ~ The calt Includee: JUc 'oro Kpnrad I young People . " Why Sh'ould I " . BJmfUI. _ VirginIa Preslon; Jim Car. MI'!!. C. E. Ed",a~8 =d 11 :80 Wednesda y Frl nds hll:) Club ey _ lAMar Earnhart; Jane l\ftlry. ot Dayton were annuaJ Jjfc nlc III Ungl by's Woods. _ 'lnef.' Jame!!: Dr. ' Peet end gues ts of Mr. and Mrs. M et a Dr. Hilth n '~nYIl . or Ha l" Earnhart; Mimi Konl'/ld Conner and fnmUy. Mr. old Earnharts. .,..i~~r;~-¥~:DI~~~;~~4~-~;;~:~~~~ Sherwood an., dnutrhter, Ln· l'aDll))Ottation {Ol' lhose ·wlthout. were dInner ffuests of the Ccn· ,. PN.ton. 7:00 'Thursday. Boy Scou ts. on Decoration Day. 8:00 ThurBday. ChoIr Praotlce. '~ere' will be no charge ·and Mrs. carl HlU'tllOOk ot public ia corolall), I~ "Iteel. were Saturday 'night and



Miss Virginia Prc8ton ' yas .n gu est of h e r uunt, Mrs . Leo D euts h (amll y of S pringfield last wee k. F r i· day ev c nln ~ M,·. and M r B. D eutBoh u ml so n return ed h om e with h er nnd lh we 'It c nll wit h ' th e Pres · , . Mr. a nel Mrs . F ronk H ess enjoyed a vlalt (" om Mr. H ellS's Sister. MI'II . Chn;rlej,J Oriord, of P ort Huron. Mich · Ignn . for B vera l dl\)'8 ot the 'liLttel' pa l·t of lost we elt. W hile he r e "! rs, Orford ntt end"d Alumni meeting, Mr. a n41 Mrs . h (ll!t e r DI' ury o f su ppel' g uo;;ts of .~r. an d !\fr8. J ILelt P reston u nd t nm · lI y, Sunday eve nIn g. D r . !\fa ry Cook nnd Mias M lldr d hnd us g u'os t;; s evel't\\ (lil Y!! of Inst week , Mrs. Besslo While -lind dll ugh· t 1' . Miss Oru,'U-rcllne of Ak ro n and i iI'S, R. E . Ha rtWig . of D el rolt. Mich . While h e"e th Y Ull nded Alum ni a nd Comme nceme nt I!:x rcls fl . Miss J iln e Cook W IlS home [ rom Earllln n\ College ovor the wC('k en41. lIi rs. Ma rth a H ough wnll hoslcss to tbe N ew Ce n lu l,), l ub on F r luny afternoon . Ma y ~7 l h . a l t h ' h orne of Mrs , Mn ulle ro ne. During l h e b us iness lj as lo n. off(.

Local Alumni Association Holds Annual Reunion

The nnnu al 11\ etln g of the Way. n csv lll£' High S 'h ool Alumni AaIIoela tio n W 08 h eld. SuturdllY. with one or th e fln .. at gnth erln gs I.n the hili· tury o r th.. ol'ga nI7..ation. Several h undred r rso ns enjoyed the 'Wond~1 progra m , r en wed old ac· ft ua lntnn c 'S o a nd r eminisced of tb. NEW SUITS days long go n . In addition to weI· F' d ' rll l F a l'm Mortgage corllor · comlng III t h lrty ,fl ve m embers of o tlon vs, Orla ndo lIloor (Tho t he 'Iass of ' 38. FirAt Nn tlpnal Bo nk. Morrow, OhiO) A prln Iple ph lUle ot the Special f il l' m onoy onl y , a mount c lnlnwd ommlltee'!j pia liS ha ve beon tlle fut· $7128. 53. thc rln g or picnics and gro,!lP galhe rlngs In orde r to work out an PROCEEDINGS Tho FNll}rn l Lnnd Bank. of LouIs· n.ftlllation 8ulLlLbie to Increase an ap" vIII V II , A nell' K unt z. ct Itl. . re elv. pr la tive atte nda nce at the regular er to s II cor n II.t pl'lvllte sale , or· m eeting s. The firs t hIghlig ht of the day lJa df)r r (\. a tlj utl g d . n nel ,lecrced Ihnt reo " el v.' 1' s hnll a nd Is hor by d is· co njunotl on w ith th pla ni! was the meellng of t h e ClaRs ot 1908 at r h arg d. T he SLa t or Ohio vS. B YI'Ii Lock · I'an o's for noon dinne r. Thill clau Pl' . Ro ntc nced l o ou" yea r In Ohio ha s n il f Iho orlglnul graduates 8Ull e I'S tor t h e coming yeo I' were na m · . la l ' P onlt nllary nt ha rd' la bo .·. c r IIvlrig. tw Ive of which were presenL 'NEW 1hll l h e th (!rwi~ r ei a iled a cord. A llm PI' seta t wer e the Principle of ed os follows: od a ~me. Presld c nt. Mrs. Ed. 'I'homas; Vice christened ,tile P res iden t . Mrs, L ee Hawk e; Secr e. Ing lO la w a n d pay th COSlS or pros· lh e hl!l'h school u t t h at 'Um,e , Prof. Grover A. ...,.,......tIl·ey . nnd t h Supertntendent at tllry. r.r'rs. Rnym onrl onn er ; Tr os' o('utlon. to know Mr. an., .... .. Th o BlatI' of hiD \' ~. E tll'l Dor· lh ll l lime, P r ot. . E. Bratten. Durthe New World'. Fair urer, . MI·i!. Marla Elbon . Mrs . s('tl, bond f lxl'd a t $l IiOCl !lOll M 1',),1 Ing lh perr nla l m e tlng In the eve· 1939, The caU took part ill cereTho P I'ogro m Committe : monies markiDJ the layinr of the • R idge. lILrs. W n rd , a nd 1\11'11. h a p · Or ny 11Pfloi n l ...d counR I for d e~d . n lnb lh CltI...~s of 1908 s~e4 al a . r cc plloll commi ttee for the ~oIacornerstone 0' 'Che BoraeD exhibit m lln. th e n Ilrese nted thc following ant . The t nte oC h lo \'11. Ni na Lo ok · tlon. at the Exposltlollo e njoya ble pl'Ogrllm . " Y. sen tenced to Ohio Stote R fon no · Lutol' In t he arterno!,n aluml'll and on test , "Leuf 1d ntlt lcntlon," In lory fo r 'o n y em' nnd KUSP nd ed (or old t rlcmls h ad a. gutherlng at the which MI·s. L. M . aenders n won 2 YCJlrs Oil gopd l)eh a", ior. Or lldo Build ing Wh ere t:rlencJa m th honors. Plu no 010. "Newl a nd W illia m Bn ke l' plead eI g uilty t o Ii g led. r enewin g old .o,cqun.lntance ' Oaprlo ," Mrs , R, E , HurS,t ; Address , ohn rge of a uto mobll lh ft n nd WOR r e, t \ling old st ories. "Laughter ." 1188 Mary Mills; F irmo sonten c d t o Mn nsfield Re form a l or y l'h e Cornll!1 I>rllgrum ot the Solo , "Am rlcan L egion Ma rclt," for ,one yen r . Annun l' Re uni on wa s opened 'with a ~'[rs. Hu rst . Emmn Ull ery \Vns g l'llntc(] 11 dl· s hor t gr cli ng by th e ' asBociauon After adjo urnmen t d a in t y rc fr s ll · vorco trom J ohn Ullery :tnd gr:tnled, Th flrllt ban concert /!t the 8um· "reRldent, nollS Hartsock, /lnd " It m,or season will gl\'c n next Thurs· m nta w e re servc.'<l. G ueHt8 of r.r rs . c us tody of the ir two mlno l' c hlld t·on . m igh t be a llP roprlllt to r peat hl8 Hough we re Mrs. Jnnney . !\frs . S. D. 'dIlY eveplng . ,Ru .' 11 F rank , director De fenda nt gl'n..n tcd 11i additional r mn rl( tha t tho 10cu1 gathertng .. of (J1 C' banll, hll.8 u nlloun ed. A. pruc· H e nkle, ~{rs . J. V. L a y. MrR. RoIlS cla ys to file ans w er In case of Sarah tho oldcst of li.s kJnd In Warren t\ e will be h illld ;,: Mon;1I\Y IlV n 'ng a t H n rts ock, Miss Mills , a nd Mrs. .R. B. Frell v s . Leba non Chapter of Roy- County. }' u r Ul emlOre, It Is one of the 7:tlO o'clock and a ll pe r80ns pInyinII' E. Hurst. a l Arc h Mnson8. fines t In this secllon of the -c(lunMr. and Mrs, L . H. Gordon. MI'. un Instrurn en1t are j nvll d to nlt 'nd try. lind Mrs, Charles Gordon. and Dr. a nd n.ld In tl\q 'forma tion of a good, Afte r this followed the culJl:omaJ7 PROBATE IlDd Mrs. Ogl libel'. Ilf Hal'v ysjlurg, cu pablll bnnd. m eU ng wl t ll tile secretary's mInM. M. T rry WllS nllmed gUllrdlnn u ttended the ' Commenceme nt Exe r· utes ot the In Bt meellng. ThlB waa The blUltl hl)l8 lOTIa- be n li n Impo rt· clses at COlumbutl, on Thuraduy of the estate of Ke nton E . Thomp· a nt f ac tor Ih th e " n te rtn.lnme n~ Il't night. 1\:[1'. Gordon's ne lce WIl.8 one 80n. a n alleg ed Incp mp etent, Qr o. f ollowod by n welcome to the ("'1IYC1I--~~"'" or l U3 8 a mi tI. IIo 1uta tory addrelill to ' f th comm un ity n nd with the high gonia . . of th e S'l;'adu~tes. th e ;'Old Gua rd " by MlsII Jane COok. 'Ij"~nl~ay gue.llts of Mr. /l.ll.d_Mrs. _WUl HARvEY8BURG~E.CHVRCH hool bo nd m .nl)(' rs as n nu cleus. Pel'mIsRIOn~q II rea l s ta te a t :1I1lss Lois Mitch ell le tt, Thursday, R oy rock. It I'esponded for the pros pec ts (ot'. n n ex celle nt 1)1\011 are Goo. II. Weaver, l\l1n18t.e r priva te Sale ' g~~ nled Mnry SImpson. for h cr home In Ada, Ohio. Mrs, Lorrulne SPnlY ond da~gh· 9:30 Public WOI·shlp. Sermon by very g ood, This 11.(1,01'09 r4!l1id nt8 oC , " • s tute ot Hnrry gra duates. Mrs. Howa rd McCune pf FrtlDk· i\dmlnilltrntrix of F" om this po Int on the entke pro· th community' n nll olhOi' persons tort llPCnt th e week end wlO, Mr. MlrunlJa , 'Plcfl8Ilnt P l nl ~l. Proper ly " '•. Evelyn, of Dayton , spent De· DlBt. Supt. Charles E . Turley . CClmtlon Day with 141'11. T. B. Bran· Noon: Bask t Dinner or t h o Parish pl a~' lns 11 muslcnl In strum nt nn op · g "ilm wa s or.a mln ed with Interestln. ana Mrs; t;ester OordOn nnd atteml. 80ld for $105 a nil p l'oceed R orde red The bfunedJat. family, excepUng nock . . g u es t IJPClI lters. Condensed It .ran .. apl ndld musical 'e d the Comme ncem ent ExerCises on dlst~lbutClt at Sharon Church on Rt. 380 2 011. portunlt y to j In one l(1,'ao.d80n, of Mr. !lnd MlW. lIatr· ' Vlaltol'R At tJle home of Mr. and north of Rt. g roup rig ht h er o a t h ome a n41 111130 Friday night . Inventory o( s tnte (I e EJmm a F. follows: 'W iWll~n aathe~ at the .... Will Bernard over Sunday were 2 p. m. , Dr .Turley will prenoh ut a id in In rcat.l~n g t h pr H1Ig ot 'Vlty AI m orlnl - Eva Funkey Andrew.. 11cord , Mrs. lo-faggle. Burnett and her sis· mlth. W a ynesvill e. to enta home. Fr~dt\y ev'~nlnc !!pent and ' Mra: E. J. Smith; ot Cln. R e po rt f rom the , Special ' CommitSha rop. Ch rch IUld hold thc Qu,lr- n I1vlll \l I\S W II a s to bring more tel'. Ca tharln Himes ot OentervHle ;run 21. IMIv...... pl_nt daye together. &\.t. I; Mr. and Mrs. Bcn Smith: ~terly Conferen\:e. , . 1\[, l1;wrlght. j • ~oll{a hcre \I,~ry wee k. WIll of Loul 9ll EIlr nhnrl. Into o,t we nt to HOUl't ~m to altenll the, urday t~·ey.>.t,tended the meeUlur p' Mr. n.hd Mrs. Ro~ Buri1a~ of Thur8day~Ladle!l Aid SOCiety. R eAp nSe to, t he Special! Commit. Cleare l'eelt township. ndm llt d to me ncem ent exe rcises In which Chjls. the AluinJt~. ,Auoclatlon. ThOM ~n.IlO'M1:. and I'llr. · nd lin. Goorge te hy L . . A. Gnrst. Supe~lntendllnt. KIndle, I\. ,n ephew, received I\. dlplo· court und wlll bo r end, Juno 3. ellt were Mr. an,d Hrs, of Lytle. , TI all y o r ,th Old Guard, introduc<;e rtrtlCato of tra ns fer In eslato of lIla. . WlUlamIJOn ~t Clevell\ndi loll'll. Ethel nnd Mrs. John Fromm enter. IfAJtVEYSBVRG MEN Ing m ,mbe 8 of t he 50.~ar and 26. H enrie t ta. V. Mounts to dl\IJg htcl·s . MIllS Cla ra. Llle ot W ashington C. Hawk and tier IOn, and wite, Mt. the following"at supper, Mon. '1'0 BOLD FESTIVAL draco Rog I'll and Mary Coch ra ne . . ) ' 1'11 1' gro u"s. around· which thill H. is visiting f riends h ere. and ' M.... J : Bryon . Cooper itay evening, Mr. and Mrs. Lee The Harveysburg Men's Club wUl yel1r 's a lumni g athering 'rt\vOlved _ Mr. a nd MJ'II, Ronald H(~w ke \lad H. S. W n n vlck. • daupler ot Miami, Florida; MI'. lfawke and lIOn, Dean: Miss Ann m eet at the gymnlUllum. next Wed· a s dinner guests, Sun,d ny, ' 1,11'. lind JoIn, Harold WWIam80n and W oltz: Mr. and MrI!. J. B. Hawke, neadny evening, when n strnwbel'l')' l\~rs . J . W. Edwards ahd dn ug hl.ors, ren, of Dayton: Mr: and ~ daughter, ale~na. ot Sprlng- festival will be enJpyed With the In. Ma ry L eah and Marjol'l , and son, Bro and Hiss Grace ~lel;J. Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Hawke and dies aB speplal guesta. Johl) Erbadler. 19, of n enr Mllidle. o ('01'ge, of Springboro, , and Ml·8. Four aenerattone were ,Cleo (If Lytle, and ,Mr. ·and J : W, Snell, Roj)ert eoilett" and boro; III In n. cl'IUonl condition nt n Edith Jiarrls un41 Mr. Horrls Mo· In thit 'tamlly, Pther/ng, MI'tI. Melvin B4.Itl!!. , of . l!IlWllUlJlhw~ll~la~rd~~~~~L!:!!,!..,!l;!!!!!~~~!;!I1' hos l]n ol , Ruft ring fr om s el·. ')In. HAlT)" ~'lUanuroa, Mrs. 1I'1111n. 0. wounll In Lhe a bdomen, wh en h e Mr. IUld Mrs. A'~dr~w H:odel (If 11&",11:, M'r, Bmn ~ooper, lJr. and M;". go~ard ~hdeaco\l WAS s hot. W'edneSday aUernoon by Stl'ea tQr, IlIInol8. Vl811.od the weekJj~U. cJ&1II\I'~ter, preaent ~ 11/ tipn'lIy dlo.11er"on BARN DESTROYED his flt ellfn tb r. ' Fred Erbache r , duro end' with ' Mr: and Mr;;: John ~l\Ils The withdrawal oi Mr. Harold D. given by M .... Mary Gerger BAST OF 'WA\'NESVR.LIll Ing a family' quarrel .. His condition who severnl months l~gO came from Willis from t he aet lvo m n nag-c me nt Mr. . Stanley Mye..... ot ,'Butler. Is reporled tob b e grn ~~. ' Illinois I to take their abode at ' lbe o ~ 'rhe Ml nml, Gn z tte WILS a nnounc· Thia oocaslon wu t(l' do honor 'l A barn o~ Ule Ha.rvey Rye tarm Frell .E I·llll clte!' told Sbe rl1.t "VII. Telegraph Mills property. Mrs. H o· ed over the p nat w ~ ·end . blrtt\dl/-ya which occurred' laat erutt of Waypc8vllle was des troyed IIn m Hulford tha t t h e quarrel "tort. del Is a Sister or Mn. WOlls'. ' . of' :r.£rtI. ArchdeaCon and Mr. by tfi.e, Inte ~rtday. when struo~ by ed over the t ct' that the boy re fuse(\ Mr. and Mn. H a rold' Myers of D e· ell \1tlon Carpenter Of Dayton. IIg!ttnlng. E-!ght tonlJ. ot hny. some to do' hl ~ IIhnre ot th e worK on' the trolt, MI~hlgan, visited frOID Frida y CC n Af' S , Mr, nnd Mrs. Ralph Homme) and harness, 0. new 'feed , tuck, and or.c Erbaoher farm. According' to HUt. until MondRY :wIth Mr. and Mrs. AII (0 go Jokes, ot DIlyton called on Mr. Rnd sheep. were d. slr;vye4. . " (ord; Erbach:llr approached hlR step. Harold ' D. WlJlIa nnd Afll.ry Lor· r'::lcJes. " John Froll1!;D; Bunday : aftIlr- . FOrellt Hobblltt ~8ldeil on tlie 'fatb er Wltll h, club ,!nd the c lder mnn n.lnne. :ro.lrs. Myers Is a s ister of Mrs. (Continued fa,nn: ),fl'. Rye waB o.n the farm a t obtwnCll a 38 cullber revolver wIth Willis. . tl e time and was abre to: ~ve con· the Inten t of: frIghtening the youth'; Mr. and Mra. H . C. Cole man ot IJderabl~ Content.. . \ ,. • Tile cld r Elrbac!1er told the aheTltf Norwood were Snt rday night guem. that the y hnLd h ud sll'rillar Qua rrcls of Mrs. D. L . Crane. . FoRD ,HEADS ' nnd that eac h time h e ha d subdued MAY AUTO SALESI ,llin by IIl'lng the revolver over the FRIENDS HOME Ford' ,1e(1 the fleid In ';'utomobUe youth's head. He IIII.ld h e did not Mrs. Oehrlng of Toledo spent ~. In W~rte'n County durtng "now how It ha.ppened ,that he fir d m~)JiUi oJ May, for he' first time In Into the boy's body thls , t lme. . last week of school with her dnughmany monthll nine cars of ihls make • The sherif f was t(lld tha t young tel;' and t hey boH~ return~ to To· Erbacher lind b ' en Il. p sychopathic ledo ' on Tuesday. , Mills Fra ncis Alden haa gone to 1>a~lent ' In '0: CJncJnnul:! hospltnl for sevenU mqn~b8j • Columbus .tOr Q. month. t , L..:..!:.. .. -' T~--,;-f "' Miss 'Ruth CIln.h4lllr re! urned,trom Mr. ·Silge. JlM here 8urtlclent . .. ~ lit;'11q..r~T'o~~· , Cedo.rvllle where 8H,e has hee n teach· time to hu.V~ pccome ' ~gtnbllShc<!, the COmftl,Unlty, (1 with :J:tls Wl~e Wayn 8v!1;11i If! lOOP. «:,0 r e(l.Uze , a tng to speril -tb~ lIumm~r h ere. '. . Mrs. Lo~ H"artsock and Mrs. C. c! xperien ce In tbe neWI!i>aper fleld~' long Crut 'W dlht In 11.' I; ,and 10 Store. ..., t Mr. itPll MMI: fert Balild nre plan· l;I. Dllathcrage with R. lif. ,H'~rt80ck'B will contllllle to "ltlve the i!tIune high '10 06~)111 a at r~ ot bls 'nntu ~ family ctiiied on' A; Z. 'Hartsooks at cla llS publlca Uon and . commerctal . \vork ILS h ilS be n th o' custom througthe neaf f fut'ilre In' the Gray r;vom OaldJ nd. Sunday ahernoon. The HHkey s isters Of Dayton call· out ·the 90 y ears ot Its existence. Mnln Str\!et. Thl~ ~oullie Is well :lItr.. Willis, In ml\.k'ing _com,ment on I' khnw':' herd IUld our beilt wllihes, g.~ e<l on Mill!' Knte Colllns and othe rs ~n Thursooy last. . . m~ tter_ Bald, "On ooh~ of Ill)" to 1hem tor:' ~ ,sUccie!ll!fUt bU8\ncllS: J.+:- ~. ...... . ,. I\{\SB • elll,ra. ~urphy und Clara se'1( and,'.tamu.y ' wishes to IlllY quI' Trlm&~e' ot' Dil¥iqn ~Ied on several months' mlsoolation ~t tb.e bu;;lnesa h duses and !91k of w&.yne8 • ontJ,,4Dna Brown on ThursdlU'. . Mn.Chnrlet1 l}cri-yll'l~ ot ,",VIUln"'1yuiG tmve ,been ,. ver:y enJo31a.t11e"P lllndl ,ll"'i'llcan bus !l'n~ ;lier nlce~ ?diJ!e FUIlI'e90 fI we wish t(l take this meana of J a me8town, called on The BroWn ing them ail torthelr .klndneaanQ .••v .....;;. . . . .ters, ,Monda)". . " .pu:tronagC' , Vfe- commend Mr. Baae 'Mrs. lDmmn Pieree, ~ Franel. to you with full contldenc~' that be Alden, Mn. Geh.rlna. ' aUd Wilton will carry on In a flne '-lIUI..D.Del' ....'... I~::' P'I)y'''CIlan. H~k, '\V.enl. 'to SPrlDsfleld. on )IOU, worthy .ot your I!lPPOrt." Su~ nftel'Doon. ' . Mr. Fronk TaUnp ot 'CID,olDnatl called on ~~. ~ ~ XoJ1CJa7

Play To Be Cwen By letWist Yon-e ... Folk.





C URen NEWS ====:.: :=======:.:==r== Band £nncerts To Start N[eit'Thursday


'7,. .


Youth Shot In Family Quarrel

Miami Gazette Under ,'Ne~ ~ Ma~emeDt l is-wrio-To~~~niir-:~ ..






Main StNet Waynesvllle, 0hio

. In Ninetieth Year, D)' Urrhl'rI . Wllrwldt Tmm l' Hal b- fnl1 uWlug' th Y 'Ir 1800, l h 1'0 npp(' III that 8ocllon ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY of 1I0uthwcal (\I'n Ohio k nown as tho ' Ir gl llia )1l11t:l ry Lands, a harely . Subacriptlon 'Price, $1.50 Per Year, Payable in AMance ' and mix d llollulatl n ot pion or An Independent Ne wspaper Dedicated to the ,Servi ce 01 W a ynesville sl'tt1el's ot Eng-II h, ' COl h , Wels h. and 'ric inity Giving its patrons the best n ewspaper humanly p os- 'Ond I r ish d s ellt . ~ble . Th ose n('wcom r a, rU I'llnns ir m tllo Norlh , and a'\'ulll;1'8 Crom t he South , hall nl'l'lvo' (\ nl Lhoir desti naTHE AMERICAN LANGUAGE I tion by v"J'lous mI'Lho(\>! oC u',wcl. "I'll look it up in the dictionary." That d ecision , a Sum" had om!' VltL cana ls, ho I'S!)' f avorite when t he American lang uage is in question, has 1m k, :1 n<1 ox' a rt frolll tho En st. th 1'fI, by ~l mlll1l' modes oC trans· been 10 ibl e .for ju t a little over a century, Just 110 l)orl l) llon, hali trrtv,'I!'d up trom t he years ago this ,,;'eek, t he first edition of Noah W ebst er's Soul h b)' wa y ~'C tllU 'UI1,b I'III n4 Cnll to P itt s burg h. 'rher they hlld dictionm'Y rolled 'f roll\ t he presses. omh" ri(f'll on hand· made rntls, Moat· With 12,000 new words and 40,000 new meanings, Inl:' dO\\'1\ th u Ohio RI\'cr to Clnclnthe two-volume American Dictionary gave t he officia l nnt), ", hHI'e , dill Illb I'klng, thfl>' srt, stnmp of a cceptance to t h e American l angu a ge. Prior to Il -d rill' 1\ shl' t'l whll In th6 Hl vOI' 1828 t he tongue of the United Stat es was the King 's co unlry b(' rure push ing Inla nd to English. After Noah W eb ter's compil ation appear ed on their Pl' rtt HIt) I'l,lt <1 s n nRpons. Th , 0 tll e book helves, American, as a se par at e lang ua ge cam e WCI't! th o I&"antjl of In I\c\l. (\ \\'Ilrded to n e\,o lu li nur y h I'D a fo r 1058 8 into existence_ . Today, 110 years later, t h e America.n language g o ~s u8utlned dlll'lng tho Wa r tor ]ndeon growing a nd changing, New occupat lOlls , n ew condi- p()11dcnce. Illu8U'II t1 vcl of th sta tus ot sotion , n ew mea nings bring new words into populal' usage. ci ly In t ho tl tlys of th is mlgNlUon Ameiican, the most fluid and youthf ul of all languages, Is fi n (> lJlsode of Ih II' t rek west wa rd. r eadily grafts tho e new words into' accepted u~ a~ e ,. Ono ot th setll I'S WAf! 0. mll n ef Thanks to Noah Webster, you and I today write and IfIAnt 8u 'ength - ntis was In the da.YB when })h}'~! a l nrfl w!ls!J wlI£I the talk-American. '.. g ou l of I\m blUon - a nd on th.- VII" age dow n the Ohio Ri ver he WII' MAN'S BEST YEARS c.a nect upon to figh t nnd duck every What are mal\'s best year ? If you could live your b ull y t hllt was m et with on lhelr life at one age, what age would you choose? Would you Crequenl stops nlon g the shor es . ot t he detel'mlnulion anchor at 20, would you slow down to a halt at 40, or whlIndlcll.tive h 81)l1I'l'pll th m on Is th e ncwould you be satisfied to follow a normal life span? count of my g r eat lirand(ather Those questions. always good for a verba l battle, reo, (Jam s "r\ a.t'Wlc.k , fll ther qf J t:S!i1l cently starte<} a word-fraca in the British press wh~n W .), n t"/1.n smij ll In Ijlll~ Ur ljut Winston Churchill, former ·Minister of State, r ecorded In at-mJd ot nolili ng. One dllY, whl !1I the "·Sunday Chtonicle"-"Twenty to twenty-five are the l'ldl ng h is steed, a stubborn jncktlss best_ ~ears of a man's life, the eart·h is his and the fullness planted Jls It In his plLt h and r ( used to m ove. H jumped to t hereof." To wbich George Bernard Sh aw, not to be kept .out SI'uund und flst·fo ugh t the anlmClI til ' he clUno out t he Victor. of any argument replied-HIf you want to be, a prl,z e- unPf!splte t he pOI'1l1! of the fo r elli, fighter, y'O\l 'don't want to be ove~ t hirtr,. If you want to be nr cl u Uti I bOl', nlld expo9ul'O to the an old dotard, well-I'm over eIg hty, wBather, \vt) lch the'le . o.Fly s t!Iep! Tbe best answer of a ll came from Dame Marie " pel'lenc d, longevity W(III II- slgnlfj, , Tempest, the a ctr-ess-- "Each ag e should be a !folden a~ e , ca nt tact. This !OI'benrer, of whom if you keep your bra in .clear, a!1d if ;you .have the cap~cltr, 1 have mlldo mentio n, li ved to 'the or absorbing those t hings WhICh WIll glVe a ,happy hf~. rip e 0111 l1S0 ot nlnety,rlve, In whlcb True it is that every age ·h as something to offer_ yenrs ot hJ8 lit II hna py.rC1l l1M4 Childhood has its frolic, youth jts romance, maturity its s pectncles In 01'l1er to Illla rJlen hls In huntln,; squlrr(lls! He wnll mastery of the world, and age its c~J.ltentment- For some, a.lm tho fMh er o~ tourte.e n children , ten contentment, is he highest goal o~ hfe. :!for them, the age 80ns a.nd l our dllugh\(lrs, a lt ot which seems to offer least, may In realIty turn out to be whom Uved to m at urity r ' n. C\eMh ~b~' _ Q,rul oocurred In th e fam ily circle. What are man's best years ? All of them-if he le~rns Va rl d as ware t he Nlclul sn'alns to live each age as it comes along, and to forget the JOYS from which th ese seltler8 had . of the past in the understanding and appreciation of the sprung, q uCllly d lrferent were thei r r eligious a ffill n.t1ons. Unlte,d Brethpl·esent.

Eote:N!d As Second

Cl~ Mall Postoffic9, Wa ynesville, Ohio



"lib Dra,.. • • £a~t';' a.ttW WAYNESVILLE. OHIO

(Mufe • •


Plloto S"ndfcott)

~ONCERT -planilt, to let aw.y from the beaten track, try out , ' novel detour oHered tU other clay "Old Black loe" AI a Pollab dane.: !"turkey in Straw" .1 a ·Hun.arian dance by B'rahm.: "Home. S~ I 'Home" .1 an --::---::--:---------"--: Arabian dance B""fII,tul,,. mOl. eJrpnl~ by Tlchaikow- ,.. 'nt,rpre,'n. Herbert fir#' Barel. sky; "Old Folb Sanford. fIIId Ceor., Hall. BOIl at Hom." ai • .ere a_lated lor y,ar, -"It ,,,minuet by Bach - .ompo.,r. M".1a oj .1a,.lr 'pare .,,,,. "YUlkee DOD: .oday I, 'pen' III maldlt' ,.. ., ....: elle" a I both ran._,n,. 01 .lae/r old. lead,r. ~ j Chopin and I . I f' • f' _ 'l ' •,Llnt wou1~,have One of the best definitions of jus , do!,!e.. It. Ant· we liave heard Is glven, by RaT No. erkia •• Beat- blel songwrIUng·bandman. "To mOlt hoven and Tin people," he says, "Jail meana dance Pan AUe, woUJiI music. Personally. I tblnk It', an . Loul. R.ld' have ,written It o;dlnary tune played In reculn . aDd "T.!'ae Star Spangled Banner" In tempo so that people ' can mOT.t ,the manner of MOlart ••• Detoura 1lround a dance ftoor," ~ . -~ " can be tedloUL " : - .- -- ,. '. Noble's rlgbt. People- diiii'fdanee;l ) " -,, - _ ' .... ~. they move around a floor. - ~itiver became ' jW Emtna-'? ' - - __ . , 'toJen? She was the ,ItI' to wbom 80me ~ tn1t8lcio", who 1(" ' f the lOng "Sweet Adeline" was dedi. thclr torrl4 name. tn tile tlef ' cated. Her name appeared at tbe 01ler are Joe Ven"U, Ildd'er; PACI . Napoleon, tncmpeter: Mtll Jlor.. , top of every copy of tbe song, Harry , Armstrong, compoller ' of trombonut; Toot, 1l00000rro, PGta the balJail, recalls her as a young Ricci, Cab corrolOat/. .azoPAoII"t••~ girl who In 1903, the 'year of the __ _ _, son", publication, was 'lelllng mu· Benny Goodman,,Uy, IIU'l , atc In a New York department atore. satisfied to be the dictator of swine,l l Sbe had been successful In booatln, He has , turned songwriter. hJI flrilt song' hit. "The , ' . With tbe' help of Bdpr B~ory tbe Vlole,ta Told." , ' Samp80n and Mltche' Arm.etrong -was grate" Pariah be haa pennet fut "Why don't you a tune called "Don't. Be write a aong to me'" That Way," Another shs ,asked. 80 when swing 'sahib, Louie' PrI· . "sweet Adeline" was . rna, bas alao , written • ready It bore. the In·' aon..-"Where HaTe We ecrlptlon: "To Enlma F. Met Before?" an4 !l'olen:~ - . ' 4U Ito. a nifty It ~ ~ ' Our MOlt Popuiar (" . tlml~ii , -_. - Ballad . Germany for ' ony "Hey· ~ "Biilee' AaeUM:'" Nasi-Nazi and :. HI-De['' 011/111 fIOlD ' eAletrll Ho." A Berlin aallYlWl , tllenH!lea ID1l1l 'he bill'" tbls to AY tbe otber " oti. . AmerlCClflO, ' : "As Germane. th'l .o:nl1-I1IuUnl1 get·toMurray 'Stilrm" mo.t muelcal people oa l1 'l1etll~r' 01 men ever.,.' A.8 C A.P eartb, we luelllt_w, no, '",here. t. our !Ie,' ... ~ " , ' ~ longer find pleuure la l J:tlOtim - certalnll/, our mo';-SlOP!&- 'furious sax .squeals, clarlti'et 'blaltl,ll ' lor - lIaliad ainc!! fhe 01 8te· trumpet shrills. Jan II flnlahed-" ~I JllIe" . Foater. Yet, (t f' dOMlIfli£J But Palil Whiteman Iota !'I,ht OIl flCop'e, In D6ntl'0', are lammar 1Dftll sbaklng hla , knee, "Benny Oooclmaa ' It he , flame of Ha,.,.., Armetrolll1, gC"1 rI,ht on tapplnl hla~. , ~ Pro!labl1f not OtIC perROn ttl 10.000 J .. • , . .~ lean flame ollhoml th, writer of .' - ~ ~ .: ~ ' ,"SlDeet A'lJeline." - Arm~troliD, a . It Ii doubtf~ PraIIk Cram. woillcl tleferon mtlnber of ABCAP, "!If have gi.,en u~ a caner hi electrical fleck. CJ1D6" at a ,,,,,,lIoorll, 100rking engineering hid· hi DOt In bIa Idle l mciloJft~. " mo~,enta furbil~id DP t.!'e olcl: bal-I • t. . . . ' .. .} .o{ lad, The Gaye&btIlllO. Two j " ' .r ~ ~... ' - .• ~ .. lion rec:o.,.sl were aolcl o' the 'thIDr. ' :.: Tbi ~tiOn ulnt. of. more and Crurnlt'. lta,e bepn ," •• 1 ' bidou. DODUJar orchestral continue It il tlie S~ ADdr.. SegoVia to be Vi~ '" Herbert, Sir Arthur, who h.. convinced" lUDerican ean' SuWyan ,and Franz Lebar. Theae that pltar be udIind for, . jth.... ,coJDpj)MfS' are ,lwaYI on thuI the campal al~. ready reliable Hawau ••• \



tI, ";





Centerville, Ohio ,


Phone 78J














program needs

I'en, Free Will Baptlal, Quakerll, E· plH opnlll\.nll, Methodist!!, and ROlI)an Catholics Were nil rcpresented: With strong h'ear ts and IIturc1y bodles ' nnd Imbued 'with II. deep love Cor home . and rntn tl y, thcy clenred the tormlte, erect ed their cabins , till· ed t.ho soil, Qlld thus n.nolber tron. tier ot, the Mld-Vlrest was conquer · \!d . Today, more Ulo.n n. century 10.' te r, their ~ e8cend nnts, In mnny In· ata nces, Continue to ocCW;py t he 01'1 · g Lnal lande oC these pioneer fol ks . Ela,ch mM'a home wus his astle. F nmily claimlshness rodo a t Ils h Lghest peak. Altheugh som there ow \'e who ware p easant·born, and other s wh\! traced their anoestry bnck to t he blue blood of lllngta nd'. Iltock, 0.11 wer, tYPloUl ot th o best blood t'ltat Ellrope lias eve\' produ· oed, SQClable lLfId, social, th ey were Im l)regnClte4 , with th nt true Amerl· ca.nlsm thnt Emerson defIned 110 s uctllnctly 'In. oon ijlderlng one 's 80lt n Itbol' better nell' worse tha n his neighbor. by means oC /lny nr Uflelll1 dlstinotion." ASide trom the Innate and undel'lying Impulse wh ich Inclined the g reat er portion uf these curly set· tiers to home·m alk lng nnd the pur· suit at agrioultura l Interests, there wel'e n. te w In whom tb e Instincts tor · trrule a nel cQrn J11erce w!l!'e Inher. ent. a ere IIn4 tile I'll, lit Uw Croll8, roads, communltiel arose In which the general m erch a ndl e stere was th o ccnLraI clenl'lng house for the t ronsmlttRI ot communlt{ news 118 well as of household anti nece88ltles, III ~p p ~t the r!ver valley v1llng~, Wh l/'ll t hp Pith q~ the {roR llSFB8 hnll bOcQme a r eality within hp.lf " century ntter tll l' birth ot the nel.h. borhood, a small brldce fnctory WfUI founded, for many ot Ute Englishborn ,,'ere InUmately aequainted with lron workIng" al}d construction. Quite logicallY. this beginning of Industry , aroae a8 cOD)munlty Pride an~ tIle, lI!!8t to Progresil dey loped, Tgwm~ flD!J VmO'~f!8 ~ D\oFI' num81'll\U' 'o.n4 ~ l!'Il n"POrfA~1 " ane,,· I s , conBtW:luently, wer!! Improve4. Xn the be$innlnl!', IIt~ 1l0A been fQ ~ ' OI' e!lse bridged w.Jth the old-lillie cove ~4 WQo!l llt1dp The late. devOIQpmellit Qt ,",veleC1 road. W~8 led to Improvemel't of tt)e crossings of . theBe waterway!! 118 a betterment of condltlc)ltB for IIOClol Md b\lslbOU IfI ~ercQ\lrBCI, • , No 'm ore Itr!JI;in, crollS'leCtton of American 'Ite ot the posl oentu!'y III likely to be found than that depicted .In thla rural a ren, !let oft even today from th main hl&h,,&),s of travel by auto nknd by rallwfl.Y, and r eWnJng In lte purity muC'h of the atmosphere • of that early pioneer S t ili stands the crosa·road8 buUdlng, LlbeJ'l'Y Hall, a name rem. Iniscent ot the early days when \I. berty WIl8 !\Chit vtid only after rea) struggle and Btlcl1tloe. It WII8 thon, Md sUlI is, the cathedral ot lea.t'nl~1r tor tho young lite ot tho ' neighbor, hood. Stili stMds the "Beech Grove Free BaPf1Bt Church," pioneer al tar ot r eUgio;'n ~n .the early da" and 'solemn wJtnesa to tho cbrlstenIngs , marriages bUI'IL\.Ill, nnd geifer. I al rellgioull l1tl~ ot yenrs put and present. Impo~(ant In the 'Ute of the countryslde as were~theae centen ot ad ucatton Md roll Ion, . of equal statUI nnd Interest was the nearby village Hen Peek WQJI,' lis name. Inlllgniti'


Herbe.rt al\d Lebar

little larger on the scene, U h:;~~:-~ cauae - they, I'ft1I8Ctively, wrote ,t h. 1~0lJI tun... ~I.. M. Apin" ~ "1I1f17 WIdow Walta." TheM piecla .... 1\I'arbled b, *'!er1 IInpr tile of 1nIr.ue, are aa",...M!I








MT. HOLty·



Quick Cleaners


Twin Theater Always A Good Show


Davilf. called n.t the Comell home on MOIll!~Y. , Ilooort Halnes, ohlldren Md mother, Mrs . Ethe l Pierson trom TippoCIRllOe Cily spent DecoraUon Day with Mr. and Mrs, Joe Filer. Mrs. Mary Sout1l, who 18 Working at tho Lawrence Thomll8 home Decoration with Mr. and Mre. ,Hawthorn In Miamisburg. ' Mr. Md Mrs. Peny McCrnf ond children. called on Mr: Md Mrs. Lawrenee Thomns, Sunday. . Wilma Thomll8, snxaphone student if WurUtzers" will broadcast Over a station, Frldny eVening, Mr. and Mrs. Fran)c Wright of ' l3ti Ubtoo g and, Rev. N~ban Jobnson of were aupper guests of

Build~ng, .

_ee ,


Ditchl~a Excavating . '. . Leaye name with "Miami Gazelte for ulimat••

THE HAMILTON GRAVEL CO. H ....ilton. Ohio• .. :W p., Watson, Mgr. ••

cant in slu, J umorous of appella- 'R-=ev~.=a~n=d':; Mrs~.=W=. ~o~.~~s=mlt~h~'==~=~==~~=::~=~=;~=======~=====~~~ tlon, It 8tood ou~ nevertheless, 118 ..,. the hub of the' unl~erse to the' Bur. ,ro\lndl~g count,ryalde. , It was noted for two thln8'l. Herll was the \>taclu!mlth 8hop, Indiepen. anble In the' Uv.' of the farmilr·tolka tor miles arouIJd tor repalrlng 'thelr wagons and t!U'Dl llClulpment, be· sidell being the centnu point to which the hOlt')ll88 and J;nules we.r e taken to• be IIhOd,' Here WIl8 the gen:I ~ , eraJ mer.chandll~ 'atore~_ the clearing house tbrougp WhJc:b"'was ' disaemlnated all newe f blrtlus, of ' deaths, of weddings, a nd of in the neighborhood. pe thl1l1 of' lin occn.. slolllll visit, wl~eD t 'WQ8 a amall tad not y~t In the t88~: 1'148 never left me, nor bave t he' memories of the conversatlon8 overlteard In the IVII. lage· emporlun:l. 't, • There, about :thl\ con_~, cast .ron stove, fTan j'ad ~. the omipresent ent Checker:bolJl;d ' ~4 t ,l me·honored Stllr tobacco e:pli-~, tmad ;wlth aaw always has remained the d\lst. the ' farme.\- ~~.jk ,!,0u14 gather. of power and light and Here WIUI , aJ~~ the exceptional opportunity ot! ,.nlng to a gramais a reliable, p~one. on t,~ent .. ot a small charge. Ima,gJI¥,', the excitement , nec:~~ry .adjunct to mankibd ancl ., I?laclng spea~ff~ tubea In . onl!'s ~rs and of hearltl~ tor the tlr.t tlme, such struln!! !If.,''PU8h dem Cloude way, perJiaps, Public 'Com/lift1, 'operated on the Awa,v," "CUniliIng up ' dem GOlden Stalrs,' \ and " Wbez:.e' is My WnnderlIiI'nnt"p a,: deprod~b~e ~d 'of ,rie·nal1 relatioftships Ing Boy Ton t?~; Or, perohnnce, rC1UDle ,prpgress · ·builder and . the _In vltatlo~ !Willi , extended to , go 'between customer 'ana the utilit, into the parlolr :of the attached dwel dayS aided welcome suggestions ling to. inspect t!!.e old-tJme sterioP' ' ~Icon ' views 0 , Niagara,' Falla J- of march ,toward that ' , w)Uch our service f7!.a1 be improvea mountain ~m.rv_ or ot . cltT lite, I of we ever dreamed oj ~zrullrieftt!s1t.ips With thos.e we s~rve whlch . _mad to

. tbeJ 0~r.ndov.rY:~~~!~j;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ never lrow ever.

da y evening . Rev. Jo)lIulon preached enjOyed 11 trip with Mr. and Joll'i, ul th ~'erry churcll GO th\lt evening. Jiln.rl Cl'Ilwto l'(J and fLunJ!y of 'Utl~ E IIII 1110." Wlca1 S undny t il s prlngtleltl, Mondll Y ev nlng. w ith lIIa rJo r le Tlnn II, (1JUUl QF THANKS lIfr . li nd 1M!. , e~ ~II\'II, E isl DI·. W ll rd w lllh.. 1.0 th Arik 1,18 ItlO WI II I. fi nd Ed.\Ch L~ IItlen~· u .!II(\mot·hLl '1IC",'lc II at Port WII· mnny f r l nda fQ r t h h' kindly f!o'mom\;lrnnoe", nm1 good w1 ~ho8 on hl8 , HUl1l, 1I1onlla),. Mr. u.ntl lIfrs. Charloa BIlker and ol" hty·1Irat ' bl1'thdllY. S uch triemla MI'. a nI J\[rll. Peto . Wlcal ' wore Din· 8'1' ntly help t m nke lite worth Uy· . ner guests ot the 'JQ m e~ Wlco.l .tam· In ~: 1Iy, , u!ldny. ~---n l'l 'frost lI.nd Bruce W on n ap(' nt WALK fI~FE.LY · tho, w()ekend with lIfr nnd Mrs. ] ' or]jrlvera, of cours , shoul«l '"how l' t 'fro~ t Il.nd ut t nd!t<l th 0 .com · every c'on8ldomtlon to ,ped w la,n8t ;i Io n Hny SQrvlc s at I'IOOlIa nt f ilII, Per sons on toot' mor or les" at on Sundny nrtorncion. the mercy of motOl'lsl s when oro88M1'£I. J 'S8 R olund spent Tues4ny InIJ highways 01' Btl' ('tB. (\\' 'nlng with 1111'S. P. IT, ThomlUl tlnd B ut pedestria ns RhouHl alao Bhow 11'1 1'8, 1I 111'ry Ford yce. , oonsideration for drlvpl1S. It tnk oll I~ 1111'" , jo'ol·tl yc 's cOlldlUlln rcm llins lot mQl'e time and apn 0 to Atop ve t')' '1'l\ lclI 1. when cll'lvfng tha n wilen you are MI'. tlnd MI·s. J oss Res~ , l llRs Milt· walking. tl ~ I (,~!I of Sp r ing VBl le~ 1Uld Mr8. So wllen you nro 1\ p ~d str lan g lvo Oleo Ot·r, ,,·.1 or' Port If • , 11el11· tho drfvcl'!l a. IJrefll(. At Ol'n r ll wl tti Byron ~m er¥, S un· g'nn. "I"IINI' ,Concluded In noxt Issue) signa l lights QI'OSS bnl y on tlte gr day aftel'llOOn, 1111'. IIlId ,\ ll's. A. 'p. W enn a nd stm At cornel's wit hout IIgh(8 Oro8H only niter looking cal'ctully In both <11IUI(\ :'11', nml 1\\rs. Allwrt Haw es wer e reQlIons, . 10 ndll Y ~1I.·~ tS oC MI'. and MI·s. F or· Above nil , don't jaywnlk. You cSL T 1'lJ~ t. OIin 't expect m otorists to be watch1111" . Fl'Ilnll Conldln ot Ji)n-yton vis· Mrs. GIlle OI'(orl1 trom il,'d with ) 11'. Ll ntl 1111'11- Pet , .vlcul, Ing podeslrlllJl s darting Into th e' 1I:' IllLlIIs IIml a t th o enme Ime be wltl h:ron, ' Michigan, s pent tho weel( "11(1 II . Ing tho stream of lmttlo about tit m. with the J ess R88~s nnd allend 1I WALK SAFELY ua well lUI I>RIVE WaynesvlUe CQmmencement IIncl SAFELY. Alumni. Mr. and MI'8. Jamcs Wlcal vl"ll~ d Subscribe to your local neWFRer 201 s , Perry W ad e lit the Vo l· ley Hospital, Tu esdllY evenin g a nd Mr , 'hurlOl! Crawfoi'd 8pent the found her Improving BIltl srnClO I"Il~·. ClellD Up At The .. Price. Mrs. Wilde suffers from qn Injury IV ek on(1 wit h h is, brother, . Mr. \\nd Mrs. Clarellce Crawford nnd tamlly. tg hilI' Ie&" ' . Men's 8 pc. Suita lI!r. lind Mrs. Roy Sbft~ &lid fam· loll', CUld Hi'll, Laura Rose, Mr. and Cleaned and Praaaed MI'lI. leoore nnd Mr. and Mrs . Ha r- lIy of l)prlng VllIler /IIICInt Sunday 50c old Moore, all trom Tippecanoe It y, with ~ I r. nnd Jofrs. lJou ~rgan . Me n', Hats \" IIpent Sunda.y at the H a rry Com eli L it till .Johnny Burg • f D~ten Cleaned and Blocked home. RI'"nl 11. feWda ys with Ia 'Ount, Airs, 50c Beulah and Emma J enn Smllh 11.1'0 10 rence CrllwtoN, • '. ' Ladjes Plain Dreaaes improving tram a selge of measles. Miss L(l\llile Smith t Spring 50c Mrs. Bertbb. Co!I!!'1I {If ~ln" 1\ nd ~rR tio h spent SaturdayiJ njght and Mr. P.HIl MfII. Jj1dwAJIii Burto n oCEly r SundR Y with her b.rolher Mr. and ta were &,uelltl! of Mr. nnd Mrs, ']'om MI's, E rvin Smllh Jl.ll" : ~Qghter, Ju · Kllt.hry.n Mondenhall,. MgT. Burton and Mrs. J ennie fullen, on dlth Ann. ! ', Sunday. . MI'. und Mra. EIVIll !A chnel nnd Mr. and hlrs. D l\ve Good\luster a nd daughter , Dorothy, weo( 1 Piling at , lion - Dayle, called at the J, ' S. F iler Xonla., Snturda y. . home, Mondny evening. ' Mr. E-d. Crew Is 118 1\ few .Mr:'. and Mrs. Homer P owell of c1fLYS with fr lend/l ot if ,B ur li ng· P eebles, spent Mondny with th e W . tlllli Q. Smith fam!lyl'IHss Cln.ra Da ugliteJ;8 !!pent Sun · WAYNESVILLE Mft IlJld ~ , P erry Fnul s pent da y ~vlth Mr. and Urs. F. nnk ICelUB the w eekend tn K entuoky a nd ou- nnd da ughll'l', Ruth. thern Ohio visiting tho Byron R ul la. Mr. Morris LeWIB and Mias Stelln Albert Prathers, and L ona.rd Olb en spent Monday with Mr. n.nd nnd lither relattvea nnd trlends. Sun· MI'S. Hur.Old K ellis and tamUy. d~p thAY v~ted Shnl)non Cemeter y. Mr. nnd Mrs. Clarence Crawford _ __ I Mr, and Mrs. · Gaorge Summerfi eld ot Cinclnnati called at t be pnrson· age, SuncJn.y ntternoon. 141', and Mrs. Ervin ThomlUl spent " J. Sundl\.)' wt~h h.~r grnndpl\.rents , the VETERINARIAN C, ~. K1l enhnmm at Springboro. litre. La.Wl'ence ThomB.l\ Is lOme· Fifth Street Phone SO what Improve4 thlB week. Wayaeaville. Ohio ' Mrs. Joe McCray ot I\lJnmtsburJ; nnd da \lghter, Helen I;toot8, from --; WaP!',oneta spent Bunday' with die H~ry Comell8, EII.rn,est Rogers nnd trunlly of Day· Moores from WII-

ballnted barn tbat W88 a landmnrk for years, WIUi what MI'e and odmlm tlon they IJ1lged at a natlve'lIOn 0 8 ho narrated his ex perl nco RS' l~ DIllional Inw.cnCorcement oWc l' .In (:)klu. homn In the dll),s when the ' a ir 'wna rite wlUl ' a.~(lUnts ot UI killi ngs nnll robbllrl118 of the J aml18, Young· er, Ilnd F orcJ brothers" and th cr lesser outlaws ot the Mld·Vlctorlun period and CQvered Wagon dM·S. How th spirit at a d venture and desire to know b e world lay b ')'ond H en P.lck welled up n8 n g lobe.lI·ottlng visitor to the nelg bborho cl told about tll gold t ush in Callrol·lIln. and In Alaska. Wha t drou lllR ot A1addln·llk.e riches wer e conjured Ull IlS t hat Indlvldunl InslstQd thnt ho had a otua lly discovered evld nct's of this pr lous meW In the old home community !tse!!, ;but this IIl Uldon d quickly.




~IW 'liasis

'itself· We'







:antI 'Ierpf1ualetJ..



all' ~foy,

Power and. Public t1U1i~' "e:tVII~e ,have this in ·commoli'':'" J ,--.,_....... - ~lic ~actors. c


mnnd lor specialized tl'nlnlng In th t' oth r r ooord·bl'i!akil18' K~U nrl merth,U\(Jleln g 11 Id ,!:Ilnce the the 19;18 event,

State Capitol News

pn>!8nge Ily

MD S, 0 1110 , M ~'Y'- 1(1(111 hl'W!'! fOI' Ohl 's !I rnlY (If a nr.;J"I·I'. !I, t lmnt 11 to rtumbi' r t hl'co·, qul lI·! rH {Jf mill ion m 11 , "'OUlt'I1 . 1'''Y 8, li nd g lrbl •. was th IUln ~lIccm'."'t by ('un ·

aervn tlon oml1\l88lo n'l' Lnw/,pn c '\:Vootld cll of the publica tion ot n nw n n d ' xoluslve SpU rI 81l1 ~ n ' B mop \Vhi It Rhows th 10C(II I\?n Of IIIl Ol'ln' 1'11)(11 "lr 1l1l1~ . trll)\ltn d('fI, nncl h~l, 8 of III S l lllp. Jt w as 'Issued 1\,. a spe· c ltll 8l1l,p lcm nl to !lu hscl'1hel's t o "Uh lo CUI1SCI' VII UUIl J ull ··t1 n.' "f(lelnl wlld ·llfo I ui llit'lltfo n ot



ong"eIll!5 ot a meilBur '

Rog i trn.r F"'nnk Weat ot the state whIch U rm lt. ~), Ohio ('O"tlnit ~l! l an hul' n u oC mot or 'v h lrlo/:! r p(lrte!l (\ ". the- Elllntt to stnbll lll1 In rl"(\t"'u l Ihlll <I\/rlng 1111' rh'IIt 111'0 ' \\1 I~ k/:! In hullflhlP:!< ,.t(ln(l~ to Lo tolwrulr,tI l,~ ;\Iny lilt' hUI '!'lI l1 11111 111' I WIUT1lhll! In hl \ nIJ \.\',.. ..l ~ III OI·tI ,,1' th"t th r',\' m n} 1I,t' amO l/n L ,,( $Ill.ltatl I" Iw 'nly hOB' b C'unll' p''''lln ll y Ill' tu l n llr . I( ·,. up· [,iUll" III Dhl<, I II l'l.lm hlll·Hl.'rnentN of 'VIII'U II I!', ::;IIO'I'lnt nd (>lIt H('l lI'~I" I' I'~ <: hllrn~ rIled frJ I' H"l' v l cl's r flU I' di n. w d llted , In o l'd r 10 pro\' ld 1)\'011 .1 IlIgt nl pn Ion 1:1 who l' ~1' lv d t reattrlllnlng·. to ,CO/lstl'U t o n tho schor I m · nt lUI th e ,'eMult of .mowr v(>hlclo j;1'I.lunds n bulldlng I hat w !1I h DU~l: I~

model "tll nd w hl h W OIII II b 01'('0 I Iho otJhli<, n nd .11 twlll 'h 'oll lr\ hr




'I'hl 1" 10 1"lIl>lIc {; ~lI llll'R c0ll1111ls· flo\ll (' 1\ lIfl y', wilaeco, n ,'wRulllll l'>! , 11 1ft "inn ~ ""lI l e'l Ill .. Cl PI'II~Jtll<i 1l l u- C, gllld n t".q and lI;:ht l'er r cNi ll11 n iH. AI , A. P H I'tH U f'l. ".:110 0 IWI' ;'Ll "8 U9 fl.. om~ tonll'Y ; t' II P I'1I 1 .J) lI ff~· h ~ ld thnl till \11\11)" 11110\\' 11 1111 I:llI'al Ga!'l nt Mt. I!lIll<'I'lnt"ntleut " n rl l"l l ll i l' Dln:\·I,,1' \ '('1'11(111 . tl, uhllrlll'HI !;n!'l set-vice to Uw Rlllll' .1 lvlHlon of COM I·va l o n. hut uf ~dl/ at! n 8, N. ].)1 ' lI' le l \I "I/ltl rUl'a t f 'onRU ll WI"S 111 lWIl Kn ox co un" e xll'(t ()I Ie's WI~re 1II'l lI lr'l l a nll Lh e y hn \·,· lI ulh ol'ily to ..... ('( follil "qllip j y tllw lI ~ h i Jl s .. n Hf"'C' UUn l or Ihe In· will h


nt l,' nny Int r ('s ll'() nn,.' ~lI(' h n I ralnln!; :!tu nd. qu at a nt! l'C'cclp or 000

Ill ,lilly or 1:111':1 1 I;"" til find a. n ew !!fl \ll·. ·.· or f' II/'l l lr i n lie n of tho ex· C ' 111:; I II "ul n fli ' ~ t a n,pR III 1,.,\,('1' th ~ ])11'1'''t ol' of A /-:,rl ·'ulllll·C' . 1·; ,11'1 I I. il""~l"(\ \\',,' \I ,~ whidl \Jre\' llJllllly se rvcflsl o( mullinS'. omml~slo n c r '\\' ood, Il a l1l"l'el oi . pl'l"",ltI"!l la'l l ",(',· It at 111f' <l the I ' l'I'IIClry , I

"VIctor, 4arIlna!" abe cried. Vlctor Wbeele4 aIIout at Ute sound of ber :vol~. She ruahed to him aDd he took bel' in Ian~. He was &bout to kas her ,when ho IlUdIkDI¥ thrtUlt her from him, "What ar. you doing bere, Anna?" he d~ manded .ternly. "Why 41d you foilOW'meT" . '7OIlOW' ~ dal-ling?- ehe laughed.. 'Tin ;your wife-I belong



flve l


1\ sa ill. O n Ih o r cvcr !lO sldo o( 111 ' 1 ~I'(l uml ,h"('"k in J{ ('C 1'(' 1110 11 1(',. nl tl>(' RII<1 I' t HJntln't! l11 a p Is lIn Mflc- Iu l m a ll UI>I" ~ 1Il 1 " r a lt' gro und " rill' II Ill'\\' M Hl a lC hl ghwll)'S rfll' ,'o /\ \"'IJ"''' ~ I :,o . oon hl/ltrllng f u l' till' jUIlI,\)· r,tll' of th "porlmll n In L1 rivln J{ t n lh e wl lil'll \\ 111 IJ ' f " 1I 111l'l'(1 In I',,"jlln," "t l'W Ill 0 1' lak e uf hla c h.,lee. 'l 'I\L' I'o I lu li will: til' I U3~ ~tllttl rai l', TIl\' Is Il ls n II. hl'l ( d cscl'i plllJll II( (J hlu ' ~ h l1 lhlln /-:'. whleh wi ll IlP ,·j" II'Il't1 ,," Stlll (' pn rl\9, r es' I'" II'S , 1:11:,·:; lin d lIll' silt· of lh !Juy,,' l elll ell II II'. \\'111


ga m


VIctor moUoned Edward outaide. ''LI8teD, Ann&," 1» pleaded when the valet had BODe. "I've come here to write aD Qpera. - my fo=~~ 1 openv-:-I want to work a: peace. , . Go bome. Plaaae. must go back to Vlenna." ADDa Aook her ~., "1 don't\ 1III.dentand you. ,V~. Yolive al_~ wrltt1m JOur ~~_t mualo With ~d, the ! have aU acclaimed you." "'lbe (!l'iU_ have aeclalmed ~1" he dcla1med. "Bahl .A..JI the r~ Views read allke: Anna. .sorIou!y. P. s. V1ci:.Qt' Albert oom))OIled the muatc," He paced up and 4cnm the room. • "Everytblng I've wrtttllD ba,w been about you, Anna-mualc for YOIII to iIdDg. But now I'm Bolng to compo"'" a almple Inl'm~LlnJIC lltUo atory about. peuant boy, living, JovIns', elOIN! to the eon and the aun of the Tyrol-" "But I can play a pellSIUlt girl, too," cried Ann.. VIctor laughed upro.noualy, "Imagine you~he moat gtamocroua IJtar of the Vienna opera. atag'e, 8lnldn g j pe!IUIIlLDt role! No, no, Anne. You You must BO bllclt to/ and l88lVe me in this peaceful atmoephere where I can work undJllturbed-" Anna. jumped to her feet. OfAU right," abe atormed. "Go ahead wfth your fooUlhne88: But-don't como crying to me to 8111.8' youl'claet'a facf. your maeterpioct!'," In a mome nt . ,H la upreuiOD Wd noL loet oh ahe waa gone, the door alammlng the two WlU ... genUemen. They behind her. \ .~d bacltlng out the door. Luigi - All Anna rulhed t.h:·ollgh the tumed on them. "Coma back...· be lobby in an attempt to reach tho roared. "And lI'ranalbulMlr - if terrace before her taxi d lrovtl' away, they break aJl1' 41A_well-for ahe encountered Mr. Laul'el and Mr. evay 41ab they break they work Sa'rdy who bad been tran.terred anotbeJ: ~I" With .. Anal de- from kitchen duty to w'!Ulhlng the ~aatating aneel' be left them to (he cONI dora. mercy or li'ranzelhuber." Mr.-Hardy bowed, llUlJdng way :rhe chef put down hlJl utenalla. for to pua. Anna. .eyed them "So!" he jeered. "you were going to "At lout the help around have me 418Oharged. You bragged here Ie .. ehe obeerved. ~ut dlacharglng better chef. then "We can't help bulp," Ollvetl me." He .topped AOrt. ''TbM'll 1IP'ed. . are no better chefIJ than me!" be "We l'.eally wa& ,dlahee," ex..! acreamed. "Do YOU 1mOW' aD)' better -'-'--d S._chota than me?" - - ...... \ Be ae1zed his cleaver aDd ad- .Ann stared . at them. queatlon" VllDCad towazi4 'them. At that mo- inal,.. Bomethlnl' bl Iller m6nt the .tntJu cir • plaDO aDd a prompted Mr. Ha~ ·to explain mail 1IJInglng wafted through the thelr pred1cament. Shle Ulltened open kitchen window. Pransillruber intently, a alow 8IJli1e IPreamng dropped the cleaver aDd. buried bla over bar face. t_In bla handl. . "You mean you 1I4ue to etay In "8tlIp that p~,I" he ahrleked. thl8 hotel becaUille you couldn't pay BO!~,~ JIIIi~~H-;"~ S~'P- that aI~ng. , !Ie coUaJll8d for your 41nner?" UpolUlo chair. 'KuIlc, he wept, ''I Tho two gentlemen n~lIded. .• IhIJCl~lOl'<eCl. hate .mualol" " :Anna thrllw back her bead ana . But the muata ~DUDue4: for, up laughed. "Where'll - th,e dJn1ng m hIa II1Ilte, VIctor .Albert. the room 1". lllae aaked. aDd with eyu maeetro. cqmp1ete17 Ul1a1flU'O or the smiling miachlev6uBly .hlll folloWed drama belDlf-. .0te41n theldtchetl, them down the corridor that lead. attem~ to CIOmpoeil an art& for to the dining room dear" bt8 opera. . The b1UtlJla' of· aD old . jI 'K !UOn horntbunderll,lg through W;1wJt (ioN :.tttft(J platt to (10, belOW', Ufte4 hIm out 1'l1iat J\.aPI'MIot 1D~ jiM 1114...... bf Ih1a chair. .. OJleJ' ~" he ~ "How ~ I ClOIDp08e ' With that ftOtIoJiallitlg "Dv&t" Oft JUa "-cb' Infernal ra.c,JcetW b,·b ellowed, "Ed. dN co StOtl 09&4 orwe,., ward,OO Ii. to ~ 'Valet, ".CUI miN tlae tIazt c1l4PteJ'.

I'un t a in Hlliall H Il;1(~I'" f UI' li7 1i II PlHl ur

l) l'CH rv 8.

00 In a n opin i on Tf· n cl l l' t'd II I thr ,'(\_ in l-!" U('(',ltn lJd alll) u .r..; f'H' lUIIH p t' l'HonH, q U I'HI ~ ( SUIl I'i nl llll.-n\\' . n. )o;('H I' - ""I'III1I"r1, ·~ fur Ih" )"Hnllfu l " xllilti, berry of the !it tl lt' H('hr-,I, l 1'1)1" ti ll' lliJ'K. Ilf rtl ' ''~, al1c l ~ l1 n\\' I ' I ':';, I t i~ t .. •• blln. l . Atl '.... ncy GP. 11(' 1'11 I 1I,' l'h"rl ~. inI; b uill :I H It '\' I'A 11I'u,lI'l·I. II \\'111 D u ffy l'ul c.-d thu l i t is 'wit hhu,~' 11,.. l H':l I W I , ·HI ol 'y ::zt 1'111 ' 1111' .' , of rq l H' I', l t C' , l,dC'l" o n ci ~ H T I. " 'V ,, (·\·r la i nly 1\\· '«1 du luon antI th e KlIl " ' I'lnlulI( I('1Il "r it h:,,1I y." P lre 'I'[,,1' 111111('[,· 101 , ' 0111 ' th lllnle school 1'01' til blind If) o f· "" ' 111<'<1 . " '1' 1: ,' ,l u l1 l .. " 1·',,11' 1'1:1 )," lin f er as lI. ('OIll'S r :;tutl y 1I 1l'I'a l III · 11Il 1' ,01'l n nl 1'11I'l In 'I ", II 11 n 1111 I Il hli. slruc Uon In t hp' operatio n!! of "')11' :-: /' I.: fall' It lhl Ill, · l.")',, ,," I ..:h·l.. (cct lon er y (unl ll1rLgnz l n Q stn lul 1'4 , '"rh e ))11,," ,,"'t IHl\l pl'np"" nl "'lIlUiltlll\ In n:4 ques ti on a rose Ill! th r s u it of lI. do, ~"'\"' r::i \" '11 1''' , '' II ,' 11I·, ·, He l'·11 1111 '



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ltC''': in II s j IIl1iulI . ·1'Y'·II.r ,,,II'

rrglRterecl chclltnut

SIlI1'!' II, \""il:ht 2(1111\ Ills. Will 111111(0 11/1\ SI''' SIIIl II ' HillS II t Ull y el South'!! fll nll, 2 1·2 1II11 ,'~ so ulh WC' Rt of ltefl Lilln, All 11I'('('IIU IlIlIl will be talulIl In PI'l'\'I' lI t nC' I ' il1t'lI t~ hn t will not be resllllllll lhl" " h un l,1 l ill Y Of'cur, Young rt'J: illl (l r 'cl slcw ll fil l ' !tal. lit 1111 thnoH. Ga lla hr.' alltl 1'1I "UI, I'hl\n o l.elll1ll0l1

4tH ,n . FO l t )0;,\ I.E: ~\\,<'L· t pullllo plu lIt s , 36 .... IlI H I " ' r I:lI n,II'(lU ')I' Ihl" 'o hund· l'f',1 1'11 1' $ 1. 1111. J\ II Idll.1 ~ (I f g'lll'uen II'

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"" )111 1.



RE D HO'J'HbRS 11.

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I FaiIley Lar.,er Becau ... of Better Quality, Sen-ice and Price Pboa.33 E."bli.b.ecI 1849 • 1938

0110'' ' ' " D""


BEECH GROVE Tho Ladles Aid held an all day and pIcnIc dinner, Wednes· Mr, a nd ~rs. Carle ton Du nn n.nd da~. at. the cOl.\'nlr.y 110me of 1\11'11, (!lmlly ot Lebanon wore Thursdl1 Y ' 1~~.nlI;".,llJJjlelit1ltlm~---:-----I1'il!lt,o~· at-tll6-home of ~rr. n.nd M I'!l . D!lvls and' fllm:lly, Mr, Roticl't F.i:: Kl'umholtz, ot ~or. wood, J eun Brown', :lnld Robert Ba,· ner, or V/aynesvllle , w'ore Thursday ". W, 0, Haines, Mm, Robert even In SUJ)1le r guests of Edward. AI· 6~;;;,;;;;;;;"';_;-;';-;;';-;-;;-;';-;"'~'"~.;;:-;;;;-;' ;-;';-;;·-;·;;;~I '<:J.llllle.. n.n(l son ot Dayton, and ~frs. fred nnd Georgo Jorda.n, and sister, .~ llit,: Obrl s tophe r or Sprin gboro were Miss Hannnh J orlln n, (Jlnliel' gUeilLB ot Mr. n.od- Mrs. ,W al· 1\11', a mt Mrs. Almon F en's bnd te r Kenl'lok on WedneSday of Inst as the,l r Sundny dInner guests, MI", week', nnd Mrs. K nneth Stratton, Miss Na A . large num ber of p,e ople trom oml, and Rloh a l'd, a nd ],oIrs, Llz7.le l}j3re attemled Decoration Day !lor· F. err Is. nil of nem' 1Ilo.rUnsvllle, . vices it!: Millml CemeterY. Monday " Mr. Ilnd MI'S. Kenollth Lllney, or .afternoon, . Lebanon, were r ece nt dinn er guests ·Mrs. · J. B. · Jones and guest. Mrs, John' Zimmerman of Dnyton, and ot. the DavIs fam ily, Therle Jones 'attended lIIemorlal Ser. . MIss Modona Ml1Ier. of HnmllLon. .vlcb at SprIng Valley Cemete'ry. Sun. I\ns been a vIsitor of .1I119s Doro thy day morning, '. a nd Inn W olls , for se\l~ ra1 clays. Mrs. S, .H. Burnett a nd Mrs, Enrl Hurl,}, ·haw. of ncnr Oregonia, a.ttend!)d Alumn) at Way. wns !I. business ca ller In this Com· nesvllle , Saturday evening, munlty, Wc<ln csdllY Ilfternoon • . Mr. a nd Mrs, E , B. ' Longacre, J . . Lee Tahnllge, ML"S. A~nh :mI· Mi-a., Agl/ell SWAnk. nnll .ohlldren mo· mage, OIenn Da vIs , MI.s8 MarJorie; tored " 9 M .(unmuth Cave , Mr. and Mrs. E. C, J eff ery" att'en11.ed ov~r the. weak·end. . tllO Comme nceme nt :Exe\"cls~" at Mr, and Mrs. Allen ' EmrIck nnd Waynesville, Friday e,vonlng. ~, • Misses , Anno. and Ruth Nutt vialt· Mr, .and ' :r.1rs. Perry Wells" Chilli .. oct the cemete ry ot Ceda.rvllle; Sun· DorotalY Ina, rmd AltO. Wfi!lls and afternoon. , Mary Eth el S3mfl w ere Sunday dIn.' Ilnd Mrs. Olyde Whnrton mo· ner guests ot' lIfr. a.n d ?tIre, Miller, to Hl\le~oro, Sunday, where and family In Hal'!' l)t<ln. ,:., daughter, Miss Mariam Mr. o nd Mrs. Wayland J ord.a n ~:l, in the ))and. familY, ot ClnclnnnU , were Sunday Bortl)n. Collins of DaYton dlnner guests of lha ;Jor6 a n fnmlly. ' t~,= .w~e~ end . with her uncle . Mnny . from this . community . were aUl)t. Mr. nnd Mra. Walter Ken· In attendance a.t the Hurveysb\1 rg and attel1dc<l the; :Alumni ntRlgh 'School C9mmenc~em ent, Thurs· . So:tUrdliY evening, F'e~, day evening. ~.-'''_''_'' on SundaY; and MlmlOrlnJ We infonnel1 th:[lt Mrs. Henry at MJan\1 Cemetery, M()nday. Mopre la improving n~ 'pr en}' from IUld Mn. .Edwln Nu'tt of ' n~r Q, yery ' serlous lUnesl. In Q, Middle· Oesatenwe vllllted' their grandson, tOWn Hospltlli. MIltoru JODell an~ pa.renbl, Mondily Mr, and Mrs. A.. :n. Tnlma,e, J. atte~Oo~. ' Lee Talmage, nnd JOllllle L .. Of1rner, "'lrtIIIdaF 4lnner gueaU of Mr. and er40yed Q, brier viSit 'WIth ~r. and 6, B. were:..lIra. John !'til'll. Herbert S. Warwlek, of Mr. · ;and Youngltown, Sat whe~.; th~r CliIUI.. were their noon gueata. ~~l~MM~!.I"': '~C9a:t~11l. Mr. Warwick III welco~' In thlll .,: blrthp1lloe ~eetin,l;


." Ii

• GtaQdma tdways was a keen shopper and quick to "snap up'" a • •• but you'll recognize these BARGAIN OFFERS without her perieoce ••• you. save teal money ••• you get a swell" i~lection and a,full yeat of our neWspaper. That's what we cail'11"~! ·DLlU ''''' readers, : . no wonder gtandma'says-"YOlrVE GOT r;,n.alll''T'Y'n ... ,rl'"



OHome Friend _ _ _ _ 1 yr. OHome Am Neediettaft....:.1 yr, OLqhoro World 1 yr. OMothel'. Homo Life _ _ .l yr. DParhfinder (Wkl.,.)_26 Issuel ORhodeblandRcdJoul1Ul!. 17r•

OAmeric.a..l'ouIUJ 1~11r. OBreider'. Guette 2 1ft. OBlide a I.edaer l,r.

OCloYerleaI Am. llArYl_ _ l.,r. OCoaaUJ uom.~ 21ft. OPumloam e l , 1n. OGooll Storles 1 yr. IJBaiDe'Cln:I8 l.,r.



OPlymouth Rock lIfonlQly_ 1 .". DSuccessfuJ Fuminll _ _ 1 yr. OWO/JUlD', World ' I.,r.


THIS usrAPER -1 FUll YEAR AND 4 MAGAZINES :--,.--GROUP B-Celed 2 - OAmerlcan Boy 811)0,, OMcCaU·. M.pzine..-Iyr. O.Cht/WaD He'raI , d - . 6 mos. OPareou' Mapzine_ _6 mOl. OPadl6nder (Weeki,) _ _ 1 ,r. OPlcwrlal Review _ _ -':"1 yr, ORAimaodc Mapa/Oft 1 ,r. 05Uycr Screeft . l Y - Book 1 ". 00 ~ OTrue Coafesuons _ _ _ I .,r,


OAmedcoIlFrultGrower_ l.,r. OAmuiClln Poultry Jnu.rnlll..l yr. • OBreeder's Gazene _ _ _ l ),r. OBlade II< Ledger I OOoverleafAmer. Revicw_ 11 )'r. yr. I OCounU')l Home 1 ),1. · OF.rm Journal 1 .,r. ' OGood Smrles 1 rr. OHome Arts Needleualc...-.l yr. OHomo Friehd._ _ _ _1 .,r. Olt!lIhom World_' _ _ _ I,r. OMOtber's Home IJfe _ _ l yr.

I I' 1

tJ()pen Road (Doya) _ . 16 mOt. OWoma.a'. Worlel . 2yrL


d BetterHomes&GaM_ _1,r. dHome,AidNeediecraft-2 yn. HOM~ 0 , . . "HIS NIWarAPJlR-1 y~

o o



OPathlioder (Wkly,) _ 26 ~ .DOPlymouth llodcMoocbl1_ 1 yr. Sticcetiful Farml~ _ _ 1' yr•.' , ~Poult,,"dbune . l'tr. uWbmao·. 'WOrld " 1 yr.

A", 'S..


O..tl_: 1_1_ • _ _....--...:... I

.a:a Checldnl _ _ "

• • with . · JMf'1 IUbecrlpdoD to JOUI' s-per.. . OBI~ VAlUE 0PfIIR 01111 QUALITY OPPER. OTHB IIOMJI OJllllll O'I'HII,STOllY OFID •




1'0180 their 0\\,11 minnow", etc. In"tell;l I;r t \),'ltli-r Ill' ~!<tll'Y Itnndlcnv 1I1l' Indh·IJuIII wllh ~ I close\'l [01' U1I' ul.klllg or b rill.

In! IItQ by r\!vl\,lng l nt (,I'(-1 t· ""'flng 1"118 m\,In~I'Il thro llith til' TIl IIll1m of " unllJnI' Illld l~' >I ·tUng up Ll lUg)1 , I ~ I ReC('l't!nec Lllmll'y,


Her nr t\\'o II'II /> slurl s u~ lilli'S I'LHll1fl 'Ilk!' .I'ilnl; I\nul' lc urs 2. ~h rh' 1 Will< l old I,y II Ul'l'y Polk or 1)c~ ;:' 10111 S, ] 'L., I. I'cap e ll'd ( ? ) Ii1 nlhe lit I h .D o.. fvlnes Ro· tllry lub, ' His I ' \lvly II1l!lIIbors 1I10~t ot t-h III spllrtsm n, vonch r I' lIio fuot Ulat' H d n y , on II' 'ombln ct f ish, ing und ducl< hun ting trill, l\tld brouA'ht down n. i\f11lnnl with II body hot. It' ]Jt I" Will I' (0 stlflll ow flll' th e boat, antI having n 'lth . bout s or r ctrl V I', !:in I'I'Y lin; I)ol'ell II phis costi n g r od with ~I nk l' u nd hoole, A g ood (,usi tinn ily h(ook·d th . do rn duck, whlt'h Il ll(\(\ nly eamo to life -took oU-I\ ncl rought 11'. Polk for t e n mlnutt'a b fo l'o h (',lu lt! I' 01 It down o\Jt of th nI l'. 'rhe second S I (l ry Is ("Iel by O:lI11!' Protcctor' cure }UIl ' 8 wllh pl~nty of, w ltnesl!cs, 'W ould yo u \)ell 'v thul til I'e 111 l~" p l flC In Ohio, wh,ll'C thl' fi lth ur HO thick that ull'\ l ~ wnll' aol'oss their hit I(s plcldng Ull \)1" )1111 tl}:ltr spoctatprs throw In? It lid tinily hopp on s jus t below ·tho dn llls III Py· l?lat unl ng L u lw In N O I'tll\\'\' ~tcrn Ohio eac h spring. 'I'h fish h,\ " f) . 0 re~ l ar traWo j Ilin n.nd )luck up l\n · til th eIr backs n ro OUl of the wut t·! This cohlmn wlll give compl ete de· ta ils on Pymlltllfllng l'c801'\'01r In ,-tho noor t utlll·C.; It III the lurgest Inll\l1(\ Illke In th slnt nnd Is I'('pol'tcd Q)le 'or the b at ( Ish lng sllots n vll.l lo.hlo short ot Minnesota. '

Scenic Detour To Lebanon

A /iltgnboill'd n.pp • rs o n hlgnwflY 42 nt Tbl' l3l'ldg(.'s mner, cn.Jlil1g n.ttenllon o( tm vol or:!, ns woll liS our citizen", to- scenic bellullea to be ('11' joy~ by n detQl1I' dow n the. Vall!.'¥, bf the Little- MIRml Hlv 1', showi ng 10 mU s to Jr t. Ancient, hul[ mile 10 mp Rutb, 'l' 1 gmph Mills, HoI's, shoe Bend Jitn, '''yntt's amp, te. 'On top or th o hill, Ilround lhe first . A great Norweglnn' composer duly :co rnet·, 011 th p l'opel'ty or' Da \' iJI saId, "It: ill gr at to 'hllve tri nds Furnas, I~ lookout ) ItIS boen cl <!nr I, wh n on e 111 young, but Indeed It' ls Ilhowlng VlI.ll<,y nnd hills beyond th sUli .wqs; so whe n you nr o get ting l'lvcr; Ii U I1lnj Irt lc ouk In ' Iho cen· old. Wh ' n we are young~ frien ds tU' t I' of the louring. th . fo llowing no· 111<0 verything IRO,' n. ina.lter or Ileo ngJl0111'8: ourso, ~ In th e old dass 11'0 , know On this rid,; , wl\at it m /lIlS to hav th em." toJI'hrec Bridges It 111m alwnys been and shall oon. Ing bOtwe n th r ed m en a nd t he Hnuo t d tJe tho policy ot Tho' Mlrunl InvndJ ng whites for Ule possessIon .a%, t e to sleer clear or xpres Ing of the beuutlful 'n nd fCl'tlle Mlnml 11\nlons Which m a y Interr 1'0 with Vllllcy was speolnlly tl reo and Iong-· unyon 's p ~nal business, In oth er drawn,out. , worels w o do not want to stcp on The outposts of th o' ;ll'm y or Ma d nny 'render's tOCIl. However, we do Anthony Wayne !Inu lly conq uercd , , try to prorpoto communl ly frie nd. the Indi a ns In th se j·cglonll. Horll, ship and cooperation, on the OPI1Osite s ide or the see'n lc <A 11ne get·tOgether s uch as we h nd hJghwuy, ' just beyond the pl'O~ nl J3l!t Saturdny must be I)Crpotua t ed , g ra vcl pit, u. rude tort was construe· ••• nbt ' Olily becau8e It is so d or to cd, lhus 8tabllshlng tbe o.uUlorlty outhweslcl'll Ohio RIC! Len· J1)oat graduates, but because It Is ot the NorU1\vcst TelTltol·Y. Tho re , fie ld the third lnllt h ot this also a vo.r;f yltul faotor In holdi ng mu lns Of thii t fort ure st ill v lslbl NEW YORK-Using the massive eOIUDlDS of the H.n of B~ the Old Ounrd and 'the n ewcomer!! In n nd aro und 0. clump ot Loou t Systems as a frame, a photolrapher eau,ht this strlkln, view OD! senson at !\To unt H!'allhy , !\Tay ·,22. tbe sUe of the New York World's Fair 1939. The towerln,steel .It~~· Th WlImlngtol1 bunch w as h lJ>h nnd the cllool syslem more clos Iy trees. Tha t partioula r spot bus n o· eton is the Exposltlon's '700·'opt' Tryl~n. which will serye u wit h Il. score of 1980. '1'h y \T ride log Uler. Thereforo any' gradunte vel' been c ultivated. Thus tbe mern· beacon and broadcasting tower. Directly in fr~nt may be seea the pressed 'to , In, however, sl nce ' t\le ~'ho n eglects to return on such un ory of those h erOic days h us bee n circ ular steel collar whiell will 5upport the 2(10·100& Perl5pben .aDd lowe'st soore m nde wus tOGij, F . L. oecasIon)not: orily mlMe8 som of the perpetuated, the theme exhibit which _wlJl _be_,bOllHd wlthul this ,rea' IitJL _ • . J Spen cer, high man in the Lcnglle, bigg08t morpents of h is lite but loss· This Lookout Is for t he uses of , I .' - , ~- . sh ot a 396 "Iron" and 400 "scop ," ~o the e.njoy~ n t of sohoolmates as Tourlsfs a nd tor thos!) of our I' s· rclnln hls top poslUon, A t thnt I'll .'Well. Id n ts who n over tire of co ntempla· He n nd hIs sIster, Ellzob th,' sh.!) cus tJn ~r to urnament s ponsored he will be In a position for nnt lonul Hen~ Is , tJ1Q IhlJ;>ortnn co of our tlng the sconlc bea~~ les or The Lit, I1Joy d ]'eu nlling with ~helr old by tho Doyton AngIe I'll ' lllb- wlll be compeUllon. Alumnl.Assoc1ntlon, which e ndeavors tie M1o.mJ RJver Vulley. cluflS mates Rnd sch ool lell ow on h elll a t the oldfers Home Lagoon, .tli elltnblJah Il. PIU'(l1anent, oopern· lliu rduy, May 2 th, a t th 'Vaynes, stlll'tlng a t. 10:00 · n . m. , While this NEW BtJRLINGTON, OBIO 'Uve worKing ngreemnt for' our so· 3000 )JURAL DO'iS eo ntest'ls OIl n only D a yton ClUlt· The · ·W. F , M, , m ti n tb e home vlll Alumn i ;\Ie 'tltig . MEET AT OHIO STATE Mr , u nd ;\Iri!. I' • [cKnl ght 1'S, It wlli' l )Q of Inte res t 'to nil men at Mrs, Elmer Compto n on Thul's, COLUMBUS - Threo thoulllllld njoy d 0. vis it rcom t1\ h ' daughter ai!d women-· lut r e!llcd In lhe sport., day. Ohio boys from 225 schools In 70 • • • Mrs. J. E. Complon 'W1l!! hostess nnd hUl;lhand, hIl'. u ncI lI'lrS. J. W. count! II will com e to Ohio S tolt sewi ng club o n Thursday tl , Powell of hlcago, on JI[ morla1 DllY T.h1s 'w 'r iter took quite a ' ribbing Un iversity .rune 3 /lIld 4 . for tho m. w k end. Mt·. Pow 11 Is mployed severul wooks ugo ' atter , s uggestin g eighteen th anl)ual judging conlcosl Born to MI', und Mrs. Theodore as Il. Po tal lerk in the Main Post trout tishln l!l' right n ext door In In vocational agriculture, MoIntlre, Mdy 29, n so n, Charlell omc in thnt ruty. "RIver noov'e' payton" You 1IC0.Cters, A"t the sam Ume Ohio bnpterll Walter, just sit dOwn and IIl1ten to thJs: last or die' Futur Flll'm ers pt America Mr, and MN:1, B, MI lItcKa,y h week In th lree s uccessive days John Will be holdJng t heir' t e nth nnnunl purohased th h om a In the northern 'l'homils' ot Tlppeconoe City (near cOllventlon at Ohio state. ' The pro, Plll't ,of the V'PIlIgQ, f orm erly occu , Troy) . cau ght seven brown trout,on g ram Is being arrnng~ by tile sta.te • l"Ipe, Val.~· , • 'Fl~ . Plulbblng b'" d SI x 0 t th ese department ot eduentlon and lhe unl .~ . '1._ ~ , y ....,.r. /lIl d Mrs. R . E . Jones. worms w itl1 a £1 y. ro, and .I1eu.\ ng ~er1ul, ..MYERS . Mr. a nd Mrs. Everett Marlatt Ilave speckled bllbles ' m,eO:Bured tlbo ut 16 varsity's college of agricUlture, ~d IlIld Electrlo Pumps, l. p, BOCKLE'l' SUPPLY CO" X.tUN.lA,.,.moved to the property r Elcently' pur· inohes - and bellve It or not - one State ortieers or the Futur Farm· omo. - 6 6 -lt ohased by :So M. l\IcKny, of them meailur~ 26 Inch es and ers' OrganIZation nre: presldent, Mr. al}'d Mrll: Sllm Shanks, Jr'., By Harry Eldri..... Jr. we~h , 0 9·10 poundll! 'W hlle 'We Donald- Capper; Van W ert; Vice a nd family nre preparing to return don t fe~ I.hat all Ohio s lr'earns that President, R oberl MalloW, K enton ; ~R BALE; 'llborodgbbred Pol!l.nd might SUPtlOrl trout haye )loon ,g iven Secretary, Robert Mead. Gl'ovcporlj Chinn., Male ,BOgs:' George. H . Hen· trom C~nclnnlltl to their home, The us yal Memor,al . Sel'Vlc,e s Y' ro attention ~- ttllS -newll la encourngln lf treaauror. Bernard Bowmnn, WII· !l,er80n; RIl"D NO, ' 1, Waynesville. re l k - and boi' was tJiat ' b~ one Q. beau· mmltton; Exeoutlve ommlttco, Xli'· Up held In the lit, E , Chu rch, Sunday 000 ' f lBhlng 0.1l COW/lIl , afternopn, .tI'tle "a ddro was deliver. near Wilmington Ims /;Inlned o'n Id· ty! . , ~rlc~ J ohnstown , ' Wal do .u<3'anll•., ed ,by Rlwd\Ueii of Trinity Cb tW h erable l1eadway, n cordin g' to Harry " ••• Xe¢a, ,." . H. Brandon, chalrmnn of t he. Olin· Besides our own Me moria l aer- ton CO un ty Reglonll \ Purk Boa rd . A vices, ' Su~da)', our /:land furni sh ed grea t dell~'or Cl'ud lt III du.e Mr. 3;11.)\' music at Pprln g Va lley on S und ny don, who h IlS wOrk d ti relessly On m ornIng, at Port \Vlllinm on Mon. th is P I'oj at \\'hk h is now being fav· day d.. m. , a nd a t Clu ntsvlllo, Monduy ol'lIhly cOllsld~ t't'd b)' th e Uni ted p . m. tnt 8 emH ommerce aft I' BUCCC sru ll~' paSsIng the. "army Mrs . ..1. E. HUl Is spend ing sevol!nl e ngi ncol's" 'slage . '\'0 unde rslllll daYll with her au n t , ' lItr s. I\.I'rle n t hnt on stumblin g block has King of Millel'sburg, OhiO, the Inflnt d land pl'lces !io'm,ce.r~l:a~;n~id~f:;;::::::::!~~P::::=~~:::::::::~~~ owners hn.vo plac 11 on th eir I) " Iy, but this ell n /Je Ironed out. loca l sjlol'tm on II'ho tu'e l ill l'e$ted cl'eatlng un IndJa n La Id" rIght n ert , ' FOR ' ~AJ,.E: Bw~ »;otato plants, ' 96 E.' J. . ' ChIcago, ' Shield cloor to us (unci we uJ l are) Ilhould . ' cents per k.uncJft'li or three qund· Mrs. • F . V lckerll or .Ve rontt and wrIt the Rl \I I'll n nd :Elm'bol's c.Op!.· SJ)6claJIsJ . ~ . ID DlQ'ton. Ohio, hid' 'fOr $1\OOJ All ' kinds ' Of ga.n1en 'or Repl'esentmlve8, at .the m~. Tote). on FrIda,. only, .pl8:nta. 10 ' cents ~r dozen or S daug-h te;· .., :M1ss Ma rg.,iret Vlcke r~, mlltee, Evus doze.n fot;' llli cents, 1 1·2 miles a ncl .i\lrs. Du(!y nnd c hi ldr n ot Day. Wu I1lnl,;ton D : ., n nd qllesL fn.· ,Jone 1~ from 1:00 p, m. to II!OO north o~ 'Wllyneavllle. on corner ton, also ' M;r, and ~lrlj~ Ho rac 'Whnl' vornllie !lotIOll. MOI'e weIeOn) II 'V8 p. m •. and ;00 p, m. to 1:00 p. m. ' ,oi, WaYfteevme, l!'ern' and Lytle ton. .. comes wit h wOI'd 'lllo.t wOt'k will be FOa.d. BTRQU!3J!l 'B~S R, . i\1na;gal' t Simpson Mu nson of Chi· start d Jun e 11 on u. se l'~&s ot 16 R No, 2 rl " cago, 0, oehu Ct\se Worker wllh the dl\l~1I In Butt I' o u nty 0", FQ ul' ?Mlle, Chlculilo ReUu! Administration , 8P~nt Ul'y ]0'01')., tl nd .fI(lhln Cr eel.s. ' 1'\1ls F'or Sale: 'W 'I;Jlte ROCb tor .ipYinC'. tile .p erto(l or l>u l1.ja.l-operatlon of , " 1 ·Z to ,4 iN! Ibs, : Drees~ or on lhnt org a nization . with hel' pl1 l'en l t.l, work will CO!!t $3 -,000, 'of wh'lch tho Joseph Hestol. .PhOne MI'. Qnd MI'S, J ohn C, SImpson, H ' r Stll.lo' COM f'VTt't-\on D pt . wlil supply l . $7,O()O. '1'\\'0 n ew I/lkeR of n'»o~t 100 '\l;l t e n ' days on the ' average uHlIu ltd, Gordol} Munso n, II m edlcn.l a re::! eo. h nrc lJein{l' cr eated near CLUle, regdt'd less of size, loentlen , ot ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ ' ::: r / sludent, motored trom. Chicago, a nd class ~ooter with Ml·. a nd )irs. HoraJ:e, Simpson Piqua by W PA Ilncl State n10ne. , H 'B h eavy straln In anY .posltlon, It).8 . Wf(''valley, nn~ dn ug bte rs, Mnry Ma rga ret ::m!l about lime we SPOl't~ Il1 C I1 of Worren ~~erpr60f, sanitary, ens)IY romov. COlmty st~Cli1 Ull on Olll' hlnclt, legs able ' nnel Utas no leg straps. (I shall ____,,- 8 WaynesVille 711 D onno. Mae, lor Dayton, spent· Me· a nd go t some lll'o j cts und!)r \ ·uy be· be glad demonstrate ",Ithout . ~o rll\l Des ' Week end 'WIth t he . ...., ....;,...6 ~__~__ fol' t he fu ll elce llon!! [O re ov~r , and men are' invited), Thi ll gl:ouP . ~ ' I ~• .. pollUen1 coopcl'Utlo n ful l to n lIew ' I FOlf, S~: ,.2' year old Spo~ted Po· peop 111 ,on y, Mrs. J . CJ SI,mpson's brother , John fowl comIng bere for lnnd ctflna: Male Hog, lnunuried., Wl1Illl.m ll ot Cplumbus , is still v n· jRemElmlllll: ,the:,:nn,me: Mein· ~, see ~YJlIlln on 'Rout~ 73. ' cat l~OLng' I ,;vIUl the ;J~ C. SlmpSOl~ Sunday, ,J un o 6, tho city e h '. J . ltp


JHElltR ·




. en,










...... .

.. ",.,.'


• ••



. W~ED: Sevl\rnl Sllleawomen, ex· ~.~' "l'Ienc:ea Tn , 9Omm 'lll!lo~ I bnal8. , JI08lIIble, Answer In. .• MUijn1 Gnzette.


l ' LO T A. POCKE'rBOOK Ing> about . ',10,00, SOl1}e",here arol\nd the)lwlmmlng pool 'I n Wayn eavlile, late SUnday afternoon. ~ . 1n addition' to the money If con· tn.lned my 'soel~ security numper n.wJ( /Jonie wiunble Indresses,' wlli . ' . the finder plell.8e not send It the e nclosed address, but rather take .a dollar reward and drop III In the' mMl bQx with my n'u me at· t aoh ed. Thank you ~rY much Cor your coosldera.Uon. .- . John Kepler.

FOR I;lALE: All kinas ot trAIl8I)lu.nt.. ~' G'li.rclon plants . :pOtlU~s, 116 per ' .h undrcd ; 300 ~ot', $1,00, ~\ld' tIelo t lor. of. two Yl!ll.ll · olil .!liaiily l 'pwennIIl.Y s, Annual flowers, Gaorgcl'et.el'll\>n; 1 mtle from Way· . ~Ie on Bell~rook Pike, .. :



