Ei&'hty-Ninth Year
Wayoeaville, Ohio, Thuraday
SCHOOL DA YS OVER BACCALAUREATE . Twenw-two· S a:liol's will hn r the Baccalaureat ol sp.rmon 11l·livered by Rev. G~ O. Dib ert • unday evening, May 23 at thl! Way tlc!ville gym. The servlca whicll '8 srh edult>..i for 8 o'clock is as f ollcws : Processional "Largo" by Handel , H , S, 01'chestra Invocation •.. Rev . •1. J . Scha.ef· fer Vocal Solo • . • It. E. Frank Th.e Sermon . ... Rev. O. C. Dibert "0 Holy Fnther" · by Palest-nna . • .. .• .High School C.ho:r Benediction • . . • Rev. W. Smibh Recessional _
Memorial Day Plans .
~~~~~~~~~' GetUnderVVay
Whole Num ber 6274
MAy 20, 11137
NOTED EDUCATOR TO COMMENCEMENT The 62n d annual comm encement DELIVER COMMENCE- Seltool xel'clsea of Way nesviUe High will be condu cted on May
26th. T wen ty-t wo st~d e nt" will rec ive diplomas . . Th e program for Dr: J .. Rayillond Schultz, who t he eve ning is as f ollows : appeared at the Miami Valley Processional Chautauqua t he past. two years Invocation .. Rev. W. C. and will be t hre again this year Sa lutatJory . • Margtie Tinney will bring the aud ress fo r the Way l\1u ic , .. High School Orcbe tra nesville High School Com meneeVal edi ctory , , . Gl enna WooJqrd ment, May 26. Add ress. , , . Rev, J, Raymond ch utz '~Nt Mus ic . . . High School Boys' /' ' . .~~ Quartette chola ' hip Recognition .. Sup't. has. H. Boh l ' .'~f .. ," ... , Presentation of Diplomas S up't. L. A. Garst '" l c. I. Prese nta lion of School Gift. , . 1~~ • Clyde Fromm B nediction . . Rev.~ . C. Dibert R c -0 al -e I n John Boger and Willa.rd Furna s . - - -- - • '\: were entered in the Southwest ern Dr. Schu ltz IS a n ed uca to r, travDistrict Tr.ck and Field Meet a t eler and lecture r; P rofe.!!sor in Soc
...... '. .... :{. " ,.- · o ' .
,..,. Ins Boae, o
NEEDY RECEIVE AID t iNOIO M in M h on chestrer · COllege, fROM PROVISIONS Of Cincinnati Saturday. Boger took first in· t he dl C'U ort . a nc: ester , n d lana, a~ d with throW' of 116 ft. 7 1-2 in. E xten Ion Lectul'er in EcOnom Ics 'and :OOk second in the shot put and ociology in Indiana State SOCOIAl SECURITY . l 142 ft l ' UniV"e r1!it y. He i3 a grad Uate of Ot Y h
Th e general commHteb hav ing" obat '; he Miami Gazette UCr:l:'3 las l Sat urdr. y nnd made fou l; llalil),I1 pla :\s lo r the local celelil'al,ion The committee ~ oa 5Is ~ et1 cf t he f ollowing mcn; Mr. John Hawkes, • 1', Ro s IIar1sock, 1111i Mr. Gf:O: Waterhouse. The , erVICCS will be I,e lrl Monday, May 3 1 a~ 2 :30 p.m. pJ'ofessor Garst iV:l~ chosen as (' hairman for the da y. Mr. Itu s~(llI I' rQnk is to have r.h'll'ge of the 1 usic. MI'. HarO ld D. Willis, editor hI '1 he Miami Gazette will b e the peakeI' of t he day. Th e commit tee in (:hlll'\tc. of tle{o rution is Miss Eva Reeder, Mra. 'hades Anderson, aMI I\lr3. M. E . Uanta. The platform commltt ~e is heed , d b y Mr. Walter Call::. Chairs a nd transp l" ~u ti?n is ill lh arge of Mr. J . E. McClure. F lowers a rc under t ile dh-ectlun I I Mrs, Frnnk Elbon who will be
lh ol'j:(' of the M em') . ~l DRY I tl' l'vancc in Wayn ,)a"il)e met
The Woman's Auxiliary of Mary's Episcopal church met Fri· day afternoon, May 14, at th ·home of Mrs. W. S, ScanIan. Th e meeting Wll S opened by the presiuent, Mr . K ,Crane, who conducted the devotiona.l service. Tbiriee n members responded to roll cu ll with scriptural quotations. I Mrs. L, H. Gordon, lIited IT hank Offering h'calIul' er, announ ced that the Spring offering amou ni ed to $40.70 , T he delega tes na med to rcpr sent t he local branch at the a nnual convention which was held . , T uesda.y and Wed nes day in Ci ncin Columbu. I. duly crei!ited .. the allCoverer of North Ameri~i nati were: Mrs. E. C, Crane, Mi 8 II wa. Jacque. Cartier, valiant navigator of St. Malo, France who fi~ , Kathel'lne Prendergast, and Mrs. 'dsisted by the Boy SCO "~9. .oot on the mainland of the North American continent. In April. ' MI', A, H. Stubb 3 "ill hnve forty.two )'tara after Columbu. had mado hi. famou. voyage ot! E , L. ThomM. Alternates-Mrs. C. c;1 al'gc of t he tr ansp o~ ..a; ion of the Jacque. Cartier set .aU from St. Malo with .mall .hl~' R. Frazier, Mrs. L. H. Gordon, anti flowers , a total crew of 61 men. On Jul)' 3, seeking ref"e from a .torm. , M • Em ma McCl ure. _ _ _ ___ _ __
p:::'O~I~n<!~!~c :r:YIa~:a:n ~t.G~:el'etnh!rt:: ~st~:
The program con isted of two land in the nan~e of the King of Franu. On. hiD-top overlookI~ 1 reading'3; f irst, lhe 4th chapter of ~he bay he erected a cross. Thrw hundred yeara later a papant re-en1' "A Fd t'tun c to Share," Miss Kallthl.tode and the ero... lIIo,wn !n the picture above, el'in e ' PI: nuergast ; a nd " The laud 0 the Iho!'t ~f the bay &I cI?1e a. hl.toncal recorcll permit, to the ' Chu rch Ii! Oyi tl ' -They Say"wlth a d stance 0 m. ,. . . pot where the on,lnnl eron wa. ral.eed. The Baf of Galpe .... the acme:' Furnaa placed sixth in the mile terblllll and the U n,ver8i~y of Chi· , . f another worid-faJl?Oua event when In..1914 It .h.ltered the arma,t./ Mrl'. Ell ith Harris. run He was in third place until cago, ~ grad ua te st udent of Y~le, During the fi rst four months of ~ eon.,.,.cl the hrst Canadian ExpeditiOnary Force to France. Th~ During the soc ial hOU1', Mrs. n~~ the finish. a.nd ,has tudied in t he Universi- 1937, lWproximately 135,000 I .. the Jar,_ elrPtd~tional')' fore. ever to have CI'Ol~ the Atlantic untit Bel't Hart sock a siste d t he hostess L , ' h e.<.! of Oxford and Gen eva. He I ' , _ !I'_tra_DCe 01 the lJnltd State. Into the World Wu Boger IS now elegible to g o to , , needy Oh ioa.ns r eceived assltance - -_ ... - , - -- - - - ---- - - , in serv ing d inty reCl'Mhment s to the State meet at Columbu , Batur se ~e~ f tv e ye~rs as h1gh school u n.der the state' vanous public a s the ~e mb ers and t he following The last meeting of the Waynes day, May 29th. prm~l pal an d eighteen y ea r~ all a s islance programs opera.ting under guests: Miss TI'j)J en a Edwards, ville Town ship Mother's Club fOT college prof es or . He has dehver ed I provisions of the Social Security CAE~~ARS Miss Marga rtt. Edward, Mrs. Ly Lhe school year was held at the SENIORSTO HAVE more than 70 00 lectures in seven- Act. U dia Vand ervort, Nancy CI'ane, and gl'1lde building r ecently. Following _ SKATINC PARTY t e~ States in t~e past .fi f teen y:s. Of t he total number of people . David Hartsock. l!1e open ing song, 'MT. Garst led , t d 103 000 d d ill the devotions, paying a beauti. He an entertamlng speak r WIth The Class of '37 Is quite origin. H' I t aSSl e • , were nee y age • rul tri bute to aU mothers. The min at Instead of having a "Prom", Ilnot sel'\OU S purpose·. 18 ec ures ~re p ersons. In addit iun. tb public Jor th. e PU t'pose of entertam- S I8 . ta nee programs . ul ~es were readrtand th~ class il planning a picnic sup- . Ten dere d al'd to d approved. b 1 ofThe ',n. g, but he re.ah.zes t hat ln struc- 26000 de endent Chl' ld~en 3700 . teasurer r epo e a a ance APper to be followed by a skating b ve me ages are fa r more eU ec-.' P • '.' poximately $1 35.36 in the treasparty on the evening of May 21. t' 'f they ar t the t' bhnd persons, and 2,100 cnppled W have heard tllillt ~cil HarlAppointrn nt of f ive gam e sllry . The' dues, donationa and moThe pal'ty is be ·b eld at Chatau- •IV ~ ' . e ~ same IDle children. man, not a member of our church gents to tart work at once- on mterestmg. a IS master of th.e , . I lley take n in by t he finance comqlla, Ohio. art of platform speaking and f ew Durmg the four-mo~th pe-nod but in our neighborhood, has b.een game management and Pl'Opaga- ' Jtl ilt e f rom various enterprizes REPRESEl'fiATIVE SPORTS lecturers a r more in demand than from J a.nuarr 1 t o Aprll 30, tot.al ch osen one of the 21 cbose n to a t-Ition programs in different ' parts t taled $3 09.93. The clothing com Dr. Schul tz. Hi work in t he teach grants of $9,174,290 were p.a.id tend the World Confer ence of of the State was a nnounced today OUTward Vice, 42Y ars of age nlittee r eported that the 'swn of SELECTED a3.00 had been donated to them. ers' Instl' t ut e f ielcl is outstanding out for old age 8Ssistanci!. Of tho F riends, to be held j,n Philadclphia by Con ervatlon ,Commissioner . L. 1 to 8 W 00 dd e. II died Valley ' Hospital The Sportllmanship Broth~rhood, a nd he i comp ell ed to decline total amount ~pent, one-half of the S ep t ern ber . , 0 a t the Miami Md ht. FJ' '1 hei,r tolal expe nditures for the an organization which promot s ma'"y in stit ute e n"'a"'Am nt,s each cost came from state funds the 0- _ Mra. Ella Hsin es spe nt Sunday Ther e men all are graduates of 'dn hayt oo hon onI BY mg IS J ear ~re $31.40. Quall~ties 011 f .. .... ..... . th 60 'd b th ' ." &,009 portsmanshlp and good fel- year' beenu e ,of ove rlapping dates, er p r-cent WillS pal y e ,wIth her ~ on, Luthl~r Hames and game managc men t s~ h00 I.13 h eld ·' eat was ht ' ehl'CSU t 0 cJ.an auto acI c:othing which had been donated H e h a .ma d e many :frIends . . f ederal government. The average famil"'. last s ummer , under. 'duoechon of cldent w lC occure severa \\ "'" also distributed. The finance lowahlp amon .. .. the students h eld a In , , weeks ago. meetin .. Jut Friday to select the t he Miami ValJey a a result of his gra nt per needy aged person dur-I Mr William Smith vioited some th e Con ervatlon DIVISIOll. M V· · )· . h' " ' t c . mmitt e reported that $286.98 • , t1 d ~2S 00 . I Work 0 f t he agents will consist IdUl" jtg r. Ice Ived In t I vlclm :y . th repTescntatlve Sports of the organ- Chautauqua appear,ances and it is Ing 118 peno wa~ over,. . ' 1l elatives 'near FrEinchburg, Ky, his childhood and later ha d been taken in durang e year. iza.tion. File iirls and five boys hl P d that our 1 cal audience will Obio's average grant being one o.f Sunday , chiefly of laying out gam e mandl h" h '. D t d" l Iso that proceeds from one card , th h' h t 'd b Jl tat . I . e ent .areas upon which will be ma e IS ome 1)1 ay on, an 15 • II ' were hose. The girls were Elsie · b no les!! pleased. e i8 es pal. 'j .an, s e 10 Mr. and Mrs. W eld'lln Wilson ag m " . .. . well known throu bout t hi s com- part 'j wa used to purchase II verMae Wlcal, Edith Hoyle, Margie -- - .. the country, consldermg the num- ' d G Id t X ' ii i demon trated posSlbllltlCS of rea~g " re- and dishes The grade lunch tinney, Snell., Be!.'llard, and ViviFRIENDS HOME NEWS ber of pel'1!on aided. \' at : r :~' a:r; M;s n~:~n en~i~S~~ Iing gam e in sections wh ere eov- mUHnit~. . d b h' 'f I ' c:tairman repo~ed the receipts , , . . ., . I d f d ' lenliIul and e ~ . surVlVe 'j 18 WI e, fl ll, an Conner. The boys wete..,Jo'hn Bo Mrs. Nancy ,Florence ?f CplumI'D t he dependent ohtldren's pro. t and Robert Wilson, Sunday eve- er an 00 . are, P • _ his mother and fllt her, Mr. and fro m the lunches for the y,ear were ger, Charles Collett, ROb~rt Hiatt, bus spent a f ew days with us las~ gram, a total of $1,193,928 was ning. where ~rotectlon IS p: actieed. A 1>1r B T Vice of Wayn esville a $!118.66. Bernard Melloh, and C~tles Fires. week. ' spent for this type of assistance R I 'gh Bogan Brnd fa~'ly and gents Will cooper~~ ~vlth. r eseardch Sis~r Mr~ Har~y A!'Izlin of D~yTh e n,ominating committee sub- • d ' th f' t f tL - of a el .. u xp rts of the DIVISion In stu y, . ' g DISABLED VETERANS WILL ' Mrs. Carrie Bai1~y of New York urmg e 1.rJl . our mon..... Mr Jacob Howard were Sunday. , . ' ton ' . II itted th e following report: for 1937 Of the total program cost, . mg and c1asslfYlllg dIseases. ' 'd ~ 14 Ral h H t' HOLD CONVENTIOH THIS wa a guest of Mr . P eirce on f' d I . " b dinner guests of Mr. B.Ild Mr . Hot When r equested they- will aid Funeral se rvices were held at pl eS) .en", rs. p . as mgs. Th 'rsday I t he e era government contrt uC 'N B r gto h M'll F' I H . D vice president Mrs Lily Erbert· SUMMER ' . t d th OIt h' l th t te dace ompton m ow ur 1D n. lan.downers and farmers in setting t e l er unera ome In ay, h' C ' :Mrs. HIzer and on of Hamilton e °t~e- lr' w l e e . s, a tan Evan Bogan and ianlily of Dayton up con trolled shooting a reas. ton, Thursday morning at 10 :30. i"ulas'Urer, Mrs. El an 1'&118; secd th Secretary 01 State William J. tth a f ' 6 d h t d' coun les pal e remalDlIIg wo- I 11 d' th ft noo Bur'al was made in the Miami r · tary, Mrs. Lowell Thomas. W d rJeI ,n we\t.re ere 0 lOner, thirds. At the end of April, the a.v- a so ca e , m e a er n. Commissioner Woodell was .ern- C tl . Kennedy announced . that the eon- one ay , ~t wee Mr. and' Mrs. Homer Hal ' nes & h ' . t t' tb t k f th e.me cry Miss Heightman's room was aI I erage grant per child was $12,18 . 1> atlc m 15 a mg a wor o e ' . __ a 14rs. E m~ Harvey 0 f Le b ano~ compared with $7.94 when the Jlro family, Emil~ and I",Ie hilr," d VlS it e d agents will in no way interfere FARM BUREAU INTRODUCES ----.... wn~rd cd tbe flower box and Mrs. van t·10n c0 m ml' tt e of the Disabled American Veterans of the World took, he: lSters place ft'om FrI- gram fil'1!t started. functioning in Oscar ~t.anf~ eld and family, n ear wit h that of Lh o game prot ectol'S AWARDS FOR SAFE DRIVERS KnC'urS necYe'dthtehaPtictnue:' y~~ <;b~~~ ~ar flied, incorporation papers rlay until Sunday, . July 1936. New Vienna, 8unda:y. , .or tbe Bureau of Law Enforce.... WIth tbe Department of State tor Mrs. Rosalea Adams at Topeka, F 'h itali t " d · di I 'M1'1I. 'George Parrot of Oolum- ment of the Division of ConservuAnother phase was added to the echool lunch room would be operthe national conclave >of the .o rgan Kansa caJled 00 her sister in law, °t r °tSPf Z8 10 n 1a nO crime Icad bus and Mrs Robert Thompson of tion . Trafilc Safety program of the a t d by student~ of Horne EcoQotb 2 O lution which will be held in Col- Mrs. Mary Adams on Sunday after t~~d men bor ,;20'000 l'P e Louisville, K~. are ~Ipending a few I Wild liie management will co- Ohio Farm Burea u, with the in- mica t n co-operation with the State uJl'bua from/~g:~ lS::t.e7. C,II}- noon. . . 1:end::dl1~;tthe fo~r-mo:: ;:; days with her sister, Mrs. John Wi! opeute wit h the State forestry di auguration of a No-Accident A- Boa rd of Education. rato nc n corpnd°ed W1'& 'K ~:amll of Po: d MTh·tand'EHII'S, LaytlOI nd Wal.lthan.d iod. Ther children receiving treat- so n . . .' visio?, with the soil er~shionhagAen- ~;:, ~~~:r~~~gdr;:e:~no:u:~:~~~i I The ffOll~Wt ing sl'dPern~~~mas ."iv m.a •• . aqg er, enol' ca e on. ell' t d thi t . th Mts. RaleIgh Bogal~ and Mr~. Wll cies In the State a nd Wit t e gc nge 0 pa" pre .., e'mouth, Judge Artblll' H. Day 01 aunt, Mrs. Esther Peele On Sun- men un r f S P ?g~~m areh ose Ham Smith and daughter Mnilyrt ricultural Extension Service. today -b y Harry Pontious, of the en ; pinno duet by Jean Hartsock the Supreme CC!!1rt of O,hio, and day. .. who come roln m !gent om~1 Sue, were invited gl~eBta the W. They will seek to do for the Wild- Safety Department of the farm and Miss Hardin; music by high James F. Hurd, auistant corpora. ·Mr. and Mn. Stanley Sellol'S and whose ,parents are unble to at C T U held at thE' home of Mrs life crop what the County Agricul bureau, Columbus. sc'tool' boys' quartette; ·p iano BOlo tion advisor In the ~~.nt of called here- on Sunda!. foQ~d them pl'o~e.r treatment. , A~n~ Peteno/1, T:uesday after: tU,r al Agents have been doing fori "~ccidents"in t~e United S~ates Ly Reba Edwa rds ; Mra. Vand...rState, a ~ultee of the Disabled Mill Sara Katbarm Hartsock, In the . blind program, total noon. It was Whit,e Ribbon . Re- othel,' farm crops in Increasing Pl'O ~UrlDg 1936, said Mr. .Pontlous, voort, the fir~t president of the American Vete~ ql the World Mary Carolyn Lubns and M81'y gra~ts from J.a nuar.y thrbUgh Cl'uits Day. White .Ribbonll were duction, . caused the death o~ .more than cbb gave a very Intere&ting and War and t!h8 commander of Ohio Elinor Hawke were Sunday eve- AprIl amounted to $248,988 with tied) on eight babies and little chilNew Game M~nagement Agents 38)000 pe.rsons! and lDJure~ more in5piring talk. She told about th6 Gover1lOl' POlt, VeteranB of Fo~ ning g'Ueata of Lena Hartsock. the' average gr,a nt pel' sightlele re- dren. are as follows: Jack Suil, Toledo, than the- comblDed populatIons of a gani zing of the club a1).d tbe ,iarnW,ars:AccordlngtctbeaTticlea Erma HarYeY'P9nt Sunday at cipient reaching $17.47 In April Miss Kathryn Sa,undllrs, house.' assigned to Wildlife District I, Cleveland, Columbus and Dayton il·!tmeetings that wer& .held. Thia compared with $14.08 when . the keeper for Mrs: Ellta Halnea spent witb headquartns oa t Defiance i -a total of 1,440,000. Loss. of con cluded the Pl'0gram and the flIed the principal pUl'poae 01 the her home a.t Clarka:ville. , proposed COTPOration i. lito c~nMrs. Bart:hart and Mr. E. V. program first started. In this pro- Sunday with- aome (If ber relative! ' Dan Atz~nhoefer, Ozark, 0., dis- earnings, property and , me d~cal cl ~ b ad'journed for the year. Reduct and ma~e the entertalD- Barnhart, Mr. Che.s Lewis, Emma gram. the federal government con· near Highland, Ohio. 1 trict 2, headqua'rte/:'s at Norwalk; , CQ.'Its reached the staggenn.K' ·total 'fl ldhments were served by the fol ment and local aflain 01 the na- Lou Lewis and Maria ElPon were t.r ibutes one-half of the funds Mrs. Ella Wilaon Jell and hutt Merrill Giliillen, C . astine, 0., dis_ Of .• 1,660,OOO,OOO-appro~tlma~ly IQ\ling : Mrs. Henry Satterthwaite, .tlonal ,convellti,on.. " Secretary of Sunday. dinner fue.sts: , while the state. provides ·one-lIlxth her wrist and knee. . , I ttict S., headquarters at Ravenna; j once. sixth of .the tota!, national In- lt ment Satterthwaite, ~nn.a Fur State Kennedy saId. Sever~1 t~ou 'M"r. C. A. Burnet and daughter, and the. counties ,contribute tw~ ~r. and ~rs. Raym , ond Wilson Robert Sawel'Y, Elliot, 0., qistric;t come to agrlCulture. n.1.1, Elsie Hockett, Ollie Hacel1 sand ·.members of .the ol"g8Dlzatl~Jll Mr!, Aud!:'Cy Ward and Sherrill sixths of the funda. · and da.ughter, Jeannette, and . Mr. I 4, headQ'UaTter at Cambr,dge; The new award plan, which is n :lyer, .G. .C. Dibert, Adria Brad4 fro11l eve~ state lD the union Will of Miami. Florida ~i!'fe here a REDUCTION' OFSPEED .LJMIT and Mrs. Pa)ll Peter'Son and family Ralph Harrod, New ~mphire, 0., being promoted thrO~gh ;::ml~~ dock, and Mrs. C. ifdlalmbu~. attend, O(flCiaW reported. A state lew days. Mrs·. Ward and sQnlN EFFECT AFTER AUa. II of the Zoar neighborhood spen.t district 6, headquarters at Piqua. 000 polic'y.hold~rs of . ~~I I The · Club wishes to thank ~e oonvention will start July 29 aIId have gone to Louisville, Ky., tor Sunday with Mr. aIld M1'1I. Walter ' They are under the direc~ion of reau Mutu!Jl Automo I ~ n~u;- t eachers, me;mbers and all other will meree 'WIth the national event. the race., while Mr. Burnet reA red'Uction 01 the legal Ipeed Wilaon. ' A. W. Short in charge of the Bur- ~nce Company, cooperatl,:,1)' \- pcnons ·for their flearty co-op• ...1 BELLBROOK· iCllOOL EXER. maina here. ,lim.it wit~in .the bounciariCl! of '~ALNi~SiTEMSeau of G.-me Managl:ment and h~te of the farm Orgarza~lo:, pre; ti on which enabled them to enJo, cl,is THIS WEEK 111'. and MI'S. Clarence ,BetTy- 01110 n'IuOlcipahteS trom ' 86 to 26 ,. .' Propagation. Salalriea !have be-en vldes for the award 0 II: a ~e 0 . such a 8uccesful rar. _ _0_ bill and son, Harold, called on An- miles an hoUr, except on .tate Mr. and ~dford Stricklin set at U26 per month. , honor for each automo~lle w~lth ua -Mrs. Lois Mulford, 9"7. The Bacealaurate eervices 01 na and MIIlne. Brown on Friday. . routes and main through thoroup and lriends of Illdldletown Ohio ' No agents were appointed for full year record of d~i~ng ~thO h~ LOCAL NEWS ITED the SlIrar Creek Townahip Bieh l Mluee~, Erma, Ruth Anna}area, will .,e in effect after, Aug- "I1i'ere guestl! S~d1..Y' ewn1nt of ' dlstrlcts Beven or five, In central accident, and a cert lcate ~ aC School will be held at the Il. E. HarveY' aIId lin. BalpJt Hutinca lust 11, according t~ the terma 01 a lIr aIId Mr. Robelt Baker and south-central Ohio. evement to eal'h driver uSIng t h e Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Dtvll aII4 Churcli Sunday ....1I1nc, Rev. :attend.d the lune;al 01 Mn. Ban-.leci lative measure wblcb haa been ·Mrs. W. ·H. M8i.ddenattended LOCAL NEWS ITEMS ~a~:::-~~ea:d~h~:~rnea:u:: fSlll ily were guests of Mt. . . . Leonard ... Wtw..a, a former I cock at the, X. of P. B;ome in l!i'ned by Governor Martill L Da- the fUlleral Wedtle.day of her . ~ Mr!'. Hetty In Dayton oa SIIDCIIIr. utOr of tM cIa.nIt, wiD cte~erl'Spriqfleld on Monday. y.,.. In addition, the neW law nllel lin. Middleton at Mr. and Mr•• Fred, Bate. and ~eque~t yean. CaB jnd drive~s Mr. and Mn. Kenlletla x...r, ~ .d.... II- EDIJIl& Lou LewiI aDet CU. . , wiD require motoriata to Blow Mari~1I, Ind., Middleton wu I tbree cblldreD of OakWood apent carryl_ awarda will oae t~m n Muon, .r. &ad Kft. lolla Da The Co................. I . .d '1(1'1. BIIUD& PI_ Wfte in down to tweM7 1IIil. an boUl' In tnjuNd in an aeeldl1ltl Sl1nday with IIr. alld Mrs. E. O. C~~t~ ~dlnL h tte ti and lltU.IOD, laeltle, of Baa m he liel4 T . . . . . . . . . . Ilq W....qton C. B. t Jlo1ldq after · the Y1eillltJ of • eobool InaUdiac .Hat a wttk died from Crane and claU4nG. 0..... too mac a 11 on IIton and._ ~ .,. . . . . ;1* at tbe aadttortaa, ~Oll to ... lOa, Clara ute. 'durin. rec. . tim. ud while the the InJuri.. Mr. and lin. L. H. Gordon and ~~nDot be ~d. ~~: ~l-: 01 Feft'J, · wen pJIIIIIa ., 1Ir..... JIIud TUU ehilclnft are 011 tbeir WQ'to aDd j Kra. Eclaa clauPter and Iftu Abby Graba. vldted Kin I ver,;:cop bon 11 ~tb lit'. WOO... OeJwnr lien ....... ... ecIIooL The, lepl apeecllimlt 1On-ba.-a., Mr. lin. 8tD Bumic. at the ~::DIt of Dr. and lin. lin. It. oIlortJ-""• •U.. au 110111' .. 01 Va.,"'" tit. tllU Boapltal la I>aJtcm 011 "1111_;. laaUJ ......ri.. ...r. .........,. 0 -41 wJlo. It nen.m. from • ap. .Dd ~ ...... _.
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" IIrul I1tti ola" thl' rc.i,lul' Il It l1ftpl' the aJcClhnl I.' t'x1mctrd \\1Il llI<1kl' I\. high gra.le of "\11'(11' \I hit'h i.• 70 WI' ct'nt ~wl'l'I( r. thun cnn.> ~u 'lU', ENP rim'.'11t~, \1 hill' 1h~' y h'wJ ju!<(. be~un, ]l(\vl'rth It's" • how t W I'(l.!'ibiliti('~, and it i, I)ot a t "till unllkcly thnt q l' mif't ry l11:\y he the anSWt:f to th l' farlll \It'o hie III , ':l1Icl ineitlelllally, to many olh I Ill'obl mil gro wing out of it. It j, eDC ul'a~ing to ~hlllk th!l I f the ~f'n us 0 man and $C .I nee un.1 cl\emi· try can b(' put to vork un tb \)I'oblem and tha t the- Larnl sit· ua tion htl, po~sibiliti s of so lution nt h r thlll'l thf' init iative II st,T y.
'll,:Ihlll\;.I W h a
Do You Think It1
Dum Dee _ _
t • f Itln,.1\ l' .uld th'll "p. (",t urllne I I' Ilut fur th., kid· \\ h .. ,-,,~ "'lh ~1.Hrl", J Illln't Luud 1tH\' lilt"'," y , u kno". lor,v!<. thal i,- 'th" " hili "f /I In )u cl ' lIl1t i'"n'1 hthlltl Th .. Miumi QnzeUe let- !lij{ne(!, of the wd. I II< l n't P" Y ( II <'lit II'at l', . I'rC tcr, xpreSl inS' an opinion I\n(1 of tcr in full, 'othing will he pub-
___ _ • Ent rNt at. lht' P<I,·toffice HUIlf',U)', I WAA 1'0 nt'lvou!'o-- I __ . " %'"' lit. Wllyn . 'Illl', Ohio, a;\ • econd 'hook like a 'clil. Shonk like n. leaf J tJ~ Mnil Matt'r I w(lnd('r what tlll~kcs 0 ) ar ___- ~ r.=-. = -~. illyitl'~ ~idng lI(hJr~,;s "lIlke. J' lleVC'I' "RV!' it Harold 0, Willi., Editor , ,.. - a thoultht Jl TAT ES: LATE SEED and Ilt R l', buL it's such tin (lId coming p tntQes. SU'OUB Bros, . 1,' ,,1 ED F,,'RRY TlIt)R. b-:-\'i. nftcn jll t n h:dl'·linl· lhm Ulark I inter ,t on mllLter: 111' public wd- li. hl'(l \\ hich .doe~n't meC't this l'C- 11Ill'i , 011, UH'Y cl' l'tainly mu st shake, It 2; 1 1.2 miles ,n orth on lh ,Iirf, I n ~ r ,11\<:,'11 . uccc:s fnrc The letters do not, neces- '1uircmcnl. nowe\, r, if asked, we r mu~t lu ok Int it a little further. Waynesville and Ferry Pike, /) Wee Phon<.> No, 112 and fuilu r(., III 111\, ' Mrily (' press the ol'inion or th "Ill not publL~h n:lm of ender. r don't know IhaL 1 vcr saw one 4tp. 'ttll crilltioll Pl'ir , [0' 111' iu t:lIlC~- Y'('" \o;n ll '" the ('ditor nor doe this n \\' pap r n. - B lll'ief- lhl t libelous and Dlea.o;e nk~-I\ot. 1iI' e T did anyway, REDUCED PRICES on Wal'lP:.. -.-=-..=-====-=== tlllnil s Clr 1 h 111<'11 who \\ 01\ tlw ir • ume /l'n y r sponsibilit.y for th ex r~frall\ fr(m~ pel"Sonaliti s and mat when I !UlW Ulut man walk wo (leI'. Seo Samples Now. Latcllt THE. HOPE THAT LIES AHEAD en"' !l..!lf GIIlr\' i ll lif\!'!' l' ('rn al rres$ion contaIned hllrein , te l, th~t bre\!d hatred and religi- inch bual'll, l ~o .. tories high off • designs. Ed. Standiford. ;-;-~o 5-Up coml'.,t iuun~. Hid FI'Unklin Cltl'" All communiication must be IlU S strife. the gr und, nnr! with both handS c=~~~;;;~~~~~~~~_ ~ Pel'hl)ps the m st pu n ting pro-' I. '('(l lI .-" Ill' \H\ <' 1 111,,01 !!'uo( ~' f OI ' full of Lool -, It. simply t ook my ~ l.hml that ho ~ fa ('il thinkin~ p 0f1vin~ n kitl"! Pid ,\I ·II IHI. r Gru breaU( away. I was ~o frightened, MYERS Power Spray Rigs, Hand pIe ~IUI;I\g rtcent yf' ~l'8 h a.~ be en h~m Hdl quil lil('OU,,1 he w~ l'i d- BURIAL OF COLD AND SILVER il (th 1 tt . cI lh d th and kept wanting to look Ilt someSpray Pumps, Ho 11, Nozzles, th prohlplll of ~h . fal'm in du stry, ' I h ) ' ) '[ I I " t I I THE FUNIERAL RITES ma II a el call , II ea I d 1('1t ~'d w " 11 lit' (!)I. 11 Ji ~'( 1I~ \! c- I of evei'al army air men hut there thing' else, but my eyes w re g ue :;pray Guns and Aece aries. Ill' ma ny yeaTS Iitll(' t It u~lght Earth to. EU'tII, ,A.h,ea to Alh;. ~i no check-up Cl n the bniJ.i s.) But on the man- No- not literally of I'Juinbing and II ating Supplies. 11 $ bp en g in'll t th e ((t'ell and up- ing poli y of crop <: ntrol l\nd 1i1l1- I.holl ~'! Olhvl' IllLn whu; ' J1amt' DUlot to Dud Ilheir 'xp<'I'il1lent OU th I'erlding II IIrs , bul I ju. t had to see if he TIlE BOCKLET COMPANY, ,1 'l'lyin/.:' prohl m f /4!dcultur ilution of producti n, Il is t h Ih'~ w~ I L', Whitll"~': \\ ilh hi :$ o~- , thut 11 s ,!h!.a,!: t "1) ,p I ; ;\Ic . O.l'llllC k " \\Ii ~ .11I~ II it were not so tough on the of billions for gold and silver to got acro Il, not that I could have Ohio, 415 W. hop nn(1 the mnjor a ttention has b en KI~LERS OF THE SKIES real'('r ; fl o., , \\Ith h l~ Jlr.ml1~g poor taxpayer it would be funny. : bury in a hol e in the ground is d one o/l nything more thnn scream fl1-18.26-m4 given t() the d v t Pill nt (If other 1m': : Wl'.tll1!!hOU!lC, ~"'Il h hl~ Iur- BlI~ here we are, committed by the costing billi (lns and makes bad if he dicln't make i it jU8t seem· indu. tTY. When th ~traill of Ih Gov rnmini and blakl'; GIJUd~l'nJ', With ~'ubh('r ; New D alers economic sche mes of d bi matte.~ worse, tl so illy whj)n he could have dill' ssion cnlll , tht' wt'skness of alln ot chung Wnl e!'1Il:t1l , wllh tht' fo twtam p 11; "uying goM and silver from all ~ 0 unde th ' l' .. ., >_ om e down and gOlle up the other 1ho agl'icultuml , y l III oon he- investigatiun filc t s. Y u likely huve . en ~lnd " / . )t . ) t h ' fl ' './ I r s r ou" cllcums.M I h Nursing Home after May 1. A lila' over the world " pRying t.he high- nces, it i.... val'y pl'opel' that w ", ~ on s ide b on' !l ladder, CillO OlaniIe t nnd {Rrme l' by the ard the tra~ uy of &he Hinde n· l h.l'l i'll! I1 "I.'•• Wit tt I til' I Y,m!; t oduc h hen (0 SUeb reul home, Mrs, Ada Couden, '" nHle; lUll nt' "(·l~t.: W lQ III r (1st pl'iC(lS to wh 'l!t'e, II Senator Ar- behulf or departed fti ndoS (gold dum t,hlngs any ow, was pro· hundred of th ou nd 101't their ur'" in Ole talking r ic lUl·cs. I h l I I If · 'al·ter , bl' h ' ff B I 500 W. Locust, Wilmington. (!l \' all ll lllll JI e se , ." . thur H. Vand(mberg of Michigan and tlilver) pay tl'ibut to the sol. a Y lust s oWlIlg 0 ' ~ oy.s rea., y ,,,t h,, ~ 1lI:lIle aliI) ,Im proved. r e ported in the CongJ' s~ional re- ' en'n occusion of their (Ienllse and ly never do grow up. Grow up, Oh Phone 4064. Rates ReasonfaM11~, and the Mtion woke up to The lIillll enburg la!:\ted longel' , l\ l:tn f ind I' ts prl'n el' pal illdustry ball" than our own hen nn d"'ll h, Lo~ tI l I It ' k th t .t able 5-27c ' 1\"m,y~1t HlI1~ .n cord of Apl'iI 29, 1937, all the burial, with the followin'" rt'lllar f ah ' I T runt fl, nancially and crippled be Angel s, and Akron. Even . 0 Ger1 hdnt . lIH't I H',t s ine ec I In " poeln to yes, I Iwas about d lo . 1'1 I' city (In~ 'c <.!mlca :cleoce an( gold Ihe adJllinistratio'n has be mode up on a br nze tablet and not on y ~ll-(!nJ(1 rH leu OUA or In FOR- SALE:- Nnnc y- Hull,- Porto COli of er sian of so il resource. many brag. that it is " undaunt ed" (llh~I' fa hI t.o be walking across all that vacant Rica, and Yellow Jer, ey sweet .p oand will keep right n nnvigaUns.: ,.., ' . bought since the prIce has ' been nai l d on the- doo r 01 their tombs. Tn an effort to crente a better Did any 01 lhem t1llnk they dld- raised cost the taxpayer in the Gold, gol<i, i1ve t' and "old spnce on ~ uch a little hoarel , but talo }>Innt , 40 ls. per hund r d, . e' d t' ta'l " its inflammahle gn.'I 1>8""'. ,. f h "1 B 0 <> , h h I 'd f b ' I'" h pnc, pro ue IOn was cur I u .,nt' . tUIl( U 5 IlW oys, Y u past tree years mOTe than four bH- New Dealel' buv from wherever t e woe I en 0 UI uJng a ouse a nd nll kinds of ~8rden plants, 10c and farmers were paid for rcducThe Unit d late.. GovernlUcnt t I If glatt!! your own " t.h way they were doing it looked controls about 9{1 "c r cent 01 the mu.. Ie Il Ii .' lion dollars ($4,000,000,000. All it is sold' pcr d ozen, or 3 dozen 25cts. 1 1-2 jn~ their acr age in the major I' \\(1 ,t H:lr. It \,iIl be I\!lrth Y()'Ul' this only to be buried in It hole at ' • " '. fooli sh to 111. I nll\'ay.~ thought mil es north on Waynesville and crops, world's supply of h lium tlml it i. 1\ hi le HUt) thoug you tlo n ot F t K K t k " H . t Not only III AmerlCII II 'lOll pi a se, t hat good thill~ ""frc built from V rry Road, The acreage r eduction, while it not for sal e. Th gas has th e lif t· ct!~d /.It lir~t, in this, or any IIlt?Xi lien u~~. l' : tPo~n ; .But from Africa. and hina o'ver l,he ~round up so th ey would be Strouse Broth ers, R. R. 2 has belln succe s tul in increa. il!g ing po we/' of a bout {)2 l,er cent 11" IVol'thy drott , Th en,11I wi.~dom. in ~~d blll'~Sit,O b~(:::se ~tO c~ok~ o:r ,til.. s . a: , so lid and sturdy, r just know that 6-17p plica, has prov n dl tasteful to compllred with hydroge n, it is ",o re t he: (lId m[Jltu: "If at. IiI': i you do -fiscal dig, tion and it knocks the 'I h go}d IS shlpe~ ~o Old, Ft. Knox, house wUl never la~ t long made many fartllel's desp~te the' com- exvensive, and it is , afcr than any not su cceu , il'Y, ll'y agu tn." eco nomic balance into a cocked Packed by th e bIllion m box af- with those flim 'I littl boards to FOn- SALE; Wel(eq'i:Jipp d job pensali n in the form of federal oibel' lifting gu . Even so, our own PRODUCT10N- CONTROL," h t." tel' box; , ay nothing of all the opon , pace p rintin g pla~t. Going concern. h cck.s. ,itl'eamlin d and glor i/ illd "ba l· WHILE Ml LLiONS WANT 151 ' , Guar ded by offlccl's to reach there between the board. 1 ventured to Bell Pre , Lebanon, hio. 1tc. At the same time those wbo loon ' havc crash d one after an· , He stated, "Gold IS dug from I \\ hole to a k one of the en.rpcnters if he Ather. SOCIALLY WRONG, SAYS the -ound in South Africa at an \ T'o b" bUI'I'ed tI Rooms n "ave ...iven the matte r study ar ~ " ~ hole. ow n deep in big was s.ur,e it would be allright and I or r n. M I'!!, J • P • La rt'i C. k 5 - 20 e "<> Th airplane, compani es have r eo FARM EXECUTIV E aver,age c.o~t of $16.00 p. er ounce. black agreed that Lhe matter of crop h was quite certain it would, lIe surpJUlies is a thing tha must be cnlly bee n carrying di splay adverThe (.'olltinuing reductio n of It IS lI.hlpped to Amel'lC8. whe~ Th e silvel' is hipped to aid what I aw WR.S just the frame PRICES REDUCEDmet 3nd ' controlled if the indu try ii~ing that claims flying is com»nr- f 'c al Jlurclill6ing p\l\"-!r on the part en y g~lI1g Uocl,a Sam (that is you Point, New York work ond that th y would covel' it ur new Sllmmer priee8 on is to nchi ve a sta ble ba is. atively safe. They advise the pu- I' f rntriclI.n CplI;ttme l'~ as th e re- and I, if you plE~ase) pays the for- ~ox,ed and bound, tight as 0 bottle with so met11in~ or other, I didn't baby chick are the lowest we The ' olution to this may be blic to fly And ~ind wh ether the ult of lh t; lug \If {arlll 011 11 wage e,i~n~r a fab~lous profit ?t an arwit11 a cork, get just what. I suppose it must b hav ever offered On Thoroforthcoming as a res ult of exten- sta t.em n t ill tru e. If you nrc kill- iuco me ~h i nd llrice Ildva~ces tlflC1Ully selI-lmlPosed bUylOg price Car flllly it i guarded by honest some of the newfut:lgled time saver good Multi-T&ted Chicks. Try siv , tu die made by lhe hemical e(l in Ule !l Lt m pt YOll ca n' t dl' ny II as eh:l/'lt('t l'l'lZCU [hi week by ; of $35,00 an oUlnce." (It i terTi· sou Is id to puc a few boards here and I h m at these low "G t A cJru'ge r mark t f r it. J1 YOli live, you'll huve 80ml'- j'orry L. GI'N'Il, pl' • idl'nt of the ~Je t? have a lower tal'iif. ;;ow it To be blll'ied dOwn d eep in n big th ro th n cover them up ' so the quainted" prices and prove for \\ ith creuting llrodu ts of th fll~l11fj through . th e thing to bOIl.<t about. Mo. t C\'I'l'Y- Ohio J<'atlll BUL' au, olumbu, as ,IS thl$-Why do the New weI's blnck holes. . man h ving the house built weo't youl'sE'lf that ther are no b~tlIid of hemisb'y hy converting bo.ty .lik to do a certain amolunt tlL' fi nite in{hc llt ion of a tJ; nel ah a.ys want to help the foreign GOOd-bye, dear silver and gold. know how weak the whole thing is. tel' chicktl at any price, and no them into articles of common of brog~hlg, Bclter n1 ke a will, tol\\ /(t'd atlll t hI.' I' t'c.ollomie and 80- countries?) U's to be hoped you'll not lie \.here It surely ill too bad I'm going to better price rulywhcre on rea] anyway, before you climb into tbe cia l aby,.,;,' ' 'J Now out isn/tovel' thabfour a hot potato? . feel a\y.fully ltOTt'y for the poor quality chicks. Phone 23 :lor Paying billion dol- It' and th mold. use, and by so doing opening up a clouds. lal 'g~ lo(:.al market for the proAddrl)8rlJng t he bi·mont" y meet sesame hope, when We bury mlln when he move:s in and winter detail. Town ley . Hatchery ducts of the soil. THE COAcH AND -THE CROWN illg of th~ hoal'u of ll'u~te es of the lars for gold, something we can't a good friend, comes. I can ju t sec the tugs Leban<tn, Ohio: ome progr has been made stat~ Carm I'~anization, held in eat or spend, just to give it a But alas, we know the results in blowing off the floor and the pic. along lhi Jine, Among tbe things A Coronation that all t be W orld Lhe eUJ)i~1l1 ily on May 11 and peaceful quiet bllrial indKentucky , the end. tures off t he walls. When I build I:>OR SALE:- Gootl- election of that have becn proven possible it:! hoils with int re st mu t nave a 12, II'. G,ee n decitU' d that po- If you have a five ollar gold We. can hear as We do:. at I'lll'iul my house, I'm going to boss thetral)splanted vegetable plante power alcohol. Experiments l'n the King, a Qu e n, and a Coach. The litic al action c{) lIti n ues it effol'ts piece wblcb your grandmother tnn~ , job, llnd besides tbat I'm going to 1 c nt.s a dozen, Also large production' of power 'alcohol from bcoach. in th917L~ndon ceremony has 1I1.)llg the line of production re- gave you and you don't ante it up The smgulg of the SOIlI( 't eri! mli~i- fool oo m of th so people who sit el ction of perennial!! at . Itura I pro d u"........- aI'e b 109 . lin lOU eo , "'i ar . ,Lrictio n -... the l' suIt of t.his fail. to the New Dealen, cal rhyme', around thinkin ..... up thl'ngs to foo'l whole ale ngnCU can . "1 'Wh t they try I to 1 prices. '1 f George W Pe~ clucted on a big scale in a plant .Ix centurl~l\ ago tbe Que n of UTe uf pUI'cha ing power to ke.e p1put YQU 10 Jal. a a mess.. . T., t Mininer 8Dyi, in the C!"CII- the cu sto mers and charge them ersQn, IllJ e 'rom aynesbuilt especialy for this purJXloSe AnJou Tode ~~o Naples IIl1 ih~r pace with lho fIIpid inc rea e of Mr. Vandenberg stated, Tbl ing dusk mOTe just to b fool d, I'm going vile on Bellbrook Pike. ' ltp. by the hemical Fou~dation 'nt coach- and did she make a hI t! pl'ice level. Pl'od,uce s another increase in the Earth to earth, t.sh l!3 to Mht,~, to build ",ith brick and there won't FOR SALE: OR. RENT: Foure-cres Atchi. on, Kansa s. If the plant Lik ly ,- he did- since history re"!lestri tion of p1'oduction", be pubhc debt, a~ the rate of one a~d dust to du to be any w bbly old franle in it of ground, barn, 7 room house Pl;'ov(' !\uccessful mallY more like- late ti'lnt in t.he olden days only continued, "cith r indu trially or ne half bIllion doUars a y~al' If - Roy lOll, Clvde, 0. either, wiLh lights, furnace and city it will be built throu.ghout the na- Royalty might ride in n conch. ag ricultul'a lly wh en millions are the rate of purchase conttnues. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS FrO'lll littl acorns, gl'eat oaks wat r. Clo e to WayneSVille, grow, and from a shaking leaf, a Lnqulre at thi~ office. 6-8-c tion. Power alcohol is produce!! apoleon rode to and from th e Iin ne d is c~on011liaally volitical- "So we confront the realistic PF-<>from CQrn, potatQe , the sorghum, heights of glOI'y in a coach. The : ly and' soc ially wrong: Soci ty po iUon that is too absurd Mrs. Goldie Bentley and Mrs. house is built. There's no account- ==~=~~n======:=;;====:;:;;. milo lncUise sweet potatoe Jeru Napoleonic eoac.\h i a tradition 111ugl ~ LJl)port i.tsc lf through its pro to talk about a budgetary ba]- Della. Ve-nerable c.al1td on Mrs. ~ in' tor 8'n ything tJ! _days. i" - - -_ salem articl,oke.s, When combined ~hat Am~ricall boys have. be.en try (ducti un, not thro ugh restrit!tions ance," Joe TlOney W ednesday afternoon. LO"CAL'NEWS ITEMS with gasoline it make Ii verY' de- 109 to mw~ove - and mCldently (,.I' production" . Then he ~ays: "Now let.us trace Mrs. J. p , Larrick took her sissirable mo tor fuel. If (!Xperiments \ PUI! down FI h~r Body C~nftsman Reviewing Lhe plincipal plans the ~antastlc htl;tory of an ounce ter, Mrs. C. E, Norris of .BIoQming Mr. and Mr. Lawrence Rardin now und er way work oot, as pre- Gulld scholarsblPS and -Prlzes tha.t and effort 101' agricultural and of stIver. It COl~ts about 15c an ton. Illinois, to Sprin.gfjeld, 0" entertained to dinner unday Mr. liminal'Y tests indicate they will, win .a boaru of judge.~ '" ho ?Rv.e genel al SOCilll iml11'o\lcment, the: ou~ce and less than that ,nt ~ome Thursday afternoon to visit with / and Mrs. JOe Tinney, Mr. and Mrs this one PlVduct alone will go far . BO,OOO worth of a ets to dl tn- 1'UI m bur()3.u leadel' Ili tinguishcd POlOts to produ,c e domestic stIver Mrs. Frank Hoffman. W. D. Tinn ey. toward consuming all the agricu}. bute in thi year's Educationlll t ho>!! d ig-ned to ~erve as emer- in the United States." Then, "They You make tural s urplus t11i country con pro- FoundRtig,n sponsored by Genera l geney measures fl'om those de- ! bring it to the Tua~ury and col. r!uce, It will aCCOmplish this by Motors. J sign\ld to achieve long, range and I ct 7?c. ~ohe Treas~y takes ~he .. I t/;is Z\1ttpie SNgar Dismit taking aereag dllvoted to the proThe boy who prefers tryihg his ' p\Jrmollcnt ~dvanccment for soci.l ounce of sJlver up to ' West ,Pomt, l . dUction of , t:o. e crops in which ~kill and g mius on Il model cal' l ety as !l whole, bot.h economical ly New York,. and buries it in the wi ll love u. And 11'8 I ~Yonr family surpluses accumulate and tU'n)ing design is t.old that h e can " start I and sociu.l\y, ~ro und ag~m, Of .course," ~~ says, fur thcm, too I Here's the rctdjlC •.• it , over t9' the production of crops at scratch,'" just as the Fi 'h~rs "Wo un, on l'~cord as favol'ing , It could Issue SlIver certificates. used in the niaking of pOwer al- did w'hen the automobile industry n long lime sub' marginal land re- ' If t h.at were ~one. t he 15c worth Sif, 2 cu~of nOut ... ltb Ih "".of cohol. Though thl! marget is prac- wru; y()ung. Mor than fotty-seven tin'nwnt ]Jrogru m • '" '" we are aI- I of Silver, naV1ng been . pure11ased ",Ill. nd ~ . ''P'!',ol b kin/! pow· .1... \: o,k \Yuh J .hsps. r rho". tically unlimited fat· power alcohol thousand dollars worth of uwanls so on r '!lord fnv Qt'ing a na.tion- ~ al 77c, would graduate Into $1.~9NEW YORK (Special). . • , , m,nll 1... 0 II11., Then add ."'IUI and its production would require large and small, are hung up n ti l commodi ty loan setvice • • -, from 15c to 77c to .$1.29, h ~v\Ilg Members of the DarJ~hters of -% cup .... f milk ' 0 make soCr ,I.,u,;h, ru-k into ,he d ou~ I I,)hio , in New York, In 8DJlual th product Ir.o m millions of acres, tempters to that class of boys who ::.o mc sort of ja.nd· rental pro8'1'um , m?de the c~mplete Journey In 2~ cup f sM. n,~pl. Ill' brown) 'neetmg at the H otel St. ReJis, uliar. Put Joto J;lea.,.:d b:akiD8 there are a number of things in have confided to their dads th at is l;ugge led, A combination of mtnute~, whIch wo uld make POUZI :Idopted a resolution deplormg \>on , Dd. 10 ">CO "' (50·- " eommon use that can be produced they cou ld build snappier CUI'S tha n th <Ie nlell:'u rc,>, \ e belieye, pro- I (the man who stung or ~~ed the ." 20 min.uco, Ihe failure of the Ohio legislature thus tar to p rovide 10rparfrom alcohol otb l' tlJlIll motor fuel ever were put in a hOW-1'OOO1 win- duc e a \\ I'Il·rounded progl'llm of New Englanders out of mllhons of ticipation in the New York tbat will stil furtbel< widen the dow, cunsel valipn of naLul'81 rlltiources, I doHars ~ few yea rs ago by a mo'n For real cooki n ~ pleasure ' You World's Fair of 1939, need n l)yrofl\",M'a~ic Chef Gas market. Some o~ these are \'ayon, More than II million and a quar- und un~\\ "I' 01:11' crop c;ontrol re- ey ~an~pulatlon I8. sche~e ) tu r~ ov The resolution, .presented by Range. It gi yes you acmral" celophane , and anti-i.rce;1le com- ter boys have been enrolled i n qUil'CllIl'Il(.:\. I er 10 hi S grave, Jf he IS dead, he Mrs, Rudolph M. Binder, presicpII,trolled oven tempcracure.1 dent of the society and formerly "A plotluclio n t!Olltl'oJ, however said., Then he added, "We pay t~ e pOllllds for automobHes. In ad- : this educational Gulld, which fU rn atld Ihere's n dirl., no ashe, no 8 resident of Cincinnati, urged wick, 0 .0 SQOt! dition to this in the production of lishes University scholal' hips, and cun hardly Ije justified [l'vm any . for tgn ers 44c an~ce for sllGovernor Martin L. Davey and power alcohol a. by-product known generous cash przes. IVs fOT the (Cont iuu ed on following page) ver and the dom estIc producer legislative leaders to rectify the Qoni go arlother day without . , gets a bonus 01'.33c.'1 (What bont'!ituation in some manner· in or.. der to protect the prestige of the anza this is, I guess I am in the atate, wrong kind 01 business.) Adoption of the ~solu~on folWhat is their purpose? It is this lowed an address by Charles C, Green, past _president of the Ohio The NeW' Dealere theory was to set a fieticious ;high price, then in- Society of New York and .crilinally a resident 01 Kenh, Ohfo. 1141', Green infonned the vaugh. vest billion!! Of our tax money in ters that the biimn181 session of gold ,and slIver ito, it is said by the the Ohio legislature had adjourned without taking any acNew Dea lers, mllke ficiticioU8 infla tion toward par1Jclpation in the tion on a $69c ,d ollal'. 'N ew York Fair.~) Senator Vandenbur&, say8, "I 21 States lI&~e Aeted a~ked to vote for an appropriation He said this ~s "a deplorable which deals in la u)' degree with. a · lIituation" particularly in view of hole at Fort Knox into which we A. Pyrofax - Magic Chef the fact that the leMitlatures of H .... adolp, M. Rhuler, put tbe gold alter It is dUg out of.a 4 states have already enacted ,.ftlldent, Da.,lIters of It makes COli."', COO},;1I8- C;" ~islatioi1 calliOB for partJclpahole In South Africa, I cannot vote ,Ohio Ia He. rork " 'on and 12 other state. have 11,1. possible for all wtJo liv\! for it, except thtat I feel it is !&bout bllls pending. lie ~uoted Mabeyofid the ga. mains, Gas cook. BInder, prealdent. other offiCI"" time' we f OUhd lout precisely what ' jor-General DeliS E. Nolan, dl- who approved of the resolut!l''I ing Ja dean, fast, dependable and economical. Pyrofax Gas regulat. we are going to . do with our gold l'ec~or of State articlpaUon lor were lIIr.. Samuel K , pro bas. " New York air, u havinB formerly of Cleveland Mrs, 0J: ing equipment Is fumlshed 10 )'Oil and silver p1'9gram'. " made ' the ' Predictioll that prac- rie Starr, fonnerly- ClI1 Newa: kat no charge-it is install~ for: Here is a great U. S. Senr.tor tically every state In the Union Ohio, Mrs, Robert B , Preston vi only $? 75. The gu itself COSLI . . lime as 3 10 " cents a meal, who bas not bllen informed and ~i1I take part. (General Nolan ' Tiffin and Mrs.Charle. Brot" . nlmself' has been keenly interdoes not know but is asking the ested in efTorta to.:line up the field, mother of Louis Bromfie :..t! You can get a brand new 1937 , The resolution 88 adopted fv1New Dealers a pointed questiQn, state of Ohio because of the tact low.: Ryrofax·Magic Chef Range with ; \hat for four Jean he wu in it, autornalk oven con.rot. smokeW'hat is going, t(f be done with th e WHER~AS: Tbe OhIo woml:l1 lea broiler and lcienlifically. billions and bill iontl of Ule buried conunand 01 Fort Hayes, Colum- livtn, in New York. realiziw4 bua Ohio, and eonatdera himIelI the great imfOrtance dellgn~ cop burners for a small the N~';" gold and silver'!" He fully real- "an adop~ 8OD." dowD .,.yment and epy terma. York World I Fair of 1931 &I.J I liz~ that billions of the poor tax-rhe New Yorle Pair," Mr. belna p~ud of their native StI.w Don't <leay youraelf-cook aod payera' money is being invested Ilreen said, "will undoubtedly be IRe the modem way. wllhanB it to take ita profl'1: ~he createst exposition of all in the State. Program :lC into a money about whicJl me. With 501,ooo,OOO ' ~Ple ill 81 Ire~' t11 e taxpayer nothlnlr nor ttenda.nce in 139 the J'a1r 01. the ul en the- .tate of oluo e unpar. has given hii "n';i"11~1 IeeI ",J'C)n,lly Ohio ., Well, If a U. Uc:ti To Jpo~ tbia opportwaJV Informed, how would be • ¥err ..no", mJltaIui Peter and John 14••• ' •••••" ••anl ••••AI•• ,It ; Jam ......, frorri the vleWjlOIDt 01, er be eXI)ee't ed-t!1» If ........... , . IA. . . . ., ~ :DI1W ID . . 1111
I ...
Daughters of Ohio Urge State to Participate in New York Fair
A F(Jrm in the ,H eart of the Great· Lakes' EXPQ$ition
""C '
• 11 the Senator COD", the pDbllc before
tht' t'llh~ of lh
\ ' \1 York Lifl' In· agaiusL W/lltel·· J)III1WI·, SU it for divorce has be!'n filed 011 ••1 nd oth-url!. by 'Mary C, WatkjnR l)j:(ni n. t Stan· To File Demurrer-ley Watkins, Gross n '1(1e t i. chnrg Motion of th def ndanL to file d. Th e couple was marri('d at Mar· ~ dt'muncl' ha ~ Leen gl'lllltcd in the row, June 8, 1011 and have 2 chil- en (! of Tom Ma l'illno. againRt Ruy dren. Micbads antI the 'incinnoti and COMMON PLEAS Lake Erie railroad. PROCEEDINGS Grant d 30 Da,. DiYorc:e Grantecl- . .. ...... .... .... .. W. A. House, a d fendant in the Zo Harvey has been gt'ant('d II case of Harold Sheet. , admini~l'll' divol'ce from Minnie Harvey. L r de boni s non with the will aneX'Cue Continued'd of the cst~tc of Eli P. In''key, The cru; of Home Owners Loan ' against Frank Starkey and others, Ol'p. against J ssamine R. Britton has been granted 30 days in which and oth rs has been conlinu d to to pI .ad. Jun e 21. CaUl Di.miue<lDivorce Award otdlAt. Lhe [. gu st of the pl aintiff, The plAintiff has be n awa rcted the ca. c of lIllluel Mindlin ag!lin"L n divorce in the case of Helen !Iau- Minnie Mindlin hI! been dism.i sed. nost against llarry Uaufl ost. Gro ' PROBAn COURT neglect was charged. I. Adlhini.t~.tor Hearine May 22Ellis Ivins has becn nppointcd ad Henring on a motio n to modify II miniFitrator 0 1' the an'ie Iv ins esformer d cree in th case of Alma tate. He filed bond of $10, O. , Ruffner against. J c.se B. Ruffhurl es S. Irwin, C, H. Young and ncr has been set for May 22. 'C C. Eul1lJl9 have be n appointed apprajsers. Servic:e Ordered-S rvicl' by publication has becn To Sell Auehardor d on the defenuant in the Certain asse t,s of the William F. case of 'Nora Pierce ng/linst Earl Schc1\Ck eS,tate have been ordered Pi rce. sold. Judpmet'lt Awarded. E.tatea Exem1>tThe Virginia Stock Land BanJc Thc s tat of Edwal'd C. liamil· ha been awarded a judgement in ton, Kunig unds Roehmcr & Mary its case again t CharI s W. Stull, Et urCac e have been exempt and others. Adion on the alleged from inhel"ita nce tax. lien of the Farmers Nation 1 Bank len E.tat_ larksvile. astle Hobson, Georgia I. Di"ideclHob on and Cha.rles W. Stull have Her hus band, a i~ter, R fast 1'b en dismissed. daughter and 2 ni ceil are lIam, d I. Reeel"er~ ben ficiaries und er the will of CarWiliam Hufford, jr., has been ap de W. All n, Into , of Wayne vile. pOinted receiver of reaJ estate lu A va lue of $lG,774 oo.'! been pIa· e d upon lhe estate. Th e entire cs· la( ~ wu made up of personal pro• . I I'ty . .Following arc the benefici· aries and the value of th ir ucccs· WOTARY PUBLIC , ion : the hu 'band, 20!J5; ElizaMati_al ..... beth N \VIand, /I si t I', $1344; MiI.1I1a Dra_ • • E,tat., Settle" <.Ired and Ruth N . " land, nj ce $ 141 9 each and live A li en Drace WAYNESVILLE. OHIO lh(' ro.oter-dilUghlel·, ., 11540. . Call 130 for 24 Hour Servic:e Va il E.tat<!I. ValueclCREAMER REFRIGERATOR A valu of ,-G990 hll becn placed on th estuL of th latp atTi c SERVICE Vail. Real stat was valu d at -45 00, per!;'onal property at -2490. - We SeryiC!e All Make..ail, th widow , illiam Of Refri jferator. Bel h-Motor-AppUoIIWote ReP4lir Franklin, wa the sole heir. r, of 209 E. Mulberry Lebanon Appr...;.en N.a.meclGeorg P. Gates, . . Aleyandcr
A'~' .DIVI"oce:-
-n Mart.
SATISFACTION Or No Charge Phone 78J
When You 'Buy Fertilizer
."'OMeetinos C...... b
Sunday: Sunday school at. 9 :30 A. M. W. C. Smith, Miniater MOl'niu~ wOl'~l1ip at 10:40, Th t' Roger Brown, Bible Sch.oo'! Sup't. tlel'll\ n ~ubj c t will be, "Life mi a Whole, or Life i ln Fragmen , Bible chool unday, 0:30 a. m. Whicb halJ It B 1" uhj ect of Ie son, "Winning By There will be n() Sund ay ev ning St'lf- ontro!." Scriplure, Gen. 25: : end c in the hurc~h 1) ecnu se of 27-34'; 27: 41-45. the Baccalaureate rviee at the No Sunday v ning service on Gym. Th r "ill al ~o b no Wed nes account of the baccalaurnte serv- day eve nin~ meeting in the church, as ,t hat is the time f ol' thc comice at chool nud.ilol'ium. Prayer me()ting W dn esday 7 :45 m(!ncem nt exel'cise, . p, m. Le l;o n study, Acts 12th G. . Dibert, P a..~to ,· chapteT_._ _ _ _ EPISCOPAL 4t:HURCH FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST There will be no service at St. W . C. Smith, M:ni.tel' jMll.rY's Epi scopal ~:hureh Sunday Pe rry Thom&a, Bible School Sup.'t. ni~ht b ca.use of th E' baccalaureate " rvic at th e gymnasium. Bible chool un. 9:30 on.. m. ST. AUGlJSTIN.r CHURCH S Iltlon ]1 :00 a. m. FaLhel' ~l,-Pas to r Subj ct, "The Bible God's Ma s at t. Augu sti ne's churc h Word." Proyer Meet.lng, Tu esday 7 :45 cv ' ry Sunday mornin g. p. m. L SO il • tucly, Acts 13th .... hapt r . FRIENDS' M:EET ING hurch Ooat'd m eting Monday 7:46 p. m. FiI·Rl·day choo l at !~ :30 11. m. M ctin g fo\' WOt'ship at 10 :30 Mis io nary meeling a t Mrs. Lel>tEl' Gerhard!', Wed n day 2 p. m. a. m.
The Smith Agricultural Chemical Company
Several Good, Dependable, Used Gorn Pla';te~ Compare Our Prices And You Will Buy At
Fairley Hardware Company
, "
L.... rger Becau.• e of Better Quality,
Service, and Price
E.tabli.he<l 1849 - 1937
cnts, Mr. and Mrs. J oe Tin ney. )\fl'. and Irs . How.ard Waites, MI'. and lIf rs. G eol'~e Tt'l'wilI g ilt' of Cozaddal e, Ohio., and Mr. ond Mr'. and Mrs. Walter Ross 'of Maso n, 0 " were guests Sund' y of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Larrick. Mr. lind Mrs. Harold Gerlach of r;;ailles, Ohio, were gue t s Sun !lay of Mr. and lIir's. Ira Brown, Mi. Eva. Lippincott was visit- I ing a f ew day at the Ed. Woolaru home in Dayton. Grover Britan was in Dayton a rew days this week. Mr. and Mrs, Rober Werntz of Dayton were Sunday gue tJl of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Tinney. h's. Carrie Uailey of N w York ",as a guest of Mrs. Pi crc on Thursday.
Service Tha 1 Is Appropriate and Beautiful It matler s nol \ hat price funeral may be selected- and we
off er se rvi (Os
meet allY n eed......,nothillg is left undone that
will lenve with th e fllmily a beautiful nnd1 onseling memory 01 the lov d one. That '. the nli sioll of lhl instit.ut.ion-one which we ha.ve p rformed faithfully for many ye.ars. Our funeral home is always open for public inspection.
.I. E. McClure Phone 7
~- .....-----BEECH GROVE 57 Mrs. 'atti c onnel' wa hosteSll Garl'ad and daughtt!' t, Ella Joyce, t(l the ladies c mmunity dinner of Ma on, were guent o( Mr. ~\ncl· In t Thul'sday about a doz n ladi Mr. O. R. Ungl e 'by find r lalive~ Mr. anti Mrs. C. L. Allen, o( Day . \\ ('re presc(Jt to enjoy the dinner her . ton, and Mr. and Mr~. Hayes K . and a good lime. •. ", an d vel',Mof Lebanon made I• M r. an d M rs. EdwnrdR"IC,,P' h a short call Rev . Roy ,Knight , fi ld nllln for famI ' j y, 0 f 1) uy l 0 [1 , w re RUppel' O TS. atlence Tompson nnd dll TaylQ)' niver ity, UpLand, I lldiana guests or Mr. and Mrs. Mel'l Baird aughter, Sunday aftern-oon. wa. a g u at at lunch Tue 'oay of and family on Sund:ay. Mrs. Iua Howe, who has just reRev. C. . Dibert.. M d M R b t OA t turned from a lengthy visit in Cal' 1'. an rs. 0 81' ""war irorniu is sperlding this week with Mr. 0 nd MI'!:' . Ray Mainous, and and family of DaYlon were gu s ls her !lister, Mrs. Leroy Ellis t~nd 1\'1 r sO.n. Donald, Mrs . 'Edna Cecil and of relatives h re a u Sund ay. Ell' h ' h I M IS, at tell' ome near Wellman. IS I Aknnda. Gae TI'wdway were 6 DOl'is: dam"hter of MI" and Mr '. Mr. and Mrs. 'Fr emn n abet·ton () oc oc Inner g uest of Mr. and R D""'· ' 11 'th th .. M' w ' lr PI I ogel' rown IS 1 Wi e meas- of Ghent, Kentucky, and Mr. and r~1 r~. 1 Ie • anery at Middl etown les , ' Mrs. J ohncon Saberton of Akron, an d Gcorge ... I, Franklin have Tu esday. b en Il,ppointed appraisers of Rob. M Mr. and hio, vi ited Mr. and Mrs. Carroll erl Sell, ra estate. r. ~ nd MT'S. Conra.d Mainous and . on, Bobby, attE'nded the ole Death rage, Sunday and Monday. To Sen Propertyn~d Chlldl'cn of Hamilton were Br os. Cil'cU ..vith Clyde Beal.iy M ... and rolrs. POn'y Davis and The administrator oj the Martha ~n~er J:('lIl!1St of Mr. and Mr . Ray lot Middletown ,o n Saturday. son and "ife, Mr. and Mrs. PlLul J ane Poppe e tate has bel"n authoramou Su nday, ' Mr. and Mfs. Roland Carey avi, of Cal'l'oUton, K ntucky, & izcd to s 11 certain personal properMrs. Ray Mllinou s and her 5i . ' were guests of Mr. Bind Mrs. . H. 11I1r. a nd Ml:s. Ro s Hartsock aml In severe weather tests, Red ly, listed among the a sets of the ler, MI' . Edna Cecil of Bluefield, arey in Dayton oh Sunday. family were SUllday guests of C. H. Brand fence outlasted 'all tate. W. Va., and Mn<. France BranMr. and Mrll. F. 'tl. Le May and Deathel'age and wife. I others. Yet it costa no more thaD In Yentory Okebnock w re luncheon gu t of Mrs. family and Miss Helen Hawke I Lada Minst of ncar Lebanothpr brands of standard grade. Approval has b en given the i;l- John Ti'cadway and family on last weL'e dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs Ion was a. caller in our vicin ity Sat- I Gives you more yeare of good .... v ntory filed by N. B. Kunkel" ex- Tuesday. Karl Bodenbe nder on Sunday. ul'dl\Y afternoon. I vice for your money. 'l'bat'. . . cc utrjx of the Henry F. ~unker es IMI'!.!. D. L. rane w.as in LebaMiss Betty Lou Arthur . pent I Mrs. ~tha. leav ~l' has been fence value. tate . non ovel' the ,\!ccken(j, the guest of th week-end with Mi s Dorothy ' quite ill t.h is week I Double Paotedld Hu.band I. heJ.· sister, Mrs. H. V. Waltet'. Tuck in l&banon. MI'. M. M. Terry was in attend.Kine F,iduciaTyMrs. Edilh M. Harris, with her 'rohe Thimble lub met at t.he ance at the stock s ale at WilmingExtra heavy mating of pure ~ GIl the outslde--plenty of mpper in the Her husband,. Arthur D. RolI- brother, . . F. Mosher and Mn<. home of MJ1 . Sadie Con- ton, Friday afternoon. 'I steel. Full gauge wires , •• '''liveN meyer, ha b en appointed admini~ Mosher of Ineinna~i visitE}d I' la- per Thursday ~rnd those who nMr. Frank Shidaker and son, tension crimps ••• accura~ IIII8CiaI trator III t.he estate of Anna,King tives in Morrow county" Wednes· joyed the dinne1' and an afternoon \Harr y , o,{ Hllrvey b~rg, were- Fri• ~ • tight knots that can't eUp. You y Kolt'll\, yer, Franklin, who recen~ da.y and Thursday. of sewing w re: Mrs. Robert Ba- \da callers in this vicinity. I can't ... all tbeae good qUa11tlea. fy wa. killed in an automob ile 00.Mr. and ~rs. M'e rt Baird spent ker, Sr. Mrs, Della Venable, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. C, H . Deatherage but when you lee the top wire pa.t. l fd" nt in thnt. city.. it'. King left Monday in Dayton, hopping. Litzi e Lewis, Dr. Ma'r y Cook, Miss were in Harveysburg last ' 10nday 00' RED, You know yoU're aeum. no wil!. Robert King, Isabelle King Mr. Bnd MI'S. Ern t Adams are Josephine Banta, Mrs. Ray Mnin_,' afternoon. them. We have a aood etodc 01 Rea Braud Fence. Come ,ID 1Dd' _ It; '!'be pa'ell,.d renee and Charlca J. W.aggon er are the l an nouncin~ the birth of a daugh-loU8, ~lrs. W. H. Madden, Mrs. I Mi ss Je ie Garner, Mrs. Adah .......... JIUI1cmav. appraisers. ter on Friday. Ral ph Linn, Mrs. Elida Day, Mrs. Talmage and J. Lee Talmag(! were fn"entory Mr, and Mrs. M~rriss Raper of I Cha rles Allen and Mrs. Susie Ev- shopping in L b~non, Saturday afIa ApprovoedDayton were guests of Mr. and ns. The MlCt meet ing will be at ternoon. The inventory f i! d by Jose. Mrs. W. O. .Raper on SU{lday. 1Mrs. Charles All n's in honor of FERRY" NEWS ' phino D. Seller, adm inistratrix of I !\frs. J SSle Hyman ,and M1's. Al l Mr!l. Robcl·t Bakel', Sr.'5 , Birththe Ella E. ellers el!tate has been Pol~ n ky spent Su ndaY' in Cincin-,da y . . ' Mr. and Mrs, Perry 'rhomos and appl;oved by the COUI't. natl. . l\1r. and Mrs, W. D. Tinney of Mr. and Mrs. Forest Martin visited Stibb., WllI .Mr. W. L. Brown, Mrs. RobertWisc:on in are visitirlg their par- Benny .Furnas at th McClellan I. Ad:m.'i tteclho pit.al Sunday afternoo n. Mr. Andrew Peeno and family Will of the late Lewis Stibbs, THIS SPACE CONTRIBUTED BY of Consta nce, Ky., and Mr. and of riear Lebanon, has 'been admitMrs. George Summerfield of Cinted. No value has yet been placed cin nati, Ohio woere dinner guel!ts 'on the estate. at the home of W. C. Smith. Proc6eda DiatrihvteclFred Hubble, Coy Gilliam and P~ceed 8 of a sa.l e of property l1urch, Lodge. socials or Wm. Carl Smith went to Peebles, To be 1;lsed in adyerti ihg in the Ohristy McCray estate have sa les WIth no cost to organizations. Ohio on business last Friday eve~ been ordered distributed. ing, " Just phone your adverti::; ment to this office a'nd T~ ,500 In Mrs. Frank Fox, Mrs, Lester I say "Insert this ad in "Caps" pace for .... .... ... . Aecicl.ent C _ _ Kendrick, Mrs. Oarl Smith, Mr. . .... . organi zation, " Nannie Lane, administratrix of and Mrs. ' Lester G'e-rhard were t he estate of her mother. Lella business visitors in Dayton TUes- ' Robins()n, who wa& burned to day in the interest of the Ferry ' deAth at Franklin, following a Church. crash between a C. &: L. ' E. fTeight W. C. Smith, Minister was ca.lltrain and an automobile, 'has been "Mounta in MUItlP" , Senior Cia .. ed to Tranquility Sunday at tel'. authorized by judge Ralph Carey play, H ...rY .. y.bu .... HiLI. SdIool, OD to condu,<t a funeral. to accept $500 in full of all claims , Friday eY~nine, Mar 2 1, Adm. JOe Mrs. Romo Rigp called on Mrs. against the ' railw.ay in connection and 20c. Lester Gerhard .Monday and took with the wreck. hom e a nice collection of flower/! Ia Adminiatrato..-' for her flower garden. Louis Chamerlain ha s been ap• Over 2130 miles of "eDic: baury. Dailyprolrams of dallciDg,mualc:, 8oorshow!I,deduporu aDd.oc:iaJ events. Spaciou!I,modelrn ballroom. pointed administr,a tor of the ParkPRODUCTION CONTROL ... er Chamberlain estate and filed Sea.onJuly9toSept.~.EastboundfromChicagoftc:bFridlly,MackIDac ( Contiued (rom preceeding page) taland Saturday, Cleveland Sund,y. Wellbouod from UIlIf'''O each bond of $3300, Monday. Sault Ste. Marie Weclo..day. Macltlaac: IJIaod WedaesdlY· - II MARRIAGE LICENSES , longtime social point of view Marion R. R. Mulford, 86, f1orwhen fully . siqty per cent of edying our major social and eco· ! i t, and Dorothy F. Miller, 23, our population is now unable to nomic ill s". both of Lebanon. purchMC in sufficient quanitie Advocating more xte nsive the larlelC and mOlt Jack Brewster, 19, meat cutter, luxurlou. Ifeamer 00 either industrial or agreultural planning in the promotion of t.he and Ruth Hobeon, 19, tactory the peat lakel devoted products. Any program ~hich cooperative 'movement Mr. Green PAID UP SUIlSClUBEIlI eaciuli\"el, co cruil. worker, both of Mason, does not seek to remedy the very 1 " ..mce. "86 RlCWOOIDI REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS cause 01 can not be expected to en- ~onClluded that "no 8Ubatitute bas A'RE OUR BEST . . .INDI aad parton ••. EuepWilliam and Glad,. La1l to Da, dure as a permanent"roeram." as yet bean propeaed for the cotioaa'l food aad ..me.. ld J. W einrich, 147 aer-. TurtleMr. Green reiterated the ltand I operative busineas ortfanisatiol\. tp. of the farm bureau for e1f.ctlve Wlth economic JIG""er tClemocratlJlar, Etta Surface to Edna E. c-... ~m81lt. of mone, and cally in the handa of tb ~ BidIe. part o~ lot No. a, WQ1le"" taMIa1aDellt of a OO1IUIIod_ dol• a peop e 1et>DtM'• ..... Jar ....~ of the preM,nt I-I belD. lIHd in the bt.tetwt of terY. Cad S. ~!IIa , ''''' obf. .ef
Centerville, Ohio _
Planting Season is at hand
B CHA ., PMAN LleeD.ed Broker
Waynesville farmers' Ex •.Co. Phone 25
Waynesville ~
ROOT POA AND CONSIGN ,our caWe. bo.J1l, Iheep and oa1'\'.1 to Norria-Brott CVo, live wira arid. prod-e..lve Art. for the hlgbu1 mauet Jlriee. aJid good •• mee. Uilll•• St... Yarele' CIDel.~1 O. 'l'u1IjLln on Radio Station wuKl 11:1& to 12:80 p~ m. for our market raporte.
Ask for a MIAMISBURG PERM CONCRETE A~r Seal 8urial Vawt For Sale Only By YOUR FUNERAL DIRECTOR McCLURE FUNERAL "~,..... Phoae 7
.me, ......
• l1li,...........
jf'untra( .ome
$ -:---~-- -.--~-~-----:-----$
Is the stuff that Shoots the Doll Into Business .
PROSPERITY. that was "Just .around .the corner" has palled the corner n()w and is going u'p the other street. • •
Successful Business Men, Progr.ssive Concerns 'o f Hi.he.t Type are ulill,' more apace in anincre.ling number of mediums.
We aim. to~ give our patronl all poslible ~id' iD the planDinl,~rite.up and illuItration of any adverti.ing campailD they, may hav.ln mind.
Don't heit~t.te to call for •••i,taace when you w,ant 'to me.e merchandj... will come gladly. It i. a part of .the lervice we render.
The Miami Gazette carried locai new. concerning 746 individual. on May 6th; on May 13th there were 964 individuals mentioned in the column. of thi. paper. " Practically everyone of those people were 'pe'r.onally contacted during the week by our corp. of new. writer. They wanted the new. in this paper. They looked . for it. And they ' read the paper all the way t~rou.hbecause people like tp read about . themlelvel,' their friend. and theirneighbora _ .' did you paal up this op,portunity of . tellin. them, in a friendly way, of your merchandise
Til.e .
·Miami "Gazette Waynesville, Ohio .
", 'D ' ' 011 ~ TT . 'HE . v"£. ----------~~----------- ---~~--~--~----------~------~--
Eighty-Ninth Year
Wayne.ville, Ohio, Tbur.day MAY 26, 1937
Memorial Day Services Mo~day~ M morinl Day. crv,lce
will be I
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Wbole N.amber 621S
- - -.,;
Obituary 01) Nov. 1 t., 1871, a Ro n WI\.S born in tl)e home of Calvin and' 'Mary Harlan on a farm. n 81: Hick· oryville School house. about a Wlhen the baby w monlh old, th mot.her waa called , to h I' heavenl y home. The baby'. grand pal'ents, arter and Maria Harlan iiv('d in a bome near the father's home and took Fred to their home wh rc he reinnined and grew into manhood. Fred attended the Hickoryville hflol and this was the only. scho I ile ever attended. In. the diRtrict c'hool at. that timE', most of th e studies taug.ht in th e high . chools at pte sent wer taught. They bad their literary soci etie Mu ie and p enman hip wa taught. Pr d was an apt pupil and enjoy I'd hi scbool worle, He was an industrious boy, tak. ing an lnt rest in farm life and all the different kind of labor in the farm especially t he stock in \I -, the farm. He liked carpent r work and much of his work tn t hat line will remain here for yean. A beautiful day, October 1Slh., ] 904, he 'was united in ,mlllTioge to Ose Me rrill, daug'hter of Mr. '-IIJld M"l"II, Alb('rt Merrill in their bom e in Harveysburg. Th y bought them a farm ' not far from the old home farm whet'e tney lived for sever&l years. Th y 1!old the farm 'and: 'l1'Qvea to Hal'· vey burg in 1916, and have been residents 01 the. town since th en. FOr some time, he worked as a carpenter and painter. He ente-red into the store bu.~I ness and has continued that line of
Dr. Edwnrd M~ Von leve, formel' pl'esi(\ent of the hio stutecommis!lion for the blind, . upel'intcndent of the State School fQr th~ Blind and the first managing director of the IItional oci ty for the Pr ventiorl of Blinune s, died iii New York, Fddny night. He ""'as 70 years old. Dr. Van Clev was 'the youngest ~O n of R 'I. J. F. Van 1 ve who W)I18 pastor of Wnyn sviLie M. E. burell dllring tl :lew yenl's of Edward. childhood and is r em rober. d by· his a.sQ·c iates a t that time. UiS wite, t.he former LilIi-an Brown of South hm'leaton, i a c1oll~ relative of Mr. F. H. Farr and Mrs. W. H. White.
Staling that our crime and malaclj u,otnlent.<; in the world today Ilre due to a ack of "ristian char. acter and II mornl break(lown i Dl'. J. Itaymond Schultz, noted educa. lol' nnt! worlel traveler, challeng d the twenly-two ,graduates oC Wayn Township :High School, to ~ t e )) forth and help in the creating The past few wee ks have been of II new' world. bLl ~y Ql1es at Wayn Pal'k wh ra Dr . . chultz, Profeseor in SociolMr. . 1\1. Rvuitzcr ha ~ bet!ll dl. recti ng a large forcl! oC \\ orkmert ogy in Manchester "'ollege, stated ill getting the beautifu l ground!' that in his trav£'ls h~ hod fO'uilld I' udy f or th 01 cning fi ll Mell10rial that no nati on had faith in anothDay. el·- tlll had lost faith in self and The Picnic grounds h. ve b en God. IIlul'ged. NumerOllS tre es hav fle llloocJed for a new spirit ot be n set out. Tablel> for a thous')ptimism in AmoOrica. and in a hum alld pie nicer. will b~ eXll.,\nd d to oru us way; showed that this rle,· accoml1ti)()u~e fift en hUlldreri pel'tio n is a "bunch of ~1 Iyacl1 e.r8, " l; ()n!l this summer. com plaIning over IOSSM, little real Mr. Robitwr pointed out that izing that this was the first tiine one of the fOOtU1'C!! which h is in histor y of the world that a peo· trying out is' arcstrictcd portion p'le had had an o.pportunlty of a of the pal'~ where liquor of ulJ ;urplu tlult could be lost. kinds will be e ntil'!!ly prohibited. hUl'ch organizatioll and groups The tw nly-two Seniors recel¥will be welcomed to the usc of the lng their diplom<l were : ground s antir ly £t'ee of charge and will be able to det rmin e and ' uella V. Bernard fvllow theil' O"\VD pl'og"ams without Dolores Clark intcrfel'ence of olh r detl'ac~ion s. Leo S.. Conne~ Mod ratr, prices will prevail in I F'orest J. Da~m t he rerrel hment. stand. S\dtllnli ng Char les DaVIS in the pool will be priced as in fOl' Charles B. Earnhart m I' y al' . The picnic grounds art' Cldye E. Fr~m nlv."Il.YS free and folks are cordial- li:v Iyn McKinley FUrJIaa Iy in vited by Mr. Hohitzer to coml' Ma.rgaret R. Hartman Ilnd nj oy themsc lvell ill frequent Edith M', Hoyle outings !It Wayne Park. R~ b ert E. James . The larnoc swimming pool wit.h MildI'd Ileell Larnck ... M' . L d' to • upN'iol' health gual'd~ by xtra- . lrIam u lIlg n . ol'dinary means and fncilities for ' R~bert L . . Satterthwaite purificution has b en Cilt'1i a nd all ~Jl~oJ Smith ready many 111'~ peeti"e swimmer OTIs. . S'I1n;ace al' ea Hng longing eyes at lhe wa- MargIe P. T,nney te arah Frances Watkins
' , ,\
~. t
Housing facilities nave been a ource of worry to many, but J\{l·. Jim Mc lUTe i$ wond(wing what has Ilappenod to tenoll1Hs who Iol' !level'lll y aI'S have Tqtul'l)ed to make th ir abod in the. p '01 a.ccommodations which he has )'na in· tained COl' his m'igrllting friellcl~ n pair of flicke that usua lly mak t heir nest in hi hade tr e on Main Street. A n old limb, partly decayed h been left on the 1.1' e mel' ly be nU1ie this p h' of flick t'S have fOl' so lUllny y nrs, made i/.' their ne. ting place. But thi year the bi rds fail d return. Mr. McClure related an interest;.. ing stOl'Y of how one y ar n pair of s parrow sought to steal th ne ·t early jn the sea_on. Wh en the flick Ell'S came, one sparrow de. erted the tl)ien b me, but the .other on was can'ied bodily, after a terrific i ip,ht, by the nop ot the neck a nd thrown out. A the bil'ds bave failed to r eo luJ'Jl, 1\11'. Mc lure is eekitlg new rcnie~ for the home on Main tr t.
--- ---
WAYNESVI LLE BOY will take place in the Miami em_ I nlEO IN NEW YORK tery at the enhance to the beau- I U
meni, made here by t he c mmit.tee which has p lann ed th observance. I A,. the custom Is, the ceremony I liful gTounds where ill. large crowd is expected to gath er around the old oonnon \Vhich over looks the hill side. The high school band, und r t he direetion of Mr. Ru 11 Frank will play on t.his occasion. The local troop of Boy Scouts will direct the parking. Tran. portation of flowers, aged and those who hav no way will be hand led by Mr. Rtubbs and Mr. Me ClulJ"e. Mr. Q'al:st is ch airman. The PI' gl'ruJI is as follows: Mu ic-Iligh Sch~l Band ' Invocation- Rev. O. C. Diber Am rica- Audience Gettysburg Address-Jonn Shultz Music- High School Band. Add'res&-HThe ChaIJen,,"e- of Memori.ill Day" - Harold D. Willis Ben , diction- Rev. W. C. Smith Decoration.of annon under dirction of Miss Eva Read r.
Twenty-two Seniors Glven Diplo~as Wed.
----~ ,
spirea f rflled the bockgl'o und of an improvised a ltar before which Mis Erma Sears, daughter f Mr. find Mr . Wilbur N. Sears, bccam<e the bl'icJe of Albert D. Carver, so n of Mr. and MI's. Dale Carver of Spl'ingiield. The single ring cercmony \va s soleTlUlized Iby R. Byron rver, brother ot' th(~ grooOl', in the Wayne viii Church of Chnst, Saturday evening at '/:35 o'clock.