ClJp to the '01110 Wool OOopera.tlye AIiiIoela:tloO:

~~~~ifi=~r!~O~'f the ~~ll'altlt04a41



., .




. , fa , tWO c:~piles above? Tbey illustrate 'Ii·. .

"1~~i ec:oJU)Dly only Stokol, the tlf"""'~ cOil ~, c:II'n ' less ~~~ive cod....d_ of,.... It • •

thermoetatlC:aJ1y controlled. '.. )'UU 'a'eed ~t. DOt all. It c:onsumea 'alb. ThereJ. __ to ·... .q occuional di.n1:er. It d_ll; dua~ the COIIt of cleaning~, -etc. ,1uIc . , They'll tell )'Ou~ 100 how Stobl .... . , those b•• emellt trip•• Available ia1iopper .... bbi ree(t "\Ve . . StOl;ol Oil . .y terma .....

fvea •


~tee inttaU-aa....


STOKOL .IIA,uau .......1.. Ii~ra""c 011 , .......... AIr • tleht H~ • HyM... ...... .... CQlltNI. - ' . __1


at Alrs.,,., ....... .... , ..... ..,., CItInI; D.... t..lh


iaJDesYille Boy -Local Happenings Local Bappeoiilgs tocal Couple Ce~ebra~es ·iDling 'Alose To .. 64th Wedding Anniversary Attend C. M. T. C. j

_ u_






Mr. and Mrs. n,aymond Conner and daughter Sarah spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. JOBCPjt Rrulnlll and chlld ~e n of Ne~ark, Ohio. Dr. Frank A. Dllatush, ohalrman Rev. I1na. Mrll. John Lacy and of the Warren County C. M, T. C children visited fri ends at Elmoro, Procurement COmmittee ha.l announ· Ohio Meveral days las t week. cod that aht appllcantl had been ac· -Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Collett cepted to attend the .July Camp at tl1mlly and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hart· Ft. Benjamin Harrlaon. . Indiana. sock i and f~IlY with a party ot The boYII accepted are: friends from Newt Burlington enjoy· Harry E. Workman" R. It. 2. ed II. picniC at Bryan Park, near Yel· Franklin; Ro~rt C. Allen, Wa.ynes· low 8p inp, on Sunday. vllle; La.wrence D. Banta. R. R. 2, Mr. and Mrs . Carmen Crane had Lebanon; 'l'homllll D. ChlMmalJ, R. R., all dinner gueats Friday eVening Mr. Loveland; Wllllum H. Ta),lor, 20 and Mrs. Harry King of Erlanger, North "Mechanlo St....r. Lebanon, and Charle. lll. TholnPeon, Soulh Kentucky. Mra. Maude anll dnughter Leblulon: Robert Allen baa attend8!l tllell8 Ann with Mrs. Enrl Carr of Leban· camp _Ionll for tbe pa.t several on IIpent ruetiday In Dayton where Mw Crano Is hlwlng dentnl work Other Warren County boye WhOM done. Mr. and MI'II.Ollbert Frye and applloaUou have been flied with Dr. BOn and Mr. ~nd Mm. Earnest But· bUatuah Include WUllam D. Park Avenue, . Franklin; Dale nrrworth were Sundl1Y 'dlnner guesls Waltu, '11 EaIt SUver street; Leb- of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Frye of Day· anon; ' Jam" VI. Holbrook, Luke ton. Avenue, Franklin; Harold O. HOHa, Mr. ciarence Malmberg hl18 nccePt R. R. 1. Muon; Warren J'ohJllOn. ed a poslUon with the state High· Cedar St~t, Ji'ranklln: RIchard way Department Il.8 Welder.Meehan: M. Keelor. 10 H'-h Btree, Leba.non; Ic. and .wlll be stationed nenr Chllll· , Jam~ 8. Kennedy, 421 Canal Btreet, cothe. Mr. and Mrs. Malmberg and Franklin. and ~ph E. White, R. R. lIOn, Bob, are planning to move to Mr. ILnd Mrs. Ed. Stroud. w110 reo 2. Franklin. Bainbridge, Ohio, BOon, to be near side on th e LyUo Roa d. will cel . htl work. brate th eir s lxty·fourth weddin g nn · )(n • . R . D. Oollett and Mrs. Stan, /I1versary. Frlany, June 10. ley Bailey o,ttended the Southwellt Mr. Slroud WllS born In Wlllln ms· Dtltrlct Home Council meeUng, held to\vn, K entucky . a nd WIlS dt'lvlng Il at' Chautauqua Pnrk, Wedneadl1Y. A stage coach bet ween tbo,t lown splendid program was prellllnted un· Cincinnati nt the tlm e of his mar· the dlrectlon' ot Mrs. H.arry Hag· rlnge. . The Clinton County Grand Jury lel' and MlaB PauUne MillS, , -a.n and D~"C'A_' of the 'ftsooll1 . . Th y 'have seven chlldrl'n. 12 Will meet today, it wa. announCed. """'. ....... AI> . tlon.'" WhA -rved at noon. grandchildren , I; &Tel1t &Titndchildr n satUrday, to ooul4er evidence 001. 'u .... ..., Mr. and M.I'II. Phlllip Larrick' nnel Ilnd 1 grent.great gra mlchlld. !lvc . lecte4 by Proaeoutln• .A.ttorney Oeo. generations yet living . There hnve L. 8cbllU... and the .\ate hlrbway da\l8bter. Lolli J I1n, Ilnd Mrll. . "'-nk Huffman vlJllted u r . nnd been, no nalurnl (leath In th It' [nm· ~tro]. In the,. ·f atal trattlo ac!ltdent ~ fi& ... II I h 64 II a week ago near MlcuaDd ' Cit)'. Hn:' EBtQl Inskeep at Springfield, y n t enUr years. w t \ OM . on Sund''''. < acoldental de(\th Inst y ear. Qne The jury 1'\11 oo~er evidence "V grands~m, Durword" Vice died Inllt agatnet CecIl HartJDan, formerly ot Mw ' Ll~la Benham hnd o,s Sun· yenr liS the. result of nn l1utoOlpblle WaynHIIY1lle, drInr of one ot the day dinner gueat8 at )laude Orane'lI, necldent. ear'll In tblf ooUlIdon. CecIl Hartman 'l'ourllt Inn, Mr. and Mrs, T. l.,f. hu been atten4lna' WIlmlD8ton Col. Burton 'a nd baby daughter, nnd Mrs. Their children are Mrs. B. T . Vlcc. l~ tJle1lUt two ....... I-,)'·enl!lle MuUen, Mrs. H. H . ' Wadsworth, Mr. Claud.e , Stroud, Mr~. Irene HenderRon, Mr. DrlYer of the ath.... aut.oJDobUe. KIa Japlda. Hurley of Ne.w Bur· LClartl.t 108 Head, of North BJIl. lIngton,,111 visiting with bel' grand· George Stroud, Mrs. Mllude Crane, Clnelllnad. ifled of a broken parente, Kr; and Kn. .Josiah Dilvlll and 1\(1'0 :W. E. troud. The ~ldent OCO~~, May 21. and : tier couaM, MllIIters Joe and Mr. Stroud wilt" be ·90 yenrs old Davlll. . . In sePtE!mbcr,~nd Mrs. Stroud \\'111 . and'Ml'II . .Albert Brqnnock and be 88 yell.rB of I1ge In eptomool·. Due little daughter have movlld Into the to their odvonced years, ' they will :q&.Vla apartment, v"cnted by MIM spend a quiet wedding nnnlvel'llUry. Sue Crane. . Five generations nre \ A bini, apbijt. the wind • • hJeld of Ute automoblle "dch Mr~' and Mrs. Harll1n Eanihnrt and In the occompnnylng photogro])h : Top Row, Mr . . and ·Mrs. ' . C, drlvan., jl8uN4' K .... ~:~~'1i~iLir;;~~Miir~ . ~a~n:~d;n; M ~I'II~·;.;Im: WhlBtlel', W. Hudso n Ave" D aywn i .. ~~....,ay to 10ee oOntrol of h. a.n d J. H. Kohler, Mansfield. 1\irs, Wblstchine, Monday neD1q WhUe1!rl.Vb~ I lila Harlan, 'Sunday aft,!>rn,nnl'. ler's fath er; Peggy ' Louise Perkinll, en ~ute • 2DIl!U' ,lit. HoDy. . Mn.. Lorrnlne Spmy and Mr. Ilnd Mrs. HAr· ' ter, Evelyn, wlll make their . Th e par p Iunpd off the embaJak. lII~nt (,ancl tU1'll1i4 Qver. tltla lummer with Mrs. T. B. Bran· "!'b., . . . &Ix monthe ' ,.... nook , and ,MM!. Spray wiD attend thrown out and "" . '.'" ,ulDDler IIOhool at Wilmington Col· •. .. n ..... unaer ,Ull au· Je ~oniobt:'e. The 'oilly thin. -villi' It ' p . .from bel"c-._....... . • ·Meadames Ernest Hartsock and .......... ,&,· 1arP ' U f t _ Bt I rockl wbleb: beld \he ear Da.r:tlaUy £~... okea attended C<>mmenee• • off . ttle cht14. I.t .uffered &. sUgbt ment Es'e~ at the Fo.Irvlew High skUll fractu.... a broken bone anc1 a School ~ ;B'r1day night, which ....... ,_ bru'-..o • . . ' w.... 'bllld at the N. C. R. School· ........ - ' tace. Dootol'll hold ho~. HIII.DorOthy Lemon, a grand .hO~ for 1f:B NeOVlI'7 U pneumonia can be a".iuct ... daqhter of MI'II. Btokes was IIDIOng , The other OCCUJ)aDta of the.. l'uto- the zaG lItudentll that were (P'II,!1uat. mobU., Ill'll. TreacIwa7 iut4 an. olcler ed. , . "'I'~ ehlld Jacld Lee Mlal Iilue Crane left. Wei$neaday, . ' . . , ' • -~ injuries. Ito wake hsr home with Mr. and Mr ll • Mnry CraBB. Mrs. MorUm Hn ·'E. B.' Coleman,' In ,Clnc,lnnl1tl. .~:' 8~ P.-n' ".'. , ' M~. 'and Mrs. Ethan Crane and Hough and Miss Hel n Hnwke en· MI'II. mo...., Qu,ICk of "lamiaburir children ore enjoying'. ~ two' wee~'s tectnlned the 'Women's Foreign Mis. IPlve,f, nrprlae part)' at the Lar- v&C8.t lpn In ·Flortda. slonary SocIety. Wedneaul1Y, ' June 1 1 rfu~ bome JUt. WeiIDeedar eYaniq, . MI'II. 8aln Henkle 'lU!d daught~r, at the LeMay home. .. 'compllmea, to her, ,. aete,r, Mille J!IlIsabeth, tert, Tuuday of last week }\'or 'the dovotlonal period, conduct· , '[At. ' J~ ~k. wbo celebra(ed f9r. a t!,!p to Ne", OrJeans. Il'hey wID ed by Mrs. White. the generul topl aer ~eenth blrthdq \bat _ : retum by ~ay' ot ~orllla. They ex· was "Go Ye nnd Preach·... Mrs. LEi· 1;018 Jean waa the recipient of 1DlUI)' pect to be gone two weeks. , . May had the 'Slewardahll) progrnm. ,a-.nll~ artn-. A:t the eloee · of a . Afte~ --the bU!\lness meeting Mrs. ,Mr. and.,MI'II Burpett Butte..:worth . ' 1?I~~t eventzw; 0.( ~....;; &. clabaty le~. ,T~~1 ·tor a trlp to Yellow Oo.l-st presented the- following pro. gram: IUJlob WU Hrv.d .th. youq' people,' Stone lofatlonal »ark. ' 1" ( • :',Nathnnnel" - l\lrs. '. WIllI/Ull90n. "The ForeIgn Mlsllionl1ry of '110' mOt'row"-Mrs. Day. . Solo-HOlve Me Thy Heart"-Mrs. LeM:ay. · " of the Second l\tIlo"Il!eiu4~ In the othll' ImPOrtant Mrs. COnner. . Joaial n ..... la thb.. PQer ~ ttl. ad.

MI'. and Mrs. A. H. Schoeler of Humlll!>n . frll. .John Cons anll dnug ht r. and MI. . D. L. ran e we re • und llY I; lIes Ul oC Mr. F . B. li e n · derson . J\lrs. atherln Turn('r spent till' wccl., end with Dayton fri ends . M,·. a nd lIh·l<. J . B . hnpm tl n w(, I' e SU IIlI::..), dlnn el' g uests of Mr. !1I111 'Mrs. W. E. Stanton or S~ rlnghoro . M.lss lI1m'Y A IIc·n has occepte(l 0 position In I'hl'. loCWJ ro~t Orflel'. Mrs. ' Vll ll om Lule nil nHe rp] d the :';o" Ol'lty Alum ni III tho nowhl11 ChI\) . n nl' ·Wllrnlngton. MI'. a nd 1111':~. Ell Furnas w r t' hO"'t~ to th"h' Si1l1(\'IY ::;ch ool Cla .ss,

FlCtr·t wo people hlls ln p!<9 n nll RI) In! pel'· I <1>1 11 11d I h I' !I I1clou fl r e Cn~shmenl~. 111,'. L HW " nc C:l\r~ t. tos the l' with hl R 111 lh r. lIfl·S ..J. n . Ga.rsl. nnd 111" nIN·C'. Mis", O<'nC'vlev6 Onr~t will ntt!'nc1 th o hU I' h of B "ethr l'n Confer (!n e (It Lnwr noe. KAnS(lR. n l'xl week. Mrs. Gn rRt nna dnu q!I' tf' r , .Joan. will nc orn\ln ny him OR fa r 118 !'I[1.n ~\~ l!\ ~!, l s, \\'h r

. 'IInclny


AccideDt Case To Grand ~






EI'lSCOI'AL en Jun e 1 2, 'l' rlnILy . Sunday. lI1ol'n lng Pray r nnd scr1ll0n at 10:30.

'FERRY CHUMK OF C1ffilST ..... ; • W."tl. mUll. Minlmr Sunilay: Bibl\! School !r.3 0 11.. m . . Communion 10:45 n. m. S'crmon 1 :00 0.. m. · 'rlt Berolon will b by o lm A . P er singer of · Dllloton. nroth I' Smith Is hl9 bur h I('adlng In a n eva ngel. Istlc m tln g. '. RALPH H. KNAPP,-. Tuesday: (ncomIng President or The F'In3t Preachlflg by John A. Persinger, Church of Christ, Scientist, In 8:00 p. m. . Boston, MassnchusoUs


Mr. imd Mrs. a t 1I1l!: o'cloClt dinner on evening .


Fo~er Spring_~-+I

R eports !llar-Ioscd . contihu d grO'vth of lh hrls tl il11 S cJence mov~m ent, inorenslngly blgh r stn ni'la rds for au, thorlz(!cJ ]Jcl'lodlcols . and Il lArger numbcl' or l'~'QUests from groups of Mrs. Marilla Brown died MontJny non·SclenliRtsl fOl' r e presentntll'e Chrlstl:\n Scl!mtist s to n.dil.ress them. ,,,m CIU°I'Zne,nll'l!;\'s.· One of 'c nl el'vlLle's .oldef;t ,. Mrs. :ijrown h od ' b D a 1;:1 clion Of RlIl~h Hastings K;'np~, member of tho commllnlty fOr 65 . C. S., of Need Illun , Mnss .• as Pr s1,.l· 'de nt of The 1\Iothe r CIlUl'cll wns ~. Tbo loenl chl1llter ot Ens tern Stnr y~lU's. Sho was OOI'Jl ill Sllrlog VIii . nouneod . He .s uecoe'ds Judge C Curd obsel'VNl Frie ndship nlSht, Illst W ed. ley 80 yellrll ago, til e dA.ugb ~l' 01 P. Smith of Ncwton: Mns lUS WI. n slillY. wh en tl) ey e pte rtnlned 25 Joi)n B. nnd .Mary . Mason. H rhus· Edw~rd ·L . RJpley of B.. okllno nnd members trqm MQrrow, Ohio/ other band, Jo,bn Brow.n. dl d 17 ~'el1r8 a go. Ezra. ·W. Pa.lmer 'o f Mn.rshrle ld W re vIsitors wer e present, from Wilmln$:' leaves ·two 9hUdr n, H(lrry B, ' "..,._-"-..- of Dnyto,l), 111)<,1 M~.,~ r ll·elec t a Trel'lsurer a nd Oll'rk of ton, I·plrveYPb~g •. New the rc h l'espectlvcly. The Pr· and ClilrlulvUlEi. The C'ct!tervlUr;t : sur.vlyh\g h er lire n gl'lmddo. r;hter dent Is electe:a by Tho hl'lstlan ci· gro,m was presented : }\frll. Marie Drown 100'k. d n. en co Bonrd olf Dlrectol's to serve for {lolo. "Elng of the J:ll/!-'1teril ~tnr," great g~fl~hnd .. l\fnrl1ln. Jlln'e ):n(trk . ons ·yenr. His duty III lo b presiding by Mrs . .Ma rt Balr<t. "Lire of 'Rob ' o!flcer of the AnnulII Meeting. Morris." Mrs."'Et-neat Hoi'IIl~. : 'Rob '- Mfo ._l l iii' husbn nd 's denth ' l\ Bro'#il. to.\Jgh t at th e sc hool . tor ·the· --' -. - - - J\JOI'rJ~'s ,w ork WI ••nn Elnstern Stilr", feeble.mlnded In Col"mbu~:' and by l\fra. Lena. lta,rtHook. "Rob -Mol'. nursed at the MOBonlC hOme hI 1·ls· ·'Vork .ils n. MOlIon." by Mr. J'oh~ ~. ',. Hnwk ." "Rob MorrJs o..s . a. Poet" .' . e l\1'tIl . .Etl:: Th\lmlUj. S~lo, c"JIi(em~. rice of qa Uleo,/' ' by ~rs. r.,:e·r t Mr. nnd Mrs.. carmen Creno en· Rendln lJ. "The . L evsi an<,1 ' the tertalned several mGmber 'Of 'thelr The Frle ndlshll) C(ub held Its nn. Squa~ " D; pO' m 'Iy R ob Morrll;l and family at lLidlnner party, lll.llt Tllurs· day evening; . nual picnic Ilt WaYne Park, Wedn g. The toble, lighted by · the lIott' ll'low day . .The beautiful grounds mnde ' un Bran!rtrntol'. R ending • • "Snrdcn' of of onndlell. wns bea~tl!ul ' wll'h Its Ideal spot for the basket dinner. sor· the ~9tern Sln.r ... · by Mrs. Kennoth oenterph!C6 of pInk and -wlllte roaeJ ved at tho noon hOUl" Rou.,.,h . ' .... . -, and yellow favors tnarklng ' the At this mel)Ung ' ea~h: member was . CQntests .. ,vQre enjoyed nnd r efresh. places. A deliolous three course <lIn· l' 'qu sted to ' brln:' !!tty cents ,and' a mente w I'() aCI'Ved at the clo e Safui'da~~I!VE'" t net w\UI aerve.d 'to the 'follOWlng: rhyme tel ifnI; hOw It wns cllr" d. .Mra. carl Crone, Mr. and Mrs. VI\Tlous: menns of m~kl';'S' the mon ey a vry PI~811itt . eyenln,$'. t li-R.obert crane a.nd daughter, o,nd tlle were ' reported. lncjudlnS' the sUle ot . .. ,F,ARMEWS -GRANGE ' • ~ Ruth tlDd iona. 9t'f.l·n,e, all 0 '( bnkctl goba!>. Dutter. eggs, wl'ltlng " rhy,mes ' and gl\tJierlng_ n ews. . The , The WrwD avilla 'Farmer's Grl1n'Bt> Le'banOlI/ Mrs. OllfrOrd DIimCord rb.)'m ~s were orl~lnal n.nd humorous. ollserva<l Fnth~r:1t I!tJlgllt tholr .1!'!I~;ld~"U'1.1 Of qtlnton, ':¥JS8 , Ff{lnc111 one (!8pec:.I~11~ \llevor One beinG' .,ut meetjpg. ,' .Mr. L. · ' . . -the hOl\t ~nd hOllte&! to m ~!!Ic. ·' : , , . splellill(l . qdi.1t'Elss . ~mI8. The progl'llfm \l~mmlttco hlldpre· his subject . M:", pared a. tr.eaflure 'b~bt .tot:' the child· or lho mullic. The . next m,eettDg ren, .with cnnidy prizes nt th.e ond of bQ a . program 'by the Juvenile Inem·I CI8'V'fIaLhdl •. each trail. Olever clu~ lell the old ~, ....~ er roll(s. on lL hunt whIch led tlJIf'm along tile brook lrall. . Thirty tlie delllJbt~ tul day. tor the meetlng Itf~ Berry. 'edd

'Dinn~r Par~y


The bl' lde'~ motller' c repe wlUI ,wh.illl. n;,~~~~~~~r:'" cors llS of Amc rlcm 'Dh gl'OOIll's In \ll nk

Annual IWeeting Of .CHUReH NEWS Churl'h of Chrelst

Met Wednesday

"oses "nd r

Rhe \\'111 visit h et· par!'nts. ' · ... t~:':~':~~:~~~~$~~;~:;:~~~ .11'. fi nd Ml·S. W alte r Shee I "n a nI! hlldron apent ~hur dny evenin g -Dayton J)ulJy News Photo Scrvl wltlt Miss Re becca DUDhn.m a t ~ Innntl. MIRS Dena Dnvls will leave for Dayton, ThUl'Sday. to enter the DflYton ' omptom t r . q.hool. . Mr. nnd Mrs. H a rry Smith e n ter· lub o n lnst W d· \V AYNE l'TLI..E M. E. CHUB .. ta lned lh Ir " 600" Sunclay, June 12, 1938 n sday nig ht. The rollowln~ g uests e njoyed t he eve ning or cn rds : 1\[1'. 9:30 uml ay ohoo\" 10:30 MO"nlng worship. Chlltlt'en's Rnd Mrs. Jn k ruch. Mr. a nd Mrs. DI1Y. Spec ia l mu,,1 • ch llllr!:' n join Morri S COrnell. Ml'. nnd Mrs. Sid hill' h. and chlldren's R rmoh, Ellis. Mr. a nd MrR. L. V. Bmnstra,. "Snow Wh l~e." 7:30 • \)cclnl hlldr 'n '" D ny rrO' gra m. 2:00 '" dn Nld ny. 'Lncll s Aid with lI1rfl . . 1I11Il' Con ner . 7 :00 'j'hursday. Doy Scout s. 8 :00 FrI(lay. Choi r Prnotl .



>\' ... nll1 ~ .

I' nj" YN1 I he

V~Uey Native 'Dies

Observed Wed.


,Friendship Club. Holds .A~ual Pi me





MI', nntl g rli: ~Yli;lf!~lf·HtllJl!.:Y. th e VI'oud weight 6 Ibs Mlrmll Valley ~()~,~ta.l ~;'~~ !luy. morning.

- - - ---


th It· UWII n,lnll"\\ '~, 1· ,. "~i'1!II, , II'. In"("11tl of It \ h, 'I!'j; "" ""~~''''Y III hHmll(,1l 1 thl' indl\'. 1t1,,1 with ~ lI't"lIl1~ <'lus d ( 0 1' tit I.' 1.<lil'lI: ,,[ .hrtlt,

bus hotelS, OJ' "hunkinS'" In .one of lltll l)ulktltV{1! 0 11 \he IIlllt (II!!" I-\'I'u ulld

m ls

11ft! by re"h' llIll' lntC" ....1I1 :1mllllf( III!lR nwml) 1'1I titl'Im,:h tlw 111 HII\\II. If ,: ulthm>! !l ltd lIy ",'llln g' up II fJi j! h s~ 1". ul HI'! I' ' 1\ t! LIII"I1I'l',


•• •

l \VP SP(' 1" Ull '.

I,\l u,·,

·oluml.l lls .

,·, ,,It..:\l ,,'m 0 1; or ,I un\) a In oF:', "'''01 J\,J(l ~ln~. ''''UrJl ''~UllClll \(1 'n W'h'llll n... O IlU - ... . ." UII. urll I nl:tin 1·l nf.(, :11111 ,'n'"m judgi ng<. .1-:;,, (\.111"1 th 11I1I1'n!n !;' of Jun .\ In· 111,1(1 n I ~\ I II vl'tlt"d< jutig'lnj;', Cl'UII~ Id IIl1tl 'RUO" Il llt! j UI' b \'\b' mll ii Judg ln l;', s lt t' 'P jllut,l' lng , I'll I'm


Ihnt . l l<;>I' Ill' m ake UK IIT1I''' ~,"tllli iii t' "II " k I\'nll\' ~ \Irs tilt' rlt ·~1. WU ~t l\l h l ">' I lllt" 'Y T'olk f I), ~ ) 1 ,, 1 11"~ , It,., a "I'll t! ,'leLl ( ? ) nw"n .. ,,· lOt Ih" F) .. s ) 1.. lnIlH I Ul · tOry 'lu ll. 11 [",.I"lIul · u (,,\\h,:,' 11 1I11l~1 of the m llIHlI·tlll111' II , 1'(HII'h (o r t h fuet tlIIll llt".,.y, ,>11 it t'D1t1l>h,t't1 fl. I • Ing und d ll k hUlltln!!, I I'll'. ha (1 b"oug ht ,J w n " ;\1111:"'11 \\'111' ;L h lldy " ltt'[l. Nhot. Jt lit I" \\,111 ". t. "" ~h llll,,\\' Cu r H UYR IIt O),jng 0 \'0 1' " I;:ht w 1l1 ltn.\' c th e boat, un rl h : I\' in~ "1'11 1\<:1' 1"(lut H or r C' t"l c" PI' , .lI Il I"·Y Ihul'l'I'!',1 lI ll his 11,I' h' " hul I' oC CUIll ))ln;; 0 11 th unl· I'nljll n l:' 1'0,1 with !'I II I" 'I' 11 1111 h \.11. J\ \(,I'~it.\· t'nl'm, "I' <'lui ratt '/'! :I t U Ill""

Scenic Detour To Lebanon



"Lelianon Ohto A s lgnbQfll'(\ IlIlp t· o n hlbli\\'a~' Prefentin.. the Be-t ••d 43 III Thl'" Rl'hlg l! O,'Ill" ' , ('lllling .In n l t(' nllc>1I uf \l';t \'olol':l , IlS \\'1'11 liS \'u,· " oltl zen,. to sc nl c b(,'lu t Ics 10 b I' n' MOTION PICTURE Jo:,ed by a ,lc lou ,' nown t lt e \':\ ll ~)­ . I ENl'ER;T th Llfth' :llIuml Hi\' ,' . ~ho\\'ins goo d C'llsl fin ll ll y hutll\:l'd t I", ~'H I' n 10 1110 S t(1 rl. AnCient, "alf milt' tl' d u(' k, wh it'll "wlth' lIly t" life 'amp Hnlh , '1' 'I j;'l·:ltl h ~I III H, lI ut'sp, - too k orC":"', '" I r,JI ,,:ht ;\1 1'. 1" ,11< fu r s h oo B !' II I Jnn. W yall'H 'amp, I'lC. l!' n mln ull' Iwf,,,· ' h,' ~"lIJ. 1 r~al It hil l, "''(lu nd I h(' flL'st tlown o u l of lit · 1I !t.. orne ,', pn 1111' pr,lpl" 'IY of n ll\'l~ T ho sCPIl lll1 HIll r), Is 1..1<1 by 0:11111' l~ llrn Hs, .l llool;onl h n~ iJN f\ ch'n r('rl, I'r ot~ c tOl' Clif t' IIIII I'S wi t 11 )l1': lIt)' <If Klw wln g vn ll,',. ll lld h lll H hl'>'o n,l th(' witn R!i(\S. ' \·,l\t l<1 yilU h\..· )i. · \\· lh ul I'h' 1': o,i 11 I\l l\j('sll<: (1:1 k in I he (',' n' th Cl' C if;l IL Ilia t \ II' C lil ill, WIWI'I' lIlt' 1(',· of th e .. I eu rln~. I he fall wlll~ nLl· n Hh :1" 0 ~o I Itil-It 111H h i rdH "''' 11; tk l' n (lp:t l's: I lCI'OS~ I ht ·ir h:t c IH! p l('liI n,: III' hr,':ul n t his I'ldg l'. ex t ~ ndln g- UI'· l'iv,>1' thin ~POCl~llt)r ri 1hl'\)\\- in '.' I t IIf' lU li lly to.JJ'h ,·,'(' n"ld~I' s CUl'lI"', ill(' tight· h:t JlIlCfI >I jus t 1)I'l ow ,It(' (\:1 11' " :It I' Y' In ,:; h 'tw n Ih 1',' (1 m n li nd l hc In ',l l'lh \\' \ ' S l l' ll1 In\' utlln g whit M (01' Ih' J)os,j('ssln n l hla (}nc h B),)I'lng'. '['h\.' fi ~ ll It lt \ 't!' a or th o be:l utlful a nd rl.' ,·tll :-l l1l1nl r cgulnl' Irnffk jrllll a nti p;L 'I; 11 11 u n · Ya lley was e"I'cd" lIy fi C'J'{'" a nd 10111-" ti l their !rltc'ks II I' Olll "f lh, ' " HI<'r! d,~ , ,,·n·ou t. '1'h18 CO lU1l111 will ,c: h ' c ('lull lll do dl" '£It ()utp(\~ lS o f 11 " army o r :.\lnd tail s lin Py'11I1tunll1g l'csl'l'\'ol l' In t lte Anthony 'Y uy n fl nn lly conqu lll'l'(l neu I' futul'e. IL IH I h t' la rS' ... ·1 1I1111ml tlt o ] nrlian8 In I h 0 t'ct;lons. l-I C I'~ , IlI lto In lh Slnte :'\rill Is I'l' purll'd Qno o n th o oll Jllls ite s ld o f the :lct' nl of th b ~ l tl s hill!,; "Jlo t ~ IH',u ln.LJ)(O Itlg-It "'" )·. just b<,yo lld Ih a pl'cse nt short of ~Jl nl1 e:; uln. g ran' l pit, II rude fort WllS eon~lruc · ••• cd, Ihu ll <'slablillhl ng the nU lh o l·it y The So ulh"'!'!!t, l'n uh lo nifll' Lell ' of .!lIe N ortltwest '1'l' I'I'lI o,·)·. '],h r· m a ins of thnl fort nt· ::I tJII vi s ible NEW YORK-Using the massive columns 01 the Hall or Business, ·g u n eW lit tit Ircl matc h ()( Lh Is In {I nd a round n. IUl1I p of L OCIIHI Systems as a frame, a photographer caught tbis striking view on( senso n n t l\lo llnt TiC'lI ltlt y, :\l " l' 22. lbe site of the New York World's Fair 1939. The lowerln, steel skel· '1'h " ' limin gto n hUll c h was higlt t recs. 'rha t 1l1ll'Uc ul a r spot hllH no· eton is the Expo ition's 700·foo(' Trylon, whlcb will serve as Fair ,,-Ith a s ore of 10 O. Th ' )' \\' r clos' ve r been ultlva ted . Thu s tlt e ,ne m· beacon a nd broadea ting tower: Dlreetly In front may be seeD the p r essed to win . h,i",,,,·,,I' . sl no::u th , OIT of th ose h ero ic days h us beon c ircular s teel collar which will support the 200·foot Perisphere and lowest score II1 llde was 1055. F. L. I' rp c llIated. the theme exhibit which _will be boused wUhl1ll this ,reat hall. _. two coal piles above? They illustrate.'. atory in • S p('nce r , high m n n III lh e L ('n/,:IlC', Thill L ookoul Is fOI' tlte uses o r ,' heat· ~conomy only Stokol, the Dutomlltic c:oa1atok~, cab s h ot ti. 896 "Iron " unO 400 .. ('011 ." t o T o ul'ls Is a nd for t hose o f our I' ,.. r cw ln h is t o p positio n. At th llt rll t W Il, Id en ts who n vcr t!t·c of ('()n te ll1plll tell. ,tolcol burns lesll eapensive coal and J~ It atops hIp cnsliltj; t o urna m ent Rp On SO I' d he wlll be In a position fo r n n ll onn l WIIte", :Heat is thermostatically controlled .. you need ~t. H ence Is th e Importlln e or ou r tlng th o scc nlc beauties Llf T he L it· j;'1·O Ufl. lie MId his sis ter, Ellzl)heth ,' c: nj o),C'd I' u niti ng \\'I[h th a lt· old by lh o D llyt n .A.Jigler s ' Club will be cOlllpetitlo n. But that's not aU. It consumes ash. There U DOlle to reAlumni Assoolnlio n. wh l It e ndNlvo r s tie :-1I«ml R l v ~ r Vn lley. h el'l nt th e Soldl nl's Hom L agoo n , Inslj m nt s II nl :;('hoo l f I! ow s 0 11 move, jUst a~ occasional clinlce.r. It. gives a dean; duatleas t o E\Stnblls h n perll1 llnent, ('oope rn · Sat urdll)', :'>I a.y !l lit, Il t th ' \'uy n 1<- storll ng ut 10:00 n. m, While ~:it8. SOOO RUlilU" 80\~ :NEW n(}nLI~GTO:N, 01110 ll ve wOl'klng agree'm n t for OUI' so · heat. 'I;hat cuts the COIlt of cleaning curtains, etc. Aile any co n t s t Is open only to Dayto n .~ '1'1t " '. 1". :lr. S. 111 t In l it e home vill a .A l ul11n l :II e..r[nl!'. of our Stokol users. They'll tell )'Ou, too, how Stokol saves 1'>1, It ",IIi, bo of Inte l' s t'to a ll m e n l\IEET AT 01110 TATE of 1\Irs . E lmer 'omplon on Thm's, lift· . II l1d ~ I,·s. \\'" IIC'" :\Ic K nig ht I those basement -trips. COLUMBUS Thr(' the u!tllnd dny. <' njoy cl 0. \'I sl t from th II' cl«u,;ht" ,· a nd women Inte r 's t ed In tho sport. Ohio boys from 225 s hools In 70 Available in flopper and Mrs. J . E . ollllJto n \Vn " hos t sa And hl! hilmI, :'11'. a nd 1\1I·s. J . 'V. c ounU s wlil come t o hlo tnt bin feed mode1a. We seU sewi ng c lu b on Thursu!lY )1 . ruw 11 o[ hi ago. o n :'>, ' l1Iorinl ))ny This """iter took (lull a ribbin g Unlv 1'61ty Juno 3 a n d 4 Stokol on easy terms ·and w~e k o nd . :'1,·. P ow e ll 1::1 m l>1 l' d sovernl w e ks ago aft('r Sugs!'sUng eight nth a n ouu l j udj;'lng cont'st m. guarantee inltaUatiOll8. l1 nu 1\11'8. Th codor us a Postal Cle,' \{ In th e :.rnin P at tro ul fls blnl; right next door In :o.ln d in voca tional agr iculture. Born t o MI'. rt! c In Ih nl Ity. R h'e1' above · Puyton. ·ou sco Her s, At the time Ohi o 'hapters !If In tire, M a y 29, a Bon, Churl s STOJ(OL flA'U . .S. "dullve ·Walt er . Just sit (Jown a nd list n to this: last of the Future P.'U'mel's o f Amc "lca Hydra..Ut 011 TralUml..1on • AIr week In th ,roo 8UCCC!lSiV C du.ys J'oltn . Mr. nnd MI·s. B : l\1I McKoy have Tight Hop,.... • Hyll,."IIc Hold-Thom a s of 'l'lppocnnoo Cily (neu r will b h old ing t heir t e nth a.nnual fire Control. Au..,..otlc Can.... purchnsed th h Olll e In the n orthcm convention n t hlo S l a le. Th e Jlro· , p a rt of th e v lllu Ite , fO I'm rly occu · of Air Supply . ·SI..... 0 No SII.." Troy) cau ght sov n brown tl'ou t,on gram IB """- I n il' 3.I·I'llugedb y 1·110 . St Me Pin. 0 "'Saf., C1ton, Dtpt...... Pipe, VnlveII, Fitting!!, Plumbing worm s with .11. fly . r od . Ix ot th ese de pa rtment ot du <:ntlon and tho unl by Mr. and l\1rR. R. E. J ones . and Heat(ng Mate rial, .MYERS speckled bahl s measured ab out 16 Mr. nnd 1\£l's. Eve r(>ll Mu r llltl h ave verslty's college ot agrlcultur • Hand tuid Electric Pumps. J. P. In hes - a nd b live It o r n ot - o ne mov/ltl to t he prop tty r ecently llur· Stnte oCflcers of tho Future Fo.rlll· BOCKLET SUPPLY CO., XENIA, of them m easure d 26 In ch es und e ra' Orga nlz..1.lion nre : president, OHIO. 55 8t c h nsed by B . l\f. McKuy. By Han-y Eldridao, Jr. wels-hed G 9·10 pound s ! While 'We Donald Mr. and 1\11'9. Sa m Sha n ks, Jr., appe l', o. n W CI·t; Vl ct! don't Cee tha t all Ohio >; treants t Pr s ld e nt, Rob 1'1 Mallo\\', J( .n t on ; PHONE ~5 a nd family ar Jll'ell>u'lng to I' tul'n FOR SALE: Tho1'odghbred Poland might s upport trout ha ve bee n given Secretary, Robert M nd, Gl'ov<:,port ; Cbrnu, Mule HO (f8: G eorge H . Hen - from Ci nci nnati to th eir h om . 'Ltte ntlon - this n ews 18 encouraging treasurer, B errin-I'd B owm u n. "\VUTh o UllVn.1 "[e m orltil r viccs w (\ ro 'l'h 111'0J,' l t(/~ creu t n Ia.rge ~ 400, · derson, RED No.1, Wuyn esvllle. ,·e . k - o. nd bol' waa thll t biS' o ne a beau · mlngtoo ; Ex cu tlve ommlLl: ,Kir· HI) h eld In th e M. E. Chu,rc h, S unda y 000 f is hing Il\ ke o n 'own.n (f e llye r . n car '\V!!nllnglon 11Ils gul n cd co neltl· tyl by B a rrick, J ohn stown, Wal do :;f'OR SALE. 'Manchu Soy Inn'('h, el'Obl h 'll(lw(I)" n ol'(l1n,; to HarTY Schoid, Mom·oe ville. Rin"hrrnt---M1=;---==== P rice $1.26 bushel. D. B. Under. X eDJa. H . Brando n . cha lrmn n f tho lin ' At 0111110: Ins t w eek o(l nd the nb· wood, Hnrveysf5urg. ltp B sid s our own M e morial s ,.. ton ou nt y Regiona l Pal'k 13oa rd . A s n ce of :'spldcr" fh,!lt a rme n ~'Ith S (' vices , S unda y, ou r bli nd fU"nl s h t>d 1;'1' a t d HI o r c,' ·tllt Is rl u t;' M,'. Bran · Or 10 pol ' 1 W U8 v e ry noUce«ble du e G~ORGE :QIIDIGENE, registered mU ll lc ll t Fprln g Vnl l y o n Su nrln y don , \ \\'ho' has work ed til· I !I~ly on I tho e nfp l'cem e nt m e ntioned be fore Be.l glan stallion. 4-),ear-old ehelltnut m o r m n!;" a t Port ' Vllll mu o n 1\lon. I hl~ !1l'nJtwl \\'ltl' It is n ow /)eln,; f«v · In lIll s oollllmll or th e two IJol rulin g. fIOrrell. weigbt 2000 · Ibs. Will make day u. m ., an d It III I'Tls\' III , 1Ifondu y en nsld l' l't' el h)' the nit d This la w Is Just u.s rnlt· 11S th e nell; tbe seaaon o. 1938 at Lloyd South's p. m . on I'e luld n g ALL fi s herme n to ~. "rm. % 1-% mUes south west of Rell "y I lce ns'il'~ , ins t eRd oC t ax ing only Yel'lll ,Uon. AU precaution 'wUl be taken :Mrs. J . E . Hili pn S io l·(.' nf ' stng~. th ose who u sc r od alld r ecl. The n ext Ill'l'le () prevont BClcldent!l but wID 1I0t be th ll l o ne ~ tllntl.lI" g blo k has 1 n s lop Is 10 fO" ce a ll bait d'cnlers t o ",spOnslble IIhould OilY occur, Young th In flnU'1i lan u DI'I ' S :;om . IOlld regl8tenJd stook for sale at all times, Own e r:; ha \'(! ph,L' t1 011 .tlw ll' 1)l'oJ)ei': GaUaher ancl South. Phone Lebanon t.v , bil l litis "" n iJC' Il'II il Cd o ut. Any . 49t·R.' . 1\1 0 1 "1'0"'111 n w lto '11' 1111 I'cstell In ' I ' ':illnt; : 1(1 In dia n L ul<e I'lg ht n ·t trOR ALE: Sweet 1S'0tnto pla nts, 36 !loo!' 10 UH Im,d \\' e a ll u rc) s ho uld E..l l\ilelnbardl. ChlCI~go, Shlell1 centS per bundt'ed or three Ilund· 1I1I·S. • F . Vl e l, rt; li t V e l'onll II nc! wrl tc LI ,· Hh'(' r und }I ,ll'bonl om . "Speclalillt, will be, In DII)'toll. Ohio, red for $1.00. All klnds ' of gurden plants, lQ ceola per dozen- or 3 dlLught ri!, 11>1>1 Marga r et Vl c kel'~, m!lt N' , ] lOll!; , o f It pr e n tnlives, at the l\lhuni Totel. on' Ji' rltloy (111)" .. un d ~ q1l e st fa.. ,Julie 10th, from ,:00 P, III. to 5\00 dozeri tor 26 eenla. 1 1-2 miles ami } Irs. Duffy a nd c bildron or Day. W aS hin gton D. n orth or 'Wltyneavtlle, on corner ton , nls o Mr. nncl Mr . Fi.orn ~ WllIlI' "omble HCtlOf!. )101' we lcomc II W8 p. III. /llld' 7:00 p. Ill, to 9:00 p. III. ' ot WayflesvlIIe, Ferry and Lytl l o n. com S with" WO"d th:~t work will b Mr. 1\[~nhill'cl1 !l11l'S: "My RU(llure ,'Fond, STROUSE BRO'tHERS R. . 2>(UI'gf, l' t , Imp on ' Munso n of Chi· :;ltu 'lcd Juno G . on u se rle~ oC 16 hle ld Is ' "\vell k'n ow n for producln'g R No.2 eRgo, a 'ocla l use 'VI'ol'l'C!· with th du ma in 13utlC' r '()un t Y' on FOllr Mil , tmm edlat~' rCllults. It not only holds Ch ica go H elle! Adminl ~t l'u.t1ol1, Ill)ent tn(\ia n t.;l'i!l'I( Ii. T it!!. the ' Rupt1ur p e rfectly; b ut stlmu. "FOI' Sale: .WhiLe Rocks for i llYln!; . th e lle rlod of pw·Ua.!·operati on of D ry F "rl; . rk \\'111 cost $ 3 ~,OOO, of whi ch th lates n nd l s tre nglh ens th o waukend \\'o 3 1·2 to 4 1 -2 IbS. Dressed or on th " t 11I·).;:l lIlzallon with h I' 1I" l'e n : H, ,' 1:'1 1 OIIRC'I' \'l,' , III Il 0 pl. w ill SUi)p ly 'musoles , 't h e r ('hy ' contracti ng th e ar_:oot. ' Mrs. J'oseph Heston, Phon!' 1\1,·. I\ n<l ~I' ·8 . •John . Si l1lpson . 111:1' $7,uOO . '1' \\'0 n 'l\' In l' 'R n f 1l 1)Q ~1 100' oponlng in t e n dnys on the average . .• .. 4. J' hu "I)IIII c! , fl()l'C11l 11 l\lI\n ~u n , IL " ' dlcnl a c ,' Ii e'lt'h a,'f' be in g- c "('Iltl'l'l r.ear cnse, l'egu~'dl e!ls of s lzc, lOCiltion, o'r " .i' stud e nt. mOlOI' Ii f r om. hl cago. u nci . ' clasll cu!:C- !titer with ~II'. lind Mrs. Hornl:e Simpso n Plqll n I )' 'Vf'A II n,1 Stntt! mon ey. It's h eavy s t taln In any pOSition, It.111 . 1nt!"'Vnlley , a n el da u !;lt tor s , Mary Mnl'!.a re l :II,d [t bo ut tirn e We "purL Ill'! n uC "Vn rre n ,a~c rproor, sanitary, easily remov. , e Wayn aville 7 Do nnll 1\la ~, oC Daylo n , sp enl M I)· County ~l ~lt "l 1' 1' nn (' u,· hincl,.legs u.ble a n·d ims no log straps. (I sha ll a nd got ~om t' 1)I·oj~ ,·tR unel,' ,. wnl' be· be g lud ~ to d emonstrate without m O"la l Day W elt end wllh th o for e tho (1111 · .,Icct\nns " ,., Ol 'e, ' , :md c barSe--Only in n are Invited). This r poliliclIl r oo pc""U ull r"l l to It now viSit IS f.h, whIte people onl. y . FOR SALE: 2 ' y ear old SpolLed Po· g,··ouJl. Mrs. J . ' Impso n's brother, J ohn low! ., land Crilna Mille Hog. 1mmuned . ,\Vllll ,n,,! of Columbu!I, Is still V (I ' • • • Note : I have been coming hero ror Ol, Llon lng with th o J , C . Rlmpson 15 years. iRem embCl' the na me: Me ln· Sec ~ym an Day on R o ute 73. ltp , un dn)', ,l ulle 5, eIL.v Ch lll ll lllon · ha rd I. lly C'r Ill> tOf I)' I'· ntnca of nl ndlng g "IIU un 1.C>!, lub" Jntl' 10- POI' nt th(ll·<'. AIlel' th P,'ogl'llm tit g n th l" 'lng '" nt to tho hig h sch ool buntllng, wh l' light r (l't!~ hm nLs w or Su ry· cd. ) m m ed lntely n (te,'w:l.rd" the m CIlI' herR and /tu ~ 18 r I urn<,d to I h g ym· n nslum to swln1; Into lh(' gnll\ Alum· nl Bltll . A ~rcnt N o rw ,;-1:\11 om ll05c r duly sail! . "Jt Is ,::rcat 10 1111\'(' rrl nds "'hAIl Ollt! i s ~'Olln ll', but Inti et'c\ Il Is !'jtll! mor 80 wh e n you fll'C gC lllng o ld. '" II n w e fir' you II':. f1'1 nd ~ ti l'<' 11110 eY l'ythlng Ill. It m :lll er of OUI' • In th f,' Id 11\lYs \I' know 'wha t It m a ns 10 h a y the m ." It h M nlwn,·s heon n nd Hltli ll co n . Ihiuo to b tit polley of Til :'I hunl ,aze tle to steer el il l' uf ('xpl'!'sslng o plnlulls whi c h lll llY IMI rf,,1' with anyone 's IWl'so na l busln ss. ] n lh t'l' worels w do nol wanl to st p on Any r cn<ler's t o!'s. Howove ,', \\'e do try to promote communit y f!'le nd· s hll> I\.nd oopcrntlon. A nne get·togeth!'r s tich as \\'0 h nd last Sllturdny mUllt be p "p IU lltC'd , not only becauso It Is so d ear t o mo £ grad uat cs, bllt bcen use It III a l~o .- a vcr ' vlla l ("ctOI' In holdi ng Id Guard nnd th e n \\' OI1l Cl'8 t he nnl1 Ule sc houl SYS I 111 m orll c los 'ly t og lhel'. 'J'he rl'for :ln y grn<luate who neg lecl to r e turn on su h nn o CIUIlon not o nly mlss!'s so m" of th o:: blggcst momonlH or h is life but les."I' ens th enjoynl n t r seltoo lmmcs n~











Waynesyille Far.m ers Excha





F. .-.


T~ ,....






- _"!

W:ANTED: S('ve rnl Sales women , ex· IJ)crlenced Tn ladles· r eady · to· W ell • c;'.omtnl~fllon bUJ'l18. Good carnlng ll posl\l blc . An s we l' In care of The ' Mlrul11 Oo.zctt e. I


LO 'T A PO KETBOOK Ing a l)O ul $10.00. Some\vhere rtround the 8wlmmlng pool In '\'VIlY· n eH vllle, la t e SUnday afternoon . ln add iti on to the money It con· trtlntXl my 80cla~ security num bl.'r !lOd some vlllu \lble adresses: W IU lho 1lnd('r Jll ease not s end It to th c nc lDsed Il.ddrells, but rather tal,e I\. Qollm' r e ward and drop It I II the m n.1I box with iuy nrune nt· t nohed . T h nnl{ you v Qry much (or you r co ns illerallon. John K epI l'



Low Pl-ices

Finger Wave.

AI.E: ·All kind s of · , . Here', a range with co~~eQjence ' gn rde n ]>In n t . . , w eat potaloeS', and perforllWlce feature' you caa 3 1i1' II r hundred : 300 for $1.00. get in DO othe~ range of the "tableQ 11 selectIon of t \\'0 year 0111 h ardy p6l'Qnl' Annual flowers. :to~" .trla.· see the Iliding. burnen .Oool'gc J:le mr80n, 1 mile from W ilY' vad.r ~. 0"'0. .kio,& lighting eaI)'. ad min), other .exClusive ad· ;\'U1e on Bt>lIbrook Pika. .. .YaGcq... Call' be had with or whh·



Or both combined/or , ,


R.·D. 'CoUeH


4.50.20 4.5Ox21

U5x l'

5,00 x 19

5.00 x 20

,,',..0II\II lion

Here's ~~ca" ~tat I·Mift tire," Built WIth an eztra-wide.


out cooking-top cover, lamp, timer .e' ....bowD , !fere:' Tra\'le 10 yOIll' old .~e. EaY. terlDl.

'ana "condimeat ,.,.


s7U· S7!!t s78S"

·35c 35c

SlJa.~poo ·'

GOODRitH COMMANDER . s81S· $6600 s8 8S•

extra.cJeep ttetld-by GOo&ich to give you' long lilileqe and service at priCetl that ~e rock-bottom. Every Commander factory-fresh. Fulldimen.ion, too, and made of wear.resisting ru!lbcr.through. out. TJuift price" In all

mes. •


-bareS s!ICDC Clae _IE· ' ''!lll'e. IIl:,Ort Ptoutz ot 'leorge Hook. , all at To· ' '1 Harry




W ,\YNESULLE, .OIllO, TlIUJit DAY, Jl'NE 9, 1038 I

Waynesville Boy ,Among Those To'

Attend C. M. T. C. Dr. Frank A , Dllatueh, chaIrman }d. T. C Procurement Committee hM announ · coo that 111:1: applicants had been ac, ceptell to attond the July Camp at Ft. BenjamIn HarrIson, In~Uanli. The bOYIl accopted aro: Harry E . Workman. R. n. 2, Franklin ; Rob.. rt C. Allen, WayneR· vlllo; Lawrence D. Banta, R, n, 2. Vlbanon; Thomas D . ChIsman. R. R.. Loveland; 'VlIllam H. Taylor. 20 North Mechanic Streef, Lflbanon, Ilnd Charlee E. Thomp80n, South Lebanon. Robert Allen 11M attended t,b e811 ('amp 8e1!Slonll tor tbe Pllilt II veral years. Other Warren County boYIl whoslI 1lIJlllloaUonll have beon flied with Dr. Dlilltush Include William D . Haley, Park Avenue, Franklin; Drue Wallee, .31 EAst SUver Street, Leb. anon; James W. Holbrook, Luke Avenue, Franklin; Harold O. 'HQsen, R . R. 1, MlUlDn; Warren Johneon, edar Street, . Franklin; RIchard )t . Keelor, 10 High Stroo, Lobllnon; Jamell S. Kennedy, 421 Canol Streel, Franklin. and Ralph E. White, R. R. 2, Franklin.

ot the Warren County C.

Accident Case To Grand Jury The Clinton County Gmnd Jury will meet today, It WIlS Ilnnounced, Snturday, to consIder eVIdence col· lected by ProllecUUnlr Attorney Geo. L , SchliUnir and the etate 'hlll'hway patrol, In the fatal tmttlc accident a week ago near MIdland CIty, The Jury will consider evidence agaInst Cecil Hartman, tormerly at Waynesville, driver at one at the care In the coillalon. Cecil Hartman has been attending Wilmington Col, I~ge the paet two yeare. Driver ot tho other automobile Clnrence Hetld, North College HUI: Cincinnati, dled at 1\ broken neck. The accident occurred, May 28.


Bini Caues Accident A bIrd, t1ylng ,,«alotlt tho wind, shield ot Ute automobile which ahe WIUI driving, caused Mre. WaJlllC/J TJ;-.t_y fa lOBO control at her rna, Chine, Monday eVening while driVing en Route .. 2nenr Mt. Holly,

R. D. Collett ' Hdwe. P. E. Snyder. LeIDO'na Hatchery Xenia Theater TwIn Theater

Nonla·Brock .Co. ,


QUlOlt C1eane", L. J.t. Henderaon F. T; Kartln Oi'an4 T'a-ter Dr, Harland F. Dye Th~ Hamilton Oravel-CO.

LaWNnee 1R10_


Ttle Chl'I8Uan J,(onltor Boaera-8lmP80D 0Uap WQJIIft1lle DI'U&' It ere JII.~, K~



Rantwan Co. 1I"'tc!e


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('a Lhf' fint.\ "t HI w ith

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Marriage Wed.

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"f :II ,' . :0 nd . A I I'~, Hny m o nd COnnlll' "f 4tll l'itrp"t \\'£'1'0 '1ul,lIy m ln,led

of ~I r. " li t! ; It thll :\ f44 th tJdl s l P:U'SO tlugO, W dnes. ~ II ·~. ,,'. J-:. St n lll'lII I'f ·' lll'll1!;I~ " ' ll !la y l'V ' nll1 ~ . . ll1 n 8 8t 7:3() p . m.

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SIII'tll' il;..' "" "1111'~'



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'I'll " h1'111" I' h nNfI fol' t,e r weddlJig ~ own . a ,li'HH' " dl'cfJf::I of becoming,.'

~II· . :o nol :111"" . Eli FUl"n nl' \\'rr(' wIlli ", l' oIs l, I" ,I .. II' S " nl lay ~['hl\nl I'I,,~,. . Iller. S II

Mrs. Maude rn ne nml dauS'hte r Ann wlllll Mrs. En 1'1 Curr or L 'ba n · on spe nt 1'uoiJdflY In D lly t on where Miss Crnne Is h nv lnS' de nUlI wOI' k done. ).fl'. anll Mrs. Gilbert Frye anil lIOn and Mr. und Mrs, Earnest But· tIlrworlh w ra Su nday dlnn e l' guest s at 1.11', and Mrs. O le nn Fryo of Day· ton: Mr. Clarence Mn lmbe rg l1a's a ccelll cd 0. poslUon with tho StIlte Hig h·

~ 1 " l'rhr·<I ·s llk

c hltto n a'na I'n rrl pIl Ii bo uquel of ')vhl!;e

~ 111 1 " : 1 Y p\, t' llin J,:

F ifty t wn Th" (,) 11 It, I'O :i('H n nd f" I' n. !! IHI socln l ]),-' 1·' 1'111 ' h l'ld ~'a nl,.,lh €'r wo."e blu~ i."b !I , " I 11,1' 01, ·11, '1" " ,. l'f'rl"'"lonH' llt s. c I'C'lle with Whll ' nj)ce~.rtc~11 · . 1 .:1\ ' I'I ' n4 ' I ' ( :1I 1' Hf , If)g'(' lht' 1' {' lJr~iI,I; (' or Alll C' rirJll1 De ut Yi ....... \\i l ll hh. Illlltl" 'I', ~II'~ . . 1. (I . r ::II·" I . TIl(" \.; 1">011'\'" moth f' l' w I d.!C 80.. . Ifld h i s n if' t 'l', :\1 1~~ (: "l1f, \,II)\'(' fl:1 I'H 1 i ll p lnl~ (' .. 1) with , vhlte r~ \\' 11 1 !l1I1'nd III <'hlll'I'1I "f Hrl' lhl'I' 1l i ~". ILlIII wo r e n cnr:;sgc or white tea. ( ' t lnl"'1'r-IlI' l' lit T,,: 1\\' 1',.. n(' ('I, K n l\~ IH" I't\~ •• " :011\1 .I,'ll>hlnlutns.

" Il jll\ I, d



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"fl"l' th l'



ddlll J.:' It r ec ption W illi , o r MI'. lind )\lc·s. In ' N\>ri.h'. t. MI'S. e b!"ide. ThOse'

I;~ liPid :1t tltl;' ,10 Dill

wh t' r e

L'ul'Illr n

Kill' wi ll VI HI!. 11 C'1' "'''·I' Il( iI. .tr. J.11'. n llfl :'I I r~. " 'n lto) l' f.i lwehn'n n nd 1'111 1'11' n Hp pnt T lltlJ's llay I"ve nln g -HII .yl/III JlIIU,.' "'ervirc I I 'II I10:) I ("eft D unh nm a t (,In , ., l\'cws Ph()t ~ ,~\\. t1 .. ~~ r l" na ll .

way Departm(!nt ns '\\ eld r ·Mechan ' prl'"o n t nt th and ,will be atal lon e(1 n Ill' Chilli· 111'1 (1 n nd 1';1'00111 . cotho, MI'. nnd 1\1,·s. Mlllmbe rS' lind ll1 0nd ('onn (' r n Oll (laughters, Ill'4h lion, Bob, 'ire plannIng to move 10 Mr. o nd 1\11'9. Ell. Stroud. wl,o 1'<" II n<l nuth, ~'[r, li nd ~frs. fIe nry Wll iBalnbrldl>e, Ohio, soo n, t o be n en r his work. s lel e on til L~' tl C' R Olld , will Cl'll" ;\11" .. Dpna n "vifl will Ivnl'o rol' Id na a nd fa mil y , 'Mr, [Uld Mrs. Ohn!! . . urate th e ir s lxly ·fourt h w Nidln g a n · e~ J) ;o~'l " n, 'l'IIIII·""I1Y. to ~ nt e r th Day. \\'a t klns, Mr. lind MI·s . .NciBOn Waf, . Mrs, R . D. Colle tt a nd ]\frs . Stnn· n lve '·AAry. Frllln)" .Iun 10. t on (""J1lptomI'lP" Sc hool. kl ns, MI'. u.n.1 l'.1 rll. Milo' Mlftenber. ley Brule y Iltte nd ed th SoutlnnBI MI'. lroud wns hOI'n III '\\' III Ir,mM' r- I,'. lim! ;\11'" , 111l 1'I'Y • mflh on t l"', );" 1', 1\[1' . o ml Un•. VvlLltel' as.!!, Mr, w .\Y'l\'I':S nl, LE M. R ('Ill ItCII DI8 t r Ict H ome C'oune II m eeting, IlC Id t own . l~entucl<y , ri nd WIlS cII'IY iJ1 j:; n t,lhw" th r. il' " fiOO" C luh o n Il1l1l '\ ('d· 111111 M I'!,!. Chn !'lell Zimme rma n aoll at ChtLUlo.uQUB Park. Wednesda y. A fl tnR'e conch b etwee n Ih a t t nwn and, [o;III1 (111)', ./11111' 1" , 193f! II Pllrlu y nlg hL Th e (oll owlnl{ gil ~ t A rllmlly, H(' v. nml Mrs. John L.acy, splendid IIrogmm wus pI' Hent dun · In c lnnntl a t th ti me o f hi,; IlIUI'. n:30 . UIllI"y Sc hoo l. "njn~'f" 1 110 0 1' \ 'P J1ln g or cn nl .. : ;\11'. 11 11,1 MI'. fi nd M,·s. HI'men rane a nd der the direction ]\f1·S. H a l'ry Hu g · ,'Inl>e. 111 :31) :lt ul'I1in l'( wor" hip . hil<lrell 's nn .l :\ll"s. J:o,,11 1 I h , MI'. nnd J\II'8, so n. IeI' nnd MIBS Pauline Mill", Chall" Th o y 'Ilave 8m'c n ch I1 <1J''''~ , D:I;·. !';J1l'rla l ml1 si(' , ('IoI"1r(' n Jili n ~l ol'I'l R 01'111"11. 1\11'. n nll M,·... S id B ill th e 'brlde n nd g ,'oom are man nnd Sec reta ry or th e Maoeln, brrnndchl1dre n, (i G'roat g \'l\I\.l l'h ll(lr n ·hurl'll. o llll I:hlldr" n'~ H/' I·mon. E III R, MI'. n nll 1\II' ~ . L. V . HI'nM lrn, g "nd ua tes of vVny nes vllle HI"''' .... tlon. Lunch waa s llrvcd Il t noon. '·S n.,\\, Wh ll,'." 101 ', n nd 1\1,' , lin d 1\11·~. E I'nI'Rt llul. Ke hool. · o·r th lass " or 1931. Mr.. n nr! 1 g l'(lllt ,gl' at ~" n nd il ll d , (I\'c ],fro and Mr8. Phillip Lul'rlck Jlnd 7::10 S!1l' (' I,1I ( 'h lldl" I1 '" n llY Prn· t e,·\\'o ,·lh . o nn e l' Is om ploy d by the lte daughter, Lois' J ea n, nnd Mrs . go n mUon s ye t li l'l nf;. 1'11('l'e h "vl:' g r n l1l. :\1 ... n nd 1\I'·~ . Chest I' Df\.t'I·ow a nd Hll llwn y o( DaylOll, .. .Kh). The youn" Frank Hufrman vlslled Mr. nnd b(!e n no na turn l d 'a th In lhfl ll' fam · 2:nu "·, 'lln' .~.f1:'y. 1.:0111 s J\1<1 wi t h ch ildre n. of H a nl so n'. Tnillllnn. nl'l' OUlllo wlfl mnko tb Ir .home wIth l.1ra. Esiol ' Insk p at SI)rlngfie ld, lI y 111 lhe c n u r e 04 yen l's. willi one h . acold e ntal d e'~th laRt y a l·. One ;\II·H. s :,(I'" l·,\nrll'l'. "biting M ,'. and MrR. A.l nm :J\lc l· I e g room's p::u, nts for .the r emaI n. on Sunday. 7 :.00 ThlIJ·Stl:or. f\u y S'·fl ul !'. loh. this we<,le I' or th o s ummer . :M18H Lilia Be nham h ud as SUIl' grn nflaon, BUl'w ord Vi c died, last 8:00 FI'II IIIY , (,ho ll' PI':II' II 'e . 1\11'. rin d M I'S, TI ol)C'"t B a l,cl' . .1 1'., yeu r ns th o r esult o{ o n rt u tom pblle day dInner guesLB at Maude run 's accide nt. n n,l dll ll g hlcl', .Tean, ~ !I e nt ' undny A c r owd of lrlends serenaded the Tourist Inn. Mr. and M1'l't. T. M . I~ PI S ('CJl' ,\T. nn ' Rfll wllh i\lr. a nd MI's . .T. n. Hlg hlm n , YOU ng CO UIlI Il art r th reception arid Burton rind blIby daughte r, and JIIrs. Th 1\' ch ildre n are MI's. B. T . Vic . rtf nellr 1-I " r\·I' ....."UI''''. loo k l\lel11 tO l' Il -<;l8rl rldo over' town .. Ju nf' l ~. '1' l'Inlty S unll llY . :\l ol' nln l'( .. J " " Jennlo Mullen. Mrs. H . n. W ndRw<,,·th , Mr. Cla udc 1\11;,. 1\1 'II'y .Drlpr " , o. Da',' ton, I' Aft r W:lrdA th e pa l'ty w e l'e Invited • I' ru~' ('r !l n il ""I'm u n a t 10 :30. ~ " L ., n MI811 Janlda Hurley at New BUl', Stroud, 1\1I'S, I r e n H l' nrl !'Han , Mr. \'I s llln r; MI'. ami l\[1'''. J ohn F" Qmm in fo r r efr SlIm on(fj. , IIngton, Is vis iting '''lth 'h I' grand, Gcorl>O Strouel. 1\11'1;. Maud FERR\' (' JlllH.' 1I OF cnm, 'r :I nll SO il . lytlo, for B<'V 1'01 days. pfU'onta, 1'ttr, nnd Mrs, Josiah Davis Hnd Mr. \V. E. I3troud. - ~ W , C. "mUh. JlUlllst"r 1\1l's, ;(\!;Il.I'Y Cross a nd Mrs. ~ . ""LIt o.nd her cousins, Maatera .Toe n nd Mr . • tr ud will h 00 yeara o ld Su nday: Whlt c w e re 1\fomlny dlnn ~ r g u Rt f! Billy Davis. In Septc mhe r, , ., nd Mrs . So'o u,l will nthl Sc h ool ~3 0 a. Ill . of 1\I1·S. J\ . K . Dill' . Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brannoclc' Jlnil he 88 yen rs of IIg In I'pl m I l'. D" utnlllunion IO :4r. a. m, :\1 1'. :l nd !\I,.'i. D . . IlI<lg-e nlll r . little dnughtcr have mov'c d Into the 10 th Ir ullvnn c (] y nt'S , they will !'el'l1lon 11 :00 n. Tn. Th e SP I'l1l Qn tn ill Pel ~ Ir. n nd 1\1,.,•. " . iI 11111' Clnrk Davis apartment, vaellted by Miss Rpe nd a quiet woddln g o l1nlve rsa r y . wflJ be hy'- J lJ hn J\ . P 1'~i l1g~ I' of at 'I"h!" Lil li e Inn tJn S undllY. Sue Crane. - - - Flvo .. penemt!on s (II' 1'C' lw 'sent d (' fI II f' 1'!l 'l t tl1" "1 n O' I, Ilom f} f) 11 S un · D a ;'lo n . 'A,'oth e,' S mith IH:l t Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Earn'hart nnd In the a comp:l n y! ng photogl"n)lh: hlR hUI'C'h 1t" IJllng In 11 11 ('vnn);, I . tIll Y :ofl(l1'110.·1/1 w('\,c :'Il rli. Ella Kl t, p, ~d Mr, ond Mrs. K e nn eth '1.'01> Row, MI'. niHI Mrs , I!I t IC m eet I ng'. ,r.l~l1d~en _ , •1\1 1', Hough and chi 1r1S1u...:~ VI, Whls Uer, W . Hudson Av '. Dnyton : ," nALPH H. J{NAPP~ . TUl'so1 ay : ola Harlan. Sundoy n!ternoo~~ J . H . K a hl eI', MlI l1s fll, ld. i\1I's, 'Vhls l · {ncomln g Presiden t of Tbe Flrllt PI' nchlf1g hy J o hn A , T'e "lIlngr r, Mrs. Lorraln Spray and dn.u h· I 1"9 fath er: r ggy Lo uI se Perkins, Cburcl1 of Cbrlst. Scie nti s t. In 8 .'00 p. m . Dnfton. Boa ton, :' u se lln ,r n il!. Mr. a nd Mrs . Hm" tel'. Evelyn. will mnk e the Ir Ito J\ II·~ . Arthlll' AllRO n this summer with Mrs. T. B. Bran, ry ~ht an~~e, : 1\[1'. A \\'a ,' nln e: 10 nntlu ns " whose !:ov' W ,\\"NE SV ILJ_"~ CIIURfll OF ·0 . s pen t 1~J"lrl ny wltll noek and Mrs, Spmy will otten(l n l'd J\frs. .. ••" ''' mo n tt< ha ve bee n co ne I" ed In,·ge· CHRIST MI'!'!. S id lopo, summer school at Wilmington Col· Pnsnde na pla~ - - - -=--~.;:- -- ." · ~·"bl t lu ~ 0 1; (\ b,'"ught " ' . ( l. , lilith,' 1\11'. a nil J\[,·R . .r. 0, TIrown Il'ft Jege. I Bottom Row, 'StIlte F'ulr, .from JJeec ' - ~d rOL' V~rsn lll 's, Ohi o, las t 'l'II IlI'tldny ... e""nmes Hartsock nnd ' West Curl'ollt o n ; JIll' . o n t! _'Lt . ~ ~ .. ill ,., U rv _A StokesE rnest S \lJ1d ay :..'ii.~__ ,onday .. - CO" - • .-} " . ~'. :'Har attAndAd C d- Sl 1 •- • . . '.~ _ , Ch ure.t~ ;ve nln:'~ ' ' . ; . ~ .-, 'J ~ ~ o mm en cc· wnr 1'0Uf. of ncnl' 'Vny n p,.vlll." ;\[('N ing uf Tit ,' JCit's t Ch urch of .. "", ""'" ~ . ' .,1 . ~ EYe1700e who Ic~ ment ExorcIses at the Fairview Fflt;h nnd Mrs. lIn,'!'), 'Va d s worth o f W es l , . . . ". . .. Com muni o n ] O :4 ~ a . hom ns und maJru",,-"' -·"· '1. H . 1'11"1/(, Sohool last Friday night, ,,'hlch Carrollton . 111 lilt , SCle n U"t. Ih Mo t hel' CI I I ". .. .,J!wtI <:'CI 1'111' n nd lI l l's 'Wllhur I ' I h '1'1 I .u I' \1' s( a n .!.nd flvo r 7 :00 p. I ' ." . were held at the N. C. R. School. IUI <: I. y .10 11 s t .In Sc ) nee 1" I ,I I 7' r. J " a t s ix o· locI, ll lnn I' o n 'l'u Nldlly DOGr(J ! VII: ctOI'S wll o d ec lfl l'c<l th ' .'1<. I ng .4v p . m . I \' I n IIg. houBO. Misa Dorothy Loman, a grand 'fh RCl'mOn will 1J by tIIl'Oll l r I ssons of hl!;!to l'Y s holv s uc ll g o\' I'n' " daughtel' of Mrs, Stokea was among ,r. J\ . P e l'H ln go r 01 D ny l o nl. " I n . S' bo.11 9 to be " o[ £ IV du ,vs n 1111 '''('d n Rdo y: t h 0 285 Btu d ents that wore gradu a t, Ir


AnnuaI M t·log Of CHURCH NEWS . · urc 0 rlst Ch h f Ch






ot Ploosnnt Plain, was burled at InclUded In the other Important looal liew. In tbls paper are ' the ad, vertlaemo{ltll. You can Profit by readlnll' them and purchlUllng from the advertlllera. Furthermore, this Is the one w!!Ilk out of fltty·two .n which every reader should -tart thinking about Fa~er the one who'. the pat other weeki In the year. FollmlllilllR I. an advertlaeJ;'ll' guide, will be 0. regular ftlatur'e of Miami Gazette In future 'IISUel.

;\1,'. n nll ~II' ". A. II. , eho ·lcl· nf 11 :111\111 .. 11 . :\11''''. J o hn Gunl! :orul

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C onn or !lnd daughter Snl'n h SpC' nl • und ny with Mr. and hlt·s . JOSPllh Hwmlll and c hildre n or N e wru·k. Oh io. Rev. nnd MI·s. J oh n Lacy nnil child I' n vl ~ 1t d fl'londs at E lmol'!', Ohio severnl d ilys lust wo ek . Mr, an.} Mrs. n . D . Coll ott nnd ' fa mily lind Mr. nnd Mrs, RORS Ii nrt · flock and family with a p n rly o r friends f"om N owl Burlington e nJo)', od 0. pic nic at BI'y,\n Pnl'k, nenr Yel· low Sllrlngil, on ::lundny. Mr. and Mrs. Carmen C "lI n o h a d aa dinner guestll Friday ,!ve nlnS' Mr. and Mrs. HfU'ry J(III I> o f Erlllng ". K enlucky,

The Cl).r plunced oft tho embank. Inent and turned Over. The baby, aged six monthe, WIUI thrown out ancS pinned under the au, tomoblle. The only thing enVlng It frOID bolnlf cruBhed Willi 0. large rock, which held tho .car partially otf tt1e chlla. l,t sutfered 1\ slight skull fracture, a brokon bone, and a badly brUised tace, Doctora hold nopes tor Its recovery It pneumonia can be averted. The otber occupants of the auto, . .. I~ mobile, Mre. Troodway and an older ed. Mlsa Sue · Cmne lett, W cdn esday, chUd, Jackie Lee, -=npea InJuries. to make hill' home with Mr. and Mrs. E, S . Coleman, In Cln Innat!. 8URPRl8B PARTY M~. and 1111'S. Elhan Crane and ),fra. Oeorgq QUick of Miamisburg children nre e njoyInG' a two week's gaVO a. lurprlse party at tho Lnr. vocation In Florldn. rick hOlD .. lut Wednesday evening, Mrs. Bam · Henklo and d a ught 1', In compliment to her sister, MIII8 Elizabe th, lett. Tuesday ot· lnsl Weel( Lolli Jean Larrick, who celebrated for a trip to New Orleans. They will her..atxteenth birthday that day, return by way at Florldrt, They e.'I(. Lola Jean WAIl tha recIpient of milllY pect' to be gone two weeks. beanutltul irlna. At the clolM! of a Mr, and Mrs. Burnett Butterworlh pl_nt evenln&' of lI'8IIIu, a. dafnty left, Tuetldny. tor 0. trip to Yellow Junch waa lerved the young people. Stone .National Park.

Our Advertisers"'"'

Prominent Local~ Celebrates Local Happenings Couple .United I~ 64th We:dding Anniversary

Local Happenings Local Couple



· Isslonary sO"l·ety M•• Met Wednesday

Mrs . Mal'Y Cr oss. ]\fr's. Ma rtl ul Houg h nml 1\1('." )l I'I" n H awl,e e n , t e rtn ln II th a ' Vom l'II's F Ol'e ig n 1\ l i9, s lo llllry o cle ty, "'l!lln l'sdny, .Jun o 1 fit th e L<!lI lny h om e. Fol' th e d('vn llonn l 'pC' l'lod. condu t. cd by 1II1'R. '\'hllp. th o ge ne .. a l top i<' wns "Go. Yo n nd Prench " , 1\I\'!!. L e. Mny had the' Stowunlshlll fl,'ogrnm. AFr o,: tho !Jus ln ess m eellng 'l\lrR, Gnt's t nresc nt d Ul e foHo\\'i l1t; PI'" , grnm: "Nnthanael" - :r.ll's. ' VtJlln rnflo n . "Tho Foreign 1\1I~ A lonn.ry oC '1'0. morl'ow "-'l\fl's . Dny. Solo-"Glvo Me Thy lIent·t"- :\lrs. Lel\fIlY. "Colnl'l1ilcs o! the S~cond :\1 111;"Mrs. Conne r .



[0 V


n ellOr ll'! dl!l(' lo~('d co nlinu (1 g r owth or lll e C" h .. ls tia ll Sr-ll' n<;,o m OVe ll1 E'; lt , In 1 'C'n~i n gl~' hlg hC' I' Rt:l llilards fo r n il, lhnl' izeo! p l' iOlll c:i l... n n.1 n. la l'g('1' num h" .. or l'NIlI est" fro m g i'O UPR of n nn · !; ei'· lt l i~I.H [0 " l'(' fl" osc llt ntly(' Chrls l Illn SI'I~ nl i"l _ t o ,ulilt·css th (, l1l . E I('l'Il n n Ill' Ih ll'h I f nsllng's .K.n:o.pll. C. S., IIf ~ "crlil "Ill, :\ lnRs .. a s ]'l'l's l, de'lIl lie 'J'h r- II lnth ,." e hu" c h w ns 11.1 " nOll ncr". ) Ie l'ucel'ccls .Jud go 101 fr"" 1I 1'. Rmlll1 of Ne wlo n. l\[n s6,'lIsNI~. ];;,I\" ::lrl l L . nllll~y of l:Il'0.,I< lill r 11/11 1 EZI'a " .. I'a 10 1101' of :'I[:l l'ii ltnelil \\' Ol'/, 1'1"· ... I('.' l.·<I Tl'en~ l.Il'e r :1 1111 I I'k of I'he ('II lI l' h 1'(' SJlcc'tI\" '1Y. Th e ) 'I'''sl· tlNll Is "'t' '(eol hy Th e (,IoI'f ~ tl a lJ " c( . nce ROlll'd (J f IJII'('c lll l'" 10 ~ I've for 0 11 0 Y :0 1'. 1 ll. fI Il ut y Is In 1)(' Ill' sl tlln gofflce l' or lh o A'n nu:; 1 Mect int;.



IOod ttm.. 4qrlnc the

Friends,hip Club Holds Anoual Picnic

a C::'

" )

Se"I1101l hy .T, A. Pet'SI '"A'I"". 7:4ii p. m, _,

£ull of t l·ouhlo."

Blanchoster, Saturday, following tuneral servIces at Lebanon, where she died Into I/lilt Wednesday. Sho wu born September 11, 1867, and WII8 0. member of t1'!e McKendree M. E. Church, She \a survIved by five chlldr!)n, Mr. nnd Mrs. Carmen C'-fine (' n , Mrs. elltf Montgomery of Wnynes, v\lle, , Mra. 11'/1 Eltroth, Lebanon t e rlnlncd severa l m l'mbel' o f lh e lr Th e F ri l' nds hill 'h,b h e'ltl it l! ron . Mrs, Frank Chaney and Mrs. Ever: ·rnmtly n.t I dlnne l' party, lost ThUl's , 1111111 picn ic :It WaY l1 e £,,, l'Ie, ~V"dn s· ett Penqulte, Blanchester; and }o'mnk dny evening; The lable, lIS'hted by the 'ort g lo w du.y . Th e bra uli f ll l ~ 1 'O tlll ils ma ,l c !t n Starkey, bay ton. at Cl.UI tlleB, wa R befw(l[ul with It s Id a l s pol fo r t1I P IJa RI<c l dhlllet", He " , ce n terpleco or pink ond whllo r oscs \' d nt t he \IIonn ho Ul' . RNTERT~S 'AT DINNER nnd yellow favo r s mflrklng th At thi s m ee tin g ach m mher W :\I; Mrs, Susie Evans entertained sev, places. A d ('\Iclous thrce CO ul'se din, r rqursll'c1 to Iol'ln;' (It'ty CI'I1 I!'! a nd n eral friends at dinner, SaturdaY ,e've, I'h ym e t e lling how It WI19 (,aL'nerl : ne r wII-s serve d to Ih fo llo wing': nlnll'. for the pleasure of MIsI.I Jose. Mrs. 'Carl ' Cra ne , 'MI', and M" I!. Vurious m en I1S of ma kIng ( h m o ney phlno Banta, ' who 11.1 I~vlng. Way. Robert Crane a nd da (rghte l' , (LOt! lh e w r e 1·'·ll ortc c1. in cluding til!) Rtll tJf pc8vllle soon to mako her home In Mlsl.le!i Ruth aml lana C'~n no, a ll of ba k <1 good,.;. bult 1', t$WI, writing Lebanon. Mrs. Cllffonl Dum{orll a ncl rh ymeR Ilnd tq lh"'rJng n e ws, 'l'h!) Coveni werelald tor 1tlr. and 8o,n at Canton. ~fl ss Fm ne l!'! '"Vat, rh,ym s \\'el:'~ o,'lglnUI an(J hum r OUR. W~ E. Gmham, Mr. and Mrs. klns, ·a nd the h ost arid hostess Il.nol on 'C'flll 1(llI y cle,Vor Jl bein g lIil l and IOn, Donald, Mr. to mus lo. lIOn, Jimmie . Mra. Ralph Lynn and daught.e r, , '£1h e P"Qgl·t'l.1ll com mittee hod I I' ' Mr. and Mra. J. E. FraZIer, Mra. WPA RE(JREATION ' PUOJECT. t>at'od a lrl.l>lHUre hunt [01' lhe Child· Sadler COnner, ¥188 JOSephine Banta, W. P. A. Recreation Project o{ \' n, with can lly prizes at lh e nd a Mia LucrEmely, and the1t08t~ WaiTen County bogln's I(s !lunimel' enc h tl'/l lI. l eve~ c lu 9 I t1 j ho 01<1. NOTICE, MANAOBR8 with handlc;p1.rt, drawing, ' I' r<;olk~ on [t. hunt whl('1t led the m The Harveysburg lleml,pro baae- and quIet IfIUDIlII at The Frll:inda nl Oll g the II,pn u1lful brOok trail. ball team III open for pmea Red BrIck ChurcH, 9 Il. m ; , Tliurs, Thh·tl' po 1'1" I'njol;od th e delight. at hOlDe or on the road, dayh mornlnsr. ttll flay. 1 (lIIS!CS Cor the meatlng ~ III boolClDIf a lPIDe 0 IMNn betWeen the "'aca- of B !\frs , Beny, nnd eltker write or ca1l 14 7..... are InVIte4 to come

Dinner Party



Former. Sprmg. Valley Native Dies .


Friendship"N~ht Observed Wed. 1'11 £1 Inrn! e ll np te r ()IJ~~ " v


EIIHt (, l'n Rtn l' 11 Fl'l pn dsh lp nig h t. Inst d·

n f"sclay , \\' h (' 11

lh C'y


t'\fl l ' l' t n 1nC'Ll ' 25

I1t CIIl I) I'" fl'om '\\ OI'l'OW, 01110. nlh I' \'IHll.o,·s WCI'!~ Pl'(' '' nt tram '\,lImlns . ton. H :u\' yshu l'g , N IV Burllllgton, a nd ('1:1 1'1(5 VIIl . 'I'h e {ollowlng pro. ~ I'a 111 \\'ItS IlJ'l'se nt cd: i3 ol n , "Flag of th o E nstern S ln r ," h y'H . J\l l' I't Bah·d. " Lira or fl ob ~l o l ... ls ." MI'!l. Ernes t H '1J'ln n. "Rob :\lu l'J'h,'s \\~O J 'I( us n n Ea s t el'n Still''', hy ~II'H. L e n : ~ H a l·tsoc k . "nub Mar. I 'l ~'

1\11·s. Mnrill n. Brown ,11("(1 Mo m]"" Il1 OI'nlni;: On o of c nlc rvlll ("!\ 11111 ~t c itl z ns . Mrs. Bl'Owll hnd lo('<' n " n"' mb,,,' or th o commu n ity ro ~' r;ii y('o r s. S h c wo s bo rn 11\ Slldnl> V :oI · IC')' 0 YCI1/'S Ilgo, t hl' Il a ll g h tfll' or .1011n B. II n~l M /lI"Y • 1\Ia;:<H1. Jl ct' hU H, ban ci, J ohn Brown , di " '17 ;'('1'.1'$ nl{lI . S h o lea ves lwo c hl!(1I'l' n, Il nl'I'Y tl. Brown or Day to n, Llno :'11 1'8. L'lrlra Montgomery, or: ollt el'vJl1o, A I ~o survivIng h " I' :r l'(' It ~ 1 ·:l n (ld o,!' I{ I \I. (" ·, l\r1·S. !\I u"lo ]~ I'(I\\'n ('Ia I'!( , nnd u gl'CIlt S'l'u n!ichild. ;\III l'IlI u .1"" 'Ia rll. Actor hm ' 1t1J!lII:r nil '>j <ll'nt h, ;\1I'!i, B "o,vn tnul'(lll nt lh " sc hu,,1 tal' the fcphl ,.-.· nlJr l(l (ltl in CUI ..11l1huS'J nt~t1 IIlIl'Sit" "t lho Moso nlc hom In Sp,·ln g fiel ll. ' I'hn Cun uml \Vns vVC'lln l'llo;lny nt t:20 nt th o h om n nd 3:00 lit lho JIll" lh odl s t Chul' h. \\'Hh ·R,('v., C . R. Busc h orClc la tlng. "

'Vol'I, IIR a :'Il asol1 ." hy ",Tt· ••John 1I 0\\' I<e. " "nob MorrI s a s ,t Poot." by MI·Il. Ed. 'rhom :lS . 0 10, "1\1 m o. ric!; o f Ga lli 'c ," hy 1\11'11. M UI·t Bu lrel. 1~ l'a rllng . "'I'll e L v(, 1 n. nd (h e SClu n l' ." It po('m by N. I> J\[ olTi ll n nd g Iven by lift'. H. D, o ll ett. "History o f En s t ,·.n S lnr," b y mls" Kn lh e l'in e ,nt':1n s ll':llol·. Ile: ulll1 g , "On.r<l n of th c Eastel'n Stil I'," by :\[I'S, Ke nn rlh TIle hom o o f IT. H. nnd :\<[~. '\VII. 'H o\l g h . . • . C'o ntpRtl< we r e e njoyed anil I' f"cs h , 1I:'l.~so n _ WPB the , Bce'n o of .5. h a ppy nlC' nt!C \\,pl'e -6 'I' ved n.t lh c close or ra mlly I' lIn io n dUl'lng th e . P Q..s t Al. umnl Hom o mlllg, nil Qf · Ut ' 1m, n. v ry pl oaso nt ovcnins-. In C(Unte, fnmlly wllre" PI' s e nt 1I.t SlIn, da~. dlnnel' exc~ pt l o n o ~.n(lson FA.RMEU'S OltANOE w!1oso ,dutles k e pt blm in school n nd 't'he 'iVayn ,sv fll o' Farm ' r ls Grn ng e !\t work. Those p~esoilt • 'Mrs, ob8"1"I'(I(\ Fllthcr's Nlsht at Ul Ir 1a.1Jt )iJtl,u:lI H,ank nndl : ac(n m tfng . ·Mr. L. E. Oa·rst g);V~ a Cooper wlfo nml lIUle . 1)londld It delr ss with "F'nth r" as his !>ul)j t . Frank had cQargQ of t h e mn s lc. '1'he n e xt m ect\llg wjlJ h :t pl'oS'l'Ilm by th Juve nllo m e m, ' b<!t·a. __ . OR.\NGF.J NOTICE , Tha Wnynesvllle Grungo will turn. bth the program ' at Harveysburg, lIIonda}' night. All local Granlio ottJ, c('rs III''' urged to nttcnd.



.(IIIY 1II00·ll ln g. 1>,'. a nil lifo'S, HI.lI'land 1""' 11('1 11[; th e birth oC .a I,,,y , UOl'1l at Mlnml Volley H~~spl~l, t'lI l'l y 'l'u s tlay mornlng.

(lUlW MEET , . Th e Gu ild a nd w'0men's AUX\IIory~ or. t h o St .. Mru·y.'1.1 Epll!!Copal C9~t:cl\ \\, 111 h old u n a ll day mlietlng, Frtda,,' o f lhls wcol" . with 1\{1,'S. ,D,a isY, .ani. . dl' I·. Eac h m e mber Is reo.ue81:i!~ to .: urln!;' n. covered dish. ••


According· to the laiL 'Stole ,,'""'''''''. '.,. of th o D, H. 'T. A. I-J;erbort- M('~llIle,Ili '·'" placed s econd .W~~.'I,:;tl:::l~~~~·l',!·~#I~~~O+oJ..:;;;:.I tlmn 15 OOW

jIliami .cta;tttt


Main, Street ~

Waynesville, Ohio _ _ _ _ _ _ _-:-_ _ _ __ __ ~


_ _...,..._....,..._____

Entered A.I! Second Clua Man Matter at Poato!fice, Waynesville, Ohio

ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY Sublcrlptlon Price, $1.50 Per Year, P ayable in Advance

K"n J'ndepende.n t Newspaper Dedicated to the ~rviee of Waynesville Pd riclnlty - Glvlng Its patrons the best n ewspape r humanly, pas-




average "take" of $104 from every m nn, , ',loma n , and child in Am erica. A total charge of $13,500,OOO-equal to one- fifth of the entire national income, twenty cent.'3 out of eve ry dollar earned. An amount equa l to more t han the tota l yea rl y cost of feeding the 130 million mouths in America. That's our tax bill-' local, state, federal. In the past ten years t he cost of government ha s doubled. In the pas t two years it has gone up one-third . One business concern paid a 600 per cent tax increase in the past two years-enough to put 6,000 addit ion a l m e n to work for an entire year. Another business paid out $1.15 in taxes for every $5.00 paid out in wages. is the end to be? These are facts. The price-tags on loca l , s tate , and nationa government are being marked- up each year. I Whe r e

l» ~:;}

.; 1'\


.. 'businessmen can play in earnest, too.· But instead of • uttons, they want answers--answers to the hard-s h e ll ed economic conundrums that today squarely co nfront America. One way 01 getting anBwers is by group discussion, and disCuB8ion there was a - plenty a few days ago when the United 'States Commerce D artPlent advisory council ' ' Valley, Idaho . Though talk of this GO-man council frequently b e came . smoking hot, members did agree on policies advocating new uses for farm products, clarification of the National Labor Relations Act, and extension of low-cost hou s ing. But the council chairman, W. A. Harriman, cam e c losest to . finding the answer and solution to recession riddl es. In the persistence, the ingenuity, the practical hard-h eadedness of the American people he found the surest guarantees of a speedy, auspicious return to normalcy. So lIay we all.

II\'~f'I. t

" ..

, ..


. ~~~::~:u:rea~dl"'; wrlt,lng, Qrilh, ~. aeogrn-


~. 1'1. . . ..,.,r~ boaIt . . ~LIIMII't.J' l1all. It ~

frame 1DOIIl, ID. wblch

. . . .__ i,All -the oen·








Or .No Charge





Levee Building; . Ditching Excavat~_ng


\V Ilh conscloUR herllnn(!e n nd n n th e la nd a lld for which In Ihe lracts ns It r ewn I'd fo r patriotic ~ r · vl cc re ndere(]. th(' Han Pec \; nc·s h· lJONIOOd h u" \\'on lIS nich e In epic or Arnel·lcn .


Hamilto}!, ~!:tiG. ·


('IT_~:g~ L~ nUll' CounlY


r'-' Ol;:() -




~fHEY said it couldn't be done -


For Livestock Lowest Price In History

4.50.21 ••• $10;55 4.75-19 ••• ~ ••8S 5.25·17 ••• 11a.35 5.5(}'16 ••• ~3.90 6.00.16... '. 5.70 6.50.16 ••• '1 9.35 7.00.16 ••• a1~OO "N., IDut,

6.00·16 •••••8.60 6.50·16 ••• a1.35 7.00..16 •• : a4.70

that dre. could not withstand the torture of the new high speeds_Yet Floyd Ro berts sct • new r ecord, al this year's l ild ana po s ' ace. averagIng 117.Z miles an hour for the 500 mile~ on Firestone qum.Dip ped Tues. With the sun-baked brick of the straight.away and the granite. hard surface of the turn. pulling and grinding at their tires, 3.3 daring' driven, e\lery one on Firestone Tires, waged a . thrilling battle (or gold and glory. Never before ' have tires been called upon to cake such punishmen t. N(!ver in all the history of the motor car has tire safety been put to such a gruelling teat, :Yet not one tue failed - not one single cord loosened - because GUll). Dipping, that famous Fire8tone patented proces, saturates and coats every cotton fiber in every cord in every ply with liquid rubber counteracting the tire.destroying 'internal friction and heat that o,dlnarily cause blowouts. Why rlak your life and the Iivcs of other8 on unsafe tires? Join the Firestone SAVE A LIFE Campaign today by equipping your car with Firestone Triple,Safe Tircs - the on/), 'cires m(lde thClt are $a/ely.prot'cd on the .• peedway. for )'our prolection on the hIBh~)'I. . '

5-."08 Ga1.4.aO -- -

Order• .Now~


Watson, Mgr.



Fly Spray

w. P.


' _ _..• _.,.r.-~

Dr. Bess

Phone _3708


- Sevenly ' cit ~,'w rl le J .'tl;' Y;11~~'l< :·~< ,1 \C< ~'I.rul " .~ of nU first upon ....' .. n ~( l>y this tim e n(' xt yea r , H . I . teach er. as- tbe rencUon of thnt n· fox, ma nngcr of the ' Vtlmln gton ])1dlvldunl was awaited. Once the ro ot v'Jsio li of th e Dayto n P OW{\ I" & L igh tcaught fire from th e overheat ed CO~ wh ich sllrves this co mmunit y, chimney, but tbe teaclter, climbing ha H' estim a ted. Into the attic, n nd assist ed by lhe \~'k on th ll I' ll I'll I elec trification pUDlla, who, forming In line ,. passed IlI'oll tw ill bC' pushed Of! l'npl ~ ly li S buckets of wnter from the well o ut· p oss I, Fa" Ra l,l, but doubt If thc side, ma nn.g ed to quench the bhlze I WOl'k (1l1n he cO ll1ph' t t'ri h}- lh c tim e before grent. duma ge h od r esulted . set ns a ··l;oa1. C' ilrl;; ll11n s. ,\ dua l Never was more run experle nc('cl work is to "t rl willi In lhe next t n by a ny 8chool ch ild thn n that by us, da ys It W IlS sa id>' who at 'receBB and n oon hour (ler · lads, occupied them In - play ing Th e New J racy Exp crl nofnl Slng1UJIes at ' Anthony-over," "RoR md tlon found th:1t In luil lng co rr lr'~ In Town," 'Black Man," a nd "Drop I COrn sllngc h(' 111C,1 da ll'Ym('n 10 . ,,~' . the Handkerchief." Suc h o;llorts I d u milk wllh mO I'e 010.'. II nl~o have never lost th eir Zllst with RU('· fur nishes a lVay to use peedlng generations. crops of en 1'1'01 s.




[~~~~t:::!!~~r;~;~!~~~~:~~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~t:;~.:e~~~~ Eplllodlc have been t'he happenlnp In tbe .ute ot- the "Deb peek C!O\Intry. FeU4a betw:e,!P pe~bbors over' the encl'08Qhemnt of live stocl[ end poultrY. Shooting dueIB between tamJUee. ~hen "bad blood" flared up. Ill-feeling generated because 0(' flclab chimaed the entrance to the old-atabllshed burial grounds. The burning at the IIlw-mUl owned by Jamn Cleaver on the banks of ll'b,tfc)rk . stream· -,-~----.-~wes of Texas ponies Wbich arouee4 in Imaginative boys thoUlfbta of the cow country. Now and then. the burning of .a. farmhOUM. Unforgettable lUI these have been; ,of equal Interest. Ie that epl· eode' of the'-PhlO rlver captain. who. 'Upon retiring from service. purdaued a balloon. Vowing that where n. alighted there he would _ t a home (the Hoel farmbouee), be _t out on his aerial QUut for n hcUaeette which. strangely ~nough. . .lilted In his finally alighting on lhe~lghellt groupd In. the communI itY. :Ulll dwelling stili may, be seen. ~"----~"'!IO!~'", '4-.!!!~ and wne 90·s. life In and pretty much tlte prect.<ung ~ . ~ ~ ' year.. • . that the for· . . . : bId been'· cl8\lore4, (arml! had beaime producti'Ye, echoollng was a~. for the children, gravel ,,.,,... ba4 succ~ t~e former 41rt tNDL JD thlll period the writer ~llW:" The amuaementJI of the . ... -w... founa ill "horae' back riding . . . b.a,. clrlvlng, In the occnslons 'or . . Fourth 01, July celebrations • at ·di. ,..all to1f1\ll of ~e chUdrens' _ ~ ChJ'WUDIlIt celebra.t.lonB, '~ .I !' 't be churches. ~air eonm,ted of being In-


Centerville, Ohio


(:" ,'<111,·.'


in you."

FroID ~ '\Veek)



Let the country's budding authors take heart. Though their literary offshoots may now be green, crud e, and discouraging, the leavening blows of time and experience may bring them mastery just as it did Elizabeth Seifert of Moberly, Missouri. The other day this 40-year old housewife won a ~10,OOO first prize for her novel about a small town doctor. This was the first manuscript she had ever submitted to' a publisher. The miracle is not that she succeeded in writing what apparently is a good novel; but that she managed. to . write one at all. She has four children to rear, rangmg 10 age from 12 to 17 and a husband and house to look after, not to mentlo'n Ule baking and the washing, which she does Nevertheless she found time to scribble parts of atory on 8Cr~tch pads, parts of it on the typewriter. If there's any secret to her triU1'~ph, she probaply expresse? it when she said, uYou'll wnte spmehow-lf you have lt


C-bait man- Selected For Brown Canipaign





t. u<'l\l'I' "''''' ,I


, ~ 'Who's got the button?" is a game ~hat e conomis ts

8 Herbert,



In Ninetieth Year


'r,," I'"

on nnd dn ullhtl'r. nnd Mrs. lilll' H'Y ,'Ill In ('A lI{.)I'lIla IIn.1 nlllny 1m ilig pllll·,'l! l'n ""lit!! lI lIIl r turn, BIU'Ut'l niluTldNl th e lllti" play lit Il'Y, l~llttlt' ·\lHI pHl, h.. h"I' tIL ~ .. \ .,"111111 En'lln ll S llI ihl). l, who a t.'u u:;t',l tht,,' ad · ~l.. '>JI\I ~I ,'/j, ..L('on Sail \jUIT un~l Luntlqn , OIlJo, 'ru IIdny avenlng , u[ rnll'nlton "r nil \I) " I'''J~nll1g :vul UK ,','a. Ill ',· ,·. '11. \\' ,.n,IHI. \It ,,'t'llhln"'t o/\ ' \ . 11 . Inf't \I't'ti(, tllHl )jr.nlld M1'8. JII\I" ' J' hl" nll 'IH1 &Q'sht p \II' l'U j'jlll lfUHlt '" leavl,ng r,l\' IlI tlla to h .. ,· .... m u mis. 1\' 1 11 (''''1!<I~1 (if (.),,,11'111"" ,,( Ill>'· H ,,1(1 ~11:l" M(r lnm Hullllhu of DI1Y- vtly DUI' nvt Hni! D ... ll nd MrSI l 'lIl1l'1 l!1(lnntT. ~hl' WII!; 1'11('(' ,·lIt·d 'l)l' I I\I~ , ()( th I 111<'11 I hYHIC'H lly ((,Un · Jlullk"n 1')NN'Ull w' nn, 1 ('"nlnol \ ',JlII lOll w~ ..c <.llnn"r gu sb!:l. S un day, of H OlHW ItY nllond u th Ollun IH' • 1II11l!!"H o( IiII' t; \'I' n "Nlllrk'" ~.r Ih~ ,\I,. Hnll i\11·~. Allen IlJ mrlc ll ,. m nt ex 1'!llseR o n FI'flluy_ e"'Qnln!;. :.1 11<1,10' 11. '1 1I 1'11 l!l'lIh' 1'llnk,'1' who . n'!;lrlct whiCl h IHI '" ~ nd ut'~l'd L· lt",· 1 A lilll" dllughlel' OUIll 'lo sladd~1I ",bllre Ihc k nl e~ ,M IH,\t f Rrlb ll Eos· (}I"d In I' ('ellt YI'III'!' ) I h" '8ch(llnr8 hn,l eve r lll'e n . ~lIfrt(,l It tu ...~y thll t · RnymonQ D. Huwnrd, Lo ~don pub· I'nc . .1. 1I1'own fo.. ·"ng.... ·>\~-l'h.' \II·, tl,,' 111\11\1' of Mr. nlltl 1.(I·S, Jl:lm!lr n0l:11 was on of th e grndl1lll . Mrlj, [lurn t apI' nl th \1' el, th t wllh thl"'c W()",' II" rllrllt 1" Il "PI'ctO'·"· . lI~h I', will s rv ns chai rma n ot Ih(' IlIlgn, , ·lIntl'fl . "'"ll'lt(' . (,(l;:;t,i. ~I il- .' :'·"'·,·S. Kll lt ."'Y 1II01'nln l;, ,Iun 6. t l 11ft !'n th e 8('10 " lh,1UR SIU \' C alia 'llII'on 'u J . Dl'own for ' nl;I' 55 CJlI1\ 11l~(m. \\'''''''I'n , 11 '1(1 1'111,, " . ," tllh,~1 ~II'. II wI MI'/!. 0 I'g Om.)', MI'. h I' hi lh 1'. Dt·, Rosnllgle and fu m· ~I' a le,' <lillg-I' n (' "1\ I he> (lil r t o f Iho IlIIlgn olnm lll e In Iho <' mlng 111'1. or. Ol h .. n I ul)lh'tlll "",,1,"" \\ III IIlt-' n ll, 1 ~II'~ . LI'"II(' .rllY u n,1 ('hllc1r~ " Ily. tl ublclllr lIl' ndtlNI III 11'" ml'," I",· "',,11 .. ,1 I'll II HI Ie rrl nd, . Mr·s. NUl l, "chula.·s 'b If'a m quh " "ict(' ll l. OIw·.,_crunpu.lgn-: III lhC-S=cnLh'1~ I \H' (.1111'-:,1 ~ 1't'II \1\' \, n ll ey, undny n!l('t'noon. Lit \'lItlll:C In tlw (It .. m h l'lIs 10 DI:!l l'lcl. AminI, I' lIr .\ 11'. ,,"1 i\1,·R. R bel·t HuJnc8 (l nd IhoHC fln ys cl"III,tl ~~ " ,lI·I,.t! w ldt'ly lho Gle nn """. ~II' " . \\-. 0 . I Inl.ne8 n nd rnth •. ' from thllt of I hI' pr,' sl' nt. Th l'n It 1··I·u nk om ml rtoo of o ne hundrcct ' ~Ir . l ;"I",II\\:l II. I,f Daylon WCI' S un(,(l ns it etl or 1111' "nhl" F arm"'· ... lh,' na mcd hy th e R(rp ubllon n Nnlloruol ,I ".\, ,·, fl" ,·lIlion 1\'11 'SIH oC lIfr . a OlI til. J . MclllJuu'cll, Ohlctlgo. ShlcltJ "Youth 's Oll1pllll lfln ," lh " (' hrl~· ('"",mlltc 10 8t1ll1y a nti submit n .\1 1'". \\,,,Il. ·,' K IIl'll'l, n Oll lledoll t. will lIo In Dlt)'tUII, Ohlu. till II II l'l':Iltl," tIll' "l'rntu,'Y ~IIt):fI ­ IH'I'~ rHm for' th e n publi CA n purty 111 '1\1(' MIIIIIII 11011'1: au F rltJu-y olll y , c~ . zinc" ami th" o llnly lI'o:.'kly 11:1\ )('1'. of tho natio n . 1.11'. II O~""fl r' I I I' _ IlI alll 'I' ll,' 4 It Club IIntll'1' the- leadel'- ,JUli O lUlh. frolll 1:00 p. m, to 5',011 Suc h lwukl' WI'I'(' famlll ll r n~ "Tlh' Re llla Iho I'urnl T'rNIS o r Am er lcn. i'II·". Ad a ('hf' n,, \\"'lh "r 1\ ·l\l,·r · " hll' <lr ~I""' , Ann y tlnllpy II nIl lIfrs. LIfe of NarlOl .."n" Ih., " I·'lfl""n IJ,' , l.o nA' notl ve In polltlc'n l ntralt·s . \' l\Ie Is ,'lsIUnl\' at .h, ' h,,"lt' .. I' ~I r:' 1.\ 1'1"1\ , ' .J,"'"'' mN nt tlt (' homp of p . III. a m1 '7 :011 p. III. t.o 0:00 p . rn. 'I.·. 1I Iolllhll l'(1I SIty,,: "My RUlltul'.e clslvo Dn rt! S ot 11t(' \\'" .. Ict ." " I n ~Ir . lIown l'il hilS bl'!'n Ilnolt' n I\S nn i\ lctu Hog.' r,... Ih (' f"rtlH' I·. 'l'hl \l'se!a ~' uft<'no'm. n Darkest Af"I NI," IlJ,>lng Ih, Rtnl'Y uf , llItI(' I'Cn,ll' lIt R pllbJ(cnn. ]n 1934 he fl hl!'1!1 Iii w('11 know n (0\' (lro(hl Ing Llvlngl'l ton '" and ~!:tnky '~ " " (l C"'I. "'n~ It ca ndldat(! for R eJlubllcn n )11'. and :'II .. ". n"r :llt-Klrliy IInl\ ~Ir Fnlnk K"I!iey 11 1\(\ (' hllelr n . I C\all g ht ' I'iI of DH)'ttln w('n ' \\' ~"lIl>" I':,llilt "nil .1" :1 11 "r I·'l. '\' lIrl h. '1'1'"nll. 1m 111 ('Illnt I' Ilulttl. rt not only ho\(l" erlt'NI); th .. Castll'mo n ~t" r k~ rof ,hi · 1 ~t :, t l' ,' ntrlll oll1ll1lqe<'mnn In Ih e lI lo J1uplu r perfecll y, bu t !:III III lI ' . \'('nture On t IIe ntll l'h. :tll\tl . w tit " ;;l·,,(' nt.I DI Ii t rl cl. 'WII houl o rJ;'lllllza- clay PI' nln !; t:1I~"I~. . . f. ~I" , ,,,,,I ~lr ~'I' I"d ~Ir~ .. I" nlll ' 1\ lh' h<' 1 Of. Chi I'll.1\'('. Intes lind ,,1 1'c ng- th ons tho well lw nd [ndla ns . .In th c m uuIIl"l lI>! anti 111 1 tlon !'< UI1J)01'C h I(,~t b"o It n xlreme- I'ulph ',I !'hn!l un(1 IHllloly. , p" " 1 ~" "" r:ll lla),,, Inst Wi' k at the I mll 'o:l"", Ihe ..('h y co ntrac tin g 11. 0 Iht' ,,'11 " 'ur ; .he T .. owb.·lc\ ,..... o nn,I Iy nnrrow mnr ...... ln . PO l' n nllmbe r or M.· . a llcl Jl lI·H. 'l'h" "I ,' J oni'~ ",,',',. K l'I~,·y r. "'11\ W"Hl tlr hl' rf' . wh e>re 11 I r. Cl IH)nlng In t'lI days on the avornge Oll" er plI S(' rI~s, wh k h El l",,, >.,>! ~'I'II " S hl' >!(' rved a,. l'r""hltlTl t ot th l' Dayton vlsllo.·tI, F I'ltl ay, I :I lid ~Ir~. \\'illiam It""", lI llI l fam Iy calip, r gal'd lcss or Biz , locntlon, 01' ,,,' hll" ·('· )hio He publlcan Edltn"lnl AliSO In· Lilti ' HVLJ\)y l\J ol'j.;an ""<' li t I" ~I 111'(', I " heavy s tl'a In In II n y IIOS IIon. II Is l,nrll'a"> NI tI\(, cllllllillatin" \\le nt fir ~(lod 0\'('1' (' \' 11 , 01' of t it •. lI," . l! {1 Is dl reclo r of t he Nu llotln l w{'{'I( with hi:! ulh:le IIml "lint, ,\ 11' ill', an, 1 ~I,· ~. A . A . ~ m lth nnd ~ Ir. wutc'·pl'llor. sn nila r y, as ll y ..ern v poor boy 01'(>1' th e l'1e h: th" H.-. nly I::.tltorlul Assoclllllon II n(l or th~ Ohio ,lnLi II II·s . Pau l \\, ill!ol\l~ III 1,.. h·""'.I. I;lnll ~II'~. H,.I'\g'l'H of lJlIYW II WI" 'I' 110 log SImps. (I s ha ll buuks wltlt 110,,1,. n 'ci.,, 1 nr wa l' nn,.. :>;r wlIllapl' r ARso{'lntiun nntl f(lr s m ~Ir . "nt! -ru r". 'h"r1('s 1\1 ''''1'1_ lIf SUII,l.lY a ft""II" on ~U{,HU; li t tlt e nbl" ns dl'monstra te ' without b ~IIIIlI 1 11I1 h to I'llllvl'!' Ru eh III "Cit" In IlI fltn," IIn(\ tlmo was lIs pre:lldc llt. Dayton \\'CI'~ (':llli ng o n rl'i~ n(ls h ,," ' , hOlllt' .. r ~ I r 1I .ltI :\1 1·s. Wlllilllll H., .. t: · c hnl'g'c nly m ,,' nrc Invited). Thl:l "\J nd l'r ])m)( ,'", Flllg-; Ihe Akoll In ncceplln/{ l h,' appoln lment. , lIfr. SU llli ny afternoo n. .1 ,111. visit Is f,ll' whit Jleoplo only. Mr . allli 1\11':;. \VlIlInm 'I'll \),, 11<. l\lr . ) 1,·. (;\0'11 11 11m!'\; nf Indl:tnfl lll 1I ~ Nol,': 1 11111' becn coming h er e t n l ' buo l'A . II nrl I'( 'o tt's lI uV(' I~; bOllllH on 1 10\1'111'11 "'toted .. [ am acce pting th e th C' Il,'(':! (l r " ' lit! ll lll I lk k uk and 11'3 d I'shl ll or lh(' Clnren ce J. Drown I E rn est Tlbha l~ , i\ \lss F lora 'l'lhbll ls. made a hll ~i ""s" t r ill 10 Lyll ... Tu es· 15 yen .. ~. H 0 111( ' 111 LJ(' I' Ihe name: M,.lnor Bu ffa lo llili. t h ... Nkk l'"rtflr D c. fl' l' Congr('ss Campa ig n Comm ittee amI I\lrs. Hmith or " ihnl n!;tlln \\' rl' ,lay. htl rd!. ;\11'. a nft ~I,·'" II n.·" I,1 'Vh llll\;l'I' , ICCII" s lori,·>!. till ' S" or l h e m "ll'u, b ('C 'LU S(\ ] f('('lll Is or lh ulm oRt Irn_ I ]' l'hla y \'l'nl n ~ ,, 1I l"'S of :'Ifl·. und ~ I n e . "OolctC' 1I Da)'s ." fi nd lhnl \\, ,' 11 . pOI·ta n lhat we I ct tl. Re publlcn n lIIrl!. ' Vult ,, 1' K 'nrl 1<. I; now n ('hlhll'l'l1'!l pu bllen llu n. " S \. ""ngl' Bsmnn from t he Seve nth DIs· JIl n!. i\lal'gll r ct J ohn .. n il nd.'d tl Nlchol:lS. " trlet of Oh io this yea r . Mr. BI·own. s how(' r r,)J' her cO lll:!in. MIRH Eliza · In the ohl d"ys Ih e nw t hod of In numerous stnt cnmpa lgns, hilS both IllIwklns, Wcd n(!sday a ft l'r· • II ~ummonln~ II physicia n In tlm cs or Iwoven his unu s ua l vO le·g Iling nbll- , noon al Ih c hume uf 1111'S . "~'. n . Blr.ellse" \\' I\S une of ma n y ho ur,,' Hy IIn(j his ('"ceJ)lIona l po pula rity In Lewis nf King-man: Sh Ylsltpd '",I, h Iii" SI' V nIh DiJ:lII'1 t. 1 1IIr: and 1II.·s. hOl' les Dos t ,. "1ll1 tlurll tlon . Now the l elep hon e lII"k J:I It It matter of minut es. N \\' S , t ha t Othor ofrleers or the Committee daught cr, ncttr H OI'I'(' ysbu rg, unlil 111'0 )11'8. Hulde " nn ' ·Vln klo corr.\ Friday eycnln~ a nd o n ThUl·Rdrt~·, nl· th o wc(!k ly once ca rl'led, comes In the du lly 1)1' 55. or oyer th e county mnn of ,,"'ush lnglo n ' . H " well tc,\ded a i\lIss lonnr y T ('a al ' ''lIm lngLebanon, Ohio . , . I known ('duca tor a nd civic Icnde r , t on . \\'eekl"J n ee ca rn e\! . comes In t H.~j Pre ... ntinl the Belt and L.t... da ll y preSR, or 0""" lhe w ire itntl \'Ice chairm a n ; Chnl'l(!s A . Gnl" ], 1\11'. a nd ) I.'s. ]( HII' " 01',, 1111111 :l ",l all' s hortly a ftc r lhe happen ings oc- pl'omlncnt in bualn('ss nl!n lrs . c)t- , daughler, 1\1ls11 Bel'nl'e lind )IL,<s In our. The s tories of r oma nce. crlll1 e. \ ~ r"lce me n 's on;n nl zallo n s, muyo r I Romn Hardin r clul'ned F I'lday v · MOTION PICTURE a nd my o;lel'Y, of tho nil' un d the sen,j ot 'I'r mont City, Cln r k Co unly. us n lng ncte ~' n d Itg hl fu l tI. t' e we" I'H ENTERTAINMENT Phcne 78J lIf hlogl'allhy, t"(tV I, an d hlslo r)" n!\ know lI t odn~' , nl' ,'el' h r,vE' had qu ito th o th ri ll of t.hos lnle" of lh .. wrl · ter 's rout lo whe n Imagination I'Iln I ria l and al1 obje(' tives scemed a t · I talna\jlc. VETERINARIAN o mm onpln e th ll ugh lhe ]-1en P('ck. neighborhood Itnll Its reslel(' nt s Fifth Stl' et Phone 80 m ny be. yet III y hnv st ood out. Waynesville, Ohio n nd wil l co ntinu e tl) be oulsl:l ndln g. unllsunl . nne! ods-I nnl because of th ei r very ommonplacpsness. To~--dny, us yeste l'dn~' , th ('y (]e(llc t a cross'Rcctio n o( o ur na tlon nl .. urnl life. f'ro(;e ny of arly Am l'Ion n stock, whi ch had derE'nded the prln· clples of It dl!mocrnUc n ntlon amI which h nd co ntrlbuled to the lis ts of those who had engaged In lhe ' Val' or 1812 lind In lh 'Wa r or lhe Rc· belllo n, th y hnve do n th Ir purt In s uccecdlns m a rllnl s truggles. The re we rind pe rpotuated life Leave name with Miami Gazette for Ntima~e. _n mn rked wllh Iho simplicity love of GOd . 'Our

cOm. to

your hom. "ery d.y throulh




n Hoorc1l for , ou tile world', ele&D, eOJl. lructlvl doml'- 'l'be MODIt« doe. not eJlplolt arlme ~r eenuUODI neither don " tenore til. . but 4 ..1. eorrectlvaJ, wllh them. Pature. for bUI, IZICII UM1 a1J tilt famU,. IDcludlnl lbe WeekI, M....In. Section.

~;-~;~~~~- ~~~::-;~~~~~;~;-~~;;,----------------------.

One, Norwa, Street. Beatoo. l.rauaobu... tt.a PlhU enter m, .ubtcrlptton to TIt. Chrl.llan Solenee Monitor lor • IIC{lod of 1 ,ear • .M e month! 84 .150 3 monUI. 12.25 1 mOMIt '6a Wec!ae'daJ' !Mue, IDcludtnll Mapllne Sect ion: l,.at f2 .00, • !&.Ill.. 1M ________ __________________________________________ _•


------------sir.:,j:fi co;,; -0;; -R.iw,r --- --- ---.:------ 2S2 _ _'!

PUBLIC SALE Havi ns deCided to quit threRhlng, J will of · fer my thres hin g outflls n nll , Rmall looli!, e tc. Locntocl 4 mllcs .northw ~Rt or W lty n ~v!Ue, ~~ "··i miles so uth enRl at Ce ntllrvllle , on tho D a ytu" ' a nd Wilmlnglon Pike ut Ferry. On -


is, 1938'

Il t t 1 :00 o·clock·.

4 COMPLETE THRESHING OUTFITS ALL IN A·1 CONDITION: . • One 25-45 Rum ley Engine Two 10 ·30 Ru mley en ~ln es Two 3 2·62 RU!lI Iey 8e\lnra~0I'B (wood). One 28 ·.4 4 Ruml ey Wood s eparator, One 28-44 S tecl ball ,benrlng aeparator Onc .1. l. Ca"e StOllm.en glne (Ohio' Strindard Inspcctf'd) \Vater 'tank a nd ,vagon, . " 4 CIIIl P r belt lacers. Ruml ey Clovo!' huller. Pa pec Ellflllge CutteJ:; Mc orm lck. Deering Hay B nl r (New), l"1cCol'mlck Deel'lng 4 roll corn hU sker neIW 10 -21) Mc oi'rnlck Deering Trllct~r U:~d' P &:'.) . Plowa, ' Rubber Tlreli w,agon, All kinds or corPllnter n nd smnIl tools. ' , .. All kind s of lumber. '. . I. W ugon tongu es: (encl ng plnnIC nnd PORts 2 ~. • '. , and 2 x h'S nil lengthtl, n lot of s ltr.b wood_ r. Ilnd ]0 gullon cl1l\s a nd c up greases o( 1J1l kln~8. Vices. jn.ekll, 011 pumlis, I!JI I 'canll) '2nd hand parts r r lU-39 011 pumps, mng ne-t08. new 'drlve belt. .. used drive belts, all In good cOndition. tar- " pnUlln, 101 other th'i!Jlt J fo~ to menu?n.~

BoIf8B1l0LD: __ Dining room table. Side board, IIOveml .~", lot of dlsh!l8; centeratand. few cooking~~na1", cte .• ,2 good IIIUlitaI'Y cots. .


,,,.......,.s.Simpson .Garage


LAWREHCE TH9MAS.Owaer WBlKIDR:;;;lI11' w, C. N.I jiT"ii ~'!!!!~. ~.

t hiS co mmunJ ty, ~ I I'S,

~I u bt' l

'I' I'I'Y

fI'uli. l'oillmbus \I) " I)'ml th' wl'ek· C' ml fI t h l' hom ' 11l'1'l' , :\lI'. a nil 111 ('S , Il'la ndu BI'lI nn" n, X,~1r th rIllY, Sund u ~' , with h"l' ,

Do rothy O erhlU'd I pent Ole _ kend a t th e pDr 80lIal'e, Mr, o.nd Mrll. I)olborl Ploutz ot Dayton, M r, nd lrs, 0 ol'go H ook, Mr, Oeor ge MU n.<!!tballgh , n il of Tt" I tlo, ' wepfJ -vI8It()r~ al the - H o'n 'y J" Ord~'oe ho~f'" S u nday, r. l r, nnll M r s, Thomns ' Ford ye~ visited In Wellt Carr ol t on , 'l' uesdo.y eve ning. hll l'lea , Thomrl9 o.nd aons o( MI· , (Im lMbll l'g /)l,llI ed on Mr , Dn a Mrs, Lawn' n e T horp .l s, S unday mo rnln,g,

Uible Files F-Or Lieut. Governor

RTRUDt, , k.lrta of bw newly donne'd Tyrolean eostume~ tuoked up oare(!l1ly out of the suas, ' Evcntually Luli! pursued bel' to vent his ' IrdllBle. d own. a.VO III' the I puddlell of water sbe threw In J1Ja way, ' "Corpo dI miUe bombe," be screamed and beUowed b1(r rage in tour dlfrerent languagca. "You no ~. P!~-you go to woE'k1 You'U ....... tb e ""cla--ecrub the floor - duat o duat- " He ahook an angry 1In· gar In her face--" you dWlt the dust rigbt now-In the M&estro'. suite." he ordered, . Anna leaped to bel' feet and ran, not walked, to VIctor's door, Sbe entered BOttly and At down to ll.eten to the new BOllg be was com· POSIIl&" Sbe UjKocd to tb1l plano, Her shadow llto.rtled him and he jumped to hla feet. Wltb one glance be rea.Use4 the Tyrolean-dad cham· bermaid wu his wife, "Take off tha.t am,. 008tume." he lIhoutecl, "and get out of thl, hote1." 'TIn atraJd that'. imponlble." ahe arurwered. "Beetdea, this costume Isn't amy," tbe ens uing o.rgu~ent. She madelfor tbe Idtchen bpplllg to dnd her otbcrtwo compo.nlons In disrace, but Mr, Laurel and Mr. ar:tlJmd been lent t craerub up the ira, Flranzelbubera dour flLea wreatbed In smllcs &.II ahe entered. Hla manner waa 80 that Anna. patted hi. arm reauurlngly, "Are you afraid of mel" sbe allked, .oftly. RIa chest awelled. ' ''1 am afraid of nobody'" "00 you llke me?" abe alghed. Franzelhuber put down his ,c leaver and at bel' dreamy-eyed, "From tbe uUllute I see you. 1 am crat;y a.bout yOU" You malte my heart go bumpety-bump," Luigi srormed Into the kitchen and SOO took to ber becla, In the lobby llbe round St,an and OUver acrubblng tbe stairs, OUve!' ltood up, pushing aside the bucket of water so sbe might paas, "Pardon m .... be bowed. Sho plnohed bls cheek. "You're 110 _eet. And I neYer did tbank you for help1ng me get Into this hoteL How can I ever repay you?"

G UliS

njoye<1 n

I' t hUR r;,(urn ed

" SOi\m LOC,\L HOnS E S ENSE" Silulltell rlvc ml1e.~ nor t h w~ .. t or LebnnQn, !ln d lWO a nd o n e h a l! mil es wes t of H ell Lio n Is o ne or t h e m a ny I uutlful Cu rmll of War r en Coun l y, \\' llh well kepl 1'('~hl C' n c e 'nn<l hulld· jn g~,


MT. HOLLY ~!I ~"


Chapter Two

1II1II 'y

s Jl " I HJ ln~

~ I III"I'

of Jllilldll' lown

H rpw lI ars wit It h r s l ~ ..

I I' , lIl l', a nd III rs, Il a l'old I, 'Il l" li nt! Ca mll) ', !I II'. 11 1111 ;II ,'~ . E:I\'I ~ ll fi tdH'1 a mi


O h io's Speak er of t he H ouse or Rep resel1 ta tives h as fi led a declara. li on of his ca n di da cy fo r lieuten a ntgoverno r, su bject to th e Democratie p rima ri e~ , Au g , 9, Speaker Ulble is 0. native 0;' Clerm ont cou nly a nd fo r t he pallt 10 y ea rs ha s been s Cleveland attorn e y, 1Ie Is c om · p leti ng hi s third te rm as a legi! la , lo r Cro lll Cu yo.h og a county

III X p nl ll :I nil wil h rd t · fi~tl ~. :llI HS 'l" l'a lJa ll/:'hl 'I',.. ~ !1 l' nt ~un , la y \\' Ith ~II' . a nd ,' II's, 1';I'IIf'st ]-;:tl'll -

Iw I'l

In nddilio n to k ' ping t heh' rar m In (I.. " t r'!to npPE'artl n c." III .,. l:Io utb nnd h is fiv e 9u n9 fl l'E' cape la lly In , ler est d In r ul:;lng h or" or Reg lRte r ' f'd Uplgla n ~tucl(. All t old there be' Ing th lrl y·t hr oe hend ot hOI'l.e~ , CrutlNl nnd n il. It III w e ll \\' 0 1'1 h on 'R l lm to vis it thlll (arm w he re li t p l-N,,,nl th ey a r o reedt n!; I \\'''lI tY '8 V" " head of Be l,

it IlLI ( II III II}' ,


"~ n

Up At The .. Prle.. Men's S- pc, Sulta Cleaned and PreSsed

50e ' Me n's Hata Cleane d and Blocke:i d -'"":'I r- - -..........


>lp nl !<y mpll thy ancl n \\' ,

Ladies Plain Dresaell

anti c':l I't l ~ to h e .. . ~II~. Hnfl J\f rs . L~'lI ~'n ""; lI n had ItS: .\11-, and MI'R , Vl' rnun Rhp lH or Ihel r 'S llnn a ~' /:,uPo<l, 11",11' ,1au ~ h l ('I' :'I'ilaml" lJ urJ;', 1\1 1', nnd lI11'H, 'Wlllt"r ~ II ':; , ll pnl'), H UI'/:,"", anll ~It" U UI'/:'(", 'J' IWlllaH anll Ilu ug ht 'rH or WCllt Co r ! l ll lLVII , 'Inc! 111(' gl'\'ln Th om ll:;(,R a nil l'illldrf' n (, f J)aylon _ lI l r. a mi illl's _ Ern .."t 1';" I'lI h " '-1 lin I s p<'nt MundflY cve nln!; at th e Lnw. family SP('ll t I h(' 1/('('01'" tI, '11 w,'(' I,· , I cn c(' Th omas homc.

(' nd

I Ll'

l ' l"H

,J;,d",i1n, 01110, 11'11 It ,', ' I'llil',,,,, :\fn~ . 1' .. 1£1 Hun yo fl . )11' .

h t ... :Inll a nd

;\ I!'H.

1':I'\'i I1

MI~ ~x



Inot41 l'


Quick Cleaners KathrY'll Mendenhall. Mgr


Twin Theater

,1 ttl

nl :\I u und ', ,:' lIn,I:l Y, " I I' , a 11(1 :'III'S, ll a r"ld 1\: c,l1i >< a nrl

~ (' I- Jl

Does YOUR WIFE get cooked with the Thanksgiving Turkey?


Always A Good Sh'ow

This ThaoksgivioS. don', let her Stay 3 or 4 hours in the stilling hot


kitchen leaving you to emertain ~;s;l;ng llJm;~. Doll', make her get up at tfle crack of dawn. fi3ht with ashes and soot, or cantaoketow wick", etc., before sbe aD ~ her oven bot eDough (or "cbe bird." This year.,.


1fOTARY PUBLIC Natl••" B_k Wille Dra_ _ _ E,"t~ S.Uw WAYNESVILLE. OHIO

Let a Pyrofax MagicChe, Gas Range Cook Yo", Turkey AUlomatitally

FERRY Slate Capitol News - "Not a forgott en or !lver looked military gra ve In Ohio," This Is tl,le objective , nccordlng to Brlgndl rO en erol Emil F, Mo.rx, the ndjulant 8e nero.I ot Ohio, ot 'a n ew WPA pro· ject 'WhIch was 100Unohed lhls w eek, D etnJled dula wlli be complied lly s e' v"rll! hU' ndrod wl'llte ,colla' r WPA JlI"ojoots . h ,w e s ucc(OssC ull y opel'uled ~ wOl'Teere on th e exact loco.llo n o.nd In New J erscy a nd W iscon si n, It Is condition o.L the g raves' or n.11 mill. csthna te d tha t thcl'e - 1\.I'e m o r e than tary dead burled In tllo s la l e , Oen. 300,000 vetera ns ' grav cs In th e era l Mo.rx hlUl been desIg nated to sto.le , ~ • • r epresent the s t a l e 's Inter esls In th o project and his ottlce wtll have or, ~~~........~,!,!!. .,!!!!!!!!,!!!,_ _","!!~!!!!!!In!!!d!!!l!!!c!!!a!!!U!!9!!!n!!!s!!!p!!!0~h!!!ll~tl!0!!":!,!a.n~o"t1r!!le!lrl!!!!'!!r~e.


..1_:,' n OIiuay'! and



JgJbt Pictures At Xenia

"uneo at the bIg s ho w," Dl r ecl o l' H un el cld asserted , "u nd It Is logical to belive th ll t t he Ilcop le of Ohi o will '~Itness ano th er I'c('ol'd,bI'Cllk el'," Of the tolul u \\'u rrl s o f $1 49,00 0, the j ll n· lor f a Ir wtll have $14,000 ns lUI own ",hn re It wus flu id, It Is cXIlected that ther e wtll I>c approxlmu te Iy 30,000 onll'i es of vari ou s c lass ifica tion ' by Ohio boys a nd g irls In th e junio r c vent. A nc \" junior fa ir building Is ('o n s tru('\ d at t h l' fa ir beIn g g r o unds o n th e s lto o( thc (ol'mer lloys' co mp, Th o o fflcln l pl'emlum IIs1s will be Il vn ll nblc (o r d ls trlhu -' tlon In abo ut II w (,E'le or ll' n d a~'s ,

(u I'm "'fredn oc", T u esday a rte l-noo n , MI', li nd M I'S , En.rl Thotn l)SOn, o( Dayton , acco mpa n ied by lI1r , Mm'· tha leavcl', or t h is communit y, v isit cd n ose Hill C<:met c l'Y, Memorial Day , CI t MOllo n, H oraco Ot;lcsbee. <\ form ~r r{'sl. d ent h e r ', h l~ prese nt ho mo n co r X n la, h as b e n a v Is ito r from Mon· day thl'ou g h Frlduy , or fI'l e nds In

for Your Bird this ytar

Friday _ . Saturday

Here'. bow roo mab It: cup. lIale brnd crumb. , ~cJlIl. mched bullU, ~p rwlll, • I teupooD laic, IClSP!CIG J>e~. v.t ,.upooa _ , ClIp J!aaUeb w.&-

"Bank Night"



Dut mt'ats.

Mix ingredients in the ordergiuai nisin' should be cut in piectell aDd out meats broken in, pieces.

Continuoul Showl Dally Adult. Only 150 'Til 2 p, M,




Dr, H a rl ow L indley, A cr ctu r y· 1)(1I1ol'-lIbl'lu 'lo n of til Oh io Rl!l l c' Ar c hneologlcu l a nd H is to rica l "0 , clet y , r ep ol'll'd t h, t "good p r oll' rl?ss Is be ing m odc by t h c s ix Ohio edu · cut o r ll w h o l1uve been flss ig- ned t o co mpil e a n ew a nd up ,to.da l e hI sto r y 'Of Oil 10 under d lt'ectlon of th e socl, ety , 'fit his tor y, provided (o r by ne' tlon of th e stale legis la ture Illst yea r , will lle In six volumes n nd th e sIx edu ca tors cngl\ged w11l ea c h be r e· sponslble for a pa rtic ula r volum e, Rose.1 rcll Is being cu rrled on Ilt the prese nt tIme, Dr, LIndley p oin ted , out, Dnd , It ' Is th o ug ht th a t th e hili' tory will b e r eady tor publlco. tIo n next yeur , A ' complet e sel or th history will be rurnlshed g ra tis to; each recoG'nl7-ed Ohio colleg e" unl , verslty, lI.nd hig h school, nnd 'to every ' c,! rtlfled public library, Ot h er sets will be 0. valla ble (or purc hase, AI Humphrey, chle( at the ellro rcc, me!lt dlylslon ot the ,Depo.rtment of LIquor Control, r evealed tho.t th (11, vl8lon durIng' April staged '270 raids, o.rrested 278 orson, and oblalncd .ctmvlQt ons: During the m onth forty·tbree sUlls were destr<lyed and tW'enty transporters of Illegal liquor were CtlJ)tured,

Baby Chicks,

Try Swedish Sluffing '

........ ,SenIle ...... ..,.. tilt . . ' " coo~. WAID IUTIIIQ .IIUIIICQIATIOII



-------------1 CaD you install • Pyrofu M,..ic a.ef Gat.ilaDBC! la time {or TbanksJ:lvlDlI 0 How mud> will ,ou ol1aw rot my aid


Call 112 For That Ne~xt Order of

Job Printing No Job. tlI)O ' Large Of.


Good ,G rade 6 3.;.4 Envelopes per

10 00

• ,


, .,




P. E. Snyder & Son DLAN CHESl'ER, OHIO

We Carry a Full Line



of McCORMICK~I)EIRING CuI_Jor,[I, 48 Shovels ~nd IHC ' R~ ~: We of,ten have requetls for epec:id Il10_,'

and · .w.~pe for

McCormic'l,~ Deerinl


vators. We're prepa,.d • meet theee, requireal!eilt;e . . . . . j lJ)eICial operationa;' Of _CCM_~t we alwaya baV~,OD ~:i;~:t~~i:i~ of the ' ~ u.ed ID tIU..






are _all and

Gela~. ~

WARREN (0- ( ,~ Three ~Girls and Three Hat~'l ,SCHOOL NOTES COURT NEWS '. . ~, ' , rr ,\I, ' I'h,' W aY I'"


n w w ill

.A 1'l l1m' .A I.ldng of


thl) n w

1" ... ,4\ "YUI'" I In ~ \II''' Il!l n 'I'(\" :l 1l.1 Iqllh llll l!' "" pIJi h',., 11 11 th e I"ymnns itllll 11,,\1<'1' ,'(lll sl r llt"l l(H' lit Ill<) hls h ~"h "I hl l\l .\J lIg, " -01'1 (In L\w Hl ru tlll'l' Is nl'o~I'(,~Hl n A' v .'rr nl(' I " \ 116 I\lIan l \I'll" in~lI' IIl'lI'lI h,l' ~I" , Rl "II,


.onlolll Ilf

h ll l'slnl!

n.,/l'1l'<'l, );lInn l\J I'row :n1~11 • 1.'\1')01'8 ~Ii ' to 11.'" m8 t . lelds ha!' £Il 'fl SUll fo r· n dh'o r c" t~, 1'_ At<dum, I'rdl \U(ltrt tiC lh l' lh)llJ'll a\1aln"'- )Ia('k FI . ' lll~ , "h oupl (' or E<\,wot\on, h' nnlllllml"'ll. H ~ W 1'(' m /ln'INI, ;\l ill'C'h ~~, lfl35, a !!d

~1'1 /¥l"'I ~' ",II" h,' lll, tha t th o 1lI,,1 I\ln Y",aI'H ,

1;' 1 f'!I

Th llll' St ,'flU I h


t () 11<' 1'"I\'(' n


h :l rlll t: l,-fll l't"' .J IIfl~fl l 'll!u'lt':-1

thfl "n~i1Hlpl' in ('l\n I' A"·.


1,'a"II Il ," " I " , : .I1. , ,,,~ "" "'\l('d I.)' 1'(,!" l ~ n" II " " " h" ,'" 111" ' " fl ll (',I , \l'ILIi tlo o ,' .'\t'ppUIlI1 'if t11 1::11 )..: II:4h pOf' itit)l1. '1'1", I.. Ji I"\\,IIIg' 11:1\'" !!1" "'pl I'I 1 1'/1,,1· Ihl n; 111 II .. , 1o1g' 1o ~, ' I' I)\lI :

J' l.\ '

xl.l'C' nwly POl llII:l1' In ('lwn 1 \I n "h :\I'~I '~ p l '.."fflr t't'tI :lJr: l1 I1 s t ","nll1 l1lJiI~' :,;1<1 hi:; np)Jollllnll'1I1 hi m hy :l lary '1'111'0(' 1"1\ "1' \(111 , 'f h(' h llt-t Ih ~ t"\n I'PC .. i\'l'l t with w illp1" lH'f'::trl pl:l ll1(1fr "Jlt' ~" >; f'lI'flulh i " 1111' f, llH'r I\l'('I1I1II1, .\ 1.:" ,,,1,,,1\" nC L .' I.r'"Ull ,,( hl ~ r dltld. ~ll'tl\llh w,,::. tll',h\ t', 'ct 1 11 ~ " :-;.'II"nl an.1 \'- l1l11ll1l;'t(ln " "II,,~~ 111' ltI (,tI' p(\lu r llull plt'Il S (,O U I' t \1nI.1(,t' \I" I .n ~ 10111;' III .'" " ... til'!' 111 ""1111'<,,1 · !tllll I.}t'HlIl 11y !"quin' \\',1<1 :-: . H ruwn



Nt-IWI1L '-\ "':;U lll

~tat"d. J\ ph,lnJ,: f' llt,

l 1uw:u d I "t\~ t, Ann n , O hio,

"I.' lOt'

1I1ny l~,

ti\ ' '1'I11'L<, 11<' \\111 I ' nl'h in 1111' jll nlolr hl~h


.El1HIJ.;I' llf'


lU ' Ot ' \ '(\ :\f'lHll1

1' ,

1",11,.1)(1 hns fIIt'd " against I~; \r l L . I til i.

""!l'" \ilL'




lJA -



T hl $5,00 (Jr{'(liI

gnllt! s th e purl'h-


Cur, ( nly o.D(, el'Ctlll 1.0 each used carol Ill!O or :my

37 Forll , tUiulurel


35 I'I3'lIloul It Seclll n

36 O()(lgo Trt1l11, St'till " 36 Ford 'I-Or, '00:111 lH PIYllIouth t'fln"


34 Ford l)plt1.\ :c ,


32 F ord Coupo

J 50 245 J9r.

33 Dodge , c llall 32 Uodl:l? lan ,Z9 I'IYll1outh


eh (lui el htA, claims, nnd lI abUill A, tL" cl b>' Annn ;\lllY ~- Ill. /l d, mlnlsll'1lU'Lx or lh J os ph ,T, D ea rdofC estnl , w i ll h e h ca rd, Juno .23, T h e s l"th acco unt of M n rmre t L , Co 1" g uardia n for Betl~' nnLl B nj r.lmln L I.'(" minor , h as b C(,11 f iled, Allan F, Rro wn, liS a dm l n lslrator




120 Othors to Choo


Int" :,\,), 1 ~7G and 187 7, L ovelo nd Pal'l(, J IlH" I.lollle " lIrli~" to !I: lIie lI l', liS!!, lot :\0, I 7 , I.o"l'la nc\ p,,,-k, B >lIjl1l11ln , p !l I' I,~ , et " I , Jl olI"nrcl p, " SS lIlll , 10lR :'\os, fl, G, a lltl 7, ;110 1" I'OW, :lI n" I ])(,II:1rt, t'l n l, 10 C"1,ll'pncc E , (l I'b ' I'I')" f"u l' Fmnl<ll n II', P llul E, Jl lI ,'ballgh t o 1', "- .lfa ,', hnllg h , lUIS " "s. (;9 a nd iO, 5pl'ln \1bO I-O,

"" 1'1'1',


mlnrn'''' Dond ' wn s ;; t a l $4400, "'I' I,'n,ls (.( Iloi~ " lIlmunIIY \l'iII b(' 'rhe will of Flam, :'\lIn S mith h tls ~' I'I'y 10 1',lI'u ,'f I IH' dl'!lIh vf :lJI'~, be n CIIed , Opal EIIgiP, IIl(Hlw,' IIf :II I '~, J nll1('''


36 WI/I ~'8 77 S('(lll ll


nulh E , Sh erwood hos he.' n app oinlNI gllll nUll n f o r E~ I h!'!' E, J.(' , \\'1 11111 111 B , Rh " rwoo(I, O l'eso nia, a ll



J l a ll 11 flll'llI('I' I', '~i"(' nt vf 1111" tllW11 \ "h o di ...d durinJ; "n 1I\1('r11110n Thill'S d u), III , mill' h()spllal, olumlus ,

o( the J ona tha n F, S he rII' ad estllle, h as bclm uulho r lzed, 10 sel\ securl· ties 1,5 1 (1 I1mo n g th UBS ts or the estate , E still of :llIll n 1\[. I n I., valul'd a t $12 8,1 , hns b n " t'll1pted (roll1 th e p aymc'nt ot Inhel'llnn l AX, H en r l n g on the In~ (' ntory !\1 d by


~ ..:" I ,',

F~ l' tI ,

$5 Sh~lton' For

'rh c dHII~' " ""alio n



d ;\Io n .ln~' J unc 6, a nrl \1'111 eXI nd th,'oll ' h Ih l' co ming t wo w e ' k s , 'hilUI'(:11 IIr t;chllu l age lire Invll d tv a ll nl! ,

CU\1) mCl 1('

;III', :,,1\11 :III' , " '.

" ', W ilson o( 'lo a l'''' ~ l o\\'n, ,,-, V n, 511 nt ;\l('mul-In.! D ay \l'lth lh" fU n TIl' "'' p al' nl S, Mr, u nd )\t's, Frank ,\" \lson ,

Barn Dance nro (jf III m OS I i l11el'CllI.I llg 1''' nll! in I h e long I" ~IO 'T or :Ilium I Villi y ' h '\ Uln uqtll~ will b till.' bi!; h" l-n sPt fIJI' 1':1 lul'da y 1' " nln K, J un,' 18, 1\ .:. .. " Is o n itH'illll o n, I n d ,'" o1 , hill \\' ,II \\'o l'lhll'hli o ,,' h(' 11 you IInH l y7.l' Ih e IH l p(j~' b. ' himl I t. The 'h:ltll'\ tlqlllL 11l :1 I1HS OJ <:' nt II! lIot OJ I'e ly 11:; n :l lnglnS' thi s f ::O l tlr nl on l'y- nHlldtl j.! llt'oj ct, 'I'IIl' Y arc bl'l nl,;'ll1l:' 10 ' h a uL , uqll tl. tl LII or I'N I I .,,\ n. ril:n n lire that Is n 'vc r SOl' n , in It 11 01' (h (, I'n Sl all' , -\ n ol'Cll('Rll'a 0 i ;;cn Ui n nlllul1tul n Ct1 ,'S (I"o n) K enlu r ky U n I '1' nncssec , I' ':0 1 hlll ,bllll H p r scnllns mountai n III u ~ k , hus b (' 11 eng-agel\ for this u nique " V<' 1l1. \\-ith them will I]mo ('\,:11l m ou l1tu ln dn n !' I'll who will n il a nd 1'1' S nl tl1() 8(IU (II'O don 8 of lh ll l lll c tu l' c~<iuc s<'clion of Arnc l' l!'II, 'I'll v n l nS"s ontt'I' t nl nmen t \\'1 11 ~)j)e n I\'ltb fl "£,,, 1 1llollntn.IIlt' N"s ba rn d u n co on I h o bll; a udltorl ulll BlDg which will be strip" d or scc'n ('I'Y anrl nVCl'lc d I nto a ba rn, 11 lhls two· hou l' 1,,'ol;l"\m I lu' ro will be m o un, lU h , mu sIc, hlll,bllly so~g", d n n es nn cl vt\udovill .. ,.,el", I)r('sentcd I y th COmlllln)' hl'o u l;l:h t to hnulDu\,UII.

111 r , ]1,' ,'np a l'r Is re I orll'd s omewh ll t Im 111" "cd at lh (' ttmo Of this fl'''m K I1tu cky and T n n e~s , "Tilin g, Following t h l.q gllm l)So of moun -


.\l is:; A l II', ' In n n " lI l'lIl ' l'

r" UI1I

I' f"t..: l g l lf·d

11l L' (J t .:.: ) · D t,,-, !, I ·U I' I" H

td' l 'tn C"i n nllt i.

(iPtll'J,.: \ SnJilh

N E '~ YOn K-T hre e I~ttle, girls in three new hats inspired by the Ne~ York World's Fai r 1939, I. c ft I" n.g ht : Bab~ B I'~ kwl~h I,n a ~ello~ s traw hat inspired by the Textile Building, Dana Jenny in a ye ll ow stra w h a t lII ~ plfcd III Its tnmmlOg by the gargoyles on the Mines and Metallurgy Bui lding u!"1 Cc.' eS,le Gh ee n m a bl_ue s traw hat with the r ed ribbon in back in~ired by the roof of the Tex: t llo Blulllln g, The y e llow IS Aqualon yellow, one or the pastels launched by the Fair's fashion de-

III'ala I'll,


:i1'114 hd

11 onll'

:III', _\ , 11 , ('I,'a n ' I' \1'111 I II' ,.:i n :I~ Cli sluoll:011 :o t III. , hl ;: h RI'h,,"1 1>111101 , In!!, u n ,Io,ly I. III "'hk h li n", ;llr.'

Ih Dnnk l ;\l ol'I:;n n ('A\(I If', will be ('nndllclt'(1 hI", ,111111" 1&, Th e sr\o ('{lul,' of " hlH (11",1 by H a.y m(lnd C. F o ll f' n , ,' ""r lllnl' or t he Rlnt(' (J( .Ta m 8 Fnll en , l:ll or J~('h:l no n , ImR h n npprfl\'cd , A dauJ;ht!"', It l'l c n SI Il1 !', is nn 111 fl solo I n f\Cla l' Y 10 1111' <'S lot C Ly· .11,., Alk Poon' , lalC' or lfm' ,'(')'slt1I1'g, Th e will a lso n n 'IIl'~ th e !I a ug-ht.' r IHl X ('u lrl:\: , Itarh'" ~l tld!1 n , Car, m l Smll l'l n nd Ed, Dalii n nr!' lh(' ap,


l pl ~


SUll,H I' "

\'l' ttr(,g . •\ l

lh l"

tI 'H{lt~

Ulllld ln;:, :II " , E ll. I l u pl.IIt H 11'111 el] n , tll1lh.' til th.f.l H~l nll' cu paeity,


1\1,', .I, H, '\,uhlJl\ , 'n ll o n a l 1I j;I'I· (' ultlll' l: Ins lnl l'l o t', will (' Il nll n u(' In tll n t ,I" I"' I'II11 (, ll t [UI- th e f ollo\\'h,1':

RmM~ on thDln\'~nl()~fII~ ~ =p~a~rt=n=l=c~n=t~,_==~=======~====~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==~=====~~====~ 1\kl1le l'hl'l!'l lI1llll , :1I1 111Inl"II'OI1'I" or - - - - -

I'a 111 (' d


tiu H hi an.'{'P t IH h' I n

1'ltOBATF. ('(It ' ItT

':on'y ln A' n 10

II f

(': llll l ,I H., !l , a~ H IIIlU lln"t \(l

1~c\,)ph"" ,,,:; H uihlll1J::. L,o:1 n, :I I H1 • 'Il\' tng~ ( 'n .. :l"!li ll ~1 I dlL A , :ll n "l rl ll m ,d nU1f" -" lint! :ll n\l,' II., 1" 13m'ge r "g:tl nsl Tn'\'11'- O ff" ... I , et al.

.R1>C'o ndltt o n"Ll

t lw hiJ:::h


n lllllil'H \\ 111 h t' ,\li s~ 1~ 1l 1'lh\" Im1l11 :1111

" ,"'sl l y ":o"lel'tl .:\ 1I 1('a 111, Tl h' t":)l.' hfHA RtHr r Wfi!'C t'ltll t )h ,tNl h (,1' IlIl\ilit:n l HlnH~, n N' I(l~ t 1 , t' , I h,)I\ \,' 11]0 Ill.' "1111'11)),11'1'111 <If :lli ~" " ' II - :!lll Jlll:olll,,11 I" 1",1' "tI"l'n"),, so n lOr ' :II , l'\", " I,'sh u,'~ liS ~ II NLI;iIl'" >l lltl En ~ll.h In I n ,d .1-, .\ 11 ' (,1I ;' n !O ~ l ' LJo:. \ S l ' ItO (,EE lH ~t;S k ing "'. ill , Sl1e """ceuI1,. :lli s:; ])"r.. , :-:'nh"' l'ro C" (" 'tiTn g~ h ,L\"(1 l"'I' n :1Pthy B.' lsCI', lH'fHhl hy thi ( -!lU l't In t hl' C ·, I~t· :-; elf

;\Iotors to purel"

g- I'Ilc! ll '

.. I' ""k,,,, \\' .'" L \ ' 1"I;'I nl:o , 1\II R~ Lu " illl , \r " l tll n. IiC :--; ),riUh Vll lh ' ~·. a nd a ). :T . :u l tl ;!t " of ( ' ,' dat' vi llu \ \11I~ , ~ t ' , wi ll

l nnd,

$S;Credit .--- -

11 ': lI'h S (' it ' ll t ' t ' i ll



"I\',>I'~ I IY, 1',,""l1lltl!l,

'''1'1101 l

hu lldln).!.

'hal'~tl1~ g l'o~~ n l'gh'd. 'l'hf' ~' \\" "_,, ",,"Th'.! ,'I )\ ('\\"I)l' l'I , I' y .. _l lll)' :.!I. 1!'13 4. T "~'Y h n\" I11J C"ilihll'l. ' I1. ' I'ht' pl ai ntiff ab" ""I'H 111<' r, !'I' m, II (1 n "f

\\' lItt tl llclllll t '1111, h" , :\IIIOt1;l:'o*. 10 Ittle,' 1"hll ,l lll1:11 ' \\"'1<. " ' 111 i. ' "I \\' 11h \III1,;-1111\ hl" \\':tIol n IlH'1l1h. ,1' pf th~

(' Ii

El lnt''' IOf

.11,'1'1, ,,'II!'o n I·:llwn ,'th. n n d f amil y or l'il u'lngfh,lcl.

l,:,hwn l ""I ht hi t h "i" 1'1:'1>111 " " 111" ,,1, inK l atll , 1" n\lIly .. vl'nl n,.: , J 1.,,,1 uf thp t, \"l uln~'~ cll~t"u~!i ion ,\'u~ p ' n ..

'-,,0 ..



:I it'll, J"h n F'r.)mm I'I tll'n t 'he I nU(Il' ",. '(IC "lslUn g M I' 11 11\1

I'"n or th

Good From

June 5 to 20

O. K. Beauty Shop Xl' lIll1,


l 'II(lIIIl r.:1I

yf' I\ I',

En' I'l'(t 1\ln,'loll' haH "c('('ph'd a jlO· Hili"" a" l'I 'I'I, In lh ' I. G, , \ , Slo re In 81)l'lns; Y a lley, B n a nd 11111 Budd 'y " pe n I Ills t 11'('(11' In "-"~ hlnSlon D, nc\', a nti :III'S, , J \. ' \"1\\-.:'1' n l , 1<:> 11(1 d 'omm ne" IlWnl nl upi t ul U ll lv(,I'l< 1l y, 'l'u ('s,lny , Wh l' \'(' lht' h ' s on lI'as n Ill l'lI1be l' oC th e CI'",lunl' InS' I n~s, ' l\fl ss Doris lTa ym ll n, of 1\11\1 ,'sIlllI'S, hlo, Is Ill' mllng lh" w ('elt i ll I.he h o me of ;\1 " , nnd 1\\I's, .1, E , .J 1111,

F Iltin gS,

P lumbIn g

n I1d H ea ti n g 1I1 ntel'II\I, }'>[yEll Hund a nd E lect r ic !'UIl1JlB, J . p ,


UPPLT CO'I A""ENL\, 6 5 8t

AL1:::-Plenly of s,,,,,'('t pollitt) plonts, 4 w, r\e t\(, '" EHrly j;oltl e n a sp ee lnlt~' lit Da n Hoc k lts, 3t

~'r, (lId h n.l'cly pl'rl' nla I rIO \l',' " pl'lnts , An · tn ln \l fe , n.~ YOU Iln ,- lln:iba h ly nevel' oC , BrUni n ~c h (, IlI("·'I,~I",n=f'_l=ea,-,("-I++~=~""'-n="""=_""'-'_~,,,",,. C')lJIl fi ' I<1 g l'own all\)u,",,, :!I!(' n it bcfol'O, til ·' pet· form ~ 'R 0 nd nUIl I , of Lb L 1>11 nen prl , o n fm'm, will he ilflJ ndHY, nucll!'nec will adjo u r n to th o .. kattng pl nn( s 2[, 0. 1'1' 1' HI, 1'>11' t T1 tnlo I'lnle at t he I n ;nl s cour ts \l'1t I' .. II pl allts ~ G c I) r 100, O!'(), P., t (', '~o n, 1 n nd Eal'llh n rt h os JIlt's, L ouis" 1"1 1 J ll lhl n Hu l'n",1 ,h ) m C" Sirnday '·en · oC ti S 1\'1 11 be givc n a n p portunll y n,lI(' f rllm " -',y n cs \'llI e on lIw Bellb een adm itte d to p r o hat , un d 2l pel. Ing' nfLt' I' ,II w l', I, ~ ,' '';It II'llh fl'lenls 10 I 111'1 "'i\111 I In the sqUGr 'Ianc c~, ".-n,lk pll, r, n am s l ho hu sband, Alonzo , 80~C In L ,bu r g, wit II th hlll ,blllies doin g the ca l l1n ~ benefl I nl'~', ; \ t hi s LI n th, tit' csta t ~"' lt 'a rn ~ ;llr, ')1ll1 :'Il r !!, Fish,, 1' n[ Callfnl'l1ln III lhe s tra ins ot: r eal m oun t"ln mUij. Is to p ass to n nl c Be,-lho. ParI tt cll lle d on f.-I('nd!! h"I' ~lIntl,,~, ""C II . ic pl /ty eel by lho o rch s ll-n, ('o ml O!l 'd rowe r I.,lI wn ,r.~ ' w lt!l.....ll.l;U:""... and n. ~o n, YI lor Rosel-, The n l('ce il1J;', of bll nj s, \I ns, g ull n rs, ju g-~. 1'''' n ,,,' ,...,;. ~ I) r.101 1' , , 10,ftt) , LH II ~ Inhol'lls theo bnlllnct.! of Ih e pr<>pel'ty: Mrs , L , ':Il1l1r l' 0( l lllnol!l WflS n ~Tt'e yo u n ,] ' lI1fJ nlll I'rnion , H, D . the son a WArd, 1\ C'onllng to t h e will, buslJle~s "1,, llol' i n o wn l\IUnfla y , 0 11 tt I ILI\I'(', Ph on Unn3, W "y n ,!', da t ed (It Leba non, Nov ~3 , 1 922 , ' -lIl e, 0 , Itpd

' Gladys, Ild mlnl!!lI'n t or oC tho.


o~,~~~C~~~11 J~[neL:!is.-~



S I'R1~ (;

:111-, n JO l't f" , . -' 2 7 ,,~rf1 c ... " ' ~'ni~~...., r r 1.. E .....,

lo r y WOI'I(c,',

L eap

en ne ",

FriU(' ~s " :LIkins,


i\~svllfe, RljlAL ESTATE TR_\ N FERS Alice Urook to Lu l u 0lteloon5 14 ' V ny n e t\>, L u l u O IVho n s t o A ll co B~oo k , Ilame 111'0\Je l'tr ,

for real ~g ~e

yoU "

,need • Pyrofax-Magjc Chef (;as ~ Range, It gives you a~tllr,"e. 11 cOfIIrolled oveb umperarure5 -

and there's








ashes, n~

' ..


,- '

, ',

JlEL ~'j\ ;-,:'n';rJ-:l l a ll ~r,, ·lfI y":lr~ oC fig , , ' ,dl'l\ 1):1('1.1:" un1l , ( : o llfl J: .. hI- ::.1fj(1 G..lff. t s o r.---:~~\' \ J1: 1lll W hite , chn l'n c t ,' r lIn(] p l'!!on,,1I1y, (':o r n" H eunl o n , 'I'h '" • r - r.\' { .. Iss My m Hay rOc lt , wi th n Ilnl'ly " 11</,. , c()s~al' ~', 0 0(1(1 omml"lon on c \l'n s h e lll a 1.101/' IH I,..,. ,_, N: \y , of ()f fl'l('ndfl, I 'n, lIJ o ndn.y v I1 l nl;', (() I' t ub li s h ed ,'o u l o, Seo AIkin" l'I (:on n cr~, John sv lll r, OhIO, .~ tl' ll) to a l lto l'nla., L b n n o n, Ohio , It ptl :Ill', IInfl , )[" H, Hil cy Olhson n nll ~' h O Il1 [(s fih idn k ol-, n ear \ V llmln"',I n u r:h t " , Pnullne, ]\fl', Will Pof[ " Rp!'nt Sun ,l oy nft "noon with MI' , ton , "PCllt l ast week wl l h Ray H u x- For Slll e: " Vhlte ltol'ks for f l'ylng , Ell swo rth Olb~o n n n(\ family n ur ley, :I ]·2 to 4 1-2 Ibs, Dl'cs~ d ('nlcl'vlllp, 1\1t's, .1, .A, Hnrtmn n a n d d au g h (oot, 1\l r s, 34 R 4, :'(1'8, ALlu D o kln !'pent ,uno.l ay I " , 'h"d o ll , i'l l'S, 'l', C. H Il )'<i oc:k, "lid cia ug h 1,' 1''',. M~u 'jol' l e 0 ncl 'My r a , \\'Ith h oI' d t1ugh l (,I' a nd fnmily, ;1 11-, hn u ~c on /lnt! ;II I'!!, E ,'vln MlIlIforfl an,1 (nmll)' , a ll (, l1.1 ,I 'l show (' ,' (01' 1I11sR FJ ll zll- FO] n i<;~T-. ix !'nom I. "lh H a w le ln s .u t t he h Ol11c oC ~'1I'H, MtUn i'II'eel. LIS-h IS nnel \ Va l l'r , o f n <'l ll' \ \,iln; in g l On, A IlIl L e w is 011 'Vedit esd a ~', 2tp ,' cc lVl n l'l lon 001" ;\11' , 'VIII porr. 1\ it', J o hn Rillllc'r ,

Se v nly PI' -


.. '

L e na E, n OSf' to qcor ge J , n nd ,Tane Slum), u'oct, D e l' fi e ld tP, Elln Dm' ls to Ethe l K , ' ·\ ·oll(er , M r s, I d >!H l c Olb so n, ~ l l' s, Ad a Uul;!n , lOIS N OR, C6 n n cl 67, ;\[(150 11. all('n l\ ed Ih co m ock lrln l ;; 11' ' n J,r .:.j~O~-'~~~~~~~-'''-'I..-.n4 Lotti e aM I mun to E t h e l C, Mo- Ih D ib le C\:oss O) f ;\It, Ho ll~'. Chul'l'h , 10 l he D1bl(' iass of I h , ~ 1'1I'ln" " n l· I<,Y ' 1\f. E, Cl1urc h, Fl'ida y ·nl;.;hl. MI', B , l\.£. ' pIll eI' Imd ra mlh' s pe nl ~Io n!l n)' e ,' c ll ing in B ('II IJ rook , ;\llss E I'lI cI' Un En r nh:l r t (I f :Ill' , I-ioll y SPNII F r iday Wit h 1\Jl ss Pa.ul , ine G IL so n , Mr, ancl ~ ll' s, Ed ~n r P o(f. e ntOl'l'lIl c, (,:1 11,,(\ ' o n lI fl', H II C'y G ills on fi n d fnl11l1 y , FrI.lay n((emoo n , 1\1t" J , A , ~ \1 lil (' r ",ns n Ci nc innati


Dmitgo another tl4y without ~


fin ,' "


It makes 'Colltflr1


.,,lepossible for nU who live beyond the ga5 mains, Gas cookinS is clean, fasl, dependable and ecoaomica1, Pyrofax Gas tegulat,' equipment is fumished to yoU DO . marge-it is inStalled .for: oaIy $9,75, The gas itself costs as ~tt1f 3 ~o 4 ceotS • me~, \ You can gtt II J,rand new 19 ~7. ~-Mlgic ' Chef ~ge with itS lutomatiC oven control, smoke, I~ broiler and sciend6caJJy, ,designed t OP bu,roers for a small ~ ~t and easy tetals, Doci', Cleny yourself--'iOOk, and ~ve. the modem WI,.,


We offer a Satisfactory Service at all times.







E. McClure





Call 11'2 For That

Ne~t or~er 01


Job PrIntIng :!!I!! md..;e.~.,"'l caw

, • Btggest money-saver ev:er for thrifty motorists, The , minute you put these tires on your car you save two WlU'B -in their low first cost-and in the extra mileage Goodrich builds into every Commander, Buy now and savel

No Job too Large

or Small ,

Good Grade ' 6 3·4 ,Env.lopes p~




$6~ , 4.40 ~ 21 :




".. "


$7~* $7!!!~ 4.15 x 19




4)oo Pyrofax~M.agj& C~f


" VOU,RE RIGH,T.•I t~IS . ...





'$'J !!*

5.00 119

.~' .N


5.00 I 20 '


~------~~--~~~. ~ .p"w'''''''''0 ,",,,, fl1;,6~.'11OI111. ~'

Gooarich~'Co~ " ~ ~ - "A_IC"S , 1'HRIF~ TIR_£)~ ,

::c: NINETlETII YEAn. ~~

Resident of Beech Grove Dies We'd. The IIIn 8S of 1\Irs , Luc y A n n 11100 1' , wife of 11 nry C. 1II uOl" n em' O.·(II;O nl :.1, 'lun o to Iln {.on tl, ' Vcd n m;· du y evenin g . J1l1l C 8, at n ine u'clo '1<. MI'I<, lIIuurc hill! lin g '.-"d In tin un , ('vnHc lo u '!

'oll<iltloll <iUI'iIl!; m osl

th e llV n l y lh '

H ~'lIlllt:t 1

au nl .








Th \\'ny n c svlll 1I111'h School c lu8s ur 1937 h l.llI Its a nnu al 1}Io ni c al W uyn\.' I'u r y UII :O;U 11(1" Y, lIrr's. " ,,'11

'O IlIlIl'Il

Slunlo n w h o

Of Int <> I'~sl lo frl c llll s Iw r e. I ~ th '


u nd


K elln r

Jl oak

w e,llllll!; " f ~II "H Jull el StUlltll1l " nd ~J, ', J,)!tn F, i'c ho"lilll gPI' hu lil "f


lilt·. nose.)... FlirnflH c nt I·t al n ",<i lIIe \\' tl ,"1 1 T Ol\'nshlp Farm I"S lu\} o n 1111'. I " .. t Thun.illlY, RllllkN lll nn or WIlH

' hHprwll1, r etuI' ll Ptl

",llI l'h

(. 'olul11 hU H. ~atUl'd HY

th <.' HI"f l!u l S t.

l 'il u rl' h . t 'o!ulnlJu s .

Th u llrid t.· Is ti ll' ll il llg: htf' r

F I'o:elc'I'k

lh buslneso; IH' riotl nl which lime t il e fullowlng ' offl ec rs w c r e el ecteu

1\ l\ ow n

:-; Ul\\lll ll whll 1i 1' 1't~.

Succumbs Suddenly

,.; n l (· ll1lli ~ ,· oI

wa f!

\· . .' nln g :H

l .Jn·H h y t' "I'lrul

l' njuy"d lit Ih" notl n hUlIl', Th\, I"' :;,

to 110'(' h"nll' In St. Pll u l , 1I11nnusroln, IOlmt ;\11' , Jor'u nk L e1\l ay preM ld <i at

CO l' tren t , un 'l'u "",lny, I\II'S, 1I!lI'v y ny ' In compll n y with


L. M~ Henders,on, Entertains Wayne, 'To Speak At M. E. Stanton-Schoedinger . . B k Twp. Farmers Club Curch Sunday Wedding at Columbus p romlnent an er


"I ~ llllpl; III lIl ' I lOnw o [

o f Hml JIll''', ,I. B,

f OUl' dnYtl sh e ft llClll In

lIlIddl L' l\IW n


\V AYNESVILLE, OlllO. THUR DA 1", Jt' X~ 16, 1938

Sil l'




~ Ir

q \l ll ,

('1)\11'-i1 11 of

\\' ,,), 11" :;\, 1111 , I"" t o nc u f hel' most

I 1" .

", .-II

,. II IIti 1''' I.",

Local Happenings

:\ \ 1".

.J. \ U. Ch ll pnt:tn II f tl li:i pl al'l\ a nd :1 IH· J(·· u f 1 )1" . I )lIdlt'y K I'L· \' t · r 'It' ... ' l ' lI

" nil

Ill' l'umpllsh ed


"' ,"" "" 'll In 111' Ii,'nth uf JIll', L , f. Il t· lH!t.· l':-.:" n, b t: l\\' '''-' Il G:30 a nd 6:00 li •

,t Pn ' llI l ',

~II ' , \1', , ', ' 1'1.-1" ' 11'/" '"l I.'rld ,,}, " f I" 'a u ll fll l l;1" 1' 111111 1\ WU K III!' prilli'i p , d HJl'.... ; i1 \ \ · 1' at \\' ·tld i ng ,' l ' rl ' lll u IlY . IJI' . :--: t :t lllllfl W:I:-; ~Ix · n lld

A f "'I' I h t,

\\'h(' ,'u


r' " ' ll lly

ul1li el' l\'Cnl

n il

UI I"' I';l llon .

cd h I' C1fly,,,,I!;th blrthd uy, 'J' h e fol,

\\"" ' k lit th o h orn' pr h er all nt, lIlI'S, I lal'ol<l /"';[l I'nlllll' \ a nd \'IMIt <i her li t-

l owl llg

t1 ~

S unduy IIlun y

fl'l nd <l i,:alh ,


th II' rC~ I, e l !! to o n ll

whom 11 11 loww U~


t r u (' fl'l end,

'rh" d ny WII" d (lvu t llll l u " 'lil;luu. !lol' vlcl'tI uti a lIle m o l'l " I , wit h pra yc r, IJOIli,:~, ,wd li:l:ltilllunllll " rim'u l orf >I'ln gs \\' r

'I' ll

~ h'R ,

Fmnl< 'I'H~' I(II' 11f Sa "

}, ra n,

n w ,' wllh II,' " mull1 t' l'. 11 ' "'1'1:., :\ ( 1'," 11,1

1\'11'8 . ["




Leo MI'", ~

onn r was I)' U sl or h o n -

\Vcdn sdny nIt rnu"n, at n lIun eo u 8 s h owcI' g i ven by It r 'I R I . , t er,ln-Iow , 1I1 .S8 ut 1 OllilaI', co lo .' s h 01l1o of pink lin t! whltc


t:h'lIn :o;mllh,


ft l ectlo n

"Patrio ti sm"

ternonn ,

~1189 \

\ ' OIltH,'

tl'r pn l'l o f l as t


,roHII" ; H cndlng by John Scllultz;

1' l IIyl l ('n till tl, " Two O ld Milids In

II 'I'll l ." hy ~1 f'"(I n. m ()s St anl ... y Ball y , tubbM Hp ' nt the l ul, Thery l J o n a, B 'I'nl 'c Jon~lO , H II I'olu


'I, willi he~ gl'n n~

Whl ulkel', n nd Mrs, Alice

m o th I', Mr's, ' V, A , Gearhn l't oC Day,

t es t s;

lon, MlsM Edn a l'ltnuJI, nltho ll!;h

Fir s; and Ph' II,



Mr.. , ulln I' "t'llc l o u sly nclmow l ,d ed th ,m a ny g l rtll whi c h w ere not o nly Ii Il utlrul bu t u seful and vnrl ed,


'\ 1 1 ~~ r1'111 11


( 'lI l llIl1 h ll ~.

:-; 11 1) I, ,;, ;<;' ·,11

Ill\' ' 1'_ ll y i ng 1111" " ", ,1, h e'1' d l'g'I'\)l'

" ' i Jl r C! ' In

C",,," the COlllp!;!, uf

.\ JiI'P I ll' il :l i n


fi t Ohlll

b :-- I


Hllnilay (' \' (' nln~, Jlln(' 19, IIi H w i ll px p el'iell C'(' I n J"pnn, am1 hl ~

u f i ' Aubul'll A\' " i s a

Jf' nC"f:'

OM n

w!"lt r !"


hu, do..;


lIl : tJ(('IS

' 01'11 (1 11

\vh c r


I; I,~ .lu u t ,·

b C'C'H IU (J


l't ' II If'l l I't1

l IO I1H '

1·' l' i\ i:l y .

l 'irll' ln 'l"li i~ Htil ' Ill i

F l't; r\ Ciull ilf ly. Hll h'

1-:1\\ 0111 1 'l'() \\'n !'H' nd H:L\"

tht ' H , 'd · Hu;o:; t Orl

; (l lIq.; '

tl ,



O h io


1IU,'l , Dr',

l HtI '(.\ nlA.

~ ~I1Jln : 1 Ii n llt::o rsun, mov· (JI'l lg ll n t : l whet' ~ D I', J- lc wl ' I': lIld

b" g an


JJl'a C' t(c e


'1'1" , fllllli l y I"t, ·.' Ill ovc il to "v uy nCH\'III, · \\'11 (' ,' (, i'll" , L N ' Ilenderson filll Hh l'U H,' lw.. l . tl:tI(' hln!; h I'e Il fOlv

l a 1pr

!'IP I'\'Pt!

h(\ lI1<' In

S' I'lld u a till!; ,

1:1 1\' in

I , S. 1';d " lIl l" OU r'(\' ·

I : ,ly ml ~ 1111

Surdllllu ,

:\It',. , r ':lrR n fl ,'I'

a ll ,l

HN an


W a ITt' 1l



orr! "',



'v\ ' lIYlll'I'Iv lllc,

he un d



\Va,' hlns-lon, D, esl ablished 'ount~' ,


his fi l's t

r" I'mlng 1''11' s"vl'I'llI y'e!1I'8 a nd lhen


;rwlllt,(' I'



:Ift ,' rwnl'd s

I l't1l'11 'I'd

'I rIll "r'owni ll" ' 1II,'IIIe '"~,'I}(' I"l " , lind JI' \'III.' (i l'flY '" ~ "II', St' h oe<linl; " I' , 1\'1", I s tl1<' Hn il :\,11". :111 11 ,\I I'S . Of M I', IInu ;\ I I's. 0"<1 I'!-i l ' " 'l lul"lllll;;"" I'




\\1 11t ~It',

~ 'jll'l ':\',

(. ' 11 · ,:-.(,'1 '

W a y n sv ll i . :\1. E , e hu l'c h.

" \\'lI y ~ lIld y

i I )., (: 1', 1,'",

St ll t C " " 1Iluntin ;-, HIll' I" " IIw lnl ",1' Rln' , 1', T, 8I1l'~mA UG II . ' Hu nJl'i P, · . Stro ll p!'!'! ~t ' l l ~l lt n ~I Jf' I'I'Y . R (' v , 1', T . BI'l,U:llbu u" h Il I1Il!1H lon , o f D elta 0:1n1JI1:


\\. I !'i


h r

( ) 1'\'



T h •. ~11 1 •.I"c t


, 'h ,I I' II 's

)oIl'S .


in (' 1\" \, ,'}:l l1d alld

S llmnlL' !"

It llli


" ngllg ln J'( In till' l;'I'Il C I'y bu s l n tiS ,

Ih'I' I.\' "" :-;,,1'1 11 /i ll ·,'ll.

1';l g hll'l' n ," C'll'l' ago. 11 11', L. 1\t. :\11', II ll l t ."1':-:. IJ a l'lIld :\I i ll -.t' l' nt. ' t'· ially OPPuI' tun (' lime to fi r I '),i I : ,lIlllJ1a \)~' Ita 1"'11 1I' l'n II )" J I e Is a Sflocl il l ~ t! in Utl~jllc ss wit It hl:-4 t :III1 I,d th tl fulb H\ i Jl ~ III !"-4ulld ay din - ll C' IHII' ,-sfl lI ' uP -'Hrn o :\ssoci nt d with h"v(' him hN'C, It I .. 't n unll ual \' eY>lbul'g G ,'n nge. Mon uuy ('venln g, \\'i II 1: 1111 ~lill"I' till' \\'IIYTH '~ vlll l' Nallun,,1 Bunk as Ill' '' , ,\11' , 1I 11l1 ~lt'", (alltu', "r he PJ'ogl'11 11l l' j ' n,lcl'(ltl w a s as (ul · prlvll '!;" l u he fi b\.' lu li ea l' h·lm, a nti ~ I I', II l1 ll ;\1 1'1" I'a lll HIIYlh' " and IIHNl:ltanl !.' a H hi ~I', l'IHl ng- to lI(,hler :\11', a lld :\1'-8, J, D. 'h ,~pnH111 lI f l o \l' ~: thi s pia ' a n I Dr, llml ~II's . Dudl ,,\, HI')1 J' ;ll u loI,' DI'I\'", JJl' y l u n, .'Ig hl Yl'l\ l':I II go, lie, l'ved In th is Vo h I ,010 b y Eat' l EIlI'n ll,u'l, "Un ,

'1' rombon&

, 0 10

n adin ~

larl< ; loy


Iw rles


IL '


Children's Day Observed Sunday Happy' Hour Club Meets

K c "('1' of Cc ntc l'\' llIc \\' c r e ~ u st s n t th., \\,Nl<il n l; a)1U tl) o I'cc epl;'I\1 ,

Chlltl ,'c n's Dny \VIlS 0 11 'CI' \' by 'Mrs, L WIM ~rl" h .. tl i,.;l hur' 'h , . und"y,

<i II I


£1 v n

rltl l t! ..('n w c r e la'k pn Inl o th,!' I'llurch Orn.os I'S

M·ISceIIaneous Shower For M·ISS HeIen Kruer

u.inrge l)lnk l lOrasol lO eO \'el' 90 \'IHlted P I IUlU.D l Vi ew Cl lIf. ,. w oll k n own Co r Its hlstor l n,l vulue, O n

Ie flh owe r o C gift 8.

in 1!l:!::i

, ·Iltl, . .. I' \\ ' II IIt IlI),;I" " :1 1th,. I S70 ,

'\' 1l")I' ,"

wi l l

<I"g l" 'e 1'1'0 111 Ohio Sl n t '


PI'('s"nt"u a Vlll'Y Int<,,'c ft tlng III'Ogl'l1 l11 al th e I' I; u l lll' lIIeNln,; "r Lh o llul"

~" n l '('a

III th e (»'" c t il'o III itN' it l/ m e , >il1c I'C el\' 'd 1"' 1' ,\ ,

nl'y til !ltuu IIlH III 'J UHli n will 8 p e, t1~

Till' \\'ayn /iv lli o Farmel's O l'nngo


' n J.:" g~ lI

M I' ,

W f\\'NES \ ' II,LE GrtA SGE t 'Ll RNIS llt:S I'ROGIli\1\I


aft,,), tlwlr .. 't urn 11lL' b ritl p \\' ill I I<'


Ulll dn1lgh1el'

1' , - 't' p t l tl ll


SIH.' rul th~ '

IIgh l ful dn y, the m c etlnl; WIl8 ad, JlJu l'n d to meet' n i'xl m onth with

mis, Thlrty,fh'c Wuyn mwlll sIs, co nfln d Lo Blulr' s H o!m l tll l Is r ecovTI r 'llI~ nicely CI'ol n ~ c I'lollS InJll l'lell I'C, I\' I' prcsc llt le ee lv~d In (I II lltltom oblle acciden t. __' _ _ _ _ __ WIlS Mrs, 'u s l Evnn!! lind Rev, Cl nd L el1u tlf u lly cfl rded olll In th o \}owls o r p I n\' a n d \V hi t o rO tlcs wI , I e II w er o "[rs, Angle and lWO c1 :LUg it tel's tl nd sun " llon t the w('ek cnd wllh rrlends atll fully nt'l'lI n gc d a I)Ou l lIlc r oo m s, fl l M a n tlfl c lil, Ohio, Th ey atlon<l eu ' h o ulnlng l a b I h ad for I t ll cCIlI ", r " u iloll brill In pink o nd whil e church s I'vlces wh ll thel'o , They a I , I 01',




SaU('l'lltwalto 1\I,'S, 1\1 a 1'\ 1111 lIoUl;h,

Ann :'11(1 .M r. nnd 1\IJ's, lJellut\hl l. Walt,,,· I,,,py a ttt'ndell the J lltltln Funcm l IIn'tl n g m nt M wcre com , 1) ; 111<" It "lew fitlntlay nl!;'ht a t III )1 I d by th e Slubbs F lln r a l Hom !! A)'t I n ai li ut , Duyt o n . u[ \ VuynlJHv lll ' , with J am" Carn b ~ I I', a n <i 1111'1', '11 ,'1 ::;anllCr lind lind Mike Lllm\} uffleluting n t th e l1:1 h)' uf ':\la Stl ll \\· ( · 1· .... Suntlay SlI JlJl E." I' I nMt dI es In G r een Dl'lnr Cliur h, 1;1I~ " t .. or Mr , lind lilt'S, J o hn Guns, MondllY, ~:OO p, In , InLel'menl In 1111l\1r:i. Dul fi y Hnydl' l~ and .L\h'~. \ V, 011\1 l ' l1I efe l'y, Eo t: r llh:1I11 ,' IHltc t! with ~ I,·:;, , 'a m 1I:1 I'"hll111n IInll M I'S, Su Bl'ul\'n 11 1I,,,'s l ll lllln, Dlll' lun 1111 IIJomlay uC,

Miscellaneols Shower

,Fu,'mcr's 'Iub 1:1 co mpo8c<i of

(' l1l1dl"n uf thu club l11em 1)1.' • 1'8, rccl-


li t

Ilutd ,

CIHCO hUH al'l'lvcd l O HIll'",1 th ... Hu m , J , T . Ril ey of Jo"'I1!,~ lIn, After a <le-

or It tll' IIru. m any a n d

Ie ·tion s by lh U ,'chcSll'll \\,hl ' h

h u:o; l

socl u l hour,

tations l.Jy n o~' an d S u e Furnlls Il al'lun , )(uth a lld Nil' Eu ln H ou k , Pl'lln ces \\,hltI1 IH,1' 11 nd


ere I u I'oll n d l1e r' catli< ,t , In h CI' Inl' uIlll. iI' )1Il , t u

durin" th e


fill s >! I>l u r y Dun'l Il uug h lip c nt lasl V II ~u ll(ht~', JUll efi ... h o hau " NlCh ,

I"'cs(' nt d

'I r s, P a u I tcv .. . n II ve'I Y pi en san el tI, r c lurn h om Su n uuy cv", n l n g Iy enlel1.llln ('d a nllmh I' of nc l g h the" hII" lun c ll \\'Ith ~'Ir a n(] 111- 1 ,. f ' 1 I 11 . ... ," . ~, IOrs Jill... r,,,,nI 8 fi t n m sce Iln OU8 J'is ,lph Sha mbaugh o[ l~u rveYlO\} urg , showcl' n t h ,,1' h ome (ll tho co ,' n er' 1II1', \ \'nlte!' Elzey halO bc"n co n, r L y tl e R oau,. nn d ""n n k"eo St ,'ee t • 0 flllt'll l o hlH IJe<!, . ' uI'Cel' ln ~ Crom- u '" Id .I J lOti I I .' r' I1Y ev'n n g, line I, n 10110 1' Il~VCI'C h ea rl attock , oC M i ss 11 I n Kru er, n bl'lde- t o,bc, OUl of Be so n gU I'1n nt s scal ed In 'rh ove nlng Wit' sp c nl In SlI 'S8'

The Invl led guests w e r e: the g u alof 10 0 ~1 dnm S Henry W tltln s 1 n I' , • ell " ' hlll' l II \oVitlkln s .111110 1II11ten berger, ('Is n Wl1l1t1ns, flrmen Crllne, harles Le1\1uy, n nd R, A , onn r'; moth proof bags at I'cg ulm' el n nlng Inll'lI o ntoslS, games, a nd \lTlllns: pl'iccsI I f tl I Id ,. [ tile MIHs('" IIm h on n er. M a l'Y Ed, :1' V ce o r' 10)1' e o nu g l'oom, 0 , Lndl('s Fur 'Trimmed oats 9Gc ' 1 I h Ibid I wnrd<l, 1\111'10111 'Luding ton , ' Mildred ' , ( (.1' WI C t lC I' e UtlWl'IlPI)e<i 'I el' M en'H Ov I'con l s, 70c li t Quic k In'eB nts that werc n il vc rv nice as Lllrl'lck, Mnt'!;l o Tinney, 1I.l ru'b"ll.l'c l • CINl n el's, II r 1 Hlll' lman , DOI'IIl S UI'Cne , bvc lyn Fur \1' os u se u . 1111', ulld lIIl'S, V r n Armitngc wero n (ll<. , lim n. Smith, lIenna Woola l'd, TU <!!lday ev ' nlnll' dinn er guesls oC E ls ie M al' Wlc:. I , u ll il Bt'l'n a rd E. 111", a rid :\It's, Will St. J oh n , Lo ' th o roll owllll; l aui es: Hoy le, Dolor o!! (,Inrl<, LouIsa Zlm, MomlilY ve nln g g u os lH oC 1\IIS8 III Cl'mlln , r~l.! ula h B er nlll'u, Evcl y n h lll h e.rlno GIl.bon s w cr> lilt'S, O li ve John .. , Anlln. Mae Walkins, and Car, 1 I ' n son of D et.-olL llnd the Misses ol y n Luk ollM. 1\Irs, Doris Hoyl , a nd M a l' lo and D Ol'othy Pl'nhn oC Day, the h osl ess, lon. _ Dainty rcfr ahmenls \V Ol' s r\' d,

at th ' mornin g !;el'\'\c , n , v , 'Ln <: y

h,b 1lC': c1 nn

Hl x

I . ... a l

.'t lt lid tl I" "i<!rl ; '

l ·" pa 'i t y IInti l hl:l IIne xl l eel d d 'oth Su<'lall ,l ' i n , YuYI1l'sville

1';"" l " l'll

i'1 :l t'

InRI!l"'li" n II I


lIIol, f or hi" s ,'mo n " Sno w \\' hlto" S Il' fI~log

h o m " or Jll r''', Ell FUI'IIU S, ,],h ' PI'N" 111 <'II l , · ~Ir,., 1 -1 1I l'l'~' Hmlth, pn' ~ ld. ' l1

nll'l1lh I'M y i lln


IIl g ht. ' I' h ('y \\" ' 1'(' .\11' , and

~II'S, l1 "s,-; II I1 t'l Sock, :\11'. a llll' 11 1" 1<,

I ttll,"'1I1" ill'll " II""", !\frs, lJ . II , li nd :\11'11, I :, n , ('n ilI'll,

j tlyah) .... m (l(11In,; on 1'l1 (l~lhl Y oL th l'

lh" CILlIllltl('s whic h mo l'

l'l'II n e II n<i

''' 1'1 11(' 11

til \'I" on f; ulIdny ,

at Mrs. Furnas Home Tit" Illl pPY lIollr

~I ..",

:\11', II lIti

111)', li nd f" mll y



1" I':l n1<

I III t'l'I!;U II , I n ll "

', I tirl!;o

11,, 1(,' 1' a nil I\'el'


omll1 un-

II r , IIl r , IIl'm] I'sun be longcd lO t ho

nlclube r

:\l a!-4o nl c 0 ,',1\.,1' ll ilfl ,,'us fl

uC SL 1I1m'y's Ep l scupal


Su r'vlvlIl's I ncl ud e his w idow, Martha O ' N n il Hondt' r so n ; on d a ughIPI', lit 1':;, All) I' t KI'cll lng, N wPl?rt. K nlueky; o no Ao n, Burd, o[ W ayn ...:<vll l ('; n nu

O ll l'

bruth el', Fred B,

II wl er Hon, IIl so u[ 'V aynesvlll e,

ll 'l' !;lIl'"t .. "c ~II'. lind 1\11''', A~"'rn 1" U 11('1'11 I :< ' I'v l 'es will b e h lei Prl :\[,,1Ioh, ~Ir , li nd :\II'H, Cl lC'st l' r H n l" uurln g th bU 8 In c,,~ nll'l' t1ng, "o n II IHI !.ltll l!t'l' ll who 111L\' I",on vls- lill Y lit ~ :ao p , nt, In tho M lul'o \ h I I I I I In th ,'cnlng a pr01gTUIl1 ,by th I t I ,~o (' [\ \ 11' 1' \II , I 10 IH'og-I'li m I"um' l'lI I II nlf', BIlI'lnl 1\'111 b In MlI I '0 li t I II r ',I ,~'ll,'llJ1 ' u Itlng' ti ll ' i'l1 1'1I " I: '.. ['('ltll'n",1 h nm e 11 th'en wrts Pul un ulllIl' r l h e I fid el', c trim e l' , <,on s s ng- 01 ,' ~ 11 1111 'cmet!:)I'Y, sl1 lp of t he l\lISfiO!j lI ' l n 11 11 \\'1< a l1ll \ Val'l'I'n find I1n ymonli B ,'a d doc k a nd wiLl: ~II', 11 11,1 ~I l''', Ha k e t' Irrltluy c v, _ _ _ _ _ _ __

lip charn et r und :< h o \\'in~ how ~ood ,


Vivlnn on 111 I' and Mrs, Kl'ilt, l' 11') n l<, pl'e~e nted a s pl u TIlIIll I' llinl;, MIs><c~ i'fl'S, D , ~. I till ge nnd lh Hall'h Hnstln gs , ..\ 'nnll'lt ., c ntltl(" 1 PI'\I.,I', In , '1'1Ie! CI I lid 1'I'Il I)a l' II C' I pa tl nit 1'1 '" WCI' as f oliowlI: ' l'r'iIl,' rHl ' lIlId M OI'brill' ,t 1.'ltlwnl'tl!1 nt , " I!J dlor~' Hour" \\' U8 1l1'(lH nt d , [ l'nch 'li II Il ,Intitlul' :-;,, 1(' III L C' ilu llll n 'I' hls sho\\' ~r1 til(' cltlldn' n III r'eh 1\ 1'_ l-;eh: c tlun" I y tI", IrlU., com p ost'!1 !.r snJs anll th elt' " l()l' y pt'r\ulI: ,\I I"" \,11', Anllll L ouise Jl on l, Hl th' ,,111 110,1 1 I , I tI~t1 ·l'I H'sflny. Ollt o C s 'II~"" g'; II'lIwnLs spa l d In .,Inla j'r' ill n \'b l')' c"plI l,l y II<'l ~d 118 en lII a l'l;'.ll'c t Oons I\'llh hell s . n nd moth \ll'" "r ba g,. at I" 'g-ula .. ('I e ll nlnglhc t nchcI' In t il pl ll Y. "T he Hun, l\1(l nlmllll,\ Hon l< with lit t'lar\Il('t ; ))1 '1 (18rillY c h ou l Br'l "'Hi e" In'lud('u RI:' ·It:.llIo ns by \ Vllh Imlnll H r.- m l ll o ·l, L m li ,~' 1·' 11 1' ll'llIlm ,1 " O:l t" , ~Gc; you lIl;Cl' ho),s, S ,lIIl1Y ~1I11 I', Furnns , J a n el ]J OHt 'I' , 1::1l1 a ~I n 's \'(' 1' ' Oll t >!. 70" :I t Quldc l eu n, S l m l)s,!n, Dilly ] uv l ~, \\'"iT n HUIII" 1.Iolllli e Ilnd n Lly :-;atlN' th , I'S, han, Hal'bn E n rnh tl l'l. a n t! waite , Dur othy II l1d 1I111'illlll \V II~on , 111" , Hill] :\11':; , JIlI'I, \;: \.'l'l",'y nltelll] Stubbs , ncellnllun by 1 uthle E tu'n , Cal'O l J3unll ~ II, flnil Hny (o'u ,'n a ,, ; PI, (" I till' ,lu :<U n Da[) ('" Hl'vl 'W ilL lh o I Htrl; ~onl;, N a llmi ];;3I'nllll l't; Exu, u n t) II I , ,t ili ns by G lenn Sm llh ami AI'l I n'll i t ll lC', D nnon lItt Sunday ci s "Our D C!lt Frl nl\" by L ois a nd l:; cll, U oall; ~3 t 'u p :;al m liy J enny L 0 nlS It t. J1uth aod

1I0\'LE,WALTON N Ul'TIJ\ .L S 1\1lss Ornec H oyl e and 1\,,', }{ elth '\'n lt on WOI'C qui etly III III 'I' I d at the nl t ed Brcthern


luck with

flcJ:~tlng ut

,]'ho o nly

hUI'eil In B CLl ver-

th e Rev , Hnmmo n orlh e '~ r " lnuny, a tten da nts

wer e


" rid 's sil,t I' MIss Ruth Hoyl e a nd IIII', Clu r n co . mlth, The hr' ld w nll (,I'ep e with whlto

l ovoly


acc 8so.- los o r BIIS'e of wh lto t'ORes,

blue a nd

REELEL'T OFFICERS AT ANNUAL MEETING " At lhe I\nn1-l0.1 'meeting at the Lot Own ers oc ' the ,Miami ,m el ery AIJ. ,90c llltlon, 'h eld nt th e

Impel Monday

JU~h,:r, "

. '.f.{n wke nnd Hockett were r -\lleeled tor a l'cnr t erm, to



L, 111. three

A. S, 0010

l ett, Hownrd Graha m, M. A. '8 . .l1li .nnd C, L, Duke. Th ... clerk, Helen

reo@lected tor



M. Bll.WIAilki :V~


Page Two s,

* 112




M l!in S

Mulcbing Of New Shrubs'Advisable




Entered A s Second

B etween tho ukul 10, tho comera a nd her surrealistic painUni, Gracie Allen mantlges to ke p 1'0 ther bus )' f or a ,gal who Is 8u~lposed to be slightly on the dwnb side, capable of grasping only one thLng at a time, Being tho network zonle she is, no one prob J bly eVI~ r suspected G racie could be serici us long e nough to play the uke, much less draw pictures' with such tities as "Dogs Gather on Street Corner to Wotch Men Fight" and "El'es Adrift as 'Sardines Wrench at Your Hearlatfillgs",-and maybe she wa sn't s er ious, But the patntlngs have drawn grent crowds when exhibited in Hollywood and Chica go Ilnd are n ow scheduled for 18 New York ' showing, Anyway, Gracie must have bad fun doing th em,

ffice, W aynesville, Ohio

- O. SAGE, Publisher


S ubscr:ipLion l~ \'ie e , $UiO rel' Y enr, Pnyable in Ad vnnce

An Independ e nt

e n 'ie r W nyn csyill e Giving its potr ns the be st n w spape r h Ulllon ly p osNe~' sp n)l or

D dienl cI to the

-SPORTSMEN'S a nd 'ficinity -

~ ble,

hI :Irl n g


,"' PI'I'!-/'



.\ :-....::n . \\ III IlI ' wi,\"

By Har-r-y E ldr-idge, Jr-. 1\11'. Ji:; ldl'iclg (,'H ('ohull n :l ITh'Cft I"~L

:11 1

:--t ' !lll

"I"h ll

.!'oIP"l' t ~II"\n'~

:qq)l.'irllf' d


("Ol Ulty

IIH' rnl,, ' !' lit' lilt'

, ·.'lllllli! tt"


w ill


hd ,}

tll :H :111 11l"IUI,t' r s can tV'II I'

Rlchard Hlmb er, m aes tro or the CBS "MoDclay Ntrht Show." has s tirred up plcnty of melody and laurels for his UUray years, Plenty or brains behind his s kyrocketing to fame ••• SpeaklDg 01 tame-thOle DeVor e Sisters on "Vocal Varieties" via NBC are duo for plenty of U. Critics ha ll them liS the best sister te am on the air.


:\ 11'10-1,1"",,' .. 11 11 f""1II (""ll11i~~ I.,n , (n r t il(' hl):'h ll!{lIts In tlliH wl' l'I, ' ~ 1'1' I., " """,11'11 ill ( '" hllllhus jus t 11.1· O Il:I PUf', Fn l1l1 1111\\' on \\'f.' !'\IJa It ,' n , \' j" " " I hat Ill' will Iw g\II,1 It) 11 It ",,,I c1 l ':tVUl' tf) In :\ I,e It a I'c):, ubr frattlr,-' lI llIl ' ''1': 1'' H I 'rhl' Franldi u I1H 't· til1 ~. n'ul1tagf"'ci .


htH\' ('>V(' I"

nw1-\ (\



Fred Waring and h is Pennsylva nians, long absent from tlie airwaves. return early n ext lo Uin a se ries ot weekly half hour programs ••• Year'. contract r eported to call lor a $10,000 weekly pay· check , , , Norris "Abnc r" Gol! of "LW1l and Abner," has just bought [\ si x-hole golf course which adjotncd hIs p r operty in Hollywood,

I '; ""r~' "p"rl s llIlI lI in til ,' ( ' (J unt~' , i~

tilp l'''Pl' t', nl,'ptinj! n,C thC ~'-/l'T"n

C.,\l lI ty i,, \'il.',1 tn 1I t1 (' ''11 1111' .. 1 :\1" , " 'onlll'll, I~t.h ,,,,,I U(JI11C A "~ n , ofrlc CI'H \\,;l~ whll is ill .'hll l'/:,(' IIf th £' Ohlll Did, A

1I..t11 In 1.!'1>a n n , Ins t Friday nl,::h t. At Ihl" tim e it W;\~ ,1l'<:ld ('.1 to hold tll p JII' 1a ge ncl'll l Ill!' tin" nl Fr:l nl;, lin In J UIlI'


L ',.;iu Jl

ll n ll,

)t onday,

2 7, T hc /'CMlOn (01' thl~ ht ,' 1'

wns uuc ' bot h to J)1'(' \' loUM br,,,I,In ~s i) rn~,~r.-:\nll til(' (",,111111:' of n , f.lpcc1uJ h 'a rln g a t ~o lu ll1bu", Jun ~I , 011 1 n clat s n nd bng limits fo r t hlH tall's hunLing senSUll , Jun o 22 t h!' L'onsel'\'Illlon ('ouncll w ill l11al(o th II' 1'\llI ngs (or th II' Y a I', It Ie fl OS Iblo th Ol th du k seaso n m a y con,l tl lll<'

~ inll


('II ,, ~c r\'atioll,

••• ,I.



Lhil'd plal '('


lIf 1,lng">I the-

~ Iil h.



Joan Blaine. " Valiant LpdfJ,! - -MltiM -Ma'" -11_ mulling over two BI'II11fiway stage offers ••• Bob Burns Is laying,away hJs baz ooka for a vacam from the Bing Cro sby s bow •• • Crosby himself rest. tor elgM wee ks tbis s umm er when tho aame -Babin , Burns wlll be In oharge of the Thursday night MUllo BIC'.hard Blmber Ha ll proceetUi&ga , •. Likewise. Ed,ar Ber,eD wlll be tu ckIng l!arley l\fcCa rthy away in ~e Charley calla home e r e long' for a two weeks' rest from mlc~ophones. Don'a IIIe surprised II W, C. Fields chooses that particular time ~ IDeo back to the ooffee program wblle the "Uttle DIpper" Is In his utcbeL

11l("n ',S


1'!'" l1ll'lon"h14l.- " t 'flt th C' l h rc';; - I I\'Y-::; til · hl o !';taw (1'11 11 " hoot h ... lu on the " lI l1tin lln g rnl1 n ol~, Taun """ ",O l'!' WilS 1~4 x 200, >! eo ncl place \\'11 " t/( k!' n by ,10 H lesta nci , th" ,lc(C' I1(llng c hul1l plo n, wit h n ~~()I',' of I 07x~ 0 a nel fll'st place \\';lS \\'o n h ,l ' ~ y!'n ,' olll )Tnrlt H oot,mlln or I Il c'ks,' lIlt' , h~' hn'llklng JO x~ U O , l:r-and Amel'lcn n 2;'

'See Us for Genuine When you check up on harvesterthresher and binder repairs this year. , don't overlook your c:anVaaelI, GenuI inc I He Canvuca, &!Old as repairs, are id~tical in quality with the eanvUeII


IHC Canvases

that come with new machines, They are strong, long-laatil\g, and snug fitting, We have exact sizes and exact fits for every M cCormick-Deering Harvester-Thresher lind Binder,


Ul ut 'h



I Wu : t n '

nr'tl y ,"

U. H.


I'u l o l\

F\l r "~ I1 ' Y

1> ' P H "till 'm


nta l StlllllJn ,

lit tl ",

'I'hi s- 1l1uleh tnny, I ~,-' tlf II n y

" (' I 'C


I '\'I~ln,





C;uv 110 7.I\ hn II lul \" trlo ll s m nlf.' I' ln l H TWill I nll:-;~. " , , I f 'Ill II\' \\ ' 1'(' :-;unllllv a(t' 1'I1<1UI1 n l111 l C'tlVl'S Rtl"a \\', J.! I':I:-;S d p }l lt1 g~, III" , ' , \\' hl ' ll'-' ''I' I' 'IS1 1 11 1.'\'"1 11 ": \' i"l t' ''''' lit tli .. Iw ll'." or 1>1t', U1UUl1 r 0\' ;1 Il) l '. sc r \'~~ ~" \'I ' I': 11 IHll'l'n~" !"l .

It l1Iu lnl :ll nR 1I, ,,i~IIII'I' III til "

" Xl l'Ctll" ~

t (l tl1tll' I'H '-' • 11 y (lI' tUIl \,

tUI( ,

" t<


" 1101

;tnd ;\II'~. Frll llic Hru w J1 i n 'I'!pp<, li n , Ill' (' j1r, \\'h .. r~ tht.' lr III th I', 1'11'H,


A 1l1u lch

",11, 1 ~I ,"' \ H .. III1IOI'I' 1'1'111111 11

!-,(I 1l t l ' lI11h: rn ' : 11111 '''', ' p:; d. )\\11


L ola Hutchinson, 16,yea r-old s inger from Wichita, Kans as. who made h er first r adio a ppearance on NBC networks a few weekJI ago, already has been tagge d a comer, , , The Friday' nlght " Song Shop" on CBS is scheduled to f a d e June 10 , , , Benny Goodman is studying Europeb ound boat sailtngs , , , The Monday "Radio Theater" shutters its ~oors, J uly 11 for a summer lUll, reopening Sept. 11 , , • Linda Lee, de.lovely R ipley \varble r . Is b omcsick f or Nnw-leens , •. Jan Garb(lr, wbo checks 01T B u rn s & Alle n, J lIly 4, may be te atured tn his own prograin, "What Do You Kn ow Ab out Movies?" , , , Walter King, Eddie Cantor' s ann ouncer, ha s scorl'd as a singer on the show, , , J im CF'lbber McGee) J or da n plenty proud of daught er , Kathryn , hlgb-school gr,a d this mont"

at th at

'. • • At tlw 193~ tln nu ll i m('e tl ng the : 11l'1'll1 WII <1l1fc F eLl em llo n dlrector v oted h\ cha n!;!' th ei r no me to :o..'ntlunal \\' ihllifc Fl'd ' I'u tlon, :tI'l Shll 'mak er, ~"C l' n UII'y r thc F del'a llon ",I'!tes In JJ:11'l as fullo\\'s: "Th e fll'<" tI"Il1S Iic(' nslng blll I do n t lJl'li '" wlil \>1"'1:> ti t th is se>!~ i o l1

Luko St, Ma rys BE-oems to bo Ict.. Ung a ll but a f w 'IVat'ren unty rtsh ermen hold the bag _ ami nn ulmost empty one at lhat. It III th e wl'ltel" s opinion thnt r egardlcss of th e high , pressul'e :stocklng being 1I0ne up the re , th e Intense tlshlng th,!t lalte Is being s ubjected , to Is pulling th e ndult fis h s upply 'down a t su ch a r a te th a t s oon we'll ha ve to loo k eJsewller - a nd ntter ' Indian Lnkc - wha t? Tllcre Is no I'ea-

i\lI!1R Ht. rn l,' (11'11 111'111, ,In COmplll'ly wJth Cd"ntis f,'ol11 Dnylon, loCI, '111,111, d,\~' I1Im'nln.;, ttl "'1)(Jnd thll< wCQk 111 I',onllcsl . , I' , N ' Y ,

I ~I:', .. r'

, ' "

~I I'~,


F. 'T. Martin Auctioneer


(tul l(' 111.

(1 t'.~c nw(Jod ,

IlI II a n1

~lrH ,


Subs cl'ibe t o your local newspap er

fl' .

'I I/II ;\ 11''', It,ll I'll :-;tU\\'I' II ml c-lrlldr(' 11 , '





S\ll1dnY "\,l'Ii hl ~ . Ihlll f' l' ~1lt..'~ l 8 or



('o un(I'Y hom of lho Intt r'lI cuuI'l n;., 'M r, un.1 J\I~' II, HOITIfI! llvnl" 111'11/' Itlr'lul1 uml, 8und"y, \\111101' I\ll'H, ,loh nH rOllllllnl'd rur 1\ two \\' l'ul('11

tun , Sunil:,), 'p \' (l uln g',

til L'



• ""Idl t" u ' h

AlIl' n 1':l11l'l ek,

1I 11t1

c II1IWlltl\'I' \"'I':,'(lI t""" h a d, .. f tlt e l1,\11 ', ;1111 I .\'I I' ~ , I'",n III II I'la r ~ t I' I lllil ' \00 \ ' (' Il1 l1 lt ' I' iah; l nl.' dH tl\( \S C nt'\ d ~ {,hih lJ't ' ll ,n 't'(' . ' ullrlar a ft t' I'IH) On ,'a ll k

Centerville, Ohio



to 11 11I 1'!;c l'x t '"t.


1\l aoUI'(' iR p l'l'h :IPS tlh', 1" ':;1 uf t il'

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,P hone 78J


\\'; dlt '1' l'l'IH'i de

mll tcl'lalH fol' /1/ 0,,1 plants, a" It nl1o'"

,\11' , all d ~II' >I, ~ t ll lll l' ~' Bn ll .. y n l1,l oI '\II,.:h ll'I' , ~ l l s~ 1-:\'a \\'h ll l'l" " ," '1,'1 1\J,', Pat on " tlltNI th a t In hi " " ' 1"'1'1 , ~II' , L"l'r ll H,,"lzlI hn a tl r l1,h,,1 11 p il', l' Il C f. '0sh ('OW tl1:lJlIII'(' h . l~ H"1'\' etl IIi". ~ lJllcI :lY : ,l tt l(' S l1 I1U Ht ' " lIu lno o r we ll \\' he n U P)J}i\I(1 i11 It 1l1"d t 'ra ll' ,\I I' , 1,',oI d y, "o ulh of Ilt ll"" ,,r .. , Hc" 1110 1'

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The IIl'ca to be mu lclled d l ' l ) l' l1ll ~ I'nl.' o n the 811.' IIf til e pl a nt "lUt Ih l' T llhnr' C'o g TOWl't'S I n wl >lh s o f t ite OWIll' I', ~llIll'1t1l1g' a ",,'I''' \ll,.a pl'nln l"Li 10 o n Rldt"l"[1 uJ c


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"hlnt wo ulrl he Il<'H t, iJut t hl ~ Is 1m, pl'lloti cu blc In n ost in ~ t l\ lIc(, ~, At leas t. IL ~ , 0 1' 3,(not ('l l'd e sllo uld IJ ' COl' I'ed, The mulch muy be Rp",lc'd IlItll tI, l' soli shl/ Ilowl)' t he 'lext Y"'''' ""d r , ne wcn, tf possible,

p 1.l ll l s

1111 \'('



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Ills n~ ,' , " ' VlltHlr ," ;\11', HIILI ~I r", TIH'I' IC' J o n C:i ,, ' ('(1 111 , p a ll I,." ;\ II' ~ , ~I I\ .-gn " !'t ,lohn A t il L1 lc


Pre.eatia. the BOlt aad Late.t

a ll lw n rui l1('d wit h l h ...





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thp r'l' ,n'l of lhi:-; t'('prc,s\' llt:II !\',-',

~" "

\\" k f,'l' pll hlicnthlll,

That " Attorney at Law" dally drllma starrirtg Billie DeVoro J im Ame che a nd Frances Car lon, with Dolores G illen, Conn ie Osgood and other radio stars featured in Ule cast, is s o popula r it Luis becn moved 0\1 an a nernoon spot on the NBC-Blue network, Now beard a t I p, m " C, S, T " daiJy, ~akes a gre at otternpon r a d io fure us it follows thc popular " Betty and Bob," " Amold Grimm'a D a ughler," "Vali a nt L a dy" a nd " Hymns ot All Churches" on NBC,

t o fll' lHl :t

,,':lJ"I" 1\


:111,11 111' h' 1,,"'1';1 1 l11i «' l l l1": 111 IH 'dt · J'

Inl ,'


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, Id .. cUIIlI1lUnI!Y · llt Ly, Wt'· "tt. I U-zl.1\' " 111I' l'):'''11, Jr, or 1111 0111 , 1.. 11, "'II 11 hi e 1,\ \ "nllhI 111: tOI1 , ",riB :I n ",.,' , 11 1 ~lI t IWt'R t, "10 III IllY. ut ,Ill s ,'<l USIIl", MI', li n I 1I11'M, ~""lt ~' I ' K en . 1'10'1., "N ' wb' nl ll ntl'll ~hl'lJ h" 011(1 ",'l"" ;\II~" l' l lt '~' Tlwm l\ ~ fl/t u,',lc\ In n ~, nK ~" ull.'I,I,1 I ~' 1ll,1)!'I,,',1 11 ,,' f\l'~t !lan,',' Ii ,,' \1, ' al Art I I ~H tltutl', JJ IIY,.


V E T '£ R I N A R I A N


Fift h Street

'P hone 30 Waynesville, Ohio

hlldl'c n's Dn ~' c ~ (' l'cls!'" of L~'tl c Sund'lY School will I.Jc g ll'c lI lit th hurch ncx t Hunday (' \'(' ntn g, Bv r-yone Invlt d, loJr, and Mrs, Milton Sh(' hun o { Center ville w ~ l'e Thurs doy n ft I'n oo n ca llers of Mrs, Altce 1(1.I' k , The

, ...............

Levee Building, Ditching Excavating

M r , a nd MI·s. H ILI'vey B urnet untl Mr, nnd Mrs: Hnrold 'Whltnk l' a nd ch ildren a tt e nd d 'th Way ne ')'owo, 'ship Farm er-'s Club, Thursduy, a t th e country hom e of MI' , u'nel ;\[I'S, Keller Hoak nea r- Wnynes,' lIle, Mrs, K esle l' GI'all:un n ntl do ug h , tel', Miss Be rnice, s pcnt ,\Vednes dn y a nd Thursday a t the hOlTI e of Mr, a nd Mrs, A, E , WhIte In olum bus

Leave name with Miami Gazette for eatimate.


w: P. Watson, Mgr.

Phone 3708

....•..•.•..... Prof. J olin Holt, his wlCe nnd daughtel', with (;oach Geo, Houch, .. nd \\'Ife of Sp rlns bOl'o, go t u Ce w 'hn nn l) ls (ur l h ir ~c linu nip last TIIl"n,clay, Ray D~g a n, his V ntl u nd SO n sLn ~'ed wlLh F .'!'d K ILhn wh e n H, L Da ley le (( the luke t1 lsg ust cdb ut g t on ly n ml ~; hty {e w caLf h,h

Miss Murglll'cl L acy , of Dlln n , h; SIJc ndlny this week with h".. r (01' th eil' nigh L'a fi s hing, D r, Hock .., g l'fl ndrn oth e l', ?vi I'S, Emm't r..>I 0 )' , o f F l'unk lln got jUHl t,wo 1IoIII's UI) S " ra l pe r, ons Crom her e a tt nrl there o n l\ qu ick trip Illst weck, but cd Gra nge III H a l'veysbul'/; , i\Io ncln." s ays h o was just Il'uttln g his m ark ' ' ve nlng , ' o n som e big ones 'Co r Cllture re fe l" nee! ___ Th L ylle Lndll'S Altl s f'I'v "d th t' hundr!'d n nd thl,'ly, Wilbu r Uuglesby Ilnd George ot flve g uests at Ce ntol'vllIo Aillmnl, ' I' rnnklln w ent to DIck's Dnm (01' ,ntu rcluy evqnln g, t ho openin g o[ basil season 1s t n nd Prot, ll~ra nk o f l.h e " oy nesvllle 2nd a nd broug ht back n s tory of n n R hools will g lvc mus ic lesso ns ( 0

$9 . 50 ,l .rANDAID 'JHE NEW



nlng, Irs , B Ile cott, Mrs, Ruth Mol' gu n nnd so n , Dubb y, \' I!dte d Mr, Ilnd :\11'8 , Paul WllIlo ms In Leb.'l.non, Thursday, Mrs, !-Jal'!'y Orah'(\ m was n Daylon vis itor , Monday, I,

Inw~~ng ~M~ ~t t~

',4.50 . '21


\. ,

49~* 4.5C» I 21

$9!!* 4.75 I 19

$IO~* !'

5.00 I 19

$III~* $II~* ~12~* 5.25 I 17·

5.25 " 18



'* *

* * *

"D ouble-C ured" lor extra t ougn ness all the way t hrough. New wid er, {lat t er . k stopping tread. ' qUlc IOOd% cor s, GOOdrich (uU-float:"g u,

cEaxtro-strong, bruise-resisting


1-!dew "strea mline" deeian BI ewalls, •


• Prices sub'~"I 10 clrance ' , will,aut noli/¥,

5.50 I 16


Goodrich STAND'ARD Smith's Service Station Wayne.ville, Ohio:



will come to your borne every day through

THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR AI! Intl nlalialfol Daily N tfWSPOP" It recorda tor ~ou the world'. clean, eonltrueUI'o doln'l l, The Monlt.of

doe. no' exploit crime or ..alaUon; neither doe. It llIlore them, but doall correcllvel,. ... Ilh thom, Poalurel for bun men and aU the Inoludlng Ihe Woekl, Malu ln, 8ocUon,

f amU,.,

-- ----Chrlltlan -----_ .. -------- ---------_.... -------------.------- ---. Sclonce Publ14bll1lf Boclet" Tho

Ono, Nor .... ' 8ueet, Bolton, MJ .ub&crlpUoD to Tho Christian Belenco Monitor ror 1 nar tII,DO I months " ,SO 3 mOnth. 12,25 1 month '&II We4nellla, IaIUe, In.ludln, M..,allnl BecUon ; 1 )'Oar u ,eo, 8 laIuOl 2M :l:~o~n~r


.m .




Sunday morolng about 4 a , m , Jule Gr-a{f n nd F~e.ct. Kah n got Ray Dugan up for n SIPot ot early cat, flshln/{ In the rlv'cr , Fred's 'story Is thnt they caught more th (1.n the fl~gC I'S on bo ~hh!tnds Ray's s tory Is that a ll ot 'em could be flut 'in onc h~nd, Draw your own co n, c lu slons, • The minute we saw this new Goodrich Tire we "sized it up" as a new standard of value -not onl y in name but in factI I magine ! Many features that a re found , only in our higher-priced tires are included in the new Goodrich Standard , Before you buy any tire come in and see it.


roi~j~~~~~~~~~~1~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -_._-"" ,-,- -'-

s Lrln g of fis h th eY snw ohanly d boel kept In the h a tchory tor publicity pic tures,


...... -.

Don't torg et to pick your fishing spot ea rly for t he openin g of bass seaso n ncxt Thu:rsdny, June 16, From a ll reports th ere will be more fishe rm en for each likely spot than ever before, Our tip Is to spend th e n c~ t Su nda y finding n spot not cosil y Ilccesslble wher e you c!tn use e lbow room, 1-1 re's luck LO you!



This column do<es not 'Set !tselt up all a n a uthority, but here arc so me 'Ups that may help your 'enrly bass flsh lrig, Brlgltten your BI>lnners with a solution ot vin egar ,n nd snit, Be sure to wipe 'em dry. A g ood ~Illtng IUI'e fo r stream small mouths can be mode by r emoving the buoktoll from a F ess Shinny W iggler a nd subsUlute an a rtlrlllial helg remlte , Ins tead ot 'sonkl,ng gut lenders In wnter ~ry s ottenlng tht'm 'in n solu, tion of (!'tur ounl:es dlstlled water, one ounce g lycel'lne, a.nd 1," tea;Jl.I)oon baIting soda., Leaders should' be kept In h e aolut,lon at alrtlmes Bnd leader box' pads kept moist with It, The lenders will not only ha~e a longer, u se!ul JJte. but wll lnotually be 8tronger. Don't forget In tI\llte of what your fishing mq lIllY - ttle IxuIa bjlg limit dQ bI o~ ttveand the lap]




march hand in hand wi~h private industry. Out company,

~oo, mak,es progress through experimentation and 'research work. We mte~d continuously to improve the &tandard and dependability of our

serv,lce and to develop more efficient methods which lead to better servlc~s to our customers, In keeping wit~ thiS' dete'rmiriation we have establIshed '\ complete laboratory and research bureau at our Miller's




, _,-


All, the equipment and expense are being employed to iti~tigate and ID1prO ' C operating conditio~s and efficiencies in Qur plants.

The 'Dayl . . . . . . . . Ie .... 11. Co.-


~~lu~n~d~a~y~,3~u~n~a~1~6,~1~9~a~8~~._~ ~ ~.~_~zz~~~~____~__~__~_______.~~'T~H~E~M~U~M_I_G_A__:~~________~______________ - ____________~~~~

Petitions Are Filed _For,Aug! Primal Y


I n tho Lord, Th y s h ull reat fr m th Ir labors u nd the ir works do fol· lo ll' the m . She h n8 gone to r ece Ive th nt welcomo plaudit : ' 'Veil don , thou good and tllithtul se rvn nt. En, t er thou Into the .Vny'S ot th o Loru . Her lite wOI'k 18 d ono, and s he lms gon e to enjoy the trulta of he r la ho r , and to be with Him who said : " Come unlo m e , ye blessed ot the f([t her , inhe rit tho Kingdom pre pared t or

t l ll 'l't." a

n 'Il~ll lIlI llh '

\ \ '1" . 1\


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f!""ll d s , tho ,


NEW Droad wny Limited eoon wllI be fl ashing ove r the ralls of lh o Pe nnsylvania Rnllroad be· ~w ee n N ow YOI'k and Chicago, Com· plol oly strcaDlllneu, lho n e w Broadway will reduce the runnIng lime bolween th e two cilles to 16 hours,· makIng new hIstory tor this foolous train. . Electric locomotive s will pull the traIn between N ew York and Har· rlsburg, Pa., giving way to sleam engines betwee n Harrisburg and ChIcago. Thus one of the best known trains In the country goes completely mod· ern, Including the luxuriOUS and distinctive dining cnr buUt ,by tlie Edw&l'd O. Budd ¥anufacturiog ComDany or Philadelphia, builders of etalnle8l! steel rail equipment... The dlnln·g car IJ)reaenta a ~a· · e10U8, ciub..!lke almo!lllhere. Intimacy Is achioved 10 the skIlful combination of lounge sections aod formal l1)iaclng of tables next to wide window! , Rich In (lolor, comfortlllble in Beating arrangeme nt and excellent In service, It climaxes the modem desIgn of this new train.

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11 :1\\ l h , II" II" :-O.

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uf l h P,'a '(' t,r '\·lIy nl' 'I'oWI1!-1hl " . g llJn Ilull, "I tonil")" Jlln o 27, wil l ho "· f1 '·I'll ll t' o un lY, Oh l, ), u~I' ln g fo r A . L , ,,'uo,l 'lI , ( 'u lllmbll", coml11ls. j 1JtI ~{ln1f' IH o n H U " I I('U ;\lI"U\l l1 l I n . lIlI,.... '· f,f 11t'-.' H l a U~ ( 'U U:-i r nll io n n .

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lh o


Top picture showl the Pennsylvania Railroad 's new Bro adway Limited, continuing It. famoul New York·Chlcago service. Inset Is the lu x uri ous new Budd.bullt diner for The Broadway, .. Flesh colored mirrors form th e sIdewall decoration b ehind each lounge section. At on e end of the diner Is II. servIce bar. Across the a[8le are crew's lo ckers and slow· Iud's deak, The gleamIng stainl ess IIteel kItchen at tho opposite end la

I of

comple l ely new des Ign Dnd equipped to provid e h e fa s tes l POB' s lblo sorvlce. T he lIew Broadw a y will be , e~· hlb lted lu New Yor k, P hilad elphia, Chicago lind SL Lo u is be Core goin!; Into serv ice,


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Size 6 qubic ft. Guarante'e d In A-I Condition.


hUN il H'~ :i ,


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" II1'\Il /l :111

to : I t · \

" .\": I.' I'("l st.':-;

H I h it·

!-=P lll l n n ry ,

( ''' l'IlI lll ' l lI" l ' m , ' l1l

B f' rt h ,

2 Electric Refrigerators

:1ne1 HOn

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F lI l ' l' S I' '' l1l \\' 'dll l'Sl lu),

TI I1 IJ'~dilY

;1111 1

Th l) nl :1I41 '~

1,,'IIt' l'


FIII 'I' ,

ti l l"

One Speed Queen

rlall g-hlt ' !'

Electric Washer, used only six months, with set of double tubs.

" r ~I .. . li nd .\I'·~. F ilo ·r I" Ih ' .m a t .. , n ' IIHI J': ng ll;;h 1,· ... ·11" ,· u[ ti ll' St'tnln· Willia m, 'lll or Wuy nel:l vllle, She W :1R .'unve n d In til e y ur of 1918, and ~lnc(J tha l time hilS bee n u fllithfu l memb I' of thc Pc nt ncostul 11 01ln 08s , Church ,

H an na h J orda n . ~1r, a nd , Ir s . ha r l(,s ~Uller of 1I lImliton, li nd lItr. and !\I r~. Hufllij nobe l'ts "nd ch ildre n oC n C1I 1" :lla· so n, werO ,. h'll 0 I'll S"nda~· uf lit,·. ~J I' 0 .... II an d • I"S. , , " (' s. l\l,~ . 1,',111'1 l< nnlll In ll" . ' ll l·I' I' " ~ ~U I·JIII cOlllll1Cfnlty (' nl e rl:>li'icr! th e members of t he Frlends hll) lu ll , 'Vcdnesd·,)' 'lfle l'nou n < < . Mr. llnd 1\11'5. Hay l\llIler u nd son "

n ay, li nd (lcOl'go Barlde y a ll of ~ I a' SO n It y. Jo\va , n nd 1\'11'5, lIalJil' ltec.

II vs pl ta l, X l ll ia. " rlallg"I,'I', :e l ' ~' , 1::llz: tI'l'lh EII,'n , ;\IIHs Ilc r lh u I"II :\lI'~ . . \lIl1 lc Sh"Il' d 1.. 1, i~ ~ Il, ""li n" n,; ,::u,·" t "r 11(' " J1a ,l~ n s , ~Ir, and II f~w \\'~ ,Its a l \I " 1,,,,",, "I' " , i."ll' " :\I rs, J , ,.; . 1"1"'r . In Da ylO n , L II \\,,·, 'lll·O Tla nlll n!(: [hI'CS)Il' l'rn:',11 a l1, 1 so w mill "P '·:',<U I" I" g uln g- om ~I,·s, 'Ieo " ' u/<,,,,,,,n \,'"S (·I1I1,·d t o • Xl'ni" . SIItul'd :lr , I,y t 1", ,J..;r \h IIr "f kllSln f'~H III t his IL· rrit,)I"Y. li e Is h,,,, ln /!, II Ril le o>f :a ll hl H n'" dlll) " ,,:.' hp I' 111 0 t1l 1', :\In,; _ l :l l ~l Wl Sh.,, ;hl,.' JI_:::"rr \'(\13 " ·clln Hll n )' , Il ls 'J II]o<Sl SOil, ;\11'. n n,; ;\1 !'S, J 1"",, ,. Slll e" u( I' '''''.' J, will tr'~r \ " , gl\" o.I !H' of lh e SJ"'lnl'" t"i t' ld " " II,,· f; 'I<'HlH o( ~I ,' I II f I . . . , ~I" '" t·" I S a t lOr 1;11 \ ·\1, /IIU ,,!ll "" :t ",1 l\ 11' ~. \ ' I!I'II''' l ~'HI1 ' ·H :I nd (a lll ll r · S(, hlg a >lCL,le. b n 'S

T he' U{J t'l'!I ~ Stti.'i . ~t~· uf th e ~I. 1-: . C h,,1' h w"" "I "",.." li l ly c' n l"I'"d'l<'(l of La Unan g <" K y .. WC" ('a ll(·r s hc ,' IJ n a,C<:Oll nl of l he tl ;'Ih o f Mr s . ill Ih e I''',Hll ll'ul ':" "lll r ~' h" I11" (,r :It" , a ll ol :II.." . l' h\ lI ·h'~ Sw incll, 'r. nt''' '' 1 Il e nry C. Moore . Flat I"".-It, Wa'Te ll ·" un ly. lin !\I\'. nn ll 1111'S, A , D, Talmage , Lie '1'1 lI r · I " 'l'lI lmngo n nd :\lIs ij J c~s l.., O:r "11 ',', 'S, :'. ' '1'10 ,' H ilJ lin t! ~ 1 11 , ' 1a ·1 11 (·1 ,11) " ,('\ w(Ore S U'Hl "y :lf l' ''' noo n {'n il ,,·s In Ellis :al lil t' s,' I,,,,, 1 1, "I1t1 i , g ,,11 \\· ,·lIll ,'R· th " hOllle uf 1I1r. :l lld ;\I,·s. n tll" I, ' III el :l1I"se~ .\1 "lrel :l1Il1 :\l - .-1e Ellis "y. Ell is It:! "I~( ' Y :1I\1I eh 1l<ll'l'n ~I r ~ , 10 "

Il U:1 r


Il a rv( 'ysiJlJl'g. :I


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~I IH 1

;\1 1:-;:-; I: ut h

1! : lI n!-=~'y Il f



!-' kl"


I,, " y , EI' \in


Complete with attach.ments.!. Used only 2 hours. Origina~ Pl'·~'_ I~l Bargain for quick sale.

Itt' v" ~ rn i l li 1'!"I llIght Iltt' ~:.. rllhll l!'O I }( ('hJ' i:-.t ';o; 11!1I1y a nd bl no; 1 tit :\Irs , :111"



One Electrolux Sweeper

" ulll -

\. ' Iu(' in -

H ilJ ll' ~ t · llli ll a r )'.

1I : lli


4\il' s .

l ' ilh'i nn ,lt' l ,

" :X 1' r ds t '!-I Hl til ,·

11l" IH ' P II H ' ll l

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.. \ -

1:-; w. ,rld ll g

1,'ul'd yt""

,I. ~1. ",,,, ~ I "rr"\\", !JI' . P . IN.


,!,, ' ll'i, \'.. ,\1. 1... " 11 ,


" 11"111..:-,



l{ yt' I'H ,

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t '.11'111 ) 11111

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1 . "I I'I ~I'1J1 : 1" I'\ '!!


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Cn -1I 1 lld :-c

T hll J' J-, I: I)"

.\J I'_ ;111 11

J,uhn Frank -

Z! 11 1, ..


I HI I.,


;1111 1 :\1"ITil l , '\lql.;, 1.('iJanun ,

1.11 ( ' 11 : 11'1 11 11 1\ 1 "llIll lllltlt'I'-IJ I".

.\ lllI rrt pYil l - I.:lW

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"r:;al ll ~ t him .. n .111 "" 1 , I!' a, I" Ihl' In go ,,[ [11(, \\'II "r N ' ('" un l y FII.h un d l ', III" "r \\',, 1\0' 1" I\' nl" kk, ,J u s tit't' r;"'n,,, \ .. MII ffi l lu ll In J1"'anklln I.e,.

", p i ', .

:'11 \111 1 \l:4 ll, 'd "I t ll

II ;l WI IIIII' ''' ~ \\, , '4'\\

n ...

One Used Hoover Sweeper Will Sell Cheap.

Fairley Hardware Co. Larger Beca:u.e of BeUer Quality, Service and Pric~

E.eabli.hed 1849 • 1938

Phone 3:1

Platronize 'the Adv'ertiserB for It 49

50c Lediea Plain Dre8l!es

Jl o ry .

'Nea l Hend.

Il u li tin g ·

£dd.ent unil uls 111 . ty one '•. und '8

II""" .


Quick Cleaners


- - - - - - - --

KaUlI')"ft Mendenhall, Mgr


rwin Theater

Friday - Saturday ~'Bank ,Night"

th ell' wO"d!! of ('onsolallon; to Acy La mb , Mrs. E mm a Pll rI-.'y (0" Ih oi r sing in g; to 1IIr. A . II. S lul ... " ('Jr hi s cu urleay nlltl s(,l'vi<'e to a ll frie nd s a nd neighbor s; for til<' I{)\" ely fl orll l pie es, \V "xl e nd Ollr t hu Ilk .. , TH E PA:\IILY


Alway. A Good

" Little

-SCREENMiss Thoroughbred" Ann Sheridan • John 1L. lte!

• Grandma always was a keen shopper and quick to "snap up" a bargain ••• but you'll recognize these BARGAIN OFFERS without her years of experience .•• you eave real money ••• you get a swell selection of magazines and a full year of our newspaper. That'.! what we call a break" for you readers ••• no wonder grandma says-"YOU'VE GOT SOMETfUNG THERE!'·

Continuoul Showl Oall)' Adultl Only 150 'Til 2 P. M,




55-'C redit pome to- Thiele Motorl! to purch· !Ule a. Reconditioned Ounrllnteed Ulled Car or Truck Carrying a 10 DAY, Thia Ad EntitIes You to $5.00 Credit on the purch· Me of ~~ Car, (Only one credit to each used car.)

37 Ford Standard Coaclt

$396 !41i

3G PI),mouth SedSD

495 365 195 US 160

Sf Dodce n,ink Sedan

81 Ford 4·Dr. secJan 34 Pl7tnouth Sedan ~ Ford ~uxe Sedan sa Ford CouPe 38 WW,. 17 8edan sa DoQ8 Sedan II DOd~ 8edaIl/ ~ i"I,.nouth Sedan




callers MI' , anel l\fr A, A IIlln n Pe r · rls, MlssMnrl e \V ~ II ~ Is SIICllllln r; !I"V' oml day's wll h "clati vcs nl llam ll· ton. A group of rclatives n nd (rI ~ n ,l ~ wero enl e rta ir1l'd ~ "nr1 "y a t lh i' homc ot Mr, a nd Mrs, H n rry ClIn (' and son , 'W in s ton Ilnd fnmlly. J. L ee T a lmnge w as n. bus in ess visitor In Wilmington, Friday , Mrs. Ella Ferrlij W'lS 'L Snt unl ny Ilftcrnoon clIlier [I t th o hom e of Mr ~, 'J, B. Schmidt In Wilmin g ton, ' Mrs. E lla Barlow, of Dayton s pe nt sev e rnl days las t w ee k Wllh Miss

Ualoa Stock Yard,' CiDcianati.




'J' . NIE~'f fro!D


. . N...... D.'toa


o Home Arrs Needlecruft-_l yr,


Olegborll World .. _ _ _ . 1 yr. OMOIhet', Home life._ __ 1 yr. o Par hf,nder (Wk ly,) ___ Z6 issue. o Rhode Is' and R ed J ou, nn! . 1 7r. O l'll'mourh Hock I\fonth!y_ l rr. O . uccessful Fnrmins __ _ 11r. OWomno', World I yr.


8 mos. fJMcCa U'. Magazinc_ __ l yr. OChtistlllD HeraJd ___ 6 mos.



OPareDI.' Maguiac. _ _6 mos, OPathfinder (Weekly) _ _ 1 yr, OPlctorlal Review _ ' _ _ .1 yr, . M' 1 ORomantlc agllz'n~ yr, OSily.r ScrccD _. _ __ __ l yr, 1 yr. OScrcen Book OTrue ConfessiolU _ __ 1 yr. DOpen Road (Be)'.) _ 16 mos. ow00t1Lll.'W orld - - _..2 yn. DOmer Homes & Garden!._1 yr. OHoma Arts Ncedlecroft _.2 ycs.




(Sunday. Juno 19, 1938)



OHomc Friend ._ _ _ _ .1 yr.

OAmerlClllPouiur ]ourDaLl yr. ,OAmOllcanPrultGrower_ yr. OBreedet'. Gautto - - 2l frs, o Blade & Ledger 1 yr, OClcn-erleaf Am, Revlow_ 1 yr. OCouDur Home 2 yrs, OParm]ourry' 2 yrs, OGood Storlet I yr, DHome Circle I yr,


·---GROUP A-Select 2'--r- -iOROUP S-Zeleet 2-.-


F'a ther'.



Tune in on Radio Station WCKl' 12 :2& to 12 :80 p . m, for qur daUt market reports,

Baby· Chicks



~OOT FOR AND CONSIGN four Cattle, hogs, sheep and calVe! to Norris-Brock eCH, live wir~ and Mr. and 1Ilrs. N . J\ . (;I III('\·t of nent· progressive finn f9r the highes1 Clarksvlllo w er e Su nday aftc l'I1 oo n market prices Bnd good service.



Sdlt«.YJ@!i. ;. w..............


h ....Y fNllOItif • _,.01 H........ c-tod ... DiroI•

..,....., .....

Wed· John


, '"f"

Sh 'II \\,a l .. h (.. ,' li S 0 11 t ha t b"'ght ~11'1:l. Almon F C"Tls n t t c n" ed th (' lon . ,,'pst ' · i.-;.,~ inhl , :t n .' visiti ng ,'d aasho re, th' l s lll 'r p, f" nc,'a l HC I'vl' s t lhe tJllv· lImn c h Until we ('lOl1\e Ho m e 51\' e t day . A Il IL't,t ill J,;" of th l' I~: l :-l: t t' rll ~l:lr of ~L B. 'hu" c h, 'I'll s(ltlY :\(I C" ' , IO, '" tIltll ~ tlld 11I1 (0 1'( '8 t Wil ~ Iw ld n t th e )'('g"fur JJ :II'ley I ~. l'IYllli!'e of Sp"inh' (',\1m OF TIi /\:-iI\S ubI' 11111(' " nrl Tlles(l:.y c \' '. 1Ii11 ,'ullIlllunlty. I\ln ~, 'Tht' Ol' " :::h.Hl wa s n ('C' (' ))Uon ,\ \' 'wlHh to ('xpn '8S o ur Hl ne 1" fur ~ll' fl, ,I. \\" . " ·lllt,' sllll' wllo ha d OPlll·p.clo ll lJ n to /I II f"l e n,ls a nd II h,h NEW nl·RLI~GTON bonl ( 01' lh o I<lnrln " 8 and symnnl h y , s hown UB tlu rln g ou,· b rc:rvem<,nt. 001'11 to :Ill' . anc! "l,·s, E"C1'€,lt il l",' Wo II r o 'SII ,CI;ll1)" l' ,·ut..,ful t o rte v . J . P . Lamb ·und R ev , l\llIm Lnlllh (0,. la l t , MOlldny, Jun 13, al Mec"1 1. 1

Men's Hata Cleaned and Blocked

. , 110 Othm. to Cboole

jllll ~ "n("~

1I"}l.I,'d lt ' ':\ l lr~-




Fish Ano

\ ' h . 'I,I, T

til l ' !-' lll'n or 31.\ln

you . Today we rt>Ol ('m b(',· I!?r ns n kind and I ucy Ann nnd 10\" ln g wlte tU,il m o th cr--dca rly H e nry Cln, y "'ooro m Hare my w e r e united In m nrrlo ge, I,.'"'.;; ,'nd b'.. ul l \,.110 knew her. ,J May 6, 1898. T n childre n cam e t o Jun S, H3S , s he (Juletly pass d bleS8 th IS union . Th e o ldest, Mrs. owny nt 1I11cld ie town Hospltnl, hav· 8 11 Lamb, Waynes vill e, Ohio; Mrs, InS' r<'lIch d the nge ot 67 years nnd Sally Ann , Jones, Frnnklln, Ohi o; 3 dIlY!!, )1rs, Hallie Rector. La Grunge , I{ y,: She len ycl< 10 m o rn h e r husband, 4; [~, Roscoe H e ndri c k , l\Uddl l own , (Ihlo; Mr. Elmer Ln.mb , W ay ncsvlll f' , ,,(, ns, nnd 6 dn u g ht cl'l:l; 22 g r a nd · (' hll ,h' 11 , 2 ij ISle l's, 2 br o th ers a nd n Ohio; 14",. H e nry Hopkins , Loba n· hflij l r fl'le nd s n nd r t'lntl vl's. on, Ohio; Georg, Non h , H e nry, nnd \V nlUlil nOl !jIlY th at s he l!j <1 ad, . hil l rat h 'r say lhut s he lros go n o 1'1 1"" E' . 11 so und .. not h llif sO bad. C.... U. At Price. Now ns w,,'vc bl(hlen OUI" last Men', 8 pc. Suit. Co rm,",'II, Cleaned and PNl8I!ed 1"0 Ikr I"<'mlli lls of Clny;


~I.II' ­



" ,n k llown H Url

s t tll'l t'd




:\1.'lIrlu rS uf

1:.' \' , ,,' . ' .. ~ Il,1 h lind (IIm ll ), :at· l(m ol, 'li Ih' 1~1 \!l' I a rt n t'h u r h · o r \,.'hI' IHl SUII\I "y , ",11 ' " . It I) V. ~mllh ('''lIll n ul'H 011 ' n'\'l v ~ " ti' ,·,'\o ·r " 11l'


~--------------~ SIMllecl nre the dead who tlle In

Here's the New· 'Broadway"

"':-0 \ ill, ~


'rhh'ty five cllndldntell fli ed d t'r ill r . .. tions of cunilldll y ror atate n nd co unty post"" " I>h jeet. ' to the Augu ij t o prhnal'l I!, a t; tim ,for tilin g the IlCllUona ex pired Friday. 'u ndllioi o/l fOI' StIlle Reprcse ntntlv f.·om Warren ounty' aro.: n ellubllclln , H. Wilds Oilchrltlt, Hoberl W ', Ilrown, L \lanon; Alf., d W l.l tkln s, 1IIul'l'OW, a nd Hilrold V , JI1nrlz, J"I'unl!lIn, Democ rats Bee klng pos t are S. . A lexu ndllr, l~l'IInklln, li nd 'Burde tte Be vnn, Lobll.1I0n , Co unty offlco Ilsplrnnts u.r e, Oeo, D. Johnson for 'rreaa ul·er ; A , M , Pu rk cr, Auditor, und Humid D Ball , ~y fur Comml!lslone r, All ure Itc pub. lielln Incu mb nt8. Blliley 1M clnllr. n il," ot lh umml s HlunerH ' bOnl'd Ce nlrlll Co mmltt o cnndhlull's IH ' C: De moc rats, Wilbur HUll, Clout'· c rtJe k Township ; S. lv{ , Mllag a n.l \\'. J . 'urran, D e rrl Id ; 111'1 Bolc hk r. . F. F I'u nklln; L o ula ,K olle r lind K,,:;h, H,am iI LOn; Edwin /::lO lh and Claude 'Vllson, H arhlll i 1I 0 wllrd 111 '. (l "Inn, MUlllllo; John E . 1I0ldc n , S·,I · .,'11 ; U . 'V. Bishop, TUI'Uc r<'e k ; AI· Le rt Ertel, Unloll ; n, I\L Ad"\lI ~, \ VuJlhln gto n nnd L . H. GO"lIo n , \Vu y ne, • lI t'p ubllcnn Commltt e candldllt ('s uru: \Vullor N . All on , Cle," ·cn 'l' k ; J u8el/1I W, King, Deerfield ; n. E . Le· lIuy II10J Quentin ox, Fmnklll1 ; Ell Kno 'h nhu u r, H a milt o n ; G eo " I;<' Veldt, Hurlun ; Hurry M. OsiJOI'I', MII 8I!1 ; Enr l J. MM&' , Snle m : ZUln ,l.rmitagc, 1'urtlec re k ; Ralph Va n ' Meter, Union ; E, H . Hod!,f!lon , W ash Ing ton, nnd Wyme r L . Drake, \ "uync .

I Obituary


hl~ I' 11l(\lnb"I'


I pn,I.\ l

McC...U', Magazine _1 yr, \VoKooa.,', \Vodd _ _' 1 yr, r....! Gt..Jot! S«ories 1 yr. .. ~,J<)llrnal .1 yr.



1me S'~ry

I · lIous -hold

$2'!Jl •

. STORY ofFEli ',UI;


YEAr. 1 yr,

1 yr. Good ~ories _ _ _ l yr. C·.. _yllome _ _ _l yr.




Am erican Fruit Grower_ l yr. OA merico n Poultry journaL I yr, OB reeder' s Gn7.cttc _ _ _ 1 ft. O Blatie & Wser 1 yr. o Cloverleaf Aroer. R""iew_ l yr. oeountry Homc _ ____ 1 yr, OFa rm jourDnl _ __ _ 1 yr. OGood Sloriel . 1 yr. 0 Home Arts Neerllecraft_ 1 yr. OHame Friend .______ 1 yr. O Leghorn World._ _ _ _ 1 yr. O Molhet's J-Iome Life-': _._l yr. O Pnthfinder (Wl9y. L _ 26 issues o Plymouth Rock Monthly_ 1 yr. OSuccessful farminl _ - 1.,r, OPouhry Tribllne_ ___ 1 ,to OWODlllll', World l,r•.


5 ON,i.Y

, FILL OUT COUPON' MAIL TOOf\V Pl_.clJp lilt olorNI/uin.. alt. cMcJcln. _ 1'111 out coupon evefulJ,.


Gentlemen, leac1018 ' _ __ ~ __ . lam "hec~ below ... olf.rd",ired with. year'. sublcription to your Pape;. . '

08[G V ALU1i OFFER OTHE QUALI'l'Y. OPFD OTHE'HOMB OfPBR. STORY OFFBR • Naa. _________________________ _________





Paga Two


.... .,.....- ..


,]'1"" ,,\0 ,\, '" 11



UIIl .f r.u"lln :\1. Thul',


Ph n 112 I",. I'll'1l ~rtllt( . ·u 20 _'I< JudI>' I . JI. L'(lI't.:Y ''''It;! n "Lib UHY rd', t'\ ' 1l1 f1 t d - LI H.t IK Ililil h, WH:-t " ,.t •. , ... Itl i,i{ 1\ pi '~,nng In K I'l l iii!' \I lUI" ~ tll Ih, w II of 1 ~1i? ~"'I \ .·, 1 'II il'" \ ,r".ln\ :I IHI I ',d,., n.,lI Ih. ,", II .. r ,\lill,')·III.J. 'lark tQ \,', "ht,th t'. Sh'lhlc'\n, 1I)11)1I1';ltll1l1'll' atl 11\111' 11 ·I~hp 1'l1tf "' rrd!ll'r~ ,W I 1',· ~\IHd~.:"1 H~ 11111\ .ltl'~;i 1-1. LfI~t . mil 'h w!ll to Il'u\)ut<! q ...ll· .. (>(1 til .1 Ihl,~,. '.ll(', 1111 .it h",~ "",,,,rul n :1. 'I' ! .' , 11,,,, \ ,'1'. 'omrnllll 1'1"a:; 'OUl't. 111"11," ,,~' IllI ,I"("ndn11l (\11' 01 ,1('1\ .\1, ' 1: .. , 1, . •\1 11 1,,' L. ' run,' n ' \'I~ · Th,' l'>Itnl Of .h'~~ l\ 1 nhln!<()11 11 ' , 11'1.111\1 Ih, ",II'ln r lhl' 13l''''\'''il1 P I"," II\~ ~I~I\ ,. 111 '1'" lilll< \I·.·.. k, l'luI'P{l p~t ~ ll111t fl'!'lll inh('l'ItaJlCf' tu x~ I .,UlIIII,.; lInt! Hill'lul4K A"HOc!ul llltl " II , .lIhs \ "·,, intl' T., ylnl' ,~ vl:<1I11I1= It IflS 0 },', (::(1S~, t. . t Ill.

. ·T , All(jl', _'1' INl!; ( ',\ 'l'1I0LI l' · ( 'IIl' It('1I ,IC e ,'. n"llI'r1 Hllllllliolh, ~. T. I). ~(r , ·hlll·!',·" 111 ' It ' Y \\'\11 ccl,'bl'nto (hu r,O ll"IInlll,'{) n'III'Y ur hi .. (lrHI se'" \,\(.,." tlH \lHtll o " 'in ,,'a ynt!IN lIlI', Jun IUl h, JI will ' cll'II"~1' th e 1I1'I'II\On, lIig h .\[asH will b(' RU ll g I,) ,'Ol11l11llnl'








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:\t.\IUU AlaJ L ln: ~:-n:s I of 011 tH'r,' Innll hy thl? \Jollnl ,lnhn Sil llf f,"'. 411 . JI.llnillllll ",,,Il's, \I·UI';t,'b.~ nf I I", 1:"",'hl'"II'I' :\1. 1-: 'L!h\lr 11 10 Ill" (;lImmunil)' ·huI'Ch. lI1un. antl :'111'". )lul'Y .l llhn~\'n. 4 , (,f 110arl\c>;I,.,·, h:lll ''''1'' 11 Hl1pnJ\"'d b~ Fost~r. III" l'OI Il'l. ' I'hl' r ru.ltle\,at!on \\"I~ )(10. ;\Iu,·thn lI"hll . 111 phllntlff III nn Ura (' ;;ll' lIarl lw" c·,nr l·;,1 suit :\oti"11 u~aill~l ~ 'Ia n t'l l's Hahn . h U:i Jil l' d1\'lI n ', ' tJ"t.l)n . " ": tl'1 'l ' n ~\l: W;. H t. 11\\t" \ ,.;-,"nnlr".1 until Juno

lS to ruC' dluq.::i ng-

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III L>Ii,w"IIIl·. hI" A. )I"rlull 10 Alh "l !l11.1 Ern· uJn· ('stinc' t t . lot Lf'l n n on. 4~

\\' t\ YN 1':8 \ ' LLU; CII It 'll OF CIIIl;)ST \\' . (,'. S milh, )LlII.lstRr '1II1da),: IIl1ll' S('hool. 9:30 n. m . Lo r.!'s S UPIJ" '·. IO :~r, u . 'Ill . l'ill'i HlI a n Eml.·twor, 7 :00 p. Ill , P I'L'Heh in g. 7 :45 IJ. n1.

''' ' I' I I I, . ,.~ 1"'('1, III ,·,.·' 10 l OG cbein ,; IIl·e~l'n l. Brut h",· Sm ith U 111I~ ."\':11' rn (I III' ""ho I. w ill 11 ' l.u<:l( in Iii ,)u lpll, Sunda y • II I I!


~\ tll'

h Ul llC


hUY R. ) 1I'~ \\' lil \\'. le ll I" \'el'Y )II ,)\'".! : 1\ tl\l!'l "Tili n g.


being In l he two weell's re· ,'1"01 at Duylo n,

mu ·h · 101 -

The famous HollYlI'ood Busby Be rkl ey dancing girls go plncos nnd do t.hlngs In lll el!' la l est picture, "Go ld Diggers In Paris ," which will ope ll Sunilny, JUlie 19, at the d e luxe X enia theater, In • Xe nia, fol' n three li llY e ngagem ent. Rudy Va llee hea ds th e cast of "Gold Dlgge l'~ III Pa ris" auo : gold Oil ' voiced Rosel1lu ry Lane Is [ealured op posite him with G Jol'11I Dicks on doing n feminin e m enuce. Tho Schnlck e lfrltz Blind, II specia lly ou(f\t that 18 lakin g the counlry by s torm with lholr goofy anti cs take cn r e or 't he rhythm with Hugh Herh ert . A ll en J enkins, Mnbel Todd and Melville Cooper III charge ot lhe comedy. Hit tun es, elnboral9 mu sical numbe rs, tor wlilch lhe s rl s Is famou s, and a hllarloCls s tory are Just a t ew ot the [enlure£ of "a cid niKltll rS In P.\rIH."

FEUItY II UR cn OF' CIIIU ST W . C. S mith, Minis ter LfilIr'l ~lt hl :t k 'I'. ~ p ' nt un· th sui I of J::v Iyn O. I I I I I '1 ' .' . und ' I~" nuu('l'l Hnl'rl~vn , L"l ni In :lla cl, . ,,'.1' \I II , h'r t allg ltC' r ., rH , ..:. " 1.'1' It · ,. \vA ~'l'En T O BUY . OLD l::rfi Rickl~r ~.;t<! Ina\\' A J,l illnn 10 Fmnklln, \ ·ilJ.'r~ <If SI''';'I'' " a ll .\ ', Futhe .. ·>! Dny progl'llin ~ COINS-DI' , H. M. Williams, L eb· · .n ·de f{) nd· ' 'I 1 I 'I,·u 0 ·,1< 1 ',. ]'1 I 'e o. 9:30 a , Ill , Th wom c n will b .' ,. "" •• ~, . l'J "Il , Ucol'ge l'l l',','e lCl H u ll ·1'( 11:11.,.181'11, an on, Ohio, 0 Ifj, 4t p, Hca l eslul ,In· Lut J 4 In F ":lII ld ln. \\' ''>' ''1'''1'111.· \\'" ... . SllIl(iuy aflCl' noo n chttrg u C Sen 'ke", V"IVNI III Ih e su it beioll"in'" 10 lhe ,.,,11 '" " 11 'I,·~ ) I'""C 'I','illf) Mrs. Prnnk Fox 11'111 act ., " Y lola lIl clll"'p)' to j{'JlJcrt J In n 'I, ,. "u .' .. , ~" . , Int ndlml Of !lIllIe c hoo\. FOB. SALE: McCormick D crln&;' ) ,11(\ Jr"sio ,Ylll cbnslstlng of 1&7 ~on .. 1 a," ill F,'u nklJlI l\\,p. I/"h rt I'r:,nklln f til(> Ohio Sta le 'l'h" ro will be th ree short t u lk.~. wh a t binder In fll'llt clnss co nill. u .. rNI In H .tmllt on tuwnshlll a nd nn\! pil i r"),n"lds 10 AI. 1.:11i1· ,·"it.l· b vl.ltl ll ~ his n unt. :' lr~ , nc by Mis>! ~\ nn ' l Null, on by tlo n. Inqu ire at Ga zelle. Pho no (OUI' lol!l III Lebanon to iJe sold fiS 11(, ,'1 1':1'1 ' I Lol~ 3 a nd ~ In \\' lJIough- ~l n l'Y "l 1 ,,111"~ , ?oI1'S, :Blll'barll H:lrtsuck, "nd Mrs. 11 2. Up HKkt\d In Illa lnllfC'B pat·UlIo n. by's Adtlitioll to Suu t h Leballon. -----.---.H ele n M ul'phl', 'I'h • BUlts ! ut h pc.1ylle \'s. ,Va.! IWlIILWII1'S IS T il E flt\~ETTE I I d I So mo or th e chlld l' n will I'endel' Pipe. Valves , Fillings , P lum bin g 1;'011 SALE' , 1-' 1-I otzl e,' Ili " I'::\ H ~ A(;O 'fill S W EEH a nd H en tlng Muterla.!, ,1I1YERS .,,. .eavy ga van ze ' l n YR. nlndrs :ll nrlc }It'tzler dl ~ml!l"ed, "· a .'· '1l'.~\'ill, . . \ th lt'tit->; 11 l a y~d t heir s peoht! music lind r caulll gs. tank G x 6 X 10, prope rly r tho H und and ElectriC Pumps. J . P . rI" ~ l 1;";11(' nC til<' ~l'uso n ugn lns l Don't fO I'get w e want yo u to co me ~ 10m \\'II CI'f' L oa n o "IJlI I , I tlOII W tynclivi lle Gnrden Club, Ca n be B CKLET SUPPLY CO. , XENIA, OHIO. I) I) 8t lh e Lih<:' I'l." , \ ,hicll's ut Daylon, to FIlI"'y, a nd bring some one with 116 )lllllllllr(: nb"tJinHl .J. H . T well li nd see n nl hom o of ~r8, J ohn PresSUI11t' loca l Rta rs l'a "llClpu tln g In t he }'ou, that we may I'a.y tribute to ot h£>,·S ,I nti ub'fl,lnst Hul.l' l'l E. Smull· ton . It By .Jull e E ll ell FUe <, v" nl \\' re: "I'ummy" P rl'lId rgasl J,'lllhe l', 'Ve ex pc,!l 275 In n ttend· FOR ALE-PI nty o t 8w ~e t pota to \\1'>0.1 ; sale I)f pl'Opel1y in~o l ved to lI'h i, ou l uf tlt ree lim e" at b"t , hil n' un ce. plo nt", 4 vnrl e ll ~ 8 . E ur ly golden « 1,llo lnl 1[( n.llP t ·o\'(~d, thc fOI'nIC I' fOI' FOR S ALE: Sweet polllto »Iunls , 30 ;\11''', ·hu ,'I ,.. .' 11I11 1·L and ll nu~ ht e l' "Ing l... a lloubl . u ncI a h ome run: 1'uesday: 8 \1 c lulty Il l. Dan Hocke tls, 31 c ents p r hund red or t hree JlUnd· $3,07\; nn d hI' la tter for $4,000. Om e "nl I'talne,! M l's, Lydia. li nt· "B u k" "U ll pin), d n. fin ga me red for $1.00. All klndli 01 .:n.t-den at short , b lIiel s S llilll; l hl' e hits Chul' h tle l' vlces, :0 0 p, m. FOR . ALE-On c a nd two yr. old to n TUl'sduy "c ning, plants, 10 c n ta p er doz n r 3 hlll'lly J)(H'rl' nla l flo w ' r pl nnts . An· :'lIn'. Lh,,,le url e hll>! l'ptur ned -\\\'O BIngle" a nd II. tw" baggp r , dozen Cor 25 c ents. 1 1·2 miles ]toss [In.1 nuth 10 WAYNES\'lLLE M, E. CHUR II n lin.! , Good field grow n cnbbago n orth at ,\Vayn esvlIIc, on orner Iw nw nftc,' a wce l{ ~ \,1.·lt with MI'. \\-"~' n ('s, Ill!' w('n ("tra nS' I), ) ]4 ·0 . H(\\\'land, H url·eA. " 'lly n til . or W nyn esvllle , Ferry nnd Lytle S Ulltllty, JUIIIO J9, 1938 pl nll ls 2Gc \leI' 100. Sweet p otato ,\II'. K en'l<.! l h ]l ough oIllHol!ss:\1in · lI :lzrol II. G.)u hl. t o J um s A , u nd :\11'';, }laiTY I'e at Dn yl on . FATHErl'S DAY )lIUnls 2r.c )lCI' 100. 0 (' 0. Pele"son, 1 , Fond., STROUSE BRO"l'H1!lRS R. \\' ill :'tI c r\'c n If! tra nsac ting bU R' (' 1'\'1l II UI'lun II' I' nUll','h·d In N \\' . R No.2 f;uuld, one line, 1 ccrflelel II) .. In mile f,'o m " ' llyn sville on lh e Bell· 9:30 S undny Sch oo l. ct. l'lis le l . "llIag() Of FI'nnl,lIn ' 0 J oh n f'. in sa here this \I' I'k. broo,!t pil{c. 2t pd. rhnrge uC th e classes .. 111 ' hll,'(\SOI1, t1·u L Franl<lln, BIII~' a nd Dona ld \, 111"1'5 a re \'IR1oJl~WlJl l'hn l'l f's J oy ca l'lIl1'pd l(l;M - MOM)l n r; Se rvic e. Flllh cr 's COVERNMENT WOOL LOAN: Con · 'lu'l'i 8 ancl a n ey ,T. K ip p lo H I · ltins th olr !i'1l n(l mOLhr' I' :'I'll's, Lauru s ig n your clip lo the Ohio Wool Hnel ,,'ft u rn ~-d I II'~ J:,'~\ -m~ntlC'U OYli '. u bjC'ct, "Our Fath er 's FOn ' ALE-One Ie Inch Stearns 1)lll' , .. n J. 'ug" I, luls No. an u nd 70, But· Shidn l, ,'. Growers Cooperallve AssocJatio n. to lh J1 onw ~ 01' lhe F e bll' Mlnl1cd L ove," Powe r Law n Mow er with Briggs I "I'ill • G et 'full amount ot th g un.l'fi.nt ce<1 )11'. u nd 'l'.lrl!, J , C, ;I'IlY were out- In 'Iu llffl;,,:;. 7:30 Evcning Sel·Ylce. R ev. T , T . a nd tratt on Motor , f 79.60. Lot us :\1 \ 1'1,1 n :orbln to GovQrnm ent Lonn . .AdvrulCD at 11i g lvo you II. d monstl·u Uon. R. D. c ents POl' pound on good wall wilen ] 02 , l1c ' S, Sn lcm tJl. Brumba u 'h, mls iOllary to Japa n, Coli tt Hdwe. l' hone 09n3, \ Vay nea· dell\'ered , ,m addltlon nl lUI vance ot Hpd will Rpeak a nd mllY bring pictures. vill I.', O. several cents p er pound Inter In rROBATE COliRT 8:00 FI'Wny , ChOir Practice. tho season. See us tor f ur lher d~ Th \I'm o( Ij;I~Jmlh...§.!~~!!!.~!£..~""~"dll..,J;;~~~~t,.I'~;r~~~~:...J~-:--:-~'1III!~~~"""" orne of til y'~ unr; to lks of th e -HETJP 'i'''AN'±' El'f)=.~_'''''''_ _~='''''''f--..LD..us_-----­ or I .. bftho n, hilS llonn fJ\ed WAYNESVILLE FAlU<lERS EX· hI ' th od L~t c h urch a rc IntereSI 1 in or a ge. al s bncl'g,·o und. 000(1 r I·a. CHANGE, ~cnJ R epresentative, secul'Ing <l teonla co urt on the e hn l'tlcl er li nd PCI' onn lity, Ca r n e· H r hUllh"n • 1I1;).l'vln n. !';ml I • ce!!Sa r y. Goo(\ om mision on es· -<lhul'c h pl'Opel·ty. They are thinking I ~ li ",1I,.nlll d sole. oon fl lu,'y UlIII< ,. l ublished route. See AlkIns Cleaners, F R SALE: D enrlng Wh en t Binder Music Fealures 8: 'Pholo Syndicate tha t croquet, badminton, n-nd olh er , t hI' tCl'mt! of tht' will .Jlf 1"lol'n \. L eba non , Ohio , 1t p<l a nd 8 ft, lru ck In A·I c0!ldJUon . gllmeR can be played the re, To t est VEN OUbert and Sullivan wrot~'-a moon long-"The Moon and I." , IIIl1h . The )IU bond nl s o WtlS up· M. A. Cornell, H. R. 2 Ihe IntercRt of th e communlly they You have heard It in "The Mikado." . IInint""l !t' u ~or. 1',1l\ I so n SlII'faee, For Rale: ,V h lte Rocks fo r CryIn g. Not 1/~ a nI/ , . . - - - - - - ; . . - - - - - - - ure goi ng' nbout With pnpers to se· ] [n ' T.\· o\\,» n nn 1 Hnymond 'l'n :'I"I' I, fJeople knOlO that Hill a coined name, the tuneman'. 3 1·2 lo 4 1·2 Ib9. Dress d or on • WN'" nnmed npprn is('l'S. cure inle r s ted slgnera Cor the Mrs . C a I v i n publisher., Shapiro, Bem.tein and foo t. Mrll, J os 11h H eston . P h on e FOR ' SALE : Manchu ·SOY :Benne. gal o( J'(lal .. tnL b lunt;lng lo Coolidge " the Co., induced him to use the nom·de.· >;ch eme. 34 R 4, Price $1.25 bushel. D. B , Unoer· av/hor of a sono . plume of George Brown. When he" 1111' . ' . Bl'lun n sch enlt I Mta lI' has woO'd, Harveysbu rg, Up She lvrole th e began to write big hit long. thel 11~ 1 " I1\)rvv d . w ords to a ba/thought it fair, ,in justice to him.e! • E rlSCOPAL CHUR CH Fon RENT- . ix I' om house on 1' h ,tn (>~or a m Hot1 ~ R. ,':11 ued l act ca lled " Th e to have him use his correct name. Fit' t S und ny meter Trinity, June lII al n StrCN , Lig hts and \Vnlcr. GEORGE INDIGENE, rcglstcrOtl al ~l400, h"" b~(> n I.-Xam p t 1 fro.1l In · Qu est," til e ?nv· 2lp Belgian st4l1110n, 4·year-old ch estnut 19, Church cl1'Ool nt 9 :30. MOI'DIng Sell lIlu rlhu 'ook. h ('rll:\ I\('c tfLI{ pn";'mcnt, us \l' U" the sic 01 tohich was Was n't It about five years ago 80rrell, weight 2000 Ibs, \VW m~ ke com p 0 8 e ct bJ/ . th at Walter Damrosch predicted I ( , f(lle f '. , . R n 0' 1. V:l lllI'tI n l Prayer n nd sermon at 10 :30 , R ev , P~arl Bill, Bar. lhat radio would soon reYolutlonlze WO:\IE!\T-Address a nd ' mnll adl'cr. the 8ea80n 01 1938 at Lloy,l South's Knrl Nyblallh pt'esldJng. fann, 2 1·% mUes lOuth Wetlt of Retl '\ HCl' lhll. I'lU'l tt bill< I e n npno! nt. rett, Rare/II is il the musical lite ,ot America! The , tl s lng ,mlllel'lal tor us at hom e. W e Lion. All pl'llC&utlon win be taken 'ling. yet thott revolution doesn t aeem to be In Lou I, Reid d lI\l mJniHl rll l "lx of Ill ... ,L a 1,1 iN En rll ' , s u))ply \' rythlng. Oood rate of pay , to prevent accidents but will riot be 10110 ha ue heard sight, unles8 YOU conllider that Jail LINDSEY N AMJm TO ) lu 't (l~ l nte Ill\it', l ' 4()'OO hont! T h H have been illlllres.,ed bll ft. ·'ove. batlds no,,:, call , themselves "dance' r-;o ~e lll n g, No c ~Jl er l e n ee n ecessa r y. l'cllpo1\slble should any occur, Y ounr POSTAL POSFrION. IIn elB oroheslras. Perhaps. he meant l til !/I'tlls\WIj (l rl' EIlI'1 WJmlC", Chas. i\'I 'nhlIlIlUI:IO !\Iurt, Box 1)23 Mil. registered stock for salo at nil tbnes. . _ ' lhat radIo kills olr a first clu. MORROW - 'Fhe appointm ent of Gollaher and South. Phonc Lebanon "horna/! und Vdll Hutt. wa uke e, Wiscon!:lln . 6 16 4tchg. 494·R. melody In eight weeks. -, b \'1 o\'el,. I ' 1 1tI.~ been ~ " m fq to Ralph L lnl1scyna clerk In the Mor· " Ii " . Frank Black'. orche.tra haa reo (I.lmlnls tl' r th s ln1 of \V llllu m I . row - p oslof£lce' to succeed Mrs, cently been per£ormin« the aere· nades of Beethoven., Mozart and "Love I, the 8weele,t Th"","\ ' e l,,!"': HilmI o f $3500 waR (i II. ... ... Ol'l1:ce Co ud en, ' r es igned, wn.s on· .:~~, Tachaikowlky. Tin Pan Alley, Iii. 71Iu,~lcal rage 01 G couple 01 ,eo,on" " 'fIl (;11 P., Ga( fI , (,hn l'l MuOl'(, a mI nounced this we,ek by Postmast I' tening, call, them "torch 101\81." back. 1008 re vived the other "tght.' O. I ~.' . hamb(,I'l nln nrC' t h!' np;lrn ls· Tin Pan Alley wiU .oon be rewrit. More than ever, ~t, f1ote, leeme4 Evcl'clt Benn ett. The ch nnge wUl el'>!. ing them, rhyming June and meon tho"t 0/ "Am erica." , La ke place. Jul y 1. 'I'he II t \'n ItI .ot the es l llte of to them but neglecting, probably, Mrs. Coude n has b een IdentIfied one important item _ the plentiful WO/lder 10hll the 'ranlconUnentol F "a nk H. Post. L e ha n"n, l,hlCNI at p la7le$ don't in~tall .ome Jld4Ien', wllh t he loca l o:,Clce sInce t he ap· ,as;,. ,7 (lnd d t'cin,' d x mpL fl'\)Jn i n · use of fiddlea, ThUll w ould be a 11lu.lcal lIovtltV-, pulntme nt of 11"er la l e husbn m'J, ~ • ~ , "The Ride 01 the Va/klin e," plalled, 01 al/ lIIltsic wI'itlng, Irom the heavells! lem Coud n, j:\'t th e tIme of Ill s tillie" in ,he lox trot r:~~'r:-' ~ deat h she w n s l[lnmoo to com plele tempo ar.e ,UlIthe thing i' 'r",.'1 0"'1 a 1_ "lc,,'e'e~ his lel'lTI a nd whim Mr. Be n ne ll wns 10e do lIe8l-40 fO 10el/ , ~ ", I plare,. are lei' In 'he n um cd ho r etained Mrs. CoUti en as in fa ct, all to ,nake the ~~, 4 1and, Ollte .her were a. . , _ _ a _ a ............." le!Jol'ts 01 EltTOpean. · ~ . •hlck III crooller. are , cIe rI<. FOR ' seem IIk'c .'0 1Illlch ln1£· ~ 'oday. Try III hard III " sical I'oqltefo/·t. lCIe may eon " What has become of ' only '",0 ",ho are oed" . those men who tllught ~ , pro/ellionally - May; thB Duke at Windsor to ' ' Sin,hl Breen and Frank play the banjo, the > ; Cr"mir. The decline 01 s axophone, tbe snare ' .he ,,"ulele'. popularity" drum a nd the ukulele? cd" probably be traced . , . Only one bell In the 1,. ,radu;,1 negrec' in i' .' world seems \0 have a re~ellt rear. 011 'he cam. note ot authority - Big Harry 'Edelhelt pu.e. 01 .he land, I, Ben, a top tbe HousB of A.S.C,A,P, lCIa • •he college boy. anel Parliament In London. ,/rll ",ho made a lad 01 .AV I>lI lnlmcn t



J, \V , C Ollrl,lI'll.

, H. Y::-,un,:; ns






FICTFlSUS nOME ~Ir~. l" 11. 1 )o'Il'hl"~I~ , Mr. noel H , II. IJ:tl'l,ilIc l 1.1 lilt 1111'11' d"U l; hL." ' ~ , .1 ." " 1111\1 JIIIII', w n( Ir> ~(lIni nn :O:undny to lIell\, l\ h "h [ " , •• lIlt· '·uS/·!.! 1ll'1 Ii.·,\', H y, J 08 'tl h , 1·'uJ· · 1'Il'",,\"I\; 11'11(\ Wllit th " Ilt.' ukw' (01' Li1 'vll l'S\' ·\l mllln\'Cm'lIt. Art ' ,'. "'I"'LI~ tJwy hntJ IIIIWIt '" ILIi fIJ I·R. U,l n ~t) 1I \I a nti rln.uShl( 'I·, ,\1 "~So j,;,lwln lll'l 'ket l , lJ.f T OI 'l1o, and .\lls" Le" .. II ·,·s .PI" I·· · J( '/I r,'y a p(j 'ItJln A' 'h w('el, wlLh 11'''.

[, II nrl '14

lhin:.' y :11'''' li t Sa 'l Ii II cu l'l nu )·to ,i. n nd ll! n yCII l'1i 'hllp lilln li t :-.10 1" ])ulI1 e -'onl'\ml , In ' 1IIclnnaLl, In Ullliition Ih el'o will bo :l Ilu rlsh Ilknlc ami " (' 11111\ " 1 ut \\' uy n l 'al'lt.

\\' c',int:tlday: 1',' ac hIng, 7 :~ ;; p. m . Oll1' Childre n's Day exel'cllic WI, S lI'ell a llc ,ilie,! las l Sundn y c, " 'ning,


L\ '~ II"I' , :l .~

:I<Tc'S in \\',,"hin/-:tull t l' . HUllnr l'>JlllIly J II" ' nile COU I·t In li'l' ,\'J1Ii:11lI 1" \1 in,'l: ,·a sl.·rl. tu t ; Cl>. t 'lt:;o.ol nr 11 len .J :lI11 es " s. Leonard ill ltll un Lut a. ~ in Fralll,. . Inmes. lin. S "",icC! I>y publl 'alion ordcl'~ d 111

' a ~ IOIi at llll' u Hua l

:ll"'~' n~ p : 1 nit:'ll


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Laura J .. I!o.l'UI'


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Ill " .1 1I nt , ..'II'S . • \dol


Latest "Gold Diggers" Muaica1

'thursday, .tune ld, 1988


l\l 1':; , ) ,hm IIi! "I Hoc k, r.1'·H. lJculh cl'Uj,;" , : 11It! WlI ln n Wt! ,'C In Wllm l lll,-1. un fUl' lh' fUlll'l'ul 0)( ,~J I'S, J;;dwln JLhll\ un Mond",.. :\1 ,', II IllI AIt'''. I:l ' lh 1!'u ...1tl~ h:,,1 di lln ,,1' wllit , \'" 111 a n.lI 1I1a m BrO\\'il un ::)un(ln)', aft ,'whlc h lhc' Y 1111 II' l' lil LU St'II;", (IJI' th t:n lrlt\1I wl·,I,llnt; ·I\ It. II I\' ·,'''11 1')' u( Mr, untl lI1 rHo '1'h(lIlH'::I ·Ul\'<.!I't. , {': AI .. ,.. Emma l 'o\t'ce a nd da llg hL 1', 111">:1 . H" ,·tlm Jkl 'Icult n nd l\lI tilj .~'l''' " C '8 P ,il'cu' Illl '1Ill cd I~ .. Ix v 'r l w it dlnne l' 1'0 " .\11'. tUl,1 l\1I':I . ThOll ."'" 'U IVl'I'l ilL L\'llI nci '!Ilvon In R I,I'iIl J; field UII 'I'll ~d:l~' "oIlIIl S. Miss HULh 'han,lI cl' a cUlIlllanle li h el' tlls lo,', .J;;lIzubelh , \){~ck lv J 111111»· tun. Vh'g lnlu . fol' ,. two w ' I '" vJlIl l , l\il:;" Il" nrl" lla i\l c Klm;-o), 1::1 It ll"Inll' III ·"T " wi,lI ,, ~ COl' l WO wI 'I'lm w ldle al hom '.

'l'Olms FOim 1St IJOOL IS NUA£

'LATlKSVJ LL I,; 'l'h c fifl h :t n· '\lIl lo n of lh ,' '1'odllll I' "" It (L atll ". E llI') lich uul w ill bu IWI\I, l:; undllY n t lh o old 'l'odtllJ jr' )1'1t l:;dluo l hOIl!! (HI lh ;ollhc lI pilI 1<. so ulh o( h "0. All (or",,,,· )111pll" :t 'lfl t l'l\c h ol''' am hl\'lt d lu a U 'ml, 1\ bU!l k ' l d i ll .. ' 1' n U1i 1 I'

\\'11 1 b


~O " V() tl III n tlo n. ·

Your Best Friend . 'e)r III llny y ' IrS, iubbs li'u~ 'rill 1101116 hu.~ hcen trying - lIud SlIc('l'4'tJlng - 10 (! reu~c 1\ trio mi· I~' anti httlr.ful l~tmClJjI'h Qr for III he ll (·tlt ur Oto I.CUI)' whtl t\rlwncl 011 118 f(lI' h,'II'" \\' 0 \Von t a l" 'ryo lle to ft't!I towurc]s II!! n s Ih y ",oul" , to~"lIrcls IIwir frl 'lIIls, Wf:'1'(l h ere t C) h ' Ip, nih ' Iso, Sttl'\lol

Stubbs Funeral Home P-I10NE ! 9



how'little you , nee~ pay for'


a!l t.his. ::t '!'be,axnadeDat of , . CXIUIlU1 ..,..

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Not many people know that Oer. aldine Farrar, the f?rmer a"d. ~e. !oved. grand opera diva, now. bvmg m retIrement In Con.necticut, IS alJO a composer ~f senhmen~al ballaclt. l~.ract, she II. a proreSllon~1 long· wnte~, for she IS on ASCAP I memo bershll7 liat which means that abe must have ha~ at ' least five .eng. reltularly pu~bshed, , " . .I n f3lh.i~lUng. her m.elodJe' ~18' Farrar uti!lZed m two m'l-nce~ the ~ways,~ehable themtl of love and home, ~er b~~t In}own I!umber~ ~ar !he tItles Dear !i0me~nd, Love Cornea and Ooe. . and The Whole World KnowL"


.he 1n.trl/lllen' lor a ICICI brieJ rea",

- "_ . • The crooners, however, Ihow no .• ,'" of retreat or of diminishing,' though I doubt they exert their old. time 'appeal. By their very number. they overdid their particular milsion of aeeking to set a new glow to the hearts of lonely and restlell women throughout the land by appearing to ling directly to them of deep night. and moenlit lakes. For a time ' they were the new gods of enter. tainment. Their IUCCU. attracted otberi,. until there were literally hun. dreds of voices linging low and softly of the magic of Jove ' .' .



$5 Shelton,

•• "....



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have an Impl'euion that DlUy HW, ~JIOler of "Tbe.


Rollftdup," "WIIOD WbeeJa" .aDd other ,!~, it a pia" on the wonla "bill 1!W7," But It ha~


that the IOIIlWiiter ... 110m aDd WlUIana J. HDJ. In till ..... _ _ ......

from frat house and' law school, from Wall Street and tbeatre. And yet, I", spi te of the oversupply, In Iplte 'of th e growing Indllrerence of women who once responded earello hearted and starry·eyed, the croon· Ing army malnlalns Ita crowded rankl. will cODtinue probabl,., to maintain tll.1II ullUI lila crooaJq tppe of >10111 f. 110 lonPI' Jllm:ed. ,


pia iq the 0ftG1·

·Good From


o. K. XenIa,



Phone 831

'1:tJ,.J ':'.

S/ttM -:p~ in_1(l

a..t .... - ........ stoW

autamltic ~ .t.oku .. ow. SlQaU depotlt Do"~.tart pa"';''' 1ft the &11., Stokol f'eecIa luruce automatically. Bum. .... apIIIIIin ~ aucI . .... of It. GiM "';i ~


N~y penonl



De.pite · '" beau.". 01 lone the The supply overcaDle the demand tbe- .,'oIlneeilcr I. uldom MartI a. a .010 liS young men who believed th ey Qe_~lI*fcrliidc1et.'=7"""'----rf~~~!I!I~e,".•, But ml/.ie men could chant "I love you" with sLn· cerlly 'r uehed \0 the bandstands _ tit. lrfIophonel

'JI.. tool kitc:beo '- evco widi

J. E. MeClure Phone 7 Wayne..Ule




PJraIa Gu I'

A modem, beaadful Mlaic Clef-Pyro(u: Gas Range willi 1IIII.0'M4IJe, ofta aud a~ IWiog· out·type. lIDOkeJeu, broiler!

We offer a Sat,isfactory Service at all times.

..._,. .".....- "-,'


cooIdo, Mdi na1 PI oat ill the

- . _ ...........t. AftlI. . able In bops»er aucI Wit. teed ...... Ask""'t ~ - - . .

plant.. ' UAST Ixp·iNSIVI , the equlpment .an~T ••fIC •• NT Improve opel'~tmg COllMA1'IC MIAT

he' Dayloil ••"-.. "

·-andyour guess U!ill be too .h!g!J1 5."~ the cMpon for tW r·~········ cOft'eCt answft'

I ·(Disirlbator'. ~)' , •I . 5.t~) " t right, ~ bow Utdel .M1 I p eseot 1'I,D~ b • '(~'"


ud iI , ••• •.. ', . JCID .. otd.





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IP~ . • ... GAS I._.. ·' I-............. ! ~· ............ IIMa.lh



2£5. _ WAYNESVJLLf!:, 01110, TBUn DJ\ Y, --,-...-

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•• •

Teacher Appointed To Fal Vacancy

.JtNIll 23, 193R

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Custodian Of Wayne8vi~le Schools Retires This Week


In School Here

• d llY, Jun Q 23. III unusually o ut· • • Htandlng In thot It mlll'k8 the · • orrl lui pcnlng (01' Il n ew hUijl · '. n eSR xpel'lnwn t h r l!, At a m ee ll':lg held 1'ueK<IIlY e ve n·. Mr'. a nd I\1rll, 1\1 I't aniI'd form . • IllS'. Jll no 21, the Bou l'd of EcJucn· • ally op n ed th doors to th e ir. t lon empl oyl)(! M1'8, C e neva Dymond • new "Balru'8 G. .$1.00 S tOI' Of F'l'fInklln, Ohio , to fill th e vaenn· • this mor~lng. 'rh entire 'um . • l'Y In Ihe Eng lhdl u nd, Latin dellu rt . • llIu nlt y wla h thenl "unllnuous. III nt of \Vay n 11\' 1110 High Sc h ool. • Hu cceS8 III th eh' fulf ill ment or 11 • 1111's. Dymond come>! w II I' 'com· • 10ng ' (llll wunt. IIl tl ndcd all u n ex pet'lencod l eu 'h e r , • • U nlun S he II'I'udu u tccJ (ro,m W URt Hi g h 8c ho l ancJ obtnl n ed h e r collego d",gl'eo from Denison Unlven;I IY. 'h e .. Iso haH a JUuKt er 's cJegr<:o trom th" Unlve l'81l Y o r C hlcngo and un uddltlo na l yea I' or s tudy In the U n l· vers lty of Clnc lnlUltl, S h e hat! taught In s vem l Hc hool" and In tho 8 ta lo NO l'ln a l School n t 'I'he member" or th e l~ rl cndt; MC' t· Ouphne, Ahlbuntll. H er lus t t eac h· Ing H o u ,;e h f' i'd n pi c nic a l 111,'. W n· Ing expe l' le n WIlIl In NOl'\voad vis Furnu!!' hOI1l€'. on Su nduy . 'l'h Is 8 h ool8 or In clnnnt l whe r e 8ho WCUI n ot o nl y u ftonl.erl th em a I; I'unl l t ·nc h er o f E ng lis h . tim With th e nddlt lo n ot 1I11's, Dy. ' but ul so netted u tlfty HUm to Wr\Y~ ES \'lI , J. f: M, I'j . (,lIlIRt'lI h elp Hcnd d e l ' g,l t l'1l to '" p l\ lny , U :~IJ Sunday Sc hr, o!. me.nd to the fuculty. th e h igh school It was a In .. k to lal<e t UI' no< Ht pony 10:40 :'10I'nIn~ \\·(f l'~ hlt,. S il 'c l:tI ~(, I" now hilS four touc h e ..s with !I1 11.~ t(!r rlrlln g a t ~o ' mu '11 1\ 1·lel.' , nntl th o vi Ol' with i\II'. II ntl, 1111',., 1"ls h . S D eg reoll . Mr. B rown r ec ntly rcc elv· boat Ing W l'Is e njnye d. [I nnOIl I1('elll III I~f'\\'h e l' . ed his Master Degroe. In Commercltll Fin e n I ft, 7 :30 F.\' ~ nln " S ro l'\' !I'I'. S • !'In I til " (1011 Ed u Ctltlon at Mluml, Mr. Oarst hllll I'C Ived word from duy, fa.. liP ' M ill', N 'W J ersey, to lin tvl y \' 1 1f~allon . " MillS Lnnham, n ewly e lec led Hom ullend till) 1·· .. lend!! Ce n 1'111 'o nr,' I·· 7 :31) ~l o ll da y C' v nin ~ , FOil I'! h I]tl<"·· Econ omics tcacher. th a t I\he Is t each c n ee he ld th re, Thcy we rt': Ing at Snle m a ll ge.~ W cst Vl r s:ln ln I MIlt·y HI' li n Lul<en~, Anna Lou· 1lI1 ' 1Il1.{' I'~' a U"mla nC' l·l'qIl C~ I ... d . this s ummer In tho aba n co of the I iRe lI oal<, U nton K L,IIe r Hottl<, Sa r a Jo'ri,III~' . ,lull' 1 r eg ulllr Hom Economlc8 protes.' CO I'I'lno FUI'n,ul, . ' th FUI'na s, JI' " :00 Fln,, 1 ('hul l' l ·r"(O ti cl:'. 80r. Slle bellev e8 lhls w ill be a rIne v,' ilton , J li n, nnd .l lIno HlI ,'tsoel<, experie nce for her before begi nning MoonlmlR 1\ook. Ruth II Hr\' y, Ruth WA\' N I~l-\ \' ILU:; qWIU' JI OF h er dutil'S a t \ Vay n 8\1 111 , Hock tt , 1IIIldrec', Cook, E"~ l yn , (' IIRIS1' J n n , n nd Duvld ''' umas . Runlloy: Th e 0 you n g ro llts wei' ch ape l" HIlI(' R 'h 101, 9:30 :l . m . o ned by M,'. an~ Mrs . Tomlinso n, 'ommunion , ]O ; ~5 n. m. and ~aught I' Fulth , a nd Mr. a n d hrl s Ua n Bn th,m v I' , 7 :00 11. Ill , M rs. Ru.ymond La Ru , a nd lln ug h . PI' a chIng , 7 :'IG n, m . t el' Joan. ' Vcdn sdlly : P I' aching , 7:45 p , Ill.

III II" s ll1l(Jll e l l~' W !I " ! I h(' \\''''I', l l t1 ~ u( ~II,," ~lirl " l11 Bllis " li d )11' . .J .. " \\' h MI";, , \\'h lc l1 \\, >1 " Sl,l· p :u ' \ ·n \ s , !I t

Sjlles tllx r e turns (or the h ult yenr period, J au nu a ry 1 to June 30, '1988; nro to be rued du ~l ng Jul~·. An exam iner w ill be . tatloned nt UI -t9lihWlng polnls ' 1I118J.t veIl' dor8 In tilin g clnlm s. July 5·9 Court Houso n t Lebnnon, July 11·16 Co urt House. Julyl8.19 City Bldg, nt Frnnklln. July 20 Mayor'S otrlce, MlUlon. July 21 Mnyor's omce , , Morrow. July 22 , Ford Oarage. v,'o ynes. v llJ e. ' July 28. ourt House. Lebanon . July 26·26, City Bldg. Frnnklln, July 27·30. Co urt Houae, Leba non . The exami n e r will be at the above dulee until twelve o'clock noon on SaturdaYfl.

EASTERN STAR NOTICE Miami C h llpte r 101 O. E . S. will, apoosor a Mothers and D u ughter Banquet. F riday evening. July 1. at MUIlOnio 'Hall. Mothers ure naked to bring a cof· ered dJsh und table aerplce . Sarn Braddock, W, M,

nIRTHDAY 8URI'RISES PARTY HELD CUmpbell and son. William. In h onor

at MI88 LoIs Gillum, Those who took part In h e lping her celebrate h er seventee nth birthda y were: Helen Rue Thornbury. BnrblU"ll Thornbury. Virginia. Stanley. Mar· g~ret Huret. 1;,018 Gillam. WliUrun Campbell. Willard Taylor, Jame s Dos leI', Clifford D OBler, and Mr. nnd Mrs. Will Olilam. grandpnrents ot Lois, D eJlclous r e freshments, consisting of cake, fruit salad., p!ekles. and sandwlohes were IICrved. The evening WU8 spent in playing games and music,

ARGUNOl' CLUB MEETS " 'ITH MRS. (J. H. BRACE MI" , C. H. Brace entertained the ~, .. n,h,'rR ~f the Araunot Bridge Club .h e r home, Tuosda.y nfternoon, ~liF<lUr tables of ' brldgo were ' In piny ughout the nfternoon, Prizes high scores went to Mrs; Hldy Mrs, t>reslon. refreshments were 80r. ved at the close of a delightful at: temoon.'

.ruNIO~ TO GIVB DAN(JI!l. SATURDAY NIGHT The W.ayncsvllle Junior Order at:e golD&' ~C!. lIevlate from the uaua!, this - saturday, and. .Ive ,a 60·IIO~ce at. the W. H, S. OTmnaslum. Jilveryone Is corcUall)t Invltecl to

attend. THE COMMIT'l'EB

Ladies Aid Meets With Mrs. W. E. Stroud

FERRY' CH UR CH 0.' C IIIUST \\'. C. lIIith. Mini s t er

• und a y: Bible e hool , 9 :30 a. m. ' ol11l11un l n, ]O : 4~ ii , m: , rmon , 11 :00 n. m . )olrs. W. E. Stroud wos hostess S 1'I110n u bj,' l. "T'I:> ying th e to m embers of t h e' LndloR Aid of On m e." tho Way n Ilv lll ]\f, E, C hul' h, on In,,,t Wednesday . Du ring th e busl. Tu adllY: n e ss p e riod, Mrs . Will t. J o hn was hUI' h f<m'\' lcf', :00 1'1. m, \Vedn('sday: appointed vlcd' pre!!ld nt. to f m the \,Vorn l' n 's ;\J1ss io nn l'Y !'i o ' I" ly will va.cnncy c rell t ed by t h o I' s lg na t!on 'I I·S. J\1 Illil I't 0 00 of Mrs, Ma lm berg. Mrs, J, P . Lar. m pe l \V It I1., .. z, - : p. tlI. Th I'C W I' 10'" III' HI1I1!. • un(\o.\·, rick wnll n»Polnt d c ha l .. ma n or a rln off ' l'ln,; of $r';; .r,7, which comm ittee to make !lla n s fOi' tho wi th to InC'lllllaU Bible 'f'mln,,,oy, serv ing at metds nt the co unty fnlr, goes h ul'l'h h:'l(l Th e Ln ..lIes or th e Games a n d contest s wC l'e cnJoy d r th e pl'o':,,'a 111 , Ilt th e soclnl h o ur nn d u rec ita tion was given by Master E rISCOI',\L ( ll1l' He li han. DeliCIO US r fl'eshm nts of homo. , peo nrt , S un(lny nftcr Trlnit,·. m ade icc cream and 'c u ke w e r e ser\" hurc h Hcll oo l ,at 0:30; mOI' fl ing- 11rny· ed. Artcr a p lcusnn l a ft e rnoo n. tho €'r a nd ~ermon 0 t 10:30 . .

~ a l tl r d : ly

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At Franklin Mondav

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'I' h.' Ili s t ru ln('fll fl le'I III'ptl n hll " (1 IR s" t o r lIlu" i!'n l g ltlS'd(' II , CIH'h g lass (l(' ",hid, h as IJo. ·n sl' lecll',1 fl 'UIII 1J tl\' ;I' n GO Of) " nll 000 o thcrs fo r I h to nC' \\'111 1 Il g ives. A f \\' o f 1111'S" I" " 'e t o be tll ncll w ll h wa t(' r to g h 'l th " 1' 0 1'1' l· t t' ,"C. Th 1'0 Il l' 34 ~ I" s s ~ , ,,','C" n or whl h U I'(' fl'om C'zc,l'lll)Rlo " :lld" <1 ntl t he I' Illll i nd r f,', In 1lt'lfi illm . This Is b ' lI c vcd to be L\,, ' ull ly ~l't o ( g ln" s '2" r1u lpp 11 with h OI' lzo l1t ,, 1 I' ::;ol\ n l ()l '~ nr ampllrtors ",h ;" h "",1<1' th e mus Ic fo ut· 01' fl vc lillw:'l ali I"ud. A VIII' ; t'y . o f I1lst l"tlIl'l l' nts will b UR <l . ln til ls un ll]lI o IH·eSe nlllllo n. Tn n d(IIUon t'o th c Illll>li 'al ",las cs th t' y will U s 0 S(l t ue l ·it;colo·Cowhc ll'< :'1 1I " lca l Sa\\', Ylbl·a · l ,ln l'll , fI ntl Pillno A ,(,01',,1,, 11 . 1' 11<';;" In s lrUm e llts w ill Ite II s e d ~ l n gl .I ' " 1It1 In " II I')OU:i (,r) l1Il>ln . II tinn s , Th e s(, I',' I" p wil! hi' In ~ i'11'1t1'" • <> :o n I h C'lp f ul a nd II' 7>Jl n t o th e IU \)' 11 .

Th l' llI :1 id u f llOn",' n lso :n whiu"


Ross Hartsock New (:ashier At Bank


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IOGa l re l'l ltll ' nt ~, h fl\' c co mm('nted ,n I h I' hf'1l IIty or th hIg h sc h oo l Itlillt.llll ~ "'"I1J"'S, 1\1 u ch c l'edlt for 111(' IlI n,l lI 'II Jlln " [1111' pl/lnstll ll lng ''' re of th l' lall'l1 ~ houl u goo to' 1\11'. "mll.h , IS

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III, W ;l" 1"'''Itl IH :IntI I·rfi cle nt In n il IIi H IllItl l·~ . Cl' l·t, !lnl y he wa>! a "j ' k "r n ll lI·tI .ll' lI, " IJUl UI1IIlI C the old

'1'1", hrld, ' I\' II~ ItJ \'" ly In II gow n g t'l/ fJ.:'l'tlt~ rllsl ~i ulII 't1 0 11 pr i n f'(" )ool!-i

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trui ning

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n .. u ..gol' Hm lth , wr' lI ·known reflldell t ur 1\'" yn r r. "III c- , n' l1 rl'1I th is w e k uf' tl' l' t W(l lIty ·!'lg hl Y"!lrs or s c rv lc In t l", " ' '' ;' n:<\'l ll l' HdlUOls . l' or six vP : " '~ III' '\' IIS l' UlI tocll:ln. tt l lh e grade Ioll ilell nl-(. tlrl or t o ;\I"l r'n rs hall, who II :f '(l


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Sales Tax To IRe lrd~d During July

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Will Address Sportsmen

l' lI t ll i:t.t:d :I t I h!" htlll H- \I f I I " , lu· h h ,'s

Friends Picnic Grand Success


t' ha l'l\I ll1~


L. w()onOELL '1 II1II1 tls:<llI n " I' L. \\' oollll e ll he :" l .. f l h l.' U ll1" Htll te {'U I1 ~" I · \, ,, t l 'JII [)I\'I ~ ·

11 111 nWIlY fl'i IIII!! and hund reds or ,"pll " 11'110 havI' hnd 1'0 1lla t with Ih e., \ VHr.-u ll ',Hint)' Fi HI,1 a nd G a tll C' ,, 1111 \1'111 " ,· tfllnl~· jul n in wl>lh ln" 111 tt ill g' ttl I,, ' It 1,1 thi s (' umln~ .111', Smith "nel Ill .. II'lfe nlUny Illeus· :l1.. nl1"y, J UII! ' ~ 7 li t th I"ra n lclln , ,,t YN tI'" a h ..n(\ Oll h e l al, os I n,ve ,\IlH'I' lcn n I. q; I('1I 11 11 11. The 1II ('('(\n g .,f ae ll v(' ~ (' h o .. 1 \l'I1I'k , \Vhtl I' Urlng \\' II s ta n " t :1111 J' . !II., 'a lltl ~ llI cC' ; "u ill a tlve worle, he will 'tI t rotlre ,1I " "I' l~1I'H will h (' " II'{'tl" d It Is 1m · from n n a c Ll \'o Int e r es t In th e 6ch oo \' pO I'l n nl Ihal 1111 s p t,rl s m ' l1 In thl " H h aA mad e many worthy SUgg~8' t r l'rl l t ' ~' all n(l. t lo ,, ~ ( 0 1' th bull/Ung now unde l' ca n · i t I'll ·tlon, n n<1 w e hOlle h o w ill con. lInue to t n k nn It live Inl('!'eMt In nil mllll'I'S p erla inlng t o Mehool hullfllng n l'. li)l l , whu

w il l h,' ,.p l' · ~ l ""1H' · l<t " , n l

lin ug-hl e r o[ :'Ir. ".Iu1 ~1I'1i, , 1<1 !!lllis . Hh t' I ~ a gl'llduat ' of "'Ilynt' s vlll I ll g h S 11"01 " n(\ Blis " Bu ~ln" !i~ '0 1. I 'se, (Coluna l us. lit I'. " rhorlcy Is tht ~ so n or 111 r , Illl d 1\11'10;. 11 1I0 ~ 'Vh o l'l c ~' , of n C'1l r L",hanun : 11 0 I" "gl'n,dll:lt or L b · a n o n LUg h , h oof. 11 Is n u w rt .n· lI('ct ed In bUl<lnps" with th Sc hw lt l't z ;\I o num e nt o l;\pn n y of L ba ll o n. 1t;,I.. ·!' ro lill In W ,lI'I' n Co unty A (tCI' th e . r€, lllon~' 'foIIO\\'(' d a PC' I·· lod o ( fe llcltatio ns UI1U '0 s t \\'Isb e!i, h a ve h ' n f< h a l'Jlly l'cduc _d Ilul'in g n rtci' \\'hic h n ""ddillg lun h eo n wn~ th l' I,, " t 111"11 m tf nth s . nl' lI (' r h '('ctol' II . ;\1. C OYll e l't' POI't ii, Aft I' Il Rh ol'l ,,'<'<tiling [1'lp , L\w A ""dlng- to 'I yn e , tht' eilse lond ~. un l; cO llp le will I,e at home to 11 .:·1'(' In ;\J1I'1I 2 22 enseA. '1'hls tl1('il' f l'I (, Il] s III L\H' Wh ll l' lt,y , \pa l' l· \\',11' 1' ~(\lI l· l·d 10 16l; C!l8es In i\lny. III nt, '11h J'f ;' , I." L" hn no ll . ' \I S l , f tHln\lili ~ " I ' Ilh' I' ITiFf" "1111.11("

Rtlief Load Is Down For Month Of May

Funeral Service For Mrs. EBa Murray

F un I'a l se l'v lccs werc h e ld f or :\frs. L nlco E II Il. l\Iu l·l'!ly . 81, of 49 C lonbecl< b\vd., So uthl' t' n Hills '''t'd· n sd ray arto r'noon wllh R ev. J oh n , \l Ima n otrlclntlng. QUlI l Y ' '''\l [l l)('d fl'lilll , 3, 2·13 in Apri l B UI'Inl \\'o's Itt Mlnml Cemetery. .U $l .487 III :' Iny, a ('ol'lllnl; t o fig · S h e. Wlill Il s ls le'l' to Miss Bel le O'Nen l III'e" " olllpll t"< L I, y · o~' n e . n n u u n aunt or lI1rli. Mal·tho H e nd· '1'h' .. ctlut' Uon W "Ii d li t:', th ' off! · e n . .



WaynesVille Garden CJub Holds Meeting

l' ln l !, ~pl:tI Il l!<I , tu lh" cnop ''l'allon nf :"H"lr 11.' 11 , ( AU lllt I' An lll'cw J I. 01'11 '

!itt'S ,

l\i'tlr1'lly h a d been a

r e~ l dent

of [)ny to n for Ihe pnst 40 ~' Ul'S I~ nd

FiftN!fI III mh I'S o f th C' 101'11 1 (;111" \)e l' , Lima ; ('O Y II" u nd, th e Tow n~hlp IVI/R II 1l\C'llI b t' of the St. Paulll M. I~ , ' hlll'C'h , S h e Is su .. vl ved by ono d ' n Clil b II jo y t! a d<,l\!; htful mOl'I . 'I'l'u s tc s, linn, J. Eal'i J\1I11'1'ny of Dayton Il nd An lIid In I'(·c\u<;lnlt h ' 10,,11 \\';l s In g \\'Ilh t.h e L hn non Clan le n Club, I) n<; Il:IUl;ht C' I', ~1 1''', R obe rt J, 'l'homp th o illHl.a ll n tl o ll h e r e IIf II S Y NC ' Ill of 1\11'. n n d 1I It·s. ,] "c\{ ~ on or Wllmlnglo n, D ela wal'e, 1111'. nOl'S l1 a rtl'o 'k "'flS Pl'fl lllotCtl 1-\ C'lcn J ames a e t d "" \\'hl'rl'l1y l'lIch <'I11' nl I" I' '1;,IiI'I'U t o to tho pn;;ILlon or (':'Ish I ' I' In t.h 'l1S'1l It f111"J.lC'ial Ktllt em (>1ll s ho\\'inl; Club ad journ ed to m eet wIlh l\lr~ ItlDOIWll.LE I"A'J 'HERS \\' aY Il !;vill,' :>: a Llll llHl, B n nle . It ;\rtCl' tho h lls in cs!< 1)(ol'lod. a vc ry th e nUIlIIJe r or P " I'''01l1l In th e fil m· Ru(u s Watldns ror a n nll ,day m ccl. 1I0NOICEO Fmi>i\ Y H I\no\1 Il t..'~41 th iti W (' Ii. Il y a nd Ih e lr tota l I n('ol11". lh 1 ' II r WUR pn: Mc nLud Ing In July, Lllclull 1I In th ot hel' Impol'tunt 1111', Il u l·t 8 cle h Lls I II!; hI' n a tlv DII'('C'tol' !jald . T Il O Hld g v ille Su nilay Sohool h e ld local n ewli In thl a IlU llor a r o til 11(\ . In ' Vnyn t'lIylll l' a nll ,,'''l'I'l' n 'ounty A '\lulr h01l1' of 1Il1t!!lc by th e L b· 1 l'·,lther·Day pi cni c III Ro!! 1"8 Ilmp BIRTHDAY CEI.EBRATION verlls emen ts. Y u ca n Iwofll hy puhll' "Hu il'S, II le n the pos ltlton nnll n S~' rnJlh'\n~' , IInrl I' rh ~ rlll'I" ('l'ol' "Juth or ht' I', F'rlcJay v nlng , at The h Ollle of Mr, nnd Mrs, Don rendIng th III Illld pu .. h li S ill~ fl'om "" \ \' :"'1'('1\ ('ounty 'I'I'C"';Ul'('l' to no· of l ~ l ·ul, AllI 'l '''' \\ IlLhl ll b ; 1 .. •.. ,l.lI g : h " hl clLl!ml! II IJiI·.lulay cu lell ~VU8 pre. Harlsock , n oar -Kin gma n, wns the OI\S F 0.' " th e nllvc l'Llsc l'~ , 'o pt ,t pos ition III th ' lo e," hllnk. I: 1\; by M I'. '1' 0 \ ' • : " , or " in innlltl, i nl cd lO .John M . Hcrd(,I· . !lcene of n phillsu nt tnm Uy gnth er · C llnt,un L'olllll)' lIlIIl it '" tlfwn ~ ItIIlH 'rh e l'c w ill bc o nly on(' m o l'C' Is>!u (' "' 1·(,,, 1,,.. It)· lh t' I't's l~ lI "tl o n or JI ll:, all his t rll' ttl .\ 1' I.': . whlc!1 \Vn H TIl<' cu mlTllll pl' In c h arge oC th~e Ing o n Sunday, 'rhe occltslo n WIIS f' f' r' ' i\'(',1 n totu1 j) f $ l ::!.U IIO, liI:-; l w l·(.~ I< . 'Iautl " 1:lgl-(s. In 1!l37 . 111:lcio nl0l" i t'. :t' l ·l"~ l : lIg" lI y \111 1 ne 'uJu ' w ' IlI waR l\Ir~. Will \lutl, Mrs. For , to do honor t o lh oRe h:lvlng blrlh . of th C' 1\!\01ll 1 Gazellc he fOt:!' the 'Ilh fronl th ,,' ~I ! !f' ( ~ :I ~'O i Tl P TlIx 1 ·~11 1 It l . 1I :) n yi n ~ dl s p l:t ,\' o r Ill o llflil Jl ! :~ tUI '(.IS csl J l otl~h, 1 III "It I ('uunty .Audi Ill' , \11'1'1 d ( h-l IJul' n il liH 11 111 , (; ' I;. ' n u n hi" IIlp. ~ l rH , G " "" ~" , ~' mith H lllH.U I1 (' ( ' u. 111 ('~idf..l ll t I)f th e ,\o: l~r ~ 1 ~n' ; Jl p O n nt (ln Tit., ,,"ntl:t y Kehool Is IlPQn sorlng !\fary Ca l'ollno Luk e n s a nd M,':;. aelve .. tllle r's gou i,l e In y o uI' I,,·cpara · " 'h" ,,'c,Iunt :. ':-4 ,... l l n rp II r lh (\ fu nd t:-: ILlh, Ap"l, r' /I f 'w \I''' ''llll III hl"l' til ",na tl'lI l' on te :it at Ol e c hurc h . Emma Ha rv ey. Those pl'egont t o e n· lions, ' 9,0(10 for ('oun1r I'llJHl 1l1n i nt (l fl ! II1 PP, 1,' rl,l uy e l't' lIlng, \\'illt R ile y j,'I'eeze Th e u llts ta ndlng IIII\lp 'nlngH 15 u s u a l "" Jla blt, m ll llnc r. n .. lIl'1ltllll r ('· joy the bo unt e'ou s olInne r anel plcos. 1>I:I<I<1on LUlllbp l' Com pfto y ..:"f'!1 of C lint on \ ''''' nty 's 13 111\\' n IH (' Iw lt'man. r s ago \1'1' 1 '" :tIl s h a .! Ii Ill' the fl 'Cll hmc'n l k w e I' !len' ell, t o two h\ln· yea n nt allsoclntlons tog th er were. Mr. F n il' ley HUI'(\w;u'c olllpany ' .. hip I'oad n tn il ll l' n : 1 rll.' IJaHc h:t\l g-amp til' \Vnyn ;; \'\1 1' UI11 ' dl'l'll Le ba non and W ayn ,>;,,111,' In 111 ' and . Mrs, H . C. Hnrvey, Mr. and Th c Duyto'n 1 uw e l' and Light Co, III I'da l ~I Llb I'lnyctl , ~rs anll SU SIS. Mre, Al v In Hnrvey and Mr, a nd. Mrs Quick Clea n r s ,I U\ 'ENII.I<: Gltl\N"E I'IU~S E~TS Lim \l'IUN NORM"L ALUMNI Aft " I' quite a s <tualJlJl(' 0 11 th llll1' Marvin Hollingshe ad a ll ot Lebanon. Twin Theate r l'ltOtmAM. St\'I'l'ltII.\\' '1 '0 rm'I'U ltN All(', UST 1t·1%, C'v r olct Sn Ips Bacls"ley Ch pll',. , thl' ~1l 1l11' w a s fIna ll y cull '<1. Mr. W. T . Jordo n, Mr. n nd Mrs. CIIILnlU~~ 1I0ME ON F ,\'1'IIEItS A t . th.:> 1''''(; 111:,,· 1I1 ..... llng ,.f LIlt' I 'I'll add 1.0 l'olllllllcatlu II R. Dr. 1I1'\I'y ROBS Hartsock u nd tamlly, Mr, and Dr. H a rl llm\ F. Dyo L I:lBANON- 'I' h e a n nunl r o un'lon nAl' \\' nY II \'svltlf' \o':)t' II11' I' S' (;r" n ~ ~ . on "'ook a n<1 :\It I O~:, (; I'a ct~ ~l\Ilth , who Mrs. WII! Luken s u nd fnmlly, Mrs. J , E . l\fcClul'c ti C 1I1e Natlolll,1 NOI'nlal U nlv e l'lI lty ' :;Io lc d t o do t h p it 'h InJ::' for A ll or th e ch ild,' 'n lind g l·:lIl(khlld· Sat ul'{la y nil=:ht, /111' jlll'I' nJl. , >; l'fl lI l,:" whi c h qOll t'ja h ed h cre L e na Hartsock. 1\:Irs. C. H, Deather· \,Vayne8vllle .Junior Order (Qr . many 1'C'!'lP e li\'(.' tell Ins, h uckc(] ou l r l' n or i'lr. l ln r r;r S l o lH:O S CUlllC l O hi s PI'(':-' (o11ll'(1 ::l ve r y l)ll':lsin g- prof,; ram age and the host and hostess n nd L ommon s Hntchery Yl'lI r s 111'1 01' to tho da.ys or s t ate norStu bbs FU!leral DI rectors ('I'uci n l 11 10111 " 11 1, lIluch to the hum.; on 1'nth<- I" 5 Dny an(l t' njoyed " II r(,llOWl;: fnmlly . 11111 1 l!c hols, will be l1 eld August 11. The Mlt mi Gazette I' 'g" c l o f tllC "Olll (ll' I)oys." , a plea sa nl rn cli n g log eth e l·. " \Vpl 'OfTI " h)' 1\'ill 'I'I",I" I" Hr:t(I· I :! , ' V. . O llmo ul·. )lres ldent of the P . E. Snydfilr o nd. Sons ' FUl'th .. m Ol'€', ' Vii ::;1. John, Jl n .. ,·y At the nuon hour, tho fo llo wing d n(' lt ; H,.Il !;, " I. IIl1 ' Uld LallY, " IJY a lumnI. h ns a nnou n ced. FATHER'S DAY GUESTS Miss DorIs Hawke entertained. at Norri s a nd arock Co . 5 h l"' wooo1, n lHI John CIII·t \\... I~lIl got gath er",1 ll r ou nd the l able to n joy ~u c' l'- ul'll lls; 1'1:1 ." , " ~ l fJt.l' (" · (; o)I'SI' ." D efinlle plans h avo not been o ld fee t IIn':l I!~d n ' t oven , h ow up. dlnnl' I': by n 1 1I1'~c g l'O IlP If r c hildl"n ; li e"; , h er aportment In L ebanon. with Jl'. T . Ma rtin , A u ction ee r fO l'mu lnt d, G llmoUl' staled 'but na lph Smith snld the bal W af! en · :'1 1' . and Mt·8 .· IlI t'en ce Dunht.l m l:ulofl by I lul'othy \vilsulI; Pia no p In na fur a r e union Bu ch as h us been Sunday dinner for th e pl~a8ul'e at Th e Hnmnton O .-n vel Co, t ll'(' ly too ;; h 1'1, 0 1' h c wou ld ho.vo u n lio n, Cal'l, of L oba non; :-'1,'. a nd S o lOIl iJy G I ' n il S lIIlIh , ,\1I1ton Jones . h er tather, Mr. L ee Ha.wke. K A, Swltzo l' held In fo rme r years will be )llllnned I11 ll de 1110l'e hit". li e !\eemln g ly hit II1 t's, John I:clll on " a nd d a ug hte l', Il nd P ll y lli s g ' lllc;,·. Covers were In!d for Mr. and?lfr n. D. ollett Hardwaro 110 Ilald. t il ' rubl I' mat mol'c . thnn' the bnll. DO I'oth y, lint! son, Hnl'l'Y, oC On.y . Aft"I' t h IlI'n~ I""ll th" ('ll 11ell',' n Lee Hawl(e , Mr. and Mrs. Don Crand Thea ter The school was m erged with WII . Aftlli' this I'c lIllni>lcing, IlI Os t or UB t n: l\\r'. a n d MI'S, EI'n es t II n rtsocIt WCI'O II' all'll to ;" 0 I'''cam ('one l'l. Hawke. Mr. Dean Howke. Mr, John K r oger StOl'O mlngton College In 1917 but was r e o I'ollld I'..,lol ly , :tlllll'c " IIll o' tiny an l~ 81) n. MIl!J : Mt·. and :'11'8 . H~I" ?\ IIIIR Ann .. L o ul s(' lI o"l~ g-:I\'e Ih C' Hawke. lir. nnd Mrs. Mnynanl Zcnln. Th eat or vlved n!rtlln some flCteen years . In ter low n nl OI'A'u nl~lng II Conlln e l'c lll l man SU I'fa ce n nd son, DonllY LcC'; l' IIII\II'I '1I I hll'l y !ld"~ {l! to IhC" Zoo, Woltz and son, Jimmie. and dn ugh · \Vnyn ('~ \'lIIe Farme!'s ' Exch a n g being removed to Ma n ch estel' atte r ' '11I1t In 'Vllyn clI vil\ · Ilglll n, 'rhey cet·· M ..s , H llr l'Y . Sto lt ell; nnd wili t h WHe I-(I'n l('f llll,\' ,1('('cl)tr d, fl nll tel', Anne, Mrs. Ida. Parshall, Miss W, . TI<' lt e no r. Ah'y, being h ere one yenr, tllinly hod g ood tim s In the o ld one pl1lIl" W I: I'I' m ",l c 10 nlto llll, thi s CUrmen Ollrzn. anlt MI38 Dorl::! E.d wlIl'd J . Gardn I' ~ In utldlli n t >le l'v lng fO I' the \\' , I· 'Ye lln lJtiay, Hawke. Baird 'il ij·10:to·$l .OO ·Store LARGE GROuP PRESENT AT fil t· oC Ih e om munlly. FAMILY GATHERING NOTICE , OF PUBLIC HEARING ATTENTION Fj\R~fERS!' • • • • CELEBRATE W E I)I>JNG 'I'ELEPUO:SE ' E ltVlt'E) ON THE ANNUAL BUDGET WIth the barvest season ' in ( u\l '1'h F ' I'I'y C hut' h of h!'ls t pro· ANNIVErtSAlt\, TK\lrOH ARII.Y IlIS.Utl'TEl) Notice Is h ereby glvel;' that on the s wing, 100<\1 fllrmcrs ,';ho h uve ' not s en tod n n ~lnllsua ll y ,Intal'estln g !?a. Mr, nn'" MI'9, a nrg W n Han en· T il l lI'hon ~ ·s t' v lce li t \VI~y n e$v l1l SOy ntY·flvo m em tiers at the Wat. 6th daY of' July. 1988. at e ight 0'· yet secured their .b lnder twi n may trlotl t~t'o S l'll m Inter In lh week on I· tu~ed, o n Sun,~1t\y, In hunor of \v11~ c1ls l' \I\1ted whe n wO I'k s progl'l">!B klns and Luca8 lam Illes we~~ PI'&~Iook p. m . henrlng on lhe Budget secure puro simI sra nda rd v un llty J\l ly 1st. M r . ll!nd Irl:l. Doo n 'W,nlto n' a ,'1' III1-d Il(lrn l nlllU'(l tlon mlll oy cs world,ng e nt at n basket dinne r , on .s unda¥", prepared by the Wnyne Township twine 'at Fairle y's Hardware t or, ..... lI(lIng Ann lvcrllll l'Y, on tho su nltn!'), "ewel' \1l'oj 1ct Ilccl. at the country home of Mr. and ..... TI'U81eBII 9t Warn!1f" Cou!lty, Ohio. Wa!.ne8vllle. 'Eelil~ES ('OS ITION a ve I'll \V-1'0 ' "Id" o on fur MI', ,<JI' lllly ' Vl n cllble, ·oo()f£lM :tls of the H nry Wutklns, Tllllles \ve1'e p~ on the lawn, ltnd a bount 'OUB cllDDtr for the next succeeding fiscal yenr. This twin e Is nttraetlv e ly 1>1'Ic d Mt' , H rll'old 1). V.·IIII ~ , form ' I' edit Or and l\J1·~. 'In .. T1~(I nt'lIckl," 'Jf ;'\I". Ohio ('entl',, 1 1'plcpho ne Co. Ral(1. ending Decembol' ,1, 1989. . a nd 1,8 tne prod uct oC o n e ot the old. [thl,. Jl"prll·. h.B" s"l!u l'~l1 a positio n 811 n ; Mr, lind l\rrl:l, K 'nn Ih 01';1<\1,· rt I.; c!!lill\n tt',l Ihut 30 loca l tcle· Wnll served at noon , Suoh hearing will be held at the eat twine factories in Amerlan., 1.0. on LII , I~uy (t(1 N WH, In \Vu!!h lngton In und d a u ghl'r, of II nj(f'lllll n: Mr. r honcs <lnd 111)(,,, 10:1g dr ton re clr · This nlse served U8 It m11lOe..... TOWMhlp HoU';, Wayn1!lIvllle. Ohio, cal fnrmers will find. Fnlrloy's pr(l. . J I. H e 1110\' d hll< photcl·()ngruylng nnd Mrs, ] I nry Bronn I' nn(1 (" mll"\ Cit lUI \I' r a nffcctcd. Long distance eoUN show(':- tor Mr• . L, H, GORDON pat:ed t~ take cnre or th ~lr n eeds plu nt tlle l'r', TU(,fld ny, La hegln acUv of Fo"t~r; Mr. nnd ;\\I'S: Keith Wal· circuJts \\IC'reo set up, ~ut local Connl't '(nee: Frances Clerk of W~ Township for t.w\n~ Il8 they have an unusually w.ork, MpH. ton: nml :'IIa', n nd, :'ofrll: (1 1'01"1::'(' Wnl· ph lint'" W,,,·(' nnt Immooln' Iy reo m nn)' u ""Cul r ltt. 1-••-10 Jarp Itoolc. I joined him ton, ' paired. tho )'QWIC co1lllle.


Our Ad vertisers







J... __g.~.!I~!!~!!~~~~--~9?~_~ _ ~~~~~_~'


;\{I', :In,1 ~f\',', !4ll1lnn ro,l_sli ,·t IUIII ~lI' . lind roll'Y. lI:l n ' ,' y Hutlll'l, 11,l ll l:hl' I''', \'f" ,dnlll 11 11<1 ~"I'!Jh \' Isil 1'~"""I ,tl I :n l'l~' , !In,1 LI I\"dl 'l'ItUII I;I" ",1 III 1I11 111,shu,x . :';unJa~' nftC l" all ,' llllo,l \III' fluWI '1I1 (Let' lJ n<l,'r, son , .tl \" aY I1('~,-fII~. I, d,h,y nl' tl' I" Main Street 110 n . tbonll 112 ' Waynes ville , Ohio S nn,I ,,~' ,, 11('1'" ,It 111(' 11.'1'1')' . (" 0\'. t1 ,Ill, 'I~'<' \ ' 1I'11lII' \\" ' 1'" ;\ 1\', n nd :lII' ~, 1"1,,1, ;\fl" o fl(1 lIlI'~. 1'll' III II O n ob llll'll, or 1ll','1 I'rollt 2, oJ' Ullytom, ;\1\', 11 11<1 n urt on. \\'('rl' I'lumlay (' \' ~ nhl '" ('[.11, ~ II'R , Hlllll ~lw:lt'I'r " m l d l\ lI ~hl<' I', I) ' I I'~ of ~II ', 11 1\ ;\1 1", \VII II ' !' ' Ittrlt . A, ANDERS Ill , and . It·, :I n,1 ~I l''' . Il n l'I'Y I' 1'1\ II , li nd i\[1"~ \Ya nd a 'lu rk, Mrs, R. H. H~\ ~II'. li nd ;\II'~. J ,,~ J1 l'~S II l1d , n s , l\lr~. nUlh !':R" oge m oved her 1' 1'0\1 n ncl Ro)', n it' IHll'd I he JTe~s r ' h oulll'hoid goods f rom the ThOntllSO n u ni on nt bIL' X ' nl:l Fll lt"'I'ound~, ., pI'OrH' I'ty, lI lul'd n y, 10 til lAJ\\'1 SubEcripMon Price, $1.60 P e r Yeor, Pllyable in Advonc.e uIll1 n r , IIJ'OI"' I'I~', In \VHrIH'S\'U\('. ~ll' . ro ml ;\11' ~, ,' " m N' lI : lI'l ~n(' k nnd An Indepen de nt Newspap e r D dicnted to the S~rvice of Waynesv ille ;\II'S, S""lc unnin J,: lt nll1 , or \\'11, and ... Iclnity Giving its potrons the best ncwsp a p er humanly p os- rn mil~' joltll'oI I h{' J . ~. F II,' l's at ,li n, lIa IIlsl()\\'n, K nlu c ky , '\I'll!! tho w e{'k I\ble, \11'. nllll \1 .. " . Hul in Hull nn 1110101" ('JIl l g-Ll~sl ,r M,·. IIIllI 1\ 1I·s. A. L . ;;111 ... ;\11 l!~ V,' llIm Hlltl Hl' I'mn.n " 11 10 l'''llInl ''II ~, HUlltilly' a lll) Hlw nl ,' mill! Ihl' (1" ~' wllh D .. . " 1ll1 \1,.,•. J o hll W r{' ,, 1"0 Su,u lay dinne r PlI ll l lIolton . ,:: u ~ I S, ( L ILtII' K nn cLtIt rCl'i((" I'. of nen l' :\1 1'. ' "1<1 ;\1" $ lI " r\',' Y c.,,"s hon T OM FIZDALE ' -_ __ _ _ _ __ _ __By __ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _.J :I I H I ~o n . I Il Il', "' ll': Il n,l ~It·£';. L' h n:-:. .\1I(fdll' lOW II, Is Hppndln" 0 Ihls W l' l{ ( '~hOl' n . ,\11,," l 'h.,· II I" ,I" :,,, 1'1111" ' 1" " I th e homc ot' :\11'. I1 ml 1\ll's, ' ly.J.' With the coming of Summer r a dio listeners will get a new dca l in · t d hil ' f ' 11 ' l •• n, " n iL ~fl s!-' U : ll'1t:t1'1l .\nn Gru :-;IH IIl \\'harto ll li nd (l u u,g-hl 'I'R. en t e rammen -an w e many of thc wmter avorites WI vocallon, t you may be certain that the program builders will h ave soine new sur- \\' ('1',' J; lI "~IS " I IIif' S l111 un [;"""I' l'l n,'V. 111I1;'h V,,\' i ~, IlllstO l' o r LyprlBes In top: notch feotures, h"III,·. SII ,,,I,,), . II.' !'h II l''' 10 , Is a l lp n d ing coll r'::l' n l Scheduled for a summer breo thing spell a re F ibb er McGee. the Monday R a d io Th ea tre, Eddie Cantor , Gang Bus t .\ I,·s .. ,l",, "i,' ~ 1 1I1I" 11 "1"' l\l Hllnd a )' 1)(·I" wn l·' , Olt lu , fOI' 11 fe w WC(' I{R. ers, A1 J ols on , Edward G , R obinson, Al Pcarce, Kate " " 111<' g-I"·.~I .. I' ,\11,," " IRII \lo ll,, " . )11'. '"hl ;\II·H. 1(,, 11110 lI on lln c ll \l lld Smith, Jack Benny, Fred Alle n , H Ollyw ood H otel, ;\11' • . SII II ,'n U g II (I' " a n,1 "" u ~ h , Slln, c,r Un.'.,·lun. :\Il' . II "d 1\[t'Il. ,J olIn the Andre K ostelanetz-Grace M oo r e mus~cal. J oe 10' 1' , I: ulh . ,."\1,.,, :I I 111l' lI al'l' ), 1'\1\" From Ill. f \\' ay nl'';'' ll1e WI' I'O SatPenner, Burns and Alle n and Phil Bake r . Sponsors h ave some brand n ew ideas and the d),,' , ' 1" "1\/' . ~"lul'I l ")' " rl r rnOU n . 111'(\:1), b UI's ts of ~\r'. a llll .\ll's . A . L . networks will tryout a crop of their own, .. CBS H\'II )' H"p' l''' \\' a" Ih,' \\,·,' 1, gllt'~ l Hidl'~. ~II' . : Id os, who haM ben 11\ is planning a M onday evening series which will of ~ I I' . 1I 11t1 .\11'". 11,, 1'1'), l ''' ''n ,II. f,"' ,'o nll' l ime, n 'n wi ns a bout lh{' originate from cit ies around the c ountry and aD~I r" . 1I 11 1'\"' ~' Sli n ' "", I n ,' p ho \\' . :IIll O. other idea to b e given a trial is a series of plays " lid ~II ·H . ,1.. hll "LU II , or '\" '~ I \ ' II'!;'I" II\ A 111I'g-c CI'O\\'" I' nJ"," I' t1 Iii hll,\ produced in rural districts that neve r reach New ~ JI " 1Il Hn llll'liay III g-ill " I Lh l' , ' ,' ~" n ' n 's Day :-;1' 1'1'1"0' at Lyti C' hurd!. York, Looks like anything but a dull summer, I ",~~ h, ' lll £' . ~lI ' lIl ny !'\,(,nl ng. 'fh " 1'IIIII'c h loo k(l(] AUee BIU ~I .. . 111101 ~Ir ". l'",. 1 Duk E' (':0111'11 al 1" '''U ll r,,1 with Ill >! n:t' (' nl Illl {'I" Lea T rem ayn e, NBC leadlng man who grew a beard In t h e great m u sUlche r ace of 1988. Is 10 a predicament. Hla girl likes It s o well that Iii I' IlU lI'" III' .\1" . :1 11(1 ~1I· s. J'i Hrry \UI' ll l) f' H t' u li \l n ~ :and tiH ' I'l"iJ lu sl(J n or F 'II'II~"'c , F,. lday IIf Lt' I'IH)un . ~II' ~ . JUIl ~ rust's . she woo't l et h im shave It 011 as he had planned • • • Gale Page, recently h eard over NBC Idlocycles f r o m Chi cago, Is deJInltely a c Uek In h er 1''' II'<I·~·('~'s ""million I~ a lil l ie W CI\'SI'. first Warne r B rothe r a OIeker, "Crime Scbool" •• , A wag tossed P hil ' Vl lIllf' n o f fh e F e rry C'hut"C"h ,,:;':1 \,0 Baker a d ime after Baker'a accordion aolo on the recent B en Bernie n KJ! c ia I \I 1'\'g rn rn. Runtlll)', In h u nul' show, and Phil c r acked: "Helgbo, Sliver !"


.miami ~a~t ttt'






The Bernie show. by the way, is reporl ed due lor a fadeout with the broadcast of J uly 6 •. , President Rooseve lt will be heard over all major networks June SO in an oddress in cOl)nec tion with the National Education Ass' n, convention in New York, and on July 3, when he will speak as a feature of the 75th . anniversary of - the Botue of Gettysburg, Both speeches will be heard throu ghout the world via short . wave,

1~lItl li~ I " ti

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h tld Ih l' IlIllRL h II clI'(' 11 1 )!'l'~" 1I1. 11:1 v ' Ing ~ I)( , ;\1,·, Ilnd ;\I't',; . I. " t (, I' Ge"h n n l 111\11 U

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n nu ra mll y w nl o n l l'ip, ;\IOIII!fl)'.

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\V , rt ~ hln s

LYTLE :l11 ~"

1I111'I:lm S,,\ish uI'Y, of " 'n .. h , . H ., 81' n l Thul'sda y u nd In g t, n Fibber McGee's fi ghte r , Mill Aa r on, climbing thal welter-weight l a dder , , , Scored seventh stra ight victory las t week, , , Bill Stoess, Fl'lday a l th £' h om e of ;\1 1'. n nd' ;'Ifl'!!. music di r ector of those crack "Vocal Varieties," writing new song, AIIC'n Emrl k. "When Day Begins" , , , B enny G oodm a n and H oos ier Hot Shots of T hc 4, 1-1 Cluu, :III'S. ,J ones n nd "National Barn Dance" f orm a mutual admiratio n society, .. They' re ;\11'9. Ilall r y In hll "I,;I', m et a t lh {' fans of eoch other, , , D olores G illen, pretty NBC actress, thrill ed over prospects 01 younger sister, Elizabeth, training for r a dio, hO lll e of ~l l's . hll l'l (,8 harle lon. Thul'sclay uLI r;' oo n . Arrival of King George VI a nd his e ntourage in Paris on Tu esday. :III'. and !'I1t·s. A . O. \\, 1111:111\8, of June 28, and the British Sovereign' S a ddress three d ays later, Friday. Dayto n , cn \l ,\ 0 1 th 110m B o f MI'. July I, when he unve il.s a n Au s lralian' war memorial in Fra nce, will be heard in !his c ountry over the NBC-R e d n etwork, .. Morgnrelte Shonna anil l\hs. \Vll It I' I' l{ c nl' k k IIlIcI :lfr, ot "Arnold Grimm 's D augbter" h os rcal est a tcilis-ca u scd by searching a nd M'·B. L('~ II ' ( ;1'11)" \ V...lln ~ " ay. for II new b ouse , • , It ' ~ c ont a gious , 100, amonJ1 frie nd . :III'S. Ali ce ' In 1'1; ItIlS hel' ll ill th e PIL Sl w('(!k . :Ial'c n cc Elz, o n "'ednesdny, .Juno IlI ch ul'(\ " ' hl ll1 l; vl' stlfft·red !I n in, 22, jlll'Y 10 hiM fOUL, I:u; l \\. (' k while ~II's. L es l(>1' K e nrick 11:1 e lll ' rttl~, ph, y in G In . th c h" rn .




P Jle

Is Ihe

h o u ~e Inl: little Be tty ,J an a nd Bobby ('a m pu 'll this w~ck




hUllI c.

.g u est of Mrs. J ss Rola lld. MI', and !Hrll, Lnwl'e n cc Th omll!<, Miss n l'lltn Fil I' r e lll l'n d to In , Perry J , Thomas, a nd £:JI',' ln F u ul c lnmlll, M nday, 10 1'(,SLl m c h m' p nt unday o rte l'ooo n In 131'001" ::!lud,! ' 8 a t lIh e nl\'c l'~lly fo r the ~Um I1HH ' Ie I' m. v 1\11'. :'lit· , J . S . FII I' I', ;'U ~!i Jl ·n lta Fil I', MI·8. 'rltom ns POl'ol~'c .. " 11('nl MOil · ~ll'lj . .Ta m cs II n l'lsot'l< lind ch llclren dny vi s itin g In ' Ves l ~[\ I'l'o l lol\ a nd S(lf' lI l Sunday nfl pl'n uo ll In \)ay lon Miamisburg, I'lllllin E\' wlLh :lII'H. :llm'y 0 1'11 ('11 n nd Mrs , J , '\Vhlttoc r (' n nd he,' m olhe .. , Ca mil y, 1111'S, Ella Ull~ I'y, of Bea\,e rlown , cn ll l'tl a t th e Hnrry FOl'dyc h m , " -e<1n esdny, I Mr. lind ],I,'s, Tru ll x rind so n , PIIU I. ot ' pring Vlllley , "'(, I'e S unday gu Bll! nt the Puraonllge .


Th (' 1"o w nfiJ u n n l ·


$ :,:',['7 . .\1 ,., I (owHnl \\'nods \\'1.I S till '

rn 1)1 i 1)'.

Dona ld N ovls, radio's top tenor a couple of },cars a~o , w h o retired to Improve h is voice, Is BUlrlnr a c ome b ack Cr om H ollywood , , , Bayard V elUer, w ho pens "Valiant Lady" on NBC, h as another scrip t r ead y f o r Call prod u ction , , • Allee Hill, star o f " Betty and Bob," Is sporting an early season ~ tan and str ong' arm as result of doing her own recon d itioning of b el' sail b oat • • , Mr. and Mrs, Las Tremayne Eddie Cantor celebrate d th eir 24th annivcrsary J une 9, settln~ a mark f or scr een f olk to sh oot at.

l)lI r .

or 1!1f,

C, eek


J I;" 'I'Y lAO', 10 , !'I1I l\II'(ln y "i:t(WlIoun. ;\1 1;;;; ;\illI'):\< ' c ,u~lI n l' lu rn ed h""I1', H I " HI ,, ~·. art,'1' "'1"' II (lIn" III i' 1'1. \~ 1110 11 \\' 1\ \ ' IM I'UO\ ' (l)!'tflr. N'J' wc·.. k with h,'" IIIIIIl JI ,\d 1I11l'1{'. "f IN \\' ,\ltRI!JN CO NTY


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HARVEYSBURG 'rhl' r-:nstl'l'n Stn l'

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It.:lrl " t lh ~1

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~IIH8 ) \<. II r I<-ll " :\I I' Kl nsc,' I '1<'111'1" . . - , 1 In '\ "III"lou\:o ~,· hl1"I " . l'n lh-d ,'n I f l' I ml 8 111111 1'l' llIlI\'l' S h" ,·,', Thill'stiay




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unIt 1111(\ 8t1 n, Il n n 'y , TIours(\ny <, vc nln j.; . ;\1,'S. Il lIl'~' UiI,"ul1 111,,1 r" mil)' , ;\1 0 11 ' Th e B lhl .. Sc loool, whic h III,,, hel'" dtty r· \" l' llil1l!. fH I' :\ 11' , (;JhHOI1 I H u n In ~I'~. lu n rOl' Ihc III >;t tWI) \\' (' I s, I h, ' sIPI< lis!. <'IllsI'll, Friday, w ll h I~ pi c n ic at ;\1 "S. L') IIls ,\ 1OI'g':On. :ill'. " '1<1, ~I1'", I' N'l' s P a rk, \\' lImln g lo n. Arthl1r :\lnl'h'I1 Il . anti ':\11' , L ll u l\fl ul"

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:\1II I' /;;( II .

i\11'~. l.·I:l I" '11 ' e em W(01'(1, ~tl·. L o uis MOl'ga " ca l",,} 0 11 1I11'~. 11 , 111'), IIl1l'g"H r'l Ill(> HI. l';Ii>\:I uet ll l\ n~ (1i l" l

:II I'. nllll Mr~, 'l'h{'odo r ~I c ln tl l'e m u n , w('I'e m:l l'rl d In C'o lumbu .. , ,'c, n ll,1 ;"' n , ChariI'll, or n l.'lI l' Nl'w D ur' ~1'n1ly . Ht j )II)'IO II. ;\!", a n d ;\II'R. Clif f I!:II,(, I' of :III, ~I'·R. , !l dl c 1(""90n £'n l el'l ll ln l'\1 11111,; 111", \\' I' C l3 ulILlay ,\ inn,,1' I,; U(,SIS '"11 ls IJ III'!!'. (J hl n, ~ 1 "'"1 1,'I'id"y \\'llh ~It·:;. EIII'1 Iinc l, ' II u nd dall~hl (' r , r :II", n nd MrR. Ha y mond \VII Ho n . ~Ir , a llo1 ,\1 1':;. Da\'ld LII<'a Ma nti rlllll ' n Ulh, Sunlln y. ,\1 n •. Luth el' lI al nl'8 was CU ll l,a 10 lIy. \11'>1. L.1I 111'tl Sh lda lt cl' s ll<'nl th e ('llllJd en , ,\Ve dn,' "d ny , by lhl' sC l'lous



we" j" n,\ Willi II I' .In u ghl 1', ;\I!'''. dtl II!;II IN' " pe lll S"llll'll:o y I1 I1lL E vcl'ett Yill a l' ~ 11 11<1 furn ll y , ;\11'8, L ou l ~(' File lind <la ug h I 1' , J a n('. w rc " ' liming-ton Salu r day, The Bible Sch oo l, which h as b e n in s estl lo n two wee l{ s . prese nl d I). \lI'og,'o m at Ihe ~le lhod lsl Church , S linday e\' e nlng, Mr. nnd Mrs. fa mil y hll"c 1110v e(t 10 :\11'. Lul, c n s urol h p!"s Sloc k Fa.rm , ROOT FOR AND CONS IGN mn n ngo th rlnlt')" fou r CatUe, h o p , sheep a n d cai v . t o N orris-Brock Cc..., live wir .e and p r ogre ssiv e finn f 'lr t h e h ighest m arke t pri ces a n d go od service. Union Stock Yard.' Cincinna ti, 0 , T u n e in on R a d i o Station W C K'Y Mrs, GUllnell 12 :215 to 12 :30 p. m , t or o ur datI,

how little you

need pay for ' ~all

this.' .:1

tl cooIdq usI gu out in the country - Pyrofa Gu l .




A modem. '-udful


Cllef-Pyrofu ~ Rmgewitli


and • awing· out·type. smokdeu broiled

'mII0fII4IJt, 0ftD

mn l'lc.. t I'eTlnl'b,

A tool Idu:beo -


1\lIsR Yc lm rl. K o('st c r 9p nl S und a y

CO I' tl p,-

Stubbs Funeral Home

ray ca ll, rl Oil fl'i f' lIfl~ :01 Xl'n ill, ;\1"11' day ('\'l' nlll!;. :\ 1,',

~ ""rt !i I 1\ t' Il '!i

~j llt · " <I,'ath i~ n nn Ie ,,·,,1 alld lin · a " .. III"hl, ' III'I'U I'I'I'III"', It Is \\'Is,' I .. 11111 1" , I"·.. " .... ~ I. · I'S hl' f...'., it C·.JlIIf'S. S, ' l< , .' IIII~ It f IIIII' rul dh'... ·, tIll' Ju ~t "" r" u 111111", l~ wil l IIr 1II',,\'illt, IlIs urnl " 'I' 11I~lfI'('lIl1 n ­ iN! a 1" '('(':1111 jUll n.'y nU'a~ un~ ' h at \\'iII 111'1 " '1'111 "IInf u s lll n IUIII ,II", 1\ JlPlli ll l"lI'nt ,

Ha cli &"- Il t'u~n ll, (·;t llt: tl Ulltl rHllI ll r. :\ 11', II Utl ~I r:-;. )'~ \' t ' l'c tl JltrH. F'1':tlli( "'"',' 1,1,1:,1,1' " 11111111,, 11 a lld ~(I " R , 0,,, 11,'" lin ;\11'. " lid

Hwl"~h l' l l1l


Much Followed Advice



I '1l':lSllIIt


("0 . :

C' I H l'h: :;v lll t.~

.-\I\coipn t .

c \,pnll1g. ' , JIll' . ';11(1 ~I l'~ . llIJ I\1I 1L1 :-;Inl\\' e lll £'I'. 1 ;\11'''. [\,,",, 1' HI '" l t" n :1111\ ~n ll ill' ln ln II :\ll' . Shaw's l" It'(' II I,., 1)[ \\,111 " )I:'rlOll ",, \I",L"" ;\I iss [' Ial'll 1J,, " ~10 · I t ,. t' "S 1'1'1 'he'IlI'I' , Ohio . I~rilh\y. . ' ,1'"" ,, 'I ' \ '1" 'I \\'il MI' . 11 11,1 ;\1 1':;. L1"Ill'1 (':lII1ph l'lI 11 ",1 " "'" " g llll :l (III' , .. I' 11 ' " ' , :llI ss I';: Hlh lcl' n ClIll1plJl'I l I\ a \'p !'l'IUl'n 1I1111'::1,'n . s"" nl I""l \\" ,,,1. wi l lI ;\1 1'. " II f,'olll a Il'lp In t ' h"I''''~ lolI , \I' "st :Olld .\ll's. 1-:1\' " :\1 1"1",..) a nti Ilall g h, \ ·II'I; lnla . 1" 1', 1 '\trulhy. ,\1,",,1 I"" g-it'l~ "I' II... .J · II (' Iuh 'I' h Il os ll' l' cl1l1lll'(:n, of lIl'tl r \\' 11 , I11ln g lo ll , HI'{' \,ls l. III ':: 11\('11' ""(,/ £, , l' ll jtl.n.: i1 H pi-'nk . I-'t'il l;lr . with ~l l'H. MI'. lead l'a lllilltc ll II lid, fa mily . ;-'lIs~

r l " III

110 .. ('('I' u \ ' (' I'

"V n n'e- fl

11 11I'tl lf':lHl

lIull" r\' lIll' 11 1111

1!t '; l1~


l1\ (Itllt' .·, on ~1 ...


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follo\\, s: on s tlll u



o r " ' i1mln !; ton, I III' t o Ih (' Ilh1<'''~ o f IH' I' m olh 1', hn" pUl'c ha l<C d Ih 11I'op ert y a l Ih p Mrs. 1IIn r J;l1 n't A"I I'" m, O U " P" KIO I' , I I' or l it hili , fOl'l111'l'ly 0 \\'11 1'(1 U)' .'I i~" Mil l'), Anll'a m , hnH II 'C II un , J . '\\' . !;n ell . ;\1" . Ed\\'ln S mith, of "'liminGto n , allie to llttpnLl ~(' l' vlcC's lh o (laMl two a nd ;\II~" AlIl1 a Th omp Roll, o r King,

IIIn ~" 0( h I' m Olher, ;\ Irs . h UI'II'>! La ird, lI om{, I' 1I 0ln ~ fi nd fa mily ClI lI l!u (I n ;\ll'I'. 1\llI1ie T e rre ll li nd PJlul T 1" ,'(' II an ti Cll ntlly of n a r N l'w Vienna , Sunuay a ft ernoon, Th l' Yo ung P C'ople held Ih elr reg, ili a I' m l'etlng- at Ihe home ot Mr, n nd 1\11'5. L onlt nl Ellis, oC n ca l' I<lnl,;mon. 11 11'. nntl 1\1 1'9. RIll Igh B oga n, ~{:\ rl1 y n S uc Rmllh, nnc! Mo rllyn M e F a l'l" lIl\ v ls ll ('d In lh e Anl l'n m h OI11 (, 'H 'HI' WilminGto n , S Ulllin r ""enln g. ~ Ir . nn I Mrs, Evc l' c tt l-I nl n4}s li nd fa mily I'iMiI<'l1 tho lalle ," S pHrl' m S, ~ I I· . !tnd 1\I1'S. Be nJ".m,ln lI l'l')', of IlI g hlltm t, Ohio, S undu),. 1\11'. an d ~II's , ,\Vl11la m S m llh lind da ug hl (, l", Mll rllyn Suo, wero Sun ,

{ (II' lIH~ ImlH'ovem nt of hlg h In "-' "T ' ll Co unly nrc t o be I' cct; l\' ec\ In th ofn'c of t h Kt olo 111"11" '"'" '' dire tor, J L1no 24, III It \l ll0 1I 0 un c~( . '


Miss Auell'ey COm]l to n , ot AMh~ll' . a nd :11 1':1. J3 I't Dunnell I'nvlll(' ,' N_ 'lIl'o llno, IIP,'nl 'l'hursrln y rW11\ II lltoll' ('hlld,r en al h o m n ve nlnl,; nnd Prillfl v, with ""Ifll j,'I.Lh I"," II 0" . , ,lv"u 0 In thiS Ill' lgh bo l'h O'),1. :\11'. u n tl ;\11'''. Fl' I'I 'Y B~II"i1 : t' ~fI 1,:01 11<''' IIt"it' ' 1IIld l"' n, :l!"d"y. ~ II'. n n,1 )II '~ . I IIt 1'1')' E nw ly (': 1110" \ ,) 11 w n it ,· 1' allli n 'l' l ltH 'n n'y , 1" I'i ,III ), . " " ,' 111 111{. 'j'h " CII"",, 11 . n. Vhlll·,.)1 111111 tlli'''' ny Juno E II('n Flte l'Illldl,'l'II'" "" 1',' 1 ' H, ;; und " y ~,'\' '''oI nl>'

;\I r~.


D I'. a nd ~I I'!'. ,J. W , \\':1 1'(\ , of Ira l" day dlnn l' l' g u cs ts of !\fl'. nn d 1\11'8 . w it h ;\{n rl o G OI'Hu eh . ' ·I'),shul'g'. \\,(11'1' "" IIln l,; on L y tl Uon:llcl H n111 08. Mr. n nd Ml's.e R a ), Zech c nl c l'tru n ,



mo Willi-

01'eD I

Crl L'nd", S und<lY IIrl (, l·nonn . 1\ll s~ LOll l~c S in c lair Is v ls lling li t c1 Lho la lle l" s m othe r , 1\ l rs . P n e, .\1,." . A,loI" Ha[' I;, of ;\lInrnlshll r g, Ihl' hum e of h r gl'Ondl?a re nt s , li t from L e bn no n , HJl nt Ih e wc('I,,' ml with ~I I'S. ;\lcU, DofCmnn, Ohio, ===========~==== :llr. a nd :l1I·s. R n.le il; h Bogan s p ~ nt ;\I'·R. :\ltll'Y ( 'a nnol1 ), \\,,,~ " d in nl' r Su nd ay wllh Mr. n nd Mrs . Hol'llce glles l , :-;IIIl, I";, , " f :\11'. " 1Il1 ;\1,.,•. ,\VII - 'OIllPI OIl , In New Burlington . b ur (' 111 1'1<, :I! th!' h' IWW homp In Mr. \,\'lIl1 a ll1 Compton s,'pe l1t "', u n. 0 Oa\(wood, clay wi t h ~II-, and Mrs, H o rnce

F. 'T. Martin

a nd ~I I''', Wl lllfj Br WCI' o f • . u nl 1111'S. JI'S!; D a ylon cu ll ed on ~ II'





Or No Charge


R la nd , Sundl'Y. 1\ l rs. Snl'a h Dewey a nd 'hnl'Ie1l D w y, o f Jasp 1', Ohio, w ~ re F l'ldny g ll ..Rls oJ' lIlI'. II nel 1\11'8. R olin Dolton Mr. P e rry F a ul W IIS th e <llnne r and 1'lIss VIBtL Bo lton . guest of R \" and 1\Irs. W . C'. Smith Mrs . f'e rrr Fa ul l\ ncl so n , ~I I'S. nnt! family, Sunday, L u wl' 'n ce Th ont "R n nd tlallghWI', Lndle's nf th e F Cl' l'y h~lrc h g-[J.\'O \\,11.,,:1 , s pl' nl la"t 'i'hu,'s!l<l Y aft e r , thc bull,III1 G a l1l01'0u l:'11 c lell n ln g , n uo n in Dnyto ll. leu,! Friela }' , :\11'. Frankie Sweig,,,'l, uf Cc linll , Tho MIHslo nll.l'y !'loc i ly o f lh e " \\' IIS Ih e 1;'1I1'sl f :Ill'. J ohn C riSS I' t , F CI'ry a nd \\'n yn svillc C hu rcll s o f C hrist ~,' 1I1 m eN n t tht> h om C' o f !\IrK. lh p. pasl w ec l;.

;\11', 011,1 ;-''''>1 • .I . 1-:, r:\I ~l ln ' IWIII duy \I1lh ~n· . !LillI JIll'S. Bill ~ ·url. ~\I" , I,'~·.I1 111 .. 11' 1., ,'," Ill' a .. IHle'a, "t !L,'a )' WIlJIIIIIJ;lull, ~II' .tlHI ~ I ..,., l' 1'1 "IIIH' , cir Kin gs .\11', anti ;\11',.. I';IU,":H n JlHI 1111.1 ~III1 H , " I "1\1 ~l11ldllr \\'1111 ~I" _ ,'nd ",un. 1 1111~' . ",IIkd 'n t','I,ne", al n-

'OIl1I I1 QII, 101 N, .w ULH'"l ij:I"'" ~II·. ,,' HILmI 'oJ1l llll>l1 ...., 'II I HUll IIILi wllh hi" .. 1I'lI" ', ,\11'.. I': II 1I 111I11I n, Mr. n nd "' I "R. LlIll1(' ~ ] "Lln !'H, DUll ' n ld u n L Phyll l,, · II :', iJlI'H, a n, 1 ;\11', .1'hIIl11 1,' ranklll1 :, 11 11I1"t! ,\ I\,uall-:tl lit r ll.lln m nt, 'I t Cllm<l ~ II, S un,lay IIlght.


Fifth Street

P hone 30 Wayneaville, Ohio

INTERNATIONAL School Busel - Are Safe, Econ~mical and Dependable -

Call 112

Centerville, Ohio Phone 78J


--andyour guess 'will be too high!

t ' g. ·· JO.bPrIll· III II. i1t::::~~ For That Next Order 01 •

Send the coupon for cornet an.wer ·( Dlsuibn1or'. Name) how Hide? MY ' • present range is • .. , - .• , . •

No Job too Large

or Small

Lebanon, Ohio


and' is . .. .... .


yJnrw:ld. _

NaJD4! .. ..... .. . : ... ~':. ..

Address .. .... .... ~ . .. • .. •

• ...iiiiiiiiiiiiii.·.·..·... •

J. E. McClure


Phone '7



International School Bu... have a reputation throuahout the country for wety, economy, dependability, and comfort. The.. bu... are .martly Ityled, too, 'a ppeaUna to parenta, children.

driver., and achool bouda. Com. in and talk bu. lacta with U80 Let UI . how you why Intern_ tlonal School Bu ... will alve 'yow the mOlt for your money. ~

[,HQNE 99 R 3

O. U. A.

M. -- At H. S. Gym




cuara!~~ho:E..~~C! __ ;

Miami Gazelle

IP, E. Snyder &Son'

Hamilton, Ohio,


Phoae 3708

W. P. Watson, Mgr.

CooId"ll • Watw NNII"I • .......,.,..




Cow Sale! W n ,I\IING1o N. o m o


Wednesda),', June Z9, ~93. .

REG I NNlNG AT 7:30 p , 31,

Complete Disposal of 32 COWS .

Leave name with Miami Gazette fo; \·eat:imate.




Ditching Excavating


By Jr.


Baby Chicks



~evee Bliildi~g,

.Bo~ Social Supper _S aturday, June 25th



R. D. Collett Rdwe fI ...plell11en,.

so-so Dance

Good Grade 6' 3-4 Envelopes per

Pre.entin, the B.. t and Late.'

We offer a Satisfactory S.e rvice at all times.

.Lemmons Hatchery &r.e,.1ta..... Ohio Plaone 17.R.1I for




This III n n ouLslI\mllng orferlng Of. l·n"·I · O rll.]~ D i ·C ~rl' ' s h I I .. "' . ' II. I'Y !J,ve, mosLly _ C Cl n ( <lOSe' up "\lrlng I'S, ran~lng .1',:,)111 3 to 6 r II f All n I' , . B cJ . ' l n.r 0 ngc, , ,U I1, B.angs (B1 od) tCllt d n: nd IIglble to en tell 1111 hertls unclpr Sta~e lind Pedernl SUP Tvlftlon. R corels or mORt of lhCSl'tllIIlHf.l eowlI Illl to prodUction nn(1 t{'st ' wlll be avalluble, Cows Cll n bl' !:Icon Tuesday or \Vedncildny, Sal . will stllrt 7:30 p, m, RAIN OR SHINE, . promptly nt




.. A. SwrrZBll nUMBGARDNBR,and







I.v )lUUI', ullh o u ): 1\ 111;" I'n l b/lM~ II' l'(>

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'I'ot l ~'A ~vel'(' Ll'un rll'd t:n nIJl. ,h " " H" n o t , 1~ I'HI1I lin !l ntl ./r,hn ·Woud .

It l a a IUILewul'lh ), fa ' l lh a t lIllli wa,'d tlf !:;IJI'ln gloo l" will Cor the flrHt lim bo, ho st lo the 'W n t'r n 'OUlln' Fla il., and.


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'l'hUl'sdllY m Ol'n l ng lh o n o M u n (llly th III lill gs , wlol ' h huvt f Ul'm orly b(' n h e lll In L e h a ll Otl , will l'I\,(',' lno b ll' ff'" RU'iI(, 'A .• Jo hll l 't' I" ,',l lat thl'o llg h lh e .oullty-o n o ('II" h SI'.\· II nO II'lf,· IIf " . l)'n l's l'Ili r' t,,11 1II0nlh . 'I'IlI!! wll l Il rrOl"d (> VI' I' Y S P UI·IR. H; lI ll( ' " I n " )'- In s plllJ ll f flrcln.g Rn 111 .111 no. tl pporlulIll.y tu aUl'lH.l ljl o llIall Y n :<h Ih .. y :oImus l g rot to t ho 1'<1(' 1,.1 11,.11\\,111 ): Htll !:l' , Dr, E llw al'd s rllIC \.I1·O", I·UI1HI Ih llt ' " " Ilhlllll\'d. '1'1 ", " lI ll Ill', St'iI~f l'l ",1 Olf I ~ .."nld l n ,oIs .. 1"1'11 nldln III lin g will h " v.., Cum . d r, ·w a 111:1111\ ThurHtl ay (.vl!n tng . nll,miu n c l' I •• 'V on(h·lI. h a tl "f til;' I '~ l'p tl K a lIn ;l lv l \rilhul" SWH n gt.· r" o f SIlII" Cons<' l:vlIlIll n JJlv l~iu n . as 1.('lIa lioll II l'lp r'd, H uy Du gtl n :Ilal ~ u,'s t Wllh IJ 11111 L o n g, \I'!!II 1",,)\\ n (; PIII'g'f" HOl-l0n;'Q..: It'. of Fra n kli n ~: 'l i\ Sl!l n .

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Per 50 lb. Bale


f1 l'('~C' nt


S ub scribe t o yo ur 10(:81 news pap er

11'11 1 1)(' gll'(' n hy Ih('

Clean Up At 111(ooc Price. M e ll's 3 pc. Su its


o n ~undny. "Ited , ;-'11'. ;l ntl 1I1rR. "1I!:s Z(>: lpt· or D nr· Th e I.fl di('", Aid o r lh l o n. "IHit('(] MI·s. Snl'u h ORbor n o n chul' eh m l't wi t h )1 1'11. J, A . L u mp · Sntu r dny c I·e nln g . kin o n Thurs(l:I Y. ~ .. -- ~- - Mrs. N l' lIio P lCl'son Is "pe ndin g D ax ld n llll PHnl \\'(''' V(' I' :l 1' C' a l · lIarry A. IJllghes anlloullces hili t\\'o w ee k s WILh I'elntl\'ea 111 o lul11 ' m1ln g :I Y ou llg Peo pl l'''' ollfer . n e f'8 ndlcJll(,y tor Stll t e clUllor on thr bUR . :ll P c nor o Pin ('s. P e nD . 1I1r, ond 1\11's, Set h .l"I'C man ha d Democratic tlckct, MI Rses L ('o n n .'11 l1 e l· lind L o:s ,\f" . It ill to be romemool'cd t.hat Ihe as (l' UI'SIS o n S undny, Mr. nnd M..,,,. [(flY olt~nd('(t thf' Dlsldct F.:plYorth PI'Csent r ctirlng Sonalor. Harold Ra lph FI' C~ 11l 11 11 and t'lllughtCI' of L l'ngul' o nf ' I'{'n r n t Sahl tln , Sil l· Nichols, when rullllln~ ror his scc· noylo ll , Su,llil.ll..}'~_ _ _ _ _ _ _+-_


deMI', ann ;\ l r ~, TIn y Hnl'nhnl'd of 'I'hl' 1,lltlh'~ Aid o f til l' ;\r. F. . tenlee! 1\11', lIughes by 81 voleS-II',· Dnylon w (' n' Sum1ny g' uosl ... or Mrs . "hurc ll ('1(,:O l'e,1 n l''' l' $75 lit Ih e lr tOAtillg to tho IlOpulllrlty or Mr. l<+.rte B ngl . Lawn 'F I nn Ih c huI'e h g "o un,ls , IIl1gh4's throughout 'I h e entire dlsMI'. " nd .. Irs. FOI'('st Crund.ln 111111 W e (lnC"dfl Y ('" c nln g-. hiel. Toddy " ' alto n of Dnylon v islll'd 1\Jr. Ilnd i\I',·s. \\'. n . Lal'ld " a n (1

I1ml t e rm t,,·o' yours 111:0. 0111)'



and Pres. cd

Insect Treated , Made in U. S, A, by one of America's Oldest and Factories

50c !lI e n ' s

Hat s

leane d and Blocked Dl'es-~ cs


As Always Quantity Buying Brings the Price and Makes You a Saving


Fairley Hardware ,Stores

Quick CleC!lners Kathl'yn Menden'hall, Mgr

WAYNESVILLE And Bran ch Fai rl ey Hardware Stores IIi lls bo l'O-W 11 m ingto n-Lynch burg-Sa b in a

Twin Theater _



50c Ladi es Plain


Always A Good


WHY NOT MAK'E MARRIAGE Practical? Young people, on the border line of the greatest of an adventures - marriagemust consider the practical point of view. For, after all, there will be meals to be cooked; hot water


be furnished; wash-

ing to be done and ironing to follow the washing. The fact is, a modern home has a right to be, and should be, practical. This is made easy and inexpensive with' Gas and Electrical l\ppliances.

.see' Your Local- Deal!, NOW r '&I


Badgley Cheyro)et Sales





\" "),IIO'8vllle, Ohio

wl.,, ~l {'n

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bll d ,

p " l'nlng'.

~11'l'. 1I l a l'lh :l I, yn(' n nd ('hi ldl"' ll II lt (' t o m nke Cu lcl'll allll B illy a nd ~II ·. WII ;Ia ,1l Y" ' II' OW II h asA hilA'S d o n 't '1'11 nl t o '\.(' ' 1(C!~~ I' r or U")'llln vl,,;l l :cJ i'll I'. IIIlss t 11(' !:l'1I pllk scelll 'n of l:ls t Sun · " nd :\I rll, FI'"nl< K),n e un Sunol,,>' . (InY '1! Ch l '~II A'o T rlhlll1l.', Tho nUll'" ril'st IJ"gl! iR ll(!nl( od 10 Ihe fl n esl t'ohu' J'<, pl'o(ll1c' LJun s o f 'n1 " , ·, ' v o

, ',

T ll1'i l' .. . o n , :--:1 1t ' r\\ ""d, hn1l1P fnllll I ,liui\"\ 11), ' , r..:y. , flll':I tWII w (,t\l,t; '

of Am" I'll'll w ill he h"loI

:';alul'llny, J u n --0- '


1: \


I loc h Illtd mol h !.'I·, on )IOIl1l1 ay .

eS'~" to IJ<, th ~

,' II

in 1);1,\

r nllll:..; .... 1 '1 \\ 11,

A !'i :\Irl-'. '\'ur\\h I,

hllll1'r'si ull


of " 'anI ,,,'111 ,· \'I slterl ]\1,',

IIlI d

;\i(lfll'f '!'-i

I I; r i ll 1"1 \\ ': 11 \\' 11 '1-\,

II ~ I'

II Yl11a n lind ,on 1 to\)1'1'1

. . . 1,


fl1th' ·I . ,1, 1.( '"



I v iTI!')! ' "

"lld"l1l H,

\\_111 I"

\ \' 1,\'I ; l nd .) 1"',, til i ll ' d

'l'n 11 11: 1!..," I',

d "l'<o l


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~Illl n ":-' ,

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1';11.11 11 ' : 111.)

\' 11' 1).

lI,. ' J" I',1.1l1 11 (',,10 ' LI II


t h l' ~ IW J"(' , ( ' 01\\ 1" ~ I II .. 1\(\\\:-1 • • r 1 hl'l l'

fu r a f ew cl nys visit in


1..... " 1 (; "111(' PI'Il l e'lul'




1'\1 ~d , ) It ,,,.

l 'd\\; ·I I , " I'

l 'illI'illflltl.


.\ 1.I';"""EIt OV 1~'1' F: '<I': S '1' FIW~I .\ \\' .\Y ~'·:S \'lU.E FHlE~1l 1

l'i n "l nn " l l d •

il4 H'!'I ull SlInd :IY.


:" 101 >,,, ,,,1,1 )', II

Ill!' :\Irt-;

,\II 'S,

1..1 ,

11;1\' , :t r"\lnlun IJ j p innt' l ' r l:-;

\ ' 1' 11111':--

J,;l tllill , ~lllId : I ,\'.

I" ('f ' IH vi it l Cl " ',IY Il";-:\'itl,, "n d \,{, h tJlu t, i n ( ' h '\pIanfl li n :\1011 Ifl Y , -i1, it r :I~ 11(' . I1~ 111)., • ii' LIl li IlH, ... t ('nc lln n r C.!o!l' l'volr wus u n u s ual· Th t J I~ IH no 1'lHHon wily thtfi Rhoul d aft l' a WCt' IOi "IHil with hi I' P :I1V IHS j(lyald,' llH 'Y h.l \ \· I ' \' '\' had. l HJt b (l allt.l\\' ~c!'. hnw("ve r , n nd n 1' ''C- ~II' , :tnt1 l\lrH. I-'I'a nk J,)' lI , ..\It's.

lIt' ll

H r l'd


lilt' I' L I'!I


~ jI( 'd: ll


lh :l fI

CL'ra' (:ill

?\ill H l ( I'

:\It,. a mi ;\11'9. 1. '" 110' Il ud;';-I' 1 ,,!, BI" n·


:\In~ ,

:\J/', :11\41


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\'1' \\ , II

1-: 1'1111 '

" bi[" I' ~ I "



A"')\'(\ I't lll1l'ltl

1l\f'I1\UI' (a l

r:H 'I'S ,

If 'l l1l


T . ( ', 11 :l ydlJdc

a n rJ :\11'". \\' 111 . :l1 1I~lJy ur ( ·"IIIIIII, " s.

;l llol<'llll;

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h 41111f'

:\II~ ,



' 1 '''''],(:l\~ I'HI

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( ' I.I \\Ofj .

1111 r I-:d\ t

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.:-; :


:.'\ 11' , HU ti

I J:l~

I, ·11. 1' h ri Li ::d·

\\' ," ·,l " ll , I'; " l'I

I nil 1:111 :11'" :1 .h' I:--. ld

uf F'ra ul, l.Jl lJl'OV d with U ClI t dl or thl' 'c small

.. IH ll1f ·S

lI n.l Oseru"


IIHlJ" r ll y


.\11'. 'In ti 111lt.1 ;\Ini.

hltlll " .


Th lH i 'lI l " nll) In,!l wl'e lt n Ul.,cI th rl t

, i ~ "d th e- 1'''),1''11 AII g-1 I" f< C l uh of' n . l·hl'," tl"·,

'or.1JnA' 10 Ih

( ' nll ' l"t:d nl'r l

O il ~ l1l1 d')~',


1\ I l l '\{ \

~ 1"


18. i\ II hnul': h Is I c In" ,Id Iv c l reul )' " v e . ' lh £' ,·s lllbIl MII · a nd I ~ are("p tNl hy m el'eh ll nts

' 1 1 1'lll

(,.'l: .. ) :

- '

1111 III l'

\I' ... l


\If ,\lld'] II"




I l l '!'

Id" ;I." UI'I '

, ' Irlldl"" f\



"'>rIHI' I'\·" tillll l'lll I 1I j:'.


\" Llar~

:\fni. LitJa ~" II"Wln g

IIlI; Li llY IIr Il;Uii'! fI "h h .J.: l a~ 1 '1 '11111'/1 ' Jill:! "Thlnt;, o n

J. 1'o,ld

" · m . f)1l ~" hl l'Y n llll fUllllly :: llI l· :II, '.

- ( 1: : 1111 1'

til, '

,J l ' l lllit'

nig-ht :1 1Hl Sun · . J ll ll lf':'Il11Wn

/ttlY, tl lld Ill O~ 1 p f thi s \\' ',. 11. l ' p I" 1'1i-: It 1

( I):


1\ ln; . I·'nl nk

13m.s r!! l'llll nl), IIlII SI ill ite t il l' n ~ h "llll:ond c l' 8£'rlo ll>. ly . Th a t fl lilw rtll ll n 'H

:\11' ~,

t li (' II' IlI lI'l'nt R, ;\11 '. a nd





1':l lI1I1 y.

F l'ed

1-:.11111':; fi :-o ll MllI l' il's- hlll nUIJ111 l' r la' id a t tho AII1o-I'\o;H n L l'~l lln 11 11 11 , I w.o..! tllP ('111. on .. c h rlln, II wl th r il' ~ : OO p . m., witlt 1'1 Ilty of a l ~ :Inri l'io'II II'" I n til" C'I'H'lnnll U Enqul" el' rer ltrn c l lt s artC' r\\"ilnl s.

. "J

I r,lI th

~.I II\ ~

l'd : t l lh, ' 1! lIl1dlll',l flt 11 01 1111 ',


pllilud s 1) ( fnur Illo nlil s IJhl hr uw n "Il l ,~ !-oinundt'l III,

.\ l lIl\ ll:I y " \ t' lI lllg

1·',l llin:.: ,

11 1011 •• rr l1i P In 'll-lInd down drOllJlNl Il~a l'

Will I

,,! 1'1'

"Y .. lluw J ud, " Is (1 udl ca t o ll to t1 IOSC' fll' e H(Jldi, " 's wito ri ~ k C' . 1 Ih e lr , Ives to II' e Itttll Hl ll ily frnlll th,) Hco llrg e of \,(, 1111\\' f v ,' r IJC' wis Sion h e:Hl s lit e Bll llpor t ln' ,'Il s t ill Ih " mi.· of' ;\I ajn ' Itl,,' d: Olll"rs \\'ho h llvo Ill'Oln ill C' lIt rol\.~ p re .JaIlN B 'I 'I 'Ii ('r. Build\' I, ll , HSI.1. Andy U OVIIl C, lI o llry lIull, :lI lll L ('l' c ll e, ,\ lIn (' u)'ti ~ JllI d \\ ,I1l;1I 1I lI e nry. As II ll add ed nl tl'aetio ll , l' in g~l d l' il'llI rl.'H of the Clllll i.lll in/;· [,tlllis ri:;ht will be I n c lud ed 0 11 Ihe sa lli e 11I·(l!:I·l\n, .

III III " ",,,I nul II"· .. . " 'I th h, ·lp f .... 1ll


L~l I I IlHJl,


,\ Ir s I tilla 1'. 1111'1 :-- 1111, I I'011\ "1 :-;1111 I,',.I ll I'. I · I1;r

CIlJ;lI!! C' l lI cn l.


Ilial rtl,.tlllllll ~ U"U ill t...'!' rlnn ll y :-;awf' cI

Illr' .J ' II\· " 17

~[fll'1pttn anti n (\~lt'hy co mmunlttes, Ih (' tllIft( ' I'n uri;.;-lnn l stutes. tilt,'I'!' hll\' (l h l'C' 1l VC I'U (c w· r equests . J I I 'I" U ~ 1,,1' ti l' 1', ' I"IiI'aliu n Illeltnl (: for r ·tl mptio n . :' l ll 't ' l.h'II Li I' Jlug'I':~nls, Jl:JI":'1l1f'R, fh'{'. h ;l!~ \\III' I \~ , "III1\'t ' l1li l)n !-\ nf hh-il lwi" n l p i . ~============='=2"


J"o r th e prom lso In lh ~ oye~ of a b ullltrtll g irl. i1 0 b c r t ;\In nl· gonw r y fa cct; a dea th of tOl'l'OI' ulld IlI ysll' ry In Ihr' tlt rilll llA' ;\1 1'1 1'0' (; Oldwy n· l\Tay cl' rom once· dram .... " Ye llow J ack" wloil'l, \\'1 11 op o n StltH);I)' , JUII C 26, nt th e X nia thea l eI' itl X Pllia fil l' a IIln'p rlay

\\'11 III I n I ...III A' :t l l llllul ' IoIH ""i ~ hl""'''-l il, (1 pl l' nl Y (, f IlIl r>< l ·

iUI' 11\ ' 1"I)tII'shlll It w ill hc' m" HI \\'1'1 .



'. Fr ·' l

:\l ls~ 1 .11 11111 .t Il l (; "IJ I" ' p

'J';aIlIl : t ~ I '

t 'h" ,' I"t, O h l", t lrll"~ Inlo hi s 1:',,,'''l:e :t ll t l

\\, .,

1l! · Jtdr l ,' ''~,


11\'0 ,


H Wll1 I ('I I'


I :' IS! n"


0 1'"

" Bu(' l,,"

Wllt ·l,

p :ls.... inL:"

. ,ll ~.


lIig l lt

t ' ln· ;) In''III), ,


; llI((

:\11' ;111t! :\11 ',-4 Io" "ln l, ,\II'~ . !-- i1 1" ll nl, . III \\'



fut, th f'' '






\1 1'


I'·,.u,. :-111 .. u l"'''ln/;" day.

L ' l 's

IlIIfWh rl cH\"I 1


.'l'tt I

J.: t


~\Jl ' ~I~ 0 1

H"'I)I~un . ~11 ~:-; All" , ~ ,I III K,

1II', ' n


("Vt' n



Ilit HI of tw u hnt$R f l ow J.!41g~lf' l'yf ' K, John \\'(jo{l ,

111I \"u u . J'ca l lurnu ut :IIU!. H! WW ;'\ 11' . t l ull


t 11111 1 1'

gu t

or 1.1I1'l!c lul'!; will 111 1", pl ll" o IUI' ju g- th e- lJIIHlu 1'8S )n('cthl ~, HIIII :t en ','I" t llt ,y H:tW

IIr J)>l~· I"II. W"~ II

~II'. ~' tl'.J..:" 1I 1\ld~1 :l l ld ,l a u gll t(' I', {~~l l d' 1111 pnl nr i~ ' , 1'1 ~tllJ th 1.-"", 1111111 \\111'" ...:'lIl1 l h v

Mil r'



thl ~ ("11m ,

,'f f' , IITHI :,\11':-~, I I!ll'( ,11l H '·'fHII I1 , or 11/,)'1 "11, :\ 1)', lind :\ll's (;" ," I " ;llln ~.

Il t) n lL 1'1\' (11' . r UIi t. T hp,\' J't ' Pl)l't th: tl o llt u f ahout.. ;1 dtt~4 ' 11 t'i!'il l4'nll f' 1I c'onl:l {'lell un t hat ''I'''t ' IL


,Isit ln):' with 1'1'1 .. n ,1;<

\\'('T "

lo n t·

l'; IIl g"t' l1 to


;I I,'", 1" 1', (1



1\"I'I'j;l, ill.

,·t:;c:t III'

\\"l ' I'I '

~tx 1:j.~lt{'8 ha f< li"l'ull1e hl g h .ly value d lillO, " th hOIl1£' 01 nt1 jStlUC by . cOil '<l tll l'S o r u~'Qu 80 uve nlrs . I ,,' ' Ill \'1. iUll' n t t1" h Hii' jJ( :\11'. lilt> \\'UlJrlt' ll 111,' 1, I," :l R Tho ommls ':o n pIo ns to limIt the .and .:'Ilrs. EI't) , POWell and Call1l1y. uf ",\lUO r ou n d wood e n 111ck cIs went ,Tul y ni cke ls t o fiv e Isaues or 6',000 ;\1.1'. lind :'Ifl's. J oh n Ufllldul'I\lll and In s lile tod:!)". Th flral 5.000, Is 'ued ,] Iltlgllt I'H. :\11'y .\lIn lind H ~ lty, :t "'o.:('k ugn, III pra c tl cn ll)' ('xhnusLO'(!

who I'm !l ... I"

I unne l '(l i ll and It

Ilifng Mo nday. Juno 27th, Fl'Ilnklln u l !jIg

"Wooden Nickel" Has Become VeryPopu)ar

1','1'\ hi I ,1n I

:\1,·, HIllI .\I,~. t' ,

III U!\l h n v<' lit! 'I'hl' luck' POI It· ,


By Ha rry Eldridle, Jr.



,'~Yellow' Jack," A Dramatic 1rhr~

" lIll' I'(tI III IIIl' 111111 11 11 1 o ll(' nll,!! ,I, ! ""Ill,·tlL

PaA'a Three


Tl\e Daylon Power and Light Co'mpany.

• - z



Local Happenings

~ \I~ ~ t'l~ 01

1'1 In 01:'"0\.11 , h 111 <: fr m l\ w~ k'B vl"lt , Ith the , ... i r , Jrn 0, Bl'own, Wayncsvlll o !ormc l"1I mother, ;\11' 8 , 'P a r soIlII 0 . . .. 1)\ "\ IS 11 01 l Aftch"r n 'ClIS IPro.nt04 b it Clov IlmQ, Mrs, Pnrllo ne ot\qlc home D I ~,,, .. ..., til' O' • ~t. D·sr • O · .... I l v . · I~h 11 r ""u "hWI' ~o III) ' nd \hle In


J11 rnl unlv rli~f' MI' . I,





nd ,}1'·C n ,

'S l'tI \\' I\ ,


. f l" , ,\ , tl.lbb~ !lnd Illt,' nl1 t1 II Ill c rt\(l III AI'!llCU


"l(\ n

t lln(\ d l eX(!l'c J l'll tlt MI Int U nlVllr · lilly , Ht Ultfonl·, on MondllY • . I "' n I n itt Mr, lin I !I1r~ . L l' 8t , 1' t,

:\11':--. ,].. 1" u ~" ' , ,I wl

Tilt RSOAY, mNe IS, l eu -



!(I lx' nil .. ' IIJ lal" h .'l I'I,k ,;,1 j,..lltlllll In \\'llkl1 "h' "lIal":" 1I UI't.;, II I l it C' l u U' "r 1,:\lzllh'tll ;I'I·~. Hht/wl ll' 1 It ," ' I'. C) ( I ·ltioltlt\1Il1. Io'l' t. ,'h \\'It>< ,, ' " " 1·l'st ..... ' C[· "I Itil' ,1,,'11 l1IlI' IO\'C'u . 11'rlUlk DI';tl t' ,

,\" 'l'l'

III " 1"'1l1lin.:

:\11·~ .

" '\\' ,I(\.)·!!



Stl·d. "nl I't:tlrlmflnt. llph II nfC \111' nlliin hllcll\\ ttYll, tlP"l\ V toil'l J olm, a nd ('hu l'lt,Oj t:\hl llltl ' WOI' n lill t'" li n" I4l1 nfl ~ I"oul'llt II I ('h" il

1t\:l1,1,11 nnt'1\' "f Ju'tI(, 1$ ·n('ItI.lIllw,

It 't'


lII u llo,~ vf II", Blt lli ll'''''' n nd Ul110 11111'11'<1 " l'p,, ·tcl H... ". 1'(1 111'11 I 10 Itt\\' v(, I'cl kt ';I't u~i,1'1 IIn ti

m o tll l' l' . "-11'14. C. lI . Ill/lI lh l'UIl' ' M!,tI: 11, I). I1I11·tliOd . ~ I \'s, A . Z.

1';'(l'nl1;U'1 "II 1"lItl",r 'l< J. ,'Y.

lItr, Alhc:lI't '11'11I1<'r I, ft SnlUI'd(lY :lII'~ , I u, Il"ll Pl'n nlt 11 11 <1, s m n.nd Jlln 18 Jor 11 ll'U i~y fishIng trip Mr . AIrr ,1 IStout h l,,' e r etu rned






I' 'llll) I" 1I"lmt'R or . ' l'Wllort " Ky.


THE MIAMI GAZETTEI:!!!.. . __ _ ____ . - -

1:t IHIU Il. You wil l b u mucl wei uiu., ,"'0 llChnlNH\o n t c, hI 'h u r gea. to th

Emn\1~ H :OI'Ill' lLl , \ ' US II SU I)' IJlIl'l 90ok , Ilnd '1\1I'S, B lunrh B llltOI' II W Il'lu l C- r m e d In tlt o IlN In ' Pf:NIl 'l 'Ut:: F O-rlt1' fI Ilal'k , antl 0;,' 1'1I1t;ht ~tI s l of ~lr·. a nd w rE' dlnn e l' u sla 1\ l'~ o n \Vednes. which 1 a o n ])ll l'llj III lh 11(ll ntlrr, AT OlIAUTA UQU A ~J I'I! . J . B. ;ltapll1l1 l1 'J'lIl's d a y. t ~r , E . \" Bllt'nhll!'l w as a Cln9ln· (IllY, I' h • I ' To" I n ml vlSIHor Tues da y eveni ng, (~~ III l. 11 Hllo t .or your ... O\l \'! 1 W o rd hilS been r eec h 'ed !rom ::OIl' ot July picnIc will b (ou na 1l~ Nln llll I JOhn J , l"r1\2 (n'1e 1I14zQl all \;l UI'Y)' ~ 1\, Vnllcy hnlltnl.lQ"~ , H ro YOIl will \Vha I'~ ' ot ly \In(1cl'w tnl 11 Il\ jO I ' " flnlillOllll h' Vllrl<l llll . IIUIlC , t:"11 ti OllHI lion In rl 'hUl'l"H l o li hhlllllt ll l . . . . . . . . . . . P1WBA'I'fo) 1I!tII IIIl II COIl HlII!ll h llCJI1l' rOt' ~'\JIII' l lie' I I I I \h," ' hc ' I. itn ltl'O\'ing ,Ii .. ely. NF.\" "'tiFf'''' .\IlIlI'lll " 1I W atllllit Ih \~ II h f nil' dlnll ("" lil' Y IU!' 11 111' (,' '"'4C n t



C·ourt News

,,( llc

JlI~ 1t

II !' , ,\I n 'l',1 Sllliel :1 11<1

l\11 ~9

Lo l ~

:llIt('11I' 1l


undny in

l 'ltl Inn ll ll. :'II'H. 1·],lIth 111. II n l'l'lH, ~11' . ll a rrls ~lu811."'\ r a n d l\1I·s . l ' r ank L. T a y l or

~'rnnc i ' 0, Cnllr., \\'

of Snn

r t' S un·

•Iny ,jlnn ~ r !,;Ut'Rt s n r 1\11'. a nu Mrs . (,h fl r! II J. :MOHh rr o r Cln ' Innn l I.


lI ,n ,1

l)1l.\ ' tpll


1" '1·I .. ill~

1.1.. 1111\ (' 1'

~l1nd : iY

~'r . :I n .1 ~ 1 1 ~ . , ·"",1," l\ uq..dll(l r

w llh

~II' .

)l. lr ,r

a lt l1

\ r

; 1t'l lI nHIIII'l. .

:0; )1 '


.\ 11, n " ti t! IJ,I Y

V,"lltl'" uf

L (1 han n .

;\l l', :1 l1 d :\l r~


~" 'ITI ~

: .. .,8>1 tlhrit'c t

I i I lii z: t !" IIf L f' h.



l~r:I \I !'nkh cdlL

l ll'lt. •. l ll!-i ;111\1 o th r' l

P0 111l!'l

:I, In ItIH



t"1l1pe r : lllu"

I ~ " lh'!!l'I'l'S hlll " . ll' lI!-(htful h l ' CI ·7.<'


)\1' .

l-'ull<L' l' ~o n

:-:'lIU l li . Tlh ' Y n ' p lll't a

I··u th , · l" ~·

~11'~ .\ u>l ln

\\" " ,!,



.IJnnc,r g U 'SIR

It llt1l1t' li

!, lt tll'g('d 1ii: nlli ), lhr hlt~ 1 Ill' ), A . ~I"U I"" l'llIl'k,,\'III,' , \(. J1 \\'111 h t' 1,..:11',1. ,1(1111' UII.

" l lIs~I"

110' \) . ,


If y"tl ,Iu n ot \'[lI il

Attorhey At Law

II) p ll('l( II

Il l nn" I' .\ '011 lI' il l fi ntl " "h 'II , ' nl 1« '1'\'1('(' \\'II.LS DnAW N . ' lli lI' I I'll I II Il l' •." r l'.'f' " II' 'I' 'I 1 fO I' cll\' (lrl'l' " I\teI' N1 'flo p 1I I\"' "I"I'~' "I' \\' ill n nl \l " j!n ll. ' I II Ill-! t:I '\. dnc't\dHY (or n two w ct-It's visi t mc-mut' l'. 1I",'lt\l'~.Il\ Y nigh t. ag-nln sl 1" "Jl lI c lt k lu"l'lr L Hf' ~1 1l~"1c (WII ., a .hllllt l"ll·III" I· 111' II" . l'~. ' IIHI,; ( 1" '''''"Il,ti,l l' II l' k '10 I~S'I'C\'l'F.S SF.'I''l'LEi 5 '', It II Ilc l' Ill>l. ll' r 1'.11" . Fir :It l\1tln as· :III'. fl lIIl ~II'~ . \\, 111 SII'II uol . ~[r.·, I ug I \lr l' .'Ia t <'" (hnl Ih C'y \\'l' I" . mal'I'k ll, U t· t ftl IJ I" . 'I " ~,,s \''''1-('"'. tu I 01 ' IIl""',l I I . 's" jllllttill'" 1)" ,'l lln"~. t','~,,~ II I I" . I , . 11nl'~ \\·tI.ym,,,\·\IIc ' n . It. :t-I'hml o 2li H:1I ,\Iri<. ~1\11l I lc' lt kl ' 11thI (:r ". ' :'\l a IHl" l ' r anf', :\II'~ I n\ lI (" 111 '11 t11 ' 1" - Elizlll wt tit hll \" o t't ·lul'nt ·d h(l111 C fr o m Ubf'I' Hi , 19:! O n ull h ::l vt.' tw u c hilt]r n , lh~ ('0 II t'l , .June :!tt. I ( 1'1 .. I IP U l'l, I I1111 '1'41.-1.:-1 114. 1, . I I ' S lU }I h' \l n g-. \ 1.1 II II I . I "N ' 1" '1\' 11 ,1 "" . "'1'1 I II , )1'0(, 11111;;' ' " '" ,0I ',I!l ll n nd rL'lI ll !lnd ~I n~ . " . T . \ 'I n ' ('n ih Ii un a lh l'l'C' \\'l'\'k IlIlOtlOl' I(' ill 10 ~" ~lr. Illlll .\lrE'. L . H . . , ~ \V \\'1 11Iu lII U llrl ~1 l' 1· ll c. J n '1I' .'1' III ( "II' ,U" '''n UII ., 1 '' Ic I', ,', ~lt·. ~llIhhs\\'u~n

[<' ,'n nl.

~II' .

W. C. Tichenor

la' p t th ..' \" t·n th c t'



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" I I' . a nd ~In' . I lolt·\,(' Y It)'l' ,11111 : $11,0 d"; I11 (',1 to hl ' •.111(' o n III "TIr.," , l'i1 l' Xl't1l I' t fl·"tn Inlo l' I' 1 lI lH',' l ax . ddld l' '''1\ J...fl Tu {'~ d lt r n11 / 1' nin ,; 011 ~1i:iL\ PIJt'\: h:t:-4f'd by tlh,' ( 1I I'In l..' I' , l\!t,)\,11l \ \ ' :dtl':4. :1<llnilll ~ t t': l!ut' 111 1' ir , ';t('ldiu u . Th (' \' t ' Xl h' ('l hi trfl\,t' l '

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hl 1ln g- tlu €' 10 Pt" .... l.l t C' ,I IJ.!. I t. 11. 1 T(ll ll ('I) ). ' h it !"! ", ' j'lI a dIl1 :tl. tl " , Hl \ VlImlnglon. :'1 r . "lid :'II'H. J ' II'I( It ldl I' m "rlai ll ' . . . .. . ~ , , , ' ( 'U I't 'Y 1) · iu g a Whlh'~S to Ih(' I Il',i t l'lI ' ~ t! II(' Il n·~ l nl : 1 1 l UI' !'. p l h · plW:-: :tr\,l lIi ~~ ~1r. n nd }.(rs. . If. 1l :l 1' l $lwl, :I nc! :4;tt u r d 'l \ ' 1' \ ~ ' I U I y! .lil l I H ' 1" gll\':-ll!'O ) Jr. ('d tlH' tnllu\\,iu h :1t : 1 fannty tl.lItllt: l , . , , I tllC" nl \\'h ' n It WII S ,11':1\\' 11, tl 'oI fl Hf(' l' l11 1'" tJl'tl "!'l'd IJ)' III ,' ('"un. (111 LUlh r h n d as SUII,l,,), ,ll n n, ·r ' :lnd ~l n' . .1 II. I:i, hili " " "f 1)"),11111 . !'\" ,\11' :-; , (11 1\ 1 Hidl, .\11' :-; , 1 ~, · I': l . . 1I ,." .tl ,'y · ~ II''', Jun" I3I ll il' II',IH g't'tI n l '<I 11 .Ii · T h !? ilt\'" n t uI 'y of \(, "' Ih " 1''' I''' ·lt. "U~~I :; Mrs . lI n t t!" , n ·th.' n IInrl ;\\l8S .\ . \I' 11 " ,1 "', ,,\" .1"l'l ill, :II". , Is H I"IHldt)('I<, :\11' , alld 2\11':-; . 'I .. ~ \'I) I'l'C f l'o m Tlltoll Hlui r o n h ~ (' cr oss atl tlllnl ~ t l"l l'l x "f 110 .. l'~ ( :r tc' "I' I."". arm' S ll eth!' n o( :111,1111.'1"\\'11, ~Ir . \ I, ll ill I-! \ '(' 1'" .\!"IIIII ,lg ,', :l1" ~,, all,1 c loll dn' lI :I n<1 :II I' . a n , I " I·~. I ~~~~!!!!'!!!'!'!~!!'!'!~~!!'!'!!!'!'!!!'!'!!!!'!!'!'!!!! ISII 1'::1 1'1110111'(, " I'I'I'U\' .• t. Lllth r S IlIu's or I lIyt " n a n .1 1I1r. .\ I I "~ ~1 !! I' J \\ I' h' 1) .. 1<1 11 Is ,,!,p n lli n/; (;II1,, ' t'I I" "y(' : Illrl HO'I. Flr:\I 111111 fin,, 1 '!" ('''Ill'' " I' 1:0,. '''' '' ''',,1 \\ ,·,,1,:; I n 1):1 )'''''', \' I" l ll lIl:' ii , I' a nd lIfrl!, J oh n \V . K ('l's,',·. .\I)u,n,; 111" !'l t' 1" " 0111 \\·uy nt ·!oO.\, lllu n'le . \\ 1111 a 1h ' l1dl,d t liv :\ r,: H nh' ('ting o f !\Jr, n nd MI'S. ,HI It PI',' s ton "Il t.' r · . \ IInl flll' l


~Ir . '''1<1 :III'''. it llHsc ll \\'ll sU Il l'n· tnlnC(\ th e f o ll owing l O ,li n n I' S a l· uldaY venin/:, 1\11', 111111 ~lt's. L O(l t !'I'wi ,wd LlIC' f ull,) w ln(: "t S uttd "y dlnl1Pl' ~\lt·. a n cl ~I n' , Joh n K.e-n lw 1!.y D ut scb n nu D r . and :llrM. HI'lI e .. f IJIl YlOn ri nd ~II' . a n ,l .\Irs. Chnl'l s l\ luyer of :'lll'lngCie ld . 1I 11 "~ "ll'gl n · MI' . nn d li n ), tl ll d 11, lIght " l'. III Pres lon a ccu mpn nl d :III' . l.('c Lpll1l1l1 h ,,~ sultl his t\\'o ,Ira. D utst'h h om to r n t\\'o W i' It!! pr(l1><' I'll c~ n n firth ~lr('('\ . Tio c p.:\C visit. M r s , Sus ie Evn n R n ll nd 1.1 yel\l' ly • cCHl1ietJ h y" :I'll'. a nci ~fl"S, J [ll w n r'd mt!cting or the B rlptls t «hUI'('1l fi t ~ lIl1 r (' \~·tl R Ml lt! t o ~I i·. n nd ~lr9.

P ll'llsn nt v llll' on Sil t IIl'day " llll Sltlt· d ny . ?frs. . E . NOI'rla o f P o l' ln, 111. III 1I houllo c- u cst of MI'. lI lul ~1t ·R. J , P . LIl l'r l k Ulis w e C' k. M r , u n u Mrs. Fn ye wlt o h n \' It n I"!enntown Ion v 1110 \' d Itt· liv ing In .... to the prop e rly nl Uw . uth o f 10WII owne d by rr9. Alvin EOl' nh n rt. Mr. unu 11'1r·s . \V. E . 'Nt'1I1 a nd son H u gh w e r C' flUP!> I' g U(!!<ts o r h n pm rlll , F r i· loir. ~nd M r s . J . B. d ay CV!lnlng, The c hlldrc n of fl' . J o hn Hn\\'kc spent S~nday o \'e ning with him. lIf r . a n d Mrs. L . V. Brnnslralor a n d. daugh t I' Mi ss o lh l'lne , ' Il:ll l ed

llo ,' l ' It un'lo or t'I" ' I ~ I, wh ic h w as II", E:I "I ~h l ,' ('hurd l o f 'ht'l s l

E\' t' l'(\ lt


III 1)II,\'t UII lus t Tllul':..:cl ll ,\' n ig-ill were ~II'. :11,,1 ~II':<. \\,1Ii1l1r S" a r s , T . H. il l':!Ilnlwlt :I III!' ;III'. :l m\


Tit !' II IlPOlllttlll' nl

Friday -

hOIlf!ht hy :II r . Iw 1'1 (' ]{llthl<' I·. IJ. • 'u ll e ll \\'l' (" ~ I I· . n ltd ~J ,·S. ,l u h It SII"I 1~ \'lI n s 1o ::! ,1 :1..q dlnne l' Brow n in g lI ltli :-11,,8 Jo'lI ttny 131',)wt!· FOn SALE-Ple nty f !!Wp('t pO[IIlo ~IIl'Rls fOt! ' Thllr~tl :tY " f' n l n~ :' 11'" . In/: of \V lI:; loin J;' lo n 'O Ul'l l i nus '. plant s ,4 vnrl ti ps. E 'l l'l y gold n a Joseph Shntllhntt~1t n n c1 so n, H o w· _\[1'. lI ntl :-It·s . H n l'u ld E ' " ' nh :lI' l "P clally al Dan lIo ok etls . 3t o nd c ltildr n

Ril l' It t

Su nd uy


E\,:l n

~t"". I " 1tl


lIfr . a n d M r s. ,V. D . ,Bmnst rlltor of rls w cr ~ ' ulld llY ,lIl1n I' gue ~ t s o f ",ds t w it e n s h e ( II dow n lit e slep:< W O ~ I E '.,.-Address lind m~lll adve r. ' \' Um ln glon on Su n dllY. :III'. and lIIr" . John lIl u lli l' l' nnd. ~liss :II h c l' hom e lllllt "u tunl ay "enlt lg , Us in g 111 0 le ";0 1 fOI' u s at h om e. ,"Ve

Sc, 10c & $1 Store with a f'till line of new m ercha ndise, Com e in a nd see what we h ave to offer .

Baird's Sc & IOc Store Waynesville

N. Main St.


~' I' H.

'h a r ll''; Bel' nglu n \\,II S t llken to l:ll. Ellza be l h 111):;1) lt ll l o n T u es· tiny ve nlng,




G I'ee n of \\' i!mln gto n ~p E' nt W ed n eB· .In y c \'{~ nlng with 1\ 11' . ,l n l! ;\11·s. \V.



C, T ic h e n or. T h e 1\UHSC Mu m e li nd A nna B r ow n , Mis s J ess ie ·Cl,u ·k a nd Miss H e nl'i It:t ~l c Kln sey w e l'c g u est s W e d ncMday afternoo n o f Mrs . W. C. Tic h e n o r .




, I



ldoal paiat ror bomca . T.u edv..,tqc 01 thle ..... t ..lit... 00 bouoc pelot. Protect OW' bonIe with • t -utlful coat 01 So • ADd owe that It ",m bold up 1or' yo. " without cr.clcioc. peeIiJ>c or bllol<r~ Buy yOW' HOUM PaiAt ..... ..,bIIe

~.\Dt ~ you


caD . .ve.



.i1'I : II .. • ....


.$;.~;: ~_8~ ~

I... ,





tIO'otchca o n your fIoon wit h hJellVJ bodied en a m e .\ed /loon ,!,C allele, _ to clean.


u.e.. iii 10 wHIm e~ery Wedneaday a t 12:45 P . M. for the Soya Painl Play.



.Waynesville Farmer's Exchange . \V AYNESVILLE, ... ..

Mr, and. Mrs, Homer Deathe ra.g e a n d do.ughle r, Fe rn, a nd th ree g irl r l' ic nd~ ca m e up from C inc inna ti, .on Thur s d a y even in g , ond j o Ine d 1\11'. . R. H . Hll r lRock a nd fa mily and mo· lhe r n n d M r s . C, H , D en th e rnge In a p i ' nl c p l1 rt y ti l the p ool. M r s , bena C , H a rtsock a nd Mrs. c: H. Den th ornge a tt e nde d II. bll' th, day d lnne t' u t lIIr , A, Z . H a rt sock 's, It e::!\' On ldanu, o n S und a y , M r s, E mma P l c r ee li n d, h e l' h o u s Br1c k c tt , n nd g u cs t >!, 1\Irs. Be l't h a ?ll'ls 9 F r anco:; P lc l'cc a nd Mr. Cec il Davis attend~d . It fa mily d lm ie r at CU I'>' , o n S unday, a l wh ic h time the guest:; wen t h o m e . 1\IIS8 R Ut!{ H a l'v y Is j oi nin g th e Young ' F r iend s G roup, goIng to o p e Ma y this w eek, Mrs . C . H. D eat h er a g e .n.ccompan. le d the Garde n Club to L e ba non, M ond a y nIg ht, whero Ih e y w e r e g u est ot Co unty Rom e a nd the L e b. a n o n O a rden Club. A n <::rll>\ S h u w han wa.s n gtJl'Kt h e r e o n u ndllY, l\l rs. Ant r ln •. rrt Day ton, i.... m e m, lifTS,

Iwr ot 0 111' fa mily t o r " time , , Nr8, U QlTl l P eele 1lII Imp roved

ICED TEA "" lb. p!l,. Z5c

11... ba&lSc

' _1

JACK ".08!'


lb. 19c doz. Sc




2 can. 25c


Count:,r'y' Club-CORN


• 3 pkgl. 2Se



3 tall canl 19c

G 1G 4t hE;.





CO I N, ' - D I'. H . M. W lllllllns, L eb · G lG, 4t l' . u n on , Ohio,

11'0n 'SAL E : 100 lb . Ice b ox, C h e ap.

Finest quality Packer's Label Vegetables--PEAS, CORN ,TOMATOES, SPINACH and GRREN BEANS '


4 Z5 Icgaen·.

..Motor Oil


Flour Cracked Corn




1~UB, $1.4'

See Your Kroger Manager Firat lor the Lowed~ Feed Price,! Kroger Store. Are Headquarterl lor Lowed Price. on Canning Supplie.

Schmelllng'Louls Ringside Fight Pictures







-----------------------------~ ----~~ PEN RAD Tu Included a~:~99c

C la udo St r o ud.

J. Gardner

(Presen.t State Representative)




SA I.E: McCol'm lc k Dec r im : ;\I U!<l e r 1';1I r1 J ye h n d hi s l o n~lI::; 11'0n r (' mov c d n t thc u ffl ce or IJ('. Ha1'(1· wlt <'ltt bl n d!'r In flt's t cla s s co n d i· Va ll e )' , 'r UCS(lay In gc r In Rp l'ltl g tl on . In q u l l'o at Gazctto. Pho no rnol' nin g, Up ll~. :1'11'. rUld ;\ Ir s . BIoIlL' " f;;tll'ellU n. at· le nd N I It plcnl a t ' lc v(' la n cl o n 'a t· GOVE R NMENT WOO L L OA:>1: Con · s ig n you r c lip lo the O hio Wool lII'day uf th c H I'I)", n ~\\' i ,..~ Breed e r s' G r owe rs Coo ller a Uv o A ssociation. Associatio n . ~ II' . II ml i\ lrH. ~" \'c ha n G t full a m o unt of th e gu a r o.nte ed r emain e d in C lo vol ll nd ovc r lho Govc t' n mont Lo a n . Ad van ce of 11 It e n d , c c n ts p er p o und o n good woll wh ... i\ l escllllncs \\,111 'W hitc, .A . Ie D ny , d e live t'c d, a n ttddltlonn l ttd l'n n ce at · so v eral ce n ts P Ol' p o und la l e r . . Fm n k L il ltty I\ n d, J , V. L ney atte nd ( ho senaon. S e u s for furthe r d l it \V. 1". 1\1. S. a nn u al sch oo l ot tu ll s . m isMio n s ul 'lt nlllll Ullu a on 1.' U(·sl1ft y . W AY ESVILLE FARMERS EDt· H e nl'i ' Lta M c Kin sey, of Asht p.b ula, HANO J~ , Local R e prese nta tive . rOt'lllt' l'l y of \ VuynetIV lll e , is leavi n g Su n clny , J u n o 26, fo r B a nff, Albe rt o, F O R S ALE : Sweet p o t a to pl a nls, II ce nls llCI' hundre d o r three hu~· ,ulIld ll , t o ullon d tit , [nt ' I' nntlonll l r ed tOl' $1.00. All k inds o f Slu ·d . u n vc mlon. M iss :lle K ln sl'Y Is Illa nt s, 10 cents lI>el' d o zen or • d ozc n fOl' 26 c e nls. 1 1·2 mi_ l'n ' s hl (' nt ()r th t> ~o n t3. C lub In As h · n Ol'tlt ot ,\V ayn esv ille , on CO I'a.r' ta h u l!! . at W ny n csvllle , F 'e r\'y a nd LY'le nll lp lt Sm it h c nt l'l't ni n e d , ~!J '~ . Fond. S TR O U S E B ROTHERS . . Th l tl'ijaa ~' c\'(' nlll l':, f Ol' M iss H e nri· R No . 2 e l la ~l c Ki nscy. 1\ 11', E rn es L H a le a n ll fl'l e n d M r .

:Jfte ~:~KL£. I..,




18 oz. can IO"'c


the roalt . ' -


Fre e



3 canl 2Sc JUICE P. & G. SOAP 10 b... 3S< 3 lb. can 49c 3 pk,l. IOe

Embas sy





:\11'. Imd MI·s. A. n . S lubbs e ntcl" 8UI>ply e V(, I' Ylhlng, Oc)od rnt e ot pfly. t ill n e d the foll owin g f rlc nd l:! Oi l din· No ~~ llIn g. No eXlJed n ce n e e~sary . nl'l' l:lnl u r day C'v o nln g: 1\1r . nnd 1\lrs. l\I c l'r ltuntiisc I\turt, Box 523 M il.

s on .

X8t •• re Special Lb.



Contlnuoul Show, Dally Adultl Only 150 'Til 2 P. M,

Lon I1 ml 1\1 I'!!, 1\lyrl J o hn so n f r om Lccsltul'g v l~!t.,.l. :l1t·H. ]dn :lol( ~ F 'n RENT-Six r oom hou~e li nd ~I"ll. A<ill 'OU I·tllc yon lIl a ln Street. Lig h tH a n d ' VlIlI' l' . 2tp . llufrm ll ll 1I1ll1 l\ln;. C. E. Nor· M n;. Willtlll nt s u ffe r ed u.

1'011.1 Wttthrrrn d daughtc l ,!ltd MT; w[l u keo, \ Vls o n s ln , IUlr!. :'1 1'5 , 'lo r n ec 1\ l a lmu" l'g u lld


"SWISS MISS" Laurel and Hardy Della Lind

w It h

H OI' vay in l,A'b nn o n , last Fridny. H e Is d In c- nlce lr . MI'. a mI Mrs. J . ' 1' . I ,II t't'1 k , l\!1'1I.




FOn SALE-One and t wo F, 0111' \'C'y~ll ul'g. :III'S. \,Ioln I ln rl 'lIl . h n r dy p 1'1 ' nln l (lOWCI' plnnt ~. An. MI"N F.slher Lul, e n s ~ p ' n t . ""1'111 r>lr:i. II llI'y B e r ges (n l'c Th e>lm n nun!. Good fie ld grow n cobb!!E; rln YR In"t w (-C' lt w ith ~1 1~s Ph y llis ~I ol'/;n n) un I I'\\, (' n l II mint1\' Oil 1'11.' p la n t s 26e per 100. S w c t pla t o !-;hlf luk('(' of lI nl'\· " ,.~u\tl'g . lIun a t th c ~ t. ElII?lIUOl h H051111a l p la n ls 25c POI' 100. G ('o. P e t e l'so n , 1 1I1 :lSl I' B b HU Rling!; hlld hlH lon , lust \\' ek, m il ( I'om 'Waynes vlli e o n t ltc Bell· ~ lI s 1'(, 1I1 0 y ('<1 n t th o ffices or Dr. ;l l r M. 'o m B u l, I' from " 'lim ing · b r ook pik e, 2t p d.


Hp ·

t l!'it:l t C'

"Bank Night"

:'Ir~ .

H a l"

For day in and day out low prico. of quality fooclt, .impl,. can't beat KROGERI Stop in at KROGER tb. Deat time, YOll bu,.1 See for YOllr.elf jUlt HOW MUCH BETTER ,.011 can do II -- - -.


••0 .' 11.10.'1



\\' H ~' nf~~ \' lllt 't

witb You'll DO BETTER-SaveMoney!

'l'h (' will o r L . ~1. I " " hh' I'" "ll . 1:1(C of \\'aY tl Nwlllc , m ltll III ('" lu II I" • h 1ltc.


Hug!' 1' IkllWIl . .\1 .." . Alb 1'1 '1l1' Vf'r ('·,lIn (,In ('l lIn a ll who a lso :l ltc ml e<l F l ltl n gs, P l umlJln g !'\'llll'n('tl h n 'll l~ with h er pur,-nt ::, :\tr, Pipe, Valves, ond H Iltlng Mate r ia l , MYER n tl (1 ~ll's. SI':tI'~ t o >1111' 1111 lit e l"I's l of ll and 'a n d E lec tric P umps. J . p, rll l'II ((jn t 'II"I, " f I r llJ'\·l·)'~huI·P;, a nd Lil t' w ee k, BOC!{LET S urPLY CO. , J\." ENI.A , OHIO. 5 5 St ~ultol llY gU">!ls o ( ~Jr . llnd M rs. H . Oil' llJ") I}(' l't Y \\' hf'r(" Pt', IJ YfI I h ' C' R

tl n l, lind ~I rs . ll ll l'l ,'y o f n

1-::11' 1)".

.ullninl!"Il';dq r uf Iht' or io:rllrn:t I. Hu ~:-:s II. )111 inlt '<1

'. '


STATE SENATOR DEMOCRATIC PRIMARIES - AUGUST 9, 1938 Butler - ·W an·en - Brown - Clermont Counties

POTATOES, Cobblers U. S. No. I BANANAS, Golden Ripe 3.lbs. ORANGES, 252 Size Sunkiat LEMONS, 3FO Size Sunkilt

. Also a complete 'line of Lumber, Millwork, and Builders StLpplies '-

W~, H. Madden & CO~ Fhone 14 WAYNESVILLE'



Doz. 4 for

PEACHES, Georr~a Freeltone, 2lbs. TOMATOES, Red ripe

4 lbs.


tOe 23c

CUCUMBERS, Hot HOllle,Fancy Each CARROTS, Calif., fine quality Bunch SWE~T POTATOES Nallcy Hall. 3 lbs.

Land Plaster for Melons, Cu~umbers, and 'other truck crops

10 lbs.

.MEATS Fi.h, Whiting, Head Ie•• , lb,

lOe '

Fillet 'o f Haddock,

2 lbs.


Pure ~rd, Bulk lb. Freah Cream Cheeae·· lb.

tOe '

a. '


Cured Cream Cheeae Cheese, Pimento _Loaf, Chipped Beef,

Bean B.COD

lb. lb,

1-4 lb. pJ<g.

2 Ibs,

18c '.



l&c 3Ic


,' -


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~ ---~~~ - - - --.-'"VAl'NE8VILLE, 01110, TlfUR·SD A.Y, J UXE 30, 1938 _ _~ ____ .. , __

___ ...-_ _

_ _ _ _ _ ._

~_ _ _




WHOLE N Vl'ttBER 3640

22_' _

2£! __

Letter Of interest to Entertain~ Loc/~al~Gr~ou~p~A~tMA.I::!~:\MJS....:L.U-tu:.....n.:~-If.iscelleanous Shower 'Fur Br".d'e , Wedn~sd8J --___ ... Readers Of GazeHe Dinner Party STORES

'GA n DE~ CI. ' 8 i\~:-;Olr:-;(,E)Il,~l'\l' ' '1'11(l (:Zlnlpn l'l uu

tin y


~l lIry

fa " Mrs.





n W O(IJl 090ay evening, June 22 . 'fhe followin g lette r, whIch III s elf· C'lm rl e .. Le wi s a nd MIII,S Emma Lo u eXlllllnllw ry, wJll be fouml of Inlel'· L( whl nt ,'la lned. a l II} II' bell ullful h~m <' th e fum ll l s or t he loca l K . P. ellt 10 our reude rs . Waynesville , June 29th, 1988 L u<lge, P r omptly a t 7 o·c loc k. n il presont !\Ir. H . M I Coyn e, we re fleu l ed a t It tullle, s t a n th e W l! rrc n Co unty R e lief Adm. lawn . FI'I <l h lclllm n nd 11 11 th e gooll L e ba non, Ohio thlngR tha t go wit h IL w re loa ded D eal' Mr. Coy ne: A ccOI'dlng to th e Enqull'er . of to . d ay. I not e th a t you co nferred with Lh o Inc lnnnli '·(.'prc lle ntu tl vo of tho N . Y. A., ur Nallon,, 1 Yu uth Admlnl,,· lI'u tlon , "e ':lhrcllllg the ">ltablhjhme nt In this County ur .L I'ccr eutlon Jlu rk" In connecllon with whic h 45 bo ys will lJ" g ive n wO"k during 46 hours o f eac h month . 'And. thill, three c it II OI'C b .Ing s lu . d ied; one at whic h III s o uth o f lhl .. IlIng e ot Wuy nellv llle. W il h th e co· ul' lll'll tlon of Hom e f" ie nd", I hll vo ILl· "eo dy done som e thing In thl ~ l1 1l'oc· LIo n . by c learing oft Il s lope o n th e \ V. bn nk o C the Little Mlu ml Rive r Vn ll ey. only It Ce w hundred ya rds of t Ha ute 42. betwec n Il g l'a ve l pit Il nd th Little Mluml. o n the D n vi!' Fur· n ns fnrm . Alo ng the rondslde Is a epace sorr~ 1GO feet long a nd r each , In g' dawn to th o river . with a slutely ou k In th e cent 1'; we h a ve Il "look· out" , 'from whe nce 1\ g ood s eetlon of th e vo lley h us a lready llttrllc t pd th o atte ntion o( mllny. At Three ll,'ldges. we buve n 'slg n, clllllng n t · t nllon of pllsNe rs,by to th e beauties or the Scenic De tour tu L elxlllon . AU hoa bee n fa vora bly comm nted. We lIu gG'eat mO Bt carnellUy thll t you loo k along this d et o ur, n en r Route 42, a ll thll mos t oJ)IJro p rln te Vince for tho Jlroposed park In this County . A B you know, fl'Om Wnyncs ville dewn to Oregonlu, the Little Mia mI Valll;y 18 ncce>l8lblo by a nd throu g h eight or t e n I?y·ways lending In all dh'cctlonll; lhor by' mnlOng tbo PI'OPORed pnrk a cc ells lble to mnny furm yo u1hll, a s well a s th080 of W ll ynesvllle, Harveysburg . and Ore· gontu, nnd lourlstll pusslng along R o ute 42, Such II. pork. In our oplo· Ion. Ilhould be on th e water, lIurflcJ· antly roiling. well 8hadcd. and on land not too e xpensive. lIfany tract s n re available along the ·Waynesvllle Oregonia Pike ; I liave one In mJnd with nearly I\. half a mi le at straight river front that ne ver overflows, The greatest nttractJon Is an abundan ce or spring '\Yater, easily brought un· del' control. Yo ura ve ry truly, H . L . VAN TRESS % Mr, Be nja mIn p, Groves, DistrIct Supervisor at tho NYA, ClnotnnaU, Ohio


d n p F I'ldll), II rt<'1'11ol0 n il L 2 o'cloc'k wit h, hul'ln l tit Lndcllc m' 'n c<', I'y . O~ wnhl Furl!!1'Il 1 011' c t OI'S w ill huve c I1l1l'1;(' o( th o run "l·tl l. !llr". Lrlm b di d Clll' ly 'I'u sday 111 0l' nln g. S h had lIeen In 1)0 r hl'alth 1'01' some ti me li n d hac! I ce n cOll fined to h I' " hcd for th e pa s t \\'ee k. Kh e Is SU I'\'''' c(1 by h ,. h Usban,1 Mr . Lon~s ll '~et I.lI nl b, fO lil ' dn ug ht e rR , M l'll . Hal'u l<l nh ih e tnble. Th ose presc nt wel'e: Mr. d l\IrH. 1;III II lI i uf 111II"'l'y"iJul'g lind tile 1Il1ss· B . L , Th om aA. :\l r. a nd M ,·I!. C hll "II'H ,." A 111111 , J\ \'Is . lind, 1l ,·ll·n !.' " I1U ' 01 E . Andl' l'svlI , 1'\1' . IIlld 1'1"'1, \ V" lt Cl· iI'fln t· n n ll tiln gnL n,leh lldl' ' n . h:olll'Iele, Mr. a mi MI'''. " 'all e l' ('ast. MI' ,a nd 1\11'". 'ha l'le" Zlnllne l'm n n, !II I'. n n d MI'!!. L , -'. St J uhn , lI l .,. n ll(l III r 'l. F r a nl' Ill. F ox. !vi " . li nd M I·S. Oem'ge L. Smllh , Mrs . J ess i , H y m n n ,

Court News

!llIs8 Lilla Be nh am. 101,·H . MIl I'Y Th" \\'111 or Lu c y A . Moon' , ~I II ~ ' CI'OSH, E mma ,V. Ple l'ce, E milia L . S mith, R ob<' rl FI·le nd. O. O. l\lissil . s ic t\\'p , lI11mllt,'ll to pl'ohat(' Ilnd rlJlle, Mll r y E , P l'eth e l', 11 111.1 lh e ho~l Vll lol'll H ,·nclrkl, .. nppoln l ,L ,a dml n. 16lral,·lx. C. I). S mal'l , " ':l ilt, ,, J 1'. n nd h 09 1~1I". tllIl1 a nd Fl'a ll l, '\' II Mo n Wl' I'C' nam d

JUNIOR LEAGUE TO PlAY FIRST GAME Friday, July. lat, th~ Junior Way· nellvllle Boll Team will play Leban· on, at the hIgh 8Ohool diamond. The game will begIn at 1:80 p . m, The.!!8 boYII are belween the ages at 10 and 14 yeara ot age. , Much Interest 18 centered In the new JunIor League at Warren Coun· ty boye and the plans (or systematIc play In the tournament conducted. In 'Warren County thlll summer.

HONORED ~T BIRTHDAY DINNER lAST SUNDAY FrIend. and. children honored Mrs. Pete Wlcal·. bIrthday ann!ve rsnry Sunday wIth a covered dlah dlnnel'. The guesta Included; Mr. and Mrs, Ln,wrence Briny, Mr. and Mrs, Bob Huey, lind Mr; and Mrs. Fred Conk· lin all of Dayton; Mr, and Mrs, Er· vln Walklnll and dllughter, Hnsel of MIddletown; Mr. and Mra. Loulll Wlcat nnd lIfr, and Mr~, Allen Weld· ner and tam Illes Of Mlamillburg; Mr. and Mra. John Watklnll, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Sho'op and chlJdr~n and Mr. and ·Mrs. kllen Luqas and child· ren Of c;::entervllle,


Among tholle trom here who nt· the ' RepubUcnn Women'll . Club at the Golden La,m b lIfpnday after'noon -were. Me8dc.mes J. B, Chapman, ' Joe TInney, Earl flock· ett Robert Wernt_" Harvey Burn· ett: Watter Kendrick. Hein.). Sl\.t~er~ hwuJte and Mrs. ·Margaret Jobns, 'lIft, Qarence J: Brown, wall- the prln· clpla 8J181lker at the a[te~nooh. ·


~ I rs.

C'lal'e nce

~h"lIallll' C I'


II II'. a nd Mrs. L. V . B "a n s l rntor ath l'l nc e n t I'Lal ned n nd da ut;ht" with a di lln l'l' on S unday. 'O\'(, I'S we r e la id fo r. Mr. lllld l\ fl''''. S. S. G nLch u nd duu g ht l' l' Mn l'r, !It r . and M I'~, ~IImmy Ollt"h II n,l :' I r~ . L j·.la 'Mu ts lnger o f 1II1 IfOl·.I . 11 11'. alld M,'",. (l a t ch Run yo n of Il y de (" !l'k, !III', II n(\ !\f,·s. H . R. H t '~ I' j" h nd "lO ll Hol!· by lind d a ug hL rs , Itu l h a n d Jl ell l! o f L 'hu n on, li nd MI'. a nd. Mrs. Rll ilih Smith . M,·. II lId Mrs. RII Ii' urnus and c hildre n tl nd Mr. n n<l M,·s. L . V . BI'll nslrn lo r a n d M ls8 ath e rlne Brn nSll'nt ol'. SOClAI~ SEC UnlTY ('LAUIS


T he wi ll uf I I uld a ll A . Dl udeb ul' n, Hed L Ill n , n(lllt il t d LO tJl'obntc nnd Ca HHlufI I:llat"k t ul'n Ilnd n ' n jll mln T . B In lebu ,'o \\'('1' WII11"(\ XC(' UtO I·';. lI ern ld Jilek WII S nn m ect I'xe uto.· "e Lh es tntu of W alT n '. J a t'l', L bllnon , nnd T h om as J lunt I', fo'm n k BU I'Iow a nrl J . L. lII c Fal'la nd



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New Century Club Holds Last Summer Meeting

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Shf'!'ts, :-;)·I \'I.n Puills l Ie :11111 ~I O f;<JS I<il'hy. T ho 8 h<!llu l ' of d (: lllS o( An na May '\V s t, admi n i"t,'lx or the ' !I, late of J os ph D nrdQfr, 1.c bl1 nl)n , fIl cd. A lso t htiL of Mln n !e J nck . ad· O1 ln ll;(l'lx of t h es ta t or l\lIIlo n 111. Ja c k. Th e bonds ot ~1 e ll lp R~' o o n<1 D"n n E, f;t a n h' y. I'X c ulOl'S of tho esta to o r F I'lI llle A. P nce . \ Vay nes \' IIl. oreh:r ed ,. du ced t o $GO,OOD , Tho In ve ntor y of Evn n J : dom u ndo MUI'y S. Good w in, ('xec u· t or s o f t he es t uJ, of Elizabeth , ted<lo lll, Leba no n . will be h urd on J ,!ly 16 .• MinnIe S te wa r t . g un rdla n of Mn r· Io n a llr~. jl·.. Cllcd h e r fo ul'th ,~ . co unt, Ann Rn ndn ll, ex<,cutrlx of th e es· ta te of Cassi us G. Rn n dll ll, o rd e red to sell I' 1I11l in assets prlvatc BIlle. A vn lu (' o f $3,760 p laced 0 11 th e esta te o f Pliny H . \Vhltn k e ,'; a nd lh e esta t e d ecla r ed cx cm pt (rom In· h erlllln ee t a x . , Th e f h'st , fln nl a n d U1 s1r lb Ull ve a cco unt o f E t fle S . Pie r ce lLnd. G ru ee LoIs Tho rnhill, e xec ulrll;!.C8 of th e es tnte at ·E\·IIl:L W, B ench flied , The firs t a nd fln nl acco unt o f Llllio Gra ce \Vhltn kc l', ndmlnlst l'll' ll'i.'( o f the cstn te of Plin y H . Whit· IIk e r, tiled. ~I o r l'o \v


I w in g lneUes : :\\1'''. K HI I' ,I'ahu m on d, <l:LUgh te l' . :\ fr,.. Clyd" ,",' lIru'Lun ; 1\ ll's. I ~m ll l( KUl'fI 'I; ~ 11'1l. 8 r \'ln H nnllllClll; ~ l l's, ~1 !II 'Y 'I'hom nR: lIIrs. Dea l·th • 'hc ~ h nn; 1\ 11'8. 1Ial'I'Y 'orl.lell ; 1I11·s. I7'l'nnk Snl· der;' 1\1 1'''. 1':. ' V. I'll) : 1.l l's. Du,:othy L Ulh,-lg ; VI\'ln n Dr '\\'11 ; !'Ill's . E. 0, Clau9, ; i\I ."S, R uth lII a l'lz :Iud J onn n ; M I'" . L I'Rt er K ndl'i l'k ; JIl l's . L s lle GI'U~·; :\1 1'9. Altle 1'11<''11'8; Miss no!<le YIIles; l\'1I·8. J . J . lI1 a l'tz; 1'1[1'8. W a ll ,· l{ ru (' I'; l'I('lon' l{r u 1': FllYI', ,J ulle IIl1d Yvo ll n Bo wmnn: ·lI11' . . 'In ude Le \\'l s: (\ 11(\ little Na n cy Lew is,

U. S. AGENT FINDS CAC" TUS PLANT SOUTH OF WAYNESVILLI~ T! og'('r '. !\1ll1 I'. ,\ ge n t U, S, De· IJn r lm (,1H or Agl' l ul tu r l.' , while Bur· \'cyi ng fOi ' "o mm o n barbe rry j ust .-Iout h uf the ;'''ayne!ivi ll e 'Ol' llol'ntlon IIl11 ll ~ , 10 tl t ed li n II r ea of en lun t hat I,. n. n ll t h ' onl y to th e Bo ulh we. tern part of nlteel Sl a l es. 'l'lIel'e 11:1 II co ns ldel':Jhlc (J u a nlt y Of it STowin g \her e In t\ II rmn ne n t plla· • cove r d musl ot l u rE'. 1I1r, Mi ll 1" Oh io, li nd h' I'('po;·ts t ha t Lhl s Is th e flr s L lim o Ihn t he e ve\' fo und 'a tUIl g l'owln g w ild In l h ls s t ntE', Mr. l\11l1 r bell v,," t hllL t h l. Is fl ll UllllSUnl fin d a nel w ou ld apll l'ec lu t e n ny Ir fol'llla · tlon as La \\,h e l'c It Illn f r om I\ n d If It hilS h n (ound., wild e ls \v he l'e In " ' UI'\' II CUllll t y.

MARTINSVILLE CLASS·l'tIATES MEET HERE FOR REUNION The following all ot whom grndua. ted trom the Mai'tlnsvllIe Hig h Sohool In t he same yenr e njoye<I their annual r Ollnlon, here In W a y. ne8vllle , lnllt Thurs(\uy. MI·s . . D ora. thy KInzer nnd MI811 Luclllo 'C llrroll ~tb Of Martlnllvlllc . Mrs , GlndY8 Sund of Clnclnnntl. IIlrs, Ada. Brow,:, of Wilmington, Mrs . Knthleen John. aton or Wash1njrton 0 " H. and Mrs. WIIlllun Lukens, At noon th e y h od luncheon at the LIttle Inn ,a nd tho afternoon spent rerrah,IDIleenlng' ' , at the -borne of Mrll, ..Lukens on 41h Btreet.





Agriculture Survey


\\' lId" . ~ I I'~ . I.',·alll, Snl.Jro I' . :'II,·s. 1'11 111 I '''Ht O ffk .. C:l't1 :-4 Hn( l dnu,:;-hl f' l". Nr·o lll ln , ~ 11·~ . l<itlh H arlJt' l" Sli OIl ~ a n:- I" I II" ("It . ~t.· d

A TownllbeD4 Meettn. wUl be held, July 21, Court Hou!J8, Lebanon. IN HOSPITAL naxt Bun4ay afternoon at the Town· July 2/t.2t, CIty Bide. FrankUn. Mra. uaruey MOI8 III In the Chrlllt ablp HaD, Bellbrook, at 2:10 o'clock July 2"-19,' Court HOUH, Lebanon. HO.PI~. ClJlclnnaU • fOllowing an Dr, III, B. Thornton, Dayton, wJJ1 The uamJner will be at tile above operation performed Jut Thunday. be tbe .,...... IIIveI70ne Is Invlte4. - - unW t~ve o'aJock IIOOIl OD Lut ~fU ..... tllat abe Is IIDprov. Be1lbI'ciOk ~ Qub ~

Presents Dance Review

f HI HC"l' Il :l llt' OtiH HhuWC' I' :ll t il\' (,nu n·

~ l r!4 . J .C' nnlc



11 '(·1" 'It .

fLt ,'

" , II' 1I1l'1I 1''1':111 '.



Silica tax returns tor the half year · pe riod, Jaunuary 1 to June ·SO, 1938, are to ~ tiled during July, An examIner will · be IItationed at the followIng ' po,lnts to .!laslst ven· dor!! In fJllng cliLlms, July, 6·9 Court HoulI(! at Lebllnon, July Court HOulII!. July1!l·19 'Clty Bldg, at , Franklin, July 20 Mayor'il ~f!Jce, Mason. . July 21 MBiYO~'1I o't flee, Morrow, - July n, Ford Gamgd, Waynes.

i. ,


In g . In hon o)' of l'liH" II I II Kr " cl' , 'I'h(' \\':OY lIl' ~"lIk LU llrH'il \fliSSI'd a ll wit h ~I.·". ,\'a lt ' r I\I\·al", ~II·". el l ( )l'dl n'lII'p In 1'('J;al'<l 10 tHtI 'lilng IIU, thl ' l a ~t ~ t..' \\' l't'nt llI"Y~ t 'lull Int! f ' l - h.'a ,' "S Ita\"! ' ~Il\\" · t uutllf'd (Ill g-es n nd , ll'f' 11' ) I"Ill' in (' ]U Ht {" I" S. T h e l 'e n r e 3 n{o\\'m"n , anl l :\11'''', ' Vllucll''' w L Clds I IUIl1 0bll ~H 0 11 :\I aill SlI'cN a lhl h'lI1 ' ing fIJI' Lh l' HU nlJllel·. IJ II Friday al' · I n TI lllHI· n s 1I I H.l<I I" (I:.l 1\ C I U8h-~ ' or te' I' noo n , J lin ~ 4t 1 1. liS lIsslstn n t hoslcMses. n i n!; the u ~(' of t' Ul U llt~ III tU,,"J!. !.Jurin g lilt' hll ~i J h\ ~H; !if\S.\i {lI tI , ll 14.' hr11ll uTl t n 'd T hc (' \'l'lIl ng \V II" Rpe nt socially '1'111> ne w I' ulln g I'sta bl1:;lll'tI a 4& <1". When rllJ fl lind g ...,,\\. In u UIl, 'h eN. :o:t lln· \\' t'l ·(.' na rno,-I Hllp nti:-; e l's. reslf; n'\l jlJ lI of ~I ...... W . \0'. ( ·I:,,·k. b p· i, ga me·s. nftt' l' wilio-ll lh e hl'ld e ;"I'I .e III"'I;l IIS' a ng lo, IlI r to pUI','II n l". 'I'h ,' In 11 <:'\' LJa l' l( :l lld Mary 1'; llzabt'lh I'e nee o nd. Lew is \ · "u~ , HI' ht ' !' rn., \"IIl g' fr'lll1 this 0 11"1 many ben.ultiful t;lft H. 1""J ll g \'ence W('I" nllmc<l x cc u tOl'S InUl Jity. WaH n 'gTfl l ru ll y :1"1'1..' 1' 11' .1 , r jU llH : In~ a ' ,rlg lll y P llU\\, . I'ell rn. cn k C'. nnd cJl l1 dy \\' H:'i GUSTIN FAMILY HOLDS ;II HI lh (l Ii UI11C"' \.If :\1 f" ~ , ~ , I) . I h.'n 1<h.' I t s lluu l d h (' null ' (! t h al l l le." n r c o f 1111' <'SlII te "I' I' ra II Ie L . P " n l" ' . 1.y th e h ost('s::I(,!! L t h rol·

lulms which fi r e n ow be in g eel" tined fOI' pllym e nt In lh e (\lllli'let 8 r vro by the H umllton 1~ 1 Id Otclce o f th e Socia l Security Bou rd h avo now clim bed lo t he h ig hes t Ind4v l· dual '~ nu eollccUve totll l s inee th a t offl ee wnil op one d o n Au g us t 2. 1937, 'rbls s til t m e nt w na m nd o t od ny by R obert H. Minnich. Mn n nger of lhe Soc ln l Sl.'curlt y Offi ce 111 th e N w P ost OffI ce Build in g. His lIur· vay or lump·s um Illl yme llts co \' r ed lh e counti es of W a rl'e n. Bull e r , Clln to n, u nd F l1ye lle, which Il I'C se r ved by the H ll mllton Of fice. " S Ince AllI'lI 1 of this yeo r we hnv \'00 Ived n otice that a t otal or 101 c lo hn s s ub mitted tlll'oug h o ur Hllmllio n Office bll ve been cel·· Utled ro r pa YITje nt." Mr. Mlnnl h s uld. Th es l' pnyments ha ve bee n In· c r ens lng s t elltlllY .ln a vernge a mollnt Pllid to Th e Ilverage pa ymc nt for !lla y was $39,23, lh e high poInt ' Of our expe rien ce. "The In c l"Cuse In tho Individua l n. C, Mit c he ll, Mrs . H, L. Byer s lump.sum pa yme nt Is sh own by u io and J a m es Shu pcrt w e re n a m ed a p · fact thnt In 1937, lhe (Irs t (ull yellr praIsers of t1w eslate o( Emnlll' of ope ra tion of the Soc ia l Se Urlty C ha mbe rla in . Act, th elle paym e nlll avel'llge(\ $22 .· Mn rUm M. P a lme r, trus t ee unde r 67, Of the 101 c la im s certlfl "d to Item two of lhe will of Mnl'y :p:lI · our orflco since April 1 of Lhls yenr. m el' ro l' Bruce Dona ld F a w cett, Cll · a tolal of 63 w e ro til d by V 1':10118 he r firs t. final n nd c\ls ll'lbul1vc who hod rea ch ed the nge of 65 account, yeaI'll after working In occupa tions covc r ed by the Social Security Ac t. MARRIAGE LICENSES In nddltlon 4 8clnlma cerUfled dUI" Jam es J{ . L ew is, 23, la bore r, a nd Ing th e snme p eriod wore fli ed by H ele n C. Kru e r. both of W a y nes, the legal h elrll of persons who had vlll c. doled atter having been similarly em· 'R og er Young , 24, true k dri ver and ployed. Opa l Swope , 24 , wa itress. both of "Clnlms puJd to rs who Franklin, reached the age at 65 avernged $36.· Ca lvin B eckelhlme r. 25. vn rnl sh 70 for May.. while those pllid lo m ilker. Cincinnati, and. Blnncl1e heIrs of Jlersons who had died over· Mo nce . 23, factory WOloyer, Lebu n. aged Ot the persons whos e on, cluJms were certified· during the Robert A . Robinson, 20, tactory month. 86 were m e n nnd 5 were wo o work er. and Iren e Lnndacre, 19. men'," Mr, MinnIch concluded. bolh of Morrow. (Continued on Pag e Four)

Sales Tax To Be Fded During July

Jul y


1111" ",, 1\ tlf Ellt YlllUlogy anci ('uuntl"Y 111 11 " l "·f · ~,' nl(·IJ "" I~ y :\11 :i ~ til l"'. T h fulll)\\'lng "In ....'s III \\'ayn '8 , llel l' rl L'~ug lt' a t till' LH'oI nun T IlWIl I' hllll ~~u : II·.rntl ll l ' nl' '' u n(lll .11 n J; a ,' llIl' will r-Iu ~1) 1'1'I""pt ly at II ,OU A. H u ll (In TUI ' ~dJl~' c \·p nln~ . Ll ltl p !\JlSI':i !'iU I"\· t · ~· ftl l' r' ullllUlin l;:ll"h el TY In \ VarII'Y 11 0 11" of :'I1I'N, \\'" Itl'l' Knl 1', ~ 1 . un I h,-' 1I1Ul"u !n s tIC Lh F OUI't h : j\nn ~ a ttt.'I ' th\\"; dl (,. t lH~ Y " lI n g"tl ~ l no " 'JUll l y . lJr ld e·r' I"c: t uf J :IIIl ':" I" . L \\'Is. I :"""j' I' ..\1 i\l ('1' IH . H. Agl' n t III ·on t Ctt.;tH \\' ".' \ th e d.~ v.~rsI CJJl of th£' l\:rog"t: l' 1I1t ' 1l,1> " of th e a:-;l n~.ltl : 'll ·d' , her . q'd l 'gt' fir tl l H tl l ' V \.· Y in \ Va r l' n Ilftf' I'n 0 11 , ll fi e,' lI'h lt' lI II IUll dl " f .\ . K , lIlly l Ut l"t \·l'ry \\"l ·II ' in a " s o lu TUI' ,·· "" IIlI\\'lc lH'H, (·iL k , II IHI I m nallc 1. G. A . ~1l "s UUllna ~1 l\Y :0;11111'." n I't·p l'e· I 'ollT1 l r :1111 1 t' IlIJl loy(·~ :!3 l ucu l rne n . Vllil'l c ), W t..' I' C s e rved 10 tllll fo llow i ng ; Ne illI'd Sl1 t'('z >' in it l ' l"l'se ntatlon ,uf ~ I .·. ~I I \I, · I' Is xtallunctl. li t \\' ny nes· :'1,'1<. l"llIllilp L \\' Is :",eI cl ll ughllc r . l l Yll wn'!i Hllu\\' \\, hl .. , a nd (h, ' :-;"" "11 \) "' II I' f" vI\I(' II 1101 \\ "1I1<1 H\l III' d o t e n ny In· ,\Il:-:H Ii ,wl,d Ann Hl h~, ~ I"andd a\.lgh· 1\" ·11).11 11 111 11111l :II1 Y 0 11 (' C'H tl give ca n· (' 1' '''11 U . , ' 1\ \1'8. >;:\y l" l'. " I'· ~ . ~1l1 it 11 ':-; r; 1"f,)CC I-Y 11" 1' vI" .;\ 1 1". " -i ll :-=t. .) .) 1111 , \\"; 1:; ·' I Jo..:·· I .. r·lli n g \\ ill! h : II' !Jt' ITY IJ1JsilPH I lu l'l'Y (:'·lIhlll)\. ~I ,.". ,Iuhn KI·uP' ·. HIIIII,

II:oII~ l lt


il JlJH11 hu~ rs_


1'\·"· lIln,;.

til e' linill/' " f ~ I . ·s.

witt IUl'l't, 'I


. FRIENDS HOME MI'R. H alL ;~ J u11es of In c lnn a ll. l\LJ's. E s lh er SOll l h t;nle a nd Mn lll e \ \'('Ic h or :.rOITOW 11 11 ",1 o n 1\10 1'Y Ada ll1" lO ll "lIcsday. 1>11'. a nd ~1 1·s. 8 m st 1Il nrU n . 1\1 I'll. AIlI Y ,' tullbs , R kh llloml , Tn d .• Mr. a n d 1111's. \Volldu reI o r \ V""l AI(' Xll n. tie r WOI'O <11,n nel' ~U C SI R or Ma ,'gar' et I1ial'llll on S unday', :\11'~ . L a Ylo n ' Vu ll n n(1 <Ia ug ht" r 8 111111 r , S"rI\ a n,l L o ul RC lI n l'tsor k o f Oa kl a n d ra ll<,d on Tu c fI,l/lY . M is" n " th h a nd ler wh o Iln s hec n wHh h ('1' Ris t I' In Il llInl' t on , Yt., rc. lUl'n ed h om e on Tuest1ay,

Our Ad vlertisers F a irley Hn rdwAr e C"mpany Quic k Clean e rs T w in Th ellt e r D r . H a rl n nd P . D yOo' J . lil. McClure L e mmon s Halchery St ubbs Fune r a l Directors N orris a nd Brocle Co , F, '1', Martin. A ucllClneer Th e H !lmllton ara v(!1 Co. R. D. Colle tt H a rdwn.r e Ora nd Th ea l er E;r ogcr Store Ze nia Theat e r W ay n Hvl\le Fn l'm e r s Exohanse ,Ed ward , J . GIl rdn IBalrd'lI 6.10·to .Sl.OO S lore Baicrwln P in no Atle~ 's a i-vi ce LesOllrds vl11 e Luk e Th e W ayn esv ille Drug Store X'cnilL Tb en tre • Oh.lo Co ntral T Icphone Compony


\\ : Ito p IUl"f,d lipa n

lilt, d ub rlill In 1",1'

. '\" \ ,)";11 s p('('irH uf I U'I"lw I'r y, inclu di ng

hl' ,1:11)11 11<'1<1' \,u"INy, wh ld , II I' 1m· IIUIl" t'l 111.<'11 rllti l. a n d s hould n o t

plarc "

'I'h fa mily of UU Htl n h ~ ltI t llt' I!' 1'11(\ 11I·og...n 111 c ommltt N', ~"'R. 11Ih Anl1l111 1 He un iu n ti l th l' h uml' or Itllr mon.1 •nile .'. )\l l' s . ,ruhn ~ I n " y HUUI S "", In ~Iu ."'o,' , Ohl ... Fron llll, nnll ~ t l" S_ Lpc 1 111 w la', P I'(' ,\11 arc, d, ti ndl1nLs o( lh o fnmlly KI' IH NI ,~ V ry Inl e l' ':l tln~ 1"'0); 1''' 111 e OU Htins w ho Hl' ttl l'd o n son '()nHIKtl n g fir lh e roll o\\,lng: g-ovcrn ln e n l In n d, Ut!Hl' · n l'<1 \'0 " I 'u ln, "Som \VII re A \ '0 1' c the year of 1798. Is ' Cnl llng ." -i\I l's. 1\11I)'n::l rd '\·oltz. lItem b 'I''; rOl'm the immedlatc fam · llC ' ,mpanled b y !III'S. B olin. . Ily rro lll I ndhtna a nti IllInul H Ill"' t ' 1'11 11<, " ;\Ie. ' ll'o ," - ~l1 ":; hlh eld rn 'ounLy . \\'Ith t h o~(' fl'o m \Y'Lrr"n 'o lleu; H.O w e n~ pres("nt in 111 1. A iJou n tt't.HIH SIOlo, "B(' "au~e"-~ll's. \ Veltz. IIlnn I' W:I S H<J l'vcdo, " 1ll1 n pl'ugl'IIm Or AL th' <:1 "<1,, or th (' II'ogra m , th music \\'a s <'njoyed la t Cl·. rc lll'h\); PI' 'sldl' nt, l\ 1 1'~ , J, ]1. Aft rw ul'lIs 1''' ril l Int er el>tl ng s nc lr It , P I' RC nt f'(l t he Gavel 10 lh e lllll(s \\' el'e gi\' n about the ('u rl y set· !n pulnl nt; 11I·c>.ldl·nt. lI ll·s. E . L . I h'1'S of til U ulIli n fam il y hy lII ('m· 'l" II 0'"11!1 , wh .. , nft •. It few we ll el ,os · 1)('1'9 pr ,'e n t. ,'n "" 111:1 1'1'8 of 'I 'c"pt a n ,a<'ljo ul'ncd rn I hlH I·..·u "lIO n 111 11 nl' G uslllill met "g-:l ln ro ,· th e fl l'SL limo In th e hi,,· Lho m ectlng . '\'''flIln ln,; I'co r,·""hm nt ~~~_ lo ry nf t he U~, i1 )· . ,, " 11 it " 01'.1' IlIle.·, .' <1 hy Ill(' h,)s t",;s rlurln~ t ht' socla l "H III1~ tlnd (' nj .. YII lJh' ,. u ll lnll was hUIIl' \\'1111'1, ru Hn\\"'I!'. :'I II'". 1.1' ~l ay ' s Iw ill. glll'st.; \\'!'I'e )IlH ~ A I1I1II Bl'ow n , "' iH~ ~I tl rnl' n l' OWn , :'III'S. ~I II I'Y '1'01'8, 1111'S. ,1. V. L a ('y' "'I'~ . ,1 .. 11" ' ~u lt. ' LI , WAYNESVILLE AGAIN BRANCHES OUT ;\118" E t ll e ll ll'll ('011 ,Lt, 1111'", ,I ohn PI'OHtffll , l\11·ij . 1\1",' n:l1'l1 \\'c lL z, a nll Th m orc IJI'O~ 1l I'OUS n n.l well· r u n :\I I'H. Boli n . lJus illC!lR sla lllHhml'nts tllis co m · m ill1 lty fO!l t (' rs , Lhe ~ 1'"a l"l' w ill til com m unit y bc('ol1le. I I nce Ih e 1;1',, " d MUSICAL PROGRAM AT METHODIST CHURCH \\'e lco mllll; or luSl wC I' I"s Inn o\'utlo n ') ( [1:1 11'(\'8 G- t O-l()-$ I .OO S t Ol'o. ~II' . IIn ci :\II'H. \ Vilb ul' F IHh Il noll'n Ag-u lll LhlA Issu e th e M ll1 ml Clnzelte as til l' " t ; 91'<' 1 l\lu IlI,:I:.l nH" 1'1'11111 '0 1· Is \>1 as <l to be Ins \l'u m e nlul In wol· eom illg' n n ' W b usl ll 'ss In to th " co m · un ih ull, o h io J)1'I'lll1 nlf'd 11 most un ·


Surface-Conner Wedding ILast Friday Morning

:\l iss 001'111 f; 1II'fl\c:e a nd IIIr . Ell rl \\' 1'(' qu l"lly married, IUllt 1"I' hlny m",·nln g. ut 10 :30. nt th ,~ M. I':. Pa r ROn;),"e III nle lln) ond , IlldJa na wlth 'The n v. Ph ill ip !:lmlt h nffl c la t. Ing lit t lte CI'I'c mo n y. M r . !Ln d AII'll. 1lI'1 F .·y \\'el'e th e cOll plp's n nly :lltc' ntlnn l ... 1\11'8. CO lln e r III th e n ttl'lI c t lve d~l!'h~ol '1111'. _ til III 1\11'9, L l'llt er S lI rfne(o of !\la in SII' . et. It" g l·adu . aled Cl'o m \ Vayn" .. v lll l! Hj~ h 8('11001 In t il Cia"" of 1n3 7. MI', Co nn ,' " IH th Ron o ( Mr s , L n u rn P I l'Iel n~, of T hll'(L Sl l'ee t. He \\'I1S:1 g I'IIlI" a " , tof \\'IIY II I'sv, lI" Hig h sch ool III l Dati. F or l h o pall t t wo YP" I'S h has o('en t he po pu la r nmn. oger oC lhe \Voy n vs vlll '1' 'Xlleo Stali on 0 11 :O;outll :'I1'll n SLl·OC t. Th t' ('uli pl e a rc al hOll1 o to the ir frlt n. ls In t hc ~'1 a l'th a Cou k pru,. rty u ll Nol'lh ~1 : !l II , which th ey had n 'wl y rUl'n lsh (\ "waitin g th e ll' 1lI1l 1" rlag,. O ur b Rt wl .. h R (a I' tl ha ppy und mu nlty in t.he e.'j tll t.lIsh m en L of AI· u ~ tl ll i u n Li u n i q u e' tl1 u s tf'U I )U'11grH III 'U 'Cl)"M rll l ma l"l'ie tl li fe go to the8& le n'l; Sen ' Icc S tlll iol n n nd Lunch ill th 1I10I'n l n ~" ' 1'\' 1 of Ih " ' "y . r Oll ng f{J lI\~. n('s" lII" ~1. 'E . ('hI li' h hl $l f;lIlldny COllnt I' . t; lIH .. si. ul g l.. :,ul.' .:, J t ·· ,10MI'. 'yl\':l n J . J\ II n hal:! 11 \' ' (\ a ll ADA BELLE FRYE Ccn\'l,I' II", ~Iu ~ t.- III to; ' w, \, ilJ r:t ·JI II I'J I MISS o j hi s urI:! In : :l j : ro un d L eba n on , ENTERTAINS CLUB 11 1111 i~ q ul Lo w['11 le"O',\' n in \Vny nf'''' a n(1 A c ,ol'dln n !' Illnu tht'~' (Ir' pll' t.' <1 In ~' I (\c' "l " In Ih (' II f(' 1)( I 'ltl'i" t, In \'111 . H e a n tI h is fa mil y lI av(' just '1'11<' ( ;"0<.1 (' II I 'Iotltlng Club met InuH ic in tfll'H IH'I 's i ll J.,!· it wi,t ll i llll s ll":! ' 1'1 ' 'c nlty t nk"11 I' ('~ ill(' n "e In " ' ay nos· 'J '" 1:1 " 1 T l1 l1l'Hclay lit the h um e at C C1l1l\ (' .·

L--- - ========--

v 11 , n nd w e

~ hl (,l' l"p l y

hu p e ru t' the ir


fI ·d It 'f'ct UI·C'H. T h £" p ru gTl lnl

t.1I uHlnsLicu Il y I'cr'cl \' ('d hy tO lll:\'l' cga tlo ll .

mns HECEI\' f;n FOR LOCAL JlIGHWAYS Hi g h wa y Del)artm c nt T he ' tn t r ce lved h id" rOl' m a ln te nfl n C Hnd f'n ns U'u('lIon of 'LJ1Jll'oxlm n tely 2&3 !lIlIel< uf HLa t!' I'uad:l a t an l:l Lim nt c d ('Ogt of $6 40.6 36. 1! 1'Ida\ 'I'll ., o lll y ma jor bulld lng jo b \\,U R n F ede l'a l projec t o n 6.3 mil o!! o C Ilo ut o 175 a nd U. S , }' o ulc 68 . o Orl'(oLown·Wllllm g lo n R oueL In I\n to n Count y . This calls rOi' I' I!' lo('a Li on of p II I'l o f th e hig h WilY , to Lo bulll with a bitumino us .. ul·face o n wa t e rbo lllld lIIocadam base. II llti c OI1Hll'llCllon of two co n c l' etc IJl'ldges . 'I' h e low bid of $31 G. G89 waH s ub· m'ltle d by J . C. O'Co nn or & SOilS of Ft. ' Vayn e. Ind. The h ig hway d l" pa l'Lm n l's clltim a le t \V a>! $387,210. Olll I' IO\\< bid s r eceived WI' : CI a rmo nl, Clint on. O rco no alld ' Yllr,'ell o unllclj·bltumluus . treat· m e nt oC 55 .84 mil II or U. :;; . R ou Le 68 :lncl Slllt c Roul ·1I 28 , 133, 31;0.380 , 34,3 n nd 370, 'c, J . Ibl e f N ew Vlen · nn. $2 4, &50, Esqmn le cost ,S4,221.

(' n ·




WAn.mS\,/U,E )1 . 1::. ('IIUt('1I

Rc". Johll " . I.II<'Y, :\Jlllis le'r SlImlu)' July 3 9:30- ' hul'(' h Hc:lloc' l. J O:40- MI1I' n lng S('[' \' ic" _ I ndl·njlend p n c('



~uhj('( · l.


n ft c r l hJoll,

IlINNlm 1'.\1t1'\, GIVEN BY MR. i\Sn ~ms . CL\'HE EGBEUT.

TUCHdu)'lI lr. a n d 1\1..... Cly(le E gLer't enter. 7:0 0-n ey Sf'01l t8. t:o ln NI with [l dinn e r Ila l'ty Saturday WedllosdllY2:00- 'V. F . .\1. S . L,'a(\ PI' II nci Il o ~· ('v(, lIl n~ Qmlllrm enLln g the LJlrthday "I' ~ ll' s. I"rallk Al e xrtnd el' o ( X,e ntu . t('!;S , :,\11·s . Ke nn ' t h Il nUJ.; h . 'u\'':I' ,; w i'e la id for : the g U(>>lt 1I0nol', Miss Mn l'Y K a thc rlne ' ling. IWIS( ·OI·:\J., Clln{('11 Tlli rtl ~ 1I11c1 ay "fl<, " T l'lll li y, ,J ul) ' I' of Jun tl on City , Mr, and Mrs. 3. 'h lll' h ' 8'h v i a t :1:30: >le,'m oll nay Kni g ht und aon Robert' antt th1! lOIl l a nd h oslc RS. L a t e r III the ev. Hnd H vly <".nllnul l,," Ht 1fl:30. n" gI nnin g ,Iul y JO, ~ " l' vi " "H \\'11 1 I,e dis- ' 1Ilng th e I)a rty vi s ite d the W a yne l'll n ll llllf' ,1 th l'ou!; h Jul y alld Aug us t -;wllllllling P ool . ond atte nded the li nd w il l I' 'SUllie th e (i l's t >; um lay In I un lor Dance a t th e Junior Hall. i:iC!ptl: lllbel'.


N01'ICE m~ SI'F,(:IAL l\m~TING VILL!\(;I!; OF . W A \il/E,'\lLLE ANNUAl. nVUGET No~1 e 1J It I' hy s l\' n thnt on the




,\ 1i,," J\ rlll H,· II., Fry!!. IIli" .. J ell ll Ues8 1"','~ lolctl <l u d ll ':; t he "uHln ('sH meet. i ll~ . 1 ' 1:I 1l ~ W""e IlHllle to sell c a ndy :II lh 0 1. " ~ l ny · ll a\\' k c I'oum Ht the n"xl I'" ntl cO llcer t. a am e~ were 1,111),<-<1, /I nel I'pr l'O ,,, h m c llt s Be l'\'ed at 1111 ' ,'IUHf' of a pl caS:.l nt ll nd pro fitllble

" ~I )'

'o untJ-y "1'18 of Til l" '," 7:30- E ve nlng S ry lce .

13t h <lny of July; 1938. at .7 :30 0"· Ie p . m ., II p ublic h ea l'ing -wlll be 11 80n held on th e budget PI' pllre d by tb.e Mr.baI)by nd o(Mrs . Ha ro ld W I). l"ml'l rs. . C'o'! nc ll oC lhe Vlll ng " at A Vaynea. tln<l 1;)a )~o n. Mr. nrIC .!J' III J lo'rry \Vlllia m s un tlnd MIRs O m 0 v' • 'arl' n CO llnty, Oh10, for n xt " lng r lsclIl yen ~, e nding De· 1I1r. and 1\11'9, l" n Brown. Mrll. Ethe l succecd Th e Farm Bu~mu DIIICUlllllon H a uk und Mr, a nd Mrs , Bryon QU\)' cern I 1' 3t , 1930 ' Sn ld heur1rl~ will ~ I) ell! a t thl'. Group held' the ir regular moe tlng at l' f and d riughle r .. t ol'l' don, S Ullday nt Camp K e ro. Fort An Cient, \\'h e '0 orfle ot the Ylllll~ Clerk, In the the hom e at Mr. MI'II, M. A. MOIIter Richard WI:Hnm son I~ camp· TowOllhlp House. Cornell Tueadny n, K, HE . ~El"~ ON, Yf:t'lge. Cle rk Ing a nd. took him wJth the m to a Interesting Jllcnlc In the FQrt. Ancient Park. ' A.. 1(. DAY. JIa)'OI'


dl' ~: lJ"oY('l1.


M:r~ and !lira. H a y Rye and children m e t " ' Ith an unfortunate occIde nt lust 'l:ues(\a y whllo .e nroute on tholr vocation. Lea ving _ home earJy Tuesdny morn'lng they had only r.eached L e xlng lon, Ky: when a 0011lslon '.... ltll anothe r < m il hlne..,. " ; : oodly wrecked th e Rye car thl!-t they. were forced. to It'. ave It. In a lrIl~ there and return home, MrL waa the only 'oCCUpa.nt In either that was injured. 8be WI.~~idII~~ bur1ae4 aad IUtfe rt4




full dill' 19 111;1nnell with 1!::11ll"R, rlt!.. l)hl Y6, bult Cfl~Un~, [lUW ami mOtol' t)) ' C)l'

Malrl Street

Phone 112

RVlLLE SAGE, Publish er R. H, Ha tings, Society Editor . . . , , . " Phone 45 K 11


. ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY ubBcription Price, $1.60 P r Year, Payable it:' Advance

AD Independent Newspaper Dcdicilted to the SeJ;vice of Waynesville and ncinity - Glving its patrons the best newspaper humanly posaiblc.. #>


By Harry Eldrida., Jr, - -- . - • \\'a)-r" n o unly " pOI·t ~111 n wera ml "htr fur tuna t to IUI\, " CO llllnl8' sln ll " I' Lnr!')' ' " ode ll liS s uesl nnll 1i 8 1 ' ukpl', nl th ' " 'a rre n oU llly FI,;h 11;'0 Onm E' Assocln tlon 'lI Fl'Ilnklln ml'l'llng, 11l ~ 1 lIl onlln )' nig ht.. It WAS not only n lIi cus ul'e to h ave Mr. ""oodell (01' one of hIs r ur e Irlps to this s cllon , but hIs speoch gav ever~' one prl'se nt n be tt er pk· ture at onaervn llon n tlvllles nnd nimH. AmonS' th e )Iolnts which he fOl'clbly brought out W I'e th c tap ts Ihnt the back bone of both stnle nnd nntional conserva tIon work wc r e lh e ! por smen's or"anlul t!on s a nd thut ., the big pro bl,m ot hl~ de pa rtm nt nt lh e pr S nt time was not Qnly th e 1'. . stocking of fish and. gamo but th e crootlng at s u(Clclent (ood nnd cover for bolh .... 1' V·rood II n ls o tru' ced Ih. • m


Air 11·1\ 1'~. <If Kin gs MIII I'. Ch tlll'· lIlan of the Onm' ommlUcc gav e a ""I'OI'! 0 11 th l' • n S~ I'\' a tio n 'ouncll's 1,•... , '·1'1·· lIt OIUlllbuu In"t w eek. ' ., ~ ~ '.··I,ol·t 1,'llks \\.• , .~ nl ocl b" fOllr cu mll .", 'u , ,lilt !; for StllW Repr~s l' nt n ll\· e . who \\' re vre: nt .a Cte r whl'h 1'\' :;Idenl \;u s lln cUs lrlbul d th e n ' W ASIlOClll' tl n Ide ntlfl ca tl on buttons to nil m m br-t's. Th o m e ling w as ndjou "ned 10 th e L egio n I-Inil bfl llPml'nl wh l' l'o Iun('h and I'efr s hme nt s w r o ~el'\'ed by FI'NI, Kahn . P rnnk J n m c>I " u ri Else nmin g I' n nd H n), Duga n , o( the c nt l' l't nJnlll en t conllulltl'e. Dul'lng th e busln e .." mcellng, Prl's, Ide nt GustIn n llllOunccd 0 11'0 t OI'S \~'ere to be selec(lod by m e mbe rs In

PresIdent Earl Oustl n calle<! on Milt Chrlstee, President at the MId· d ie t own Fis h an d 0 ame A ssn . f or a IIhort talk. Mr. Chrlsty expressed t I1. wIs h Of his organlzntlon to coope rate with the "Varren County group on a n y project s with whic h they could be ot help,

ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN ,our Cattle, bop. Bbeep and calv. to NorriJt..Brock ct. .• live wire and progrelSlllve ftl'1ll t'lr the blgbdt JIIarket price. and good lIervice, Union Stock Yard.' Cincillllati, 0, Tane In on Radio Station WCKJ 12:a6 to 12:30 p, m, for /)ur dan,

market reports.

Twin Theater

FERRY Hal'I'le


ur I CI'e n a mi MI~!I ;\Jlltllc H ell<! vltl lt d , \'1' d.n sc!ny e\' . nln S'. with (lw J ess H !'slt ru mllr . · n ."lIlh , ,\ ' Ien l Is vl~llllg wIth 1\11'. 1I "d JlI,·s. J uhn ' ·\ · l1 t' klns, this week. :III'. nn d :..Irs . HllI'old 1"111'1' o nd 'hlldre n spo nt :u ml a y e ve nin g wit II Ih e L es t I' le rhill'll fu mlly. MIllS Ella )( 111'1 'k , of Danon , Is III houHe !: UC>lt of Mr. n nd l\lr~, L('s t I' K (' nl'lc k. lIl l·. and ~lr~. EI'\'ln 'f'homnll anti SO il, Jimmy , ca ll '<I o n th e hI'1 9 1,I'm hc mm s II I " lll'll1 g bo l'o, "unday, J nlll l's Il u rt so" k, JI·.• HP -nt S und(l Y a t th o pa rHOnllj;e. I\ l r. "lid lIlrll. Ho y Mlll t'I' unci >lo n cu lled a t lhe Ju Fllel' hUllIe , :;"l lll" duy aftN' n on. :'III'. anf!, Mr>!.

th e ir own lowns hlp nt co nv elll n 0 J ohn G asse rt ;) lId li'r" n l, . wolg-.u·t rath e r limn holding s u ch clec !lon a t s pe nt III t w(.ck nd In IInll. th e I' gu lnr m cling. lol l', P"I'I'Y ["aul \\'a s th e clln n ('t' -<1_ gU f·!; t u [ .\II·s, Elhe l F u ul a nd ramlly ove ra l c hllng K In the filII hunt· li t hit. lI ully. :5 ul1\.llI y . JIII'S, Earl ' hlnn, '\Irs. Lo llie Ing la w8 w r e mnd l.' by th e Can s r· vn uon Co uncil nCte l' Its Columbus Sta rl, a nd ,~If .•" FrpLln S tarke ,,1:;lt · d a t th ' IIm'I'Y FOl'dyces' SuI ul'dn y hen ring las t w eek. Th e mo s t Imllort· !l nt Is a redu c tion III the I'nbb lt bag aftel·noon . limit from flv to four (l nd t he x . Jl lr. IIn ll AII·ti . J ss [J ss n nd boys spent Su n<l ny afte rn oo n with thc t ensIon oC ph nso nt nnd h u ngnl'ln n pa rtrIdge senso n [lve duys longe r . flus II lIJurl'fiY fa mily, n 11 1' X e nln . Mr, FI'c(\, lIubble . MI'. oy Oillla m, An ope n s enson on rUffed g rou s w as Ilncl Rcv.W. C . Snilth went rox hunt dec r eed t o be eftec t lve on ly on th e ~ In lfl e Peebl es n e l ., ~hborhood . Fri · 31,000 nCl'es of State Innd 10Cllted In In .,

gr wth of a. sportsma.n·s lub wllh whIch h e hnd b en closely associ t ed in t ho north rn pnrt of Ohio, ·brlng' la nnlng t I t th d f ng ou e a van 'agel! fJ p ' a. lo ng range program Iha t would be ScIoto, ]' Ik e , Adam s , Ross, anct Hig h I t t d H e prom ~ed to If/nd co unt! 8 . This ruffed g rou ~e a p e rmanen goo. IWnd n man to work with the Wnr· s euso n wlll run from Nov , 15 10 30. ren County ... roup in c ren t ln " It 10" 1 ., ., eo ' ( o,In cldlng wIth the phoaen.nt nnd cal a n.d worthwhile prOgram of actl· partridge season) Hunte rs nre reo "Itles. H e ossured those present of Quire<! to obtn ln speclul 11ermlsslo n the state's w is h to eo,operate in the before c nte rlng the stnte In nd, ' Th e ere' nUon of additional game 'I'efuge limit 19 two a da y . Following a short arena and I'ecreatlon and r, l:lhlng r es um e ot ouncll rulings: Pheas. likes In "Vnrren County wher.ever nnlB Nov. 16 to 80 (C1ve'dnys e xte n t such projects Ill' t easlble. slon) One dnys limIt of t wo nllow ed D

l'Ul'l't', w I't'stllnS'. Ui'd t"l'C " s h·

nlS. hr Jim £l1on Fite lil'cn uA or till' IWll t (h unly "Don hl\ ~/' will \)~ th e III mil "s hln ra co fOr th l:' (; u\"'l'nu,"" Olll 'Ull. This Fl.I nd" In Ohio nr g rl \' cJ, to ''11 !l ha ll' \'l' l' will bl'lns o ut som e ut learn of the denth ut Elton HacU<,y. hlo's bN!t dogs. whI ch occurred at his home In Los AnS'elc8 on Jun\! !! .


in possession. H ungarIan PartrIdge', Nov. 15 to 30 (five day . extensIon), One days li mit or f«;lur ullowcd In p08sesslon. ;Raccoon. Nov. 16 to Jun. 16 (Il titt e n day r e(!,uc Uon) Red Fox Yellr round open seaso n In No r thern dis trIc t. Nov. 15 to Feb. 1 In south. em district (uncha n ged). Squlrrel-


MUll! Jr' ephillc


MI'. lI nd MI'II, 'j'homus RIc h, I,'. 11 1111 M\'!!. IClb rl Rich , s lIont Sah,I" tiny In L ebil non ' \'1 ~llllI g JlII·I.I. I1Ic h's T ~ 'Ill h 1 na sls t r, ~f1· 8 . ..... s t I' , IU Z, ' W 0 I~ I tl been III for se\' ra mon 19. Miss. l\fnbel Cla l'k' of DlI y ton spent MI'S, Hllrtz I, or LolJa non, wus In und a y with Omy .


ClU) U{l\\' C"Lh


~ P L' 1I1


mil d.

"'I" nt )l1 (,1l~lI nt \I (,,,It ' nd ntcl'tlll n , In,,' ~Irll. '1\InowNh '" (]nuj\'htl'I·. 1\ltl.t', rrolll J.eho nn n 1I0l1 h I' llllllHht 1',1110' 1'<,1 lln. l. t\,· , Ilo n s (rulll f'l rn n!'Ulnt PlaIn,

~Ir . a nd :l1t·s . El bc l·t RIch n nd ~1J'. nnd lIIrs. Stnnley Oml' called Oil M r. nnd Jllt.s. harl ' Vo!er s, lIIomloy

o\,e nln!>.







(,!llI'l: ~ villL' . 1\\,.,.. Jo ' 11"1""1' uml won W<'I·O In \\' t' lIf\lull v"dll,,).;', • UI,ilay. , 1.,11(\0 MI sH r.J Ol' l!l 'nn Ja ob~ fi r Jlurv ' YIIIJur,; KI'[\ lll RI\ ~ul'(l 'IY _ wllh h I' 1(I'n ncllllu' n~H, Nt,.. fi nd MI:S. J . F . Ja cobs. JIll'S. J a m II OrllY s pe nt Suntll1Y wllh he r aon, Mr. Albert Crny or Do.lcls.

\;:;;:;;;~~;;;===~~::~:-~;_ ~-;_~_::_;_:::;~:;-;:;:;;;;~:-;-:-;-;-;-.;:;;.~.~;;;s;;; ' __ _

r-Im '\'l' ysb \l\'g o n bu sI ness, Tu ",day , !\Illmll J l ObI! wenIt Iloll ll nCIUfllUlml, . VCI'y Tu esday IlVI'1l nil' the m er · FI' clay, I\' III s cv e rn \ ( l'cn ,'0 \. _ ohll ntll o r J1:11've ys huI'g lI!)tl SOI' a II nrv l'sb\l\'g, Til l' " Iw nl n n Intcr · motio n picture shuw In the ' scllool cltlln g olny at t h.· zoo. I Th 4· H 'Iub o f Jl llIs,;lc Io)WnRhlp ),111'(. hnd th II' I»)(-nl n'L th o 'Ya yrll' Rwltn . P o l I·t Slll rlnk I' a nti EI Ie I', Phy l· 'mit". J 'uol, Tu etlll>lY afte rn oo n. Miss Ih.. , w eI' v ls lto l's Ot FOSle l'!! Purk , ClaU(llI~ " Oray, th e lea'lwl', 1'8 'o d cl Post I'S. hlo, S un lay. Ih c hlhll' n to the pi ' nle. :.rany or Ou r cl'lI zen s weI'!) lh e I I I i\l1·';. Sa l'llh Sne ll I:n (I.!I'11I n l Il'I' r; Ul's t ll of the 'White Rose 0 11 Com· ] tio n ' rl'om X(' nla . SlI tUI'( Il Y. 1111ny, wh o (' ntel·tuin cd u t the Clnch" . I,', a rill :lIn;, naymon<t Ell kIn!:! :\1'0 lIal l Zoo, 'Vedne"d u),. Ih e pI'oUtI pUI'l'nt s II f 11 'UJII , 1.>0 1'11 1"1'1 . lIll·. ulIl Mrs. 'Va ll I' D.Jlluldson, Ila y ("'l' lI inr;, of \\'lImln'l on, vls ll/lll Crl IIdll and i'll'S, 1I1 al'Y L ea th :l nll J O~t' l)h l nl' r(, lu ll\'ell h 1'0 , Tucsclll )'. Grny w I' ell l~ l'l l\ln ed at :Il l'll. Adnh WI)lIam lind Ednn B r ooks unde r . DI'ultl"~ hOI1l I' , F,'llIny Ill'tc l'noo n, I\'l'nt t o n>lll oper aUona. 'l'ucsduy. 1\11'. \\' 1111 11 111 " ·l1so n. of D (1 ),W II. Is JIll', n nd :lIb•. 1\1eY,,)',' of N ew VI. I1ny lru: a n ('xl e nd.\ \' I ~11 II I Ihl' I' nna ca ll o<l on l\J1' .' li nd l\J1'S. llal'l'y horne ot th e l; noy bI'Olh(,I'R. \' cy , Thul's ':hlY. ~1I's. Ih)\\'!l I'c1 ' 00 11 , or K lng m u n, JIll'. J . \\' . Snell and Htu'I'y Wilso n w ~I'C vl ~ ltors III L l'ba non, ' ''l'dnes. LEGAl. NOTI CE da )'. 111110 D . " Ill /'It, I\'h osl' pla ce o f rps , JlII·s. He le n 'Vul\ (nec He le n OI·fL. id e n 0 Is llnlcnown and ('n nnot by ham) s pl' nt 'f'ues da y e v n lng with r~nson:tblo dlllg' n c be IIKC rl a lnetl ! he r a unt, Ml's, L ll ur" Shld"kel' and 1\'1\I tu ke no tl c thnt l"u lrll' y 1I1l1'd . l'nlle<1ol1 tt·le nds. Wtll'C Compn n y (ll II nn a c llon 1\11', n liil Mrs, 'h a r! s Oroy called agaln Rt hIm o n June 1, 193 , In the 011 th formnr 's l)a renls , 1\11'. lind k J U ~ Co urt of ''' alt e r K nrlc . u ce :>Ir8, J . L . Omy, 'f'hursdn)' . of th o P cace of " ray n o T ownship, l~ el n Ru e l'hornblll'y has ta k n r ~ Wa rren Co unty, Ohio, OKk lng 01' over th e supervision or th e fl ecl'm,· jud g llI e nt Oll a n op n ncco unt In lio n Project, ucce('(llng 1\IIss 1I£nl'Y tho:! 'IIJII of 31.flO a mi said de fendan t f, J\ll nn, ot ' ''oynes vlli e . < 'v Is h cl' by lIollfied thnt Hu lll CO UI·t JIll', tlnd Mrs. L . KIrk nnd gu "Ht Issu od a n orele r or n llncilln e nt In vJultccl Mr. und MI:lI. H UBsell Jerfc I" ~ sn ld ctluse o n June 1. 193 8, t o r Ihc les and fa mily. Rum oC 31.9 0, uml thn t snld "nll~e 111 I', A'. H . ·t U btIS 0 r ''I' ayn sv llie w Ill be h tl nl on July 11, IU38, ll nd


Fifth Street Wayneaville, Ohio

We offer a Satisfactory Service at all times.

J. E. McClure

Waynesvil ~e

Phone 7

~~~~~~~~ _ ~ _ . . . . ..~~. .~ . . . . .~ ___~~~. . . ._ _4XW _ _ _" ' ' ' ''_ _ _ ~~

-Be S~;e-t~-Get Genuine IHC Parts Come to Us for Binder Sections, Guards, Ledger Plates, and Other Parts

,l'- r.-

In H nrve ys burg, ' Ye(lnesdIlY. If th ~:t"1 ~JlIo 0, ia l'k. defc ndant, JI'Irs. Ilar Ies B oe rs tl er un d d a ug II' .lol's Iwt n ppcar judr;e m c nl wlll be Mrs. F o n est Ma rlin, a t C nl e rvllle, tc r , N ell, nre s pendIng It fl' w dnYII I' nd 1'('('1 nA'n ln!<t him , ffnl shl'd hI s R evival m ee tings nt Ml. lit thnll' homo her('. , 0 ~ FA TRLElY HOWE . Olive Ins t w ('It. wIth thlrty·eight Mrs . Hatfield anc1 so n or L eba non W ay nesville , Ohio converts. wer e Sundny dinne r guesl s ot Mrs. R. 1I111ln rrl Gree nwood , Th TI'I,Slltte lub of th e F e rry Lnurn Shldakel·. Attol'n ey.nt,Law Church Is givi ng a box social In the FrIe nds .wlll be sorry to lenrn tha t L al" ,~ II" _ II, I !o blltlCm e nt and on th e Inw n , Friday Mrs. Dr. Witham .l ( 'Yuy nes"lIle r eo G,] ro, 22 , 20-7.6 night of this \\'oek. Ev eryone Is In · cently brake her a rm. ~~;;;;;;;;;;;;~:..:===~::;;;;;;;~ vlted, young- and old alike. Mr. n nd ·l\'!rs. Ulchnrd E ., ..n n' n nd

day nig ht. Russell IIl al·tln. so n of Mr. and

The W. C. SmIth fllm ll y s pe n t Thursday nIght In Constance. I(e n· LUeky. v ls lUng with 1111'S. Smith 's (o lks. th e Andrew P eenos' . Evelyn Oass rt Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Frnnk Engurt this wcek. 1\'I \'S. hnrles Osborne, Mrs. Hnr· " y Grushon and son, Ollie , und Mrs. the senso n of S pt. 26 to Oct. 10 John 1\1 tzl r nnd daughter . . Coro· (unchanged) 'with o ne days limIt of li ne, cn ll edo ut th e Simon Oassel·t hom c, WedJl E.'sday. {our permItted In possessIo n. n& ~ ,-Sml.t-h-afHl-{~m4Iy-c Out91<le at the chll ngsln ' rabbit bng limIts a nd ph easllnt open sea. od On H e v. and 1\11'11. F. M. S mIth, son. of IlIlrtlculllr inte r at to huntel'R a t N ew Vienna , Monday night.


fa mll}' ot Dayton called an the lat. ter's pn l'C nlB, Mr. a nd 1\[rs. Emer. uon FI'~zler . ~ 111 r . n n d M ra. RI 10 d es B un nel nnd fum lly cnllod on thc lutter's grand, mothet·. Mrs. S ud Ie Reason. ntul" day evening. P lease sen(\, news Items to Jane E ll n F lte. Q

MIlI'garet lind Mabel Slarr, of Day· ton, nt'e vis Itin g t.heil· moth e r , lIfrs. I.

Mr. Robc rt C I'ay, of L ebn non. cn ll· ed on his,re nts , Mr. nnd Mrs. J , C .. Oray, Sun day nfternoon . 1111'. and Mrs. George Hnrmell, of P rnnklln, ,vere Sundny .,"'uests at the former's Jlarents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Jn r e nce H nrme. U Miss Phyllis ' Pendry nnd Mllry LouIs Cook. of Sprln"(lold. sne ., ~ ,. nt

JIIrs . RHlllh Oephllrt and ch ildren. of JlIIRmls bl;lrg, w ere wael, e nd guests or 1111'. and - Mrs. 'VIl.lle r Guy and family . . Sundu" rirt m oan cn lle rs or 1111'. J anll Mrs, J('ss Rolund we re Mr. nnd Mr>l. Harl'y R land, and Mrs. Ste w. ,u·t of Lehllno.n. the week e nll with Kirk J erfe rlcs. Mrll. Hnrry Pordyce r .. m a lns c rl. Mr. Chnrles Marllden , who hns been lien ll y III al he l' hOlll e, Frl nds a r e III for the pnst w eelt, was t aken to co mI ng In lit nlgllt nnd. sitting up the h ospitnl at Columbu s for obse r. w Ith h ~ r. vntlon , Gue e ts of 1\!t..n nd Mrs, Simon Oas· l(c nn e tlh I(ir.k of WilmIngton. Is se rt , unday, we re Mr. n nd Mrs. the g uest at his slaters, Cleo nnd DavId Mathias nnd son, Ben; Mrs, CarmIne, n nd co usIn. Kirk J erferies, -0-Jta m s y. ond f1on , Bnln; u nd grnnd. pa rtieulu l' Interest to IIshermen daughter, J aok le Lou.

In this locality Is lhe t ac l that only one day's limIt of two pheasa nts and , rour partridges Is allowed In posses· Hlon CI t any tIme. This men ns thnt a, trll> to lh e n o rth el'n acctlo n of Ohio for phensant shooting Clln a llow 11 bag of only one dnys limit - two bIrds, Sportsmen's o r ganlzlltlon a ll ove r sout hern OhIo nre In Urm s n · bout this rUling, nnd. If e nough pro. t estnllons from orga.nlzed clubs are r c Ive.l by th e Co un II th er e Is o n orf c ha nce t his partic ular ruling mny not be effective.


dLlu~ ht /,I'

9)Jent lhl> \1'1' I: nd \\'II" Il'/·. ~11 :jl. ,I. I" . Jill'''' I II.

Much Followed Advice


Don't let worn and broken binder aectiona delay you just when you·f.e mady to ao into the field , Play ..fe. Order a supply of extra eec tione now

and have the m on hand. Sharp, new aectiOI\ll cut better in tough. rank goi"ll Dnd mDke 11 lighter load foe your trac tor or horllC3.

laai .. on Genuiae I HC Parla for ,our McCormick.Deer; n, Binder and

,eI Ihe but.

R. D. Collett Bdwe U Implements





WAY~t~S\'It . U ': '


m ilo

Levee Building, Ditching Excavating

Sin ce Il ent h is II lIuturn l n ntl un· a \'oldnbl t' O('rtlrrenrc, It III \\'I~ Leave name with ,to mlll( e llroper st('\lS b rnre it ('ollles . . Selc(' ting a flllll'rnl cllree· tor - JUMt liS YIIII 1II11I( e'-..!l~~\~v:.!Il!..II++_ _ or llrO\'i<lc Ins nrllli«'e lU(ltl'cUunis !~ l) rel·:t utiolUlry, IIII'IIS Ill'O thllt, w ill prevent confusllm lind «11. · nppolnt mont.. Hamilton, Ohio.


Miami Gazelle for estimate.


Stubbs Funeral Home

Phone 3708

W, p, Watson, Mgr,




Is the co nservullon Co un 118 I'uling Bue la h mlth wus the ove r n ig ht Subscribe to your local newspaper los t w Elek that th e Lake Erie bnss guest o( Dorot h y Gerhurd. _lsundny. sea80 n wlll open July 1st Instead o ~ Mr. Delbel·t Pfo utz a nd ~laUghtcr. July 15th, th e us ua l dnte. This Mnrloll, ca lled ' o n ,Mrs. Harry F ord. m ea n s that n ext S undny you fellows YCt', Tuesday eve ning. ca n plan on II I'eul ope ning day trip 1011'. a nd, Mrs. 'W a lter Thomns a nd. to P )'matunlng La k e. one ot the daught rs, 'Hm'rlette and Margaret, Inrges t nnd m os t Interesllng bod ies and Miss Audre y Crawford culled CI_a Up At Thea. Pricea (If rtshlng water In Oh io, outsIde of Men's 3 pc, Suits a t th e Law I'c ncc Thomas home , S un . Lake ErIc. PYfnntunlng lies h a lf In day eve nIng: Gleaned and Pressed OhIo and ha lf In P e nssylvllnla, nbout lIl l', (l nd JlIt·i'. R oy Forll)'ce, of Nc! . 50c 40 mil es f" o m L a ke ErIe and Is said 6011\'111 , Ohio, I\Lr . a nd Mrs. Ru lJ'lh Me n 's Hats 10 off \. a bout th e b at fi shIng ... n r · Fordyce , or olumhu a, tl nd 1I113s Lu. Cleaned and Blocked lety wIthIn 11 wIde area - Including cllIe Fordyce, ot Winte rs t, Oh io 50c so uth rn l\Ilc hl gnn a nd Indiana. a nd Mr. Char lea Hope , or Daylo n . Ladies Plain Dresses 'fhls column wlll be g l~' nd to a n· :nlled a t the Harry Fo rdyce homo, 50c awol' n ny fU I·the r Inqulrcs conce rn· ~und(ly mornIng . In g Pymatu nlng Lak e. Mr. and 1111'S. H~I'I'Y Co rnoll were Kathr3"Jl ~cndenhan. Mgr -0-vlllltors at Ihe Ha rry FordYCeS', Sun. '1'\1' 0 eve nts of unu R\ln l Inter est to dny nft e rnoo n, --:==A _ _ locul s porlam e n wlll be held this com 1111'8, P err y Wade spe nt Tuesday Ing w ee k ,end fi n d th e (ollowlng Sun· with h e r da ughter, nO's: J ames W i. dny. First Is th e 16th Annunl OhIo cal nnd rum ll y. tul e Bait li nd F ly CastI ng ' tourna, ment wh ich will t nke place a t Islan d r'ark Logoons (Dayton, Ohio) July Ohio perSimmon trees m a'y go the 2·3·4 undol' th e spon so rs hI p of th e way of Ihe chesln uls, us a wilt Is De lco Custlng Club. The 'pl'ogrnm 'l.11nckl ng this fo rest spocles. Ow n. w fIl get under w uy at 1 p. m .. S~tur. e l's wh o h ave diseased pe l'sl mm on Lebanon. Ohio day, July 2. with a dis ta nce bait trees a r e usk ed t o se nd, a sh or t sec. Pr ... atlai' the B.. t aad Lat... c..'tsUng events , At 7:30 Saturday lion of u branch an Inch or two In' lUn.yabu .... ~o c v'e ning thre will be n dInner bus l. dlal)1eter to tho Per slmmoll Wilt PLo_ 17.R.ll for In . nes.'! m ectln g a.t the ,Blllmore Hotel Lnboratory, Lebanon , Tennessee. MOTION PICTURE to whIch e veryone is Invl~ ed, ENTERTAINMENT The entlre day. Su nd ay, wm be tuken up wilh wet a nd dry fly dis · t a nce and nccurney events - with PROM OTE A MA. UF PROVEN ABLITY. a n e xhlbltlo n at 1. p . m. by Chief olle r, wOI'ld's champIon It'lck (tUit. er, On l\Iondny from 9 a. m . till late in the u(ternoon a ll, tyOC:s ot bal t JPresent ' S_taa ~epreBentatiy,e) casling events wll\ be heltl . All baits or 'Oy cn~tc rs In Ohio Ilfe InvIteif til Ito {'nt·t In 't he Stale meet. Another geqoget her open to 1\11 'Van n County I!portlJlnen ls the Sl)uthern Ohio Coon " Hunters Assn, DEMOCRATIC PRIMARIES - AUG ' nnnua l picnic to be bold at the OWo'n8vlllo Fall' lP'Ounds. f und"y, Butler - Warren - Brown -l~llel'I:llnllrtl: July 101h, mlght)/ Intel'elltlng and

Alway. A Good Show

Baby Chicks

Quick Cleaners





Centenille, Ohio 78J

Lemlmons Hatc:hery

Edward J. Gardiner "Ol' STATE SENATOR


~l=~' =T:.~M~'~.JVN A:R~Bs~IO:·H·~'~Al~,:L~L ij !!!~~-!!.~!!.MThr I-i!!I!!!·~e!!!e!!!C!.l!o!!!m! !' r~ai!d! ·-!;I!'!a!! ! b"i!'!~~Lo ! ~·vil-!e!.!.!I.a!I~·~n"·-~d~·wll!'! '-!I~!l!.r..!.!!'~~!!!!!!~-!'-!~!!!!i~"·~·~-(r!-~-~-~·~~"~;;,)r;';n~.;';~R~l~I~" -!T! !h"f'1!"!In/!I"~~I".4~1t~1'1I Il\"!Itg"'-'d~ll !n~!il! 'I'-il""'~1!"'\.~,"y"'H;MIJIi "I';1(il> rl. i·f"'" cI-.·rl·'~·'·"\·"·'oI·1o"!'!1~1!'-!,!"t·.~'\1~'!t'l! !H!. !(!"I,lni ~"~1'"!i !n~I e:,~P~n; I~;,.8~d!O! 1I!1 h!i:! :! ~V!It!I' t nt! 1': lInllY 11 nli ~tl' . HI ll. '\Ir~ .

hUl' l

l~ rt(;I' II ~,\ 11114 1"1" lIH_I',dl n ' 11\'i Vl'd. ' l' hlll 'H<itl.', oil /\lC' ( ',<,lI:l II' \ II" IJl il' 1.

l\l·"lnj,r,,\· 1I1\~ \IllY 1.I>'It \\'( ' I . ~Ir. lilld :II ,'". gl ~' !~ ,\11 'ILOn l lind dnu[,:; hll' l' I (l1'O lh)' :Incl MI "I'I \ ' 1111' 11 J)"UShl " , HI,,' nl ~Ioll duy ,'vpn lll!; In n ' lIlll' uk. JIll' . n nd Mrs . J oh n nre D<LY' LO n sh oppe r MontJuy . Mr. a nd ~i.r s. E d Uurlo n of Elyrln · Is Rjl£' lId a f('w days \\ Ilh hCI' \ln r e nl S MI' , lin d It·s. ,)"hn n yI'. . lilt·. "m~ ,\11'11.' ]';11 1'1 c': ,'"wfonl a n (l O.


Xl'ula. ;:\ 1 ~l'';:~ l rftt . .Iuhlu;




u g hll~ r Audr ' )" of lI" a " II nt lI l (J IIlI IlY I" ' ~ nln !; wit h .\il·. lI IH] lI l l·H . 'ltlrl' II Ce 1· :l nd 1""1111.1' . ~I I·". EIlI{' I'~un n lll "n Ll " " " 11:1 lllh " nd JI l l'll. lI (1 l'old K "III" a llll 'r:t mily 1',, 11 II un .\1,·. a l1l1 ~Irs , I ~ I' ' In S l1Ilth IIn ,l ,la ug h It.'l· ,r uell! h J\ 1111 ~1 t1 nrlll.y I'('nlo\'t.'d a t

d ldale fo r



HuhJe l lo 1110

fte l.lubll u n Pl'im :II':cs wil l alld >I ll' n g lh l u lil' Liclcct In Nuvc ml,o r , 11" e \"lll c ncC't1 loy lh e clec· IlulI of I U3U . In lh nt Demoe mllc In nd B111111, lIfl'. 1'1111 10.000 " 01 's n h e nc1 of

I\I tl l' ~ hllll

Uuv . L a ndon In Ih ~ I Ifl lrl!.'!. 111 ItI" own AHlIIly h r;\ n U~3 nh ·n(l uC Oov. L ll ndo n, 1I 1ll1· 32.l Il h :I ll of r.. L . III 1\ I'lIh ll II or 'I vC'l u nd. c" ndldal fOl' 'on g l'CSI!III :1 n ·lu·Lnl·gc'. Il 11 jlcar· "' lion 1110 I)u ll u t jll "l LI ' Il ., ,',I )ov of L . '1', Mn I·Shllll . It Is 1000w n t hat L . T . Ma r llh a ll 10RI n g r a t numl I' of va h ' s du e 10 lhls ('u n· r us ln n or n n m es. Th e l'c Is no Lloubt lhl tl confu~lo n Wllll I' SIlOIlAlblo fOr Mr. 1I1t1l'shnll's d!'fl'o t, ns h o only I'JHl lh r llRl"l c t hy 1 ,002 VOL R .

JIll m e

11 1>1 He r vlco

In ' Vush ln !rton

• One for all - - - and 0.1\ for one are Robe rt T a ylor , F ran chot Ton e and Robert Young 1n the title rOI.e s of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer' s g r eatest r o mantic d r ama, " Th ree Co m r ades," whic b win open at the b eauti f ul n ow d e luxe Xenia t hea t e r, in Xeni a, S un day, July 3, tor a three day engageme n t. Mar ga r et S ullavan Is tbe beau Ufu l g irl, love d by T aylor who give8 l h eso three y o un g e x · bu dd les somethin g t o live a n d t ight to r In tho plclure, Guy Kibb ee, Hen ry H ull lI\ ao have importa nt : o\es, . ~ ' , ".

BEECH GROVE lilt·. O. 'V . D uv ls wa s n w ee l, c nd vi s it o r f hi s dnu!;hl ",1111's. E. :lI Hnno n n ml Mr. ul\lnnon , lit lhelr I)o m (', n en r Wilming ton . Mrs. Blna P a l\e rllo n, ' Inyto n, a nd l,'a ns ti nla Patte r son h a d IIH lh e h' s upp I' !;UCM t, FrldllY e , ' nlllg", 1\1 as·

Til ' Jr. O. ,A. M h Id II m eet· Ing In town h a ll n 1'hul'!'ul ay venln g, Til oy a l~o /{I\V n rre pic ture lJh()w a ! lh' .Jun io l' O" I,ha n 's h o m o, ttt TICf ln , Oh io, Bohb.ll' 1I Ia lu n", oC S llrin g fi r·ld , IR vis iting hi,. unc lc :l nd Hunt. JIl l'. allli MI·s. Sam K nee. Mrs. I..u ura S hldll l~ I', o f H o. n 'cy s· Ill ll'" pll "!'Ic cl n f('w <l n p ! the I n~ l w c('k with 1\1 r, nn(t I\ll's. E . M . "\"11 · l:1 rs. JlII·s . Th eo I'e rldn s h a d as ~IICSI s UII l!~I ·I<l.:l Y, Mr .' n nd 1Il1·S. ' 111Io m s a nd d a ug hl el', o f Dny loll, a nd \'In . nt ,' IO'TI!!, of K nluc ky.

A n·umbc ,· of l1\('mb "t! of th c I'll ·

",d m Iiolin "H

' hul'" h !LSS 'lnult d u t I h hOl1l o o f M,'. u nil-" MI'!I. El'lJlc Pllwc ll, Friday e '·I' , ling. 10 ho ld !)rny e r Rcrv le

A HlLl ~o n . Cedi ll c rmll n, waa w e i ollle l O lhc h o m o f MI'. and 1 d Et kl \V II Mrs. Ilymon ' I n s , n 0.1' . e· 1\I1'S . F . 'l'o!'pln Icft , on F "lcla y , III 1\11 , FI'ldllY , u bOUl midnig ht. Dr. ror a month 's vis it with r InUv a In Siout, or "Vay nC!!lvllle , IIcl'o mp:tniet1 [ndln nn. I h o s torlt o n his vis it , 'I'll D n ugh l C:: I's o( A mel'icn C 1<" Bo a use .1\11'. 1I1m's half Is not s ub· 1I1r . All n Kibl e r, or \Vlly n e.·w lll (' , "ralcd lh'lt: fo rtlclh annl\' e r sa r y In H "'vl('"t to IlIc lnLio n c('rtuln county WIlS a visitor la Sl we · lt of JIoII', li nd JllnlOr h (l ll on at ul'lIa y night.

rh:1 \t'mc n und .,. l h flnll'Ol of \lrot l!ssio nil-I polhlchln s oulsl! or the Dlslrl l, In ludlng lh Stnl ha ll" m lln , Mr. c h o rr,:1I' mlll(lng 11 de· t I'mlned efCo rl t o 1)1' ' v III his n om · n ll llo n, A vi tOI'y for h im ' on AlI h UHt Dlh will \)c II r j)udln(lon of lo bhylllls' contl'ol nnd lh e ir m lh tls nn<i will Ih illll'C It r: C'lluhllclln 'on· &1' ssmnn f,'(jlll Lh S v n t h DIs tl'l t. Exp 1'1 nc


C"n gl'(~ss

Is ..ssen,

tlnl to , rn I nt sC I'vl cc. N o w o C

/1 11

lim II w e "l h o u ld have a o ng ross' mlln who hns Il I'V!d hi ll nl)llI·cl\· tI s hip llild IA lhl'I'ou!;hly usqlllllnt, ' d lviii , 'o ll!;r ll~l(\ n ul proc d UI'

n , 'V, M ncOn'l'lor, o n S"rcss Scc'y . lIfnr!lha11 ror o mm lul'P POlitical Ad\,. ~tronize t he




"Bank Night" -8CREEN"HOLD THAT KIS8" ~Ickey Rooney Maurlen O'Sullivan

ContlnuoUI Showl ,Dilly Adultl Only 150 'Til 2 P. M.

(':1 1'111"")"

,\1I' S,


": . •1.


F . ( 'la fl" , (If 1 ' , l~· l fl l1 . :\i J':"'. I

C':L I' ll hH1r.

(· "u ~ il1 ~.

;\1 ,·.

qf ~\l l l llg fi . · ld. Hn d




~I , ·s.

I: a IIlI,



a n d. :\I r s. AI1 (' 1) J-:IlIl 'jr' loi: \\ ' ,"

Mrs. harl cs l{IIJII'I' tI nct d lm s hle r, E 1I1,lIb('1h. RaYnlo n,d HOSR h llll pu.rQhlls d a now 1I1lnncllpoli ll otnblne. Mr, and !\f1·S. H c nry Murph y 11IIt! I\fl'. a nd rtJrs. Dave 1Il ""-an, oC " 'ell, '.. m tl n, nlc l'laln d lh e D nv ls CamU~' wllh Icc CI'M m und cn l(e , \V do es. ciIlY . 11'1 1'. nnd MrR. lO IlIC'y l1ec lqr, Of La ( ,l"IIlIgO, K IIIU k y, IWC m t\king 10 U, flll"m - oc.. hOJ' Il ln Ill< t o !a tt. I', U (' nry ~ . "'1 001' ,to nl' fo r h im n lid, hill SO n8. An leclrlcn l 's lorm nntl dow n po u r of l'ltin v ls ll ed lh ls 8Ce Ul1 11 , S u nday " fl c l'nOo n , aboul 1:30, do ing muc h ha rm 10 crops. A h'lI"[o lrec 011 lh e In ll'n n l th ~ ho m o f lItr!'. Bl nn p nt. t r llon W(l S StI'lI k, p eclln!; th l' barl' Cro m lh ' 11111 ; I' IJI'nn Itl'll 10 lil('


JlII·s. Frcp ll o ll unt!, of Dayton, W fiS n. IjU s l lh Illst wc k of h I' i; 1 ~ l r, 1111''''. ElJn 1I1001'e. 1\1 1'8. E . M. Vill a rs li nd ~ un s . Billy n nd Don uld , n rc s pend ing" lhll' \\' k wilh Mrs . Cia I'I c 111 C,u rc ll , r "\Va l hon(llng, hi . 0' Mr. IInd . lll rs, L e ,Imlson , of of lumbu ..., \V I' S Uilf] ny gUt' ''lls li lt·. n nd IIIt·s, H OI· ... e l! 'Vlck "rs h ~ m . 1111'S . '111"1111 O>llJo "n I' lurn e d ho m (' . '. ...!;'!'.. ,:~n~, r!'Om n \"1,.11 " ' Ilh MI'. a nd JI,It'$. IV. :':cller, or Du.vlOIl, ;II ,·S. Luu Lloyd 1;< ,'e l'Y 111 n t II ' a rllng "'s urHlng 110m . 1\1 1 r s. Ic hanl l\llllTlI y . ls I'CPO rL t! II ve ry I, !\I,·s . K n le Iloyc," n nd dHUg'1I1 "", fllld lilt'. nnd 1I1r!<. Durlg-, o f DIIl'lon, WCI'\) (l o" 'lul'I' (l lnn <:'1' g' II(,AI." ur :\1r. :t nd JIl l' ,., G . V . SII.ns , on Sill u rday.

I; I'oun \I, ~('n. ll I'lng pice s u l ( L g r e:tt dls lan oe in th CleW, III Idly doi ng no oth e \' llHm llgc. Sunday dinn r gu fi t or Mr. an<1 Mrs. P e rry W Il l! n nd fu mlly WCl'O , M!". n nd JIl,'!! . hnd s MlU cl', Mo, d nil, lind n ..'1Y Mill t', a n(1. Norma "Vuod >;, nJI of 1·lamlilon, MI', ami !I'(rs. RlI[lIij R ahN·tll li nd hlld r n, ZOI"ll, Ju 111 ll"', II nll EllLn . of M il h h npl'jj\, 111<'111 I ~ IJr lllg lila II In willening I hc rn" ,1 rrnm f;pl"inA' H ill 10 Ol'wln. \ \' \lI'lt · Is II ls o !, "O,


111,-. :0 11 11 :l11·~. 11 ,1I'''l'}' BUI'II'I !'rl · ICl' l:lI ll1 'd lCJ 1!,il1 n ,., :-:itrndny . 1111' . ' <1,,1 ~11' 4. I'. I . l:ohpl'L" :0 11<1 (l:l ug"lI· le, ', ' ·II'I:;ll1ln . or L,·\\' Is l,tI I'!;. ~Il ·. !lllt l :\It·s . .I'~: I1 · 1 ~lU t ' l , "f


j· n\· i1 ll',

'1 11<1 ~It· . lI o.l ~II'~. 11 1I 1'"ltl \\'hll ll l" I' 'Ill'monr, "f S p.-i ng fl e lll vis. :t IHI ('hlldI'0 n . H kh 'l r ll "nIl 1,'rnll 'I A, lIlnl. Ile t! his mOlh I', :lfn;, ~I ary 1'1ImIVilY nn 'I'u csclny of last \\'I'pl,.

By Mrs, E. Bunne ll

~lrH .

<,o unlry hom e of

One Used Hoover Sweeper Will Sell Cheap.

Fairley Hardware Co. urger Becau se of B el ter Qua t'i ty, Serv ice and Price Esllab li.hed. 1849 • 1938 Phon e 32 ....... ., . , "


• ~' .. , •

' ;'t'" .... j '~

,~ ~~

~ -.-

i "

v:- :,:P

1,:110 Gmklln,

wll h 0. p a ll'lotie 1" 'pg"I'n rn In e hm'!;o DC Calli rlne \\ 'hl'ln l;c l' lind 0 1111' nOu l7.ahn. Assl st" nl h lJ><lCSIieS [wc: Bla n d,e Cmhom, EVll Yo un g" , ur.d :"<e lllc Chlll'ielon . :l1t·s. Emily Tha c l' ('ra o f L ha n n Is vis itin g a t thc h Olll e of '\ I r . and Mrs. S . I r. nul'll t a ncl s p Il t 11 ('o tl · pie of (]IIYR Itl!! t w ('cl, \\'Ilh h I' Ria· le... Mrs. ,I llee ( III I'll.

Stol::ol, the automatic coat .toi::er, &iva you beat thumo. .tatic:all" coauoUcd t o your Deed. and alwa". dun. No ..h£a, dwt, dirt. Enahles you to hum leu upelUlive coal ADd 1_ of it. A great . aver oflaboa-, time, DIOIlIey_ areat houee COIIIforter and health


When In Waynesville Shop at


W .a yneaville

N. Main St.


'171'r," ' ' '.•• ~$A'. * MOST MILES PER DOLLAR

Baird's Se &.IOe Store


may n ever drive vour car Dt the r ecord.breaL:ln g speeds m ade b y A m eri ca' s fa mou8 race d rivers - b u t h n't It a comfort ing thout:ht 10 know tha t Fireston e Gum. Dipped Tires have p roved t hei r SAFETY at tipceds much' h lt:h cr than you will evcr drivel In p lanning yo u r Fou n h of J ul y trip or your sum me r vaca tion tour, guard your life a n d the lives o( you r (nm ily wit h the only tircti m ade th a t are T r iple·Safe. By Tri ple. Safc wc mea n Fi rst: E very fi ber in cvery cord of eve r y p ly is sa tu rated Rnd coa led with liquid r ubb e r b y t he Fi r e s tone patented process of Gum.Dipping which c oun terac ts tirc,Jcs lroyi n g i n ternal friction and h ent, Tha t m ea n s p r o tcctio n aBain st blowo~ Second: They h ave t wo extra layers oC Gum.Dipped co r ds und e r th e tread, That m ea n s protectio n "gain st punctures. Third: The y have a scien tifica lly d esign ed tread t h a t sto ps you r car up to 25 ~ qui c k e r, Th a t m ea n s protectio n aga inst" ski d d h . g . Only Fire sto n e g i ves vo u th es e palenf,ed a nd, exclu s ive SA FETY feat u rcs. Jo in the Firestone Save·A·Life Cam paign taray by equi p ping you r car w ith a set 0 n ew Firesto ne Tires -

tit. on'y tires made that are sa'ety·

proved on the speedways tor your protecuon on the highways.



Electric W a she r, used only six months, with set of double tubs"



O ne Speed Que en

' Th L yll Ladi es Aid , 111 .mc'I, \V('d n sc1ay a flC' rn n ,n o .luly II, 111 lhe

Waynesville Farmer's Exchange

M I's. T heodor e Perk ins and 8 0n h ave ret urnQd f r om n two we k 's .' it w ith relo tives In K ('ntu()ky, M rs , Mox Com pton nn a do.ughte r l'l, S hir le y lind Lora lnll,:' h n ve r e tumed

Size 6 qubic ft. Guara nt eed In A-I Condition.

E. J ,



2 Electric Refrigerators


Mr. and Mrs. Erne st Ear'nh ort !l lltl fnm lly , MI', o nd l\11·R. O. J I. K <:,'i' ..I n 'CI' 1m nt Sunday \l'lt u nd !l1t·R. A"lhu l' K CflllI{;,I' I' lind, !;1.lII l1 y protector. Man,y exdulive of f)lI y tnn a ml Mrs. E nl'fllu lI'l :r lld advl.lua gea. A vaillahle in hopclau S-.hI I' >! t nyee! fur It fcl\' days v l,,11. pet' and bin feed I..odds. E aa y terma. E.timates made with. M ,·. Il n<i .\It·!!. W II!ls P onnc\\' ct t gl' "Alng o n c h ., " g ln g- l h c In 'at ~o n or out obliaation to you . all'} f:lIl1l1y !Ill nl \\'edn eflclny e v e n · t h e F lnl Fol'l( Hl'l d ge, T Il() f"1 ml R oC 1I1r l<. T . F . 1I1e In~ wllh :'11". IInll !\II'S. ' I~ "vln Smit h Guinn li r e 1l1(':!!! 11 to loa l'll th a i s h e n nd d:lu!:,hl C' r ,Itlldlh ,\ nn. I!'! mtl It InlPI'!lvl'd In h oallh , lleing' MI'. n nll Mrs. Bill T n l(' oC B ell · COAL "",Eft II hle lo en joy n vlI"lIlion t rill . bl'Ool, cII lIl'ci on 1\11'. nnel 1I1 1"s. P .I e LEAST EX~ENSIVE, MOST Thl!! II I I n hll 9 be n vl s ltell by u RlIn yn n Thul-"day (· ve ning . EFFICIENT AUTO"~ATlC HEAT group of n .on !!rnl oul by th e De· M,·s. g r ne'sl .E ,unhtlrL 11m], d OlllghSTOKOL FEATURES. . Exclu. lvo llilrlment f. Agl"ll' ul t u,'c !'I'a.dlcnllng let· I'e ttll'llcd h om E'l W ed n esd lly cv· Hydraulic OU ..lon. Air l h l' m fl ny poiso n ous a n d obnox io us c nln ~ fl' om Il '((' W days v is it w ith Tight Hoppe, • H~' draullc HolelFlr. ·Control • A" lomatlc Control wcede, her b r oth r nl Dnylo n . 01 Air Supply. snent. No S:.oc r Mr. nnel Mr~ . fl . B. 'l'n.lmn!:, ' , Lee M r s . Mari e :Ill IlII c l a nd M I'. 'a nd Pin •• s~re,, Depondablo. ' r a l ma g BO il , A lb I'l L <:'I', !l nd J essie 11'1 1'8. L ce D un ca.n of MOI'row co.l\cd L . OU "ne r p.x l)or le ncecl n l h r il li ng o n IIII'. rIllcl ;I[,'S. P el e R ll nyon !i'rl, d ri ve , S un dAY a ft e rnoo n , when t h ey day art rnoon . drove t h ro u g h Il s t:!vore c leclrlca l 1111'S. Hnro lel K e llis om1 faml'y ~lo l 'm w hile o n lhel r WilY t o t h e ca ll d 011 frl n ds at Mldlll town o n c h (1me of Mr . und MI'''. Edgar' Bn.rr , e \'e n lnJ; last \\'(' k . PHONE 25 WA l'NES VII, LI~, O. of Eden lcm, I I'mo n t Count y, Mr, n n d Mrs. S a ms of Cinci nnati O'n l h II' h Ol11cwnrll lrip f r om B la n c hest ElI' 10 Qlarksv lll e , t'lH'y sn.w fields fiQocled In pl nee>!, t h llt nppeat'ed to hllve I' ulned t he grow i ng corn lind bell-n s , l\1ltn YllltH'('S t h e wal r camc po ur , Ilig frnm ovc l'flown fle l,ls In to the omt, w it h s u ch rn p ldlty llint It wns r.ia n l;erous . lo PMS l h rough . "\Vn.ter came to t h e ' r un n in g bon r(l of nutos,

Complete with attachments. Used only 2 hours. Original price $81 Bargain for quick sale.

1. ,.1,:111

llH'II' 1)'lt',' l1ts. ~I'-. ""o! .\I'-H. Jill ' I; ~ lhl' Il S. :III'S. ~Ia"g""n' l J"h"s 1I1lt! l!"1':I " ,I. ~ o n '\"t' I'(' wPI'\( ,c II II J:;LI" ~ls !,r .\1 1', I a nd ~"·s. ]';,,1'1 Thu11la s " r ~"rl, " lt ow. IInl! aU ' lHl e cl llll' \):In.1 ' UIl · ""1'1 at L' ' IHL' I"\' III " , '-al ll,'d:ty ('VI" lillig'.

One Electrolux Sweeper

~11·s. Allo-n I I,,\,· :, " ,1 ~II' . I


Mus\c l' nl 'h al'd Z III1I111' I' IJr H ' tt VCI" town " pl' nl a ff' \\' ll,,~ slitI' I"' s l we'I< w ith his us l n n!llJlIt VII I . 1111' . :tnd Mrs. :II 11 I' lllll 1 ~lIuh ' I' of nca r S prin g Ya ll<,y . NII III ~llIl rl<lY Wllh lIlr , li nd :lIra. P . fl . Itll l1yo n. MI'. a nd 1\Irs . Em r ~u ll Uil l n n d s on R a lph eu led !In rri"I1I] " In J3 ' IlY ' ,' I'l o wn '- tlt ul'd ny.


a g-----

ha d ;IH hl'l' l


ll'lct Inter Bt e ll In I cllll!; n. R pubiI.'o n ong'l'ea<;m o n In Novc mll r re I Mr l\ln,rshall s h o ull bo n mlnule d . . I ' o n u cQunt o f hi s I'ceo nl In on· gr liS a nd lh Sir IIg\h s how n b y him In 1030.

;111'8. ~I"I')"

g--U" s t s , :-i a ttll ',l a.\' :1 1"11 "' 11 110 11, ;\ 11'. :I IHI !

li n \'1:-;11"1':-' .. ~ .. I \ll"t;,y ;111" 111' ''' " . 1'11111 J" h ll ~ lO r C,II" 'n-I II ,' " 111. " . .\ 1... IIn cl lIlt ·~. 1';"I 'I'l' ll HUlln1 '1I " lid F, ida )' " " l' ning I'J " ""1,,1 l h" Sllllllll" r , fllllllll' ('u ll 'tl UI1 .\11" . II lI d ,\1'-"1. \ 'cl:n ,·,,,,a ll,," \\ith loi s gn "I\III. III III .r , .\1 1'" :-:i hc·ly :till! Clll11i ly " r ~ I "'ing" Ij l·tln('h . ,\1 I I . '" 'glll"'l ,11111" . '11·,1" k .,1 u Ih I',I'l'I'dl ' "~It · .'md ,\I,'s . Hul) 11 ,,,Ill· .II l 1,;" ,'1)' 11 11"11,11 '11 Ih ,' (\I , '" S un day II Cll' l' nOnl1 with :II, '. a nd ( :1',, 111. ~lill. :111,1 1""1' n ,·; , t.- r ·~ .\ s - ". :tn(1 ~II ·H. F'I'U I1\; I' (o lll ~ . 1'I;l( i"n , in l 'IIl lI lI1lo ll~ , .\1,,11.1.1)". \ ~1I's. J.;dwilnl H,"·tll n . ~ lr H . :I. J :orl(· ~ Ir . a nd ;\It '~. 1': \'\' 1'<"1 I (:lII".n R ;\Im'la lt, or X e nia , molol'c d l o Irel(,· Hu n a nti f"le nd "f ;Xf'nla r a ll l'd. 011 111"\'C'" II) I ':1),11)11, ~:ollll·.hl~' , :01, 01. \"ill (' , dn ' unday , a nd ~ jlc nt the diO)" ~II·H. !Jo m 1IIm'g :o" T h ursday Ilf" 'I" ~ II'. '"1,1 ~Irs. 1·: I \\,ln ~ III""'" ;\(11 1 ~" ". I with M,' .fl nd :'l,·>I . A'us lln 1)0\\,11 n . I'l oo n . "e D UYI UII , IllCl , 'C'Cl IWI" I ') ":11'1' [ul'

wos l I' A lb I't L e Tll lmn ge.

uble n nd eon s 'll'ntious n ml III L with lh I\lIpro vn.1 o f th e c1t1z nil 'of our . Dis tI'l t. J IItl \\"ork on lh o mmlt l ee o n Agl'l u l llll'e III riiS fl llt'l'l:o l ml'ntion . JI1 a ny Ill? ' li S of lh ' 018'

'\11'. a nd l\ l r~. Il IlYIIIIIIlIL LlI t· ,,~ of \1' lIl11 lng-l III HPC' lIt ~ " )Il ' I:IY \\'Ilh lh I,' il' "" ' 1I1S ~ I r. 11 m] ~ I r " . UOll n ltl L l lf'l\S li nd ("n lily . J,-ll sH !Je n n L u ",, ~ r,'lllrn~d h um . ,\ ( " oltay fl'orn tI f l'''' (hy . visit with fl"l " lI ds of 11 " '· \' (· )" ~ lourg. JIll'. ' " ltl ~11·s. ,ll rr(·, 1 ,\ I on.:a n ca ll · d lin 1' .. I " nil~ al X " lIia F'I'ltlJl Y (' ,·cn . Inb .

nU.II ' UPtj,,;.;' tl J,P'(1 .. I.-tnt


lH:d l' 1 1t.1 ~ ll i' a l. 1. , · l~a ll · (l U , ji'"l"ldu y. ;1 11(1 i s flp i ll g nI1 't' 1r.

l· \'c nln g .


,,"npl th t! 1".0' 1)11111, It \\"111 " "ply III (I I' 17 .. bll,'s wh ic h nl of tile " ru!] " " tl 1'01i 1 'i f, pt' I' " !i.ltv lJul r,lhH ~ ~ S J'(J\ n u nd tnnrlt ted III (11 l ' nlleli su,t ·s . JI IlI'lecting r . "l l'l(' tl u n ~ would " p ply o nly un In· "'IH1:<I ' s hlpnlC' nl , p n~C'cl

,tf,~' lIt't l<nll , In

l't' tU1 ' UI ·d.

In"I ' Wl' I" IIn,,' r " Ih' li f{ hllu f l I n ,\II ,.,. ~1 " l'I\ I ',·, IIl r ,', H o I> I'l 1"1';" 11.1, ' lay v isit will. rl'l"d\' (,g IIC 'lIl' I tld,· CIIIII , II'. "lid ,\l I"H. IV"l l I' I ' ,,1"1 I; ," ond , Jmlhlna, .. (I n ' nIl , I u l'l'll'd ' h h' k n cllnllo\·. "I i· l'>rr. u nd ~II''' . l1ulTY u row II , of rh l)' c vc nll1 g'. a l til<' 1, .. (l Ul lf u l III IITH! nl'lll' }' \I' ' r e \\" ~(1n ('H, la y t' VC · "r ' I\tu'l '" L e wis (l ml h l~ ni ccI' , nln g g'ul'sls of :III'. o lid, ;\11'". Allell .I II,,~ r~ l1Inll l I,'HI 1.(,\\'l s , In \\'::I)' n,' 1':11 1·lc·I; . \ III I'. \\' 111"11 Ih )' "!l II'l'l,t! nl'" I hr I, )11', a nu :i'J r~. Tllt..' rh" Jo n .os H lltl nr l':s Hill ll lp i!' wi \' H. 'rh " dhu uy Sfln, :'oI,il (ol1 . \ I' P I' ~lIl1 cl "y ,I. nlll ·r g-"(oKls IIf ~II·. lI lid ;\It ·~. E ,II 111 ;\; 1111 , 11 \'11 1" ' 1Il\' r\"IIiG . ;\lis ~ ~lI l rJl'<'" ~1Il1111 1M \' 1~ ll l lIg 1' 1'1' " u nl, :111"'" Jo:dnll HI"I,,· . III I· IIY I" .. . Hulll Hllllll .1 ,,1111" 1':1<1 1,, ' 1' 1 ,," ~iI~


M I'. L. 'l'. M nl's h n ll , wh o Is n Clln·

,1"1\ .11I'1II1 tl ,I Jlll 'l ;flru; ." 1ht' 1.\\:,· g .Jnll ' u :I "utt "" h I" " ',, Il"I.uloa" ., II· ('/lIh, · , I If ",,1,(,111 tl~' l:ulc1t'll ~Llf llt h. tal 1 ""lh l l1tfl1, . lUll


",' ~


I .".

" ,

V,o te .or


REPRESENTATI Repablicu Primary, A.i....t 9.

Uslm to 1M Yelc." PimIo.. JMbtrlng RlclHlrrl Croo.b M4~ ...... tIfII1 , . ~«. PIrnJoW ~... Ordmtra, _tin the tlirmitm oj AVrwl W"II. nsI';'" Monday ~ fIfIn' NIIIiornvJtl. N, B. C. IJMI ...,. Tune in on the FI!':~t'n " V oke or the: -Parm Radio Pl'OI\'atr, tw.1<:c: each wed. duda.I' the nOOll bow-

Rogers-Simpson Garage

~~____ '~~____________________~2~_~~~~~________________~T~H~E_M~IA~M~I~G~A_Z _E _T _T-;E~.a~.~~~__~~~________~~______~~____~~T_ Jl_l'RS ~P_A_V~~~~t_ ~~B~M~_ .~"~U~ ,.I

Cincinnati Automobile "Club V acafion Hints ing always have your car under control - w a t c h 'f 0 r r ailroad crossings - read the road lIigns tor narrow bridge.9. steep hills. etc. - be careful of the places where you stop to eat or drink. be lIure they are clean - do not iet yourself get drowsy at the wheel of the car - it you feel sleepy pull to the side of the road and rest Avoid night driving wherever possible, the Cincinnati Automobile Club gests. Be certain that your tires are in good shape, your motor prop. erly tuned and with ample oil Never drive on dangerous tires. Have your car tightened-up alter a long dri ve. Be sure 'bat your battery is full of water else your lights may go out when you are on the road . The' Cincinnati Automobile Club catitions vacation ists against swimming in strnnge pl aces, drinking from st.reams or lakes, over exposure to . thp. sun, too strenuous golf, ten nis 01' hiking, prop er ,~ sl and sleep, not to over- eat or drink and ends w : " In Case of Illness, Call a DocAmong the important "Don'ts" tor: ' issued by the Safety Departm C!nt i MembErS of the Cincinnati Au01 the Cinci)l naU Automob ile tomobile Club an: being banded Club is "Don't Driv(' Carelessly,'" together to seek larger memberIf you wam to enj oy, your va- shi ps in the various divisions of cation this summer, have the the automobile cl ub In Northern Travel Departmen' of the Auto- Kentucky, Eastern Indiana. and mobile Club prepare VQtll' vaca'- Southern Ohio, according to tion route in advancl' rn tour- Frank Bolton, field secretary.

Local Happenings Mr, and Mrs. Don Hllw\w e ntc r· t ll \ned the following to Sunda y din · n l1r, 1'dr. and Mrs, llfiord ](o rn e l1 nnd so n lI fford Jr .• u n d Bo ught('r J ea nn tte ot N w B urli ng to n ,


I! ,'P " " ,<II " 11,1 '11''', ~It\l'Y I ;\1" 111h\ ~1t·tI , l' I" llik H ,' ". ,. ~It ... (l ~ I.' , I Aull , '1<>1 h ilt " ,IP"" II I thu I (,' 1,"11,' III Frankll" ~un (\ay arl.' r, U t I I" 111Jl 'I t ' '' IITIl'' '' "" ~ I ') II ,lay. 11 Oil, :II I', t.;.ll\ lu '!t 11 " ,'1.," , '\ \10 "'U" II' II ,\11'. Lindley MIlIII Of i\Udlli l\d. 1'l1ow n J 1111)' . ,. "~II'tl'(l II I MI 1111 :III ' hlgnn "pent un (ilIlY nlul ~It,~ ,



tl'~' ~ n l u "I:I~' tl fl 1'1I!l0 1l sH\, lc . ni.:ht hI hi a t h.l>t h,"tw III lay , !\tIll",.


u lld


,\ I n~,


ThUI 'l'!day

,\ t' "lr r~.

:lllI uoI l ' ra n ,',

'\1\ ','s.,I'S ( ' I ~ ,I" Ii! li nd ( 'hal'1,'"

~ r , ·",


Il l'n ,

AnlLy KUlllx , l\ lor r ow , a rtl I' d, Th e su l(' o f I'e n I<'slil le In lhe clls e 1) [ GN 'I'I;,e Uespl' I' nlHl L . " , All ' \'S. F l'Il nklln J\trg. Co., to 1111 ,'1' ), EleI, I'lfl" , :';r .. [" I' $60 0 " llll l·O,·cd . ,llIhn CUI'lIH HI "l'Y. ,h,r" 11I1l1 nt In II 'lUit fll('d by J ll ml'~ I'. 1.11 till , W IIH " rn nt « \ 40(111 )'8 lu rut' li n a ll ~\\'C'r . A l)II ,'Uti on of ,. n l l's tllte \\' IlS ul" Ile l'Nl In lh .. ca s e oC 11 ,'1' l ',·"n \·s .

.\ l l' s. I". ,\ . 11 "I'I"n a nrl e hllll r ell 1>,'.\' llI n , w ,' ,',. ;: 11 ',..I ~ nr '\h'R. 110b. l' l'l HI 1,(", ,11'., ," I"H t T hu r s da y. A lm,ls t tl dl't ~' rtl I1I lw l's of th 10' "I II (O mn!!,' ,' nJ,,~·(',1 11 11 ('xc u rslon 10 lh In L'l Il I1I1t1 2 1lu III RI ,\' dll ('~cl ll Y .

,\IIN' C ro ll , e t a l. '1'1", CIISO ·of Mnr y 111 (lIn g'' I' \· R. I'aul Hidln g('r h .. " b"e n lll s mi ds d . Jud);" ' l11e nt In r,I\'or of I he I ndus. 11'la l ' ol1lmlSll lon of hl o, wh ic h W ilt! Il'l\'e n in Common Plen\! ourt !1cl'C In 1937 lVall r ' \,e rse d, h y th e 'Oll,'t



FOR SALE-Pl enty of 8wIlet pota to pln ntl!, 4 \'O ri e llE'S. E nrly g oltle n 0 sp la ity a l D u n Hock ett"" 3t

hom e. lIfosllnnws L UW" 0n Cl' . Il ,'s t u n(\ 11':'1 Hrow n , i1uIIS('1I I"mn k fi nd AI , t'r",d S iou t "Iall ed 1\l rs . Kn l' l DoLlo n · be nll r In Blno heste l' IIIt! t Fl'lday. l\ll s~ Naomi E nJ'nllan S])(, l1t In st \I' (' I, w ith Mr. lind 1\[1'8. El. F , E a l'll ' hart.

tlf App ea ls n nd a rt W s uit 01'11 ' l'(' tI . :-;11111 Gill en (n c Nina L Ilck oy , )',lId, dl ctu\\, n) w" " t h e plu i n tlrr In th (' ('li Re . S he fl u e I, fol' 'QIlIIlOnsllli oll 1'0 1' d el'l th of h ('1' hus band, 1-10111 'r (; 111,' 11, fOl iulI'ill g his (!e al h III 1933 fr um II brain lumor whkl; s h e e lnh n s r su it , ed rl'o m nil injury ~u s tal n e d while

~It· , a nd :\lrs. Ehlll' r Gl'llhlllll . ot S p"lnsbu r o vlslled l\lr, ,md M,·s. J Inwn l'd Archtl ellcofl SundJlY n ftN" noon. ~Irs . Anna Bukc r s p l'nl la :<t w C'e k \\'Ilh fl'i ' nd6 In Dayton. ~h· . li nd :\Irtl. I'a ul Pleltlng e nt e r , w i ll I "11', n nd Mr'3. J e rry o nn ' I' WOl' king for thc Mllx\I'ell P IPt' l' emil ' [Il d hln!'r Snl urdny e vening. pany li t Fronk lln In 1930, Mr. n nd I\Irs. Verne Simpson n nd NEW UtTS ehlldr n w e r e SaturLlay ev ening iu gu IIts of Mr. and Mrs. Ed ' R u mby , Mr. nnd Mrs. RmUiell · ...Vllson u nd eh lld l'e~ w ere (\Jnn er g uests of Mr. Uaed ' Baldw:n 6u!lt Grand a nd M rs. Arthur ' V'lIson of D a~. toll In good cQlllllllo n, Will s e ll :\1 S unilay, I n t h e nflOrn oo n Ilntl, e ve n, sa rlflee prlcc fo r Imme(lI ll >sale In g In com"n ny with oth e r m embe rs or \\'111 con side r pin ing In Hlur, of the fa mily th y enjoyed a pic. age with r esp on s ibl e p a rl y If n ot n lc a t Y e llow Ilrlngs. sold n t on ce . \Vrlt tull p:u' lIc u , Mrs. Oln Hilly ente r tain ed., on la rs to Dox J , W ny ne sv lll (', Tucsduy a fternoon with n purty a t

GOVERNMENT WOOL LOAN: COli· s ig n j' oul' c lip to thc Ohio 'W ool OI'OW i's Coop el'(ll!,' AssoclnlloD. G ct full amou nt of the guarnntceil Gov .l·nm nt L oa n, Advance of II c e nts pOI' pound on good woll wha d ell v" red , li n 11I1<lll11mlll rul vn nce car II vel'O.l c niH l'er pound Inter . . the sott.~o n . Sec us for r Ul'lh er tietnll!!, WAYNESVILLE FARMERS CI-JA,"'OE, L ocn l R epresen ta.Uvl!.




'ALE: 100 lb. Ico box. ' ,he . .. CIa utle SlI·oud.


FOR SALE: Sweet potato p la n ts, cents p el' hundr'ed or t hree huDt· r ed (0" $1.00. All kinds ot gor<I. p ill nt s, 10 cents p e r dozen o r • doze n fOI' 25 c ents, 1 1·2 mil. . nOl't h of \Va y n es \' lIIe, on eol'_ oC Waynesville, Fe r ry and Lytaw F OM, STROUSE BROTHERS k. R No.2

Ohio Central Telephone Co,



On fOl'm 1 mil e N. W. of \Vo.)·Il!'s"llIe , o n Ly ti c Hd.


July 9th

Ample shelter from su n a n d rnl n ns sale w ill bo h eld In large bulld tn g , be.glnnlng at 10 n. m" tno fo llowi ng :

JlOUSEIIOLJ) . · UR NITURE : Th ree piece livi ng room s u lt.e , lwo piece IIvl llg room SUite , a occaSiona l u p h ols t ered c hairs, 12 r ocker!!, 1·2 dozen s t raIgh t c ha lt·s, 8 p ie e dInin g room s uite , leather ehnlrs, 4 di n ing · room tnbles, 1·2 doz!' n extra dini ng r oom leath er s.~nt cha lt·s; dav ell\1o,'t table ·4 small sla nds carpet swee per , e leet l'lc Bweellcr . ~ f loo r la mp s, en d tubles , 2 coru·o ll stoves, 1 fin e 'bl'n~s bcd, 1 ' oak b cd, 5 iro n beds, severnl s et ll ot sllrl n gs, 2 w ire cots , dresser, q uilting frames. s il k p illow, lnce c ur la lno, severru s e ts of c urtnlns, 4 9x 12 rugs , 2 sma lle r r ugs, 2 porc h (lh rurs, porch swing, loc k, kitch e n seal s 1 pai r pan s~l e, lot ot c ,'ocks nnd. scrub bru9he .. : dis hes, tray, and oth er artic les too n u m er o u s to mentio n,

t8 la th rattening crates, 4, hlcory m ark et COOP9, 8 ma g ic broude l' stoveR, 1000 c h ick Size cnn oC s pray, egg cases, wire n e t ting D elco L ig h t PJu nt, delco el ec tric IIwcC'per, good 1lI0' lor to r electric p u mp, 20 de lco li gh t bulbs, e l!'ct : Ic C3f' I. unc h on g rou nds,

Under New Management Wayn,.sville

4th' of JULY OUTING?

Call 112 For That Next Order of

Job Printing a nd

Fun lor

ulI-Wd ~8-i\lotor

No Job too Lar,e . or Small'

bOI! I ~Oanoes­

F erri!! wh ccl~J\le rl')'.go .ro un(l-IIOI'I'" t nwka nd oUler a mUlIem eul!J.

Good 63-4 : . Envelopes per



Miami Gazette




i ~


AI.o OraDae aDd Strawberl'J' Soda--Carbe_ted Wate_Leao. L ime aDd White Soda I

GINGER ALE ~O~~er4 ~!. 2Sc 12 for 69<:





Small Type But Oh! What Price.! Armour. S.


2 'canl39c Ui.l9c

French Brand


• • Country Club


Can 7c

Country ' C lub

16 oz. jar 19c:

3 Oil skin fo o d C overs f o r only 16cl With teach p urch ase of' Country Club Sandwich Spread I

'- +'-BE'-A-M1HT-BUlIER

.~ 2 lb. jar 19c: Embuay APPLE BUllER Whitehouse 28 oz. \iar 1Oe Qt. lOe EMBASSY MUSTARD Jar· lOe SWEET PICKLES A value . 2 canl 25c TUNA FISH Standard BoL 8c F.B.C. POLISH For White Sboes Bot. lOe FRENCH DRESSING Country Club , MARSHMALLOWS Embassy . " Lb. lOe ANGEL FOOD CAKE 13 Egg Recipe \ • Ea.39c

.. '



Count ry C lub

•I lb• . pk.a.





Solt Driinks : ~offee. HODttemade Pies Cake Sandwiches

1S .Servite -Station

Lb. 15c ", .



Go l d~ n


CANTALOUPES, Ca lif . Vine Ripened CHERRIES, Ca Iifornia Bings ORANGES, Sun kist, 252 Size


33c ,

3 lb.


2 for


Lb . • 15c Doz~


4 for


.4 Ears







LEMONS, Sunkist, 360 Size

. ;



CELERY, Medium









lb. ca••



Mrs. Sam Henkle

Lesourdsville Lake


A n ine meal Holida,. Week.end ahead I Make up ,.0111' L n t ria lat DOW a ad come. to'~u'U Saye more MODo,. I

drop lelllllItile, 6 leg til e , r9ck e l'S, n ecd~ e point s tool. wQoden si nk, cornel' cllpbo[lt'd, c loel(, smllIl wa.ll] u t d resser, lo ve seat, m i r ror. lamlls, d is hes, n n d m n n y ple,ecs o f assort ed g lass a nu m n h ogclny !lorn.




ANTIQ UES: 2 lVa lnu t Iflamls , 1 marble top wal nut

T E R l\IS ( :ASII

Iron youn

cl ucle " , 111. hC'l ll'I lI g UII lit l:Iuil /.{et 1I1'('pOI' , I hy tI, 'Na y n 'J'OWtl fl hlp '1' l'lI" " '''''' of \\'11 ''1'1'11 e'o llnty, 0 1, I0, 1'01' lh o /If'x l HU ('('od in/.{ fl sen l Y ':t l', o lltlill ~ O N'l' lIlbp), ~l. 1939 . Hli c h h '1I 1'i1l" will b c he ld at Ih n TOII' II ~hl ll Ii oll ijl' , 'Yu yn o'!!,y lilt'. O hi o . L , 11. (l01100N I I'k of 'Vay n ~ T own s hip



entertained with a dlnn e l' oun e ll m tlng h eld at th e 10r'Mr. and l\1rs . L a o nne r , con for e n ee I'oom of lh e Leba n on "\\' :liEN- \ (\el l' llS n nll m a ll ndve r · Rev. a nd MI'''.' Johfl V. Ln cy (lnd Town Hull ' on Tu!'sdny alt I'noon , tls lng m a lel'ln} fO l' us nt h o m e . W e chJ lclren and Mlaa nr.u.h o nner fl. Mrs, Dul y t1ydel' nterlaln ed 8UI)ply v rythln g , Ooou mtc of pay, "'0 selling , No exll 1'1 nee n eccssa ry . !\Ierch ulltlise Mal'l , I10x 523 M il· ""lukee, 'Vlseo n s ln, G 10 4te hg,

WAYNESVILLE INSTALLATION 123- Mrs. Mary C, Cross, Main St. Way nesvill e 30 -Dr. H, F, Dye (Veterinarian) F ifth St. 71 --Stony Brook Fa~ms, Way n esvill ~, Ohio WAYNESVILLE CHANGES 105R3- Ervin Ellis Service Station, Main St. MASON INSTALLATIONS 67 3-M - Carl Seelinbinder, Mason, Ohio MORROW INSTALLATIONS 41R21-Morrow Service Station, Morrow, Ohio 4R31 - W ay ne Parker, RR 2. Morrow, Ohio 81R21-John Vandervort. Mor row, Ohio 62RII- H. Va n Win kle, RR 2. Morrow, Oh io 83R4 - Yo M. C. A. Camp Kern, Oregonia,

N olletJ Is h reby Il'l,' n t h a l 'oll tho !jlh lillY or July , 1!13 ,a l 19 ht 0 ' ·

Cour ts

'"dl h ,," IlI lll [UXfOI'lI, Oh io . 1';/1 1'111111 1'1 , i\l1'. :J 1Il1 :\ll's. n . :ll<'lla ne lll, of 0 ",· Iru ll , :\ 1 1(' h l~n n , cu ll n l 011 ~11 ~s Kalil ~ J1 f' tlt th p \ \ t,I( . )< _l 'n d a t I ndia n Lal <p. ..-!"lnc- Pl'(· fttl e r,;nHl . :-; tlnt!(IY e v nln g . :\I r . il lt.! ~1 1' '';. J: nlu \ rt B. t k " I" . ~I · . • A jully (' r owd of y ,'ung fuli, s t-:a \'(' '\II' ~ . L y ,ltl lII lilly :. nll ,\1\"" l1ul'ul hy Dil l' SIH' ll t ~;II IlIl ., ~' \\' lIh :II,'. lin d ,\1 1' . li nd ~ll's. J f'I'I'~' Cu nn er 1\ 11 0 1<1 :I I ,'s. \\' lI l1a lll T II "II Y of .\1 :1SMI. fllR hl onctl hellil1g ,\l fon,IIIY \' ' n ln g, .\li s~ l'hu l'i,' lI,· Hy,' I" \' l~l lInlt II CI' '\11"8 " II,,,lnlll 11 11 1'11111, who Is at , 11 11111 , '\ 11'''. Il ll"",'11 I:",,,o n In Cl o\·o. t m llng l::lu lllm er Hc huol II I Mlllm l IlI lltl . ' nlv(>rs lly sp e nl t h e wC' l'l, Piltl a t "'I'''m lll . 1,' " '10 11

F OR SALE--One n nd two y r . olLl h n.I'j y Ile l' I' nl'll flow e r plnnts . An· nu n\. Good fi e ld grow ri Cltbb! lea\' ,' and !Ill'. Dun urfuce were 1)ln n ts 26c p er 100, Sweet , p otato undu )' dlnn r g u est s ot . Irs. Chus , "Iu n ta 25c PCI' 100, Oeo. P lerson, 1 B, Isle H of Ind lana l) liS. mll o fr m Wn y ne s " ille on the Bell, l\'Trs, RIlI[l h H usti ng s Ilttend (J, tho bl' ole pl kc . 2t pd ,

Telephone Notice!!

NOTIOE OF PUBLIC n EARING ON TilE AN..... .....' UAL BUDO .,. .......'

:111'''. nny Malnou s . j\11', a nd Mrs , H a y 1\Ia lnou s , s on (1r-l'SUI1 , IIIIlI :tI n', Il a ,'I'Y \\' n cl~wol'l h , J.)o nllld, u nd g u at Mis s J a m eson , u[ '\'P~l l""'1'IIIII' II . ~ p e l1 l Thur ~dll ~' " pl' n t Sutur lay v nln g with frie nds \' I~ l lI lI g I II ' II' I"' I'c nts, )11'. a nd :III'S, In Sou th L eba non . COi\li\ION PI~EA PROC lm OlJl.;GS K :-: tl'OlI " . ,\1 ,.. :ltl(1 :11 1'>1, Il lI l'olll E II l'nh ll n ,\11'. n nll lIln; , J , B, r n bbe li nd Dis tribution of lhe r"'IH'('L'c\s of th o w I'e SUn(l~ly sa le or 1'(,11 1 e f\tn te In th e ('/IN (' 'o r F e· " ntl "h lll !,"':" \\" ' ,',, ,11",,1'" ~ IH'''I'' of Il;cu j.; htcr Kay ol)' n MllI'tlt s or MI' , n nd '\11'5, O . ,\ . Bech, d 1'111 L II lIlI Blink, LOllI Rvlll .. , 1\)' .. \ ' M .\11'''. " " ,I" I III ,' la n SlIn,lay, :\ r , · ~ .

joycU a II I ' nl ' III u mp [J o ul" Mid, (1.1' IU WIl , Sat urda y e Vt' nh, M· ~ !t's. fi uSle Evan ,; IR \'Isl tlng with 1\[1'. n nil l\lrs . Colt' ll w n :ll ol'f;a n In Dayll1l1 ,

O Cl'mn ntown , :1[1' . li nd Mrs . ",Vlllinm Lu kcns ~ pC' nt the \\' Ie lid In SlIl cm , Ohi o , Th ey h a d un ( I I\ ~' dinner wllh M r . a nu ·1\11'8, E , J . E sehUmn n . Mrs. D a is y S n yder , Mrtl. Albe rt

~lr .

)1'1' , a n<\ Mr . L a wl' nce l:lu l'fa tl Th ,u(\ ' ut lothl n g hilt IlIN, J Il' ln li Antnl to Hnr~y ] e t'le, two lI o wl\ l'!1 . \ 1' ltd ' II 'on nmb 'hUdr n , \Ylllinm ,tl'ouse unu \\ f,'dnel!d a r nft moon, nt th h ome t H In Full l 1'8 Pa rk . ~ I I II! hl ~l \I' !'k ,' n I In l'o ,'ts ll lOu lh ~l l1dl' d ulls bury enjoy ed Itn ouLi n g o f MillS J enn Hes>!, DU l'Ing lh!' bU H· , D . n ll(l. Luhl r Il to Lpy Innd .Int!· Jtlph' y II lUI "IRII 'd ' with :I II'. 10 n y Isltllld !;ullliny niPl'1I on. In el\8 period, ,Mist! Mlrln m coil g u \ e ,\I ulll il l nllll d ln ~ tl lld L Oll n o rp nru· :111.1 :llr!', 1« I1 l1 hl . \ .hl~~u!l h In f",rls 'I'h . Luliletl Aid of Iho M, B , a s pl ondlCl d 1l10ns lI'01lilll o n m n ldll t-: lIi1 I1 , Inl In .' u uth L(' hfl non , nt',,11l1l ,lI h l )lI'~. 1h'1I r1 .' l la ] )u,,11I In . ' :II. B , 11l1I' It h eld li n I ' ' l'cnOl HUll ' th dlIt I'enl Idncls ot sco ms. ~ 1 ,' II" .. a 1 ~ 1I l': 1'lI l h 111 L('w ls Il nd Jl I' In the 0 .. nlte 11 1111 011 Ill s t BlIlIll Phl n,,; Wl" '; mad f' I' :\ hay 1'1.1('. :l1 1I 1'~' l' us l" I', p ar t of Iut 33 In S 'J uth ~Il· . :1 11 11 :\ 1)"" \ V. ( ', T kht l1 P l" ;o;lh' lll r•.,I. ," u l1 , t.: o n ,t nig ht. Th (' ~' n r ll ed a tidy \ .Y'(,nes d ny II I!>I It. Elic h 1II (' II , b~ I' I,. 'r ll ~ 'H41;\y in I.l'h t l1 0 n 'ft" (; fI()!' g t' S III1I or 11I'uunll $20 fn .. th I.. tn'all' ntille d to In"lt th,·c g lll'll ls, l lll"o lll )' Sh ll rll to ,\\'111111 111 n ll t! \ ' in 11111 .1 u l111 D t' Hn y \ hd t l '~ :,( (", H nl l ~ l t-~ . S('\'ern l ga.1l1(, s " '("'0 C'njuy('.I, 11 1111 II'l II ltil. "1'11 1 f'~ tllh ' In Dl' e l'n e l,1 tWI/ . ul'y. f1,, 1' dolhu'fI or lllls, th ey g ll \' o \\' . l ', '1'1 ,'1"' ''0''. T lI l' ~" II Y , l u lho bnnd , dc llduIIR )' (' r l','~ hllll' nt s W I' I" H(" '\'Ct! l 'lI· tII T O!' II I1I A 10 E:lI1rtll\ I'I<'P,)1 0Yl' I' :111''', ,J I ·~ .. I,' 1l~' I11 " " :I n 1 Hon, Hob· "hc nl'xt IIt pellng will bo J u ly l4th n in,' 101 " In \0'0>11('1\'1 )'a rk M IMi! J os ph In c J a m eson uf Den l · r t·t at' \.' :l l1l ~ lId f n }-:" t h " ( )p" r a . q ' rl '(I \I \" :-;" lI il' Hu ll t{l ~l l\ rlh a S. Hall y , 1~' ''llI (' , J(~." was a g ucst In s t w('e k n t the home ur th h' lend 1', M "H, lt n t"', a t 11\(' ~I t n. In ( 'int' i n n o t i. lUI In L C'hnllon . lytl e I'.gbcrt. uf h ' I' ('ou ls ln and 1'11 '1'\11)" !lIr, a nd

tOil. M r , uno

Mrs. Eva Ea rnhart ~ uffe l'ed t w o 1I1l's . Do n I1 :II'ls oe le o C N (' w Bur· broke n bon es In h e r wris t wh e n s h e IInglon n nd j\!t's, 11 u:lu n Ho ney ot r II Inal w ee k. Sh I ' a t tho h Ollle J~ l' bn no n w (' re h o us(' guest s oC )\[r .. , ot h e r d n ug h te r MI's . Id ElIls, n oss Hn rts o k Inst week . Mr. "rank L , T ayl o r ot , a n Pm n · l\Irs , IIIn 11 nkl Is h O\'ln g n slI le Pipe , ' a lv fI , Fittings, Plumb ing Cl8CO, Cnllf. sp ent Ul w ('Ie no wll h o f n n ll'l·IJI.' furniture u nd oth I' an , and H ntlllg Malerlal, MYERS Mrs. Ta.yIOr, 'Wl10 Is spe nlling t h t1Il U pi ce s tt l b c r h om e on Ju ly n, H a.nd [lnd E leotrlc Pumps. J . p , D KLET SUPPL Y CO., XE lA, lIl,'. a nd Mrs . A. H. Stubbs s pe nt umm r with h I' m ollI e I', Mrs . E d · OHIO, 6 6 8t Itb Harris, " Sundll Y with Mrs, E. E, HIU'U'11ll1 of Th Misses Mary Dnd E lle n 1\I08S Visited. their a unt In L O\lis I' m • K y. s vern l days last w ('(llt. MJIIS O r !'lc h Qn G hl'ln g o f :l'ol('dv 18 vl8ll1ng ( d enu),! h e re , n nd In In , clnn nU this \\' ek . Jack Crane a nd Pres· t on are enjoying Cltmp lIic nt Camp Evergreel! a t Idn ey. Ohio, Mr. a nd Mrs . Mllo Mill nberg r


eli " 'l'r

"'a rtl\' I'H" k , Th, ' tlh','r"lon nf till' "" ts (11 ' 11 11ll' IlIt Hl ",,,,' It. :lImy Lo~' 1'1'or.F.N CAR FOllND TN Rl'E (at/\\·I'll. I'IT art rl1(1"'1 W II~ 11I'hl/.:,', fU III' IIlI'l"M HU,'" 1':IlIlIl I' \ . ,y ;111(1 W l\ln l',! Me ln ' W,I" 1'1:l11I1l(f III IIlaR fit II J\ ('Ill' Wil li I'<ni nt! IIblllUltllled In til 1.0,,1111{ In pltl~·. Ult'lnly 1'.. r,'Ot;hlllllul" 'urpol'Cl t lon, Rye ,rll \.('1 'Pll, \\'hlt'h WIl... ellBco vll r . 1,' ILJr.' \\'n,' \\' " /5t' .'v d, d to IJ uno to l n . from DOl' lon, It 1'1Il\ IJ e n strllll)'(\. or ,,"l"'y 'Part or NE\\' CENTU Itl: Cl.l'n HOLU:'; !l n y VIIIllC. MEETING IU';,\I. E TJ\1'E; TRi\N!;t' gn '

'SMOKED HAMS Whole or String End

POTTED MEATS Ai rriour's Veribest Brand 3 for:' 10


SLICED LUNC~EON LOAF ~ Varieties ',. Lb,


SMOKEIl.CALLIES WhC?le or'String End Lb.


B~EAKF AST, BACQN, . 3 lb End piec~



2 ' ,b z•.


2 Lba.

Fillet of ,Haddock

2 Lbll.

7, lOBe



,Family Hold wOm8~ nuys, Will Run 30·Story Holel ' Helen Kruer W'eds ~.H Club Members • Annual Reunion James K. Lewis Given Oppollanily to

Editor of Franklin Su..--Dies Suddenly


As It must to a ll men, Death came

to Rosa Fllrquhar, editor and pub· lisher of «he F ankll n Sun , lust F ri· day morning, July I, at 2:90 o'clock, d ell th reBulting from heart disease. Mr. Farquhar had boon In Dayt o n on Thul'sday e ve ning vlt!ltlng his lum, Robort, and fumlly, uml had been In aplJlll"lmtly excellent health und aplrlts. He u nd Mrs. FUrlluha r b ad returned to Fnmklln about mid· Ilight amI. shortly utt er r e tiring ho yas tak e n 111 , an lIIn


from Whic h

h e never r ecove,r ed.

Born In Gratis, Ohio, October SO, 1888 , Ross Farquhar wn,1I the young· ('st 80n ot Benjnmln L . Fnrquhar lind Harriet AlIIco Farquhar. He ut· t ended public and high Bchool In Grall8, lellvlng there s hortly lifter his graduation from blgh IIrhool t~ ceme to Fra nklin where he served us an apprentice barber In the shop of }'ronk Speid el. Atter severnl yea rs


in FI'ankl ~J1, be was united In mar· rlage to Hazel A. Brlndell and short· ly afterward moved to Hamilton, Ohio, where he was employed by the America n Cu n Company of that c ity. later moving to New Orleans, La., where h e becume IIttlllated with the Gulf Rennlng Company. It WIUI while In New Orleans that he be· came Intere8ted In n ewspaper work, tInally enteri ng this tleld> all a proof. reader and linotype operator on the Btatf or the New Orleans American ,

The Mu ll tlli"lly held theil' a nnuli I reUniOn nl the homo ot Mr. u lla 1\11:8, Rufus Watkin s, n ca r Waynes· villo. At h elun u bounteo us dlnne l' wns e njoyed, ro llowed by a p lensa n t afternoon togeth er. 'rhos or tho tam lly preson t W I': MI'. and M1'8, J e"s 0 111 und !\rl·. lin d Maste r E tlrl Rye \l,'oved a v 1')1 1I11·s. Don T (, lIIple, of Lim n; M,·. II n<i cnpnble und. r esor cetu l hOHt wh e n ulisisted by his mothe r, 1111's. Cla l" JIll'S. Jllllt on DtII IInll d a ll!rhtl' r, II r P ,'U, Indiana: JIll', a nd JIII'~ . Carl c nce Rye, and his br othel', Chnl'les, Jllull ; JII,' , ll nd 1\11'8 . ElllOll \\,111111 111· a nd 1I1ster, G ludys, 'h e e nte rtain ed 11 lurge party or little rrle ndS' Satur. SO n u nd fll mll y : a nd Mr. an d l\11·~ . da y, trom 3 to 1 In c IclJratlon of R 0 b ('I't A II e n u n d lJ it I'Y d u ugh t el', !\ II his birthday annlver8tlry In s pit e ot ot nem' •(ofl Iel' VIII e; 111 I'. a l l (I 'I .. I'S. th o ra in whi c h prevented thc plo nlc Guy L nymon n nd d a ugh te l'; Jlfl·¥. IInlL gums whic h hnd b e n 'pla nnod Cillra Alle n ; Hne! JIIr . anl1 MI's, Rub· on the benutlrul la wn, "dell g htrul ert Rill 1', a ll or 1Illamlllbu l'g; JIll'. arte rneo n was apent Indoor s. The li nd r.11·s .. Iohn Bo,;a n und MIss Ell' ope ning of the g ifts broug ht torth nice MulL of L e bu non: JlllliH Nanny many e xclamations oC dellgbt trom K elsey li nd :Vlrs . H e"be n E dwa "ds a nd 80n s , of Dayton : n nd JII,'. n nd the gUl'sts liS we ll as from ~1'1 . i\I,'S, Rufu l! 'Wlu kln ~. At six o'clock u delicious s u p pe r \Vas 8('rved th e lillie to lk!!. alte r which they took th eft departure, wishi ng th e ir ho s t mll'!y ha l)py ' reo t urns of his lJlrthday.

Master Earl Rye Entertains Saturday

:l ncl

Th o rollowlng wer e th e Invited gu ests: E s the r ono Donald Luke ns, Dobby Hllsllngll, Barbara and Na n cy Crane , Billy and Yvonno S tubbs, Donny- L ee Ryt', Naomi and Harla n Earnl;a rt, J ackie a nd Rosem a ry Mul. ford, Roger W a tkins , Patsy Baird, Dorothy a nd h urles Con nra., lila I" jorle Swunk, Victor Thompso n , Rlc'h ard Merri tt , Dalte LInn, Dickie Gm. ham, Milton Jones, and Etcyl Bui-· Lenwng New Orleans In 1911 his ell, Frances and Richard ","'hllllke r, wo~k brought 111m northward to Phyllis Bailey, Botty Thomas , and Jaokson, T enn., Columbus, Ohio, Chi Ann Rogers. 'ngo, 111., Detroit und Orand Raplda Michigan, and In 1918 to FrankUn, where he became IlI'tlllated with the Frnnklln Cbronlcle a8 n. linotype operator. Whlle with the Chronicle ~lr. Farquhar became Interested In writing and In addition to a number ot mort stories and n ewspaper 'fea· Saturday night at the Waynesville tures among which w!!r!! Slats' DI· ary, be wrote a number of amateur Farme r 's Grange wae Me thodist ploya, BOme of wbleh were published . Church Night: Mrs. H'llrtley \\foss, by the Eldridge Entertainment Mrs. f. P. Lnrrl c k, a nd Mr8. L. V . the committee In Bouee, othol'll of which he marketed BrllDstrotor-, hlmeelt tbrougb the Farqubar Play oharge, presented the tollowlng pro. BUl'CJlu •. In addition to writing and gram: Plano Solo, Raylyn Crabbe; Duet, produclng amateur theatricals, Mr. Farquhar also' took purt In eeverol. Mary LoIs Lacy nnd Mil ry Thorri p • In JlUluary of this year, Mr. Far · 80n; Quart tte. MIss s Hele n Hawke quho,r re81gned trom the posltJon ot and Virginia H a rdin nnd Messers . R . Mana8'lng Editor of the Franklin D. Collett and . Russell Fronk; TalkS, Chronicle to establish ttle Franklin by Messers. Cecil Duvls and Frank L.eMay; True and False Qulzz; and. Sun. a playlet, "The \Voddlng ot Miss As I\, m ember . ot Eaetern Star CuUe Lovely a nd Mr. Able Gooses· Lodre No. 66, F 5: A. M, Mr. Farqu· tine" by the (ollowlng Iadle8: M;es· 'har had rl8en to the position ot dames Ralph Hastings; J ack Pre8' '\Vonblptul Master, wblcb post bo ten, R. D. Collett, Clyd e Egbert, ,\Val occ~pled In 1921. He also a mem ber 'of the Methodist <;:hureb of tel' Sh.eehan, Ernest Hartsock, Hal" Franklin and was promlnent In civic old Earnbart, 'El1me.r S,heohan, Geo. aoUvlties during hla twenty yeaTS Mills, L . V. Bmn8tmtor, A. H .. Stubbe, W. S. Grahllm, and Mrs, Qt· reillcienee In Fro,nklln, Maude Crone, Mrs. Reba Braddock, Rou Farquhar will be mls8ed In nnd Miss Ruth Conner. FrankUn, lUI a man, -all a cltlzen, all s fother and husband. QUiet, unas· lI~mlng, droll, and , with Ii quick wit ON TRI~ ALONG EAST CO~ST and eense of humor, be enjoyed frl en~lp with people In all walkll Prot. and Mrs. L. A. Garst and of life. rew It any bad ever aee n dnughter, Jo Ann, 'and Mrs. Jessie him real}y p.ngered and smn.Une88 Garst nre enjoying Il motor trip !l ' and mean.n_ were not a part of his long the east coast. The y lett, Fri· "I rnak eup. AS one frlen d renl.a rk ed, ooy morning, and will be gone ap. WIUI proud to have known him." proximate ly two weeks.

Wa lt t' I'


~II ·.


.I :l lnl ':-;

Lt.· w l~.


(' la\l (I,'

~lr H.

1. 1·\l I ~ .

('(' nl"" \ ' ill l" , Tlull'!'·ul n), 1'\'{' lIing-, .J lI ll t -

ti ll' F l" ' I' Y

:I11t11. " I 7 : ~ tI (' 1111I','li "r (·hl'ls l.

Visit White Hoose

1(0'101 ,

1. )' 111'

,,1'11 1" ' .

h ... ·:l n1(' tllft h t'! dt· Iff ~n l1

:-: lI lI io ,' 4· 11

(' I ll),!'" n nd o ther boys

" "'!' g- lr lH fO r \\'"r l'p n Co unty will 11 :1\' (' n ,'('a 1 n ppnJ"tll nity to n jOy a. \' I ~ I I

I.. \\':I " l1ln lo: t on. D . Coo I1 nel lItt. ' ''.' l"non. t 11 (' IHl l ll t'l of C: pnrge W osh· EII7./l· d Ol lhl L' ,'lllg ('(l r .. nl o ny h t ·fol"(· an :t1 t HI' In ~ t ,'n, I l d ~ " "11101 I' s la t 9 ,,,,CUI·" I,·+! \\'I\h whlL l' IIII( '~ "~n II\ Hl ;I hN h G I·:IIld )'. h"I11" d" l11 o ns trtr tlun Siltill nlo:r nl .. I' \\'a J'l' ~ n Cu unt y. 1'111, ~ I" ' I ' I : " lo w cu~ t lour IS being ri l ,IJlI ll:' 111:1 1'1 , ,·,1 I ll,· :.l sI.-- d,{ )w tl \\'h k ll Ih , ' hl' id:i1 plll'l Y : IPIIf~ ll a('h fl , 1 til __' 011 · ('I,n,III, ·I, '.! In ('" .,,1' mtio n with the ,\ /': J'k llll lll'lI l I::" ns lo n Se rvice and l a 1', ~tlJl t ia l I'tl\1 s lr W:I!-l l'« n,l'·" ,·d hy lhl ' HII II I" ){" ·... a nd Ohio Railroad fo r I h C' h'-n,' (lt M 1" ",,1 ho ys and gl l'ls ~l bH \ ' .. I'~ II ll'''' 'l't , a l Illp planll . \ '(,1' n l'\' ,


Court News

r. 11 ·~.

, ('i1 I' 1

:\1 :\1' :I n,1


Ilrc ·

~n'\ ith

E \,fl l'f'll

" Oil l ' ,'o m is (' 1\\1 ', "

fronl Hi 1,1 2H

II\lnl (' 1'

l llHl

" I l..n \'


'1' 1'111 )'," ~ll' s .

\\, ,,\t,' r

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fll! W(l l'

gtr1 ~.

'~~ I I Tyi ll g- a:;:'HlI' l (oll t'o ltJl':O; u f :i n n p ul'a -

HE T thus beco~e.

thirty'ltory, 1,400-room Hotel Lincoln in New York has been bought and wl11 be operated ' by a woman-Mrs. Maria Kramer who the " Firat Lady" of. the hotel industry, The feminine 'touch appeared II? one of her first acts aa owner, when ahe headed ,tralght for the horel kitchens and, I I the photo ,how., tried out for heraelf the Qualit,r 01 the ,her, coffe.. '_, _ _ ...__:.~.:: :":.:: . )

g(I ll l'l .

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1" 1'1'1'

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, ,' Ap "" I,,1 lI·" ln wllh ul l'· r o n<lltluned (" o !l (' hr' H IIl1d :\ I'('I(T IIlIun CHr w UI be " IIPI·"I,·,I II' l; lIrfl"I ~ Dl l·e.ervBtion .. :.n'

IIl : Hh:-,

b y July 1:"

Lt'IIvlng Tl'oy II I 7.38 11 . 111 .. Thul's, dll), . .h,l r ~ 1. t hl M Hfi l·da l w ill s t op at D:I)' lo n . ~11!+1I11 ~ lj Ul'g, Mldo~ e tow ll , ' 11 1I 11I111IIn , !l 1'1'1\' ln l:' ;'Il Cl n Inn utl at !IA r. p. 111. It will l'lI nllnu e eastwa rd III HiUlll'h NIt ' ·... ('hilli o [l1 e . a nd ,\II I " n ~. 1 1J' 1 ' lvln ~ Il l. \ Vaf'hb'{;ton , 11 :·

PROBATE F n y c , .Jun c, " fli t Y\, O Il O(\ l(nWn'! l1'l 2:1 I I , Ill ., I·' rld a y , H ayes K eeve r , admln ls trato l' or (' hlll' I" "I'" h""HNI \\'111 mllet the " t\"II,INI 1.11" hritle liS flll m ' .. J; lrl ~ In th o estrl te of 1\l1ll'lo n D . K eever, ami rl 'I' 1" Ihn beautltul Ilr(,M S(,~. n r\ (\ r:l l'l' l,-'d II HHO J' t(', I (' Ol r,l'H LJ '!lln rill' IJ'Il Jl M Be ulnh R ine hard t. oxeclil rlx ot tllO N,' w l' .. lun la l 11 <ll r l. A t 1:00 \t , m ., u f H na p ,1 r ng(jn!'l. elltate t ot A. L . Price, rtI d theil" Th e hr lel ,· \\'a " ~1\'{, 11 In m ll ",·!lq.;c II ~jI " Ia l 1'''llIll1l ' lp,1 10UI' \\'111 leave rlrst und fin a l a cco unts. hy 111' 1' raLlil" ·. Sh (' \\'1111«·" In th e nl· th,' hul l' l fu ,' n H lght~o Ing trip a· Tho eSlote of Elhel B, Lowe d e· IIII' III n fitt"ll. whit.' Ha tln 1:'0 \\' 11 , ro unel Ihlf rll~' II nl1 to J\l'1 l n ~ to n Na· cia I'd exem pt f"om Inh orlto nco t a x wllh a Io n/.: 11'lI ln a n I Qtll' ,' n ,\n ne li o n,,1 (',·m l't l' r},. T om!J of III Un· and th e all mlnl s t ral r . G, .rdon D. 'I'h(' b('aullfu l Cu unll'Y hOI11 of ;\11'. MRS. CARMEN CRANE /'f,II!!I' , 11[' 1' tulle \'t.1l fl·ll ,lu wn frllm known :;ohll'-·I·. hlHtorlcn l town of Lo\\'e riled his C1l'l!t am1 Clna l a c· a nd ?II!'!•. W alt!' ,' \\' hltll l,el' "':)s th ENTERTAINS CLUB u J\III ·t ap to 1111' [' n,1 o r 1i!'1' tl'li in . ,\I(' xan<1I'I:1 and t o Wll l:lhln g on'8 co un~. scC' ne, Sundny. o r " pl"" sn ni fa mil y :;h ' cllrrl Cll n hOllqu e t or wh it e I'OS S hom a t Mo mit \'orno n . Visits w ill, The court se t Ju ly 29 t o sell I ' II I ga th e,·lng. Thl !! I' lIni' tIl was fol' t h Th '\'aynos\' III" Gtll'de n ' Iuh li nd b a by III'Nlth. ,,1" 0 b IIlllrl<' to Uw \ Vhlte House, es tate be lo ng ing to the estnte ot 1.leul;u l·e of Jl lr. l'h a l'les \\' h ltakel' 111' 1. 'I'u 'Mdrr y C\' ' nin ~ . w ith ;III·... " ' oOlko\\' L wl s attNI I 11 hl R 1~ lnl'lJln M E' lIIll"IIl I, Ilnd W n"hlng lo n's nnd his fia ncee , i\l1 ~~ R ~ Dona ld· 'n l'll1!!n C'l'n nr , wit h ~Ii HS I r"lh r· hl'olh ,. ' U M bCHt 111M.. ' Vnlter Cad wa llade r, Morrow, MUllum nL D ebts, c la ims li nd IInbll llies of tho 80n , hoth of N ew Ke ns ln g lo n . lOe n n, :18 HH~ irt lan t hn:-;tl' s!:5, l1 s lwl's w ' l'e fil)IJOI·t, c h nl'\e!l, o no On ~lltu,'d n ~' "f' nln g, July 23. 8. cstate -ot Daniel Thomas l\' o,'ga ll to Al noo n a Slllll l ll ll tl U ~ dll\n ~ I ' :'I1 !! ny me mh C','s W" "e n lJsC' 111 o n \' u· urfo n l K"u el' , b,'otll(, "s oC Ihe mounllghl b(lnt 1'1(11' w ill b talten be h eard July 1£i. The cslu le hus !>c n II till' followin g : calloll R. t he l'C'by mi ~" l n g n yc r y In· !J1'I" e . +.IOWII th e \)oallliful Potomnc nlver. bee n decla ,'c<l e.,cmpt fl'om Inhel'l· 1111'. :l lI d 1111'S. J a l«~ )l c l'('11 IIII l r""Ung III " Un g. 1\lrs . 1,I' uc r a ll r n<l ell he!I' da ugh · Un ne ln!; 1111((, r ' f l'c"hm nl M cu n be tance t ax. rUlllllY I oC Jo'nrm c r. vill l' : 1111'. n n(~ ~ Ir "'. ErJ , LIl II!;",'rL' 1o:;I\'e :L "'(I I ' nd· njuyed \\'hll on th is bollt. Th e Inv nto l'), at John Ho1'\\,cger, lel" ", w('(Mln s- In a Iltl\'~' blu o lacc In ro rm a tion rclf, lil'e' t o cost ot exec utor of th e es ta t e of . tal'garett 1111'S. llany :Me r edlth a nd f::unil )' , tlliU hi IlllJ l r lin " I'e rl'ulll ' 1··lo \\, c I'>;" . An tll'e!\s 0\'('1' la ffeta , and a COI'Ha l;(' of JIll', tl nd ;\11'>; , Ha r o ld l\l c l'l'dllh and I lll~ l'e~ tlJl g c un tl·",t w a ~ preso llt ed gnrd e nl a!!. 1\11'11 , Le \\' i~ ",or a n old. tl l l ~ toUI' c n ll be BC ul'cd at th e Agl'l· Holweger, IIppraved; Cu mlly, or Limn ; 11[1' . u nd M ,·>!. J o· lly .\'IIHS G ll)bo nH. U:tiIllY I' ' f,' 'fill · I'o"e lace OI'C;;!; ove(' taCf 't a . a nd n c ulluml Exte n"lnn orrloo, 10Cll t ~ In The ne t vlllu e of th -e!t a~e ot E , s ph itoI'm I alld"':\,lrs. l ela :-larb r . uf m e nts \I' I'C >le l'V d hy the hm.tpss. co ,'slll; of gil l'l l II Ills . th e UU I·t IlolI ll fi t L bllnoll. lieseI" '1'11(' II xt 111 c lin g \\'1 11 bc II Kt lilly D . Jones, Bullen'lIIe , sct at $1,430.58 Wil mi ngton ; :'I'l l'. ~I e l ' lith \\' hltu l;el' , l'at!IJns " h o ul" hr· .-noel e IlS ea rlY, as TIl1 J1l cd III tely roll,)\\'In~ a nd declared to be cxe mpt Crom In· ot Sprin gfield : Mr. a nll 1IlI's. 1I 01'i, rl of I" ('S a nd s hl'ulls Ht th e Mlllml m ony, n ,. eC'plilln \\'ns g ive n u t the posRllJlu a t IIl e nbove luCf,lion " to t ey h erltn nce tax . M e l'~dith li nd ["mlly, ~It·. li nd 11 1",;. 'e lll 'IL' I'},. \\'ith a Jlll-nl a t Smlth'H home of th o bride '" parcn ts , a ftc,' Mis .. G ,·:uldy. '. L . E a rl Hoc ke tt nam ed a!1mlnlstl·a· Su m Me"edlth " mt fu mil y: 11 11', n nd I'a l'k a l'I'OSS Lh e I·oud. ' whl h th CO UI)lc left by motor rOI' a tor d e bonis of the ellla t c of Thom as Mrs, HOI'II CO :;ll:1n el'; ~I'·'" k:Ht ell tl·lp. FUI' 11·:lvl'lTInJ.;' Jl II·s. L"wi s worc J efCe l'so n Smith. The udmlnl s trallor. Shnnel'; MI'. a nd' :'III'S, NOI'l1Hln :l11.'1·c, :\l"fO S,\J, U;S l:-.i ,J l'(1~ 11 pink kn it s ull \\'lth bruw n and L. M . Hende,'son dl d. while ad mlnls· (11th, ;\1 188 Anna ~\I " rilyn \\. It Ital' I'. 1'O'fAI. 3:' IS R EI'OR'I' \\'hlte tlCf'csslirleH. Upun tlt~II' r e t ur n terlng the estate . lhe husl n nd hostl'';S. n nd th e honur· T he .. HI of 11l' \\' l'a s RP nl I' Cal'S th y \\'1 11 (,Rtnbll sh I'l'I. llI l' n e nL 214 Th e rh's t u nd final account of eli gu ('s tll. 111 " S . -'alll M I' dl th , o f a llli trll c lls In '\''' ''I'l' n COUIll)' total· J. . t ., Day ton , hlo. John Schultz, administra tor of thc J uhn svl ll(' , \\' 0 8 una LI t o l)c PI' S ' llt f' d 3;; lIul·11I1.( JUlie , C . H~ cl;ett, estate ot Pea rl Schullz, -rued. on :"cco unt of se rlQ\l s IIIn 55. l' i+ 'I'I( I)r {,OUI'I , re port... HAS EIGHTY -NINTH Mrs. 'I'l'uan nn 'Vardlow enterlllined . The cla ims, d ' btll ana. liabilities of i\lI ss Do na ldso n 1'l'maln e,1 LId" Thc S:lIt's WCI'I:' led. hy 'h(, \'I'olct BIRTHDAY II pa rt y of e hlldrj1 n , n~ ul'dElY n.fterthe estate ot E . D. Jon es to be h eo l'd w k Ul:I n Iio use gu est o r lh Whit· \\'Ith ' 11 ..""IL'H. F UI'II (ullo\\'ln !r ",lIh Frldll Y. JIl Y first. 'n nr l<ed l he noon , from 2 to 4:30 In honor' ot th. Jul'y 16 ItS a l'e those ot ihe es ta t e of II I(cl's, On he r l'ctUJ'n to h e r h olt w, Hlx t1, ~n Buit'll 4, Ol<lHm olJi I , Dc· C'lghty·nlnth bil'lhd uy of Mr s. An · Llrthda)' ,,"nl ve"SIlI'lcs or hel' du ugh· L. S. Steward. ne xt wcell . "lIss, An li n 1I'lu l'lly n \\·hl t· :S l,to u lld 1'1 -"lIlouth, lhree :r e h , n le Van Dor ~ ll . 'rh e llay w:o s SpClIt t CI'l', nuth IInll "Martha. ul, c,' will " cco mpany hea' Cor a \·Is il. l)ulige a nol. (1 , Jl I. . I \\' I r a l' h a nrJ qui t1 y at he r h Oll l(' In 1I ;i/' \'('ys blll'';, 1I1 11ny glulles hnd bee n p lanned tor Gmli a m one . amI all ha s bee n Ih e U!llOrn f'lI' mil · lh pINISLJ I'e of th o little t olks . :Ruth C01\l~ION PLEAS PROCEEDINGS TnH: k sales t ota led s ix . ny y a l'S , he r brolh"r, D I·. ,\Vard. oml :\l ar' Llm r e elved mnny - nlC8 Sale ot real eState orde r ed In the WINFIELD seoll SIGLER lin d hIs wif e s pent Ih l' <I ll Y with her . ~Irt s I','um th('11' rl'le nds . DIES AT 82 case oJ Evelyn Osborn Spence r , vs - PI ' ~E Il:\L ~m R"'ICES II R LI) FOrt F rie n<1>l a nd 1'''' :111\,('8 cn ll c(i dlll'lng [ted. white, a nd blue was tho color Ettie Roehker ot nl, and shorl[[ or· Wlnf! 1<1 ' COll SI,gl .l· p:t "",ed :lWOY MUS . rrtl 8E SUEUnV til <!fl Y. Oll e n IJh (!~I' llnel h is ram ll y R ·li t·m e, In nc orda nee with , the ,4th d er ed to arrange (or BIlle. Flln !'l'al s CI' vl ces \\'ol'e I...l il" ' Yecl. (\I'o \'e t ram Cnmbl'ldge Cllr, India na. of July '",(lI<on , a nd lhese colors-wer.. at hI. h me In Ol'o;;o nll', ~' und IlY, lit PllI lntlfC'-s motion to dls mlfl9 IIp)J\I· nesua y ortl"'noo n , n l till! hOlll e n ea r to All l? lId :l cuuple of hOU I'11 with h 'r, ca nle<1 o ul In the decorationll a nd _. 2 p. 111 .. ar;e 82. cation of de'Cendant tOl' Injunction N e w llnlln g to n , rol' Ml's, ~ l a l'Y Cr l. "rnnte'" In the su ll or tile JI'l lnmls' MI'. SlgI'~ I' Is !Ju,'vlvell by his wire, 1\1=)' flO1n'I'S Il nd CllI·.:t~ gf r"n · favOl' ~ ' .!"".- - -,,~ '" s nlJe l"T, \\'h o <lied , S unda)·. I I burg Building a nd Loa n Association Zoln; on <1:1 ug lll e1', Gl'tl ce Slr;l ' I' , of Rh o \\'II S th e dll ll g htel' of th o l:l t t:! STa ll! III o n We l'!' ,'ccd,'('cl amI I.(,·cut · n (' f "ps hIllI! 1I1 8 of Ico pream und Yl.Jl ln"~to\vll 0 1 ' t oG f Iy IlPP I'CCla lf'c'l hy h e l' 'sl\(O r- bll y '\ C,' , I,' " \\" 'I'C .u. e r\'c·J. '['lle g uest list In· VB. Ruymond Bullerlleld e t Il l. ,, ~ , 110; wo S li S, uy 0 Nnl hlln l\ l o~c l':'. o r this plnce , :r nd ' ,~ , Dayton, nnd P a ul, ef Rus s Iville, ha s l(c t o f fl uwcl'~ fl' urn th e ~I c tho · ' Iu,hl 1I1C' rollow ir'!r children: Oll\,er ,\Vllde r gl'lIntcd [t divorce \\'n" a 'ls Le r of 1111'S . Ed ith II tlJ'l'ls . «I Ht Chul'ph , nr which "Ire Is th e " Id· l'a tHY nall'II, Ann R ogel's, Naoml ' T e llJl, . from Haule 'Vlldel' and c u s t ody of At ono ti ml) JIll''''. 'rll!enhe l'l'y I\'II S (,fi t lI1 (' mb·r. 1I Ill' IIII1 , nulh 1';l1l'nhnl't. Dolores. Del· FUlle l'u l ~PI'V"'QA WI"'c h clt! , '\Vcd · n tea ch ('J' in lh e' loca l Mchools. their three childre n. De fe ndant 01" 11 " ,1' 1l 11(1 Ihll'othy Ber,'y, Ral'lyn n Q~ d!1 Y at 2 p. Ill . n t Slu lJbs FUll el'l1 l de red to convey hc,' Inte r es t In r eal SEVERAL FAMILIES \ ·I'a Ann \\'£oltz, Mary Dora 1I ome. estat e owned jointly, to th e Illa ln · W E ISER nOAST ENJOY FISH SUPPER lI o ll~h. J ' nllle Lee Hruddock, Bob· Burlnl \\' 0 " In .\\1" ml C(' m e tc ;·y. SI' V(' I':r1 m 1111"+('1'8 or thr n ll rl:) n S e v ra l rllm Jll cH ga tl ll' r+J d nt Ill' II ns ll nJ;s . ~ I " " r Ann Me \l oh, Jim. lift. f!lmll y enJol'ed a wl' lnC' I' rrrn!ll ~tl th e 'Wllyne 1'111'1( , on I:l llt Thursll"y cv,', mi<. t' ra nr, Hiltlo DavIs, Dona ld a nd 1\IARRIAGE LICENSES VISITING IN SOUTH h om e of l h h' mothe l·. ~h'S. Vlolu nlu g a nd e n joyed a (" ' Ik lou~ fis h j';KIIi (O J' Lul«Oflli. Yv"nne Stubbs, Phy!-I'"'I:rn, o n 1I1ond uy cVl'nlng. AUI1I) Cr, fu,' whic h tll C 1':11'\' Is lJe · llis ~t llrt il .. .Don ' Vnlll1co H e nderaon, Robert RUllsell, 27, nnd L ou elln , , , B lo ke , 23, tactory workol's, both ot 1\11'. a nd " II's. FI"unk Le1lla y fl nll Th\lHI' PI' '!(~ lIl wca'e MI' . a nd Mrs. co mln~ ramOUA. 1">:11(' Linn , a nd Louise P hllllplt. tlnu{;hteI' H, "I n l'), E:\,n. a nd Rtlth H I· Il a 1'01(1 E rll' nh n rt an(] clllldJ'e n ; Mrs. Th oRe 111'011 lit \\' ('I','! ~II' , and :\h'~ , Lebanon. Leon M . Hines, tactory wOl'kei-, n, am], son , ,",' '''' I'e n , lcft, ullon y. I\ cllnNh 1I 0 1J ~h ,m Il c hllcli'c n , Mr . .Ja c lc Pl'('sto n , MJ' , a lltl :'III'",. ,I. B. EPWORTH 'L EAGUE Morrow, a nd Mary Rosa na Ma r conet ror Sh e frt l'ld , Alabrunn. 11' 11 ('1'0 till)}' a nti r.II'M, E l'n est I1nr'!n n a nd c hl lel . 'hapm nn , 1\11', a nd )1,.,;, -lI an' ('Y ny r, HOLDS TREASURE HUNT ",111 vhll t 11'11'. L e May's bJ'olhe l'. ,'r n ; :'111' . Ev c J'ott Harla n and ~lrs ., nml )11·s. nO~H Il al'I HIJI:k nnd One of the moat brilliant 'Weddingll of nonaI', was gowned In dU8ty . roee 29, Lebanon . TWE'ntl' .tour m embe r s or' tho Ep· Ylula " urIa n . so n, O\\'e n , i\1l'. li nd :'I I" R, '\' . E, CUI" of the IICIlson was that ot Mills Cutle crepe with a beaiatltul bouquet of , Arthur Slbcy , 21, dairyman, a nd nell , Hnll MI'~ , I-:Ih,," CJ'am' -an,1 \1'Il I'l h L ea g ue (' J)joyed a Treasure E :\ STEUN 'STAn NOTI(' E Betty Osmun, 21, bookkt'eller, both Lovely and Mr. ' Able Goosellteln, hollyfiock, Illln t, la st Friday ev ening. After be· da u g hte,· , BUI'I,nl·ll. The MIam i Cho ptc l' 0 , E . . '. wi I CAU FOUNll T,he brlde80U11ds, MI88 Vera Giddy, ot Lebanon. whim ' WIUI BOlemnlsed at the Grange Ins di vid ed Into two s id es, th e y were h old th II' I' g ul nr monthly m ~ tlng, A ' ~7 m ollel Oldslllohlle was fo und Hall, Saturday evening, at 11 :80 p. m. Mlsa May Demure, I!-nd Miss Ima !jlvell their flr:;t clu e a t the church . ;\IundJl Y e ve n ing . J llly 11 , :.rt th 1\1 ". In th o Spe ncer G J'IIv el Pit, t he rtJ'~t HIGHLIGHTS 15 YEARS 'I'h ~ h' t"IlIl ~ led them ove r the town, In the prellince of a large IlBIIembly Gaddabout 'Were dressed In rrunbow DINNER CLUB soni c H a ll. All mc mbe l's urged lo ttl · port or this II' cel<, hnvlll~ ~o n e ove l' AGO IN GAZETTE ' c olors with picture hats and each n nd CI nlilly ca c h aide found ItII . ot relatlvee a~d ' guest8, The Rev. J. It 50 fo ot emhanl<l11 e nt , rt 11!ul heen Mr. and Mrs. A . S. Collett e n tor· t end. lrcaHure at the home ot Ma ry :Eva. Henry Sn~ read the re8' carzled gorgeous bouquests of lace A(;(:ol'dln{; to the (';az 'tte of tIC· s t on fir ' , and e ve ry bU I'illlhlc p; ll·t talned their dlnna- club at their Le;l[n y . After a ll of this atrenuciu8 II1ve 81ngl~ rlns service which ' ' ted plant, tel'lI y efl r~ ugo, tho l"o lll'lh ur Jul y \\'us destroyed. AltO [ INO,!; CLUn • ~aster .Johnny Sappllng, 08 rlnlr home, "Hole.lri.the·WoOds," lost Sat• " thlll pOP~1nr young couple. " "fun " , thoy had r efreshments ~at II WIIS said to b('lnng to a X e n lrt was I'lItl1('1' qui e t. Wayne Park. ". Preceding the ceremony a prorram bearer, and little MIss Mary Glddy, urday ev'erung. At seven o'clock, a Jl lost of the n o is(l was al·com· MI·s . J . B. Ch a pma n entm·ta lncd man . dellolouS' dinner was enjoyed . Th e a8 .flower girl were eharmlng. ']'ho committee r esponsible tor !;he of we4dl~g musll? WIUI rendered. J,la. pJi sh <l l>ef01' I,h a Foul'l h . H. 11[, Jo.cK Sour 'PUI58 and ' Mr, remainder of the e venlnlr wap spent lhe m ember!! of U1e Argu not Br!dgo njoyable e ve ning wall ' compo8ed ';of dnmolaelle -Zuri YeU' well accompan· Club ot h ea' home, TuesdllY a rt e r· \VAYNESV ILI.•E 1\1. E. CH UltCIl !,;lI e r",ood mnde two mammo th nre tl,e Mlsss Mary Eva Le1\{uy, Inez led 'by 'Mills Rita Suppletlngera Snoopy Cornerll, bOth close , friends In plaYing "600". AS:-.iO UNCF.l\IE:-.iT, c,'uc l,e,'s Inll t I\' "k :lnd 11U t one of or the ' groom ' o.cted lUI \I1Ihera. . Tbose to enjoy the pl~sn.nt oc· noon. Aftep' a 111e,allant arternoon of In a moo touching ,·mariner.. "I' theOl In lh o 1)001 I'oom . Jam es, and Lorna Lacy; and Mease ... cords, delicious refre."hme nts were S undllY, July til, 1938 All tlt the male membera ot ' the caslon weret Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Cecil DilVlf:! and Donnlct Collelt.. ~, YOG ' Truly," .lind "The Sweet9llt 'l.'hlnss hnppl'n 'd .pre tty III'ely 'Cor a 9:30- Sund:'lY SChool. I>i1dal party were atdred' ln ' the '''con· Bqmett, MI'. and Mrs. :t. 13. Chllp, Be rved by th e h08,t es8. Story" Bver. Tokl." ~O :3 O-Mol'n ln g '\\ ~ I·lihlp . " i\:'a l few man, Dr. arid Mrs. H. E. Hathaway, ' To the eoft atJ;alna of ["ohell8'l'ln'B ventlonal black." PEOPLE'S CLASS' ues werc thl'ow n asloo, ch nlrs nlvcwsc," A nllte' of sadness was. In~ected In· Mr. 'and Mrs. 'Bam. Henkle, Mr. and FOUR LOCAl.. BOY Weddln. Marcli the .,rldal ~ en· PLANS P1CNIC 7,30......Ey,o nln g Sf' I: \I~~e . Hobert '\'01.· .w el· ove l'turned, a nd the ha.bltues SCOOTS AT CAMP tel"l4, ~e, bride, enteri~.r on the iUm to, the O~herwlse joYOUS 'o ccaslon by. Hi'll, Howard Graham, Ilnd the h ost mude a brook tor t h o o utRIde . One klns of th Ql1l'lon OoouwlU will ' of ber father, wlio pve, ber a'Wli)o, the terrible ' grief dblPIa~ . by' llle, ~ncS hopteei, Tile Young PeQple's Claaa of brave fell ow grllbb d the fnse and 8 11 ali. Four local boy BcoUts left, Munday. bride's mother, Hi'll, SlIa .Love,, · at jolne4 tlie P'QOm ·ant. h~ :but Frlendil IIfocijng nre planning 4 'pre;. ter severnl day's compl ng a t a mp 2:01l-W~n sdny. F,'lcmd !ll[l Club burnl his fin ge r" for th e troubl~. ' nle tor their nulmbt-r8 ii'nd tbell' Ilt the lmpl'9vIIieA .altar whleb wa tbe 1088 of her dl!.rUnS daughter an~ LOCAL RESIDENTS, ON with MI·s. I,'m a H n;·tsock. :Atter the ~oom -was emptied, the ram Illes; n~~t SUnt1Jly evenln, .. -at Hoek, near _M.lddl etown. 'J1hcy by the rejected lIultor, Mr. HeJU'Y IOvelY"ui ftI'Ie4 colored TRIP NORTH ' Sappy. , ' . Jltek Thl .. Sunday m a "ks .the I;>cslnnlng rU8C burnt nllt n:nd th a t wlis nIt 81x o'clOCk. The picniC 111 to be belA Charles II nd Geille Collett, flo_ra' aIi4 IP'88nerY. ot our S-ullllllrr Proga'(l111. A n e'\\, und There wus quite A la ugh from 8pee· Ilt Smith '8 Park. . lIu4amee Roail Hartsock, Ii D. Lney., . tl nd, Owe n Hnrtsock. The bride wu IIe&utuuI iii white I1 hort('r Hervl<'e mark II th e pi n n, lmt tMo rs on . lhe outside \\'hl;l were wise. Each fam ily Is asked Rldge ' Jeit, Tues· lacy~. ~ 'OIl8lJD»1e 1\ worship I; i'vTee ne ver the 1<,11.'1. We lunch a,nd their own "",Ice. . bill lfer leqth ftII all need Goel AS mul'!. I~ the RUmmel' The Mndden Lumber ,~. ..._ J ' Atu.", ~ time as mIICt! 118 In the relit of the added a 12T·foot a441tlon Put, Him Into alrO.' maldnlr the' Iarceat

Walter Whitaker's Scene Of Family Gathering

Methodist Church Night At Local Grange

Birihday Parly Given In Honor 01 Sisters




LJnique 'W edding. field at Wavnesvrlle Gr~nlle











II lid :'Ifr!!. J~" 1'1 \\,1I ~t'n Ilnd t-:l -Ilr;';ll 1. a\'h~~l n ~l)~ll l h P'llllll.. Uru'\.:J;"IlII1 I1, 1\( 11,), \1',1), 111' 1'lIl'lt, ulloll .011 ~h.. 1\011 :lll'~, 'fod.1 )11·A. ;\!t\l'I' 13u nsIJn /I"'I!, d Ih MI', li nd MI'~, ,Toshu, 111" 1",,1 li nd u" \I'"Klll nglon '. II. ~ n, of :'I11,ldl .. l own. vl s ll('d ~II'~, :-1'.'1, ~I,· . t ll".1 M .. II, A . ,', II~ I"t I'HO Il ' IIlld c h.llcll','n , ,III Sun, ,M VI,I urnh ll ~ ~" 1lI th ' :"Irr.

l,"luu rth


Pilon. 112

Main Street Wuynesville, Ohio

Entered Aa Secon d Class Mail MoIlttel' at Postoffice, Waynesville, Ohio

C. A. ANDERSON, Editpr

Wlh :\11'. II lId )I,·s. WlIlI" m Tlonlll', or DnylOIl . \'l sIlC,1 ",'ll\llvl'lI . her. on !'lunda y,

Mrs. R. H. Hastings, Society Editor ....... Phon



T odd 'Vn.l lotl, JI' .. D nvo 1. '~ h~I', u n cI n \,I1' I't l~ I'()l'IlIlHl n I I l' 1lI1 0(1 I he bnU ga tlt(' In Clncl nn all. o n S unday. , 1Ill', n llll , II'S, nail h llrll·t~'wl( " nil hlldl' n o( !'It.. L o uis II I', ' 81... 111lln):; '\ [e w cl oys with Ih It· p ill' III ';, JlI,'. n'nd !llrs: At'eh 'oPBey all,1 0\1 ... IIn(1 JllI's, L W l\ a l·tso(: 1 • Mr. I'Im1 :\1l's . II , rulli ll n .. t"" 1<, o r X nln, vl s il d h i::! na.. e nt", )1 ..·. anll Mrs. 1!:,1. ll n l"lsoek o n 8ll1ll111 ),. 1\11', nnd ;\I .. s, ]:;"" 1' II !:; n .. A n lld SUlI, vl sl l e~l hll; IJlln'nls In \\' ayne,.. ville Oil Runduy .

S u bscription ?rice, $1.50 Per Year, Payable in Advance

An Independent Newspaper ' Dedicated to() the Service of Wayn esville 'and ,.icintty

Giving its pntrons the bes t newspaper humanly pos-




Capit~1 News -0-

'01l111111;81oJ n of h lo n nn oll n cd lhnt Ihe "u mml s~ln n Insl w k a pproved flfl , n n pl'lIcn,I(lIl'" (01' subtlll><slo n to thl' \' nl ,'" ,\I ",-gu lnr a nd . p Inl e· ledlons thl' qllC',.t\on or the I~"' lw n ' of bOllcl" Oll 181\le o( th e lnx I'nte 11m. Italion. 'I'll<' mnjorl ty of Iho a l>pl\('(\' \I ,l ns \\, (',' mn<le h~" hon rdH o( dU(,Il' lion llC nll-a I school .l~~t l'l I ~. Tho


Dr . 'Vu ller 11. lIm't un g, dh'l' tor or lh (' St:l l ' D,' p(II'wH'nt of 11 :l lLh, ISrl Ul',1 1\ wUl'nlliS oglllns t 8\1'I1IIIIlhiS perlill Ihnl conrl'onl th e th o usa nd!! oC Ohlnll nB wlto sllll s wim In c t'oeks, rl v(,1'9, lakc~, \lIia abll11donl'd \.Ill tl r · lIBlou nt >! In\'ul vcd r nS' <1 CI'OIll $ 10 ,. rh~, "Ev'n un clcl' the befit or ' on· 00 t o $!!GO,OO(). :'tIl'. :lillie \' /laid. cllilonlt," Dr. Hnrlung Btild. "lh"rc nre II. t ew 'don 'HI' thul e vory :>wim· In 0 I'('po rt c'1\'e,·ln.,; tl", nr;H til' m er should (olio\\', 'rh l' ~' n r : Don't months of th l' c urrent y 111', :llI ~s E. KO In tI,o wnter tor tit l 'lUl t un h Ill' lu ln c '\\'. ~h('fnel'. !;U II linl('ndenl of u!ter ea ting: Don't sw im llione ; don't th ' <11\,1:llon of minimum wog" , di s . cllv" unless you Ill' s ure or lh d e plh 'Ios d lhllt U~ n .. esu lt ot 47 02 "epu l'. or the 1I'llter:. li nd by 11.11 men n s, ut e in \' s ll gaLlon;; n t olnl of l OIS em . don't Mtny In too Ion"." H e \loinl (I Ilald 0 lOlul of $22,153 out t1lnt Ohio. like most other stnles, hill! gone In h ea.vlly Co r I'eg ulnt d wlmmlng P'i,OIS whic h huve I\(e glllU'ds and othe r safety features, bee n ~e S lOI'e d n1plorees \\'hose but that n large I) rc ntug or ' tho enlllloye r I>u ld th In lesH thun lh o population stili swims In nuturuJ wn· minimum IiU,blls h d by lu\\" accord . t erB, "Remembr, too," he \Vru'ned, IllY t o Miss Sh (Cl el', " t h ll t even a swimming pool, unl ess equipped for the ,conatant renowal or I' elrcuilltlon o( wnte l' n nd tor ftl . tration and chlorination, m n.y soon become u n fit tor Its In tended pur· Il nd. e ve n If 80 equipped, If It 18 not pr operly mlLlntlllned, It s till may be u nfit for s wimming ." P080 .

. . . • • The fltllte brld"'o .. commissIon n n · nounced Il slash In lru c k tolls Oil th o



~I ...

w~ It I1 ml !II .... , I', A. '1'1II·nl'l'.

\, 1.111" ... [1I)' lIll' Fuu" LIt ur ,1 ~ 'I y li t ,\11'. 1111\1 .\I'·s. nl\ll'h K \\"' 1'(' ;\11'. n llll ,\II's, .1. Kf)hlhll~OI; , tlr HIII Jluh 'sl"l'. lJllIl ' I';: YII\', 'If Dn Yl.lIl , I" s ll.' nd· III);' t hi s \\" " I'k wllh h'~ ~ 1 'l lIlIII JI\"Olils ~ I r. ,Ind ;\1 .. :;, 1 ~ " n Jllc r yn , 0\1,· . lI lI,1 :\ ll·S. 11. I';. "IlI I:U\) so~1 lI nd MOn I''I MH,',I Ih · Pulll' lh ,,' Ith .. I li \','" III I nylo n, :'In}, lI,,n l L O ll ):; . "r: I)II )'t"n, \'I:;ltl' d '\11', lllld :- 11'1'\. II tll ll " W Hiton . on

o b~~ l'\lfl llo",.

onlln u <1

oC til£' ('f· r,·<'l til' !lo ll (,1'o"lo n (·,)nl .. o l Il1cnSU ,','A III Dill.) 11I11l ('O ll v llle,,1 " "111 0 a utll \', 0 11 Inn g' .." n tl und III H Ihat

MI', a nti :'t'l l's. Roy NogH'l ro f( 1 t) PQ~ In ny lJ(l u\1wh In "I'e PI~I (' t i :, 1 c hlldl' n weI' S' li '>ltA of h I' 11111' ' nl6 , I h il n W ilS ).:·C II<' 11111:; h. ' \i (' \' C'll I W') ul' M.·. II l1d l\ll's. Jie rl G l'i l'fy In "'IIY' nC8 \·II\<.', on • undny. :\11', al1(1 :'011';;. thl' " Yl'tU'}{ ngo. Griffy Il nt t' rt lli n (i HI! t Iwll' (' hll!h'~l "Birth or a Baby," lhe picture whlch ' 18 th e talk of the enUrt! a n(1 fom ll ics. world, and whose attendance r ecords have complete ly sky' rocketed Suhs .. Ill!:' to t.lI' :\llll ml Ca7.etto r eco rds or l>revlou8 motion pict ure successes 8u ch as "Blrth of a :'th·. li n I :'Ifr,. . \\·,,!te,· \\·lIl tIlC I'O. Nallon," "Snow W'blte Ilnd the Seven DWllrfs," "Robl nhood" und ~II' . n nd ~1,''' , Wal lo n "'l'il-( h\, (Ill I "Te8t .Pllot," )188 bee n scbeduled for a five da.y engngemen t III c hlldl'en o( DaY l o n, vis it tl MI'. :! nd the Xenia theat e r, in Xenill. ' boglnnlng Sunday, J uly l Q. Pholographed and revealod to the general Dub lic f or t b e (Iril l :Ill's. J . ,,'. Wallo n o n th FOU"lh, time by 8 mlljor Wm compllny Is ~he actual birth o :f a baby, T his 01'. ami i\lI'S. Il u nln g ... l· n nd un us uul plclure which fo llows an expectant molhElr througb the dau!;hte l'8 .•Ioa n a nd Nl1ncy, left on vllrlous s tllges of her pregnllncy to tbe scen es of j~he delive ry of "unday fo r a 1\1'0 '" " I.s \':!<'lIlio n the c hild, clllllllxed by an Ilclal close·up of a childbirth, Is prot rip, sellted by The American Committee On Mat ernal WeIfaro. :III'!!. ~u l'y :l1I,III('Io n 'lIl , I'l nln{'tl, . ,..... 0 11 uncl a y, th e (ollo\\"ln" gIlCRt R: !tIl'. und Ml's, P a ul \VII lIn m s, of dUY8 Oil U mOlOI' trll) 10 v.I",ll I' 'Iu· :-lr8, !\IelIIo Balloy. :III'. nnd i'll'S, Lellilnon. \\'l'I' Sun lay dlnnel' \I\' !! In Cal lfol·nla. Plu}'d Hilborn a nd fa mily, of I ban · " U Ilts of i\11'8, B 11 0 f; ott Intd fam· ;\11'. o nd 1\11'11, h l11'I('s wlndl r , of on , ando :'Ill'S. H o w a.1'd Ba bb nn 1 lIy. 1\11'. a nd :II ..!! . Il ul I'l Pursley Danon, nl naln cd u ,"ro up ot !i'1'll nd c hlld .. e n, or vVllmln gton. n ll(\ family of 1" .... 111;11 11 WCI' uf t I'· f .. i nda a t lheil' counll'y h me h ei'e , :\fl'. n nd Mrs. RlchHI'd ;\Iul·t·nr hnd noo n gu('s ls. cunelay. liB !;uesls o n Sunday th o foll o wlns : :III" Ilnc1 !\II'S, All e n 1I0le, Hal'\' y :'oil' . Ilnc!, ;I\I'Il, Jo H c rrcll ue om· :Ill'S. E(l. Brown nnd dOllghl ol', o( Miss L a ura Rosnubl • of Inoln· II. 0 Ie, hr.:l 'I n d 1<I,·s. L {'~lC l' I{Olll'lc k, pan l(i b y D aylo:n I'e Iat I \ '&! , 1\I'e B nvel'town, i\[lS!I Pc nc£> , of Duyton . no t! ca m e , Sll lul'doy, t o ap nd t wo nil(1 0 I'VIII e ' a\'ClSc fI))e n t II I ).~OU I'I h l OUI'I nl; t I10 E' astel"n Sl Ilt cs u nu " lin · ],11'. I1 n(\ JI'I,'s, "', Squlr .8 '~JI(l i\h'M, month 's vHcoi Ion with h CI' bl'olhL' I" lit S (,I'pe nt ;ll o und, III lll!; hltl nd 11 , Ia. Nol'u Hu rr, \ Vayne:iVl lIe . In ·ln w and si~lC '" JIll'. n n,L i\J .... , H o I" ·o unt~·. :-11'. n nd :\1I·s. Alm on F CI'I'IS, S. ], ;III', a nd i\I" 8, LelJ P C'l\ ow , df D a y . \'ey Bu .. ne"t. U" tt , II J0Y' d lon , MI'. a nd 1\1,'8. Fl'ed ·lll't"I'. uC 1111'. u nd ~r l'::l, Donuld ll atlJc~' fi nd "'" I'r IK. IItI d G cOl'g .uCC><" Ky " n ~ 1'[ WII, nnd i\11', li nd ~Irs . ,~I rll. "\lIco Iltl l duughl('1' \\,(,1' . lOnclllY ol'u n· ' I ' ' lOlO . I' t I' II I t , l:o'l I n tl I,

F. T. 'Martin Auctioneer


Centerville, Ohio


Phone 78J


Sandusky Bay Bridge, which the i\Jr·s. Milto n hee han In In/,; g Ue lS or 1\11', a nd :\[r8. Therlo state purchased uoout two YNlI'S Sulunluy. ufle m oon, n ml Co und ~ll' . ~~o n n nd son. ago a n d whlc11 will becom e loll-fl'c Sh eeha n IIomewhnt Iml,'o vod sine · a D I'. n nd !\f1'S, H, E. Hathaway, of when tho bonds Issued to C1nance IllI r ce nt IIln ss, "rchaso nro r ed I'm I'd Crom l oll \Vayn I\vlJl , 1I11sR La ul'a Hus nag le, P~ i\lr. ,lnd Mrs. Millon Dill ,wd M I 1-1 revenues. In ""eeltlc cnsos, the re. I', 1\1l( MI·s. nl'o ld ,"VhltCtI,el', a nd -.. children of FOI·t ,Vnync, Indlnn n , c hildre n onJoycc1 It pic nic suppo~ lho d uction tor trucks w ill I'u nge 8S high spent th e we k e nd (ln(l ov r th e FOUl'lll a t tl'1' ho m c of ~r.'. nncl :\Irg, a8 tifty per cent. Uw commission r eo Fourth \\ith his un cle a nd I\,unt, - ". It" Is thou<'ht t llllt tho toll- rc' 1\11', and Mnl, Rutus '\Vul.klml, on the .l'hll'vey Bu rn e t. lat" " dueUon wLll rosult In Inc rellsed In· ,\aynell" llI e road, Belly Th om lls, F ranCis '\V'hll:lll er, come d ue to the tact that more Iruck Mrs. Ben Hawko spent "everal Phyll\!I Blllley, . 1\1111\,11 Jones , nnd tng operations will be carried by the dill'S llls t·w ck wllh MI'. nnd 1\1rs. Richa rd " ' hlta lte l' utt e nded u. blrlhbrid«c. When ·the brldgo came Into J. L. . ears a rid Mr, H awke In Sa. day pn l'ty for Elu-I Rye a t his home, po8llesslon of the state a. toll reduc· tion WIl8 mlldo bot h for trucKs ami passenger veh icles, Sovcrn] 'hundred dollllrs worth of lhe or Iginal bonds - - -have all'eady-been rctlred mlllsion r evealed. . . . . . • "Ohio stands ready to have a vnst· Iy ImJlroved sch ool health program." Th ls was tho Wl8ertlon mllde by Dr. J . H'" J . Uph wn. dean of the. college of -Dledfclne nt Ohio tnte UnlvE'rslly a nd. former p r esident or the Am erl· can Me<Ucal Association, following t he con olus lon ot lh e Ohio School I n stitute at the u n(\·erslty. Tho 1~8iltutc, lhe til'st of Its k ind In the United Stat~'l, wae atl e nd cd by n ellrly ·500 Ohio educutol's, physl· IllnB, den tists, school n u rl! s , Rnd repreeenlllUves oC pnrent ·teachers· orgnnlzaUon 8. D r . Upllllm, In tho keynote Ilddress, /!aId that It ompre· ben slve school henlUl program Is an Importa nt tactor In reducing juvenl1e delinquen cy. "Pupils otte n devel· <lP a. d lsUke for school becausc of physical Impa ir m e nts w hIc h In many cases could ea.s lly be corl'ccted \C de· toot ed whe n they tlret sla r ted th eIr education," Dr. Uphllm . nssel'ted. " T h ese Impa ir m ents ofte n r esul t In a feeling of Inferiority and m ay I n(l to n life of trunncy a nd evon c rime."

blnu, where tho laltcr has mploy· m nt r r a f IV weoKs, H a rvey Burne t s pent Thursda y Ilnd l"rlcla y In , olumbus. Thos from h e r ' Who a tt onded the wedding ot MillS H elen Kl'ue r (lnd J. K. L wls at }o'erry Church, Thurs· dllY CV nlng we I' : Mrs. SU8lln Sa y· 101' , MI·s. HIll'I'y Orn111lm, Mrs. CI~"de 'W harton , and daughte r, l\Ilss Eva, Mrs. S. H . 'Burnet, Mrs, Ma l'glU'e t Johns, Puu l Joli ns, 1\1rs, Allco la rk, M.·s. J. B ...Jon es, Mrs. All e n Em· 1'1 'k ::Ind 1<11', and 1\:tr:l. \Vll lt el' K e n· ric k. Annn. l\fu e Broolts, little clall ghtoj, or 1\I ....... ml. lIfrs. Wil l Drool,s, wus la l, n to Dr, Hal'rls In Daylon" StH· urda y morning, ns she wns "cry III wllh bulnzy, Sh Is ImpI'ovlns nice· Iy. Mr. and Ml's. nucus Watklnl! e n· te l'lalned thh·ty·f1vc III mbel's of the M'ull fumllles, r IIlUves of the lat· t el', at their coun try home, S u~day. MI.s s Ella. K onrlck, of Dayton. s p nt MondllY with hcr ()ousl ns, 1>11'. n nd l\trs, Walt r Kenrick, MrH. 1\rl~rS' fl l'ct Johns and P a ul .Tohns wCI'e S unduy din ncr suosts of Mr. and 1Ir1'8. Donald H a dley Ilnel. cluus-hlcr , In 'VnynesvlU o. Mrs. Mary CUI'mony t,ttended It fa mily dlnn I'. l\IondJly, a t lh e homc of her .·on nnd wife. 1I1r. and :'II I'S, Chalrmnn Frank Mille r oC tho Tax E, J. Cnrmony, In Sprlnsllclcl.


lJte offer a satisfactory Service at all times

McClure Funeral Home Wayae8VWe

Pboae' .,_,. __,_0_






V ET E R I N A R I A N WayneaviIle, Ohio .

Sun Iny venlng u ll 1'8 of Mr. a nd '1\(1'8, J , H. J o nos we re, 1\'(1', Il ml 1\11'9. Jes.~ D ill, 1II1'. and 1\11':1, J 01m 'felno plo ot Llm: L, M,·. und .MI·S. Millon Dill, and c hlldl'en of P rn. Ind lalla, Their MondllY afternoon ca lle rs we\' ;Iii'. a nd 1111'1;. . E , Bo hncli", of C~n. cinnn U, i\lI·s. 0 1'1~ Davis, Hana n Fraslel', a nd 1\lr, lI'l(>I\Toy, of Spl·lng· vnlley, Ml's. J ohn Zimmo l'moli, 1\11'. und Mrs. nlchu rcl 1\100\'0 'Vulie;' Moo r e. of Dayto n .

BEECH GROVE .Jnl'Y i\[lIl'la lt, of L eb a no n, Is n. vill' Itor In t he h om o( ~ I I' , unt.!, i\ 11·1!. Pmnl., II m s , i\lr, a lld Mrs, h ll rl c8 '¥e n(' a nd !llrs. B..1.kel·, or :nclnnn ll, wCl'e vis· IlOl'8, 'V rI f\():;dny , of 1\11', lind 1\1 I'S. Almon Ferris. 1\[1', 'lml Mt's, H ilry' Carpe nle r, of Dlly ton , w e re S undll Y din ner guesls Of Mrs. Allco T cl'l'Y and family. 1\Ir. and 1\1r8. Howllnl COllin,s of Harve ysburg, spent th e w ee k·end In L e ba non, with Ui ell' childre n. Boyd Hlclllu-(\so n . of CinCinnati, nnd Elbcrln " 'e lls , of Hamilton, have bee n vlaltol's fOi' 80vc1"ll1 dnys in Pcny Wells home. MI', Ouy Sleg iel', ot Dayton, was a Slltun!ay nnd Sun(1ay vIsitor of Mr . nnd lI'l1:s, HUI'I'y T hompson, and !\Ir . rind ~ rrs . Fred 'l·homtlso n. 'H e ' wus ellll d hel'e on lie ount of lhe d ealh of 'hl ~ rOlh e r', Scolt Sie/,;Ier , of Ore .


~on l u .

Phone 30

Fifth Street

ncnt· 'Vayn glO m , ·at urd a.y nfte r · noon. MI'. a nll i\1,'s. Wil bert Swank and Jlmml SWI\n l(, Qf hlcns-. WOI' g u ! US ovor lh e Fou ,·th of thl'lr Till I'· e nt , MI'. und 1\h'lh E. B. L onguCl'c, Mr. a nd lilt·::!. vVullel' " ' hll(lkcr Ilnd daught I' c ntcrlaln ed th e lalt er's l'clllllves , lh e 1\1 r e(lIths , to . n. lOu mplu 6u8 din; r , 'undu)', In 11Onor of thclt· 80 ns, hll rl s a n(1 ?f l'c(1\lh Whltuk I'. who w or e home (01' the wec k·end .

·Mrs. :l l'cy S humnl, l' nnd (laugh. tel', 1\[lss Nona, .. nd 1101' f "lend , floy Ne v,lllc, of l'enlueliy, w e r e visitors of r elnUves In \n clnmlti, unduy. i\1I·. Rnd 1\h's; .Almon Fel'!'ls \\' re cllte l'lo ln ed, S.\lndny, In the 'b\Jme of 1'\1 .. : ' and Mrs. Renn'e~ h Stratton ,and (umlly Ih 1\lm ·Un s vllle. ' , ?!frs, MI~1'i I Te'I'i'y: of Colunlbus. wnS' a woelc·end ylilltor with her home folkfl. ]'.lrs, ""J'ohll- Bondotmlllt a nd d~ u S'Jt.,. ters hn VEl be '1 ViSitors or Cl nclnnntl r latlv 8 over 'the week e nd. Mr· Ilnd :Mrs. Henry Hopk ins, of Wllynesvlll(), were S unday v l. ltots or Hvnl'Y • Mooro Iln d BQD8. lIr. and l\frll, Hnrold McKay nnd lOOn, AII(\n, Rnd ?tlrs, Bowai-tt Ma KR)\ are plnnnfnl' to leo; in 81



~our Cattl e, bogs, s h eep Clnd e alv.. to N orris.Brock C"., live wire and progressive ftnn-fQr ",8 hi~h~ m ark e t ' pric es a nd. go ocl. seroce. Uaioa Stock Yard.' Cincinnati,. O. Tune i n on Raelio S tatio n WCKY 12 :2 1S to 12 :8 0 p. m. f or ou r daily market rep orts.

Twin Theater WAYN ES VILLE

Always A Good Show Clean Up A t Thel e Priee. Me n's 8 pc. uits Cleaned nnd P "esscd

50c M en 's Huts ,Clcnncd and Blocked

50c Ladi s Plai n Dresses


Quick Cleaners Kathryn Mondcnhnll, Mgr

Much Followed Advice S illc'o Ilra! h I~ Il n nt ul'lIl :111(1 u n" \'11111:r hlo U('I'III'rl'n(' , It I ~ w ill l ei 11 111 1(0 proll!'r " t ('P !! beforo II (,CU II I'S . ,' hoC'l lllg 1\ rulltlJ".ll dlr('c· lor - Jnst n~ yu u 11111110 Il will or " rtl"I[lo Ills urallce IlrllJed lonIII a II1'CI'II n ll lllll \l')' IIIl'lIS UrO fhnt will " rc\'Cllt ('(l u ruslllll IUII1 CUR1I 11llOl lI tnH' 1I1.

Th e)' wel'e dlnn e ,' iuesls SCl'Oggy, of F ,tlrfll'lc1 vi si t d ~r.'. " lid 'tt th e ],1I·s. ,rRlwilr B nson o n RtlllclllY. Lebanon, Ohio ~rn .. " hull Hot I, In l.:ol'lnth. MI'. n nel ~Irs . D o na ld P olm'lIon , ot Pre. entialr the B lllt aad Lat•• t 1'h . I'C E Th Ompso n I)I'OP I't~· .. , i\I1ddl 'town , ,,1 .. lt ed .Mrs, N ell i p . In w h ich h ilS been vncu nt fOI' '10m , Ime lel'so n o n th Fourlh. Is nuw occupi ed by 1'1t" n nd MI'S, AI· Mr, n nd MI's. Fo .... a t Gmnd e n. oC MOTION PICTURE I n Swm·tz, of H Olrvcy s burg. Dill' ton. Virg in In. All'xond 1', n.ncl ENTER.TAINMENT Sumln), Vlllilol's e nl e l'LUl n d In the • I' JlONE 29 Ilome o f MI'. uncl :'Ill'S. POl'ry 'W lis -""!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~II!!!~~!-'!'_ nne family weI' ; G eo rgo Pc rr:,' , VI· ;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;~ 0111 P rry, Etta, ,~ nd Norman nml ~ Voods, Ilf(ord n nd M a l'le Wclls, a ll 'OC H umllto n, M a ry Bunce 1\10 1l(11I),.

li f -:\IJ' MQI'~ hull " • . ''Ind ;\\I's I ,.

,Stubbs Funeral Home.


I W ISh aynesvi Ie op

When n


of Han' ysburg, and Ethel Sams, of Orego nitl, The Jonlti tl homo was lhe rond ezvous for tho assl)m bllns , Sunday, of It gro up of relatlve.s un(\ (r(e nd s, who II' r o ntc rla lncd ';l.t th o noo ll hour \\' Il h a sumJlluou9 dlnlle r . Gues ts W(!I': 1\11', a nd Mrsi. ,\Vay ln.nd J ord an n nd ch lltken, Mjsses lal l'c , J on n , n nd !lulh Il ncl J ohn, Mr. a nd i\ll'tI. Willi am Stmlmuml, nil of Inclnl11111 li nd G UO I'';' LI bert of Cblca,"o, 1\.lIss luil'c u nd John J Ol'ililll und Ll eoo l't 1"()1Ilai n cl fO\' t1 longel' v ll:lit. . .T, L c "l'lllm nge und Albe rt L e, Cluyl nand F uusUe nlo. Pull I'SO Il . e njoyed lho UClcl'Dloon of l ho 41h of J ul y, at L o : oUl'dllvllle L lI ke. 1\11', and M ,'s, stonel'ock nncl child· ron spent Sunday anel. Monday w llh ' (1'11'11<18 at "" ashlngton C. H, Mr. lind M1'8. A . B. T Imago, L ee on(1 Albe l't Lee, n.nd J esslll L. Ourn r w e ~'o e nt ertuJned lhe. e venh' g of July 4th a t the homo of Mrs, Blne Pattcrson, lay ton. find F'lu stlenln . A. ' lne d is play of C'll'e\vor ks was cn· joye(l, Delicious r{lrre~hmenls of Ice CI'elI m Ilnd col,o WaS the .flnal fon -' lure.

SPRING VALLEY Annctte Boyce 'r clurn ed. homo on Thu l'sdny evening, acter ·n. w eek 's visit w ith her grandpurc ntf,l, lIlr, nlltl MI'I!. O. V , SIms. 1\h', a nd Mrs. J'oh n O'Donnell, of Clovelnnd, Silent t h e week end w llh III I'. and Mi·lI. Fmnk Kyne, M r s. William Trollt ancl Mll r y Al: cxnnder of Spri ngfield cnlled ' on reI· lI t1ves, Sntu rday cve nlng. MI'. und Mrs. O . V. Sims nrc sp en d In g a few dllYs lli 'Da.yto n with 1\Irs. Kate Boyce !lnd <la ughtel'S. Ola<tY8 Osbol'n Dlnd Roy Stubbs, ot J)uyton, visited M r s . Sarah Osbo rn on Su n day,


Bal·rd's Se & IOe Stor

N. Main St.


Baby Chicks

You Can Get More for Your Money in a Truck Today ... in These New

. INTERNATIONALS Beautiful stylin, and lOund englne.,In, are combined In theM truck. to ,Ive you prellige on the road end peak performance et low operating cost.

Every type of'farm loed ....

enry Iclnd of farm Mulln, -can be lulted b~ th ... new Intem.tloMI,. See u. for detail. and a demonitratlon.

Lemmons Hatcbttfy ". ....Har.·,..hiJrtr, ~

R. D. CoDelt Hdwe U "'ple_ent. rnONE 99 R 3


Pho_ 17-R.U Eor


WATh'ESVILLE , 01110


Levee Building, DitchinK ,E xcavating . Leave name with Miami Gazette for estimate• .

mE HAMILTON .GRAVEL co. Phone 3708

Hamilton, Ohio.

w.. P. Watson, Mgr.

... .

Call 112 For That Next Order of

.....•............. ... •• ~





Waynesville Personals • .

nil. lIer Hlst!'r, lItU Htlll, H


Mis .. J elln "'11 · IDllnnlod theml llom e for II

LimiDgPastures for~Erosion ~ontrol








Ml f<s, 1\Inry ('mne, o r C lne lnnu! I. nt SundBY :1 nd Monilay with hel' mathQI', Mrfl, 1I11I\lel<' i',ene. MI', u nd 1\11'9. H erbP "1 :'II Millin n und dClus hl er , a nd M,·. n nd !I It,t< , I usse ll 'W il so n n nll hlldl'e n nttelld·


_ _,

. F,RES TOilE cut. tfl. coat 01 T're''''.JulC at me time when you •need a new let of tlree. At thl. time of the year you .bould replac:C tiree that


durin, drivina are womthe andIUmmer amooch £Or IfeIlIeIC aafely Urea may look aUke on the outside _ but lnalde thqare different. The name FIRESTONEonildreuyourUluranc:e ofextraaafetyandlonamUaoaebec:auae unlyFlrelCOnenreaarebulitwlthrh.eae .,alented and exelualve c:onatrucdon


Cum-Dlppln •• .



of Gum-

another patented Fire.tone con.tructlon {eature, protect IlpinlC puncture.. '

Scl.ntlflcally .; Dt.l.n·, d , N..,Sldd Tread madll of touih ,dow-wearlna rubber,uaurea ..fer !topIand ~ernon-eIdd mUeaae.

Now ,that F1reecone alvea you all of the. iaf'cty and · ec:on,9my Ceatura at th_ low prica, you cannoc atford to 'take chancea with UNaIe tine thla 1UIIUDer. Come In today and Join the FIreetone Save-AUIe Campalpl by equlpp'" yoU 'car ' wlth a let of .new F1re111Dne Convoy

Thee - ehe eat- dra """ ~ CCIft &.., 4d ehere IQW pric:a.


I, F E T I· M E

t=:=:~CA~RS=A=N~D==.TR~UC~KS~I :L

GUARANTEE ........... ,,,-... eo tift .. 10' 1"·.'............-1~

""'dNoI _ _ ~""".. _ _ uad..tal ...................... 10, .1 I. b. I, •• f,olll dofect. , ..

cl_ .. _dld_ U _

--'I.wllboot IiIIIk d

Wml _ _ ......

........, .. bMww ........ _fJA

. . . . .d I ' " ... will oIabor npak .. .

...... aaob_aIIow _ _ . . ~ J . . . . w. . .


n..:.:::."'........... ,••• ,,,.r, Y: J



W (,iJl I.. ,



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\Ian dorg lft , P t' nnsy l 'on la, s penL th e \\' eek e nd \\'lth hlA 1l,ll't'nIH, 1111'. an d ;\lr!l, J u k 1 IC'Il , :Ill's, J ohn nl t'I,,) I,I , of Co l til" l;UR , n nd Mrs. ,\ Irrcd ,' l,) ut ac lI lllp"nl tI thc {ol'm e,"s hw-<ua"f l, nr. Jolin 1:1,,· bulil to 'amp I{nos, l, cntu cl;y, wh ere h Cl IH statlu n 'tl rol' lI 'a lnilll,;, 'L'h py II' Ilt , l" l' ld:o~' 1Il01'nlnl:', :l ull n "

' " 111 ,\1 "H,

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Bellbrook News J)o r"til~'


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C'hH l'l l'H \..'IVlIlW I'

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... " rt in t hl1 e h III'l'h ~(, I"'I ('c " t til e ('hurl'll uf 'llI'ls,, lSunrlay " llI! nl" l;, PI'I' .• <'I1,1 111; n I'rugra lll of 11l1l~1 {' allcl (' hu ll( dra\\"ln/:,s. i\1I', n n tl i\ 11'H, L OI'<' n HN4son "11 · Joyed a motol' 1,'11) uv ' I' the \\'e k~ lld ltI " Xol't h I lIl"", Kn os vlll .. , a ll tl )I" lnt" oC In! ' I',,: l ll e'II' C'h a li n IlIl U;';-1l , I 1II1s" Lllt'y EIlIIC'y was a !'iu n.I,, !, I .;on, flJl H" Gmc,", \ VIIJlIl In,;O Il , :'1[1". It nd 1,;'11 .... 1 o r ?III·... Rusl ... EVIllls . ;\f rs. e h" riCH B " ,' Ingl on I'ol lll' nl'll ?II I'S. n. J , \Vllllll l1ls o:n, ?lfI'. und :\ll"s, 1m Bro\\'n. 1111', nn ":'III'", H arol d lo her hOI1l« frol1l th e h os pital, o n WlllI n lll ijOn li nd hlldl' II , of D aytun, TU ' Mclay, ~II !!H nUlh Halls hur'), h ilS lie ('pl d M I', n nt! 1I11 '~. J . BYl'o n ClOp I' a nd 1I1110 duul>htor, of M llu m l F lo l'llIll, ulld II p o~ILlo n In th e b Inl l(

IIn ri

lin d


:\11', n lui

fl'ifl nd :-l

lht · \ \' (ll' l t t~ 1I11.

:'I 1,.s . \'I<'l ol' G lllss are th l! :IlTlvn l of a bfilJy 1'"ll-!ht" I' U II Thu r:;.la )' , a t S t. E ll:.: ' lp\'t· I:lnr! IIt't h IluHplta l.

,.1 ""~ 1 \l"",

tllt' nod. '0 LlIl'dn y. ;'11'. II 11(1 li lt'!!. n, J, ..\\'lIl1 ::lIn ~lJ n , o r Icvel,,",I, ~ p" nt 1110 I\' e l"!Il(1 wit h :\'11'. 1111<1 1\!I'K, 1I111'I'y· '\ ·lIl1nm son. ) n . th e Fou,'th, th o \\'111 11111180n rn mlly hnd a pi ' nl :I t th e s umm e l' hOl1l e u f i\lt'!!, Ethel H aul; , l\('nl' Dn non . '1'h080 p,'es nt to n joy till' ocC'aM!u n wCl'e lIIr. a nd i\f,'H. 11111'1 '), \\' lIl1a m ,

vls lled her

f :-l lIlily of Dayto n , O hio,

'1' 1", la"il' ~ .. I' thl' .\ 1 , E. 'hul'c h 1'111 hl,h l ,, 1\ I,'c C' r<'a m Ho 111 1 In Ihe '1,,",1'1, \'ard, nn HnL ul'(l ,lV e ve ning, JlIl y !l.

,,,,, I .\l r ~. (-;" 1'1 ll,,"s nn, \\' antia, :'-II~ H J alli< '" :'IIeo,'< :\11'. .lltl! Id't .' n I"rlda;, r",' a \' I ~ l t \\'Ilh

Ji lll't SOelC

Fo urlh, HlI "nf'lt, " ' ho hilS Oliite III k 11'1 vll!ltlng h er gru nd TIII' n 1'; or' 'w uyn c~v tlle, (, II Ih

~ I n; ,

lJr 'ollll'l' :In "

of ~ll gsu u d, WCI·t' wt), ' ko n,l !:\lQs tH u f ~ I,', lI lId " I rs . \\'lIh,,,' >;< 'l" 'S. ~I ... :lod "I'·H. SI' :lI''' a n ll glles t . HI It ' 1lI ~I ,,"(ta) "rll',' nt-, ,, wit h fl'l.'ml<! In " I)a )",o o . a lld :'-lulI<lay <'\'enl lll:' \\,.' I·t' 1-! 11 .. "t " or :'II ,'. '"HI :'lr~ . (""I'I Sml lll , "r Ic"r'l' :'Ill'. li n.! :'I 1..s . I )on Il an8o!'l; '"101 ("lIi hh'PIl Wt.: l'U S undBY g' lI C' xtH Ilf


JI :t ll o n ~lirH l uy aft"I 'n o l n.

Wt ' n

:1[1'. /lnil 1111'S. :\[ay nanl n k h , uf Cillclnlwtl, u l1 ,1 iiiI'. Il u \\' al'(l '-:u<'I((II"


:'II,'. n lld

I flnnuu r' ing-

r ,hill.


\ ' pr no n

Cos:.; and

I\1tl'onizc the Advertisers



Fl'ld(JY dinn er gue!<tH lie 1\11', Ilnfl :\II'H, Hobe,'t Bn k e r , RI'., wel'(' .. Irs . Un ln. lIIa nn, lilt'S, E Mh'r B cr H, a nd ~II;, n nd :'Ifl's, 'I'om 'K of Ilml chi li I' n of L lI t nlu, K t'ntue l< }', In ' th e u fte rnoon th oy vl sl l~d \\'Ith :-11' , an ll MI'~. Ro b "l Bil k ". Jr. SundllY dJ nn e r gU<!Kl>< of ~[r. /In<1 Mrs, Lloyd Davis " 'e....~ Mr. a nd I\l l's. 1"1' d 01(' n nd fn!'llI y a nt.! Miss hilI" lotte Olt, ull o f D ayLO n , 1111', n nd IIIt·s . A, 1', Allen li nd so n, \V IIl1nm , of Dadlh , XorLh 'u rollnn, llI'oute hom e fl'om vl Rlt lng In n01'lh· e m Oh io. ~lI c hl gn n , u n d ""Isconsl n , a p nl a lunJny nlg hl with R ev, nnd IIIt·s , J . V, Lucy n nd fnmlly, I\lrs. AI· I n is !l s lswl' of R v. Lne y, 1\11', nncl MI'!!. J oslu h Davis s J' III tho F o urth with :\'11'. [[ nd M I's. Lloyd, ORvis. Th Young fl'ol k s o f l ho 1\1, E : Church have b g tln wo .'I, on t h T en· nls COUl't In lIl e I'en ,' of 111 0 Church 11I'op e r l y, IUld c hilli.· n D 1'. n nel , )\fl's. Dy we r e S undny 'ufle l'l1 oon G ilt! CI'c nlng g uesls o f JIll'. nnel Mrs. A . H . Stubbs a n d ch lldl' n , MI', u nd !III'S. Albol' l, 'II'VCI', Miss Lob1. S(ltU'S, 1\[1' . J o hn S Cat''', un or

veysb ul'g , oil SnlUl'dny evenin g, Mrs. J. R. Bnkel' ond so n, J llclde, ot Mlshllwnkll, India na, a l'e visiting i\b'. nnd Ml's. E , F, En1'llhnrl lhls

weel, fo r sevel'Ol d'll'S, Mr, nnd MI'S, L eo Co nne l' spe nl the weeke nd u I Ch n utn uq un. 1'.1". nnd Mrs. C, E . Eclwn~dB and d u ughte r, MJ.try. n nd !III's. Joseph Rnna lll n nd chllilren, all or Dllyton, spe nt Sunday und MondllY with Mr, n nd Mrs, Ed EdwllI'da, Mls8 Lila Be.nham leit , last Thurs · day, to spend Heve~nl da ys with Mrs, Joseph DCllrdort, In Leban on, Mr~. Ma ry Cross, Mr, ~nd Mrs, TJ, C. Stjohn, Dr, a nd Mrs, Alrred Stout and daughter, Winnie, n nd Mr, and Mrs: OIen~ Bln.nd a nd ~aughter. Bnrbnrn, e njoyed a picnic, Monday evenIng, at the country homo or Mr. un~ M~s . John Settle· myre. of nelU' :Oregonla. Ml8s ' Samb Conne r s pent seve rnl daY8. last week ; with Mr. and Mrs, Victor Burres, at Dayton. MIs8 Kn.tbieen Vueay, Sprlng f[ eld, Mn~c hu8ett8 , 8!,d MIllS Ellen Nel, BOn • .Westfield. ' Mll.III!Il.chu!letts, nre stopping at Tli Llttll! Inn. enroule to New Orleans and. CaJUornla, Mr, and M'nJ, Herbert Edward ~ 'and ehUdrsn spent · the w eek ' end With Mr. and MI'8, Clarence E(lwal'ds


~Irll ,


:\11>"",,"1. ,'njul'rt1 n nl!'nl c ' a t BC)I'ott's

h.,ltI, \\' , ' , I II~t1a;' )") . n1., n l lit" ~I. ,,; :111'. !l1II1 :-II'S, .I . C. lInuver w e ro ' ltll "I'" I1. flf whl(' 11 Il l ' \\' 11 8 "nl<',,, I)<' r Jul;' 4th I; UC'S ' H ur ,\11'. lind Mrs, E ., :'IIiH' 1 " I'i1I1~ t·" ,j('a n :'U"hH:t' I' If. I . B"ILI"II. \ :\[1', lIlltl " I,·s, 'lytle Uu rtle y ill , II", H 1I P ~ ' IIf !'I'laU\' 'R 111 I) n;'IIl I1 , ,\ 11'. lI",1 ,\I rs. ,I. I. . L'UI1l1rtl, \'i~lled t~ I\<It' U til<' wL'(I(Llng- n[ Lh ell' cousi n :n Ih" h,' nl" "I' Ih h' lIau;.;-ltt<'l', :'Ir:i. " " Sa 'u, 'd a ~' "\' l'n ll1g" a t Sl. Pnu l 11""1 I'L'l tl j"hn, '.1' H I(Ig-Pl'lIlr, I nd .. ~1. \0:. l 'I""'f''' at DaYlon, Ohio. '1\'<'" Ihl' wrt,j( vnd . ?III'. a ' "l ~l rH . VauHlm P . LewJs :II ... ,",,1 :llr~ . Ii'. n . ( '.'1l11,t,, " a i' n r., viR ltln/{ w illt r f' lativel! In C It'c1e, vi ll e, Ohio. \' Isltln~ r, ·la th' l 'p;; at :\ l lI l'illl1 , In ti .

Ground agrlcultul'al limestone promotes not only good crops, but producUve paatures liS well-and a good pasture sod means erosion control, as thJs Monroe county farmer knows, Ben Ackerman , Lo\llsvllle, and his son are loading lime ~to the spreader.

the Flre.tone patented 'proc_ by which every. fiber of.,every cord In ev~ ply b .aaturated ' with ilquid rubber, f1,ouse Is bei ng redecornle d on lhe counteracU tire-dellroylna Inlerlor, Internal {rlctlon and heat ·whIch Bob and Ted Sny~l', of N e w Yo~k ordinarily cauae blowouts. a re vIsiting Mrs, Dnlsy ·S nyd er. 'e stra pounda of rubber are "'--.',,__J _ M r, nnd Mrs, Wlllinm Luke ns en , to every 100 plunda of' cord. l.ertnJn ed their "600" Club tram Hill"

Dipped cord. under the tread.

~1l1dt lt ' l

11(' (' n,

'1lI 111 Y ~· I \n l's .

'-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Ann, t h e IIJ1Hses L a \'unne n nd Do,'o. l\!r>;. Eth e l lI a uk . th en S nodgrass, Mrs, :\1ayna rd Rup ' ya n , AIl'S, Lon B c ketl, fl net MI'S, Holland . :\11', a nd Mrs. J osia h D Ull ls til' spe nding tho summer w ith , th eil' dlluJ;hle r, M1'8, Howu l'd Hurl ~y, 'nt New Burlingto n. Mr. Davis, who Buf. fel'ed II. slroll!.' Inl e ly, Is g l'enl ly 1m, pI'oved, 11'11'. and 1\1rs, E , F, Ea rnhart nnd MI'. C harles Burton Eurnh a rt, of \Vuynesvlll e , Mr. nnd ·Mrs. J. N, Ro. blnso n , a t" Dayto n, n nd MI.s s J a ne WIIRon, of Kin gs !\tills, e njoyed L\ 1>lonlc at Fort ·An clent, o n Sunday, 1\11', nn d 1\1r9, Charles B rry n nd ehlldl'en nre spe mllng thl ll we k wl rb Mrs. BetTY 'S pnre nls, nt S n rdlnlu. MI', Il nd Mrs, J. B. r a bbe I1nd daughte r, Rnylyn e njoyed II. 1>lcnle II I Cllrton , Ohio, on Ihe 4th of July, lIll', a nd Mrs, Geol'ge Osborne, of Lehunon, we r e dinner g u e~ l s . on Sunday, of JIlt·. und 1\[('9, Thllph Has, ~lng8 un el son, Bob, S v l'Ill from \\'ny nesl'lII e n lte nded th e T o wn se nd lIleetlng , a t Bellbl'ooll, S un duy afte rnoo n . This wns spa n· Bored by lhe B ell brook Townsend. Club. M 1'8. A I't IlUI' ' ''lid • e a n d !!on , D n n· 101 Underwood Wilde, o r Pltlburg h, visited 1\[1', n nd MI'S, Rurmoml Drad, dock, S unday afternoon, Tho White Brick Frie nds Meeting.

"" 11, \ j'l..,I\ ,

In t it o Il nd ll .\ b OlllO o,'c r thC' b \\" ' I' k " lI d , I lo..,1C' :'I II' nll '.'ll IH, 1I , 'II; d 7.0, ~lIt ltl ('.i b' lit Lilt' hOI11(' of hi s III'iltl \ ' hHl' I <~ ~ ,\ l lIndny' l~l l "' lIin /{ . 11.. It:HI

IUdge Ll nd fl\lfIlJ~' , Mrs. Osca r Hilton n nd lll'~, D/ln DelLv e l', or Los Ans c les. Ca llfornln, IlI'O vls iling JIll'S, C, H. Brace h ro lind frie n d/! In Frank lin , O hio, The fo llowi n g e njoyed a p icnic Ol Shm'o n W OOds, lust TU Clsday: MI'H, RIlY Ca nn e l' Il nd <la ug hter, Judith


:\fJ', Hnc1

A1qp lc Sl.

trh C' n"' ",''' 'I"'' of lh C' 1"1111


Harold V. Martz


In Ft'unl,

I·'a l 'ljllhfl l ' ,

l' lc'llin ;111<1


() ,,~· t(" I ,


1\1 ,,,


III hi~ hOlll(\ fln


~1 "n''.IY llrt .. I'IHi.ll1.

(",'1,,) ,,,"I HunH, ur ,\l hJn llslJun; vlHil·

1\1 ." Il nil 1\1'·... . Cha.d es Hay [lml " nusht el' \v<-, " (> Sunda.y gu s tR or :'Ill', ,Wei 1111'S, Albert Clcav I'. 1\11', J a I( Knox, Jr, ,1 Hnd Mr , L a 'a ul , both or New Yorl< Sll l' lI(l1n l{ t\\·o \\'eeks with Mr. Su m D. H nld' and fam ily. Su ndlt)' c1J nJlt'" g ll csl s oC Mr, nml Ml's. nllY Co nn er a nd d n ughtc r w l' Mr. lin d 1111'S, Snod grass nnd eluugi" l e I'S or o nn (' r8\'lII e . Indiana, lind .\11', n nd Mr!l. JnmclI o nn e r oC New BU"lIng ton, Th o l\IIMses LuVo nne 11m) Dol' o. tI en S odSor o nnc r s \'lI le, 1 II ruRS, I n d lo.llll , we r o house g u cRls or 1\11'. I.nd 'lra Rnv Conner las l ,,'oek . " , ~ , ' d 'f J I P t I ':'If . 1', a n .. I'H , 'IC I I'lla on nne 'f d 1\J E I d .. 1', a n 1'8, ' L HlD ra n ' nn or Dlly t un, Oh io , I'lcnlck d t ogelh I' h uo:u ""l1l rs visit ed J nc k C r 'tno rInd 1'\1 1\II'S, " I nve l"H IIIl I'e nt a nt 1\H. ., on th o Poul'lh. n t t Cnln E e g c MI', lUll Gulludy a nd ram!ly, o f SLel'lIng, K c nlu('ky, o ve l' th o week . J .lek ,.,·es on II P \" r ' r an, on S unday, 1\11'. u nd !\f,'s. Oa kley R idge e ni e r. tll ine d nt Su nday Dlnn \' nt Mau de Cran e's Inn : Mr, unel l\JI'S. Hug h rtldge ,Uld c hildren , oC J ne llMo nvll1 , Florldu, I1nd ~fr. li nd ?tI1·S. K e nn Ih



illt'''. ,I.

li nd 1111'.... " R, Conrad li nd dnul,fh· leI'''', I. ol'ra lno and Marlalll, and 1\1I~M' ell Vh'g lnlll llnd Homa. 111111 MI', non · aid H fll'Clln , Mr, flnd ?t1'S, " '1 l1 lil lll Miss M artha ook, Miss Lucy Em , ley, of Wayn c8v lllc , nntl M ... a nd Ml's. D., n. Dun n n nd su n , Paul, ot Lima, we r e MOl1(.Iay dln~e r KUCfflK ('f G ol'go \vo IOJ'd, a nd ra mlly or Day, ton, Ohio. u nd I\l rs . G. A. Alle n , of Lun , custc.·, hl u, nn il lIIl'. and 1\1 '·s. ha.q, A.lI e n , of n CIll' \Vll y n o~ vll l " , we" c IV 'k end "Iult o l's of ( l'l~nd l! nn " r e i. ~ ~ u 1I I J II n ves n nt n nl\, Mr, n nd lIfl,a. Cllcate ,' lit le I' ra nd ~ vlsl lln'" '., ' I'S, 80 n, of ' N orwoo d , n r .. '" Bo rlle M ills. Mr, find 1\1I'S, n ob rl Clenver v l ~ II,


'mlily "l"'nL ,'un tlll y' \\'I~h h< 'I' fllOlll ' ' I', :'lrH, ,\I h'n P I,,'1>I, :\11\ J .. It " ..\,," lIlI lI)' III H rluU l!ly III

JI ll ,

cd n. fn.m ll y g/l lh r ing ot th UI' y, I\II'S, Murgllrcl Od II , of Inoi nnn\l, \Vlnch s til l', K y" vlslled WlllI,lInd,McMlllla n tnmlll ~s, on lij ,~ gU 'lI t or h r s ls le l', l\1J'S , Ray h e l' , unday. M I', n.nd Mrs .. ,100 T1:!Q!!l.n.~l!...!!illt!ll+.:~~~ lit th e' home o f 1111', u nd 1.Ju ln outl thlll we k, 111"11, H?l.l 1'1 Hl'uca, oC Hamilton , th e FO III'th In lIyton, Jllrll, Rob"1'1 .. I Mlllla n. nen ., WIl· waH an ov" ',nll,;h l I{uost, '1'h U1'8(111)' , Mr, n nd M I'/:!, ElI rl O rlldOl'f , 59 1111'mbc I·s. of· thoMe fnm· o! h 'r bl'ot1,0I' ,Lnd. fum lly, lit I', nnel '" plc,o nd g uest!! oC MI' , and JIl l'S, Ill' se nt t o .nJoy th e din, allsoc lnLio nf! t o· MI·Il. Ray Mulno us, 1', S, \-I 'lI'llJn l1'}tl Cumll y w n .! All', 111,,, und 1-11'0, Shcrmnn U I'tl e, at l!lhnwood, 81,o n l ' tho ' oUl'th w lLh MI'II. u,'q",,' " ISle I' , 1111'S. 1.lnl1 MII.Il, I de n . M •.. )(e nne tth Ridge n nd family, o r Murlon, I ",1Jnnn, vtaltl'll with Mr, Hilt! MI'R, 0 , 1\1, Ridge over lho 4th o f J-u ly, lIlls" MIl "y "" ch.!h spont l ontlny ut til e hom o of h e r I'arc llt l<, n ur L ebtlnon . 1\11', (t.nd MI'>!, F . H, JlIIII n be rge r we ,'s !'l undny g u Bt ll oC MI', a nd Mrs, J , H, Smith , uon, M ,'. and Mr8. E. Durrell n nd " 1\11', und l\ll'!!, H UI'old. Os born n n d so ns, MIRR J en n P urnns, n n d 1\11', HOIVOI'<l lIf1sscldlne , nll of Wnynes. vlllo, II nll M ,', u nil M.'s. H a .. I'Y Long,

r,II 'II"'II In "'lIntl,,gl ll ll, fo'l'Id"y. ~Ir~, 10.. 1.. H<'"",, " a'ltl ,II'~ , 1', ( ' I{ar.lud<. 1t!ll'1I1h,,J litl) flltl"" itl If r n

Mrs. L. A, WlUlhburn , at Xenln, wa~ an overnight guest of Mi88 '~el. ~n ~wke. sunday lind Mdnday. MJiIa Wella Shipley, and Mr. WUlIam TJ:ft· ver drove M~. Washburn' down and ~ne3 tor' a ,ahort visit, Sunday

RUNNING wal• • It ch..." ~ou9h In .....t clll... Yet

thoU1Ond. of fa"" and .uburba. 'a.lII .. ho •• 10_ that th .I, MYERS Wat .. SV"." .uppll •• 1110. wIth lItl. .....t ..t of all .. odem con ••• I...... 01 a co.1 per ... 11011 thall • • •• n low.. than cltv .. 01.,'01... MYERS Wal .. SyoI.... obsolutolv IIliobl-.o .lIlcl ... 1ond dlllOble thol •• penlU for operoling and r.poln 01. r.duced to a ......


"""Styl . . •• and 11••• 10 ..II all ••••10, '0' 01*Gll0ll by hood.

plIl'lllI CIl t u r ti ll' ,'('collLl Bunk , Ci nCinn a ti , Ohio . l\It'8R " ~ , Russell Sn l;!!hury n nd 'hlll'les J:;III R and :'11 188 D uris Rait H' h ul'Y '\' 1'1'(, w(' k nd g" UC'!!IR of l\ II', a nll ~ I" H. nus!!cll Ue n AC' n, o r I ve, lu nd..

wl.d.,lII, 10$011......1•• or .Ioctrkllv. 0 - allCloltcdlow . w.1I .. od.b.


Fairley Hardware Co. 1.•"r~er

BN'IIU ~ll c l·vic~ t'.

(,f HeUer (luullty, nntl I·rh't

r'hollt' 32

1\11'8, A , \\' , '['ul' n I' Is IIllc ndln!:" a w w N'ks wllh he l' so n , 0 1'11 11 , wlf n nel s ons of, N w Phll nll<,lphi!l, B ill Dueld ey 1 {to Fdtlay n, m .• fo ,' . 1If. T. . aL POl't l3\!nJ. H ilI" r-I ·on. 1::10 wil l be go ne fo ul' weplts, ~lI ss All e Th o mas Is th c g U(,8t of II () I' bl'otlle l', J ohn, II ncl wlf ' , n :a ,' U('lIbrooll. 'I'h E pw ol' th Len g u he ld II L[lw n P e te o n the ?lr. E. hUl'e h Grou n Is , 'r hIlI'SIIlIY even ing . It w os \\'011 pn , I'onlz rl. 'J'he 'i\•. IJ", :\1. S , or th e Frie nds Intl'n h he ld lIs I' cgllla,,' nwctin g It t reck )\-fpelln g H ouse o n \\' clln esda}' n ft m oo n , 1\[rs . H II tlle G. J n ~', of Mll l'lInsv lllc, Will! g uest




Edward J. Gardner (Present State g ep r ese n tativ e )


Wat'l'e n -


Brown -



Clermont Counties

- - - - -- - -, - __ ___ E!!!2 ___ , I~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;~~~~~::::;:~=~;;;::;;~~=~;;;;;=~

R oy HUl'Ie y is r CCO\'()I'lIlg an 11" , (uclO l'lI y (rom a t onsil c to ml' cr · P ,

Telephone Notice!! WAYNESVILLE INSTALLATION 12 3-M l's, Mm'y C. C I' O!'is. Main St. W ay neSVille

30 -Dr. H. F ,


Dye (V ete rinarian) Fifth St.

-Ston.Brook F arm, WayneSVille, Ohio

WAYNESVILLE CHANGES l05R3- E r vin Ellis Service Stat i o n , Main St. " limington

New Vieullll



The Store 01 Friendly Service.

C a TI Seelinbinder, Mas on, Ohio

MORROW INSTALLATIONS 41R21-Mo1TOw Serv i ce S tation, Morrow, Ohio




4R31 - Way n e ParkeI' , RR


Morrow. Ohio

81R21-John Vand ervort, Mon'ow, Ohio 62R11-H. V a n Winkl e, RR 2, Mo l'1'ow, Ohio

Op e ning this w ee k our

83R4 -Yo

July .Clearance Sale


C. A , Camp Kern, Ol'egonia,

Ohio Central Telephone Co.

with drast.ic sales prices on all of thes e f a mou s iines . and many others,

NELI.Y DON $1,!l5 to $101,95

Summer' Dresses

SO% 011

Gordon Hose $ to $1.65 (JREI'E SiLl'


$19.95 to $!9,GO ",




$5.00 ::- .

Gaze Hats

' VAL~TO ",,10 NOW.1.og.. WHITE HATS !illl 'l'O SUO

Ample Mh"lle l' from sun :lil t! rain [IS an le will b e Iwlil In laq;c hulldln', IJeg lnnin l,; a l 10 n., m " tno fu ll owlng:

F L ltN IT ' ICE: Thrc 1I1ece U'Iln g Kult , 1\\' 0 111'cc living J'oom Multe , 3 occlU!lo n n.1 lIphnls tt:;J' Nl ChillI'S, 12 r oc kel'lI, l ·g dozen slralght e lw in" ~ 1,1",'1' dllllnl,;' r oorn li ult ' , len lh I' ch l'-Ini, 4 <Ilnln l,;' r Oull1 tlLi,I ('>;, 1,2 doze n ' exIra di ning room IC:lth c l' s"at 'h ll lr ~; d n \'C' nport t nlJl , 4 small stands , <::: 11' 1)

79c panties


Saturday, July' 9th· IIfH.: ~m IlOLJ)

CARTER elcrj4l(l

or \Vay.w " vlllc, on L ytle Rd.


Red! ern

Coats and Suits


On farm 1 mil l' N.

5.e leVine Dresses $19.50 StLKS

S•• 75 -----------------------'-'B elding-CorticelJi

pure silks. 99c yd:



fi\V(·(~ p c r .

f'l cc lri c

HW(!C l)Cr,

5 floor la,1l111S, end

tJl bl pH. 2 on l·uti slovell, 1 fine brul;S bed, 1 auk bed, 5 Il'u n iJed!'!, HC \'l" '1l 1 !lot" o f s prings, 2 wire cots. d" ('flsl'l' , quilting [l'UlIl eS , s ilk plilolV, Ince curtains, R ,. I"lll sots o f c Ul' tnlnll , '4 9xl 2 rugs. II ~mo.Iler rugs. 2 pu,'e il c llllil'S, por (lh Rwlng, lock, kit ~ en - 8cUl s , ' 1 lulll' pon lI 'a l ,lot of 01'0 'lIS a'llll ,sc\,ub brushes, ill:;h '~ , lrn.y, a.nd o Lh er tll'tlclea t oo ,n"m <l~Us to n'e nllon. . ANTill ' E : 2 \vll lnul fl tnn<l!l. 1 mnrble top wa.lnut ell'oII 1el.tJ: t a ble, u leg tttb le. rockcrK,. n eoo.e point Rt ool, woode n s in k , Ol' nell cUllOOn.rc,1, clock, Bm n ll wu lnu t (lre:!ae r,' loy seal , '.mJrror, la mpa , dl\lhe's; n'nd mll llY piece>! of 1UlR0rted glalul IUld mah ognqy BOCa, -, I>() LTR\' EQtJ.lP~tENT: 1'8 lath fattenhlC crates. · 4 hlMry m orket eOOllS, ,8 magic broode r stoves. \0011 chic k 811.0 ron Ilt spray. eall cases., wire netUna' Delco Light Pltmt, delco electric 8weeper~ good m o. tal' for ct1:lc pumP. 20 4cfco light bulbR, clectrlq ..(ltn. Lunoh on 1JI'Ounda. I








I, Ita"" IlaIrI4,., .Ir.



th 11II1, lIe nl' 11'1'11 II: l1\('fnbN'H, 'I'll" llulll1j; ,.-Ill h hI- , III Ih \\'('n ~ '· 11 10 F al l' lI C<l uno.1<1 il l' n Out GO In I I'mo nt ounty, ti l. " the progrnm will Includl! wrest lUl l ' bnlt and tlf cnstlnil', o.lko and mol. , 0)'010 rllo Inll'l a. srllQIICdo plB ,cont I

11Il\ISC8 <;I, <;Ingl'E'Rfl rlul'lng ' the dos· Ill!;' \11\~'1I of tll(' PilAl .'1' ,.Io n . It would ' not onl~' 01:11,' th lell nlng up ot OUl' atr a me co mpu)sol'Y ~ but lIupply the moans of dolnr it Un'ollah ,ranta ~nd loana to imlnol·

be Ol)('n


ll, ... Tom 'Burto" Ili n.d lilt I dnugh. 10(01', • ·aolnlo Jun , :III', :tlld • frs, Slim Jlld(l nnd Hon8 of InrksvUlo W re' vlllltQrs nt tho homs of Lnwren~e ~rhomu, SundAy, T h e TrJ.St~to ol~lb of the Ferry church ma~e f 4,00 1It~ \h.IJ' box 10,

, pt.lltln &\nl1 Ind\l.trl~1 gonf;orh~ tMt r. now mcikln. OPIlIl fpwon of mil' and IL Cleld trlul ,Of member

Hlllbl,ln ...m_ \Q, !)t till flY rat " IU1IW _110' Cgr Wamo COunt, flwll,r lin ILII II r I' , from IVtn' • I,m IIh r ,ronl r IIII\Yln, IIIlIl



Ih~y 1\1'(' hllllnl;' on th e P e r

:1111 1" L' ! u 11 I '11('1 I ' n Qu.' ll ,{ " 1'1' n,'lI r ...:1 I I" n , ., ,~a . II. ('lldlll 'Jn I" t h l! 1'1\' (, 1'. 111 til !In · nlc'''Je te ,·klnl n.· th c I'e I~ Sou th '" I n , Id ' 11110 II B I DrAne . , I { m nc t, oil 11'111 ere It li nd Llttlc :11 0 11181 0 fIJI' trout lI nd a nllml", r lIf I_ fl kcs fo r ba~~ UJIIl 1,111,'. 'I'll" 1" l'rlhlr" Is hlo-hl y. rceom · ~,~ , .. nwnd c.1 for fls he l'l1l l' D, Al so 1I0n't fOl'g N f'y m ntllnlng LUK e In ~ ol·th· t'''Ht I' n Ohi o" wh r o Jul y ISl o p n · Ing day cat ch es In c ludcd s ome prize

° .

b"s~ n nd plk ('. -0O ne o f t1iC ""('ntesl blows e \'c r .,. gl\,l!n to the n ll tlon's ( \ah e l'm n Ill1d td f J S d a lt lie ou OOI'S wa . lovers 0 I I, R e It "Ilock t \'e wlcn r exy 008 v . cd t lIII B u r kl n n· tl to " ' "y." 1lIso n po lutlon bill. Thill bill I" US fin a lly j . bv botll agre ed IIpon nn d p,.ass J

Ille l n ,l. Th e SOIl'CI' n nd plnnt PI' J('c l , " t O"I' III'lnIO Il'II will d o muc h t o 1m· T I (' ' I k rl~nl th n t tow n III'OVC I\' n l'c ' v to th c m o ulh hi t he BIg' ~Jl llln l. :';0 I Cl'~ 1" "' 1' pluJ;glng fo r ICj.:lsla li oll tlo a l nol ollly \\' 111 h III turn OUI' t):tl' k Inl o be;'!u l y ,," ots st l'('a111S "Ill will I1l ll kl' I h (in n nda l ni n n" u "valln bl Cn l' l ow ns n nd m n lln f". I I l lUI' nl:' II a n ~. -00 001" '" Zl p cn h n rdl o f Cl nc inn a ll ..

!'('o",,<1 97

.'R I l':~I)S IlIl'

Jl ' I .\ ' -


I ,~


{,Ll ' lt


FI'I ,' n, l ~ hlll

tIll' hl11l1 l' .. r ~I ..,•. Ern,':<l J la l·t


or Il )l ofls lble 100 10 win t he s tll tl! h n llljl lonshil" In th (' III n 's 5· oz. al' UI'IH'Y lis tin g (' \'o nt nl J)u ylo n last wct'k ('nd, This w as 111l' Ill r sc.·l e vent of t he w('o k with OU I


72 (' nt ra nt!!. JIll's. Andy Soka t 0 1 Dn "lon wo n th e worn n' s c hn llIplo n ·

H arrle TIIIl1ll1l8 '

I I n IIa n 0 It on g'll l'sl>! a l tl" E lIf t , h om we I' ll l·. ;' Ill~ ~1I·s. John 1\I c I ttel' fl'om Doc A , I ' . I 01 II r I IGownn a nd daugh t er's, In lr e :.l11d oC The So ut lern ,


sh ip In th o

/.!lUll-0ove nt,









J oe 1"1 sic k CU ll ed a t th e 'rom B UI"· ton home, Tucsday e ve ning . A Z, Mr . n n"w.,':[rs . A,lb rt W e lln nnd pl'c~ ld e nt i\£~. nnd Mr ... ForI' st T~ost e njoy. ' k til I !l1nrg-l'I f c t, ~fr. n nd 1\I1'S. l3crn n rd '~oo • B co · ~ nhun t(,l'!I Ass n.. nf< I II I bl ,mltll , n nd D r . a ne! i\£l's. J ohn Paul I'd th 4th oC Ju ly nt the llom e ot 10 n(lvls lo t t t I t .1 UlIln 0 agll n .;,. D d 1\1r . n n .. ,M' ' rs. J I'S9 n 0-In n d . Bo llo n ' 11 11 of o lumbus, I'. n n outln Dp ' n ex t Sunc1a", Jul y 10 ' j wll. ~"IMII " nd J \ l rR. Bolton w(' r just. I' tUl'lIl l1glIfr ' and Mrs . net A.. ~ u

;==:;=======;;:========;;:=;:======;:~ - -- -

We Offer A New Philgas, Service . .. FOR THE Philgas user whose gas consumption justifies increased storage capacity.

01 IlInn




f,'o m n trill 10 N w YOI'k n nd 0 to ur dn u b....' lt e r , Elsie lIIr. walld Mrs. Jnm es ,\Vle:t l n ndnnd tumlly er oC th e ~ ow E n g ln nd s ta t s. EI' ':,n : '" calle l· . " \\'(',. Mrs . J e nnie lIfull II, blt·thduy dlnne l' g ucsts o~ Mr. Fred In .. o nkltn nt his hom e In Da yton , S un

NOTICE OF PECIAL 'l\lEETING day. Mrs. J ess H ess visited h l' sl tars VILLAGE OF WAVNESVIt,.LE ANNUAL BUDGET :\'i'lsscs R e n e and Josle Smith" tlt Mt, HOlly, Sunday nItE' l'n oon. NOIIC'e Is h r eby given that on the Rev, ando Mre, J ess Kline nnd 13lh duy o f July, 1938, at 7:30 0'· ReI'. und i\lrs, J O(l Flos lck, ,of th e c lock p . m ., a IJublic h nrln g '11'111 be h eld on th e buc4: t prepA r ed by th e Council o f th e VllInge oC Waynes· ville, W:nre n 'ounty , Ohio, for n e xt s uce ding fi scal ycn l', e nding De· cl'mbe r 3 t, J939 . :tid h a l'l ng will b h Id at lerlc, In offl"c oC th e VII luge TO lI'n~htp Hou s , B. K. H.B:-.IDERSON, Vlllnge CI rk


We .offer two installations. First: , The above ground storage 420 lb. capacity, ample for family use, completely installed at $79.50,

Oeml\'ll ~-


nil", 9Jl11 !Ill'S. Th urnlKll'ry ·call('(! on 1\'1'11, G, If, Demilerogc, onFrI· Willi


MI'. n nd Mrs, l-ln l'ry orn ('lI, n e \,. n nd l\~rs ' Jcus Cll n~ Rcv onll lI're



:\11..8 Jon n l,e lllfl 8pent a. ' r W ilt th,'lr daul{hlllr'lI, 1\Irll. lIl1Ys In lit \I'll I~ wllh h('l' grn ntlpll 1" J)IIIlUlId>l, In 1~ l'IIlIkllu . ' mil, 1\11'. and ~J r s , 'rlllhlnl

IIOn l MI': Hd 1 .. t . ~ I .~ lin n m," , A lb r (. Ilrvli r . .. It. nna MI'a, Wilbutl Sl'I1rH, LoIn El enril, Johll i.1iasCfl ' It'glhln, .Bv'IY11 li nd cn r s, llnd Mr, H owntd Ntl cklclI, Ai II h ntherln Wl'r olnn llr g u es ts "r Il' I' e njoying 8 ver n!l gtllnes DC c ro. 111188 Nln{~ Scott, IIndny. I ~ cr~" 'n II.nd. cnl'c " '"I'C Il rv. V ~ , .. ~ Mr, nnd Ml'S, AII~n 1£01 Il nd so n , Rnl' vey, :I n c!. 1\11·. nn.l lI[I'S, L 9tcl' d"l r I" I I' W(' .. ng 0 c> e n "rUE'I· nnd KNlrl ck and Ol'\' tll e I'iclVagc mOl 0 1" J " Illes Le\\'ln d l' \.. n lo r '" " T ~ ,,0 c rowu ed to S I' P nt Mounll lInd v is it ed th o I F • D to tl 0 'err)' c hurc h mat Thul' day Rock H o use nOli Olel Man 's nVI!, C I Aft I V n n g. e r a t'ccopt o n nt th e In So ulh Cl'n Ohio, Su nday. OUllle I tt tor 1111'. nnd lIfrs. Ervin 'l'h OlllflS n nd II Ilone~'IIIoon In t he k 111 mo c y Is. son , Mr. and Mrs . L n wr nco '1'holll ' '1'1 Ic ro WOI'C 143 In 'cso nt at ullduy "li a n(1 Erv in L onm'lI F u u l v\im:cd I h I lUI'c ·w t h un of· tho flr ewo l'l( s ut ..!:-tll;esldu In Day. t o n, Monday cvollJn g. 'rh o " ' o m e n 's lIIi llsionllry of th o Ol11llo.n), n t th S im o n Gassel't F 1 '(, l'I'), am Wayn es\' llIe c hlll" h ('s or hom e, S U11dny aftol' noo n, w or o M ,'. 'I rl s t m t Ith AI <,I '\' d . ' w mil ..... IZ, I1st e nncb ;\'irs, B "ook" und Il llug ht(u', Mil . Ill'SdI1Y aft 00 It I 35 t m n \I' I , IJresc n . ol'ed, i\1I·. 1.II"'llto n lilith , tl nd ;\\1', A . r II 0 fe rin g oC $30 II'oS s n l to th e John S ott lin d dIl Ughlo l', N ina . In Innnll 'BIble ' u ml n ury. Th o Delbcl:t rro ut z'. o C V ay t on, :II B F~ N I . ' r. .•. I'll Y was th e "II n l( e r. ca lle d on 1\lrs . Un ITY Fonl~ (' , 'un. nt F el' r y Ilurc ll a t lll e '1' dn . . ues y eve duy , 1\.ll's . 1, ol'o.1yl'o " haws n o 1m. nlns m eeting. provornent , lilt·. and JIIrs. J . S. Flle l' Sile nt 1111·. nnd Mrs, P e te Wl eul ca ll 'd undny with Mr. and Mr... Roy 1\111. o n MI'S. E vo Dnk ln, In " 'o y n s\'1l\ , le t· li nd so n at Cozdn.le. Sundoy ' ven in II'.

will go Il l' I' tic \,,' I·,, 1 stl' /l UIS _ a nd 1111111 PI'OJ' ' ts 10 <letl' nllin I h olt· Ceas Ibllll y, Let 's hop I hi s will , sta l't the \),,11 1'»lIln;; I,ll' Ih e c l'),a tlun u f bet ·

1,' 1' fi s hing' wa le I'.


.M!· ',


l" ,'n- ",..1 fl'um n il I'C110l·ts Is woll '. "t,," ke'l ,\'1111 (tull . It " OUI' 1111 1,1":111 ~ e I, I Iu t , I I d c.,t \ "I'I,t II RP" s n o ' Be eo e y tll"\ '.· .. 11 wllnt rea l l!'Out fishing' , .~ hll YI') jus t rN'cl ved w ord th a t

, n t Deh'olt, :\lI.·h . '


'l'burada1, Jul,."

--- - - --,

411", 01111, fl'I(1I1), plahl , .\ tin I Qt.l tor ~h Ciovel'l\Q~ 1/ 001 C 11, TRI, tllI1 WA' .Mo~ed b:,r everfonl, \lUll' I III ,II rlillul , III \I~'~ to ThllfllO w,hu werl I\lestl ,,' \11' U t , Illlie ~ of hi VIl •. n \1\1 Itf ij 11141l n the 4\1\ (If July w 1'0 Mr. ,; J~h n , n II , . , ~AI , "itI tie uhd ~fl'., 11 Will anla, .fr, tlnll

lUI gf \-11' :-iaUon', 'trfl\'ntll H I. tllQVnll\110 tb • \11111 Imlt will b, !lOn 81~ored 1\ I\In. 1'1 "pl\, Qf ttlle n . UnI • \P I' I Jl~ JOQ\M III

Wllflk, \I flY), tit luok' trIP!>III" 1 th W IIt'I'11 11I11'l ot W 1'1' 1\ oullt r k \l~h I II hiD.. tlf l r\. 11Undr d · ' hllt with th high muitdy strCllm. will h It) t li j.)011ut111l1 'iltlo tl 'li III illl " I' 1111\'\1 tl l\I'l\~'R \'u I'k d IJI " '" ' , "itlt tlIP I cui IYt'lj U,' j , th w.mlhl'l· m a,n hns bce n-'h n.ndj ng The Prn llldih sl\ nllllr~ 8t1 wl'1'8 II h\I OIl ' I'lIti'Jn .. IIH lu t .. ly. 'rh c Fourth w as no ex· dl s llow l 1,IlI nt \\'111 he lll cielltl u p th t' ~On ct'l.ll lo , with olmo t ve ry Btronnl lil a; 1I11nll1 1 RiI' ('1' fur :I numbN' 0 1 'V. 1::. I\' 11~ , (' hl c ( II g ln" I' III ."II ·'o lln '" dl!!Ut n 100 1l111,ldy I'" n IIII I~,D. Thl' ~ \\'11'"1' fl' m haul l' u , Ohlu Slah~ o nsel'wll lo n 1 lIt. hit s "V D ~,,~ t 'l l' cn t fl-h , Ahout thc only catches QII.'.Iwh ll' h III II' lll11k N! fl (,Cl'S ll 0 , J)rooml sNt lhls wrlto l' to h" ,·,' o il e n · I I II" II'l'r ta k n fl"Om th o II'.' " 1" I)( "ln " In t o th e ~1I"1ll 1 IJl'ln", g'1 1I(, r dow II h CI'o Idth ln tiro n('xt , ,. '" II 1111'"" \I',c'l; o In '" l,t willi Ih e filth 111'1, ·" t .. nCII 110 n II," n pH I' Lov('lnmI anll Ihl! ,I<lm- 1\'111 he hn n(l1 II by a ( R· e v " • .,. ' 'III~ I' I \\. n ns III \1' lll cl 1" ,u',11 pl,'IIll It Illa ns r,)\' nbt lll nln l- jPl·lI pllj.:Htl .. n cO·l1Imltt l.'l.' of Ih e ('o un · ,t h." - ,lice II nl' ,- v e, I v~ 1,,'1" pn (1 1" ' 11 ,} "" 11 1)I'I,vot o \,C II· n. oll (,.\.' to fini s h th l)roJ('l'l 11 1'0 ilm t~· ri~h n lld (: I\ ,,1{' Ass n . Thts m a n

",," u

-_. --_..


J~ n ~1, s

" '·Ien l



rn lllil y

s pe nt ut uI'd ny vonln g with JIll'. n nd ' i\II·s. John " heet s , nt ·' IJrln "'. bOl'O,




J'~", d l'B ,


Atll l.i hi

• J n Dill • f lilt! 0 11 b 11 Ct . ~ " ' .,l j,ll" , n, J 1 ' 1 10j II ' It! JllI'Po, HU lI l , w llh lIflt'" J~mm LL J<1 o n :mill I'so h D ill tl nll flt mllYI S un Lo ll tWlli , W I' a t lr. JJ, lllv~I't'II ' llay rno l'nln g. homo III . chlll~ o n • uritluy , MI', {L'nel ~II's . Rnyrnon,l ab 1111's. EIllln n I'I"I'I'U , Misses A ~11110 r""' ~ l' 1 ,' rt 0 , ... onm, Slll'lI :su", uy u c l' n ou n n ml JII ay m t> "RI'nw n, o nd 1111'S , Mar. \\'Itll '11' ,. ncl 11"1'- "'nl " I'"O II II I ~ . .Co " . , l{tl l'l! t Il nl\l y II nl\ <in u l{hte r , v111lte d , I ., . JI I h :\ll( son, 0 I> ' 11111<.<0 LII .. flt \\'n>lhlns ton 111 1' 111111 'It.o ,\Vllbu l' lTll llnn l, 1111(\ ' ".,. . ' 1 1. (I n 'YOdIl CllolIIY. Romll Klllhl'yn Hldln!,;,'I', or 111 0 1" d 'Iro, l\[nblo 'Oloaoo n Ilnll row, nn "u I 1 f L" }' 11 t , ug H OI' , 0 (' .. a n on, WI1 S ' I· ( ny f L' I' r '1 u tC l'n oo n Ill\( s upper g um; s o ., r.

, u.



J. B.,Chapman

.Lo u )\fUl'I'IIY.

11 d 1\1 I 'I S I lIf II·, n n r s...." . c t e Jl Ic nS, 1'. u lld ~rl'K, E'n!'1 lIJnrl:ltt , Mr. WIIWull


Bnllrr, o C SleIn y , iliinots. m OLO l'ed to '~'ilyn(Orlcld , hlo, to I' Cohl«: n ,,·"11 A ' I f . .... d "I ng nn VCI'Sfll' Y 0 ~ " r. u n '11'u. ·''' I· II '·l n <<'nllff , Sund/' y. "






1111', 'Vlllinm Buller, or S ldncy, 111." Is s pc ndln g' 1\ fe w d nys wtth Mr. nnd I 1111''1. L , j\' . St I,h"ns. 'Ilus la l'~ D a lI t I' e t T es .. Ul; sp ·n u · dllY wllh Miss Rulh K e llis, Q

Friday - Saturday

"Bank Night" -8CRKI!.N-





"CITY STREETS" EdIth "ellowl

Leo Carrillo

Contlnuou. 8howe Dally

Adult. Only 150 'Til R P. M.

J\US8 J08 phlne Gray

l\llssFlornmo nd l " ed h ns return. cd hOl11 c Cl'om, MiamI Va lley J osp l. .ta y ot last ,w e k, with hc r pm'onts, tal h er h ea lth Improved, 111 , r. n n d lItrs. T Olll O l'usho n lind MI', ant! 111 I'll. Charles olller vIa. Mrs . 10m Allon d I ' 1 on l(O r Gl'n nt · itcd th e Gray Brothers, a t unlit y mot h cr i n '",. est n rro Ito n . e ve ntn g, r , a nc.• 111 1'8. L Ilwre nce B· I' I ny lIf 1II1nnie J acobs ' wns g r eatly s ur· call d It J n 'l I d e on Ie a m es ,. cn s, un ay pI'lsed, "" cd.tlcsdny evon lng, wh n 0. e venlns. pa rty of you n G frl e llcl8 gathered nt lIIr. n.nd Mrs. Simon GaHse rt n nd h I' liom e lo II Ip h I' cel brnto he r d a ughter, Ev Iyn , cn lied on lUI'S. birthday. Th e Id enlng wns ap nt In Han'Y Fordyce, Frlt'tayI ev e n In ".... pla yln&, gnmcB a nd curds, Delicious l'e Cr hm ntli were !lel'\'od. Minnie' I' fi lvcd mllny beautiful a nd useful g ifts. 1111'. ha rles Pnxonr Mrs. '. Mary Lath, 'VlllInm WII!!on, und Claud. By l\Irs. E. Bunnell Ia. Gl'ay ep nt the Fourth of July visiting frlende, Mr. ' nnel Mrs . Ervin mlLh a nd lIflss Elbel·tn. Rich has e n III tlt daughtc r call d on lIfr. a na 1\11'5. h r grandpn r uts the la Rt Cow dllYs, , Marlatt a nd d n ug htor, The site or W ollman hal! been 'Ved ne!!dny e ve ning, at N e w Bur· gr a lly c ha ng d nnd Improved In lington. tho IllSt tew we kll /llnca the road litre. Ann Run)'on , hIlS l)eQ I\ Qar· has been -undor co nstrucllon. Ing tor her e ls t e r, Mrs. lIIn rlon F lI u . s lQk th e FRIENDS HOME lItrs , T om FOl'dyc

s pe nt W ellncs.



:llIlo B. la rk , whose plnce oC r 8 · Id cnco Is unllnown a nd cn nnot by reaso ll able d ili ge nce be u"ce rtnln ed~ will t uko noti ce thnt F a lrl y Hard· WtlrO ompa n y flied a n n.cUon osn lns t hIm on June 1, 1938, In the Olll·t o f ' Vn.lte l· l(e nrick, Ju stice of th e Pc<ace of " ayne Township, ' V:u'r e n Co unty, Ohio , usl;lng fo r Jud!,;orn c nt on 1'111 0ilen acco unt In th e s um of 31.90 und sa id ,d fondant is h erehy nOllfled Ih ll t said Court Iss ued a n orde r of a ttachme nt In sa id C:lllse o n ,lllne J, 1938, for the sum of 31 ,90, u nd th nt said cn U80 will' bo , he I'd on Ju ly 11, 1935, and It th saltl Milo B. Clarl( , d e fendant , does n ot appcnr judgem ent will be r e nde l'cd I1SlI lns t him. FAIRLEY HDWE. o Wa ymisvllle, OhJo R. Hilliard Oreenwood, Attol'neY·at·Ln.w L ebanon" Ohio O·1[i, 22, 29-7·6

The undergrouno - 1000 lb. capacity, a heavy tested tank, coated to insure against rust, completely installed for $165.00 The gas is metered as you use it and you pay on meter reading once each month, Philgas js propane gas and vaporizes at low temperature, and should not be confused with gas vo.;hich will __ not vaporize at freezing temperature. It is not necessary with Philgas to install the mixer in the house as in this location there is never low enough temperature to make any trouble for PhiJgas,

storage capaeity for your Philgas, let us figure with you on one of. these outfits. We have a liil'ge number of Philgas users who have received our service for several years - the, good service is guaranteed with the above installations, and that above all things shouTd be consider~d . Will you get your gas when you need i~ - as you have l:Jeen getting it, or-?

WOMEN-Address n nd mall adver· tlslng mntel'lal for us at home. W e supply ever yth ing, Oood rate ot pay, No seiling, No experience n e cessary. Merehanrllse ' !\Iart. Box 523 Mil· wnukee, W isconsin, 6 16 4tchg,

off, for you can't substitute other fuel " in your 'gas stove.

Phone 46

L . the l' of th e one that 'has bee n miss· T, Ing for severnl wool(s !l'om Xenln. of Mr, Rarl'y Sh,oemaker, ot Xenia, of s pe nt Sunda y with M,·. and Mrs, Davld ' Lucas, namet!, There is no doubt thla co n · Mrs. Fronk K ellis and. gmnll, Cuslon was reepon,e1ble for Mr, Mar· s ha ll's deCeat, as he only lost the daughte r, Roberta HardBock, of near Spring Valley, are spe ndin g a Dlstrlot oy 1,002 votes. H is service In Washington was few days In L ebanon at the home able a nd conscientious and met wIth of .1111', and Mrll, Herschel Bunnell, Mrs. Walter Kellls, Mr, an't1 Mrs. the approval ot the cltlzens of our District, His W011k on the Commit. John Appleby a nd so n, M r . a nd t ee' on Agriculture merits special Mrs, Cecil S ha r ett and da ughter, j li m ention. Many (lltlzens o( the Dis. nice ot ' Ma1mlvllIe Visited Mr. trlct Interest ed ill el ecting a Ropub· Frank Kellis and daughter, Ruth, IIcan CongreSSmOin In Novembe r fee l Sunday,



"WhAt You Want When You Want It" ~

Mr, L. T . Mnrshllll, who Is 11 cun· fo r Congress, s ubject to the nepubll~an Prlrnnl rles August 11th, will add s trength: to the t icket In Novembel·, as evidenced by the e le c· tlon of 1930. In that Democratic la nd slide, Ml': Marshall ' rnn 10,0'00 votcs a h ea d ot Oov. Landon In the District, In his l'Iiorgtl n nnd Mr. Lou Murray. M r, a nd 1Ifrs. Levi Hnl'nes8, of ow n Co unty be rnn 003 abead ot ner8vUle, Mr, und Mrs . EU;"1l P ial Cov. L u ndon, Rnd 821 a h ead of the S tate ticket. The 'Dlltlle of L, L, 1\1tir Hnrness, at, J a mestown, culled a ll l!ha ll , of Cleve'ian!!o, candidate tor Mr. nnd Mrs. Lou Stephens, last o ngressmnn.nt·4B.rge, appeured on Su nday. Mr, L evi Homes!! Is n bro. ~Idate

FOR SALE: 100 lb, lce b ox , Che... Claude Stroud, Mr. Marshall should be nominated on account or his record In Con. FOR SALE- Ton a nd h a lf Chev. gres8 nnd the ,strength shown by him In 1936. role t truck. Good condJtlon, '31 B eca use Mt, Marshall Is not submodel com blnatlon g rain bed and servie nt to dlctntlon 'certain county s tock rack s, W, S, Le e , R , Ii, S" , of pro. l{n olYn n.s the old OrndorCf · tnrm, ch air men under . the control fesslonnl polJUclnns outSide of the 7·Htp District, Including the State Chair. man , Mr. Schorr, making a 4eFOR SALE Good Fa r m Clear. 104 termln ed effo rt to prevont Ills nom. aCI·e8-$4000. N etl r Bellbrook, 12 Ination • .(\ v ictory tor him on Au· O1Il.:s from Dayton, Ohio. lIfrs, L1. sust, 9th will be " (1. r epudiation of Iy. EgbQ~'t N, 1>[uJ n St, Waynes. lobbyis ts' control , and their methods , Ville, 0, 7. 7.2c [ and . will Insure a Republican ~on. gro88man trom the Seventh District. - - - - - . . . . ; ....- .,, Experience In COIl(lTeSl oIa- essen·

~'Without gas you are mig~ty bad


th o 100~h Annlver sn ry of th e organ .. "!:;:~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IMt lo n lhe r e. A picture was tnken a ftor th e m eting. Mrs. Albe rt Deffe nba ug h, of Bell. fountnlne, sp nt th e, \\' k ond with th e l\'llsses Alina ' aud' MCLyme Brown. MI'8, Lena. Harts ook, Mr. and JIll's. H. H, Hartllock h nd d a ught . rs SJI nt the eve ning of the Fourth Mr, a nd lIrr... Ernest E a rnh a rt \vlth Dr. an.d Mrs: S: · a nd ehlldre n, M I·s. O. H, Kes in ger and M iss Clara Dn ughte ~s w 1'0 Xenla s h o llpe rs, Saturday, lIlrs. Robert Greene a nd lI-1'rs, L e. on o. '1'hle l'hcnil and chIlitr eri , of Day. ton spent " rednesduy nllernoon a nd Thursday " 'IUt M I" and Mrs. LOUis

Mr. and M rs . E lvis 1Ilic h eni n nd dnughter, Dorothy, Mr. H erbert Ma r latt undo son, Edmon, e njoyed n trip ·thro ugh K e ntuc ky, 'unda y. Mrs. Earl MIU'luu wns Cl Duylon s hopper, last Friday, Mr, n nd Mrs. P ete Runyon s l>e nt Saturdny eVe ning with JIll' , and Mrs. Ervin Smith nnd daug ht e r , Judith Ann .

the ballot''1.ust above Ute name of T, Marshall, ' It III known tlult L . Marshall lost a great number votell due to t.hls conCuslon

If you feel the need for more


Mrs. C. H, D tl.the~nge a nd Owen Ruth Kills, ot DlIyton , Is H ll rtsock attended c hurc h ' nt Jon. spending a few days wllh h e l' pu r · a h's R u n DapUst Chur h , east or e nts, Mr, and Mrs, Frn nk Kills . H:trye ysb urg, on Sunday, It wns


FOR SALE OR TRADE-$200. In the ., P roperty Jnv,f.'stment Corporo.tion, Dayton, <?h10, n etB 6 cent montl~b' 434 G r nnd. Avenu~, Cnll L. R. nl'yno~d8 . Phone 4101 tor tull inronnl\Llon nnd ' write Mory ear•• , roll Pl'nnvllle, JndJa,na.








tlal to ef!lclent ceo Now ot aU times we should have a Conlrl'ea. mnn who h aS' llerved bls appren. Llceshlp a nd Is t horoughly ' aeilili:alllt.,1 cd with Con~idol11ll proced~l'8. R. W. • . Sec'y, 1I111rill~1l

M iss Thelma M llIor, of Day t on, e nd guest of Mr. ond Kellis a nd f~m IlY.

Cool Grad,a .. 3;;4

Lemmons,' Hatc6 ..~; ' HarMy.ha.... OWo . PIa.,.. n.R.II ,

'Or, .01

.,Miami ''Gazette. .







Violent Storm Hit This Vicinity

Held At Conger Home Th e P hilhow er family reu nion w as h ell1, S und ry. a t the country home of Mr . a nd Mrs, Delbert Co n ger . Seve ra l at th e fa mily could not be present , o n account at s ic kn ess. T hose wh o ca m e with w ell tilled ba sk e ts to e n joy th e da y w er e , Mrs, S usie P hilhowe r , Mrs. WHbur Mc Fall, 1\£r. and Mrs . W a lter P hllhowe r, MI-. H elll'Y P hllh o wer, nil of L ouls vlllo. Ky.; Mr. a nd Mrs . E. N . P hilhower. M r . and l\h·s. Albert Stlcksel. at N e wtown ; Miss Cora P hilhowe r, Mr. a nd Mrs . W. 0 , Sea,,·, t rom , MI . ' SS L a ura Kim ball. of Mi d· dlet own; M r. nnd Mrs , F ran k R ing ·

H eavy raIns a ccompanied by aov er e electrical storrna occ urred locally Wednesdlly eve nIng an d en rly this morning, The LlttJe Miami River rose sud, de nly , Thursday morning, and m a ny l ocal hIghways were badly w uahed. 'l'r a vel Ilc rOas "The Av e nue" was temporarily disrupt ed earlier In the d a y. F ive pigs belonging to Lawre nce Cook w e r e drowned during the atonn, W edneBday nig ht. Tobacco barn on t ho Ed. Thomas f fa nn. N, E, at Waynesville. on route I 73 was struck by lightning. Tburs- cr. 1\ asOI) : Mr, a nd Mrs, E . M, Hill, Mr. and Mrs . R ussell H ayw ood, Mrs . duy , bur ning to the ground nnd.. ...a rt tIn W a lke r, Da ylo n : Misses Ba r (:u.u.8Ine serious dnmnge. ba r a J u no and Kathry n Wa lJte r , nnd Mr, Enrl RU BBell a nd. Goorge W a lk, c r, or L ebanon; Mr, B oyd R ich e r so n , Clnolnna tl ; M r, a nd Mrs. T odd Bunco and tamlly . Mr. und Mrs . Or , ville RIlmbo, W ayn esv ill e; Nell Bunce a nd Thelma " ' a lk e r, who ma ke their h om e with !III'. a nd Mrs . Conger .

sea WAl'NE8V"tLE, OHIO, TBURSDA! , J ULY 14, 1988


Plans Made For 1939 Alumni Assn. Reunion

Auto Accident Three Day t on r es iden t s j ur eiJ, none serious ly. In a n au t o, m obile accide n t, w hic h occ urr ed. a t th e Jun cti on of Houtes 73 a n d 48 a. t ew m ires w est of Way nesville, ea rly Mo nda y m orning, The Injured included Amdfl l11 Yost, at D a yton, who receiv ed hea u ' Iace ra tio m, a nd c hes t In juries; M,'s, Yos t. who s u s ta ined a rore h enu and bod y b ru ises ; a nd Hobc rt Gu t hrie , at Lo ndo n , Ohio. who r ecelv()(1 a s h ou lde r Injury a nd bruises on his feft leg. ,

:'.11 "",,, :'. 1 ~ I'g-a l'l~ t '"V , ElIwnrds. pres\\' uy ncsl' lIIe H ig h ill(' llt or th e l\Uml 'I' .('IT,\ 'I' IO :-J ASlIocJn tlo n. an Hollr l't C. J\li~ lI . !\ln ln Str l'l, >;(' h uo f A lulllni \ Vay nc"dll l'. fO ll rth y<,n r trnln ec as , lI uun c('s th n t t he 1939 r eunio n will HiJ,( neol l o 'o mlla ll Y " 1," " OItlze nll ' lie 111,1,1 th e n rt ('r n~()n and !tvenlng ,\I ililary 'l'I'ulnln,; amp reg im e n t or " a tu l'day , l\o[ny 27. At t h e m eet · 10 ' I'e, hn s \;o(' n a warded a m erit ct · ing h " l<I lust l\!ay. the l)1em bers "sc'\'e mh ) l ~ lI' l c t Dl' n H)(,l'll t ~ \\'111 ta li"n fu r hi" milllnr y beari ng an,] "ut",1 th (','C'n rt I' to h o ll1 t he u nnua l NIII\'Cn C al th e " 0 1'1''' " Cou nty F a il'· a n In H! l' u ct OI'. acco rdin g l1I (,l' tinl,; the lal't Stu.urduy In May , !;I'Ound a t L eha nIJn , Sntll l'd<l Y, Jul r ,oI.!lil y It ) Hlwl'ia l orde r s iss ue d hy Col. L.A . ir n t n il \1 ,""'lio'nhl c, so th a t more ot LG, In a Ill ('('ti ng \\'11 I(' h w lil br n t · h':un zig-, 11 II U. f: . J nf:lntl'Y, 'amp t h p • lit u f l' lw n Jll e rn b e r R c o uld a t · t n,led br iI numlw r of llI" n n nd \\'0 · t, 'rr.l . '0 'HI (' sa fu ) was the m eet· - m e n pro mln C' nt In D('nlO '!'fi t! , II'· Acco rdlnt t o Stat e Hig hway P a in,; this yen r In getti ng back a I!lrge C. W. WARBURTON tro lm e n, w h o rench ed tft o sce ne at des In the Sta te . The llIec lin l;', I1lIlIl her or th olue,' g rad ua t es tha t Washington, D. C. .. the a ccide nt s h ortly afterwa rd, Yost whl h will g('t Ula lN' W :lY, Sat u rd ay II", sH m·c· I;' nl'rlll prog ra m will. be n,ccompa nle<l by his Rlter ·ln,la w was Vice·Chairman i'th W orldts P oultry a ft ernuo n', will IlUll n il (lay II/HJ. w il l Cong rc_ ss. Member Fede ral Gove rn follo,,"I'd. dri ving no r th on Houlo 48 "",'he n h e ment Co mmitte,e, M ember General Include Hpccc hf'll, b ' lI f() con r, ' !'lao (1m) Preside n t E ol wa rds h us Bll Polntec'i collided wIth the m achine at Ore ntertai n m e nt by \ VL \ V n <1 ,l io I'tll\'''. E x ceuti vc B oa rd. Il locu l Rt ecrlng or a r Mln gem e nta villa W oods , or St. ParIs, Ohio. who P I'o mln c nt am o ng th HJl enk rl' ,'o m01ill('(', r o ns ls ti nS" of Ros Hart: was n ot Injured, P ollco re po rted fo r th " wl1l bc :""cl'n o l' :\ Ia l'l :n :\ 11'''. l'h a l' l~!I i:l l'll dh' y ,,"l(' l.tai notl, ~och . 'I I , cha ir ma n ; S eth E, Furg r ea t da m age to both a ul om ob ll es, I., Da v(·y. Jl u n, ha l'l s M , ::;I) w), t' . Sl' na lor . n o l.J ~l·t B uil d er , F o l'llH'1' Thu l'~lIay II ft c','n., ' no froom 2 to 4 f'-' I' nn . '0 . o('h ll l'Ie8 r..w c h e nm'. '09 , The th' pl ,'nll" ..... ,'f I".,. II ttl .. c111 I1g-ht N'. I ~a~ r~roKrn ln cu ll" fo r II. gen e ral c ; I') \' 1'\101' Geo l'g 'Vhl le. a nd R epre' 1,.'11\'0 1111 (', who C'1'1" l; l'Ilkti h" I' fo urth I'o uncl ulf f th e old g ua rd a t the Wi\\' NES VJI .LE M. Eo (~ I-lUR C n Hc n w li v(! Al cs hh·e . In addlL lon to 1,l l' lh(loY II lInl v" rRIII'~· . I.n;ud llC' h 01 g r ounds a t 3 :30 p. m . th C'se m n. politlcnl I ild rs a n d. ca n, LlJited below Is the lineup for the S UlIIIII),. Jul)' 10, 1938 Th e little ( " II(!! n j')l'ell ga m ~, T Ill' IlJlIIUll i m(!Qti ng w ill be h e ld In eli<1~ cs \\'111 a lso be pl'cse n l to 111llp local WPA Junior League Ball team. PLANS FOR ANNUAL 9 :30 unda y Sc hool. wbil- h harl he"n " ll1 n n('(\ . Th e Opt'n, til hli; h s 'hoo l b"Ymnaalum al 7:30 ThellO boye allerna tingly pla y at 10:30 Mo rn ing " 'ol'sh lp, S uhj \, In ~ () kln g th l ~ m ee li ng onc of t h WOMEN'S CAMP in s Or t he !l ifts .,;a \' c nil n grea t " "a l p. m . r(,lI o\l'('et' by a reception. The hi gges t ev I' held In lh e s venth diahome and abroad In Lebanon. Frank"Life-Y es 01' N'~,?" • (of 1,1 l'IHllII'e. 11I."lt n u mbe!' on t he prog r a m will be td t, of w h lt: h l Varre n lin, Morrow. South Lebanon. R ed .Plca ,·e note chan ge In tim e, Mra. AmaH Cook. as I'e pres nta.Th br :1 utlf ul blr t huny cul{('. w ll h t 11(' 1"r"!l ld O' lIl's B all. T pe beau tifu l ho m e of Mr. n n(1 Lion. MaBOn during the coming n.l ne t1ve tra m Waynes ville . o tt nd d a • 0 \'oning lien ·lel' . pu rl. 'I'll m m\)er R vul d to continue .1\" r R, J . P. L un lcl(, o n Mul n Str ('et , Its f0 1l1' en 11411"", li nd lit .. Il(·(", mlm ny· w eeks , Committee Meeting. In Leba.non , W tlS thc sce ne ot II delI g h tful d lnn e t' lh o " 11('clll l <'o mm ill cl' to pro m ot e a t· \V ellncsllllY J ohn E . H old(' n , 'hn ll'mn n of th IlI g 1'l' rl'C's lll n(' nt!' hl'u us:; ht t il hn pp y Tu eB<!a y. to makc plans ( 0 1' the W O' p a r ty. o n S undll Y. T he occa sion wus 11 :00 1,[\(I,ll,'s Aid n il day l1I eeWn g, E xec ul\ vo 'ornml ltee n nd Mr s. Cu r a te ndn n (' n nol Int r eHt In the fo rtb· u nc r-no o n t o n C I OS i~ . Wa),Dl!8vUle "unlo... ACes 101 to 17: mo n's Camp to be h eld u t Ca mp In ha nOI' ot th e firs t weudl ng an"om ing nit' li n g n nd In nd d ltlo n thla Co " el'('rl dis h, w it h :\ Irs. nUfU R Apgar , cha ll'ltln n of th e L l1 dl !\' n e, T h S"1I s t ils t III lurterl Da nn y n nd Hook, on July 24 to 27th , A s plend id nlVel'!lUry of M r . llnd Mr s, C eo"ge Qi tc h e ~Bu4 Pummill \ VnUtl n . cepll ull ('o mmltt e nr In c hn rge of SunIli'll J.ce ,'Imp so n . Bill y lJ av is, eo mm ltt e wll l ' lO v c ha rge of c ro· P itcher- Baldy S tans berry progl'll m Is being tormul at~ n e Quic k , of 1\lIumls bur g . utl n g til Hig h Sc hool Alumni AsRU ll dny . .luly 17 . nnd Ju ly 31, wl\l lI\'I'a n ,:;"m ntB rOl' IIi.. m elln g. Albe rla B l'fl II 1I0tie, Ruth E nr nh a rl. A n u mbor of loCJ I.I peo ll le nl'C pla n , h t_h e tim e rIOI.' the 11n8tol" s Vll n, tha.t ca nnot fall to In tcrest e ve ry wo 1st bl1se-Charles Collett Hoela llo n H fe r nc Libr ary to be Ma l'l llll nn el L o is Luk ell R. L illd a L ee " C00 I co Io r a at )'ellow a nd whit e tl o n . 'rh er e wlU be Su ndny chool InG' t o a..U e nd. 2nd oo-Hilroid Ande rson m a n . wh ether s h e Is ' pla nning a v [\(,B tab lls he.(1 In th hi g h school build. Ru m1>y , An n !'inttl'll'lhwa lte. N'o r ma Srd 'base-Buck Me ndenhall ca tio n ftlr I a rnlng handi work, out- weI' can'l d OUl In a ll of th e decor - OR u Aua l b u t tI Mo rn illS 'Vo rs h lp E l \\'fl rds a nno unces li nd J oltn GI'U liN' , Hn l'ha rn , a vid . IItlo ns , The In r ge , wh it e w edd ing be ll 8o r ,,1 e \l' llJ be om itt ed, Left Fleld-Eme l'llOn Mille r doo rs sports , or JURt r ela xa tion . t ha l commi t tee I1 S fo ll ows. ' C ha rlclI a nd J n n Ila rtsoc k , a mI Ju dH h Oa, ~ 1. 'a rtwril; ht, " G, hlcn go, Ch a ir, The e ntire cost pe r wom a n Is three whic h hung trom the chn nde lle r , Center FI~ld-Paul Hough " ill , with y ellow rlbbotls to ellch pl nco , dollars , AnYOne' Inter est ed please S hort ~enter Field-Bob Shepherd lIl a n ; R OSH Hn rtflock , '11 . 'Vayn s· FEURV CH UR CII OF CHRIST vlll . VI . h nlrm a n : Oli ve All n Right Flel~-orvllle Philips cont act Mrs . Cook. 0 1' you I' H om e a n<l th s m nll bride a nd groom on \\T. C. mith, Minist e r th e fn vors we r e gay r e minde r s at TIme , '16, \ Vay nesv lJle . aecre· S hOrt Stop-Robert OIIlxirn Councillor, MNI. RIllph Ha stings. S un da y : t he wedd ing a y ear ago. ta nley) ta r y; Etta. ' K e ys (M r s , Ma nager-- Buck Stansberry Blbl Sc hool, 9:30 n, m . D on ' t ro r, -A bea uti ful white cake , decorat d S il l'S. 'SO. L e banon . Ohio : H e rbert ge t e ve ry me mher is to In vit e FUNERAL SERVICES FOR with yell ow a n d t op ped. wi t h a b r ide S, \ Val'wl k. '02 , Youn gst ow n, 0 .: 0\&- Under Thirteen Yean: Born e o ne cis t o com to c hu r c h INFANT SON a n d g room, m a de a ch a rmin g con , S und n y. LAmES AID TO nOLO ALL DAY Hut h H a rtsoc k (Mrs . RObert) ' Wal Catcbcl'-Gene Collett t erplece for th o t n ble. W'h e n t hi s ton , ' 16, O ilYt o n. Ohio ; E dith MashCenter Field-Kenny Bradley • ~JEETING om m u n lo n a t 10:45 n, m , Funeral ServlceB w e re h eld, !\Ion· was re m oved t o bc se r ved. II s ha llow ' I' (Mrs. Ho lla nd) Hn.wke. '0 4, W ayRIght Field - WOllam Berna rd PreHc hlng. 11 :00 fl , m . Th e Lndl s AIr], o r th M, E . day arte rnoon. at the McClure F un, bowl of ye llo w a nd white r oses tilled M I'. a nd lIf l's. lI en ry Sillt r l h · n e~ v lll e. 0 .; Ray mo nd E . Dav ia. Left Fleld-Carl Stanley A s m ll ny of OUt' YOURg peol11 w lll hu rch w ill h old u n n il rIll Y me tln g eral Home, at P hillip Roy Sa vag e, its place. Short 8top-Gcoreo Klrkpatr.Jck br' go ing 10 cnmp ne xt w ee k we n ext 'Ved n e::ltlny , iuly 20, \\'It h Mrs . wa lt c . flu th. lIfury . R'obert. ChILI'lea, Onyl on , Ohio ; .J. n ue Din the sl,x-montha ·old son at MI'. una '00, lilt aa-Matthow Turner ThoRe lO e n joy ·lhis occaSio n wer o w lll not ha va i he T ucsrtay eve. R uf us lVn t ldns . E n 'h m C' m bC' I' I ~ r e- a nd Hi oh :n (l SlIlt H I hw a lte . !\f,'s, Mrs , Paul Savage ot near Frnnklif,l , 2nd BalIe-Gene Thompson Mr. nnd Mrs., George Quick. or MI, s 1'\'1 ' (1. o ur ml nl Rte r is t o s pea it Clu est d to br in li:' U CU\' r eel d is h . 1. Il tre l'tll wnltt> II nu (1Il u ~ h tt> I' , Ann , (, m nIHl. N b. ; D r . Eit n. Cr ew" '95, Th e child Ptlssed awny nfte r s hort • rd Ba8e-Warren Pu'm mlll at Co mp t h nt eve nIng . sa ndwio h :i . an d th ii' o wn HO I'vice . ~II'. li nd .\ II'S , A,'th ul' ('; 111111114' 1', :'·II:.s D nylu n , 0 1110: Eth an Cr a ne . '18. a mls burg. M r. Al bert Quick ' of N e w U1ness. cxce pt l hos w ho Illl \'e 1.Jl " lhu uy~ In Su ille Li n ITis, ~ II·" . i\ llI bl'l S ta u p, Wny nllFJ\'ilh.l a nd D ay t o n ; Ma ry Leah PItOhel'-Donald Ollborn Carlis le . Mls8 D ora 11 Ille r , of Spl'ln g , Mr. Snvnge. tl. former re s ide nt of OF Jul y a nd Aug us t. Th(,l'e IlHlIetl w ill :' Ii,,:< E dn n Al a S lll up . II noi MI'. J <:I'~ I!: dwlIl'll" , '31 , Spring fi eld. Ohio; field. a nd- MI'. lin d M r s, J , p , !.tu', WA1'NESVll.LE Robert Bernard or Ted 8nyde r CH URnl Waynesville . Is the BOn at Mrs. Rut h ne d on ly hl'i ng thei r T h oJ110li W" I' :t lllO IlA" t h uHr t )ro~ nl n olJc r t , 1(,I1 V ,', '36, " ' a ynesvUle; 8hort center. Sa vage, and the g ra ndeon of Mrs, ri ck , CHRI ST ' :,t II s Ul' pl'ls \)II:;kl't <lI nne ,' . g iv,'n G lIIll' rt F ,·y , '29, Way nes vlll a _ ' Charlee Collett- Manager W. C. Smith. l\IiIlLilte r Belle Dinwiddie , 1'01 '. :\[r. lind M I'H, W a l:re n E ll py . in 'I'hl' Bllcci nl ommltt c In due ~a Enrnh a r t 's dlv \tlion VOTE FOR HARRY H UGJ'm S S unda y : Mra, Sa va ge Is lho -torme r Gerald, unl l>li me nt "f . the:ir fl etleth welidlng Sun w ill udu l'ess ull tho me m bers fl ve e htl r Tc of t h e p rog ra m , An y, h B lbl Sc hool, H:30 n. m , FOR S TATE SENATOR BIRTHDAY PARTY FOR Ine Holl of Lebanon. g lvlll "; n n o ullin e .o f the 1939 m eetne w is hi ng n. w a y to go will please a n ll lv ol'. [f r y . on •' un dc y, umni unlo n, ,[():4G n . m , , ",RS. SADIE CONNER Il l atl\' I~ ~ n nd fI'l IIUS fl'Om . nIn.,; !l nt! o u l linln g pla ns for the de. m ee t nt 1\!r's, MOI'Y ross' .home at hrls tia n E ndea vor. 7:00 p . m , te rv lll e , . '1I1.o lnu , On. ;' lo n. li nd Lehan , \' lo pm e n t ,uf th e r ofere nce library. 11 o'clock . , Several friends gathered at tile r r('nch lng, 7:415 p . m . a ll g a Ulc reu t o m ul<e IL a h u ppy home of Mrs,. Sadie Conner; on Sun. , Tva n H o lto n will g i\' UR special ev('n t. GUANGE NOTI('E day, .- to remind her that anothe r mu s ic o n his ell!cu 'le g ul tnr 1\t The S u r l' ri ~('d o upl e , \\'N il presen t, \Vnynefl vllle Fal'm ers' O rn nge will blrtbilay anniversary had rolled a. ~ t hc cve ning servIce, ed ,,' It h !lc;'crn l p lecC's at Jh,n utl (ul hu ve l heir regul a r m eeting , ' n tUl', round. Miss Josephine Banta. of Lebanon. Mr. Ala n Kibler s penf' lnst w eek W edn sda y: ti ny ey n tng. Jul y 1G, a t lh c pi nlo cr ys ta l. At IIOOn a sumptuou. dInner w a ll spent II. rew days, the tlret aT the with Mr. nnd Mrs. Clarence E d· Mld ,we k se r vice, 7:4fi p , In . T h · rlln nc r wn!! mn lle complN o enjoyed, followed by a pleunnt at- week , with Mr. and Mrs, F. E. Fra- wards. On Sunday MI'. KIble r, Mr. " Com le t us go u p t tho ho us e gl'o und's or ' Mr , · an<1 Mrs . H o rry ( 1'1 d Ci s h s up plied by MI'. a nd 1\-1 1'1', Sm ith , 'All Grn.n ga m e m bors aro '"temoon- tqeether. del'. , nnd Mrs. Edwards bnd Reba. Mr. ot t h e> Lo rd ," L . .r. Su ll crlh waile, who h ad jUHI A T enn is lub lllls been org anized t1rgl)d to atte nd t\lI d /:IP 11(1 nn en , \l'~ present were Mr. and MNI. Mr. nnd MNI, Alan FUrnO. and carl She rwood. and mother, and Mr. n.wlP lc~ of _ joyab le e v nlng . Elich rnm lly is rc- r .-t u l·nerl rrom t h h' fiRh lng t l'lp In u nlle r t h J . E : F:razler, Mias JOIIe1lhlne Banta. daughter spent last week with Hous ton nlffi s on a t · Mirim'sol n. hUI'c h . Orrlcel'~ w e re u · u-· ....·_..w.....,..-':.;,"i',.'~ ques ted to bring buns lind \\'(' In er s Of Lebanon; Mr. and M .... Fred J.en. and MNI. U. G , Whetzel. tended a family dinner at Mr. hnd n nd n co ns titutio n drawn ' UP. Cor th eir own ra mlty , (lth el' re rres h' oilrd' aDd ~ughter. and . Mr. DIck Mr, and Mrs, Ira Brown were Mrs. Fred Shenv.ood's homo In Co' (lay ('ve nln g . m e nt s Wlll b fUl'nl s h 'd by th o MRS. RAYMOND BRADMlasell."or Klnp MillS, Mr. and Mrs. weekend guosts of his parents, In lumbus. .___ Gran ge. In caso of m in th c m('cllng DOCK ENTERTAINS CLUB ~ (, " (, I 'n l . helpful do na tions have Herbert . Doater and lIOns. at Har. Veranllles. Miss Sarah Smith was a dinner he" n g ive n b y Inl e r es ted frle nda. Th u 'V . j;•. 1\0[ , S ., of th a M. E. will be a t t he 'Om~ge H a ll. v~Y.burg. and the h~tel!8, Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Emery and guest. on Sunday, ot Mr. nnd !\Irs, lilt'S. Rllymo nd Dral1t1 or k ell ler , Ma ny church m elll ber s n a ve been family have returned to their homo George Smith . at Oree n Springs. Ohio, atter having Miss Rita Conner h nd as h er Churc h m t. last W ed,ne sdny . a t the Wln cd the 1I10m be l'8 oC t l1(' Ha ppy hUH Y d uri ng the I1ll.St week on the O. E. S. ~O'rI CE spent IIOveral days with Mr, and guest. on Sunday. ?tUBB Phyl1ls Bor. bcautl fu l co ull u 'y ho m e of !\Irs. FRIENDSHIP CLUB A p le nle for Dlatl'lc t Ma tro ns , H a Ul' Club nt h e r cu un try ho m r , Pl'o Jo:: ·t ' w lLI t t r uctol'S, d rags, wheelK ennelh B oug h, Mrs. K enn e th Past Matrons , P at ron s n nd Pas t Pa- T U() Hdny n rte rnoon. lInI'rows . a nd olhe r l ools t ryln'g to MEETS, WEDNESDAY Mra. C. H. Hartsock imd son, and ton. at Da yton . Mr. and Mrs. John W. Kersey. Mrs, Mary Maslioefer. at Clncln, Hou g h , ns vi c·pr esldent. pres ided In t ron s or the E a s t er'n Stil I' Or del' will M iss Belty Ogle s hce In ver y Cll n n , " 'comlills h n SUbs ta nt ial beglnnln•. "'1'. And "rs, Bar..... Mlsseldl.n e natl, spent Sunday with Mr, and t he ri.b"an co of tho prcslde nt, No t hly t ho yo ung t1 cople but _ _...,~ be held. nc xl F'rlday e ve nin g, a t F t. hlo m a nne r gnve Il r euu lng pnlill NI The li'i'lendehip Club met, Wednee· " H en rt of Am erica ," Mrs. Will W hite pr ese nted tho fol- Ancie nt P a rk. othc l:S (\1' 0 e li gible to ;leln this club. day . afternoon. with Mrs.t Ernost ancr. ·Mr. and Mrs. Harold MISBeldlrie, Mrs. Orange Raper. A "TI'ue a ndo F u lHO Q ui?z" p r ese n.lMISS' Ruby James Is vis iting at lo\\'hllr numbe rs .durlng the da voHartllOCk,. the a~nce of the o! Wltchlta, KanJ!ll8. are visiting cd by Mom lnln HOllk r BRult erl In ENTERTAIN "r;oo" CLUB Mr. a~d Mrs. Ollie Mlascldlne. the home at Mr. and Mrs. Lester llo na.1 pe riod: f ong by a ll, pra yer by president, if.." A~red 8tout pree.ld. OHURCH OF OUItlST NOTICE Miss Rulh H ocll ett a nd l\n 'H, E ll ed. .... r Mr" and Mrs., Horace Shaner and JameB. near Blanchester. 1\[rs , A, K. D ay; Ilna r enalng at t he SATURIlAY EVENING Th Mis siona ry Socie ty of th e F er, F urnas carryln l;' o rr tlt e h a nOi'S. Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Hough and hymn, "This IJI M y F a tllcr 's ' Vorld, " MNI. EStelle Shaner were Sunday M r. lind Mrs , Mor~ls Cornell enTbe " Frlendablp Motto Will . .ven r y n nd ,"Vaynesvllle Churc hes of Dcli clous I'Cf l'(,Rh mc nt s w e r e s~rv ­ t el'tnlnee1 th eir " 600' Club .at '1helr by the membe" .. Mrl, W. S. Graham dinner peats ot Mrs. Busle Evans. children and Mrs. 'Martha 'H ough by Mrs, W ·hlt4!. Chris t will hold their r egu ln r month , e(l by th e hot< tesM. uttc r whic h t h a country h om e, Sa turdAy evenlll&'. l\(r. and Mrs. Vern Armitage were Sundll:Y dinner guests at Dr, Th e t ext book tOt· the foll owin g . had charee of a , beIluUfUI devotional Iy mee ting. tho last W edn esda y In m ce ti nG' ndj<l UI'n <I to m ee t with MrA. Th (llve rslo n or th e evening waa ! . an.d Mrs. ROM Hartsock, and. and MNI. J, W. Ward. at H a'rve ya- year will be " MOyln g Million s ", period. taItlnc for her 8ubject, Jul y. a l th o hom e at Mrs . J o hn WIl, Esthe r M I~ h e n or, in Aug ust. Mrs. c. H. Deatherage attended a burg. Mesda m es J o hn L llcy . F rank Fnrr, "UOO" w ith prizes tor . hlgb acbore lis . .lIeanlng Of FaIth." plenlc at Sharon WoodII. sun~Y. Mr, and Mrs, RUBBeli N enl a nd nnd A . K . ~ay gave Intel'esting r eg oin g t o Mrs. Hurn. ,Smith and Mr.' Duttng \lle .lIOC1al b.our, an autoSATTEUTIIWAITES EN.JOY A This 'jV1UI a reunion for several , Shirley K ., of Cincinna ti. pot'l s at th e W, F. M. S, D is t r ict L, V . B rans tra tor. ! JOliN SATTERTHWAITE mobile ~rty 'waa en)Oyedo. Mrs. Gra, FISH }' Rl' fiji of the Oregonln Scbool. were week erid guests or MI'. and Meeti ng Ilt Cha uta uqUll. A de~lc lou8 I~nch was served and FAMILY REUNION ham knew tie, "aut08" beet; anel '. Mr. and Mrs. Perry ' DavllI an!! Mrs. OrvWe Gray and daughter, Bar.. The folJowln g nomlnatln ~ commit Se vernl m ell1 bc r ~ o( Lh a . u tlerth - Ht a la t e hour, the gUCllt8' deParted. D escenda nts ' Qf J ohn . Satter t h, w a lto fu mJl y me t nt the hume of M .... ·.cha17!e. Berry proved ,the , family ot Carrollton. KY' I ,an'd Dr. bam. t ee to selec t o((\ee rs t or the coming . Th e following enjo¥ed' ' the" even• . wai te will hold the ir 31'{1 Annunl R o· MI', o n(1 :'.1I's. H nry fltle r t llwa\tc . imitator of .an ilutomoblle horn. and Mrs. D. T. Dredge and chOd.' Rev. John Lacy wlll leave. lIext year we re chose n : Mca'dli.'mes John In g: Mr .and Mrs, Ernest . Butter- " union on the g r ound s of th e F rie nds on l\!o nd ay e ve nin g , nm) ellJoyed n , MaD)' ~ever~and, lnterestlric autoren of Washington, D. C,. were TUBa MondaY. for a week In .Evans to'Vn. Lac y. Harry W illia m son, n nd "{ra, worth, Mr. nnd Mrs: Jack Wch: III'. White Brick Meeting Ho~se, o n !ish rr y , T he Cis h \\' el'! Ilnl't or a m.oblle "rouiancea' were ' written, and dllY ~esta of Mr. and MriI. ~OS8 IlIlnols, where ho win attend the Ma l'y Cross, . nne! Mrs, L . V. Branstrator, 1141'. and a~ autome;biJe 'race wltb tOY ma' i!pie ndlll cllt c·h hrough t h ome by 1\11', Mrs. SId Ellis, ~r . and MNI. Harry Hart.ock and MNI, C. H. Deather· Pastor'; Conference. , WhUe gone he During 't he :soclal hour, ,th e follow- n e.~t S und ~y. July 17th. nnd Mrs, Lesll a J . Slitter~ hwa i te SD1ltb~ and. t~e host and h08t~ea.· , ~n" , DJo:recL .a p,. 'expecta to visit relatives In Mil. Ing prog r a m was pre sen ted : NO'U(J~' OF ' PIJBLlC HEARING rrOm l\Jjnn eBotl'l. )n t wee k . . T.l!:aptlnir retreahlllenta wers' lel'V- 10'. 'W. S. Harcl1Ji. of 1IlIainl,'· FJor. waukee. Article. "-Me m berShip", by Mrs. ':,4 e4 . ' • •, )In.' . ~k, aullte4 .bY tda, ,is IIJ)encllntr. tbe s~er THE WAYNE TOWNSHIP , . Those prese nt wer e MI'. a nd Mrs , lIlrs • . Maud Crane entertained, the Cross; Solo, "Go Ye," Mrs . H a rold RURAL SOIIOOL DISTRICT DUD· W arr n Espy. of Ce ntervllle i ~lr. ," 1Ire! ~D. : Bmlth, ,L. C' ,BtJobn, Mr. and Mni. Josepb Tinney. foUowlne .to dinner • . Sun~y: Mi'. Elnrnl;n~t; A~·U~le. "Mite Boxos ." OET , , .ad 1In.- JIarY CrotIa. .. a nd Mrs . Arthur Sumner . of L ebanl\(r, and 'Ifr. .. ltDbert WemtsVlait· ~d Mrs. Manley iameson and Mrs , {1'1l Brown; Artl ol~ . "My Mls~ .~ ~m ' be . with on; !\f1·S. Milb I S tll~ p I1 nd daughter. eel 1I(r8. JDthel McCoy. of D3yt.0n. od da.uabferj ~arth8.. Mias Ann Crane s lonn ry Camel.' hy .M;rs , White. ¥~; W. ·B. Graham In AQU8t. No' t lcQ 11j, he r eby give n that on the E dnlll Mae . a ndo Miss Ma~y S a lterth. BUn~y •., · '1 4nd . l\(r. R~aaell carr; of Lebanon, D eliciOUS l'ell:r eehMents W . 0,) aerv~. Emma. ' !:'Ien:e 18th day at JUly • . 19~8, a t 8 '9 'clock w/)J le a nd Mr. and Mrs, H e nry' Sat· week~n wltb her niece K.... . Ralpb Hutln... and ' tIOn, Mr. and. Md, ·~ren, .Jameson,' and e<t I;ty 'the b09tes~ .. In the a b8 meo of Robinson, In ClncJo'natL' Bob, ,'were dinner cuNtl, on 'last Fri· ch1Jd~ of . 'WaverlY, 9hlo; .l\(r. and her r egular 'h,olJ)8n , she was -a ssist· p . n,,' f l public henring on tpe budget te l'thw al~ e . claY. ot IIr. ~4' lira. ' aeo.... Coleson and cblldren, o.f '·MI. cd by h e r' s iste r, "Mrs, E1iITnhnrt ~d PI'Cpnl'ed by tb~ Board pt Edll(m· '!lhe MJaee8 Sarah and LiluJae tlon ,?f W ayno TOWllllhlp Rural The Navy. 140 years old on 'A pril 'b om, of LeblUlon. . . amIIb)l1'lr: K~ ~Uy CraDIl' or C\n. daughter, Q~nnl. Ho.rtaock ~Il!nt 8und4y ~e""" S chool Dlat rlct ot Warren County, 30,. J.lI38. dace n~ know whe'r e It several frOm a d1ItIi.Doe atteDde4 clD.,..U, and lira. Irene Henderson.· The next m'le tlng WIll be with Mrs. Ohio, (or the n ext tlllcnl -y en r endln lUI born, O!Clclals 'fIIi.,v the locaUon MrLulI& 'ale of aUeaaea at the bome or A eon, Jimmy Wayne, WIll !)orn to Marlatt with M~ LeMay snd MnI. December Sl, 1910. of the Navy D e partment., houaecl In lit. .A. ZJfI HartllOCk. of' ~1dIj~ lin; "'B~: OD 8&ta~. and IItra. Elmer Wayne, I. Wbetzel as ~nt hQl!IthIIes. Such 'h earing will be held ' nt the temporary quarters, o.tte~ Ita erea. calIe40 on relatlv_ In Le'.DOIL '11il Mr. • ~ CUIltoa u.. aacl ])a.. . . Bealde aJI4 JrInJ. Tay. . --..-'f oCClce of til!) Board of $Ucadoll, tJOJl by Congresa .April 10. U98, baa cia), ' aflernoon. not been d!!termlned. B.~_ce warUme ft(d of Deer Run, We.t Vir· Ja4ieI unable to B Igi) S ohool Bulldlna. )(l'II: Clarenoe at . at Cle ClnclnMtI·New 11'. B. HENDERSON 1918 the Navv baa beer.'1aouM In a caue4 bUebGJ~l "'" a t CrGeley . ,eld,

Romm T c . I\LL E:-J A \\'i\lWE D

Seventh District Democrats to Meet


Birthday Party For Caroline Bradley

Warren County Jr. Ball Leagut


First Wedding Anniversary


101~' . IC 1 .-. ~, . . ~, / :~_~ ~;~ Celeb. ate Fiftieth Wedding AnDiversary

W aynesvl . '11e Per sona1S

Tennis Club Is Organized Here

Missionary Society Meets With Mrs. Kenneth Hough





New 01 Friends Home '


0.. III:!-







CledC. .~



Wit; ..

THE MIAMI GAZETTE ~rl', 1111(1 "',II'~, nna Mr, 11m! h,lIn lJy 1111\('111\, lin: !.I ud Mrk, A , E , 'Whitt', 0 1 C.0 I LIlli' .. ~ 'llonll ~ ,. hUIi. ?h', 1\11'11, J vhll Myt,!,>! ulld :'Ilr1!, ' hlel, 'vllll ll!. F .."d Null P II Sl'I' U , Jnl(JII t , "'UI1C' ~(l :;ltlll'l!II,\ ' Itl I ut'i llJlHtl. (.'ull 'Ill', -tl u ul:;'I'll(·r . u I, ... \ ·r n "I II" J or

Mickey Rooney Scores J~ain


~112 Waynes vilie ,

' veiling



Subscription Price, $1.60 Per Year, Paya Ie in .Advance

An Independent NewSpaper Dedicated to the Servi ce of Waynesville and YiClllity Giving its patrons ' the best newspaper humanly pos~b~

Members of the netvspapet' frat ernity wCI'e shocked and addened to I arn of th e d ath of Howard B~rba, who died at hi s home in Beula h, Mich" Friday, July 8, after an illn ess of two year , Mr, Burba was for many yea r act ive ly con necte d wi th the Dayton Daily Ncws but fo r the pn, t fcw yca l'. had conducted his newspap er work f rom hi. hom e in Michigan, yndicating much of hi s writi ng and h e lping ma ny stru ggling writers to fi nd a pr ope r mark et for theil' work, With ap olog ies to t h DHyto n DHily News we are reprin t ing t heir ed itorial which app ea red in Sunday's News,


~lich l:Y HOUIIOY, t he fa ~ t e~ t rlsillg a lai' III Holl ywoo d who has apllca J' ect in all uVll lall c h of Ilopu lllr scree n rol es Including "Th Iroll ~ hhl ' cd ' OOll 't Cry;" "lIo ld 'rltat Kiss" and tho famou5 .. J Ilrl i;l' If artly" Re d s , is lIl e star of "Lord J ef r, " t be sUrring s tory or buylsh l or a lli c ~ alld r e ll{' lI e t'Ulioll told against tho bacl(g ro lllld of 11 JUlliol' lHwni IIC'a demy, Fro ddl e Barl hofom e w, Gale Sonde I" gaart!, and ii Ol'be n !I1\1ll(lIn a lso hove feature d ,rol 08, HOllney and i1al'th"luJllow plllY t h e tw o pnncipal [lIlTt s tll " Lord J off :' opening Suntlay July 17, a t X e nia th llater In Xenia ror thre. , c111~' c ll i;age lll nl. The pl o t ct als with a boy pa &Qcd oU liS U h"l:u~ IwhlNtHlll, by c r ooks who a d o pted blm a s nn orphan, \t is Il t'tl'c\lll n Ilnd Iho work oC lhe naval acado my In r es toring •.. ·n ,to \I ~ fu l cillzens h lp,

UOWARD nURnA ra~(' .

H owurd Bul'l.lrt was a n nplI I'ollrlale prollu t of the lI O(lg lIvtllc h lll~ wh pllee h e eo m p, H e wos uOl'n inlO an a tmosphe re r l'dol('lIl or the ... Im· pI c gren tn es~ oC tho h ol'O, m n rt)T president whose bo re r ('t , 11 gC' I\C'ration befor c, had l hrC'H <le (\ tho s o sli m e

\l am !.i :'IllI'tz Is nOl a 1II"I\,t\(':l 1 IJnlltician hut Iw 1>1 n >ltau ll l.'h 1 el" uiJlkan and a ma n nf cl ':.I I', clea n Jud g mOllt In Ilubli c 11 fCI1 I,.,;, H u is C\ lIttiifi!',1 t o I' PI' sen t t he II oplc ,.f 'VIII'I'(' n '\Jnt,l' in th C' Oh io Il ous ...

nnLi ve \\Ioolls a n cl hills, S pare of !Jo· dy, m od<!st In tal't" !Jut rich In porBonnllty, Burba brou g ht to n long ea r in Ohio journalis m th e t ll ng Ilnd flavor of his K ntu cky hills, the 8u rroundln"s a nd scones out of

of H" IIl'!':;!' nlull\'c!I a nd to fill the plnc!' ' ~u I\lIly 0 c upied h~' ,\ rLi I III' Il umillon for a nlllllul?I' OJf yen r~, 'rho R Ilubll ; \OS of \0' .." nl(.11 n lO"",mdtlp "fCt'" him t(l th l? \'Ot{) l'~ ns 1\ cnndhla to who ca n be U'UHtl' ll


which Abra!tll m Lincoln , fl'om wh m Burba r eceived his mId lie nomt', hlld come, His home n nd work, for the greater part o f his activ e .lIfo, w as In Ohio, His heart t ook him back year after year to th e fishing pOOl8 nnd the hunting g r ounds of his I~ e n· tuelty youth, A wide dive rsit y of tnlents a nd :111 uneensLng cn e rgy made HOIVUl'd Burba prolifIc nnd proflc lont In llrnc· tlen lIy every tONTI o f journa lis tic work 'Hla work, nalae from his d vo· Uon to his borne and frie nds, was h is 1\(e, Perhaps no Ohio n ewspllper wrl· ,te.r ot reoen.t yenrs h ilS b een moro widely known for Ihe varie ty a nd quality ot his writing t han w e h , He brought to Tho D a lly N ews, which he served with unbroken :aeal n.n~ loyalty for more than halt h is ~Ife, II. buman touch c harnctol'is Ue of bls heart and skill.

M I', 11 1111


lIll's, Cm'l Sim s a nd lio n, 1· 1'1,,1111 ..

n n,l :\'1,'S, R Ill' Hims, oC Uncinnntl vlNiterl 1\11', unil lIl1'8, Q~ \, ~im~. ) 11',4, ettl' l"ulllC'1'1l n n n(l Olh l' reil n 11\' rs n . uml,lY, JlII'I>, E, e, Ynl) " 'l nlel(1, oC Cl n· "'n~IIL1, 1M H ll (' llLlln~ th is w ('II with .MI', u n(\ 1I 11'~, ')'olld '.vu lto n , II III 1'): n t.iwri nll C JI~CY, r :X e l~ln , \~'ns u s u r.s t f M,', (lOll M\'s, 'Villill m O\l $CY o \'e r tho w (!t!k ond , ' Geraldin e CompLon Is spending th e wce lt Wltl0 Mr, nnd :\Ir~, May. e rR, of Cinc inna ti , ~ h'II, Nuil wns 1Il l,o n tn n Colum.


Friday -



J ack Holt.

Dead End ,Boy.


bus hospita I on ~I "ndn)',

n ol ig h U!1J.:'Ull Is l'~ il ll\'lC'(1 vory 11\ I(lI lh('I'ln" (tml 001,,1" ' " 1\I 01'1'i8, tIC Oll)'t,)n , pll"tled, f';u nl~IY with th ('\ I' s lHt ll r, ..\tt's . 'Tlll'oi1o ro

PI ' rldn ~.

l\irH, 1', A , \\' ' lI e l' li n 'nt II · fe w oIaYR t h ' jll1!<t \\'l'!'k \\'Ith 11('1' ,I " IIg h· , l"I' , ~II' s , ll c l'lI 1I o il ll ml In I:! 'lI l1lon \. lI i l', li nd Mrs, PITY W .lI s nml Jlil', fi n d 1II1' ~, AI' 'h 'op scy , B lea n, undny vi Itol':! uf u" Cops!'}" n nc! n oy E ll is 111:0 HI) ' li d, d n ul>h l e l'S, w eI' 1111', 1I1Icl 1\11';1, T om Pow II n CIII' 01'0' ins Il tw O, w 'II '" va u ll,m In fin 'hi , I,;'U 11 . I;o nla, M,', and Ml's, ScoH Day W C I' 6 vis, itOl'8 Sa turda y of ,hiS m o th er, 1\1rs , 1I1 )'l'lIo Day n en r Cln l'lI sy lllo,

lIf rs, Slell a Knight and 80n of O l'cl;o ni a w el'!' ·W clln cMdn )' v i s itol'~ of -'II'. a nd I,·s, J , 0, S mith , M ,', nnd 1\11'9, P a lll Ric h n nd, fu m· lI y of n a r L banun, \V '" " isito!'!1 in lhl s vlclnily S lIndny,

New IBlUIlf'Hnll1lgtol1n1

JlII:;8 111 ym lI n )'ll c It r ot ul'n ccl , Frid ny , f ,'olll n n xl!'ll s!\'e t"lp lh " 'ellt, i\II'S, Elmt'r 11m'ncs I ~ Iii \\'Ith li v' l' troubl e il L h t' I' h om h !'r e, 1111'S, Erri!' S \,oggy, wh o hOR m ak ing h el' h om ' with h I' n e phew, B , H , ,\llIe l' nnll ( .. mill' , hos I' m ov, !'d to La. '1"08:1. '''ise n s in, ~ii sll 1lllby S mith hac1 as o ve r t he w ('!' k end, Miss Mary 111

~ir, IIm1 ~'lr~ , !1nym on(\ N wco m· e r n nd son , Runuld, M X en in, v is lled wilh 1\11', n nd Mrs, Fred Thomp so n, • undo )', 1II1', and lIlrs, L on a r(\ Moore n nll .Iuh on , of Dayto n, :'>II'~, H ut h :'>1 I1I'I,;'"n and :'>ll's. Ali ce S (i II family, of GOl'mnnt o wlI , Mr , Kiphu.r t MI ss Effie Burnett , or pri ng 0 ( lilt o f .J ~~Sfl Itubill son. (II ' d . " pe nt laRt w e Ie with he r co u ~i n s, tl nd d pe ndell u pon t o fiJi tl ... pus i' Th e 11I\'l.'nt.,,'y .If lJlo"lh:o .i'r,rll,tt , 1.11', Ll nll l\IrR, 'hnrl 8 1\IC'lldo nh nl!. lion of !1c pn's Illlllivo In II Hlrn lghl · n<i.l1l in lllll'ulI'lx (j f tlw ,'s tilt uf Lou. "IH' llt iast wee k wilh Iw r ~ I :itl'r, Mrs , F , D , (lnwLOn Is co nCin ' d t ll his rOl'wnl'll, hOIll'~t a ml Int ' lI igc n t mll ll' I:;a E arn ha l'l, "PIII'''''!'( !. KCl'III'" , m h:0 1ll and ramily, nc r , Th ' wills or ;\ IIIf{S i(' ;\IHI'Un lin d n !'pu!JlIe a n s will 111 H I~e no n11s· F:lln Olll" I", "(' lI['('n ndwht('(\ to t all tn s upp orting H lI l'old l\lan7. fu .. )11'o lJn l t!'. clay ti ft I'noun Ilml ve ning with n Iho n om ln a ll n f I' Ht'pr BI'nUt l lve 1Ie rlha ['a dell allthurlz Nl to ~c ll la wn p arty , Guests were: Mr, n nd a t the rrlmury c i 'cUon to be held, c rLifi ate of 1" llo:! 11 and !tenulet and :'III'S, All n 'Emrick , 1\, Pall I ruehleI', of Daylon, 1\11', Tuesdny , A lIg uSt 9, 1 93 , onch :t L I'l'i\':\ I S l tl C , ,.a hl b ' lun g lng fill" und MI'S, A, C, J{uij h of Day· a nd Mrs. i. T , Spluks, J oa nn~ , Paul. For A REP UBLI AN VO'r EB to lh ' L UII I:!a Ban, h ll l'l ,'$tat ', tun \\'('1' Sunc!:ty dinne r I,;'UeSLB o f in a nd Harry , of 1IIidietown, Mr, th ' \t' son, ~II', Fre d Ru sh, a nd fum- a mi Mrs, Dlsc10n L ovely , Middle, il y, ';>;EW /SUITS town, ~It" Rnlph Bra n s tl'a tor, Way, :IIII', a nd :\[rs, W, F , Clark, or n esv ill e, Mr, (md 1\1rs, Arlhur Divorce!:! to r 'Hlked by Rosnrtl3 1'1 D:\yLOIl, SI) lit Fl"ldi1Y a ft 1'I100n with ICnlg-ht nnd Pau'l of Orego nia. PRonATE NO I'!'i!! f,· m lI arry .NO''!'iH and hy :'Ill'S, Mn ry lu 'm uny, MI'8, John BomIumnt tl llc1 Clll Us h , REPunUCAN PRIMARY, AUGUST 9, 1938 Th fi l's t u neI (inlll I1C ou nt!! nf Ii Ill n K . A ll n (rom f\ uw:tl'd All n l\lril, M:lI'gm'cl Johns nnd Pllul t o r s, a,' i:'u ests of r e la Uv es a t til t' (o llowi ns Illtes will be helt l'd In s ults fII '<I thi s WC' 1(. Mrs , Nurl'id J oh ns w'l'e Su lllrdny g u esls o f Mr!l, W ashington , .H , Cor 11 few 'dnys, Mr , Ilnd Mrs , K enne th Larne y " n oa r V'ay n es \' Ul e, A ug us t 1: B u lah Rineho..l'l1t, ex c u· s tllles th ey \\'el'<' mlll'!'lod at J'I <:h · .\1I1I'thl1. H ou'-h l rl x ot lh esta te of A, L , PI'lee: H . mond, In diann , on J « nuury 27, 1934, MI'!! , J oseph lm8si a nd 50n, EI. w l'e MoneIay guest oC Mr, a nd a nd hnve uno ch llel whos, ell>;lody i d t u '. K ee\' er, ndminlsll'ato l' of "{l1rion s he 5 ' (' I. s, Th ' Alkn s hm 'o n o chilli , woo d , of Piq ua, W 1'0 W ek end Mrs, Gienn D Il\, s an a m y, D, Kee \' I'; Gord on J , L ow!', admln· g u ti t s o C 1IJ 1', n nc! ~ !t's, 'Vulter Ken. 1\11', ~ nd Mrs, Fmnll ~o n. s cnt>?r , Is trnlol' of th e Slate or Ethel B , rcn Ih o pin lntiff s ta tes n11(l nsl.~ rI ck, t l! ne (l n number of (riom (is to dl ', L owe: J ohn Sc hultz, nd minisl rlltor Owl h el' maltl<'n n llm e u( ])" I\'e,' be Mr, nnd Mrs, Guy Routznhn and ncr I S undny. "rho"o(e pn'Nllnt " -e re : or th Slat e or Pell rl f; chultz: a nd r s t Ol' tI , the Ida H ne i\lili el' Is tlef ' mI n 111 In' 1\ (a mlly atte nd d, II picnic ot the Col· !\Jr, lind Mrs, H er bert L ,UII r, Mr.:, Mid,d letown, Minni e .Jac\!, ndmlni t!trn tl'ix of s uil flie d by til t' ;lln St)Jl LUlll b I' fo r ploycel; of (h o Gulf R flnlns Co" of Lillie D n ldn, a ll 0 elSlal o ( ~1\Ilon J oclt, 0 l'" t ,V P k undo Mr!!, Lu Inda Bl'a ~ kn :ly a nd so n, fore iOAul'e 1111(1 $15 1.6 0. T h e a mn ll nt Ill' On, a Ilyn e Ill' , y,

n llll\\'\',l $~~. I) f, '" ~i l1li1" r H~ I' \' i, '('s fUI'


till' ull rl nls lll 'ti 1I(lfII lnist raL iu lI IIf 111 0 l'~tal c' IIf 81ll1lla I. !t 1l';8 •• 11, Th , fll'~ 1 li nd fln ;oi '10' ount lie ' I) , ),I\:l III:; h , ,,,imlnl,,II'," ,, r " I' th e ". I

Harold V. Martz Representative


Burba was born with Q. genius for fr! ndsblp, and In the clrclo of Inti· mate friends to whom hL9 devotion was gIven -h e was seen nnd known at b ls richest and best. 'The r e his Th n e t VLl I\l o~ the cstat of 1>1 inn n rd WIIS set a t $6V1.12, PMs1ng Will- be most c:1eeply 1elt, John a nd deela I' (\ lO bo x en1pt fr'o m tn·

,a •••••••••••••••

Levee Build'ing, .Ditcbin~ Excavating

I:tlm ed dUI' for 11Imht.: I' <1 . lh' I'"d


Harold Martz For R eprsser:atative


Bvc"oit ,nv'tt: n llend d. th fUnor AI th 11011 or lift' , lind , ~Ir fl, P IIU / [t \'tll;' ilL W'l1ynes \'lU , Montlny nr· I rnoo n, Mrs, l\1 I1 I'Y armony, In olU pan! wllh Mr, and 1I Irs, E, J , a l'm on y , oJ prlnl,( rlt' ld, , otl ;1(1'1:1 th o 'n.r nwny I'c lInlon at TlllIlccun il)" u nduy, :\1I 8~ llI'nh BurneL, of Etllll .P lle~· Un4l , OhiO, spent part f last we k with he r brother a nd wlte, Mr, a nd Mrs, Harvey Burnet, M iss Burnet le ft, Saturday morning In compa ny w ith ber s ister, Mrs, !I1ab I Din, wl<ll:li and d aughl r, l\[\ ~8 Anlhn , of Dayton, fo r 11. u 'ip to n na d a Luul th N('w E ng land S lnt K,




, I)(

Entered Api Sl\cond Class Mail Mat1;er .at P ostoffic

C. A. ANDERS N, Editor ORVILLE Mr~. R. H, Hastings, Soci~ty Editor , " , , , , , Phone 45 R


of l' 111\ I R"I'vleoil a,t tho

a lld

H orll 'e

a nd

Leave name with Miami Gazette for eatimate.

n\lI: Ve l'no n S lIms, nil or I'n yton , Mi s~ Aile Snms IlccOJll pa nled he r Erncst hl'nth er, V rn on, t o 'On/t a n, Sunday ,

mE HAMILTON GRAVEL co. Hamilton, Ohio.


Phone 3708 W. P : Watson, Mgr.


,....... .


Vote I'or

R. WILDS GILCHRIST For h 1'0 we nl to Cincln utl , on the exc ur· slon, Thllrsday , . . M,r s, Rl ch ul'cl Murl'llY, who h as hee n vcry llI , Is Improving, HII7.t.: 1 Arme ntrout 'tnd Mi na P inAl cr of \ Vn s hing ton StaLe nre v \:'Ii t, in~ Miss AI'mt'ntr olll's Aunt , Mrs, K at!' Eo!>le ' (nd o lh el' ,'ehIllvcM he r!l, Ml', and 1\lrs, L e o Will nbel'g a n d da ughter, of MichIga n, Vllssec!. tho wock e nd ,wi t h Mr, a ncl Mrs, Lew Wlllcnb e r~ and lIfrs, Cora Qucnry, Mrs, Daisy HnrLsock returned on Friday, (rol)1 Brookv ille, IndIana , whero s h e 61)Ont three month s nurs· ln g , Mr, n nd Mrs, Willis Zelle r, of Dayton, vis il ed on Friday evenin g with , Osborn,

REPRESENTATIVE Republican Primary, August 9, 1938


, .EDWA~D'






Harry A". HugHes . .

Solicits Your Vote For

State ,Senator -.-

-Democratic Primari~l, Alii- ,~, '"

Elect a Man 01 A,m on, Not ·Promi. .






be aerved on the grOUnd~: 8penklng or s hoots - It Is Good to II~ thut acUvlty hus s ta rted" ngulrl th e Frn.nklln Gun Glub ltUps 2 miles east of Fr~ nklln . A s hoot "'ivai h e ld lust Tuesday. -0..... Gam Protector ~Inea auys that the mystery In the "drunlee n fish oUall''' a t Morrow was not th e nco tio ns at th e fis h It any (CII! f n ever saw 'em !) but who gave

'S portsmen Corner

.-Rendell Rhoades, State Conlerva· tlon Dlvlelon fish manaarement asent tor the Little Mlaml dralnqe dlah:lct. spent (J. half day last week with the 'Write r goIng over the var· lous projecto that are beIng oonald· ered by the County Fish dnd Game Ass n . Mr. Rhoades made a num ber of t1uggestlo na for work to be done on Blair IAko at Frank lid. fishIng rights or which were recently turned OV I' to the aslloclatton. Wo next went over Clenr Creek wlt'h and eye to stream Improvement. POBslble dam Bltcs for crea tion of good slze d lukeB were Inspccted In s e vernl 10. cullons through Warren County. In the evenlng Mr. Rhoades met with tho A88n. fish pl!lllning oommlttee at Dr. Zettel'8 oftlee In Lebanon. Ju ut what type o! work wl\l be un · d e rtaken In thlY section will take BOme time to determlne-but as long as the sportsmen ore active we are assured of 'f ull cooperation from the Conservation Dept. Let's llve up to our part and Ree that they do a lso ! -0Cooperatlon- of eport.s men's groupS wlt'b the Stafe Conservation Dlvl·

I umlJ ' l'ln!! 01(\ ~" I) ~ I·ato l· . Id thvlIl;'h It III 'io~ '0 tIlR tI mt 1~I<1J'O l u, 1)ol" l~ no '~l cd to aocompllsh t he \ 01'1( . 'I'lm and Ill'" 1'1 nee wlll decJld It "II. H v. Sm ith p rCol'm d th wNldlng ., Cllrmon~' or 111 IsS ·DOl·Olhy 'r u It and Mr. H a rold IDnS', a l L lm... n, 11I,· t wcel< . a nd \\'os a g 'U st ul the w -d · , dinG' 8ullp er arterward. Til . Smit h ramlly wore RUPPl' r ~==-------fH-ttroFY--w-e\lefY-i~'rYlIl"l\(:tt!r'-trrthe u"b-h-oonn.....r nf llir. nnd ~1rs. Ma uric e Hun t el', Wednesday eve ning. Later In ley! -l1the evening Ice Cream and. cake lIon l. constantly belng plugged by The tlshlng Journal thl....eek oon. wers eerved . the Depnrtment, but It .eems to u. cerna Itaelt mostly with "trlppers" Hnrry R. Fo rdyce wa ll In Xenia that In an' Immensely ,1mport,nnt s ince the curre nt hot spell has cut on bu s ln oss, W cdncHday. conservation ltem the Sln.te Itself down on flahlng nctivlty 10Clllly, Alf has missed the bo'nt. At the co unty Drake oC Kln g/l Mills find Joh n Kill" sportsmen's meeting In Franklin, a sey of ,"Vay nosv ille. both report the cou)lle at weeks ago. CommIssioner Little Mlnml still mud<ly. Twin Wooddcll. In his la lk, mentioned th e Cr eek -scems to be ylefdlng n. fe w case with w hich ma ny highway fills ca t ch es In s pite or th e weather. Its Miss Joscplhhl ll Gmy ove r valley and cr oeks can c reate wut er Is In Idenl s ha pe at thlij writ. small lukea by tho nddAtlon of a Ing (Tuesd ay) If you ca n find n h ole Sund n y wns the -uc ca s lon oC u n In · spillway. It 8eems to yours truly without someone swimmIng In Il . fo rm a l l'f·ceJltlon "t Ihc hum e o f :II... that t'ho Division IH very lax In not Myron K eeler ot Lebanon ca ug ht u ' n nd IIlnl. Thollla >l Ttl h fo ,' th e ir keeping tab on th e proposed high· 33 Inc h northe rn pike In south e rn tion. R" lph. 1111(1 hit! wif. The fol · way project ove r the s tate - and Mlc hlgn n Wl1ter s _ and. got his pic. lowlllg r l'lallvca an u fI'le nds were notifying th e organized Bport llm e n' s turo In a ll th e Cin cinn a ti palle r s ! p n 'SI' nt 10 helll Ih m e njo y th e day : groups In those localities . These two L eonard Camphau sen. Afbert 1\1l\1e r. III .. . a ll tl 1\11'" '1'1 " IIIUS Ri c h . ""I ,·. a n cl departments. Highway and Conser· a nd Fred Meeker (not C hie f) of ~ h·s . 1'lI ul Hh .• " " II ramily, Mr. a n d vatlon, h ave cooperated In a. few Fra n k lin a re gett ing so m o good M .. M. Elli .... t lach ll nd rllmil y . 1\1 ... . IHolate d CllJIes but should be 'more fi shin g n car N ewago. Ml chl g-nn . nn,~ ;\Ir>!. Colelllan J llcl< 8o n and fUITI ' closely link ed In pla nnIng and con· 'I'h y writ e that th e r ock bass and lIy, ~I 1'. ,(nd 1111'S. "\V iI!lon H a rvey. s truetlon work. blue' gills are whoppe r s with som e \,Irsl nlu., J nYlll o nll L ,,1 (" ', l\I a ry . -0nlco black buss mixed In . R. D. Juanita, Esth e r, 'I'll m:l s 1:01'1<. Tho tlllh regulu r matcb of th e Ha.yes ot Frnnklln just r e turn ed C lad.,·s 1IIny , HI'II, Hn,.I'Y.· Edith, Southwestern Ohio Rltle L ea gue will from Soulh Mnnlsllquc Lnke ot Cu r . Lowe ll . Ru ll, \ VIIHnm . ulman. J,' .. be be ld, next SundtlY, July 17th. a t ti s . Mlchlgnn. where he caught 20 Cn d und l onn J a ne , .J u!'k so n. 1·hom· Ernest Snlder's fa rm. one mllc n orlh bru;.q averaging over 2 1·2 Ibs _ a ns . Lo ra in e . . "\\'11.~0 1l. Jr.. 1\lIl to n of Fosters. A new range has jus t lot of one lb. blueglll s, and ple nlty IlJlrl'!'Y. E lbe rta . J en n . l\1nr y J o. been completed the r e. nnd the pub· or north er n pike. He cn ded by com · l~d lth Moe n nd Dl clit y Ric h . l\I,'. n nd 11c Is Invit ed to watc h the s ix tea m s Ing home a nd geWng two 15 Inc h Mr s. Emery 110slI. and dnuglolel' , compe t e. Lunch anlL cold drfnks will bass In Clear lus t Su nday o n a rl\' er Do .. ls, 1I11' .a nd 1>1..s. Cllnl Ho!<s. IIII' . runl. R ay a nd Bo b Be r ger, at Frank Jl nd Mrs. Le~ lI e Shullz. lind dnu!:h·


Reserve District No. 4

11n. brought back u. fino cat ch of pIk e , bass, and large bluegllls f rom Report of Condition of Cr ete. Mi ch .• that was more thn n e nou g h for a big fn mlly fi s h fry. It see m s that th r e Is an un us un l num · bor ot really big blueg ills In the Of Wayn.e.vm.. iD the State of Ohio. at the cl,*, of north ern la kes this yeUr. bUline•• on June 30. 1938. SInce many Mlchlgans s t" ea ms PUBLJSIIED IN ·RESPONSE TO CALL MADE BY COMPTROLLER have rai sed, me trout fishing Is r eo OF THE CURRENCY, UNDER SECTION 1I!1t, U. S . REVISED STA, ported rat-h er poor. Bn.rring more TUTES rai n It sh o uld bc O. K. In a n oth er w eek . -0' ASSETS The best t lshlng story of this Loans and discounts.. ... .................. ............... $176,268.23 Overdrafts ............................ .......... .. ........ 4.56 week cornell from Inc1!a n t,.ak e _ right here In Ohio, whe re O. D . Bur. United States Government obligations, d direct and fully guaranteed ....... ......... .. 127,893.15 e n of SpringfIeld, a nd his dad, R. L. Other bonds, stocks, and securities ............ .. 129,026.28 caught se ve n sm a ll mouth bass that weighed exactly SO pounds! An nve. Banking house, $8,000.00. Furniture and rage of over (our pounds eac h. To 9,600.00 fixtures, $1,600 ........ :............................ . 40,427-.28 top It oft the la r gest was 24 Inches Reserve with Federal Reserve Bank .. .... .... .. long nnd weig hed G 3·4 pounds. They Cash, balances with other banks. and cash 79.516.84 w e re caught near Longs Is land on items in process of collection .............. .. II. red-heo d plug. W a rden Hines saw

Charter No. 2220


The Wayneaville National Bank

TOTAL ASSETS ............... ........... ....... ... - 562,736.24 LlABIL1TIES Dem_nd deposits -of il\dividuals, partnerships, and corporations... :.......... ........... . 314,840.64 Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, 50,087.47 and corporations ....................... . 72.049.29 State, coqnty, and municipal deposits ........ .. 'Deposits-of other banks, ~ncluding .certiried 15.00 and cashier's checks outstandmg ........ .. Deposits secured ,by pledge of Joans and-pr ojnvestments . . $ 54.886.40 Deposits not secured by pledge of loans and-or investmentts 382,106.00

the fish and can ver~fY t he story.

FERRY lIame Thomas Mr. and Mrs . Perry Wade nnd so n Joe, we r e . all da y gu ests or ('he Jim Wlcal family, Sunday, Mr. and lIfrs. Jcss Hess called. on Mrs. Mattie Ress at Spring Valley. Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Fordyce are now residing at 8 Shannon Ave· nue In West Carrolton .

Total .Dep_ita ..•....•..... $486.992.40 DiviMnds declared but not yet payable aJld amounts set aside for dividends not Miss Vlrglrtlu. Gassort was Il Day· . 1 500 00 ton shopper, Saturtla¥ • .Ieclared ........................ ~.... . ................. ,. S d ... un ay evening, l\f1811 Lois Cor· Capital Account: nell. of Dayton , and 'her trle nd, cull. Common stoc~, 1000 8hares. ed on her grandparents, Mr. nnd -y-....,-",11 P ar '75.00 per share .. .. " . _ 75.000.0<L2000000 - -- -+-........ 1\lrs . oJ . 1:1. ". or. Surplus ... .. . ............. • . , . Wllllam Strouse was the g u est of . net ....... 29,243.84 124 243 84 0 rv 111e S !lvage. T uesday. Undl·vided. p'rofits. TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNT.............. ,. Th e L e banon Church ot Chris t TOTAL LIABILITIES MEMORANDUM: Loans and Investments Pledged To Secure Liabilities--United States Government obligations, direct and fully guaranteed :... .-........... .. Other bonds stocks. and securities ............ .. . TOTAL' PLEDGED (excluding rediscounts) ..................................... ....... .. Pledged: Against State; county. and rnunici~al deposits ........ ......................... -1- ... .... ..... .


51,749.39 11,161.26 62,90&,64 62,900.64

State of Ohio, County of Warren, 88: I. R088 H. Hartsock, cashier of the above-na~ed bank. do solemnly swear that the above statement IS true to the best of my knowledge and belief. . ROSS H. HARTSOCK, Cashier Sworn to and subscribed before me this 7th day of Ju]r, 1938: L. H. GORDON, Notary PublIc Correct--Attest: GEO. J. WATERHOUSE H. A. CORNELL L.E. HOCKETT Dil'eetors .

When I~ W .yneayille ~h.p at

. Baird's Se &:. 'IOe Store .

· ~.yn~lIe

~8oll.r tI~aGti./,jct~.--~",ice.­

. at ",'tim..



1,' ,' 111, ",. I

F. T. ·Martin Auctioneer

SATISFA.C TION Or No Charge Phone 78.1

~ f;~ .'


~ere III a battle ro)'l11 .80lng on




;\i:lI'I" U and 1;1111 •. Ji;((tn t'JI. wll h hi ,; dnt,)::hl<'r. MI·p. lal\' IH MIt 'I", I nnd

)<lIl1tIJ, .V

.1" u/.: II I'·I·, f'q,'oth y. ~I ... " hoi Al I'S. (1I " nn I h ll'hol 11 ",1 JIll.,. . • Itdll r 1,1',' 1 on" Ro n . or J n.y. ~" tl. _I )on,"" . ~lw,. ,\ ", ~. K "" I fl C, " " . II>n , ~ llI' n t' ;\l o nl)lI Y Wllh hUme 1'(llks. lI [ , ' 01'\\" " ,,1. I 'hlo. " I)''' ' H 'lIl1 ~l r ,\11'. " nO :'I I Iolon H~'e nnd M .... wHh ,\I t' . "1Il1 .\II·~ . '11,,·,' I1('c era w· :, nl1 ;\1,.,•. El,\. 1;1 til' on havc I' lUI'n d I'ord 11 11 (1 rll lllily . hn ll' I' f" v m " two W (1 lc'H vncatJon " I,·. O ~"" I' HIl' ('H II JIll (:1 11111)' . \) (111 I b """ I' I, y .. w Y\lI'k , a llthl:t.,.r place". ;\1 11I'l ln Il n d wife . or .plly tun , ~ ',11' 1',,) :' 10'" . R I~ D ndc1, or Dayto n , nnd ~I (l rlln . DC tihlne y, \\' 1'0 a ft 'l'noo n gl'(uHldnug htc r, cn llod o n f rie nds. g Ullsts of ;\11'11. nula nd W a \'c r and ,unCny n flernoon. RO ll , ·· u nda y . Mi ss In l'(\ Da ug hte ,'s IJPent Mon . ~Io' . n nt.! :'I II'~ . Rn ~'m ' nd LU C(l >l. or dl1~' with :'lrR. ErneH~ Earnh~rt and \I'lI n, ln l!'LO n , ~ llI'lIt F" illro r \\'ilh hl H fa mily. 1"" ·L·III ". · ~I'·. anll. ~I'·1l. p ,.\'lli Lucox 1.1.. . IIHI ~I'·". flll"wo ,-t h Olbson :! 1ll1 f:"n il,', a nf] III tI , " "l' lI lng .\1 1'>" lI nd dJl lJ l,; h, I" ·. I hyll s Jlnd Clyde ( ;I nn ll:o I<ln li nd s" n. Hk l,:o .. ." "r :-in/Ill,. pC (' II llOl'v lllll . cn ll cd a r w ' p"ln g- H'·:O ll c h. Illln'H ~.' 1)11 :'I'·R. 8,· "clt B unn e ll, · I·· ... ,·'HI " fr"llI J ""I' HU Il . nloi " . ('a ll· Tl'f'Hl1 ny n fl" I'n n(m . , '<1 ') n ~Ir . :tml :. ...~ . 1 ':I'lIl' ~ ' 1~' lI'Il h:t r l " 'HI rnllill y , 'I'll ":;" ")' . lI a ,"'Y :'1. ('tiu,·ln l<. C"l'I'olllon. II· :II" . ,,"(1 ~I r~. I: "~' S IIII\\' ",,,I rll m · II n" is . W' Y" Il r. huy s 1'''1'11 to teed \I~' . " I' " "a l' " pl' lng- \';, II,' y . " " 11,,,1 1" ,/-:" " ''11 1 ,·"U ll' on hI" fn ,·m. hilt " " ~J,' "n il ~I I''' . I." " ,\1 1) 1';':. ," . Sun. Ih" l w l" '1I Ii 0 \,)Ilu g- I,l " "I' n r...· 15 cts. day IIft"I'II "' '' '' t Il\Hl hd In 1!):J 2·:!:! he " ls,1 Ho ld hl>l :'I'·".'I'l!" S ," l1h " ",I " ,, " g-h t, ·I' . L O ll' hH g'S ti ll 1 hp ~I . Lutl l ~ tn n rk c l f o r I:;,· . " r " ,'' ''' :-; pl' ill" 1l,·" n. ·I, . " Iw nl ~~. ' 0 a hllnol ,·(·"w" Ig-llI . HO ho co n· '!'u ,' s tl ay II fl" " I\"I"\ w llh ~I ... ' ''hi n"t [! ~ II" ~ h lO\\' Murpill " ~0I ' 11 brlngB •

,·fI ..

Pl'o s pl' l'ity tn !i\,('sto r' l< n1 ..- n .

'1'1,.. f1'·HI. 1(,,,,,,,,, 0 11 ,h e Im n)es ot tho :\I IHs IHM lppl .. Iv(' ,· "'(· 1·... hp,::-u n In 1717 "I N(!w O,.I ,,:\. ns. Cungl'csR a p. III·olll·ta t",1 It H flo'lIl mo n!'y fo,' fluod ,. ~ Ii ( ( ~ :) f\.O O O) In 1874.




, "




.,.. QQ


Fairley Hdwe Stores Larger BecMlle of B etter Quality, Seni.ce and Pric. E.I\ILbliahed IS49 • 1938 PboDe 32

Our Summer Sale Now ~oln. On!


Real Bargal.D I lor Everyone'- Work fI Play Clothes at a Big Saving! 29c Turkish Towels, heavy d ouble loop, large size. pastel or 19 plain white, each .... .. .... ... .... .... .

Our entire stock of Ladies SHEER DRESSES. All fast c'o lors, Batistes, Lawns, Dotted Swiss .a nd Or- '7 9 gandies. all at ... ... . .. ...



Berkshire full fashioned pure silk HOSE, $1.00 kind at ...

Galvanized Buckets, 1.0 qt. size ... ... 17c

G3c, 27c ·24c

Childrens Anklets, all shades and sizes, 15c value ....... ....... .': .

Hope Bleached Muslin, per yd. .. 8c Pepperell Bleached Sheeting 9.4, per yard . •. . , ........ .

:;~~. ~~~:ry~~~~~ .~.i. ~ . ~.l.~.~~ . ....


Perfection Prints. New patterns Guaranteed Fast Colora per yard . . . . .. . .. .... . Big. Yank WORK SHIRTS Blue or Covert, each ........ ..

Mens Short and Shirts, Big rank Make 29c va]ue ... ........ .

53c .

· 2 for $1.00

SOc Mens Suspenders at

Ladies Slips. built-up Shoulder . non·cling material SOc kind at .

E: and W. Ores's Shirts $1.50 val. 8~c . 29c

7c 20c

Milk Filter Discs. Johnson and Johnson Rapid Flo, Standard 6 in. 1 9 . size, 100 to box, per b~x .........

PeppereU Unbleached Shee.t.-. . ing. 9-4, per yard ... . .. .

JHEAlE! .·_1 ..........




III thJ8 eommU1llt7. Baa aDYboIIy DO· Uee4 IU It Ia a etrIre bltween tbe th........... aIIlne U4 the



... ' fJ~~ W!II you mtly not S'tlve 0/// ,

Centervllie, Ohio



bur" . hili , It< vl ~I ~l ng ", iIiI ;\ 1,·. and )Irs . E . LJ . De lli .. ,1. '1'he L uul,,8 of th P" csbylerilln C hul'ch will h old a Pic a nd 1c'e Crea m SocIal, o n Sntul'duy e ven· lng, In th e Junlol' H ll ll Lot , R ov . II nr! ~II'R. Chll w n BowleR :lnd s un of A u ·h lso n. 1('''l'':I ~. 11 ,.,.1\'1'(1 fil l ~" tl\l'c1"y rill' !l " Isl t with ItO,." rf'/Hl n il"'" I s · IX II·l' IIt S • •\1 ... an,1 ;ll ..s. \\' . II. ;l lon(\II IIII \l g h . ~I,'. :IIHI :lI,·s. III\ w:I "!1 j 'o\\,I"'s Inl:<' )I : "'~' Alln ~",",\; , IJ,, " g-I\ ) "r S p l' llI ~ ' ri ,·ld . (lhli" ,,,'" " I" tl " p"Il,lIn g- 111 ' 1,' " :l~" II"n \\'1111 ,hi ' :'I"IllI " h" ug lo ·~ . :'11' . J (, hn An, hull.\' w'" l" I" ' II I" '~1I:t 1l1 1 " " II L' y " " H"II ," . "" ,\I "" o1 ,,~· . :'11'. II nil ~I I'~ . \\·\l I,,·,·t B"lInillJ.: t"n n'I II no, '" IHl I1Ii' . o n " " ",,·,h),. :t l'l ,'" : w,·,·k "1" '111 with I·,·h ll ,·,',. In \\· tn · d, p, I,',·. Ohio . ~ I' ·~ . ,\I It-" 1l"\'IH ,, "t, ·rL li l\t',!. \\I'h ~II" _ 1';1'\' 111 ~ " 'I ,h :Hltl " " lI g li" · '· . .1 \1 . " rnnoll y <lilln ," ·. ,In ~ lI n (lay . III 01,· il llh ,\ n n. s ,' \' a n I ( Il l' " lifil ll hlnh<l:l),. :'II,'. :t 'H ) :\1.., . 1 ~ I'n" ~1 1'; 1\ 1'111111 1't ,,, ,,, ,·"iliI" "II . .\1 ,.. :I n!l :'1 ,.,•. (: . It. I'; h" \ '0 '1'1': I·' In II AHflY 11\; (:1 11'::-; III .., ,·,. "P" II t :-;IIl1 il'[I. ,), \\'Ilh (l'iI' llll" (.'Olt STAT I:: S I ':~ ,\ 'I'lIl~ In l'l nd nll" ti IIn o ~ I' · . ,,, ,,I :l1 1'!!. (: .

J. B. Chapman


"I' IJ \!V l'(', .~

fOl'I1I I' " Hn ll "0111< ,. •,, "lo nL W il t; lJu r· ~(" ' I n 1111' Hl'lI h r oo k t ''' "1'''L' r~', " 11 W,.,ln ' R,ht)' . , ")I11 'fI L 'nnll wi. 11 " '. or ~I s h l/i ll" S'

d n ug htco', Mart h)I, Bpent nnel'noon at Cmy 's. 1\11'. " ' niter 'f lbbn ls a n d d n ug h · t r n nrl g "n nd du ug-ht j. nltcnd crl r\ con ce rt and visited. fr iends In ,"Vny· vlm lng. Mrs. Clnrln n R.'lg .. n nd Dorothy J nn a ..e s lle ndln g th w ee k In Clurl< sv llle. M ,·. a nd 1I(rs. She .. m n n ·WIlHCtn. Mrs . Mllry L ea lh a nd Mr. Cha rl es Paxon of Wilm in gto n calle d lit th o Gray hom e, Su ntlay ovcnlng. Se veral fa mili es Il f this vi cinit y spen t a delig htful d a y, Sunday. at the bea utiful plcnllc g ro und s Ilt 'Wa yne Parlt. MI'. and Mrs. H e nry Murphy en · t e r tal ned th e ir d hters n nd hu s· bands to (\ p ic nic '~upp c r at th eir 8umme r cnm p. Thu "sday evening-. Miss He) n Polsen has been Vi s it· Ing h er s is te r at "\Vayn esvlUe . Mrs. Ruth Doglln .


,\11' . H.' ,·l

.\1 .. . n lla I


I"I ~

1'1' ,'01

Ie ,'. lIIary Emmll nncl Mr. n nd 1111'S. Harold Den n . Mr. a nd Mrs . J. F. Jl1 cob~ . Mlnnl o Jacob~ a nd 'I mrl 11 E llis cu ll d. on Mrs . J ucobs molh er. :111'1'1 . Hownrd Coon n t !(In&''Ina n , Friday e v nl ng . Ma rjo .. le Da vis s pe n t I""t week a t (he h ome of Mr . n ntI 1\11'8. l, e nn eth Lnln cy n t lIc:t. Mrs. heno\l'ct h a nd da ugh t el·. a nd son s pl' nt und :t.y with lIf,'S . Chenoweth's d ro ug htel', ;\1..,; . Ma be l ,""alk r . a t Blanc hest er'. Mrs .Su ra h S ne ll entertn lned he r daughter. Mrs. V a n 111 tCt' over th e w eek end . Im'Ute, of Dayt o n , Miss Mabel spent ,u nduy with 1\[IsseH la utU a a nd Josephine G,·ay . 1\11ss 1\1(1001 Clar k. Josephin e. n nd Inudln. Groy, J ess P e nnin g ton. [lnd William Wil so n s po nt S und ll~r visit· Ing f ,·le nds. Mrs. William P nnln g lon

Th e LoUisia na Pr,~ss·Journa1 secn h e ld n class mee ting, last Friday no grent a mo unt or news In the r e· evening. Those from Ferry who en· port that n. K a nsas CItize n m a rried joyed the meeting and the w e iner th e wrong g Irl. I"Ollst after\Ylu'lL were Mrs. Ma.r jorlc Brown, Rufh, and E lI7.nbeth Burnet . VOTE FOn H ,\ RRV IJ UClHES Harvey Hole , Laurll Miller, Jimmy FOn STATE S ENATOn Bourne, Pauline Riggs, Dorothy Moore, Clara B . Lewis , Shirley Mar· dis, Clinton DuVall. Mr. nnd Mrs. Dan WllJlams. nnd Rev. and Mrs. Cnrl SmIth and family. Sunday Miss LillIe Benham, Mrs. Jennie Mullen, Mr. 'n nd Mrs. Thom· REAL ES'TATE as Burton and da ughter. Nnomle, NOTARY PUBLIC Mrs. AI Corn ell visIted w ith 1Ilr. nnd Mrs. Harry Taylor In Miamisburg. Dorothy Gerhard Is the hous e guest of Beulah Smith thIs week . . Guests at the parsonage, Sunday, were Mr. and Mrs. George Summer. tleld, Mrs ..JKcFarland and. her moth· er . Mrs. J. S. FIler vlalted her daugh· tel'. Mrs. Mary Cornell, and family, In Dayton, Saturday. . Mr. and Mrs. Pe.t e Wlcal and daughter. Elsie ' ~ae, :Della Jean Wl· cal and Robert B1l1ett were at Fort Anolent, Sunday. Mr. and: Mrs. Charles Baker culled on Mr. aD4 Mrs. James Wlcul and tamUy, Thursday evenlng. '. Mr. and Mrs: Jess Roland. and Mrs Perry ~ope lII~t Sunday afternoon with Mr. and M..,. Ed. Roland. In Xenia. Della ~ WJeat &petIt'1ast wtth her ' grandparenw. the Pete Wl·


Bellbrook News



1 r K "'"ing l'l' IILI ',,(f



~:~~e~~;~e~u~~i~~' ..~.~~.~~~~:.23·c .

. "...........

Wash Cloths, f~lI. 8Jze ~d"


Boys Wash Longies. S~nfofizecl,

'~!70k~:.;: ~.~~~.:~.~~~~.~~ . . . ,.88c·





. Mrl!. SU81 . EVlln!!

nt rlnln d her Mr. nnd




ni the :1f1"!Ot"r~ • OI'gG a nd SI· Ham ilton and Mr. nnd MI·s. lA.1I Bilk 1', trom Richmond, IndIa na, IChn berlaln, of Fl'Unklln, weI' ll~olll

on Woonelday: N:r. Ilnd Mre; John Turner trom WheeHng. West VirgInia, ~re visIt· Ing Mr. and M,:" Harvey Sackett nnd Mr. And Mrs. Leo MoUln. They will bo In OhIo about t en days. MI'. RII y Sh a rp nnd tho Misses "'n nnie ' undl lI'11nnl hurp. ot Falmouth, Ky., apen.t several days with their sIs ter . Mrs. Thomas Hardin Il l1 a fam il y. Miss Judith Ann Conner la vl >!lt· InK with 1111'/1. Arthur Newton In L llanon. this week . Mr. and Mrs. 'V . E . Strolld, Mrs. Mllud e I'I1no, a nd Mrs. Irene H ender80n wer e F rldny von lng gues ts of Mr. nnd 1111'S. L. F . P erkins, ot Pl1se nrla. Dllyton. FI'lday v nln g. Mr. und Mrs. Mert Bllh'd and daught er. Pat.s y. 81) nt Sundny wIth Mr. and Mrs_ I . A . Kaufmn n, ot Lewisville. IndIana.

nor guests of Mr. aud Mrs . Mo.1nou9, Sunday. Mrl,!. Lillian FIfe ot WllBhlngton D. ' O. r eturned h ome with MI'. and Mrs. Lester, Gordon last Wednesday ttnd ·tog th or wi th Miss Mlrhlll\ Fife of 'WlImlngton Wfi S a house g uest of th GOl'dOn ll fo r th e r emainder of th e w ek . . M I'. a nd Mrs. n a lph Hnstlngs a nd son Bob w 1'0 HUPII r g u s ts 'I'hun;· dill' u f fl'. and, lIIr". ellrl St ephen· so n a nd d~uGhle r o( ~Io rrow. :\1\;;9 !>1Ir1l1m lllnsha w ur Osl,a lo· M. 1 0w1I • .~ 1)!' 111 th ' w ('(' 1) I' l1d· wllh MI'. o nd :l1I·s. La wrence Furnas. 1\11'". Gr aell :MeC um' I'l'lur n t1 to hl' I' h ome In Limn. afl('1' hav ing (lC'nt !lcvl'ml w l'ek s wllh her m Olh· I'. !>ll's. Eva :llllle r. 1I1I·1i. Ma r y r oss nl!'rt ll ln (Jd lit dlnn cr on ·lInday. 1\11'. n nd Mr~. H er'bert Luc[ls li nd son. or 'prlng-

Mr. and MrS. John Fromm anI! (leld. 80n. Clyde, and Mr. J ohn Hawke • [I'. a nd Mrs. J oe K c rR<Y. of L 11w ere Sunday dinner guests of Dr. nllo n, s pent th o ;,. ck ond with 11.11'. nnd }.·{ rs. Ral))h Van co nnd son, of and i\lrs. J hn

WilmIngton. Mr_ and Mrs. N . R . All!lman nn d children and Miss B tty Alla man , ot Dayton. w ere Sunday guC's ts of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Stubbs and fnmlly. MlM La ' e rne MalnouB. of St . Petersburg, FloMda, Is visiting her grandpnrents. MI8I! WinIfred Conner wa s It week end guest at ':P oplllnr Gle nn" the IIUIi\mer home ot Miss YlrglnJa Reeves of Dayton. T. Hawk e, with a frl ond. George Brown, or Summit. N ew Jersey. spent the w eek end with his parents. Mr. a nd Mrs . Rona ld Hawke. Both young m en nr e em· ployed In Springfield ns coope ra llve students from th e Un ive rsit y of CIncinnati. Mr. and Mno. Myron D. Thomas nn~ Mr. and Mrs. D . W. Moore, of Dayton, were Saturday evening · guests of lIir. nnd. Mrs. E. L . Thom-

"T. lior scy.

nll li ~hY ; lllhl .\11'. 'lnd :l11·H.

]l orton riii,r hll,h-"n, nil of I fI ) 'I</n . wei' dlnn ' 1' !,"1 \ ,,~ ts o n ,' untll,y, (t :\I r . Rnd. 1\11'1\ . 1 obcrt Hak,· I·. Jr .. nnll dn ll l{lIt 1' , .f nn. :II I'. nllli :ll r,. . Chn ,·II>,.. ~1 ""c l·. ot Inclnnntl, vlsltcd Mra. Edith H a rrIll, last 1'hursll uy.


.\II·~. H" ~ l'I' IIt·vw n. ~Ii' . an J :'Ilr ~ . \\' i1hlll' ~l·"I·R . and )Ir ~. \\" 1111:.1111 Ill' " Ic y "'P" ll t Thur H,I,,), II'lIh :\1 .-. and -'11's , A lhp l't Ca l'" I' :\11'. amI

Ilh l -' IIH lI Lola H,·lt l·1! an d ~II· . J llhn III "!nelnn:1tl.


MOTORISTS MUTUAL INSURANf;E COMPANY 20th And 21st Floor A.. I . U . Bulld!ng TeJ'ephonc--Ad -31g1 VIc Donahey Presldoent


carl CriSI)ln Se rctn \'Y


Local Represe!1totkre

CHOlCE HEREFORD STEERS ' W eaned Calves, Yearlings. and Two·s. 1'. B. T ested. Truck or Carlouils. Priced to S II . Also ' If. ers . BlIY direct from owner . Write , wlr, or

WOMEN-Address !lnd mall udvei·, tls lng m lllet'lul for us at bome_ W e s Uj)ply ove r y thIng. Good i-o te Of pay. No selling. No experie nce necessury. ~IerelJllnilise !\Iart, Box 523 Mil· 6 16 4tchg. waukee. WIsconsin. FOR SALE: 100 lb. Ice box. Ch eap, Clnude Stroud. FOR SALE- 'l'on tend half hev· I'olet truck. Good ·condltlon. '31 model combination grain bed a nd stock. racks. W. S. Lec, R. R. 3. Known a9 the old Ol'l\dorff far m. 7-7·ltp



G. A. Kositzky. of Cleveland,chief cngineer of The Ohio Bell Telephone Company's northeastern area, has been elected president of N. C. Kingsbury Chapter, Telephone Pioneers of America. Kingsbury chapter is composed of Ohio telephone workers who have Deen in the busine ss 21 or more years. ew a rc Youngstown; A, E. Brown, Columbus; Blake A. H art, Toledo; Frank E. Uhlc'r, Dayton; H omer McBride. Zanesville, and W. K. Migrath, Cleveland. Mr. K os itzky . entered the telephone business 33 years ago after attending Ihe univ ersit'ies of Nebraska and Cornell and held positions in Greater New York, San Francisco. Los Angeles, St. Louis, Kansas City, and Chicago before going to Cleveland. He is a member of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, Cleveland Engineering Society, and many othcr professional, technical, and civic organizations. VOTE F

Used Car Bargains 1937 Ford Tudor, New Tires. Only In the above pictures are shown some of th e sce nes wh ere the vVorld's Poultry Congress will b e held in Cl eveland, Jul y 28 to Augus t 7, 1939. The central picture ab'ovc sholVs th e Cleyeland Mu seum of Art and g round s s urroundin g it whcre some of the activities of the \Vorld's Poultry Congress will center. Below arc two of the buildings which will hou se the ex hibit s. On the right is shown the H all of Live Poultry and on thc left is shown part of the Hall of Nat ions and S tatcs . The tw o lower buildings cover about four acres. and will give room i or a great many exhibits. The bin! shown on the right above is a mottled Ch;1bo of J apaa , while on the left is a Japanese Frizzled Bantam. ·Over 200 varieties of fowl will be shown at the Co ngress and almos t as man y varieties of pigeons. ~ Already seve ral nations have defi nitel y applied for cxhib it space and I Dlore than thirty have announced their. intention of planning an exhibit,


"Ir ~. Ern I'. o n F'rllzlel" s broth er. frO Ill Tmllll n n. Is s pl'llclln g the wcel, with th r ill. ~lI ss F hyll li< !>h ldu l(c r Is the g u :it of ?lit·. fi nd "[rs, Bob ,· lump . ' \' . W . \VII 'o n undo duught er, D~ t t Y J ,\ ne. s J)l' nt 'ruesday wit h M,·. und "Irs. Fru nk \VlIso n a nd re turned to BU c keye L nk'3. flcco mIlllnlod by "I I'll. i"mnk Wll liC' n :s so n. Hurry. lind {;rn nclnug hte r, J u ne Ellen. 1'hel'O th y :I Ined' ? ,~r ll so n, who I~ I·a· C!llloning Ilt Bucl<eye Lak . Mr. harl., Modd en . our PO!lt mas · t e l'. r et urn ed from MI. Cnrmlll F1o s. plta l. Satur 'lay venlng. afte r recovel'lng [rom a n op mUon . MI·s. Louise Fltc nnd d nug hte l'. J u ne, \vere bus ln6ils shoppcrs In Waynes ville. ,\Vednesdny. Dr. und 1II1·s. ' rosts n nd .·on. M ill" nard. cntertlli ned lhe following on Su nday : 1111'. n nd Mrs. Frn nk MeYay .


FOR SALE OR TRAD~$2000 In the Property In\'estment CoI·pora· FOR ·AND CONSIGN tlon. Dayton. Ohio. Nets s ix )ler ,our Cattle, hop, ,heep 'and catv. ce nt monthly 434 .Grand Avenu e. · to Nom.Brock Cu., live wire aDeI ft1'1D f9r the hla'hul Call L. R . R eynolds. Phone 4101 ~arket prica and eood service. for tun Information and write U.I•• Stllck Yarda' Ci.cia.ati, O . Mary Carroll, Pennville, Ind,l ana. · Ta•• In on Radio Station WeD 7-14·3tp 12 :25 to 12 :80 p. m. for our daU,


CI_. Up At 'l'Leae Prices Men's 3 pc. Suits

Clean~d and Pr-essed

50c Men's Hata Cleaned and Blocked

50c Ladies Plain Dresses


Quick Cleaners

F OR ALE Guod Farm ue ,·cs-$ 4000. N eal' B ellbroo l,. miles from Duyton . Ohio. ·Mrs. 1.1· Iy. Egbe rt N . Main St. " ' dy nes · vllle. O. 7-7·2c N(Jv cr raIling running ,~'atl'r.


Alway. A Good Show

J\SIiEO 1I1onnuw - 131<1~ f I' lh " $90 ,000 u<ldl tl o ll tll thl' (\lI hl1c sl'h ul In :'11 01" 1'0 1\' \\'111 h 0 11" " 0;,1 li t • fl· m .. on Aug ll 'l 6. J I. F . Wln Ci ' hi. ~ I 1'1< . hilS l\ nnoun c~ d . Bids will be oCl'cPted lin· III noon th at tlay. W infiel d tlla l .. Ge nt- I"III U .· sl' pllrnto lllfls :1re !laked r I' th ('onstl'ucll n Of Ih b ulWlng, while s('parale bids n r c sought fu r th Wirin g. hcntl ng . I1 ml equlJ)ing . . ' VOl'" will start ns soo n ns pas Ib1e arte l' h'c ont rllet Ie (l\\·u l'(u,d·. s In 0 Ihe ((J<\,el'n l g l'll nt of $40.9 09 elll'l'les with It \hl' RtlJ)ulntloD l ha.t the build · Ing b mpl l)tcci wllhln nin o months aft r h u \l Otm nt III r CI'I\'cd. The school g ymnasium li nd colony will be moved to m a lw way for the worIt to be tllnrtetJ, It Is' s.'\W . Til ls

j'lI hats In stock ..educed to $1.48 a nd 95e. Grace Lincoln Smith. -""!






DIXIE CRYSTALS··Th. . . . .tel' SUlar Sold

••• •• •


Stock up at thl. •• Matlo_llow prlce-Sav. more at Kropn

Jaq -,


TRU .. P


COFFEl PEACHES Fly Spra,l - Ib, bllg UtO

A"attar I1Mkdlp

3 ~39c


19c ...


MLA. . .A • • nurse writes tliat she suffered from f r e' que n t headaches. Nothing stopped them until a friend re:commended DR. MIL E S

NERVINE. She says Nervine stops headaches before they get a good start.

zs. EFFERVESCENT TABLETS Larce pq. 1S., Small P •. :ss.



· RJ~T•

.)ulm HIUMZ s ·! :· COL. . . . . . . IIOIJH 5 ~~

Baby Chicks

.Space . Next Week -


pIKe. C: C.,. aDd 7 o. ju Kml!a1l7 . . .a •• B."ar

1 lb.

LUN. . . .N~CJ[ "'A'L '••1DII: PLU·..I ' Panq Or_COD

~ ~tc ,,---.._ .




Golden ' Ripe,.. _................. :.... _4

LEMONS, Sunkiat....


........... ................... Doz.


ORA"NGES, California ............................ 2 Doz, , .


NEW CABBAGE, ' Solid Heads ................ 2 Ib,


FRESH CORN, Home Grown .............. 2 ears


2 lb.


NEW SWEET POTATOES· Candy Yams ..... .lb.


SMOKED CALLIES Country Club Tendered If:»


TOMATOES, Home Grown. .................

·W atch This

. .'

BEAN BACON, Sugar Cdred Squ'ares ....{:2 I. . 25 ~




RED BASS, Fresh Dre8Be~ .......... " ........... :.....I~. .. 15 WHITING FISH, . Head}e8~ .................·.:.... :. .Ib. '\





F·ILLET Of HADDOCK ......... :............... :.2 I~••

COQK.,EJ)·SAJ,AMI Count.,r Clu~ ................. Ib.; :11






. THURINGER, Co~~try Club ••: .....~ .. ~ ...... :.... . '-""


tate Representative





.Lemmons .#-




W A.:-.ITED WORK - ot uny kind by ho ur or <lny. ExperIence in l)lumlJlng , etc. No job too lurge or too s mUll . Ra tes r easonab le. Seo J ess P e nningt o n or phone 2GR3.

Fon SALEl-Flve b urn er Neseo T ropical 011 stove. Color Green, Cr.c n m, a nd Black . Three years old. P hone 29 .


WILL ST. JOHN, Local Representative

I•••••••••••·. -••••••••••••·••-••·••·••••••••• '! ••••·••


20 ha ts In stock marked to ntic Ilch. A fcw others ut $1.48. _Grace L. Smith .

Phone 48


Larce btl. $1.00. Small btl.

Kathr)'lll Mendenhall, Mgr

Twin Theater

Sales FORD Service 15 E. Main St. Lebanon, O.

;\11' . Hnd. ~ Ir s. HalTY M c \ 'n~' n re nwt 1'1111; In I\I \(- hl glll\ Ihi:; w 1(.

Three generatioJlS liave found DR. MILES NERVlNE effective {or . Nervousness, Sleeplessneu due to Nervoua Irritability, Nervou.S Indigestion, Headache, Travel Sickness. Get DR. MILES NERVINE at your drug store.

market reporte.

Wharton Motors

\fl "n nn. " I I'. "nIl ;\Irs. !J a r old _\1 VIIY. of 1I Il n ·(·ys hul'!;. a nd ;\ 11'. n nd ~Ir:;. Lyn n a nd dll ug ht r .

Advice Sln('(I death Is a uutltl'lI. lind UIIII\'oldllblo ol·curren('c. It Is wise to !lmllO ~Irop()r steps before It ('omc8 .. Seilleting a funcrnJ l1irl'etor - Justl ns )'OU 1II11l«() a will or provide insurance IlrofecUonis " pre(''''lltionory IIICllllll re fhnt will prevelllt confusion lind dlsaJlPointment.

One Owner .............. .. ... ...... ..... .... .. .. $495.00 1935 Ford Tudor, One Owner .... .... ......... ..... $325.00 1936 Pontiac Coach Truck ........ .......... .. ..... . $475.00 25.00 1930 Packard Sedan ................ .... .............. .. 50.00 1929 Ford Sport Coupe ............ ...... ..... ..... .. .. 50.00 1928 Buick. Sedan

of r\,' \\'


)'HONE 29



f"'------ .. ..... -----..-.---.....-.-

Stubbs Funeral Home



l-==-=--=---_. .

Thl' rtrs t Rtcn m s hlp th nt cr'o SSl'd Ih l' Ml'an 1.1 1'Dughi hncl< n Nw E np;-

By Jano Ellen Fite






FO;R ALE-Bus lnoss buildi ng on a. Main tree t. 12 ne r es, fnlr bulll1, Mrs. Dora Wilson'. of B erea, Ky., Ings. $1600. 11 rOo m house. wat l'r a nd. lights, rcnt to pny 13 % on In veslme nt. eo 'v. N. Seul's or Before That "aeatlon Trip {,hon o 7 R4. 7,14·11e

That Will lnclude Hospital And Doctor's Bills For Yourself And Family


HARVEYSBURG FOR ALE-Good Fresh J erse y co \\' with cn l! by sIde s lrcne H ell' de rson, or phone 10SR2 , ville.



:\Ir, . \" "11:0111 Ih'n;,IIlII li n I fa mily 11 1\" IHh-ti th c' I h·III<I · H(' ultion In OilY ' tOri .

. l , ...


l oln l eost or II n y tYIll' or U . S. Nh · ur \,-Ild y ot Lorl'ltto wlli! ohOsr n vn l " t'l! I s IlItCl th flock t r rJS ,UII' nu lI'o n FlI.h\1 Ilf u villt lou In IIi", \\,a".", (>n rfl r~ of our coun lry. 19 20. 1hc r IIl ll lnlnG' 16% 1;00s tOWard the purch ll8G of primary raw motorial. (f OS8 ntlal In the construotlon of mo· Ilern m en ·ot-" ·nf r oqulreclo t or the Un ited talelS Na\'y. Every Sta t e in the Unio n bNHlflts C" om U , S . NoREAL ESTATE VH\ ><h lpbu lld lng-.




I'lt 1'lsCII'Il" ,· .

:'I[r. am!. :llrs. 'W. E . Corriell, Mr. H. A, Cornell alld the :'Insses Betty BI'I1(I(\oclc, and ;\\Il dl'ed n !tabu ry ha\,(' l' turn p,l frolll rt \1 II gh t[1I1 "'(' I, .. nd vLIt wit h ~ll·. li nd ;\11'1'. " -. H. 1111 ·helln r . of Pl t tsburl; h. P l' nn Ry l\'tl nl a . .\11">1. Hn l'I,!Il'" Gray h ilS fOI' h r l' gU('"I. lIll>! \\'1'(·1, ..\ II:<~ 1·1 INI 1111'1<. ;;>(' 111111111. Oltl(, . ~l csdnnll'H ROSR Il a r lsoc l<. D . \ , Hld/.: C' . nn d H. D. l:olld t hllve r lurned from n. Irlp In :llIch lg'a n. nn ~lInd,,~· :III'. :t llli :I II'". J.I I'II I(](J lIlHI family lind gllr"tR. 111111. ,\II' . n llLl

':--'(':1 1":4

Mr. a nd lIl1·S. Hnlph Hnst ings !l nd son , Dob. ent r ta ln d a t dinner . S un· da y': Mr. and MI·s. Geor!;e Jl e nd erson n nd so ml. Don 'Y ulJace anll Dougln s.

lIn1IUII"I",ll ~' IIWIIMS- tlllll Illt Mo!'!'ow land \luok ihnt solentlflcally proved I'lIgll ,"11<1 tI "l1l gaml'K wll! bi.' )llllY- >It ,1111 nll\'I&IIUOIl U phY ldcal ImjXIlI-

's Poultry Congress Scenes

jo'• •\ .

' H~tchery ~

..., ow.