Something of the importance of 'h' ' ' • IS 1oea I project as a b uSll1ess concern i notec! from t.he employment angle. During the summer month s from 20 to 25 worthy YQung people of the community find st' ady employment at this beautiful soulhem Ohio recrca. Liorlw center.
ome 50,000 midwest :fal'm fam T·he erectiOn of two new fac. ilies are re- tnblishi ng t.hemselves tOI"y buildings- together with ent hrough Rchab ilitalio n loa ns from largement and r earrangement of the ne ettlc~().l\t Admini ration, the Mornine City manufacturing by following the "Iive~a.t-h ome facilities o,t Frigidaire Division, plan as a meanll oC maintaining a General Motors COf)oraton, will standard of living and increasing be Rtal'tod \ ithin t hc next f(>W net incom e. weeks in preparation for 1 38 pro _ ___ __ Empha~i8 on this idea was , induction activitie, it was ann oun HARVEYSBURG ·pired, accOl~d ing to Miss LeUa C. ced Saturday night. gle, rcgional home management Misit Helen Randa ll was a dinThe constru ction~il-n-:d-p"":l~a-n" t'i:';. advisor for the Resettlemen t Adner gu st of MI . Robert V,un Del'. out progrnm will invol~e an expell minislration here, by a obeek .of Mr. Mildred Cam pbell, cousin voort of Franklin on last Wedn esfarm pr ices with retail price.fl of tile bride, pianist, and Miss Lola diture in e.xce....s ~f $4,000,000, day. and will be t he larg st expansion which lihow that the avel'age fami. Sears, sisiteT of the bride, or ganThe death of Mr. Morris Sher. ly f five can ave about 50 per i t, played " 1 love Y 0111 T ruly" of FI'igidllire since the buildi ng of wood. a highJy r espected resident ' th present Moraine ity plant in cent of annual food cost through and "Oh, PI'omise M. ". John S~rs, BELLBROOK NEWS or t his village, occure I on last maximum use of home g:t own pro- ' brothcT of the Bride sang Ob, 1926. Ind u tral engineers, architects , Tuesday night. 'Although he had Attorney W. M. Henry of Xenia. clucts. I PNmise Me" ~ nd " At Downing". will bt the Memorial Day speaker , ,j A f:inn and home plan is set "~ h~, Bridal horus" from Lohen- traffic enl\ineers and manufactur been in failing h alth fol' S veral at tbe High choo! at 1 :Hi Monday up for each standard r ehabilita. grin by Wagn er l"as played as the ing technicians all have been months, his d nth was a I\hock to tternooll . Fo)lo\'\ling the address tion loan and ~ost all of t hese bri dnl. party awroached the altar. wOl'k ing for months on Il plan the community. Funeral services and memorial service at the audit- plans pr;vid for keeping of ~c. Mendelssohn'. "Wedc1ing March" that will completely mocl ernhe were held at McClure's Fune l'U\ orium, the ·parade will form to curate farm and Ihome rec~rds. from ,:'A Midsummer Night's the plant, provide ' excellen t traf- Home on Friday aftern oo n and rn rc h h> th e bTidg~ on West Previous to olttaining rehabilita- ~I'eam was played a s the reccs- :fic facilities for th'e ·safe arrival bUJ'ial a t Miami Cemetery. MI' . Ida Howe of Dayton, visitalld departure of ncorly 9,000 Franklin St., whel'c a ervice will tion loans, olu fly families had ' nev- slonal. be b(!ld in honor of tho.lle who bav(> er k pt home accou.nts, so had no ' The brid e chose for her wed ding m('n and women who are empIoy- ed friends and I'elotivcs h('re last 10 t. their lives at sea. The acli- mean of det c1'1njning comparitive gOWn w,hite satin, faahioned along d at Moraine Cfty, and incOI'por- week. Mrs. Allie Dakin ot Ral'rnon 'Jitiel will be conclu ded with the costs of purchased and. home- the princess lin e, wit.h lace yoke lite other features to maintain Home, L baoon called on Mr. and crvlces at the cemetery. Mrs. Mil grow foods," h~ said. t he position pf the plant as tbe and a slight t rain . Relr veil, finger Mrs. E., B. Dakin last Friday. dl'ed Fostel' will lead the local "Applying f igures from the ~ tip length, of net and Il\cO' match- finest in the re,f rigeration indusMr. and Ml'S. Joe Davis visited , band in, ,the services Monday. Rev. acco unts to average farm a.nd re- 1h.ead wlitil beaded Illcs coro net. try. Major improvement vi sib~ e to relatives in Dayton on Sum (.iay. G, W. Thompson will pl·eacb. ' the tnil prices, we find that the retail She carri ed a bouquet of whi te 1\ Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Eaki ll s outsiders ,vill be a !l.('W building, lnem.ori:a.I , 'sormon at th 'M. E. co ,t of a year's supply of food for es. llnd son have moved on n farm 700 feet long, 80 feet wide and Churclh Sunday evening. the. f amily on ,8. minjmum adequ. Mis Wahneta Hubbell attended two stories high, facing west on near Well man. Fifteen received diplomru; at the ate basisamol1nts to about $530, Mi Kalhl een Gray spe nt the annual commencem nt, h eld in the 118 compared to $218, which ""ould the bride as maid of honor. She Springboro pike, aero the rond High School Auditoriutll, Tuesday be t he am ount received if the wore a gown of pink I)rganza with and paralleling the present plant. week-end with Miss Lavo n Os· This building will be of brick, bQl'n . busin~8s. evening. The graduating class was .!!ame foo ds were sold at the door. bt'ue' accessories and cllrried a bou· Mr. and Mrs, Fred Bogan and quet of pink roses. Little Betty concrete and steel construction of ; Virginia Barton, composed J/. little son came into the home, "Tllul!, annual food coats can ilbu'r Oarter, Ro be -reduced by $317 if the family Oam'pbell, flower &irl, was lovely and will house the offfc s of the children spent Sunday with Mr. but the Heavenly Father took tbe Mary Berryhill" beautiful bud up to HeAven to be bert Darbyshire, eorge Dumford, rolses Bnd Consumes its food, ra,. in yellow ruffled , organdie. ShE!' Moraine City nianufactuting divi. and Mrs. Davis Bogan. beckenlng bands to the lovedonel Frederick HCIIS, Louise Hoyle, La· t her than selling its products and ea.1'tied a bosl<et of ~w eet peas and sion of Frigidaire, personnel dePlans arc being completed fOl' on earth. This W8!! i. gt"eat sorrow vada Lloyd, Jneit McHe'lIl"Y, Ro- buying back its food at retail pri- pansies. Little B(}bby Campbell, partment, purchasing department ring boorer, was dres!led in a yet. time office, process control labol"t he High School Alumni to be held bert Meredith, Paul Miller; Helen to bQth Fred .nd Osee. ces." appliance engineering at the Gym (In SlIturday ni ght, low broadcloth auit a'nd carried' a atorie, MilIs, 'Relen Scott, Irma White, Although their loved one W8S, Mi ss Ogle pointed out that white satin cushion trimmed in division, domestic science labora- June 5. non e of the 50,000 families ex~one, they have lived and made and Merlin W.blte. tory and . kitchen, maintenance qe 'Mrs. Carl Duke, th pre idcnt of pects to reach the. point .where lace. happy lYlany, many Qtber ehlldl'e1\, TO GIVE MUSIC LE'SSONS atrended the partment, pattern shop and a nu.m t he associlltion has been working Mr. Rex Black t.hey can produce all of their food and especially at Christmas tim., groom as best man . The ushen! ber of other operation not dired- and ,p lanning to make this the fifat home, The farm and home plans did they make children happy witb Summer Music lessons will be.were Howard Carv~r, Harvey Hole Iy engaged in. p:oduc~lon of pro- tieth annivel'sary of ou'r commence presents. . &in Tuesday, Jun 1st, at the call for home prod~tion. of an av Charles Hole and Bennie Hill. duets. The bUIlding Wlll haVe 120, men ts e. success. Every member is erage of 60 per cent of the food An the ~chool children loved to seh.ool gym. All student:! planning 000 square feet of floor space. urged to be prese nt. Dinner will thf) family. As the consumed by Mrs. Sears chose for her daughFred's store to buy. go to m\Jsic foOr the Bummer, can make Another st.ruct ure of COi1sider- be served by the P. T. A. Don't for families becom e more proficient in ter's wedding dark lblue chitfon Hi.! health failing, at tbe advice arrangements for lessons anytime able s ize, 280 by 80 feet, will be "et the date, JI:me 5. of hi/! doetor be went to the Mia- a£ter that date. It is hoped that as planning, many of them ho·p e to with gray and blue accessories. bui,Jt as, a partial s~cond story, mi Valley Hos-p-ital in DsytQn In many 'as possible will take I\dvan·. relicl:\ a 'Point wl)er they will be Mrs. Oarver W'8S. attta-etively gown on top the present main bu~lding The claS!J pll'oY held on last Fri: producing 75 to 85 per cent of ed in powder blue sillk with da.rk immediately west of the center, qay night was a decided success. tage of this opportunity January. their food. blue accessories. Both mothers Mr. Russell Frank He Buffered very g1'eatly, but Mr. Lewis Campbell of CincinPoss ibilitie , that the "live-at- wore corsages of pink roses and for an employeiJ' cafeteria. This ~---.- .... \\~a.s .rlad to ~ee his friends and ap· building will be completely air nati spent th!} wcek~end with his might add to food sur· home" idea WINS SCHOOL POST sweet peas. "predated their calls and all the let conditioned for the comfort of pluses, or eriously affect retail FollOiWing the ceremony a recep- cafeteria patrons and will have an purents, Mr. '8Jld Mrs. Adam Com~ ten and carda. from them. Albert Wilson, who has been h adc, wcre denied by Mies Ogle tion was held at the hOme of the orchestra. stage and publie add- bell, and family . All ~oped he was improVing and teaching in tile school at Tiro Ohjo wben she explained that these pro· bride's parents. Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Ogle bee re!! y tern with 10ud'lIpeaket'S about 10 days ago lie W8.II taken to for ten years was elected Superin- bably could not purchase more Those ettending "he ' wedding built into ,the walls. It will be were Xenio vi itot'S Mondoy. the bom'!! of Mrs. Emma Cline In tendent of the school reeently. AI· products, since they have very lim Dayton, where Osee and all the bert \a well known in thitl vicinity ited cash resources. The only from a distance werle: Dorothea leached ,I)y two wide stairways Miss Anna Mac Dona.ld s pent of Spring- leading from the main East-West last week with home folks. having attended school here. He is rhanee for many ot them ,t o have loWlUy could bewith him. GePhart, ! cr068 aisle in tile plant. Thtt dinApril 29, 1987, Just at the clOge the aOft of John. Wilson. ,nythina like a reuonabi e ' notriand lam· i Inr hall and kitchen cover 23,800 The Ladies' Aiu met on last of day, the sdul W'lneed ita flight tional standard il tc) produce and Kenneth square feet of floor space. NOTICE Thursday afternoon at the hOlM of to Heavell and we an left, Oh 10 ~8e their own food. VHta Cor· Beneath Springboro pike lead· Mrs. Bertha Gordon with )(eada~. j'All of th ... f.aIIIlll .. are in the 3onely. Gardea. Club wtll meet Tuesday ed lin. R. inR from a new parkinR area, un- eS W. Hoover, Ruaell Jeltens. Now his IUfferi~ da". are oveT'. afternoon, June lat at 2 :80, with kw.incollle brackets," abe explainIJ8a An- der the new bulldi_ atld into the Bhry MunKer and Bertha Gordon ed, "and &I ncb, they UIUlot TIle tint! body me to net. and Mrs. Ben SIIllth. JUlQa,"¥i,lle. Florida. the eenter of the ....n plant. will as hosteeaes. Delicio_ spend & larire amount of mOD., - the d8M' WOI'ft IIDd. are...tolded make be a twent, foot wnal 850 feet mlmte wen served after iIIII tIJ OIl t1te ....t bNut. But dI. loq throuah which ..nplo,.. wiU etttn. ,rolf,rUll'.
GI Ie ae lca 1 d yenna H ope W 00 ar R b rt E Y ~ ~ C' z~ung UI e . Immennan On S.u~lday evening, 'May 23. Rev. Dibert of the Methodist Church gave the Baccalaureate. ael' '1'Ion. Rev. Dibert, having personal knowledge and uhd erstanding ) 1 each of the individuals though. ) ut ' the year of th ir school life, .. poke with, feeling and love for the gmdu.ates, commending to hem the characters of holy · scrip· lure a~ examples upon which to uild a 8ucceSliful life.
Ob I-tua r'lI • ~ ~--
In the cady morning of May 19, 1037, the last page of the life 0' M n is E. Sherwood was writte ....
vhen a. entering a peacefull 81u,l1)' ler h gently passed to his . etern- · Il home at the ag of 80 years. hrce months and nine day •• He was the Bon of Johnathan nd Margaret herwood and waft 101'n at Oregonia, Ohio, Feb. 10. 857. Heo is the last of 8 family of ix children. On April 4. 1878 he wa~ maried to. Mi Ruth Anson ' and to lis un ion was born two Bons: Fred ( Columbu s, Ohio, and Carl, who ives at Wayne ville. Almo t .his entire life was spent: n Wan'en County and his circle f friends is wide. ' He was by birth a member of he F riends Church and hi,s life xelllplifi d the true ,C hristian I! haracter. He was a loyal friend, I good and sympathetic neighbor, a kind father , and a lovillg' husband and ende.aTed himSll'lf to ell \\ ho knew him. He leaves to mourn bill 1088 his fn ithiul wife, two &ons, four lrl'aJld • hildren, two great-grand~bildren, ' and a host of friends. There is no death, the atara go down To rise u,p on some other shore, And bright in Heaven's jewel' ed crown " They ahine forevermore And near UB, though unseen, The dear immortal spirit. tread; For .n the bouftdl_ uni· verse , cis life -- IjTbere is DO d.-d." ' Ell..........f ........ We wish to thank tU ..., n&. alive., frien. ·..,. ••tphen, _ere 110 Idact . . ~ in. OUl' late loa of oar thaQ ....
tt£ Ent I'\'d
at WaYIlt' \'lIIe, Ohio, lOll. Mail lola tter
Dum Dee a~
in thi, 'o\(lrld I hate. it·~
1.60, Year
Ediforidl Ther is no man thllt h.nth power over the spirit t9 retain lh sph·it.; n ithC"r hath he- ):low r in the day f il nth; nnd thefe i no dist:Mrge in t.hat war. - Eccl ia. s T e hill! of Ih W rid, that we- are t old doe. not 1m \\' how t.h ot.her half lives, is that portion of t.he world t1l11t does not. live- on ~ party t lephone line. ome ho,.,' figur ed it out that it requirl's 46,000,000.000 quarts of milk a year to supply the needs of thi nation. Those who at. some time Or olh r in th ir live have had occa ion ·to milk a cow have a much better Id a or what thi mean than the fellow whose efforts to ecure the daily milk supply arc limited 1.0 a ,trip out on the back porch to pick up the milkman' daily delivery. • One of the wayS In which cveryone can boost 10al institutIons and the community is to havc -II. good word to y about a business institution when it is mention d. The story is told of an old man who di d and was buried. At the ,grave, in lieu ot a funeral ervice, one pf his friends was call d upon to say something of the departed. The old fl'iend approached the grav/.' puzzled a to what lie might soy. The departed had more than the usual number of human frailti 8 and it. was not easy to think of II remark appropriate to the occasion. Finally the frie-nd of the departed !laid: "Veil ,John was a good smoker." The tory, i old but it iIIuslirate8 the oint, that there is 1I1way something good that can b said if one iooks for it There I alwnys somtCthing good iliat can be said of a local institution if one looks for it, and the expres.~ion of good will is going to. help build up that institution Bnd make it even bettl'r. Thi i .a simple, effective way for the people of 8 eommunity to build up their OWl) town. A good word is just as easily Mid ns a disparaging word ann is worth infinitely more. If you want to discover the- true quality of a man a. position where h can profit by a lit tie dishonesty and unfairness and inju. tice and crookedne, . If he yields you have as accurate a pictur of him as you n ed for any appraisal. A man~s character i not determined by what ,he says, and the high sounding phra, he uses, and the lofty ideals he expl'e ses when On parade, it is best hown by what h does when Lhe opportunity presents itseJf.
pUI; him into
We are truly thankiul that as a boy in chool we me not going to be called Upon to study Spanish history a few yea.rs hence. The whole business is SQ 'tangled u.p that, try as you will, We can't make head or tail of il now while it is going on. We are quite sure it i n't going to be any easier to do it after they get the thing settJc--if th:e-y ever do, and ilie ' hi tory book written. Lou' iana is making a strong bid for industrit~. The state recently adopted a con titutional ameTment authorizing tax exernpti<>n on new in.dustrlal plants for a period of ten years. ,cientists have figured it out that the world will III t for another trillion yenrs. Figuring out that one was simple. What we would like to see the< scientists figure out 'is what the national debt will be by that time. The village cynic wa in the office yesterday. He 'said that the st.atement credited to Patrick Henry, "Give me liberty or giVe me death," was marie after Patrick HEmry -was married. It is estimated that there are more than 1,500,000 federal employees of s tates, counties, and municipalities who are not required to pay federal income taxes. No reaSO n has ever been given that.justiti the practice. If one ,wage earner is entitled to pay tbe same tax. The salaries (\f both of these clas !I, as a Tule, are in line with the compensation be· ing received by others in other lines of business for the same service.
Nothing give.s one a keener appreciaton of an intel1igent conversationalist than to bear the ' other Wnd rattle on aimle&aly for an hour a.t a time.
TWO MINUTE SERMON ( By Thomas Hastwell )
!\ •
\'ictnria born, H8:1.
nalH', I d"n't
cor h o~ bill it it' or how lillI", or whlll coIn\" uf what kind. 1.'lwy·rl' nll jUH • Ill!' .{" til me anl\ I hatl' 'em. EV (,11 • lit tI (. Jrll r t('r nah· J.tive. IllO th(> erN'!,', 1 rlon't tID· derstnlld "hy lhe~' nr' callNI garter . Ilak un~·\\"II~· . r know darn \\'('11 [ woul,I,,'l \\NlI" one of them for a ~tlrter, e ither ill'Rd or alive. Ju ~t imn~rjnfr "nuh!'l for gal'ief'll., I ca'nt t'v n think of it. mnkc", me feel era" lIy nil ov('r. I'm sur no wom en ('\I('r "01'(, Ihem, and I don'L cven th in k the n) n would. 0, why call t htm j.!nrler . nak . ./ I wi. h >,om on!' would tell m . It won'ie me, lind if they have ltO cOl1n~cti nn whaleY~r \\;th gartel's, I think thl' naolC nugllt to be chunger!. onr! I'll pCl'lion:llly see to it. It mU)1 Lake me n long tim, but once I g I . tnr,tcd on anythi ng, no thin~ CUll • itil'trnck me. I ,reo membcl' T h.·HI U gl'llndmother once ~ hn <il' cidl'd .s he would like nake, !LOd ill n ti me at all she could make fri tn ds wilh nny of th m_ Th y ev(!n clime up to the dOO I' and "ailed for h"r t f cI them bl'Md llnd ll'Iilk, and wilh u A'ood : i1vcr spoon. Think of it. Why, J wouldn't touch one with a ten foot pole, let alon tl·u. t one l~ng cl)ough to d it. Let 'em I d th cnm Ivcs, I say. Grand mother . aid th y hod alwa.y been CUT. ed a nd someone ought to look after them, find even lho' 1 don't know exactly why th yare curs d, th re lIlust be ome 'good rea. on, and it must be their own fault. I have a sn aking suspicion t hat it happened back in that famous Garli n of Eden. It eems a , lot of thing originated there, both good and bad. I've seen everal pictu re of it and it looked like a r 81 pretty plac to me . Ther wa one thing that confu cd me thO', nnd that was that there WC\'e nudist in th picture I thought that wus 1\ comparatively new idea, 'b ut it seems it ha been going on for centuries. It
May ~5 . - G(,lman air I'llitl 011 ;;n~lanrl, 1!l17. (','Ilv(>ntion 10 fl"lIll1(, a fl,t1l'l'~\1 ('on!'litulill n as"'~ll\blctl al I'hillld"lllhia, 17 'j. ,reat Ballle or so n. a lOl", born, J 88'6.
ntigny. l!H8 . Al Jol-
May 27.-- Lufay1'lte fnrc\'d to ('vacuat Richmond Virginia, 17 I. Palliam nt nacted Habeas CorJlU ~ Act. 167!1. ~1ny
2 .' - Nuah Wchst r died' l 184:1. Battle of GI Nl.t 1M adow P(nnsylvanla, 1754.
lay 20.-- Patrick Henry, stalesm'lln, horn. 1736. Wiscol1l. in admiHed to nion, 184 . May 30.- - J)ecol'(lti n Day cst.nh li hed, 1 68. D olo Imnded in FloriUlI, 1630.
May 215, 20, 27- You have a fondness for lllenSlIre, sports and amll.emen . t ti mes you ore im. prnct.ieal. Bing extr me in yu r lik es and dislik s you clln change from friend to foe very oosil y. You ar a p 0101' subject f or flattery. arc light heart.cd a nd syrnl)athctic to II degree-. May 28, 29, 30, 31- If you can be con~ llicuous .n it you like socii'll or public work. Your affection!' UO not run VU1'Y deep ou ·ide your family. You like to mix ,,"'ith, and have grcat rt'gard for people oJ wealth. You are very fond of flattery, which i not alw'llYs good for you. You nre somewbat conceited Dnd gOllE>rally we)l satisfied wi~h yourself.
What Do You Think About It? The Miami .Gazette invite 1 tters expre inlr an opinion nnd ' of interest on rnatter of public welfare. These I(!tters do not necessarily ,e;eprel;s the opiniQn of the editor nor does this newspaper assume lany responsibility for the expression contained herein. . . ' -' :t All communi,cation mu t be igne.d, giving aedre s of the writer in fuJI. Not:hing wll be pu bli.! hed which doesn't meet this rl'quircment. However, Jf asked, we will not publish n.ame of ender. Be bl'ief- not libelous and plea_e refrain from! personolitle and matters that bt'eed hatred and religious atdfe. THE GOLD AND SILVER
• M......ln Auctioneer
SATISFACTION Or No Charge Centerville, Ohio Phone 78J
J B CHAPMAN Lieeneed · Broker
REAL ESTATE NOTARY PUBLIC -:::==::::=:::========= ....- -
ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN rour C&ttlli, hogs, IIheep and calv.. to Norris·Brock 'Cc.. •• Ii've wire and progre live ftl'll1 f9r th-e hltrbut market pricell and good .ervie•. U.loa Stock Yaru' Cincia_ti, O. Tune in on RadIo StaUon WCKY 12 :25 to 12 :80 p. m. for our daU, market reports.
Hate and mistru t , ar the children blindness. - Waton, nl8n is , justified in doing evil on the ground of expedWney.-Theodore RoO$C>velt. Strew gladness on the paths of men-you '\\;11 T)ot pass this way again. - Foss A lifetime of happiness No man aiive could bear iti it would be hell on. earth. -George Berna1.'d Shaw.
--~-.-- -HOUSEHOLD HINTS It i reported tb~t cancer kills be.fore Serving it brings out the 10 Year flavor of the sirup And docs not f t:'i·rat Mt •• chill the hotcakes. CABBAGE AND CAULIFarm Loan. FLOWER ALAD. Mix equaJl parts finely shredded, cris,P cab_ I .Ii=~~ bage and raw cauliflower. Season to taste with French or mayonFl:ank LeMay, Solleitor naise alad dressing. Vary as de-II Waynesville 74R6 sired by adding chopped olives of iill61R2 . . . . . . . . . . . .. crumbled cb~ese. _____ _ _ _ _ __ _
l !~~~~~;;;:;;:;=;;=::;~=;;;;;;;.:::;:=~~~~======:
Service That I, Appropriate and Beautiful It matters not what price {uneral may be s leeted- and we off T services to meet any ne d-nothing'
left undone that
will leave with the family a benutiful andl consoling memory of the loved one. That is the mi ssion of thill institution- one which we ,h ave perfoTmed faithfully for rn/lny yelll
Our funeral home ·
is always open for public inspection.
.I. -E. Neelare Ph••e 7 --~---~---
W.yaelvlDe _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _.;....
~rldtol~~d~~W ~h~m~~dllids~m~y~;=~============~~====~==============~==~=~
it from to ever worry about , scarce and high Ipric'edand dUfi!make , and beside!!, I have two cult for all laborers and wealth nice moss-back snaiJs to take care producers to get as if he had no of now; tHey are the cutest things paper money but had the free cirsuc41 elegant g!reen furry backs culation of gold and silver dol- I I and I never have to feed them. lars. Yes, and much 8carcer, for I 'I They stay right in their bowl and r when we £re no.t ·allowed to print II never meander around. I hate paper money · tre,~ and Inde;pend- ', 11,1 things that meander, don't you? ent of gold and slilver or any other I guess that's why I hate snakes. scarce article &I we do postage stamps ~ben the gold' and> slIver , of 42,000,000. dollars for whieb: the wealth pro~ The tota I armament expendi- ducera have la.b()red eo hard to tures called for in ·the budgets of get, and been taxed ao heavtlyto Russia, Geranmy, Great Britain, buy the bullion with which they: United States, Italy, France and are ma.de, are ta1I:en out of circuJapan for 1937-38 are $12,000,- lation where thel~ are . so much 000,000. This is fiV"e times the needed as a medi.um of exch~e of the products of labor, and 1935 budget for this purpose. ' locked up in the U. S. ' treasury ,'flit wherethey must stay so the rich Dr. Maud Slye of Chicago Unl · v rsity has devoted her time ex- money kings 98Y, to redeem our ' I~! clusively for 27 yenl'. to the study paper money wit'h. For the land of C!1nccr and its causes. . I •••
Wayne Park
"the place of your .tlreams"
HARAN OR CAANAN: When ' ery man's Ilfe ' when it is called uthe Lord called upon Abraham to pon to decide between its pers01llellve his home in Haran and to al desires and the plan of God. When it must turn its back. on fam turn his face toward Caanan be liar paths and take the hard aak~d 'o f him a thing that it is ne-v- straight rood of struggle and sac(>1' easy for any man to do. Baran rifice and self-denial. It is never was Abrahan's home. Rere were easy to do. Sometimes the way is his friends find his associates of a not clear. God does not always relife time. Here all that the' most veal the whole plan of life, but his advanced eivilization of that day prE-mise is jUi!t as real and thE!' rehad to off4!r in wealth and lux- wll'r d is just as sure to those who, Ill')" and human comforts. In Can- 10110w his will today as it was Hippocrate s, a Greek physician, aan lay the hard way of th pion- when Abrahall1 made his choice announced 2300 years ago that fe!len, the hardahip and the struggle between the home land Haran and ver was nature's attempt to pro01 a frontier exls\:A!nce, the loneli· the frontier Caan&l1. duce a ,high body temperature for n. . of • atrance land. It WN the purpose o:f destroyin&' by burnlNTE)tJ:STIN.G FACT~ cur to leave behind friends and ing up disease g,e rma present in conlforta and IOckl contaeta and Over 14,000,000 pereona throu&'h the body. t..war ICeD. . tor a new and a out the 'Wrld' are employed in the ....... IaDd. God did n.ot uk all production of textil-. 26,000,000 tons of Mrap iron ...., tlai:a. vf Abraham wben he and teel are used by the iron and Ilia to ehooIe JMt-enn Bar. It is reported that cancer kill. teel industry each year In this B Abraham <-ne out of ever )/ten men over 35 country. All of this is collected b, God'. plan for 111m years uf itlre and one out ot eve..,. junk dnlen. 10 t _~ 01 wlDinp ~ five women.
Opening Sun. May 30th
••• •••
By J oshua Harve
just goe. to how that all these It has been said that a protee- I sak es! Redeem i h withl When and old fogies that are continually cond mning tn younger genera- tive tatiff is a lraud. It; is such how? "In the beautiful hgold '11 lion WOTC just 8S bad as they because it protects a few at th sometime?" Or will it be t e mi.~ paint the modern, only they expense of the many. It is class crable ere long , ilvertime? think w don t know it. What legi lation to which the constituThe correct &nswer is never for they I'e ally don't know is that we' tio n is opposed, for it provid6 it is impo sible. Papor money does re pr tty smart after all, and can for equal rights to alL and special not nee(l Tedeeming', for it b . no 80ul to saVe 110r lose. While the cat h on in due time. But getting favoTll to none. back to th nake. , my grandfa· But the Gold smd Silver Stand- I'ich according to the bible has one tber n vcr knew when he was go- ard is even ~ gr.~ater fraud: It is that is lost and lost forever. It, saves or redeems our paper ing 0 have lunch with , a snn k I' o'Immensh, r " becau ". I't robs such a money like a fine suit in the Ia. th e cup- lal""e maJ'orl' ty of our ~ple, find One in bed or 10 .. ,,~_. board. It was awfu lly hnrd on while making miJIionaires' of a boring man's dresser saves his him and he developed a very rare few. It produces slavery, n ot only blue denim. he uses so much. Who case of p rniciouB jittel·s. B e was of the colored rl•'c4 ~ I'n the south, does not know that it is his blue b.... of all color's, north, south, denim that is saving his fine suit? d h -t ld es"'" very but hef ond finally flit. told my hel' gran shemot wouer, _ and we t. It ;. '" not only more Who does not know that his blue imply have to choo e between extensive than that We had in the denim Buit i& as much more usehim and the . nakes because they . outh but a much more worse- ful to him than the fine suit as pa were ~lowly wOl'1'ying him to kind in that it 'is so insidious- per dollaTll are to everybody, even death. Well, Iny grandmother was the dark hidden kind-almost 09 t~e banker, than a:e the gold and terribly upset Ior n Iwhi le, be- hard for many to see as the wind. sliver dollars. I cau. e he loved my grandf/lther Though the storms be terrific, we But .that is not all. If merchant!! but when she got her mind nlade sec trees and buildings fall but were like money loaners, who are up to dp a thing, she stuck to it cannot see, the force that makes advocates of the gold and silver th,·u thick and thin, and nothing them fal\. stand~d for ~aper money, he would say to hIS customer, "Now cou ld l! idctrack her either, 80 T'he loss of Iiyes and wealth of see here my good lriend, don't grandfather just gll\I'C it up and the wealth produoe-rs , \U1der a you think of tr}'jng to have any died 01 a broken heart. I guess Gold lind Silver S~ndard ~or 8 more work 8uits than fine ones, that's PI' tty painfUL becau se monetary system whIch has mcel>- for it tak,C'S the fine suit to make when he died, he writhed some- sanUy swept thi c()untry for years the work suit as good as the fine thing a1,\ CuI. It worried me ter- has been much greater than that ' " . ribly and I am still a little suspi- of the ' torms,. ~cause- its .evil teht - on;hen i1 the customer was as g009 e ey and credulo1l8 as many of the cious of gr·andmother. I wouldn't fects are cont1'Du.al while be a bit sU l"pr~ed it she let one storms are soon, ovel' a~d the dupee of ilie Gold' and Sliver get in th e ~oup. That would make tract covered by a storm IS .very Standard for paper money have anyone writhe, and I knO'w it li.mited' compared. to the terntory been,' he Would say "Alright sir, would kill me. Anyway-theTe covered by t h e- hldden slavery. It I'll do that very thi'ng." But he are to o many nice things in thi's produces thi extremly bad effect ,
oon Ibid. that fa. is iRlPo IbJ~ to do that very thine,· and teUa the merchant, "I muat bave another work lIult, but I am not able to huy anuther fine ault 10 ..ve it with." The merchant replies, "Well my ft'iend I'm !lorry but I cnnnot gl'(lnt your roque. t, for it would be against the law, but J'II loan yO\! U work su it if you will r turn it when I tell you to in good shape and pay me 0 per cent inter t on the value of it in advance." 'rhe customer .!lees the tricklhat h is work suits are going 1;0 co..~t him more- than th y shOUld and that th fine suit will neveT !lUve l\ thl'ead of hi w.ork ,suit-that he will have to do himself by being car ful how he us it. See· ing tha.t it is a cherne to rob th· laboring man, he would . JlllturalIy say "Away with such a law. It Qught to be buried 0 deep fnc e do·wn that every limo it scratch~ es to g t out it would et llcar-er home." uen should be ilie fate of our pre ent monetal:Y system in the neal' [utur . But according to the fifth chapter of James, w cannot exp ct anyt~ing but slavery for the wealLn producer until th de\rjl has been chained. To say that pnper money would be no· account w re it not bas iI on Gold and Silver is to say that our laboring people wou'ld be no account wefe it not tor the. l'ich lazy money loanet'll who get a hold of the produc r's money throug.h a Gold nr Silver landard or both lo pec:ulate on. H nry Ford aid W'ell -whe.n he said, "The only OIti!S who enn afIord to borrow money are those who do oot need it." ( Continued Nl'xt We k
---.- ....---
T.h . Mod.rn Swimming P801 of Southern Ohio
SiD,I. Ticket $5.00 F.mily S..... TiCket f.r 2 i. $7 ; for 3 i. '$9
Wlu. DN_ • •
I '
.AYJIIUVlI.a.L OHIO Call 110 for JI4 Hcnar t ......
Add $1 f.r each .bove 3 Th••• Tick.t. Ar. N.t Tr•••f able • Delia.a. S••dwicla.., Ic. Cr•••, caDcI~.
Ice Celcl Dri.....
CO G ATULATI NS CLASS OF 1"937 Waynesville HighSchool ...
Good Luc,k Godspeed
Serve Earn
n-;Wayne.ville bUline.. fw.- aDa profeu,i oaai ..ea of)'la,.enm. IaJie ~ meanl o.f publically expreuinl' their ~ppreciat:ion Gf the fine upat...dina YOUDa .._ and WGmen who. arad..ated from the local higb IChool, Wedneaday evenina, May 26th, 1937. We hope that you will be able to. j:ontinue YGur educatio.n and prepara. tion fGr, aervic~ in inltifUtiGu o.f hi,her leam,Jll, but if unable to do 10, we truat that yo.u, will remain to' aive o.f ~our beat to tbi. co:mmunity. We believe you will find here at home opportunity to "I'Ve and be rewarded juat)y for whatever you may CODtribute in the buildina of Gur lOtial order.
D. R. Smith
Peck'. Foo.d Shop
Fairley Hdw. Co..
Wayneaville Nat') Bank Frank M. Fox, Poatmaater ' Coyle~. M.at Market
Kroaer GrQcery aDd BakinaCG. R. 'H~:.smith
The Little Inn
A. K. Day
Wallace'. I. G. A. leMay-Hawk. Mary L Cook,M. D. Thelma Lewi.
Erwin Ema Crane' a Garage Morria Fulkerson A. H. Stubba
Ceo. J. Waterhouae L. H. CorcJo~ H. A. Comell 'Wayn.â&#x20AC;¢ lvill. :D~a Store , <C. P.Joy,Marahall Alfred E. Stout, M. D. A. ,F. M.IIOh Gar..., ,Gray'. Buber Sbop , A. 'O~ Criffy ,
R. D. Collett Harold D. Willia 'to Jeff Smith H. W .' Carey ' Walter T. Elzey Kathryn, MendeDhall O. Ridae Cleo ArthUr C. Lee Hawk. Jame. E~ M!:Clure , , Earl W. COIlll~ Wilbur N. Sear. Alex Deaki, Sr. Dr. H. E. Hathaway -W. H. Madd.nud Co.. Myel' Hyman
Warn..vi'le Fanner. Esc:bange '~ W. ,C. St JolaD.
WID. A. Lak. . Stokea Dairy ,
Harvey L Rye
C. M Robitaer ' . ~-
to depeDd OD buyina • lart_ PI" of their fnod wouhl me-an an 8ct~ ual dlcre~l' in food consum ption on their part." "Nor can We overlook the ben fits in healt h brough t apout by bet
ter lNa...........• ...- ....Mlim ttl rellu It from Ifr ate-r (Contin lll'd from first page dairy protluc tl. egp, da)' ('\'l'nll1 g. , . I And (h •• time will nllt be- lonlt fruit. and Whole grain ~Ii (os 1\1 "ell and Kalh,- Till 1'.1'. tuo. IliIf join the chorus which the farm producC.ll," and Mr. l\l~ro~lon 01 thl' Ilverlasling song. Ogle d('clal·ed. Wllnllng- Then '\. will all Ill' I'eu nited 1011 : lluru y I~rl('rnoon . In thnt tidIer }Iome llbuve )h~ . John l~onuurant . n~d litt! , That iR being [ll'e[lOI' I, ±± d for us daugbt(ll' w r II vl'rl'ly '"JUl' d III Thl'ou~h OUI' prl'ciou~ -'uviQl's Jive. an uulomo bil acciden t in Wilmilig Mr. nnd Mrl'. Harold Mycr, of nnnounCe the bit't.h of II 4 1-2 lb. ton Snturda y. D lr it, Michigan sp nt the w k- bab -girl at th it· bom e FJ'iday MI ~. EdlLh McKAy and .o n, Don- FAMILI ES F IND MEAN S; ..• • nd with Mr. Ilnd Mr . Hlll'old D. May 21. aId w t'c vi itors undoya fternoo n (ontin u II fl'om first page Willi. and daughte r, Mary LoyMrs. Michal'l i spend ing a few of Mrs. lcKay' broth r MI'. Ev- for foc·'. Look over th at Bind r and Mow r now_ All the fast r in . Mrs. My MI and trs. Itl'e clays with Mr. and u on8equ ntly, for them MI'S. Marion er\!tt St!\I'buc k and family .i ler . hI WilFauber o! nellr Spring Valley. weari ng parts c:tfl'ied in slock mington . ~~~~~~~~-!!!..!!!..!!!..!'!.-.!"'! Yvonn lubbs is confine d t o .~ .!"'!.!'!!'-~,~!!! Mr. ,and i{rs. Ellswor th lI1ith Mr. .and MNh Homer Death rage h r home with the men . Ie. . an get parts not in IItock th sairte day we ol·der. of U:lyton sp nt aLurday with of inci nnati pent Friday mth On turday May 22 Mrs. Paul Mattie Lcve a nd $On of W Ilingtheir parents , Mr. and Irs. . H . • Picking wa n guest at the N t- ton. Deat.he tag. h rlsnd Plaza Holel in incinna ti MI'. and Irs. John Rye 'Mr. A. 'B. 1~m8.dge and J. Lee f/)r 1 p. m. luncheo n a nd 5 o'clock Xenia vi~itor Monday. HARDW ARE & IMPLE MENTS 'l'allllilu g tran acted busines s in t ea at the Sinton Hotel , 'th fri_ _ fll'ing Valley last Monday. PHONE 90R3 nds from Lebano n. Waynesville, O. Mrs. J ennie Harwer th and dauNEW BURLI NGTON Mi ~nth8. Dir\\\;ddie, Mr. and Lc ~ t e l' III hard lind family wel'e entel't;:lincd t Sunday dinne!' at ghtcrs, Ii E:tlzabeth of Wilmin g Mrs.. Ed Randal l and daughte r, ton were w Eikend guests of the • arah, ~l'8. Mable Dinwid die, Mrs. Mr. and M •. Jame tIle ho me of ITarold Filer. onard were THIS SPAC E CONT RIBU TED BY li len O'Dell and daughte rs, Mr. called to Wilmin gton Ml'iI. L ·t I ' Kendri ck wo n cal- IcKny familie s and attende d the la. t week by class piny 'a t Harve}'Sburg· on Fri Icr in Dayton , Tuesday. and Mrs. Lo.u Vin"en t and fro and Lhe d fh of [r. onard's father, ' Indiana M)·s. Will Drake of Mrs_ Kilgore, ,o f .,.Dayton, and Mr. Lewi Conard . polis day ev nibg. Mr. and Mltl. Ray Hirt and W. and Mrs. Frank Taft of South Mr. and Mrs. Forrest SmHh nnll p(·n!. th we ~k·end with her folks S. Downing of Oolumb us; Mr. and Mrs. nnd MI., Fr d Hubble . har) ston were calling On Mr. lind children of Columb us wel'e we k To be used in advert i8ing Chur h, Lodge socials or Mrs. J. W. White on Sunday who nd guo!! t in the home of MI'. Homo Ri~"S and bis daugh- Mrs. Orlando Branna n of Xenia Mr. ani! sales with no cost to organi zation s. . • tH, £laulin e, spent Sunday with were Sunday guest of Mr. and oolebra ted' their sixtieth w ddin", ;frs. W. . . mith. p ..... Mrs. M. M. Terry and M . Thomp llnniver sary. They receive d many Mrs. ert·y Thoma . Just At the regula.r meting of the Mr. and phone your n.dverti. ement to this office and ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ on. pot flowers II\.l\d cards. say "Inser t t his ad in" aps" space for ..... ..... . . Spring Valley Board of Educati on LYTLE Word ha been receive d of the MYERS Power Sin'ay Rirs, Hand Mr. and Mrs. Hawke, and son, the presenL teach rs of the . organ izatio n." local d ath of Mrs. Henry Leibcap of Dean, Mr. J. C. Haw!<J ,Mis Gret- . chool were re- lected: Spray Pumps, Hose, Nozzles, l'imary, Frankli n which occurre d at his Spray Guns arid chen Gehrin g and AnD. Weltz were Miss Ruby Acce ories. mith; intAiTlledillte, Th Ladie" Aid wi1\ be cnLer- home aturday evening . Mrs. gue ts of Mrs Dan Collett and fam Miss Myr&.' H&}rdUcl<: j'll'incip Leib Plumbi ng Dnd Hentin g Supplie s. al, 11'. taincd lit the June meeting n xt cap was former'ly Miss Myrtle GrllY THE ily at Oxford . BOCKL ET James A. eam nl F. D. Compto n Weun e day at the hme of COMPA NY Mrs. E. of near Wellm;an . Mrs. Lee Hawke .and son, Dean, as janitor. Phone 360, Xenia, Ohio , 416 W~ B. Longac re. Thi "ill be an all Mr. and Mrt!I. Wilbur McCart en Main St. and Mrs. Ida Pa all were lluests fl1-1 8-25-m 4 Miss Frieda Me II has be n in- day meetin ' lUld covered dish din- w r vi itors in Sabina one day of Mn. Emma. Chande llor in New Rtalled a one · of th ope-rato rs of ncr. ANNOU NCEME NT: OPE NING A la t week. Burllna toD, on Friday. the local t elephon e system. Mrs. Alice lark and Ml'l'. Nursing Home alter !May 1. A Mr. and Mr'S, John Smith arc 'MT. and. Mrs. Fred Braddo ck CflGuests of Mr. and Mrs. Jes. e Therle Jun s pen~ Friday in Day- much concern d over the eriou real home. Ml':!. Ada Co uden, lertaine d their card clUb on 10 t Rill and family ar : Mr. J . W. lon. 500 W. Locust, Wilm.ington . iUne s of their Wednes day nigbt. daughte r, Mrs. Ar Thomps on of Ft. Thomns, Ky •• and Mr. nnu Mrs . alvin Longac re thur Knight of' Oregon ia. We Phone 4064. es Reason arc A laJ'ge numbe r of people from John McIlrat h of Ruston , Texas. and son, Keith, motore d to hica- hopefu l of an ,early recover able 5-27c y. WayneBvill attO"de d the Clas nnd Mrs. Carrie King of Miller. - go, j,~riday, snd spe nt the weeK~. Several f rom this place attend ed d 'th M' d W Play "Moun tain Mumps " at Har- burg, Ohio. FOR SALE: Red Sbar gasolin e en ~ I • 1'. k an ve .... Ji Mr. . S i1bert revival servicen at Clarksv ille 0'11 k Mrs. Anna Patterson died at wan an d I'ttl ~ - burO' " on Friday night. Rtove with . good oven. T his a~~~~:::~~:~: I e mm1C wan . . Monday eV ning. - - -:~~ A t b - - -:~: - - - :~~ h d ~~~::: -Mrs. Lee Hawke and Dean lhe hom of her niec , Mr. h f stove is in good conditio n. Ho0 acc s e on t I.' arm of Mr. Lawren ce Nolan and friend I Hawke were in Dayton on Thul'll- ward MeOlure, on Tue.sday J ohn Fromm . of last Rafve.y Burnet blew down in a of Sligo were calling day. on friends _ _. . . . . ._ ........ . . . . . ._ . week. Funera l service s were held wind torm h Ie Saturda y after- here Monday evening . Doroth y . Graham spent Satur- at the 'McClure FUlIeral BoOrne HICK PRICE S~REDU on noon. CED- I Mr. and Mrll. Clyde Sam a.nd ' U" a '1l1r J B J day with Wylodi ne and Jane Kur- Th ura d ay at ternoon . Our new , ',"~' summe r j" pdces i. • on . f iss. on.u Miss Freda McKinn ey of Cuil- dinner I{u.e til. unday at the w~refamily were vis,itors at Fort AnciI home ent . unday. baby chick arc the lowest we I :'..1", ........ B Mr. a nd Mr . Russell Salisbw y lord Colleg~ N. C., is bome fo~ i D'll t Cl the 01 have ever J.Jll'. IIU." .... ". offered on ern Thoroe I a ay Beech Grove fal'Jllers are indeed tnn went to Tuscaloosa, Alabam a. foOr summe r vacatio n. If you do, now is the ti m l to pur hnse, buil d or imgood Multi.oTested Ch icks. Try t ¥ • ,. __ appreci . ative {' of C'! the ,.,. fine k the we k-end and Ruth, . t heir weathe t rta' r d Mrs. W. D ....,.kfn and childre n th m at the e low "Get Acprove yo ur home. eo na.\\'The rsd en e Ine . to t he past few dnys, Many acres of ·1 1.. • daughte r, who has been 6ttendi ng of Greenfi eld were quainte d" prices Bnd prove for I kend gil ts a I men SlLower u ay evenmg . corn have beel1l pla nted and they the Univer sity there, accomp anied in t he home of Mr. we and Mrs. T . C. for Miss U len EIlI'ly, who will, in are still "going strong. " yoursel f t hat there are no bet- I t hem' home. H aydock and daughte rs. tb e near ..~ ut Ul·, become th brid Rea&OnB l r chicks at any price, 'and e 110 e MI's. F. B. Nash viAited M!vol'al "' Ina Mae Gruber spent the wee f f Leb Mr. an d M1'3. C. J . VozteJn8n and of ll r . Paul W I'll lams . kbelter price ~ny\Vhe re a on r anon. eal I days I&lt week with her cbildre n in "1 M end with Doroth y GlI8ham. tJ h k children of Clevela n Ohio aN qualit" chicks. Phone 23 for argar w..,- a wee Dayton . . endl O"". Rent is incroa sing. Pric . nre ad ancing . I mp rmregu~"t f "[ 0 ns Ed Hough remain s in a very ser- guests i n t h e h ome of ... ~ d E I mT. and Mrs. details. T ownsley Hatche ry ~ 0 "I'. an .... us. ar ·Mrs. Patienc' B Thomp ious conditio n, son 'rh who d ' I R d C. W. Stmtto n. om8:5j ao on, S Leb'ano n, Ohio. ment f unds are ava ilab le on :lttl'active terms . P r oper. OC1a ow, an has been serious ly ill for ~ number M r . and Mrs. John Klotz of CinMemor ial Day ervices will be attende d the mm.e.nc ement at of weeks is slowly improv ing in tOR S LE OR RENT: Four acres cinll ati we.re guests of Mr. a nd Mrs held in the M. E. hUl'ch ty va lues a l'e low ly but ul'ely ri ing. on Sun- Oente rvi', atu:rday evening . health. of ground , btll'n, 7 room house William Colema n on T hUll'sday. day at 2 :30 p. m. Dr. G. H. WenW~rre n Thoma wa.~ one 0.1 the - - -.... - - - - d t wiLh ligbts, fUl'nllce and city Mrs. Emma H. Me ClUTe .8'1ld ' ver will deliver the address . . FRIEN I)S HOME gl'll. ua es. _ __ water. Close to Waynes ville. Ml'8. L. H. Gordon attende d the CAESA RSCRE EK MI' . Harv y Burne.t t aceomp an· Mrs. Hancoc k of Chicago was Inquire at this office. Commencemen i exerc ises at Law6-3-c ied Dr. H. E. Hathaw ay to Colum- guest of Miss Emma Lou Lewis reneeville where 'M'arjo-rie Edward s . Mr . John Wilson till remain s bu., Friday, to see her sister, For S.Ie-- 100 head of white Mrs. gradua ted. • serious ly ill at her home. Mrs. Em- flathaw ay, who is in a h<>spita here for Sundal~ dinner. faced cattle, weight 360 to 500 l, . M r. and Mrs. Stanley Sellors of Mr. and Mrs. Louie Thomp son, er.;;.on Sinclair is on the ick Ii t. there for an eye operati on. pound. We buy and sell all kinds home. Mrs. 'Bertie Mills an d Miss Abby Mrs. Ella Haines i. now able to be of \jve to¢k. Thurma n Hayes M' Betty Th omas wa in an en Mr. and Mrs. Stan ley Sellors GraJiaJDIwcre Sunday guests of Mr. out some and take rides. lel'ta inm nt for the oldiers, at of Lebano n spelnt Sunday C. L. Maxwell, one mile south of at the and' Mrs. Chester Cutler and son, The Young Jleople Mtg. wa~ post N tional Military Home, Dayton Xenia, on Rt. 68. Phone 89F2 , Rome. in N orwood. poned Sunday night because of bac Thursd ay evening . 6-10 pd. Dr. and Mrs. Baily Campbe ll of Mr. an d Mrs. T om Bu ~ are calaure ate services at Waynes ville, Irs. as.ie Hardy spent II cou· Da.yton called on Wednes day a.nnoun cing the birth of a daugh. SALE: Big tronspl anted v~ pIing Valley and Kingma n. pIe of day~ thi we ek with Mr. & M,·. C. A. Bu~net of M-iami F la. FOR tl\ble tl!'l' OJ), Thursd ay. lItr. and Mrs. William Smith ond l\1!·P. lor nee King and family 11 lants, GOe per 190. on and I\lrs. R. H. ~Iartsock took dinMrs. Amos Menden hall spent daughte r, r,t'llrilyn Sue, vi ited S~eet potatoe s, 300 for $ q)O WAYN ESVIL LE, OHIO r~l- h Springb oro pike. ner with the tormer s sister, 'Lena Saturda y with. Mrs. Fted Collins ratives in. M1ddletown, Su nday Hardy per nn isUs at WlholePhoae 14 afMrs. All n Emrick , Ml'8. J. B. Hartsoc k on Thursday. in Springf ield. snle prices. Annual f lower ternoon . JQnes und Mr. and Mr. Therle Mr . and Mrs. Ernest Cast and Miss A'nna O'NeaJ, of Jacks!mplants. Cut f lowers for Decora Mr. and Mrs. Theodo re Mc Intire Jones and SO n were Dayton vi i- Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Turner of Marville, F lorida, is viSit ing 'J\lI:r. and east of New Burling ton tion. George Petel'so n, 1 mile w~re ' tor, Satul·day. tinsville a nd Mr. an d Mrs. Wa lter Mrs. L. M. Henderson. f rom Wayne 8vi1~, Belbroo ~ guests, SlIlnday of the latter's plll'Mi. s Wanda lark is ill at Mi- Cast wel'e in Sun da y afterno on. 'Mr. and Mrs. Otto> Seabald of ents, Raymo nd Wilson an.d Pike. ltP. family . ami Valley Hospita l. Miss Clatk Mr. a nd Mrs. E:dWin Hiatt called Cincinn at i spent Sunday with Mr. Pel'ry F let-eher Jr. of Selma and has been n nurse lhere for some on Mary Adams iSunday . and MI'Il. W. O. Raper. FOR SALE : Player Piano, jn good! ' Mr. Jacob Howard wel'e Sundo.y time. Mr. a rid Mrs. J oseph. Ballard cal. Mrs. Rut h J tanney a nd Miss Lou- di nner g uests of Mr . and Mrs. condilio n. Priced reasona ble, I Fran ~r. and Mrs, Allen Eml'ick were led on Mrs. lIairrie tte Peelle on Way<nesville Phone 40 eUa Ja nney bave returned to their zy Sheels and family. 1te I dinner guests, unday of Mr. and Sunda y. I .h ome fr<> m Flor ida wbere t he... S I' b d h'ld Mr . .and Mrs. Raleigh Boglln & M1'5 . L FOR. SALE: Nancy Hall Sweet ury l1n C 1 ren ()f " M d M Mr. and Mrs. Mark Mc Milla n h' on have spent tt.'* a CIS H L 1'. a n rs. Walter Wilson cal- tV ,_ WI·nter . SUG;&.R CURED HAMS TO BAKE potatoe s ~nd abbage , Tomll., as m ... On " • called to see t heir sister, E~, on Miss Letitia Schat zman and M-. led on Mrs. Ella Haines, Sunday I tO M, Mangoe s. Call Whole or H a tf Ib.-2 4c at J. KerMl' . Edwin ,~ Nutt f of near CenSunday . t '11 . t T Otto Sea bald were guests ot Mr. a ternaon an d night. d rick, No. el'Vl Srd. e St. spen Waynes ues ay with her ville. IMiss Mary 'SbJlwban of Clark&a nd Mrs. W. O. Raper on TJrud's.: LUNC H-ME AT . The New Bur lington and Cae- grandso n, Milton J<>ne8, celebra t- ville, took 8up pelr 'With Freda and FIVE ROOM HOUSE , eleotric day. sus Creek W. F. M. S. will hold its ing his seventh birthda y. , gar DELIC IOUS LOAF Erma Harvey on Su.nday a'nd. a cco HAND SOME l~ge, lot 71-214. Price $1,050. Mr. 'a nd Mrs. Bill Steovie and me.eting at th e hom'e at Mrs. LOAF ..... .... .. . . . ... .. . )b.- 28c LuMl's. Donald Hadley and Mrs. panled them t o Baccala ureate· BERL serfamily of Dayton spent Sunday t ther Haines , W ednesda y I8fterno INER Good HAM terms to right party. W. •. .. ....• .. .. . . .. . . . . lb.-2 5c on Mal'gln et Johns were D.ayton shop- vices in t he evening. CHIC KEN LOAF . ...... . .. . . ..... ..... Ib.-32 c N. Sears. 1te with Mr.and MId Mrs. Clar ence. Men- of thls week. BOLOGNA denhan family. .... . . . . .. ... .. .. . . ... lb.-30 c Tuesda y. .are Mrs. Nellie Bunnell who has pers, . glad t o lear F'riends here n FRAN KS ---~ Mr. ~nd Mn. Sam Hyman and ' been ill for aome time II Improv . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . .. . ... lb.-l4l c:i ed. that Milton Sheeha n of Centerv ille . WEIN ERS ..... ... . ... . . ... . . . .... aaurhte r and lIIr. and' lIIr i. Saul Guesta f or Sunilay din n er Ib.-1 7c. In the is slightly improved since a majo,r BOILE Hurwic k, -of Lebano n, wen dinner Bunnell home were reJative D HAM . .... . . ... .. ... . , . ... , . . lb.. 25c a f rom operati on at Miami Valley Hoaplt- I ~ ..t1of · MH. J elll, Hyman on. Dayton and Mr. and Mrs. Rhoades al a week ago. PIME NTO LOAF '" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ib.--6lSc Friday evenln&,. MIN OED HAM , ...... . .. . ... . .. .. .. . . lb.-28 c Bunn ell and daughte rs, Carol and Dr. ~d Mrs. J . W. Ward of Hal' . Mr. a nd Mra. Harry Oonner and Rhoda. SMOK ED SAUSAGE · .... .. veysbUll'g were Sunday afterno on ' lb.-2I Sc dalllhte r Mary Jane of Dayton OOOKED BONELES Mr. and Mrs. D·oroce Compto n gues~ of Mr. an d Mrs. Wa lter ... ..... ..... ... . . lb.-2 8c Ken I . . were Irue'ats of ·M r. a~d Mr •• E. R: of New Burling tqn stopptd S PORK LOIN ..... ... Ib.- 60 at t he rick. Mr. and Mr s. Fletche r Slade i B ent~ y on Friday evenln!r. home of their da ughter, Mrs. Ral- I\nd da.ught er of Frankli n were eve . VEAL CHOP S Mra. W. E. Miller haa been cal- elgh Bogan. and family, S . VEAL ' unday ning guests. VEAL STEA K ~ " , ... I , .... • . ' It • • • • • • • lb • - 220 led to Zanesvi lle becauee of the evening , Mr. ond Mrs. Al len Hole, M'r " VEAL POCK ET Berioue limeN of h er fa.ther, ~r. lb. -280 HARVE YSBUR G Mrs. Russell Campbe ll and chUd. VEAL ROAS T Rowett. AST . , . ....•• ..•. . .. lb. -SOc ren, Betty a nd Bobby, and , Mr . Har .. " .. .... , ~ .•.. . .. • . . .... lb. -200 _ _ __ _ _ Miss Anna Mac Don ald an d Dick vey Hole attende d the ' weddin g of MT. HOLLY a nd Judith J3abb of Springfield Mi s Erma Sear.s of Wayne PORK STEA K FRE~H PORK . sville ,... a.re spendin g t his week with G. M. and MI'. Albert Ca1'Ver' of LOIN PORK , f • • • • • • • • • lb. -25c SprmgMiss Lul u Sollers of Dayton will Mac Donald and family. SPARE RIBS PS .. . .. ... ..... .... . lb. - 860 field at t he Christia n Church at gi ve a talk here Sunday night May The Senior Class play .entitled Wa'ynesville, Saturda y evening PORK SA USA' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21b. -850 . 30, at the M. E. Church . Everyb o- " Mounta in Mumps" will be FRES H HAM ~E . ..... ..... .. . ...... lb. -230 presen BEECH -GROV E dy welcome. ted at the Gym on Friday even in g FRES H CALii~sWhOle or Half) .. . " .. .• lb. -23c Mr. and Mrs. Will Curl and chl'l- of t hO we k HorllePCfwer . .... .. ..... ..... ... lb. -190 Horle power IS e. ~I ~,rs. . 1'1'011 Deathe rage very dreD of near Blanch est'or R ev. W eaver 0 f New B ur I'mgton " and "lOr. ...., For Heav) ' Load. pleasan tly en tertai ned th e F riendFor Lieht Load. and Mrs. E lvis Michael and daugb. spoke at t he Friends Ch CHUCK OA T QUAL ITY BEEF urch on , hip Club ' at her home here on SHOU LDtR J3WISS' . . ...... . ..... .. .. , . lb. _-190 ter, Doroth y, spen t Sunday with In's t S unday evening. Farme rs like this new body typ e~ It's just what they Wednes day afterno on. Mr. and Mrs. Her bert Marlatt a nd SHOR T RIBS BEEF .. . .. ,.. .. .... ... . Ilbb' The Junior- Senior barique t was 2 Mt" and Mrs. A. B. Talmad ge J. CHUCK STEA K ramIly. need for genelr al work aroun d the farm and for haul~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . - 1uO held at the Gym on last Saturda y Lee T almadg e and Miss Jessie Gar CLUB 8TE Mr. and Mrs_ Ernest Earnha rt evenin&,. Di nner was served· . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lb. -26c by ner were visitors at F oaterll SWIing small load.s. RO AK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. lb. -280 aDd cbJldre n &pent Sunday with mot hen of the Juniors to· thirty- da y afternoon. , LAN~DS!re LOIN STEA K ..•.. . ...... Ib.-8 Se lb. and Mn . Norma n Kesiqer at seven. The tables wer e beautif Ampl 'Ioad space -Rugg ed. reli,ability ully Mrs. Ella Barlow of Dayton. • RDAY ..ONLY•.•.. .••.. • IIb.- 4Ic ClDelanati. decorat ed in ye,llow- rosel , the spen t u ver.al days last 'W'eek as the I, .... Low Opera ting IIr. and Mra. Clarenc e Cr&wfo rd cla~ flower and royal bl.ue Costa gil est 01 Miss Hannah Jordan and Itr. a nd '111'1. Henry Bu~e.. and whIte, the clua colors. After and t he br oth ers. &1Id ehi~dren &pm Sandal with ban quet. t hey enj oyed a show a t Mrll . Elfie Sti bbe and BOil, Ralph I cWIcIrtia Of DaJtcm. the Murphy theator at Wilmin r -J &nd Mr. a.nd Mrs. C. H. Deathe r• tmd n. G. B. ICeal~r ton. Bl{'e wer e Sunday aftemooll calkn' 8u4a, of reI· Mrs.. Ifanoy CMwald an d children at the Talmad ge home. visited r elatlves here lalt week. Mr. J olm Smith made a bUll N"ht Pholl8 8IW J:lllnrorih Giblon Kr••,Dd JIB. Howud Graham Ilea trip to IddIttOwa ~_ _ _ _ _P~"-IIIIII!"I11!1..__.J~III!~_!!111
Is.! :ullilll~' lit 111"\1 hllml' nt'ar Hi,·\'",) \ illt·. 'I'he f"I1"" ill)C lIwm· ht'. lind ItIlL'l" WI r PH'''' nt: !\Ir. IlIld MI'!'. W. Krl '." )1\'.• Lnl! If.. (,hl\r1l' ~ (:(}J ,1011. !'Ill. nnel Mrs .•Joe I1I1,i ~. !'Itr. Hlld Mn<. L. K Hlldwl t, ML I\ntl MIS. Enll'. t Mannon. !\Ir. ilUt! )It' ~. G. M.•\l ac ])ol1al<1. i 11'. anll :'lit . . A. '. IllleU. fro anu l\tl·~. Rh llUlS Dunnell lind dnught~I'I', 'Ill'ol Ull\1 Rhodn, Mr. LIlli I\Hs . harle · En"tl'l'. Mr •. LaUl'~ hi!lakel·. MI'• . \,ir~il1ill 'n 11 and dtlllgbtt'I·. .J"lIn, :.rl'o'·,' rs. Richard lJ:l.Vi ~, Howard Mllc Donald. Rob11. o llctt, l\1 i,,,,,~ Evelyn Kersey and ili(' nd :1.1 i~~ Adullls of binD, Anna linc J)ol1l\lrl and Dick lind Judith Bll bb, childr n of 11'. and 1rs. Krolt!' !" Bahb of Springf ie ld. - FERRY ' NEWS
at Cla-rksvillf' Sun-I
R. D. Co lle tt
jf'uneral J)omt
Do You Beleive in the
There A reM anv
D.l lar. Spe nt In Hom e Impovemen t Mak e. A Wis e Inv e.tm ent '-. For All Tim e
w. H. Madden & Co. ME AT S
For You r Dec.rat io. Picnic
Do wn ' Co me s the Co st of
A.d FORD V·8 Ha. Donc It Wit b tb. New 112 in. whe elba ••
85 '
RO ..... ... , .. . . •.. .. ..
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NEWS ' ROM TH WA R N COURT FOR PAST WEEK NEW CASES FILED T_ Ask Dh,orc:_ Two plamtlifs fiI' d sui for di. vorce during Pllst we k~ Aleta Hal'pet· asks a di vorce from Donald W, ILlrrper a nd Richard Joscp h Rauth is reque Ling '4 separation from Ikrtha S. Hauth. Both plaintiffs charg groos 1leglect. C. Donald Oil al ush i3 t.he altorney fO j' the plaintiff in t he fir tease; Robert W. DroWn in the secon d. Sue . On No~
Suit for 1'ecovery of $400 has has been filed by th e Provid nt Bank and Tr'u st Co., Cincinnati, against A. B. Levy, The amou'llt i 81lid due on a p'romi,$sory note . An assigned invoice from the Hamil. t on ,Coun ty Relief ~dmini!Ma'tion, put up a collateral, was not hon. ored by that organiZla-tion, court records state. . COMMON PLEAS PROCEEDINGS Sale Proceed. Di.tributectProceeds arising from the sale of property in the case of the Mutua l Federal Sa.vings and Loan As.wciation, Miam i bu rg, againllt S. N , B razee and others, has b en order-cd.
It·u Il't' VClt~ a on'lIl y (ur mlln"" in' th., t,u I Ill' '~. r t III ," ntl"' I "r it :tlld C' l 'I" \nhl'I'Il<1I1 lax. III n I n.. til I .. 'lI'd a chUI il:I.JlII' 111 till! 1 n ~, 'j'
Piel'son, auminUnutol' of t he el[\rn D, P ie. on ~ lalf.' , Ask. Permi •• ion
TO Seft RealtyP£,l1l\i ~sion na ~ bet'll requ(!sl d by Mnrgarl't B. Roll, to sell Leb. unon real staLe, valued oat $3000, l\f'n y 30, 1st undny nfte r Trinlisted amlOng th OSl CiS of the IntI.' ity, Evening Pl'llyer lind '{'rmot'l at Ra lph Roll, of which the widow is 7 :3 0. the dmini tratrix, She was ord'll .... -E-:-CHURCH d by the COUI·t. t.o file bond amou n WAY NESVILL Eting to $3000. unday: Sunday chool at I) :30 A. M. Pal'tli. W ill F iledMorning worship (It 10:40 , The The wH\ of William H. rarl'is sermon subject will he, "Th Wa.y late of Union tp .• bas b n filed. to Peace". Mulford Will Evening service at B:00 o'clock. Filed In Cou rtTh them fa'\, the ,evening will be; The will of J . Lester Mul101'd, " The Man , Who Came at night." late, of near Kings Mili a, has been Sp ciul music will also b r!!llderfiled B'lld Smith Mul(l)rd has been ed at this service. Wednesday: named execu:tor under bond of $1,The Wome,n 's Foreign Mission{I00. Grovel' Gre en, Ralph' Mintel', and Herbert }lopp are th e apPl'a is ary Society will m et with MI: . Ellen onner at 2:00 P . M. Miss Helers.
Si.ter Chief Moun .. B_e fic iary~ Grace E. Mount ister of the late Flora Mounts, is the principal beneficiary ot the will 01 the dec SentetloCe I. d nt 0'Il file h re, The sister I'eSu. peadecl-of an cstat valued , Sente:nc of Earl Cook, Frank- cciv~s $23675 "'280 n O' A b L _ L d rot.""r, eonar lin, who wa.s sentenced to a ¥ear at 'I' , ' " Mounts, is another b n ficiary. on t he Oh io State reformatory at Man fi ld 111 t w ek on .. robbery REAL E S TAT~ TRAN SFERS charge, WI15 fl U SI) nded for two y ars on condition t he prisoner George H. LInd Nancy Hende l'serve GO days in the Warrell co., san to Sim Hobbs, 18 1-2 acres, Wayn tp, jail. Realty Adj."'" Henry Moo l' to T. B. Karl', real e tate, Ft·a.nklin. To TwoReal estate, apprais d at $5000, T. B. Karl' to 1·'1' d and St lis h8.'l been a djudged to Norman Young, feal estate, Franklin. oy,l1e against Carl Seibel in th e care of Norman S. Coyne B-gtlinst T. B. Karl' to R I'bert and MaCarl Seibel and (Jthers., bel Morris, real e ta te, Fmnklin, Aar.ta Haml William Bacon to Ruth Thoml8. Grallted Diforc_ lon, lot No, 184, F'I'anklin. Angela [!arris of Leban on has bc-Iffl granted- a divol'co from C, F. and H. J . Ito elott to Ethel Georg fl, Ra nis. J udge Ch:arle Messner,] 36 acr(!s, Harlan tp. B. D chan t gran ted the divorce on am D, Henkle and Nellie W, Henkle to William C, Bergdoll, ungroWids of gross neglect. divided half interest in 123 acres, laj.-cti_ Wayne -and Wa hngton tp. Di ..oI.ed-
Bibl l' '~rmon
<It (l :;10 I'll.
at 11 :0 a.
a. m.
Sermon l'uuj{'ct, " IC:h rist :m cl l) r Day." Bible ludy Tlle5,! ay :o() p. m. The Ladie. Millsicmary Soci ty met Wedne ~day al the hom!' of Mrg. Alma G l'hal'e1s with ~hirty bing l>reS nt. T il !\ubj cl for di~ cu, -ion was "Moth r." The bu};in ess e ion wn ~ in charge of the pl'esidC'nt, Mr , P l'rTY Th mas. OHL V FRIGIDAIRE HAS I TI The m ting was t UTn ed ove1' to Instantly Releases Oig, Solid Ic .. Mr.;;. Joe Filer who wa s in chnrg Cllbcs ••• No Melting Under Fauo f t he program . The foIlo\v ing nu~ tet! Come fn-SEE THE PROOF mber were rend r <I : voeal e1u I, • Heto's the greatest improve. { Mrs. Gerhard Ilnd M rs, JUlial ' • • n~(.'ot cve~ made in Icc Conve- 'C Smith; Talk, "M oth r" He)·n It will 1'~'lU i re two nHll'C yrars mcnee. LIft a lever and it in. Mlll'pl'Yj a reading, Ml'lt. Eva Dur work tll complde the, (i ,UnO,ono '1U11I1} releases die big, solid ice. n] u of .hina,. w~o at pre sent I n et t all '''Littl Acc om plishments."; t 'll'~coJl(' at ~I o\lnl Palumar., al("ub~'s •• , yidds 2~ mote Ice by i:! a student III Wllmmgton College Mrs. Lestal' K nd riclk laId of the i(ol'niu, tend,ng mes,,),. wasteful melting PRICES will be the special s p aket' for won d riul char nel!'}' of the mother A prJ1C 1>' ha UC'I n d" v('I"JI('d und r a faucL't. This,togcther with AS LOW ~S frigidai re's Automa.tic ~ce Tray I thi s meeting. of Ru sse ll MOOl'~r. Pi ;1nv ~oJo, Paul by tln English ~ci('nli~l \\ hl'rcby R l\J T n B ck ltd asc, its capacity to freez .. G. C. Dibert, Pastor in c iggs : IS. . . .-anno' len'(!" llIay he " lall1)ll'd IJU\ ()f crys more rounds ~f ice fascer, and S[orc lO~ more WAYN ESVILLE CHURCH O F gave a reading on "Crt>at Mell ant! t.1I cl(,[11 r wsLict. in , tC'tld f 1'1.:1'0 1'1. r 's~ rve kc:cltl "s, alf('rs the GREATIlST ICE ' ABJUTY CHR'I ST Th c>ir Moth er~ . " The Inst numbe l' in/! to lhl' wu::11 tt rHllus pr,le I~l; .,f ever kn ownl ( 11llC in. Sec PROOF. W. C. Smith, Ministel' wa s vocal ~o lo by :\Irs. J Ot' Filer. 1.: 1intiing. 'amer:1 len >;t'" fOlIlll!l'ly . . BEnt" lietiun by W. '. !;mith. costing $fiO can be pl'oct ll el'd hy . Preaching ~oth mormng and eve _ __ __ __ __ 'hl' ncw proc 5S fO I' $5 at a 1)1'0£mng on th fifth tlnday"s. INTE RESTING NEWS FROM il. Th e inv enlol' claim that "pecR YES ALL 5 BASIC ermon 9 :30 B. m. Sermon 11 11b· HE RE AND THER E tude Ic n$(" can br slamp d ut by ,.: HO E REFRIGERATION ect-- hrist and Decomtion Day. . . th lle\\ flJ'oce~: nt a rral'tion of 1 GREATER ICE - 0 Bibl e chool 10.3 0 a. m. Lesson nl'W I'che me to c"eap Jnh 1'1• _ " " IUTY 5. ( EATER ~-ABlLITY ta l !' I . t I . t.ht.: ir pl'c.,ent t o't, ( n'" "'rlRid Ire has fila s ubj ct--The Remaking of Ja ob. n I.' haxe~b CV-tel aga ll.~s l ' al go es_ --2 , GREATER STORACE-ABILfTY Pt'i nled Text- Gen. 2 :16-22; tates ill , ecn volveu. he ownOn Monday, May 310-1, at 8 : \5 ~-~ 32: 24.30 el' of an industry leave his hold-po m. Misl J . T homas will I' rollllt a. CREATER PROTECT.ABILITY Cuf-: 'i:u rr ft' COif to th. hris tian End avol' 7:15 p. m . ing to cblll'ily with the l11('ml el's her pupilo in • dance revue a l the 4. GREATEN DEPEND-ABILITY "or I See an e lectric uf hil.< fllmily as tl'll,t e,;, The Wayneovif e Gym . Adm. 1 O~ me( r proL'e It! Preaching 7 :45 p. 111. Sermon Subj et--The Dying Fil'e-Tim o- ===::_::' _= _-_=-=-=-::-7_-'-:-:~:---:=-:=========~ thy: Prayer m eeting Wednesday
Howard J. Corwin. administrator of the Lida Smith estate, has been granteu a uthority to sell stock and a cel'tificllte 0 f transfet' belonging to the estate.
FE RRY C HURCH OF CH RIST W . C. Sm'i lb, Mini.ler
Gl'orge H. Il;lvL lhl! n,'w pH' _ id .. nt of th(' 1 nit. Ii .'l:ltl' ( '1"n!b!'r of ('ltU. I11<' j·l: o ('01111'" fro lll Ku ro KRS ity, Mi ~~o uri. ,\ mo n!: hi. ilu" ine. int I('sls i a 000 al'l'l' Kun ..as pasturc uplln ~\ hich tIl' III i (Is cattle, • • The Olt! Gold pic lurl' c·l)ntt'... t which IH'gnn 1I1,~t [o'cl,I'uary lind in whi ch $200,000 is of« 'rerl fm' the co neet ,<ol ulion of a ,eri(.'R of pictme puzzels has re. ult cd in thl' market being [I oodl'd with a numbf'r of b oks PUl'-P0l' illl:: to give j Ih carl ct . ollltion to the puz· /.I('~. Th ey arc being ufferl'd fIJI' ;.;all' all the wa'y from ten cent." to 2. Th LorillUI'd Tobncc o ( ' tlO1pa ny \\ hich i ~ prollHlting the cont('st nnn ollncr'd J'ecl'ntl:.' in (\. ))I\g ndv I'ti~ing that non. of the Ii I;; offerd f Ol' ~Ic WI1 S COI'I'Cct.
Fair Ie y Hard , tre Company
:00 p. m. '
Columhia Hiver Honors King Chinook
Larger Becau.e of B.'tler Qu lily, SeTVic , nnd Price PHONE 32
E.tabliahed 1849
There is a fellow in our town, who, when he toots hi hom, mak
one feel as lhough he was gizing IOI' doing it.
.. I note by nly daily that a
soo n the divorce was secured the Duk of Wind or called up Walli. Sill1pfw n. The only thing the paper reports that she said to him was, "Hurry," a~
.A { (J rnt I' inj unction has been Minnie A . Simpson, Saral ne & dissolved in the case of Edward Thol1los Regensburg to Russel W. • It w nt over big with the DlIke, Keller a nd others aga inst · Ralph and Ruth W. M.artin, 2.75 acres but I predict that flfter they are Whitaer .and others. Franklin tp. mat'ied it won't sounll t he same Di ..orc.e CrllatedIC . G. LInd Th elma Erbeck to Ora when she ~el ls him to hurry. On t ho groun d of groBS neglect, W. anci Maude Dumford,' rcal es.. xperience. It Clive DeBoard ha s been granted a tate ,Mason . I know :fram divorce f r om Ma rjorie May De seems to me that is about a ll I Board. hri y McCray to Ruth J oslin, hear at home. 153 acres, W.ashington tp. ExecuPROBATE COURT to r'!! . deed. • • My wife tarts in the morning Howe E.tat_ S: H . Fr/lzee to Mut ual Fe~e ral to tell me to h urry an d get ready W illiam H . Howe hasl ben n ap- 8vangs and Loan Associa tion, Tcal for breakfast. T hen it is h urry pointed a dministro.tor of t he ell' estate, Franklin tp , Sheriff's home to dinner, and hu rry to to","n tate of F rank M, H owe, Late of deed. ' a nd get some groceries, a nd hur. Franklin. Bond of $2000 WillS fil· I'y t hi , e nd hu rry that, un till 1 Al bert C" Vail to George C. Wea have COme to the conclusion t hat ed. William K enn edy, Howard Con OVer lin d George Gates w«!re nam- vcr, lot No 623, F ran klin. when the pall bearers are car rying ed appr a isers. IDe to the fQlJl ily lot in the cemeQUESTIONS AND ANSWERS tery under th e old cottonwood Appraisers N..-d. Ulan a. thousand salmon thousands of fi shermen laid th ~ 1l' 1. F ro'm what t;;n in pa in J . J . Gallaher, Geol'l!'(! P. Gat es, have E ng lish vessels ough t to re- tree there will be SO nl~ one stick. fishing boo~s Joined In a color. vast glllllel!l-4lBch Il et L500 f l'(>t long and made or linen twine-COil , and T. E. Barnhart have been -ap- move 160,000 wome n · a nd child- iny aro und somewh ere telling II watel'front Jubilee celebrl1l1011 tlDulng fish Ing thl'ough lbe day lind t hem t o hurry, pointed to apprai e property in I'en non combatan ? l Asl01·tll, Oregon. headwaters or tbe nIg ht. 8: • • Qu ee n or the Columbia Rlv 1" " he Rlv r, 0,1 th ooening day of the estate of the late Rose R. Hal2. For w hat ill Amy MollisQ n salmon season this Yf'or. rei(\- Solmon Jubil ee was Bernie Warfle T he big Hindenburg disaster sey, Franklin. known ? Ing 73 yare df comm"H'" If'· ':r'lri, gray·eyed. of Finll is h e~ ' a nd t he nu mero us a irplane disa s. lit 011 lhe RIver. Ifill, granddaugbter of a piou CI,I Acco_t. Filed3 . What un usua l eve nt was f ir t te l's all r e mi nd me that wh en I A IlAmdc a nd rr '.!-Je rman. The accounts have been f iled : I'Cportecl in conn ection with the j was a boy we heard a goo d deal ) . t featured l ' '!ng day of tb salnton. fi r~t, f i.nal and, disttibutiv·e of W. dea t.11 of H elen Kim Mont ? about t h danger of ridi ng on t he I ony 0 L hl elt I 011 th e Rive t· thl~J C, MiIIJlnmgo, admin trato r of t he it to llOn or i • .. r,)J"d catch of Lh e 4. In what bu iness was the h us. rail roads. h \lrh 11("'" , th itl 011. t state of Calvin Keenan and fi rst, band of Helen Kim Mon t engagfinal' and, distributive of ' Charles ed? It used tD be that when a m em- ~~;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;~~l - ~ L. Beck, executor of the will of E5. W here was the Hindet}b urg, bel' of t he family le.ft on a trip on' Iillabeth Stow.e. Germany's la rgest dh'igible, de. t he r ailroad t he rest of the fam~ stroyed recently? By bid t hem goodby~ very much In .. _tor}' Heariacthe same as t hey did the boys in H earing on the Inventory filed 6. With wha t kind of eas was my t own wh en they left for the by Mae MilIn, administratrix of t he ships ba'l loon filled' world war. t he estate of the late W.arren J . 7, In what way did C.ptain Max 'Miller, baa been set for June 9. Pruss figure, in the news reclllltly' Th • • • , ey were charged to write us \CcI!Mia...t8. For w~at hus Gen. Henry H. s oon all they arrived at their deS. Headn&, on tlie will of 'the late Denhardt figured in th,e news the I tinat ion' and let the ' ,folks kt}Ow Albert L. Price hal been continu- past few weeks? ' . ..hey had arrived satel 9. For what is Edward Mark. ' • •• y, ed to June 24. ham known' Ok_ lav_tOl'7"10, Who is the author of the In surance companies. made a Jud&'e Ralph Carey hu ap.proved "Man With a Hoe'" ' pract ice of selling accid~nt pollt he inventory filed by George E., 11. What office is held by Stan. ciee along the railroad tickets, Young, administrator of ' the estate ley Baldwin? • • • of the late Riley Cass. The inven12, Where is the famous Ken. The rai lroads r l'6ched a point tory by George IltnlGrath. exeeuto1' tucky Derby held? wher e an accident to a traveler of the William H. McGrath estate, ANSWERS wall a rare occurence. As a matter Deily ;,.,,;,_ _til we,.t 8 P.M. En.etft St.IHI.,d Ti_ also baa been aPllroved, 1. Bilboe . of fact more folks get burt iIi a Steamer. CITY OF BUFFALO and 65 CIT Y OF ERIE. Fare, one way • • • T~ H.ar I .....tol')'2. She is an Eng lish flier : YOllr in t he!r OWn honle..<! slipping Unllmltrd round 'rip, ' • •:OUJ. Bdtb. $1.2 • • n,d u p. Hearing on the inventory of WlI 3. It was first reported that she on the soap in. the bath tub and 8p"",.. 1 week• .,nd rouftd trl pt 'avIn, 8atw<Iav "I",bt, !I bm. bUl.' L. Pierson, administrator of invited many to a party, promised starting fires with ke1'osene twice Monda." 7. 30 A.. M ., •••••• the CLara B. Pieno,n estate win be an unus ual entertainment and ove r than g et hurt in the railroad W....... ,...d hip, CleveIMd Ie N!apra falla •.• $4.70 VbII lite Qrt4C E .."".ition, KeO"" frI. ,,_,. Qrooond. cO'llducted June 8. then took ,h eor life just before the WTcch • dl,.:d,t adjolnlft. Clewla"" Tnmh"" 01 C 61 8 U ..... guests arrived. . • • • Fil.. Ac.couaI4, He was an interior decorator, I look , for the time, to come CEDAR POINT • PUT-IN-BAY The first account of t.ura Shimp 6. At the landine field at Lake- when the sam.e record for safety 8TltA.M1!R GOODTtME-DAlly 'enoic:"1u,,e 1Z $100 executrix of the Eva IAwta eatate, '0 8 ._ _ 6, OI_eItond at !hI! A. M. _ hunt, New Jersey. is achieved byairpla.DeL W"iIl da., I'OIIIld trip. CO Cedu Po"" • • . , • baa been filed. 6, Ibdroal'll. ' •• • .Bun iIa., ..... Ho~., roUDd trips, IUL To Pu"tn-B.y 2' c..... p..." PI~ 7, Ba waa com1lWlder of the U;ndllCr orellDar}' c1ftu.rutlttncu 110..... Coouoecd..... al Put·Ia.""" 1m DETROIT dally _pt No....,. ..... Tu.....,.. Proof. of publication of- tIie 110- din.tble Blndenbul'lr at the tbrre there tan't mtaeh muale hl a COW' I:LI:VI:UND • POIIT STANLI:Y C ...... ticea of the appomtmellW of the of ita dilUter at Lakehurst, bell but I remember .. • bo, the !'III ........ auada.,...... HalIde.,., "... 2S tcL..M8It taUowtnc bave be_ fll.. : Ob&rIea Jem,.. - , I . . . . .t after the eo... Tn _ ..... IWt .... -.y, . . . . . . 0.. ...., UC1InIoatt ,~ A, Berea", acimlailtrator, Jam.1 8. He baa been on trial tor the , the evaDlne that IOmet1aa.. tHy DAY ALL·EXPEN • CRUISES B. JIaocaw utateJ 1"N.ak Whitacre, murder of 'IIi'a. Verna Garr Ta,.- hid tbemHlvee in the ..aderbruah ~~'~~~:~~~~~~~~50 achniDiltnter .... 8imp1oD • lor. ill tile ttmb.r. Aftw trdtpIq eM ....... Iow .. ~ t.t.J 0.0... 9. B. ill • poet. fO\"tJ ..... over III . . . . . . . . . tor 10. SdWiA JIatIcMm. for ." ......
1;9;'1 n91 l ~.n try tho . ... th,il! rid., TH ; CLIPPER 1,000 FR -' PlCHIC TAILES D.IIC' I. . ."Mu' 1400111 ·1 GUOEIIS_ M"de by DICK STAIILI E•• , ,Id. gr•••• d
'il. OH;" I,..
DELICIOUS DIHHIlR ; 11.00 '0 II ~'~ in egn.", now CLUSHOl :: £II,.,t'"I"'."i b; Sm. I .... ., H,. G
t:.t::. ,,~ ;
~°..e~E~:~. J ~: SWIM
III t~. wJfht", Ii" ... cl ... ".,t
R;d. 10 CONEY th" p.t.,; ..... rt,lt ••' .....
Ift" .
ISLAND QUEEN r(to' of J,CNd.... .,. ChKlfllrI.fi. ,I . . .. ..... 2110 • suo .• , . "' .
1•• "i"1iI
• II"'~ 1110 1(,~-d'''1 t..:.l
DANCING FREE Ro • • d Trip Far.. • Adu'ts. 10. Chlldre. ,. to Ill , ,Sc
THE LAHD OF 01 100 _"'IfIIl'I"'''' &n l(C\,
Adml.. lon 11:,:':. 1 10'; FRfI
I i ~r\fd'''9 •.;I""""i." to
N!W COl'{Y all v I ROVt
P.,~ ~
StQa Ttah~ ; : ; deep crimps in line wires lPve the fence "live tension."
S.rdneu for strength and resistance ,t o strain. Yet soft (!pough to wrap and splice easily. B.ir'M
' 'lirh~ Xnola • . .
Can 't slip. Keep the wires from spreading and 'stock. for ingthrough.
This FeDce is Douhle Protect •• Coated with an extra thick layer of pure zinc by the (am.' 0 00 "Galvannea!ing" process . .. made of real copper-bearing steel. It fights rust through and tl).rough. '
Every roll marked with the fal1lOUI red painted .top wire. Tests have f.howu it outlasts oUter rences of r. tandard ,grade, yet costs no more. A fuJI range of styles. heights, weights, and spacing. Red Brand Is the ,lowest cost fence pet rod. per year, Come in-get our prba,
Waynesville ·farmers' Ex. Co.
- Phone 25
W yn••vll,.
• mmUnttle
w CARY'S JEWELRY SHOP "The Home of Cifla" B.JlIt ' Bld•. -Lebanoft, Ohio
SPRlflG VALLEY FEEDS W_ C, Col - , MeT, Sprill, Valle,., 0, ---The , pring VAlley }·'eed ' AU, rdl'\ Rrl u.p-lo·the·minul jrl'tlin lind millillg service 10 th fnrmeN\ of Spring Vruley and 1l.ljacent rural mlTl\l1liti , The products handl d by this conceTn have mad Lh m n de!ini factor in th comm~rcial andagriC "ltur"l nolency f th ir communi " ...' ly, and lUlYe gain d f or them· a prestige ft5 an excellent mortet fo r t be farnwTlI, d ntag 01 th n Th va ~ pTLn.r~ V Iley l~!! d being lo~t d in thi , territol'Y and of beillg obi to buy and S 1\ to th farmers right al ho m has b en a definite benefit lo the farmer in t.hat tran sportati011 cost to more di, tant points L" liminated, This saving is r ealized I th f h I)' e arm!!T W 'l Ie 'h. e 'n I Teturn
HURLEY'S I. C, A, STORr: J, H, Hurl l'Y, Prop , Bellb ..ook, O, - Pholl 11 R,
J, PENEWIT , H"'rdwRr., -F .. iaidail'C'~ 1 s..r,brook. 0, -Phon .. 19W -----
IIUl I,' \"~ 1. G, 'A , .'Inl" , 10 111'11,\ ('Olle In thal IIff I'~ U t'lIll,~ ~ no , 1'1 . ... , : 'I'vicl' ill tlwlI' lin\' bIb, intt'odudion to tht' people of thi" b1' h, j!\ II ~\llnlf 0 \\ 11 ',<1 .t'~I.', nnd (' \'nl'l\ It lIartlwllre li n d Impl rn",nt
ary'~ Jew('l!' Shop
r,a ~ do f'~
d -McCormjc: k DMr.
Implf'ment. O, - Phone 13R2
communit.y IlS thi~ !lLI'I't' hilS lun.!!' I> 'n, h Piling hcnrlq I'Ier, for peo, pIe of Lebnnol1 <lnu surround ing tel'ritory, 1t has be n prOnlilln ot among the (,OMern s that have aided in lh ' I I I 't f L b expan Ion anL (eVe Opmen 0 e anon by giving the:! )ublic a 1I'l tl'O· politnn, ervice l'ighl (It home, Th ey h ave a SIS ' t e d 'In ral" mg th e t ndard of 1' \11' gao g th f m' ~ a I n m n e- Ii 1lies of that communi y by savin~ lhem nrany do11ors on J)urchases ' made nt th ir stor , Re ident.ol from the rural sections find it particularly convenient to trade at this sto t'e ince their s lock
(IUt' lo
1111'11' Illuttu .. ! tllllit "Iu
'Ilti~ f(H'tilln t IHT 111\\"', Pl od"
~tUl\', \\htl is II 'Jlll' l' fill :\le urmFri!~idajl'\'~, l\1ay ttlg
l'\'('r), flmc}1itH I'y,
rf1:l , Du: I.('1' i, 1'I'('''~nil\ed Ifs a I I'll Ii 111/0: fetd <lnd Imph'fllcnt dealel' ,,1' lhi~ ~('c tion of till' ~t.lll ,Il his
( .lnhli.-hllle n t is hNldqunrll'\'8 for rfJm-t \ 1'I'(j\ It!, tltt-II' \'u~l(~m~I' " \\',, ~hl'rs, New 1',,1 f,'c lon Oil hllndl't'r1,' of peopl .. when in need l ~tandnnl Il 'oducL at tht, mlll11ll 11111 Hlovl'., Mllje sLic llanl'1'e ~ Ilnd (; en lit' till'''\:! prod ud" all of wbich de. I ri e, u in(' I1 patl'lllls, all (I f which 111'1.' n,'tt' tl'U value. Huu . (' wj ~~ will j'ind t.hat a n ' d I 'Jl ' Il'ud,'r~ in th ' ir lillI!, HenlizillK t hat th e st'rvico 1'en. ('a~y wily to ket'p Ihcll' fno II ' 'I ' ,.,1.'1' h t ' II within l heir bu.I", l is t{) tradO! lit , I" l11S cslww II: nwfn . you \\l .!('n'd nU\ \\ill {,C remember d in H ,I " I ' G A 'I ' n liLionll flOl a comp t ' _ III 0 J ar m mnc h UI Y ~ , , ',ur~, ' ( irU1 1'~' an.1 Frigidllir ~ os \\'ell as IlC thu fut un', ~h, Do, tel' conducts tl1d~IY nnl )H:1 tht' lIl <i('Jh!llflnnt Ill!!r , d it '1- Wt, II l 0 r em clll- thl' b\l-ine~.' on a poliey of sati5chant Lo opern l c on t hI! !' lI1lLllL\' t 'cc_so nc. nn ' 1 ' k fuctiun and CII-opl'ration to the , " ' , h!'T lhe repulatl' n or 1\ C ,Ol'mlt _ m8l'!{ln p':' l bl~, 1 tll'refon' It I~ I ' d F ' id h cURtom 'f', ![o\\,e\'cr, the success of I I l'lr"') f!l'Ing Ull rIg" ares w en conu Ii 'ulH .in this bu , ine,;s CAn not n ece~sal'Y tl) «('pent UP"l\ Il , .. , t.Un10VCl' each ~'Nlr to a 111 1151 any ~jdl~hl n~I' , thc], J~Ul'(:fhnf ' of ~ullcl h~lllllellrl~ res~ IIth'ely on quality and serv' 11\ (' fn e In 0, urm m ~ iel', JI l' IllU ~ b familillr with ('very prOfit,] , I G ' ]1'0 or <11 lec~ric l'cfrig- rator. Thi~ phu>e of t he bu ~iness and able to Bur yt' 1('Ilw ~, nt' ,In' the(W~h ~al~h 1:< Ii ) - 'firm al~o maintllills 'enic gre~~ive and r h d ' II for 1I $,;i~ t, a nd ndvi~e as to what ]Iro. pro, p rity th cIIOIl1Iu nity. ann mac nery lUI cnl'I'Ie..-; a nCC tJuc\s in hi s liM will be t s en , " l'S»IU'Y parts. is away 0 complete and com-pl'c· Wh en tb e people lre bUYing the ,r 'rl b 1' ''1 d ' ff ' lhc n cd ! of the pnll'ons, hen iva, Miss Cary and associate, needs tbrough oLh~r hunn L' than , 1I lere tmay Cj' h. ef I er nee h 1:illeh n l1I'l n i Mr, Dosler a s h is retaining !.he money or s pending are bu sinells P ople who realize Lh ,h o/lle-owned ~tore, where:! the ~n 1e cO I 0h orcflllMl.Iloy armkmDuc - mukl-i< (\ COllswmt s lm-dy ojf the William Rowan. 't ' t.h h' h town lTl-chants , , , " m el'Y unt t at 0 C Qrm lC '. ee l' dean of the Department of ZoI WI IS orne n , t.hnt comp lete ooopetation with the money I: ~ent to d, ' taTlt Clt1<':, i 'I., t h ' t I'ff • bu ill c~s in onl·r that he may be ,:ov Univenity of Alberta, ia the ' con- customer is of vital importance t.o they Rhould COllblc!CT , II ,c r bneet The p roducts s old by t h IS that money , nglhuu~ t' ere f tI' a vad th' uble to ht' jp t be. hou e'\\ ives and ~Slg~er and builder of one of the cern are known n(lt only in the !.he- uec or the I>us iness Mil < t' h mannor i in-evo- In e S II I~ IlC ' , n a n , IS I S e ' f!lI'IlWl'l< g'(·t ~I, n 'Ill' 1..00 per cent orld'a mOlt unique railways. Com. p rin.... Va.lley community, but haVe iher fore olwllYs put b for e ' P~7 :n !\~c, ~ , 'l ntlpst d by th lOCI' < "Ing number lete in all respects with motive' eo Cll ~ Y o,H 0 t "II' cQmm~1lI y , nf far m r, who l'eplac their old 1'(,l' lIll: fl' 111 the us~ of his prod. "ower, paaaenger and frei"ht equipthroughout this section of tb the people values that they could 1\11' Hu rley and .a~l'IOC luL~, lll'l' I' , h M ' k JJ ul'! , a s pos<ible. li e features Mc. /"ent and laid out .. an eu.ct model ' ' m lIncry Wit C 01'111 . (" el'lltate, Fllrmers and houseWIVes not afford to overlook, CQnVen<3n t with liverya .. lias!! c of , ' I t nrOli 'k-D ering Implements and Dr the line of the Canadian National L . ' , Ill&" Inl P ~ m'-'11 s , '~ ail ways through the foothills of of their pToducts as being distinc. Their tock i carefully selected th e bUll," !< lIlId haV(' Pl'OV(:lI UI( Ir l'11', l'll n wit B,nd hi a $o ciuN', Tux('flo f c d ~ , I he Rodde&. the miniature railway of heir produ.cts as being d ' tinct- .and a SIIving thus eff ected which \\i1IinA'tle s to co-opernte In any 'lI'c l>ubJic-sJjirit '<.I citizl) ns . t"amiIn thi" ,'~vi w we Ie I tlult has, " ccupiea nearly all of the grounds Iy BUP rier. is passed on to the llatrons in 10\\'- mo ve ment. fo~' L f tl ' b ' nllst"I' CAn not b t 0 highly oom. Hound Prof, Rowan's IUntmeC home 0 ' le ll' USI, , t hl' ucil'lIncemenl of I'lU I' WI't h very plllns The manager, Mr, W, C, Col1in~ er retail pTicc , In making thi s re. the c.omnl'll1l1ty, Itt Lake Edith, Jasper National lIe,'6 nnd orfe-r t.llelr l"lltron ~hc pli nllm tl'ol f ol' lhe convenient Ilnd P,ulc Alben., The line il incornnd a ssociates are thoroughly con- view of th )lrogt'e and activity He id cnts of th C' Ddlbl'ool tl'nd- htm('fj~ of theil' ltnowl ed2'f! by ad- helpful kl'lvicc h renders th , resiporated as The Lake Editlt Rail. ve~Bant with i8.l1 phases of their of our neigllboring communit ies ing area can d nil bctt('l' ~han t v' ing lh m in the m o t helpful dents {If th!' Jlarveysllurg comnull\ way Company and haB a Board of business and are of much lUI ist. We a.r pleased to direct the atten- V 'f ~1' t ll'ur ley's, I , G. A , tU l'C and ways Ill! to whllt may be be ,t su it.- t Y. nnti we t x n(I h'lin b e8 t WI'h es I)irectors and a Mana§ement com· ance in th~ development of Spring lion of our readers to the advan- d·t I',:,in e fol' th ' m~elvl', holl' com cd to their need, We are plea ed for many year, of eQ-ntinued uep') ed of the Profeaaora children and their friends. It ia an Valley and vicinity, Thl finn il' tages of h~l'ping at Cary's J ewel- pJete IS tb\,II' , tock ~n" how well to cllmplinl nt the J. R. Penewit cess, , l')int of interest witb visitors to Jasper Park Lodge. The layout showll ~ op) a train croasing a viaduct near Lake Edith; (center) a freight tram to be commended upon It fine ry hop and to the v.aluable part thi, tor~ ·L ul'~l\n '!!d for lh, eus· UllI'dll ar and Implem nt tore a - -JAM£S CROWL crossing a bridge which .pans a tree trunk and (bottom) Profe"ol quality products, excellent ervice thef !play in the continued upbuild tomeI", eon~l~ being one of their community's Rowan, with an interested friend making lOme repairs to the rlgbt-of-w )'. Fu-nerel Director and modern busines methods. .... - ~ ing 'Of their (ommnnity, COPSEY'S CROCERY vnlu d commercilll II et. Bellbrook, 0, Phone 20R EVERETT EARLY SPRING VALLE;r NAT'L, BANK , Arc;;h Cop.ey. Prop. WARREN CO, FARM BUREAU Cram>-Coal-Feod Th l'e i no professional service SpYLng Valley, O.-Phone 46 H, C, Willianuon, C•• bier P.ul Van De .. Voort., Mrr, Lytle, Obio - PJ..OIle 76R12 LebAnon, Ohi_Pbone 3SS As Il valu ed comm rcial as et, Spring Vaney, O ..- Mem, F,D,I.C , or mOl' importanCe to a community than tha t. of the timeTal direcThe pring 'V1l II ey National a psey's roce ry in pring Vall y Among the moat valued of th 101'. It i a crvice that rrrust be The farm rs of W'8.l'ren county I'anks with the for('mo t fOl' re>l- Bank wa s organi:~ed to meet the commercial asset of any COITlTnUrender d by the ,p pIc well verseod ruty is the groin el vator where ClIn solve the high cQSt of fann ne- son ot its comp lete btack f m r- banking requirements of the pea- in all delail" o[ th profe ion; the fanner ean take hi~ grain and ce~sitic if they will patronize th chandls CDl'ri d lh year Brounu pie of their community aud have p ople whQ haVe a natural aptikne>w that he will alwllYs receive Warren County Farm, Bureau Co. and alwllY:; at. pdc ~ most modoI'. always. met these requiremellt.~, operative AS! ociation, It is ol'era- lite, This bank has ~hown , at~tJ dy tUde to und l' tan d the needs of the highest maTket prices. (lach inJiYidu:1i family that they Thi mod rn t ore tak 8 r;n'eat growth and t.oday is fully preparThe Everrett Early Elevator t d in the intnest of farmers and 1) r(' call~c1 upon ~o se:!rve, has the reputat.ion for f8i['_ and has affiliat.ions (lxtending to the pride in keepi ng their . tock c1elln d to hancll the problem of ba.nkJUIllNI CI'owl, FUn e l'al DiTecLor honest dealings, thuB making every sbn.t organization, with all prof- and fresh at all time~ fot, your e. ing and fill nce in t he pring Val. of B ellbr ok ju. Uy takes hone, t OIIStomer a friend, They offer the its accruing to the benclit of the lection and ill additi n to oIfel'ing le y trading area, . '~ I t be best bTand, 01 me rchandise at The co unsel arId advi e , £ th Tllide in th commendation of the most. In service and convenience fanner!!.. fllmilies he hll s rved, Th.ey carry a compTehensive reasonable pri e; they oHer (Jlllll- o fficer are sought by t.he people are always triving to do every· H e i~ n mun whom on can dething po ible to co-operote with stock of Petroleum products, Ity sp cials, thnt m.akc po,~ ible a In ull walks of lif4~ and YQU nl\Va~'s p nd Upon to handle all the num. feeds, seeds, fertilizer. etc" in fact real saving for the families of this find lhem to giVE' fir considel'll' the farJllers, practically every farm necessity community, tio n to the inteTe,·t of their cUen. b l'le~ delails attendan.t on tbe Their equipment ' is the latest death of a loved one in the most is either carried or can be ol'deJ,'ed y~u take no chunce (in quality l ele and t he community, , type and everything essential to on hort notic£;, It is the place the and . atisfaclion wh n you tr ad e at Ii you have II problem-if )'ou highly sati~fll ctory manner. the operation of a modern eleva· It has been th aim of James fBrnl'Cr can order anything h psey', Grocery for yo-u.ar I I . want to know, mo re a,bout , omc tor is installed, ds f or t he 1linn 1 O'l' 1e$S money , Ul' d of "'etting t ht' utmost in i> h a e ,0f b an k JOg serVIce; if y.ou rowl to Ill'oville Il modern 1unear nee Mr. Early and IIlSSOctates .are , • because the organizat.lOn, IS a non- quality Il'l'C" I'ch nndise , tan(lJ HI nee,d 0 f coun e I I'egar dlng III ,~ C\-vice which would meet the ra me.n of wide experienCe in this profit making in!1tltuwon, • U II ' h I b 'l l ' I ' t yo u r f i nancla I PTO bl en ; w hethel' <Iuirem n ts of people in every bUBlnell8 and offer their patrOJls , , h! - I Ig f oo( I a I S n comp Illn you be u bm;in ess ,o r a pI'ofessional walk of life and t.oday they have Bu patr~nzmg 1t, t e srmer II! that ",,, ny houselll1' ves 31' mal'iner ' " 't ode d I ,_ f I ~q tbe ben.efit of their knowledge by helping to build for the. futu~e QJ\d but ;i.i<; st01'C has p l'oved tha; b"y mhan, Ia l'lTl e ' or ho e wbllfe, VI,!:Itl m rn a ll comp e...,. unera " . 7 , , , , t e m an d b rmg y o.ur pro em WI h u ipmenl. advi ing them in a moat helpful to eventualIy bUild a system cov r tradlOg' ,he re you cun ke ep Wlthln ou, Mr, rowl has given his prof~ way, ing every ' fa.rm ' activity including YOUI' f~od budg t and \~itho ut en~ y The officers and directors of , ion cnt'eful study and is thoroughTheir policy ,of operation makes banking, mar~ting, ' merchan~s- dan~ rin g yo ur f o rI en joyment or th pring Valley National Bank Iy familiar with the details neees. it possible for them to offer a mar- ing, and other activities which nf. quall t.y, ne d no introduction to the people SIl l' y to conduct a funera l serviee This store:! \ ill quickly solve of this cOnl'l)1unity as they hav fully imPI'C!:sive in every way. ket for grain that cannot be excell f ct the farmer, your marketing probl m. Il, bee n pl'ominently identified with The policy of his business is one The management.of the W!Ilrr n ed anywbere in this Bection and through th it' CIIref~1 buying they t he ' comlll'ercial interests of Spn1g of ac omOlOdation and convenience feeds and other products sold by County F,arffi! Bureau Co-operative mak e J)ossihle ~ub t.\ntial lInving Valley for many ;veurs, to lhe f rul'lilies he serve Ilnd the them ~re known to be of the high. A.' oda tion has the inteTest of thi!! on everything n ded for your tnEach departme nt of theil' , mod· wiahe of t.he loved onel! arc his county at heart and it is due to it ble, est quality. rn and complete. banking serVice first nud foce mo t conSideration. They are always glad to greet that we dire:!cl the attention of t he MI', ops~ y if> 1\ :ub tllntial citi· is e:!f-ficiently managed and furIt is a pltlo8 ure to refer our t'elld new customers as well as old and peo pl e t.o this establishment as one zen and w e a l'c glad La compli- ther eulogy ill Ul'lnece ary as the el'S in the Bellbrook communitv to and to compllWe are pleased to complim~nt them of the important features ()f the 1ll nt him on the 11)!Inner in whieh they lI1'e capable of rendering a .James Cra:,;d EVERYTHING IS READY for the lala operilng of tbe greater bis stllre i~ opera too and to r ef er institution a ures the public that t hi ' 0 th. t tl h ,reat Lake. Expolltion at Cleveland on May 29 When Janiel Roosevelt, on the popul&Tity their elevator efCiciellcy of this county .and ,one it to OUr radel's as beIng ' . men m np n , e repu a on e 11 place t he IlJ'e capable of rendenng Il , " n of Preaident Roo.evelt come. to be the guest of honor at the open. bas attained among the farmers of that reudeTS a servi~c pal', ~eel· ,w here t.h e !Jest ill f ood valueB can servic par excellent in their most ha.s otl~med for dlgmuled and disceremoniea. Betty Seaver, well.known I<:ulptren add. her artis. ' ssentlal bu.sine s, tinctive services, this territory, , lent in a mos t e8:'ltenttal bUSiness. be obtaiMd, ' '7 to tho completion of the bi;- Exposition aa the put. the finishing : _ _ _. _ f =~~~~~=~=:::=~ I lUcbes on one of the heroic figure! which crace the Ipacious Sherwin, ~"i1liam. Radioland, big free attra~tion where .tar. of Itage, I<:reen and productfon of lU38 products , in , .. dio win appear throa,hout the season in continuous performancea. The tate fall or early winter, "reat Lakea Exposition continue! thr'Ough September 6. The expansion p.l 'ogram foctni'CS , attention on lil growth of Frigid -e-n.,.te...r-,....;.and--;-':-le-a-v-e-t:-;h-e-p~l-Bn-t:-.--;T;;;;-be aire from a handfu l of twenty or -tu.... nel will eliminate eompleteoly so Jrl en in 1920, when General Mo the hazard empoyes face in cros- tOI's moved the opC'I'ation fr om D ii. sing the traffic of Springboro troit to Dayton, to. more t.han 13,pike at the MaIn and North gates 000 employes now, and also to the w.ben beginning or leaving work Frigidaire plnh of production an d at shift changes, The parking ar- employment stabilization, whioh ea will be laid out to perm;it ea y ,has leveled e mployme11t peab to entrance and exit for employes' the point where 80 percent of th caTS and will be completely fenc. division's Dayton employes now, ed /10 that ' ears may be- protected are employ,ed throughout the year I against theft and tamperirg. Park in contrast to the seaso nal employ ing arrangements will be such .ment of some years ago when prothat traffic will flow swiftly and duction f ollowed SB les d mand safely even during shift changes • more elos-ely and ro e and f ell a s when ,hu.ndTedl! of cars rare arriv· s ale incrcued or slumped, ing and addit.ional hundreds are Frigidaire's production and em. leaving, No changes are contem· ployment slabilh:ation plan gradAt my farm 3 mile. north of Wayne.ville, Ohio, on plated in the present facilities of ually has moved mllnufacturing The River Road. the Cincinn.a ti and Lake Erie rail· operations on ne"' produets road, which provides ' transporta~ months ahead of market requi retion for employes who do not menta. 23 Hialh Grade Gliemsey _nd Holstein Cattle 23
A , Little Girl and A. Big Statue
C.mpany"To · Build
7iqical Scenes ,A t 14'avne Park
,Public Auction
Tuesday, Jun~ 1, 193'7 Commencitll 12:30 p. in.