CREAMJ=HEESE, --:;-:-;:.............................. :.. .Ib. '- . 18







0I110, .,HURSDAY, JULY 21, 1038


Boy Bitttin By Pet Conte,t ~--I-IA.vorcesJlecline Lebancn Colored Social Secllrity 'Party For Officers Satterthwaite Re- Amateur Tea m Tc 'P Ie.. v ElfTe - -, -ILI-~--:---~ Groun.clhog Ia Re-\ t Chautauqua In Wmen County port,ed,1mproving Of Eastern Star :union Held ·Sunday Number For New Business Firms The. Mia mi ' Vnlle y Ch ntnuQuo. will havo an Amnt e Ur Contl!lIt tor chlltl· r een 1'oul't~o n' yea rs of a ge nnd un· dol' July 28 at 8:16 p, M, In tho Aud· Ito rlum , Any e hlld ot thlll nge m n y e nte r, If they r egis t er n6t In t er thnn Monda y, Jul y 26 with Veda McCra y, S,o cllli Secr t n r)" ChlLUlo.ul)Ua" Ohlo: Five prizes. will be ortor ed: F irs t Prb'.c will be $10 ,00, Second P rize '1,6 0, 'rhlrd. P rize $5,00, Fourth Prize $2 ,00, "~Ifth P,'lzo $1.00. '.rhe winners will bc de t e rmined by a vole or the a udie nce, E uch por tio n will re· celvo ,a ba llot as he enl l'r s Ih lIud , Itor!um a nd thU H bo (mUti <I to u. vo t e. Don't mlsa thlll o ppo r t un fly to e nt e r thif, ' co nl est 1l yd u Cll n s in g , <Iu nce , reclle, or play un lns ll·u men t. Oe t your e ntry In now.


IH I.'· ~ h ;11I It' lI l1 t

The third' annua l r e union ot tho D lvOl'cel! In WlLl're n oUllty duro descenda nts or John and Ellw.beth In g lhe y nt· ndl ng Ju n . 80, d · Linton Satte rthwulto W Il S h elt1 Sun· cr oased twe nty ·tl V(> p el' cent, t he 1'0, duy on the Inwn or the l~ rlends pO I't of II t t ord C, B ec k tt, c le rk ' V hlte Bric k churc h. ot courts, aho w8, B eck U :lu brnll tcd About se ve nty·flve came with w ell. t he r c port t o ' .... Ulla m J , I { ' nn cdy, tilled ooske ta und enjoyed 0. bounte· sooretlu'Y of tltute, Ihl" wee k , ous dinner, A tOlal or 82 s uit!! wCl'e fUe L dul'· Tbe pre81dent, Mr, H e nry Sa tler · Ing lh e pa~1 yea l' while 11 0 w e r e rtl · thwlIUe pre81ded during the short ed tnr lh o CO I"l'AJlundln g- p.,riud It yca r 111;'0 , bU81ness lIesslon 1l,l Id Informal pro. gram which WIl8 IlB (01l0w8: "Re un· Jud I; C' htl r ll'l! n, D c 'ha ll t (;m nt· ton Bong" composed by Mra, John I'd 64 U CI' (>s d1JI'l n ~ Ihe yeft l' lin d Compton or Dayton and sung by the d lHmlssed 18 pe LtLton", entire group, an aeeount ot John Ivll uctlon s !li ed Llu l'lng t he yeti )' S a llerthwaltes' affiliations with the 10u,1",1 390, Ih e , J'PllU n I<ho\\'8, whil e Mllllonic Lodge by Robert Brown ot 11 6 c rimina l aCllo nR w('r(' fil ed , 'r ho co u rt d is posed ot 21U cl vII a c tio ns L e banon, poem, "On th e Bunk" ot li nd 103 I'lmlna l one!!, This ICil v S tho Lltlle Miami" writte n by Mrs. 171 civil tlu lts II nr1 J 3 el'l mln a l BIIlls Sue Do.vls and read by Mrs. PI'ls· s till lltlnlUn g, cillo. Compton. Impromtu talks by Mr, andt !\frl!, Ralph Tolle or W a sh. Ington D , C. and "Oreetlngs" sent by abBe nt m emberil, The r e mainder or tho aCternoon w oos spe nt 1.n r emJnlnsclng IIlter· W e wer e ve ry ha ll PY to h a ve two which the 8TOUP udjourned to m eet The Lndlcs Aid ot the 'M, E, ot o ur f:un lly uble t o gel o ul t o 'again next yellr with t~ sllme ot· Church h eld un a l~ dny m o Un" a t ('hUI'c h o n un ' do y aftl' I' h IlI g abs(>n t fl cers In charge.

Ladies Aid Holds All Day Meeting

News 01 ,Friends Home

l~rlo ndl! or lIJ!I ~ t('1' nl<;lI rll'{1 \\'1111 · u k !?1' w ho hnB I, e n 111 th e ;\lIu m l Vn ll ey H OS I):t,, 1 tor ll' nt lll(> nt I ho la s t 'few Ila),s, w il l \J(' t:lud 10 k now t hat ' I n l~st 1'(' llOI·tll art' thllt he Is mu c h Impl'o \' _<I, 'I'he Ill d Wall bllll' n s lig htl y by 0. II t G'I'otlnILhog and h l>l Ill ness lVas firs I 1Illl'lhl1tl'(I IU Ih ltl. j IUW., I·" I· urtC' ,· '(' \'e ra l lJl on<l: t l'~t :; I hl~ ,lI n(; 1I0,,18 WII " .lIs rel!" lI·lI l'II, Nil n o me liS y'l I11UI lJ\!e n 1;'11"' 11 hi H flIn rHfI w ltl e h FI('em~ 10 b, ' n r" I'eI' ful ' 101l' In g 1!!1111 1'0 1'1 ot infel'l lulI ,

Tennis IClub Is Organized Here

M I'S , n" Y1110 11ll 11I'1I, !,I,,,' k pr ll\' ,'c1 " lll ost !'I1I1I'mln &; l, n~ I (':;" \\'llI:n Rite c l1t el'LlL lnl'L1 1111' olff( ('l' I'R of Ih,' 1" ",, 1 l' hapI~r llf E:1"I " I'n Stal' oj' whl '" s ill' Is \\ 'unlty .\I al l'''n a t fl " l' " 0)1111 , l1 ' ~' h01l1<' \\" ',111" ,,,1,, )' aflt' ...",,,n , Aft"I' f\ 1I1'1 1):,hlfll l a fl t't'lUl"n uf "'" IIt's l" IIIHI ,,1 "/1"" "1 ,' ll a lll" ', 01"",· ly !,l'fn 'sll lll t'I1 IS 11" '1',' Hl' I'\" " t. 1 'l'lll' .. rrll'e ,'fl Iv I' Il J.. y I h ' tJ 'cus lon 11'1','" ~ I,'''' H"SH 111I t' I.;tt ck, A SSItl'i ulo .\l all'lI lI , Mrs, I': , F , 1,:, tI'I,h l" 'I , '1" " ''''' .. ~1 1'l; , J, 'hn 10'1',1111 111, :->,'r'y .. .\I I'S, (' I., Jnlmt :-:a tt " l'lhll"" I,', ',, "dU I' IIII', ~ I ,'~, H IIIII .\lul'I';" 1I A S80 IlIl" o 'Hlu "I.. ,', ;\1..... I,' r: . nk I I('HS, ('1'''1'1,, 111 , ,\11' ", ,Io h n :->"III,·my ... ', '\1 " ..sltn l: :II.,. , .i ' II'I,


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I IWI' "; U" ,, 1B \\" ' 1'1' IIt " Hun W: IH ~ll s~ .\f ll " .'" .\ tlll x. WhH i ll hpr H. l'I J llpi ' tlll ' 1)( 'nlPI' n:.1 n .... VI;.' t\us, as 1I111 Ilau,.;ltt I'li o f ~ I I'H, HUll i'I'lh· 1I1-I 1I : tl " a lin hi .. 1I1; IIH" ' " h'; 1 \ 'l' a n "" X ' t'I..'qUh'l d I Infl0 r t ill' Ultl ·Ag-(' I nsur .. II ,lit" n " .1 ;\ II ·~. Hudtc,y, ull.I :llr!! , ".,I/ Plll l :ill< nn " I: .. n d .-;" ~ I I' . A . ~ . u" r" 1,1111' . Th p r lllHloYI'J"H id!'n llrlcll. 10'.. -<1 13l'ntldod, II f I Ill' lI n 1'\'(' ),Hhll"1{ 1'lIlI (> lt (.,UrI\\ p, l , -'t HI'h\g r') I' h tH s ull. (t"" 1I 11 ln"" I' IH (- nLl, I y L1 lfr ren t ("h :t lll" r , J" I I " 'I'h" I,'II'N I !-; Ix :11""1 hI< ;t It 01 I h r l'o m (Iu ' IllnpInyt' \··H ~ul' I ;' 1I .' c Ul'lly r.m" :->Ix ~l t"'I h s Il l' IfI3S ," l U'('t,llnt flllln""" .

Civil Service ,Examinations

Ninetieth Birthday

1I"'I'"i n~,

H u tl! .

Il o ll Hh . E ~ l l ll ' l" ;

O . C. I1 lr!"l' , ?-Itt l'lh,, ;

U nd" I' t h ~lI11er\' I !! IQ n ut \ Vay n Nlv lll e Me th odi s t Ch ul'ell the pI'o pltl o r th e communlly have I)l'g. anlz d 11 le n nls <; Iub. Th e lc nnl!! co urt Is und el' consl r uc lio n "nd It Is hop<,d, It will bl' C'f' lll p lClCd with, In Ih ne xt Wee k ,

t;!l' UIi lHHlltl .

. 1{HlIt :'.:t iln ,

wil l pl ltY t l lf' I . \' ltll))·

"" ',,,,,,01 I":I 'tl :tl I I", II J.:I' :-;I'!,Oo l rll""",,"1 1" ,1'(' II I r. ::I,; I', ~1. ""Itt y , 'I'lt l"'" b n<o , ' h l ll'P ' ,,1' ,,, 111 ,1,,,,1,," I.. ''''., 11,1'"., ):,1111 11 '" , 11 ",1 , I,., ," "lin/! . " 1': 111111,,),1' 1':< who l)l'~' n. bu Iness HIl'I'" 111\'11,' , ' \', ' r~'.,, 1t' I.. ,,1 1<' 11'1. r ll l' I1l P .. ly Il PI' t': III ,.1 h y ' 1l lUl h r' r 11 tWll Tit · \ \ '!t), I1" ' " Ill" I ~ " lit! 1:1 , ) " ' 111' III' f'U I ' l ull '; LI ilJI1 !-: h olll .t t\l)laJn U. n ew ,old lou," " l'a ll ,' llIh .. !:t ,l f't! " I 11:11'. ;-;IJ( III ) ::<ih ' lId ly ,·llIJllllyl..·· S Id i n Uti cu111\011 I ',"'k :II 1"":111 1.1 .11 "' !J ~II Ih is I IU II Iltllll he.' ... "11

1):aYlun wh o lI:-4 '''rhl' HH n~ I'" 1 :~ wl\1I 1~ 1I11\\' ll ro r l tis :l l'l k ll ':-\ In I h •.' nll~' l"n J)fli ly N, ' WH, ~Ir', \ \ '4.'h , ~ I f' " nlild ~ "t · tlll 'i ·N tlf l11P " 111 1) , '1'11 (' J\ lI b"' UHt U1 t ' , ' 1 inJ.:' wilt lit , 1ft t i ll: 1111'111 I)f n 1111 1111 pi ui ' wi II Fl'rl Jll\l l n \ \ 'f'hX l C' t'


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s h' Hlld at 11 11('(' u htn in H n ew

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fi(':llIu n IIllln1 " ' I', ( Ul' orrlc " li as u p . p l lc:t t!( lfIM whtt'l l I1\JI' l)u:-l('

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Her ..

vI"" Inv""'t'(I III Oll " r:JIJ. tn or t h e Old

lu h ' heltl a t

H ,,\' , Lt,) ,tt 11,,,,1<1"" 11 of In elnnnti hOR lI('rf" pI l,.1 " 1':\ 11 10 th e ,.() tO l'me of t h h.(::lI Rt. ~I II I' Y r~ .. I"colm l '-'h m' h , II ' Is Cl1 J1.1Ill ' lin,; 1I('J'v lo:es ti t 111 ' chil I' h /1ml will ta l( up his ,,' h!' I' ahou l H p.

PiCaic Sapper At ne RaJllond Conaer Home Several famUles enjoyed a picnic supper and party lnBt Wed.hee(lay evening In b on9r 0 t t h e ' btrth "-~ an· nlver8ll11l!. of. the Misscs Louise Zimmerman Ilnd Silrah Conner, The rain prevented the '~y from being at Wayne Puk lUI planned, but nevertheleu It was enjoyed at the "ft~ond home 0' .L Mr, anAW "'ra, "'" ~..... , . . Conner, Tholle opJ'ellent


Mr.. ~d Mrs.

Charles Zimmerman and family, Mr. ' and Mni. W!llter Cut, MI'. Ilnd Mrs. RIlymdnd Conner IIJId fnmlly _ and Mr. altd Mrs. Leo Conner.


As som e of Ihe churt' hcs lire no t ln the afternoon th e followl.~lg pro· vide tor modlca l cnre on n pel'lodlC gram wns e njoyed, "Ode to T e rl'/l.Ce pay m e nt 'bfla ls : n.ccorcMns to In foI" ha ving eve ning service d uring tllo vme (WnyneBvllle) wrltten by Mr, mutlon announced t oday by L, F , hot s umm el' m onth s, w e In\'lt e you to co me ll nd \\'ol'8hlp wl l h, U", for W, C, '.rlc henor nnd r end by Miss Warbingto n, or tho orga nl zu tion and wc n r c not. cloRlng ror th e I:t umme'r , DOI'othy Day! duet by MISBe8 ~11\ry ' education de partme nt of th e Ohio and Lnuro. 111 Ille r : 1)I'(!Senwtion of Farm Buren\! , Columbus, FERRY (jHURCII 0.' CHRIST Il gift ot d~hes to the hostess by The nnnouncom e nt w as bIlHetl on W. · C, SmUh, l'tllnlslcr M'rs, , Ireno Thoma,,; r ending by r ecently released tlgures from n. nu· Mrs. Llna Mndd~n, Mrs. Robert Bo.k tlonwld.e poll by the Am nl·lc.,n In· ~ S unda yc r, Sr .. Mrs, Eliddia Day and. Mrs . stltute of Pubiic Opinion, which tur· E lble School 9:30 a, m , John W11IIs, ther Indicat es thnt one p erson In COn'lmunlo n 10 :45 (t, m , Th e 'hosle8s took the guests on an every . three would willingl y pa y $2 P r ell,c hln g 11:00 a , m . . InspecUon tour or HOI'se Shoe B e nd, a ~ol1lh tor budgeted 'h en.lth servlcc, Inn. Th e poll ulao revealed thllt 42 l)er l\fondu)'h a d put oct Board m eettLng, 8:00 p. m , , The tollowlng are those who were cent or thoae uesti()l)ed ' d t b f II Tu e8~l a yI t present : Mrs, Llna. Madde n, Mrs, go nil' 0 I\. 00 01' eelluse 0 ,)e cos t. PI'eaehlng; S :O ~ p . m , Inn. Vena ble, Mrs, Ooldle Be ntley, The Ame rican Medical AS90cluUori, however, mulnta,lns thnt most doc. W edn esda y·Mrs, Irene Thomns, M.r s , , Mao Mill· Missiona r y m eeting a t Mrs, Willis er and daughters, Laura IIJId Mo.ry; tor~ nrc opposed to a n y chllnge In Mrs. Norah Hough, Mrs. Ellddla the conve ntional m e thods or dls lrlhu· hom(> 2:00 p, m . Dny. Mrs. Addie Bergo.n, ' Mrs. Arlie tlng m edical care, M. E. COunCil Alle n, Mr, nod Mrs. John Willis, S unday Sd,001 9 :30, the MI_ Dorothy D11)' Ilnd. 1\I,,1'Y ATTEND ... CNIC AT Owing to th(> absence of th e I',IS · FORT ANCIENT Allen and Mcssers, H, L, Vnn Tress t OI' Re v, J. V, L!l.c y th e re will he n o and Carl Cook, Mr. and Mrs, Raymond. Bl'addock c hurch thl!1 Sundny,

F ull In for m a tlo n m ay be l1 !'d " f lil o


..r K ltrl D , J)'ll; l" ngll ln"t fl'om th e 'C<:I'ClUl'y o f Ihe "IIOd I h I.' !J olll", "" 'l't'tU1SI!IIl'l.II l ion co, Sto.le>! Iv ll cl·vlct.' BOIl1't\ (Ie Exam , Imll's, at t he POSI ol'fle' (II' (' \1,,1010 , a n.1 PIlIII \\" Hollh ll UR lt ll V ' h('(' .. house In IIn y ('l l Y wh ich h ns II, p .. ~ l om pl'oll1l:; 'd, sc ttlt'd I1 ml rIolHI11I~,,(~ offi ce of t h (> fi rs t 0 ,' S co n u t' l a~!'l, or wllho lll I'C' 01'(1. fl 'OIll t he Unltcd Slutes ~Iv ll };el' I' lco D Is trl bu liun of 11I'oCI'l'tiH fl" " 11 III Lo uisa ROW lll n n to 'Uffo rd R. OIl1 11\IHSlo n , " "ashln glo n , 1 , Ha l ' oC rca I "lIlntC In III ' ' "'' HIlI n elm n l" ;;1) a .'es i n \ Vlll"ren lu nd ' i\lIn ml Hhul' l;' Bu ll,lI ng a " tI C li nt u n f.'cJlI11 li l ·H. ,Ut:socl" Uo n a ga lnMI \\'l lIla n l l' ha l'l <'H A, ]3u("lo,' to 1Il'l W. Cnbc, anel Olhe\'S, o l'tlt'r.'d , 'I'h e c uu l'l 'l'tle r , Il ne H c r l' In Ham ilton t wp , a it; o O"c1c rc(T III 'occcII:; ft'om' n Him · 1.1 ow n n l Hpwl1\ nd lo Chru1'lplon 1I11 \' lIi1l ' In l il e caB' o( lil (' !<r' I11 " u lIl l Effie 01'11 11 1, 4 Itc r ·'tI, In Hu rlnn ;,',.: n l: rr I'H, ]1 II l'rn IJltil But t 1'f1, hI. wp , Bc n Dolt ' u r tur, :l\ I U ITOW , wa f'! J I,hn W, Ii a ll' 10 Lcslc i' J, I\Uller MOlOl' \'(> hl Ie dClI lhll In lhe U nited b l'a nt ed It divo l'ce rl'()~l l ...tLunl II~ t IH'1 (lilt! ,lall1£'l1 1.' 111'1' II CO Cro UCh , 85 S t a t(>s d url :,!,:'-l li(> firfl t hr(" 1110n I.R S'}I'l, !' n his c ha r ge of nl!g-I~c l. IlI' I'P" II , SIIIt'IlI tlVI', o( 1938 dropped J 9 pe l' e li t helow I'IWIINI'E ('ot' WI' T ,h e Bul lR

Traffle' Deaths Go DoWll 29 Per C~~t l!l Oh;f} th e

t ota l


th e o;am('

pe rio(l In

1937 , ft Wll~ Il nn o u ncet\ tLld tly hy 11111" I'y 111, PonLio us, B" r~ t y direc t r , Ohi o

Fal'lIl BU1'ca u, olutnbu fi . Th e r eco rd fo r lh e SUIt!' of Ohio, ~J 1', P ontio us !laid, s h ow s It d cc ...m~e o t 21l P CI' ce nt f ol' tll(\ fi .. "t to ur mo nth s of th e ye,,,' In compnri so n with th e Bu m o p e riod u. year IIgO,

Th, ' ~a l " u f IIl','so na l I.rop I'ty be· ;" " ):,i ll ):, I" Ih e es tll le of AdelilL Phil. lI"s " r ll" I'I' t\ 'HI1 It! a t 11I' lva ia ..a le , Th " lid \':tlllt, o f lilt! fltn.te of ,Ell. " """111 ( ', Slctl<lo m se t 0 1 $753 ,1i 2 by I h " ('", II·t a lld ti l(' t:'st:up (l eela l' to ' hl' O X, ' II ) pt rJ'o rn [la ymnt at Inher·


(1;1 fll' C








~e want to 'take this mearui at the , Waiyneavllle th, a nklna all who aasl8tOO us 'during Granee ond thelr famOle. held a picntc at Kr~, ~nd.', Mra~ ,. Harry, the tire lnBt 'l;huraday morning. :MR. • ~ MRS, £. ' L : THOMAS 8~ltb'. Park Sat\ll"dq' eVCIllng. Wetnen cooked over the ~umaee cave, a t~ touoh to , the outdoor FO~ 8~ CBlCKBN8 Farm!!rB. 1I01lth of town claim tha~ After ' IlUPIMI' the ntruJar meetlq foUl! .... beCOmlnc .0 'Jaold u . fA) wall b8l4, The MUter or UIe ,Oerm~ ateal ,CbJelceD8 1D tbll day Ume.



m....... .

:toW!l Gruap

a IIbort talk.



prwe~t &lid save


TomatOes should not be' grown on 1\1ury Brown and Marle tlo. ~l1lel' ot same area In succcslllve yeare, Ifrn.nlilln. ThomUli Foster o,t Foster, either In the hC>me gurden 'or' In. fl~~: clov!!r leavll!' l¥1d In A SHAME 9lb.lo means. better eODdlUOD for t,glDatoetl .. than ..-. ally .'other crop does We'v e n ever been Ill}le to under. JOB sumd why "'omlln lUI pretty as those Pity the 11001' candidates, b .,tore Plenty of clean water Is ' health In the mae~lne ada can't them lie the task of stumping 11 and Ute lD8urance tor poultry lind coun~ry that's already nlmollt ,'com· 8veatook clurlq the BUDimer months Wllaah,IDlrJillolle. --scandia, B's ll., .Jour -0 ple tely slumJ)Cll,-Waahlngton P vst. lJl OhIo, naI, ~he '




Lebano n, Tht.'odOl'e .:!,S1lkJnH, 32, tllrmo~ , and. Vlvilln TIiOrliRB, 21. nurlle, both or Otle \'beln 'l-iOffi , H enry Grlttlt'S. 21, r.llrmer, Ilnd ' Emma. Ruo kA, 18. bOth or Ranchoy. ter.

court 'ordll r d Ing to the olJtl\.t r D lin. at Ilul , ,'homllil exeeU~Qr or Uie t'stnlo, , Th e ul)pll a lion ot H a rriet , Kinde r t\:Jr n,lIJ>Olntment u or DcrQLhy l\f,1.Y KlnCler to by tho court July U;



Phon 11 2


Milln street

Ily .1i,,1t' t :llc n F it !!

Waynesville, Ohio .- " , W .a yncsville. Ohio

~1l~n: I.L.\ jI;a;}Ul" ~ s mi\\'lm ' ~ " "r


) 11>1/\

f")I:trlt·s l~ray ~r,,' t' 11

o iety Ed ito r ....... Pholle 45 It 11


'ub criptio n P rice, .$1 .50 Per Year, Payable i n Advan ce


sh, " -t.' 1' ' ..'h·s.,


Farmers From Morrow County To Broadcast


.,nc!, :\I'·ij. 111ISt'!·lI iln,·u us

~I ';'Y~~

:--;1Inp lin


~~}t (·.

d .. tJJ.:hl ~ r , In,,·


s -II) , '.,III I1I IJlI :4

, Ther e is room f or both ch a in stores a nd ind epe ndent establishm ents in evet·y community of a ny size and time has proved in these communi t ies th at both ca n hold their respective trade. ,:. " That is a te mper ate , sensibl e a nd reason a ble comm ent ary on the situation. 'Mo t of th e attac k against the chains a r e as em pty of reason as th e p olit ical win'dbags who instigate t h em, Not the sli ghte t ev id ence can be p,r oduced to show that t h e ch a ins are d estroyin g t he independent-ind eed , statistics prove t hat in r ecen t years independent stores h a ve te nd ed t o grow faster in bot h number and volume of busin ess t han chain stores. The existing merchandising structure, op era ting on ' an open competitive basis, gives a better break t o consum er, producer and all others involved ,

_____ I.



Mflrek Weber, cODductor of tha~ CODtented procram OD NBC, Is ODe II radio career. _ After tnlooen In every important European capital, he decided he waDted to see America. That meant giving up .. coutry esiate on the Gu&l~ of BerUD, a 18 room castle IDled with valuable antique tare, a 10 'room apariment In ~urleb, Swlb:erland, bil kennel of eic ht beloved do1'8 .nd his coDectlo.n of pricelels porcelain, all lor an apart., meDt In .. Chlcaco hotel, Here he has aD eatourace which Includes II dirulfied Interpreter and two Bavarian housemaids In native dress, "To geeve me th' home touch," he explains, a11l1t wllo reaDy made a . sacriftce for

l't:U, 'O:\, A LS



Lll tli cs Plain D,'esses


I l r l' l lfSl l':t.

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Quick Cleaners Kl.lthl'yn IIIcn d c nh nll, Mg r

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Harvey.burl, Ohio Phone 17-R.11 for

_ ........., ~~ '--"'''__ .' _ ~''-''. __ ,_ ..t-<~ r ~ •.

. ....... ...-.. . _ _ . . . . .••

"' e offer a s~tisfactory Se~' vice

at all times


McClure Funeral Home' Phone 7


-':'·-~~- ' ''' · ·'-'' ' '-'' · -';] __ '''-'' · ~ t __ ~''- , ,-,, , -,,,,,,,,,,,,-,o.-.. •.-...-.o.-..~~


S. C. Alexander a:.iviOCilATiC CANDIDATE fOR

Ill'T JT'S :-';0 Frs II nlHn \\' h" thllll,H Ill' Is ~ rl/'n" llI t:: hi :. Ilfl' tryin ," l" m:I I,,, Ihe

State Representative

" Ia ny

n('t:f)mpl ~ :-; h

Lemmons Hatchery

V(),[, I: I·' n II .\I:HY H ( ; . ' ER 1··· lIl S'I',,'I'E S8NAT, ' ) : -

n H.' lll u l'lNJ

Wt\t"14l 1''''11£1'1', wHult l

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not l'.r utl r:pr y. hut a 1)1p:1 s.

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1ll'1l .. l.> y l' l('xaton. 01' gl'UUp S "" n ";I'l 1" "'lnhl,' c lca nlnl; ('qulpllle lil whleh call h' 1l10V d ",a,.lly f l'o m one nt

t lll·l .. I II'j' !i('I1l' (' a nd 10"0,"

I=.: verelL E ,u'ly att cnded he neN t 31 yelHs of I1e,' 1If(' I\'e l"(, Lon a nd Il um ('() ml ll ~ at en lorv ill In :-':ebra81", . Th ere fin' c hild· Frlelay ~Y(' '' ln~ . ,. n \\' ~ I'C II I'll III this un 1011 . TIll' 1.'1<1· :\Ir . IInel :\l l's. H u s~(' 11 unn o uncl ll l( thc hlt'lh or II !laughtCI' L l.'ft a widow with COUI' 'Irt llg ht .. I'~ . at Ih clr h ume h" ..e T uclic1ay mo rn ing yuung 81 bu t II fe l\' YOU I'R .)f 11/:'1', Ju ly 19. • H h ~ co ntinu ed 10 mru ntal n th e h Ollic i\l i ~R G ne yrr Routz han left SlIt ur· day rnol'lli ng wit h fl'le nd" from DUy. In 'I'c(: um~ch , :-I,' Il" un lll 1~0~. \\'h('n lOll rOI' "tw we"k'H ,.tuy In ''' I~. ~h c I'N urn d 10 l~al·dt n glon, 10 Cttl' (v,' hl' l" 11 J;~d p:i .... nls. S h(' ..,'111" Inod co n s tn .

I liave had experience and am qualified.


if hI' wII" I.1 Sla y ·aL lin nif' th ' \\'N', IH. - Top,' I(:, SI III .\\\·,\I\ E t\:\'b SINn

ln Chi 'ng-u n youlh !llaYNI " "'I.tIC se \" ,~ n l

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h o u l·~-s. ' (' nlin g l ~r

Vote Por

nn -

t lll'("!; rfnl'l \0 " \' 1)1\' (·'" rllI"' i 's o. In~ Iy po fo ,' "Ittlng- tll .. oug'h those do ublr bil ls. - Alhlllla 'oll~lItll tl o,n.

Friday -




"Bank NiRht"


-SCREEN"MEN ARE SUCH FOOLS" Priscilla Lane Morris

Republican Primary, Augusl 9, 1938


\' OUl~





His Record Proves His Action DEMOCRATIC PRIMARIES, AUGUST 9, 1938






Used ·C ar Bargains 1937 Ford Tudor, New Tires. Only One Owner ....... ..., ....... .... :.. .. ...... .. . .. $495.00 1935 ford Tudor, One Owner ...................... $325.00 1936 Pontiac Coach Truck .......... .. ... ,..... .. ... $475.00 . 1930 Packard Sedan ................. ;.:.......... .. ... . 25.00 , 1929 Ford Sport Coupe ' ........... .. .. .. .. .. ........ .. .. 50.® 1928 Buick Sedan .. ............... ....... .....: ........... .. 50.00 " .

Levee Building, . ~itc~ing Excavating

--._--- ...----


Twin .'lheate~

Wharton Motors.


iC. 1l ,0 tc:l'nBICII;l l',


( ' (llIl1ry

I G ,'ove of Mr. l1IlLI "'I·,lte" lit \\·lIy n<'!:l vllll' . wll\'I" ~ 1 1(' e v ~ n I 111; ttl tIe M.. s. lI u rr y Sm ith nen ,' ~Vuyit ':I \'lIl e. .\ rp IIul rlll1l; lh(,1lI rlt~ L IIl1lg ht ~ ' II"ul unlil Ill' r mll 'T!:".:r ttl To Ihe "l al' I'~ Ih y' ,.(. hl< "~ .1.


t ' ,Hlnl

til' 1'::1\\'l) ull

(jllt·ud .

whN' HI'hI'" . fill"d with J_anHIls the pl. " Tlw y n (" '~ " '1 l1 il., It'an', Ul;. lI'a" III falhl'r, In I"W II anll onl'!'r "'I II'll , mov ed hlH rll mlly an(1 OU I' 10\'1,.1 ua.'s whn II a ,, ~ lIassI"(1 IIv d rOI' H ml' Y ll'~ . 'l'III'l' lIl;l1 Ill{' Hl1al l<'"",, (If JJellt l~ In I 67 thcy I" t.urn d 10 Ohio" nt1 '1\ , Ih e ~ unll !;'111 a ho\'l· .

Alway_ A Good

t'l! ;I I' ge

P , IJ':·Hllt . t o who"l

u I F . :\lo" h(',', of l''' ''dlnE;to n, l\ l r~ . thtn g-~ fO l ' tho ~c n rotillfl h p l ', II. l L 1II'I·la n. of /1 11. (;i1 cnd, 'hlll'les TIll! Unfli'l(' r1In); (' pur:lJ.,: p \\' i 11 JIl l' . lit III Hog,' r" \'1"ll l'd "l" 'cra l F . "lo:i1,l'I'. of Cl lIl'Inna ll. al1!t :\11',... which HII I1l1'l h ... r I' HI'I'll slh llltil'.; 11Ily" 1:'81 W('('ll wll h :\11'", 'WII I Om · E,lIlh 1I Il,·rl8. of \\ 'a~' n .. s" III,'. WI' f' a ll Insl'll'al l, \11 1 a l l willi I, n (l w ha m fist of town. 1''' 1'1 of hcr hll<:l hoolt lI iHI .,;il·lhood Iw l'. Ih eEI'(!I'clt L)' lle " En ·ar·I'h Htock· .. ly.. u>!!! h.l1;or Ih 11urchusrd h()ldc .. ~. A lI umb I' of C;l'n nl:' ' I'S rrom here e nJoy"d III IV Incr roast ,'a lurday y

U:I \' I I-= .


~Ir ~ . L. t ' . l·il l" n . .. I' , ·"IUlld'lI H. :llrH. "unlaine,1 Wl'I'U st'cds und (rum 10 1"I('yll 11 :II·tltn g. (,f l) ' lIn . ·Uhl .,:l 1I of \0 15 IJ " renl WIIS Inr ctrd WILh


i\11":-I. L . It. J o hns t o n

hUnll '

,,'a nllt 'r s -

Baby Chicks

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or ':1 11'. lind :\I rs. " ' 111 :\LeCnlT('n or li t 11 :If,. l-'lIn,lay II lghl. ,lill y :1, l03s, Co~haClon o n S1lnllay .


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.... r ()hll1H. A. W "lIac,', 1t1l ..11 I 1·;..,,11,,111"'11 D,'pL 111 :0:, \ 'U l llll'''"~ Chllml;c l' u .. t'l I.'Hll':1.

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:1:30 I ntN'\' lp w

Lovely to loo k a t b u t dange rous t o love Is l.ulso R aln or, as t lle Belle oC Ne w Orleans. whoso kisses wrecke d one ullin's ca· r ee r a nd cost a nothe r hi s lICe In "Tho T oy WICe:' wh Ic h w ill open Sunda y, J uly 24 a t both ·th e alr ·cooled Maje~ t1c th eal r III Spring' fie ld , and th e new de luxo Xenia theater in Xenia, for II three d ay e ngage me nt. Melvyu Douglas, th o han dso me ge ntleman pictu red with MlsJ na ln e r a bove Is hor das hing co·s ta r . Debonair no hert You ng fo rlll a tb e lov ·trialljl;le. Splash(J(1 ngni list t ho h orolc b~l( groulld o C old· wo rld Nm v O r lea ns. "The T oy W IC .. I;; a d l'ama ot the lovelI est g,lrl of tbe ~$b , wh o IIvod only y~. ~ loved, ..

li ft er ~hlln

I ).

p, 'l'I tll e l l l ~IHtlu n .

nq Ul'll l'd t u his ht ll lll' I n 1 n ·

1·'I·lclay .


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nHIlh " ,



Sh UPllla !\ll l'

j'a llt·(I to ~I '\\' Htl t' h,·II,' ~ . " ,' duC' t t) t h('l tll"t '~~ ur' )Ir :-;, Slh l \ ' lll :lk · " ' ''' 1'f'

' I" ~

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:-4 1:1 11 '

OliVt ' !"


Elvira Rios, beautiful YOWlg singer 1rom Mexico, is the latest addition to r a dio's international colony In Hollywood. She singS little known songs of Old Mexico every week over the networks and consoles her homesickness with the thought that her cOWltrymen hear her via short wave . . . Joan Elvira Bios Blaine was hostess last week to her "Valiant Lady" . cast at a party in the cool Ro01 Gardens of New York' . Hotel McAlpin. , , Paid tor by fines imposed tor late arrivals ?>II'~ . "I a l'gn l'et .Joh ns n ntl PUIII willi IlIcm unt il the delll h of hl'l' at rehearsals ... Amos ' n ' Andy turned in what proved t o be a preview J ohns a.ltenc1ed Ihe Ce nterville cl'le. mothe,· In 191 3. She lhen estab li shed of the Louis-5cbmellng fight on tbeir program the night before the fight · bl'tltlon li nd lng Sallll'duy n home III lil t. Ulleud , I\ vl ng l he l'C' came off. It.fle l·noon li nd c \'~ nln s, ;1 nd W (' , ' u nti l he ,' rl lIuTloge to Ll n noas It . Johnny VaDder Meer, the ClDcinDati Reds' wODder pitcher, I. a ov!!rn l",lI L gu 818 SlIlu "day und din. ,l ohll ~to n . or Ceu'd ln g ton, In 1922 . radio holdout • • _ Values his services for guest appear.nces at $1,000 and Is offered t500 .•• Bob Trout, ace Columbia commentator, got IiIs ncr g U (!stJ; Su ndlly o[ MI'. o ncl i\1I's. ~ I I-. ,l ohn ><w n lla_sed III\'IIY on Ju! y ftrst traos-AUanUc Ian call last week afte'r describing Coney Island in a EUI'I ,}'homos or Socllll Row. ' 1936. special broadcas~ to England •• , The Engllshmau wanted him to look M\I;sea 1\lIl11cen l I-I tzle l' a nd Ir~ n o lIe l' fo ul' dIl Ug-htel'" !r~I I'\' i ve Ill' r . up .. Iriead at the resort •• , The Detroll SymphoDY orchestra Is slated Idlooycles September 11, with John Charles Thomas .as Slade of P I<'1 Ull li nd :o.frs. Nellie :\Lon. T III'Y IlI'e : :lIJss Edit h '::7.:.:i-;--''-''---~r'~~=.~~~~artlat _ • _ Wonder how pul oul artiftclal redheads are tgu lllel',\' Ll ncl da u!;h tl!1'8, i\Il ~ s leo coiD&' to when they discover that tbey will photograph • muddy of Darton w/,," S undu.v gu s Is o( 'blonde OD the television soreen? 1\1 ,·. a nd ;\11'''. Wallel' K; IlI·IcI< . Charlie McCarthy, a recent book rev e als, was used by Edgar Ber. 1\1,·. fi nd I\ I'·H. Sla nl ('y. 13a l:ey 111 ATTORiN~Y gen as a horrible example of a bad boy back in his days on the Chau- co m pa ny w ll II .\ lr. lind i\lrR. 1-:11 (0 11 tauqua circuit and anotlier dummy, Laura, as the well behaved child . , . Whatever became of Laura? Those "Vocal Varieties" have scored ltet:tI lc l, tlf \Vay t1PS \' iII ro I.. ft :ll oll u<lY again, this time with their feature of the most popula r songs ot big stars murnl,,!; rO I' II 11\ til l' It' lp to " ':5con · ••• Their ideas are good as well as the music, s in . r:1 IIal'll \\· hll" I,,·I·. SO li or Mr. and Walter O'Keefe, master of the Illp retort aad hero of the stage, screen and .radlo, retlll'Dl from Hollywood to New York to finish hIs orlirnal ~I r~ . lI u mlll " 'hllal,,o,'. I" In ~l l:rm l "Lend Me Your Ear.," a musical comedy • • • Bobby \ "II II 'j' lI uHlJlla l. s lI fk l' jnJ; with a n Dolan, O'Ke~e's lormer orchestra leader, Is writing ill fc etl'd, a rm . the music for the planned fall production • .• Marloa ~II·. '" 111 )lrH. Het h F urn as, :\'fi·. TaUey, . former Met star, has launched the tblrd year of her programs _ • _ Dolores Gllle~, pretty net" 11(1 ~ Ir" . 1-1 ,, 1'\" ' ), HllI'ne l Il U('nd"d work actress, bas set a new style for radio liy , lt l' \Vllynl' T '1\" ns hlp P"r1l1 er '" Club .ppearlng at the mike lD culoUes, Thu ,;sllllY al Lh(, h" lIIl' uf i\I'·9. l\(ur. tha f! ',II;:h nc" r \ VH), l1es \'llIl' . 1\'1" 8. Harold Peary, the " Public H er o No, One" actor recently set a new r e cord t or being someone else Ma "1;11 "CI .Juhn s an d P'tu l .Jolin H . . . In tllteen minutes he was ' eight different people W(' J'(, ~lI(o~lK of t he cl ub . -in the. script , • , Not all of the top radio actors are going out of the country for the ir va ca tions, [IF:I.E" 'EIl IJ\' TilE CENS(Ut reports to the contrary •. •. Jack Be llny a nd Fibber McGee are two who expect to spend mos t of theirs Walter O'Keefe An Altoona girl was req ull'ed to near home. , , John J, Anthony, conductor of the \''I'lte a n essuy of 2G O \Vo,'ds about "Original Good Will H our, " is one ot radio's busie ~ t m en . . . Manages to apeak before phila nthr opic groups a ve rage of thre e nights a week an.l n n a il' "mob il . She Rullmilt cd th e (01l0\\' ln g : 1\l y unc le bo ug h't nn a u. last week hit a high with eight speerhps. tomn:lI lc. Jj c w as "!d lng out In th e THOMAS j. HERBERT · cOulI 'ry wh e l) II bualed going up It long hilL J g uess thl 9 is abo ut fl flY Restoration of decent governmen l "'''I'tls. 'J'he other 200 <I re wh a t my in Ohio is the m os t vita l iss ue before ' ullclc Sldd while he was wa lking to the people today, Thorj13s J. Herbe rl tow n, but t hey ure n,o t fit fo r l)u1)- of Cleveland, the R epublicall nom· inee for Attorney General in 193(:. llc:l.\1 n." - Altoona Tribune. declared as hc launched into the fin al stages of his militant cam paign fe r re-nomination at the Au gu st 9 pn .. RlGHT _ mary election, It 1s getti ng htll'de,· a nd h m'w~ l' fo l' As ollc of hi s qualifi c3 lio ll s) H e. · th c t,LX pnyel'!l to b",lJ eve th[tt Ihls I", bert points to ,his kn owl edge of th e I\. £1' e co unlry .....:.Dnllas New!!, office, gained from eig ht years' e::Miami Gazette for e.tim,a t,. pcrience as an A ssistant Att orn ey G~neral. During' this 'time hc ,we :l many important legal ,battles for . tll 'people of the s tate, including Jb.c OhiO""lfell Telephone rat e casc. · H ~ now is special cOlU nsel fo~-tllc city (' ( Cleveland in its 'filg ht to viJlain loweWAYNESVILLE ra tes from tll e Ea . t ' Ohio Gas Co. . Phone 3708 Wounded in a ction 'as a comb::1 . p_i1ot in France durinr' lh W o rl d War, Colonel H i t was dec rat .1 for bravery by British and Alllc(-


( ' I Hl Hlilt' 1"

~ 1 11 ".11·11I 1I

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:'\:11 1 lI)"a li s t. )Il ~'li

\·01.' 1'.".

Mf' n's Hills INln d a n el Blo ck ed


j"; ::,I) Ti lt' :\ltwldnJ.,C

tu til\'

CI""n Up At Thea .. Pric e. r.! n' s 3 pc. u ils Clenner! an d P re ~r d

I nl\·" .... it)' '1· 11 , '111 11 I'rllj.;l".' "L

1l : ~11

hO \l;' t1 lUIl Ph pilil of su la d ;1 1I11 C: di l,'

, nl ) U

~I" ,

" I f. :\ l tI~lt· !lnt' l 'I'ogTllni 1: t,"FU IIIH'.


" It is ea::-y to Ret bnck and condemn ('ha in s tores and t o h ope t hat they are 'taxed to death,' but w hal abo ut t h e t h e economic res ult of such sill y legislation? It is only l'casonab le to unde r!itnncl t hat any cha in co ncern w hich is force d to pay, uc h a bounty to th \ governm ent is goin g to clo. a good many stores, The ind epe ndents wo ul d get mol' b usin es::-. pe rh aps, but how stab le would th is n w busincRs be? If the clwin concerH a re f orced t o close many stol'ef)! it "ou ld mea n n ew a nd la rge a d ditions to t h e n:ltion's great unemp loyme nt tota l ... Chai n sto res contr ibute well to mo ' t comm uni ty p·r ogl'a ms. They hil'e employees w ho buy or re nt ho mes a nd buy merch a ndise in t he om muni ty . T hey a dve rtise heavily. Th ey pay h eavy taxes, Th eil' employees dri ve a uto mobiles a nd pay t owa rd t he upk eep of t h e str eets ... ,

tlfrlt" '.

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An Independent Newspaper Dedicated to the e rvice of Waynesville . nd vicinity _ Givi ng its pat rons the best newspapel' hu man ly p os. 1111 ' hrhl.' " "" lI,a ny ,' xl'('lh' lIl ,','('. . ibl 1" lc:< W (' ~' I' ,) ff"I·(,(1. ,\fl ,'r th l' 1'1:;11I1''';

ROOM FOR BOTH "No .ct finite stnbility wit hin the mel' hanclis ing f ield an b exp ct d unti l ongr ~R wakes ull, to the fact t hat big bu sine ha as muc h right to op rate in a fr e cou ntry a:~ n litt l bu, ine:>s and t hat p icking on lJig bus inefls wil l, in the end, gn in nothing, neith l' for t h e co un try nor its mi ll ion of IH ll' 'ha en; ." sny~ th Bucyru s. Oh io. Te le· . g rap h-Forum .



'I' I~"':~ T'h~'

Sala . 15 E. Main St. LeHiioft, O. "Little Buck.roo" Metro


WILL ST. JOHN, Local Repreaen~ti9.


THtlB8DAl', .roLl' ZI, 1188



Page Three

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his (lru c llce evel' Ihe y elu 's of ,u t · w<' klll g cnndldo l"" nllll m e n In pul>· life aga ln s l whom h e holrl H n 11<'1" all 11111 .rrull!;'e. In hlal plllwr o f Jul y 8, 1938, ho ultl o ~I }' a s:;,dl " Mr . MII I·Rhllll . )(l'lIuh· lIN .lIl ellllllldll lO ro r CO IlCTeRIi In th e AugU HI IIlnth Iwlmlll'y, c hundng him, tll'tll, willi nul havlnl; fII "11 lin " X.. en"c a ct:oufll fo llo\\'ln g I h e ,, 11' 1'111111 o f IUS6 , alH} second, hnt'g ln!;' him wllh n'Ce lvln~ cO lltrlhllLlun ll f""1ll E tl Sc h o rr , I) , C, l'elllb~ I'lu n n ml th l! NIltlunnl Commlllf' C tw" y UIl I'~ ll C U, und rn lllng Iu fiC aunt fu r !llIOW . M .. . .\1 :0 "H h ll ll ' ~ I'c pl y tullow ~: " My eXlle n sc 'lA' r uunt W IlH fll (,11 In COIllpllll llCI! with 1,'c dc l'Ul La w willi Ih · "Iet' lt or the lIulIHfl oC RCpl'cHc n tutlvcs III 'Vl1shlngtoll und I' Ih e dnl ~ o f Nuv lt mbe l' 4, lUaU, Hilowinc nu conll'lblJllon8, an,l e xp e ndltlll' e~ ot fiv e hundr d nlne t y· nln e t!ullu l'8 nnd e ighty ce l1lS UIi99 .80), of whl h fl v.. hundret1 tltLy t!ollo r s ($ 55 0 ,00) nmp!llgn comrnlL. w u~ glv<'11 t o th e I Cell of th e CounLles In lhe. Dlslrlc l, III1lI forly ·mn e dullnl'>! nnt! e ig hty ('l'nl ll ($4 9. 0) tor n" "'''I'UI." r lIuv e r · ti Ming, I did not J'Cc<, lvc on e p enny fro ll1 S ' hUIT, Pembe rtun, or th e Nu · tlunul Co mmittee." In thIs edltorlu.1 Mr. Mars llllll IH, .. hlo , chtcrged wHh having Impro J) r · Iy III1H(\ lint! fail ed 10 n cco unt fOI' fiv e hundl'ed t! ($5UO ,00) se nl Into OreH lle County tor th e cn mpuls n In beh u lt o t fllvorlt e ROn d e legates to th o Na llonn.l Co nv n\lon In April, 1 930 . lI u n)" D , Smith , Cliojrmnn ot th e O" een COllnly Exec utive Com· Zl1itt ~o , r 1111 8 to thly Cha rsH [l.II fol · i o w .. : "The fiv e hundred dollar8 ($500.00) rece Ived <from I h e Republlcnn Slate :P1'lrJltlr" ' Lnlpllj"'n Commlltf)e wos , " Il o t ho ndletl by Ih e . loC111 R ,llllbllcnn Co mmittee a s commIttee fund s , lind \\' 11 8 , th e re fore. not r eported ItS Itnl' p a n ot campaign co ntrlbullons, but



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'" witness the opening operation OtJiclals of The Dayton Power and LAgM.Co., the Clinton co . Farm BUTeau an d oth ers ,

WUmington, O.-Work is progressing at top speed in connection with the extensive rural electrification , project of The Dayton Power and Hru \\'Il ' H "'ari1Jlnl ~ n ~n l11Jnllt', le fu r Light Company in Clinton co. The l ' " n ~I 'l'IIS . \\'UH Tr ' ,Ulun' " of th Mil d · first pole having been set only reI ~ nn CUllnly HOl)uhllc an Conllnlll ('e cently, the project is to be rushed Crom now on, Twenty-five carloads of III 1\l 3G. llJld n'cI'lvNI ru ur hundr"d poles, or about 2000, will be required flullllrH 1$4UO. UU) for (a"(l1'1I 1' Hu n <le · and 170 miles of new electric wire ('g o l('s "MIlI)al!; n III A IWll of 1!l 3G, li nd will be strung to take care of more than 400 new rural customers. This flll!d no e )(p ' nsl' account. ] am n ot may be increased to 600 later. It is c hll r ,;ln A M,', Hown "l II"llh n ny hoped the job will be finished by l\TunA fl o ln g , bUl Mr, :\fn l'8h,,11 IH \'1 . Christmas. Last year The Dayton I" UHly a ttac k ed tu,' h u nulln /,; fund~ - Power and Light Co. added 1.774 new rural customers. an Increase of 18% In th e sa m e m n nn r 1\8 Willi d on e by over 1936. The present undertaking. Jllr, I1rowlI '" Iw(>,.,. nl IlH H IU/,;" I' , Th" said to be one of the largest ever started In the country. will cost the hll ndJ lng u f th e funu s W IlS fi ll I Ir· company $200,000. Farm bureau rcl;'" II1 ", a nd In m y oll inion n e ith e r officials and ' company officials were JIIr. lI o\\,Il I'd n ol' Mr. 1I1 11 1'Hhill Is Rub· present when the first pole was set. These Included: Oliver R McCoy, J<;(;l to Cl'ltd ".1ll In Ihl" I'('gll rd , president of the Cliriton co. Farm C ltl~c n B of thla DlslI'l c t who s tund Bureau; Walter L . Bluck. county for d c'<.·(\n cy nnd fuji ' pI n y In po: ltl ~s agricultural agent; K C. Long, vice oresil,lent and associate general mans h o uld r Iludlill e th II tnc ll cs. A ager, and H. S. Nonneman1 in charge cllmpl " ~ n o r 1' lIif\ ea lio ll II! beIn g ..I the rural department ot the com\v1I 1;' ·d Hs n hlHt 1\lr. 1\Iars h ll ll becu u:; pany. and H. I, Fox. district manager tor the company in the Wilmington h e Is nOl wlllin s t o g o u lo ng and bo w district. • t() III tnU on from n fe w prO f L'!!~ lo lia l politic Ia n s, In Ih e Jury 16th ls.... u e of th e cd l1 l'\' lI\o H e rlllt! , th e EdItor Itl le mlllS 10 corwin e our c lllzen!! tha t ?'Ir. lIInrs hull wo a 1'1 fri e nd of D . . P e m· be rton by publishIng COpy or a. Ictte l' Dy F.. DU~rxELL \\Tllt e n ov e r s ix y el1 l'S IlgO. It s ho uld he 1'(, lne ll1lwl'crl lhnt It I s lIfr. Brown Mr, n nd :'oli''', n . H . K e" ln ~(' 1' r eo who IR r ('ce lyln g th arde nt ' s upport turn ed h o nl(' 1 h Url"la), n ft r s lle n tl · I of D , C. P e mbl'rlOn In thi s cnmplllgn. ' In g a fe w da r s wllh L1wl l' so n In Cln · 'Vhllc It Is lrue Mr. Marsha ll \\' 08 ci nn o ll. f rme rly on go od l e rms Wllh- MI' , :\lI ss De no LU " :L~ sp~ nt ~nl ul'dar


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R t'Publlcans . Th' e nUre tlve hundred e xpended tor the dinne r m ('eting Ilnd the printing nnd dletrl· bUllon of IItemturc "nd olhc r expen·

(10\11\.1'8 WIl!!

SPRING VAllEY :Mrs. Kate Engle e nte rtu.1ned rei from Mlchlgnn nnd. Doyton the lolit week. , nnd MrA. Sam Ml11e r ot L ob· .. non, we r~ guest .. on Sunday ot Mr. and Mrll, Homer ''Vllllon. .Mr. I\.nd Mrs, Theodore P ork Ins nnd 80n spent SUndliy with relatives In Dnyton. Mrs. ' M'arle Wlh1 left on Sund(lY, to tll'ke I\. 'posltlon In olumbu8, :1~lves



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F. T. Martin Auctioneer

SATISFACTION Or No Char.e Centerville, Ohio Phone 7U

Ced a~rvlll , O . S ccretnry Marshall fOI' C on· grl'sR Committee, Paid P o lltlCllI Adv.

1":11 11



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LErr TO RIGBT-K, C. Long, vice pruident and IUIsociate general manager of TIt.e Dayton Power and Light Co.; O/iv81" R. McCoy, president Clinton co, Farm BUTeau, and Walen' L, Bluck, cou,,*" agricu/turcU GQe!\t, "etring the t!nt pole in the great Cl~n.ton co, rural electrification program.. '1':

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;'l il li s, :\1,., a ll d :\I,·s. l3ell ~I HllJll allll alld ;\11'. ''' Illi IIlI WII>;u lI >illl'lI l :\ Iel n ~I ,·.

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dn y ni g ht lin d, SlI lUl·UllY with 1Il i;;s S l •',!c L ntt'l,r • ('u,," ulll c Wllma ll i'r,, 111 Pa uline Olbso n of S '>I'in g Bmnrll. the!; \'l' lI lh 'o ng l' '~"llJ n!l 1 D I"ll·l ·t In 1\1,· a nll lIlI." P ct fl lll1 yo n SP ('nL 9 ,. ., the P"rl~' 1'r1 nwry. August lh. S:tLunluy - v(' nl ng with 1\n.. li n!! Mrs, Ervin Smith nnrl d o u!;'hter .Iu rllth Ann, M,·s. Elvis Mi ch ell i cn ll d o'n


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wus pllld ou~ by Mr. Mo rshall Indlvld· T' mberton, It Is equa lly true th a t 'h e v nln g a nd :::iullt!ay w ith r clMh'es JF."~NF.T'I'F. Y. ItO('lU':L utllly (01' th expon/! of a dinne r no lo ng r Is , t or sev e ral r eoson s, on e ot nca l' Or 'gon ill. m"e. Ung 111'\11 In the ]\11180nlc Temllio ot whic h 18 h e I' (U lled to join iii nn SEEI{S ~O)IIX .\'.I· IO~ ~(Iss Dorol hy lI11c h (11 sp ent FI'i· " I 11 111 " ':onl1l1l",,' 1'0 1' 11 Ill lhll('lI n Il.udressed by ronn e r Oov roor CoOIl' e ffort to ' d e feM a Re publican cllndl· ~r


I w i l l ":' ll li ll i:-l i l r lit' 1111' )le t··b lt,S

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of the ext(!1lsive rural el ectrification project in CLinton co.


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fe n ' ne ,' \l'llh Uf'u wn unlll (l lilt hour. JUHI 1' .. lul' tn the lIul)lI callon 'IH Ih e <'IlIl u,·11I 1. 111 f', H ay mnm~ Iluwanl of L o n(\ulI , wlw I,. 'hll irma n or C ltH' ne e

It 111(1 Jl n l'I·., ' F Ul'!lyc ho m e ~\:I' . It nil ~ rrH. O PO l'gO



Dr. and Mrs. Hnrllnger , nnd Eve r et t B unn ell a ritl chllll)'" n Sa l . d n.ughte rs r e lurned hom e on Snlur· unlJly ve nlng. MI', antI ' M,'!>. 1I nl' Y DUI'I; cl! a nd day cvenlng from n. two week" va· Childre n of Da y ton 111' nl ca tio n In ulver, Ind. lIIlss G e n e va. Reed of Spring. Wllh b e l' pa r e nts M i'. and ll-ll'S, L o t.· C1e ld, 81)Ont th e we e k ~nd with her Morga n . Ilnre nls, Mr. n.nd lI1rs. Cn rl opse y. H('I'b I' l J1J a l'l ntl Iwd SOn Edm on lIlr, S . R~ Free man and family, and 1I11 ~ !I Cl n ra D a u g hte rll were uln · Mrs. Lldn Vlllnra. Mr. nnd )\Ira, Se lh ne r gu est s of Mr. a nd :'11'9. El v is F"cc moll ant! fllmlly n ttr n df.!d the l\Uc h eu l nnd d a ug ht e r D orolhy , Free mon tamlly reunIon li t 'Vay ne 1.11', a nd Mrs. Erv In Smith an t! Pa rk , on Sundny . Thlrty·llve w~ re dUllght r w er e Sunda y dlnn cr g u lolts pr ae nt. Of hi s parents Mr, n nd :\11'8, Mr, ond Mrs. has, Young ot Co.l, Smllh u nd Cll mlly. s P alillnc Glhson of ICornln nre spe nding a few weeks wIth Mis s Norll Houston , nnd othe r Bl'llnch Rllc nt Sill ul'aay nlgh l li nd relatives. S Ul1l1ay wnh Miss D o r othy lIli t h uA l. Ve rn Peterson nnf1 J a nice Penne w it :lfr . nnd 1\Irs. Arthur Morg an amI huve r eturned from a weeks vucatlon JIll', nnd M,·s. Alrre ,l MIl l'S",l n n nd lit Mlnml Valle y ha.utauqun.. <lau g ht e r a n "h,ll'" .J nn IlJl e nl SUIl · Vol cha, Hollanr1 and Alma Mn day wIth th eir ""re nts MI' . •lIlt! i\o\J'_ . Dnvlson were marl'lel] Suturd!IY ev · La iR Morga n. pnlng by Rov. Hahn of Be lmont. The 4·H C lub " 1'(1 1!,lvln g lIl l' II' Mra. Rhoda Rhoads of Bluffton, me tin S's e ve ry Friday u fl e rnoo n fOr 111<1. nnd Mrs. N. C. Kindt of Chic· tile n ext three or four w ce k~. ThiN ngo , Ill., were wee k Ilnd. guests of w eek they will ) Il rn to pal eli tl, tl: 1.' Mr. ond MI's. Clare nce Bllgford and own clothes. Mr. nnd Mrs, ''Ve b Wilkerson, The Sewln!;' Club of the !Ill. H o ll) 1'he M . E. Chu rch Is giving tl hurch h elll n n :til da y sewin g tI t Inwn fe t o on Sntul·da.y evenIng at the home of Mrs. ElvIA Mich el'll hlRl Lhe M. E, parsonage . Thur~du y . At noon a pic nIc dlnn(' r Mr , and Mrs. CIIDS. Reynolds and wns served and the afte rnoon Wll!! lIlr, nnd Mrs. W eb Wilk erson spent Sllcnt In sewIng . Those prese nl w er e Sunday at the Englewood dam. ' Mrs. Lytl e Robertson Iwd dau g hte r Born to Mr. a.nd Mrs . Melvin Pen· of Ha.rveysburg, Mrs, Hil e y Glbs01l nlngton (Dorothy Solle rs) ot Dayton. nnd daught e rs , Stella. nnd P a ulin o; a daughter, MondllY, July 18. Mrs. Clnrence crrJwford nnd dllug h · Mr, and Mrs. Harve y Grooms Dayton nrc announcing Ihe birth

Fairley Hdwe Stores Larler Bec:&IU.e of Better Quality, Service and Price E.tabli.hed 1849 '. 1938 Phone 32

" 1·lav ln g bt" 11 II life·I,' nl!' 1:"Jl p hll , " u n , h o u ~e l\'lfl · . 1I10l\lpl' >If t \\'o e h ll<i · ri' n, li nd ll(' \l l'e In 'h lll'cli , " '" lr,, I'(, ;11111 'il'i .. " f (;J I I' ~ In ~ hll ' k l'olln l r, I hnv a n IIn(!QI'"l n <ing- or Il ll rt y nn d hum ' Id l'a lli. A" a n' Ame r ica n c1l1zl' n 'Ln d 11 lI1u . lh e l' , J :un n ll t u l'nlly inl e l' "II'" In lIl l' f. u llll'e uf o ur "" l lun , As n ,. u p. po rte I' of 111' IIUI0l1 '1l'll 1l1' lne lll" '" In 1« 'ul.lng Wil h the l'rogT t'sH of. c ivil. IZfl tlo n . I rCll ll zl' l h;.,t Ht.w ja l tl nd ,,01. Illcu l p" ,bl ' lI l$ r" ' lh l! n ntlol1, 11I!t lh a l Mu ch h a ng ,. s h o uld he mil d III n.ecord lI'iLh Am l>I' lr:t 11 11I' 111 " Jl I"~, " TIlf'." Wea l,; :11111 \I:lrt y "rill ' I I)I"~ Clf II fOi' It sllTlIlg lend ul'sh ip a n <1 If I 3 m t he ch o le oC t.h e I"Lrt y, j s ll;d l


as Egypt's Sphinx



1\11118 JII8 phillo GrllY Mrs . .trah E , 8 n 11 ~ nl(' r t:i ln d la.rcn ee S mI t h h(,r nn ug hte l' ;\ft·s. " n d !ntnll y from X 'lIll a ' ' undJl Y. 1\11'8, MOJ'y 'n ' lI. n ncl ~f,l ll!! of .Qa y l on s l',mt tho we ek e nd with Mrll . : 11 ) 1. MIss EI !l n tll' '~l l~oro ot Morrow 18 s pendin g th u week with Mr. and Mrs, ~OlT~rOr gun . _ .Mr/!. Cbln~w()rth III very 1\ ' Juil Whl~h , " 'l'jouRly InJurcrl her right " hould r , H e r' co pdltlon Is not much Improved. The of·a Club






Not a dick, not a murmur when Electricity is busy in your home" Silently it goes about the job of doing your work, just li~e a ma~ician d~zl~ those who watch his performance. Electricity is even more magical .th~ this ., " • it does even,mote su:ange tflings than anyone can concei~e, and it does it at a very low cost. • " At the present rates charged, ,every, consumer is in a ,position to use aU of the Elearicit~ wants ·to. usc. and s'!!p...hi~ bill w~~.

--The Daylon Power and Light Co~



~~~o~u~r.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~____r~~~~t__~ ~~t_T~H~E_M_IA~M~J~G~A~Z~m~T~TE~<~~~~~~~~r~~~~~~~~~~~~~tt,~i~*j '~"[~r. \\-::;;-I:~" I': I,e ~tl·. neJ fARM CflAMPIOMS GIVE -~ t;~tl~;-tJ1[(I\~' cnndidal:"- ; ; -~T.c~", trl)~I1~nn·~gd-OD11 tOI' 11 two m nthll period o.!"

. t}J~",,,~,I] ~ . ~."C'~




"t4, ~l~ ~~ I~~

A 'n I I ng.nn ' . 'I on In . is • ,' 01111111 1" ,,1:>1111111: ;Ill'. nn" Il l'!, ynCIlL .. g n l Al 1)r-""11 n , th

11'INnll . uf l. ·b.'lnon . ;llIt·hlghn. thl~ ,," ' e k . vl"itlt ~ ( wllh th G l'I'hlll" ~II·. :llId lIirl<. 1 1~1 Rrown Il'ft I,'d, f l mlly, tilt ~r Ul' "prnt ' :Frhlay a t <l' lO Illl 11<1 tIll' I' m tl l",l r of tIle "'1\ ' l "IIUld, 'l • ~th I IInuk III n t • hlloh nenr j II'. rind Mrll. R o n nl" H awk w ro MI'!>

\\' lIlltllll

W hlh.

dlllll\' " g lll'M ls o f )\11·s . lllLvrls llnd h hOII ~

/; 11 ~t 1\11'8. I1nrdlng, TuosdClY

)111'. anel ;\Irs. l\[ OITU! Fulkcrson n· lOl'talnod 111 \' . llnd Mrs. HU SIlli Ii Frunk l\lr. nnd ~!1'8, Robert BakOl', Jr. Ind son to dlnncr 'l'hul'l!dlly evening. l\fl'. Ilnd ~!I's. Jack P r eston h l.\ve' WI' I'I' Dnylon vlSlto l'S on T\lcsduy. l\!!llt J nn llnk r IB vllllUng h r I~ h ouse g U ~Rt8 this week, Mrs. L 0 \'o1\>lln ~II'!I. ''' lIhm' • "'n nscll' \n Le h· ) lIl S h n nd Billy o( 8 1 I'l ngfield .

1'\ '


;II, nn this w

~hlI'i I'Y

Illl ~

'· fling.



..., . Ellllnn 1',' 11" '('. MI"s Em nUl Lu u L"lI'ls UIH!. 1\1I8S I :lIl'1ll1,' 1 Pelt i ,

IIltl'mlt'd thl' I .. utll

\\"l"{l n

NdH ~'


or la~ l

wet:"k • .\tl~.

p lrn l '


. lcH!' un~. '"I"IH~ Sl14..~~,n ti W '-' I'C

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1\l1's. Ethnn


d a ughtel' \1~ F ox,


.11', llf

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lIH'lr .l u(.' k . Bar· fill'

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with 111I'it'

l' l·tai lll' LI wllh

Cun<I1I1 or 1111'S. Itlft

In l)ay t l1n.

(; 1111' Bill ~.)'

\'Is, :\11' lI,,1 )lh~'I. h ll rl ~ti Il a l'l lrol'k 1111 I th ' lr lint. ;\1n,. Juhn I.>: l' I''' ' y . On '·hlll.,.·


;\11'. o llli I\lr", .l uh l1 Guns I1l"l'l llln· ... 1 IlIl'Ir " oliO " IlIh " 'Nln 'sdlIY C\' ,


'~'IIl' 1'1>,'

"I I'. T11IJ1\l ·

~1i:lnti ~hlll'A' \\' t::r e '-'un·



'. '



alu1 JlI1'>I. 1I 'IlI'~' ,\' (nkln"

In lllp colin try . • 1 \\'I'n . l1 :lI't 'o('k $1" ni ·thl· WI ,·k olla wi th hi" un r l" )1 r. Uon Ilal'lsl'c' l I ond fltllllly. . . MI'; Ilntl ;\11'". 11 .1n;1,1 F.:II·nll " rl ,111(\ i child l','I} 11 1111 llllbhy J~ lls l lnl!'. \\'('1'0 Duyto n v\l;!lul'S Frldu y . The lhl'c lillie d \ug-htt'1'l! of )ltrll. Cha rles hupmon llrl'lYed ll~urcl/lY to spend l ho I'cmnl n d I' oC lho. s um · mel' 1\t II' h O\11 1) on F ul'lh SI. I !\I\'~ . •J hll Cl /ns. ?1I's. U. I .. ('11\n' ,wel ~II·. ]0'. H. Ii t' IIl! I'~n WC' I'" II, \ Drt\'t o n ·l'u l'~dIlY . ;\11' . \"111 1:1111 L lpl' inl'u ll hn,; I,,'CO 11 sh-k fl)l' Ib ~ plI"! 11'" .' 1, wllil ' 11ll' g'1·ip. I i'1I·. \\' ltlI ll l\I i'l '" nl:: 11 II rrl\'L·.! llllllll' T"" ~IIIIY f ro lll ;111"111 1. Fl ul'lLin . 11111\' ,' I "(' ~I " (' I( n of I H)' lnn 18 ~p~IHI'II\);' (hi" II'c·· 1; with hi" /-(\'II IHI . : " lUlh e l' , ;\11'';. \'l l,la \.':11',,),.

1 u rg. layton ,.nnd 1"IIlI~ti 1I1n. J'/lUi'I·<\on. a nd )1I'a. l\la r I hit 11;'/1\' I' W(, I'(, In Duyton, stlur. ,ln YI TfaJ ll h SUbbs onel H ollirnd Kanan, .or L·lJ:ltIun. IWci L t' 'l'I\ lIl1ngp a li i so n , Abert L ee. , w e~e "Isltors, In '''II tnlngton. l"rlday ' uti !'noo n . lIlt·s . W ells, of gamllton, WUII a W ed n esdl.\y visitors ot hi s .lIon. P er· "y lis, nnd f\lm lly .

l\ lrs. Il lIhllllil ll of L a t t) ni H, l':'y . iti

1":\ I'I'I ·k . 111,'. ,tilt! ;\Ir'h A. I r. ~luhlJs a n d clllhll',' n vi s it I fri e nd s In L l·wl,,· hlll:g-. 1IInn(\"l'. 1111'. 11 11\1 i\lI'!I. Adnm ;111'111)11 llnel f"mill' :llId 1\11"" ;\11I'lntll 'Vhurtlln . "ppnt .·un,l:Iy 11ft ,'nuo n li t tho ('ill' ..:i nnnli Zuu. l\11·. llllll ~II'>I. ~lol'I'ls i· u lkl'l'8<1n

llnel Ih" Il k".


1111 11 ,· 1' i'll' a llll fam ·

\' is H ,I 1"'1' alllli ;\Ir~ . 1·:.lIlh I I"rl'l~. :III'. Il lle! MrK. Rtllni<'Y u!l iley fl lld !l1t-. and ;\11'~. t-;1<llIn Ilelltlllck . ),.fl ;\ Iuncln y Ill o rnllll; III \\·hll'O I1Hln.

{ "I'

' L v IClIlIo lI ll'll'

Ju st off the press - the *new 7xlO 72-page book e ntit led "26 Interviews with Champion Farmers/, issued by The Fireston e Tire nna Rubber Company, Akron Ohio; Memphi s , Tennessee ; and Los Angeles, C a lifornia. I) This book contains success stories of t.we nty- six champion farmers of America, on as many different; farmi n g ' subjects, including potntocs, corn, wheat, live stock, cott<m, allulfa, molasses silage, soy b ea'n s , fruit, l espedeza, terracing and many othe r inter, csting BubJe cts" The book is being distribu ted by Farm Implement D ealers, Flrcstone Tire Dealerstand Firestone Auto Supply ana Service Stores to farmers throughout the Un ited States, The information contained in the book is i nvaluable to progressive farmers wanti ng authentic iniormRRon on l-oetter farming pra ctice •.

MI'. nnd IIh:lI. J . P. L a n 'l I, :lill'llCl· ,\11'01. "I II I'Y F;lln U"lJl n Bo n and M UR' d th e 1)all gllm c Ilt In 'Innl1 11 u nl' lInd .hLll j!'hll'r W('I'(; g-Ul'8Is \1r ;\11'. antI dny In.qt w o k . ~11'8. Hla nh'y ;\hJlTls I1l1d dnuI'h(>r 101' HohlJr (iu"!1 'If Duy loll . ~ .. ~ nt. ~,w· Jllr. nnd Mrs. L wls ]~ Ir s u nd rl1 m. ~1:t1.~, 1.; II"n ~1 " n cl(IY nrle l'n o n nn(\ l' l'IIl ,11'YS IIII s \\' (' k wllh :111''''. Flo:>slo ('lIl'('y 1\ nil { Il lllily. lIy w re undny gu :l(.'S (1\!t .. tUld l' \'C' lIil1b' 1IIr . .Elv in Fir . _\rl·. IIl1el 1II1'~ . J . r. L nrl'le l{ wcr )l1J'. 1111(1 .\I I ·~. n :i1ph T olle or Wllsh· Mr. and M rs. Rnlph I!l.\sUnj.;1I wl'\'e RUppe l' g u 8tH or :III'. nml 1IIn•. II1 /-(lU Il I). '. '.1\'1' "iAiling MI·s. To ll cs UPIl r g u eat s of ,11'. and ,!\frs. co Ol'l';l' Quldl or .'I1I"mlslJul'g TlI PS' pal'c ll{ A ~II·. /11111 :l11·s. Jl tllll'Y SuU(- r · Gorge Osborn of J..ebnnon }'rld" y day ('\·cnillg'. III,mItL·. venlng. T he occnslon was l h e birth. 11[1'. a nd 1\1\'''. Ch lll'lcH And 1',..0'1\ ul1(1 .\1\'. anll :\11'''. ita li''' Gl'Ile~OI' , :ll r s. dny of Mr. Osborn . s on". " I1I1I'I 's A , n nd 11 0 1'011\ are \'1,,· Uella Gr "'It I' n ne!· ;\11·s . J . W . H IlY· - - - - -- -- - - - - - - Mr. and :lIrA. • u'm o n I'n n an d Itln!; r"If'IlI!s q nd I' l' lnlives In 'rexn ;;. nil' u f 'ululllilus waG S und ay lO' ul':!l" Mr. nod MI·s. h:1.I'11'8 Koh le r (WI!. lit\'. nnL! ,\lI·H. Hnl'I'Y DUl'Ill' tl find ur :\ll's. J-ln),lI les b"mhe l' :mil wlf' _ ;\11'. mId JIll''' . .T. H . Smith . Hun, lny ", vl' llln!,: '; UN.t A of :III'. nnd l)urnfh y L. lIook :llrK. " 'al t '1' HII .. hnn {\'e l'~ ~!J'. HIlY' .\ 11:<. Idll W (' II ' I' n l ' l'tlllncd clLli· mUlld DunhHlI1 o f J-an g'~ M il l>; ancl ry fl' om P lqu!l on ·unduY. ;\\1,,:;('11 H el"'cca D unh a m :1Ile) nuby Have yo ur Funace cleaned a nd re paired now. Also Prof(llt \If 'Inclnnal!' 'l'ht' Hellbl' ok Ball lub w ill . a compete line. of New F urna ces. lh e llollt1nd A. (" lcum (I'om Dny'lOn on lhl' ~~ h 0 1 g l'ounds Guttering a nd Cond uctor work, A ll kind s of roofs \ . TE Fort HAlHn: HU .HE


J.Electrician P. Larrick Plumber a~d


Phone 58R2





ll .

Ii' R s'rA'l'E SENA'l'OH.

Moch Followed . .Advice hl<'e dcuth l~ II- nut'Urtll uni! un· avuld uble ocrurrcnce. it III wise til 1111111 0 prClpe r steps be{ore It , ·(\ \lUI8 . Sclectl ll g I. fUlIu1'lIt'1JI tor - lu. t 1111 . you ml.k II- will or l)rl)\' ldll In!iunlllcc flrot e ·t!OllIs II- IIl'el'IIIlt\ollllry m easure thut will Ilre \'oll t c(\nfu~ i(lll and ,Jls· appoinl u"ellt,

Stubbs Funeral Home •'nONE 29


THAN OIL ~ OR .GAS Wbea you ~t your home with a STOKOL aut~ matic coeI ltOker you get the upauive, mo.t dicieat .utomatic beat • ...ailable. Due toaC04Utlnt rathertbanaa intermitteDt fire. STOKOL sillu you . teady, even heat, with mini· , . mum temperatUl'e SUc:tuatiOlU. . STOKOLbums;nexpensive alzu ofc:oalandbuma them with the utmon efficiency. So complete ia combuation, in fact, that there is no aoot or ash, jwt an occaaiona" dinker. In addition. STOKOL i. ailent, clean. dependable. Over ..0,000 ~tUfied customers enthusiuticaUy endonie STOKOL'. Silent Hydraulic: Tranamialion, Automatic: eo;:,trol of the Air Supply, Automatic: Hold.Fare Control and a host of other exclusive STOKOL (eatures. Come ill or call ... today for anaIy." of )'Our ~eat. ina requiremeiitl• . TertnII .uited to )'OUI' conveni· ence. No obliaation. Available in hopper and biD feed modeta.



Dr. 'Bess Fly Spray

rt . AU;;-Qn u sed Deering 1I10 w()\' In gO<I/1 cun dJtI n $Zfl.OO. H . D . 0 11 tt II Iwo. {'hono 99n3 'Voy n H\' lile, F


5 gat can $4.50 SINGLE GALLON $1.00

FOR S AL E-I 937 l\IOiltl'l' h vl'ol et. n e O\\' \1 I'. ,ood o ndilion. C:tll H : \\r. " ·IiIlUlllson . H n l'" YI:!UUl'g, [,h ont> 42H51. 7 21 2pd P

Bring your own container for single ga lon.

Waynesville Drug Sf ore

Phone 120

H SALFl- Piny I' pll\n , wllh , 70



I'oll", or musi c. \ Vtll I:!e ll Ch ell lJ. l'hoM 11~ . Th c 1\11111111 0/120\ 11'. FOR SAL];;-{lood Fl' a h J rllPY 'OW wIth calf by :tIde see Ir n " Hen or I)h on 10 R~ , Wayn es· 7·J.ll!



Li.ted Here are only a lew 01 the hundred. and handred. 01 barllcii... that you will lind. in your Kro6erl TRADE WITH KROGER'S, you'll do better

Two·s. T . B .

'l'etlted, Tru c k

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • •



C O $5. .& .


. 100 b lb.




. .:



i tiIT:J\jiSOvf-'jH••:-1lJ1tl1~e Crystals :u~:,I:idtnt 2S ~!~.$1.23

arlonds. Priced lo er s. Buy . ~Ir at (rom OW lie I' . Wrlle. ' wire, or ))hon e. O. W. Doo l Y. iI B lrminghalll, Iowa. 7·14·ltp

• • .. ••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••• _. . . . . . . . . . . . ... ..



A. real value

L". •

PEACH•• CaUfOIlU.·P ....tOD. . COOKIEI I!'~ Bar. o. GID,.' Sup PRUNE PLUMS ~~J:r . • AM ReLLS Ft.P baked 'Yer, cI., TISSUE. CUftOD Iband ' , I


FOR $AI..F'.,-- 'l'on u nd h ,\lf Oh evrolet tru k . Good cond illon . :31 m odel combin atio n g rain b ed n nd aloclt r acks , W . . Lee , R. R . S. Kno wll as tl10 old Om dorf f fnrm .

.BEEC:H GROVE Jessie L. Garllcr

T ha t " rill Tn lucie Hospital And .ooc LOr·s Dl II~ 1;'0\, You \'s IC And Fumll y


Miss, ,· SUgmOl·O. 'o r 1\101" I·UW. spo nt Lh E. week e nd wHh 1>tr. MOTORISTS MUTUAL IIl1d i'lI'S. Haymond MorgG.n , In W ell. FOR' SALE OR TRAD~$2000 ·In INSURAcN1C1~-09IWM~~-I+m:nn . the Prop erty Invc,stment Co.rpo ralI[r. 11[, T e rry was (~ business visit. tion , Dnyton, Ohio. N ets sIx p E'r 20l h And 21s t F lool' ce nt monthly 434' Grond · Avenue ,. or III '\·lImln g'lon. lJ'l'i<l IlY . , A. l. U. Buil d in g Cult L . R. ·Rey no ld s. P hone 4101 l\ l rH. l;~d i lh n tLvlS and Miss Ncillc 'l'e ICIJh o nC'-Ad ·3191 tor f ull Intor mlt UOII I1l1d write ;\Ia l'y \\,('I'e 'I'll t\I'SdtLr a ft rnuon vl8ll· :il'l rlspln VIc DO I1 I1IH'Y Mary Ca rroll. Pen n"III ~, India na. 01'8 o f l\II' . a I1d MI·s . Rulclg h Bo'· eCI' tn ry I 'res ide nt c 7·14-3lp gall, til New B urlingto n. Q uito Il num ber from thi s se'llon auendNI lh e Dc moC!'aUc Rnll y. nt 'WANTED WORK of any kind L<,banu n Fnil' OI'Ounds, SUIUt'IIILY Ilt , by h our o r day. Exp rle nce In J .<W II I Ih'p r (>s(\nt atlve plumbing, etc. No j ob too la rgc or IIN·lI oo n . 'rh e m .otln g WIl S well nt, too small . Rates rellso nable. See I _ Jess P e nnIngton or phon e 26R3, 7·13· 2te


D.lIclo". C:bHH

GRAHAM CRAio~~::"8 CI~b S·.~. SllNflI...... CAMP••LLI.OUi';::ato .~Dia.c· (t

.... t





Watermelons, Red Ripe ..... ..... .................. each 39c Hot Houae Tomatoes ....... .. ....... , ......... ........... -2 lb. 15c

----- ---!

Geo. B. John~son

Bananal, Golden Ripe .... ;:.'.. :::.;-; .. :...... ~ .... 4 lb•• '19c Oranares, California ........".:...........: ............... doz. '20e

20 hats In ' IItock marked to 96e ench. A fow othcrs at U .4B . Grace L. Smith.






\1, . .. '\

Fresh CORN, J;lome Grown ....... ......... ... : 6, ea,sIOe New Cabbal'e, ,Solid Heads ........................ 2 lb.. 5c

FOR SALE-Five burner Nesco rrtoplca l all stove . Color Green, Cream, and Black. Three years old. Phone 29.


Lemons, Sunki.t .. ..... :.................. .................. doz. 29c Potatoe., Home Grown ................\........... 10 Ibs•• 9.c

AU h nts 'In stock reduced lo $1.48 n nd 05e. GracE! Lincoln Smith,

Meats Breakfaat Bacon,

Slie:~' .. i... ~ .......:......, .............. : ib~ , 29c:

Harry A,. Hughes

Bolol~a Sa~aale .,...... :..... ... .. ::.... ....... :.:....... 21...:. .~

Solicits Your Vote 'J""or

Bean'Bacon, Sugar ~red ............ :.. .......... :~ .. ". Ib•.lk·


stOtCOL FlANns • bclull •• Hydraulic' all Tranl",I..I.... AIr ",lot H.pPer '. Hydraulic Hold·Flr. Control. AutoMatic Control .. Alf Supply. SlI.nt. No Shlor Plnl • Sof.,, De.,.n• •I• •

Wayne.ville. O.


MAKE CONTENTED COWS-USEFuH ' J\ LI':- HI ~ HIHll·t·lIorn c Wo, rn' s h, <'It If by 1'1,1 , Tills 'ow wtll /-:'11'1' ~Ix gil L of milk )1('1' dl/y . E . ,1. Li n,llltnoud, llpd.

County Treasurer

Waynesville ,Firmers Exchange

Club· ' nmp n I\r Yellow

" /II'l' "r Dw lg hl " ' Inklo .

Finley sp nt th J)os t week WIU, h I' pIII'c nl s MI'. u n d Mrjl. l" I'n nk D lnwld· dIe. The L a dles Aid , of the :i\I[, E. chllrc'h m et at the llOme of Mrs. " ' OMEN- Address nnd mall a dver• I H In I' 1\lount on Wednesdl~y art er · lIslng mate ri a l for U B a t home. We noon . s upply cwerylhlng. Good r ute of pay. ",IWe Pnll ~" Benni ng t o n le rt on No seiling . N o ex pe rl n ce n cccsstll'Y . un c!;LY for /l visit with' h \i'r gl'fl llll. I\lerl:hulUIIsc 1\[lIrt , no" G23 MI!. PU I' nt s Ilt N e w Bav!O'lu. O. 6 16 4tchg. wnukee, \Vlscon tlln.



LOS'I'- A ,;" Id c ross IIlId c lUlln nt swlO1l11lng poo l, \'a luNI 1111 ,L gi lt. If (n llild rel1l rn to H"tty Ul'\·a n . ~12 \Y . Hu{(::rll'l'l' HI. ,\' llIlIln gl')II. O . In


MI' . nnd Mrs. James F inley, r turn· ... d to OIUlllbli'$" on undl~y. 1\11'9.



wi ll "Ilio h , the g'u osl ~r I,'. HUci •remw 11 or 'W O>It ]lall~ Churcll /l. l\H<1I l'I\ lIlIn(\ Hnhln9 n i~ r o\" r· REAL ESTATE Ill!':' fl'Om n t onsil ('tl'my fl r Co lm d. INSURANCE· by n,,, ' ''nl'I'lng or 'WII min g-tllll llist AUCTIONEER \\' e k . T•. D. 1\[IU I'II slc 1'8 by found.crlng on MondllY. • ' V . ~. Smllh, 11. \V. Smith , l", H. Lu ndy, . D . ':\f1nrs nnd 1'. L. Hoy· c1oc l! IIttcncie<l. ( h e Olnnl ·sRuds bull ~llIlI;' hl " l F I'lela .v . 'I'hl' 1.11 d I(,;J Aid of th Ci III rl'i I nwl III (110 hom e f:uy :-lu llln);' I' 1111 F I·ldny. , Til I:; " illll!':" hllli II no t hOI' llI~pl (,l\s, II n l ('l(!ll'l·I,' II.·c wllh hl);,ht Wllt l'\' IlIl:!l Thlll'~cI,,)' , AIlhlJlll-ih nnly (our rll m · ~OOT FOR AND CONSIGN III Ii hall \11 IlIl'\'1' "lit, l11 i1IlY 1;I\I'\11'n8 four cattle,' hop, iheep and ealv.. to Norrill-Brock C~., live wir:e and '111,1 il' lIl'k Pllwh es \\. r c ruined . i\1 ,·. lind 1111''' . 01' 111 '1' 1\1' 111' 1' lind progres!lve firm fl)r the hlchen market prices and good lemee. sons ,.f Nt ' w Phil ntl (.~ lph ln l\ l' ~' 8 IK' nd· UniOD Siock Yard.' ClllciDnati, O. 11I j; th .. wcok wllh 111l' h' pal' lit · 1\11'. Tune In on Radio Station WCKY nn d MI'l< . A. \ V. TUl'n" I'. 12:26 to 12 :80 p . m. for our daU, 1III·R. !Loward llurley It.fl 111 n loy market reporte. _ _ _ ,_ _ . _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _____ _

i\ iI·. '1,\1' Ilce La llsingel' u nc1 fUIll ' lly hn\' , m oved rrom th fU I·tIl l' . C nlly IWI' h ased by Vi rgil B Il'd soe Ii' Ii. SAL,b --B lIs lnes!.! building on 1O th ,Stnk. p ropcrty n llw o wned by ' Mlll o tl·eet. 12 IIC l'eS, Cu li· llllIW· {h ' RhGnem e r s. Ings. ~1600 . 11 r oo m house. WilleI' QUill' II n um bol' from h I'e n lle nd n net lights, l' n t to p a y 13% on erl Fo ur' !jQu:tre Gospel m oetlngs In v s lm c nt. S e 'V . N . 'elll'S 0 1' III the hulnuq'Ua o n Su ndo.y . Phone 78R4. 7·H ·llc lilt·. Orn Clis y l~ nd Bess ie Peter· ;Io n r eturn ed 01;1 S unday from n. mo· CHOI CE HEREFORD 8TEERS tO l' to Vh·g-li, lll. W ea n d ea1ves , Year lings, n nd

ICc forll _That Vacat10n TrJp


11 l .


)\rl'S •• H . .T.


uny j!'1l<'l!l" l,f .\[1'. ll nd "II'S. J . P . yi s ll1l1j!' wilh Ili p ){ .. I",,·t Ilnll "/' J I',:

r epaired and pa inted. A lso ashe t u I:! hin g le iding for old .hou 'es Estimatel Free Prices Reasonable'

~lndbr1 1l1l~'duI'k ll))u.uu

,\\1.." II)t'l :\[I)n· r1n.~· r " .~ '. ' w 1, h\ 'V{u.. hhiU'hItITJ. .,



Bellbrook News


1 ~I\o. 'N

• It

Mts. ,ll1t1fl. PutlL4"llon ,


Nllllce W ~I'P Xln!:, \' I,,!tOI'"

a nd fant11y.



wlH " Ill' ltd

with hll:! /-:'1': 111111111'\' 111>, l\1 r. I


Mrs. 1I1u rth n J louJ:'h hilS h ' c n Ih!' s lcl, list tlli A w('clL MI'. n nd 1111'>1, 1llchnrll ~ l l c henC'r nnd Mrs . Frank Ro><sl'li :lnd cl:l u!;-h· l 1', u ll or L bnflOn spe nt I~rldny :lr· 1 rnoon with )\1\'8. A. 11. F.lll'lllmrt



S~tate" .--



Luncheon Loav~,".i · .................. ~. : ..... :.. 'Iii. 29e:





Dempcratic Prtniar'i~8. Aui. 9 Man 01 Aetion, Not' Promi.e.




C'ream Cheeae, Mild .... ...... ,....... :..... ........ ' ...... 11 II.., 18c: '. ,


Red Ba.., Fre.h Ore.Md, .. :.......................... :.. : I.,. Fi!let. ~f

~d~k .......... ~... ~ .......... .


Wbitiall Fi.b,

j .! .. .... . . . . . . . . .



~ Ik 35c• .'

H_cIl~.... . ............ .. ............ "




lb. lOe

:~ .::>:;: .,. 0 _ _


The COHOD Show

Thomas·Bron Reunion

Boat To Be At ,

I Churehes IHouston Reunion Anniversary Held tast Sunday

Celebrate 74th

Plan SaleOf Land

Gazette Adds Another CorreSiiOnde.nt

!.-'-"i\-YN' E·\"-ILL-E-CI-IU-lt(·II-OI'"


met n t the count r y home of MI'. nnd

\\'Ilh IltI ~ IN~ U" Ih,' ~II II ' ''1 I :m ... tI!! w as I t t'C UIIII:'"ll ,,, 1.1:< l" I,llh .. ,· ,·", .... ·"""'111, ·111 I', Itll O n Inst Frldn y night. -, . 'rllill h('l ng th e flflh Sunday I\'(' tu ( " . II' HIli' U Yl'on . :lI·l · "", [ e. . \ lIy nr III" '''' ~ I "t' II i!! Mrs. D~lIa Venablo wns pl 'Milntly I In g- S UI Hlul' nlnt' ' l ul~ ~ W111 IIIIve IIJ·C ~ t.'l nlnJ.:' ·~ot.:k SUntl-ty • ~• • ' ....Q4 , "ic'init y 1.1' ' I~H,\, r( ~n\ ('t HI \, ' " , 'a ll 1,(.

Lnte Saturday afternoon of July 30 the residents ot C ha utauqUl.l wll} h eur for tho first tlmo tho whistle or lhe great CoHo n Queen S howboat Il8 It stewns UP the I\tluml from Clnolnnutl to It performance at the auditorium at 8:15 P. M.

MJ'8 . la re nce BCI'ryhlll nenr D II · brook o n S u,!duy a nd held their :1I1' nUll.! rounlon . A woll tll10d buskC't brought l.Jy eac h family mud rOI' n bount OU8 dinn e r oC (l'lod chicken, <k>lIeious cak es und n il We othe r good thin gs known to tho good cook" In lhlf!

AUrJ)l'lscd wh en 11 gro up of (1'1('n<l6 IIR 11',' 11 li S th e I' nln); i<\'I'I' I('c. nnll I' ' InUv cll gatheJ'cd to I"<·mlnd I'r"ac hlng will h l' HI ~ :3n n . m . nnl! her lltllt nnolhcor bll'thday nnnh' C1" ~un ct "y Re ll , "I 1111 0 :30 rI . nt . 'I'he ACt'. alU'y , che l' 74th one had I'o ll('d U.!·o ullli. l1I"n s ulljec l 11'11 1 he "="o Hoo m fOI' A dcllghtful .meilll . ve nln g wn s s ... nt nt· the c loBo or whl h i ) ~ n II ~u"o .' at 7:0 0 I') . In , a' Chl' s ti a ll g ueHl s I'e!: r ethllly took th .\t. 1,,1\ 1' and prt.:ac hlng III 7 :,1 . I). '" . Oll r ',,1 . wis hing th e ir' h OBleR'I lI1 a n), mur IInel,,~' ev IIltI ~ WIIH

O/t~,~I'O~:,:\~~y a:;r~I~~~n ~:~I:

Jul y

Wade Miller manager of C haula u · groUI). h ll PPY blrthtla~' s. During lhe short bUt;llIeS8 8es~ lon '1'1 0 ~ I'" se nt II' r~. :\11's III b I e bOllt w e I . . IJ 11110 qUIl I'eports t h al ti lill ded ,,,Ith entertnlner" undor th th e Pres. Hutiort Thomns presid ed . \Ve lll' " lind s on J 10m r or Daytlln, cf't.r ectlon or Hlnk and Dink veteran 111188 Clara Uerryhlll r eu ll. lh e min · !llr>!. Llnl! !ltlldden n nd her alsle n ', WLW blllCktace comedlnn. The utca of th e llUlt r e union . Orce llngs J\II'M. Urton of 'inei llnall, Mrs. C hal" Shewboat Re,' uq with Hlnk as Mas. were I'eud from abr;emt m embers. The les Allon IInll .da ug hle ,· !lla.ry . :Ill'll. t e,' ot Ceremonl S IH now IIstoo os following oCtic r s WCI' cl 'cted to HU HSIJIi J3Clltl l' y, l\\L·s . Pl'lInl, Thom · ane of the )teal'S h eadlln alU·aetions. servc (or next you r, Prcs. Mrs. Su el· us .. Mr~. Elld,lJu Duy and " nug hl t' l' The colorCul tltago 8ehln~ built a· Ill. BI'own, Secy. Mrs. Raymond Mon · Do,' thy, Mm. ,\\I)cI·t DI'anno II nnd ... round The Me lodl em, th e Showboats t gom e ry. da ug ht 'I' Albcl'ln, 1\1rs . 1I0ll'uI'I) BUI" IICl18ationui orchestru, togethcr wllh Those who were prese nt Crom her t Oil und da ughl cr l\jllry Ann , I\ll's. U carefully selected vlu'lety or e nt e r · were the Millse9 Annn U . llnel Mame l\lIl1'y S mith lin d )lIss Phue l C MIl" tulnment 1111 blt'nde d toge ther mukes Brown, MI'. ond Mrs. Ed Thom os a na unda. th e e ntire I)OI'rorma nc 'equully In· Mr. nnd JIll'!!. WlIlIum S trOUd . tre>ttlng for both young and old. -~. Th Melodici'll will piny bolh ,popul. I I nr and old·tlme music 118 well as reo quest numbel'll ' fl'om th e audl nce. Bill Scarce nnd hIB Xylophons needs n o Introduction to flouthern OhJo (ludJences, ha"ln'" .. covered the e n. tire thl'~ltre circuit tUl 1\ h eadUne act. Ruth "'eber the nevue'll T u p 011'1 'hUII maHte red the the art or rh"thm • find gracc. Betty Hinkle voca'IiHt, lhe 8waethenrt of ' Mllunl Vnlley, w1l1 Hlng tho lalest popular tun es, the 'Vombolt Slsterll, acrobntlo tumbl e,'s have e ntertaJned thouBllndll with til ir grll.cctul dlUlclng, RoodeJl FleldJI tho Tip Top Tllp Man and toe d ancer will display the lat s t In t o ps.

_1_._1 _______--...... _ B·rthday Party For L·ttla Local Ha'ppenlengs MISS. Ann SaHerlhwal.le

.. - , - - - - , - , - - , - , - . . Mrs. Evel'ell ,,' nson nnd so n Ken· nc th or Mt. S terling, Ky . hnv e bel' n the guesls or Mr'. anll Mrs. Robert C1 eavel' th~ pnst w e k . Mr. nnd !\II'S. Al'lhur Anson ot hannon. 0., wel'c unc1uy guests oC theh' 1'E'la li ves !\Ilss Llzz.le and Mr. Geo rg e Pl'Illt nnd MI'. nnd MI·s. SI(l· ney Popa. Mrs. Howard ImeA ca lle d e n friends h re Su nday .

Naomi nnd Hurlfm Earnhnrt spent Black Tiny the Wonder Dog Is the last w e k Wllh th II' gra ndmother, only dog toOnY dOing Impersonation Mrs . Viola Harlan. 011 tho Btage Ineludlng Buch cha.l'Ilc, Mr. lind I\[I'R. 'VIII Brown of Lebtel's us ,Tom Mix, Dinah, Mae 'Vest, lin on nnll D ebmy Beach, Florilla Mickey Mouse, nnd Joe LoUiS, nnd wel'6 MondllY ovenlng g uests of th e Fral1ces X, tho mnglclun wUl hnve with him all the trlekS or the trade. Misses Tr1l1 em~ nnd Margarot E d. wards. MI88 Elizabeth hnndled who Is nn Instructor In the Hnmpton InsLltute H(Unpton, Vn . Is s pe nding her va· CMlon nt her hQm o h e re. Th l\fw A IUd!\J I e 888 nn e . nn am 0 !\Jrs. Everett Wllsen and son ot '1'. Brown attended the Thomas· !\Jt. Sterling, Ky., visited for a few Brown reUn.IOn nt Clarene Berry· days with !\Jr. and Mrs. Robert Clea. bills' near Bellbrook on' Sunday. .. ver. L IttI c hI Is8 J en n , ·.Uson who

.News 01 Frieads Home



W. C. Smith,

82 . Qull('



fcl\' 11<' 0],1<' ('a '" l1 f r " nl

oil, 'I' h ltrl.' lw H. '\\' lty \Ion't YIIU l'O Ill (' lhl A Sundnr ('I'onln g? Bible S ludy will be W '<In '"dIlY " 1' . .. nln!: at 7:40 .p. m .

ST. MART'S EI'IS(,OI'AL ('IIURCI( He ,'. R. L. HIIC'llwe ll, i\lhllRlt-r July 31 st, so,'e nllt S unday n(Il'I' Trinity . Chu r ch I;i ' h ool 9:30 A. '" H o i), Cn mmun lotl 10::10 A. 1\1. Th R~ v . Roberl 1\\. ro; II "m un , F'h.~t LI(\ ulenan( h"plaln" n ....""rve Ol' nil, 11'111 e l brn t lh l' Holy . m . munlun a nd will " " eall o n hi" work h IU"'ello l'nll.)ll1l n o f ll tnll H In :llIn· rl

~':t ' r~lu"I:1 1l0U~~(\;:


'I'll''' IIlIn,l .. 11111'(" ,1" (If reu.1 es· Al lI ou n a "'lIll ll luIlUH (!.i nn" l· \\,:1" giv,'" In .\11 ,;" \ ' ;" );1 11 ... (;"" H. lilt., ill WII I'I','n c ,,"n l~' 11'1 11 he s old lIP I''' rl a[u'I' whl 'll Ie ~ It" rt buslll " ~1l ~"H~I" n . rur Ihl' ·IN' l llI n of ufftl'(' I'!!, 1( '1': ( ·UK\.\I SO('I.\1. 11' 101 h "I'$U ll<'l1 ;}A fullllW,; : 'rhfll'! ' wi ll 1.\ tin 1'1" '.1 111 ~" tat .Jllhll ~tll1 . t' liunt y tl'C'flH- Ul'f1 I\ said. Wed I'I'PshlC'tll )(,·H. H . P . I1 HI'IH wk, 1"l' i dll ~' '''gl,1 ,J llly ~ : I .:o l 1'.1 111 J) u l, "'~ 't!:~,l:ty. 'l' It" II IIl' n ll lt 1'1\'uil'fll IH $30" ,Ir,N ,3S, II 1l':1~ su, t .. " loy ll"jlutl ~ s or \' i<-"· r're,, .. L 'o nn 1I 0 ll "' lon "'HI E llz. O il tll(' ' J; ly lUI I li u d· 1,111'1111 1(1 a l)l'1I1 Cit,,·!; . ~ 'l' y.·'j" ·" II H. TI H' Inl'l - jllsl !'4ulIt II ,.r T a~' !fl l" ~ t '!I; 'n "I' , pll,,, • . \ . ~1. l'arl"'I·. Cllltllty autHlor, who 1""' P/l I"" Ilw liHI fll ,· ('ro l'llfI ·atlon . la lilln e,f W . I'. :-:il l ~lhury I" 11 11"' 1 Ti lt , 1" ,lld l .. Hc) W Il lIH " \ ' Irg lnla~' ( '. 1,,, " ,, 101 l)II:otu" h. cu unty prosec· with Ih" m In In~ 11'11" :l cc <' l't .. " . ~l l'III III': It·" .. will golvl' :l (!l) n('I' I'1 "n<l 'I'h '. 1"' ' I n II It <" 11 I :111('1.' 11", ' 1',, : '.1 • ,., lIneI ,1"'1'1 ' will I" "110 ,,,· I " "d ~ ,.f Pr,l,"'. 111111'. \\'111 Insl l);" ,, ' :oe lln ll [01' J ohn· ." fl lI I n .... IJHIl(!I\ ph·!"l." co ut'1. P.·o eed ~Ir" . (,h l\~. Y')ung li nd .'" n " " "'1" ' 11. 1:0111""'111. lIf n, lif"r"llI: !III' . II rill ;lI,·~. 1:lI ll'h " " "1 " 1I111r1 .. j,.,. ' .....:\111 .' ml 1'11 1", i llJ..: ~ will h" si nlil :1r t o lhllse in fo .. o, j ' l H!-« ln g- IIl'J I 't g' IIg'('S, .Jo lln s.)n II "us lnn a nd SIIn 'l'h I) 111 ''';. S pt'ln ); will 1Jl' ~C"·V"I I. EI'" ,·y ill' 'm id. Dl l ll tl1 :-o: h h d!ol ninl' rnonths in \' hl ch " a ll, ·)' : 1\IIHi< N ra 111111,;1"". ~1"'lnl" I" IIlt,'n, 1. \0 Hltll'l pr,}o-('('(IIII g'!!. V:o IIl'Y: :'11 1'>1. Amll nllll II U ~ l lI lI an" d'; Iu {;hl<·,'. L""n n. DII~' I"" : ~I ... a nd IH 'r g lll THln,"I" .. I·. :\II'H. ( 'a r l I Ju l".. '1' 1, d, ·lInitu e nt 1"Xell In sornt! lIll·fI. ;>.l nr·olt 8 " ""Hl n anll family. .\11 '. 1·' ,',',1 .\111 ",. IIr :\1;:1111 1,,10 111'1-; II'ho I'a s\'" ,111 11' liS r:O I' loa"', "'" lnO nc· Morrow : :'.11'. IlI\l1 ,\I..,. , .1. '1' . 1I""HlolI I , :t~ 111" ' 11 \" IJ' Y il1 I s rt ' ('(I"" I'lng n t lh \ , 'w 'dlng' 1u PIl1'l~I ' I"~ rl t' PuLi IS, Th e l-<hn l·o lll'llI ... : ?II,'. Ll' I·,J ), II IlU " lI l n. h"",, ,,[ hi " KIHl!'l' . ~ I I'S , l-<mlt h 'I'IIY ' la l'g-.'sl Ilttl ll'lli u:J1 a muutll ~o ltght It! In.-l ll nall : 1\11'. "!II i 1\1",.. I t,,lw l'l 10 ,1' . ~ !I.III;' I.~ I . II,,· ll lOlIll l'S I is !13 r. . nts. 1l0U"lun . L II I' I(laml: ) 11'. n ml :\1 1':<. \\' I"'n " lit h""lzc< 1 ' n >il'1I lh pro· \\' . P . SIIIlHU ltl'Y . \'\·:Iyn.·"v lll, ': }'II·. II II ' I'IY a l a ',Io·tl" ". lI',' prus c ulol' n ll el I\Jrll. n,,\) I'[ L II.· , IItI(i ,\0111,, 11\1.')', ' nlt~1 ,. ', ·"iI· Ih" a m ou nt of tli lax· I~II I I '" I 'I I ~ y.u 1('1 I, _,,' n II: .' I'. n 'H .\I'·H. E<I ,." Ittl'" iI'I'''' 'J" Ill) An i" I:; a llllt o r illcd. It tl"'n " (,1) 111 'H flJrf ·!tNI 1:! lId a nd II'lIl'd ' Ial'l( lliI.1 cI""~h l., .. . EIly.lliJ,·th. IN AII I.I lilt · fnl1oll'l n); ~frll" ' h fo r tJl () " '!;o lllll ; :\11'. nlHl M,·!!. E dwlnl N ·l1um . Orl'~onla II l1d till' ho. l anl1, '''g- h''H I Itid "rr"I·N1. J o hn ~'"1 suld • II URI ~H, :'III'. nnd )1I·R. U. P . ",,"1' t'lI J'1l1 :111 ("1': llI i t ill (':d ~1 :1J':' 1' 1 1l ,. n W ! I H 8 e ll. <,:.1 1 t! nul .. f hl 'II /I I 1 .:1') \\'I'I II\I'SIl:ty IHHII': ,\I"'I'EIt \ \\,"~ F.'\'S \ ' :\('.\1' WN " \I (( '1II0AN II' lth


Autos CoUide On State Route 73

Local Happenings " 'ill

EN,JOY DJN'NER AND UAI.L we ek @n(l, OAl\IE ,\1' ('fN(1INSATI whll (' It , was Oll!'o uto ft'om Alabu · M sa I'S Ro ss HIlI'ls o k n Oll Gco l'g rn a t o his hUlll e In Pit lHl;u,·gh . '''Ilt rhousc m(('J1(1 11 a dlnnl'l' las t 1\11'. n nd lIlt·s. Clltl'encf' Dechant 'Vc dn dny I' nln s- [I t thc Quee n lind da ug hter of 0 I'm ulltOll'n w ere City lub, Inclnnall, g il' n by tlt e ~unduy dinner g ues ts o f 1\11'. and e ntml '1'1' u I:!t o. fol' hanke rs of l 1\II·S. A . H. I';tuIJI.Jl! u nd (II III lIy. Il1 cl nn utl anti vic inity . After' d~lInel' 1\:11'. n nll MI·s. John Lemon tlnd son .. II t l Ie grou. p aHell(I e d l IlC ,va g llm e H lu,-y uf Dayton ca ll ed un MI'. ano unel \Vitn ssccl th e d c fen t of tlt c ·In · Mrs. J lell'I'y S tOlte:; , I::i und ay. c lnnllti Heels. 1\11'. and AIl'S. Rice l:;n ullP -nf A,'" culo. Vin;.h ila Rlll'nl th ' w eek e nel ~ .. J\TIONJNG il'lth 1\11'('. .Nlna H n l·lr;ock. !\II'S.. \ •.~" " 1111',' n.nd Mrs. John \ V. T{ raey . and !:;na lJP I' m nln cd 1'0 1' u n 111<1 flnlle 1\11'. LUlh er 1{ttrtsock I Ct \V dnes· v is it wiLh he l' s lslet· · JlI1·s. HIlt'tIlOCk . i\[esRcrll ,lQhn !'l'tl rs nnc! Howard d n y r01' a t we we k 's vH en lion a t H CC I 1\ I I " Knu 1(01' of itl c: n r1>t U Sile n t l'h u l'H' e e , . 1 Cl.gnn. dny anll 'l'huI'adny night with !\'II'. "5(10" )))NNIER CLUB .MI·. n nd lilrs. J. B . C hapman e ll. I I·tllin ed UHlir "600" dlnnel' c lub In th eh' beaullful IItll purlt SntUl'dny . el'('nlng. A lie li clous Ilton k llu P)ler WIl!! prepm'cel on th e !urnnc sand



FERRY ('tIUR('11 OF CIlIUS'I' \\' , C. SI.n Jlll, .•'.Iillt."f. n FI'ld ny nrl I'noon be t w/" n lh e , er lt OUI'H r lhr >c and flv" Mrs. I ' m !'nt Sunda,y- ' SIItl .. rthll'nile en H' l'l lt illl' d In h nOI' lilbl e S 'h o(l l 0!30 n . m . C'o nlln l.lll or, 10·. ,Ao.) ". m . o f \tN' dn uglttl'l' Anll 's fo urlh bll'lh · J I'l'a hlllg I J :00 n. · m . d llY Ilnnh·" ,·sllry. 'I' I Th e litll'" ones SIWnl lhe lim !! In IIl'HI ny1.-,......U_ ,...... -Got. ~ U ....... _ . ~..-...-..~ "III playing. uflel'whlc h the Illtlll ' I'OUS '-') " I lI(1Y 8 :00 p . III . !l1I ~s hl ,,,·y L Ot'l'lIltw Is of tt I I I SIfts were opened. A d ('lIolous lunc h ltr a en u m c flSL Unt Ill' Wltll " ' nRhl n;;t n C. II. wn s 11 II' I' k cnd was II I'\'ed a nd a ll d p EU·t "wishing d ow n 10 1 2~ s · voml of Olll' you ng g ~'C"1 of the )II !1H Ii J ('a n o ml Jan Ann mnny happy r e turns of lhe dny. p opl \l'n!' at: Camp, but 1 t Ull com. lI n r t!leclL Su nday ve n"'1; \ he l:I lI ~t . bI) ,1, up this unda),. Tho e Invlt d to tll k e pari In the so lIS d ,'Ovc Miss \"'il lis h om u nd «;elebt'll_tlon wer e, m'oline Bradle y, whil e in W ; Hhlngto n " . 1I . cn n 'd n \\ A YNE \ 'ltlJLE :\1. )j;. CHURCH la ra Lilt'. Mal'y Ann BU I·to n, Nnncy rnne , AI· ~lI ss Sundoy School nt U:30 A. M . ben a 131'111111001(, Sue nnd n oy FUI" Mr. a n ti 1\lrs . 01 nn Bu"don nl I'· No Jlt' cHching sc n ,lce , unday . nnll , ,Vllllfrod SIOUI . Linder L 0 Rlun· talnc d h I' Illtn: nt s 1\11'. nml !llr>! . .l os · 'Votllu nil Forols n Mls810n '\I'y ·oc· by M.n.ry KIlY M e nd e nha ll, S a ndrn 1' 1" A ,.,. 3 d at II hOllle oC 1\1 I'S. e ph 11[ n l; r of L b,mon ovel' the Lee nnd D a nny Slmllson, B onnlo u.nd •. .U... ' 1" < 1 II' c k e nd. A. M . Wh etsel. • Betty Salterthwalte. 1>1,lI'lllll nnd I. .J ohn h ud hII'. a nd 'I rs . L . Lelll Lul, e n s , Ruth nnd H Il I'lan E n i' n HAR\' El'SBURG l\IETHOJ)], T as Sundn y dlnn I' guesls 1\11'. und ha rt, Loren llnd l\1ary Dol'll Hough. Oro. H . \Veavcl', 1\IInister :'.il'S. Glenn Blunt! tlnll. e1uu gh t I' Dar· Dlrol Bunnell. 'Vllheltnlna Braddoclc l1ndny~ ~ bllr(l. Lou et Sprlnsool' u nd Dr. a.nd. l\{n.ry Francis Hnl'tsook, Don Rye, 9:30 Public WOI'Shlll-S erm on tOl1 ' Mrs : Alf\' cI lo ut 'I lid dnug-htel' Jimmy Cran . Jac kl J ames. Don ' ., Ie "A Public , pcct uc le ." \ Vinnifl' d. \V It?, Dilly Da via, Bobby EI' rlul rt, MOI'lIme 'Vlldsworth of L eba no n. 10:30 a . m. Sunday chool. N . l\!:'. Emil l\IIIS.,ljoug-h n I[ISH m a tt' J Oa n Decke l' nnd B obby Gl'egg- of l\1I111A'u n , ~\I Pt. of Mis:; I ulh Rull>!buI'y wltil e In Col· I. g-c lit Alullanm I'IRltl'd lIif' nils· .Ce nt ervlllc, Jan e t !IIoI'd s of Sablnn,

and Ann MI'8. L ena. Hartsock In com,l lany has been vlslUng tho Cleavc l's and .Bobby MOI'g,m of I.y ll with her BOn R088, wlte a~d dn.ugh· Mrs. Robert Clell ver nccompanl d Snllcl'lhwn lte. ter called on MIM Clnr~ Llle ' In their mother home. Mrs. Cleaver I\1rs. Satt 1.1In....tlte wns naslsted by Washlngten C. H. on Sunday. will r e mllln Cer a ahort visit. Mrs. Mube l Staup, Mrs. Jam es Mol" . )(1'11. Emma PeIrce, tho Misscs An· Miss J essie OIarke ' of Cl nclnntltl ris nnd Mrs. John Wadsworth . nle W . and Mamie T. Brown with "hliled friends In 'Vaynesv111e on Bernard Mellow took a 81ght seeing Friday. . VETS CHOOSE OHIO tour to . London prleon farms and Thc MIIlSeS Ti'llIenn Ilnd Margar t FOR l\lEETINO )'LACE purts of Inleres~ (\n· Wedn~sduy. Edwards e ntertn.lned t he tol1owlnl: Mias Elizabeth Chandler and. !\Jlss Ilt Sunday evening SUI)per, Dr. and . Five nutlon~1 11'01' vetel'UII ol'gnnza, l'Ienrie tta MeKlnsOY are both back ·Mrs. Oale Russ um and dnughte rs lIona hal' c hosen Columbus for th e ir '0, In tbwn and hor,! a8 dinner guests Bnd ""1'8. W. B. Russum nnd daugll· conventions during August an I) Scpo eBch day. ter l\flse Mu~gl\TOt , tombcr. The Veterans of For Ig n Aa dinner euearon Sunday we had Naomi Enrn111111. is visiting , h er ,\Vars, cAugust 21 ~o 2G, with Dr. and Mrs. Keever and grandllOn aunt, Mm. Kenn ·th Hough nnd flLln· an estimat e d otlenclance oC· 60,000, Dudley Keever of Centerville and' lIy thl8 w('ck. tOilS tho list. , • three young In.dlea trom Columbus Mrs. I. W , Mille r IUId son Donald ther natlonlll mllltnry groUI)S meetlnc who were wIth UB In .our ot Arcanum, Ohio, visited he r bro· meeting Ilt the capital within the meeting for worship In the morn.~ ther Mr. Wilbur SeaM! IUId family n ext few woks 'a re: 324th Field AI" Ing. trom \Vednesday to Frtauy or Itl1lt tillery, Aug. 13 to 14; a08th Motor Mrs . . C. R, Deathernge returned week, SUI)]lly Trn,ln, a nd the 34th Engine· Monda.yfl'Om a ,weeks vl81t with her MI'II. Will St. John spent sevoral e l's Ve te l'n n R Aseoeiatlon, Sept. 3, 4 lIOn Hom€r In Cincinnati, da),s ~ lust week wIth friends In D !lY' Llnd G nnd lhe 382 nd Fie ld Hospital The Homo was vllry fertunate In ton. Vet ernnl:l Assoc iation, Scpt. G.

In County For B:7-'a""-" ck~ Taxes. OlfIS II ICla S ay

r,O Staff

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Routh f W "Y llt'H.I·ill,', 11'11<'11 n lat').;~ /lulll lli 0"",.. \\·hl h. !!'lIn". th ey vis ited (',,,I ,,lllc """ ' ''1 11 .. 11' 1'11 1J~' G. 1'. Dav· ~ 1 :t I' I( in '" 1Hlll n(l n nc1 I·nJ"y.a S vel" Is Il l' Cl n Innll li <,ullid d Wllh lh " I IIIIIt' (·,·uIHI'H. I'('lIr uf Ruhb" ('nup JlIIs hltl!; II dl)lI'n th - I'orl e\ nhouL 40 fCI' l l.J ·fo, ·c 1\ Ilf'~II~ . I TI>IP ' ' ' . FI'C" • •.• • <'lI11I e 10 II Rlllp . Num> of lll<' " r oup· !III'. Hunu let fI :lt'elln of ('I n ' lnnaLI a n lH DC c\lhC'I' 11111 ('ltlnl'. II' 'I' inJut·· Itil>i 1',' IIII' nCII 1'1'0"1 li n Int I'cs tlng ,·ll hul both ' III'S 11'('1'(' b:lllly l1 " tl1 a~ , HllUl ltl' I'n 11'1 1' whl r lt 1001, him o nd Nt.

1\11'. D rw lK had r ece lv ~ll. n ('n il f rom Onl" '''19V IlI" Ohi o cof lh l:' d :11 11 or his mother Il few hOIl''S 11t'(wlotl!! 10 tI) ... n<' ·Illcnt .

hit! l'u ntprl t1lon !< throllJ::h 'I'e lln stlee nnl l 1:\' (II'l lt ·:trollnn. \Vhll ' gO Il Lhey "llI ll r·d ""111111101h Cnve. K y. Mr. H ilI' rlln I ~ .· pl1 nl1lng t h I' malnd 'l' o f hili I'/I"atio n II'I1Il hi" lJa I'Cllts . MI'. u nd . ]\l l's. T . S. II n rcJ·: n .

BAlII'll CON('EH'r' '1'0

cos LUI.m NIlJXT WEE" ,\, IS1'/\NT OA limn API'OINT· Th e w Ct' ldy band co nce l·t .11'111 bl' ItIl 1\1' WI\l'NF.FI\·IU.,E BANI{ g-Jv(' n l hls ('I' IIln g- Itt Ih l' l\1 'llwdls t .J\t ilt< "I'A'ulnl' OJ <' lIn A'. July 26, c hlll'l: h ('1)1'111' 1'. th, ' !loa n!. (or IJln'ctn,'S " I' Ih" \ Vny. ,- - '1' 1", 1'1",,1 I'lln " I'I or Ih .. S"lIt<ll ll n l'RI' III,' NII LI" nnl Banl<. e ml)loyed wil l \J(' bril' n SlI tllnl ft)' . AU g URt -tJ .liff',nl II. lira('!:' as ns"i""u,l cnsh. li t Ih e· t;l'!l!I ' hoo l Huild~,,);. ;\n I.r'. It c ' ·I,.,IInl "1\~11I 1 fot' lit .. \)(' n fli or ;lit·. H'"'I ·" . lI'il lll' IIlIlnl; in \Va~'l' 'So til 1!:lnll will b,' g'l v(' n In ('on n '1 ion ' 1'111 rO I' til e I):tsl two y ~II rs h as for wllh the finlll .' ''nc I·t. II Illl mh('t' or ~'cn l'S b~(' n m a n uge l' oC Ih ' A ult m:mn D e ptl t'lm e nl sio r e In (; ,\IU)ES (' LUI 1'0 'MEET Xt'nla . 'r E ,' I)"\' J\ l:(; ST 2:-;11 . 'J'lt f' po" Itiotl c)f '''lHllltllnt rushl r j \1I O""lh' n Club 1I"" "bel'" I1 t'l' " , ' ); , iJl'(' n l'aCll ttl s in '(1 Li, o 11I'o motlon l 'd to a lte nci n m ce tillfl' to ill' hC! lll lit IIf HII ~l! II. ll U,·tAocll to c:tshle l' sool\ thl' l\1I11 111 I ·C'llwl.('" y Tlt Nlll:r ~' Aug . IIn l''' 11ll' Il elll h n f L . 1\1. H end erso n. 2nel fi t 0::10 . U"ln~ NII'C I' 11 IH"h, ~H n,l · wlclt(Oij IIrtcl Inhl e s" .. vlce fell' fl ul1l' I' '' SIIO\\' S i\'IUt'1I 1t\1(>(WVJ1:MENT to be it plcl, nt. i la n y Smlth·1t plc ni Hkha"(J . Whll nko r, you n g son of /;I'ounds It I'OSS f .. om ·e nwH' ry . J II :\11'. II mI. )11'8. Hfll'Olll \VhlhlIICl' of CllRe oC rllin HIiPlI I' will II It Id lit. l ,ytl e . who hllR I e n Qull 111 with 1I0111 f' Of II·fI,. nl.'''·'::(> ~Ill\lll , lIu"· II ~t l ''' Il''''CI) ('lt l! In C \Io n followi ng a 1,1I 11":; ,I • • ur~ ~ll to 1I 1 ~ ll lIu"mL j.; ro u'\lII"' ~ bile Is muc h Improved MI·s. '('0 . Sm ll h , P I·(,~. n ll ll 1>1 l'onll lll pl·.,.1 we ll out Of danger.


All ll 1\J I·s. ·Wllbur iS etll·S. J1'r lela y tit y ~=--=,=-=----"-::-:::-=-=--'===.:=--,lI11emlec1 1'.'I·S lIIlC l' lIlll ll II I (' hau · t a uquII, FI'n nklln. Miss Loin Sean ! nml MI' . lind i\lr.... A Iber'l Crtrvel' of Cln Inn a ll were · • wllh th c lt· pal'cntl<, MI'. >1 mb l\1t'l!. ,V 11 bltl· Sen l's over t.he IV , .~ I' e nd .


receiving a ~ok called tho Genea· Mr. and Mrs. M. D. K erns lind all e njo yed 0. d cll);ht'Cjll e ve ning. 'Iogy of BOme of tho iolfowlng fam. da.ughtor JolUI of Clevelnnd s p ent NATION'S RAREST COINS TO ,Those prcse nl w cr Mr. nnd Mrs, Mr. Jlnel Mrs. It. D . Colic H attend · lUeM; Jilutterworth, Moorman, Smlth_, lnat week with Mr. n nd . Mrs. J . D. BE ,\SSEMBLED IN COI.Ui\ffiUS Howard O" a h a m , MI'. and 1>1,'8. A . eel lh e Am' -I'I lin L cglon 'tnl c on · "entlon nt Cln c lnnnll on S unday a nd Inrln, . Numger, Cottman, JordlUl, Mnrlatt. Lltll Miss Joon remalnod S . con-It . MI'. a nd 1\1I·s. Hal'\' y 1\loncllIY. .. tt It wus collect- A and prepared for a tew dlIYB more with her grund· Rnre e. oln collectors of America Burnell, Dr. a nd Mrs. H. E. Hutha· ..eo • . •..YO Dondld Collett vis ited It Crl nd nt by EIl . lIutterWorth and Bent to us parenta, will take th eir choicest nnd rarest wny. Mr. nnd 1\Irs. Sam lI cnld c aritl Fort B njnmln Hat·rlson. lndlanapo· all 0. contribution (b ·.the inemon. of Mrs. JeBl\ls Robltzer WIlS heme for coins to Columbus August 13, tor a the h'Ost nnel hostess. lis ovel' the woe k 011(1. m~ny of the early frlendll WhOse the week ' end wlhh ~er' parents. week's show In the Nell House, .dur· Miss nuth Ho ck ett Is BPo nlllng n nam ,' es we tlnd In Ita paseB. The :e.UlII!es Bet.ty Ro"emary and Ing the golden Jubilee ot the Amer.l. SUl'I'DAY))INNElR wcek wl t. h h ere college room ·mate, S to1Ill. Sheeter of Columbus are vis· can Numismatic Associa tion. Among . Mr. anel MI·s. L. V. Bm,nstrlltol' Mis::! Mal'letta Dall C!y Ht h el' h ome INJURES RIP .IN FALL Itlng " thelr grandparents Mr. IUId exhibitors and speakei'll will be Max and da ught(!l' Kather ine nnd so n In P a ulding. Mrs. U. G, Whetsel, Mehl, Fort Worth, Tex., Ipternat1on. Ralph e ntc rta lniWo th e (ollowlng a L 1\.11'. and hlrs. F . S. Hunlln and . MI'II, Eva Jone~ age 81. a. fonner , Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sheeter nnd ally ·known rnt'e coIn ooaler, who has dinner on Sunday, Mr. .lnd 1\Irs . family I:!P nt Sunday afte rno on at WaynenUle resldrsnt. teU ' In the baby daughter have .m oved to Leb· attended every convention or the as· William Hageme yer nnd son Wayne Mloml Vall ey C hn tauQun, Fra.nkII n . home :Or 'her daughter, )41'11. Verne anon to mnke their home. soc1aUon for the past 26 years. Tho ot Mart1nsvJlle, Mr . Robert Tlele of 1'h c JVlISB s EII?.abeth Henlde nna Mr, nnd Mrs, Gilbert Fry ~ and son exhibit, valued at more tha n a mU, R. Britton, Mlabawnko., Indiana one Cineinnntl, Mr. Donald Gree n or So.· Kalherlne Bmlls t\'Qtor were Colum. n.nd l\{~. Reba, Brnddock were Sun· lion dollars, will be-' under constant blna .md MI'. n nd Mrs. Ell Furnas 4ny taat week, breaking her hlp. bus visitors Tuesdll Y. 'l'h& fraeture 'was reduced at St. day , dinner guests or Mm. Col'll Rtch. guard, u.ccol·dlng to V. B. ChWUbCl'S, n nd children. Cincinnati's automobile deaJh Cincinnati and b rea kIn g our Mr. arid MI·s. AI Polins ky Wt' ro rate ranks fourth in the United traffic laws through speeding and . JOBePK" 'HospItal, At preaen.t she ,Is Mrs. Reba Braddo".k and ' Mrs, Columbus, convention chnlrml\n. Monday ovenlng (Un ner ' g u siS of States with a lot of the blame un carelessness. Every man' and re8t1nw " cpmfortably, although no Amos. Cook were among the Waynes, ENTElRTJ\INS POSTl\IASTERS visiting motori~ts unfnm~liar with w.oman shouid drive an automoOF SEV-Il:NTH ' DISTRICT Mr. n.nd Mrs. John W . K e r sey. hope .I!, hela .for a llennlUlent recov- ville women-attending camp at Camp 12 YEAR OLDS ' BEAT FRANULIN Hook from S\mday to Wednesday of IN EXI'!ITlNfl GAl\lE WED Mr. and Mrs; J . P . ~arrlck attend· the streets and the htlls. Too bile as <;arefu~ly as they w()uld ery, It' Ia· reporied, . . • T"'" . Mr. Frnnlt Fox, local postmnstc r, ell the I)lenlc of th e Dayton POlVc r man y' strangers are hold a loaded gun. U thlll week. In company with Messerl; Lcster 001' killing ,themselves and the gun' goes ~f! , it hits· ·M r, and MI'8, Emil Brown and eon , . The tWj!lv8 year ~Id boys 80ft ban don, Fred BrndlJq.(Ik ' Ilnd. 1:i!U'tley nnd Light Co . at thch: bea. utlful r ec· drivers of other autoCIA88" OF '14 IIBLD only oue per s 0 nwhen an automobile pmnON 'AT 'VBAtlTAUQtlA we.r e Sunday evening supper guetlts team defeated Franklin tenm lust Moss were guests at a dinne r Snt. l'eutlon Jlnj'k Stlt ul'dny a([el'noon :U1d mobiles, according to Frank Switalski, exoverturns or craabeJ or, Mr, liM Mrs, William Brown of evening at the 'l ocal High School urdny e ve ning ''a:Jt the Hotel evening. Mr. and M1'8. E . J . Bu rt o u of ' Ely- ecutive vice president into the curb it may Hlgb , SchooI ·CentervllIe. .! diamond. At tbe beginning of tho 1'n prlng(leld, given by Representa: John of the Cincinnati Auinaure a ha1f-~ozen," , I I I ", d "I W W R . ria, Ohio visited ,Mr. ul\d MI·8. reun on j) cn c .....r, an ... rs, , . ogers were 8th ,inning the seore stood 6 to 2 tlve Arth'ltl" Aleshlro !6r t h e Post· tomobile Club, pio. The Cincinnati AuW. Kersey, FI'Wny evening. ' . ' . 'at ~a\ gro~nds, Sund ay. d inner gueBtI! e~. Sunday I)f Mr, a.nd In (o.vor of Franklin. ' Don OBborn'H mnsters and their (pl e,n ds of the so v. tomobi1e Club . hono~ · , . Mr. 'und' Ml's. J . .p. Larrlok were neers i'n safety educa•The following membel'll attended and Mrs, W, S. Graham. . inigltty whallop stnrted tha ' local e nth dlsl ricil. tion in tile Ohio Va!- ' those p'o Ii C) officers guestS at n. Winner party Sunday nt enjoyed a deUirbtfu!.; afternoon of Mn. DaIsf Bn~dei' waa II- lunQh· boYB to victory. ley, . ' who . are doinil all within · .their the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Oharles "We do not. want our City mem- poW,er to · .curtaii 'speeding \dld sporta:7tbe 'M)a80 : ~ma 'HArcsef! eon euellt. ~n Monday 9t the Wo, NO'lr, YET SOLVED Washbu'l"II or prlngtleld. ~ •.. bers to go racing through country reckles.sness, Switalski said, ~, Ruby Jam.... l\uth ai.rly;, 'Bernlce . miLn's club Of l:>a¥ton. AROlJNOT BRIUGE , (JUJB Ir'placed end to end, the h a irs Julian. 'Orabbe, WayntlBvl11 hns towns: Of rural counties', When the same time the club will 8ght Grah&m and Lola Snilth _d th. Mr, and MI'II; . Geota'e Mills visited . ENTERTAINED TUESDAY grown by the I\verage man In ono .eed traps and squirea courts been ittlenlling Ohio t.nte Unlversl· they' get fn :trouble, altbougb'_we ') :'K~ ~v"" JlLClk Adiun., Mr. and M~ Wilbur Clark t Day· . ' The members ,at Ara'unot Brl e yell! ·would. ~eq'u~ 7,804 feet, we -' . Is ..ty, Columbus, where, he enrolled ": ill sign a bail bQlld for their re- that prey upon the motoria&' DICk K11ler, W&1lace Bernard. JohD ton, FrldaY eVetrlnw, Club were entertained Tuesday af· leam, The I.rlck, ~ course, Is to g~t '88 a . sophemore In tho college ot Bg. leue, we join ·with the authori- Safety comes from the drivera' Tbomeon, Robert GoDB nd Charla. loll'll, D. C,' Ridge 'spent lJaturd8Y ternoon at the home of the MI_aend to en d.-New· rlculture. Cl'Ilbbee Is (I. gl'flauate ot ties in urging ·that thfl -law be own respons\l:lllity. he said. stl'icUy enforced.... Switillakl stat- motorisl may joint the Chlc:il~'. ' Burton. Mr. RlLJIIlood Hatfield of and Sunday In MaDBtJeld Vlaltlnw TrI11ena and ' Margaret EdwnrdB. .An Wa.yne 1'ownshlp High School. Be ed. "However. too many of our· Automobile Club and LebUlon who wu thell' former ber Blat..., MI'JI" H. H, Davia who Ia enjoyable afternoon ot bridge was' Is tbe 90n of Mr. nnd AIrs. i. B. rural neighbors are coming to I~an Automobile Aaaoc:tal:lOl~'i~SJ room teacber WIUI alBo prea- recovei'ln. from _ operat~n per. spent, lolloWad' by dellcio~ retnlllh· Crabbe. fo~ Jut WedIl~. . lIleldL


Killing People on ihe Highways


Cincinnati Automobile Club Is For Strict Enforcement




Main Street

Phone 112 Waynesville, Ohio

Entered AA Second Class Maii J\ ~t Postoifice, W aynes~ilIe, Ohio

ORVILLE AGE, Publi:h r


SubAcripUon Price, $1.50 PeT Year, Payable in Advance

An Independe nt N eWl!ps}lei' Dedicated to t h e Servic e of .Waynesville and Yicinity Giving its pntro ns t he best n ewspaper humanly po:!eibl~


Harold V.' Martz For

Representative REl'U nl.l CA X I'Rll\IAlty,

,\l ' (ll' ~'I'

9, 19:18

Ceo. B. Johnson 3- OPEqRroqG'



RE.S'r IN FI/./D,,"o/

't--OPERPI'YINQ !i?OOIY/ I AI TllrF'''''

County Treasurer



IN FIAI;[)/..A'/ lllJlJ..DINQ

~------~--------------------------------~ .._.--._._._._.-------------------------_ ...... .-





Used Car Bargains 1937 Ford Tudor, New Tires. Only One Owner .. .. ............... ... ... ............ .


$495.00 .

1936 Ford Tudor, with trunk, radio and heater .... ... .. ... .... ........ ......... .. ........... .. $395.00 1936 Pontiac Coach with Trunk ................ $475.00 1930 Packard Sedan .... ...................... ...... .. .. $125.00




Wharton Motors Sale.


The public is being g ive n an opportunity in a score of Ohio cities to "look behind the scenes" to see the e qui pment and opera tions required to furn ish t elephone service and to h ear "the voice with a smile" at th e switchboard instead of through the teleph one. "Open H ouse" is being hel d by The Ohio Be ll Telephone Company in th ose communities, th e special visitation periods lasting from one to four da ys , according to the size of

!'tlrs. BonneU

the town . Visiton see what occurs at the switchboa rd when a 'subscriber lifts the telepho:ne re ce iver from the hOOK. They hear the "Number, please," of the operator. They watch the clicking action of tho central office equipment when a su bscriber in a town with d ial service twlrla a number on the dial, They also Bee and have explained the apparatus which makl~S th e telephone bells ring, the bllttery room. lupplylng ~1t..

and .1\11'8.

'n ll l:d \1 11 '\

n l ~el'


Lawre nce u nu Berthll Carey I'



~ unduy .

" h 'l:l. Willi a m Dl'Inkmcy


reserve power, the cable vaUlts, and many other interest ing phases of telephony. Ohio Bell employees, acting as hosts, guide visitors through the buildings, so th at their g uests can gain a better underst anding of th e people and plant resp onsible for furnishing telephone service, It may seem mysterious and complicated to the public, but it's all quite simple to the telephone ,vork-

I -No other State in the Union is' in better ·financial shape than 'Ohio, under the business-like management of Governor Martin L. Davey. 2-The State budget has been balanced every year under Davey. 3-There has been a substantial cash balance in the bank at the end of every year under Davey. .4-The State debt was paid off under Davey. 15-Dav y h s veto·d 13 million dollars of unnecessary apl'il'opriations. ,6-Thc1'e have· been no new taxes und~ r Davey. 7-Ther have been six tax reductions umlcl' Davey, including twelve million dollars a year in the l' pc. I of the sales ttlX on food, Ilus reductions in the t axes 'on al1.tomobile tags, theatel' admissions, inL'.ngibles beverage, ' and special exemptions for fai·mers.

of 1\1id·

nUll M.!:!I. Belv1lle clllJl'd on Mr, IIn<l ~Il' :; . 1;'1:1 13 -I"lil t, 'u nc1 ay (I' ,

15 E. Main St. Lebanon, O.

Phone 48

WILL ST. JOHN, Local Representative


-- - - - - - _.- --Clean Up At These Price. M n 5 3 pc. Suits


Clealled and Pll(!ssed

Dr. Bess Fly Spray

5 gal. can

T lly lol' a nd "u n o( Da YlO n .

50c Mt> n's Hats Clea ned and Blocked



Ladies Plain DI'esse!!


Quick Cleaners


Kathl'Y'Jl Mend enhall, Mgr

Bring your own container for single gallon

. Waynesville Drug Store

Phone 120

Waynesville, O.

Friday -


:\!lm; )) 111'1 ' CU l'fi lC h :;11 ni tht' w c k with :\11'. lind :\'II·s. '\" lIIl\nl '('ny 1(01'


D:l ~'loun.

Th e ca ll roS ut lh e Dunn 11 home F;unday I\\' c r 1111'. tl nd MI·s. Ralph B unne ll u m1 Childre n, )11'. and MI'!:!. Iyll Bunn II (l nd ·h11dl'c n . Wa lte r anti B rllm ·nl'c' Y. 1I11:jfl FI'a l~ '\? S Z ·It 1:1 ap nellri!; the w ee k with h OI' g l'andmOlh er In L b· o n nn . ;\[199 DOl' lhy Bunn 11 nnrlo MI'. Vllu~hn Mullen ap nt unday ev n· Ing 'In HamUton wIth 1\[1' . a nd l\J1'$. '1' ' d Seaman an el son.

,\NOTIIER, lAI101t "NION INoon:SE S OAV ...; \ ' FOR GO\' p ' ·n l M. P ieltens, C: unpul g n 1I1an

"Bank Night" IagN' of -aCREEN-


Dn vt'Y

m ittel' nnnnuncl' cl


"MY BILL" Kay Francia - Dlckl. Mcore


fO I' GHVlt l' II 0 r


Harry A ..Hughes Solicits Your Vote For

State -Senator _~~!L""""". atie Prim~riest Aug

Elect a Man of Action, Not Promises

' Onl'

thal lh e

I - . - - :. ,_.

Contlnuou. Showl Dally Adult. Only 160 'Til a P. M.

Have your FU ll acc cleaned and repaired now. AI.'o a comp ete lin e of New Furnaces . Guttering and Condu ctor work. All kindR of l'OOfR repaired and painted . Al so asbest us sh ingle ,siding for old hou ses Prices Reasonable Estimates Free

J.Electrician p~ Larrick and Plumber Phone 58R2



.... -.•............ -.-. Levee Building, 'Ditching Excavating


·a .e..,e n~me with 'Miami GazeHe . for estimate.


Haaillton. Ohio.

Phone 3708

W. P. Watson, Mgr. a.1

I.F • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


Badgley Chevrolet Sales SPRING vALU;Y




Thu1'8day, July 28, 1938




M,·. lind il l ~. I ' ly mond OHllOrn " C


11 11 'c\ Oil 111 t·. IInll ;\1"8.

m" I'~O n

Dill 11 11\1



Page Three


, • Yippee! Powell TurM ~~owbov

lJell'a l\l 11I'Slln 1It.lll\lny IICl 'I'no n.






MI'. mi d, M ,·". T u y l Or


1\11'!<. Jrl'll n k KnlllH 1!,5 o n 1h,

/I nil

Mr8 . Buroia


t n mll y. ev ening ca lle rs w () r e Mr. nn d MI'lI: Kl\l\net h Lov y nnd frl e ntl lIhu'jorl e DavIs or W ellm a n .

MI'''. P et

1\'1 1'9 ,

. _ ~.




::\11', a n tl

0., Hlh' nL til<' wl'<,k l'nt!



:" :1),

(:r ll),

(;",, 11\. ':;

r. 1-' 1"':" 1111'" ~ 'l'l'U d1:1 n .I:! " ,',

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~ I' ·. A 11 ><" '1 n":I~' :lnll ·~

lion n il d on . J ail. F,

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:\1,·, Oray'" n,utlll' r , ~unll:,~' .

:\ r:l " ~'

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""Y AIl II l'g.

___ _ _ _ _ 25__


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r. :';d l \'. ' :'II I'. (h" .. I, Ii I' ''X ~II'' ,111,1 ~I, "

:lU80l Jl n n lln il .I,,,·d ll ll \\'11 " a :-\" Iur· dny (' V nin .~ u tll' I' ttl th t'" 1I111 nl' uf :I ll' . anti ~I ,'''' . ·h 'l l<. 1I1"d tl l' lI In II :ll"


Runyon 'CII Il!l d on 1I1'·H.

___ . ________

I :"lI l' <l1

\\' :\ )fl'l' '1 '!lJh'd, 1 :11 ,.1

.' !IH:< :ll al';' E . h .. 1 1';11 111. " I' ' ilL 1:1"'\ WPl'lc w ith (d IIdR In LI'ItNhun:;',

Ann .

MI s.~

,It ~ ui Un""


.lfl·, HIlI l ~ I'·(I. \ ' l ..• : " ~t '.: .'. ';,'"

11" '~I'I'!1.

\\'l' IIIWI

1\ 11'. tln tl 1111'S, P 1 S uncl oy l'V nlnl; wIth 1\11' . fin d 1\11'1<. lilt! Il nd ElI'vln 'mllh Itntl do w ;""t t· .rutlllh


M" . lind

"" 1

1l)(' I' L II ( t"l" '~ HI' :>" ,S' tun WUN it Riltn ... !:,y vl ..iln ,· or ,, \t•. '"111 . \t'M. t

lI!<t the l)flRI f"\I' w~·l'\{I! .

c h l l dr n . 'l'pmmy (I nti Mary of Mid . di ' tow n , S unduy ,1I11n c r g uelila


1'1'1llS' ~I,·. /1I 1l1 .\1, ·,.. '('h C'IlI " H I ~I ' h . :II . ,,\ ,,' , . . 'rlhhal:; IIlId Hu n FUI', ' r'Jl'l11l" '~ t"·" lht·,,. MI'. J . 1". 1... ·JoIt "HI\ .\11. lIncl ~IJ's. l'II,,'I,," 1t"I-\" .) IIl·"Il", " ,"1 t'ltlllll~', ':'11,1'. ,r, 1~ • •l llt"'''!!, ll,tLl ' <! uu,;h l " . jJ(IJ'OIhy ,I'·u n vII<- lind flllll I1,1' I!hl.·d taJn f'd hlH h,'ulht' r l! din J). I,. I " II .' 11 ' t y \.. ' I .lp . TI ll . \\'11.11 11 I I'i" III I"i.. 1\111'1 11 1 I!II I' I< nil!! il I h I «IAH-' H. I'~i I ~ 1 1·f : l Ot ';' ·r. 1I 1 ~" \VIIYI1l' 1'11"1, ILl W ;ly n"liv lll , 1

.'I' ~ II) J~ . (

afternoon, t u ry l.au1.RCJ . 1I<fr. Th am n!! Miller n ntl


.\I I~"4

,· ' ,1

I (j ,

"WI"' n tI,l'l' I" n n I",;om tllX . tI .. , 'JII"I n l:t n w 'l1I Jltly mol' and tha u n jtu.L I('><H o n IIII' Ii"'n<' " mounl or illl'nlllt',"

1 'lUll),


) 11':0;. Al'lhul' i\ l f' I 'Il f'I"Ml.Ill .

of Llll c(. ln . N,' h . :III'. :Inti ~II'Ol. \\' tI · 111(' 1' i\l c l ' .. I1 " " ~ h :1 11t1 Cl'1I 1' Shl'II or

Telephone Notice!! ---- ..


:l11'~. l\f c f'h el'son 18 a slste,' o r ;l1~8. E d \\'I\,·ds. )lI KH ;ll lll'~'

No. 34R31-Lukens, Levi, Harveysb urg No. IS-Chandler, Miss Ru t h, W ayne vilI e

" ltl'l ·J1 o nll

No. 6R2-Updyk e, J. R., Way nesvill e

lind ,\JI' ~. \\' . .J . 1::;1"," ...1" of LtJn (lorl . )11' , :l lltl :\ h 'H, \\' 111 l oJ d \\'d l '(l ~

t?" uC

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n t ·I,!.,

"e tt BUIII1,,11 n nd

e hilll n ' n

1~ l'i l" ' Y

' \·e nlll !:'.

'Order a Phone Installed in you ... home today


:'Ill'. lind :'Ill''', IlPlII 'Y 1I11l' b "" :) lI d




~II' .

II' lth



~ p l' nl

~ u J1(l " y

L ouIs :'1101'1;11 11.

a llt ' I's wel '(' .'1 1' . a n ,!· :l11· ~. no y ,,' h a w 11 1111 fn mll~' uf II Cll r PI'lng I~\'


,\ll's. ) 1,, 111, · l :a il C'y :11'.1

,,: It.




1'he {,fl e l' n oo ll.

1\1 1'8.

~lll h l /1Y,


III J' . a ll 1 :I'l l'!!.

I 'll ul

\\' y~o nA'

Il lld

u! Daylon "penl :-iul1llay \\-lIh :\1 1'''. Sal'ah s'w,,". 1\1r . a l1(l 1I1ra·, \\. , E. \\' 1I11",oI n


E ls l

.I ocks n .

l\t ..". Mn blc nln cu llec1. n n

n nd Ho n



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~1I ':i.

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T Il IJII :t g'f'

1'(,l'ldn s .

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gJ"! lfH II I :I'

!'hul' .~

In Su u1h IJ4' h HIJ(1Il . ':'11/,:,. L l' l1;1 C II! I'k \" , I'~' ll " 1I" It I rlll ' ~' t' Olnr1af n Pll tht.' rn(·h(' I'H or th C' Jo'I';\' nd ~ 1 1l J) -'Juh. \VI'(!.I\" !-lllilY a rl"l" ll llun , II I

, H.

l\ lic he n I

I\l r R. ,fl.. V , Sim s,

a tt

11II 1' l y Ilt I au r 1 Scotts homo Il\st


T :d ll1 :IJ..~· t'

!l nd. Mrs. El'n est

E n rnh o l·l. li nd fO l' th eir hous

ItCll' l ' ntJfJJ1

11 11 111( '

\ \'j

\ -i s llll l'S

I ' : ~ll',

:1 1




:t n·l

,UIl! J u r~\.. ...'.un ur ) l l a u\l s-

!'rll.nt IIccount's ~ou nt y

f I' 34

:III'. ri nd :'II..,.•. l ' I'il llk fi : 'm ~ n nd ,\I I ~~ All ee j oin ed a gl'ou p o r (1'11<",18

:-\un ,lny

",'a I '

I h l'~' "nJn~' 11. a

~lId f1\ . 10Il'n .

w h i'I'e


1\11', am1 :lJ I' ~, P . O . \\, ,· Il ., lil li, Ul) l'othy amI Alul \\. Il~ , l\II· . nn d ;\11':;. Tum l ' OWl·1I


fa "llls tllbu lul d Ion 1937


the 1lS'I'ic ulllll'a'l extcn s lo n "l'I'Vlcc of

_ __


' _ ., ~ , .-....-. I ~

at all times


McClure Funeral Home Waynesville

Phone 7

... ,....I..-.I~ ...-.Q _.._ ...-.f' _ .~..-. II -...-.I ......-.,..-.. , -..I_I..-.... -....-.~-.~.,:. gz "!"



Pullets For Sale White. Rodt!l . Barr ed Rocks and Large Type White L" 1I~.olli :': .

Lemmon's Hatchery Harveysburg, Ohio.

~ll '"l:t~' .1 In.

lI (o r g Ut'St :; o r ) 11' . :t nd :\In •. HUrU9 l1u l ll'l'tl! a nd fn l11l1~·. n l'n.· M asu n . l'<'rt'r \ \' (011); \\':t l'l ('alll'" 10 Il am li . t n Saturd a y o n a ('cou nl o r lh e III. n ('lIS of hl" ' (fllh e r,


Harold D. (Jim) Bailey -FOR-


County Commissioller

Miss Josl'llhin o Gmy

Republician Primaries , August 9, 1938 Sa , ~ t11



1\[rs. Chos. Vo i I'S " 11<' n1 Pridny n f · l Cl'noo n I\'ith 1\11'. a n rl :'III'R. l a udc (;l':1y anll ram illes.



g lad. LO repo l' L I hal 1\ 1,'9. l' hlnnworlh~' h e:l l1lt h riR "lI pldl), 1m,

Republican Candidate For

In th e p!llll w eL' l\. 'lisB M :ll'l e 8 t o l'el' wo,.. n t;: ul'sl In th" C hinowol'lh h Om e SlI nc1ny.


' tllllley Gmy an d tJau Hhte r

Farmer, Business Man and Granger Your Support Respectfully Solicited

W {'


\J,·tlVl' (\


J o~el .hln "


__ _

_t.-.__..---.._ . .-..I_ _


hUl' g".

~II'S .

lind :'III'S. Bloc h .


",e offer a satisfactory Service

: 1(' ,

II e nl""l:, ln ed :'I II'. :mel :\I I'S, 1"1 keral or ,"UrnI'll , II g l'ot'lll o f frl en (18 a mI 1'(' la th'cR f" lIm lll(\ i: ur ll. a re p u,... Inl; a [ el\' dn )'s w ith Dll yto n S unday . ~II'.

_I ~. I_

al lilt' t\ . I :. T :d ,

1·,' lIts . ) 11'. 1111.1 :'III'''. \\'. \\' .

lh l} ,,", w ith :\11'. u nd

Th,' 0 c10 1'

_ _


" "n p lI ui {'d 1I1o' tll hlJll ll' ri llel l"4IH"nt I h,

SUlldu.v wll it Ihe J'(·ppnl'tH. :'III·H. I:' T. I '(' I'ldI1S or Hr "I·Y. J';: y.

M,'. nnd 1\lrs .' 1110 Guln li nd rll ll1 ' o( lI y or In Inl'latl h all Sunday (Un , Mr. ra ntl I\Il's. Hobert Snt nrt Ill' " wllh thl' mochs. X enia. cnI lec1 o n fri e nd ... o n e eve ning Irls l week, Pal''';O Il S o f • '1ll'ln g flt:ld "IRlt ed h e l' P:ll'l'"t .. 1\11'. Elvis I\ll c lt elll a nd L o u Is IIntl MI'>!. J ohn 1 I'll 'NI n n Su nday. u n CI frIen d of X enia w en t t' n II , Vlnette Doyc'e of Dn ~' l o lI 1>1 'l cmf gu 8t lhill weel·, o{ h OI' gl'a ndpIII' ' nl "

li n d

MI', .Jess T'o l1nl6'1.on

wer e cu lle ,·tj rn 1\1,'. and Mrs. 'Vm. P " 11 I1ln g- t on's b o rn(' Sundu y

1\1.1'. li nd Mrs . Rail h

ven Ill S'. Rkh " pent

Republican Primary. Tuesday, Aug. 9, 1938

~~g_U~eMS Oh~ S~~ n~Hsi~ ~ow ~at~. ~il~,e~\~V~~~~;~r~.~'.~I~\~V~I'~I~I~I~II~P~G~"~.n~t~1'.~s~r~:'~.~~~~~~~~~~~~_~_~~~~~~~:,~_~_~_~~~~~:_~~~~~~~~~~ p ndllurcs fOl' fn rm ma ch lnel'Y li ver. ;


ng I $45 7 I' ,. {lU·lIt In 1936 and. $3 16


1937, J\ \·et·IIge Inc ome fol' these fa l'ms fl ec,' asec.l In ,1937 a lt h o u g h the


Subscribe t o Ih E' Mlnm l G azetto

HCt"Ca g'o o f




)I,·s. G l enn 'o n Ui h lll'( 0 Spr ll1 g

HIl "ber'l M a l'l a l l




d;IY with hi s

\ ., I Il'h.ltolll'

S und ay e ,·enlns.

' blowoull. Nine cdra poundI 01 nabber .re added IO ' ~ , 100 poundl 01 cord. : . Two Edn . . . . . 01 Own. Dipped CoreL under tbe tnl!d, another p.tentecrFlreltone construction re.ture, protect " .. Iruit punctum. tlfICIIllr Des•• .......kl. Tread madeolcoullh lIow.wearln, rubber, IlUUrea ..fer atopa and lonKer Do....ldd

nl .q:n ,\ h u tt H'. . . Alhl' l't

e ll ll l' ~1i

iiffol'tl BaIH' "

of X

• a..-Dlpplnlothe PlreICone , .". ....blcb Aiwty 6bet 01 every coid In ,"cry ply It .Iu~ted wItb . liquid rubber. countcnc:ta tireI ae.troY.Inc Internal frIc:don and ~ heat ·....likb ordinarily C8U1e

With the low fint ~ the ean ..fcly .nd the lona mUeagc of F1reatone Conyov lire., vou ~n no lon,cr a«ord 10 take c:hancet on un.. le tires. Join tbe Fireelone Save·A·Lile CamPlllcn today bv equipping your- cal' with • let 01 new ! Flreatonc Conyoy Tire. - the 1 ..lett tlra chat money can buy at theae low prlcee.


' I.nd !'Il l'. o n"

D akI n a nd

P,lteftcCd < ~


a nd

J l1 m c~ l o\\' n

pUDclDre •• nd ildddlDi~ FlNtItODe PI'OrideI chit three... y .. reC·y at NEW LOW ,.lCES.: Now duat It COllI 10 ...... 10 mAke yOur car TIRE. SAPS car ownerl everywbere .bo uL! replace- d.n, worn dra witb NEW. SAFE JIireetoDe GuIll·Dlpped Tlra, bullt witb tb_ patented and :eac:lual"e.eoDItnIc:don reaturea




bloWobll, '

(,ld h ' I 'H

r 1'(' I:n l . ' H" I,"), H all:. n l :t ll l1 (·hlll l n .n , r: " i.II; ' ,

tll1(1 ;lI'''~. R ob c "! H a r t HOf' k an(l d ll ll J;"h i o:' l' R olo<:o rta of Sprin g V " ll ey . ~p ' nl Sn lul'llay nl !;'hl a lld :-\un(lay u t Mr. I1 nd M,·" . lI u!,:,h Bu " S('tL of Day . Uu c l'l' Y L ll k e. lnn . MI'. lind Mrs . Ed H a n Ho'k of ;If I'. and ;ll rtI. Sf'Ol! C lc: vcllJ:e r n nd !';p,"lng \ Illl e y \·Iliitcd. wll h M I'. amI SO li a nd l\II.", n Iy li n in Ii :tll(ont!t'll :l1l·s. Fru nk h: Ills lind ("mlly • un . th Dr \\'1I·'·ho, " 1O S l'I'ullioH1 o n Su n · tiny. day. MI'. n nd :Ill'S. R aym ond Lu as or ?tIl'S. N d l Ol1lJllo n vl ~l t"ll r l'om Sil e nt Sllndny with hIs Thu" KdllY UIII II :'ulllfl'Y with :'I'l l'. a nt! :'111'11, Da\'ld Lu cas IIncl ':'I II'S. I"(' JlII:ll't In Rprlng- rJelc1 . MI', '01l1ptOIl S JI,' nt. Satul'tln y nig ht Il n(1

.DeI ' ...eel'

1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,_

LI ·hau lJ ll , \\. ., 1' .... ~\lII '

H n lllh

<1HY llvl1"nl ng


40 'S t)f L I.· lj,l ll U II O n

?trr. Ilm1 1\1 " 51. Emm e l'son Dill find X en Ia shoPl1cr A .· nlllrd rlY

..... Dt·

il l h l

~I" , a nrl :lI "~ , Hill y 'TIIU ~ I! nd ROil .

;\1.dd 'O'\"n t'nl " I'! ·tln t l1

:l1 :lI'Y

1.), 111'1 11111 ' ,·. :-;,110111:1 . " · iI,"II1 ),; l oll. Oh lu

KU wl·1I rll 1 ~ lhl' p as l ft ' WH li llYS,

Sl1IiLh a nd 'r~lld l' Thoma s "f l ·Il'\"L·I:llld Is " \1v l1<lin!'" I h c- w, '(' I, wl l h h i" Sl'and , d lluJ.: hl e ,' ~l1 e nl Salul'll a y Wi l h MI'. a n d 1\11'9. Tim S mllh nnd fll rnll~', IlIu·t"n L" . 11', o n,l ~ Ir ,.. T lIrI<I \\' a \tull .


:\1 ...

\\' . Ed I\'a I'd" ,


) 11'>:.


:--; l' ll rl l-!

SundllY. .I " ffl' IT ;l IJ ·~. EII:t F I" 'I' I:<. MI'.' " I a ll,l ... :'III'. ;111(1 Mrs . "r(,~ ll' !'t.'lL·I·. 111 " I' Cl In e, :\1 1·s. J " R<,ph I Ill' C'III1<' :11111 ~I ,'''' H" JI II' .. I( s p nt ~1 1l1 ":I)' II'I Lh ~Ir' '' ' .\I :II·Y "Bl a l'H . ;\1, ,111 , P el 1'>;0 11,


\ 'a lley. :In' . n lltl !III'S. EI'v llI

• RIGHT now ~~ you




ZIUlI lll'!'rna n .'II,,!! DO I'O I hy :'I II ·hl'.t1 l ~ ~ 1)(,lI o1lng , ~Il' . anll ) 11':-: , F'I'(,') f I\' d ays wilh :x lila f l'l e nd l!. a nd d (lUH'lJl l'r~ v( L u IJ:t1l n , \.'1 :'1 1 d I lh l l' hnrn 1t ":I !' O l'(~g'n lli:t " A l l1ung' til(" ' Vn l t u n li n l atlf (':; pt'(':"iC' u t \\,,-. re" ;\In~ , Fl o r(' n ' ~ :'Iii,," r llll'o D ~lI!;hl" " ~ I~ s jl,' nd l l1 ~ :\11' , :t ntl .\J r s .. J t Otl te r

" w "~ k with h I' "I ~ l{' " In n llyllJll.

.your car more tbaa Many other NaIOQ qf the yeu- when TOCI

fi r


.\Inol . Ed \\"unh; h aH fltJl I wt ·u fIU ilt-. I ••• . I_ ....-.u--.._I_

MaRt eI' ll : r sc h I K '!1 1K hnd a m la· (o l' IUII(> (It fn lllll g- li t his 1101110' SlIlu,·· :'I II'. :'ll1d :'Ill'!l. 11:II"JIli Nu:,1 IIl1 d da~' and CU llin !;" his h en d . l Ie \\"118 .·() n 'J'cd dy of Danoll \\" , ,'e :-\ 111111 ., y II' a tNl by DI'. 11" .. lInge,·. Il r1 I s pro , g-Ilf!lts ur ) I,·s . •\lllInl l' 11 :1 1,,1''' II lld g l'('I;~ ln A' sa tl s rae t u l'Y al JtreSf' lll. II

hl lJ1 H'.

:\til"!!'i t ';11'111

SUllt l:IY

!'-P(' l\t

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.I unit,.·. of

Ohio Central Telephone Co.

J Ol'd:l n

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:11111 d auJ..dl\ l l r

three uay engage ment. '. The story of "Cowboy from Arooklyu" con cerns th c hll arloll 8 advenl ures [l.LH\ mlsa dvenlures of a n ,'ooklyn ' :rOOIlOI' who g'o{'s West In order to make good In -the East. An n Sh eridan, on e o f tb e love li est r ed·heads In Hollywoca, hends th e s·IPPol' 1.Ing caHt along wi til DI c k Foran. J ohnni e Dll v l !!. a nd fiollald fi engli ll.

18 111


"1'1 '.

"Cowboy tram Dr'ookl Yll " lnl 6t \\Ia l'u el' Dros.' romanti c musical s tarrIng D Ick Powell . Priscilla Lano and Pat O·Brlen. w ill opon ·lIuday. July 31 lit th e new Xcnla tu ea t el'. I II Xc nl u. to r a

No, 4Rll-Ashcrnft, Forrest, R. R. 2, Morrow


1':~t llhli ~ hl, .1

Eth e l Slt m ~ ~ J) O l1l III ~ l \\'('('1, \\'Ilh fl'lentl s In Lecshlll·". :\11'• . :lIIl I'y :'Ifurphy , :'IU ~s T-'I ol'l. nee SU lli\'an, <of • pl'ln"Clc )d n n d Jim Fol· :

Morrow Installation


?I II'S, J . \\' , E l111\'1I 1'ds,

of :'Ir. il lld

Wayne.ville In.tallationa


Fairley Hdwe. Stores

SJI,·ln g t'l.c> 1<1 w ('n ' \\' N \rH' stlllr \' I ~ I ,o l'~

(' rO lh~

pln nte d W[I!<I w r .


When In Waynesville Shop at

Baird's Se & IOe Store N. Main St.



For Congress

Look at these LOW P ICES

Candidate for Republican nomination at Primaries on August 9. 1938


Vote Por

4.SO"21. •••••• •••••••• 4.7S-19 •• •••••• : ..... 8.15 5.00-19 ....... t . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.25-17 ••••• t · . . ~s S.2S-18 .............. 5.SO"I7 .............. 10.45 6.00.16 .............. 11 . . . '6.2S016 •••••••••• ~ ••• 1~.15




'.90 ,.6S

.......... 1-4050


CLARENCE J. BROWN is a successful Newspaper Publisher, Farmer and Business Man, former Lieut. Governor and fonner Secretary of State.


CLARENCE J. BROWN is a strong, fearless


and honest public official who had the courage

Rep~blican Primary, Augu.t 9 •. 1938 .

to clean up elections while he was Secretary of State.




~o .. .

.yaw, MoacJ.r ...DID....~r1'b.

. . . . . . . . N •••



Rogerl.simploD Garage

S. -C. Alexander



State Representative I haYe had dperieDee ...d am


CLARENCE J. BROWN will ably represent the buainel8, man.u facturing and agricultural in' terest. of th.i . diatrict. _..J

CLARENCE J. BROWN ia the choice-of a gre8:t.,Alajority of Republica ... in the Seventh Di.trict.


Go to the polls·Auga 9 and nomln.te him for Congr••• R. B.4IOWARD. London, Chairman. 1'01. Adv.




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•1. ( ••.. (.I"IIY.

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Y," rl nde w1ll be 8OI"I"Y (0 I am or th l! d th or Mra, L ue lilc Boerstler (n 0 J 880p) WIlli (\1 (I nt 0. OlnolnnnU






mission App~int:s A. L. Caris ~

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:\l "s. J Ol' .Iud' Hun of U:aY \loll Is v iii· Iling 11 r IHII'[' nl:l ~ I I ·. alltl .\ 11'>' . J o

State Representative

Oa\'I ~.

)l r:-: , 1;:l n'I'slIlI Frltzh; r w as a. :--;uo·

dlnm' ,' g UI!:; ( or hc r ,llIu -h le r ~ (" . "nd ;\1 .." . nl c hll l'd E gli n lind C .lm Ily ur Dayton . Uorn to ;\1 1'. Illltl 1I I,·s. Hoi, I't H oug h Il llllloy g il·l. F ,'lcJay. Emm/l E llis :l lIil :\I ",·y Shldn k I' n tt Ill!t ·u tlil' (u ne '''11 of 1111'S. 'ha r ll's tiny

R('I)IIbliclln J>rininry AuI:', 9

J3 nl' I· ~t1 c l·


TO REPUBUC~N VOTERS From Miaa Margaret E: Baker, candidate for re-election (2nd term) as Republican State Central Committeewo~an' for the 7th Ohio Congressional Dilltri~t. In the hope that I can help the public-spirited Republicans of the Sevent~ District wrest the control of. the Repubh can organir.ation from the little ~roup 0 professional politicians and 10bbYlSts who, for years, have exploite~ the party fO.r their own personal pr(,)flt, I am a candIdate for state central committeewom~n for a second term, at the Republican p:n mary, August 9,


Obviou ly, if the Republican Pal't1 .is again to be entrusted with the respo.nslbl~­ ity of government in state and na~lOn, It must be purged of selfish leadershlp and given new life as a political instrumentality. I am op.posed to bo sism in any and every guise, national" state and local.

Sn t urday.

~Io 'n, h " ." uf I It , I '1,,1101"1' ~ I u b c n· joy<'(\ It pi ' lIl c lit lit 11:11'1, in WII· mlll glo ll, Thlll' ·("IY. t1 nd da ug htC'r I I'~ . L o ul tic I' ll ,1£1 no \1'""l" ' ''limin gtO n hoppe l'S Tu esduy. lilt.. lI al'old .\1 'YIlY Il't'l :\Ionda y on Il lrip to T ' nne ~('C'. AI..,,. . . Swl ssh 1111 or W ilmingt on walt [I n uv"r nlgh l g ll Sl oC h er da uS'hl I' ;\ lt~ . H ll l'old Mc Vay. J I'HS la r k whll "'a II I h! n o\\' out usaln . Mrs. L UlIl'U l:l h ldllk r I.. flP ndln!; a few 11" k:; \\' llh h ' I' da ug h l ' I' Mr s, ,VIlI;'1 al'l' n o r W nl ho nd ln g.

ALBERT L. CARIS ,\ IL c rt L. Ca ri s of Ra ve nna, Ohio, fo n ner juoge of the Probate Co urt a no Clerk of the: C0l11 111 011 Pleas Courl. w as appoin ted Honorary Ch airll1a n a nd Di rec tor Gen eral o f th e I' cr ry Victory Celebration by the Congressiona l C o mmis sio n !or the 125l h a tllli"cr sar y celebratio n of Pe r ry's \·ict ory. T he COlllmission , which is comp o co of D ow W. Hart ~r of Akron, C hairma n. Dudley Willie .o~ Norwa lk, O hi o, S ec r e tary. W Ilham R. Th o lll, C~nton , Ohio, Jol~n McS wcen~y o f \V oos ter, OhiO. and Ca rl E. Map es o f Gra nd Rapids, ~I ich iga ll. was selected by the Sptakcr of lhc H c)U s ~ of Representali vc s a I th e las t seSS IOn o f Congress. Albe rl Ca ris Ims beclI a life long citizc lI o f R a vcnn a, served 12 years of vcry com menda ble scrvicc in pub- . li e o lTices. He is a member of the K. of P .. Elks, E.agles, and the Maso nic orders. The Perry Victory Celebration at Put · in· Day and Sandusky will be h eld o\'er a period of three or four day s and is t entatively set for Sept ember 10. 11. 12 and 13, The celebration will be supplemented with pageants at various points along Lake Erie. slart ing at Erie. Penn· sylvania,S or 6 days preceding Sep. tem bel' 10.

F. ·T. Martin Auctioneer

SATISFACTION . Or No Charge Centerville, Ohio Phone 78J

TIl:at \\,1 11 fn 1t:(I(' 1'1 u"pl ta I J\ n',1 1)(\ (' ("'1" 8 BiII ~ For' YO lll'l:!..Jf A n,1 F lI lI1l1y

MOTORISTS MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY And 21:;( Flou r ' A. 1. U. Duilliing

~ Ulh

Ca rl CI'IApln SeCI'Clary



"Margaret ·E.

Baker~~ '



Sl nc~ 1' clell!.h I~ II nll-Illml 1\1\11 "'I·

11\'0111111110 oc'c'urrCIIC'C', It III W181', to 11111110 proller stcIlR before II' funcrlll cllrec" will , IIr l,nl\,ldn IIiSUrtIllC'1l "ro!c!(,t!ouIs II IWI'('lIullollllry Ull'IIHtlrO fhut wUl .II'{J\'t'llt confusIon Illlli dis· 1'11111('8 .



"II'C'I1I11: 1\

JlI !lt

II R YU\I mllll O II

"I'I",lnl IIIllnt,

Stubbs Funeral Home

Add'i 1'1I0NE 29 Du ko .:.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.....

LU n . ~I L ~o n

I1 nd

~ lrH .

Robc rl II lI ir",:; II l1et S' u c~ t s a t

\Iote l' u F r iday d inll C' l'





VOTE '\:>/1) SUI' ('ORT Jo'OIt


R~cord Proves His Action DEMOCRATIC PRIMARIES, AUGUST 9, 1938


nve';:ago fu r flgC~<1 l:H1.ti l'S l u Ctll lt\d a t 11 9 Ln wn \,I('\\, ,\ \ '(0. l" )i'I:C I' L owes 1 lIy t o n . O. \\'iII I'UOI1l a nt.! bo:u'd:

P I'lces


\\'h : h'

In\· (' ~ ( I '::ll li n g'.

S I lIllp. (nl'<" C0I1] 'a 1'1') 01' pho l'" A Da m ,. ., 77. ,Iy ~9, ,\ 1; 4 ·~I P . 0 ,',1


Edito r :llIuml Onz ' Il' \:- n ' AL E-Blg Sho rt· Ho i'll cow . 1) lI l' ,'11' :. n<1ill'·' . P . ). "lo nC''' frcs h , lIy liltl '. This cow will 1 'Ull 8 ~., , Order fo r $1.&0 ror whI ch t o I'cn e w Illy g l\" s ix S'HI. of mill( \IeI' day . E . ,J. L i nda m oo.l . llpll. 8u bscl'i p tion fol' un ~. a r .


A POllDcl of ,.0111' f ..orit. Hot Dated Co&_ If •• fail to .u•••• t Coff_ whil. SW ... ' ,.oar Crocol'J' OnI.rl




FREE WESCOLA Try the -..•• Col. driDk FREE III Bot. Dep. WHD you ' retarD boul••

f.·OR SALE-Good 1<' r I'8h J ersey cow with c nlr by s ide sc' Ire ne H e n· der so n, 0 1' I,h o no l OS n2, \Vn ynelj· ville. 7·141r

........................ ..................... ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~



Loral R l'presen tat:lve



PINK SALMOM7\~~~~4(or 29c 'TOMATO JUltE




2 ::: 29c ~~ 2Sc


CoaD11'J' Club

SUGAR .25 lb. bac $1.%3


Phillip's TOMATO

Lifebouy HEALTH

PUREE . ... . '. , 3 can. 10e

SOAP ... . , .•. 4 bar. Z5c

Crown Point PRUNE

PLUMS ... No. Z can 10e

COOKIES PAN ROLLS Allen De Luze Allortment

•••••••••• o •••••• :





•• •••••••••••••• ............•......• ••.......•....•.•..•..... .uo~


~a . r. .; . ;

Produce BANANAS, Golden Ripe ............................ 4 lb•• tBc,



rour Cattle, hop, sheep and ca1v. to Norrla-Brock C"" live wire aud proll'euive finn for the hl8hm market price. and ~ood ·aervice.

Voloo Stock YarcU' CloclDllatl, O.

A. M. ·Parke,r


With 2 of Wh•• 1

F O R SALE - FRIOlDAIRE IN I GOOD CONDITION . PRI Ell) AT 7·14tt. Mrs. 1I1 111'vln Blanton ot Mt . Oreb $30. MAUDE CR;\.NE. II fO I'mer rt'8it1 e nt of Spl'lng Vnil ey vl slt cd with Mr'. (l nd Mrs,. B ert Spit· FOR SALE OR TRADE-$2000 In the ProporlY Investme nt c orporll· 1 t! I ' n nd fn mll y It fow da y t; lust w ccll. Uon . D a yton, OhIo. N eb s ix j)l'r MI'. li nd MI·s . Hile y Gibson, 1\1185 cent monthly 434 Ora nd Av enuc. Pa ulin e Cib~o n 'ond Mrs. Emma. Glb· Coli L , It. l1cynolda. Phone 4101 vc nlng so n (001, s upp 'I' MOI)duy Cor full lnfol'm llllon n nd wrlte with 1\ It·. a nd. Ml's. Horo ld R oge r!< of Mary Carroll, ·Pennvlll , I~dl an ci, BelIbl"oQ I(. 7· 14·3tll :1£1" ~fn r\'ln Ula.n(on. · Mrs. Bert , pltlle l' Ctlild on Mrs. C. A, Sollel's 'WANTED WOnK _ of allY kind of S pl"lng Vnlley by hour 'ii'r day. EX'1l0rlence in :\(rs. Ev cr e tt Bunnell n.nd child.' plumbing . e tc. No job too Itil'gc or re ll of lift. Hol ly spe nt lnst ' ...edn l's· too s m:tll. Rnte s r ea sonable. See dill' w ll h h er p a rents Mr. a nd !\frs . J ess P ennIn g-to n or phono 26RS. Iltle y Clb~o n . 7·13·2tc Mr. lind 1\1I·s. Rm't Spittler Cltll ed On 1111.. an(l 1\I1'S. PIl ul Splttlcr IIlId fumlly on 'W'edn es(lny of las t ~ve e k, Mr. nnd Ml'li, Ellswol"th Gibson anrl. little dlMll'l'h\er Phyllis :llo nd(ty e ve ning wIth Mr, Hiley Glb· so n and fa mily.

J. B. Chapman


3 Ib. .,.. 3Bc • Lb.21c • II Lb.. 23c

• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Vc ry Truly, 11. C, Dl'andslrec t.

Tune in OD Radio StatlOD wcn 11 :21 to 12 :80 p. m. for our daUr market reportl.

Twin Theater

Lima Beans, Fine Quality ........... .. ....... .......... .. lb. lOe Cantaloupes, large aize, Indiana ... :............ 2 for 1ge Canota, Fine Quality....... ........ ................. Buneh Bc Tomatoes, Home Grown ............................ .. 2 lb•• 9c Orange., California, , Sunki.t . ...................... . B for tOe POTATOES, Cobblers, .................... IS lb. peck 29c Green Cabbage ..... .................. ....... ........ ........ 2 Ib!. Be

I ~m opposed to the conti!'Iu ati?n of a


' (o we HIllI chlldl'<'n . AI\i:'lght (Or Peki n n n,l :-I r s. 'J'l1li co ' l' cn co uf l\'l lddl etllwn 1,",' 1'0 SlI tul·.lny " ft ernou n !;ue5 11i of MI'. Il n tl ~I' ·H . Kl·, lcr Ur a h" l11 . ~II',. . 1'('11 <"(' I II n . " Is u cu ll '<I un :\11'11. \\' u ltl'l' l'; c l1 rk ll. ~ 1 " oI "lI1s Ellzllhc lh .JOII "". ;\1I"s . ~ It' r y 'n rm on y at I IHk<l U BlU' l h " l. ] ~ r ll l1 W La(!y. E th e l I'am lly (11 11 11('1' S u ndllY a l th l' Ii ll lllc lor ~II ·. n nu lI.tI' A. ,V. F . la r k III Day· \\'.

'Pble ph o n r - AIl·3191

Vic D onah e y Pres IdEnt

MDCh F0IIowed

L Ol:l T- J\ ,;ul,1 CI'O~>I n net c h li ln ti t :;\\'inllning pool. vH lu ed as II gif t. II' fo ull d I'c tu,'n to H ' (IY B \'lI n . 212 LETTER 01" INTEREST \v , S ugnr tl'c :it. Wlhnll1 g tun. O. In 'U(to n. T xas, J uly 13 ea.r oC Dwig ht ·Wlnkle.

l====A=U=C=T=I=~=N=E=E== R ==~~


i stand 'for new, loyal, intelligent ·a~d puhlic-spil'it'ed party le~d ership, f?l' clean politic, and' an effective app~a l t~ ~h~ patriotic men and women of Ohlq to. u~llte.' . before it is too late, to save the American social and political system.

,Iam(':; Jl a ln H mot o rcd t o G I'mnn· 10 WI\ Dl\ m l:l umlny nfllll'noo n lin d \, 1,. 11 (' .1 :I II', n ll<l 1' 11'8 . (';h11l'1 , Eu rl y " 1ll1 f:lln l1 y at CCl'lnanto wn . a mI a l. ~" ('a il ed Oil :III'S, 1I 1~'I't(l Bow<'I'HOX

1I11·s. na lph

:\II'~ .. L'.


men and women of the party, at prImary elections to choose their candidates for public office, free from dictation from anr source a right guaranteed by the C0l'!-stitution 'of Ohio. I also 'stan~ for the l'1.ght of County controllin$f co~m ltte es ~o deCIde, free from outside dICtation and mfluence, a ll party matters affecting t.h~ .county as a unit including the responslblhty of ~ec­ ~mme~ding competent persons for appomtive positions.

party leadership that ~ has falled m fQur con ecutive state elections to elect a Republican governor, United States senator or congressman-at-large. .

"II'. tI lI.1 1I1\·s. 'Valt,.1' K e nl'l ck a nd



Refllru. Thnt \ ' nClltioll Trip

I stand for complete publici.ty with respect to party funds, both receipts and expenditures,

Ihl'it' molh ", ~Irs. "l a l'Y Uo ltnoll lU ll ill" Ii ultl' Ill.

A ft I ' a bs nce r ovel' 60 fr om W IIY l1 c:; vllh~ 1 aLII I notlc m ll ny FO n S ALE-1937 MaB t el' IlI' vl'ol t. r:cm Ul a r numes of peo pl m ontloned One ow n I'. C ood conditio n. Cull ~~;;~.~_~ -=-;;;;~~~;;~~~-~ - III your pUller. I (1111 0. n a llve of 'Vm" H . , V. 'VlllIn m so n . H lfl·vc yshul'S'. (,7 21 21ld r e n . Qun ty, born nOllr L ytle n nd lu· Ph oll(' 4Zn 51. t I ' Hvlng Il t .V ay n IIv ilie a nd att en d. F n SALE--P luy el' pla no . with 70 Ing s '!tool lher e. Would u PIJ:rec:l'in ~;_.LI:£un.-l--~1:..::..,:::1\~5-.:::0::.t~mll sl '. .VIII sell c heu l>. REAL ESTATE P hont' 11 2. Th e lIliu ml Gnicllc. my o lel Cr\C'nll s nn d ac qlla lnlen ccs,

I stand for the right of the indh;idual

I am op.posed ' to the use of fund~, which have been raised from the Repubhcans of Ohio for the necess~ry expen~es of State headquarters and .for the. e!ecbon of candidates nex~ fall, ~em~ used m the attempt to control ' nommatlOns and al~o to control the election. of ~oun~y commIttees subservient to lobbYIst dictatIOn.

Fl'lll\\t Robltleo h lett by mota l' III \\'lIuhl ng tott , , H . ~U IU'" Mon 'Iu~' 1110rnlnll f ,,1' tl two \ I t 'ks u nd 1\h'R. a 'OI'ij'O d"~ ' T h e y I' tlll'neu In Ur\.: eV(, II IIll'. \ ' ls lI wilh 1\lt·. '\'t·lt· nt Dc,tro it. lIll ch. :\It·. n nd 1I1i'l<. Gu y n oulza hll , H,·t· :\11'. nn.l MI'>I. '1'1"'1'10 J unl'S anl1 IY lind Hussl' lI "11C Ill the ",<,(O k " 11(1 ~n n \\' (' ,. S und ay din ncr I'; lI(,,, t,, of lit Ih l' hom (' ut tol r. ancl 1111'S. Fra lll, " II'. limb 1\11's. Btl\\'ln N ull n<'a l' e n. III'u wn II I '1'11'11 ClI noe Cil y . whl' re l l'n ' III,'.

;'Ir ~.

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Ural'p Snlu·rl

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l ~u bt ' rl ::-\ 1I 1:tt't lIf !'-\ !l!u 'oll \" ill t'.

1\1 r.

0, H, Will' Ol\to~tlnul1 ,1/ I, n l' IIC- Y n til bon 01 r, II~ .• 1 ,~, AU I,I~, "lull, ~[I . V. , B el dI ll und duUllht ~l

U h I lJl 'O VK ,

i i', I1d 111\)11 JJl\I'IlQl' lind ch lld l'~n nc'tlll1\lll nl d th e intler s lIlo t h l"I'. ~1I;s, 0, " I. .8r owJi [0 h('1' ~I \'S,

I'rllll'l' ~ ull ;\1,·. ,;1111. ;\1,,,. ~ l l ltulI 1-:,, 1, · in 111111 flllllll y. ~Ii' ., n.l " ~I rs . \ ' hl r,' lI ce 1101'111(' 11 :'1' ' Ill Sl ll HllIY \\'Ith tit ·i,· SII II G,'",·S'p Il o r lll e ll li nd r"III II ), . ...' I,·s. ;\I II "Y ll ll 'nl·s. ;\11'. :and ~l l's .



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l' llI l'i nn al l l'a ll l,d 011 t'J"iL' fl(b lIl' l' t.: I h ' H


~ l lss ba ut·,. r:""ulI,!; lo dllC' 1I1 •' uJ'\{l llY h,ll l",! A Ill ha~ b ',·n. PII I Pll1\· \\ II rl l h~h' u nd" :11,(1 a ll ll t. MI': n nd F OJ'cllt OI'II ,. >my that !,>round tlrl's ~ I t th !II' 'o nd \\' 1'C\ n<'~,d ay o r A UI;. "LI'd. :.J ohl) H n ynN' n nd, fnmlly nt will kl\l Inrge trees and ull10 wl\l d ' ThIs will be nn 11 11 day m eeting Il nu ·W eSlVIllC. s tray seeds nnd I e dllnca wbl h co v r eel dish c;1lnner at the home ot t ed to rench maturlt)'. ~lrB. VII M n ,VlclIl Mrth of town'. M r. n nd ·ltII·s. Leon Snllsbury Elnd ~_ . ftl ohn ra. Whlt(lk r ntt\lrllvQ homo M18~ )liI'lnm ull4 Wendell ot WQ~h'. ~===========

CgV~ Ul"

~ l'l' IL



tJ' m . 11 111 Vu.1I 1 hQIPl\al FrldllV Infito

nd Ml' , J ¥Je

1'1 III • If. (I n

I h" h um!! or 1011'. nnd I\h'lI, "'nlu.'r lI ml J".. s1(' Longnoro I'njoy~ nn oul, IlIg thbl w ·('k ut lh o ,wom n's cnrol' I.: ('n ,'1 Ie lI:u'vo:'Y BurJl l'l n nll lIt CU lIlil jlUllk n ~ar Ilddllltown. II'. 11 ,\<1 M,·,.,

Cat:'didate For Republican Nomination :For


Alway.. A Good Show

Warren County. Primary Aug. 9 Your Support,.eci,aterd


• • • • • • • • • • • • ' • • 11 • • • • • • • • • • ,



LebaDOD, Ohio


a..t ad- "~t III




RED BASS, Fre.h Dre..ed ............ ,................. lb. 15c WHIT~NG

FISH ......... :.:.:..... ,......................... ~ lb. 10e fiLLET of HADDOCK ...... ;...., ................... 2 Ib .. 3&c .;



-.,... ~-




--, ... , . .



BACON, Kwick Kri.p ..... :... \ ..... :...................:.. lb. 3&c

Cured Cream CHEESE ...................................... lb. 33c Freah Cream CHEUE ... ,.•. :............................ lb. llc Smc;kecl eaUieil. Short' Shank ........................ ib. 24c

BKm~M~I . . . . . . . .~. . . . . .~. . . .~. . . .~~. .

, 2S!_

- - -- - - --




Good Cut Clothing Club Meets With Sarah Conner The Good C\lt Clothing Club met ThuredAy o.tternoon wltla Mill. ·Sarllh Conner. In the ablence of the Ii pl'e8Id ent , Miriam Scott pres ide dur Ing the m o tlng. The book. and project nro to bll finished bY the n ext mooting, which H bbl wlll b1I with Evelyn 0 Itt, Aug, d I ' I .1 AD 6. It Wnll eo ded to If ve t Ite .... raised for Camp Money to th e Band, s lncG none ot th e m omberlJ nttended

.£- - -- - -

---ro-...~ Oll T 'I, 1938

WIIOLE NUl\mER 8tt15



Wallace'. I. O. A. Toam a nd the N ew York Yankees havo \lorr little In common except that both teaml Win t1le grentelt number ot tbelr games, In the meantime gllrnerlng any team'l share ot base hlte.

Wayne Township Schools a re Boh eduled to open, September O. The r e80lution wna mnde at th o B oa rd or Dr. Dyo hall movea to the Lewis Education m eeting. Monda y eve ning. p roperty, on Mnl n St reet, . All the 5th ot September Ie a legal holiday, echool will not be In s esH lon GRANGE ~mETING thnt clay, but pUpils will begin work S b o n Tu elld'lY, epte!" er 6, Th l' I"l'gu lar bUslll COElS melltlng ot Th e prlnclpnl b lHll n 8s

Pomona Ora ng!) wnll Mill, nt H ll r· 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - - _ v() yeburg , 11\I1t nl u rOay. T ho ij rrom Way nes ville atte ndin g Wer e: Mr. Robert Crow, 1\11'. and Mrs. Wlilta m Lukens, lIlr . . J ohn Shult:t,



The editor ot· The Miami OMette has r equest ed m e t o give the r ealOn.

for th e r ej uve nntlon of th e Waynel· vUle High Schoo l Alumni A ssoci.,.· Mr . a n d Mra. Rona ld· Hawk e. MI'. tlon 80 Cnr as Its older m e mbers are and Ml"s. L . V . B rn nst rutor. EI;nd WA\' NEB \ ' ILLE M. E . CHt:RCH concerne(l nnd to stnte what nu It I In l)rov lng the eomp nrillon above, M I·S. E ll P Ul' nflH a nd childr e n . ·unday • .\lI g ll st 7th plnn s for th e tuture. 1 J)1'esume the one needs only r ecit e th e r esu lt 8 ot !I :all e hul·,· h SC' hOlll. l' llttO'· mad.o th is requ est becllulle I IlI :S/) ~I"rnln " Sen·le.,. 1'''PII " h ll1S" by Wa R a 11110111 ted c hairman o r t he spe· I '""I,,r. ::;II I,J(' t . " Li~ hl. " I:la l co mmltt eo III IIl y/!a r by Rosl \\" l,.hll'I<.IIlY, AlIg\l ~ t \11th Ha rt "oe l<. who wns th'n OUI' pres I· pro!; rt'~M lng fi t u !!,oocl ra te a nd Ill·OS· la wn fet e n t I h e Gr ade H 'h",,1 nullo! . \\' ''~· II {'~ vll l " ('11 11 j u ~ t1f1l1bly 1" .. , '1 F r il·n ,h.hlp ('il , Io II lt,,·tl n /; !It th ,' de llt. lO atte mp t to promot e a larger pruu(l 001' I,, ·,· peels for co mpl e ti o n I.Cforo wl nt('\' In /;. 111 11 11 1' Ill' :\ 11":-; , .fflsh· ( irll ilanl . ,1l l' llIl n ncc n n th e pa rt or th e memo sc hooi e ve nl s begi n loo li good . (·"mn""lit)' IIII n rl 1I/1\1"r th l' rll l· a lolo T it ,. 1·:lst"l· \\"111 I','llll'n from his \'11 s tlf tl lt> old"r cl:l ,*,es a t our an· run s . In tho meantime the Harve ys · JI ll.,. . Almu 1't" l'son llns .bee n 1'('. ·FIUENDS i .. lP ( 'Ll'lJ I l'ml (' r~ hll' 01' 1\ l r. it t1.""'.I I··.. a nl<. It '·: lIl"" . L et U ~ n il h. · Il t (·hun·h . 'lu nl r unio n . 'l'hls YC' IU ' J -'\'os con· burg lloys butted In only 7 runs to t:tl ned as cook n t th e hi g h seh oo l haH gl"ll wn u lltll it ntl\\' lI:Is 4r. fIlt · lll · ' Inu c,1 it A e hn ll"ln o n II)' our n ewly e nd on t"he s hort e nd of the rrLlCas·. building. The 1"l'l en,I.. IIII) Clu b w ill II1p,.t . IH'r1' 1' .. 0111 Ih <' f ifth );1':1"" thl'o u g h Ferry Church ' Iedeli Ilr" Hlcl nl. ?tlliS lI1nl'guret W . Batt e ries 10r Harveysburg we re De· Mr. Ed. lI ol.kln s bcglnA work III V,'cdnesuay . AU b us t 101h . n l t ho lii g h sell,, !. a nol IN 1i"'ll'mll y I·' ·(·" ~· \\.. ( '. SlIIlIh, i\U llislt' r . O:,lw:trd ~ lIt \Vll y nl'" vtll e. The pel'. ba rd,. ·plt c he r ; Price, catcher. The \-Vomen'", Foreig n JI! lsslolllu ·y Iho I;n llie uuihJln g this we k In p rop· h om of MI's. J Ollie <.l1't1hn l11 0 11 II lzed :1/' nn(' .. f tli p fi ll t'~ 1 ba ndll ill S lJllllay : ;o nn.' 1 or t h e cOlllmllll' was co nsld· A WlIynesvllle "Old Me n 's 'rcarn" I t r tl Ie II I . E' . CI lurc II m e t a l'llt IOil f or tl Ie o pen II\g 0 f xC I100. I th e l'ou nlv oc e y 0 j,o ul'lh St l'eeL .' HI hit · :--;,·h,,01. n' .. :30 :I . Ill . ·r·n Illy I' nl!' I·GC'd n nd Its scope ot act· tuekled the I. O . A.'a TuesdllY night with Mrs. U . O. Wh e ts ' l. V,led nes· In u slud y of W IlY II I' T o wns hip E ach \\" pe l: thi s SUlIlll1l'1' t h ' , '0111 · 1· 1·,·aeliln g. 11 :011 a. Ill . .vll y I!"l"tltelr wld£>lltJd. 'Vhnt. tIIler8· behind th e pitc hing or Clu.rk Hees . duy Itflornoon. with MI·s . Fra nk Le >!dlOo l tru n s pul'lm lon . t ho Bonrd l\"E'~V MATROSIlIUnll Y ('IO n,l . etJll s l"t1 l1re ur 111(' " ,·1,,,,,1 !-\(q' n)(lll tu l ill ,1t""'l 1lv (1 ,"(·d h y J u - ·01'(', I w ill ally In thl H article I know Eve rything was progressing smooth · Mu y u nd Mrl:l. J . B . Marlatt Ae l'vlng foun d It po"" lbl ,, 10 ope J"llte with o no 1," 11,1 a /l el II lumn !. lin>! gi vc·n a .·u n · :;,·ph :\1. ~ I nlth . •I f :\ l adl ~LOn . \\' 1,,· IUIA Ih sn n li on o r P r eside nt Ed· Iy with a mlnhnum of "charlie· 11 8 nSHlst ant hostesses. INI>! bus and Htlll co vo,' the te rdtory At a m Cl'ting Qt tho boU\.d of co n. "t! I·!. ' ·OJ IIHi ll. a 101',oI hl' l' to th e mini s te r . war/hi. her assoclutc otrlce rs, a nd the horses", when B ill Sbulel', llrln g ns hlt·lI. A. K. Dny had ,c hlll'ge o f III prnc tlcall y th e salll e tim e. A t! a trol or th Frie nd. Home. AllgUK t 2. Th l' lIrgn nl7.IlLIlln n ·g ...' l" t l, a l il (' nnll'. YO II \\'111 \\"lI l1t t o IW/ll' h llll . 'n('mll I'S .of Our '!pecla l commlttllo. umpire, r e tired In fllvor of "Chic k" devotions. nntl Mrs. L e Mu y h a d rc.mlt fiv e hU8 ~CS will o pe r ate In· th e rcsl~n a tio n of Emmn a . P lc l'ce wt1l los n :;p l 1H1hi DrulII :'1 lI·j" r . Th Ul' s(l 11Y : It cli m e II Jlpfll'e nt 10 mnny or U 8 Peters. Mr. Pete l's hnd no liOone r charge of thc s t cwa rds hlp pl'ogrnm. s lem/' ot six for th c foll owi ng year. HCllin h IIL'I·nl\ .. d . wh o '::1'I\dll:lt,' d In Ilt- I'l'a ll l 'l aK~ :\·1('('1In /-:. 3:00 p. m . (l mong t he olde r ClUBS S Ihat Interest entel'ed the game thnn h e demon atrn· The I'c)lort or the nomlnnllng com. "" :\!II t1'o n W U N fir (JIll I to In kc I'r· Ih c ln HS u f l !l3 : hOWl' '' CI·. Wl' fl" '1 In th e 1·lIreh Sc hoo l Aillmni Assocla. r!'ct l'lc ptell1be r fir s t. It waH 11 11 · (,l.,.t"l n th nt tilt' "f' \\· O IH'. :\11 "".. Jl'Hn ted his exoelle nt calibre ns a n umpire mlttee was a s follows : IIoIrs. L e May . w .\ \"X~S\· ILl .fo~ (' IIUU ' II lion In t h e hl ~h s h oal a nd the n o un 'ell th nt F os tc'r li nd :\[ur gil r clt n Jl n,.t:<o<1k. \\'11 1 0" lIua ll y lUI well lind CllI1~ d ttme out to e xtin g u ish a 1'1'1'>1. ; Mrs. R. D . Colle t . Vice Pre8.; !IF ('IIItIS,)' "ch oo l ~ysto m It Mcif h ad gl'eatly H l'n('oc l< woul d L1ll<l' Ihe pOAltto n o r Ughtc(1 elgarotte thrown upon th e MI·II .•1. B. Cra bbe. · Scc r tary; !\lrs. und I' th e t!':tlll lng' or :\11"" H.· .. n:" ·.1. W. ( '. Smith, ~lIl1ls t t'r wa n d . It "' liB found In r ecent ye:l rl!l, SU l't. a lld ="!a ll-on n t tli ll t du te . diamond. Not much netuo l objection Raymond 'o nn e r , TreaB ul'el'; Mrs. ~l aH t {' r HolJlty Il a " I III"~ I"". I,," ·" ~ uml<ty: for o lUl{Il pIe . that vc ry tew ot thlt fit'ose; however, It Is mentio ned In A. K . Do}', Cot"l'es pondlng.Secre tllry. c hm,,·n U~ bl\nd 1\1 11. 10 ' li nd .I unh 'r Illh'" f:dl oul. !)::iI> II . 111 . older · m e mb ra. e ven those residing r e l)utable so urce8 lh a t · tho SnIpe M 8t t t ~A t l r II I" T nx collec tion .. w ere 15 l1('r cent • JJl"llm :\Ia jur·. (·Ulllllll,nl"n. 10 :·IG n. III . ra . a u pl'cse n "'" Ie 0 ow n.. In the Waynesville vic inity attended Hunt e r 's Longue n nd bnsebnll's H igh 11I'ogr nm : "Jus t A Lette r ," by IIIrl'. \\·a Yllt ·s \·UII! I ~ !Jill' "f tlo l! rew Vh l·IHII" n Eml II \·nl·. 7:00 II. fIl . Ihe r e union s . 'l'h nnnuul gath e ring Commissioner n,'e doIscusslnl; C hl ck 's lowe r thlll yea l' t han th ey \\' I' a l T he Indln na Yearly M tlllA' o f ", .htool s in t he (·,)llnt ,· whldl hlrl'~ /I I " '( 'I ll -hill l-!, 7 :4:i p . 1\1. Co nn er; "Chrlstinn Stewardship" by the suml' tim e last yen l·. Five wee ka Frl ~ Il<l 8 wtll · be 1l(.ltl . was devot ed la rge ly t o a da n ce and posRlble s uspension for unl)ecessnry ik nlloJl I,y J " li" I)1t .\ l. . 'm lt h <If th e busln ss m eeting flldocd Into In. d elay In ball·playlng time . ..... Madison, \Vls o /l ~ ln . elgnlClca nce. Another hlg'hll g ht at the gnme OCt tit IN cd UCII tllHlIl l ["a I un' . the \\'etl " " "d"y: It seemed not hing leRs th a n a D elinqu e nt lund ce l·tlftcntea!lr to On Sunda y nrt I' nt/on lIt ~ o· ··lock . Of. \\'ayne~ vlll ,' C" n sca rcely r eully. c urred In the ninth nfter Homer Mrs. C ral; be. Bib l ·St udy. 7 :45 II . m. be turn ed: over to th e prosec utor If tragedy to mnny of liS w ho owe so Dr. H OWfll'd Hintz, {I'om Bro kly n wh :it li n 1181:1 t t111t< 16. !llr. L"l'u nk Rnmby stolo !Wcond· on I\. si ngle. V e l'Jl The mit e box collec tion was $26 .65 : no t pa id.. D ennque nt s may r edeem much to W aYll s vllle and Its school tmpson 81 Piled up to lhe pillte nnd mo n"y bngB, $28; a nd travelin g bna. oil l'se. will lec ture o n th o !;ubjecl, has u pproxim lltely UO ]luplls e nrull ed WI'. ;\IARY'S E I'ISCOI" \L CnU R e ll ~ystem to h nve the tI thnt blncls UI )lro)lel·ty SCI)temt> I' 10. "Q f h E l f G d" Bmasked 11 h Ome run wnUop nn d tlle n ke t, $5.21. Any prope rly de linClu lit for thre e . uest or l . x].Ie r once 0 o . fOI· pitlno. ho m . (lnd vio lin I aso n". n ..,.. H . IJ. 1I11('kweU a lmost ·s evered. Those of u s who no IIct uully r e ncheil home plat4) beCore On Mo nd ny n ig ht Ilt 7 :3 0, Charl 'M Th hll'~eBt Jl", r Cl' nt of th \V ay · AUg uRt 7th. ('Igh th ~ un d.ay nfter lo nge r r es id e on the soli or th e home R a mby. Hence nlthough one of base· ycars m ny be sold . f'a lm(, I·. teach e r tn the N orth BlU!t n C"l vl1le Sr.ho ul B u nd 1I11\,(' 1·('C(oI\·ed 'l'1'ln lty : of. our naU\'lt~' Rholll(l be ju s t as ball's r ecognized laws Willi llrol< e n . Off! la ls will b ' s-Iad to /;Ive a ny High Sch ool (If Philadelphia will l a lk th eir Hu le Ins truc tl on!; fr om MI·. Ch urc:l; 8("(1,,01. 9:30 Il. m. much Intere Htcod In IIh o loca lity. In Infol'm lllion con cl'nlng tal: r g ul n· Mr. Simpson did est ablish n n cw o n lh e "Problem s or Yo ung Peo pl". " FI·unk . !"u,·th ol'm reo Ih c l'O III Il"l o rnln g P I'Il"C I·. )0 :30 a . m .. tl on s. , tho l)oollle . n nd In t he Hchool al:l ever. base·runnlng record. '1'uc Hday night, :Or. Hintz w ill Jl. h ll l'd ly :L ci v ic or ChUI'c h o r gll ntzll· At tho snm e time with Ih e wa ning b'a ln speak, ttlklng fo r his s ubject , tlo n In th c community thll t hos not Anothel· outs tanding g nme will be Robert ~. Alle n, Mai n trect . of In t l'reat In the Alumni Assoclatton "D ,·oadenlng tho Horizon of Quukel·. be ne rttted fl'ont !III·. jI'm nk 's c h eer · pillyed nt Lebanon, tomorrow nll;ht. ~'ay n osvllJe. Ohio. ha:s beon s elect· \\'e did no t g t'> t togot he r und h en oe tul atte ntio n . Is m. " unde r lights . Windy Burke Ilnd. Rus· ed IlS the out sta nding . B lue CourBe not bein g lillie to conf I' !lnd r em In· I16L\ Treatf'way wlll be the . batteries TrD.ln ~ In CompIIPY. I, In tile Cltl· Evel·.y on(l Is w eh:ome to ntte lld On Il ('xt SuluJ"tl ny nig ht . th e bli n d . I!lCC It \Va>! lrllO that we ha d arrived th l's ser v ices. will present a Inwn f('te In ·onnec· 101' "Vayn08vUle. ze ns' MllItnry Trn:lnlng CRml). Fort Ilt a point 'whcl·e lh e .Alumni A880. !.lon with th eir fln ul o n c('1't o r the Be nja min Hnrrlson. Indla nll.. nnd Th e membe rs a nd. th elr ram lllc.s 80v·-1·0 1 !amlll s rrum hel' e n joy L In tton III en nt IIlU to us. c urrent NeUlID n. This w ill be h eld. o n EA T E IeN STAR 'I'hl'l'C'fore . It seem ' d I\dv lsa blu to will be presented, n. m od nl at. tbe of ttl e Harv ysbllrg Book Revt" w nn outing :It th p In f' lnno U Zon '1'h e l'eGu lar me eti ng o( th e MI· th e gro un ds o r th e Gm de Sch 01 I" "t :'I untlay. Th osl' m il kin g UI) th e lry a nIt bri ng " aek th e old Ume 88». fin a l parade u nd re vlew , Suturday Club 'ha d a pic nic, Tu csday e \'(' nlng, a mi ha pter o . E . I) will b held . Building. momln g . acco rding to Col. L . A. Plll't y w I·C: Mr. a nd · hlrM. K e nn e, h li m e n!. th e 10}'o lty a nd th e e nlhll8· Tn ludod o n th E' (!\' cnln g 'H progl'll m t tl I 1 _A I h noxt :Vlo nd tty night. Kuni! lg. 1lth U. S. Inflln HOllgh nll(1 c h llll l'(' n ; :\11'. a nd !lIn·. u~m IU W3>! en,;e nr c r"" n t e . I... a contlnuoll Of plcl u l"J:' s how "tn rl ' HUI.ule! E rll.nh nl't lind " hllflJ"c n : JIll". ·l1rll(>l· rellt·s U 10 orgun ·.ft o n a MIss Marga r et W . Edwa rds: ).rt)8. Co mmand e r . A m08t templl ng s upp r w nR pl·C· IlIg ut 7 :30 ; nm use me nt,; fOI' yo ung :I nd. ~rrs. A. II. Burnh ll rt :l nd lio n" . 10 l'eclll)t u re Ih e In tC'rel'lt ot lhe older !dent ot thc W a ynesville' HI,::h Only four ca ndida tes Cro m n. com· pared on th e Curn nee~, and !l d lig ht. Hnd old ; hom em ud Ic Crl'nlll, ca ke. A ltu n nnd Cri m m'; MI'!'!. Viola Hnr· .IUHHCH com mitt e d~lded, School Alumni Assoolntlon. I1 n· pli ny lIre selC()ted Cor thl o ho nor , one (ul ove nln·g WIIS s penl by n il. . . 'I'h' ~~ nnd h ot: c hick e n . h am l,ur';IlI· . and Ian : M I' .. I'; . T . 11 '~l'lnn ; MI·s. :\Inrlhll the n'forco. to routUl'o Ih e 6Q th year nounces thut I:Ihe hod a dded D . C. ,,"eh from rtrst to fo urth year ThoSe ))1' 8(' nt wel'e Mr. and i\1I.s . wclne r fltl ndw lc h S. lI ough, MI !;!! J lIll n K ('l\ l'ns, Hlld Mr. ~ I n!'!>! lind Ihco 25th yenr e11ll18. With RIl!ge . . '97. or Wnynesvllle to th e g l'O lIl)S of trnlnees. WlJIlnm Doster n nd ta ilill y; Mrs. It Ls th e du t y of the e lllll'e com · ,'uch fln e o( th eAe tiEl th e hub of a IIpeela l promotion committee. This In th e ftnnl 1trO~rllm before cnmp Mnry DOBt e r. Mr. a nd JIlr o. Ch a rles ' Iyd ' Frollllll. munlty to attend a nd s how apprc · \V heei. 80 to spcn k. we built a home. commlttce started to func ti on Inst c loses, young men from Indtnna, S mnrt and ,llIus-hter . Oraee ; Mr. and Mrs. \-V. B. S troud cllte l'tn lned ut Cl,.ltlon 11'0·1. th e cnt rtllinm e n t the G ar d en .Club r omlng IlI·ogT:lm $t/ 11;11\1 we could y ear In the effort to "Sco ur8 a Inrge r 011I0. K e ntu c k y. n n d n. .. ell t VI '.g In Ia Mrs. A. . Co llelt; Miss Nn·n Colle tt ; dinner. Thul's<loy. for Jlll·s. Geo r ge bllll{l m~ lllbe rs 'l nd tllCI·I' I a d.1' hllv(' W aynesvi·11 e ~ be nSR ure d th ll t II number within attenda nce at m emberB or the olde r w ill hem· · Col. K unzll; otter congra· lIfl"A . C. G. RnndnlJ n nd dn ughter, Hart Hock . Mrs. 'Rloe S nap ll. Mrs . orrl!r ('d thhl Rummel·. The I....occcdll Holda Interea~ing Meeting the ctrc um( el'en e of eneh wheel c la _. This year It t a k es on an ndd· dulllUons (01' th eir work during the H ele n : Mr. Cha rles 1II00re; pror. n nd Cha rl cs E . A n derso n , a n d 1I1r8. Addle \ 0111 be USl'd t o pur h nsco s u its for WQ uid bc I)\'('f(e n t. It WaH apparent ed responsibility In that It will be month, a nd n fare well atldr~S8 by MI·s. IIIllllga n ; a nd Mr. und MrA. R. mlth. n . w me mbc r s . a nd t o Ilu "c hase Th o \ Vny n ·Hvl.ll e Clnrc](o n Club · held that If th e old l'r memben r ealized the med ium throu gh whloh th e High Brig. Oe n. W. K. Naylor, Posl Co m· E. Hurs t and daughte rs, Mo.rgarel lI'ou sel's ror ull me mbc l's. an unulIu nJly Intl'l'C>l Ung m ~o~ ln!;". thn t n. con sldcorablc number of (,heir School Alumni Aesoclntton Refer· llIu nder . Tra inees will r e turn t o the ir a nd 1I1l1tlred. FRIDAY EVEN.ING Tuesday I! vl!nln g. A ho ut thh·t ecll olel B hooimateEl and rrle nd8 would ence Library will be established In hornell, Sun ooy. SUPPER GUESTS 11l P11l iJCI"S .I\ n d hu ~bn nd s lIl·t .a l ~!l . l·elul·n . t h ey would return . Tbey the hlah school buli~n~~ 0. gift of. ----ENTERTAIN 500 CL{!B a mi e m t I'y ut ~ :310 . a n d nj oyed IVou l,t be g lad to dri nk ngaln a t tbe the members of the Alu mni Assoelo· WAYNESVILLE FRIENDS Mr. lind l\!rH. J . B . Ch a pmun n. It lOU" I)\'e l' t1w g r oun ,l;; ()( lid" cpnw (ou ntll in of yo uth. The committee, lion. C. ),f. Cartwright, '86. Chicago. IiTI'END QUARTERLY Mr. a nd Ml's. L . 'V. Branstrutor l ennl oed ",Uh u dinne r party, lust tcry w lli c h III" cO lIs trl cr C'd t~le m OA t ~ h c l'c for . s lul'lecl In a rathel' mode.' is ehnlrman of the committee: It0811 opened their home, Snlurdny even. Frida)· evo ng. Those prcscllt wer e wny to exper ime nt ,w ith the 1988 reo bea utifUl of nllY In Ohi o. Hartsock. '11, Waynesville, ~ vice· The Miami Quart e rly Meeting of lng, to th e m e mbers of the ir "600" . ~r.·. -WI! E. Stanton "~-""'; 1\ \1 .. Ca l'l D uke ",n s pl"Nlc nt t o g lv" lI nlo n. rn namuc h ns we cetJU!te4- oUJ" Th c hairman ; MrB. Olive Allen Brace, Friends wns h eld, Monday , a t the Club. The dlvor s lon of the e vonlng s lon"l·y Soc!ej.y IVn" e nto l·t u lned li t (hI' n ame>; or th e shrub:< and trI'll (lc U"lti es lII'ound the G8th and ~Gtb '16, Waynesville. aecretAry. Green P la in Meeting. at Selma . The wus cnrda. w ith prtzes Cor hig h· nnct JIIl·S. " ' lIIlum Slunton. JI· .• of. th e Ilo l'se S hoe B e nll Inn hy MI'S. whi c h W ('I"O not fa millfl l' t o the nlem· VI'II I' CI1(SACS. we did not extend our following F ri e nds tram Wayne!ivllle scores goin g to Mr. u nd Mrs. S . S. Clnc lnnn tl ; n nd Mrs. L o uise On V18. ill1 nll'fllate pr om o tio nal enlerprl8e to J o hn Willis, !:tat \V('d nes(lny after · be l's. attended: E llis !lnd cOIIHoiatlon prizes t o Mr!l . of Ne w YOI· k . no on . A (l!' r th e t .. ur a pic nic s upper waM olhe l' g1'O Ups. Elt and Ellzo.beth Furnns and Joc k Ric h s nd MI· . Ill. A . omell. ------'j'he Prol,;l'flm \\'U~ liS rOIl I1\\':;: h ~ ld In th e p UI·k of 1\11'. nJl Il Mr ~ . W o (elt th llt there s hould be & ehlJdrCn; Lawre nce a nd. Al hn. F urn· • At II. la t e hOUl', t~mtltlng r efresh· HIGHLIGHtS 15 YEARS Theme 80n l,;, "S w '(' t Pl'nee." II n l" 'y Smith. The n ·xt m e 'Ung- will mil c h close r tie up bet ween the Alum. as; Se th and Saruh Furnns, and m ents we r e se rv ed to Mr. a n d. MI"II. .AGO IN GAZETTE PrnyCl's by JIlt·. Smith . 1\1i"8 Ann n ho with lVIl·H. He n Smith . In S .. plcm · III ASHocln Uon a nd the high sch ¢ .. ohlldren; Raymontl a nd Sarah B rad· S . S. Elllls, Mr. nnd Mrs. :M . A . Cor· N"utt. and. Mrs. 'l'ur'! cr . be,'. Th pre roJ"(,. we brough ~ beCore School · Mrs. Ellther Mltchenor was hOlltells dock nnd Children; · Curtis and Ruth nell, Mr. a nd :Mrs. J tlCk R ich. Mr. R e\·. J oh n J . S h a ff4fr. co nduct· R o ll Cn ll . 36 m <mbe l"s (l n d vi sito r s · ~ linc rlntende nt L. A. Ga rBt and the to lhe HapDY Hour Club, on Tues· Anna Tomlinson ; Joseph Unde rwood ; und MI'S. :Ha rry mlth , Mr. n nd ]\{rs. In g Ae rvlc(,l~ lit St. Mary'!! hu.-rh, "ellpo ndln g . PlnLIP E. TRA\' I,"~ n Dms Boa r(} or Ed u<;aUon a n apP6Al, lor ~ day afternoon. Eleven members a nd Roscoe' F urnas; Rutb Doster and Ernest Butterworth. a ad Ihe hos t with hi >! wl te a nd Mr. undo Mrs. \ \'1'1· Anci' th e IllUlinesH s ess ion . 1111'S. AT IIOME OF mCOTIIElt Alumni l'e prese ntaUon at commence. Ilx guests were present to enjoy t'he daughter, Janet; Ella Cook a nd o 80n, a nd hos t ess. IeI'. n nno un ced thnt ·th ey w ould J ohn. Willis t a lked o n "No \V orkIll ent e xe l·elsea. W e olllled attenuo~ a rtrnoon. Ernest; Lena. .Hartsock, Wilton and Shu·t o n (l tour at the \\'ol'lcl . Four No Wu ges." Mr. Ph11l1) E. '!' rnyl ~ l' dl ('(l at t h(! to t he fact Umt only one member cif The program committee preaent~ d Jane ,flartBoek ; 100 K eever; E Uzo.· tREV. R. LLOl.'D RACK\VELJ.. IN months wa s tho eslimnte<\ 'xU' nt uf Duct. PuuU re Riggs flnd Dorothy hom c of his b"othel·. Th eoliore. nCllr the Alumni AssoC' latlon had ever the tollowlJJg Interesting program: bet h a nd Ruth Chandler; Emma CIIAUGE OF ST . I\IARY'S CIlUReH t he voyage. Moor e. Ly\l,'. Tu os tl llY IIftern oon . AS" 69 give n n comme ncem e nt address, that Reading by · Jean Bunnell; Plano P ierce; Charles and Emmo. Lou Lew· 8tewm ·ds hl p by Miss Anno. Nutt. YCA I·Ii. Fu no;'11 1 will be at JII cClure 's being L l's l er Ivins . We requelted Solo, Eather Gons; ReacUng, ' EBther Is; nnd Mnrla Elbon. Th e Rev . R . Lloyd Hackwe l1 h os rn du e r ecogn ition of th e fa c t t h ut Solo. " n.l ·b·l·e." by Edith Smllh. Pun I'll l h om e. j1·ritlay . 2:00 p .m . an d Ihat e ve ry fiv e 0\. six yenrs II- member Mitchener; R eading, EdIth Gons; PI· Several visitors trom tho Wllmlng· been ·placed. In chl\.rge of St. Mary 'a this comm u ni ty h ns been .1' la tl""ly \-Vllma Smith gave gave a I'oport Burlul In Cente n ·lIl e . of Ih e Alumn t Assoclatlon s It on the ano Solos by Elizabeth Ann Mltchen· ton Meeting wel'e present Church In this town. a nd r eg ular dry th e past few wccks ( ?) . It lIl:!y on 'rh e Grundy Orphnnnge In Vir· pln Uol'm at coml1l11ncem e nt and be er and Helen Margaret Gonsi a con· Charles and Helen Palmer a nd Ma. services a r e bein g held. Su nda y, bc r eel'eshlng to m contlon that I'X· g lnla . a ll owed about rtve minutes to extend test, HWhat's My Nam~." tIldn. Evans th·e 4rch Street at 10 :30 a. m . cesslve r n l:nfCLII was e XI)erl en ced fIC· • 010, Alm n Oearhllrd. Ih e good wishes ot our Organl~tlon At the clOlle of a pleasant after· Meeting, Philadelphia, we re In at· A na llve oC N ewport , N. H " th e teen yare :II go, acco r din g 10 t he !Ill· '''fh e H a rd ahl) s of MOlintnln to th e graduating class, tbo ~b'ool ; ' noon; t e mptlng refreshments we're tendance. Rev. Mr. Hackwe U Is a g~nduate of \tml G:lZClt C. Llro," by Mr . Smllh. OUI· boa rd me t In r cgu la r s ~Blo n , nnd the communIty, We were hlghlv I16rveilo by tbe hostes~. and the Club Bowdoin Colloge. Ma.l ne, nnd of t h e Voto at thanks to Mr. Vlln Trcs s o n 'j' ucsday. All me mber s but · ono gratlflcd at the response o n part of adJ<!.urned. to m'eet again In Sept.e m· Episcopa l T.h eologlcal School In Cam H om e Comin g Da y Il t F e rry for th e u se or the Inn. \yel'e 11I'caent. th e school a uthorities. Imme4lateJy · ·Q UARANTINED WITH ber. SCARLET FEVER bridge, Muss. lie Is. making his home Church of Ch ris t wall quite a s uc· The Augu s t m eet ing will be helll We Il l·~ v("·y SO rt·y to a nn ounce th e y nc t ed a nd reque.ted. Herbert 8 . w e nr c IOOH ln g 0 \11' Mall'o ll , Ml'fI. Wnrwlck of the clQ.88 of 1902, one , In ~nyn esvllIe . b tlt he will be In coss. wh en m essagcs from form er nl th e sume place . Mr.· and Mrs. J. B. Cra bbe charge also of the Episcopal Ohurch minis te rs 'Wcre r eud., n nd a dollg h ~· P ie rce , out r ojolce sh e hus been with ot our m ost distinguished aluranl recelv.e d word that tl\elr 8On; Julian. In Wilmington. t ul a ll ·day m ee ti ng aml pic nic we re Sears Family Entertain U!! (01' flv c . f) njoYllbl l' y on rs. \Vho Is connected .wlth the You"-~ w~o. Is 0. Junior at Ohio State, I. St. Mary's Church Is the only enjoyed. At Family Dinne~ Mr. a nd Mrs. Fos t el' H 'k, or to wn Sheet &: TUbe .Co., You~own, ~ qu~antlned, with ele:ven other EplsooJ)a l Chu~h In Warl'e n Co un. Pen ll!lylvu nln , wlJl be successor ~o 0 .• to make ·the addr688. clau mates, With•. Scarlet. Fever. J~. .ty, and ~he Rev . Mr. HaclC1well will ATTEND t "'MILY OATIIERJN(i Mr. a nd Mrs. W ilbur SellrB e n · Mr>!. P ie r ce . . This y ear It ·w as dec ided to.take 68 . membere of t~ Underowood 1Ian has been Quite siok, but .18 now glve Dart or IiIs time to caJlIng £1n IIfr. n nd MI'II. Clyd e Egbert atle nd· te rtll.lne d wi t-ll family (llnn er . on Mias F lore ncc Nishe t , at X enia, forward .s tepe t£1 cement tbe 'AliullDl . f a mlU. h eld. their annual reunion, recovering. thoBe - affllln ted ws'th his church ed 1\ fllmlly gatherin g , Friday, nt the last Sunday, the oCCJ.\lllo n being the jolnell our r a nk s, on Tuesda y, n~d . body Jnto compact fo.m . Sine. the b orne at Mr. E gbe rt's br oth e r ·ln·ln·w first birthday a.nnlve rsnry ot t"elr .... lII ,be with us for the winte r . lallt Sunday, at the home' of Curtis throug-hout. tbe f?unty. , Wayn~vllJe -}flgh School wua eetabo and sillter. Mr. a nd MI·s. R. M . g rRnd80n , Mas ter Ronnld. Se~rs. Misses · Adti llne Ilnd !frances .M· lIa11ed; 1\04· ·have graduntect, of wbleb . an4 Rutb Anna Tomll~n. . VACA~ION A.T INDIAN LAKE · Those to enjoy the occnslon were den took dinner at the Llttle .inn, on 476 Were glrll and 128 boys, Of tIda At noon a bounteoUI buket dlnLast week, from Thureday to Sun. MR. JOHN SMITH BREAKS ARM Stephen, ,ot Ounok el Ave n1Je . Duy· t on, 01)10. 1\11'. a!ld M~. Everett Sears, and son 'l'uesdnY~ nM gu_est of Mr~. McC\ul"e. numb1lr, .8U · deceased. That 1_... :..lIel'_ _ enjoyed. The aftemoon wal !f1y, Mr. ' and Mrs. Jabn ~ 8114 ..-Other !:,ueeta ]'I resent we re..... Mrl!. Ronnld, MIH!\ Lola Sears, Mr .John . F.reda Hnr'ole.Y r eturned fr.o~ ber 718 IIvtii8' lnembere. which lpe1lt ID ~ remlnllClng. o.ttel' which dall8'htel'. Mary•. aqd MI'. and Mrs. Mr, ' John Smltb suffered a badly . vacation IiIpont In Cleveland nn4 makes- It the moat potent o"PI"'-';~; they took their 4epariure to meet I. E. Adama enjoyed a 4ellghttul va. broken arm when he · fell, IlI.\It Fri· Ma.rle COy, Mrs. Geneva Rudy, M!'!!. Senre: Ilnd the host und Ohostess. apJn next year. cation at .RU8IICU·s P~ll\t, on Indian day, at the LeMny·Hawke room on Mildred Scheble. Ilnd. ·daughtcr, Dor· Clarks ville, ~n , Friday. tlQn of the community tbat Lake. l\f;r. lind Mrs. "Rusael Hixon and Main Strest. ' othy, nll ,)f Dayton. called Into act/on, tbe i children , of Clrc.1evllle, called on Mr, Don't forpt the BUd Lawn Fete Camping where \lonl lreely roam the moet far ftuna. VO'l'JD I'OR ~RY HUORJIIB The WaynetlvUl.' BaIId will p~y We IDtend to .111. . . . at lb. 0 . . ~. Satu~ The Lawn Fete wUl lltart at and MrB. 'M orrls Roger!" IOllt ThUrs· 18 one of the exotlo entertainment. I'OR I'fATIil SDfA'1'OB for tourilltll to South Africa. da)·. ala Lawn )'ete, Aque •• (Continued 0 .. ~ AUPIt lUI • . 7:10. 8a1lu l'liAv. AUR\l1t G.

W. F. M. S.
















.---- -


x _

h'I''''' n"" I.,,' HII(I "I t " ' • .1 " .11 1. ti t ,WII" ~'llllllnhitu n , I" \'I,d I I II};, IIlI,. u ll-I f'll', ClLr, 8arl l 'alllplJl'll IIIIU f ll III II)' , 'r h , In", KlbiL'r. <lr I~"ha n"" . vl".t . (.,J hQl' 1>l'l'I' lIlR . I- II'. n nd .\\ ..... n k h'1I'c1 1(lhlol'. 0 11 M('IIlI"'~'" ;\1,.,•. Will "·"k h . M,'!:1 . 1~.1. [la ldn . Mill" ,I""''' Rnltlt't, Hnd M,'", rlulI'll.'I'

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Wayne v ille, Ohio

sville, Ohio Entered All SeCtlnd Cia.o.s Mail'lIt aUc r a t Postofi ice, Wayne

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e Subscri ption Price, $1.60 I e r Year, Payabl e in Advanc of Wayne sville An Indepen d e nt Newspa per Dedicat ed to t h e Service humanl y posspapCl' cw n Giving its patrons the best and' vicinity IIlble.

nothing ca n hope to escape, and tew it that makes our t vulgar. thlngs have. Hence It is not surpris- seem coarse, repulsiv e, almos ing that we now have stream- lining by compari sOn. In any moderni stic discussi o n 01 'applled to that old, disrepu ta- the depressI on and Its causcs we are ble term, "bud- certa in to encount er th e stream- Ilned ge try deficit." versIon, whIch Is that It was the cessa· Under the In· tio n of " governm enta l Income- crea t· tI uence ot the Ing expendi ture" that brought us New rhough t, low. Also. It will be said that It was this express ion the large volume of thIs In comehas been trans- creating spendin g which hnd ca rr icO forme d into us to the heI ght from whIch we hnve "govern mental now been cast down. The rem edy . obincome • creat- vIously, accordin g to this doclrine , Ip Ing expen dl. to have more. much more. of this ture," Tbe me- wonder -workin g public expendi ture chanics of the whIch creates Income. proces s whleh It the f.lew Though t on this subjec t led to the cholco Is sound thoug ht, it seems that those of this mouth- who like the sugar . coated versIon filling ph rase are overloo klng somethi ng. It It was are as follows. 1! a governm ent levies, a good thing, In our illustrat ion above. Bay, tour billions in taxes and lim· to have two billIons 01 Income- creatits Ita expendi ture to four billions, Ing expendi ture, why would It not be the result is simply a diversIo n of a better thing to have more, even as that amolmt of purchas ing power much as six biUlons? ThIs could' be from private to public use. No new accompl ished very easily by reducin g purchas ing power hu been created . the spendin g which docs not create But If this governm ent should eoUect lncome. That la, this governm ent four billions ln taxes and spend 8!x should stop cei1ect\n g taxes. snd then billions, the new way of describi ng It would be able to have six billions the result Is that It had made Income- of Lncome -creatlng expendi ture. Alter creating expendi tures of two billions. aU, taxation seems qul~ old-las hTbls is really a marvelo us lmprove · loned. slnce the spendin g ot tax reo ment on our old-fash ioned vocabu· celpts does not cr<:!ate new Income. lary. Prior to stream- linIng. we wO!1ld Taxatio n Is of the sume vintage as have said that the governm ent, in the deficit, and It hns sImilar unpleas ant above Ulustrat lon, had Incurred a two connota tions. U we are to go combillion dollar dellclt. In the course' pletely stream-U ned and up to dote. of time the word "deficit" has gath. we should rid ourselve s of everyth ing ered some unsightl y barnacle s of as· that creates reslstnn ce. soclated Ideas. These barnacle s In· Those wbo believe that the govern. dlcate that a dcftclt Is not a good ment can spend Its way to prosper ity ment, manage thIng. " reveals bad shouid have the courage ot their conunsound fiscal rOliCY. and It point. to viction, TheIr logic requires abolitio n end the In dangers grave finanela ot all taxes. with a resultan t great unless It Is wiped out by raising taxes of Income - creating public or reducin g expendI tures. In short, Increase expendi tures. Thus we should have the whole set of Ideas associat ed w ith the maximu m addition to national the word "deficit" Ls depress ing and money lncome. , unpleasa nL But this reduces the scheme to abBut DOW we bave an entirely new it does, and any term. which Is free from these re- surdity, Of course coat B deficit by peUlog associat ions. It sounds pro- attempt to sugar. term to cover up gressive , cbnstruc Uve, even Insplra. usi ng a new-fan gledalso absurd. The tlonal WheD we !peak of »Income - Its significa nce isIts fra8ranc e, what. creating expendltures~ It suggests rose does not lose enlhlit we are really acc omplishI ng ever name we use for It. Governm same bad somethl ng, going places. promoti ng' tal deficits will have the to eall tile general welfare . uplifting the odor. whateve r we choose down-tr odden. and so on. There Is a the~

( e th at ne o s a rank8 whJoh Ohio, ' 0-8t t!,,,tcu both In num bel' a lld ';-::c-::-::--"----..,, -m ~ llrowes slv ' n e." of du lly , wecld y, n nd sem l·\veel, ly n .' \\fSp pe l's, m a y h ave "Vtl.9t!.y fimprov d l)ubllcat lon s In t I near Cutu"'e us th e rellult of n s er · les' .o f pressl i n lcs plnnlle(1 1'01' lhlt! n l· fall and wlnte l' lit OhIo Sla te nl ver, lty, a t verslty, K ent Stat K e nt, n ml Ohio nl" or all y Il t Ath e ns Clccol'd lng to E . M . :Mn.l'lI n .. managl ng NeW>lll np'l' ASdirector of lile Ohio th e d part· of li" Otriclal n. 800latlo l llsnl of III thl'ee un 1,joUI'l)o' of . ... ·n m e ... ~lt.lcn~ nlet at til e ' r equ .5t of .llie ve ,p newspa p er · trnilo. nssoclnU on In Co' Iimln lll''y 'lunlbuB Itnd <l lsc ussed "I' ... I " Jllp.ns for tho clinics. "The o.St:iOC a· ""



Martin MM," ~ Rn~ de nt t\lllt much CIl.II be nccump llsh: t the proposed cll nlc~. 'l;hc pltln (I u:.,.: ~~~-::-------"..:c~:.: lIl el <wi tl; tIle wholeh elll'Led support at tl}o unlversl Ly oHlclnls lind the y Ilromlscd> to co.o pc mte In C'very way possibl e, W e '\vl\l e ndea \'or to s t up the kind 'or elin'l s thltt \Viii be-' Tftoat use ful not only to news pnpc rme n but to stlldt'ntH of joul'nnl ls m as w eU. It \Viii b some time be fol' c mpleto detnUs \vl1\ be wor'ked o ut, b ut L li m

t~n," ~.

John Beal. Maureen O'Sullivan, Wallace 'Beery in "Port of Seven Seas"

trom a Loyable \Vull ace Bee ry, who hn s phi ycd eve rythlu g atil e acting !llpxl can bandit to I\, wlld 'lIl1lmnl trnln er dllrlllg his vers rand bnr, coren, now cOnies to th e sc ree n III th e rol e of tbe own "Port ot k oC!pe r of a wnt orfront care who tl!l'n S matc h ,mak s r In wil l op"n !>p\,.m S enti," th e lII e tro·Gold wyn ' Maye r drnma whi c h te r In X e uln, f': ti l la y , August 7 at tho be nutlful .J e luxe Xe nIa tbea ment. ongage duy (L1 r u three e WIth L ovely :Vlallroe n O'Sulliv an nnd J o hn Deal plctUl' bd ahov RIIIllh B eery hnl'e th o romanti c lenda. whilE' . Ji1rnllk Mprglltn, Jessie and Cora Wlthe rsll oon hen d the brlillan t s upportln ,g cast.


" '1lI ~lc l.l lt"'<· n , Il nd

I til '"


~ I lh;t' nl s


who IH 'P H" 'l\l

tJhlll !41nh' 1 '~i\i1', t\U g UHt

tI L


th e

to ~l' p ,


2tit h A 1111 2 Hit Flour J\ , I. U ., nulll1ln g

Da\'irl, uf Dayto

s WX.

el_1:~~Il:tl.o~h'I ~1~:S U~Ct~t~lndB[~~::I~~


Ml aRes Franc s J\nn and TIcbe ~co Larkin r turn do Thursd ay to theh: lome nelll' Oreenfl eld n.!ler A pleas, a nt visIt In the home at th eir grnnd c, Hill" ; nl' nts. Mr, .! nd l\~I'S.

?:. .

oc k , • Mr, nnd Mrs. K . S , Bono left, Sundoy, rOt' n.- w e Irs vacatto n Ln i\lIch ·gnn. 1II1s8 Ruby Smith Is s pe nding,' 1\ o w w e.e k s on Lake Tlmllgn ml. Cun · ndll. oe nud Mr, a nd Mrs. V;'lillmfl Hownrd R e ves I' turn ed , Sntul'da y, from 11' wee k's vncntlon In 1\Ilc hll:"ttl. Mr. I1nd l\-[I'''. ' P " Noggle we rc tl l~o on n fi shIng trll) to Ml c hlgon, last




'te lep ho ne No tie e! ! ---- - - ---- -

J. B. 'Chapman


No. 6R2-U pdYk e, J . R., WaYtlesviUe



- ..----

Inatal lation


Dr . Be ss Fly Sp ray 5 gal. can $4.50 . SINGLE GALLON $1.0 0 . Bring your own co ntai n


(or sing le 'gallo n

" S~ore Waynesville Drug Wayn e.ville . O.

Phone 120






Used Car Ba rga ins .__._- ----______ __.4__

1936 FordT udor. Trunk ...................................... ,395 -

- - -


' ---

11 ..


1936 Pontia c Coach with Trunk ............. ... .. .. ...... 47S-.-


1937 Ford 85 Tudor .... ................... .... .......... .: ..... .. , 475 •

.. ---Wh art on . - Mo tor s -



Sale. 15 E. Main St. Leban on. O.


Servic e

.• WILL ST. .JOHN . Local Rcpresentat::.:.iv.:-e=-~.~ ;i _. •••

• •

• ••••• • ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1938 Candi date for Repub lican Nomination at Prima riea on AUlu .t 9. CLAR ENCE J. BROWN i. a succea aful Newapaper Publia her, Farme r and Busine•• Man • form• er Lieut. Gover nor and forme r Secre tary of State. CLAR ENCE J. BROWN is a stronlfl, fearlea a and hone. t public officia l who had the coura ge to clean up electio ns while he was Secre tary of State. ~.LARENCE J. BROWN will .ably reprea ent,

tJte bUliness, manuf acturi ng and alricu ltu'r ai intere.ts of this distric t.

CLAR ENCE J .. BROWN is the choice of a areat major ity of Repub licans in the' Seven th Dil' trict• and will, Jlot be a 'rubbe r stamp ' 'repre sent.; , " tive.

"-the can ~in in. N~lJem6er



_Go to the p~IJ.I Aug. 9',an d Domina.t e him for CO. -pel l


ho". . today

:< -....,....--

- '

Fo r Co ng re ss


Ohio Central Telephone co.



No. 4R1I. -A hera!£ ; Forres t, R. R.· 2, Morro w '-

~ Orde r G Phon e Inlf" lled in



Re p,u bli can s Su'p po rt


nEl'. nUC,\N l'nll\li\ RV, I\ UtH S'I' 9, 1038


ed vi s it In ·Iurl{sville. Mr. Slim P fC r s , ot Du rto n, WHS u cn ll I' In th!' Omy h om e. Mondny . :\11'. li nd l\I"l'S . .T. P . Jacobs, 111198 :'1ln nl' J";L',llA , II ncl :'It'H, Oliver In'ul1~ \\' ('1 'e b \l Hlnci'!l VIAlt ot's In 'YII · Uy Jane \:lIen File mlng't on , Ttl H(lny . o' m ll\unity r:om lA th f.;"Yl'I·ul (I'''m MIss P h yllis Shillnke r !!)Jent a fe w tol'l'cl t o ire bl.llHHl, '~'Nln eH dCly aft e r . of this weI' vIsiting . Mr. nnd days I!<OO" til h ent· (; n \, m Ol' J\1nrtln L, Robe rt StunlY>' . l'S, I "' 1)11\'(')" H\I(,lI k. Mt·, 'H own l'd McVny rctul'nel 1 home :\1 .. , Jlml :'IrrH, H lI rlf'Y Atloms li ne! dllY , Rn er 0.: trip in T e nnessee , SA fe In ""yi ng tlULt e very phlll:le of ~I" '" J.(' \l' "('"rr,'r ll, or n"yt Ol1 . s pe nt Thul's . llnd MI's. J. le., Gray were WlI· th ' n ewspn~) er .buslnes s wll1 be e(l\" 'Yooeld ' il IInn"llIl l'ed Mr, 6latcl', ' rs rfc' l"c 1111'S. Thursda y wllh ••• visitors, ;Friday. mlngton l'ay, O ered compl~tQI)I , .. lIlc ' N s. I, C, P ilimme r. v (· t c r a n chlcf rof ~ll' nry Tuqker nnd c hildre n, M MI'H, Lillia n 1,':l II'C,hl1 c1 ~ p c nt Fridc\y af, •• tlt o s lute (((vis ion or vita l .. tnliRUcl'!, und"~uelle, Mrs, Har· H.I.lrold, John, the cobs. of Jn Dlt ctor H e nry'. S he Ll'on l' el)Ortcd th n.t fh'e Ohll)l1l,l" dlcel In t Cl"lwn \\'Ilh ",lInnl(' tw girls lett, Thul'Il' nnd r e T\lck ry Wed, nt pe !' c~y · l'\' a r His J n 'LI1d sli ll 1 ' " eologICu. ;\II'H, OhIo Sto t o A~eha 1937 t rom t·"bles, On!.' d('" I h fr olll t he Mo., whero thoy Loul!\, St. · for clay, tOI'l<m I Soc! ty r eveal ed th a t a blS tllsl! .. se 11l1S be> n l'eco rd c(1 ofriclnll y n ('srl n ~:. wIth 111' 1' m alhl' I', lVI" S, '1'h08. at Mrs, Mary g\les~ the be will famous the Rich , Incl'ca se in VlHltor s to so fHI' thl .. yen 1', h e snid, bl'othcr, ' Mr, South, ,lind ckCl"s Tu on, n ba L of , h unty ,Co no\\'C't I Cil ll Adnms "a _ in ' !\!lsll Mound nt e rpe e \\' l.) ' i; en d '\\,Ith he r m oth - fom ll y. h us r esulled from the $80,00 0 WPA In c:ro,. ~ a l! o\\'.'t1 to s tllyeel th ~lltrl " nts marc ly Improve m en t 1)l'ojeCt. A.nnun.l s ta nd In th l' fj l"l d nn d c1t·y uut 111'0 thnn tOO,OOO p Cl'l!ons (I·om. illl pat·\.t! not ns rpa dily nvnilabl e fo r lIv e~toc k ~ of the ~vorid ·vlslt lit e slx t y ·acro ns th ey n rc wh en th e crop Is hUI' I'CRt: ' . ilLata parll wluwe th e c Ul'lo s ll y de· ~d s-roell und pln ecll, In tilt' Hil o. CO I'I\ sIg ned ami co nstru c t ' d by pl'lmltlve sillige m ny ~()ntl\ln from s Ix to t en m nn Is located. Th o p: Lrll Is ope r At · times as mu ch Cll I'ot e ne und vitamIn ea, under jurisdIc tion of lh e society A os d,~ od corn fodd e r . , nnd Dr . . Shetron c "rMlcL~ ' Ihat 0.11 Wayn esville Inatal lation . pre vloU8 ntt~ndnnce r eeol'us will 'be pl'ov.j· Im WPA. he 'l' (, broke n thlh y ellr. pnrlting new Included , ments No. 34R3 I-'Luken s, Levi, Harv~ysburg ' Mround ~, picniC tables, guu.rd l'alllI. , . and 'fitorlc Slops. Only thl'ce ndul t lon· TE r" Miss Ruth ~ Wayn esville ESTA andle . REAL No. I8-Ch ,llIjrpent mound oro !mpwn to ex, _tat In the wo~ld , Dlr ·tur Shelt'on e NOTA RY P.UBLIC

,.• eoll er a' satis facto ry Ser,,;ce at all tim~s

1...wlIl U .. presenln Uve



~ ~~~~~~ .~ ~~~~~~-~~.'~ ' ~.~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~

~"rMU ~~ hmnen ne !' n n cx~nd. ~I~

---- -


~,--~- ".~.--."-".-- ----~.~,------

h nm . Tues.lllY ovenlng . Mrs. Joe Corne lius , Mrs. Ralph I'eek , , .Miss Ruth Ree ves pi llsll ntly n· Bunnell I1ml fli mlly . n nd MIss Dor· tertillne c\ h cr Sundny S chool Class, . alh a ,Dunnell sp ent Thul'sd ay In Xen on ThUl'Sda.y. , Gray ne Miss Josephi la, B1II Duc klcy r ct ul·n ed., SUIl\lay, spont Thurs, from C M T C "tt F t De nj Ilnr 1\11'9. Arthul' Ypung . . " ' . r hte ug dll . . . . . .• und Mrs. CI "Ian TIIII{CI' d(ty with Mr. o.nd Mrs. Fnry Bel ·

• • • Intc llRlv IlI't' pl. ratlons a r e b ' llIJ; mud (01' th e t\nTlua l com 'entlon o r mcmbcl '>! of til L eng- ue or Cohlo Sportsm e n us g\ll'l:lt s of tlt (' West el'll Ohio l~iI;h nnd Oll m ., As~odn tl o n lit St. l\1ury'" from AUg' u" t 26 10 Aug· uat 28, accordi ng t o ·o nse rvll.tlon CommlRslo nel' L nwl'en c(' " ' U, A eo ml'rch c n~lve ,lis plilY of 01110 wlld :IIJ \l'lll be fe" tureel .luring the t'o mml"llin er c \-el1t, thr,ee·do y

a rl CrlMpln Secreta ry

VI<- n ,'nlllt ~y



~'3 w:t~ li~tcti

~AtI , 31Ul



~ n.r l

'1'"I" I,h ol1

Ha ro ld V. M art z

Ma rgllt'et Bllkel', S p"lng-fle ld, ha s .. t, and br ol hel'. ced thnt ah nnoun Il ntl n 8 1' '(' \ , :'1 l'!' t 'heA ~!t., " nrl M 1'>1 . cn n s til te CE' n· tht'(,.· Ro ns $P nt th", un y , 1"t'ld:1 )" at c ll' tlnn t o the Repuhli prlmllry (' Iec· e th nt ec t commlt tral ;I'II~- II'ot h e l' , Ih 9, t s Au,;u . n tlo illed a I·t nt c 'lI n >-: . E h lJat'l'ill 1'hmnlls .\I I·~ . :Sll l'n In m nkln g h el' a nnounce m e nt, h ' " ."u n , Oeorge. llnel wi)'Q, ft'o m 8.~ Duke r stilt!),; that s he is op· :\11 ~1cu tnl):1 cctJ II )' ll'N, T . ).1 Burl"n J)nno n, ,' ulld ny, to bossism In nny gu l",,, n Il' posed DIIY' tu the of L'e,rlll·1I sume , 0 l1d (' ' 11 1 ~ , ""' I"I~ Q ~I h 11,1 !II r , H _\" ,ny fl'om sln t e. 01 ' locu l. I. U Il wn l'lll , s uil,t.y Stl llllll t' days ><w lm. tlO tun . 1'hul':;dllY. eH th e t'll{hl8 of Indl. acl\,ocnt She . Pal'k ne ay ' hlnlf a t " ~II''' , T . :'1. Uurton a il e!. '~II' , mlllll' li nd fi s wom e n of I ho PllI'l Y anti n me l vldun hn<1 Vblers hnrles . Mrs nd li MI'. ,jalll!'s 1I Il I't:;o 'l; \'i s il <'d :\11118 1.1 tty 10 (' hoose t h c:r leetions e Il'S :1 nd thl'iJ' famIli es lit prlmaJ'Y .1. Hu lliu c'l;. nea l' Cla t·k::;\' llIe. ::;n t ul" th e OI'llY bl'o th p u blic orrlcl', 1' 0 ( II t cllndldu wn o Veelnc. \ . l O th e lt· II W ounll')' hom llll)" n. dlctntlo of o. fr , dny e t~ nd pc s to day :'11'. Il ntl ;\It',., W . ., Hmlth n nd Compl ete l,ubllcl ty with I' 'S POC l to 1\11 th e [1'1 ncls 11 1111 l'l' lnilv t.'s of thIs fa lllll ~' too k " lIl' IH' I' with Jl n.I'(l hl Fl· rimds , bllth r ee lilt" n nd expurly nd xt to Ie,' ancl famil y . of Al pha. l\lun<1 I1 Y co mmunit y wlHh n nll n ew . intellige nt pn l'ty ndltul'os f) 1II1nnl o t n;! tlo llla co'ngl'1lt heo rtle!;t 1' \'<' l1lft l". t o secut'e Il unit ed front lp 8111:1. who wcre Il'aOOrsh BU"lah ~1Il11h I" "is ltln g a t ~1 1·. J IlCU\)S :LIld It :1. I'I<'5 t o SII V (' the Amcl'kn.n rrort e nn III ton, ving Co . In a nd l\:It'>l. I I. C, Fih-,"s home a t AI· !\l lt rl'l d, 'n tuI'(\I\Y l s ys t e m , Is II lso nd politica nd n lal 60 1I\'e o t n ll\ p le up co The . K (m tuc ky 1'1111 . Dak('t', MIss by Ilted nt s rO t· It time . vo J uulol' t>ml lh I:; HI) ndln g l\ (,W with th ~ brlll C"s pnl'c 'he C. (lecln lly O Pl)O!l~ S the presC'nt (lay!! al ' ons ta n!'e , l( y" with hi. Re\lub\t 'a n Il'aclersh lll , whlr-h, Iihe Kt'andpu t·cnt t<. SOl'S, h UI! fnlled In fo ur cOllsecu tiv e Tit Smith fllm lly culled o n lit e s til II' Ie lio ns t o clect n govcrno r, : I'h nt'll:;, S unu,ly a (t l'tlOu n . U nit ed St:1.tes Senator , or CO n B're8~ · 1\11'51. Bunnell ~ ft':-I , Du\'(I' fi Ollcl rl.lSl Ur e a nd, Ro n , man·at· lnrge. n . W(\ I °t! • atUl" '

lIt $]17,061 ,781. cOIl1Plu' e.j wllh $126" 88 4.683 In 1037. TI·ea~ ur.' r Knl~ l ey snld tit llt!ct' II H \\'nH !lUI' mO~lly to II 11 elln ' ilt l'ccC' lllLt; fl'om the I,u bllc Ot'p0l'tltl on , Is n utllltl s U1X, fOl' d ~ he vc rHg-e, 11,\lx win, ')il I')'('1 1)('('1', l IIlnllwo r t , c lgn l'p te, a dml s~ l o n tax

e Funeral

I l'o~...nlTl , \\'UN



a~ _ I


d, .tl! (,n:lll·u tlo Il8 The Annu p l- ';l l'ro ll Heun lo n w ,,~ tt" " l,,, !, t, IIIl' h('Ht '1'.I" llt ~II'~. h old . S unt/tty. li t tltl' hOIll" "r \I( I'I't·\'t ' n tlnJ..,r lI \'l't3h w l, IUSN('tI , " .. " I • Annn ::;Ullson , p T'l z"~ nn ' (lfrf'I" ii.l . wit 11 i',r. 1 1lN' y, l\[ (, llIbC't'R <lr I h ,' "GUO VIti!> " l' IIJ :lw n n .lt'\l ~ III ' fil'l'i l 'lllnco ll 'fl nl. ~(l It pIc nIc. Friday. l\ It· , nnll J\II'~. Frnn k ~[ c \· , .,\' . nr Hnd N,,\\' Vlennll, " IWllt i\]on dilY with 1\11'. t h L' JUH n s luI' \\'1\ a t III'\.I J)n rl nr l llf' n n.1 ~In', Hm'I'y Mc Vay, O\'(\(', l\tlrlu:ll J.!l'n n n t'Y p laH, Luang i n 1111'. Itllll ~I r s, En)('~l Dlc k !IQ n I>a\'o )' ~:trs II)' ~ ul') l lu ~ ht' lp rll l·t,II'!',· h ul(! 1Il 0V d to Ih ~ fll " lI' h unll', rormcrtl il y th II' RUl'llluR r,, 1' )Ol'at's of ,,\, .. 1' ,)\\'ncd by A, C . ;\I olcl' ,

i\lIss. Lnl'ene S tewurt Is sp ndlng dll)' ,' Isl tul'!! ti l ~ll' s. J . S , Filer 's th we II In ~llumbll s with frl ndi'. h oml' " t lre l'r y, tlcn Su ndllY ~choo l h:\(1 their Th Bob il al nes n ne! fUlnlly wc re n t· und"!>,, nt ] l11s»oI'O, with ul'tl uY-" i:;ltur l! uf "'It', a nd ~1rs, J , S .' pi nlc. MI', a nd ~I t·s. C). :p , Lyle, I~lle l' , 5 ' ?oIl'S, arl'le Ulnkley ap nt It few Mt', lint! :' Irs, J . !l , FlIC'1' h!l d dIn . e rt Bun, 11001(', S un , doys wllh Mr. untl MI's. B k't! nrtRoc H Jim tit t' ' n 1.\\'0 , ounty '''lll'ren ~a ld , One Is In 's. nugluel d :1.l'\d II n . mlles wesl of Morrow. " nd Is In H duy BunnelJ . IIml ~Ir.. H uro ld 1"11 1', of r Ipha.. \' Isl t ..-d- Itlft, c~it!S>! of'6Ht b"d s t nt c ef PI' sel'valio n ; th e l' Is:\ nt Su ndny with Sl) n 1\lulle n ' n ugh ;, s mu ll on(, In th e Ilrov ln cE' of Ontll rlo , f.Lthet'. Runday 1I10"nin, ' C I' U OnlI1!! '.rll Erdn , ~ll's lind ;'.ft' , and 1\11'£1. Layton TIoolls or ~[ I " 'Illla,k,: th l' lhlnl IH III Se(ltiand n a t' I th e Ill'oud pa re nt !; of u ba by g irl , Tl'flnkll n. th e ... hol'(, of L och :-< II. Mr, unll 1111'S, B e rt ' Bunn II and bo rn ' VNlnc·sd uy. Au g us t 9, at :,.60 • • • . uf III !'s . lIll·B. Cn rrl e BInkley a pe nl m In ,n COITlllU.t·o tl\, (' "lllte Ill ., \\' ('ll"hl n..,. 7 1·2 pou",l... 130th rl n u~htc y eve n ing with 1\111'. and Mrs. Thul'sua fine. dulng Itt·(., hild c IIlltl ,tilt·!, stnte r c ve nu l's fo r th e tlrKt h a lf uf ttl , I3Ilvlllc l'y Fa MI', II nil MI'~, 'I'!tnmas 1:'''l'd~'ce nnd lfl3 ('ornpII!'l'd ,,:Ith I hI: All m o Ill'ricli Leella Gorsuch nnd Ml's. ,mIl Mt', M,', on d call n III 19a7, S lute, 'l'I" nA u !: ' 1' <':h, rl' rt 1' ]1. MI'. 111Il'\'Q)' O l'u ~ I") Monduy , Thomas , .T , p , lt·s ~ nllll .. $ o( e Kni s ley di s 'IUH~d a decl'l'n,; rll1u~htcr , Sf) III :)fo ndny In Be thany , ~2,002 tllllI yen t· , The t o tn l fO I' th c CVCllltl !;. ill III" \ ;,Ix mo nl ils of I




ic rlng about In these days of stroam - llning bright, cheertD l, optimIst old word "deficit"



(lfl ug ht"l', fa mill' .

Inc om e Ou t of Deficit! By BARLEY L LUTZ Fina1!ce, Prince ton Univer ,ity Public 01 PrD/~'Dr

- - . - 22££ _1

nUl'ltmt 'nll, ket'll I'I~OII. ",liN' 11(' tuol. /I to't'm In I "nln· ~ hol·t"t:'('. Al"rl'lll{f' find helll lJuunllll lll wlth '111111< :;111 thl! ln" , ,,1 I'I.lI·II\In/·,101e an\1 '('H p!'I n ,d lttt tt I11 IInci Mlll'hllt tt 1' 1':\'\' ~II'A. ~II'. llnel •II,ul{lI l" I' hll\'I' 1ll0Vl'.t 1u tI,o 1101- <1 1'''. III Hd PI'lIp 'I·IY. M , Fl. \ OTE F ,ft HA RHY I rUOHE S ALII "r, Ih" 1... ,1"\1 II 'I'll rlot'll. l"l Vllllloch th(> l a PI ItI 1\ t' II h L' (l'on STA'I'E SENA'f n 0;1 'l·lI l1t·~dlll'. ,\" Int"" ',,1In!,; fCllt ut'u

~~_ _~~_: h:\lulk n!hll, r ", h "w ' l' rot' l lH' l" 1·OH-I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ UltY. who, Y, ,l Id('nl. ;II r H. W. N . l\ lvK M r. li nd ~I" s . T um 1,'ul ' h II nIl fll ill ' II'lth hI' " hllri haud will Ica ve f 11' n \'1~1t ' ..... , UII'd l Do(l,;", rt of Fo BUY AUTO MOBI LE lIr , In ,:; th o fo n\\ C,"H Jl:! l'l' n t~, :'III'. n .,,1 It'IV IlU l't )lIC l, 1' UI '~ ( l INSORA~CE Mt·s. \V ill 'W e lch , 'I'hnt 'Wlll 1ncluQ 1111'''. L ft urtt ·!'ihltlnk ",· I'!'tut"ll'e l I.t:x(' pll,' nl IIHlI\ ,y I )I"I~N~ n r c 1u.'ln s II Oll )l it a l .IIn(1 DQc tQr's DIlI ~ h 0 l11P , H~ tllr( la }', rl~OlJl \YH lhundl fl ~, prl'''!'I,.1 1t\lI lll ~ (If ·1·]1 1i v(l~ t(l l.' lt 'Iuh I, Ot· Yo ul'Hl'lf AmI l!'flmlly /1[1" " sp n,lIl1 l{ n «' \\' \\. '"k~ w !lh 111'1' 1I11' 11IlJl'1"H UI' u f v\lc atiu 1\:ll !lM r ll' lIl ..

o.: n' Hrl


, '-' . :-'

J)H~l tU Jl "hclhlt'S . ' l 'h\l l~H·

," 0111'1 •• , ...


Pol. Adv,

R. B, HOWARD. bolldo n. Chah'lian . BROWN









Fairley Hardware Stores' Employees Had. ,Big 'Tinle at Beautiful Sumnler ~esidence

Buold V. Martz Seeks Nommation For Representati,e


I,of-Jll ,

11, 01 .\1 1."

" ... 1.1 \\ d(l'll


' ''''"Ili.


~w. hUh' " ,IIH.;lIlil' ul' !\11'

"1' 1 :'o11'H, • Ilff Tlu'JIr' r, hlltl h.'.' 1<111 ' /'I '1 IltJ \'t Id " "H Hn l ll l 'd._I~~ ncwulnH.

S il t-'



1f 1ll' 1 1 1l ~" .


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Rp •.: lldlng


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I h, ·I· . ', 1101 .\II' ~ . PI':lI! 1I l] lI/o1hl ,


, ; .. " t I

1u,. th"

nt'n"lJlkn n nomina tion fo .. l1" III·I' Kr ntll l.lvc t o the Uhlo Genu l·.11

~\l l1d dy

\\, ,'..

d l ld .' I r!"i . I i

11 HH 'l1lhlr f"t)[l1 " ' :lIT n CUll nly , I ~ ont' uf lhu Rl' 1'lIre hIRl n o('C'N o f III (If, fI('!' tll"ld ng" til m ll ll . 111 1'. ;\ I II I' I~ ,


of 1\'11',

\ ' , S im s .

I ii .Jill ,' . rlll . 11 "'·"lln n ti~U.. n t Ohio t ' l i l\, 'n .d ly t' ;r (. 1 thi ll. with con -

;-';1 , 1\ 1'

who ha ~ n lways b(! ~ 11 aclivi! III nld ·

I ilHll'd l w ;t vy 1I I'Ih luI ' lion a nd unU HU -

Ing ulI(1 IlI'tl1l1011ng lh i! b at I vl~ IlIll'I'!!!:!l"" n nel. IlIc lll l'n tn ll y IItlell (lInt.; ~o Ihl.' t1~la.ll A uf hull.lIn f,: u p II " Il l':'

: "1),

('('1<8f ul p r!lnlllt! bU f< llI ~ ~", . cu nl'hll' l'Ctl becoming n



uml n~I'l1bllctln \'o t I'S to e n t r lho

I hI!' )111 Mllrt? Is not It 1)1'., llcII I , pollllc lu n bul h e Is Il. sln llnoh n ep· 1.Iblloan a nd n man of 0 1 a I', ololl n jlldg~ m ~ nt , In 1I /1bll nrfll lt'H. 11, Is

to ropros('nt Ih o


U"IIl'\'a \\,1I .ld". ~Ii S" Hl'l I Y Al'l hi li',


ou nly In th e Ohio liouNe

pl ftt,'Q' !IO ably uccl1ple<t by Arthur Hamilton fo r 11 numb \' oC Y·'fl r s,


1)11blt an>!


F rullklill

t ownshi p oct!!!' him ·to tho vol rR tiS 'It c:l lldld(H who nn b e tru I;Il d ~ a.nd d I' ndod upon t o f ill the pos l· tIon Q( I 11rcse llln Uvo JII n "trll.lg ht, rOrwnl'd, honest li nd Inl IIIge nt m u n,

nero IhlllubJlcn n s \\'111 m ll l( no mls· tnl( In IlUllpOrLing HOl'old l\[n rLZ f ur tho nomlnaUon (or R epresentative nl th Pl'lmory II'0tion to b heW,

,~ a t "' ''Y ll e~\'IlIl'. " ' liming

'\\'I III,I1I1~ , !-'IInoi • .It'an :,;,, .. It, :O:1 " IIIo 'Y

101ll ,' llltl s \; I ~ ' , Lyn ch blll't: . a fill l::in, blnll Ill,,1 t h"it' f ll mlllo' ", hill Ih l'lt' " "llu n l slol' pl ' III ' n nd .'h.1t C"y r~· 1·.' nll Y:l L Iht' S UlIllll'l' ('o ll"~ of Mr. >ln d ~l r . . " " I'IUJIl B . Fail'it' Y. nt,at ~ill ' frolll I.'( l III r!!;hl , il..,,,t r u\\' - MHI')' P " IT\' JOli n 1" ' 1' 1'" ,] J ' lt)' P ITY, DUI'~1 ;)Y ',\"IIRUII , J 'h; ':

JI. lIa ll l')' , ~lil' i111 11 '\· i1 ~ III1. \ '11',,11 I·; .

j\ llt)t§ , 'htH l llt ' ll{I I:-tH , )11 "" ,

>i t tJ ...

Completes Year Of Operation Y 'III'

nw nt

oc ln l lind B n ml

B. 1·'"lrl ' y, :ll i :'~

1 '·lIld,' ~· . '·...1,; 111 11' ·'

.f oper:lllnn," t lzls a nnounce, IlIlIdu lo.lny h y Rolt ' l·t '1L

W ill;!


Durln ~

I htlt 11m


" 11\'11)' n l"n g 1\\'0 pril l('lple 1100 m ~" ~ 1"('I\"'I" a) 13,,1I(\' n l!'. i\1I·. 1I11n ' \l'i11 l;"'~l' tlz" III'l'H"nl 1'11, ,,1 I I'i \l . ,'1 11' IIn ~ . . U III' It"" 1".\,,, l o - I >lSUe Sot;la l nl clt s" hl ,,11 nta lh' I'::\ 1·.. !cHl nl!' lo gi l' f.: a mu< will lot, IIlaYNI III I 'J" I)" I~ ;';cc u l'ity A c," ,um n um lJ I'I! IIml III () ld ·'\ I!'C' I n s u "" n C Hho tlW b\' l' l ' f I', l' i. ' llI Fr id ay ,,,,,I S:llIInIIlY . w llh a alh ~ 1' ha s \; ' e n IU fiI , '1"l m" f(,,' 1',,(\ lO lIlI '" offk" from n~,,\l1 nl~ tiC <l" uloklt l'll d r·l'. f.iun, l a y .

IUIllP' SIII1I Illlr 11l~ll l::; which a l' (Ill ' tll .. tX'1'lll ln Ind lvldua lH al lhis L1nl!'.

I hl.'~


than 13(,0


).)l11' HU Il H, AI".rl) Xhnal (' l y

lHIlll l i<o l'~ w e r e th

110 1' (, f' li t

r(':;u\l of



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N.)", In UIE! nlhbt

l(' nJ:1,hr a n I


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H L t il(' d~I,\' nluWn tl t' I' t SU-III1S 'lg:ll' Sw", ', !-'lxlh

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QIl\IIIl{ Inlo th e


!'fl ee Illll ch

'rhls sh o\\,s Hlnl I ' ' c' pl ,' :11'(> h~ tt" I' ;nform d IIH II! Lh l l' I' ig- hls find nlao t1Uf' lo til l' fnel th nl th e In (l~ \'I(lu ll l

ll lly)lr(l1tt!'l'

I' h lll l<'''

.0; .n('1'

1l1l'1I11u t.h u n !lefor, :;U '

tIle •..\ lI J...r ll sl 12 nig ht g-:lInt ' a n ' ;tl s o ~u h,1

now .

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II", p n )' II" III I,., ~ I ,t Ill' t'

0" Ih t,

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~II '.

W " M' l' ~

~lln lllch

ga ill .

Th e II " mllton 1,'It'I,1 Ilffl"1? S(' I'\I0S

o f \\''' 1'1' II. Hu tt "I'. Clin · lun , (l 1li! Fayc: I I ' , lin d Is I"(,:lt d In

I •


(Ameri'~ Legion,memb~r(WaT Nurie). Suec~fu1 business . woman~ , ,Member .of . soard of'. Dtrectore ' of Woman's Club, Member of Board of Oireeton c f Buain4!U ' land ProfeaeionaJ Women', CJub. Member of Daughtetr:bf; ·America: ) ':' .

:-:t'.. (I. I


Y ; II



1' 1' 111 ) 1\

Alllt U I' ,

:\lull'\lJ i x: .

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I I11 w\\ ,

1:'ut'ol L"\ l

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Wilmin gton, OhIo

4 S~~~8 SUNDAY


Auguat 7,8,9·10

.I a l tH ' !"!

\\' :1\" "



,, I ' h zl r.


('UUlIll l's

Livestock Auction J,;\' lm \' FRllmAY A goorl ·plae(' tu 11IIY ell' sell 1i\' I'Aludl

Wilmington l jive'stock Sales \VUmlngfllu Fah'grnumls

r. ',Martin' " Auctlonee'r

~. '

SATISFACTION .Or N'o Charge 'Centerville, Ohio Phone 78iJ


H 1l'i 1'

fl ' l' Ol

t tl

"i :IJ.!:J 1' 1i

F lIl tN, \VlI Rhirq.;IHII , l l. C .. ?\1u l+y ln wl . IIntl c)th 11' ]loin l s .,1' i n U' I'C'H L

I Icky 11 011, III' :\1 ..... Lid "


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1" "111 1,

K Yllt ' li nd c llll ell' n. vl~ lt <'tl

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F OI ' I" H t

MI' .


II nl

W l'11I\(,."dn r (:I'U lltJi Il ,


"r !

l l':lrfic

Why Should Warren County , Citizens Vote For

L. T. MARSHALL' For Congress?

lhroo ~i n J; l(' ~am ci.t " 11 n nd p sp P('\III1,v 1uuk to Ih4' 1'("': 11' o n Htll l' tin,::- ' l" ut?fHl ny. bo 'h s "I I'~ hd" I'L' IJ;) OI,ln';. A .' 11 11t1 fh '~ l

C!V,,,, 1111Iyc(1 " I' HO nll' ,,(IIf'!' \l N I lli 1'1 11 11 tllf' Ph il's lh t' w ay .

IIl U ~'

b c' I II

11 1'1"

II \'t,,,lIy !.I iI( " Il'\tln' HlillI til IIl1nll le

lilH\1eS Wl11l UI

\lp'lI nll,.'om,

whu t' ~ ntl y lil'" Ilth to flflh L "'n ~uc

1'0 ("( ' ,


I ' ll "

In I' \ '


111:\ 11 I II :I ll)' o f

t ho tllI'rtf' !-' p P(1d :'l :t IH ':I'd . S"

ho \'('

I" ... k 1111

r·" l'I · f llll~· .

'1'10 (' 11

tl'jlul ,}t"

"n l l l l('(1 IU lh iti l~' \I (' .

cal'1wli b,~ l\\' ro n lite I' rlo(I, .1 l1 n , 1. 1 ~ 37 , iI \1 d t h ' ~l:o'e \\'h e n lit " \\'(1 1; " ," ' IlCI' \/1' his h <' I'1; I) orne- ('li gi hl(' rHI' hlll 'P ' XlIHl pay-


1:-( I'dl ' l

l n j.'s

,"Lvnnr cI from ,,::1 (' In Lill), Notional

L111' n,' Xl (I f l<in \ll ,·d itfl " \' hav 11 1))11. :0' ,,1 ~i : IU ; l, l l· ly. In ,!,

J' ~I'

I hI' I'


th e


~Ji.;:ii " o.

by th e n('(\" .l lJ:)lIlbe

1)(! TSll ll H whll h n , (,

In,., UCC"11

,1-:. '· H~.. political ' experience will be ,invaluable in"electing..the ~epubli~an , " ticket', next November. 2., . . ~,he starids f~r the rights of the peopl~ 'as .opposed. , to the greed of 't he' bosses. ,',.~ i:tler r~ord througholi,t her term is one of courage and, fair deal'ing to .all. • ' ,. . ,' I She , is ~n outstanding woinan.,in the dis~riet and state. .' , ~ , .

1:1t ll ol d t:-.,


HE ( 'Al"I!JIIt 'S IS I\.\(' I\I:-;G

H an ,

~ n~ nr' )') I<1~' n Dod(; "I"S,

"r 1ft

I •


:\11' ,

II d ~ h l\ 1 1 H.

TIlIH R(' I'le ", la tI\l'

(0 1'0,


I ': I! ~ \\ 1111 II

,dllwu~h lh,' ), wil l II(' 1,",1. ",,'C' k

I lIllil ' 01 III l (O n lltt) USll ntl . 'l'1l'k"IK I'm '

I': 'lst,

, u bh y

11'aai c l'sh lp

l:"lI c ~ '


f \\.

.\ u g ust ~ g" Ill C li n \'c

flH ' I hc'

) n \lI I{ U"t I ~ th l' n ~" s \\'111 nwe t A g l·. ·. t l 11,'11 1 "r 1'''' '1<1 )1 1,; Is I\UII " In e I'ds lIhow. lite c'ol ol' ful Sl. L uu ls CII l'dln ~ l s in" I1 m l " ul of plI " kln !!' \11:0 1' '''' . 1' ltI ~ 1M In l hl' IcISl 3 m u nl h I! , I h e I lrull II I li n OCf! (' h as It lei 77 ('lnIIllK "I'tlOell. ni!;ltt ,,:' rII C' :I l ,V . h Civ noliced In the Il tlt lltl' ~ glt ll1 (l IlJ·() l ni sl.'~ to h(, OUll (If til hi g h · nf t)l"'tI(,~ u 'I H n . . yllu mu st lou J< tlul fC>I ' l' a s~1 1I1!' l l'l1 ffk , month>; of " 1" 'I'(ltlon lh a l 1100plo whn IIdtls uf I It l' st'a~" n. Th (' n (,(\1< m ('l 1he Phlladl'l \lh la A S II. J)t'tI\':lll t! O Il . t-;O t1ud y o ur hu r n (l l'e IIgt1!c -ro l' plly m ~ nt" h :we b e ' n

'- - - -t, - . ., ,



(\ c l Iv.; jOIl\'n'~ y tlt" UIII"'It lIH

nllmb . 1' n n cl a m"unl. "r th "" d ll 1111 " ho \' loe('n I n pn ,,,,,j Il l!' SI{': lIliIy , " III' r (' UI'U Inli .




DUI'ln l!' lIl (' 1'11'1'1 )' ,': 11' ,.r oper"tI"n the hl cllA''' C u b~, tl'" flr~ l I!'urn ' OJf (1 111' ofn (' " w.' \\',, 1'(' Illlll flt-, l t hnl which Is I : "I I ~ ... ' ,h , y . Th l .. ~ C I'l "B will

a riel' t')(> omln!;'


lI'·" "r"

Reds To Return Home Aug. 9

I'llflr'tl hll' JI:) ~' Il\ <' n t. '1'l le

ReRUbli(an state (ommltteewoman 1

th .


fnul" c 0l111LlpH.

337 .·Ifl lm s fIlt-d r r ont "I II' 4 COIl Il I ~ " I1IUI' I, lit e fi l'. I li 11 1<' II I(' H(',l R li nd ;I(Thl l ' nLs , V,lf llll'{' 1u

Should Have a Second Term as

H tlth


Ilt.l l



------------------~- -------'---------------------


E;. ~~ker

Ir a l't fl m n . :,\li s~

"",i \\'11'1

to p I'svns \\-" h ll tl .. ilh ('1' 10"t fo r tho b a ullnG' i n cl nn llll R(',I,,", will n " d lRfl ' urod well' utigill;o l ;0('(,,1 II nl IUl'n 10 th olr nall"t' ll'l'l'a in. till ,\ u ~, num\;c.r· (,1I1'(1~ . u~ t U, f n Iltl'N' 10::1 111('11 5('1'1<-" w it h


Sl'o ;L L . Tth ' li. -

\\' h ll lll,lI.


, Why---

PI., 1\1i :.:~ J('a n



Fus lC' r ,

'f hil'll It",,· -



'1Iarl. :o' I ii·

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on, Mltllli 'h , "'I:znuger,

oeM Ilt Sch oo l Ol'aund", Aug. 61h I

r vU II ~,

B I'i~g't-> . :\I l'S. H tlJu ' l'l :\1 \· I ';: i · I11. II ~. J' ~ lth ­ \ '11';:1111,1 ;';c"l l , :III'''. :d .. . 1)oll:lld \ ' . \\',II 1;lIn 8 . ~tz,,. . '1<' 0 I t'j,n .\It ' l ~ ' n zh ' . ,I , 1~'r ~ !·H'1l l~ I · I ~:-g:i . A,'lhul' , '\I I':~ . 1:<1'1 I ;';" "", :III'S. L . H U H ~"II \' ·!I~"II. :l i l·s . ;';" I' ll '1',1"1,(,1' F .,1Irlh It" w J (}hn 1..... Jl u\\~ l" UIH1 I, :t h r. :\1is.~ ( ;"Idll' FI' .. I'< I, :lII>'H 1': . Lt g~e ll , :Ill,.,. .\l tll'Y L1~ b('l l. :III'".


HL'('Uunt nUlnlW l'M tv t~lH t'~



F ll lr l('y .

J I' .. I luy l ' \\' lIo1HIlJH , ;lrl'~ . " " I'Ili'n B.

l-' ru t1t' t ·:-;


A"lhur I '0'" ,I':t 11 . ::;"~ ''' '\ll 1:,,\1'- \ ' , '1'111, 1\ H .


" TIz t:' I I UllItit O il P lclll Offlcl' of til 193i , \\." hll \' o I ~H II ,.1 Sud,,1 ,,,,, ul'il~' SlJd,Li S 'e \ll·lty Bo,I'(\ hill! comlliul d

'l' u cKdIIY, Augu st ~, 1938.

I I'll

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.J oy CUl.' hrall ,

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of Hil I' IlI' n lU lIvcs u nd to rill th

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h a d l 11>t II I1,lltl :, I !!

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t ' l': 11 Il llllllln-l

pl'cso m llllv!' until h e \\'as 1m, llumu I' of hi f rl on Is

qUillln 'Vu.rr II

1\1 ' '; 1

1.1' I, UI I. I' Il l ll" ;-O ,'.l lrinJ: l ilt> n t- xl

~'U ll ' lI


s. C. Alexander ,


State Representative I have had experience and am qualified.

w. Brown

Robert ~FOR-

.State Representative

1. L, T. Marahall wi.U add 4, A victory fol' L. T. ManhaU ' atreneth to the Republican on August 9. will be 'a blow, . ~ket. to 10bbyiat'a,contr.o1.aPCl...,ir · " ts.. fOOl nOI.,) method., ' 2. L. T, Marahall made an en· 5 , L. T. Mar.~l1 .h .. had viable record which ,met with perience in Congreu and wil1 the whole hearted approval not be subjeCt to' the .ired , of our diatrict... a Congress. tape" entangling a rmm man at Waahington from - at a time this district. efficiency are n~eCIIl!G • .3, L, T, Marshall's work on the .Committee on Agriculture 6, A Pl'jmar'y' vidorY :(or L. T • Martball will iRaure a R• merit. .pecial con.ideration ;publiean CO~ from and aupport from all rural foUe, tim diatrict. . "i. die D••ocratl, t.ncltlidt of '93' L 'f ......WI raa 10.000 ~ ~ r.(



"'_.ricl, I" .t..... 'c_t, 'M- ".. " ' all........... . FURTHER YOUR ;OWN lNTERESTS , ,Co." La ..... I_ U.. .



UllPublie'n n P'rima.r)' Ault. 9 .


......~....... rio. ~ ...

1. . - b\ R~b,"

W ,...\1",,.1 (''''''' ....11. ,I




MtMe on the 100011110n of II luk

----.. ------

A 1'0110"1 f,'om the NnUonnl " ' lid ·

Sportsmen ---_0 _ . ._ - -II

~========"-",,c=====================::::::') We 'll huv e 80me d uck hunth\g III of the IItate Into two Eone., uthern Ohio this filiI. The new (cd · nrly HhooUng In the nonh and la· Ie .. s hooting for central und south. ra l duck re~u llulo 1l 8 , just I\nnoun· ern hlo nimrods. "Vhen Ihls was coo b)' tll 0 U. S. Biologlclli ul' vey, not a pl>roved we recommended lhe will o pen th e d.uck s enson In Ohio on <15 d uy pln n. which was adopted ." U~ tllber 15th und exte nd throu g h W e 8tlll think Ohio should be In the November 28 of Ihls YCnt·. Anothe r 8ame zOlle as her border states of ('Mug., In the rullngH Is th l) allow· IndlllnR li nd Pennsylvllnill. IlIg of a t\~'11 dnys bug 11m II (20 --&bIrds) In pos8o.!t;lIlo n n t one time. Las t LIIs! w ee k the MUllklnlrdum Con · l'Cl1r'9 limit wns 10 du kll only In servullon In aat e l'n Ohio ,WIIS de· l)OsseSllI.n . 1')le bag limit stili reo dlcn ted. 'Vhtle this III primarily a main>! len p~r d ny-excep t tor but· rlood co ntrol project. the State Con· tleheudR, en n\'ussbackH, ruddydu ck s. 8ervut lon D ept. hns been working on IlUd r ed helldH. The"g species h I! ve III wIth n \'Iew ot crentl ng t"'huble been prot cted by n dosed seallon wll ters . Wh en completed. there w\ll tormel'l),. but th e nt'\\' rullng 11110\\'8 be 11 pe rmnnent lakes In the district u dully ll m lt Of three In Ihe co mbined wllh a total area ot 11,000 ~re8, and t;roup naml'd . L 1'8 loo k liS t.hf'se a shor Uno of approximately 200 Ilew d,uc k r eg ulntlons . Granted th at mil es. These largo lakes will In· there wlll be about 15 0 1' 20 jJ~Y8 cr ease the fl.s hnble Inla nd state wn. ut o f the 45 thn t \\'111 see ducks tera by about 50 per centl 60,000 !Jelo\\' th e Lake Erie m arshes. Tlle Ilcrl'8 of la rid und wa t er will be pub. fllct re01uJnN th a t Ohio Is stili c1nss· llca lly owned. omml8810nor wood. ed in til e northern zo ne with Mid, · del und member8 of the council at. Ignn. Nt'w York ! And \'thy'! So the tended. tbe dedication. comm ercialized du ck s hooting cluba -6Illong LIIke Erie ca n enjoy a ' tull season . Try 10 ehoot In the mnrshes Construcllon will be started. In the up tbere (where t I' 0 d UC IeS come In n enr . future to create Kiser LAke. · the -cond w eek of October) n ea r Urbana. ThIs will be a eoopera· nbout ~ without paying ten to fifteen dollars live project between State highway for the privilege. Should. thlB small and conservation depnrtments. Kiser I!'roup Along one edge at U~e state '?- luke will be nbout 2 mlle8 long and cO:tered to - or should the 700 ,00 a half mil e wide - lind will be wllh· about lice nsed 8portsmen In the slale have In easy driving dista nce. OJ .ay.' ln tal~neS8 to the state Con· tho lime some tl8hable public wa· ael'vutlon Division , we Quote tho fol · tel' was located In southwestern lowing from CommlBSloner Wood· Ohio, and t,he Warren County Fish dell : "We fll'St a.aked for a dlvlalon lind Gamo ABsn. 18 working wllh tho 8


W.a.ite Roclu. Barred R~k. and Larse Type White '. , , .....


-. .



h • •



STAliE SENATOR .Rls Record P.,O¥8S His action DEMOCRATIC PRIMARIES. AUGUST 9,. 1938 , "

.::e:::z VOTE, FOR

Ha .old D,. (JiIn) Bailey -FQR-

C.OU'D' t Y·oner ..' 9 1938




Republiciaa Primari... Auau·t

MI'S. Naomlo S. Fordyce p llased away at her home nt F erry. Frida)' . July 22, at three o·clock. atter a lin· gering 1IIne88 or about four month s. She hUB JIved the In at 12 years In this vicinity and was well loved nnd respected. bT all those who knew h er. She has been In poor health for the 11\.1t flUeen yeal'S and d4d not go about mucb. She Is survived by h er husband, Bnrry R. Fotdyee. and three child ren. Harriette. Thomas R., of 'We!!t ('..arrolton, and Vernon, at home. Funeml services wllre h eld ut the Ferry Church, MondllY- attemoon, July 26. at 2:00 p. m., and burial In Miami Cemetory.

Naomle Leland Stantord Fordyce wall born In Dayton, on November 13, 1882, the daughter ot Edith PfoulZ and. CUrrord Stanford. On April 20,- 1910 she 'W1Ui united In marriage to Harry R. Fordyce. To them were born three children. namely, HArletto Edith, Thomas RU88ell, and Vernon Douglas. For the paal (our month8 she bns lIuffered unknown pain and has been '8 0 patient through It all. She was r eady and willing to go to h'er Hea· venly Father. We feel sure tha t silo 18 waiting over thero for the rest or her loved ones lind t hnt sl\e Is free

Ohio Hlnl nlvl',',l1tY '1! BII "cuu R ll tllnell8 fl Cllllltrc h . In oop'ratlon willi Ihv . S. B II IIU ot LlIbor SIIItltll1('s. 'I'ut il l I!lI1pl oy rn cnt In the >tulte de· r ll'H'd IW O p e ,' cent (l'Om May to Jlln l'. bul thl .. los8 w aR only h olt Ihlll XIIl' I'll'net'd 111 th o .prt'cilcloing IlUln,h .· JUI.... I!mp l o~' ment wit H 22 I,er


Republican Primary,

Harry A.I Hulhes Solicit·. Yo"" Vote:For

State ,



Democratic ,~", A.... 9 . ,

........... . ............ ...... ..

,+ •

u.vee Building,

Ditchinc Excavating Leave Dame with Mlubi ea.eHe for ..timate.


PhoDe 3708

W. P. Watson. 14,... ••••••


_ __


A. M. Parker Candidate For Republican NomiDation For

Warren County

AUDITOR Primary Aug. 9

. - - - - -\:

Your Support Appreciated


----. ..---Teletype Joins AkrOIl Police to Broad Network



"If Elected, I .. ..d I Alone Will. Be the .Governor of O,blo I'" I


They nre not dead! They have but paslled Beyond the. mIsts. that blind U8 herll.

Au". 9, 1938


N. Main St.

·W e .wlsh to thank nil thoso who 011 Ih e midway thl >! yonI'. th er o aSSisted In th e 1I1nes8 o( our mOlher \\'111 b II vurled Ilrogrrull of amuse· :lnd to express npprecl a tlo" for tho rn entll with th Ill tc:lt type of rid ing beautiful l low.l rs lIent to her. both (\evlcC8. during b el' IIInes8 nnd h e r (unt,'nl. W e wish to thank Mr. Mc lure for his klndn e,s s when h e conducted. the tunernl and R ev. Smith Cor his comforting message. HARRY R. FORDYCE nnd



MiaTJIIi L. Dk\VEY'~

dido'. ~.~iOrder: Governor·' .



Although with bowed and broaklng heart, With Bable garb and sllent tread, We bear the!r senseless dust to And say thllV they nre dead-

Farmer. M......d Gran••r . Your Support Re.pectfully·Solicited

Baird's Se & IOe Store

P.-c·dlct lon Ih llt lhl" ~' ('nr' ~ n nnu:t l Ohio . tntl' Fall' , 1\ 1I,!;lI "t ~ 7 to (,Jl. TPm l", ,· 2. \\'h1<-h will 111111' ){ ,h (' R th Tho uJ.: h ,lis, 1111",,1111'(\ 1/1\(\ 1-:1" .-111".1 : )" ,1,1111'<; or Ihls Ug-... . ul l ural·ln<lu8trlal They Ht 111 It r p h e r n nd II>\,(' UII yet: PX llosltlo n , will go dow n In hl s lory Th e d 0.1' o n s t h!'y ha ve le ft behhlll aR tht' gretltest ver h eld. hOll bem They never CH n ~ I·gel. rn ru]o hy Enrl H. Ha n ('(elcl, s t.nt e dil' ct o,' of agriculture . And so m etlm t'R, whl'n til· henrlS "E:I"I}, entries Indl a l e thn l more grol\' ralnt ('" hlbl lO l'S will p a rtiCip at e in thlll Amid t em pt a t lolflH fierce nnd il('('P . rNI\" !I fnlr Ihan In any previous yeur 0 1' whe n th e wllelly. raging Wlwe!i a nd It Is a nti Ipilled lha t II wll\ Ot gl'lef 01' pl\ll~llon sweep; 11war( n il past efeorls." Director H n ne fl'ld declared . 'Ve ( t'l upon Qur fevered brow Employees ot the sta te fllir ortlc. Their ge ntl e to uch, their breath of have been working a t t op speed dour· balm. 'rhelr nrms e nfold. us a n d our henrls ing r ece nt weeks In I\\temptlng to keep Ilbr enst wui\ th e lnbulntlon of Grow comfort l'd tlh d, ca lm. excessive numbet· oC 'entries bein g reo celved da lly. And e\'e r n eu r u s . thoug h unseen. Even a t thlH earll' dute. J)('actl cnl· Th e dca r. Il11mo,·tuL spirits trenc\For nil the boundll'ss univ er se Iy nil of ·th e concc!l1!lo l1 spnce h08 beof! ap plfed fo r ; it nd Indlcn tlons li re IIfc--th"l'I'e are no dend ! that It will be IIccel<su ry to r eject II1I\IlY of the la tc·comN·II. CARD 01" THANKS

IJepubliC&D C...didate For


When In Waynesville Shop at

They {\ 1'(' nOl 10:<'. nOI' (:,onl'.

When beuutlful. r.. rn illar formll That ~\' e have leal'n~ d. to III\'I' torn From our embraci ng arms--

e.' DeF8SSET

Ihe sli m e month- a year


J,ondlng ,937 pm·lod . .For June, Akron r eportC)d a t r.c. 1I0nni IncreilH<! In ernployment. Other chief cHiea had . decllnea,--.amounting to one p I' cent In Olll· c lnnatl. Columbus, D a yton, and ' To· ledo, seven por cont In anton, tWQ per cont In loveland, und flvo per cont In Yo.u ngstown .

To IlUI l1a'!r s hi ning mil1ll' nt on : Tht'y havl' no, \\'lInd(, l't'd far 1l\\,11)'-

from all pain and Buttering. She pallsed . pencefully awuy on FrldllY. July 22, 1938. at the age .ot (;5 yenrll. 8 monthR, and 9 w,ye.

~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~;~I There Is . no , grlevo





ImllrOVI'IIlt!I)t, cent und




mao To our mediocre mind It !lel'ms t hat B la rge cruiser, tho U , S. S. HOUllton. 18 quite an x\len s lve ro w· boat to tRk o for 1\ 3,000 n,llle rlalling ti-lp -ill rorced dratt 11I0St ot th e. way.



J li lli' 1It'01ll!'ht

Farmers ROuth of Wllyn t'Nv llle r eo port folt oll In th aI reg ion are g' ttlng 110 bad Ih ey ure stealing ehlck enR In Ihe daytime. Just picture wh:lt th ey are doing to the young gllmeHoused in the Hall of Livc P o ultry al the Sevenlh World's Poultry lind go utter them thiS tnll. Congress and Expositio n in Cl eveland. Ohio. July 28 to Augus t .7, 1939, -()will be probably the m os t comprehensive di sp lay of all breeds and varielies Threo flah 8torieH this week of poultry ever gathcr ed und er one roof. It is the purpose of Congress slnco a ll !Itream!i excf' pt 'Iellr officials to galher and dis play here representative specimen s of every reck rema.ln excclltlonnlly O1lllldy. known breed and variely. A sked what the word "poultry" denoted as The tfrst 18 11 h Clldlln e tro m Illllt Ilpplied to this exposition, one olTicial ha s rcplied-"Everything- that wears week's "Frllnklln Chronicle". "FIS H feathers." H cr (: the visilor will sec every breed of chicken from the TO SPEAK AT FnANKLIN. · LI~B· familiar breeds O)f ou r neighboring farm yards to rare and exotic varietics ANON." So Ca r as this writ e r en n fro m Ollt of the way corners of the world. There will be ducks and gee se dlacover-n11 th ey h a v e SII I(t !IO fa r and turkeys, pigeo n s. waler fowl and o lher types of cDllllllon and rare feather bearing specimen s. Here befo re the eyc will range a vision of color Is " No!" and graceful line that would surpass any "beauty parade" for inlerest. The second Is UUlt \\'l\ll le en uI,(ht Evcn the most experienced poultryman will find himself confronted hy by Fritz St.roth oC W ellsto n. Ohl<:>-- surprise after surprise as· he encounlers many of our lesser known breeds, an 81b. 8 oz. IBrge m Ollth · buSH takt'n colorful fowl from the tropics, rare breeds fro m far off Asia and IIt'le out ot Lnke Alma r ec(>ntly. It Is known varieties from the out·of-the·way corners of the world. To Congrns undoubtedl y At Il'Ils t 11 stil l e re('o rd. visitors the Hall of Live Poultry will bc a source of new-found interest a'id . pkasure-and a most worth·while educational feature. Our third fish talo ronc(>r8 Ih country'" most ("mo us tlsherm n n. = who wllh hl!i Plltty cl\u ght 130 t ('n Int o 'h e nl'\\' lind hl l'!;('1' li te to twenty pound fi sh In three hOllr!!. o r thu t :u~ I"t ' n(> r XI)h(,l·t~. 'Vhere? 670 mil es otf th e COUR t of They ha vc but .1roPllcll th" II' I'obe Mexico. between HawaII a nd . Puna· o( clay



Employment Picture In Ohio Is Brighter. III • '''hl'~ l'IIIIiluyrn III IIltill'Uon. It ugo. wh r t'll s May emp!oym l)nt /:lad I" IlIdl"lIt t't1 In the re port plU'Cd agg d 2Q Ilorc nl IKlhlnd .lh correll'

Dog 10vors will re!.'Tet of AllJert H ochwull, In Duy ton, week . Mr. H ochwlllt WI\II nn In ter · nntlonully known bIrd dog jU II/t. fnncl er and writer. I/e W IlS Bullf m emi,ler at Lhe Sporlsmen' s Revl w . 8480Clate edlt e r of tho Am orl('"n Field Magazine. nnd lI uth or of " 'I'he 'fodern etter," lind otllo,' bo k s. " For years Mr. Hoch\\,ult wrOle "In Tho Realm of Bird Do~'Ij" tOI' Sunday Inclnnall Enqui r er.


For Sale


"Everythlng That Wears Feathers" Will Be at W01'ld's Poultry CO-:-9,"15

lite FIlderlltlon In Washingto n hlo SI)orl8ml'lI bought 8tl11 t'8 th ll t mo re wildlife sUlInll1;l 18~ Ued last sllrlng !lm n Imy ' Olhl'r slnt , 1' lI e OhiO 1II11es ~"er $2, 77 .



In thl&

~O llnl)" .

The hunt-a.nd:punch metJlod comes · into play in the above picture as Mrs. Dorothy Nahrgal1g, teletype instructor of The Ohio Bell Telephone Company, teaches Lieut. Steve McGo,wan how to operate the. Akron, 0., police deparlment's new police teletype machine. This maj:hine Joins the Akron po-. lice to a communication network including police units all over the na· lion. With ilf Akron officers can contact police units 'in distant cities which canmlt . be reached by police . radio. In addItion, they call contact ' SO places ill! Akron equipped witH teletype systems. The system malCes it impossible for · outlaws ' to intercept police mes- :,' sages and all.uch me'n ages are pertllanently rc:cordecL ' .Federn I " ,hiiat lonnl! nre mnde on fat:m ·stored wheat onlYL'when' .t he granary or other storngll place adequately protect the grain ngnlnst dIlmage by WOOllier, ~nt., and l~


• He gave you a BalanctMI ~'·witliout:~any. new ta~es. .B e Pro~ted 1:0UR money fro. the .][, Squanderers~and Favor Seekers.' . ,. • He refusect tob'endithe' . '1

knee to '811.14CitY~N~.ipat)erEdjtori. '








• He is loved·fol"· tbe enemies he has miule. .He is .GOY'" of ALL the people. ..... '. '<'.









1'l1li II

Holds Bricker's In rest '..

Ex-Serrice len Endorse €. Brown Ex.serv lce men


.l-tE Of,\lil.OPEO ,.. Q)L!-E6E·.

a"e corded

them by lh08 In hlgll otrlce, Tbel'e tore let ' u s ompar til 1'0, ';ords of lhe two R ep ubllcnn ·cundl, dILL for Congress from the 7th District III order thut we may b et· le I' kllow who our frl nds \\I'e: Record of pJanmce J. Brown "As Secretary of hU e Mr, Brown emplOyed ,flfty·rour ex,scl'vlc m (!n In hili ottlce. III addition to thl8 ho hnd ovilr two hU11(h'cd ex·servlce ml'n employed £IS deputy com.mlss loners of motor y hleles ovel' th e 8t£1tO. "While Li e uten a nt OOl'ernO I', Mr. Brown hcllletl ttl/ wrlle the Adjullied Comjle nsnllon Ac t tur Ohio In 1921. He went out over the state Clnd cmn· IIlllgn d ror the amendme nt n ces, tltUY 10 11l'0Y Ido (01' the 18811a nco, ot bonda to pny Lhls AtlJusted Compen · Kutlon . H e Illter snrl'ctl on the Ad· Justed Comllensll llon Cummillee which IIu8sed on th e clllims of var· lous veterans. H h elped mllny votte l'l\ns whose cla ims were hiUd to prove and IIUW thut they recelvcd ruh' trentment from the IItate, "Through hla entire political carfler, Mr. Brown has been u t.-leFt" Ilnd bene!1tted the ex·servlc mnn, He will continue to aid them US a member of co ngress, ~onl

of L. T. Marehal.l "lI1r. Marshall supported nnd vOled [ur the Roollev elt Economy Act of 198a whIch took Ilwny the compenBII· Uon ot both Spanlsh'Amerlcan llnd. World Wllr veterans. ",S ince the foregoing fnets are 0. matter ot public record ' we teel It Is the duty of every ex.s ervlce man to .work and support our friend nnd



HuymonU (l~1 nt', .>1' • ' ,' /l ln, 1,1 J ". ~- I ,n. I;I'C! \ .OJ It! " I, S" w ith ' Mr, IInrt Mrs , J{~·l t· Fl it,, >!, nf ( " n . .!f)r' n Ke ll 'I<, clnll uU , , spent Sun,lllY o W' I·11011 n .\11'. li nd .\11'8. :\l ui ... ls ] III /lnd rom . With l\{I', a nd ?oil'S: El'lI est )>;II I'n h, I·t 11.1' ur L ha ll nn . \1' (' 1' HU I)II"r r:U l'SLS a nd famil y und Mr. n nd i'll's. G . J I. IIr :;III'. Ilnd :\It's. l llL r<l lcl I'; pIli!; li nd fllm ll y. ~ unrIIlY . :\1 Iss Ilinl l)lIug h te l''' 1'(t ur l1 'u :\11'. 'I lld .\I1' ~. K ~ nn l' Ih Llt v.'Y . IrC honie, Su nday. nct e r S I)~ ll lli n S' f\ tl 'II, :\11811 :\1 t1 I'J ''''I,' J Iw ln :IIHI " I~, \\'e k with h I' slst" !', :lit'. n nt' :\lrK.' tl"I', of \\'cll ma n. ~·It· . 'mll :\1,·1.. JllIg h Vrank Branon. RIl I'Il('l t ;,C l )II )'(on , .\1 1', fl n,l .\" ,~ . - ". 1\11' . a nd MI':" . l:lI'r ll(''' ' l'II \\, r ... I·(\ p,'ln lwl' (If 1'llw ll1l1a l l \\, (' 1" v l ~lt"" . ' a nd family RIl III S und llY ,' v.' nl"" II I t ill' 1 '\ ' IIi ~ h" m e. ~ \lnrl :l~· . with lIIr. 1111<\ M,'f" F.l1'it; lII k h r a l (1 1101 ~I l'~ , .l-' m nk 1 \.. · 1II ~ 19 ~' \I". ' w h n l

~1\a.\.I\o\AINTA'N $' 1ME I~fliit IN 8I\~ BAL\' \tM04

t reBled In th e welfure of their com· radell Ilnd th

rl'h'IIL1 ~ III . · f II ,. 1'/.1III! III,·r . I Ivl ,, \ I,~, ti ll I .• 1I • llJ,,~·('t1 h,,!,rll v",1 at thlt< "Tiling. i\1I ~. '!'Iwlrnil llm"I', .. r II ,I ~ 11111 , . (I~h /1 ' 1 , :Ill''''. J;I"II" Mt (o-;"rnhal't IIIIVut Tuell' " ,.« nt the ",,,«1< "nfl w it 11 [ I' . "I II I I . ~II'''" If' l ll ~ 1 "rH tl ll /lilt! d,lu/;', lvr , d, l)' \\'It" h" l' 141 lt'r h\ I)hYlIIn • ;\1rK. lI "rvkl Kt· IIr.~ anl l (;I II1I1y ~ II H I I. ' -II!d 1,.,111" IIml family \'1m !· )1" , ,on., :\1 ,'/; , ,lolhn Uy" " "(' l1t I:IlIn· Mr. li nd :\ h ·K . h:nlC" f< IIJI P Ili " ," I , t 1, ( ,.' n,l I< i n ll:lrlnrt I :i1 r""·,I,,),. !lil Y \I lilt 111'1' rl;III/1 hl Hr , II( n.' I' t r' 80n, RIIIllh , n lled ')I\ :\11', oI " d ~ It ". ," I I. ' " '' I .,' \ ~' , ,,, I .PIIV :: n( !';{IIlII.v . II rl I-[ t 1) - 11.

I dny e\'l'nlng wllh


nllturolly In·


M! O... ZI1'TI


1I 11~ ~ I " . , E. J . flurln n , Of Ely· 1'1 .. , hll), rr turn icl hOIl1<' IlIl:I l wok. (1(1 I' (I few wet1ks vl'll{ wllh 'her par· ,; . ,J Oln I n ye, ~' n I A. '1 ,. r. Iln d ,_,.rs JI ll'. an d M"I<, ' hLn/ey Freell\ n and so n hnd :"I ,rs fl'om X nln , Tues· lI(1 y ('\·{' nlng. I JIll'. nnd ;lf rs. EIlI'1 1\larla lt bnd vis· Itorl. from ,,'uy nc8 vlll l' , one evening Ill ftt \1' cl" .\ I n •. ·l)a ,·;(1 Ln" II !' n n,l l!(1 n a l'e " pl' nrlln lo( It r l! \\" flIlY~ w i, h I he 'r)lOm Il l< 1':11011)', fO r IWlI l' 0 ,·,:,,1) 111:1 .



~I\~ CHtA\N Of

~E Q&6A1\~ 'TEAoM ANt> \lQ6C;,OiNT 011

fllst) SlIMS II1OI'e

fJIIltJod. .ie~.. 1Ip/te,pl

\\lS C\.A'iS When John W. Brideer, former attorney ,en• ral, cnn .pare the time from hi. I.w practice and from the talk of ca.. pal,nln, lor the. el'llonlal" ther. i. nothlnr that h. enJo,. more


than aUendln. a h ..eball ,arne, Hi, 1100, Jack, i. hi. "rulu compani .. n, Th. ,oun,.ter i • ambitJoua to a colle,. b ...ball player, like bI, lath,r b.for. hi .. ,

om miaslcln oC Ohio Cor com ·


the esta le of Th oma s llozlin , MOl', pon ied t o the Comm ission (01' ro\\' , rlled iliA In ventory. H enr y 'a nd pellslltion It denied '1('1' I1len. . Distribution of s eclu'llIl's b long· Suo' B ert chll'1', exc u torll of t he e s. Ing to the ('stille ot V. H, Worl y, lnl(' or El1w(l I~_ ~"!' C h l t' r , nlso rlI cl COJ\li\fON PLEA !~ I'ROt:F~ ..:nIN(;S authorized by I1le cou rt. Eight th(lh' III\'entol-Y. Th " d efendunt Flhrt'wur Corll., sho.res of Cln Innal! Slroll Railway Aiton F . DI'OWI! , ndmlnlstratol' of de>tnull tl n judgernt'nt of , ] 50 In the> s lock, e ight of Oregonia Bridge 0 . ., Ille estllte of .Jonathan F , h"I'",oO(t, s ull brought ngn ll~ st It by the . II. Ilnd lwo of the Lebllnon,Clllzens Na· Oreg onl n, fll d his th'st llnd fi na l nco Gosl!:el' rtluchlnt;ry Co .. Da yton. Bortha Wind le wo ~ award ed a ell. 1I0nai Dank , ordcred dlstrllJut d to o unl. comrade, Clllrnece J, Brown, for tbe ach of the four_ he ll'll. Elhcl Docie· A, L , , V::llldns hns bl' ~ n a m ,~rl vor (l'Om h els le Windle aCter th o congrel1slonul· nomlnaUon nt the elt, IlZrlo Vi'UlIams, EIIJ rl 1ron8, adml nl 'lrntor of the estate of J ohn la ller wllhdl'e~" his Cr Oi;R pe tition. primary, August 9th, a nd Dnlllls Wodey. Five l' m nlnlng H. Tr on. AlIprn lse r s na m ed were '1'11(> plalnUr( was r est ored to h r "Se venth District .Republican Ex· shu res were ordered 901d. Waltel' D Ilrdofr, Cla rcne Moore, m aid, n nnme of B ertha .Ch apm n n. Service Men's Lellgue-B. 'lV . Th Inventory o r L ewIs IrvIng u ncI E lmer Fis her. The defendant wns orUerc(l to exe· , Edwards, Secretnry. Pence nnd 1\{nry E . Pence , xcc utors ':I'he clai m of J . ....V. Earnha rt cute a note tOI' $.160 to the l)lnlntlfr, o( the estate ot Frnnk L . Pence, ngalnst t he C'SLllte of Ad lIa Phillips The motion of' t~ defendant In ' VOTE FOR HARRY HUGHES riled, The o.xecutors ~yer ordered. 10 fOl' $41.66 a llowed , th e• cnse of Be~jamln L . Coulso n FOR STATE SENATOR . ~=~==================::!:= sell p l-:;;onn1 property ol private Exo(lptlonR to th e Inv entory of ngalnst Ella r. ruggle, flnrl oth I'S, to ;.. snlc. VaIOl't\' H end rlcl(s, xeC\llrlx of the ael usld ordel' tor recelv I' to PIlY The first account of Hownrd Relf, e stAte of Lucy A. Moore to bo h eard certain money,' overrule\!, fr. tru.t.ce of Frances K. Edmon. fIlQd. July 28 . The aclion of J. T , Riley ngal n8t A . eomllromlse on tho Juclgem ent A erUflcn te of trans t I' grnnted thc Flbrcwnre COI'\) .. on a cognov it agaInst th cSLtHe of phillIp Oopklns , Mlnne J nck, admi nistratrix of th nOle, nllowed , 'rhe amou nt o( the REAl. ,:sTATE Jr" nuthorlzed . by the. court. Mnry e~ tnte ~f Milton M. J ack . nole Js '$300. W eddle, ndmlnlstr:lt.rlx of ,t he estllle, Alma O. Benge h ns be 11 n n mcd INSURANCE riled 'hOI' fll'lit n:ftd rlnnl nccount. The exec utrix of the cstn te of E lla. Tall, REi\L E. T,\'rE TRANSFERS AUCTIONEER ' gross valu S ot . th e oHl nte was set lotI' ot Springboro. APP l'fllsl'rs 8 0· G, S . and '[ennl Dalton to . Joh t1 ===~=====~=====-I at $11,096.76 of which $ ,370 Is r a l lecled wcre h""les FlttR, R D. Ora· Dolton . two le ts In Franklin. ham n nd. Ed ,~ Gue k·lel'o . - DO.m . Wood to Nora SCOtt WUl"d Rnrrle t Mny Klndor "as l1Pllolnted The n et vn llle uf th e ~ I nt c of Ell· low, tw o lI'ncts 1111 L eba non. gunrdJan of Dorothy Mae 1(:ln<1cr , 10, zn 1"Qx h lUl be n se t n l , 2.737 .34 nnd F . S . iml)SOn , decensed, to ElOlt'1 Franklin, GWLrdln.n fIl cd bond. !leclared ~Xe ml)t 1"1' m Inheritance D. Rose ncl'l\ nli :tnrt Ralph E . ,'Imp, The fourth account of Dean E . tax. The sehcdule or 111.'bt8, Clalm ~, 80n, lot 220, In I. bnnon. (nnley and ~fe.11le Rye, executors nnd lI!lbl1llles fll d b~' Frnnk M~ Olenn E. Bush to Vi'lIltum Dun, o! the .cstnte ot John B. 'pepce, tIIod . Eo~, administrator, will b h 'n rd, del, 10ls 13 56 ,57 In Lovclum] Pnl'k, The first undo ' tinai Rccoun of August 17. D el'fleld twp. Roxie T , Doch, cx~ utrix of th e osThe s.'Ile of pCI'se nal IlrOlle1'lY b~Sl1m Ilna Marga I' t otteril to J un · COIll,ION tat of Luurl1j B . Ing le, tllcd . longing to t11 estatc of Thomas Hoz et K . !Alut'r, lwo tm ot s , totnli ng 1~9 ,oar caw.;~O"'-\~ .' eo ..4 ~ -Th~ will of E lla. 'fa it, 1l1te ot lin, M!:'rl"Ow, has bcon n uthol·lzed. acrCH, in Hamilton t\\'l> . to No"BIoek ~. B•• ' " __ sprlm;-boro, offered for proba.te nnd GMrg E. Young, udmlnlstl'lltor, \ViliS. H, n nd Fel'n Wilson to E IAle PriCliIIl~ ' ''' for onlered fII~. co nd uct th o we. F . F ra nz, renl estll tc In Hamilton .' iDarltet pIS" ud ~.. ~ Sale ot J. Wilber Eftrnhnl't, ex . Th excent\ons ot Henry C. Rnd t",p . U......... y ..... Cl......... 0. " '11m• • OD 'B8410 8taU"~ WClt1 ,cutor of the cstate ot Adelia. 'Phlillps, Leo nard Moor to th~ 'Inventory o( J ohn'. a nd SHI'llh E. 111ohar<ls n 11:1. to 11:10 p... fO.r 0 claD, npproved, Va lora Hendric ks executrix of the t o J\.~aur l ce C. ]{I.rk, let 427 In li'l'fl nk.arket ",ol'ta. rtirioat s of tronster aaked by es tate of Lucy A . Moore h nve be n lin. H. L , Rosen C)ru ns , ut1mlnlsti'tl.tor o[ dl!.mlssed upon thwr application, Fred Gray, J r ., to Nona. Kirlt, 3 the ~o~ ' F. S. Slmp~on ~nd Th has b ee n a res In Frnnklln tlVlI· I Et'he1 B, osenCl'lll111 for the eSdt II I Alfred ]{Inlln,d. to Egte Wl'ight, or Eva Flore nce Simpson, gr:lntcd . The g ross vnluc of- th e estate of lot 298 In Franklin. . Not valu e of thc IifItn te given at $4" Irma W . Beu.eII Bct at U3,095.25, the 11'1' d J . :LeIght to Howurd apd EI· 46464 n et markcl vn.l1.\e of lhe ussels at ale Surface, l.Ui ncres in Clenrcreck •.• ' , ;he'eiection of the 'WIllow to tolco $10,608.09 Imcl the s u ccessions of th e twp. : . uncleI' th e will of Cla re nce Wilbur h eh's detm·mln ed. Mlltoll ll. Jnclt, d ecooAl'(\, to' Min · Ivlnll, or(1crcd entered In tb jour'n'I'll Inventory of A. L, Wl1tklns, nl e Jack, two trru:ts In U nion tWII. LellaDOD, Ohio ndmlnl~tnUor or the eaulte Of. John Ralph F, Slnip~on to Ethcl n. III Pr.... tiq .... Bel, ... ~"" . Chester MlL:Plo peUl!~nec1 that H. Treon, Will be h eard, August 12. RUBcncram., hIllt . lnl I'est 'In lut ~~6 ' ID . the estate o[ Pn:rm,oUn. Bennett be The Inve ntories of 1\llu·tlm Hc n· .In Lebanon. MOTION PICTUU relleved ,trom admlnlslratlon. Mon cy de rson, ex ec utl'lx of th e es tate of L , Annn. S mith t.o Ml.II'vln Smith, h ul! BNTElLTAlNI!IENJ' c1eposlt~ \ly J, ,A. . Keller, gunrd!nn., M, Benderijon, aclmlnlst rator of ti,c Intcre>lt In I't'al 'ea~tc In Cleal'c l' 'k






'1: _


M . ;;. . ..:r. -'

--- ,- - - ).'


1' ..

. . . : " . :• ..."



-----~ . : .


-Harold V. Martz



' ,alii


Representatiye Republican Primary August 9, 1938


u.. ,:.......




'EllER lH



State Committeewoman Lifelong, housewife, moth"

er of two children, active in church, welfare and civic affair Clark



;;=:;~;;~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~;;$~;;;;!;;;;;~=i !£2Z ·'ed.


~==~~i~~!~~~~·'~j~~~~~~~~~~~~;'~;-~ -,"


• ,'I

WHY 'W_ITT . HlIlv~ ' ~OUll Funace cl,~aned

eslnte ot Lewis ''¥v. Wi tham, npllrov· twp, ~. Minnie Jnek to Virg il lind Ollie Personal prO]lerty belong'lng to the Shurt,9, renl '-n U nton t\VP, elltale of Frank Knorr, Joseph • I Knot'I', ad ministra tor , hns been order ' MAR~rA,QE LICENSES cd sold :I t lIrlvate snle. ' Walter Simpnon. 24, rnllrond workJIif. C. Drnke h os bee n appointed 1.'1', Morrow, and. Gertrude Moran, 21, adml!lhltl'lllol' do bo niS non to com· !uAl"tory worke.r·, Wnynes vlll e. plelc lhe Ildml nlstrutlon of the es· HowlI rd ,C. Fogle, 21, fncl'~ry WClI·l,· tnt of J ohu C, Mulford., Dond m ecl . cr, nnd ?-{yll1'h Pence, bookkeellcl'; 21, The first nnd final account of both oj" :Lebanon. Ma ry R. Ivins, e; eutrlx of the es'Iny E. }-}o:I~, 39: salesman, and t.."llc ot CllU'ence Wilbur 11' Ins , fli ed, Floren ce Howard, 20, wa itress, lJo1 h Or Mnson . 'mllted to tho Dllyton HoslIltal. Eleanor PI1ullne FootState orelered 'lom· Applica tion accejlted a nd sh eriff 01'dercd to arrtlnge her transfer there.


aod repaired now.··AlS:o ." a compete line of. New Furnaces, '



Mi's. ·l\fartho.. Preston BI:o.dforcl, Lebanon, aaks ..for a cUvorce a nd cus· , I ' . f 'f tocf,y of theIr five months old <10\1g h · GUt\;~ri~1 and -Conductor work. All · ki~ds 0 ,.~o~ S ter In' ,h~r 'iiuJt for divorce filed this repa. ..t\d and painted: Also sblll'gle · sidmg " week J e .BrndfOrd. She stilt· '. . ' , . , fot ,old houses ed tllat they were I'llnrrled on March l. . , ,utm..,ta Free 27; 1931, She -~baJ'ged ~lint .the. defend o.nt tall,ed to provide for her' or their ' " , child RJld that tll~y ~ved . ·w!th h el' . ' • ... -mother al the laUer's expense. Bhe ~ also elutrCed groaa neglect. P..... _ · URI .w~Ue ·..:.. her Cnae, mother of six "' ,

J '


Pric:ea Rei......

I It .J. p ,"tarrc ..dP..............



' ,

........ ,L.....~.._~~~~~~;;..~~_~~-.:"...,'!-"7~~~~-;:_~_itlchlidren. tUec1 ":.utt

against , Uie In·



i\fI'. und 1\1:1'8. Ervin Smith :1 l1d dnugllter, . J,udlth Ann lI~ent ll'rl(h~Y evening with Mr. Il.nd Mr~ . WI1iIs Pennewl , of. ~P"lrig . ~rahch . Mrs. 1\1Iche~ ~eturned' li.(ter Bllend· Ing-.Il f~W ;Weeks with. h er daughter, nl.'ar Morrow, , Mr. o..nd ~Mn. Elvia .J4lcheol and daughter, Do mthy, Mr. Harbert Mnr Intt and. so!" :Edmon, spent Wednell'


Realizes that social and political prol.>le'!ls face the nation but that changes

must be

~ade in accord with Ameri-

can pl-inciples_

. ] "'( , ncB I ~


~ I.~-~'






'.J~ I~ ,.,~

, AVOt1I! 4, ....


thl' " 'ill'II1'

. ,'II ',.

~. ,JII_ I

Dr .

W" I'I'


V. nl hll>~ 11\ n h ' ,' IV"ll thill 'l "'rn Will' \Klr-n t ·~ IJ'. II nll 11'1'. Wlll\illll Tu:n n p)'. (J( n 11\' ·"MIUII)Il. :\IJ'~. 1'wI n ~W wl1l 1 I' m 1)('n.,,1 lIII Ihe f(lI'Ill ' ~r II na II y,.. ,\ 1111 Ih"'11 w i h :'Ilr, ond lI'lr UOb\) I'\ 1lnl< '1'. ,'1' . II'. 1\.11<1 , :'1rH. Ilu t<..~ r l WIII'(l11 ;,ml h lhlr(' n Rp",,1 s\I1l11ny willi )1 ... lIlId



TH h'



(~Il'''. ' 1I 1.~ I"


Iii .'


l .l' :\I. ~r

," .

I I~ll _;\1 1' . :-: 1,,111 .Ilul '!'''t~ hli' l' ""~'l lIn \,1~1l'" ,In :-:lIl11h, ~'

(~'nnlln \" oIll

(I', m

P H).! \ O nt' )

w" I\n \\' mor(' nl)Ntt It lh;! n rmy o \h("1' lind WIl t "ul n II I't'a t .1' In, 1 '1' '" In It. The rutul' , Ihl' WIl YIIC... ,' HII' H Igh S houl Ahltnnl " .. u(" lu, tl..,n In llmn .. t o !:fI t H i11(\1~' bac k li t l h '/,'a yntl9vllllJ sc hool "y~t.. m .md, Wny n Av lII nl! n community , 'I'll l.' r Is n o r n80n why o ur m omhtl l's, w h ere I' thl'~' Ill ' , cl\ n)1 t b eco'mo 1\ .v p eo iliti for Ule bett f'O rm enl o t th e ir lilt] h om I wn . 'V s hQuld cn ll d u po n t o r e nde r n ny s p du l !! l'I'lce fo r tl I e s IJ 001 or ror It10 comm \J n It y·

r OllM"

pch etl111 d Cpr v:u1y ortfn'noon. A '<1l'eK>I l'('vlew lind c:onwlet c CIl. tUllIll I'P\' le \\' wIll IJ\\ 11101:\ (I il L 2:311, }'11.1" ('Ill". f rll'l1tl,.. n nd nd\' IHoJ's for 01 . 11: ' Iub In mllt' l'll UI'C 10I' 1t do t '00 lweI!. not \.0 wltru' lI.5 th p,!, ,1I' lno ns lI'll1l1,J1I1I or ".If !Iub I\C'OIl1I~URhlll nil.. Ju (lg lng pC 4. H lub I)I 'O j('<'t& wll\ b. doll III 10 ~J m I.'tingll. n cording ltl th e following s£'h od ule.

1'(lln ti\'eJi In Logon County. 1I1r. ~nd ~11'!!, 11ll1tllc hrllltllnllOn Hnt!. lio n , K enrlt'lh, I<P nt the ek IlIl1l In l~l'n~u ky, with I·l>tnlll'ell. )\fl' . n nd :\11.".. n rl!< lIllI'I'ls und HOll , 1-> l)I'llI l: l>o ro. WP«' Bunduy !;,\I IIl l! of MI'. u n,t h ' . ' L HI I' Oil II· nl! II 1ll1 fn mll y. , Th Ico I' 'u m SQclnl h 1<1, Frldny nl;:h~. July 29. a t Pnul Duko 's home t llrn ed lit n 8I1CCO" ". A hU'g or owd Iillcmlcd l o h nl' th mll~le ut "VII', n I'S" u nd ell I I he x· "" Inla!!' MI

"n·l!. L Im n,'uI ~('11 nil ), TUlly , :'11'. ,ml .\I, ~. I I·T, I n .. ,.'>1 .11111 .. It. r,"' t h~ W!ln' I·C\l nl<.lI1, '\11 (l ll'wlltl), (, n· hll \' e - !'l' t 111' 11"01 III th e ir h om . in or , 11,1,11('1')"'11 , \ \1 1 " Thllrs,hl~' <v 11 · ' 1"U Il<' , I 1.,. PI' I'II lt' II1 l\ lIu'!:'n l'et E.l. :'I)I'hu;[h·JtI, "ftl'I' havlll!:f 811 nl S ·V· II,/'( ~II" . I " .. r .\1 1' "nIl .'11'11. ~l lll'li \l'nl·1111. 'rlw a nti UII I l)l<'<ltl n K 1"111 be ,' m l \I' ks \l'lth ,:'III'. Illd ;'\11' . Jac k l~lJlI"I'H 11 11,1 ,III\If, IiI"1. 1I1~lll ~I h ~' .;(7. T Ill' tl ll llu u l Col nv hllon. 1'1'\9t<1n 111(1 r Imny. l\II'. " 1,,1 .\ h·~ . 1:" II ,h 1I ,, ~tlnll'.s nnd Ru rll1- 118 p rt I;lkahl e h 1·('l', will lin d. y dinne r gue8t" (If ?>II·. nnd !lOll H\l"Ul III ' 111' .. 11 ' n,1 III t:1I ~" ~'I! hc h 1\1 t il las l Rn l llrlltl}' of l\I Il Y ) l r 8, L . . ~t J uli n \" \'e ~I I'. II nu P Ol nl. 80 lh nl lho .'1'11\1 u n ' 1I\' lng II I a dl l!. ~I·" . J ulin ~Ulll ll1~' I'I' . )11'. and ;\[ I'"t<. 1111'. II Itl ;\11':1. l,'''"'I' n,'I' lll l'~t:ln 1 (n nro '\v lll find It mol'<' ony n l<m l 10 . n n 111" nd, of SIW\t1"\)OI'lJ. ·111I\.'<1 ;11I1i ~h If'l' w (' n ' J )tI.' 11111 ' ·IISII," ·.... 11/11' ""el bac k. '11'11'8. 1 111"11 Mc::'ltIln n. of t'ltl hllin . r~ I"~" lItr . E II(\<Uu O il)' !tnll dnlll!hl c r . In t~ aft ' r nou n. .luy . 'Wo wn nt LO do 110m Lhlng t Ol' the that w e can do , Th ere (I r e m u ny Virginia .G etts cell ont hom Illude Icc creum. DOI'.o llly, Mrs. ,'orall HuSh, 0110 lioWll l'd J{nuclw ls, uf Clncln n ntl, 1111"8 ) 1ul' l.: lO I~r sp III uml ,,), school. It w ns d eclood a t .our lo st young people gradullt ln g tl'om tho Puul Duk epent ,"Vedneeduy nnd Mrs. Ienbel Ells kor and (IoUghtlll', m e tln g thn t th e sp eclnl oommltt ee, Waynesvlile . HICh 'Sohool every Thursduy in Wooste r, Olllo, on bus · BlIl'bnro. Lou, ot New M n!. nU8~el B n t ley were Blnn chee · ~llent ~ondny \\'Ith M r , a nd M I'. w It h hOllle f olll::l In )lo l'tlnsvllle. till' vl~l t l'iI, InRt Tu ~dllY o\,onln/? Wllb\lr S aI's. J oh n Sear s retu r ned !\II'. find )[1' , \\ IIl1um Strpud v ls ll' In a dditio n to (lronTotln g atte nda nce y ear. Many ot our m embers oro In In oll8. vMtlng h or Illlr(.'nt8, Mr. lld s tnb lMI pos itions where ihey can render a J ack lind J oyc e Toylor I\ I'e spend . L . C, IUdd I', thIs we k. M r . n n I :1\1 I·R. Glib rt 1"1'),1:' nn,.A lO C ln l'lnnn tl wit h h im . M ondll )' ave· ed :\In uIHl ;\11'11 . L~I'I('r Greger nnd ot 1110, 011 I' C1118S08. Rhru ~ fnmll y, f I kw o, d. on !'j IlI1III1Y· the \Va ~'h ea"lIle Hig h , ch ool A lum, I' nl servIce to these y oung p eop\o In g u. few \\' 0 ka with t h e ll' [Wilt In Mr. nn!l M1'8. R olJol't Grill' flO/l hnd IH~ • unclo}" d ill n r gu SIR Il ln !!. 4 ( r . un(\" M I' . l3"u1'llllll \I tt rWO I·l h . ~r. n.nd :ILl'S. \\' lIlilllU or I'I'Y nnct ;0.11'8. ' urolill" lIa l'n It Imll I' tu rn' nl R 'fel' n c L lbl'nI'Y In the high who n rc d es iroUS ot e mploymont. D a nville. R entueky. 80h, Mr. ollcl 1I1r8. !--. C. KIdder ~o n , li nd )11', Rnym on do Dnkt'r, o f od W e wnnt our older cInIlS m e mbe rs 1\11'. nnd Mr8. Paul Getts nnd ed Mr. und Mr/! , H . S. r ~hnn o n. . to h I' h 1!11' In Bcllbl'ooll , lItlc r schOOl build ing, t he g ift at tile mem, • HlIrl' l~on, Indlan n. w l?l'e hl\vlng sp nt BO\'l·rnl \I' eks II I the be l'S ot tile ol'gllti lzntlon . The m a . t o get buek ey ery yeoI', become ae. Ollughter. Naomi, sll ont Sundo y wllh D a ylan , Sunda y : Mrs. Rob ·t Boker a n d dnught er, g uesls ot :\[1' . Bllld :.'lIt·5 , hom e ot W nde Turne l'. hh1l1ry will b pu t In motion In n quoin t ed with th e younger p eople , J lin, wC l'e D ny to n vl s lto l'lI. :.ton · 10h , OVOI' Ih e we k emI. ' I \ 11 .,1 ~H , ee nmpb ~II v I~ lt c t.' W It il r~w week R t o b r ing betoro th e m em o und w e desire tile youngel' mombers d .I)'. :\11'. und ;\11'". R k h llrrl ('h t-sahlln , :\11'. nn d :'<11'>1. ,,'. C . • I ..foh n , 0\'0 1' hl'l'll jllRt Wh lll t h e e IIImltle h o.s In t o reel tha t th e y have n s trong rIght Your Support Appreciated of "·In ' inllllli . s t", n l tl\ e \\'\'('k ~nd lht· \\,.' It I' nol . 111 1",1 ,111d we hope d Ul'lng the ra il 101 1l1'm In th e Alllmni A l;Isoc la lio n up wilh ;\tl', nnd ~ In; . ~I "ri".n ,,' hila c rc , ~II'. lid i\"'~. ll ll "vny SlIl·kt·11 1111,1 h ,l\' Ih o ri rHt st:~m e n l .. tI c. II ,I. o f tLnd clown the lint•. W c ~lIe n' thnt .\ t'l·S. " '\1'01<1 (: lwslI ltll lle l" III I'lI l'd ' If' ('hlltlr" n l' lIll' I' lallli'll a t d,II1 IWI', on th, · Llbn llT III ",o l'ldnl; onl 1'. 'l'h(, lI , WO ('li n b e of Imm en se h (' lp t e tho 1'lnuJ nnllll with Ih l' lI1 , S un da~' , · , ' , ' 11 ' Sund " y . ~I, .. "n,1 :'£1'>1. IllI n y '1' 111' 11 · ti ll' Ass c l:ltlotl .' \' "Y Ih l' c(~ Y<'LII'S OI' I,,(' holll. He l'o the r o nro over 70 0 IIH'n WA YNESVILLE InJ.;. PI', .. f " '1\ ·,·Ii" g. \ \ .. Yi r);,lIlin: II11f1 I'll w ill m u k e li n a d ditio na l g ift >lO II ml \\' 0ll1 1l11 w'ho have ,,,I n ou t or " 1 ' \' . L . \ '. L acy L1 1111 family "b it t·.1 Ilt' lI )' and ( '11 1'111 h l,t1nw . of Un c·ln · th aI' In li m t h c· Lilll'ny W il li a:iS UlIle ,' th e commllnlt y II n (l h llv r pc lv cd AUG UST l\·fI rl'l (' ntl.~ In I ~ hlll"'l' th fl l'lil o f 'll", n:1I i. I·(·al l"'O I)lJ I·llo n ~. . th c be lleflt ot lh e t ru lnln g In tll O l\Il'~ Qllltecr ll Thr 11'0(·1< n ne!. ;<JlNlt Ih e l't' mllln,ll'l' IIf .",·s . I). L . " nm ' i" " pt:lllting lllp Un I, of n tl I hlH l1I .. v oll1l'n l t o r . seho. n nd. tho VUl'lou 51 In s titution s - Intill' "' N'I, In " 111:1(1,.. \\,,'1· 11 \I I h 1,,·1' ""\0',. ~ I r" , AI Sd"lel · e n lis t Ih,. f,'" I1~' lind lo 1." .l ng ulJo u t o f th e commllnlty. W.1 \\'c lIluoh to "Purpil V igalahtea" 1\11' . and )1"6. 1 . D . ull' lt (·ntl·l'· 1' 1'. .. f II :o m IIIOlI1 . a I' 'VI " lll "I' "l'nl lml' lIl I" 1\ mu ch It. \V o h u ve r cl.'lve d . milch but I bOrt.-COJlS IIml Jl.ohbcrs t"ln('< 1 t.Iw f'llluwin)( lit " fll mll~' .lill · .\Irs . ~ I " y ( '",,1, . of D :ly, "n . Is . 1111'1""1' \'I " lo n . It Is II' UC Ihlll we h Ull>! I f ra nkly :l s l' llo wledgo w e II n \" !i ll'en (.'JJr1.oon-Uc Up To fllli 111' 1'. sunrlny : i\11·. II l1d :'I I'~. I ~t:n l' ,1.11111;'; ~I/'. ,,"<1 ;\1,.,. Elh a ll '/'llne t tl have Ih lft r l'ba p l i>!I11 of af f c iloJI I b ut tllli e. H m i t('r w o h op e 10 bring Cum etly-l\1onny 011 Your Life !';1"I1~rt"lcl .11 111 ('hlllll" ' II , uf ~ ("w \' 1· ;,"01 ["IIIlIy LhlH w",· k . I rOI' "lI r !Inn1£' l'"ml1lU fll lY m a l c rllll. ' a ho ut II ch a ng. 'We d Rlrc the )J ('O' ANO, 7--ON E DAY ONI,\' I'nnll. n nel ;\1 1'. II n ,1 " II',.. L NI\C'r ~II~~ I ··I(I,,~ I, ' ...".,." IH cO II\'Il IooHl' llI g Iz ' III Hom" t hlll~ I't'a ll y Inllgll1 l ' and pl(' o r '\'ny n cs vU It' to clI lI UpO Il li S C laudette Culbert Gary C{lopcr Slan:<fj(' hl 11 11 ' ] <' hlldr.:! lI . o r N,,\\' HilI" lit 1",1' h,m, ,, afl, 'r h '''' II1;: l'('el' lIl1y WOl'l h\\,hl1 ll. wh e nc vc r w c t:n n do sum e thlng tor II I1g I . Oil . unli(' I'Il 'lIll' . l ",. ,It I' I· 1I IIt 'I'Ulh,n . th ~'m . '" CjI n I·1n ~'0 ,\ \ 'or y t nlill " n , - InTh ~ll!e or u ~ 11'11" lin; III l h IUI'!;t' I' Republican Primary, Tueaday, Aug. 9, 1938 )rt ss ' ·II'I.:i n lll 1 1" ·... t. '" i. \" 1!lHlnl!' :lJI·. 111111 ;\Ir.... . I n ll ll· ~ EIII" Il nc1 c' 111 ' I''' I' nllzl' Ih a t th 1" '11t' o f lh I' nlhus llls l ic. h iJl ru l ul'I!u nl w tiu n. "Bluebeards EigJtth Wife" lhls \\' k with !ll ls>I i\hll'l ha 1\ I<nn , t·hild l·cn. or ~1I111111'1'''\· tI . n ntl :\ III I'v ln po un t ry ,. ~ lS \, UI'Y l a r ll'l' l~' o n li s II' lth lII em bers locul (\ nil ov I' lhe or CI 111'1 n 1111 tl. ·:'11 1"" l<J l' n ll \\,111 n'llll'lI 1':111 .. , IIf I h.· L'. c. '''Ill ll , ,,'II· s llI'!ngfl I, pt r.ll'n n li n d 11111'0 tit CO IIIIII'y rei/ d y u lld \\'III1I1S t o Il'nd Il h o m l' willi h CI' fO I' n \'1:i1l. IIl lngHlIl. c:l II ·,I. ( .11 ;\11'9. ' hu l'l ,'", Joy >10 \11" " . " • • men n by !.lInt Ihll t lh e h Il' ln g ha nd fo r lh e rhom e tOWII. i\lls:< N orl11ll Lm ·.... y . uf ::: pl'lng hol'n. II IllI elilhlrl' n . Sun,]"" , . " un U·Y!llc1e 11111 ~1 " tll\ fll l·tlis h th e \\ " wa nl 'V ay n ~s vlll t' a lld lt R LoIIlse tOllle)' Is vl ~ ltln ;\11 >I MIII' lh" ~ l ll l'lll1 . .\ I '·~. ;\J Il Y !\lill ' l' 11",1 ,1nugh l " l"i. l\It'n ami w onit'll o f I h l;) rlll UI' \\' ho wh ole nc l,:;-h bOl'h ood tu cU lltlnu e as In Bob loelo 1Il r s. l ltll'l'Y W ll llal11son Sil lit lh(' L II Il ... ( a n d :lIIII'Y A 1111 11 , "pcnt t h o ,Irl.' t o bcco:m l h" g r oull IW'JI'k or lh o p as l, s nd lng ou t Yl'a l' by y Il l' -Int h 's t 1'11 1'1 or Ih., w"l' I, \\·\th ~ I '·M . 1I'.('e l, ond \\'Ith \\' lImlng-lll ll tI'l n rl8 . O il" c lliz n s hlp . \V " tIll n ut 'll' d wi· boy s a nti girl!! f rom s ood COUllt l'y cCThunder in the l>esert" Ellwl !I:luk. ur n:I ~. t u n . ;\1 I'y A n lln "l! lIIl1l ned 1'0 1' u n (,Xl 11() ' z:l I'd:; 0 1' liP Cl:II.: u hll· IlI·o llle. O UI' s l ocl\ who tv .1" 1I 0t n fl'u ltl t o 11'0 1'11, (' d "Ifill. wl' 1I t ml ncd \\' ho h a l'e hlg h(, I' HItlIHln "n!C Ihu n we lit 1'. II lId 11 11'. nn t! ;\1,." . HulJO.'I·1 ;\run g' l' ILr~ m n /IntI womc n II' h gn III I r uu r f h llt In th e It y , u nIl II'ho nt· lO be· I'lllltlng i\I,'. IIntl :' I I' ~. Pollr ~I onl! r . Ol11 C I he I ttllln s ('\117.« ns or 'he t u· ,""11 1 s c- h ou l!;j II'llh ' a hi g h I' s l:l n '\I'd For f IIvill)( n n d who IIi1 ,. tu WOI' I" lU t'C . T o Ih en d. UICI' [01'(' , thll l the ~lIss J'e" n ;\I)" ' r~ , "I' Ilnytun . i~ T hl' I't' fo l'<' , 11'(' of lh (" A lu mni As~o. :'ie-h oo t a n ~o fo rwa rd wl l h lhe \ 'l><lIll1g h I' cl?us ln . H, ·t l,\' IM\' I". clu llu n . whu Ih'c a way r rolll Wa y n fl. It nowle tlg Ihut Its ;;o nll a nd dn ll[:h· ~ I I;; ~ I'l. Uk!' Rmlth ,' I::Ilt,,<1 lh e L it· o n tl' 1l1u lo in te l's. l'ega.l'lil l'ss or \\' h !'e li1l'Y n re :t ;;11111 11 \\.,,~- lO th e d tl\·e lopI1lCllt. n, 01 ' h ow old th ey m llY be. HI' 111111 for Republican Primary, Auguat 9, 1938 Iq; ' n n,.., /lnd OU I'III\' m e ll ' ~, n ml 1:(1'0 II't 11 o f ·the It h cu !'t Rnd soul. \Vo, m ('mbers ot we i' guesl .. of '1'11 ' Lilli ' I lIn , W 1· W lly n sv il le l 'llI; h i:ich ool syst e m he. th 'W nyn es vlllo lIlgh c hool Alum. " .. • .... '" " .,1' ~ nestlJIY. A s ocia lion. cl. client OUI' Iv S. 11 11'. Cill'! .I~ ' n ; lIs'Jn w nS \\·l'dne!j· . M. AR'rWR IOHT. 'SG d,\y ca lle l' a t 'l'h,' Llt ll In n. h nlrm n n I) ('clo l Committee ;\ l l'~ . W il liam LIII< nR ~(l t'OJ' II~' 1>1 IIi ' at Wllyn 4·1[ CLUU OELEOATES TO BE tin y ev(' nlll~ . SELECTED, Tl ESllAY. AUG, 9 n. .....0.. Co_by Club Br_d la a Special iatl'O· ;\1I·!l. 11i11'1' ~' ~1 "k">:1 Wa H l'G'1110VE' cI dactory we at a price that ,"oa'd thin .... 1Iaheard DelegR tl's to r opl'''8ent '¥RI'I'en OFFICIAL SERVICE QUUt,.. . to Lh l\ U"Ih! Y r,lIC'y H". pHnl. DRY ' ollnty 4·H Club girls a t the Ohio to n . dri Il<lny, COl' I)~ 'r va lloll. S tot e F a ir 11'111 be selocted, Tuesda y , AU g URt 91h. whe n 4· H lub III mb r8 T E ]P H I IAn n y II GH ES u m1 th eir I1dvlsol's ·m e t (or th e ir n n· lPo n AT OH lub eUmln ll llo n c ontes ls 12 caaa ..Q'#o----~r_-~'-'..:.......:::..::..=.:..:..=-'-"= . . 8' c:an.J 48c 11 9 Ul wn l' l w Ave. o rner L ow s· nt lim'mon Hall . In [.~bnnon , Jm1..: 18 caaa t5c Z4 caaa tSc J D oyLO n , O. 'WJIl r oom itnd boa rd. g lng c ont s ts In clo·thlnl;. fo od s, lind Night. Phone 5 R 2 Phone 105 R 2 t Pl'lc,'S \\'oll'l h while Inl' IiUgatlns· hom <furnis hings will bIl condu c t ed . NOTICEI TLie I. to ohtalaiq 8 ...... 2a o&. Waynesville Wi'll MI'!;. o m StuPI), (nee 1'1\. dl1rlllg tho Illornlng se ssion with In\ FREE wi" . .ery pllrdaaae' of aft Iar.e calla at tIM re.alar ~c.1 . .. 'u n ') or ph on e ADnml! 487'1 . dlvldua l ' a nd team mOIlB,tnll/olHl





Twin Theater

Wymer 'L. Drake


Wayne Twp. ·Central Committeeman

Vote For





Crane's Garale AAA

4 :! 2Sc 6



FREE COFFEE FREE WESCOLA A P01lad of YOUR F ••orlt. LOler Coif.. if we fail to coffee before fiaithla. jour aroc.ry order I

. French Brand. : .. Lt;. 19c Couatry Club·,. ' .' Lb. Z3c

Witla ~ Pacn... of Wheati.,

F .... This

., .r


D_ AU.21 be.,.r...

DaII,. Mid •••, Tomato

CA.a •

Dillie Cry.UtII

Country. Club



FOR . "

2 29' Se 1 ....

Tires, Tubes, Gas & . Oil. _Wrecker Service

Much Followed Advice

Silll'f' d enl h i~ n II l1t lIml nlltl un. n "011111 bte (Welll'rllll!: • It ill wlsc 10 IIInlro Ill'O ller sll1ps b"rm'C It CHII1 41f!. Sl'il'('lin~ n hllll'l'lIl tUrce· tor - just· liS you IIlllll o n will 01' I,ro\'ltlll illsurn nce IlrOl l'cllulIIs 1\ III'Cl'lIl1t1ollury IIll'llSIII'e IlInt will Pl'll V(' III. cOllru s ll1ll IIl1d Ills· 1I1}[Jollltrucllt.

Stu'hhs Funeral Home


l'lIONE 29


Salad Dreaaing" , Qt. 23c

Country Club .

Kroger's Clock Bread

SALE: : One g ood J I·ItcY helfer, te n ",ee'ks sIn ce by Joshlla Hnl'v Y . ·Wayn osvllle , Ohlp,

Red Salmon . I lb. can 2lc . Rye Bread. 20 oz. loaf lOe r

Country Club Hearst

Grapefruit No.2 can 11 'h e


May Gnrdcna

Mixed Tea . I~ II:. pItg. 1ge

. -.8CRIiEN"Wom.n Ag.lnat Wom.n" Vlrglnll. Bruce 'Miry AltoI' M .... h.1I

POTATQES, Home Grown, Cobb lers . . 15 lb. peck 25c

-BANANAS, Golden Ripe ....... , ....... .. .... .. ... 4 Iba . 19c LEMONS, Sunkist, 360 Siz e .......... .......... 4,for


ORANGES, SunkiRt. 252 Size .... .... .. .. .... .. 5 for


GRAPES, Thompson Seedlcs .... ....... ,... .. .2Ibs.


FRESH CORN .. ................... ........... ........ Dozen ' 12c WAT~RMELONS,

R.ed Ripe , ..... .... ..... .. .. Each ICEBERG LETTUCE, Larg')e Crisp Hea~s Each

39c 10c

Meats ·Fillet of Haddock 2lba 3Sc ·Ulh' ·· .. IOc • h FI~ , ,." Ibng . .......... .. ...... . .. . .. .. ...... ........ ........ .lb. lSc

. ..-_ _ Loavea. 6 varieties ............. .... .'... . lb.


STDKDL COAL ITOIUa Stol<ol uaers-,people YOII bow-tay .. Stoliolautomatic COlli .toker materiaUy ..-edbeating c:oeu. Feed. ·furnace with leu expauive coal-..a leu of it-elimiDatea w.. tecute out cost of ..h remowL Oeanu beat' meana daaer bouae. Leu labor--beat therIDQatelic.UYCODtfoUed.Av.U.

. able in bopper and bin feed models. Baa, terma~ . , 1T01(0L " lAlUl.t


\I . She., 1'1111 •


Knap, aliced .... ... .. .. .... ............. Ib.







. ;

bc/u.l lva Hydraulic' 011 T,on,ml..IOII"· Alr ll,ht Hoppar - Hydraulic HoId.FI.. C\lII""', Allt.matlc Control of AI, Supply. SlIHt •

· 29c .......


"Bank Night"

Produce .

WANTED WORK -. of nny 'klnd Ex p er l nce In by h o ur Dr do y . plllmblng, et c. No job too la rge or t oo s mn tl. Hutes I·e(ls onable . See J ess P c n:nlllg ton or phonl) 2GR3 . 7·13·2to



Grapefruit Juice can .7%c


.J y Ag '2-2 tl1. F R S ALE OR 1.·RADE-$2000 In the Prop c l'ly I n"estmo nt C orporn· lion , Du yton, Ohio. No t ~ six' ))!'r I)en l monthly 434 G r a nd Ave nlle. Ca ll L . lR. 'Re yn olds. P hbne 4101 for fu ll information a nd write i\ I'lI'Y Ca H olI. P e nnvlllfi' , Indiu m!.. 7·14·3tp

Safe, C'"n,

De,......... .


Farmer's Exchange




WEEK of AUG. 4th through AUG. 11th ONLY 20 to 50

8 to 15 •




Free In.s ulatio·n Gffer' ,


W hile this s ileciu l 7.onolltc Ins ulntlon cnml13 lgl1 Is !lIkin g plncl! we are oftcrlnJt you 1\ c hance to In Hlllnte YOU I' home nt (I big &1vlng, . Durln,;; this w k ' WI) will · give YOll. for" e1'OI'Y' abs olu t ely fre '. fiv e ba ss of Z<lI1ollle - the world 's Oncat , Ins ulnllon tw enty·flve bogs you PUt· hllse ! ~

Buy Zonolite This 'Week _. Sav~' Up To.20% On lnslilatio,n Costs DUY ZONOLl'rE ',I'H IS WEEK- SAVE UP TO 20 % ON INSULA· TION ceS'l'S IMAGINE! You Cll n save UI) to 20 por cent ot'the r er;ulllr cost of Zonollto, If you buy n ow dlll'lng Zonollte Wecl:. K ee p coolon t h e most 10l'rld t1 uYI!~ n joy relllXed nnd l'esttt.1 slcep on tho h~c st nl g hls- In "tn ll ZOllollte hOllso In sul ation bl" tweel\ thc ce ilin g JOIIl\8 or root rn (te rs III YQur attic spnce. Zono· lite will gll' e you y nr 'l'OUlld comfort. I n summer It acts ItR II. h eat·stopplng barrlcr by II eplnll' lh e Mn t ot the BUlllmcr su n (rom s eeping In t1l1'ough c e ilings- t hu s keeping ~'our h ome 8 to 16' doegl'ees cooler. In wlnler, It pre vents Ihe OSOIIP of h eat, thus giving you uniform t e mpora tllres nnd II. stlvlng In fuel bllls 'of from 20 to 60 %. ZonoHte pays fol' Itself!


ZONOLITE GIVES MO~E INSULATION VALVE BECAUSE • Zonollte Ie 100 p t'r cent fll'c, proot. .

• ZOllollte will outlast tho life of your h om ~.

• Zollollte Is vermin a n d dent proot.

• Zonollto ILUlomattcil.Uy fills unl(omlly tlnd. completely ...

1' \1 ·

'E ASY TO INSTALL YPU CAN DO, IT YOURSELF tont: It only requires an hour o r two to, ·cllijread ZonoU.t e Ins ulation ~tween: ~EE OUR ZONOLITE DJSPl.AY A~ tilE \V ARREN ({9UNT~ _ ~ the . flttl~ j\lls!A ot yqur,. lJome. 'Zono, lito pours readily .to a · cbinplct.e fill • ' ~AlR IN SFlMEMBER g iving you all eCrentlve beat '~rl'3l' that your h omo 'n eedll

• Zonollte f8 molat uro rests-

• Zorollte. \V~1l I!'Bulato' I!mall attic for $26 to $~O,



W. H. Madden &.€o..






FUNERAL .SERVICES FOR SARAH JONES Fun rul Rl'rvlccs w c r o h ehl , 'I'u CB' ffi.1Y afte rnoo n, Ilt two u\:loc k, n t M e ( 'Iu ro FUlle r ll 1 nomo tor 1II r.!!. SIl I'ah EVil (I« ('),H ) Jun ('lo, uged 82 YI':ll'A, who pass c1 Ilwny Ol th 'h ome or he r only e hllll, 1011'S. E tlll'lyn Britton, In III ' dluna .

1\1rll. J o neM was the wid ow of th e

Mrs. J o nes 11Io \'cd t o " 'fly n s ville. O ne so n n ne' two dUlIght I'M we r e born to Ihl8 union, tllo so n helng tllke n In a rly Intaney nnd one d a ug htc r a t th age o f two nnd one· hnlf yenrs. Tho youngest till ugltter l'em lllnll to s urvive ~ ICr moth er. Sho W [18 e~ceed lllg ly activo In r eo IIg lous alllt c Ivic w ork of IlII IdndR. She was a. m ember ot tbe l\le t11OdlRt C hurch t..... many y ears. Ail n fam · Iliur fIgure In . ,\\'. C. T. U. c lt'c1es , "'ho h ehr many Important ornce~, both locn.l a nd count~· . She h us served as 8.o oretnry anti c h ll jlln ln o f the Iocnl Ens t rn Star, and fl fe w montha be fore II I' d cnth was m ade an h o norltry lit m moor. li'armer 's Orang No. 18 ca n c lnim th e hono r of her servIce as its 8Cel·e lary. chap· InI~, anti leet u're r . In 1925' .~r '.hco.lth en used h ur to give up he r 110me 'IInd go to l'c8ldo wIth h e r daughter. DemIse oeourred on Aug us t 6, at 4:80 p . m ., coll ow lng COml)licnllOns r es ultl ns ',.rom· a b 1'0 k e n hi p. id ht Sho I8 s ur v'1v d b y l e r aug e l', Mrs. Ve rne R. Britton; two g mn(].. IIOIIS, L a wrence n ml Raymond ; two grnnd-d,\ug hl e r s , Iris a nd ,\rde th BrUfUn, of Mis hawaka ,; a nd two s is te rs ,' Mrs. 1\lInel'va Mills, of Fort "Volth , T~s, and Mrs. Ada Sales, at LOll Ange}es. CalifornIa. Burlnl was .In Mia mi Cem etery. Shn was lold to rest by thr of 'I ter pupils, Byron Hn rt80ck, George lIlar· laU, nnd Charles H a rtsock; und three form·e r neIghbors, Harry Cor· n e ll, Sam Henklo, and CharleS Slra usser.



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grinning Dou,l .. ·'W"""·,,a)," who ne" his S900 "old ,'raIF " from New '\'ork to Ireland to beeome the World's Number One HerD, takes life easy and call. (or I cup of stron g tea a8 the liner · Manhattan carries him home"ard. The riotous "eICO'll" jiveD him in New York rh'aled that of ColoDel Lindbergh's triumphal ~return 111 rears ago. - ," ": ,.. - -. . , . , - -- ' ~ ~ ~ ~. ,

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' '':.lITe n Co ulllY nurn l fle cI'callon e nt er .. hnvc ue n Invited t o ont er • Dr. Ma ry r C'pol't!l I:; JlIore a ppr e· • th e AI)Uutlc • ciated by a ll s u hjec t to fl uod ... !\,L1t1 mls burg ~Jun1<!lpul Pool, A ugust 22. l1t'h eanm ls fo r this event will be . s in Augu s t 8th. II I 9;30 u. m., n nd IC n II R ura I. R cc rcut on e nters a re ur· ·ged to coop<!rnte by e nlel'lng t ea m s ot [j to to c hlldl'e n. It Is nlso 1'(>lIu e". ted th at each e ntra nt hrlng n. w rit .

Flv hcr on s have , at least t cm · · • ppr" rlly, tu l,t en rc" ld ncc In the· • bo ttom lu nda of the E arn hu rt· ·

• • • • • • te n co n ~e n t ()[ pa re nt 0 1' g ua rtllan. MI MS MIl'lum 'hauss, MI::ss Ad I • Kim, ll nd Mr. G <II'g' Smy th e will • conch s wlmm,t' l's for the s ho w lit • Mlamlsbul'g. • • W.a y nes,,1J _ 18 J) tlcul a rh'. bl o/3I1'

Pullc r !lO Il propcl'lY · Th e tl CW In · · h t1lJltantll g'(wc rally are clusse I · us Egl' ets , u. 11'1' 11\ which 111 ' IJmces a ny oC s{: \'e ra l s lIla ll spe· · cl'~ or a m e l'lcan he l'o n" dlstl Il C·· th'e fO I' a II' 1I,t1("'e lo[led el'CtlL · nn ,1 flowering Illumes on t he · hack. Thc 1II UIIlCW, (o r merly in· g l"at d e nm n d fO I' lad lcs' 'h u ts, • a r c now r c·t UlII('d nlry Into the· Unltod ta t~ t u protect th e Rpe· · • cies f rollr ·(l-xt'el·mlnu tlo n. ••


o rte l' opportunIty to 'd ern o nstl'a t o t.h elr accompllshm enls. 15 YEARS AGO IN THE If e nous h e nthusiasm Is dc mon. )\tIAMI GAZETTE s l.r ated loca lly It-III more thn n Pl'o· 15 yellr s "1;;0 OUI' n u IIo n m OU l'ned bable that 1\IIllS S~ru u8s ClUJ vl ~lt 1\1Iul h I' ho no re d and I· ·'ver od pres· Wayncsv lll e an d I·c nde t· h r personal Idont , \Vurl'c n Ga IIIIl 111'1 1;I11I'd lng. llllenlion to loenl entmnts . Tho bod,y l' posed In sta t e all dny 'Vedne!lduy, lIntl 011 T hursday wa s t alten to 1\1 1lII'1on. wh e l'" the tuneml t ook place , F rltl a y. Unde r th e sa.n cLl oII o f the ' Vuy nf's, v111e COllllllOI'clul Clu b, a com munity se r vice Wllll h e ltl nt th e Sli m e time 1\8 thosc In J\l a l'lon . All b us ln css Forly·o nc n t' w cur lI8 les WeI'O r eo ho u8es w ('l'e ciulSec1 Ilt l ~:OO Noon co rded for " '(Lrren Co unty during lInd ' r "l'uc ln m u tlun of !IIa yor Ho· tho month or July , C. C. Beck e tt, ~ c r s. ole rk of COUj·t s , hns anno unced. H c \,. Holl letl In pl'Ryer , nJl 'I' Oldllm obllo lends the SlJ.ICII with te n whi ch I L mille qutlrt t COIllPOS<!(\ of cars. Messr s . L . N . Printz, I? B . I·l ende\, · C h e vrolet, w hIch was C1rst In Jun e. so n, ,"Valter Elzey, li nd '1'. E . R ogc l'e, milked seeo nct wIth eig ht sn loo. (Lccolllpa lllcd, by !11111S Kathryn H Qn· Te Fo.rd:-1r-:-'ftTrtn!It-,,-kle r i!(lA , SlIO!; "Lend. KIndly Li g ht." 6, DCldgo . 4, Plymouth, 3, DeSota. 2, Chnlnnan J. O. Ca rt'....lg ht r Olla. Hudson a nd O . M. C., a ile Meh. 11 bea uliful e ulogy , )lUbll;;hed b y the Bunkcl"y Sales were less limn ono half of Cin cinnati lhoRO of Jul~' , ]037, I\-h e ll 97 cars 'I'h o lu rge crowel t!h e n c losc d by we r o sold--Chc vl'olet leadln s with 34 l!lnglng " Am e r ica" and stoud u t ut· tor the m on"h . tOlltlon during th o IIlay lll r; o ( " 'rhe pnngled Ballnc I·." S tar


EMPLOYEES TO HAVE PICNIC9 TH URSDAy. All of tho T elt'phonc employees of th e Wnyne,avllle, L eha non, Ma son, nnd Morrow T e lilh o no Exehl1nb~S tll'e 'hnvln g 1\ pic nic, 011 Thursda y, Au sust 18th ,

W . ( '. SlIIilll,


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The o th " I' co nt e~ t wlla II) Fra.ok. Th e EII,fj Anllual l'lc n lc "'as hl'l,1 lin w lwl'l' H . E.LI~ J'ny, . In cumbent. II I \ "ylltl '!J COm l). IJ l\\'I'(' n \\'ay rwH' '''(1)< c ll osc n ol'cr Q ue ntin Cog. Le, vill e u n d Or ego n In, . o n 'I'h l' Lilli, :\'11 . COLI.ETT.i\I('J<AY JtEUlIilON r lly 'l; ,"o le II'IUI 737 . Cox's .402 . am i fUV" I·. S ' I' ' I'" I \\'a )' 111'''I' III.' Th e 72 n(l a miual ' allel·McKay re· ]~ II' attc lI(ll'tI. ,\ Ii IWhOl' Ill Cm hr l'A of the c ommit. IIn ln n 'will be he ld at the u s uu l place l e(' w('ro I' ·eleet d. o n S" lul'd u y. Au us t 13 . ,\ Ii tn cmbl'S or th<;\ D em oerntl<: een Octopus and SquId Edible t 1' 1 1 1 ('onl mltl (' we ,· I·c·elected': S Oc topuses and squids are regular TO HOLD ANNl J\L 1'1CN1C (Contln uc u o n rllge Four) artlclcs of d ict in many counlrle •• L y tle S Ulld ay Sc hool w1l1 hold thc Illlnual pic n iC lit H a nll on P UI'k, L eb n non, n('xt Su nday, Au g usl H . WI\I m eet fi t hUI'e h at !):30.



here's Prool0f 1 hat Catch

The ·pl.enle Is' an annUlII n.fta lr ·n.nd the public fire urg ed, In eon s ldera· lion ot thc hard w~k Il er~ormed by lhe, operators the e llUro year, to U80 their · tele phones spurlngly 'l'hu~dny nnd be patlen't with the operators on

'I'he e xec utlvo co mmitt ee o f the Mcthotllst T e nnis Club me t, ~londlLY e vening, at th o home ot th e ir l ' r e,9' Id l!nt, Mr. D. C. Ridge. It wa~ v o· te d to llurc:hnSe the r e m a lndm' oC tho mnte'r lat nee ded for tho court .


noon hour.

\0\' .

P . SaJlMIJury c n lO ruLin cd wi t h n fam · Ily dlnn ~ r. 1' h ""e preHcnt w " I'MI'. u nd 1\Irs. Cla rk Sll llsb ury. of \ Vest Vh·g l·nm, Mr. and 'lIlt·l:I. HU l:Is I Salls· bury and ctll1!\l'en: 1111'. n nd ~Irs.· ),rnr. vey Ryo li n d childre n ; Bnd Mrs. 11us· Bell B e nson u nd so n , fl ob Roy, of Clevemnd.

doutYI as r elief ope ra tors will on '. The proje ct IEl to t;,e f1nlilu~d wit hin Mrs. S,l.Il>1bulT retul'ncd, h omo duty In orde r tha t 8ervice . will not tho n ear future . with h er so n, lu rk and wife, for 0. be In~rrupted, week'H vIsIt with th em and h e l' VACATION d a ughter, Mabel.



Mr. and Mrs. ' Lore n ~OBOn arc enjoyIng a vacaUon' at Atlantic City. Tbey' <plan. to vlalt relo.tlvllJl and MJu Gretchon Gehring. ot Toledo. friends enrou*e. llnd to visit Wash. vlalted 111'. and Mn. J. 'S, CbaPma:il Ington D. C. ond MoUlit VeZlnon on ' ·lalt Thursday, . .• tbel1' return trip.

MI'l\. 'BoM\ln Rnd 8~n II r e "taylng Mr. and' !\frs. H01Jle r R:im by , ~rrs . Katherine Cnsey, nnd .lr. w1I11:llTi with h er lllth er, In the a bs<!nce of Prendergaat IIJ)Ont FridAy to ' lIlbn· MI·R. RIll1abury. day at - ~:~Iek, MIchigan. Thoy r eo Mrs. Robert Bnkl*, S1'., Is s llond· ~rt the fbrhlng IIplendl\!. Ins tho w eek wIth 14r. u.nd loire. Will Tlnnw nna. baby of MallOn. Sllt'lcribl~

to ,01D' local newspaper





atte nda nce at the a u ling.

o n· hi s

UatHiHIII : d S I II' \' \( '" , ~...t:l I I . II I. :-' lIl' ( "' ~:-lf lil :IH t he Hl'IHIt.ll cn n n Uln .. Hlamllluinlo E\'.' n Il l<' wI ·lIlhe l'lII" " . Itl! '~ \ f ,)t' lJ , H, :";pna t u l' , d e f eating ar tel' ",I vlnl; Il c,II .lin l; shu \\,c I·. reo \\' ('t\ ne/irlay : Bibl e SI utly. i : ~:, p . Il l. h !;1 "lll1hllL' lIl, .Iull l;(· ,\I·th ul· Day. le n t C'\! a nd pI' ' ~(' nt l'll d ear s kit ·", rlJ l' T hl,lr'~ \\' l l1 '(' lWO a <ldllil'1I1H t n til ( 'I.. \,, '1: t ll t! hy IL p lurallly ~r over Ihe r" ma ;n(\ I' r of Iil e e ,·" IIIIl" . 'hurc h, I" s t ';lInll ny "'·'·lI lng. ~ VI1V III thl' ('ownly . n (110 Demo· TIlf' g rll tlllll" or till ' . ..... Ie ::>ch uol '1"h £'l'l' :l rl~ rUlH' It) b e' I)n p tlzptl, . ' un· (' I'Uli e ti rol, t, Hub' l·t .1. BlI ldtle y rnn rr Uulldln " weI''' ablazC' with co l n l'~d (l u)' ('ve nlng , votf'H II h ('al~ oC former lig h ts IIlIrI J o pnn,',.,. L a n tC' l'ns. 1'ho ~ l)\" (jl'n l 'g"l~ '''hU t', 'I' h" :'l e l'1'y·C:o· noll ml. ga y wltll t JII"Jl jI(IR rl rlll' nClllllll ll ll on to ·th ><trl'il IlWI'" >l ud wtt.h ,,\'ldI'OHI "' A\,~ES "ILI.I!: 1\I . E . t: lIl' ltCII I'('to,) I 't' t h '(I ( It't'h't'!-! WI" '("' 1"1' :lAUre, O. "rfol'.1in"" I'en lis tlc mu ~k . lI11l'llc t.'<l It.l\' . ,J. \ ' . Ult",·, 1·""1...· 11 . • :IJm ll1l ~s ll}ll I' HUl'old t'he yo unl;(' I' folks ali (\l tl II lso th e SlIIulny, 1\II I; IIS I 14; 10:\11 Il. " .J Im" 1IIIIlI 'Y ami Audltol' A . M. "d lll't thl'o w ," " hit tI. e hl a<: l, hoy," 3:30 SlI ndilY He h o(l\. Pur" ' 1'. ~ 'nd tIl " fl ph Iloml. " n . D . 'Oili'lL. HllpL' l'lnl c IHknl. ., t ' h" ."I ,':-; .J , \\· : q;gun (l l' , L c bu nO)l, r e· Th ' ba nd gn~'e u n ~xcl'l1 p n t ·on · 10:30 ~l o .. nlu J; '\'tJ I'Mhlll. Hul, jprl . i L'i\'('rl U \'I ,lp .. f 3 ~ tI!l for H opubll ... C I·t " rea ll y u I' III'e 11Il~ 1 I>y :\11. "Thllt S tra nl;' ('"nlrall ktilln ." " , ~, "" n sllt l (' ('('nLnll cu nl lldl\ e m'Ln . H e Approx im ately o ne hun dl'ell ,101· MUlIlla), la rs I h(' I·. , which 8:00 Orrtl:ln l Bali I'd Un ;:. "'11':;[ 1\'/\ :'\ IIn"IlII <J~I'd ..111' hl~ ti ck e t. ,\ I·Iot· lIr aPllI'uxlmnie ly 7VOO w a s will be utillZNt III Il ureh nsln'" n w m ec Um : o f nl'W H UII l'd. M III till' 1>1'111111 1')'. 'I' hls WI\>! con. (·ltAt hu nd s uit s . \\'<'IIIII's(lay h C'a\')' by e lection !\II'. Frn nk a nt!· me mbpI's of th e 11 :00 Lmlll'!I Aiel ~1 1'1't1n J; a n ti. III Ilk s lel "l' d ral l'ly or/:unlzlltln n t ll k e thIs "Pflorlll nil ;' 111 t h Un!:1 ' ~I)y , \\'(Ifl(" " All 1I 11! IIIan l .. l'[il:l :<l8 :Hili I" wit hin a few I k L've l'y on o \\' I10 . I'y t.,,' ' I I' 111 (11('>1 allll tll(·.· I· rllll,II I,·."" ' II'.' In· V I III'~ III' til<' pl'cdkll on s made by to tmn : t>Ji.--V.H'gl l l1~I?I"'~>$~;.oP"'Ilj.,.... · _ __ __ _ _......-" vltcd. efforl.s a nd d u nn LiO ns. 1I111l\e this ( 'O LJ N1'\' ( 'O~IMI'r'I' EE VOTES Va catiun llll1 enffn h' RUI·h Il 14l1 eCess. n o~" I J. lI al·t HI,:k , rncm<' r county 'I'lt l',...... ", ns !j:! rWI' ce nt h t"'lt,. l ' a t Lt ! llfill n Cf\ a t t n 'aHun'.·, wn .. ,' I' ·t£',1 \V"y ne lown>l h ll' fIl l' mll,' r o r tht! H puhllcn n eenS untln), Sc- hoo l th is last w ('l' k . tl',,1 CIJ IIIIIIILt e!' 11>1 Il . wrlle ·11I candl. tl n lt~ ov e r' W. L . !'Ilke. The voto ELKS ANNUAL PICNIC was 11:u ·t14oek ~OG, Drake 109.

no cnllC AWAY Dr. lind " ·I rs . Alfl'ed S to ut nl'c \'11 ' ca ti onln g 0 11 Lllkl' E,·le. Th ~ y Id l , \ Vcd nes llll Y m OI'nln g a nd ~llln to he ba'k S unday c vcnln ff. 'rhe Doctor "Las t W c llnc ~d(ly I' vcnlng li t 7:30 w11l ope n Id A o ffice fO I' PI'UC' ti c, !I·l on· th e wcctdln j; o f L ure n Ioladley a nd day lJI ornln g. Miss J ea nnett e J u nn ey t ook pl:l 'o .O\JI) 'fO HAn;: 1'leNI(] at th e home of the brldc'~ 11I1I'OIll S, Mr. nnd ~Irs . • J . E . J n nn ey , on Th o Lall ies AILI or th e M. E. North S u'C()t, In the prt'!l('n ce of 75 Chul'!! h wl1 Ihave II pi c niC Ilt Ung lel!' by 's ·W ""t1~, o n n e xt g ues ls." - So ~tll tCA th e Gazelte . Th brluC! Is (llI e o r \Vn y nesv lll o; 's Th e' m e ml.Jol·s IIn(\ th ei r · famili es n ro own d a ught el's, find, Is h loved by Inv ited to com o and W bring pic nic a ll \\:hu Iw ow he.'. ~fr. n nd ~I r . )..u . hasket!! Jlnd (Unn e r will be ea t e a fi t

Th o pic nic w111 h o h t'ld at Buck' eye Lnk e Park wh e r e th e ' e mployees ro n Hn.dley h .. \' 0 ag:i In e s\a lJl1~h ed a nd th h' fa mll1<!s will bo c ntonaln. relSlele nce In \'\TILyncsvlll!!. cd IVlth contests, gam es, tree l'ldc a, 1)lonlc tlllm,' r and o~h e l' o nt ertnln. m e nt. T lVen l y . f our e mployees, Including membel'S of their famllics \\'111 be In

til-' ( '111(11'''-

L u rd ':-i SliPI'

Th " n UllII

le d

1" lfUItlI1I ' 'i ' \\'u Jn: l n , :1 114 \ "runn in g m u te


to UI' . "11I!'y CUIl I" • U h ll!'f1 ~ ltl i> :; II I' , n ut th • onl y CaclOrl:l l II'hlc ll acco mpa ny • • hlb lt w u l ers . .l"urlhc l'lilO r c, what •

:Rflvu n

\ 'lIll':-I .

1'I ' pt' I ':-. \\ l lInl l\' p


W ,\ \ ' SI';l'nLl . E ( 'IIl ' Jl( ' 1I

P, lHt.

t 'la r"' III '"'' 1:1'11\\, 11 , jHH n e h (~sl e r ena ·

LO I ' d '~ SHJl I II ' r .

'. Quiet.


"'I':11I1dln , by U III a ..

~I L nd :\ iH I


I :"\';lIt

T~\lrcl f' tl c

11 1I ' h ' IH) nl ln oc tor

: n ':

t' PI '4'!'i l ' l llr11i\"l

:\1 ;1rtz. is

FEHH\' ( 'III ' H( ' 1I til' ('I lit IS'" 1(1' \ ' . W . (' . SllIilh, .\lill iHt l· l·

~"ll '(' I .. d

L .'IJll lI lIlI,

Ill '

l 'Inp',: 1i ~, ' Ii'HII. :131'

Ron~!fr::~J)la::~n~nr~ ~Ch:~~ ~;: :~VI~~~~:r:1, l:~~e t~~Ou~D:tte!l:XC':~~:~~..

"'ra ct' ,. ncea~ T I1U100 . c, F mn k n-r n nr 'ow Morrow ; Frank Hnrv~y, Donllid car: lo r . Eve rett Runyan, Lebanoll; n nd C. E . Mltc hf> nel', R. M, HaWke, and \Vn lle r "Vhltu l,or, Wayncsvllle. Uams . w e re lJuJ'e hascd by the com. mlUee fro m H . 1\(. ourbeer. P e rsh. Ins, IndllltUl, n nd Hllrry c'llldwell, C(J nn erBvlll ~, [nd ln nn , both outstand, In g bre ed ers of ShrO)lShlre 8heep. F o ur r eSis ter d 'Southdown mms we nt tQ 'h ead th e ' fl ock s at William Land h or s t u.n() Elmer Durrell, Mfl. lio n ; 'Va lte r DaviS nnd K II I'I Cowand, L ebn n on:""trom th floc k .of William ~ufrllne, W at Ch oste r, Ohio. Evere tt nunYlln hnl! . ve ry r ecent. Iy pla ced three I'cslate rd ShropshIre ram s , 'with C. E . 1\1cOownn, Clarks. ville, Arthur Ollb rt, Ge rma ntown , and Frelda MJnst. L ebnnon. Ot!lcr rams ex e hanA'es noted I. the county Inc uded thc . purchase ot II purebred Humpshlre by Ralph Stlbbs Crom C. R. Beckett, Orasonla. lind Mr. Beckatt In tum purchased a purobred Shrops hire at th o ClInton Co unty mm Exehnngo Day. Ausuat 4th. The c ommittee en n s UII 110lp br ced. er s to locato dellirnble r"ms to h en d th eIr flo cks.


\\" : J1 1\i1l ~ ,


REPORTS OF RAM DISTRIBUTION DAY R e ports o r lho ra m distrib Ution he ld Inst Frldny a t th Everet t Ftunyan F or m, north at tow n, ·I ndl. CIIte thn t purebred r ums 11.1'0 r ocelv. In" "8troll'" ' ' ' e mpll as ls In'" n nrre n Count~' ~hlR s ummer thro ugh t h e Shecp Inlllrove m e n t Prog ra m . Ovc r 40 farm e l's w er e Ill'cs e nt. ' . rll m Il lnp <u., .. . .. n commItt ee, cnm . ,~ v Il~sed of C. D . Crockett, .H oward Mc Kny, Hnrry Schn II, J . R. Kim lKir , d D aV Id "plJ ' 11 y wns Ins In 1It1 1IIIIcing twelve r egIs tered S hrop. s hl rell ""Ith L . H , K omll InS', Ed \VI I M H L S

\'l H!"i

all'tl fit r nt' pu blirl1n r(\J'lr~tie n lu l" t t,) t l l\' ':t ' I WI':d 1 1 ~~(·m fl y. T IH ' I't ' lll l ' n ~ S hO \ \ ' fOd i\[:) l'tz lea d-

Ho·\·. H. I .. 11 " 1'1(\1\'11


'0" Hur·

'\* UITtl ll

V . ;\I anz. 1" r :lIl k lin.


I'T. :'II,\HY 'I' El'll'nll' .\L C III 1(('1 1

A pic n iC (linn I' WtlS he ld, S undllY, · lit the hom e o f Mr. a n d 1\'11'8. Delhe rt o nge l'. 'J' hll~" w ho (' njoycel th e dll Y WCI·., MI'. IIn(\ III1·s . N ell Smith a nti two s ona; :\'116S ~ E lln ur undo OeOl·g · II na . '1IIlth St. BCl'nn rcl ; MI' . a nd Ml's. Russl,1I . ShN'oll II ml n ogc l' Bowe r s · vil le; IIII'. Il ull Mrs . William T omlin ; 1111'. li nd 1I11·s. E a rl Burden Il nd two ~o n s; ~Il ss Botty .!\In lo no, Miss Gold . III. T omlin, a ll of 'Vllmlng t on ; IIII'. n·nd 1\11'''. Dcdto rd Sll'1 cklll nd , J\1 ISH orn ' I'hllho,,"I!r, l\llddll,t ow n ; !lfr. a nll !\h·B. Ellrl H il i, Dnyt'o n ; IIlr. lind ~11·s. C . 1 r. •'mllh li nd, Inez, :Xonla; ~Ir . n nd MI·s . 11nyrnoml Dftlloy a nd Mux ; Mr. Ncll Bunce, 'Vtlync" vlIl e




C liurC'il fl r l - tt l ht , , '41n J,.:'t'a t II.J tt ';l



auIIoG................. .

Many Improvements Added To Church Basement


Ira O. Brown. eommel'clal teacher In the local big'll school, has tend rcd his r eslgnntlon to the Board o[ E (lu cn tlon. Mr. Brown has neeepted a posItion 'In the Commerelul Depart· ment of the Franklin Schools, ];'01' ·the. 'pitst six yen rtl , Mr. Brown 'has been assocIated wllh the loe lll school system. ae r e c eiv ed hlaMasler's Degree trom MiamI Unlve r · slty this sprIng. During .hls (cnure nt Waynesville the Commerclill Dc· partment become one ot the 8chool'8 A blrthduy dInne r was give n, Sun. strong dlvllll!)ns. day, Ausust 7, a t the home of Mr. His many frIends, whllo reluc.tant and Mrs. Orville flu.mbo tor Mr. to see 'hIm, are happy tor hIs Rambo's moth e r. Those present wero promOtion, Mr. a nd Mrs. Lester BOlVe r, o f X e n, In; Mr. and Mrs. Glenn ,Vlnkle lind family , of ClnelnnnU; 1\11'. una. Mrs. Arthur BurIn, o f Da ylon; Miss EI. leen Surber, (rom L eesburg; Mr. 9 Broun and Normtin. of HI"hland ', " l\{r. ·and Mrs. Albert Brannock a nd Mr. and MrB. VIce, Lytlo Rand, dn ughter. or Woyneavllle . entertained the followIng 'memoorll of their Immedlato frunlly. Sunday: .l\'R8. KATIE DOUGLASS BURIED MnJ . .Tames Duncan and. son. How· , IN MIAMI CEMETERY ard, nnd dau~ter. :Mnbei; Mrs. RIll' Carr and · daltghtor. Phyllis Elaine; M.r s. ~at1e. DouglllBB passed aWlly Mrs. Pearl McNny ahd son, Wrlo· nt ,a hospital, In Cleveland. Sunday. · ford. ail of Kentucky; ~'M~. and 'Mrs. ·Mrs. Douglll8ll, a;:15. wnil ret.urned . George Stroud nnd MI'I!I. CunnIng. to Waynosvllle, Monday. . , 'h~ and ' son. Gale. nnd daughter. Funeral serVIces were held ' at tbo _ Eloulse. a..1 of Dayton; Mr.· and Jdl'l!l. G·r, We<Lnesday, at 2 'p. m •• 'ond W. E. stry>uci. M'r~ . nnd Atrs. E : T . lIurlal ~ns In Miami Cemetery In' 8t'roud. MI'II; Irene Henderson, Mrs. chn.rge of stub~F'unem1 Home. )(nude Crane and daughters. Anna MI'I. ,Douglass Is survived one Lee n.nd~Mary. and 'Mr, RUll8ell Carr. sister ~d five brothel'l!l.

ClI..lcal Greet ".. • domwat taque for more tIIao I,GOO

on His 'Homeward Journev

MI'. OnU!!)' od lh o III'ollorly I1l1c hc l Em'n hurl on .\raln Sl l'c l. IIII·s. Ev ·IYII ' Vn tlli ns hm; p UI'e lmsed th e Dell uty Sa lon froll1 ~ 1 . ·8 . Ed ith BIHh ol1 and will m uv Into lhcse rourns . S he 11'111 occ upy pHI·t o[ til l.! hOU llO It R a l'e~ ld . nce. Th e !:lalu n will h~r()u nel' 1.10 Il no wn lUi "E:v o l ~<n'~ Dell uty Sl1lol1 ." ~l I'll. Boyd 11 41l1de l·· Hon will UIHO h Il HHoc lut eli with th

. lut e !:lnmuol T . J OIICS. ~nra h EVil, lhe nfth of nin e hlld· r cm horn to ·Wl1I1um S . lind ElII~1l "'hllll JIlIIO I( ),S, 11'11'" bo rn, Nove mbpl' lr" l ~fj V, In Ih e hOUH no w " ",lo ng ing to J\11·M. HUlh Junn ey, 1-1 I' t u th ol' H'LV" his liCe In th o Battlo or, Looknut l\Iuunlnln, ICllvlng till' m o th e r t o ra lso thi s larg t u mll y n lon o. ThlH ra rnlly g r e ll' to mut urlty o n th e Corwin 11111 oppos ite th e IIlln ml 'em e te ry. Mllny tlm os haH tlll' ·8ub· ject of thi s Hk(lte h ...,rl'ITOd t o th e dnYII wh ' n th e C molel'y wa" n. co rn · f1 ull1 n n,t to th o beg innin g of lhls bea utiful r eHUng plnco. S he r ecelvetl 'Iw r du a lla n In th e 'Vay neHv lllo Hig h School. At s uven · t !Jen yars of Ilgo Bhe "tnl'led h e r COl'· eet· as a t Mc he r and fOI' f11' 0 Yl!nrs was a s uccessful t ea che r In 'Vayne 'fow ns hlr Sdhool8. On Feb. 26, 1 879, s h e WUH marrl d to Samue l T . J o ncs. For twe nty y ell r s the y reald d o n a. turm ncnr Ferr)'. At the death at h er Imsbn nd,

r~~ Doug- Corrig~n

Newly Purchaaed Beauty Saion Chanae. LoCation

Carmen Crane and" Charles -Kohler" of Wilmington ' shown above with positive proof caught at Long. Lak~ bena, lJichigan. NMdless to say -these two • spent an eJ:'joyaple va(}Ation recently at Machinae Michigan.



,. 0

THt_DAY. At10t11'1' 11. tnl


f)bone 11l!

Main Street



'l ... •, r . un.... [1':1 . L . . Kldd"r a nd ~II' , a nd i\n'H, L, i\I DUlIll ld, ot R , dlng, s pl' nl umlny with Mr. a nd Inr ' n e KI d-de l' , o( Mil l' n~o,

in Advanc e A n 'l ndcp n<l ent News pape r D edicnted t>o t he Servic e of Wayn es ville and vici nity Giv ing its pat ron s the be t n e w spaper humanly pos-




Mr. nnd Mrs. P rI'y P e rl,s and . MI'. nnd. Mrs . R aymond K e ndl'lck wore Friday eve ning g uests or ·1\II'. do ugh t e l'. or Da)'to n . w ere 'I'hurs n nd 1I1rs. L. . Kidde r . . tiny gu ellts ot tho I"ttet"s tl unt, Mrs Mr . . a nd 1111'8. 11. S. Orey am) Bcll e s 'oll lim] rn mlly . dough t e l' oC Dnyton w(' ro " ' odn!!s· Mr. u na MI'II. \Y . F . CllIl'k , of Duy day e\'enlng g uetll s of tholr 60 n. ton , 8Ilent Sundn), nrtcrnoon with Robe n GI'('Y oml rnmll)'. ~II' R . MOI'Y n rm ony. lit ... o nd Mrs. L . F . 'ruylor spe nt I\l lI to n J ones II! 1:ll11'00IIng this weel, Sunday In um ~l'se t, K ont uc ky. wltl. ~rnnd p ll r e nt", ' 1111'. an.1 1\ 11·s . lil i·. li nd Mr" . J o hn Ch e nowe th (lnd I'.:dwln NUl t. n Ill' l' nt('l·vll l ~. (:lmlly f! p ~nt !:;lIndny o n n p lC' nl A lante nllmb~ r of peoplo rm lll with I' e illtl" e~ In S hn ron 'Vood" . Inc lnnllll. Lnlo a lt l'ml ~d th Ba nll CIlI·nl vn l. '.' Ir.' at "'uy n e~ \'lll e. SIlt Ul'dLI Y <!v,' ulng-. ., n nd I\ll'I:l . Stnnle y ,\ndc rsoll 1111(1 (\Il llg'ht er. hl r ley, jusl I' lUi'll tI loll'''. Elllllla LA cy Onl ' rtulnell f "UIll n tl'il' III th C' Eas t. 1..:l11le:; · OI'H'lI nlz,' d und:IY ::;chool '!! A lIad a utomob ile Hcc ltle nt "ccur. Ius" al the (,ollln .. \Vlg ht eu l.ln, 1'('(\ Il t T ay lor's Corne r . Mondny nf. 0 11 hi" fnrlll un nOUt e 73. Thurs dn,y I rnoo ll . Two ('a ,'s colll.l d . . One n (t" I'I1('\1 n. Ie" ('I' ,m II IllI cll ke w'ro

l ib l •


"1I ~tI Hm'lI lI lJurn l'tt 1'('llU'lI \) lh ~ ilOm l! (I f it .. I' III" l I' , MI''', Moho) D11I4,'lfldJ, In Dn)'loll, l-;undllY ('v nIn S', arlt!1' I<pc ndlnj\" th e \ k I\'lIh 1\11', (I na 1\11·s. H fl l'\' y Burnett Rnd t ll mll y.

Rohcl'l O ll"y ~o n 110 bl' rt L II Y r l't urn d· lust \\'0 k, l' ulut l\' CI< Il t N t' ''' u ft ·.. II \'1 ~ lt with hhl s illt I'S, Mrs ;---:--:=-:-::-_c..:.c..:-=-=.:..:..:.~....:.:..::.... ,'i'I'rY-;iIT Hu h,\I1 'Illhl. ga n, ll lld Mrs. Irm n Kuhns, n t ' South 1111'S. Cnrte l·. or 'W ilmingto n, Is \'Isillng h er son, 11£1'. Wnlter Cartel'. Bt'nd, 1ndllln a. nnd

__ ,__ -0- ___, rnerstolle for


l\Irf<. ~11I1'gar~t Johns (l nd Pilul JlIhUtI. ~II· . HIl.l ltIl'iI. 111l)\ll\0 Tocltl en· II rlu bl 'II o n !;Ulll1i1Y l\IIHM ffimUy. ot HY lltl vllll', o ntl Mr. J.~hn Kllilutri ck. ,,' '['1'0." . v L , 1\11'. unrl 1,·M. T-lnn' C'y Durnelt tlnd Mlsll 8111'11h Burnett lilt nd 11 F l'lentlll )" a l'ly 1\1: elln" nt Wo.ynC'lI. vIII .. , SundllY. ,Lytle SUnclllY SchOOl will hold the ILllnuoc l \Ilc nl c 'll HHl'lno n Pllrlt, Loh· IInon, next ~ufldny, AUg URl 14 . Will m eet {It hurch Il t 9:30 n . m.

Lightnin~ At left : Owen D. Young, General Electric board chai rman, per. 0 n a II y d rive s the ceremonial pile.

.CI"n Up At The,. Pl'leel Men's 3 pc, Suits Cleaned and PrilS8cd


M~ n's


Cleaned and Blocked

SOC Ladies P lain DreS888


Quick Cleaners KathrJ'Tl Mendenhall. Mgr

th~ ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;~

BelOW: C. E. Wilson , G·E execu.t.lve v ice president, a ffilles " c:orner~tone" be· fore drill ing . Dr aw ing shows model of the G·E fair build ing wh ich will house 10,'000,· ()OO.lIolt lightning dl,· charges.


Much Followed Advice

fm m Dayton llnd on l! fl' m Colum· MI'. llnel 1\(1'>1. 'Va lt e r K o nrlck Ilt· UII !!. Two wero lllke n to Mldd.: et oll' n t{' ncld the ,' ulI l'nli or Mill" F'l'fl llcls Il os pll,,1, H ut c hln ~on , II I Os wnld J'une ral H OI11I'. L obnnim . FrldllY a1 t e rnoo n. Sln(,1l deat h '" 1\ natural and un· ~Uss EVil ,,' h ar ton , booklwc pcr nt In'oldllblo Oc(·urrenc·c. It la wlae th P ll irly H llr"",,, r e Stun' . "'aynOlI to mnlUl (Iroper !lleplI before It vlli c. Is WI(ln g Il \\' e k'!; vllcotlon. . ('omes. Selcelln.: a funeral dlrec· lIlr,.. i\[ o f/;a re t Joh ns Ilnd Pil I tor - Just lUI ) 'O U muc a \flU :\1 1'. I1 om (' r Hain es onll Mno' vln J ohn s s p nt Thul'Eld ny In Dayt n . or linn' Ide lusul'l1noo prottlClUonJ-lLllnes h:1\' r (!lIIrn (>d fl U I' II w('('k 's MI'. u nci 1\., ..... L owe ll Th om us u n'd. Is 11 p nwa'uUo" ory IIIClU1ure that fi Khlng 11'11' In n nndll. ~I n ug ht l' r. He tt.y, tI rc' tlll nrllnlr th ' lr ",m lIrtlveut co,,'ftlslon Bud dill· . ~I r. l1u ll' i!;h Dot;n n . whu h us iJl'en vu rnl l" n a l Celi na. Cishln g . a(lpolllhlll'nt, III fiv e w e ks. Is 80m IJ ·tt I' &L this 'I' allel 1I11·H. Guy Routzahn and "'I'lIlng. I fil II ,\. wt'l'e S undn y nl'lcl'noo n 1' he Young P('uplt h lei n picni c q UO"t.:l ot Mr:;. '(III'Y BOitnott nnd l'nONl'i %9 fi t "'o ~' n ~nrk : , '.I turcl tl y . 111,·. Il nd 1I1r.. . Frnnk BI'o wn , at Till' EY l' rc tt li uln"s lind tnmlly u ncl 1l1'<'l1 n ol' City. MillS IlC' U)' Hull nott lIC ;\-11'", Elhl Il n ln N! ntt nll<'11 'I r e llnl on CUIllI)~IIII ~tl , th e m t o lI e l' hom e nUl' r In Oayton, Il weel< agu. ::;undIlY. liP ndln" Il co upl e of w 'ek e ",Ith he l' CO Us in" 11('1' 1. 1IIr. Rnd !l1l·s. Lullwl' Hnln It' n nd 1\1,'. a nd M,·s. W o lt el' Ke nO'l k co li •. tl a u g hte rll. Pln'IIiIl, 1111'. l'hlll ip Franklin a nd 1\Ir. o nd I\II's. Do nnld ed o n Mrs . •1. H. T~ lItl let' lI1n k ' 1' a m) H a l9 cs took u trip 1I11'oua;h no r t h. g llest l:l. lI1r . lind M1'6. ,U ugh Dllker I' n Ohi o, Frlduy. and Ho n>! o( Indlunal1olis, n t b r cut· tage at h a utnll\lU n, n~'nr F;'n nklln, Th o Young 1'oollle hol(l th oit' h.s t unclny nfll' rJl(uln . m o ting n t the ' llOm o r Ralph find 'rh e Ln iJ.:el! Alrl he ld lin ul['(lny lIIa l'Y Anh·nJll. or nena' "'liming ton. III tlng \"eeln 'sdll)' at . th e h ll lll O or Mr. nnd MI·s. Frnnk Brnddo k. Mr. " " .... \ '".1.·" ' VI ',I. II llII l' F' l'I'y. .\nd !III'S . Walter Wilson, und 1\Ir. ~lr. nnd Mr . ll. M. 1'urne r a nd Centervill~, li nd Mrs . Raymond Wilson w el'c Ron , Dickey, oC en t e rville, w r e unda y dinne r gUesls or Ray Carr Sunday e vening dlnnc r . gUl!s tll ot und tlimUy. of n ear N ew Burling· ton . Mr. and Mrs. Charles LaIrd, of Cam~en, Ohio, spe nt last Wednes·

Caesars CI eek

'Stubbs Funeral Home

COL U MBUS (Sp cia l) - A brillia nt, thrillin g , star-studd ed revue called "H ei gh H o, 1030:' will be one of th e oul tundi n g entl'rt lli n ment fea tures of the 8 th Ohio State Fair lit Columbus , Aug. 27· S ept. 2. n cco rd ing t o E a rl H . Hnne · fcld, d irecto r o f Ilg'l'iculture. . Th e revue, to be given nightly in fr ont of the Gr andstnnd , includes th e following f eatul'cs :

prope r obelsunce to bo th the IjoinNeurth and the heave ns which will forces to present one of the mos t spectacular shows of the comIng New York World's Fair. omclals , of the General Electric Company recently altered precedent to fit facts. As construction on their (air building began on Flushing Mea· do ws. Charles E . Wilson, executive vice president, affixed a cylindrical coppu "cornerstone" to the base of the first pile. Owen D. Young, board chairman, cllm~ to tbe cab of the plle-drlver and drove the dedicatory 8ymbol 90 feet Into the earth. In the finished structure, model of wblcb 18 s hown here, G-E will nexl year evoke lO-mllllon-volt bolts of man·made IIgbtnlng and burl them the length or the building (o~ tbe !dlllcation of fair vlsitor8. r

YORKLEY FOUR- blenders of popular tunes. TOGO -se n ~ati o nn l Chinese slide

f or lif e.

4 WISHARDS trapeze cnsti ng net. S ROLLERS -


1110 h as eXl> l"eli5· cel u. g l'eat r I nt c l"Psl th a n cvc r lJ • ( 0 1" In th e nnn unl ' vp nt n nd thllt w hll o In aClual'ltt lin d, t a nl,s will be Junl ol' I· 11 11' c nll' le" th is yen l' w oula r 'n u rN1 11 11 Id"J .· lIf ri, h fou nd In fn r llUI'Ill'lSS In numbe r a nd " 'ope [n HllJ lllll n vlI l'lo us tho~e of oth ~ 1' yeaI'M ,


Used Car Bargains

1936 Ford Tudor, Trunk ........ .. ...... .. ... ...... .... ·.. · .. · 395 1936 Pontiac Coach with Trunk .. .. .. ,.. ............ .. ... 475 1937 Ford 85 Tudor ......... .. ........ · .. .. .. · ...... · .. .......... 475


Wharton ' Motors Salea



15 E. Main St. Lebanon, ~.

Phone 48

WILL ST. JOHN, Local Reprelent!ltive



. ::;=;;;===;;;;=;;===;;:;;~===~~~~;:;;;;==;:;=~ ___ .~__ - - !§ a-. ,..

_ ••• _

s k ati ng

WELLS BROTH ERS - horizontal bar art ist;::'

THREE JOLLY ROUNDERSentertain er s de luxC'. WATKJNS CANINE REVIEW -clever d og p e rfo rme r s. BRO IUS & BROWN-in tcrna: t iona! clowns , GRAHAM'S WESTERN RlD. ERS-T rick riding nnd r oping.

tYll " o( ,,"ume manll!;..'lI\ ' nt m olholill Strlte IIsC I' Y'Lli n mml sslun r ru l' t il e \>l\Jt..,l'l l lll IIf ", lId!lf" a nti o ld l ,.u.wre n e " ·l'n.ldl'lI Jo ln ,·c1 Wllh hUll' ill It s I1ropAga tlon will 1I c1 ',II nSII·t!· 111'e dR o( 0 ;'{;1l n1Z1~1I0 n ~ ' Ulel In(lIv ll1t 11 111 cu nJu nt' tlull with c1bplllYs ot l\ltlll In nt H'mpling lo Illll it e lh J na8 Ohio. tnte Fil II' til\' hi ll'/: fi t an(\ tle. t h ll, hh·ck. :1 11.1 tu ,··1 c,II'l ng OY r he W. whe n h (' nlllwun !1 II I im a l>; .• ·tl P," n 11 11<1 bit ' IIll I"'OV . ,hu l l he divl s!on of (ltl nHC I'v tU i n will Ilw II L" will ht· i1 1 1\~ 11·" t '·c1 hy " pec'la l SI)OnBOr t h e m ost In Lel'E'/ltln,::- lind In · IllIII'H II lIrl IlI"l io n 1'1, ·ttll·p s. :l lanag-C'I' RU'Uc tl ve dlt,plnY of Its 1<lnd 'e ve r 13. I . :-;a"'II~ " IIf l'IIt' .Ju n lo l' 1·'11 11' In· Il l'l'an glld . '1' \\' 0 Illn ;(' t ' llt tt will hou ~' t'.. " 111 f'C1 ~ l" I .· Ui"\" 'IOI' lO r Ag-ricu l. ons rvali ori xhlblts p rt.l ln lng tu IlIrl~ 1'::,t'I JI. 11 " ........ 1.1. g-,' n(·I·; IIIHS I· nil pho,s es of 'o nscrvlll iun worlt, . n,, ', " f lh t' 11 1111'''"1 (1101 0 ~t ' ll l' [0',, 11'


r oll e r

ch ampions,

--' - -.=C=="'-====

State Capitol News

bl'eu th-tnkini

1n n .,un rte l'l )! l·,'POI·t Oil Cl'l1lng uc tlvlLips of the ):;tnte D<'pu l'llTl('nt of Public \ \' c lfa l' Ml's. )Ia rgll re t I\l h na n, " ta l C wl' lf,I I'O IIIa·oc tol·. l' e· v"" I<,(1 th"t 37 ,(; 13 Pl'l'S(IIl S a l'e con · fin '<I to "III'lnuti s tnt e hOHpltn lH n ml p nil I Institu tlo lls . Ohln pe nite nti a ry with tl JlOI ulll tl l,1Il of 4,133 lram a l ' s led th lI>! t lIf the tW l·nt y· twO Ins tl· tlIU l' n ~ ('n\'cl'l'll in Vh e TCPO I'! . Th e ~I USll lll o li ·lat(· lIu><plta l, rel'o l'lll n· tory ,I t !lltl IISfl l'ld, with n P"llu lnllon oC 8,046 Inmah·s. w ns t h ird. In s ize.

• •• t hlLt Ohio

1 i' (II tlo n wi ll lIguln I'a nk high , proba bly flrl!t of o il s t ates, In h o ney Jl r od u li on tor th e UI'ront seo son was ,m adc by \V. E . D unh nm , SIl<'c lnlls t In b 0 c ulture :It 01 110 St ilt ' li nl \'ersily , I'ollowln~ ".BUY •. )' (I f hun Y'lIroc1 uc lll g ~"c. tlll ns. Ohio illI~ h<'c n In (irs t phl co In h un ), llr('du 'lio n fOUl' in t he Inl< t "e\,c'n !' ttl·,.. " Th e 30 ,000 Ohl .. he ke:l IHl I'S. w ith th E' lr 3{JO .OO O "o lo nl,'" " 1' 0 untlelpall ng It lot of 1;00(1 'holl l')" tlll H fa ll. " ?II·. lJu ll hllJ11 !lalLi, " "'hil'h HI'l'm ~ III In cH Htl' thnt hlll' f lnS' UnCOI'Sl' n d('\' IU))1II ' nt s llw " t;\t (' will ng;\ ln len d In pl'odu ctlon ."


Wayneaville Inl!tallatione

No. 34R31-Lukens, Levi, Harveysburg

No. 18. Chand ler. Miss Ruth', ~aynesville

No. 6R2-Updyke, J. R., Waynesville . ' .

---- --:- ..- ---

MQrrow Inltallatiol1

F. f •. ·:M ariin Auctioneer



Phone 78J

WELLMAN -:=;;,;;:;."'IY=;;-__

h ell lth Kell l'lI s asse rt ed. "To II ," :\11'. I till( U, l'aLil-'uc'. ('xp cI'ls ag r e th at ' m e ll \I ul' l: ln&" In th e s umm el' ~un In 1,.,11('1' " 0 0111 <1 . foundl'l os, "I"~ t flll'l1 :' .,.,.. 1, "' I(el'le~ . lid In oth e r hot pI:! .,,~ :;h 'Hlld ('lJllSllm a 11I1'S nlnoullt o( Ra lr. of lh o division

11 \' 0 .


or ~lI fClY a nd 'h ygi('nc a l' e • tlomllt· In!; in U\' I'I'Y \\'oy to l'cd ue Hcel· d~ntlj. and ",i th th'lll t llO US h In ni lnd \I'e strt'ljH (he U ' 1) ( InOI'C sa lt In hol

WCt.l th e I' , . ,

• • •

I'tll ll1ed fit their camp, Suturduy vonln g. th e f'ol'mor 's sister und h us· band. MI' . 'Lnd 1\I1·S. Clyde Levie;' , f!"Om Harveysburg. :\[r. n nli :l1I·s.· Howa rd. Coon, ot Kill b1nan, h eld n bll·thduy dinner und HhoWl' .. to r the ir g ra nddoughtl!l', j\linn ie. who I'ccerilly bemune the iJrlde f Mr. h a rlc9 El\lls, 1II.tny ot th Ir fl'le nd:; Hnd rc\(tllves helped tt\l'lI1 to s ncnd a dellShttul liny. Th(l " ouplo rc('elvcd mlln~' bell uUful Ilnd Us fu l g.leta . MI'. a nd. M r s. Ve rne P e tters alld hell'les, oC Dnyton, Silent Sun ,~jy Itt th G l'ilY h ome. Little ;Ulss Olorln Ahn Jlleobs spe nt th e week e nd with her grand pare nts, Mr. a nd Mrs : J. F. Ja· cob s. 1\11'. u nd I\IIl's. H !!OI':t' MUl1}hy ,no· I" rcd [,) F Ol:llte rs, Sundny, to seo tho I\ 'W viaduct;; th e n lutet· stopped lit :\lul'l'uW to s pe nd the uftel'noon w ith :\11'. nnd M1'8. L e vI S41aiter. MI'. a nd Mrs. Raymon d Morgan e nt el·tu ln<1 to l; UJlI>CI', Sunday night, ;\J\SR(,S IIlllrjo rle a nd. N ollie Mar;v ] )aV IN. ~lr. u nd lI:Irs. Jolm Walker a nd >luns, of G oshen, Silent Sunda y with Mrs . Chc noweth nnd children.


rlaone In.talled in your home ( ( o~,!r:;;

'Bainl's Sc & ..lOe Store

N. Main St.




+--.. -

- ---- - '. ' . .. Y_ m _



_ __!2

- --.-.



.McClure Funeral Home Wayae..UJe

ren were SUnday d.lnner gues ts of ' h18 mother, 111...... Myrtle Duy, ond Mrs. !\Jarlu Scott at Oum Orove. Mr. a nd Mrs. Elrble Powell and' to.mlly wero Sundny visitors ot Mr. and Mr s. John .Lamb, n ear Oregon· 10., ~Ir. and Mrs . Oeorge Liebert n nd family, ot Chicago , are makIng exten sIve vIsit Ilt the home ot tbe late Mrs. CatherIne Jordan, ,yllh her brothers li nd sisters. Mrs. Hodge Clnd two dnuSMere,·of n ea r Harveysburg, Sl)e'll Monday the home of Mt·s. Noil.h Moon. MIss Mar ie Wells nnd Miss Rich· ardson , of HamUton, spept the


Crane',s Carage OFFICIAL




Tires, Tubes, Gas & Oil Wrecker Service

Phone ! OS ~ 2


Night Phone 5 R 2


week·end with Mr. and M rs ; Perry W ells and fomlly . . Mrs, Adah Tnlmnge WIlS u: Thurs· dllY aft ernoon visitor lit the JolIn'·

M. WUllon home, In L ebanon. Perry Wells, Frank Clark, and EI· A den Dunt tt d d of the lmmodl"le andshe frIends en e a .picnic. a ttended . In the family "venin" left Thursday, ee, n6\l1' ll. WilmIngton, which ' " for u fe \\' duys In tDllyton with h er was sponsored ,liy the Molor on, dn.ughtel', Mrs. Charles Stansell . Company. Miss Clo ud,lIt Orny and Mr, Har· Mr. nnd Mrs. Orlando BrnmmoD, old Bogun spent Friday evening a nd Ednll DOdge, ot XenIa, ,were \\'Ith IllC hltt e(s brothe r, MI:. Darrell Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Allee Hogll n and family. Terry a nd fa mily. , 1\11'. Em'l C henoweth, Claude Oral', 'Mr. and Mrs. A . B. Talmage, J. J . T . C'I'ny nnd Mr. William W ilson L ee and Albert Lee Talmage n nd we re Ull 'inc ss visItors ' In Wllmlng· 'M.ls8 Jessie Garn er were Sunday at· t Oll , Munday. ter~oon : ClIller" at the ' ho~e of l>lrs. 1\[1'. 'a nd 1\11':;. Elbert Rich nnd fam. Armeliu. Penoe and ~lItford, near

J . Inll; GHrbe l'. dJrec t ol' oC CI\'Il. Ill' s pe nt Sunda y evening w ith ' M~.

Wayneavil e

M'e olle~ 'a satislacto.ry Service at all times

Mrs. Mabel Terry, of ColumllUH, spont the week·end nt her h om e. Miss Elllzqbe th Cla rk wus (1 Mon· day nfter l}oon caller III th e Tn lm uge home. Mrs. Blna Putterson n nd duagh· tm', Faustle nln. and Mrs. Mnrtha Cleaver were In Dayton, SaturdllY. Mr. a nd Mrs. Scott D n y u nd child·


nnd . lI~l·s. "Y1I80n ~arvey n.nd fam. The PlJgrl~ HOllnel!llJ' Chu~oh ' Is Inn c; on!l "" nno n 'O I'PS Ile l('ctlo ns In lIy. havIng ~. ;eek's ., revfvill ~rvlce Ihl\1. ,IiHt los" d t hll t 4,2 09 Ohio boys, .MI'. laudE' Grny and grand-dau g h- Green Bri~: About two hund~ at: rll n!"ln!\, hl:'~ fl' om II \'c ntIJ n to l eI', Elbertll Ric h; .Mr. and Mrs. ' EI. tended ~turday . nlght. " l\\' Jlt')· :tJ ·fI·CC y~n r .s . hl1\' o', bi; 'n bel't' Rlcb al1d tu'mUY IIpent 8\lOda)' dlgn(:(i . to ·c ~'. C !lII1PH us a I'esult of Ilfternoo'n WIUl' and MrS. Chas. J uly r n l·f.l llm enls. f th e t'o qd, 1,00. \\' ,. s~ nt to call1 p ~ In \'a rlous ats· Volere-'ut Shell' New Counkoy .hoflll!. 11'1 ·ts th r a uJ;ho llt t h ~ no rthwe.'1 t. There 18 nlO economlo advantage In 'I' hl' TI • t 'CC: pnmnrn ' nt wUl be grlndl ng lIOughnges for daJry ca\tle, I"' hl In U to I)!',·, lJu·"I· tul· Glll'lJel' lin. but there Is an adva.n~ In produc' Ing' better rou.~aa- 10 .. lu.rger of Lh.,lDaterial caD Subseribe to your 10eal n~ be cJJgested the BDfJnal.


~~ , B. Qapman~

Ohio vJltral Telephone CO

:When In WaynesviUe Shop "at

-+~dn~y~j'~v~lt:h~th~e:l;..;rd u uyhter, Mrs. l. uth·

niMS ltnd family. Some of our m embers alte nd ed the :Mr. llml ~htl" H e nry lI1urph~I' Or on~nty Fulr nt X c nlll, last I,



A """'nl ll g- to ind lls trial " 'uriWI'S MI·8. Oli ver Jncoba Is p'l annlng to -u d 111 H 1 'I t ll II .~I' 1lI1"'", ~lI lt dUI'il1 g hot tl tl )'~ \\'US ,lIccompu ny .,,1'. nn , ' rs . oro ( IMS U..,l1 lI y Su p" "int e n,:,, " t Tb omll~ p. S hutts to 1\lIchlga'n Cor u. tew daYII U I Sh tt III MI. sa ",o h:l:'a "lIs o ( th e dlv j",lvJI ur ::Ia [c ty nnd \.I~ It WI re ,u ' s. 1I)!g-II,.,e ur III Slale In duSlrla) com. Mrs . Ja.m es Gr ay he ld he r tamlly mI H:; lo n . " I',, "t Is n " 'Y n ces!;ao.' to r eunion a t ,he r home, Sunday. All

Telephone Notic.e ! ! ------. - ..----


~--------------------~ ,




PUllets For·Sale White Rocln, Barred ROGk. and Large Type White . Le"'omol .. .


Le~o~'I. Ha'tche,ry Ha,rveysburg, Ohio. "






'Have your Funa~e. cl~aned 4lnd repaired ,~6W. 'Also , , a ·compete h~e . of New 'F urnaces; , . . .·, Gu~~ridg and O~nductor ..wor.k:, All' kinds of roofs .' . repalre and pamt~d . . Also aB.besttll~ shingle sid!n for old houses g Pricea R~ble ~iimate. F";"

I. ~.._larrick '

Pbolie URI

Electriciua ADei Plumber



. '


_ Uk . ___


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---"--.. ...----

Iflli ll Il t fl II. hi . u n N ,) \'c mb(' I' IG. Hncl Lilt! lLrl lt (UI' I t ni,, 111 ' ~ "lIteh Iii lW.". A l-tT OLIP o r hUII""l I'~ 111'-.:' not Jl l··t"Il lft~

\ '" Iol-


, ,\ I I I



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e rn zono. [t r oad " O hio Ihl s y.!!a r 111'0 li S follo ws : B o. ltln.: of wat e rfowl will bo In lhe flr'lIt or nOl'llI c l'n zono Hnd UIIC of liv e du 'k 01' j:;oo~e d e coys

whio h D o lph u S>lu "I',1 h i1i w i,' a 1111 H il ly S il oup iK " I' ",l in,:: f, ". u n olhe r P ll rl y In I III! \)0 ; \1 t hu t ' h .. d l1r~ II'l t ll hi s !l'l'"".lrmll ll ,· ,, . ,, ' ~ 'J I · or BtIlte!! 'IS It wo a lURt H H80n ," p r ohlhll ed . More lh a n three sh elll! h a d IL " sood o n a " - h e n~ll •.d It 2 .'1 .2 Jl h u r : r ovl'. J\1 o re 1'0 e nt Info rm ntlon Rho\\, R lha t In r IlOa thlS' Ol~ tluto m ll tlc 8ho t~uns I)O und ~'Ullo \\' bell". J c:,' , l .:I fl ." I,'. It 11Ud .... Sp , -eT l d buys fr(J lll h r (" n U c n d cc1 Ohio has b e n r ellll' ned tCJ lhe Inte r · a l OIlQ lon dlng pl'ol,lbll<!tl . The use ," cl lln il"J 1111 tl, ""- fly. lh ~ B o y s ·1·11 Cun , p at tirc '''!,''; Cn rnp . nlod1nte

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f,'o m OclulJc r .I &th tu N ov . 2R lh In · c l uslve ns this la th O' co rr" c t H'hno l · Ing MellSO Il f o r Lh e Inl e l'lnlldla l o ZO lle In whkh \\'e n r e now plllcN\. AI . thou!{h lh o ('I'I'o r OCC UI',·C'U. In li n Ohio divis ion of on9(" '\''' IIO) n hulh111n, II I~ wllh lllc n"ul'e LhHt thl ~ t'OI'I'<l li on

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R: H. SMITH Local RePnllMlJltative

A cording to Slube r, Ihe guinea (owl Is the domes tlcn t ed descen~ e nt o( Ihe wild Afrlcnn Gui nea, Importto Ihls country, many yeaI'll ago. Ho 8IlYS that the birds which havo been placed In ~ho 'flelda In lho Mia mi d18' tdct nrov ery wild nnd ImmedIately' look to lhe trces. Tho bird. !ays oWell ·to tho (log, a nd Is . particularly well udAllted lO bow and arrow I·.e s ervn·

1",,1. W(·c'I,. ~ I I'~. 'a l'l ~I.m ... '1I nd " "I. " I ' III , c ll1ll a !. I, M I'K. 1, 111,· 1\1' )'1"'. ~ I I' " . LlI · ('II". a ll d ~ II · . a nd .\1, ·" ·.lim :-;"" 1'". "I' 1)1\), lo n , \\' I'C I>II('K' " d lll' in K I h - I" "'l \\.

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U NNII~C; wal • • h <~ooP ."ough i. 100.1 cltl ... Y., thou.ond l 01 kif ~I and :suhutba n l om m o, ha ve found thol their VCRS 'No Ie I' Sv\t.tJm tupclitls tht. m with thl' g'fHlt." of "d tit d.'11 con"oni .ne.... a t a co' t ~, gallon lllallJ ne') Ir" Wt, t hon t!lv' fa lH , M YERS Wate ,Sya0'0 ab\chllll l.,. , G!la blc:r--to emden t a nd durablo thai c"p8n~., for opcrotinfJ ond , . poln ala ..,duced to a mini ..




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u n ' l'IIlII·S" " .\, ,.\· .. n l ll ~ .

~ I" . ;IIHI ~II'~ . HI(.,·II h1l " ,> 1" ' IUr ll

tiona. T e nnessee und some oth e r SOUtfl' ern stntes hnve dcve loped the wild gu lne n Into u 8Iltisfactory game bird, which hll8 Ilecome v c ry pOllular. Th e bl rd 's bohuvlor Is similar to tliat of the ph ollSllnt. 'j' hls colum n would lIk~ to have the reaction of both RJ)ortsmen and fa rmors to the Id ca. -0Here's one of those "ehlcJ( e ~ egG''' gueatlons. DOes th o bore gun determine the cnll12re

Retread Tires' All Work

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Dr. Ralph W. Young



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ba n o~,

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Telephone 49

15 N. Broad way


J\I ,'. !'u ul \\' ea ,·<, ,·. "'.. " "I n,·\,. li nd \ ~Il' :; . O . H . \\'l·O\, (· I' . uf Ihls 1,1,,('l', In cOlllpn.ny wl l h fo ur (1\1)(', ' l'1) Ill< n


"~;_ .::;.'




~!----------------~~~-~---- --------------------.---------- . ~~~==~


--' ..... - ---"'" -

• Grandma atwafS was a keen shopper and quick to "snap up" a • , ',but you'U recognize these DARGAIN OFPERS without her years peneoce .•• you save real money ..• you get a swell sclc<.tion of magazines and a (UU yeat of our newspaper. That's what we call a "break" for you readers .•• no wonder grandma says-"YOU'VE GOT SOMETHING THERE I"


We vulcanize tires and tubes Shell Ca.oline t Oil It and Ac~~..ories










AUG, 27th ~ SEPT. 2nd '


mo,. _ _ I yt. OPlclonal R~ , c w _ _ _ I yr. Romantlc MngiUine _ _ l yr. OSllvel' ~D .. _ _ _ _ 1 cB O """een ook 1 yr. OTNe Confessions _ __ . 1 yr, [JOpen Road (BoYS) _ _ 16 mo, . O WolDaD', Wo rld • __ . ••. 2 yrs. DB II & G d 1 ette.r orne.'! ar Cn! _ rr. D Homa ~., Nee<l lcc:r:th __ 2 yrs.


Columbus, Ohio

S~E the agric:ultura/, horticul. • tural and liv,estock' exhibits, En,oy the famous Night Horse S!to.w, .~rand Circuit " Harness Races, gala revue . nightly"Hqigh.Ho 1939" ......:. feafuring lensati.ona/ . outdoor performers . from all Over the ' wprld. Com. plete. Junior F~ir, Make Fair . time vac:atio~ timel

W. !llENWOOO, Manager


I lcaf Amrr.R,...·iew _ 1 yt, I OC.ouncr y Hom. ___ __ 1 yr. 1 OFarm J our.nol __ ._._ _ 1 yr. I o Goo\l SIOrtes . ___ . _ _ 1 yt. P HOniC A ~r~ Ne, llecraft_ 1 yr. O Homc F".nd __ .. __ _ 1 yr, Otl' gh om \Vol'l d .. __. _ _ 1 yr. O Mo lhcr's I1 nOl(, li fe _ ____ 1 yr, OP" th(md er IWl ly. ) ~_ 26 i " u~ I' 01'I}'motlth 1~\)('k f [o/ltbly __ l yt. 0 SII Cl'c,dul hl-rt!.lng - .••. -,. 1 yr. OPou IrI1'Trlhunc_.L __· __ 1 yr, 0 X!ollUln', W adel 1'1't.




yr. /.

HOM~OFF:ER~~--------li~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "HIS NQlaPAPER-l ' YEAR Mc:Ca.lJ's Maguloe._ 1 yr, \l'Ol'1'lIu(, World _ _ I yr. O GOt'Id Stories r yr . . . •-'_._ F~J..lutoal . 1 yt,

EARL .H. ·. HANEFElO. Director .


", ag 8lIOC _ _ _..

oP~~d CJ' ( ~eek l l')


o o

----GROl,lP A-Select 2 ~ R O U P 1I>l- !:elecl 2 - O Americao Boy 8 mas. OAmct-iClt\ Fruil Growcr _ _ 1 yr. rJ McCaIl's Ma&ar.i nc _ __ l yr. OArned ,,! n ~o ul ' IV }oUJ'oaL. lye. illll&~1 o CluJrtiao Hernld. _ _ _ G mas. . Breeder Go.lC"~-_ __ .. , . 6 , 0 O Tll ode & ,"cr --- 1 1 yr, yr.


O Homo Frie nd .__ _ __ 1 yr. OHame Am N~e<l l ecmIL_ l yr. Olel!horn \~o I Jd . _ ___ 1 yr. . OM alh<r'. Iroma U£c _ __ 1 yr, OPa,h6ndcr (Wk ly.)._ :<G iuu eJ Rbodc hlllnd Red ) oul'Ila.L 1 7t . Ol'I Y010U lb Rock r.!outl, IY_ l yr, Successful Farm i og ___ I 'ft. OWOlIlJ1n·. World _ _ _ _ I yr.

oAmerlcan Fruit Grower _ I yr. OAmetiCl/n Poultry ]ouroaL I yr. oBreeder'. Guctto - - 2 yrl. o B1ado lie Ledger_ _ _ _ l yr. oOondeaf Am, Review_ I yr. OCountry Homo 2 yrs. OParm]ouro al 2 Ytf. OGood Srorl", t yr. DHom. Orde 1 ye.


An order barring the game and. f ur·beru'lng animals dogs In {Ields an'd woods at night. and at times other thun ·durlng the oll'Cn season {or the taking of game a nd fur,bearlng anlmnls w~a pa.8I!cd I)y tho Conservation Council, ' me· cause or .the tnklng und killing 'ot gamo ' 11m} fur·bearlng anlmsls out ot'

Ttie n ow Ia.;'v (orblds the UBe o~ e naI"Cs or d eadCa(la of any clescrlp. lion In taking of any Jil-me birds. rur-bearlng a.nlmllle, o'r a.ny Wild. animal' t or .a per,lod 01' one YOIlr, com· monolng Soptomber 1. 1el8, and endIng AUl ult 11. !l089. Ttlll rullng' d90s "ot prohibit I hO uee of ~rnp" tor fur, boitrlng a n·lmaJe. . It 'I .n violation of tho raDIo laWI to havo In poilionion ~ny- coon, op, pouum, or ~k unk , or ·the h14_ I or pelt. or Ildnll dt' olthor, ezcept .trol1}.. Novem!Jer tlr. lel8~ to JlUlunry 1810. lI'ur·beIlrlnl' animal" mUlt be taken belw n lh houre of I .,. m. and • a. m,: the buU.Un relat... TIl OpeD eIUOD pa I'MCIOOD . ....


' : Ir ';" " H . I·;I1 ',,· (I f

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le~ Haroware



1 rade. in Your Old Ones


G~od Grade' 'S 3-4





..or That IiIext Order of


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Call 1.12


1" 011' 111 1.1\ ,' 1.1'1" c" d ill;';'


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2tUl An~ 2h1l Floor A. J . U . Buil!lIn!; Telephonc-AtI·3191 Curl Cr ispin Vic DOnahey Socretnry Presl<loent

III' 1>11 11.1' til .ll tlll :-l 111", ':;1" ,11) i :-\ . 11 j





s li u u l d 1111+1-\ ItI .tll ,\" .... ;-: I., I lhd"

A n ot e fro I J ack K e rse y. of 'Vay. cd !;€>. Th .. " hl';I\'C I' '' 11(011',' \' (,1' d ldn ' t .... 1 fl' III 1\ \'SH-n U n" I' ip III In tll :Il"'. ll('s\'llI e , 'who wllh' hiN wlfc , Dill , a nd Sl o ll nl t h e w alc r ·.. f'ol l{l' . " $I t! . ,e:' ])". lI " d :\JI·~ . ::;lcpll o ll II n(1 ,I",,;; h n mpy mill! II <U," f",· It , t U l" lI'U l P I ~. of (' i n d n n uti. \' i~III' " :\ 1 1' l l lll } ,,1,,101'. En' Ir n . Is fi s hin g In the up · o ut to be f ' 1)1'lz' Jjp!!clm . n uf " :\1 " ' h . 1\ 11',' n.oy ~o;.:-t-: Jt.·. '\ 11 'Thll l'~d ;ty , p e nins ula . I'en il s n8 follows : Iglln S lInJ<u s "-H kunk to yuu! ~ I ,·(' I' · :\1 ... 11 11.1 :\I,·s. 1"1':'1 111, F r,·c lll a n . of "11 e r e in the L eI! h neUIIX n'h e t'l' IJI' l'tl lllt'l' will L•. II " II C·, lIn " I·. t he CIJI \l1n hu:-i, sp ent lh t, \\' (,C ), ,.. n c1 with dls t rlcl. w ca th('J' I'CHl ot l h (' s lory FOR. AND CONSIGN . ~n o \\'8 ) I s land :-'1 1'8. LlIIII Vlll urs a li(I o t l1 ,:1' ,·,,1,,· ,our Cattle, hop. Iheep a!li! cal... W III'1Il fl s hln g h as b n g ~) ,'nlllr tI\' s. to Horrl..Broek CCJ., Uve wire ad 1100 1' f o r thl' l1ast two w ks. But ;\rr~ . EIl ?n!> ·lh ~ I I11 H. o t In c ln nal l. ptoaelllve firm for the. hlP" thi s m o rnlt1g Olll s ot n 1 lb. pike lIIarket price' and good semlc•• li nd. Ev Iyn nit d 1\ poundc l·. A In dy lInl :\l ls.('s ]{a le.'ln ll ,J Ulia S\\'l· lI , Ill , U.le. Stock y.nta' Clacla_t.. 0, nf X e n ia. en ll!!d. n :"tIl' . II n el :\l l's . 'fun. lD 'on Radio Station WOK~ <lo\\' n town ca u g ht a 30 lb. p lk (' and (; . Y . ' im!;, o n Sunil " y . l! !2IJ ·to 11:80 p, Ill. for oar 'daD, Eve lyn nnd 01l~ each lost one . Th e ..arket reportl. . --trout nrc hltllng well In th e Indlra n Eileen Surru('o I n a(IIII II,'n 10 I·"" u lt" · ~ (" '\' il' '''~ · ,, 1 fllv e r distri ct. The la rs!! r a inbows I'he:' 1If. R. (·h u,"c h . n n ~ un l l ay. l h t: nre workin g- liP th e S tul'g on nlver litO'. n nt! 1111'S. R ny mo nd -r a y l" r . "o n J,.'1·,,).:'11 110n s an l.: lh e out of Burt Lak e. 'Pan n ahlllg h e rl) Mrs . Gru nl L ow;" n nd fa mil y . a n d so n l':'~ o f lilt' m r lllb . ,. ~ who h n\'c II 'c n Is very good, " It looks a s thoug h Mr , T n y lo r's m oth r \·I ~ ll.c d :-'Ir. and m ' mlJe rs o f Lh e c h u r c h Lhe lo n gpst Jnek Is ngutn goinG' to eat humble 1\1I·s . J ne k L o n g . of Clint n 'o u lll )' tim e. Amo n g thc m ('lllb I'S 1'0 hu n - Ill , A y ellr 11&,0 his wIfe bea t him Ins t w e Ie, o r d we ,·c E. N . Bu r le y, T o m CA tching , trout - etnd sho u sed nn . Mr. Ol·o.m S lw u p a nd Mr. \ V,,!tt' ll . l\n Sll E m met S O IiS1.HII ·~' . :l nd o ld wnlow sti ck! ~ elk r w e r e m m lJc l's of Il p a l' ty w h o F II) nl nil kl cs . -0~ s pent rhe \\' eel( c n <l. fis hin g In 'I'h ( Adul t Bl.blc 111 8 1< u l' i h e :-.r. Lebanon, Ohio A bulle tin fl'om Ihe Stllte <;Ons{'r · Luke :Erie . Eo hu rc h ' h ·Id t hc h' 11 nil lI fl I p knl c P ...... ti..... BMt ..d La...i vn tlon Dlvl>!1on 8(111 s tha I expo rt· ve l'Dl fl'o m he r e ott nded th e nl Brya n P l1rk . Y ell ow SIl,·ln ).:',. 1m In me"ts are being onduc t e<l at Ih,o Bnnd C n cc rt n nil C lI'nl vn l a l. t h e ~\'c (ln sdny. pres e nt time by th e Dlvll!lon of Con· ' Va yn csvlll o O r a d • c h oo l Buildi ng . !\Il ss H Ul h ~ c h ') lll "" · ' or Cp lunr b ull. MOTION PICTURE s pe nl lh "' N- I; e n d with ~II'R. ENTER.TAINMENT sorva ilon In the MiamI Dl!I,trlct 10, Sa t_I'dny ni g h t. determine t'h e ~ ultabJllty at th e guln· " VI,.g ln ln·" 1I1010d /11'" '' furni s h ed \\'111 1. e n (owl a s 0 game bird. th music f or the ' R cpuhlica n R a ll y , Ali ce Og-I ' s l)(~ e £' nl CI'l :l IIl £,(1 i Jilm es StUOOI', Wildlife Technic ian, fi t Lebano n, lust Tu esda y . Nv . 2. o r lh e lIf. E. "'_~Th8t Vatatloll Trip of the Division of Conservation, unlIfr. and Mrs . Hal'o ld P al'lotl a nd W l'c1n I'Rd ny n lS lll . BUY AUTOMOBILE O J:1C1.)'~ O"I1<,,·n . of D a r t on . \' Isil d de r who"e c h a r g e the gulneo. fowl fa mily \'Is lt ed G le n 1Illlll' r l'a l'l, "i , INSUMNCE c xp rlme nl lij be ing conduc t e d, eoys Richmond, I n fIJ n n o. lnst ",un"" Y· h I' J,;l1I n d m Olll l!l' . ;\'11'''. Sn l1, h a s· Thllt Will Inchtd o t.he bird,. u. m mb l' of the pht'neonl Mr. n nd 1111'13 . Lilia I'd T 3)' lor S It\\· boi'n. 011 ' uOll n),. H09pltni And Doclor's Bill,. family. will m ll k e a ti ne a ddition to thc s ho\\' . "P,'of HI/Or B (>w ll r " (I t l'tlll<lrecl Turn e l' li n d 11 0\\'I1 "d G laRA FOr Yourself And' Family Ohlo'l/ game birds unde r the prope r Duyto n. Illst Tu d llY " e nlng . ...vl ~ l t e:'d 2\\1' . nnd Mr~. F u r rHI G I':l ngamo monns menl conU'o\' ?It·, Charles Tho m EtI! un(l Ron, U :,n· d i n, In Dny to n . on S nturdu y nl l! lI l.


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hi " l .... I' " . ,

" 'i n - l ':lIll p IlHtl HUn , :\1 illI'l' . :In c! 11 . 'u l~






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1 l:f 11111 1 • 1111,1 ,\,{,

i uf lt l'lll ; 11\11 1, 1 W"l' fl llH' 11\111"1" \dli

)ll'lIt f ' C'l(}I ' f; :

a n I' l hll'd

tl, .



,II , II' utthl.

i ta .\I' l'ufl .

lI ClIl ij of Inllll ' n se Inl(,I'(,81 to ' Va l'l'I'1l f".' d [h E' w hull- 'o V·n . 'I' h •. buy,; h " d '(l Ulll y SPOl'lijll1 0 11 will Le hro u g ht run Int o t haI t'a lllu u8 ul cl' lllll L' guill,. liP [\ l th e bus ln He f!c s~ Ion ; a!l c r · Va n Wa nl" r u p u n l h l' ;\ lu RI" 'j;u n w hic h He:' nocll Rh on des . S Ull e [I~ h rOve I'. " a n Is 1;0 111 Il h" f"H with l hc mn nllgc m ' nl age nt fOI' lh ls d lslH ct fl y r ofl, " n d w lH' n II h ,ul f1u " h I he will give:' ,, · !!lwl't lUll, ex plnlnln g th e l)QYs SIl W n Hn l1i ll ll ll nl lll:l l K\\'i ll lln lng. f un c t io ns o r hi s d c pa nm e lll. Jt I ~ Vu n, lhlnk lnj; II was II hC:C \'~ r , pl' u, l'ONH lbl!' th n l !\II'. A. ''' ., . Shorl. c hi ef cl'ed ed t o d ~ n l o n !-l ll·.a l (, hl ~ $I( UI h y \If GlI l1l e Mll naf<l' m e nl. may b ' nh l,) h uuk Jn g- I l o n ti ll" II U S(' : ,\ f l l ll' " lun g to a llt' n'\. Til 01 0 'lIn g' will Ice fo l· tll ~S 1 V U ll rnH n :I l;(' tl t tl b L: t H~hu rc. us ulIl >lm o k I' a nd low ed by til li nd hn c kln !; u p IllI' ha ll l< as k .. d lun ' h . Vls llOrs a r e il lwn YR wei o rne . -0Ca mpy t o un hook it Ht til lI';lIe " 'ti



l,n i Ul n J; ( 'hll .

: 1 l l lt' t " ,

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'1'110'1'1' \l'o ul<l 1.1,. 111:e11)' I,'~~ lrlllr ...

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P :l t I' IHI '(l : 1

fi Mh s tl~cl l: h (' r \\ h iL'll , ) )( . l' bi ll lS .. \\'1 11 s t r c u ' h an

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tl llnou n c s , thn t lh e " ' :I/'I'(' n Co unly Fh/h und Unm l' AI; Hn .. \\'111 h o ld it s nex l m e<'l ' Ing nt th e Ell" " !fu ll In L e ba non . Thul'Slla y , Au g us t I S. ' It g p . n1. ill mude 111.1 It r c fi e:'c t R cl'cdll II1'0 n th e (Ju Nlln ,,,,l oJ lh a l II 11'0" h n po""IIJI " con"ervn t loll dlvl ~lon ffl !' th e )'('l urn to 1I r1'a nj;(' fo l' Il IIw e ling In ·Mo l'I'o w lIr lh e " tllll) to OUI' 11I'IJ Il"" 7.0 no. lit 11I" '''''nt , 11 ",1 s in ce:' i\l e lllo rla l 111111 W ill! nol a va ilable Ih t· 1Il _I'Un g will he ld a l th e E lks 1·lal\. S c \'e l'al


Th H tlcco n (1 t H ll' i~ t a k(' n fro tn tI ll'

lO-gn tlG"o

pro hibi t c fl . The d u ll y :-thrlo Unf,;' h OUI' H ;'

'rh u


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..TOny OFFER '·.fi!; NfWSPAPER-l YEAr. 'we ~or, 1 yr, 1-' Uouvllold .1 yr, '1

Good Stories 1:._1,

Ifome ~.

_I yt. ____ l yr.

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lill of maQuinel c:hcckin4 one. F ill out ooupr;n CMe/ uIl7 •. ,

GonUemen! I Qn ~l oso. $ offerd •• irud with a yea r' .


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Namo Po. 1 Of1jCtl _~_ _ ":"':S iste


tJ0t18T 11, 1188 TBVlt8n ______ 22£ . . _ __ _


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:'\1'. lind .l\lrl ~. FAwnrel Luk ns. of


IN,'l'ln)., IN ,,',\1.1.

days lll~ we k

with her IlnrenU\,

A lu.,.:"\! numl!l'\' CI'oln her. aUl'II,t"

1'('f\(III'l,ln, JlldlllllHl Ilnd MI'. "'Ullum Joshuu H,U" '<' )I, (If '0 ",v It\ , . 1\>11. :'11'. lind 1\11':\ , ;Tum s SUIlI!:!, or Blnn· 1.'<1 till' YN,rly I:flng {(' lUll, at th~ 1\011\ or N . :'\. Ir, 'lul1ll, sout'l t WI\,"h1tt· I. uk","'. uf J\lItlt'r~'Jn, lndJnnll . ""'I'c fln l\II'd"y llIo'·nln~. tSIIUII l'h,J.: vl.'N . (·,.mlr,lUelI (n.m Page ) n) It lll'st .. uf' !lH·. n.1Il1 :\11'8 1.J llneI'Sht1o. 1m\(' InJu"1 H. 1\\)'. lIn.' v\'~' III .\t Ill "ulI ' I~ellih lIllI" Drooll>! I' tlnned un· tun. 011 til ril'lIt 'rhu "l:IdIlY In ,\"If' w rtl 0 11110:11'(/' fill' I' ., I ~ ' \Ion . Lollis ~I'·. nnd j\h ·s .• J . P. Larl k " lit 1':.. ' lI .. ·. li n" l\\t·d . . R M;Jrlllt, ut hn n 'hh.• ,,"1.','11:. Clnl'd \n \)(>d. d ny nfl N ' 1-1•.tUng' he,' und e, Mr. flml \Jil L f'1'fI1 1 to IO I" Ill . 'I'h. !" " Sb l< II 1', H/llllllt on town~hlll, WII S It" " l:\ln ,]' nt , 'lIl\(]ny Rupper nt The Lit· N ('w HU"l!nHlIln vISit tl ;\11'. IIn, I1\(I'I', :'11" ll nd :'lr>!, :\I III"'('III' LowlN lind ].II·~. 'John Kl'nnt'tly, "r D ,ylOn. WIIN 8\>"n80" " d hy thp ~lo"l i ( ' , ,, 1\ til IOlll's t rlll'li , I' Ivlna- J4-7 tl~ Inn fOI' , MI'. lind Mrs. Amoll L l.' wl" FII"'H II m1, rll l11l1)', SUlldny lIf· I N\ I,~, Kon , ., f h vlot. 0 111 , visit I F'IUENns liol\m ~Ir~. Sn('I\ . ... t Inr.kllv!Ue sf! lit \ Imlmny for whom IIII': l" n'nnd 1'1 T.~ 1 l fnoon . " I und,lY with II I' dnu"ht 1', Mrs. II" the locul fl, p,·ct!entaUvp. App:'o,:ml'I' V tes t 0 139 f 0 1 · . l·~ • .<\.88 \. • .•M • J!lnkl ~', ' o. 0 08 Ilen . ,,,I'. li n d " n.rS. .. ntlerthwn Ile, co ' an d 1 \ [. "• emon.. 'fu ln 0u /I a i ' toly t'\'olve hundred persons re 1n 1\1 MWl8' I a ~'. J . lit-ran In D eer: Dr. a na Mr , L . B. Hnl\, of C0 I urn· , r. J rs nd last Frldnl'. Mr8. Evelynd POWllJfI, of Detroit , W n an t a m II y. II 14 township. 247 to UB, while Ed bus, \·Ielled. the latter'e parellts, ohlldre n , f St. Petel'8burg, Florida, ;\'11'. and 1Itra. John Fromm 'and wne with he r mother, Mrs . l\tnrgnrel "[r. and :\1rs, Chnrlea Oordon nre nU ndnno. !;loth defeated Cnludo "'lIeon In Hnr. ::-'1r. and Mrs. Horry McOlnnls, on are visitin g )11': anit Mrs. Rny )Jain· lion, CI)'do, called on Mr. and Mrs. Mnrtln, on Sundny, nl"o h I' lio n , !I)ondlng n tow days at 'Wo.l~ona. ~1r . ana Mrs. Jim Dndy. oC \\' :1.~ h · Illn town8b\p 20 to 120. :\Iondny, ' h nrles ChalTl~()ra, or DaYlon, un. ErneMt Martin nnd wife . Ing. h1);ton. 1). C" o~d ].[I's. L .lIIrn 111'''' John E, Holden , chllirmll n of the Mr . Ilnd Mrs. ' Rob~1't Cr W (I n(l !Ill'. IIml ~f" 8, 1.1'sll'I· · AI'Qh I', :1.1 ..1<. Stlwloy S cll ur s l!:I l1lld h e r e, The J\ll y me tin,; o( tIll' H,111: lflt g uost ll uf MIRli Nnn ~oll Lt. t'o untl' Domocl'llllc E x OuU,'(! mn· Phlnea8 COllk (,;lll ' d Oil i'lr. IIIH\ Da n"" , We " "v(Ol'nl" ht ~\"'>I I R, Sn t · :'11'. 'rholn""'! 1I1I 1'dl ll, two RO il", 11n "·('dn cRrlny. ~llssio n"r :.. Rnl'ie t~' \I'll" hel,1 lit Ih '1'h o !J(;,('!l, hllllltfor oC !\'I"I!, \\'i\lIam lulLtN' \Vna reo·elc I('ll ' from SlIlell1 ZlII'S, J\\)(t l',),lIc, (If Spl'lng burn, :';un · U"l1 l1~', of !III'. ;I n Il 1\1 .... . 11.. lJ . Htul~bs Tn'ssle fll n,' Lnlislnl\', n llli )\11'. Rus. ur Y t!j\l'I~' .JI'Nlng t:los"d, nn d .. lll;hll'lIl C'IIIIIIII'Y hllil" "r R,\!'II 1111""",1 :'Wa)' llt Montel"Y, 011 t VlI'lIs hlp. dllY. :l11l1 c hildre n . un SUllllllr tll('~' nil Il ll ' n(\ d, th e Oreclle \\' In£'RIlay , :,rt('1' 1\ ' V(',·y fi u cc {',,~ ful ~I IIY Il lIrlll n. lW(',l i ... ti le ~ lI e lllh "r'il ~l\t\lI',I"y . A 11111\11:1<'1' f" om I,c ,' n t· )11'. :11111 ?tll'~ . K ~nnc th :-;t. Juhn I' n joyc<1 " 11\' ltl l' tl'ill 1111'o u~h ,;o llth· ~ "unt~' Pls h a nd (lnrn(' pic nic, \V'l'd . Nt' sR lon . \I'(' n ' h' IIU" IHI,, :ll'(" Th • anll'.i of t('n.l",1 th" rlln" " 11 tlwl'.... ,\n 'J'uc"· Followln.:- 1ft lh t' )11\111I'l (' \)ut till, n nd rln ul,:hl f' l' . .II1C'lU ('\lII(" n il I 1\11', I'I'n ()hl o 10 ''' N!t \'\I ·~lnll\ . 1\1I ..~ P lum "'lshP!. \\'ho WI1:; with ~I' ·s . ('111111'\)t'll II n,1 !tll·s. L . 1.11;"'",. dll Y. otrll'ln l Jlrlnml'Y VO\c' fm lll 45 ,in I 1I1,.s. (l or gl' POlln(l " " nt ~ ""1" :'11 ~i! 1\1 Il I'Y L ui" Lacy will Mllt' n.1 1\11'. lind Mrs, (1 .' I' ~I' 1I 0nili ar UN r,II' a >fh,lI·t tlm l', 1'1: 1111'111'11 t o X l' n. w,',·... 1"'l'lll'n tcd nn.1 ". , ' pl. ~rl f I' n"'lI1hl),·"hI 11. , D V"l'; ' " ~ lJy )'d r q • - Lytle Sunday School piere n 'u unlY Il" In ts fOI' 111111 (If · III llays wIth 1\11'. IInll ).I,.s . L , .:-;t, th o !'(' m a iml " . of AUgUNt \\'lIh h " . "A cll llo nlng n t C I~ ,ft LnI,I', Mlnn c. la ' \11 Th ,"·,,1111 Y, fl ·C8. .J ohn , ",' '':l In. \\', I. La<' )' a nl\ (a mlly ,1 ! RO II1. :'tIlR"t·" :-;II " :~ 1I1ll~ Lo ul ~(' )1 11 ,'1';01:1, Sm:\I·t : 1'011 1.:,, 11 , ' 11''1'.' 11\. l ' V nlll : :\llll nic, Sunday, August 14, VEHl'\ H : Dt' rno rail ,D:Iv('y. :'I'1t., and l\1!'s. 13ul'dl'tte King :lncl A 111'01'11, Uldo. ;; he \1' 111 aC('nmllH ny :'11'. II ncl lI\I·" . J. N . RubimlO n 1111\'(' r\'lurn" ,1 t o lh vll' hnll'" a t Oakl: II11I, 11I'''gl'lI lll In ll!:. by 1\ ...., . 'jlllr! ,,>! l' n~ m eet at the Lytle hurch at 22Ul, 5nw),"" , 910 ; DI'll'kc r, S9G3. .' hlllll· II II lId !II " , I1I1lI ~I'·s. Bu y ··o n · ti1l'''' 0 11 ,h"II' v1I"a llul1 If.l ,th(' 1\1 11111,' f('IUrll(>f1 r"om n deligh tful va('ntinn li n 'V l'dn c:;dny . I",'. 1) 111'1111-( til l' ""cia I hour i1ll1icluuri LT .. GOV. Dcmo('rnll : S t eele. 191.: 11 (' 1' :lnd clnuj.(lll ,' . Judith, Jl"'nick.·.h \\'utl(l~. "1l~ 1l1 In the Smoky l\I o untnln s. rno llll g ,·cfl'{'~ hnwlIl.· \\,('1' 1' l<!rNd I·Y 9 :30 n. m. Bring picnic bHSI



l Jl ltl£', 4 6; 'V UI' I, I U'; Dn vlc\~on, H 5: Day, 33r., I-Ialtle ,·. ] 01 : l\I e t zenhnllm. 2L4, Rogl"''', ~ 13 . lh' pu\)lIen n , 13ra('k · ,. S93; lI e rbert, 2~5·1. SE HETAHY OF ~TATE : Democratic, K e nneuy. 1572; Hep lIb· Iknn. Grlfrtth , 1 50 : .1-1 11 11\ m ('1, 3 9; III Cn rlh~' , • 29; 'l' urllcr, 916. THEA' HEI U1" STATE: 'D(,lllo, cmtle : Kln liley. 96[,: ),c \1nelly , 789: l=t .. publlcn n, '''lIIll1 m 8, 231 ; Raker, a3 S, Ebrig ht, 1047 ; 1100vc,', Mil ; L







ornUo. Durfy, 1360: R publl a n , H er· bcl't; 1397; 1\1 tcnlf, 1904 . U . S. ElNA'rOR: Dl' rn ocr nt\c, Ilulkley , 1700 ; \Vhlt e, & 2; RCllUbll· n. Dn.~·, '90 2; Tfl1t , ~970. REP. TO NGnESS AT LARGE: Democrntlc, Y o ung , 1,2 33; McSwl'en· y, 717; Moslcl·. 2; R e publlcn n , Ycnrlek, 690 : B nder. 2023: J rrre YR, 638 ;. l\1nrshan, IIi06; 'VIHlrtun, 541. HmF J STI E PREM.E URT: D emo<;l'3t1 c, 'W cyga ndt, ),' 420; l1ep ubllcnn, Boyd, 2694. 'Vanna· m a ker, 815. =========::.:! , ;====~

.,1 Sh rlr,," \\'ooll~, uml a y. ~II·. n lld Jllt·s ..l ohn ,\" 1(" I's(' y and Lllth C',· lI a l't "oc!( r turned, \V 'tin .... · dllY, fUl'm a t ", o'~" l!ek 's fis hing trill li t ll "rrcl. :'I1 ... hlgun. :'II,'. II nti III1·R. L \\'Ill Ru"c nml sn n. Dlcl<l £' ... r Ollk\{')·. "hll tcd :\11'. :1 1111 ~II'R. J . 1'. Lanl el<. on e (IH Y \a~t w ','le ;\Ir, and Mrll. n bt'l't Bnk I' a nd (j<lugl,ll 1', .1" (l n, c nt£'l'l a ln ed th o fo l· lowln l; fi t dlnlle r, SunlIIlY: )\\1', UII(1 !II 1'8. H f' I'Il II "(\ So ulh nl'll . II lId d a u lrh · t el'. Ann, of Dn )·ton ; lIl,·, H:llph IlI g hlm n n, of lIl ol'nlll g VI"w , )' y .. n nd ,i\Jl R.~ Ouyl<1a Durnfol'll , of L b· II no n . ThUI'",\ay evenln l; ~rr , 11m] 1\lrs, B rl r o"l E UI'nh urt (lnd c hildre n e n. tCl'tul nl'd n t dinn er , ::\lIs8 J oa n ), II I'ns, tl nd 1\(,'. li nd !III'S. J . D . ]11 (11' · Illlt. J oa n had " ,)cnt thc cln), wllh N aom i E U"lIha l't. MIl''' JOli n K elll'll" Rp ~ nl F l' ldn y nlgh l wIth h I' HUnt , 1\lI'S. J c"",le R obllzcl', of D ay to n, fi nd on Sa lul" dn y, rl'lurnt'd to h I'" 'h o m e I.n Clo,·e· lund. atle r hl1\'l ng HI) Ilt :lom e time wHh h e r grandpal:t'nts, MI', li nd ::\Irs. .T. D. Marla tt. .

JI1eet Your FrIends At

JUDGE ~ UPREME COURT: D em· ocmtic. Win gArdne,', J326; Oormlln, 1336: Dlbon, 69 4: Kowa n . 102; Smith, 263: BOWIn·u n. 403 ; R publicans, Mat· t'hltls, 271 2; Hurl, 959; Turner, 2290; RIch. 422: Sll'ubl , 1646 ; 'Vurd, 4 6;


Mul\Jerry Str

E. '0. SMITH Goodyear

. Shoe

w C" k ,

1\1 1'''. Cu ... ~ Il a rl"n and sv ns, D y r · on Jl u "ln n, II n,1 n lttl e S I.Il.'· n(' ~, or LOlllh", ;\1111 ,;, I11 lnl'l d, fi r' ,'Is iling 1\.1 " ~. Ylo llI JIm 'hl n , IlTlti uth l'1' 1''''1\. li vl'". :'tl,·. a lld 1\1,'s,' a Llcy ng l Hby n· 1(,l'lItin(!d lh e ImmC'flin te m ember s of ~11'8, l' n gl cll hy '~ fo mlly :It Ihcll' \l'ond", \l'lth " " Icllic tllnn el', IIl:<t Suml,,),. ~ r. IIml 1\1.." , Ra m lI enk le spe nt last \\'c£'l; at th e hl/mc or ~Ir . tl nd :\II'S, '1I111u n n rwin While rhoy we ro n th (' 11' vll ea tlo n. )\llss B. Cart' Y and W a lt e r arc)" of nell r Dookls. a ntI 1\11':<. 1·lo~sl c ur· Y. Mrs. EfrJ IlIlth., Chest e r Carey. u nd Lu Y Emley s pe nt Sunday, vis· Illng diffe r e nt p urt s o~ Kentuc ky a nd IndiAna, MI'. un d Mr '. h. urI es All e n n.n d I 1\1 (1 ry w e re tl e unu-, n y g uest s 0 f l\"r. lind Mrs. O. A, Allen a nd f!lmlly • of Lancllst~r . ~

Edith Harris, MI'. H anls Alle n, 476 . M osher. lIIr. antl ;\11'1'. n Ollll ld 11n.w'k REPRE EN'I'ATrvE TO ON· , Ant] Mrs . F r n nk L . Tnylor, of "an GRE ' . : D mo ruts, Aleshire, 1487; Fmn clsco, a1lfol'nla. were Sunday Ehl, 341 ; Republicans; Brown, 3476 ; S'u lIls ot 1\1 r. a nd Mrs . F I' d Hart· Marshall 794 . socl<. of l\IIIfo rc1. STATE E.NTRAL COMMITTEE· Mlss Inez Smith, of inclnnntl . MAN: DeIT)Oern~lc. Newlon, 492 ; ul· u nd Mlsl:I B etty Malone, of Wllmlng. lIvn n, 353; Trump , 4699 ; Mahon ey , ton , w'o spendIng n week at the 842: Republlcnn, Wuggoner, 32939, home o r Mr. nllci Mrs. Delbe rt on. ENTRAL COMMITTEEWOMAN



D emocl'Utlc, with thell' cousin, Dr, R. A. ·Wllllnm· STATE SE"'ATOR: ., -,uplles ' , 761 , ' Ganmer. 601 ', Gordon, ~o n a ntt wIre. at Anderson, In(\1l1na. l :>


370 ; Republicans: ,Yorchester, De Foslielt, 1101; Martin, 9G8 .



To the Voters of Warren County:-

Twin Theater

Harold V. Martz

Mr. a nd Mrs. Gool'ge 1\IlIIs enter. tUlned 'rue/lday, 1\11'. und Mrs. J o hn Fro mm ancl Mr. John Hll\yke. 'fho I oe ns o n W illS In honor of the blrlh· da ys of l\l,r. MIBs and Mr. Fromm, \t the clo lse or a plc!lsnnt CY nlng, dl'l\clolls r{'trcshlllents w eI' llC!rved. :.It·. In~ Brown, populn.r camm er· clnl t eacher In the loca l hIgh school lor Bcvel'lll years hill! r esig ned hiM , . posltloll here to accept a Similar one In the Franklin High School. Mr, and!. 1\1I·s. Albert Co rver, ' of Incinnntl , s pe nt severnl dl1Y8 with Mr, a n d Mrs. Wilbur Senrs. Loin a nd John Se!lIrS and Howard Knuck!)ls


Satisfying Sandwiches

Your Favorite Bottled Beel'

GULF INN Waynesville


YOUNG DRY·FED BEEF 19c 15c 19c lOe

(:II01 CE F.'\ItlllS FOR SALE No. 1. 32S Acres ' No. 2. 20~ a c r e!! No.3 208 HC"OIl ·Nu. 4. 189 tlCI'CS No. G. 154 acres, No. O. 104 n Cl'C8 No , 7. IOO acrcs No.8 , lil nc r eA No. II . G5 acr es No. 10. 40 acres No. 11. 16' a c res beny farm N o . 12 200 acres


.. , ." ,, 2 Ib


Fl'C!lh ('orll SauHlIgc, . ib


lSc 17 Y"c


F·n:..... h S ido ... . . . " . , Ib



FrcHh nllll1~ Whole or IUlIf . . , . .lit


Pork IAlin RousL . . . . Ib Pork Stenk ... . . , . , . . 11t


Pork Chops Rib ur Lolu .. , .. , . .lb


.IOwl Bil(,011 •• . • ..• . •lb


·8mo. ~ . : .. .... Ib





l'()CkU" Rollllt ." . . ." .lb


-. . . . .


, . eul ChoPS .. .. .. .. •Ib


,.!llll' Cutict9' . . , . . , .. Ib

%Oe 30c


Orollud " Vtl3l ., .. , . III


•• , . .. • •. . . .lb

CHOICE VEAL Sho\dder Roast ., . .. .

FOIt SALE : Used COl'll binder. c hell p . Used McConnl ck Mower. S ce I h e CIISP. Co,.n 1'lcl(el' and CO l'll bln d<! l' at McC urley lml>hl' IlH.Hlt Co nlpn flY , L eba non, Ohio. J'h Oll , 1~9 . 8·U·Stc F Oil S ALE : Crest Denzol OllB. IG',2

1;11 110 11 . T cxas Gnule 011, 8 (' ' nl ~ a (ltlurt. H d T a l>; 2 qua rts. ~5 cen ts , c Pnolc1, 25 c nls !I qu'firt K e "o:;c ne , 11 e ntll a galloll. N(;wto n BI'Oll., LehAnon. South Bron d w(ll'. 8.11.6tc


CoUace Iiams .. , . . .. Ib 32e 'SIDoke Bo8. Ham ., . : . Ib . __ 2Gc ~d. 8",'. Sauflage. : . Ib · 23c . ~ Lunch MIlAt.. . Jb Z5e ............ . .. . ! Ib

"Penrod'. Double Trouble" With The Meuch TwIn. 811 end

ConUnuo.. 8howa D~lIy Aduna On.y 150 'Tn It P. M,


•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• & i : -




8 c:ana


18 cam 95c

: • :


FOR SALE: A building lot' In edge Of g J'OV . III " Mlam l ,Vllllu ." Clear. Lot No. 167. ElectrIc, F'lshing. and Boutlng. ' 3 ] ·2 mil 1I from Dayton ourthollse, COllt $150. ·wlll take $1i0. C . .T. I!:~bert. N. MaIn Street,





Ib.. Lb.


A nomlnlltlng committee was IlP' pointed wIth ;'~rs. Walter Sheehan tiS chnlrm a n to choose ottteers for next year.

N~rlD.ndi. Cr,..tal Sus.r A··Cre.mer fo!. onl,. 10e with purchu. Cut Green

Ivory Soap. 3 1ge. ba!l'" 2Sc

A.paragu... .. ... Can lSe

Jar•. •.... Doz. 6gc

Plum•... No. 2 Y.a can lOe

Golden Bantam

Com .. , ... , .. 3 can. 2Sc

Pen R&d . ~otor

InclUdin~ Tax

Oil '... .. 2 ga. Me


YoarF_rnace Inspected Now!


kindly given.

: • :




Banana., Golden Yellow ...... ................ .. ......4 Ib Watermelon., Red Ripe ..... ,........................ Eacb

19c 39c

Potatoe~,Cobb~er. No. 1 .......................... 151b.s.

Peache., Free.tone .................................... 4 I.,. Lemon., Sunki.t, 360 Size ........... ............... 4 for

2Sc 2Sc 'IOe

Oranges, Sunki.t,' 252 Size ................ :...... ,5 for'


Grapes, The»mp.on Seedle..........................5 lb . 25c SweetPotatoe., Yam . ........... :........... ......... 5 lb..




Air conditioning. Fumace re.

pair. and part. for all make ' fumaces. E.timates FOl{ S ALE: l\fy la "1; stucco house o n ' ,N. i\I,lrn Strc~t, 'V'aynesyllle. "VIII eO llsl{fcl' Ii!).}' ren sonable of tel'. Ie lnt I' Sled, communicate ,vltll C_ S. McClul'e, ' 3026 Marlmont. Drh'e, Dayton, Ohio. chg.


orGln,er Sn.' pa

for " ii"e-;utJons,




NOTICEI Thll I. equlnlent to obtainfra, 8 lars. 28 oa. c.... FREE with .y• .,. purche.. of 24 larse cenl at th. re,alar price I .


tess to th c members ot the FrIend· ship 'Iub, 'VednesdllY ulter noon. lIJrs . n.rmen Crane ope ned. the meet· Ing wllh the Friendship Motto. Mrs.

Warm air

12 can. 4te 24 cam 95c


..........•.................. ,............... .

M.·s. \Vllllnm S. Ornham WIlS bos·


Hot·Dated ., ........ L~. Z3c Hot Dated ..... ,... LB. 21c

IPO RK BEANS _____ ·I 4 2:,:: 25c 6c~~~ 25c. .i,

"A Star I. Hatched" M.tro New.

Fr. Call1l.'8, Whole , . . 11t


A pound~ of yOUI' fayorite H~t.Detecl Coffee FREE if w. fail to .u"e.t «;o"e. while fillia, your ,roce.,. order (eacludin, children) - IF WE FORCET, THE . TREAT'S ON US II


Aciclecl Joy- Cartoon, Comedy~




Frl'llh Cusclng Snus .. Ib


. ,: ...... . , .Ib

"Bank Night"

Wilbur Se nl'a 011 Wednesday were )\11'. a lld MlI'S , A lbert Carver, Mr. und 1\lrs. Dale Ca rv!)r at SprlngCleld, and BY"on CIlI'Vtii';' C1llyton City, W , VlI'glnln. Mrs. Mn,ude had her 'tonsils ..emoved nt the orflce or Dr. Harvey, In L e\)anOlrl, Wednesday mornIng.


. ~lIng Beer lb. . Shori Ribs to bake lb. FreIIh' Gl"OuDi Beet %Ib



,Quality Meat Market

I'wl&s Sleak .. .... .lb.

Friday -

Ml's. Jncl( Preston presented sever Th e nbo ve (nnn " al' Iv ated nea .· 1\1 conte:!tll which were enjoyed. \V nyncsv ill e and L Ollll no n a,' pl'iced . Dainty r efreshments were served rlg- ht- nnd "" e In hlg- h Rtll l e of cuiti. by the ho s t ess, D.ssisted by Mrs. D. vaUon. 'Vrltc ur <::\ 11 C. E . Owens, C. RIdge a nd M.'8. Mn.rlan W 'h ltaker. with Hnmby & llll lllby, Ue nllonl, [j 15 Th e m eotlng place lor next month Ca lla han Bldg" Dayton, Ohio. AD will be an noun ced.

COYLE'S Choice Chuck &ast lb.




Steak .. . .. . ... '. .... . lb



STA'l'E LEO lSLAT'U RE: D emo· orats, B vnn, 1186: AlexnlUler, !lOG; Itelmbllcnns, Gilchrist, 71 8; Brown, 682; Martz, 1633 Wnlklns, 1431.