The n.ew construction Pl'!>j,cct fits into this plan perfectly and it i9 anticipated the stabiliZtlltion percentage of ,the ' 1936-37 productio!) season may be betteroo' provided, 'marketing conditions bold to the presellt tI1end and unfo reseen develOPments do no t cause an up~t in plans, Frigidlt.re's I tmnauncement i!l t.he third! ~pdrt.a'llt expansion protfram announce(! by Gen el'ul Motors in Dart!!n in recent m.onths. Inland Manufacturing Di vision already baa started a _block aquaJ'P bllildinC and expansion proRTam involvine an expenditure of $800,000. Moraine Produets 01 0. era. IIUImPa. DiYbion bas begun • completely ,. , ......"'rilllra DOW ... hi pro Il plant on WillCOIlIIia boulevard """""-;c.'-;- ..!M. . . .~llllUl bIdI for lO..th 01 the Deleo Brake Dlvisfon drive. With the : structural&la~out chan ges at MONiine City, several min· or ,changes will 'follow at the Tay· lor street plant. and several de· partments at Taylor street will be mOV'e:!d to 'Morainp ity. In the Tearrangement that \\iII follow the:! fIfth floor of the g neral off ic e buildings at Tayl Ol' ~nd Amelia tref't.s will be vacated and devoted to additional oftic(l facilities for Fria'!daire Divison, PI...., de irns '.and eonstruc· tion npervbion are> being handlla, SoMnc:1r and Wmima. Day.....tect...l Mlineen in eoIllllllOI'Iltion Itb Arlonaat RNI
ft. pro,I.ft, .....
15 7 1
12 1 2
COWl frelh Clole sprinler. and in MiI~ Lon. yearlinr bred heifers Pure bred G\Jemley Bull HOGS Sow with 8 pi.1 by side 7 weeks old Bred brood Sows
Hampshire Boar Farm Impli.enb' ,
Mrs. NewtoD T .......
Karl M••1.........
. , . ...._
L~ BUDnen
15 7 t
Eighty-Ninth Year
W.yneaville, Ohio, Thurlday
Memorial Day Observ- ORGANIZE HAND ed With Public Service NEXT MONDAY
June 3,1937
Whole Numbe.. 6278
Band of Manv Years Ago
4-H Club Being Organized 1hrought Warren CountA 'GARDEN' CLUB
MI'. Russell Frank, mu sic infOI' many years, andl the poem w I1 f'lpinl{ nc~\rly five hundred su~ ted by ·t.hl' mcm OI'y of olel structor in the Wayncsville school WUI'I'l'n Counly girls to ~:U't'y to soldiel's whom lt1l'. Tichenor has annOunced thil! week that lhe Iir.¢ cumph' Lion lhl'iI' ,ummer'~ 4-H band pracUc of the 1937 sea so n known in the J)8 s lC1ub Plo(rmm is Lh> ):toal t.nwurd will he h Id Monuay night at 7 :30 which fifty luca l wom('n , llerving ME MORIAL DAY ----[I. m. in the hign school gymnaa· oluntecr 4-11 lub h:l\d rs, ar Mr;.. B. mith npl'OC';' b cl' siu m. What. mcan s this marching lhru ')eauti(ul hom " til the Carden 1I0W working:. Th lie alivi ors ar Th ba.nd has always been an im . the village . tl'l)cts , lub. Tllc ~ dll)r art ' rnunn, .Jun . l:i. >UI)('tvHlIg Ill'oj('(·ts in clothing, The children b ·nl'in~ flags and p orton!: Cactor in Waynesville's Anel' gl '('l'ling~ lh(' me ting wa!' nutl'iti(Jn, home Iurnin hngs, perrecreati onal and entertainme nt flow "s away? account C'j\I I(d l ordt'I' by the Proside'nt, sonlility dcv('lopment., life an~ with a nueieus of a ple'nIt is the toke·" lha t QUt' ag still k ,C)1in t:', .rJ wer gardeni ng ond can 'd lJy t.rll' l'nl1 call and rcad[olll/w fi Id high school organiZation upon grcets ing of lhe minut es, 0 hus inel>s sc~ ning liS well ns directing a wholeOur hel'ol's' fame: 'tis Decora- whch to build, the prosp ets for nn sion . rim ing \\ hich lilli e the PI' S- , 0111(, l'ecn~lItion.l).1 program; says exeellent banJ, al'C exceedingly tion Day, itient I'CUl(illg' a l'il'cuillr from Prof. li:lizubl,th Graddy, Home, D monbright. Rii; , tt'lling of n Daylon Card n ~t l'l:ltion ag nt. II ow proudly diu we ofte n usc. to A Rcries of approximately eight Eery !tid who has reached the tour at th" DaYlon A I't Gall el'y, march, concerts are planned for the sum:IRc of ten years i invited to join JUIl 8, beginning at 10:00 a. m. mor. Many of the school alumni Filled full our souls with the 4-1 1 lull in her community A pl'o/!l'n m eonsi.'t in~ of n r adchildish pride, and others will find th' an opporin/{ Ir(1I11 Betler H onH'S and !It'- and to pn rticiJ>ate in t.hc.l activiHow g1'andly pa.~sed beneath the tuni y to join in a mu sical organdml!; on "I"low rs I)f th Bi ble", ties design d for the development flom l arch ization whenrln they 'Can get good II ad, }{()art, Uand, . lJy l\l1·S. l\lill'gllret .1ob ns of Lytl e, <If the 4-11' The ba;{~ wit.h solemn d,irgcs at . prnctiC I! with in tru mcnts littl e lind II alth. , T hQ abov is a picture of thll the 01 anization and \\,hllt ha: hap a reading by Mrs. Percy Reason OU1' side. ~ 8ed. Everyone who plays a band The followng club., with their adel Sand. Who peneJ to these "old lun'I'S", The on "Flower arTang~ m li t in th Instrull1 ·nt is invited to join, Mr. Wllynesvi ll e': ndvi:;o rll, will we lcome m nlbers knows when it, wa tuk n, what Goz('Lte ofrel' a ca~h pl'ize of home" and a reading by Ml,s. Pn· Thero Ii the sol~icrs' gruvcs, cach Frank said. t he occaRio n was, \1111(1 at~ the 2.00 for th be st band st ory !lUb- terl'lon on "Vegelabl 's ," she aid ulltil TueKday, June loth, when en wilh a flag member.s, and g neral history of milled by June 26th. the garden should be planted t\\ ic tollment closes over the en ti re In Lok n of l'e.~ p et IJnd love of county: a year a.nd til soil continually fed. ours, Tu ..!Ie.cre.ek t ownship l1 r .. Menrlenhall at the close, anTo bQ bedecked by th se whos Le ban on .Tunior lothing lu b nounced Lhal Mr , G 1'1 y, of in10VEls nll'cr lag, T he f ollowing poem was WYittcn . 'Mrs. Lucille Locr cinnali, givinll: a talk at Harmon And covered o'cr' with memorby Mr. W. C. Tichen or of Hal'Veys L banon Seniol' I<>thing Clu b Hall, Jun e H, at 2 :30 p. m., the adDlive flower. burg Jar: Me morial Da y. Due to a n Miss E lizabeth Cla rk Illi. 1'ion wOl,lld he 10c; MI . Menun"£ol'Secn d lay, it dld"not reach nr;h Lebo non Fo iI lub , Miss Marie denhllil spuke of an articl on the local com mitt e in time to be Here lie the vlltcrans of the six I noOn at the h me of Mrs. Ellan Benham "Pel·,·onal B hnviol' whe n vi siting read at the se rvice, so sp ecial per~I'eat wa rs onnor. ' ~~, da~ ommencement exer~i.· s will Fooel lub at Children's Home mission Is giv n this newspaper to Th e devotional PI:ogram was in be hel d at the gym 1,bis Friday eVe a gal den." During th social hOUI', 1;.11' nntion call II tht'm boldly .... Mrs. harle Lutz dllint~ r efre<'hllle nts were served to defend, ,make publication of the copyrightclHlI'J::"e o( Mrs. J . W .. White aitel' Th New c'nbury lub mel at ning with twelve Jr\'adlwUoS: WilGCllntown lothing lub .. Mr , and clo - d with a visjt to the ed vene. They came, th y Sil\\', they conwhich, Mrs. ybil LeMay sang two the home of Ml'll, E, L. Th mas n Jia m ampbell, Alice Bogan, A. . Davidson nnd Mrs. Myrtle lose gar'den of ~h . J. P. Larrick. Mr. Ticne nor 's father was a surquer d, bore Lh scar ' beautiful solos. . irs, Kenneth Friduy, 'May 28th, wilh twenty GOOI ge l~owf), J.avon sl)o rn, Har lark Th inviwd guests w I' Mrs. Rollg on in t he 38th Illinois while his Of valiant !!old le)lI, hore them H ough gove the stewardship pro- membe,rs r esponding to roll call. I od Tucker, Edwin Smith Donald crt Eb4!1 hart lot-hing lub .... Mira. CI' w, Mra. J. P . Larrick, Mrs. wife's fat he r W.tls 0 s urgeo n in an to th end. jrram aft T which the program was DUI'ing the bu. iness meeting th )[c Kay, Arn lark, Olivel' Lowe Me IUI'1l Ralsto n and Miss Es,Mary 1'0 S <lncl t rs. Je ssie MinOhio regiment . Bolh of these old in chal'ge f the children. First a follow'ing oHiens w re nominat d Vivian Easter, William Sand ,n> ther Malott 1 y t.llrans were W'C)] known in War- T('J.:'Clher they k pt hravely fight- ' 010 by Raylin Crabbe, "The wal- a.nd elect cI !o)' th coming y ar: I and F:r1na Varvel. Pau l nre of gle, of Monow. F ranklin town ship --- --- --~ r n cilun ty, whllre they practiced ing on, low," a r eading by Ruth LeMay, President, Mlil. ,J, H. Sacl(ett;Vic Wittenburg ollege will addre~_ l"ranklin F od lub .... M rs. Walter Nor w(luld they stop till victory "Th Mis ionar1' Potato," a solo by pre ident, Mr . W . E. Cornell; Sec the class. Dcardoff should be, Sarah Connor, "The Evening Star.' retary, Mrs. J. B. rabbo; Trea _ Bor~ to Mr. nnd Mrs. 1"l anklin lothing Cl ub Mrs. Ra.y Wilh Grant, McPherson, Buell, Mi ss 'Helen fu, a chinese gil'l UI'er, Ml'!;, J, B. hapman. ~ordon, a 501", on last Kinder a nd Miss Angeli ne W in, h it) herldan, from Wilmington College wa s inA very b tlutiful and impre siv morning. And then with conquering Sher- tt od uced. Msa Sfu gave a most in- Memorilll Service for departed Mr. and Mr. Ge rg al'lisle Cloth ing Club .. ,Miss ClarWaynesville F'armer::! Grange man to the s a. lere.~ting talk on :hina, its ways m mbnrs was presented by Mr. F. attended Alumni at larksvill, if','SII' hnff('r will meet Saturday evening, June and cu toms, at the close of her U. L May, MI·s. J. L. Men denhall, on last Satul'day night. IIrliRle Food Club., .. Mrs. A rbb uT ..hn B(lg r, local discus and, Th y kne\ th hard hips of the Gross t;llk she displayed several pieces of Mrs. L. M. Iit!ndCl on and Mrs. Bac alau:reate rviees were 5th, f or the I' gulal' meeting. At this time the program will Ii lot-put art.· t canied the Wayhasty march, fancy work made by Ch.illese wo- 'loria Elbon. held at the Gym on la t Su nday Blue Ball lothi ng Club ". Mrs, n viiI. colo through to state m en, Afte r her talk most deJicjMlrs, G. J . fmit.h Itave a most. evening. The address was giv 11 by be given by m mbers of lhe I iug The troubled leep upon the Alic Gary and Miss H elen Scot hon r In t he tra k me t last. Sntfroze'n ground, horn ous refl'e hm ,uts were served and interesting taU( on "BIrds of t he J ohn Griel'so n of Hillsboro and "ide in th contest whi.ch was r urd Iy. What 't\\\lls to Lhirst until their a social houl' wa el)joyeu by about Bible". In Gellesis Moses classed was enjoyed by rill who heard, him. c: ntly co nducted by Lc'o Conller Cleall'Creek toWlftSbip J oh n 'W nt into seco nd position lips did' parch 35 ladies. t hem as clean and uncI all. The Mu ie. was fUl'niR hed by t he g lee :lnd harle Fi l·ca. harl $ Fires, pI ingbo l'o loth ing Cl ub., Miss leader of t he I sing, id , will eonwhen he th rew t he di~cu8 ·116 ft. Bccaus no pure, cold water Ilene Hal'baug h ,quail or t he Holy Land,. unlike club. 4 in c~ and sixth pl ac w it h the could be fou nd. OUl' quail, is a 1"eal migratory biJ'd Mrs. Dorothca Jllck on and so n dud the lirogram at tht meeting, Springboro Home F ur nishings sho t-p ut. a t 42 ft 7 3-4 inches. and a night flier, Th e eagle, or gr,y of Dayton ar spending a few We hop to huve q\ good 'altendClub " .. 'Miss E mily Stanton Other Warre n County lads to They knew the friendship 'of their phon vulture, is . poken of ma ny days wilh her par ·n(.... , Mr. and Inc :It thi l! n1 tin~. Visitor are Five Poi nt lothing Club " .. .. Miss most w Icom for tb lecture place were. T hie of Mason, who omrad s n ar Pa uli n Reedy tim in thll Bib l~ and was an em- Mrs. Joe Davis. plnc d 6 th In high j um p a nd poleWhe n foes in bloody battle blem of Perain as well as Syria Mr. J oe hambaugh a nd on e n- houl'. Red Lion Clothing Cl ub ' . " Mrs ---~ --vault ; T ho mas of Spri ngboro took and me. I n our own country tertained re la tives from fowa ref iere attack, B II Blackb urn LOCALS While the A, B. Talmage and bil'(t~ .are doing much towal'd I'e- cently. 5th in 1-2 mile r un a nd Bran den- Th y knew th thrill f joy when Wa'Jne Town..bip Mrs, Frank R ed, Washingto n Waynllsvi llc Cloth ing Club . MillS Iyde Samjj fa milies "re I a'wa y tore tillg the country a nd they bur g of Carlisle took 2nd In high omrade cheer \ Mrs. Lida Hatt n has r tUI'nD. :, Mrs. O. . W hite, Milwaufrom jump. home unday afternoo n, two take quanities of insect each day d hn me ailer a vi sit. with her A s th y tog ther c1rive the foe>J a ne Cook an4 Mrs. Robert Baboy!!, aplla rently 10 Yllm'S of age, f l'om our gardens. Mrs. Smith daughter, Mrs. Ren Gaines ,and kee, W L, ., MI'. LCll Lawson, HartGl-V-E- -F AREW.ELL PARTY ker m n, back. ford, Conn., M1'8. Ida J , Lawson, Wu,yn,e " viJI~ Food Club .. " Mrs. nt.er d Lheir home and d id consid closed h r talk with the" re mark famil y ,of H.artwel l. On Tu esday evening, May 25, Their life is done; theil' glorious urab le da mage. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Snell spe nt ovington, Ky., have bee n visiting [{arl Bodcnbender that "NatuJ'e's laws fit together Mrll. A. E. ·StO'Ut gave a far ew 11 'A t the ams home they broke for the good of mankind ... the latte r part of last week in lVII', and Mrs. Leon 1'(1 Tinney fOI' Lytle olhing Club, . Mrs. Char levil:tories won , party in honor (jf Mr . and Mrs. AI. \evela nd, ' Httentiing the Exposi- th l)a L wk. a lot of eggs on the f loor, t hen !ta rl ton Fain w\Ju ld We praLe them for Mrs. W. E. Cornell thnn read an l'olin.sky, who moved to CincinnaMr. and Mr '. Robert Werntz M.. aie tow"s1lip th r w all th e f ood t.h ey 'could find xcellent pap er on "Flower ". She lion. t he land! they save; ti to ma.k e thair ~om o. ards were But we CODlmemorate t he ir Jives. in it and poured\ vine ar over the began with the flowers t hat grow Mrs . Vi rg inia Snell lind Joan and da ul:'hter, Leada, wer week- Harv y,· but·g 10th ing lub .. .. Mrs. tha diversion of th~ vllnings af end g'ue&ts of Mr. and Mrs. J o mess. They tore a dre.s bnlongi ng from seeds and stAt.edl the interes- a re in ayloil vi . itng relativ/!S, ITel n Robert.own each o ne, ler which, Mrs. Stout served dain]'f r. Robert Franke n f indn- T inney. to daughter to , hreds, bl'oke 'the ting fact that Ii Seeds are carried Harvcysbu rg Foo d Chlb , , . Miss An d stre ~" writh flowers and ty refreshments to the follo'l! ing Mr. and Mrs, L onard Tin ney victro la, ra nsacked a ll dre scI' over the world on backs of ani- nati s pent t he week-end' with relWinifred McClure tears- c.h patriot grave. guests : and family hove bc n vi itillJ!: Ji1, De.e.rfield to"" ...bip drawers, boxes, etc. a nd t hrew mals." Many ()f OUt' favo r ite an- ative . Mr. and MTS. AI. Polio ky, Mr. N o more the call of lh d lling eggs and f eathers all over the nuah; wel'e m. ntioned, t h n th Mr. and MI'8. Cecil Eakins and ative in Cincinnati. Mason Clothing Cl ub Mrs. Emma and Mt'S. Jack Kersey, Mr. and, Mr. and" Mrs, F l'ed La wflo n wer« house. ' s~ n o f Wa lh onding l'<pent a few Wh ited , trumpet blast flowers t hat g'rpw from tu beroos Mrs I. O. Brow1!I, Mr. and Mrs. IrTh ey destr oy.ed all of Sam 's l'oo~ T he roses f ollowed, Qoth the doys wi.th his pare nt!;, Mr. II ntt Su nd ay gu s of Mr, Venten Hull Mtl on Food IUb.... Mrs. Elmer Shall 1'ouse t h m from " their win EIlI3, Miss Betty He nkl , and . of Xe nia. tc nteti b, d, food ond canied off a p~iI' of common roses. and th e unu sua l. Mt . Milto n Eak ins' Dnd family. Durrell Mr. Chas. Mc Donald. No more long r oll of ,slin'ing dru m boots and som e smaller art icles. Among the lat 'te r werc mentioned Miss Rosie Law. on i~ ,\yorkinl't StudCll t'S Ha IL Club". Mrs. Earl BEECH GROVE at t he Iron Lant 1' 0 Restaurant in Bat'nth()use shall east, T hey tuc k knives an d fork.s intq, the YOTk and La ncaster Roses YOUNG COUPLE MARRIED Th e Brm· (1 troops 'gainst foe- the doors and window casings and Which ar-e cOTIllected with E nglish Mr. P el'TY Wel ls an d fami ly Xenia. Hamilton town..rup Miss Lillian Lawson of Mt. Stermen to be I~ d . used almost a whole box of mat- History. Then she spoke of t he spent Su nday at Ham ilton and atMrs. J e Tinney a nd Mrs, Sher- Maineville lothing lub ling K. and Mr. Robert Cleaver ches t rying to start a f ire in the wild f lowers and said t hat " Amer- tend ed Memoria·l servfces there. ma n T inney , pont:. Thursday in Mai n~v-iIIe Food ' Iub wel;e married in Mt. Ste rling on Here may t hey leep, in t.~is long kitchen stove. iea is b ecom i n~: gal'de n. conscious" Mr. and ].{rs. A. B. Talmng.e, J . Da.yton. Posl rs Clothing Club . Mrs. RobSaturday. May 29. Mjss Lawson is Th en they came to the Talmage snd "from. t h(l begi nning to the L ee Talmage and Miss Jes~i Ga r'hallow ed, spot, . ert l3li ckensderler and Ml'S. Mi sses Helen Clark and Thelma the grandaug<hter of M.rs. Perry We)] have they earn ed a valian t home and upset food and t hrew end of life we enj oy f lowers." , n I' "\ ·H.:! Sunday ~Ctcllloon j"i- Howlan d of W ilm ington College Lawrence Brown Weller. Mr. Cleaver, who is well I s oldier ' s reat : eggs ev,erywhere. They b r oke dozMrs. La May, accompanied by to l't llnJ MI . Edg. r C.lrr , were we k-end gue sts of Miss Bar- Sa lem township knoWll, is tbe son of Mr. and IMn. They served t heir banner and t hey ens of them that were being sav- Mrs. Sackett a lt t he pian o, fa vor ed ' (r Ed,c nt .11, Morrow C lluth,iln~ QI·ub ...... .. M.ijw bara Gray. I Albert Cleaver of this place. faIte'red! no t ; ed for the hatchery. 'l' hreW them t he club with I~ beau tiful solo enr.ll" OtL. Rich lotlClll ~J a speMurga ret Mounts Mildred Cook is spending !;he They sleep I'n peace b y all their a.ga mst pictures, mirQrs, tnto the titled " An Old-fashioned Gar- cial meetin g for Y<l ung people at week with he r s ister, at Earlham Harlaa tOIwn.mp NOnCE country blest. radio ,B'nd all o ver cei1ing~ a.nd den". God'!! BiiYI e Sch ool in Ci ncillna ti, College. Butlerville Club ,.. .. . Mrs. AI!'Il" The ..nnila) meeting of the Copyright, 193,7. wall , a nd windows . Every chai1', During 8 delightful social hOllr, Monday. Whit a cre Mr. arid Mrs. J. P. Larrick enLot Ow:nilr&, of the Miami Ceme.FRIENDS HOME- NEWS cushion, the couch a nd window dainty refreshm e.nts were served Mr. and Mrs. Cly.d e Sarns an,d t ertained t o s ix o'clock dinner P leasant .P lain Clothing Club .... ... tery, will be. ,held ,in the Chapel, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Pi erce dra pes were s meared with egg and by t he hosta who was a ist ed by son s w~re Sunday g\lests of Mrs. M. E. Banta We dn esday eveniog. Mis.~ Elizaon Monday, June 14th" 1937, at of Toledo, Ohio, spent Sunday eve t hrew them by th~ handfu ls inside her daughter, Mrs. Harry BurDett, George Smith and fa mily. Some dates of special interest beth Mull en and Mr. Ceo, QUick 2 :30 P. M. The Lot OW'l'\ers ale esning a.nd Monday with their mo- 'I ~up boards" bra km g and . smear- a nd by her little gran daughters. Mi ses Mario WeUl.~, Kath.leen of Miamisburg, Mrs, F,r ank Hoff- 1'0 1' 4- H Club calender arc : peciaHy urg>edJ to attend. 109 the content s. They took s ome ENTERTAIN-FOR DAUGHTERS Thompson and Mary E thel Sams man and Mr. J ohn Hawk. ' Cloth ing l-eade rs' training meet, A. S. Collett, Pres. th eI', Mrs. HOVl'ell Pier ce. MIS. Bowell Pierce atte nded a m on ey, Ome old coin s, kniv es an d enjoy.ed t he afte rnoon at Lakesid e ing in Lebanon, W ednesday, June Helen '}t. Bei'Mke, Clerk Mr. a nd Mrs. J . P. Larrick at,. Mr. and Mr:s. H. E. Stok es e n- in Da yton , S unday afternoon. dinner with the Faculty . Club at .' mall articles, then went out ,ll)t o 16. W A YNESVILI,.E ~ E_ CHURCH Ohio State University at 'Oolum- the pas ture and dl'ove a valuable tertain ed at a , six o'clock din n<)t' Mr. 'a nd Mrs. P., G. Wells a.nd te nded Commenc ment services at Hom e FuTn'i shil1$ Conferencfe Morrow, F r id ll Y evening, gllest.s of bus Ohio on Sunday. broOd mare into , t he barn Wl)Jere Sunda9 efaning f or two 'of th ir daug hte.r, Al ta, wer e- Lebanon visof advisors, $t'ls and mothel'8, at Mi ss Marjorie H oldrefiel d. ~~:~: school at 9 :80 A. M. , Miss Erma Harvey of Clarks- t~ y br~dle~ h~ an: were ~ou:n~ daughter s, M ~~, Ethel Dun~!l m itors, Thu , day aUerroon. Mr. and Mrs. J , P . Larrick and Springboro, Friday, June 4tll. Mr. and Ml1!. M. M, Teny mad e There wiU be no PNGchlng ser- ville, who ha., been employed at ~ 0\ er a\ an wer \ ~Vl~ and Mrs. LoUilSa Lemmons bat Wa rre n County Day at Coney daughl er , J ean, visited Sunday day. The invit.e d gu ests weore : Mr . shot't calls a t Wayn c~vill e , Lebanvice o~ next Su.nday, as the pas- ' the Friend1i Home, has gone t() her b e . ~~n w ~nh I:ppr:'l ; e Islan d, Thursday, June 24th. with Mr. Ed, Cl utt el' and family, tor will be out of to'Wll. home at Clarksville. Miss Harvey n 19f ~s a~ ~h ~;f I W.~.ar- Mr. and M~. Glare nce Dunoam on And Mason, Saturday afterGirl's 4-H Club Camp at Camp Mr. and Mrs. J oseph Bates "a.nd and E arl Dunlham, Leballon: Mr . n<l~n. ' The annual Children's Service will loon become th e bride of An- rHv~fl ~d TehPIl y erl I la~ H ook. AuglUlt 4th to 8th. family of MilCol'd. t and Mrs. John Lemmon, Harry and Miss J ssie Garn er, Mrs. Adab . ' d J 3 h cirew Shawhan of Dayton. U4 01. cy were s rallg>el'8 n Will be hald 011 Sun ay, une 1 t . th community and their correct Dorothy Lemmon, Dayton; Mr , Talmage and J. Lee Tlllmag we re Omo State Fair at. Columbu.. While the ir 'da ugh t er enjo yoed at 8 '00 P M MIIII FrancIs Alden, of Colum. e the C()mmencement ex er cises, Mr. A\1gust 30th to Seple-m~r 4tl1. C. Dibert, Past.or blUl Ohio, spent the week-end with :lta~es w~re dn~: le~rned'f altho~~h and Mrs. H(!rman Surfac.e /Iond in Lebanon Friday aftern oon, Warren County Fair at Leban_ _ _ _ _ _- - her lIister, MIM Adeline Alden I IS rumore ey ere rom In- littl e son, Donnie Lee ; Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. J ohn Bondurand and Mrs. Fra.nk Wilson of Kings on, September 21st and 24th. ErIICOPAL CHURCH here. cinnati and vl3iting in the S~ring Mrs. Ernest Jjra'rtsock and Milo anli Mrs. Martha Cl eav/l r were in Mills were welc()me gu t s of Dr , , ' S d -~ VI E M M'lllo h 'L_ _ Hill neighborhood. J. E. Wit.hem. llnd 'Mrs, Hartsock. Leban~n, Satul'day afternoon. June second un ay IUte~ ......" va c I .,.n, 'Vf 0 ..... _ _ _ _ __ Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Smjth, MI'. Mr. -a";d' -Hough's dinner Sunday &ftemoon callers at the Trinity, l8nlloa anel Holy Com- been here for lome time, has re-. T,h e funeral of Ralph Graham and Ml'I!I. Mark Smith of Toledo, The General Colftmltte. guests on May 30 were ThompfI()n Terr), home were : munion '" 10:80 L m. turned home and Ru.t.h Connor hu r,f Dayton Ohio wu 'h eld at Me W. Ward; Mr. and J. Howard Wilson of PaW. kala, Ohio, were week-end guest. of Mr. , Charce of the IIeIDurW DQ' -:::=~-. taken hel' place. Clure's Funenl Home, Saturday Dr. and Mrs. Mr. wm O. Q1JItIJl, poultry an4 Rath Chancller, who has bee afternoon with buri&! at Lebanon. Mrs. Frank idaker, and Mt'B. Mrs. Myrtle Shumaker and child- and Mrs. 0ftM. Anderson. :!c:..a~:iaJnI.I_ _J&I' ea dealer bere, bad tb, millor- teaehiq at Cedarville, Ia bome Mr. Graham ..u the soa of John Marth. The Decasion was ren, Frank, James and Betty and Mrll. Cbaa. F. Ridge, Dayton" iDtr til-. tulle, on. _ last .eek, of naei9- for the vacation. Henry Graham. Ria widow eel a fn Dr. Ward'. eAPt- )in. Effie Carr of Xenia 8I\d Mr. Ohio, Mrs. Ray PonlJiDs. I>aJto toaa .... .. . . laC '• ...,.. ael . . . . . btjarr nift Wm. HoDand of Sprlq Valle,. Ohio, II.... Caibleell ItorriaClll a • • hea _ r&tl . . . . ",1 .... lit. l Oll au • Memorial Da y services were held Monday, May 31, in Miami Cemetel'Y as a boilill~ sun bore down sending t h mereu)·y to one o( the highcst'tcmpeTii tures record ed for severnl y a l·s. Beneath the shade lrcns, overlook ing Che Miami Valley 01) 9ne ~jde and t he silent ,gl'lIVe on tho other, a moderate sized audiencn came to pay trib ute to the dead . Professor Ga rst, chairman or the day, pre ided, introducing Rev. Dlbert, who lead in prayer; Elsie Mae Wicnl, a graduate of this year's senior class, wbo gave t he G ttYRbul'g address; and Hal'ol d D. Willis, who spoke on "The. hallenge of Memorial Day", The tligh schol band furnished mu.sic fo r the occasion. "Bud" Lc May sou nded taps. Boys and girls, dirncted by MiSl! Eva Reed r gave a marc hing flag drill and deco rated the cannon, h ap ing it with f lowers as a ;f.ittiDg clim ax of bhe services . MEMORIAL PO~M
MISSIONARY 50ClEI~ HEARS CHINESE GIRL New Centurv ;HARVEYSBURG COM· 0~::;1~:': :~~~i:~a~i:~:7.~
Club l1"rfet Last MENCEMENI FRIDAY Fr &,..
- .-
cr [..
. G.
-.;r- •
r. aDd
iami Ent red
I'o~toflil!eat Wllynl'svill('. Ohio,
Clns!; Mall Maltl!T
r.=======~============~==========~~==2:~==== H.rold O. Willi., Editor
Trllfht 1I'n J:i\('~ 1'i\J7 11:\ th(' yNll' in " 'hich th fir-t . l'tllcml'lIl w ..\, 18 ~UFm EVERY TflURSDA Y marie in WII)"II<'$\'ill... ~ amu('\ . ~-=Ileigll\\'I\y huill th~ JiJ"L cabin in trice rhone o. 112 Subscription Price. $l.{)O, Yent this to\\n. l'jU7, but l1umerous tra('t~ of lanel hac! I.>('(·n s Icl prior to thi tim", II " \\ith II c:olTIl':tny of men, e:m1\' liP th Llltlr Millmi V<)IIl'Y to ~ Ul" (,y lhl' land (1.n<l. rcuching WII~'IH.-\'i llc or II her th ' town is now ll1catl'c1, the)' lulcJ c.ut the to\m, (Ind in Marc h, Jolr. II ig-h way buill hi. cabin. In LhOSl\ days, the cabins W' I"(' mllde of round log. notch d ;.t lh, enlh, the spaBt hold ~l ~,\,' ninl:' tirle tr ubl(': and before morninA' he c . b tWl' n lh e lop:; mll',1 with n t)t. Thl " 1: lh portion of them that "poil UlI, nnd the t of th(,DI thai roh u~. - r~nia.h 17:14. , stick.;; of "IHHI and cI luhrd with ======~============~
Tne b('!St exponent of the 'trade nt home idea is the mn who i pract~cing it, n Adv rti~i ng, b , fore it call pl:'riorm its full duly, mu,.t do ~our thJnIl'S. It must aUract attention, int('l' st, ('r ate de Ire, 5('11. To nttracl aU ntion an advel'tis m nt must be In re l'nough to be easily I'e n by a hunlcd render nnd m~st contnin a m~e. To intere);t it mu 't tell somethJn g . about the mer'chnndise offered (or sale that tb pro spect\v p~rchru; r desirc to kn ow. To creatc de ·i rc it must PI' ent the de irabl featurell of the merchandi e of fered and cause lhe reader to ee bow it can be useful or helpfu.) to him. In other words, cau e him to desire to posse. s it. To 11, it mu t p~ompt him to take th necessary a tion whereby the ownership of the <articl L: tt'an!\f rred to him. Fe'l adverti ementa can do this with one or two in rtions. Tn selling m rc'handise anndv('rlisement w-orks along certain well kn own, well dcfined ,in el! always. it follow. certain well defin d lows. One of t.hese i t.h In'w of repeti t.ion that the printed ' word accompli. hs ita purpose and baillls u I'.a les. The occnsion.al advert! em nt is of li ttle value as a sal s nnd good will builder. A new probl em that i. preseJlting i clf U> many town is th problem of ju nk yards used Ior ~tor ing and wrecka town 'protect jt~ If wilh an ing old cars. Unlc. ordinance it often happen. tha.t a good prop rty is cnu sed to suif r damage by hnvin~ an unsightly junk yard on the lot next to it. After thc."e nre set up it i!\ diffcult to ha.ndle the situa tiOn but any town can forestall such a (lif:l'iculty b PII, fli ng orclinance prohibiting the estabHshtnent of businc os 01 this typ within restricted ar-
eas. A /ocal woman, who ha II family of six. chi.ldreD, was overheard to tetl one of h.e r friends that if she had had tim during tbe past ten years she might nave had ner.vous pr tration. That man is out of tun~ with things to- whom there is no mu ic in the wind in the trees llnd the rain UPOn the roof at night, ho is not stil'rcd and thrilled by the majesty and the terrible, trulgniiicence of a thunderstorm who is not a.wed by the hush of twilight and ine.xpre ibly xalted by the glory of the new born' day and· the TlUlgnifi<~ence of a stIBr-Jit night. There is so much of beauty in t.he simp le everyday things of the 'wQTld it one is but in tllne to hear them. A number of new litates have. come into t.he column of tates levying a sal s tax. The reason is that th e r~ lar ourc s of revenue are vroving inadequate to mee.t the growing d.emand for funds to finance the state and the new social security and other programs. Th danger in the sales tax is that it opens up a new SOUTce of revenue and though the beginning is smal l it e~n easily b increased to burdensome proportions. It bas been the his tory of every ot.her form of taxatiOn that though it has continued to grow as time has passed, it seems to be n Jailing of our govern.ment, that, while we talk much of tax reduction, we accompliSh but ,little of it. t.h~
au Think
Looking Back 1 hrough th Past from all the ",IB~ve ~tnt s to the plllce d~icnt,('d to fre~d()m, aod the first late c f Republic that n c vCl" had a SUIV(', The Friend wer th first t o U'j!'lln 1.(' into a ·oclet)'. Af l'r thl' " 'j! .lllI /.aLion' IlIt.'l'tings for "Cl,. ~loIp "','1'<1 hl'ld UL th differ nt hun " unlil 1 OS, \\hcn th y buiil 'n '''g meeting hou e, where thel ho u~e of the 01·thocJux Fri nds now is. ·inc th n the Hi!=ksi~ Meet ing H use has hC{'n built. The Methodi ·t Ot'g-anizl·d a lIO i-ety lit tin early date, and built tit iI· fir. t church. In 1 69 til(' house "'as enlarged, and today Il. hand. om , church t.:lnd where c la~'. this first church stood. The hrisTh back' \H.r.cl5 N1: wa. noL a Uuns buil a ~h1Jrch oli High t. golcJen ng~. 0 In d~rn con v nl- wh r th~y now wor hip. cnce.- in t hosc cln~'. to I('sgen 'their Th e comet tl)ne of the Epi colabor, and hUI·t1 toil mnd e women pal hurch 'Was laid on the lot on and IIH' Il old bdort lhl·h· liml'. The 'fhi,'1! an,d Miami St.rcet, and totraveling preach r \Val) their mo~ t day, Il neat- church s!.and", the-rc. cultivuted t cher. The fil"l'l St". Augu tine Church is located (II' achinSt in 1\ community wn - al- on High Slreet, where regularly a mo. t alway nt a pl"ivaLe house. InrI:'!' number worship. Th e cit!The fir '1. I"hurdl('" \ ('re mad e f zens took a great interl'st in the 10~R, h w('t! in. id and outRide. sc hoo~, lind today, our sch ools Il,i Lory give., th E' fir t c~urcb in I ,·a~k ,high in th,a community. The Warr n. ounty ~s IJ BaptIst hur- Fn nds' Graveyard on th eir premch n nr Hid 't!vill l'. Ohio. The fir: L is£> in WlIynesv'iHe 'Was the first lic ho Ihouses ~~r' built or logs, r g',u lar grnveyar'd in the township. ull the.- IV rk donated by the S(Jttll'- In April, ]866, the emetcl'Y Aser". 011 n fix ud day, the neighbors I s!)ciati on \Va :form d, and our a. mbl d Ilnd th e work was donl'. B autiful MiamLi Cern tery was The first ,·oads in War I 11 oUllty Itlid out. It.s 10cl~tion is un urpas\\ 'r.,. mere hur. e palM. Public sed, and it is .IOW th principal highway .. were ~oo n luid out. but blJrial place Ior a large district of th('S f or yeoI': w re !ittl more the countTY. Its well-kept grounds thun trllcts thr ugh the woods. are . very y.car the gathering place ,'lage coach,,;; bEgll n to be import- for those from near and fo8r, who ant means of carrying' passengers come to pay tribute to the- dead. and mail$. on th principal road, in A ilent and booutiful city, but on Ohio. incinnnti was for .'< veral Memol'ial Day of every year peoYI:'1I." the Post ffice for the 1)led with hundT ds of per.ons, whol ~1i3mi Valley. The £i t who come to pay respect to those Post Office wa.- esinblisbed in w!'to bave gone before. WaynesviLl , in April ]804, with . In t.his brief l~evie'W of Wa.ynes- . Samuecl Heighway Jr. a its ;first ville, I have omitted many things P ost Mast r. of intllrest, but hope that 1 may Waynesville oon became a n<>- llgnin write more about WaynestC.d place among the Frien<lll. ville and occur.a:nees here. ' Thos Ol/po d to slavery came Grlace Lincoln Smith
1 hzs Week in Hi~:torv I
IllY 31----- Flood at John stown, Pefln ylvania by bursting of u dam, de tl·oyed 2,205 live ] 8819. Cornerstone of sta e caritol of Penn yl!vania laid, HaLTi bu1':g, 1819.
June 1 - Rush Co,· gold on Sacramento river in California, 1848. FiT$t telephone excha nge i~ 'Vermont opened at BUTlington, 1870. June 2- Principle of the peaking telephone verified by Bl~ IL 1875. Wondrous diamond! "Excelsior" found, 1803.
r. Martin Auctioneer
Centerville, Ohio
TWO MINUTE SERMON ( BY Thomas lla..~twell )
Phone 78J onlinued frum last 'w~ek ) In a gov rnment for nn by the 1'HE V I E OF HARAC- peoplt'. instead or for lind by the TE.R: In tile story of Abraham millionaire s, th wealth produ- muinder nnd y t there arc many Ol\~ of the out.standing lessons eel'S would not b obliged to bor- who think w hav(' a government !.aught i !.he value of character. ro'\\l money. Scarcity of money of tlhe Ii opl fill' the 1> ople nnd Many times in the life of this r _ mean high pl'ieed money which by the peoplC!, but nil believers of markable nlan do w enco unter moons low priced 'labor for onc is the Bible know that it. is a govl'rnevid nce of its pn'scnc in his con lrad'cd for t.h other, t.he price of m nt for and by the money powt.lu to It nnbled him to stand out ach being governed by the uni- rs, tJl ilion y shm'ks and the m n again t. the many t mptations of versal and un Mngcable law of ey kings without regard to Imy the tim es lind to b COllle tbe foun supply and demand. poljtical party that the sluving d r of '8 great race ahd' an outMany say through ignorance, 'Wealth prod ucers vote into offic . standing lea d I' of the Old Testa- wllile others say the' samc, through Laws arc not mad at the polls. lllent. ha racter is just as import- som thing worse, that p.aper mon- but th e monoy s harks know well ant today a it \\" in the days of ey would be no accoun t were it wh I'C they are ma.de. bl·ahum. Not long ago I went. to not based on .G()ld or Silver or ( ontinuecl until next week) a hardware stor to buy u saW'. both. Aye-. AyeJ \Vhen did th The dealer showed me several A- gold dollars in lhe tl· S. treas ury mong them was one of the makc ever redeem the paper gold CCI'ti .. my gr'nndfather had used and my ficates which reud red mabIe in father had used, both of whom gold instead of reading redee mJroew IJnd appreciated good tools. I abe in labor or commO<liti and The sale man, a young mlln, 1"at- 1that only? LI('d 00 s up !'ficinlly !.hat. it must President F. D. Roosevelt aid, be the best. one in the hou.se si nce "People arc starving to death In it cost Lhe most. I scal·cely heard the fllee of plcnty," but the. 01·der him. 1 kne~ that it had behind it to put poopl!\' to Work 'Wl\s oblig75 years of experience in saw mak ed. on account oC !.he unconstitll,ing, 75 y ars of u e by rna t.er tionnl Gold and Silver StandaTd Cl" ftamen. 1 kn ew t}lat if I bought law, to i Ue gold certificates far i and took it. home, r woul have in excess of the gold ther was' to in it everything that skill and gen- redeem them with. The e gold cet 1934 Chev. Coupe ius and hone t wOlkmanship and tifioates were allowild to circulate good material could produce. I for a whilc but not long. Why1 Be 1934 Chev. Coupe !tnew I would be safe in baying it. cause the m oney sha.rks k.new that 1933 Chev. Sedan It had character. So it is with the longer they circulated! without 1930 Chev. Coach many things we buy today, . their gold in th treasury to back them character sells tnem. If chal'acteT with, the more thoroughly people 1936 Old •• Coach means S.() much in rchandise, bow would be convinced that pal)er 1933 Chev•. Coach ~uC?b more hould ita~ i~ h'llman money do not Med to be based 1928 Dodge Sedan liie. How much more 18 It worth on or backed with gold or silve .. to. the young man. or the young either one to make it an honest 1930 Chev. Coupe woman to have sohd wort..h .Q1\d ho tender in the payments of debts nesty and Int grity behind them, and in ~xchange of commO<lities , 1934 Chev. Truck than it is to have the same things They circulated for a while, how- 1932 Chev. Panel Truck back of eo sa\\' or a hammer or a ever, and this explodes the Totten.! 1930 Old •• Coupe motor ear. When th young sales ess of a Gold and Silver buis for man attempted to tell me about paper money for jU'st as sure as 1931 Chev. Coach the saw, its OW1\ character spoke tbey circulated lor a while 1932 Chev. Coupe &0 10u(!ly and 0 clearly that I did) out a penny of loss to anyone 1933 Plymouth Sedan not hear him. Thus it is today in, the speculating money s harks an age in which moral standards t hat sure would they have passed 1933 Chev. Sedan are ill confusion, the voice of OM as long 115 anybody would have 1934 Plymouth Sedan good character peaks louder than needed money and that too· withthe tumult of the many. lout a penny of loss to artyone but 1934 Plymouth Coach - - -- . --. the speculating money 's harks wbo . Mrs.. Ralph MamouB. of ~etTo.t I own about nine. tenths of the wool 1933 Ford Coach pent the week-end WIth hIS par- I th of this country while- nine ten]932 Chrysler Sedan ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray MainoU8. the of the popuUition own, the re1933 Plymouth Coupe
sed ars
1929 Chev. Sedan
-== -
Jun e 3- Jefferso n Davi , stat sman, born, 1808. Kinll' of England, born, 1866. Georgc June 4 - Mexico declared war against the 'tates, 1 45 . Fil t hue built in Or gOD, 11810.
bout It?
The Miami GUI tte invite lett TIl exprto In&, an opInion and I>! int re·t on mnttl'l·~ of public welfare. Th('lle letters do not. neCI'':~RI·lly l'Xpr(l~~ th opiniun of the (' ditor noJ' does this newsPilI' r RR. ume Rny rkpon~ibility for the exprel!sion contained la·rl'in. All ornmunicalion. mll~t be signed, gjving .tMre~R of tbe wriIt'r in full. Nothing wll be published which dOCRn't meet this r quircm Ill. However, if asked, we will not publish n~lme of sender. Be orid- not libelous and pI '~l\C refrain from pel'Sonalitl Rnd malll'r tha~ brecrl hatred and religio us strife.
1932 Old •• Sedan t 1931 Chev. Sedan
1931 Pontiac Coach 1930 Chev. Coupe
June 5 - Chamberlain-Levine complete non-stop flight U. S. to G rmany, 192 Fi , t state legis11atUTe convened in Wi8consin, 1 43.
1931 ChJ v. Coach 1931 Chev. Coach 1935 Old •• Sedan
J\lne G ~ Battle oC Belleau Wood ( World War) be,gan, 1!118. Y. M. . A. ol'ganized in London , 1844.
1930 Chev. Sedan It sometiT!)es happens that the leadership of a town is its biggest drawback. It has gotten into a rut. It is Tul d and dominated by a clique that ,h as outlived itt! usefulness. It holds on to the commun ity, refusing to relinquish its place to new'Ilr leadership which often has better ideas and more energy and ent.hU3iasm to carry out. Some one has tru1y said; some conl'l'es men do not rep reSeI1t the p~ople. They rep,r.ese.nt t he punch that scares them m t. . A woman reader of this paper was in tbe office yesterday. She t()lld us he had no trou ble keeping her h ad in a bridge game, no matter how liot it might get, but whe n it came to having some one bid egainst her in a public sale for a piecQ of antique furniture, she waa sure to lose her head and go wild in her bidding.
Tbe discovery Gold in California in 1849 excited the wiho1e nation and sent endless caravans across the continent, made up of men ea geIi to share in the ne,v found W' albh. The fact, however, that , last year $34,000,000 'w()rth of ennned. fruits and vegetables was produced in the Sacramento valley alon'e, hasn't caU!~ed a ripple of excitement bCyond the confines of the valley, though it rep resents greater potential wealth than did the golld discoveryof 1849.
June 1, 2 - You have periods of deep depression, but do not make a. public exhibition of them. You are fond of your home 4nd family and would sacrifice your comfort and convenience for them if necessary. lio u are faithful, loving and quiet, with a faculty of finding some satisfaction in any and every cO'T1dition. Jan e 3, ~, 5 - You are ~pt to chanl?;e your opinions su'dd cnly, more by inner intuitive action, whieh ll18y not Illways be- correct. Intuitions aTe valu.ablle but th.e:y want to be improved. You are venturesome, a.nd -at times recltlell5, but generally carda,l andl cautious. You keep out of compromising si tuations. J ,ne 6, 7 - Y,ou arc sometim es difficult to please, You al·e clean in thougoht and purpose, aDd whe~ things fall sllol't of your ideals you , can be very w:reehed and miserallle. You are sedate and qu iet, but your undertaki ngs [lie! the force of your energy befor-e they terminate. "
THOUCHTS FOR SERIOUS MOMENTS ____. Humble because of knowledie, mighty by sacrifice.- Kipling. The work of the world must According to the story in Genesis th.e first thing that still be done, and minds are . many, Eve iou'nd out after she bad eaten the apple was ,t hat she though truth be one. - Newbolt. 'Wu unclothe<!. Women .notiu d thingll like that in those The humblest citizen of all the days mor than t.hey do DOW. land, wh en cJlld ih the a.rmor of a _ __ righteous· cause is stronger than seventeen foot lens in .t he world's all the ho sts of errol'. - W. J. Bry INTERESTIIIIG NEWS FROM largest telescope now being ereC- an . FROM HERE AND THERE ted at Mount Palomar, California, A rose to the living IS .more than is as tall a.s a six story building sumptuou!$ W'l"~aths to the dead .cientists have evolved an ac- and weighs with its fttlngs 600 Wateman. __ • curate test for intoxilmtion by tons. It is so delicately babneed HOUSEHOLD HINTS tests of the blood. If the blood con that it can be swung by a motor , taills two-tenth!'- {)f one per cent exerting 1-166 OOOth of a horse 1 Wh n washu1 g spinach , place- a of alcohol and that the patient is power or sm.a.iler than that re- I generous pinch of salt ~n the waintoxiclI-ted. The brain and spinal quired to run a Be.wing machine. tel' to make the sand Sink to the fluid of every pe~n killed in an bottom. accident in ewYork City is. ana.T he world's largest telescope ' The following 18 a receipe for a lys d by the Toxieologiea.l Labora- now being erecte1:l at Mount Palo- good' , C-ooked Salad Dreain .. :" tor,' of New York City. The vic- mar, California will cost when com 1-2 teaspoon mu stard, 1 1-2 teasU.. it adjudced intoxicated. if the peted two years hen(l4!, ,e,ooo,OOO. poon salt, 1 1-2 table.llpoons flour, ell all much as one- It wlll have a ranp of vision of QUESTIONS" ANSWERS f. rth of OM per rent alcoholic approximately 1',200, 000, 000 ...lteIIlt . ... tile fluid. light yean. Translated Into miles 1. The name of what actre.. haa thli amounu to 7,200,000,000,- been pJ'ominElntly mentioned in re are 500~OOO I 000,000,000,000. JI,bt:rear la the revival of the William "' luted. OUt . nee traveJec) raJ of Dlond Ta~IoT eue'
\T •
1928 Chev. Coupe
Your Horoscooe
3. In· what large citY' is the street calle d F'iccadilly lQcated? , .. How many pa.ISe'Ilgers were . on the ill fate(t HindenbuTg" '7 6. How many claims that he 1$ the husband -of Mae W est? 6. What bQnie won the recent Kentuc~ Derb ilta.oi.!'lVVVVW bb Kentueky Derby? 7. }:Jear what town is located the Churchill D()IWlns where the f1/I.mous Kentucky Der'~y is run,? ' 8. What ~.e:n kMwn man, Post .. master GelJ,eral in Warren G. Harding's cabine.~ died recently? 9. What two men recently comp~ted the fint round trip Atlantic airplane CrOll8illl'? 10. For whet big leaa-ue baae- ' ball team does Bob Feller pitch' 11. For what II Lawrence Tlbbett lmoW1lT
12. What it tJaid to be offlelal atra. bat da, when the straw bat season offlclaJly betrlDd ANSWERS ON FOLLOWING PAGE ·
Mr. Seth Tli,,.,,,••• CleftJaa.d. flf DalRo1I1o..
1934 Ford Coupe .J ' ~
Behind OUl organization .• ~
The efficiency of this org~tion is gov-
and women who constitute our em-
the various communities where
they live. Our employees, i.Jl tum, are proud of their record in serving you. They know
that in giving you the best possible
service, at low rates. they are doing more than just working for a pay check . . . they are promoti~g better living condi _. tiona
for atl claasea of people,
The DaytOD Power & Light Co• .
Chev. Coupe
1930 Chev. Road.ter
1935 Plymotath Sedan 1932 Plymouth Coach
. and pipes which bring service to your home. as on the .training and experience
citizen in
1934 Old •• Coupe 1933 Chev. Sedan '(' 1934 Chev. Std. Coach 1935 Ford Coach 1930' Bqick Sedan 1932 Chry.ler Sedan 1934 Chev. Coach
1929 Studebaker Sedan 1931 Olds. Sedan
ployees. The prompt, efficien~ service you .. receive depends not so much on the wires . t '
of these men and women. I We are proud of our employees. We. believe they repr~nt a ' high type of
1931 Chev. Coach
I' 1931
erned in large part by the more than 1400 men
1937 Chry.ler Coupe
1929 ~hipPet Sedan 1929 DeSoto Coupe 1929 DeSata Coupe ' 1927 Buick Sedan 1933 Chey, Coach 1935 Terraplane Cahriol~ 1930 Ford Cpupe ~30 Ford Pickup
1931 Chey Sedan Delli"._1l1 1933 Chev. ,anel Truck 1936 Che". Truck 157 in. W. B. 1934 Chey. Truck
131'" W. B. 1833 a.y. Truck 117 ".W. 8. 1133 cu.. Track
WS OMTH WARREN COURT FOR PAST WEEK PROBATE COURT I. Reetored To S.llit,At a healing onduct II May 26, A. L. Kinlt, was or;lered restored to ~anity. Not Entitled To A'I Iqwan,_ The court ruled that 'Mary hnp man is not entiLied to her p r 011tum allowance nil guardian upon bonds received by her as such guardian in place 01 u v t.emn'/\ ninth ncoount was approved wilh adjus t.ed service ceTtificlltC, lIer with th cxcep'tion th compen: ntiol1, ulfiountin'" ., to '$0 l.UV. which is not approvod, In lieu of lhe 8mount, however she Wit. allowed $22.1\} and ol'llered 1.0 account for the difference hI her next nccvunt ing. D btl Olc"heclch rlule of debts rilc>d hy B. Cleavel', (vlmin islralof of th C.~tRte 01 Mal'y Etta 'lIrl\ICc, has been approved. , Fil.s AccountThe firs~ final anu distl'ibulivl' account of Aat'on B. H ollock, ns (lxecutO'r of the Eonice H, Hal· o k estnte, has b en fII d. Innl1tory HearinlIT ating (1n t.he inv htoJ'Y by OJ'g'C Winner, odministratol' of the esta of lhe lote 111'1 Winner, will be !!onducted June
: HI'nring (In thl' im'l'nt lJl'y fill'd hy Hunor . Ol'l!bauV'h, ('XI'cutQr uf th(· Ro ~l' R. Bn. h'Y ttalc hR.> IIN'tl set for ,lon · 10,
1I1r. nnd Mr!t. Wayne Planck and Gross 10 GUI field anll .1 ancf of DILylon spent Memorial Aria Lllnll"l'!', lot No.7, ' nlllklin nay ",ith Ro ~ Pltmck and family. tp. Miss Eva 'Lucas and Mr. GeoJ"g , 101'('0(,'(' and Myrtle I1opkin ~ !lllvi ' of Dayton, called on M i.ll to Ros 0 l'hin, 102 IICI' .~, 'alem Jcs~ i~ Plartj!k, l\'[ondny voning, tp. arl Dokin, \ ho ha been -ick fr en ilt'rgcr to Brent .T. and fot' ~ev 1'111 weeks und under went 001'11. E. R:lin ~, lols No.2 . 20, thl'CC opt'ralinn s ifl still in the h()s· and :10. Sniucl'cl'cs t ~uh divi~ion. pila). COMMON PLEAS PROCEEDING - _ .- IIp]10inled uPPI'ai::-.. Made DefendanlsFicluc:iariea Eurl and F.rn~!'t Evnn !l hav Are Nam'e dbeen maci e defendant: in lhe case of H. L. Harding and ot.hel'~ a. Alton F. nl'uw n, Lehanon, has A'lIin~t. lhe South Lcbn no n Packing been appOinted administrator o'f o. .Iona than F. harwood, Jate po tmal'tel' ' at Or gonia. ChariI'll J. Suspended TermWIIA'g' ncr, W . . Gilmour and' Ed hanA'i ng II plcn of in'1 occnl to J!lffcry Ill' the a pprais rs. that of guilly, Deech - clOlller, To Sell PropertySu uth Leban on, was !lcntcn c d to P I'll nal pro])erty has been 01'a year in th e hio latl.! ref U I'lll a- d' l', d ~o ld to . ett.le Lbo estaLe of tory at Manllfi e-l d (Ill a Ch~l l'lr of ~he lat c linton D. orwin. lll'c:lkinA' anll ntcl'ing. oom~r Stock Trldlderr.,dw neeu ed of hnving robb d a A cc rtin ate of bank st ock, lis'outh Ll'ban01J bamer . h op . .Judge I led am.tJ nq; Lh assets or the estate Orchant, however s Ull pe nd d t he o( the late Winifred Borck has nt.'nce lOl' 11 two ~ y em' term. bl'cn t roll fr ed 0 Winifred B. , - - - "COURTCllh n, who nl ~o is the atiminL~tra· I PROBATE trix. Sieker E.tat_ Property To !). Two daught 1'8, FI'l'ida . BiI· Be SoldTimmon. Wih y au und lora 1=;. B l'o wn, aJ'c t he Per, onal properlY' I t.ho esI. Filedprincipal b ndidari und ' r t.he tat of JlI meR Elmer Bercaw, late The will of William R. Tim- will of arTie W. i('ker, lale of of )1ason, has be en ordered sold. mons" latl' oC Fl'Iinklin, 11 beell; L tHlllon. Th e will, filed h(l' , de· I. Adminillratorfiled. . vi, es real stnie to the daughtel's Harry ]] UI' t. has been nam d Price Setin qual s h'm, .. The csta te i, t en- IIdminL tl'lltol' of the es tate of Nan Price 01 c rtain bond ~, list d tnU 'Iely valued at $2a,()OO. The cy M. H 1I1'6t, lat ' of Franklin. among the 1.\~'Wt.s oi the late al'- Ilaug'htel' wore named cxecuh·i· Bon d of $]500 was filed. rie W. Allen e tnt , haVe b en Ii,x- I ces of lh 'Wi ll and wPI . e t'Ve wit h- Get 6 Month. ell by the court. IOUL bond. 'fom A. wood, hurl To CoflectTo Hear InYeDtoryS. howln and J. R. Law lulve l,ae en , ix months additionnl tim~ has !!,!!,!!,,~~~~~ _ __!!,,_!!!!_ ~_ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-'""'!_ ~!!!!!'".. be n gran d E. ·tllnl y and N 1:-__.....____________________-:-__"il lie as C'xecutors Qf the estate Owen
..1'uneral j!)ome
To be used in advertising hUTch, Lodge, .oeials or s.les with no cost to organi?ations. Ju t phone your ndvertis ment to this office and say "Insert this ad in" aps" spa e for ...... .. ... . ...... organi zlltion."
- -- ---
(: Wi
ll. GREATER IC&::-.Amun
Makes mQte ice, Caatu •• , iDltaftdy reIeues 41J Funerll] ~c l'vice s for the latA:> ice trays and cubes ••• Jielda 20J mace £oe t.y Em('!'t lTu rley, a former ' l'c!>id nt ending melcage wane J of this community, WeI'(' held in t he M. E. hurell on , alurday nf2. GREATER STORAG£.ABILITY terno n. R('v. WJ'ight of Bethel Il l' Ends crowding. Muimum Ihell .pace up ;made in the IOoCal cemetery. Storage .pue lor neq need I livC'I'ed the ~ermon. Burial wa; 3 . GREATER PROTECT-ABILITY Miss DOl'OLhy Robin son of the Keep. food safer. fresher. longer. eVen in tbet graduating cia. s of Kingman High honest weatherl Sa(ety-Zone Tempcrarura School and Miss Ma.rjori Hill of JIrOrI,J by Food-Safety l.adiator. the Spring Valley Town, !rip j1;l'sdu 4. GREATER DEPEND-ABIUIY ating eln wel'e awarded seh(}lar'-Year Protection Plan on ~ tealed-in mechships. Both girl!! arc r sidents of anism. Built and backed by General Motorsl our community. The usua.l M ern ol'ill I Day !lorv· 6. GREATER SAVE-ABIUTY ices were held in thl~ Methodist "2M_~.. "111_.#_ ... Church Sunday aftelrnoon. T,hc ,~·HUtJCIC address was delivered by Rev. CUTS cu.n:en COST TO THa .ON. • •• and Jlnllltl it with an elect~ic -----------------------~-- Weaver. meter testl Simplest Th W. F . M. S., met with Mr!l. mechan.i sm ever built-only' OlavLuther Haines on Thursday oC Licensed Broker lag pena. ~ the motor! ~~iIM:'~~ last week. REAL ESTATE . Mrs. Ella Wilson was the week end guest of Mrs.. Na,omi Ihwkin~ NOTARY PUBLIC of Xenia. M . Howllrd Hur'ley attend I a. meeting of her brid g~ club on Larger Because of Bettu Quality, Service, and Price Tu day niternoon at the home of MI·s. Luther Stingley. Mi ss 'fOT loRY PUBLIC Myra H'aydock was a. gue t. Natl...l BI!8k M;r. and Mrs. A. W. Turner at. Will. Dra_ • • E.tat.. S.uJo.! tended M morial Services at WAYNESVILLE. OHIO 1. Maty Miles Mint r. Meehanicsburg, their former hQm 2. H e was a not leI film dirt'dill' MI'. and Mrs. H. B. Reeves of Richmond, Indian a. <;pent several who w[\.\< my ·teriotJ .• ly mUnlt' I Nj in days last week with r'elatives her.e. his hll ln e fifteen yearll ngo. :J. Lundon. _ Th loeal band furnished the 4 . Thirty-six. music for Memorial services at 5. Ft'll1lk Wa ll~c~. Pat'k Williams' on M()nday. I':" ..... " ......":::';;"j tO 'Year II . . Wal' Admiral. ----.~~--7. LouLville, R nl,l1 cky. LYTLE NE:WS Firat Mtg. 8. l-luJ't'y ew. I Mr. and Mrs. W, F. Clark or Farm Loan. 9. Dick Mel'rill nnd JIlek La mlJi~. Wayne ville were Sa'turdllY"after10. Olev land Ind ian:. noon guests of Mrs.. Mary ar11. He is an Am erican n/11·yti\nl'. mony. 12. May 15. Frank LeMay, Solicitor Mr. and Mrs. C1:Vde Wharton and daug-nters and Levi Gr~at 61R2 Waynesville 7 house v' ited Memodal P.at·k Cem ; .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .\ etery Sunday mornnlt. A large number of persons 01 ths vicinity attended the Memorial Day serviccs at Mimlmi Cemetery Monday afternoon. Miss BeLty Thomas appeared in As k for a the Reveu of The J'ustice chool AMIS.B URC PERMA Of Dan'ce," Thursday evening e.t ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN I CONORETE the y, W. L. Dayton : your Cattle, bogs, sheep and calve, A1r SuI Burial Vault Lytle Ladies Aid sC lrved tbe din to Norris-Brock CI-., live wirll and oNgresslve firlll I')r the higheet I For Sale Only By n l' at the Springhol'o Alumni on market prices and ~ood service. Saturday evening a'nd neLted a.- UnIon Stock Yardl' Cinclan.tl, 0 , YOUR FUNERAL DIRECTOR fune In on Radio Station WCK'Y bout $46.00. . McCLURE FUNERAL no ......... . l2 :25 to 12 :80 p. m. for nur dalh MI'. and Mrs. Harvey Burnet at• •·h",,,, .. 7 'lIar1cet reports. Wayn...i1I.,O, tended th e fU!lleral of Clem Dearth at Centerville Sunday afterRy~,
Mr. and Mrs. al'l I'et.erson snd daughter, Janice Fay, of 'pTin~ field, Clark Starr and family. nf Xenia, Isabel Drummcmd and wn, Ralph, visited at Ro. I'lancK 'lI Sunday. Mr. lind MI'9. Karl Bod nb n· der departed Sund'l1Y morning for a we K vi it with thl~ ir pa r'cnls, nenT D fiance, Ohio. Mr. ,and Mrs. Freel Hartsock Milford '\\" re Sunday dinn I' guests of Ml's. Edith Ran'i . ' [r. and M1'lI. LeJ lie DiIlQWR, and sons, William alIId .Jame ~ , of olull'lbus, C3'l Ied on th ' il' lIunt, Mrs. Edith Harl'i ~, 'OTI Sunday afternoon . Mrs. Rogr Brown attl'nu d gradulltion excel'ciseR of L esbul'~ b.i!1:h school last. wll ~ k, hcr broth r being one 01 the gra~ates. MI'. and Mrs. Rog el' Brown ll pent Mem orial Day with rei ativ s at Alexandria , Ohio. !\fl'. Brown's sisters returned h O/llc with him for 1.\ vi sit..
Model illustrated gives '.1 cu. Ft.srorage space. 10.7 sq. ft. shelf .pace. 48 big ice cubes .t a lreezing. Hu the New Instant Cube-ReleasefamoWi Meter-Miler-Food-Safery IndiClLtorAutomlltic Tray Release - Automltic Reset De&oster-Super-Dllty Freeter - Automatic Interior Light- Double-RangeCoId Control_ Super-Duty Hydrator-5·Y car Protection Pl.u.
0.., FrI".,,.,· ........
Fairley.Hardware Company Waynesville,Obio £.tabli&hed 1849 • 1937
R. D. Collett HARDWARE"" IMPLEMENTS Waynesville, Q PHONE 99R3
In severe weather tests, Red Brand fence outlasted all others. Yet it costa no more than other brands of standard grade. Gives you more years of good eer'vice for your money. That's real fence value. .
. Double PrOtected
ft. pateated fence
,t.Uug,ean JODIer.
BUILD - REPA~IR N'OW . Advanages never know n before. Consullt us before you build, remodel orrepair. We are prepared to furnish ,at once-
•800r,boWt,decklporu 0.., 2130mllHohcenic ~uty. Dallypr08raiDi of'daociog,mu.lc, and aodal event•. Speciol1l,modero ballroom. !IeaIon]u1y9 co Sept.'. . .,bound from Cbicago ..ch Friday,~ackioac lalaocl Saturday, Cleve1aad Suoda". Westbound from Bu.alo each Mooclay. Sault St•• Marie Wedaeaday, Mackinac .....d Wedonclay.
"Lime, ~.ment, Plalter', Cement Blo·-kl" Fire Clay, Mortor, Brick. Face & Common Brick Flue LiDerl. Metal Lath, Corner Bead. Ever)'thinl for the Builder
w. H. Madden &: Co.
Extra heavy coating of pure zine (1ft 'the outside-plenty of copper in the steel. Full gauge wires .•• "live" tension crimps . : . accurate &paciqr .' •. tight knots that can't slip. You can't Bee all these good qualitiee, ' but when you see the top wire paint. ed RED, you know you're getting them. We have a good stock of Red
Bl'llIlQ Fence, Come in aDd . . It.
Waynesville farmers' fx. Co. Phone 2S
Waynesville ,
Service That Is Appropriate and Beautiful It' I11lltlCfi\ nut whitt price Iut)cral mny be selected-and we offor l';el'vicc s to meet any n cd-nothing i<l loft undone that
wiII leflv c with the family n b -autiful andi consoling memory of the lov!) I on . That i.5 the mi~sion of this 'io~tjtotion-one which we have pcrformed faithlully for I11l\ny yoors. Our funeral home is always open lor public inspectiol'J.
...... ,
B .. lIaClare w•
Pe sonalographs b.,. iTl ~
Illry ' ~\ttl)
i\t 1', ntHl
"1'(,lI d
,J-;\,~l('tI Hni' ". 111111' 1:;\1 iI i1y. ;o.1l • h lltlU)'lI !'nlllldl r' h'l
',111, nn! 1 " lll ln" ," " "plin~l"'I·o
uOIlny, • Jr.-. Elizub 'l1l l'n\ith of Dayt <>n 1('\\ 11: II g-U l ', l ~unda~· oI her 1III'n<'11 tl' twr hnUl ' 111'111 • \'1\ "iL' 11 Mn' . :\1 a 1J:t:ll'I·t .Iohns. lUl . \ ' j I If ''I'i\li,~, }<~va \\' hllrt(1n i. 'l .. l"·. 'I 't t~ n .. liUll Y11-1 \.,\ u . I"'"ll III 1\11', a nd lnl, Rob('rl ,·,'v ': I,unr 1\.• '.Jt ,11 1s (h Ut "I . " unlJ. l y .. . 111\ ny 111 Ilaytl,n. , citrin!! f or MI'~.I , ,.. 1\1 1-' )t l~ I' J Hill 'l"\ ' tH ~U' 1 ,~n .1:1 t"l' 'I I ,< I ' I l'1\1111\\UY (lH ' (, I Uc(' ~uvag ) anr · h I II I I ,. Illi I" wr ,~III1' 1\\', "r .. , , , I '\\ '1 '( lil lie >111, l onuJd l'I 'ly.l, II hl> \IllS Il.:: I Innu' ! on • • t. :nu ,\ t.'". . 1.<11', 11 11>111111'1 1111<1 ,\1 .. IIllll \(1". bUln lit l\bllnll 111l~y hosplt.nl un 1,(111'11 ll ;lrnl< r tlC~ '11lpallll,l Ml' . M:IY :.! th. !'.Ir. a nd M rs. Huy l\l n.\ ,nhal1 l'tl1l1l~ r h 'I ('. lind ~I r. lind 1r.'. I" " tI ~h' ntll!n· 1\11', an,l ilh~. \ I/",l't "'1I'lIn allil htll l <J( J)n~' lll n, \ (Il'l' S~ndHY C'Vl" :\(~n . 11hUl' I,N' I)f T~ 1'\', Ohil1 vi,iled Ih. t'IlII1Wl'S rathel'. ,Iohn ninA' l!'uc~t!\ of the ir aUllt. MI'O<. Alice lnt·k. W il~o n mIt! fOl1\lly, :-lu ndll)!. :\11'. W il'on al :o al it'd 011 i\Jn-. F;lln Jl n in,,)' find 1\111-, W ,t! t'l' W j~, n, on r. h ', lin d In;, J. M(' moria] Dny 'c ["\'icc!I at elltel" l\lc>nclay. ,' YOlp!lthy I. tl nd Ii til l\!t". viii cmetl'l'y SU1IHJ~y aft N n ootl n ny mQnd WII on wh""., fath r. ~Id rdso lh~ bul"iu 0 I m DCIlI'1r, El'n ~t n u\'I(>~ di,'d I t II'cd,. t • III Hadley L' ~ . l. I' 1 d Ml', ontl t n~. Don "nm e o. I II lIIl'lIIuCr~ a .en. , ' ani I I'It.tl l) tfl I UA' hl (' I' were.. enl"I' ,th e' (un enl l of ill .. f[lIdl'~' \\hlch , . I t '" . .' . Il all\Cl II "mn ' I' un cl ay n t t llc wns held at In,' 1\1, I" l hun h,1<l1l)1! Inl l 'f "I'. "I ' I 1.1 ' ' ('11 ..• , (I Un! I 1\1 J':i, N \ Btt d ll\l!. On . ,It IIniuy nUl'l'- ][arYlly und (IImiJ; n(' Ol' ' I urk~. nQ, .n . . , \' 11111. h. nnu 1\11'~. elll d t\!< 1_lltrd ( r l~dal1'Cli MUI l(uret J ultn ~, Ednll1den . pe'lt !4ulI,lIl~' \ <It h lh( ir na ijulflC'L .tIld J u, it' Lnnga'r utdaught('r. l\£f~. Lut nC' I' lIain('~ :.Inri tendul the tilir!ft'n ' Iub 'fu l'"dllY Illmily, 'Iitl'l'noon lit the hvmc of l\lr~, Mr. lind :\fJ" Y' .,lt'ig-h Bogan. ]~l>n Smith in Wayno viII , Ir. "Jnk('y" ll owatt! 011,1 :llr. nnti -'ti."1'1 1i1<1 rcd l' ol1tznhn of nc.w l't11"!'. Willialll ~ mith nnd ~Illlj1)'n i\! iarlli"lJlll'I<' was a II ~ kend g u , t 'tie Smit h , ere ;lIn(\Il)' dimll'l' of h(' I' vu:>iJl, 1is8 G n va ] O\lt· gue,' ts of Mr, and ~hl\, HlIrol,l l z :1hn . <.'Onll,t on of p\\ BUrlint!'ton, F;van . rr~. ~r. 'G. Haines, Mr. J. Gabel Dogan nnel falllily ,f l>lly I C'" W I'~ I1lnn, fr o and j\lI'I<, Rob ert Hain(' . gu sts aLo, ~fi -"e!< Mildl,.d Uninc ami Audry MI S. J (,hn Wjl ~on ITlllllinK 'VCI'Y ri 'kie of Dayton \, re unday s('I'iolt. Iy ill at hI'!' hllll\c . ('\'ening gueRt.s at th h me or '0 111 1: of our folk attended the:' j\1 r, nnd M1' • Walter Kenri k. DC(,llrrtli ,'fi J): Y III rVlc('. 'lIt N W fl's. J. B. Jones attended the Illll'lingt lln, Sunday ;.lit '\'11OIIn and omml.'ncel1lcnt Ex rcise of 0 , It WaYlll\<vil! Mon d a y it 'I n!JOn. llill ,'h ool al N. . JL choo.J 1\11', and Ml' . lIi)mel' Hili nc", I nIl Dllylon T ueRday vening, childr n .l' ~ nt ~untl;l.y with 1111-. wh r MI'. Jon 'niece, Mise tary Ilnine:;' muthll', ~r r~ .• 1illie '}'U1" Jones, wn ono of the I:l'adcntes. l'cll nc~1' New V,ll'nno. . it', and Mr ' . W. L. I~nrdman Mr. Willa rd Haln , layc d HI and iumily of Dayton sp 1'11, MQnthe '\~' RUI'IIII~tun bnntl at. lh duy with 11 , Allee 'rrick('y' Mrs, DccnratlOn SerY1C 0 lh cre. , A Iic(' 1\1 iller and s n and Mr. hIr., and 11'$. I nymond Wll 'o n VIIl . H ar..'I • anlt daug ht.c'I'S, J 'Ill. \ ttl.' calle,) , on RbI' FUrlin. nnu family or Mr: and Mr~ . tanl y BaIley en ncar Waynesv ille Mo nday ev ning. I flam d Mr. and M. alvin Longacro and children a.nd l\Jl r. LOCALS ;md, Mr, . Th rl e Jonc., lind s on lo an icc·cream supper Monday ev MI', nnd Mr~. JanH~ S B e rga n and ning. daughtcrs entl.'rtained Sunt,!uy at a family, dinner. Mt'. and Mr ' Ed- fo rty PCI' cent ot th world's gold. gar Scrgan lind ~l1 n of Detroit, ,leel plllducLion in thi counll'y Michigan, MI'~ . Julin Bergan, WHY neyjlle, II'. anti ~h: . Lord Arm- t' ' oched rccenUy 01 pe.r cent f ·tr ng of n ~ Ql' Murro \\ , Mi .; Gen- copacity . Thi \\'8 within 1I few va Denlinger or Dayton, Mr. and hund,. n ton (If the 1920 all time. .Mrs. Mark :l u ['phy antI dn'UlI:ht 1'1:1, I {'cord. ]\f1'" l\Iur~' DavL,. Mr. f' OI't'd t. Dl.\vi~ (If Duyton. A Die ti'\H! 1\ . 'njoy. ' FOl' lho (il' ~t t.ime in 57 yeoI" nn d br a l l . , alcoholic b vemJ!'c is legnl in KQ'IlM ~ . Ethc~ 10 aul , and f~milY Sli. because o'f the l'n <ngc of 11 bill . pent Mem ol'lal DayaL ("j lllings, by t.he la,"t legoislH tul'c 1 gnlizing lJurg, Ky. 3.2 b eer. ' Mrs. ,G ruce.Me unl: of Limn Ohio i visiting hel' mollwr, M:rs, ~=========:::::==== Eva Miller, ' Mr. und MI'~, Gt· o. numby und son of ]Jayton, ere Sunday guests of Mr. lind Mrs. Homer Ramby and family. Mr. and Mr!'. J, E. Thompson Wcrc l,'1lests bf Mr', an(l hil-s. ~arl Ornd<ll'f of Dayton Ohio, Sunrloy. :M'r~. Hyman an(l son, Hob(H't, FOR SALE I Se ed potatoes, spent Monthiy· in Cincin nnti, the MiDst, Lebanon. , /t'U(l ts of Mr,lInu ~lls. Al. Polins. T el. 475R ltp. k¥. FOR SALE: Ne~ and Used DunMt':;. Katbl'yn Mendenhall and ham Cultipacker chilu) ell Icft Thursday los t for Carl Minst, Lebanon Denve r , olQlad o, whcle she will - - -- - vi~it her r elatives for severa) FOR SALE, Good selection o! Har \ ('ckJ . dy perennials, annual flow ers, Mi>J Dori.q Sur-fllc.E) is in charge transplanted vegetable plants. (It th e Quick cleaners while Mrs. GOc per 100. Sweet Po tatoe1!, Mentl nhull is on ~er acntio n, 3 00 for $1.00. l\fr', nnd jlft's. Goorge Miller and Geot"ge Peterso n, Bellbroo k pike, 1 mile from Waynesville haby of near Jamest()wn, Ohio, vi ited hi!; mother over ~JJnday FOR SALE , Nancy Hall, P orto und MondHY. Rica, an.d Yellow J ersey sweet Mrs. '. M, Btown ' and ;';(10, Dan, potato plants, 40ets. perhunof Dayton vi 'iled friends in WilY·' dred, and all kinds of garden n 'wiPe, ~ moria] 1 ay, plants, 10c p er dozen" or 3 ;l\ r. and M ~, C. C. Al'chdeacon dozen 25cts. and ~o.n a nd daughter of Dayton 1 1-2 miles n orth on Waynes· Ohio and frs, F, ll. Miltenbergville Ilnd Ferry Road, er wel' O visitor~ at t h~ h()me of Strouse .Brothers, R. R , 2 MI', a nd M r~. J. H. Smith, Memor- FOR SAU-;-P ekj~ Duck inl ll b ~'.· Eggs for hatching. !lii,·". l\lary Web b >Vl'n t Moriday 'M1l1. enas Hagemeyer with I1E'), purcnth ncar tho Otter- FOR SALE : Electric E ~y Was her hi ' n \'(1111", • !(,nd IlY· fair condition , $4 ..00 . 1\11 ... )1111 CI,nk M DIlYl<.ln is L. A. Gar_t «fI 'ntlitlK u Il.·w IIny \,ith her FOR SALE:.. Red Star ga.soline Mil ~_t 1', MI' . I~ lh .,n C'ruIH'. ~tove with good oven. Thi s .Ir,'. E . n. llaklll i- I ('cov~ril1g ~tove is in good condition . frolll !~ ISt\·, rt' ~Jln1i l" ' d nnkI,' ehe John Fromm, l'nind {rOIl1 a [;111, II.". Armit· \ ';,n ))on' l\ and of ground, barn, '1 room houseda \l~htl!r. M\~. Lis a em'l, ",ere ,\,;th lights, furnace and City dino )' ~Ul<t ),.t", lurday with 'Water, ClOse to Waynesville, 1)1', IIn,1 All ,,1, W. W rd, luquir<' at th 1.- office. G-3·c TERESTINa FACTS OF THIS FOR SAU: 10· ·h('ad of white lao AND TH,..T cl',l eat~h.':- '" eight allu to 600 1'011 nds. W~ \Iu y anrl sell kmd uf live lltock. Thurman
WlIlIl'r )"(,Ilrick Llnln"c' \i:ltcr\ T ~
('t' ml'j"l'Y
This .Newsllape·r' A t Reduced Price
ERE'iS an oaer that will appeal to all-American Boy M(\garine and this riew paptt at a spocial combination bargain price. llle American &y is the favorite mag(\zine of more than 500,000 boys and YQ\lng men. Its fiQtion carries boys on the wings of adventure to aU p3rts of the world. Its sports articles by famous coache and athl res or stud; d hy champions. Here you will find the finest stories on sports, aviati n, busines , school activitjes, humor. and travel • Even at its regular price of $1.00 a year, The American Boy is considered a oorgain. But now you may obtain it and this newspaper ••• , •
. FI'O O} far nW'ly 11' lan:l came , ooJ .. slq)~ of . 'h, In',' wll1t:h •vert! p;lrt rot t le M u loJY an'(> tra] home ' 'ril/'Y r~ t 0.\' on rihl'l:!.v 'in the McKJrIl,y .kmo,·,,) <It Niles,
come President, nre examples of ite shaft lrnmed by terraced gorthe wide vari('ty of McKinl"y.'s d os and sparkling founta ins. possessiOns orl display Not hr tl'om th McKinl ) McKinley was elected PrC'sident bjl'lhpl uce in Nil s Is Nelson '~ in 1896 and TEl-elected in 1900. He Led ges, r('plct' with fantast I: was wounded by an a ssl1$Sin 's stone tormalions Ilnd c .. verl1 l, ·.vh~re Jln~s! lit 1>',. '-IOl\.' Y WIlS bullet 011 Sept. 6, 190J. whU at- wh ich draw p ople ["om man) I'orn, W li'h h,/u'cs a l"J'g~ num- tending a re(:eption at the But- miles, . 'Jel" ot !.1l Kinle'y IC!t,· . fo]o Pon-American Exposition: He Mill Creek Pnrk in YOlm~stowr. The c t l11ir \ I Jt.:h fI' ccupled liv d until SClPt. 15, 1901. nearby is acknowl dgCl~ to 1..>e 0111 duripg hi; <."n1/1' (('I'm n~ I'r('slThe nation~l l McKinley Momo~ oI the beauty spots r the state c! nt (It Ihf) l 'llI I('t! !-it.,t : the rial at Contolll where the PresiTo th :lst of Nllell, Youngs· old l,lI.Inri ) ::11'0, (tI''l1 rty of his dent is buried, arouses the admi- town and Wa n ' 11 lio t l foothill" rJloll <J, V !;,nr.y·~ ~,! 1I 'cd in ration ot a . host of visItors who Of the Allegheny Moulltains, witl , hi;, C ..~~ ~~ ~ ICC un'iI,hc bc- _~..:..o see ~~l~_9~~:'OO~ g~~- _t~eir de)l g~tf~l sccn:ry_ n~d...:j~· i\ ~ 1
i J
ThIs Paper For One Year.and ,0:0'
PATHFIND,ER ONly l $2 0 0
More than a million rea.ders throughout the country read PATHFINDFJR regularly for a a complete, timely and unvarnished digest of the news. Are you ov~rlooklng something? Today. economic and political affairs are at their topsy-turviest. Every new turn of events is apt to a.ffect your pocket-book. Everyone's asking, "What's it aU about, and how much is it going to cost me?" Before you can answer that question you ;must be able to interpret the news ; and before you can interpret you must have all the tacts clearly explalned.
EVERY WEEK FROM THE NEWS CENTER of the WORLD Path8nder ' comes to you with it~ reliable, eally-ta-rend lind eAsy-lo-unrler-
stand news' reviews in words, pictures
and charts. Its condensed form presents Q lively and jnt JII11ible survey of curr.ent events throughout the world; its impartial infcrpretation. analysis a.nd explanation of the news enables you ,to thlllk and talk slraiRht. Otht'r weekly· news magazines seU at $4 to $5 Il year. Pathfinder sells for 1 a year, but for a limited lime we an offer you a ,really ~-.;:~ redu cd barsnin. prie on a combannUon .. of this paper and PATHFfNDER. Drop in and sec snmpl 5 or write Ilnd take advantage of this pecial offer without d lay. ~.~i;~~~;:;;;;;i::al Insure your economic (ldure by assuring • your complete grasp of current affairs.
L. f
BILLY ROSE. whose two mamIiloth productions are the feature ,1 the new 1937 Great Lakes Exosition at Cleveland, whkh con, /lues open for 101 days until Sep:mber II, rose in hia wrath this 'e-Ie and banned Venus de Milos ' om his 5,OOO·seat AQuacade. II Even if me had arms [ wouldn't --_ ______ _ ........
let her in the ehorus." shouted Billy. "She'll have to reduce before she can typify the modem Ameri~ can stream~1ined beau tie• •bo are in my aho".. "What I want Ia • Greek etatue that looks like my No. 1 Aquabelie. Eleanor Holm Jarrett, Take that (at woman from Milo. awayEleanor can tie bel' hand. behind
her and beat her any dal'." Ro!e'. otber Ibow, the Pionel. Palace at the big ISO·acre EXP<'Il.~ don which baa more {ree attrll" . tlon, than .sny .other ~er held, iri headed by Tom Patricola. Mor than 5,000,000 people will Vi';b Cleveland', big ahow thi. aUmr.lM many camping in Trailer CI~.; there, '\
$3 --
Da'Iy Hn'lee eech IOID . . . . . P.M. 1:••, ..... SIaM.,.'" ,n _
Steam ere ern OF BUFfALO and ClTY OF ERIE. FlU , ooe way • ••
UIlIi01lUd .ond triP. $e-2 •• Qutb. $1.2. and up. . 9p«lal wuk· end round tripe Ita"'... Saturda, "'",e, 110_ Mooday, 7,30 A.• M.,
__ -l.-- \
Week-ead iuund triP. etneta'"'.