1\1,·. a nd 1\I1's. lI o rllc ~hn nel' nro t~I;';'~h;'~:;~I.(~, Ii~:;~.;;;;;::~~~~~~;;;;:;tk~e~t~s~.~=:;;=~;;~~:;;;;;~;:~ "\illllng the former'" ~ Is ter, Adn, IIntl ~ - - - - - . - -- -- ....-hllRhallfl In N ew YOI'k this week. M ht", Mary Lou Sowflsh of lI11lnA. fl elrl Is >!/lendlng Iwo \1" 'k s with 1111' lIy ,'"110 Ellt' ll Hte IIn,1 )\\1'1<. D , C. 111(]g(', ?tl,·. and :\ J uh n Tho nl/lso n. of Cn rma n 1';:\I'k Is vl ~ l\lng fl'i IlIls , Cl'nl(' l'\' IIII.'. will b~ {l<nne r ':: lI e~I " to· n('1I 1' Dla nc lWl<t c r . nIght of Mr. lind "Ir~. G OI'S-C ;\lIl1 s, M,·, n nd lIll'~ . Ot'o "Ke Dnl;",· s pont Ha lph '\\/nt r css. of ,[)1I),(01l , 1>1 vIa· SundllY with 1\1 .... . P earl Call1 plJl'1I ilin~ with 1\1 1'. a nd :III'S. P e l'l'Y l'Mlls ! and celebraterl both M'·A. B llI;e r 'H o n this we(' ~:, anrl .... 11'1., Cll mpbeU'!t hll'th,lny". :'IlisH Thank you for your interest and support in :'I1 1I",t e l' I1lc hnnl \Vlllln ml:!un. so n Lois , lII l1 m WIIS f\ 1~o II r,f U s t nt choosing me a. the Republican ' Nominee ur 11I1I'o ld 'V II lin l1l>lo n , Id \'I s illns- his Sllndn~' ,lInne,·. for the State Legislature. . j:;l'II ndpa rn ts, Mr. II "d :\'11'<1. l-lIll'ry M'·i!. P.enrl Cn mllh('\1 ~ ll e nt II rl"l\' Wll ll llm;on , :\1 r. n nd .\ll's . R a lph Howell of To the other three gentl~men in our con· Y. ' lI o \\' ~IH'ln l;s \\' (". tho gues ts of test ~ want to express my appreciation for ;\1,·, lI lIlI Mrs . A. H . Enr nh nrt dudn g )'I'ltI'ly lII!'clln g time. the gallant manner in which they WAYNESVILLE ;\11' . li nd :l!frs. ]IIa rlon "·hltnk .. ,· conducted this contest. It has been a clear, ha "L' ..old t'lwlr prope rty to !IIr. nnd AtGUST 12·13 hard fight. Thank You. :'1 ..S . Hu:;:!ell nti N·wooel . !Ill', nntl BIJI~ ,Cro~i.y Bellt,rlcl' Lillie !l1 1·1l. Unde l'\\'od \\'J11 tnk e Jlo~8e8d lon - Inof th eir jJOrperty Se pt. 1s t. "DOCTOR RHYTHM" 111188 1\"ln; Lou Sowa s h wl\l c n · Cartoon-Utl\'U of the Doop t" rtaln tllts Il{wrnoon (Thursdnr) wIth 1\ s wimmin g [)flrty und Buppc r Col\lecly-Clu~tUM Caballl'ro at 'Vay n P urk . 'rho young ladles AUG. l<1-OlIOE HAY ONLY Invltoo incl ude \'Irgl nla Preston and h e r hou e g u es t Murtha Cle mm or Pat O'Brien Geor~e Brent Inclnnati, Rye , Mury - InWillis !lnd ,Jean un d Jane H l\ rtsock.

D mocratic. Moore. 693; GllJIgan, ge r . 964; Rep.ubll(,lln, Bake r , 15D9; Roc kel. Mrs . Willia m ca nlu n li nd son, 2167. F err e, "pe nt 80:' vorn l dnys tills w ee k 'we ro a t th; S ears home, on Sunda y.


118 Mulberry

!I\ls,. LUI' II:1 L :lI 'Y :1I1t' nth" t th c Ell ' \I'''''l h I."II';U" III ~t llut l' III IJlk ... ·ld" 1:0 ,,1 \\' <'L'IL Ti ll" w"I' k " he I" vl sllllll; ~II "" I'" uti ne (,rowe ll , o f Elmore. :\11'. li nd :\lrs . \l n nl lt l )~II .. nhnrt :IIHI ('hl1. l1· n " lIt" I' I:lI n<'(\ n t SundllY .1I00l1"·, i'11'. a nd ;\1,.,,,, E a rl Swa in an rl ;\1Is.~ L al li'" ~ 1 · Kln ~l'Y . r lI e" I!' I:Id g,,\, llIc· . ~I r:'. ~I ll bl'l l'" llt-tt ;> lId .hlUl;hll' ,·s \1'.' ,',' II III'K,· '.r ll"~IS u f !ll,·, li n I Mr /<. H uSli H" r, ~"d( for :;c\'el',, 1 unYI< , lall t



Fillet of Haddock ,............................ :~ .......... 2 R~d ·Ba••, Fresh ~eued, ........ ~ ....... :.............. jb

3~ ISc' ' I

D. W.8ishop Phone 410 M. Leba.... . • Mech.aic Street


Sliced Bacon, 1 Ib layer... ;\.................. ,........ .Ib: ~3c. Fre.h Cream Cheeae... :............................... .2 Ib 29c Smoked whole..... :.. :...................... ~ .... lb :" ·2.4c


Breakfast Bacon ................ :.............................. .Ib ~ ~

Bacon Squ....... ;•••••••••••.••••••.•••...•..•.•...• ; ••••• ~.;2 II» 31C Dol...... SIicecI ... :....•.... :........ :.....................a· lit lie


d N C~~~ Ieti~~ D\~H, ~~~~~~~~ - ~~~c~t-~~e~~~r~

e 11 1)1))' fl'lrmd fro m lJuytlln 1>1 V:t(':lti" n Inl; In t11 <' So uth hy wn y o( aut'Jll'I ll · bile> , IhJR woe k _



lIfl' . 'n n'l M I·H. Emil t3l'Own IInel Hll n, A \\'l" ruln ~ ot nlU h Int~l'es t to \, :wati onlng In , Pllt~­ \V uYII<'>l vlll., a nti L.,rJlLOon rl'l l'nd s 'Dlc kl (' , a l' w ae:l tlWl uf J\1I :<." Uilill Humlly , of 1\111'1:; 11 , l 'pnn sylvn nlu , thi N \1" '1'1< , vis · WIl)" il':! " II II', HIIII ti ll' . " ''''b I't Ilin g I'elll l i",'" tll ,..,c , Yunk ..,... u r Lebn non, whi ch Wtl>l Hol\JJl1n17:cli, Sunday

ll1ul' uln g-



ma nlu\\'11 with th bl'lde'", ~ I'a nd ­ fll lhc l', ~It· , I·J. J(a lllby, offlclutlng In tilt! "ln l; lt! rillS' ce l'emollY. T Ill! eOIlI)\t-'" only atll' lHl:!nl s we re 1\11' , lIml Mrs, 'h'l'l' llcC Hlml);;" " , I\ I I'H, Hhn pHon I ~ 1I !l 1 ~lP I' o( Ihe Ul'ldi.: . "'I' ~, Yunk es chOHe n n 'ns (,lIlulo 'uf Illl " Y \j Ill.., IlI't fo r hCI' w,,(ldlll~, \I It It a t:c I '~su l'i cs u r lhe Ra m o culur , 111111 WUI'O a htl "munlzlnl,: or8l '!;e. 'I'll brill.., Is Ih" lI11r:,l ctl" " tI'lu,;h tel' uf 1\11'. untl 1111'1:1 . 11 0111 'I' H,unby, llnet w as :t g l·,ld ullto of 'Wa YIIll,w llle J11 ~h School_ , hnm edltLtely ~o ll owl ng the ccre· muny a dcllciou s w tiding bl'ellkf'Ls t wa>! sel'v d tho bl'luo u ml g room a nd their atte ndn nts uy th e brld 's g l'and l>Il rt' nI S, M.·. and i\1l·s. E . Hamby , The coupl will milk/! thell' homo In L CWI IIvlI , \\'h' I'u Iho gl'uom Is In l.Ju >l ln ~ ",. ,

P I' sid 'nt Ea d GU Rtin n I1l10un C'N' Iha t Ih ' '\'al'rl'1I o u nly Fish lind OHm ,\ H~()(' I:lU u n wi ll It uld Il ~ n 'x l m('e Un" at 1I1 0 8110. 11 11 11 in 1.l'I':I ' n Oli. 1'h ul·", lay" A 1I~Il S I I , at H p . Ill. OUAlln Ra lll th ll t It WaR Imr OH" l h~'" to atTIIIll;" for II nw('lln " In MOITO,," nl IlI'e~ nt. n nrt AIIlf'c l\ 1('II1orla l lInll \\' n l< nDI nva il"hl e Ihe III etln g \\'111 bo h 1,1 a t tho E II(H ]( n ll .. It If! ('x ll(,f"I ... ,1 lllUt n fin t' co rp s I,r. lo("n l "111" '1:<1111'11 w ill ,1\ t <!lId ti ll' N('sslon . ,'In l't' M r, E l el l'l<1~e WaR eXl!c!'(1i n ~­ Iy bll sy w il li II fl e r ·vn ca l 10 n w() r l<. 1'hl' G IIZ It l'e!;,I' I S to nnn ,1 11m' t' that tllI' l'e will h p no "::;1>01'[81I1 CII ',. "urn el'" this w e ,k ,



_ _-




fo11(u w nt to Wa.yno PoOl, wh ile th e oilier onN' h 1(\ a s hort bulll ncss a088lo n. Gl'e t1n~a \vor renll from IIb~ nt 1Il'~ IT;n(lr9: 'l'hl' stlme' cn pnble offlc<' rs, Earl 'hcrwoo(t, president; li nd l\I is~ llom r Holll'ngswor th, secre.elected to tnke r tory, wer Chlll'ge ot n )(t ' ycnr's reunion, whIch w ill be held wl~h Mr, and Mrs. !-rom r 11.0lflngsworth nt t heir beaut!· f~1 co untrY' hume, near'- OI·~g?nl1l.. '.,


union .It till! A . Z. 11:r r t' tu te n 21" 1 11 3 ~. ftl l

Court News

('O:\IMII N I' I.E'\ ,· )'1l0CEE I>JN(;S h\l'C'I~ X' llIllt from Inherltan 'C tax. 11i" "I'(-", AIIII ( ' lI s ln" )' 1\IIIIrO\'C!I IU\'lmwrl_ Of (' 1111111'('11 GinllThc Invent<lrlea of S . G. Ziegler, i\11·H. nn le,' ..' le \\,II I't \\,il S g-m n ll'd oxe utOI' or th e cOItute Ella Odie nnd ICE CREAM SOCIAL II ,11\'","ce fl'" m \\' ,\1T n ~I"\\' lI lJl In J\ , L , 'Ylltkln!:l, admin is t rator ot tl)e '1'he Lytlc Churc h will i'pon>l I' :,n he r p(' tl llol1. Custrnlr of their tht·(,(, ""lilt of J oh n H . T reo n. a pproved . 'lt llt.ll·C It, Julia. 15; Har m nl , J3: O... lcl'lI c(,lIrilies, oldi c" oam so 'Ia l n th " (l ' I ' le~ 1 1. , 11 mond , Frida y evenI ng , AoJ'; . I ~ l l(" 11,1 :\I ' u '~' .l allL', HI, f;'IVl'" tile' .,I:dn- .'""ul'il! s bclongl ng to th o cstnte of TIle Wayn s vllIc a,I no will ' fll l'ol,h tirf, 'J'h.., 11('i'I'II t1nnt WaH 01'11 I'cd to L wis ' lIfford Anderson, Frunklln, mUldc ro~ tb e oCQIliJlo n. pn.y ;ti ea'll .wce!, t.)\\',_....]s th eir' s up- I.lI'<le l'od sold . Ilo n . MARIUAGE LICENSES Mot 11111 J\,UtlW CIYHon n le! OI11Y, ,24, InborN', ClurksWAY~E8V ILLE GltANGI~ The 11ll)lI u lI t,l C Ihe .1 rC II,l nnt' IlL- ville , a nd 0 1'1 11 1 McGra th, )9, OretOl'noy fol' a n 11 110\\,11 11 I ' fo l' ' f ees 111- I;ollla_ ' Vuynl'svlllo FU;'rn ol" s dl'u nge w ill Edwu.l·d S.ulJenbergcl·, 33, SlLlesmee t [or th I' sulnl' m ecll nS', SI. lu r · mn n, 'Inclnna t l, n nd H len Saml)lc, dill' evenlnl', A ugust 20, lit ' ;30. A C\\'I lyn Hv ille. \CI' th e bU !!in ~s l1Ie tinS' ' L ])1'ogrll l11 UUI'1 (,I'(] ' 1"<"1 11, > Iln l' l ltlon of 'a l'l D . l\1cG miv, 23, sal Rmll l1, and In'l'pru'Cu by membcrs or ~he Bpl: ; " " ' L u Vettn HIl I'l'lson, 22, ste nogl'aphel" co) n l c hilI' ''h wll\ he PI' R/) nt~d. A I' ti l Htlll' fls l"'d by orulh y I\.111 good utl e ndn llce Is desll' d llnel we. d 'I', U~- lI (IITle t )Ond !'I', ~lI a l'(lI u n, In I)oth of Franklin , ll el'bel'l p . Yu,)kes, 42, ca fe profeol nH~ U1'ed you will U \1'1'11 1,,\ ld tl fl u l!. flI d :l{,;ll lnsl J ohn HllY KJII' prie toI' , L eba n o n, a nd Olllli Knther,It' r, d C ~I >;I'l l, rOI' till lII11ng . In Htl mby, 22, faCtory worker, ,\lIo)\\'!! i\!lIllulITOW~ S END CLUB tlll)III'I 11 r.,l· tOIll I" 1"lIT u lh n,lIl Y ~ n d "':'),n e8\'1l1e . , l'I l,, 'u l'lc 1\1, P ' n cl' , 24, fm'me l', llnd nl.loo·ney fel' H lIl ll fl o by J,]clilh \' II'!:'ln\ ' II'!;i nlll ('oloul'n, 2l , cash lor, both of Tho D"lIul'oul, ']'0\\,n8 n d lu IJ wil l II'l Wil lhol11H, loy f: il h" I't I3lg's, h 'r mc t \'OI'Y Olh I' ,]'llu l's'I"y. '['11 ,ruthl 'l', ag ain st Jllhn \~·IIII:t Ill:;. ,Lila\\,- L elJunon. , U L ('s Lc r Cnn;o n CO I's uc h , 23, clm'lt, , l'rl . . li nd MUI'th u Knth l'y n Hili, 22, housencxL meetlng will b h eld, Aug u!iL 25 th. Evol'ybody w .' 1 orne. J' IWB \.'rJ~ (;OlIR'1' k ' PCI', both oC R. R ., L oua non - Firt II AC"'lll1lt Hlu ge ville), Filed By C111llrtllallm ':AI. F..sT ATE TIlANSFERS \ ' J. Osl\. ::in 11 to Harold D. li nd Ellen


STATE CONVENTION ( MI'. nnd Mrs. K eith Walton \' /)I'y pleasn ntl y c lltel'W lnerl, S nnd" ;, , FOR MAILMEN the plcn's uro of t he lattor'" hl·oll.el',

FOREIGN MISSIONARY. . ' . VISITS FRIENDS HERE MrS. E mma Moody a n d 1J0ns, oougln8 a nd Norman, from the HILtLa. a ugar D istrict , Indlll, h nve been vis iting relntlves In Ohio. They have been vl!lltlng hir. nnd Mrs. Ray Hlg httrta.n', of Harveysburg, and Mr_ a nd Mrs. Robert Baker. W uyn esville will r emember th e Moody's tor the ir p:lrt In several Bervices a t Lhe M. E. Church several yenrs ago, Mr. ancl 1IIrs. Moody have bee.n mlsslonarlea to Ind~ll tor twe ntyeig ht yell ra , They returned to Amerlcu tllis s ummer to place their 8On, Douglns, In colll1ge. W hile v isiting In the South Mr. Moody wos struck by a Mm ac hin e and Inslantly killed, lIfl's, oody '\V1l1 rei urn to IndJn. and elll'I'Y o n the work there,

I ~UY' {\ "mi ll i ~ tl'lItAll'" ,\. III I\" ' I'llr:u ~e rs



relll e state- In H a rveysbur&,. Patrick 'ollghlln to Coorge Mc I{ Inne y , 2 nelres In Turtlccl'eek twp. , Lee L emmo n 10 JOllie G l'Ilh nm,

Mil O :11111,·" 'has hl','n a ppointed ad1I1Inl" u 'au'lx rt f tlte s lil te o f D ur oLh y )lit!! In ' ''nynesvlllo. Ed n nd ,Drool,,, Wills to Aiberlllnd lIl1 l1" I' Ba,,;flll'li. ApI,ml sel''' nallwtl CharlEls Hoyle, who:ie hlrlhday n n· \\l pn' ,}. C .·tti!;, ,,',lIk 'r, J :lIllCS W. Ilolilo 'l'aulo r ; 2 aCl'es In Franklin J fIll'

Mll ilmen from llll parts ot the s tate wll,l gath er a t t h o Nell ' House" In Cpluml,lus, S eptem~r , 3 to 6, for th e fol'U tit 'Annu a l convention of th e Oh)o L etter Carriers Association. S veral hundred 'aUXiliary members a lS(r\~'i11 gat'h er tor ' theh' eo~ve~tlori at I.\le·' BIlm'e Mr~, ?Jnrtin Davey will' r ecl;llv,o_ the 1 ~41!ls at a ~en In the goverJlo\:'e ..mansion' on Sunday, soptember' 4;' .. " ,,-' .: "

n lveraary occu r red the foll owin g 'l'u allay, Cpvorf\ wel'e la id ti t noon fo r Mr_ and I\Irs, Elm!!r H o_ Ie, i\\"I:. and ]\frs. Gool'gn Wu lto n, tho ~IlSS C'H R'uth, Edit h, n nd Ge l' t r ll(10 Iloy le , Messe rs Clarenco '1Illth nnu EU I'I K onn ciJy, Miss Annn Iloyl l', M I'. O~u l'les Hoyle, Mr. nnq ~ r~. Denn W lI,llo n, a nd th o host n Ild, hoateH!! a nd g ues t of honor.

Ntlllonul offiCers of the il.Ilmcn,s organ l7.a.tlon to b.e h eard, are J erome J . K ea tlng, l\{lnnen~olls, ehnJrman of th e committee on law nnd cons tlt u · t10~': :vn l~ntlno J. Wells, MlhvaJ1k'ee, a trustee' of the Mutual Benefit AJ!soclaUon ; JOhn J. EngllRh, Woreest er ••Mass . , a dirpctor of Uto Nil.tlO~, . til >4iI lek '~ Benem" As~oclatlon_ C~n. gressman A. 'P . Lnmneck of Ohio nnd Ju.mes , MC1l(l.. or. Pennsylvania' nlso will' be h ca.!:4 on matters p~. mining to the ' outlOO,\( on e1l1ployment conditions In the rhnJ1 service. .Tho mallme!), with soveral bands, ",vUl parll d ~ In , t\;le Columbus downtown district 'on Labor Day. " The Columbull br~~~ wilt be ,host to b~ ' visiting 'del~gntes at 'a n elab orate Jlro~m of ent~rtlllrur8nt, W. s. Cbl1valler, Columbus, Is c;onvontlon' eb . nJnnMl.




COMMISSION SAYS BUSINESS BETTER A rlcrinlte bUHlne!!9 uptul' n In north centru l sta teR with n bright t u turo !nr autulTln ami winter WIlS s how n by a s urve y mad e public totlay by the aliona l ConRum e l's Tux Comml:;s lon. 'rhe Com mlHslon flu rvey to nscerta ln the Immediate bualnE'1I9 outlook ' In re lu tl on to ltR co ns umm··mcmbers ' conce nlrated on n.wth ce n tl'lI l n ren. 1"'0(1u 'LI on nnd trlllle l'epol'ts but took others Into con sld.c rn tlon a 180 . "Varlou!:! (actors have combin ed to I urn t he whcels or Indust ry fallter a nd acce le ra te th e flow or trade," It s tutcd. "On th e olile r ha nd 0110 factor - th e ('ontlnued dmln of tax <'s Oil the conHumer Ilocketbook haR t ' nded to re tard th e advnnce. "The fact lhat taxes - local, ~tn te a nd nnllon nl n ow l olte apllrox lmlltcly 21i ('('n ta trom CVC I'y dolluI' of Income hns preven ted th e busIness Impro"eme nt from being even mol' 11I·onoun ced. th a n It Is ." Th e tl urvey, l'l'leased In Chlcngo, " howed optlmlstle r eports In retail lrude, telephones. Il uto and truck, building, 8t<" I, rn yo n , oil, pllper, ma'hlne tOOlS', aircraft, fre ig ht londlngs

· I Churehes ' I

-Courtesy of W a n e n County News 11'- \' IlIdtll't IIcarlng' CUllllllctioll. at,. Fust.el'!l, Ohlu. 1'hl8 \\'umJerful ellll1neerlng' pruject iii to


ry t; h 1'\Vood m et. S Undu y, n t th e h ome of M I'. a nd Mrs, rtaymond 'onn r to hoW UI (! lr nnnlln i re uni on. Aptlroxlmatoly 130 In m bers or the J c((el'y f Oln lllell S Il rwoud lind galh rell wllh well-filled bas kell'< n nd enjoyed n bo unt QUS dinne r lUia pleasunt (lay J'l' newl n g ""90cllltlon1l. In th o ufter noo n HI Q younger

'" .




Mlt c lw ll h a s l'c 8lg n ~ d h er pos ilion 118 10001 hI g h sc hool tenc her tn uccept II s lmll tlr pos ition at , Woos ter, Ohio, During h er short ytU)' In thl R COITI ' Inunlty, Mills Mitchell es tab lished h el'Bel! deep ly .ll. IL Ilurt ot ' YnYlle T ow nuhlp ~choo ls, nnd wm be tnl",,ed by bUlh !!tndents li nd pa re nl s .

Fllrtem l servIces were h eld, Tu esday afternoon, a t the M . E, Church, C~ nt el'v lll e, for Mrs. Anna Bell t! Phillips widow ot Ihe Inte Wllllnm Phillips who preceded he r In deal h two yenrs ugo. She 111I8scd a way nt h er h ome, lus t S a turduy morning , nrtel' a lOllS' Illness. l~un en& l waa TueRdny llflel'noon Il t 2 :30 wIth burin I In MItl ml C m cte r y, She Is s ur viv ed by on,e son , nOlin, o f OilY ton; one Kister, Mrs . Melvlrla All n, of l-iagl'rmlln, lduho, ono g ra ndda ughtel'; tl nd three g rell t g rand so ntl, L ester Gordon of thIs place I" Il nephew.

In 010 \'r l-Y lIe lll' fulflll·c. MOllY lu,elll rellid enls h U \ ' 1l heen emilloyed on the project, IlIl(I the ["' CII or lIIudl illll'I""~1 tu tourisls 'rom III pUl1 s u' the rountr)'_

MEMBERS OF FAMI HOLD REUNION Th descendants o t "Un Ie" lIen-



Sh llll'lI II IHI\'(\ is Ihe

Tho Rlch-CIlI'r , 'wl1l h old the ir a nnunl r hom of Mr, and Mrs, /jock , non r Ook l\lnd, off 7a o n Su nday, Aug us t n.r ul'ged to 0111 .


MillS Lu i"


WAYNESVILLE SCENE OF ,RECENT MOVINGS' ~ I nny fll mlll s Llrc chun glng th e ir ..c!!ld 'necs In and about Waynes ville th ello (.'001 I'll Bumme r dn ys_ Mr. und 1\1I·!!. Hob ' rt I~avet' m ved to Day ton , Sa turday, to estabU" h tholr hom o. MI'. rmil Mrs, William Schul I' II ILV ' m ov d Into th e Link King prupe rty, whIch \VlIB vncut d by 1\11'. um~ MI'8. Lnwre nce hepherd" who now res ide nt 011001\11, Ohio. 1\1.1'. und 1111':1. );Jlha n ron ul1ll hlld l'l' ll (lnd 1I-I.·s . D. L . Crano will m ov Into tho L '\\,1:1 II I>UI·tlll nts Oll 1I1aln treet, th e ' first oC Se ptem ber . fill' -------



(-~I(' nn)' lind, " II'S. fo'l'lell ll D ilatu Ah ,


W ..\YNESVILLE CHURCH OF CHRIST W, V, 8mlth, Mlnlster Sunday : Bible School. ,9:30 a. m . Lo I'd 'a S upper, 10;45 a. m _ Christian Encreavor, 7:00 p. m , P reaching , 7:45 p. BapUzlng, 8:45 p, m, A. d olegatlo n goes LO Ferry tor ;Xenln. Arca l\lectln t; ut 2:30 p, m. Thore wor c thr e nddltlons to the church, Sundny evening. Wednesduy: Bible s tudy 7:45 p. m.

cned furth er In July, It m enti oned ' telephon e records as a noth er In do!a tor or Improving conditions for Lhe natlon'a cons umers. 1'rlnolpal phon e s ubs idiaries at American T elephone and T elegraph bettel'ed their us unl sMso nal reco rd In July and tho Dell System s howed a pick -up In lon ~ line volume , Ot\w r exce rllts ta llo w: " Sen ~ lng th e bu';lines8 Impl'ovom ent , 1'0talll1l's In th e hlcago tII'CII ,


tor ' xllmpl , u re buying more ! reely,

(n vol'llble Inve nl ory Ilonltlo ns or o nd tile trade oUllook hilS brigh tened_ . ' ERRY (HURCII OF CURIST "This r otuller prpplll'IHlon In!lt. W. C_ Smith, Mlnl"ter 'Cllt Ii nil xpecl ed Incrense In conSunckry !lumer dema nd o n - tne st r ' ngth of Bible I:IChool, 0:80 a . . m . new jobs, Increa sed pnyrolls, and. e nLord's Supper 10:45 n. m. larged purchasing power . Preaching, 11 :00 u. m , "It d.emonstrut cli h ow c lo. e ly ge nXcnlu AI'ea Meetln« 2:30 p. m. ernl prollpel'lty Is r ela ted (0 In Cl'unsThurlldllY: cd purchasIng power and lIow nerBible Htudy and choir proetlce, eIJ80ry It Is to ellm lnntl' ns lllu Ll, lIlI ':00 p. m. Our Ullendnnce sin e the possible oC the tnx hlll'd n li n Lhe first a! thc yeur hU B uvol'llged 60 consum (, r no\\' e u tt:ng ' power more people each I:!unduy aboVe 11I8t by 25 Ilereent ., _., "Th e r~ t n l\ trnde g:1 ln thu s flU', ycnr's nttendnn ce. Th ere 'were thl'ee more additions to the church IlIBt reported In Departme nt at ComSunday by baptism. Come help Ull me rce H,tatlsUes, Is re fle cted In July --' k ecp up the gOO~ Iltte nda n ce. !.Luto flllIe8. Yord !l nd ChcVI'olct, to cite t \vo In8tllnces , had co ntrll!lellBO nWAYNES\' ILLE M. E, CIIVRCII a l gu lns ot ,)2 pel'ce nt ovor June. Ordinarily, IIlI les d eCline In Jllly. Rev. oIob" V. I~)' , Pastor "'rhl ~ sa me gllln WIlB shown In toMI'. Jll cque Adams n nd Miss VlrSundar, August 21 tnl en r a nd U'U k rm lNI by General Itlnla Fritz were Quietly mnrrled at 9:80 Sunduy Sc hool. Motol'l! Irls t month co mPllred. to the F lemingsburg, K entuoky , on AugR. D . Coll ett, supt . Sub;ccl, pre vIous oQe . lI!lt G. The brld Is th e dnughter, of 10:30 Morning WOI's hlll· "Eng ine rIng building awnrds Illat MI-. a nd Mrs. Joseph Fritz, of, HllllI. "What. Is A hur ....I·!" 001'0. Mr. Adams Is th e 90n of Mr, Just three Sunduy s before An. lVeek Incl'cased 30 p >rce nt o ver the und Mrs. John Adams ot this place. nu n I Conlerenec. Hemc mbl.'r your compamble 1937 p erIod tor tlhe CO UIl- -...:...:.~-::: H e graduated trom Wayn eSville church with youI' l>ray"r!!, your \I'Y .!!S a \vho le , acco rding to the E Mu"" G'l ncerln g Ne\\'s-Record. Awnrds toH igh School In Ihe Cluss of '34. prcoonce nnl1 your g ifts. tnled $57,45'1,000 ugll inst $48,716,000' Mr. and Mrs. Adllms w1l1 make the preceding week Qnd $44.040,000' th e ir home In L ebanon. In -th o li ke 1937 week. "Activity of the Federal Housing l\1.R8. ERNEST WOOLARD Admlnllllrn tion co ntinues to InOBJECT OF SURPRISE PARTY crense, n rece nt stateme nt uy FHA Mrs. Ernest Woolard (Juanita AdmInistrator StewlI.rS McDonald Brannock) of Dayt on "'!is plen8llntly Mr. nnd Mrs. Homer Rnmby li nd (lI>lcl0808, IndIcating thllt homesurprised., Wednesdny evening, when members af h er fa mily ga thered to daughter, Naomi, entortalned wi th a building Is playing an Important remind ·her ,th at another blrthdny Su'n duy dluner In honor ot the n ewly part In the upturn _. , .. had rolled around . weds, Mr, and. Mrs. H e rbert Yunk es. "Tho Increuse In July In e nglneerThose to enjoy the (,ecuylon were; In g co nst ruction IIwardf! and ArnerThose to e njoy thIs pleasllnt ' evenIng were MI'!I. Francia Bra nnock, Mr_ and Mrs. E. Romby nnd Mr. Ico n shipbuilding, together wlth 're. Mr. T. D. Brannock, Mr, and Mrs, and Mrll. Walter 'VaSHo n, of Ger- )lorts of In creased ' auto sleel buying Albe rt Bra nnock 'and daughter, Mr. rnantown; Mr. nnd MI'8 , Homer hus ulded th e s teady 1'18e 'In IIteel ' u nd Mrs: James Brannock and ehlld- Schmidt, Mr. a nd MrR. S ta nley operullons, " In the rayon Indus try, July shipre I). n nd Mr. and Mrs.. Charles EI. Clark and son ; Mr. Il nd MrH. Hayes Hamby a nd children ; a nd Mr. lind m ents were nearly double those In zey n nd da ughter. Mrs. Oliver Upton and da ughter, all June, a ccording to the Ru.yon Or. ot Dayton: Mr. lind Mrs. Ed.wln ganon. 'T he Orga non Index ot yarn I Ramby and dllughter ; nnd Mr. a nd deliveries rOBe to 843, 11 new record Mra. Clllrence Simpso n and dalJg h · high tor the Industry. ~ ter, "1'he paller Industry reports nn up-




1\\'1 . F iord und Louise Foster to J ept hn ,,'nd HUI'I'le t Leonard, r eol estato In I,' rnnk lln t\\'p. Tlnl' Roberts to L este r and Edna Rlush er, lot 104 In l~runklln. E ll(\, Tnlt, 'by ndm lnlsl!'lltrlx. to \3olva lIicCnndJ,e8s, lot '1)9 In Sprlng1J0ro ~ , 'I'h ~ sc hcclul of (\ blH , cluJms . a nd - JOllie Gr~•hnm 'to Wal(~r .. ,U nder· ,, II nbllll lc" of .Da n ' " ri e l', u.d mln lsU·:L- wood , reuJ salat e In Woynesv1lle, J Mueller. Cincinnati, to L ou I>;. 101' or lh (' l'>; tatc oC F'lavllio. WhltClln toll a nti l'lerta Tl'uekman, lot ncrc , will be h eanl Sc pteOl\)('l' 1. Tho , 'n I' o sten. Pllr k, Deerrleld,. twp. sc he,lul e oC Atr'lI a O. Jj(' n ~e , n.dmlnls: BsWt!) of Clara A. Gallaher to J. h'atl'\x of th s5!lt(' 1,I f EII:l '1'(l lt, wid be houl'd, Aug ust 25. 1"l'uIII, Gallah e r, nnd others, r en l es· late In F-ra nltlln twp. Zn.In Armitage, L eba non, ",~ya. r e- ,E1!tj&t~ EXClIIlltI\1lamlsl)lln. Building and Lonn elected <;hllirman , g1' . ~. e -\Wa rren ; T..n.o coun I'u l d th a t the ('slRte of Cou nty .ExeCu tlv~ '~ eom- -:::::.1.\*' '"\.vnllilm' , 'f. ' ""ooLl, L ebanon , 'u ro1yl'! Asso Ill tion to AI'v ln nnd Julia. Mc A aeries of dinners and ' picnics mlttee li t the 're.or ganlzatlon meet - . :rec\uJ,d" II dlll ln ls t l':.tLl'lx, \\'IlS ex - nbe , lot 293 In Ftanklln . ere J)lanne~, last weelc, for the en"Estate of l\lury Watkins to' Ing; Tticsday. E a rl S. ¥nng, MOl" "e mpf from ' In" dlanc ltcx. Joyme nt ot Mrs. Corn. Harlan and WaU,lns, 100 acres In Wnrren c row, WM re-eleeted chn.lrmnn ot (he Trllstee FUcl;80ns. Byron Harlan and Dane county central c0l!lmittee . .f Oh a l'tel's :l1 tl/it , ll'us tl!e of lh es· ty'_ Starnes, who are v1lllting Mrs. VI. The post of vlce·chulrmn n was er. - tnlc or E . K . Snl)ok, ',m <t h is ' first ola. Harlan and son, Everett. Med ,a nd RosS H, 'Hnrtsobk, Way.,nes- !lcC9u nt . Tuesday, Mrs_ Harlan and BOn, vlile, n ne w 'm ember of tile ' commlt- Sale Ordel'cdEve relt - and thell' auesta spent the tee, elected to : fill It. . , Sill ot reu l e!!t(lto at Il ubl1 e a u eday at Fort Analent. On Thursday, R. , E. Le~oy, Fr.n~Un, WIIS' reo 'tlun 'ordN' «( In th cnse' or R. H. Mr. nnd Mrs . Kenneth' HOU~/l enter, ' e~eoteii 8ecret~ry of b~th th~ exe: H!\'l'tik>clt, a(1111Inl s\.ru,tor of tho es, tined Q1cm a t dinner. A picnic' at " tl nga.i.nst HowSe.ver!) 1 ffiol\m bors of th e Sheohan euUv8 'and e~ntral committee, ' All tilt ot Oella. Evettlta 'Clif ton wal! enjoyed, Friday. liy Ml'II. , " i: . ' Camll y e njoyed n. picnic lIuppor at elections 'w ere tor te,nns, Of ' uvo ur<;i und I'ved Ev.erhar ' 'Harlan nnd guests, ¥rs. Harold Park:, TUflS day' evening-, The Wtl"'ne yeai'll, Meml,lers of the centml corn· 'ro Sell Asset_ J Eam ha rl a nd children and M.rs_ mlttee Were ' ClltOlleD !It the ' election ReQI <lstato luYo1\'oo:in the suit c:c:lslon wllit11l bono!' ot tOD..t- memK ennelh Hough_ ond chlldren. The last week, OC, Clar ne!) n.rbcrry, g uardia II of berll-l\frs, EI!ls "McCI\lre, Elmer sarno party spent Slinday at SerJ a mos Carberry ngn.~st Jam es ar- Sheeh lln, Richard Sheehan, and La l)(Ont Mound . MARRIED ' be rry, "" ......._. lUnor, an d ot h ers, hUJI bee n Mol' Enr, nlla.rt- who had birthdays '.rr:lll iiJ'c l'R ,\ sllcIICel'ti flcHt s of t l'Ol ns f(JI' \VOl' B"untc(\ hy I h(l co urt ' ali ns l, cd by Alliin ' , !lenS'.!. udml nls lrfl tl'lx oC the os. tfl le of 1::111\ Talt and J. Fra nk Ga lla, hr.r, ,u;lmlnllltr::tlol' of th e st.lltO . or• CIII I'n A . Gullahe l', Ull h:s Are Sot-

and c mploy ment. It pointed out tha t th e t end en cy toward be tt er relil ll trud e, conditions , apparen t In June , h ud been s trength-



wurd trend. 'Paper board output' Jumped 12 points 1n production rIlte In fiv e weeks, Machine tool manufact urers nrc r ebulJdlng Inve nto'r lee In antlcillation ot further ~na, ports IIhow. , "Salell volume a~(l Il&'gregate' en.l'nThe members' ot the School Bourd enjoyed the ball gnme at Clnclnnlll:i, Ing power of the manufac. last week as guests or the archi- turing Industry rcn.ched ne\v hlarh', tect of the ' gymnlialum project. Mr, levels durin. "the second t\U'8e. Garst, Gilbert Frye, nnd the child- months 'of' the '-year with nn extenren of ,Hartley MOBS and ~o~8, nal't- idon 'o t the record. ~cUcnted. Sill.. of ' pln~e"" and engtn<!tr for ' tho 'OnIt s~ek 0-180 :were p~sent. six monttui of 19\ 8 '\Vere 47 POl'Cltlnt above the aame period lallt year, •• , , DEATH NOTICE' "Employment figures Indicate that the drop.-In jobe baa been C!h~ed. Charles R. Fraalor, age 501 year d'~ at · his home Wa)-I!l'II\ iliA, The ,American Fed.el'l1tion of LaIaatr Tuesda.y, He 111 sunlved b)' hlB wife, monthly aUt"Vey adda fUrther > T1Venty members of the JDpworth ordered sold. thLa donee, The ' ra~ tor _ . . .~ '1..".,...,. . . . . . . Dorotby Jewett FrasIer, Edna Mcl('ecvcr IUld Hal'J'la Davta Value Glve~ Leque of tho M. E. Church. enjoyed Tlppenl'1. 1nlaDd, Uta .. . . put' _rl1 111,000 men back to 8ervlcn were . held ~, the bome, a hayride and watermelon teut, were recently marrte4. ThtW wW Tho value of the I!et.ate ot Ella The Q~LZCltte;l ls for the communlty- "'Goldea VelD." • rich plaia .. .... (CoB~ue4 OR Pap thla moml"r. aortb lid. cd the Qalb7 ClaD....... 'mAle6 their home at Tn1t hAIl bean set Ilt '406.40. IUld de· Let's IaIt' JII'I4aj' DlSIit. "










bled at the Lnfayet,e Hotel In Lex· If you f'Xpect the R~teet pleu- a hll)'·entllr Irots on tho Judicial ment ot A~oulture. More .than In~ton. ICy.. on Snt.u~rda:Y and Stili· uro lind ll8t1sfa tlon out of life ·yoU robes. . 31100 h nd qt livestock. Inelu<:Unlf ----.~....--dlly for a two-dlly tercentennial ~e. mUll be wllllnc ' and anxloU8 to c/lltle, Bwtne hll4!\l, goats. and dnat Phone or aend i~ your newa. Phon ll!! Main Street. horeea 'II/LYe bee'n entered together bratlon. marklnlr lhe three hun"dre!1. work for othl)r people'8 ben~ flt·. thoannlver8llry of hlB , rrlvlli In Am· Amerlcanlsh: The mlln who mokee wuh an additional 1000 head which will :pnrtlclput In the tenth annunl Mr. and laIra. Freddrl ~k Fairchild erlca In 1638.· Those who attonded n million dollars Is One thousand Before Thu VacatloD IJ'rIp Junior Cnlr. The latter ev,eat In the are proud to announoe the birth of trom h" re wel'e Miss Bess Elnm, t IDles liS 8lu'.ce88tul a. the man wbo 14188 EdI1Il Elam, Mrs. N e tU~ Fulker. ma kll;8 11 thousand dollilrs. 'Inllt ( w yearB hna become one of a daughter, born . Augu.t e. BUY ,AVTOMOBILE --~-----::--------------- the outstanding f~nturea of the Illl' Dorothy Jen.n IRager apent Wednes 80n. Mr. anll Mrs. RUBaell StlngljlY. 'Jlhc nallon's bencb. las a wole. la INSURANCE Mr. and Mra. James Laurena lind udorned by many able nnd conclen· nunl Ohio ngrleultural:lndustrlnl ex· dny with EI~1'tl1l Rloh. Tbat Will Include pOsition, - Dh'Cotor Hanefeld fiasured Mra. Charles Volera sllOnt Tues· fumlly. tlOU!! JudgeR. but, jU!!t oeen.lonally. HOllpltal And Docter', Bill, '11he Wnllon tamlly held their tam· ex hi bit ors thllt adequate apace will duy afternoon with her parents and .. For YourBelt And Famlly SuhllCl'iptiun Price, $ 1. 60 Pel' Y ear , ·Payable in Advance lIy reunion at Shllwnee Park In Xen· be avn llable In the fairground. to families. MOTOlUSTS MUTUAL An Independe nt N w pnpcr Dedicated t o the Sc rvic ~ of Wnynesville properly 1I0us all entrlee. In num· Mrs. 8amh Snell entertained her· In on Sundny. Memoors .prOBcnt a nd vicinity - Giving ils patrons the best n ewspaper humanly pos- her of entries, Belgian., hend the lilt daug'h ter 'from Waynellvllle. Tuea· from here were Mr. Leon Alexnnder, iNSURANCE COMPANY rilli e. In th e draft horll division, followed. dny night , Mr. and. }fra. Henry Walton, Mr. 20th And 218t ' I,'100I' }fr. and M.s. Raymond Heitman and MrtI. H erman Wnlton, Mrs. Ho· 'Iosely by Pcrch!'ronll and Clyde8' A. I. U. Building dn lC's. For th e flr8t time In the his· and three IIOn8 Bpent Tuesdny even· mer Walton and son, Roger, Mr. T elephone-Ad·lllIl LOry of the Junior fair a closs for Ing with the Omy famllleB. and Mra. J. Todd Walton and son, Carl Crlapln Vic Domtboy HerCo rds has b en ercated In ltls Mr. and Mrtl. Elbert Rich Ilnd Mr. and Mrs. Carl Morgan and tall1' Secretary aLL 1R . (S p~ i n l)-Several Pl:elll~nt A rotn l · of $20.000 in premiums bee t ent_ division. A record.break. children, Mr. and MrtI. Thomal Rich lIy, Mr. and MI'8. Everett Scars and tl('W fcntun's nrc PI' mi ~c d f or the and plate wi ll be offered. In addl- InC nttendance by Ohloanl and vis. "pent Tuesday ntternoon In Leban. 8On •. Mrs. Sarah Wnlton nnd daugh· One of the differenctl in standard I i ~ ht II rRe Sho v in · connect ion of living in this country as compared with th e 8 Lh hio S ta re Fair at li on t I t classes for !i.gaited saddle Itors trom neighboring Ilnte8 Is an. on, Mrs. ThomlUl Rich Itayed In ter, Lucille. LebAnon to visit Iter 811ter, Mrs. Lea. Mr. and Mr8. R. D. Ashbaugh, ot with those in nation. abroad i. emColumhu s, Aug. 27-Scpl. ? Earl)!. horscs, tha premium list includu tlclpilled. Director l-Janefeld III1ld. • • • ter· Shults. who for eome time blUl New Boaton. Mr. and Mr8. Elinor ph.llud in a wport on world-wide ' IT:lndell, dir ector of .ag riculture, n $2!i0 stake for Ohio-owned Ii-gaithn ~ nnn ouncel1. ed hor ses, a $50 stake for fine harcommemorntlon ot the found. been .1I1. Hull and . BOn, ot Dayton, were the telephone development jUlt made ¥ Been URe of lhe I n c ren ~c d popu- ness ho rses, a $500 stake for jnnior Ing ot the Veteran8 of Foreign Mr. and Mra. Charles COllier en· week end guests of Mrs. LIdo. VII- public by the Bell System. Ohio, with 1,IS0.000 telephone •• IOl'ity of Lhe Nigh H orse how it ti.gaited h orses. a $500 atake for Wnrs of the United States. In Co· tertalned. at their home. Wedne. IntH. They. with Mr. and Mrs. Ev· haa more than Italy and Australia will b£'gin on Sundny night, Aug. Ii-gnited mares, nno for stailions, 11ImbuII In 189~, n bron&e lablet will day evening. lill'. and Mra. A. S. erelt VllIa.·s and 'sons, enjoyed a. combined, more than RUllia. anel 2 , onc Jay ear lil' !' t han in past nnd one for geldinh"S, t ogether with be dedica ted In lhe State House duro Coliett. of HarveYBbu1"l'. family picnic at Wayne Park. on nearly u many I I Japan, accordin. y ~ a l·s . Thel'c willlll!;o be 1\ s\iccial Ma'e. Vera Ft.a.cer and Josephine Sunday. REAL ESTATE to figures in the report. matin e pOl'forll1nnce Fr iday after. n $1000 5.gaited grnnd champion. Ing the thlrty·nlnth annual national ship stnke. encnmpment Ihls month. It wall an· Oray entertained WII'h n Ihower Fri· Mr. and Mn. William Fulkerson. With approximatel, 18.500.000 1I00n . INSURANCE _ _ _ _ _ _ _---,.___- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : - - - - - noullced . by enca mpment offlelals. day afternoon, (or Mrs. Charles EI· wllh Mr. and Mre. J. W . Hopkins. telephonea early last year (the filUre AUCTIONEER P resent at the ceremony will be Bev. lIa. An enjoYllble utternoon WIl8 or Columbus. are 8J.endlng this week today is nearly 20 million). the crnl of the thirteen Spnnlah·Amer· 8pent. The bride received many use· on 0. motor trip t.hrough Pennsylvnn· United States had about one-half of the world'. total, although thi' lenn War veternas who organized tul and beautiful gifts. Retreshmenlll Ia and other points ot Interest. country_ hat only one-aixth of the 1I1e V. F. W. on September 2., 18~9. were ICrved to approximately Announcement ot the engagement world's population. There il one It wos said. forty gueBts, and approochlng mnrrlnge ot 1I118s telepholle for enry leven perlODI • • • Mlu Nellie Mary DavlB 18 III at Dorothy Alexander and Mr. Birch here, :II spinat one to every 40 lao COLUMn S ( SpeciE.I) -Earl H. COLUMDUS (Specia l) ~ With Jud ge Henry J . Robison, chief of her home at present. Bell, of Xenia, waB revealed to 0. habitants in Europe. TIanefcld , ciirector of ' a griculture. In a Ii,t of 27 counton, Ca~da bas announ ced that a pecial at- last year's success of the plan as t'he slate division of publle 1l881a. Mrs. Oliver J!o.eobll lett, Thursday. purty of friend., entertained by the traetion at the Ohio Rt,'\tc Jo'ai{' at n guide. the 88t h Ohi o State Fair wnce, r evellied that more than 17,· with Mr. and Mrs. Hnrold 8hutt. brlct.·elect·B motileI'. MI'8. Lawrence is lecolld to the U nlled Statu la :olumbu s-on thc first day nly, at Columbus. Aug. 27-Scpt. 2, will 000 dependent Ill1d ,c rippled child. and children to'r an extended lrlp In Alexander nnd daughters, LucUle u:lcphonea per' 100 population, followed in the order named by New Saturd ay night, August 27-the en- a ga i n be open to the public on Satand Wlima at their country home. ren lind needy blind persons reeelv· Michigan wltb Mlea Ruth Shuttll. Zealand, Sweden, Denmark. Switzer: tiro cast of the Renfro Valle'y Bllrn urday , according to announcement Mr. and MrsB. Ralph Rich. enlleel. Saturday afternoon. land, AUltrllia, Norway. Great Dance wHl nppl!ar in the oHseum. by Enrl II. ]f nnefelo, director of II nW ' und er the various elate public 'OOT FOR MiD CONIIGN IIsslsUi nce programl dourlns: the flrBt on the fonner·. parenlll, Mr. and Ralph Eagle and 2 years·old son, Britain, and Gennany. Frlnce i, four f rom where it will broa dca st over ,ollr CaW., lao... ibM, ••d I&lftI • agriculture. Mix months of 1988. The fedeml, MrtI. Thomae Rich. Wednesday even. of Cincinnati are spending this week .tepa below Germany, whUe Italy Station WLW Ilnd the Mutunl to Nom..Brook Cu.. Un wire ... Previous to 1937, Fair openings and Russia are near the bottom. Broadcasting System, 810te, Itnd county Ir0vernmontl eadl Ing. with his mother. Mrs. Kate Eagle. ........a.. 8... f~r dI.......... Washington, D. C. and San Fran- iaaibt pric. uul .... ......... Mrs. Ray HeItman and ·8Ona. Joe The nudience will h ave th e had nlwnys lIecn on Monday. Di- pl'Ol'lded IlPproxlmately one·thlrd of r ector Hanefeld said that SaturdaJ cileo have the hip eat citY develop- V.I•• StMk Y....• CI.ela_tI. o. chance to sec the enti ro show a's the total eOllt of $3,168,869 In accord· and Edgar, were visitors In Miamis· would be dcvoted largely to Junior ment, with one telephooe for every TIl.... OD Radio Statio. WO~y ord inarily broaden st ' fr om Music a nce wIth the provision. of aoclal burg, FrJ4ay moml., 11:11 to 11:10 p. III. tor ......, Fair e.x hibitors and their activities. three inhabitant •• Hall, incinnnti. The (,list will in· sec urity nc ts. Judge Robison report· MIsS Floramond Reed Is not eo IIImet "porta. . There are more than 125 millioll All exhibits, however, wilf be clude Aunt l dy and Li t Lie Clifford, 00. well at the present tim•. and loni distance telephone local lim Mil le r nnd his orn IIullke r s, c10scll Sunuay , August 28, In obBarrIe TholDA8 calls a day in the world I I II whole Mrs. Raym(md EaklnB and BOn, the Coon Creek Girls, Red Foley. servnllce of t he Sabbath, and there and nearly 74 million of theae are Cecil Herma.n, I!pimt Friday eve.n lng the Duke of Pa ducah , the qUAre will he r eligious ser vices in the ColParis Davis and Edna McKeever. made in the United Statea. This Dan ers, ·Ha rmoni ca nill, John Lair iseu lll fo r Junior Fair exhiblwra with Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Jacobs. ot Wayneavllle were unlled In mar· country has II total of nearl, 27 bitlind ethers desiring to nttend. lind Bill McCl uskey. MIII8 Mabel CJuke, Da)tton. rlage at the pareonnge by Rev. W , lion local anel loni diatance caUl a spent the week end wl~ Mluea O. Smith, lnat Thur~ay evening. year-eQuivalent tq nearly 850 each j udlrlu l nnt mlnt(,lIt W(\.I; Ih only MrtI. Holen WlIllams. of Lebanon. C1audJa and JOll8phlne Gray. Emma Jean Smith Bpent the week aecond durina the day and niPt. (," (' of ;; ' v rt PI'OTIO ('d nmendments Bpent lnat wok" here 118 bookkeeper Mr8: Stanlel' Oray and. Mr. Ray; end with Dorothy Oerbard. Wilma Japan is second with nearly fin bll· LNuOD, Ollie whIch WIlS (lu nU{ied wll h Secretary at Lytle Elevator In the absence ol mond Morgan .celebrated their birth. Thomas spent Monday nlgkt as the lion a year and Germany third with sliahtly more than one-half of tbe Lowell Thomas. "ft 8 Aft Ith I t , . . A . 101 P J Th -0-\ ' of Sl n t K nnc(ll' b for the tiling .....yl. un.... y. w . a p cnlc dInner. II'Ue8t 0 _r. an... rs. •• omM. Pr........................ J apanele fiaure. SE'c rHllr~' of fl tlLte \\' llIIa m J . K&n· rl.'"II..Un •. (or t h(' !ov~m\)('r ' Iection. George Davis haa bee. qult.e III Both celebrltlel. received many beau. HarrY R. Fordyce and .Allen Da· The world hal nearly 163 million ID nh ly :J IlIh"' ..... ""I Iha l Iw had ~(, \lt •• ~ tho past week with grip. tltul glttl. The follOwing guella vie were baptlltCd. 8unday morning, miles of telephone wire. inciudipil MOTION PICTURE t Ul Ilghl Y' Igllt ' ''lSill), IlOlll'd R or ' ''I \l'o.ll.rlIlY " wOI'lto uls f r Ohio The 4·H Club met at the bome of were present t.o enjoy dinner: Gladya at Ferry and took membership with 88 million miles in· the United Statea. II 1.I0n lilt' IlrOP01sPd cll n8t1 tul lon,l\ Mr8. Charles Charleton, Thunday at Carr, Laura McKJneey. lmojean Vol. the cburch. Thi. nation's telephone wire would ENTaaTAINIiENT 'tnl I nlvt·,·slt y'". va rsity (ootba ll ternoon. Illllenilll10nt Pt· t itl un t! wlli h wore . qulul will f!'£'t ' IIntl I' WilY, Septem. era, 8arah Snell, Lucy Bailey. Clau. The annual Xenia. Area. MeeUns: encircle the earth 3,534 time.. MrR. Margaret John. and Paul dla G ray. 8""'-1 t 21 s. t I n (V II I .IOi\ U r hl'l' 1 0. III PI' pUl'Otlo n (or tho 1938 fII d with tJ11' (' Ic to ...... e7 0 ray, Etta May w III be h e Id ~ftt . F erry.A UgUB were In Leba~on. Tbu~. Gray, Mary Leath, Rose ca ..... Eebeclnninc at 2:30 P. m. Brother HD.r. John1l lhe .l)t)" nri.Jn\' nl o f Slll l(' l\ n (1 wh l h HNlAul1. It .Wllk !'cvcalocl by Co~c h oA large crowd enjoyed ~e '8unc1a7 ther Rich, Glracc Rloh , Mra.' Leith degree or Hillsboro will 00 tho nil trw I~ VOLe in 111 ' ~o \" 'mhc l' l~rancl" J\ . , chmldt. 'l'he opening mualcnl numbel'll ---~-l1'f~Ifl-'iHl>-t;Iw--H·\I (,M 10 n ., r ' I Jli", I n t· {on,;" g'(,1ll c nI . wllh t he Uni ve rs ity of School Picnic at Harmon Park. Leb- Engle, Jackie Lee . Entle, Wilma Ipeaker. Several anon. Sunday. Jean Engle. Leigh Engle, Dorothy will be offered. You are Invlled to 10 Lh. l'; ul"'i' me In<t\cw a . will be October 1. It wlte Mr. and Mrs. George Oray anll Jean Rager. Vera Rager, . Walter attend. oue' pr Ohio 'IDll II I<' II ))pl'lIl1te IndlclI l cl thnt the tea m will not be "Olll'l!!. Til co u nly h t>,\I' lI H will ' Ill'clt one of ~ u n nllY Itln e only rorty.sls Mr. and Mrs. Le811e Gray and child· Tibbals. MrII. James F . Jacoba. Don. --The-Ferry ~~I~-~~\~~~,"~~~~ayne.vnr.t il n.lhlill· or th 3GO ,OOIi slKl1u · PI'U"pcctlvo pl nYllrs were summoned. ren attended the Gray reunion at na Rae Jacobll. Olorla Ann Jacobs to draw large crowdll ~ Lnat Sunday Wayne . Park. Sunday. Nellie laIary Davia, Edltb DaVis: tbere were 167 present willi an ·ot. 1."1'''':<. 'rh o slj; nrrlul' S or 300,00 clec· th sma ll t'A t /;I'OUp In yoars. "We Mi88C8 Wllo4Jne and Jeannette lLarjorle Davl_, Robert Davie. Thel. ferlng ot $17.68. The ·a.verage IIlnce lor'K :U" IlI' CO tI.>;l1f'Y In "I'dcl' to brinK (l 1'e Rll'lvlns fo r Qua lity, not. quan· 2 Kurtis are Bpendlnlr tbla 'Week with rna Laney. Kenneth Laney, WlIlOft tbe first of the year Is 161 above~t Ih~ PI: 1)0 <1 (1 Hili 1',lm nt I\('fol'e the Ity," (I n naslMtn nt conch prOollllmed. • vol·J·!; who tlw n "Ill ,\ 'c ltl c' ,,-hel her l'O:l h !':chml!lt. In Il 1 tt or to each' MI88 Pauline Frlenel, at JohnsvHle. Harvey Jr.• Mabel Clark. Alida Rich. year'l nverage of· 83. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Whitaker Elberta. Rich, Mary Jo Rich. Edith The W. C. ~mlth family start on Ohio will ('.)nllnu(' to m llke' jUfllolnl Indlv l<l .1nl p lnrer to r~ I) Ort , 81l1d.: Mf' \ ·tlon III lht' t wo hr" l\ ' lll'S hy .. ~\"() will slurt htl rd ·work on ·Sep. and . children. In company with Mr. Mae ]pch, ~l'bomlUl Claude .Rlch. their vacation, AUgUBt 22. They will ", popllll1 r bn ll t r wlWlh I' th jullgl's I mbeL' III . r Ollr C'h n n cc to show well aJld Mrs. TOVl Burton. spent th. Iona. Jean R":h, Elbert Rich, Rnlpb vlllit Mr. Smith'. folltl In Virginia. Th. a.nnual Pottenge reunIon was upon yoU!' ~o ndltlo n week·end with MI'. nnd Mrs. Ed Bur· Rich, Tho• . IUch. Glenn DavS., Ed. will h u l)l'olm a by Iho gVV" "f\ur Corr. Jease Mlcbael, Nellie Morgan, beld at Tlpp Ctq, ' IUt Sunday. {n,m 1.1 IIMI (If f r o f ll I hr£'(' I I , (h' e II'h f' n ~") 1I rl!l1"l't. n egln Do\V ,by tuk. Ion. at Elyria. Ohio. Prot. W. R. Spriegel, ' of North Raymond Morgan. Kathryn Han. ThOBe from this nelgbborhood who Illl m . fOI' (,lIdl •• ft l > \,, "''' 11 11'1 ,l1tkJ IllS' It Lcn.ya rrl 'win' s prints nnd lt~ lhe C'OVl ' \,11 •. I»), II :lP ' la l j udIcia.! p1< ' 111.1' "r JO):,I-:'I ng to build 'uJj your Western University, Evanlton, III., nah. Wilbur Hannah, MalMll Glea.. nttend~ were,' Mr. a.nd MrS. Law. called on Mrs. Margaret Johnl an4 on. Reva G18l\8On. Charle. H. Blair, rence '1;bopuLI and daugbter. Wilma. '·!.lund l v( cl)!hl nll'mll,' .·,;. ,\I til ' nC! PaUl Johns. Saturday afternoon. . ,Louella. Blair. Mrl!. Pboebe Michael. Mri. Laverna Faul and lOll, ErVin, • Mrs. Mary Cormony attended the Homer Johner. Mrs, Homer Johns. Mr. and )(n. .W~do Elliott ~~would I" '·~II1'l r ~·d lu run ,m his rl!' ¥ . ~ A.~•••~.___._~ ._ ..._MM_~·._~~~_~_~.-~- ~~ --~~~ 1'l'oiJnll ly no show In i:he U nited GllJ'ette He union at camP Taylor. Mr. A. O. M:lehnel,. Mrs, A. O. )(I. ohlldren. Francee and Clifford, ",I'. .., II II • !!tw. " Hh ll ll II Ito! I·t'tnl n<,d ·?" TJle Sl nt \l \\' 111 ottl'llcl more lIvelltock Yellow Springe, Sunday. Clbeal, Charles Colfter, carrie carr. .!UId M'" '. f Jeaae .R oland -'and ~ruce dunng th 'ill nciu r Y HI' ot- 1998 Mr· and Mra. Harvey Burnet we~ Minnie 8~ln,. William Wliaon. Earl Wean p.nd laIra. ·Nancy Pope. Ju ilg(·. '''',( " II In 'Ul1l1'!t'TTr th a o IIr C' Ig-h ty·e lghth a nnus.) Ohio Sunday afternoon cueete, of Mr. an4 Chenoweth. Imfle Chenowetb, Mrll. Mr: att4-Mra. Er'vll~I%oIllRM~~*l1-=. ,I. lW l J't'('urn l l)v ndn · )'jlll i (' I·'n lr. fl' In .A ugu;;t 27 to Sep· Mrll. C. W . Lawrence In Dayton. Mabel Walker, Richard Walker. named their new baby daughter. Ja. li un 0 " Il VIJlJ in lm " nt . l·"uld II t I'lln t luhf- I' ~. Ilccnrdin ft to Director Earl Mr. ando MrB. E . B. Lonll'acre and. -:fohn. Allen 'iValker, J. C. Pennln.., nlcc :nne. til State . Depart. Mrs. J. B. Jonell were gueatB or ton. J«;IICphlne Gray. J. T. Oray. C. Mr. one) MrS. P. J. Thomns. Mr. :.I)!fl lnSI IIII' ;'IJpulnl,"'. Tlw I I' '1)O ~od H. Jl n 'lI' r~ ld or OFFICIAL SERVICE ~., friends In Cincinnati. Sunday' evell· R. ParBOn, t(leo. W. Davis, Ralph and MI'8. Thomu Fordyce. Mr. Vcr· Ing. and ahlO IItOPped at WLW. Ma·. Batson, Leo Caeey. Mellie Cbrlst. non Fordyce apd Mills Virginia son. man, J. C. Chrilltman. Ron&!d Carr. Courtney !,Ipent Sunday at Leaourds· Mr. and Mrs. Wilber Foullce. Mr. C. A.. Gray, L, 8hntf~r. Earl Swain. Ville Lake. e and Mrs. Elmer Grove. and eon. at· Henry Murphy. Elennor Stegermal· Mr. and Mrs . ....Sldpey FUer were tended the Tewell reunion 'at· Sbaron ler. Lydia Bhrphy. FlorenC!CJ Collier. .S aturday evening 8upper "UeRts HarrIett Rkllnaer. Carl Rldlnser, Mr. and ¥rs, J . S. Flier. Woods. near SbaronvW.. Phone lOS R ,2 Niaht• Phone SR2 All Work Guaranteed Mr. and Mrl. Walter Kenr1ok ' and sarah Rldln,rer. WlIlard .......__ • I' Jr. Smith hae returned home from J amea HaineB were Sunday evenln. J08epl\ RldJnger. Alice Miller. Dorls Waynesville. d lnner guests of Mr. and Ifrs. Thom· Doughrpan. Junlna. Corr. and Nettle Conl18nce, Kentucky" where he baa a8 Collln8. In Dayton. Gra),. been vlll1t1ng bJII grandparenlll. Mr. We vulcanize tires and tubes and Mrs. Andrew ·Peeno. The latter. Mrs. Emily Thackera. of Lebanon. Shell. Gasoline, Oils, and Accelsoriel who Is viSiting at the homB of b... with their daucJtter• . Martha, and duughter. Mrs. S. H. Burnett. baa Mr. and Mra. George Summerfield. and fainlly wtire gUMle of the W . C. been very III the past week. NEXT TO WAYNESVILLE WATERWORKS Miss Roxie carolyn Backett. Of !~ Smiths. Sunday.


INew Features At State Fai:r Horse Show










State .Capitol New s

Wb~D In W.yne,ville Shop 'at

Baird'rSc' & tOe Store




}lie oller a .ati.factory Service at alltimu


,McClure Funeral. Home

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:......::<.:===============:-=========•.::::;:,.=,=== 'O c:::lO Oc::lO'J'====='IO:c::lO

Tires, T~be., Ga' It Oil Wrecker Service

Retread Tires


1 rade in Your Old Ones


Campbell and Kennedy

OJ::lOJ'=====ii,O J::lO. and Waynesville, MIU FranCia Johll8 Mrs. Susan Saylor were &nn.~


Used Car Bargains .


Pord Tudor, Trunk .. .... .. ....... ........... .. .. .. .. .... 395· Pontiac Coach_with

T~unk. ......... .... .. .... ......


Ford 8S Tudor.: ........... .. ..... .. .. .. .. ... ............. .. 475

- ---


- - ,.----


'n St. Lcb.:lDon, ~.

gue8ts, Tue8day, of MrI. laIarS!U'et Johns and Paul Jehne. Orville Phillips attended the" tuner. al ot l'r!'rs. Annabelle PhllilPII. at Cm. tcrvllle Church. Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Burnett, Miss Laurn Rosnagle, and Mr: and Mrs. Walter Kenrick heard Hon. Ham·nton Fish of New York, at Me. morlal Hall. Lebanon. Saturday ev. ning. Mrs. Perry' of . S.rlngboro,


.am.. Dar~ W~n

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Frye called on tbe Ervin ThomalleB, Monday atter· , Mra. Kate ·Eagle pa~ the laat lloon. Vlrslnla ThemaB, daughter of Mr: week In Clnolnnatl ' wlth Mr. and Ifrtl. Ralph F.-gle, who are announc· and Mra. Charles Tho!D1UI at Mlamlll' lng ttle ·blrtl\l ot theJr a6c0nd. eoll, burs. dJed In a Dayton hospital. Monday night of plural pneumonia. John Ralph. on ' Aucuat 10. Mrl!. Bllzalbeth 81ma, MrtI. Emeat She had bee~ III about a. week. Fun· Brookbank, Mrs; Harold ' Seale of eral arrangementll are not eomplet. Cincinnati. vl~.ted M~. and Mrs: G. ed .at thle Wrltl~g. V. 81mll. Wedlltlda,. '.. The J. S. FlIers attended the Ad' Mlldre6 T~er 'Ia lpelldlng a week ama . Reunion: at ,Mason, In,t 'Sun, In Columbua with Mr. all·4 at •. Bert day. WUlOn, ' ======~===~~=~

F'.· ~...

Mrl. W. J.f. ' .C oleman, ot Waynel' Mr. and ,J.j[re· Nell Comptl • have ville, nnd l,frs. Harold Kellla and moved to the, bome ot her . U'enlll, children, of Mt. Holly 'wen gue8t.ll at Mr. and Mra.. Gorman. rhe LadAes' .AId meetlnll' at the' home ' Mr. and Mra. Henl')' Ker " and ot MnI. Vaden WIcaJ. on 1ut Wedn88 . ohlldren• . Of Xenia. vlalt X' day. The AleS ottlcerl..elect~ at tlilll iI.lle Beuoo, on Sunday. ~ meeting were.: Pree1dentr MrI.:-Jes. Mr. and Mra. Don ·Petel on of ale T..ongacte: vice preBident. MI'II. MlddJeunvn and Mr a' . .~. E La •• n .. N . -. cy; l ooretnry. Mrs. Amy Wayne ~elor80n, of lJcoll bror were Bn.lley, Treasurer; Mrs, Marpret 8un~y I'ueal:a of M..... NeW ~tft. Johne and chaJrmen lIullmlna com. BOn. mJttee. Mrs. LallYI' Wbarton. A. lar. .

.• . I

~"'·arttn ~

"ellonee, " .


Service -


Pi. one 4::: . Rcprcsentativt1'


0, No- C"'.



White Rock., Barred Rock. aDd Lara. TyPe White




LeDQDOn~8 'Ha'tchery Harveysburg, Ohio.

<WHY •









.Hav~ your Funace cleaned· and repaired a eompete line of' New· Furnaces,' Gutt~riDg .aJ1d Con4~etor "p~k: All ~iDds ~f r~of.·. repau'ed. ".nd ; painted. 4180 ubeatua Bhidale 8ldbw ' . . for old bouses . "', . . . .atlalat.. _ F~ · ' Pricee ........... ...-'. . .

J•.'--'· EIecIrWaa . .' .......





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Mn. BUIl.1IeO

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Mla8 Velma ' K,u)lItnr ~ntertllined The Senior Llv Wlr 8. Friday even· hig. Augullt 19th at the borne pf Mr. and Mra. C hnrle~ tI use. There \\111

\ Barfat!e •

\ ' lrglnlllo Getls, R. R. 2

;\11'. nneL 1>l r~. Ho) ... r~ "Iiles nml I( '('I' INlh h ll lld" u ll Lh t! w h '0 1. Mr. nnel 1\11'''' \V uI L r ;\'II1{'s, of L or· T wo " '"HI , III, III{! wloo ny lng :tlII C. Ohio. w 1'1' th w ee k ·nd g'U ' s tM 'Il lol/nl t\\ O hcrlll«. al'(' nl wnys he ttor of ~II·!I . • mlth T ),11)1'. 1111111 ('Of' . l llrll ~d

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At n. ... P.l... Men'a 8 pc. Sulta Cleaned and PNlI8ed

50c Men'. Hata Cleaned and Blocked

Hlluse of Utica. Mr. and Mrs. RUSBeIl Burnett at· An Ice Cream Bacilli wlll be held, AUgU8l 19th. at the home at Mr. ten ded the bnll ~m. In Cincinnati, and Mra. Charlea Hause, for tb. Sunday . The Little Germa n Band lurnlahed UtlCIl United Brethren Church . mUlllc for the Lebanon Gnrden Club party, held at t'he home ot Mrs. Will Bt ubbs on the Cincinnati pike, MOO' day evenlnll'.

Kingman News

Mr. nn<l )fre. Perry Guthrie. ot Beavertown, Mr. nnd Mrs. Ed Minge, nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Cecil Cnrr, ot 'Vest Carrolton were Sun<lay af· temoon collers or Mr. nnd Mnt. Fred. McKinney. Mr. nnd Mrs. Roy Conklin and daughter. Janis, left, Friday tor a nahlng trip to Mlchlgon, MIllS F'relda McKinney Is an In· structor In Art Crafts at the Clln· Ion County 4·H at YellOW Springs this week.

Canrn· mouthed Joe E . Brown has the title role at! a super· IIlan In · "The Gladiator." the lIenbationlll new Columbia studio comedy whlcb will be fealured three daYB at tbe alr·cooled delulI:e Xenia theater In Xenia berlnnlur Bunday, Augu8t 21. June Travlll I. HeD hll co-ed girl trlend and Man Mountain Dean addl! to the tun. . The ltory of "The Gladiator" concerns a timId Sopbomore who becom91 the Innoeent aubject 01 a professor'lI experiment In IDcreltltng the normal human atren«th. The hllarloull aftermath Mea Joe become a naUonal Ifr\dll'on eensatlon, a record breaklna traell and Beld athl.te and tbe hero of every co-eel trom COllt to eoalt.


SHORT8 AND MlDDLlNG8 50c Plnns are belna made to make con Ladle. Plain Dreue. certj!d efforts 't o reduce the number 60c of rat8 In several eouthwealem Ohio counties this tall. Farmers Interested L ewis Mobley. of Spring Vull cy, MI88 Ne llie Mary DIl\'ls 18 spend· In tbls project sbould notify their KatbfJ'D Mendenhall, Kgi' Ing some time with friends In Leb. Ohio, 1M vlsillng II1r. M . V. Lll lllb . county 8,ricultural a,ellt. of OregonIa. tor a we ek . 000 anon. and her Dallas Lnmb, of Or<>gonln. Is V"r)' MllIlI Hannah Jordnn Money Invested. In aeedln ... ot clo· III wlt'h a n Injured I fl flh ouldl' r , ver or alfnlfa on acid eolia In OhIo gUt:l!t8, Mr . .nndl Mrl!. George LIebert II1r. WOOdrow Ooo(\mnn ",al! InJur d III likely to be wallted unl_ tb. and Ilon. Junior, 01 Chicago. were slightly, last Saturday. whe n h e r,,11 seoolUlf Is preceded by appUco.tlonll Tuesdoy guestl of MorrIll Brown and. fell off n wagon. Flora lind Wlll1ert of IImlna materials large en.oulI'h to , Ister, MI •• Mnry. neal' Spring Val· M Gaha. of ley. Mr. nnd Mrs. George Hnynea nnd correct the eol1 deficiencies. Red LIon, spe nt Suntlny wIth IIIr : J. Lee Talmage and son. Albert Fred Ames of KIngman lett, Friday. and !\f1·S. Ln mb. or Orego nia. Lee, attended the Wilmington Fnlr. Since death III a natuhl and 1Ul: on a motor trIp to Maine to visit Mr. Rod Gray. of Clarks dlle . nnd Op" l Thur"day afternoon flnd evening. Society at Ashland, Ohio. Haynes' brother, ROBS Haynes. avoidable occuJ'l'8ll~, I' II wille !ofl'. ond Mm. Roy D·Autremont McGrath. of Orego nln . wcr Ill/Iniec! Mr. and ldrII. Fred McKinney and to olAke proper stepa before it Mr. and MI'tI. A. C. Davl<lllOn, MI'tI. comet!. 8eleettnr a funeral dlrec· Joy Favor and MIllS France8 Clark fo.mlly nttended Quaker Yearly meet· are announcing the nrrlval of n Ilt Ne wport. K entuc ky. August 1 I , tor - Joat .. )'ou make a will w re Bunday gueets of Alt. and Mrl , Inlf at Wllmlnlrlon, Monday aft...· <laughter at th,e lr h ome, near Well· 1938. noon. Reverend Willard O. Trueblood man. or pro:vlde luaUl'llnc-e proteetlou- H. A. Banta. Subscribe to The Mloml Gazettc. Marson 'Vella wall a \,Isltor In delivered an addrell oa "The Hell· Is a precautionarY m_ore that totum J . L. Hughes Iln<l tnmll'y Hnmllton, Sun~lay. wW prevent eonlualon aocl dll· hn\'e returned trom Indjana where ponllbillties ot Membership. Mr. an<l Mrs. A. B. Talmage. Lee appointment. MIBS Sur<lo hos been emplo)'ed n8 Mr. HUg'hell hla been taking a ahOrt Tlllmage and IBOn. Albert Lee and Music Inlltructor In Kingman course at Instruction tor Coach ••. School I. She till. the vaeanc)' ot Miss Jessie L. Garner were calling H. A. Banta. Vocational A8'rlcul· MI.. SylVia Shinkle, who resigned to nt the J . M. Wilson home In Leban· ture Ins tructor, and Mr. Dan Under· PHONE H take additional acboollnl at Colum· on. un<l the 'h9rru1 ot Mr. nnd Mr•. wood will leave, Thursday, to attend Rad Boulwlll'e, In Clllrksvllle. Sun· bill University. a meetln. ot the Oblo Hortleulture dllY afternoon. The friends of A. B . "'" Tnlmage ,,111 be ' Interelted In lenrn· Ing thnt he cE'leb rnted hla seventy· ('Igtll birthday annlver.snry. Bunday, August 14. Mra. Veru RC!·oger enterw lned with Ii shower nt IH~r home In Wellman. Friday. complimenting Mrs. Charles Ellis (nee Miss Minnie- Jacobs) 8. r e·· cent brIde. The 'Llebert 'fnmlly and MI88 Jor· dan were Snturday guests ot Mr. Bnd ·MI·s. Woyland Jorda n a nd tam· Next Ily In Cincinnati, and nttencWd th e Soap Box Rae,el! during the day. Mr. and Mr,lI. Erble Powell and family wel'e S unday (Unne r guests ot Mr, a nd Mn. Jo (> Neill, Ln Middle· town. Htlrold JOI·dnll. of R ending. wall a visitor lit t.he Jordan home here. Fri· 1. day. In t11 e afte rnoon he WIlS aecom· panled. by Mr. and .fr9. George Lie· bert nnd Mls!1 Hannah Jord llD to . ~nyelope. WllmlngtQn. whill'a they were call · ers lit the home 01 Mr. and Mrs, Will Taylor. .: ••• ,INC you'U nco..... . . . wkhOur ,.... Mr. ~nd Mm. Pel'ry Wells and JOU MTa ... JOU . . . _ecdOD fltlnlly ent'ertallfled II group of !rlenLls ...d . ·full ,.., AI • .,.,... ~~ willi call • "bnU" fl'om umllton. SundllY. ~• • • • AO woad. pi....... aJl-:"YotrVI G9I' IOKlTlDNG 11IIU1"

Quick Cleaner.

MaCh FoUowed Advice



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(' I'll w(orr!.

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h,,1i('\'cd th o t nlathl'o u g h· tt nlfn \\ " ubl ;... Ii. p a ll d Tll a fi lc tl t: r s It t I I P~ 1.; I lI ' \\' I !t. ·11' JlII 'SH; ' I-f(·~ W P I'O nqt gPili h In I II~' " !'lIun,1 in lh r- )l ORlOl·

nil;l lI . loy HIli \)U ':II I1 ,II Ih p iJ· , ·" lillI nn Ih (O Llll ltl :1111111 11, HI \'" '' ",H I I" "C Wllyn .,\, III('.

J. B: Chapman

I' t' !-l il i t


Spr lnJ..:" l ll)ro :ll l p llIl

l'n:1~ 1

W ('I ill (1 1"



C' ,


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T i lt ,

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1l 1'(' " f'P"l' lf,d HII lit t' upg r n L1 e hy


Ally. th ..


n Co unlY , ' ;h


~ t ('l' (,I" I Jt g'

Sub"'Ti"l' to Th,'

IlH zal'\l~

;\JI :t mi Gazelle.

- --- _.---

Stubbs Fuoeral Home ..

Call 112

For That

aU this 1 R..s beini nlacse-ift-maluines

about 8eIl88tional natlon.wide offer


-to introduce thousands more f4sniliea to thrifty whole-house warmth-with the genuine Eetate Heatrola.

Come in, See this woad.... " \ I /~ 2 ful Estate Heatrola-with

Order of

Job Printing Good Grade 6 3·4 per 1000

. ,"

'-~.... eGtudJDa II".,..... . . . . perieace •••

QI oar



up- ...... of..


01 ......... for 1'"


,"• .~.""''''''~I PULL TUII ••.•MD ANY••. IIAUZI.~ .. , . _ LIST



Timothy a nd nltnltn mixed control 1<011 ~roljlon lIetter thrut ulfalfn Illone.

Miami Gazette

- fuel.saving, heat.making In. tensi·Fire Air Duct and other , exclusive features, ORDER YOURS BEFO~E SEP. TEMBER 3.




no_hine more until Fall, when your Heatro'a is installed and the Free Coal truck chugs up with 500 to 2000 POUNDS" OF FREE COAL FOR YOU.


Oil the

model JOou <hOOM.



THIS FALL, BEGIN YOU R CONVENIENT MONTHLY PAYMENTS • • • start the winter with FREE COAL ••. and enjoy the comfort and convenience and savings of the aenuine Estate Heatrola. .

H~RE'S the OJRo St.t. - ~ut­ _" ".Mi", F.1r 'ft Ohio', hiltory. , Unulual . . _grIcuIhnI, hortIcuIhwa~ IIv"'ock ....Ibi.. • • • c:o.-rv.tiOftDiapiay ••• J~,"or ThriJi. i.,g· &r.nd Circuit. He".... It.'c••, NIVht. Horae

Show .nd IarHth·t.lln9· Hippodrome Show"H';Vh .. Ho '1939" ~ ~'9fdly. 1ft fro.nt .of the &ranet,tencl. ~'t ml.. 'thI, par'. F.lrl

.........- - - .......

Free COil with the E,,-i.·· N...,. ....." Til'


Now "": brlng YOUf Idtcb~ . up da~ wi~ thle b.autlfa.1 rani. (Of coal and wood.. ..Doubl... ·c~tr!Jctfon tbroucllout. Eslall.". fire-bas IIld. tlnlnp. PeeS.a·Lifter Key Plat•• Fine broUlng (KUltI... The oo1y rane. bearinc abel.H.-trola _ .. . .Get . . . . .~ PIN Cad .., Cll'deriDa yOQI8 aow. _ -

. EARL H. HANEFELD. Director -w..~IWNW~"""".

~'GO••--.-------------------~------... ____ __ ____ __ ~









Fairley Hftrdwa·e S~re.


B .......f Bettar

L ....lw..I'. . . IIS1



hnMe ... PrIee .u.. U

Pa,e Four

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guellte of Mr, CI\l'I 'herwolld n1\,1


moth I' tOl'


Jean nnd

~()yel"l.\1 dllY~ thl~

.. _ - -. ~-- - -

Ilnd TnlrM<1ay, of


Bellbrook News



llr.., 'h".-Icij 011. '1'I1UI'I5' nd dl.tY 'v'lling NI', ..,n,oa, l\lr~, ~o" l nQ"


JUlie Hurttiocll lin: tI)) ..iDs ~he weel~ wl~h thol!' unci!;', Ho. tl,)ll \\.lld

I:l'ueala ntt Il1ded u. Ptlr lr (It h~, th Iwma uf Mr, amI :'>11' , ll'r04r(ol, ~llllhr. of lIbrook;, ~f I bmtlng tho

l''''' ,

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\' ,'l4n ry , County , 1110 • I:lIl, l nll'C'ndlY 1'111>111'1->1 !;h!'l'\\'u (I lInd, molh!'I', li nd Mllto,)' • tIllli ll" of ,lJllytOt\ , lI\r~ , A.]1. Bal'nhll l'l IIlld ~I)I\ R, I. ~ . \!tUH14, (lIlh(' I' or MI' . J ohn I " r.rl, \'('hl1l1. :lnrl 11 " 1'\'(\),' rollll"I' u! " 1" tr tl I'"gl ~trallo il of 17, aLl I I! l\1I·~. i\lnl'lhll 11 1I1I gl1 " " I'nt I'pI ·,' ra\ , \ (1;\11111, .It< -II t'luu~ ly ill al hili hll ll\ e W (1l' , l naJltug u n Ilo llhl'fll)l" fl'l\tlld a: 1",,, 1 12 ' 11 1\1111 ,... ,1111' III "\I(' I'~' ('IHltt Ocon:(' dnys lit la ll,' I' 11"1'1 "f 1""1 \1' , ,1, III In 1)1l~'IUII , " I';,k1l 1~ \\ ,,~ tlt o :;nll 'l'ljl'HWIIY.

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F , Hlut hoIUlllr' \\'

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'IIn!'y TRIll nd ,

:.'tll s,; Lul 8 lIlil e h It , of Ado , Ohio ,

" II II o n !III'. a nd ;\11'. , L ost

Lebanon, Ohio


things ge t OU I o f hnnd nnd th er c

Telephone 49

K a u fr lll1!;" or llantl l· Is Slle n!; lIw w e k willt hI'"

tlll l ,


~lIn, ·

-SCREEN( "'RMITE BANNER$" Claude RItI... J aclUe Cooper

ConUnuoUII 8howa Dally Adult. Only 1110 'TU 2 P. M.

JlI 'l'\' lou~


~· LIU r:"l .

~ C llllt s


Chill'l I!



L , \Vhl! ('h enll , d t')luty ,.... ' PI' 1'1 " iu ll al ox (' lIth'f' of th e Sf'ouls \\ 110

of th

hlo !;tlllc J1I111 0 1' Pull', 1,,(11·

'lI H'd I hll l lhls w u u ld rtllIl'lt Ihll !;,1'f'flt('O't ,' Cfcwt 1' .1' PUl f )1'11, Ill!


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Rho{\ ' !< Dunll 1\ (' n· I>l'ill~!'

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fl . It I n/: trip

I n Cam,d", 1\[ ,.,., Frank lin d !!O n n r c l ' I" I\ln l; h er m Ollh c !' fl l:!1 I'


CIo·\'(·la m!.

1lI' I'. " lid :\[1'>1, DI('11 rt n n ll fn mll ;', of Ellllo re. I'ls ll l!!l1 f l ' j 11(16 h 1'0 th Is wc ' ,Ie :\11'. iln d Mrs , 'lcl11cnt n Ut' I·th, \Ya lt ' and dnllg-tilt I' , ' lsltC::Q 1\11'. :I nri

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.1 ---•

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DErl~ 'l' E n ...

n te. "John J . P c l!l.'l', pros!dent of thc ASHO Inllon of Am r ic:t n Ra ilroads, Ill'ed l ctli I)('n \1 101' f l·(,lsht ell/'l oadlngs II h :ttl.

011 prod uctlon



SA 1.1,): Pini n g ·ltllJ:!! .

Wllln1l1 1>I'(t


n l'Uc lNl nll1 e,

nncl "prlngs,

t;> ,

L ,

S' l~ .


fU I'n lhll' ,1\1"';

'\l' ay n clJYt\I ~ , .

' •

Day ·




H I'

'Vay nc\iv illo ,li nd r..!'bnnr.n nrc pr iced ri g h t (LIld " " 0 In hlg'h >l lllte of c Ultl,

,\Vr lto I r ca ll

wllh Ramby & Rnll1by,

Call ahan B ldg " 0180.


Have'.Your Furnace . . Inspected No·w.1





Warrt) air heating. Air conditioning. , Furnace re. pairs and parts' for all make furnaces., Eatilp~tes kindly given.







9 Mechanic Street





PEAS •• No.2 Can· lOe




'-' ~:LJ'121c,'

Sliced '




Conce nt ~ated : . ' . puy 1 Pic• . for 19c and get 1 •• 1111 Plcg.




Fo'r only Ie'



...... ..- .. ..-. -----

. E, Owe nII',

n n ltors ,

Dnyton , Oh i o.



FOR SALE): 'rwo Po l a n d Ch inn horll'S, Hom eI' Rumby, R. R. 2, Wayn Svlle\, Oh io. 'SALE:';' URcd oom blnrlo,l', c h en p, Used MeS?rm lell M\lwCI" See Ihe Case Co r!l PJ ~I,e r u nd co m 1.>11\(1e l· · at l\{CCill'ley Impl e, m e nt Conl\l a n y, 4~ b;I;J\l n, OhIo , Phone] V9, : S.Il ,3tc

GQI~en Ripe. , ::r. ...':"," .'8.)bs 10c ."i;"'!




' .




PEACHES, Freestone . ... ~ . , ........ " .4 lb.





Large Size . : . . ,. : . . .. , . ... 4 for


. . . 5 f~r ' t9<:

Sunkist . '.

. ,':". '•.. , lob

Green Qeans' , ... .. . pe l' gnl10f!' :l \l x as · ,G rado


c'O ls " 0. (junl·t,· R ed Top, 2 ,[ua rts

20 co';t!!, ~Pnold" 25 o('n'ts a qu'a~t K 'I' oseno, 11 cenla n. gu llon. Ne w to n B~OB" !;cbluion , Sou t h B l·oad\vay,.

' •




~en,so nat:ile :;;(rel",

If Interested. communiQn.te wIth '0 .. .. lIeqlure" 3026 . Ma rlrriont

' Drive, Dayton, Ohio.

New' Peas


FOR Si\LIp: A ~dlng ~jn edse ,of l;1'OV nt~ " Mlall'T1- VlIlJit," 'L t No, ·l ti7. E lecttie, Fishing, nnd 'Donllng. 3 1·2' milt's ~I'om Dayton Courthouse. Col:lt $150. will $GO, C, J. ~gbl!rt, N. WllyncltVmO, OhlQ"


, .. ,Lb,



~" . ~ .:,. .

GRAPES, Re~ ' Malal!il , .. . . . ... , . .. ' . .. Ib

5c tOe lOe ,



l~OR SALE: 'My , largo stucoo houso o n N . :M nfn Stl' t, Wnl'n esvUle.


WATERMELONS Red -Ripe, ." . ',):'. , .E.~h

FOR S ALE: C"l st , D nzol Gus, lGt,V

Will consl{ler

D. W~ Bishop

Waynesville Farmers Exchange W.yn..y~lIe,

- ..-'---.....,


ANGEL FOOD CAKE ,. . ' Large Size. 39c




Fancy QUlliity Avondal.


13 egg recipe




No.2 C.n n~c PEAS •• No. 2 Can 15c


N v. ]2 200 HCrCS'

f n /m' l


Country Club TillY

Club No. 6 Sei.. e

PEAS . No.2

No.4, l89 n 1" 8 N o. n, 154 ncrc!!, N o. G. 104 :l 'I'ca

\'a tlot"

C~ untry

Country Club Sifted ;




X o, 2, 202 aor's Nu. 3 ~98 '1\ r 8

Th e a~f)vp




(!IJOIlm (,' \nM No. J. ~2'8 IICJ'CII




I)ufr~t .

'Inil olh (' I'



1nc r eased

f; lig htl y last w ec k al so , acco rding to tl, A rn cl'l!:!an Petrolcum . I n sti t ute . ,C I' ud flow 1'08 1,450 ban-ci s ' lla lly , :t totll l IIr 3,311,850 balTels. , , ,

NeVf3 of th e

Spetlilbt lib. ba,ISc


No , " 100 'n c l'os No, 8, C1' nercs

In th e pl'e v l o u!I wl'ck , r C(lO rIS Inll l·

"C l· ud..,


~ _~ ;<Io.,fli~" ~

#' - • .. . "



' ~'( ..


f'Xpc . t eell y I lI l'ge 58 ,703 cH r s ' loa d d.


·' ' : ~l~ ·· ti~ .. ·' . -." \

. .. ... . I,.',;" ' . .;. f __ .. , ." ~.~~~~ '~ _ - r.<I-· h "'1" "It .J;'"t""'.t,,~ .....!:. ; ~~ ~ _ . .~..!~. s-" ..........~ ~~~' "

I' I'm

C'otllltl'Y lus t w cek held Ul' t o the un·

STOICOl .EATURES • ! Hydraulic 011 Tron.MIa.lan • AI, 1leht Hopp., • Hyd,aullc Hold·flre Cenl,ol • Automllilc Collirol of AI, Supply. SII.n' • No Sh.II' PIn•• Saf., Clean, D.ptn4lllbio

~. '



Hot Dated

A NEW LOW Now PRICE··Was IOc ' ______________________________________________________ 1

i~ J ul y, n c ol"lll n H to lnlN'sl nle No , 9, :'5 "['I'ClI Co mm e rce 'omm ls, lon fig ures, Nil, 10. 'UI 'til) ·. '.s "R:llI l'oad trnJflc thl'ou~hotll lh c Nt>, I t. IG nc... r e:> \Jerry .


con. '


1-'011 rU::N'I': A bu slnes9 1'0 1(1 .,n l' lal n St l' 'L. Inl1l1ll" lit U.;y " ~ C· S,l 2l flee VI' phll.n e '11 2.


?\1 J'!-4. Y f' l'n c A )·rnit : lJje,

24 lb. bac 59c

your favorite Hot Dated Coffee .•FREE- if to a UII'&,cs t come-while fillinJr your grocery order. forget the Treat. on u' I I

ns or O (, I)I'!{l!I(lW n

n ex t · ye,n .

t el'l a ln!.'''



h,llies wIll b

.\fI·, li nd

bag ,


('a ll d· (I n Huth ("o ll n('I', Runlluy, 'l 'lt ' O:<fOI'd ,

$1 •,17'

25 lb.

Pure Beel A V alue

All purpoae

nl ' n n I [or,I( l lI s s p ent t llt' i.- Yaclltio n ,


Our prices speak for

First, before you bu y! themselves ! !

lI11' tI\ In o th e l' bu lhllnl>s on the e;t(. I) I)~I(IOII I:I'OUn d A.


Burt o n


;;h v \\' d bOlh in Ih ' .)lIlllul· F a ll' build

I:. s t w,'el" n t i ntilll r1 Lall .



HI'l' In a qu u IHll")' tH cl" l ' 1'1l1in ~ \\' h l\ l'~

1\11<1 111 1I1t'IInh, anll (amity" th h' c(lII tl'lhut\ o n tt' the ttn n\ t:l l ICg l'l .\It·, lI nrl :l11'S , L 0 'unn 'r alluml. eu\tunr l , >ltri:r1 l'XP Hltlo n , ,-" I a (IInril), WhHI(,I' , ~u lldLLY. lit the h"n... of .\Iilton L Ilt'II!', nfOal' Dayton , Phone or send in youI' news , "li :<~ L. Oll Ii a ~I I I''''Y , f Bl' lIbl"Oo k , \\':\H II h o us e I-\'UI':;t , [:l l n ry "\I'olln L uk n :<. lh fln,t. l1fl l'l r)f th e wc'le

"Bank Night"

On"" , Srokol "'" you'll be "HaPPY"\' I Day. Are Here Again"l Once you have been \ freed by this superior automatic coal stoker from basement drudgery~nce you have enjoyed the comfort and healthfulness of dean, even. troDed heat-you wouldn't be without • Stokol at any price. And the best of'it is, aU this COIIl~i fort goes with a big saving in money: For Stokol burns less expensive coal and le,. s of it. Why not let Stokol :tend your furnace? 'Available ' in hopper and bin feed models. We have easy te~••

1.(' 1."'11(1 11 , 01>1 0

a n ti ("'\.iu llnll 08 lllruu J.,: h :-;t.' Jl t' ·lnl lt.' l' :!.

' Inr:lrll lll ll, III n COtllll1 1111lclHU ll a ddl' ~~etl, til uffh:in ls

~l a l'Y

,\1 I':l ,

-- '

"\va rs.

OOid a l " of til<' S~ I h '''"IlIlt! 1'111" F':t ir , whkh u p l'llH A 1 1 g U ~t ::' 7

M II lh" " I'Y . 'lrenl


~ I H l l'

001', Il1 n lnl,\I l1a Orne,'f> In

dvn, • illicitlY I'venln!: .

Friday -

II E lm

to preven t di sputes, b ut so metlmos

W illillm LIII)lllcOlt

fi nd IR ~<' ltlll!; a long nice ly, ,\Ir. amI :\11·s. \\T. E, Sll'oud nnd ~II' , lind ;\Jrs. n. E . J i "sLin,;!! s(lenl



\\1NF:S, 1... IClu ons ANn

i n,; tl ml 'h" vli~,' um , hut Inllsmuc h ae this YC:II" 1l I' xhllltH w ill I.>e :cp. 1' (" lL (\ :\11' , E . ,,'(,1I 1I 1'l1 lind f a mily. p l'"xlma tc ly III'''' as!;1' 'li t n~ In IlI'O' ,lit·, LII ,pl'1I)() 11 w e nt 10 ]011111111 V a l, I'ioll s Y ;Jl'H. It Is al1liclI>lIt J thnt Il I"r 1["" pi lll l fO I' callct:'I' tr nlm lit, \\'lIi be IIN'~Si':.l l·Y IV h u use :;;om of



wa r s hllve i,: ivCII I\mericun s a [nIsei impl' CfS ioll , Th e t Ullg~ (\ re UStlll \1YI on:alli7.a ti oll~ f o r social bet terment,

• '('fJ tJlS of .Anl cl'ica.

ti llY, 1.-, li n d, JlJl's.

- In-


A I All JlourR


"" tI, l.' lil','''"I'III ' Aul l.l H acos .

Cnl'iof)II-T h ll Las t Indin n ,

WllI'1ll'1' Baxt cl'


.11', and :I[I'S, ,J, 1', L a lTlc li altenll·

"Kentucky Moonshine"

Dr. Ralph W. Youog

J hJll k

ll .

- In-

IO c:lOJ:'=:::r' Oc::lOC'=::::r' Oc:::lO

l~ \' I1 : II'


C l i n s e Wnl'd

"Tong" i s a Chi n ese WOI' me,l ll-, in g c lub or nsslIc i ati on. T he tOll g

u rso ll Brntll r, ,, ( Luruy, V a " lu ilia C'" tl,,· 111 '1'\' th1l l) ;,(1 .. :'\I~II,It ;:\ d 'lfl :\11"" Eu l:! lI .. n\" ,,( \I' l\~ h lngt{'lll \I' h lc'h han' \) el' 1I ('III ' I'l'd h)' ti lL' Jlny ~I

l ' o"y !llarl in


:I I I'S,

r"llIiI~' lI ad II!! W('C li ,' 1111 ~ul' '' I H , !III'. " ,,, I .\I n., Ed, B";Lnl ~)' li nd ~ [ I' . n nd

A l ' GlST 19·20

Waynesv ill e

15 N. Broadway

11 ,\ n ,; ~J.\:-;\' EX IIJJ" 'I'~ ,\ '1' ST ,\1' E F ,\1H


Hili h H OI'I, el.t.

~Ii ~~




J tt. . lt'n


\\'ll YlI l'Sy \ll e,


,\II ~"

Twin Theater

Satisfying Sandwiches

Your Favorite Bottled Beer


n nd

i ll g' , (l lll .. , I" s plmd.lll g' th e \\','(' It wll.h



Ehl'u l" ,

~I a ~'


" T o llr., "

r IJ \\".

CATFISH, Fresh .Dres.ed ,



• • t




RED BASS, ",e.dle.~Dre..e,d , '


.lb Ib


. : . '..' .2 lb. .'., ' ,' . , . " . S~oked)CaJliea, ,Tend~...d .•.. ' ....... :.... \ .Ib


Fillet of ...addoc'ic: ~

" ~..


Sliced B.c,. K wic:k Kri.p ..:..:. . :' ... '. -; ... lit.- 35c Spiced H.m.....-::'... ,.... . . .... , .' ......' . -:11; .. 36c , Bacon " . , . .... '•.•. .' ..... : ... 2 lb. B~loln.

. .. ,:.......... ~ ..... ~......................... .... ... 2 lha <

3Sc 3Sc

-- ---


f. . ..

PLEASING MUSICAL ' •' . Wlli\'r • STATE nnows LADIES' AID HOLDS Beauty Salon Open. AUGUST LAST MONTH . 4 In New Headquarters Mrll, ·h o8s H lI rt sock VCI'Y pI I '11 11(· GIVrN AT GRANGE~ ." 'J'\~LE~1'r COI~N? " t ALL DAY ME ETI NG ST AUGUSTINE Iy e ntel'tlIln d the m mbor ll u( I h . . FOR CROP INSURANCE ARGUNOT CLUB \




club l1 t h e r h onl!! ,

B t;'glnnln g S un,l n y evc nlng, Aug 'I'ue!!dll Y ·vonlng . A mos t p lenA ln!,; III lIs \cn I p rogl'll m Ad ' lI g hlful eve ning o r ;) n ls was wnB 1"'<'Rl' n t ·,1 nt th ,' " ·" y ne,."lI lc u s t 18. o t 7:4G and co ntinuing fOr one w ouk at th e 6ll m c nour 1':lI'h rollow~d by n dainty lunc h~on. 1;0 I' V('(I G I'll liS 1'. Sa u ,lI'clny c \· n ln ~ b y m l' llI· ~ ve nill " 11 se rIes of se rmon!! will be Ly th e h (JMl Il1!9. hl' I''' or lh l' i" t, ~ 1 :1I'~"s EIlI """ " a l ~PI' Ilc h"e" at t . AU"lls tl'le II th,)' I.~ 'I'hc (o llo w lns m ember !! \\' CI' PI'''''' ('hu r('h . ...


d lllrch by th e 11 .v . L ('o M . 'Va ls !l. o ne of t h e bes t known Ij re ach e r.~ o r Clnclnn n. lI . I n tile Arch()loces ",Vhe l'c ve r Pather W u ls h ha ll preneh · ~d h e has o ttra c t ' d Il la rge (,I'owd . "intI a ).lI blle adlll'CHS s ys tem hm. lIe(' n Ins ttlllcd al the churc h In OT " ...tor t o uccomodtlte the o vel'tlow c rowd tha t Is E-XI1 'c t ed tor this 9 0 1" 1es of !Jermon s o n Cnth ollc doc trine , JllHtory unt! \J1·(\c tlces. Cha irs will be J II'o vlded In th e yard s Ul'l'oun<l.ln.. D lh e c hurch . '['he lIu le llUrpoBc ot this s e l'les bo t o bring , Ca tholics, non· " thollcs II.nd thOB O of no rc llglous altulutlon closor to God. und to leod be lle r Ghrllltlnn IIve8. Eve r y e rfort will be m nde to r cs pect th e fee ling of all nn 'l th o greatest cha rity Ilnd khld'ncss will be /:"Ivc n In tho an s we rs to a ll question!! Ihat n re asked Or pro posed. A box will be .provl(Jed nt the c hurc h In whic h thoso Inte r esled m ill' pla ce questions Ilbout the C hul'ch und her tea chf)1g8. Th ese Que ><tions will be answe red by Fat11' or Wlllah each ove ning. · Following Is the lis t ot the tltlcs

w i ll


m lln y

yen r8 Ohio

dents h n \' no ticed mu ch WI'a nl;" Hng b(,tw ee n l ow u lind Tlum or ll ull ' othe r N o rth Centl1ll States con· ' eer nln. ~ ~he t l, lle!>t eO l'n S I'O WII' l'( 81)CCUvel". H J o we \'" '' people In' ont ; th e Mis:! H 'I'rlllo ll a a lld 1\1 1111 1" T he foll o \\'ln ,; Il ll mU" I'S \\' I' \' njoy· • ~V oy ne>lvlll e co h yell I' m e rely' O. ga rot Ellwa l'ds , 1\1 '>ldR UIIIC>I . ed by . fi n OI) llI'c<'l:ul\'(' Il udl e nce: • s it bn.clt n o nc h ll lllntly li nd lauGh • I I 1\1111 Rllllth, Will o m en. II pl 1' . Trio. "l;we t !\I y><te r y tlf L ife " n nd • U)I tholr 81 e v s lik e Little Au· ' , RUH 8Cll Salis bury. J o hn I rc!itu n . " Th e n Olla l'y," iJ y M H(I" mcR Et h nn • dre y .. 'Callse th ey kno w it ' John CnJ·t\\'l'I Ght. D , . JUdg e. 11 11 1" ra n, Du n U uwkl·. Il l1ci 1\InY II ,trd • t a int s.ol" • I n rIlct th Is wl'lte r h ilS pe r · vel' n y e o S . D , 11 nl<l c , o llli . J I . W e IIZ; I1lu s l(,11 1 1 :lllllI g. " \\'lI\ y's • Brncc Invlt d ~u ellt s we r e ' Mr s 1' 1"" '01'." I,) ' JIII' ll.I" \.\ 'n lt .. . D uc t , " A • aon" II " ,"ltI1e"s nd I' " . '• - J ~ ~. ,, ~ m a ny wo n, 01', Willi 1\1\ I e l' o f PlltsulIrg h F JI t" I " J YI ti m C In, . ' I'ot; • 'V ou ld A " ' ""In g- C o ," by • u a p c m en a or th e c urre nt· \\'ho I!! vl s lUn" h e r pa r E- nts . Mr. a n d A \\. I 1 I •. I" " nn ~ t 7. :a n, l"r lm l'll (' rll n('1 So· y ea r ·!! CI'O., . ' o r th e IIIlke · of ' J, e r · 10 . " SunlC' \\'h 1'0 . II JlI I'''. J ol111 ' 1\1 rs . Will C orn e. r\ YuleI' Is (Ca ll lns ." II I'/. um e nt IIlk e the co rn g r o wn' L 1\ <1.1 1\1 d J\f Hey. a n 1'8 . o r en ' :1 ,' y o r :<. M I·~. ~I a y n ll " (\ " ·oil ? ; 1'la no Sol o. • by 1111'. 'Vlllillm l.IPI)ln eo tl whic h ' J . B . CI1n pmu n WWI un a bl0 I 0 b C " DIHla lll B" II ~ , " by Ann " · (' It ? ; So· • I10 was proud ly ,.ho\\,ln l-\'. ThIH ' IU'csefll d ue to IIln ell8. I.. . " .Becn use." b y Dco!l fl Il a\\' l, co. a nd • typica l g iant m ea s ur ed th ir t ee n • • fl: ·t (rom th e I':' roullrl s urrace t o ' " .'tl wilenl ('o u ll·lIl. • th e til loP. a lld the lowcst e nr • o r corn wnR s ix fe t ( !'O1ll the ' • !;ood o ld t CI'I'1l fll·II, a.


::III'S. Fmnk Th omas WIlS a g ra · CIOUR hos lcss to th e m e mbers of t ho Sun Hhln e Club,' o n Th urll dllY nf I" " t weok. ~" o nty ·o n e m e m l)~ I' s li nd In · vlte d gues l s ' njoye d 1\ d c lfc lou l:I fried c hic k en dinner . In th e ufl r· noo n the ro llowlng pl'og l'a m w n fl 111' · se nled: Houdlngs b y Mrs. John Willi s . lIlrs . ElddJ u Dn y. Il nd )\f1·S . Ch ll rl e" Allen : R Italian" by J nel( o nd ·rom · of the sermons to be preached : SlIn my E o rnha rt. a nd a humorou8 piny· duy. "Love ot God tor Every 1IIun;" I t. " A t th e n ll ilwa y CrOSs ing ," by I\1I·S. B ntl ey, and Monday, "H8s the Church th~ P ow· ('\. to Forgive Sins. or Why Do 'I' he g ues ts ench brou ght. the ir h os t' Cnthollcs ConfcRs Their Sins to n "TI 0 11[1 liS two quilt blocl{s whic h w ere " T d P res; I t ues II.Y. 1e r eat s · d ee ply a ppr c lnted . The In vl t c(L tako St. Paul Mado;" Wednesdrl )' , " Is Churc h Membership N ecessn ry g uests In cluded 1\1·r s . 1I1n di so n Earn· for You;" ThurstlllY . "Why Are hurt n nd sona. of nte r ,, 1II0 , Mls 8 " thollc Services sO W II Atte nded·... Inez Th om as , Mrs . Le na BUl'I'ls . C.. Frld'lY, "Whnt Is Sin, (Hell)', " lind 1\11'8. Ella B l'U ddock , a nd MI'!! . Em· Will Your Soul rna Grubb. nil of Dn y ton , Mrs . ]lUI', Sllturd ~ny ,- "'''here .. old WHll s lind Miss Luc y Eml y . Be 100 Years trom Now?" Memb rs present w er e : Mrs. J ohn Willi M Eld" 1 D S. rs . · u a ny a mI c1 a u j;h · tel'. Dorothy. !\II·S. hllrles Allen u nd d a ugh t e r . Mllry . Ali'S. Frank F a n '. Mrs . RusseU Be ntley, Mrs . D ella V n a ble, Mn. Llna; M'IIrfdon , Mrs . Mury Smith. and the hos tess. Music love rs were "'Iven a ~re " .u trent when MI'!!. Joseph L . · Heston PNlJ!Je nled MI8S H e len Rue Thornbury In a plnno r&cltnl at the Hn.r.



Local Happenings

• • • • •


Mr~. E vc lyn 'VlItleln s h as ope ned

I·esl· ·

'I'h e Ladles Aid ot th o M . K he r sh o p, whic h will be known u s Mldnl l;ht. Aug u st 91. Is th e dea d. churc h h eld n n 1111 d ny .nl e etln A' " I·:vely n 's BNluty Ral" n ." In he r line . At th ll t hoUl' wJII clo~e. (or t h lll 'Vcl1nC'sdu y In th c n ewl y (Iecol'llwd II(' W h ud qua,·t e l·s .. ecI'ntl y pur. <en so n. th (. u ppo r t un lty ' t o obtl~ln Clllll'oll bne'·me nt . Aft e r II d Ii olo u". I d I h 0, . ~ C 1 11 " 1) . . • y or ta th er . Th c I.JIlIl t! lng the nelY. a ll ·d s k Ins uran ce o n whea t co ve re d di s h dInn er. th e JudiI'll bus l· h a>< hee n n ewl y 11 cor u tClJ II n(1 wit h 0 b h '"'\'('II I" d In 193 9. d tl Ic m c~o Ives In was II C , n g th c c I,ure II t \\' 0 ex pc l' Ie ll Ceu" IIp e ra tnl·~. ", ' II ~' IIC S ' B cll us e seedln '" (esp 'c lnlly In 10. dls he8. c annin g apples a nd m n klnG ville ); ,,11('>1 \\'111 need gn no tort hc \' c a ll1lOR whIc h liKe'" whea t pa rtly tor otl1 r ,II'el)a l.a tl ons f 01' th e S I' V Ing I0 LA d illtlr Y t IIl' m8e I VC~. wInte r Ilnll t u re) \vlll be s ' '' rtlng aOOll of II lnne l's ut th e Fulr. UL Election of offl ccr s res ult ed os rol. nnd th poli elNI o f this new Insura n ce La com e ('ffec tlve Il S 1I00n 118 the low,,: II:Irs. W . E . S troud r e .e lec te!1 seed Is In tho ground, thla limit prcslde nt : 1111'8. " ' III st. John , vice "ecmerl nc('c8H:lI'y to c l ve the service presi de nt ; 1111'8. A . H . Stubhs. 8ccr .... . oftlc o Ilt Ka n MS City tlmo to s e nd la ry ; und 1>11'8. Clyde E ,;be rt. trc lls· o ut th e pre mi um n otices. g e t bI.lek urer . Mrs . \Vnde 'I'\II'ne r d cllg htfully ~ n · the \lU YI1l ( nt s a ml put out tho poll'I' he Ladle!! Aid III s ponsorIng a " 1.lg ht te rto ln ed th e B l:'a re r a." o f ClC8 be t o l'o see di n g .b eg lns . Accord· I11'11 It h Ie ctul'e. Th urBday evenIng . whic h soclely sh e Is lea de r, a t h e r Ing ly, Au g us t 31 Wtl S tlxed tiS the a t 8:30. In th o c hul'ch basement . iJy h om e la s t Thurs dn ), a Cte "noon fl'o m lust dn y o n whic h County C rop In· Ro be rt Hug hes of Xenia. 2 to 4:30 . 8U rn n c S upe rviso rs may r eceive Th e littl e f1 0 k ll njo)'('(\ n hap»y Ih se ap pll rn ti o nR. Th e announce· ~-~- Q - ' nft t' I' noon of ~1I 11l e!\ a t th e close or nllHl t w ns mad ' Aug ust 9. by the whic h d a int y r cfl'eshm e n tB w ere Fl'd c l'nl I'OP In ~ ura nce Corporll.t1on, "OJ·vea. A t thlH m el'lln g mil e boxes which odmln illte rs this service. wer e bro u/:"ht . f rom wh ich I\. tid y ,\VlIJ n I'll S . L os h . th




_. .

Local Happenings


I11" 1'I;:lI' ·t " " ·hhel'. u r D en.l!on· hORp!tu l. Lo ul" v lII l' . K C ll l u ~ lc y, II! "Is ltlng II I' m ot hI" '. ~ I' ·B . Or ville !'a g e. WAYNESVl.LLE 1\1. E. C"UH(JU Lo l ~ ~ I lt c l w ll , o f Ad;). O h io , Is undllY, 4\U,lfRI 211 , \'IHilln,; ~f l' . l'l,d .\l rA. L e ilt or C QII. 9 :30-S. ~nl!lI ¥ SelIQo\, R. O. Col, do n thl ~ w cll. le tt , S llpe rIJIl,e nd e nl . 1I11·s . E1m'l 'Vooln l'd (Dor() thy 1 0 : ~0-.l'dorl\ln ll' W orllhlp . Subjeot, BO tll'nl') I", ve ry sc rl o u ~ly III a t th e i' n ec kl es:lI For 0 011.' ,\1 Ilt ml " a ll e y h os lJitn l. Jusl le n cta ys until Annunl Con· f I' n co t·.lme. Tho m'ee tln'" III to "A F o!, Farm \l ul'cn u F e l'!I l1ze l' C<l ll • "" 01' sce F re nl. lI ells , t le ph o no 45.n .2 , J1e I11 In C:0 I umbu~ th is ycn r . R eports W a y n es v ille . Ohio 8.26-4. ror the y ear pf m e mbership, finance

(' !<:;

A . H . S t u bbs u nd fa mily. Mr. nnd li nd o lher prog res s must be mu.lle at. II I Y ~ )11'''. ' Iyde Egbert . 1>11'8. Buk c r lind t I '-' t m El .......t UII plael) our Cl1UfCll flr s l n+ this t l .... e of the " on ", "t, a 01'S' Ro hc l'l~ o n nttended the 1'1). + '" • ••• . .. vlvn l s OI'vl cs being h eld a t Dl'l n,' t IIda n e wnl! 1.2"/(> bette r at Sundo), I)ntc h , n a r reg\J nln . ch ool lind Churc h la ilt. Sunda y. The lIIrs. 'rh eodo l Bod e nb I'S . Misses fa ll pros r a m will hi!gln 800n. will Bath e l·. I uth. u nd N l10ml B odenberg: you 1>0 tl Ie l'e 1 ~rr . Fred Bode nberg. of Os good. In. (lOURCH rlIu na; II II'. u nd 1\11'<1. 1l0lJert r nw, ST. l'fAuY,'S EPISCO"AL .~ ford , oC Xe n ia. ~· [r. n nd, Mrs. H a rold Uev. lit. L, UackwelJ, l\Jlnlater Hut ·hlns on. ot Dol' t on. und Mr. ha l'l es Burton we r e S unifa y gu ests J\Ug u Bt 28th. elev enth SundllY ufo ~_. F ra nk Fo x a nd t u m. t or Trln,OoJ" Chur ch School, 9:30 a. m . WJ\I G Usti n , Mr_ a nd Mrs . P a.ul Holy Commun1on, 10 :10 11.. m. O us Un. a nd 0 ne T h ompso n a tte nd. The Smythe H . Llnd611Y of d th O us li n r ounlo n and vl s ll d th B ls h o p'S S tIl tt wUl celebrn.te the rola tl ves a t And I'SOn, Indln nn. last Holy C0l'l'\munlon ond. pre neh th o ·unda y. s ennon. Miss .'tfu r y Ella Slu n to n of pring.


1<Irll. F,rnnk Hoffmon spent FI·I· d a y with 1'1'1' dnughter. Mrs. J. P . Lnrrlok. Mr. n~d Mrs, George Henklo, ot Lebanon. hnve re turn ed from 11 de. • IIghtful vucatlon In Minnesota. Miss Ine z Thomn8. of Dayton. nnd ' h er rather. FrfUlk Thomlls. visited Mr. and Mrs. Evere tt Thoma s at Rochester. N. Y .• seve ral dllYs last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Snllsbury, Mr. a nd Mrs. Harvey Rye. and children , and ?ofr!!. Mabel Benllon and. lIOn. Rob Roy. were Sunday guests of Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Leon Salisbury, ot Washington, C . H . !lfr. Ilnd Mrs . J . P . Larrick and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Stroud enjoyed

FAMILIES HOLD THEIR ANNUAL REUNION Tho Collett ·McK oy tn.mlll B h e ld the ir 72m\ r e union, Aug us t 13, Ilt the ir pic nic groundll nea r N ew BUI" \lngton. ApPl'oxhTlutoly 240 . m ember's w e re "r"ue nt t., e njoy ,' bounte ou" " ~ u ~ dl 1'1 d d f I nB. nn I' n u IlY 0 I'c n~w ng 8oclatloll ll and rt' mlnl sclng. A r em a rk a ble tentur ot th ese 1\1\. nU1L1 reunions III the {Ilot that Ill. thoug h there arc no ottlc 1'9 In the organization the r e has never been an omiSSion of a m ee tin g whic h hu s alwnys hi!e n the scco nel Satul" day of Augus t . Q

h e lIIlyS. "but tho gllin In ru t e hnB beon quit e mpltl. "The rtrllt polle y was Issued ' July 15. For th e two weo~ s (ollowlng .ruly 15 .• the ru t e n t whl 'h uppllCiltlons r ellChe d the KaMas Cily Branch, thnt S I' V('II t hi s t e rritory. w~s over two a nd one 'hnlt lim es (IS Cust ns r0 1' tIC I wee k mUn g Jul y In. For the tlll"d wc ek. It was alm ost four tim e!! 1\>1 fllHt. a nd for the fo urth we ek. e liding Aug u st 12. It W IlS 7.8 tim e!! liS (u s t : At tha t lime Ohio wal (Ill' In th ' lead In nUlllh I' of 1l1>1)1I· catlon H. with Ne hrn!-lk ll . 1111 hlgan, . . and KUn !lOR rollo wln g . In th llt o l"l,er. 1"01' numbor of acr es ot th e 1939 wh en t c rop actu a lly In ~ lJred , the Te xll s wh e It re gion (whl II o l..ta lned th rh'1l1 F " I C IIOJI ·y InHul:Cn, fi nd fu rmH In a bill' way . wus c luse to Ule

• One old c olored gc ntle mnn Herve d n g ucs t o f MI'. tmd 1111'8. ST. ANGUSTINE (Ji\TIIOLIC a picnic at · Lakeside Park. Dayton. nin n y yen I'll n8 cofrce-mak e r . At his t op." ' h RPma n . o n Mo ndllY. CHURCH S undny eve ning. death. John Simpson. ols o colol'e d. "While t·hl s new. a ll ' I'IRk CI'O P In· Hc bn Um d <l()c k . o( Leba non. Is Pastor. Ue". Ilobert II. Hrumholb: 1\11'8. Churles Derry Rnd children too k oye r th e j ob. E a h family 8urRn r e 18; III a wil y . a 111lrt of the The te nnis court th n t has b!!e n !III ndln.· I wo w ,nk 0b \vltll Il n' nent last w eek with her pnrents In brings a little COf(N) whi ch he I)I'C\"8 g o n e 1" \ I pl'o:;-ram III W,tiel1 tl Ie f arm' '" ~ r m qth.· Muss und sermon Sunday and holl. s .. luncler clons truct!on Cor s ome tim. 01' . 1111'11. 'orn n lCh . d nys n t 9:00 n. m. Drown Co. In two, In l'ge k ettl~8 ke pt rol' thI9 e l'" o t thl M ('Q unt y nr" eonportlt<ng, I throug h th e He rvlces ot our ACP II now n u sc . B eclIlisc of t h necd ~.lI ss Bel'Lll n ' lU'CY n nd br o the l'. Mr. nnd Mrs. nnlph HllIltinge and purpose. ot upkeep COllt and, the ol'ig lnll l W a ll r . o f nen r Do(\<ls . Mrs. Effl o \V;\l'NESVILLE CIIURCH son picnicked at th o Soldiers Home 'I'hls year Hu~h Colle tt . o r e r el\\,' committe of farme rs . This Is not, building expen ses It Is neCeS>!lll'l' t o S mith. MI·H . F loHRI II r ey a nd so n. OF (JHRIST nnd Luk esld.e Park, Dayton. on Sun· for(\ " vllle. In(Unnn . wns th e olde st ill !lny Ken llC. Mu lu a l In!l ul·an cc. The c hll\'l;o a m cm ber s hlp Ceo. This has ' h c t el', vl",lted R ev . O\e nn O' Dell day . Colle tt present. n nd IIIl1'ry Mc Kay. tull COSl o r u p o ll e y If! dO(ln;toly fig· bct' n mode too low to cnrry the cost a nd <fam ily. o f Dayto n , o n S und ay. Augllst 28, 1'38 !lfr. nnd Mrs . Harold Shutts Ilnd o( \VlImlnglon, the oldest McICay. llrcod be rOl'eh a nd nnd t h 1'0 cnn be no of cons tru ction, purt of which h ns MI'. a nd Mrs . Albe rt Ca rve r, of Pre lud e-- Orgnn nnd Plnno, children spe nt n de lightful vacation Mr. n. D. ('o:lp(t o f Wayn esv ille additional cho r ges 01' Q~SeRSl1lent•• been pll lt! by rrec Inbor a nd pllrt b~' Inc lnn n tl nre s pe nding the r emain· Song N Q. 3-Congregatlon. at the cottage of MillS Marie Shutts, IIIlYS h e 18 looking forwa rd to the 'Vh"n nn applicnnt g et s hIs prem·, lowe: donation!! of Interes t I'd fl'l e ndl1. tl.el· o f t it ... s'llmln e\, with JIll'. a nd Duet - Ve rn a Mae lind Everett noor ·Petoskey • .Mlchlgnn. day when he will hi! old onou gh to lum notice, It t ells th e e xac t amount ' 1. Scenea trom childhood by S ch". The re Is s tili n eoo of bC' nch es fo \' ~II". Wllbut· ·cll r s . Hunte r . The three children ' of Mr. and sit back llnd hllv e tho youn gl'r onel! nf Ordlno l'Y No. 2 Hllrd Winter mn.... the pla yers. n(ldltlona l fe ncing. a 1\IJ's . COI'a RI 'h hus purc hased the PI'II), e l' SOO8'-Solo. Ermn Carver. Mrs. ' B a rod Meredith are vlsiling til. paat and Rhllke his h nnd. A ge . Wh 'li t n e<;us!IO ry to pay (or 'bl~ pol· (n) Contf.'ntednoss. mcchnnICllI m n rke r. n nd a bull etin Jlrop I'l l' o ( ]\[1'8 . L y d ia Va ndc rvool't Pm yer . M.r . nnd Mrs. Walter Whltllker whllo tloeH h1l\' !t il ompl'mmtlo n ll! Co r~. Ic y. It IIls o g ives t h e oqulvalent ' In board. Adult me mhe r s hlp Is $ \.00 on N orth lreet , ' n nd will ma ke her Soog No. 7G:- Congl·egullon. Ihe lr parents vacation In Cannda. Id I ' two oth e l' " rrllie ll nnel In CJ1sh, so (b) Child ClUllng lIaleell. H or 11 15 lh e number of yea ra Mr .. to I'un until Junc 1. 1939 . .Yout h who h ome thc re In th e ne (II' futUl'o. Announc(!mcntl!~ Mr. Qnd Mrs. E. F . Enrnhart at· Colle tt t e ll .. u" h e hns atte nd ed th eso thnt h e JlIlS fOUl ' optlona--can pay (c J Imn,orLant eve nts. are still In sohool a re t!llee n In at 1>11'. n nd. 1\'11'9. m enn Frye and ba. Of(crlng t e nded II- picnic at Buckeye Lnke. gulh el'\riJ;'s. pe rhnp8 It will . nOl be III cllsh , or In his hoi e of ~hree 2. Little' prc1udes by Bach. hnlt I'tlto. Tlils Is U s )lec lul o He r on by !llIug ht e r, u f Day ton. \vol'e Sun· P.1'IlY~1.' "' whlah was sponsore(\. by the -XeJ Uiill l ycnni IInlll his wish will J:rnd cH of wheat : H o can e ve n PIlY (a) C·Major. m emhi!rshlJl nnd n il who join up to dlty dlnne l' g ues ts o f l\II·. n nd Mr" . phone Company tor t'helr employees. be ful(llled. now. In wheu t, his pre mium f bI' In.· (b) C·Mlnor. Trl <>-EII7.ube th u!ld Ruth Burnett S e pte mber 1 nrc to he co ns ldE' I'ca Gilbert Frye a rid son. nnd La.ul"L Miller. Miss Katherine Glhbon!! hns been Mr. 'VIII H . AIl" n. n r eglllnr nt. " Urll nC e on th e 1940 c rop . (c) D ·Mlnor. 3 . Moonlight Sonata "Opus 27 ·No. oharter m e mbors- :Ind will I e f rco 1\11'. lI ntl Jllrs. o m H e nkle and Sc ripture enjoying a va cation spent near tendant. was un a ble to be pres e nt " 'l'hls Is th e only CrOI) Insurance;" '2" by Beethoven. (rom apc lal a Rsessme nts until next ra mllr e n t e rt a ined II fo rmor tea ' her SCI'mon- Albert Cnrver Dllwcs. W est Vlrglnln. this year becaulle ot III h eallh. uur S upervisor cxplulns. "the cosi of Tbese numbers. were followed by June 1. o f th c Bu c lceye ch ool. Miss Ze tta li'IVltn Uon H ymn No, 174 Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Hess and' Mr. whl h Is blU!ed on nctunl produc!t1on two renrlln8"l bY. Mrs. A S. Collett Advance pinna call for. c l~ctrlc Bln ~c . of I ve)a nd. o ve r the wcek· Speclal- Choir nnd Mrs. Ed. Hopkins were In nnd los9 InformnLion complied by delivered In her usual Inimitable lighting of the courts BO thn l th e ir e nd . Dis missa l Prayer Springfield. Sunday. co unties and by farms. Thus, mn.nner. usefulness may be doubled. fi;om e MI'. n nd II1I·s. I :.,y mll lld Urnddock Mr. and 1\11's, Hnrold Williamson, throug h n poriod ot bette r seasons 4. (n) Nocturne-E.nat. plans 'nre on foot for n~ o fflcln l n nd c hildre n ont<'l·ta .n .•l with a {am· of Dnyton. were dinner guests. Sat. hi!ller (nl'mlng lAnd. use of bett~; q (b) Waltz-A.flnt. ' Qpenlng. nnnouncome nt about Ill' dJn-n m' , on S unduy . Those pres· urdny evening. of Mr. nnd MIlS. s eed, It Is 'fJQBHlbl e tor "u com~unlty (0) Black Etude by Behoplne. whloh will be made at ~ fut.ure ' date. c nt we re M I'. a nd l\Irs. W llrrQn Charles Chapmnn. ~ to low er Its I'l sk rute. Dy a nationMI S8 Marl e St orer Il tt en ded th e 'I'ho Il nnuul ,\Vl'lght·OI·egg (IIm!!y wltle s ys tem or handling the wheat. B. ru d d ck n nd du ughte r. Detty. Mr. 6. Spinning Bong by Mendelssohn. n ent's Mound reullion wus Iwlll nt \Vuyne Pnrk , k nn d 1>1 r. Storer Reunion at 8er•. II I rCllrcs cntll premiums PaId, Inte~mls8Ion. a n d 111. r s , F' I'eu· I B 1'0 dd OC. W I C1 lust Thursday. Sunday . 'rh e rlllnll y 1m B been holdIng d . . G. June (Barcarolle) by Tsehalko\V· n n d M I·S. F· l'lln k Bl'nd d ock . an constitutes Its rese rve. form sky. 1\1rs. D . C. ·Rldge. In compnny with Wnynef,vllle residents have once Mr. nnd Mrs. Erneat Ilarlan and It formol reunion conllnul\.\Iy sinc e wh Ich Im)omnlty pnyments w.1I be 7. Kamennol Ostrow "E1egyg" by Mr. und 1I(1's. E n r l Davis, of Da y- nga ln be'ln bleBlled with a much ehlldoren left. Friday, to Visit rein· 1914. m n de . the F ede l'al Crop Insurance Rubinstein, ton. uccompnnled ~Iary Lou SowlI.Bh needed convonlence. Beginning Ill8t Uves In IlIlnol8. Tho galherlng cOllve nes In th o Corporation e'ftcc ts economie s In ' the (a) Anltra's Dance. The following families chose Iil, to he l' home In Ma n s fi e ld. on Satur· week Mr. Carl Abaecherll. Attorney Mr. a,!d Mrs. R. D. Collett ond morning lind las t s nil day . E a ch fum· C08t to th e g row e r of this Insura";~ (b) To Spring. dian Lake tor their vacatlo~s, Mr. day. and. Counsellor, opens offices on tamlly attended the Stn.nfh:ld Re· Ill' brIngs u bll8k et dinner \~' hlch 111'1' prevents much local business hard, ' (c) Pnplllop. (1:he Butterfly. by and Mrs. L . V. Brlln8tmt~r, Mr, Dr. and Mrs. Alfl'ed Stout and lI[nln StrE,et In Waynesvll1e. union nt Clarksville, on Sunday. grouped at the n uon h o ur In to n s hip In c ommunities s ubject to crop Greig. and Mrs. Jack RICh. Mr. nnd Mrs. dllughler. Winifred, nnd Mr . and . H c rot6fore, ' when anyone was In Audrey Eaden has been III with bounteo uA dInner. failures and e xerts u. 'stabllizlng in. Miss Virginia Tucker favored S~ Ellis and Mr. ani! Mrs. ·Earn. Mrs. Ln,,' r e nce Garst nnd duughter , grnve nc(!d of relillble legal advice. the mell.sles at her llome on Third Afte r !Ilnne l' tho rormal tnt etln g ·Iu e n."e on llrlces. ... with two Bolos at this Ume. ' est Butterworth. On· Sunday they JOlln, were Sunday dinner guests of h e had to drive mllny miles. Now. Street. Is h eld and n g e nel'fll program 01 "A numbor of large Insurance com (a) "Little IiIhepherd of SOng" by were Joined by MI'. and Mrs. Harry Mr. n nd Karl . • .of however, every local citizen needs (Continued vn Page Four). conver611tlon nnd. r e miniscing Is en· panles, to which the plan of the Fed, . S m It11 an d M r. and. Mrs. AI. A. Cor. ' Lav e Ian. d M r . Do d e nbender will only ' "drl;'e to town ." j oye d ...... T ~t Wnlts.. er In tl Ie a tt· e rnoon v!lr Iol,ls eral Crop Insurance CorporatJon . 'i ' (b) Chanson Provenele by Dcllllqua nell. s erve as coach In the ' Loveland Attorney Abaecherll ' comes to diver s ions, contests und games. Ilre was Bubmltted., approved Is as 80und 8. Elegy. They were'" there from Thursday ~choolll ne xt y ear, tbls community- well recommended. enjuy.c d hy yo ung a nd old nllke. and lin Improvement over other .ser. 9. Harkl Harkl the Lnrk 1Iy week until this MondllY. All Mr. and Mrs, Morris Fulkers on both as n. man and as an attorn.),. Ulmally bascball. ' hol·s eshoe pitching vices. These ' compnnles own ' many bert Lizst. r~ported a wonderful tlme-fishln~ entertnlned at dinner, Sunday: Mr. Mr. Abaeeherll grad.uated from the contes ls, ct e .. 111'0 th e prlnelplo en ' fllrmll and are . tlnan~\a.Uy.: able to . 10. Oolllwog'a Cake Wnlk ~Y De. and boating and just visiting. .... Ilnd Mrs. Harold 'Vlln Pelt and Ro\). University of CIncinnati wl~b an t el'tulnl1l·e n!. with special gumes and carry their own In.u~ce, but IH\.vbussy, ret Dodds, of Xenia. Dr. and ·Mrs . .A. B. DegTee ,and a degree of LL. B. A picnic supper and delIghtful conteslR fOI' th e hidll!!> und y~unger eral o~ U:1eni nre 'buyIng ' Federal VIRGINIA MELODEARS Georgo Viln Pelt. of <;lordon, Ohio; Since he 'started pructlclng, he h~ cvenlng was enjoyed at 'Hllrry fo lks . Uowover th~s yenr ~Ingo Willi Crop. Inllurance' ~~.ohltlon' pouP'" HAVE YOU PAID YOUR TO PLAY AT WAYNE PAJtK were afternoon clUlera. served. 9.S Assistant Attorney for Smlth' ~ park, Mondn.y evening, by Inuug"rllted In whi ch all pnrtlclpa- on t'helr 1989 wti' at antL Ilre ural.. _ REAL ~T~TE: 'TAXES' Among those .from Waynesvill e the Kroger Grocery and ]3lIklng Co., the following: ted. Sove nty useful and vnluable ·tht\lr . tenants ~o do the Mme." . . . The' Virginia Melodl)IU'Il, a. gro\1p ' who attended tho' Cnrr.Cle~ver Re' Ilnd . itt Cinclnniltl Legal Insurance ; lItr. Bnd Mrs. Harry . Smith. Mr. I)rlzes )Ver e ' a wnrded tb e. winners. Starting .M onday, Augult 29. and of musicians from this communIty. unlo~ whlcti~ wa s . h eld at the home Atterney. ~nd Mrs. Rudolph Hlldeb~~h.t and . Approximately IIcvenly·t\ve memo • continuing untU September 10, the .•wll Iglv~ a concert at 'Wl;lyne Park, of Don . Hartsock, nen'r 0n:kland. Attorney 'Abaechull's ~esidence la family. Mr.· and Mrs. Henry Burge bel'S of the' fmnlly n'ttended the 1988 County ' Tr,eu~rer~. offIce wlU roo Tuemy evening. August 30. at 8;00 were. Mrs . . Cora Rlclt lind · dll.u~hte·r. at present In L!lbo.non. He Is a memo and I?<mald, !.Ir: Ilnd Mrs, Lawrence gathrlng, Omcera ·elected . for the main ope.n du~nB ·tiIe noon hour 'f or p. ~. The o-:chestra wl1l give II. first Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hart· bel' of the ·' Lebanon Presbyterlnn Cook. ,Mrs. Wa'l'ren Braddock, Betty eomltlg. year lYere: I)resldent, Super· the collection of Real Enate Taxes. oln81 entel'talnment II.l\d the public sock, Mrs. Lenn Hnrt$Ook, and ~fr. Ohurch. Brn.ddock;· Mr~ 14rs. ~II WIl· Intendent Pilul _Wright, ot Center' yanda of Julian C~bbe, .'W~'O . . . Oeo. B. JotIIIiIon, TreBII. II cordlall~lted to attend. Th,e re"- ~ Mrs/ Lewis Flrell -rtnd ehlldr1)n - - 80n nnd-fl1fully, Rebo. Braddock nnd vlile; Mr~. Charles Andei:!Pn, of been quaranUned ari'()bj'o State WIIIl' ~1Jl be no oharge. Nlloml ~b{ ~nt t~e weekend Mt'1I. lofndl8on Earnhart an" sonl Evil. McCUlan, Mr. and Mri. War· WaynelvUle. _ secretary; and Abe scarlet tev~r. will gla4 to. with her 81Stel'll, MM!. Clarence Simp. of Centerville, and MI88 Inez Thom· ren Burge, and Mr. and Ill'll. Stan. Moore, tretUlurer. tbat he .. able to be ~ Ilrs. C. ' E, EcSoWIU'd., of Da)'ton, apent 8unday wlLh Mr. ley BailY an" dallBhter and Mr. And -....,..---thoUlJh not able -to ...ert spent ¥onda)' with her lliater, Mrs, TIle"GueUe III tor the communlty- lIOn nilli MI'II. Herllert · Yunkes. In Lebanon. • f TIaomu... . Mra. Herbert IlcCtllan. Subacl1be to Tbe KIaml QueUe. II! I'CICOVerlnA' nicelY. Let'. be lor !!'he Guette. Ra)'tnond Conner and famU,.;

ve ysburg Friends Church lost Thurs· d n y ('venlng. Mis!! :rhornbury Is the accomplis h· .I.e nted dllughter o·L Rev . cd and '... and II1rR. Thornbury . of Huvoys· burg. She h8B. received her e nUre musica l education under the Inslruc tlon of Mrs. H eslon. She grnd. ulltcd fJl;lm Hnrve ys burg 'high school hlst Sl)rlng o ml will ente r ilill mi U nIversity this tall. The musical progrnm wu s liS 101.

001'0 J . B.













~be Phone

,mialni' ~a?ette Main Street


liint&cd As

When 'To Cut Soybean Hay -Is Problem

IReds -Closing In

Mickey and Judy Get Together ,

On N., Y. Giants


in Advance

S u bllcrjption

An Independe nt Newspap er D cl ient d to th Cl'viee 'of Wllyn esvllle anJ .vlcin ity· Giving it.'! patrons the bc:;t n e w spnpe r humanly pos-

lib Ie.

Slum Clearance De LuXe . (.' l'ro/e&&or



By GUS W. DYER and Sociology, J' anderbill Unit.;e,.,lly

oJ Economic&

Our government Is spending hun- erage cost of the white apartments dreds ot millions of b orrowed money was nearly $6,000. A negro fomily must have an mon what Is r a Ucd a slum clellrance movemcnt. It is n ot believed th ai come at at l east $55 a month In order there Is a n y to be cliglble t o r ent the smallest c o n s tl tullonnl apartmenL The family must have an auth o rity Income ot over $100 In order to be whatsoevcr for ellgible to rent a flve room apartment. thi s govcr n - A white family must have an income men t hou sc - of at l east $75 a month to be eligible bu i Idln g pro· t o r eAt a t wo room apartment. g r s'm, How Th e government marks oft the total those w ho h ave cost of these units as 100 per cent loss. takcn a solemn They are aU gift-houses, presented to 00 th t o uphold selected groups of whites and negroes and protect the as presents from the over·burdened, Co nst Itutlon mortlla ge-ridden taxpayers. The cost can reconcile of administration, togetber with other their oaths overhead expenses, is so high that with wasting these gift houses cannot be rented to hundreds of slum dwellers. The slum dwellers are m i llions In q entirely ellminated by the high rent fanta s tic real charged. , '. estate movement has not been ex· These apa rtments built at 100 per plained. cent loss to the government are rentThe people who are doped with ed only to negroes and whItes who economic nnd pOlitical quackery, and have incomes sufficient to enable who benefit t ram government gifts, them to take care of themselves withdo n ot ask for an explill1aUon. They out any old from the government. are interested only In the easy~oney This so-called humanitarian movethat Is coming to U,em from the "beautiful Islan d of somewhere." But ment is a movement to subsidize and pauperize Independent families who those who pay the bills and those whose,..lncomes are threatened by the need no subsidy trom the government mount ing government deficits should and assess tfte enormous cost of the ask for on explanation and should project on the general cons umers, mllllons of, whom are much poorer analyze these projects ca refully. The name of this hollsing move- than the privileged negroes and ment Is dpcidedly misleading, It Is not whites they are compelled to malnB m ovemen t to eliminate the slums, taln. Could any policy be more antagNeIther is It a m ovement to Improve onistic to democracy than this? the condJtion of slum dwellers. These go v er n men t apartments Two so-called slum clearance units, should be r oge raed as annexes of the one for whites and one fo r negroes, almshouse. For such they are. Those have heen completed In Nashville, who occupy these apartments are of Tenness!C, These are perhaps r epre- necessi ty depe ndents, and must be sentntlve of the other units through- classified as such, The tllxpayers are out the country. <p ayin g at l\last one-hall of their rent. The ground selected for the negro It Is extremely unfortunate for unit practically joins the campus of anyon e to be forced by conditlons to F isk Un iversity. Fisk Univers ity Is, accept charity. Charity is alway. perhaps, the leading classified school hazardous to the characters of those for negroes In the South.. The white wh o accept iL Our government Is unit Is located In the northern section based o n the sove rei gn independence of the city, near Saint Cecelia Acad- of the citizen , To spend hundreds of emy, a prominent prlvate school for milli ons ot the ppople's money In an girls. These cae hardly be designated a ttempt to induce American citizens 09 slum locations. I who are able to take care of themThe nellro unit has 397 apartments. selves to surrende r their priceless InThe sma llest apartments have two dependence and be com e charlty rooms each, Rnd the largest have five wards revea ls th e k ind of thinklns rooms each. The average cost 01 these now being in dul ged in by lhose who apartments was over $5,000. The av o arc directing the gove r nment,

,\f1 I'I' tw" " /lY~ o f_ I,.., ~ t following lh nl Khl I:\/l n\\) , tll 0 i1l'Litl will opc.n l1f)Mtllltltll wllh tho hlcngo Cuba, wllh (l IIVlo l:Illl Il\ lIlllet' 8 1 nnd II. ~ Int::lf' g m e, Sep lf'mb I' 4, 1'ltt' l';\. Lnl1ls Cm'dlnll lH 11'111 be ilt L'ros ll'Y FII'I(\ 011 I.ollol· O"y , SC'll' t mlre l' , nnll :l.j;fl ln hi II fl hlA'1 g nm o ti"plpll ll" 'I' n, '1'111' 11 t h lo ng homo 'l'h l:; !-It tl Tl\H.lIl:-l S l p , tl ' h thitt \\il1 Hl'l lill 11'111 r lus(' In a hal tl ll \~' lIh Ihe ,1 (1 !"Of' JIlU ' It til d , t"t' l lIlJ\t \ \ h, -I ~ 111" PIII!"I"lll'g-h Ph'a t l'9, un RI' I) t t)Inb I· 7, I :('r l:-, \\ III 1111 1."1 11 I 1 ll ," r dl't' I'i ' ' Ut" ! w lll."h 1\111 I,,· a la<lI r'" day, :1 11,J In t h., fI,'st ,0( :1. . \I " I, ,',\t h 11" I '; II 1111' I:'l' l 111~ 1I1 ";IIHle- of I hl' Hl'lUlOn, 11 t h Ip l ll' l l 'IIJnl,':-;; ." ., \\' :. 11 Ihl' Lilt'" :-;"lIl. 'ml"'I' ' . ,':, 1\ tI ,) 1... til ~ It 11;... 1, ~ll H l wo n d.' !'

It 18 not p ossIbl e to g lYe a Simple d lr t a ns we r t o lll tl' Qucstl<>n, ",h('n sho uld ybMns be Cu I (or, hay1 n . co nllng to J . B. J'll1'k , Ast>ochltl' A~ · r on om ls! of th e hlo AI" I'I tllttll'l,l E:\llcrlmcnt Stntl n, wh o I) Int ll '111t thnl hOl h ~'I 1<1 nml <llI nnlly Ill' a f· fpct ,I, b ~' Ihe SlagI.' llf growth at Ihe ti ml' o( CUI tlng. En.."(' ,,( '\II'lng Is nf· (l'et l,,1 hy th e s tn!;'€' of gl'" wlll a nd by tile w('(l th e r , II s ld rln S both ~'I cl d fin I nse elf cll rlng It sc ms ctesl rnhlo 10 r ut ~(ly . hea n hay not Int C!r tha n S" l'temlo.... I in northern Ohio a nd hy Seplem , ber 10 In so uth el'll (lhlo. Earll ' I' 'U I · l in g will mul< n81,'1' curi ng . Fo r fnvll l'ubl(' c urln" th O' ,;(, Is ~ h ou ld not b,' m o,'e Ih H" un ... ·ru llrth lO one-h a lf f u ll :<iZI.' . E a rly 1>lnnll<,1 bean~ reHeh th .. hay BlI1j;C . '/lrli, '1' li nd t hu8 huv !)(' It '' I' ('lIl'l n ~ 1I'<':o thc'r th n n III t e pIn n tc·1l on s. All e xpe riments agree In "ho\\ ing thllt t h(' yl Id at lioyb /I n hay In· c reu ses stellcHly t o a m ix hl1\11ll lit I hl' s t uge WIHlO th e s (]~ (\1'1' lI NII'ly full .. Iz!' a nd h '(o r th " lea \'('" IJ,,~I n to to fil iI. At full bloom the ylcl,t of hay Is abo ut thl'ce·fl(\h8 of t h ' llIaxl, mum . Yield of leu\' ' S (I n.1 ~t('m!l In · er(>llses somewh a t I](l .. I' I100 m but l lll' greates t Incrclllsc Is ca us .. d by the enlD r g ln g sceds, In n Ill'ly mao lure soybea n hay til pod" und t;c,'ds mukc up from 25 LO 40 pre nt of lhe hay. D cnu!!" oC thi s ,;r ctll In· cr use In ! he \\,('Ight of s edH lh(' pe rc ntn,; of leu \ '1'8 "",d d t e l11 cl tl," el' nses With nge of t he I>ln nl s. The pe r centag r pro l oln In /lilY, lJen n hay Is low('st j ust arter bluom unci In cr el1s a s t.:!ad lly froll1 tha t lim(' on to malurlty , ThIs Is alSo ca used by th rap id growth or th se ds, whic h a r c v(, t·y rich In pro· 1 III. In tlll!! r eSllec t, th O soybean Cl'OP III In sharI) co ntl'as! to n Unl flL a nd clov r, which steadily (](Jcn'us In p~rcc ntage of pl'oleln from Cull hloom until mntu l'lty. The dlfre r ence Is xll lalncd hy th ' fa t tha t :I('d I" only n s m a ll pa rl o( mntul' 01 . vel' n nd a l(/1)(a : whel'NII', Is Is n vcry Importa nt pa rt oC m at ur o ~ ' yben n plunts.

SO" 1'111 (i'om Lh l; vlcl nlty attend'!!! th e lel1.\'er, Cn l' r , Rich R u nion . Mrs. FI renco J efI('ry o( the ' l1 'J • undllY, a t th e bom e of 1111' n nd Brnnch community e ntertn ln o,1 :\.lI'S. Don Hal'lso~ k, near Klngrntln, gro up of lod l s, \V dn('sday aft r · . O. Th o m pso n , or SOUlh Lel,)a· noon. n on . wn;:l 11 b u Iness vis it'll' 11E'f!-,

Beech Grove




First Mlcl<:ey Ilooney lias two gi rl s and no car and then he bas a car anell n o gi rls u nW Judy Gorla ud , tbe yotlng feminI ne vistor next door struigh t DS t hings out (or him tD bls lalDa( com· edy, "Love Finds Andy Hardy" ",111<.11 will ol>on Sunllll)" Augu st 28 at the Xe Dl1l. h eator for a fh'e day nga g mOnL, Lewis StelDe, eclll a Par k e r , Fay Hoill on and Ann Ruthor ford have t;.-p lc.'1l Jud ge lIar dy family r oles,' whil e Lnna Turner mak es, h er appearance as one of Mickey's three g lu mor. OUB girl frieDds,

o o


o ,



0 0




IO ' QO~


i\l r~ .

lIIrs . Linn Wrig ht l.lUl· 'I), of FOI·t Wayn , Indlantl, n member o( th o Indiana POOtry oel ty, rece ntly r ead from h e r e((ol'Ls ' he rol'c thut group, In scsslo n nt Laic \Vawas('('. H e re ure three s h ~e nd s to he r o ld fl'lends In Waynesvlllo u nd pub·

talncd II n um!..·1' of rf·h,U\·eH ttJ .. n out·(lo " !; 1I()\) 'I' III\\'n, " 'Nln SCI,lY ' v nl,, <:,. 1111'';. K ('HI I' (l l'nba m , :'-oll'!'. :'ol a rc; ,~ r· J () hn ~, 1l1) t1 I'n u' J uhn<t all" " I.],1 the tw IIty -fifth ,',',Idln ;\, :t nnl, ·C!l" SlUT oC Mr. n ml :\I .. s. C,, 1'l l)kllt' r , ing nl "e nt I' \'ill , Frid;lI' ,' venin",. 't

were \l'c(' k ond, g uests of MI'. a mI !\f"S. . 1-1 . 1I1cCO n nt' lI , In Rprln~ , CI Id, Mr. anti l\J I'H. Eldon J dallick we rc Sunduy g u ellts of fllrS. lIlyrt le Clark. and famil y, Mr, ILnd Mrs. zane 'Bo nta nnrl so n , . nager, Mr, antI fllrs. L 0 " '(01)1). nf '. Or osl!, oC Le bll'

Dr, u nd ;\fl'>I. ,J. W . \\" 1 ':1, 0 : li ar, , . yab u r!;" ami :'11"<, :\ll1 rt h'l II 111 ;10, of \\'nY llPI:i\' IIIC! , cnll c·d of 1111'" . Alic , Clark une) :'Ill'. K(, IH'irk , Mrs . Wn lter

o n Iho 1l1l'1< law n j n Oc nll lllw n . lIlr. rllul l\JrH, W Hlt<! I' " '"dswonh a nd. fnmUy ilt tc nil cd th Co un ty R ad ,Vork I'S' Picnic , o t th l~ hn. no n FiliI' Ol'oun(ls , !'i\lDday . JI ll'. amI :trl'S, Maurice Ollvis and family. of D nylon . Wl)ro cu llers nt th nlln ya n h om e, S unrlt\y. L aura Ma y Davis r e main d n s lh€' g uest Of Ma l'y E ll n ' Runyan. Jlllss MurgarC! l Ga rri so n spe nl the wt'l' k with r IllI t lvel! t Blanchester. M r , nnel J nck Rho(l !'I, Of In· c lnnuU, 1\11'. ri nd Mrs, F osle r Onr· rison, a nil Mm. Aoldle Ga rrison, of Blallc h est r , w er e S undtly g uestll of ~Ir , u nd, Mrs. Ou.lIl' Y 00l'l'iSOll . Pl'iz S t otaling $2 ,000 ore offt'l' .o1 pl' lze wlnnln g t Cl1 lllS In the horse pul. lin g co ntes t to hI:' held In co nncc· tl on with th .. N a tion al D::i.lI'Y Shnll',



eitzer •

(~c ~g E1Icrvcscent Tablets) " " Y01\ wID really enjoy the taSte-more like sprinl water than like· m~clne. ALKA-SELrzEn, w~on dissolved In water, ~n­

.taIDa an

analges!~L<Sodlllm Acetyl.Salicylate) which

nIieve8 PaiRrw},Ij.W its~ Illkal17.i ng agents he1..JWo cor~ ever,yday


ailments assoou\tcd with hyperacidity, _-'Your d~ hns ALKA-SEt.TZER, Get 0 30c 01' I!IIC .,.elaige on our "r.atisfnction-or-rnoney-baclt" Illal'llDtee. ~


at all times

McClure Funeral Home Phone 7



Crane's Garage OFFICIAL


Tires, Tubes, Gas & Wrecker Service Phone 105 R 2

Night Phone 5 R 2

....,............................................ Waynesville '

'Y, "In1' net! Iu(" I,S!(;n , 'Ity, ;' Ull(!II y . :'Ill' . 1I 0nt'y FOl1lk~, n n,l ~Il"" W ilbur F'olllks . Mr. ntHI ~l 1'''. )0;;;" r , Orll vl's n nd lio n, Mr. fllld ~II': . I~ £I , Lon~ :I(lr , ~I ..i', Ag nl'S .. \\'n nl< (Inti hlltl r c n lltt ' nd ()d thn F Oil;)'" n ·u n · lUll al Sharon \Volldl<. ·Suwl"y. MI'. ano:1 1111'S. L slln,. Gmy II lid . hll<11' n molnr cl t o In ll J) nt.ilmcl', K ntucl(y, Fl'itlny, 011(1. R(ll' n.l Ihl' \\. "1, ' ''11(1 \\' Illl 1111'. ' Inrl ...' II·~. 1,',·".1 w, ~

into the future


li'1 ~ k . fll ,,, lind ~lrH . G" O I 'J~tl ti r'l Y St flY u·' ftl t IIe II' I"'Ill LJ d lit·Ing II 1' I1' nh".. ne(', ~Int . mml1~' 'fhlt k"ra \ ' Il", It ol,h n ' I' guost. Monday , or he" slAt e r, 1I1n. All -'lUrk . ;\11'. lind MrR. I 01jel'L 1) 0 Il:l\'IH1, of D:l)'lQn W I' \I' k en,1 /,:ucstl' ..,r )'Ir . (111e) ]oll·/!. \V alLe l' K('nl·lt;k . 1'>11' Ll lI l ~[rs. 1:obc l'l Il n h wl\ (lilt! flo n were s liPper jfuoS IS, Satu rday eve n· lng , fi nll JlII·s. \\' . G. JlJlln'ls, lInd rll thel·. M ..·. Oubelm n n or Da),lun w ~ r o a ls ( .Mnn er l,:lIcsls, ' und u)'.

Trlumphtll Ar()ll At Orange, not t n r from Avignon, stands t he fine s t triumphal a rch In France, proba bly dedicated to Ti· bl!riu5. It is 62 feet hi gh and occu· pies a spa ce 64 by 28 (cet, Are Taller On an aver age, Englishmen are two Inches. t a lIer thnn their ancos. tors of a qenl:ury . ago.

is part of our. job Sometimes we' wish we had a crystal glob'C to when we would be called ~pon to furnish electric

' WHY WAIT? Have your Furnace cleaned and repaired now, Also Il complete line of New Furnaces, Guttering and Conductor worl<. All kinds of roofs repaired and painted, Also asbestos shingle si ding for old houses Prices R,easonable Estimates Free

Phone 518R2.

.power for a new industry and :electric service to many additional customers,

We have all become so used to naving electricity ready at a moment's hotic~ to assist us that we, ::' 'l



take se.rvice as ~ matter of course, and in whateyer

J.Electrician P. Larrick and Plumlter

demands we .qesrre to make, Waynesville

Therefore, in order that our cu~tomers ~ay be able to 'have an



help us in fore<;asting, so' that we would know just


I Give m e a IItLle arne to lie nlon e, And conqu el' thi s of which I dare not s l>enk. Th Is Is no thin r~(1 ues t, MUl'murcd by ' woma n f::tmlll ar with both claw aild 'bea k . Bu t ruther m a de by one who feels the vandnls aythe u pon the vIne. 'i \nd k.n owH lomorrow life mny be undo ne, r! I give up be r _ Lhls grim i1es lgn, r m ake no 11I'omlse, but shOiiid " eaee be \\lon, Arter this duel :Ignln ",t Itme and spnee, ~ny wnlk hrn'" ely on n little wbll" -With quIet wrltu>n on ~lY face.

",e offer a satisfactory Service

M ~B~~n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_ _~~

Th o Oe nllluwn Boys' :1nrl Olr l~' by 4,)'[ lub~ wi ll hold n fcs(\V:l l. Fri.

LI(e Is a thing of ecstAsy Of joys I1ne1 k ee n rc'gl:et!l . cnnnot futhom whnt It menns. So lig ht m e :l cigarette.



H nrolcl B ,l nt d alHl SOli, Dan·

ny, ap nt Thul'~d ny and Frida )' wIth h('r parents, lI-1r . nnd Mrs . A.. D~vld"on . Mr. Bllnta nttf' nd ('d Or c hard , r w eI's' 'n( r nce Woos ter , Ohio. :'Ilr. n nd ~lrs .


0 modern pleasant way to get relief from Headache. Gas on Stomach, Colds, llcartbum. "MOrning After" and Muscular PaIns. Just drop one or two ALKA·SELTZER tablets into a glass of water, Watch it bubble-listen to it fizz. As Boon as tablet is dissolved, drink the tangy solution.

I'W ~

Baird's 5c & IOe Store

;\IIHs Fl'l1 nc(>oo; ;Inrk , ut' tlH' U~nn . ) tr ~ ) [; 11)." ( '! UT1H1 IIY h 'u1 fur ht. r lUII'n, .oIrlH ·I,B 'Iub \\'011 fll'Sl 1)lt('(' c1lnnt·r );lll'Ht>l, \\ ,·,In .. ,'tl~)·. :'1 1' ,.1:01 In ll'" \\' l1 l'r('n oUnl) !'tylo Hl' \' UC \\'. :'>11-';. " '. F . t'l:1rl;, ~Ir ~. l', It nd Rut h CI"rk of I lw SH m,· 'Iu!) Youn t'\!, :1011 ~Ir" . I'a, I 10'1,.1'", lOr won [ \I'st pia '0 ao; ('IOllllng Ju t!~e. ~· lun. n nd 7\11. ti Edn . (: lI rl'l ' U t', f'tf Th' r ward Is It r l'\,e trl l) tu tll(' Ohlll 'Wl I,'tol )' a nd th e prl\'Uq;e or 'I yd,> \\'Il,l r t, 'n ,til I 1" I Ih 1l<:llng thl.'rc , of :'Iii",. \,it·!:' ni ,l Tit U IlI " " , Paul Runyun s p nt lhe w eek f' nd Thurs d,ay, at lht , huTl l(+ vi 11 ' " p H. I', :h, the gu~s t of hi R grandmoth .. , nt ~ , ;\11'. n nd ;\Ir:l. Vh ,l1 ks T h u l1 , a ~, :'lrH . •\dell/: Dav is, In LcIJ ~l non .


There Is

t tHr)hk "Ilt- 1.1 H

N. Main 51.

• (z'. a nd :'oIl'''. l"'!\' ill L "n~ I"' n ' /l lI ll r,tlnlly " Ik l\l ,ht· w('I 'k ,·n.l \I illl .\ r . lind ;\t ..... ~\· I1!J<· t· 1 S\\ .I nk 111 l.'ltlc .. ~ " .

!\Irs. A. C. D l1\' lolson

Depression hos depressed its worst nnel hit me hnrd. But whoops, my dea r-Th o s prInG' Is here. I'U ruke the yard!


1J,:,tI ' l


When In Waynesville Shop at



Count me, my frie nds, as o n e who sings ~ Of little tilin g'''; Of little things V.' hon friends scorn cold nnd IICo is tlat, I go to 11 shop I know and buy a hat,




f1tlt lr p " r l tUY ,

Columbus, October 8 to 15,



L" ); lIIlW h. Y I" h" ll l' r rtJl' ill'l1 din g llian 1IIIIIO t il y IllI t lh o Illll ol' " ;tll I" , """ o! "" II" rll l'lorll), If (' ut not latpl' l'h" l) Ih,' Iolt,l, llt HUt.;<> IIncL (,lI'. T l llI l ·~dtt,\'. li nd 11 ,1 ' I·', 11ItlllH; ' -;lIIrl1' IlfI. ',1 wil li .4 pOllnll of 111'1'1 'In s up· 1' 111 11 ". thl ~ • ' \, \\ Y tll'l, (: l a Jl.t l-:, h' lIl 1I1('Iltf'l11 a l1l1 7:; "un r .,,, or 1I1111'ston o

g , ,;d


J:, ·tl J.

11 t l li

Albert Lee T nlm nge wos n Thur s· SaLUI'day, 11 hed In Th e 1II1ami Oazette li llY \ 'Isltor of his mot bel' a n I!I·flnd. Gt'O r c;c ;\I ool'c spe nt the we kend specia l r elJu est. par nt!! , lIIr. nnd lIll',.. \\'I'II:ln' In Carrollton , K ntuc ky . H e wo ~ ac· com panied hy hlt." s lstc r . Mrs. 11ullie INTER(,ES lOX Shurt s In o Ulll Leba n on . g " ewr n nd 'hltdr n, wh o lou'I(' r eo C II I ece n lit d he r mus ic. al> so Iucu (l.l· 1\[r, and lIIr!! . J us. Oa th , of ClIlea · go, ha ve b n g u BtB In ~h o'l h mo • f turn ed to th eir hom e after u vlell he r Clu es. 'l'h e A ng e Is cnm o Lo II 81 n !I d own lhe Jo rc\l,1 n f:llnlly COl' se vtJl'P. I '1,IYH. with lit H. '. 111001' fa mily. a ol'G'e "W, Doyls Sile nt n CO ltpl 1111'. a nil 1\II's. Oacnl' "VlIdel' foIlj th e gleamIng sto lrs. fo 111 Ill' , of nellr Fort An lent, ' wore uf dnys:': I'ece tltl y, In th e hom e of h is daughter, Mrs, E rn st Mun noll ,11111 SundllY (linl1 ". !,uests o( lIfr. aJ1,(] Th l' resn wns a lIule (lOW(, I'. Mrs . 1,'1' 'll Thompson. Sl10 Icnne d on J esus ' breasL. MI'. Ma nnon. nea r \\' Uml ngton. Mr. ti nt! ~' l rs. EI'IJle Powell e nt e r , So n.o\".y shnu kno\vs our d n~ SI',Cr:ll n~ ., Mrs. Elizabeth B a lla rd, .\ [r, nnrl inln ,a, n~v (l re ll d milh , of Daylon, needs, Mrs, Rufu s Bnllnrd Hntl Dnl')loll, ,, 11 ," ,,1 se" ' I'nl otil e r (rlends to I1lnne r Before tht!Y nro e Xj)l'esllcd. or Dayton, Mr. a ed Mrs. HoL"I'l 'unrla y. Dollard a.nd children , Bnhhy , Wl1i". lIu lph U!..b", , of L ba non, and lI'lul'y wns n mothcl', the g rent esl of d ne , I1 ntt J OY'e Ann, of "'I U I ' l i~l>Ul'g L rt! T a lmage , \\'0" · busln eHs viSitors them all. 11ft'S, Blna Patterson anti Faum ,en · In 'Vilmln!{ton , F rltl uy . h o c rad led little J e,SUB, lyIng In a III we r e undtly cl1l\ o:r s El,l th l1 Till ~II H:< 1I :1I1 n" h J o rclnn , Mr. and stUll. m nge l1Ome, ~II','! . 0 or{:e Liebe rt a nd Junior, Mr, It I hnd. a little lass lIl lss ~ona Shumrt l<~ I', of 'I nc lll :t m l !l11 · ~ . J lt m cll Oath lind BUll n were I would see to It eac h day. na ll, Is 11 visito r of h r:r pa l'on u; , ~I:' . Thul'Rtl ny ~ lI cstS of Mrs. Lu c y Fish· That to th e Mury · Mother, and Mrs, r. l)1lu ,;h lind r" m lly, II! MI(ldletolVn, She fold h e r ha nds a nd prILl' .


" '1l11 "1t~ III :111 many duya,

'I'll' I!I"( "I' I h .. 1 ~II~ll'r n c i ubti , U'f' Ht'n"hly II lIurl"t'I''' . Will "III}' a \lo tslJl .. h. ,It,I'I' Pll 'I'u '''UlIY , ' Au g u ~ t ~U, whlt- h \\ 111 h ~ lttrlh.s· rlny, nnd ' lL \\1~I~t g:1nl£', \\, ,'\II\lOlidn y, i\U~ U II L 31.

. \ A li,t' :-:II \oI(lna l LI':11(1I' 1'11<'<> "" f1 oh".. th l' (tI l'l u1·n.. th~' 11a 1'1 ltpt' ~{', th " ·!twlnnll !l I{ l·tl ~ , Is l' ' Ilnl'oirl t o ,rnfl lw Il I':r nl tll'lvc down lh 9 IJ: c\< I' tn 'l h , Th It''ll w Ill 111 In . ~ \· (' t r .. I II \) In th e ll'uJ;u <Ii'" 'I'l) ~"':' lell,l!! , i'1 " )>I " ~ 11 111\ I" ,' n 1;.10 1"'. lI' !t ll th£'h' " I' I',' n" It1 ,< 1" '1\" ',, ;"~ ',I I) 1~,' ln - :) th ~ 1'0:,,1.

ociety ~ditor, .. , .. . Phone 45 it 11 ISSUED EVERY TH URSDAY


ever they want it we ·are cOQStantly enlarging our

For Sale .

?f electricity when.:.

<Saciiities. to 'meet this demand. We .ar~ 'prepared


for the continuedgrowtn, of our r~rritory,

White R(oc:ks, Barred Rocks and Large Ty,pe White .'


LegJtorns. WRITt-IiOR PRICES- __

Lemmon's'" Hatchery HarveysI urg, Ohio.





COMPANY '.,---"





~================== :~ - - - _•• _

4_ _ _ __

] osallnd ~u,'do, the new 8f Eo DUNNELL It'l, C"h I' III th e Klnl\'fnan S h oal will Jlj:l)sl'nt. two plano sele· lilt'. n nd MM!. MorrlH Jlihu'lnu [tnl! •• • tiO IlS a t th e Iltte r,nl> on s alon ot the fn mlly n II nil' t o n, 811 n l unus l1 0lly In rg n umb r of ' . of N CI\' uur Annua l linton I::::ounty T e'a eh e ra Thurs d a y I I h M .. v(>n ng w t 1', nlln t llrtl 8 ar bing tn k en with h oo k n n d lin e I(l t('» ' . All l he wn )' from A S8ocintion to be h e ld. Steptember Mrs . Ervin Smith and daughter. thll l big 6 .Ib Hel8 t ur ll caug h t ~ l 8rd, M1s8 Clnrll Daughters returne r! Mr. (l n do Mrs. Lee Am e 8, 1\11', ' and hom e. a tt e r apen""ng A> Mlu ml but'g a bo'ut It.' n c1 n Ytl Ogo to 0. te\\! C ll1.'·11 lItr~ . Hn r old Imms a nd d a u"'hter. wllh lIlr n nd ' 1ra Ca I B bb d lh e t hree riNlu. rme n we flU \\' h n \'e " . , " . . 1' , n nn so m nl (' on " F! In III I' Lilli,' ,' 11'1,.,1 1\11'. a nd Mrs . B n rold Du nla a nd s on, lion. of nell r X onla . .. ~ I 'II F an. - I , ....m l1 to be n good ),1'11 1' for " nc " dlJ I'Un('o:J la rk w er o !\II'. li nd IItrs. CitrOI'd Buool" of enl ,l ra ps hol prue lle ln!; r o r l II V W cdn('sdn y evcnln'" gu csill ot ?Yrr. Cll." ' mn nto\\,n lhld ml g hlY " " 11 1111)1 .. ( ,)t' ttl uf \l1 t'l11. .. • was supper guoElt ,,' d nll ll c vc-nlfl. n nd !lI,·s . Thom us Flommlng , Mr. Bert lIl a rln ll and S(II1 , Edn.o l1. _. ~_ • • • 'I'ho olh er IV cl(.e ml gn tll<' l'ln g M o f S up e dnt nde nt u nd Mrs . H l.'rmnn S und ay I'enlns , . F I'IIII! '<11 I' 1)(11'11' J""(I(I I' I ! IntN'car nrc th o Lea g u u f Oh io " . '" In " , :'I II ,·til1 lire \,ueallo nln g a t tlte hom e MI'. un d 1111'S, n a ymo l1(i Osborn e . -L 1)(1 11011 I ' t ' \'I n I l I' I' HIIO"llJ II1D' K CO lly enllon t o mo ....Ow. P')')""VI.ll '"lll ' III . ' I.;"II'0,I '" uI I'N < r.rllt lI{ Il ia 1I1 0lh el' at CORh o ton. l o r X e nia . \\'IIS Sunda r SUllpe r Kuellt I' I ~",tu," "' Y Illid ~un"a "t. lIl n l'.I·!!. •I ~ ~II'. a nd Mrs. Orv ilin 1'Ittro , of . o { 1111'. and M,'". E, m nr so n Dill II d "'. ., u . y 'I _ l ., ' h I ~ .• I, 1:0' e n ," I '''''' , . J Il ltd lh e annu n l S po r ls m e n's '.1 11 m , ll r <' • (I VY I I HI I •• P 'Ill t 11' fis h lll"; t rip \\·l llIIln g'tll l1. '\. re Sunda y g u est s or ~<U1 , Rnlph . h OI' (' II I Vvnyn o L n ke N ne: ll' G r een · 1'0 111 W , " I 11' j ll "l 1'.'IU rned . F". 'd' H ~II' . li nd Mrs. fiu ssell B ell , Mrs. El la Blu lr, Or X e nia . tip C'nl n u"n'~s 1\'''" l ll" :-:,1\';) 1 n:,s,' a t , ' h'. \ vII If'. Oltl o. Thc L C'lIg ue 'A Co n ve n· 'oca tlo na l Agrlc ullur Jns lru ctOl' a f w d n ys Wllh h er brolhe r, 1111'. lio n h UH h e-en hi ghly IIl.hlic izt'd by ~i , ti:t J! (':l c' h a n <1 \,',' II n d., ,'sla nr) l h n t II. A . Ba nla n nd lIIrs, Ba nl(l arc Lou Murrny a nd re turnl'd home. II lu rf.(e nurnhc ,' or p" {'fJ ll 1' .1 a " CH II \' no t n ll ly h url " '11' s h ip to n "h pl a n nin g t o a tt e nd th o Oh Io Sta le 'und lly \' ,'c nlng, lIIa ll ' d rrom th l' Comp "" u li ol1 Vi .. l· f l' " ' hil I I ",,, 111 11 11' w{' nl nl')II~ JU Rt !"II I.. II I Columbus thi s eo mln g Sat1111'. n nd :lIra, Robe rt D n vls anel U" U<I" " li nd S unda". (l ·.lu ;' hl~r. " llIn n t Cn lll mhll ~ , nnd II' III IIIII' C n III 1, .. ln f.( In h i, "If.( ('ute hes! " ~ 0 f 'V aynellvllle . cllil ed on \), . Fc l \\"I I '( I ~ (.e Fl"lnldl n J I ' vlI l'l ely o ( I'" !;mlll I'Hn g ln ~ frum . • . . , li S r e· "I ... I1 l1d Mrs . Geor g e Ha y n es r eo Mr. a nd Mrs , E rvin Smith ulld t urn I f r 'llI Il "'t'c k u p tl M "llel'c h" R by bO lh cn n d ldJl tc " [o r 1)0"· "" " o n Ie . u ~· lu ,·n t'll. last Frltlay. 10 rm a w eek of .da ug hte r . Judith Ann , Frida y evo n. ~ I I , n '1'1 ,. I ' 11 I ' II Inl "eRI to HII kl' I ~ • " 1' n .' c lI g-n n ,\' t 1 r ('· " ae:t ll o nln ~ In lII n lne. In g. P(" .tH or day" {I1i,'u willi w lnel a nd. e rn Or lo ,' I' nt s o r ~ llI sRes or "po .. lsn" ' I1 . TIlC' co nV l'n · :\"'. a nrl I\!t's . N e w lo n Tu(' ke r n nd Miss Opa l II pnd cr so n . of \VaYlles. tlon IR bc ln ~ " P nso .. ed by lh e \Ve N' !'i,i n a nti " c ,'y 1'., 1\' rl s ll . Tha l'S :II .. " . An n Tll c k c> r w e re )Io nda }, \'c> n. ville, s pe nt n fe w d nya with lIl ". Gild Ih " " lilli ' t" nil 1' " In \1 I I I ' I " ' II Ohio FI~ 1t li nd C1 n mc Ass n, ~, " , \ ' 1 C' , . :t lll\l · InA' "u lle,',; of .\11' . a nd Mrs . 11 . A. :'1I's , E a rl Mu r lnt\. Of II l1l~llInt!JIII-: InlCl' Ht 10 !l1ia m l . ha ll"l' l1 <,aUl.;h l hl~ .. lw n k - i1 nd n Ball ta . Mr . a nd Mrs , J~, lit. Stel)h e ns at. lot of IJIIo( " m k ' I'R s l I I r I V Il IlIlY m !'l" nml tlt ei l' rarn'lII s I:; th e • . . 'ea' nfl' 0 u n· :ll iR" F re ltla Mc l{l n n£''' re t tlrllnd, te neli'd JlIt·s. Hl e Jlh l:olls ' r e union (I , IwrH .- II 1')I.1t Alf lJ n ll'" o f K in g" " Ha lll n !a ),. fo rm Clint on Cou nt'. 4.11 Ye ll ow SI)rlngR III lh e mOrning und Annu fl l SUOl'lSIll n 's J u m borc(' a nti ·1\1111 " to s h ..", l h ll< oltl h ll "d:;hpll ' 11 1 ollc n IlOu s ' II I 'Vn y ne L a ke:; l 'a rk . G Ca mp , w he r £' s h o has " Ivc n In "tru c . • r . S lellh c ll li ' r e union In tlt e a n " ,·· \\,h l" ·t. t he ~ m r, 1I 111 0llt h bliSS w(> ' ve ,,~ miles so ulh o f (i rc(' nvlll on Stal li o n In Art Cra fts, lIoo n 'I t X e llia. Sunda y. Mr. I( e nn£' lh l h'i l'l:;' ... 1c I!:I one ot Mr. und Mrs. 1\111I'1on Fote r , o r llO ut c 121. Thi s bi g get ·l oJ\'elhe r of bl·, ·n huntin g '\' 11 9 layl nl-: 1:1 l;t pa t· abo ut n ve Ih o uMlII" u s ilo rts me n will unln ~' e ,·. 'n l n" . 11 waR In th e L lt ll e near S pring Va ll e y eull do on h e,· ' II I 1' 1 '1 ' 11 I f 'h ~ Ins tru ct or ll nt Yo un l; FrIe nds ..... AIRIe r a nd m Ol her. Mr. lind "'. fro, ..., Ilhld ~ nIl (1 I t",.,~ 1I '1d " v(' nln"" of t h is " I a ml n ea " t "n f.(I~ ,, ' ('s In neI II f Ie ,' -'u mp to be he ld tbls week , n Pele S und ny. Au ~ u s t ig . 1I1 a n y e vents " )O U a t w"n ). m n uto Ig1 t n l\ ~t Runya n nnd Mrs, M u rle Mlc henl. nro plnnne,1 trom <'..I,s tin g ('.,"l('s t ll wn le l' ,l UI' fl y o cco u n l d fo ,' n 19· Mr. a nd Mrs. Elvis MI h ea l li nd 1lJ1 ' Iid "ug ' hte r, D oro th y, IIpe nl Sund"y unal' r D olph L Oll!; to x h lblll on dlv · Inc h hca ul.\' . II · tOIl ('h e<l the 81'111"8 1~l ~ew 1J.J>UJJII" In!: lind swimming, tmp "hlloti nl;, t a n <, v{'n lhre ' p una &- a nd with Mr. nnd :III'S, Bill uri a nd tam· ot c . l\1 a nn ge r J ames L tght will w I· lonl(e d II ko "Ix! ' ~Ir . a nd 1IIr8. J . A. Co nn er ha ve lI y or near Blllnc helile r, o m c a ll ome ,'s a t the ""'Ul e n nd t ho A g rou p or s Ix J..cb:1I10 n lII " n nco ns g uest lh elr niece, lIIlss lIIary lIIlss Opa l H ende rson nnd molh er , C cOll nt,' d. rur a n l('£' lot u f 1 )I,.k('rl·1 n ... 1 d M rs. Enrl Ma r la tt . 10c ndml sl!l on r eo IS goo d f or [III (Ia y . L ou lRC ,,' hlL e, o f Ktll t;htst o, wn, Ind. ' ora . .. ",I', lin 1\1 1'8. R i d W eave r and son, Don . This column h cn rlil y I' om m e nl!.. " lh I ir' I (' I (' l s ln nd (Lll kc E rl ~· fl llh· :1118 8 J a n ice Bon e. o{ X e nia , ap nt 0 li n IIlU>ltc

s, Hal'l'J Eldrldr., Jr. --:....-.. ...----


'l'hllI 1>1 i'orln lnly II hi!> w(,I' k for lIH1II1I1 Vil li Y Flpo,'l s m on. wllh

or 11I1I'1·,'At piling III~ h, u nd I O IIJ1C'~1 orr wllh the> lI ra n.1 Am"I''''nn

<J \ ' ('II I K

U'III'SIIllUl III Vnntl l1 lh I. 11l1JI'I·uw . All tltl ", w., .. I( 1)11 1'" '''' It tl VC' b.w n tllll r ero l'clA IIIHL II ('W <'11111111'11111 11 wll o hav o Ilruv ...,t th e h' ,'n" l(' ('YCN 1111.1 " t l'uuy II "' \' ('S In lI. " V:!I'IOll lI ,"vonIH. IJllt I,y rill' lh,' mlldl h ' lt'n"Hlng IH til '" Frhlll Y 0 1'1 111&1 .1\1111·,' \1 ' 11 It , w h,'l'o fl now c hnmplon 1>1 IIll1lo~ t ulwllY" W " I" '(' " Co un t Y l' r,II"I, '"~ A" , 1\1 'I'IY s hllllt ll "S h nv o be"1l kl' ' ping 10'


CI_1l Up At Price. M e n's S pc. S uits Cleaned and Pressed

50c Hats

Cleaned and Blocked

50c Ladies Plain Dressel

50c _

Quick Cleaners

Kathl'1'll Mondenhall, Mgr


Moo t Your Frie nds At .


lp nnxt Sunda •" 10 th I)nrk {o r a n l; tl'lp h s t \" c k nu. T h o boys las t weck with h e r unclc and uunt. ~ 1" floy a t o ne ,of Ohlo'S m ost ben uU ru l ",,, 1111 t h e ll' ;: u ldoe jU ~1 co uldn' t fi nd Mr. and Mrs . K. S . Bo ne, rlahlng lJp ot s , wlw r e th n " h WC!· bit ing u n til t he y lIIr. u nd lIIrs. A.I. Bruns wic k and g r,t h im II ('1I !ie f bc 1': J '. I:.:. Il u r s l d n ug hte r , B tty, are g uest s or r a in. A turnout o f Ilbout ~o m ('mhcrs nt , or 'I I a r .. t!:r<'lhu rg go t II n 't' II I (- bass tl\'(,S h e re , n nd lWO hi s i'IJf I s lll·1I lunlt's In rel' k ~ u ncl :ty , It II! wit h J ohn H . Plcklln. o f Day ton. Is t e nd d last Thursduy'" m <'e ling uf 'l\('Bn rs lh t! \Va l'ron o u n lY Fiah u nd Ga me sp", nd lng hi s vac ation Wllh his un. t hat w (, I"a l'n ll':· O s lloo t" ,· (' I a nd a unt. 'VlIlla m a nd Ma ude ABs n . h eld In th o Elks H all In Le b. Zl mm rm a n . of F "a n klln , Is p:lsslng Harlu n . nnon . R e porls o{ lhe fi s h a nd ga m u p Ihe Gru nd Arnc r lCJln till:! y :" . fi s h rma n A ll ' nd lng th e Epworlh League In. c ommIttees wero PI' s e nted n nd S C\ ·· to serve as t.e nde l'f 0 s l ltu le a t Ch n ut.a uqua la st week e rnl ite m s of · bus in ess dl USB d . T h e " ' Il h th e 01 _ tim er " u " on o v c r , ·h e n ~y. w e"e : Re v. a n" ~·rs . G , H , Weaver, n w as P,'o I)olutlo m a. tt I'. of atr enm ' • . MIlIo ·r . Thlrkl ' ,1, .::lIId fl n m ll to n In ...n S nl d oml lhe fi s h commIttee w ns MacC11'<'Bors B ay , Cana d, . A t lasl D a vId n nel G orglna ' Vcnver, LOis


At All lIuun


1.o b u non, OIl ,0

a Rk d t o 1m' s llga l e STay -I was hi n g In t.he LillI e 1I1lttmi fil\·pr . Pre. iIle nl Gus tin announced thn t t h e next , m eeting will Dc h eld. lh o second weck In Septe mb I' a t M o rrow , a nd It wall d ecided 10 h old rollowlng m eetings In Lebano n , xce pt wh on

" Zlm" h ll

trtldcd Ills s un COl' a


w ont lo Zanesville lo vis it tl,"~ Rosc. v ille ['ot~ery, one day IUllt wee k. Mr. and Mrs. lI e nry Berges and d

a us-hter. Nan cy Lou, a nd BO n J ohnny, ot Dayton; Mr. Ilnd lIlrs . Cla r en cn ~ rawford nnd dau g ille r. Minnie , (lnd " on, Lewis, IIpe nt S a t· u rei a y nlghl a nd Su ndn y with Mr, an d M • r s , H orner Crawford , ot L y n(' h b urg. Mi ss Minnie CraWford I~ vis iting he I' aun l inorwood. N this week.

])Innor g UMIUl ot til p , ,1, 'l'h onll~1I rll mll y . S Ul1 d •• y, W (W ' H n rry R . fl'o rd yc , Vernon F o rdyc , Mr, '.mll )1rs , Tho ma s R. Ford yce, and. ft en· ry B u r gess,

Mr. I1ml "'rH, 1.1.'111 ' I' UO\'KI' '!I ('n il. cd at th e Ervin , 'h um a H ho ml.' . )Io n. dn~' afternoon, Joe Fli er Is w o rklng a l Cozze tte, OhiO, at s tonework e tc.

Hll.r ve)' Ho le, T ommy Hunter, /tne! .\ Ia url ce Hunt e r pl a yed cro qu e t on ot h er dnu g ht.!r , :.r rH, \\' u ldo E lliott, . h e P" I'/ion nge lu \\'n , Mon dny eve n , D nnl d F;l 7. ha d h l ~ lo nlli ls 1'(" lng, n nd ('njoyed I('e c rea m la tc r In'--_ _ _ _ _..:. mov ed r e centl y . 1l;C-~ nln,:;, Mr, P Crl'Y Faul n nd 80n , E,·" ln , A !; " OU J1 t l' om th e r,'!'rry c hllr~ h s o<' nt th e PllMl rO l'tl1 l~ hl In I{ ~ n · k P i\(, II I'cl I h,' lr 11 11 1''' ('1' . Tu adny ve nlU I' y ,, 1!Jlling rt·lntJv R. Illg. :. nu \·".It 'tl L n kcs lde n nd th e M II III F TI ,oma s n nd SOlfll" ,· ' ~ lI um I r, n n . " ' 'I. >eIT Y ,I. In Da y l o n . Arte r , .' '\' nolt l"o"dyce wert) T hu rsd ay s up o r'r ll",y we nt to " I ilia r il l' lin.!I " e v nln l: .,"11\'lIl R ot III II. 1: II l C'r. f11 m · ~I I'~ . ({ enrlc k II n.1 lif t'. ,Sm ith we l'o I' y (II "''''e ['oint!' 1 n •. Lig h l " r hns I. urn!'f!, ItlHlI y AlWi n" " own th o nlid . b('<' n VCI'Y s lr·k . hu t I .. Ho me wha t T hl1H" whu (' njo),C'cl Lll(' c \'c nln !i w ero Improvpd n ow . :I II'S. ~ 1 " r j' '' ' I '' Ura l,1' n n rl Ao n, Bo b· Tilt' a nnua l P OT> r (' unlnn wi ll b{' hit ' . l ilt· I~ r ~" II uh hle nnd <l a ll g hle r. h el•.! II I Sc h u n lz' P u r k. n(,l1 r Mln mls· H lIlh . !lit .. II nrv ey n nd 1111'S. AllI e IlU'·g . t t lis co min g S unr1I1 ~· . AIlt; USl lI ol e. til<' H UllSI'll Ca mph,' 11 fallllly. 28. :III'. li nd :l1t·s. 1.f'8 1 ,. K(' nl' ic- k, n nr! Th e la dles o r lh e Deren n Clns s (;r 0 1'1' 111.' H: I\':'~" , T u m Ihln( " ', Doro· F CI e rry , lurch g n vc u Aho\\,l'r 'nn lit .\' n n rl n .." n""n :ll uOI'C, tll c L {,lIte r CllI'ol Ann lIunte r. nN\' ,Itlll t; h t!'r of (; I' ,·hlll'll". :\11'. " ,,,' MrH. '\1' 111 I'lno 1111', li nd ~lr R. 1\1 :1 UI'I ('e lIun t C' I', II n." dllll~ lt t " l'. ;\1 111'1 1' . Cn r r lC' Mill . Thurfldll Y a rt ern on n. Til " li'll« 1:lIlr 1'(' c lv l'd rn a ny bea ull f ul li n d us (u l a 11<1 \\' . (' HrnU h a nt.! fa mil y . W ilm a T horn"" HIlt' nl MfJ llllay a nd f; lfl ~. 'I' I I ~ lI "'''" r II I ! 1C \,' ,, 101 0 E illflll h om e. R e " . and 1I1,·s . \V . ~, Smith a nu n"HIl;lI n ~ In ti l ~," " C o f Ile r " r.'lnll. .. ... .. fa mil y left . .Il o n" ny mu rnlll!:. ro r , ool ll £' r , !lit·". PIII H'. Vlrg lnln , wI! r c ti ,(' y will "I.e ml t he it' v nca tl on v l:;ltln g lI, " rol'l'WI" " 1'"lk,.. A l'y r r h lc Vic lory I\Ir . Tru ma n ,\VIII,.110 m nde t he A Pyrrhic v Icto ry is one In which .,"00(I co n r ('S~Io n at l~. er ry CI1ure' ll. the winners lose as hea vily as the Rund ny m ornin g . defeated, The ' wo rds "One more 'Y. C. S m llh and tn mll y n .... ls le'l slJch victory and we a re lost" are R OJ;c r Brown enl e rta ln h is CIUIIH at attrlbutcd to Pyrrhus, king of Eplthe ir mo nthl y me N lng-, h eld a , rUB, a t the tim e o( his victory over the Rom a ns in Apulia, 279 B. C. a csa r 's Creek, Frldn}, <',. nln &. ,'h e X e nlu Arl'll o f C h ur c he a m eet· Ships or Stone I ng w as IIe Id a t F'c rry . S u nl"y. wit h At Oland. 0 n Isle oft the coast of 130 present. S e von ch ul'ch es we I' Sweden, may be seen preblstorlc r e l,rcs c,ntc Stone a ge remains, huge rocks . d, ~ l r8. lI1 a r gu r et I ~o. ot :\I1 I1,II "lOwn . carved In the form of VIking ships, Mrs, D ltla y i\'1 ·Du rfa l' . o r I lIlm lltorr . r eplele with benches for the rowers. a nd Mrs , H a tti e !ll cDutfy n nd th rC'e g r a ndchlldr n. of 'Wuy nes vlll . we l'e 1'11-:8 o n plt s l urc whi ch n r o f ed 0

\'Is llorll or Ml' s . J Ot) Fil el·. Sun rl<1 Y nf· t e rn oo n, Mrs. Lnv ernn F n ul n nrl W ilm :l TIlomos w e re nftern oo n g u es t s of

corn l wl da l ly will co ns um e mo,'e t a nkage tha n n ell d Ir lhey h ove nI'C('''8 tel:1 fl If f ... r . Mi xing g ro u nd oa t l!. ,,1'U tlll d n. lta lfn.. o r a.

Mr. n nd lIfrs . En'ln ·fhomn s. S II I1 · mi xt u r e nr t hI' (' 1)I1 ,·ts limestone day. 'lnll n pll rl bo n m n l with lh la nk~r .. r . an d H.,,1'11. 1..lIwr n ~(' Th om a s IIB O w ill (,lit 'Lhe <'on Hll m llLi oll d own

!Ill'. and Mrs. Elz lo Doclor and nnd daughl 'I·. Vo·lImtl. 1II1'. a nd Mrs . t o a boul lh

tl 1\1 Ka y .


Mrs, Nancy P o pe 18 III a t the hom e

Mll'la m Va n Del' Voort, ramlly ot near 'Wa y n esville called on ;\Io "jor le lUll, P a uline Peters on , and Mr. n nd M1'8. Eve rett B unne ll lind r I B la n ch e Omha m. a mi y, Sunday n.tte rnoon. MIss Mary und Phylll Ross , or 1\11'. a nd I\1rs. ~V . C .. Smlth spe nt near W a ynes vil le. took S undll Y din. InSl wcel( at Lckc-s.1de. I h '1 I lIIr. a nd Mrs . B. M, McKoy and n er w I " S 9 Ernea tJne Earnhn rt. dll u bh le r h o ve moved to thelr pro. 1111'S. Cu rl Babb. of noar ·X e nla • lied t p ('rly In th e Village here , recently en on rle nds h ero Il1.8t week.

If onl y t em po r" r ll )'; Th e nasty r u rnor Is solng a,r oU nd l h n l Ray D u!;u n hu s gOlle n s o fls h Il un ~r" II .. , Is " n settl n g lrol lin es rOl' ' C Ill. Jim Go hlhu rg of prin gbo ro • _. br o ughl 11 \'u r l (1 utc h from CI..n r ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN oth er towhB r eques t the m . , . rc k ·tu sda ~· . J-Us take ln cluded n ur o.ttle, hop. .heep ••4 eal'nt The fo llowing towns hip di rec to r s ba~.'u. one blu purc hased (rom the R. E . J ones Miss R u th and Naomi Eurnhrtrl ...... ·B ... C U -_.. ..~ CIl tfl s h , It big ca rp- hei rs. n rc sp ending a fe w d a YB with Miss N 0 ...· _ roc. u., .......... a1MI wel'C 'I c t ed or n ppo lnt e d ' Ril l' Du prorreuiv. arm for the blab. . . . a n I I\. turUe , Ba rri ng 11101'0 r nins , market prieetl .nd good •• gn n. Cl ca l'c re ck Township ; Ll oyd m li t or l he cou nt y SLI'CUm S will b... Do n nld J o ncs Is recovering trom Ernesti ne Eurnhart. Ual.a ~t_k Yarde' Clacla_tl, 1). 1I11~l er. Frn n klln ; Ch a rles Laym a n, In fl nc sha ll ihls II' k (' nd li nd a 10naUectomy pertormed by Dr. Use or J[lDd Worcll i:~2'5 ~~:fcr1J~ J.~~:~u~~ D ee rrl c ld ; F"ank Andorson . Turtle · \\' Il h cool I' \\,Cil lhc r som o fine \Va rlng o f Wilmlngt.on. on Batur· Jud Tunklna laYI ltind wordl lD market reportl. Cl' e k ; WlllInm Kersey , \Vn.,;htngton : catoh es arc wa iting fo r th e ri g ht day. ~~~~~~~========..:================== OIl Ca-\\' ho p : J . L. Cona rd Is s pending his va· thtl life mould not be monopollud cn tlon with a p a rly ot (rlends In by the high·power .aleaman. . • •• No rthern Mic higa n and Ca nada . An~'ol'l e p Ia n nlng a lriJ) to Ih" Mrs. Cona rd Is tho guest or her Oh io Ull [o'a lr' In o lu mbUfl Au g· daught e r , Mrs. Jvan Pettijohn. Qf us t 27 to cpt. 2, s ho uld put n v is it ItIdgevllle , rndlanll. to the 'o n ~c\I'v ll t l n D I\' I" lon8 ex · ~ hlhlt::; on lh II' m lls t lis t. DIHplo.ys a ll th W ilY f r om 1I\'e fi s h a nd g n m lo r ell f m n p l'! n nd m o v h~ H w ill be 1936 Ford Tudor, Trunk ...................... :............... 395 r n t 111'(' <1. Commi ssion \' \ 'Vood('11 ~!I.'I.)·S . " E,·e '·ron c>. I'e>ga r d less ot VIr~lnla Ocettl, R. R. ! 1935 Pontiac Coach with Trunk .. .. ...... ................ 475 Lebanon, Ohio ' \\'ht'l ll I' th ey h un t or fi sh. will find PreMDti . . . . . B.t .... La.... s om et h ing of Inte r es t In our dis· irr. li n d 1\(1'8. Ruueil Hott, of PI· iS37 Ford 85 Tudor............................................. · 475 pluyS." In quo, was the gues t of Mr. a nd Mrs.


P . J . 'r .. 11m II H', antI )1 ..... L llvrrna 1"11 111 HU,' nIIN) l h,' til 11 0'1'11 1 fI ( JlII"" \ ' Iqd n lll TIWlI1n 14 h Id at h Llr pa r· ' '" til'. hll tJl ' , Th u "Md a y li n 'r noon, ut :\lICl m IHl. ur g ,



' ~'ll:<llll ,

L Ulh" ,' II " ... """", \111 " ·le . " " her K 1" '''01 >;,11,'11\ .. ,' Il:'l.In ll lo1\ 1\1'I1~ . ;t1H'1 H~l1vl, ' I' folluw '11

,S portsmen Corner


JI\ .X IM1\\U',

XII" \\, , " ' aYII ,·, .1. "



J ;H'oh

prope r a m o un ls, -- -






........... 'Used Car Bargains

. .



---_ ..----

Wharton: Motors · Salea FORD 15 E. Main St. Lebanon, O.

Service Phone 48

WILL ST. JOHN, Local' Rep~aentative

....... . ........


The "'ur3.1 Any type of wall decorationpa inting t a pes try .. frc s t!o, even wall· paper-Is a mur al. E a rly wallpa· per was merely an Imita tion of mural pClinling. The art is tedious to the nth dcgrec , The great Le· on a rd o da Vinci s pent two years on his famed " L ast Supper." which decorates the wnll of a monastery at Milan aod at lhat he n ever flnLsMd


mllh Taylor, Sat.urday evenlQg. Mrs. Poul Dul(e and daughter, P a ts y Ann, were the Sunday $ueSlS

Read all about this sensa·' 1, tiona! nation.wide offer made in magazines -to introduce tbouaanda more famiUee to, "E.ayCllllir" home heatinA with the KeDWne Bst.te Oil He.trola. DOW being



ful Estate Oil Heatrolamade by the originators of the cabinet home heater. Simple. Beautiful. Amazingly eco· nomical. ORDER YOURS BEFORE SE2TEMBER 3.'- _ _ _..:....;...,.......;....;,...


o r 111 rs. Quorry. of Sllln g Valley. I ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;= Georgc and Billy C~wford e nter· I' tnlned toe foliow!:ng boys at a pa rty g lvc n at lhel r home . Thu rsrl1J.y , Aug· us t 18. Paul, John, Charles, lind Ric hard G ithe ns. Ted and Edowln Goodyear Shoe Repair G('l\s, Sonny M()(on, , Tommy C h en o· we lh, K e nneth Christe nson, Glenn Service n nd Bob Cullver, Junior Chenoweth r et urned home, Mondny, August 22. afler a week's CUSTOM MADE SHOES vlllil wIth his cousIn, at WlllIhlngton 'ourt HouKc, 118 Mulberry Lebanon Mrs, Che noweah entllrtalned at her horne, Wedne,sday niitht, Beversl frlenda and re lal.l ves at I\. surprls~ pl\~ty fo r Mr. Chenoweth's birthday. Sundny g uests of MI'. and Mrsl Cha rl es Bo);a n ' imd Camlly were: Mr. and Mrs . Mose Bogan and 80 n: R..'I.!ph ; :'[1'8 . Ne>tlle Esterline; Mr. o n<1 :III'S. J, H. Bogan ; Mr. and Mrs. Ca rl Bane I' Illld 'lrfr. a nd Mrs. Floyd Lyn c h and son, Donnlo. VirgI nia Gelts a nd Frank Du VillI we re S und ay guestll of Mr. and .Mfa. Ea ,'! Wood and rlla ugbter; Janet



, 3

MAKE ONLY A SMALL .DBPOSIT NOW. Pay nothing mOre until Fall, when your HeatrOla is installed and the Free Oil truck rolls up with SO to 100 GALLONS· OF FREE OIL ,FOR YOU . . '"DII>eetI1...

OD the


~O" choooo

'r_ .Martin'

THIS FALL, BRGIN • YOUR CONVENIENT MONTHLY PAYMENTS . while you ait back and enjoy the clean, healthful warmth that Estate Oil Heatrola cIr. culates throughout the rooms.




AKE 'n the Sheep. Draft Horse. Cattl. Tand Swine Show. • , • the horti{ultural

Centerville, Ohio

Junior Fair and agr-icultural di.pla~ • . Conllrvation E.hibit and 1C0r.. of oth.r 'interesting, e.citing attractions. E'!ioy th. Grand Circuit Harne.. ~acel, the Night Horse Show, the colorful Mldytay and the gr••t Hippodrome Show - "Heigh.Ho 1939" - nightly in front of the Grandstand• . Bring the whole .family stay several d . Y " " 1+ alII

EARL H, HANEFELD. Dir•.ctor .

VI, 'W.

Et.LENWOOD; Manager ·

Come in. See thla wonder.

Phone or send in your new•.

Phone. 78J



''The 0 .... 8tate rllr ,

·cll.u.. ., _tid .f

."r.r.I ·· p........IM.. Let doe ..w. tudiT mle, It." ·£A.I lL B.



'tENDER T·BONES . Satiafyins


Your Favorite Bottled Beer


GULF INN-Route 42-73



I_Wi. ,

Hftnr~a,e ~Store.

Lar..r Bel tee of Bett... QaaUt7, Sent. ... ....... I .... • INa ...... .



--==j -

1;-' - -

l '1 '1{',\

Hl' lf },;I 'l·Il·I.· :-:11 11 Il. ~t ll'l'llt,~, ~ 1.1;;; KIIIl/iUf ·j III ComlIlIUY., pILl·tH, Y.U!! ; 'rhp .IIlI<lni,,·I'!:WI' I'cI,mlon \\'[\8 H . C. U(lenggl CO., pal'la. H5.5ii; huld (It tbe ~l1l'ln sbu l'o ch~ I hOUti6 F I'od Kuhn MOtOl' Co., PIll'tf! 2.07; with 11 !l'oOd IIttcndnnoe. 'II COMMON PLlMe PROCBBDINOS' t ertlt Sn lot. 0 to 21, IDOlull vo, In Pur II Q" . oil nnll gr. lin , 3l,' "' 1 B I·tlm nnd W u\lO-t' 1l't\Jrvlcw o.MU:Jon to Lobo.non, o,) T hlo crvl \l II (tun, I!n ~or all~ trhmall at Wll~'nctl\'lll lvol~ 11 Two C"'fle Aro Dllml..e40. 2), IllllltUIJIi, adcn tnllltralor of ~J\d !S<VJoHI\~, U5,Gl ; \\'ur\ )I , .~ I'lfl tll Indll\tla, 1I11(!(\Y, Th . uJ~ Qf Setty 'Loll Kin, Ita (lUn, ~U2; SUltIdn l'r1 (Il 0.. 'l'\lI'l ellea flundny hoOI htld ntl llgll ln it Horbert F. King, her hUIJ' tho estate of Lou!." M, Ertel , to n llen (1un ce of ~O . undtly. lJand, HI1IJ bea n d l lJml"~c4 on mDtlon Wtlld.o a nd NovoUn E dward", 62.28 Slime, 11,70•. ' Adllts rvllll ~[\ lOll , flnllll', $O\' • . ' ~lr , nUll ~II' , l~nry UOl\'Hie (J lIl!?'I" ucrll8 In liumllto n twp, of the 1lIo.lnt1! t. chnt'l el! "Vlssoll t o William and ; J oh n l...J1W 111\(1 Slm, SllInt' . $1.!.IiI; tuln\'d n <(I'OUII ot frllmt1~.:. Ru n,l.ty. The lIult of th Williamson Deal. ~I's OJ'pornl lo n itg III~t Ro se or· Doroth y 11111 kburn, 102 ,76 nCI' s It! :'oIl'. li nd ~I' ·". L"~ lI" nfjl'~tI"h :tI .. 1 bin nnd oth ers I\lso h tlS bCl'll (\Is· nlern tWJ). . • 'l" ' vl ~l' Mla l l,," , ~' ttll''' ,l;IIIL! h u ·r ~\l h l'it' · , \\""t ll l() lilt ' f Jp r · mlssl'd . PROllj\T E ('O{ RT ',!.. ~" tI) l·. ,~ 4 :1.: ; :"qll.;h \! \' \lnlllll , . ·.'I\ lId,j~· . 1)lvor('o Onlllt.edA pprm'c Sch lldul e-hlo 011 \'0 .• :;lllIW . $ I:J..IH : 'ilk>i It t.!\'" !In d ~lr:-t. ''''h.'l l :11"11 rl1 Tlll1 y. nuuert n. Frnuenk necht. Clarl,s· 'l'h 8che(\ul o r '1IIIm8, (\ btB, and SCI'vlce 011 <."0 .. ",1' 1'\\'. $1i.S:I : I ~a lt l;·. Ilf 11 1~ 111 11 . 1'11':1, O :ln ip r, t-I1 P Hl Fri · v ille. n , n . 2, \\'I\S g ra nted II d4vor('e Ihlhillti es or :Fl':Inl, Fox , (1I1mlnl" u·!l· h:un':< ·.I'(,x,I<''' s' · l'\· i~. , C,'I1I"'·. ~:tI 'lf', d ,,~· "',IlIII!; willt :\11', :",1 :tl,'., 1:':l'l (rom Anna B. r~ I'nll(' nknecltt on his tOI' o r th o c<ltttl e of Eliza fo·ox . :tl)' $~ . U7. BUIITh · 1I .ll1 d ,1:,\w' htPI' , hnrgo ot grog" n£'A'leet. u s t o(}y of pro\' d. 'u nn c r' s T"XlII '" S,, \"\·I,' ., St:ttl., n , )l i!'·s :\111"1..:. 11'1'1 l',';I\\ fl)rtl Is l1d · t1ll~lr two ehl lilre n, William, IU, unll 'rwo Fllo A '("lIl1lt Sl;:ltlH\ , Itl .r.f.; 1I II Ih:t ",")' .. S.' n ·k., ill": a rl'\\' dit .\'!\ \\-It ll ~ I yrtl o Bile . 8. a lsu ,:l'n ntE' d thl' 1'hl:' rlt'!!l alHI rlna l accoun l>l of :-ilalltJ ll. >" \lll' · . ~ I ~. I; .I : 1:"""1'1 1',, s, I'· :'\11' .Iud .\11".' 1·::. l'I t t. 'a\\ I " I , i pl a intiff. "lInnlo Simlls on . IttlmlnlHlrnlrlx or \"I~<' :-:t:ollo" . ", ,,,,,'. $~1l , 1 7 : (lm,t T ill' k" t 'r":IHI :--:111' 1.11 :I ('I III ~ 1111111 1' 1)lvor('o AmI Fonller lhe esta te of F I'ank O. S Impson. n nd I,nllx, 111\,11 11,1 " rt'. '~;;,t\l' : Ella lI" ff . .. \ ~Ir ,1 1111 ,\ (n., C l 1iIrlt·s 1I 1I 1\~" ,,'liN Name Qrnnt('(11I1ne Mill eI'. tHlmlnlflU·tt tl'lli of .th e s· ",alltl' . $i ,l"' ; \\· Iltlll .. c ;"IItI'Y . "" IIH' , " "II "IIf' ll f l"",l, Mrs. Helen Kath erin e Allpn wns t nt" of \YnIT n J eCf(,I'so n . II 11 ('r. $7.00: 1I 11·s. LIt )"(1 Ilbll"I '. H;tllll'. ~S., grn nt ed n dh'o r ce Crom HawnI'll En d til ,I. Oil: L VII .r. Smith . :<:,ml', ~ 1 1I . tltI; Ed , 11 .\ H \ ·I·; \ ·S lll' K(; Alle n a nd restorod to her m a lde n ~ iuno t\t1mlnlstrnt4lrI, ,, ISl·I·. s:t ml'. ~G.u u.

County Court ,News

• tr.

Charle8 Eille Will 'bOlt to the. Cl1~ wl~h lI'n.rm aur au Gro\lp, Tu ot4ay even.

MI'. and Mr., Oeorge Stroud,

DI\>,ton, t I It pnr lroul1,

!lilt nt,

tho weok Ir, noll :It,'" Ill,

nClltrlc 1\.1\11 Wlltrth. Stanfield, 1-1 IV Vienna, lll'O' guesls. t\ll~ wcel"

'e, Clydo hum O l~


rt I Q\lItO III lit Mllln street,

H lm '!I! .10eM~ \1 ' )111 vlnll II


ot Mr. nnd l- I'll. 1 . D. Colletl !loti Hon f l'o ti1 hie duttc , thlll Week, :.rl'l', '01'11 Harloll nod sane w ere fDlt\II~'. Il'U ~ t~ of MI', lind. 1111'8, H. r · 'If. unll MrK. ntl ~;t.lI . ~l:\l'Un t rnll~' will nil) I' Ini" till' [\1 II I',· old 1;:I\ I'n lln rt fl'O Ol 'l'hursday lIll'nl hf I\I r~. :'ol ul;~le 11ltt',wli, 1111 I Itl't ,ltllh ';alunlny. 'l'n lro l SII'('",!, MI' . n ttll ~II'8 . . llltll lS :111-';. <''tlrtl lI orla n u nd sons r e· J.uv oly Llhd fo mllr 11 1'(' III ylng Inl o Illrne')I, i\l ll nd Il Y. to 11\('1\' home In \1 ,(, 1'1'''111 ,'1), Ytlr:tl ·,1 1> ), lit e ::lIar· J,, >nlin n )1 Ills . IllInois. tll~ . ~ 11! .s I lwz ,Ja n",,, "]le nt l he w eek· l\11!;!l .\III\!! ~l " l"lIrn \\'h il"I, ... r IIUJ ,'ud wltlt :Ill": lIml :\11"11. ' Iy,! Bavel'. hpr 101l ", 11 ~ r.' Ill UI·'1l at n S\lt'ln ~· oj :'ol ln llt ls hurA' , H el' purents, l\h .. f " lil It ()~"ltn l , I""t ,y 'hI "il:ty. II n.1 1I11'A . Chnt·It',. .J a lll " " lin d (:,"lIly !\I ,.. (l lld 1\11'" . .1"",lall ["\'I ,,. who J.. ln.1 hL'r Ito hill'., · un.lay dh, ne r (11 '(, 1<1><' 1,,1111'; I ll<, ~I " nm (' r \\!tll thl'lJ' ,,!th th t' Haver"" .1au,;l1lc' I·, clll lo '<1 un H c·,·. " n<1 111 I'll. :'olr ~. "1 •• 111 1l1l 1'1 :1I1. l\Irs. ll nrolll J.aey . Oil j\lml(l:ty. :'oIl'. D ,,, Is Is r oo 1·:"l' nl " ,,·t allll, .\11'''. (.'OI'Il /-Jal'lnn , a n d ('t,v"rll1g nl('('ly frum hb "l'CI' nt 111· Ho ns "'PCl,ll " ' cd ncsda)' o( IUlIt W ol( Il,'"'' nfll~ I ~ Il O\\' ablt' I.. <10 hi s (ltlily li t lit \"' ein il1llali ~l O .

-'NO-T-IC- E -

n o m e oC He l n K, Deh·er . !\fade D ere ndllntTh e Ill otiun of th e plaintiff t o lla vo th A mo Pillmbl n~ Supply Com· Jlu ny mnde a pnrlY dcfe nrullll In the C<lse of \Vllllnm C. Melnly r e. VB. Ihe Flbrcwnl'e orporallo n nnd

Mary Lou ""hlte , I)f :o.; n~h IO\\·lt, lrllllnnu. III a hUll (\ "U,'~ l or "I ,·. lind l\Jl's. Rny Con ne l' lh l~ \\' c l.. Mr. fi nd l\lr ~. lll,l ~' 'ontwr u nCI llaught r . J lI,lIth Ann . Ih " lt· I","~ ' ,,"ucsl. MI\I'Y Lou " ·hit ... nn.1 :\11'. linn Mrs. J Ilmes a nn I'. o f :-I .' w HIlt'!lngton. nu£'nd tI tlt e l; ,wd tlll Hll un · Ion at prlngn" h"l.. SutHln y.

pl"el'. I' unl't'al '(O n 'Ie I'M w er e h olel (or lit" Infu nt "(I n o( lIlr. find Mrs. l 'hll l'\('M EIIA'::t I' I l(,l1fle"son, • a t· II,..J"y " ft co l"n oo n , "I Ih" Mc III .\ll lIm l I' nll'let'y , , ~II",. All" o llrtn e ~' Vllli l d. ft'lontls :01 S prlllg -' ·" II •• y. TU I'Rduy . :'oft'. lInd j\1" ~' lUt1'1 130ilcnb nfl er

:;C'ltk' \ll nt for In . •' lIl s 111 \\·,tpw:<"I1!.- :t lt tl "11 ,.,. .. 111111. Hocrlll. mln ll r. and Ing UI' NIS. h will'" tn'nil,,!)!,' fill' fOI' Justin HooI·st. C() n ~ Ul lltl IOI1 !ll \\'J1r ll l'~"illl' .. ,,'ry H oe rner, mode by. 'l'1I ~Rtla)' and 'l'hll" s,la), "rl ,' I"""'II . I~ob I·t fl oC' I'n I' Is ""!lim nt:ing U~t1 .l ~3 1"1I . \Vn y n l'lI\1 i111l IIII'u tiun : tHCit-('" or Ll' II I " T'I 11 I' " Sale or Bonll) Or<le~<l[\fIll" II \\' (/' "i:"I II ·~·. IIIfll, , I· , ._. Th e sa le (IIf u U . S . '1'rens nry bo nd L ebullflll Offil'es: S lIit £' I·:'. Hil nl us 1t 1 belon gi ng ttD the tate ot J o~eph llilig. 2·1 Xurl It UI',,"(lwllr . I' hl)ll\! ch lldre ll ft nd $26 atlOrlley feM ~vcre H. Corrington, d ccus('d, ord r('d hy IA.bll llun 292. gra nt d the plo.lnUrt, Josep hine dlvol'ce Ih e co urt. A legllcy du e Tl'eva COl" Moses . In h cr suIt Cor rlngton B I·ogan. who h as I' achell FRml'lOS 110;-'11' agains t J a m es 1\[osCS. h I' 21s t birt hd ay os !l)leclfle\l In tho will, was orderell [laid Crom th e pro · Misses Llz~1 n Ihl· Bt. ' 1I1 NEW CASES FILED '\ ceeds. wlih a f!'lend rl'om In pl nn lt ti HI enl S~ I( 8 1\Ione), On Notes\ F ees For Ser v ices Gl'lIlltedth e IV e k end with 1II1·. nntl }'1 l'R, .1. Frnnk n nd Ethel Shroll hnve e n· T he court g l'unted lh e allowa nco L . }'I c ml e nlt ll ll. t ered s uit aguln st CIRri, nne!. Peal"l ,\Vnlker a nd the First Natloml l at $] 33.40 fco r nttornoy fees to HalTY "'I ISi! n,nt' I1e I I ' e LI It a n J .'' f ,·S. I' · ·Bnnle. Me rrow. Cor $400 a nd Interest Z, Gray. n nd $133.40 to C. D. Dlla· B r ow n . ..'II R. J'• ra n "~s i \ II l 11. 'I •• r". tu sh ns ndm lnll!t rmol' In the mnlter Don J 1 "l dl "~' \\'e l'e In D'I~' t{j ll , "II c la imIng thnt only onc ot 12 pro mlH' " of tho eslatc at Louis Ert 1. D ls(rl· TlII,"s lln)' . earl' n oteB were pa Id. button of l!1'oceet1s r ellllzcd from tho :'III'S, Pie rce. !\I1 ~!l ;\fil my T. Clnclnnuti Firm Seeks Recove l')'sale of rcnl cst ote was a lso otdcred. R ecovery oC $7,C64.75 18 sou g ht b y mil Plr c(' ,too l, SUll )llll' with Ellzn. o thers. G runtell Decn.>eoMrs. PIll'rl o Reynolds was g rnnt· cd a. divorce trom ,\VlIllnm Rey nold s an d r !llor d to Iter m n lde n nume o( Pn rrle KIrby. i\lIow AlllllonyTemporury a limon y of $2 per w eek for the maintenance of minor

.1Ilt·s. V e rno AI'l1tl tllg u nll ,la ug h · It nd d n It,,ht ,', Ev Iy n J oyc(', \I' re t r. MrR. 'VOOcl row ()W,· I\ P. 0( :0;111'11111 Thursd ay !!u<e~t" of 1\lt·. Iln ll l\fr~ . n~1(I , are " ucntlonln!; o n L a ke llul" ~Iurt'!s Fulkors on a nd. daught r . o n. Michigan. for t\\'o Wl'c l(s. Messen; Hober t Thomns a nd HoI>Mrs. Adnm 1\1 lIoh IInll cltlld ren ("'l All n . a nd the !ltlsses Namla drovo Mrs. MIII'y I"w (fultt; 10 hel" \\' III'<;I'I;on and D nil Davis were at th ' '\nclnnntl Zoo , ~alu l·dny . home III lI n milton, S U"day.


•n l r . a n d 111 C I1ll1' Ies H Io. ' 1 1'8. n nes, Fl orida . n l'e "ls lUng his mother . ~It·". Jlllnnl linlncB and other r em· EIItn tQ or D4Iroth~' i\lilI~r nflgrcml (I VcS. Notie Is h e reby g-Ivl'n Ihat ['to 'flc A(ltlr....... l' :j Mr. lind 1\[rs. G. V , Ims h ave reo Miller, whose Pos t , •., turned (rom a we k's vlalt In Day· Vayncsvllle, Ohio, h aa be n du!;\o ,.p. lOn wIth 1111'S. l{ate BOYCD a nd polnt('(l (\Ij Admlnlsl m u·1.x oC th ~ Es· d a ughl 1'8. tate oC Dorothy :-llllc r Bngford late ~, C t II I ... l )\[1'. [IntI Mrs. Ra lph Housto n en· o r .. atl:' noun Y. 10. t cen~ . .. t I·tlllnccl the KJb ler tu.mlly, on S un. Dllted this t tth dllY of A'J!;u , t. duy In honor ot Mrs. HoulSton's 1938-C. Donn ld DUatu s h, At'.Y . RALPH 14. AllEY, judI; 0: t l\A ""'ph e w nud wlfo oC l~ort WOrtll, ourt, Warren

' unty,

ijl\ 0

· .Theater . WID T


'l'we nt Y·!:IL-. m moors were 111'es e nt rl'om Ft. Way n e, Col umbus, hllllo()lhe llnd olher poInts. X(lll.


l'l·ug. .i\lurle ' Vlh l hn s r eturned. 'Cr om a "Cocoanut Grove" vh;!t In Coltlmbus. Cartoon-Mrs. Ohlari 's Cow ~I' d( l u ra. o urtn y. OL• n. .. aynes· S hort-l'tloll"nl Dixlo v II I • vlsll .(I JIll'S. 'focId W n.lto n . .o n I.'ridn y. ;III'. tl nd :Mrs. Paul :Wysong li nd AUG. 2R-ONE H t\Y ONl.Y SIm4lne Simon ))4111 AIlIN.It . " uns ' f Dllylo n. wOl'e g ues ts. on S un· dlt"y oC M rs. Sarah Osborn . -In1\[!'. ' 11"1'1 1:09 Hurne r s uffC'red a "JOSETTE" !:\l rol,!! of pnrnlysls, o n Saturday.' NEWS OF 1'JlE DA V Myrtl· ennis. ot Wilming t on, n nd NlsLe r, l\ ln l'Y. a.nd two c hildre n all Akro n. with li,eh' brot h el'. W llllnm AUGUST 3 1 I~ nnl s. of X nls. ca lled o n old )' r eston Fo irr Mad~e Ewltls [1'1 nd s he r e , Mo nday. -InRuth H ect ,mel Geneva needl oC print;tlcld, wel'e w eek e nd guests "ARMY GIRL" No. % Flns h Gllnll1l1'" T ril) To Mal'l! ',f thlr . mothel', Mrs. CIIrl Copse y. lIlr. hUI'les K y n e a nd rn mlly, of '(' nlp l·vllll·. a nd 1111', and Mrs . L eon((I'd l\1angnn, of near Jamestown. vl ~ lt e(l Mr. a nd 1\1rs. F I'unk Kyne on Sundny. -SCREENThe Alex n nde r fam ily h eld the ir "Shopworn Angel" 3r. Ih Annuu l R e union a t the bom e Margaret Sullavan of P. M, \Vm. Alexu nder, on S un . Jamea Stewart day . Seve nty mem be rs were present Continuoul Show. Dally f l'om the follow ing towns. KIngsport Adult. On I) 160 'Til 2 P. M. T e lln essee; Mal'l'ow, Ohio, Xenin, Dnyt : n, Ye llow Springs, Waynes· ville, nn d P lttsb-urgh. Pennaylvanlu. 01'Jlce r s e lected for next year were PreSident. Em e ry Oglesbee , and Bee· r ctn.ry, Dorothy Alexan<ter.


"Bank Night"

J. T. Ril ey, I"rnnklln. was It:lltl(""!. nc1mln lst rntoJ' oC the £'stll t· of Clal'l( CI" n1clI . AIlI)rll ls 'I'A lI:1nt NI w.' .. £' n,,), " :11'1 AI>II<'I'\I< 'I'II. AII"\"I" ' ~ "n d l\1o 'aJ's, John ~IOlllll uncl Chll rlo '" l'<"",,' lllor. " Ns, .,.I"t, ... w itlt 1.' ,..1 111, :r.l pllJ'~. Hr:\ n<l .. 11 In till' IIn,di,'" ,If la waI

AIIJ.rO\'t' Sl'ttlt' lIl1'lIt-





(·o n\"t~lll p n ct..·


hi ~

~:~dgeon~~., ~:lln~:'rCed' s~cel:·e~;~7.. 4~1!J~tlj· 24. •

Is s tilI un·



ft'il ·n cl:-c lI n d

:::~. th ubo\'o a m ollnt Sool(8 Divorce-

, I,,· eli·

beth und llUlh Cllltn (llC' r un 'I'u . doy. DI·. DutI l y 1>: C\· r nml \Vlf.... of Cenlervllle . lind llt el>' ~u n . \\' j·nn e and fnmlly . oC N ew Ho.:hcll e . N. Y .. \,'C'I' dl I nn r g u et!tt! un SUll( "Y·

Lumber co., cement, $9.60; A . lioppe ~~~:;~~;i~~~;:~l & Co., ceme nt, $112 .80: L . G. Ande r · S I b $6 32 0 In

.i. ''''''

J osephine Moses, Franklin. seeks 0. dIvor ce from James MOSCB, German. chlorIde, $58.00; Zal n Al'rrtitllge . lown, In h er s uit r ecently tiled. Sho san d n nd g1'a\'el , $t30.80; B In iI' 111111 L e roy , g r llvel. $163 .90; Tru stees of osks le mp0rlll'Y a limo ny n nd n.Uor· P ubliC A!!alrs , Ught n nd glls nt Me. ney tees. S ho s tn.tes th ey we re marmorl ul E I~ lI, $4.28; sam e. wnte r lit rlcd ut F~rmer~ lIIe , Fobruary 9, 1929 u nd. h ave two c hildre n. Do lo res, M em orial H a ll. $2,50: Drs. Edward 6, nnd Martha, 4. a nd Robert Bln lr. exa mln ntlon , $1.00. 'Westel'n Inr, . lOtn tlo nlll'Y n nd e n · velopes. $12.26: Colum hu s Dl u nk nEAL ESTATE TltANSFERS Book co.. fo rms {or proba t o court, Esther Abne r to Fa rris L , ' Rob· $22.60j W Slern St n l' , (orms to r Inson , lot s 19 2 a nd 205 In Fl'tlllklln . c lork. of co urt , $18.00 : OWe Out. Lydln B, Va ndc r vort to Com C. fitt ers. s te'n o"l'Il ph e r c h u lr for cl(1 l'k ., Rloh. I'enl osta t e In \Vayn !!sv llle. of court, $14 .00; Fred Pro t OI·. jou rn · George Ewe ns t o Fl\ nn y Thomp· a l t o r c lerk of co urt , $37.00: 'VUlTell so n , 78.8 squure polos ot I'e I es· Co unty N e ws. forms for dep end ' n t tll t e In DeerrJe ld twp. . c hildre n . UO. 40 . 'Iltr c n('e fi nd Myrtl e Uopklns to Chlll'les 'WlsseU, 102.75 acres In Sa· lem t",p . J o hn C. a nd Rannnh Loy to Min· e l'Vll Clurk, Lot s 63 nnd U, .Inelu· slve, In Hlghlllwn s ubdivIs Ion, Mor· r ow. J ame.s M. Carr to Joseph find Hul · da Hanks, 1\7.40 ac r es In Franklin twp. Morrow Board at Educa tion to the Ronchelll.!l r Community Club, lot In R oach ester. Wllllam L. Suemenlng, d eceased, to MIriam S uem enlng, on e·ha lt In-

'V. H . Mudd en Il nt]. co .. lum be r nnd. cement. $18.12: Arnll' I Milt rlnl8 co., C. T . a nd M. '1'., $436.42: K nutm a n's, th ree pull'S rubbc,·s, ,6 ,75; O. 13. J'lIun1Il0n, n.Ho rney.ln.fllet, re nt of gafllge. $12.00; Cin cInna ti 0 11 ,"VorkEI, grense,. $67.58 ; Artz TIre





Wilmington, Ohio

~ 8~~~~8 SlJNDAY

. .'




Wayne Park .TUESDAY, AUGUST 30 - AT 8:00 P. M.

FOR SALE : Fresh Cow. Inquire of J. H . Sn.ckett, R. R. S. 8·26·lte WANTED , to borrow- $400 at 7% secu red by firs t mor tgage o n a new hl)m e . Box 226, Waynesv ille, Ohio.



Come o~t ~nd e-;'j~y an eveninil'. entert.inment by thi. tal_ted croup \

~==~eo~oc ' ==~eO~Q



p h 'lti e


\\"a Y tll'

I I:tl l. wh" \l'a", " '"Il ,·t ·

Persian Oil Wave. Regular wave given with genuine PW Oil. Thia offer expirea September 1.

,. ' 'I"i,''',, 1 ", " ,11 1[.. " . Is 1I\udl ""111·",·,·<1 li nd :01,1.' I/o .. ,' I ",,· \\ /J I'IL

Fon RENT:.A business · 1'0.JI (1 •• ll Main Str eet. In(Julre at lhi'J lIf· fl,e or phone 112. • 8·H2 t FOR SALE: Used corn blndor, cheap. U sed Mp.C ormlek Mower. See the CaBe Com Picke r ·/1.nd eorr! b~n<ter at MCCurley ImpIe· ~ent ,<;:o mpa ny, ,Lebanon, Ohio. . Phone ·199. a·u·Ste FOR SALE: Crest . la~ per gallon.' TeXllB Grade OQ, 8 'cents a. Quart. R ed Top, 2 Quarts. 26 c.entlJ. ePnold, 21i cents '" Quart

Beiiiol diiB."

11 cents Bros.,

~I' "

l."III ~,'

1,' lltl n lll i oI tl ll glt l £'1', \\",.·11',,11 III L l" " .

.I:tll<', " p"nl Uti' I!lIri-!.

1"~ln, 'r" l ~ . 'I"\ hoI'S ''''I"l' h"l tl , !:lal liI" r"I" H.·I·',,' t 'IIl"t·. lit hI:; In l<' I'CR' 1t.! ~' J\t· p. I nt" I'11i ' Ul III .\I L,uI I

14\J' Y·

(Iwl r Htun'. 1·: ~ I.It "


Lul,I' IIS " I'l'n l :'olomlny nlg h l Ivillt I'h y lll" :'lit 1.1;) \" ' 1'.

OM PRICES! The More You Buy, The More You' Save! Check these priccs'lint thOD come to KrolJcr'l with the bigll"clt b uket you , c a n find I STO<;K UPI SAVE MONEY!

Gold Medal or Pillsbury's



Country Club

Tomato Soup or PUREE

4. 1ge c ana



Country Club faney J!1l!t1ett-Cr~WD Point


Thnt Will [n clude Hosplttl) Aml Doc tor's lll lls For Yo urself And Fnm ll y

Vic Donahey President

Carl Cri sp in Secr etary

R. H. ·SMITH' Local R eprcsentnth'O

Label. New Pack




PEA'RS 2 29. JUICE· 2 3Se COFFEE '2 Ib~ 39c 001


Hot Dated

Stubbs Fueral 'Home

II. gallon. PHONE 21 _ _ __ Lebanon, a·l1-8&clJ. South ____ -'!_ _



Produce POTATOES, Cobblera , , U. S. No. l.. .......... peck B:ANANAS: Golden Rip.~ ............... ~ .......... ..4 lb.


'WATERMELONS, Red Ripe ........... .... .....


LEMONS, Su~kiat 360 ,Size ...................... 4 for




Sunkist 252 Size .................... 5 forlOe Thompson Seedleae ........ ........ .. 2 Ib~

Candy Yams, Louisiana

~Inee death 18 a natuml UlIII nn· Ilvol(lllblo oec' u~nl)e, It Is wlso to , make Proper steps before II comes. ' a funoral ttlrec. tor - JUBt lUI ' you make a will 01' provide lrulUrance proteetlollis .. precautlonnl')' mea"ilure thnt wUl pl'ove llt eontulilim Rnd d1H. appointment.


A pollnd of "OUI' favorite hot dated coff•• Free If ... f.1I to .ulJged coffee while fillia, y01l1' arocery order--If 11/:. foreet, the Treat'. on 1111 ChlldreD Dot Ilictuded I


Much Followed Advice




emu SAUCE 12e


PeJ)n Rad-Keytainer Free with each can


Tomato Juice






Dessert. 6 FIn vors


. Z

• COUll try

Club or Wh«:at Puffs WHEAT

Co untL·y

your Choice



No 2


Bcrore Thllt VllcatiOn Trill



H .o·· I 'l l e bot. 2


Make Y.our Appointment NOWI

'\11' II !IlI '\II'~. Il m '!'Y McVItY 11 111\' , ·.. lUlU llo u JlI''' I'CI'ly vj1 )1osit





No.2 can




GUARANTINED regu $7.50 machineless Permanent Wave for .

I 'drli. .


20th And 21st Floo r A . I. U . Dulldlng Telephone--Ad·3191


~dH" 11

Fan",. CODlitry Clult H&IId pack. ed••• hoJ. 'p.el.d Lowe I t price



\\'I 'lh\ Pt'( l ;I~' ,

lh 'hl.




OI'dc\ r

II" ,!

John so n t!l nd J oh\lson, lumber, $2.· 63; 'W eller Welding . co .• oxygen. $3.· 85; :Wayn esville ]~nrmers ~xchang • paper a n d cem e nt, $54.83; MOI'I'ow




tal\{'0 o f a ~"OO JUI'1 R due . ra mIe a (llm llu r Ilmount minor, by nob rt COUl.t, Hepol.t of ap proved.

L ehan"n. Il lHh ·tllt(·t·"

the U nion Centru l Li fe Ins ura n ce ('ompa n y :from Inrn Il nd J ack Hhinil lo a n d other~. Th o 1)lu lD t lrt la lmB that amo un t Is lit o balance Clue o n n note .... Iven Nov . 3. 1928 by ., Josep h F. Slnk le . and l hn t on th e ln tter's d e:.\th u' n ow agreemcnt W1UI signed by the tlerentlanls b ut

J. B.

J: .




.d In

Solvay S:a~s CO I'p. 2 t ons calc Ium

:\ fax D ~n H(l.l'tsock lett on· Fri· !lily fO I' t. LouLs, where h e. h as nco c(' pl etl n )Iosltlo n . WAYNESVILLE MI'. and JIIrs. Loren Krug a nd A UGUST 2f,·27 ~o n , of Dnyton . p ussed the last week Harriot limaI'd with hi s pa r e nt s. JI[r. a nd MrS, Huy F . )Iacl\furrny

Friday -

Now Open For


"It·s. :'ol :on: a r e l ·lI esal<lInc. o r L e I>all"n . r>"s~ed Itw. Y. Tu esday "ven · in!! at a D n)' ton hOR(llla l. Mrs. ( 'hesa l\lIne was w(' ll·k now n In " ' ar· I'e n OUIII)', ha"lng be" 11 II nUl'se for ntlln), Y":] I'!!. Slw Is th l' g l'umltnolh er or :III'S. ;\IIII'IIIn \</hl tu l(er or this




mil . !\'II·S. J oh(, I'( 1!,lIw r ;,ml llnul>ht oJ', .I e llll. \\"(, I'e Dllyl o n ~h')llPI'I'~. on Munday. i\h·. ftnd ~Il'~ . •' tn lll (1;' HUI·tu n. or ])llyton O.t·!! "Islllnt; :\It·. " lid .lIfl·s . Uharlcs Ames IUlIl f"\IIlIy Ihl" \\, 'eIL

Notice Of Appointment

Evelyn's Beauty-

Swee~II .. . ;..... ....... 5

I",• .

Peaches; Elbertas, Freeatone ......... :.. ..... ... 3 lb.


2lc 23c

Meats Fillet



Bonele...... ~ ............. .,2 lb. . 35~

Red Baae, Headl~.., D~e..ed .... . : ................. Ib


Sli~ed Bacon, . Rindle.................. ..I ..... .. . ....... .1b


Fresh C.llie., Small Size ............. ...~ ... ............. lb 15~c Pur;-Urda...-Steam· Rendered.: ........ ~.. ~. ::.:1L · 11c Cream Chee.e, Mild., .... ,.......... ~ ............ ;.. ,.... lb Bacon' 'Squares .......::, .......................... ,........ 2 III. Dty Salt Side •• ~ ••••••••••••• ,...............................11a

18c 3Sc


Last Rites For Dr. J. J. Stout

Fl....t And Second D"rl.. ~ Conferrld Upon Members


A t tl call In c ting o [ lh G ru nge , Salurday CV Il lng, fir s t 'a nd seco nd deg r(!('I1 \\"(>1' co n fl"T .. d 'om nllt , UI )O n till' fo ll owi ng ·:intlh.l n ts : Jlnt(fll u u ut y HI"' ll t 3f) ('l' llt!! F lIntrn l fle l'v l(!c!! w ei' h eW . Ra t · JIll" li nd M ,·s . I1 l1 sl'" ll 11 011 1<1:1 y, Jl Io·. h \ ' I" :-;ec· u ....·J fp 1" (;0\', 1):\u nlay ILt 3 p. m . at the "cs ldc n co o n II nel M,. ... L;> \'Il n~ Ku ,.C1ss, ~Ir . and \' y in l h p " , "nt~· A ugUSl .\ ~it Wfl R lJ rown alrl'e t ( nt' Dr . .T. J . S lo ut , Gl MI' ... tt"b(,I' t"OIl , M,'. and. -:II I'S. L o w . l'I'V I'n1 ",1 III a 1',' purL ur I'xp" nllltlll'rR j)"II' l klng ph ys lc lil n In Dnyto n (0 " e ll 'l'I)o m lls, Mrs. La w\'l' n ce FUrn tlH, Ill u d e· t il tlu \ ( ' I(' f ' tj fln hoa rd. lh e pas l 33 yeaI'M. !lnr! Mrs. J lor ll ee Shn n ct·. '1'1 111 :\ll ln nnll. I h p \\ ~um"n 'x ('0 111 . ~I t' d ied of 'l h cnl' t n llnc k , ea l'ly 1l 11tll'P f\:u' ll Hp l1t $:!r.O. Th •. ~H W . '1'1I u,.sll ay, lit th e Mi a mi Va ll t'y h OH' Y(lI' c'ulIlIUitt l'tl 1" ' llt ll'lt't! ., -I :.!. fj 7 !':t Jll ' l1t. p lta l, wh e r h e h ll d h n a p llli e nl SaWrf'r , 'p(' .. i v f'tl r,fJ 7 \'nt f':-; n ' I\'C'Y fil l' two daYR. I ,7 I I in ti l(' eMI" I Y. H e !-f,·ad ullted. fl'o m OhIo Medl('a l 1'. L . ~ l ul'I,il y. \\' I! Lo " PP"""d EIII"'r <:'oll ('g In 191)2 IIml stn r ted. III'act lc· lJ . 111'0 \\' 11 f ,. 11 11' nl' IIl Ot· l·at lr. 110111 . Jng in lJlly t on In 1 U05, b<'lnt; a c li vo i n.'lU OIl for cn nllni sz.:lo HP I', IiHtl' d t \ X ' In 11I,,",t lce lII,tfl five mo n t h (lSO, lJa ltl l\ and th M'm bot·s o f P"Il ~NI ,,( $13.'j7 \\ Ith n .. I" 'I·c lllt~ . w lll' lI h e s uCCI'red his flr ~t a ttack . Hll h lN' fa mili es held JII a ll Fl fl', IIn',p(l"3,·.1 fil l' II w n f' p ll b, HI.' WII" Il m em ber o f th e 'M llf!O IlS, n nnullI rcu nl o n Ilt th e cou nlry h ome Ika n numfn n ti4! n (I r th (' l'); ln H.~ uf. t lle .11'. O . U . A. M, )\'Iotl r n " 'ood· of Jll r. " nr! i\1 r" . A be Dilld n . fl c<', r co pol'l ptl eX )ll' n(lllur'('S or $.10. l11(> n , til O hI o S t a te a nd ;\fo nl,;o m · T uble R we I' lal tl In ,; lJ('a ulifu l A 1ut:tl o r 5, 1;(1 4 \,ott·:; we re paRt ~ ,.y 'uullt y l\1 ('(ll ca l Soc ietIes, and I he w(lo<l.~ on ti ll s fll "1lI anti n bas k et ell n · In th l' ('"un t .\·, til(' <'0".., I ' ,f 1'01,11" M" • Vclltmlnlgt e ,' P \,esbyt I'illn chu rch . n c r oC fr le tl chi I(c n , tI 11 lou s ea k e~ , S ur'vl vln g nt'e his widow , J Ol;e· n lld n il th e o llwr good Ih lnga Imo\\' n I h C' I'h' cli"n hl' ltlg noI ,/II ll H ('e nt~ 11(' " . Slo Ul, two Hon s, D r . AI · lo gnutl 'uol,s, wa " " p l' cIIII "nd, (' n · v o le. JJllln o f retl E. S t uu t of l hli! pin co ancl joycd by scv'nl y·fl ve or mol''' IIII'm. ~~--~~.-.~~~ (; 1" ll'e R. Hto ut 'uf Phllml('l p hl n. II ledl · hr' I'H \ll'f·SP llt. c al Sc h ool ; on o dn ughl c,', MI's. In t he "ftl" 'noo n , Cuwhoy .J nl'k J u tnetl S n yd 1', of Co lUm b uH, nnll (I l. u ll r ec l. of X nln', e llt \'til ltH'd \\'lIh lJ"Olh cl', E ugcn c S lo ut , of rego n , m URlc. 8.-1 lI UII H on th e v ioli n a ncl guHn r wc ,' II lso g lv ~ n by t h II n l'l'ls I.;a ~ t Frld:t ~· :If" . nnd Mrs . .1. II. fl1 mll y li nd E II,wa rd 1~I "n ll '·811 n . T h e fo ll owing o( f lel"'s wer e r ,('I<,c.·smhl ' II ;01 I II>' gU('H I >l 'I •• " . 111\1 I ,' . I ,.,.. t ed to hl1 \'e (' ItIl "!!'O' of n ex t ye:I1'ij AI,·x \\'II~lJ n (lifo !, 1111'11;,· 'H\'r" II ). of I'eu nlon . JII,'s. FrA nk Dllk ln , ]lft' HI · ~1I 11 fi" ';o n r ls,'u , l II l1 f')(' nlll, I1 l1d ;\11'. d e nt ; M rs. Irw in JIIu lro "d, s ',. lll " ~' ; :t ncJ .'l l's. nthu ('" ",," 11 Il llli c ll lllLn" 1 o ( DllytulI 0h l' ,. :-'II':i. \\' llsu n a Ill! Il nd lIll'H . AIJc Dakin , l l'(,' l.~ u'· l' r , Th e d cscco ntJunt ,. o C P hillip n n cl E m ;III'S. ~llIlth , \\'h l! ;II'(' "O'la,I\,C:i, hlld ma H o wk e' h ol<1 t hel l' Re ve n tcen l h 'WI see n '~c ll ot h ' I' fOI' ),oo rs. a nnunl r e llnlo n, Auntlny , nt Bryn n · ~ I r . li nd :If ..... " ' 11I11I 1ll ~ ' "llh ami l'lta t PU1'k , n ll r Y 1I0w S prIn gs. A ll' two c hlld l'l' n , HIIII () n nd W llmn, p roxlnHl t Iy s Ixt y ' m em berS W ,'e '\II'~. I';\, c ('c tt HIIIWII ... I, "r lIaml !I 'IO, I)retl nt comin g f r om D nyto n, ' VIIY' \\. I'f' (llnm' I' ~U f'~t~ or il l ". II n,1 ;\11'14 . DetlVlllo, S prln g fl e lcl, ' Vllrnlng ton , Hay ;l lui no ll H, HUnll "r. Afl (' I' n 1\ 1'Iensn l) t P lLlln , L b anon , n n el t . a lll' r s W{'\'t' ~ I r, a nd i\lrs. h a lJlh All . \Voyn p v lllc Fnrm e r 's O" will P c te rsburl{, Flu rlda.. m ee t Co r th e reg ul nr mee tin g , !:lut· fll ,·d . of ,,',' st Mlltn n . 1\11'. :l nll 1\Ir,.. J{ohe rt Afte r n bounleou s bns ke l dinne r , U\·tln ~' evening, SCllt e m b r 3, ~gllud, n nd D ·1I)(' I·t sgnnd , Il s h ort progra in was e njoy ed . J , C. This being' n nn ua l In s p ectio n n ig ht of D ny to n. VIll


Local Happenin gs





Mr. nt\d r.lI·s, L . A , dai'st a rrn n ll'ed




Nation ll l Bn nk .

New Traflic Officer '.Assumes Duties' Today

D uring II. ahOrt !Juslnes s 1!1!81310n , MI'. J ohn H a wke WUR m a de pe rma · n e nt prcsld e nt of thc U a wke R un , lon, to "cl've In t1111t ca p ac ity f or t h e relllu ind er o f his liCe. Ml sB Glen· nn H nwk e WOR I·e·elecl ed a s aeereStllrling T h ur da}" , Vnyn('s v lll e t a ry, Aft e r much r e minisc ing, the m eet, s t r eet s a r e beIn g \lllt l'?II~l b y n fu ll· tlm o trn rflc oC flcl'eElJr< .-_ __ Ing a dJourncd to m ee t aguln n ml t D nv ld Fink , or I)uyto n, h ilS be n yenr, e mployed b y W ay n es vill e a nd H a l" vel'sb ul'l; orflc lnJa us m o l ol'cycl 1'0 IIcem n.n COl' th e two mun k llll dl llcs . MI'. FInk h ns h nd wi de (' )( pcl'l en"p ,


1II1",s Emma Lou L ewis wlla a c hnrmln(f h ostess , W eclnesda y eve n · ln g. wh e n sh e brou g ht log ther three c lORe frI end s In honor of Mrs. Emmn P eirce, who Is leaving Way· n esvllle. . At s ix o'clock a delic ious dinn er \Vus served . The b Cll utifully decorfl tcd tnble hn.d a bowl of nllsturtlams ta s t efully arrllOg ed n s It centerpiece, A Plea8llnt e vening was spent and It wos with r egret that the gu ests took their departure. Those to enjoy the eve ning were: Mrs. Ma.ry Cross, :lfrs. Ecllth Harris, and Mrs , Emma P e irce,


Mrs. Lena Cla rk nnd daughte r . EUznbeth, called on ' Mrs. C. H, Deatherage, Illst wl'.ek, MI98 RAchel P e ttit hilS been Quite . 111, . but .Ie ImprovIng somewhat ~t this time. Mt8. Bessie Van Winkle illld the 10110wlng callerS at various times this week: Mrs, Lawrence Brown, Mrs. Sarah Waiton nnd dllulrter; LucUle, of sprlna Valley; Mrs, GUY McCoy, of Xenia: Mr. nnd Mrs, Tod Walton, of Spring v.aliey: Mr. -'and Mrs; Forrest GmndllO~. of Dayton. and JoJrs. Eva Simmons, C!f Clneln-

~ It,. nnd


In ,

l\rI'S. HlIymo nd Brnddor k, oAB IAted by ~ l rB. Hat'olll \V hltak ' r, on te'·la ln. d t h ' mem \) I'S o r th c' W n y n ellv ill t' J uve n ile Grilnge, or wh Ic h "he III m a o tron, a l h e r CO Ullt,,)' h om e , Ins t W('d n1"8day 11 ft r n oo n . Th e li me \\'nH "pent In Pl'Ilctlcl ng fo r Inspec ti on 11 \1(1 In m a king scra p books w h l h will ba g lv(' n to n Ch lld r n's h 081111a l. Th llsc to e n joy th e II rt(' rn oon li n d 11" ln ty "e rIlE'Hhn1l' n lM W(! re Fra n c l~ IIml I1 lc htll'd 'V llila k .... C' hllrlottQ (1)'Q, J ea n li nd J a ne H ll r tsor k , Ce nc. vle ve I flItH ('}" ))o nll id B ul'l~", Jllilt on J o nes, P h yl lis Ba lky, DUl'olh y J ane II lid JlII"' u llI " ' lI son, Glmly s n yc, ,u ttery , Hoy " nd Sue The Mot h e "'1l 'I u b of \\'ny no ~I a l'y nile Fu r nas , E lIe(on u nd Du na ld B rown , 1'o\\, Ill'ltlp Bc hoolR wil l hol el It s f irst J nn ", L ee nlC'oling or th e school y eaI' , o n F I'I. Y;; nnll a nd Dod o~ "'11"'R I' , ., (Iny, Hf'ptl'm be,' 9, a l ~ u 'c loc lc A ll a nd " ' lIh e lmlna Brnd do ' k , n ayoly n 11 1'(' In\'l t ed to Illteml . (' 1" \ bbl'.



foll owl lng


w ill

mlee , 111. 16 1I11llle



t1a ll ,;ht r . .1<'lI n, \\'('re Sunday di n ne r al ,·hl' .Rutt," ·\\'Iw th h om e. amI !II',.~. \ V . 11. !'I l leh l' ll l! l' a nd (' h ll ell'c n . .John . I" r:lnl<. II n ll NUllcy,

g" U (,S I.



The W om e n's o'illlcl' of St. Mllry 's Eplscopnl c hurch will m eet " wit h Mrs, Clltia r(\' H , Bmce , Thurf\d a y, September 8, Ilt '2 p, ·m . .A11 rh ombers nre urged to be .prese nt,



~ Mrs. Joel MlllsburY" wll,l present hoI' pupils. In n recilllJ of pillno, natl. voice. and dl'lUllllUe OTt, In the . Foster and M~reta. Heacock MethOdist ohurQh, Thursday even-, have _umm their dutieS -a8 super- In•• september 8, at 7:46, Intendent UId matron or the Home. ~e pubUc is In'vlted. ·


.. e



SII IU l'llu}" JlI'·H. Edg'II' Iw r motl"' I', ) ( 1'8. I1ll\Jlh :lilli eI' . ntt',·taln C'd" g r uu lI or fr len tls II I II o lle (Jct,)("k lun"h e" n fu r th e' p lc,,\, u "l' or Mr ... " -. II. 1I11ch. e lle ,', of I Ill ~IrU I'bt h , w ho wa ll vl" ltl llg ~l11lth , ns~lti t (' d by

'l'h u!'4.(, to enjuy l h l N 1)('crlxio Jl W f'r e

Mrs . ~ 11 <'Ilen\'r, l h l' I;II t>Hl Ilf ho n ,)(·; Mr>!. Ihl s",,11 Sloc k NI III , o f Pay t on ; Mr·s. R U""" II Sa ll"bu r y ; M ,'s. "Va l" r(' n nrad d()ck: Mrs M . A . ")\' nl' lI ; ,\ l'·H. \\' . E . ('0 1'11 ('11 : tlnel thl' hOHt .


"VaY II O Tnwn!< hl l) Rehouls wil l I.e· I: ln lh " .. 1"'0 1 ye,; r , T II!'~dIl Y mor n· In.:. R" pt mb" r G. Fln.t dllY lI e llvl· tlf'S will ell n" IHt of rl'l; lstrntlnn, as · s lg nnll' nt of t f')(lUoII I( s n nd loc ke rs, Wllh Il SIIl1J'tc rwll s c lwd ule or cla ss OJ, Sc: 1)1)0 I wi ll iJe In ~ 'HAI' n o nl y a h a lf 'l~y un 'J'lI esda~' wllh fu ll session s rrom " " ',1IIH'8llll), nn . Pupils Il od 1" 1I'I' IIlS Hhnuld nolO a

ch a n g(\


thn f'.

F"lr Hl


rla RRf':i wil l Iwg ln at 8:l r. InRtea d ot 8 n . nl..


laHl 'yf~U r . 'Plds 1M Ill ud e

110" "llJiI' tlirnul:' h a (· h.II;':" In Rch e d · ul e wllh n il hll:'h :I('lw (>1 I.'(' rlncls 4G m lnult '" In I ngt h . FI I'Ht p ('r lorl l'UIIlI" will Ill' "~ H mI Af; ('1 1 Il t 3 n'(' lock , \\' Ith IlI tp h"R " nd t ow n pu p li B bc. Ing rt l ~m I H~ I 'rl nt 3:-1 fi. Pon r ly town IHl lllI s Hh o ulll plan not tn a r riv e tit Ih o bllll lllng':< hl' f"I'o :10 u. nt .

A t a IIpe la l 11,,:11'11 nlt' e tl n g, Fri· lIn)' {] \' nlng, t h ' l ne h lng' va ca n cies _________ In t h" hig h A!' hool buildi n g w'r e fll h'd anrl tltP fn cu lty IH n \V om. 1\1,', a n d Mrs. Robe rt B uk e r II n ll JIlt·,.. jf o ll'f' 1I · 1 ·I 'It·~ " " , , \'110 lIas h I' rl 1,le l<,. do ug h le ,., J ea n a nd 1"p,.,.y H II ,'tso ' k, m a tt'on of t h P r lf-nol '6 lI olll!' fnt· t he MI"" Mnl'il' Owe n R, of D la w a "e. \\'('\' o In Vu ndn lla, I;'l'i tlny , a l th e PII St rlfI ," " Y a I''', h il S I'NII'l'll . ~It· . OhIo , hil S hel't1 Re"u • "cd to f Ill tIle nra nd Am l'lea n 'l'I~li1H h oot. 1'0; 1' 1', • llnA' :tS 8U lh' I'intc nt\('n t , Con....... 1''' l:t I d"p n l·tm!' nt vaca n cy . Mr, a n d JIl ,·s . •'1 01'1'1" l,'ul kcr s o' n "n\' l'lI \ ', hl' t· un til his tI .'. Ilt ll lhreo' ~ 1I f<s Ow(' n,. Is I< n (' .•.. p rl on"~ ed tench . Hnd d.[I ug hl ", nllc nd e,1 th l" Jo'ulk e ," Y"" ">! " ~ " . P I' li n d om ,'<I h ighl y I' commen d ed . son l1l'u nl on nl the CI ' nn ,MlIIl'r Mrs . P olt· I' c('I,' hl'lIlt:t1 h ell )\fI SH Ma r y B NICh, o f C IIll'i nnall, P;lI'k a t H lc h m o nd , In dIana ,' !:;u n · clg hLl c lh bl I' II ,ay d IIlS l A p" II . J)u r · Oh io, w ill hll\, o c h a l'S' "r gh'ls, IJhYfll.

BlI l'nvtl. lo th ln g omm lt tee- JIll's. An n" lI oak, Mrs . , tcl'n Sm lpso n , lIf,·s. A . " I,·i1o h. I1 pCI'pllo rl c.~mmlttee- 1\[1'''. L il ly Pogbc I·t: 1\1rs. Act.-Ia Braddock , FlowCt· BON-- Mr s . C eorge , ml th . D VOL IOflu l1>'Irs. Sa ra h B ra d . flo ck , Pla no-- ?lIt'IS. ;\1J ld l'cd Ca mpbell .

tlay. Ing h e r - lo ng 1>""'011 oC Sl' I'\' I('e In th lH JIll'. a nd JIl l's. Rob r t Bal(C1' II ntl co nlm u nll"" , ulle I' n~~ 1'1Ill'1l I 1'p'(1 IW ,' · ' J l'a n n nd Pe rry Hll l'lsuck a tt 'nll e<J Rel( n ot Only t o he r rn m l)y, aM !jh e tl f' lm ll y.d lnn e r at th e h ome of 1\1 ,.,.. ' rfl lled th e m c ml " S o f I h I-lom e, b ut E m ma ){cn dll.ll In A n dcrson , Ind l· to the c ntll'e co mmu n ity, S he p ON . a na, ~ un(lay . Hossell o n e oC th ose c h nrmln Jl" p e r Ron · B t ly a nti Evely n H a r p 1', of C ui · Illlties w h Ich e n llbll'S he" t o m c 't

(':0 1 "d u('llllo lI nml, ll'II"1I l;; ng lls h and Soria I Hc l e n c('~ In lIw Ju n flll' high d 11II rlm e nt. Rh co IR n g ratlun t e o f MI:l ml U nh'fl "Mlty a n d a n f'xjJllrle nei'cI young woman In g ld 's nell. v llll"s. F Ollow ing Is Ihe lIa t r teac h It I IIe II' s lIbJ Cl fI e lds: e r" WIt v e l', Indla nu , vIs ite d th (' lr n llnt , 1I1 rs. peolli c n nd plnee th em fit fr l ndl y GrIlliI' • ('hool Rulldlll !:, 1110 "1'1 .. F ul kel'sO Il , t h e f lt'st pa ,·t of ertsc, S h e t(oA "I l,dl t ~· wh Ich m u )' MI Hs bva Rl'cd('l' , I'll'nd IJI'lnc lpu l h,,. t week. we ll bc th e e n vy of 0 11. n nd f lr~i: g'l'I1d .

P m n k L .Ta~·lo,', of "1 10 1 1'' 11\11'8. Ilf I I I • n .,C Ol'n

Sli n b ee n v l Qultln !;~ 11e l' m otl101', M rs. El( ltl1 H a l" rl s, joln od h e,' hU 9bll nd In Ne w York, lus t week , n nd lh ey Balled on t h e 24th aboard the "Q ue"n lIl n ,'y" t or tl m onth's trip ubr oad. Mrs. Ed ith H a rtis ha d a8 her 0


r •.


fl, W 10


dlnncl' g u ests a t thc Littl e Inn , on S un day , till" R ev. S m y th e L lnd Buy d It .h R LI d k n n w 1', t e v. oy , H ue w ell li nd 11188 H e le n Cn l'1'uthc ,'s, a ll o f Cln clnn,l1tl. • Mr. n nd Jll1·S. ' VIII P ine a nd d a ug h.

J ohn Sca m will Ilr ca c h Ilt the F'l"n 'y C hul'c l'" of Chris t n e xt L ord 's DII ), m or nln~: a nd III th e ·Wllyne/J, ville C hurch of c hi'i s l In t h e e ve n . In g.

EVA M. EARNHART SERVICES TOMORROW E va lIf. Ea rnhllrt, wlcl o w of La R EI <lied oy "nrn In ,·l. a t th o home ot i tI It M S E leI' a ug I e r', - rs. . S, ' Ills , n cor \Vayn esv ille, Tuesd ny nig ht, Au g .

USl 30th , at. th e age of 76 Yellrs, In a tldili on to M rs. Ellis she leoves a n oth e l' dn u g hter, Mrs . CIIlI'. en ce Rye, o:nd t e n grnndchlldre n . Serv ices will be h e ld ol the Ellis

" ~ " Id e n ce, FI.'lday , Ilt 2 p , m . Burlnl In JloJI(l ml Cem et ery.

NOTICE OIVEN FOR TAX P i\YERS F or th'e next t en (jays lhe octlces o r tl10 C o un t y T rens Ut'c r J . Dn.. • ....."mond C t'a "' a nd Aucllt'o r Alfl'ecl Osborn ,viII I'cmn ln open from 8 a, m . to .. p , m , du lly , cxcept on the orternooli ot Sa t· urday , Sep t e m ber 3. th e two county o ffi ola ls h IInnounc ed. The offices \fIll not be.. clos ed ot 't h e lun h h'o llr, Gil c u s tomary, hi s Pla n will b e followed tor the ben efit or tl\X!1Ilyers, who have unLU ellte mber 10 to make : payments with out p enalty.


Al h e ,' IIls l dl nn ,. fit l h lI urne . 'I '" I I I ... on lull' eV(O n ng, n u l'ge cn ( I' g l'nced t h e , . bl hI I h tl I I I .. I \V 0 I oreo ' lC n sc r pt on , " F lrt n Yl':tTS ot wvlng S l'\' lce." The la dles of th e H ome I,rcsc nlcd h er with il I" lut ir ul bo u lluet <If ml xecl Clower s. Mrs. Pei rce I~ plll n nin~ to 81) nel '

Mr s . ,1 nclt I" ' r ,,cy- !<e('ollll gmtle, :\1,.9. E I n no ,' Jn c k so n- h,t tlnd ~lId grad ' (ov erflow). 1I11Hs 1.I,,:lI p W ll lt nnt h lr'd gmlle , MIR9 Lll urll Mc lf( nHry- 4th 1;1':111.... 1\IIss Doro lh y Oayrt flh g ";.d. ~IIR" V !rgl nl a I-farlUn- ~ I Xlb ~I'nl l . 1\I R ~ II H III I ' I d" h r. ti l!. I' 0 (y- .. I, n n .;t t h is winte ,' with he r so n , Rllymo nd, g','ode~ (over t low). li nd fa mil y, ot 'l'olc tlo. HI/:'h S rJlOol Bulldl,,/:, A tt 1 h ' erWHr ( S 8" '1\'111 m a k e h ",' 1\11'. C h' " '1 H .ra m PS , .TIL 1I 1"h h l .to r' y M hu m e wl l h h e ,' s Is ter und h usba n r1, Mr. li nd Mr's . Tho mnS- Cn1vl"rr,-n 'fi(](' TUI' n r ,'boys' phYIi. a the o n c"s tru l h Ullle neu ,' S ima .

te l', 1\[lI rl c , and 1IIIss Cu rrie M ill s, .Jo' otl te r lind Mu rgllrQtll II aco k a l' oC W ay n es ville Roule 2 s p ent the ncllng fie s u p erint e n den t u nu. m tilr OIl week e nd seclng Ilolnts or Interest In oC the Hom e, so uthrn <;lhlo, K e ntuc ky, fi nd W eHt VI I I 1'1; n a . III rs. S UII ID e u u g I118 a n d M ISII 1\1 In . nl e Cook w e r e wee k 'l'nd ,"ues t8 of ..

!\II'. a nd Mrs . Ch u"les E. Ande rtron , 1\1t·s. J . B. C ha pman a nd Mrs. ST. ~Ii\R\,'S EPISCOl'AJ~ CHUnCIi l1a lph Mille r n nd dau ..OThte ,', Snr nh,

M r . a nd 1\.h ·s . H urvey ],1lies , of D l).yton , a ncl MI'. a nd MI'!!. \\'. O. Miles, of CO lum b u ,., called Qn Mr. !lnd Mrs , Hoss Harts oc k nnw Mr lj. C. H . D ealilor age , S unday ·jl Ctern oon . , M is .. o r a t ' h e n Gehl'rn~ , of 'T o le do , s p on t Monda y with ~rs. J. B , Ch a p, mlln. Mrl Ilnd Mrs . W , S . Grahap" spent Sunday nt Indlnn ~ke. ~I'. and Mr/!. 'R qS9 H (! rts ock and Mrs, C H, nthe rD.p.. vis Ite d 11'le nd s In L ebanon, Sunil Y IIttc r. • H nrllln Eul'nhn rt spent ~veral noon. dllys las t w/~k with' hl8 cousins, Lor. Milton Orn hllm li nd MrR. W. S . on . nnd 11fnry Dor/l H,ough, Mon. Grnham were In SPrlngt lr ld, Thu'r s. day h o thl! dny with anothe r day, ('ousln , Enmha~



Mrs. Edgar Smith HostelS At One O'Clock Luncheon

ph ln e EII ,·n har'!. :I II'S. :l1 " I'y nyc, ~Irs. Opn l Stubbs. 1,' lnnn"e omllll t( ' p- :lfr ". Eth n n ('mnco, :lr ,'~ . ) (l"le ll Pl'eH llJn. 1 lr s. A'll)' nnl ln" ,~, , " " jrs. AlIII,'" ">' ' "., u,'t o n , ~ lt·~. L oulKe Turn er . Lun h Otn nllttn~ " - '.•. I "R . [. l,nllie • A l'l nl1'l"l', 1\[rs . N"ltll' ~'e, ,' ·I,'s. ).r rl ' ~ "I'" z{!1 o n nll l·d . He f l' HhmC' n t Comll1l11I'e- ~( rs. Cleo f1""y, :11 1'8. Ar len o Jo ne,., ;\11'1". 1\I III'Y


and Is e qulpl,ed WI t h a 4·cylinder 1938 Incllan m OIO,'oy Ie , ca llable o r hlt\' l~ J'fo lu t" n l1d, t u th p l!' Il (H IH.' In P ltt ~& doIng 100 miles n n h ou,', hUI 'g h a ft" I' \' Isill ng (n r t he P:lst two Trnfflc IlI ws will be s tl' lcll y e n . wee l,s \\'Ilh ]If 1' . a n d 1\1'1 '5. \ V. E . forced, a cc ording to Mr. F ink. The Cor n Il Ilnd olh e l' I'c lully c!!. s p eed limit through t h e bus in ess dis, trlct will be 20 miles P CI' h o ur. . M r', n nd '\Irs . Eh'in Fin 's a ncl I I1111I ~u n dny s up, , fr . Fink Is marrlc' d a nd Is m a kln" d n US' IltQr , "'I I ' US!! eo. ... IlOI' wl t lt Jl I,'. n n d lIl,'s. L eW Is F It'es hIs home with )If"" Mn~dc C mne . a nd c hlld re rl . H e Is It m em be r of th c MOha wk mo· te rcycle c lub, of Da"t on , a ncl (orm e t.. MI' . a nd !'III'S. L estcr CO "don n ncl I d' I , d I Mr. IW(t M ,'s. h a rl c!< Co r don , o( y s CI' ve I1 N coa a n ron pollee· H IlI'VCOy ~ bu l'g, s p e n t S undny wi th m n n In Alto.on n , P e nnsyl va nl n, . H e h 'lS hnd 11 yea r s ex p erIe n ce M " . a nd M 1'9. Oall' Oordo n , of H ilI" In rldlng ' n nd r ecently was motor . " eysburg. lIfl's. ll e le n ·Cr'·ll, a nl ,'11,(1 u" lIUg- ll t c r', e velo m ech a nic for th e r a ens a t tl1 e , ~ Ohio S t a te fnlr, In Columbus . Delu r es an cl MI'. u nd ;l1I·s. h 'vl n Waynesville cll y fath e rs are to be Cllno, a ll or D ay to n , were rlinne l' congratulated (or lhls forwl,l.l'd st e p , gu el3 t~ of 1\11' . a nel 1111'S. Ca rl lJu ~(' . which undoubtedly will minimize Sund ~y , eve r.lnc r ellslng tra ffic haza rds o n Milton O r a h n m spe nt s ev e rn l 1I1uln n nd oth er s treet s of th e t o wn, da ys lhls wee lt with .MI'. a nd MI·s. W .· S. C mhn m befor e c n t e l'l ng An , .tloeh Co ll ege.

___ LoeaI Happenings

Open Tues. Sept. 6

"-~_~ I _ II _ II


J> R L ",". , . HllckwelJ. l\f1nJsler P IIt "iJ ul'I; h , P (' n n s y h 'llIl la, a ,' vi s it· Seplem ber 4, l w elfth undn y a fte r In l:' th e for'1l1C "'~ ll'It'<:' nl s , MI', n ncl 1" 'lnlty: I !\'II·S. J acl, RIl'h . hurc h Sch ool, 9:30 a. m . ~ It·. nn(l 1111'S. Er ne'st nutle l'wo r l h 1\le"nlng P I'ayel', 10 :30 a. m. h(((1 11>< hou ~ 1:11 ::!tH, last we el" {) I(' All ' I ~ ~


,,,','v(' f'l l' tl,e ('. n s ll ill " .:!,. " " .' P" ()j;("lIm ommlttl'_ :l1t·s. J ose·

:l1I..~. -:l IIIy n:u'fl R ich , o C

F I (I~' <1 I Ii II , of 1)ll;'ton . 1\11' . a lld MI'R. P I'a nk 11 ""8 an d so n, Chw k, n nfl

~:~::~:~NED Local Schools

SUPfH!!' n t t h II' h om e, . 'unClay ('v('nlng', for JI ll', a n d 111 1's, 11',. B I'ow n , whl) 111'1' h'll vl ng "Do n to nllolt c llHlil' h m e In Pl'a ll 1(11 11 , whl'l'e 1111" B I'own wUl II SS lIm C' h I,. dull es "" hig h o;c hool teacher. Th e follow Ing f l'le nds we re 1}l'e ... I'nl : 1111'. n ntt MI·$. " 'lIcI 'r ll rn "', :III'. lind JlI ,'s. nus~1' 1I H uili day, Jlfr . ' Inti JIl l's. 1I10nl .. Fulke,·"o n , Mr. (Inti )I II'''. 1m Bro''''ln. and !'II ,', a nd 1I1 ,'s. l;a l'Rt.


li n II .• 'I r. II n(I ".' f ,.". D III' ISF' UI'n :lS hll(k n "'p e n t Slttl,IIIY a( th e ci n nll ll


.~- -- ~

It rlll"(~ \\"e ll

'o lle ll from W ilmin g t on grtve n brIef th Co unty D eput y, c. D . m c ke ll , MI' . /l nd JlII'A. J n lll ~ B I'ga n " n· t u lk t e llln '" o f hIs I' ce nt trll) to the will b' J)r se nt . te l'l'II ',Cd III n r II If .. , Hill Y ( nn e,. on , un , oasl. ThIs w lla Collowed b y Th e th ir d u nd fou"t. h llE"'r B will ,lar, A ugust ~8Ih. th foll owl n": JIll'. .. .. II cl ·\' · ,. n mdl n!; by l\[rl.q te r JimmIe b e cO llfe 'Tl"d 'ullon n c lns!! (If cantil· a nd Mrs. Ed " lI l' ]31' 1"'0 11 a nd "nn , W e ltz. The m ost In te "estl ng p ort o r d ill", tt II h III b B(lKn ,' fr of ..1 t ' t .,JI ll I I lIf e., a I' IV I C . 1 prog"um w 0' " ., ,'01 " !' 1 (fll n ; . " . the progr a m WIIB n. le U I' rood by iv IInl l :I I " 1\1 t?ll I d • 1'.. a l' u,.p IY a n Hon, Mr. John Hawke , whl h W IIS wl·lt· g en . Every Gra nge m e mb I' Is u rged to ,fu m es, o ml du u /; h ! 1', E ll e n. C,.om t e n by n broth e r o r P h y llll) H llwke, Day tun ' ? ( J II 'D \vAl' NE \,ILI.E ~r. E , (' II U R e H be pre~nt, UM eSP~cilllh' •. c,very. or. ' ,- rs. u a ., I'gn n, or E n g ln nd , o n Mn r h 15 , 1847, t o the tlcer Is urged to atte nd as It n o t W a yn ('svlll e; h n rles 1I 0w tt. of Sundny, Sept. 01 la l John Hawke or this plnce . It o nl " nl '·l k eo ,'.' rn Ol'e Int e l'eatln " nle t , Daylo n ; JII ,'. Emm .t B ',''''l1 n nn d 9:30 Sunday Sc hool. n. D . smlCtI thnt P l1 l1Up would I I!-vo E n g· lng, bu l o lso mOll n,. 0. b ellc l' "('OI'C . m oth ·t· li nd A n nl L omrol't, of . - n' ollctt. upt . la nd lhe follo .. lng dny for America A I I CI tl In; MI'. IIncl MI''''. Llo"d J\ I·'n •c t ro n '" I 0:30 ~I ol'n lllg " ·o/,sh lp. 1)(' IHI l5el'· n yon e 1IW nil' 0'1'1."'8 lot m ay , ., .. by wny o f th e s hIp "Oood Inte nt. " 1 T . v ice as a fru'c\\'\: lI lu the studeo'nts .bc U HC(\ In decorati n g the n r e Ilsk ccl a ll( S n , ~lI'ry , of Mono\\, ; Mr . o nc1 1'h18 Is the . sa m e s hip m e ntio n ed to bring th em. AJ:' th Is m cell n g , liS Jlil's:- G 01'10( - o l'\' m e Tuft s, o C ('en. goin g to s choo l c lsewh e r c. p echll by Robert 111J}ley In hI!! "Be lie ve It l II I d D mu ~ lc, 1111" Gars l \\'111 s )lea k a nd wn .. pr ' vlously 8 hcdult!d" a n yone QI'\' .. ; n n Oene vu nli nge r , lor o r Not Column , 11 11 b ein g the olcll"st O"~' to n . a SPII lu i SN'mo n t o youl h "Love I . Th es!) lt." /l hlf) III nc live us , hu.vln g bee n !n HO (c!:!II'lng m ny sl udy t h es fl owe rs a nd arrn n ge fo r ex h n n,g' u ( s til< l\'I" fl. 1IJ ll co8 Hls k , uf . hO'll l'Ock , s c rvlce H 7 yeal's. U pon his /It' rlva l '''ednes dIlY li nd bulba 101' p la ntin g In t h co m lll &' T ' X:IH, 1<'1 vlSftln g- ir eI' dllug'hte r , ]\frl!, In t hIs o Ulllry , Phillip H llwk o m a de . yelll·. U. B . IIde ,·wuud. 2~01~'SW~;~8:1\~~:'·kl\n\·sll. 1 m eet wUh 1\r'·... I'. "". ~ lllltll I I' I r h is way by wute l' t o Wnynesv l11 e , ~ " '" " C 11\ I'm n n o . M,'. li nd M ,'!'. I.. V . B"a n sl ru l o r O hIo . .1' he ne xt duy, a ft e r r eaching tIle CO',l'll ltt eo In IIOI'ge 0 ( t I Ie :l nd dllugh t (, I', r :llhl','l n p, a n d M r . 'T bui'S(llIy this town, h e bega n work h e lping to 7:,15 He 'ila l--I' uplls o f 1\11811 Mu ls. f1 ow('r c lls pl ny. '1 nd 'f ·s E ll I' I I III build whn t Is n ow th e 'Vn ynesv llle ' " I . " 'lI "fl UI! lin< C I (I' n bn ry . 'I'h eo p u blic Is In vll etl, ,

-WHOLE N U ~DER 8960

: Party Given For Fonner T.Achl..

1 Churches




\\'eorll dInne r g u est s o f Mrs . Emmll Ba rne ll. Tuell<!ay,

CII "I F c rg u HO n- .mat \te m n llcs , Ray mon.1 111':.I ,I t1o 'k~hI OTh sc h no l " p rln elJ)u l. hls IO".V, 11 1111, f':n g ll flh. ,\It .. [(U8H('1I Pran \{",u tllc .


M,'. J . B.

'ru b]) , Vorllt!o n nl A g rl.

cllllll,·e. :\'10' . Howa l'cI ,\V . Po gotSci n ee. Mrs. J o h n Dym On d-'- E n A'lI >1h . MIHR Mn d e Owe n A- L ntln a nd Com. m eret,, 1 De po rtme n t. ~ ll as iJ:ll rllnc L n nhn m- H om e Eco. n OIltI .. n nd Bio i gy. JlI IIIIl ~fl\ l'Y B<:'lIc h- aid's P h YSical E du ca llon . M ,·. L . A . Gn S UII r Int e nu·, en t • • ,· .,~tSocial Sel('n ce. _ _ _ _ __

Acco r d Ing to n ews d l"pnl e\t eR, Mrs , E vely n II rt\\'l' lght \ VllIls , form · Mr. n n do Mrs, Ha r old Miller o ncl 11rly of W ny n csvlll e, ba llwd the at. son ha ve m ov cd Into Mrs, Smllh'8 t mp tcd rol ,hN'y of the nlclnn tl ll of· IlrOp ert y on Third street, which was flc-a In w hIc h s ll o \\,ol' k R b~' q uIck vacated by the J on es t a mlly wh o th Inking . m oved to Clnc hi n a l1 , U p o n ont erlng t Il<! o f rtce .::It::.....,:ti::ec:.('.::IIl:::..:.:...t_ _ _ _ _______ _ _____ _ ____ L ee L e mmon s has pU" cha sed th e tili it lh c bandit ask d, 10 HCC n. lo t a djo ining th o t uf J . L . Me ndon· Poo le, owne r of th c li nn . \Vhpn told Four Generations Present h n ll a nd Is bulltllng a h ou Me on It . th a t h c wa f< no t In . lh l! you t hr ul At Family Dinner lIfr. llml 1\1 ,.s , R o y J o hns on, of bn ndil ed ged over to i\ II't!. "Villi ", /I nti Clevelo nd, 'h ave been vl!:!llIng I'cla" brlHkl y anno unced " lhls 1<1 a. h <;lld· lives he re und In L ebanon , P o ur A'enf! I'a tln n!'! wc ,'e r e pr('sl'nted up." Hox ie Ca roline Sac ke tt re turne d "Thel'e I.. n o monel' h 'I'e," n n · n t n fa mil y dl n n e l' n.t th e hom e of hom o wilh Mr. a {lu. Mrs. ,I ohn Tur· MWCl'cd 111'8. Willis, M r. nn d Ml's. R nym ond B r a ddock, n et' to SUl Y un t il a tle r Labor Day. S unflny. Ask e d Il DoUt th e 8are, sIt e s hu wC'd The y we ro lIfrs. Mil CH Risk, of lI'1rs . J e s s ie Hyma n nnd Mr. and th e Intruder thll t thc cns h I'nm p HI'( ' Mrs, AI POlins ky nlten dc(] n tunernl ' hn m" ock, T exoR, th e g r eatgra nd. m e nt cOlltlllnM o nly $1. T he yo uth In Cin cInna ti , Sundn y . m othc r'; Mrs. D . l3. U nde rwood , the th en fo c used hIs Iltt entlo n o n he r M,'s. J e s s ie Hyman n ncl. Mro0 . . AI purse. S h e - llromJltl y IIH:; urcd 111m grn ndtn othe r; Mra, R n ymond BradPolins ky n nd R obe rt we r e In Colum. tI'l\t It contn ln ed onl y co .. m e tlcs. Il opk, t h l' moth e r; and h e r two little h 411 , Mo ndny. Mrs. WillIs sapphh'e "Ing th en dll u g hte r s, .Jenny 1"ee and Wllh elMr:. n nd Mrs. Frunk Pell r son callcd Mew' t h e youth' s nill'n lio n. Tlw rln/!' mlna , o n Mr. a ncl Mrs . Ch a rles Alhm (lnd s h e told him , was u "(n k ... " d a ughte r , MII ,.y, Frlduy e ve ning. Aftc l' a v l81t o( fif t een mlnulcs, OI.D AGE PENSIONERS Mrs . nuth Jnnney nnd d a ughte r, th h old u p Ill un I'clI h i,. pur. HOLD MASS l\[EETING r.-o u" lI n , s tarte d, 'ruesdoy, for theIr wlnte ,. hom e In D eLancl , F .lorldn, . Ro bert n nd Dona ld Croll vi s ited the ir motoor, l'ifrs, .All ce Croll lind Mr, a nd Mrs, W a lt·e r S hee han n ncl sons, F rldll Y and Saturda y. On Fri· d a y th e y h e lped Ma8t~r Ric ha rd S h echan to cclcbrute his blrlhdu y , Miss Glennll Hllwke, or S pring· fi e ld, vls lte" " 11." 11'. " a nd0 1\'<.. Jo'l,n Fromm the first of the :week . Mrs . ,Laura Brliley, or Cincinnati, Ohio, 1\'f!S8 ]'fa ry BrIney, of 'Vash· Ingt" n, D. C,' Ilnd the .'MI&i. s Ma ry Ann Kothe ancl ' F lor e nc e Elle n P li r · t r ld ge vis it ed Fr~ nk M . J,i'Olt a nd fa mily, . Sundny. Mr. and Mr8 , W a lter Rllb e, ' Mr, and Mrs. Louis Rose . and 80n, Dickie , nnd Mrs. Sophie B8er, all of On kl~ we re Sunday eve ning guests of Mr. nnd Mrs~~l: ' ~, Lnr. I'lok , Mr. Ilnd Ml's, James Roek eily, of St. P e tersburg, Florida, are visiting Mr. Ilnd Mrs. J. P. Larrick. (Continued pn PqC! Foul')

I}OHO h l1(l' bee n de (('a tc(t nn d Ilt ug h ed 'ofr h Is (ulil e nlt e mpt wllJl : " 'Ve il , I was o nly jo king nn y h ow, " th e n I(' fl. 1n a statem ent to t h e p ollee IlI tOl', Mrll. WillIs Hnld th c m a n WIl S nrm cil n nd th a t the hut[ of II r e volve l' W OIl Illu lnl y prutl'udl ng CI'om hIs 110 ' l, eL MI'~ , ~v e lyn Cartwrl~ht Willi ..

Ico Ct' ll,ll! v lllilge U(IOn h " .. ma .... luge a •Le w y ell r " 1I~0 . S h e n ow r es id es a t 2749 Mu dillon R onll , ulld Is em . pluyc d us at nog f"ll h l! r In the oWe" or the D, C. Poole COmpilny , Du t tan. h ot r Bulld. ng .

A m as" m eeting of O ld Age Pen. ,d onerR ('Ieg~bl es , and th e ir rrle nds will h e h old In Hurm on P nrk L eba n o n, nt 2 I> . m. , 1"rl<1ny, Septe mber 2nd., t o di sc uss proble ms r ele VAnt to old.age p e nSions. Thl" m eetin g will be addre ssed by . R ev. Ma rlin Luther Ilnd Mr. Oeorge Barte, tra veler Ilnd leoture r, whQ w· .111·doIscuss propos ed a m endme nts .. 10 the presont old'lIge penl!loil lnw, '. The public Is cordllll.l y Invite d and. Il spec ial Invltatlon 18 tendc red - to ":llnls ters o.nd· eocl~l ' and el\lle workers,


Mr, antI Mrs. Ohar le s Alle n ' nnd d ll ughte r, ' Ma ry, und grandson, Oeo. Alle n ; .;he~dcd a f!t mlly 'dlnner Irtlt the heme of 1\11' : . I~nd Mrs. Wilda HollinGs worth, or ;eayoon, Others present w e re .Mr. lmd Mrs. Elmer Shumake r, Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Alfred Shu· maker /lnd. chlldren~ Mr, and Mrs, Howard Shumaker, Charlel Cox, nnd

loin. A~s .Me"denhn ll s ufte~ ' a broke'n ·hlp. 'l'!hen she reu at *he ' cum In (ront:..or the-Smith Oroce..,.. Saturday afternoon. ~ Site WIUI J'Ito mov04 at once to the St. Ellabeth hOIP/tal. Dayton, wbl\re It . l&ft!~ Ih. Is re8ttng BS comfortab~ '

Robert. liuNt. all o(







Phone 112 En~rcd

......,- .........

THE aylor In "The CrOWd KOMI"



'. Main Street


Mr/!. R. H. Ha st ing, Society Edito r ... . ... Phone 45 R 11


lS UED EVERY THURSDAY , Subscription Price, $1.50 Per Year, Payable in Advance

An Independent Newtlpnper Ded icated to the Service of Waynesville .nd nclnlty ....:.. Giving its patro ns t h e best newspaper humanly PO" ~b}e..





Tom nll nyon anc! l:ulh cl'fo rd. :\11'. ' <nil :'I1r.,.. 11,)\\'11 1'<1 l3urlon nnd dnug· ~I r . nnd :\1 1'>' . ,\I fl' '(1 :l1 " J'A:l1l :t ,, 11 1. '1'. :\11' . .h ·~~ :\l lclu':1 1 we l't! ~ un d"y ,1:1,,!!hl" " "n ll"fl "" ~Ir. :l IHl :'01 .." . "\' ''nln ~ (' ,I\I ,' I' ~ \,[ ~II'. n ll(h ~I,." . P . 1·:IIH\\,OI·l h Cih~I n :I nri d(llll-thll" ', .. r .\ H II I\~·(' n . C't ,"t " r\' ill .. , \\' .,dnt ' !--d.t;\, ~ I I' .

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~II' ~ .

E . .J

l~un yo n , \\'l',11l "~'


Robert Taylor and Maureen O'Sullivan in "The Crowd Roan'~ :\ I,·. " 1111 :\ II'S. I ~r n l's t Ro!!"r" 0 ncl No Inng er wtll fe minIn e fnns huve to drag memb ers of the I'll ullnl' ·G lhslil' . "r ~llI' i n); flrlUj;h' ,·I·. " I' Dllyl un . vl"ll l·,1 wit h oppVSllll SO X Into thualers to s ee ftll!; u n T ay lo r tor In "The Crowd lll'," ,('h "111'111 Tu, ·",II1), III"ht ' "Hl :\ f r . 1\ Il tl 1\ 1r~ , T o ul Burt nn n nd cl n u g-· n O IiI" ~ " whic h ope ll M SlIlIdllY. S e pt mJJ el' 4, at th e de luxe air· '\· l·llll es.l n~· w ith ""><>; I \ """'h~' ~II· 11'1' H 1111 :II,·... .' ,' nn l,' :llu ll(' n , f'ulltl a y. cooled th ellt.ll r In Xenln, tor a thr o , dRY engaS' me nt , M· O· fIt . has ('( 1l'''1. :II .. ". :'01 :11'), TlI· y r1(> ~·. of "'II"h ln,,· gh'e n its leadi n g In nle s lllr, a Vi lUI' wh lclJ Ink B up th e h o~ II·". Em m n r. l h~" II . or I1l'1l1l'lll)k. t( ln IJ . l ' " :III''' . L,." .. , Bryn,' y , of mnn tre nd wh I' "A Yank at Oxfol'd " le ft ott '1I1d leads him thruu gh to th e lim it. l' a ll f'll 11 11 ~ 'I·R. E"(, IT· tl H UlI lI Pil ; In d (, 11I(' lnn:1 l1 . :lI'·~ . Flo H ('I<' II 1'11 1'1· Love ly Mauree n O'Su lll van Ie 'ruylor' s roniantlc Interest. (' hi ltll' n. "'1'1(IIlY n rl f' l·n"I1I1 . 1'1,1).:,' . IIn .1 Ma ry ~ alll' KOlhe , fl f Otho1'8 in Iho brlllla nl 'nst Inel ud Frank ;\10I'g1l1l . Jnu e Wyman, Mr. nml ;\II·~ . E r \'l n :<", Ilh II lI d Lf\l'kln nrl III1fI :II ... II ntl ;\II'~. lI a rol,l \ViIIIIIUl UlU'gUll, Ll onpl Stander II I": :-./111 P " ndl e t on . d :l u ~ ht " '· "1l!'l1t F r ld ny Wllh ~1 i·. n n.l " ," h ln"" II . "r IJnyton . \I'(' r!' Sun · ]\1 ,'s. 'rim :-:mlt h :l illl f : II 11 11)' . cI<lr g ll VHls H l tlh. ' ti' t~t\ nk F'L\~ horn e. lIl l'. II ntl :'ol r~ . B 1\S\""l'lh (1lh"'\I, Th (' EI'\'l n T hvmnHc:< a nd Ihe ll' 10n1l Tlt l'om !) II I \\' IIl,l w· \'ll·w (' hurch ;\l u l'lIw C'loeli v<! " W" I' , vi NI101' In LI'b· " l1UIl , l'Ill'e nlly. nnfl d :l \1 g-ht<·1' h f '\' nl t. . l' \ IU ,I , :\11'. :I IH1 f' h l h..1n ' n , ) l r s. )..11\'l' rrHl F u ul ~l n d :ion HU IlIll1Y "rICI·n,)U n. ~II· . fi nd JIl," . ~ h el'm a n p ,.rrill, .J. ~ I I''I . 1I11 ~l' t: lh"o l1 a nd cl a llj:!h h ·l' . of ,,,,,I :II i ~" W ilma Thomas call d on ~ II' . Hnu "' I I'~ . J . U . J onc's ent cl" S pl'ln.; Bru nch , l\1 1' . ' I ~' dl' ~Illilh. .\ 1 1' . :1 11(1 :lI,·s. Sa lll )Johl e nea l' :'I'll . til Inc,) to L1 lnlle,', ' lI nd"y (·ve ning, l. 'e Ta lmage, tlnd Miss. J essie Gnl" MI'. John :-: pll llc· ,·. lI lHI ;\\ls" l·I. , 1'II :1.10'11, ~ tJI " I ".\· I,\·('nln g . :III'. a nu. ~II·I!. Cu rl J'k kcl'ln g li nd n cl' lilt n,.!'ed Ih e ;lnl1lm l Ille ·tlng of dllll g hl e r a nd Al l'. li nd :III'". Thl' l'le lhL' " hll'll \'lilt! F unn el'S ' Excha nge Daug hl l'l'S u ll ' tI n il :.II'. 11 1111 ;\ I r~ . 1I,·uc., " 'ca n h n. rC lul'n ~ d horn ' t EVl'r l'lt RunOt·1\ :Ind .' h lhlren . I'-rl · H.·lnll)nt fr{lm h ill aumm!'r vo ca lion JuneH a nu "on. l 'v ll1pa n y in IIIrks \' lIIe, Thurl:ldny .' V nln g . <!II Y (' ve nIng-. whi, h hI' s pt'1l1 wll h :Ill'. !lnd ~I I'I' . 'I'dl Vlllal's l Hugo 'VUson !\II'. Mr. a nel I Irs . F,1'\' ln f:: rnll ha nd .J f'~ll n olllnd. :1," 1 brolh e ", uf S pl'ing lUll. furni sh· lla ug ht e r, ?ltr. :'I nc! Mrs . F,1·n",.t E :II·I1 · ~ II·;;. :\ u lH' y Popc is Illu l' h 1m· \·tI 11l \' m us ic fo,' tilt' III ' lIlI l,.; . hrlrt n llil ('hl hlrr n , ;\1,';; . EII' iN ~II · 11) ',)\,(.11'1 ;\11'" ul.. . uf X e ni a , gll ve 1111 Inler · ch ea l li nd tl ll uf;' hl ' l' , OO '·('lh y. ~II' . l· l' P tl l' l . l\l r s . .Jn nl C"g J~ . (:J':I~' C' nt l' l"uti n pcJ n el't Mn rl n tt a nd su n . EdnH'n ;l l: he l' da ughl" r " n,1 hll sl",nd . :'11 '1'. allfl "Kl lng IlI lIi, 10 th e nudlcn ·C. U,,11 10118 \tlll pil I'ope I" VIs iting 1'i'l lI lil'es In h 'nel d til ' i\1 ' " '!rll l H u n io n, s u n· !\f l '!!. Cha l' le,. !4ln n ~ l'I l. tlr \)HYIO II . l'('fl'e slllll(' nI 6 uf Ie.' C I'('tl lll , calc e. a nd It:t'll tea weI' tll' I·\' od. day. S lIndny. :'II ... a llil JlII'8. J . S. 1;' 11,, 1' H<'l·om · Mr. and I\J'·8. [.u u · HlcIll11'(\ " finO 'h tU')CH V o i !" .. s n nt l NI,·. 11 1111 ~II·S . " ,, " it'll by :\11'" . .J. S . II n rl l<ock made nnd claus hte r , o( D uyto n, :\<11'' '. J IIIl'), Ill clnnn!l . lus l Sn turdll Y. J ea n filc h weI' callers In th e C I'" Y Gl b>;o n and II n uShlC'l', :'0 11'1'. I-: li s· :I l!'i p III :lli ss IIc l'lh a 1-'11 ,. I' lurn d h ome home , lIrond llY a rt rn on . \\,ol'th GlbHo n nnd \h,u)!,h l l' l·. IJf Cl·n· ,,:l1h 1I 1(>111 for a 1\1'0 \l' eck'" vl"ll 111'. n mt :'111'8. J II 1\\ I'S F . J ae b~ , t ervlll e a nd :'I,·s. £ 1\'ls Mlt- Ill'al ellli · lit 1' . n nc! :III'S. CIIOl'l f'S 8IH.... MI'. a lld The /l nnun l I'(' unlon f th e omp· ed On Mrs . E\'c roll Bll ll nell and I,,· fll l·r. "Nu l'n ln,; tv he l' dull cs a l t h lItl' ~ . Oliver J acobs a nd da ug hl e r , lon·:\lills fomill >I will be held., Sat· HIIJlo ;;em lnrLI'Y. ch ild I' n IHonelny v('t1ln s· d \1 L J a n, Don, 131111.-, II n<1 Cnro ly n Ann Donn a , lind Mr. an . I' S . a wl' n c' ul'L1n y, ot lh e n s a r's r e k c hurch , Mr. Bert Mn rl nt l a nd sp n, E d · 01 I \ Haln '''. of OUYlo n. II I' " s pe nding thi s .rnl·obs 0 11(1 d O \1 ~ h t (, I' , , 01' a I nn , nea l' N cw BUl'lIngton , Ohio. Frie nds mon . l\1iss la l'a Dil U ~ hl I'A cllllod a re CO I·tllillly In\' lt d. lhe w~ k'·I1.1 li t l ~ill , lI l'Y wllh " pont w ,.Ic fi t I h Flle l' hOIl1 t'. on Mr . :lnd 1I11·S. J uf f :lllll· hlll. 1I1 0 n· MI' . .JIl( ·0 1>8 ' bl'o l h<-r' and " I ~. '1'>1. Da \' id ' ...·ea\·el· Is I ' co \'e rlng snU s· ~ I r. a nd 1I11·s. Sldn l'Y 1, II cr woro da y <, venin!:' . . In "'ny n Hv illt'. fia lurda y ven ing- !;Ll cst s a I t ho J oo 1111'. \\'ul t I' Tlbb:1 I1'1. 1\1,·. FoncK! ractOl'lIy I' I'om an Operl1 t1 on pe"fol'm, Frie nds from H I!;h ln nd co unty File l' ho m t' . . Tibbals, und 1\1 1'. a nd :lll·s . ~1a1'1"n ed In a Colum bus hospltnl, lnst cil ll d on 1\Ir. n nd ;'Il rs. L'lu is Ma· :III'. fl nc! ;\Jr~ . La wl' nee Thomns. Rng el' and D<l r olh)' J N lll " p<' nt Hu n· \l'ee k . g un u nd :\11'. L OlliS :l11I 1'\'. y, • 'Illu l'· " '\111\ :1 Th o I'lHl!!, ;\ll's . La\'erna Fuul da y In Dayton wllh ~(I'. n nd :ll r!!. B rn to 1\11'. ' n nd Mrs . R eb('rt day. " "fl ~ "n . ;\11'. n lHI :'I,·s. Perry J . Ern,.."t M('Gragor . Mr. Tlhhn l's " Is · Shnn l<R, It son, Marlin L e. Mr!'. D v L u ItS II I ('n l Salu l'lI l1Y '1'111'111"8, \' 'I'no n FordYce tl ttl,!n dcd t el'. BO"n to 1111'. nnd 1I1,'s. 'I'hul'1II:1 n ev enin g a nd Su nrlllY with Cr il' nrl s. MI,;s Mac hlnow lh , o( L e,)a nun, !\lIt hn er nt McCle llan hospital, )\Jon· th l' I'. p c' re union h eld .at Walelrhuo n eur H a l'v ysb ul·g . !''' I'k , SUll(lay. Vllilted be,· moth r 0\' 0 1' the w 'l' k. dny, a 80 n. Mr. a nd M1'9. Il nr molld OsblJ l' lll' F rIends Ch urc h ~ I "" . ~ I I\I'Y 13 .. 110 Burge r , 1\1 rs . Corn e m1 and Mrs. Ra lph TIl h f Leba. 11'1 mbcll'>I of th n nd Mrs. EUI h mIn 'roms, " f X.' n in. . ' Iwtwc- II and J\fl·S. Re becca Vorh ee. non sp('nt r pllMlOl:lllt dn y, S und .o enjoyed Il ba s ket dlnr:! cr a t th e li nd Mr. arid 1\I1's. 1!:1ll(, I's un r ill II n!1 ~ Iw nt Satu rday u!tern oon a nd even· li t the h ome of Mr. li nd ~lt·s. WlI"on CIlUl'c h, Sunday : R \' . and Mrs. L eas'so n. Ha l])h , mot c)I'(.:d · l1 0wn t h l'ol1l:'h 111'0, who a l'c con elU!lIn g their cn n· Ill!:, \l'ith :'Ill'. a nd Mrs. Fra nk F ox Hnrvey a t the H a r Vill' l'c8111 n('e. Le ~ lng ton , ]{~' ntu c lc y. 11ISl >; U lll"'~· . n cllon s with th is onsr l'sntl on we ro " IHI, fa mily . • MI'. and Mrs. Elhel't Hi II (lasHcd l'vlr. ll vwnl'el Burtu n , lI r \\' a )'11Cl" g ue~s i honor . !\I I'. tlnd Mrs. P. J . Thomns, Mr. Su ndny aftt' l'n oon with 111,·". nl r: il's ville and 1111'. a nd· :llI·s . P . A . nu n · . MI'. and M rs . .Jam es l'e l('rson . of Il nd :11 1'8. T . H . Fordyce a nd Vernon, y on nnd 11\ I he r a l t n'I~(1 t he :'01 01" :\1111 :\11'!l. H oward Grus hon nnd p a rents. Y(l lIo w Springs, a re gu stB oC I·eln· mll n o nf I' n a t 'i nt' lnna tl, last MI'. a nd J.frs. H e n ry M 1I1'!'l1y hll\'e th'es h reo tllIlI g hl I', Ba rbai'll, visited. Lakeside , ~ u nd ny . bee n enl ol'ta lnlng fri ends a nd r ela · Miss Ed na 'W ura :lnd Mis>! n ebec . .' unday c vonl ng. Rn lph D ill tiP ' n t II f ·w days th ,,_t.' Mlll rB " ore Iltton<1ln'" the S tate :\ll's. P eny J. Thomas, Mr. a nd Uves at Ih eir ca mp. pust wec.:k wi t h his un e- Ie ,11\<1 n unt. 1111'S. ' Valdo Ell io tt atten ded th e fun . Mr. P I'ed F o.h·chUd a nd famil y F a il', hn vl ns won rtl'st and seconel 1II1'. :Illcl 111rfl. Ray m u nd flllul'n "', 0[ c ,·,,1 u f M1'8. H e,'man Robinette. In were bUSi ness vl~llol'~ in L e bonon, 1)la co In lhe GI'e"lle o. 4.)-( Club ~ X enia. Mondny. wOl'lc Xellill . '~ I'l d n y n rternoon . lItl·. li nd MI·s. R aymond E:lklns ha\'(' moved to Harveyshul'g in t hc MOIT ls . he nvood. pl'op<.'rty. Mr. a nd Mrs. Ch es tel' McOorge S P (·Jlt undal' In Hnmlllon with r eIn· ]'lls8 P nllU ne I·'I·lend , of Johnsville ~Ives. l\Ir. tLnd Mrs. Ims a nd son, >!{If'l1t Inst week with Mlsscs . Wlllo· Mr. Ed. nell of, Xenia , viSited of Incln nntl, ca ll ed nt tho . h omeR line nnel J enn nctte I(ul'(Jss. his mOlh er, M1'9. Sn~.•.nh E'. S nell. of Mr. nnd J\fI·S. O. V. Sims a nd :llr'l. ('I.\'de Wharton has bee n 1I1 Mrs. N ett le Fulkerson, on a turday Sunday. Lebanon, Ohio I h I? l' IlS 1 week wilh g rip. " W e nre ,;Ind to l'e(lo1't thnl MIAS cx.ening a s th Y \\:CUl...O n th eir wny i\11' . ~ 1 1I« 1' d ,' urfa ce a nd dnugh . Pre.oDtiDi tbe Beat and Late•• P loramoncl R cd , Is C)(c<'lllIon ll lll' home from u two weeks vacntion In \1t'1'. " ·lIm". " lI!' nt th e 'I\'ee kend with we ll n t thi s time . lIJ1 c h lgan. In :III'. :l1H!. l\lr:f. '\\'lI lTcn S urface n nd Miss All eo Oglesbee enterta ined on ]'Il's. lIta ry L eath and ],11'. Chas. MOTION PICTURE Dona ld S UI·face. Paxon , of \VlIm lng t&n , \l' ere und ny Wed nel:lday evc nl nG', th e followIng ENTERTAINMENT Mrs. Sn rllh Smit h, or Woyn esvl1le, evc nlng call rs a t th e Gray hom e. guests: Ml's. Rock:well a n d son , o,r Is vls il ing fi t til home or lIft·s. Belle MIssouri, Mr. Pred Gons nnel (nmlly. !'; It a nd rll mll), . Mr. Quincy Gons a nd family , or n ea r Ph y lll« Bnllcy wa s a g uest, last Waynesv ill e ; Miss Clarn L y le. ot IVl'e l<. nf h er u nc le nn d nunt, Mr. 'W nshlngton, C. H .; Mrs. Ella Babb, n ne! ;l[l's. T\:(' nn th Dalley a t Pleas. a nd Mrs. Ella Oglesbee . Mr. P. ~M. Hiett and Mr. C. A. Sol· :II i. ~ C:c n0\'a noutznhn Rllent last Mr. Pra nk Sam!! wa!; n b uslnes!I leI'S at~ef\(led the Jr. O. U. A. M. w('('k wi t h h I' a unt, Mrs. Georgo vis itor In Dnyto n, F riday. para de /I,nd initia tory program In 1(":1('11 fl l T lpp Cit y , n nd this week Mrs. Dina Pa te r son and MI·s . Mo.r· I)ayt on, on Sntlft"day night. ~I i~" /1C' lty Is ~(i e n djns the week tll a Cleav er were Leb:lnon vl!!ltors, The Smith fam ily r eunion was r ecently. held a t th e ~lome ot Mr. a nd Mrs. ~ I r . li nd :III's . Donald Hadley nnd S. D. F e rris, Gcorge J orda n, a nd George Smith on Sunooy. Members II,",/-:ht (,I'. Donna , of ' ....aynesvllle, Mr. L u: Porge attended th e "hoollng from the fo llowing plllces were In utten dnnce: Dayton , Xe nln, V"ndal. :If,·. " nIl Mrs. The rlc J ones a nd s on, contest at Vu ndu llu, Er lda y. 111111 011 w t!re Thursda y eve nIng Dwight Beaso n , of Spl'lngflold, and la , Eaton, a nd H Ighla nd Co unty . . (/ /-::UC8 tH (If Mrs. ~ I n rga r et J ohns nnd his m othc l', JIll's. Eth I Beason, or Mr. and Mrs. O. V. Sims spe nt STOP IT WITH J'nu l John.. nca r Harveyebu ,·s. wel' c Satu rday th e Clrst p a r t of th e week In DIlY, M ,·. Eve rett Enrly. left, Saturday, a ft ernoo n co lle rs at t he hom e of Mr. ton. Mr. Sims attended the State for a w ell'S stny In FlorIda. a nd Ml's. Frank Soms . Cou n cil Elesslon of the Jr. O. U. A. D oes H eadache "slow you The member s of tl1e Oli vc B ra n ch M. " ",. a n d, Mrs. Hnl'\'ey Burnett, d own?" You are a rare exc eption if it does not. , Misses Laura Roan asle, a nd Sa rnh Ladles' Aid Socicty w ill be wolco med' Mubel Moon a ttended the Moon One Qr two tablets oflALKABllrn ' lt r l'turn cd, Frldny, a ftor an In th e h omc of Mrs. E. C. J ef(e r y , re union at Mt. Gilead, Sundny. SELTZER in a gl ass of water II ulo tour In th e So uth. . '1' hul'sday afternoon of thIs week . Mrs . J osh ua ' Inwood a nd son, of makes a pleasant alkalizing MI'. 110(1 1I11 ·s. W Ubert Swank und Th e A. B. Talmage fam ily were lIUddletown , passed n. few days the solution that usually brings lillie J Immie Swa nk, of Chlca.g o, Sunelay nftel'1l oo n cnllel's nt t h e. las t 'I'eak \v lt h laer s ister, ,Nellie relief iri just a few minutes. ALKA·SELTZER is also recom\\'(11'0 wC'eke nd g uests of Mr. and h ome of Mr. nnd Mrs. H. C. Atldn· Pet I'son a nd. family. mended for ;\ 11·s. 1';. B. Longncro. nnd Mr. nnd aon a nd, frun ily, nea r Wilmington . D a Isy Cultlce , of E a ton, sl>e nt Gas on StomachJ "Mom!ni Alter', Acid uuU,esUon. :l l r~. ~n l " ln Lo ngacr e. . Mr . and Mrs. Oeo rge Llebc rt, M iss T!lursdo.y with h er mi;tther, Mr £? To. Colds. and Muscular Palrui. MI'. II ml i\l rs. Guy Routzahn and Jun e a nd Junior Liebe r t, MI', nnd. n C/' UndE~ rwood. You will Uke the tangy 1lavor and the results .' when you take f!l.mll y \\'('1'1' S undny evenIng dinne r Mrs. Jas . .GaUI n nd da ug ht er, E lle n, MI·s . Lillie Houston Is s uffering AIb·Seltier. Alka.Seltzer, when g u s tll o f 1' . :11'. a nd Mr . FI'ank Brown re turncd to ' th eIr hom e In ChlcllgO, fl'om biood poisoning In h er arm. dlsIolved In water, cont.oirls '1111 Tu esday, atter a pleaso. nt vis it In Mr. a nd Mrs. F'rruik ' Peterson, of a l 'l'lpp CllY. ~c. (Sodium Acetyl·Sallcyl. ate). In addition, the alkalizAn8 'rho Se pt em ber' m eetin g of the La. th e Jordnn hOl!'le. Enon, anld Mr. nhd Mrs. Cecil Un. gents lil Alkn·Seltzcr help to ·re· IIiw thoee everyday disor. ,ell 's Ald. will '?e h eld n ext Wednes. A.1 phaeus Bognn. a nd li ttle dnu g h. ga r, of Spring flll ld, visited Mra. .-elated with h,yper. !lll ), nru 'noon at the home of Mrs. ter,. Gladys, of CJarksVllle, neco m · Melle - B.elllso n, on ·Sunda.y. · .eldJt1. .r-I,·o (;,. Y, Thoae IlBslsting the hos- panl d by severn I 1'rl nd~ nttendcd M~ an d Mrs. Todd Walton, Mr. I ~I' ;II'C 1I1:1<1:Ime8 Edith K urfll!, Ella mornIng se rvl n t tllc church h~re, and i\frs. E:orrest Grondin, amI Mr. On. hn tn , t lid Eunice Mlltcnberger. Sunda~' . . Detore th e ir' Tet urn home, nnd Mrs. nnlph Halnet\, ot near Xen. ~tr· n nll :111'< Kesl r Ornhnm Il>nd Mr. Bolinn n nd an u ghler made n Ill. vls ttCfJ'!. Mrs. Be88le Van Winkle, ~II.,~ n~ rnl('(~ l.. rll hllfTI nttended the- 1Jrll'f "11 11 ot th e Tuimage home.' , Home. In Waynes. \\ ,'(.(O]l nl{ "/ Lh .. Illttor's friend. MlIIII MI'!!. mnll PilttOl'llOn and MI'II1. llay

('-\" ' l1i ll ~.

~Ii ~,.






Beech Grove


........... '- ...... a.n


Sta rts! Drive' Cure/nil'j, Auto Club Warns


With the opening of school you b'ut an accident. even when the ease"'will see hundreds of little chaps child Is at fault. w i

in b ~l~", wearing S afety badges, on guard at :!Ichools and n ea r- by crossing.~ as well os on school bust's . MOl e t~lan 6,000 of these lillle Sold ic r r of S afety ore members of t h~ Cincinnat i Auto· C' ~ ':"· 1' .. ;· mobi~ e C,u b Scho ol P a trol ,'11 duty in S (,ulhe rn Oh io, Soulh· eas tern IndI a n;! a n d N orth e rn Ken l u \: k y. Ev e r y automobile d river should obey th ese Ii lUe tr affic officer~ w ho raise th e ir l\( r . . a nd \\1 ..... L c.. llc Otlr~l1 r h and signs to warn YOu 10 stup as Iiltle ,III Ughll'l', MIl I'IL' , l uol( ' I lrlp IU fn · children cross t he s t reet in safety . H owev Cl', yo u s h ould watch for II IlI n ll. T l](·:<dIl Y. chlld re ll not only in the vicinity T he . B . C h IIl'c h li t \ li e ll III'I' of schools bulan y our way h o me, hllv lng lh ~ h' an n ua l h Orll "· ... omlng , according t o Ch a r les H. Fox, ~unlt a y . chairman of th~ Safety Committ ee of t h e Cincinnati Automo· :\11'. a mI 1111'S. 13"1'1 Bl1l11h' lI nnd bile C~ub . Boys and girls may <la ll ght,' I'. nuth, HIIl'llI Sund,lY Wllh dash Across the h ighway a ny ~II' >I. Il lIze l ' Abn I' lind ·lIl1dl·l' n. time, tho u g htlessly, carelessly, 1I\r·. 11 111\ 111,'::1. Pllh ' ~' hl·lvill e .' nt.· ..·


l' \,( · llhl ~ .

' " 111 :\1 ,.,.. Hi1\ '1',,1 ' .·:\I h-,1 Oil

~' I· . ll lld ~ l1 ·H .


" ' OIlhp,·.

Mrs. Hllro h Qsl:)(ll'n hns been 111 111,,'1 W("'k , )11'. 'lI1d :lt I'R. " ' lly n!' All'xlIl1<1(, I' IIn ll ~()T' ' nll"R:\ ' c" "1'1' ); 11.,,,111 l · f hi Iml',,"II1, MI'. IIULI i\Il'lI. \-l' OIl AI",,:· and ... 'V('IIMtN' ::'O ml)(On I ~ confl n(Jtl to hi" . II 111 wit h 'J1 bllthy Inrp t (\ tOl". JIll" nml all·S. [ . A. 'rul'nt' 1' nt'e Informa ll y IInno unoing the npprooch· ing nta~rlnS'e o( t h eIr daughter, Mil· dred, tmd :t-toward OIns8, of Alpha. The weddJng will be li n event at enrh ' ta ll. Mr, Harcum, Mr . . Wllllnms, Mr , Hnrtzell . n nd Mox Complon visite d th Bntos ca nne l'It'8, on Thurfldny . Dor othy '\\'l'lI ' l' is onJoy ln.,; II two \\'celc's " oCa llo n froll! h l' l' "utl ~R a t lhe f' <;f'\ l·_ oll'a )' \.:01( · II. of Ci n ·

t h,·

tu ill C'u H n Ulll lw l· uf

f rl l' l1tl~ .

The Se l1lol' Lin 'VII'c" h"<1 n 1)1<,· nle SUI' (iOI' lit Ihe Chllutauqua " 1·oU Illl,,. F riday c venln s. 111188 Dorothu Bu nn ell lind ?If I'. Va ul!'h Mulh~ 1I Sile nt HlIlldoy ,,\·en· Ing with :lJI·. n nd Mrs. AUl e l' Bul,\. "ey li nd dnllgh t I'. of Duy l on. The UlIcn 4, \1 lulJ \1'111 hol<1 Ih h ' mc lint;'. 'l' u ('srluy , a t lh" h OIl1 (, o f ~11'8.

N Vfl

your conscience. Motorists must stop when schoQI buses are t akin g on or di s chargi n g passengers ... do n ot attempt to go io the left or you arc liable to arres t. You m:lY ~os e a minute but this preca ution may save a life. Tr a ining of the School Patrol members is underlaken each year by the Cincinnati Automobile C lub. New m e mbers must be trained. office rs ot th e various patrols must be t a u g ht their responsibil ities. This is on e of the great public set'vices m ade possible by more lhan 15,000 members of the Cinci n na ti Automobile Club. This activ ity ha;; the approval not only of schoo; aut horities b~t public officials everywhere and IS o ne of t he most costly services rendered b,l> the a utomobil e clu b.

When In Waynesville Shop at .

Baird' $ Sc & 10c Store N. Main St.

Da ~' ld so n .

Mr. li nd MrR. R" lllh BlinnI'll n nt! rnmll y tipI' nl '~ " tlll'd " y ('\, enlng with 1111' . IIml 1I I,·s. Hanner St"\I'a rt :l ml fll 111 lI y. Callcn l tit th e B unn ell hOIll ' duro In g th e \\' 'c k w 1'\' 1\\1'. nnd l\l,'~. He n Gr ul el' li nd wlughl 1'1'. ~II· . and :\11'" . Ralph Dunne ll n.nd hlldren. lItr. li nd lIlrs. Omel' Bnldl'cy nnd da uShler .

Yon Might Check These If You Are Doubtful


Without hurrying-and if you talk without being interrupted from thc other end of the line-you can say more than 350 words in the thr ee· minute initial period of a long dis, tance telephone call. This i! the average talking rate for a telephone conversation, accord· ing to engineers 91 The Oliio Bell Telephone Company. And you can say a whole lot in 350 words. Lin· coin's Gettyatiurg address has only 267 words and there are only 263 words in 'Hamlet's Soliloquy. But Instead of being a monologue, a telephone conversation is an int~ change between two persons-un· less one happens to be "telling the other one off" and the latter is un· able to break in. If the talking is evenly divided, each party would have 175 words to say. Of course, the talking rate 'figured out 'by the Ohio Belt engineers would be boosted considerably by floyd Gibbons, if he talked over the telephone as rapidly as over the radio. This story you are reading has 223 words, not counting the headline, leaving ou-t any "ands" in the num. bers, and including this paragraph, .0 you can say at least 127 more 1 h word. over the te ep one at conver· sational speed in three minutes than you are readillK hert.


Enjoy tbo bi. ~icnic boliday of tbe .e~,oD 'Witb a ba.ket full of food from Kroger' • .COMPLETE :VARIETY-LOWEST PRICES 11 .

Fresh Bak~d



S a :e

Price '

2Ig"·17 ~alTn. c:"





F. T. Martin Auctioneer

S'A TISFACTION Or No Charge Cente~llle,


Phone: 78J .

Much Followed Advice SInce (leath Is a natural and un. avoidable ~c!1rnmce, It Is' wise to make proper steps before It com8fl. Seledl,.g a funeral direc-

tor - Just in 7"u make a will or Provld~ Ioaurance proteetlonIs a precauUonal'J' measure that will prevent confUAlon aud disappointment.

StDhbs Funeral Home PRONE ..



99 . 2

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (r





Produce BANANAS, Golden Itipe ....... .. ...... ... ... ........ 5 Ib 25c POTA TOES, Cobbler...................... .......... ;peck 23c NEW CABBAGE, Solid ........ ...... .. :..... ...... ..4 Ib lOe LEAF LETTUCE, FreshCri.p ... ...... ........ .. :2 I.b 15c GRAPES, Seedless ......... ........ ..................... 5 Ib 25c PEACHES, Freestone ..... .... ... .. ... :......... :.:.... 4 Ib 29c ' AP~LES, Jonathan or Grimes .................... 4 Ib 19c ECG PLANT, Large ................................. ... each lOe

Meats SMOKED HA~S, W"ole or Strlng E~d ....... ,lb SMOK.~D C~LLlES, ;'fender . ~ade.. , .. , .~ :... .Ib' . FILLET qF HADDOCK; Bonelea. .. .:.;... :: ... 21b . RED ·BASS, Fre.h D.....d .............·" ........ ... ...2 Ib SUCED BACON, Rindle............. ..1 .·.............. lb Baked Meat ·· Loavea................ ".......... ,' ............ Ib BOLOGNA, Sliced ....... ............... ·................ 2 Ib Ib OLEo, Eatmore: 0 0 • •••••••••••• •••••••• • 0' 0 •••••••••••• •• 0 •••

28c 24c ·· 35c I.

3Ge 29c 29c 35c








Sportsmen Harry Eldrld,., Jr.

------ ---...

With huntin g scnso n just 0. s tone's Gu m o ASllocln tlon ' In turning over tructlOn s



t hrow In thll tuture, don't rorgot al l t eos ot licen ses sold for r o,sloel(, that all hunlCl'u mus t carryall, In g purJlo~ell, Elvc I'Y hunting or f lHh , , nHe am) wenr the tll g with corr 8, In'" IIce n so 11ureh nNcd n l thl'9C 1111lN!9 '" \IOn,Unll' nllmbol' o n th e h' hnol<. Dutil will h elp 10 Impl'l)vl! h unting (11111 t (l.g lind II c n sl) I1IU ij t be In p OSS 1" fl " hln,;' co ndlLions In \VIIl'I'on COll tl' D I ilIon ot o il lim es - :l ll i o r c not 1" ty , ll c l' a r ' Ih e LI crise (' L,lII "II : Via enbla , If a lth c l' hi 109 t, II L,' Iofl non I,'amolls AUlD Supply , II 'c nt; III usl Uo I)U r c hIl8eLl.. F I'/I nl, lIl1 - Albu u g h Good Drug Th.:. lo gs 11 " 0 'll' llul uld "n d S tIli'" Itn"klc LI Ill.) aw l(w:lr(] til fn .. t on AU liH',Y wo n ' t ,l a l11 c1I S" I'vk(' Stutlon , hren k wh oll r!OILI. \ Vo BlI',lIl g ly s ug , l311 nl-\' hlll11' l1 T e xuco Slallon , ges l u s ing o ne r t h e tllg huldc l'S Fl" ld l' I'~ FcC'o [l no !Su ppl y '0, I 0 II t l I,'lt s ill) o n t l\0" III U l ~I''' , IJ ltl'vcY lI1 UI'S'- Cll rl P otle l" 1:! l. 0 , Follow ln(,; arc. tile o pe ning d a tes A, O I'O C I'Y, hi I k d tqwar "" w c I t o lao : " I , oHte l'l:I- S, M , :'I IHl,;'S Lunc h, , Sq ulrrcl NCIl~O n op li S 0 11 SundllY , lII uHo nBunne ll 's I'UI'C Oil !' ' I' '' I' 25, bu t 11 0 hllntin,:; unti l vice Statio n , MonlltlY, Septc mbe r 2G, Closes c L 1\lo l'I'o w- PI I' "'" :>l'I'\'lcc SL.~ tio n , . 10, .Llmlt' ~ -p ' r tillY Id ny's )laM' n e d Llon- II. E , l \'In!! a nd SUIl l<e8s lon 1I110wcd, Whlt C' Vi lla UI' ce ry , Ducks- Hnlu l'duy, Octohel' I G to Hprl ng hu l'UIIl1 ln's Huhlo ::;er, S pt mb

No v , 2M , In cl uslvo 10 pC' r day Im'lu (\, In(,; not m Ol' th"n 3 o f til(' co mblnel1 protecte(l ll P Or\('S, ~o d a y!! lJal-\' a\, lOwed In poss "lilo n , ]'heasullt, pu ru'ld.·c a nd ra bbll t '" 0 1>l' n8 'fu sdllY, . Nov , 'Ir. , Phe tlIl nt li nd 1)l\ rtl' ld~' 10~(>9 Nov , 30 (\n lly lind posses:lio n 1I11l11-~ I.h nJlant, 4 118rt I' II"'e fi ..." 1) bitt II n so l'l CORell I J n n, ..(",


vl ec HlnUoTl , Ca rli s le- ?lilY 'S


Clncl nn ntl

,,'orl(s, All spO I'l~ l11 c n In thi!! scctio n :u p ,.,ru I ' (u l t th CH co ne I'n " for lh el l' COO I)(,J'alll) n amI u ' ubI I:', Let's 1"" U' nil" th m, • • • J erry T n n nOl', o C Kin gs Mills I:!lI C'

1" 1939--<1n ll y limit 4, c HHfu ll y d mon s lr:)lNI, tha t 11 1'lflC' Rn ccoo n S"1I80n f,'om 'o vemh(,l' wl1~n ' l hI s o nly 1001. wh(' n the fh' .. t Iny of lust WI'l' k'" \ ''' nd a tin I !'n fl' 15 to J a null l'Y 16, 1939 , Rci.l ~x (H'lulIH'rn (ll atJ'i c t' No ,', " hout hI' ('o llcc(e('\ It Irophy, tltl .. , I lind It nlc pIce o( Chllnl-\'I', C~ n~rll' 15 lo 1, I!UI'UU l'y 1, I U3U , Inlund mU1lI,,'u l tmlll'ln g frOm l lllll tio n!! tu J e ITY, Iw'lI w orlw d !ta n\ for Il. No v, 15 to J UIIIIII I'Y Ir., 1039, Oro und 11 01;' I)c n SCaKO n , C row R, h tlwk ij, wild ntH Il nd dogs are alwnys tnll' gam e Cor IIny g un , Th ro neve r will lio on}' 108 (\ seas: o n on s uc h prc,lIcators, Thn nk t1te lord , RP ntim nl for nn Ollen (Iu n ll seMo n 8 em s to be g row, Ing among lh o t Ul'm 1'1'1, 'fh hunt rs Llggctll h III 10 !;uch a s ns n wll\ be hl8 lise or cOll l'teay a nd cure w hil e hUlit.ln l;', Cot th o Ill n ll ow ne r o n o ur 8111(' (111(1, (lun l1 wm be bac k In Itaa rl.-IltC\l1 plae A~ os 0 g"~lh 1)l rd ., , YO w n cx l year,


. ..

All the loca l st r cu llls we I' In sood flhn l,e In"t wec k 'f>nd brll ~,; ln g ou l a bum l)Cr c rOfl of rtshcrmen, b\lt n ot s o m n ny bIg cn t c h cs, H urry Hun;t « nil AI I EO l' nhllrl of FI'fInklln ca ught 20 bo"s In nesors c l'ccl( hut only :I ot th m k e pcrs, "Bul h " Il. ntl Jnc k Mill I' ac h sut threo good o n os In t h sn m s treo m , Th\~' D u , gu n oC I)rln~bo ro c laIm!! to It",'e h ook ed lhn t b ig , 'bnss In th e LIllie Mlllml. It kn eked t11 I'eel out of R.'ly's fi s t n nd \\'e nt nw ay, We h enr M(>rle oa k ot Leba n on Is doI n g w II

li ce n se train '·1,0 by hlmselt, Rever a l n lcc we k ' nd Du ", ~'otlr h~ntln" eo L catehes wcr tAkn 0 t Morr \\' In th

follow Ing firm:J who flre coop rating w ith th o Wllrr n oun ly FIsb a n d




Whe n fis hin g th e BlI' oms ('\,en w ith II rtlrtc ln l bllil-ll'y wO I' l<lng lh l'



rlvCl'. This write r spenl o n runazlng w ek ,en d. III Pl! ll:!e lslnnd In L a k e Eric, u nd \\'111 !'<'po rt t he trip In Cull n xt W c k,

At The .. Price.

foot of n dow n don't o f wnler n Is ,usun ll y In


Men's 3 pc. Suite Cleaned and Pr-essed

SOc Men'a Hata Cleaned and Blocked

SOc " Wies Plain D,ressell


Quick Cleaners Katbl'J'D



II poo l nnd nbout 8u n , miss those fn " t s tl'otch c" fool 0 1' two d e p, 'I'h r e nt 10Mt o nc bnS!! feelllng

FamlUar Misnomers Tortoise shell comes fr om the Caretta linbrlcata which, properly. is a turtle, Cuttlefish isn't a fish, it's a kind of octopus, which is a mollti9k. The f am ous rice paper used by the Japan ese and Chinese for their paintings is manufactured from the pith of a small tree , Whale· borie II not bone at all, but b a leen, a horny substance growing In the

Including th e famou8 01 nn Cunningham, grea t Bt mile I'lll\n I' In th e CCluntry, Gild his ('I o""~t rl\'n l, n on c ,\' ' n?l( o .. A co l r , (ul III Npl:oy or rtr w VI'I,s was :tI~o "" h L'tI," '(\. ' ,lInn in:.: ha lll '!i till'" of 4 ' 4','" s ln nd" :0 '" Ih,' \I'u l'l ,!'" 1'1'I' unl (01' (jl e

:0-- -

.,_'.L_'. U .

~ . _ a _ . _ I1 _

• .•.• a• .•

_"_[J. P•• n

at all times

McClure Funeral Home Ph••• 7

• 1 •• _ _ _ _ _


_ u_ _ a. l •


Wayael.We __ . _ . v • •

_r_ -


Pullets For Sale White Rock., Barred Rock. and Large Type White


Lemmon's Hatchery . Harveysburg,



WH,Y WAIT? Have your ;F urnace dea'n ed and repaired nO\\1, Also " a complete line of New Furnaces. Gutteri'ng, and Conducto~ work. All ki~'ds of !o.of,8, . llepaire~ a'hd painted. Also asbestos shmgle sldmg ., for old , houses Estimatea Free Prices Reaaoaabl-. ,

,'.J. P. Larrick

Ml', and MrR, ,\V , W , \ !Ilio n, (\f (111I1I'1(11110n, 1,V , Vo" WHI' WI' k '{,Ill\ !;' U sts of thl;' fO l'me r ' R PIl I' nt A, ~fJ', und Mrs, 'fo'nmk , Wilso n ,

, 11 11', and Mra, End Hoc k e tt, or W ayn es vllJe, visIt d the la tt er;s mother, Mr8.. Bndle Rellson, Frlduy night, ' ~f1 ss Fran1t H urrls, ot Dayton, hns b eon visiting fr iends hcre thla )'lllat \\'eel(,

,I oh nn y ,"" n<l (>I' :II C' I' , .,('nll!1l1onaJ t\nulhplll\' vr til' C'lnol nnllU [(1',1", whoKp fen I ' nt' ' lIul' lInl5 t\\:o ' fi ll '('C:, ' Rh 'l' 1I0,hlt gnm ,~ thlH , H,',1 n plll.('<'d him nmo,nl' bn ll~ bllll '!I Imll'l ol'lU llt, will be honorE-II by tho :-Jntlonnl L"n g ul', undny before th SlI nl ' betwee n the Red a nd (he hl engo Cubs, At thllt time Lhe League will, prc, sent Vand I' Meel' with n bea utIrul allver pla que, This plnqu e co ntai ns b 1\ Ullt of Vnndel' Mee r, ca rve d In s liver, nnd the w ords "Johnny Va n, (Ic r Meer _ for his Immort al aecom ,





AUG. 13th to SEPT. 3rd

RHO IILlnlAt •

Stagl! Shaw


OSWALD;:!:.. 25c •









Free Coal with the Estate Heatro!a Range, Toof


Be It oJ'(lalncd by th Counell of th Vlll ng ot W llyncsvlI! , OhIo: ' J:: :'I' ION 1. Thlll til m ayor b lin d I" , h I' hy n uth rlzed n nd em, 1.0 t he co nti rm a tlon of the V il lage ot \\' uy n ('l~ \· ill ' . Oh i o. t o a ppOint n. spet:.Q lln ' ll

. 'E " !'I ON II. S Ul'h RPccla l pOli ce ofnc I' .. h n tl 1m \'C Ih e POWCI'S co n, fc!'rcd by la \\' up(ln police UfCICE.'I'S In a ll Vlllnges or th c Stu t e a nd s uc h other "power s n ot Inco nslslf' nt to t h p na tul'E' oC hl~ office ns Is co n(c l'rt' (l by (IJ'dl na nce e l' lo w \lPO Il rnal'Nhlltl n nd'dc puty m a l's h a ll. SECTION Ill. The compen sa tIon fo r sen loes h I' ' In r oqulr <1 of Bl\ld specia l offloe!' Is tlxed al t h e s um of $100,00 p e l' lIlonth I)(lyoble month, Iy during ~ e tlm o for wh l('h he nUl l' be uppolnted , sm TION I V, B e forc ente rIng up, on his duties Il S s u ch ~pecl al orflcer, h e s lmlt give bo nd wIth good nnd s uffi cient s urety to th o SIl tlsfactio n or lhe Mayor of stud VI llage In th e s um of $600,00 co nrlJtlonell accoriling to In w , SECTlON V , A ll ordIn a n ces or purtS" o~ ordi n a n ces In conflict with thIs o rdin a n ce are he r eb}' rep~nled, a nd thI s \lrdltlo ncc II! h ere by dcclaJted to be 1\Jl e m ergen cy m easuro n eees, s(l ry tor hnmCdlo.te preserva tlon of the public h eft Ith', sutety, a nd go ner, ttl' w O,l fllre of th e 'V ilInge ot Wayne!!, 'ville, Ohio, um} !fh!lll ~a ke of! c t ond b e In foroe from and atter its II00s, BIlge, P0.8IIed AuguUt 29, 1938 Aliesl: B;--X, Henderson, .CJe rk A, K. DAY. Mayor,


The Crocodile The' crocc. d lle has a fa mily reputa· tlon to uph old, He Is about the last close rE!la tive of the d inosaur, He will even lea ve the water to al· tack a man , Nor does he worry about digestion. eating food. bones and all, saY!1 a writer In the Wash· .lngton Post. The weak spot In a crocodile is jaw"openlng, He wields terrific p,o we'r In closing his mouth , can crush a . dog In two, But an average ma n: clamping his hands on the crocodile's SnO\I!, con keep it closed.

Notice Of Appointment EstAte of l1Iorothy !'tllller Raeford Notlco Is h e r eby !Jlven that M1€ 1\UII<lI', whose Poet Otflee Addrolr.s Id \Vn~' n(,8 "lIIc, OhIo, h <ld bee~ au!y lop , pOinted, as AdmlnlBl~ll lrlx or lh ~ F.. , tn l e ot Dorot h y MilicI' Bllg(ord 11110 or 'Wnrren Co unty, ,Ohio, deceallll'l. Dutl'd this 11th dol' ot AII!>U i t, 1938, RALPH H, CAREY Judge or lhe Probilte Court, Wnrrelo Co unty , Ohio, C, DONALD 'DlLA1'USH, Att y, Augllst 11 , lIB, 26

Fairley Hardware S\ores

U.IOD Stoek Yanla' Ch,clDUti, 0, TUDe ill OD Radio Station WClKY 12 :21 to 12 :80 p. m, for our daD, market repon..

Lartrer Becau ... of B elter ' QU llli ty. S'e rvlce and Prj"e

Eafahli.h ..d 1849 .. 1938


Montgomery County Fair Dayton, Ohio Sept. 5 [Labor Day] 6th, 7th, 8th FOUR BIG DAYS

ABigger and Belter Fair Prizes Will Be Given Away



HORSE RACING DAY AND NIGHT Large Exhibit Of Live Stock, Agricultural And Horticultural Displays, Boys' and Girl.' Club Work, School Exhibits, Big Display Farm Implements. Games -

Shows -

Rides and Other Entertainment

6 Big Free Acts J:'ine Saddle Horse Show -

NOTICE Carl Aboech erll, Altol'll ey a nd CounCillor, ' I!lssoelated with Frank B randon In ,the pTllc ~l ce or law at Lebanon, a n'no unccs lhat tQr the ooriv~nlcnce oe his trlElnda and cl\, ents In Wa:I'nel!vllle n nd surround .. Ing areas. hoe w ill be aValjable for oon8ultllt1(m at Waynesville every ' Tueadny a ndl Thursday alteTnoon, 'r.e,nmmnnnlln~ Augum 21m,

Phone 32

Team Pulling Contests CHILD~EN'S

Band Conc.e rts Tuesday, September 6th

Thursday, September


10': 00 A. 'M.


All chil'dren and soldiers' admitted free to ' ground ' until 5 :00: p:. m, on day '. designated , , '



\VllTne8vUIe location: Otlleew 01' Le

ElectricJaa aDd Plumber PhODe IIRI

Jo:U.'u ....t e

1I0X6RF.D, 'R n.1 lAY


cht l J)o l ic~ ocn{,(, I' I" Sl'l' \le fo r s udl t lln t! 11>1 til e )l n~'(} I' of >'<n i(\ Vll l a~ e 1110), tlc'c m II PCeRSIlI'), which t Imo s h n ll n It ('Xf' cd til ' )1('I'lod, o( one yea r .

"' e offer a Batis factory Service

By ' ,Jlllle


:\fI', , nnt:! Mrs, F'!'nnk Wils on nnrt ptl shme nt )'l ltchlng two s ucce~s l vc ,;o n , '\, lIbu I', /lnd J nne Ellle n ),'lt e no ,hlt .. Th " cl"tQ~ werc Fl'anklln vl~ ltor", Iltllrc1" y , ,::nm C!I, :III' , DIc k 'hldal; I' I~ r ('p on cd " C' r y , SCOI' s of hlA f"JllllllS (,;:omc":lr abo Ill , In c lutl l'f\. "" I~ Ill(' (o(flrl tI mnn"!' I',;m of 111 C H,'dl:i, :III' , li nn :\Irs , :lllIt on Ea kln R an ,\ mlh ' , :dl luHJ J,.: h \ ' l'll z k t' (I n Il Cl'a ~ jllll ,"a n tl J' :\h.\~ l· htl ~ ('IHn l ll c·tf')Y 1"(1 . ,Ica n "'(' n ' v l" it o rM In II fI ,lI n g, SUII ' h:u.lll',, 11'11 hllll , ( ' l1l1l1il1!;ha lll ant! tluy, (,O YI'I'P,\ rl'llm an :H tM'1 o f holi ls III \ ' n zla ' lUI ' I1t ' 41 III ('lIlllrt~ l t lIQ n wilh t{ a thll'c n amlll.,tt n nd GrnCl' Pol , hI>! Inm' I' "ill'H, \\'hkll k" l. t hltn un fI\'l' I" n l mll( "'K in II halHlkap r aCl', Ii'll I'c tur n ed , S uniJ llY, aft e r "Isl tln g th o ~id('IiJlP S fO l' lhl't)(' w(",' k .:-t Th (\ ()lht' r~ I'l't " J.{: IJlI L' p \ 'pnts in tlu tl ·t.I a till' lr ~1 " t (, I", Allnnl , lind family, of hlrl'e' tion h H::; C'oIltVI. · t ply (·!t·a n."L1 a nd hlllllll"''] Y"I'( I (I" " h, " <1111"11111 " '\\,1111" f;' I':l lIkll n , hI" l'X P('C tH 1<1 hi' lal, lnl-\' hl ~ ('( 'I'lIlal' in,; rtl c e. /I t W(Hl1ih' h iC' y t' h ' I·'h~ ( · , a nti 1111', II ml Mrs, J ac(,h 'S<tulrc~, of 1) , tU1'1l on th l' m o unt1 b"rorc lonl;, " 11",,(' lIali Ihl'ow iJy l'll'tH), .I ol'i1um, 3" I mit , vlAit('d i\J 1'>1. Ma ry Ryf,' n l , In Kt I~ , ,,'allollal A , ,\ , ,Chllll\1110n, .valer t.iu suer Th l' prog l'a l'l f 'l' Ih ... fi eo ld """I1tH ful, \ ·\ ' I' L1 nesday , I n lhe British Wes t I ndian Isla nd MI' , Zn ln Armlta!>l', of LI'I " n n, l o\\'~ : II I' ~1I1 ... Rll n : (; 1C' nl1 'unning' 10', was a ,'Isltor In 1II1 I' \' ('y:;llur'S', Su n , ot Jamaica there Is a river In the ). l lil ll'l. 4 '1 ' \\' Y u r l< ' lid. l'::xdllt n g'(' ,;\ . parish of Trelawny, the Rio Bueno dar , that bursts tull size from th~ C.: C l.'n e \ - nzk(' . X "\\' Y "I'k A . JIll' , and Mrs , Frank ;\Ic\' a~', or ground, 1 on 13u 111111;11 1'(\11('1', F l' I1 \\'k k C lut. ; :-JI: W Vl '?II na \\' l're Slmll"y \' I" ltol'" of ;\IIII'\'ln a nn <l n , Unl\'('rs lty of In, ,11<'11' llo n, :\11', and ~ll' s , H arJ'Y Mc "'n n illl : au l Ayl a l'd , Ullanll IH 'd : B, \' n y, W (1f1s lln g, 1,' (' n\\'l C' k luh: nlld n , All COHDIflOHID Th t' Dook R,"' ll'w '11' f" le met On TUlll,', ]o'l' II\\'1 I; lUll, lOU Y a rd nun : 'I'u liday "fwrnoo n n t th ' hOlllc of !~ lI ll Duug hma n, R ' c!, ('1'O8~ Shoe A, !'>Irs, \VlIlI lI Jn Do"l ' I', "Th o Ital m( ~ DAYTON C " \\'''Y UI! Lu tc n , 'inc lnn" lI Gym a lll (, " hy Lou l" Hl'omf l It! \\'IIR r e .. • Take advantage of this sensa" n,1 Otto HIJ ~s 1'1 , \ VIIII"I'1 (,,,,11', L l'1I' \' 1 ' w NI by !\I'r!l, Il a lT let SlI1art. Til l' GREATEST tional annual offer, Get this gift 1(' 1' Jl IlLIn ge l', A II n ~ Willa n find ( ;I'on.: slo ry Is o n e d :l ling with th " so lu i of .Free Coal for looking ahead. ~I c t{inn ('y, 11 11 II naUlIeh cotl ; I1II'ltI On ... 1\111 (' \\'a lkln g n aee: J ohn ,I. Ah, IIfl' of n s m n ll city In sOll th Order your genuine Estate HeatSEASON IN out HIsrOfty! I'fl l t', N n tluna l A , ,\ , ,champlol, fnlll a In whIc h 11 1'(' 1I\' lng n ntllnhe r rola before September 3rd - and of r:: ng llsh n ll d Am e l'll'a n I) I'so n s, OPENS .RI'DAY J , ,I , H()H(1nhorf"I', Anll' rlea n \\' alk (, J'fI , start the winter with coal that ThL' I'\, I~ n d l'll l11 atlc POl'tl'ayal (f a n SEPTEMIER 2ND S,' haHII" n Lin .. h:,rn, C'l nl'inn a tl G)'III : wo~'t cost you a penny. l'I, r l h<lIlI(I((' , !.hl' 1t1'I'" klnJ:" of :l rl?~ (' r , N , f' , (;I tll'r'k, (' 11'1 ' Inn n L! OYIll : l'haH , Hearlliner Extraordinary! \'011', and of th l' t.II' I'l' ntial 1'I'l n ~ uf Right now, thousands of families Lt' \' lu e , l1nHtlal'h~d: Hn d t rwln 'ar KEN MURRAY'S "Stooge" th e mon s oon swee pIn g d(,llth u nd cl e1'011, \oI... llIl a m n "b inson , ; O I'~C 11 11 ' are replacing heat-stingy, coalstoge, serGen and rodro SII'uc I!cm be rtH'e th(' m : " ylvic! II ntl In , be l', "1Il1 AI It,.sc . li lt I.If lh e ,\Ill 1'1, hungry stoves with this beautiful Il'n sely I nte rp"t ln ~ l)ic lU I' ur th l' m o('a n " ':llk ' I'" 'Iu b, Twu ,\,IIl r' Blrycl" (I I' n In (lIa , home heater. Come in. Let us I{nce: Frank U :t ll , C in c illnall ; C h ilK, 0 " . IIG ",m AND ~ ""'IUII show you the sensational work111 r , ~1 " url e~ o llClt , well . kn own II I', In Inn ll tI : I'm n e ls L f'I , lis t a nd nd,vc rtiRlng 1I1U1.trator of ":~~:II ~~r::!~~ saving, fuel-saving features of the li cit , J Illmllton. hlo: r:klt n J'd F (' I" N e w YOl'k wh~ fl c \\' to D a yto n n few genuine Estate Heatt'ola. Doo't g. URO Il , Il a mllt on , hlo : J llck CII II , da ys ngo Is s pendin g S undn y with delay, Get Free Coal for acting now. indnnatl: :111(1 David L n n'phl 1' , hI" hl'oth c r, A r nold , a t th e ol d home, :l1It1III e ll)\\' ll , Ohio, "Th e lI ol In th 'Woods," Th ' , RedA will IHlv(> a bUH}, \\' ck, ;\Ir', :llId Mlrs, A, S, Co li tt lIlt e nd .,t1 ]\feet Yo ur FI'I nd>! At nd, uflCl' t\\'o u l1Ys of I'cs t foll uwln g titt' I'e cU llon gIv en It th c h om of th(' nlg hl go w e, all Ih e}, will m e t th e -'hi !I!\'O Cuhs In It du ubl ',hC:ld ' r ~ I r , u nrl Mrs, F:dwu l'd l"rolll~e r, of Pl cmm nl Ridge" In celebratIon of Sallll'CU(Y ~ n r\ a ;;I ngl e game Sunday, Ih <'lr gold e n wedd In g nn nlVet'M I'y , on d lh J • __ Come in, o~ telephone, a ll cn p ay a ~bor D ay tw In bill Ord.r your Heatrola be. Ilt ros l y FI C'ld with lh r oyl\' d a nd 'undny ort I' nocn , fore 3, The n lon F a r mer s lu b, com , At All I'lours m nneln,; , 'l. Louis "rdlnals, A si n , flrl s in,:; Franklin, lA!bu non, a n (\ 1 I I Malte only a amall deIl'l' g:tlll W II th • I'dlnal s on T ue!'!, W a l' nl! \'lII e m em ber A, h eld Ihl' lr n n .. WINES, LIQUORS AND po~f-pay nothing more !lilY , S('ptem l ~ I' G, will . close t ho until Fall; then begin nual picnic Il t 'W ny ne Park, on F rl , 6% DEER INJ, (Uft) EXCLUSIVE,INTENSI·FlRE AlA DUCT .aa,. monthly payments. doy, blocks the upward . rushing heat, sends A III dies' cloy gn tn t' Is S h du ll'd (o r 1\1 u l ber r~' SlI'cct L ba n on , Ohio H ev, Flo~" 11 H uck", II , I' etO I' of 't, G.t BOO to 2000 1&•• • of It ou t In to the roomo instead of letting SC I>t e mbcl' 7 wh en th e R('ds a nd I'll', Free Coal when Heat .. it escape up the flue, Turns waste, l\ l n l'~" S c hul',:h In \Va yn ('s vill o, cu lied nWI! will tn llG'1 , lindo tho followln'g int o warmth. - ~ola la inatall.d this Fall. on hi s pn l'l"h lon el's he re, nll;h\, S ' PI 11l\J1'1- 8, th.., RedN ,u nd '*D.p.ndlngon mod.l"ou"hoo.. NEW ESTALLDY FIRE PDT made day, BUl'N wilt Ill e ' !. un dcr th o a rcs, This - 1.......-oI..-fl I"kel- chromfu 1I0y, m oro tharl 'J'h e 1\1I"8e9 M!I'bl e Il nd l\'! llrgar c l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . doubles t be life of this vila l part '::<1111 will hI' the Illst nig ht ~lI mc o f , Sav es mon ey on upkeep expense S t a n, ot Day l on, a rc s pe nding t he Ih SCllso n , week e nd Wllh theIr m oth r , ~Irs, 11 'IlCl'Vt'{1 SCllt tie l(c ls fe r u ll /,fllm ('s Ama n<11l , tal'r, Now - bring your kitchen up to date wilh this beauliful lIlay be prOL'lII'('d ot th o H ' nry Mr, a nd :\'h's , A, S, 0 11 tl "'el'e range for coal and wood. "Double" cons truction through .. SlI'autls Ignr S tor t!, S IXlh and 'Val , ntcl'tulned COl' dlnn<'r at th e h ome ouL ESlall oy fire .. box aldo linings, P ed.a .. Llft er Key Plate, nul St .'cels, ot !\Ils s Ma r}' \Vllgu s, or X nl ll , on Fine broiling facilities, Th o only ronge bearing the fAmool , undt1~', Heatrola name, Get Q genorous supply ,of Froe COlli {OJ Miss Rosema ry Oswllld , ot L('bn, ordering yours no w. FOR AND CONSIGN Tlon , Is s llco n.dJng sev erul d oy" h ere ,our Cattle, bop, .hee.p aDd calve. vis iting lUll' gran dparent s, Mr , n nd to Norrl ..Brock Cu., live wire aDd "I'()\' j(UlIg I-'llI' A S p l'dll l OrrlC'c r In Mr s, ha d es '1', Smart. proareuive 8m for the blahut market price. and cood lIeme•• The "illaltl' or WIlYll ell\'U1I.'. Ohio

:;iii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;~m:o~u:tha:,~Of~s~om=e~s~pe:C~I:es~o~f~w~h~a~l:eS~'...J~I~)O~\\~";C~I~'t'~ tI, . siJbjf.'Cl ~


AT CROSLEY FIELD 'I'h l\ ('In Innn tl , l ll'd!l, nlll\, hu tlllnl-\' III I h I' thl Ie of Ih c 'knt)('I; ..d !J \\' I1 , iJ~" ,,::: ('lIt '1II1on:l I Lca~ 1I1' !'nCC "J'f' n ow on theil" n u lI" c J'os l Y Fle lt\ Soli tor n s rica of e n gaS'c m e n ~1I with every tcom In the Ireu lt, Til n ed m t the colorfu l Brool" Iyn Do(lscr~ In n nIght gam!!,

Corner s,



, Paid BealaD Troops &0 Flald

Enlland MOlt

paid Beiliu

troops al.

Mar·Hawke .\trenq. Phone fll·.B-!. l .ebarlon OffIC'ell: Built! \1:1, DUataah

.,000.000 to ftlht III lbe Revo- BIId«. It






Children under 12 years accompanied by ' parents admitted free day or H. L. MICHAEL, President


R. C. HAINES, Seere!i&1'1


Maddox, t !I,I "!li llt\? In l\ ltlA,)lI, M \I'Y 1.:.'1111 I't t o IAlll.. HI llhn\l, lot 1()3U 111 Fm ll k ll n . h(, 11 .w' I\'I~' .I ~ "\1I'" t" ,I, \\ 11\ It" [,:u '1 u nu (,'n L'hhlln lo 'hLl'lt :lnd 1·\'a,l. lo,' :;"1'\'\ ell . . 'tlll.lli)'. MI;<R L IInll H\\'1:;11'1' I' . u f 1I1,.(·htl ll h'R, -=-'--=-~' FI11I1I{ H~ \I'Ii, 1 ncr 111 11 111'\11 II twp . J~,'h I "' : EIII'n hnr t to, nk ll1Y Iln a bU"g, ' Oh f" , ~\l~nt I ltl) ' 1',H 'kl'nd wll h '1'u ll, ;\ lllln O. 1 l'11J;C, ~ x ngleKb y. 1)1 t 'In W aynes. Mr . ant] M I'II. r,;. D, a cid n. ht' " llflpro \' 'd , MI' . nnd M I:. I,I\I'C" Lllns lnKc l' ville. ,\llmllll~trlltol' ~II IU dF ranco. Pa rkhill to Wllllum R , Illl() Bobby :'Ii)'l!1'I! IIp~nl t h o weekend ROQOrL , W I~htl m, 1l'oate r , h ~. u",e n num d ndllllnl!ltrnlor ot t ho ell' ~nd a \l , lot. 6z,ua In South Pnrk w ith frie nds n , Vnpuko Jlotn, OhIo . Th y II\tonet tl th (l ~ Il'hnrt I' unIOn l I.e t)C f.mClln L , , Ilbnm. APDfD. l~ r8 lIulxllv l. lon , L bllnon, (It 11'0 .'1 Amnn!ln , Jl\m El, Curl) nY, by IJUllrcUnn, no!)wl w \\' W I il, II'wln, JI'" E, ' V, !lllltu l. IU'/( I', lh to JQ~' Cal'be r ry, 4,14 (lC I'CB In L u~h ,(1 111\ III,I'IOY , 00eV y, Fmnklln tW\) , Omllltl\' IIlI tr lll' lIl' l', will 'l,ak" llli'll' S III\\!' ~1 " ( ~ r-In Ih (' ;'\ I ~' ''' 'H PI'II II"I'I)' on Anl1ll E. S h chilli . uy Ni CIIll'lx. \0 h"m ;0,\:11') 1~ '\' ill , 1"' ul1l1on, II. l;!fitCI; \\'11:< nlll llt'll Ill lt l1lnl><II'III1'lx (lr Ih ('s H ae he l V. E'lI'nhn rt. 3 Il'I\ e t ~ III M"III HII' ,' I.


Countt Court News -


l 'JUIIl.\ T I'; COl R T

F ill'll


Ittol'(l Stitt, ndm lnlst\'lltor or tht;l IlltUlt or :Rutb Ann Slilt, Mallon, fII hll tlrll, tlnoJ, Ilml dllflrlbutlvo II, t; u nt, .

'I'll Uo'IlI' Iuv II\(ory'i'lw Inv IH,lI'Y nr 1\1. . Drnl{c, n ' llllt,I H'.."io,· (If tilt' ("RI,'!'" or !llI n n lo J,.. ·, luHurd . L,' :\ 111111, 1\'111 11 h l'lll'd ~1\ 1'1 "1lI 1,, ' r


.\1, 1, · "r 11"11")' J . " ' 111. AJl JlI''' ll<f' l'~ lIal1ll'.t W"I',' 1-: " 1'1 ~ I 1 1'''''' 11 . .1 , W .

W Il ),n ey\'\lIe . ~IA{UU ,\(iTo: )~I {,EN S ES d ('h t ~, u nt! .Ioh n \\'. L I ~ t, 43, Day In II , I'OOC.' I" i,,,1I1 1l 1<1 II wi 11 ,<I'>;"h I I\ulln ' \. 1111' I\ ~ .a •• • "r EIIII :'II tln d r l'~n e ' nu l' ka lu\\,. 33, i!'t'IIllldill . "11 It", O i\'l' 1I Of .' "('\{ 1~ ~ l llit-Ch,u·lef. Edward KII1 S\\'ol'lhy, 21 1, f T In- Il d yul nt' o f th f ' ('!'(t n h' ot ' Vur . 1·" \I!li .. m n n. nnel L n h \\' In lfl'''(\ \ I' P I\ I' • •, .H' I" !'-'P t ,, ~ ~ :\ ,n n:! :.!O, u ll cl th l' Kunt ?. bOlh of L e bll llo ll , and "1 !'.( tn h \ , tot\t ' l:lI'pd , IX l ll pl

A I' II,\I\·". I S" h l'l lllh' 't'hf' f{" h ('l ll1h' t lr t·l:II Il\H.


l1:\ lJlll tl !l

Clean Grade Your Own Seed with a

I1h ' l H


' Standard

fan,.bafl, btonJC O&mi. Tbree Inodell, hand opt""

.led\ elect rio mot.or and CNO me fouglne drh'o. GoO{! ••,y.


) d JI., opt,ly

bo., ...

...dod, m.... I... do.t. ap ana inct~&.M' rl y itldl VAC·A·\\·AV on di. l.y

R. D. Collett I'hOll(' 99R3

Base Ball At Harveysburg



National Advertised 'Brands Week Sept. 1-10 IIERE ARE Jl l ' A F E W OF T HE l\lA.."'I\' URAN D Tn'T W E IIA 'r o OFI1' E R ,


l\tRzIII\ I'hllto

Mum, Larj!e sizl).. . ..


ri l ;l l h',... (.IX .

. \ Pllil 'l llit' ll 11 ..·It' n Thp

n ppitf'lt litll1

• II UHI,ltlll 1,,·\h·1' 'll. HP Il" t) \' f '~l

li nd

T1H1rnlon Offo rd "!lIlIi"cl t o h e re, $ 1 .30 ; 'u nn r T " xa~ o S C'n ' IC(! l.'\lio n, som e, $23 .89; Alo nzo roJ oq;'lln, rfpnl. ) Il' \\'aH 11 11111 d com m ills ione l' 14 1,2 h r ul'S hlbol', $5. '0: Ba nks· ttl ,·XN' ut ,· Cu ll\' eyance o r l)l'Opcrly In, l:IlI ldll'l n Luw Publis hing 0., s u b· sC l'lptlon 10 Deiooi'll 1IIa nue l , $4,50 ; \" 1" ,,0. Mls80n u Kno, , In\' a lld cur ', $26.00. Itl~AL E ~ TA'I'E Til-AN FERS E ll n lI orr, !l.,, 0l , $7.00; Win n ie Ge n l' ll's t :'Il Ilso o Du nk l o ] uy L . t ,·y , ..ame, $7.00; Mrt!. L loyd B l ~ h (l ll ,

111(' 'I :~t:


=I~C'~C :=====~O~=;~' :10 E !J Oc:::lO

20 '

(iO,· ·17(' B!lt· a:Jc

:\(1', 1';'1 \ ' Ont l' IUf:NDS ""--e~ .S it




-. :JtiSI: _


2Jj (.

!)II ' !i3c


50c 2iic'

Eat -

Me 7!lc' zr;(\

, a~(· ,

Smoke -



I Friday - Saturday.

"Bank Night" WA YNESVILLE :!~1

s m"J'hJ\IIlE rt

T ht' Thl'el' :\it'SlIlIil " ' r ~ -i n -

"Call of the Mesquite~rs" en rl( llIlI ...·I1" .. t - J lopuhU' :--:('1 ~ n "'41

('(j Iltr'(ly- \Vlnn <.'I·

LI" ' (,~

,\ 11

IIl'tllT "''''lIl a

i\1. <.'al'l'IJlI

-1 1\ -

" BLOCKADE" ( 'Hrtf.)O n

::>IE \\' ::;

1t 8F.(~

S IW 'I'K \Ullm ~ Illilh

n ull,, \\,

7 E n lyn ,)aw


" Panamint's Bad Man"

, -8CREENCOMPANlI" Florence Rice ' I ••



!I01me , $8.0 0: Leo J . ::lmlth, $10. , UOt-l:rtl J ~til:,tep, flBme,--4fr.OO; L. B . Sleele. 8tl me, $5 .00. M,'s. He le n Do ug h mtln . ...l7.00: I vn Nich o ls , !lame. $5.00 AIll rl g ht T exlIco St lltlon, g nso· li ne, $2 ,21; J . Lnw Il.nd Son , gasoline tor ca ul·thou ae 18c. Ity ,Treasu re r , 1)olll'd ot ta n]ey ~Iilc h e \l In w orkhfl u se; $18.00 ; o· (um b us Blu nk Book Co. , m Ol'tgl,ge r eco rd , $65.00; C. J. Waggo ner,

Tllnt , : urll t1un TrlJl

BUY AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE , 'l:hat .. 111 Inr.lud nOfil) l b~l And DOdt or's pm:! .Il'Or' 'ourll\'l! Am) 'lI,l.ffiily


HORPHlll. ~ edi cu l s e rv ices, $26 .00; Tr('(ls ure l' at S ta te, w ork Ins p ctlng I'onds, $' 2.28: Znln B r a nt , sel'vlces as (' Iial nrna n , $1.88; Mo rris Te lTY , sam e, $2.7 ; L wls n nd D r a ke, cem e n t, $I .40.

BELLBROOK M I'. E lm er Ads et, L oulo WhIl e: a nd E lbe rt Lamm(' ( ft on Salurday fo r , 1\ mow i' trip to M lnnesotl1, Th e conditi on at 'Villlum Hus t on. who has been serio us ly 111, I'c ma lns the sarn o. 1111'. a nd Mrs. G lenn HeHs a nd :'I£t.. uu ci ?I ll's. 1.". Dinwidd ie a r nltl' nd" In g th e S t a t e F n l),. Mr~ D. R . Ha r ris o nd fa mil y will ICtl ve on Thurs da y (o r a m o tor trip to V ir g inia. wher e they w l1\ \l ls lt with lIIr, H a rri s' IlUr e nts. M r . tl nd Mrs. Rnl)lh Mill!! Btl nt .:!unduy lit CQne y Ialand, Mr. and Mrs. Clyd e B a rtley and Mr, and 1II1'S. Qeo r ge B a rtley at· te n ded lit e Bal'tley r c unlon a t R oss township high school, Sunda y, Mr. Wilbert Be nning ton s pe nt th e wee ke nd wllh r e la tives at F ort WI.l, lIa m, <;Ihl , 1\Irs, Lorn Ke mp a tt e nded. the l{ em)) r e union li t Eastwood pa rk ,





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\,111,·. 01 11 ... .. II', a III I !\II'''. L u '11101' 1' thl' ~ I al" I,'al r , Hunu ay.

1",, 1"

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;ll ll ry ' a 1'011 11 (\ Lul,enH ~)len t laHt w""I. with J\ . ~ , J.ill 1'1 suC' l, a nd rlllll' tty.


Hut h

, luug-h l o r R.

H ill"

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j ',tlonla l T lwilI .. I',

~t.lrLlllf.!' ~I ' li', ' rl1hl' r


Il :-l 1:lt'a l oil


llny tl l n ,



Sal'uh ,

~1I ~Ls


'. Eo Etll\' '1'1l0! HIIlI f nnt lly, of Dny, ton. :II I'. :011,1 :l11's. J ohn Turn 1', Qr W it cli ng, , \' es t \ 'II·gi nln. th h' Pill' nl s, 1\1 1'. a nd :'Ifl's. H n l'\' e y Sit 1< Il n nel :'11'. lInt1 ;l lt·~. L c Mc Lain, rot· sC"('!'a l days ,I ll' lail I'lln rt '. J o h n ~o n , of Luv ' la nd,

PI' 'ache,1 li t Lit e 1Illddle H Ull Bu ptlMt Ittll' h. S undu)', while lh ll pasl o r allc Oll lld lit Baptis t A ><SU 'Ia lio n u t NOl'lh Distri ct. K ntu cky . roliMs [{uby J a m es liP nt th e I\' k, nd wi t h home foll,s, :\11'. o nd 1I 1 1'~. , Vilbur ert rll will mO\le 800n Into t.hl' 111' P I·tl' (\\\'nod by G ilber t Frye a ll East NO I'IIt ~t, 11 1'1 F ,·yo III m il k ing extc nslve 1m, pro""m nts on his home. ~I r . tlnd Mrs, Raymond on n er fl nd du ughl ers, lIfl·. n nd l\I1'8. L e o

flt:\~ (l


~ ho\":-': ,

Stage Shaw

\1I ll'l'

' ti ll Willi'! Sli ll wine. " rc Ihe r es ult of th e d ;lY. :-.i(' Plp!lll,l'l· :.!, )011"4'11\ :111 adV:lll ' 1\ fel'tnen b lioll o f lit e juic,' "r .(Jund. r ipe g r apes. F el' ml' nl alinn is lit nl)tk N~ , 1 hi s ~H ':HU \ lI pl 'I lI nh~t\~ to h t l tit .... 1-!1' (': It<'~ t ill Lh ll H"() ( 'u lll ll l:I1 's c on'llf't·. ion o f g l' a p e Sll llllr illl" lit. co11l5) all d curb nic acid gas: In hl ~ t u r ,I', n nlura l (still) \\'ill es th e rcrm c- lI ln· 11 "H Ulillili g IIII' 111:0111' 11;0 ", 0\ 1,11 1 I~ lio n Is comple ted bcf ul' e b l1 l ll1n g, 1, (111 :\tUITiIY '!'I f a tlh )ll ~ ~lOogt,' '·O s· Th ei r· a lc oholi c con Ie- Ill \' nric s fl' o m nin/' to fuurl ee n pel' C" 1l1. Sp a rklinl'l W II hr' wht> }o::I i1H'd, g"1 'C'n l f U ll lt.' ill tilt.' v nl\ l' t ll.!Utl P · lI l "" I-Iii. :I~ !'oot: ll" nr tilL' w ines nrc pl' od uced in Ihe same way , ncclJrd ing to an nulh l'ily, (' X , 11 ... II .\· W"Hd I l lIlt-1 l'a ditJ PI 'U f;" l"il lI \, aH cepl th a t Ih e lasl ~ I ;qtl! ' or (l'I'nWI\ ' e\} ln ·dy hit l It" 111.(,,' scn' I ' n :t1 1r: ll' l it Jll , talron tak 5 pl:t rc ill lhe ~cale d b Oll e " YI)\I ' n ' .A SWl 'l.. tlh': I I·I ," a n d II!'; U s o Ih at th e c a"b a nie ncid g:.s iR I' . lililJ.;\' \"l , l l · hl"il y , "Oswn ld " fl IHt.h' fain · t a.incd und rr ndtwc s \~lT ll rv C S C l\ n ("('


OPENS FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 2ND He adlin e r ~x'raorcJinary!

KEN MURRAy'S '~5'vpgeU of stoge, serGen and radio

OSWAL'D;~H" I/O Aen AND KIWI flATIJI/' 25c · All 10e ...... n HlIs orHU DA ILY


Ii", . .

tll (' P II Il Ulli l ' Hl1y ln ).! " 1 11\ Y, \a h"

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nf lit.· la,!) t \, I" nial 'I' h ''' ''' 1', '!la y ·

Pll t".·-

\\, (·rt,

;\1 ;H IJ4{\

"\('lI.ucagull 111g b -Volcano Acollcagun. an extinct vQlc a no In the sou tho r n Andes, is the highest mowl!aill in the Western bemJ.

sphere, (lll·" .... n, IIIIU .!t . U. \V"J'H.·I'. t'<I,lIlJl l; IWIJII 10 lit llKO ulunl ill >lt tl!:t' fi r' SHeil Iltu rs or r a dio, scree n , Largcs t nakc5 in, World Ultd ~I n"o 08 K lett Lu cna. J 1.11\ L will T ho lurgest sn ake s In tho world Cl nd hilS r,.0110 atM' .COWPOY8, ~ybll are the ~e ~loulllte d pythonl ,of thO DOWI\J1, "nd ~i l~ Do l \(\~1l bl'll.lld o("'y Phlllppino Islo.nds, m...urln, 80 re vue, "Tho ~t;'w W OI'\(1'1I n\I·. II II t oet I.n lenGth ana l~ Inch.. In 41, o.meter, The of thJs .peeln lh H(' I' It will h ' ~\l It l 1j\1\n(1lll g evor found Will t2 tlet lonl, . " HI' .\'110119 II I " n 'l t IVlt , " \\' Ilh 1), t.


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tlu ' h' nl' Jl ht'\\" li nd wi t'('. i\lr.

a" h e-


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G I'\lul r;" l't on n:i, a ~ p '1 '-

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t"""II 11' r""lu l'e ot the H!l r llllm II IIlI Ba lly. f:l nl!l\lI!:, l'l'Ll tlt t'l'H (·il·(, II ~. 111<' n ulh lHIl' l\



,\ tl"

I{ p vl · I ~,

~(,O I'"lU

Superb Sal a ds

a t1(I. I IIII·.·Y 1': VH tl )-;,

t.n ' IIl(' I H luu ~




B(" "'I'ly 1I 111" , ' 11Il: llI nati. a 1'.' :111 h a (\I I.1<'I';'; (on t111 ~ o p,· ulng bil l.

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In 1'1 -

fl" 'l l lin

Satisfying Sandwiches

You r Fa vorit e BotLled B cl'


R end c ,I :"-73


W ay ne8vill e

•••••••••••••••••••• • • ••••• • m••••••••••••••••••••

Lf.Sourdsville Lake Labor Day Is

olln er . t ogethe r w\lh Mr , nnd ;\( rs , ~" '\/,\Tbfl : to bOl'l'ow MilO n l 7 % .~. l,d\\'l\l'(l>! n nd Il nug ht 1', :'Iftu'~' , scell i' d by (II' 't m lJ \'lg n~c u n n .. fr·s, J osep h Ra n a lli li nd son s lln d n "w hu m >.! . !:lux 2~r., " "lyncl;\'IlIc. Mr, a n d ~ [rs, ] l. L , Etlwu l'ds and Ohio.' 'h lldl'c n , tl ll of DaylOIl. pl'kn lcked at lhe Soldlel's' Homo a nd Luk s ide, FOR SJ\ LP. : ><("d cu ,' n 1,ln<1 \Vcdnl1sday, \le n:! ng . 'h u p. sed l\leCo l'l1llcl; ;\[o\\'c I'. 'E I'n eliil n EI lI' n htlrt ap n t MQnda y , S e lil tlse 01'11 ri I< e r which Wtt>! h er blrthdny, with h r co I~n bi nt10er at ~ I ' ul'l l'Y 111 nt Com[ll1ny, L I'ha n n ll, oUl;l n , Nnom l Enrnh nrt, '111,1 1'108 '1,111 t , a nd 'nrl F e l'g usQn I' h nc 100. I ft, last Frld llY, CQ I' I.l m o tor t r ip to t he Smoky "'Iouu ta ln!! tl nd o t her FOR ~ poi n ts. of In te rs t In this sect ion of pe l' ,,;'ollon . or 'X1UI l h e co untry. ce lll s Il ct' ''' I' I. R e d '.l'op , 2 qu a l' ts. Ml's. J ohn V . lI..u y h a d he r ton,'lls 26 ce nts, Pn ,111, 20 e nts n CllIllrt I' movcd a t Duyton , Wed nesdny. )( l'Oll n , 11 el' nts II gll ilon . M r s. Lacy Is to ,r e lurn hQme, 'l'hurs. 'outh N ewlo n Brus., L ' hanan, clay . ·lL·lllc B t·ondll'rty.


DANCING SATURDAY, SUNDAY I And MONDAY Sheik Coyle And His Band Ro ut e ~ b 'Lwcen M iddl ' Lo wn nnd Ham ilton

Th e co mm c n dabl ' Ha r vE' ysbur!; BnRebn II T ell m Is goin g to fllc e two of t he s t l'!lng c!!t or ganizations ''' I'' Ilea r In g locu lly d uring t h c flt's t lla,ys of Scpt c m bcl·.

Goodyear Shoe ' Repair Se,rvice ' CUSTOM MADE SHOES liB Mulberry


11 11 0 1' S F I'a nk II ell". \\·"yn es · viti '. Oh io. T,'leph c>nt' 45·Ht .

'rh e fi "s t tussle, un '(' pl emlJ I' 4. Is to be wl l h t lt e XCllla BlIsebnll F n ::li\ L b:: Thl'co ~'O lln S' S ec Leu Clull. In thls game t he 10Clt i btly.. o n n e l' , tlrc "to-tnc~"S kmiy. \\'h u rO l'lllcri y h lo. WllS hlt'c(1 by ih 'W a y nes ville Athle tic! ASJ;ocla tio n . Oltl r bllaeba ll fa n s T E N N [S r:A ' [, I;;'l' S n rill rt'pnlrtJd . ' Vurl\. ~uI1 1 ·a nlt ' l'd . In thi s secllon n r c we ll a w ul' e or t il lH \I t ' rtl n pl toh e l" s re putn ll on us one :3 e Don HIl WIIC, hm' Un g in




When we install a Stokol automatic coal stoker we know the whole house.hold will be much bappierincluding the baby. Stokal gives a clean, even heat, controlled ~herm06tatically according to the demand.' of the weather-a more healthful heat beaUIe there i. .less danger from colds. Mother does ~ot have to run to the basement every time the temperature changea and baby appreciates that, Stolcol is also a great economy. It bums-less expensive coal and less of it. And that malees Father smile. Let Stokol run furnace. You'll say 'it's the best i~ve8tment you eve~ made. Available in hopper and bin feed modele, A.k about our easy terms.



•e ••• •e• ••

STOKOL FEATURES. bdualvo H~draullc' 011 Tranlmlliion • Air Tight Hopper,. Hvciraullc Hold-Fir. Control • AutoMatIc CO'!trol of Air Supply. Silont . • NoShoarPhu • Saf., Cloon,

.There is a .mOdem pleasant way fo get rclief from lJeadaelte. Gas on Stomach, Colds, rieart. bum, "Momln, After" and Muscular Pains, JUst drop one or two ALKA.SELTZER 'tablets into a ,lass at water, Watch it bubble-listen to it fizz. As soon as tablet is dIssOlved, drink the tangy solution.





,~, , ,

.AJk.a .. Seltzer • e


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!)lh And :n~ t 1" 1001'

A , .1 , U, 'IluJ.dl ng ·-TelephOne-Ad.a191

Ilu ll) \\ _It\1

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\\)Ilt ,b

agen t , pre mium o n .cl Il uty "h eri ff's STICONfi Ifr\R\~ E\' S nUHG , T E Ai\1 AJ 'PLER P n HALE : flel' .J. L. :\I L· II· • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • bond, $15,00; Dr. H, L . ROij e nCI'n n 9, TO F ,\CE TR\'ING WEEI\ENO d< n lwll , " 'IlY II ,.\' ill,' , )1111), 1' 1", "(' ex true ilon s, $7.00; Bla ir B roth ol's __ 45 , H I ~.

N li. :1 ..-\Ils h G,,'r dull 811rll\l



Waynesville Personals

tHllall .'"

htl l"

t. Url."


cle .. k. F .... nldln . J I" .. old Bl' n n etl. 2U, la l)!)1' I', li nd a l \V lly n l' I'ark\. I I' n,' Elfl nll, ~4, 1J0 th vr 1·' ..lInl<ll ll . l:U{'st s nr B.t'\". Slla :-; .I\ n ,.;I"H :In ti

1lC' ,·cc1 u( th e Il, ltnlnl';ll'a tl o n or SU Sfl ll


hl!;h · rt.,III)( I 1I )'lon \\'hlt., :-;"X ',l"!,,,d It'HII I b'I' 6. '1'ltl .. I "~' \(Ill ('Iu l 11 ":1 Iw(' u; noll.'c\ [ 0 1' it a brUII /lnl ((11111 oft II pec\lIculn r) (lxhlblllQna . L("i's all turn out and ,put a little 8uI1I'OI't 00 ' hInd ollr boys' Ublllty ll ll(l r Jlut",


~O ,

('O:'IMISS IO:\,EU'S UII ,U'; Ol'01;u nlll Urlcl );(! cO) .. plal!'s " Ill] T ill ' lh ' l Y il hH ~ u ( Ll l ''! l'sltt l U llf Cl i! - n«lls, $00.00: H , D . ColI Cll, Hu pp ll cH , ra ,\ . (;1111.,1\1'1' s. t il l $4,73 [' .GO " 1Il1 paint an d gtlso llll(" ~29 .G9; Ha Ylllu nd pflYI'O Il, $289.&0 : '1o a r l,' >, thp l'stlt t, · d~t · I. I I', · c l \ S c' lll lll ( I' un l P It Y- )lul(Q,·d. Urudbu l'Y , !\lIm, $2 11.40; EliI'I I Ill!· 11"'11' of I n1l )I' llnn('. · tuX" . n eld , >! I'vlces liS III hanle, $73.~0 : ,·"It, O"t!,','c't!j' I'IVHll' Halt· " I' rll:11 \ ' :41II H ' ul'd,II'Pel ,Juhn J . BaiT, p ay r o l1. $3 1,70; J oh n 111 thc' tllan . 1· II f t 11 '1'; 11 11 .1 :""1, , IHl ndn · ~o n Mcy I·S. 'lU lIl e . $ H6 , ~ 0 . E . W , lluS8, su m ' . $539.50. i ~ ll ; " " 1 u l' I h, · ,'tl t.ttI.· uf \\fa rl'l ' ll C. J~a l'1 Bayso r e. 1II\11l. $249.UO; v : J :u' h. .IJ.; :lfne; t )'1. 11·~ a l' t'l Hn hl' l 'l~ and :\1. ,\I'mltnge , sa m e , $341. ZIJ; Jlm'I' Y r·lt~H'r:-. . . \P P(', d:-'1 d \ ,j) u" i~ ,·L HO I)' :'I["unt , ~u m e , $116.00; Armre l :\1 ,,· :\'alllt· , \ lhllil1i ~ I I'Itlm'\\'11 11:1111 II. I III III IJI1,l h :t~ h It.;t ll natH d te rl a ls Co .. 0 11 un,d a iiph u lt . $2.30\1 ,· H ; Zttl n Al'mIUl!;,'. g r , v I, $630.1 2 n tiltlini~1 t-,dln ,,1' the \' :-o l i t '" o r L Cf llW " a l1l111' JII.t ll il''I'r I ·IIl' ~ I1 " r. ,,' . 11. Vu n Ca mp Sio nc Co. , sa n d und gnt' ~h" s l\f'r . :l 11') ,\~. }; . eh 'F rl ' )' nru ticd \' 1. SlI 2.00: Jlamld V . :\larl7.. g l'(\\lOI ' ] 3.7 0; Albl' lg h t 'l' \xnco Stil l Io n, tit·, " p\lI'al I'H. . ' i1 t'S FIlial Accll u ntu ml t ube, $26.68; Duyton JI ~ " lha 1'lInlo·lt, " dmlnbt",ll'Ix " i lIul:;t '0 .• tnute l'la l lind lauo l·. $43 .· (II(' (· ~ l l\h' .IF L u"I"" 1';,II·lIItU l' t. rti ud 31. Art z T ire ' on ' lce, I'e tr"",t tire, $5., h I' f1 .." t , fina l, <l nt! lli Ntl'llJu tl\'o UC' 45 : Dayton ,\ Ulo PUI'16, aU IlPlles nn d I·l.unt. pllrts, $7& . 14; ~ 1. D. L arki n und a., '1'0 II t':\I' .\ I' I,UI'I.linnAllnat,,1 C. ,lvin 11;\ mnu II p (1 l1cu· "lim e, $40.25; J , D , Adam s Co., p llr t s , l io n I~ b .· IIP IlOI Il"'.1 g lllll',lI" n or F ll'd $2 ,61; Incl nnll tl und Leba n on Ex· CII !I'ln, lI ll 'l; 1I Insane. th e llppllcn- preas, KJlr s s on Iln r ts, 35e; W . H . tillll tll I", It 'Il l'lh, S:" IHOllllw l' 2 , Mc He n ry , Hup pll£!s n n d gllsoll ne. $20., Gl'll nl ~ l'c·I·t!fil'\ll t.II ~ ; P l el'(~e S "v i e Stull n , gasolin e, AII\lllcllliu n o f n a he l V. E ll l'nh nl't, $19 .2 1; Q ul f R tlnlng ,0 ., !jllm', $3 7,~ x" utelx. o[ th e esLO t of 111m E. 91. Rh 'hnn , illmllcd for c rU(J clI l e of H . E . I vins, SlI m c, 1.3fl ; Bunnell 's tl'l1n _f 1', wltl ' h \\Iftil S'I'o nt d . 'l'e xaco s ,'vl'e Still io n, SHm . $4.71 : H ,·Jj,' \·e AtI," ini slnrtorBnlhll\\,ll Y Se r vice Sla tl on. Sl1m t'.

] \1('

Twin Theater

l~lI n ·

1):;1',"- t lit -I'L' (,rdl'n·d . S t·, , '" Im' ur (iall"h r l' .,;, 1111,,-


J'hunl' 120


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WaynesYille Drug Store


1·1 r .1Jl ld i n t (\\\" (l :o' hlp .


DIlT}lel ::l . ~2 ,

\ III I \1 , II \'I:o~r tit"

t ':--: l ""'11 :-11111 III"

Sill !;, Mic higa n ,. n nd CU I'I'II1l' l:l,hlcll . IIn,1 :'I .. ~ ,

t h0 !Hhn btt\h ln

1"1 ' 1

H t'~lt ' h){ ' r,

I" 1111' I II}'I""

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alox Tooth ) 'Owclt'I' .. . .. ,. II.d lit T ooth l'usCe, . . " . .. • • hillolo ' hoo llressill i " , . nl;lIntillo ... . " . . . . _ ... " . . I!:v r Clldy (D il le d F iash ) . . . IIIIIII:~ TooCh Paste.. !\(url.. (ror (,)·cs) ,. " ... " , . . J{ol c , (all Idmil;) .', .. ,' , . , . Flu·h'lI hUIUIIlIO .. . , . . , , .. , . \ llck s N ose Urops . . . .. . . .. . . Gets It Corll ' I~ lU l~ly , . . . , .. ' Til mIlIU. .. . . , . . , . . .. . ,. . . 1"11 teelll (PlaC l'I'uIL) (j ill I'll flI llc1oj; . . . . .. .. 5 fo r \ ' italls , IUI;!,IS hair h l'lIUh~' H~ IlI, for ('ulJJ:h s .,... . ,. ., Burllm Iuu'll . . , .. . , , . , .. , . ' I'.l\'lu'r's T a r , ' 0811. . .. , . , , . " Ilr, " cst'. TOIIUl Ilrush ,." ' cllIihhs ( 'ocl LI\'('I' Oil . . 12 liZ I ~)I 01, Stnn 11 1'ize . . . . .


.'tI",II 1'''1 i"111-

oqulpmont., 12

u reont ror wbeat. oau, (om, tim. thyI fYtl bIulcy. .oybeana, C onr, atralla, ole. nall·burinl

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Ila",·,·y~l.t1I ·).\ h'." ~



A1kalldn, Efterveuent Tableb)


enjoy the tasle-more

like ~rlng

water than Wut Ined1c1oe, . ALEA-SEL'l'ZER; w~ dlissolved in water, CODtainl an ana1PIill•.jSodIum AcetYl·SalIIl),late), which reUeves pain, while Ita alkaUzing agenta belp to cor· rect everyday allmenta a~teO with hyperacidity, Your ~ bas ~-SELTZE!l. Get a aoc or 80c pack8lit OD our "aatllfactlon·or·money·ballk" guarantee.

•• e •• (j



\'" I



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LI L f


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... .. ,'J. -~


, ..

Waynesville ·Farmers '\


Exchange. Phone 25





Wayne Township Schools Opens Witb Large EnroDment

. ,


I Churches I WAYNESVlI,LE If, E. CHunCH

TIl<' lInn'(' yslJllr/-{

t h " 1/,(,,, 1 hoy:; . not Illlowln!;' a Xl' lIl n


tendll through lunch eon on Septem· bel' 25 th.

Every paris h and miSSion If! r ell' r esented nt 'the annual Conference. Bishop Hobson Is In cha.rge of u.r· r a ngem nts, osslsted by the R ev. Dr. DavId R. Covell, diocesiln oxecuUve sec r etary, the Rev. Dr. Gilbert P . Symons, ot the diocesan staff, ' and the Rev. F. C. P. RAndolph, Rector of St. John's Church , Lancaster.



'W aynesvllio Fa rmer's Orange til II' annual \ns pection, Sat lit'· dny night. Third lmd tourth degrees w~re <:onte rred upon It c la811 or cnn · dldates. , 1'hO Ju\'e nlle Orange was a\\,l1r/l· ~d, to be n.n Ronal' Grange {or the second yea r, hnvlng railled their BCOI'e tllI'(~e points thlR your. Afle r business WWI completed tho Senior and Juvenile Grunges presenled ttie following program: Read· ' Ing by Sue Ful'J\lls, Ihalrumentnl duot py DorIs and Er":1D. FIres; Dis· c u ~lo n on Soli Conservation by Ronald Hnwke nnd Charles Mlchenor; my ' t1rs t Impreyslons oC the Gtange, by Mr: Garst; Tum" t Solo ' by Ennll. Fires: Exercl~ by C1a~ys RYe, WII· ~lehnln a Bl,'l\ddoeK, Donald Burge, Dorothy Jilne Wilson, and Roy ' a.nd Sue Furnas; Plano Solo !>Y . Betty D avis; Debate;_ Resolved, It ' Is more (un to_ 'h ave a flower hunt than a weIner rolult, the af~lnn al\ve taken by BC'lty Davie lind Cnrol Ludlng· ton und the negallve by Betty Brad.dock Ilnd Mnry 'l\foss. Refrellhmo.n ls were served.

Mr. and Mrs. ~ H e nkle and ,laugliter ElIzabet1\ brought toget.her se vernl mem~ers or th eir fn mlly' tor the day last Sunday. The time wlla 111vld.ed between the co t. h un ry orne , of the Henkles nnd Wayne Park, Those to enjoy tho delightful day were Mrs. Ma ry Ebersole a nd daughter. Norah, Mr. und Mrs. Cha rles Igler and son, Lloyd , Mrs .

_$o.;~oI;i.:g,o,""-;l'll, c


Music lovors wnf It,a ve a chance to h enr some rel,llly good music, thlll evening, when Mrs; Joel Mnlsbury presents her' ,pupUs In Q. recltll1 of pll\no, voloe, and " dramo.tle art, at the Methodist , Chur~h 'a t 7:46, Thoso . taking part are 'Marjorie ROilS, Janet ~ oehan, Jeanine Brack noy, Beriilce SheehQ.n, Edward Kr4cr, . Vlrglnln. ' Pre~ton, Ruth Hayes. Anno. Mo.r!lyn· 'Whitaker,

Route 73 Is Scene Of Second Serious Accident ..

mar Donaldson of ]1ft. Ve rn on, Penn., wu s .."I,'e n In m," n rl'ln"o . . by Iler (atber, She Ch08 (or h er weddIn g IL floor 1 nglh dress of white d uchesse lMO I IL C1tted jnck 1 w ith put ted w III

Te n perso ns w eI" htl,·t. o ne se r· lously , ca rl y r.l ollday n ll'(ht In n. head ,o n colllsioll O il Rout 73. thr'e e mil s I!fUll of th ~ "Ce ll" of th 11,·e· _ _ _ _ _ ~_ L:1bol' Duy cr ush In wh1ch se\'cn wc r e kill d. MI·s. Russ('1 Sa lisbu ry Is In the Mc lella n HO Hpltnl r ccove rlng fI'om It Vlrg lnllt Frye, 24, of Rprlngboro, nt. drlv cr or on ca r , Huff r ed sevore m ujor operation Iler fo rmed Itjst CUtS nnd Interna l Injurl s . He r co m · urdny . pAn to n , E stcll Ph l11llls. of Frnnklln, Miss Sh lrl QY K a y ' Nen l, at Mont· I' cely d h end n nd (nee c uts , gom ery. I ~ sl'"ndln g two wee k s w ith Occ upa nts oC Ow olhcr a uto wo,'o 1\11'. Ilnd lUl'l'I. Orville Gray nnd Olive r Smallwood, CllI l'l, sy ll\o gro· dnugh ter . C I'; hl ~ wIfe, Anna; their 'c hild re n, Mr. A. O. Bowman , of Fl'tl nklln, Oris, G, Clyde 1, a nd J oe 9; ]o'loyd spe nt last \l'eele·end wI t h his daugh - W e lls, 66 , and hi s wlCe, Corde llu, 52, tel', Mrs. Orville Ol'oy, und fa mil y. of rural r o ut e G, Daylon, a ll(~ Wood· Mr. nnd. 1I[rs. C£'O" ge Quic k, oC row Nullens, at Inl'kllv llle. ;\fr. a nd Mla ml"burg, nnd Mr. and MI's. P . P. 1\[l's. \VoUs we re troa ted nt '''''ny nea. Larl'lelc a tt onded th e Montgom e,'y \'lII e anel On .r ton a n<'l IUler I' Ie- cd Co un t y Fall' o n Labor D a )·. TI tl II I I I ..8 , '" 0 le ,'S, II rec \' ng eSII sm'· lII,·, and M:l's. Joe K ersey of Leb· Il non W(!I'e ,weeke nd g llests at \\fl', us es, Injuries, w er e t a ken to th eir ' hioom u nd MI's. Joh n W. K er sey, JI'[I'S. Dnl'sy snyde r nnd ,Mrs. ·W. D eputy Sh e rltf Robert Baller of S, Cr:rhnm of.I \>eitt Tuesday In Day. \\' nrl'en co unlY sold Miss Frye was t on . drIvIng ' east towa rd W ny nesy ll\e

sleeves, S ho worb a smail whit e velyct tllrbun with It' Rh ort veil and hoI' only jewelry WlIS her m othe r's brooch. She c. lI·I'lcd n colo nlrLl bou. quet, MISII Ruth Mao I:.lnn, of Toledo, OhIo, w ns the bride's only nltelld~nt . She wore burgum1l' taffeta fashioned alollg s lmllnr UneB, to thnt C1f th e bride. H e r headdl'cSR wo s a. s m ull turban , mn tch ln g hcr fro ck and ' her bouquet WIlS of vnrlega ted fn.1l flowors. Tho brid eg room Is th ll Ha n of ~Ir.

Mrs. P ercy Reas on w us Ilt th e ho me of her s ister, Mrs. William Wu trous of Dayton on Monday to s£'e h er neph ew H a l1lh Watt·ous who left (or Albuqu erque, N ew Mexico, where he will mnjer r In ch emI stry nt the Unlvel'lI lty ol~ New Mexico. Mrs. W a tro us r etur'ned home with 1\ I h ·s. Reltson to s pe nd this w eek . 1\11', Il nd ~It·a. L o r en heuso n In compan y 'With th eir cousins MI'. a nd lIIrs . S tanl ey H o rner of Dayton vo· c.'I.tlOn ed at Inl1lnn Lake ovel' th o weck end.

und 1111'S. 'Vn lle r \Vhlt.uIICl·, of WoynC',sv llle, Oh io, His only illtendant wns his bl'ot h er, 1\1 £' l'edith "·hlt. laker at Sprlng,flcld, Ohio. A r eception lit th e brlde's nill'cnl s for the Imme(l lut e families follow ed the wedding. 'I'he co upl o lell sh ortly nfter the recepl10n for It 1110tor trip. For traveling the bride wore <L dark aqua and nccessol'les at brown. Mr. and Mrs'. Wait er Whltliker and Miss Annll lIIa rllyn Whltllker and Meredith Whit a k er (rom thIs place attended the wedding. After September 16 tho COUI}le will .be at home o.t 360 Third Avenu e, New Kensington , wh ore MI' . Whit. aker Is employod nt the Aluminum company.

Mr. and Mrs, lII a~'n :lI'd Rich at P onns ylvanla nnd MI', and Mrs . Jack Ricll were Friday dInner !;'uestR o( ~Ir. a nd lI1r!I , J ohn W . J{erRey, 1Il1'. a nd Mrs. l(enn llth Houg h Ilnd childre n, . MarthlL Hou g h, Mrs, Hllrold Earnhart anll N aomi and Harlnn were Dayton visitors, last Tucsooy . Mr : nnd Mrs. Jos ia h Dnvls hnyo l'etul'ne(1 to their hom e nfter spend· In g "e veral week!! wIth their da ugh· tOl' of I~lngmlln. Miss Lu cy Emley, MIss Mal'y A1len nnd Lou Pri ntz were Frldny din· ner ~ue8ls of MI'. 'and Mrs. Fronk F ox 11 114 · fa mily. undny afternoon cull ors of . :Ur. n nd Mrs. Chur!es Allen and daug h· t el' Mary w 'l'e Mr. und M.r /!. H enry

GUSTIN REUNION The elgbtb annual reunion ot the d dl1 t r escen n so' Jeremlnh, John, Sam. I Elk ue, , anah, nnd Bennznh Gustin was ' h el d at Wayne Park on last Sunday, ' bo September of. 1938. A ut 8Cventy-flve members were present to enjoy the bounteous bas. k . et dinner and tbe social afternopn ho f I] owed. w hic A short d ~eetLng was can. I b th :buslness 0( y. e presl ent, Will O. GusUn. A wefc6me w nll glve.n by Jesse Mool'll of Richmond, Indlann. 'Mr, Moore, being a geneologlst and bls· will, complete data on' t'he Itorian, 'ft ; h"tOrY ot the different Gustin tam· . UIes who, • originally 'coming from J:ersey Isle, near France, anll tben to' New Jersey maoo

pe~l!ent' ~t.