.-,... "
Vult I"" Gt'c11l
ltiaaafa Fah ••• SUO 1>1. ,,~ay. 0.""""
d'.«IIJf ",410'"'''' (:le<>ct.nd T...."'/.... 1of C « B Una.
'General Motors and Chrisle-r plans to ~gill the construction, next year of 3, 4, and 6 cylinde-r Diese l engine!> for trucks. The Die;> <,) powered lruck en!, be operated at a fraction of the fuel . cost of tbe. present motors.
.* CEDAR POINT' PUT·I N·$100 BAY STeAMER OOODTIM8 - Dallv .-ee June U to Scp",mbtt (I, 104<io& CI nl.od ae 9.15 A. M. _ W cd< dav rpund Irlp. to Cedar Polue • • • • , To Put-ln.Ba, 15 eetlto 8IIn<la, and Holida, «lund IrI~, addillo".I. Connectlnn ••t rl,le·j,,·Say for DETROIT """" e..cept Mooda,. ..... d Tueod.y••
* CLEVaLAND • PORT.STANLaY C . ...'2" d.
SalJl!\llll Frida,.. 8undivi and Hall"',,, June Z5 e.. September 6. F... one way. $2.00. One ...., ...,....10."
Ru ssia is bne second largest pro-
on _tS.S,SEEANDBBEd"rinaJul, and ",,""'-
ducer of gold. It is being p'1'edieted that during tfl e next year, it the gold price remains up, that, large shipments will b e made from Rus· sia to this country. The reason giv en is tbat Russia, in common with other E'UYopean countries, is con· verting all the resources into arm~ am ent.
It i$ estimat ed. that the bNad con umption in thi~ country is ~ bill ion loav a nlonbh. It requires the service or 200,00 0 bakers in 30,000 ba.kel;es to produce this amount of bread.
'0 ."""M
Chica1lO, Madlnae hlond,Slult Ste. MArie, cte..ellD.d aod Buffalo. Write for 1P«ial fold ... lUt.... 10.. ..
,... TI... bll. . . .' d_'IIf'''. ,It...........IIt ..... , ... S o. r ...r r_"roatl .,. U-.. ..eM. ~
THE CLEVELAND" BU,.FALO TRANS IT CO. bat .... Stre.. P....
Eighty-Ninth Year
Wayne.ville, Ohio, Thur.day JUNE 10, 19,3 7
THE FRIENDSHIP CLUB The Priendshi rl lub met nt Lhe hOllle of Mrs. lTarold Whitaker, Wednesday afternoon. Thoa sisting WCI'C Mc ~dall'l l\ larenceo Edward., J. B, Rich, COni Riel" R ba Bradduck, Oakl .. y nglll, by and B, U. Smith, Af te r th e buiness meting n hildrcn's Day pl'O lfr~m was enjoyed. Pla no solu, lind a redtation by Glarlys Ry e.
I But -It's
T;~e·~-_--=---=--= _~~ ~!.\ Oil STATION RU8BlD 'c: 1'h~hn.('N~:t:~~~.:~~k'j'l.' ~\I!1 fARM BUREAU CONVENTION TO BE HflD LAST fRIDAY MORNING ,~%b ~lt h
fj "~ wilh 1t)' WI' ~l Ca\'~tHrI (1 1111 III a double hl'!lI ll'r lit Ken• vUNIU$ SOIfR. " lick F I' III, f:u n d'l)" ,J u ne J a:-; 1 ,r.,~:~';~"~8;';:::/~;,•., 1~~ · , .J • -. til· C('nl l' I\·' ·I~ Il llv(' ~1l;nC' n w APli ipAl int{ that the ninet,('(' nThe great num ber of inquiries NI4,F/ONI't4 SP1,S. JUS MOTHI" -~ ). , L8 ~~ Fridayd m~r~l.~gi-lI~bnutw 2 ph'ycl's tim , hnu lll hC' twu ,,1)1111 to an llual conv(.ntion or th Ohi o ....AS Ulor 8., .,..~ 6.RMAN$ being received by the Ohio Divi~ t"SP"''''AGE ON fJIt PAI11 ~ lI . m., .he lin an I I mg ~ "!!am~!>. • OF FIlANC£~ A"O ,.,,$ 'ArHflf [,'arm BU rt' uu F<'ll I"Ul.if'l\, to be son of Co~rvat i on as to the open .~'- .• , ti un WM rob bed while 0011 Jlawk o W04S SHO. IJY '"' FRE/JC H A ( 'onw 1I11 li nd ~Cl, · th~ gamf's . _ ~(OR~IWG 'WI GIfUfl~W'/ H,I,\ In r" lumhu5 ICV(' m~1 ' (' IG ing tint and fishing roSC'U lutions, j,."...IIUS>f waR in churg . Two ~t rA nge men -8"'HW "1/\, Inci 17 . ~ Iii .. u~dll';~ nil p l·('VIOUS indicate keen interest in the open~"Z=~ drove in, apparently for It a~, af- I --'IIl1v"nli, n". the hew nl o f l l'UBteol'l ing of the great pymatuning lle ·~~'.-\ ."'r':,.~t>:g.~ l r s upplyinl\" them with thl' jrRS CUL1t.IAAL . ,f 1 hl' ~tal(' fu,'m nrgnni7.alion crvoir in northeastern Ohio, and . "'1~~~~~ calleu Cor Don -vi'as bURY \\ Ith the "lnl l'lI!! 'II ul"rl\nW'nll'nt~ a ~ its extending over into Pen n!o/Ivani , IV"," . h ck., wh e-n one of t he me n from Hay nweli ng to holfl thG 1\)37 a mong outdoor · lovers, Burt J. th e back stuck a !t un into Don 's nccting.< in he (liumbull AlIdi. Hill, hiol of LaJ<es !lnd P!lrks of l,uck and to ld 'him to go ill. ,·ide 0 thc anoriu Ol, nCl'o t·cJ inJ.r the Div is; 1'1, declared today. nnd give lh~ m th cHsh. Th l' l'"h· ){ II~." II. If ar1 . nl"k. W i\( r('11 C(llin wunccment today hy PC>r1"Y L. There has been II wuit for t hree her:; t'J!)tain('d $7 01· $8 in ch ·, ngc, t y Tt·e;I >lIl H, 1·(·s jJo(n\'d hi., officc. arl Dakin , :lG years aIel, aft-er pr~~ident of the org. n nizayears while th 20,000 acres has IInc\ on hearing a not her car com(! ,lun C' 5. tel ),ce'JnH' ca ~ hil' l" (If The a couple of wc.eks of ~e VCTe s ut:fel· been filling with 'ater, andi fish in, drove awa y. WaY"('s\"illo, N,'tionnl Hank. Mr . ing, die,1 al Mc lellan hospital In ~ t Hevel'111 ann ual meetstocking by the two stat~ has ll arl ~ I' ('k hn ~ bc ~'n 'oUIIly TI'Nl.-Monday morning at 5 :30 o'clock . rl1!;~, wil h at tl' ncl ullce in cxccs~ of IHlen going On. Now the gr at day ur~'I· "lnCI.' !"(' pl '11111 ' (' I !135, hovHe wa th e oldest so n of 'M r. and !lOO, hav(' . (!.v I'e ly taxed the ca is in sight, with announc ment of ing b '(' n ~ I l el 'II by H big majoti Mr. rank Dakin. H e is survived l ucit~, of M ClI101'i1l1 Hall, e xplain.. the opening of the reservoir to ly. He ~ a ~ our v~I 'y efficic nt Post by his willow ano too small childd M ,.. Or c: n. The Auditurium fishing on ,fuly 1. ~Ia~l('f fl'l· more than tw Iv years I·en, ~i ll parents and several sisprovide: a Ren ting capaci t y of In terest bas been so intensified ters and brothQI·s s urvive also. a nd \lit' aI',' ~I ael to havl' h im with l .eWlC\l111 1/ ('(' than fiOOO , nnd ~h ~ a t.tractha t · Chief Hill expressed' the beFtinel'tlL services w r e Wednes llay u" tll-(uin. Mr. Claud Ri ggI" who tio n of n umel'OU3 new Icntul'cs in lief that lh re will not be nearly afternoon at Mc lure'l! fun raJ Mr. Lewis fl. Vincent , wh o vi ~ hal> I- rv d th e puh lic w '11 , will go his yellr's prngnln! is expected to .... Farm~ waa the aeventh IOD bOrD to Mr. aDd III,.., Bea4ritJr nough row boats to accommodate home. FU1IUII'. The parents had wanted a clrL FtodJ. . . . _ , • ltoy, &ltey iter! \~ ith Mr. anti Mrs. Will Whi t into lhe Heal F. :;ta ~e Ull sin e811 in gwell the al t ndance past. this figlho. e who will want to get out on a couple of wceh ago on their 00 lJa yton. R. 11 . II art. oel> ton k U[l deot~ .. CI&II him Mary Ellen anyway. 001" trW "- Ih.. 110_ Doe un" to th Itt' a\,cst gathering of the water and fish. Motor boats , EA TERN STAR NOTICE ...... mattn '" belDg an outstanding athloete '- ..~ ~rht _ he iJI th anniv(, l'i'olll y, was appa r e ntly in hi duli ~ at ~h c bank, Tu e~ day, rar m p!!op lc ever in thc tate capne barred. c:a...... aII4 .PI&nber (or Ute Des Moines TJr-, .. _ ...... ..,.............. gOOU h alth but a 'few duys latel' Jun e- tho ita!. Miami Chapter, No.1 7 O. E. .... e.am. It will require a special license ill' vLiting in Clarkllburg W . Di~ pl ay~ of farm bur au serof $1.60 to fish in those waters, S. will me t in regular ~essi on Va .. , Mr. Vincent passed away. vic!'!! and aclivities, including t h e but the sp cial license also c ntitl 8 Monday evening, June 14, at 7:M'r. Vincent's body was returned nany farm nnd home supplies a holder to fish anyWhere in the 30. Visiting m mbe)'s welcome. to ayton . W'Mre (unera l ('rvic's handl ed by t.he coun ty farm burTh lOla Settl myre, W_ M.. State. Governor Martin L. Davey WCTO heIdi last Tu esday . Mr. Vin n u cooperative thr()ughoutthe Minnie Fromm, S c-y. wa.s issued Pymatuning license No. ce nt Wi8S qu ite well known hen. ;t.at,.-, will occupy the spacious t; No. 2 went to Conservation having lived h re at one t ime. ba.> 'hont floor of the Auditorium :Commissioner L. Wooddell, and -~ ~ No. II to Mr. Hill. Eddi e L .Roy Hough , 00 yeaMl, building. Group me etings for dis· .... s on of William and Euphemia eu ion of the various pha~e8 of A L nific d wn-p our of rain Ha ... ts ck Hough di ed at Me lell- ol'ganiz I action ·in agricultural, "PropoMls to ConlP'e!;s fOr sevlnst a turday aftel'no-on did much nnd Ito.: pital . Tue. day night, late . will be a new f ature thill year. en more TVA area.s us part of the damage to th e n wly plante'd toli e is sur"iv 'd by his willow, ora, G.. o ~p. b!'takfn.-t ,f or. wome n a nd 'Tltltione. conscl"vatiOl t 'arid fl ood hacco crop. Many fi Id had just control ' prognlm are directly in a s i ~tel', Mrs. Entia Kibh~r, oC , fJubltc~tY' r 111'ellc n,t8t1ves, ntte~d been put out last week andl the Dayton, a brother, Vl.' rnon 1I 0uj!'h anCl\ aWllrdfl, n~d other speclal lin with Tecent pro~'osals and res Mrs_ Ellen Wim,pcar a nd daugh "oil wa not fil'mly set when the of thil' place. FUI\~ .. ol Services f 'lIutr 8 belOg arranged. ol uti on of the board of trustees Raymond Braddock, local high ter, atherin, sp nt the week- lWal' cloud bu t came upon the wer' h ld Thu I" <lny aft I'noo n oC the Ohio Fann :Bureau ," dcsehool teacher will ·a ssume the nd with Emma E. DurneLl. tend~ 1" young plants. In many at 2 O'cock, will, bul'ial i n Miami clared Murllay D. Lincoln, execu principals hlp of t hc Way nesvill Mr. and Mrs. Th ood·ore Mart fields the plants w re wash d out tive .S (!cretary of the sta to farm ter, Mary Loraine, were ni nn cr CemctcIT· high Bchool, beginning n cxt year . g:uests, Tuesday vening, of M:r . - -and Mr. and Mrs. larenc ams e ntirely or b aten dow n into the organization, Columlbus, today, The office, whjch wa discontinuT .' B. Brannock. of Dayton wer week-end guests loose dirt, thus making extra 13 ed &averal yeaTS ago, WAS rc-estab Th e Great Lak('s anti the hio Mr. and Mrs. Leroy J on s and of Mr. and Mrs. Eni Thompson. bor neceSl'ary in resetti ng mis: ing Jished when the Board of EducaValley i one of Fe v n drainage s ons s pent Su nday in incinnati, and injured plants . Mr. and M rs. , Ho'wnrd ' Drumtion met Monday night. R sponses hav been plenliou$ Many Ii Ids of corn have ho\\n basin in various parts of th e U- Ohio. A group . of locnl F F A Boy , to O'ur queery conce rning the old Mr. Hraddock is a local man mond and · fam il y, Mr. J ames weak germinati on and are being nHedt tates, fo r which the ConMr. and Mrs. Ralph Truax w ro and ha been very 8ucce fuL in' mith and Mr. John . hultz vi ited repl!lnt d. Fi Ids with full stands greSl' was asked by President w k nd vi itots in Cincinnati. tog ether With the. adviso r, Mr. band picture in last week' i: ue. hi teaching, having taught here with Mi'. and Mrs. Tlmot-hy Smith ar lo.oking good and sh ow rapid Roose\rclt to set up Il'egional flood While cleaning la t Thursday, Crabbe, spent Fndny and Saiul'- Let ters have coro from far off Sunday. control authorities to "conserve the past thre 'J rs. Mrs. Oakley Unglesbee fe ll. Sh day attending thc s~tQ F. F. A. statea. Local folk have res ponded growth. Whe at and other crops William and Grace A:llen pent a re looking very promising. " Other matters 01 tho; Board the nation' natural wealth and hUlot her left arm severely. Whil e co~fe .. cnce an~ f:('ld . day at in p r~ on, phone Mils and letters. oluln- IA~ this goes to press, T~pon$CS were diNletcdt t o general repairs Sund~y with P enni K bi now~th of pToteet a~inst ~'il -I. storms, still unable to use bel' arm, it i · OhH) tate Umverslty In LYTLE at the achool building. Extensive Lumberton. floods and drouths." bu ' . arc still coming in so wc are waitslowly improving. repairs on the furnaces in the R ',pres ntaLlv • .; n.f m ore t ha-n ing until next week to make our Ca!'1 Peterson and fam ily an d The) board of trl~ stecs of the Mrs. IM,y er Hyman and Mrs . Bal A numbe r of s mal1 children high schOOl building we re order- Mr. and lI1 rs. R ob rt Bowcrs of 250 chapters . W~I' atLendll1\ce lanno uncement of the prize winne,r_ from h' I' began taking piano Ie - Ohio Farm Burea u, ,at ~hei r regu- ord Wallace pent Tuo day in Cined made. Cesspools at both bu ildnnd c()n ,~ t.. In )unj!'lng ~ Ivc ~t.o k I n t ho meantime Mr. Russell pl·ingfield call d on Ros P lanck :oon, Thul'. day. at WaynesviUe lar May session in Columbus, cinnati, Ohio. ings are to be cleaned. Improve- and family, un(lay. a~d gram,. toStet?!! ... wlLh. flc ld Fran k hru been bu sy trying to get MI'. an d M~ AI Polinsky of in und r th direction of Mr. Frank. \\' nt on r cord in fnvor of thl' me nt of" basement drainag at tnJ,l s to vano.us p()~nts of IO~J re.<t a III d l'n band into s hap-e. Prac10 \\ est po.>. ib le co~t of electrici ty spenl the week-end wit.h cinnllt i Mrs. Rob rt Taylor is 1'Iowly older cholars are also the. high school is under wa~ . were th malll cntur s of IIItcl·-jLi(:e las t Mond ay ,ev ning brought orles ·o on other in tru- to farm people, Mr. Lincoln ex- Mrs. Hyman and Robert. Some needed pain.ting is to be improving at. her home in est. nut .ixteo rl mu sicia ns interested plain d, qnd insi tedl in their rooMrs. H . E. Hathaway is honl e ai win. done. - - -- _. - - in mnking a band. However, Mr. A lellnis court bas b en put in olution that all proposed l egi~ la tor a second operation at olu mMrs. A lic lal·k spent W ed'Mq-. J ennie Planck and sons, condition at the high schoot build- Robc'rt and Roy, were at Fort An- n sday in Dayton and ailed on tilln providing for Lhe cons truc- bus hjo. Mrs. H u,thaway is get- WAYNESVII~ lE M. E. CHURCH Frmlk is anxiolls fOl' more exper. lienced plo ye to join and invites ing and is available to an te nnis cient Park one d·a y lhls w ek. tio n of (lood contl'cll d6ms be so ting along nic Iy. MilLon Sh eh n at. Miarhi Valley unday : - - - pillyers to report for practie~ next lovers. U tho playing will w r draWn all to provide pecifically Mr. a nd Mrs. He nry F10pkins hospital. Mrs. T . , H ardin. i,s sllendinll t nnis shoes1 the court will reo this we k vis iting r lntives at Falunclay Rch ol I lit () .30 A. M.. Monday veni ng a the high . chool B bby Gr"y ha b<!ch very .. ill rOI· the generation of electric pow attended t h-e showi ng, nt Xenia , main in a much better conditio", mouth, K-entucky. of t he man who is slowly turning Morning w,orshlp at 10 :40. The gym. with grip ·and now has the meas- or in conn ection with them. and be more ,satisfaei.ory for vOn last Sunday , Mr. And Mrs. les, scrmlln ubj ect will be "The Way I Th ' band will have a fine array .. enatol" George W . Nonis, "fa- to sto ne . ery one. Mr. ·Lee Monis and Mr. George to the BeRt." I ne,"' music a s new ma.rch 'books, Robert Bakel' v~ry plea nUy enMr. and Mrs. E. B. Longacre, t h r" of the T ennesse Valley Au i,n company with Mr. and, Mr. l hority ancl the Rural Electrifiea- Hamilton of Dayton visit('d t h eir Th Anllulli hildl·C'I!'s SCI·vic\! ovcrtur s andi nove lty numbers terta.in ed t.h fonoWing gue ts: FRiENDS iiOMENEWS Mr. and Mrs. Carr Mitc hel and corgI! Davi., of Jo, per, too k a toin Admini tration, who has in - Aunt, Mr. Amanda {mfit. on will be held at R:00 11 . rn. have b en aeW d lo t he band IiDr. and Mrs. Keevor of Cen- family of Covington, Ky. Mr, nnd molor trip to North Carolina ts t troduced n bill to provide for t he to t Saturday. W cd n e~day : hrary. t.erville, Mr. and. Mrs. Schaffer of MTs. Jo~ Cornelius a nd fa.m ily of w ck. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Munger, additional d" inagl~ basin proBible Qtudy and praye r mectBRmS SEVERALRIBS Dayton, Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. £r- Cincinnnti, OhiO, Mr. and< Mrs. Mrs. Mary , Oarmony a t liendedl j ect, said t his weElk t ha t "each Mr. and Mrs. Wilbu r Woolard and ing at 7 :46 [J . nl. . nest Martin of Dayton, all were Robert Baker, Jr. an d Lois J e a~ , a fam ily dinner, Sunday, at t he a uthority would be dir~ cted to child ren were S unday guc~ ts of Th Ladies A id of t he M. E. Illude E·. Price. while reaching guestl! at the Friends Home, Sun- and Miss Virgi nia O'Netj;a ()f Cin home of her (I n and wife, .Mr. g nerate ~lectr i c i ty wherever pos- Mr. and MI·s. ~Ieigh Mungel' a 11\1 rch ~\ ill lIIuet, Wellnesd"y, ovc,. into a tool box early Monday day. , and MI'S. E. J . Car,m ony at Spring s ib le, con.~ iste n t; wi t h the im- their home near J a.mestow n, un- Junl" IG, with . Mn; . . B es~ And.' r- Imol'ninlt, s lippeli lind fell aga in t cinnati Ohio . Miss Rachel Pettit, MIlss Ruth provement of nn,lIigntion and day. Mrs. LMnard Ti~n ey entel's 'Mi- £i Id. Ro n. overed dish dlnn e r .~e l'vllu the box, bl' akin g s,ev eral ribs. and Elizabeth Chandler WeTe in ami Vall ey Ho pital W ednesday M'r. John Withers and family of at noon. , Mr. find Mrs. Therle Jones and flood control, to build transmil;I Th e injury hus been q(libe pain1 Lebanon, TlJ'esday_ :~on were dinn er ~u ts, Sunday, s ion lines, to transmit thc e l ~tJi New York accompanied by Mi ss evening for a maj()lJ" operation. All III mbers Ilre u rged t o at- fu l, but he is out and ;lround a· Mrs. LueUa Brown and daughLi sie Decker oC Le-banon visjted tend. Ip;a ill. Mrs. Robert Tayl or, who e con- of 'Mr. and Mrs, E dwin Nutt and city t'h u s pr oduced and sell the ter, Julia and 80ns, Wendell and remai ned for a fe-w days with hi s power to states, munioipaJl ities Mr. and Mrs. Oakley Ungl esbec on G. C'. Dibel't, Pastor., di tion has been eriQus, is some RusacU of Centerville, Ohio, Mrs ThuTSday. MI'. W'i thers is Dean of grand-parents. nnd fa r m organizat,ions." Ev.erett Kenrick and IOn ' were wha't improved.. Her daughter, The Educators College in New Mr. and 'Mrs. Walter Clark The resol uti on by the fa r m burcallen at the Friendl!l Home, Sun,. Mrs. Bessie MUleI' of Indianapolis spent Monday with their daughter eau trust s followed cons ider- York. Indiana and granddaughter, Mrs. day_ ' Mr. and Mrs. L . C. St J ohn enMiss Wanda Clark, who js ill at able discussion or 'widespread efMrs. Mae WiUiamson, Center· Helen King, of Cincinnati, Ohio, Miami Vall ey h o pita!. Sh, tertRined. at a family d inn er , Sunis forts of numerous I~roups and invill, called on Miss Anna ana are caring for ber. dny. The following v,uests, Mr. and slightl~ im.proved at this time. dividuals for flood control in the . Mrs: Leonard Tinney, Miss Mar Marne Brown, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Clark Ohio river valley following t}1e Mrs. Kc nn elh St J ohn nnd bab y of Dr. and Ilrs. Keevorof Center. gie Tinney, and Mrs. Joe Tinney and son of Dayton called on the Hubbard Ohio, Mr . Ilnrl Mrs. Glen disastrous floods of the past inville, Mr. and Mrs. Schaffer of were in Dayton, 'MKlnday. form~r s gl'and-mother, Mrs. Mary tel', and cal1ed · f()r hydro-elect ric Bland. and Barbara Lou, of Spring Dayton, Miss Rachel Pettit and , MIss E. W. Nutting is spend- Carmony, Tu e day. bora, OhiO, Mr. and Mra. John power in co nnectio~ with flood (~U88 Ruth a1)d Elisabethi Ohand. ing the summer with a cousin at Mes rs Clyde Wharton and AI· control dams that may be con- ettlemeyer of near Oregonia, Mr , leI', ~re in Lebanon, Tuesday. and Mrs. Kenneth St John anw ,baHinsdale, New ~amp8hire . len Emrick made a business trip structed. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Martin ~f by will remain for a short visit Miss Louise Ho.mntj!U 01 King- to Cincinnati, Monday_ "If large dams lue to be con- with their parents. Dayton ~re cuesta of the Friends man, OKio, spent the w~ek-end Mr. and 'M rs; Hayes Leach of structed in the Ohio river a.nd its Home, Sunday. 'Pollrs. Emma Farr Dak.in of Xenwith her frienl;\, Mrs. Don HAwke. Spri ng boro were Sund,aiy afternoon guests at the hom.e of Mr. tributaries," said Mr. Lincoln in ia hWi been spending severaL days MTS. Florence Hopkins s-pent interpreting the 'resolut,on, "it with her brother, F . H. Farr and ' and Mrs. Charl es Multenin. FERRY CHURCH' OF CHRIST several days la t week with her Miss Laura ltosnagle of Cincin- would c ontribute 'Very definitely wife. son , Mun;"y, at Dayton. . nati sp ent the week-end with Mr. to thc geneTal welfare of the peoMr. and Mrs. Robert Crew and .. ,.... : W. C. Smith, Minister . ...... Miss Mary Ann Kautz of Dayaud Mrs. Harvey Burnet, and ple of tbe Ohio'Vallc<Y to have Mr, Phiri Cook were th e dinner Sunday: ton, Ohio, ,h8:s bee.n visiting net: family. thus provided for them t he advan- guests Sunday at the home of Mr. I BlbleSc:hool 9:30 a. m. cousin, Mi&& Mary Adams. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Albright ta~e8 <of low cost t!leetric curr n t and Mrs. Paul Long and famil Y ,\ Subjeet of lesson, "The Brotherly Mrs. Ru s..<.e11 Bentley and Mrs. and Jackie Hughs of PelOn, were with a minimum additional ex· of Xenia. , Love of Judah" . LC6son text-- Frank Thomas were in Dayton, dinner guests, Sunday of Mr. and pense required fol' building ~n Guests at the Larrick ho.me 1 Gen. 44:18-34. Friday eveni.ng to see Mrs. Ella Mrs. Kesler Graham and daugh- erating plan.ts in connection with Sunday were ·Mrs. Lilliall Lue b- , the dams at the s.ame time they ber!!, and sons George and Nor,... a.:_, Sermon 11 :00 a. m. Sermon sub- Braddoc:k, who is ill ter. ject, '''rbe Church and Miasiol\&" Mr8. J. P. Larric:k and daug'hMr. and Mrs. Don.aJd Hadley are cOMtructe1i." bert, Mi&s Ann Mueller of Cin. Mr. and Mrs_ Sherman Tinney -, . TuetldAy: ters, lleen· and INa, spent TUft- nnd little dauehter, Donna, attended a family dinner of the forwere visiting Mr~ and Mrs. Web. ANNUAL MEETI~c;..l HE ding- measures involvi~ medical Prayer meeting 8 :00 p. m. LeB- day aftemoon In Lovetand. June 13, 3rd Sunday after Trin ster Tinney of Miamisburg, SatFIRST CHURCH HRIST, and reliriou!! fretWlom i ad tD son study will .,. tile 13th c:hapter Mr. and Mrs. John B. Gone and mer, Sunday, at tbe home of Mr. . . SCIENTIST much good b~aling wo.; f ••tarof Acta. daughter, Marilyn; M.n, Kathryn and Mrs. Wendell Critea, near ity, Evenlng Pra.yer and lIermon. urday. at 7 :80. Mr. and Mrs. Murrel Tinney and ed reports ~ by oburch olfj. . Thunda,.: Tllrn4Ir 81\d IOn. Mathew; Mrs. D. Wilmington• Mr. and Mra. Walter K.nrick ----.- • family wer.e in Lebanon, ~Ullda}' Pro~el8 of Christian eers at the .lanual llae&iD8 of The A.... of Churehel 1.. Crane; F. U. HeMetlon, _re attended the Commencement ft· Mra. H...old Whitaker enter· visiting friends and redl~tLaIV'e(8. expressed in the organization and The Mother Church, will bold their np1ar by-monthl7 ill HaDlilton, SUlIda7, u the cuest Ill' and Mrs. Pre W80n . Ch ch f Chriat, ereille of Stivers High School at talned die Frhmd&hip Club of the meetl. . with the ebareh 01 Christ of IMr. alld lid,.. A. S. Sobo.aer. II. E. Church of Waynesville, h 'dec:ided to make their home recognition pf fl~t1-n.ine . n~ ur 0 N. C. R. Sc:hOOf Hou .., Dalton, W1!dnelda1 afternoon. ------~ ~ avee . I lead f 1reniL churches and locletles; in ARle IDto1l, . e at Illd01etoWao <leH CLUB Wedneada,. eveninl'. Tbeir niece, ... ~ iD o~~~. _ ~__'\" __ • c:reaaes of 66 Jler cent for the Tile eleCtiotl W~W . . . . . . . laat8... lin. Walter Moon, _r. and an. • .... ILI .... Y P Smi" ~ ....... IUsa Clara L. HaiIMll, was OM of IUchard 1Ioon, Allee lane THE WOIllA1"S A ... A . writings of Jlary Bakll' EcldJ,' t. - ~ da7 of 81 or eJotbbllr UL. pUl,I&tea. .... I.01 0.,. The Woman'. AuUIarJ of tile Dille" r aDd FoQftGer of Clara. ~ .h..w_ 00. I. Oldl , fa ;m~_~ BpIlevpeJ CINJeh wID . .et at I
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hat' had all 1a1(1nlf. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS I Io .. hlvl' thut lIIany ~ho would 1. In '\\hat way hall )frs. lIelen n111 'L Ill' 111)1 udmlt It lU'l' ;lfmid or thl! nUIn- TiHnan filrurt'd in the II \\~ rel"IUUf.!h ttl ton 1:1 anti du I\IIt knl'" why. A~k (Ul' a TIll' "uHui l; lll-ttA.. 111\ Itl II ... I'rt 11>· ~lI1nl'L cl:!ntly? '(,COI tI IH·l'ul1lpli,hl·t.1 i to give to the poor l)o~tofCi~eat Waynl.'~Y\lll', Ohin, 1\. nt r('d lI at the I'ott' n,; tIl lI';l' thl . lit',lI11'llJ1I'nt \Cl nl!gardL'~ of eir (lrt!ll'nt.aMIAMISBURG PERMANENT 2. How Willi Mrs. Helen TicrCIIIJ'~ Mail Mntttcr I xpn ". h~ir own \'Il 11 < "'n 1l1111- Ilum' to th~ cont peopl(' judl!'c man \\ hat. hi: wl!RlLhy neIghbor ncn'" crim discovered? ON RETE tl'r" IIf ..""n(,I'I,1 Inl"H'''!. 1\ I\1l1n'~ t\ UCCllNS mol' ltD t h (! u3. What titlc i. Wallis Simps!)n A'ir Seal Bu, •• 1 Vault H ..H»ld D. Willi" Editor nluunt of monry he is abl, to g 1 to receiv now t.hat he is th HOUSEHOl.D HINTS ~======-=~~~-~.~~~~========== THE COl.t> AND SILVER For ale Only By I . 'UED EVRltY Til R DAY STANDA RD illlll hi bunk llecoQllnt, tht' political ",ife of thc Duke of Wind~or'l YOUR FUNERAL DIRECTOR r-_~-=~~==~-======-== ( ll~ JO-hU:1 110.1 \'£, Y ) I'l'C gmtion h ba fl b ('n able 1.0 'seOLE ROlLER btE T LOAF: 4, Wh t airplan race wn.s r6Contmu"l fl 111 IIl-t ",,'ck ture, th hou. h 1iVI'~ in Ilnd tb YenT McCLURE FUNERAL HOME. 1.1\0, ubscriplion Pri ct' , In a larg' bowl, combine 1 1-2 No. Ill! ntly halted by ihc Uniteu States Ol'tic Phone I tJllnk lI11e uf the . trong tar· cor he drivel! thltll th l'Y- ti ll tll 11>'. ground ue f, 1-2 cup finely gov fnm !'nt? Phone 7 W.,ne... ille,O g'lInwnt s 1n 1', 'elr of n h ' renner lh means he u ~l.'d Itl ~.'I lhem, )imlcd onion, l-ot cup finely grat6. The ann iversary of what ein wh ich C·\'I.'I ylhi nl( \\ ill be p 1'ft' eI ancl l'ight and ju . t, i Ih extthink thut a man i no bigger 'd gre n IH'pper or par ley, 1-8 vent of interest to Americans t aspoons sa lt, 1 cup finely roll d would the flIght have commemora.iA unr e of !to mu h wrong nnd in- ~han t hc t hing it tnkefl tu buy him t'Rck. r crumbs, 1 eK~, 1 \!UP milk, tedl whether it is Ii dollar, a hundr d jUlltic nnd in quoli y and unfnlr6, What was th e name of the eg!\ in Lhis \\1/1'111. dollars or Il. smalll political appol nt- 1 tab le poon Worcester sauce, mix with a spoon or hands until thor- hip in which 01, hurl es A. Lnd[ th1nk the \\ odd l' l'u,Jly I d me nt. oughly bl nd ed. In top p.art of bel'gh made his famous Ne,,' YOI'k 1 b licve a half a dozen I nding a ·tray anti is prullt' to fo llow. the double boiler put 1-4 up tomato to Paris flight. fellow with the 111 0 t ClInetit and citizens 'With 8 wrong nse of sauce, pres in 1-2 of th mixture, 7. How long ago was it that the be t. bllll~' hoo even though he true human values and virtues can add another 1-4 cup of tomato Col. Chal'les A, Lindbcrgh madc 10 Year i. insincere, cli~ho n e~t Ilnd uperfi- corrupt any town and lower its uce, press in the r maining hnlf his N w York tu Paris airplane Th e Lord rit'th t hI.' right OUg: hut the wick d and him cia!. whole moral tonle. of m eat mixture, pour over all 1-2 flight in the SpiTit of t. Lollis? that lnv th vio nI'l.' his soul hntl.'th. - PAAlm 11 :5 First Mtg_ 1 b Ii , \' thnt. th man who i ~ 1 have not yet worked out to my cup tom to sallce. C<>vel'. team b ut 1 he m(~~ unplvMnnt pet'!'on 10 mel.'t liP with no(\ 8, What Unitecl State :';upreme lIineerl' and hon .. ~t and just and own understanding why it is that over boiling wat r t hree houre, ot' Farm Loan. Court Justice recently retired? fail' u.ft(,rl lack. HIt' in~ide t o bal· the Lord permiui a man. to pl'OSp r until done. Rem ove to hot platter, hav husinec r lalions with is on e of thol'ie "perfect" in9. How long wa Jl1Slice D vanIy-hoo him ' · If and b cnuse of t his who pra tices dillhonesty in h~ bus pour sauce from do uble boilel' ovtel' on the Supreme CQurt Bench? dividuals with chronic inrligestl<lO . It is a c mbination lack th mn..<, of 11('ople never rec· incas, who tuk E'S unjust profits, er loaf. Serves O. Frank LeMny, Solicitor that c:lnn ot b beat n. , 10. FOr what did l'dinal Munogni1.(' his irtue. who pays th'o e who work for him rlclein figure in the n W"6 recentr Ill'lieve lhe public, as II whole, ~ t.arv·ution wag~!s when he could 61R2 Waynesvillo 74R6 ly? They al'e teilng that II . enio1' in a grllduating la ~s in is incapable of judging. tJ'ue '\\.()rih pay better wages and wh o gives TWO MINUTE SERMON an adjacent county proposed al! a c1a ~ motto: W P A h re ( By Thomas Ha stwell ) 11, In what city was ardinal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. who in an individual and in a contest, dishone t weiglht to Lho We come, politicnl or othenvi ' • betwe It an tl'ad with him. I do not beli ve Mundelein's utterance wlhich wa s For a me of Pottage: We read honest and a sin ere in dividual such a life i square in t.he herealresented by Hitler made? in t he story of E au and Jacob und n supedi iul back ~Iap ,)er and ter by a liberallrift to the mlssionThe PNl id nt W'l.'nt fishing and le ft n~rc s to run 12. Near what ciL)" has the Uni- -----------------~--------t hat Esa u WM punis h d and depriv fiatt r l' tnt.' Intwr will win every al'Y fund or the church. the country and nothing • erious happen ed. It nas b n ted States government recently nc ed of his inhcritanc and blessing Lieen,.d Broker lime, I b 'lieve Ul.I1t most people when s ugg . ted that ongres now go fis hing and let th PI' sbecause be failed to regard his quired a tract of tOll,!' acres 'Upon The i t1si ncet'e' p rson g ets away they see k the edvice oJ others coniden l'un the country awhile. which qlUU'ters will be built for bh·thl'ight and tr ated it cal'elessREAL ESTATE with it b cau e f w persons have tinu until the'y find some one Iy and wdth disr pect. As the-· storing the treasury's surplus silth co urali' t,o onIe s to an er- whose beliefs 'e,oincide with their NOTARY PUBLIC The auto is t he greatest enemy of wild flowe rs, Th story goes he sold his birthright ver? 1'01' of judgement. Ilnd in , their con- own. caravan~ (.rom the citie hlwe practicallyd nuded the for a mess of pottage, a thing of 13. What is the proposed capaceit think th at a mlln who is smart As 1 see it, about all repeal has bighways of wild flowers in a wide radiu fr om th se censmall value t.hat tLsfied but a pas city of the silver storage vaul~ at ters of population. si ng desire. Bec.ause o.f his attitude West Point NeW' York? and the Joss of his birthright be trOT ARY PUBLIC Was deprived of the privilege of In central Ru ia the government permitted 6,000,000 leadersh ip of his people and the Iron Pipe. people to die of tarvation. Th e crop was Ii 'h and a!wr rew.ard of his inheritance. As we 0.84 Tons S" "Class B" IUIt the gove.rnm nt took its taxes which ar set b tor har91111. Dr.... _ • Eatat.. S... Ie" Iron Pipe, I'ead of Esau' s act. today it appears vCllt, it left nothing for the p ople of tha t te rrito ry to liVe J Un!! 7 - LincQl n wa renominated at Baltimore, 1864 0.113 Tons 4" .. lass E" Cast WAYNESVILLE. OHIO fooli h that a man would give .Ujl()n_ Sounds har h, yet thel'e are people in this country T I'l'uty \\ ith England to s urpl'ess s.lave trade" lS62. Iron Pipe. . way a possession that meant 80 preaching that same type' of govern ment Cor this nati~m , 6--6")(6" "Class D" alit much to him elf nd his people and "Y" BTanehes Ju ne 8 apel- m oney wa first authorjl~ed and i suhis po terit.y for o little in return, 3- 6" "Class D" The tim e is coming '\\./1 n every tate will have a law eu in w Y01·k., 170!l. Free delivery 01 m8,U by carrier gree Bonds for the mere satisfaction .of a pallrequiring a rigid physical cxamillAtion of both parties bcinstitut d, 1 72 , 3-6" "Cla98 D" C. I. sing appetite. But how much more fore a marriage certi!icnte is issued. ver:al ~tates alrea6--6" Gate Valve ( mindful are. many of their birth- dy) Low Pressure, Flanged dy hay uch laws. Wh n the law becomes universal it . Jun e 9 - United States decreed aboliti~1D of s lavery right than wa8 the willful, plea- Ends going to cu,t down the enormous bill of expense occasionin all territories of the Union, 1862. John Hc)wal'd Payne, 6--6" Gate Valves ( Iron BoSUTe loving E au? We see every ed by the several 'states having to care for blind, crippled author f "Home lIIeet Home", born, 1791. dy ) ww Pressure, Flanged Ends, day' young men and YOUng women and insane person s I'\"ho have been deni d a fair and right with 7' and 9' tern extensions heirs to the priceless birthrigbt of 1.....-4 .. Gate Valve ( Iron) L. ful chance in life because the state lacked thc courage to June 10 - Benjamin Franklin with his kilt.e dr&w light.a. good name, a life of 'honor, in- p" Flanged Ends, with 5'-4" ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN insure diem a clean birth. ning from clouds, 1752, Wyoming granted woman suCtegl'it.y, industry and sobriety~ cast stem extension and hand wheel Jour ~ttl., bop. Ibeep .nd calv.. fl'tlge, 1 69. 4--4" Gate Valves ( Iron ) L, to Norri.... Brock Ct.., lin 'Wire alld it a ide and .!ocrifiC1!> it for a life Wallis Simpson ' haa her divorce and has married' the . progressive Ann f?r the htchut of idleness, intemperance, Wil te P., Flanged Ends 4-4" Iron Body Horizontal muket prices and good lernce. duke of Wind or who, to possess her, gave up tl\e throne and in merely to gratify the JUI1 11 ongress apPOinted Jefferson, Franklin, Wing Check Valve' , L. P., l'lang- Union Stoc. Y.rd.' Cinelll_tl. O. of perhaps bh greatest empire in the world today. The ab J hn Adams and Hobert Living ton a committee to pr~ foolish de ire and ,mad pleasure of ed Ends, Bron,Ze Mounted with Tune In on Radio Station WCXY dication appears an enormous price' to pay for the love 12 :211 to 12 :30 p. m. for nur d.n, pare the Declar1\tion oe lnd Jlendeitce, 177Ei. Detroit dethe passing moment. They yield to removable gate. of a Woman, but. if the king was unhappy as k.in~, and if 4-4"x6" "Class D" C. I, Pipe maJ'1c t reports. stroye d by fir~, 1 06, the weakness of the crOWd. They t1JE marriage proves to be as happy as both parties now ====~=~~~~~~~ seot'D restraint, and discipline, and Ill,creasers think it will, it "Mil] ,h ave been worth th~ sacrifice. After 4--4" "Class D" C, I. 45 Deelf control, and consume the sacJun e 12 - King onstantine abdicate d, 1917. First all there is no sacrifice too great for true happiness. It Bends red force of life on the altar of gree 4-4" "Class D" C. I. Base El. RevoluUona l'y naval battle, oU Macnias, Mldne, 1775. is not only w.()Tth tbe throne of England but. th throne bews with floor supports •• the god and pleasure. They, too, of the entire world, if bolding such an honor were po si2-6" "Class D" C, I. Elbows sell theil' birthright ·for a mel'e J une 13 - King Louis, of BacaTia, drowned hims If in 2- 6"x6" .. lass D" C. I. T u ble. After all it is a small mind' tha.t is filled and fed with mess of pottage, . 1- 12" C. I . Automatic Flap tarllhcrg Lake, 1 6, Harriet Beecher Stowe, born. honol;'S alone. -~ --Valve Flood Gate, connected to 1 11. 12" Corrugated ' lron Pipe 2'-8" tax.required by Sec, II of Ar·t icle long .T he officers are .often blamed for their failure to take 12 of the Con titution, ' 2500 Lbs. C. I. Pip Joint CalkB mQre active interest in the enforcment of the law, Mueh Said tax shall be and is 'hereby ing Lead, alternate bid for l ~ad of the eritici m is unjust. Officers will risk their lives to · ol'dered computed, certified, lev- compound equal to cRlk 8'1- 12" arr"C! t a criminal only to have him aent up with a light ied and extended upon the tax and 96-6" A.W. W.A. "Class B" sentence to be soon paroled, and turned 100 I' upon society duplicate and collected by the C. I. Pipe joints. ame officers in th same manner 360 Lin. Ft. 6" Vito or Conc. again. In many instances it seems that often the COUl'ts and at tb & same time that taxes Sewer Pipe ( 00- 2' and 60-3') and the ~arole system stand between the criminal and Jun 7, - You are clean and pure in thought and lor general purpose for each of 546-J8" Vito or Cone. "Y" Phone 78J hi just Ipunishment. 'rhe records show an amazing and purpose, and wh en tiling fall short of your ideals you said years are certified, extended Branches, 8" Barrel 6" Spur shocking number ·.()f crimes com tted try criminaLs and can be vcry \n-etched and miserable. At time you are and coUected. 250-6" Vito or COI1£. Stopsex pervel1.s 'Wlho have be n once convicted and too Iloon very clifCicult til please. You are a profound thinker, quiSaid tax shall be placed before pen CLASSIFIED and in preference to. all other . 90-6" Vito or Conc. 30 Degrc FOR turned loose to prey upon society. Before the officers are et, with a lov of justice, truth and harmonious condiitem and for the full amou.nt Bends . SALE:- Ic .. Box, 100 too severely condemned it .mignt be well to inqujre into tions. You arc quiEt and sedate, but your undertakings thereof. The funds derived from 2-8" Vito or Cone. 30 Degree pounds. SOme other departmeats !I1lat have to do with the admiois.. f eel the fOl 'ce of your ene~gy before they are co.mpleted said tax levies hereby r~quired Bends W. N. ars, Phone 79 tration of ju ·tice. No parole board hould turn loose upon hall be pIa ed in a separate and 1-12" Vito or Cone. 30 Degri?6 :-7'-::-:::---: - distinct fund which together with Bend FOR SALE: Nancy flail Swe t; society a crimina.l minded individual. If the parole board J u n 9, 10 - You al'e stubborn, shre,wd; positive. You nil interest collected ' on the same 2-8" Vit or Conc. Reverse potatoe a nd Cabbage, Tomscannot discover whether or not an applicant has criminal hoy t' a 10\'41 of ju ticc and your desires .are pure. You shall be irrevocably pledged for Ring "Y" Branches, 8" Barrel 8" Loes, Mangoes. Call at J. Kertendencies it should take no chances. It hould err, if it s hould leam palience. You are easily discouraged if you, the payment of interest and prin.. Spur rick, No. 3rd t. Waynesvi lle. errs at all, on the side of ociety. Jail to acco mpli h your purpOIW!. You have a rather small cipal of said bonds when and as 1500 Lbs. W ' Braided Jute the same fall due. 6.3 TOM Vito or Conc. Sewel' G-17-p bu si nc ~ talent. You are an ardent lover. Sec. V, That said bonds ~hal1 Pipe Joint Calking Compound FOR SALE:- wee!. potato, toOne of the most deceiving things is the art of swinging be first offered at pal' and ac- ( ,Hot or Co.1d ) , altcmate bid a scythe. Nothing loob eSllier when 'it is done by an eXmow and cubbage plants also Junc ll, 12,13 - You decide and act quickly and imcrued ititerest to the ·Trustees of for Pre~moulded Type Joints epert. Tbe inexperienced person, however, can get more several oth l' kinds of garden pUlsive ly, You have ma.ny friends andl a certain number t he Sinking Fund or to the ot- qual to calk 5364-8" Vito Pipe' blisters and stiff joints frol'l;1 a brief s asion with. a scythe ficeThaving c:harge of the bond A.S.T.M. joints lell$ jute plants. , of ene mies, but are not hateful Or unfair 1n l7011r dislikes. retirement fund and if said trus2000 Pes. 2"xS"- 12 Oak Lump. H. Hockett. andl weed patch, than in any. other way, You have a great desire to understand and know the bidtees or officers refuse to take any ber 'den \vOl'kings of everyth ing, especially for scientific or or all of said bonds, then said 600 Pcs. 4"x4"-12' Oak Lum- FOR SALE : to:'h:ad of whi~e faT,h e best '\\'8>y to advertise a community throughout its intellectual achievements, You have a happy makeup, are bonds not so taken 8hall be adver- bel' ced cattlc, weight 350 to 600 tiSI'd for public sale and sold in 600 Pcs, 2"x4"-12' Yellow trade territory is to do the t hings that will eause the permusic.aJly inclined and somewhat poetical. You are very pounds. We buy and sell all the manner pl'ovided by laW! un- Pine Lumber SOn who comes to our town to trade to feel that ours is affectionate. 'kinds of live stock. Thurman der the direction 'o f the Fin.nce 180 Pes, 2"x4"-16' Yellow a friendly town, a hospitable town. That we as merchants Haye_C, L. Maxwell, one 'Committee and Clerk but not for Pine Lumber and citizens of that commu.nity are not anxious alone that ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!'.'!!!!'.'!!!!!!!!'.'!!!!!!!!!!!!'.'!!!!'.'!!!!'.'!!!!!~ less than their par value .nd IU:40 Pcs. 2"x8"-12' YeUow mile south of Xenia, on Rt. he apend his money with WI and receives in return goods ORDINANCE NO. 148 10f 4 per cent Per annum, the crued inteiest; the proceeds fTom Pi~e70LOumSberF I 6S. Phone 89F2 and service. Our desire s;hould goO furtber ttan tais. Our first installment. of interet.t to be the sale of said bonds, except the .. g. t. 6' No. 2 T. " G. 6-10 pd. P 'd' h ' d premium and accrued in, t eTest Flooring oosil"e allould be that h~ enjo}'ll coming here, that he is rovi 109 for t I' lSSue of bon s due and payabl.l March lat, 1988 thereon and the amount of said 117-C. I, Manhole Rl.ms and -------.~- ~,------Nancy ~ll, Porto made conscious of a 1riendlineas and, hospitality on the of the V!\1age- of Waynesville, ' and each.· six m~ntha thereafter on bonds issued for interest, shall be Covers, open lids, at leaat 400 lb. FOR $ALEI Ohio for the purpose of paying the 1st day ()j~ September and used for the purpose .foreuld etch Rica, and YelloW' JC!rSey sweet put of thoee. 'w ith whom he comes in contact. If a comthe , judgment and costs until a-c. I. '·-nhole Rims an"IT Co-• potato planu, 40cts. puhunt 'd V·II . frendered ' f March 'j I ot each year I b the d prinh U an d f or· no 0 th er purpose; prem& munity 'c an unite sincerely upon such a program it need sgaJns sal 1 age 1n avor 0 c p1l sum is pai<. Said on s 8 a mlum andac:crued interest. re- era, lockable lids, at Jeast 400 lb. dred, and all Jcinds of prden have little concern that it will receive all the trade its Will 0 .. GUstin, Cause No, 16601, mature as followa: Bond No.1 on ceived fTom such sale and the h :plant8, 10c per dozen, or 8 trade territory has to give. Nothing, rain or storm, or bad , Wan'en County, Ohlo, Oommon · ~e da~ Sttpterbtr'd 1938 amount of said bon& i8llued for e8~_24"XS6" Service Boxes wit.h dozen 2!icta. roadB, or distance will keep a customer away from a town Pl eas Coul't. . S~;temb~r, 19~~;..a:d Bond ~0.03 interest shall be transferred to l()cka111e lids, .t leal!t 400 lb, each 1 1·2 miles north ,on W.yne.... in which 'be feels he is defiling with friends who are interWhereas the c!erk of ,the V.lll- on the lst day of September tbe Sinking Fund to be .pplied in 1150 Manhole Stens· age · of WaynesvIlle, OhiO, being 1940 ' the payment of-the principal and 1256 Lin. Ft. %1, Round Steel Ville and Ferry Road. . ested iDl him beyond th usual relaton of bu·y er and sel~ the fiscal offker of said Village . " . interest of said bonds in the manStrouse Brothers, R. R. 2 ler. Lets make our own town known as a friendly town. having certified to the Village The ~rmcipal and ' mterest of ner provided by lav.... Reinlorcing Ban . that with.in the limits of its funds all of said bon~:s shall .be payable Sec. VI. 'l'he derk is hereby dJ1478 Lin. Ft. %" Round Steel F_ Sale: 600 ~h~ioe Here-ford available for the purpose, said at the W~ynesvll.le National Bank, rt'cted to f orward a certified copy Reinforcing Bara Steers, 800 ·lbs. up. T. B. test Village is unable to pay a final Waynesvl1le, OhiO. of thls ordinance to the County 1568 , Lin. Ft. ~ " ROUrld Steel THOUGHTS FOR SERIOUS ed, Truck o.r carloads. Your judgment and costs r endered Sec, rn. Sai(1 bonds shall ex- Auditor. . Reinforcin( Bars SAFETY SLOGANS again t said VilJage in favor of press upon their face the purpose Sec, VII. This ordinance shalt 3062 Lin, Ft. ~" Round Steel aort, Buy direct frolt! owmer, MOMENTS Automobile drivers are far beWill 0 , Gustin, in Calise No. for which. ·they !lre issued; that take effect and be in ' force trom Reinforcing Bars Also h~lfere. Write or wire hind the cara of today when it . Common Pleas Court, War th~y .ar~ Issued In pursuanc.e of at'ld after the eariiellt peri,od al422 Lin. %" Round Steel Gale comes to their ~kill in drivi~. I Cowards. do not cou~t i.n battle; 15601, Dooley, Birmingham r n otinty, O.hio and that said thIS ordmance and ,sbll be SIgned lowed by law. Reinforcing DIll'S . Ia. MOIlt of the automobile accidents they arc there, but not In It. . . judgment wa 1'endered on n01\- by the mayor alnd clerk and seal- Passed 6-7-37 4-4" Duplex Sewage Ejectors ed with the corporate .seal of sa.id A B K Benderaon for two ejector stations, Vertithat take the lives of 36,000 per-I -Eu'nplde . contl'actual obligation. NOW THEREFORE, Be it Reo Village. The, interest coup.()ns att~~L' 'Clerk. cal Submerged Centrifugal Non. For Sale:-- P;r;br;d Short Horn anna each year cc>uld be prevented I The truth is always the strong- solved Bull. Inquire 86 R 2, W.yby the Council of the Vill- tached to said bonda Ihall bear A K Da clogging TyP'e with ejector basin with the exerci.!e of ·care and cau- est argument. -Sophocles. age of Waynesville, State of Ohio: the signature ()f the clerk. '. . t<.verll, each cap. 100 Gal. per nesville, George Rhodell, ltc tion. S6,~00 lives is a terrible price/' It is not. the oath that makes us sary cto of NOTIcETO B IDDERS yor to pay for c:.relessness. ~lieve the man, but the man the Village of Waynesville, Ohio in to pay the inter,e lt on the forego. . . r haae ,. 60 cycle, A. C. , current, For SaJ.:- 1936 Dodge Coach. .,000 panons were burned to oath. _ Aeschylus. loW' milealr8, extra good conthe principal sum of $496.00 in ing laaue of bollm promptly when Buts Will be received and ,open- electrlC .Iternator equipment; all cMath last year. Most of these i Wine fa wont to show the mind order to provide a fund for the and .. the samel falls due .nd at- ed by th! Clerk. of the. VilIa,e of to fit pits lUI shown on pllUl.8, dition. Grabm 8al6$ and Ser purpose of paying the judgment 8(1 to provide a tund sufficient. to W.yne!VIlle, Ohio .•t 111. office in The Villa,e of 'Y.pelville red . .tbt resulted from c.r~lellSness of man. _ Theopis. vice., R. H. Smith. and costs rendered against said discharge the u,d bonda at matu- the ..VilI.ge Bl!!ldlftJ'. .kno":,, &I lel'\'el the riebt to reject an)' and aad could have been prevented , FO R SALE.": iio-:"-:-ho~l~d-lrOOda Village in favor of Will O. Gustin rity, there aha! be and is lIere. , the Town H.lI .t 12.00 0 cl?ck .n blda; the Villa,e alao rue", •• wi... a UtUe caution. .A bad neipbor IS . as Jrfeat a in Cause No. 16601 Warren by jevied on .11 the taxable prop. I Noon, Euten Standard time, OIl the rlA'ht to accept such portions at m, home. BIcardl" of his penon.l opine mlsfortune . . . rood one is a County Common Pleas Court, erty in the. Village of W.7Dea-l th e lat d.y of July 1987, for the onl,. or the matertala .. Deeded Jobn Jon.. . . drhoer i. .. lIOod with. : -gre.t, blea1Il8.• - Helilod. ak to provide • fund for the vine, Ohio, in .ddition to all other material to be Uled in the eon- .nd when required of ....or in him .. he ia GUllty eonlClencea a w.ys m e of ntlt to exceed one taxes • direct tAX anDuaU, dor- ' druetion of tbe Baldtar)' Sewer Speeltleatlons fo'r the aboVe ma elt on uid bonda. Inc the period ..id bolld. are System for the VUIan of Wayn.u. tf'rial• •re 011 file at the Clerk'. FOR SALE 1 - Plant. tor tIlUDtr people cowards. - Philpla)'. See. II. That bonde of the Vill. to nm In .n. sufficient to . ville with the follow1_ matertala: WapemUe Ohio and .t • Ita)' oat 01 • - - -- ".... and Poreh bOll-. ~P. ot W esville, Ohio thalJ provide tallda Interest I EKc.vator to be ta1'llWled, in· of tb. !:qlaeer lIorbeen 10 late. 110 npt \0 Mrs. Nellie Pel'l'7 and lIOn. Jaek In principal Oft lAid wMIl helper, fIlal "1 SU; Ie ,and r. and 1'1. B". DOlt- ••"O.•"U tile to D!'CI~r. 1 ...
a ttt
hat Do
ou Think
1 hl~ Week in Historv
F T M a rt·In Auctioneer
You r Horoscooe
Centerville, Ohio
\;~:tt~te iSb~:~:~r~~~ S~;~J~~:~t~~ ~:C~~Uf~~~
~:n·it~oo '\JM~' ~2~rsv~~ Ha
.- ..----
......... ,
ho.... II...
HARVEY BURG C"l1t"U'fI(.'l'rtlt"rlt l'x('rCI. \'. '" l6re hl'lt! at th~ (;yrn on lu~' I'ri~lay l'lIrnin.:. Paul l:lrl'l'~ IIf WiUen-
lIt'rll ['"Il(,~t· wal! the IIt' ak~' J' of lhl' (lV I' II in/:". The . choltll'ship ;riven by Wilm ingLon ollcg WI\>i award
Like The Magician In "Aladdin's Lamp" Do you remember the magician in the famous Arabian Nights ta le who ,e xchanged new lamps for old? Haven't you sometimea w ished some kind necromancer would give you a new home for an old? .... Well, here he is. W. H . M adden Lumbe.. Company can furnish you, at very reasonable charges, materials for remodeling and decorating-a ne w .home for an old-Investigate for this is, indeed, the time to renew your home.
w. H. Maclden & ·CO. WAYNE S V ILLE, Phope 14,
ed to Willia.m · Campbell. 'rhe W. . T. U. met on In t Lebanon, Ohio · Thursday afternoon at thl! hom Pres~n tin c the Bellt and Latest of Mrs. A. . 'o il ott. '1' In Prvf. and M,·s. H. . Milligan MOTION PICTURE ntel'tained La dinn r the sta1:f vf -= ENTEIt,TA INM E NT l acher I'ce IItly ~t th ir home. lritTodueed the toast mistl'~ss 'of MI'. and Mrs. Hany Tucker and the evening, Mi SI E:Isie Hockett, baby came for Commencem nt and s he in her uSll al c:harming man !lnd spent the wee-end with hi mo ncr prescnt d the plrogl'am which til r, J\1I'l", Mary Tucker and fami- wa; thouroughly enjoyed Le May's Iy. OLh L' gucsw at the home were orchestra of Waynefivi llc furnishl\l r~. Lallie South of Lebanon and cd the music. Officcl·.'< [or th £01Mr. and Mrs. Roy lurk and fam- lowing yt'ar included Mrs. nth 1'Simplesf Cold -Making Mechanism Ever ily of Walhonding. inc Heston as Pre id ~nt, MJ'1~. Eva Built! KIIO..ns Food Safer, Fresher, Longer Mr.. and MI'i';. J . W, n II vi!lit- Vilt rs , 'ecl'ctary, and MI'. Wil_~\. • Curren~ Cost to the Bone! d relatives in Monterey, last \ia m lI.mpbell, Tr usurer, The latweek. tel' part of th evening was s p nt See the Proof! ollege 001mencement at Wil- in d,u ncing. • R igh t I. <, store. yo;"lI s.ee ail accurate electric mington WJ) S held on last Friday WAYNESVILLE CtilURC H OF metel [CSt t' ROVE that Frigidaire'S exclusive coldmOl'lling. Miss Virginia Tucker CHRIST making unit- the ·Meter·Mlser-does S PER· DUTY was on e of the FOUl' years graduW. . Sll1ith, Min'ister 00 a mere t~fckJe of el ectriciry ... even duriog "dog ales. Sunday: day " when many rcfJ'igeralOJ's eith er fail 10 keep Mrs. Mary Barbeau and (laughBibie School 9 :30 a. Ill. ule temperatures, or sboot opcrating COSts skyter-in-law, .M . Robert Barb au, Communion 10:4:' II. m. ~'ard, Avoid disappoiotment! Before you buy any of Batavia, attended Al lIlm ni and hri siian Encleavor 7:15 p. m. were OV<'l'I1ight guests of 11'. and refrigerator, sec (his Proof of the "Supe,. ·... Preaching S Ivice 8 :00 p. m. MI'8. harles Doerst.ler and daughDuty" Frigidaire·, Greater ~c·Ability Se rm on s ubject, "The Good Snter, Mi '8 Nell. They, too, were mari ulIl." PRIC ES here for Alumni. .. Only .Frigidaire gives you ~is AS LO W AS Wednesday: Mr. a nd Mrs. Ii, S . T ueke r and Bible st.udy 8 :OlOp ,m. Less.lO Proof of All 5 Basic Services daughters C'Iltertaincd l'ela.liV'C.S [01' discu ssion will he th 15th for full ,1937 value! from Kentucky lust week, who chapt r of Acts. camG to attend Miss Virg-inia Tuck Thursday: 1. GREATER !£!-ABILITY cr's Commence.ment exercises. All members are urged to atEmLr .. CuOC...s'rullll' .. and " !CJ!-Famin4l." Mr , Mary Hain 8 and Mr. and tend the Area meeting to be heIdi M~ . Cha mart and daughter, 2. GREATER STO RAGE-ABILITY this time in Middl.etown. Me ting Mi s Grace, attended the Hal·tweJl N"", 9-1+'..,. AtJjuslabl Jn/erlor . will start at 8 :00 p. m. High School Commencement on 3. GREATER PROTECT-ABILITY In t Wed nesday eveoing~ CLOVER LEAF ellis MEETING MI'. and Mrs. Kllrl 1\1001'e enterAt a beautifully appointed tained th ir ard Club last ThursLuncheon, the membElrs of the Clo 4. GREATER DEPEND-ABILITY day night. ver Lellf Club an d II feW' gu ~ts S - Yellt' Protl!ct on 1'1 ", Oil .he sPfllNl· ln The la~s of 1930 held a. ','get . ""chtJni.rm. Bu(/t find iNJ"t,r,:d by G ..n(!l'ol gath red i.ogcther at, "The Little Motors_ tog ther" 00 last Thursday night, Inn", on ThuJ: day, j ilL compliment and a v ry enjoy ble evening W'llS 5. GREATf" SAVE-ABILITY to Mrs. Fred Gons, w,ho has 1'ecent spent. iy returned from Florida. The ONLY FRICIDAIRE ~._+- .. _""II4_~, ..... Mr . Wm, Doster and Miss Helmembers pre ent wer'e: Mrs. Fred HAS THE 'h~utU7, n Randall attended a lovely afCUTS CURRENT COST TO THE .ONEJ Goos, Mrs. Bert Hartsock, Mrs. fair given by their sorority in WiSee the Proof wim In actual clecrrlc mtlrr .~r1 Russel Salisbul'y, Mm. S. E. Ellis, ~i nlpt eu ,c(rixc:rar injC:. mechanilm C'VeJ' builr: I OnJ,. .i mo iiuC Pi'!" inC/lid;',., lh<: mutur. . mington one day last week. Mrs. Clarence Rye, Mrs, Lester Mi EdnA after and friend of Gordon, M,r , Emma Me Cluure, Cincinnati w.ere gu sts of lfrs. Mrs: Mert Baird, Miss Hel n W1 H nil Randall and daughter, Miss Hel Hawke, Mrs. D. R, Smith. I,n vited en, Saturday night and Sunday. guests wer.e Mrs. quince Gons, fro and Mrs. E. V. Sch.umaCher Mrs. John Gon, and Miss Alice hllve returned fr90m an extend ed Gons. After a socizil afternoon, visit in New York. hey adjourned to me,et again, first Mr, and Mr . Harold McVey enThursday in Jun e, a,t The' Little Larger Beeaaue of Better Quality, Ser"f'iCle, and Price Established 1849 - 1937 t.crl.ain.ed Mrs . Mc Vey's mother of Inn. Wilmington, last week.
( Fr e D nt'OnstratiQn )
R. D. Collett ' HARDWARE" IMPLEMENTS Waynesville, 0.
~;;;:;;;;;;~;;:;~~;;;;;;;;;:.;~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~ _ _ ____ - - --
GnA 0
jfuntra( J)omt
To be u~ed in a d crtising Chur h, Lodge, socials or sal s \1 ith no co t to organizations. Just phone your · adv rti ement to thi office nnd say IIns rt this ad in" aps" paco fQl' ....... , . , . . , ..... organization."
Mrs. H erbert arr and son, W illiam a nd her parents, Mr. and hs. William Iiker of Wilmington a re leaving this week on a. molor trip to New J ersey for a vis it with Mr. and MJ . Arnold Linton and family and the Cans will ~o On to N W1 York for a visit with !\fr. and :h{rs. Guy Carr. Mrs. Morris herwood h as return d home :(rom a visit with her son, Mr. Fred Sherwood and family of Colwnbus. Mf$ . Alice Urton of Clarksvill is ague t at · th home of Mr , and Mrs. Lyl Robin»o n Bnd daughters. Mr. ~ h al'les Rondebush of Columbus a nd n, former superintendent of this high school attended Alumni on Satu,r day night. Mrs . E. lal'k and daughter, Miss Eliza~th, of Oregonia called on relative, Tue day afternoon. Miss Rh ea Me Carren of Columbus spent several days last week visiting relatives. The Mil; si High school Alumni WGS held on Ias.t Saturday evening and 'Was a success in every
Fairley Hardware Company Waynesville,Obio
C. H. Me Kay was painfully, ==-=--=-:...;-:..;,:';;.:-:....=~=========:;;:;..:.::=;,......;-:...::-::-=-=-:;;.;;-;;.;-;.-.;--=;"..;;;.;;;;~-;;S;;~;;;;;;::;~~~~ _" "hollgh not seriously, injured wh n I. his automobile struck a telephone pole near 'Ccd8l'ville, on Flliday. Plans are being calrl'ied forward for the 50th A nnive'rsary of t he presen t school building h ere, June 27, It is hOPed that all form r ·teaeh rs and pupils can be present. J oe J r. and Billy Da.vi s, of Wayn sville, wer guests last week of ~ . a'nd Mrs. Howard Hurley and falllily. /M.·. and Mrs. R. A. Craig and fanl'ily moved, Tuesilay, to Che .e rland, a suburb of Cleveland, hio, where they wHl make a home for Mrs. Craig's father. Mr,~ . raig's moth.er died reeen.t y. , N ighbors of the Craig family held an ice-cream super in their 10110 1' Thul'sday eve ning, Their leaving is a matter' of l'egr ,t to th eir' many ,frie nds.
.- ....----
An Imp~rtant Announcemment To every household in Watne and Massie T~p.
Raymond Braddock Has been appointed official representative Of All Inllurance Companies
Affiliated With the Farm Bureau
WRITING This place was well 1'epresenLLIF E-HEALTH AND ACCIDENT-FIRE 3d at Alumni Ba'Oqullt at HarveysTORNADO-WIND-CROP-. HOUSEHOLD burg, Saturday eve nli ng. detail. AUTOMOBILE Mrs. Lucy Moore ,:alled on Mrs. Complete Protection In Largest Companies Doing One hundred and te n members Patience Thompso D sind Mrs. AliCe Buainess In America . and gU&ts were seated at 010 t Terry on T<hursday afterno on. benllltifully decorated tables ' and Mr. A. B, Talma ge is j u tly i 'er e served a delicious, three proud of a lIice you ng colt that ap COUTSe dinner by the P. T. A .• .o."U" 'll in his barnyard, Sunday Three of the four . membe.rs of the morning. In severe weather tests, Red first grad1f!lting class were pres- McCarren a'n d sons were qllite Brand fence outlasted all eQt. They were Dr. Mary Cook, of fortunate in having' finished the It is estimated that th rc will Lc .,' othen. Yet itcoata no more t.baD Waynesville, Miss Edna Ca~er, of plImting of 176 aCTElS of corn be- 40 0,000 auto hail~r un:ts on lh::l other braDda of Itandard grade. of Cincinnati. and Mrs_ Cliff Find fore the heavy ralM earne last tbis season , Gives you more ye8tI of aood . . ley Martin, of Tacoma, Wa.shing- week. ' There ale 4CO:> l'ogu!al' l'ccognlvice for your mooey. 'n.t'l .... ton. Mrs. Anna Mae Dona.ld CompMrs. Bruce. Patterson, son Cl.a y zed manufacturers of auto trailfence value. to:l\ of Philadelphia ,was unable to ton and daugh ter, FflStina, Mr. Baattend bu.t sen t a hitter of regret. ker and Mr. W. H. Terry were Wi! ers .i n this coun try. .Double PNtIcted It matters not what pJ'ice funeral may be s I cled- and we NOTICIll TO cO~TnA 1'01l Mrs. E . B. Dakin, a guest, was mington visitors Monday after· Extra heavy ooatina of pure line m 8TA'rEl OF OHIO offer services' to meet. aJ1 y n-cud- n othing is left undone that the only teacher living who taught noon. J)IllI'AnTMEN1' OF "IGIIW.AV~ the outaide-plenty of copper in the C..... mbu ... 0 ....'. M"y :III, If)'J1 Iteel, Full Puce wires • • • '11.,.". here fifty, years ago.. Miss Jessie Garnier, Mrs. Adah Clerk of 8111e_ L"ll,d op), will leave with the family a beautifu l andl conSOling memory 01 tension c:ril1Ipe • • • IICalI8te IIPIdDI No, !IT-10e Talmage and 'MIr. J . Lee Talmage, NIT 1'111 El ( :Ollr"Mt A 1.....' Mrs. Carl Duke, t he President attended Commencl~m.ent exercis. ••. daht knota that can't alip. YOIa Renlc••t PfoPO ~1\ 1 8 will lJe l' " I'tll' a the loved one. That is the mi ssion of this ins Litution--o ne which can't ... theee aood qualidel, . es at Harveys burg,,' Friday evebut when you lee the top wire pUrtwe ,h ave pllriorlJ1 l)d fnithfully for many years. Our funeral home ning_ ed RED, you know you're aettIac Mr. Otia Riqh of Wellman and them. We have a aood Itoc:k of Red is always open for publie in sp ection. niece, Mis8 Edith Jllekson d Ore. DruId .... IQ IDIl _ Ito r_ gonia; called on fri.ends heTe Saturday evening. Mr. Dwight Bea~lon of Springfield visited wlt.h bls mother, Mrs. Wayae...We Pboae 7 Ethel Beuon. SatuTday and Sunday. Mn. DeMon is in very poor health at this writing. Mr. and MM!, Perry Wells and The only country other than the daughter, Alta, spent Sunday af. LOCALS ternoon, the pelta of Mr. and United States in which, HilJium Cas Mr. and MM!. Ernest ar,,.OCK . IITS. Ira Powell of Oreconla. II found, II RUlsla. and IOn, Milo, enterlalned MiueI Marle WeU., Kathleen The l..,.plt helium IU .ell In ThomplODt If.ary Ethel Suns, and Mr. and Mrs. Hem'lan Surfaee alnd the world ia located near AmarilMr. Chari.. WeU. of thb place IOn, ,Donnie Llle. The oeeallOn .... lo. Tenl and Is OWDecl b, the Deand Meura Lester Banahart and Iq lin. Surlaee'l birthda,. Firman Kreitzer of GtT1IIalltoowtl Mn. RaJlll0ftd ConDer, Leo alld ,artmat of Interior. .... In WIlmlnpoq SaturdaJ eftNo helham ... pI'Odllted III thIa Sarah, atte1lcled Bacca1aurea nble and .... Autre, at the
Insure Where Your Neighbor Insure.
Service That Is Appropriate and Beautiful
........ .....
,"- p.'.1l,....,.d
Waynesville farmers' h. Co. Phone 25
Muat Make Good
. Or We Will It Look. Better Lnnger
Gibbons Lumber Co.
5 Gal.
Dr. HessI
E. MeClure.
Fly Spray ====~~==::! $4.95 Waynelville .Drug Store
Published Weekly In T he Interests Of Miami Valley'. Foremolt Progre••iye CommuDity -......---
A full pt·o· with sp<'ci.fll llI us i grRm b gi nn ing w ith . nt. 10 o'clock. BJ in ~ your bll !lket.~ Rnd enjoy RnoLhl'r g'l'e at d a ~' wit h u . TH E , Ml\U TTr; E
t: l"ri
lId l -
Sprinf Vali ey, Ohio
o'clock. H is tlau ):( hte T~ will us"]s t __ ._, _ Ii
Make This Store Your Headquarters
M t. Holiy Chur h L calling all , f ri ' ndl'> t o a . " eial all rla y III t,'pl'inil' \'alll'~ 111111 chant,. an d inll' n xt .u nday June 13 th . R ,;. .. SPRING VALLEY Itrnci("IIl.' n Ill l'I:lIll'ti a uni(ul lIort Baldwin of SL P !C'n.bu rg, SMALL AN IM"L HOSPITAL f r'OI t cd Jll\ll-.lI,. Wl'lI ~ th ~ w ok l-iR., w ith his t wo daughtcr.- will n~ llractl<'a il v ail pi thc111 willin!:,h \lit.h U R. h~ will p!'<'a eh f ur us W . O . ;Bow r., D. V. M. Iy l<ignl'd ll,; "ith Lh l, 1lf'\\'PflpCl' at I v n o'el ck nl! alZ'a in a t two to • l' I'\,' (lwlT' ~'\'Illll\unity.
Nl'WS. tlnn ouncemen t.;:, tlnd !'Ules wiil be puhli.·hed her e !l II co mnlUnit y ontHlll'.i s . Ch urc hl.'., ~ ch oo b , clubR li nd ncth' or ·anizatio ru Il rc invi ted to ma k xl n ille use oI t,h i ~ paper I n YIOI''' II'lInl' I r the comlllU Il- fu r the promoti on of th ir pro· ity had, alh'llljl!.(·" tu ' lud n pn- ' gram. -. r of Ih'l"lt till n hut (' X JW 11M! and e \\ writ ers tire h ing emp ioy11I!)1I1' wn~ tl'll nl\l ch f(lr i( to " ll r-! cd nnd t hey will gilldly nccl'llt :11'vivc. lIm\ '\,(:1", u ll~I,'1' thl~ '11:W ~ l'-I Lic lcs f or publir alion. The pub lis h1':llll-lem Cn \I Ith fhl: llalll l Ga- 1.'1' hopes tha t the ge neral publ ic 7.. Ltc, ~PI ill~ Vallt community wi ll accept this off ered rvie e will 1 ~ l'l· Y' II 1I~ I'ffrcLi\'l' ly as with .lia ' I'it y fo r i t i fIel d in thuugh lhl'Y h 'l ci thl'ir OlIn intlivi- ~oo d fa ith and th e .sUCCC'M of dual ('I,rlllllllllity l'ap 1'. Spring a ll y me1'chant::; to \~ tabThl' (;a zl'l " , \\ III call'. a S I) cial li:;ir t his service dep en ds On pub· Illc.·suJ!'es
l )'
Sprinj! \ nlll' ~" ~"l' l ion ~ach we k . lie ac ce p\.l.\ I1C
==""-=.;- --==-==- --;: - =.
Th i' Villa ge never loo ked I1 re ~ ti r than. it oocs t h is seal!on. T he light winter protected many 01 t he lemi er' huds - th n a heavy j'ainfu U lIas brought fort h a fo liuge ;;uffici ent to make t.h . hr ub· bery a nd fl owers b we r f be au· ty. F Ol'tuna tely a number of OUT p oplc are interested in bea uti fying th~ir homes. T hose in t\ll' e,~tl.'d in roses will do :>' 11 t o at te nd th e I'os e exhibit tit t he A l'l Institu t e u nda)" J U'ne 1iI. 1t iR op n to h e pu blic a t 1 :30. Th Iris exhibit was IIhown last Su nlhlY, Jun 6.
of the I lan .
Valley bu sin e.<;s houses . 1 1IIVeJ "bo w'll tbroughout t he period J '\ o f this s t up II s pirlit of nggressive, EST ATE STOVES nI.'~S tllnt few rur8,1 villag 8 I1<1 S, . s. On a cry hand theIr is (" ' iJOHN DEERE IMPL. d(' ne of ,t ady n dvanc m nt, InB y LUCY TSIVOGLOU . 't cud of . itt illg down a nd bei ng PERFECTION OIL STOVES l eClurl' N ew~pn(X'r Syndl ca t •. Ollel'co m Illy laTger s urrou n ding WNU Se"lc e. to wns certain li nes of end eavor HAAG WASHERS ARMELA TOR EL L r w as ha e blJ(' n devel oped so that CHIEF HOUSE PAINT ashamed of her rather . And tho , p r ing Vall ey i inca'easing its im tragedy was the grea ter because portance by maki n l~ it self headshe also adored him. I quar te r s a nd di trib utio n point fOT LUMBER By shl.'er m ent al brilliance, Car · , bak r y, confectionery a nd f eeds mela had r isen from poverty to ~ to ma ny of th e le.ss progressive Also see our ~sedline of fa rm imple"";en b , stoves a n d the competence of fulY·a·week , bu~ towns abou t it. _ __ when she stoppel! lnlo the office: each morning she wos ha unted by NEW BURLIINGT ON washers. fear lest the m ire 01 th o squalid Misses F rances A nn and Re'~ tree t in the section where she sUll dwelt might be clinging to the hem ' becca Larkin, of G-reenfield. Ohi o are g u sts in th home of th ei r ~t her skirt. To all h er entreoties that they g ra nd partlqts, Mr. nnd Mrs. T. C. JIlove to some pretty suburb. P as- Haydock. . \ quale Torelli stubbor nly turned a . Mi3s H elen :M~md enha ll was deaf car . He h ad savcd a neat h o 'less t o the Merry Ma ids S. S, SPRING VALLEY UttIe . sum In all these years, but PHONE 37 cias and teacher, Mi ss Marjolie I~E~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4V~ h e hod known the days when be had been obliged to draw in his Haydock (I n We dnllsday. After a belt, and he refused to give. up h is theat r pa rty, th e young ladies nj oyed a weinel' roa st at the. work or mov e to more expensive qunrte rs. So, of a morning, as Car· Mende nhall home. T he Dor cas lub of he M. E. !llt!la leU their ,three room s in the , ov.rcrowded tenement house and hu rch spent the day, Wed'nesday s t .. " pp.d warily over tho r ough cob· at the home of Rev. and Mrs. P ebl.,lones, striving ( 0 keep her daln- ters. of As hville, Ohio. \1 footwea r clean, old P asquale M rs. H O'r\"al'd Hurley en te rtainotten piodded close behind her , ed the Ladie ' Aid of h llroll M. tNndllng his pushCDrt filled with E. hureh on Wednesday p. m. (r'ut 0)1' vege ta bles. T he Merry Wiv !~s C1l! b and hus Cum..la hated tha t PU ShCllrt , . vea 'Jlhlle she admi tted n i.' ~'lotl! bands were p leasa ntly entel'taned ~l\a \ )t 'la d e Arned lhl' :r .\ ,\ I) \)1 s,d · in Lhe ho·me of Mr. and M<1's, E . O. 11 0.4 ,.l.otb. d her It1 n:... muel1 o a ' s.hida k l' On S undl!Y. . nH" Ll:\ 1; "U:er cl: 1l~~ ~11 i.;: her Mc MIl-LENS MASTER MIX t1~ ' I(· .i')nJT.I'Qd hnd worn C'lun e CQt- . ~ . ========-:====
S pring
Spring Valley H.a rdware
Spring Vall~y Feeds Retail &
Supplement to your home grown Grain.
\ .):\1: .
; '
"Do you SUPPOSf! I d on' t r eol1zd th at?" she r eplied, all the more biti lorly because her Iprlde was 3trugt poultry raising. gUng with the tin,gllng joy of hi1 kiss. "You have ev,eryth lng and YOl1 live in com!O{t and luxury; I live :~ rl .,..... cotl"',e. Complete F ee d a at Attractive Prices in the dingies t atz'eet 1n the city, Ra .... hnndsom. , U<i ..."" . and my f ather wh eels a pushcart. r. ulab.6 ·!o k ing, wa s ).Jl ~ . ; Illo. '" ~ , aur. !\e m ust be ot n·.'ili. ~f\O ••17:·. i What have we In c:ommon? " 'Rho . 'Ir.. she, CI\' \'l' l'!.. T~e' Ii, " What. indeed! '" he answered: :t 'IIIht.er of Pnsq\l .. h··· 'lf· ~ h- IJ. , with even greater bitterness. " Do t art, to ;oog t r the jove 0' r,1 : ~ you think that would hold me from' m s n ~ Nn ertheless, oaou'-- l';I dingy' loving you? You grew up E:"" would \oolt up and ~ nd bl, 'r ~s .treet. but you always had a r oof! t _d OG blr, with &II ....pn .. \'O r: over your bead. M any a night )! crouched In an a lley corner or hud· 1I1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~3 mad. her trep·,bl. , .u" .btle 'dIed in a doorway to keep trom iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiIiiiiiiiOiiiiiiOiiiiii_OiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiOiiiiiiOiiiiiiiiiiiiii--i&iiiiOiiiiiiiiiiiiiiOiiiiiiOiiiiii--iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-- ' 5:- , wooda! .d at Ita ... d~!I". freezing. Sometimes I was 80 hun.'. u ml an wb .. ''' £OJ If , ~Il~ li te toacther. WbNl t"' ~ :I , gr y I was tempted to steal. I edu",ere rlady to lea,', t ~ C3'!" i \ cated myseH, and x' wen t to school ' In r agll. And do you know what m y ~I. eroll. d tha otBe. to the " • • h· father was? A crCl,okl A gunm an I' the over • enaU 'a!'and. nd ..... rbtI'!pr'tld t.U. N .. r'" but 001';: .Your falber has 18 pushcart, but, ~e' s honest. Hones·t, Car mela I Hon·· ! ~ .t. fl:>r L id" '1.\Ill P'ld up " :,, j 41st! I'd give the w,orld .to have had: CIIII4I\1t ho, \a hI> . !'!!'1I', "Dd i.e j, ! u~d htlrl • • father like him. Do you thinJQ 'l'htl hilt ..con" l b . wu tr :c. I ' d uk !lny woman to m arry ' m e I Il r.d h. w .. e Ifl~tp. tnlrerebl" , ·-t:,·.r· i\he 80n of a crook ? II vision , Suddenly Carmelia's mental r.· .• I • • I r\Jd ll't Inun \C do It. PI • • 'te DWIN FLY SPRAY ELECTRIC FANS !f'"lve m.. end for ... ' II b o~t ! ~ . 1 ;.. w a glor11led picture of old P as· 'AI pt. 29c l pt. 49c Regut ~ r $ 2.00 Value IQuale ; saw him all he had always L...,.~ 1()U, INt , M\'C"r m • • M , _ I J know It. Our SlIltlY u.... tar .put :tolled through1the Itreet8 behind h i. ~art. fac ing cold allld sleet and rain, ~ .; u.. t .. CI p,\l•• • '" I 'o r wilting under 81 torrid .qmmcr - PE R-SONALGR"P HS . \iun; law hlm. IBlway. smUlng, POISON IVY LOTlON, 36 eent .iae ... ........ .................. .. . 2 3 c . I shouUng hie warea Iln a cheerful bar, Collen Kyn a of Dayton is spend . Iltone. even wbile he ahook with an PAPER TOWELS, roll .... . .. .. 0ge CRITERIAN lng t hE' wC'ck with her g l'.a l'l dpar- ' ,.gue. en s, Mr . a nd Mrs. Frank KYlie . She remembered the years wben, SUN GOGGLES, S5c & 25c ALARM CLOCK . I at the end of a harel day, he had en. 1ge valu es at .. .... .. . Mrs. T. P e l'ki ns and son have tered the tenement kitchen snd l'etul'ned h() me from a t~.o weeks lSpoured hll earnings Into her moth· UNGUENTINE. 50c tube .. .. 41 e v isit with relative in Ken t ucky. / ,er" aprOD. And Ilbe realized thaI tha mUe peddler father, of whom T ABLE LAMPS, b eautiful HINDS Mr . and Mrs. Fore t Grandu r .aha had been ashamed. ' was one 'ot ,s tyles and designs .... $ 1.09 and T oddy Wallon of DaytoJl vis- ' 'that vaat army of patient and un· H '" A LOTION it d MI'. and Mrs. J . T . Wa lt on on I " un g heroes, who 8:0 ,lad1y forth to $1.00 sue GEM VING SET~, soap, I Saturda.v night a nd Sunday IJsUle each day. th.at the' ones they ,love may Dot know want. brush. r az-or, blades in a MI'. an cl Mrs. Phil'i p Cop y and , At the IBme m()ment abe knew traveling kit; a $ 1.76 valu e .. 98c c1 uU$\n.,tar. Dorcas A nn visite d Mr. .at the man betorl! her. Luigi. who " d M ' laad· been ao hungry that he "wsa acl n /·B. Arc h Cop se y 0 11 d ux-· I ·t.mpted t 0 I"",a .- 1" , bU t W h 0 never· DEWITTS · NOX STOCK SPRAY, stays on ay. , Uae~e.. had conquered temptation a ll day. Guaranteed t o keep ANTAUD PO I J oan lind Nancy Har tinger a ra 11De! probably cnahed an inherited .. . . . . ' ItendepCY to vice. wal a hero of ant he f lies away , gallon .... 90e .. , ..... 50c size 29" ' 1 i;1 ~1n~ /'e]at lves In _Pomeroy, O. etbv lort. For what lI'eater fot Th t· Da ugh te rs of America, w ill . 0 man have to battle than ,ns• • NON SPI DEODORANT, lPll. perapiralioD quickl,., .afel,. 33c hold a lawn fete at th e C()mm uni- I ~ hunger? ty. ro() m on next Saturday n ight. Her arms crept up about hi. beak. MICKY MOUSE or DONALD DUCK, pllr. c•• til. aoap .... .... 0ge O. E. S. in specti on will be held ,aDd of her own accord Ihe lr.J.II~ Compar e t hese prices anywhere IY' at New' Burlingto n, on Wednes- ~ laulh~' a lIttl. , hnterlca1l1 day even ing J un e 9 ... you woo t ask me to tnarl'7 '''''' 1\ . J . 1Aaigl, tileD ru bave to do tbe II" Ern est Rc{)ves has r elurn- "opellDa 1r171811 You're til ed home from · a v isit wit.h her par IUd tim.. more Worth7 :, se: TWa C01lpoa entitles you to a free ice creamcon e of Barker's e nie in Harlan, Ky. WOman than It IOU had beea borr, III wht n a ccom panied by a purchas!! . Pwple c( ,me for Mr. and .M rs. Cliff Turner had • castle. with a ,old .poem AD loti' . . this ....cioull ummel' deasert. Try it and find out as llUtst on Sunday, Mr. and Lul", I Iov. Iou." Mrs. Burr!! l! Smith of near Xen~~~"'I""'·Deil"'11l
Make. the Lest results for animal and
W. C.
f!arDol.oW wall In lov• . Y IlI IIrlth , ' :b, ~ . L uiRi MA!III "-" h •• d I oJ! ~ bt. \.-~ '.'! :l~.;~~ l· \ .. \~ I)J! I ' I .\!II bnpart..r . S.'''' \ U I ' ;' f acT'f' : ar ~, a"'" 'll'r d(!~~ t~~ ~'1 i:t, ~ '~ l! '
in ,.
~~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;~II Tha,.
Barker'. Specials Summer Needl 'Thursday • Friday. Saturday
"'~' l
'UN this Coupon today '
Kr. and M.ra. Rusaell Call1pbell II
the r ligiou ' situation ill Germany. 11 , hi ago. 12. WC Mt P o int, New York. 13 . 70 tOilS.
Sprin. Valley National Bank Spr ing Valley, Ohio
Memb er F . D. L C. ee us b for you borrow 6 per ent on a ll loans Bank with us
7. Te'n yean. 8. Justice Van De v.an ter. 9. Twenty-six years. 10. Because of ·his l'emar'ks
T he title of " hio's old st license d angle r" goes t o MI'S. Sat'Bll .Mo rris, !:I S, of Lima. on s rva tion 0 0l1l1 i. ion er L. W oo ddell believ - . Records show t hat on May 29 she t ook out a Ii hing license at th office of the le rk at L ima, nd elCl)Ccts to sp en d' mor e than h alf th ti me t his s umm er fisbing in Indian Lake, h e ·declared. Fishing, i n du1~ d in by more p eople th an a ny obher s port, is the one recr eat.ion that holds no handi cap fo r t he aged , Commissioner Wooddell po ints out. Judge H . A . ~liJler, 79, of the Merc er County Common Pleas ourt at Celina, is among veteran Walt o[lian of that 8ect ion and promptly bought on of tb new fis hing lice n es. His is a familiar f igu re on Lak . t . Marys. W . R. Hunt, 80. Ke nton, an other license holde r, is daily enj oying himsel£ IillhiTig i n I ndIan Lake and "batching" in hi lttle trailer car. SPRING -VALLEY· TO DISPLAY FLAG
Hood's Auto Wrecking Co SPRING VALLEY -USED PARTS FOR ALL MAKES AND MODELSW indow a nd Wind hield G1 ass Tires - Tube - Batteri es - Accessories We buy old cars, metal, iron, ra,.s and paper
A FRIEND It not made by selljnl! a customer cheap merchandise. When you purchase goods that are priced cheap, the·y are worth no more than the price.
Next Monda y (Jon 14) is Flag Da.y- one hundred six t y years $inee its officia l birth. An American f lag ( Stars and Stripes ) should be displayed fr om every home in Sp ring Valle y. CHURCH SERVICE-S- -- AT SPRING VALLEY
If when you buy Quality and Brands that are known and cuaranteed by the seller. you will be satisfied and the seller will make a friend. This is wh¥ we try . to sell Quality B1'ands that are lfUaranteed by the sellerand the backing of the packer.
Preaching services alt mate h ere. Next Sunday at the M. E. hurch, Rev. Thomp son in charge. The following Sunday at the Friend ' hurch, Rev. Boga n in chu g . PROPE~R-::: T~ Y~REPORTED SOLD
Quality, Satisfaction and Your Friendship is our aim. What more ca~ be done or asked Your Support Solicited
It is current report that t he home of t he late [ d1l.l Adams has been sold to Mr, Ha kins oi Columbu ' , wh o expects to ma ke it b is home i n a couple of y ears. N: • Lane. Supt. of sc.hoo ls has it lea s.ed f or t he coming yea.r.
Copsey's Grocery SPRING VALLEY 'I
MISS ALEXANDER CRADUATES Virginia Alex an der is graduati n g from Wilmington Coll egE\ this wee k. She has eomp'let ed a 10111' years cou·r se of study in that .institutio n.
The D. of A . Lodge bas been active. A joint team from thTee lodg e in the county initiate~ 27 new memb ers laB·t Monuay evening.
Drive A ·New Chevrolet
George H, Smith. Probate Judg e of Greene €ounty .nd family a re now settled in their recent ly purchased :h ome (1). the crest of th e ridg e wllere route 42 beginll its winding course down into the valley.
-Or If It Must Be A Used CarGet One From This Reliable ' Firm With
Barker's Drug Store, Spring VaUey, offers a .s pecia 1 ,lnd'u ce- . ment [or r eaders of this nO'Wtlpaper to enjoy a refreshing ice cream cone !While making purchases in the ir s tore. Barke:r's make t heir own ice cream and are engage d in wholesale as well as tttail trade, and this week end pa- I trons making a pUt'C,bue in this mode rn .Village 'store will be aiven a free COn8--provided they .bring this firm'a ad or coupon clip ped from this newspaper. Use the coupon and enjoy a cone. Tobel are eood-tIi.e editor tried one.
1. She con1euecl to cuWllI' the throata of her two 8111&11 chlldr.n and then au.aptine to bum the
bodiel. I. Bel' five ,.ar old
-~-~~ .a.~ :~~~: . INId17 .. ~"!4~ .-.~..rttJh~
IOD, tho~
tarmN . . . .14
& Service
1936 1934 1934 1933 1932 1929
( 2 ) Town Sedans Fourdoor Sedan Town Sedan Coupes and Coaches Coach ( 2) Coach
1938 Chevrolet Truck--atock rack. long Wheelbase 1983 Dodge-Ch888ia and Ca~long wheelbaae--Dual wheela
eo.. .. aDd let U8 give you. uplai. ho
, 011
drf •
demoutration aDd
Eighty-Ninth Year l
. . '
Waynelville, Ohio, Thurlday 1:' -
-- -
TWO MEN ESCAPE N::t~!Jl:P::~:~~L~~v:"~:~:
- -
--- - -
J NE 17, 1937
- '-
~~!~!~~~R~ .~~I~., :~~~J::'~ff.~~t0~~:~',:~;~:~~ '~-~-=[5::;'====-§~==~====:::::::-==~ TEACHERS TO MEETING Sunday, ,June 13. Ba.rs w{!re wrench d from the cell wind WII n.s two J)risone1's U!~ed parts of brok. n bunks to make In or 'ning thl'ough which thl'y mighL cl'ilw l t() freetlom. 'I'he pair, RnynlOnd I.u·y lind urI Bnu r wcor arl'ested, i~ is I ported, 0'11 a chilrgc of driving whilo intoxicated. They W()I'e put in the Hal'veysburg jail fl'Oln which th eSCIIJl' was nlod e. Their froodom was for 11 horl time only, us the two wel'e pick. ed up again in all hour or so by offie 1'8 who took the yOU11g men tl) ], banon whel'e cunCinemcl1t is more II cure and mOl' . eriou ll . hal'g II aJ'O laid. again, t the pail'. JLarveysbul'g aubi1oritics, MO/n. dUy, mad their jail house mor~ Rubstnntiol as bars w l'e weld d by MI'. Brooks, wh ~e w Idint' will wiUIs land all the hammering and prying any further jail bl'eaken ItiU y a t tem J) t.
.- ..._--GRANGE 10 ME~T
08SER~E SPECIAL DAY Waynesville Farm n' Gcange \\ ill meet for their I'eg ular meeting aturday evening, June 19. M mbers of tlte Juvenile Grange, llndel' th sup rvision of their mao tron, Mn. Harold Wbitalcor, wlll fll'l'nish the program. This will b the regular hildron's Day Pro· gram. AlI visitors sr m t weI. come ilLt. thi time. WaynesviJI FllTmer's Grange wi!.l ob! r"e Suriday, June 20, a "Rural Lit unday". As far II po s.~ ibl e each GrnnA' lllemb(.'r i. requ ted to athmd h.i~ \11' h l' I' spectiv hurch for th morning service. In the evening th Grange as a body is ked to attend 1'vices at the M<t'thodi ~t hur h a program of music, readings, and appropTiate numbo" will 10 ,sh--u by membor f th (}rIlnge. This program is made pO SSIble by the help and cooperation of IWv. Dibert, who has so kimUy ht;'lped in many of our Grange progl'8Ims. We urge every Grange member to at.t:end.
Tl'u !ltc :; of W nl'I' n Cl unly, ; OhIO, fOI' th ' TI X ,< U c 'dinK £Is. ~aJ ~ar endi ng )) 'cemlJer 31, 1 !)' I • . . uch hel\l'i n~ \\ ill br h Jd nt ItIe 'r 0\\ ns hip II nlis , \ ' ay-lw sviIJI', Oh10 . I L. 11 . Gordun : 'Ierk of Wa yne T own's hip - - -- - ....- --
BAND CONCERTS TO BEGIN JUNE 29 Mr. R u ~ cl l 1"lank Montl oy evening, a 8('~ie!O of ba'l1ri conceIt. Lo bcgin Tuesday evening, JUlie 291.h. The band s how~ u an inCl' use in memb I'~ hip nd pluying fluility , a ·i ts weekly practice Monduy. rl' o~ p ect./! for II suce ful s(!a.'Wn PPP'PI>PPP gggggJ:rg I/VVVVVVV bb a,'e considenlbly bl'ightcr than her' toIore. Mr. FJ'ankslr .' d in his ann ouncem ent thot other play1. are invited to ('om and join wiLh the group u il!> nex t jJl'aclice .
HAPPY HOUR CLUB MEETS AT BUNNElS On lht' aftel'noon of 'JUll t' lh Happy }l our luI, mel tlt L). h~m 'o C Ndlie (lnd Monimia -BUllnell. The 1'011 cnll, "hi~h was ans" cr. crt i)y giving the name of ,\ hiI'd, found ei -hteC II mlimher, PI'" S ent. Afl l' II "ha rt bu .· in '!i, ~ l'~sio n, I V4!I'Y int I'C. Ung l)rogm t11 \\ IH o~'ll"!l ",l lIu~ht r h(t'u ,,(l is ~n'l given whi h consil;ted uf lhe fol- u C I 'goin~ repllit· a nd e xtensive 1m.. 10\\ ing:mu. ie, I Lon k 01 ehl'strn; p rovemLllt, dditional cold stor· teading, Neill Bunn 11. mu ie age l'oOotn h' ht'en added ~(j a s to Il I'ch t1'a; l' IlUiJIg, Es thel' ?fitch- ~ ·comod_nte _ ~h e .,!~~ I·\ii . 'bn jt'yed ne r; t,llusic, nrch!!'S ~a . D_. ,.. UI 1.nvg<nDIl all ar leI> durin-: tht' P~Rt few yean;, N v co nc ~ing v tiou , bird s, which and m d'r n fac ililies -for killing \Va. ' written rand pllblish('d by [ av- lind handling have bc('n added to vis FUI'llsg in 1902, WO o r ad y t"c plants equipment. Mr . F. \'1 I) yl ' is planning for mcmb c:rs of th lub . Aftcl' clljoying a social hour an "ope n hOlL e" in. the noor fu· :'lOrl deli iou s refl'('sbm nts tht! t\l\'e . that -th e public nlay sec lub nd j Ul'lIed to meet at th e lh mQll ' ln plan t und institution hom ' of Ada nlllh in JulY, for \\ hieh he h aJl in opcl'lltion at Way· I picnic., n i'will . _ _ __ _ _ R __o_b_li_r_la_ ook. The' fI"m op ratl's trucks which '" hol~ . 01 m.ea t o me rchants in
Apl)1 "irnatcly 1000 Jluplir ,-Chl101 lea hel'b and adminifl U'lItm'F IIr<.< Cxpl'cted to I!'athel' at odal' Poin t , June 20-22, f o r thco annual . ummel' meeting of the hi n Education Associa io·n. Th e O'Inpl ,ted pnlglllm Ufl announced by WuJ . Ion B. Bl is~, 0, E. A , Ex 'culi e ~c l' t:ll'y, \\ ill bl'ing () n ~ .new 'o m(,' 1' to Ohio teHch!'1' u\lc1il'nC('K in t he porson of DI' . Denn iR II . ooh o f G eo l ~e f' n.'I.body Cullpg!', n ~h illc, TenrlC'sec . Dr, ,(lo kI' iR II popular lec~ul'e r in 1I.le !-)tlUlh and will acldl'c~s the Ohi o LE.'lI ch 'I':; I t. th ir 'unday evening a nd Monda\' morning , (' ssinns, I1 is :ubj ect ()~ Sunday vcning will be "Tht) Tea ch I' Look. at 1'Nlching and Tht'n lit lIim.<e lf." On II1lllldny morning he will •.penk on " l'~ycho l ll gicUI Fact I'll in 'Peach I' M nngc nlC'nt." Another fNllurc of t ill' cllnve n. tion program .'~ill b<, lin adell' as hy E. 1. F. Wi ll iam. H ei del bl.'Tg o liege, Tiff in, on lI oI'ace Mann tl nd (lcial Hl' fol'lll," Dr , Willif\.nls i. th e authol' Of a r Cl'nt book 0'11 HOl'lIce 'M ann a nd will bring 0 the ed ar Point program a part in lhe nat.i n-wille obllel'vanee I1f t h ' Tl ol'oce Mann ntenni al which j, uei'ng eelebl'Qtcd th is year. Other spook'I's lit th gon ral s ssi n8 will be Dt'. Mert on S . Hie, Pastor Metl'opolitan Episoo. pal hurch, 'Oetroit, Michigan; Dr. HatTy Rimm r, Pal'l tol' Fi ,t Pre bytcrian hurch, Ouluth, Minne· , oto; and W. G, Bahn er, county supel; ntendClJlt of schools, levland. Dr. Rimmer will al2:lO address t he 1a 8.~ room T acheI'll Depart~ ITl.C'nt of thl' O. E. A. lit its luncheon . Monday noon. AttendanM Ilt the eW.'l,l' Point lnl' ting has in HUlled steadily for t he pm;l tw.o yea I'S, IlcCI)I'd ing to MI', nus, lind thi s yeu r bid:! fair o I' ach the large wach l' ['CPI' .·c ntation which d' th ~ ting OlIC of hio' ror most ,ducatid'n· • _,r:e>n'fe:rences in prC)-depre !>.ion
.". t.aln VI'I1d" l" \\11" '1I1'l' tklinqUI nt in I'ililll{ 1l' (1<>rL" al'!: I(.:ceivJng l1otiel'" 1.0 l'l' I' Ult to the public CfJ ll1 t hl1u ~1' Lax uriiel'. Thuse ven lor. d",.;i I illg tn flh· ",' purls \\ ithMost rC'c('nt talli llll or m ' mb r.n thl' ~)lL·.: ifi c ,1 til1l~ tlt uy dh ';0 hlp I' nl'(J111l1l'11t in cou nty farm It th' LL,J,lll1 l1 n cnurt hlJu ~e nc- IUI'f'a u<; in Ohi o. how lol.al enroll. II dingtil "ore! I't:r Plv l;1! flom lI'nt - (,f n\'(,t· 2f"OIlI) flll'm f mi\ .\11'. Keeh>t·' .• ufi'k l • cci ne. lillY i.'ll III th ,' ~h tC' at t h(' clo.'e I)f the II':t w"I· k in Jun ' , it Will ann(jun\'d today hy I.... [.'. W.nrbi ngt(ln, o f hr· llr]!a n l7.ll liun nnd I11tmluel' h,ip I pa' ~Ill ('I1( of till:! hio Fa rm B~r.
An\fl((,~' 1' Soflimll 1. 1<JJ:rUI.' til ~et ulldel' \\~y SVO /l. ()pcn tu yuung and old- Ill!! h pch o,,1 ; tudo:nts, l1u .'inl'.,s men, Val'Tlll!n. :oftuall I!'am('~ afrol'II wonde r luI r<'cre.utiOrt fur th f.' Io Ulllm~I·. A che dul · ('llnllOt b an Il (IlIIlC 'I! unLi l We !t1l(H\' hoI\' nlllny tellm:; will be en tl.'l·cd in the lell!:'uc, ~ach lO<lm will Illay jllobably on' i,"1lIllf.' " IV< l' k. , The gam<' will he ca ll ' d :1. Itltll a ' pos~i b l<, in th!' evenihgs III onJer t.ll n ot intCl'fere with you I ~ Ol'~. If Y U ~I' inlN' ' t.ed in pIa) 109 JU6t leov your -nam e and 15c J t th !' W ay nL'lSvil lc Drug tor , MI'. IJI'akc i · act.ing It.!! 'CCl'l'tllI'Y. The 15<: i n c , "I'y La uuy bulb .m d bal.'!. If you " ish t o eithel pilch or clIteh will you in dicnle l\ to MI'. Dmk e wh en you l'~gister.
HARVEYS8URG MAN DIES _fROM INJURIES FI'an\( Mil k y, a twun y four at' old young 11111.0 'of umden died alure!ay morning at M~ I Llan 'F HOlwital <Ii!! th· rcsult of " fracl \II-~d s kull I'cce ivctl on Friday aJt~J'noon when sll'uck by a coneI' te slnu dl'oPP rI from a silo ()c i ng e I ectctl on lJ, 'ook'!' fal·nt.
'1111 ,
('t1 I 11nlbu~.
" Th p 1!I ~ t complet.pd I'eeord of
aid'lIp nte mhel'!'hi p, in the s UIte .. it! iiiI'. W.u'bington, "r'inol.~ th~ ott\1 ~It IIIlJln,ximat(' ly 13,00 0 l'curdl'rl arly in May which , ju, t ~Iight ly I s than ~h final I.'UI' reCUI'1I for 193 6, With com. .t ~n. UI'atc inc rease, during tho e~t r 1!I 37, pllid-up enrollment ')1' Lb current. year will paM the '!O,OOO mark." Mr. Wal'bmgton iwd a deftnte lIP"UI'g of inwl'cst on t.he part f nlany f aml el'l! in all parts of ho statp in th progrnm o! farm ,ueau aetivitie R as the cau se of the gro wth In s upp rt of the organ ization. "Th l' is little lIoubt, " he s aid, ;t hat within anoth I' year the pI'es 'nt m mbership of t he farm bura u in hio will il.l; If have C81'i d t h organjzatiO'n progl'am lind nes ag to evel'y farm in th state lOd bunl by th ir ow,n cooperative ~tl (l n th largest body of orgnniz t.I [,u'm familli e in Ohio history."
EARLY· WILLIAMS WEDDING I n a quiet ceremo ny, solenl'ydz,od at 7 :30 W dnesday veni nr ;Junl! 16, Mi ' Hel.e n Early, daugh: tel' of Mr. Everett En ly of Lytle, Ul'C IlIl\e th e bdde of Mit. Paul WH· iams, Io-on of Mrs. Neal Williams f Lebanon. R vel' nd L. D. Vesey officiated <It lhl' single rinS\' el'vice which toOK pIlle at the hom of the
Th l' Farmel . lub DlL't IIU,t Weel --- -~- --June 10, a t the ucnutiful coulltry hom of MI'. an d Mrs. F. . L 1ay. About 70 meomberll r t-hli ve ry ~ it d ~tUtlstll partook Linl·y M nel Hlrtll1'" o'h l' 11 invocn i~111 . Th businCf,s sessLQln Th e Annual Home- om ing of Edith WilliamI', s ist r of th bride was them held after which a VC'l'y ['eacher!!, Pu],ils and J.'l·iendll of ~room, sang "The Sweetest S ory 1:0 d pJ'ogram wa canied out. Lytle Schonl wHI be held undllY, E:VIlI' Told" and "I love You Tru. First, on th progl'aTil wus II 1'l'om· ehool Iy," accompa nied by Miss Bernice June 27, ] 937, al Lytl ' bo ne and Tt' umpe t lDuet by Fl'~nk Gmharn, ~iani t. 'l1he Lohe ngrin ~ J·(1unrl. Le Moy and Charles Fil'c.~. with Waynt'svi ll e Scholll Band will Wedding March w.as use d a s t he Mr. Itru nk at the Irian o. Next a : ul'nish th e mil! ie. A hasket din~ p rocessi onal. quart ·tte by Fra.nk Le May, Bob Attending tb Bt'ide as Matron ---.~ - --Mr. Linds y Voiers died at hi; 1Cr at til 110 n hc/ul'. Bring til· H.i att, ha r le. Fires, and ])on CoIJf Honor wa, her sister, Mrs. Rulh home on last Satu rday morning af " Ie se rvice . r I!'tt. A vocal solo was well rendC1'- te r ' a long suf fering illness. Hi ~ Morgan, who was attractively Ml'. Ern st R(~nd ()I [lh, Pr es. ed by l\'liS8 Flor 'llC Lane. A s pe· fun I'al sel'vicl's w r hcold at lhe M rf\. Walter KCIII'ick, Sec'y. ,owned in Hyacintn Blue Lace, with matching accessories. She car '~r . o f tl,wll8 Hound \Vayncf'. ci..L1 topic on th li f of Horace Methodi. t Church on Monday afMI's. Alice Tri 'key pent. sevel'ille, Thi ~ iR on of W ay n!'svi.lle's . Jann W:t$ read b:f Mrs. L -i. terno on in ~hal'ge of R V. Wli- II d' y s last we~ k in lJa,yton with I ied a bouquet 'of yell ow rosebudR. fell' mo st bu ine8s in ~titutioni:1. 1'h \Wl't th ' l1 int,rc,clucl'd the r ep· limn s, a fOl'n1(,1' mini.! WI' here but Th Brid ' wore a White Lace Icr c1~ughter, Mrs. 1I'ma SWN't - Dress with a sliltht train and a The puhli ' ma y ~ ,1\ w.atch ( 0 1' r!'!I(!lltativ (' of lhe Amcrica n Rol[ The 4.-1I Good Cut lothing no w at New • Burlington . Burial man. oyl ,' . (1PC ing allnouncc~ ling Mill!', who gav'B an education. M1', lub m et Jun e 15 at th Grang . bort veil of tulle and orunge blOB \'fl S at t he Clal-ksvillc eme lery . u~n. The meeting starte d by the MI'. a ni! M,'" . Ha rvey Burnet at- I OOlS . H er bouquet was of ' white Th!' Men's ommun"ily lub met menlo al ). clure on ,;t e I, using m vinl-' Roll Call, w:tiich was answcred by in regular lIes!lion On la . t W ednes(' nderl th Wayne T owns hip rosebuds an d baby breath. She was llictul'c, to illu. trate. They then ad nnmJng a flower. The min'u tes /111 mel's Club. Thul'::\(lny<, at thl: ~ iv e n in marriage by her fa t he'!', day Ilight and, as i;; their annWlI jroul'ned t(l m et IIgain in July wen 1'ea9 and appro d. The oHi- custOlIll, nt I'tain('d th il' ~ ives or lome of M ... nOlI Mr -. F . U, Lf Mr, Lee Boel'stler of Cleveland, with MI'. and \'ttl' . Howard Gmoee IU'e as fo llows: President, Indy friends. Afte r a short busiattended t h bl'id gl'oom lIS Best lillY. ham. Roxie Sack'tt, Viec P resi dent, Mrs. MarAlIl'et .lohns was a M~. ness pel'i d, all were .soo.tcd at nic 11'_ John Po tner and family Mildred Salisbury, es'y, Mary Iy decorated tables lo a l'el)ast of I mmediately fo ll owing the wed· anel Mr. Will Mr,hr of D~lytol1 ~ ue!\t, Sll~urday , 'M MrS. Marth .. Mo , News rCpdl'ter, Betty Brad- ice-creanl, stlllwberl.'ics, ak and .Iing a.n ice COll t' e was served to weI'!, uml a y call!'r" of fr. and ll \lugh, Ilcar Wayne5ville. Mrs, .T. P. LatTick 11.'1.0 n m' eel- MI S, Cliff Burnett.. On Friday afternoon, J un 11 , dock, R ecreatiol1.al leaders, Mar· cotfee, M,'. nnd Mr!L Allen E1Tlll'ick, Mr. the guests. lt n us how r, W Ilne!<day, for Mig., DOl thy' G'rabam was Day- Mrs. Dui ay Snyde r entertained the tha Maltin and J ean Me elmo. Tho Bride anel Gro olTll I ft for 1\1'1', Ernes.t Hale, a highJy ac- Mr$. R bert laver ( nee Lill ian ton ~u(,l'it of Mrs.. Rhea Kritzer Ill·-menera of the Woman's AuociU- lIid Mr.<. ,Jume s John!l, M,·s. MafLead er, Jane Cook. Lcbanop where t hey hape establish caret- JI/hllll and MI'H. J . B. J ones tI ry oi t he EJti co pa) church at t he The new m embers' names were complished mll ieian or Wilming- Wilf\on ) . The bdo 'Icceived ma- of Dayl n I)V I' the w k-end. ton, played a numb I' of seleeti o'n~ ny lovoly gift~ fo r her home, l ee.Itll.' Ill1cd ·the fUllerul of EdWArd cd their home. taken down , and their project: Little Inn. Wayn esville, Th ul'Sdny' On the piano, which was greatly en I'eam, cakes, IIlld ora.ngeade was d l) u~h a NUMBER FILE PETITIONS Miss Graddy mad som e announc e· The pre.Bid n l, M 1'8. E. • CI'ane If I'IlUOI1. joyed by cll. ; erved to the following Me dames ments uch as: The 4~f[ Club Camp conducted the opening service and The Ladies' Aid of the Metllo. A number of nominating petllbcrt leaveY, Harry Stokes, MI . Mary armOl1Y was a Su.nto be from Aug. 4. to 9, What the business session. At this timl' dht Church met at the home of John Kersey, le111~nt Satterwaite ~ ion s have belln fil d with. V. H. lay dinner gu t' t of JIIlI" ami MI·s. p:roject we "M8ont to' do while there. Miss Emma Heigh\\~y was named Russ I, lerk of Board of ELec· Mrs. Lp.uTa Shidaker on last Thurs n.die Conner, Marion Whitaker, Also theN' is to be ,'Warren Coun~ _ __ Chlljrman of the program commit- N. F. lal'k ill Waynesvill . tions, at Lebanon, Ohio. For May. day afternoon. Mr, a'Tld Mrs. Jam 5 N'a'sh and ty Day," June 24., a.t Coney Is· Mrs. Herbert Snell of Monter. Ft'ank Le ~ay, Daisy Snide, J osie Wallace Colktt of Wilmington, te foc next year. . Jr, Waldron C. Oibnour incum. Robert Ba~ WhitakCol', Mal'y Cross, land, and other points of intereet. who gradua.ted f 'r om Wilmington Th plOglum for the aIt rnoo n children of Canfield spent last .>ent; Mal'shal, Grant Shaffer in· ey visited relatives here last. week. week with Mrs. Susan aylor and Dainty refr-eshmenta were serv· Mr. and Mrs. Harold Beckett en. ker, Sr., ehas. Ha.y, and Mi ss Hel- CoLlege ' Iast year an\i received his .~onAstecl of readings by Mrs. Ro.n: umbent also Roy Lucas, and ' Lou ed by Bettle Davlll and Ruth Con- tertained their Card Club last en Hawke and MiM Elizabeth 'M ul· Master's Degree .from Haverford aId lJa\\ ke a.nd h. L",e Hawke, Mr. aitd Mrs. Harry Graha.m. . AJl~ing, Trea UTer, Carl StilMj . nOO-. The next meeting is to be at Thursday n·i ght, and e. very finc ' len. M iI~s Mary Sweetman of. Day· Clerk, Hal E . Simpso n, illcum~ Collcge1.'Ccently, has been appoint aft r which a .short ession of the th.• Oranlre Hall, Juae 22, at ~ cd English teach.e'1' in the Friends · Ou~l d' was ' heldwibh Mrs.. Lee to n was a week-end guest of her J nt, nnd Mrs. Helen' P . 'Mc Gettime was reported. .p. m, l1.\nt, Mrs. Alice Miller and Ray. Boy school ,in. Hllm Altah, Pales~ Ifawke pl'~siding, ohin. Mr. Jamee Gray died at his ho:me MTs . ALice Clark was in DayFRIENDS HOME NEWS tine, for the coming year, H e will As has been the cu ... tom for sev Mar Wellman on last Fr iday night LEAVE FORMICHIGAN . ;Miss Ruth and 'Elir:abeth Chand. Mr. Gray W6& a life longe resident eral .y ears the society adjourned to n on busi ne!\s, Monday artQ Tues sail about Augus1', 1 . Bud Le May Rnd Charles Fires Ie? awrted lut Sunday morning of this community and will be day. Miss -Aylee.n M~n-;;us of Detr oit for the summer, the next m-eetn company with "Red Brown' ~nd for Hampton, Va" to IIpmd sev- greatly missed. His iuneTaJ was MI'. a.l1d M rs. J . B . J l.)ne and lis Orchestra," staHed for Mieh· Chlldren Da:;;clses were ob. spc.nt the week-end with her par. ing to be helu the .second Friday eral w~kII there before returning held on Monday llI.tte·rnoo n and bur y I nts here in September at the home of Mrs. Mr. and Ml·s. L. S. mith attended gan T'ue day. They wiU spend the to Waynesville. Lhe Home- oming at Mt. Holly IU'mmel' there to return sometime servCl\ at the M. E. Church, Sun· ' E. L, ThonlJl\S. ial wus mad e at Clarksville. Mr. .and Mrs. Raymond Montday evening, Jun c13, A good pro· I r--- 77';-;-::;;''':'';::;- - - ,-- _. . After adjoul'nment the h ost ess ch urch, unday. Supt_ and' Mn H. C. Milligan in September. .gomery of" Centervi11e caUed On 'erved dainty I'efr~shment.s. The 4-H Cl ub h eld their me ta.ttended the w-edding of Miss ,B el' gram was carried out by the ebildr Mr. and'M;;.E;;;ery P eters of Miss Mma and 'M ary T. Bro.wn, tha Mathers of Clarksville a nd Wit I)~~~ ~;'Sih~i~:~m~~e:~t;;:. ~:~~: Warren ; ' Clinton, Highland D. ' ng at Lytle Hail, Tu osWaY aftel" Way:noesvill ', Ohio, a.nnounces tbe :Sunday morning. noon, 'with Mrs. Ne llie Ch ar l e~or liam Myers, .of Leesburg, on Sun. ryn Fulk,el on, Mrs. Iren a Bah'd, H. I. A. l' ,ports t he Wnn A. Lu~ mgagement . of their daughte!', ;Mise Katherine Huntingtonl of leader. day afternoon at .3 :00 p, 'M .Mr. l\1i.~s Reba Edwards were other!! ken s ,herd leading the J rfley for (rene to Ra ssell Doane, sOl""of Mrs. Columbus, Ohio, !lind. Mn. ArthUr MI.. J . D. Bratten ond Mrs. Milligan was an attendant. of th e cOll1irildttc.e a nd under th ir ' the month of May, with 47 Ibs. of Huntington of Iowa v isited Mn. butter f at. The herd of Herbert ,John Zimm ermull of Dayton were Anna Doan <>f Foster, Ohio. The Mr. and Mrs. Roy Clal'k and .N,edding will be an ev~nt of tbe Howell Pierce, Mondey. dit.'e'Ciion , the very' h"OoOd program -; and Eva Me Millan, a close sec· Iinner guests, unday ev.cning of _arly fall . . ~rs, Nannie Florence, Mrs. Re- ch ildren; who are visiting MH. Ma ~I'as given. A coll~tion walt taken end with 44 Ibs. B. F, Mr. and Mrs, J . B. Jon s. The latib~ca Bllghes, and Mr. and Mrs. l"Y Tucker and family spent part of which proceeds were to go to fur· i --L. W. Nesbet of Lovelan'd had l r accompanied them hom e Bnd A NUMBER OF APPLICANTS 'TBtlltmie Bughetl ot Columbus were last week in Dayton, gu ests of Mr ther the duca.tiol) of young folka who are unable to finance themsel ' high Holstein with 60 Ibs B F , leturned Monday cvening.dinner guests of Mrs. Pierce on and Mrs. Ed, Me Farland, Wm. Ostermeier, high Guern.soey Mr, and Mrs, Elme r Groves, Mr. Thirty.nIn.e applicants for tlu, Rev. Williarna andofamily of Su.!Iday. with 37 lbs. B F, and Dr. A. D. ,md Mrs. Wilbur Foulks, Miss )osition of RlII'al Mail carder at ves. New Richmond were drnner guestll .... Blackburn . h.leh fol' the mixed O&th.erine Smith, and Mr. Donsld Morrow have been tiled accord", Mn. Walter Sheehan attended of Dr. and Mrs. W. E. O,le,bee, LOCALS breeds with 81 Ibe. B F, the Commencement eurclaea of Monday, Foulks motored to High Bridge, to P,O Itmaater Ever~tt BellDItt, " , . Mr, and Mr •. Joh", Werner .o f ,the Uniwrslty of Cincinnati, '~d Ke,ntueky, Sunday. rhe examination wUl be held at HOME ON FURLOUGH Dayton WC'TC guests of Mr. and lin the University Stadium on Iaat LebanoD. June 2•. Mr. alld Mns. Ralph Buger and Mra. J. W . White, Friday evening, The llee of our hlah"a,s ael Friday weninl'. Ethan Lewill, ~ntal Techni, little cl'&ughter of Dayton are mov· Her .uter, Mill Rebecca DUIlSpeciaJ Communication of Way· streets fa not an laanenable Mr. Lindley Milia of Midland, PetitioDi to 1II0Ve the 1I0n0w eian. U. S. Navy, 1I0W loeated at .~ thiA week to the Rudd proper· 'loat Offiee to lb. Jlorrowo filth' bat raillfl' a pri\'ne,e ham wu & Iftduate of the School nellvl\le !..ods. 188 F. and A. M" .of Nurainl and. Health. A COUlJill Friday, JJl'IIe 18, 7 :30 P. M. Work Michia' n spent the with to be enjo,ed . , upon ,oocl I, the Navy Academy, Annapolis ly, which they rect.mtly purchasffi .ional Bank SuUdi.1f an Robert Lollar, of LebaDOD, wu at· in K. M. d8lr1'8e. Viatting and 10- his fa.ther, George Mills. Mal')'land, ill .pendiRil hill 30 da, ) f Walter Kenrick. ' Mrs. CaMi circulated in that eiQ. 'I'M ,1ie1la'Fior. 10 • member of larae ~ joumln.. mtIIIlMl'lI are OardiaUy Mrs. Paul Hauke stopped en furlouP th bill 1f'1'ndmothera. , " rdy, who has liwd there tb lMlaed location ~ ,moved to W'Yllelville, lila . . . .rout.e from tD her boIIIe Ida PanhaU and ..... Eli. . !' I '01 . . . . . . • • to •
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Postofficl'nt. Wnynesvi\l<', Ohio, n ~ S cond la, R Mail Matter
Harold D. Wilh~'.;";E;cli ;';,lo;r~-========= -':=:O::::::=""'-:":'-"=:-I=:-':'-=:: l-:: E::: D==':E:=:V;=;E~ R Y 'I'm R DA Y ~====-=-=-=-;;:;",;;,;:,,:~=-:c-:..-===s:=:~=--.==:-==-==-,,;
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No, 112
'S uhRcriptioll T'ri c(' , $1.;'0, Year
Editoridl py s~rv m , 0 God ; f r in thee do I p ut my t rust.PSlIlm 1 tl : 1. The 1\1' 1. of p;C'Hinjt nlon,g with people is t o discov r t heir W llk spot and pIny up to it. If tile individual is lIf . f1ieted with th eg SH t.o i t hat yo u do not dt' f)ot it. If he L" conceiterl, fl!ed his onceH Ie him think he i wonderfu l, comm(.'nd his judgement a k his op inion and r essence of wisdom. W hen c('ivc it. 1\ t hough it w l' th he flje~ off the hand le let 'him se t hat he hns imp re. d YO II wit h h i~ wr8th and that you . r b ut a worm in his pres. nee and can n.ev r be a nything 1'1 e. Do all thc~ things and ),ou will ~ c t along with him perfectly-ev· n t hough yo u do hllte you rself f or being uch a t r u kl r. Lct the impr ession prevail that the bu inC's m n of a c rnmunity are s Ifish and 81' only in te rest,ed in th il' own nrich.m n t , Ilnd the business they can get out of a commun ity . a nd all the g o d will a dverti ing program s and booster tri ps t hat u t.own ca n put On will not help. A town that ucceeds an d goes a head i on hat l'udiates pel'!\onal friendl iness rather than the obvious mercenary spirit ,alone. Tbe best way t o preach the trade at home doctrine is to let the f olk at home know through t he medium of ad vertjsing what they can buy at home. It of te n happ ens that buyers go to the big toWin nnd ma ke purchas es only to find out afterward that they c{l uld have secured the me article here for less mOlley a nd less trouble . The be t time for v ry tcwn to pa s a zoning- ord in· ance is before it really nceds it. A zontllg ordinance protects property owners. It is not 'just to() a property owner after he hAS built a nice home a have a junk yard or au· to "\\'T cking yard spring u next door to him. His investm nt d erve a b tter pro elion and mor consideration than this. A!t~r the condit on has ari s6ll it is som etimes no e.a.sy to pa.'\S a zoning rdinanc. If a co.mmunity is aW'llke it will pass an ordin ce befor it needl! it., and befor it is too late. Cut thl'ont competition d.estroys fri enw and profits as well. The man whO' makes a c fortable living and .rets happines out of his work as he goes along may be a t n times greater success thlml til f ellow who ~ ten times
'I'ho death of John D, ckefeller, Sr. at his home in Ormond Bea~h . Florida, br ught Lo an end R mo t remark abl lif, Mr. Rockef ellel' b gan his career when industry and d.evelopment in. thi cClpntry was in Its infancy. During the almost eighty year,; that he has be n actually in touch with busil1('ss all of ~ developments that made industry in this country whit is i s have com into being. Mr. Rockefeller was not only permitted to view the panorama of development bu~ to , hare in it and to have a large place in It. MI'. Rock feller was ll'shrewd busin ess man but unlike many men( who are shrewd in business, he was al. 0 ahri1v."(] in the conduct of life, in the manner in w,bich he lived and in th appraisement of life' s true values, A crowning! ev~nc e of. this was th e fact , that while he WM yet living he gave away the bulk of his great estate to many worthy cau as. He chose to make t11is disposition of it while be wus in full possesson of his fll cultles and was abl t o make an intelligent dispos. al of it. In additon to this h e had the rare privilege of be· ing permitted to live and see and enjoy the much good his large gifts .made possibl.e. What a wise thing to do. How much real pleasure he must have gotten from seeing the good bis moncy could do in the world. It did everything that it could have done in hL~ own hands and in his de clin~ng yeats he was, by this act, reli eved of the burden of its care. Aftel' all what 8 smart thjng it was to do.
Your Horoscooe June 14, 16 - SOm&t~rDi; S you shoWI a marked generosity to a friend, but genet:ally you are very close in mon ey matters. Although you do TIOt always get your way you like to change your occupatiOn and restden~ often. Sometimes you seek advice, but do not alwaYB tollow it, but generally you are very cloie rnol,lthe-d about your af· fairs. June 18, 17, 18 - You posless a qUiet. happy dupod. tion, enjoyb\a eue and the rood ' thingll ' at lite if th&y come your way. You are musically inclined, love poetry, but when it comes to business matters 'you are very im· practical. You have many warm friends, but they are not always able to get very close to you especially when you aTe in one of your melancholy moods. Your greatest diffi culty is that you do not seem to be able to appreciate your own real worth.
WlII , :,,1 U)' untl 'h'Ul!hlA'f, rt.'tir nltml. fund and it tIIIld. tru -
ttl'S ur "fflcer. rt'tUIIe to take "'!Y III all of ~Rld bund!l, thl)n ,.lIId b()nd~ II t so taken sha ll be ollv ....... A~1. for a t\. ('(I for public snle and ,old 111 _ _ _ _ __ lhe manner provid d by I~~ un· P!lIAMISBURG PERMANEN ORDINANCE NO. 148 rlet· th directiOn of t.he Flllance .Iu nl' 1 I t Il lll'd :O;tn tl'k Cll n).tl'c,;s ulI pted lhl! I<la, r~ ON 1 ETE ,omolittee and Clerk but not for nlHl ltiJll'~ ii' till' na t iunal fla K. 1777 . V~ nth In En~hlhd less Lhan their par value and acA"lr Seal Bllrial Vault rl'ovitli n ~ f or th ' ii>." u · of hond ~ cru <I interest. i the proceeds from II f n "llI'did \ 111,,101. lh{' t1 uito \', I 0 I. F,or ale Only By of th l' Villll~e of Wayncsville, till.' sale of wid bomb, XC~ Jlt the l.io for th e purp o, e of paying premium and accruecl Int rc: t YOUR FUNERAL DIRECTOR n(1"I~ WI~ hi n ~'t on ullpointt·d COl1lman Ir l"tile Judgl}l e ll t and CORts r end red t.hen'on and the amount oI Bald ,J lUll 1;' McCLURE FUNERAL HOME.:~ai nl\ l ~al d Village in favor 01 llonos issued for intel'\! t, s.hnll ~e in- dill f "f \ hL' C''' lIt incnt:11 ar my, 177 5. Mill e. Schll\ ill 0, Gu"t in, a UI:' No, 16601, ui!cc d for the pur'POIIO af oresaId Waynenllle,O Phone 7 mann- II I'lIIk :-1 li P 1', IlInn JIIIH . Wn rren ounty, Ohio, Common and for no other Jlurpos ; pre· mium and accI'ued intel' tit rePleas COUl't. , ' \. "lIndil1 oY "r the l'ir"t ~[\;; cOlnlluny in AmLr. , ceived from sucn sale and the , III1 l' II, ,.. • (j r .I Wh el'Ms the cl erk fth e Vill ~ amount of said bonds issued for it'f' Ill<' (;l\s Llt!ht '\ltIlJllln~' of RlIltllno l" , 1 1 . . ',,1( nge oI Wayn esvill e, Ohio, bing intere t shall be transferl',ell ~ Mo'tur C()l1lpuny incorporat ed, UJ03, tho fj"cal offlc r f said Village the Sinking Fund t o be a,?phed In hr.vi ng certifi d t o the Village the payment of the princIPlll nnd th at \ ithin th e limits of its funds interest of said bonds in the man17 75. F a th er MllrIlutt t(' of l.l un k ~1' 11 '1' I ~, .Julle ' 11 aV ll iiaul f or t.he purpose, said ner provided- by law. I ~ nter d th e heall. . 1 q u ' i tl' lind ,] ,,11l·t, Ft enc I I'Xp Ol"e l'." Village, i 'Unable to pay a final Sec. VI. The cl tk is hel'eby dl' judg ment und costs render d Wfl ll' l of tlw ;V[i,~il"lpi, 1 '';3. lIJ.rains ~ aid Vill age in favor of rected to f orward a certifi d copy Will O. Gu stin, in ause No. of this ordinnnce to the County 10 Year J llnt: ) FIl"l't tcil:pholl ('xchrm ~ in Oregon OIl n II 156 Ql , omm on Pleas Cou rt., War Auditor. at 1'llftlund , 11'. j . ~Ilptll~fin ddl'ute d nt Waterloo, UIlIi. Sec. VlI. This ordinan ce shalt l'l) n ounty, hio und that slIid first Mtg. judgme nt WlIS rendered on nOh- take effect and b in fOl"C e fl'nm 8J"1d niter the earliest period 01contractua l obligati on. Farm Loans '1 - l", l lnllll , witil ' th c on~ nt of the DOlni • 1~h r, J lIlH' 1, N W TH ERE:trORE, Be it he· lowe-d by law . g(1Vl'ln L' 1I1. gl"llnt~ 'ol1l\!1 to ",uf~l'og' to women, 1.1 ;,. . olv"d by the ouncil of the ViU- Passed 6-7-37 ~taluc ~ Liltl rly rl!c('iv d n." a gIft Crom Fra nce, 11 u. ag of Way n svill " State of Ohio: A tte.~t: B. K. Henderson Clerk. SEAL ee. I . That it is deem d neces· Frank LeMay, Solicitor A, K. Day lWlI'Y to I sue t he bonds of the 'J', _ The SIIvo n nah, t hc fi l'st stea mer to cro"s Mayor Vi1 lag of Waynesvillc, "hio in , I L L' .J IInL .. ' 61R2 Waynes ille 7 the pl'ineipul urn of $495.00 in the Atlanti ulllkl' th· AI1lt'l'ican f1~g, arl'tv~ ( a ,,'crordcr to provide n fund for the " 1 ono OIlOlh Fo'rd V· bUIlt 1934. poo.I 1 I . . , . (1 111' I)OS~ of pa ying the judgment will be received and openli nd costs re ndered ag8 i ns ~ sa.ld ed Bid by the Clerk of th Village of Villa.l{c in fa vo r of Will O. Gustin Waynesville, Ohio at his office in - :l.'I~U [- - d n ~.~ 11n~~ . J ames en- \ Th · Lad i. id Socicly mc ti nA' Cause o. 166Q1 Warren the Village Building, known as n r in t(,l'tni·n .. d IIlldll~ hi~ _ ister M I' . \\"a:'l, h Id at MJ'S. hru·le. /n~~ ~ . ou nty ommon Pl eas Court, and the "Town Hall" at 12 :00 o'clock I I Hal"l'Y ,'pt'nct' l" 8n(1 flun- ,·on s W eclnesday, Jun e 1 ). , I ~ t il provide /I. f u nd f or the payment NOlin, Eastern Standard tim e, on Licen.ed BroJrer an( .. . eting \\' l i S in ord er 0 f a bll-th- (If no t t o ex cc d on e year 's interthe 1st rlay of July 1~37, lor the i1 y, o f 1\1 11\ll1lclhurg. . n hirth st on sa id bonds. M rs J cs"ie lI ynlll ll w: ~ a lu nch- day dln n 1'. ThOl~e !l.a.VInII( .REAL ESTATE ee. IT. That bond of the Vill- material to be used In the coneo n g~est ~t incinnati, Ohio, Mon \IlUY in t h. In t two m onth!! be lllfl," a~e of Wa yne v ill , Ohio shall be s truction of the anitary Sewer NOTARY PUBLIC iESU d in the pr incipal .sum of y tern for th ViHalfe of WaY!l.esg u e t of honor. Ii ay. 496,00 for t he PUt·p se afore· ville with the followmg materIal : Exc~vator to b furni hed, in'vid. E ach of nid bond shall be in th denomi nat ion of ~166 , OO cluding operator, helper, fuel ~nd lind s hall be dat ed JulY ',l st, 1937 lUbricating oil, for the excavation and shall bear interest at the rate of 6000 Cu. Yds. ' 39.9 TOM 12" "Cla s B" Cast of 4 per cent per annum, the WOTARY PUBLIC first installme nt 01 intere t to be Iron Pipe. 13.79 Tons 6" "Class B" Cast National Baak due and payable March 1 t, 1938 and each ix m onths therl' fter on Iron Pipe. E . . ... 0.84 Tons 8" "Class B" Cast. Will, Dra... • • .tat•• ~.tI .. the 1 ~t day of September and Iron Pipe. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO March of nch y ar until the prin0 ,13 Tons 4" "C1a..'1$ B" Cast cipal um i paid , Snid bonds shall llIature as I ollOW!l: Bond No. 1 on Iron Pipe. 6- 6"x6" "Class D" th 1. t da y of cpt rubel', 1938; Hand '0. 2 On t he fir t day of "Y" Branches ept mb 1', 103 9; and Bond No. 3 3- 6" "Class D" C. on , th' bt day of eptember, I(re Bonds RRY R WN POULTRY PRODU T and 1!l4 0. 3- 6" "Class D" C. 1. leeve!l WE The princi pa l and intel'est or DR. AL BURY'S PROD TS 6-6" Gate Valves ( Iron. Boa ll of said bonds hall be payable dy) Low P YC8!IUl'C, Flanged P S'f M RTEM EXAMINATION FREE 1t the W "y n !<ville National Bank, Ends Do not brinSt disNI cd Chick into the Hatch ry room Waynesville, Ohio. 6-6" Gate Valves ( Iron BoY UR BABY HICKS NEED GOOD FbED c. Ill. 'aid bonds hall ex- dy ) Low Pressure, Flan.ged . Ends, Il! c."8 ul?on their fac e the purpose with 7' and 9' tern extensIOns ro t" which they are i .ued; that 1-4" Gat Valve ( Iron) L. R09T FOR AND CONSIGN t.h y ar i ued in pUl·suanc.6 of P., Flanged . End, with 6'-4" our Cattle, hogs, sheep and ealvM thi ordinance and shall be SIgned stem xtenslon and hand wheel Mix d Exclu iv ly fo1'fo Norris-Brock Ct.., live wire and by th e mayor and clerk and e~I t-4" Gate Valves ( Iron) L. pNgreulve firm f'lr the highut ed with th corporate ea l of srud P., Flanged Ends . marllet pricell and good Remee. Village . Th e inter t coupons at4-4" IrO'n Body HorIzontal Unio. ' Stock Y.rd,' Clncla_t1, O. tached Lo said bonds shall beat ~.jng Check Valve , L. P., Flang· Tune tn on Radio Station WCKY the ignllture of the clerk. ed Ends, BronlP:e Mounted with 12:21S to 12:80 p. m. fOT our daU, c. IV. Thnt for the purpose gate. . !!m~.=l"1c=l'!t=r=en~o=I"tA=.=~~~~=== of providing the necessary funds removable 4-4"x6" "Class D" C. I. PIpe to pay the inter at on the forego. ing issue of bonds promptly when Increasers 4-4" "Class D" C. 1, 46 De· =======~~~~~!!iii~ii!!iI!!~~~~~~;~~~~ -~ '" di~ flW".tlt1l same. fall due. ~nd al- gree Bends charge the sa1(ll)om A~'Iffi~llfl :: , --~ .. '" T R rity, there shall be and is here- bows with floor support3 2-6" "Class D" C. I. Elbows by levied on all the taxable prop2- 6"x6" "Cla8s D" C. I. Tees erty in the Village of Waynea1- 12" C. }, Automatie- Flap ville. Ohio, in addition to all other taxes a di r ect tax annually dur- Valve Flood Gate, connected to ing the period s aid bond nre ~2" Corrugated Iron Pipe 2'- 8" to run in an am ount Ilufficient to long 2600 Lbs. C. I . Pipe Joint Calk· provide fund to pay interest upOn id bond a s and when the. ing Lead altern.ate bid for lead compound equa.l to calk 81- 12" sam ~ fall due an(L 81 0 to provid fund f or the discharge of the and 96-6" A.W.W.A: "Class B" . I. Pipe jojnts. principal of aid bonds at maturi360 Lin . Ft. 6" ViI;. or Conc. ty, which tax shall not be leas And ,I t, s ure YOU1 1f of hi gh quality, mnster bred than th e interest and !'linking fund Sewer Pipe ( !)0-2' and 60-3') Ph,n. 78J 545-8" Vit. or Conc_ • "Y" tax l'e<luire¢ by Sec. II of Articl e Chick '. "You Must Be Pleased" is the Hatchery Branches, 8" Barr 1 6" Spur 12 of the Constitutio n. motto and every means is taken to' see that you are Said tax shall be and is hereby 260-6" Vito or Con.c. Stop· CLASSIFIED pleased wi t h your purchase. ord ered computed, cedified, lev. pera The all-e lectric equipment u cd is the best and most icd and extended upon the tax 90-6' Vito or Conc. 30 Degree FOR SALE 1 - Ice .. Box, 100 pou nds. duplicate and collected by the Bends economica l man y can buy. saine office~ in tne same manner 2-8" Vit. or Conc. 30 Degree W. N. Seal' , Pb:one 7!1 and at the ~ame time t hat. taxes Bends All parco flocks arc blood tested by the tube agglu for general ]>urposes for each of 1-12" Vito or Conc. 30 Degr e FOR SALE: ....Nancy Hall Sweet tination m ethod. , ' said years are cel·tified, extended Bend potatoes and Cabb~e, Tomaand collected. 2-8" Vit or Cone. Reverse No Sunday business. Vi itor!> wei orne. toes, Mangoes. Call at J . Ker· Said tax shall be placed before Ring "Y" Branches, 8" Barrel 8" Ord er Now, and in preference to all other Spur rick. No. 3rd St, Waynesville. items and lor the full amount 1500 Lbs. W' Braided Jute 6-17-p thereof. The funds derived from 5.3 Tons Vit. or Oonc. Sewer said tax levies hereby req uired Pipe Joint Calking Compound FOR SALE:- Sweet potato, toshall be placed i~ a se.parate and ( Hot or Cold ) ,alternate bid mato and cabbage plan.ts also , di!ltinct fund which together with for Pre,moulded Type Joints eall interest collected on the same qual tc calk 5354-8" Vlt. Pipe several other kinds of garden plant. llhall be irrevocably pledged fo!, A.S.T.M. joints less jute 2000 Pcs. 2"x8"- 12 Oak LumD. H. Hockett. the payment of interest and pri~ 2tc. cipal of said bonds when and 8Il her ' * ' '. _ • S ,"",dB r. : DC ..ysze:p E the same fall due. ' 600 Pes, 4"x4"- 12' Oak Lum- FOR SALE, Nancy Hall, Porto Sec. V. That said bonds shall be~OO Pel. 2"x4"-12' Y.ellow Rica., and· YelloW' Jersey sweet be firllt offered at par and ac· potato pla~ts, 40cts. perhuncrued interest , to the Trustees of Pine Lumber the Sinking Fund or to the ot· 180 Pea. 2"d"-16' Yellow dred, and all kinde of rarden ,t icer having charge of the bOlld Pine Lumber planta, IOc per dOlen, or 8 40 Pea. 2"x8"-12' Yellow Pine Lumber ' dOlGn 25cta, , . :&700 Ft, 6" No.2 T, " G., 1 1-2 mile. north on WaJ1l'" Floortns " v ille and F.l'l'7 Road. 117--C. I. · Manhole Rlm. and Strouse Brothers, :Q, a, 2 ,., Covert; open lid&, at least 400 lb, ' _ - --- - eeeb FOR SALE 1- Houa.hold sood. 8-C. I. Manhole Rim. anll Co,. at my 'home. ~ era, lockable lid., at 1...t ' '00 lb. . John 10ne. S.l7.p.
J.une 19, 20 - You are apt to have some deep religious convictions but .are not given to parade them. At working out h~e decorations you have marvelous taste. You are lovin&' kind, imaginative and generous to a fault, arul wh11e you possess a sarcast.ic vein it is generally good n~ tured witty aM refined. '. B_ CTabbe is 8}l('nding t.he Mrs. Eva Mill er retul'ned with In Columbus attending th~ I(! r rlallghler, Mrs, GI'ace Me conference 01 Smith Hugh es GUilt! to her home at Lima Ohio teAtthen. for a visit. ' , ' Mr. nd M.... Ronald Hawke Mrs, Lewis 8t John was take.n eoa, Frank, and lIiN MUdnd to Miami Valley Hospital, Sunday, a.lI1IleIIIik of Milford, were Sunda, wa.s operated on' Monday of Mra. Edith Burl.. Iml~J'Dilur 1'. ud Jr(n. lMJie lackeoa George Mill.! wa~ taken to Mi. ..........t aDd DwiPt.. of ami ~alley Hnspital, Saturday. ..........r ....til of Mllla Is sOlDtewh.i improved. • Li r. and lin. ltNm'~Dd MOII~ C4m~!IIle
7 h,s "' eek in Historv
"t Ilaytun ,.h · 1"' nlhnK t.11I>! \H~~ \\ ilb . II' SpIiIY·· Illot Io,'r, )11',':, 1 13, 13I1LIIIlUck,
Bring your poultry diseale problems. to
Lemmons' Hatchery
Feed Lemmons Starter & Grlo wer
Lemmons hatcher1Y Harvevsburg
F. T. Martin
'B uy your baby chic]~s ' from Lemmons' Hatchery
Auctioneer '
Centerville, Ohio
Lemmons' Hatch~~ry
- . .....
... .
IT LO THE r . .y WI'I.
Service Boxel with FOR SALE:-· Birdy Perenntai!, lockable ltd.. at lea.t 400 Jb. each and .annual flowerl. Trans. 660 Manhole Stans planted ves.table puts 60c K" L' in. Ft. ~" Round Steel 12 uu per hundred, Sweet potatoes , Reinforcing Bara \ 300 for $1.00. Late Cabba~ Re}:lo~ctn~·lat;. %" Round Steel 6c per dozen. 1668 Lin. Ft. ~" Round Steel (Jeo. ;Pe>t;eJ:ll)()n, BelibroO'k Relnforclns Bua Pike, 3062 Lin. Ft. 'AI" Round Steel • - • . Relntorcinlr Ban ' FOR SALE:- Purebred ShOTt Horn Bull. ' Inquire 86:R-2, 422 Lin, Ft. ~" Round Steel Reinforcillr Ban E. ' Waynesville Rhodes Bunnell. 4--4" Du.pJex Se1n&'e J 2tp for two ejector statiODa, • eal Submerged Centrifugal Non,. married farm A e\onins Typ. with ejector basin hand by .o:¥>nth_ Inquire at cc,vera, each cap. 100 Gal. per Min. 20 Ft. B ••d, Matera l'A1 H. this :office. P., h60 R.P.II., 220 volt, 8 -=-==::::-. . . - Room ,....--~RENT:for rent, phue, 60 cycle, A. C. currenti electric alternator equipment, al alao 'pedigreed. quality nursey to fit pita .. shown on plana. stock, Leave orders with lira. , The VUlaJ4! .of WaJlleavUle reo ROoSa above the uoha1lC'8. BII .acWM ,.. e§ ..ma the ~ to reject an, and .-y, ....... zo ... ~ aU btu; the Villa. . al80 IU8I'TeS 1 tp • proltabla liar . . . . . .II1I&I the riPt to accept audl portions THIS 18 a ro:ciit:a. to "ve JOur 01' the aaateriala u needed winter clotba cleaned .... ~ ~ I..,.. ..... I S In when reqUiN~~ pnued. t.bem ' in 1·..... -..1- . . . . . . . . mo .... proof .... 1rit!hou ell) -:oeCll'fal - - . -
. WIT"
* * *
-.... ,....... ......... . . .........
w. ....
Fir t anti flnlll aecoun t
lit 111U1',1 t I , .. II 1'1" lat Ea mptI'. lat· "r N., I:) 11lp(, , I
Earl Thompllon . a dmanl ~"t..J"1
h J L1'(' Tt Illmll t " '.
L. ('he t r.
Wad ""rth ttl
In,l HIII'lIthy 1'. fulrurd . iiI IIrfl', \\'arrl'lI ('(l, A, L, K inl{ I Ct IIc' ~~ il' I., Cook,
1111 Chl/u EI!a I., ' II al'III·/lv",I. • dHlrg-inl! I XlU'IIIt' (; WIFE. CIIILIl REN fill I' 1 hl' i"I)'a ,l!l1 l1rC(' fl.~m E1.1'Il .1:1 al' I· C' ~ . \VUYII(' I", Aln: nI-:~EI·'I{'lABIES "II'.', ullknllw n. Al'{'old Ill! ·lll III'(' j\ If",,, n. lIil l LII Frr·tlt·Ji ('k R. chil,lr.'n lhr!'"" n,L tt 11'(, \\ nailli', . III " (; Jll lIlllI '~ lH.'titioll , the ddl'llda nt. l' th I' ' 'I'j! l'n,,''''I', 'I/) n"I',,,,, 1' u rtle. und( I\U ril'~ lll'fil'ill ht' olt· ~ nnmt'(] "tiltll'" III ,,:JO(lO, th,t'at IIl',1 hrl' lif('. 1'Iwy w ('n' HI,til c I ct" f o IlItC' I'r""k I p. lVil l o f W illi~Im L. Yhung, 1'·, lt IIf th,· ti l 'I'~ l\l'a~), , tall, 1lI1l11 il'd JUlI l' 2, 1 !I~ Ilt Wil if! ,,"illt ·h aM.(·l'tI n. Malll" t .. llichllrd Thl' l'lnntl, ~ nty·MiI T\\(' ~ iI "t~, III lh,· I'll"" of Illtl'"I,1 Sh, niL' I,,'ul urd led ~(jld. Jillm~t(lW n , Ky .. li nd hn\'f' n o chil· II. IIl'roill, I' a.l e~tlltl' , Fl'unkli n odnliJ li. trnlul', ng'llllbl 1" l'llIl k SUII' \'[;Iu,·,l n( ' \'i()O , Stibb. e tate dJ('n, ung, 'l\l 1'1 u ~ 1 "(!'!l cI('I"!. n. trl, iI' Lill W, ,01, \\ 1'h" Ih ... 111'fl:ndn nt ha>f E empt dA lIh~l'tmg' llwt · ,\ .. ' h·fuset l to key unu Oth' I'" W. 'Ilry inmi Vol! 'Y I\uil l lin~ n.nd 1,onn ll l nn L. (lytle 'Inn" two to hich .... of in ., ibl> t \I;Ll'S Thl' ,·, \aL ... (If L,' \\ i" S liVe "ith him, :'11 ,111'1'1" B"'L~, Ill'en g l :mt,'t1 :J() il)I to A . R lind MlLrl{:tret BldrldCn. l\Ir~. 'r, Young'. and ~ dnu~ht, ~ I nett I' Lelmnll n, h~h !Je!'11 01'1 1, ,.~ d Slll'in~boro . u.k .~. I'IE.rntiu l1 pl l'ad. <If Lot No. ROil, 1, runklin . pal'l 1((. lIll' ill nanw,! 1l1'C' lax Sloti!'r, cc Ill' J. , l'Xl'l1I) t('d flom inh(·rit.a n PROn Tr~ 0 Rl' Moso n', Mat'[10m H e,-t e l' S".l1 z, onncll (0 A Ita a nd P 1I1'J ll 'l'IUi, "L will. Th e wi-II "'8.: dall',j t\ \I~u t i d al Richm ond, I n'I., in Dc-" I paYI11(,lItK. 'I'urticcI'C1)k UCI'(' ~, 111 ~IIYtJ,.r. 2!J, wan, '," Ad.. Gil rdia.n c('mbcl' , L934, thl' roupl~ have one TO S~l J.L HEALT YThe daul!hlt ' l' ul"l1 \\':\ ~ nlll11('d t p, • For ,Hawk nl'al 11l'Olwl'ty, lis t d all1on~ the chil d. ,J ohn I' helll"t t il Loveilln d Mudx 'I f the will, lit lin IlI)I1,1. ~x(lcut Wat IthNl of tlll e. H earll1g li n the applica t ion fiJth(' IIf , harg-inK that he Ihl'(lat n ,d u ~~ds 0" 11).1.S Jj\lJidin~ anrl Ltllln IU~I [{alll'n· Ch,·~tI'r "Ihuus, . Il of J\lhn tI Ro ld, . 'l'd uy LlJr ll ll I Ii" 'k, ' !Ilughtc r h'1' with .a knife, Anna Tcw{u·t kin " h.... lorl' n onlc'r 2, nnel 1~ t. ].\ 1·10, :U. J ;IX, I 1\\1, ~ tein and I>I\\'i,[ R (liriwL aI'" thl' I- I,tchcr Ihl\\k', Lt' bllnOn. f()r the has m e d a (Iivol'cc ac l ;(' n lIgni ns l A ,COC '1'5 FILEOion. suhdivb Pluk "l U,gh!;u 1:1, I applliut mcllt o f a l!ullJ'uia ll for th e Walkc l' Sie",ar l. Fil·~t (lilt! fillal.ac coullt has I ('t'n lIJlprailll'I'!\. Bolh live at uqu a Chauta y Vall iam.i ,VI (, Th 1.. l.t<'l· \\ ill hi' conduc t d Jun 10. Frankli n. Gr,,>; 1I('g),·ct and (IX· fil ed by HUF-<I'll W. l I'lon, !Ill (>x- ESTATI~ EXEI\IP T·uChauta Valley :'Ilitlllli lh,' 10 ('0. Th e ("'(.at ... Ill' lh!" Inle M ~lry ('. ~pecific «'utilI' of lh,' Ml.Ji~sn Anders o n c.>~!L~~ocintion. r p81 c;;tat<', Warqua Flrtit and fin!ll llcco unt o f W, tremc cruelty ' r e ,lhe illII't)m H op kinA h!1 R hl!c n )((·mpL . tate. . r('n 11l1li M l1 nt~on1l'I'Y co~ . 'heslci' )1a plc, [l.< e xeculo r of the charges , tax, h I'I'i tan KEH S TORlE: NVE I chll• ~l IIf l~ i)i vi~i(l n lie Aid fur lht' Aged, LO cslnt(! of (lIe lale :-'fary Fl eming, I The coup\ , p~r(lI 'I'h' (Jun has approve ll ilwc n- IS OMMIT TF:DJ.!JJ a, 1, 2 :lIllY mUITI('d wet' :'Ul'rnc( ', I'eal ('~tnte, ICheJ1, has b~el1 fil ed. I?ound ~o b~ Iln C'pi1cplic', Edith &1'rIry F:t ta p.lni nlilT al ~o lori£'.< fil d Ill' GC'ol'l!:e W. \ in n r, at Hamil to n, Th illc, ayO\",\, \\ Proof. Filcdhas be n 01'11('['1'<1 con~mit und pel'ma· a dl11il1l !lt l'atol' "f Lhe Carl H. Win- ,uttil\.~ ' ProofH oI Jlublica tion of tb e n _ ask s bot h t mp ot'll ry ... Dayton ~tatc ho~pitnl. th to ted admin. 'r, ill M !\tac I an :llr. unci :\1 1'~ , AI l' olin ~ ky of t" CH18 l' n an injun 'U unl L ke~ of the appoi ntment s of the nenl aJimony , and FILED ? PUOOI art'ell W of c 'tat lhe" cirl'l1aU nnd Mr .uncI Mrs, Hal0 :in alri" ~tl i {rOIll t f('ndan cl f()lIu\\ iOK havc lJl n fil.d:· Louis pl'even ting lhe ... noI th of tion publica of PI'oofs laI'd \\' all$\ e wr)'<l dinn(lr gtlCflts ,r. Mill 1', hamber lain, Ildmini · truoor of the "comin g neul' h er." of thc appoint me nt of the of MI.' ..11' >iiI' lI yJJ\a n. IUec,. IE. TOR IN\'EN IIEAH TO S COMM O Pl.EA hUlllbcl 'ltlin ,.,;tate; ]l Oll_ I P Ul'k I' fi,le d: William .MI·. hl'lIn,·y (If II ill"b o ro d ied I1 l'llrin~~ ct n th' illv ~ nt.oties fil· followi ng h ave heen . or n, 01 ~ball!(h, adm inis trator of CAS I~ OlSM IflSE Dof Lhl' ~trato)' admini o\\'e, H , V of r executo l, 1\tulflln hiF Ito nt(' th .. r Saturda y. Mr. ith Ai Sm h~' cd TJ. Van Tn',:! th(' RQ,' c It. Hu l!;(,y (stat; E. I The ca 'e o f R al'ry anci Fnnnk M . H owe ('stat.e anti l->I'nilh Chl'MIlf'Y i. thc· r th!'l' (, f Mrs , Hal' >ltaie I'd 1\{ulf .. Lesl· . J Lite DOIl S. s Enni and I h(' L() ui ~c S'II"I', ndlJ\'i"i tratrix, the a~ain, t Tillie of executo l', I'y L ('\\i:l. ~lul'gc~, c'<l'tutOI' of the An - Mul fol'd, e~tlltc; l{OdnC y nt,lI has bee n srttlcd und dis mi ~. - I 1"1I'd H obe l L ::i('lIers l\1ul .'. I' ,Lc!\t J. Inte he t ill be co n- I e~tntc of w ,·,late Mr~, Glady· Linn lLnd Iliece attUI'j,('I'~ , .1. Inn Forkne r, Ildillinis trutor of' the An- cd , fOI'd. 'd the fUllern! of n fdC'nd at (n,1 t ·1. 2 Jura' ducted, A~rEDVA drew J. F o rknc)' H;lnto; Arthul' D . ~J DGEM ENT YRT PROPE SELL TO 'rORYh,'!<t('r, on Mon<i<.'y. INVE Hiunf VES A fmlll I' jU41~cl1'1l4~nt ha be n APPRO l\ ull mc),l'I', Ilcimin i ·LrIlLo..-, t he AnP Cl'sonnl p roperty li~ Led 3mong or 1I0n hy fi.led "ad Smith lind wife>. W , N. r'y \" R inwnto I'll £1of case e th in na F. , K illg 1 lIll I '),l' J' l'>'~t" a n d ill'd~l'cd vacated of Althl' ~ ('ur~ an41 wife, M['!\, T. B, Rl'untale el5 the 01 t~ II:;'''' c th the of s tt'atri adminic , l'S, doing Lu · - 11 . I'('bough I'alph Stibu:, executo r of Lhe Lew mel' Pet TS and OthC is to b s?ld. Ch.Ul' ICl< ~. no ck, Mrs. ,) 0(1 l?il(' I', :-'fr ~, lI e nry As: ciation , ~~ta c of RJl ~(; R, Hals y, ha. been Wn lkins ,Artists th s a \ ! i,nc~. is 'liltb,; . tl\L~'. is t ra 01' "ilh lhe will P(· nning1.o n were in Cineinn ati, adroin 'win, h apJll'ovl't.l , agulnsL th' Flbre\, al c nrp. A KS FORE LO ~ J~Ebe en authol' izcd by Thill' cillY, to attend lhe grncl ua.has d, nnnl'xe nOND SF.LL T ForecllJ!>ul(' of nHlll~agc anti re- F UR GRA T~V t I.he !\III . ·conduc to inci nnati I,io n 4'(!'rci.~'~ nt ~h Aulhol' il ' hilS bel'n j:p'a nt d 11 I t he court ,' ()\'Cl Y uf $:l Hl2.02 iii n,<k ',I in an DIVO RCES E CEN LI E) AG forty MARRI 'hieh fit 'Y blmds ll Scminlll be Ui l)lc Juclge hnl'le~ B. I ech m.t grnnt en I. Earnhtl l't to h,·tit I' 1api\;', action IiiI'Ll br W iJ liam s, :15, Lebano n, ('Ie y(,unR' PNll~l" i'l'ceived diplom a,; W ul PlJ CfI' Be.an II. ohn. J t.ht, o t lonl!,iog IVl'ek, Ilast ell ' tuto!' of the W. F. Eltzrol h I'd four dil1orcl'" in thl' the ex cu- ric applian c e dealel' and H el n R, nIH.! degrees , Mary V.irg-iniB Lay(;ock , chargin g wHO!, of willeh she )>\ c~ilItc u~ninst thc V \I 'Y Packing IEarl Y, 24, Wayn e~vil1e, bookke ep, Smith a nd fam ily R v W. trix. . Ow e n,; a'nd other!;, I(' I'OSS nt'glect, IV~I.~ a,w!ll'tied a di· '0., Lad ra ' CI'. MI'. and Mr'!1, Morof l~ .. gu(' 'E C CI \\ ESTA'l PKINS II ; k Laycoc VO I'C8 fl 'om Frank Born '07.:1dTHREE PEn-SO . :10, onover, n Fl'ankli v ning. Monday ri H H unler, 1 VAl. J;:DIyd e 1654 has b ('n dille, m ec hanical c ngin eer ann Mar MI'. Elm r Sheeha n an d A value of , book. Bunn . \I atten ded the Brown Swiss pIa ed o n the c.>~tatc of the late' gar!"!' Kunk el', 2 , Mot1'Ow picnic at W OQ;'tH, Ohi o, SaturWill iam H. H o pkin!!. 'l'he estllt ' k l'c)leT, James Jack.·on , 23, Lebano n , day. consi ted entirely of real eslaro. [m'm l' a nd Elcano r H ightmnn , 24 , Mr, ancl Mr ~. H oward nl cn4er E TATE BEA , r tt'll.eh(' C<'\v~lIe, Wayn so n of W a~hill gtoll , 11: CIlIand WORT H 13 8(1:3lecl on M iss B ~llc O ']){ cal on un$ 13, 63 h..,t; b~ 11 RF.~L ~~STATE 'r RANfW 8 HS A valu e ElflOLft M, FAton to J ohn V, a nd tla y nltcrno on, plae d On Lhe clitilte of th l:lte Mr. a n d M r~, Rohert Clellve r rthll. M. Bu r ns, lo t No, 10 2, B ' is 18 $!J,3 h \\hi of n, J uhn ll. B ~ we k- nel wilh Mrs. Clea~ll II pCli'ona l pr'ojlcrt y , and $4545 real Fl'lu\klin, and velJ " I)a r nLs Ill. Mt.. Sterling , Ky. nClb~'I,t to l'l<ill A 1. G('nrgc \ c:tale. HOUSA NDS said that tire, ,lane Sch ool, 40 ncr!"!', Frllnkli n Mr. a nd 1rfi. E. W. Ri cks 0 .7 r.r.1\cOllld not 'tand the terri6c ~~ . d bec!1 " re an n ou nc ing the b it'-it caii"b-. sitCt naylon )Igrlnu, "fb -, . tl'. ESTAT I~ V L Ebuilt wilh much greater sp6dj' Ralph W , 'lcv!"T) ger 11) til _ turnsinlhclfackhad~eorepaYed tillc of th Iln ci Cecil Ola k , Jot No. 7:lt." ...... -.. , ~~",:-~-~~...- ... Gto. ·S vah~e ~lr the Antl'im of Dnyton is s pend wilb granite -like surface , Jet Mr,;. set . nklin been ll Fra ha ~I'lHin And 'a( M lil'l<!t Wilbur Shaw drove lO victory \\i!cks here, Ilt $71HIO, of which $5560 i ~ perJ nl11cs Pilc to 'Lulli F'!'an? , lot io g It fel\' o n Fire lOne Gubl.D ipped Tires Ml's, L 'na lI art.<;ock is ap 'nnil1g es1 selling a new record of 113.~8 1'('0 , . .. onal Jll'O PCI'ty; $200(1 N o. () I, Frankli n, miles per hour 00 one of the n~l' ~o n, ?Q~ HartMallli Doughn1.fm .'t.nLon to A r- . lime time with. talc , of Wilmin gton, hottest days in th history of the fnmlly ~ ~k, nnd Indiana polis track. E '~rATE F.. E.UlT' hio. ' LAll', c ,,1 .... 1' o inheriu lnce tax will b I vi- Lhur D , Doughm an, J'hink of the terri6c impact 00 1\11'8. W . .T. nllk~J' ~p nt a c uple. (hese Lires as the cars roared ioto t.he lal.c Ed So ut.h L(,bano n. the eslaLe ~t ngin tl c ' days in Oayt.on l ast \\' ek , out the tr;eache rolls (urns and EIi~aheth S he'wmd to Ellrl and of w!u'd 0, Weidne r. again, Tons of force strainin g. ' pulling, and twisting in ide the tire, yet "010"" (:ora loosetled, fUll '. ' _ .....>..4_ _ _ _ _ _..."'._ 2___ .....-._....._ _....-..x.....' ....££1_ _ oue", 'fJd rtpardle d from Ihe ctwd ippiog. ~)'-all because Gum-D the Finston e. patented process . success fully counte racted the internal fri (ion and heat that llrdinar ily destroy tire Ii~ , You will never drive )lour car allbe e r~cord·breakjng speeds, HIGH SPEED but for tbe afe!y of yoursel f anel {a m i1~YOU need t he safest, 4,75-19 . SIO••, , strorjge t and roost depend able 80 5.00-17 , 10. tires, orne in today, Join the IS..,O Fireston eSAV)' ALlfF.C ampaign by equippi ng your cae with a let 5.50.16 . I~ • .,5' of Dew Fireston e Gum.D ipped 4.....21 6.00-16 . 15.55 Tires-t be saCeS{ clres that money LOW LY OTHER SIZES PROPORTIONAT£ can buy.
Y\l\\I ~ I'
•• "
j l..l
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
;. 0 0_
....... ' •_~ " "• ". . . . . .~.
All Roa ds Lea d to (;reat Lake s Exp ositi on in Clev elan d
_ "'re .'\ln e
THAT last year highway accide ntS COSl the lives of more than ••_
....... w.....n _nd childre n?
THATa mUlllIn more were injured? THAT more tbao 40.000 of these
....thl lind InjUrie s were caused dinedy by punctu res. blowou ts ..... sldddln i d ... to UMllfe tl,es7
I ,'I
The electrical serva nts in yow' hom e neve r take a vaca tion . • • neve r wan t an afternoon or even ing off. For electric service is continuous service ... read y day or nigh t when ever you press the button. Yet the cost of electricity has gone slteadily • dow nwa rd until it now stan ds at the lowe st poin t. in its hi8to~y. I'ItUAaED BY
e Voice of Firestone Mond ay' eveni ngs ' over Nation Wlde N, B, C. ~edNetwork ,
Ro ge rs.& Sim ps on
,Th e Da yto n Po we r an d Lig~t Co mp any
Throug h S"ptem he r 6 al the :deal V ~I:"lIon . "LL N E W AN D GREAT ER the Great Laten I!;x poll llon Run.
ov r
eet in Lc· Mee
inos b
E\'l' lli t] ~ :<"l'vic!\' :~t .IH) II·"lll(' k. T hi~ will lI l' (:run~1) Ill l{ht . .TIll' OJ" H RT~T I C;rnn).!'e "ill nwet " ilh u~ I n 11 W . C. ~ll\llh . ~ hni ~ l('r bud>' li nd will tnlw a \ 'l" y illll'"r11 Ill:(' ,. III 11\\ n, Jlibh' ,'ch(I( ,1 SliP'\. (lint pa t·t in the ,'\'t'ni ng 1'1 '11 ).' 1'11 111. Hunday . 1)on 't mi ss Lh is flll'eting. n ihl\! Se holll , tJ :;l O a. Ill, W ~d n l'WIlY : hnr l~ O. AIII",n I.out "'tu 1ft . L '. ~" 11 SlIhj"I'\, "Jl)~"ph ', KindBible ·t.udy arid Jlrlly~ r ulcl·tiOJl' The Sover eign C omp or the it ul's, and n a l'ly 250 nml'lll l \1., te· JII'~:'; to ) Ii · Kintir('(L" lit ~ :()() 1'. M . . Woodme n o f tho World will hold ga les, l' preson~ltl,g close to· ~U :J.· I'l'i ntl.J '1\ st., (i" Il , Ili l l -7; 28'The l"I'lI nkl in S Ulll n1l' I' Hoho(lI ) : its bienniol conve ntion in Los 000 members in <H s lates, are (' .'. , :\11; 5U ::A -:!fi 01 Fot'i,jgn Mission of h finein" I Angel s begin n in g June 21 , ac- pected to a ilend . : " " hri~ti;tn l;:ntktlvllr 7: III p. m. IIl:lLi Brunell o f the \ (1mll n '~ For. "1 cording t o D e Emm tt B rad~ho\V, '. Go\'ernor E. D. R ivers, of TUlll(' (Ill' ,1i"4:U ·"io n, ·' If .,w tl'U(' C'lgll M is.sir'n"I·Y SOCil'ly wi ll be pre id e nt of the nssocintion, of Georgia, and Un itecl lotos Senn· LII Li f,' arc th ,\ tn \-; ,,,:. h(,ld at Th~ M ill mi VlIlll' Y ' hauta u Om aha , Nebr . tor Morl'i S heppard, uf l e:(O r· l' I'('uchill,l: T:,Jfi p. Ill. \lUU Grollnd., JUUl' 2:!· :Jij. A I Four Oh io ~ oodmen wiU rep· kana, lex .• will e on the cnn· r s nt t his state in the 80\'or ign vonlion program . Oll'er speakcrs ~"l'rnlln ::;lIhj l'cl, "Wlllch" s l lcndid p l'\.g ra m h a. b '('n Ill'· C amp, which i the upremc rcp. will i.nclude Jud ge A. C . Rusby ell11!,' nn. 1 It'L U ~ ~11 up tn th Illng II nnd we are I ,.u s lin~ that ir s cntativc l e~isla tive body of 01 \\ 0 ' nesbo ro, Mi~s. , J udlte h OU,4' (I f the L o]'d wl1 el'l:' Wl' may many of OUt' m IllbC I' Illay be ubi!! the SOciety. They arc: har)es Fiem C. Dome of F t. Pi cl'ce. /ll'n l' th L' Go;;P ,1 pn·a chl' d whic'h is nth· n rl. G . All hofT, Dayton, member of Fla .• ond .t-' otl' r Gilt·o.\!. pr ~slll(!r. t G. C. Dib ' rt, Pasllll' Ih . I") \I\' I' ,,1 ;IJd II lit I' . alvlltion the Co mmittee on Legislalion; of lhe Woodmen of t he WOI'l d 01 tn all th: t b ·li l·Vl' ~h. n UR , I[ S'1'-. --G-U- S".:'11i : J ohn T. Dickel, loveland , jun. I)envc r. ior p ilst head coosu) of the state ; F ather N ewtoll , ]'astor In a cornel' o f n tiny r oom in n born on I\ pd l 27 th . 1822, is tofi:lY III' th e h\\lc 1' 11 1:; r 1' ~" I. , , v l'F~RR\, 'UUI1Cr I O[o' - ll TU'T The So\'er ei~ n C a mp (If thc Louis Wolf, Columbus, head con· ----rmn ll cottage on the bll nks o r Ih<.' a lTl ll ('U Il) nil cl w'th the objC,·t" , F U I' 1, ', 1' aLt 1\ tit , r , W. l'. ~Ildth, . I ini~t\·l' WOOdmen of the Wo rld is t h s uI > a rid Lo uis StolTel, elected of· Ripley, th . town III \~ h ' It Mn. ~ ut 't. A lJ g u~li n e's ch u rch b cnuli!u) Ohi O IS a pluin wooden u ~('d by I';lnt d u ring his lit ti m I. fi cial delegate at the recent Hend wo rld 's stron~est !rn ~('rnGJ t:cno Pl' tTy ' rhllnlll :>, Bibl l! :'chol'l Sup·t. ('VC I' Y 'untlay IllClrn ing. a 'I'C :ll'C tho 'h;rirs in whi<: h h c r, InNt h('l oine o ( '·' · u·I' Jit society. It now hil S assets ot Cnmp convention in Toledo . cradle 5;11. Ih ' ttlh l<' ~, t whl h h HIC' . 1\ Cab in," r ulld 1'1'[" ":,, :If' •. ' ---.~. Sunday Co m plete r eports on the busi· more than ,124 .000.000 und h ;'~ F RIENDS MEETING In this crodle on e of Amel'lcn's ImotOri ~l \ 'siting the Mu. lim will p nl uu fl ight . n I\J.'S th, ' I .. ' Bi ble ·.ehool !) :3 II . 111 . _ __ Ol ('n o f destmy sl pl. b ill the \'l'l'y I'uom ~ 10 whi<'i1 t his ho tt I rll' I' ness and fraterna J octivities of IJoid out in benefil'; to m eml'l'l' ,'U1\1 0 n J 1 :IlU :L . m. the association will e heard at and th cir b nC'fic lnrie mn! Ih;11> First-t.lny choo l at \1 :ao a. m , Uly s s SGI'. Ilt . t WI P I' 51- gl' a t m a" , Iwn t his ch ildhood . I ShU fUl'th l' ('a~ \ i~ ' .,' I. ~CI'Ill(\n ~ub.iect, "A, G ood p. Me ti ng fOl' W OT hip tit 10 !30 d ent of the Unit d St atN; • nd the Sovereign Camp convention, 5273.000,000 sInce its o r g'l Ol?aIILIl NOI' ' s Mt . PI 'nsnn t .01(' on ly f1 C'l'e lhe sc ." > t " , com m a nd in g g'l)('l'o l o[ tho North- p i, c o f in t n' '\ fill' th, motor! t , h io. fr qUl'n tly ('I;'l'd 11.(' ....... \: B radshow said, Hundreds ot \'is· 47 yenrs go. p etiw ." " a .1'n. ern I\rmi s du'l'i n g th C iv il Wm' .. in th is pOI'lion o f th(' ~tn t(' . o ( A m rica, is at II " i)(' o: t Th l • n l'NIII c la !ls, oll1P sed =====-==========='" \Vns born in the livet'si(\e I)l ngel Rout 52 IS in Itsel f ,w p f te,,' Rit: h III ti ll' · ;'. n 0\1' I - - lho own amI ~' o lnen II ! tli e F e rry - of Mt. P I asn n t o n Roul 52, ctlst ' m st o(';)ut l(ul ronds in Ihl' ('Olln- t ha hi, /111 1')' i. a n , ' t l'Y It roll vs th windinll,' his- w h ic h m llny lIlo t 11 \:. I H c count ed the m oney In his bani! I of incirma ti .hun:h haJ th h' r ('l!ular mo nthly I I , Il'~tln~ :It ihe church ·1(\ t Thu rs- agai n. Eight dolhrs. Doc Ell!. The eottag :n w h ich he wa ~ t I'IC h,o Across Ih bl' ad l'i\' ~r One duy 01\ va~allOn t l 'r .1 The Mia mi ::12: ttc invit(' ~ il~ J mU$t put th,' .'nnn' valu e un u Il'lI Y night wiih <ll'ounJ fift y 11lJC 1'n- . wo uld bu y the s kelcton bnck Il n) ___ __ _ _ _ patro ns to u e t.hl d purlml'nt to IHe l' t' of money. Il'!. \1('ing J)l' e nt. A go od pro- Jlme. Surely Doc ElLis wC)u lrl Ill',', eight d ollars together before Christ - , - --XP1'CSS hei r own views On mat1~l'i1nkU~ D. H.l I .. ·,cll prumbl!d , "rll m wa l'l'nder edi in Which Mrs. :m lls. \ Mamma need neve r kno~ I BE E ,. M N I I 'h ' >- d d t e rs t generA l inter t. lh Jahonng pe"ll ie· lhnt he wn~ (;I'a 'c Furn!l~ was in charge. there was D skeleton In t he house Utlu llY· I'. a~ l wa ~ II ~o n , ympa. y 111 CX""n e to the h m fru rn hiR wo r k in RiclinH\It(I, f amily of Mr, Jam es Gl'tlY who e THE COLD AND SIl.VER ~oin!, to d(1 a\lay witb tha du!!.1 l)u l; ng t he M cial peri od candy N a one would ever know. He wou Id M: L. F red Nash J) n L . vt'Tal . . In d ian a. d 'n th CUI' d last • riday night STANDARD rUrp o.:;~ lJunk, Ilu t he ou).!'ht t o . ai' ;;'rv 'd as refl' hme.nts. e car~u1. A fellow wllsn' t a dele c. Mt'l'. Lucy Fish bnuA'h lind g'rllll (! nt his ho m n ar W e llmnn , Mr. ( By J oshu:! Hllrv y ) kn o w that he nor anyone \\i ll e v- I l t h i meeting the class de- Ive for nothing. He crept t\o\\lnsto irs ,da Y$ la~ t week In Dayton. h raf i-. nrl cy Shll!lt'l', 0 1 Gra y had be en in ill h Illt h for ' v ontinu 11 from la t wee k er du U\\lly with the dU1l1 pU I'po~a I 'I dl'd to try ra.nd s c ure subsc\'ip- nd made a daslll lor thc street t urn ed ho me , d lturda y, and \\US dau lt hh' r 'ith the eight dollars clutched In ll ccomJ1'lln i d by hel' so n, ul'liS, Middl t own, ,""ere g u t. of Misl .' rn l yea rs anli had uJso b 11 blind. Any prasi;1 nt _hou lfl know t hat bank until WI.' fi rst 'do awa y wilh tion f l' the 1illmi Gazet te as a and Jnmil y, who visited h CT OVl'r lIan nnh' J ordan a ne l bl ot h(' r s In. t . 0 1' II t\ lI l1l b ' r r y IIrs . H WM paper mon(\y ean nevel' b mad, OUI' dual PUrt10s(' money, fo r that melln.' i) milic mon y for the paint ' Dis hllnd. The h ouse was ,s tili in d::trkness, ___ _ _ _ _ week. mor than 80 yl ' J"lI of ag Illnd the Any ou n ler or bettl'r i n any ' wily i the IV apo n wilh whi h th e Ill- jug of th e chu rc h. Mrs, Lcster Gel' .xcept for the falint light in th e T he Fl'i undsh ip lub will be en· ' ITea Wr' JIllI'\: () f hi!l lif h~s b n by basing it on Gold or ilve r ci- bOl'er i" I'o!)bcd of hi~ hil'·. li e ha r d is in char!{c of th is ])r j c t. IIps tairs hall, when the Great Dc son~, Edward Le and Dal L~sonun'Unity. SUrvlVther one. We sho uld k no w t ha t the ugh t to kn \\. Ilml d~ k now t h tl t ' As t h is i t.h only pap er lhat cat- ' lect!ve crept stealthily up t he garden tel'. His life c nt red larg Iy a- tet'tain d a t th h~l\l c of I\1r'.. WY· P nt in thi great oppre:.sion oC the wea lth pl'O mon ey c nnot . l've ~wo opposit . l'l es our l ocal n ew s a s weLl as our ,,3th an hour iatelr with something b out his henne and fa mily. Hel' m I' Don.n y on W t' eine:d ny of thi. ing him al'l! his '.\-ido\ , Mrs. A,lice GrJlY, two duug hters, MI'!>. Myrtle ducer!! is not beellu our m un y, p urJ)O);l)s at t h Hll~ e li me, '1'0 church a nnounce men ts we believe Nhite aad fajntly gleaming under lov t't'ign (1 ann th o futu re look- week. J . Lee Talmllg \\ M a bu inc L ibCflp 01 Franklin and Mrs. Berwhat vcr it is made of is not '; ' I'Ve hie l'ico we ha. ou r mon<' y it ·ho uld b going t o ev I'y hom , nis arm, Old Lewis had wrapped t ed bright wi h Pl'O Olis , But this t t b f In brown pa per, bavin g l I f b visit or in Dayton , Pridny. tha lan.: ell o f Daytco , a Hart Mr. ound 0 good noug fr but. bC1:a u!l\' lIll gllid alld • ilY~I' commod it i ', T o ~o a~ t.h e re p resentatives of this , lI(hes tskelaton tried unsucc.e ss!ully to do it W11 !\ no 0 e or ung or a uut Al r re gonbert Gray of Utica and a brothit i too , carca. H e o ught t o kn ow 'e rve t he we al th produ c r we clas knock a t yo ur d oor we hop .-up in a SlIl t bo~l. As he neared t h r e month s ago t h ' dark clouds . Mr .. Arthur R:ll ight f that scarcity of nlon ey a nd ch ap base it on cnlTIll10dilieR o nly all ,1 you wi ll gi Ve t hem you r subscl'ip. home, R c ..g ie Unwrapped hIs of ickn ess gathe rcd and it wa-; tn s llcnt o n day la t w k with · er, ilas Grny .o f this pIa nnd oth r r lative nnd 11 bor)Va a nd is lind always w ill a ll thal might. b· ne ded fO I' th:lt lion or r en wa.! for The {iami Gn. ·1reasure gloatingly, There was a soon fou,n d necessary to r e move' her. pare nt&, MI'. and Mrs. J , be the !lole PUI'POse of a n r! t he ill- ru t pOR\: \I iLhou t l ing li d do \\ n ' zet te. pring 1n the middle Uta t made It . him t o Mclellan Hospital at Xe n Smlth. l' held MonHllR H knd Dnd unbend frightfully. iO_ '1:h ere ~c undenvont. thrc ope l'!\frs. l\!al,tha vitabJ reo ult of a C o ld and Sil- to th e wee, .\(;1:' little bit or golll\ E PIS :l"tlic and r ba. i f or tit p rin ti ng of p a per ~ n u ~ ilvcJ' th "1' it,· loW'd :.:. -01'1 . On th~~! beJd"1t"1ri trtn~ \ lltions for ii~t;;;ti~roU'E'Tc wla\e ~~ Ilh~ "'k~mo--;-.:r.-T: in la.rksville ' n y. Th ;~ ' i . a lre .-1 D I " \J 1'0Se mone; C();ll " fro'm .tth untlay after Trinity, Jun e ~.ngth, admiring itls horrible gleum · I for a time offe l' d som e hope but "" t 1.S W , a 2 0. l!.'ven in g Pl'ay t· a nd erlllon at lng length a~inst the blackness 01 othe r complications mad e l' c over- F' ~rk' BH(.> \i\·o · f fwDllyto fl la nd 1\11-. a du a l Or do u ble nli nd an" ~""""''''''---I by wliilt Ea a ctually been U pre l:touse. What couldn't n fellow d Q r n i l d -- - - - - --!Wllh a classy skeleLon like this? Y lmpos ible . Hi wa truly a a o SS 0 a y-noesv e mta LOCALS \\~e, viz: N ot only t ha g old cer- d oublc mind co mes fl'om a n im- 7 :30. • _ - _._ ). H el WAY ES \ ILl7E'"";1. E . CHURCH Why ' . . . A sc:rea m cut th inly b}'a ve fight, wi t h patie nce and fOI' M sh~lt cn;1 a t t.he Talm d~ h me }·c.ntl!l\ that wc r pu t o ut fo r the p ure hual' t ( Jam s 4: ihro\Ch the night. Then he heard titud e that called f orth ad Illira<>n aya t C'l"nOO11. . Dnd Mr C. · J. Egb I't vi . b enefit of th labori.. '" p opl e b ut ought lo know and do{'s know thllt I •..., , .'unday: M Kay Bl'others and th ir lam· d fri nil.<! n a r X nia., "Unday, AuntlHortense' VOl ee c olling, "Hen· I tion f l'O m Il tte ndillg' phy icilUl8 e very lASt olel cenilicat that had j u t us ' ure a ~ a postag stamp i.~ ....'1 Henry l" ili e Ilre e njoying an xwnued visMath w Turner is spending the .been circulating be€or t.he inflat- Yo' rth t hl' cen t.!; in the exehtmgo I u n<1ay .,chool a t. 9:30 A. M. ',J nnd eve ryt hing that lovc nd "He's: on then:>ial~za," she moaned. it with r lativ ft' III alifornin. "'ook in Hamilton, the gou t of · could d o was d(7ll8 to spar . ion and fOT which the re WIlS gold of o m lO un i aWm and s mu ll pa l" N xi unday i Filth r's day and 'I sec lIim! I sea himl Oh, Henrr, life . The uni ted devotion of a c h The Gl enn Davis family W'e1"C .li s aunt, MI'$. A. H, .5hoeler. to back them with ha ve been cal- eel!! wit hou t b' ing ba sed on gal t! th fRthe rs witl have 'ntir e char~o ~pe:tk to me! Is it you? Are you I 'l'u e~ day visitors In~an o n. Mrs. JiO·hn Kers y '~nte rtained lind ev ery member of the fa.mily le d in and I eke d ' up, makin g mu ch and i lvei l taL paper m o ~\ey w()~ ld of l h l:) und !l Y ~ ch oo 1. Mornin g '.,n ri glY1'. " Mrs, Mab I 1'e rry WoIl S shoDPin . 11. small group at Bridge, T hursday Henry wllvered. :rIlen : '.'It's me," was very beau t iful anu bl'ought f less m()n y t o e mpl o'y iell wo rk- a l.<!o pa ilS and be worth. lis nOlOl t'- . , 040 Th rm o n !'\ubman wi t h thaI) t h r e was bef o'!'!:! a l va l ue in Ute exc han ge of ih!! "O f'. hlp at 1 . . ~e ' . 4. said falotly. ":[ ain't complain· forth admiration from all cl o Iy in Le ban on, a urday af Lellll? On. I ternoo~. of last. weelt. . H !. t , conn e cted ivith th ca e. No sac'M rs, Bina Patters on wus a Da.y- 'U (, lnduded : M1'll. TrJ!lena he (the PI' ident) iniate d. No products of klbor, wit hout a n y j!!ct will be, "Th (' n ay and }lIS . •• .'. "Ha vc ' You any messllge tor me , n· t ·l ton visit l' ne day I t w ·k. I(\nd Margaret Edwnr~, Mrs. D. .. seemed t o great fot· any R . h . won.der the mo nel' sharks s uf f e r('d l'Cgal'd to Whll!' Kuld, a nd ilvel' , Fa~th~C~I:"::"S===:::::;=======~ "nry?" en me AUl.lt Hortense' vOlce l MI'. and M rs. hal'l s C0!t!i l' ' mIt, Mr . E . C, Cra.ne, Ml'R. mem lllr of th e family to make inflation. Th ey had an ax t o grind. )'u bi s , and di ll ll10nlL or any oth() l" - ~- ~,ltIrough the hall·opened l iving room wocre Lebanon vi. ilol's, atul' y. R, H, Hart oc:k, Mrs, J'. K. PresThe worst f s ture of the whole j wel ry hi wm·th III' any artic l ·.indow. that hu. band, son and brothel' Mr. and M ,John Iyd er · of on, Mrs. . HcnltJe, Miss Eli zma n t.al'y slight-of-h a nd, lIlan e·uv- that W(! ca n nn me, (l'Olll cllrn cobs Th is a~parently gave Henry time \ might h ve every a id human know N w Leban o n IW l' Sunday after- beth He nkle, M,·s. I1arvey Rye, ring {lrogram 'wns to ha ve uefls- up lo UIC fi neHt gi lledged, silk Ot· t .. think, He moved nervously back ledg e arid ~kill could give. This no on call l1i a i th , Thompson-Te\, • .\11'$. 0, C. .Ridge, M rs. H. R, Wag. · to f 0 Uow III . i l Il t'Ion 80 quickl y sati n tlrl'sa 01' peacock L";lllmNl 0" ' ~.,d fortti in the darkness_ . $Oems a peculiarly ad expC'\'ience Ie". t IOn By NANCY RHODES .-' "You better go home," he saId at t o this family fOl' this i the fi" s t I y hom . _ _ __ 't 'b l f gli.-ltc n inc. t IJ lug-topp'd si lk hat ' I t.h a t 1't mil. k es l" ~ qUI POSSI e 01' '" @) McClure New . paper Syndicate. ) 'I·... t. "Go home and stllY home." time Death has eonter d to break Mr. r el' I'Y W II~ took about 76 COURTS the money sha.rks l o dec ivC) the thut ever, orade Wull Streel. WNU Service. ,; ', ben he ben~ sha rpl,. double and th f 'J • I b t ' . lb. of h on y from one hive, one - - -laboring people into the bC)li~f (To ~\111 t~ ~ ~~ week ) e ami y ClrC e, u In every OIlS day last week_ E lmo Testerman, 21, factory I)tsllppeared. that i was inflat ion t.h at is cau s- INTERESTING FACTS OF THIS FOUL, bloody murder had been, A jumble of things happened the fortun let; us n lway rememba]' Mr . and 1\lrs. Cole mnn Jac kson varkel', ,\\Iis.miville and E stell AI~ iog so mu.eh idlen ess, whie the op. AND THAT . done, for there on the bollrd" , ext morning. AunfHortense left on there is omething Cor which to be Ind fa mily' of 01' 'g onia wer ,un- on, 18, outh Lebanon. ~ny Il skeleton, bl:'nc·white Ilnd grin· pos.ite is Hie t..ruth. Ihe 1 o'clock train. Mamma went thankful and how Jrra teful theSe tluy isito at W IIman. Richard O. Bridge, 32, de nti t, fl bed with a nervous headeche. !;orrowin'" h eart should be that Th president should kn ow tha t ning horribly. The Great Dlltcctlw; " Mr, Wayl and JOrdan and family Ind Hel<'n Mtllrie Chapman, 27, I ', azed on It r eflectively, picking ,"apa sat scratching hi s c hin Jn a DNlth remained away from t.hi s f C ' . t · s... .._ f eacher, both of Frankll'n, o ong as we bas th printing of "'urrs on his trousers moo[lwhilc. ' I uzz.Jed wa y ,Ju st before school h f I f II mClna I were un.. ay gU{'!l .., 0 ,, · A. tro no lll rs m('u~ u re t he dis - ." U • . orne 01' lI€ar y orty years and h J ,1 • h UI rna M'lze, 22 , a d ver.1S ..' Ing aI papcr mon y on go " or sllv " or ( "For sale ," saic;i an oil)' voice al 1Jme, Doc ElliS nppe.a red on the h b t'f I th t d k I OJ·uan family e ve. anyth lng LI la t l.~ 'wrce, t hat all t3llCC of fix ·d ~ta l's fr{) m the earth ,his elbow. t piazza. , " ow 001] 1 U a over ar I OuI' am bitious young sales man, re n t, Middletowp and Gertrude kinds of mon e y will be mucb t oo in light yean;, 0 1' th di. la nce Ii ~ht ~- The Great Detective's meditative! , Reggie rushed ~ l'ut, but Papa got gloom of sadness hangs the ma~- I MI'. William Tibbats, has es tab- :'ergram, 21, Franklin" scarce, For h said, " if we had all wou lcj, tl'lLvcl in a ye-ars li me, trav- ~ye traveled up the bulging form! tllefa at the same time. tIe ·of lOv e .t.hat ·we ;lre sure WIll l ished II. fruit and vc getJa ble rout!.' REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS the g91d in the world we would on- c li nl4' at t he ra tc of 18 G,0 00 miles jOf old Lewis, who owned the pawn: , " Well DO. c," b4~ }said cordially. ever shad Its , fr." grance .ovel' the i hrough this and nei~hborin'" com- ' George C. Weaver to Ralph and .. .. . Iy have one twen t y-fo u r th a second . shop. \ "'how are -vou? ., , " pa th \\'lay 0 'f a U01 ted f ami Jy W h ose munitiAs. .\lary O. H om er, lot No" 633, "I'm w oldn' tor · my skeleton." " enough." He s hould know, t hat inT,hl3 K orttueky D e rby has be en "For sa}e." repeated the old m a n_ .sald Doc. "Old L, e wis told me he comm.on SOt'l'OW will briong t hE'm Mr. and Mrs. Orla.nclo 81'1101)on, ' (i'ran~1in. I'lln ench ye ar f.or slxty-thl'i!'l. years "and you'll go a long ways betor!'!,' a muc h a, m oney is a mellium of kit f J £ X enia, w I'e wo k· nd guests Clara I . Young to Lucy Marvin at h u rchi ll DO\ ns. It i. the mo ~t ou'll find a niftier s e c on o,~, "lld It to ReggiE! ult night. I'll . even close r togethe·r . . the exchange of comm odi t il!s or . . 50ven dollars and ninety·flve cents. l1uy it back' from him for $10. That'll I Carl made many frie nds for p e of home folks her. while Mr. l' crri", real estate, Lebanon. producte of labor, We should ba c fA m (ju~ l'a ce In thiS c oun try. . I' He rubbed hi s hands and ca ckled . pay him for his bother of lugging w~s of a friendl~ tul'~ and .these BlllnnOn \JTlbtored to Lebanon to EI'Wtlod Aul!. to Clara I, Young, . OUT money on tIuIt a nd chat on The f am ous K en tuc ky Del'by IS II R eggie McWhortle sighed, and tM \ it up here, .won't it?" \ WIll greatly miss hls faithful visit with his brother, 'Mr. G,u y eal estate, Lebanon. Iy and all that might b~ nee d d r u n a mile and a quarter. T he fa - murder he was about t o reconstrucl The G reat', D ete ctive brightened, fri ndship · a nd cheery greetings Brannon., Sabilla B. Batman to F . W. for that purpo , H e ought t o t e:t t ime vel' mad in thi s r ace is 'for his own pleasl.lre dissolved iii j then wilted. ,T an dollars wal nol He also leaves to mourn his loss Both spent most of their boy. h'al'll, Iota No.2, 41, 46, 68, 70, ttl be ,sniffed mt. but to pari .wlth a b .d know that it we ~o riot base our 2 minu te6 Mld f o ur fi fth s se c- t h. mellow October Sunshmci CJIlSSY , skeleloo'. aUer he had lust en as h'IS ,mfe an<I t \\ Q young hood in this community. 76, 77, 80, 81, 87, 88, and 98, money on .the n eeds ().f It there will onus. ,iDragged baek to reality and L ewlsl, Mr. Delbert Simms of Wilming- Franklin. 'J lttle pa wn shop on Main strcet, hi·, bought ' it . . . Bui Papa was look. r-.'It ltdrcn and !hi!! paren.ts twelva ~ und er paid wageR, idlene"s .and H OJ'n ed t onds are n ot toads at ontlnued to speculale Idly about tht- inc queerly at h)lm. brl)the rs and sisters a s !olhws- ton had the misfortune to have hlIr Wilft'ed G. and Eunice Squires Bt#vatlon in propol'tion t o the de - all, th yare l izards. l<kelelon In the window. It was no' "Go get Henry,'" he said mean· . Mrs, J~whi Mulford, We,~nes-lautomobi16 slide into ._ deep ditch, t o KatbJYl\ Fulkerson, 1-4 acre, i~ieftcy. He sho uld Intow we eanA squirrel will never ope n a l'ot- ,'he first UrT)e that it had sprawlee inglY'. "And here's another dollar vl110, OhIO, MI:. Ernest Nixon, Inea r the Patterson home, MondJa.y Wayne tp, not have a lack o r m on ey by ba _ ten nut. I,here, mute tesllmonlal that Doc: fJf dragging \l1im ,a cr088 lthe piazza Wayne sviD~, Ohio, Melvin a~d 'n ight. The car was ·not damaged . Anna Glane~ to Ernest and: Min ing it on s ilv er or g'oldJ or both IIEWs was broke; but never belore :tas t Di61t." i, '" \ Gle nn · Dakm at home, Mrs, Milo but its removal from the ditcb Ie StoHel, fiVO acres, Deerfield, and Mve el10ug h of it by basing it ~TATE CAPITAL NEWS Ibad it lain In the window for S(l -~ r ~~_ ~ Beale, Waynesville, Ohio, Mrs, I was e specially difficult,. and "tp. . l:ong a period. Usually Doc re Charles Stiles, Waynesville, Ohio, ' dOW1lp.o ur ,o f rain was another unI. G. and Jlllia Lain to- Walter on tbe pToduct.!; of labor at the 1-0 ~'(8lal;)ilS Aq palila ll0;) 111110 I ,leemed it before old Lewis bad , Darrell Dakin. - Lebanon, OhiO, plessant feature, Mr. Simms and and Martba Poos, 129 acre~, Clear same. time. He ought to know that State William J . Ken nedy f ro m ',leld It a week. \ Mrs. Paul Armst-rona-, Lebanon family had vis ited in Lebanon and . creek tp, he tan not serve t.~ e rich wh o coun t.y sh er i:ff showe d that April ' Reggie decided to grow up to be ~ I know not what work IS, and serve re a l esta te forecl os ur es sal es in I rich relative like Aunt Hortcns~ \ One again d~ comes to a Ohio, Geraldine, Betty ~ean, Her- . were returing home wben the sc.H~wHd G. ·Cotterman to VI~gil tbe poo·r ta.rving lab oring people ' Ohio rcpl'esentad Jl sligh t incr MC ' ;~ut he wouldn't· sit in a dark roorco commu lity a nd takes a g.ood bert &nd Dorothy Dakm, all at cident oceured. R oblnson, lot No. 618, Frankhn. simUltaneously. H~ ought to know I when co mpared 'w i ~h t he Marc h like she did with her bony finger. neigh \)on and CriEmdj ~nters a tam home. M.r~. William Norton ,of Corwin George P. Gates to Raymond D. lind does Iptow .that ,we canno t; de-I s ales. The April lotal was listed at I. (n a table top callin~: "Henry! . i1y cirele. fol' the first time and 0 'who, in such a world as this, and . MI'. Erne t Adams ot' Way- Le Roy, real estate, Franklin. fau and inflate Lh curre ncy si- 1,467 lind involv d s ixt y:'- x farms '\ lIenr y, whe r e are yeu. Are Hyoa iIlkes a loved s/)n and brother; CpuM b ear his lot of pain, 1)esville were Monday evoiling calEearl H, Burnett, and others, Ita '1 H I appy1 Can't you answer me, enmu neO'\l ~ y. . e ough t to ,kn.aw and 1,( 01 othCl' properties cJa.s- , I 1" crOSSes. the threshold of a happy Did not one ,r adiant hope of bliss )el'S at th.e Talmadge hO'm,(!. D. H. Kutens, 128 acres, Cle~ that aDythl~g les ns· the prlOt mg s iiled as re6idential, bu ~iness 01' I yThat was surely a dumb thing t6 home and take6 ,a Joving hus band Unclouderl yet rl¥l18in? Mr, No.rton·, who ~ 88 yeal'S of reek tp. , Thllt hope the sovereijpl Lord bas age, was at One time 8. resideont of The Brookville BUIlding and and .starnPlIlg of man y below vllcant platted land. The Ma.rch I 1'.0 wlth Uncle Henry dead mOrl, Ilnd father, what is needed for the e xchang e loisl was 1,413 sa les. Farm fore- :I,hao 8 year. P apa thought it wa~, Carl L ester Dllkin waB the son given. thi; community, and is well re- l3avines AaaoeiatioD to Jack !.eonof the products of labor is bound clo..~ ure prices averaged 65,61 per ,I"umb, too. He had told mammAl of Fra'lllt M. and Ada May Dakin Who reigns above the sJdes; membered by many of its reli- '.rd, 60 acrea, CIl!arcreek 11>. to rob the laborer of his bire , He cent of the judgement of 80,58 that if Henry had jumped from thel and was the eld~lt child of a fam- Hope- that unites me Boul to dents. ' . Albert J. Seheurer to The Mor.uld know tbat money should be per cent of. the appraised valua - tr),in, pan to the fire he wasn't very\ i1y of thirteen ehildren, He was Heaven A very pleasant alfair on but l' w CanDiDe Corp., loti No. 96, _ ... ..L ! h h . . IAnxious to get in touch with the pan .._ or t e exc ange of commo- tl 0n, and urban properties 75,85 · gi1in born at the Dakin homestead in By faith's endearin&, tiea. Sunday was a dinner at the home !l7 and 98. Morrow• . eli and not for lhe exchange of pel' cent Of. the jud~ment and a The· skeleton was slill on the Grcnl' the Spring Branch neighborhood, Each care, each of mortal birth, of Mr. and Mra. Almon Fen'i&, the one kind of money for another 72 .67 pel' ecnt of the appraised "etective'. mind as he sat at the F'eb, 6th, 1901, ,lLnd died at Ke I s sent pitying love, occasion ~Ing 'Mrs, Ferris' birth. f . that makes it a dual purpose- valuatioJl, according to ' the data tlnner table ealing his crackers aod Clellan ho&pital, Xenia, on lIon- To lift the linprln&, beart fl"Ollll day. oaey 'hidl can be used u a collected by Secretary Kennedy. Acroll from him Aunt Hor·1 day .11I(Orning" 7th 1937 In earth, Four pnerations of the fUDUy .........IIIr.-liHU tor the money Tho sixty _. eight fanna foreclosed munched heavily and pra,.edl th~ tbirty year ~ h l a " . And speed ita pli,ht above. Wel'e preaemt. IIr. atLd Mra. Almon fter to epectllat.e on aad heap in April rcpresented .. decrease of er toady eyel around the tablr He , was on the lann And every pan&, that wrinp the Ferris, their 1IOlI, Mr. Sherman tre t tb 1 ( was top bad to waste good stele , aaaru 0 eftlse ves. lee four c()mpart'd to the March farm '''D money buylng presents [or pcll. where he early the le8I01I1 breast, Ferrt., CNnd-daupter, Mn. IAItuu. .chapter ) unt,l they 'iDles, and' brllujrhi an avera&'c per r'e like Aunt Hortense. of thrift and Fw l ome And every JOf .tbat cH-. eiUe Ferris Beckett, and creat.. - _ . . mKaaift and e"'.n bll- aert' price of '60.18. ''ShaD we try to get in touch with lenath of time bad. been em. Bid UI to seek a purer rest, snnd-llOft, a..rlel William Beek. Co. H-.Ja. Au truat to holier tt.. ett. OUter ' NJati".. who .DJo~ oacM II.., tlmtchtT" ••ked Aunt H,or·' pJo~ed by the , ~ We iah to ap..... 081' u.. wltb bel' band on UIe 8w11dl,
Y:OII':::;"II ,I.I>: C lI U Rl' 11
• , I)
What Do Yau Think About It?