A wedding oC much Inte r est 10 Wllynt'svllle friends w a ,8 that ot 1>1Iss Rose El 'a nal' Dona ld o n a nd Mr. CllIlrles S , Whita ker which was sol· emnlzed SRturda\' nCte rnoon at on~ forty -rIve 0 ' Jook In the Firs t M eth· od,\st Eplscopol Chul'ch of N ew 1(en.' slngton, P enn., with the Rev. Charles J. Thompson ottlc1 a tln g . Pre~dlng th er emony was un organ recltnl. Lee Howells san g, "Oh Promise Me," The brine , ,,'110 Ih ,~ the a ttl'actl,' dllu"" hler at :\11', ('c,11,1 ....,.S. Iyde D el. '"

of Aua,










Whitaker-Donaldson Local Happenings Nuptials Satarday

Jean Hartsock, Mary Lois Laqy, t1ement on eight bundred', acres at R~bert' Preston, MUdred. , Cook, and land neal' .Red Lion, Warren.·county, M~. Jo ~ n ' ~. ~e~ey , In 1798. ~ The pulJlIc Is ·cordlally. Invited to ~r. Warren Gustin ' 0" Plq~a re. 'Ilt~nd. ' . . ,. . I . ' ·gJlQnd4!d with a ' '81'0rt nddres8, sonp , " ,by Warren' GU.8~1n und Stella 'GuStin ()JlA'RLES. LE8if1lR OI'rJlENs( ~ Hill w~re .enjoy~. 4 ~dl~ and lou& , . " SERiOUSLY ;lNmRED 8~aker ' fUl'nla~ed .. bY 'PaUl GulrtJn , , were greatly a.ppreclated, . ~o.rle~ ~.ter ',?ltben8 Jrl. Spit ,T.he preid(lJ~t ~,a4, a ~!!~!>r~ tl1: of Lalittil' Gltbllnll of tbe Datyto.n pike bute, ~o; Hfr!UIi Baln. de~ae4J WJUI ~rIO~81Y . Inju~. TueSday ,.uter iD uch dl6cuiullQ!, It \VAIl d. ,rtomfng, when he, was 8I'uck b)' cldecJ~)i b",heb ' o~ the G~, bold Irvin Richman of CinCinnati: tlieJ~ oWn separate ~unlon a\ ~helr The ' llCcldent .occurred In front of orlJrlnu ·4J!.te and then '11.016 a ' jolnt the '1>01'8 ' when be orol88d reunion on tb8"ttl~ Sunday t~ blghway be wu retul'lllnir Ult. lBll. at tbe bonlil of ,JeAle MID& attea: IL ....t (0 bls srand'ratli· Hoore. RlcbmoJlcL . ei-' 0b8J'1e. Qlthenl. The boy , WlU ~utiD wu r&elected PNll· fe~a. brollen left lee. traatund dent and II.... oJeae MooreWueleGt~ . . . . ., ~, 0tieiIt Ill- l1li. ~ to plan f01' neu.~. ~ JDtetDaI IDjUrIeI. . l'e"iudo&


I la v('


Hnrrlson Bowers a nd dnughtct, Mil. drad nnd Mr. and Mrs. Will Henkle, nil of New Cnrllll~; Mr. and Mrs. Homc~ Henklo ando daUghter, Shlr' ley, nnd lIU8s Wlsemun ot. Detroit, Mr. nnd Mrs, Ed. Bcrgdbl and lIfr. nnd Mrs, S th Suyer at Dayton, Mr. and 1I1rs. Frank RObinSon and ~rs, Lou Githens o't Lutle, 'II'. nnll M'I'S . ,,, CUnton Corwin oL.Xenla. Mr. and MI·s. George Henklo ot Leba non.



th £' " hol't lim o wh ic h MI'. Flnl, huy b '!'n 10"11 1 motol'cyclo 7th In Il 11l /-{. In Ih e n wa nth11 l', \V" II pull cpm n n for I h l' munl IPillltios IIf tit ... ;It ·h ,. fnt· lllI'\'f'YHhuq.:. h,, " \\' /lrll c!",llle 11l1 rl J Inn'IlY!lb urg ho ru ll,,(' t!'11 hllll HI' lf two ml l'(hly 1111 ~ m a d ~ I'pmlll'kn bl<· Ill'o~ r HS to· honl c .. s. III th o m eo ntlmo ;\l on tlilY (Laho ,· Day ) a ('olorc,1 wlIl'll " Ha f ty um m ( !'01Il IIn yton d(' fca t 'II, th" lI"r. aV L~d l n" nil HC nl!ll llo llnllsm . To da te \' cy"bu rg- tl' ll nl, 7 ..1. I 'a,1l' II hw .\11'. l"ln k h all :<tOllpr d it totu l of 72 p l~ch NI Ih ls ~nm .. . \I an- p ~'" bu,X wil l drlv£' r H f')I' 1l1'lylng w ith defective pili;' 1111H $ 1111(' t ' lIl11 lit Uayt o ll . SUll- light" ; how£' \' ,·,·. II ut oC thIs unb£'lIev· f1n>' , In It (lu lIhll'. h l'a ,l l'l'. " hI ", nll",h£' ,·. 11 " Iws no t tal( e n 0 11 0 to ~I ayo , ' ,\ , 1(, nlty fo" IlI·O~CC Utio ll . Li lI eu (HI. a hu) n l (! H 111 . o ut of 0 :1y . II ,·, m" ,·"I>' rLIr'lll'l>l t h "luhll OI'lI to to n. I" "p. hec\uI N\ to I1w ct th l' Itlg- h· th e n p:1 l'"st filling s ta ll,," n nd has (l ying. 10 n l t l'llIll n t I la rv ·y" hur~ t h def ot ri' Jla lr·c,l . t h " fllll llwlnf;' Sunday. Spp temhCl' 18. Also ol( rn (' n tJo n I" th e' (lI'iginnl H YOU r en ll y want to ~cc IL good lhod th .. offk l' l' utJlI?cH In order m galTI<' of ha se ba ll, Ih c tcam 111\'ltes lO m ll k e 11 'oplc renll7. the y a r e yu u t o Nee lhly on e . hr euk ln,; vlln l t raff Ic ol'dlna nceH, l\Ild yet doln!; It In 8 U 'h a manner IlS tu n ut c ,' at" l'n mles. Ra t.her th an tIIl<c eoe h IndivIdu al to Ma yo r Dn y nnd ))1'0-" cuto him , 1\11', Fi nk em· ploY A m ethod s ,lot tlnflimlJlllr to prl· m a r y IIch ool dny ... Mn ny LImes late ly I"mnlllln A . ,,'I'lght, G3. m ay Ol' ot h£' ha ... ord"l'(~d num e "o ull (lrl\'ers to B ' lIbrouk, tl n d. we li ·knuwn In thi s "N urn t o "'h e carllo"nUon limit .. nne!. cumm un lty, died nt h iM h om . ~ l o lI ' e1,·,,'e eO "reclly th"ough th e bUMlness lila n to 1"': I(' h flr'!lt bll:;p h\'fo,'" tlw


voUons nnd • trs. R. D. oll£'tt at th e stewnrds hlp 1l rog rflDl . lolrs. Day r ead "A 'M lsslo nary l\( tlng In In· dll\". '1'hls wns foll owed by II. 11010 " Every Pmyer "VIII F ind an AnaweJ'" by Mrs. lrrank LeMay. Co n 110 1' r end '''Cwo Boys nnd [I. B icycle." A "mite box demons tra· tlon" ",'\)s g ive n by 'lIlrfl. Archdea co n, Mrs. Day, 1I[1'S, Colle tt, Mrs. MllIs nnd, Mllls Relen Huwke. The be with Mi-s,

:\ 1 ~ l'c hont ~

lo n , tJit c ll pc.l n wonr' .. ru t g-n n H' for


The 'Vome n' s Foreign Mlsslonory SocielY m t W ecl ncsd<lY afl e rnoon lit th ~o unlry ' h om e of MI·s. Rufus \Vutklns Wllh ];IJ'II, A. K . Day nnd Mrs. ' V Ill White as assistant h oste1lSC8. Mrs. J . v.. Lacy I\lul charge of de·


(le · fen ted Xc nlll , tllll1dny. 9·2, nt thl' 11 1I 1'\'{· y~hllrg (linl1lon(l . Pn nc, !lf DII)"

.At til., ""gul a r nllw llng oC t he ST. l\fAln" S EPISCOI'AL CHOOCH l lolu '/l of edu allon, 'J'u os(lay ycn · 1 nil' th boa ,'(1 deelded to ask f or Il Rev. n. L. lIadi well , onttnuatlon of. the Il r es e nt 3 mill Snntem' "". ,l e r ] I, thirtee nth Sundny at· l evy no w In ortt:'rall on. Vote r a will tCI' TI'lnlty: be 11",1, <l l o con llnue the prese nt 10 :90 n, m , Morning Prayer o.nd I vy Cal' th,·co yen rs In th e Novem· sermon. lie r e lecllon . 'l'hla Is necessa ry In on1 I' thnt Iml>r OYC m ents being mnlle tit the buildings mlg h t be completed lla tlsfactol'll y , Other buslnel!S (leaJt with th e co nRlruclion of th o a ddl· tlo n to tho hig h IIchOol building .

Eplsl;Opnl huroh clergy and, laity of lho Diocese of South rn Ohio will mcet (01' their a nnu al conrpr encel!, Scptemoor 21Rt t o 26 th nt the ca mp ground on th e outSkIrts oC L nn c.'\R. tel', Ohio. B/sh op Henry W . Hobson an· nOllnc d thnt the Clergy onf r en e would ope n wIth 8UPI)C1', September 21st, e xte nding through noon, Sep. tember 231'(1, ' The Lnymen'p Conf renco opens with supper Seplember 23rd lind x.

--- --

-. ! WnOLEl N u MBER 391)1 ., 5

--+H-.,,{ective Auto PLAYS TWO GAMES Lights Must Be Repaired, Say Police


S unday , September 11, 1938. ~ :aO-Sundny school. 10:30-Confel'e n 0 S untluy no scI'· \\'nyn e TowllHltlp sch ools be!;,,,n vi ce. th e 1938·99 I:Ich,'ol ycn r 'l'uesday Full progrum 'beGi ns the following :;tlpL G, with nn nrollment of 516 wec le. punll e. Of this numbOl' 26 :' pupl\s w Ul'e (' n1'01l c1 In th e g r l1l1e buildIng ST. AUGUSTINE CATHOLIO with 2~ l slud,,",s at the high CHUftOIl ",choo!. 'l'hls enr IJment compa r es Paslor, Re\'. Ito bert II, UrulII b oltz f"vol'ably with the all nlng enl'o\l· m e nt lI"ot yeo I'. Mnss and lI<!1'mon Sunda y a nd 'I'ho Cllfe le l'la at 1I111 hIg h sc hool holida ys Ilt 9:00 n , m. wi ll be!;'l n op I'n llon n(Oxt w eek .





Aben taabUy.

sec tion, Oncc th o 110lice mn.n h nd 0. vlolnto l' drlv n rouml th e ,block fiv e Ilmlls a nd I'ass through th trome lig ht o n gl'een becfl llHt:' t'hls same 1110tol'IHt h,ul ru n a r ed Hlg na l.

near B II bl'Ooll ; a nd (L IJI'oth I' , J o hn 1-1 ., or Dayton, Serylces w ere h eld a l 1 :30 toda y n t th e resld.en 'e. a nd u ~ :30 a t th e Ferry hur '11, wit h burinI In MIddle Run cemetery,

However. 1\\t•. Fink was e mphatic In hie ll nno uncem ent that more rig id ~ up (!l'vl!3 lon must b npllli (1 to Inw · brl?ake r!3 In tho nelll' (ulUl·e . Bog lnnlng Im m Nllat Iy n il !In ' d el's u nd otlll'r 'ylolntors wi ll h s uhj Cl to stric tl y la wful op nlllo ns , und IC <I(Ocm cu n e SlInl'Y. rln li will be u ~e d to ('ffect IhlH ~lI fe ty warra nt y tor lh t! omm unlt y . In t h e w ord.. of Mr. Flnl(, ' ''J'rattlce r isk s' must be bl'Ought to Illl Imm d late ha lt both for the w elfnl'e oC locnl fI 01110 a nd Cor th e n tl lne of tlt e town as



BIRTHDAY PARTY Mrs. Chndes Do" lel' e ntel'tilin od, Saturday afternoon, for the pI 118l11'e of h oI' little daught e r , J il ne t , whoso . thh'd blrlhduy wus [hut lIll)' . A hall' py a(tel' noo n WaS s pent III gll m es , n ot the IOll llt of which wus th e o penIng of tho m lwy gifts bro ught to ,,"net. A beautiful blrthdl\Y cole e with nc. cOl11lla nylng rorreshm nts broug ht


Mon llY pnyment s n ow tlu e under th old·oge InSlIl'Il IIC pla n h I'eaoh ed n n a ll tim e hlgl In R e ylo n ' I g V whIch Includes OhIo, Mlc hlga ll a nd Ke ntucky. This s latc m r,nt wos m Ude to(lay by J o m es A. III1)Pooll, Aqt· Ing r.lnnngt:' r ot th e ac inI Seeur'lly the u cternoo n to u. cllm l.tx. The tal· 130111'd fIe ld office In Hllmllt!ln. a nd thc S ma llwood vehicl e was hend · lowlr. g little !;,uests wc rc ])I'esent: "'\' e h a ve jus t been .nrlvl~ed by O . cd w est. 'I'h e two carR m et a t tho Corol and Rhoda. Bunnell, Donna Ft. Park el', Reglonul DIrector at top oC n. hill, Hadley, LoIs a mI Ma rtllll L Lllecns, C) v lo nd" thnt lhe nVC('Ilge r egional The Sm allWOod aulo caree ned ott Sue ll'urnns , Dor othy Lukens, H elen pa yme nt In his t errItory amounted the "oad, overtul'lling Into 0. Oltch. Hartsock, Leulse Martin , Wilhelmi. to $r.7Al In Ju ly. These wcrc bene· \[he ot her auto r a mm ed. Into a Cence. n (l. Braddock nnd DorOlhy a nd Mlr. tits p old In th roglon during tl1at In It seco nd Warren county accl- 11\111 Wilson. mon th OR oo mpa r d with $61.46, the ' y a l' Jun o, 'J'h 'July pay· dent, John Prather, of Doyton, s ur. ll cruJ,:e C • t !01' for ed a skull tracture when he lost m on t s n rc tl 10 hi g I les average co ntrol of hIs a UIO whll drl¥lng s ix the r eg-lofl,Hnee th old·ag Insur· mil es so uth of L eha no n on Route n ncll Illan went Into ollel'l1t1o n on 42 and rlln Into th e dIt ch . lie \\'os .I nnua ry 1, 1flS7. Tho Wflyn e~v ll1c Ourden lub held "cm o vcd to Mi a mi Va lley hOSlllta l at. "Our own (Ield office has, been no· , tel' receiving fll'st aid an Interesting meetin g Tuesday nf· t.\(l cc\ th nt 2G ola lms tor s uch !Jene· , lernoon with Mrs. Ben Smith , ;\'Ir~. , D ave Fink, locnl trllfflc policeman , ·Ed.. Longaor e acted us IlreHldent In fits, fli ed he r, were ce rtified for pay· wu s complime nted by the Warren me nt In Jul y . The tota l ot th ese cer· th e a lJsenee oC 1I1r~ . C(Oo"ge Smith. o'''ty het'lfC,' Mr. William Huf. tlflcnllons wu s $1,027.79. Lumll·sum ""I' Mrs . John PreHton r en ll Il 1" II><' r e n· fO"d , lind s hould be duly compllmenl. tilled, "Jour'nnl of A 130 It Yar(l bont'CHfI may now b e clnlmed ,by work el's who reach t h e age of 66 i l l e .ane1 ] '1a rveys· Carde ner ." ed ,.uy 11 11 W nynesv tel' h nvln g held jobs covere d. by 01(1. hul'''' " cltlzenll for "being on hi s to-C"." Mi llS Pearl Riley \VU " " PI JO lnted us Mr, li'lnk was the ' firsl Ilollccma n n delega to to th e Oh io Al:IHoclalion Il!;'c Irllltll'Un Ce, Benefits also ore pay. 0;' the scene oC the ac"l(l ent a nd nblo to heirs or work er s who hl\.ve . v of Cardon 'Iubs to be held at took Immediate nnd Ilffectlve ca n. ZUn'e svllle, September J3 a llcl 14 'lied nttcr huvlng ben e thus employ. trol at the s Ituation. BeCoro any Pllln!! were dlsc u,,"cd for, th e Full'. cd," lIIl'. {,'ampl5011 Mood. othe r nUlhodtles had su Cflclent Ume Exhibit. Al th e lJ ext me~ t1ng, whl oh Tho H n mllton (Ield ortlee lIorVIIII ' to arrive, our 10co.I motol'cycle will be at th e hom e of Mil,,, Penrl the co untl eH of Warre n " Butler, Clln· i>ollcemnn had the crowd. under con- Ril ey the (lrllt 'l'u(':;duy of Octobe r ton, and F a yette , tiling, c/alms tor t r:ol ·a nd the highwa y cleared of on· at 1 :30 o'clock, Ihe roll cu ll wl1\ be pay m ents oC this type for all rell· look ers In order to prevent any nnswered by n flow er with which dent s ot this nrea. further c.'ls~1I1tles. . each hus become ncqunl nt ed, 'The

Wall,cr and son, o.nd Mrs . Minnie DINNER' FOR LABOR DAY Walker; Miss Trllle l1lL and MIs8 Ma.rgaret ~r. and l.trs.. Charles Allen" and Edward~ ; 1111 ' omp n.ny with theIr daulihtl)!' l\i:ary entertn.Jnoo with din. brother O. Jr. Edwards am}. tholr ner on Labor Day fot m e plensurc niece MIRS Mary Leah Edwo.rds , or o( 'Mr. a nd Mrs. William OIenger SprIngfIeld, speot a,., tew days moto.r· and. ~r. ~nd ·Mrs. D a n McKinney Ing till'o'u gh MJchlgan nnd Into Can· and Ion 6f Terre Haute Indiana, a d'a . Enroute th~y stopped In Fort 'Covers wero Itlld to'r Mr.' n~d Mrs. ' W ayne: Ind .; lor 8.: brief' visit · to !1. A. :.ulen and tn.m\ly oC Ln.ncns· their cousin, Mrs. Tom Burch nee tllr, Mr. n.nd Mrs. Elmer Shumnker, ~Inll Wright, ,r e'turnlng home- Tues· Mr. undt 'M rs; Alfred Shtlmakflr and day night, daughter, and Mrs. Howard Shu. . (Continued I'n Poge !'our) rnAke~, Mr. Ro~rt Hurst Mr. Carl AU~JLlARY ' NO.7:ICE Cox all - of ~l!terB, 'Thomal Walker at Lebanon. Mr. and Mr8. The Womlln's Auxllla.Q', and Ule 'WlldiL Holllnpworth and daughtcl,' Qf Dayton, 'Mr, and· MI'II: Austin Con· SuUd at the EplllCPpnl Church will ~er and daughter. Mr. Chorles have 0. joJnt meeting, Friday after· the hOIllG' of Parkel, the gueeta of honor ~ the


day a tl(' rnoo n. following a I>urul ytlc ';(l'O le(, !luffl'l'ed, ~ ullday. H e was" m emuc ,- oC th£' Grellne co unty uoard of ed ueaUo n , lerk uf •' uga l' '1' c it towns hili, U l1l£'mUc l' of t he J , O. U. A . 1\1., n t Bcll bro k, nn d oC the ~'e l'l' y h u "ch of hl'l ~ t. S UI'vl\'ln!;, a r e h la wife, N el11t' : thl'eo ehlldr n, MI·s. Muc Doody , of Xenia, Cu rl, s uperintende nt of ~u· !;'Il r 'reek t own tlhl\l sc hools, and Paul l';vcret t , lit hom e; two tlllltc,'S, Mr s . EII,,-abeth,l o!;,el'lI, o{ " . lit al" I'OlIton, a nd JI,I r·s. Lulu Hus ton, o{




V·Irglnla . . P reaton Haa Party For Young Friendl

following g tlcals wcre prese nt: Mr .. I.. . ~t John, 1111'S , J esse Mens l",


lind Ml's. Blanch e

HarveYlburg\ Grange To Have. Pic:ni~ ;'"

Harveysburg Grnngo la sponllor· \ Ing a picnic to t!o .-h Old· at Sha.ron ' Park, north ot Sbaronvllle, on route'· , 42, Sunday, September '·11. A' bD.9ket dinner at 1 p.' m . }VIIi be 'totinwedJ by, boutln!;" ~ebu.lI , and other galilee. ~vhlch r efreshments were seryed , , In case of ' rain Hie ·-pJonle· '~ill' be I . ' I rt'hQ9C pI'ese!lt were Jean a nd J ane held the following Sunday. The comRHymond Conner entertnln ed Hnrtsock and. their Muse guest mlitee ex.{e~dB 10. cdrdoolal' Invitation Fern D!lt\thera ge , Oharlo~e Ry e Sunday evenln!;' for the enjoyment of h e r husbo.nd whoSIi blrt.hday oc· to a ll , flllep~ of 'the OranQ'~ to eo~e and ~o.rjorle . Eade'n. , ourred th e previous Frllll~y. ,T he (01· nnd enJQ:v 'the -day wmi them.. lowing members of tbe. tRmlly were present to enjoy· a d IIclous basket ,EASTERN 8TAR NOTIt,"B SUPPllr n.nd 11 plclUll\nt even,lng, M~. All Ealrtero, Star IDllmbers...pleaa.. ~ Dl'lvere', Licenses will g,! 6n Bllie a nd M;rs. Hnrry CO\1ner loll'. and about Se()tember ~ 6th, ~1988, I\t Le Mrs, Cn)'I ' Conner aad. bilby, Mrs. bring Jelly, Illinnod f['ult ,eto:; "lo the 'May.Hawke Office. Dally except. Victor Burris and ' 8OJ;!, . PaUl, Hl'II, htill.. Monday nlgllt '$f1Pt. 12 tor .... Sundnys, 8:.$0 8.. ""., to 12 noon , 'and Ella Bm.ddoek, and lIOn, ElIDeat, and ilUat donation to O. E. ' S. Home _ 1 to 0 ,p. m, Thursday and Soturdl\y Mrs. Emma ~rubb, all of Da,yton, leave ",lth comml~, Bra. Will St. Jobn. evening Qpen unUl 10 p. m. Pleaae Mrs, Sadie. Conner, M,r, and JIrs. get your llcen_ early. , • RUlIIM!ll Bentley and ,..., aado lin. L. H, OORDON, Deputy nt_rar Ra)'DlOnd Co~ ana. .funUJ'.

DIl, lnty l'~rroshme nts Wel'Q flcrv ed Virglnla P r eston h osteBil to by th e hostess. severol ot he r young trlend s last 1'hul'Sllny evenIng. A delll;httul e v· e nlng of gam es ' was spent att er






m~ami @a~c ttc

Phone 112 Entered


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Subi!cription PriCe, $ 1. 50 P e r YOllr, P ayn bl

II I J Il " vcr~ lJ lIl'I'; uy (ou nd , 111); It h it;'h ~'d\"ll l I\ l1tl I Uflr ~II1H IWU$<' rol,' 1'1I1'11 ~ rrom II cll s tu l1 c' n Oll I II ~ to ,'('Ill 0 lI' 10 a ll!.'n!! dn}' 1$,'h,;,'1. Tt'l\che r>l uC fIlt,,'l t we r ('111 ' pIIlYl' t1-- l)(lvld S , Bll r~O ll, n. g ra du ,

'State .Capitol News

P O I'l !i


in A uvance

n (lIl '~ 'tHlqJ1td Ul1(' ,

""PVl' I':rg l \

1'Irtn s ror n s tot e,wllle Intol1 RIY e 1m 11.'1 11,(11 ngalns~ III m ... n ncc of t u •. b erl1lll081s amon g lh Inlll!; ' 111 l\JId th e ) 0 " - in u n le group s. wh erC' tho

",h,"·" I" :l~ tllMI thl'<'l' nt' oe Frie nd '011 I'!!(> , ll nYcl'Col'{I, a n ' "mpl(l~'l'(\'," ( ' h:ll,mlln n l''');,)I' Y I 'I' III l1'y l vn 11111 , (ln d \ VIIII:lm Il o ,' l u ll , un Th ~ hi g h 1I hool w aH 100'n l,'(1 llOll1 \t'll lIlIt. 'lllll "II~"IIIII ' ly I"'I/llir d I\'l1h Ihl'l'" ui' "",).,.... Inoll\' II1 ,I:1 1 "III, t ll (l lP"'U llll 1111 r kn own as Iilp I",aac pl"l"I'" u r )I ...·,n;·I·" ;\1',' IIUl 1·llIpluy· Anlrh ll IJr)1l l'ly, bill bl·lt!' r ,,,,. \\'n ('t:i and. (.lJlIhH lh l tI\' PJ"(,(l. (Jfj' lee' n o w ns th<' ,t..'urg~ U ·neh JU'U Ill'l'lY ·

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e itl'l.f·U:" . .·ho pl·I·l lll~ (1 ill gili ni ng f f ce-

1,1xpinl!iun ttt' -t' H! h .' ix' lI )ollth:--' )wr·

w ill 11111 1(0 a lod , fO I' r"IIIi ... · II' 11,1)' II,,' 11I" 'IIlIIJ Il1 "Olll (0 " ti ll' s la \'r s as \\,l ·1I IL~ e.ll u , w\, nSR 10 Il l' lel'mlne th e Wh l'l! tl tW 111111 fl'!' I:dlll "" I" I"' Y I·ltll ll~ IlI e'lIl. I'li n I·'"dily .'I!.' d tu ll (!u hls lo,'Y of \. ry cn~ li nd llir ll wh ll t a(lcqlJall' IId\,1I 11\ ,. pI" II Ii 11111 . Til e 11:1I'\'l'ys hurl,; a .. uli l " r " <,C'llle r lind t r ealnl('nt h ns 1)"l'n U!';"ll . HI lJc- ." l nh~ \\'Ol'l" llhl lL ' S {·ull l l1l ' II .... . lI io n Juno it:i ~,'Hdy plvn c nl l rll \ t o l hC' it' f C' Sta ff 1\'01'1,

tW()J ' I.

' 1'11


li V

Dr .


HU 1'lUJ 1J; :t~s ... r t l:d

" Ih ll t

th el'o o ro hU llll r crl~ ,f cus. b r ul sis wll ll'il 11,11'(' nut I , ' 11 J'. J)o rl ('(\ thl'oll g h 1'1'1;111:11' nnd the s ndo ubtnd ly 'm n ny cns >! s hould. hl1" he n h os plt all~tJd IIn\" n ot h od th op p()rlunlty n nl IIR 1\ r e lilt. Ihousa nds of h fi lth y p<!rsons h a ve befln exp osed lo ono oC tho moat dll ns rous di s USN!." Dr. I.I rtr , tuns M id tha t' he woult! I' omm nd to th e s tnte I slslnllli'C n p r()grn m


h a:-. a~:-a("lS tlf Inur\.' than ~;) ~,,'H10,~100.

1I);lull .

.Il!('o,·d ln!! to " r1l1l1 ne\,,1 :;1 :",,11, ' Ill 1'r1clI$ d I,.\' 1111' (,()IIIIllI~"I" n .

a J'oll n a wls ll · III IIb{'rn t s om e of hi S alll \' e:! ~l' 1I1 flSl' lIl s no rth t o (l ml u pine \\'h "c I hcy co u lt.! bUll n u n c duen, UOI1. D I·. U urvoy said lC the s luves W(,J'(' ::;enl \ 0 him h o woul d op e n n !Ictw()1 for th C'm ,

ju~ t

'n Ics tllX 1'(·(,I' il'l .. r"I' Il':I~ n ra mol',' lhun , .11110 .0011 t. ·"s I hnn Ih e low l COl' Ill(' COI'l'L·,.p"ntll .. ~ Iw r lotl n Y n l' L1go, It w a>l u nn uu n ccd, by Stata '1'!'PII8t1I"'I' ' I" .. n l" J I. Knl ~ I ~ ~·. The t ' 1:1 1 up to All/; Ul'it 13 , lil;'t . Wtlll $2 1.9111,11 3, CO lnl)Ll I'c,1 by ~30, 3t13,JH (UI' t he curr BPvn.tlll(; 11111 In 1tl37 . 1'1' 'alnt !'l'r 1 J')1!ill'y n· p tJ!'tcll. I

nla r !,!<!m ent of th e 'ull e'l! le(;1 • amulisliion I' L aw. Jntur a I) rog l~am o r nll\l'gem n t r dis losed Ihat ('on . the s ta t c 's tubl','culoslll SIl nl turlu m . t1 lnl;s t ohtnl n c I'· from 2000 t o 26000 CII PI I C I I~·. The \ VPA s urvey wJll be COlll111 ct cd phi l1l l:la nctu fu'Y h I'" aboul elx m nts , Il Is l h a u(;ht . _ , • ~ . lll'ou gh t by t il Slate ·<ll v l Io n. of co n· . W...,1I1). hlCllt'Li In Three hundr d n ddltlon ,, 1 o n ~ h ilmJlnlg n counly I1Im r \' ~ nrL, on rurn l schools w ill not op e n for th \1lj ns m n y rm'c p4mt s whi'h Il ll" C current scbool t e rm In th .. Intcr ests n l b ' e n dJs('ovcr Pd Il ll y pla Ise of econ omy n nd boller edu cation , It In lh e w or ld. Th e 9211t~ G li e l'n l As wns revealed. by Director E . N . DIet . . s cm1.ily RPllro)lrlnt d , 10, 00 fo r the rich of th e SUtte :Qe p!lrlme n t o f E llu . pUl'cl,ase of l he swam p la nds. entlon . The a pproxima te ly 4000 pu. plls who h a y u ttend d th m will be transported to c nlra llzed s h oo l", which h nv yn8U~' improved edu 0 , Uopul cours es , ,It was &lId. "Th. Carl · Al;mech I'll, Att orn ey a nd actun.! cnsh Bnvlngs will 'umo unt to ounc Ulor , uSBoclll t eO Wllh F ra nlt

A 1,IIIII t I' III N orth

In ~

be cloSed grndually as ron dE! In the ir

\I It: Hi, Dilalll. If Broadway. I'holl

By JUlie Ellen li'J t e Mr , u nd lIIra. J o hn Dy mond n nd ot <'e nla vis it ed, I\'Ir. a nd

S'rund~tJ n

Sc h ool ,beg a n, T l.les da y , a rter 0. U) l'ce m onth 's va catio n. 'rhe Pioneer Club m et al the h ()11\ or Klrl( J ' ffl·Y . un cl(I Y ve nlng~ Mr. u nel M I's. ,\VlII MeCarr n a r e v\. l(jng M,·s, 1v!cCn rt'e n's s la te l', Mrs. Cha r les Gordon , ROb(' I·t F "nnklln j9 vlalUng his Hunt, J\lJ·9. Mllry Ha.ln es. 1\11'. n nd lIIrs. D~;'>!h I f1ll(i rbrec h , Grncc a n d , Addle Frn nces Pollllt

Friday -


"Bank Night" . '~


. K" • ~.

,-8CREEN"Hold That Kia" ::Mickey Rooney Maureen O'Sullivan

WbcIl we iDitall • Stokol automatic coal stoker we know the whole household will be much happierinduc:tin& the baby. Stokol gives a clean, even heat,

Contlnuou. ShoWi Dilly . Adult. Only 150 r:'I'li P. M.

controlled thermostatically according to tbe demands or the weather-a more healthful heat because there is leu danger rrom colds. M~ther does not have to run to the basement every time the temperature changes and baby appreciates that. Sto1:ol ill allIO a great economy. It burns lea. expensive coal and less of it. And "'at makes Father smile. Let Stokol run your furnace. You!U say it'. the ·best investment you ever made. Available in hopper and bin feed models. Ask about our .easy tenna.


STOKOL FEATURES. bclullv. Hydroullc 011 fronlml .. lon . Air Tisht .Hopp.r • Hydraulic Hold-Fir. Control - Automotlc Control of Air Supply _ SUent • No Shlor Plnl • Sof., Cllan, ~op.ndabl.• .

(ndla na, Su n day . MI'. u ntl 1I1ra. 't h r ill J o n B n nd Bon, Millo n. w er e u ndny g u es ts or M I' . and Mrs. E dwin Null, n cu t· nLe rvl\lo: ton . 1\11'. u nd Mrs. vVltll r WI It LI' i\lr. und Mrs. W '. F. Clark, of ' ) , , I' nd Du ylo n , ' we re Thu m day guests or !:L dn ug ht ' r , MIss Annn !\In rll y n, th o ~!l.tler·s molh 1', Mrs . Mnry-fn r, nt lena <l lh e w ddlng of t h ell' so n . Mr. hn rl es 'Whlta k e r a nd 7Ills u o.De mony. h D o nCi I<lso n . Satul'llay, (It III 11 ~ nl!! .,o r T e gh'ls , of th e 4,H lub nnd lhe brid e n t N \~, K e n s ln g lo n, I' nn . th eir lender s. Mrs. Amy Bailey nnd Irs . Arl ne J ones e njoyed u w e iner 111,·. a nd, 1Ilrs. H u rvey Burn l . II'. a nd J\JI's . fitLr() ltl Whit(litC'r u nd l roa s al th e • mllh pa ,k n ell r W ny n csvlll e, W edn elsda y e venln g-, - c hlldrtlll, Ric ha rd n nd F' 1'tl n CC!!, a nd M I'. a.nd Mrs. . H . DU"ne lt a ll ltd· Miss MlI d ,'cd Youn g, of D uylo n , cl th Burnett r e un io n I t tI 0 I wn a (L !':ues t of Missl Mlrlulll ·Whnt·., , lom e tO Il , lus t \v eel{. or i\Jr. nnd i\ lrs. D on Hn l'tRoek II I Oakla nd. SunrulY. Mrs. Frl!d l· ls k nnll so n , ()f Intl . l}e n d(lI1(,o . K e ntu ck y. n l'e " 1.·ltl n .... a t .. tho h Olli es o f j\fl', a nd 1\lr:1I. ' 001''' ., Orny n nd All'. a nd Mrs. L e s ll o G ra y . The ro n ne l' co uple will acco mpa ny . t Ile m hom o. Thurs day. tor n v is it.

l ·(Jrntd 1.



1 hty tuli •


Clean Up At Thol o Price. M e n's 3 pc, Suits Cleaned and Pressed


M~n'8 Hats C I!,a n ed and Blocked

50c Lnd ie s Plain Dresaes

Quick Cleaners 50c

Kathr)"ll Mendenhnll, Mgr

at all times

McClure Funeral Home

Miss Stlrnh Corrl!ne Futnas spent.. S unday evening wU;h ~ Doris BO, den. of the Dnyton pike. Mi88 Furnns hnd as ev~nlDg dinner gU88tB,TueBckty, Milia Rachel Eastman, ' of Springfield, and Anna Louise ~Of\k, of '

Mrs, Karsvet




your Furna ce cl aned and l' paired now. Al 0 a compl ete line of Ne w Furnace. . Gu tt, ri ng u n ~t ,on(: uctor work. A ll kin 2 . of roo f r e pa lr e u a nd l1um Letl . ,A lso rsb . t~ s hinglc siding f OI' old hou tlc' P ricer. ~h asonu l;le Estimates Free



J. 8. Chapman

lite offer a satisfactory Service

Ea gcrn ess for F a me "Too great a n eagern ess for fame ," said Hi Ho, t he sage of vill e. Ke nne tll a vnsl:' , of Ce.ntervlllp. , 1s Chinatown, " has templed some of P my ancestors to persist in celebra· no w 'le rkln g In th() Johns g rOCCry tion a t the expense of achlevemenL " Mi ss Lf\ura Ros n n gle r olutnt.'d . lo Inc1nn a tl, . W dnesd.ny, nfte r s Jle nd. Ing the summer \ a catlon wl~ll Mr. Ilnd Mrs . Hurvey Burnett. Mr. a n<l Mrs . .James Johns , Mr. nnd Mrs, A ll en Hone a nd Mr. Hare va y Ho le attended ,th e Se l'vlce r eo union lit Iqun . S un dlny. Mr, JlLme s Nnsh lind chlltl ren re o lUI' n ed tv their home In Ca n field , S umla y, nnel' s pen ding la st w e ek Ilt th hom e of :Mr. lind lIf"R, Fla rry Grn hn m. Mr. anll M 1'8. Ver no n F ()r sy llie a nd du ug hter, Sh irl e y, we re S undny guesls ot lh e lalle r 's brol h e r , Mr. AI' t hur a ln a nd .wlfe a t Trotwood. Mr~ . Amos Cop k , of n ear 'Va y ncsville , lmd. ]\-lrH. E lizabeth Bmllh, of Dayton, We r l! dlnTIIsr S'u e~t", Mon· <I:r. y , o[ Mrs. MarS;CLret J O}lO l! [lm1 Puu l .Johns. Mr . 'nnd Mr8. Lowell Thomall a n<l dau gh ~er, Belty, ~ere dinner guesta;, Sunday, ot M r . Untt Mrs. Elbert WalInce, nt Ho.rveyobUL·S'. I Mr. li nd M r s, Charle t on nnd tam· Ily a 'nd Mr. F.mel·Y Charloton at · tend ed the Glbb!i 'reunlon, near Leb· nnon, Sund ay. IIII'. and Mrs. Earl Clark a nd MI8s Mildred Davia, of lDayton, wer e e n· t e rtn lne d to dinner, Sund ay" at tlle ' home of Mrs. AlleEI CI{lrk, Mrs. Don Baird n nd c hlld,ron v isit· cd he l' lllatCl', In Cle veland, o\,c'r th e From the very beginning 'of our ~veek e n·d. company's history we have Mr, Arlh ur Zell , o! Erie: P enn ., ' followed a policy of rendering call ed o n Mr. and' Mrs. SeUI Furn as, tl)at kind .service which we unday evemng, ' , feei' the cUlitomer is entitled to - that is, the very.. best. We Mrs. Mary Carmony, "In ' compnny llave grow.. ,up with , cQm· ·· witH h e r son j E. J . carmony, v lsttlld mUnities' we, arid we ,con· ' reluti',:,es In S prlnl~leid 'and LeJ\ll!. sider our' customers o~ (riends. Sunday.



.\tl R:-I 1-:11\·\.' n

Lions S mall a t Dh·tli Mos t Ii nns on x h ihll w re born ,in c a p tivi ty . Wh en . excited. 11 0 115 and I llJ ll c~sCS () rte n k ill th c ir own young . 1.1O~s wc ig h o nly a pound or Iwo li t b ir th . r ive y cn rs Inle r lhey t ip th e sca le s at nr owld 400. Wild li ons h lrla t hei r cubs befo r e suing out to hun t. H e nce the fe . m alc's ins lin ct l o c o rry h e r babies to sn re ty wl1('n zoo crow d s w orry ' h<!r.

============ = = = == =--

tl II'A. R ussel .l otlry, Mrs. Adela Back, of l\ll11nll IJurg , Mr . a nd M ,·I!. Rho(lCR Bunne ll vIs, Tbe Dutc b R cforll) cd ~bur e h Itc u til In ll r 'a gra ntlm othe r , Mrs. s p nt l I' 0 week e.nd and Mondn y R III 1\11' 1\1 Th. e D utc h R c f. u r mo d church w a s Sad Ie R ens on. . Coverage In th e Oh io t a t e In, WI S. e ta og ers. 'ounded In' Co lon' a l t ' b P t ' III J B J ' 8urance fun d of tne Industrl,tl om , A I uncs y 1'0, D u n larl< , bn by son o f Mr. a nti I·S. . . ones, Mrs. !\I a r g llret estant setUe rs trom Ule NetherJ ohns, M rs . S. H . B urne tt. }rr . ,and Im'lf , \s r ecove r ing In ml8ll10n of Ohio Is compu lsory whe r Q lands , A con g r egation wa~ organ- \\ ll's . Ha lph three or more e.mployees n r e e n, ized m · . Ne~v Am s tcl'd a m (Ne'" Inclnn nll hosplln.!. Mrs. . Wulte .. York n G d 1\ r Kenric k , f\fI·s. Lcsl;e gnged, Comm lsslori .Chn.lrmnn Thom. city) in 1628. nn ll R u nda ll nnd daug hte r , H ele n my an irs. Dearth Sheeh n!l lit , IcCt. SfllU I'dll Y, for T e nn ess e whe re te nded th e £uo eJ'OI oClIir . Eva E a rn they w1ll vIs it 1111'. ' (lod 1\1I·s . Edwi n h a rt, Friday, at tbe home o r Mr. R nn da ll. Ilnd Mrs . Id E lliS, n enr 'Wayn 8,


:--i:IIII I'tlay.



0 f I.e 61.R-ll.

' l"'hl!:lC :'iU I'·

f'Untlnu \4 u nt i l

S"Pll'Illl" ',, I" ~I". S ,"il ll re l u "llI.',1 t,1 ~ I")' I I III ~ I ,,"(I:!~' ,'\,,' 111111;" .\ 1,. ;tlh l ~ I'· s. (''' .' ' r:1I11 .1I11 1111.1 cl11lil rt ' ll .. 11\ ... . 1. '11 S"I" ' ''',,, ' " )I IIY 11 111. SUlld II' 1" " IIII1I~ , .\ 11" .)lId .\lI· S. .Iu(· S, VII" r 1'1,1 "1'· 1;1111"1 1; ,'111 1,11'1 '11 ;," 01 ~1 ': II 11kil ll dl'l ' " In 1IlIIII,·I'. SlIno\,IY ,\1'1<'1'11" "11 ,·,, 11 '1'" 11'(.,., ~II" :lIhl .\11'''. Si till ey FII " r tl lli l ~ I i's 11 ,t1 I "'~ "i 1II')' t'," ,

1>lo neel's In prev ious y OI'S flo uri sh ed but no w It II! of s ln,, 1I con seClue n ce. In h on o r '\.0 t hc H a rvcy d ace nd , ---n nls , m llY 1 c Ullso:'t ula t e l hem 0 11 Mrs . Allee Trlck E)Y spe nt Ins t t h oll' rl n 1118tol'lcu l bnt'kg r oun6 . wee k with h ' r du ug hters , In Day ,

nearly $200,00 a year," Dlreotor Die t , B r n.. ndon In U,e p 1'llc llee or la w at W e wc lcome yo u tu OUI' 8111 >1 11 vii . , ric h c ln.!tned. "In a ddition, the p upil s L eu.'tnon, an no un ces t ha l fot· t he In!; oC 360 tho ug h It Is no t !lourlsh . will bo giv en the ch a nce to sl\1(l y o n vonlon co or h is fr ien ds n nel e ll. In g ] kno w y ou will acced e with m e arts, socln.! selonc s . a nd otlre r n eces. n la In \\'ayn s" lll ll ntl s u rruu n el· It Is not Ci t a ll niedl ocr e. A h i li b f 8Ilry subjects whlcn It Is Imposs ible In g a r eas, e w ' e available 01' . to Incorporate In the Clurrl ula. DC con s u It u l Io n a t '\\ nyncsv!ll very . one-room schools whloh h a v bul 0. Thu r liday single teaCher for six or e ight' grndell." The stnte will stilI h a ve abo ut ,1200 BU h sc hools h will

L ew Ayre s u ns som e thing to ~ay about ills s is t er Ruth Hu ~­ s e y 's romance with h e r mllllonalre boss , R o b rl Yo un g III Ul e III· larlotl s comedy, "RJch Man, Poor Glr \." ope nn g SU ll d ay. S CIJ I(' m b e l' 11, Ilt the deluxe nlr,coole d X e nln th e at ~ r In X e ni a [o r n U,ree day engageme nt. Th e p lot at "Rich Man, Poor Girl," concerns YOllng. wh o upo n b e lllg refused the hand or the lovely Miss Hu ssey m o ves III 0 11 h a l' . family to prove that he's nn nll rIght gu y. mia J o hll son. L u na Turner and GUY Kibbee have outstandi ng s upp or tl!lG 1'01 ~ .

\' til

:iIl,' llt lasl ",·,·I,, ' nd \\'11 II MI ~s B"I'lha 10'11 1'1' In I··",·I'Y. .Tu hn s.' :lI''', :';v ll ,if ,\11 '. II l1d ~ I 1''', Wilmin g ton vl slLOr!!, Slltur· J ohns spe nl Huml flY a ft I'I1110n n nd ,,'11 1'111' S,·:lIS . ,11111 Ii " UII I" 111 II I Ih,' Jt WO!f In au tun, n nre\' ious to lhe \vor o ' In illn al i 1I11 ,It, s, ·llI lnIl I'Y. lli'(,;whcll dny. ve nlng 11'11 h i\lr . n nd i\11·s . A ll n al I I~(IJ'I·Y. Sundn~'. i n I h ,l\, , "1\1'1 olllmi ng o f t h h l(;h sch ool ' whe n Ph y llis Shld III!)' v i s l~ed MI'. n nd E mri ck . ~ I nlth ' ~ , d Jl'<t! U l'll , th l' It!;' n l ·an., n gl\ ln with m a n y mo t he rs a n d )\11·... 1 ober l S tump o f n eal' he.r e. Mr. nnd Mrs. GllY Roul7.nh n . so n a of t llr yo ung n gr A n JllJ'l' ), ~ " uuJl \'I~Il", 1 IItL' 7.110 In ~Il' . tl nd 1\{r s , h ll rl cs G r a y v is ited a nu eln ug ht ' r , m otor rl 10 Tl1111 CII)" in dlln<lli. .'unlla),. ,"hi II ' hi :til 1m' one ralhcr , lh e lr m llste r . n nel D r . i\J I'. 0 ..., y'8 p n r e nt s. Mr. ,nd 1Il1'S. S unllny u rt c l·c oon . 1\11:'19 II nit 1\1I'S, lIll n ' y weI' :tt n jeh m u nd pn'lU lllU r 'unlun . Th ns turned hom o willi th m . . . J . Omy. W i'c. ~I1', n n l :"1 n~ , t~H \\'t"f~t\C • 'l'hon., Yeu l'ly .l eeLln s: . 'I'he IIgent des lro u l:I D r . n nd ]\I I's. 'V . S . Loc k e ot In ' J\[r~. J h n M"J cI'S n n"U "lA lu"I) lnr to n Ulmel the III .. Un g ll nd t1'Iao t o " " ,. "R. 1\11'. 11:lITY I•. 1>'.11' I ~' l" V 1'll(In commll nll'll l Wllh Dr. H ur ve y w nt In na U woro S undn y dinner g'uestll a nd It·. H t· rmo n AI!)rl g hl fi nd SOil, b'o nl)'('(l . ~Ir . a n fl 1'11.. . I',\rry J . o f i\l'r. li nd Mrs . W . C. T lch ol\0J' . or D a ylOn , W ' re 1\lon (\lI), " tl el'n ou n 'J' hOlrtlI8 ~I I', lin.! ~ I I"". E," 'l n '1"1111111 ' to Hlc hmo nel. H ' a fl ' .. wa l·lls sn ld It , D r . P u ul V a n d. I' Voorl, wife a nd ('.tI lIor s o r the ll' 910;L" r , rJr8 K esler . \Vns the nlfJs t 1I11111'(,88 h '0 s ig ht he as li lld l'illltll" '11 ~Ir . 1" ..1 !l11'~. IIIl vc ,' sa w , du u g hte r , and, 1II Iss ' V a ll, n il ot ,\VII· Gru h a m a nel fil m.!ly . dlll.' I· "I1lt tl. , lIghlt ·I' IJNty LOll , \ VII· mlng tbn , W re cn ll e rs on' Mr. and IIII'. Hntl M rs Wa ltcl')( 'Iwlc k a ll ll nUl Thc) Il Hl~ . \\'lIf r NI :-;ho ·I,!'l'. IIt·n · Tit "Sl ' yo un g n€!I\'r oes senl n onh l\I l·S. W·. C. Ti c h enor I~ n L a bor D uy. LLIUCS H nl n e!! SPllIll ~ un l ny w ith .. y B\lI'f!""~ ' ~1 1'1l. L.a '·" l'n" Fnul :I u d J I\' rC' th o fll'sl LO r.orm t h eolol'cd MI' , a nu Mrs. R e n.. G f\.\ nes lin d n nll SO il . Ervin . seh oul. 8 11zabelh H Ur\'ey tHti gh l for d nu g ht e l' o f .l:la rlwe(![ called, Sun· Mr. u nd Mrs . F lt'l h e l' ~ l lItl ~Ii I:lS H"l'thn Fn~ I' ill 1'1~lllng ~1r . tl\'O y e:t l's, t hen l suoc vVuou wn rd d ay a fte rn oo n a t "Tile ' Springs" on Cu mll y nen r F'l'Il nklln . MI.. a nd ]\IJ·<I. Set h L"ur,);lR, 'o n lind 71 11'''. Jnil)('~ Ih1l'lsot'i, ,,,,,1 f,nl· hecam c t eu clwr n nd a ft e r h is d ea th I r .nnd 1\ \V . C. Tlcluinor. F ri e nd >! Il l' fOl' :1 Ie'" t1,,~· s th l ",,,' k. a nd (\u u g hlul', nllen u('d th rl r~ 1 t uoh r h ad It agul n. I'Il r . li nd Mr:< . .I"~,, 11 ,,\:,,"1 ,'I,ll , ,I Qu n rte l'ly l\l Cli ng, ILt III 'h m o/ld, H a r ve ysb u rg n ll m ed f() r 11s ea rl y


districts ar e Improved nnd ntraJ. " I . bl 8C, ,00 S nrc estll Ish d , U ord, Z I ed ' to plans, lng

r:~\ l u nil :It I ht> h,ml or 111,, 1.1' In JUI1Il·"l flwn . Kunll a y

II I t, '1 ' 11 ('0 11

\"'~' I'll V,II'



rl'l u· S.h IlO I1 t ill:-4.!·u w t R }lIIti VIlO L.f , '(1 ~1 1'''t \ 'h" d, ·,. 1~.. kl""IJ\ it ~ l ltldh, t"\\,11 lhpll' IIllh lU l' ("H' II I·WH.\ II Ru lllJ'(\"Y 11')"11 11 ;11, su"dll~'. :'III'. l\IId ',III'~' 111\' n 1:1h \ . A lhtHl):" th l' ~· 'll 'M t ,. W l'Il ~fl· . I{P I' ",'(, I ilL' I' i'I'IIIH "f 1\ I', hy b" y. ,lnci MI'd, P " vhl l\ lalhlllll of ' lwln A' bo rn ; l ·tid,,}", .·t~ lHl~ I H II~· I · ;.!, Hu,l ni l ; .\ 1 1'. IIIH I MI''', ' I'h n rnllll \V IlII" n n,l rloIllllthh" ·' l' I'trla ,I 'lUI, 1"111 JlIl,n .. h l'll<tl'n '(I. \: II)' J ~, I ~Il )', TII I·I...!: or Ak l'lll) ; 1\II'H. I':v" "\lt 111111]\. l ~I ..,.. <\ 11"" \\" '1111,, I' I'Ill lt1 .. L n m ll n /l thl HI,", ,11m (tnll , hl ~ I, ; MI'. :;PI'Il\ s ll lllrtl " ~· an,L t'li lll l,,)' wllh t h .l ll tl MI'" . J uh n l ';n~(] .. L a nd Kim, AI' · t"'J l'n ll' I" ~ IUII"4 ' l1trl . \11', nn,l )II 't-; . l'l' t(l till"-: i\lI ~." 'H MILJ'~'H'l't (' nll·fl,1. Mil ,


i t y Edito r ,


~I' , :>1,,1 ~II '; .•1.1111>'" \1' 1< ,.\


Waynesvi l\ e , Oh io

Mrs. R. H. Hast ing,


J P. Larrick II

Electrician and Plu:nber 58R2



- - _ ..'- - - -

A Plain


abo.u f

Keeping House This advertisement is being written by ~ ~an, so perhaps it may in no. way express the viewpoint of the woman ' in the home. And ': yet, a$ a man, who plays a partin the op~ratioriof his' home,. it is impoitant to keep in mind at ti~es' that. ElectriCity has come . to consi(i~red essential "in ' a moderrt' . home·~· 'It does 'so many' ';useful 'U1iQgs that at th~ present ·c ost th~ jwjfe~ tbe' husband ana,tile ' children ~imply< cannot afford.not, to use it in:ev~ry: waY, they' I




. , .



The' D~ylon PO'~r Be tighl Company ,


, II!! \Ions In " a rl o\lll 8('01l0nll uf the a ta t II, Th lit 1111 1"Ikil li nd Gllm ' sao 'ln· lion '\'111 hllv t o g t qml)' <\ n'O l)ro· Dutil ",ollle oC tlW 80 I'Ubblls for \ Val" I'on o unt y , • • • '1'hlll ohlln n h ns I'()('clvcd no no· tlce ~ f n ept e m b r m Ling of the W u rre n Co un ty Fis h u nd Gll m A B ' Iloclu ll o n .

----... - ...----


'C otner By Harry Eldrldre. Jr. -----~.~-~.~-----


"Ooll(Hl alll,'I'" H il Y ~ Il f Fm nklln Is c h n nnel ca tfi sh ! t h ~ W hil e lI a lred Doy w hen It MIs 8 Clum Du ug ht or 8 s pe nt T hura 'omOH 10 'Plugsln&" fo r blts~. H I1YS Hu nte rs In l h l8 n o k o( th e w ooda duy nig ht und Friday \\'lI.h lit 1' . a nd 1111£1 bl)on !'le t ting 'em v I'y wh el'e w h o hll ve bee n g oin g to sout h ern ]\lrs. E lvis 1\1 lel1(,1 a nd o tl ug ht e l', D.·· Clea r c r 1( , ell snrs , L llllo Millm l1IIIch ig un for amn II ga m e s hooting othy .


8 U" 0

l he I:Itren m does n't ma ll er , ,while the r Ht r li t! bnlg h t od, br et hren o r bemoanin g t he l;curclty or raWH ur wear ln;; o urse lves OUL co v ~ rl n g {I ve II111 0s of s tr a m wlt.h u rtlncla l ha ltold Doc .H aye R l'unR out fOI' a (e w hOllrs - Il nd 11I'lng8 ha c k fis h . I t'll got to t.ho point whm'e ,f llo ws go· Ing In w AllJllu g h ·Good D "ug St o re rIJ" lureH no lo nger Hal( t a l' U rive r I'lInt , t hcy ""'k fo r n " Huys Ba it. " "C U 11-" na tlll'al . ca l" fln lull J I ' U. " ,, ~ ~ "Inlel ng r u nl wll h th e blncl( back . H Ir.I( L OI'o y of Frn nlelln Il llLl Do n ]lllatu s h of Leban on r otul'ncd Ills t Satul'oI ny fro m 1\ fi sh in g trip lit Co. bOCO llk , Onl. , "bo ut 100 mil es north or T OI'onln . T h ey bro ug h ba 'le t nles of rlnc fl llhll1 g-

wi t h two m u s kl s

In for a n un plea llunt s urpri se 1111'. li n d ~lrs. Alfred lIl o.-,; u n a nd year. I n t h C pas t MIChi g n n ' s duugh t e r cu ll d o n lIll'S, 1II0 rgu n '" fl\' e doll a r non ·r es l<Le. nt sm nll ga m e pLlI'e n t s In X e nl n, "" 'ldIlY ar te rnfJo n . IIc en ~e was good u n ywh e re In the lIlr. ll n<l 1111'S . F ores t Ho hlit and HUll." hut a n ew la w e UecUve lus t fa mily of W uyn 8 vll\ HP nl Su nday J u nll n r y lS i , plnces th e lowe r tie r with M r , a nd MrH. 'Elv iN ~ II hea l n nd of eo untieR In south el' n JllIch lgu n In d" ug hte r, Dor oth y. a Rpec h\ 1 di Rtri ct - where the nOn· MI'. a nd ~ i rH. Arthu l' K cs lngc ,' li nd "cllldc nt s ma ll ga m e license fee Is fa mil y oC Da yto n lip nt F rl dL, y with I G dolla rs . In ge n ('l" f this applies to the cou nlles borde ring Ohio a nd lIll', a nd 1\!t'li, Ern lit E a rn ha r t lind fa mil y a nd II lr. UIllI 1I1 M1 , G . H . K eH. lndl a na . P ln n your Mi c higa n pheas · nnt trip well up lJ!to the s ta t e o r Inge r. cou nt on a n ex tra t on dolla r !! fo r Mis ses R ut h l{ellis a nd Cla ra lIU cheul Da ug hte rs u nd Do 011 lice nse. .l r lY • • • wer e X e nia s hoppe r t! , Saturd ay , W ith J k T i d F d R t 1I1r. a nd 1\ G . I-l . K eSi n ge r and nc a y or Iln re os Mr. a nd lIlr8. E l' nest Ell' rn h n rt und



;~~~y~~~~I:e;V~.~~;rl:: :~c~:~~m~

II nt1 some ha lOS aR proof. Sa t urday a ftern oon Jules G r a fC or L InUlo n t old uS ho \ V'l19 abso lutely t h ro ug h w ith fi s hing until he co uld !;et som e big c raws. 'rwo ' h our s Int e r h e WItS fi s hi ng the Little l\lin m l with 1I101'rlll ook - a nd without t he I'llWS. A ltho u'-h s t.r eom s nre In gootl co n . dlttll n a llD o ve r, vo r y fow r elll ca t ch es of f is h w 1'0 r ello rt d tnk n ove r Lab or D ay - w Ith m or o fl8I1CI'm e n try in g lh a n this w r iter has e ve r see n In on e weo k.e nd . Do ' zett el of Leba non los t (l rpoe, cnaln In tho Little lIllnml S undny . H e l.s oUe rln g n llbe ra l r ew n rd ' If r e tul'n d Inside n. 5 lb. (or more)



on u tr uc k , ~II "I< nroly n !llcK lnn ('y' " lllyod In Ih . W llmlnl;'LO}l harld, Su n(ln y 1'0" Ih .. 10 T im I'S" p lc'nlc a t Forl .'\ n · I

Mrs.' HllrQltl 'Bnnti, Hnd ~o n Ins t w t'k wl(h Mr. a nd Jl II·s. r mvldso n a t e n ntow n . MI!! J"" Idn 111 'K lnn ey \\'U~ c hu lr . m n n ot t ho I'cfr eshm 'nt co mml tt eo fo r a pa rty giv e n SlLlu l'da y nls h t for t h pm'c nts of th us' bdQ ngi ng t o t ill) H I R ecr eatlo nal lul~. ' lIf r. nnd lIfr s . 1:1. A. B a nta nnd so n w c ro und a y g ueSls o f lI'f r . nnd 'I " r s . A. H . Bu ntn M L ebn n on , lItl >ls Kmh lce n In wood Is s lU)' lnll' wit h h r s ls t I' MIl'S lII ur y E ll en 1nwool1 of' In clnnn l!. 1<:n thl l"on I pl:~ nnln g to t u ke n lOurs e In I usl. n('SH tmin ing . Th o.' a tt e ndin g th e Uhlo ' ta te I·'a l.. from t hl ~ coml11l1nll y \\' el'(' : ~II' . und JI l l'S. Ho wurt!. H a c kney . ~ 11' . a m1 ~ h'l; , H . A , Da ntn , 1\11'. a ncl ~ I r!j, /1. Z , l·lh rts ock, th II' Hon. ,10 ,

needed, a ccording ' to the Conserva· - - - - - tlon chief. ' Council memberll al80 voted to pur Meet Your Frie nds At chase not lO e xceed 25,000 rubblts for l·e·stocklng throughout Ohio In January, 1939, This ,wl11 curry on the pQlley cstablls hed by Counc'll last year, placing cottontalls In the southe rn and southwest e rn counUcs At AD ooara of the s t!,fe where pheal!llnt s tock , Ings have proved unsuccessful, Com' WINES, LIQUORS AND mJssloner Woodell announced that 6% BEER t'he ex(ent to which rabb.lts would LObnnon, Ohio 'be relensed next season would. de· Mulberry Street p end Inrgely upon the sentiment nil -


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!e!'x!p!r!e!sa!e!d!!!!!!b!y!!!!!sIP!o!r!ts!m!!!!!en!!!!! 'a!!!!!0l!!r!g!a!n!l!z(l!!'





MIllIons of users feel that they get 'quicker, more pleas. ,an1, more eff~ve ~lief from 'ALKA.SELTZER ,than ~m old-fashioned unpalatable preparations. 'Ihat'. why ALKA:-SELTZER is inot:8 in demand than almost any .other aingle item in the. average drug store. . We l'eCOmmend ALKA-sELTZER for ·the relief of Gtu On StOm4ch, SOur Siomtich; HecuIc&ehe, ColcU. "Morning After:' 'Muacut4r 'P aN, 4nd '" (I Gargle m. ~inor Throcat 17jita«ona. We reaJbr mean 'it. , Use ALKA-SELTZER for any or all of ~ese diacom~ YoUr money back if it ,f ails to'relieve, . 'JD addition to an analgesic (Acetyl~cylate , . of Soda), clich ~ 'of ALKA.SELTZER', contains alkaUzers which help to co~ those everyday ai1meDts due to J4rper'-Acldity. ' In 3O¢ 8ncI60; pacbs_ at your drq store. . I

SACCO Guaranteed BRANDS Quality i\1.\~l'F'\ ("rt' nEIl

The Smith



Chemical Co.

:OO'od Quality Binder Twine On Rand

l11 (' r Lund y . a l'l Bmwn , n o nn ll1 L(' wl ~ , a nd R obol·t S ha n h o lt z, lI a l·ul.l Jl I Ve y . Klngm ll l1 g .. occ r~·, m a n , I'N urn ed 1I10n duy from u tr ll) tu " · iscon liln . _ _ _ _ _ __

'Compare Our Prices and You Will Buv at . )

Fairley Hdwe Stores


" lten~d

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 E. O. SMITH

You Bv fertilizer Insist-On

e n Am eR, lI lclvln Ii oilin gs \\,ol·th . Jl u·

a bout a dozen _ but ha rdly a min. Ing. t t b Ih t t f Mrs. Cla r en ce Cra wford a nd u e vity we n Any In w tallo uIt sWIUI ome aIIOrg r ea a t da ug hte r , Minnie, Mrs . A I D ruh ot, acti trip _ .with more game fish hooked of Clnclnnntl, a nd 1111 s Mlrln m over a period of two du.ys than this Smith, of Dnyton , called. on Mrs . Els ie Bunnell Il nd chHdre n , S un da y writer thoug ht p ossible. eve ning . • • • The Ohio Mr. a.nd lIlrs . George mi t h a n d Goodyear Shoe Repair a uthorlzt'd co~:~:~:::::nL. C~:::' da u g hte r P u ulln E.' , ot n n r R ed L ion called on Mrs. Rola nd W ea ver, un· Service ell to add 25 s pecia l game protectors day nft ernoo n. t o the list at w n rde ns now o n the Mr. a nd !\Irs . Henry Burges ll nd force for the ext ent of tho hunting child r e n of Da r to n s pe nt ~ oIl(L"....," CUSTOM MADE SHOES scallOn tblll fa ll. The men wUI be with Mr, a nd M.I'S.' Craw· selC(:ted trom the apJ)l'Ove~ civll ser, ford a nd. t amll)'. Lebanon 118 Mulberry vice lists, and placed ' In counties lIr, n nd Mrs, W iIlan) Cok.m. n , of , 1.______________..&1 whe r e th eir s ervi ces are mos t badly 'Wa)' ne v ille S1) lit Moln lias , , 1:1 M~ . -


Hcuh u ml <Ill1 l,;h ter, Loul &', M ,', )1" b·

(mla ly l he Slu t e F a ll' , Thurs da y. lIll's. nut h lIl c 'o r k lc a nd d n ug h · bU R o n Lak e Eric fi s hing trip. O . Mr. n nd 1\Irs . Rn ~'mo nLl LU C"R , of tPI' o f Columb us Rpe nt th(! pas t w eco k D ee m ~ t us Thursdny ve nlng a t Wilming t on cu ll ed on t heir pa l'c nts , w ith :\1 1'. a nd 1\11'5 . Ra l ph Alex nn · L u k cs hlc Ohio with hi s 26 foot s peed SundllY urte rnoon w llh 1\l r. n ntl :\Ir>l. del'. bont- n nd l~ look U8 ju s t 40 minut es lo co\'er tho 25 miles over to Pe lee Da v id LucaR n nd fa m ily . 1I111 r1 ' \\' h lhl vl slt~d frl ml s in u· M r . n nd Mrs. AI. Druh ot n ntl so n lumbu R th e 11 k 1"lund. In the Ca na dll\1l w a t e r s ' Ve ls t wee . . . or ' In clnn a tl s pe nt ' und a y li nd Jlut u p nt the P lee Club - a n old lIII·. u nd Mrs, P ll ul Gr iffy an d fls hln D.. ho tel, boll.lh o uBe , etc. built Monday n nd I" hlllir n of }Ja yto n vi sit ed 1111'. li nd ra w tordwith a nd lilt·. fa mil y. Mrs. ma n y yea rs ngo by a g roup ot 1\II·R. n oy Noggle u'n Sund" y . Miss MJnnle Cr uwford. r et u rn('d w ea lthy Cincinna ti s ports m e n. b ut 1II ,". a nd lIlrs. EdWa r d 'W ll ito n nnd homc, S unday , a ft er IIpe ndl ng t\\'o h no w unde r ve ry e rflcle nt m a na ge· . IIdr n o r Dny to n \\' ere g ucs ts of :III'S. , ura h \ Vnlton on Su ndn " , m !!n t - and Ir th ese old ey es a r e wee k s with r ela ti ves in CinCin na ti. '. Mrs. Ma ttie L ev i fi nd ' II n y Judge, j.u'!t a bout a perrC(:t set Bo n nnd 1I1 rH, 1IInrth a K y ne find ch ll<lre n up t or a week' s flii'hlng trip. '1'ho g ra ndda ug ht er, of Da yt on , Is s pend· a nd 1I l rs. W ll lin l11 W eell csR ,', of Ing a fe w days at h om e , Day t o n, vis ited Mr. n nd ;\1 r s. F ra nk nex t m o rning , the four of UII s l a rt ed The M t , H olly lI1 . E . ' hll rc h w ill Ky ne on F riday . o ut t or seve n hours ot trolling hold t holr hom e com ing , Oc tobe r 2. W illiam HeeveH. :1-11'''. Laura 'Wa k. n nd co un ted o ne bundred a nd twen· It will be a n a ll day m cc Llng . B ring I y , 1111'13. Da is y H olla n d , and Mrs , t y w n ll ·eyed pike nnd btuls hooked a w eU·fllled ba.e k et a nd s pe nd the S I J oh n of X en ia m otored t o Co. In th nt time, aU on nrutlcla l bll.1t. T he ne xt da y accounted. for eighty ooy, IUl11 bus on F rl tlny a n el. a ttend d the Mr. a nd Mrs . Bill T ut e, of Bell· State I"a lr . In f our h ours. lIlrs , ...... Uat E'ug Ie e n t el,' l11i n d lI6 Old timers up th e r e Ins is t tha t b roo k culled o n Mr, n nd Mrs. Pete .rs. Mu c h cat c h es a r e not unusual aI, Runyon, Saturdlly evenin g . R u th McCo rkl e o,nd da ug ht e r , of Mr. a nd Mrs, E rv in S mith a nd Co lumbus, M ra . Hn ll1h Alexa nde r, t hough w e got three plke (they call da ug hte r, JUdit h Ann , a t tended the 1{ a th erln e A1exu ndel', lI' ra . Mar y 'e m pick e rel up there) that weighed ' 5 1.2 pounds apiece. The baalI were s teak fry a t 111 .. , nnd M rs . H a r r y K y n a nd , l\1a b I ~[o o n , F r id a y . n ot hittin g well ye t _ our total wns Sml t h's at Co r win, Th ursday even· Hazo l ,Go l'h a m wa s u g ues t of D.


Wheat Planting Season Is At Hand

' Ifj /l I.

UII'CI'r IIN'aWI(' or IJcll Quruily,

S~n'I ('t',

IUlII Price

E s tnblis h ed

Red TOLe urn n Ights For FeInaI G Tonlg e ht ame Crosle y F lcld.'f) powc rC ul IIg htln g flYRt em will be t UI' ned on r r lho Ins t tI mc 1I' I" se""Ion , . '1'1,ur s d a y , \\' Il e n II1 n d ill t a ng IC w it l1 t lIe f ' ltt.s · s w bu r g h Plr"tes in th l' rtn nl of a cr u· c lu l, l wo·ga m e s er ies. 'fhe P lra tes hnve been IC(l dln g th e Nntlona l Leag ue m.ost or t he seaso n . Th ey a r e fl g h tl ng d espe rn te Iyo t w in th e Ir11 rs,' pe nna n t s In c~ 192 7 , n n d

W . Co rha m a nd fa~ lIy ove r t ho wee k nd. "n" r s. ..'Ia ry Middle t on entertain ed , on u nday th e fo ll owin g ~ uests, M r . a n d !lIra. F loyd KJlbor lil nnd. ch ild · ron of Leba non , :\11' . a nd Mrs , Ho w· a r d Ba bb of Wll mln,,·to n . 0 1111'. a nd Mrs . ~ n ~' l1l o nd W ilso n li nd da ug h te rs SI)e nt fro m F "lduy un . til J\lo ndny with lIlr. n nd l.frs. E vOl" e tt Blalr of Th!Lrolt. Mrs. ~ li e B nllo n wh o hnd n hm rt nttll c k at t he cann ing fac tory ~ t o t'oe ou t asn ln . Bls fr a nd t he \\'C('k nd with , !"s. W ill i, nl nea r

M a na ge r Pie '1'ra y nor hU B b ecn cl'neklng th e whip vigoro usly to nc · comulis h lhls . T h h' games w ith the R e d s w,ll ' be m ost vita l, a s Ma n ager II II BI t cK echnl e h as h I>, c lub ver y much In the race t oo. I t is posslbl that the fl ng will n ot be decided un · t! I th e lust three d uys oC th s eason , wh en Pittsbu rg h pla ys a (our·game s r ica agn Ln s t th e R eds, F en turln g t h e p r e·gnm e fcstiv ltles a t th n ig h t &"a m e w lII be t he pres· n , of th e Ve t e ra ns or For eign ' Va 1'8 to ho nor o ne of th e ir m os t nc tive 1110m b rs . Coac h H a nk Go wdy of t he R eds .


In W.aynelvil1~·- Sh.p, at

Baird's Sc & IOe Store


• 1938

I'UONE :i2

1';llzabct h B u llanl , or .Dllylo n . l\!a ny f r om tho Burro umfing com ·

,m un lty n tt e nded th e Sta le F uJr tLur, Illg th e w ek In clud d: MI'. a nd Mrs. n aym ond n08S a nd fllm ll y, Mr . llfld 1\11'13. f';, D. F nl s a nd H UI'ry line . Wor k on til(' n c w 1)1'ld'-e a t F lu· t ... ma nage r lh e> ' H £18 hav , hnd s lnr e Forl( is n H I'ln ~ eo mp l ' tlo l! n nd n eed t h e y en tcr'e<l th e Nu tlon al Lea g ue INIS to s a y , I.. n. b" 'cut Improvem en t. w h n it was or g n.nlzed In 1870. J , lI1. \ VlIso n , of L e ba no n, WII8 a Lo nn ey P I' y, H dJeg II a n d· Sa tu r da y aft el'llOo n visitor at t h e bllflCma n , Is o ns ldered on e o f t h e T almage fam il y . I est tngger", In t h e ga m e. Mr. Ilnd Mr s . Clyde Sums a nd fa m , B ill Mye r s ' Im proved ba tting Is Il y were \Juda y v is itor s of M r . llnd a ll rlbuted t o a ch a ng d bu ltlng Mr s. E ph S mith , of Olive B ran c h . S'~ nn ce. " "' I r , a nd M r s . E s t I Du.y n nd two J o' h nny V a n r Jeer lI! Is k n own t o r I1 lid r n , o r Duyton , we I' t h e ove r · hi 8 pitc hin g r uls u nd It Is n ot g n · nig ht g u ·t s , ' aturday , of M r: n nd , er a II Y k n own t I!at he Is o ne of the Mrs . I1nyrno.n£1 n osa u,'n tl cU llin )!. rastest runn ers In the Nnt!o nu l M r. a n d J\t r y, G or go Smith e n · L ague. t er talncd a t Su ndRY din ne r , Ih o Rosa fa mily n n<1 the ir g u s ts, th e Day Home Schedule For The 81'1I 110n fa mil y. Th ur sduy , SCI)tc mber 8, v... PittsJ o hn, M, Wilson nnd sls ter , JlUSIi burg h .. . .... ' . .. . . .. , . . Nig h t Ga m o E li za bet h , of Leba no n , Silent trom F riday, Sep t em'bel' 30, VR. P ltls· F I'IdflY t hroug h Sun day In the hom e burg h .. . .. , . •. ... . . . , .T wo Games of Mr, a nd M r s. AJm on F e n'is. Saturd uy, Octobe r 1 VR. P llt s burg h On Il turdn y M r. Il ntl M rs . F erris , .. . .. , , , . , , , . , . .. . . .tLndl S DllY wc r ,r ocelvln g c(l ng l'tl t ulation a fr om S und ny , Odobel' 2 \' 8. l ll! libu rgh. t heir 'l'le n ds o n lhe h npJl Y (>vent o! l h('lr I'(lun dln g o ul Clfty ·three yell"s of we,lded lire. 'l'her carried t he cel\1. hm tlon ov I' u ntl) Su nday wh n th e y bad di n ncr with ca verN Iq,ld fo r h e r bro th er' a nd a lster , J Ohn un £1 EII?.Il' IIII'. an d 1\I rs. Fru ni< Sa rns had beth Wilson , a n d Mrs . Mary WII s on , pleas ure In cn l' l·tn ln ltfg over the Leba ti on , !\II' , nnd. Mr . . S . D, F el'rl s , wee kend th e ir c h ildre n , Miss Alice, Mr . a nd Mr s . Ooo rc:e Beckett a nd of Be t ha ny, a nd Ver n on , of Day t on, son, Ch o rl cs mlJla m, of ncar Bla n. whe n th ey celob ra ted Mrs, Sam 's chea te r. blrthdllY. - Robe rt McKay w as (l. fa miliar vis· MI98 Th elmn n RORS entcl·ta lncd he r fl'l n d , Loraine Baue l', at , Vuynes\' III e; W edncsday. gnsollne t r uck for Jos . Osborn duro Late r In the w eek, 'I'helma \VI1.S ' Ing nn n t tac k, at IIlnes R. He ' had t n, week e nd g u eHt oC Miss Baue r . k en o ve r his duties te mporarily Mr. a n d. Mrs. I1red 'rllO mp son, of . . lhls oommunlty , a ccompn nied by he r Atlanllo City OD Ishul4l pnr e nt s , Mr', Dna Mrs; J ohn W ilso n , AUantic Cjty lle8 on an Iiland 10 o r n enr larksV ille, ntte nded th e Mo· miles long by mJle wide. b CI'ly reunio n, n t B ufOl'd, In Hig h.

Beech Grove

F ou r drum co rps w ill be on h ll nd t o po ru ll<- be fore th c g a m e Inc lu ding tho (umous 1{e.rslla n -O'Da y P ost corps , of Bell e" ue . K en t uc ky. Th is unit ha s won m a n y hon ors In com . pe t itio n with ~t h er leadi ng drum cor ps throug h o ut th e co untry. H a nk an d Mrs, H nrold K ell! • nd It mnS. lIIr .and lIrs. 1m!! .! _ ~~lIlln ll1 Boot s of Go wdy 's ow n post, t he Be nson \,; ,,11 ~ relll l i\' M he re, ~ o n, Ho ugh Pos t , of olumbu s , Ohio , wllJ a tt l'nd , A color ful d ispla y o f tire . a nd lII rs. Frnnk ," ,,:;ot , r:l ndl n n nd T edd y I"" o l'ke Is (1180 scheduled , t er . ,-is h I :\11'. a mi 1\1rs Todd , . F ollowing the ni ght gam e' lhe R e tls M r. Il nd Mrs.. En' lll will e m bn r k o n a journ Al' t o e ue r y d~ u ght er, J ulYth AIm , j>t\tlt $lift· " ·.Iher Smit h s pe nt til e pns t week C • N a tlon a l Leag ue Ity, a nd t he y will day Wllh 1\11'. o n,l Mrs. " ' lilts '0, w lUI rcltll!\'es In D etroit . p Iny eig ht een gam es befor e r eturn· ncwltl a nd s n s . Ralll h AI(' xa ncl e r \. tur ned fr om n Ing to Crosley Field to m eet the .1'11" two . week s fishi ng trip In n na da , a l es In the af ore m e ntloncd sea.son l'ln tu rdny . f1 n n l~. TII(!y will go firs t to Chicago lll nd county, Bunduy. lIII'S, Lld<l. Vlllnr s u tle nded the a nd th e n mov e ells twnl'd fo r ten Do na ld MeK n y s pe nt n vc ry en, Day ton 1~lL lr , Lohor Dn y . lIfI', nnd Mrs . Orville Fittro. of The Unde l'wood rn mll~' hcld n re. gamcs with the ir sea boa rd r ivals be· joynble w"ek at the Yo ung 1~ l'Ie nd 8 '''Ihnlng ton. w e r e S unda y g uests of unio n Ilt th o cou ntry h om e of Mr, fo r e r e Lurnlng to PlI tsb\lrgh u nd St. Ca mp , h el!! ot 'li ft on, Ohio. Louis. Mr. n nd 1\Irs. HU BS II Bell of Ki ng· a nd Mr~ , C. O. U ndel'\\,ood , Qn S un . Mrs . G uy ' Pettit a nd duught e,', m nn. ,d41Y , In ho n or oC J o hn G . Un<le l'lvood Tic kets ( 0 1' Thursday 's nig ht MI RS Linda , of Ve l'non , 'l'exf!8, we ro Th e CheRt er Yo ung FI'ien de me t of W alla W ulla , 'Vlls h lngto n. Mr. game a re on su le lit tho S tra us CI· g ueRh" W elln csda y In th e ho rne o f In th e H a in es ho me, S unda y e ve n· un d 1\1I's, G , V. S imI! un d T on er Un. gu r S to re, S ixth lind W a lnut S tl·ec t s. Mr. ltnd Mrs. W )'m I' Dow n ey ana Ing. Dona ld Ma the ws, preside nt , tle r\\'ood of S pring Vulley , Mr. and Pla y will be called promptl y u t 8:45, tnmlly, In the Olive Brtln ch corn· called the meetin g to o rder, Ada At· 1111'S, J um es Sear s, lItr. a no Mrs . F . a nd th o pre ·gam e show will g et un· munity. klnson, sec r otary, gave n n account D. bgbo rn , Mr. a nd Mrs. Dwig ht del' w a y with a band concert a t G:· Sevoml Cra m the IIl cKIlY ho me at· ot th o Inllt m eeting . Dell elou" r & Ogbor n, Mr, u nd. 1\11'1>. W ilfred Slms , 30. tended th e H nywo l'th ·Bn ll oy re union freshments of Icc cr eam, c up cnlces, Mrs, Ku t e Boyce nnd Vltl elle Boyce a t Dover church . S unday , wh e ro and le monade wore sen e d . of Da yto n, lIir. a nd lIfrs: Cha l'l os SI:IORT SHOTS ABOUT TIJE REDS th ey r en owell ncb unlllta rw CB wi l'h Jos eph Hat'laoc k, 8 0n n nd Mr. a nd Schurcr of 'Vlls l Ca rrolton , Mr, nnd tllI!!r r ela tives a nd fr l n<ls . Mrs. A . Z. Hartsock of this com· Mrs. W , H a wk e ot L~blmon, a nd R ed BII.rrett cla ims that h e once Mr ,und MrR. 'Win ~ t o n Cline nnd munlty showed a h eife r a t th e Ohio Mr, and Mrs . W a lle r Undel' wood of saw 0. ha rd ,hlt drive hit th e pitc hing c hilllre n we rc S unduy g ll(:!sts of Mr. State Fair w hich pla ced second In Wayn~svl\le. rubber a nd bounce foul. a nd Mrs . Howa rd Cle m, In Dayt o n . the ' two to thr.e e yea r old clnss In Mr. Ber t Ooodwln n nd Mr, a nd WlIInrd H e r s hbcr'ger h ns been Dwig ht Bea so n nnd Mls8 Ma rie the Junior Fair, a nd, placed fi rt h In Mrs. H a ro ill Goodwin s pe nt Sundny n nmed on countlells All . Stnr rook · Smith , of Sll rln gtield, a nti M r s. WII· the open clnas . In whl c b e nlrles rrom In B1nnc heRter, ei t eam s this season. Only th e pres · bel' McCa rre n, of ncnr Hur vcysbu rg, all sections ot the sta te a nd m a ny lit ..: a nd Mrs. Sebastlnn , 80n a nd en ce of Ernie Lombardi has ke pt were S und,lIY CIl \JCI'S at the home o f from oulslde Ohio competed. da ug h ter a n d. Murvln. Compton of St. his work out o f the lime light. H e r· Mr, Il nd Mrs. Franlt Sa ms . Mr. and Mrs, Enrl MlIIs, of King· LoUis spe nt th e w eek end a nd Labor alley III one of the bC llt blltter s un Many p eollle of t'hl s community man, \Vere hosts to th e H urley r e· Day with Mr, a nd MI's . Ma x Compo th e club In a plnoh. who knmv Mrs, Homer J . Lund y , of union which was h eld nt the ir homo to n nntl fa mily, Johnny Vande r Meer Is opposed nea r ' Wilmington, ' wc re grie ved t o Sunday, September 4th . !\fl', a nd Mrs, J . Vi' . 'VhlteRlde, to n r a Ised mound· In the bullpen , len rn or h cr re cont , s udde n death . MN!. B e rt Borto n , a nd Mrs . RaYOS the y h a v e In Ilome cltl Il, H e Member s of th e Mc K a y ramilles a t , . Miss, Georg-ianna Truitt wns guest at the Wilmington Ran gers Kru g, Mr. nnd !\frs. H er",an W a lton claims that a 'PItcher hns muc h more t e nded th e In"t rltcs . • Motorcyele Club mee tlng whi c h was tI.nd Mr , a nd Mrs. L )!le BOlinger a t. confidence Whe n he tuk es th e MI98es CorlL lmll MI?-bcl Hili , of held at the olub's camp on tile X e n: to nded th e SUlle F a ll', the pas t week . mound ntte r warmJng up on level Dayton, a r e g ueHt R, n l prcsent, In Iu IIll,<e , W.ednesdny night , s round. the h ome or Mr. ~lI1d Mrs. H a lTY Morris Shldaker, 21, son of E , O . Bobby Wallace , the Redleg s cout, Ollne. ' _.,,--' - !.. Displaylq tbe Flac Shldo.ker, who 1Iv09 ' on Route 73, The fiag code laya: "Do not dl.. k CQI18 the I!Ilme lIeut .lIa lly when th e After a n a bscnce or tipproxlmntlily near Harveys"urg , suH r ed a ser· 'pl.a y 'l be fiag wltb lbe Union dowl\, ~eds , are winning, 'but ,c hnnges It thlrty·flve y ears, Mrs . Annn S chl1· loul injury ' to 'o ne of ille e yes wilen except 88 a signal of dIstress," evet'Y time they loee. linger, accompanied, by h er 80 n, ~d· Ellul Cook, the pltc h'e r purohased 'gar H arris. and little g randdaug hter, by · the Reda f~Obl ' sy rncuse thlll Anna. Belle H a rrill. all of Gary, Ind., wcel(, Is 11 native of Canada. He lIn(\ ,Mrs. Bene ands, of. Da yton, haDs from Lemonvllle, Ontario. lIurprlsed the 'i\: B , T a lmng'e tRmliy, ' ''':. . 'l' he Reds are leading th e--Na' Sundny, - when they made a brief tlona l League I~ runs , hits. total call In tpe evening. During the af· balles, and eaortllce bits, and they ternoon, their cuesta Included Po;Ir, stand BeC!Ond In 49ublea and home Bnd Mrs, Edgar Barr, of .l¥enton, rUIlB. Mr. alld Mn. Stanley He~ler and ~.II!!." ~ Ou! MoKeeknle 18 the twenty·flftb Winifred. of Jam-tOWl\, and Mn,



IIiIlll••••• ••••IIjj••••"1

~:r \~:':I' ilt~~~n~c::: ~::t1~:::::





Ohio Pre.entln. the Beet uti Lat.. t Lebanon,



!ai." niOi....:



Mr, /ln~ 'till' 11 f' ,:nIl rl' ,I!/(hll' r , y.:·ll!£ p/,. II.,I.·\, '1\', jI ,nlllaUIl PI1)\{ !I\U1il i\ ~' Wi! II ~I~·. /ln t) ~J 11i. W. " ~'C"nJ I • Mrll. Roy Ruckw~ll nn on, 'Rob· . rt, whO 11 1 \\'1) b en vI, lUng Ml', lind FRIEND SHIP 01. B I'IIOB rJ.'E ~1I'K. J , . Oon~ (I n(\ oth I ' I' 'l(\t\\I '8 ,·tlrlcltt·o Onl rctlT ho F"lcnd~hlp lub Is lYre))" I'ln g h re. lett 1/\ t \I'~'(' lt (or lhe lr hOln £' ' \ cCl'WlcntC or transf I' was Or. t o Herve nl Is III III "Van'l'Jl ·OUIl· In .La. Ju nntl, ~Ol(\rndll . grll nter! In Ih 111'1111 nllon of Mr. Ilnc~ 1111'S. J . E . l~1'Uzl e l' ty 1''I&lr l\l1d ·b '1\110:\< oC lhls th or o 1l0ndl' l'son , ndmllllslrntr l", ' o[ will 11 110 r t:'l> ulLlr m cllll~ ot \\1e lnl n d with a rJlIll,,' r , IU~l 'I·h urs· ln l or I ho H eml ' l'8on. N 1 dny n ight, In hull')1' of ~r,·", . Allro vtl lU of Ih ,'st.~t waR s, t lit 1,076 'Illb tiltH mo nLh. unlllllnM Allsun an ,1 Fn'u ulIlInl n". I1 l1d Ilel>\1I 1' d ' Xl'nl il l (r'o m Inherl. II'. 1111,1 ~1t·M . H orn r KII'I, ot or L .~ An g~I .. ~. C:lltrlll'n in: 1\11'. a nel Hill 0 U1 X.

Local ___jlappenings'_04' a




S , ucy I:I U rIl "tl I, ml 1' \\" 111 n m nj,II' upC'l'IIllon :II ltlill mi Villi Y h /l~ I'II:1 1 \ \ 'erl ncsdn),. J..n,; 1 ""I.n1'l1l W (' I'I' lh n l h e W. UI I'esllnr; c·<lInfOrtllbl~' .

T It

l\1t ~~l'S

County CQurt ;Newl .




So uLh Ln nCl\sl (·r. M n~l'., (,n l'lml e 10 LoIII ~vlll u . K y., ~lr1Jl P tl In "·u~· ne,,· vIII." Runtlu.\· n nll RllI' nt " r£'", hilI"'" wllh IIl c ll' ('ous ln ~. :III'. u nci lIrt's. J allle~ I':C I'I' IC' k .

A.n n lC' U . li nd

:\1 ~l nlc

111U114'11I "

In HclshlEi, 8ub<!4vielon. LOhllnon. Vh'glnJa K ti tl f lo·.'1t 10 Robert M. Van Horne. trnet hI IIJ{'ttu Ua," F'rn nkli n t\\"n. Fl' d C. \V lin r lo Emma 'iVoll· 1\ 1', lot!! 18. 1U In 'Om lth 's a dd ition IU :'Il ol'm w .



, tl', 111'111

II, ~I\IlJl\

~II' ~,

n ,,

h w. Ii nrt 'l'Urll!:)' lind


t 'N II' l'iHllla "'hlll, • Ii a J; nea l' J111lln(lo to ·e nter Hehool th I'i! tor thll wlritel·.


'/Vlnter 1 ~1 r1 y, whl h lI1 11ny Ohio fll rnwl'!:' Il l' .cn n;jI(I""lnlf pIH lllln,~ Ihls f'l lI . hUll u. Ili ac In 111 n" "II; u l. " ;\1I·~. )l11n\, I Iolling-s wol' Lh , t·r re· Nnllw G Ull l1l illllNE\\' ( 'A. E ' F ILE U turf' or lh., "lnl .. If It" IlI('rlt" IIl1rl ";0111,; ~rl·!l. S cull... "lin I': H. :\1 . NHlhuli Fre r1 WI1 " I1ll rm'<i g u n r . Ash!! J'a rtitlunIIntli a Lions nr... I\'(' n ,ll.., lho ,g ht. SIll'I'w ('d . li nd F . n. II ' ntll' \,~f1 I1 . dln n of .l l1n£' WIl slJ n n nd J u h n \ \'oorl P a rlltio ll of 25.3" n<: I'('H or 1'1'111 ('s. arrol'dl n/! lo I r ..1. 11. P a "', , II~I'O II' :\II ~" Ail e Inns Il'il. FI·hl,IY. to WII"nn . elf'i(' ndanlll In th(' s uit nf tnle In Ji'l'IInklin town"hlp I" fiskI'd amy (1 ' )ln l'lnll' nl , Ohio Slll t ' Unl \, cI" r~"u n H' h " I' I('achlng rlutll'.< HI (;11 11 · \;;Ht (' lIa '\1. BI'o Wl! U~ nlhnlnl ~l rll lrlx hy V""nnn o. le III n " ull rued lilly. f I (' II I: X I (' 11 ')~ "';;" ' ; <11'11 , ,,.~ n" ; I J uf Ih,' "HIIlt Of :ll n l'Y :'1. .I11·o wn ' I/;nl n>ll \'11'l; lnl .. (" .I e Y"un !; II n(1 01'. Purl. Rn YH w lnl" l' hn l'l ~' 1>1 'cl'n ClI l lI"'''!;'' '' 111' nnal II g ul n>!1 J u ne \ \'lIl<on li nd Ot hCI·H . Th!' /)Ih I' Il r lrl:! of Cllff" rd Cui C'. d o. (J.IRtincll y II' SH ",1f1l(' ,' h ll l', ly I hn n Hnd .J e~ n a nd .l ilth .! II Hrt:-of,(' I~ hllll 1I111111n l;:l l':l lrlx M Ill\' ('S Lat (' fl i '(I II CC'UR cl. whell t bUL II IR :t 1'('(lsol1 nhly >Info dln nc'r wllh Ih"11' 1::1'11 11(11111,t III'r. s(' h"liu l" " ~ f l!!:lhnR. d,' bl". lind lIHhll · .Jullgl'III1'1I1 Soug hlc rop In R(l ull1l"rn II nll ('c nt m l 0 1111. ,\I r!l. ('." t'lle \\'ll le I1 \,'111 IIA,JC. . 1[. 010 nl_1 th "" 1" 11tJI' tl1 , \\r:In t (It' IIHI" Il'Y IS H dn .\. , ·C. 11. Ik" lIw I'''I::(' I""t ~(llllI" Ilr{'~."'" ,'f III" ...'" \. .. I' ent t" l" <1 s uit .' I.' \11'

N,n 'Io',' p, ,' !nll, li'I" t'l'hll", . "It IHI) 1lI1l

J,r1 a lt ci' to hili illijtei\ ~h'W , ,ftl Ill(!H l\;erl'lck, Ilmuel:Q cHI' Qt lJuok ~lorn, 'w Moxl 0, 8aYfi thnt H . W I·tll. n UI 'II] ,'oOom ICH l) Ilt . (,Ctlit'llllvnll n l' tlll.\ In lho l IIt.nll n nil n t \If food 3:45 til ]0 C\)lu \1\Il\1~ [111 11)1" 1' 01' ·h. '" lne i III I' rlMlrl nS' fO I' an ~1 \\'" t i'. 1\11'. Belloll hnM ' bl' n n l'cs ldcnl or 'ow M xlco Rill e lUO~ .


CORRECTION The NlUTIe 'Be ryl . The n "me Beryl Is of P e rslan...crl. gin nnd men ns " crystal." It is o ne e,lrt·(,(,( 111(' f"II"\\'I",, ,' I'I'P\,H wh ir 'h of the jewel names. lhe e m e r ald. ,,(,(.tIIT"" III tlo" wJi I," Up !If till topaz and nqu amar ine bein g " Arie. 1111\\'1,(' 1:"111,1"" . Tile .1. l'. r'IlIl,' LL ti es of beryl. and 1s b o rne by b oth 111l'llllo'h'.1 o il lilt' 1'1',,~ r" m \\':I~ fro m m e n a nd wom en. It is o[te n c orrectly pronou nced Burl. Ilr, ' ·I.' II. Th.· 11-11"1' 1'(';1 01 aL th l.· I·C· d B It J s hould be pron ounc e e r ·r unl('1i \\:,~ ", rl ltL' n lIOl IW 1'1111111' • lI a wlw'" 1"'0111,.1' hu~ :1 (1'Ic'n ti \\' 11 . IIIl lll Il. '''1. 1:I'" n "rrid n;.: in \\·"y nl'H. v III, ' loy \\':O~. "r w:o"'r :on ol 1':1 11 . 1'1011. T il .. ,' ,,,' ,,

~p"II,I. 'nL . wllultl Ilk' iu

J. B. Chapman JlM!'i?~.~~.U,

If" I Io Lwl\;,' 111 ,,~ ;t 1l \\' u l"l<

I II(' 0111 )1;\ \11, Hull<l llH;' whirh hUI'II",1 III I~)OO ' I'HI

REAL ESTATE j.lUI'SL!I o n h"l1 r(1 ~ (' pl ~ m"(' 1' 19. 1ll!'II1nst .J c"~ I (' E . '1O(l )),,1111 :II. Mul · po" .. I'I !>k eX~ "i'l In v ,' .· ~· (,, \·o,·/l bl ... \\'",ll1 c"tl IIY r.r 1111'. II ll rl :'I·II'R. ::.i lanl,, ), ]0'(,1'\1 D<':lI hl'ra;:,' "t' \ ·ltl<' inllnt i H u i l's :\1'(' Sl't f'"r Jl l'u rin,::_ len. \\·"tin('!;lia y. fO I' jU<1gllll'llt of IO(·'lll" n . 'I'h " lTD II I~ ""n~ltl", I" I'lI lh," · Ihll ll 111<' 1II', ·",·nl Itlln l, "uild. NOTARY PUBLIC Sellnrs of L eba n on . s po nl In"l w cr l, wl lh Ilt'r r ''' ll ''llI~ Th c uurt set :'kpl"IIlIIl' r 19 to , ~ r. O wh ic h the ).III II1I1Cr I:dm s 18 IlIck of lilll{, In thc ~I.l il a mi !'C.'clu ll'l·" Lllg . •h 'nn li nd .) n ' lfI 1I H l't ~\1~ 1\:, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ h" a r I h ' :;,.hc'dul e of I' la iln ... tI('bl~. tlu " un It )lro rnl ~. "I'Y nLlL,. oxoc ut cc\ " A'C nl' rll1l8 'Hllllll y IJf ~ "IJ ((· I·L1l1ty. l\lI ss Ho ~c m l\ r)' l1 ' ml'y and ' '\1. B u h :11111 ')" 'r l Sn y,h' l' I fl, "'~t " 11.1 lIah lllli('R t\f the <'Nhl l . \If 'VlIl" by th " ci efe ndant!! . . lnl1unl'Y 8. 1931. li es"l" n rIIc~ n lllldt \\'lnll' l' ba l" C. Sl. John w r e hU!<in css l"' ll o r~ 't'hU r!oit1:1Y ftll' I h ,\11- h,\JUI' at ''' hl t t., 1',,- n C. J a~ k. Jl c r\:lrt .J u0 1{ , e Xt'c ulo r I, y but pmlinbly will no t IIf f"C'1 It In L Im non . SnlUl·IIIlY. Pl,\II1 '; . N . Y .. n t't <' r " lIl' lI llill;: lit.· n n.l of tIl<' e NIHtl' ue Th (lnw~ H ozlin, (' Ol\l :\lON 1'1.E,\ · ) 'UOC.a.;t; J)I Nfi H II ~ Ill\! ' h us wl l<'a t. Th e Unlvc r s lty 1I11s" K tl lhryn Gibbo ns n nd JIll'S. "umlll ('1' w ith thdl' ~ 1";l ndm •• t h e l ', ( ;"(JI'!; E. Yo un g . l1 (]mlnl ~ lrlll u r. 'lRT o nU l lus t, h o w c \ Ocr, W U l~ n H fUI ' n'P I's Scrvil'e Ortlcr ed\v . C. St. J llhn n lle nli ed lh (' r :le s ~Ir" . U:lI ~y !;nyti<' r . Su ll! Clrdc l·ctl • .\Jsu Tru u" rc r '1!1'\,lce by Ilubllca \.lun was orde r erl ~c .. t.Iin!; winter ha 1'l .. y 10 ub~<' I ' \'o ti l(! nl Lnlonln.• Ky .• o n I\tl1.rday . 'I'he s" l" of certn ln s Lo c ks belon/,:, In th ~ call o r B I'uce Fish e r alOal ns l (ly . f l' ~·o dil leR rill' wh ollt. Il s lW ll ltl 1\11'8 . .T rr Smith Is s p ondlng a tow IIl I;' t o th e I!s tll l of J ohn B . Pe nce J nnlli . fi ('11 F is he r In w h ich tho n I bo ""Wn until Ih tl 8u fe dill fil l' days with h.,l· daughte r lIlrs. P e nco lll'dc,' c\ hy ·th o Ol1rl. SILo be pla lntlrf Is s eol<ll1/': Il d lvo rcc )l III n ll'd OH a t the ir "ummcr cottngo. mild" I1rlvlllc ly a nd fOr (llll\. A c r · ru ~ IO(ly of min or {' hll.hen . s oon nfLc r\\'a r<\s ns Ilosslbl . 24 HOUR SERVICE Evans nLLentlec1 th e l' I'II\'illillj! Jcm' A SIJI'I'iIlI o rnr'c \, III l iricn t o o f Irn nRCer of IltO I.s olhN' S UIIIIIIOII S Set ARltl o-Mrs. Susl Legum \' He d inA' s ue ' I "bo ul IIA BIlk r family' r ellnlon nt Rl hmoml. 'l'lll' YlUa;.:!' or ,,'aYllI's \'iIIe, Oh io lhfl n t il a!;tol'e llI·de l·cd. S umm ns and !!<'I' vlce In th liS w clI In \~' lnt(,I' ba.I·l ey li S In wh c:l t. Large Ta nks Filled in Less Than 10 Minutes IndJnna S u nday. B It ,,,LIni n '(I II), th e ('0 11 11 '1 1 "t ('nUl'. ' \PIII''' ''''R c,'c ntl Acr(luntsor \ \ 'lllia m E . RI<ltl e'lI llga lnst H " lon 'I·h .. barley milk " 1111 ell l'!ie r. d c n ~"f P RIC ES REASONABLE '1'10(' (·tllIl·1 II IlPI'o) \' ~d thc 'Colluwlnl;' F . nld d 'lI . Il> t 1I81d o l.w J:rowth In th o IIp rln g thlln whe;. t W. . S t . J ohn Is at lh Whn rt n th (' ,\,111:1';(' "r \\'f,y n 8\'111 1'. hi ll: " lh COlll·1. SE TI f) X 1. Th a t Ih m ayo r acclIunt!!: 1·'lrSl and tlnnl of Alto n P . I\llldo J) 'f cntlllntbut It I' lpe ns ell l'lI e l' n nrlls 110t IIk(.ly 11Ilrl I;: 1\('1't by aUlhu r lz ',I lI lI L I ,-1\1. BI·ow n . "t.Imlnlstl'lltol' ot th e ostato !lnncr"n J . Lo y pe llU l1 (ld to lo lOllg .'. ~pl'll1g He 1~ :Il); In wlnler W ha r ton W!lB call d. LO 1>0\\'£' 1'<:<1. Mu bjl'C'1 til Ih (> co nflrm n liu n u r J. 1-'. S h I·wood.: final ot J . A . )( I· lIlull" It pUI·ty def enel"nt In Ih e >!ult barlcy Rhuult l be mnct '(II·ly. sou r l on accou n t of th Way ne vill e, Ohio Phon e 35 fir Ill<' coullcll uf 11,0 VilI/l/;c of 1 ' I'. g Ullrdl:lTI of Pcrlllc lJa Bon nett. of Erlga r 'V. Ln y ugaln s t lIln ry E . Six or Ight p ec les Is a 11!l1'll III I ness of his molh r. 'M r. a nd Mrs. RIIl'mond Brn.cId It \Vnyn('s \'iIl . Ohio , to a ppol nl .\ " 11, Inc?11lPt'1 nl : [(I'!ll nnd finn I ot !\Iny Loy whi c h \\'09 gra nLed hy lh ·our!. "'o ,d lng "nt o fo." \\'Int l' hUI·I('y. L o· un. c ln l I}oil"" offi cci' LII S<, I'\''' rOl' s uc h Slmps.o n , :"lmlnl~ II'nll'lx I)f th e S· Lat cr s il nalH' l1 l hn.t p l'cvlo118 c: ll ly g rown sell llh ou ld 11 lIHl'tl a n d da ug h t e rs e n t rtnl n ed at d oy di nner, M r . nnd Mrs. Elm I'son tIme II!! lh" i\'J 1I~'fl r of ~altl V IlIul;U IlItl! of H u rry :'I1lrnnda : !II xlii or judg m ent be Bel [(s id. Th e CO UI·t when I'osslbl ('. but lhl:l' e 1>1 no ",cr ll· F isher a n d son . Donald of n car \ V II . m: y 11 ('(' 111 IWe('H",ary which lime Fred ' V. Hlnkl , . tru Bt e(' oC 'sta l l! se t S )llc mbe l' 7 10 hllll l' th mollon . Cl ed seNI I\ \'n ll ahlc In Ohln. Yl'ld s flr~ t Il nd Lea \, n "l nmh..dof winte r bnrl y 1\1 o lurnhus h "vo m lngton a .n d Mr. a nd l\frs . Law r n co i'h n ll not exc<'('(] Ih 11I·1·lot!. o f o no of Geo rge .n . Soge . nnrl .. . .' \' of ~ I a ry n. [\'In s . e x('c utrlx ot L en vQ W IlS grnl1led lh e tru s tces ot hC n 300 po unlls til Lhe n 'r e gr ILlr \' fin n l yea I · . F ur nas. Ih ' Le bn.non Lod ge 26 n nd ot hcrs 10 tho n ylclcJ s from T I'lIn1hu ll "huat. Mr. a n d ;Mrs. Jncqul' Ad(lms of SE '1'1 0:-': H . Hu ch " )lI·d,, 1 poll I'!) ru e n n .l nAW e l' In the sae of SOI'flh lie hunrlrC'l1 pounll" uf ba l'l y c quo lS Leba n on were w e kend gllests or uff! ('I' :<hllli il n~(' til(' I)Ow\' r8 co n· IlEAL ESTATE TRAN nm 0. Frelt "gnln"l L E' bl.l nlJ ll Lo(l!;e No. 05 I}ollml" or \\' h Itt In f 'cdln g \'nlu e. Mr. a nd Mrs . J ohn Ad orns. r 1'1' LI hy Illw upu n IHlli e .. eriCH!! ho rles E . Shutts t o I n ez Jame,;, 2G. M r . a nd a-rrs. Em il Brow n anLl In n il VlJIllS'l'S 'uf Ill ' Stule I1n I "ul'll "('al I!stn to In ' Vnyn 'svlllo. 80n , D Ic kIe. ancl Mrs. oth l' r powe rs l l"L In eo nsl:;lellt t o 11\ M~"' ll o R. You ng Lo 1\f.\ry E. 01" MARRIAG E LICENSE u nd dn u ~ht er. Wilma, nnl ul'o oC his Orn('" Us I" cu nf rr d win, lwo trllct$ In Lebn non. E vere tt M Ou1l01l1>h. 22 farmer, u t th e Cinc in nati Zoo. by ol'd ln a nee O\' III W UTlO " 11Ia .. ",hall c a ncl L ena Nelso n to 1". I I'(>n 0 Poln ls . bnd Hel n 'l'lle followin g F r iend!! nd d e puty m a r s h III. A. K em[)e r to F loyd L er y Long, 101 17. T hird street. \Vnynes· Mlllml Qua r l · rly Meeting atte nded E I'I ON Ill . Th o um)} n sn lion 01 In Long's ndc11t1o n to' F I'Il n k lin . The Slogan of ThriFty Houaewivea Ia-On Farm NI!;h t l1J\dJo PI'oS!'illn the Wh ile Water Quarte rl y M ee UnR' (or s r v lces h I'el n r qui " d of said E Sla l O of 9 1110 He n le r so n LO I I'c ne M eryln lemo ns, 21. facto r y work· WO ·U. 1\·lond'l),. 'c pl('m bcr 12. "CHECK KROGER ' FIRST BEFORE YOU BUY I" a t RIchmon d, I nd lo n ll.. las t S a t.u r· sp 'cla l offle I' IS fi x c1 il L til Sli m . rle ndenm n, thl' 0 pare Is o r rca I (>1'. M~d el l t ow n . and Ros lo Gibso n. Dull 570 I{ c . day. cth n rnh Furnas and ot $100.00 p er m onth porable JIloJ;l th. OUR PRICES SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES-LISTED BE· 21. L non. 8:00 1\l usl li nd Progm m R esu m e. children K ollar nn d A nna. Hoak aocI 1" dudn " the tim 1'01' whic h ho m ny lu tl! In 'Way ne twp. LOW ARE ONLY A F EW OF THE MANY HUNDREDS OF J '" Frank and Hn l'l'y T urn e r to 0 11;11. ' V lllln m All en, ' 21. fo rm e r. and c hildre n, E lla Cook , a nd Raymond 8 :05 R('s u lts of t h o Junlol' Ohio ITEMS AVAILABLE IN YOUR KROGER STOREI be :'Ij poln tcd. My rs, sr.. SO ncl'os In DeN'Cle ld twp. hla Ma r y BUlto n, 21. both ot Sprlnl>' a nd S arah Braddook a nd daughler State Fn lr'. S. l'IutchJnso n , ~.El TION IV. B erol'e nlc I'lng u p· B css n.nd l\1ll1'g uc r ite Mars h, plot bo \'o. California Asst. t n t c l';upcr\'IIlOl" oc. Ag r .. J e nnie Lee. T h e Honk rn m lly o r ch· ca nl on his duti es a ll e ll 'h >l P c lnl offleer. Freestone . eat m. f urnished t h e music. li nd F . J . nulJl <:, ' . Agr . In str . M r . n nd M r s. am H e n kle a ttend. he ~hf\1I 1,;'Iye pond w ith good lind Grov e lty . s u!(fclonl s Ul'e ty to th sn llsCnelion 8 :15 Wh a t' IR Ohlo'S Rura l Y u~h Alaska Pink ed. t he. Stat e Fair lost week . ot tho lI1 uyU I' "r ~nl (\ Villl1J;O In lh e onforonc".-Lymll n J;!: . Ja ck son. cond.ltil.l nerl Virginia Ge at s. R. R. ! Both for _ t---r;J u-;:; n l0T"'1' 7.Ar:ii-r .. .... Lnng. Buy t Pack.;ge of RilllO at the Rea vl ... ECTI N \ . All' ol'dlnll nCeS or Mrs. 011"01' I!)s and da ug h te r. his Impr ove· Tay lol"s Co rne l' wns th scen o oC L nd!'l'--Co n fe r nc Prog-rum Com eet t Small Package for Ie Extral p a l'ls oC o l'dl nll n 'cs In onCii t with Donna Rne , cit ll 11 on the C or m e l"s a ver y bl.ln acciden t wher e seve n \leI'. 8:2G Col umllus Chnmber rcheslra. m e nt Is s low. Hot 8:35 Til O hio C nlc'nnlll l Mrs. :Maggio Whetzel s pen t S un · lhls Ol'lllntwc' li r e 11I!1'cb.y l' pon ied , molh e r . M rs. Fred ;Fa Irch ild n n cl so ns lost t heir 11"':08. ('I 1l1'I\· Dated tl on of J 8- U . E. E Rw ln <" HI H· day w ith Mrs. N in a Lloyd ot L e ba.· a ncl lhls o rd ln Cl n'cc Is h N·Cl.Jy de clHrecl rnm ll r, F"ld'1Y nfte rnoon. M r . a nd lIt!'A. O . S. CNl w ford nnd lo be an Clno,.,;;e ncy m ens uI'C n ecos· tor·ln n . non. Jlll·R. Clnu de G I'!IY nn<l gr a n d· 80llS Geor ge a n d B illy, 8pen t lh e COUlltr~ Mr. a nd M r s. Hom er · Hart ancl s:try for Imm edia te J)(ese n 'ntio n of tla ug'h l cr. E lbertn R ich . Mr . n ne] wce liond h oliday ~It Ceda r PoI n t. o n 8:45 10l hln g fol' the PI'·S hool p ..... Club sor t y. n ne] ); ncr· t h o IHlbllc h callh. hlld- 1185 Erina 1I 11nhnn. Ext. daug h ter . Mrs. Belle & r t n nd Mrs. ilfI·s. E lbor t R ich Ilnd Mr. W llllrtm Lo lte E r ie. w JrQl'o o f Ih o ViIll1 '; of ' Vny noH. 10tl l1 ng S)}ec lnJ lst. J ohn Brmvn and M n Bo b or R I!lh · 111 can 1'1II1!, Ohio. n nd s htlll ~Illc o rt~ct and "VIINOI\ sIlen t F r ldny ove nln g wit h Mr. a n cl 1\£1'1'1. Frn.nlc Ha r rod. were BULK CIDER m ond. In ~l11 na were w eok c nd guest s 8:51) Col umbu ~ hnmbcr O rch 51." . M .·. and 1\[rs. Henry M ll rphy ttt th ei r ,aturdoy guosts of 1\£1'. nnd Mrs. be In fOI'c Crom !lnd "Cler Ita Iltlli' ot E . T . S t roud a n d E. T. ' tro ud 9:01; 'l' h e Story or Mr. M.o wry cnm)l nt t he c lose of t he e ven) ng Pau l Gelts. LIPTON'S snge. Ew ing J ones . So li a nd :Mr. a nd 1\{rg. V ice. Mr. lind Mrs. on fl I'\'n lio n t h ey wer o ser vcd. ,!Yllh d elic ious Little Ch nr les O:lthe n s w as serIou s· ~ 0;, 22c L Ulher Perkins a n d Mrs. Mnucle Pa~sed Au g us t 20, H3S OaL Iy hurt whe n 0. c a r s tru c k him In Ilome·gl'ow n nl u sk mollo n . Cra ne wer e a lso unclay g uests ot Attest: B . K. H e nder/lo n, Cle l'k 1\[iS!! Hele n Pol!on s pen t part c! fr on t of his gm ndpn r e nts' h omo. t h ese families a n d the ir g uests. A. K . DAY, Mnyor. cans lnat wee It w it h he r s lstOl' !\Irs. Ruth Monday ovenlng. Miss Kllth ry n Gibbons u ttended VANITA Boga n In Corwin: All chlld l'en a ro und T llylor' S Co r . th e dinne r glvc n a t the Hamllton M I·s. Thomas Rich spent F rldn y ne r IItn r ted back · to schoo!. Monduy: Y:. W. C. A. Fridn y even ing for t h e nnd' nt urdny wit h h er slstel', M rs . ror n h lll1\ clay. So uth Wesl e rn P ubli c Health ' As· Lesll Sohul tz ot L oi>.'l n on. w ho hns 120• • Liquid. T a ble t ll cJue to ColdR soclutlon. can . been rtI f o r ' so m e time . Try "Uuh.l\fy·TI I\Ill"-1I Wonder f ul Audrey Eaden ha~ her ton s ils r eo COl,1ntry Club. SOD~ Linime nt MI'. Wn Ite r Tibba ls hns been III moved. n t D r . Hlu' vey's olfl co In th e P ll~t week . Leba non last Frldny. FAME BRAND M I'. a n d 1\11'1:1 . Heit m a n Ilnd three Mr. a n d Mr8. Jr. A . H ortma n en· M r . anti M rs. J ohn MoLa n» rlf Co·u ntry · Club sons we r e call er s In 1I11n.mlsburg , t ertnlned s t dinn er S unda y : Mrs . P lensant Ri dge ' )'01'e , d in ne r g u cst" FrldHY. MILK , 3 cant 19c Nannle Haw k in s, Mr. and . Mrs . T. of James Olbbo.n s a nd s ister. K aTh· cana Mr . a nd ~'lrs . C hnrles Colli er wel'e C. Hnyclock. Ma rjo rie n nd Myra Hn y WAYNESVILLE FOR 'ALE: rest B e n zol Gas . 1G'h ryn . Labor Day . .~9c pel' 1':'" lIon. Texas Gmde II, 8 bus in ess visItors In L e ba n on, Sutur· d oek o f New BIlI'lIngto n n nd, M r. Mr . a n d Mt·s. Morris F ull. orRo n d a y aft e·rn oo n . S EPTE~mER 0-10 cent:! qU . Ll ' ! ned '1'111). 2 q uarts , Cecil Hartma n of' Wilmin g ton . The A POUND OF YOUR FAVORJTE HOT·DATED COFFEE e nh' rln lncd' 1he fo ll owing at SlI n d'IY F R E E IF WE FAIL TO SUGGEST COFFEE WHJLE ' 1I1 1·S. La uro. Rced u ncI d n ug hl er , d li,"or w as In h Ollor of Miss Mn r. .Je(1 Proudy 25 e n ls. ' I ' no lel., 25 ce n ts [L q UUl·t hlrley Delli", Illn nc r : Mr . n nd !\f1·8. T homnl.< 130 1" FILLING YOUR CROCERY ORDER IF WE FORCET F lol'llmo nd, w e r e s hopper s In WU . gar et Ha r t m a n . w ho e nt e r s nurse's Ing or P~I1· tsmo u th. M I·s. E lla 13')J" ]( I·osc ne . 11 ce nls a gu llon. - In THE TR£A T'S ON US I . ;t' Inc. Mil,s Mm'jor lc Boring ao,l Mr. N wlo n Bros.. L e banon , South mln g ton. F I'lda y nft ernoon . . trlllnin g a t Me r cy H ospital, on "A Trip To rari." D I·O.·l(!\··•.a ,v • 8.11.G lc F ri ends a nd r el1lll ves o f t hi s com· W ednesday. a n".. l\',rs. C h :\1" I 8 B 01' Ing 0 f D aY I<-" Cartoon 1l1 u nlt y con g ra tulnt e th e two cla ug h· T . \V . Van Pelt nnd MI'. u nd JI[ l'~ . School began o n Monda y w ith n n Hnt'o l Van P ell or Xenlu. pon ]",Unl R BEAU Fe rlll lzer , tCl'S oC M r. n nd JIlrs. Robert L e wis unus ua lly la rge e nrollme nt. Th e fol· Com ec1y-our Ga ng "Bal'c Facts" A nn Snttcrt h wa lt c Wa >! Ii :~ ue'l a t cu ll or s oo Frllnl, H R. • \Vayn es. w ho wore m a rrIed over t~o week lowing teac he rs a re In charge : F irst "III··. 1110. 'r ·1·'ll·n e nd . 1\ b lI't h d ay pal' t y n t II1e h om ' () ( .J a n · _ Olln_ 4'-.R2. v and second graCies. Ruby Smith, SEPT. 11-8UN. ONLY . eL MorrIs ot Sublna last ··Wcd.nes . 8.25.4tp Mr. a ncl Mrs. T hom as Rich. a nd t hird , fourth, and fift h. Myra. H a y· PRUNE PLUMS, For Canning ....... ......... .. Lug 69,e Loretlll YOllllg Joel I\IcOr(,11 day. Mr. a nd M r s. Oa kley U n g lesbel! le ft, dock . s ixth. s evlmth and olg hth. -in ~ Rut'h Sattorth wa lt o Is "p e ndlnlJ 'I'EN NUi HO.STRUNG S undny m orn ing for II. f ew clnys t rip ,Ja m es B eam '. FLORIDA ·GRAPEFRUIT, 1st of Season 5 .for 25c th e w eek w ith M r . a nd Mrs. C . 1. :tntl I' l!pail·e(1. \V o l'l( g unl'ltll lced. m otoring d ow n a long the Ohio RI · . "Three Blind Mice" M n r rled, W edn esday. Aug us t 30. GRAPES, Malaga .......... ... .... .. :.·.·:........... .Lb i:; P(! ])on ' H awlte, Way nesv ille. V e l' . Laler In the week th ey 'Pllln to Pauline Roblnfl(ln nncl Ralph McCall. Car toon I:lulle rth wru t e. !).1.2tp dr ive to th e lilnle of V irg inia to visit NEW S R EEL Mr. a n d M rs. L ouis Fir es u nll t a01' R ev . Mr. Chapm nn. of X enia. fIIl e(} AP.PLES, Jonathan .. ............ ............ ,., .. :: ...4 Ib t9c r e ln tl veM. , Uy tl u endcd Dayton Fn lr Lallor Dn~· . t h e pulpit of the Friends Church, ::\1r. a nd Mr s . Orville O rl\Y a n d ORANGES, Sunki.t, 252 Size.................... Doz 24e M r. a nd Mrs. C h a rl e~ Dost ' 1' nil ,:! '" A ~ TE I) - He pre" ' n l:lt lve t o look S undny evening. SEPT,EI\IDER 14 1\11'. a nd ·Mrs. Rober t S tu m p enjoyed pH l' OUI' m ,q;azln c s ui)sc rl ptJo n hlt'ley Kay. and Mr. n nd Mrs. M rs . ElIIu • W ilson, of N e w Paris. PEACHES, Elbertas, . Free.tone ......... ....... 4 Ib 25c Lew Ayres Mar)' Curlillio a m o t or tTlp t o . Smok y mo u nta ln ~ In l er ' 1I1:! in \ Va y nes vill" a nd vlcl n· Gle nn C. Grny nn d son, of D nyton , Is vis iting r ela tlv'e s h e r e . cnlled on l he h' fnth e r. Mr. J . T. In Ily. OUI' pl lln e nAbles )'OU to s ecu r e ov r the w eok ep d. Potatoes, Home Grown, Cobbler..... .. ........ Peck The W. M. F . S . m e t In th e hom o Air . a nd. ·M r s. I... . St J oh n nnd u gClo d pUI'\ "C th o hund l'eds o f d ol. Omy, S und a y. uf Mrs. F. H. L undy on W o(lnos. "Hold 'Em Navy'" I n lh e cvc nlng J . T . G r ay accom. da y. To~atoe., . H~me 'Grown .. ........................ :.. ... Lb ~ I'i!. Mary CrollS w e r e ' und[lY .l ln · la ,'" spe nt In Ihl s v lclnl ly ench full pU ll i cl his so n h omo ' t o D a yton to n(Jr glJe8t.fl or 1\tl'. onll Mrs . Hcol'i)orl a nel wl n , e r fU I' magazln S • . Qldest Mr. n nd Mrs. A . W. Turne r n nd No.4 Flash Gordon Serial L UM n of S~ r l n g f1eld. "gc ney In U . . OUll I·i:tnt <,.d lowel:lt s pe nd L abor Day. "'II'. a nd M"I·S. a lps y n nd Mr. lind :Mr. nnd M r~. J oh n Dymond or rot s o n nil pel'loel i c!1 1 S~ dornesLic :fra,nItlJn and Mr .. nnll M r a. 1m nn d fo re ig n. In s tJ' u a t~on s and e quip. 1\Jrs. J ess Webster ot Incllana . and B l'9'!'I'n ba\' , xcb llngjld npar t m ctl t s m n l fr ee. Sln.l't n groWlnl> perm n n · ~'l r . Earl HnyC ' n nd t wo daughte ra tor th~ IICh ool mon lh~. e nt l>ull lncRS In whOI 01' pn re lim e. lind hu sban ds of ' Clnclnnatl s pent FILLET OF HADDOCK, ' Boneleas\.......... .2 Ib PLEASANT P.E OPLE Jjldlth J:Jltrrill had 1.18 he r Espcclall y ' Ullllpwble lo~ h u t·lns. Lnbol' DIlY with the a my brofh e rs . ~ED BASS, . fre.h Dre.sed,................ ... ....... 2 'b' CQ"te, to.. S unday evenin g s u pper. AlJdr 'SK .M Ol11!l: OT;t'n,EJLL, I ne.1 nnd the ir fnmllles. T. 11ro wn w ("'e c1 1t1111'r


_____ .__ _ _____

_ ___ ,

For Sale--

Pure Well Water


Waynesville Coal &Ice Co.






D; -;:;!':t~ .n. ~CO:.=lIo,,~ ·e ~or












3 lb.





. TUNA FiSH • 2

Pkg.4C: TWINKLE • COOKIES • • Lb. tOe





Twin Theater


3 29c








~r. an4 -tInt: F . C. HartsoC<k .lnd "Vay~ond ' noad, laJIIllf. 61 . lIford., and MI'. Md Mrll. 1'1 IV York.

a. naJ4 ..





a lld lIOn. _ Ht\rtsoclt .

NO I'l h


Cohocton" 9 8·16pd

Florence ·NJ,btlngale Medal The .F lorence NlghtJngale medal t Mil. 'l ' Olt ALEJ.,-,Iotrn D c I' Ol'll Bl nd· Is the bll;hest award ot the nursing I' GI)M (·rlnllHJ()n. Ellne r S ll cha n , profeSSion and is given by the In. :W"yr\<'~ \'lIIc, Ohio. 1t ternational Red CrosI committee. The medal was struck first by-the committee In 1919, and has lIince FOIt 111·:N'r· 3·I·o(.m / on t . been liven every other to 1"1'. II,.."I~. /In Mn.J I'I stn R·t . outstandIng nurses throughout the world. ;\1111, W 1Iliam 'Ncanlnn.

Superb Salad.

PAN T,R OUT, Frelh Drea.ed ... ... ................ Lb -

, Sandwic:hes '

Your F~vorite Bottled Beer





WHITINC;- FISH, Headleu ........ .. .,.............. Lb ~Fre.h Link Silu~age .................. :. ......... ........ Lb •



Luncheon Lo~ve., A ••o~ed ........ ,.., ............ ,.. Lb Slit:etr Bacon, Kwick..Kri~ . ................ ;.......:Lb , Bologna, Sliced

Metal Plates Are ~ot Approved By Social Security


Th e reunion a t tho B en a ja h OU8' ttn Clinton Co unty h olrs wos held III Wuyne Par k, S unll l\Y, SO}ltember 11. Tlih·ty.soven cum o with we l!.UIl. ed bnakets a nd n il IIl e a t one table . Arter dinllC'I' 1\ bURino!!s m eeting No metal Illtll 's or olh' r sl mll ll r duv icos illtcnilc<l for uac us l' 1'01(1· IV"S culicd by th e presldlmt, Roscoe n nl r econla or old·ng Ins ura n ce nc- Vnndtn:vOOtoL, nnd the minutes of the cou nt numbers h ave be ' 1'1 a pp.l·ovcd Inst reunion wall r ead by the sccre. . by th o Soclnl Secu rity BOllrd. tu.!'Y. HlltLle Vandervoort. Offlcers Nclther Is th e uso or " uch l1evlccs e lccted fOl' next yeur m'e George llnd a uthorized or sa nc Uoned by the rcd· G race Ertel. a nd th e plctce at m eet . t'm l agency. Ing will be Washington C. H. Purk. 1'hl.,o I'ta .. t mcnt was mode to dllY b" , Will Gustin or Waynosville wue Robert .H. Mi nnich , Manager oC the Introduced ' and gave lL very Inter. Soda I S c urlty Bonrd fie ld. offi ce In estlng t n lk on th e "Gustin LlneR3E!." HaIII Illo n. He IIlao Introduced the Oustln Com· "Se vern l of th ese l1 ev lces urc now pendlum, the author und composer, on tJl murllct." Mr. 1I11nnich lIa ld. Oustln Co urson W eaver . This Is a "At l ast ono g ives the Imprcsslot:' w ell cons truct ed book ot the Ous. thul It Is lin otrlolnl product of th e tin lineage. History du llng back to gove rnm nt III! It carrl s thc etch· 1675 oC u l1 Ollsllns. ot the U nit ed Ing or (1 n eagle f lankcd by th e Inl· S tlltes. U'oced from one Augus tine Iia ls "U. ." nnd Immedlutcly below J onn, he huvln g com e to th e United th o words " R g ls tel'cd w ith U. S. S tate from th e hila of Jersey In 167 6. Governm nt SoolnJ Security. Money to purchase one ot these " Altho ugh we hnve urged work r s boo ks wus luken out of tho lund for t o Ileep s(>pm'o to r ·co rds of th eir [lC' the benefit at the r eunion . Mr. Ouslln Invited all to jOin In a cou nt numbor!; so th al It wl11 l.>e eaaler to (ssue n w onos whcre curds Nllt!onal Reunl~n to be h eld at RIch. Ill' los t or destroyed. we h ave not m a n. India na, the 3r~ Sunda y In nuthorlzcd produeLlon of any s upplo· mentary I1cv loe or c.a.rd.... b e a dded. Mr. Minnich pOinted out Ulllt there Is dUnger th at In producing 1I1 unoUlcla l und unn uUlorl:<od me· tlll pilltos the nam or number of th e Individual m ay b" ch a ngcd. The n ccou n l numbel' ca rds ur e used not only os tho ba sis of Individual reo cords whloh . show the a mount of ben tits workers wl1\ receive ~e~. arLer, but a lso are used by the slat unmploYllle nt compensa tlon com· mi8!!lons In their )luyme nt of bene· fltl:l under t he ' J.ob Insurance plan.

OHIO BANKERS TO MEET AT CI~CINNATI Methods by whl h present doy ba nking enn be made more respon· sive' to servlcl.rag tbe public need will be s tl1dled by more thlln 260 ~nk· C)rs ot soutbwestern Ohio when Group One ' M the Ohio Bankers As· soclation hQlds ita annual meeting In Cincinnati. Thursda)'. September 22. The ~rlnclpul spenkers wl11 .be Dr. R'uSSCl1 Weisman. All\locla tc EdJtor of lIleClevcland Plain Dealer and (L. m embel' of the faculty ot Western Reserve UniverSity ·R. E. Col?k. pres· Id.ent of thc Selland National Bank, BucY l'u8, n n(l President or the Ohio Bunkers AssocluUon; and David ~. Au oh, Columbus. Secretary of the Ohio Bnnl(4) 1's Association. E. ·P. Shively. iJxeeulive Vice rrcsldent. First Amerloon Dank and Trust Comp~ny, Cincinnati. will prc· aide, 08 Cha!rmnn ot Oroup 'One at the bankers organlZ(ltion 'Whlch In· cll!des the ba oks ' In the rol1owlng counties: ' Butler, Clermont, Greene, H omfllon, Miami : Montgomery. and Preble, and Warren .. '



August. 1939. A vote of thanks was ex tended to lIfr. Oustln by . th e Ben. n jnh Ouslln H eirs Reunion. TI lose present Included: Mr. and Mrs. Drill. Oustin and family, Harry Oustln a nd friend . of Frnnkl4n, Mr. lind Mrs. Richard J . Gustin a nd fam . lIy. MIlLffilsburg ; Mrs. Ma.r lldu. Gus .. tin. 'yldow oC Ir!l- Gustin, Mr. a nd Mrs. Peter ShrodeI' and daughter. W est Carrollton; Mr. and Mrs. R o. mlc Shumaker and 80n. Mrs. Jennie Butler, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Kilmer, Dayton, Mrs. ~Iore nce Ertel, Mr. and M"!. ROscoe Villldervoort, Emer. son . Johnson. hlr. and Mrs. Earl Kerr und 8On, Mr. ond Mrs, George Ertel and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ertel and friend . ot Glendale, and' Mr. WI11 GUlltin of Waynesville.

REEDER·6EU NION The Reeder family held their an· nual reunion at the home or Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Osborn. Sund..". September 1~ , 1988. In spite at the threatening clouds the day WAS an Iden! one. 12 o'clock , noon. found lhe tll'llle spread . with a feast tit tor a king. Eve ryone dId justice to the ohlcken LJ)(lked henns. cottage cheese pi • and cake, and many' other ' good things too numereus to mcntlon. 71 ate dinner. After dinner they were royally entertained by music both vocul and Instrumentn!. read. Ings and songs by the Utlle talk. They left at a lute hour. thunklng Mr. and :Mrs. ()sborn . for their splendid hospitality.

EARNHARTREU NION The de,!cendants of the lato ·Ju· . cob Earnhart held their ~nnual reo union . at Fort Ancient on laat Sun. day, Septcmbe.r 11. A t?asket dl1\'


: Fu~ral serVicee tor Walter :Chand ler. '1. '0. fonner-resident of Waynae· vIUe,,\\rh~ doled, s\1nciay 'mornini, at hIS home 'In Ollkw~ were held. ·Tu~y. mOfntnr; at a funeral ho~e' in Dtiirton. nnd burin! WIUI In Miami Cemehtry here. He w.alI an emploYe of Patte&1ton J'leJ4 ud ...~n4 by ' Ilia witt. RoM. . . '".




ihe' relldenc9 ot 'the .Iate ])e\l1a1l Everhart, eltuated. In Corw:Ib. Ohio; ,Will ~ soI4 .pt ·PubUc AuotlOn at t})e· door 9f tJie. ,Court HOU88 In I.eb&l Oh!l)•.September 11 a~ 10 a. m. , 'll• . PfOJ)e1't$" ~ Is reauJarbr &po Pra!aed lor ,700 IUKl "W be IIOJd Waf$er CbandlF IIOJl ot~Ote. -tor leu than two·tblrdlt of the apo.. late Aaron CbaD41er•.• IA~~. J)l'iWIjmeJl~. ler•. If....~1Ul1i ' Mia. ' . ~ ot sale cub. ~ . . . . Of the BOB8 R. ~




Weds Cincinnati Girl


w. c.

SlIllth, IIIlnister

Funeral Sel"ViCCB wer hold last ----,.-Thursduy lit n:oo II . m . Il t Ih St. Su nday: Ag n cli Church or ClnclnnllLl rOt· Bible School. 0 :3 ~ n . m. C ha rl es E. Laey of ' In Innnll . He Communion. l O:45 n . 111. was bOI'n In D~cembel' 1 6 th e son Sermon , 11:00 a.~ m. of thG late tJ~horl1a~ Lu CY. n ew' Thursdu}' : ~ 'Vay nesv llIe fl llCt IIv cd 'H""r hel"O un· Ch oir practice, /U00 p. m. til s hortly be (are the " 'ol'ld Wur of Oll,l' hom comi ng day wlll b4! which h e wa" II vot('Om n , havi ng Septemh I' 25th. ~h e (01'0101' min. been a mc mb('r of th e fh·"t cOlltlng. istol', Ches ter ~l1lll101lson, \ylll ent to leavl' Day ton (PI' Ca mp Shel·. 'b l'lng the nddres8. man. He lIe,·v(·tI with Ballc l'y ' D .• WAYNES~ CnURCH 322nd fi eld a l·tlli cr y " nd with the a rmy of oCCullutlon In Ge rma ny. OF CHRIST S ince that time he has becn In poor W. C. SDlltJi~ l\linlJller h ealth and tor the pas t 18 months 1 has bee !I confined .to th e 'l'u bercular Sunday: ~ sun atol'lum ot Hamilton oou nty. He Bible chool, 9:30l a . m . was a member of the Modern Wood. Com munion, 10:44 'n.. m. Ch rlsll a n Endea,'or. 7 :00 p. m . m e n, Veteron s of Pon·lgn \oVur.. and. Knights of Columbus. Prcachlng. 7 :45 p. In. Surviving n l'e hi!:! wlelow, Ellzn. Dnp tl smal service" 9 :00 p. m. beth E dl'lch L:.\cy 0 nd two du ug h- 'W ed nesday : .1 . Lers Margaret a nd Claire . his ltiothel'. Blblc study. 7:46 p . m. 1111'S. MarUm Lacy of n ~ar Wnynes. vllle. three slr;ter.. , !ill's. F lore nce T. l\lARY'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Trayser of Dayton , a nd MI·s. Ec1na Rev. R. L. HlMlkwell, Mlnlstcr Scot t a nd Mrs. Effie oolt of n ear W ay nesville; threo br oth ers, War· cpte mbcr 18. Htlt Su nd ay after re n oC Dayton, Alber t of MIssouri Trl'nlty: a nd Harry of nel1 r Ilore. ' 10:30 a . m .• Morntit,~ .. Pra"er. , Mrs. MOI·thn. Lucy, Mr. und 1\lrs. Tile . R ev . Smytlle u~ LI n d soy " ' .n. Hal·ry_ LacYt -¥ l". and Mrs. I. W . wlll co ndu ct the sel'vlcc a n d , Sco tt und fam ily a nd II1r. u nd Mrs. 'Ilreac h. Frnnk CI'ok n il of n cu r Vv ay nesvllle a ttended the luneral. . WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH Sunday, September 1'8 0:30 Sunday School R. D. ollett, s upe l'lnte ndent 10:30 1IJ0rn l ;~:; Wors hip. ~bject. "1'h Christian Vlc~ to,·y . " TuesdAy 7 :00 Boy Scouts The Wayne Town8hlp Farmers' WednetICllay Club me t T11urSday at th e home of La(lles Aid will not meet on lin-. and M rs. L . V. Brans trator for 2:00 nccouat of the Fnlr a. pleallant a nd profitable meeting. FrIda)' At noon 11 bounteo.u s basket din. 8:00 holr Practice ner WlUl e njoyed by 11.11 the members with tho exception ot three families, ST. AUGUSTINE CATUOLIC and by the following guests: Mr. and CHUlUlH ,Mrs. Hugh. Wright, l>tt. and Mrs. Pastor, Rev. Roben, H. Krumholu Jack Rich. Mr. Charles Ellis, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith. Mass and sermon Sundn y and The prinCipa l addre88 of the atter. holidays at 0:00 n. m. noon' was given by Judge Wright. who 'Is probato judge ot Clinton County. He ch ose for his sU~ject. "Soclnl Security:" OlJ\ar Hollingsworth In his us unl oapable manner handled. the specia l topic. "World's Dlclll tors versus ---Democracy. " Mrs. Bert HartHock was hostess The n ext m eeting will be October to the members of th e Womun's 13 a t the home of Carl Duke. Auxiliary anl1 th e Guild of the Epls· copo l church. lo'rlday afternn,) n. The president of the auxiliary. ¥rs. C. H. Brnce•. ol~encd the m eet · Ing and conducted the devotions. TH e members of the Arg unot RqIJ - call and the reports at the sec· bridge club gath ered a t the home at r etary·trensurer; M'~8. Bert H a.r t· Mrs. S. D, Henkle. Tuesday atter. sock, wua folJewcd by 11 short pro· gram under the dlrl~ t1on of hlrs. noon . Three taples were In· pl"y throu gh . Edith Harris. The meeting then Ild· out the atternoon. PI'lzes went to' journed a.nd Ii se88lon cit thl:! OulJd Mrs. ROSR Harlsock and Mrll . .Ra lph was held. Mrs. I;-ee Hawkc Ilresld· Mlller. The followin g m embers were Ing. An auction sale at canne<l trult, present: th e Missel! Tdlle na and Mar jellies, /llld pickles. With Mrs: Dulsy gil ret Edw lIrds.. Mesdumes D. C. Snyder as n uotlonee:r, wns he ld. and Ridge. J. B . Chapman, John Pres. I\. substimUnl sum WIIS ndded to the ton. Ross Hartsock. Ronald Hawke. Oulld's treasury. After the sal~ WllS OVer the has' &lp11 MlIIer. John Cartwrlllht und te88 served refreshments o f Ice. the . hostess. Invited guests Included cl'enm. cake. und coffee. Mesdames Bert Hartsock, William Lukens Ilnd Oeorge H enkle. . Dellolous refreshments wer o served by tho hOllt088,






Mitchener. Mrs. Rhodes Bunnell and Mrs. Nellie Bunnell. ' Mrs. John Gons lead In several Interesting contests. Invl t'~ guests Included Mesdames cru.let~n Cook, Lawrence FurnaS and Loren ' Rea~n. . At the · eiJ8e of n ploosant Piter. poon, deU~lous retre~hmenl8 were



BIRTHDAY DINNER , . Wedneadlur :evenlng ' Mr. and MN. Albert.' Clen~er entertained. with a b~hda.Y .dlnner In COmPlhnept ' to theJr IIOIl Robert at Dayton, • liuoge blrthday oaKe With twenty.two· can. die. paeecl the dlDlnC table. Covers were ~ for Mr. and Mrs, RqJIert Cleaver, IIllvan Bernard. Mias 'Marie Serry~I1, Mr: antrMI'II. Char-1M HB,Y uut daqhter' Joaa, 111'1. DaJsy SD)..



tier. D. W. abd Mr. ~ ~ MIL Albert CltIaver.

Sevcl'nl h unlll·(>,l. hulldlng llnd loa n x<' cutlv . 'OIllIlI'II;ln g D1>; t l'lct N um· bOl' 'I'wo of th (> Ohio Building- A s· soc la tlo n Lel1g ue. will moet at t he luli. D ay ton. Tuesday , S pte mbor ~Oth . ('ha l'lcs H. Youn g . Lcobn non, w ill Ill' Side lit the m ce tlll J::'. Amo ng th e s peak el's \\'111 bc J am tl A . 0 vln c. \ \T" ll er I". HOI'. amI 0 0 11 L . To ll in of Columbus . Ohio b uild.!n g- and lunn assocln · tlons Hre obs'I'vln g th 50th a nni · v "sa l'Y of organized buildin g and loan '~'O l'k In Ohio th is yenr. 'ril e meeting at Da yton w ill imm din tc ly pl' ~ ed e th e sta tc building nnd loa n I)on ve nliun. wh ich will b held a t olum bus In Oclober. Ra ymo nd 1I1111er of the 1I11nmi Val · ley Dulldlng amI. L oan A."" soc lntlon oC F I'a nklln Is scc rota ry or til a l~· tl·lct. Representa tives trom Dullel', Clurk. OrcQ nc. III0nte'0Illcry . 1'l'e\)1 . a nd W a nen cou nlles wlll be In Ol · te n<lance at th meet ing.

Warren County Fair To Open Tuesday B ()(o l'C~ til l" ]\l\ a l1li Oa zcll ~ is a J;a ln

th e Ill'ess th l' gl' Clit \Va l'r .. /1 Co u nt)' J"I\ II' will bC' In till' mid st ot the blgg(:s t cOlint)' .. ho w in C'l g llty·nin e y ars . 1'hl" yen ," " g nln cvont will be fcn· turcd by th . us uul fl ne e xhibits. a f ull II rd o( h Ol' lle rae)ng. 4·Jl 'Iub dlspl;)y" - th e g r III lit ove l' Hue n on th c loca l full' ground s. Also. In con nection with th e :;ccund annu a l night fnlr wlII hc f l'co vllud evlll e at· tl'a ctlon s und a mldwny un s ul'pn""etl in cou n ty [ail' his tor y. uf(

r. .·' un I lerrnore. In a<ld ition to being. a big fuir. th e \Y 'l I'rCn County cvont Is or sp clul Int e l'cst to loen l folks 81nlllly UIlCIl II IIC It I" rea ll y th eir Cu ll'. In fuct Illllny loca l orga niza. tl olls . III I'cbllnts, and (nrmc l's w ill (nt UI' Inll ivldun l cx hl blts.

Am ong I'cln tlves and a s m a ll S"'ouP of [rle nd s l he ma rrloso of ~i lss Il elcn n1· I ·uth el'~ . a da ug hter of MI'. 'J'hUIllIlS H ethel'ington Ca r· I'u th I'H of Gll' ndn l u nll th e la te 1I11·s . 'u l'ruth I'S , :o nc1 th!! He v. H . Lloyd Ifllc kw ('Il . a ~u n 0 1' MI' . and MI's . C;dwa l'd Anliur 1Iaclo\'cll of N ow. lio n. :>I I' W llaJllpshlJ·f' . wal; flulc tly suIN nnl z",c1 hI lloe chll ll,,1 hrill t e ioul' h. Gle nd a ili. on \Vcdn psday ove nlng . ],'01' th e ocea"iun this ch n l'm ing 'hUIl I Wil l! Ih; ht(:d with s eve n. bra n ch ed '. enlllleh'lhrll, und decOl'a t d with s Ujlcrb 'lu s t I'S or .C1'og ra nt Ililies . Th l:!C bloBso nll'l Werc ar. I'(I ng II lio th In tb e ~ hnn ce l a nd. on th e nlt ll r n nd In Iho slll tely chapel ' wlndowli. providing nn cfCectivo IJ'l' Ck"" '''''()U nll . D.urln e' the ha lf hour procecll n g th e" COI'cmo ny II. r"'o" rom or tradition. " I musl ' was played hy th e organist. At the [h's t st l'u lns oC thc trlum. phnnt II' cllling marc h the oCflcln tlng Hobson, t h n ' v. 0 1'. GlIbet-t Sy.

1"lllt'l y H urdw nr o will hove th eir mons , a nd th c R c\,. HIII'I'lson Had· xhlblt 1lllll.In th is senllo n . a nd I y, (ook th eir placcs within the aJ· anu y nut bu " upm'nuou a to ud.vlsc till" 1'1111 . They 'we l' to llowed uy th e It I 1'l'lId lll'lI 10 utlllz th u(ll'l ce tound groom li nd th e b st. mono IIfr. 1'hlLlp In tho l' u lt'l y Hordwllr S tOI'CS' lid Jluckw II of Ne wport, a broth er or on IIl1 llo 3; lind don'l rorget to usk t ho g l·oom. 'I'h II clime th e mat ron· An Intramurnl softba ll leag u e hll ~ ror l' UI' fr 'e y I'd IIti k whil e rest. of·honol'. Mrs. S nmlJ el Ben dlct, th e rl<l.('·/i s illtel·. H e r gow n was a pic. bcen fOI·m ed. loi' boys In tho s va nth In g In th il' I..oooth . tllre !'rocll of rosc and sliver bro. u nd eighth g rades. Another lcngu code , u nd II I' bouqu t 01 rubrum co mpos ed of boYB In high school hUB 1Illies a nd d elphinium. nlso bee n ol·gilnlzed. 'rile I.lrld !3 cntN'ed on th e arm of The lengue In the grades consists h () I' futher, 1111'. 'l' t-omas H thorl ng. 01 C1v teams While that of the high ton ~rruth ers . H er brldo.l gown Wlltt school Is m nde UI' of s ix teams. of old Ivor y an tiq ue saU n. with full CnptaJns bavl,l bee n ch ason . They The a nnu l1.l Burnet r eunion was skirt. heal't ·l.lhop · d n l! ' k Uno. nnd wlU scloct the ir team s this week . ch e.d ul cs I1ro I:.clng m ude out Wllh h Id at the count r y h om e of MI'. a n<l fmffcd s le ves edged with SC6d the first game to 00 played n ext Mrs. A . Z. Ilnrtso k . on Sunday, pent'ls , th 810e\'e8 fu lling oCf . th e s hould ers . . As li eI" onl y d' c~ra:Uon Monday . All contests' w ill be played eptem ber 4: It was a n ideal day a nd a n un· the .•brld~ wo re II dln~ond _ fi nd during the noon hour. USU lll number at the cla n were pres· supph ir pin . thl) gift or , th e groo m. Her v eil was an eXQu lsltc on l! of' The tlrst County League softball ent. 'llhose attendJng wc re: Mr. a nd ros~ p Ointe, which hnd a lso been go me Is sch eduled to be plnyel1· here J/lrfY-•., B ~ \~n •..' r. ~ n d worn,by h 1 8t~... ln..h er · Rrm ~ h e F rldoy . Otterbeln will furnish the op. Mrs. position. The gilm c Is sch eduled. at Mrs. DOuglas Clnrk ::il)d \laughtel', cl~rrled a bo ulJU t or IL1U~s of 'the Mrs. Ma bel· Dlnwldi)le • .A:ntlt Din· vnlley ~l!1tl . gartllll1lllg. · four o·clock. wl~dle, ~1.r. a nd Mrs. Rue Dlnwld· Tmmedlately Collowlng the cero. die, SarlL Burnet, Mr. a nd Mrs . many the "U sts nssembl ed at " The Jam es O'Dell ana. two dllUgiilers, E lms." the tllmily - home of th 'b~lde Mr. and Mrs. R ollo P hillips, !III'. In Glendale. 'raking their places In a nd Mrs. CI lmce F ri zze ll ana on s Ule drawtit)rroom. the brld 's fflLller, M Dayton . Mr. a nd !\f1·S. Stephen' th e bl'1d • Lh e groom. th e matro~.of. BUI'n et , MI'. a n d JIll'S. Earl Uurn et. honor. li nd th e best man comprised . The L ndles Aid of the W ayn es· Mr. and' Mrs. ' H arvh Burnet . M-;!. t he reCol VI~g Line ." to :. ,Welcfo~~ the ville M . E. Church wl11 serve m eals and Mrs. Citlvln ·Lon gncr o ana Chlld-; fl'lends ot th e bride . a nd groOlp. .. In th e dining ' h all at the W arren re n ot LYtic, ·Ml·. and Mrs. Oscar Lellvlng mld;;t I.L s torm ~r rose County Fall' this year. The la dles ot W a'(le. l\Tt'. ahd 'Mrs. Russell B urnet p ta ls on<l rice th e, bri<1e a nd groom this OrgiLnlzution h ave 'worked up of Springboro: Mr. and Mrs. Alvin tIepllrte<l on th e l~ wedding -:lournei quite II. repu tation In past years for Harvey and ch ildre n, London, ~Ir. by motor . The bl'ldc's ' gOln~.a~a;~ th e excellent food and ectlclon t ser. und Mrs ..H . C. Harvey. Mr. lind. cus tume was 11 ru ssot color d 'pult ' vlop, th ey have given to falr ViSitors. MI·s. IIfarvln H cillingtlhend. a nd . with full·length cant · and tox tUT Nced,less to lII!y this Is quite nn Mrs. Gilber t ;rnml so n of L emmon . olla r. Hc,' hat un d other ncccasories l under tn iling a nd the Boolety wlll ap· Mrs. Lena Hartsock nnd R. H . Ha rl. wel'c brow n. O n hm' Hhoulc1e r she preciatc ll ny dona tions at rood or sock and ta.mlly. Mr. and Mrs . Amos wo re II corsage of gOrl1enlll.8. money to buy food and a ny help that Cook a nd son, ·MJ·. a nd Mrs . 'C harl es Tlie Rev. Mr. HackW' 11 and bls can be gi ve n Ilt lh e dinin g hall. Doster ana daug h ter : Mr. a nd MI1j. bride wlll m ake theh' hom~ In It you h avej any donations, pleMe Donald Hadley d nd dl1ughter. Mr. ' Vaynesv1l1e, wh e ro the groom Is the get . ln touch with lUI)' ot t he follow. a nc1 Mrs. Ernest B ut terwor th. 1111'. Mlnlste':,·ln. harg~ qC St. 'Ma ry's Ing oom mlttee In c harge: Mrs . J . P. a nd 1111'S. Burnet Butt ill'worth , :Mr. FlplscoPlI1 Church. Larrick. Mrs. A. H. E:lrnbMt. or a nd Mrs,'. W . A . Lukons and fllm lly Mrs. Elmrl,· S heeh a n . ot M"~nesvl1\c. Miss Hu rrlet COl;. s um. of Columbu s . l\lIss Fl'li nces Pc. t erson. RllII)h Amell' an tI Ro nllid Le w Is of Wilmington . THe only thing to mnr the joy ' oC the occuslon was . Miss He iNl CrO Ckett and Mr. the sickness Stacy Bume t oC Ccn- 8verC'tt M.cCulio gh ,ver e m arried, Several r ela tives nnd friends I tcrvllle and Ml'S . Rny'tnond Bur net a tul·dtl~· m orning. I1 t thc p nrsonage . aL S pri ngboro. g/lthered at the horne of Fred Brad. ' of Dayton. dock on !='unday to romlnd him ' ot Tho brld(! Is the niece ot ·Mrs. EI. his ~lrthday which occurred the fol . m I' Sh~ e hll n with Who~ she ha~ lowing Tuesday, A delicious dinne r made h rhome ' fo r th e pallt 8everaland soclnl afternoon wus enjoyed by years. • h e wus a graduate '~f Mr. and Mrs . Frank Braddock. Mr. • Wayn es vill e fIlgh Scnool in tbe:" Mr. and Mrs. R~bert . Buk l!r. S r.. ciuss of 1988 . . and Mrs': W a rre n Braddock and enter tained IIpproxlmately fift y rein· Mr. nnq, Mrs. J. l'l. Frailer enter· daughter Betty, Mr. and Mrs. Ray. Mr. McCullOUgh Is the 80n tlves unil friends on Sunday at thell' tained. a group ot f r iends, Saturday mona Braddook a nd daughters, Jen. John McCull ough oC F ive POint. borne. At noon II bounteous basket evening. Those wh o enjoyed the nle . Lee Ilnd WlIhelmlna. M~. and Tho 'o nly attendllnts were .MllIs' d.inner wus enjoycd by t.he g uests pleasant oCCRalon were: M,l's. Walter . WlI60n. Mr. and Mrs. Virginia co tt of W a yn esvLlle a nd who came (rom MOI'nln g Vi ew, ICy., Mr. and Mrs. .J .o hn UPP. Mrs. .Raymond Wl1son and son, Mr. anlt Robcrt Shawhan of Ccnt~rvll1e. Covington, Ky .. Alwood, Ky ., Laton. Charles Anson and Fred Cummi ns, Mrs. Theodore McIntyre. Mr. and l!'ollowlng the cer emony th o couIll. Ky .• Lebn non. Moso n. Mld<llc· of California. Dr. Mary Cook, Mr. Mra. Leonnrd Ellis at Kingman. and ple le rt (01' Tndln na wh e re tbey wUl town. Miamisburg . Harveysburg, and Mrs. Ralph Lynn Ilnd .daugh· Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Bradd?Ok. VIR lt Lhe brllle'!! brothe r. Lester Ilnd Wurnesvllle . 'rhos!! . from tel', Mr. a nd Mrs. R:n;r Malnous and rock otl. Thoy lu'e .lIt home to theIrWu vUle Who werc prescn t in· son, Mr. and Mrs. Orner Holllhgs· friends on n. .fa rm near Five ':Point• . cluiled Mr. und ~lrll. J. R. Baker wort h, . Mr. and Mrl!' .Herbert Dos·, und da ug hter, J ea nne . Mrs. Ellddln t el', Mrs. R. ~. CO;ltet't; ¥rs. Annl1 Day anil da ug ht cr, Dorothy; Mrs. LI· Potott. Mrs, Catherino Vandervoort, The Sunshine club met with Mrs. na. Madden ' and ' PI'cd Grauman. Mr~. "Margerllt Noble, Miss ' Jose· .' I Russell Bentley., last TIIUrsday. A phlne Banta, Mrs. Siadle Conner. covered dish dinner was enjoyed at NOTICE · tile noon hour, This was tollowed by _.-::. ' 11. pleasant ·l!ii ~lnl . atieJ,noon. MI'. and 'llhe eight The Mother's C1iib Is sponsorl~g Mrs. Victor BurrJil and Mias Lucy · &. recep~lon for th.e n ew . teachers. E~ley 'Yere Invit ed. guests. Charles M . Bonnett, 67, d.led early. , ,p"ldny . night. at elg"t o'clock at TuesdllY mOrning: Ilt his home . henr the . I'Ilgh 8cboo! building. All of the Farewell Get.Topth~r HarveYSburg. after an lIIncss of 8 v: famUies Of the con,munlty ·who are erlJ.l ~veeks. H e wos I)n cU)ploy~ of Int~8ted In' our schools are cor· On last ' 'l;hu~8da)r e,.!enlng. the tfte Howitt Soap Company about 16 ~":r dlnlly .invlted to be. ~reeen.t. Tbe copt. MUlses Mary qaroUne Lukens. Bell. mlttee In charge ,",quests that eacl} Jab Bernard, Lema Lacy. Jane .mor· fag:1l1y bring cookIes. 'noa, and Ruth COnner ~w "Mule Antolnnette" at a Dayton theatn!. ThIll was a tl.nal get·togethet tor Lou~Be tor Athens, Ohio, these close ft:iendll befo~ ~ I'urnas and MlJuI Conner left 101' eellte!' tor her .8c:ond lere• • ~ty.


ncr WIlS spread at the noon hour and alter a short buslne88 _Ion the remainder of the day was spent In a socln! way. The same offloers E. F. Earnhart, ' J1reslden~, :Joel Stokes. treasurer, and M~s. Herman Surface. secretary. were retained tor next year'. rellnlon, ThQBe present fr!l~ Waynesville Included Mt; and Mrs. E . F . . Eilrnhnrt and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Earnhart and tam. Ill', ltJr. 'and Mrs. Joel /3tokes. Mr. Mrs. ·Lawt:ence COok entertained and, Mrs. Ernest Hnrt'sock, and SOD · the members of tho Happy Hour Milo. Mr.' and ·Mrs. Herman Surface Club at her home. Tuesday after. and. son, and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd noon, The business meeting was . and family, . Mr. and Mrs. A. ' H. opened by repeatlng the club creed: 'Earnhart and. sons. rReadlnas were given by Mrs. Virgo

The Junior Lodge council 103 stagel} an aIJ-day picnic, S unday. In . Lymim Day··s WOod.a. which Is Ii pa rt at the beautiful Patterson ee· tate. A Inrge group o( Juniors and tholr 'famllIes enjoyed the boun· 100UII basket dinner. severn! Iluests ;ere present trom Blanchester, Mid· dleto~n. Lebanon. Spring Valley and ' . .""lsburg councils. HorllCshoe pltcblng and baseball provided amusement for the men In the atternooii. There' were contests for tbe ladls and gams ~or lhe child· reno Cln.rence BrOwn. of tbe Blanches· t er J~nlor Ledge Is a. c~dldate f08 the U : S .. Senate was I>reaent .. ariel gave Q. mo'st lnterestlng talk. The annual reunion at the HadleySeveral co~ples remaJned for the Bevan tamlHe. wUl . be held, Sunev~n!bg and ~joyed. a, ' wel~r ,roast. day, SePte~ber 18. 1988;' lIot the co un· tnr ho!"'e ot !ir: and Mrs. Emmet S. Bevan, near ' C1arksvme• . Former Reaident D·i e.

IBuildiug and Loan St. Marys' Church Rector Executives to Meet


II 1"11 lid











IfAIL'IlAD 1\ 1'1 "'111 IJrhlo' IInll MIlO" . 111 . dnd TIII'n\'I' "hOMI' 11)(1 1'1'1 ~(> will u\lto \l I.. ,.., , . o( pt ' 1111 \(\1 1 214. 'rh ~'Y ,\"T .. ,'e

!1 "llo'll1.1

~rl''', Dlln WIl·

Main Street

~one 1l~



~lrR .

1;1(' 1\11

110Il'rIl·.1 "o ri>l Hunll ny lit Kln!,"tl1llu. 1111'. IIn(\ lIll'!!. H O\)l' rl lAo ",l .. e n · H"I',' I'a l I'l'lnll\' e8 nnd I (, I't:,I, H' tl fl 'l ' n<ls III llwit· 110mI'. ~ lIml"y, In hono l' or lh h' .\alll{hlrl·S II'hll W('I'I'

i1"\- i ~ .11,, 1 <1 11 I1.;-hl .. I'''

IW III ~lIl1' I" )' n fl ~ "n ""11 with a !ld ~II·". 11 1' 111'), .\Iu '·\lh~· at .'"l1fl .

:\11'. a nd :\Il'~ .

J "il n Itl 'h ,. p.· nl \: r : l )· ~.






h lo .


n n d. !'a ll ed on ~fl'l!. 1>11" . n . O. ,{,h omp .


(l1l<:! I"s sl ~ lll l· .

M ,·. n n,1 :'I1t·s, .J . P . .) ,w pIlS "I"lIed ~tjn n nd fu ln ll y .


u ' )\ uir<'lJ1ont

tton,ll,..l til(." Th Oln.a:-4 rOllntl)J'l }w ltt a t

:\[rs. Dlnn

l'n tll"'"on "ml t ' lnyl on

\l'el't' hll s ln C'8H l'illl l o ,·,. Friday II n,1 l':t t u rd uy .


Dl1y t " Il ,

\\'y nH' I' Downey a 11(1 M"n ~, 110 \)('1 I

rllmlly . ·undal' ,





lZ II).

~ag........ ~

Country Club Baking T eated

.5_ lb. bag, . , • • • • .• 18c

' ugnl' C I' ck hrlS llan hUl'e h will b h Id Sundll)'. $(opt l1,b r IS. 1'hc home omln g- of th. Fl"' IT church 11'111 IJ hI d , RUlldny. S"plpl1lbQr 25. n ,'. hcs t I' .\ . WlIlIl1m so n , of Scollsdale. I'll., will be til aJ[,·l'n oo ll ~p a le 1'. i\lr~ . Al

toll' .H n(]


I\ n<1 .~1I's .

241h. baa

w llh


hut'l ell




J . Thomas

('ol' n e ll, Friday. )J ur\elt F. Th llmlls 11'111 re t urn to lI nt· , 1' 1I1)11:; this we k. ;\Itlton Sheehan ot C nLOI' vll l ' all, "tL 0 1\ thc H nlT r COI·n ell s. Sun dny

·lebrn.l e c1 his

f< lxt~· -

F o r dln-

v i sltcd w{'e le

o rn ,,1I8'

Lb. '

u tlng Ilt th

w. ,.0

. A po...! of ~OIU' f&Yorite Hot Dated Co&ee Free if to ........t collee while fillin. )'our 11'~ order. 1'_ for,et the treat'. on U I !



h om e of lhe 1Vn ldo E I ·

Ru.hed from tbe bo.t .rowing .eetion in Colorado direet to our dore. Pre· cooled a nd vine ripened to retain their d ellciou. flavor. LARGEST JUMBO SIZE.



~ A.

'g. size .

Il nrtHo k

Men's 3 pc. Suits Cleaned and Pressed

50c Men's Hats Cleaned and Blocked

50c Ladies Plain Dresses

. 50c

Quick Cleaners

Mendenhall, Mgr


1Il1'. lind l\!1·S. L . \\-lIh' l1bel'g 111'('

dHY ~ lh ,'

When In Waynesville Shep at

Baird's Sc & IOe Store,

P">lt w ee k with h is ,, 1"l e r.

.\11't; . O . V . Stm;; amI UI'Otl WI' '1'. 1\ 1.


N. Main St.

Underwood .

1\J I'. o nd lIh·s. E .

. H nl'tsocl, Ilnd


son J-1 nl'oli;l and fomlly, ~Irs. 1\1 l1 e D nsen ll ll! fnmlly :l. ttc nd(o(\ the

Thomas re union ~ E asLII'ood, Pnrk tn Dayton o n IIl1lriy. Th e we dding of 1\1,.. E,ul opsey, son of 1\11'. a nd ~Ir s. Ar h ps Yl uncI MIss Mnb.:!1 Stevenson, ot J c· I'om e. Ohio, will Inle pIn 0 lit .lerom e hurc h on Scplembpl' JG . Th e)! 11' 111 make lh e lr h Oll1 o In 'olumbu ll. wh ere 1\1,-. CopsC'r will a ll o ml Ohio Sla t e U lli v I'!lll y lhl s wlnlrr. Th o Ol';onl;o c nt e rtnlned . Insl w eek for two oC Its m em bers , Mrs. Volcho.


at all times

McClure Funeral Home Phone 7

WaynesvWe -






Big Days -:

SEPTEMBER 20~23 Fine Exhibits -.- Horse Racing -~-""4,·H



Club Displays............. Night.



Greatest' EverSeen.On '· 1 he ",arren County f 'air Grounds

Adulta Only 160 'til II P. M.

Featuring a Midway· Un8urpasled in County Fair HistorY, .




tOe 19c:

Free Vaude·v llie Attractions Exhibits, Midway Open ' N'ight~ 3 'B lg Nichts~~Wed, Thurs. . 'Er..i day -'



Armour'., ................ ...... ..... Lb · 29c


Warren Co'u nty Fair-



_ I _ Q -~-

",e offer a satisfactory Service .

Contlnuoua Showa Dally

.................. : .. .. ............. :.. .. :.Lb. lOe: Sliced .......... . , ............. ........... Lb

,\ . C. Hnvlilsoll ,\II ~" I ':I"I~ (' CIi ,rl" ~1I ~s Alta K i n!:.

Ann Morrl. .

'Meats Sugar Cured ...... ........ ... ...... .Lb

~Ir~ .

DennIe O'Keefe

Doz. 24c'

. Jonath~n .............. ...... ............. ..4 lba

Clean Up At ,",eae Price.


--ecREEN- '


.. Head



Seedless ~rapes Ib 5c

Head Lett'u ce,

' Vihl

sPl) n<iing thi s w('(:I. In lIlIch lg-n ll \l'ilh thclJ' so n. L 0 , Il nt! fnmily . ~ I I· . .fohn Undol'lI'oocl of \V allu " -u lla, ·W u~ hln ,; l()n . s l)e nt 1\ r l'lI'


Or'a ngea, 252 Size

~I n r lc


"Bank Night"



P rry Falll Rnd


'Genuine Rocky Ford

?> Irs.


C .. llIl11hu~.


India n L :ok ' .

J. B. Chapman




Sunday 'II


1I0 t s .



alld :\11'. [,"11 :\\1'1'. Til U(\O I'\' l'I' I' I(l ns a nd ~n tl ~ I l('nt Hlltuntny t1 1~ h l ll n d

II nrlC'l'lI'ent Hl'lt.1 r , Hu cl n n l' P ratl"n !II "\111m I Y aJlpy h lls, :II" . alld :\Irs ~I f' n . 'rtl I'oII.~lIl1 11'1' 1'1:0 p ilal th e ]Jlls t "'I'ele ' (; t'n nI U\\, 1l f\'I1~~ \\'ho :atl o nd ·tl lh e :\11'. ami :\II· ~ . "-IIII~ %lIl er a n.1 ' "I17.7.:l1"l ): "II I1 \U II lit l{i c h l l\Onfl, In (t " " I I'. lI ml 1IIr ~. I'uul ,," YHon!> lind s .. n ~ of l):1Y\o nll' l' I'O g Ul's t S. Hfllunlal' Bum1ny . Itlll· . a lld ~I r s . I fll l'l'y ~II 1I1;1.l Y. e n ' nln)!'. o f 111I'll. SlIl'IIh OShOI· II . \lr L,,"i~vllI, · . I, )' .. 1\11' . lind 1I\.rs. T um i\1 r~. Ji' l'lI n ees T oppin 1I10\'pCI lin Hut 11'1' lOr n .. ~, HloI~(·. Kl' .. !\Ir. OsSlllll rdCl Y fro m Ihe S I. J uh ll prUI' ('r· ual' j)alJ~ h\o ' I'IY 11 1111 cla ught 'I' , o! I y 10 lh apart ment h u u se o f II'S. \\' illia I\1HI "11'11, Ky .. 1I1 ,·s. Slell n Loo· NOl'a ll o u s lon.

U::l UII!.

on 1\il's. N a n ey .POI e who I" ,.ceUll


1111'. " nil ~ I"'" T . ;'t\. L n,l~n\"llO(l cn 11.,, 1 III l'JlrI n!-:CIt' ld o n 111011.1:0 Y

\I',, ~

l\<lany Volumes In Cullege Llbrarlcs There orc nboul 58,000.000 bouod volum es In colleee libra ries ot the Un ited S ln los.


M r . n nd- 1.I'-8. Furesl Trosl w or o ulnn e t· glles t s of :'11', nnd .lIlrs. J sa Rola n.d·, Sunday. In the n!ternoon

Dated Spotlight

~c h"p{er.

1I1HX Ul'a n

lZ lb. bal', . . . • • . • 39c


Ill' Ul .

n olds. nla h

B Ulltll al KI 11 I,;'mu II .

Corn II a n d .\11'. <':0 I'II\)II v is ite d

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.::::;:::::::::::.:~It~~-::~~ll£L..MQn!ltI.Y lhan


1\1 1'. lind

l it ' WH-; 1, 11 1J('I~ t, tl u,",u lust

I ,)' I h,' ~,' I'iPll H IJln \'"" !,f II ' 1' slsl ... r , ~II' . 111101 ~Irk. CharleR It (,ynol,l s

Frt'd Cummln!{s , of Los J\1I 1;l'1o.,.

I<'l' I'" Cllllers o f l\.lr. li nd 1\ll's. Harry

Tho n nnllcLl hUI1I ('oming of U*,

Cold Medal or Pillsbury'.

5 lb. bag ..... _ . .. 2Sc

jllJ't' ti IIfllL

SPRING VALLEY Cn lifo I'll la. \l'IlS " '" u e~ l ill(' pl1 ,;l w eek 0 1' lIlI'. 111111 .\!rH . ~ : hl\ rl('" I t ")"

w e ' k (> nd wllh l'el:l lll'C's li nd ' Vll ltnl11 al1.1 1(,, 11 ' 1'\ J .. rfl' ry uf dlll"'~ III lll<' Cin";nnllti Bi bl e ~(.ntliu-\( s viJlc . tilt'" (1I\'(' fh'arH'h ('ttlnnJunily, ilt· in"' ·~' . Su nd ay . .\1 I s ~ 1"111'1' \l'ill lellch l\Il'. nn I ,\ ...... (·lt rll·l l'~ t-:I\I ~ "pl' nt lcndl'Cl Ih l' ;llunl g Oltn"ry l'ollnlY 1",,1 1' fOU l' chl!;~!'s ()r 1'; n)!'ll~h Ihls yellr . ,'nlurt!lIY en:o nlnJ; with the lalle r',; LulHlI' ]lay. ~Ir. anll )II~. P pn ), J . Th o lllns pIlI'I' nts ancl !l 1 ~1"rR III Kln smlln. )ll' s. Fl'l'!!' Xu sll. ,II,' • . 110,101'(' .< w. ' ... · Sun,l"y 1"'e l1ln~ ('n ll el'A of lhe :\Irs. 1I ' I-bl'l-t I"al!'chllrl nml UIIII{:,h . 1'\ash nnel lilt I .)anO'\ L ,lll. lIr !Jay· IlI'I«' Cn ntll y nl'a l' nlug(,I'IlI !'. t I' " ' a ntla 1I\:\l' RII 'nl lhe day ~ I on - tun. II'\'I'{' "1"llur~. \\"'ll lh'"III)" or ( ''' mfldds In our nf' lgh()rhomL : IJ'(I (]IIY with ~1I- . nn I 1> lrs. :'1[111'1.," Os· lh o T n lll1l1g(' family. 1.. ' IIIg- " 11111'1 (0(1" a .n.1 many arc \j!'lng bO~n o n (l fn mll y. Th,' J OI·tlan rllntlly /I nri tl", II' '; 11(·" t ,' ut with ' n bln. lcr. Aulumn. til<' m ost lIIrs. R ced Hn(1 J;'lorn mont!, "Islll'd i\1I·li. FIHhhnll g ll. all,·nllo'.-I "."ITIl'(·" Il .. nullfu l "('nson ot 11 \1 til t· yen I" Is '\ll's. l\£entlenhnll. [-'1'lday n[terlloon. li t 5 t .Augu s tin e Chlll'd, III " ·,,,·nc's· . . . iI)!'nln II Plll·()I1Chill g'. R007 FOR AND CON$IGN Mis" ('llI uflln Omy ~ p (On t )I ond ay \'111 . \\' Nl nl'tiuay 1"-' ·I1II1J.:. fo or Cattle. bogs, . heep and ealv. with l\Irs. ROSe' CIlrr . :'Ill', lind :\I,'s. A . H . T al nl1lg ... . L t'l' :l11~H elSie ~h\' \\' Ica l I" ~pelltllnJ; to Norris-Brock Cu., live wire and II I\'('('k's I'ncalion with h er JlUJ·cnt s. progressive firm for the highest 1'a lmngl' nnd ~(ln . ,\II; I't 1.{'(' . ""fl :\Ir. lind :\ll's. Pc lt' \\' Ienl. market prices and !rood service. J ossl L. U,II'nc'l' \I' 1'(' ~lInd",. aft"r· Looking ' Upward Ullloll Stock Yarela' Cinelll_tl. O. J oe I hll' t so('k nil' dlnnl'1' Sunduy The fello w W 0 keeps on the level noo n ~U "If! III till' 1","", of 1\1 r. Tone in on Radio Station WCKY ullli ~ll'H. I uh.. 1'l Ualhll-oJ anti I'hll,l . \\'1111 hill gl'U ndpm' ' ntH . 1\11'. a nd lIlI''', s t ands the best chnnce to ge t up in 12 :2& to 12 :80 p. m, for our daUy .1. S. FII·r . the w orld . . market reportl. I-(.' n . In l\llumh;iJurg. ;\II'. 'Hill ~ 11·s. F,'un l, 1"ox \l'1' I'e h III 'J' hC' Jl llW bl'it!.Gc ovc' .. F 1'01"1, a nd h o>!lQSS of a dinner p liny )1'1' 1'\'1101 01' n 'u IU Ihe puilli e. :i.,llIl'dny. lla,. QV nln g. Tltose who ('nJoy d lite Th dltll);CI' ous flP I'l'o)lll'h UillU tile ~\'.l· nln g w e l'e Dr. li nd l\.lr'! : .Vlllln m t .-Idg' Is no\\' elllll illalcd uy II n o", BCIIC h lc l' or N e\\' Leba n on . 1\[1'. an d o.1l·II'('l\In)'. ~ll' s. ( wen Oross. of N e w ' ul'lh!IC, 1\'11'. n nll 1'. l r H. G cerl':" >;'111111 and ~II· . " n d. i\ 11·". H 1Il'lod Hill hlnson. of "o n oC Olivo IJrnn('h \\'(' 1'('' Daylon , 1\l l\rlon Fox oC Peld n. TlII"11I110\,8 or tho L:.Ful'gl' Camlly . n ols, K nn('th F ox !\Ial'vln F ox an ll Ih host a nd ho stess.


l 'l' ITY ,J. Tlwn\ ~l~ ntt(' m l~ lt.l th t ' J . n 1" '11.·,· 11.1' II trll I, a nd 1l\,, ~ h\J oI hl~

" ' (0(' )(-

\)O .. olhy lIloxa"in spe n l lllC'

Ky., l\IId Mrtl. Vl'r·

;'tlr . 111'](\ l\11'~ . 11111»h Dav iA, rOil}" lIu~Io"11 If< 11 11(1 wlI' !4 ' 111"\ rIfl ' II lUll, " II" IIlId 1I 11·~. "'V" It N' Dn"I " a ncl j,: '·:l't' ll ,\', ' 1'(' 111'1':1('11 (. """j,:h l (, I' , W I1I1(\'I . lind. l\11·1!. FUllult 1'''" 11'' Thll"' P""11 f .. 11 \\ Iii ... ~ 1~l\ l · DIII' II!. ,r NI 'w J e I'RQY, w ' t'Q -i!1ftt.,.....- IIII': "" 1','110-1' ~ 1"'1" a 11111\ In:"I,(' lit' l ai ll d h y ;'tIl'. 11 1111 JlII'~. 8vf'1' It RUIl ' yall , TIII'HCl ny ('1'1'll ln g. l'U)1lI"!" 1n litH h n nnH. t'lwl'i ••s FUlllc I~ ntll'H III ~ :o n 11\ -

Olnatu a lltt : ~ IiJll u ll lw l

I" HI a l the Fl' I"'Y \1:\l'son ng('. 1.111'" Edith Hlllll h il! Ill. :'oIl"" H p l'lha FlI .. .. l'elUl'lll'.1 10 h l'1:

"~"'IIIII{'·I' .

l\IardlM II lilt 'U'", JII 'k. 1I11t\ tlau.l llhlt' I·. Ill'tl)' , will" HunoJ:ry I{II Mts

.'l ll'rl H~'" AI.I Ilhw ,'1111(11'"" '~' lth ih It· ,


11 \1-. lint! II l rs. g a rl Th ol1l ])~ o n. "c ill);' II'lth 21; a ddillc",~ . Dllyto n, w <;'l'e SII ' 1<III Y . "I sl t o r s "f J I'. ~nd nil IlI h Smith II' r(' llin i\ll's. ~I n l'lh n ('1 (':1" I'. 111'1' ~t1('~ts t th(' L cs ler GCI-h nnl

'Inrlun Hllg!'r n nd ,Inught ..


Ilf :\11'. allLl '\In<. [..III111ton .'nt ltll.

nj y d

MI'. lint] 1\I1'~ . 1\111111'1 e HI h nn.t { n m Ilr . In l ill' I'llrl~- C'''''ll lng they l'nnw

t hro la tt 1-'" )lrt l'('nls

~1r M .

:\11'. lind

I, r



1-:ll:H I J:lytc"l PUI-)" ~Un(!(lY . \ . A. '\1. pl.' nl · whl h wa~ II l'hl all d f 11111 II y W I'~ " I ~ I lor:; II r t Iw I I' d ll ul{hll'r . ~II-,,- L';" (' I'l'lt Ho~an 1I11d It p\, . Oil'! ~II\ lh d(1 ~t,.1 hl ~ m ('et - In Lymo n IJllY'~ 1I' 0<H 1~. :-;un.hl~'. ' h [lrl('~ C 111('1' ~(l nl lIl,· . I\og'a n In (\"·lI'ln. >;ullliay . Ing~ III ~I ay llill Insl S'\tul'tl .. y (0 " <'11·

.\11'. ~1.'l· '-NI :ln oJ a c\ lIl;htru l day thf' I)), :111.

Runcl ny

V<' I·Y ~Il\all


l'n"h III' N" l ll!'tI \\ Ilh 0 ".,t o f HlII'd' u( ;'tIl', ,,111 1 ,\II·i< . f"I','d \\' n lhIWlI\'l h . LOllI"", \~' II !\l1 n. - ot DtlytClII, spfl nl 11'11 s lloonl'. A I;oei,l l tll nl' Willi lin· I.IY r1 n IIll rt 'f .... s hm ('n l ~ 0(( \el' nilll\ l 8tH" lay wllh II I' IIlother, MI·H. 1II111nit' \\' 11".111. IIlUl en It "'t')' ~l '·\~ NI,. i\11~A J\ II II 1<lnl: Kl l'lIL Ih The fOIllIi), .. I' ·~I pl . !::l,Il'lIft " '1I 110n hl' h] n Ctll1IlIy ',. 'tI)l IO ,,' III Ilw horn~ ' "U ns I h" ~ lJ l'Hl uf MJ'H. 1IIll·"lu

hll d . 1I 11 11l' k Ir h II I-l 11'I\lIbk' Thurslln},. Slw II' tt!! mllC'h with lh e \1'01',]>1 " Uld y o u (., '., •. g N to\\· n. h :lK h fl U J): t ~~ ln g !-l\.l \ ' \lra l ll ars h !'11 I' III hi!!! 1'1'11<11'[. ' ~(ol h II I 0 11 yo II I' hll'lhoJIIY?" I·ltl[ In In lh ' J III'lI:. n hUIII '. thc bullllm or t h (' I x \I' ''~ ,", iI"" 11111' . HilI unl ,lY ('\"' lIln~ .\11111(,1' ~111'!.ts or hl" w-mucl " hill);,!'. :'III'. 11 {'n r~' ' . :'IlnDt'l' h:1:; l'\·nl<, .1 hi!; fnrm :till.!. IH' III plnl1nlll" 10 \'1~lt (lw Fl'n Ilk F .,x Ca IIIII~' lI'el' ~It· . lind On th e cl'(> n l n ~ of Mr . III ~I ..!\ . •101' Fill'" ,"HI tl Hught .. l' . )t(,l'lhll. blrthdllY, ;\\1'. fl nll 1\11';1. T OIII Hu,'tlln with hl~ ...·Inll ".·" In K".ltll (' k~·. ~I ... IIl1d .\l rH . L C'Hh'I' 1, l' III'I!'11 nl· li nd daughter . Nnoll1lt' . l',, 11 .•1. n ea l' ru lul' . I •

,·(·c·.' nlly malTl <I . A I uffl't lunch 'I'll"

~"'. '"H\ ~I .. ~, E,I. ";1\1'11 ,, 1.1t ... c1 1\11'. ::;1\ '11 '. ," "tl"' I', ~IIIH ... I II Y. 11'. II ntl :\1 1'". Ch rt r ll's \-Oll' I'~ a nd tiulld " y

',\Irli. 1.111')' ' F' I" hb() lIlfh , .\f lIll.ld IC- ~ urr I'ld

$ l.IiO reI' Year, Payable i n A,dvnnce


n"r SU lit!! h. :\II''' . ,\h' r 1 .'lIlIn~l o lI I\net th, It· (11m, :'tIl' IO nll :II ..., t';;n' ln Th'"ll11S lind . lIy li nd .\IIMs .\1h·l.un Lud l ll J;lnn IIl1rl h('1' fl'II' lId . I" I' n " ""pI'IIl" lilt' I ,wl· .\11'1'. J\.l~!'Phhl" 'Iill(' onu ,' hllllr n ,.;flU • • I nu\ R .a tht tlnu~hlf· l' •• l ani l'C' In.:( 11$ "I'ou~ht p lllllllJlll lc. il't' l" " 'llm ,-h.ll " \\ilt~ th{' (o r nll'l"" l'rll·Qnl~. II'L'I'I) Ctllllne (In i'LI·H. ,\ II(' n SW III·t". n nt! 1\ hu ~(· tI "' I\'s food n l• . O r\ till' >;unllrtr. lolonllllY IIftt'rrlOoll , ~II~" _\IIt' , ~hl>l'l l>C :-; ~)tt8'hd.'. I'll .. \11"I'IOIUI "\'I'nillg' " 'lImll SlIlllh pn·· " ' O.lnt., '1.1" 1111'. - I L . I "hbN, ) u • I I I I I ,wntl'll :'11'_ ('o rn .l II' t I ~ II Y "'11111\11\ 11 1\'·Y . Il f \\' lly",." ,·lIlc'. Cl unt- or H l'x n nrl 11f'~t I' \\, 1111011\· \1'I'apJ1t'11 \j 1(. n Ol)(mln,; It hl' f"utlu \\' t'r" ulllng <Ill r"'l, tI,l " In Ihls \' 1· ~(l)I :IIHI \I'h" I~ I'I Hlt ln~ Iht' nmN! n. UI'I' t ('tit Inl lh ' Ch;ur " "07 " , '1:InllY, Sutul·lny. Jlarl"ock family n l'!ll' " 'n~' n (lS "l\l





~~/c .


. Falrley ·Bardware Store Waynesville, O. - - - -- -




. ...._




- --'--- -- -


Visit Our Display of Quality Merchandise at tbe

Warren County Fair, ,Sept. 20-23 •

Heatrolas, Oil Burners, F J:igidaires, Maytag Washers, Sinks, Oil Stoves and Radios, Sac.(:o Fertilizer and Continental Pioneer Fence Ask For Yoar YARD STICK

I)on't Fail To Register For Free Merchandise

At Oa·r Booth


Make Our Booth Your Resting Place-~-Chairs For All

ed_'Fairley Hardware Stores _P~o_2ne_


Larger Everywhere Because of Better Quality SeT.vice and Price Hill.boro , W ayhelville Lynchbu~g Wilmington

MI', und Mrs. Thomas Flemming Hnd Oliver Flammlll!> of thlB com· -"Hmlty c nte rta.l ned gu SlS from Da.yton , JAbOr Day. Those preftcnt were Mr, lI.nd Mrs , Art hur Taylor ' and f.{1·o nddn ug ht Ol', Bm'h,U'tl J en n Sohry· bel', Mr, and 1\Irs. · Jnmes '1'oylor, .i'IIr. a nd Mrs. L . N. Van' DeC.rlft !lnd s6n, William , Thomas, J a mes , 1I11(i Jaok, Mr. nnd Mr~ . .Lewis Hnhn

'01 mun In Wnyneavlll , Sn l· ul'day eve ning. Mr. amI M·I·s . El'\'ln Smith spent unduy with the Ill ltel"R sistoI', mlll r Dayton. ' Mr. nml Mrs. Roy Shaw ond fn m . lI y of n ell r Spring Vruley spe nt S un dllY with Mr. and l\II'H. Lou is Mol'ga n, Mr, nn(l • 'Irs . :11 01'1'18 DlII nnd sons Dickey u nd nolnnd o( L bn non W 1'0 S unday evenin g . vis itors or lilt·. a nd Mrs, Harold l-clIIs ••IUI fa mil y,

Phone 32

Waynesville, Ohio Kingman school opened, Tuesday morning, wllh Superintendcn'ili;r7 man Marlin In c hnrge, The stude nts welcomed scve ral n ew m embers to the ir fuoulty: Miss Murtha BetllJl, l ilt nnd 2nd grodes. Miss P idgeon, 3rd nnd 4th gmdes, MIas Helen Penny, lith and Gth grades, MtIlB Ho.rrlet Hunter, Junior hIg h , The high 801100\ fuculty: Super. Inte ndc nt Horman Mnrlln, Miss Ros· IIl1nd S.u rdo, Music , Mr. J . ' L . Hughes, ConehJn'" Mr, H. A. Bnn. .... u tn, Vocation ·.Agrolulture, a nd MillS Frances George, frome Economl~.




TAYLOR'S ,CORNER Virginia Gottll,


R. 2

1\[1'. nl1l1 1\~r s . Pn ul Dulle nnd childre n n ttendcd the Quen T reun· Ion at Sp nln g Vnlle y Sun day , MIl:III 1\lnxlno Shnlkle a nd .Jea n PuSlcy of WllmlngtQn w I'e the Sun d"y J; ucsls or MI·s. ~;mlth Taylol'. .Tol'ce Tay lor w a s th e s uest of Nalonl GettR.


En 1'1 Hackel t. l\1t·s .

Nuolllie . Forcly(',' c, e mpty hOWl nt til<' e nd or It lon e, ' Lonely, rurlurn, I1ml IIn<1 . AmI my eyes blind with tpOl'1I al Its pl a lnti vo oppeal, . , FOI' th e wee house .\\'as meant 10 b glnd,

1, I l\zl~

La\\Tl" 1(:~ ,

Hou g h with h er lind rn 111 lIy . ,I" n"" III

SOli Ft.

All clenl ~ I C lllllrla l 1'111'11, ~un/l fl Y nftl' l'noon. [,allul' Day )lI'ovecl a n () xcl:'lI cnt lim ' COI' many from hl'l' to m otor on lonl'{ s lght-s lng ' trip!! . (01' rotC. lind I' laxa tion In lh e hotw ' n 8':\SO Il 'S lull. NOI'I'I!! Dum, T ilo lllue I'Ud gc mOll nlnl ns "11<1 th e OrNlt It "tR H built of lov e a nd hope nnd Sll10kl 9 drew 0 1nl'!;e numbm' to thell' s cnic . a nd s pe lacu lil i' poi nt !! jl)Y; Each "nfler wa R firm ed with :~ of Interest.



:t \\'

Mr. amI MI's. HUey G ibson a nd MI'. a nd 1111'S, 1'I1'00 n of Dayton )d. s; duughler "p nt S undRY with MI'. lind wcr undoy S ests of Mr. o nd 'lIf,'s, D r ll m R co ming tr ue '(o r 0 glt'l and "'ir. Citrl' h unk ~, County Super!n· Mrs, E verett Bunn('U and 80n , J ohn Ch enowc th nnd ·fnmily. 11 Il OY tende nt or choots , wus a vlsltol', CharI s Al vIn nDd Virg il S uppe l' . , IIII'. Ellrl Shine Is building n new Sholll,1 n ve l' hn ve nil d III! this: F riday , ·. uests w ere Mr. LInd 1\'Irs, Louis hOlls on Rou t e N o. 73. Mr. n nd Mrs . Russel Boll Ie again Morgan_ J lllRR S hll'ley Ande'l'Ron Is ta iling n. Th y pl;lntad It vl . c by t ha tiny Mr. RUBBell Bell III ognln Janitor h t1 uly o urHC In Daylon. . POI' h Mlsij 11'1" Dodson Is sJl endill F: a T o 80r\)e~ th e SWII1s, cozy for two; f('w dnYIl with It I' g randmoth cl', And Crandmothol"H Iliac lind ' Aunt Mrs. ilfurqulle. SilO'S r ORO l\Il'R. L . '. Kidder' Is on th o sick Mingle CI'O g'l'nn ce a nd morning list as " result o( tililing lInd hw-tdew . In g h er bacle §he II>' Bo m whot bct-



It Is en til' Ir posHlble th at this f1nnl Re l'l eR ",lt1, L'lttsbul'I;h wi ll Ilt' ltl lho hec tic Notiona l L eal;' ulJ I'UCC. ~ ovo n ' s lg nl flcll n t g"IlI ()~ hc: twe n lh t! Reds n nw PIt'u tl'S !'l'maln to b play d, ClOd on th eil' lltcom til ~OI'Il P fo \' the flas will dCIleml. 'l'lcl«(]ts for thl:' Piltsb";rgh sorlell wi ll ' bl~ on RIl l at th Str:\us ' lgUl' SLO I'C, Sixth n ne! '~'" Inu t l!'cols , by SI.' Ilt.' ·miJc\' 23 .

Perrcctcd Unlrorm Tone AccordlOD

Armand Lorlnux, n Belgian, perfected tbe uniform tone accordion, which permitted the same tone to be played on "out a nd in" -bellow.. . EN» in 1892.

The hllllltn g Cln 'lnnal! n rl " 11 " 0 mal(lng now tl' OIt· · Illat SIY'lng thi'ough th o Ensl , well "WOI'C l!tnl th Is tJ:lp will selli ' th II' hUl'n Ing pe nnant amhltlons. EI,;illoell go ml' s wlll h ave bC('JI playcd before t h(' R ed,leg!! I'oturn to CI'CIHley F ield on Sept e mbel' 30 to m<- t th l:' leagu e-

F..T. "Martin Auctioneer


tf' r .

Centerville, Ohl_ o Phone 78J N ee t Your Friends At

WYATf'S GRILL PLATE LUNCHES . At All 1I01lrs Th e R eel!; will m e t l ho P

WINES, UQlJORS AND 6% nEER Mu lberry Str et

p rl ne. on Octo"c,' I Hnd 2_ '~hl s Illtt el' go m P d do Imprisoned th ' love It wus will >.I uu ml tl11)fI (0\' th e 1938 seoson . built' to guru'd, And 'Jt's just ,~ lone hou>!u Ull lht! June W. S .F.

L eb'lnon, Ohio


Have your Furnace cleaned and repaired now. Also . a complet~ lirie of, New Furnaces. . Guttel'ing and Conductor work. All kinds of roofs ' repaired and plJinted.' asb~stos shingle' siding' for old houses Prices Reasonable . Eatimat~ Pree


end In , Allheville Rnd Waynesville, mother Mrs, LIIltI Hnlt,?n Ilt Crest North carolina, Mrs. ]4ack Ellis oC View" her ' l~ely cou ntry home. Mr/!. liI~dle Renson 18 IIJ)Ondlng Jacksonville: returned with apE!nd!!ng _veral da)'II IM!vernl daya With her daughter, Mrs,

J.Electriciua -P.~ Larrick . &lid eJumber Phone S8R2

State Cap~ol ,News ('~ ,·tal n ly \ It h ,II i AMlnt: or II bull(llns III t hi' "RI I I:!' I:11'Q III)" ll~ II l'entu l of $3 2,IlI\ O, It w nl:! fl nn o un 1 by S til t A .. chlt e J ohn P. ' 1\ 0 I r, hlo W or ltl' >I F il iI' 'Ullllllllnlio n, '1'h e olonln) n l'c hitectlll' , wl ~ 1 I'gla n p" o l'ld u PIll'o xlmnlCly 6000 ~flU " f t of !lOll I' "lIncc. The c.x h lbl ta wtll f ntul' th '. a Ull " s ng ,'h'lllt u "a l nllil IIl(\as t l' lul l)l'ogl' ,"'~ 1I~ \\' ('\1 ill' ,,"lnl.S \.If Inl e l'est (l n<1 l' c "Nu lol1l11 v JlI)II'" I u niti es, I r . ~ c h 'V-' I ")' sil l I. Ohlo'l! IIl1 l' t In th" e v n l W,I!:! m ntl l' 1) , Rlbl b)' tllr !l2 ncl G e ll !'al J' SS ' lll "I ~' II' h kl) 11\1)l1'01>rlllle,] $100.0110 ("I' thl' I)UI" PIl>!U lind "I'ov lo d f "tlIP r ~H\I" n ,lOr II S /l~ c111 1 Ohio " -0 1'1<1'" Pnl r rOlli , 1lI1" lo lI II (>n (\<,(1 Uy .o\'e , au I' :'1 1:" '1111 L . Dnv,')'.

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I) II J ohn t<o n , o f n nll :\ 1 1~ . l;:z.n:1 n 'I\~ II Cl" ,we, In,lill llU, :\ll'

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~1l" ~. M~n·

Ill" .ll . ti ll' I.ou~" ''' II ' S Bl ~ l' lllt ' 0 .. .Jay . ::lIn'. ,,' . 11. ::Il u ' .. , u r lI llI irl\'l\IC, I" of I)II)'tllll . Ul d ... I I" il'l1~ '·... n o\'l·,1 \<. till' ;\1 ,.11 ,1 n,lI f'r I",>,pll a l \1'11(> , (' 1,1' , j:-:.iting li t'' I' !jun. 11;II· tl l~ Y ~lu Ss n hd Is

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t,·"" t111 " ,, 1.

II urIc ,'

l lunn ll Iln<i CII:\I'I " CoIIL'11 tltlcll,l · ::111'. llnel ;\I!'li, 1m .u1'O\,·n of F ra n k · rd a I"/I"Y fit Ih(' hUIll" "r " ' cnd II lin "IWIll IIIP \I' '(Ok ' ml with th e lo t, \V 'I 11 ,UTY t I"t! IlIl l·l' nl.. " 'I , ,'. Ull.I ",·S. "III," ,' of Xenlll , lI lunlluy n Ight. ' L lnd ll L e,' I II1lh~' was 0 lill ie Willia m so n . O tll e l' g Ul'sts lit the \VI\· &lH' 8t n t J lllwt Dost 1"1i h ll'thday I lIlIm~/>n h om u n ' unda y we l'e Mrs , J,lm'ly. HoI' n nme WlI8 omi tt ed by mis, Bthal Ha u k Hnd Mrs. lln r olel \Vll ,

Errol Flynn Olivia d e Huvlllalld, Ho s nlilld RI1. .ell Bnd Patrie Knowles are the s tar quarte t of the n ow laugh hit , "Follr!s A Crowd" whi c h will open Sunday, Sl'Ptembe r 18 at the d e luxe alrcoole d Xen ia the ater In Xenia. .. TIle four p e r s ons w ith whose fortun es tbe st.o r y IsI main ly e d by concerne d are: a bright and Ca s ciu a tlng ne wspsllennan. P ny Flynn; a spo iled heire s s , playe d 0)' Oliv ia d e Havilla nd; a c le ver smoothe of a girl rep ort e r, played by R08U liud Ru ssell; ana a rlcll playboy pl ay e d by Plltr lc I{ll o wlcu who Inh e r its a n e wspaper,


t akc lasl wce k . Ho rns,>n a nd pahy of D ay t on . 1\11'. li nd ~I l'~. ~l u"l'h; F ul kcr so n • )\lII o ng th o f l'le n.h. o [ th R \'. ;, 0,1(1 d'.llightc t' illt n dNI n (H n ner IlIl ill 1', Ii a ' I,w II w ho :Hte n l cd hIs IM t [ IIn,ILIY a t t h e hum e of _ I r~, , "I'vlc at ' l, 1Ilu l'Y's c hurc h he fo l'(1 Tl;olUatl of thc B lib!' Ii r·u 1. h lR t" lI ell'n Cll l" c pt m be l' b m Li n g Mrs. Thomn~' 75 lh bb'lh<1ay I'utlwl'l' of G t<>ndu lc lin nnnlvcr snry, Hth W,I" Ph 'ill ll JJ uc kw e ll o f N,,' · M I', and l\f1'S, port , 1' 1.'11' Il ttrll ll>;h h'p : Charl o:; '11" t, r le I' bu1'l;, F lor !<1a, hilI' n In, of Ha ltlill u l' , i\l nry la n a.; a nd tllrn t o lh II' 110m nrl l' It .t n , tho Mh;ses L a u l'H S )lree ll, Nan Rich, dny vl!!.lt wlLh :III'. a n d Mrs. J . J'" lIl'dsbn , il nO E m il y Bl'uwn, oJl of Larrl I;. ·.i'IIr, a n d ::Ill'!!. L:u'I'l 'Incl nnlu l. ul" , C l'Ilo n, It s tude nt companIed them ns fnr!hl III In· 1)( V ll'g lnl n '1'h col"S'1 n l Scmln l\l·Y. nat!, ' Thu.rsda~ v nl flg, a ni! al'sll<t d lh o Hev, MI', H ac kwe ll In =~=======-:,!",,,,-=-,,,,,,=-==-=-=-=- till' >lerVICi" P hllllU H nckw II Is in






C0 unty Court NEW CA, ES FrLED

ANI,,; PUl'litlulIr. 3' f J'nn l P Ol'tltlon o f 2.,. u nol'c>! 0 ~ ' k nfl I II I I I F estut e In ','O ll ' n t o\\' n s ')1 S a s , It 'l l d by V rn on (II In n Bu ,(' ~ I v ' IfI I I ngrlin s l Vh'S n n e , o un f.[ :,1 oth I' 11('11' of C llffu l'd ~,)I ,(h'rl':IHcd .

J,ul/roltlCmt, Sou/rht-

Uh io t o bo th o b e:;t . llIu n at hi s brot h· E . H . Cloccl<I<' ,' nt (, I'NI s lllt ,'r's wedding, o gn lJl!4t J 8s1 E , a llli 'u lIa .\1. M u l, Th ' I\d wa llud e ,' hall s , rec l:nlly I n , . \ .... 'd,n s dn y, fo r j udg m e nt uf Fever and \'a (It tl by MI's. D , L . · I'n n I\nd $450 whi c h th e ,p lu lntl ft cla ims II! ra n t umily, h a s h a d du on n proml ssul'Y n otr ex out cd VIl, NOlle Droll H ea d ac h es Ih e E tho n s vem l or th e l'ooms o n til e seco n d by th e d t ndn nts , J unu :ll'Y 8, 1931. Llqnicl. Tablet s clue tel Coltls 'l'rv "Rub.. i\(y·TI moo_a " ' onderful fI or v a ve r ed In 'P I' VllJ'a lion fa I' lh e COM iliON PLEAS I'ROCEEDfNOS "' R v. a nd 1\1rs. R , Lloyd Hnckwell. Linimen t c rvice Or(le r ed.:.-o wh o will moy Into the house on lJIC S el'vl e by publicati o n w os orde reo 29 th o f S pt m be l' (l!le r a. t wo In th Cll~ o f B I'u c' Fis h el' ngn ln~t week 'S \\' ddlng t rip to 1I1;Ichlgn.n, .ronnie B e ll Flshcr In whic h lh 1. B . rlams o f DII);ton Is ve ry pla intiff Is Seekjns n t\l\'ol'ce n nd s "j.()m;ly III a nd h OI:! 1lS'lIln be n reo c u stody o[ m inor e hlldl'l! n. m oved to th e Mlnml Valley Hos· S llll11110llS Set Asidep lta l. 'ummons u nd Bel' vlce In t h ea~e R e v. I\ n~1 1\'1 I'S, ·W . H, B eachler, of of Wlllinm E , fUd <1 e ll aga inst H e lf' n N w L ba non. Ohio, (l nd :lilt, a nd F . R lddt'lI, s e t a Side I» ' th(' c ourt. Lebanon, Ohio . J\f rH. we n GrOll!:!, 'Carlls le, we r e F ri, lIInde Defe lltlnnt- · . Pre.e.tiD, lIM .." !.at•• t dllY v · nln!;; g uesls of Mr, n nd Mrs, Min tva J , L oy fl c tltion ed to be Fra n k 1\>1- Fox, Th B ach lo rs w l\l In made n. pa rty d f mlnnt In th s uit s oun " mOve lo Hllge r s town. Mllry· of EdS'ltl' W. Loy , al MOTIO~ PICTURE , la nd, vh r e h e hOB acc pted a pas· .Loy w hic h ENTER.-nAINMENT 10 ['(1 I c:'. court. Later sh e a s k ed tha t pro\' lous Mrs . 'W a lt I' Sh hu n tuught tor Judgem e nt be s e t asid e. Til c ourt :\11'. Ji ollldu y 011 'Mo ndn.y whlle h s e t Soptembr 7 to hen ,' th e motion , n Ue nd d th fun 1'01 or a l'ela Uve, wl\te GrnntedMI'. •,nd ::Ill's , Mnrlon W hlLak er Leave was 'gal'llt ed thc lrust ('('s WAYNESVILLE I 11ft bu by son vi s ited 'r e latl Yes tn of the L bnnon Lodge ~G flIld othe r s C lnolnna tl ov 'r lho we k e nd. to f ile u n ansIVol' In th o c n se or SEME!\IBER 16-17 tlllll LY din mll' g uests oC Mr, a nd Snrnh . B , Fred agai n s t L e bl} non Will . Boytl oM I' • Hoss :Ellrtsoo\( a nd rumlly w el;e Lodge No, 26. -In Mrs , Ed. n luJII k and :lItr s . Emma J'ROBt\TE HHop-a-long Rides Again" M onroe. of L cbanon, a nd Mrs , C, I>'lIes AccountartoOIl- "'RldJ n 'I' h e TI'O Il" H , D e:n he l'nge , 1~:1 rleS S . Jl'Ivln, /:,un rdl n n o[ M nr· oll1edy-Canr1lil Kld_ Mr. and Mrs, C. I , 'ntferthwrlite tha A. :Monc(', ancl olhors , flied his 'Jl a ve pU I'c ha sed tho Carl McClure EM. l S,ltl - '1'\\ 0 NIGIITS firs t (lccou nt. Ray -MlJland I;lrop rly o n Mn ln Stree t a nd will Sale Apl)I'O~'etlOOl'Olhy 1...,moul' I' mo"", the r o soo n to mal,e their I\Ianlul Ray Uoh l1urns The sale of l'cal stAte In the anSe h om e . at Hereld Jack , a dmlnls t rnto l' of th e -in 1\h', a n d Mrs. ,Vlllinm Coleman e8 t~ of 'Vnl'r en J a c k , ngn inst Mill" "J;ropic Holiday" h a v e m oved Into the apartment on gnrl't Robe rt !:! n nd others , app roved l'op ey Cartoon Foul'tll a tl' c t r ecently vaca ted by u nd th e Ill'occeds $4,0 0 ordel'eil dis· l>.TE; \\· S REEL '; \[1'. and »1 r s , Wilb ur S 111'8, ll'lbuted . The d femla nt J"l,urohllsed




Twin 'Theater

nurse writes that she ped them until a biend re- ' commended ' DR MIL E S

\VAN'l'ED - Represe ntative to loole . jafter OUI' m agazine su,bscl'lptlon Interes t s In . Waynesville mid vlcln· Ity. Our pla n em\bl cs you to securc Il. good part of t,he bund,'cds of dol · I~s spent .. ln this v'l clnlty euch fall iLnd wlnt~ for m os-nzl ncs. Oldest agonc)/, In U . S. G ua ra nte ed lowe,;t ra t s ' on a ll perlodtcals . i10mestlc

NERVINE. She says Ncrvhie stops headaches before they get a good start. Three generations


found DR, MILES NERVINE' effective for . Nert1O'US71ess; S1eeplessnels due to Nervous Irritability, Nervous 171.digeation, Head4che,

n:utlel .S,icknesB,





your ~g s tore:

...,.. "UQIJID !WI.......NERVINE SmaU


............ 8maU .... 3Sf

On /',1 n


Largest ' Fre8h-Wa~r Lakes The ten largest freshwater lakes l,n the \fnited Stntes.\not counting L uke Mi e higan. are Okeechobee, Florida; L ower Red. Minnesota; Pyr:nmld'; Nevada ; Winnebago. WI.. I:oosm ; Mille Lacs. Minnesota; Tah oe. CaHfornla , Nevada; Flathead, Montana; Goose. CalUornla.Oregon: Upper Red. Mlnnosotsj 'W lnnemucv ca, Nevada,

By Harry Eldridre, Jr.

----.• - ..----


fruit. b ing lite t'lllI y drive n to drInk Rl.l 'l) ng I' Atu rf bcct;l llS' of o ,s horto..g e Ul' lI'a t I', Nuw t.ho fUl'm I'>i ll l' Bo lv , Ing t. hQ Iwo blcm h y pln c lns pnns of walt.'1' ,ll'ounl! th e r(lgcs of th o fields til t' .!'l4.'\\~i lg- · lIa s in :i fl n ll till' \l r;li n n,::(1 w ill II t h' lJ l,'']s v l ~l l. " "Hl r ol H wi ll RclN!t s l I'll n" pll\ ce~ t'ro n1 l Wu \'4,,\1,. ' 1' 11 '. u n<l ala u OI.1t·y . p hl PH in " 'hl ' lI In l'II lti<! III II' f U lII ' TI\\' 8 ( ' In 1lv I ' t"II' lllS : ~ I' (' lluW PIIl})t :dng ,11,..",t lil t " I Ill' L '11(11)1) 11 ~~' WI' I'H (" '" ill":I . but I hL' (' !'I'tl lII Ilf SlIll'l s ulont;' ('o l'ul n g t u 1\'lhj t' l ~ g-Ivu ll thl:-; ctJ l · tllll t 1111 ' c un col'l1!; {\ h n ph nsnnl up III Ullc i> l< ' ollnty , l'onn ., whic h UIl\Il). Tld s Ilh ' I'l.·a~\·t1 l\li\\1 IwlllS \0 I'",an'(\ II \)I'olld uf ,- lIl e l,,, b<'twee n (' H lI N0 l!.1 t' SV\\' ug(' ha slns t tl 11 \"'" 1·' flllW lulu ' I~u rll , ' ' r~d( In0 1'l" lha n Ih l' nlll>! u C II lI'ull y cn ,· tl'l\ul( . As usun l thl :'! tim \' or yoa l', 1'ul'tl l'I

k (t' U ~ l1l11h tltl'ouH' h Lebn n on . Is a~llll n II ilHl '~ ' 1)(' JlolUll"n ,, " ,1 d~'lId riMh . F O'·lll e.l' l_v tlll~ "\I l1 l1l1 lu II \\'t,\S l' II\l~ II by I I... 1('(',, :<llOlI:l1 ' ''' l' I'f10W fl f



l"'I.'l" . "1'h ')I U \, v , ·,· \\'C I'


\l l' o~c II L

It(h''l 4.1 ~ll\lt l , a l HI

m""l' t u b ullll

p osa l t¢YSl In

,t ,It'\\,

bt nu t o nl y

lI l'"

011 \1 1111 111..1 ·

"blc but IIIf( hl y nL'C l'SIlIlI'~' fl'UIll a h 'tl lth s ta ndpoillt . LCl '" Imp' th at no se lfis h Imu ,'l'st:! will >llllnd In t he W(,y u r l'oI Ul'nlll!; tl lO Coo·glve n IlYH' tem to Its rv ,'1n .,. Usc (\JIll e~1I us 1\ ~1J \l ply fur \\,:It'\1'lng 11 m!, l'< c l'l~a tio ll : 1l ne l l ' itlc:;- illHW .1 oj' ti ll' Icn m llt'~ h nn ges "oco mme ndec1 by th e com , m ille" 111'(': T h I'etunl or "tI nt., of Llllt:11 ~CW <' I' it now Is! HCnl lind dhia bl l.'d vot ' I"1:! bl Ll lo tll to • • •

th o c uunt y. hllal'd" of e ll.' lion I,y A " I",dn l "('(Iu e, t h ns I (, 11 m arl" 6:aO p , m. o n Ih Tlllll'sd llY 11I'ccellin g th ll t hath fl\ l'l ll~ I ' " ,,<1 J' l'utc ti V\l lj til(' c l('c tlo n ; th u t u ll ab~ nt Vf)Il" '~ A.Si~n~hl I iOIl III mil · I'R "oP!) ,' t Imm ed, r lJ u t I OR t f ift y lOll es f " TIl tl \(' I1' 1;l ll"ly li ll Y ofr S(!IlSU ll Sl)uil'1'('1 h u nt· 1'\1'0 Ct:t'tirira lcs ur T rull llr e r " . Th e >;hu rt·slglltcd lIuncllcJ'l; clII· 1~\Illl'tl)lrec ln ct u n election d ny , In s t ead, or th l e n-mil mlnlmulll ns aM PI' a, Ingo It ca n r ui n h llnllnS' fo ,' I:1 W oil, rUCI tH I'S of tl' (1 ns f r w e r ap ' . en t . In order t lJc S','U nlcll thu llb. '''' rvlng hu ntl' ''!; w h u love t he sll on . Il "O" c d o n t h o 01 pllca tJon R f M . . , '1 t vol ' I"s frn n hiae: lh c nhulltlon L t '", beL ,' Id o[ t.h He III n t hunt ''S! D l'IIl, n dm' lIls tl'Utlll' o f th e !finte • • • " primary e lec tion s Cor m uniclplll lie Mi nn ie L . Mulfo rd, n nd J OBOllh " S Ill e ~x p t lo n h ns Won to ke n to I (lc a In th odd. numbe l'cd y cm'lS Kn orr , n dml nls t r:'lt o l' o r lh' s tate \\'h n ther a r no cont ills, 11 ntl lh e tlii", column '!! I' c nt Stu t III I~t lh tll of Frn nlc Kn a r r . . r edu tlon ,'om $10 to not Ill !.U· Lhu n th "C II (' \ 'C " ts II closed Hcaso n on Athni!" dally puy for 111'eclne t offi c ia ls " W illi ents a nil wll(\ dogs," It \V IIS Th o \\'111 of h url s F . W IImnn 'oul d htll" W(H'd ,11 It m ort) 'ICtlelywh e n vollng m achln 8 a l' u ~ed , hns b n a dmltl d to pro ba t e , "'\Vlld ca l S li nd wlltl dog-h ll," It WIlS Me mbe rs or th 8p liLl e mmllt c i\tlmlnls lralrix FU _ whicH m a de th r eco mmen dali ti S I' c ' ntl y nC 'I' lImll'Y t o kill nboul n IJ'en Jl en der so n . Il clmlnls tl'lltrlx of d ozen " u e- h cl llgs running' wild In th w,' Tom a l' 'Yo cl rk ot th u y· Lh sta t oC tho lie nel r son , HIed OIl A' r n n >' gn mIl" RC"" nhoSIl county boa rd o f el ctltms; i\1I0 III I a bov c Dnyt on . 'I'hoy wo r hun t ing In hor (irs l li nd Clnnl cco unt. I t'S, I'ho be \ Vcls h, h a lrma n of til e pn ' k!! llnd Icllling lImn ll \ s:tm In nOll ring et, Sale OrcI ertlc~J etl rso n county bOil I'd.: E . , Hood , 1"" S'e qua nltl cs. The inv n tol'y ~C J . T , Riley, nd· (lepUn' clerk o r th e cloto 'OUnLY luln ls tl'fltor of the estute fill Inrk boa nl; Donlll<l H . Hurtlc l', Icrl• . of • • • H or e Ill'e two ph Cf\8o nt s tories 'l em e n, will be h eDl rc1 c ptember 21. the K nox co un ty bonrd; and a ()l'ge Snle of ))c r so nn l p,'ol,e rty at p "lvute C, Barns, ~ I rk or the Clinton coun · tJtl scd In 10 IIh ow fl ll h f' l'lll en CU' n ' l lh c un ly Jln l's! >!O le order ed. ty oolU'd , " F ru it form cl's In the Stnte of Appro\'e SllleW n!!hlnS'ton 's dl'y b olt a r no long· T h sa le o( r ell l <'~to te b long in g An cxpos e of sevcrn l bir d fn llll ' r >l uff l'ln ~ rro m ph 'II nt. cltllnage to lh es tu t of W a lt I' Ca dwlllln der, d ccelUlccl to , p , ~(I'ohn Cor $800 np. cles b \Ie ved by mnny p eop l was to props uC m elon lj, lKlrl'les, and til m lltlc b>' Co nscrvntion om ml ss lon · Ilk ,Som eo n t'I d u d thnL the birds p,'oved by ou rt , Dl'l trlbu tJon of tbe Lnwl'cncc Wood(l II in th S pte m , wer {l Ct ,' mols tu/' , not food, w h on proc eils orde r ed. b(!.l' Is sue of the "Ohio Cons rvlttlon th y Inva d e<1 tb i le ld s of ripe ning AIlPrOve Schedule-BUllc tl n." Official sportsm n 's pubs ehOd ulo of c lA.lms , debts, a n d li cation of t·he s tntl' diVision or ca n· lIa bllHies of Dan Ca rle l', . ndmlnl s . ae r vntlon , "Som e of the ' b irds that lmtol' or lh e ('stn t ot Flavill a ·Whlt . sav million s In c rops Ilnd tlmbe ,' nC I'e, n ppro\' d . e(lch yenr by d eSl l'oy ln S' Insects U.l'O Orde r Sl1lllmis judged·," ommlss lon t ' 'Woodd e ll Th o ,," 1 , of " n I s ta t c lKllon gl ng to" til e s tate of ~lnry M, Brown, aIssse rted. aceu sCd"Th of edillllagfng g l'tlpl)s and clec ased , E s telle B rown , a d ml nlslra , garde n I)ea s . but !l.tu llies s how thnt t or ol'd t'f'd, S!!-Ie to b e made prl. th e oriole's food 'htlblts ill' Illrsc ly vale ly . IJc ne(1chl l si nce cnterpHi ars ore its '1'h o Inve ntory of Mu e Mille r, fnvorilo fnl'c t ogethor wllh pla nt a nd mlnlslnltrix of th e s t o te oC 60rk lice , wnsps. gl'o""h oppers, u nd olhy Millel' Bag~;"d , d cea sed. wee vils. Farmers who tcar (low n Finnl Accounts Are FlIedswo llows' nests from barns a rc tur n· Th e firs t . fin a l n nd dIs t ri butive o c- Ing out their b est f rl n ds aln e



,\ \\'"rrl c ll s,' nt to In\'e s tlg'lte the (',I>!" - with hI>; lvll{: U In hi" chee k _ ""l1l1 l't" th ill h ' rOllnd t tl h 11 , li ne! l h (' lI est , /I nd SIV n I'S tlllI l [L ca l" I llU;~(,:-O 'u ver' th

::§l lo l cV .. y


'n -

1.1' IlIln u lL'!I 0 1' SU dUl'lng til ' dilY . 1-1" dlu.n·t wa t" h the hl'll wh 11 th o) ,'nl' )Ia:i~('il ov I' 1I f" " each Lim , hilt It's prN ' Y :I re lo :I ,;R lIll1 e tha t 8ho mu s t h a n ! . Iucl, d lie ,' h en ri .


\ VlllI 1'11 11'8 lust a lt o mpl (11'0 il OIlO) n t WII l'm mu ' l, y 1I'<:':lthl' r, th f is hing 1I0s ,I I' 11»1'1 1 10 n ne lV lo,\\,- so Cn l' 0" ,'ulI;llt:; b ll • 'I' lli' mln s III Hl \\' c Ie· nd llWIl ' t I 'nl~ low cr celes to n n y' ,'x t e nt , bUl did mu(lll y th l'm up /l. gol' il t lI'lI l. Lillie Mia mi , a esarl', 'r",ln II lI d 'l' will b ilollbtrul t 'Tlto ry fo ,' IJuas this comi n g week· l' nd - ovon without mol' ruin . And Hlwll kln g or (llI hlllg l' ' minds us th at Dl eI( nus llrnun of J~l'Il nklln wlshcs HOlll 'll ll ' \V()l, ld " Iv hl1l1 n landlJlg n e t - 111,, 1<0 him 'lull tl'ylng 10 11ft II 2(1, 1'1<'h btl R!; II thE' bnlll( wllhhls Iinu! Ulck hlflt thut b r; o n In th Lilli I' 1\ll il llll ilio nII' with ,\ n ~w plUg" ju>!l tlmt wn y . 'pleI( ,didn' t loso til l 7 in(' h " nho ut a \Vc(' k befor , \ Ve wfl leh\l,] him "'t "II ~ gl c wltll on IllS we I, th(l~ lrlcll, to ' 11mb ut o n th e bu nle fo,' him - b ut 10 th tun of a wild d lv In Dick's l)l) rt II IRO got ILWOY, rr h e (lVI' I' ge ts II. In l1(lI l1(; 11 t he Is g oing t o g ive "good ·plug-go .. " Huys n raeo fO l' fh-st p ill I) hOllOl'8, D o Z lle l' s SundllY " rl s hln ~': un UPI'CI' T odd" Fork WIlS dl !llul'b 1 11.1' II .IJUzz,'\I·d With ~ b 1\ around ilK n eck, Does n nyon e ",,\nt lO mal.. D oc nn hon s l mnn with til snm s tor y? It WIlS over n a l' Wilm ington,


Blilthllol' ·~ orloles


H a wley. \ Vym c l' Dr'uke a nd Mrs. FOR FARM BUREAU FCl'tlllzer, ctlll or see Frank Ress. \"nyn es, 5(n yd el' w r d lnn('r g u ests. vUl e, Oblo. T elep hone 4ij·R2. ' Vedn sd n ... , of Mrs. A . E . Weller 8,26-4tp oC B e lllJl'oOIc.

'C9t ner

R \ I'(! t 'lr y f ::l t llt "V lllln lll J . K.m, n 'lI y w ho , hy v h·t uc uf of fiee. I" 'hid o f t il slHl e'~ leotl!! 11 Illllr llln· " 1'.1' wfU dln,,,t th e dnLfLlng' ul' K(" ' . CI'u l Impul't l\ nt pro pos d e h n n g es In the Uhlo) e lec tiu n s ta tutes f ut' s ub. ml "". lo 'l t., tile I " ' Islulul'e II ' xt J UIl ' ~., v .. UBI'Y , It d ve lo pl!d folluwlll!; U COil' fcl' n I.' o [ n s lIcel:!1 ,c ummlLI ' C of elcc t lo n , off! 'In b;. Amu n e; th u

cou n t of nache l V. Earnhal't. ox c utl' lx or lh e s tnl or A nna S hee· h u n, fli ed . AI$o til !Irst a nd Iinal accou n l of C h arles , Irwin, ndm lnts tra to l' of the estl\t~ of WillIam H, Nobl . Anna b 11 Col ~ !n h ns bec n op, po inted ll''1unUa n of FIr'" ColvI n , EP"'E~lnER 21 , Juhn '(,/ll'S hll" l'I'lul'l1 eI t o sc h ool tho pl'oPcl'ly. 'am mitt d to t h ~ Dayto n Stn.te Hos· Jlllrbilra hlllwlcl( H, l\fnrsllRlI a t th -'I nc innu ti S e mlnOl' Y' :'Irwr =~~~~~~~~~~~~~~= pita\. -In havlnl; I:!p e nt t h e w It with hiS 'r h e SUppll'lll.e nlai'y Inventory of "Always Goodbye" p lll'C ntl:! , .Hobel·t S. Withaln , administra tor of No.5 Flas h GOI'C1uII Serhll i\1I', u nd !\II'K. C hn l'l cs AJ It", t he esto l ' of L e wils \V . Wilh a m will da uS'hte r il llLt·y 11(1(1 LIS dinne r gue sls be h C:U'd S cpte mb Ol' 23. The In vcn · On '\·c(]·n sd n y i\lI'S, ll u s sc11 Bentl ey, lOl'Y of Robe ,'t '\ VILh um as adm lnls· Mr~. D lilt Vpn nblo, )\fI'S. T, J eff tru tor or lhe esta t e o( 'Emma "Vlth· f; mlth, MI'. a nd 1\1I'S. Robert Buker. 11m w ill b h enl'd o n the sam e day , 1'. , Mrs. Lina Madden, M rs. Austin a nn r a nd Perry Hart!!ock LOCAl. S~UI)ENTS SOON TO It, H , HanBoc k, "of. C. St. JOlin, ENTER SCIIOOL ELSEWHERE and E n 1'1 Hock ett ntle nded the Re· 1"OR . SALE ; ' C res t B e nzol Gas, 1G'h ____ l;l ulJll ctln Sla te conven tton a t Colum· per gullon. T exll.8 Gracle 011. 8 A mon g lhose of our young p eople b us , 'W edne sday, cents n,. quart, R e d 'l'Op, 2 quarls. TCturnlng to collcl~e or e nte ring . for A lonzo Ti tus \Va", it )(lInne r · guelSt 2& cents . Penoli!, 26 cen t s n quart lheh' f irst te rm a ni Juli a n ' C r abbe. at 1\11'. li nd lIJl'/<, George Hawley, I{erose ne, 11 oe nta a sallon, Roy C rockett. and C hnrles Ander , Newton Bros.. L ebano n. Soutb e kE I ,,,,,<tuesda y eve n ing, th e occas ion so n , Ohio State; J a ne 00 , a r· B roadway , 8-11,6te C 'h uno rlng th e b lrth d!ly a nni ver sary hum ; 1\ll ldr ed 0 0... At l le n; s; ra n e

suffered from for e que n t headaches, Nothing stop-


t!ttl"'" I'lli'll Ip[\llIm In th 1!'U U , .'w Yo rk Wo rld 'R fair' I l'~ll lllO, 11101'('

M I ... s , lltn;'''''''' I"\'t", I ' III I1U ~'(\ 1l 1'1\1;1111 ,II \Il ",' . II )() n lt:ht .lJaJl /,.'1111l C. II', :1, 1 lIln., " •. S. G rnhllln , M I''', III II» . " dl ll ~ 1\ f 'w "N 1;~ In I hI' l'nun, l'lt lNr HllyLl,' r , n nll iJ. \v. ,' ur fn l ry wl~h ~lIs" f.1,' d~· 11 I "It r:l. M r, Blld ;loIn:. Cr ' H ,IIHI:1l1 1I 1l11 "' l''' ll·ll11l1'" ~\lc,'I", ,m S und ~' , o f " ",,,I :'Itrs. ' . 1\1. 1:I1'0 \\'n , f dl1\lll.hl ' l' vl"lt II 1I'1Ih ) ,. !llli !II r,J.' ~11' Il, ,y(" ,' toWI1 , .J , ',,-, \\'111,1, Rumll1 )" :'1 r , (l n,1 .' II'~ , T h ("oelol' D.', ,I nhn " 'lbll' l's ;! tlll :'1111111)' , I, f II lIll da l1 ~h ll' l''' , ~ I a l'!;0 I' t a nd B ell ~;, York 'lIy, ~II Hf' J.1~~I f" 1)1' ~ k 1' . :\II ~' UNty f;hll\\'\' c r , a nd l\lrR. 'Inl'n oml l\lr . n~d :lI n •. l 'lu,,'II'>< J ,.111Is n n , Ilil,I" \\'Il Y, :, tt ,( ·rro ~'. a tl("o o n Mr . uf L(\hnnl'u" \';(' 1'" ,11n1\(II' ~l h.'t-t l~~ o r .ltlll ~Il'~. LYlIIan D:1~- , S UlHI IlY. 1\1 r . " ml _J r·~ . " I t, L' II i: I ~" lI y, ,'11 K I·'rulll, '"ult fi nd H a rry L ac y ' '' (,,In.·I'<1I1 )' Hf 1:1:'1 \ \I ""I, . ;\\t." . \" ' 1'1' CII1 l'i nnall \,1",11 01'" (. n " -cdne!!, 1Itt·, :llhl ,II',.. '11. ,'. \ 'nil 1I n1 11 , F . F. r ' u!j \)U Ull ,.ul£! ~ll n . ).t nl. l.:t u nl l .. ~ u nd L'all L',1 II I tl1l' h Ull! C r :\'\I'S. 1~1i 1J .. )I· 1 II l.IlC y . ~Fl1Ntf''' :l nct . 11':-:.-.: S lIi' . \"1\ 1\ II C ~ "\ \ 1* '\'(, d \,j ~ lt ~1 l'pln t h '{'R 11t.." n '. FI'I,t.y.

------ ....--.---

l;wa llolvs, ea lch lNg Cood on the w Ins . con s ume vnst num be r s r hnl'm!ul Insects n nd ent little be s ldcs a n Im a l loads. ' Vooopeekel's a r e ofte n sus· pected oC dam a g ing lrees by th eir dril ling bt,lt each hoi drill ed with few excep tio n s ~IlIl S lhll t th e. bird hall locate d th I;)rvn of II d e· s u ' ucL!v w ood:b or lng Ins c t , l' I'ult g "OWOl'S often look upon r ob ins as enomies b ecllu se 'or lhe 1'01>In 's ap, , . pelito fo r ch ITies, y e t ro b ins con · 811 m Insects h llr'mIul to Crult crops t h,'o ug houl tfle YCIll' and ~nl y duro InS' the !Iee kln g \l I'lode In Jun e n.nd July do they ent ~un:r';;lled trult to a n y extent,"


A propose d e laborate eel'om ony, at cost of $2600, for th e Innugurutlon this fnll of Dr. K, C. L eel)l'lalt ' a s


th o n e w llreslde nt of K e nt State unl . vOl'slty at Kent will have to be tun ed down conSid e rably , the sra le bOteI'd III conlrol ruled. Stn l c Fl nnnce DI. r ectOr M . Rlly Alliso n , pres ide nt o f the board. r ev ea. led tha t t h e b oar d

Furnas and Roberl J a m es, Wllmlng, toni Ruth Conne r , i\(\nml, n nd Roba , M.I I Edwnnls and Ma e Treadway, j om Jacobs.

refused to s..-i n ctioll a f unet tran sfer oC $2600 with which lo flnano e the fesllvltieB becn u ao " It's too mu ch ' monoy t or s u ch on event." It wns


might: consent to th e trans fer . of .. qlllch s maller a mount.

Indicated that the boa rd. If p ressed

:lIlrs , Anna Mood ie h ilS been in a. . Phone or send in your news, Dnylo n hospital for obse l'llation f?r !!!!!!!~'~~~~~~~~~~?~ l h post week, Mrs . C. A. Deathemge took dlnnor with her daughter',' MI's. R. H, H a.l:t· soo k mId famlly on unday. 1\["s, A, Z . Halrtsool< and daugh· tN'S, Slim.;l Hele n of Qakland. 60 a~res tillable, balance Ifl w«l4)118 hndo di nner with L en a. .C, Hartsock and bllle 1:'1'088, running '!p rlng ' on MondllY, water, good 8 room frame boUse, MillS Hnr,'lel Virginia M.orton. of bank bam, IlQllltry ho~ 16 x 70, W n yln,nd Road. NorUI Oo.h octon" Clevela nd a nd VV'alter Hos kins of g ....'e, wood boUIe, G acmtl nI. Wllm. l ngton called on the former's N ew York , . !) 8·15pd Inlla, lenc:e.• . fair. S'I'u ndmoth e r. Mr.!!, Ha.r rlet Peene. Saturdoy, LOST: Zippe r hundb::l g . be'twee n M I', and Mrs. ~ Iwln Drlckett. Mrs, ~non n.nd Spring Vlllley. Net· WA~ESV1LLE. OlJto ~ S. HILge man. 5701 Bl1lmhlo Ann r e lreo. and l\lra, Emma Peirco. on TuOllda7, Alvonue. Madolaon\'lIIc, Ohio,

To Settle~D ' Estate

,90 Acres $4500



IS .g



o o


Anything on

Indian Life Wester. Adventure Early American Hi~tory' Maps)Jr Old.Alm.nics

hothing Lat~r 7,han .... 1870' "

If ·y ou. liav~ ~ny of t~e above, "bring. ,it to the Gazette offic~ .






Three Thousand State Drivers Licenses .1 Churches Civil Service Exams. Are ]ue -Oct. I

IOfficers Elected At Denies That Town Local School

Has Speed Trap

!-_"·I\-\"N-'-ES - '' I-Ll-.E' -('-lIl-I-{( ,-II-1

01" ( )HRI 'f

l :!XH n11' llt t. h)UH

f UI'

ldu YIllt'nl

lSC' l' vlc("



'uml.u cled

by th 1:;tIo1 ll Civil !{I'I'\'lC" ~ol1l ml a· ilio n [1I11'lnS lit!' ill.·1 \1'" ·1. In U ·lulJc .. Hnt l t Ill-



ill Novl.°rnlJe l" in

tift "' II Ohlu .-Ilk" . It wa " IIllnollncell

tu, blY 1>.1' t'a l'l \Y. S llllth IlIld Hn lph \ V : E:1ll III II n:!, 1I1<:mbu l':; ur th e C om· ml:;Alu lI . 'J'1t lI ~ l o>r c ltl m, In cludl's lev · IHlld. Cl nclnl llll i. ·olumbu >!. 'rolcdo, lJuy l.un . \'oun g :Huwn , Cantlin. .A k· r e"" MHII ::;fI ' ltI. S IIndu s ky; LIma, AtlU'II ~, I'UJ't::Jrt lO lllh , ~l'ulJ('nv llh...' u n<I ( .' Ult I)1'II ( ~l' . '1'1 Ie u" tL l ~S on w II I (: II I helle ('lulIll ln aU" " 11 will 1.1t' h Id h!1 v Lt'en ,.., t 1'01' U('tllbl'l' ~r.. ~ G , ~ 7. and U 111111 Nov mll" I' I . 2, a nd 3. Th o Iisl ur pO R lll u n ~. whl ' h 11'111 b' '(llIed thl'l)u&;h lb.·"", compl' titi\'e I!!xurnlnn · tl ow! Inclu tl 's 3U 'lIffcpmt c illtlslflc a · l lu " ...

Tit " 'omlnl sslun hu s announccd tho clUl~lnl: WHO fOL· ·n ll of th oS(' c Xll ll1ln o lhms hus bl'en ,I(:t ror Oc tu· bl'l' • \'ntl L1lul nil uP l'lkut1l1nl! mu s t ' l,e t iled I" th e urneo uf th e 'omml s · " Ion ill 'UIUIlIUUH' lIeCo .. e fi II. m. of lI111l tl nt e , UI' Ir 1I111110el. Hh o w Ilost. lh~l

mlll·I." of be ing ru"d n ot IlIlel' lhun midnig ht lIf lh u t ua t . Th e 'ommls. ~ lul1 111111 u lso announoed tlltll' no al)' III1"u l1 Cl n blunkli w ill bo mnlll'd (rom Its "rrle u rlCI' UClo be r Olh. A " p"d l1l bullc Lin Is now In pres s whic h g iv es cOlllpl te Info l'ma tlon r e· gtll'din/: oJ l of til es el(am lnlltlon o IOgclh I' wllh thc r equh'c d ((u{lllftc n· tlon ll of (.Iros p c tive llppllca ntll, mil· ary o f 1l 0RIlio n U lll~ n il oLlI'r ne CII· 6f(l' Y Infol'mulion to t hose who e x · P Cl to pArtlc lp'lt . it will bc mallc!d

f l'

tu!:elh e r with the required ll.1)· r equost to "rhe S lUte Ivll S I'vlc' omlll18Sl.on~ olumbus, hlo. C.

Jill 'n tion blll nks. I UIIOn




. G et ynlll' 10 3 ·39 dJ·ive l··.. II v(' n RI' \V , . Smlt.lI, Minis te r by Oc t ohel' I. n,,!:.... Drowll, Ulbr.~ Sc' honl ullt. I'e nlun ,.. \\'h o OI"' I'lIto a n Il UIOIll O. Suntlu y: hll'l o n 01' aft r 0 tllb I' I. without 9 :30 n . m . blbl f:c hool \\'(' I('om os a n \\. <.II'IVI: I'·8 lice n se w ill Il Il a lli e t h o old p eop le EtS \\'e ll a ll th to Hi'r sl. FI·a nl. W es t . " 111«' reg is. II Plll'llx lm a t('ly o nl\ hund'l'ed und yo un /:, th m n .1\/1 well us the tmr o( m OIOI' ve hlc lc". lI'il l'I1 (',1 IU. nrty /lHI'I ·nl ,.. \\'1'1'" Jll' e~ I' 111 lit lh e worn c n. u rI Huhlloll . t" H(' I", 1I tillY . h (g-h H~ hfl o l hulldln,; hl Ht FrldHY 1)ltc h('r (01' Lh e GI:thl s saifl. In C ln · uve nln r:- to \\'('I('o nw th e n ' w t ench . DI'lver'H II E'n.·(,5 co" t 40 C "Ill ~; c lnnuti, " J IIUI' Iy wo uld a d v ise c hll u rre ul"" UCCIIACH. un (,(, l1tS. Th cy t·Vt.: I· ~' hoy to go t o 'h ul'Ch, j us t 'e l'R- 'I'h e MI ~sCH BeLle h . Owe n ... L O ll ' w ~ u t on Hale Se llt l' lnh(' l' 15. Il~ illY IIlu 'e nts Wok m e. n lld jll~t h l1 ll1 . \V u lt o n, "il·s. Dymond.. a n d lI·11'. lIl ot ol'lH ls with n I U37 ·38 UI'II" ' I"" a s It I ~ my pl n n to t: tk my ~O ll. Fugt. Th,· 1'<.'('('I\·lng II ne e'onsl:;wd or Ilce l1se will lie Iss u ed !1 n ew on c up. I ' wll nt my boy t o g l'(m' Ull In th e M r l!. n. U . Co ll e t t. pres lde nL of lho i\l nth c l'" (' Iub u nd th e ne w te ll ' h e l's. on a l,pllcutlo n und pay me nt o r t he l·hurc h. with .L tull a l)t I'~ da tlon I n a ft'w wL'll .c hnsen words, l\tr.s. fee . 1"'o l' lll1nH' thc lr IH' 'Se nt I> nnlt s or 11 11 th n t the t:hurc h a lld th o c 'ol1" lt wl' !t:onll' d th teachel't!. 10 II I'e 1101 und e r ;; uHpe ns lun 01' re vo u· tcue hln /: o f ItA S Ullld uy " d,nol "a n Whlt!h w(' h~om' €Inch l'0ve :1 s hol't tlon . melln 10 hllll ." 1'(, 1 '~ons uncl c l' 1 y<'IlI'S o f Il"'e 1·""l>on "... Onl' e,f lhe hl !:hllg hts uf " whu 7 ;UO p. 111: C hrls tialh Emle"vl)!,. no II 'l' I1He will b(' ISim ed a t e m. huld Ih., e ve ning WIIS ll. s pelling co nt 8t 7 ;4G l).In. Prcllc hI 1l!S" b<! t w('«:n th o t each l r !" llntl th e p a l'· pOI'a ry In s truc ti on p I' mlt. I'rood. for "' Plln e~ duy; 90 d l\Y>l In whl.c h tim e thc y mu st 7 :~ 5 Il, m . Bible sl udy . I' ntfl . with th e tCtt h r s ns vi ·torH. lltlce an (' xn mhllltion 10 qun llfy fO I' Pun oh and cookies were H....· V d . a I' g ula r licen se . 'rhl s a lso applies Jo'ERRV CHURCH' 010' CHRI ST tt _ _ ,._ __ _ ...... __ • to p c' r~o n s Illukln g th c ll' firs t apI>lI. ' _ _" ._ _, ..._ _.._ _, ._ _ W. C, Smith, l\linls t4.'r Cli ti on fur" IIt.:" ns(' whu h UI'e no t J>.. rr)· Thomas, nlble School SI1II(. <lI'I\'('n li n O\l\OlllolJlI(' o nE' yen r . p ( .I" l:;unclny: lion" with It t e mporary p e rmit m UHt 9 ;.30 n. m. nlfleCt BCI'v lce s tart s . b ucC'o mplln letl h y u li ce nsed lIJ·lv.. r 10 :45 n. m . ommq nlon. II'h lk' . opl' l·allng a CUI'. 11 ;00 u. m. S ermol'. MrR. ('C'te r D omnR of N'w Vlc nna Llp(,I"'p Clln I,.. ~ c ur d (rom L ell' 12 n oon l:Io"k et dinne r OOCll USC s pe nt Ills t W pk u t ol' wln with h er 1PI' GonIo n In " ' ay n "v ille. It's homecoming d a y (Septe mbel' pnr nt>!. MI'. !lnd Mrs. OllvOl' Davis. 251h) , !Ill'. Jllm CI:I DIWI.II n nd family of 2 :00 p. m . Pl'ogm m bl'gl nS , th Now L ond on unnec tieut a~'e vis it· add rcHs wJII b e by Brothel' h eH. Ing his pa r c nts, Mr. n nd Il'Il's. Oliver l e I' \\' llIl a m 80 n of 'coHdn le. Pa. Dn"l>! o( 'ol'wln. You will wa nt t u, be II I P erry (UI' 1If.J·. ond Mrs. HU8sell Nonl and hom eco ming Il nd mce t uld S hI r le y IC ay. at Montgomery, . were frlcnds. A welcome a wai ts yo u. The Blls ln cfls 'Wom en of \Vaynes. week ·e nd g u ests ot IIiI'. and !IIrs. Or· vlllo h e ld th eIr firs t m ceti ng of th e Tues dll Y; ville G r uy. ;00 11. m . h olr 'pra tiCI.' . 1;111 llls t ThllrRd{l Y night a t the hom e 'W ednesday; 1\>l,IS8 BurbilJ'1l Grill' lert, "'ednes· of lI1l·s. C llIu'lcs E . Ancl l' I'son . duy . {or WllmlnA'ton oUege, where 2:0 0 p. Ill . Missionary meetin S'. Miss Emma Lou Lewis I'pslgncd I:!hl' Is bogl nnln g h l'l' Junio r y enr. plac to be a nnounced Sunday. 119 presIde nt and Miss Dorolhy Day E '" E h t La E ha~t !. . , '. ' nrn Ill' • mm" nrn L, \VIIS e lec ted to toke h l'l' pluco . 1I11 M1:1 h urles Burlon Enrnhu r t. Burnett KIIthryn Gibbons was m a de vlre. EPI SCOPAL CHURCH . Butterworth, and Gllb('rt To' rye trove presId e nt. l'rogrttm m e mberflhlp, nncl tOl' n tl ahlng trip to MiChig an o\'er mber 25, 15lh Sunday oCler sunshine committees \\'l' l'e ohose n. Ihe we k.e no1. Rofreshm e nts wcre sprved by tht> 1'1' lnllY ; R e v. nod !lfr... Holy Communion nt 10;30. J . J . Schnerfer, of hostess . 'rhe ncxt m will b Dayto n, were culling on frlencls h ere a dinner rollO\ved hy a bU>llncss a nd. 'rhursduy . Ka<:luJ se~8Ian. ST. AUGUSTlNJ!! CATHOLIC Mrs. MIlY oak ot Dayton Is tlpend CIlV)II:CH

I1 I>pllcant8 fo .. . "JlI,roxhltHI I:I.v thl'oo IhoU RO nd posl. lIolI" In Ih o !{tlil o lInmnploym III l ;Ulltll!! n sll ll o ll ('''lIIml~:;lo n Ullll m ·

Local Happenings



G., rew days with !,cr

daugh~", ~.iRS

1\·rl'S. E. C. Crune a nd family.

:r.rr. nnd I\Irs. D . R . Smith art! on motor trIp thl'ough the Bouth· cnster n 8tn tes.



.: :;-;;:::;::;::::==:"',


Dodd. 67. I\'ho dies era I Home ' W edn etlduy ut 2 p. m. with Ilurlul at M morlul Park. ,i\tl:llnH wos bOI'n ' in Lebanon but h a d I'esld.ed n I Vayton (0" lh o past ~ O y,':II·S. Jl c WliS ' II III ml.;(,l· of lhe CU I'lll' nt I"!j nlon. or th e 1"II':lt Ba p· tlst 'Intl·ch . o nel of tho 13<' ''''.• n ' . S. ~l fl8" ur thal 'hu l'c h. H e III 1~11I' \'I\'('(1 by hIs \\'I<low, E i"n J\dl! mK; fl'" 80ns. ,I hn or 'Vaynes· vliL , H u nJ e l Ilncl l1abc rt Clf J?t,yton, Eu g ' no or Nf' lV YOI'l. Ity n ml Hal" 0111 Of Hn llimo l'o; four dnugril rs, .:0\'11'9. Atlu Knutz, Mrs. l\fJll'y Triplett nnll l\lra . MIlI'y W ollstel' of Du"ton, J und Mrs. J nnle Dumford of Boll· brook; ' t brothOl' \Vll lhun Ada ms, Dayton ; IL s iRt r, Mrs. Hattlc Shu· nlllk I', Okla homn; 27 g l'nmk hll(lre n :Lnd one g r eut· jfl·:lIldchlld.


Sal urd a~'

of co m·

and duughtor wer e week end gueHts R e v. F . H . HUl:! sel1 offlc lm cd :Lt the of M I's. Fulkerson's Sister, Mrs. H. HOI'vlces a nd bUl'lal \\'tts In the Sec· H. Hl1.rper Il nd fmnUy

ut ulver, Indllinn . SundltY dinner guests . of Mr. a nd Mrl<. Don Hawke a nd Mr. John Hawke \I' re 1\'[1'. Ilnd Mrs. Maynard Weltz and children. Mr. and. Ml's. Hnymond Hawke ttnd lIIr. nnd Mrs. Ilrl Hawke or Dnyton we r ttrLe r. noon CIlller... Mrs. Amoll l\fend nhnl! return ed to he r home lust Thursduy trom St, Elllrnbeth hospita l whe re s h e httd !Jeen confined with 11. broken hlp. AI. though still .bedrll!!t, Mrs. Menden. hull Is Imp r oving as fast as can be ex peet ed, Mr. und Mrs. Ernest Butterworth Ilnd Mr. ancl Mrs. Gilbert Frye a.nd· Bon R ich ard, wOI'e S und ay dinner gu ests ot Mr. a/nd Mr... Burnett B ut. terw'orth In Leb:mon. )fllss Jean Buk e r was a guest Sun· day of Mr. a nd Mrs, Cnrl Mitchell al CovIngton, Ky. Ida Kelsey Is visit ing ' her niece Mro.Nelson Thorne a nd. family Itl larksburg, West Vll'glnln.

ond. Cre k cem e tery. 1\[1'8. Dodd lVilS the (fu ught cr of he Ell a nd EII~.n Allen Osborne. was b01'11 n elli' Blall h Rt er Se pt m · ber 25, 1 71. Sh e wo " m n rrled t o J. H. Docld In , 1937. Sh o Is surv ived by a ~ un. J . O. D eck, o r Fa.; a daug hter, 1\11'8 . ford, ot Ol'ie nt ; three

h er husband, P hiL,delphl:.., Mal' lo I'IlW, brothe rs, Os·

car, Ed. und hm'les , a ll of Dlun ch · ester, nnd Ih l'ee IIll1tel'S, 1\11'8. Effie Ward, . of New Vllmnn. Mrs. AdiLIe Cr oss, of COI'lh;le und II1I'S, John French of Midland:


A I tl W II I s B Ie c ustom uyncs v . e Farm ers' Gl'unge will observe Boos.

The .Ferry nnd W'1:vnosville ChrIS. ler night on Thursday e l'enlng, Set>· Un n Chu rchcl! preRcnted nn inte rest. tember 29. At th e Cmn ge h a ll . A Ing program Ilt tho rogulnr m cling program will be l>I'esenled In the ot th o Orlln ge, SottJr<loy evc nlng. lOdge room u'pstalr!:l Lo whIch the The (lrllt 'n umb" r WIlS n ' llhlllo solo pu blic .Is cOI'dla lly In vlted, by Poullne R.1!:gll. '1'h ls wns followed After the I>rogl'llm. gomes . cartls. . ~by u tllill by th e 1)119l01', W . C. a nd o ther forms of c nte l·tttl nm ('nt I ·Smlth . i\1tJ.rle Pine fllV01'1!d wi th an wUi be proVid ed for thoso ntLemli ng. accol'dlan lSolo. A 'voca l tluet by 1\Irs. Idll. Bosle r and Mrs. Cha ~ There will be no aclmlsslon chnr!:~ Evel' tt Hu nter nnd PllU lln e Rigga lotte Whitmore, Miss Cecelia. Whit. ·but as was th e OUSlom las l YOllr at concluded the program. more at Dllyton v isited Miss Kntle the gran ge pa rtie" a " tree ~I'III' oC: • SOI11 beautiful bouque ts were on Collins, S unday. .forlng Is ex»ccted. The pro cee(11l o f • I dIspla y. See(w and bulbs of lhese Mrs. ROKe Whitllker of Cincinnati this of(erlng wi ll be used to Ilur. flo~\'or" were exchanged .by som e of call ed on he~ Sister, Mrs. Bes8 Van chnse new equIpment In th e kitch e n. the m embe rs. Winkle-, A good alle ndnnce is eXl,~cted' nnd Mrs. Lon a Hartsock nnd ~{r8. C. various commIttees hav 00 n H, Dcut he rCJge ca lled on the tormer's numed to provide cntcrtnlnm e n t broth er, Stncy Burnet wl'lo Is r eo thro~gho.ut the evening. Doth vlsll. covering from a aerlou s operation. - ora and. non·members al'e cordially Mias Hel n Hawk nnd Miss Salls. Invited to attend. A group of ' Iadf~s tend red Mrs, Rerr~shments are fr e. RUB8ell Eentley a surpr ise lost FrI. berry of Coi um b u s called on the • day n!gf!t In honor of her bh'thd a.y. Misses Ald e n . SUJldny. . " j( 'it(lllg1Ilful '90el~l evening WIlS en· CARP CI~UB ·~jJyed. ¥r~. Bentley received severnl nice gifts. At I\. Inte hour refresh: Se'l(eral couples ~ II members of the m en,ts were ser ved to 'the follOWing same eard elub .h ad dInner Inat guests: Mrs. Bentley,.'Mrs. DeIJo:Ven Mrs. Amos Mendenhn\l wtlo WIUI Thursday even ing at U;e Seville able; 'J.fra. Robert Bak~ ' S r .; Mn. brought h~me' ' laSt ThurlKlay f~m Tavern In Dayton and 'attended the Llnl\. Madden, Oharles Allen I\. Dorton hospital w here 'lIhe ha,d theater atlerw.aru. Those enjoying IUId d\lush~er ~y, Mrs, ~ Iren e been confined wtliJr a l!l'9ken hlp, the evenlntr were Mr. nnd Mrs. Ell Mrs, wbhe. to expteai her appree~tlon Ji'urna.,~ Mr, nnll Mrs. nl\Od~S Bun, Th\lrnllll. MIIu! LUf'Y Howard .. Burton, and daughter, of the cards and the loveiy flowers nell, Mr. a nd Mrs. Lawren ce Cook, Mal')' Ann, and 14... ·P.boebe M~D' ohe received t~1D ber trlonet. wbOtl Mr, &lie! Mrs. John Gons nnd M.e88rt1.










'Robert Oon. aDe! Roecoe F~

'l' h(' s h oo l "Ill'ullm e n l I,.. n ow u p· 1)J'oxl ma lcly fi~5 Iluplls. !:le hoe l IH dlsm l" .. ed o n 'J'hul'sday I\ne] l"l'lda y of this 11' 1' I, In e rde l' lhllt pupils m ur a u nd till' \Ya l'I',' n Coulll Y I"all·. Our


s ch ool ban d p la ys at the Fair o n both ThuI'Hd ny a nd. Friday . ['atro n .. or " 'lIyn e TUl\'n~hlll will be "l clI~(,<.I to m) tt' the Itddltl"",, Lo the unltul'lIl 11 Ihl. yellr. l:Iuth th r P . F . A. amI lI u lll!? 1';"onulIlk" Club lin I' rln ... Pl( . hl llllf! ut tit Fall'. P a tl'o ns s hould

Th e ~ th a nnu a l Pa ll' Itt Lehan"" ,IllY. 'Y'h o I'rrltUlll!" m Ol'c ell" plu yOl th o II

"IHO ~'O t h o Ii hools' ex hibIts of \1'I'it· Ing n nd mnp w\ll 'k un cli Rll lolY. O I·/::t n I za t I o n 0 f I calise" fm' th o I 11I'll1 cll,a l bu .. l· sc I1U0 I Y OIll' W:ll; tIe n c,,~ M hom(' 1'001ll!! In lhelr m t. I ng" I itA L F' 1'IIIny. Following are U ", CI:I,..H organiza tion,, ; r,' rps lllll UnL)' le Pox. pres ide nt Gc nevl ve H:.ltll cy. vl cc 'l>re s ldenl ; 1:1 , tty 'l'ho mJl so n . Heel' tory und t reIlR UI·er. S o phomore-P a ul John s, prcHld nt, 1I11J1'1·t l1oOOl'l80 n , vl c(J' llrcll ld nt; \\'a yno Seo lt, a e l'ctlrI'Y; !10bN ·t Zimm erman, lI ·olls llr~r. .Iun lol',,- R ob rt l' I·""ton, II·ps l. dent; B OllY B m urd , vlce·pr slde nt; Margi e DakIn . I;cc l'etnry fLnd t l'CIH!UI" cr.

W II .. r PIl ( 'I ,unl y

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lit CU·OIll' I':tI ' \l'Ith Ill o t,n' lsLH In '11 m . f,lr lh e " p eed e v e nts. III:ttlnJ; " I>l'l'<IJ n lo: 11 1101 1"pkl o'!I drlv. Th .. \Verln 'sclny' nlgilt hot'H show 1111{. n nd a(:(' ol'lll ri~ t'l Al'n o lu . nu e x • . n tt('nucl n '(' WIIS 11 0 1 la r ge dlte) lo th co l'o""l l'e f ll1l's hnvC) Iw('Il lev i d nor eo ld wN(ther. 1J0 n<1 ii pIls l P.l1. R hll ol bands of th e 1'''!lllty n l'o "' "yo r A. K. Da y , " 'ay n !lvl\1 e . (Ul'nlHhln g musi c f I' th e e ntire <l ny n ud ll<lnr" hn ll C. I'. J oy . tug.>th I' IIml Illlo:ht prog rnm s . \ 1 It h Ma~'o l' I.' mnk ·WII Hon . Iln r·veys. lourg. n nn oun l't'f l 'ih ' S P t' 'd IImll or 2 11 mil 'Il 1)1' 1' houl' \\'lIulo l Ilo e n ro l'ced III th c bwll rt\>fl,.. He t I nf< of both

Local Happenings

S e nlnt's -'l'ross le r H a l·dln. P rt' s l. Ii Itt ; p ul Hende l·lIon. ,' lce,pl ' s l(le)nt ; '-'~~J,_.tI ___ n'-.~, Mll'lnm Scott, Hecl'elm'y ; 1I1n q;; II' Gu". Mr. n nd !\f1·S. C hIlrl!'!'! ; \11 n and Un . treas urer; Ann n 1I0al(, I'cport('r; d lt ug h leI' ~1 1l ry W"I' dlnn~1' ~ U OS I!l Wllt un H a l'lsoc k LLnd HUl'old And er. of r.11 ·. nllli ;\[rs . H e nr y 'n l'I,,' ntt' r of so n , "lude nt co u ncil. Daylon, ::lundu y. 1I'll's . ,\lIe n I'c. 7th Section ) - DorOlhy R tlce , mnln (1 (or Il few duy· .. vI. It. Ill' . I,:elll ; B etty ROOLWhll. see r e· E lsIe Mne " rlca l SP"1ll th " II' ct<. tUI·Y. nd with Sue Ell a ' Berna l'll nt the 7th Sec . II-Roy B urns ides , pres l. nUr\lOlI' home nt • 1)I'ln'(1 lel. dent ; Thoma!! Glltes, vlce.presldent; Mr. and :Mcs. IIlbel·t ~Itlzmor of Euge no ' Gruber. Ilem'cttu'y ; Paul EnglewoOd w e l'c unda), g U Ills of PUlnlll ell. tr usurer . Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mllle l'. 8th ec. 1- l\IuLlh ow Turn r, presl. M'ra. ~al' l Duk e W illi n · gll~8t nt u de nt ; Dona ll' Osool'lle, vlce, pl'esld.c nt ; dinner at tJle Dayton Woml\n'/:! lub Me l1m Guatln, BCl'ctm'y; l\'lunlmla 'rhurs day even in g celebl'm lng th Hoak, IrC!llsur r. opanlng a nd redeooration a( th eir No e l tlOIl h OR bee n held. hi th e club. tlCco nd section of lh e 8th b'Tacle. Mr. Ilnd. Mrs. J. P. T~.\rl'i ek (' nle r. tulned at Sunday <linn I'MI'. un,\ I\1rs. C, E. Norris of PCQI'la, 1111. , Mr. n(f 1\tr s . "€slol InHI( op or "hlcllgo, Palltor. Rev. Bober1- H. Kiumbolb: Illinois, Mr. Ilnel Mrs . a 0 1'A' Quick of Mla mlllbul'g n llll :MI'. and MI'I!. 1I-IIISS SlIndn y a nd Fronk Hortman . h olidays at 9 ;00 Il.. 1m. Mr. find ]\frs. 0 or ge \V S· /Inti Mrs. Charlos E. Ande rson /:ove Il lIfrs. !lfnry Kn.urtung or. ] IIJ.l1Il1lon dhm er, Mon any e ve ning, honoring were g u ests ot MI. nrlll Mrs. Adam he r "011 . . hurl ·s , li nd Ruy C ro ke tt, Me lloh on , undn y. who wJII lea ve this week to enter W. . StJ ohn 11'118 a gU ~8t fit a Suntlay, September %5, J938 OhIo tu te unlv ntlty. Bes Id es the d inner, ;Sunday, at UI 9;30 Su nd llY School. hl,lme of hlH hon or g u es tH tho e pret!ent weI' : Wilbur Hutt lind R. D . Collett, SIlII)t. CUI'I FC I·gUSOfl :. DUlluld ollelt, dILu/:hte l', ~lrll. 10:30 Morning Worship. SubJect, 1~l'flnk L e Mny. Jr .. Orville Sage, (amlly of Ridgeville In honor of hIs birthday . "Eternity When and \Vhe['e?" FI'ed cl'lci< Robltzer, C. m. Anderson, nev. J. V. La y nnd dl1ughter!!. Montlay J ohn Bogcr. a nd Horolel Antler"oll . Mil ry L\lla ILnd Lorna, Mary (.lro. 8:00 Offlelul Bou rd Meelln g . , Une Lukens, B e ulah rncU'd, and. Tuesday Sllrnh onn r visited Rulh ('onner 7:00 B oy Scouts. at Oxford. Sunday afternoo n. Thursday 9 ;00 W. F' . 111 . S . DlstrJct meeUng III St. P a ul 's hurch, Dn~' ton . , Sunday. Frlt1ay Mr. nnd Mrs. LewIs Jl'lrE'!4 nhd J . 9. Oons lind Rol>ert Gon a II' re 8;00 holr prnc tloe. Sunday . October 2, will be' g u on lled t o Princeton, I11lnuls, Mondily .fnmlly IIpent SUnday wIth Haro.ld Tttylor nnd Mr. und MI·s. . A . Ha l" day 'l' he undlly School will hll.v ~ mornIng. wher Fred Gons Is In a . . boRon ot Centerville. hospital sick wIth (lu . a sp clal p~ogrllm by th e various Elddln. Dny lind 'dIlU/fht I'. He, With hi s n l,hcw, RUI'o ld Rlaln. clttsses. The churc h hus Invited two Dorothy, e n tertained the tOIl~\I'ln/: Illymen to s p en k u.nd there will be ger. h lld spent t h e las t seve n weeks lit dinner, Sunday, Mr. Ilnd Mrii. Leo s p eclni music. Mr. Hlllfleldfrom In Alberta, 'onnda. Mr. Gons wus Hn.trleld. of Xenill. Mr. /llId l\!1·ij. L e b:inon will be present nlld giv e stricke n whUe th ey were paRsing Robert Baker Sr., a nd Jl1.I·I\. Nnnlh through Il11noli! on th eir return R. word of gl·oeting. Hurf. home. Robort Oons remn lned In M I'. /Ln(l !\frll. Robert rr rll~C' 1 or "\v ILLli\J\I" A POP ULAR NAME PI'lnceton with his rather, J . Q. DUYlon spent the wee kC'nd wllh ?II ... Gonll lind Haro ld Risinger return ing and !\frs. V.7 nlle r nd crwood . It hua b 'on s uggesled that POUlt h homc Tuesday nIght. (ConLlnued e>n l'flge POltl·) HIt'eet be c hn nged ·t o elLher Hili or 'VlIIlnm street liS tbere urc Len wllh

FAR~WELL .DINNEftr--1: j




I:\olh o ff! In I", ·:l&;l'l'ed mt.,'lllbl'l r ship

u l'n s in



,\ccept Automo·

bill' lu b In lie u or bono.!. or give Inllt o nt tl'ln l. It \Vus sU ld . MIl YOI ' Duy s lllt cd th nt ne lthol' CO llllllunlt~· In. t e n\! d to operate n 81 e ed tl'S I>, nor UIlC Its ur l'CH Ung otrlce l' for th pur· [lClse or rulslng l' I>vcnu e. ""Ve are on ly Int e l'cst ed In r l'du Ing necl~ents and. s nve IIv (,II ," he M Id . SIgns wIll be pOHted In the vicInity of be Lh townH by the Inc lnnu ll Au· tom oblto hlb. wu rnlng mOlo l' lsts to llrll' within th e lull'.

BIRTHDAY PARTY Th e followin g r lot lves .or MI'II. lara Thomutl m e l Ilt h e r hom e to c el brule h er s v My·mUl l>lrthduy, SunclllY, S pt mbm' lllh : IIfl'. fLnd MI·~. Stanley Morri s Ilnd ("luSht. l' MIlI'y E ll en o( Cincinnati; Mr. Il nd .i\l1·S. SPt'Tre I ' .1\I01'l'1d, Mr. 11£1,1 MI'''. MOI'rla nltp r, II'll'. and M·rH.-RWhll rd O I1",~er of·'.J)ayoon , Mr. n n" Mrs. H omer S nlv lJly und son 1- runk Thomu ", ot Y e lluw Spl·lngs. MI'. and M.r s . Motri l! Fulkerson and daught I', 7..ana Mae, o( 'Vayoesvll1e ~ir. HOWIlI'd 'llnd! MI"'II Fr•.mces l\lor. rlH. Hube r '.rhom n6 and the hostells. 'I'h y nil nle n two course dinner Mt ~oon fit OliO lon g t:lbl ~. Belween tAlC courses lh y weI' fa vor d w ith I'(lI uUngR by th h OMtes'" whic h wlII'e I . we I appreclntl!d . 'I'h tl bostess reo calvcd m a ny preSl' nts.

J. Q. GONS TAKEN ILL ENROUTE HOME IO:I::u:r.~~~e s::re~~~~:~~~ tr;Il:'~: Uf:~':;elt~~:yl~v:~I:~:f~:rl::;nB~~:~ntl:: ~lI eijtf!

u fllll"t d wlahlng ~ h c hostess nlllllY m ol'(, happy bll·thduys.

_ -:-+ _ .M.I...............U3Y


thut . n om e In two lIQ u ares; namely, Billy Mell oh. Will H. Allen, J. Wl11 While, W. C. Stjohn, W lll ium Cole. Mr. and Mrs. 1'. C. Run yon e n ter. man , Billy Dnvla, WIlUam Strouse, talned severnl relatives nnd friends Billy Bel'llnrd, WlIlI!lm Luke ns,' and (It clinner, S unda y, In honor of tour W. S, Crtthnm . birth days whic h oceurred during the pnllt 'week In the group which gnth. e r ed lit theIr home. Mrs. Runyon be. In g ol,le of the h onored ones. The g u eRta cn Jorln g the occasIon were; Mrs. E . ~. DeLa ney of Mndi sonvllle. Mr. nnd Mrl!.W. A. Cnlla1itin , M r . State HIghwa y p;tLtrolmen will In· and Mrs. Wll llllm Calla hun of Will. l:Ill'ect Wnnen Co unty s c hool bUMes nut Hil ls, Mr. Md Mrs. 11. P . Jones Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, of Onk ley, MJ.s. Jerome Jones, Mrs. Sup rlntendent C. H. Bohl's orflce Addle Darling of Norwood., Mrs. Imnounced today. Th e busses will be Clara.- SOUI'd IlJ'ld Mr. Hnrry 8t C la ll' inspeot ed at the follOWing tI~eR and o! Clnclnn ntl nnd MI'. und Mrs. T. places ! Franklin, Clarcreek , ,n nd C. Runyon. ~arllsle, Monday at Franklin' High . , DINNER CLUB School ; Waynesville,. Massie Town. sh ip, I,eban on"'; 1.fn80n, Otterbein Home. and Kings Mills, TueYday at Mr. and M:rs. J ack n lch ent or· Lebanon High Sohool; .Morrow, Ham. t.(llned members ot th'llr dinne r club Uton·Malnel(\lIe. a nld Harla n Town· .Iast ThurSda.y evening. Cnrds ' W118 ship, Wed.ne8duy at Morrow. th e ddversloD at the evening. D It· aloua r efreshm entB were served' at Mrs. E . A. DeLaney a nd · ~. W. II. late hour to lfrt, and Mrs. L. A. Cullo.hall whQ h8 \'e spent the ' past Brnnlltrntor, Mr. 1\1 .... M. A. sevel'lLi weeks wlUl' Mil, anll Comell, Mr, and Mrs: Harry Smith, O. Runyon, Iulve r etumed their Mr. and M...:" 8 . .8. EIIII, aal2 Mr. bome Cbilclll.nal:1. and Mr., El'tlelt Butterworth,



"rtI. T. to



MILK BENEFIT PLANS PROGRESSING Work 1'1 g oin g fnrw o.rll mn r e" nin g th e chu r h PI'''J<'ct of A'1\'l ng milk til the lIntl l'l'Ivel/:ht gmcle 1>011001 c hil d. l'cn wh o ca nn ot bu)' It. 'Y'he teachers n re unclel·tnl, ln/: lhe wurl, of w eIgh· In s- th e chlldl'('n whil e I'e pr ('~o n tll' tiV Oli fl'om t he eight chureh es arQ m eeting , l'U CN o]UY e vonlng. Septe m . bel' 27 \0 'Ioy derln lte plnn:! (01' the work.


PARuTLYL.. .-....__ -'-":.,,.::.~

MrR. Ralph LInn entc l'llllncd /l Jolly g l'OUI) 1)[ IItt!' ("II,s . Soturday "tte l'n ll!)n In hllnol' o( h et· daugh. lI' r. DII I 'II Ig hlh hlrth uuy ·un nlv er. Rill: wa s 1l8sI8 t ",I. .Io), MI·~. Hen· I'Y 11111'1;-c n nel 1IlrR. Earl llurt. ot IJay ton. CI'IIc lw l'·(·"Ung . IJ(!au ·co r,·yl ng. a nd IOllot's l)ht ·butLle " ~u nt('fjt a were only n fc w co r the games whl h had been (l11I 11IH'<I fot' th e chlld" e n's enjoy. nl. 1::[1('10 c hild rcocll'cd It halloon 1'1 :1 "),.

H z.;

n f a vor ,

Da le WIIS lh e r c 1I,Il'"l of m u ny 10v(·ly g trls fro m lall' CI·IE'nds . A bC':tullful bh-thdllY cnke with Ice o l'cam fo .. r e(l'cahm nts bl'oug ht lhe n rterno on to u clOSe. Th e gu lit lI Rl 'Includ ed N o'l'ma GI'ue ber, Norma LOllltacl'e, Y\'onne StulJbs. Phylllll Bnlle~' , Phy )ll!" Burn. ell, Jimmie \Ve ltz , J nnle L(:c B t·ad. doell, :I<lartlw \Vardlow, Donll id BurH'e, Rogel' 'Vlltklml, Milton Jones, D ickie Gra h a m, GeOrglu nlo. Hoblltt, BUl'l Rye, P~t~y Bainl, Hotlby Host. I nil'S, Betty Thomas . ' Be lty &1 reo !lith , Huhy mlth, Maynard I' I'OSt, W ayn c Hurf. of D aYlOn, Betty .Tane Patterson, of Blnnch ster o nd HIe lillIe h OSt(,8" Dale.

Warre n Antl Miami h~pte rs ot the O. E. S. will. hnve a ' basket din • n er at the Sprln g(Jeld Maso nIc FUNERAL' SERVICES Rome; SUnda}', September 26th. MI. ami ' hapter m ember-a \\/111 meet at Funllr,.1 services fo I' Wayn esville MAlIOnlc hnJl itt 12 E lle" Loy 49, wl1(1 . died ·l Ironday , noon, night from lIelt·lnfli tell wou~ds Wore h eld . 'I'h)&Hday (tOday) nt the The Y QUng ' People's Class ot ~ h e StUbbs Flunenll Home at J p, m, Jo"rtends Mee,Ung will h ave a 80clnl . S h e Is survived by hI!( ' bua",nd, " gl\therln g t his Sunday evening nt WUllam, of Dayton; one lIOn l!IIIIaI' tb~ home. of. Mr. a.n~ 1\[1'11. Hurry. aLhome. Mrs, Loy hllB Ih'1ld Smith. WayneavWe aU ber lite.






~aQ~~ ~b~~~~ ~~~'~~~'~~4 ~~~~~~~~~~=~~~=~=~==~5~~~5~~~:~=====~=====~~_e t laml ~a~tttt m·g 'D own - CO,CI.ts Joneses t K e'e pl

Mr!. R. H. Hn Hng,

od t


.\ 1I" " k' " 1I1tllWI' \\ /1'; 11,,1<1 nl lh., l 'llI'slt 1':'1 I'J, :11l11"l-11 Intil HU11I1I1.I'_ 'l'h,' ('Ill ' 1'-1' L." II,'" Alt! u nd, i'li/!~I';JI;"T HuddY III I wllh :IoI I'H, 1':1 I d\lll rt fdlp\,' In t \\',·d lh)'4.da,\' ,

Editor .. ,. , .. Phone 45 R 11


.\11', /1 11(1 ~ I1 '~ , I ,.", , \ lIW H :11" nnl llt' l h t t' n :{ll1l, \ ' llltl'lpli

SuWcri ption ~c e, $1.60 P r Year, Payable in A<lvance

1101111 ('i 111;; lh-

MI'S, Ttu l h Sh I'WOOd, a nd 89n8, \\ IlU nl'll n nd F 1"II n el ~, or r ego nl n " IV r 'l'u('sdny ('n ll t) r~ ot 1111', fi nd MI, !I Josllphina Gmy 1I1rs, J , ''' _ Ed wn l'(ls, J , L " Tul mng\' Mr>l, Rnrnh I~ Rn 11 Nit rtl\l ll(' d 'I nd J (Os"lc L _ Garne r W I'C S unday Iw r , 11 n Ihl hi" \\'1[(0 ~II', II lld !>I r s_ en lI e r ~, B 1'1I n ~t one ro ' k nn.1 [alll ll y atCeorgo :nell, "r Uaylu ll, tiull(lny , In th "r."'I'lIttOn ~II' , and ;\11' '1, Snell tt' ndt'd Ihe J.'n lr al " 'a>lhlnl;<on C , H , to It his 1110 tll .. I t) I hclr h om In Sa t u l'lll\Y , lIlr, nnd :>'I rs , P CI'I'Y '\\' (' lI s :l nd l)u ~' lun wht"'''''' hoh., 1 no k t'1 Ul11U~ I· with th vll i. I ~I tel' III lh (O, e \- 'nl ng thy duu"lll e r, Alw_ WI" '" v ls lto'·w In ",.' 1It 10 :-i!ll'llIghOI'('I 10 ViR It I-elnllves l . huno ll, 'l'hu!'sdny. Mn., Il ntLl I' I:Ilnkl y , of Ll!hn non , (rl.' nrls, U.'njnmlll 'l'h olll IW(l n a 1111 ~ I'n n.l- wos U vIsi tor o r Mr, IL nf! :>.1 ,." , Ct'org(' :-imlth IIiA l wcele .M rs , ml l h , ~"'s, SO li , I~"" I't H!' tiC",.n, or Ca r kN\'lIh' 1I11' ~ , Geol'ge Young IIml l'lInT I!',.; V" HZI'I <>f I<'lInt, ~1I , ' hl , Hl l\ kl ... ~, a nd 1;n 11 , ('a ll t.I nl Ih nrll~' hom." HUII- Wl' I'f' ca lling o n Jl I I' ~,' J ohn E:dw ul'ds d u ,'Inil' t he w<'ck , dU l ', ;\11' , li nd Mrs , Noa h 1\I OOI'C e nt 1'-' ~Ir , a nd. Mrs , F.rn"st ~I c , rn gt1r of DHylun lirE' Illll lln ing to " pc nd a ln ln.'d a ,;roup o r ,'ela tlv e" ul th eir wel,k whh \\'allL'" '1'llJba ls II IIlI fam - hom e , S un d(\y , lIlr_ li nd MI'9, Frunk la rk a n d EIIl y, i\lr, li nd ~Irs , liver J acobA :lIlll (le n DunC ,were unday visitors of Don na H.le Silent ::lat llrdny evenlrtg fri ends Ilt Ham ilton , 111 ,'s, J ohn Edwl\l-dll received th e ', Ilh M1' , u nd M r s , 1..uwl' n c J'n obs n eWH r th d n h or h r brOlh r, and Olorla. Ann , Mr, lind h'l'rs, li n r l s Slans('II , of ' hl1.l'I(,8 A , Ward, or 1)1'ln"rt, Id , who BNlve rtown I!Il<'nt 'undny wllh Mr!:l, Lil tl Jllonday, The fu n" .. a l rltl'>! took ))111 e 'l'hul's dUy, Mrs, 'Huth She l'J am!!!; F , Gruy, Mrs_ Ln ura R ecd and Florn.mond wooll, or Ol'ego nln, a n ll'C ' ,u ltemle<1 w ere L ballon buslne>!s vis itors, Sa t - t he st'rvl ce8_ urduy qtte rnoon, Fl'u nlt Snm s wns n MondllY vi Itor Mrs. oleman J C1ekson, Mr" nnd o C his p nre nts, M.r _ a nll Jlo'lr8, J , L , :Mrs, Ralph RI h and DOl-Is J elln 'um s n 111- Bla n heH te r, Rosli spe nt Satunlay '''lth ' Mr, and 1'01 1', n nd Mrs, Fl'ank ~ a m8 we re Mrll. ThonilU! Rich n nd. fnmJly, Satlll'dny dlnn el- g UQSlS of Jl II-, unll Mr. a nd Mrs. L eigh Engle n nd Mrs , Frank Potuk, In Dayton, ~lls H Elano r tegm ol r or nca r chll"ren were callers In Spring VallI!orrow Is a g uest this week of Mr, ley, ~aturdtty nfte rnoon , WIlBon Ha,rvey Jr_ spent undny lind Mrs, Haymond MOJ'ga n In' Wellwith Mr, a nd J\lrs, E lbert Rich and m n n _ 1111'S , l:.uclndll Brackney a nd son c:hlldren ~ LIUI Dorothy J ean Rage r cele- Wa iL",- or Lebanon e nt e rl a lned Clt b ratj!d her 4th birthda y Sundny at dinn er S unda y : M!', u nd Mrs , Frunk h er home, A lovely dinner was Sums. 1111&8 Al!ce. ot B thuny, ll nd a m s, ;o~ yton , Alfr a. Alaerved and to top Ule Qvent a huge, Vernon beautifully decomtetl cake was brig ht a n" iI', ¥oon, both of Mid· dl etow n, , IIhown to porQthy J ean ,

\\~ illhlln. u n ' I'hlll'!'id" y . :-tl'ptl'lnilf 'l' 1'1, n t th"Il' 1111'111' rw :, I' Kln g lll: ll1 .


~I" '~, ~ 1 : lI ' ~' )." " ~"" " " I i1:, Ultlit ,' I', Hv :-tl1. a nd }tH I \ ~ t\' ill hll li a 'lil ;1 1'('


Beech Gr'ove oJ_ie L. Gamer Mr, and Mrs. Eldwiu'd Hnmman and duughter , Miss E leanor, of Bowersv1l!e were S unday dinner guesl.8 of Mrs_ Hnmman's parents, 1I1r, Ilnd AII-&, J, W. Edwlll'ds, W_ M, Terry was a bu~lne88 vlBl~. or In ClnclDnatl, Frldit.y. Mr. a nd Mrs, George Beckett' and Charles WJlIIam, of near Cla rksville, ''-It ors 0 r ...,, r , nn d •• .. t rs~ 8h r were '.'" man Ferris last w eek, 1I4r_ nodi Mrs_ Arthur Knight a nd flOn, of. Oregonln, were S unday vlaltors ot her paren ts, Mrl a nd Mrs_ J. D , Smith. ' -

Ml', a nd Mrs. Tlm Smith and da ughter Louise nnd. Jim Smith spent Tuesday eve nin g with t heir son Ervin Smith and fam ily. Mr , and MI'>!_ Hugh Burgelt , Mr. nM • i\Lrs, • ltOberl Hartsock a nd dl~ughtjlr WElr e S unda y' g Ul!!ltll. of, Mr.. u nd MI'S_ Frank Kf!lIlB a nd daugh t el' Ryth , Mr_ a nd :Mrs_ Imrles B la lr,-Mrs, Etta ' B lair oC Xenlu, Mr_ and Mrs, Henry Berges!! an'd ehlldre n of DILYton, Mr_ a nd Mrs_ Alered Morgl\n a nd daughte r Bnrbara. J en n, Mr, nnd 1111'S, Lewis Morgtl.n, Mr , and Mr. ArU,ur M01"gnn, 1\1\..>1_ C, H , Cl1\w10rd , M.l'_ Lewl8 Mu'l'I\lY spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs,. Frank et roop und son s nt Enl!t Danv ille, Mr. a nd MI'H_ Harold Filer a nd c hlldl'~ n at -Xe nia Mr, Morris D ill

ProfesSor F'inds ii Gas Tax ' ~~.

,B,. " ~Y L LUTZ,

PrOl__r "01 PabUc F.~ PrInceton Vrtit1erQly ~ =.: CorreIpondenc:e) ~an4 -. An IncreulDl Americanl are tak1na their mn abroad. Or rentinl them upon urtvaL SiDce the IUper1orlt)' of 1he , mofor car, tor aI, h t • ~1nI


motor 1I\leDR tax of about $3.111


uiut of ho~power, explain. why some ErualIh car. are lItU, more than perambUlaton equipped with lID en· gino.

Toprlo, informaUon 11 JlCarce, but fortunatelY the r~c1I are well marked. Plll'posea, - 11 .. Re~ aoocl blgtiwll7 mapa are lack· evident In Bu· better map. than can be bouiM In rope .. ,It baa Ini. Our oil companies Jive away far \Ieen found to EDi1and. The ~icaD drlver mfue. be 10 the United thOle ,ervlC111 which our ft1l1DI ItaS tat e.. t bl Uons glve-tlUcb,.. cleanln, the wlnd· practlce may tie shleld and chec:ldng the water. But be ezpected to 10· allo mla8e, the rudeneaa and melvll· crease. FOr the it)' of lOme of h1a own country's nat. benetit of those lic officera. The two automobile aIIO· who may be ciations have at lealt 10,000 employees cODslderin, a on the roada. These scouta do every· lor e 1 gn auto thing from directing crOl,l-road trat· to u r, the 101· lie to glvlng tint aid to the disabled lowing not e I cars of the II8IOclaUon', members. and comments The English drlve on the left aide. are offered on By simply followlnl the walJi'c 'the IDOtorlnl In England. The det.al1s 01 ad}uatment ta quickly made. Even IhIpplng a car are passed over," the after daya of left.slde ,driving, howIteamshlp companiel W 111 supply ever, the American driver illUkeq to ruch 1n!ormatlon. Suffice to say thal have lOme bad momenta when a car Ibey will carry your car to any pOrl comea at hlm round a narrow, hedleIt which you may desire to debark, hldden turn on what seema to be the The EnaJ,isb road aurfa~ nre unl- wrong aide of the road. ' forJDQr IOOd. They should "', for the England baa her road peata, .. WI 1lave been doln& more or less h ' With us, th e ~A"A'_T Ford and wUb DUlcadamlzJng their hlghways ave. -...... ever slnoe 1he Scotchman. Macadam the one·armed driver are near the dft1Ied thla method of road surfacing' top, In England the blcyclilt takeI the III the later EIghteenth Century. But ftrst, and all the other prlzea. ThQ both the rcac1l and the streets are come singly and In awarm&. Tbe,. II· qulte variable' 81 to wJd'lh. They range nore all autos and the, take aU 01 .n the way from oroad thorough. the road. If one had to choose'l ara to passages too narrow for a watching a herd of, COWl and .' Sock '..,od.1\zed wlJeel ,barrow- The Brit. of EDgUah cycUsta, he ~d chOOIe &h feludahcii to cut trees extends the cows. They are more ~ert to c!an. a1ao to the hedge-rows, and the drlver ~er, and r;nuch 1_ ~ve to hit. 'must be clairvoyant ... be sure of An Immense espencl1ture wl11 be ......t u around eaeb hedge-screened required to tranato~ the Eng11U CIOI'D.r ' highway syatlm trom the stagecoach American gasoHne is avail· to the motor era. MUcb of the-mile.,. able everywhere, and at a lixed unl- is quite as ,the staa~c:Ma left It. toaD priCle" all the way trom Lauds' but lOme 8P¥mcl1d experimantal roads . d to JOM O'Groat&. This year the may be ,seen. One Of thal!t 'runntna price 11 on.shilling and leven peDce West from YorJC. , pro~ mree~· , . ,J:ntU,ih gallon. The" tilt is , nine arated tralJic lana ~ eadI cllnctlOll peDCe Pet 1I8ll0n. ThIl '1a eQuivarent ,- for: can, f~r cycllstii and tilt pedesto • I of 3'1 cents. of which 18 triana. respecUve17, I , terms of the United Allin aU. however, It fa Impolalble f\8Ur.. work out properly to see end enjoy rural',Encenla per pIlon, and gland wlthoui • c.~: . Much ~f thlI fa cent&. Thla II one sample 80 channing, 10 thoroulhlY new- and forelgn , taxes we are to Interesting to the vlsltor,from 'Amer· "lIIIilfialtor Dot havln& although lea as to ol!aet the petty 1IDD0yancI!I ...,~_ plac:a, In ,the United he may uperlenqe ~ 'the c:Jcllita the combined federaJ. the DarO~ eonce&led turns, and, thi _."-!!..~ IUOllne \Uea are not mutton with bolled potato. ' tbal tile 8DIl1Ib'!.9.L The • .,;alta the hunP7 traveler.t ' " _ _ IU'*- trUIa ID aDDUa1 at ucb naa.



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andpurity, mellnlng "n Illy," the 'of Is not n cessll rllysymbol a dlmin\Jl! ','.' of Lillian, a lthough It hal the sume m ~n n i nll , It is, orton given as ,m inclC'pendont nnm c_ In norlgrnphy th e Illy u e th o va lley means "perfe ct purity," Ihe' white lily, "purity anc! sw'c lness." and the ye llo\V Illy "ga yety nnd COQuelry ," Lila mny be a form nf Lily bul is m ol" proba bly f rom th e P~r· sin n, mennln g "the lilac_" The pur. pI lil ac in f1 0riArnphy menns "Cas· ti ( li o ll ~ n S5 " nnd til wh ile , "youth· (ul innoc(,l1cc"·





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and so n Rolu nd o C L ebllno n w ,-e vlsl tol's of MI', nnrl "Irs, lI a rold Kellis, S unday unc I'noon, 1111', u nd 1111'S, Ell-nest E,, ;'nh nrt and family , Mr, rm d 11'11''1, J( esln,:(t'I' wero Day ton Vl81tOl'9 Sunduy af l ' I'nOO I1 _ lItrs, I{esl nger rernnln d for a r.. w day's viall. Mr's_ Ruth Smith n nel (l;l \lg lll !- Cit Rcd Lion we re s uppel' s ueHt!! of MI'_ a nd Mr8 _ E lv is Mlohool u nd dau ghter rind Mr_ H el'tlel't Ma rlnl II1Id 80n Edmon, S uno uy, M r_ li nd Mrs _ Kenn lh ]~a n l' or Lebanon visited with 'JIll-, Horold Kellis u nd f a mily e vening, Mr_ Il nd Mrs, 1I101TIs Jl ln rlatl and chlldr n oC N e w Burllr~-: ton wei' suppcr g uests W dn ....lay oC Jl l r_ a nll Airs. Ervin Smith und duu g htcl- ,.ru ,dUll Ann. • '. Mrl!, Rola nd W eavel' an d son Jloh'M, E lvl3 lI11ch III and Mrs, En rl MltrIlltt were prlngtleld vlslto!-a T h ul'sdu.y afte rnoon , Miss Clal'U Daught rs s pen t ' un , dllY with lIlrs, 1I100re of S I)rln l,; VO Iley. and, MM. B ill Tate S)I nl S 4nday with lIfr, a nd MI-s_ l' te Flu nyon ,


I ' Y{I llin g' :I t

nnd RUlh Bu nnf' n , Mr. ' (lnd MI'S, SylvC'slcr Nnl'tlter enterlalned th e "Senior Live WIl'es" Tbursduy evening, The tJlJ cu Mot,h l'S Club he ld th ei r first m eeting Friday aUel'noon a t at th e sehool building, ~r, a nd MI-S, Earl' Belvlll<il cnte l'tnlned , JIlr, a nd Mrs_ Bud YOtlnll", ,Th,ursduy ev nl1'J8 a t G o'cloelt ellnn_er In hon or of Mrs, "';:'unr:-'s bh'th day, ' MI', and Mrs , L '!lii'a. O()r~ u e h Iln'd do;ught er Millie entel'tn Ined rl'lcnll", trom 1111nol8 lust w ei" Mr, a nd MrH, .Bert, Bunnell ' 'Jlft.. Ilnd MI'8. Oma L- Bald.i-ey nnd dnugfltor, 'Phyllhl: Mr, a nd UI'!\_ Harley Thoma~ s pent Suntlay wlth'Mr, nml Mrs, 0_ 'P, Lyle o C I-lillsuol'o_ , Rev, E , C, 1" try, q1l r new m)nl/!t qr, ' gave hls~ C1P1t sormon n.t UtJca. SUDda¥ mornln&'.

t . ': \ltI

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50c Lntl ies Plain DrCS8CS

\ ' I ' ·f1 lla .


Quick Cleaners Ku thrY'n Mend enhall, Mg r


:\I" l't YOUI- l<' I'le n,ls At.


J. B. Chapman

D l'iv I'!:! LlccnKcB UI'e o n sn le a t :\\1'8, H, E , 'j la th u wny, oe ' Vayn Dorothy L, Hook'S Deputy n egls- v ill e, W N-e Sunllll Y dln" .. .- g uest" or t!'nt ' offlc , Ml', a nd l l'I!, H a r vey Bum t. l\lills 1\[1l1'1 -'001, or \ s pont 'ruesd(\y In Lytle_ 1\\I'!I. Aile la l'k, \\'01 d lnnelg' u s t, TU I!HcillY , li t t he hom f Mr _ un ci MI'''_ Mll t"n Sh 'oh Hn ut e nl e ,'L IlIIi 9 oC i ii i\[oUll'rfl qlu!) from YIlI." In COm l llln~' wllh MI', I1 n~ 1\'II'~ , her,' Il('lp d en n vegeUl!)lel' nt tho . hellhcns n ml JI ll', Hml Ml'~ , P t(1l',:;-md e building a t ' Vny n ",,, III so n of Intllan n_ W pf!n esdoy_ :\Ir, ,VIIII:1 m C. P en ' of iilll"i ng-


'rh e new I It lor o f Lytle church , v_ H II I1I1. J, Snl'a l' of olum buII, pl'ellched her e Sun elay m Ol'nlng" he was a ccompa nied by " her husbun(l , Mrs, Stnn! y n a n ny n nd 1\11'9 , J , B , Jon es WCI-e D ay ton vis itors, F'1'iday, Mrs, Jarnell Juhns Is 111 lI,t thls Limo wilh pne unlo nln_ ' MI-S\- Ada henowuth of Ce nte l'ville Is vis iting MI-S, Jlle tll no"el''', o[l'S_ All Cla rl< Cll t rlnlne<1 to !l Inn ron , u ttlt-cla,y of Itls t we It, lIft-_ li nd M ,-!!, L() l'o~' ~' I ,, ~o n u nd l hl' 0 (l h lldr n of Cll'ILl I"n lla. 1\'1'0 11 tl\ nil , _\11', n nel lIlt'fI , L et laso n of d uso n, li nd M r s, S , H , B ur n Lt , .l)'I"U1k M , ~I ade Tol\1do If! s)lo nl\ i n g I~ couple (if we 11:< with his nl<,co :\II's , W"l ta l- T(Cllrlek n nd famil y, MI-, !In(.1 Mn l, 'h ' rl e Jon e" nnd ~fJ ll atte nded !L HU lrprlse blrlh(i'uy lll nner rOl- t he III Il '~' s- fll lh(lI". ,E(!,wln I , N Ull, nea !' Cenl ' vill(" IS unrlay, ' 111" " LI. ul'n FloHnil g h' o f Cln 'Inn nti Rllcn t th we 1( '~lO d wtth 1o-l l', a nd

ANNOUNCE ~IAnRIAOE OF DAUOTIIER Mr, and Mrs, Bert Bunnoll of U tica a nnounee lhe mlll'L'lage or the ir dll ug ht e r DQTnt hn to Vaug hn Mullen of S llrlngboro, 'I'be w addin g w as , solemnl? 0 l'ucs(lo.y nfle l'Ooon , Septembe r 13, Il t the (Ja rson nga ,or R v, IInt1 1\11'S, l>_ GI n 'J) Ii of Dayton , 'J'he bride \\,1\" 1 ( 1':f'I~- in II gow n of tulll o hlu c ' 1')'1 , I'll , h i ned nt or Ihe no Idlnc w llil " ('Ol'~n;:" or gll r (len Ins n nd 11111 IS of th e \'nJI €\y WiU, whic h s ll!! W I' mt.tcll lnl{ HC ('~n l'I C il , Frer ntt('n(llIn t, Mr", J e:HI NUI'LI((l r , W IUI "1'C6R('(1 In na " ,v Ilu (, I'epo. 'I.'hoso ulI and!n" th ,.. wed IIn ,:;- we re Mr ,a nel MI-~, Bert B unnf' II , i\It,,., B a l'l Mulle n, All', li nd Jlft'iI, Syl\' sl e l' Na rtit el' a nd R <! v, :lnt! 0' De ll , Following th e ce r<'mony th o wcrl- ~iI'H , l-Irll'old Wh ll,,}ke r lind chlldre n_ Everett Elll'ly h:l 'l nn e xhib it ut ding party m ot o!'('d to th home o r lhe bl:lllc'>! pal' nls rOl- n' 5 o'clocl< th e L eb" non ],'nlr' this week_ Mrs, Fred Rush a nel chilt11'e n, Ma r reception dinn er, til June, and J erry, 's pent the weekFollowing a ahort Wl.'(Idln g tl'lpe nd with h er Illa,t er n nd fu mll y ILt the co uplo will 1,1 e Ilt hom ,' to their mn ny fl'le nuti In SJ)l'ln,:;-u!JI'o , Ak l'on , Severn l or th o Mot her s lub u.nd Mr, nnd Mrs, Va ughn Mull!!n ap nt Sunc1ny w ith ;o.nss Oenev ieve Ole ll' f a milies nttomled the r ccpllon


50c Mt" n 's lI nts le an cc\ li nd Blocked

model Frigidaires which incorporato every WOl'th· I,', A, 11' 111 1",1.1 while featur e known to the refrigeration business, includ ing Frigidaire's p>ltented s ile nt m eter-miser, tl\,' I1- o l')!'Hn l ~",J,1Il 11\('.' 1111):, '1'i1l/n.a nd the doublereusy ice cube ralease. Engineers Bay li llY ( ''' I' Uill ,!.: ZI L til • ~ 11\101 huihlfll j.: . they designed this 'model so that it w:ould save sev· eral times what it costs. No Horses In Bm' nco , --Th e re a re no horses in DomeD and ve ry few cat llc and carabaos Fl'llluy e \' c nl ng, _\II's, J uli n ~llIInlt" 'n ". n of Uay lon (watc r bu fTal ocs ), 'l'h e ca ltle a r e imported (rom J avu fo r m illl arid W illi tak n Qui t III la,, \ w c l, willi" bee f and the cnrnbnos [or work in ~II'H, ClIl'oll n }jlll'nelt 11M. re- \'Isiling Ill'r ~ 1 ;<l(~I-, :\II' ~, ,1. U , ,h lnt'll truck p a tches, G a me, too, is s ca rce IlIl'li NI h .Jm e nnE' I' "I) 'mJ.ln g s \' 1111 n nd W IIS r emoYt'(L to het' h om e, -outsi de of crocod iles and m OIlkeys_ \\' p(>ks \\'Jill her ::"-,n S: UIIU £» ur ( 't.on· Thursday, ----~ I 1'\'111 , Ohio, :\1 ..,,_ I'; e~lt ' l- l ra ill tln ,-Isllt,d h 'l' Mr, II nrl'y Helll('l' hns 11lll'ehasI'd mO lh I' :\'II's, C : ,,-_ Alhl' l ' ht , who the SI)iLiOl' )i'il l'm ell:lt of [Jollhl'l.Iolc ha ~ bf'e n .\' L'!'y ill a l h e r hUJnC' ll t 1\11', K nnelh J11 0(\80 n renm ln!! In ["{'kin,s v 1'11 1 limes last w k, It (,1-llICl'1. o ndltlo,.. al the ;o.'fIllInl ValPa ul J ol'lIs !-cl'ol\'ed se ond }lw .u'(l REAL ESTATE Ic' ~' Hospital. Dayton, Oh io.. In .iI-a wln g In th e )(lllbil (Jf ' nl ('!', NOTARY PUBLIC The JI) eI'Chn nls' 1\III"le will bo held vIII sd '901 lit lh Day tun ]0'1111', JlJ ond ay ('v nlng, 'I' ll feature Is ~lI s!l " tl-n ll o l'inno F'u1'llfl!:l I~ _ .. ' III,s a nd Sn,lcll e",," turned to P(:, l1!1!;y IVU ll ilL til' til-~t oC The P _ T , A, will hold th II' fi rs t th ' w ok to l' s um e he l' " wdles - a t me lin g: R('ptl'm ber 22 ti t a fl rll" "hoo t. 2 n' cloc k In th high" h oul u uelltor D r _ anll Ml's, El'ne"l ROli n"gl fi nd lum, fo mll y of Lontloll, Ohl.)" li nd D r, Cl nd




I h, ' Nf' \" ' llllt 11 1111 l 'i gl11h

h :I\' l n g dlr~l lll ' I ' iu .

pl a.\' Lit " ~t'\\

In 1931lmany p eople will be imitating their f riend.el and neighbdre by going 41 for one of the new d eve1·, opments of the Frigidaire laboratories at Dayton. which this year reaches a sensationa lly new low figure ~D operating costs. Above is one of the new'

Clea n Up At The." Pric". M 1\' 5 11 )l C_ S ui ts I a n u and PrcS-'ic d

bol'O !!pe nt Tuesday wJlII Mr, lII~d ,\II'S. \ Va lt ' r K cn l'1 'II, .lnmcs lI il In",! lind III 11- gucst , Mr, 'Ind , :'III's_ Bello Scolt, 1I1I'I!, nuth lI lol'glln n nd son , !:lobby, :\'11:- Ev I'ell Eli I'll', MI'_ ,wll l\I l'S, L owall Thomo.q 11 11<'1 dll ug htil l', Betty of L~-t h ', a nrl :'If'r, a nd ~ Irfl, pllul "W II 11nm ll, of L <'bn non hlll~ d inner :It l he Clollen Lamb H ot I In L oba non, Sunday , In hon,' of ~ II 'S , Sr.t1U'H 75th 11iI'1I"]HY, !II !-, n nd lII I' 'R, J{,lI'vcy B urn ett, '1II rgllrl1t .To hn ~, allli Mr, • " nil l\r.',.;, \ VnH. I' K n rl cll IIt1 c nrl'tt th c m'eetl ng o[ th t' "'I/m!l n' ~ Hf!j1 l1 hll ca ll Cl ub Ilt Onl.l n Luml hull'l In L Ob: 1Il 0 1l , FI'hlll;11 1'11' 1'1100 11 , w hen )1,)1\ , ])(',I n St;\lllC'~' ,\" IIl'c red tL \\'onde rfu l ncl llrCf!s o n lli(' on stltutlon ,


At A U JlIIUrs WI"'E~,

r.UI UOnS J\ N U G% IIEl!:I&

;0..[ ulbcl'l'Y 8t l''' 'l

L bll llun ,


F. ·r. "Martin Auctioneer

SATISFACTION ~Ob'r FOR ANI) CON:HCN rour Cattle, hOill. sheep and calva to Norria-JJrock Cv., live wire aDd progressive tinn f?r the highest mat-ket pricea and good service. Uaioa Stoek Vard.' Clneia_ti, 0, Tune in on Radio Station WCKY 12.:215 to 12 :30 p. m. for our dail, market TenON_ '

Or No Charge Centerville,Ohio'Phone 78J

WHY WAIT? Rave you r F urmice clea ned a nd r e pa ired now , Al so a comp lete line of New Furn ac e . Guttering a nd Conductor work. All kinds of roofs l'epaired and paint d. Also a be tos shingle siding for old houses Prices Reasonable Eatimatea Free

J.Electrician P. Larrick and Plumber Phone S8R2


W &lYne.ville

".u;~E IS A 'fou,,", LII,OV IN NILES,



To Settle an Estate 90 Acres $4500





60 acres tl1l!lblc. bulall(' In woods ' allIl blue 1:1'11'18, rUllnln;; spri ng water. good 8 room 'ra llle hUlIRe, bank barn, Ilollllry house 16 x 70, garngt', worn1 house, Ii lien'S ai, fulfil, '('IleCl! 'al~.


c~o;r~t~h~a~n~o~w;,~'I:;CI~\:~ ~o~r~s~a~t~t~h~e~g~l~'m;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

When In W aynesvill~ Shop at Stor~

Baird' 5 Se & IOe N. Main St. . ,

- - -"




Wayneavi1le ......,

r.-.~_ r _

'H-e oller a

satisFactory Service \, ., at all times "



M:~Clure , ,... Pbo.e ' , :


Funeral Home . ' .


,W,pe..We .

REL~xt When you're "Il!!r'VOU8 they tllll you to relax. ,

EasY advice to give. but. inighty 'hard to follOw•

You will fbtd it' much e~ler to rel8x-to ' 0 _ come SI~JlletSlless. Nervous IrdtaJjIU~I_ Beetlessness, Nervous Heada. after you' ~e .

NEDiiViNE nerve

DIt MILES NERVINE is a well known ' sedlltive. Althouib the fonnuls from whltlilt was made has been ~ WM;I :for nearli 6O , y~ ' no better medicine for a tense, 'over-wro~t ' n ervolll condtllon hu ever been pre8l!ribldl -,. D~ MILEs NERVINE 11 as up-to-diIte ' aa this moriiJ.6i!. ,_, '


- -

_E _. _


----- - ..


. ~_. _ .





Sportsmen Corner ' By H rry EldrHhre. Jr.

----- - ----l:x p1:l n· <I l' l'SO II , who IR gp ltln ~ !'; tn.lO ~, ... p. ml'OtH [l Io n):;, CI£'1I1' ,'(',' k H') tll p im , IlI'uVpnll.'nt WIlI'l, cn n \)Q d o n e, t. il iM 1 I 't ' " n ' t 1.11 :" I H.·W~ P: IJ H' l· M I I )1'IN~ c olumn 111<1 nul me ntio n t h, ' projec t l'~ l, ·a :~4.·'l lil Ht \\'''~ ' I( f l"llfll 11111 (, lIu'i n . I""l w('(:ok . MI'. Anti l','"" n t' x pl"lned IIl1tl N . y , A. 1'01'" : tI , (I lit tllt'i l"''''' I hn t llwl'e ('o ul,1 bco no wul'i, tlun .. " nd li ll',':"" iIll Jl I'I ' \''' " 1l'lI t (I II ( '1 " :11' unlll th · In nd ownp"R IlUeI ~ I v "n ('on ·


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~('I n l. J\t lhltt writing a ho ut Imlr t h e

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" trc a m IH und " I' "''' H(, lIl l' nl, li nd 1111',

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thankfu l


'\'n rre l1

, 'ull llty n .. hc l'll1c n 's 11(' n ijl! mon"y 101 h l' lu g- Npl' nt ~ IIIl ('

In " ' arre n Co un t y by

(Or" Ih il l II " , ;-.:,, 11,,",11 ,"" Ul h ,\ ,llIil lI '


hHt 'nt ltl ll IH happy Ii) et,u lll ' ralt· '\\lth

lllf' S Ptll'l S lll l:' n ' a .lt) tHud UWIt C I'S,



bo th rIJ I' th e b ne ftt o f

Pl'u jl't' t ~.

11.'8 a fight to th e rlul s h w h " u ell/u les Blckfordl and Wayne Morris clash ove r t e n thou BUnd acres or'lImberland and II glllm- • orOllS woman , Cla ire Tre vur In Waru er Dr08,' T echillcolor p l'oductlon, "Vu lloy of tho Giants" which will open Sunda,y September 25, Ilt th o X onlll theale r ill Xe nia 101 a three day en gagement, :\-l os t of th e a c Uon of "Th e V:l lley of tbe Giants" takes place outdoo t's and nil of th ese outtloor SC{jn e8 were !limed In th e h ea rt of tit \! I'c dw ood country, w ith the lt that the plctllre Is not onl y n il uxc itin g 1,lcce of drama but a lso one of th e most heau· tlful and olle oC, the m os t imprcssi ve lll'odllctiona eve r filmed.


• ••

" "I',II"lIy, HI..:-, II. :101 . ('OY :-I F: ,'. Y. ,\ , (" 'I' IIf)' h l!; (Hrk(' I''''


sa )' ~

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And l' r Nun

IIIl' ( ,hi" p i a l"" g- Il at'(' Iwa 1'1 Ill' , In fa VOl' 10'1\ IJI\ 1"1t, ,, 111,, 1 lIH' Im 'II I ul' til t' IlI'u jec t lhlll wilt In e ll.lrl e "

\\'. ' 111 111, '1·"" ",,1

unln y IIml Su nday, Oc tobe r a nti ~ I1I'C lit e da ll' M !let fo,' lit e 1111· IIm l \ '" II"y HI«'et l'luh (0 h uld 11 8 11111'11 " 11I1l1111 :-lu ulh\\'CH lCrn O hl(l 'I'h l ~ II Ultllll t'l' li lt' l'I ~ h II nri 1I',IIl f ' I' l"III 'Hllm l' nl al th"h' luu /; I'f)tlnd ~ ""11 01 '1'\,/lliun ('''IIIIIllIl ,'' ' "r lh t' \\'11 " . r"tli ' mll l'!l su ulh uf DUY lon jUHl o ff 1','11 L'.,tlIllY H""I'I:-<lII " II 'R ~ l'tl l1P lIuli Ih l' Di x it' hlg hll'ay, A 'om p ld e t\\'(J IJt-t 'lI wurh:J u g \\ il h till ' !-oi l :.! It! lO \\ 11 1' <1 ,Ill)' Prflgl':l lll will Rlu l'l III 9 :00 a , 111 , TIll"' l'irll'inllllil H ('Lls, h llti tlin g f:t h'~ a l'(' sc h eduleLl ' l hcI'C', lS l:lI'l lng tW \' (' I'u l Inul' l.! Jh,' p d, ' d )fl' nJL'{' l s ill thi s ro n Blt llll'tl ltY . l h ~ I ~ :t ~l In lhe ll' fln ll l ru:"l on S III m ltcl" 27 , t l1roul!lI 'CI !Jn ly , lin" lOr till'S" I~ till' " I""t t!ulI Bill :'l c h: cc hni e'R lI' a lT lo l'~ will 1'1" "I' :1 l,oI<p Lu th f'II' t'l'(' I'\'ullu tt lillr. Thru lI g-h lh e CO UI'I .a y o f lh e Ohio trip , 1"'I11,tln In 1.11 (' lhlt'k of lit!' HI' ,. t IIl'n l u l "'osley Fie ld n n St' pI () n IL~ !' ) h ' :"'H u nd, t il l 'lI IS( 1 L1H~ "US1 Inwl' l 'ing '"n ,spr"\" lI tlon UulJo lin _ , v e J.: l\'e 811\\' h H ."I ~ rllt' tht· N at hH~1I 1 L t' ilg'lIC 30 fur a ,luu!Jle· h " d C' I' willi lh e I'l l" W:lll' " [I, lo lc, II', K t III'C' II:<, ('1110 ,( En. YI) U JJfln r.hU'(IUhl' 8UmmUr}' of fI~h · lI<> nnll nt. :ltt.'H, ~Jn g "'lo g'U 01 C8 o n Oll1u l w l' 1 n od J.:'ltl '('I' "I' Lilt , ('ltl .. ~ " " I IlUI' Vlltl,, " DI· t'n"' n ' I I I I II ' .' " . T h ,' It~(K UlVl' a ro 'my ",un " ' 1\' ~ wil l c lose l it e 19:I H 1:11 1111)11 lI; n . lL \ ' h·;jllll, h ltH JlHldl) s e n ' n ll ti urv ey "C J\ N Y OU TAJ(E rr, l\1EN? s nHo n' H ~erl(l!-\ with t l w ' r a ll lltH. Thfl J!;\ entil"ly I loBstble til t t h e nul. 1I'lps <1U\\' 1I h " I'(', II IHI It III lu Ill' hOIJl'ci I d I I I I III A 1"lliltln g B n (' UM on ,en!. 1'(' y Bur· n l1::l wi ll ~h lfl to l'ill :;IHII'g-h 1"I'i· om of lit Ile lln tlnt c:h lu; c w "I e' -that Ctlll ll (' I'II l iul~ of lll~ 1:0111 1 0\\'111' 1'8 lIay (or n nolh I' Lhree' J.:':'II11 C ~c l'i '8 p~tld up on th eHC Cina l g-Il rrl ' R In II. l'tIun<il:d lIy Iltll'f! In old clothcs, l'u n UP o l'lal n tl, "" InU t'1i rill' th h' FI!iherm e ll u re ' call ed ' Nlml'ods. Wllh th e I'lral(,R, 'PI 'l'I'ay no r '" /'luI> Innnt !. 0\\, 11 iJt' 1l fll 1111 th e .. nllr!) cu unty. " Nim" 19 from lh e laUn mean ing h:t>; b e n leu dln!; th e ".' a ~ \l l' s ln,'(' This ,«!aROn 'S rnce h "" hel' n one 'I' he " >!!luciall" n hilS II Iso u"(On "!lumb" u nd "r od" Is (1'001 the So ns · Jul y nnd pl'ontl~ !I to hI' in a lt o)" UI" of lh ' mOHt bitterly eontl's lNI In lh \\' OI'(ill): u n !L ,('I'I 'H u( " tl'CI1 I11 Itn· e l'll , meaning- "ull we t." m oud 10 d efe nd. lit ' ir flrRL· pla 'e l11 a r · hl" lul'}, of lhe Nntlon n l L pag-uf'. l L 1>1''' \' 'nw ill pl'IIjec t" wllh INt i· I'l'ck nit Wu or Ushl ng Is lh e slime fiS g in. i6 1l08slLI lit ' n lO~ l n ('(11'.1. Th .. l r a m I .. CuSl uris l,1lI d Inllor n nd Is r elntlve ly of Following It n ,ofr·uo y on .. pI m· l,'um 11'111 ha ve l(Oss limn nln ely fillin g uII ,'uuHII,g a ): I't'a l tlNl l nil Importunce . It III t o tres h wo l e r be l' 26 , lh RN] S w1ll go 10 :'i t. LLOu l ~ ,t o l'l s to it s or ed,il, !!h owln g ho\\' s ' · ul' , (lItIllUS" III hl g-h 11'11 11'1', 10wC' l'ln,::fl tl hlng what oh l ke n atealin g Is to fOI' th e ir final I'oad ga m t! \'col'(\ the COllllltl Llt,ion I,. In l h .. ><(, l1lul· lh w,tI.ll· l a ul c or IrtlHJ IlIUII g- lh e QUllll hunllng, and III Indulgcd In o n · y ar. Thl'cc ga mes , o il s lng l iI' t! ui\. UO ItI'l!C, flnel l'UIIlIlI/; ;l fin.} I'lslling IY' by u ng l rs wlOI. the mild e r (o l'm IIll't'Il nl , \V h l' 1I ll w ':(01 ' ~ I'vIl lIo n De· of insanity. X e nia, hit', a nd Mr". Hnlph Aloxan· fi e ld cu ll cd on Mrs. N li e P llr!lO ~, IUII'IIII ' Ilt [1I·" UlIl-:l,t1 10 USl' :-t , y , A. F'or lhe 1'001 v iolent cas 8 fl'csh del', Ml's. MII!'Y K y n c, 1I1"be l Moon . ~u nil uy, ),o)'s (01' a t,' u ,n 1I I1 II1'OV (,111 ' n t wOl'k nn] Kalh rlne AI x a nd r. III lIll" " Ol1 lll y, II Wu,. f ll'''t lhou,::- hl wale I' flithl n g Is ulone designed, :\11''', Llda Vl lln rs visite d n co ul,l e \ Vh n ~ fisherma n II ta so crnEY n"" C'"sll ry 10 SN u j, til jJrojec t o n 'l'h e we ddIn g o f Enl' l ~o p~ yo nd uf dl1YII wllh r elntlv s In Vri rlo ll , I, at 'rul'll c ' I" 'k h"":l us" lltl' ' N . Y. A , he will be lieve unythlng , h e becomes Miss l l'p lll' nso n In J Cl'on1l', Ohio, on W 1<. lud,,'« lIlen ns or I 1':l n HpoI'll1tlo n , a f)'cah wnt r e nthu s lust a nd gO(-S Frldoy v c nlng wu s utt nil cd by th e :'1 ..". 1I1!1ry lIrc lllu nu s of DtI~' lO n ,'lIi Q 'l'ul'lle 'I' 'e k Is >< 0 hl/: hly pol. utler troLlt, buss. pike, pickerel, and foll owin g frum lien ': his m Olhc l' l\11'!<. VIAltcd h c r s lll l l' MI'I:I, }~l'IInk J" yn e LI ((0<1 , n nd tha nk s tu t h I' ' ounty om illusions, Th Bult w ater n n g le r al· V I'n 'ollsey , :?o11'S, \ \,11111101 'op s r, th e firs t ur the lI' t!c lc ml Hs lol1 CI't! wit.. w ill e op I'u l e In ways gives a. flllh credit Cor having WlIliu m 'cHl'ff, Ell e n Knuop , U oh · lIll'S, "u l'1'l B I'nLrt , B rislol. P nn" "' U"I'l y ln~ 1)11 111 1l'Il Il RI)Orl n tion a nd II. UtUe common s e nse u n d Inv a rla · rt Coo k , a ml Hulh Ann ll Klllg, wus tl wee k· nd /:u s l ot lilt'. Ulltl H'l m I'qll lpill nl, (: IPII I' ·n w k · wns bly balts u. hook with something Il 1111'. u nd Mt' R, H .-m Ul n E\' u ns 01' II1 I'S, H , ''', Blld,;ley', I.<L' I 'I ' (I, fO l' ImpI·O\'('IIWnl. 'I'hls Is lhe W:lh 'fi n nt, Dr. und, lI ll's . A us l.ln, ur l.'o ilunbLls 'o lumbLlR \\. I'e ca ll ed. 11 ," th e 11Ul:lt "'he fres hwllter f ts h6rmn n how . fil'tit pro ject lIl l' !=; tlllc ha" fle t up we~ k by lh e Illness or hi s m lhc l·, WCI'U Sun~ln y ca ll rl:! of Mabel MoOn. In OUI· ('o llnty uHlng- I It rlshe l'ma n'" e v 1', b E'1i ve :=t l h nt tlsh 111'0 ns foolish :?Oil's, 10' '11(' Evall ~. The (umlly of Illylon ' oil 1'9 gllve 11 " f II so IllOllt'y ' Il ",n nt 'fll \' I'''one CIs Primo MInisters, congenital Idiots D I -' a tll nn e l' ')n S und ay in h onor of hi s ~ ' ' ', Mr. a nd 1\11'''. I, ll WI' nee av san" ' . ' CO IlC<>rn l'IL n nd. IleOl1le wlto put vi negar nnd SUo !nmil y , his 11101 h .. , l\lr:<. D ell 0",,18 hll'lh"uy. Am on.!; tho"c pr es III w ere g-at' o n lettuce sala d, ~t r nre Inler· Luln So llers of Da yt on, n lld a ,<ls lc l' At lit rcq ues l ur 1\11': H , E, An , '\'/lls hilI dJ UbI bait b or ::iprlngfll'ld VIRllcd :?ol r", Plo l'n 'It' use ges e , ut or Troy, ?ol,·. Rnd !Ill'S, fio y St Ono. B ue kl(' , o n Sun<lIlY. :III'S. B uc kleR his g r ea t dcUg ht 'Is t. row aro und a lJUI'III' I' and c hlld l' n, Mr, 1I liT), Couk luk with II. a ultClllle f ull of funny I'ClUl'IlCcJ h m e with tit m (01' II twO n ntl s on nobe l·1. w "c lc'R vIs it. Friday Annetl~ Boy ('e of J).,)' lOn i" s pe nt1 . ' MI', n llll lIf l'!!, J ames L a Ul'en H II ml look ing obj eta known as "plugs," "81)lnn e r8," "wIU'blers," a n_d "flies," C'hll dl'e n c nle rta ln d at dInner' o n "Plu gs look somelhlng like c uc um. In g this w~(' lc wit h 111'1' g rnndj1:1I'cnls S unelay, lit ' Elal11 s is te rs , EmOl n -SCREENbet·s, bllntlnns, dRrnlng needles, llU1 MI' . and 1111'8. C . V . Rims. B., I "b lll· ~', li nd :?ol nt'gl) r I B, Sp l'l hr, "'THE LADV OBJECTS" M I', onel l\II'fI. J , T , W"llo n vl:;it cd pl Clc lNJ nnd cnrr ots wit h a. slll'lng Gloria Stuart :?oI l', nntl :'II'S, Er vin P..e vel! n n<1 Ite l' bl'ulh col' MI'. Let:) P pl Cl'sn n a nll RD •• ru s h, After Il "plug" Is 8hn»~ and tlaug-ht ,1' o f J ay ton vI. iled o n ,~n t · colored, a tew hooks n nd I:!ptlngles (llmlly n II I' • llll 1' \ ' II 1(' , ,'lInelny, \11'(10 )' nig ht n nd un lln ), with ' h el' MI'. o lld ;\11'!I, .I'n n vllle B onson n1'0 added to It. It Is lhen thrown 111\1' nts , 'III" o nd lIt:rs. E, A, lin t't · n.nd fnmlly vl>tllNI In \V!l ~ hln glon U, to the fIs h In lite beller lhat t h ey SOck , hu ve on In8ll11nble uP lleU te tor orna. l-J': o n Frl('!(ly nl f\' ht. Mr, a n d 1\11'11, 1'1 S,t ll bbs !l nrl m e ntn llon luk e n off 01110 unlfOl:ms of Length or B~irleyeorn olllldre n of M Iddl£'lowil w e re !'iun · Nnpol cn n's guo rclll, \ Th e length of a bllrleycOfn is one, day guC's\1l of 1\1 rs. .'" I'll h OIlI)(1 I' n , "Spinn er,," a r c assorted pleccs or third inCh , Thc m e:lsurc was origl, MI', \lnd 1\11'1<, Will Trolll of ;,;prln g tin whh h ooks fore a nd aft, The mnn nally the leng th of a g r ai n or barley. w ho Inv e nted t hem hud an Idea thllt nllh Il l e earrings Jor breakfast, Iile n . t lfieatlon dIsks for lunch , n nd su ". pende r b ucl<ltJ~ fo,· dinne r. A very excellcn t bass "spinner' Is mndo by tnking a n ,·eman's sh ie ld. dying It red, t ying It to a pa ll' of hoy' s ,'oller' akutes , ultnchl ng It to a mouse tra p a nd drugging IB through tlt e w o te r at Il speed, not exceeding tw e nty miles an h our, Th e S'j'neral effect of these " pluS's" and' " lIp hine l's" ~Jlon the tlsh Is the Sllme Ilt! that produced whe n you drog 1\ t·cd, white aad blue btmdan. nil In front of II. horse a nd try to mak e him think It's un oat, .0 1' d rag ,II. s et of fn lse whlskel's 'In front of a n emaciated kitte n In the conv·le. n ll Slake It Millions of users feel that they get quic)ter, mtlre pleasant, more 'effective relief from ALKA-~ELTZER ~~ from old-fa$hioned' unpalatable preparations, That s why B eelluse Septe~nbel' 25 lll lls on, SELTZER is more in demand than alml,O st any Sunday, ' 8q ull'l'~ 1 hunllng season\vlll other singl, item in the average drug store. .. open· next MondllY, September 26, We recommend ALKA-SELTZER for the reliE!f of :-;111

It's the ycarOs style s~nsation among low price cars! Glamorous new distinction in styling ••• sumptuous new I,,:wry throughout. Envious eyes will follow this big, new Plymouth wherever you drive it.

Redlegs Still Have Change To Cop Pennant

Come in today and drive a new 1939 " Roadkins" or De Luxe Plymouth. Discover the thtill in its new Hig h.Torque Engine performance •• • in * Perfccted R emote Control Shifting and new AU·Silent Auto-Mesh Transmission. Never before in a low-priced car have you had a ride to equa l the new ride of this great n ew Plymouth, It h as n ew Amola Steel Coil Springs • • • improved . Airplane Type Sh ock 'Absorbers ••• new True·Stea dy Steering ••• the most bril· Ha nt ride engineering in any low priced car! And with itS marvelous new engineering advancements, Plymouth for 1939 has all the better "l1tue featUres th n t have made it famous -for record economy with fuU power •.••• that c3use owners to declare. "1,°5 the Car That Stands Up Best!" ·SIIUIUrtl ~qulpmnl ,. 19J? D. u". _1. 16.


Mason Super Service Cbryiler aDd Plymoutb Cliff Bunnell

Mason, O.

Phone 80


"Bank Night"

• Grandma IIwa)'l was a keen lboppe.r ~d quick to "snap up" a bargain •••.but you'll recognize these , BAIlGAlN OFFERS without her years of 'expenence ••• you tave real money ~ •• you 8et a swell selection of magazines and a full year of our newspaper. Tba(s what we call ••, break" for you readers ••• no wonder grandma says-"YOU'VE GOT S~METIllNG THERE!"


DHome Frleod _ _ _ _ I yr, DHoma Mm NeedJecralL_ l yr, or,eshotD World 1 yr. OMother', Home Llre___ .l yr. Op.thfioder (WkI,.,) _ 2~ issues DRhode Island Red-]ourM.L 1 7r, OPlymouth Rode M ontW,. _ I p . OSuc~ Fannlnl _ _ 1 n, OWoman'. World 1 yr.


FULL YEAR AND 4 MAGAZINES '--,---iiROUP B -Se/ect 2 - -

DAmedcao Do,

8 moe.

bMtCall'. Me..d.... 1 yr, ~ HeraI< 1 -6moL

DfaIft,' Mepz:ine_ - 6 m~ DPathbder (Weekly) _' _ 1 7r, OPlaorlal Jteylew _ _ _ 1 yr. , ORomandc Magazi_t yr. DSih·er Sacen J yr. OScieal Book 1 yr, OTnae Confeulolll _ _ _ 1 yr, O()pea Road (Boy.) _ 16 mos. OWom,a" World _ _ _ .2 yno OBeitV Homes a Gardms._ l yr, dHollle Am NeedJeci-aft _ .2;'no



.SPRING VALLEY M r. ~nd Mrs, John O'Donnell' of C!evelaf1d, ore spending theIr vaca. tion wlt~ , Mr, and Mrs, Frl!onk K)'1re. Mildred Turner resigned her »081tlon ~th Mr, Bloell a nd Ed.nn. Steele will t ake. 'h e r pla.ce, Mr, and Mrs: Loren ~rug (lIld son, ot Darton, spent Saturday ~~t, anJ! with his parente, Mr. and Mrs, Ray Krug:'--- .

Polltmalter 'IamB)' hact

william U



ancl' ~, Robert Alexander


'Gcaa OR'SCQm4eh Sou.r Stomach, Headache; Oold., tt-¥~ftg A.fter,'~ Mu.scull1r PaiM, and IU a 'Gargle , in 1tJ~ . :J''-'r()(lt Im.tations, We really mean it. 'Use ALKA-S:EItTZER for aqy or all of thesediscomforts. Your 'money , bafi:k ~ it falls to ,relieve. In additic;m to anan~esie (Acetyl-SaliCY!ate .. of SOd.a), earrh glass o~ 1\lJ{A-S~!:LTZER . : ,. contains alka1iz~ which help to ct tho:;e ' eyerydaY.' lallments Que ·to' Hyper-Acidity. ' " In 30¢and 6.O¢ pa~ea at lOur

\irug store. ,



OAmericariFruitGrower_ l yr,

o AmeriClln Pouluy JournaLl yr, o Breeder'J Ga'zetw _ _ _ l yr,

OBlade 6< I.edg'er__ _ _ 1 yr, DOoverleafAmer, Revlew_ l yr• . OCounUy Home __ .___ _ 1 yr, OFarm Jouraal - _ _ _ I yr. DGood Stori~ _~ _ _ _ 1 yr. DHome Arts N eerilectatL-l yr, OHome FrieDel - _ ...___ 1 yr, Le1horn Wotld _ _ _ __ l yr, Mother's Home tl(e _ _ _ l yr, O PQtbli!1<ler (Wkl y,)_ 26 issues D Plymoulb Rock Monthl), _ 1 ),r, OSuccenful Farminl _._.1 yr, OPouItty Tribune .__ _.. 1 yr, OWOGlIUl" World 1 yr.



. '


5 ON ..Y


li.t 01 mqlUine. alter chdini __ d _ _ Pill out coupon care/ully. Gentlemen: 1 enelose J. ,_.__ .._. __ I am cheddnc ,be/ow'" olferd.aired With • year', lubscriptlon,to your paper, .



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"~tI ~ NtW$P~R-1 Y~r. '. 1me S·-ory I yr. '1 l.iOUS.6jol~ , 1 yr. . Good ;!IOflel._' _ _ _ .1 yr. • ' . .. L~ ....o;I1' HOU)e . _ _. __ 1 yr.



$225 '



See our



.... '






Piaplay of XJllas Cards




THE MIAMI G .. h't'lIle Ih::ht (uhrl lind 'I~,\I ,0 from lIw ga" rlJlld I.. ,;oUK1 1 ~ b~ th" ('"uoell of I h(' \' 111"11 ' ~'f L. h"n"ll' \11 ,, \I ' 111111)'''11 I·h· I,.. CUlll'l Ihill t! n\l · .\~ III w k ..-

County Court News )'l lt,; 1" Whltn 1'1' ~n ln"t WII. lI;\m 1,,' lIy a ~h.l olherR.


I tON' PLEA, I'I«)(,E'I\:)11. (*

Dlvorc h 'lI,

(~nthI QOIIn rlh ll ('li ll ~

1'\'1 Ii


" II




:-.I11;.W ~l' ITS hi\'or('~'--





n ~I ~ ~ t.

Tom Herbert, War-Bird, Wages Battle l~orBet:t:er Gov.ernment: --

"~ I' ll ill



") . 't u' ,

rlll·,-k t'l'll.

hllnd('(l d



t h \-l

1'!1 1\ ('1\'"

r Ull!"l . . .'l ung'

\ ' pn' l '

('ha r s-I n s

,\I I'.

:U n(,

~~5TDKDL ,




~:,., ',1<. ,~.

have _friends in for t~e afternoon you caD forget the furnace if a Stollol is on the job. With thia eupuioe automatic coal stoker at work you won't have to IUD to the basement to shovel coal or fuss With dampen 01' grates. You'll be free to entertain your gueat., ud camfonably, regardless of weather. Stolcol feecla the fumace automatically, providing just III much or III Htde beat . . needed_ clean, nen, controlled heat. ~ aU ·tbiI comfort comes with a big money ..ving, (or Stolol bum.. Iu. expensive coal and leas of it. Can be euiJr 8IId quidcly installed in ·any fumace-warm air, .team, or bot water. Available in hopper and bin feed modele. A.It, a~t our term8.





(( 1I .~'"

Thl ' II1 H~

11 II, \\·..


1I 11,'~'

1~ lI ltl t:

W ; I ~'


« 'OIl Il"1 ':-:

' 1\1 "

11 1 -

UWest of Rainbow End"

'C:. ~-="" -=-=_.=.:-=---==~_-:


,":~-:-:::'-:-= ~

s tr. I"" . ;!!i.'!\i -







4 '


(" HIIIl'I'

,\) a lll'l"'1I O ' C' UIIIIIII'

- In I'Boy .f the Streets"

When In Lebanon

~1l() 1'1 - " ' r ,U I'R of :III \ 11\1.111"

1\' I ';\\'~ JU:!·; I.

Stop At

~m" "EMu

Herb's Place

I\ lIl1n

~1t\1UC.II\Ga:; l..'tCE]<\ I~, ' harle!< 'floke, 21, laho re l' and .I ('(l n Plnfjl ltln. 17, ua th or FI":In l{·

Wines -


'(Dangerous .To Know" H Flils h 4;(lI'IIUII SPI'IIl'

i\lUI'Jurl \\' ~u.nll' - In Beer "1'11 Give a Million" , S hol'(- "Jo'aH'1I1II111I1': Ad\' 'l1lm; " ' J' j: 'onlC'd y - " . 01 n . Ia ' ch" Wll nl('r

Liquors -

. , -



Shop at .•• KROGER'S and see yourselF

.Local Happenings


1111 . l; 'Ol'g

n,' en.

26, pa llel' "'01'1, I',

I~rnnknn , ll lld Loulll llli<: I'I c l"rln ~ton , ~ 1, L bunoll.

ViI·g ll .. Hurnfl ct , ~' I , labol'('r. Il nd I'eg nl a.

1\llhll TlIllllrorr

/':1\·1· .... aO-Ol'T. J

Sandwiches ,... A war-bird who fought his country's battles in France 20 years ago toda y is waging U vigoro us campaigtl for election as Attorney Gen eral of h is home 5t a te. . H e is Colonel Thomas J. Herbert of Cleveland, who in Augu st was r c,no lllinatcd by Ohio Repulilicans for the importallt position of chief legal r cpr cscnta tive of th e state. T om Herbert's "<:rale" was shot down by three enemy pilots in August, 1918. !Jut not before he had acco unted for two Gemt:ln pl:mes in dog-fights above the lines. Herbert was struck twice by tracer bullets which se nl him to army hospilals for 20 months. Oblaining his law dellrec in 1920. Herbert launched upon a ca r eer of private J nd public leg al serv ice which includes eighf years in th e Attorney QCIll'ral's office, five of them as counsel to the Ohio Public Utilil ies Commission. While serving in this capacity, Herbert fougllt the people's case the Oh io Bell Telephone Co., winniog a decision ordering a refund of 12.000.000 to' telephone users. T oday, Tommy l'Icrbcrt is fighting another battle in 'his campaign far lett er government. This time he is 1I0t alone as war cloud s gather. He is TC'"Cci"ing ample support from hundreds of thousa nds of Ohioans who have t>~~,t utI th p. baWe- cry -;-uOhin Need s a Change I"

..:r' 211

Ma~' " (1)111:

- In -




'l'ho .Mlssos 1I1 ul'Y a nd ·, J11 I':'. "l a ud e '\['1'. n nd Lou Print? Silent Sunduy wllh 1\1 ... un(l :'<11">1. Lor II und ohlld.!"en llt \Vave"'y. MI' . And 1\1I·s . 'Wll bur La J.O \·\! lulld we l'fl Monduy gu ,st lI ml Mrs. J , P . Lnl'l'l k. n o ' ' ma ry B ntl y hLld Sund ay. wllh M .. ~. -'a Hs la Ilarel y. lWbt'1"l Duk'e- . n.ntl E:rnel'lt Cook WC I'" In CollmlhuM Ins l lVeel{ a LtenLlIng th t' Huml Y uth 's ·onl'or e nc. 'l'h ('st' boys "'e l''' l 11'0 of th e ' I ~ ht ',Van"'11

conv nlenee of hI,S fl.ti 'ndC! and ' II . leI' ur Daylu n on S untl11~'. lIll'. i lllil Mrs. ]tull y ~J (l n g' I' a nel (" nls In War ncII"llIe a nd surro und· IlIg ul'ens , ho will b nVl\ l!aj)le fOl' son oC In mN,tO\\' n lIlI(l Mr . IIl1d 1\II's. on!<ultntilln lit ,Va yn svllle e vc ry HolJol't M ongcl' \I' 1"0 dllln ("1" gllc:\ls Tuestlay ali(I l'h ul'sd.ay uflel'J1uon, 0( " !Il", and ") 1';<, '\ IIb,Ul' \Voo tll l'd. on unCIal' . • ommel1<;lng August 2~h·d . ' 1\1 ,•. IIl1fl ~ Ir,.. rl'wln o!I(u l'fol"tl n nd Wllynesl'lIIe 101'111 Ion: tlf La lillth' ' n we I" Hunday ,.uest!! of Mr. i\llty.tlll.wlltl Agency. lI'hone 61·&2. Lohanoll OUlc'I''': Suite 1.5, Dllat,lIsh Il n(\ 1\I1's . R lly nronl1 1I1uHol·d . MorrIs Sh rwootl, of 't1l1lmbu8, Dlclg. 21 North nroatiwllY. Phone sp nt SundRY willi his falh er . COl'l Loballon 292. Sh('t·wooc1. Jllr. lind Mrs . .r. N : 110blnRttn. The Ides Daylon, "'11 n t th we k e nil ,,,Ith In the Romon calendar. the Ides \ CeU on the fifteenth at March. May. J\{L" ond. Mrs. E. F. Ellrllhart. ~Ir .n nd MI·s. W . S. Graham visIt· July and October. but: on the thir· e(l 'fl'l nds n n'" Chllli cot he, Sunq\lY'; teenth day or the other' months.

Lb·23c DAISY


-CREAM .cHEESE lSc CLIFTON TISSUE 3101I~ 1 tOe SALMON· MACARONI ~~~rn At· IOe MATCHES 3bos·lOe TOMATO ,JUICE 224~'15e ~INY PEAS g~H~mY / 2~~25e BEVERAGES 69c ..Lb.






All V.rielitt

Pial boL depolil



Produce .BANANAS,

Colden Ripe ..... ... ............ 4 lb. for



Thompson, Seedlea•.. .. .. , ..... ......; .. ·. Lb





10 lb

bag ......... ... ....... . .. Eaoh


Florida, 80 Size .......... , ... 4 for


Jonathan or Grim e ... ....... .......: .. :.4 Ib



New Entry Causes Surprise By Taking , Runner-Up Position In Phone Book'Race


Candy Yam ....... .... 3Ib.








Iceberg, Large Size .... .. .......... Each


Fre.h California .... : ...


FI.. Control • Aut_lie C." ..... of AIr SlIpplV • SU.", • N. Sh. .,


Plnl • S.,., el..n. 0.,...........

-I, Tber~'1 a new entry in the race for numerical supremacy in telephone book. in Many Ohio communititl and some veteran contestants

have . been rele,ated to the rear as

tit. ruult of tIM added starter', de-




Gl"Ilu ll dhng lillie llS \Vooc1 ehul'it !-'h,II'I- - II illll "'I' 11:\I'lIl c'IIY Th e g roundhog In U)is counlry is , '\l ln Oul' U n U ~ the S,lmc as Ihe woodc huck.

Tilht Hopper • Hyd.....1c HoI'-


i'''';J''rF.~mmt 2~-:!4

: l ol1i ·


• • •





"h' lhct : I~'

ST()I(Ol 'EATuaU • &du.w. Hydra.,11c 011 1 _ _1. . . . Air


Twin Theater

:1 1111

h tt .. ~lS : 11

VI ' 1' :'\ ~1 r,\" I



!l 1l1I

')lull ,hJ,\' 1' \

Vau!:'hn It lie n. 21. Cllrp nler , 'pl'l n!:'bol'O, and DOI'()~ i1 Cl1 Dunn ll, I , VUeo . Arlhur 111. flmn ll, flll l'lne r. 5U. llnd l\![rs. ]'11111 1(' 111. 'amv, 52. both of ZIpper ' hlllldhag. between L bu non. Ge rg Pierce. 52. III borer . lind Lebanon n nd pring Valley . Net· tie 13. Hilgeman, 6701 Brnmllle roil'S. gmm u Ulcl'Y. 3 , bOlh I"ranll iln , Avenue, l\1udJsOllvllle. OhIo. PllImllle r :rln ' tl, 26,. In.bol'· 1' IIlItl FOR SALE: FIne ov el'·stuff d Ault e , UOI'o lhy Yf·a l,' , ~5 . both or Leballun . J AS nl hftl'd Kirby , I S, W. P. A. stove, machIne, ele., c heap . JIll's. wOI·km·. lind Hamh .Ell n !'Unt, , 18, Keafuuve r, Mt. Holly. Ohio. both of FI·(lnl(iln . olu llIlJus. 111)'", Chn "'!)!! n o",~· e.· whll FOR RENT : Hlluso on Mnln s ll' et. hilS \)"n vis iting ~h ' tOtlt ·s I·C· Inquire at Oazelle ofClce. Up lurn eu ~lIml.l1Y tu h er home III Dur· Ion . HAVE YOUR FUn OAT JIIADE 1111'. n nd M rl< . H o wlU '~ 1 An'),,1 'u ·un. INTO NEWEST STYLE, [UI'S I' . CUrl Abao he l·lI . AUol'n y alld made. remod eled, u:nd rcgloze(J, ol1l1"elo,', nssocla ted, with Franl, III co'mpnny wlUt 111 rs . 1I11lI'Y U Ifjc l' Prlc B reasollllble. DIna. Pall rson, Dl'llndon In ui pr(l.cllco of In W nt a 1111 'It",'ey J\iye~lI ot BUll I' vm " 4 miles weal of Hurve ysbuJ'll' on L balwn. "nnuun ' t; , Ihnt fbI' tho vis it cI Mr. a nd !\II·S. ]I rilly '11'11 n· lhe Lebanon road . .'ANTEIlRellrnllnntatlve to look y - " ' ~rter our magazine sulls l'ipUon Interests In '\"aYllesvllle nnd vleln· tty. Our pla n enabl eB you to seoul'e II. good part oC the hundrc(ls of dol· Inrs spent In 1hls vic InIty each foIl and winter tor mnga:d ncs, Oldest agency ' In U. ::;. Ou;u'l'Inle tl lowest rates on n il perlocllcals. domes Llc a nd torelgn. Inslructlons and equip· ment (ree. Start a. growing perman· e nt buslncl;s In whole or spare tim . Especially ndllp lnble rOI' Shul·lns. Address Jl[OORE·CO'l"[·RELL, Inc .• Wayland R ud. Norlh CohoClon " N ew York. n 8·15pd

lI l l i '

1,..1,,, lI ulII., ll lIli


11"1 ' 11('

or .\1"

BUREAU Fertilizer, eull or see Frank Hess, Waynes. vlllo. OhIo. T elephon 4(i·R2. 8·25·4lp



/I fli ntily .tillll.'r " I II,, · h" IIW ' l ( ,\I ,.. :u Ii ..\ t n~. \ ' ,.. i"l" I ~H I'I'Il-l til I J:tr l it ll ,

~ Il :~ 11 amllll • .l • buth or


hi I' f Hlnt ~ .:\\tl;i.

\\ ' 1 \~ 1<'1"


L , t \\' I""H'1



.i. it


:11 1111' h"lU ,\ ~


Fir t Smokeless Powde.r The flrst smokeless powder tor s purli ll g purposes wa s mude In 18(17 b y Schultze. a Ge rm llll. A French· ~ o n na m ed Vici llc pl'Oduccd th o fir s l S llcee~ s rlll military 51\1 koless powdel' in 181iO.

,\ llll'Y J '~\ II I .t· 1" II ~" d ttt 'I1.1, ·d lilt' l' un ·




T hlll 's(l".·.

"I nle In L h:l non .

fl'\lm ",,,I)rnary U, Ina7 . I ~ Ho ngh t by AI·,hur Hu th !'4)nll ..~~lt · I · I<. til 1·: It·;l lIIW "I ,al'l~" and .Julla Calia hlln ("um \\" . Slm 1'1 I nH . h ,1H ~Ili ·H) III I,m ' ' ·hl.'Hle l· II n,1 11 (>1 II 'untp\X!1i (llrmer. lallrl " " I'i(, Up,'rr"· ld 1\\"1'. I.,· "r ~l o l"I ·o w . Th pl:)! nllrfH charge \\'III'I'cn '. .IIICk, h~' a<Jmlni Hll·" ltlr. tl1' mon,'y IOJ du e lin n nlnely.lIlI Y to JIIarga ret Ft bcrt~. , S.36 :1I·r.'>! 111 pnllnl"sury n o l . !';"Iem lind TUI'\lI'C I'P"I, 1\\ p K. I nl ~ " .1. "~fl ur Sl'('ll Oivort'o_ L'h r l,. Lnllllol'I'1 lu \l a n, ,, ,·,,t l' ~ I · 1III'or,'0 Alld ]<\11111(' GI'!!'\lI " 'or \>,. 1I 1'~ Ho ug h t by Ih rce 1l1 t! t·, lutH 77U-7 0 In )<,'(IH ,f' l' l'a l'l.;:. 01 '1'0"'" l,clltI"n of Ih (' I felll.lanl .In (lhtl ntlff.. who h:,,·c· rll",t l)vIII Ions In ,v. C . a ru) At ll ltl' l 1'1'1' PP f t(l )." 1": 111 )' tlot' CUM' "r la rlhn 1l:1Illl " I'!'IU 'ommo n P lea" C OIII't. 'Wllllom Bll e h · n. :Inri , ~hl .. I ('~· Ell n" I'I' . 311 ,or'I'f'H In ~Imrl '8 HIIII II h 111'11. Ill' till' 'uun I1 l1fl I' lnl', lA' bll non . thrn ll ~ h hl ~ !l ltUl'ne" , \Vnr l'Ofl C()lInt~- . II. lUVOI'Ct! g l'll nt cel Ih l' <J °ft> ndant on ~1('I'y l II. Om),. a!l l" , fur a dlvo rcl' Allop. I·1 II , lind In .,, (' ~"""(' II"I' tn a c harge of !;!:I'06!! nl'~ I., c l. Mrs. Hahn frolH FrltllCell Eltzroth Bllchelor cl e· ' I'h'K' I,,~ ('"mplo ... 11. I" , . 7 In ~ !1xu n . wad restor II to h r """Ul'lI lI a nt ', IUI·ln.: thlll th l.' d fe llll llni madc l" e n(' 8 Ifj l•.r 10 l·h u,.I.,!' T . II ntl Fa n Mnrthu Thom aM. f" I/l s ta lelile ll' " and 1·('I.rt'lI("nlrlllon,. nl,' R1"llUp . ",,,, .hll lf ""n' III ",,,,,h . Sentenced To Yellr ,\t 1I:lrll I..lIlIor- to Imlu e him 10 mal"'Y her Ma rch In J:'lllll l uwnsh lp. ('arl' \V ny n l\Hddl lon, fonlll·rl.v ot ,. ] 937. '1'hr·.,· had (II,,· ('hlld whi ch ~nnn i(l stn'Jt~I J I\ and. ~HrHIl ' n t' H i'Morrow. Willi !<('nt.' n(' d tr, :I .\·~m· I' 'cc IIlI y dj etl . l'r" n,.b ul·g 10 Fl oI' 11('(: Lo ng 2 .25 of hur(l labor al lho Ohio Pe nll!'n· 1\11''' . LizzI" U r lzel'. I' ranklln, ncrC',; In 'Frnnldln 1\\'11. tlu'y atu rday hy ..luclge D ('h n nl "II hu:!hllnll, nollle H . Alfl'l'll Klndr 1'1 10 1~I'c u ClI r,·. I t 11 'c hRrge lhat 'he nc~I('clcd to pro· till' "tl'll co! h pr nnd her 14 8 In 1I1ncldn nw ndd lLlon vIde tor his minor ch ilII' n . It w{t. mUlh cl" S II v(,H, In hCI' 'lilil In whIch lin . ~Int "s l ha l I.h {'~· Wl' r(' m tl rrl~li . lIhll'gu r N " OI· ... S I.. )lll l'gll l'nt atated. that Arter being ol'(le rec1 by the ourt to pU)I $4 w kly [o r th Ir 10, }!)]P , Bt' nt2, 5.33 n"I'!''' h~ Il lIml llo n t\\' p. support h w nt to Inel nn oll Co nlCIilUIlg' thll t her hU flloana , , \l ho Ju me~ nn,1 Llllilill ( :111'1' In N e\""n , marrl d again" making )10 IXlsm IA ("onfilled. 10 th e eo unly Ja1l. s quan · a nd Alii' n '!'''' ' , t 11'0 !I"n',; In Receives Dlvorc_ d red hlH "urnl n g~ fol' hIs aW II pleu!!· Fra nklin twp. Robert •. Ou r(Jn I' WLIS g l'unt d U UI' whll' h fo r d h r to tak e III H . C. 1·;I,h·ldg" . Hr., to :\I II I'Y PilI" alvorce trom Della S . Onrelnl'r un was hln gH tll " "I'pon h rself, Mrs. ker Un,,," .. . lot ~or, III Fl"llnkli ll. his eharge at wlHul absen e. In ilia Coldl S lirflic seekA a dlvor ' from hm'l s ';V,.I"mll n to ('Il l-ril' \" .... Is. petition the plaIn It! Rtaloo thnl they Lester SIlI·faee. ·'rh y we l'C mnrrl d mann, 20 lIe res In Snlt'ln IWp. were mnnled nt Dnyton t~ R pll~ m " In l!JIl(j nnd hliV thr!'e ~ I'ow n child· hnrlNI u nO flllznl)e lli ,J. I~ JWIll'da ber, 1921. re no to Ernest n nd Oorolh y (;11111. Iwo Cue DLemlssoc11111'11. Vhf lnlll A Ibcrtson. Lebanon, tl'ncts In Mnssle 111'1', The CRIIe of E. H. Gloeckl I' vs. Reek .. Il Illvoree fro m IIrrorl} Albel·t . Jessie' E. Mullen haa b n dl 9mls8cd. Ron ~lntll ndlng thu( h r husband Leave Granted To File Replywunt on "drunk e n sl)I'ces" li nd wus The defendnnt was grllnted 10 art n u bse llt ror s ' veral weeks. daY8 In whloh to 'f ile un unsw!'., In Seek ActJollthe case of the Hamllton·Bull rvllJ Edward IIJ1i1 ROlJcrt Blnlr e lltl' l'e<J, Board ot 'Ed.ucatlon ugllinst l n nthon suit Ill;nlns t ' hal'lea E. Owens tor ~~~er~f d . L ..:, ~ I\ctlon on a cOl;novlt note amount· _ 4 1 a.-, en ant_ Ing lo $550.27. The heIrs of Mrs. lAura Stubbs Seck TnmsfcrJefferis w re mnde dcte;ndnnls In th e The transfer oC $14.000 from the 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~I!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~!!!!!!!! FOR SALE: Crest Benzol Oas. IGYJ p er gll Uon . T exllB Orade 011. 8 cents n. quart. R ed 'rop, 2 qu arls . 2G cents. Ponold, 26 eenls a (Jullrt Kerosene, 11 e nts n gllllon. Nowton Bros ., Lebanon, Soutb Broadwoy. 8.11.Gtc • ,Iah l ,-Ollll"'flftllt: ,m f"I' danmgP9 10 IlI OT"'I'I ' tI , 1"0141,, 1'. lJlllm illP. ' .\" 0 1'1 1II1l' IItT h6 !\lllll"hIlWIll III th(' ('a~ n o ( M u IiM'lI) lIul c'hill",' n, Fl'Illlklin . 1111',11 "" , I obert Kllllit g-. hal' \)o' en l" ~ '

The sllkworm eats Its weight In tollage d tilly for the first lew day. of Its life. Sllkwotms molt four Urnes whlle .growing. When six wcacks 01(1 nnd with nothing further to ohl::!hl from life, thoy start spinlling , their COCOOIIS.

'f' hr- hlllll\\'lll~ 1:l dh 'h ..H It 'I1.1l ,j u n IIlthlll!' ":" ~' " a I ' l'II"I '\'1Il1' ull II ' " llll'H~I 'I,\' : ~II '"if,' m'.'" 11. C . IHd/;,' , 1'. II. I ,,;uld,', l1. ~l .· HIli"" . 1\11\1' IIw :'< 11",,,,,\\ .\li ll' W ... ·I 111101 'I' ,·t It'nll .I•• t!. " ILnl ... ~tl' , 1 1'~ J11


rl')w 1'~'('U\1 {l ry flf ,33 0 O lu t Jnlcw('st




Wl' t~ k

, In

" I"I'M In 11"'1'111 " Iw\, . Ill un, II 0).1 ullll~hl' I" 1\',,11Ia llltirr >!t"lcd In 11('1' P llUll n 1I1Ill \\ ',,11' r II. 1II ulfm',\ ~, ntl t 't h " I'~ to p lll.l nli rt. lit Y W n O' 111l1 l'1"l (>(1 (,lOb"I' 4 , 1929 . i,;ltt';l hpth ' ·In l·k. 10,1 ICe ·1 c Yl1rfl,l rlSill' fl. Ii" I' " IOrlltlon of hl' r 11Iald n add ItI o n 10 l,,·hnll nn. v , nliN l!\\·n;·,I1I1J; " (' h ~ "tl"n lit. nll nlt'. (:I:ldr~ H(' rgrlll li. hn rll'M S)''''lI n W<'i ch a nel (,11 ., '1', Il1ltfol $17r. 1" ,' t " ' ~ " 1'1 ' ,II l'l):ht,; \I'M l'iUl ' ~ F,) r Mnncyto ~1 ; t1' t~ n('(\ H nil 1 ..C'lHl :-\ (l I ~ln!. l'l 'U t t 11l'1 1'

:'<11', Hnll ~II'''' Ha )ph l! 'I.'tlll/ol"

I ~un ,l:.l h·d f l' ,,", nlls III L" lm uun , ~UI1

()Wpl\ '4 h .t l i"J,i~ \1

':.l nrl J..,OU iSl'" II\ ,:-;t p (', i . l

tord WI I>I;Lnt II 11""",-, CI' m .luw lIl.r><. C:tnd')'R l1ulln >l()11 llIl ~ t'n '\'. Jlrnl1tofl ' I'll h"I' ('·h ' lIr ~ I'(' ~'; " Ul l ,I '1I ln~t FI'a "k Holll nlJo lI for 111· g1"()lo;~

nEAl, ES'rA'l'I,} Tn NSl'lmR " ':i d t! U11(t P i llr. l .l


AUTOMATic HlAT - ---:..-

termination to 10 places.p~ yean the belief has ' been pre. . " . ..tent tbat the contest was betwee.1l. the Smlt~' l~ne.•• and Brown faulIUel, trith the Johnson clan at their heelL The Smiths arl'"stilt'right np tbert, but now the name of Mi'ller h.1 entered the competilion and in Cleveland, Columbus. Akron, To.Iedo, ID4 lome other communities it

,a ctually holds second place in the number of regular listing' in the te!ephon~ books, according to The Ohio Bell Telephone Company. Tbe Dayis famiIY 'hu·a"lio·become. a competilorand is showing strength. And ~bat of the 'good old !ll\~~ ,of Jones? . Well, the standing of the Jones group is a s~rprl!ling dev.elopment, At one time only· the Smiths ' seemed able to Ih9W".ibelr beels to the Jone. contingent. Ibut now the ' name ' of 10nee 'is drop'ping back to the rear. ' ' ..:"fire standings: .' Cleveland - Slfifth, 1,186: Miller, 913; J1rown, · 591; Johnson, 476: Jones, 465: Davia, 431. (Watch out

for that Davis, JoneIY!) '. ~ ' Columbus -- Smitb. ~22; KDtei', 444; ~ones, 339; Davis, ~1~; Brown; 274; John§on, 221. (That', stitt the ," Davis , breath o.n the JoneS neck.) Aleron .~ ~init11, (01: Miller, ?:17: Brown, 164; :'loMson. 152: Davis, 137; Jones, 136. (I t' ~ a einch here for. Smith.) . , T«!le'do - 'Smitb, 366; MUler, 300; Brown, ~77; Jobnson, 145: Davia,' 1421 J6l1es, 110. (Tbat. Miller lo~k, ' It!9ng atid-Iay, 'can that be Jonesy 'WllY batfc there?) ' .-.' In many emaltU ' communitle. around the country tile Smith family has actually lost fil'llt place,' but tbey still lead in the large citieL



Bonele.... ::~ ....... 2 lb.


Ta.ty ....... ......... : ~ ....... Lb,



Dre. .ed.~ ......... Lb




Wh.ole .............: : ....... :., .• , .. L:b , t6~0

Kwick Kr.i.p.!.... :.. :: ......~ .. , ...:b SLIC~D ~~CON, , . CHIPPED BEEF.


, ,3~






i j


TIJURSll A\" SIlJi>TEMmm 29, HIS8 I'



Waynesville' Well -----..~--IMilk Provided Ohio's Interest &Dtured By Miami Gazette andJYe~tern-Star Local Happemngs . F Chold 1938' Nation.alllairy Show Represented at - - , -"--,. or II ren Invite Local Women To Cooking School M:s. CODDly Fair Local HappeDi~gs Daisy S nyde r n nd Dun , S ul" - <fll!' we l ~ h LA of t il ;':1'f\C! fuco , wOI'e ellnnol' g u es ls o n S unduy r evell l II nL' c cJ .. or III , 1Il11l( of MI'. nnd 1\1 1'''. W . S. O r o h ll1n . whi ch lh l" "h 11 1'''''(0)' /I rl' Hpun"ol'lng . Mr. !lnd Mrs. '01'1 08 Has lln,;s (Uld APllrox lrn HL('ly il(' I'pnl y u nd r l',welg-In da ug hter , lI1i1dl'l-d of Du yt o n n nd childre n n r (' 10 b" ",1\,<, ,, Illill, I'e;.:. 1\11'. and MI·~ . GCQ I'A'" OMho rn c or Leb· ul ll rly o n(1 flrty "II\';" l'rI I.U huy II . Hllon WO I'P !';undu), " IHll ol's fi t I he This 1\'01'1, \1'1 11 ,·",,1 I h o:o 'hu l'd,,'H It nn1l' or l\1,·. ILIllI l\\t·H. Hn ll lh II lIHI· n llollt ~~fiu.IJV and 11' 11 1 s ln l'l nl' xt ItI ~H. wee k with Iho I<l' hno l 11IIlI' hps. 11 Is l\II·. :1 I11J. MI·R. OH llley 1 ng ll'sby nt · fe lt th a t Ir tlt l' pmJ (' t I.. ,,'u r wd. It Icndl'd II ru mlly ,lInnel' . 'untlay ut will not b a llo wed to stOll . tlr ' Ir ll lll e of MI':I. 111 Innle B,'()wn or Anyo ne wl Hhlng 0 do nal!' lll rcCll y .lJIlYlUII . t o Ihl" tund sho uld "".. IlIl rO l'" or 1I11's. Vem e .A I'mltage SIlI'nt th e th (' fo ll owin g: Mr>l. R. ] . ('n llC'lt . JlI. w~, II end wtth her n unt. Ml's . MUI" E. ehul·eh . JIll'S. E lh a n C I·a ne. En ls· lha MJII'sh o r Day ton . lIirH. Ma rKh copol church .' Mrs. '1'. li. Brun nock. 'hrlslla n ehul ' '(1. Mrs. La\l' l'enco ,', "'lJruted hpl' 79111 bi r thd a y annl· B r o wn. Co Lll ollc chul·cll. Ru rll h Brad . Y(,I',.nl·y on S unda y . dQ ~ . Fri e nds C' hll l'{·h . JlII·s. :';ta 11 11'.1' !:le.\·er a l \V"r nell vlll e rumlll llll 111'1' Bn lley L)" Ie ('hlll' ('h, l\ 1..,•. AlllII IHon movln~ thl a \\. e k. Mr. nnd Mrs. S. 1~III' nhtll'i M t. Ho ll y .. hu J'(· h . a nd :\11' .. D. H enill e (lI'e II''' vlng th ' II' eo unU'y hom e to e tllI'll' r esidence In J a m es lI 'lI·t soell 1~~ I'I'y c l1 l1 l'f'lI .

Wnyn esv llie co mmunity' WII S well prese nt ed u t th o \ 111'1' n Co unty Fnlr. 1'h ... OUI·,le n club unrl Oru nA's each hnd ullu" uu ll y urllHl i<' ,]JHpl nys. W e cu n IV II bo 111'oud or th o 4·1-1 club pxhllJll of "e\\'lng. Soco nd n nd third prizes l'csJlccllvcly \\' 1'0 won by Donnld Luke n H nml Ellone Brown or ihe second g rad e ro r th II' s umpl e oC wriling. BOI h ollell and F'ul rl ey H ilrowu r e s t OI'CS had, ('x cel lent ex· hlbllH. 'rh e bu nd \\' U>I r eRple nll (, lIt In nl'\\ lI'ou llerll of blae k tl'lmrn o<l wltll orange. This I.Innd WUf! (I ll o f Ih e hugest there. 'rhey bons tecl oC thl'ee "'ell tr!lllled d,' un1 111ajol·-.. 8eulnh .. ~ Bernul'd. J ell n HllrlsoC' k li nd Bobble Has llngs. Wuy n es ville Me lhodls t itl.dl,,1t se rved g oud m enl s a t th e din . Ing hllll tlll'oug h uut Ihe tull·. Ca lves that sold nt a uellon l~rld n y fit tho t n it' bl'oul:ht unusu a l good prices . l ilt Ilrlz olt wa s pUI'c ho.• e<1 by KI'og I' Orocery ot Clnc illnatl, bl'ln g lng the owner 25',1. cents pel' I'

'I'll(' ::IlIum l Gal' , t ll! 'Ln(L The Weal·

P I ' 1t • 'tar

)fr .

Le bll n un. 1'helr h om o will be Oce u· 1} I ~ d by SuP!. und l\1rs. Ga rst u nd du ul: hH' r J Oli n . Mr. a nd MI'R. R uy· m o nd Bl'lIddock Ilnd c hlldn·n left Rouah (ol'm Ilnd mo ved to a tUl'm o n th e riv e r rond up fl'om orwln . lilt·. nnd Mrs . MUI'Ion Whitaker li nd po und . • ecund 1" 'lze I'n lr was . PU I·· so n m o \'cd t o 'Inclnnn.lI wh e re th ey chased by '\\' r atl'8 G"1I1 of L c lJanllll w ill Ollt' I·"te u. g rocer y . !t. haR bl'pn l·urnlll·(·,J i h" t D r. A. and bl'o ug ht 2 1 (. nl ll II I' p o und . ]\'11'. llnel 1\-11'01. Hnlph Hn s thlJ;1I Ill· Ohio is a ga in 'hos t to the Nati on. and bugle corps-will competc f or Third prize ",li t WUH pUI'ch nsod ror tend ell Ih fun eral of the Corm r 'a E . ,' tnut I" ",,,InA' 10 1<,: 1\' 1' " 'aynes· "III lo tuk e (j\'C I' l h " Im"'LII' o or hili a l Dairy Show, wh ich will be h eld $25 00 in th e jubilee prog r n m. This 16c per llound lJy '!lylE'S IIfn rk et uf uncle OIls Il'o nll III L e bo non , Sat· mu s ical innovation opens 01) Octo(a th r . roc ml.\· {II C('IIM ·d . In Day ton . u t the fa i rg rou nds in Colum bus, WayneBvllle. MI'. "oy le s lutes thllt unhlY. 1111'. a nd Mrs . akley Un g les· October 8 t h to 1 [j th, ber 8 th wi t h n conce rt by the om· . this prize eu ir will be on IIu le Frida y by und d uug hler. 1111'S. Evelyn ""a t. D r . St o ut Inflll'IllH Ih· G:OZNl' Ih nt "The COUI·t of F in a l Award" f or cilll U. S. Nal'Y Band. kln s were UIHO In ulle ndonce. th ere Is no (u unJ " U n f",' l he r um or t hc dairy · world, t h is 29th annulli W ith s u ch a program , Director and Sa turda y. Il.lId Iha t h will coll ll nu . 1\1 r . II nu I\trs. . E . Norris ha ve to pra 'lIce event, will brinl~ t og e ther thc fin- ([an ef eld (above , right) predicts In this communit y . est U. S. and Oanadian dairy cattle thal attendance will exceed the retr eturned. to Ihelr, home In Peo rlll, ]11 ., in competition f o r $16,200 in prizes. ord of 100,000 established a year aft er l, ll vlng spent the week with E a rl H . Hancfeld, state. d irect or ago. 0.· E. . l'\OTI('E 1\11'. n nd Mrs. J. P . Larrick a.nd MI'. of a griculture, heads the committee M iss Ruth Ellen Masters, of Edli nd IIfI·s. Frank Hottma n . The PIlRt M a tron s and P alro ns of 31 Ohioans cooperating with ofison, Ohio, (at top) with Banners Miss Ellie n Lar'l'lck and Thomos Association ot Dlstrlol 21 11'111 m""t ficer s of the National Dairy Show Bonnie of \\larrow, Grand ChamP ox Jr .• of . Ml ll mlllburg and Mr. a nd In Masonic hlll1 a t .Mason, Friday. A ssociation in show plnn s. p ion of th6 Ohio S tate Fair-a NaTile home oC \Vnlt I' 'J uh'n -')fl Mrs. J. P . Oclober 7. D lnner . a t 12:30. E uch O t her events to be featu red durtional Daity Show entry. near CorWin , with Its eOnt nts , WILt; Lal'rlcl, enjoyed 11 motor trip a long th o Ohio river to Pm'l s. m e mber Is ' r equested. to IJrln g a ing Dairy Show Week include the Miss Ruth Wilma Smith of PaNational Horse ]Pulling Contest for d stroyed b~' fire Sundny nig ht. Tho eovllred dh;h . sa ndwl chcs Il nu la lJl tn skala, Ohio, (at right) is a aofamUy WDS awn y rrom hom e n t th e mouth on unday. lIe rvlce. $2000 in prizes ; the National Inte rp rnno soloist entry in the Music MI'. und Mrs. S. D . H i> nkl e entel', collegiate Contest in dniry cattle time a nd a pll8slng motorist,. ee In&' judging; the 4-H Olub J .u dging and .Jubilee.' .moke coming (rolll the back of the tMned Ilt Sunday dlnn \!r , Mr. a nd \\Iis s Priscilla Huntington (lower housc. g ave the alarm. 1'he 1088 I.. ]\11'8. Ca rl Duke and [a mlly, Mr. a nd The Friends hip lub will meet Demonstrations. A night show in the col iseu m will Ic rt) will participate in the Horse Ml's. P a ul Duke and tn~lJy, Mrs. W edn esda y , October 1.2 a t th e hOlne ('sUmated at (lbout $1000. pa rtially Show each evening. H elen Graham a nd mUe dau "" hter or Mrs. Ma ym e Hatfield fn Lebanon . be another maj01r attraction, in cludcovered by Insurance. Below are King and Charlie, Naing the "Plcl\sql'e Gu ild" H orse Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter. Johpso n LLnd oC D uyton lind Mrs . TI'l k ey Ilnd A covered dJs h ·dlnn er will be. s erved Show, and tho Buekeye State Mus ic tion a l heavywei g ht p'ulUng champa fllml'" are rnaiorig Un r home at lhe Mrs. Miller of ·t..}ittl!'. " .. t 12 :00. o'cloc k . " ..~ • Jubilee. The 71>00 Ohio nmateul's (,f 1937. WOl'ld's finest pullers will . home ot he~ pllrent~, Mr. and !lSrs. Mrs. C. H. D enlhernge enLPrlnln d -soloists, chorus es, bands, drum compete for 1938 honors, Thc ,Voy ncsville Ga rde n club will the following m embel's of her fa m. Clint RoBS. Ill' at dlnnlJl: at th e Frlen(l's Home meQt with lI1'llI>l P el'le Ril ey Tu e~ duy (,Hernoo n . Oc tober 4, Il t 1 :30. Mrs . JUVENILE GRANGE I'LAN on Sunday , . Mr. flnd Mrs. Prns8, wire ot tlil' 9uJ'e l'l ntond('nt oC TRIP TO DAYTON SATl RDA" Davis and Mr. nnd Mrs . l' nul , F uh'mo nt s hool. Dnyt o n, will be The Juvenllo Grunge 18 planning or lrrolllOll. 'Ry" and Mrs. Bla nch a trip to Dayton Saturday, Oct. 1, to Baker o( InelrlnatJ. In th e morning g uest Hpen k er . take the lIerap books th ey I\ave made tl1 6 e ntlr'e . PllI'ty toge ther wJth Mrs . Tn connection l"ltll the Guesl D a y to the Miami Valley hospltul. They Ross Hltrlapck ..a nd c hildre n Jl'an BOOSTER NIGHT, 'rh .Book Re vlc!w ci r cle mel wllh nl th e Meth odist church th e pastor win nl80 make a tour of a bakel'y und Owen attended church sCI'vlces POUND PARTV • i rs. Llda lllltto)l n t her lovcly HllIlo un O{'t; lh ut he wUI commence a nnd the coope rnllve milk conc.' ern. at Jona h 's Run BIIPtillt ehul'ch at Hurveysburg. \\ uyne"l\'lIl e F a rmer '!! Gmnge will coun t ry hom e "CI'cst VJew " Tuesda y sel'les of fo ur S rmonS on the gen, "I:he I}ol'ly will leave th e Orange holl Mesal'S. R : H. HIl11sook nnd C. H. obse r ve Booster . nlyht tlols. 1'hUl'!lday "Kindling" by N oel ernl s ubje l •• VI torlou s Living ." Ilt 9 a . !D' and ea r h take lunch . All Bl'Oce nttended a banquet of th e e vening a t Gl'Ilngc hull . A [1I'og l'um hull e WIlS d~lIghtrully !'evlewed hy 'l'he Indlvidulli s ubjects ure : membCI'1I wishing to go. plea so Ohio Banker 's Assooilltlon last Thurs will be presonted In tit lodf;c room Mrs . William Dos ter. 'rhe nUlhor IN "Lllo's Burden." come to Gmnge holl. da y night at the Inclnnntl lub. to whi ch .lhe public III Invlt d. A Engll ~ h nnd th e Hetlln g o( th (> 9t o r y "FlIItIO Bemedles lor Ufe's Bur· l\1.R8. tWA F. SALE Theil' wlvos accompa nied them and pound PlIl't y will tak 1)lace ufter the fs la id In a s uburban 8hlllbulldin g dell." j)I·ogl1.t rn. Elic h m embe r of the town outs ld oC London, wh e re th o "1.. Ue's nurden Removed." DIED IN (JALIFORNIA Iltte nded a theater. wealthy victim o t an a utom obile nc · L' • n.. .....ft" and Mra. RUR8ell Hollldny and Mr. Grange, In clurllng the m en tII'e asked •• lie WII~lotlt Do o .......,n. Mrs. Ada F . Su le, wife or the late lI1nBqu era d'lH ·o.s II pennllcss 1 cld ent 'fhose ul'e an Invel\tlgut!on Into Matthew J. Sal died at hoI' home In dough tor spent the Inlter part of the to bl'lng a (lound of som ething to knl g h L ot th e 1'0:\'\1 \yhll r c uper·llt · the' prohlem of IIvlnS' toduy, and week with their p~rents Ilt West ea t. Los AngeleB, Callf~. Sept 21 . Ing In th e village hos pital. His ob· Union. P!!lnling a wa y out, InLO a fl'co u nd The body wlJl arrlvo In Waynes· se rvntlon fi nd. s tudy of the eoonomlc ha ppy l\lay of living . },ft:. and Mrs. Russell Fmnk Il1)d , HA~~WE'EN CAR!S1 'AI" ville M.o nda.y Oct. S and fun eral s r· con(lIt1ollfl In title strl~iten town of tho ee en with Mr. ,BEING PLAl\'NIllD vloes will hold nt Ule grave Tues· hund n'd ~ o r unempl oyed m on, <'a US(,R parents, Mr. and Mrs. day at 2 p. m. him 10 tll k e dms tk s te ps to 1·"hu\llIl· !\IO'l'HERS CI.UI) TO IIOLD hnrles Frank, at Bowling Gre,en. Mrs. Sale .wits 0 IIlste or Mrs. E,,1l. The [Inn.n ce cOll1mittf'e the '~"E R D" OC 1lU'..i TING F I I. Y T, 7 t nte th e s hipbuild ing Int I'ellt s . 1I.IId Supt. and Mrs. Oarst and daugh. Keyli Jones who>le death occ urred reo Mothers club 11'1 busy with pillns (UI' I' turn PI'oIlJl t'rll;y to th e community . The M'p th ' 1'8 club will hoh1 th e ir tel' wera SundllY gUllsts oC 1' 1 ' 1 1' . and eently In M1shaWtlko., Ind., and an the nnnuni H a llowe 'e n ca rnival. An llIumlnaUn,; p o rtntyr.1 of the un . r egUlllr monthly m ectlng Frldn.y, Mra. Harvey PriseI' o( ~ohnRvllle. lI,unt ot George J. Wnterhousc. This yeul' lhe O/lrnlvlli will don Il. e mpll»'llI cnt lind closed InduMtrlnl Oct. 7, Itt. (h e MotllE!I";' club room lit Mr. Ilnd Mra. A. H. Stubbs and new garb. In tfl o person o r Moth I' conditi ons o UlIlId e ou r own countr y. 2 o·clock . ,All m em bers nre .ur,;ed ohlldren In company with the form. Goose She Qnd I I . • . leI' nursery rlyme During th o socia l ' ho ur delicIous 1'0. to be pres nl. It you a l'o not a memo er's mother Mrs. H u rtrum of Oer. 8CIIOOL BANI> IN PARADJll ch n ral'lCl's will pt·esld.e over n bn· frcshm ents weI' s,rved by th e hos t . bel' nnd are Inter ested In th e achools mantown spent Sunday with Mr. Wa.Yne8vllle was well r epreae ntec1 zana: to be 11~ld Silturday , Oct . 2n" sa n. la buffe t . ~ come a nd. Join. 'The clothing com· at the celebration of lhe 150th an· Ilnd Mrs. Sam StUbbs at Circlevllle_ In the high sc hool lJulldlng, begin· mlttce bus hod seve l'a l urgent calls MorrIs Palmer ot Col.umbus WIlS a nlng at 3 p m A H~'lo\\'e ' e n s p el' nlverll8rY or tho Northwest Terri· . •• " u ' U p f~ r c lothing; If you have a ny ehUd. tory at Lebanon today. The school guest for several days lust week of wul be serve'll In .the lunch I'oom and KING'S HERALDS MEETING r en 's stocking/!, sho('s, underwear, Julian Crabbe. band tOQk part In the pal·nde. th ~ regulal' grnnd ma rch and dance coals, >lui II, or dl'esses plel!Jle bring 'rhe King's J-Jera ltls m et with their Mr. und Mrs. Russell Frank nnd will be held In the g y m. Speclul . th em to t'he next meeting. 16 FOOT CORNSTAI.. K son were guests or Mr. and MI'8. Ira committees bee n aJ)polnted ond Icndel', 1\(1'8. Hal'old Earnh nrt, for ~. A. Lippincott reports that .0. Brown of Franklin Mond~y evening. work Is alrell(ly unl1 er way to mak c th eir first meeting' (If th e ' year. gl e v· cornstalk In his gllrden Is 16 feet MillS Marie Owens spent the week this an event Which will furni sh' e n iTlembers joll'\ocl n.t thl" meeting. everYone with an afternoon nnd F.lcctlon ot orflCers r es ult d us tol · hl&h and Is 5 ft . from the ground end Mth home folks at to the flrst ear. The corn WBS grown Dr. Mid Mrs. Alfred Stout enter: evening ot fun and. entertainme nt. IOW8, P r eside nt. Mary Lois L aey ; by Sid Pope. talned at dinner WednesdD.y even· Vlcc'I)l'e91~ent, Sal'llh Conner ; Sec re· SUllday gu ests of Mrs. Deathorage In~ Dr. and Mrs. Hn.rve y and ·Dr. "000" DINNER CLUB tor·y. lIlltry Jean Thompson ; Treasur· 'we re Mr. !lnd. Mrs. P~rry Davie of O. E. S. PI()NIC and Mrs . . Ollby of Lebanon. Mr. !lnd I\(~. S. D. H enkl e opened 01', RUlh Belen :LeMay; Orgunl~t, CnrroUion, ·K y ., Mrs. Blanche Baker Meml!ers oC the Miami ond War· Ell Furnas and had ~un· Ihelr beautiful country home to m emo Rayolyn Crnbbe. 'I'ho follo'w lng pro· of L<iulsvllle, Ky. The ludles wel'c ren Chupters of the O. E. S. enjoyed day dinner with Mr. and Mrs. D on oora of their "600" dinner club last grom committee was ' nppolnted, 1\11'11. DenUI~rage's dnughters. .n picn,,?' i1lnner at the Ohl~ MnllOnJe Branstrator of Clarksville. . SO:turday evening. A most dellclo\ll RUlh H e len Le?,lay', Ra.yolyn Crabbe . Mrs . 1IfJ~rgrll'e t Mqrtln'lI gues t l< Bome .at Sprlrig(leld , Sunday. Mrs. Almira Bailey is spending' 'd lnner wa s served followed by :in \V re ·Mi·. a.nd Mrs. Erncst MarUn. :rhe P!J~8e.. of the ' ttlp was to tho week with Mr. nnd ~r9. Law· ovenlng of cards. Members ' h.nd ARGUNOT (JLUB l\Jr. and J\frs. Ruesklns, Mr. and take dono.tloiui ·ot fruit ' and "eg~ r enee E:'u~as. . gues.ts prosent Inoluded 1\11'. and MI·A. !\Irs. Ronnlc! Hawke WIIS hostess .Mrs. Glnslie nnd. Mrs. BerMon 1111 of tables 'fJ'oa'ri tit~· membe~\ Of tho loca.l , ~. Ilnd Mrs. Robert Baker Jr. and Harvey Burnett, Mr. Ilnd Mrs. A. S. t o m mbers of the AI'gunot bridge' Dayton. cha,ptel'8 to the.Home. The following Pe~y Hn.rtsock at~endedJ the Ham .. Collett, A[r. and 1'111'1<. Howa l-d Ortl. c lub on Tuesd'a y ' 11t. t~ e .Llttle Inn. MillS J a nette 'S tetson oC Chicago membel'8: a~~ended: H:arljlld lIton Fl\Jr on. Tuesdo.y. . hu,m. Dr. aha. l\iJrs. R .. E. HllthaWa y, A plea8llJlt afternoon of ' ClU'ds .",ns wnll the gUe'lt o't tll~ -superlnten~ent 'El.\lrDbart and dall8'hter Naonil, Mrs. " Mr. ' o.nd Mrl!. Elvin 'FIre. enter· Mr , and Mrs: J. B. Chupmnn: Mr~ foll.owed by delicious rc!reshnrentl,l. nnd matron. . )'[&.ude. Orane, and Mrs . . . W, 'C. ta.lned. \\flth lI. family dinner on Sun. nnd ·Mrs. George H enkl e oC LebfUlon, !\frs. Louelln B~o.wn and son Rus· 1St. "'M,ri.:,'Ada Rllk, AI.... · nan-- .da>: In honor of ~rma, Fires' blrth- Mr. a.nd , Mts. pllntph Oonvln of CL~&S ftmET1NG; sell, of " Cen~e~vllle: cJl.lled on ' the Ie! ' Und;nvood, Mr: ~d Mrs·." Fred day. • ..'. Xenia Ilnd 1\11811 ElII~beth Henkle. Tile clas8, known 'u s the Young ·Mlasell Mnym T . nnd Annie U. Bra4l400k Gna Mel J4J'8. Rlt,y. . F. ;e. Henderson and Mr. und Mrs.. Friend's .clan of llhe Friends Meet. Itrown, Sunday:' mojJ~ ~clpck .. lU\d 'children. . ,: J. B, Gona are attending ' th~ ·Ham· ()ARD OF ~HANH8 lng, together . With their families -----" l1ton talr. today. . We want to th-a~k one and all for were entertru.nc4 . UpdRY evening at The Soap Bei'rJ DRINKS POISON. DIES Dr. .Mary L. Cook .pent aevei'al ttle help during the 1088 of our !lome ·the home of Mr:--Jl~d - MR. Ha!P'The .oall belTyl. the tropl!,!.1 tree ltCnI. Molba DoqlUnan, !7, wiclow day. lut week wII"her slater- Mrs. wbloh ocetn'fed Bundar evening. We Smltb. Aft"r fl fllort buslnees 86a. !l8aplrJdUI u~' and' other tpe_ : of FraaIt DoucluUar"aD4 mother of ~Ie Whit. and tamU,. at Akron. &leo appreciate tbe mMY nice trlCla 810n. mUllc Willi tQrnJ~ed by the clea fir the The artl ,ui' ...._.. 8unday, two B" H a ray, of o·lne1nnatl, ViIIted we hav.o .I'tlrilved .. . -- Bundo.Y · lChool .9~ll)Utm. u.nd a true I'OUDdin, eight .chnaren - _ ' , tile Hecla 1a deb m lipo. . _I.. _ • • • ' DID; aDiI Ita ¢act . ·UIINI IDIwad ltours after _ 4raftk..pol8On at ber hie UDeIe J, H, Smith, aut &atur· I ' Mll. and Jd1UI. WALTER and tIllae con~ riJoyed, Refresh· alloaPo ."~."D7- CJnaIn, tIaU-








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,\1 1'1;. \\' . I'. HullHlJury iH \·I."ill ll l; III lh l' t'o m lllllnHy l!i h t! I'euy ex t end.. 1Il' 1' <la tlglII e l' '\I r~ . H. H . 1l" Il ~(l 1l II nLi t.'d a t'orl1lu l I n v i ta llo n t il 11 e , a uso. f au illy In L' le vl·1:a 11I t, Ll llt!! w '-' .... I,. Ill ll' ly f,'"". Ihls r''';('ll1l1l1ng plcturu I~d . I r~I (· lr .. l· "f Ii anti llu ll was \\ hl('h w,'"w·,. helpfu l. In le llig nL n lli nner Hue"t of ::III'. I1l1l t Jll rH. I " "~u n ~ on roo l, ln!: u nd hu m t: 'llIu k. ALiu rn M""uh . laS l 1'·d rlllY . . 111; IlI ln a h unHlI'uuM Hnll ro rTlO nU c ~ Ir. li nd Mn•. HU HH(·11 lI ~ntlcy u n t! I<lClt. It If! 011 I·nll",·I.\· (11ft' I'Pn! !lllo\\' :\11·s . F m lll( TYlLl ll lllS V 1 91 1~ d i\h·. II lI d Ihll n lhp lIlI nr ('H ('lllen h ....., last JIll'S. lIt'rnl'd A nli " "so ll Il t. I't. An · ,·. IIlI l' I'.


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\\·l·. IrIt \:-:il llY, Or'lohp,'

I1r11l .\11·s. 111)JlIl' r Hallin )' IIn,l '[Illl!!h . l t' l' r\uomj l 'a ll rt l nn l'('\ :UiV f'N in (; (' 1'.

Harveysburg Book Pastor To Give Review Circle Series of Sermons


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rCS UII1 41 he r 81UlIJ OS In CO IUIl1\)U H. 'I"he I ~ \' . II ml ~1 n.. . H . Ll oyd lI uoCk · well I'cl UI'll I cI th e tl I's t uf lh l" wet> k llll tl C fr um lh ell' \\, ddl ng trill li t Puo'k o n Luk e :o.£\c hl",a n un d II I' n w H llllng III the 1',,('I OI:r nn 1·'ll lll'lh s ll·('H. 1'11,' H!'v. li nd MI·H. Ii a 'lc \I' cH will h li t homc to t h ~ h' Iltll'IHh lo lw rH

" nce w il l 1'('(,n!( lIl ze mtl n y uf t he r ls.

li nd frie nd" n ft er nex l S UII,IIl Y. i\11·. nnd MI,!;. Kn l'l Uu d (' III,,~ lItl e r ll n (i l1!1 l1 l: h tl' l'. of LOVl'l1i 1Il1 , WI'I'

IIg yo u ng l1(' t6 nl a nd ncll'esse" who 1:0 11 pil I'! In Il. \\' o rn <,n you n g ~nd vld \\'111 a ll ll l'l'('ial (h h UrTlun lw:;s oC th C' r om an tic s tor y. III w hic h h me I'rulJII' IllS 11 1'\' II Htl roncllell from u n Il nt l l'f~ l y n e w a ng le. iI IIIlS' of 1" 'j Z(,1l will he glvpn IIlI'a y II I l h(' (' Ios or th e tIlIII . LOcal

1I1('I'c hll nt " co·o jJcl"II lln g In lu de t he f II 0 ow lll!':: 1( . D .. Collett wh ose . gift SlIl)pel' ';lII'st s o r i\1t·,.. Al n l'lll E llou n. \\'111 b(' 11 \\' hl s llln i-: tN.k W e; Fulrle}, ~n lll l ·dn y . II 1I1'dWlI1'1' w ho"e g irt w ill IJe u d r ip. Ml's. Rob I·t Lnm b Jl nd Mr. lind o·III LOI' co rf('c ma ker ; ,Vay n psvUle i\lr· ~. l: lll l'e n(, l' All en \\" ~ r " S un (lu y Drug Sto l'e, It qUl, rt of FI'ench . g Ul's ts of, Mr . und AI m . J. H . ·11111h . Qa ullr Ice cl'el\111; Wullace 's lOA . n obel·t L u mb 8pe nt M ye ml da YM , OI'OC I'y n bask et of g r oc",'les; Kro · In K e ntucky 011 bURin ss thi s II'C~ k.. F;er n bnllk t oC gl'oce rle!l; R ym a us'

I Churches I '.-------------~

10 WQI Hel ; S mllh 's While Villa Or oce ry . !lIlcll of \Vhlte Villa. Clour. And 80 m Na tlon:rll y Advel'Used IInpt; or foo d n nd on ps and kitchen ut nails .

ACCPllt th In vltllllon of Ihe Mia mi a nd· 'I'he W "SI I'n Htal' Il nd U4W. John \ ' . LIII'Y, !\lIl1lRter J hUl . to join yo ur neigh bore In the 'unday , 0 to ber 2, 1938. Twin 'fheA i r . 'W aynesvllle Wednes. 9:307 " unday 8 hool. 'rhls Is gues t dur , etobe l' 6. The W estern sUU: day In U,e schaul. A "'Ilecln l progl'ul1I Is s ho\\'lng th e Ille utre In Morl'ow ls plfl nned . Invito YO lll' {1'lend to at· on Thursda y ond MnMn o n FI·lda y. tlln tl c hurc l~ 0 nd Su nday school. 10:30- Mol'nl;;g .W o rs h lp. This III nATE SET . COUNTY. g u li t lIo ), In the l:hurch . Chllh·. " ' OlE RAT CA,l \U'AIGN flOWlIl'8 ~I nd g u Mtll will m a k It" d llY ' to bo I' rn eml )cr d. Do not mll.lij A county ·wlde hanqu et to th e l'a ls It. hi a 1IUrt or til !J1'Ogrii'i1luf th e W a r. li:OO I). m .- Epwo rth Leo ",uc . th e I''' n o unty Extl'ns lon SCl' vl ce for rI ,·St. o r th o fu ll rn' 'tin gs. Pln n8 fOI' l hl s yen l' n nd II will L1l ke pillce Nov. the new Y Ill' w ill b(' dl scufl""d . 4th a ccording to David BIl II(\)', coun' 7:30 11. m . -Evcnlng s\1r" loe. 'l'hls ly ugrlCllltural nge nt. \\'Ul be n consee l'lltlon service for A (entul'(' of the cllmpalg n aguln et the 0((1 I'll or the chul"h n nd Ihe I'uts wlll be th e dl l!trlbutlon of a pre. vll l'loU H organizations \ylthln the pllr(!tl. rcd aClullI ball th!ll destroy. c hul'ch . it will Include a candl e Sill'. I·u.ts bUl Is r ela tl"ely hll rmjes8 to vic. ulheI' IInlrna lH. 'rhls bt\lt IH prepa red W edn.est!Ll y-2:00 1>. m.- \V. F . III. und!)I' the R\lPc"I'I'IHlon of the U . B. Ii. Meetin g to b In L eb a non with Oepu.i'tment of Agric ulture and I. Mrs. Hattll'ld . Arrantl'ements for onl y [01' cnrnpll ign UBe . tranapo l·tation enn b rnude If noll. Th e fll t tho t ra ts mlgl'ute trom (led In lime. ne 11I'emis t o an othe l' mnkes the lo' ridoy.-1 :0Q p. m . -Boy Scouts . ~ a!.lk of rll t co ntrol a. ommunlty 7 :30 p. m.- Cbolr prllc llee. problem . Il ene. th e ne . ot expo~. ing polao n !Jults, r moving mt har. FERRY CHURCII OF CIIRIST bors, " pd th e like Ilt one " time W. C. Bndlb, Mlnl8lt1r Su~uJa)'..... In a ddition LO th e lIystematic use 9:'30 a . m. Unifi ed Bervlcp beA'lns. '\1 r UI bult. olll fa>; hloned "Rat.klll]0:45 11. m . Communion . Ings " Ilre urged a s u menns of ·get. cl ng quick I·elltlles. "Call together a 11 :00 a . m. Sermon. :ew of I. hc lIe lghbors und spend a TU08dllY:11'" h uurs des t l'oy lng ruts on ' the . 1.30 p. m. Choir pl'tlctice. L a st Sundny we h od, one o f t h,' : :1 l'1nll (JJ' 011"'1' locution s In lho co~. greateRt home omlngs In ' th e hl:;tol'Y I/I unlt y t!'r ll t iu e o'V !'r·r.ulI with th'elie of the Ferry hure h. l SI b~ llI J; p l' N· pests " snya MI'. Ba ll!'y. A.eld e frpm ent al Sunduy IIchoo l u n<l IJver SOl! 1}I'o,'ldln g SpOI·t for th e boys and ILltended th e a ft el'noon Hl' rvl<;('. Sc· .loglI If prol1el'ly handled, 11. . la.rge I<erry Items tor pro"rnlll. /lumhe rs of th e r odents may be kll.ied · " ,nd th e dC lls a nd h a roorlng pla.ClI~ WAYNESVn,U,; Cm:Rf'1I OI~ lo rn up and I'Il·mov ed . l :IIIUS1' \V • . C. SmUh, ~UnisWr AUTO 'J'AG CASH DOLED Slll.. IIIY~ . County A tidJtor A. M . Parker ,to. 9:30 n . m.-Blblc s ·hool. day o nn olln c d the dlstrlbuUon or ol\lmunlon. 10:45 II . 111 . $l3,n9.2 tJ In m oto\' vehicle re gistra. 7:UO p . 1'Il .-Chl·l lItia n ElIll envor. tion fees: \Va y nesvill e $165. Cor,Jln 1 :45 p . m . -Prllnc hlng . $:tO. Franklin $700 , HnrveysbUl'g $76, WedllesduyLe bllnon $800. 1\1n.lnevllle $25, MasOn 7:45 p . m . Bible study. $ 165. Morrow $140, Plensant PlaIn $ ~6 . South L ebanon $76, Sprlrig~ro ST. I\lAR\,'S EI'ISCOP:\L CIIUUClI $GCr , nnd county r.oad fund $10,964.tO. \. Rev. R. L. lIu('kwell, ~U II IHler October 2nd, 16th !:lundllY aH el' W;\UrtEN COUNTY ·BUSES· OK T"'nlly. ~11 .busses In th e Warnm cou,D.t.Y ll :OO 3. . m . Morning pra yo r a nd sohool system were found 8UtllIfac-' sermon . t.ory by th e stnte high WilY pattel, whi ch com'p l,tlted an exnmlnl\Uon ' of ST. AUGUSTINE ()ATIIOl.JC t.l;te 3S ' machines Ilet'e today " 'l'he ()HURCH tests w ere co,ndueleCl at Waynesvlpe PSlltor, ' Rev. Robert H. K'r ulllholb Frnnklln, ~banon U,nd Morrow., ~. ~lEIiODIST CIIUHCII

t:1J 7.lJ lte


Ma8s and Bermon Sunda y !lnd ~. LETTIE MARSH.tLL. at 9 :00' 0.. m. . .. IN~~ '1I!T" Ac()~BNT Mrs. LettIe MIll'tlhaU or ' Centerl~ Ola.,.acemeal TODna,..r 8bIp Willi laken to 1.{J~1 Valley b_~ Tbe ,.'di:lplacert;leflt tOnnal~ I Wedneaday for treatment- of ,.,.,. -,hlp I.-the of the wa!p-that. turtlS oftbe right elbow and ribs would be neee..ary to IIl1 the apace fllee lacerations ~elVecl-'''ben occupled by the .hip'. buD. TIle . b .. --'-....... struck' a post, In ~nL of the ClDtI... Will dJacoy~~ '7---..edeI two. aDd a 'W rinturt:ee IIefont vllle hlah lichool .. abe atlte(ti.-'JIIiI Crtat. avolll hitUIll' aDOCb.....utolftol. .~;~t holld~YII.



_ .

• ~llrlnl-!lI<lI'n

1'1. Ort'nt 01'0\',> 10,

lilt. lIolly


" .."

• 'ht'~n J1 HUn



\\"l:t rntu!""n . 1un.1 '1 )' :r nUIl . HI UII~"H


Ollw l' t"" IIlt'I' 1"111111. 111111 ('111 >1" 11111 fl'lI