Talking Skeleton
nob. 1
Eighty-Ninth Year
Wayne.ville. Obio, Thuraday
On The W ayno Town.hip Rural School l.>iatr'ict Bud'et
• JUNE 24,1937
WHOLE N tM).E R 6279
NOV~~LEA~: ~~B~~y~~~~ING
VI LLE BUDGET Noli! e is herehy given 1h ll t nn the Gth tlay of .Tuly, l!J:J1, an ~ ight i. Lliut on Notke iK h"1" ' hy ~ivt11l tha un u'clH k P. M. h carfl'l~ <I n thl' Bud. I Ill, · 7th (lay of ,July. :!J!l7. at 7 :1:h 5th day C .hlly, 1037. at 8 0'About one hundred Friends of J.'(Jl1T) 'r t 'ach!'l'S and pupil. of " t pl' 'par d by the W >1~'lH' T ownAhout midnight, :;ulu l"(la y, nil<' aCj ,,'dCJ(·k p . 11) ., " public h('allnl! on A ,,,llisi,' n or t.h ree cur. n Wilmington Yoal'ly M Hng, in- clock P. M .• a pll 11li · h"luin th, N w n urI inj!ton school Are Kllip Tru ~ te s of Wnrren <lunty, mnn lo~t his life Hnd : 'v(,1'al I!th· ,\ill bl' hpl,1 in thl' hll<lgl'l !>n' !l1l1·· 1 (\llt(· 7:1, 11 '111" he jU II tinn, which the [hlTIget pI' pal ell by the Bonrrl c1U'ding nlilnist rs Ilnd workC'l~, ~ "Licj lJating a happy 1· '-u nl oll u n ccmvencd at fue HarvcYKburg of E.luf>tltion 1)( th " Wayne T (lwn- SUlldu)· ill hnll o1· of th e 50th an" Ohi ", for the 1\ 'xt ~U' l'~lllnJ.:' l i ~. cr. werl' :<t't'iou- Iy hUI t. Th e 1.1 a I,d I'~ Ih.· flli lt 11 IIf tit,· Vill ll ~ hHl'lIt'l\<.;d .'undllY -ni~ ht, t\lwut cf~1 YCIII' crhhn D~': l· mIK I' :l l, J U- g lIy orcurcd le's thun ,~null, of Wllyn "'~vil l ', "I' \ ,,,..... n " ur.. tl :;]0 ll'..tock, I' . ulled in th inFrienel hureh last Thut'Sdny f r ~hi p Runt! chool IHHlrkt of Wal'- nlvt>niH lY of the building. a . Il f Centt'rv ilJ , ", hlOt! u • al' ty, Ohi o, ror n~x~ !' ucc ' l',l\n~ fi·· jury u{ thr ·t· young- men. Clar. :;l1uth ren County, Ohi n, for lh(, II l'Xt fi~ a conf renee. The me ling \\' W ['Ieachi n' s rvicl'.< will be held l)u cth h ' rin ... \l ill loc· IH·l d at drivl'n ),y Lafayette 'Onll( I'. 21 cal y('ur, ('n ling lJ(cemUcl" 31. l' IICl' t'hl·nol\l·th, RufIeHHl a bad· in tharge of R ov. A. WUI·d Appol- cuI y~nl' ending Decclilber 31'L ill both churche . A bn ket dinn I' the T\lwnship H outic~ , WUYIII' vi II , yeurs old, of Waynesvil le und 1938. . ' HI:ltl. Iy i n jur~d ey', Robed Varv I, gate, J)a ~ t.or of the Fri ndS Will IJ· sl>l"cad Ilt nou n on th M. Ohio. fronl ]}uytol\ c<llli,ied. Young 1 ~uch heartn/.\" "Ill he h~l,l Il! , h" IiV('l< n(·at.. :1l'.<ar14 Creek, uscal" Sucb hear ing will be held Ilt the hurch nt .Wilmington, duc to abE. hurch lawn \vohi h atljol nJ! th e L . If. .unl on, ~OI"I /Jf' was ..0 lIct"iously injured thl' ofl'i(·(, (If lhe ViIlng(' I ' rk II, tainNI II (lilt 011 t h l'iI::ht cbeek. a sence of Mrs. Mary Terrell of New orfio of thll Hoard of E ducati on . 81 hool I\'round s. INk Ilf \ nyne Towll:.; hip thnt hI! wa.' idcnt.i{il!t.i only by u t he To\\n:;hip hnu ~, High School building. young mllh. named Rob rt Baker. Vien·nn. . In th aiL !'noon an info l'mal ,*"d In his p()c kct. n e "as taken ,I 13. K. 111' ndcl'. oll, Villagl' lerk >'Iht) dl·ovc one CRr, n badly ('1lt F. D. H en tl er so n. Talks w~re given on "The Larp .. " ram. f aluring tcachers and to MIami Vall y 1I 0~pita l, WhCl:(, . A. K. J):JY, Mayol kn·(, ,The thirtl car Wt 0. Xenia Cll!l·k. g r Pai hot by Ells w rth M. Smith, I pupilR, will be pl·e cnte d. car. secretary of the Amerionn Home a,·ah Hayd k hidn ker will b e [ Mis ionary Society of tho Baptist chairman f()r Lh d~I Y. onnel· '\,' a ~ the: ,on of To lun nnd , Church of New YOI'k Theron Zim11. u . 'S mith will I' all u hi sto ,·y J IInil! 011 nul'. . merman and RalJlh Bt:andon of ot' lilt, , chuol and \"ecall amu si ng La. t W erill4!~duy Point Isabel. A c.lJscusslon period lncidel\li\ Wlhich \\ ill no doubt be I led by Rev. Allpcll{at follow d \\ hile hltulinj( hi hn;' . 1!l1"~ llee F.dvery ent(;rtni ning. , lurl!t!' FUIIl'ral Home. I'll 10 '- \ () n 1·lst Thur ~ ( Iny t l1(1' IlHllll 1l(,! I', . c: • ,. t h se talks. , 1> dal mu sic W(lll rellu ff 'rctl l) In'oken I 'g. H , Mt The first band cOnc ert of th !Tarry fl. ft eves of Hichmond , wal rI Th , \ l\ytH·~vil1e f.'arm rH' ExI ~[",.tI 'IIII"\! I:L~ J1aKn'LI1I L~ 1I~1(1 •. " '~t) 01' thc Commllnlty luh met witl. ' dered by Wilma, De Lt.y, and al"- 1037 sea on will be held on th e Ind " Mal·y lIawkin , 1'<.'I'I'el of N w \\ ith It COU I)! .· I. rl4.'l,Oh .'1' ,·. cva . l'Y.ll [ 111,, 111 II'S . J\11' All t h CI" II1l'U>Illnt ·~a ll ge hilS just nboul cnlnpletolYn . Me Kinn-ey of N VI BUrling- lIlrce • I · ,">J In tl or WaYll e. ville, Tue day Vienna. Ned Harlun of Dayton, h Ipillg hill, "\IOll thl'ol\ n ~o ~ _ _ ._ _ ountl y home. ed the ini'olOllaO, II o f new platton a n d MiSs Han-i ett Hunter, of night o-f next W' ek, ac rding lu Prof. W. B: kjnnir1g of the 01- when the IOlld !Ips~I~, injuri ng Ed- na I, 1t1l1lrtinsville, \o)al'd l<. Dr. 'lout. h u I ricII him to Th(· usual g-oad d in n l! r wus l'CI'V· [OIITl , ca l ~ at th 'ir off i s in Cor· wOl'd given us lhi s wee k. ulIlbu . . choo1 will hpve a part on {' Ii tl n(l!m nd II 80 <ial tim wa·' \\in. A III \\I pit with conaew wall Officers eleck'<l for next y~r Tht!. band bas be n w'orking the J1I'o)frsl1I. A 1:10 a male quartette filai .. Hospital, at Lebanon, Ohi o wer ILS follows: R v. Elmer Brown hard under th I ~ d r _hip of Mr. 1 r " o ld-tim ~r .... enjoyed by th~ I<ld i('·. Tholle pre.>. has beC'n CQn>'tructetl and (I comwher(. th' {rll ( ur<.;tJ, limb \\ as ~l'l nlete, n w uniL of F airhank of Jamcstowtn, prcsid!)nt, Esth-er R\l~ e l Frank &rid \\ ill appreciate He still r<'mains ill th ][ o. )it.a l, .. nL " I'C: the Mrs. Elirldiu Da~' The ommuni t y si n ing ,~ill b ~ t:ales lII·e now m plnne. The MH h cr. New Burl'i\ngton, se, ," a g ood turn 0 t lor this llubli c I,'d uy P ro f. W. R. Sayen of 01'- ~ here he i r OVering. Gu idi' R ' n I y, II'( ne ~homlQ >leah,s hav· a Iii )11 capacity and. r tary - tr asurer, and Winnie app.eaL'ance. Ddlu ('n able, Inn Ba ker, Lin . \\ nod. a f ormer music teal.'lher. ' Fait·IIlY. Uighlnnd County. as Vicel\uuldc n, EIIi1lalKoth Lewis, Sarlri( tH e so d ·Ii !ltd)' 11l11anced that n ' hlldron'lI Dill' will b The high hool band will give a {I Actio n of 11 pound send, presid nt. "hll r, 1\1i s Lucy Eml y , Doro· m 'l ed a t the h UI ch n xt 'uTl day ' v 'at the n oon hour. uring the djnner hour, a balnna Abll!rs. \"ir g-i ni" t h ' beam li lting up and down ningo. June 27. Thl' pm,tot·, Rev- thy lay. ket dinner "W spread on long taand lhe ,ho te s, rli(' '; " kin ' an tlCcuml balo.nce, Paul AIIg-el , will be pl<!sunL insl~ ad bles on the shady IllWU . of the morning se n ·lcl'. Mr. Ro~rt Franken of CinMi ss al'ah, mith of Wayno:!Mrs. Bi hop who fo\" th e past cinnati, visited his grand,p r nta, villlO spe nt Jusl \\"'e k al th hOIll G ol'ge L. Bunn II. tI grnduutc twelve yeal· h b en in bu. ' in ej>,.~ 'M r. <IIJld Mrs. Charlcs Smart of WayneSVille hi h s hool in 19ill Lebanon, operating a beauty o f 1111. . BeJle c It anel family. ' and aunt, Mrs. Mary Hahles. Mi ss Nancy Will iam \a~ !l 26. and tea('ner in Wayn esville Salon and Gift hop. 01) n d a 11k Miss Anna Mae Donald. of g-u '!<t of lri enU. in Dayto n Iw;t s(!hools from 1!J27 to 1 !130, lind bu lness in Waynesville. this past ingfield spent thre days las week. 1 for the pust. S V('II year ' on the The ~ u~me;ltion thnt th thnus.1.1 is !\tay TI4.Jrlan has been n- \\ ck. w ok with her pnrents, Mr. and Th ()ffice.on Mai n Street, f orm 1(·. [Inti. Mrs. ILarny Bm'nct teaching lllaff of ent rvill lI1ds of hioanl' \\ho will b in CQtcrtaing a fl"i~ nd fro m · WilmingMrs. O. M. Mac Donald and fnmrly occuri d by Dl ·. StcLtler, hll-~ ~penl Thul'~da y in pnyl() n. neln- IUlllbt:lt-l lhit! umm r <It) bu ~ incs.~. School.'! in Montgo'!lery ounty. ton. i1y. 1\1 r, and Mrs. L LI\ , [e nu4.'n hall ha been appointed to the PhyslIutl, i ' '·Pl' IHliJl!llhc IV ck entl with tlendiog oonventio ns and the 1\11'. Ho,,:.rd haml>augh at- unci ..g one (oo mpl c-1\:e r modeling Mr. Harold Tucker has rcical Education! ~ lienoe 1>'0 itldn tended th ' wedding of n friend and de,.orating. trmn sforming it uf Incinnat.i Wt! I'C 'undllY aft r· 'hl ~ AUllt. J\1u:. IIl'y Hainc . hio S t foil" take full ndvantll.'rned hom e after a pleasant vis·nt .,u "u ..naUll· ful It·ltlc no"k "\·h r"• noI on CI guests of their aunt, Mr.~. 1.. ". C vo, k 1\1 I·S. Wi ', Mrt!. Well r.a~ e of the o\)por unity to visit in t.he Southern Hill ( ~ool, in I a bina, on la. t aturday. v, it with his brother, Mr. Harry Tuck an Bur n Towll !til'. M'ontgo • Wayn ville mel1l will find a A Ic e ark, ,hllUIl1. Mrs. Mil, , and Miss Mile he Ohi o Sta~e AI'cb'leol,o"";c!·1 and The Mi t> es Evc)rn, Virginia, ,or and family. of Frazeysburg, Li s Ruth Anna J ohns nte r. ." U cry QU,rlty. were llat·v<.;Y:lburg- viSItors. ' Uti· !IL·t ori 011 1 Snci ty 1n1\ urn ~ a .1 Vivirm T u kt'I·. Rh ea :\10 ar- m sL .mod4.'rn and ulo·to-date beauDr. Wm, 0, gl·b e had the 'y ". 'lIon. l.aill ~d II number of litll() fri e nds, I 'l' h f !'-p n, lind t \0 g irl friends from , ~ . d f r ,ay. ey 1\\..1"(' rUIlI Dllylun , and :oic.cd by Dr. Harlow Lindl!!),. misfortlln to fall " :hil att nd~ II" h"'v" !Sntur a~'hda wrn oo n, in hnno o .I WII. th l'lI ' f'Ir t Viall .. to OUI' town. eCll~ La ry lIf the sodety, .. f In u·'I· \'1·(lual 11"Q Wilmington, alC I~nvin"', Wedn e • ,,~ '" v h 1.' ing a ball gam!! at ineinnali 'On ",ul ' I'" and n"" C(Ltll·"mcnt 'In. tall e rU ull't. ,,, ay, I I', an( I 1 I ~. ~vc I.' rctt Bunne ll Oune out-of- tatL' vi. i~ors nrc i'Otlay morning, 1)11 a. motor trip to U ~-.' K . k d b last Sunday. cultu~, .urs. ....allcr enne an r oo a n(I t.wo sn ns. 'lI:n letl and Yir ii, l ' I. Loo, bl,lt we clo \ 'ant Ohi ana ~ Bo ·ton anei (J th c r ints in the ..,"~, ) t.hat ~nIl kl'nd ~D of b~~uiy Mr. Gil bert Welch IIolld little work ,a re now' aval' llIbl , Th n\o"~ t.her, Jam lInin . . !!. ~ p ent 't'hul"S- .Ir. and , I r. Hil y Gibson, und U I arn Iin,;t - hand a.bQut. UI' inEast. daughter, Barbara Jean, of DeThe many fri end ll of irs. An · c pert opel" to! a re localed here day in Dayto n . and we re 've ning Jaughlel·, Paulin ', aUld vn rei. !?-r cstill!\" in.stitutions with iis mal.• t ..oit pent !!(!Veral days with hi ~'h @t.an(\nrd and dinn r gu As at. the hOll'le or Mr . Iti s in \)a Lol'\ LurJLlY eve- 'e lous Qnd Il ver _ expanding 001nt P t.t~Tf n ; WiHintml ' l maint il' t.n The Wayne ' I'il le Grang' gave par ts. Mr. and Mrs. W. I. purolion which Mrs. Bi~110P nJ l\t n ... W , 'G. ]1 f .. 1 '".M ~ 11,·1,.... " ' ctt~n , SO" ..s-y LiJ1Jllp...lT . aid • • ~ Will be 'orry to hear (If t.heir bro11 good progr am at the M. E. W elch. attain d in a long business car er Mr. and Mrs. AIl!n Emrick , r, 1\>lil;. Hd ' ll Rnndall,· 'cen t yen· · Dlu·i ng the last few years M) lher, Edgar Williamlll dea~h nem· M r .. Mary Tucke!· is slowly rehUI·ell, unday evening. The in · and Mr~. Thed J on s, ancl su n. t 1'1' l IllOe( · I a g roup 0 I g lt . If l'I· enu.\ ~I . h au .1 a a marvelou s in rease in ngoniil n l\{omlay evening, 'lt ih e county se~t. cuvering fOfm II. severe fn.11 which vocation was giv n by .Mr. 'G arst;. "n not compl etely set' lIed Mil ton, w 're Sunday ait rnoon rI·Om L uanon, .. i 0 a (II' nner purty . h e numhel· (Ii Ohioan ~ w'bo come Thou Jun 21. .. f M Ell arm"l1 Ilncl Whitaker gave s he received last 'J)hur, day, while Little Mi ~ Prullc !"S.' U ~ . It, h'r hom . . 0 the mu se um , many of who m reMr. Bat' r Nolder. who has just yet, with ull t.he "(bdngs", one can I(U l S Q reading, Th e reading on Rural visiting at the home of Mrs. LyI·enoily. that lis n ew enwr- [.amily, tlnd ,11'. and MI·II. Iyd ' Wh eat fil'ld~ in so me of the bo~ urn time IUld time again, but Jl<turned from D troit. after a PI()gress by :'drs. Louis Fires, aI· dia Rudduck on Sprillg Hill. pri will ml'an mu.:h to tht! bus i- Mount und d. ughter., in Dayton. to m land., hu, ' I"'~n pu t dOwn b~ he r l' are s till tens of till/usn.nds M rs. Virginia Snell and daugh- , 0 the Hi lory of Lhl' Grllng by :;ix-w k 'II c ng~cll1ent there, spent ne s life of Wnynesvillt!. LIlt r tob Mr. !lnd Mrs. Paul Willi<lm" of Il't~nt he r "Y rain s and ~\' ind !Jut , no arc in Columbus during the Monday ",ilh hi " pHI· nt.-<. Mr. anrl t.<>r, J oan . are vi. iting at the hom John hultz w I' lxIt.h much en· ,,·,' unday ft\' rIH,o n III 11I()~L . l:.' 1.51H('e n eno ugh t o 'l ar, I:Hl mctim 8 fr 4.'que ntly, \\hu b auty' oalon " " 11 be ext n<.· u, to Lei allon Wl're everal numbors by the Mrs. ,ha'rlc~ 1"hl)l11pso n. f h el' sister. Mrs. Dorothy. - Jack- joy,;d. a~ ·nelude a GI·f' hop ' . n(1 hnn.t.lnlld and eveninlt gUl'~ l of 1\11". Ever· " t Hill! . IIt l'1I up ~tllllO I)t' f orc eu· i I L .. U' Irc not awar of all th intei· stl\1i!;S LaUl1a Ellen Shidak I' is Gmnge QuaJ·tl't Wl!r giv n On and family of Dayton. infant' VleBr will bE~ added to t.he dt Endy an.1 family. tin" i tilll '. ~ d Quit, • ick at thi "riting. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Mllli~an. 'a.c- "od Rev. G. . Dib 1'1. gave n fe\\ < ock, MI.s. B' l.. p "tate". Mr. and 1 . Frank Adam s and ., ng IUl education'!.l dillplllY8 we ' " I00>I1 ,.. u Mr. a nd MI ~. Fl'Iink L. Ta 101 I' ve to offer. It i til them in par. Rev. .1. P. Thombury had minut talk. companied by·Mi!;Ses Lucille Tucklittle dllughL r .and 11'~. A. A. of S!ln li' r811ciHcl1, alifnrniu, arl: irlU la .. that I i!;Sue an app al to . charge Ilf the funeral of LindM.Y "Wayn csvill f olk have rec eived ~Illith, of DayUon •. 1J~ lI t Thul ' day er and Elizabeth lark, . left l~st DISCONTINUES vi si ting Mrs. Tay l r'>\ mothe l·, Mr isit with us." The mu .Um is 0oier. in t l·1UI of Rcv. Williams . \I. W(·\I in thi " new t1ntel'prise," Satunlay m orning for a tw w 'eks ' vcning with the . rormel"'~ u nde ~u it h H ani.., u I Due to the lack of Ii s ufficient ,I !lUlt. d in th, last week'l:! neW'S . Mrs. Bi sh op said, a,no we wish to and a unl. Mr. and ML· . . G 'o l'ge .' 11 ai y fr It) fI II. m. to 6 ).I . Ill .• motor trip tnwugh the South. Alil o id Lamb, . a'ged 6 yrs.. oliduy s il1(;ludl!d, and On unapprccia· Gray . lM'r. and, MI's. J ()e Davis . pen t numb er of ball plnyers sl!,rning up The mi. t.nk wa 110t don intel\- flub lically xpre s ,our m o nth ~ 1 Shn Il l" MI'. and !\frs. Gila y from 1 to 6 p.m. ne of tho tion of that fin(l spirit." And, so, to ,play "~ft ball, th ' lead r in the ti /}lIally . Monday eve ning i n Dayton. visit,. Mr. and Mr.. Guy J{ ()ut7.ahn and 1o<¢1 t Lamb, di~d a L , th ' St . . Eliz· 10 t tee nL IwquisitiollS hy th ormovement 'have decid ed to drop th Mr.\!. I . .Satter;vRitc. M..-s. els where, in these pag.e t~er e is ing re\.atives. family. _p-cnt untltly in 'l'ipp ' ·an· a hcth lJ o pit a l, Day tOil, ILI·ly Mon ·ha 'oloJ;!iua l u Jld hi~tndcnl jnsti111 Rttel· of organizing a t am at Ed Ramby, and Mrs. Vel'non impa statement of appreciation and of Mrs. Os e Harlan is mak ing an oe 'ity, with the latt er' mothcl', d('y morning. 'fhe bod y wa.s tn- u Lioll i lin Ind in n "doll" 01· Iig-ext nded vi it with r latives in t hi.s time. Th !:'ero\" • those- WID 0 IO n IV .. in lit. ndane at the ball- policy to which. readers are invil d Mrs. Mury Boitnott, who i~ v .ry k('.n t o Berca, Kell tucky, fOJ· lIur- ri n, :Ibout s ix inc he!> in length, have s igned' up alld d I)osited their ~I\m al in innati. on Friday af- to investigate. Dayton. ill. They al. II yisiLel1 Mr. und Ml·~. inl, Tu~ day. Ju ting- II' m thc hi ·toric contact fee may have it returned t.o tAlcm .e moon . Mr . nnd Mrs. Roy lark and VENDORS -,.0 ·RECEIV E I'rank Brown and family . The hOlly of Mrs. Maq{aret At'e riud. Il was eU I'ved from Min.Mr. ·P. H. Milt nberger, M. C,. hUdr n have l"e!turned to their by rCI)orLing al. t.h~ Drug Store. BLANKS Mr . Margarl't J ohn s was a dinlley of Atlnllta, G 'orgill, was .l!'ota pipestone and walol discovl\!Jltl'nberg(!r and Bobby Ar Ibhome in Walhonding, after ~pend· where registrat.ion \I ns mado. ncr ll'u C!-t, TU t'.:!day, at the home IJrough hr. 'eu sduy mOI·ning,1 rcd \\h n sewers were bei~g ('l()n· hio Vcnd or ~iIl recc;ive TO· RESuME , DU. T IESJeacon. uttendcd the I'ar.es Jll.t ing a few weeks lW'ith r~Jatives I'eenvi,ll , Ohio. on Sunday. blanks during tbe next two wcckJ! of Mr. !lnd Mrs . Il\I·ence Dunni- for burial in Miami Cemelery. I tl ucted in Fremont, Ohio . in 18. here. . hO Q and dnug'hter, in Dayt II. Mrti. Aftley wa$ form rly Mm·· ~ l. Mis.s· Mary AHcn and Mr. James Clarenc ~ :Men.de n ~al1 left ~a t- fOl" iiling Sales Tax returns. Announce ment· of t.h e marriage Mr. Evel'ett Eal"ly und 111 other, gunt. Koemel', daught.er of MiNEW BURLINGTON Nf;WS LU<e'as will resume their. w'Ork u.~, Ul'da.y, to Hun hi wlf,e an d chIldAll vendors Il\IU t file a return, of Mrs. Edith MiUer. of Kansas Mrs. Belle Scott and Mis Sarnh cheT Koern er. Recreational Directors, ' M nday •. . -en In Denver olorMo. and return must be filed by July ity and Clyde L. Cleaver of MayMrs, J ~ nTlie R(! ~ves and grlUld- '" Smith 1Il 0tomd t.o Chlllicothe, SunMi ss Dori ~ ur{u(' hat; been em wood. IllInois, hns been received June 28. at the ~,hool ground ! Mr. Georg Ramby: and Bud- 16th, to avoid penal tie&, according ,lugoht CI·, hi rley Ann Shanks. of d-8Y. ploycd LO work in the Wayn esvi llC' EVCl.y O\1e try to C<lm , a s thet I dy Ram by, of Dllyton, and . ~r. to a statemont by . E:x;;miner M. H. here. The marriage took place at o :lmW'Oud Plnce a re th<! guests or 1'08t Offke. . Mrs. James Nagn of anfi eld unOlathe, Kansas, - ()II June 4, and wnJ\ be an interesting program I H?mcr Ramby we: on a fl hln ~ Keel.o datives here . ---..-f.o llowed fl'om !) to 1. ' tn~ at the ReservOir oie the. ~k derw-ent an operation at Miami HAR VEYSBURG :y~ rs may sen d 'returns direct the couple will be at home in May. 11". and Mrs . W. C. Smith and wood, ~fteJ: June 21. Th,e.y are ta,. to Columbus. or they mllY fil with Valley hos1>ital. Dayton, la~t. w k , . Mary ~I~~~irectol' en , " 1 ugh tc t's were we<!k-cnd guests anel ' 1 1 r family "'-e ~tlly il1 l{ al th e MI·.und Mrs. O. M. Rid ge wC!l·e sales tax offices or examiners loking & trip in Cana.d.a.. FRIENDS HOME NEWS . , f !'e laiivl!S in lumbus. cated in County COllrt Houses duro hOllle! of Mr. alld Mr.-. lI 'II'I'Y Gm- Harveysburg vi~iton; last week, Mi ·s Mary E . R (lves oi the Tataking 11hobogrnphit' vie ws. Mr. and Mr~ Hiatt and Mr. and> Mr8~ At"D~ld C ing part of tne report ing pel"iods, hRIll. 'l ma. 'Wu.<hingt.o n schools is here Mr s, li('~ Trickr y, '\<ll"~. Alic MI" lind Mrs. J eff r SOr1 Gray daug'hter, Mrs. Hudson, of Wil-' D~yton, Mr. H~rry Glbson stat <1 Mr. Keelor. ),1· thl) su mmer vacat"ion. ' An ex amIner 'Will be located at ill er and son , Ray. a nd Mr. Ir- "' cre both on t he s ick li st thi s week mington. w'Ore visitors at the Home (h.en. of ~eJI~ l ook. ~I~d 0 Su nday Hiley Gibson and fa.m lly, Mf~. arrie King .o f Millersvin Harris motol·ed to Springfield, hut are better {l.t this writ.ing. tho Court ' House illl L ebanon. on llnday. and spent lhe day with . Little [,hilh" Shidakcl' has reo : 'J rg, hi L.. the guest of Mr. . Miss' Freda Harvey will be at day evening. . July 7th, July 8th, and on July Thoug'b the~ season has been Ii Ca.mp Koowadin, Maryland', for II Mr8.. Bert S~ltl e~ spen~ a w 12th ' 13th a nd 14th and 16th, only Mrs. James R.<Jh,n ,and daughter, turned home after II vi.~i t t o lcv c ., r! Mrs. J 'sse E. Hill and fami ly. land whe!"e ~he went ali lhe invitMr .. Ell a Wilflon is making an· bit unUlual In that farmClrs w'Cre couple of weeks. Miss Harvey. VliJ1 day With r elatives In Indiana, l~ dUI·lng the next reporting periods.~' and Mrs. Edne Vnker. Mildred Gr.aham and M:r. ed guest of Mr. and Mrs. Milligan. ~te, nd ed vi sit with her niece at Miss late In starting t'be'ir work in the join Mr. and MrS. Fost er Hea- \V'eek. .. fields and many heavy rains h ave cock in Pennsylvania and go Kenn eth mith Vlere m.arried in Mill:; Agn es Turn I· has returnIJW P~lri S, Ohio. Mr . .an d Mrs. Hiley Glbl!lS!t. and fallen during the past few weeks, fro m there to the camp. wb ere sh e d~u,ghter. P auli ne, pent Sunds# Dayton, S·a turdJay. June 12, and ~d to her hom e ill N e w Burlington, Mis~ 'Georgina Weaver hn..~ been . With Mr. and Mrs. .Harold Rogers crops in t his territory are in ex- is a representat.ive. ar n oVl" at hom.e to th-eir ft'icnds after visiting her siste\' IIC'L'(' f01' .ployed as opel·ator of the tele- . ~ evel"lIl monlh s, MIS. Charles Bo. cellent condition. Corn made Ii Sarah Catherine H artsock has and Mrs. Emma Glb.son, of Bell in Alcxanderille. MI'. and Mros. ' no n c company, rapid growth du ting the warm retarned to her home at Wilming brook. . . Smith were Sut;1day gu'st.'; of th c; an. MI·. ,Inti MI'.. , 13. 11: Miller .and days of the past two week&. In ton .and--hel· sister. Loui e is s pend Mr. RoY"Snuth a~d famIly 11lttC I·'s parents, Mr. and Mrs. For· Mr. and Mrs. Hay IUI·k , of i\l1ght.er spent· SUll(!",y with Mr. many places it is knoo high. Some ing thi week at the home. S un d'ay w,th his Sister, Mr. Walhonding. RI" yi ~i li hg lhl·ir j'II I'- 1..1d M'"S.,S am Sb an k'S, J r., In . C·LnC ·t Gl'uham and Calnily. fields are in.f est e d with _cds but A. letter from J, V. H a.rtsook to ~rs. H-oward Drummen a.n,d, Mrl and Mrs . Elmer Grov~. l' nts ht!}"e. th(>y a nd th i1" two (.hi!- , ·nna l i. <iron, Margaret Ellen. anti. GCIll!. farmers are busily engaged ""th Mr, Frank Stan berry, reports th e 1 y. . . Miss MMY Y()ung, of Dayton, an;, Rev" lInd Mrs. Weav 1'; (r. and tractors and plows between aboW'- fa mily well and happy in their MI·, J ohn Spltl , was In Ml'. htU'lcs Bunnel l. of. Ft·anklin , Mrs . H erbert Sncl~ a~d sma.ll 'f1's. Albel t Ml'Kay attond d th.e y ers, and are thus getting the up- new home at San Antonio. TeXi8g. ton, Saeu.rda , on busJOoss. took a molor trip, Sunday. t () ::()n. of :\~otltcry are visitmg then \ P . E. S. Insp ction in Jefferso n. Mr. WIll Poff spe nt the per hand of the crop. Whea.t is Moorehead and Clearfield, Kcjn. panmls he r. 'I lle. Ohio. Saturday uvening. Mrs; Mayel' Hyma.n attended a end in Dayton. ' beginiq to ripen and in a sbort I tucky. wh.ere Mr. Gr ove har! been The meeting ut th Friend s - - • Mt's. i1rank Dakin. MI.s. time will be ready for the harvest. o ne .0 c~ock .Iuncheon Wednesday in Camp Il few years ago. Il hurch '~Q!< W4.'11 attend d th!.· 'f Ie Indies !Will serVo you wit h ice. atCmcmnatl. . Gibwn and Miss Stella. Gibson Many combines ,have been purEPISCOPAL ·CHURCH w'ek. The , "ubj ct. lIaS lIbet' ban el'l'am , Jun o 29. A eard. f~om Char!e" FlI'es at t .!nded tjhe sewing club .at Mt. HoI- WAYNESVILLE M. E, CHURCH ehaBed during the past tw<J years min isters. Come t the l'lf. E. Church Sunday: and the harvest seasoll be pa&- Afton. MichIgan to hiS grand. par I), Church, Friday afternoon. June 27, 5Lh Sunday after Trin1\h·s. Mary T~ck er tUJ'ned hel' F estiYal at Me CJure's Cornents, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Fires, Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Gib. M A Sunday school .at 9 :3 0 . . . . aed in abort order - not like the 1'. J une 29. 1937. At 8 0'lone draMl OQt HUon whsn teaml state& that be and Buddy LeMay son and little daughter. Phillis Mae TIWl 8Crmon Bubject will be "The, Ity, Evenmg PraYl:!r and sermon at well! and fcll., breaking a. rib, Red Sea -of Life; Shall we :roll it 7 :30. ' ", hile visiting friends. clock. Home made ioe.erlUll, hoth in Ned Brown orchestra. gave IIIPent Sunday with her brotMr lIdr and binden wreatleod with the task There ,,'1\11 be no 8'el'Vicel during Mr. II ,·bert Gray of Dayton is cake, and pie Ala Mode aDd t!!.eir flnt program last SaturdaJ. and Mrs. Glenn Crawford and 'flm or be S-tlowed up'" for aevera! nella. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rieh. Mrs. ily of Sprinafiek!. There will be a short meetillg of July and August but will be re- pending lhe 'II"CCk..tlDd with hi!! njoy the BP.ct while JOII Army worms are in the barley, Ira Rich, Mra. Reba Braddock , M.... AnDa Plirce. Mr'I. the Official Board immediately fol- :'\ umed th!! first ullday in Sep- !Tan ,I parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. elt bat not in auf!loleat Dumbel'll to temb r ,1 Be lUTe to COllIe lowing the mol"Jltng service. c_.___ .. _ _ - - I ul1l)'. social. Tu eaue a creat. of wenable ....re cUnner CU..tl of r. and I Blacki of BeUbrook, c:alled Bartl ., aacl lamB., on Mr, . d Mn. RUe,. Glblon £Venine M'nica 8:00 o'clock. fS. Etta Robinson, Mr.o. ere· Mr. aod r. Ri..-h rd Epn and it ~JIIn. . . Dawn. wo elulclrfll. of Danem •
AUTO WRECK SUNDAY ~"ti<' t' ~'I;;-;iv(Jl
ClARENGE EDWARDS ~~/I~'~lel~l~l;L ~1'~~ill~'cl~lk':a~~e~~'l: rOMMUNI-l- -CLUB IU BREAKS «IS LEG nc~·:~:yel:;~W1S~~~~.\t· ~ .~:. ~~~c~~ MET.lASITUESOAY
- - ---
1hlS Week in IE
i 1
We. yn\'~!YilJe.
las. ],fail Matter Harold D. Willia, Editor
Ohio, a
.l \IIH' ~' t·'II·.
C~ ~~~~~:=~=====~=~~~~==-=_~============~
F iJ~\ day lIf ~ umm('r . l u n~I"'"
VOl I (,11 Slat ... :
l'ol\~li tuII ('n
( J.~y
of tht!
ad(lpled, 17
JUlie :!:! -
prndkitl t~·p " ~ lit!'l ~h"I ... ". 1bfiH.
Three Peraona Seek Divo",ea-
't'umh (Iomplctcd. I S!I'i. "I\ll' (!
First hrilO l!h('r' Latham
Junl' 2" - t1 (' l1r~' W~lrd I:l ec her born , 1 l B. Cub()t tiiscoven'u North Anwl'! 'a, HV7. Jtllle ~5 - Gelll' ral Custer and hi troops masSllCI' II bv tht.' Sioux Indians, I 76. Virgini/l ( 10th state ) l'utiril'~ nilI'd St.:\tl,~ un'lit ution, 178 . -
26 - ' Frl'st
pape r in Broold Yl!. New
Y I)! k, i s~u <'c1, lllH!. Fid~t AnH'!'ican tro ops l'e a~·.h France,
Lord our Lord, how exeell n t 'is thy name in all the cnrth. - p . 1m :9. N 1)rIlska, which tried a one hou leRislalur tltis yenr 1~ I)ort that it gave about the ~I\me sati~fl1{ ... ion that the usun\ two housc \egi 'lature give nt $ 150,000 I , C
June ~7 ~ Inil .-tal!'{>;; l·stablis hed beh~' n MonInnl and tlu!' bct, \.21. Fil'Sl le i 'graph lin , N IV York t 11 B
~ t \)11,
1 iJ 7 •
. Tht' I' 51 of the wol'ld, while i gIrdR itself f r Wllr, is 'bavmg It splen did opportunity to witness the d vl"'Latinl{ folly at war in Spain, The fnct that the W'Ilr i presumablv a clvl1 Will' among th panil\.l'dR themselves mnk II it p o~ slbl foJ' m()st countries to "Jew it obkctiv Iy ami impartinily and contemplate without fl!eling or prejudicl' it folly and its wrong. M.en, WOmen and ehi'ldl'e o arc bt'inp: sh ot down alld buildings and (itics de~troyed ruthle. sly. Tht' folly of it .11 s1l uld prOVe a ~Jl I !mdid objcct Ie."l;o nto a war nefVUU5 world. The dream r who !.rakes cha.nces expt'rieTlces a mea. su r of life' fu lln{!s that the plodding onservatist n ev r knowll. There is a nmnotony about habitual con.:;ervati!lm that smothers :t mall' initiallv and for s him to Jive always in th realm of rcaHy. 1t is good n(n~er tu 10 e on's billty to ciream and build nil' ca~tl es for it i out of su 'h dl'E'ams that th bl"illlant thi Ilg'll in Lh e world of reality ar born .
It keeps t he av ragl' s mall bu~in $S !mill RO busy keep ing book on the fii y-sevcn varletiEls of taxes he is called ,upon to k p record s on thes day that he has litt1 ti me left to attend to busi ne s. In addi tion to th e bookkeeping tl dozen feder'al ag'enci endl out' each w k . heaf« of informatio n on new laws thAt every one conduct~ ing a ~usine s is su p'pO~ d t o master hopeful me.n who w nt about their busi ne. with a smile. ~' Th m n whom I h'I've s e n s ucceed best in life," ~id Charles Kingsley, "have always been cheer f ul and on th i r face and too k cha nc\'s and< cllan&,cs of their mortal life like men, facing rO\lgh and 8m oth alike. as it came now is the time for all th good men tQ com e to the aid of their country. n ow is th time fod all the good men to come to th aid of their country. now h. tne titHe for no,,", is the time for all the good mell to come to th.e aid and 0 found th(J tl'uth of the old proverb, t hat good times and bad times and aJI times, pa over."
1 wo Minute Serman TW O MINUTE SER MON ( By Th mils Hfif;t well ) WIl.F.RE CAN WE FIND 8UC II A MAN : '1'0 me \H1C Ilf th(' rn o~t dramatic incidents l'eco l'dcd on the Old Tl·. lament or cureu when J ose ph Wag cll lJed hdore P h"rl1oh to inlerprt'L the kin~" dream. It is dramittie b('NHl:-iV of' th(· . harp contrasts the inoident i'ntl'odu('(''', Hen· WU$ Joseph, a foreigner, in priSOn: in Egypt, churl;ecl with a I!ro. s hrellch of I!rll~t. Here h ~l tands in hi ~ pl'i,>on ~nrb, in th(' pr'l'sence of 11 king, in who~c hands In\' lht- full power of life lind death. Wh en J , cph glB.VC hi~ intcrprt: t.ation of Lha tlr IIIJ1 and his p lan, the king H.'I()gnizing the ",we-in l l' quirl'me nts n cessory for this unu _ual ll1sk. turn ed 10 thos a bout him (Lnd aske d, "Where:' con we find ~uch a man in whom the spirit of : God . ' '!" 'I111e qucstion i ag old. Eyery day the situ a10nl pre ents its If thllt ca,lIs for a man of ho nesty and integrity. and d'lal'lIctel·. [n government, city, state and national; in bu in.:; big lind little t he cal l rings out today just .8.'1 clearly as it did that day in the coun ul hall o f I hamoh ~f Egypt, " Wher can we fi nd 5urb a man i n who m the s pirit of God i 1"
' Imonlni thAt Achocrtising pays: Th e L orillard Tobaccl() Company $pent $1,000,000 on their Old Gold Cigoarcttc .advertising campaign and d()ublcd the sale of their cigarettes. ,
There is a f i ne Urt of Jearning to tunl off a lot of work and to do it easily. The f'ecret lies in ones attitude tow8ord . the job. Some folks fret and fume' ovcr smull tosks and wear them elves out and get litle done. Others tUTn off a lal'ger amount or w()rk and do' it easily without friction , or DI ntaJ tunnoi!. I . There aore two types of business mcn; ~me ~ho is interested in running a businC8S at a profit andi the other whose chi f object ill life ems to be to ~ush out his competitor. A a rule the latter type, if he sUfc('eos and gets th field to himself, makes the public pay richly for his victO'rY. W e are told that a man, though deIe ated, should never reg-ret. if he has done his best. Th e individual may be able to .consol e himself w~th this d-octrine but it wiJI be a long time bel are the ·w orld givell the vanquish ed man much clredit for the struggle he put up n o matter how cleanly 0'1' how vigorously t he fight was Vi,a ged. Henry Ford. has been a lair employer. He has always paid fail' W'ages n nd MIorked his men fair houl's. An opportunity will soon be given to show to what extcnt such fai rness is apP'l'eroated. Justice Van Devan tel', recently r-esigned jusLic.e of the Suprem e Court, owns several f arms in Mont ana . Wh en A A A wheat cher.ke were di s~ibuted h e returned the money . He gave a8 his reason that l;ince he was op· , po. ed to t he A ·A A and, had voted, a~nst it he ," ould not -be 'benefitted by it. That is what milrhl: be called c.onSistency of a. rare type.
Your Horoscooe YOUR HOROSCOPE June 21, 22 - You are loving, 's ympathetic, and always looking after thle welfare of others. You, let the burden and coaree of others weigh to heavily on your shouldel'l\. You are very th{)ughtful, bright and scholarly and' of a ve ry religious nature. You can design many beautifuJ and usefu l articles of iurnitre for the home as you a re mechanioall y inclined, and your tastes are of tho h ighe t type. ' June 23, 24, 26 - You have an impractical streak which Sl1m(' times u))Sets your su ccess in m ost ull expected wey . You do' not oft n' accumulate money, but if you do some one oomes along a.nd takes it away from you. You are tI'ue to th o e you love, intensely affcdionate to your meie and xp ct the sa.me in return. As you are v ry brilliant you always appear to the best advantage. You are fond of ornament and disp.lay. June 26, 27 - V,ou are very sensitive to unpleas. ant .surroundings. You enjoy t he company of your own tboua1lta and pO~"S very ,high ideals. You are of do· mNtia nature, kind and true.
Mrs. William
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith, Mr. Roy Smith and family, John Shultz and James Smith ..... re en· tertained at die home of Howard DJ'ulDDlond ud t ••lI" uadq.
• • • •
Carmen h . Gar'za
W e'd like to hire a nJ.a.n who would ~rk a s hard for u.s as some of th se f Bow woe've 'een work to get a government job. A
Inaurance program should fit. your present and future needs - not your paat. COlllditions may have changed materially aince you acquil'ed your laat policy. The Maallachulleta Mutual Life Insurance Company, organized in 1851 , offers to analY2~e your preaent Life Inaurance in the Iir,bt of your pl~sent needs., No obligation. y
De bts Approved-1' h ~c h e dul of cI ·bt
.1unl' :!:! TOII1\ llf Thre(' HII' 'rs, Canada . d ... ,;troyd hy (11·t· . 111t)tl. Balik ,,1' ;-\(!\\' ," ol'k ( oldest ) ~tnr t('f!, 1 ;111.
No. 112
\t'rm of th w1l1, dated 18, 1\12:'. Onl' or tht' dauwbte ,tin. M""Tl', \\ a. IlPI)(.intt'd l,Cceutor CIt tht· will. ..nU .f iled bund alllount~ inlJ to $ i:! .1l00 . 0 . K. nro\\ n. Fred Addi" Ilnd 'harlcs S, Indo urc thtl appraill-
Headquarters for Binder and Mower repairs on all makell. Me Cormick - Deering Twine ia th.e beat. Coata a little more, but is worth it.
R. D. Collett· HARDWARE'" IMPLEMENTS PHONE 9\JR3 VI aynesville, Q
Bring your poultry diseale problema to
Three \lel'SOnS file,1 8uiLs £»1' liivO'rcc in com mon pICOt! court duri ng thl! pa t week. hal'ging ~ I' S8 neglect of duly. l\1yrtle West, Frnnklin , :filc-d . uit against Miles W st, of Tl'anton. The c,o uple was married May 29, 1 ~20, at Franklin, accordi ng to the petition filed by the plaintiU's a ttomey, J. T. Riley. Another plaintHf to Ilsk a divorc" on th . nme grou nd ll'i"<\.S G orge attel-thwaite, who seeks a separution from Ada Satterthwaite. RH y is n.ttomey for Sat,. tcrthwllit . The puil' Will! man'ied tlt Richmond. Ino., April 1932. On gl'u und of wil l1ul ,Ilbscnsc, Hnny W. Shidake l' has fil d Bu it a~ain , t Mary E. ShjUaker. Robcl"t W . Bl'OW'TI, Leban on, is the plnintiff's IIttorney. The Shidnkrs ",el'll 11'\8J'ried J an . 26, 193( ut Xenia . COM MON PLEAS PROCEEDINGS
filed by ~" Cruce E. Mou nt , (! x~cutl'ix of th e H ou,h W ill FloT:! Mounts I!>ltaic, tillS be n up· ( ontinu d on Page 3 ) pr oved by Lh€ Court. ; Invontoriea Okeh.Tudg Carey h,as approved in· venWrics fil od by fiduciaries in the Sla te of Jam es Elmer BerA k for a Caw, linton D. orwin and Ani!! MIAMISBURG PERMANEN Todhunter. CONCRETE
Salea Report. Are Appl'oveel-
A,r Seal Buri.1 V.ult
For Sale Only By YOUR FUNERAL DIRECTOR McCLURE FUNERAL HOME W.yn et .... ilIe,O. Phone 7
Reports of sales m ad ' by Dean E. Lanley and Mellic Ry , as cx('cutOI'S of the c8tatcs of t.he late. Fra.nk A. P ence have been nyp1'ovd, court j{)urnal entries i ndicat .
Divorce Gr.nled'--
Judl\'c Chal'le" B. De(',hant has granted a divorCe to Jane Rutn Rosenbaum, who f iled su it, througJh h r mothel', Mrs. Varvel, agai n t Albert E. Ro enbaum . Tille charge was gross n glect. The plaintiff wa l' t Qred i.o her maiden name, V/trVel. Named D eJ>utySheriff Willial'll E. Graham appointed Marvin Con ov r 11 deputy sheriff. Cale Di,mi .. edI-The case of Paulie Withrow agllinst Ballard )Vallace, has been dismissed.
To Hear Ihventory-
H cal'i ng on thG in n to l'Y filed \ by Milli e L . St uttlcr, executllr of ""'=====~=======~ the William L. Young estlltc, will !';:~_____" "__ be conducted June 29. To He.r ApplicationHearing O'n th e 8ppliclltion of Mary P al'l arcy for the a ppointm('nt of a gU'8'ruian fol' William 10 Year Addi!\()n a rey hus be II et for Firat Mtg. Juno l!2.
G_rdian N.med--
Farm Loanl
J. T. Riley, l"ranklin, has been appointed gua.rdian jor , LCl!tel' Robinso.n, I\. minor. Bond of ~4 000 was provided. Daughter, Gr.. n d-
'F rank LeMay, Solicitor
61R2 Waynesville 7 i l~_ His tw-o d!aug'nters apd three
Children Illhuit
grandchildren lrre named bene- I -:===~========== ficiaries und er the will of the late Carl Wilhelm, Lebanon, Th daugl1 R c.mley ar to receive a third of Licen'eeI Broker tens, Anni Moore nd Mati lda the estate Wihile t.hree grandchi ldREAL ESTATE re n, Paul, Carl, an d. Francis J i!an Fisher, will equally divide the reNOTARY PUBLIC maining third, according to the '!-____________.:
-------------------~ J B CHAPMAN
Prql.;:eeda Diauibllted-
Proceeds of the sale of real estale in t.M case of The Miami Valley Building and Loan Co., Franklin, against J . S. Riddell, and other s, have been Ol'deted dis~ tributed.
Martin Steel Storage System for four farm
Every year fflrmer hav e SllSta in d heavy 10 , The plaintift has. bee n granted of corn and oth er 10 days in w\hich to file II petigrain crops betion on appeal in the ca e of F. cau e of poor tortion on appeal in the case of P. age Aystem in Brand enberg again t: Ellis P. Cart~ which the gra in mel!. was not properly To File Peti tioncur ed. However, Twenty days have been grantthis . is no longer ed Carrie S. Monfort to file'll p etition on appeal in her case aga.inst ' nece.sary, for the Martin Steel StorAlbe rt Ullum. The uit, appealage System i so ed from a local quire's court, reconstruct ed that sulted from an automobile acctair i s forced dent h re some time ago. throughout t he -Whole torage pace by a s uc~ion v en~ Bond Roducedtilating ystem that drie a nd ur s all grams t horBond of Wallace Tewart, originally set at $3000, has been reoughly... . " Tests and exp riment have proven that t hiS me~ duced to $600. Tewart. arrested thod Of storage will save enough grain in the cour e l'ecently -at Fi'a.nklin, is obarge.d of a few years to pay good dividend on any !l1rm. In with a ssllult in .a menacing mangood years it is va luable. In poor crop years, Its vulue ner, accordin'g to court recordlt. PROBATE COURT is much greater. Only belt of materials - beat grade of No. 22 \9ill FiledI lIauge U. S. standard gaUlle sheeta - are used in its Will of Ed. L . Hough, late of construction. Concrete flooring and cross beam bracWayne tv., has been tiled·. ing make. storalle bin atrong and durable. Ac:eo_t FiledNOW is the time to erect thi ••toralre bin for T nth account of LU<clla 'M. y.,ur new wheat crop. Let us tell you about it today. Young, os guardian for Thomas
Granted 10 Daya-
A. Will iams, alleged incompetent. has been f iled. File. ACcOUntChester A . Harper, guardian for Mary Louise Harper, a minor, has tiled his tirst aeootJnt.
Waynesville farmers· h. Co. Phone 25
·Lemmons' Hatchery
21. "fI~. rtudell.. 22. loof ....."'1 .. 23. 24. Doon. rte. hardw.,. 21. W..th•••rtrlppl..
26. EI~trlca l
n....... .
Z7 . Uth :Ia. Sheathl_G ...... Iaf/....
Feed. LemmoDaStarter &Grewer ,
29. WllId_ ... _ , .....
Mixed Exclusively ,for-
» . III_cII. ab....... il. &terIor w_!I• • ...t shop
.Lemm(Jns hatchery
12. e.r-v.,
Harve,v sburg
It. St. I"".,.......••••• 11a D. St.", Porcl1 1$.
36. W.... and
...... -------"Il1
~'-------_ _••
37. F_datiOfl wall,
~::;:=======:: m.... ftIor ~ 19. Dr.ln •-
aga.in death comes to a u dty a nd takes a good bol.' anl.1 f fiend; en ters a fam circle. for the first time and es a lovcd son anll brother; . . ,M UISSI'!S the thres.lwld of a luiPP7 nnd t akes a Joving hu sband fathCll'. Carl ' Lest er Dakin W61 the lion Frank M. and Ada May Dakin And as, ure yourself waS,the eldest child of a famChicks. " You Must of thirteen children. H~ .w.s motto and every m ea n s ~t. the Dakin homestead hi pleased with your purchase. - - "'-._\. --;aIol:.A~""""
40. foqtl..
::fEt·~(cHEk·~i:;'~~IS -LISTI
Buy your
/' / '
.t .
Note Improvements Your Own Home .., ~
~":I . ., I ~.
(' •. . '
" . fr
All parent flocks are blood tested by the tube agglu tination method. Visitors welcome. No Sunday bU8:irlell. Order Now.
. J
• T '"
.~ /(f'" }.fosl Je~e/opmNfI dicit
The all-electric equipment used is the best and moat economicill money can buy.
tJ. .. . .M:f·'!t'·;., CtI" '0;
.,. '.
lepttlrs ole Iik. 'be plo'ler6iQ/ ",oN." tipple" _"ich ,." ,he wbole 'H",.I. A sntGlI /.,,11 ill tI rool, '01 1".IG"ee, ",., n{fle _ lor en ,he tOOIl", .".,,01 llaell 1. COltCfl",ed, but HI comequ.ttat I.aid. O'U". Ao... .., ,..,1,. It_red. 01 clollfln worllt 01 The 0111, ..,. .,.",10 ,1IGtd JOfU ItcwH ",01.., mtljot ',oub/es i. 10 catclt the IIHI. clelech 6eIore 'h, become _lor leptflr 6i11s-cAed JOf'r Itome tefJu/o"r. . lite . " . . . -IJ till, ..,.1Cf1 1ft '-Pia, ,,,. boaM ".
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .,.
BEECH GROVE lId Gllrhrl8t \0. l'itillt'n't\ 8 Iter" , Tl tlt~(1I:ck tp. fr, Harty :I'ark~ 'Jf Mi.I.llt·· ('ha l It·, E. MUI)! to ha~ brl'n ap· 1-:\'11 I. M:llnn'lI t"·0\.11 "1I\'l1t ~l'vt'fill UIIY" la, t w(!l'k WII ~c\1! til •• hn.- I" ['II IIclJl1llh~l. pointl'd (xe( utO!' .d thl! William Rei nhard t nal'~ h. 11:3 a", the gu~"l v I' , fr, Iltlll MI' .J. D. Th,· \\I<IIIW lII,llH, r,~( ,tv ,.1 tht! (! • n. Timnllln.- will . 8 0nd of $2UOO II cr~·k tIl. SmitJh. ' tnl". 1:0.11. illUnK (If real ROll I)(;l" was 111 o\'II.il'd by M()o r . To Hear InventOl'YSIlJ'nu!'1 and KHtie rncr to son. FOTUd pl'ol' urty. l'lhc nlso was Hearing on t he inventory filed Betty R. Marsch, 11 ~ II.CTe ,Tur. Mr. has. llagem y!'r lind son, llecl'cck tIl. .ram os of Waynesville nnd ~1r' l I1n rll (!d ·xeeutrix of the wi ll , Tum· Alton F .ofBrown, Lebanon, admolhy Smith, Hil ey ibt; In and by mini!ltrator tb 'Rlate of J onaO. C. King to Fn'd ll..am ke BO Albert Gray of Docld.~ Wi!rt: unBel'l Splll~r IIr th., appra.isel'>\. aCTt'g, lel'lUont and W'arr~n' co. day morning vi itor in thi comth an F' . Sherwood, late Oregonia Inventory OltebRQ9T FOR AND CONSIGN post-mMter, will b conducted Jul y John H. Conll'Y to '] !atry and rnunily . ,our cattle, bop, aheep and calv.. Inventory fil 'd hy Rodn y Forn- 9. IJeal'ing On th inventory HI d Emma A. Ha.n s II, real !\ta~, I Mr. and Mrs . Iyde Sams spent to Nonia-Broek Cc.... live WIH ..1id k r, Il.dmini.,tratot' of th ('stat in th e Parker Chamberlain esta~ FlUnklin, tw')J. Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Gt!o. progr...lve finn for the hlghut Albert F. and Mnl")' A, L(,'II'is ,Smith. market price. and good lIemee. of the la te Andrew J. Fornker, i set for July 2. 'Stoc:p O;otr;buteclto Fronk Wilson, lot No , 10, Mr. M. Terry was a bu ines vis Ual_ Stock Y.Na· Cla.la_II, O. has been approved . Franklin. ' ioor at Washington . H., SaturTUft@ . ln on RadlrStatlon WOKY Sale Auth ....iz.. dStocks, bond , and c rtificates 12 :215 to 12 :80 p. m. for our daU, RlIym<onti A. and Ell!!n E. CO Il-cLay. Sale ,of building Dnd loan slock , al'llong the lIssets of the estate of arleet re orta. F'lora Mounts have en .(wdcred ne1' t~ Anna Hnrlsock. lot Nc!. 7, 11's. Loin Jeffery \\'a~ a unday listed among the u. setH ' of th dLLrihuted. WAynesville. cv ' ning caller of Mn, glln Ferl'iR. To Be Comm iUw Helt'TI Houn t. to Htlrl'Y We J'egt' t to re port the H un est, 16 aCl'e.~, Harl n tWTI . nus illness of Mr. Edward Jordan ' THIS SPACE CONTRIBUfED BY , Hnvitlg be n adjudg Ii insane, Mab I H. W nzel haP, b(len M".~._" J ohn T. and Emn!1 E. Di,"hun at hi home here. s...... Ole "f.o~· tt.2tlt en.r,. ·'tuw. ed committed to th Dayton to Paul L. and Alverna N. Dis- I Mr. and Mr .. Harold ~~B.on of I S~.. • •• sb,l'dll releases hospit.nal. hun . I'eal estate, Fran.kli n t"11 . Jayton weI' undllY VlSllors at Ic:e-Cabes from Tr.,-2 Qr. dozen To Hear Appfi cationEclna fi nd GJ'Over ' . Knapp tu the Beago n McCanen hom here . • t. tJII\'e ••• doc:;, .:t"A'&~ wffu waste IIearing on the applU:D.tion fOT Mary Olllle B gan and othcrs pur Mr. a nd Mrs. S. D. Ferris and 01 melUng I~\A under h.ucetl To be ,:,sed in advertising h'u rch, Lodge, soc ial s or of lots No. 167 and 1(i , FraJlkll'rt Mri'. Ella F l'Tis weI' Fort Anci- • It's in every ice troy. in very snles WIth no cost to organizations. f or G l..'O rgo S c'hen ck, Bn alleged "Super- Duty" P.-igldaire. ]mtnntly incompetent, will b' conducted tWll. ' "nt visitors Sunday. Just phone your advertisement to this office and Jun e 29 . LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. Ge(lTge B ck tt relcMes icc-cubes from tbe tray Z say "Insert this ad in "Caps" spac for < Inventorie. Olcehanti Mr. Ilnd Mr~. Sherman ·Ferris or 0 dozen lie 11 time. Yields 2~ .. . ... organization." ... . , , . . ... . more ice by ending wa.~tefuJ mcllApproval h been giv n invcn. Mrs. L. . 'to John if; improvWelin e day visitol: in lI amil- ing under a faue t. This I!xclu ivc new Frigidaire feacure, plw t'C1gid. Tri·State lub, F erry and Way. tories filed by Freida B. Bilyeau, ing very nicely after her opera. ton. executrix of th Carrie W. Selker tion at Mi.< mi Vnllcy Hos pital. 1is.'i Kathleen Thompson of airc's Automatic Tray Release • . . n o ville hurches of Christ will estate and Arthur O. Kollmeyer, Mr=. G. . Dib erl :\nu childr n Sprinj!' Hill call cd () n fri~n(Jg an(l irs capacity to freeze more /N,mdJ hold Ice· renIn ' Supper, J uly 10th, administrator of the estate of the returned home afie t' 11 pleasant relaliv~s here Sunday aftem on. of ice {alte, • • • a.nd store lOOJ at ' Fe rry hurch . Public invit d. visit at Mc mb, Ohi o. Mis!; J(l ssie Camel', Mr. nnel more reserve ice -.ru~lvcs you lall;\ Anna. King Koll meyer. The vi itore will b ni"rtaineli by the greatest Ie ·AbiLif/ I:',/;:r known. --"..,...-. Do: lared In.an_ 1\11 8. 80tma Barnett :Uld Eo. v. Mr~, A, B , Talrriagl' and, Mr. J. Sec the PRoofi ;;.o;;:~'~..~r~~ tho Wayn esville Schoul Band. ___________________________..1.1 Eva Fugett, of Foster, has Barnhart visited fri ends in in- Lee Talmage w(Ore ~u nday aft. rbeen d cla'red insane a.nd ord-er- cinnati, Sunday. ' ,noo n alle l's of Mr. ~md Mrs. Ray c"'tmu~d from Pag~ :! ) 10 Admitt..&-W ill IIf t:c1. L. lIulIJ!'h. lat· o.f
_eri-I I
.g;.tubb~ jfuneral
~;;;;;;;;;;;!!ij;;;;;!!ij;;;;;!!ij;;;;;!!ij;;;;;!!ij;;;;;;;;;;;;;;!!ij;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;:;;:;==;;;;;;;;;=;:;;;:;~~~~~ I~c
WANTED ____ Dea d Stoek WE PAY
$3.00 to $5.00 for Horaes $2.00 to $3.00 f~r Cows HOGS, Sheep and Sma ll Animals REM VED FREE OFCHARG:E Prompt Service lean Trucks
FERTILIZER CO. . ~ARVEYSBURG , OHIO Phone Wilmington 2373 . Waync 'ville 42R3 all UR at our xpense TRY OUR FEEDING TANKAGE
Service That Is Appropriate and Beautiful It matt r 8 not what price funeral may be elccl.ed-an d we offeT services to m at any need-.nolhing is I It undonc that wi\l leave with the family a beautiful and! co nso ling memory of
the loved one. That ' the mission of this institutior.- one wbich ' we have performed faithfully for many y~rs.
ur funeral home
is alway open f or public inspection.
Pboae 7
NeClar, Wayaea:vllie
Fairley, Hardware Co ~aynesville Ohio
One-Wire Controlled Electric Fence
Turns all livestock .... Sold on 30 Da
Are You Thinking About Buying A New Carl How much have vou been offered . lor the one you are 'driving?
Mart-In' rAuctioneer
SA1ISFA,CTION Or No C:harge Centerville, Ohio Phone 78J
Hte Appreciate
M\'~, Warren Bradd oc,k snd da.ughter entertaine<:l ill h onor of Mr . Braddo.ck's Birt hday and fa.thers Day : , The gu est s were. Mr. ranti Mrs. Frnnk Braddock, Mr. and Mrs. Ft'ed Braddo ck, Mr. and Mrs. W . E. Cornell, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Cornell, Mr. Harry Prater, Mr. and Mrs. Ral':mond Braddock and J aughters.
YffU-cif you thmk you're entitled to MORE than you've been o ~re - "- go see your GRAHAM d'e aler'. He has a new sensatIonal offer fo! you: If you've taken reasonably good' care of your a~tomobIle- If you are a careful driver-, your Graham dea~er WIll actually give you 'as much as
On Display
' Official Book Value ForIt.
Bishops' Beautv Salon at WAYN£SVILLE We are now open for bUll ' neaa, g(lving all kinds of perman~nt waves, ra l ging in price from
$1.95 to $6.50 " , TRIM
Thisnew GRAHAM BONUS PLAN 'makes a lot of sense. Why should you .' p~y the penalty for somebody else's carelessness? If y(:)ur,~ar IS m. good cQ~dition, jf your engine is'nt "loaded with carbon .'.' . , If your tIres are good ... if your brakes don't need rehnmg - then each one of these items is worth a bonus
36c MARCEL 50c
S. veral D.llarl To You. InS ome C•••• Th.Total Amount Of The Bonu. Ma, B. AI Much A. $100: '
R.·h. Smith Graham Sales & Service
In Opening
Emel·son Radios '
Find out .about this s~naational bonus that Graham dealers are now paYlOr for ears lD better-than-averege condition. Call Mr. R. H. Smith. See the Graham Supercharger - America's performance and economy champion_ And remember - you aat full value - y~u get every cent yoq're entitled to when you trade your car m on a GRAHAM. - ,
The Reception Given U.
If you're not sa.tisfied with the allowance that's been quoted
, ODe Hundred Dollar. More Than
,I Trial
Fa.-rley Ba' r dware C0
eel committed to the Dayton State Ml·. and Mrs. J, E. Frazier and Boulware f larksvilh:>. They weI" lEW "S"rEN ~ DUlt" FRIGIDAIJE WITH THE WiU:;~ hos-pita\. Mls. Sadie Cortner, and Miss J o- also vi~itoTs at F'OI't Ancien t.. ' SIVES YOU PROOf OF HL 5 BASIC ERVICE.. MARRIAGE LICENSES sephine Banta spent Sunday with I Th u l' day cal.leI's of Mr. and . For Compie t Hom Relrieelario" harles W esley Le May ,10, Mr. and Mr.-l. Omal' JI a'llingswot·th, MJ'S. J. D. mlth \\:C)·C : ~h-. and electrician, and Mary Ozella Bur. n ar OrCg'Onia. I Th omas Turne r; MI'. and Mrs. Eu5. (REATER SAVE·ABILITY t ( n, 19, both of Waynesville. Miss Jane Cook is camping Turner and daughter, of L x- 1. QREATf:. ltE-ABIUTW Only fRIClDIUIIE II., lIIe 1ilburn Bogard, 3 1, Dayton, with a group o! freshman from Jngton, Kentucky ,Mrs. Stella 2 HEATER STORIGE ABILITY lI~-?1ti&t;t !Ilborer, and Ml's. rystal Boger, Earhnan oLlege. The girls ar Knigh.t. (j { O)'cgonia was an a l l - ' Coot to Ie.. 28, Morro\\.. tihe guests of Miss Ruth Coppo <k . day VlSttOr. 3. GREATER PROTE~T-ABILITY Cutt Currenl See on eleCtric halle M '~upin, 57, laborer and t Quakel' Haven Indioana. MI'. and 1\11-s. J . E , Dod 'e; Ro· mel r prOll< it Mrs. Ollie L. Wilson, 66, botb of Wayne Planck' alld family , of b William a nd Edna Dodge IREATER DEPEIiD-IBiLiTY outh Lebanon . Dayto n spent tbe week.cnd with a nd Mr s. A. M. Brannan, weI' Sun Thomas .Sta.nsberry, 26. Qsscmb- Ross Plan k and familly, day afternoon visiU:ll'~ at th IeI' and Laura Hansell, 2 1, of Mr. William Elmer Planck em- Thomps~n-TeI'1'Y home. : Wayn ville. ployed in the o ffice of the 'Ford Mr. and Mrs. 'M' al'l Teny REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS M,otor Company of Cincinnati, spent Friday afternoon in Xenin. George Bishop to Edward C. and his w ife and SOTI, Richard, Mr. J . Lee, Talmage was a busiare spending hi vacation with bis ness visitor Dayton last Friday. Large r Bec.au ... of Bett r Quality, Service and Pric .. Morey, 23 acns, Franklin tp. EltabJ;ohed 1849 - 1937 J ohn and Mary T ewart to Walk. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ro~s Planck day. 2r Tewnrt, real estate ,Franklin a nd Mr. and Mrs. Ru s ell lartin daughters, Eliabeth tp. and oth r rel.atives Illnd fr-iends Mr. and Mrs. Ed. lark and Ellie Adams Keiper to J . Rob- ncar here. daughters, Elizabeth and El eanor ert and Jea n E . Inni , lots No, 10, Howard Drummond and family and 11'. and Mrs. Ross Hartsock 11 , 12" and 13, Maineville~ att nde d> th fun eral of Mrs. Ed- .and ons. Wilton and w.en were Ella CTOV e to J ohn 1. and Ed.. ~1' Drummon<L in South Salem, Sunday dinner guests of Mr . and no Pric e, 10 acres, Decrfi'eld tp. Tuesday. Mrs. C. H. Death erage. Their Hildegarde Z. and Benjamin Mr. and Mrs. J . P. 'La rrick had ~ ek-end gu t s were: Mr. and .Thou5anda of farmers in every state use electric J on cs to Ada Ruhl , real estate fol' t heir Sunday guest, D<>1'8 Mul. M'rs. Robert Elm re and children, fencmg becau.5e it is thE': belt method of fencing Love land Park. len, of Springfield, Mr. Albert Robert Jr., and Mary Sue of che~per qUIcker - m re economical and more efBenjamin. Kuhlenberg t o Flora Quiuk, of New Carlish), Miss Eliza- Wheatley, Kentucky. fective. Wagner, real estat, Loveland b bh Mullen and M r. (....eorge Quick Master Donald Sams is enj oyThe One-Wire Fencer is a dependable, scientific- . Park. of Miamisburg. ing an ~xt-ended visit wilth 'hie aunt near Five P oint. ally b.h.need current-liJ ,l.iting unit which takell the l\frs. J . P. tanick and daughMr . .and Mrs. Lowell Earley 'aOlI Sh elton J . a nd Lillie E . Rose to current from the ordinal ylight plug ( or battery) ter, Jan, "" re DaYlton visllo rs. sons of Ne" - Carlisle were Su ndny Minni L. Hawthorne, lots No. and s,ends a s~fe, reduc !d, and interrupted current Mr. a nd Mrs. Berlt Van Cleve, eveni ng callers 'of the Terry fam202, 195, 204 a nd 193, Franklin out over ten mllea of ain e- Ie wire fenc:ing in any kind R. Wild and Edna Gilchri st to Mrs. Kat.hcl'in e Phillips . of Xenia, ily. of weather. A pecu liar accident occu rred at Lebanon Citil<en's National Bank, pent th e evening "w ith Mr. and Mrs. Olive r Davis aI1ld family. ,bhe Mr. Joh n Bonduran t farm three a~r , Lebanon. Mr. :lnd Mrs. Orville Bratcher last Wednesday. A farm ho I's, , and small son, Bobby I.e·e, former- while g'ra.zing, accidently stepped Iy m rc bant at Colfa}t, Illinoi,. but on n pieee of bent iron, t h e free now in , bu sine ss at A shley, Ohio, end struck tIle n,,'imal a sharp Type 110 Volt A. (:., $29_50 Type 32 Volt 'IOTARY PUBLIC were Sunday aiten:loon visitors blow ncur the eye causing a sever D. C ., $31.50 - Type 6 "' olt Battery, $31.50 with Mr. and. Mrs, Ha.rold D. Willis gash to be cut. The animal, ho'\\'Nat&oaal &.all Every pu~c~a.er .of One-Wire Fencer receives and daughter, Mary L()rraine. ever, is recovering nicely now. Wllio Draw. •• £8 ..... s.taW a coupon entl,thng hIm to a genuine $44.50 WiDMrs. John Wils<lJII, of Ca esar s Numerous cornfield's are in such Charger Plant for only !j.l S.OO. .. .. iiiWiA. YNESVILLE. OHIO Crl1ek n eighborhood" died Fl'iday condition Ul'at some farmers f elL at h er home. FUD eI'a l servicc1\ it n ecessary to ,embrace every op· w rc held Monday afternoon at po)'tunity and so , plowed corn last 2 p. m. nt t h e chapel Bu rial in Sunday. In som e fields tho:! excess . Miami Ctllnetery. rain has cau ed bhe corn to turn L arger Becaule of B e lter Qual ity, !J erYic:e. and Pr'ic: .. ========~:=:~~~~ l yellow and in others, the gr88$ E.tabli.hed 1849 - 1937 Phon .. 32 and weeds are out-growing the corn. It is sUf-ely hoped t hat the 1:7;:;;:=;;::;;~~=~;;;~~:~;~~;:;~~~~~==~~:: weatb'i!r condition will improve so farmers may properly cultivate • • and harvest bheir crop.
On e of our ·.vell.executed permanent ,\ ,ves set in accordance wi ', h YOU)' imtividual type wil l impart new charm ,to YOI.. , appe(l)lanJ IC and will M aUl ~ you ' of th I'cl'i'ect tJ rd eT o. f your coiffu re at a'l U'ines.
Individual Booths Compact Mod.l. -
$14.95 to $29.95 $44.95 to,139.9S
Mod.l. Table Mod.l. - ,26.91 to ,,9.9' T.bea T ••ted F.... S,a• ..uaD • Ra~eoD T..... for ..I. RADIO SERVICE 0" ALL MAKES OF RADIOS
Radio Slaop '. . .,1--....
SHAMrOO '" . F INGER .• .. WAVE " 7'5c
Cl(.an Linen for Each Patron
Bishops 'Beauty Salon WAYNESVILLE -
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hathawuy, Mr. Leooord Tinne)', da~ l! Columbus, Ohio. spent the week and IOn, took dlnne,r wid! hIa ,.... !TId with hit brother, Dr. anel lin. enta, Mr. and. »t. He • H. ):. HatJlawa,'. StIIlcll¥. .... Tinne)" ho ia in JI1. 1... 1a . . . . . ~
Published weekly in the interest of the social, reli,ioul, eCtc.n41tmic life of Miami Valley's feremost progre•• i•• community. The entire community joins in extending JOU a c.rdial invitation to come te this villale 5
11 nldy Pc I"l'nnial WILLIAM EDGAR WIL· I • SPRING VALLEY Mr. and Mrs. Karl Pappert, of Earl Copsey arrivedi home from lind •• nn un 1 flll\\ 'r.. WN'l .\ Enon Ohio W(H"e guests on ntuT- Dulewai'e, wher he h been atLIAMS DIES Th unday ~h;Jul ( I f the Melh. t1ay /lIght oC Mr. and MrR. Neil tending school, tor a week yisit. 1'0\':1\\1".<. :100 fc l' 1.00. LIlt(' \: i!li:lm ' cigar William . , age ('lihl f\j.!'l·. 5~' J)<'t' II z n Compton. J10rentR, Mr. and M". V. G,,'II ~I l·cLl·l·~(ln. ilcllbroog' 75, di cJ nl h' hom e near OJ'c~on IU, lIt unJ~lY. Funeral .C l'vit(!S \~ l't~ 1'lk .. In chllrge of the teach - -mnyo l' of Spring 1 ']·h· SPI'inlt Valky Packing )lI'Ug'l'am I'S in the\\'t). primary department. l'>fIo. Bark el', 11~:::;::;:;;:;;;;;;:~====:;;:==;:i:=;;:;;:;;;;;;=====~ -"--====.= == held, 'rhur day aft m oo n at . tic 'lI1npallY hl~' h~ 1 mnking muny Th Llidies' Aid of the M. E. Valley, in an intervi w with a rep11'. all" M y". IYII '~' illS ~ pl' nl lilt '. FUll I'll I Hom , with burdotHlay with fr. nnt! 1\11 .. Geo. iul in Mia mi Cemet ly. 1-(,Pllil', ancl inllll·O\·cmcnt., in tlH·jr hUl'ch will !:rive a soocial with rc ('ntutive of thill ne\\S'pnpcr, SUIt !"mith. pla nt nt ~1H"ing Vullcy, Ohio. Dur- 'at - chi k n, Vlndwicll d, cake, ell that fit'e wo rks w'Ould not be In~ the Jla~l f 'W \\ 'ek:<, n f l'ce f lll)d ice-cr am at. the Community P rmilted in that Villng , exc<!l>t " arpenh'r~ and wurkmen have b n room, ne t atul·da.y evening. Pub- on [onday, JU ly 5th, which is tho employed in I·ecoill.;lructing lhe con lie invited. legal h liday, ince the 4th fall s Spring Valley, Ohio r ' rs which run llir ug h ut the Mr. . R. , iIIiflm s and family. on Sund.1Y this year. A m'llYQr'8 ntu'e plunt. 'yslllmlltic and f- of l ornton, visited, . Monday, with proclamatiq.n will be nuu;lc, mak Member F. D. I. C. ficicnt planni ng ha,; given the I nis brothe l', Harm III Williams and ing it a nllisdemcano.l· to • ho ot off plllll~ !> IW\\ !{~'t..u p . that will in- I ~1\~jJy. ~lr. Williams is ~o\v en- fil'e"rorks bdor unci after lhe' It'nt'a." pruductlon WIth ( 8 eIfo.r.t Joymg h l ' tw~ weel(s vacation. ~I ob::; tvo nelc. a llt! W'Ol'k on Lht' l )fui; of lhe forco I M1·. and Mrs. Forest Granden Thi action js In linc with the o f ul>out 75 w rkl!l'8, whit'll the I nnd Mr, Toddy WEllton of Da.ytoll gt· wing popular opinion that too plallt mploys tlUI ing th e canning spent the week-end !With Mr. Rnd much celebration with no limiLn~eu 0 1\ . IMl':>. J. T. \ alton. tion j..; un-Ameri :'!l n and a decidt'd M' Elenllor Cc)psey and Vir- nuiSllnc ~ lId di ·turbance of the The u. un i !let' III!' - 600 acres arc now unllet· cont t'<tct , it is l' . Iginia Alexand r ' \ EIre Dayton visi- pea e. pCII-t.eJ that t.he nop is in Iin tors, Tue day. M.ayor Barker sceJ.s th co-opU8 Mr. and Mrs. E llmer Barnes 01 el'lttion of the l)oC<iplc in Spring condit h)ll thl'uughout tha enUro aHa. New Bu rlington villited Mrs. Lyd· Valley and pleads that care be 1;8MI'. 11. W . J( /U·,·um, \Iho has ill Powell, Sunday. ken so that no accident · Oi:CUI' in The Junior Lodg,e gave a chiek- the c I bration. be 'It 'the ertici ent m:lIlagcr of this plllllL l'il1< ' 1 \ 2 , hi . been o\re r- en upper for 111.1\ melnbel's and Application has btl·e n mad e by seelll ' tb t' con trul'\ion a nd in, tal- I their families, SatUlrday night. the iIlage Tl'U t.ecs to . he Ohio Only mGH-p\JWER Mr. and MIS. AlbeJ·t C. Wilson State Dcpal·tment of Highways latiCJIl flf neW n hill!:!'y "nd buildinj.{ that has tahn plall(' here. nnd on w I'e called! home, Friday, for the instnllation of a traffic urner speed, dlQtlines$ oftcl ?recise regulation ne of til int.'res ting Ie tur S becau e of the death of MI'. Wil- light on the main street of this vil.. ~n you buy. ncw Slove, { Irom the gen tl e t immer in con nl'cti un with the lJlant is the ! son'lI1nother. 'I\hey spent thc week lage. It is expected ' that ithill a it I sts (l long lime. W /1y not to a izuing broil. perfectly. ne"· ,,"tor supp ly which ha been nd with Mr. and Mr . P. A. Twin- · short time the nuthoriti-es will b b . e this lo ,e ly moder n Com in anJ lei us <' cneon· and returned to Columbus, in pl'iyg Valley making investlmlule n.\'ajlubl '. Tw o wells weI' r, 11igh-Power J' cfecoo'l oil Strate the quick Ie ponse range? It i . the very latesl and SI e"dJ), concrol of High. wher "here Lhey will ml~ke their home g~ion as to the needs <and placedrillc..l cl ' e by the ofIi th i n~ in In O~c rn beau'y, Lon .. -USED PARTS FOR ALL MAKE AND MODELSP wer burners. Wc'J l ike to the water might be handy and for th 'summer, 'hile Mr. Wilson ment o( the ligtht. v e nicnce ~ '::''d c· pl'oc.Jable te ll you mo re abo' " this Window and Windshi ld GlaRS The mov for a traC!ic light at a l,h of the welLs turned out to be attends Ohio State" performlln" ,, _ beaut/Cu! !lC ' Perf ·c io n. 1I1·t , ian. with the wa~er ,r ising ·MIt·. and Mrs. Fox of near Leb- thl .point is brought about by the There i no fa fer, cleaner You'lI be urpris('d III tbe Tir - Tub s - Batted s - Ace ssorics 51"'~ than ~ Hig h· Power Perren o nable price when you eight Ie t nbove th e !Ianace. Hav· nnon, visited Mr . 'Mary Moore on great amount of tll8ffic that goes - We buy old CAr, metal, il' n, rag and paperfec'd'm,AlIH igh.Po thurn- sec il$ cream. while, ot ~uJ'e ing b n s yphon d off, the ",at r W lnut St., Sunday. through .this place, thus endangeren lo ev"cy coolUng task. w:.i,,,, purcelain finish. l'unS in a con tant stream oI ten Attorney De Has of Indianapolis ing life and property. He dless gallons pcr minute. The water is was a guest on 'Wednesday and driving is to b cU1·tailed! in or• 4 Price $21.50 up cool and good for drinking- pur- Thursday of his old ftiend, T.om 'de.' to pl'otect the citiz nry. po , peci l1y On the e 'hot sum Boyd. Mr. De Has '...·as a teaclher in ---.-.=. - =:. ' ="'S Mr. and 1\l1-s. Ray N oggle will mer llay . Roxanna school ~Ibout 50 yeal"S --~ _ .A.- _ mOVe into the Adams property, MT. HOLLY ago, r ently purch cd by Mrs. J. W. Mrs. Emerson Dill visited her Mrs. Marie WeM left. tor Colul\1r Hopkins. • SPRING VALLEY ~HON£ 37 Aunt, Mr.. obert Zeigler, who is bus, on Tuesday, .for a two week's Mr. and Mrs. Howard Al'chde.av~ry ' riou 'l), ill at her hom in is it. con of Waynesville, visited Mrs. Uuyton. Mr. and Mr . WaItei' urIace of Lida Villar, on Sunday. 1I1r. and M rs. John Rye .are L banon w re g'lEISts on Wednes1\1 ·S. Hilward Babb and grand·l ' ,h th el'r day of Mr. and M .rs. Charles Rey- son, of Wilmingto.n , visited her · "pen d Ing' a f c\\ uuys Wl.~. $1 .00 O-Cedar Mop and 25.:: Bottle of O-Cedar Oil son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and noldS. 010 her, Mr . Mary Middlet.on, on f A . Mr. and Mrs. J olm 0' Donnen, S un cI.a y. M I'S. E • J . B ur""lI, 0 f EI yna. . both 98c.. Mr. and MI'8. Hm'old Kellis and of C,Ieveland, a:rrived , here on Mr. %lnd Mt,8. William Bootes of 7 Quart Canner, 97c children s pent unday in liill&- Tue day tor a two weeks visit Dayton called on relatives here, Canning Suppliea,. Certo, Sure Jell, Jar., Lids And at theae hieher firain prices boro. with het l>8r nta, Mr. and M'rs. unday. , That Means Somethng son, Frank Kyne. ~r. and lift'S. Burnett ButterMr. Emerson Dill und Picnic supplies, Platel, Cups, Napkins, Pickles, Olivea Ralph, spent Sunday ,with relative Mr. and MI'$. Dave Lesher nnd worth, of Lebanon, vi i ~rl her Lunch meats ..... ONE TON OF MASTER MIX WILL TURN THE \. _ in Xenia. daughter moved fJrom Dayton, on m!)thel', 1\fl". nraJ:t Walton; on TRICK Ml·S. R oland Weaver and son. atunllly,into the home of MI'. Sunday. Donnie, s pent Friday in Dayton Fl"Ilnk Leshar. 1\[r. and Mrs. D. Perkins had as Feed Master Mix 18 per cent Pig and Hog-Feed vi iting ~ :r. W a er, who is in the Mr. and Ml:s. WilliAm Bootes of guests on Sunday, Mrs. Laura until your pigs reach 150 pounds - then feed The best of fwesh meata. A full line of Groceries Go d Samaritan Ho spital. Dayton were visitirlg relatives here Williams and Childre n, Mr, and Malter Mix 40 per cent Hog Concentrate for -Vegetables, Fruita, etc. J erry and Patsy Blair of Xenia SU.nday. Ml·s. Denver Allen and daughter, best results. Ask ua to explain thil program. .... are _pending a few day with their Mr. and Mr . Le.le P terson lind Mi Dolor-os and Mt·. Vincent Mor. . When you ~ant, what you want, when you want ncle, MI'. Lea'is lunay. sons, David and Parshall, of near ris, ' all ot Dayton. By our method you have more rapid finilhing It, we want to f.1I your wanta when you want it Mr. and Mr ·.i :HalTY Burg S8 Cedarville, visited Mr. and 1' 4 1"$. Seth Thomas ot Cleveland and and lowel' mortality. Greater Profits. and children of Dayton sp ent Sat- J. T. Walton, on Wednesday. MYTo~ Thomas, of Dayton, called BEST AND PROVEN BY TEST BECAUSE IT INU1 day with h I' pal'ents, Mr. und Mr. and Mr . Philip Copsey and on Mr. .an\l Mrs. J. T. Walton on SURES DIVIDENDS i\ll·~. Lewi, M~rg,jm. dllug'hter passed the wcek end' lWith Sunday. Mns. Herl)erL fa rlatt NllIcd on her parents, Mr. oand 'Mrs. ATcn Mr. , and Mrs. V{)1"h Copsey and Come in' and let us tell you of feeder. who .a rel hoI' cou in, Mis' Liz~ie Pmtt, in Copsey. Mr. a'nd Mrs. Paul Spitler and chilmaking money following our feed plan with both Wayne ville, Monday eve ning. Mr. G. V Sims, who was quite d.·en vi ited in West Milton, on SPRlNG VALLEY large and I mall bunches of hoga :l\lr. and Mrs. Erne 't Earnhart ill the past week, is much improv- Sunday. nnd children mid Mrs. Frank Dn- cd. Mrs. J. In w>ood and son 0.£ Mid. kin, took dinner in Dnyton, SunMr. and Mrs. J. W. Hopkins, of dletown werc guests of her s ister,
O~~~rE:,~CO~;~ I:!~t ~un~~uy~r~;~~
~~~~ ~.s
Spring Valley National Bank
-- ----
See us before
6 per cent on ailioans6 Bank with
Hood's Auto ~reeking Co
Spring Valley Hardware
Read This
.H og Feeders
Save 300 bu. Of Corn! .
We Solicit Your Threshing Order
Copsey's Grocery
Spring .Valley Feeds
~:§§§:!~§§§§§§;~~E~§~~~~§~~=:;~~ Iday.MI\
.parkers Combination Specials Real values on related items bought
3gc 15c 53c 59c
Coconut Oil Shampoo and wave let reg. 60c value ' combination price .. . Hygeia bottle and nipple . reg. 30e value combination price ." Gem razor and Eveready shavIng brulh rei\. 75c value Combin~tion priee St. Regis tooth brush and your favorite SOc tooth paate, reg. value SSe, combination ... .
... ~
A. D. S. foot loap and foot powder reg. SOc ~ value Combination price .. ... .......... , .
t~::~~:~~: :~~:a~~.... ... ~~~ . ~~I~~ .
Parker fount ain pen and box paper reg . . U.S5 value Combination price "........ K. A. R. rat poison and End Ants $1.50 "alue .......................... .
Drug S .,.,1ItG
:0.,. ,. . :-_...--:... , Cow,
Chevrolet Sales & Service
21 c
$2 09 •
G RAN 0 ..S9c THREATER re ,
8hall be In "Sc hedul" Of Wltge Hates t ermln
have more fun for .Le.s Money
~o Qtbtbroltt itl the only com
Infant suppositories and Infant .. yringe reg. SOc value combination price
Columbus, were Sunday visitors of Mrs. Nelle Peterson and other and Mrs. Everett Bunnell Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Fulkerson. atives, on Sunday. . nd childJ'en called on relatives in The Juniors gave a social on Mr. and Mrs. C. R.) Williamson Dayto n, Saturday evening. Saturday night in honor of their and family spent Monday with Mr. Little Johnlli Burgess of Da.y- new members. A hlrge crowd was and Mr$. H. G. Williamson . . tO il issp nding ' a few days with present. " Mr. and Mrs. William Copsey, I clatives h·ere. Mrs. Eve COll1{pton, and: Mary Oath Mr. nnd Mrs. P . A. Runyon and FOR SALE; FrElsh ' eight erine. Cop ey visited . Mr. and Mrs. Mr. a.nd Mrs. lIo\\'2rd Burton have year old, Fralrlk Cook, Way- Lew Holland in New Burlington, returne d from a week's trip nesville, 2 mile west. On Monday. through the Eo t. ltp. The Ladies' Aid Society of the Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Smdth M. E. Church will hold a l&wn fete and daughter of Dayton spent FOR SALE: Worlt mare. About at the Community houee, on Sat. Monday night with Mrs. Mattie Le 1400 Ibs. Reasonable. Harry evening. vi and son, WeJ1ington. Ford,yce. Fen:y. Mrs. Eata Hamer, !Who was re.. t:T~11 P cently operated 0" for -itre, A birthday dinner was held at FOR SALE I N the home of Mr. David Lucas on .ncr .DlIl, oI'to ;04 ev Rica, an.d Yellow Jen8), ..weet turned home. Saturday nia'bt. Sunday, it being in honor {}o/ Mr. potate) plants, 40cta. pel'hun. N'OTIOE TO CONTiiACToRS Lucas' birtihdny. Those <who .en<!:red, and an lI.inds of p.rden S TATE OF OHIO DIilPARTMI!)NT OF HIGHWAVS joyed the day were 'Mlr. and Mrs. . plants, 10c per dQzen, or S Oolll_baa, Oil'.. .I.lle Cler.k Of 8 •• ~ . . . . . Oop? Clarence Thompson and family of d.ozen 26cts,. 1 1-2 miles n_ol·th on Wayne.. Oreg()nia, Mr. and · Mrs. Raymond U IT PRlom f'lON'I"R.A.m Lucas, of Wilmington, MT. and ville and Ferry ROad. Seal ed prOPosals w ill be Str B til R R 2 at the otrloe ot tlhe State Mrs. Carl Lucas .and children. of . R B' ouae ro en, . . DIrector of Obl~. a.t X . ema, ev. Iddecum, of OregonOhIo. until ten o'clock A. if, Mr. and Mrs. Lucas and chUd- FOR SALE,: - Purebred Short ~r n Standard Time. FrIday. July 9. 1037, tor fm.p rove .. ,-en, Ernest, Dena, and James. Horn Bull. Inciluire 86-R-2, menta In : . Coun Ob on S etl MI'. a nd 'Mrs. -G~orge Beckett Waynesville Rlh'odes Bunnell. A Clinton a nd D of the W llml ton Road. State No. and Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Ferris 2tp. State I~auto No. 7 (Jnlo n Tow.n.shlps. were WednEflday vi.sitor~ in Hamil- WANTED:A llnarried farm Oounty. Ohio. on Seetlon E' . ton. hand by ,tnjOnth. -Inquire at P)'l\nk l l'n-Wllmlngton Road. HIghway No. 261 • this office. State . noute No. H. In Maule T OIW nshiP. by wId nln~ a n d Bu rSPRING VALLEY facing wIth bltumtnouB mOlca.rl.ln--1 .. FOR SALE : L.adies bicycle. premix d. SMALL ANIMAL HOSPlT AL almost new. W IJdt.ll: Pa"em ent :0 ft., ROBelway 30 ft.Raymond Bailey R. R. 1 Length: f .197.4 ft.. or 9.128 W. O. Bowen, D. V. M. 1-U-p nHI08. Estlmat .. d C08t . . " .SO.8U.6t 'ontrnct tu bo (!omplctcd W .~hID Sprinl Vall." Ohio elgh,tY-lrIv(' ( 86 ) workIng dIl.Y •. The minimum wage to be patd a ll lahor ('IIlJlI ea n thJs "nt"r,.'"
pJ.t carPRICED .5 0 LOW · Thi15 year. take your vacation, by motor car. See more places ... enjoy more pleasures ... benefit more in aU ways. And . be sure to 'go in. the car th~t will give you a complete vacation from worry and high costs~ new Chevrolet. You 'll travel more safely in a Chevrolet for it's the only low·priced car that combines such o~tstand-' lng safety features as Perfected Hydraulic Brakes, a New All-Silent. All Steel Body and Shock proof Steering. .'
YOU'll travel more comfortably.
too, for only
Che~olet brings yOU the Improved Gliding Knee-Act-
ion Ride and Genuine Fisher No Draft Ventilation at Chevrolet's low prices. And you'll also travel more IBconomieally; for Chevrolet's New High-Compression Valve-in-Bead Enwina will give YOU mazimam power with minimum ••• and oil c~DlumptioD•
Eighty-Ninth Year
WH Ll<: NUMRRR 6280
Waynesville. Ohio, Thursday J LY 1. 193'7 5
NE~ CENTURY CLUB WIIH MnS. K. HOUGH On }'ridIlY, June 25tll, the N w Centu ry Club met at Th e Littl e [nn, with Mrll. Kenneth Hough as ho tells. Tho pre ident called the meeting to order u.nd lW{lnly-two ' m nab rs r espond ed to roll call . . AUer the busi ness meeling, Mr/l J . II. Sackett a nd Mr . Robert Collett took charge of the PI'og"rn.m. - The first 'numbe r WtlS two beuutiful pinn o solos by Mr. Russel Frank. Mrs. Coll ett t he n reud nn interesting paper on "Th.e Folk So ngs 01 ' America." She spalle of their origin and history and closed he-r r emarks by saying t hat t he chel!'TY influ ence of slnging keeps follu! fr om worry and Ii ghtet\8 a.ll burd-ens. Mrs. Tilfo~d , of Xenia wn.s then introlluc d and, a ccompanying !her self on lhe guitar, sh ' sang 11 numbeT o f mountain balladB. Mrs. SAckett's very in struetive pllpcr wan entitled " Negro Spiritual." The spirituals are spontllneous songs created by the slaves of the South, who found comfort and refuge in th ir religi on. Th ey wlill be kept alive and will become a trong element in ' American music. Mrs. Tilford th en closed th pro gram by singing It number of Neg ro Spirtuals. Th retiring :president, Mrs. W. 10'. Clark, wkh a few well chosen marks, presented the gavel to the new prcsident, Mre. J. H. Sackett, who acc pted it graciously, and adjourned the meeting. Durin&, the social hour, dainty rcfreshments were served to the members and following guests: Mrs; Ruth Janney, Miss Anna O'Neil, Mrs. S. D. He nkle, and Mrs Viola Hn'rlan. •
WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH Sunday: Sunday schoo l at ~ :30 ' A. M. Morning wor ship -at 10:40. The Communion of the Lord's Su ppl!r will be ob.serve'\.l lit this meeting. E\' nillg lIel'vic(> ut. 8 :00 o'clock. Wedn esday: The Woman's F' I' ign fission :lry Society will' meet wit.h Mrs. RI)\)ert ollett at 2 :00 p, M.' Bible haUl' ond prayer me ting nt 7 :46 p , M. G. C. Dibert, Pastol
~ ~'
h~.: tic
1~' .~c~:
Hig h School, Mr. is the t r, Barbam, Mrs. HaTold Osborne, Ion of MI', and Mr. Frank Stuns- Illsl) MI's. Mildred Thompson, of
530 REGISTER AT NEW ,~~;Y ~;~ ~c~:~~~ate Wayne - Dayton, Ohio.• __ _ __ ' CHOOl GREATEST ciRCUS IS CHRISTIAN ACTION 8URUN GTON S COMING SOON - -- -
: • :
wore dark s uits, each WOTe a. gar.. gineers like it: i~; breaK" .. denia. I An event of especial interest to .. , the monotQny of their jobs. .' More than 680 pers<ln s registerThe 'W dding was b autiful in it , a large group of for mer teachers, • 2. Always palsS th~1 car ad' at the 50th Ann iversary Cele~ implicity. Ml·. a nd Mr - Burlo n ' pupils an d friend of the old Ly- .. head on curves or ern a hi11; • bl'ation of t he New Burlington held an informal reception at Th e ' tie school occurr d 011 the grounds .. it gives the ' fellow meeting .. schools, on Sunday. -------..---~.------[.ittle Inn,' followi·"" th ceremony . . t1le-r , On Sunday, June 27. • you sucb a t hrill. • Special .9(U"Vices w re held in After congratulati .~ ons, refresh- I A very beautiful picnic din-· S. Alwa ys hold the mid- • b o~'h c hurc h e In ' th e forenoon . Afments were seTved in a be autifully ner wns much enjoyed by all at • dIe of t h e roa. ~. a bounteous blUlket di,nncr at d Y au ' re en- .. tdecorated dining rOQm, with p ink the nOQn-hour, a tables a nd • titl d to lulU, so BeI ect th e .. th noon hOUI', a get-togethel' and d'nk dl The M' 1 . h d b d d a · pa.rt you want. • wn greatly e njoyed. Old acquaint LS- chalrs,a een arrange un er • nncl' was renewed aDd reminiscen. rosesVivian an pi can anes. Mary Eva COl!nor I tent anll in the hade of the large * 4. Alwa speed : it now The beautiful country home of Le May ptes.idjng at th tea tabl e, old trees. An id ~ 1 day contributed • them you're a main 0 f pep • ees wor I'nclulged l'n . Th couple left for an unreveal- to the plelisuTe of the occn.sion .. even though the t:raffi c is * Th e program opened by sing· Mr. and Mrs. P. ~. Rea on was tlae scene of a "gala affair, Satur- ed desti nation, They wiII be a L and we a ll felt very happy, slulr- • h eavy. • .10 9 0 f Anlen. 'ca A most in terest . 6. Always speed up w h ell · '1t1 ~... h I'sto r y of th e schools of the day ev niog, when friends ~nd home fo the ., summer at. ,'Sunset ing the good fellowship M!ich pre- . relatives' came In a nd s urprIsed Cotta~e" , Chautauqua' lI vaile d. • entering 'a mnin hig'bway or .. vill nge was th en r ad by Prof. tnem on their silver w-eddillg an.. a crossroad. You have just * H. H. Smith, a form er pupil a nd The Wnyne.<v illc School Band • as much r~ht.n.s t he other • fo)' many years Prof. of English nivel'Jlary. Beautiful gilts were I furni hed good music and an in- .. fellow. • in Wilmington Coll eg e. u'll'WYapped and admired and at tercsti n~' program was carried out • A cl vcr doll drill was then prea late hour, refreshments of ice'th ME t· Alway s~ ve on your [ I T in the n.iemoon WI r. r nes .. brakes when skid ding. it .. /len te by girls ' 01 th e prim i-y cr.. m and cake were served on [ ,I Rand olph presiding. • mnkes the job more artistic - g rades. the ..... , later all departed wishit is, true in life t hat the . 7. Always drive close to A solo ' by Miss Ru~h R veil, ing II~. and Mrs. R~on many CARDEN CLUB TO MEET g l&d and the sad phases are min- _ pede tTian s! in sloppy w~a- • "Out of t he Dusk to You," accommore years of happy wedded life. The Garden Club will meot with gled, so on t.hi~ occa sion, we were , . ther. Th e ,game il~ caned .. panied by Miss Myra Hayd ock 81 ATTEND D.1. A .-A. Miss Kitty Gibbon s, Tuesday eve., r emjnd ed of 11I1at i act, when ?til'S. • muddytag. • t'he piano,' Miss Rebeccit and Ruth A~NUAL PICNJC AT DAYTQN July 6th at' 8:30. Hu sbands of Susan Rudd SayloT in a talk on . 8, Always malke your • Miars an Violin and e110 was so ,"emb~rs are invited. "Me'mo~ie~" spoke of the beginn- • turn without lookin g back. .. h~ghly appreciated that an enThe Dayton Industrial A,thletic FRIENDS-HOME NEWS ing of the Lytle School. Of t'he • You make a cqulaintancCl!! • co I'e was call ed for. She respondA oeiation held its Annual Picfil'St or charter members, 'besides • that way. • d by singin g "The P erfect Day". nic at T r iangle Park. Saturday. Mr. a nd MI' . O. R. Updyke, of herself there were only four 0The remainder of th'e prognm Those from here wh() attended Dayton, Mrs. Emma BIU'nett, Mr. thers present : Matt ie RUd.d Creigh • • • • : _... • • • • was give n over to impromptu talg~ by fOI'mer teachers and pupils, Mr. and Mlrs. Charles Andet'8on, E. V. Barnt-,..t, Mr. .and Mrs. Stan tOll, N et.ti e Hoogh Emerick, Mi86 DoloTcs Clark, Dorls Davis, .ey Leba non'dM'r· ahnd Ml'Sf' mil Beam Ldace y , SmIth. Ml'S, Etta Keys Sellers of Lt>b Rosemary Bentley, Miss Helen Chester Vllatoe and aug ters, 0 Teachers an pUpl S W 0 "ave pasanon who taught in the old build. King, of Cincinnllti, , Ohio, Dayton, Mrs . Charles Cain, Mrs. sed away in later years in ';"118 n very welcom e spaaker, L aWTence Davis, Char1es DaVIS, Geo. Leegaben, Dayton , R. C. Todd Leslie Car\?y, Frank MorrIS, Glenn I~ g , and Paul Lindenmood. Middletown, were guests at the , John~, Clara Kenrick, Harry HamTh F I'd Seda n ot' Mr carll H. B. Reeves of RlcNhm onvd~ Ind, o • H ame, S un d a y . . -It o Mary Lee II. Terrell, ewilmilenna, FORMER DRUG 'CLERK lon , L VCy.B urne tt Dyke , Reba Frye e was stolen from . hi s garage Ohio Hawkinsofof W ngto n , VISIT Cl ' HE·R E A ' WHJLEMI·s. Lena Hartsock, 10 compan y Earnhart He Itz. t'm last ni"'ht 'rhe lose was ' ' D yt lI" • h h M D H tso k . , . , om I ..' • , ' Ohi o Ne d H arlan, of a on, ---- - , It er. son, r. on ar c i Mr. WIlh am Hunt gave an Jll- discov~red abo ut 6 :,30 o'clock, Ohio' were among the leading Prof Josepb Drake of Ann HaT- nnd famIly wer guests, Sunday. teresting talk on whnt changes Thursday morning Mr Joy wus ' • · . he, ' .In turn, speakers. bar, Michigan, en route to S prmg0f Mn. H ar.."oe k' s b1'0 th er, Mr . "I had tak n place as t h e years h a~e notifi~d at once and , boro, called on bis friend, W. H.;. and , Mrs. S~aey Burnett, of Cen- gone by both in our mode o~ hv- reported to the State Highway PaBeSIdes Mrs: Sellers, other ,teaAlIel! Monday eveaing. ProfeMOr te'l'Vllle, OhlO. I ing and in sc1l001 work. He flnlah- trol at Wilmington and the War. chers Who wei ~ present were . yeai'll al'O. clerked in the J. Miss Henretta MX: Kinaey ac- I ed by sayfng "we wonoder what Ten' County Sheriff's The Mr. Rena S.ewel!, of Co. E. Janney DrUl'. Store. \ companied Misa Jeea Olark to De- next." officers immediately went on /I. I\lm bus, the fIrst. p~nnary teac~~r RECEIVE DiPLoMiiFioM troit for the week-end. h'" Mr, Elmu9 J, Oa.rm;Ony in his , hunt for the theives, nnd 'no doubt I ~! t~~.re~c~t ;~l~l~gR~~~~ ~olSINES' 5 COLLEGE . Mis, Ruth Harvey WIUI o ... e ov- usual· happy manner, afte: .. few \ theiT aervice will soon 10· of Ohio, BU , er Sunday. k d ML- jokes, gave a very graphiC word cate the mlsslng car. 1M g E R of the Tacoma, W _.eU Fran Mra. Lena ,P ..naoc an X I I . . tur-e of a trip taken by himself 'I --- - - ---ary . e , Margaret Hadley of LYtle, called her thTO h the LOCALS ' Washington, sC'hooLs, Eva Mc 'France. EUiI. aJ1\lu& e. theU:zalea, Don Osborne is seveTill , Kinley Meranda, Moscow, Ohio cell Elliott, Genevieve Stepbenl o.n Mrs. Andrew' Shawltan ( nee I hI' wife and 'Sprlns Valley; and Vlrcinla Brad- Emma Barvey ) in Da.yton on Fri- : b lie. and cypress days with the Carl Mc Clure fam- Eva Davis Burnett and Raymon d IItrect, of Oen~rvIne, were memo day ' g a r d e m a , magnl°vidl' ictured a s I ily at DaYton, Ohio, I Braddo.ck, of Waynesville. bera of a large gro.u,p o.f ~ami-' • gar ena <Were v y p " I M d Mrs F H Miltenber. fl . Jacoba College, Dayton, students FiNED 1,5' well &s llvih'g conditions in dilfer- , gel' ~a;n a s their ~\W~ts, Sunday, I Durin~ the ~rogr~m I \ a~ w~, to' receive diplomas at the gradu, ,ent sectioM and many places of 1M ' d Mrs Ed. lMilte11berger, pr~sente to t e 5 C?0 Y e . John F. Parker, Sandusky, OhIO 'n ational interest. He ~ade us bet;. r. and M'r . Willard Miltenber- of A. Lodge, of Xe~la,. wlhlch w.as fttion exereisea. TU4!lIday epening, WIllI fined $16 and costa by Squire tet' satisfied with our "Beautiful , Mr. an s'G ' M ' ta . ncce . ted by the Prmclpal, Jam es June 29, 1937. '. Obi P d b gel' and Mr eorge ormngs 1', B p The Commencement addrel8 Littell, . at Lebanon, o. . ar- Ohio" When he mentlonne t e an 'of Eato~ Ohio; Mr. and MrR, eam. __ ••_ _ __ was d'elipered by Hon., Burton R . ker was arrested near WayneSVIlle, absence of blue grass, C C A chdeacon and children of : , Wheeler, United State I Senator Sunday, by State Highway ~at.rolAll felt a ;Lytle Schoot reunQon D'ayton r Ohio and Mr., and Mrs. from Montana. man, D. H. R~a, of the Wllmmg- would not be complete without a M: C. Mi1tenb~rger. ' I •
'landhJo~1 ~re:
p~c :U~~es ~f sou~h. ~he
JIu stapeoD of Lehaoa II ~ . . . . . . . . .ta, Mn. ..... ...., J)oMa
tO,n sub·statlon. The charge made by RU88 wes that Parker forced him off the road by ~utting his t'<k tru on a curve. Mr. John Ifc":-delland, Intendent of the DaYton Coca Cola Co: and Ill'. aJld Mrs. Sidney Ten Eytk ,,",re Sunday avenine cuesta at the home of Mr. and lira. Geo. J. Waterhouse. Ill'. alld Jlra. Wilbur Clark ....nt SUllda), ,with 1Ir••Dd 11m. Vkl'll-Yoa. . at I.e... CTeelc. IIr. ..d 11ft. C. I. Battertbwaite . .4 .... WeN Ihoppem I. ClDclDIIMI, .0....,..
I'I~ h~adl~a~r
w c~ k s.
Mra; Je.metl JOhM W'U taken removed d quite ill, Friday, an was to Miami Valley hospital, DaYton, t SURdaYi where abe unoerwen a major operation for gall bladder trou ble, Tu.day !DOmine. At tbta time her cOBdition 11 reported aa Jult fall'. Frien. bert) are hopllllr fo.r a IIPMcIy NCOftt'J. . . . . .Jow II _Jilllr at, the home of Ida broth Rarrr .Johali bI. J)artoD.
Franklin Thomas di d at 3 ;00 A. M., Runday at the home of M rs. Anna Hain es, on Third Street. ' Mr. Thomus ~nd bc n very ill for two
DQrn Septemhl'r G, 1842, in hfonl.j!o lll<'l'Y ollnly, he was WayLl'sv ill 's ohl est resident. Frank Thomas Wtls manied t o Sal'ah Se l'viR, whose d eut h occured sev'·l"H.1 y aI's ag o. Five c hild~en sur~iv him, 1\1,'~. Viola Carey, LebmO n. Ohio, Mrs. ora Johns, LyIt'. Oh io , Mrs. Lizzie Hole, Ly'.1(', hio, 'Mrs, Addi e Kenrick, Fery. hill, nnd .T sse Th omas, Way1 ~" ill \" , Oh io. Fu neral Ilervices ,."e re held Tu esday, 2 :00 P. M. The wedding of Mi ss Lnurn It th e Sl ll h h ~ Fun rnl Home. Rev. Mae lIan, ell and Mr, 'rhoma!l Eu- fl ib I't ill cha rg<" with burinl in ~e ne Stan b ny wus b autifuly Miami em ete ,·y. ,;o lcmni zed, Saturday evening at ;, :00' o'clock in th Trinity hUl'eh at Xenin , Ohio, with Rev, cmesl el' officiating. The brid c, who is 11 dnughtH of lIfrs. W alte r nderw Olld, W8.'I very attractive in 0,IIW biu Lat c OVCI' blue satin , With Mis. Marie H ende r..on died ma tch ing footw'E!nl' and Halo IIat. la.'<t Tuesdny eve. at her home in ,..; \ Her I ouquct was a s how er Mrsa ge Madi onville, Ohio. The funaral Nov,a Scotia. P rince EJward I sland and tho C " - of l'oses and baby breath f ro, I WIlS held Thursday. Miss HenderPenin&ula. In the upper leCt hand cornllr of tho L. " . The attendants weI' Miss F;v - son wus the gl'ent-gTandnugh ter of a n'o.dfish fisher man is iust launching his }..ltrr.; . : . I aI h ' the ' famous wat.l'1I off C:lPC Breton h i..,{ , : I' Iyn JIlY, of Xenia, and Mr, R P I th<' late KIl>iah Thompson nnd a r1gblt, a Nova S_otia tuna i3 bei,,!! hoi~t(!d on . ' _ BWllstmtel", of WaY Il(!~vi1le. Mi, S Ili Co of J, E. Th ompson , 'fMse ':1h rf ncnr Cheater while the lowcr r '· .p :.1: .. .:; 'Jay wo re navy blu e mou!lseli ne de- Ilttending the funel'Ql from her rug grcJ Atlantic fishcrmen anu c '..:o.J • IILin c, \\ith whit ncce, o l·ies. Miss were: Mr. and Mrs. J . E. Thomping '~ilJages that dot tl:c •.0 ... ell t .le L .. ;':. - .' • .•• Han sell is Il graduate of Xenia son, Mr . Or~iIl GI'ay nnd daugh-
10:~:'c;,I,:~~r : : ; d~:~~:r~n ~:~~ I LYTLE SCHOOL RfUN. : ~o; ~ ~EE~ F~O~ .. rOSe1l, da' GROWING OLD he carried yell o\\" iesT:;dg;:::?:~Sd hjs best man ION HELD LAST SUI. : mo~'iV~watYos ;::~i:~~~ lo~:~
----~TAKEN . ILL
01[0 SU Hl AY
Church, Waynesville, Ohio, th e marringe of Mill MIITY Oze lla Bur- , ton, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Louis J. BUlton. and Mr. Charles ! West.ey Le Mny wcr'e solell\nized \ by Rev. G. C. DibeTt. I • The church was decorated. witl\ large baskets of Madonna Lilies and smaller baskets of Coreops' I '. and lighted yellow candles. The coupl was attended by Mr. and I 'f Mrs. Robert Cleaver, a recen t L bride and groom. FRO M hundrolds of little fishing · vi1Iages along the The Bl"i,de ",'as be.auhtiful in wFlb itl e I' " ' B t n ,d .he w~t co ' aslll 01 C"lUd.l, fi shermen daily 0 1"'0 down to the sea in shipS. T ....eBe fishermen are al lace over satin, Wit crepe Hat. lIer shoM'~r bouqu.et of whIte I ~ ; ictureSQue as t.he viJl:t$cS they live in. Both have rOse buds, white $weat , peas...and I ; r mained utterly u"~"'("le" "Y' t"~ n-:~ Of f! '" Baby's Breath. She later dI vId ed ! civi. i'" lj".1 ,,:nd they ,,:re JIl t bc;:r' n mg to .b.e between h r sister, Mrs. Dorothy • 1..... Ov " .. d . y t. UI •• • ~. es}.l_ .aJ y Loy tho!)c who VISit
ntu rday afternoon, June 27, at 4 :30 o'clock, at the' Methodist
Terrell a nd Miss Mary Eva. May.
"". e have ju ~t r 'vivc d OU I' mnil ill).: li st and , ev(,1'Il1 lIIi s tl\ke~ hn vl occ ul'cd, mu h LO (,lll' lo g-reL. . tnt menl hu v g " n!! out to ~ om (' fl1 lk. ,,'hn Wl're [lllid U f!, To th em w (" ap n\(llcizl', B ul i f you"'(' nev I' made 11 llIi ~ la k , rnu :1, • weI 'uml' to " (nk a , 1',1 'k" al ~ h I'''itor uny I tim p. \V e \\ lI nt yo u 10 I t u~ k llu\\ if n ul' "cco rds nl'e \\'1'(1I1j{. Lo k nt thc lubei. T he datt' tam p<'tl b ; id C' yOlll' Illl ll1e i~. or shoold be, the dllll' to wh i'h your . ubHcripti oll il< (lllhi. If not cm'I' ct. pi ca e let us kll Ow at nncc,
talk iL'om Mrs, Dora Nelson waTd. [ M d 101 I Cha,r1e.s Edwards h remi nde d those who bd been r., an rS ~\ ~e; former pupils, that d&lthoulrb and daughtedr, MafrYMEllen , V:'~se U v h I guests Son ay, 0. r. an d MI~. , CI b they were, now , gran mot ers, Ra ~nd Conner and family. I 4 _ H Good Cut Clothlllg u .... randfatherl, mothers, and father! y ' . ' m met June 24 at the Grange Hall, .. d b t The 60tb anmversary and Ho e .. h d they weTe still girls an oys 0 " l' Ohio I After the Roll call an... t e rea _ net". commgdat NJew B u r at.' ing of the minutes, we decided on Sun ay une 2 7 w Id 1 th Misa Lulu B. Sollers gave an ' t .;. who were that we s1aould take 0 c 0 es entertaining recital of some of the, ~~~ed fr::::O;e; boeavllle, Ohio, Ito the nex~ meeting. It wa~ ~_ childhood poems abe had lea.med, ~ II d MJ1l R bert Collett, nounced that the tour to CInCInand her talk _ 8 ve!'}' much en-, ;~:-~nd rM:. Ho::'rd° ~1'ChdeacOIl, • nati will be in July. Joyed becausl we elJ Imew it was I Mr d lira. Clifford Burnett Light refreahJllenta were I.rved • rare treat for her to lay_utde , ~)', Mr. ad lira. FraBle by Monlnla Boak and Marcelline het' dlplty and her verr Itreft- , 8ncldoe1c, .... aDd Mn. Raymond Petera. The nen meetins ta to n01ll datle. . . head of die pollee \ Braddock. lin. Co.... Rich. and at tbe home ot .Jean Retll, luI, 1, ID Da)'ton. lin. BeIaa tiP. II.
rngtaso~:~ll ftC
• Addie Htai-
. F1emtaf, t
_ _ _-; . . .. -
Dazzling Introductory Spectacle. One of HOlt of New World Ac. c1llim Featurel of Rin .. l~ n .. Brol. and Barnum It Bailey
T1..."" worl"\J ',._ mightiest amuse· .n n t entel'pris on tour th ( . h &. !tingli ng Bros and Barnum 'B ailey combin d circus - WIt It! 1937 lIeven.l'ing-nnd-stage PI'O. 11 ,. . !"am, star studded a!'ld JibeI'll ) interspel'sed with new thl'illen ,' rom E urope and Asia · f atu l"int! _ .lmong its array of lI ew wonderr he most g ne'rous introduc tor~ p cta Ie in its brilliant history inllia, is definitely scheduled t o in Dayton, Thurt;day, July 15 . India is not just another cil'cu s pectaclc. It is not merely a glit_el'ing parade to open the Big ihow porforancc'. I t is th result ,i' a year's planning, 11 really ;taggering eXll en di tu re and much I'csearc" on t he part of Sa m W. ",um pertz, gener 1 managel" of r he Greatest on Earth, ost y fabrics wel'c put'chnsod in car load lots. 0101' :,chclll s blend in ovcl y pel'spective g, Ev eryone of lhc two thoullu.ncl people and ani'lals taking part wears a small (ortune on his or her bac k. All lave toweri ng headdr s 'es of ex\ui..~i\-e beaut.y. On.!? grC)u p of 170 10 l'ses, with gil'l riders, is like nof 'd :fOI' the hing ever. bcore 0fl ere, 101' 8, wearin~ m.edieval bejew elk i I t I'y gor 'd blan eis 0 ve ve , car _ "cous canopics over the girls' ' ds. I n d:i a 1.'> ' a to \"ren t of color Ilea lIld fla hing jewels, fl()wing over ,he hippodrome track and the sev.! n rings and stages. It is tne last ~'Ord in pageantry, The Ringling Bros and Barn u.m 1 Bailey combined circus will ar'ive on lour long trains of 100 louble-Iength steel railroad cars, -arrying 1600 ' people, 1000 men19,e rie animals, 7 herds of ele,hanta and 700 hoI'. es. • __ - - ;>ERSONAL NE'V OF C NTEREST TO HOME 'FOLK-
llIE[K n [ Al CHAUTAUQUA The pel'so nal uppearancc of E. Howal'd Cad le, famed evangelist nd pasto r of th e Cad I Tabernacle at Indianapo\" , at the sp ~cial pre-confer nce 1'ally on Sunday Ilfternoon, J uiy 11th, Ilt the MiIm i hautauqua grounds, near Franklin, ' Ohio" is expected to ateract a large local c rowd from t his 'ommunity. It marks the 'Prelude o th e fOUl-th annual natio,nal con~el" e nce of th e Christian Action . ~ ru s ade which will be heM at the ."hautauQua grounds, July 12 to l8, inc lu Iv , Th e crusade wn.s started fou l' yeal'!! ago by Dr. James De, Forst Murch, Litel'ary Editor of Uta =>tandard Publishing Company of ~inci nn ati, publishers of religiou!! lo oks and p riodicals. Its' purpose, 'ccol'ding t o him , is '.'to r~gener Lte the model'n e'hul'ch and in!rease the Kingdom of God." It; s without ofne el's a nd formal trga nization. It is financed by volmtary contributio n. Its - phillophy is s pread hy word of mouth md literature.
N-=E'O":" W~ B:oi!-JRLiNG-::T-O-:-N:-
The r egular monthly me eting ~f he Ladies' Aid- Society of the M. ~. Church met in the churc'h parors on Thursday P. M. Following t he busin ess session, d TS, I. N. Peterson, ·pl'ogram di'ector, furnished interesti ng enCTtainme nt. Mrs. .curry's section served for tessert, Cherry pie a la mode. Supt. C. W. Lane, 'W~le and laughters are visiting Mr. Lane'! elatives in Iowa, A barn on the property Qwned y Chas. Shepherd and occupied by .iva Dawean and family, burned ' 0 tihe ground on Monday. Mrs. Louise Lemar, w'lio lIufferd a severe attack of Gall Stones ,Jn 'l1hursday is still confined to !a CT home by illoess. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Harry :losier, June 29, a son. Mr. and 'Mrs. J. E .Frazier, Mr. -P....E-R-:-::S""O....N~·naR-A-p-H - SIOd Mrs. Ralph Linn and da ughtel IOd Mrs. SadiE: Connor spent Sun- , Mrs. H. 'V. Walter, of Lebanon, ,lay at Midland, the g L!r~t. of Mr is visiting hel'e sister, Mrs. D, L. l'nd Mrs . J.o"rank Frazier. Crane. MI'. (lnd Mrs; Virg il Wilkerson E . C. Crane and family ' and :ntcrtained at unday dinner, Mr. Miss Sarah Ann Miller are spendInd MI's. Wilbul"t Mc Ga la, a.nd ing this week on L.n ke El'i.>. near 'on, Mr. and Mrs, l<' arri s Vennil1ion~ Ohio. Mr, and Mn. Ray Meinou8 and son, Donald, and Mr. and M'I1. ~o her home Robert P~ters attended the cbureh Hospital. wedding at the Fint Mt¢'hodlat Church In New Castle, Ind., SUllMrs. Olli e Davi.3. Mrs. 3eek. Mrs. Mable Davill' were day. The bTide belli&' a niece o.f '( enia, Thursday. Hr. Mainoua. Mrs. Rober,t Wern'tz and ".'"..'.... lira. Ada Bu.... entertahaed er, Lead" of Dayto.n, were :ler card t:lab lut TlwradaJ att.'nd gue~ts of Mr. and Mn. noon. Eva lie IlWIaB. Hurfet ... rlnney. ~iI1ian. Latba Burp, . . . . . . . . Mr. and Mn. Elmer Lamb mo- dock, Ada Smlt.tt, . . . . ored to. KentucQ. Saturday, and .tuned ho.... oa4Q. AtIctie .IIW.....
A.... ........ ..... WI".
(,f the culnmunity. .Irs• • >culin.· Rl·ynoltl~ Walkl'f :'111 It'r Hullu" n,,/!un ha 1""llIn(1 hu . hllnd; of Jallw.l()\\II, ~II· t lIt'l11'l1 til hi~ hUIll\.' Ilft .. r t0t7;:"k'· on 11'1,'11(1.- h l'rl! un 'u nda)" _ "i.-it with hi 1<1 unJpllrcnt", (het aftt' l·'Wt)II. TUl'ners, at N('w 1311r1iIlKLQn. Mi .. Edith . ~a y Brut) i- 'pen dilll( 1\ few weeks with hel' family of ambridg,,, Ohio. Mrs. Ulli Rea 'u n IIttended [I urprisc On ~fIo. lind Mrll. I'. L. Rca~on la~ t 'at\ll'uay evening-, It bl>ing Mr. and '1n~. \{c:r~on' l' I.y nty f ifth wedding linniverSUI"Y.
You Think About I Ent red
(~. z..ttt' invlt,·s jj,; -ary tax <I we ha\(' p.tIi,l (' thi n,'p>l' Lm('nt to ~al i 1t'.1 r(lbbl'rs i n 0\11'
()NCRr~TE h.'I1· (lwn VI (' \\ >! nn lI,ut- dc. ahout nim'ty ,hillion Air Sc."l Burial V .ult tprR of gen!'ra l Int(' r,'~t. wurth of trll.!e \\Ith onl)' ub(lul _ _ fivI' hilli(ln dollll~, nll n bu"ket FlJr Sale Only lly THE GOLD AND SILVE R IIf lintel" rumJluns ttl th am(lunt YOUR FUNERAL DIRECTOR llf \~lIlei' in the AtJlJntie cell n.' STANDA RD McCLURE FUNERAL HOM ( By J (I~ hll ll 11111'\,(')' ) This Kre al lack of Rl(ln ('y fOI' Il 1.50, Yea' e 7 Waynenille,O ( (. ntinu ed fr ()tll I ~.· t we k tnt' llium of ex ,tlU n ~(> o f !:lIe pl'OW t' du not thi nk of baRhHl post- clucts of labor j~ PlUllu ed, by our "/: ' sta mp" .11 J{old H I1II "ilv !'r but fnludulcnt 1ll 0n~l,lI Y sys tem nn thl' am oun l n ~ I~d, f or t he ex- n gold find siln >r bas i f ( lt" pap r ,h ang.. or cll mll1ullicntion and par- mon y, Who will date i?UY I;hat live c I!'\. (I dwng { (I I" the po ~trnas- billion dollars i en ugh to P\f.y th lel" t o s pe c' olnt~ 0 11 pos tag starnp.~ wealth produ oers for nitlety bilIf P o t Ofn c £\ W I' run like lion dollar!! worth of commodi'40TARY PUBLIC hanK!', lhen no Oll e cou,l u ~tart tie ~ . No \\onder that sO many IaPhone 78J National B_k n ]Iosl offic(' un t il he ha d d - boring people are .. tarving in the 10 Year posited a Muin a mo unt of gold fal~ of a plenty" while the rich Will, DraW1l • • Eat.tea S.ttl..." ED ITORI AL :Ind !'i lYl'r 01' both in the live in luxury. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Firat Mtg. FOR S ALE I Nancy Hall, Porto I F()II ~. p a c " 1th all m"n . Iln tl holin('.<. , ",ith(111 t r " su ' y fo r thnt -< arne om unl. in ( Conti nu.ed Next Week) ~ Rica, and YelloW' J r y sweet ' Farm Loans w:hi"h no mnn hnll s('e t hl' Lm d. - H chr<'ws 12: 1 I. tnmll,' "'h i h w \lId make lh em ___ - - - potato pl8n~ 40cts. pcrhu n- ' mut>h tl'O, CIIl"l' C and hi h priHARVEYSBURG, dred, and 011 kinds of garden Regardles of th tr IHI lowa rd pil l rnnli ~m hr thi~ ed und 1\\ ou ld giV{> th owner, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Coli tt and plants, 10c per dozen, or 3 government th"ift will still co nlin u(' to lit, m Ol or Ie!'.' of who wo ulu he th l! p stmas ter, i n - Mrs. Sud ie Rea. on wel'e c:alling in dozen 25cts, Frank LeMay~ Solicitor 1\ v irtue, and th e f.'ff rt of IJll ch individual t o Illonel . J or 1 1. 2 miles north on Waynesstl!acl of the g v e rnm~n t n chaRCe Waynesville on ThuTsday evening. ' tli. ()wn rainy dllY wil l cunt inlle ttl be l"<,gu l'd d Us a " or· 61R2 Waynesvil le 7 to f;.)lcc ulllt on th m . . Then' of Mr. and Mrs. E. B, Dakin enville and F er ry Road. t.hy endeavor. 'o urse, compl aint would b l'aised tertained Mr. and Mrs. W . W . abo ut t he I'carci :y so hnrd to get Welch, Mr. Allie Dakin and trouse Brothers, R. FOR RAL E. - On fram e R. ~nrnge, Wallis Warfi Id was d('ni('d the titl(' of " Her Royal all we n d a lld 50metim E!@ impos.. irie1ld of Lebanon at dinner, 1. t cJu ,'~ condition, si<le Bighn e ." Tne loss, th ough dl!'AAPOlnti ng, a fter all a ~ible to .get llny. Th l'Ipecul.atiog Friday. 12 x 15. OM new corn l'l'ib, ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN mount to but HUI £'. 'nh e thing that ('oun t mo. t in l ife Miss Phyllis Snidaker WII an ),our Cattle, bogs, sheep and cal ves post mastel" r<~l)ly would inval"i ~ize 16 x 40. n e fram e IlflA'r nil i8 said and clone-, is hap pin!!. and conte nt. The ably be "Don't you ever fret a- overnight guest of Esther Luken, to Norris·Brock CI.., live wire and bu ild ing 10 x 60 x 8, 1st people- ho go title mad and III nc y mod sclu om achiev bout the C'1lTi'ity of th em, for of Waynesvillc, Thursday night. progressive tlrll1 l 'lr the highest cill. s ('o ndition. content or happiness b£'cll u e of th eir Litle or til i,r ~hey must b bns d on gold and , Mal'y Lou and Ernest Moore and market prices and good semce. ValoD Stock Yard.' Cincinnati, O. TIlE ROXANNA ANNINC wenlth. s ilver so t h y will be ' sou nd and Laura Ellen Shidaker are victims Tune in on Rad 0 Station WCKY 0 ., W(lyn p,-vUl e, be VI rth more t han the paper of the lUca.s.les. 12 :2~ to 12 :80 p. m. for .,ur daily Ph one' 1l!l-R.21 While not much i. being ;;Bid about it yet. both mathey are pl'inted on an e! float anyMrs. Herbert Can and son, market reports. Jor pnrty orguni zntions are casting abou~ {OT a leader where in ·l h woo rld." The reply to William, have- returned f rom a d~- -;=:==~::;:=~=~::;:;;:::::;::~=:;::==~:;:;=~==::!::=; for the n('xt nati onal ca mpaign. t hat fro m the people would or lig:htfu l mollor tl'ip througlh ttJe .~ shou ld be "Away with s uch II eallt. Traffic deaths \\' r 25 p r cent higher for -t h e fi~ fraud, what we need is a po tal M.t', Anna Randall !lnd Miss • • three months thia yeRl' than they were the oonesponding ystem like we now have 'where Helen lett Friday mor-ning for three month s 1.0 t ye r. 0 f r the pI adings of th ' fwe can get all th e stamps We need hville Tennessee, for a vi it Life Insurance hall uscs other than merc ety promoters and th publicit.y given in the pre bas any time we ne d th~m after pay- with Edwin Randall and Ir. and provision against death had no effect when it cOll!es to reducing the accident t oing a reasonable pri"e fol' lbemMr. Ernest Collier, tal. Any reduction that may ha,ve been accompli shed ' has Dr. arrd Mr:e. W , E. Frost and It gj.laranteea: gold ba is, s liver ba is, w und ba.'!. Incomea to loved ones been off set by the fact that cars are being built for i, world-floating or · what not, ·soo, Maynard, attended the fifEducation for youngsters gr ter speed whic h has had its effect in producing more Yes and we mig'ht be to,ld by t he tieth annivel'llary 01 the New BUl"Income in old age accridents. Two remedies suggest themselves; t.1le perms peoolating postma~ ter at times, lington school. anent revocation of Iicensell of careless drivers, and a "We cannot let anymore stamp Mrs. L. E . Hookett and doughIt promotes: limitation of the spe-ed a.t Wlhieh cars may be made to out untll the London onference tet', Miss Ruth, of W ay nesville, Peace of Mind operate by means of governors on the engines. goes off or until Russia has anoth- spent Thursday evening with Mrs. Happirieaa er confereoc6 with Wall Street or adle Reason, Half of the insurance businesa la.t year was Annuitie~. until that ompany of eight hundMr. Robert Leonard, wh n was Anoth er difference bebw!l!en this countl"}' and' Ge rI'ed rich men meet again in Chi. el'iously hurt in an bile many, Russia, .and Italy is that over here one can have Have you considered one. " .,n r ecago then we will know to a gnat's WTeck a we ek ago, ha any kind of politics he chooses, but in tb se otb.er counPhone Lebanon 136 ye winker where we stand. moved to hi.s home from Hale's tri to' have the wrong kind of poli tics Is an invitation Carmen H. Garza Blair Brothers Building Farmers, factory men and oJl ho pital and i recovering nicely. to "h firing squad. Maslachusetts Mutual Life Ina. Co. wealth produ era, li sten I Weare Several of , our y oung" people After oJl the property owner i8 the most defens&t he ones wWlo, al'e fUl·ninshing. the attended a birthday patty on last less peNlon in this wunlry. Ea.ch y or r gardle of wh en cessarics, of life for all the peo- Friday night at the home of Mias pIe, even the ri(lh who know Il ot Lois Lomb of n ear W ayn ~vi1le, ther he derives any income from the property he must ",-hat work is, and w al'e furnish- in honor of her niece, Miss Lois pay a stipulated amoun t of taxes. Tnose who own no proing the main part of the taxes Gillam. ' perty on w'hleh to pay taxes may as oiten as they choo e, with " fhich to ru n the government. vote additionoJ tax-es agai nst his property. If h e paints Today'. Blllleat W•• h r Value. Mumps, Whooping ,Cough, a.nd The di'rect taxes a r e large enough Gl luning white and easy to or improves his property and! adds to the appearance of !\t(>asles have made thdr appear.' cl 1101\, Out tanding In appearbut they compare in amou nt with. the town his taxes a re correspondingly raised. A tax on ane , con. tmetlon arid performREFRIGERATORS once in this village, m l~ch to th e t he dark hid rlert indirect u nn esproperty is a tax on thrift, The tu should be on the ' ance. Pro" d worthwhilCl sorrow a n disgust of the children teattlrH and ,reater wlUihlng WASHERS spendthrift, capacity at an almost unbelievably low price. De .tlre to aeCl IRONERS Before a jury of farm women, shooting a. chick en them todlloY. '- thief is always "justifiable homicide." FANS (' 'PI'C<'S
F. T. Martin Auctioneer
Or No Charge
Centerville, Ohio
2 1iiij~~~i:==ii
General Electric Home Appliances
A neighboring editor, who has tIu'e e of them, in the family, says that girls used to fa.int at t'he sight of a mous&. They don't do that any more this editor says. The thing that makes them faillt nOlW' is a pile of dirty dish-
cs. Some place we read, " What the small towlJ'l lacks is leadership." We do not ~ee lWith this writer. In our opinion the small tOown Ilas .as much leadership in pr oportion to the popula.tion as does the big city. The- thing that t he aver-age small town often does not have, hoW'ever, is die inclination and willingness to follow the lead>ership it d'Oes have. There is too muCib individualism an.d Ii't tle planniog. The t'o mununity in t ead of getting back ' of a single project scatter s its reso urces on several. As a result It docs n ot m ake the progress it otherwise pwx>uld. Any small toVl"tl that I~ys out a single program and cancentrates its r esources upon it can accomplish results. The same energy a.nd resourc(' scattered em a number of Projects will not make , ~ showing. In ev ery town is to be found a J'lllan who in good times and bail is ke pt busy. During t he last three years while many oth.ers were f O:rced to return to r elief f or sustenance hie has n ever found it necessary. H e has built a rep utation for thOI·oughnes.s, dependability and reliability that crauses thos.e d esit'ing work done to seek him out. ' As lWe look pver a ll this host of extra taxes we are calJE:d upon to pay it begins to look as though it would take more than "Pennies From H~aven" tp make both ends meet.
Man al'ways pays for his greed and ignorance. When the United States was s.ettled it pOSlJe.s.s.ed all of the natural resources that any poople might ever n eed!. One by one the resources of the country havebeen commeTcialized and e xploited. A notable example ios the soil on many forms in the agricultural sections. It ihas been mjned and t.he fertility exhausted by imp'r oper handling and by wind and water erosion until in ma.ny sections it will not pay expenses of operation. Befo re It can properly be operated the fertility must be restored. Another example equally notable has to do with the forests of the country. We have permitted them to be ruthlessly destt'Oyed and haVe pai.dJ little attention , to reiorestation. We are paying for it n(jW\and will continue to pay f or it for years to c()me. ThiR country bUys from Canada e ac~ year print paper to lhe amount of ,170,000,000. By our carele>ssness and tho~ghtles!; practice we have plaeed ourselves .at the mercy of Canada in the matter of print paper. A radical increase in price is predicted next yeaT and paper users in thi.s country are he lpless to prevent it. By failing to protect ourselves by reforestation and thus conserve this Important reJlourse IWle hav e placed the newspa.per indus· . tr')' at the meTey of foreign corporation .. The unfortUnate feature of it Is that _ will learn nothing by t his exAIIIP~ but will continue 0fI our wuteful, profllpte way uW forced b)' economic circumataDces to cIIaIaIe out'
Radio Tubea -
Real Estate - Insurance Bring Ua Your Rea l Eatate and Inlurance Problema An)' information aa to coverage and complete coat I . given without obligation. Better be lure. WAYNESVILLE, OHI9
Radio Repair Service
Moat Complete Radio Repa ir Shop in Southern Ohio Auto Ra~iioa 'S old and Serviced
$54.96. R. D. Collett
Several Good Uied Radiol $5 t up Radios Sold on Easy Payment Plan
Gustin Radio Service Phone 99 R 2 Waynelville, "Ohio
,Bring your poultry disease problEms to
Feed Lemmons Starter & Grower Mixed Exclusively for-
Lemmon·s hatcherl" Harvevsburg
Buy' your baby chic~~ from Lemmons' Hatchery And ass ure yourself of high q uality, master bred Chicks. "You Must Be Pleased" is the Hatch ery motto and every means is take n to see t hat you are pleased with your purchase. ' The all-electric equipment used is t he best .md most economical money can buy.
A ll parent f locks are blood tested by the t ulle agg1u tination method: Visitors welcome. No Sunday bUllness, Order Now.
Let'. Make yo.... Summer Uvlng
, tlme,' 11-••ped.By economIcal nOw ~ 01 .,h. extremely low COlt of buildlnv mefet;j'"
nell.bot. W.'t you I.t· us hII you how IIttf. It fAmfortable wRl cost to tum your porCh nto . delightU tumm. IMn\ room which will p.y you elM~e bow. thet His lIut to I"'PO"''''. . . . . .vwy ot summer .....fng • •• • Lac. to .... • porch In summer ·. fter clerk without MIW .......piftCJ porch. bein, en unwillng holt to .. the IfIMCfI within ~ the whole COlt CIUIoHv Mel m'" you wi be und.,. no oWigetion of ~ .......
W." ...
~ ~t~.....
1\1 Lippincott WIll l.irr'Jn; ott rtfi'. and.1o \\'Illttl ~hcl·han la"t ~el.'k. I . urlt "II \ kllt·oj In l"illcilllilli lint! ' 'M r!!. A lil'l' BTitain i" ~1ll'ndinK. her vacation wilh Mr. and Mrs. lIltullua. SUIHluy. Mr. and Mr>'.
vi~itcti MI'.
Ll'W ~liLIJ.' one dar
Waltrr H. 11 1'Hlf!r has filed uit linlon D. ol'~ III, "ho ,lied o mli1 lin pll'a court here \\hile ~Hvi ng II c ceulol' (lit tho THIS SPACE CONTRIBUTED BY against David Sp.aet~ asking the e~tale, Beckett furnished bont! , uppointlll nt of a rece iver in tm of 12,000. . . .. ........ allcl!. ' d al'!I'umenL over a $1500 H ar Inv.e ntoryWhl'lll croJl. Hearing on th e inv l' n toril~s In his pe\Jtiol1, Bendel' alleged the inventory in th Albel t thot ~pneth, on March 1. 1935, eidt estate will To be used in advertising Church, Lodge, socia ls or look pO$Session of property 8S a I Ju ly 15. sales with no cost to organizations. t riant, who was to farm the farm ' Will Hearin, Just phone youl'adv rtisement to this office and Oil a 50-50 basis. fa Contin" edsay "Insert t h is ad in "Caps" space for ........... .In the meantime, a $1600 ,Heal'ing on the lIilI of the late ...... organization." \ h t. crOll ha been grown on ap- Albert L. Price ha s bl'cn contillproximlltely 66 ocr s. B nder ued to July 15. Tri-Stn t lu b, Fcl'fY nnd W3~'Chlll'gCr; Spaeth with refu siJlg' t o Inven tor y H earinencsvillc hurches of hl'u t will cut Ih wheat or to allow thc Hearing on thl' invcnt l'y hoM Icc- roam SUPJlCI', Ju ly 10th, ngents or the former to nter the the Ed. L. H ough (':;tatl' j", sd at Ferr'y ChuJ'Ch. Pu blic invited. premises. Be.nd r cont€'ndll th e- July 8. Th villittll's will bo cntrrtain d by e nlire crop i:! be ing entiangered O lce Invent4rio.slh Wayn l'sville School Band. by n ot being h1l1'Vested. B c ndel' Judg at· y hu.· aprr vl' d illf r ~ he will lose his shuI' , valued ventories suhmitted by fiduciaric: at. $760, if Lhc rwh at is not cut· in the estates of Annu · J. ' tlll'g , uccorcling to his petition. A . re- lind J. Lester 'Mu lford. r - - - - -I c iv 1', em poweTcd to tak A ccoun t. F iI.,dthc wh at \'rOP and supcrvi Tb l' following lit ounLS hav~ hnrvcsting is a ked. b en Iii d: :fir t and final, Rich 'pa th, the de! ndant, has filed ard M. Fmnz, xeculol' of thl · WE PAY a dentUI')'cl' La Bender 's petition atnl'Yn E . Franz eslate; suppl edeclaring Loot th e cQurt has n o m l1tnl nnll final, Frank StArkey, juri. diction in thc case. admini tratol' of lhc Eli r . Stark D on Not Know ey tatc and fi,,,, t an d fina l 0 1 HOGS, h' p ~\I\d Sma.ll Animalf\ W ,he t-e W if e 10Gc rg p. OaL€s Hdmini~trntor dl ' REMOVED FRBE OF HARGE D.aJlaB P. Hall has filed sui t for bonis n n of the 'al'l'ic '. Vai I ] rompt Service ) . an True k s divorce agai n t Lul Hull, con- estate. t nd, in his Jl tilion, filed by Rob( Conti nu ed on la8t p~l~' ,) crt W. Brown, L banon, that she ":.~=== ha beenab 'cnt sincc ' 1926. The NOTI CE OF P UBLIC HEARING coupl(! wa. married in Sept mber, 19 16. Oro n g lect and willful On The W ayne Town.hip Rural S cllool D i.tr'ic:t Blldaelt .b.sence is the Li •.lrg:!. HARV . YSBURG, HI Forced To L iVe Phone Wilmington 2373 Waynesville 42R3 Noticoe is hl'Tl'hy Il'ivcn that on On Ch.a r ityCft)) us at our expense the 5th d'a y of J uly, 19 37, at 8 o'Jaill1ing thnl sbe was forced clock P. ' _, a. publi' hearing all TRY OUR FEE] INC TANKAGE ' . a live on the charity of her the Budget prepared by the Board ====;,:;==================;;::;;;:=~ fri ntis, .Tl!tn Virginia Delver, 18, of Edu tion of the Wayn c Town ms filcd s uit for a divorce from ship Rural School Distri('(. uf Waronalt! Delver. The action was fil ren Cou nt)t, Ohio, for the next fi~- . ,'d by the ·plaintiff 's mother cal year ending Dec mber 31st, Ml·S. Estella Pcacock. Charging 1938. _ 1-""'053 neglect. The plaintiff conSuch hearing will be l\eld at the tends Delver fa Had to provid her offi e of t'he Board of Educ~ation, with the nec ssities of life. Sbe High Sohool building. also k the restoration of .her F. B. Hcnderso'1, It mat.t 't'~ not what price funcral may b e select 'd-and w~ mllidcn name. Robert W. Brown Clerk. is her attorncy. .o(fcf services tQ ml'ct any need-nothing is Icft undone that NOTICE OF PUBLIC H E ARING $ 24, 318 Action ON THE ANNUAL BUIDGET will leave ' with the family n b eautifu l and con' oling memory of I. Di. m iueduit for th.e recovery of $24,Notice is hereby given that on t he loved one. That iA tlre mis ion of this institution- one whic.b <:178, filed l"eb. 8, 1986, by ChaTtes th e 6th day of July, 1937, am eight G. rav.oford at"ainst Lett & Co., o'clock P. M. heal1ng on thEl Budwc have performed fnithfu\)y for many y ars. Ol1~ fun ol'a l hom~ ha been dismi ed. get Pl' pared by the Wayne TownIs a lways open for public insp ction. Case D im i.aed ship Tru tees of Wanen County, The case of Albert F. Miller OhiO, for the next succeedilog fisagainst Helen I. Earnhal·t, as cal year nding Deccmb r lI1, 19e.xccutrix of the J ohn H. Bean 38. csta I.e, 'bas bee'll dismi ed. The Su h hearing will be hcld at . Waynesville PhODe 7 suit, a.- king $3000, -was filed June the Township Hous , Waynesvill 17, 193G. Ohio. P en ce Will L . H. Gordon, Held VaJidOlerk of Wayne Town ship M The will of FI nn k A. Pence, of NOTICE OF APPOINTMJENT ncar Waynesville, has been .dieelared vaJid by a. common pleas Notice i hereby given that Norcourt jury. ah Hougb, whOse Pc>st Offioo adPROBATE COURT dress ' is Waynesville, Ohio, has Ac co~nt Filecl- : bee n duly appoin ted .as ex,e cutrix The fir t and fi nal acco ~nt of of the Estate of Ed. L. Hough late Mal'y P. a ey, .administrab·ix of of Warren COllnty, O hio, deceasthe J e W. Cany estate, has ed. b en iii d. Dated this 18th day of June, 19-
jfuneral 1!}ome
Simplest Cold-Making Mechanism Ever Built! Keeps Food Safer,Fresher,Longer
-Yet Slashes Current Cost to the Bone! Come in. See th Proof I • Righ t in o ut store, you'U see an. accurate electric meter test PROVB thllt Frigidll4'e', exclusiv(' cold· making unit-the Meter -Mise.r-does SUPER·OUTY on a mere lri kJe of electricity ,., even during "dog days" when many refrigerutors either ' fail to keep safe tcmperatures, or shoot operating cost.. skyward. Avoid d isappoin tment ' Defore you buy any tefrigcrato~. see this Proo f of the "Super ·/, Duty" Frigidaire's Greater Save-Ability.
---- Dead Stock
3.00 to $5.00 for Horses $2.. 00 t $3 00 for Cows
Pay I. F ixed--
ompen ation for legal servi'c es C. Donald Dilatush, Atty. to P. M.. Turncr of t he Lydia Ralph H. Carey, Ju dge eDf ProJane Caudill estate, Ihas bcen fixbate Court, Wa:rl'j) n County, Ohio ,Il by th court.. ( ' U N Ttl AOTo n s S'I'A'I'1ll ( iii' Q IIIO [tE l' "TillE '1' . 01' HI(;" '" A"
Co mpen.ation 1. 0ke hed-
Attorn y's comy>e.nsation in the lrustees hip of t he heirs of ftI late Ehlridg PoPe, has bcen a1~
I .." entory
$95.00 . $95.00
31 BUICK SEDAN .$195.00• 33 CHEVROLET .COACH $295.0Q 340LDSCOACH 5475.00 ' 350LDS6COUPE $545'.00 . 35 (HEV: TOWN SEDAN 5495.00 36 CHEVROLET SP' SEDS595.00 36 CHEV~ TOWN SEDAN $595.00 33 OLDSSEDAN $375.00 36 FORD Sf. SEDAN $565.00 Also PI.aty of Gqod UHd Truck Valu••
C nla ... hu., O.I\), Jun" 10, ..,a ~ I.,rk of Sal ... L"l!Ial (lopll' :rvo.
6- Y"fJr Prote<;tfon PIa" on 1M .=/<:,4- 1" """"'anUm. /Jullt a nd IHU!Ilea ",. General M o tor.,
olumbu~. ~[.. En8t-
Distnbu,' ; on of the proceeds arising from the ale of property belonging to' "th~ Orrin M. L¥ons ' estate has be en authorized, .File. Accouat-
Jo hn Skinner , g uardian f ol' Mildred S\Pnner, a minor, has f iled his first and final account. Son.l..... it Sc.hwuta E.,..t _ H ' sons are beneficia.ries u nder t he wm of Char les J . ·~chwa rtz, L~ banon grocery owner, Wh o di e(f recently. . The will decrecs that Everet t L~ Schwartz and t.hc widow, inherit .the groce r y stoTe on Broadway. Since tbe widow di ed some t.ime ago', est.ate is valued. at a,pproxmat-ely $7,800. H. E. Warick, J. A. Schilling and Ha)'1!l Keever are named appnlsen. The s on, Everett, is the executor of the will, dated Dec. 2, 1929. To Sell
Authority to .IU buUdinw and loan aharea, llatecl amonw the a... ta of th'. BONG. II. Clark . .
baa been paattcl WUllam C, Berpdall, till admIDiatntor• ....... I.
State HOllt ' NO. 73, III MIl!~8 1 T oownshlp. by wid e n i n g and reAllr· tacl n ~ with bltumrnoUB macaclam-
WilY 80
11Mb ... 8UlecI
lIAS THE CUTS CURRENT COST TO THIl SONE. See tbe Proof wid! an .ctual el ecuic mecer I..u I
Simplest refriset1lrioa meehan! m vcr b llllc IOn., 3 moving pans, ,be motor.
Onl, J'ri,;dA;r< Iu<I ;1 ' .In.Wl~ r"leu !:" ice-cubes. y .dda 1".more ic:e bvending f.ucec melt lie .sce. Every i C"f t,rI,~ • . a . t"C1Y "'Super -Dury" n~ 1 ~fe ;s • 6 Ift·c..ex;n" AU. . ~~,~ QUI Q(.UBII T I\AY .... • S'rANT CUBIl-IUlLEASJl. C<?me in ,cd _ ita Qui..c.... easy.ctloa. i'f":"P~~~
rUPER-IU"-FRIGIDAIRE ~~: M.ETER-MISER Fairley Hardware Company Waynesville, Ohio
Lar ger Be ca u ae of Better Quality, Se rv ice, a nd P rice Es t abliahcd 1849 - 1937
tn~~~'lmlll .,1 Contract
Cll'\'hty-'f l v~
(' ost . . . . 'O.886.r. 7 I T H__ EY~MAKE THE NEWSPAPER to 8fi) h cowO"klng mpl l'Ll"l w Ithin t "!!!!!"'-_ _~~~!"'-_ _ _ _ _ _~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~
Th o minimum wn s-e to ho po ,I to
11 labor (' ''i(,lo),,,,1 on tl11s contrac t 8111\11 he In 11" or,llln (' with lh(' "S<:'h<'ll ul or I'l'l'vnll lng Hourly 'Va!:'c }:nt p~ Aerertalnp,l And nt prlllh1~(1
hy the
.l'>eopnl'lmcnt of Tn-
dustrlal H ~ ll\.tl ons JlPlillrobJ to S t a.te Hl ghWI\Y DCf\n,'tnwnt Jrn P'r~V mcnts in n ("or(Jn.nC('- ;w ith
• c-
l7-3. 11-4. 11-41\. 11-n I\ n d.,17or 1110' Gellornl l:od o f Ohio. Tho bidder 1)11' t 8ul"nlt wllh hl n II I'ortlfl,'d <:'he' k In "" "moll nt <111,,1 t o fiv e I,,)r cj:nl or tho ""\1. mniorl .. ost. bIll In 110 • \'nnl m.or! til" n \ "11 t11nu~n nd ~0Ilar8 . Vlan., n.nd 81l(·Cltu' R.1111nR arn nn fll,. in (hp ,h.""rt ment o{ 1111'\'11" 1\ .~
'I o n ~ ~a
'111<1 th~ ortie' l' I)f th(' "':\Bldl'llt rllR11·1('\ ,l "p ul y dln,<, I,)I' . Th (tirN·t.M r "sprv,," thl' I'llo(ht to " ~leC l nlly nn<1 n il 111.1 • . .1 o'fln .1a.!--ter, Jr .
~t:I:"I~~I/I"""lor [
Named G ..... rdiantate J:ol1te No. 13, In C h este r nnd Union Townsh ips, nnd Wnrren Mary P earl Carey has be'en County. Ohio. on S cllon Ei ot Lhl' name<! g UArdian for William A . . ~I;~~~~!~- ~~~~~'}~t()n Hond, Stato
Di.tr!ib1lll1oD I. Or.....ed-
.,.,_+-.. ""'_.,_ .. "teI£4-"U61:4
her~' by
given lhat
Seal d prOPORtll8 will be r a dverl ill the oUlce ot tho State HIgh IVI\)' Ih' 7th ,lay of July. lD37, at ( :\)Ir~t()r of Ohio. nt Ohio. until l(ln o'cloak A .
Bo nd
food lof er . f r .her. lo nger.
'l'J1.A '1'
T he iuventory tiled by hank ·ern Stn n dllr(l , Tim e. Whhllcre a ad ministrator f the 1".. llln)',.1ul), 9. 1037, t or ImllrO" c' men la In : Belle ' lmp$on estate 'has be n tlnlon Cou nty. hlo. o n Seetlon8 A anct ' H of th e J'rank lln-Wllmlng a pprovcd>. [00· Hoad. Slll~e lUghwl\.Y N o. 21j1 .
Car ey, U , of S pringbor o. of $3 000 was p r ovided.
N ew 9- WtI)I A cQWltob/e Interior.
J. E. MeClare
End.t "CubeoSN"UIlIIW" o ntl " Jce-Fomlnfl."
Service That Is Appropriate and Beautiful
- ---
Only Frigidaire gives you this Proof of All 5 Basic Services for full 1937 value J
Pavem o n t 20
Rond 9. 1 28
30 o'clock p. m., u public hearing be ~elll in the budgctpreparcd by the , oun ~ iI ()f tho ViI\ng(' of WayneRv ille, of WarT /1 County, Oh io, for next suec eding fiscal year, ending Dec nlber 31 , 1988. Su'c h hewdng will be held at th e o~ficc 'o f the VilIagc Cl rk in the T,ownship ho use . ." r.. K. lI en CI' on, Viii geCle rk A. K . Day. Mayor. •
Emerson Radios On Display
,' 1 . ,~
'rhe contributions of electricity to home comfort are widely recognized. By means of modern appliances electricity has greatly reduced the time and labor involved in i'keeping house," a nd 'n addition has made possible other modern conveniences such as radio entertainment, good lighting, and automatic refrigeration. Yet the cost of electric:: service remaina only
Coalf.ct Mod... -- $14.91 to $29.95 Co~l. Mod.l. -- $44.95 to 1139.9S T.... Mod... to $89.95
T..ted F....
small pbrt
01 the famit, budaet.
The Dayton Pow~r and I gh.t Go
, i
Published weekly in the interelt of the social, relilious, econolmic life of Miami Valley's f.remost progres.iye community. The entire communi y joins io extending you a cordial i!,vitation to come to this village , ~~~~~~------------~----~~~
Or. Howard Dych e, Dean of Earl Burnett and family ~nd pent FOR SALE: - 6 Bushels of Pothe Electrical Engin ering 01- 1 th e first of this week with her sistato s, suitable for aeed. ~I r, and ~Ir ,. , \ u~u~t" n Ft:'lton legc of the Univel'Rity of Pit burg I t er, Mrs. ' Alice Clark. Prioocl reasonably. LMhJey Ir , ,1Ild Mr!', SHill }o\,ltman, i~ ?OW " pen~ing his su mmer v~-I Mi. see Gcn«Va Routzahn nnd Bros. R. F. D. No. 1. , 2tn • \ f I yt . II. ':\It·,. Cnlh"!'lrIc , 'W alsh Phy llis Hit ten.hUlI _ · i vi::liting catIon In hiS anee tr.al home In Fmncis Johns spent Mon,day in l~ OR SALE: ..... }'rcwh Cow, eight , r. . liuh' Pat. "I'l'n l ~ul1t1ay with hN lint ancl Uncle, Mr. and Mr . Pri~tg Va ll ey. . Dayton and attended the theater yoars old . Fra nk Cook, Wayu ll ~II'.. EhllN Hoye T. MIllS Joan J enk ins, of lndlano, in th e afternoon p, orter, of Dayto,n. n ville, 2 mile west. t. Wal. hi' . pl.'ntling ' 1\ few . 1\11'. and 11·s. Frnnk Kyne ,nd is , p~nlling sev ral weeks with her ltp Mr. Harv ~.. Burnet accompan\\ll,k;. \\l l h h r uUlIl nnd uncle, ~tl('tll.!l , MI'. and MI·I!. J'ohn O'Don- Aunt lind Uncle, 1I1r. and Mrs. FOR SALE: Youth size bed W Idon \Vii 011, ied hi brother-in-law, Dr. Ernest 1I1 r. nnd ,\1 1'.. Eln1l'r R oye r . nt,l uf levelanci visited on Wedand prings, 8 inch sides. Rosnngl e, of Lon,{)on, Ohio, on 11 MIS. Em cor;on Hill gavQ a birlh- 'nesday with MI'. and MI'!!. has, Miss I rene Norris and Mr. fishing trip to Northern Michigan M,rs. A. F. Melloh Phone 02 day dinn ' I' fur h 'l' husbll!\d, Mr. Kyno of nt.ervilll:'. Richard Fetter of Tiro, hio, vis- last week, Ilnd brought home 20 F:m('r~ol1 nil!. Thll,. t:' present were: MI'. nd Mr .. Ernest Kn e of it-cd Miss Mildred 'rurner. 100. 'of fin e fish. F .• ul v.,.;ted relati\" 5 in )J r. und till.,... 1{[lYlJ1on d . sbo l·n. Wlluk ga n, Ill inois, ar ann ouncBEECH CROVE Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hole, Mr. ;\11'!<, 'fh, 1It[l ~ , l\1J" nnd )1 rs. Ll'\cy ~~h~ onl.• )hlO, unday m om· i n~ the birth of a. SCIU, J l1ne 23. MI'. and 'Mrs. Clyde Sama and nnd Mrs. Russ 11 Campbell ond ('a.il!" and fa mi ly. K'a th rine Alexander ,is spend. !\lr. and Mr", Th o. nlll S Huntel' Mr. anll M!'~. I~ d RUl'to n !Ope nl ing u few days with MI'. and Mrs. chlldr ' n of t his plb.oe /lnd Mr. and , father, Franklin Thomas at the Sprin aU~ a nd grand. on, Ra lph, nom Blu ' U WGl' k at hl!l11t> ,\ilh MI' . lind Mrs. Earl ams and son of Leban- children, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. W. Whitacre 0If MOI'r wtown. nail cnll d on Mr~ . Ethel Faul :'o1 r::l. Juhn Ity . on wet'e Sunday gue ts of Mr. nt! Jo'hns a nd family attended the EALS Mr. Walter Deis a nd daughl\!t·s. Eph. Smith, n ear Olive fun eral of their :lathel' and grandand childr~n, ulldny aftern oon. orm an K e' in~ r t('r of Mr. anC! [\'\r:;. enterville were dinner Home Made Pies Stubbs funeral hom e, in Waynes1\Ir. and Ir . LO!!lIn Green and and, r lath'c!< fr om inCinnuti guests on' Saturday even ing of M1'. Bran ch . Cold Drink. HOME COOKING 30n, Warnt', front WnynL"'\\'il\e w.1.< Mrs. Bina. Patterson and fa mily vill e, Tue.s day afternoon. A num"I)('nt ' unday " ith ir. n.nd Mr;;. and 11'. F. Kyne. Special Dinners w re Tu esday evening guests of be r of ot her friends from here a1ho c lie ~ on tr~ . Elhel Fau l, Erne t Earnhart. and family. Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Sims pa sed t he Toalmadge :family. so attended. undoy eYt~nlI\g'. on Mr. and M ~. Em r~on Dill nnd the week-end with relatives in • r. and IN- H rhert Marllllt Miss Franc s Chenol'l'Cth called 'Mr. and Mrs. Donal<t Hadley hrul FRIED CHICKEN 'DINNER ,on, Bill~', . ]1('lIt ' turday in Day- Dayton. Sundaya and HolidaYI od ~ n, Ed n. .-pent .. und y on Mrs. Patience Thompson, T!lIurs fo r th eir dinner guc. ts, Sunday, Threahing Crew Dinners \\ ith hl"ir d ughtl'r, M~. Lena ton. Gladys sbol'n of Dayton spent day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Crites and n • L UCII , . p nt Tue- the \\ ek-end with her gran(l-mo1\! ~ . SUNDAY. JULY 4th }!ich ,,1 and family, Mr. Wayland J ordan and famfamily, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Served He.re day in ni. the r, Mrs. ar h tlsborn. ily, of CinCinnati, wet'e Sunday Webb and family of Wilmington. The \1.-in1l' lub tro \'e an all Place Order Now )!r. and ~h.' . Lee Duncan nnd Mr. and Mrs. Mllx COll\Pton .n nd guests of the Jordan family, het'e. Miss ' Saraih , Burnet of East day dinner an d s birthday J)art~' SI> nl Thun;day with Mr. and Mrs. ~h ildren and Betty A lexander vis- , Mr. and Mrs. Alex Deski, Jr. of Palestin e, Ohio, is visiting at t.he Serving from 12 o'clock noon f or the ones that had birthday in P. A, Ru nyon. until 2 P. M. lled oney Is land on unda y . . enia, were Sunday visitol'l! bere. home of her brother and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Elsworth Smith Mr. AlId Mrs. J . F. Walton VISMrs. Alida Rich and children Mr. and Mr . Harvey Burnet. ' l an d family, Mis Clara Daughters ited Mr. and Mrs. F orre t Grand- SI>ent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter ' Kenrick spent Sunday with Mrs. ta.ttie in in Dayton, on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Gray. attended a Social Security Con- ~~~~~~-"'!!~_ _ __ L vi Rnd Ilon . Mr. and Mrs. Willis Zeiler were Mr. Eldon .D,unfee was Sa~ur- fcrenee and lunche()n at the Y. SMAtL- ANIMAL- HOSPITAL Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Runyon Saturday eve ning gu ests of 11's. day eveni ng vlsltor in ClarksVllle. M. C. A. at HamHton, Ohio, MonW. O. Bowere, D, V. M. Kpent unday \\i,t h Mr. and Mn. rah Osborn. Mrs. lIlary Wilson and M.r. Char- day • . William Tate and so n, Bob. Mt·. and Mrs. F red Carter, Day- I s Paxton, of Wilmington, weTe ... , F Sprin. Valle)', Ohio .....s raneia Whitaker is a vicNOTICE TO- CONTRACTORS tOll, were Sunday visitors of Mrs. Sunday guest of the Gray family, tim of the measles. ==;;;..::;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;:::= , STATE OF OHIO Melle Benson. at Wellman. Mrs. Er'nest Rosnagle, son and 't DEPARTMEN'T OF HICHWAYS MI'. ond Mrs. John Bondurant Mrs. Marie MiHer and MI'II. R. Columbu., Ohio daeghter, of London, Ohio, spent June 29, 1937 Plant, of Dayton, visited Mr. a.nd ent rtailted relatives and friends Inst week Vlith Mrs. Harvey BurnMrs. Todd Walt' n, on unday. to dinner, Sunday. Clerk of S.Ju Le,.1 Copy No. 37-226 Mr. and Mrs. Chick Paullin and MI'. Glenn Davis was a business et. The daught~, Miss Martha, remained for an extended visit Kyne, of Dayton, were Sunvisitor in Lebanon, Friday J ohn UNIT PRICE CONTRACT day guesta of Mr. and Mrs. Fl'ank Mr. and Mrs. Th()fllas Rieh, EI- here, bel.'t and Ralpb Rich spent Sunday Seal d Pl'OPO ]s will be receiv- Kyne. , Messrs Guy Routzahn and Ben ed at the offic c of the tate HighBorn t o Mr. and Mrs_ Roy En- with Mr, and Mrs. Wilson Harv-ey Lebanon, Ohio Hawke .spent Saturday night and way Director of Oh io, at OoluJllPreaentin, tbe B.. t and Lateat hus, Ohio, until ten Q'elock A. M. gle, On Monday, June 28, a son. anll family. Sunday fishing at Ft. Loramie. We are glad to report Mr, EdDr. and Mrs. Hartinger .and i!;n!!tern tandard Time, Tuesd ay, In .July 20, 1937, for improvements daughte r, Nancy, ha ve retUll'llled! ward Jordon much improved in Mrs. Routzahn and e'hildren visitlld MOTION PICTURE in : Warren ounty, Ohio, on Sec- home from a we'CK stay ,in St. health. with reJative& at Tippeca:ooe. ' ENTERTAINMENT lion rB, part of Section J.,cbanon LOUis, Mo. Joan Jre ntained St. Mi sses Nellie, Mary. and Mal'jorand part of Sec liOn of the Dayton-Lebanon Road, tate High - Louis, where She- is undergoing j Davis weTe Lebanon visitors O.ne dny last w~ek, way No.6, 'Stllte Route No. 48; treatment in a hO!ipital. in the Village of Lebanon and Tilman Rittenhou e, of Sabina, Miss Claudia Gray, of WilmingTurtle Cl'e,ek nnd lea r Creek is spen ding a few days with ihi& to n, pent the week-end with home Townships, by wideni ng and re ~ folks here. ~ urfacing with cold·mixed, cold- gon, Harold , and Ifamily. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Pennewit Mr. Dwight Beason .and Mi laid tar concrete, except furnil hSpring ValieYt Ohio ing mal dol. and daugbter and Mrs. JOhIl Pen- Marie Smith, of Springfield, were Width: Pavement 20 ft. " 22 ft.; newit spent Sund~LY with Mr. and Monday viSitors of Mrs. Ethel BeaRoadwny variable. SOn and Mr. and Mrs. WilbuJ; Mc Length : 17,04.7.39 ft., or 3.228 Ml'S. Mart Wil son in Bellbrook. ,- '- Member F. D_ I. C. Mr. and Mrs. 11:. Sears vi.sjted Carreno miles. Estimated cost , .... . $25,921.05 MI'. and Mrs. W. Drake in Way- , Wilson Harvey, Jr. was a TuesCo ntrnct t o be complete{) wit'hin neaville, Saturday night. day m.orn,i ng caller at this place. thirty-five (36) working days. Mr, and MI'. Homer Walt.on Mrs. Fred Nash spent several Th e minimum wage to be paill to all labor ell\Ployed on thjs con - a nd son were Sunda.y guests of days last week with heT CI'h ildren, ti act shall be in accordance with Mr. aM Mrs. Fred Zimmerman. in Dayton. fhe "Schedule of Pr vnilirig Hou rMr, and Mrs. Walter Pope have Mr. Oti Irons, who is making ly Wag Rates Ascel'l.ai ned and SPRING VALLEY Det rmined by The Department of ret.urned home from Lebanon, h is home with his daughter, Mrs. PHONE 31 ]ndu,<trial Relation s applicable to wh r e they s pent several weeks. 'rom Rich, spent the ",,'Cek-end with Mrs. Anna Pitney entet:tained r latives in Lebanon. Stllte tIigh.wa y Dl'par tme nt ImSundlly'afternoon visitors at the pruvements in accordance' with th ladi es of, the Relief Corps of ~;eciio n s 17 -3, 17-4, 174a, 17-5 Xenia, on Tuesdalr. . Talmag~ home ,were Mr. and M'l'S" Roy Noggle and family are now Clarence' ry,hil1 .and "laughter, 1 nd 17 -o'a of the General .code of Ohio." located in the Ida Adams home. MiS$ Clara, 01 Bellbrook. MT: and .-- -~ 'l'h e bidder ml.r t su1;Jmit ,vith Willis Whitesid,e and wife of Mrs. ,Berryhill and children were his bid a certified check in an Dayton spent Sunday aAer~oon forme.r esidents of this place. mo unt equal to five per cent of It IS reported that Mr. Wilson t1:Je eslimnt('d cost, but in no wi th the former's parents. ' E sley Sm ith's new home on the Harvey has about 30 acres of corn (V n t mol'C thlln ten thousand d liars. Ruilroad St. is almost completed. tha~ stands almoot four feet high . , Plans and specifi cations n re OJ) He expects to move in a couple of It IS the result ~f e~rly planting fi le in the department of hig h~ nys and the office of the resi· weeks. The home is a. fille room and careful cultivation on Mr. modern Cape Cod cottage design: Harvey's part, and in, consideration dt:' nt di stl'ict deputy director. The director rese rves the right It design and grounds add te the o~ the season. We congratu late t o reject nny and all bids. FOR ALL BRANCHES OF ANIMAL AND ' POULTRY ,lttrat,tiveness of the street, a s him. . ~USED PA~TS FOR ALL MAKES AND MODELSJ ohn Jastcr, Jr. , Mr. Harvey IS one .of OUT foreFEEDING ARE MAKING NICE PROFITS State Highway Director. -Nell as a desirable addition to the , Wmdow and , Windshield Glass ' ~lIage, 'With. the present demand n~ost farmers and we wish rum conFOR FEEDERS IN YOUR COMMUNITY L YTL'E- SCHOoL - - -- for modest, modern hornell, money tmued succe~ _ Tires - Tubes - Batteries - Accessories ( Continued from first page We buy old cars, metal, iron, rags and ' paper _ invested in a dOllen such homes L YTL~ ' = E Record of Local Teata Are Available utes at the noon hour, and greeted Mrs, . Lena Hartsock, of WafAt Our Office some of her old friends.. She re- "",auld be a good investment gretted circumstance prevented idle capital ~p,ecially when it nesville, 5pent Wednesday and her from 'stayin'g and being on t'be ~ields ~uch low I!'ates of income Thursday' with Mr. and Mrs. DOhWatch this newapaper for further annoul)cement program. A letter was mentionned in cUltomary forma of invest.- aId Hadley- and little dauihter and io;-=:::::::~~~~~---iiiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii aD Thursday the latter and Mrs. - t from Mrs. Etta Shoemaker Eys- mente. ::> MARRIAGE LlCENSES- Har~sock viaited friend. in Dayaman, Mohawk, N. Y. . ton. • Offlc~s elected for another Thoma. Winlton Wilbankl, 25, Mrs, Therle Jonel and lon, Mil. were: Mrs. Dora Nels(ln Ward, Bonh~m, Tex" milol.ster, and EIJIe ton, were Dayton viltton, Thu1'llPl'esident, Mr. William Hunt, Vice Thompson, 26, Malon, muaic day. President, Mrs. Nettie Hough Em- teacher, L'ttl . I e Kenne th PI eiffer, ! on of' erick, TrellSurer, Mrs, J.,etitia Haln AI. Kalrn, 28, Clarksville, paint- Mr, a nd .Mrs. H.erbert Pfeiffer, of es H;enrick, Secretary. er, and Leona Ste-ele, 28, Morrow, near Middletown, spent the put A unanimous fote of thanks Harold. Warrick, 24, ~banon, week at the home of Mr. and Mrl. $1.00 ()'Cedar Mop aDd 2k Bottle of O-Cedar Oil was tendered , Mr. and Mrs. Ken- truck ~l'Iver, and: Ethel Cramer, Clyde Wharton. r ick, who now own the Sc:hool pro- 24, '' '''It res!, both of Leb~non. . Mr. and Mrs. William Rowers p-erty, for 'their untiring efforts .ChaTles Gor&!JI Humenck, 21 , and daughter of Muon were SunCannina Suppliea, Certo, Sure Jell to, make the occasion ' enjoyable pamter, and' Grace, Roach, 17, both day evening eoeste o-f their aUllt, ior all. of Franklin. , Mrs. Meta RoOgers, -COURT NEWS REAL ESTATE TI!ANSFERS MrS. Margaret Johns 'Wal a dinJan, Lid. (Continued from former page) , The People's Building, Loan ne r gtlellt, Wednesday, of 'h er .. Adm'iniatr.to.....PICNIC SUPPLIES and Savinas Co,! to Clarence L. cousins, Mr. 'and Mrs. Lee Hawidna Plate., Cup. Napkins, Pickles, OIiYe., Lunch Meat. George E. Young, Lebanon, ,has Patterson, and others, 176 acrea, near Wilmington. Then spent Wed been lIamed administrator of the Turtlecreek tp. " . nesday night and Tbunday with Herbert B. Hall estate. Bond ot C. Ella BTBndq'n to Mattie M. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dostel' and $100 was provided_ Decker, lot No. 40, Lebanon. ug'hter near Harve)'llburr BoncA. RecblcedMia.mi Valley BuUding and Loan MI'5 Emily Thacker ~ b en Penalties on the bonds of W. Association to :rom Glo8sip, real stayin~ with her dau;hter, , . V Th~ beat of fre.h lDeata. A full line of Groceri. W. Whitacl"C and Elmer E. Fos- state, Franklin and ClearCTeek = e.etablea, Fruita, sett, as executo of the J oseph tl?B. Madge S. Sharp to Albert F. • Whu ~ou want, what ~oa waat, when ,.ou .aDt Orrin M. Lyson to Homer G. and Mary A. Lewia, lot No. 876, DOlla])y estate have been reduced at, We want to fill your .aata when ~oa .aat It Thia coupon eood for to per cent diacount on from ,80,OQO to $40,000. ind Susan Leder, 61 acres, Har- Franklin. any p.rcha.e made at Barken - Thursday, Friday, Tbe court found that the value 1&11 tp. Adminl.strator'1 deed. J , S, and Sarah Ridden to Otia 01' Satvda~. of aneta now remaininr in the Board of education, Hamllton- Youne, t1ro aertl, Franklin tp. J)cm't for ... Ice. Cream h'U1cb of the executors does not !tIalneviUe district, to Georee FrrU. E, Ectwarda to' Mabel Ed. exceed '20,000 and accordingly )uqrer, real estate, Couddale. wards, lot No. 18, Lebanon. agreed to a reduction of 'the Saine to MUdred K. and CharMOI'2'ow National Ban~ to John SPRING VALLEY bonda, H KeDdIe, real eatate, UamUton, E. Roldell Iota No. 49 and 48, SPRING VALLEY tp• To H ......" ....... . .....".. quaatJ raened PRONE 4X In".Dtorr hearhllJ' in the WILiaie :.n! .lu I,. III lh .... ,'\" Church
' j.l'.
Local Hap'pening A t Spring ' \t allev
,Wilson R eslau rant,l
--- -- - -----
Ellinger'. 'Restaurant
BETTER LAY IN THAT COAL FOR NE,X T WINTER AT OUR SUMMER PRICES. We h.v'e the exclusive agency for th. ,enuine rreindeir millers coal. the real miller. creek coal both lump & egr Hi,h In Heat Low In Ash
Elkhorn Wayland Patterson Pocohentus Spring Valley Special Coke Prices $6.00 and up Remdoeling • Ge~ Our I...umber Prices
Spring Valley Nat· onal Bank
See us before
Spring Valley Hardware
6 per cent on alll08n86 Bank with us
Hood's Auf~ Wrecking Co
'Master Mix F e'e ds
____i i i _i i
Spring Valley Feeds
Read -This
both 98c
7 qt. canner, 97c"
Barker's Drug Store
Economy Coupon
We,S~l'icit Y.ur Thre.biDg Ord.r '.