~~~~~:;:"l\\ hI ,'I1Jto.\·"'l


lltl" 111111 ' 11(>011 WI' I':I , I,Jlt l'l1 l hl l1 Bill/'! . ( 1\.ltll M Ol1g I'


ThD following 1)l'O~,'n m "'IV< pd cLUI,in~ the :in "II,)on;~ •



Vo 01

C1' \'IUC'~ '


£I II r


ff, ..

n 'I In I)n. '. :tr,tl'" 1\ /lix mnlllh N 'SuJnrll'r, ,I n n n l,'/,I"" n C'h tllJ' n III1\' m('\:(~1!!W. illS'. us.1..j• .::.I4Il.o A"Iot> .. k1 ""1OI~.~ l\UM ;\1\11 KIIIIl' . punt lI ll l'lnii- llruj""'ty r"rn1l'1'ly " (' 11111 <I :111\ Hlttl "II·H. Ilowa r d O,·" hltm ('n, ('nll With 1)(\1' 111I 1·,' nlH, III loy ~I' ·. n lltl, .\'ll'll. EI Pl't \\' aJltl ..... " I,,, UII ' :\11'1<. 11,,1' 1Jolmh" pUlll',1 rtltllli'<1 fit dlnnl 'l' 1',·ld:l." " '-"lIlng ~ lrR: 1 ;~111" -1'ho'l11; l ~ 11111. I l h , rUIIUwI"," l; 'II ·~l" .. 11',1 n \. 11':1 , ,::r tILL'HII)' "n Ih,' h,II,' I"" f< 1 ~1 ('I'. 1\ 1'/1.

h)lIRlv III th~

Plnnn 1<010- : ullnl' HII'(II:,.. •• ' !tt •. ~". " A t: 01"(lIIM1-l 01 0-11 l'; ,' # I'ln~.'·


"', .~ "



J, htl'1' l f ~'WS()n of Wllmln/{t ol


.. ~




,If " t!jllfltl tl~·. c1,lsr'll \\' ,,1t~ ",III~' W(,(·\, Owi ng 10 t hl' \\'a IT n f'UlllllY it It frl

·nlf. '"


a IIt ' m"J1 ~ II':\I I " J1 his "J.;it r lH' n · " r:rrr " 1Iltlllllti uni wal1' , 1\11',

nnu :111 .. 'I"'1l\ HIII'\('II ,

~ 1 1' ,


Il nrry CUI'IlI·n , 111,,, '111,1 ~1t1< , J t. m"~ " '1:1 1 ':111.1 ram lly, ~I ... IIl1d


MI·... ErvIn T h(lmnJ4 nn" I'hll ..... ,I' II ntl th h ust fi nd h 1St,·,.,.. 1\11:\, NHIlC"Y P o p p i!'l;

~wn1t' w llHl


h",,:I' (..


III Lhl" \\Tllin g'. ~h IRIIS(' IIlHt w "pk an,1 \I'(J~ I','ry ~It ,l(




U rl



')n }\.t;'lH


~ti :llI1h.l)lI l'''' :

d nu(!llI {lr, N :ttlml w, ' .....


of "11'1':

Mnl'Y Burton In \\' arl1t,sl' lIl . s.un· d ilY vonln g.

1..L"'I1~ 1111<1 rlll11l1~', n nd ~lm·le . \"0I, I &.:!Ila~1V1iP~!)'l

1'1':1 m, I{ ulw l'l n nd ,oi l u f I' ,' nl 1'1'111 :

Mrs. J nnl"

Jl\uU(m '



,. 1l·S. Enrnesl 1I11ll,' " III hI'" h ome


21 11ay

oeen n


111 r . l\nd


!3<>iton,' Su n duy, Juni or SmlU~ . I~ , the Intest vlct ll'f1 o't ' t h e t onsUhls t b al hl\8 l.Jeselgea •• I ,JII.\I family Jor th,e pua!: t~\'o w e 'ka, I . ~Iltle ~rvln I)' a ul Willi lb e ove t;· . nl~h!. guest ot Ills ollele und ilun! t)!. ~, J ,_ TllomlUlCs, undllY. _ -I

Mr. and M ,ra, . :rhomns Fordyce a ."'Yest, CUrl'p)ton, Sunday .Mrs. F!>rdy~ Is very II! Il t lhe ot bel' parent s, Mr. and Mrs. all

G.r u Khon.

){of.. HllIIS: motored t o Jng' \'he' 'P lUlt week. .) --4 .*"

Vt:lIU' . . , .


A ,h uge.-4l n n r Imd tltlJllly re un

h)' :'lit·. a l nl ~Ir>' ,

r: ,

Clean Up

Clcanetl and P I'essed


I'. (,, 'OSf< .. r 1.,·1"

Clean d and

' ;1 11<1

Il tllm t-~,

r...,di s PI!1in Dresses..


_' 11'. n nel l\r!,~ . FI'II III< lIu '!IIIIl'YII'QP h

1\ 11'. no;!

1\1 n.,


CI.ea.n~~.s '


. '


d n'~ll li



l:J~II"' Y

- ..

When In 'Lebanon Stop At

Herb'sflace: PLATE LUNCH' ~

1 e tlll1k k nt,

l-:Jolo n

Itl . In·

1\ r (l':{' I' (,' IItf !'C'l l e

l ' ntl 11


. Kath l'Y'O l\fo nde nhaU, Mgr

'l'UI''''''')' ,nlg-Ilt ILnu \V mhws· wIth h ('I' m u th r, l\ft,~, :llInnle

HIH1 f.amlly '"r lIl'<'1;' nill IVI' I'O ~ llltl l" 111111 'rl SlIJl<lay ll~' :II,'. lind ~ [ n. , \-\\>1 1,' 1(,'1' '\V"tllf\\,orth H n(1 ramll~"

B 1 Q~j{ed.


Sun,!,-,y with )'ll'r' .. !'-\:Ir"h \" ru l 'w l '1, :" nll (:t'nilY . II I '"IIIJIIUu a. :\11"" L ,,"I~l' \\' Ik,u n "r Dill' Ull


The ae Price. pc, Suits

M~ n's IInta


1\1 ,' , !l n el :\'1I'll. ' lIn I'ry


'l 1l,IIIs 3

l lt'l'ollllll ll l(ltl

H ' I·. Ikl ""1I . 100In h."' r or Ilit' r: !'I nrQII'1I el1u" (' 11 w .. " a ' Oll1n (' 1'

fn mlly. 11'1\'. u ntl 11 11'S. B C' I·t

seho 11-;, - --

II ~"''''''''''''''rT1rn:T'''

,t ~.

" allL lit H u ,' v,' yslJl II·g. A l ,.'og'I·(lrn >If 1'11l!' I'l:ll lInwnt w'lIl 'bl' 1,,·o,·I(IC'(t.

th, ),

Lft ie ~ . ~

Sandwiche. HlIlnw s


Liquors -' - Beer

PhllllPllin ell, Mr. W(U'tle wos super, Inl,'I1(~nt or lhe 10 ,000 a c r e pln J. IIPPle . l ,ln ntnt!on . ow n e~ by th e Cnl/, By J imo Ellen F lto , • I J'! •• fo rnla Poole ln!; o. T h Is com pan?, PI'OU ll CCS a n t! 111l ' ks th e \ls D~I ". ~Tr.;:£lnil. ~!!:s l-l.('I;m:l'~ . '~P'I'~ .' ~j~, 1\Jont brnnClo, F lCty y ew 's ugo . M ~. He el M ,'S. a,eo;:gOl! ' s.!stel· 1\1r, anh \y.l rn e's fa th e r ,a nd MI', Holla BoI· Mrs . H UI'ry McYny und ay, tcJl1 w er 1100lmatc!! I n P lkc . y,'!U>e J1 Jtf,l" a,\tl ) uno :Ellen P i t



son, Guy

Tha P . r901l1),S' is being paJoted . C. C. ~ umma or MIam Isbu rg. !\fr .. 9-JlClo !\frs. Perry .l. and Erv In F,~ ul o iled on

" 1111 "a~ h ,

1 1 '. "n (O~,


, 11 : , '



., N...SEARS' IIIj "W ..~~C ' ~S:t:J.%T~ ',

hurl es Euker a n d sp en t Su nday ·eve "

Ing at the Jum es WI !'al h om e,

Mr. lUld Mrs. Ervin T homas Children a nd~r8. J,.aVeI'f , a \:nul a

MJss ~.'!'lIofl ~~re Leblin :vIs ito r s, u nday o vonlng. - .




M r . 1ffi<t1irfif. Wiil'fiir'Thom liB II n chl1dr~n :'6nllCd, on " Mr:" a nd Mrsl

' .--=1

Lawrence Thomll8 Su nduy evenIng) A la rge crowd 'at t e nded th e Ferr t Chu rch of hrlst home.comJn g Sun tiny. It l!f estI m a ted that behveen SO~


I .




relieVe!! ~ 'I

C'. O.LD ' 'Fever and

und 3?Ji WCl.~ 1J1' ·llont. ¥61 ~~.""'''~'''f 'N~, !iI'O , from the tollowrng plnce~DlIyton I c'>1'~~.":J . T_JlJllfll • \ BoWersvlll o 8,' X enIa Iv ille 2G, MliLm ls bu l'g 3, br ook 11, L ebllnon 14,

P!'."fleaC:lacliel, tloo to , Cole]!!





The Miamli Gazet·t e ',~ I




Trhe We~~er,n Sta.r . · ,\ '1' TI,IE


, I

T'!!~li!~f~'~~~~ -"




n NE; J\1'''''Elt~OOS ONL Y ·

,Wednesday ' Ott.. .5 _.,2 . ~.. M. noons

OJ'Ek AT· 1:30 ! ,,

I "Star in My Kitch~~ is ~nt~ni~g ~ ~ell as. i~t~~e. It haS rom~e, humor, glam0'f,- u wall hold y~r ,interest

every minute -you are in the aud enee, and you Will see many


demonstrationS 9f ne,l reci' " ~a~ ' blive been l';~piaied" esp~aUy. for ,this piccure by sdv.eral of .\merica's foremost . home ec~nomi5ts. There will daily gifts for some forlunate . ~~. of . free ~ecipes for everyoni

It'$ the year's 5t)'1~ S<;,nsati I'l among low price cars! G1~or~ ous new dis t;'I~tIQn in ling • • . sumptuous new 1'fX'II'1 chrougbout. Envious eyes illlollow this big, new Plymouth wherever you drive it. , Come in today and drive a new 1939 "Roadking" or Pc Luxe Plymouth. Discover the ~~i11 in its new High.Torqu,e EDgin, · perfor;DlllDce ••• in *Perfc\=ted Remote Coaurol Shifting and new .All·Sileot Auto-Meslt Trans.mj~ion. , ; " Neyer berOte in a low.pricfd car have you had a rik to equal the Dew rid~ of thi~ great ~ew Plymouth. It has new Am~la 'Steel diil<Springs •.• 'n'lproved' Airplane Type ShOck AJ,Iorben •• • new,True· teady Steering • •• the mOst brito , liatit tIde engineering in fiY low priced car! ADd '"'" ;" ......10.. [ . . , . ; _ od............. Plymouth for 1939 bas ~l c.better val~~ , . ~ that have . ~ it famous ·for record namy with ,fllb ~ •,',' ~t CaUl(! OWOett to declare, " t's the CuThAt StUds Up Best!" -







. ,

'.~ lIaio• . Super.': .


,- .",,..,_ " " Orr- .....



Jb"'.I~."4 P.Ipaouth


~lOri;-ot" - : :.' ~. i -


, :->:: .' :..phOn.. ,8~ '.


o~ Worty

110Il Nf\,"

1-:"111'1< D!I\' Io!",m il L L y n ,' ItIHII'g",


Il s~,e n

,I _ \11 ,

1.1 rt'n'r: al'~nu ':

~I ~".

)' tl""

, ~It· . :lIIil lIfl'lI, Alh"I'L \1"11111 : 'ni~ f<J II)lI y · lI'l' I·" RI"ltlilY g ll" .. I~ of ~11·fI. :';J\'a 1111 n~': 111 H t ':\lJ l ~c)n . .'II·~.

I ll'Ivll~'G'\

\\' ('1'1'

"Ie, " n

('i,/('I nllllti , 1·'I·ItI:O .I' .

la nded n t

a n d nre now on Lh · I .. way t o visit relutl ves in west, l' t:h·nliiJ~~~~~~!

S vernl from this ne Ig hborhood n . ,., .. , Ml'_ u nd Mr... ounty Full' I ns.

, ~,. k .


l ly "UC ·. /\ , ( ' . J)A \ ' IJ)S'OX

1'1 w Yo rk,


tende4'. ~le Warrf:'n.

lIulI lll.


W"lI ,.

~jl" nl

L ebanon, 111 I',s. 1II11lel' Is r eco\,cl' inJ, . trom a. I'oce nt opern lion. , II ern U. S . 1\1rs, \Ya rn{l I" the form· l'>trs. NoDII. Turl y u( Duyto n ' Wils I' ~!I>I!:I Dorothy Jiead . or Denver, the end gil s t o( Mr. a nd JIll' • Colomdo tlnd J\h·. -';V,u ·n e. Is th e J ames W ieu.! and t J\ lIIl1y, of 'Mr. and 1\1,1'S, ,\Y . R. W u rn D r . Dnd Mrs. Joh n Paul Boltun Qt · ntnrlu , C<\ II(Qrnl a.. While In the o lumbuB WCt' gUCl!tll of th er 'lI

II t' nl, le

}:1I 11I

un ~i\t llnl nr ttvl'nl n J!.


O l'nOll, Itn ly. Arter louring EurOI 0 Ih ~. 1001. POlUS go o n the .. Nol·m n ~, " .. •... r ,:fl1

dIe" \0

",,110 '111

' lI n

nll-!'h t tit 11 :\ 1' \' I'~' S' l(U('l,t of Ih o J 'Iadc· fll lJ")~· . I II' '''' ~·. hurl;' g ym S<'vt mllc r 311, nt 7 :aO, :lfl" nno'! "Ir~. \ \11 11 (. 1I'\\'l n ur .1)11)" I'ollt u an uln g -1!:ut>l, T h put,1I I ... lOll 'll' cmn I'II IJ II'Ll It~, ~ II', · ilflLl "-!t·s, Irwit (1. Fn'c\ \\' :tll,,\\,ul'lh "r (l,' II r1lvll'n "I' III

the Phllllpine




,1 ~1~11W.L-~J.iIiw. (\11d w ,,:€) , (llll!!r !; U 1118

1011'11, 1\11'''.

"I I', lind "-11'/01. \ VlIIl:ttT) GiII llm '10 1'))

:I'a n~('

Is lund s. "I ... u ml l\1J's . ,\Varn e le ft th II' Isla nd home o n July 6 amI ~, t or n


PII'l f " ln Cl'l

u n Irux, Lphll nuu ~ Vl' n u l)ttyJHt ' rin n ·

I",wrl" H ' llJtI>ll ~"'I:\I , on Tlrul'l-1day n nun, lInll :l11·d. l tLH'AC' 11 1."11'111 ,' C e V(' nit1/:,. Orto[,el' ro , ttl the ""111 ' or .\1 " ITul\'. ,' nJ"y, ,(1 11 " hul'pl)1 ~ ,1J'i1' In

:\Ir, uno! Mr!!. Alle n

'Vn l'ne anti fa mily ot


"-II:. a nd 1\11·...

., I·Y >l' ldl! l y will h"ld n n

J : lIllI'~ \\';"ul n nd .",d "Ir~ . 1'. 1 , W lea l n nd da ug ht er tOl' SC\'PI'nl tl<1)'''' , ~h~ Is 11l1 t nl1u\\' ,\,1 1';l plt' :\1 111'. vlsl l'It's hUlI·tl l',' I·. \\' " Icu m c li nd In ll' I'estl ng: w tlCk end (IN>rge Wlclll ~IWI1l FrldlJY II n tl tllle"'IH lOr .\11' . u nd Mrs. n o llo Bol , t ~i\'j".i'll SaturdllY WILh hi:! g l'I.In 11".tI·(· nl ", Ihp lOn w er e JIll' . lind, ~Irtl, RObertl';lm&;taJ~L.tar~"o~i.n·d .

P ITY , nd.." np"r S)orln g !;,1r". M r . " nd ~ I M<. '1'0111 UUI' lo n


(·ll1b ~I l t il l"" hU I/lll.

'~'Iw I II 'lIt'" or I h., U:r ptl ~ t 1111 "~ i lJn,



,\1 1'1< • •\

"' U)·flPs\'lIl~

~It·s. (" ' 11'1,, '\'IPn l and Camlly, Mr. 1 1i!~!!~llIi,. 0111,1 ~ II'~ . . \ II"n \\' I"lIl1l, r .1111<1 family I,

Sl hltn l ~


liilt'l l"Il, ",,'nyn IIv llle; 11.:)HI Hu Um · wny r'h1l 11,JI. J~ I'I U1I;1ln ; N IIII I1llll'n. h l1l·t 'I'llyltu' , )'!iIJl'lnl-(\lIlr ; J\ l t~IJl. 1 lJllg'

, :'lit'. !l llo!, . II'''. A. C. n"\'ltl ~ "n " p~ 'n t Htl lltlay \ 11 h till ' f, I' U\I'I" I< nlltll\(JI·.


n ph w

I.,,·, ,: 7<.1 1'. " 1Il1 ;\11'8. 1.",,1\1.' \ Vleal IIn,1 I r o!.lllf!h l~l' , ,Juu n ( Cl 11c lnn:lt 'l Mrs .



;!," l "~ Ul\

, ~ Ii ""I

" r,o(t" I nd4n n I' Ill!

~I) I~(


V,,' illlllll1

" rUH

t :'1'111' 1' :It • h ' I' rit l4tHW Il "l' ho('1.

. , ,4", , "lY:r(E NEWS

. I



I ,

A' l'ltimbor oT rc!lntlYeli and fr!

l n(lor d MrK. F lV't'lit Grahum



'1'h~, I'r "'n.~" 1)<"



'p.rlso;l nt. h~ [ hO"1 ,eallt or town, Sun. d~ly. tIlunl)('I' of lJCI'~OUK frK .A II ' Mille r ~mcl. fa mily and thl ouuullunity Iitt mue\1 th' W U I' ~ n " ount)' f.lir. 'j' lnl'rkr;Jny a n d FI'lcl~l', lrvln (-Inn·tll ,cntert, .Ined I'elll tl" S ot i\o~I'~' PIII'V"Y HUl'lI l't hUH bl't"n 111 thE' IntHlr fl'om Thdlll n o ov r , unday th", " liNt "'(Ill'\{. II m1 . 1 . nday,




Inot'u(nt:' ;tt~ l'4 11 ~lUIIl,~&J I''''/[IOII'O(! 1)(\ n.·.. In h l"lj \\'l'iH [ lwd hlp . :-;1", Wll~ hll,p lI 10 .h, 1 lllai r

J " I'idH~f

HI'''''. hU"I1\1 II 1 wlll'l''' :< hr IA ~l ' \1111 · lll'du)·· nJler no').n ('a ll · flJl -tn lllt' " .. Itl'r ,'oll(lfI.lnn IVIII 11"1' 11 111'I'nlmng 10~1~ . . :\lIiiH wll1 l-r It) ' It v t' ltd rrll"fl altl' I... ,,' I'c,: ' Uimllll lr ,101'11>1 11 WJJH ~O vonll1l\ ·"IIII· \lU I'I'I'Y Will hI' " It\\v. Mhif< WII ~')I' II< 11


t el n , tol'S of th

lin We t·u \\ <'dll l'l!dn y even in g 11l ~ I'H r;I" l'Ie \ry ~ p ,:' ( Mr', nlhl lIfl'tI. lI a n ' y Burn tt n nd gu t .r 1\1... II tiLl 1\Ir~, \ nit 'I' It , niH] M'·fI . \'I' n lte r K lll'lc k. ,\ nd fllmlly. MI·~. Mury urm ony ill cO,"PIl.ll Y l\11'R, G,' '1'1';" Crny Itl III lhl" wOdc wllh 1.11' , fi nd lift'S. E , J , Cf\l'mony \vlll i ' IIII' ~r lll, un ll ~Oll lind Mr, u nd Mrs. W. F , 1\ 11'. ,I nd, 11\1" 1. C'll rrortl Arch 1 Ilco n CI.... I·lt VIHltf'll lIfl·. and Mrs, Oharl es and r;I01 I1 Y~' llhy;hlt t\ '8 ;SU ft .t";j, ~l.ey nlr '(1, In COlumbus Sun(]nl'. Th e Lrulil!.. Ail] will h,u \'o In a ll d inn er g il Rl .. l,f i'll', Ilml i\ II'S, Fl':Lnle .IIIY m etln,; lind. oo ve r d dlsll din· 1I 1Ut ~ l1ho t';:l' ''' 11', a nti, JlII'R, 1 .l'l;! lI ~ Om, ;111,1 niH' WedncsdllY Oct, 6 a t the hom e c hil d ...", h ll ll fur til c '" (II ntH' " g u c " l~ IIf JlI,·!!. Allen Em ric k, wlth l 111.1'8 . ,1>[ r l:l, H lIwk e Il.Ild MM!, Or ISh · ~ lI nd llY, JI ll' , : Iml~ 111.·" . ,' Ihl' ·t l';tll('Y Ln or Otl¥t.on nd ~', 'tJI!l ...... 1 . :WIlI uo ;aHRI lo ot h ostesses, 111 ... nn ll 1111'S. nUBSI'll Campbell N IIII u lIlI, (1IIu!,; hll'" LIe 1ll'1 1I' HIII'III/;:tnll c hlldr~n, MI', a.nd 1IIrs, , AlI l" n ll.nle u n(l H ar ve y Hole u tle nded the hom(' ,..,umln s nt Ferry church Sun·


~" \"lI'n I

l\f :J t'~f.rt~ 1:\ ~If Ill' IIjP" tl}ls, ,:M , : 1l.I' .. pd {'Itnlble ot we with ~ I ,'S , AUIL 'lr II UW l h :i.m1' hInd n~c1 Mt', '''faIt r li'llts of l\ lt,~,

\\' I'

u. INll' n I hal l"ht' C,,'l1 el n at! 114' l'

:;.---4 JII~

rlltnlly I\t

IIr ;\IJr~ ~lJ~~'I K'hl

'\, lbm l1 of L ..h ; I.1fI1I

('~' nl erv lJl (' ,

1\ II "


Frl, 'n IHhl1' (' lllh I" " n rnuili ty . \\' 111 " ",:. 1111)1" \V NI ,"'"lIn '

or thi s '




It (1I, .. iV'"1l

Ill" III'm"m "I' :\I .. ~ ,

m ll l'e ra pidl y'" than , th ose of "" . (a rnl' la b orer or 'gO mckeepcr. Sti,e eyes lasl longer Ih nn brown, an d It Is Downl'.\' . Hi"plc Bul",nlp t>l ll~ lI ~ , ." I'~; "I sn Id thaI , blllc ·eyed- pel SOA9 ure nuru!' 1{1'1'8"Y or TUl'\I ... ' 1'1' <,1" "'" ' thl'olll(l1 til , :1g n r'y r" l~. !d lll! I lon gc r .Jjvqd t hU D those wi th eyes II Sunda y , -l!-JhoIO n r lh t? !\ Tc J(ur (n nl - nl\l\ r l,\' :!!'i.O tll' .lliw p nl1 lJlp (1tlJ'in lhat Cl re h r (\\o" 1I nr ha u'l, Illes, ~1 1 " rlh' "' .l:I' R, !IIr, and ) tt·R. 1'-;'lI l1k (' 1111' (( , 1':1-.1 "11 n a ll its of the l\lInk. . Allho Ligh thc mi nk j.s to(, d of waDunfel' , Alfl'l:d .1 nl'llll lt li nd LII" T il l· Old St. Clair Counly te r a nd 11 lu r s:e pa~t ot its rood conArthu r SL Cl ai r, nrst gll\' Crn Inngo t \ ' (,n) \"lsil(..I1 ~ in L( ' 1 ~l nH11 . sis t s o{ tr ofts , nsh, cr::tyOsh 1l1ld even th e Northwest tc r ritory, f 0 1'1ll su tu r~y l' ~' njn ~. mll~ltr:tts. II preys U[H)lI 10 nd ' a ni· 'coun ty called SI. ('I. Ir in 1790. . r-rr , ol1d ]l.I,·s. UlIl'to n 'nt r r tlt 1" "(1 " cOUI1lY COlT'priscd the lIrea of ma ls . lelo. It wi ll taclde ' any lh in g fr om a commnn house ra'~ or.. a r a b· group or fl'le nda (Lt t el.a: h omL', Hun · is now a lm ost the who le stale dny. ,.'./ bit to n chiclec n, ·n!lls, ' ''ynl '"



1 o\\'I\(\~'

:t llil


\ ' ,,1' f1I I

I" 'ad l), dI R.,,,,,,, h~' " il lS to llU tl ll1 l1 111' 111 J!!1

: Inl l ,



Robert Montgomery and J;met Gaynor


Mr. a nd Mrs, Walter K e nrick nnd • . , in "~hree Loves Has Nancy" .lome,!! Haines nccomp!lJ1led 'l'he': 1I1lrinlse bjt' or the sensou, " Three Loves Has Nan cy.~ IIn cle, F. 1\1, Sinde to Plqu!IBwilin. t b ~nlIOme r!, J a net Gaynor and Fraucbet Ton e will oPe-a: S~n a]'l to~r 2 t lho de ltu: e Xe nia. tb ellte~ III Xe nln for (\11Y an~ weI's dinner guest; lUI. ~hJ1!lr1 II tl ee clay engagement u nd ~11'1'1 . ') os~ph Grns91 and f mil)', \, '!'be ,tory J)t "Three' Loves HilS Nancy" Is iahl against he The y also wltnciII<ed the pamdll -ot ~~lIQIIiul iff...UJlta.-mod 0 New ' Yo rk life. and t ells of th o troo' the Northwest T et,r1to!J" ',,(::9!1iY!!ID.~ "::. '1)lel r;6IIultlfll\' ~om' a no e!ls l 's ca s unl Invitation to a amall -town r;lrl to avail ~rad of h Is he lp it s h e e ver Jlcoun(~rt; troubl e on lhoro In the n!ternoo n , .. visit to th~' 1iJ.K \clty. Sh'e do.;ll, Claire Dodd li nd R egina ld The Ladles Aid will· sponsor 0. O~~ . ad the ..~lfpportid& ca~ l ' , cl'oquot ~oJrnament at Lytle. F~Jdl;ly


, ••

Sl1cctReleR \Vere Invt'ntl'dt III or about the Thi~teenth r: tllllry. , The monk Alessandr0.JU-SPlhll. IIIh died ~t FJQrerJce, In , 1313, i U Il! lty credo ite d with b ing tit oi r inventor, but R oger Bncon, who lived rrol7\ L214 lu J204, Is believe d' t'n ha ve worn them, nnd ' It is 'quite poss ible that (hcy were krlOwn' 01 lin eviln eurlier date, says London ' An!rWersI'Moga. zinc, Hum a n eyes ight Is,· best at lhe age of tcn to fiftec n and lifte r that slowly. d lCl'i orul es,. _/Jut an

Wheat Plan·t ing Season Is At Ha d


"'hen You Bv fertilize I Insist On '

JIlt'. nnd Mrs. Orv lll ~ Gray n nc1 Bn l"l,a rn wp,'c, ~unt1u y vl~ t lf1r8 n t the

' lUI rlt·~ Swhlt.ll flr Is ~ I )fInf llll g

:\i1'R .

f f' w daYH at hl'r f'<l unlt'Y hom e,


ChllTlce G I'UY, l' ll LlIlf:' I'jn ' lI'lI'ha('h , \" "'n fr a nd :-;" m r effer"I'!i of ))a yton \\'CI" ?ll<mday vl" ltol'" a l til (I rny hnnle. A ml >!ce ll a n C'lI l1 ~ "hower w aA ~1\lI' n In honor or lll " Ll'wi,. gi rl s a l til e

l ..

wiN }., Ull ll" ~atl;nl ny

The Smith Agricultural C;I emical Co. I

a ftcl'noon.

Good Quality Binder. TWI+e On ,Hand ·

1\'11", lind Mrs. F" nn lt McComns a nc1 Mr. and 1\11'8. Olive'r J acobs hod all BCIIlOCIH,uv". " Edwl.lrd oL Norwood, lIIl', a nd th eir dinn er g u lits S undoy lII" , an d '~t r,ii George Brady , n nd r'lm lly or ~I''lj , 1I 11 1'01d Sh utt s a nd lhr ><ons, ci ~c1nna tl s pen t f:unduy with 111.·, unr1 ~11 ...~ :\IarJI,) ShUll!! of in c ln. cmd Mrs, Bert Bunnell nnd fqJlllJ y n a ll. of Utica.,


SACCO Guaranteed Quality

h ome of the fOI'nv'r '" rnl h,'I', ?I II'. J , 'J' . Oray ..

1' ('\' l{.


Compare Our Price. and You

F ri e ndI' we t' sot'r'Y t o II Ill' of th IIw':o.i ll g' uwuy of MI';'. Thoma!' Ri c h' s fa th r, Olls Tron B,

[ulle n sp e nt uncl'l Y a ft e rnoon With J\I,', and !Ii)';<, Bert Bunnell n nd fa mily. TJl er e will b n. foud ",,10 nt Llng-c"", 'R1l'rdwnre stol'e 1 L clinn oh, ,'a tnr l:\y g ive n tiy lhr UlIc, Ladl eR



'Beech; Grove "


' Larger

Jessie L, (lamer

E ~ tllbJlshllil ISoI!.I •

8eCII.USl' of n eUer QunJily. Sen-Iell. IIl1d Prit'6




Miss Mobel Hut re turn ed La her hom e In Dayton, StI\lduy , " flel' Y,Sunda.y afteJ'noon, , .. ~el:nJ'<(]IIV8 'vls lt ~th ·!i1IH>! Non:t lIu · .M,., ....nJ -'ni!T SJ h4.... .... Via Mlcheal and Mr, and Mrs. Argus Osborn a nd m a.ker and pm'ellts, "n .t'1 ~ughlOl' and Herbert ltlarlatt were children oC B rinch Hili we l'e gil SLS Mrs, HOlVllrd oo n , of \(Jn g m n n , gu ts at a : ".qiilr~f supper with On S unday oC Mrs. nrah Osbor n . wn,. n gue"'ts , IURt week of Mug-hIm', M e s nt Xel!.I,? ~ondBY , lIfr, and. MM!, R\l~ 11 'a ,'I' of Os,' MI'. and M,'s, .T. F. J ocobs nnd at. 1'011', nnd ftf~ 'P, A, Runyon and born, visIted ho\' mo th . I' :\Lrs . o ra te n I ,1 th e fllir on 'l'hursdIlY, . a M~. Bill TatE. lend son of Compton on Sundnr. ~tl'. a nd, :\11'8 . Cecil V illa 1'8 atte nd, B ellbro hnd ' til pic nic s tlpp!)r at lIfr, and lIJr!l Forrest Cmndln at I'd tha tunc l'a l o f Il('r un cle. Richard

&' J

l~OI't All'~lent, sun(J~y,

Dayton, sPt'nt Sundny with Mrs. Ross, of Mnson, Tuesda~', l\Iaster RAlp!:\ 8»ent the w l!ek Gmndln's plll'enls, MI'. n nd Mr>l, J , T, Walton, ' lI lt·s, 1\Inbe l Terry, of Col umbus, e nd wllh his uncle and aunt Mr, and 1111'S, M'a rle ,,' lItl I' 'tu rn ed on Ma n ' cam!! hom~ " 'edn!!sdRY evenln l; li nd Mrs', Ruy mond Osborne or Xe nia. ' atte nded th e LbnnQn fa it·, 'j'hursdny SevE'I'IlI tram ~ere attend ed the da y 11'001 a :vIsit In Columbus. Mrs. Flora. lI1 oso n of D a yton Is co unty foil' Friday, spending' the week tb friend s li nd, Ptovld.e , contuJn ers 101' garbll e re latives h e re . ...... unll \ r etu Be, R'emove or burn It r eg - . Mnbel MQon wns n Rundal' guest of Mr. ' nnd Mrs, Cnn by of X e nlt'l.. rash. , • ~\" and Mrs, Willlum P otlo r t a nd REAL ESTAtE sons of Morrow, vlRlte(1 lIft-. (1-11<1 " ~ W e b WUkcrson on Sunday, NOTARY PUBLIC K,ntherlne Ale x,a nder was t\I vi or In "Kentucky. over th w cek end. Mr, and ~:trll, J'l Imcs cnr s of Duy· ton. Mr, and MI·s. 'or nenr Waynesv ille, w er e S unday callers at the home of Mr. a nd Mrs, G, V, Sims. Mr. and Mrll, Web Wllk e r Hon . hnv~ ns lhelr g'u e~t this wee k, hi s mothe~ or Oregonia.,



'Whenln... W~yne8vW Sh.p a t .Baird's Sc & IOe Store .

,\ .





N. Main St.

'1 ,


, ~e offe,..a ,ati.factory S~rvite'.

at all times' ~ .






N ew BUl'lIn g ton Chll l.tcl· O . E . !'; . e nte rtain ed with a party on Monduy nlJ,:"ht for Clarksville Chapter'. 'j' hos 'I t !dIng from here w re M1'8, G01d· Ie Krletzer. Mrs, G1'IlCC Borlo n, M ~ , Lydia Powell, Mrs. Ma ude 'Vhlteslde, l\Irs, Lido. Vandem.m, Mrs. Neltle F ulkerson. Mrs, Ruth Slingley j M~ . ' Hele.n Sheehan, 1\{rs. Kate Eug~, I\{rs, Alice 'Sims and Mrs, Luc1l1e Comp ton, . Mrs:-: Snrah Osborn had as cailo", on Sunday aiternoon. 1\11'8. LuclUe Snow, Mr.a, M.lnnle Luk ey, a nd . nnd ~frs, John Rose of Do.yton,


Phone 7 -MIll IOlOpbine Gra.)'

WHY ,:WAITt, Have' your Furnace cleaned and;rep~ired now:'Al~o , a complete l~~e o,f ~~w~F\.l~a,c;es. ~.~, .. Gutterjng and .. CondUctor work. All kinds of' 1:00f8 'repaired and painted. Also asbestos shingle',siding , I . f~r 'old' hOq$es ' '. '

. ,::

J. B.



. #. i




~: ~

:.. .".

~' r)-~_ , .. . ..?~$~ ,

• Grandma atwa)'l ~u a keea .hoppetl! and quick ~ "8nap--y~ ba.lrJr8jin ••• but you'll recoPize these BAR~ OFFERS wlthout her years ts:-

..v. real ~oney ••• yD'-get a .well ~election of magazines ~d a full year of o~ newspaper. :Tha~I' what we ~ a "break" for you ieadel'l ••• DO wonder pandma .ay.--··YiOV'YE .G9T~METHlNG THERE!"

perieD'Ce ••• you


rour Catth;. bop, sb.eep aDd ' calvil


1~:~6 t,o ',12:80 p.: ai'•...tota_ market .repoTtl, ",.,



daDr. ..


,., Auc;tlora,er



C~nterv~114e,\: Qhlo Phone 78J

,llrs, Sarah E, ,Snell, Mr, a nd ChlLrles Sneil, and Mr, nn.d ;Mrs, Snell ,moto~ed t o P aJdn lo visit Sween-ey, From there to Spri ta more ft·lends. Ulen - through Lytl~. ·

WYATrs, ";GRlLt .


All Boan



to '· Nom..Brock Cu.., lIlT- win .Dd progrueiv. fina l tOI~~ ~e hieheet IHi'ket priCeI .titT ,&,oO.d UDI_ Stock Y.i.U' Ci...... Tone in on Radio Stam• •


Growe,_ l rr. } Olll'II8Ll rr, -_~~rr.

~~~ie;~~~"]t;;iC;;::; ,r,



--~)T, _.. -_____ 1rr,


;;;;~~~~~~______~~~~~~__~~~~~~~G~_;.__~__~~~__~____·~~T~H_E__lI--I_Jl__~){~I~s~~~~;...__~~~,____~~~. ~'~n~__~~~~~.~____..~...----~~~T~II:U~nd~II~Y,_Se~II~le_'n ~~~r:2:.p':1~g*,tlntt Mr...



Utbt jMtami


17, nr~l1 t (it ".'" 10. ~pl·tn .... ,Ir ll ,I, W "st l'lIrl'OII',,1I 2, 1I1l. llolll I, ' ',TtIl' l(,l'''IlW Y ~ lI o\\' . !'\pl'lm~~ a, ~. w







1'1\1 1l ~ n

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Ht ','(II1IIIIn


u . II ' I'


:\IC/\lllr' r

Ih~I' f,II'IIIl' I'

,11\1111 .

pupil,. anil "'"ol:IIllUtl' lI

1'~~~~~~, \1a" ,' nj ~,,(\ thlt. lIlIieh 'lIll

"tl,\fJ,'a.. I"

\\' 're:

j ,:,tI'l\lm,·t r;:llI ~, Oultl' l III un!; 'r

" "moo

Phone 112



~"llI"ll t' IIl' 1' 11l i\!"I'rlt"tjJ.Wi1 "chuu!.

)l'.u"o< t p! :\Ibl), l1hll<a lil1l1 I'aul III


,\I :dll,


h",d" 1''1

" 'nynl',wtll, : J~'I H I (l J 1 1I1I~" " hllll'lI, Jl" ': mklln ; 1 ~ 'hL 1':'"'1\ ' IIIII'L 'I'll yl,lI' , S I'I'IO~ hl) I'o: lIhLl.l I Du g, iofl1'cI ,m,

Entered AI Second OIIk'lS Mail.



L '1

U 11 pI X, SiUIo

1'1 "",... h.

'I"I-n~ n---' ,-

:I II'. /l ml ;\l ril, .II illY. I' U

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\ 'oelll 1<1;)--0 . '.11'"" , . t'fw tH('~ '






... . . .





1 na.t:\nllpo li li g o \' f~ n cll ' tlhIIlSII":1\ tun hi s "KIlc1w n ,K mf t " I1 lillll lliun;


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~II ·.


a l nn" 1':111111)' ,

1~1' \'11l 1'1if)11H1~



01 ,,01

lIi1' . (lI1el :'l it'!>. T"1ll 1I1 11·ltln. ~II·. ;\[1'8.



.. , HI, oI

un d c'htlth'l111 111\\1

lil t> IH,!':I fl na h (,~ t I'HH. 1\ lr.~ .

Nanry P Oll (' 1::0 :O;1..l llJl'Whllt 1,\11 · Il t '1I1H wI'i lln". ~h(' ,,,,,I i l ,C!. Inpse .hlMt w f'('k and Wll~ ,' pry ~h!k . 101' s~vlll'll l 11")' ~. She' I~ 11,,1 IIl1u\\' ,1t 1

vl s llo,'" howe \·or. Ooorge "\' icILI HPPlll S .u turd uy wi th hi!"

"ntl till"

g- r[l nt1p fl n ' nt ~ ,

P t'I' Y W Hcle" n ('n r ~r' r ln"bl\l'lI. Mr. li nd ' :11,-,;. T om Burto n


d nught r, N nn m l Wf' r C' gll £'l'ts t1f

~h·F .

Mnr'y Durton I n ,,',,),n"" 1'1111'. Su o ·

dny ' e vc nln g.

Mrs, J nnl., 1\11111"11 I- llI,r!ll ng ...1I1rs. Enrn est 1I11111,'r a l 1tt' I' 110111 £' i}l ,Leba n on, 1I11".i1. .:\[111 ('1' I~ r('t'I"'('rlnl,;



t11111/.:htl-' ~·'

recent op TIIlIolI, ·

\ \ 'ica l Il wl

\ \'n yn CH \ ' j)I(.

l[l Innat' Mrll.

J ,,: tn r


:-U,( . ' II B IIl '~,~)r ),,:Jt,6'r\~'!llt, aI,II ~I I''' . I.,,\\'IH \,' k ,, 1 ilneL (n mlly . •\11'. ,,",1 .\ 11'''. . \ IIt'l\ " . IIf ~l illmIH"utx:

L u,'""

11 11 01

f' 1~.t nl.

n "Ul' l' 1.







II I' ,'

lI lId f :unlly


~ I' ·" .




) 1,·".

.l : " ,w~ '1Y le'l t! nne l fli m ill' II nd '!\'lr. .",,1 .\1 1'1' , I' . I:. " -It':11 a lld ')'lUlOhtH


~ IJ'.

was enjoY.l1d: nt, tho . b ome of Mr. '.M rs. Pete W lcnl Sundny. Tbosj1 o baerved t h e day were, Mr,


II l' lI 1<1,'


wi ll

:'.1 ,·.

h o ltl n il ''llid rIlKI1.

,\ II,,"·\.



(', "lilly 11 ;1 ,':!


J';lItIlllIY Iortl" "lH

\\" ' I'l'

t '.

to Ol·ty

1•• luCl'JiO "10' U

Cleon Up t n e lo Prlee. '1 aMnia 3 pc, Suit.!! Cleaned and Pl'essed


:I lt


11 ,, '111('.<, :\('I'clInp,II,I,1 I'y :II" . 111111 ~ I ,·,.. t1:. ('. (J I"'SH "I' (., .... IIlIll n . u n " :\ 1,·". I tll HH II 1.,,\\,1,. "r .'.1"''1',,1\' . IIjIJy t'll II " h" pp'"g' ,tl·li. In ( ' In..t nll llil. I",·ill " .\ '. H,'\'. I IP IlIH' lt , 11 1'"1,,1\' 1' 1)(' p i" ,\( I's .'


hnll tljl,"

~ II·H.


' I'e ot h e r g- ueMls

~l':' LftiiJ~ . ~. S(:hool,


1:'111.\':1 11 H \ )1) I$on ,

i ll ,,·

Hllntl, ,), w ll Ii i'I(r" .. Kllrllli a n d ftl lll ll .\·, at 'ullln,b us. ~I I~H


Cleuned nnd BIQs:ked

50c PI.nin

Lnd ies




Cleane~s ' . - ...

Kathi'Y'n lIfo n ilenhaU; Mb'l' ~


(; " noll . 1t,, 1)'. , \rlPI' IUlu'lng Euroll 1111')' too,. pn "~lIgll o n Ill e "NO I'Il1I1 Il, <II,," ttl .,"\\' Yo r k, a ltd nrc nuw on theil' Wil Y t n vl~' 1 r e la tiVe>! In w esl .

"'iI~(l 1l

L PII I"l' rL'u v~ula."

lI igh t



',," '!l'\\' ld, [ " .\'lU ll '

When' In 'Lebanon

'~ In,·~·


Stop At

rIllY wltlt h .. l· nwlh ", MI',.. :lllnlllll \v1I ~1I;" .

lly MUS. J\, ( :, ))J\ \' IJ)SYIN

MI'. ':I n,l .\~·.I ·S . FI·nnl. I I 1!l1I f>~ \\'I,)~tl: li nd f:unll y u( ( ~I·(·g-n n~ll \V t.' l'(\ ItH.c r · I'. 1I 11 t1 ~1 1':< . ,\1111·' \\f" d s \\'ul'lh ." till fa mily. I

ta ilwil StmtlllY by ," t




nc:l 1\ I I'H, Elllo(lll n e l ' II\I (' k 'l it·

lc ' ru..h'(i n ]~rug" ' r ('u nrr' l 'O.l1co 111 . 'in·

Sa ndwiches

'Inn" ll HUIIlIIIY. 1\ 11' 9. J LUl'l'y Holm I'l e n! wllh .. t~ o'c lu c k IUlll'hl'on, ?lltlll(I'lY ('H' Ill!' pit'Uil lIl'(" of i\lr . ('n"on o( Lof' i\ n g£' h';',

By J lln

'Wines -

Liquor. -



E llen Fite

" ' !,Ir,::nnd, ~i ra, il.~ l'm:l n ~1ep.r,:('. vl~' Ht.'d




l\lr. a lltl

1\lr8. H u rl'y l\! cVay .' unduy . ,, ~IJI.$ e


~ -..-..-,,~

un,d .June ;Ellen, l~lle ", "'. ~.. 5 ,._=

,.W.N...SEARS. , ~AC E.S1)ti;~ ·. '




~"t4..,.,t,'I 'ltI,f,.·lht ·1


1I ,lti"1l1

11 1,·. li n d, ifl'''. 1'1.

:-O)J l;'nt


Sunday. even ing .lIi1rs" Fprdyc _ Is veI'y III u l lh e hom~ ot her partlnlS, MI'. a nd Mrs. Thorn Il8 O r ushQD, }l.f1- Hess. to D etJ'o l~, Ing the pnst week, , A huge .. d1n n r ltnd tl~m lly


~:l lunl ay t'\·(~nl n f: .



Car r.lllton,



Fn'd \\' :u.. bnvo r t l1 II I' (: l'nn tu wn HIl(' lll

"rn U. S. Mrs. ,Vllrnc I~ the form, lI!m. N D(l Turl e y . ,)r Ollyl,lI\ \I' IIS I' ~l l~~ !Juro lhy ll eud o r Du"" I' , the w.eck nd gUC'nl of 1111'. and Md!. Cul or arl u a lltl ':\Ir. , VarnI! III lhe ~on J a m es 'VI II I [I nti fa mil y. uf :llr . anti '11.1'8. W . H. 'W a rne of Dr. n ncl M rs. John P u ul nlll rl o . Ca llfv rnla. While In the o luntbuB W(lI' I guests of til l' fo r n,' l'hllJl))pln eH , M "', 'VUJ'ne was supe~· er '~ parentI!, ~ r . 111111 1\11'8, Ral IIltt' nd(! nl 'ur th e J 0,000 lI('r e pine, Bollon , S unday. :tPlll .. p lanla tio n owned by lhe tLII '. Junior Sf!1~\h Ii' th(' Intollt \'Iclirp fornln P nc l<log' o . This 'om pli n y ei ' lhe t o nsilltls thnt hns h psolged ,. • I produc(Os a nd Iluc ks th e tamolls DAI .111.~ (Ilrnlly .for the past two week s . , .\ I o llt bmntt. Fifty y ~IU'S a go . 1\Iv. . !--Iltle l:'; I'v ln l!~n ul wut! tho 01'01'- ' Yill'IU"S tll lh t'\' .und lILI', Ro lla Bo l, . nl~ h t guesl Q! hIs un c le iLlld a" nl 11:)\1 I\' I' CllOO\ll)atcll In Pl1ce 0" ~'), ~, J ,_ ThontllSCS, Su nd a y . OhiO , ~ ~e [II rrom this ne Ig hbo rh ood n 1 . }'II " . and 111 ...,. h u rles Baket; a nll tend~ . U.le WarrCl n. ounty l~u lt' Ins, lio n, Guy Edgar sl)e nt S unday even· . ~.~ !!k. I Ing at the James W leul borne. I Th e. .Jl(\rsonnge. Ls being palnt d b Y, lIlr. und :Mrs. Ervin Thomas C . C . .lI1ummQ. o( MIamisbu rg. 1otr. !tn e!. Mrs. Perl'Y J, Thom as c hll(lr n und ~lI'lI. LaVB'I1l -i;ll ul n. a~d E r vIn FnUI ontlpd on Mr. nnd lIllss ~ Tl\ofhUf..~re Lebtln n VisItors, un duy evenIn g, ' I'



nn d il1 te l 'c!"tl ng wl'c k end

a nel '!\Ir~. H o llu B ol· to n \\',' n ' ~,l' ·. lind· llrO!. Ho\)crt \\''' 1'111' :1n,\ !'"m ll .\· or lh(' l'hlilipil lC I ~htllllti. :\1 1'. 1.'"<1 Mrs. W a rn e left I h,,11' 1~1 ,1t1t1 h o m e o n ,I uh' 5 a nd nt, It " . /I ~ l lillY "\'I':l n voynge la nd d lit

Mrs. Otto Olnl('1' al Mlamlsburg ·nnd ~r. ani! M r8 . . Tllomns Fordy e n

~i() lIil


\\',/ 111


1'1 ~'f,1) ~ 1 I' c n,aw l!C ~I1l' II

1111'· ,

H:~ ltll ·.I ,,~'" '' Iii .., I:," (""" "I ~ " 'I',

,' Ilib II I lit ' h .. m,'

~I"I' ,

t! " ('~ t" .. r

;\I n l.· n l' l'l 'I' " h ",," ,' :tll cl

'anu Tla Vi R. Ou nn ·

11I'1vII "I; (I . 10 , lI ~ ten

W(' r '

lun c'rl" B HI.lI>1 t ",,~Ia l. 'IJI TII1I r~' I "y \'(' nill,~, (). ·tolw l' U. III Ih (' 1101111' f)f ;\11'. lIud 1\11'0'. '1~-ilIll11T! ,llI lIm n Ol'lh ('nM or lI :U'Vl'y ~I\II 'J:', A "I'Ii/.:l'itrn ,, ( ti l' unt fJ Wn l ' hll l'('1! WIiH a tllunl I' l' 1It. · rt ll inn~ " lll wl1l 'b" P,·CI\·j,lec1. Gl'lltI~(' R"",'\.I('t· ni ght :1 l 11 ,,1'1',' ),8' li:u,'Ii L til' Iho ~ ' 1:11'1, · fll ll'Il )~ . 1'lH,day. 1\1... lin d i\1.. " . \ \l II I \'''1'11''" or I J II~" hurl-: t:'y m 8<'l'tomh£'r :1\1, nt 7::111 . l~o lk clnnclnll'- halt!. ']'11 " pultll C' I,. I'" a""," n1>" nl..,1 10.\ ' ~II· . ,",,1 ~ll ·" .

:'1 1;,1'1' '1\' 0 1· ((:1.\· III(lIld l.11 1I1'I



II n~


'11 ,., "(11111.1(' HI'lh lil1:U\

In tlI L'>! .. i the' H a l' tlijl n 1" .. lpn .

lilT s'l\' l .... y

rlllllll)', an d

·t·Jll,' .. vilh ~;

" ' t' I('iltJll'


" r,uo"

of MI'. lind 1\l l's . IIPI',,: 1'11' , :l l1d :\11':0&. ~~ l'~lt

f II

MI'. (l ml ~ll's. \\, 111 11111 Olll n ll) "11(1 111 ,·, , uel :\1 · R . A. , • (',, 11,,11 ,

W II,I 'II 111(' 11'

at Ih

I I'.

\N 10;" \. \, ,~,

ro nd wilh h(ll' p:" ·l'll l ". tlt

(' 11111;111. ', DavlIlBi'n l' P"1I 1 .'L. L' ({)' .. I' l hfit , f QT:1 . nll'l :II I'!;. , \1 ' 1,,011, (' .. lid ' :l lItI Sunday IV llh Ih , ' rfln'1"" ',; Ill ollle'r, 1. lh' W ll rr n ('u"illy ~I .. , lI ml 111..". lI ll1\'r" ',l il l':ll1:1111 Il l . •\-I ,·k. ' \ I-:n,'" LI:1\'ltl l'l"" il L I.l' n ,· It .. "I'~. v i",

111,,1' ',r Il,)\\'

:\11'11. Na n 1i 1.~11

: ruh III I'll,

l!'f'ld ll~' ~'\'('nln~

Ih'l f()II"WIl)C 'l( lh!l<l fI ,.

..l!il'j1!1t Gilln;-!t

I !:lnll R In-..,. I'II,)llin ltlfllf" ". ~ I , ·t:. .. ~ .. ~ .,. r\ C' ol'fl l!t1n 1111..1- ;\ :, 1ill I in~.

I II l OJl ~

!\tl'.~. oIII!'lIIir~u4W}"'vA-O.\:iIUJWl n~d __ _ ...

\(l\\'n .

Mr. "iffi{I'] rs, Wii1tcr Ti'iOrilnM an!


ohl1l1d!n '·6alled. on " Mr: 'ond


LllwrencEi Thomns Su nday




A lllrs;c crowd 'uttended the Ferr~ ' burch or hrlsl h orne·comln g Sun, dAy, It Is esUmnted th d t b tw een 30b

,Fever aD~ "-- -"--'eaclaches,

a nd, 3f!> '~I!!e Dr9scnt, 261 [ " om th e (oll owfng p1t1eeS---:Duyton Bo\\'ers" ill 8, Xenia 20, Iv llle 25 , ];lIilrnls bu'"g a, Lytle I, br OOK 11; L etin non 14, Spring

J ,~ '


The Miamli Gazet't e .


I Star ., , AT TI,IE





TWin. T~eate~ WJ\'\'N I';SVl l ,L Ill, 0 , ..



' ON E AJ'''I'En~OO N ONLY '


, W~d ..esday · O~t. 5 _~ 2 .P.. M. , noons


in My

OI'FJN , AT 1:30

Kitchen" is enterthlrung ' as well as instructive.

It has roma.pce.liu~or. gtamot -it ~iIJ hold your inler~t . every mioute 'You areio the aud cocc, and you wiIJ see'many


demonstrations ()f new recip~ that ' have been prepared'


especially.. for ~is picture by s~ver~l America's f~~emos, . home economiSts, There will ~ daily gifts for some for.


It's the year's style among low price cars! Glamor. ous new Jisti,ution in sling ••• sumptUous new IIIXUf1 throughout. Envious eyes ill Collow this big, new Plymouth . wherever you drive it. , Come in tod~y an~ drive 1939 "Roadking" or J;)e Luxe PJymouth. Discover the .thtill in its new High-Torque Engine performance •• • in *Perfcf ted Remote Control Shifting anI! new All-Silent Auto-Mesh Tran~mj~ion. " . .. . N~ before in a low.pric~d car have you had a rick to equal the new ride of this great pew Plymouth, .It has new Amola Steel C'A>i1 .springs • • • 'mproved Airplane Type Shock Absorbers ••• new True-~tcady Steering ••• the most brito Hant tide engineering in y low priced carl And with its mlU'Vctou5 o,ew engineering advaocemlmts, , Plymouth for 1939 has all e better vatu~ ~ea~ chat have ~'it famous ·for remrd "omy with po,wet ••:. that ~UIC ownen to ~edare... t's the Car That StaDds Up Betti ..

tuna'tt' women and. of courseJ free recipes for everyone. ,!

I ..

.' ,1'1 ,7 'E', I

.~·P' L ,I'~N',< · E'





-.111"''' II"

IN&.. .....






. -'I I•••" 8.!1per ~e,V!-c~ ,

~17.lel"tl.'" Pb'DaO.utb, ' -MaSOIi,"O•. •





.- . " -, .







... '.: l YT(ENEWS J~ lJli'g"

... ,


·~I1I1I1I.' I'

<>C 1J"I!HUII R from thlll< l'Ommll l)lly ,\ttt.' nut'tl tIl!' W II I'I'I, n 'I\m ly fhh·. 'l'h L1I'HlIny " nd 1T'cldrty. ~Ir·ll. II tll""'}' nUI'I1 t: h nli b<'~n IJI lho \ 1I1><t w (, I .

)p,; t I ~ ' hclIowm h n IH! f ll\ntl y lit. ' \ln lC'l'vllll'.

MI'II . U FOI'j.!' Orn y 1>1 III thl" \" cC' k wlt.h th' g'rljl. 1\ 11:. a nu, 1111'". ('Hfru n1 AI'c:h.;Jeucon 1lI,,1 fll lnll)' .,.0& DII~ .MI ( 'e .'s und M dlnn!.' 1' J:; 11 " t il uf MI' . nml )\II' N. FrJLllk J\IIIt n bl!I·g'l'I·. Mr. Hnd i\lI'S , T~ ~ I! " Com), II ntl c hlldl'l'n h nd fUI' till' II' .1Inllt·,· /,:UI'H IS ~lI l1d uy, 11 11'. : I l l ( lI1n•. ;\I1)('·t .·tll<'y of Ut!y~n nll . l l.J·. 'Ll¥1 Jolrs. ..Will N nll. li n d, cli. ug htl'l' "r III' UI' ~ 1H' ln ,;·

1J1l1:V. ~ I , ·.

a nd )\ll's. 1,<'1110' 1' Cl l'll h nlll !lp nt

, ' J>: ,\t/inber o~ ' l'b1ilUvea nnd frlendB t c ndo~d Mrs, F LV't!st Qraham a Bur· 'J lfll<t1 nt, "Ilr hOlIW CRll oC wwn. Sun.

f •• " tn".,,11' SpeC't el .. ~ SPNH!lclll ~ wcrl' in"I'nh'd!. hI or abollt the ]'hlrt c('nlh r ,,!my. Th e

an d 'lo ll·A. Fm nk ( '111 1'1" 1':1 '1"11 I unfe . A lfl'",1 .Junlu ll IInu ].,," '1'111 ·

lI a"i\~ or th e I\JlnJl . Allh ollgh Ihe mink Is fon d of wale\' a nd 11 lor!:e pnr,t or Its food con, s is S 1)( rro~ s . fi s h, crayO s h a nd even mw. 11 1';1 Is. II PI' ys UpOll land' ani· m;rl ~ , 100. It will tacil le a nylhing fr om a common. house r a t or· a rab, bit 10 n chick c n.

m nk Alessolldro dl Spin". wh IIlrd t F,lor 'I1ce In, l:U J, \11 l~ II Ity er d, lied with. brin !! , their IJlNentor , but Roge r Bacon, who )i~ed fml)'l 1214 to 1294. Is believed to hnve wor n them. ond .1t Is qulie possiblc that Ihcy were krrown' nt lin evon enrller da le. says London AnsWcl'lrMllga. zinc . Hu mnn cyesight is·· bes t at the ngc or len to Mlcen a'nd sfle r that s lnwly dete ri or n (es, . .!lIll n n om r e wllrk r ' s eyes !to ofT much or t hl ~ \\~(l(l k , li t l ht.- ItI) llI P n1 uf' .\ll' ~ . il" ;u lly dl s1 ';l ~(' 'l' rl lI!-' III ( 'nrT'i t l li m OI'c r npldly than th ose or a r;rrm· \\' y 01 t" l' I OWII Y a!H1 MI"" \ "' n la I,y l 'd l~ I II 1111 1\ 1:1 11 1" '1 11 4" 1 Iln ,l 11\'" . labnrer o r !l:rmekeep c r. Brup. eyes las t I n ger lim n br., \\'ll, a nd It Is :i 11l .."I" Bubt~n'l (" pl Hg l i P ~ PI'(';Hl sn id Ih nt blt, c'l,)yed- PCP SU A9 are RUfu " l\(1rl'.r y of TlIl'tlr ('1'(' I" "'n~ IIH' (HI J.: II Uu'I ng l lf '( ' \' I I ( 1·.II ~. Jdl j, 'd In ngc r.l ivc:d thu n tho se with eyes II Su n da .v \' lrl l l) l' "r 1IH' Ic: !{:ty ( I1 U l ' Ilt '; lr ly ~;.,IH\U. II ()' I I' '' ''plt- dllrlr lH' t ht· Ih 'll are 11 1'1"'111 or . IlIe...

iJlIY, , Mrs, AII

Mill r ,nnd fnm lty nnd Irvin H uuls e nte l'{! I'sn ed rel ntlv II ot the. laU('r t rom l mllUolln oVt'r Sundoy o nd Monday, ' . ' 1~IJ', OJ ruc1E' Rlr l}hJo o r ' Clovo, l(tnd a m1 Mr, WalleI' V'Ill11 or f .l1lnk. lin wcr Wednesdny CY' nln g call (>I'8 f Mr, Olll) ~fr8, I hlrVey Burn tt and MI. 'h<l MI'R, ' I' K !) nrlok, Mrs. Mllry a rm ony In comp a ny with JIll', 11 nd M rs, E . .J. Cru-mony nml Ro n lind Mr, and Mrs , V{, F, 'l(u'lt Vlllitl'll. MI', nnd MrR. CharieR l' Cblumb us SundllY, Th e L a dl<lH Aid wil l 11llve p n nil dllY 1lI('e ting n nd. cove r t! dls)1 din· nOl' 'l'{eIJn ~s<1uy Oct. Ii a t lhe' home of 1111'". All e n EmrIck . with lIf.1'>!, Ln , ', lI1l'H, J·ll1wke nnd lI{I'R, Crelgh · ' 'l.l ' ''~" ISt tl Dt hostesses. M I'. II lid ?lfrH. lluHR II Cnmpuell " nd c hlltlrt' n, Mr. lurd ']111'''. A.1)en Il ole Hn tl ! la rv ' y ' Hnl(' o tten ~d tho hO\ll('.eomln g nt FOI"ry church S u n·


'rhfe II 'Y"" ~ I'F tNI hy Ill' rr ll'IIII" . , 'l'h ~'.l'rh'n' I R ~ .. rt uC ~IJ,~ ~;U~!IH''''I . Mr. a nd :lll''''''\\·llylnn,1 .10 . lun alltl \\'11"011 I)f 1.,'loll o"n W"I '~' ""IT ""''1')' · .,r ~ ' In .. lnltttt rt" RlltHlnr I" I,""'n 111111 "hi' hud I'allt'n at liI'l' d.lnnel' !rucst/, 9" th ...l ordan r,,,n ll y . 1t1l11l1' ....... 1",. I"""nln ~ ,'1Il1 " ullllllnC'd 1\f1'H. rl1. • 'I.'holl\1>>lon "r 1' 11'1 · . ."'\'(' 1':11 fl·II!'IIII·.'<1 IJI n(',.. In IIf·!, wl'l~t I'Imfiill.(orrn I;A'}" I f thlll vlctrrTl)' II n,l 1111,1 hlp . s l", \V Il'" IlIk n,.v tllIJ Hllli r hl' I' ROIl ·ln·ln\\> A)l)t>l'l 1:I \·t·NI 111' 1JII. ' III'"" . hO~ I'Ii" I \\ hl'I' . h., III Ii" r()J 1\ ' lo n. WCI'''' • "lll l',ln)' "rthr.nonn " ,,11 · f" ,·t:oI,l" '''' 1",1' "I" ld lrlnn 1\'111 PI' I'''IIt·. 1"1'11 .1\£ lInl 'I. In\r\go fomlly . ~I I R~ Owlll" lit IIl' I' ;H) VlI nr"·;1 1IJ.:f' I,, ' r I", I (.. nll:lh .1m·dll n W'lII n n ",lil\nlllg ' ·a ll · e m',·!')' will I).. " low. !\II~ ~ \\'11 1<" 11 I._ It t·. I<IHtt'!' or .\!t·M.. ,\ 11 noo " 1 ··.·I'I·I ~ "I' :l1 emlJj,)I'H or th l' l~ ..... nt1"hl l' I'lllil ,·"rnllHutll>·. w ill n s>' IlIb!e '''f'(111!'''' 1 1I~' an" l·n ••on

Ip ngo. Wl'I'!' "hll t <ll'" Saturday I've lllng.


I'll'. n nd Mr~, Walle r Kenrick .Ja mes HaInes acoomplUlled unclo, 1~. to Piqua • atlJf: da>, ~ na. \Ver~ dInne r gueB~ t Mr. tl nd 1\lnl. J ORe ph Grtl.I:ISI and ram y.


M .




Burrou g-h sp Ilt th \\'(,1'1,· e nd with th e .Ju hnsl,n !Pmll'y. Jl1rll, Mild,· rI 'VillI ,lilt! fri 1111 Bud. ~Ulln m90n ?-f l'l,'lnlOf)eld I Pl!lIl HEI&I " 1'Ul~1.I tlUY Week ' e1ll1 ~ w!th 1.Ir.' and ' lift'S. -fl'()1. . r und nml ly . 'lit :Mr.. : !Jf·~IIC' COI's lId! And nIHI Sunday with 1I1 ft l'lc HpC' nt SI! 1ll1 ny with H , K eS inger and Mr.


I .' E..rne,)! t E ll. r:lll1lt tyl u t 'I.'h € rt~ H'orl'y 1\ . E. chinch wilt

Mr. a nd Mrs. Orv lll e Grny n nd 11:1 1'1" ' 1'1\ wr'r<, )o4Jntluy vl ~ l tn l'S ot the h om!: of tho for m .. !",. C,ulll'I' , 1\11' . J . T . Gray . :II...,. Chlll'll's S\\"lndler Is 81",,,dln g n ,. ' w cluy!; III It I' r'u untl'y hom e. Cla lT lce ClI1lY . K a therin e lI a rhllf'h, \'l'l' n<' Hn t)i f( "nrl :-i,tln P e Cfcfjl l'fI of j)a~ ton WCI'C :\I unday \'I ~ ILO"" II I Ih ('my homc. A ml ~(' ... II" n ... ol1 ~ ShOWC1' w os g- I,,(' n In h o nor o r 1I1f' L ,.\\"i" gi rl s rt l th .. 1.1'\\"1" hUlllp ~ u n::1'tln >" artc l'noon .

'Beechi'Qrove .,


. 1.' ,

The Smith Agricultural Chemical Co. Good Quality Binder, Twi"I e On HandCompare Our Prices and You·

.F,airl~y Hdwe tores-'-

Lar~el: ReCU USI' of n etter ~II)" I


Sen 'lt'I' . lIud " rkll

Estn bllslt ec~ 18"9 - .1938

WAY1o.'ESVILLI!! .. -



fa ' ' y Sunday afternoon . '1~ " M '" .~Iy~ ,MIC!hea l and a nd, Herbert Mnrlatt were gu III ilt a : !!~'u'l rl'1!i supper wIth fd ~ . s at Xe,\ln, ~o~day. Mr. Md Mn3r '.p : A. Runyon and MI'Il .' Bill TntE. .. nd "on or k, bn ~ : ., p, lenlc su pper at Fort Anclent ~ ,u n·day. T . ...


Mnster R(lIJlI~ DIll spent t he week e nd with hl8 uncle and aun t Mr . and Mrs, Rn y mon~ Olloorne of Xenia. SevE'rR I from Here attended the Qunty flllt· FrIday, Provld.e l con tn lners tor garbage I· and ' r efu se. R emove or burn It r eg· u ln Rats thriv e on garbnge and II. d r eed nmOJIB .trash :

Mlrrlll' Wl'ltel1l

writer •• or thol e who write a re not the only ,one. do ..Ujlnat. in a rever ile man· soys Collier'. Weekly. Some nelr . lnll iia nw ole , padB of 'Vordl. " Y~ 'IN •• a 1Ir8\nt mintpepper tor pepOthel'll have to read each "~I*lee backwa d to understand It

'" '

'When 'In W'~y~eaviU .,



~ .f

Shep' at

Baird' 5 Sc & IOe Store N, Main St,

Wayneaville ;

Miss :\10 be l Bill re tt1l'ned 10 1"'1' h omo In Da>·tOI1, Sund,l y. aHel·. lley· • -, '. t , ernl-dnys ",tslt vlth 'MIs" No n n:~Shtl . M r. and Mrs. Argus Osborn o nd maker and por' nts , childre n or Bn:I'nc h .filiI WCI' ~11 a ts M1'8 . • I1I'''h Osborn . Mr, and. 11,11'8, RUMscll Cm'r oC fl' born, vis ited b e l' m othe r r.lrs. ora. Compton on Sllndny, Mr. a n d ?frs, Fonest Gl'nndln of Dayt on, spent Sundtl~' with Mrs. Grondln's p a l't'ntR Mr. nlll1 Mrl<. J . T . Walton , MI·II. 1Il11rle \\' Ihl I'du l' n d on Mon dny trom 11 Vis it In Colum uu s. Mrs, F lora Mason of D nyton IS s p ondlng' the wee k t il fl'le nd A' IlnC\ relatives h er'o "( Mobel Moon was It Sunday g uest of Mr. nnd Mrs. Cnnby of X nln. • Mr. nnd M r s . W lllinm P ollOI'! sons of Morrow, vis ited Mr. a m!. lit Web Wilke rson on Sun dny . H;ntherlne Ale xa nder w as n. v or In K entucky, .over the wel1k e nd. Atr . and N r1<. Jam es Sears of ton,-Ml'....a·nd- Mrs. C, C, or ncar Waynes ville" w er e SumlllY Cl.ltters at the home of Mr. a n d Mrs, G . V . S ims . Mr. a n d Mrs. ' Veb W il kerson ·hlw" as theh' guest th is week, h is mother of Oregon ia .

onSunday of

at all times I .

, McClure Funeral Home

Mrs. Snrnh Osbor n had os cnilCfl! o n S unday afternoo n , Mrs. Sn ow. Mrs, Mi n n Ie Lu key, nnd n nd ~frs, J ohn Ros~ ot Dayton ,




Halle' your Furna~e cleaned·and r epaired noW;.:·Also . a com plete, line of New F \1rna,c;es. qu~erlhg and "Conductor "' ~~~k': AU ' kinds of r09fs. re ~aJt~a and painted. Also asbestos ' shingle 'siding 'f , ..' .' . . l or Qld houses. ,

It '


cd thc tllne 1'llJ .)r h .. l· un cle. Rkha l'd

n oss, of I'raRo n , Tuesdny. MI'S , M a hel T e n'Y , of Columbus, cli m e ho m c " 'ednesdny c \'e nJng Il nd uttended III L bn n (ln fn lr, 1'hu I·"dny



., .>",-'-\.. . &Ml'7?ft.......·


f \

!, \



• Grandma alwaY' wu a keea .boppet and quick tp "snap up" a ••• but you'll recopize these BAR~ OFFERS ~thout h-aryears perien'Ce ••• you ..v~ real ~oQey ••• yo~get a .well ~election of magumes and a full· year of oU&' newspaper. ;Thai{. what we Call a "break" for you ruden ••• DO wonder grandma lay.-"Y\OUVE GOT ~OMETHING THERE I" " , NEWSPAPER-l FULL Y,EAR ••• AND · i THREE MAGAZINES lN THIS UST .~. .ten.CIIII'nalcG_


_ _....2,_, \

O Home Fdeod 1)T• H Omll Ani Noedlecralt..-l DLeihom World 1,r.


Mother', Home Lile....1.._.1 )T. OPathDoder (WkI,.)_ 26 Iuua OR&odelslaild Red}ou.raaL17r.


~Y:f.IDIKlCIll Paul,", 1~ 'p•. . 0

{- IE=~r!~~~~;~ , r, ~( ""'''W'__ ' ,r,




\ O Plr mourn Rock Moothl, _ l


0 Succ:e.fttl FIanniq _' _' _ I )T.

F~~TIi ~M~"""·"

\ O W-.q', W odd


(. M~lloneer




.' Or No Charlie I

~ ... ..



, Centel~~lIe, ' Ohio



Phone 7


oon. o C Kln g m ll n ,

J;ue"ts last w " It of daug hte r, .~h· . .a nd Mrs . . F. J acobI' lind a t. t e n<l d lhe ru lr on 1'hut·sdny.

N e w Burlington Chapte r O . E, S, ontertalned wIth a pnrty o n Monduy 'nlght for Cla r ksvJJte Cbapter. T h ose . . at'ten Ing trom he re w ere Mrs. G01d· Ie ICrletzer, Mrs. Grace Borto n, MI1I. Lydlu Powell, Mrs. Ma ude 'V11lteslde , Mrs , Llda Van deman , Mrs. NetUo F ulkerson , M r s, R ut h S tln g leyj Mi-i. Helen Sheehan , Mrs. Kate 1Ifrs, Alice Sims and Mrs, L ucme n. t7


,Hte offer a satisfactory Servit!e.

l\Olra. How(II'd \l'llS

Phan. 78J

M r s . . Sarah E. S nell. Mr. and Char les S nell and l\fr. a nd Mrs. Snell motored to ·Pekln. to 'vIs It 'Sweeney, From. to SprlrlgtlOro to vla lt : m ore • rl'I~p,ds, t hen home t hro~h Lytle. '

.'. II-~et Your Frlenc~s At


W¥AT~ .~ '. rs.".GRILL ' P~~E:


At AU Doan



SACCO Guaranteed Quality

g! tbe Lon!. Eliery· ot Ullea. ' I~ ri en ds w e l'e SO rry to he nr of the Mr. IUl!l1lIrs,"V:uuli:hn i\lull e n spent " """lllg nw ay of: Mrs . Thomnl' Rich'A



"'hen You Bv Fertilize r Insist On

Mr. a nd 1\11'''. Frank McCo m as n nd 1111'. a nd MI·s. Oliv er I n aLs ha d a" son Ed\\,urd ot. Norwood, ~ Ir. a nd th ' Ir IIlnn I' g u ests Humluy ]\fl'. Ilnd M~ " p<'orgc 'Bm,(Iy n nd f flm lly of 11 11·.·. Ha l'old Rhuhll li nd thl' C ROm,. . Clnclnn a ll SI)cnl ,und,,)' Wllh 11ft·. lind :\lls8 :llnl'l e RhutlH of in cln · making this an eventful [lnd 1I11'S, Bel't Bu nnell a n d ~ Ily n nll.

Smith nnd daughter Sunday afle l'lloo n wIllI l\Il" n nd lith<. fnthr r. Olls Ir01l1s, I Lo u ise cnJled on Mr. and Mrs, ErvI n Be rt B\lnnell o nd fn mlly, . ~ . Ther e will b a , fo "' 1 .10 nl Lln g-uil'! Smith a d ~ ~I~er ud lth A n ~, } erbc~ M ..-j.latt (tft Bon Edmon Rnrdwnre tlto r(' I L hnnnh. , 'atUl'clny Ocl. 1, SI.en : l .. thl' ll ea LndlcR Ald. J essJe L. Gilm er


, '




n,," .

wlJeat Planting Season Is At Ha d

,"!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~I!~?S~ ,!~.~'~.5~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !~!!!!!!!!~~~~~!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ~ ~' I

evon lng 0.1, thIs ' week . Conte't s wUI be b eld , at Rnlph John'" ,store, ,. Thomas', and the church

L (' I ~,

Robert Montgomery and Janet Gaynor _in "rrhree Loves Has Nancy"

-': ~rtlrj6o hJt of th e Seasoll, "Throe Loyes Has Nan cy," Montgom r1 Janet Gaynor and Franchot Ton e w!ll 0peu1 S,u al: Octo 'r '2 t the delux e Xe nia ~heate:- In Xe nia for IUl lillltl tI three !lay gagement The sto ry..of ~'Tbr eo Lov es Has Nancy" Is laltl agaInst he Thl:>y ,,180 \l'ltn e8t!ed t he parade cit . ~Lii!.P'a-mod u Ne w ' York lifo, and te ll s of th o trou the NOl' lhwe8~ T C1·I'I! ory.. , c.J!!l!':yru[l_~_ _-lI'lII.I~~_U".lfIft h:PID a no e tl Rl's !!ll ~ u a l Illyltat\[~n t o a srnaIHown tht r In th e afte rnoon . sirl to avail b@elt .o f his bll ip If s h e e yer e ncount ers Iroubl e on • "'lie Ladles Aid Will spo n so r a & visit to t h & 'b'1 j" 'iClty . $be d oU!'. Claire Dojld and R ogl nnld ... O~~ ~ehd tlie 'liipPorli &: cas t ' , c'roquet tournamen t a t Lytle, F;rld~y 'J'hj

' B I n',


Old ' l. (Jlai r CUUllly . Arl hur St. CI:til'. Orsl flo" .. rnpr or the No r thwe I tl: rr ;lnry. for mc o B cO lmly called SI. ('1 Ir 'i ll 1'90.l The COUll\y comprlseu lilo: ~ rc a of wh at Is n ow a imos l th e whol .. s late of J II i· ·n ols, .

eJoed<in4 _ CMfiJuJl,.



J am ch'pape~. e cklol kI.... III. 9~:~;:~::,;:~~;::;.--;;~~~i;i;;.:to yOW' OTHE QUAulY OF9R O'IHB Sway OIII1Ba

Goun~y REAr,

''1'.\'1'1'; Tn,\ ~F";RS

Court News -

-- ------. 11I~

J 'h,1


or til' ~ob bl ot 'but 'rh l'rtly nfler thl' bejTlnl,\inl! at the contury it b came a rOI: II r fntlu ~t ry .onli wc find mnny (' ock· makers who a r e kn own fol1 the ben u· !iful oxumples they lell behind . .

dlvldU:.I i tr nde Iiltl' that

'. l\[\IIl',)(' tI . " I"'I' \ln'1.

MIJl4,dt, J IIVI' II HI ' urllll li nd Ly· f! 1·~ t nnd (tllil l dJ 1 All n' l. (our It 1(' 11:1 III 'Vllshlo];, . l'l' lvll lt- ~H le uf J)O)'so n u l In-ul u·.. t)' h,,1 n~lng- t o tlll " ,'sthl ,' of ;\l innl(' t l)li. ,")L1 J I • rllln, I WI), :lIUll", 1 I,' d(li~\'1 S 'I" ln ~" ;\1101 Ltl:lTl Hlllrord, 1'(1('1' ',I. 'I' ll 1'>11 of ",Wln \n "I' cks A OCllltlOll to '\'(0811',1' Hnd : I'UIII' IImll l .. bC~.tOIl"IIl!l' til ' lit "~ I ;ll FIJlk, lilt A 77 1-72 In Ir mn klln , o m I lr 'no ='I ll'h,' I.... I I 9 ( In ('11111'1"8 I''. 1"II I1O'n " ,·dc·,,·d. 't'h r' th i rd tl N'\l llnt t r I l:UTr Frankli n , J.·1 ... ~, ,1 1,'nst('1' tn, I mnk :\ft-Nklll , llal'll\udy, I II]mlnl~t 1'111,\1'. v! llll' I" tl' (l r '\ I : II'~' A , Il ull,)WIlY, rOunrl t hl'l' " tra(' ls In Il a rl ll ll t\\'p. hll l'l,,8 ' J. and n II ria ~t. Kldl\ - ,' 0 1'1' .I(I t. Ti lt.., r~)l1 \wtn~ O('('Oll lll £. !lln"( O l u'> c tl II I' to SlImll(ll and Klill Turn r In t )', st III 1.30 ...."·I·{·s In l)(,CI'fll'ltl t"'P, .1 1'1"''''',,<1 1J~' .1 \l(1 ~l' H . II. I 'll n' ~': tho l\t n ud p ll c nkl o. llt:~t ' ea!'fld, hy ."x - nr", "lid I'In,i l ,,!' II. 1... H""Nlr' I'a ll ~ , ecutOI'. 10 ,11Ine, In I ('ref'( In 1.30 :ldm lni"Ir:& lor " r til L':Hll l o I1f F . S, ~II1I \I~\lII : f il'l\~ :m,1 ·finn l lO r ,\. Gl1\1l n n ,.~" In Dr,'r r! I,] t WI). \\,lIIlnm , \ '1\ 11 . by 1',,('<:utOl·. t o ' 1"I'l n l h l.' , lrllfolll' flf ~III 'll h t L T l'hn · hi,,; (irsl lin d fln ll l II r ~1 " 1'\' ln WilIlhlll H . Dnrragh u nci other!'. IW t r Ac ts tOl fl.lln~ :I I'~H In FI·'llIk · lIn (WI> , H I'Jlry l\c llio rmann tn ('. A . Ach · tel'mllnn, lo t I< f, 4·(; In 11 h.;-IIIf1nd Bub, divisio n , Morl·ow . Franklin 101Cg. Co. to H nlTY C. EI· drldge , Sr ., 1.59 ac r es In Frnnkll n twp.

" "1111111 ,

t'lo Xl'(' Ul fJl '




:\lill C' r , 4' x ('("\llt' ix nf th e (\8"


\\""'1'1'11 ,J <'ffl'rAtl n .\1 111<'1' . w ill or i\lrs . 11 (' 1" n ·\1al'llJlI . 1:,,1« '1' :-;11'1101"" 1>"" Ill',' n IIllrn ll lcd LH Ill'oba t t:'. ..\. "col't lfl('a !!> IJr trll n RC ,' 1' ,J!'d(' 1' el r'i r :-lora 1,lI n k 'I', e ' CC UI ,'Ix o r th e PROBATEIda M . Sigi r . n.dllllnl~ tmlo l · of th ~ r'stale of ll f' I1I'Y F , ](lInl,l'l'. 'l'he rfl ll ow hv:- Hl'l!Oll nts will estute ot ' cott h; 1 I' , ll<ikcd I , h relle\'ed. of n<lmlnlst r n I io n (If I h \' <,,,. la'll l'll " n tl C'l. '17 : First li nd final tate which WI1 8 g l'flut d. 'Repo l·t of ('Q lInt o r I" l"a n( ' ~s Che n owL>t h . II thnln A . H . Stubbs, eommlsslonl'l'. "111>1'0\" lSIi'll tor d , bonis non o r (h e elll n io ed Ilnd esta te dee1nl'ed ('xempl from .l fr ., . D. 'h.' n O"'1'1 h ; fI"st I1N~n unt of Erm rt B ro·w o. gun "dla n "I' Ka!clnherltll ne tax. A cltnUon med by Ra nd olph ('01'- U,·uwn. I nr'ollll'f'1l'nl ; flt·,.t " !ld fhllil 'win again st C, D, orwln, jr., "nd and dl"trlbllth'e "CC<llInt or F r ed RebEocea Beckell, X 'eutors of th o Stll l'gl'S, eXI'C'\lt,)r or thl' e~ tH t of •• tate ot linton D. COI'wln. to be J\ nnn. :tUI'';CR. rl nci (,1n.t Hcco un t of heard Oct, G. Doro thy BUI'g III <l!i'. ~U"I'lIl :l n ti t Mnrtha L. Hendul'son 0 1 c ted to IIr1 un<1 Lnwl'ence J~l'O Zwick, mi · take under the will of I •. M. Hen· nors.

der.on. The an le ot L . E.rl Th mpl<o n , ex · ecutor ot th eslole at J , \V. So u II ·~pprove4.'

Dorothy Burgemelr, g llnrdill n o r Carl and. Luwrence Leo Zwick. f lied her ninth account. Prlc s n~ wh.lch to II \l ccrtnln IItockll Rnd bonds belongIng to tho e.tnte ot J . W. 'Scull set by th e court. -The l'eports Of J, 1'. nlley, ndmln· Istrator or t~ estate of la l'k 10' men and of E8tO!In. M . Brown. admlnl8tralrlx ot tho stat of Mnry ' M . Brov.'ll. upprpved_ W. Cheater l\1aple wns .ntlmed a dm1nllltrator on ·the estate at Mag· MarUn. of Lebanon.



the firm and In tel' Incor.por~ted the SOUl ThOmas Clock compa.ny.




Qualification ror Governor In Ohio n c andidnte for governor n eed poss ess only the Qualinca . tions of an e lec tor . Article XV , Par ng r nph 4 of the co nstit ut ion , states: "No person sha ll be c leCled to aoy office in th is sta tc uil ies s he IIj an elec lor. " Stolle l\.gO I\Jan nlg hl), Urba n An acropoli s Wlcn I'thed In Meso. potam ia r e\' a ls th ut man or th e Stone age was hig hly urb a n. not prim itiv e,

Flu" a .\ntH' Smith : flr:!t li nd !'In,,1 "f

manufaCture of Inany article. luch as buttons. ,combl, bah~le. a.D4

1810 _he bought Tt'rrY'1I Interest In

. Thl' Ull. POL ' ~ 0\ Tho s uns pot cyc le of J II ~ ye~I'~. npproximntely: ' has be n id"nlified among the weotlmc recor ds I(lft In ~ees and anci e nt r oc ks. Th is seems to prove tha t whe te ver cnuses the y a riability or lhe S UIl , it h ~s bepn varying for p erh aps a bl ilioll years


II..., 1JHI r.8' C••• ID, • milk bY'DrCldl.lclt. 11 1.1.... In alliin I paper. IlulI. patntJ, the prlntlna of eoUon cloth, a~d thl

leth ftomll or ()Iooll r .., 8eth Thoma. bealn ht. career In EIPl'erry'. 'hop maklna clock ell.. and [lSsem bllng wooden , work.. In

Ear'" CIIII'II M k'''~ Prlf)f to 1800. alack mil/tlll, In Ameri CA w:, t .Jn~l cl('t"Pd n~ 80 In·



w. H. Madden & Co. Wayneaville

Phone 14



'1'0 CONTHo\(;'rOn,

FOil mns Notice IN 1H'l'chy g ivI' n th n t till' bon I'd or Iruste!'" of \\'"yno lown· s hiP. '\'orl'ell o unty w ill I' ('(11\'c Hell l:d bIds rOI' Ul\~ (ollowtng lu hol' a nu l"l'pnh'!< o n ttl ~ Towns hip H Ollso In W nyncs \·III ('. Conti'll t to furnl Ah mn l I'l nl li nd In bell' 10 lI o n ('(' HiIIl ry bl'l k wor k Oil BURt end o C buUrl.lng In gnble n lso I'c po ll' cornice of TownRhlp house. \VC1!t end bri ck work II I'o uml 10\\,('1' No rth window, soft bric k s to bro· plnced with n ' W b rl k (lnd nil orocl<s \.0 b plli s le l·ed. Front ond brlck work to bl' p::t lnl ed t\\'o (2) conts. A II woo<1 work, doors. w1ntlows a nd ('ol'nle lo be vo (2) eOA.Ls on out!jlde of pa lnt d bUllctlng. (,olo r-brlok to be pn lnted

Chlea~o 1lI.-R, i'. Bensinger, sponsor, making plans fo'r tho 1938-'3~ n cd Crown Bowling Sweepstakes, tells C. O. ("Chu k") Collier. nation' a'llY known bowling celebrity, and Jule LeUinger (center), oaptaln of th\! world's elHlmplonship Birk Broth ers bowling team. that 300,000 ABC b nwlers will 1'011 for more Ihan 50,000 In prizes In this event this year. All records for Indi vidual particir,ation In a single IlIHljor sporls event wc re broken 11Il'" year when 232,656 bowlers compeh~d In the first Ret. Cr oWIl S vcepsta es. . Chrysanth emum Old Flower Thc common chrysanthemum ha s probably be en known for nt leas l 2,000 years. In Ja pa n, wh ere it cnn be tr:lced bac k m any cl'nttJ[' ie ~ . it is the n o ti onol fl owe r . Br eynill~ in 1689 wos th e first Europea n to menti on the chrysan th e mum . M. Pierre L oui s Blnnchnrd In troduced the first large· nowerin g ehrys anthe mum into Engl a nd in 1789. The plant \VIIS fir~ t In(roduced Int o Am erica in 1847. The work of hy· bridization wa s fir st tak en up bv Dr. H . P . Walcott and latc r in the eighties by J ohn Thorpe, who or ganized thc Ch rysanth emum Socl· ety of Am e rica in 1890, at which time hybridization s eemed to have reached Its zenith.

8urlal PIllce or I'cun Willi a m Pcnn, the gre a t 'Quakel found e r of Pennsylvfmin, li es buried in n little En glish village. umongsl many of the E'::ll'ly Quakcrs, e:lch under the plo ine sl of lom bstones and all exactly nlike, so th o t the stones do not mark (he exnct re st· Ing pl a ce of th e dead . so arranged. the s tory goes, I '~ s t P ennsylvaninn s attcmp t to co rry off the r evered bones to their own Philndelphla. ''{op il .Ii:1l11A\ 10 suollelJ OOO'OOO'SL6 'I slJupds i:lql JO h\OY urnW!XllW

9ljoL 'l iM p JaAl!S 10 i:I:llnos alfl :li~ ' !l5UO:l PUll U!su q UOUIUIO;) 11 olUl hlOU A:ltloL ' 01.:1 's5u!JdS J"Al!S 18 sBUIJds Ul\IOIDI O!a .I;)AO aJ {l ;)J:ltloL JaAm WJo,f s!lupdS

~artha Hollingsworth has bee n named execu rlx ot the eslato or < Waynesville Installations NItJUe V . Atklnson. Charles ;1, Waggoner hilS been grny a nd 0 11 wood \Yol'I, t o be Imlnt· An.~UTAC;E, ZArN. G1tr\\' EL I'LAN'r, ~VA1'NE V1Ll.. E 441lU named adminlstra,lol' of ihe est.nte ed W~It(>.. 1n 'r9w n s hlp I'oo m and BIGOS (iILiJEttT-WAYNt;$\ ' ILLE, O.-llOR4 council room nil laos plllst rln s to at Hulda A . BIllckb.urn, lnte ot ned , ClCAN~~ I~. C~-)IAIN STlut J<:T. WAYNE, \/lU.,l!l. O.-IIR be tn lte n orc and ]mtc ll lI , a ll l:trse L!on. crack lj and h oleR t n.LI.!', O.--II~R2 M. C. Drake n.dmlnlstrntor of the Rooms to- be :rn,I~.=-.;r,r.r=- "'-=r-I-I-'=-"~="-'-'~""':''!'!':::'':'':':':':'-'''''"--'-'-'-:~




"I'be,. ClMdoiena of You doD" ,'. riak a penny. luy OD ow CIIIH .h If



* * *

SIFTED PEA! COD' MA.CA.aD I ' '''linn

~plrl• • •


Z 59c

ClH Fresk I.. PIA


OIlilRY CUll



~ 1Ib.4'5 C Ik

GOl.D M'EDAL ;!~~~





ln g, cr

nm color, two (2) OOn.tll .

All bids to Jle In h~' 8 p .m, TlI es· day Ool. 11. 1938. '[' ru stl'es 10 rN.c r\, right to r ejeol any 4)r n il bidS.

ThlH (!Onlmot 18 to be 1 t s a whole, on pui-ty lu !urn l!:lh 1)ld for the entire ·job. I:r. 11. GOHL>O~ , ( I rk. Sept. 28 , Oct. 'Ii' , COWS-Chllnglng to l'egilltel'cd. Sell., . 11)« one each grade J e rs y, Guern· Envy Envy. among other ingredients, sey. Red. Also r egistered young Jer· By bull, . Ca II Sa t u d,\y n rternoon or hns a m ixture of. the love of justice Sunday morning October 1st or 2nd. in It. We are more angry at undeserved ilion at d eserved good for· Far~ about ' mUe West of pring. tune,.-William Hllzlitt. ~ro Route 7a to f lr!!t r ad Nort.h to tlrst .wOQds. Nom ,Harl y An~rllloh on mllll box.



W A'NTED-Tb buy good pl'oduclng milk COWl!. ,Also ( eiling f!ho a~. 111'1 4bnI'c l1l'1'II. Atiot' n ~ )' and Chari 8 Kable. Bellbl·oolt. Phon 9L3 Connsl'lol' , Ilsaod" ted, wllh Fro nk Brim<1on In th e prn ctice of In w a.t FOR SALE] - g·rQom Ireulatlng L obflnon, nn U1Il1l1 01' S thn t for t he heater In A·l c,:, ndltlo n. MI·S. , Ed conv eni en ce or h is fri end.. nnd ell· COOII, Wayne.<\vllle. ltpd cnts In 'Vnyn'Rl' lIle a nd HIIrt'o und · Ing llJ' OrtS . h e will be "I'"lIalll e fo r FOR SALE:-About 1.000 btl. I,j r I' conil ultallon ;at '''''Y III,,, \, llIe ev· I'Y penrs to move In the next thi'ee Tucsdny (lml 'l'hlil'sdny n(t~ l'noo n, w eeks. Orcha.l'd looll ted on Frll'nd commenol ng AUJ:(U!lt 23 1'(1. rond , 4.m1. W . of WRyn ~R\'lII e noar WaYlIlls\'Ulo Jocatltm: nrrkes of [.e Tuylors Corner. Come l,"~: tim . ~fuy ·HIl\vlu, Agcnry. Pholle 61·Jl..2. 9 ~(J atp Lebanon Otrlrcs: Suile 1·5, BUIII,ush CbllB. Boglln. Bldg. ,24 North Brondwny. I'hnnl) ..FOR SALE: Crest Bonzol Ons. lGlk Lebanon 292. per gnUon. TexaB Grade Oil, 8 ct'nts a. quart. R ed 1'0\1. 2 quarts. 26 cents. Penold , 26 cen t.s It q ual·t Kerosene, 11 cents a gnllon. Newto n BrOil., L eba non, So uth Broadway. g·ll·Gle


Waynesville Changes (1001{, S . CARI.TON--5UI s'rnEET-IORn.:t

EAR, W. N.-WA\'NESYlLLI.!', O.-114R3

MAl'O'N IJF:AUTt J\U Nlm, ,m

If ,w e 1..1 to ......1 CLOCK

HOI'-M!\ SUN. O.-70R.


' E-i\lA ' ON. O.-ft4!11{


Morrow Installations nLt\C IUHlIL~,


w. tl,-Mmm,ow •. o.

Tractor Disks Culti-Mulchers and

FOR BALE: Fine ol'e l" SIUrred Bulte,


.tove, mnehlnc,' e tc., ' cheap. Mrs. Keafauver. 'Nt. Holly. Ohio.


OAT :\['At,lE JNTO :NEWEBT .STY{.lo;8 , tura 1'0· IUllde, remodl'led. 0 nd I'egla.zed. Prl ~al;Jle, Blno. PInt r lio n. t ...... of Horvt")'aburg un


at ,

on 1\1:l1ln ab'e t. 1nllulre at 08M~te office. HIl



'''DDIl rM4.



Wayne.ville Phone 99R3

-laUe ...... 7(CWItIr.a

Grocel'7 , Onierl eacl.... )

with lhe purcbase of ooe 01 o.r ·

R. R. 1-10\)iRn ,


Morrow Changes





VEU<ERF.ING, WIU~lA)r-M()mCOW, O. R, n.. l-22R2

Ohio Central Telephone Co. Order a Phone Installed in your hOlme today

KIDNEY BBANI A~!~&tle c.n'~c "001".£5 PRESH BAKKD ... :tt.a • Popal.r ' V ....t1 .. Lb·S.C COU'NTRY CLUB &a-a.-LE dUn. . ·!!USTAaD







With the p ........ of 3 ..... TWINKLE at' the ' R•••lar · Price. .

'0 ••_

LISTEN INI Be •• re la W1-W Thllr.d.~ NI ...t ' .t 111181 "STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL" a ' peno_1 lIIe••••e from Mr. Morrill, Pre., of Krol.r S.o.... I

Qt. 21



Produce Apples, Jonl\thans ........ , ..... 4 lb. 19c

. - " J, Green Beanl, round atringle.. 2 lb. 1ge

Sweet Potatoes, Candy Yams 4 lb. 15c


Canta.oupcs, Jumbo ....... .. ... each 10e

Head Lettuce, Jumbo, ........ head 1DC

Mushrooms, .Fred 's low price 2 pta 25c

Celery Hearts, .. :... .................. Bdl. lOe

Why Suffer Longer Than Necelssary? Dr. Miles Anl:i-Pain Pills Relieve Qf.lickly PILLS were made .for just one . purpose-to ,relieve pain. Users write that . they "work like magic", They contain 'an cf~ . " . ~ecb~e, q~ck-acUng, analgeSIC

-pam reliev~r. . . . Try Dr. Miles Anti-Pam PI,l is before 'you .lose a day's workBnd pay-()r break a social engagemen't because of HEADACHE, MUSCULAR, PERIOD. IC, OR N1j:URALGIC PAINS. They maY be just what . you need to ·relieve your pain and ..At your Drul Store..

again ''rarin' to I1to".


PILLS act c;zu~kXy. ~ou don t ' have to walt forty nunutes to an hour for them to take eff~ct as is the case with many analgesics, You'll get action in from tcn to twenty .minutes, ,DR. MILES ANTI '. PKIN PILLS are plea~;rult . to take, , handy to' corry, p.rompt 'and effect;ve ' in action" , and do not ', upset the stomaclh. Their cost is smalL One. or' at most, two, is usually suffil!iE!llt to relieve. 25 for 25e. .125 for """"'-......:;,----..~ 0"1 W' \L'E


N , I






each lSe


DR, MILES AmI - P AlN put you back on your feet .

" LOST: Zlpp r hnndbas, between Leba'n on and pl'lns Valley, N e t·Ue S . iiugeman, 6701 Bramble Avenu , Mad.iaonvlll!". OhIo.


Mason [nstallations,


FOR ,FtulM BUREAU F ertilizer , call or see Frnnk. H ess, 'W ay nes· ville, Ohio: Telephone 45·R2. g·25·4t!>

l'lHtI/lh . ... X.... c

H ... AU'.·

Fillet of Haddock, Bon~les•• 2 1.,. 35e

Tiny Link Sausa.e ~ Ib P~'.....

ea,' IISc

Red Perch Fillets ... .. ...... ........ ... .. lb. 25c

.. Sliced, Bac'o n, ~wicrk ~r~.p ........ lb. 35c'

Catfish, Fresh Drcoaed ..... :.: .... lb. 25c

Baco~ ~uare........ ... : ..~ , ........ , 2 lb• .36c

Ci'eam Cheeae, . MiI~

D-.;y Salt Side .. ,............... _........ lb. 'l9c

lb. Uk:




, .'


'- -----~- --

'WaynesviUe' Drag



HELD FIRST MEETING ~~ll first 'meellnl; of th ll ycnr or tho Now C(' ntur)' c lub h W ill!

Th e Wnynes vllle Drug Store wnll ~oken Into 80moth ne bel\v e n ]0 :30 !p. m , T hursduy a nd 8 n. m . Frillay IOf Ills l w ee k, tho thief or thIe ves '&"Illnlng enlranc e by br(U1~lng lh e g lllBs In a deor nl 1I 10 r ear OL• the "ull.dJl· " nftel' forell'" t.h e scr ee n . O J .'. .. 'rolilid "100 In ono h [In(1 ollock s was ~, • t a ll ell, bill no m er ch andi se was dis· turbed . Mur~hul -C. P. Joy n nd Shol' lft ,\Vlllia m Hutfol'd \\'cro notJrled and ~ tter Investlg ntln g thorou g hly It ,vaR though t gloves were worn u s no fInger prints co uld be developed .

JUVENILE GRANGE VISIT IN DAYTON The Juve~lI e . Gra nge t ogelh e r with Several pilrents e njoyed Quite an InteresU nG' tour last Saturda y, ot ~veral Dayto n plan~. 'l'helr th's t IItop WIUI at the Cool>e ratlve Milk pla nt. They latel' visited. Shumuk er's lI"Uk B o t t II ns W or k 9 un d M 0 Ie r ,s .• 'ng parlor8 Th ey left the scrap . book" they hud mild al th e c rIppled children 's ward of the Mloml Volley ho 1)ltn\. Thuse who 'm nde the trIll w e r e Harvey Burn tt, Mrs . H nrold Whltq.l<el' llnd c hildre n, Richard Ilnd Frnnees , Mrs. Th ryl Jones and son Milton, Mrs. Stanley DIllley und daughte r P hyllis, Mr. nnd Mrs. H llr · ry Sm)lb nne}, 80n G lenn , ?orr. on d II1n. Raymon d Bmddo ok ond daugh· tel'll J ennIe Lee nnd Wilhelm ina , Bet'Y Thomns , O r n v \(" (' H !I-Uoy, arul Ludingt on, Dor!!! n nt1 ! mlll .Fires, Furnces li nd Ru ~h t nn , -uhna .Reba Sur!aee , Ann ~ l i n- !' yn '.Vhlt· aker, Betty Campbe ll, EIlI n Brown, and Rnyolyn CI·I\bbp.

. BIRTH DAY DINN ER Mrs, EmllrBOt;!. Earnha rt guests of lI[r, and MM!, ~'er.u:lo,,· FrI-

dinner, the cQuplcs 'attende d the t heater In Dayton . Mrs. En.~nharl and Mrs. Kenrick oelebrat ed their birthdays togethe r tor the past I\Qveral yeaMl.


M~. and Mrs. Charlcs Zlmmem lnn lind lIfr. and lIf'rs. Enrl Crawfo rd eelebmted. their wedding o,.nnlver 8arle8 wli.h n. six o'clOck dinner at Ule ho~e ot Mr. and M~': Orawfo rd Frlday evenIng Septem ber 30. The lI'ue; te prelle~t were ROJ)ert Zlmmern'lan . nnd ~argare~ and; Aud ~Cy Ol'llwt~ rd,

BUTLERVILLE 100 YEARS OLD The village of ButlerV ille, founded 100 years nro by Abrlm B. Butlcr, cele,?ra ted 1t8 oentenn lal sund.a y, . T}je dny'. progl'llm Included nn old.-fnsh loned. homo·co mlng to which all former resident s and friends were ·' Invlted.


The commun Ity 18 made-u p ot lJublltan tlaJ ' and thrlflY people, ae· .cenden~ of the m embers of the first V.I lI'" counoll and ~he enrly !!Ier-' chant.. "', The oUletal populat ion of the vllInae ' lI tocJa)' but 68 but 1t boa.sts ot Ii. fun COl'Pll of co~oratlon officers elected by u;I~ voters, ,. SBCON D . HIGH S(JHoo L DA-r

. ' • : .Smom ULBD FoR OCT, ~! CoLUMBUfo - ~Igh ' ,lIChOOIs In lnltlaled ·"M" to "z .. WUl h":ye lfiah tlehool Day at Oh10 Slute nJ';'el'llltir ~ Sah.lrda.y, October ·,~hlcal'O allJlle. ·Progra ms lJow.'ln the hano of ' the prinel'.


orders !U'6 acWlsed, In view ,of the faqt that hundre d. of late reQ-ue&t4 .had to be iefusecl tor . lack Of facllltie a Saturda y wben the o'A'; '1 o i'L" o1Uea -bac1 4&Y"On -the cunP'ua, ' . ','


e ld

l~ rl·

Reception For St. Mar y's New Rect or 'I'll<' n"". n. L luyll· Iluc kwell llll cl lIlrs. 1-In' I<I\'C' 11 Wl' I'1! tc nd 'l'ed It I' '. (!e ptloll h~' t h h' pa ri sh lOll ,.>\ I,nd ( l'IL' ml s li t Ill<' Lilli lnn 'V ('ll 'It'>I<l uy nll-:ht . Th e a ff:II ,' w as Rtr iclly In· (ormll l /lnll n pi ';1>1:lllt ~o '111 1 .. " " n·

duy uHm'no on, Seplem b I' 311, ut the

'l'ill' \\' I ldin~ of :\1198 An n n. L I'e yo unge'tlt d n ug-ht£' l' of 1\1t·~ . 1\laudo t ' ,' 1I1l1 f \\'H )' I ll' ~ vll l II n<l Russell Jo:. (" ".... son or III r . 1\·ll's. Bllrl 'li lT lOr L I'I" lnOn \Va S lIuletly HulC' mnlzC'<i lil st Hun,I " ~' morning lit th e "Vuy nes dll e M . E. church . Hev. Jolin Lac y , 11""(01' of lho ohu" cll orCiclutcd a l th e ce re · m ony whl h took phl ce befo!" lhe UU lll' , ba lll(ell with Ilulullln fl owc rs [1'n<1 ("·I'nK. Precedi ng t h u con'm o n)" nupt hli mu sIc W illi r c nde r('d by MI" 8 l lele n Hawko. ran e , the bride's HI,,· l eI' WitS it ' r on ly mll' ndant , li nd ;\1 ,·. I u ul Lel~e v I' served us !JCMl lIlun. '£ ho brhlc 'hote for hel' wculling , It Bu ll of 1)(' lgo!! Wllol ," '(' 11 wllh !'m vy Illu "8C sHo rl M, .' h COl'sngll of pllIs mlln looseN. Th e !tUlIIl of h o no l' wor e Ill) nS!" llhlc of N a vy blue a nd 1\ OI'HUg of ,' n5mln c. 'I'hd Yo ung (J Ul. 1 I ft Imm " ,lill t ' ly folluw ln!; t h c cIJrllmllny fOI' it trIll thro us h ~ II 'hl ' tl n I1n(\ " ' lscoIIHln und On th!'l!' I'NU I' n will be II I hum e II) tn I'll' ne wly fllrpl Mh d u pal'lm 'nt at 308 E llKt 1\11'1/1 ''I';; s lt·cct In L e b· lon, Mrs. J . V. Luoy,. MIs8 A nnie U, . a non. Brown a nd IIfrs. J . E. I\1c<:'1 ure, beautifu l co untry h om e of Mrs, J . I i. Sackett . Th e new prcsld('n l , 1\11'8. E. :t' h o m 11 s pre!!lded . Twe nty-thl' e m embe r s t'o8p onded to roll cllll with the nn m e of 11 famo us schoo\' Tho constitu tion and by · 0 r tho c lub wero r ea d .and th e nam es 0 f Mrs, a. B. EILrnha rt and Mrs. 0 le nn Boroon w(' re . placed on the waIting lis t , Th e resignat ion ot Mrs . Howell PeIrce wlis nccepte d and ·her nom c plnced o n tho II sl or honor a.ry membel'S, Mrs. R. H. Hartsoc k becomin g n m em ber In her place. Mrs . J . B , hupmnn a nd 1111'8. L . 1\1 . H~ndel' 80n present ed lhe fo llo\vInG' very iJlt r s ting and e<iucntlo nal prog nun, M)'s, Hendl!fS On r ead a IIketch on th e lifo worlL oC "liqrn ce !\fa nn ," )\11'8 . C}tnpma n r ead" book, fet on "The Henry Ford School n~ Greenfi eld Village, " Afte r ad journme nt a pleasnn t 6U, ola l hour W aS s pe nt dUl'lng whl h lime dellolou s r efl'eshm c nts we re served by tho n8lllsted b)' Mr". J . E . Mc lure. The gues"" ot Mr8. SlIcllctt were lIlrs. J . K. Pres.

..~ _ _ U _


~(lIl (l ,


II _



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1 " q' r~a hull'nl ~

Wll f.;

Plans for Hallowe'en Carnival Pro gre ssi ng DANCING INSTRUCTOR TO BE HERE TUESDAY

~11~ s l'I" I<' n 1-'"g-I,' o f L" Io,, "on will on juyed by a ll 111' 'de nt. vnn d'l h' t lll.lJlI'ln g- f' l l4 :-1 S l 'S I n \\' ny ll" ~ ' ill'r. Ha c k\\' II h ll!:! I'ccl' ntl y hc on ,'111" li nd ,,' 111 lot , at t he Litllt' In n, In!:!tull ecl mln l"t c i' In chul'Sc o( ,' l. It III ~IUl'Y '~ Bplaco pu l c hul' 'h .

ENTERTAINS GARDEN CLUB :\IIS8 P E'r lo 1111 y was a chu l'mlne hORl es,; to III mbe rK of th ' Va),n"s\'i ll(' Om'de n c lub, 'l'IIC'sdny ait e rn oon ut It I' 'ount "y hOl1le nea r ntd ge vlll · . ~lI ss Hil ey ga \, (' at, IlItores tlng II C· c uun t o r lht' III ('li ng of t h Ohio of GU l'd('n clubs 10 W,I>' a <1el egnt e . lilt'S. uf till' ~h)l'row G UI'(I en ') u b W HS p l'c :u ' nt and g-Il vc a tllost Int ~ " oil tlll g t nlll 011 "An· Engll~h · lI1 ; lll ' ~ l el ell oC II Uunlo'n. " She ul so dls J)IUY CII so me ru re l 'lllne'c " I'll · A n l .t,

ll C ~nl e nt

" 'fl S

mad e



r eglu n I !II cctl ng- tu be heltl, a t L1!b· Afl(,(' 1l,1joll r nlllenl , d .. llcilJu " rres llln Cnl !i w c re


st;! l~v l'd



-' -

Crane. ~ GUIDE Russell Carr Wed

S __ -..-


r .

by th e hOH l ·

nSBls t",1 loy :\11'''. J,;ct Lon ga c re . The n <.- ,xt m ee ting wil l w \\'Ith ~I, ·s . Haney Hy e. H e r ussls ta nt will 1.:,' ~rr8 . R. D . Coli II, S,

In !'n t e rlll g- tlwl!' "'''I,ln'lI In ta ll li nd il r r ohllti c (lan ci ng' ('Ins s~s. B a lh-u hlH e1 H ~SP :-l will ln t,l1ldl' pupll :->. of j u n "-'I'

h Ig h li nd hl g-h s"h" ul " J{" a mi '"l " n need pupll~ . 'l'huH(' "'Is hlng- t o <' II · ~P.t·

nrc UI"S t·d to alt C" nd n fll P(l lln g

: t1

lh e Lltll' I nn Tu csda y "" c nln g " ' whIc h tim e I It ,, ~, \\'111 IJ(> tlH slJ{n eu t .. tIll' ''' l)rt'I)('1' l\Uss: F o g Ie h a", eu n tl u c t ~d. d a ~H

(1 . 1

III 1... 1>l1noll th p 1I">!t ~ ... ,. ,:a l Yl'arn lind co m es ",,,II rero mm c n cl d , S ' . ... 1. .

a l fl'OIll h e"e ha vln !; at t£'mled h" I' tlwl'l' 11I Rt yl'ar. F;h c s tud ' <l In "'(' w Y OI' " Ih" paRt 9 UII11ll I' .

8 .. h ool

Local Happenings ~h· .

u n,l

~11·s. l~ lntl

13,'o wn u nd w In

lJl clt lc a nd ~ Ir. nnd ~ It·s . 'hlll'l 'N Am es nnd dau ];'h t " . ' ·\ ,lIma "lIjoy· ed tl pic ni c s uppc r li t l~ l. A ,w l" nt ~lInd n y even ing. i\h·. !l nd IIl,·s . AJuen Icaver and 1\lt·. nnd 1\I,·s . Robert l"aveJ' vls:t · ed MI'. a nd i\lr" . hllrl S D . 11 It of tndln nnpolls . T . 'v. Van Pelt I~ In t he MiamI

W llh I fnll t'w'" n hilt . three wee k~ awny, lh " s p ('c lul commit tees ap· pulnLl,.1 f o ,' lh e !llothe t' Goos ba""a l', SUPI'''' '' n nd d nnc to be giv en II), lh ,· ~1()l 1 l('I'R dub III'e hUI'd ut \\' ()r l< . '1'11<' l):l ZIIII'-. 1" 1)(> h Id In the high schoo l I)ulhlin g, wIll b ope n 10 I h · p uull e a t a In t he afte rn oon11(' 1'0 .\" /11 will fl nll ~ u('h famlllur l'I la r U('lc"'S ' "; " ~II " lI' I'll MII "y, qu ite 'ontra r y ," " ,' Imlll S imon " , lhe " QuI' L' n IJf III,lt l' IM," " Lll tl c J ack Il ur n(',' " :lml " .., lImlt-tls othe l's come IU II rL' bpfo .... YUI ll' ,'CI'Y .y S. The re \\'111 be all ~, I't a or attracti ve \\' :11'(, 8 to ll" lIgh t th e 'ye, n nd de lleIU II$ un 's t f) d light the uppetlte , ' UPI ' ''' '' \\' 111 1) · :'l" "v 'li 1·,I1H lnuo usl y f l'OIll ~ 1111 In lh lun eh ,·oom . A t millin g II ll' n u Is b 'ln,; plan ed U1ld wil lh ' 9" 1' \'1'(1 a l II ,'c r y r Cllso nab le CORt, 'I'lt e g rum~ ma l'r h nnll Judgi ng ·of ,' o lltOl1l e.. fUI' IlI·I7."" \\'111 be hel d In III ' gs m '1 Ult·tln!; .nt 9 o 'cloc k . The IIn n lll1 l II n llo\\' I" "" dlln ct. will cot:1.' Iud ·· tl,," d rc YfI n ellvlt le" . TI ckets fo ,' th " S UP I)l' 1' w ill lJ e on su le n e xt we Ie


. " Vfly n e~ ""k Gr n n!;1l oblie rved Boostel' n lghl Inal ThuI·sd ay . Co unty Age nt Bnlle y spo ke or the coopel'a lIv program for· the wlntel' a nd' ton vlft lted IIII'. and Mrs . Waller Ench claljs co nu'lputQ d one num'Ue r B ,tty Th o m~s fllvor d wIt h a tap E lzey , Sundny aftemoo n. to til Collowing Bplent1!d IlrQll'rnm: d nnec. Tho r emlllndo r of tht. e ve nAICO,ll by po n R"e r ecita tion W P A. L . KIng a nd lad y fri e nd of by J:an Dloklns ho t , 2;"~ P!Il\.I/ll I.J~ Ing wo~ " Ive n ovcr ort William Bpent Thursd ay ot last Vall ey hO Rllltnl wh e"e h un.l l'r · anc1 cont~'Bt ea m!'s. to ca rd s, bln"o, Rerre8hmen~!I w ek a t the Hamilto n rulr. Mr s , ,,' hllukel" /! clos", went a mInot· o lle rntion Mundny . BIble exerclso T ow w ns cr hIp C' se commltt rv ed . ~emen who by )\'rs will BaJI'd's Mrs . Hugh H a rpur n.nd da ught £'r cl'l8s' solos by ut h MIss Tt·m"na and Miss MltrgaI' et " I) " e In c Iluree OL• II. Ie a d m In Is trnUon ilary K lllh r yn of Edwal'd s vIsIted re latives In Day, Ie COll ne r, EJarl . El\ The boys of th o Smlth·H ughes CUh 'C I-, Intl. UI' rnha l'~ una l\'frs, of thc 1039 nutionll l farm pro gro.m t on ove r tho week e nd. I I Harold EU l'l\!to;'l; d\.le t.. by Mur)' IICI)O rtm c nt lind r lh e 1 ntlershl p of will be elected ol R s Cl'les or m eet . v ~It ng lIll·. a nd Those Crom be r e who nttcnded Jcan Thomps.o n Il.nd MI·s. l\I.orr ls Full,· ,r. n. 'I'abb llr ' Rllnted on Interc.. t1\1al'y Lois Liley In!fB 9 hed ul cd lo slurt tom ol'r <Yw. tbe all dllY dJs trlct meeting of thc accomp anied by Anna er80n . Ing prol.fl'am at t h rOlfu lllr G ra nge Mu.rllyn 'Vhlt, '-_ _ _ _ _ _ ,..,._ _ _ _ _ _ _.1 Harold Beckett , OregonI a, h eM of n~~r~!:.n ~n~rr:~ l's·. 1~:':;~Ar t a ker; flO nil' by nULll H ele n L l\1ay, ;~~~:: mee llng So lul'dn y nI ght. The first I"ERRY CHURC n OF 'CHRIS T the furm orgunlz atlon Ll!bnno n, 1!>\ld RayolYn Grabbe l\ nd E unice Dlcllon· numb r wus an Imltrum £'ntnl duet W, 0 , 811\1tll, lII111181C'r th m eeti ngs would be onduc t ed as of Lebanon 1In<1 Mrs . Florenc e 1:1 ns, by horleR Pll'cs und Fronk LeMuy, s h eet s; relldlng a by l\ r a. R , E, H ustf(lllows~ . Icy o( Duyt~,,- .Sl) nt, ~u S~~ y e"cI~-'f J !:,~ Tbls, », ~ .rRI~crv - .• _~' :L·'_ ",S, Mra. , WhIte, Mrs. Hn....v SUII"-Y'Q by a •. vocal .. ~" UA Ing w ltll Mr, nnd 111M!, Homer lfurn- 9010 by n. E . Fro F rld ay1\lllssle TownfCh nk. L 0 onner lp , hl~h b Wllllomuon a lII)' n ~'rl'S, Murthl' 'UOU"II, ~ BIble sci1 001 1> . '" '"0 n~, n'. . Hough and Mrs, .. I H U I' v ey~burg; Sale m T o wn, y. lIC I '00, a nd a. mdlo drumliU wUon by Mr . ill a nd Mr. "obbe gllV A t"lke on thD~ om munlon- .lO :46 a. m. II I I b II '"' (In(\ l\lrtl. 1m Brown oC FI'nnll' work or th F. 11'. A. v ~ S 1 p, so 100 u umg Ilt ~l o rl'olY, lind lin• r. cuJlcd o n Mr. M'I', and Mra, J . P : LarrIck were Ourst's c1a8S. li nd i\l1·S. H ar,'y ' el'l)l on- 11 :00 a . m. 'Vos hlngLOn Townsh Ip, a t th e Town!:'oll owlng lhls l"'ogr-am , Ea rnest s upper guests ot Mr, and 1111'S, IlL tbe evening ' the Epworth _WlJll uDl8o n ::l::\.l.urAAy afte rnoon. lIfr. Don't forget we want 175 In Sun, shi p Rouse, George Quick or AUamls burg Wed- Longue w as reorgo nlzed. und MI'H . Hrtrolrl WlIllnll\~on hp ,d Cook I;avo on Intel'eOltlng r e port of c1;lY school Snnday . om e li nd bl'lng Octobe r to-Dec rfl Id, Gl'Ilng e H ull c:hlld,· n a nd M rs . B lh I Hu uk of th e Yout h COllfel' n at Columb u!!! nesday eVening , The followIn g Offl " cl'll WCI' c ho sen ,,,,m(o('n c with you . 'I ,IQ ' COl', ; 1-1 I tI , " I 1'\' III e 8C I,Dol; Dn.y ton •'It u' • 1l 1'lI Dut Clill ed on home .fo ll.s S un. to whIch h wlls n dele"ate The Farm Bureau graU!) met 11UI~ (or. the year, Cecil Davis, ))l'e8Itl.e nt; Tutlsclu . .. yUni on, T ow ns hlrl H aJJ u t Soulh L eb· dny afternoo n . Tue8dl1y night at the home ot Mr, Inez Jll.mes, 1st v ice-pres .; MirIam 11. m. Choi r p rnel1ee- -7:30 a non; HnmlllO n, M·n lnevlllt- school, Miss Beach's mothc l' stO PI10d pnand Mrs, Frank Hess, 9 . 'Scott, 2nd v lce·prcs ,; Roxie acltett, u nd 'W ayn", ' Vayn!'svlll hig h I'outc trom lumbu B t o he r hom e' W. A. Bernnrd . and .Mr, and Mrs. 3rd vlce' pl·es.; Lorna W,\YNE S \ ' ILL.E OHURC H OF L IlCY, Ull vlceschool. In Inclnna_ tl an d s pc nt Mond AY LeRoy Bernard and. son WIlliam pres.; B elly Braddoc Cl!IRlS T . l., IICCI' tury: October . lWI-Cleo r creek Towns hIp, nleht wIth h er da ug hte r. were Sunday, auests ot Mr. and Mrs. Mary J ean Thoml)/ W , C, S mith, I\llulste r lOn , trells ure r, pI'lngbo ro hIg h school ; Frankli n R. E, Hns tln gs lin d Will S t roud ot. WilHam Bernard , Accordl ng to L . H . Oordon , local nnd. Mary Lois Lacy, organIs t. L egion Mall, and Turtlec I'eek Town· tend u. tlill ({nox .Masser tight In reg lslrllr of the a uto drIve rs license Mr. and Mrs. Mnl'lon Ja.cobs and S Ullclul' s hIp , Orange hall, Lebanon . DII ylOll , Mo ndny nig ht. bUI' a u, Ih e slli e of lice n ses thIs Bible Sch ool, 9:30 n. m . 80 n Ralph and lIfrs. Zelma McBryMrs . Glenn Bo rde n \VII S a (linn" .. ye l\l' s hows a marked Increa!<e -over 'fhls bC!lng Rally day II s pecIa l ant all o( Dayton were Sunday vlsg uest lust Friday ven ln g of 1Ift' •. l:tet year. Th e number sold ~o aate program will be g ive n , both m o rning Itors of lIfr. and Mrs, Hu.rold Earn· MInni e n e h se of F'l1Inkll n . thIs yeoI' Is 941 aga Inst 694 luSt n nd e vening . hart and family, Mr. nnd Mrs. J . g , l\1 o nK I' oC )' Ilr. ~rs. Robert Werntz of Dnyton L ord's The ' UPI' 1', MI8Slon ary 10:46 II . m. m eeting 0 f Lebanon s p e nt th e w ('ell ond will.' 1t{onday with he." parents MI'. Church es ot hrlat m et nt the }Olr , Gor don a nnounce s that be ha lt hl'ls tlan Endcn.v o r, 7,00 p , m. h ome In the r egular m eetJng Monell1Y IIfr. a nd.. MrR. O1enn Borde and Mrs: Joseph Tinney. n . 1l10" eclo hIs offl e from the Town· Preac hing, of A lma Gearfilll 'd north of F erry 7:30 p, m . evenIng October 3rd, the Wny ne 1\11'. and MI·s. l'lar ry 'r n~' lor or s hi p ho us" to hIll • MrII. T , B . Branno ck Is' vl.!llUng Wednes day, Wedl\(~ln)'~ r es idence SeJ)te.m ber 28, on Towns hIp Boa rd of Edu.c ation de.\! with her-dau ghtel Sh s. EallIe '. : s F01l1 til btl CeL. -. DeVOti ona ls, Mrs. SmIth . Bibll' stU(~Y, 7:30 p. m . ed th eIr ullenUo n 10 the hIgh SChOll1 LUll!. Be nham, S um!Jty Woplard ,nnd family at D a yton' this n ft er n uo n. Prayel', Rev, ·Smlth. Due to num er OUR tre sJ)a6sera 011 week. ' ~!1 6s Re becca D unh a m or Clnd,> \\,IUEN ING . The "~1elmln g of Peac~"-l\1rs. ST, !llARY' EPISCO .WORn BEQUN PAl, enURC H school propert y at nIght n deputl7. ed nntl Guest8 of Mrs. SUBle Evans over Geu.rhul 'd. wos a wee k e nd g u ellt of ~II'. ON WAYN ESVILL E J>IKE . R e\,. R, L, Uackwo .ll, I\UIII"to.r wa t ohm a n Is now on duty , Susplc. and Mrs. "V nlt e l' Shceh lhe week ena. tncluded Mr, and Mrs .. nn illlc1 (11m . ' York of r c wldenln g State Rout,!' The p lanting of th e N ew T es lulous loIterin g or acts or tlc [n clng lIy. Al-l-llUI' . 'Varren und daughte r of ment Ch uI'oh In 42, W(l~' n('svllle pike, was under Mcxlco by Mr, O, tob('r D, sevente enth SUnclny at· school properl y mllY en use arrest . Ashland , Ky, and Mr, and l\1rll, 01· Wes'tro p.-He Haymon d Dunh ulI1 0( Klnl;s 1\ 111 'i wily IOdllY. Boyd a nd le n Mur\lhy . Cook, Dayton , tCI' TrInity. Public minded 8chool patrons lie Cottell' of Call!orn lll, vlslt('d Mr. a n& lI1r~. " 'altcr S ltl' ''· 111' 0 th o c'mtrnc tor s on the $68,000 11 :00 n. m . A II aI'tl c Ie .on II IC 1\1ex ICll n WOI' k J)colul sC I'vl ce fOI' should. not fOI'ge t the three n·1111 han u nd c hild ren S und a " c,·enf n" . 11I'0jec ChlLrles Anderso n student at' Ohio Mn.ry Ol1lnn, t. , ohlldl'O,n ot the Churc h scheol a nd levy ",'bleh the Doord " nska to be (on· Stato Univers Ity visIted h'l s parents M ,' . Ilnd M 1'''. 'V"It"r Slwe hn n an ,l Work of B I'Uln 'V AtroJ)o-Dlu', the il' pHre nt s. Membe It I" s p cifled tho t the tour·ml le r s of the pill'. tlnued In the MI'. and IIfrs. Chas,!ilon ove r November elec ti o n. childre n lind MillS Rebecca D unh a m joh Is 10 he complE'telL by Novem- , Ish ur e urgc<1 to atte nd thIs openIng This Ie not II.n addItion al levy but apent Su ndn y afternoo n with the week end. MI '. b<or 1', but hIg hway c rvlce of the C hurch school. otflclals b ere . Solo-M rs, Ling, th e conUnu ation of th e preHent lev y ' li nd Mr9. J. , Coli tl of Dayt (Contin ued on Page Four) on. be li e ve th e pro ject cunnot be tln Story of a m Rn who could not fO l' thre e years. '1'hls Is m 08 t eSkC n·. Elhl'er S li ~ ... han Is " howlng hi s Ish ed by thut da te , w"nIES VILl..E ~I, E, CHURO H qult-Cl nudla Cornell, t1uJ In ordet· tha t prese nt opera tion herd of Drown wls~ AUXIL IARY ,NOTIC E , c utli p at th e Cha rl e", El. Kunl<!)I' , head of the John V, lAcY. I\tlnlste r Extt-a.ct s from ' MexIco -Mrs. Flo ot the 8chools may continu e untn,· Gcol'g l!town fll h·. The Woman 's Auxilia ry 0( ' the Hig hway Depa rtme nt, sald ' thut porEpIscop al oh urch will meet 'at the Hubbel, Almo. ElZ, Ruth P ine u nd Sunday , October . paIred, Mr. und M'·... I. D. WC!lc h of AI ,· li o n o f ~ la te Route 9-' 122 between home 0.1 Mrs, Lee ~awke, FrIday, Eva Burnett , Student s a r e In th e fifth w eek of er dee n Somh DaltO !):30-S undny School, R. D, la IlrC! vlsillno: Rout"" 48 und 4 ~ Is to be taken over Octobllr. 14 nt 2 p, m, oUett; school with th eIr Clot hIng commit tee tor the Oza rk s upe rinte nd ent, work well o rgo n · Mrs . '~'c lch' s m ot he,', M,·\!. VIola Roo n ,. 8 a . stute t:oltd. It will provide { Home nre 1111'S. Fra nces Bl'nnno ck, Car 'y. 10:40-M ornlng' worshlll , Subject , Ized and under way. n nc,ir c ut ·of! r o ute belwccn CQlumOLD FASRIO BND BARBE CUE E.IIwbe th Hole und Durb~ ra Hart· "False RemedI es for The VOCllUonol Agrl c ultura.l De· MI·s. 1<111 Ke ls(' y Is_ vi s iting I)(' r bus nnd MIdd letow Life's Burden ." n, Kunkel ' Bald, AT WYATT 8 .CAMP SU.N. sock, partmen t Initiated The Ol'cen Hands, ni ece , :Mrs. N elson Th orn In 6:00 - Epwo~tl1i L engue: Leader CIlllrles · An old fashIone d bli'rbecu e wl1l be Tuesday Attenda nce was 30 m e mbe rs und Mr. L ucy. evenIng , October 4lh . ton, W. Va. O. E. S, NOTICE held at Wyatt's Camp betwew n one viSitor, OfferIng Tw e nt y-t h~ ee m embe rs '$9.05. The next were toke n 7:80-Eve nlng sel'vlce, ~IIBS WInIfre d onn(> r In compnn y The F..nfltel'll StUI' lodge w11\ hold Oreegon la. and Waynesv 11le on the meeting will be h eld In to the FFA a t the m eeting. at .th e parson- Wedlle sdaywith II grollp or [rle nds motor d t o Its r eSltlnr m ee lin g Mondll;l' October Little M.laml Rlvcr, Sunday , October age Q,t Ferry, ... • The HIgh Sc hool H om e E oo noml es, Columb us , Sntul'dll Y, to attend the 10. All m embel's 11:00-F rlendsh lp club will meet ur e urged to a ttend. '. 9th. A prIZe winning calf h ns been with Mrs. HatfIeld In .Lebano n . In eompan y wIth their teucher, !l1l ss a nnulIl OhIo State·ln dlan n football prepare d tor thIs t east by II. famous Covered dish luncheo n, . also brin g . Lanham , a tte nded the , Vay nesvllle game. "1)00" (JLUB . . ohet from Lexingt on, 1{. The public table s ervice. Meet with Mrs. Oro88 CookIng School at Mr. a nd Ml·S. S. S . EII1!! e n tarlainthe Twin Theater Is 'Invited . Come out a nd enjoy ·the J a mes W. DavIs a nd family of ed th" m em bel's of lhelr "000" c illb In case there Is n ticll of conveya~ce .. on We<1nes day IIftcrnoo n, New LOndon , Con n.; h a ve ,r et~r n P.d day. Frida)'a t th eIr cou ntry hom e lust Frld ny The B!loster 's Club which pub· to th~lr home after visiting th ~ h' '7:00-B oy Scouts . The' ~arren County Schoolm ll8. evenIng . ',l'be evening WIlS "flen~ at Iltlh,c l! lhe sch ool puper " The Wayce- purents In Con."ln, 8.0t).-(J holr pnlctlce , .., ters' Club will meet .pctobe r 13 at oards, .thr~ tn bles bIng In play, . ban'~ hilS been orgnnlz ed and the Mrs. Frank L. Taylor, who has aftel' whIc h d eHolous the Mallon "high sch90l , A8819tuDt ComIng event. Wednel ldoy even- (Irat eopy will appear on October' H, JU8t rlllumed from Engla nd, Is we r e served . ~ounty Superin tendent Raymoq d p, ln g, botober 20, Rev. Jobn M. VersE lizabeth Hoblit Is edltol'.-I n-ehlet nnd s pending a t ew days with her m oth· Mrs, Harold lfcCoy of Hatfield o:nnoun oea. · Wednes day . teeg, ot Cln'olnnEltl :will "peak wm . Rcrye os news r eporter for the atte~ er, Mrs. ' Edith !'farris. Friday abe (JHILD REN TO Geoa:ge Swindel l, Morrow faoulty a covered dAsh aurpper at the oh~rch. Gnze tte:Wcll tel'n Slar !l nd Ctnclnn atl wl\l join her hU9ba nd In Chicago to FREE MILK AT S(JHBOL m ember, will be In charge ot the pape rs, return to . their home In ~ltJ1. Fran· The milk projeet whIch ' , prOlI't'1l~. Morrow teacher s have aI" < LOCAL ' TEACH ER lLL Ttl \! entlI'e 8cbool aympath l&es chico, <::alJtornlo.. __ oh urehe8 ~e epon80r fn" ... to go I . ranged a. plenJe- at,..Eor t Ancllmt -' Turner, local ' hlgh school with )[r, TU,mer In hl8--tUn ess ond to ' effect !\londay mornlns . ~tobe.r Me)nori al Park Thurllda ;y. W. W. teucher Is III ~t. Jhlll h~me wltfl'~r. wIs h him -a speedy ~covery, GETS HIS MAN l,,0. Milk fB to be ofre,..s tor Cade, )401TOW .uperfntend~1'\tj Is nrWIDIIUD Luken.... Dave lI'1nk, locbl motorcy dle pa. arid provided dally to t~ ranging the event. County home 00· GRANo .rvay ~ERVICB. trollDlll) went to CIncinn ati Wedn~' wbQ ~D not afford. ~o_ onotntc. teacher s wUl meet at the carl Duke haa be4m called fOr JUry day and brought baok II. negro who lervice on the ' J'ederal Jurt tailed to appear In Mayor A, K. whleh 18 DOW ID .-loll uW Jaa- ~ court after belq cIted tor a " lI_l1IIb ura OU-··.II9·,. ~IT. tra.ftIo vIoWioD bere Jut


_ _ 0 _ _ il _ _ _ . . - . . . Th e W uy nesv lIIa Ill. E. Ch urch Mr. a nd Mrs . R. E. '\Vhlte of Day. ohset've d Guest ny la st S unday .

When you Worl.l's Fair 10' fair Fair girl lumes r ep dy

visit the New York 1939 you will find guides in natty cOllto turnish infollml \liOn Qr ev~n escort you around , The fair fair guide above 18 a fair sample of the service the Fair will . give Fair visitors ,


I Churches' I








GET ' ,






tltbt :JIMfami Pb,Qne 112

W ay,n es ' l Bl!S



y Maih Sq-e et

Oh io

l\'!ail Mti ttc r .a t. Posto ffi ce, Wnyn esv Ule , bhio


S ubIJcription Pric e,

ThUMdllY, OrtolK't II , lOllS . ---,--___ . 5







Tbe Na me Lacla Th e name LuclR Is the Ita lia n and S pan is h fo rm and L ucille or Luclle the "Frel1ch fo rm oHlle E n glish L ucy, ot LaU n orl ~ h~ ond mea nil1 g "light, d aybr c:lk, light brin ger. ". Th e re ate a b O\lt 15 v a r iations 'Olls n a m e , L u c ile b ein g p erhaps the favo rite. Lu· sh a 1s the u s u al Engli5h pron un· el a ti on of L u cio but It a li a ns g iv e It t hree syll ables, L u · c h ee. a , a c ce n t m g th e seco nd,

P aynb le i n Advnnce 1II,',..slm c n ttl-l • O hi" (orm en 10- -_


",If! ~.

I n !H.! hln'-' I' ~r n nll tlJu l s

;'Ills" ~ I Jl rll' Gn",,"1'11 :lll<, n t i' tttl,lay willi 01'111'\'1\'" T\IIl1I ll' lI .

11I nl'e I'tlp h lly t h ll l1

lIhll'S'k' (Ju:illn III t .. IHIt' 11 th ' " It,)\\"· ::;ev rul 111 c n b4,:~J'.M 'r .. ,lln Iw rp :\1 . ll' lI d" tl :JIoo~t<'J"~ nll:llll,1 II". (. nln~(' l ' l' 0 1 nUIIJ1 l ' I1 's Fl' i ll': lr (' v('nirl g-, thl~n III th('lt· IInll 10 " ':1)' 111',, \' 11'" Thill'''' " lwlll th e night wit h H ilt h 1.:, ra~·. lI.. rlh" Klrl',y ~ Pl'1I 1 n r,, \\" ,tilY~ dll)' e\, t· nh~· . " ' llh IIn J'I'y 1,II'uy 111111 111I'th I'. I1 I\lIr tlllY \\':1 . 0 11,.(' 1'\,('<1 ,11 1.)' 11(> I ~all'h llutll1 c' lI "'HI f lllJllI~' ~unc1n)r t'lchnul ,\n ~ull.1 r (\" . J\ I.II'J..;. " Hf' I'1 11111l 11l'1I II II.! funtl ly "p"n t l1un,Ll' \' in :It h· IHl j\. nl · ~' . ;\11'. n n d :"Inl.,


IInrl<lllllcln!,; thl' htl'lh (.of C' luller Nt at I h (' h~

l ay

T llthl

<l tl ~~

11 1"1-'


~t1l1 l'k "


" "II hlllllfl I n :1

Lr -

t ln1l' I<PN ll III' IlI''' t 'c IIlI g th ' m fl'om th o \\" ' u l h ' I'. I:;Xfl il,. lIr u Hho l'lfl l1l:1 I he ll .rc ul' ,.,,111" 1'( 11I11l11l ~' nt rlll;l t I' t h u ll It H U R" In IIw 0 1'1119, Pu in !. g r eulol , nthl Hh cl l e- r I:" VC' I " I ~ "I' l'x PI' ns l\,o' I' pul l' blllll In lilt' I'll,' h "~I"lli U .

Lu \·,·lutl d lhf' ~lh.\~ lH I tf

f n ll1l1r .

The- /-II ,ll e,", !\ 1,1 \\'11 1 hul.!

II ,

(l ay

uH'Io(,tin g


ll H.' IH II 11(\ o f

When In Lebanon

EI ~ il'

I, nnslc r' s.

:lIIR>! Eva W harto n " ,"1 Lo l'l'" Ro ul v.:thll nil ,"I 'U I h(' li n 111 111.,)11 Ca ll' Thllr_ IllY, l\Il·S. HllllI,' h~ :11111 1' 1' :I t'Ill ~1I ~s .Pl' I·lc nlll'y lIf I Ud~('\' llIc w, ",' ~Ull ' day IIr l ~1' 1I 0() n gUI' s t>! "r :\11'. 11 m ], 1\11'8 . I IH I'Vl'Y nUrll" I , rvl\l ~PhllllJl S IItt l' ntl ", 1 th e ( IInl' I" s l of his o Ulll n , i\.ll' ~, DnlHY ' Vl tte l's, at her I·esld.e n cc n car ' Ve'st ~II,ldl " l o wn. Tu clld o y art rn 0 11. lIl rs. !olll I'gll re t ,I nhn s HIIU ]'lIul J ohns w r e ('ntcrtJll n d at (lIuII!!r. unday Ul t h e homc o r ~ It· . a nd :II..,.. " 'oil r 1fnJ nes n Ur Bcllbl'Ook , lI lI's. Ralph J ohns w as tnko:on to M iami Vn ll ('}" h ospltn l 1\lol\day fO I' Il gollre opf1rlltlon , 1\[1'8. Aile In r k ha d tit I1I I:;Cor· tu n e of s l C-P lllng nil 'nail In th e ('CuI

EI' II Nl 1::11 I'nh ll 1'1 '111,1 mulll I' :\I" H, U. I I. K " ln ~I' 1' s(lellt 'rhUl'!ld<lY n f\ (, I' lIuu n wltlt I Ill'l l' !!IH' tel' :ln d ,I IIlIl;hl ' I' III 1111' ,\)I rlllli '·ul · 1I' ~' hqNpil J1 1 III UUY IOII , M r . nntl :\!t.!<. ~ l lJ rrl H I HII <"1111111'cn oC f., 'hn lllln l'I~ lt l'd :II I'. 11 1111 MI·... 11 1\ 1'0 1,1 1, ('111" a"I I fJl llll ly S u nelay a rt" I'n oo n li nd ,"(,lIlng-. L n;;;t ' un(IIIY we had " "t, I)r lh ,' Inl'l;!'I1~ h me · 'o mln gs f" I' <'1'1· ... '·" 1 years. A I'lIu nc1 ~() wel'C PI"'SP Ill ("I' Sundlty ~ !loo l unu " full hl)U>Io ' ("I' ;; nl cPl' In III(' nft rn (lon. Llttl Donn y ' VCI1\"(' I' Iill'!, n hl l"l h ·

b in of t h e " nsemo n t, T IIlII'" d ny. lIIr, li nd Mr. Walle r K e n rick,

dny pll.l"Ly fOl' h ill IItlll' fl'!t' nrl" 1 :t~ 1 ~ro n dll Y Il fl 1"11 00 n . G nml'" a nd rt'·

Guy Ro utzah n , Mrs. B e n H a wke u nd Mrs, Iy<k> W hltl" lon at l cmlL-d til fun e r ll l lit Mrs. l\fn r y BoltnoU Itl Tip!) Ity lIt o n do y aftern oo n , M rs, Mary Ca r mon y 01 bruted h I' 88th bi r t hday a nnh' rsu ,')' un· d f II d l n ho I11"~ IlY. at a n m y nn I· ....."" t h ,. ot her son a nd wHe. Mr, III1lI I\1rs. E , J , n rmon ~' at Sp r ln j;fI Id. Re v. Hlldll !'lnyde l' v ery ab ly f ill· ft.d ' lh Pillpil at L uli e hur 'li ·u n ·

fr Rhm(,111 1! Of I ' '("('a lii :ttl I ""I; w e I" sen 'ed t o lIC'H' n IInl" 'VIes. Th oso present were- Annn ~I nc :lml :\1 I1 I"\' ln L ucns, R a l'1J11rn ,l ea n lIlor· "li n , h nrlcs Ah' ln Hun n II . H (, I'sca l Kelli s, C";eorge B~lll''' o r n nytt 11 lI ml J " \" In 1'" ... e I) I' ", A ll (l".p" 1'1 '-"'" \" 'I", ll ln ., o nn y m u ny m " '0 hllflPY bl.nhdu),R. Mrs, 1\J ... II I M rga n , ]YlrH, D rothy 1(1'1118 li nd M I'!". 0 8('111' Rat !oj of D ay. a il ed o n ~[I'!j, n llind \Vell v('1'

Stop At






da y mor nIng . H e r h u s bnn cl I ~d t he s ing ing , 8 ne will p ren h n,gu ln 1n lWo wl'ck s . Octobe r 1G. u t 9:30. Mrs. J . B . J o n 8 und son T h e rl!' J o nes a tte nded, th e hom ·eom lng a t Mt. Holly c hur It S unday.

Herb's Place

:\ I r~ .

Mr. ami l\ l l'ii, 11u)- ,'hnw a n d h ll c!.I.' n .ur n N1\' X ·nla , M I'!!, Ol'n I' en pf Dnyt n , !of l·s. \,lz>.le L Val · Ic y of X e n ln. ~Ir'R, L eonll T hl rklel(1 n nd "hlh!n)l1 L)[ DnYltl n , Mr. anel ~II·B.

PLATE LUNCH Sandwiches A New York World's Fa il' 1039 flying ca m e r a m a n too'k this aerial . ph otogT:\pJI of the P erisph ere l'ml Tr~l oll at the T""me C!enter of tbe Fai r just as the fl nnl ri\"c t was c il1~ drive I In file 21)1l-~ont sphere, [n th~ forell'ro uDdi s th e New York Cil v Rn;l,H ..... '''' t'' !:~ II' v i nl!' a.<; fl10

Give Rice New Flavor And Make it Popular Plain Iltolkll del' "" l'tlH no In ll''''


Wines -

Slimmer City Hall. while beh ind the P erlspbcre m ay be secli Constitution Ma ll, extending to the Lagoon of NaUons and the Federal group of buildings on the fa r side of the grou nds.

KINGMAN ;\11.". R. J\ . »lIlItn T Ill' Clin to n l.t,u nt)' ~ c h" ,\ IIlIII ~ ' t ,'I' S' pitt" w il l lil t l' t Thul"Mf lay "\' (' 1\ . IIII':, Cl. G, nl 1"",'1<,'" ca m l>,

,hl NI'. n In nto"t A lii I"I"an h"lIIu~: l\Uss 'a " " l yn ~ l c l,l n tley lI !1s 1,("11 !.tilt 111, '1',· :1 1'(' HI hl' l" wnYfI uf sl' rving r-un ri n (',1 III he l' ho n" , hy a" nll ;,,'I, ril'l' li nd I) y a i'l'"n gl n g 0 'I'lwlt n nl o( :tpil n Uei lls, hut Is now 1111,'11 III hltngl's, :l11 s.~ A ln"l Gn l"vin. nutl"l · \ ' lrg illiu Ge tts , R . Ii. 2 sc honl. lio n 14 j1 '" L, Oh io S lOl ' 01\"('1'>;11)' LII~t " I'a l" ,; Rl' n lllrs wh o I-: I';o tiu" led suy:; Il Is po~"ihlc 10 Improv(: 1IH' :'lI n' . ,I. P . H a y 9 ~lI od ~lond/lY ( n' lll J~lngmllll :tll e ~dl l1g " · llmlng. I In . Tl1l'nu s, OI ,,,' lIln g lit ~ 0' 010 k lit IIw ;'IJirim l t o n clI ll p[;,c a I" : i\I\ Hi\ :i 1\1I u At, nk" Is l'ook~d In n 1I'lUld lU ll1uk Val ly hORPltli1. F I' le nds :lnd neigh. AOII, samh 11:l I't!;{ll'l, . H\ll h .MIlf\'!'C, i t l e nde r, !.Jilt th 1I(IUld. n l'd no t (I I· bo,'s jo lu In th o famlli !j :; IT OW . J Olin, i\lci\lIIl a n , Geol'g lnnna ' Pr uitt \\"<1)," he wlite r , 'oll kl n g I"I ce In milk Ll lll (, '1lIlrll's Ol t h ' n:; WJlS t a llen n nd. Jo:IE'n'n til' \\ n il , Itowar<1 L n n Is Illc r I.\ftn th fo ('\. " ~ ' ll oC t Il " Is h t "" It hi t dl " ' II I I ~ ('''II'' , ~ ,... " 1I 'In c lnmltl 110:'1,1\11 1 wh ol' e e n!'to li t e n ng , III n t; ... n ., , .", . lind ('oo l>l ng It III lomaw juloe m a k ,,!' w il l l"l'l.'l'lvc s poclnJ bu no atten tjon . thcI' ('!oll ('g >!tucl l'n l!oJ rl'o m t ill>! l\ fl ll,VO I'Y 1'1 ' r u nfl n ti n fo r n 1\\i'. ,ln,l M l's. Rt e p hl! n G llm ll n 1'1'o r : Flol'I' nl'(' ~rav)' 0 1' U loll ' W . t u rll r d ho rn Inst w orN! fl'om th h' W IIldl1 L a n , lI 'll'n L o u iSe' ltn ll;l n K lik e tltl'lr 1'1 olll, d In s umm c r c nlltlge in .\lic n . tlc-Id 11 1111 ,13 LlY l\ \(' K l nne y . " hi k en ... toel<: "l"Izolto," us they IIfl', a na Mrs , H o h .:'( G I'o,.tlr a n" Rall)h Beam 'nh' r 'u h lo Cu ll il. Art~I, w it h o m or l he b its r.. mlly li nd MrR. L . 1'11. Hli lTod \\I«I'e nl "e r~lty this WI' 1(.

J.; 11Ig' 1II1l II sc hau l 1,, ·1' "o flUII II t"lIm . 'I' h ('y h ll \' of I h £' Ii' lh" (,(l Olll of flv );II I11 C>', \\'I~h .'1 w "I(' nn n. ,' 111 0 n nu A lIa n "'l I'NI!') C'l h' C'ly wi ll · nill g a ll t h ,·....) ga n loH. K lllir l11 t1 11 goeR to Blll ll oh 'sl o r 1"1' 1.


M e n 's Hats C lea n e d an d Bloc k ed

50c r..:t rJ i!'s P lni n



Mor gan ,

1:.......-.!;...,:....._..,....__:M.t~Ill1d....M'J."..:.-l~tl-.B:IiLU~I--'_,I'6t--l\*"-Q-fHI,.... ?'.[ I·S.

he us tic1 .Ta k e , 11l'1!oJtm:Ul, ook 1'1

Mrs. :\1obcl O I(,l1 n snn mi d (la u gh ter of L bun o n . a mI 1\'[1'. u ndo Mrs . R u g· S e urs nt SabW!l.. ~ '{r, .nnd M r s , Harr" -n l'e,ve r ot sc I 'forga n o f J... c bllno n " Ile nt S u n· .. .. • .D Sunl' ~ y "'ue~ t8 o · M r . day art rn oa'n UOI! D yt . ve nln g wllh a on w er ''' .. " L a n d Mrs, "' esle r flra lla m , ;\'[rs. Ltlwls lI1urrn)'. ..., .... Th e r e will b n. r c ptl Qn a t L)'U .'fh e tiul>e r ll' nl ndc nl or l h ch urc h · churc h Frldtl)' " t'v nlng o f this week cs of "lim i ng to n 1 11 ~l rl cl wi ll h avo n y· S" I'''I~l' Su ncl ll Y C' \'c n l n /: at tl ~e Mt. f o r lh e new p asl or • .l-l nl. fIlld d or nnd f n mlly . with It CO\\OI' d dls li Holly ~t. E . ' 1Illl·,'11. I!Jvc " ~' on e Is dJn n, r at 7:30 a nd !l pro~l"Ilm, E v r y e w e lcol11 • body w elcome.


the lI(lUld In whIc h t o 'Mrs. Sm ith l\l r . 1l1l(1

Quick Cfeaners Ka th l'Y'II Me ndenhall, MgT






g ive n

rtovo r In u n. Il y

n lll]

s""~o,IIr:t,;,, .

Enel 1 ndln. "I

" lid, b!lk e j. 1n Suno.1 l1Y In :llIdd l town u g ues,t s of Is oft ' n S I' \"e rl w it h MI', u nd :\11'8, George Hudson ,

a c u rr'Y Hllue " i tlel'

o lng bl'ow n d "Irgl n la C, el t s o nd F r D uVa ll In fn t n nel co kNI III buill ng wtl tc r WN'C S U l1ll n ~' g u Hts of 111 1'. n nd i\f1'". or m a t s t oe le OnI on u n d c Ul'ry J. n 'd Il lIy le of B., lI hl'o uk. po w el I' ",,·c It II d ls l ln c tl \" "Ia l' o l'. ~

Wa lter n nd Miss

n nh a


[( nd Mr!;. H o ward

U1· C'Y.

T hc L a d l s· Aiel g il vo II ~h o w('r fur 101 1·s. I I! l'o thr Mu \lln (11 C Ounn II ,· , ut 70 we r o p ,'os(mt. Th o \)1'1<1. rece ived 1\ nice co llec tio n oC u s fu l

WI' (' I,

nil g llf'RL.

1.) (

Ihe lr




and. Headaches

Nufltl 1.lnlps IJquld, T uhlel K due t.u Colds Tr)' "nub·~Iy·TJs m".:..a \V~~crf.!~ Unlllll'nt

f{ pm Nl,I('s In e liI'" .;h lll ping fe v e r In clI U lo II I" [( l11 a t ~ I' of d lSJ.lut c , SpecllJ lI Hl' n l Oh lQ S tli tO n lvo n:tlty I't'(1011 0\11 nd It ligl It r" d inS' of good 'h n.y \l' h n lh l' calne' 0 1'. r ee Ivd , 0II mlt ull rl m oullt of I;r t\ln th fo llow· In g c1n ,v, a mi com~ on b n k ln G' soda ntlll II t o th dl'lnkl ng w al t' for SOl'· (' I'n l tl ll)'~. If fCV!! l" di? velo p. , n ve t I'. Ina l'III II s h o uld b clJtll d, u t o n ce. ~

H a l)piness an E xpe rl e nee H a p pi ncss Is ral·FIy. an ach ie ve -ment. It's a n expI~r i e nce.


till nt S unlla y In '1'I'('nto n with MI'.

Paul l) lIk


e·6C.OLe O S U' ~er '

s" \Ie.

WE' r o



!\II'. a nti !\I r s. ga r! , C,. " ' lul'd lind L1t'li 'j Ll I\!(1 o n ~ I I'. Mr, [Illd lI~ " s: G u y n OUI Z!l hn lin d· fflmjJ~' uf n Ill' hU'(\nc(- C l'H ·wfo nl I1 ncl fomlly h o d n n n uto Dceld" n t Mo n du y ,'Lnd Mrs , 'flntlc c1 h) m ~l l Cf4 . g loaled (· IH'L·S .... , north of Forry 11 a l' ~fo I' I'i!l. B I'o wl\ 's fnl11l1 ~' ~ unr1"y \,l'ler' lI oon , a na c h O]l)lpd 1'1111 1· n toeA w ill tll l'J1 11 AIt'. I uld 1\ It's, 'II rI Anu('I',on IIf ho \I' I o( ph'tl n cook ed d et' In to r. CO I11 · f Rrm, . w'hUe elii o ut e lO l h e (ILOen Li of 1\11' 8, R o utza hn's mot h 1:, 1\) I'S, ne n.1' DlIyton en lll'll, :\!t,. una ~frll. pi N e II n c.d l!< h m el)\. ' whl h .n n h Mary Boitno t t, a t 'l' ip)l I t~' . T hol r E\' o l' U H ll n nell li nd fll mll)' ' II nl1;\y ('ooh ed o n to» th e s love II I' WI I(cu . aar Bk lad d In g'l'fiVcl" I rt ~h I'oad nft(,l' n oo l1 . Evon ln g n llc l's weI' lIIr. J\'f1~A GUl'vl n udv ls 's Ohio h um m o l(. u nd. broke oCf n. t I!l IIh on e p olc . M ls8 II n t1 ' lII l'H, Lo u Rlchl" 'l1 allll dnug h · CI' S wh o wn nt II nu s ulI l ricc d ish es G e n V~ w as . " r e I)' cu t Ilbo ut th 1e'1' of nfl~'lon . 11', li nd ;\)1'8 , Horlli tl 'to w r it e fo r Leu Cl t l1 ~ . L, 'olll, ln g f ace lind helld fl'OI1l (l yi ng rlll '·s . S h flog \·s of B\'I II\rllll l, , i\lr, n n, d i\l1':;, A nll'lt'I ;1I1 Vn l" l ('fl,'~ tor J1 Ie". \l uhll ~h . \YUS ta ll n. to B lll ir h osp ita l, L t'bn n - 1', II>I\\'I1\'tl1 ( d hsll n II n tl dll Ug-hl C' I' o f cd 11Y t h ~ nl l'e1 St ll l"!' ])c llHI't n1<' nt o n , by D I'. S t o ut f o l' u 'elltm e ll t II lI d l ' ntc l'\, lIl t" 1\11''', 81111n:t O llJso l1 o f o f AgTl c u!l u l'O:O , W " " h illg' to n. D. 111 1. r la l,en to h e r hOll1 III L y ll c. U(, Il IIl ", ' I, a nll ?I I I', a lilt 1\·" 'S. I-Ill ey T he l"e~ t at III famil y sell" d with Gi lls o n :t nll dau!:'ltl c I' l 'a ull n £l . Ph o n e or sC! n d in y o ur n e ws. mino r In j url.., 1\11'. il ll rl , ~ r f' ~. Ti iJ.-.y CI ! h.~u n h n\'e p UI·,·I1:1 H,·, I, I h e I :y l1ul11 l' in 1\ 11. Il n ll ~". T ht' Y w ill ,nq\' l' f h pl"l' !omurl to l1I, tlw ' th t, lt· hU II \l'.



Itl'l.Jln d De ily Mc Kln;

S unday ~; uests or lI'LI·S. In g a t l h o home of h OI' I,n l' 'I}UI In pn l' nts 1\11'. {ln d Mr'", Frcd 1\l eK ln. Q f" I V II Co yhoct o n . u "I'Y 0 "' P" liS ti Y. ~ n l'. o t h ' l' wny In d e p lln u , IL 'r u r kl ~h 1\ "" I ' .• II t l Ui llh , by br o\\' nl ng t h e " ice In sa lt· tn.. " II let' Curte l' n nu l e so n J. k tl t k It I I p or I, fu !. b fOI' It Is boi l tl In w u te r . II Ape n t Ie' \lIlS we . W I I' . _" d I I I II I S bl u A ftp r It I" conl"~u' l n 1" ( t s 1Il)( ' n v('s 11 a n. ~ I I', rl n(1 " ' [I'S" , ~. rnl~" d with ' lt op (lNl o n io n , le l'Y, pa r s· " , ' 3 B·r o \\'n a p Il t Hl cC'


Ba nta. u nd Bo n. tl nl1 fn m · M rs. H rm a n Ma rlin Is "n'atio n · ney W(' I'

- - == =';:-,






\Va l h I, u'l' • .J u(' Hn r l:;oc k . lI[e m bet'8 of til(' <11!llU l'tme n i of AS'l'lc u l tu rc n nd t h eir In s t r uc tor . H . ~\ . Uu n t rl t il' (:,," n Il 1ll8 <0 IItle n (1 Ih Nutloli u l Dalt·l' Zi ll ow III Colu mhus

s ' ~lary



M e n 's 3 pc, Suite C lea ncd and Pre ssed

day ,·ve n llllt fOl ' II j.:'n n1C with Ulli n . I' hl'l< lel'. T h o Kln gma ll F. Ji' , A. h Id l h e lr inlti nUo n Tu Hd llY v nln g 0 lob e r .1. ill their J"Uom II I lh s hoOlh o u sc. OfficcI'~ of Ihls 1II'S'o nlzu tlon U l' : P I' Hld'~n ~ l, .I) ' Ibl','t H o ln 14, VI c'llr;:'!!.

1I10n l . :\I Ivln U \Il nl:~wol"lh . Seem· tll r y, T had Ha lll s ; T r ensu r e r , ,f ll m es n ohu : Heporl r . fl u l'ry ' r('a li o n L nd ' l' , DUll n('

Liquors -

Clean Up At The .. Price.

Mr. a nd Mrs, W a i te I' K n r l'" 'a nd Arth u r Morgnn, :\11', II I1fI i\ \i·M. H o n r y "C mlnl"cti c hl!'I{(' n. ' hopp ,d hum. Ih 'II nl tlY g u . ts or Jr, a nd Mrl!. # Mr. u nd M rs. n uy Conk lin a n I MI', ~1Il1 1 :\11'1<. II. A . B ll ll la und son James lola in a o.tte nded u blr lhdllY Bel'ges~ I nd child re n ot D u rto n Il~ ppe" ll , o nio ll8. lind lOU1 tll OOS nlltl · Pa u l Getts unet (am lily. ·du.u,;htor J a nice n n<l :II I'. nnel ~II'~. D1Lnl('1 were Slt tl(llIY gu es ts of Mr. party a t th h o m o f lII:r, n n d M r s. spe nl Sumlny IV)lh t1wlr m til r .lnd l h l" hecllmes In t ho o uth. a !\I I Alma T aylor of Musp n. Berm a n M lu t ln "'''I'e 'l' h ul'"tl:lY ' v. nlH. a nd Mrs, A. on 1." H. BobblnlJl a t Tr n to n un· ~I:nndmothe r • rr. a mi ~ I'S. L !!w ls "ju mbolnyu," Any meat s loc k may Wil li [he w eek (' nd gUl!st of lI e r s lste l' e lling g u s ts or M I', II ml :,il'd, 11 , A. L eba n u]I .


Inc rease n luc h I hQ Hm o un t IJt

WHY ....U HAil '" Sf ,


I' ur llle D yes F ro m Snail P urp le d ycs or anci e n t ti m es ca m e (r o m a s m n 11 sn a il fo und a Iling lhe Mo re tha n 12 .000 M c ditN rnn ca n. Sli a ils were 'nc e ded 10 extra ct an oun c e of d y e a n d th e cost was s o p r ohibitive t ha l only r oya lty c ould buy it. '



SEE IT • • • DRIVE ANEW PLYMOm,' TODAY Place Your Order l'{ ow For I

Christmas Cards Your Name Printed On Cards "

Why Su"er Longer Than Nece!.sary1 Dr~ Miles Anti-Pain Pili. Relieve Quickly

DR. MILES ' A:NTI - PAIN PILLS were made fer .just one ptll-pose-:-to relieve pain. Users write . that they , "work like magic", They contain an effective quick-ac&g anaigesic, .. ' , ' . -paln reliever, , • , Try Dr. Miles Anti-Pam PJlls before you lose a <lay's workand pay-or break a social engagement because Qf . HEADACHE, MUSCULAR, PF..RlODIC, OR NEURALGIC PAINS. ,They , ~y_ ' jU$t wh~t -you . _need to relieve your pam and . A t )'o~r D rug S~or(',

W.nN F"s\ '\flLLE; o.

put you back on yoUr feet again "rarin' to go", DR, MILES ANTI - PAIN PILLS act c.z'Uick~ll .' ~ou don't have to walt f~rtY' mmutes to an .hour for the~ to take effect as 15 the case WIth many analgesics. You'll get nction in from ten to twen~ minutes. DR. MILES ANTI _ PAIN PILLS are pleasant to take handy to carry, prlompt and ef~ fective in action, and do not ti p set the stomach . ' Their cost is small. One, or IEIt most, 'two, is usually sufficiellit to 'relieve.

21; lor &,

120 for




1'\"'" T I -

It's th~ year's style sc<nsatioli among low p~ce carsl Glamorous new dislill&tion in styling ••• SutnptuoUl new IIIXIIr'J throughout. Envious eyes will follow this big, new Plymouth wherever you drive it. Come in today and drive a new. 1939 "Rondking" or Pe Luxe Plymouth, Discov~r the thtill in its new High/forque Engine per-form,ance • , , in · Perfected Remote Control SbiftinB, and new AIl·Silent Auto·Mesh Transmission. I' NeYer before in a low.priced car have you had a riM to eqUal the new ride of this great new Ply'ln~uth, It has new Amola Steel Coil Springs ' , ' • improved Airplane Type Shock Ab~orbers ••. new True·Steady Steering ••• the most bril. liant ride engineering in any low priced cart An.d ,with its marv~lous new engin~nB advaDcem~tI, Plymouth for 1939 lias all the better value feahUel that have , ~ade it famous ·for ~rd ecionomy,with fUll ~ ••• that . cause owners to declaie. ,~'It'~ the That ~caQda up Besd- "


I'Llin l'iIl~

·SUaIft . , . , . , . WI...Df .... . . , . .

, C..."......" ..,... .*Ii

Cliff Bunnell Co)


lias..! .up.e··..... ,

....... 011


'rh ullf111 y,




,.. S



IN~-ShearerTriumphantly'R~~I" , To Screen


M'I', n n tl ' 1\{t'Il. ,p , f:' WI~lllIJIlU M)', .1' Hnd 1\1 I'S, Jnm cs Wlct.\.1 tl lIIl en rnlly u ll llnd'l th blrllitl ny dlnllol' ur !\f1'S, l\lyron S h e . til n Il l' - PI'h1" lltll'.lI, 'rhurs(\ IIY , Jinrry R . ~ FOI'dy hil s r '(~ lltly Il,\.I nl (\ th Iritl! ~IIIl' or hlH hOm~ , Jhnr'riy HUl'tHo 'k JI .. \l'U I! t.he Su n , clo y g u es t "C ( ;nrl ~m llh ,II', JiG WI' I'O PI' a nt li t PUITY Sun, Il"y IIch o«I, "Sundny IIl1d (I. 1'011 ' UOIl of $31.&r. \ Vft8 111 1«' 11 . 'fh o Inl flRln n lll'Y m ~c lllIg I" I'I"Y hUJ'('h WA M h " ld III lh l) h OI11 .. t MI'I:I, L COlh ' l' a I'h ll rl1, 'V e<1 ncsrlll )' , \\'Ith u llo ut 36 prQ8enL It "'fill v.)! d lU S ml a hn l'l'c l or c lut hlll g to ' thl' Izo l' l( 1110 lin til 111 ..: )\1..... 'hA1'1 s 'mllh uf VII'A'ln"', Illo th e l' of n v, C'lI'l S mith . 1M v181\ · 'rhUlnH Y sa w ctl nn e:)


Ihl' loil;!rest 10SII ho h ,"1 h " IIILl<-d r(1I' Ko nl ' tlln c. i\'I4.lntla}' , wh f' 1l li e :oJn\\,·d

ou k 101;' b(' lrmglnl;' 10 LIl\\' rLHl c(o ' rl' lI{'c FUl'nll R, Th ~ Jog na""1< u rptl III'O lln d I ~O O C('c t .. r lumhe r \\'111'11 '"~ w ·ct o ut, Ulld IlICUHlIrotl 4 1·2 (('(.' l ,,,' I'OM'; th" uull e lltl . 'L'h 1' h o lfla~ mill 1>1 o n of til " 8t 'q u l(JI",ll ~ mll ll mill s In the country, Ihl' mllin , Ie ndency bing II h Nl to cO \ ' I' It. II Is (lu li e,' by un (' Ig hl cy llllll l'I' "dllu o mortur nml h nA bOlh Il urln .,..(\\' Ilnct to p flll W, Log~ n nd lumlJel' Ill'e h u uled un. IL big \I·u ck. ~rr. 1' hull1 ilS r ce nt ly In s tn ll cd 1\ IIl;lIl1n l': \\'I n h on thi s tl'u ol( whl h wk I! milc h ot th e h ll rd in lle r o \tl or luud · III); l og~, fl n 'lI

Norma Shearer an d T y rone Powe r a r e the romantic lovers of 1I1 c tl'o,Ooldwyn.Mayel"s s u od uctlon "Marlo AntoInette" wh ich wlll open Su nday, O ctober 9 at the Xenia thealer In Xenia for 0. magnlficent three d ay engagement. Anltn Lo uise. Gla d ys George , Robert. Morley, J oh n Bar r ymor e and Jose ph Schlldkraun t head t he gigantic SUIlI)ort!n~ u~st o f th :"us nnds,

\l II Il \. Th e IItO C' g h 'l we lg h cll eig ht 11 1111 ono h li lf pou lIll a whe n b I'n , f;h h ad nol ~'('t IIc qull'ed 11 nllm o ,,' h.' n .\\1'. ano l MI'!!, Oolto n I'c tul'n 'd t o ""fI ITY . I 1£1 Y III C, \' ' I' h n r th e s tOl'Y ' I'h P t 'VI n ls ond J U I11 (>8 WI , 1",1\' I'\'I'I'Y t-;"l It '" mlUl '! \V e ll, ' ul l! W I' ~u e8tH li t n il Ie I'"o m 1\ 'ent ~ lhal F e rr), Wll" Cu l' m I'l y cu ll. 8u ppel' 'I'u .. dllY ' \' nlng II I Ih h01111" I'd " Cllu" HIlII thN'O \\'as nnoLh I'

~It', li nd ) 11'1;, LOll is \\'11'11 1 In 1\11 · " l 'lit," ~ontC w h (' ,'<: in th e SIIl,I!' lin d u noh. buq;" rr ' 0 tl hNII h al\. post 0 Ie >I , n (' 0 1' 10 n loll', n nd 1\11"1. n lln Holl.m mo tOl" ulh (> l- "'lOS go ing 'l o h ,lVP to c hf(ngo -,d W L'o ium\.)u s Su'ndllY t o v l" lt th l'l l' I I I I I " '110" bi ll '. lhft 111'1' na me . on( t 1 " ., ~ lie\\' grll llllelnu gll1 I'. \)O l'n 10 \)1 ', f1 l\d ~IIIllJl I' I' Il f,,11 the victim. Disc us· J\ ln(. J oh n PUIU- Doll on , 'I'hur~tlay, sllJ n ~ II' ~ I' h 1<1 long u lll1 lo ud a nd S lit, 20, ILL t h e ~Whit c 1'0811 h(lM· >'om o n . one rlny , w hil e In th gen · (Ir

end sto re' at th e IIltle v lllag

let his o n the Il ig n adv nls lng Jo'C' ri-y s l' C'dA, n nd a bl' lIliu nl idea Sll'II!'I, him, 11 111 I with 'l\>p ro\'(ll


Friday -


, N,ight" "Bank -8CREEN ;'BL,O Ct<HE A DS" •

L.aurel and Ha rdy Elfl a Contlnuoul 8hOWI Dilly

Adultl Onl, ' 150 'Til 2 P. M.



1\11"8 "',' ~rlhillO Ora),


fo il

or 11 11 lJo I.' I' s t n nd so "FelTY Cll m o

Into l>cl ng," I Ed I L tl e 1\1 ;< ' It 1 u eClY WClS Ie 0\1 I' nl..: ht g tl<' lIl of ~lIss EI!!le Mu WI· ('II I, St. l llrd:I)·, J,'S$ I h 'st! \\'ent Lo th e 1\'11. HOlly hom ,eum lnl,( S und,uy, rmd MM!, FI ss \'lsIII'" \\'Ith h e r 81S1e1'8, fiSK s R e n G 11 1111 J osle 'mlt h, ~1I'. !l ntl !\J rs. P e rry J . Thomll B and ;\[r. n nct i\l I'S , H u rry Corn II nt, ~(!I1dl'll th " Hu mlilon fair last 'I'hurs· da y "''' ~ l' lew ed th e N0I1Jlwes t Tel" t I'l t I'y 1I111'1I (1 e In L ebn non enl'ou e , !I'\.rH. .I l'''A I.o lo n.\ ~pen t unda)' "n ' I' npo n with h a l' mothel', 1\ll'8, N ,lIlCY P Olle , li t Ih e 'V~ ld{»' Ellllott hom , l\ II'll , 1'0\le ' Is mu h Im p roved I' OUI' Ilts t l'epol't. Ilnd ii, llble lo ~ It up in n h uh' Itnd wo lk uboul h er rO<l'" n lilt I .

0 \'

U C \', li nd ~lr8, n l'l twin d n ug hll'rl<, E(]Jth and 1I11 i\11'~, Chill'l II Smi t h of Vlrglnln

:lII'H. !;ftnlh E . ' II~I " nl t'wl ll d lll O J'ullowlng SU C'l' t!l :~ lInd ll~': MI '. (In<1 ,\II's . Verl.lun )I '''e~ • )II'f< . l\ ln r y :-;1\ 1'11 , ~l u I\'n l'f1 S~w ll .mrl Mis" .1" n,·t. r.111I ~ 1 . la,ltt'" of DaYlon , ~ I r, .ll !ul 'Ill's , 1'; I'IWlit f;n 11 , :Il L'. a nCl 1\ 11 '~, L est" r :\I o \\,('n I\ nd ~ I I '. nnd l\1 ..,I, .1·~(]\\'a1"l.l ~n ~ll or' X n in o ;\Ir,.. Ho i e rt L c \\'ls <: nt(>l':lIin('<1 \\,1\'11 a ,, 1\0\\"'1' for Iwl' tw" duut-;ht'.l's RalU I'~ltL.Y n(Lerno nn . A tl 'Ii,;htfu l IIf, 1('1'1\001'1 \\'rts sp I l lI ml Illllny lI/lfl UIi . f ul lLnl1 IJI! ful gi ft" \\' e l' I' ('{'I \'cd. A II 'Ii lous lunch \VIIS Hel·ved. \'101 t l'OI$o n II na ,Lo ui s G e ne D ' A utre monl s l)e nt Sund<ty nrw r , noon with 1\\t'. o nt! Mrs , 1'" d d Duntz R. i\lI', rUlll !I'lI'A, OI'\lllI c Gl'Il ~' :t llc d on hi " fntllPl', J . 1'. G I'.l.Y S unllay e v('nillg ,

Act -Now!

B e l'lha nh o venll ~ whu h i..l~ on((npd In 1\11"ml Va ll ey h .. ,,· I ita l \VnR l'cn w \'C'() lu h r h(lnl!' nn !III'S.

l11 t'mb I' or th e G" l' r!e ld 1.:11 \'£1 , lI\. J. l~, "lIld U , J, Ja cob!! SUnd"y lit. E . c hurc h , li nd \\'f( S al'l l\' e in Ihe l" .. nOOIl . 'Vo hlen", F Ol'clg n ~I IRHI " n nI'Y soci ('1y li nd \V om e ll 'Y A id, w o rk .

N A'1'IO N ,\L M F.Jt':'I' l'UOCm .\ M













~;e 'ofler






a satisfactory Service

at all times

_a_n_u_'_U __ .o

.- . WHY' WAIT?


Hav~ YO~' ~~~ce elJaned and repair~d now.' Also

, ' -a complete ~ibe ,o f New Furnaces. , Q-utterlna and Conductor -work" All kil!ds o~ .~o.ofs .,. repa~ and W n!eg. Also asbestos IJhln~l~r sulin, , , , ., . for ola houses P..... R......~I. £alim.t.. Free

I. P. Larrick ' PhUD....


DOU BLE-CHAM BER BOWL BURNE R d~liyer9 clean, odorless,


blue flame, Simple- no wicks, no moving mechan ical parts. Adj u ,~s with finger ·li p cOnlrol.

Also A Large Selection Of New and,U sed


Fairley· Hardware Stores '

olumbus 01 Iws lrn, More than 60 I' pI' I! m n tl\' ell o f 8:35 Th o u n , Our 1l1ll'Ce of I'leLlt l'ul'£Il and urh" n coop eraUv('s In Oh:o H, E, B aw ln e. l' Nnoat-JIll!;;!! t ul'allRt. \\' 111 )} (Imo llg t 'll o tlloll n~.'j nd d ie . NO,),1 E III h I' by g iv e n that In Energy8:45 electi ng II Wlnte 1.IIII'tIUII IlCe (J~ A HesoluUon of Board J;ntcs a nd \' IHILol's who \\'111 "tteJ1(1 Edna M, ClIllllha.n, Bxt. luthl n g f Edu clltlon of lh c V,ru y n e T a Wil' • p eeln II. t , :;hl p RUl'lLl S choo l Dlsu'lct of \Vat'· 8:1i6 Col um\.)u s C hambe r Orch('s t1'll, OUllty, Ohio, passed on tb e 6th 9:05 Clde l' n n(l o t h er ifl' UIt 1>I'oduots day of el'Lem l ' 1', 1038. th e l'e will Q6 s ubmllt d to Ii vat of the people :-11 . 0 , B I'own, Hor tic ultu l'e Dept, 9:16 Mnl nta lning 01 1 Pl'od llctl v lt y of said Wayne T own s h ip Rur:lI - 1<:" 1'1 Jon es. ExtenSion AgI'onOmlaL. Sc hool DI~tl'l,t a t lh e NOVEMBER 9:26 Col umbus, Chamber Orch est ra. ELE 'l'ION 10 b e h Id In the SaId - • 9:35 redlt for Livestock F a rming c hool D lst.rlct , lit t h e r eg uillf - 1-:\, S, Forsyth , Sec'y,Treas. , PI'O' places o f voUng, on 'l'uc~a(ly. the duc tlon I'ed lt Ass n ,. Columbus, 81h tillY of :-Io \'em b£' l" 193 , t.ll e 'lue.", 0:45 o l umbus hnmoel' Orch es lra. LIOn o( I vyi ng u tnx In XCNiS of

Tit [' lis ror M id EI LIon will It ol)On at 0:30 0" lock A, M, a nd ~e· main ' allen \tnU! 0:30 o'olock ;p, ~'1 . (Enst I'n f'tn ndtll~ill e) of . Sli id da)' ,




bon.rd of t ruat ees or \ Vtlyn e t ow n · s hll), Worre ll Cuunty w ill r e celvo Ren l('ll bids 'for l h ro llowlng Inbol' and r epa h ·... on the Township ~o u se In Woyncsv lll(', Conl ruot to fur nish mnt er to l and labo r t o do n ec essary \.)1'1 k work on EII8t e n d of b ulldJn g In gable o ls o r e p llir cor n lco of Townsh ip ·h o use, West end b r ick wOt'k IIro und lo\v er Nort h 'wln dow, soft bricks t o be r e ' placed w ith n ew bric k n nd nlJ s to be 11IIIstCl'e d, F ro nt e n d bric k wo r k to be pll in ted two (2) cants, A ll wood w o r k, Iloors, wlndowl! nn d co rnice to be pai n ted twa (2) coats o n . o u tside · of b ulld~nl:, COlor...... br lek to be' pnlnted groy nn d a ll wood work to be pain t , cd w hite.. In Townsh ip room a n d council r oom nil 1008 plullterlng t o be taken oft n n d pa~ahe(], 1I11 'la rgo orack s ' a n a h oles t o be po inted . R~qms to bo painted, walla n n d cell, lng, cl!eom color , two (2)' coats, . 'All bids t o be In by 8 p,rn .. T uesda)' Oct, 11. 1938,. Trustees to reserve rtg'ht to reject any or n il bids, T h is oon irnet III t o be let 88. a w hole; o n e pal'ty to rurn ls~ b id for entire .lob.

L. H, GORDoN, CJerlc.

Lar, er Beca,..e . of Belter Qua lity, Se" ic:e and Pric. E.r,abli.hed 1849 - 1938 PhOD. 32 d

• •





... \

Su\.)sCl'lbe to , T h e M iami Gazotte,


J. p. Chapman REAL ESTATE l


'- ~.... • Grandma ilwa,. -,vII • itee1l mopper and quick to "snap up" • bargain • • , but you'U te(op. theso BARGAIN OFFERS without her years of experience ••• you uve real money • • • you get a .swell selection of magazines and a fun year of our newspaper. That'.' what we call ~ "break" for you readen ~ .' nO'wonder araodma .ays-"YOU·VB GOT SOMETHING THEREl" TI;IIS NEWSPAPER-l FULL YUR ••• AND ANY THREE MAGAZINES IN THI$ LIST (MlECM a MA8AIINU AND RDURN WITH COUPON)


FOR AND CONSIGN lrour Cattle~ boes!., eireep and calve. to Norrit-BrjICk \';1.': , 'lIve wire ad N OTIcE ,TO CONTR,\ CTORS progressive finn for the high... F OR IUDS market 'pricel and 1~lod lemee. , Notlco Is h oreby g i ven t hat the, UalOD Stoe. Yant.', 0 , "


l1eo t, sends It out int o the roo'ms lost cad of lelling II esc Qpe u p t L. Hue, Turns waste ' nt j w·armtb..


A gazettee r is a dictionary .or en· cyc loped ia of pla ces , rive rs, mounta ins, e tc., cont~ ln l ~g a brfef deIcription ot e a ch i a rranged alpha· bc tl ~allY for ready ref erence.

(Left) EXCLUSIVE. INTEMSI-FIRE All DUCT blocks 1110 upwnrd-rushing

Mu r ra y 11. Lincoln, I!xP,' ulh'o sec · r e la r y; H, W . Smoot s . of th dl!HI'i· SOI L PROD UC'i' I\' IT1' IS bill Ion departm e nt; L , F . ' Vtlrbln g, F or the PIIS~ I{,II yen l'S s h h ilS SU n.I ECT OF UROADCAST t nand CII I'I R. Hut hlnRo n , o f th e m Ad c h e r h01l11' II'lth h p,' niece II nll ol'~ IIlI"nlio ll nne'! {,(ju cn llon, (\I'pal'l' n ph{'w .1\11'. on d lIil'tI, l" I',l nlt D, On Farm Ni g h t Rnrtio Pl'ogTllm of II) nt, ll nd J n m es R, Moor, Illr tqr Morrl.on III Lo An ge les, a llfo rnla.. '\' , .. Mo nduy, 0 t. 10. Dlll t 670 K c, or Infor mutl on, 0.11 of lbe hl o FlH'm Sh~\\'as (\, sisler of th Iflt 1\-tI'S, 8:00 MUSic nnd J'rogl'lLm R eBum , BUI' 'II U, olumbus, w\l1 h nx e 1m, • ul'a h EVlI Jon B, One slStel' tlur, 8:Un 4,H' r s la the Nationu l Dairy tlOl'tu nl r Nlllon s lblUti II on lh e pro, \'I ves. M I·9. M. J, !\Iills or Pl. 'WO I'Lh, S hu\\,- . . Lun g, A Rst. Stille L !Id· gl'II M1 o f Ih e .Et ' v ('nlh BiC'nnlnl all' T e xa s, ' I' , gl' HS (The OOII CI':\t\V' L ngu or 8:11i Our l'!u mm el' Trip- 'ednrvillo Ihn~ U . S . A" to he h eld ' n t K o n slIs NOTrc..~ 0 ... f~LECTIO N ON T AX J~FA Tl'Ilv I,\ll'c C lub, In c hlLr gl' 0 , 'I t y , i\10" Octob I' 12 to 14. It \\'IlS IUlnOltnced today. L EV\, IN E X (,ESS OF' THE TEN K , Swu llc n, Instr. Val!. As r.

By Ol'ci e r of tho Bnll),d of E I 'ctions . of V,'ill're n ounty, Oh io. 'HAS. J , WAGGONER, l\II'H, Lnwl'c ll C!! 'T h oltlIlH , Il n d d'lUlt h , Chlll l'mnn , 't e l'. " ' ihll fl , "IrA, Lavel'OIL Fu til , JIll'. V , Ii , ~ SSElLIJ" I hU'l'Y l~OI'dy () lind Verno n Fordyce. A fl l' rnoon cn lle l's weI' 11111'1'),. 11m', Dllted c t)tllmbCl: ~9 1038. o ld !l ull HIIY lIl o nll Shllw lind IIfr, II lItI Oct. G, 13 ,- 20, 27 E l'vln Thomas nnd ch il dren .

Tbe Galetteer


1J(1 ' 1t

:III'. :1 11(1 1\ll's, . Thomlls RI h n· .t (, l·tll lncl1 Jltl', lind i\l l's . P a ul 1 1<'1; Sn turd n~' , Is Int\>I'ov lll g , IIn ft " hllclt 'c n IInri :'III' . nnd MI'S, J.)hn 1.'III·n el' who Is n 11fI1Il' nt III om'I'VAlt\' 11:J ll1h HIt; h of L C'bllllon Sawl'tlay ,1I:\ ml Vnll y hOAllll o l ClInll nll eH 10 Adn Flul' II C Sn l(', WO R bo rn Jun e Il nd S und ny, Imlll'ov e slowly. 20t h 1854 . ,'he wn~ lha ,hlUg hh!l' o( Miss Elb C'I'tll Rich Sil ent Suntl llY MI'. n nd 1111'S. F l'o nl( \\' Illl ll lll f! th ' lu le " ' m , ,' , II Ill!, E ll zfI J an \\'Ith h e r fn l her tlnd 1110t h !!I', M ,·, an d , 'linda)' with 11 1>1 ,,1~1l' 1' at 3 (1 111 f\: PYs <Jf \\'1I),n '"vlll<·. flh io, Sh" I\'US :'<I r:!, Elbert Rich . Ltmn , m ll lTl f'd to .\lIlllh c ll' J , Sil l!! . A ul> u " l " ' Ull nm '''IIRon , ~ 1l'S, ~I :tI'y L n th jth , 1 7~ . 1\11'. Madi so n :W'olr, hrolh!'I' o f :'1 I'!!, II nrl 'ha l'l ('~ f'a_'a.o n RI)e llt S lInolny F o!!r dn l1"h1 (> I'A W.' I·" h O "11 to t\rem Wilh th GI~ IY!j " nd In lh nftC'l'- Alle n Davl!! 11'110 Is I'l'I'lollfl ly III \\':IN n il or whom, a n<l lllLl ilus bll nd p,'e. n o n I rt fol' Troy. 1" 111 0",,<1 to 1\rinml V"II f'Y h os l'iLn l ("'<1ed h ('1' In \I (,lIth. U:1WI'Pll('C JII C'nloR nml d n u'g h Le I' . \\'(,fl, n .. sd ll~'. _ _ _ _ _ __ S it e spent 11I0~1 of h I' 1I, 01' I'i('(1 01 I I n I I~ 0 1' I\. "ymOJl( eall:'llk CON' i\RI", C) .... ... ' li Ce In hle"s" , III., wlop r e s h e \\' OS a II IIIl RonAnn Fr, 'nnl (tl'ie l< MII'lon I lnatB I~I" E 0.11 0 ""I .,.

\\'(!I'e vlsiling In In elnnoll, MondllY. til l' te n mill IImlt nllon COl' t h ' ben, Dorot hy O"I 'IUII'I Wiltl t ho SMu t', fit o f \ Vay n e 'I.'t) I\' ns hIJl Hunll Sc hOll!' o \'e l'nll; ht guest of B e u lil h 018ll'I l fol' til e IHll'pOS o( CU I'l'e':ll xp on s s of Hn ld' S liool D lstl'lct H t Th omas n n.t Iter a I'at nOl x eding:l milJll for Il 1.0 1' I' na we l'c moving n tt·(\(:tor II 1'1 d of thr~c yeru's Incluilln g lh e hoi'll (01' the ir I'l,I th8l' f rom B e ll, CII I'I' nt tnx y (II' 1938·1930, 1940, b rool" Sntll relu y, W ilm a tubbed h e r y wllh h I' f lnge1' w h loh h u d gus, ollne on It li nd h er I'y lleca m In· f Cl Nl. Mo nday l> h e hnd ~o have h e l'_ ' ~' e lld IlI n('('<1 1.0)' D I' , HlI l'U n ger, !:l \lnflu)' clllll1!'r g U(lSIH o( l\l l' , , Dnd Mrs. P t' I'I'Y J , 'i'h onHI!! W l'e M I" 11Ild

Beaven F.l1t No F'lsb B eavers do not (lsk mlll:h PI11 tor Ihl'o u,.:lhHlt th e liUnll"r . thei r work, All they wlln! Is a chanco to bujld homes whose- (Jnd'll'J,>ltmao \YIlS a Sc huolmA s ter - waLer el1tl'llll(' ~S pr e ' proteotlon fs pa'c- p rtman, nuthor of the m os l , agoiJ]s t anim o l enemies, l'l1ey do us c d syslem of sh orlh:O!1d, W/lS a not . as populn rly be li ove d, blolilct A "" l-tog' UlfW " fOl' ~ h(' t a h N'M. lee lota lle r nOd' vcge la riun , By pro P LlI" nt.l:l o ,iel Il I1 1'(!Mid,'n ts "r , ugm' dams '10 trap fi s h , B ea vers eat 'n'o . fish or 1n l''1 L ,'e ll '''\\'p, :wlll b h ,,111 III j h , I"'!iuhl)' resslpn. he wo s a SChoolmaster . 01 " ti nlf' oC r. '1:. I't~lb 1'h IlI'Sfl ll~' \IV ' !' nln !';'. OHohm' 13 . tiL t; 0' (:1,11'11 lit lh(' H hOl) 1 n uLl)t l'lulll . J\ n IIHI'I't!SlI n g (1I'Oj.;'1'l111l Is binI:' a l' I'HhJ;('I}, ~ \1I il l'~ I!>; k Ii 10 , Ill 111 , a lill I.( i. .It''llllllllll'1i: ~II K'" loA' tlna . Swillh r of 11" Io :t nk,·· b \II'g \\'i!R th l;' "''',,'' (' nel 1; 1I1"f;1 lIf ~r,', fllld r.II ''' . K O. H,'I,lo ll. 1111', Hl,'VI' HR"II Il ' lIId fOIn ' .\ ' 11 11\' " lJlu\l e,l lu I II ~ Hu nt II IIIJl l' 1'('l'I' IIII ~' 0 '('upl ed b.\· \ ' , p , L,pwl A, 1\1,·. " 11<1 1\11'8. Jl II I',, 11l :-;l u lo 1\\(1\'1'< 1 Estate Oil H eatrola has alread y to honll' OC'(' ulllt' 11 hy ~Ir . li nd B ;a ,l. brought care-free, "Easy-Chair" A g"P I WI'!lt l u vlt:ll.J I') n I)f \\'(~ l t't)J tl" h eatin g t o thousands of homes, I:i b"l lI j.;' '·xIl;'n(\.' ,1 IIJ til!' 1>1,1011(' l) y apar tm ent s, stores a nd offic es, Ih (' P I','shYl I'bn .h ul'(' h In ohs(' I'. M a d e b y t h e ori ginators of t he Vn ll C of H ully <lny a nti \0(1111 (' (·u m · ca b in et home h eater: Simple, ln g , w hi ch will u(" h elll th lH };lllllln y Beautifu l. Amazingly economical. O/'lu be l' ~ w llh 8 un.1u)' ,, 'h l.,, 1 II I 9 ::l0~ Burns No, 1 fnrnace oil that lookR fo ll o w l!d 11.1' H n lly (lay 1)I'1l1;'t'Cl lIl wHh like kerosene, costs less, Easily hUNk t dlnn«I' "I nuo n li t llll' 'I''' \\'II installed, Circulates clean, healt h· 11 11 11 \Vlth (I n <' nl£'r('6I1nl; PI'OJ; I'lI m The 900 SH/•• E.I~I. 0 11 Hut,.,l .. ful war mth throughout the rooms, In 111(0 "r l ~ I' n oo n al th l'h\II'C' h II I M arl. in I ~'... • iu. (4000 10 JlOOO 2:30 , L l 's a ll A'O Ilnll m ll k e lhl" ;o n Requires minimum of care. cubic!' Itt c.tPllc:',y). Int (,I'estin s Iny .

Bellbrook News

MI'!!. 1III'IIIn 1 fig ' " (1m!, DOl"Othy J eun \\' I' vis ltdrs Iln llu~' ' (11\v I" J IICO \)I; nntl fllmil l' , 1I1 r , tI nd :\II'I!. ehll 1'1 ~ fml R " Is il l'll ",, 111\1\'(,'1 In KJn!'(Ill>l If . Huntllly, :\1I'1i. Lew Pl'rr''''A 111111 t WO fl' L\t l,(h . t (,I'~ of New Lebll1lLl n weI'(' ,'l Ul/l 'ly ,'u lle l'>( lit GI'nY Urulh, 'II'!! a nd theil' 1'lI mllll'a, '

ing Ilt the l)Ul'~UI1i1g't·.

l....a WI·(.n co

Page Three

Tune 'In on


o Homo 'dead _-':' _ _ 1 ,r.

DHomo Atu r-'ecdleaaft--IJI, OLeahom Worl" 1 yr, DMolhel'.Homo LlC'____.l yl, DPathfiDder (V?ldy.)_ :Z6 ilSUet . o Rhode bl.od Red JournaL 1 OPIYDlouth Rock MODtbI,_ l yr, OS'uccessful Fann/III _ _ I,r. OWoman'. WOrld 1 yr•

St.iLtion WCK'Y

.12 :25 to 12 :80 p. m·. 1ror our m.arket renON, .






_ __ 8 mOL ........"""'---- 1 Jr. :,,-_ _61DOL OPatea.II'M.p,l... 6_ DPatbiader (Wee1dy) _ _1 Jr. DPictorlal KeYJ_ 1 YI. Ol.omaiadr: Me";zln • 1 YI, Qsnnr Screeo 1 yr,


Or .No' Cbar•• . ' . C.n~e,YIII.!,

Ohio .

"-'--- ---I.. 0 ~-


•• OTnaeCollf_OIII _ '__l yr. ILoecl (BOra) _16 - .

Pho". 78J

8e: ~






"GMt '

.' HIS \ ~I:W.ptAP."~1 "

- - l'1\Z"'J-JUfNI " >


&-.".2-1" .

CH• • Ana Needler:rafe_h'n.·ii~'~o~w~oilll.~aa~'.~W~O~rI~d~ii~il~y~r·ii . ,.......... YQR. ~t.~ • =:~~~~~

Ml<!aJI', )1....1l1li _1 J1'..WOftllM'·~Workl_l 7f.

,.O <koDd Scotfa


IiJAmedc:ao'ruJeGrower_ l Jr. OAmeric:aoPouluy JOWDal...l YI. DDricder'. 0. _ _ ,__ 1 Jr. DDtad." ~ger-,-_l yr; DQOftfJeafAmer.Rniew_ l yr. DCouDU)' Home 1 Jr. O'anD JooiDal _ _ _ _ I'r. OGood Scori", ' DHOOle Am NeedJecrak-l yr, OHome.frlebd -' -~ _ _ _ I yr, OLesborGWorlL - _ · _ 1 yr. C1Hochu·. HomeUfe_ _ l xr, OPathliDder ('1UIdr,)_ 26 ISlUH OPlJlllooth _ 1l yr. yr, OSucressful RockMoutbli Fo rmiDB ___ OPouJrf7TIlb.uDe_ _ _ ~ l J r.

,-_.. . '. ,r. I

- - . w_... _ _...... ,n.


Meet Your



Ap'Ctl~n•• r




F. -r. 'IM artin ,


' 1 yr. ' J yr.

"21'0 .



nORY ....

"ms .N'CWDAPa-' ~ALL. 11M .

=: $2!!


'1'bUIdaiJ, OOtoiMr I, 1••1


Warren County Court News

Sportsmen , Cor~er ·


~ .

~"::-~'='-"- . r '_

~, I\II! III E ll t'l (1uslin Hf th e \\ra ," n' n (l unl y FI ~ h IInll !llllll" ("'ot c· Ilv ,\ s n . lilt!! nnl\,)lInrNl twO l1lI'''!. In" fUI' n,' XI 1I" ~ l,k . ( n :'I \o nol" " Ol'l . JO tile H I o'1'S nml <llr." ' \" '·" will 1I1l't' l willi II", FI~h a nLl Ollll1 e CI)I1I' mltlees !'or . n n 1111\1 r Uln t Il\('~ti ll g', II lId nil 'l'hur!«lny Oct. J 3 n r g lll.lI· 1II1'('llng of Ih :I~SO IIIll .. n will 1) helLl /Il .\1"11101'11\ 1 H ull ti t \."\)!II l<1l1 . '.rlt 'l'hursday m ne Ling Js V,ll 10 Iti l melllll 1'8 111\(1 g u\'s i. IlI'lllg ),lOIll' frien ds . Th o main i<p en kor will lit' JJ ('. F . -'. 'wing 0[ 'im'i nll ll ll , rlll'ln"I' Humllton cuu nty wId ly kno wn spo rt.s m (ln . Dr. ~wln g \\'111 110 \ only bring som c 1I1 {l\'lc~ " f II nOl'UI('rn anallu hunting tl"I) , hut wl11 tlJscuss full)' lh PI'OI")Hr,1 ted enulllll of 8o ulhwcSICI'n Oh" s l>Ol"lSme n 's ol'g"alllwlloJls. II Is "f IItmos t Imp I'tIHI (,O tllllt \' I>' ',," ", I' n ounly fi s h \'mlln ltnd hunt ,, \, know f\ ~out th .. pili ns of t h(' l'l'UI1" ~­ (·d f'edel'A t!on d es l'lbl'(\ else whero in this column.

In W Il li' 'n HII O

s l",,,!r \\"Hi,l,h·l\' "ohlv ;lr!,1 tl lIlhorn 7l\Il'hlga ". hll'" Ihl! 111 1'/;" 8t (!uul1 III Ih c "·,,,·Id. (Jhl" 'Iu oll W41~h u\)olll ",'V n Illll\l','II, il" ''''11 11,"·,'<1 WI(h (I,,' " n ,l on. hn lr I'lIlle, ·,. III tI" , " "ullll"'n Sllll('S. u( Ohlu 'I'h(' qu,dl Is n n ~\ ll\' "h l'I''' litco hln tl I" hit ';! \ fcOl' It. HUI tlll' l, n ~'· I' \·lIl1.n I 1\ 1 ~ I" n ulI"hk 10 n ~I' hlllll" I "~ 111IJlII'~' III pru pllJo'ute and I'L'l:ll· II "hn"'l' gll llll' " I:! jlt'llIls UIt)u !«IIILil! "I' ,",lIun; Lt'yln", lv JII''' ll' " I>all! lolnl~ .. "II·... I/; n" to the RllIIl'. 'll III a woll kllu\\'11 <'" la1JIi:;!Lct! Clll' I,' ,,' u' dLll'1I :;ald, 'thut lit« flllllll

puPUI,,111I1I \\ Itl nul gil heru tl il l' ,·r· lai n d,' n ~ i. " . F\,1I1ll ;;0 to 5 l. r r<·C' nt "e unr <Iunll <II I' ":l e it willl"r, "l'In. (' il"llIy lJl'r;ollsC' "r h,(' 1 II! fnod. Jf W(' IIII ,k .1,1 11(' 1' '(' nl 1.1 1)1 1',,11 and I'l'll lIn,l pr,,,·!Ll,,.t. eO \'" I' fur lhl! I'ollla itllll"'. (I", Jl"l'ulu lion w"III1L I'\" ' nn ln lhn, su n w ,,~ nuw 11 1111 1," "~l ., h l y J

\\'VU\(] I'W I','Il",' _ II

Ju 1

;lho1llJ{nnwl'Y ~:llJsun.



o n H n lll P


tn h eT

hll xtmnt!"


For Winter Comfort Now that faU is here and winter is on the way, many of our customers are taking down window screens 'and replacing them with

Combination doors with g'JIass or soreen section inserts where the screen door is now , serve for both winter and summer. Anel they make a lot of difference both in. comfort and fuei b ills.


(:l H a rp I' "ga lnat Donnld W . Hal" 11 r . Pa )'mon t of $6 weekl y 01'11 rcd. J~ulge lne llt Give n A jud~ of $56G .27 give n ~ h e pluln tlff In the case o( D r s_ E(!.,,'a rd and Roberl Dln l1' aga ins t Cha rl es E. Owens. c t JU(lg lll(,lIt By D e fault A side , Juclgme nt by defaul t In ftwor ot Main V. Hammo nd In h is s uit for $10,000 dam"ges againsl Earl G r e n. upon a p p \lcn,Uon of t h o Intter n nd lenye l o f l.le n n nn. Swe\' gl'I\lI~ed.

A .,prove T rnnsrer


'J' h oou r t ap proved I' Iltles t (01' tl'l1.n srer o"t $14 ,000 [('o m t h e 1I .... h·t f und LInd " 11,000 fl'om tll c ,.us .. ~" f und m il lie by t h o ~lU nge or Leb. a no n.


W. H. Ma'd den & COe

Phone 14

!4 1l 1~ 1

Local Happenings'



l~ll e l1dcd till' Hllmlll " n

tn tlll, gna l'dlnn 'Of FrlLnc ls Buwma n, rued. FHe F ourth AccoUint


.n lghl

Grimes, Baldwin, Hubbard.ton, Stayman, York, White Pippin, Black Twig and Rome Beauty

fu h'

l:la Lu n1u )'. 0 ul 0 r lu~v n guc~ts II I tlto l·llJ) · CUl' 1' wetl<li ng S unday III l' nl llg In . 'Iudcd 11 11'. und Jl I,·s. S . '. ~I ntllt W8 uf l'lllH\) UI'g', I'll. , JIl l'. an I JIll'". J t. H. WaulIwurth, MI'. li nd Mr~. L . l''. I' I I d er ( ns, nn M I'. 1111(1 ~I \'''' H tll' l'Y " szilng a ll ur Darto n allli It·. II IllI ~ ' I's. Lo I'fi~ n J IIllll, u ') 11 nnll ,-'1111.1,· (I


Vandervort Orchard 4 Miles South West of, Ohio


DC \\·:\Vl'l'ly. i\l1'. lI'lId 1\Irs . 'Il'ssle K IlClnll of' Ukhmonu, Ind . "ls Hed ~I I ·. :l nll 1\11'9. HU Yll1 0 nct 0 1111 l' l' !:l u ndll Y af' Lernoon . lII l's . A LI a L . HI,iI< I'd 1I1'n('<I Mo n · I l n ~' lO h "I' home tit S h lllll l'ock T e x· r ns II 11l1' IIIWitlS' "I ~ lt ed, relati ves I1(' 1'0 r(J I' l it - Plls t two 1l)IJlllits . ~ I r. /lnt! ::\,f1·S. Fred Braddock c ntertulnell a\ dlll n (. S u nday, lilt·. nnd "" h·s. ' Vil llanl Dllst (-r lind ~o nl! HCfIV' Ill'd imd Jtober~. Miss R u t h o nn U' of Mlnm l Unl. vel'slty SI em lit e we I{ ullll wllh

'or ,J. A . 1{('lIe,'" wi ll be- h elel Oct. 6 St'llcclulo Allprovl,ld The seh (Iu l(' or c1 " bts, clul m s and IIn blllll e .. ot II. lIL colt , executor C th o Rl:\l of Lm'ue L . RlInkl n. an lU'O\'cd. Sel'!IIid ' \ ('(,UUll t III 1'ho SIl ond lIC" Ollllt DC hi De Bow.

Tile fo Ut·t h nCCO'll nt of Ml'llle R)'e In h~L~ Alluw ell 'I'h coU\·t 1111 wcd th o nJ)pll calion li nd D eu n E. tanl cy , xeoutors of th o ('Ata t of Fra nk A. P en ce, fII cd. oC tit \'('ce lve \' of t.he l"rtlnkJln Mfg. Ilis l rllmtioll of S o le On1erel) 0, to nny 1\ pro(orrell clllim of DIHtl'lbu tlon ot pl'oct'edB of t he $23. 1 UJ1d n dl!1lrlbutlon oC 16 per ('e nt on nll other claims. T he r port snl of r en l estnto Invoh'ct! In the DC III r~ce l\' I' wns appr ov ed. ~ Uil Of Eth I Au ker. xec ulrlx ot F oo!! Aro AllowCI) the estnte ot W ll linm A, · A unk 1', Att or ney f S w ,' IlJ low d thO u g ll I ns t E't IIeI B , A. un ker n nd others, . 111111nUft In th e ens!? of Mar y H ,leo 0" d e r cd . hrl!!tOjlh(\l' agaln sl Wl1 l1n m 11I·ls t · A 1 12'llcr e comlm unlty torest es. Ol'het·, J r. You ng n nd You ng o re tnb lls h cl by tho vill age at N e wlng. a ttol'n ys for thc Illnlnll[f. ton , New Ha mpslhll' • In 1710 I;as AI.pllc uUolI F or fu rnls\ted lum ber Imd fu el fo r civic l\lollUicaUulI O nml ecl AIlPUcn l1o., of lh e de Cen dan t ror bulldlngl\, pro vld.ed { G,OOO of Incomo. 1Il0clJfJca Uoll of alimon y ord e r nail ed a nd no w has l' ad.y for hn r vest Um· by th o d C ndn nl In the ns of A le· ber wo r t h $6,800 .

They help a lot toward a warm snug home in, cold winter w~ath';r and the savin g in fuel will soon pay .for their cost.


"it'''. '

n~ch' c l's n~'I)O(·t


tU:lIl1nll a]lpru.-·

I' es I n .'\\'ll )'nc IlI'p .

'1I :o nI80(t. 20. SOl'\' lIiry, \)o lh Sit" ~l:llOd tlt ll l 8h.(' n n I h,'I' tl\'O o r FI", n klln . ~Ull~. Ihl' YlilIng,'s l hnl' ll "Inc'" llll' "" " HU "l'(·1I B . 0 ''1'. ~ t. l'alIJo >lil lI'S nnel dd"1ll li r e dCI'(' n(h' n t:< fr om h e r hl\s, sc ,·\·I,· '. fl ild Ann n L <, l'IMl(', ~ 1 , 1,llml'R 1 ' ~ latl· , buth uf Le ba no n . In j ll ll l'l ill n Sn 1l" ,1t I Ill' _ ___ }'u rlll OWIII) I' I'ROn,\T.E ,\ IIt'e,n" " unt In j ull e tio n 1M SLJlI gh t 1'hl"'t! 111\'l'lIlnr1118 lIy ~It· ". Fl ul'a \ \' /'I\\'l'r, ~l h' llI l~bll\,S; , '\1'" "1'1"'0\'1)(1. "g" llI~t 'un,1 Kin b'. lcm,n! o( h er r:1 I'\11 III t'I,'II I'('\' I{ t ' \\'11 81111'. ' I'h " Th (' ('PU l' l IIDpr .vcd lh e In" n tor· ic" or , J. T . n l1(1y, nr1ml n lst rnt r lx of \llnlnllff !llal('s Ih n l l~lng- ...~ r u!lo,1 Ih stOIc or 11l 1'k I men, nn d 10 <,Ul ('orn g l'(lwn joi ntly \)y t1l1'm n.os(> l'hllm\)c ,·lal ll . c xecu!t'lx ot Ih p fi nd I' rU l' 'd In allo\\' w o rk er s em· " !<tn t e or Anna \V lehers . and t he 1,11))'1'l1 by h er to do "", thU R lllal(lng SnIlP1Qm(,ll in l'y Inv llnto l'Y of Rob I't il hnp{\!jl!llJ ln to RuW wh enl. JlIIlg-lI .'. \\' ltllll lll, Il drn ln . ls\rlltol' of the CB· U"ehnnl "ranteu 11<' r 1'C' C)U N!1 rtlr n (:1tp of Elmt1la WIUlIlJlI . h>IllI11)l'llr y Injun ction. .' 1\ u l: Sr i IIl'arlllg Hlnled Ihlll th e rI f" IIt!n nl (hl'Nlt Jl . Thc 1"" CIIIOI'Y of Ma lhl dla \ V. e t! 10 1I11'1l hi s II vPHlor l, IlIto 1.';:1'11 " 1' , nllml n l>lb'll trix DC lh e eatnto


Baird's Sc & IOe Store N. Main St.


F'·Il .II, II ntl " l ln(,1 , 'ft ,nlso ll \\' 1111011(1 hurl ,1I1 . Lillnb, ..'LE H acres. E , G, LIttle to . W ilbu r L it tle, lot 29 In H llJlllllnd Park 8ubdlvil ion Damage!! ot 50,000 nre I!i)ught by South Leba non , ;llrll, ;llnl>' hml\t, 'Inclnnnll, QfI J uW! n /Uld 1='r d crklm ElIl'gor to ,,~ c ut,.lx oe th,) 8\(1 () ot h pr hUll' M ild . Oil\' I' f:;~I11nlll . wh o Willi 1{111 - :'Ir..·lbNII·no n nd }r till Enrnhnn, lot Hii" In F''tl1'1kllh', ' 11 ill ll ~' 11 , l OSS, In a n II lItOUIl.\.l1p '''' I'IoII'n l nt 11"pldnRvl1 ll', rrom !\II'R. M.\ltlH .\m~ I , I( '~~ S ~R M:ll ll,1 ('o\t,'I', l. 1>,ln"I\, Tlt l'. 1,Inln l iff C' ( ' I)", 30 r II I tJ,. ,,(:1u'tl In hl'" IJI'lllio n th n! Ih (> ;I II'S. . . .. L. " rm O I·.:t1l 1I11 In ' Atklll il. 23, !)OW IIr Lt.IJOnon . '1)It ,. fll ll ('(1 1'1 ),1('111 lh e l'l ~ht , r· Dl ilo hl Seh rnd(>t·. ~~ . w 1(1 I', a nd

iiI" "1Ilt'1' It

When In Waynesville Shop at

U II'Y (llld H

l\Vo 1·I·aC\.

hl1lloJ~' ~

humlln . 1 cU I ' n. I "" " "'Ill'IJnl""Jly ~"unu Illl i! t'(OrlU i II." to t II k " th e lll I n t Ill' ( u I I. 1·"t11 I' tha n l'lIl'liIin ll A~ I H' cI let l it III lIU Il' \ ' III til<' w ltll(· I·. Tlt l! Jltl l' litll)lI .. r 1'(',-, 1 esL.,le III The 'Oh lo Conscnnll 0 Iv illlo ll is All th ... n"I~hhul'ln g ~t , ' t ,':\. with 11 ('I'n~l!l t.)wn Rhlp I) ' lol1!l'ln g to litt' ' n t I aat actlvoly trying 10 brltlJ; b:t d< Ilw x"P ll llo n (Or ;II " ' hl l"l n h n v 01' n I'>1I"ll' or Enlln. \Y ltham Is !lSI, ed In n q uail IRW. AccorclJng to oTllml·. s",,!s,,,, on qllull." s uit hl'o ll!;hl Ill' Ho b "l • . Witham , II dll1lnislmtol' or Lho estnt,(' · of "frs. \\' Hh ') m 1lg'lIi llst P uri Eif~ rl a nd IH

('(lUll! I ..... .

.\1, ,111., ) Yl' to

Itullill ot 1 (nrllUl Elurnha rt, Mo ndllY ville, Olhel' .U'I~ ~hrougbout tho (.\' ,nln,.:, l till oCc/Hllo n ooln ll' f l. ,r · dtlY w e r e Mr., lind. Mre,- Sim 10{ • Illn 'oj ~Ixlh bh't hd uy a n n lv I'!II.II·Y, 1111'0 ot Mur Ce-nt r\'11\8 And Mr, ,M rs. hl. \'line n nt! lUll] .Mra'l ',I'hompson a nd 80n Iilvel'elt 1\11'. UtlU 'M!':!. ' loud - AI:. n unll Nu n y, ~11·1I. 0 , , )11011' nnd MI'",. I){ R outt> 78 . a ughl I' Mury nna Ul'. IIml ~ll'l\. n , H . H'll'll!Ock wer o InclnnnU \,18' T o prot ct s t o r ed corn from mold· A us tl n onn~r und 'd o u,;ht I' n Jo~" Ilor l:l t odHY, ca iii drl" : al0~g t il h lo rll'e1' on " Cr, and . 11'8. Milto n S heeluln of Ing alte r l·h e comlTl& ot wllrJJ\ weathS un day. Cen t er v lllo w el'e gue8tll of Mr. lind e r In tho .prln&', the ot1b muil pr,o. hrr, lind Mrs, Leonard Tinney lin d Mrll, A lyln Earnha rt and family vid e tree circuilltion of alf to perMr . An d Mra. Rownl'd Berdi ne Ill. SuntlllY, mit the 8vnpOtlltion of oJtoe.. moll!· lcni'! tile Ol~ 0 11\'0 Dl\n(l nt Cln· :\11'. (lnd , Mn. a O\'g M ilIl! hnd 1111 ture, Oo rn i hllt w ll uld k' p In a ol~nutl Snturdni' nig ht. dln n N' J,/ Ul'lIlR 0 11 • u n dll~' MI'Q. ,J hn Crib "eve n ' te t wl& .umetlm.. will MI', II n J 1\\1'''', 01.:11 11 l"I '~' IIml /lO ll 'rtwn lll n anti Hu n Do \)h), oC 'en l cl" spun In n 10·foot 01'1 b, of Dn r 'Il'n wt' l'O \I' ,;1< lid f( IIClHI S lOr ~ II· . tlnct 1I I r~. GlIlJl' I'l Pry, 1111'". ::;u sil' E"1I 111l IK IIIUvlll 1-( h lt o lh 'I' rn II II I11ll·t mc lll un "'lai n SU' 'N I'oc(' n tly Vll on ll' l1 hy !Sup!. a.nd ~In;. OIll·Sl. ' 1111'. o nO .\I I'S. A,\J,m M,'lI oh n.n d "on I:>III~' ,1.1.1 ,I,', ll.'lllc · I'"l' I" I'y "Ann ~ , D

home [olks. .foo F ,·oo, lhe s m nll son of l\! r. a nd " ·( rs. S h er m n n' '1'ln ney 18 Imp ro v. ing ni cely aft er a I ' cen t ser io us 01)' rnUon li t lh Miami Vall ey ho sl' llll l. Mr. n nll M rs. Emel'son Enl'llhart a nd so n hurles B urton we re tU n ne l' g ues tR n undny ot M(·. nnd JIlr s . J . N . Robinso n o f Duyto n. Mr. oml B ill y o nd

" ·s. Adu m 1\[011 h and Inr y A nn ' \'Iall d HI'S. "


l\J:ello h's s isler n.t MElrl'lso n , I n...d. S u nday,


. G uest s of Dori s ,mel (rmll F ires ovel' the woolt e nd W I' Gen \' Ie\'e H a dley, l1u lh An nn a nd Fl'II nccs J o hns, Rebll SIII'fne a nd Anna Marl1y n \ Vhl tal(el'. Mr . n nd MI' , ' V. . Gr:'l h a m vis· Ited. M ilto n Orah am o t Antioch col· Jell'S S unday. Bobblo H asting s wus u. suppe ~

L EGAL N OTICE MaIJ!lle ~rowll8hlp


o o

Plan To Attend



Wyatt's Camp




NOTI OE 0 ..' ELI~VTtON ON TAX LEVY IN EXCbSS OF Tim TEN l\ULL LUUTAT[ON NO'P E Is h er e by g iven that In pU l'sua n ce of n R esolution of B onrd of Ed ucntlon ot the Massie Town· s hip R Ul'll l School Dlstrie t of War. r e n o unt y, Ohio, passed on the 26th COWB-Chllnglng td r~gI8tered. Sell. IIny of A ug us t. 1931\. th\lro ' will 1ng one each grade J el'sey, Guern· to a t 'f th I sey, Red. Mao r egiste red young Jer· be lIubnlilt ~d ~ 0 e o ' o . p eop e BY bull. Ca ll Sa turday aft e rnoon or o f 9a l<1 Massie T ownShip Ru ral Sunday morning Octobor 1s t or 2nd. Sch ool JSlrlct a t the NOVEMBER ElLEl TION 10 be h eld In th e Sllld F arm a bout mile W es t of ·Bnl'lng· boro R oule 78 to f irs t r ona N o rth to School Distric t ! a t the r egular Clrs t woods, N a m e Hnrley Anspach 11lnc s of votin g. on Tuesday, the mall box. 8t h d n); of ' ' oveln ber , 1988, the ques·

Twin Theater

Speaking J\t ·8 'P. M. By



~ ~ . ' ' ''''WOo


Candidate for U. S. Senator



Candidate for Congre.. · :



"Badman of '" I'




tle S, Hageman , 6701 lll'runble Avenue, MadlsonvJlle , 'O hio. ' FOR SALE: Fine ove r·alu fJ ed suite, stove, maohlne, etc" c heap, Mrs, K eafa uver, Mt. Holly, Ohio. . t

OCT. 9·111 Virginia Bruce " ~1

Zipper'. handbag , ,b etw eon



SHORT-'IWlnd, IPlacc and Show"





Warren CoUnty




FQR ~ALE: Crest Benzol Gil!!. 16* per g allon: .Tex as Grode 011. ·s oents a quart, R ed T IlP, 2 quurts, 2\i conts. P en old , 25 co nts a t} UILI'I Kerose ne, 11 cents a g a llo n. Newton Bros ., L ebanon, South Broadwa y. S-ll ·6te

L~brtnofi . and Spl'lng vaue~. Net·

CARTOON-'Bouse;Btillclel'll lTppers'




"Goldmine in the


Kleter u, pears to move 1n the next three weeks, orchard located on Frie nd road, " 4 mi, W. WaynesvUle near Taylors Corner. Co~e IIDY t1me. Chll!!. Bogan . I 29 Stp

'. Smiley Barnette -Inr-

'Candidate For Governor

FOR S.A.LE-A~ut 1000 b

FOR FARl'<1 BUREA U l'c rtlllzer, ca ll or see l~rank Hess, \V!lynes. vJl1e,· Ohio. Telephone 4i :R2, 8·25·4tp




All You Can Eat and Drlnk···Prlce 51.00


n ......







Wayneavill~ In.tallation. ARl\IlTAOE, ZAIN, OR.'\ \:EL PLANT, WAYNESVlLLE 44R11 nlOO , GlLBERT-W ~l'NESVILLE, O.-JI984

W,\ :,:.

r t') \'1

JUt, 0,-,118

11l'I\IONU, \\'1kVNE E.-WAYNES"JbLE, O,-GMR! EVELYN'S BEAUT! SALON..,..~AYNESVI~~E, 0.-4 LAMll, ALl\1i\ J.-\VAYNESVll.LE, O. R. R. 2-161131

REAL E TATE TRANS,,' ERS lion of levyin g a tax In exceas of W ANTEnl-To buy good produc ing :FIar ry E. iro llP, b y ad mlnla t rn. l he t en ml1l \lml tn tlo n for the ' bene· milk cows. .Also feeding shoa.ts. t rlx , to Ma l'sur et n mb Harold A. CIt of Massie 'l'owl1Illilp Rural Schoo) Charles Kable, Bellbrook. Phone 9L3 ~=:::::=:;;:=.==:;:==::::;:====:=:_::~~=:::::=:::::=::;;:============:::::.:.========== DI~t\'lct fo r the purpose of current e XllenR s of BIlld Sc hOOl Dlatrlct a t FOR SALE - 3,room Clroulatlng a. ,'n t e not e xceeding 2 mills tor a hila.t&r in A:l condition. Mrs, Ed p m'lod at thrce y·e ars Incl,.dJng the Cotlk, Wu.yneavUle. ltpd c urre n t lax yeur 1938·1939·1040;,


'0 o

Sunday, October 9, 1938

Waynesville' Change.



Muon Installations.1 l\lASON nEA UTI' SHOP-MASON, O,-70R, MINER, JESS E-MASON, O,-6491{

Morrow Installationa DLAC lmlJ RN, \V. E.-MORROW, 0, R, R, 1-100Rl1

Morrow ChlUlge.




,And O.d .....Ion 81111100


Th o Po ll!! ~or sa id Ele(ltlo~ wIll be OllUD /.I t 0:80 O'CIClck A , M. u.rtd. reo m a in open until Gi30 o 'clock P. M. (Ball le m S ta nd a rd Time) of ' M id day. By order of th e Board of Elec tions , of W nrren Co unty , Ohio, CHAS. J . 'W AGQONER, . Ohairman. V. g. RUIl'SElLL, Clerk. DII ted Septembe;, 30, 1938, Oct. 6, l~ , 20. 27 '


_ _.

FOR RENT: H ou se on Mll ln stre et. Il)q~lre at Gaze tte offJce, ltp 1;L\VE YQUR FUR CPAT MADE IN TO NEWEST STYLE , furs 'ry!' ' iJlade, remodeled, ~nd reglazed, P dcee rerulOnable. 'Blna' P a tterson , .. miles' west 9' Ha.rveys burg on the Lebanon road, W ANtrED - Laundry' work, Will call tor IUId de liver . Phono 4limt.

Mrs. .meat HarbIock.





0 , R. R ,


OhiO ·Central Telephone .ClI. Order a Phone Install¢ ),our lao'm e

'toda" .·

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