Copsey'. Gr..ocery
W.yneaville, Ohio, Thurad~y
Eighty-Ninth Year
JULY 8, 1937
Miami Chapter, No . 1!l7 O. E. S. will meet in J'cgu lal' !\Cg~ illl1, Monday V' Ui,llg', July 12. t\t 7 :ao. Vi ~i ting m 'mb I'lf \ cl om '. . Th ·Imn Settlemyre, W·. M. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Carvel' Minni From,m, Sec·y. and Ben Hill, 01 Springfield, Obio H()ward Nucklell and Dick Burton, of Cincinnati, were 4t:h o[ July vi. itors at. the hl;lme of Mr. ,and 'Mrs. W. N. (!ars and family. Mr. and Mrs_ Wilbur Clark went to Carmony Lodge at 'th Hugh Slime f w wceks ago it was crTaylor Birch Boy Scout Camp, at ronou ~ ly repol'ted by a. metropolYellow Springs, on Monday, fo/' II itan tlally, which ci reulntell in this I>icnic with a large party of rda- tel'l'itot'y that Dr. Edwin Deppe, tlv and friends. fOl'lllerly of Wayne ville, WQS beMr. and Mrs. H orace Shaner oning held on 0. mAnslaughter chatoge tertained over ene Fourth. Mr. and ~havillg killed a man in an autoMrs. William l'appen and family. mobil o accident: Th e report and Mr, and Mrs. Harold M'yers, D • rumor is held to be untrue in a troit, Michigan, accompanied by staten, nt made by 'Mr. E. W. Mr. M. L. Clark, Eddyville, IOfWU, '{oris, Chief of Detectives, City of were week·end guests at the home Seattle, Wash ington. T.he stateof Mr. and 'Mrs. l1arold D. Willis. ment from Mr. Yon'is is folMr . . Clark is t.he father of Mrs. lows: Meyers .and Mrs. Willis. He is a nu - "The automobi1\l of Dr, Deppe ive of Ohio, and is spe'Qding a was involved in n traffic fatality, time vi iting among months but, inasmu r h as a E. R. Zimmerfreinds and relat.iv in the state. mon ·was the driver, the doctor , Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sumner, was not hId. MI'. Zimmerman was Misses Edna Mae Staup, Mary ". ntly absolved fr In any SatteTtbw'IIltc and Ruth Satterth- sUu.>equ blame of the Hccident by a Coronwaite, Miss Mable Staup Bnd Chas. ers'· jury." Richard and Georg Satterthwaite, - - -- - Lester ShaH r t Roger Sears, and Hugh Burnett enjoyed a picnio at Fort Ancient, on the Fourth and pent the- evening at Lakeside.
Aerial View 01 Great Lake:1 Exposition in
Clevcla-;;~i~- -II
MASON~TlCE '-' BAND TO GIVE "ielllilln lit "'il " ,I ll\( L",l~,. Iti :! alll i A. ~1. 1 GONGERT lUESDAY TU"s dn y, Sll '~iill
1lt' ....
('0 111111\1
(0' .
"ul~ 1:\. 7 ;:10 1' .
:1 . VI~ Itllllol al d . 0,i lJllvlling rn ~'ll1 tll' I'H al'<' ctl lCliu ily in it!:,1. Th' W Hyne~v ill e Band .will give ~:. F. r;,\lnli;lIt, W. , I. all"tllt,r, the >(·cond of i s series •. v. :\t. AllIl il.lI)('l', . 'l··Y. of frl! [' band concertI! nex t Tuesda y ('vu ninl!', accordilll! to an anuounc ' 111 'nt mad, by MT. RU!lSel Frank , lit the pl'a 'lice . ession last T u '.• dny ('\' .. nin~. ,U II thc' ror lll 'r occasion - two \\ CI· k.· lI >\fI. ",h"n the band made it!! fi .. "t apJlN1I'Un ' ~ of th e seal' h ~ "\v id l· A\\,ll kl1~, or a ~ an; H 0, ~ht'r c \\ns a ~otJd ized crowd reck FI ' c in d~ Church \,,' 1 y !lll'a;;- fi ll tht: ~ trN t tlJ h" n r t hc co ncert antly e nt"l'to i n~t1 lIll' 'be'lt.'!· hut it "ali ('ut stHlrt lIy an unLimeYoung F'dend.· (j1'OU P at Hll' h0ll11' I~' 1'111 11, " 'hkh ~t!nt t)\. ryo n hur ' of 1\11'. a lld M s. William ,'milh. ryinl:' under sh ,It 1'. Sunday e... ening. Du e to weathl'l' 'I' h,· bun,1 \\ iii aJlP~ n r at the F er condit.iolls, it was iml' o~~ ihl t u ry hu l' h on :iJ tur(lny ('vening, th~ m ' tin~ on the lawn . hold " f lhl ~ wLck . l,luying nil openTh I'C was a lal'~' at t nrlallc e or ai l' t'm~(·rt undel' the a u.sp ie !I of both g l'oups. (I f th rtt ChU I'ch. Th e program 'Ion 1\8 Ioll() w ~·. "America" - 'U IIll' by group Devotions Rev. Mill Y Ant-
Topic of evening, "P al' " COMPACT AND WELL AR.- Horticulture Buildi~lg and a scction fied by Its high pylons). In the Led by Mrs. Donald I lain s. ' RANGED is the ISO-acre Great of the Municipal Sltadium to t he background arc the landing fi Id Cello 0 10 - Phyll is lI a i ne~ acLakes E :posltion which c.cntinues right. Jutting OUI into the lake at for the blimps which hover over the BREAKS ARM compani ed by J an Lte Wjl8O n. I th rough Septembe! 6 on ~he c~ol the end of the Houticu tural Gar. grounds~ The Streets of the World II',. Henry .'a tt.cl't hwa ite had , ~hor" of Lake Ene. In thIS aenal dens is the spectacular BiUy Rose and the gay Midway. In the U'-I" cr Bu. in S5 ~l eeting an,1 l' ' glstmriew arc seen in the immediate AQuacade. To the rit~ ht of it lire the right across from the Var; I T . ~he misfo l·t uncl to fllll , 'a tul'd y, ti on of gues ~. ! Coret:round to the lere a seclio., of Hall of Progress and next, the dustrica Buil,JinR is t :1 ' W ,.:c Vocal s 10 WiIIlll'd lIa incs, lit h J' hom ' , breaking ht!1' right the Horticultural Gardens and the Varied Indultries Building (ide.\ti- .extravaganza, Wintel;anJ. accompani<.'u by his s i~ ter; Esther arm . Dr. Stout took ~ r.~. ntt.el'~ th l"!Iito t Bl ui r'. fl u!' pital at LebJ ean . Ben edi ction - R v. {ary An- (ln on, whel' th(J arm W~ attend ed to. tl'am. CHILD FALLS ACCOI dian MUl<ic WI\ fUl'n ishl'd by Mis Paulin . Pett'rsoll, while. I.ittle Wllndn COl'd Oll , 3 years, Prof. Harley mith filled our pulpit unday morning in the abo oeliciou ' fufl'clIhments of icc f ' lI down stajrll at her home at senCe of Rev. Mury Antl·aM. In accorclance wlth an ann ounce r 8nt and cuke W~1.'i ;;ervod. , H lcko l'yvill e, Ohio, July 4 th, her 8 MI'l~. Margar ,t Antram and famMr, and Mrs. Wa~te r Wh~taknl' l m~ n t made some Lir:n e ago wh n Lllura J. Icenhowe1', age 83 An enjoyable time foil wetl by full \'all ab ut. 8 f ct. Both 1I0nes ily have .spent the past few week!! ent l'talned to a famdy reuniOn al thiS newspap r ell l'ned a picture years, di d at the hume of her playing games llnd getting AC' in hel' tight wrist W re brOken. W. F. M. S. at Mrs. R. D. Col- \\ith h I' adopted 5 n, I'vill, anrl their beautiful country home, near of th old Way:n sville. Cad t daughter, Mrs. Minnie ompton, quainted. Dr. Witham took t he child to Me . lett.·Il. Ass't Hoste lies, M . H. H. family of Ni"-ra Falls, New Lytle, unday. Relative - of both Band, th m.anagemcnt is. today, New Burlington, Ohio, aturday lellantl ht), pital , at X enin, Ohio Williamson and Mrs. R. A. Con_.. . . . . 1 'M" Wh ·· .. k . d I' M ]"- k B dd k YOl·k. .lJlr. anu ,·s. I L<Jo cr enJoye ~ r1( 1Ilg' T. 'ran 1'a oc a moming, G:00 A. M. Mrs. l cen"'here ~ h c WIUS treated. Th child nero Mr. and MI·s. Donnld Haines en- the occasion. A bs_ket dinn er on ched<, for two do:l1ar's as prize hower had I>e n ill fo r 18 montns. is getting along nicely. Song Je us The V ry t rta' d 1st' l\ fr m We t ar the lawn add d to the pleasure. Ilward for giving the most. c m· She is sU]'vived by her daughter CUTS EYE Thought of Thee e me r' Ive. 0 Those pr ' ent. w e I t . I t" d h Franklin l'bumas WIL! born ncar CI; r : pee 111 GI'me Jon In regsl' to t e hs. Minnie ompton, Ne"" Bur. . . Ilton Sunday Devotion - Lamb nf God , . ' . ,. C te II h t Gth 18 M1'8 tav rman Co · .... ohn Y' evcral of our .m<'mbcrs nUQndMr. and Mrs. Harry R. Meredith old band. IingLon, Ohio, two ons, William 4;nUl'vl e, d / 0, ~ . ]'f 'J - . ,Vltl" • ., Mrs. J. W. White 'he 50'" ftnnlvel'sa r" of th e nnd son , 1\1.r. and Mrs. Harold J . ur read tS will b int rested H .• of Washin ..... on ourt House, 1 ' 1l)e317>a ~e hl'om t If ,I C, un e was injul'cd, unday, July a at Stewardshi p Rt' tu ftl - led by Mrs. d " ,," J "'. t t u W ' .. k h'le . . 4 year., .. t "~T ''\'' B ur II"'A I MeJ,'e(lith and Iamily, and Miss to know tlUJt the. Ilicture was tak-, who i s he~iCf of Fayette County, 27.' ,'hII W I 8wCflmmmg. pt'C en n.. ""n SCh 00, d ag.e 21 do · M aync lal' I K. Hough . . Sunday nflernoo n. Delia Good, of Lima. en during the (am,o us hom e com- ha . A . of Dayton, Ohio. Fun- \n lO e mon ~ s un ays. 1'8 . Rvel'man su erce tl , Nominating Com. fo~. new of- , Mrs. Franc Jenkins and son; Mrs. am M redith, Miss Anna Ing Which we talred by Waynes- eral services were h l!l TuesHe was mUl'ied to Sarah Ser- cut ove r' h I' right eye alter b llcers: Mrs. H. H. Wllhemson, Earl, f Kokomo, Ind ., pent. a Meredith, of J Oh.n ville, .Mr. and ville people in th . year 1900. ,day, at 2 p. . M., al the' Friends , vi~ in June, 1 G4. To them nine ing treat d by Dr. With am. She re Mal'y Cro I\S and M. rs. Martba f w days at the home of her fa- .K<>rs., J IIk e M.e rc d Ith an d d aug ht r, •.... ~. Mr. Braddock name the tol- , hUl'ch at New B.urljngton. A. B. c h1 Id ren '\\'Cl'll boJ'n; f our 0 f w h om latel' r etu rn ed t.o her honle . Hough. thor, John Wilson, nft r the d ath of }i Ilnnersvllle. Mr. and Mrs . .J~. lowing a being members of the tubbs Funeral director. pl'eeeded him in death. HL~ wifll I .. Solo - Foll~ Me - Mrs. M'. of h r st p-moth I" Mr. John WiI- seph B onnell , Mr. and Mrs. WlIli organization at that time' Remer . d~ed in. 1903. H leaves to mourn Baird. son. Me Millan and famil , of Wilming Reed J Oe Th01l1pson le~der' D r I b JlA hI ~olllg I ouI' duughlc l'~: Mrs. , Departmental Activities - Mrs. Homer Haines and family visit- ton, ~ir;se.s Wilma. and Beatrice S. H'owell, . Waltelr S'mith, ~~at' • \.,. , U l r~et Viola . a~ y; Mrs. ora Johns ; Egbert. ed in the home of Paul Terrell and Stanfl ld, of New VIenna, Mr. and Custer, Frank .Braddock, Drane U U Mrs. L'ZZI(! Hole ; a nd Mrs. Ad. ~ess ~ome die Ken.rick . One Ko n J(' s i Ten Miss Nellie Mc arren of Hal" Mrs. Travel's Illite Box - Mrs. family, ncar N w BUI'1ington, Sat- Mrs. Lester Poff,. of payton, R.e,!" Reed, L w Prin tz, 0 . . 1\1.. Ridge, G C D'b t urduy evening. and ~fr8. G. C. Dibert and famIly, Raymond Marlatt, J ess Lewi, I gr?ndchlldrcn; 14 gr at grand veysl;urg \Va a guest Saturday of . • I er. Mr. and Mr . Sam 1eredith, Jr., Harold Howell 'and II . Id k I The 4-H Club Go od ut. Cloth. chlldl'e n ; on~ great grenl gmnd ' I MI'. sntl Mrs . Wilbur McCarren BeS~~rningLet ~:s, L~~';J;~ght.s . Mrs. EIJ~ Kain ~a!i been .spend l and .fami'ly, Mr. lind 1rs. Herbert Helen Marlatt and R ~~ 0 FI t~:Ck ing Club met lit the .home of J ea.n : child, be ' icles ma ny uth~r rela- nnd Mrs. Beason. Next meeting _ Mrs. F. U, Le mg several days wI~hn he~n sl~:~ Mel'edith and family, Mr. and ~rs were the two little ;r18 p~:tuTed !less, July 1. The meetin:~ wa held Lives and u wide circle of friendS., Mrs. Edith McKay and Mrs. Ila Mrs.. Ho:acc I Comp 0 , H?rac e Shaner of WayneSVille. with the band. All but two mem - l~ l'cgula~ ol'd r, and It w? de-I H was an irldu stl'ious, BUCC - Mc Kay were Wedne:lday eSterBurhngto • ~h I Mart~a Ros~agle, of Lo ~Qn, bers of the olef band are still \iv- cld d We should I do somethmg to ful fannel' ; a kind father and a Inoon calle I» . \If Ml·S. Patienco May, I A 'W'Cek ago ,Sunday, R~v. M~~ I ~r. MeredIth Whitaker, ~f Sp Ing- ing _ Walter SmHh and Jess mllke money for ur club, good neighboJ' and will be greatly Th mpSIl n and daug hter. Antram exchanged pullll.ts ~I\b flel~, :Mf.r- harles Whlt.ake.r of Lewis have p~_sed on, accordlng Anna Gay Treadway was pu t in mis d but fondly I·t! mcmbcrcd by : Fourth of July !,"U ests of Mr. Everett Bakel' at the Patterson " , Rev. W. E , Bogan, of prmg a - Spnng leld, ~r. Charles Whitaker Lo Mr. Braddock's lettel' of ex- charge of t.he cloth ell for the need- tho e who kn ew him best. ley. of New Kensmgt?n, Pa. , Mr. and planation. y. CARD ' OF THANKS "hom e were: MI'. and MI·s. Edgar Mr. nnd M~'8 . . DOnald .Haines ~rs. .n~a~.ld :hlla~l' tnd~: The w1'iter informed us that On Tu day, July ) 3, the 4·H BakuI', Mr. Johil Duker and Mrs. - - -...' . celebl'ated Md their fIrst' ht wedd'th mg M' an- alter Ya l SS nna at yn I th O W.;: wi. b Lo thank OUI' friend~ Thomes Bail()y of J hnstown. IS 0ld Ilantl pI ayd a t many f unc Club girls are going to sell popEverett Fry, 26 years, born near niv-ersary .on ay nl8'M ~ I~ . tions h eld in the communi ty and COI'n ano candy at the band eon- and neig'hbol' :for tl} iJ' heJp and The MeKay families with their Waynet!ViIle, Ohio. son 01 Chas. Je8;netteWllso~ and r. eonal LOCAL NEWS that it was quit.e 110pulol', foL' was c l·t. sy mpathy du r ing th~ iIln ss and guesl:i! MI'. and Mrs; Irv en Har. and GJa.dys Allen Fry, died at Mi- EIlts of near Kmgman. On Sunday eve;ning, Mr. amd oft n called on to play in other Light refl'cShm nl.. were sel'wd death of .OUI· lather. Al~o Rev. nel' of Califo r niu were Sunday ami Valley HO!\pital, Sunday The "Wide - Awakes" held tbeil' ll.flo. L. J. Satterthwaite entertain- cities and tow ns., He st.ates that by J ean H ri~. The n xt meeting Dibert f Or his Vl'I'y f iLt.ing and !lP- dinnel' gue:ts of Ml'. and Mrs. morning at 8:00 o'clo('](, after an meeting at the home of ~ilIard , cd with a fish fry at t he borne of they had many goo d times on is to b lit t.hc home of Mildred pl'opl'ia te message. MI' . Stubbs Harry Rowe of n a1' Bowersville . JOI' hi:s oourtesy lind tdfici ent ser ' Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mc Kay, of illness of four ;mont'hs. He was Marvin, Esther Jean and Carey his parent, Mr. and Mrs. Henry' t he 'e trips ' and Were nev r afraid Salisbury, July 15, at 2 P. M. the oldest of three children. Fun- Leigh H aines, a w ek ago, Sun- atl rtn.waite. of t he stifI ne. of competition for SCHEMES OF QUESTIONABLE ... ices and fol' ~h floral. of1~I·ing.. S aman, Ohio, were guests there era) Service~, Tuesday afternoon, day night. Thos~ who enjoyed the evening the musical abilit;'i' was well al,)ove WORTH AVAILABLE The Family ~f _F~r:khn 'I homas a.l$o . . at 3 o'clock at Tb!) Mc Clure Little Louella Sinchi.i1·, daugh- wer Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sum- th 'Ilvera.ge. NEW BURLINGTON Sunday afternoon callers at the Funeral Home. Rev. Dibert was in ter of Emerson a.nd. Pearl Sin- ner, MI'l!. Ladora Owens, Miss SalMr. Bnidclock lis a bo stel' f()I' A number of~alle4 adver-Thompson _ Torry home were Ml'. ch.Br~. Burialy was made in clair, has hod the measle. lie Harris, Mrs. Mable Stoup and the band of lhis later day, and tising schemes lll' being pr entHhe 4-H Club c l)joyed a s \\ Im- and Mrs. Clyde Mool'e IlJ1d grandMlamL Cemete: :.. . _ _ _ Mr. and Mrs. William Smith and Miss Mary Satterthwaite, of Leb- ~ives mueh ncouragement to thc ed by trav.cling solicitors, wh~ of- ming pat ty at Wayn e Park, Fl'l- daug-htcr, J oa.n Moore, o[ Glen MISSIONARY SOCIETY Marilyn Sue called on Mr. and anon, Mr. and Mrs. Warren E spy, boys and girls t.hat are practic- fer opportunities .f or tl'~l d~sl)len to day P. M. Willow, ncar Cleveland. Miss Ro Mr; and MI·oS . Robert Duffey sa Hurtt, of Lebanon, Kathleen Mrs. Frank Compton, i.n New Bur- of Centerville, and 1\11'. and Mrs. ing M faithfully in making up the display their names in prOnllnent The Women's Mlisaiol)ary So- lington, Sunday night. C. I. Satterthwaite and daughter, new organizution. places, etc. Some of our local left Saturday A. M. :for a boy's T,hollllPson, of Spring Hill, 'M arie d ety of the ferry Church met at 'Mr. and Mr . Homer Baines Bnd Misses Edna Mae Staup and Ruth Th e pUbli sher of this n ew pa ' men like t his sort of thing, rather ca.mp in We Virginia, where MI'. Wells and Ethel Sams, 01 tbis t'he home of Helen Murpby, Cen- family, Emily -and Riehard, spent Satterthwaite,. 'Mr .and M ~8: Har- pl'r wishes to take this opportun- than legitimate newspaper ad- Duffey will be s upel'vi or for a place. terville Station, Wed. p. M., June ·the week-end recently with Mr. ry Sa~terthwalte and family, Mr. ity of thanking nil of t.hose 'W ho vertising; therefore, we have pur- period of 6 weeks. Mrs. Nellie ,Jol'dan Leibel't and SO, 'Mrs. WO(ldI!lOD , wife of the arid Mrs. Ray .Bailey, of Adina, and Mrs. Henry Satterthwaite- and participated in, v;oriting 'in infor- cilased froom a mpH ordi!I', fiftyMrs J esse Hill is the guest of falnily of Chicag<> axe here to Dean 01 Wllberlorc'e- Collece wu Ohio. son s, Charles, Riehard, and George ma.tion explaninl:t this old plc- six sClh,emes, rulW being wo.rked an a unt in Miller bUl'g, Ohi o sp ntl sO llie thl}e with her sister, the aueat apeaker. Twenty - one Some of our members attend - Jesse Thomas; a.nd Hugh Burnett. tura. by "slick" salesmen to lWrang.1e Hannah J ordan .a nd brothers. h ' d Ml's. L este~· Stanfitlld is spend· wdrnen lI'ere ~r!!~t._ _ _ _ ed the funeral of Mra. Laura Ieen- M1M'fS ' O. I·s~attert waltte ,:nd - - - --dollars from me~chAnt.nmn. Any ing Beovel'lil days with _Mr. and . 'M'rs. A number from this place enV roS. ST. AUGUSTINE that type of scheme can get same Oscar Stanfield, neal' - New Vi- j oyed lndep endance Day activities h our, T 1IIeid ~ aft .H AS ·HEART A1TACK . emoon, IWIh 0 d'ed I dy 'ernon D t unpson spen _ _ _ _ CHURCH Mrs. Ben 111m, suffered • &e- at the home of ber daughter, Mrs. nesM a 1I1d :: on rt S 'tl n-' Father N.",-toa, Pa.tor by making i&pplication to this of- enna. at Lebanon . 'M'o nt Compton, in New Burlingr. an n. e pl er e . 'Ch h fice _ othe'r wise, we still pre. . Mrs. Jennie Hawortb of WiI· vare heart attack at her hom6 in. tertained Monday evening for Mass at St. Augustme s ure fer to sell only s pace intbis 89 Miss B~anche Evans IS the ~ue t Corwin, Monday, bllt il a little ton. . .""'per Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bess' every Sunday mo:rning. f...... of ber 81 ter, Mrs. John Shlllkle mington was a reeent guest of her ..,.. son, Gerald of Bellbrook, Mr. \ . ·0 proven W'OnAlIo • . • . M1'8. Ell a ' H a]nes daughter, Mr:s. Harold Mc Kay, better at thla writlnlr· was th e d and FRIEND'S -MEETING _ _ . of Spring fIeld. and family while · het· YOllnger' ESVIW . E. ' ' guest of her son, Luther and Mrs. Ted Mince and family, __ . _ __ SPRING BRANCH Mrs. A. E . Me Kay, 1\Irs. Homer WAYN CHURCH and lamily, Sunday. of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. . First-day school . at 9 :30 A. M". Haines, MI's. Ray onklin and daughter, MiS!! Elizabeth Hawortfl Sunday: Mrs. Willie Brandt, Mrs. Guer- Carl Wright, and family, 01- Ben- I Meeting for ' worshfp at 10 :30 Mr. Will P()ff is spending a few MiS\! Myra Haydock attended O. enjoyed a visit to West Virginia. Sunday 'school at 9:30 A. M. ney Bray and little daughter,: Lo- brook. Mr. and Mrs. Kyder, of A. M. days with relatives .in Dayton. E. . In&j)l!ctiol1 , at New Vi enna, Mrs. Alice Gray enjoyed the _ _ _ ____ - - Mr. and Mr.~. Ellsworth Gib- l<~r iday eVt:)ning. Morning: worship at 10 :40. ,The I is Marie, of Bridgeport, IndIana, Day -ton, 'Mrs. Ma.ud S~How, of week-end <with her daughte1:', e.etmon subject will be, ."HQlding l were week-end .guests of Dayton Mr. Jo'hn Gibbons, Mr. REV . SMIT I'I RETURNS son and -little daughter, Phylli The M e l'l'~ Maid. CIa ., of the Mr . Charles Stan ell and fam>ily, That Which Is Go~d!t At this ser.. Bogan and family. . . WilfTed Gibbons of Bellbrook. R d C S tth nd Ma~, spent Sunday with Mr. and J" r eil'll18 $ . S., ,vith their t~achel', in Dayton. She was also a visitol' . and fn-lly atM1'8. FI orenCe a nd' Mrs. H .._-s.a ev. an r. . . . from m theIr a Mr~. Charles Crawford, of Dayton. Mi 's ~Iarjori e Hnydodi was pleas, of Mr. and MI'S. Yl'US Gray, of ...... .... , .f amily h a ve retul'J)ed vice the doors of the church Wl'11\ H 0 mer H alUes be opened and a elus will be re· ' tellded a. reunion. at ~he home of of Columb~s were guests of . Mrs. , vacation, ' which they pent wit.h Mrs. F ra nk Dakin called on her antly entertain d by Miss Chal-- this place, Monday afternoo.n. ceived into membenhip. Guel'ne), Terelf, In llighland Co., Bowell 'PIerce at the Fnenda re 1a t'Iv es III . V·Irlp.ma. . R ev. S ml'th daughler 'Mrs .. L is Mulf ord, last lotte Hartman, on Thursday. AiFarmel's are very busy p 0))10 Evening service at 7:415 o'c:loek. Sunday. Home, SJunwdaY'Ed _ d 1.1 Le- wifi conduct services at F erry and Friday. t r th e business meeting wn:s held, these days with putting up hay, Wednesday: IIIr. and IIIn. Donald }taines aDd Mrs . . . w. r So ary W '11 S d Mr. John Spitler WB.!l in Day- the gil'ls indulged in games. A de- comb ining their grain, 01' th ~"b Bible hour and I>ra1er meeting Mr. and Mrs. William Smith Wer.l ah and . Marjoria and Mrs. Floyd aynelilvl~.!~~a!..__ ton, Saturday. ssert cour wa sel'ved by the hos- ing it, and trying to eradicate at 7 :46 P. II.. in Xenia, Saturday nJatt. Smith 01 Springfield, weH SunNOTICE OF APPOINTMENT . Mrs. Emma Gibson, of BeB- tess. Members of the class who weeds in bebween times. There have been Bome reports that wheat G. C. Dlb..... A...~ ~ternoon a-uests ofEd Miss . a f ew d aYIl WI'th were presen.' wer e .' Mrs. Eve-tt ... .., PU6AI' .... . . . .Bal'n", , . . . . ....... . .elved ~ d N i' I ";ven that Nor- brook, is spendlng - • "',.... word of the- death of her uDcle, Trlllena and Margaret w~r a. , ot ce S p~ Office ad- her lIOn &lid family, Mr. and Mrs. Ruth and Rebecca Miars, Rhea is not of as good qaality as It was a.TUaNS TO NAVAL Frank 8Ul of Samutha, IIIr. and lIIn. Ed. Cook, ·lIIr. and I an Bou&,h, Hit Glb Jeanette and Ruth Blahr; Mary thought to be, bat we are hopinr DEIlY . Sundar. Mrs. Robert' na\il and dau/rhter. d.... ia Ohio, 11&11 ey 1011. Louise Jonl!8, Helen Mendenhall. that thOle casea are few. J:thaD Ywia retu1'MCl to U. S. spent the weelt-end toariq been dulr .. Mrs. Ada Dakin took supper Helen Corrupton, Elizabeth ' Ann Mr. -and Jb';.LlIeille (-Glark ) A··de--, •• AllllapoUI, MI.. Jeannette Wllaoll 'd V'.-I ia f tL L 80u.... late with Mrs. Ernest Earnhart, TbunN.-I .-~ .... - , " M"" • -'--eU.Il.....u. aho-r tbrourh Kentllcky an ....n . 0 DC' _ au Mitchner, Thelma Mc Clure, Ed- Shoultheil', of Dartoa. lleDt.ack)', ....... d - ~I - _..... viaWI ........ "" of Warren Ohio, dece... day evenlne· . d M1U 0,.1 BeD of K1ncman at Mi.. Jlarjorie J:arn,Jaan. of Day ed., ' Mr. •nd Mra. Walter Wood of nB Ward, lIIargaret Learrnng an spent. the Fourl.h with Iatter'a p.ruta, aDd it h..-. home of LMter Stanfield, one 81· ton spent the week-end 1ritb her. Wilmm.ton caUed on lin. Glenn the hoJlte ... Charlotte Hartman, kmOO1l, Jut lb. Mel lin. ...... IVDat.d tbla DaJdII ODe da, Jut WHk. Lola Seare"'i: aeeepted & UiOll With urlitaer
Happenings In Caesars Greek
Missionary Societv, Collett'
Receives' ".Awa rd WOMAN DIED:
'Beech Gro'vefolk Obsirve fourth
-...1.'. -
- at.
MW -
, _.... "'Y__ .......
.ONE FOR RIPLEY STRAYED OR STOLEN Mr. J. K McClurt' i admitting A l'uung fox-terriDr mustly thb flUst ellk thut the. wid'l! cireu- "hit~. with one half of lace "'hite, lutilln of ThC' t UI mi Ga7.l'tt ill e\'- (,ther halt blllck, u larg4' black 4!11 n10r fllr r~aching than he I'Upl'ostofficcnt Wayn,'s\·ilI". ~)hil), u. ~e ollli Ent~red at the ~lwL lID side lind Rome black on posC'd. In ftK1, it i ."earcl'ly b('CIIII'II !\tail Malter lip of tale which had !JIll' n bohbed. leival.l!' to our own l'ar" but then, \\ hen thr 11I'oof is pre!' ntcd, it ia Reward to finder. cc:==~~====~===H==a=ro=l=d==D~.=~~=i.~,_~E~d~~~to~r=_~~_==-=-=-=~~-======== ~rf~~~;~~ n ~ce~sa ry to belleve ant.! ont'oe Call T .Ic).hone u. 1!~-R-2 at ED EVERY TnUR~D y \\ hen w~ aT(' enn inc Ii that neW'S IWllynesville. is tl'ue, \\. publish it, regardl I"S. subRcription f'ri c , No. 112 Offl PhonE'> c: _ ur 1'( Ilth'l'. \\ ill perhaps 'emcm her tlult a f~w \\ eel; ' ugo this n w paper carried a tory concerning birds that had f(ll' several years, mad th ir ne t in Mr. Mc Clure's big tree In front of hi.'! funeral home, on Main Str~t. In that story. 'WI! told how "Jim" W6S disappointed becau e his fri nds had failed to return to the old limb which he had left especially for R st in tb Lnrd, and ","rut p:ttien tly for him: fr t them. H e had eriou~:v consider dI not thysplf t)cause of him \I ho prOl!percth in his \\'1Iy, cutting it off but had delay d dobecau e of the man whQ bring-eth wicked devices t o pa s. tng o. even though he bad given Pl'al m 37:7 up the bhd's retut·n. But this past Phone 78J w ek, much to hill SUTPl'ise, the I~~~~~~=~=::":":::":":==:!: Mr. Reiter' face is " blank (rom tlie no dowo W the chin. !!Is co,.· It sCt'mll rather paradoxical th at at th same time :r cr,':' ·: MI. a.re mll!e up or r.ormal peopl • not mules, 111 y hl"'e Ie rnM birds gl' ted him as he sat fit his FOR SALE: Nancy Hall, Porto t h tax payer. oC the Cllu ntry 'a re supplying money t o hI' slq"fl langua/lc Just to be nbte to "bear" what be baa to 9:1.)'. He .. desk, Wi thout much ad()() the little Rica, and Yellow Jursey sweet give mude eml,l oyment to n 1)lIrt of th people, "~'hol but t d through a tu bo \\ :t1C:I entcrs his stomach. pair began immediately to. furn_ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . isn their old ,home. F or two or · for thi would hav e no ('m,ployment. that many of ,t ho. potato plants, 40cts.of perhun· dred, and all kinds garden who have employment are eo mpillining and triki ng for thr e days th y have been build-ing plants, lOc per dozen, or 8 higher wuges and , hort r hour . anew fOl' the 1037 !!eason. And, r. lo ry L. ook lInu nieces, lI's. Homer Ramby and daugh- now, l\fr. M lure is kindly b eardozen 26ets. Jan e anti Mildred 0 k were in t r~, Opal an,d Naomi, Mrs. Edwin ing testimony to the fact that his 1 1-2 miles north on WaynesA t own row .can do more dllmage to II town than tw~ Akro n 0 er the Fourth. Ralliby and daughter p nt un- "to let" story in the Gazette ville and Ferry Road. or three d e pr eg~io na. A d pre. ion will com to an nd Strouse Brothers, R. R. 2 ~ft-. and l\!t·s. R. . ic . l\leans <lay at Germantown with relativ So brought quick results. .0111 rlay but a town row lives as long a. those who look spent unday and l\fonday at Mr. and Mrs. Raym ond Dnvis ....... any part in it are left. FOR ALE. - One fl'ame garage, Kni~hu.to wn, l ~d iana, villit :Mr. of Dayton were cal1in~r on friends j\11 s ummer millinery at grEiatcondition, size 1st class Me Mean',s lath r Dnd mother. I hen! unday. Iy reduced price lit Grac.e Lincoln Not long ago we attend ed a ball gnme. The manager 12 x 1&. One new COl'll nib, Smith' . of on of the teams ent one cif the player, int the gl'oup size 16 x 40. On fram e Mr. and Mrs. James Thorton, with instructions to "talk it up ". In othel' words he building LO x 50 :ic 8, 1st of incinnati, vi , ited Mr. and meant that the players should encourage each oth r. 1t cIs s condition. Mr . J. E . Frazier vel" the VI'OOki not a bad ugg stio n for a town. The business men of THE ROXANNA end. a community can help the spirit and morale and buslnes. CO., Wayn~vUl e , July !l, j 0, 11 - P el'Sons born on these days are of tlle community to a can. iderable degree if th y ~i11 Phone 119-R-21 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS genU!!, thoughtful, _Yl11 path etic but determined . You "talk It up" in tead of "talking it down." "Tallung it up" STATE OF OHIO would ~ ucceed be.,; t a lawyer or doctor, or on e who conwill put the fight and the optimism and the spirit to wIn DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS FOR ALE: - 6 Bushels of Po· tato s, suitahle Ior Columbua, Ohio fin.! hi: work to office practice. Your clients 'WIOuld have in a man or a group of men. It will spr ad to a whole June · 29, 1937 Priced reasonably. Iwrfcct co nfid ..' n, in YOU1' ability and integrity. ocial community. In times like the pres nt it l:s good coaching CIeJ'k of Sal ... Lelal Copy BI·os. R. F. D. No. 1. or hu rc h wOI'k occ upi e~ your tirne, if a woman. to "talk it up." No. 37-226 FOR SALE: Youth THIS WEEK IN HISTORY and Springs 8 i nch , sides. UNIT PRICE CONTRACT July 0 I;lattle of hippewa; British defeated by A test is being conducted by the Chemical FoundaMrs. A. F. Melloh :Phone 62 the mericntll'-, 1814 . alifornill declared its indepe ntion of New York to determine the practica bility of alcoealed proposal will be receivd n t' f,'om M xico, 1 64. hol blended with gasoline IlS a motol' fu l. Th purpo c ed at the o!fice of Lhe State Hig'h-I~;;;;;;;;;;;;=~;;;;;;:~==~;-;-;~ .J uly G -.:... W Ils hington D. C. chosen capital, 17 2. way Dh'ector of Ohio, at Col um- ., of the eXl>eriment is to discover whether or n t there is J ohn Poul J on(' s b()1'n, 1747 until ten Q'clock A. M.I bus. Ohio, en outlet for . surplus argicultural .products by convertElI!lteTn tandard Time, Tuesday, July 7 - Payne, Herold, Atzerodt, and l\f~. Suring them into motor fuel. A plant has be n built at At-July 20, 1037, for improvemcnts rlltt, four con pirnt ors convicted of the a a..'1si netion of ohlson, Kansas, from w'bi eh alcohol is bing manufacturin : ·'Varren ounty, Ohio, on S cPr ; id ('nt Lin(' tn l ex('cut d in Wa shington penitentiary, ed from corn, barley, oats, SO I'ghum and Jl'l'u!;IIlem artition B, part of ection Leballon 1865. Wall tYPe t t'l)h nc UR d in Medden, Connecticut, and part of S etion C of the Daychokes. The new bl nd d motor fue l is being marketed RONALD O. TURNER lon-Lebanon Road, State High· 1878 . th.rough some 250 s rvice stations. The bl nd d fu I cost . way No . 64, tate Roule No. 48, July John D. Rockef lIel' born, 1839. ZE!ppelin WATCHMAKER tbe same as gasoline and is said to function just as effiin the Village of Lebanon and airship invcnlol', born , 1 38. ciently. If t·he tests prove the project practical, plants Turtle Creek lind leaf Creek with Jul y 9 - "Deutsc-hland" fil·".t s ubmarine to cross the Towns-nips, by wid ening and rewill be built throughout th country. It is claimed by the ~ uriacing- with c.old-mixed, coldAtlanLic, a1'1'ives in h apenke Bay, 1916. Elias HoWe, Fran"L. Miller, Jeweler Chemical Foundation that if th.e blended fuel hould laid tat concrete, except furnishinvent r sewing Imlchine, born, 1819. WILMINGTON, OHIO come into g neral use that it would consume the enth~ e ing material. July 10 Spanish flag lowered; American flag surplus of agricultural products each year. ' Width: Pavemcnt 20 ft. - 22 ft.; hoisted t. Augustine, Florida., 1821. Wyoming admitted Roadway variable, Length: 17,047.30 ft., or 3.228 to the nion, 1 90. It is said that John D. Roekefell"r iave away personmiles. July 11 - Famou duel in which Aaron Ban morally over 30,000 n dimes. Mr. Rockefeller's purpose Estimated cost .... $26,921.06I L.M. tally shot Alexamler Hamilton, who died the ne}tt day, Contract to be complete(! within in his unique practice was to carry the lesson 01 the vall 04. J ohn Q . Adam, 6th prC.!l ident, born, 1767. thirty-five (36) working days. MOTARY PUBLIC ue of thri.f t. A dime to him was a reminder of the days The 1'l1inimllm waj\'e to be paid w:hen Mr. Rockefeller began, when it represented an Natlo.al B... to all labor elll,ployed on this conhours work t1'1lct shall be in acc~1I'dance with Will. Dra" -:- . E ...... S.ttl.d tho "Schedule of Prevailing HourWAYNESVIu.E, OHIO ly Wage Rates Ascertai"hed and YOUR HOROSCOPE Harry L. Hopkins says t'hat W P A is heTe to stay Determined by The Depal'tment of Jul y 6 - You will have m' ny sad experiellces in is true a Mr. Hoplcins says, tho. government hould deIndustrial Relations applicable to the elll'ly years of your life, and whatever height you !lnd tbat it &hould in the future replace charity. If this tate HignWQY Dt'partment ImI'ench \\iII bE: by toil and s uffering but the end is worth veio in tbis country 8 great road building program and provententB in accordance with th sacl'ific. Although you do not care for much Cinery, train idle labor to care for these roads. In thO way hunSections 17-3, 17-4, 174a, 17-6 any ol·numenu. 01' cloths you have will be of the best. dreds of thousands of men too unskillcd to enter into and] 7-5a of the General Code of July (" 7, - You are not alWlBYs sat~fied with the industries cO\lld find u flil employment on roads and Ohio." your . ul'I'oundrngs. Although ' you always 'plac'e yOIU . devote their lives to this work. The bIdder mbst su~mit with aims hig h you Rre certain to rcach them. You have a his bid a certified check in an amount equal to five pet· cent of sympath tic nature, very ~en s itive and easily oUended. It is interesting to note how ready the Nazis are to the estimated cost, but in no You ar ju t regarding the opinions .and f ecliJlg'8 ' o f oth.glve insults and how quick th yare to res ent tnem. They ev,ent more than ten thousand . ;_~ . ' . ers. dollars. ROOT FOR AND CONSICN remind us of the 'rritable individual who constantly keeps . Plans and specifications are on fOllf cattle, hors. and calve. his foot in the aisle for the passers-by to stumbl e over. file in the department of hig.h- tel Nom.Broek Cu., and ways end the .o ffice of the resi, prorreaslve firm f9~ t d • d' t market prien and · t . d en t d I S pc epu ...y Irec or. . Ualo. Stoe. Yanla' Cblcl'."ltl, ThE) dIrector reserves. the rIght TulWt In on Radio Station to reject any and all bids. 12:25 to 12 :80 p. m. for OUf ( By Frank Dixon ) John ~aster, Jr:, - market reportL State Hlgli.VI'1lY DIrector. . J have read a much to the effect that John D. Ro t kef 11(,1' gave away practically everything he had that A n iW han~made flag bf size- June 12, 19v7, totaling $21,639,1 did not have any idca when he died' that it would be able proportions floats proudly in 346, compared. to $23,536,496 for neCCSS!1l'Y to appoint an administrator. t he State House rotunda, suspend- the cOl"l'esp onding 1936 period ed by almost invisible wires from when all food purcbas wlCre' taxIt look!! v~ry mueh .as though the 'fact that he had the massive ' Capitol dome, attract- able. giVe n evC'rything away and brought himself to the verge ing the attention of state employA telephone co-ordination proof relief, a!l it WI', wa the 1'001 cause of his death es and 'visitors alike. Not Only gram that is under way by the ju st worri ed ~h.im If Into· a premature grllve. W1lS it prel\ented to Martin L. Dav- state will make most departments, . "Use the proper band 81g- signs, school safety patrol ey for th.e atate of Ohio by Mrs. bureaus, divisions and offices, inThe r ason why the·re ar1! so many divorl'lel!l th,C.!le nals when driving an automo- , training and equipment; · leg. Ma!'y Wymer of Columbus, but it eluding the Senate and the House cluys ls that. too many !prls marry the young man 's autobUe and reduce aCc.'idellts", islative campaigns are carried was made by her. Mrs. Wymer, a calling one numbe·r , MAin 1263, mobile instead of the young man. When the automobiJe Joseph R. Gardner, president on by each state. All momember of the L. N. Conard Wo- after about August 1. All offices goets the polish worn off and the fendlers dented th.ey diso! the Cincinnati Auto Club, torlsts. are Invited to join the man's Relicf Corns,. auxiliary of in the Wyandot buildin/(, whieh card it thl'Qugh the divorce w urt route for a new one. urged membe~s In 28 eounUe. Cincinnati Automobile Club the Grand Army of the Republic, is leased by the state, and lTIost of of Ohio, Indiana, and Ken- in this work. and also a WO'lld War mother, the offices in the Capitol w1l1 go lucky. When driving, watch F ighting 1ncreased gasoline spent many hours cuttinlr the stars through the State Office building not ?nly your own car but the taxes are special committees ' and stripes and sewing tltem to- switchboard. The Governor's cfone behind ~nd in front of you. who contact legislators in the get her ~nd even dyed th~ brilliant fice, the Supreme Court of Ohio, Seven div lsiona of motor- capitol ' cities or the three .ists outside the metropolitan states. More , than 6,000 boys red strIpes and blue fIeld from and the state auditor's office will LICENSED REAL ESTATE BROKER area of the Cincinnati Auto- are members of the CincInnati white material. The presentation retai n their own hunk li-nes. The mobile Club choose ·their own Auto C 1 u b S.:hool Patrol. of Old Glory to the governor was state treasurer's and attorney AUCTIONEER - INSURANCE advisory boards and · elect They are trained and equipmade at the .conclusion of the ge'l1eral's office have not decided their own representative on peel ~ith Sam Browtle belts, sWite conventIon of the G. A. R., ",~beth~r they will go on the main Peraonal Service the parent body. Member. stop signa, etc., and supplied Which was attended by a small but switchboard or whether they will belong to more than 1,000 au- with safety posters fol' schools 22 Y ear. Experi~nce enthus.lastic group of Ohio's few have their separate lines. Th e· new to clubs of the A. A. A. and during the school term. survivl'1lg members of th.e "war plan will result. in substal1tial savreceive free emergency road With more children on the WAYNESVILLE, OHIO between the states. ings, telephone officials said. service, louring, . maps, road streets and highways now than during IncreaElEd buying not only of neRe ·ults of a survey in Ohio ci~ school a warneessities but of items that are ties of more than 100,000 pop- - -- -- classified as luxuries was respon- ' ulation, Cleveland and Cincinnati I ing was Issued Ii to all motorists • ible tor the retail sale tax being except~d, are being compiled in a to . drive more within $2,000,000 on June 12 of repol·t which will serve as a refrllrefully when too revenue obtained during the erenoe-guide for a board of nine c h II d r e n lire corr~ponding period of 1936, ac· memb~rs which will set up a rninJeen plllying cordtng to ~tate Treasurer CIar- imum wage seale for women and near the highenee H. KnISley; When th~ sales' minors in Ohio's retail stores ' it way. Frank tax on food for consumption onl was announced by Director Ora Switalskt, execthe premises waa repealed it W88 B. Chapman of the State Departutive vice pres.. One of these fans will give tboul'ht th.a.t the actiol\ would re-I me'llt of Industrial Relations. A Ident, and Frank YOU hours and hourg of com du~ the annu~ .sales tax pOl'tion of the survey dl"clol\ed Bolton, field secfort throughout the bot 8umb, 12,000,000 In 1837 aa com par. that nine per eent of the women retary, lire in mer while others are sweltereel tel 193~, but the ex~erta fail- 'and minors employed in the retail CIDe'"natt charge 0 r the ing in the heat . Aatemobile Trl.State d I vi.. to coaeider the continued up- wage of lell8 tha-n '6. fourteen per . Cillit ......,In hli.,.. and inc!aatrial cent a"e paid lell8 tban ,9 week.ion. of lhe eln• • eoDMq1HlMl, hi PIIr- 1,; thirty per cent I than dnftaU Automo-
F. T. Martin
I .....
".'.,~ 10 Year First Mig.
Centerville, Ohio
Farm Loanl
Frank LeMay,
61R2 Waynesville 74RG
---_. - _ ---
1 h,s Week in Hisfo,"v
Watch Repairing
.* .
=~ S19~ f.ltur ••
Your Horoscooe
Foreign Rec.ption BHuli,,1 Cabi•••
** * .Mirro-Dial * Low
BFillillt Perf......
A radiol you will be proud to own and allow )four friends. See lor 1oureetf. It i. the moat amuine valuc on the market today.
R. D. Collett
What We 1 hink
W'. v .......·vi III.
Best of the News Direct From the Ohio State Capitol
,Cincinnati Automobile .Club ;1=;;;;;::=;;::; Urges Safety For Drivers .
;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:. I
C . "~i~!~a~a~"'!!~~~!J H ~~o~n~-~
Keep 'Cool Electric Fan. $1.69
tII!':.."'I~ _"II!•• tllL-Heil
._ _....__.. .......... ~
tea ....
......_ _ _..1 bile Clltb,
Stansberry' Radio Shop ANSWERS 1. Wilbur ShaWl. 2, 600 miles . 3. 170,OQO. 4. Thursday, June S. • The Deutcb.hUld. 6. Clark Gable and Myrita. Loy. 7. The Golden Gate bridge. 8. Ge01'll'e Palmer Putnam. 9. Miami, Floridla.. 10. Rev. R. Andenon Jardbie. 11. H6 is the world'. futeat mile runner.
n. W. B. Kualllm ad -1IIh- •
tar, 1Iariraret. of na,ton, wIao ....y. beta ....t. of 'hiIIeaa
bom !lulft'rl'd a blld-
Iy burned hMn,l, when a fire ('rack
t'r explod d In his hand.
Watn Ripta'!ltnt!' It'a~ed til th vil lage of Frank him Stanley and Hyc, nnn~ Li lIUlld l'C!l-YC'IIl'-old wlItl'r, rights lin the entire portion 01 the ca~al ecuLors of the will of weI' .. involved ill court aclion he\'(' lying within thll limit~ of the CIty Penee, brother of Frank, (0 TU'Sllo'y, "h e' n Pt'u lmte Judge ,lor 90 y(!lll'~, 111.50 Ten~wable fortribute chattel!! to the executul', 1~IlII\h Cm'C'Y ' . . raot d a temporal,}, I:~cr. T~c pI' 'mI. 'S lea.se d to the of the will of lh loUer, \, 815 also r Htrnining- onlH 'against the vi1- j vtllu/.rc mclude u portIOn of the approved by the couTt. ' r0 II OWlOg . th f 1'l prop l: l'ty hel' to£ore Iage 0 f F run kl 111 . • I(', a~()(j by the Bunnell Ellateing of a sui~ in common plCtls "lat l~. the plaJOtl{( S ussignors, A nephew, har! 'Il BUnlH' II , i. court by the Log-lin-Long Co., of theThPetlIt~on Be ou~. the prin~ipal bend iciary t~o tho '" kl ' r .. ,t c. 1I'm cont.cnus that the r l'lIn In or on IIlJunC"lon prevcn . f ~t8te of John E. Bunnell, on ing lhe defen<lant from interferr- t.~r~atelned action 0 the village Which a value of $1,490 hus been' . .h h i ' t ' ff' f th oUlcia to l'E.'mtove a baffle ",..all JOg WIt t e p atn I. Ii use 0 . h 1f h b' h 'd . . M' . dE ' I In 1 cana or t e Ig way WI - placed. no cana . .' ' 11 t t Istorlc laml:111 . enl n!: pUl·pO. es 'Wt cause wa er 0 To D ia triblil e A ... e h - H len [. Earnhart, as ~xecut JUtI yeoCarey acted m behalf of be diverted . before it reaches We ommon Pleas Judge harles B . mill viola.ting both the state lease rix of the state of he late, John H. Bean, na been granted auth Dc~hant, wh.o is visiting in Toledo Ilnd' a city frant-hise .. ority to di tribute certain OhIO. D claring th.at tho' proposed In its petition, filed hy its at- acti on of the defendant is an il . belonging to th ~tate. torneys the Logan Lo ng Co., n~k· legal attempt to take private prop- To Hear InvelltoryHearing on th inventory ed that tll ~ de!endant.. , tho FJ'ank - cl'ty wilhout conrp nsation, the lin municipality lind J . T . Ril y, plaintiff's petition states that di- by Ge01'ge E. YUlIng, 8dmini trnas Mayor, be restrain ed from de- vel'ting the water wou"l cau e the t Or of the Herbert B. Hall estate !stroying or l'emov al n bl.lf(Jo wnll mills to shut down, throwing 130 will b e conducted JUly 2·2. Collner Eat-ate I. Di.tribut<:cIfo)' the put'pO ~es of widening the pel'so ns out of work. E ·tate of Mari on LafayettLe Con highw'llY where it passes thrnugh Mayor Riley to ld this ne~ th Lo~an-Long premises in near ]lapel' representative that an at- ner, who was killed in a motor ; tho Routh!'rn limits of FI·anklin. t empt by village officials to neg-- car crash ncar CenterViIlc' IrecentT,he sta te highw>ay department, otiatc with the firm fot' a 20-y ar ly, ha been ord ered distr ibuted. M~ly or Riley a.<sel1:ed, ha indicat lease in exchange for the requir- Jam es McClure, Wayn esvi lle [uned it favorcd the widening of 1l. cd ltighway right-oI-way 'had eral direc Lo l', wa . named on co urt r ecords as t.h PI'incipal di.~tri "bottle neck" near the mill prop- failed. butee. erty. Numerous Franklin citizens Th Logan-Long 0., a sserls have complained of alleged stag- Inventory . K. - .... The inventory filed by Louis that it has been usi ng cannl wllter nant <wat I ' in the cRttal, saying rights by virt.ue of I as 5, one of that the pools 1) come breedinlr hamberlai n, as admini strator of hnm uerJuin' th m fOI' !ll) years and renewable places f or mosquitoes, the mayor t:he Park er has been npprov d. for vel', granted by th stat e t o sa id . To Se ll Sioc kpredcc SO l'S of the firm. The finn Two R.equeal Divorce.Auth ority to se ll stock in order contends it is th e owner of the Two persons t.his week filed to '€: tLle the .• tate of the late lea~e s by rea on of assigrnents. suits for divorce. Both plaintiffs In July. 11129, h owever, the dUlrge gross negl ct. The case Ralph B. Parks __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . are : Cora Stottler against" William granted. Stottlel'and, William G. Knorr P roof F iJedProots of pubUclltion 01 the again st Cat'rie Knorr. Young and notices of the appoint.ments of Young are atto1'1leys for the form been med: e r plaintiff; J. T. Riley for the the ' follOiWing have Millie J. trGttlet·, exeeu t,dx of latter. th.e William L. Young estate and D ..clu rnl to Retu!;'n Thur ••Judge hurles B. Dechatn, who Annie Moore, executrix ~If , has been absent visiting relatives estate of al'l Wilh 1m. in Toledo, is expected to return Ie Appointed Ad m.i ni. l ratrixEmme Prinffel' under bond of Thur oay', cQurl.hou.s.e officials $4.000 has been appointed admineaid . . istratrix of the e tate of the late .' H . O. L . C. A. ks Forecloaur_ Mnrgaretha Bohrer. Charles J. Fot'eelo ure of mortgag.c, and ' Wnggoner, hal'l s S. Irwin and mon y in th sum of $4,247 is re Karl D. Dakin arc th e appraisers. qu ested in a suit fil ed by the H. MARRIAGE L1CE NSIES It Look. Bette r O. L. ., agaiMt John E. and Ruby .Everett Jon es, 1 , labor'er and Longer B. TtBCY. ~'runklin. Howa.rd W. Mal:Y Green, 16, both of FrankIvins, Le banon, is the ~lainliff's lin.
MADAM how little you need pay for all this ... The coo.enitftCe of cooking ....ith rq1 8111 out ' in the COUJllry -
Pyrofax Ca,!
A modern, beautiful . Ma~ic Chef·Pyrofax GIlS Range with autofJI"t;& oven and 11 swin~ out-type, mokeless ~roilcr! A t ool k it hen - even with pic in the oven!
SI!I hllw
~ill~i&MiRE ~Tr M~1tR~ MI
~~...... .
--and your guess will be too high!
r Sendcorrect the coupon for the , MIAMI • •••••••••• anlwer II I I
(Distributor" ~ame) (Address) All riAht - how ' linle? My presenl range l~ a .. ,... ..
and is ... . _ . .. yean old.
...PYROF -... •.-.-....
Name .... ............. ..
I .
Address ................. .
0-...... . . "-
Gibbons Lumber (,0 Wayneaville, Ohio Pbone 54
To be used. in advertisi ng .,Ch';1rch, Lodge, socials 01' • a l s wit h no CO!lt to organizatIOns. . Just phone your a d ve~tise ment to t his office and say "Insert t~is ~d i~, "Caps" space for ... . ...... " . . . . . . . or gamzab on. T ri-State Clu b, Ferry an d Wayne Ville Churches of Christ will hold Icc-Cream S upper, J uly 10th, at Ferry Church . P ub lic invited. The visitor s will b e 'enterta ined by t he Way nesville chool Ba nd.
L;.._________________________.... YC
WANTED- WE ---PAYDead .Stoc.k $3.00 to $5.00 for Horses $2.00 to $3 .00 for Cows HOGS, Sheep a nd Small Animal REMOVED FREE OF CHARGE P rompt Service - Clean Trucks
HARVEYSBURG FERTILIZER CO. HARVEYSBURG, OHIo' . Phone Wilmington 2373 Waynesville 42R3 Call us at our expense TRY OUR FEEDING TANK1\GE
=====~~~~~~~~~ True Prafe••ioa.1 Service Years
of training
eaperience baye
ped our ataff to render a genuinel, professional .....
in all of many detaila which lII&ke up a funeral
of the type whieb leavea an e • •la.tiDEly consolbaa
yean we ba" ' rendered aiDeere,
.~pathetic semee to this communit" at mod..t
bued famil,.
coati the
atirely upo. the
mea.. of
attorney. PROBATE COURT P enee Estate DiatrihutedFollowing the u-pho lding in com mon plea court last week of t he \\ ill of Frank A. Pence, late of Mt. Holly, nea l' Waynesvi lle, th.e estate of the d~edant has been ot'Jel'ed distl'ibuted according to the terms of t he deceden t 's will. Foil ow ing are the be neficiaries and the amounts of t heir inheritances: Mellie Rye, a co usin, qln d one of the executurs of the estate 71J,615; COTS Wellbau m" Otta Marlatt, Ether 1\1. Evans, 'Ma be l /,;. !team, Dorothy B urion, J ohn .M arlatt uno Elizabeth Jane Mar,
f~ ._~
t he .et~r-;.tiser Is Complete In '-:,a.a,
Icc frcl;lzes (astC't ia "ut~ / trays t h an in tray' made of a ny flm!:r material. And ('('ery tray, in rNI'J Frig.,laire, is a n ALL-
5BllSlc.s Er:'/lcES
for Jklme Refri"fll ~~!.! lIR£J\TEQ ICE-ABIUTY SIIows,. how to lIUIIIe .................. CREAtERSTORAGE·I\Bflm _presantfDod casta e No ma tter 11o... luse your famil". Ihit CHi \ ~RPIOT£CT .\U:UTf uaique Savifl81 Fioder will .bow you b~w (I) CI:UJ(R D£PEJIr. , IlRl make .",uins .."i ns. (111 ,OIU pres at food GAlAltt SAYf-I .... _ln
Must Make Good ~\ Or We Will
,01 "",In 1....., ....
M,_ 11M
w.... lIaetItt. . . . . .
CeeII", •
wlUl tile
tl I'
• Come in! See with your own eyes how Frigidaire actUJ I . makes ice cheaper than you can buy j[ for home use_ !), ' . the enormous amount of ice a ge nuine Prigi<.1aitc with lhe Meter·Miser can freeze in one dayl Tcst Frigidaire'uevolutionary A11·MetalQuickube Tray that releases big ice -cubes ;"Slantly. without work-water or waste. Test the Automatic: Tray Release. rnspect t he 2-Wny Cold-St orage T ray Ihat holds lO~ more lee-cubes in reserve. And ~y all meaos,meet the Milter-Miser, Prig1d. aire's miracle cold.making unit-the basic reasoo for Frigidaire's greater Ice-Ability. Cuts cuneD' COSt to the bone, because it's the simplest fefri,. crating mechanism ever builtl Protected (or 5 Y ..r5 against service expense-bUilt aod backed 1>/ G.: ... eru Moton.
co .... Gel yours loday. while limilcd "pp ly lases. E;tbc.>,f call at . forc, w rile. or 'phone • Ab.50lurely f 0 COlt ()r oblia--aLion of -any I. :nd.
METAL Q U I CKU OS 'fRA Y. w ith di e IN· TAh'1
{I IW, ldl.f.JI<;1. Yif'! th
b'/ l'nJIO~ ",n,,"', and It
2~ m nft'
Ilill . 1 II, l·.
I" tutti" ... 1111,,,, ( , n t f ... . "If' ,,, .. . ' ''''' hIA. rt.
t.UU "'-flh,·'h.C
"'" I
Fairley Hardware' CODlpany , Waynesville, Ohio
Laraer Becauae of Better Qual it)', Service, and Price E.tabli. hed 1849 • 1937
Joe Spalding, 28, Dayton" truck driver and Mn. Ella Moore, 31, Lebanon, housekeeper. Thomas Charle s Spencer, 27
~wm~eapntMdF~~L rl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~======~==~~~~~~~=~~~=;
26, teacher, both -of LeMnon. REAL ESTATE TRANS IF'E RS • J. Milton Earnhart to E:dna Knapp, lo~ No. 293, Leban<on. Della Brant to Ada Phillips, 85 acres, Turtlecreek townsh'ip. Ada Philli.p. to Della. Brant, I'eal .e~tate ~n Lebanon. WI lham Ltenenbrunk to Robert S. H nsgen, 1ots No. 341, 342, 343, 3~4 and 345, Loveland Park. Matlc and W. Raymond Decker to George J . Fettkether .()2 aei..... Turtlcreek to~8h ip. Peoples Building Loan and Say ings . Company to Fran k \\'. and Ed~a M. Stubb, 7 ..66 acr'es, in TuJtlleere4k to\$! hip. Clifton Atheltic Club to Joe Curlis, lots No. 1879 and 1880, Lovelan d Park. Althe Watkins to Blanc he W. Sa nford, 40 acres. Union and H am
ilton townships. Admini trator's · Mr. and Mrs. Many Ewley and I Mr. Kenneth Kilbon, ofl W8.'!h. deed. Buttca and Walter .Carey, of ncar ington D. _, spent t he week -end, Fairy Baker and other to Dodds,' sp n unday with Mrs. with hJs aunt and cousi n, M rs. JuB lanche W. 70 acres, Union lown Flu sie ar y and fa mily. lia H end~rson an d Mr. George s hip. ' MiRII ] ol'oLhy Day will 1 ave Henderso n and -family. Blllncllc W. Sa.nford to John this \I e k for umm l' school, at Mrs. Julia. ~ergan is hom e afF. Sanford, same propel·ty. Oxrord Ohio :for six week. tel' spend ing everal days with Fra nk L. Hough to Bernie Mr~ . .Je~sie Hymnn lind freinds h l' SO n, Jame Bergan, a nd fa m1l0u<Th, lot No . 4, Wayne ville. Charles E. Whitaker 'to J o. ie from Cincinnati Dre spe ndin g scv- ily_ Whitaker Graham, part of lots ral day.:! at Ru sell Puint, fishAll hats reduced in pr ice at No . 8 and 9, Wayn svillc_ ing. Ot'lI ce L. Smith's. Mprris Graham to Josi . Whit - I~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!~~~~_ _""!!!~~~~~~~,!",,,,~~!!! aket. Crah am, same. I~ ---Same to William A. Lukens, ~me property. John H. Co~ley to J ohn C. and • Lenora I. Dakin, one aCI'C, Franklin town !'hip. Lillian F t'azee to Karl D. anli Mary Graffman, one-fourth acre in Warren County. H. S. Stevenson to Cecil G.
Receipt. Burials .... .. .... ., $ 1,890.00 Foundation ...... .... .. 28g: ~8 Vases . 700.00 otes paid .... 593.66 lllter t .... Lots so ld .. ~~::~~ Legal -Notice and Ma.rgaret Simmh~n5, two acres, Gt'ave Perpetu!'ights.... al care . . ..' 77.00 in Hamillon towns Ip. 15.75 Sea.l~d propo."al wil~ hoe re· , Catheryn Maurine Dugan to Sales tax ... .. .. ..... . 133.80 n :ived at ~he of lice of th ('~erk Georg Earl Dugan, undivided half MiscelllLneo us - - - - - . 1 of . the Ylllage of Waynesvl ll e, inter~t in 110 acres, Salem and 6 028 36 Onlo until 12 o'clock noon of . . I Totul Receipts ' . ,July 30, 1937 for the pu rchase of · UnJO~1 townshIps. . Di . bUJ'.~m,enta . 3' .0 0 \lcnds of said Village, in the a g-I Fany E . .Baker to Charles Waps ...• $ 1,14 C S. 1,260.00 gl'egate .sum, of $495. 00 dated Baker, ,102 acres i n Warren oun l:lupt. salat'y .... . " '. Clerk salary I 99 .50 Jllly 1st, 1937. SaI d bonds will belt y . Su pplies 84.04 1h1ee i~ nu m.ber fl;o m on~ to th r~e Arthu r J . Watkins " t o H attie Telephone , 82.10 both mclu Ive. Each of !:'ald M W k' d ' 'd d ha lf inter83.30 bonds will be of the denomi nation ' . at In , u n tV! e . I Insurance .... ... ' '1 axes . 10.95 of $165.00 and will draw interest El8t i n 10 acres, Sa lem a.nd Unton I Rule book .... . 94.77 at t he rate of 4% per annum, the townsh.i ps. <.. rass seed .. , 28.0 0 fi rst installment of intel'ellt to be Lorie L. and An dl'e'W J . Staggl! . Postage .. .. .. .... ,. ... . 4.00 due a nd payable March lilt, 1938 to Mary Yeazeli, lot Yo. 4 2 Ava• Safety Deposit box ... . 11'~~ a nd e~ch six mo nt hs the rellfter on Ion H eights. ' Saies Stamps ... _.. .. .. . t.he fIrst day of September and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Trees .... " ......... , .. .. 128.75 March of each Y$!' until the prin- QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Gra ss set ....... ..... .. ... . 87.60 cipal su m is pa id. I I ,Tru ck. ,............. ...... .... . 78 9.00 Bon d No. 1 shall . .he du e Sep-l 1. Who won the Memorial Day Va ul ts .. .... .... .. . 440.42 t em ber 1s t , 1938 ; Bond No. 2 auto mob ile race at Indlanapolis 1 Avenue repairs 2 R ow many' miles did the In. 1, 14 2.13 shll be du e Se ptember b t, 1939 . T ent .. 76.58 and Bond No. 3 September 1st, d" I ' M·· . I D auwmo200.66 1940, both principal a nd i n te~st ~ ana.po IS e~oT1a ay F lowers for vases , .. ~. 382.32 being payable at the Wayn esville bIl e r ace cover. Sundries .. .. ........... .. - - - - I Nat iona l Ban k, W aynesville, Ohio. 3. How ma ny were In attendTotal Disbursements 6,149.86 Said bonds are issued for the ance at t he l ndiana) olis Memol'Cash on !hand~6-1-3 6 .. $ 2,722.92 purpose of payin g t he judgement ial Day out omobile race? Less checks n ot presetl ted Il ~d cos~ s r ende r ed 8.gai·nst th ~ 4. On w,h at da.y was Wllllis Ware- 1-3 6 6.65 VIllage In fav or of Will O. Gustin f'ElM a nd t he duke of Windsor - - - - l in Cau se No. 15601 Wn rnm Co un- t i ed? 2 716 37 t y Common P leas. Court lind are marl" . . . . ' is~ued und~ autmority of t ho Receipt s for y ear 1936- " . ' " I 5. What W!lS t he name of t he .... .... . ....... , .. 6,028.86 lawS, f O'hio a~d' of the Unif o!'m Germa n CI'Utset' whos~, ree,en ' 1937 B.ond A~t a nd. tn ace o rda:n~e . wl ~h I bombin g cre ated a eTltJ'CIlI SIt U. 7,744.78 a certalD ordInance of ~i8ld VII- ati on in Europe? T ota l receipts ., 6 149 85 lage pa.ssed on the 7th da y of 6 Wh t two well known movie T otal Disbu rse ments .. , . June, 1987 : . a. . " Said bonds will be sold t o th e stars are pl ay mg the lead In P ar 1,594.88 highest bidd er for not less than ne111" Less Sundry cMh on the .fac e value the~of and aceru7. Wha.t famous suspension hand ..... ,. , _ _ _.6_0 ~ebn~r~si!' J~e a b~:~i~i:Il~~~t bridge WBa opened to- tmffie May 1,594.38 In tbe sum of $25.00, that if hiM 28? , Checks not presented bid ia iecepted, he will receive 8. What 18 the name of the hus-6-1-87 .... . . .. ,', ...... ar,d pa for uid bonda within band of Amelia Earhart the avia- -- - I thirty aya from the time of the trix?
Bank Balance 6·1·37 , Accounb LinlfO Stock . . Mutual Home Ace't.., . Notes
Beada .. ... . . . Dn11fq at Corwtn, .
"f n" 'III IlA
Surroundings help the fhwor of any good breakfast.•• ~acon and eggs or flapjacks., A trim, dean , color.ful breakfast nook not only makes the morning coffee a greeter treatl but also saves a mighty lot of foosteps for the housewife morning after morning. A breakfast noolt can be easily arranged in o!fImost any house . . . new or old. No large installation costs are necessary and the cost of the noolt itself is unbelievably low. Call and let us give you the costs on severel types ' of breakfast nooks. Terms can be arranged.
aW;h!' bidder If be i8 awarded the
9. From what point did Am elia bond. must ..t ilfy h i maelf of the Earhart take off JU1Ie 1 f or her rel'lliarity of the proceedl nga f or flipt aroun d t h e wolid'. the iIIue tbeNOf and a~ muet 10 Who perlonned t he maraccept bond. IDIteAd ceremoD, of the duke of
r1Pt Willi_ I" a d
. utl "
• •
W. ,H. Madden&:
pring V
Published weekly in the interest of the soci~l, reli,iout, ecollemic life of Miami Valley't feremolt progrel.ive commu it)'.
The entire community joins in extending VALLEY
a cordi.l invitation to come t. this village
tiny an.1 \'i . ih'll relA! ive' UT)til
\\' (' I'l' d inlWl' ", ut' ~t:!- of Mrs. arah aule thto ehilill'lm and p ed~ trian 1\11'. and J\ll'~. A. L. Thompson Mt'. and IMrs. Wilbur Clar k at- FOn SALE : - Ladies bicycle, &1O, tW I'II IHI I'II !urdn), l' Y -nin"g. to 'x('rcis the ir dght of cI'o1ll;ing ntcl'luincd the laH '1 '" s iste r, Mrs tend ed the Crou h pinna recltmost n ew. May be seen at the 711 1'1\••l ulln , nl'l h l N nf 1 aytull Mr. and I .." . F(n' Pilt GI'ILlldin 0 1';\ JI .nlll';s~ <111<1 h,u ly fr"ind the s pt'cd- W'a y, th cy can pu. h a J ohnston Hnd g OIl, WaYl1e, of or- III at Wl'SlIlinister Church, Daylnn, Foil'lcy Ill\l'dw/ll'~ SLore. :111,1 Ir. nnd 111 .. ", l'u.·t~r ~ 1 <'mm <'l' an d T ,, ( I, I ~' W"l lOII . M Dayton oI' X 'ni no YI;:i tl'll William Reeve;:, but.tun. w'hieh 1Lu!'nS On the I' d si aPR. , ovel' the Fou rth . Alld on Wedn day ni~ht: Their grandIII \e nia \ll' r(' din n ~r t:'llI'~H of "1'1' 111 Sn\ ur!l oy Itll d , l;unday wit h on SUl1d~'. R. n,. 1 Dorothy Raymc)Ilu Bailey li~ht. to traific, thus i l1~lI l' i ng' some on W e dll\.'~day, Mr.', Thomp on and c]lildren, Betty and ;\Ir ;11111 'Ir . Frunk Kpll', 01\ W,·lI :\11'. ,mel MI'II. J , T o,ld Waltun. JIll'. an d Mrs. arl Sim.:; a nd ~ on j)ruluc ~i o ll to- thosc vho of neces- I Kl'a ndda u htel' , urI< y Williams Younce took part in u two I>iano II 'Mlny 1'\'l'lliJl~. )1 1. nnd M rs. ,Joh n Hllnby. wh() " I' 'i ndnn ut i \'i;:itl'cI MI'. and 1\'I1'l! " il~' must N'OS,I thcRe paths now aceomp nied them t.o P nn. nnd It,. 1\1111 . 11'><. Rnl ph I br t ~o c k ~ Il ~ n t t hI! 1 1I~ 1 f (, l\ llIC'l ntk in Tex- G. y , :illl ", "\[I'ti . Nl'Ltit! Fulk.:'I·- llI unllpolized by :!1)Ce u demons. \Iill ~ p nd about six wc ks at .the number. Mr, and Mr . L ' e Griffy and nnd ('hilclren 'f !:-it , L. 1I1~ , :\1" .. a. \\ (,1'(' J.: U, ·~ tll on • unday ami "ti n. lind )11'. anll Mr~. R. ting- . LYTLE - - - ' hom· of hi'r son, Ed . Williams and daug'hters, Veda and Gla.dys, of al'I' (OU',' M \I I'. I1n,1 M1'<' , Arch Momhw o f Mr. AuI:' MoO" . Mr, h' y, on " ullfla ~·. - ___ family at Sll'8tonville. Detroit, Michigan, and Mrs. Bert t lip. I::.' a nd ollllr )'l'Inl! vl" . nnd 1\lr:'. J (' Norris ami Delsil' Ml' ~ . \ ' i Hill Br tn r y Gnd childarl Eady of Germantown was Ii · Lau la R nagle, ' 01 inWeare prepared to :\11' I1n,1 '1 1'''' Hl'Y Irons, of M UM'C or'Day on \I \' l'e ul 0 gu ' 1.... I' II of C'I('vl'lll nd . pellt the \\ eek- calling on freind s here Saturday. cinrtati, who has been visiting her Gri1fy dined with Mrs. Ross Planck, Wedne, day , serve your ,threshing crew CI)',h', )hll l, (111,,., ,,1' ~ I' \ (,I'a l d ay!; of Mr. Mo ore. end \\~l h Ur, and :\jrs, Haningcr 1 r. J ames Nus b a.nd two sons of brother·in·taw and sistt'r, Mr. and . ita dinner at any t ime Mrs. Mario n Me ' Ellrcsh is not -- ith ' 11', IIIld ;\11''', L"\I' \\'ille n· MI'. a lltl Mrs. William Booles anu Mr, IIn <l 1\11'.". Edn or 1I 00d. IInfield pent the Fourth ·with Mrs. Harvey Burne!. and family, just m.ke the appointvery well at prese nt. "f Dnytl' Il , vi~i l d Mr;l, Mell e Ben ' II'. and M I'll. nus",,11 arr and ~h s. Na~h and littl ... duughter ' at left for New York, Wedne ·tlay I.el):', ment and We will do the Howard, Drumnlonrl alld family 1'11 .. ~bri, \\,ilil m:hl(· a l l'ill son nnel other relativl's on Sun· son. of O~lJOl'Jl v i ~i l,.' d Mr. ora the home of M.l', and Mrs. Harr y evening from whl're she Will ~ai), rest. ( " ~t. LlIlIi ~, Ifll !'II'''t. of lht· w k. day. <l lUptlJ lI , on ."untla y !!ve ning. Gmhalll, whelre M~. Na h hi Fddny, on the ship SL. Louis,f or attended th.e funerlll of Mr. William Haynes in Richmondale, SntA good dinner at foIl. Fl.lnk Kynt:' nno ~o n, J ohn 1\11'. a nd ..\!a's, Don Peterson o f .\Jr. nn d ...tl'~ . Paul Wy ~o ng amI con\'al cing s ince a r ecent opel'- an xtcnded tour of Europe, n o"'I'(,d to Jh,filll1('\' 1111 Thurs· M'idd letown vi, it d M rs. N('ll~ ,- ons of Uayl('n W ('I' C gu ests On <ltion at Miami 'Valley ho pita!. - -My. Hoiiy- urdllY· Moderat cost " ---' P lcrson , on Sun dny . 'und:IY (If .\I )s, S l ah Osborn. Miss arah BUI'net r..turned to ___ _ Mrs, Estelle Shaner left, FriI fr. and 1\1)'8. Frank P,'t rso n. ~I r. a nd 1\1 rs. W llyn £' Ale)U}nder, th e hom of heir sister, Mr s . .Mabel OU l' S unda y school picnic will day, ev(>ning for New York. Mr. and MrR. Horace Sha.ner of Enon , Ohio, pII S. ed ~ev cral UIlYl' Te nu ., art' g Ul'st · of his pllrents, Dinwiddie in Dayton, aturday be held at incinnati zoo , Sather' \\ith l'dativ " li nd f reind . - MI'. anti !lI1'S, Leol1 Al exandel·. aiter several day visit with Mr. urday, Ju ly lO l h. Bnd Mr. alld Mrs. Samun.1 Mere. d t MI', a nd '}1 r . Thl'o Pel'kin and ,Ind Mr . Harvey Burnet. M r. and M-,. l.Jar1~ y Full er and dith and family attended th MerEil,' n Oflho l'n \YO i' mal'fl C il .,' "l ~ SPRING VALLEY. OHI~ I "o n visil~' d Coil ey Island on unMt·;;. Alice Clark WJI:! II dinner fumily, of Dllvton, spent unday edith And Whitacker picnir, Su nDon milh -of XPllin . on "[ IJ on l ay, J day. gu e t, Monday, of Mr, and Mrs. with hel' sister, Mr'. and Mrs. AuJune 2 , in Richmon d . Spring Valley iher Morgan. Mr. lind Mrs. Ralph Eagle and Romo Riggs, ona Social Row. Laura WaK (! ly and AI)e Moore ""'!!~~~~____....~~~~~ ~Un of ineinnati a.nd Mr, and ~isses Beatl'ice and Wilma Mr, and Mr~. Glenn John.son -: ANIMAL HOSP-ITAL Mr. . Ray Barnat'd of Davlon were Stanfield, of N.ew Vienna Ilnd Miss SMALL from Madisollville, ' Ohio, and Mr. • gu c~ t on Monday of Mr. and Mrs. Virginia Meredith of Lima arli! d uug htel', from Waynesville, spe-nt MEALS W . O. Bowen, D. V . M. Hay Eagle. :\pending this week with their cou- and l\11'1l. Harold Graham and Mt'. and Irs . Ilve Lesher a nd' sin, Anna M&l'1yn Whitaker. unday with :[r8. Ethel Faul and Home Made Pies Sprinc VaHey , Obio daughter , Jr. Wm. Le sher, Mr. Mis Miriam Wharton enter- children. Fl'llnk Lesher, Mr. and l\1Ts. Vir- ta ined s v ral gil'! friends, FridllY Cold Drinks . Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth' Sml' th gil ellar" 511 nt Sunduy with Mr. even ing hono ri'ng the birthday of and Mr~. linLon leaver of WiI- her fl'cind, Mi ss Mildred Youn&" and famlly spent the w ek-end -USED PARTS FOR ALL MAKES AND MODELSmington . '3 ' 1 . of Dayton. ' with her m other, Mattie Levi. SPECIAL DINNERS Window and Windshield GIns II' . Darre l Breakfield and son, Mr. and Mrs . Edw in Nott, Miss lIfr, and Mrs. Elvis Michael llnd Tires - Tubes - Batteries - Accessories on Donale), of auina, MI', lind Mrs. Mary Manuel and 1\11'; Hel'll'lan dau~htel', Dorothy, spent a few We buy old cars, metc'1.I, iron, rags and paper _ Lee Griffy and chilcjl'en of Dl! troit Nutt, of Centell'Ville, were Sunday days with Mr, and Mrs. William Sundays and ,Holidays Mich'., Mr . A. O. GI'iffy ' a nd dinnel: guests of Mr. lind Mn. Curl, near Woodville. MI'. uri onal'd and children Th d e Jones and son. Mr. Al't'hur MOl'gan and Mrs. of WaYll e"ville wel'e reeent ~ruests fro and Mrs. DOllllld Hadley Ilnd L nil Mi tha Is and brother, Edwin, '~~~§~§§§§~~~~~~-~~-~~~~~~~~~~~§~f Lebanon, hio Tbr shinl!'l Crew Dinners Pre.enting the But and Lateat 01 Mr. and M,'s. Roy Noggle. little daughter spen t Sunday with spent aturday in Xenia, shop- I. Served Here , In recent guests ot lI!r. and Mrs. .\fr. and Mrs. Raymond Hadley ping. MOTION PICTURE n oY' Noggle: and children of Wilmington, Mr. Roland Weaver is IlpendPlace Order Now ENTERTAINM,ENT 1\11·.· . Kate evan s, who has been MI'. and Mr's. Allen Emrick, ing a few days at home ~ith Mr. e1'io usly ill ~th h art trouble, is Mr. and Mrs. Wa.lter Kenrick a nd and Mrs. Lue tephen, impro\'ing, James Haines took a motor trip Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Dill calCarroll Williams of Dayton has thl'u the so utheran pad of the led on Mr. nnd Mrs. Emerson Dill J'etul'lled to his home aiter spend- county, Sunday. Sunday. ' ing s veral days with his cousin ' Reports from Mrs. James John M-rs. Anna Lucas spent a few l'ViIl ,P erkins. are that she i~1 [lOW doing nicely day in Xenia with relativ~. weA~~S~n:~:,lii:~n Mr~P::~ ::s~t B~hr~ at :,~:.nl~~;~le~Il:\~~~al~ttended Little Hem'jetta Molden pent Saturday night with her grandBo ton of Ind ianapolis, Indiana. a family dinner, Sunday, at "Camp mother, Ethel Fau!. Mr and 'r~ Albel·t WI'Id annony" n'e ar Yell"'w Sprl'n .... ""on an " .. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Marlatt " '. ~. SOoJI of T iro W l' 've~ e' e nd'" t and ate at the Boy Scout Log Ca• 'C K.. ues s and son, and Clara Daughters of M1'. and MI',. P. A. Turner. Mr. bin, spent the 4th with 'Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs, Frank Spellman, of IMr. and Mr.!. M. F, J3owe, of Ernest Earnhart and faDiily., Both double and Single tubs Xenia wer e guests of the Turner Chaslaroi. Pa., spent Sunday night on Sunday, with their cOUl,in, Mrs, M ta Ro- M Mr. and !\frs. Otis Le- May and js& Virginia ~ May of Shelield, M I'. and Mrs. Maynard Long gel's. Al Ii Now-i. Ule time tq .ave money a. well aa your and children of Dayton and Mr. Mrs. Donald Hadley, Mrs. Ama ama lind Mr. lind Mrs; 0 , B, Crop., Fruita, etc:, Lc Ma;'-01 Washington, D, C., lind Mrs, Sam MilTer , of near Leb- os Cook, Mrs, Therle Jon es and ar e . 't' M M anon; were Sunday 'guests of Mr ~on and Mrs. Walt er K enrick were L ' MVl~l rn g f r. IIII nd rl!. F. U. Gas and Electric Used Ranges - $25.00 . D ' . .' e ay an d am y. . We have a full line of fruit Jara, canning .upa nd Ml'~. H omer 'Valton. ayton VI8ItOI·S., Fnday. F U L M plie. at the risht price• . Mi ss Ann~ /l.(:Y, of Cfncinnati, I Th.e Ladies' Aid held their July gue~ts 'an; M: ;:le~amilY and · th 'th M HaWke a gu 5t. of h er brother and wife me etrng Wednesday at the home s.... nt th F For quality pric:e and .ervice, keep our .tore in M r, an e'I M'I'. . JoJrn Casey. ' Mrs. IMrs y~ 0f Mrs. CI y d e Wharton, Wlth Ch e I our L M WI Cr. a.nd mind. . Mrs. . Anna Fin ley, wh.o is ser' Do~ald H~dl ey and Mrs. Clarence qua.' O~ro~ e ay, at hautauUsed Hay Loaders lou Bly III the pa st wee k., is much mIlch, a BIstant hoste sses. _ _ _ ___ _ __ Picnic: lupplie. improve u. Mrs. M. W. Yenser and son, of WAYNESVILLE LOCAL NEWS $25 and $3~ Miss J\hll'i Dachenbac h of Cin- Richmond, Indiana, Sp ellt Sunday Mr. and Mrs. S.houltheis and cinllati called On MI". and Mrs. G. and Monday !With .M\'. and Mrs. WaItel' Clark called on Miss WanV. Sims, Thllrsday evening. Seth Furnas and family on Social da. CI.ark, w.ho is convalescing at Used Itay Tedders Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Freeman R ow. , , 'MIami Hospital. and daughter, of Dayton visited Donald Foulks and SOme freinds Miss Katherine Winsper, of CinSPRING VALLEY $25.00 :-illt u nIIlY.
Don't Be A Slave
In T he Kitchen
IEllrnge r s Restau rant
Wilson's Restauant
Hood's Auto Wrecking Co
Harvest In Full 'Swing
"--------------------__--J :
You Dlay need
Bargains In Used Equipment
Used Washer•.
$15 up
Uled Range.
COPS~Y'8 Grocery
motor d to Charleston, West Vir- dnnati, the guest Emma gill ia f or over the Fou\h. Bal'nett WIBS and Mr. E . V. of Barnhart Mrs. William Colemlln, of Way- over the Fourth. nesville, spen t Saturday afternoon Mrs, Cora Baker, :Mr8. Kenneth with Mrs. Walter Kenrick. K~Tl', . Miss Marjorie Connor, of Miss BerniCE~ Graham, in com~ WllmlOgton, Ohio, Mrs. H. D. Ort pany with Dayton freinds, spent of Sabina Mrs. Merle Johnston, the Fourth holidays in Cleveland. and son, Robert, of Hillsboro, 0 ., SPRING VALLEY Miss Mildred Martin, of Mi- Miss Katherlne and Mrs. Ned EvPHONE 37 amisbul'g spent last week with Mr. ans, of Cincinnati, Ohio, were and Mrs. Frank Robinson and Mr. Ithe guests on the Fourth, of Mrs. and Mrs. Will Berg-dall. IAda Courtney and Mrs, Ida Stok'Mr. and Mrs , Wilbert Swank and os. little Jimmie Swank, of Chicago, Mr. Kenneth Kilborn, of Washwere guests lover the Fourth of I in~on, D. 0, spent the week-end Mr. and Mrs. J.J. B. Longacre and Iwlth Mr. and Mrs. George HenderMr. and Mrs. Calvin Longacre and son. child.t·en. .~i,ss Doris a~d treind Albert ,MISS Martha, Rosnagle return- I Klellmg, of Cln(!lnnati, and Mrs. ed to her homlB in London, Ohio, I B?yd Henderson spent Sunday W.ednesday, aft,er a visit wit' reI- mlth Mr. and Mra. Geol'Ke HenYour local elevator and grain dealer is prepared atives, here. derson. to handle you r grain quickly and efficiently_ Give Mrs. Meta Rogers was a dinner Mrs. Anna Buckler and MIaS Wayne D. Alexander, of King~ us a call and get our bid for highe.t prices and best guest, Monday, at the home 01 Mr. Harvey" of Xenia, apeJ1t Tuesda,. port. Tenn " ll(i.s ited his .parents, service. with Mr. and Mrs, Earl.'M*rlatt. Mr. and Mrs. Lon Alexander. His and Mrs. Will Graham. Mr. and ~'8. Don8l1d Hadley Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Runyon wife and children are visiting her and daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. spent a few days up at the lakes, kinsfolk in Canada, and wilrvisit With homs at $13.10, it will pay you to inveatihere on their return to Kingsport, Therle Jones and son 'Were MOil- fishing. gate the extra profits available to Mader Mix feedPaul and Evelyn Willis, of Wa- day evening g'Uests of Mr. and I, Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Smith and terford, Ohi o, called on J . W. Mrs. William Hadley at Blanches- daugbter spent Sunday with Mr. er.s. Producers at Spring Valley and Vicinity 'should and Mrs. WUlis Pennewit and chilWhiteside and wife, Tuesday eve- ter. inves.tigate the actual farm tests we have on file. Ask Saturday ,evening guests of Mr. dren . ning. ,us. and Mrs. J . B, Jones 'wer~ : Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Henry BUrges and Tuesda.y, the Highway Dept. of John Zimmerman; Mrs. Walter children, of Dayton, Ilp6llt Sunday Salt in Block or Barrell - B~rgain Price. the State counted the trafitc on Moore, Mr. 8.nd iM rs. Richard with Mr. a nd Mrs. Fred Morgan, Route 42 at Spring Valley. Three Moore, Alice al1ld Wanda. WiIlialJl8 Mr. and Mrs. Clarence' Mulford ~ eI'ious a ccidents have occurred of Dayton, of Dayton called on ltlrs. Erner' on our streets by the traffic on Mr. and Mrs, Ebner Groves in 80n Dill,. Sunday afteni~on. thi s thot·ofare. Jame,S Smith, Frank company with t:he fonner'a' m~t1\.Mr. and Mrs. Clal'ellce CrawsKYlle and Ml'S. Nettie Harper, er, Mrs. :F'rorence Groves and ford and family and Mr. Lewia SPRIN G VALLEY, OHIO who 'is now fl permanent invalid, freinds fr()JJ) [layton had a de- Murray spent Sunday with Mr. ~=============;:=~;:;;;;:;;::;;;;;;;;;;;::::;;;;;~ duc to faulty traffic regulations Iightful auto tri,p to Niagara FaUs and Mra. Crlapon. in tho village. To faeilitate crol- - -- - - - - - and in Canada over the Fourth Helen Faul spent lut week alng and make it safe for ped..- holidaYIl. with her sister ~ildn!d Graham, trians, ,there ought to b. a stop M , ra. Lowell d.... In Waynesville. ' light at the Pllst office. This Ie a aD mrs, M d U ' J 'D_' Ruth Morgan lrUeata at a lunI r. an mrs. ames -..entlne, B It., pulleys, babbitt metal, oil CUP', injector., cross street and if an interval eheon and party Tuee- I «>f Troy, and Mr. and J(rs. LiDle,. fla.~h sill'nal is not installed, a push lubricators, gauge., gauge da.s, packing, suctiOil at the Hotel, Day- Marlatt, of Dayton, Kr! ad Mn. da,.. I button l<ignal light should be pro. hOM, tank pump., pipe, valve., and fittin., ton, in honor the NC!eDt bride IGeorn Marlatt JP8llt tk Fourth motl'd. There il ,I uch a lIrht In op111'1. Paul of Lebaalllti' at J'OI'taDlOIl. efation on route 42 at its inter" 11ft. C9ra Gre.. and section with route 40, Mr. " o f Dartoa ..ct IW ~t London, at Lalr.Jlftt.. Used De Laval MilkeJ"l
Spring Valley Hardware
Wheat Harvest Is
In Full Swing
ockl .Kin, C('mpany
his parents, Mr. and Seth Freeman, on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Alvah Osborn had as guests Oil Monday. MI'. and Mrs. Walter Osborn and family of Daylon. Mr. and Mr . Kramer of Cmcinnat i, and Mr. and M;s. Joseph of Bond Hili wen~ g uests on Monday of MI'. and Mrs. J ohn Casey. Mr~. B1oc.h, of Cincinnati, is visiting hf( r son, Mr. I adol' Bloch. Mr. and 'Mrs, p , A. Turner ell' t ertoined at Su nday dinner Mr. and Mr·s. Frank Spellman, of Xenia, and Mr, and Mrs. Albert C. Wi) son and so n of Columbus. Mi ss Dorothy J ean Tur~er is spending several weeks with her sister and brother in law, Mr. and Mrs. Alb ert C, Wilson, Columbus, Ohio.
~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~g _ _______ _ _
An)' Chevrolet Owner I ~- Will 1 ell I .. , You I
Chevrolet Use. Oil"
le ••
Chevrolet Uae.
Chevrolet ' Requb'ea Le.. Sen-ic:e"
Chevrolet I~ More Economical To Buy Operate and Maintain
BARGAINS IN USED CARS 1934 Chevrolet Coach $375 1934' Chevrolet 4-door Sed... $385 1934 Town Sed... wi~ Trunk 83H Truck, 1 % tOIl, a .GOd ODe at realODable price .M...~ can a. low fipn with leta of traaaportation
anb tItbIt
By Th,' M>lJl 011 1'h(' Sto.'(l~
'WI ... . . . . . . . . . .
W ell, ~II', (ur mllt!tlm) till 1 knuw is just what 1 write for thi" newspaper nnd ome 'dozens of thing~ 1 won't tL'l1. You :;c , it happ ns Ihi s wny, I'm like most men, thai id, subs I'VIll1 to my wife's rollin' pin.
Which nll I' mind .. Ille of a rl'llow I n ked Lu suh. 'I'iull fol' thi s new ~ pap(! r last \\eck, You know, he said, "Well, I'll flslc the wife , abo ut it and if ~he SllyS it's O. K. I'll hand you the m,m 'y n<!xt Sa t.· llrday night. " W ell, s ir, you kllu" the neighbors t old me that ~h (· ftU 1'C wns boss at that h O \l ~ e and he didn't clare do tlnylhing without her consent. And, ju st fOt· the sake of pel'sonal Jill l'ly of the nll'n fo lk, I almo~t UUI' d him to como in und subst' l·ibc. Hu t; I r ockon n.'l how 1 had U lter Iwt,
. . . . . . .-----------=-- -----~~:_T:==~===.:
Fall Fe slival Ta ' Be He ld Soon
W aynesville, O hio, "huraday JU LY 15, 1937
lJyet~;~ Bells 8ARN ON COllETT
M:;~,:.w;~~;,~,.~f ,~'"~,~"';b'~
of WaYIl (>~v i lle, and G !'OI'~(, T . Q uick, ~' , n of M.1·~. B. W. ( uick nf N ew ( 'o rli s lc, took pla ce ut 8 :a O 1', M" Satul'llay. al th {' blid{"~ ho mp, Re'". G . C , ])i !Jel'l, mini st I' of th . :11. E . hurt' h, o fficiating. NUJltinl lIlu,< i 1\ ilR pl aye l\ by Miss Ru th f{Ul<!> (jf Mru on, . Ohi o. TIll' mal' I'iage vow s W(, I'I' Ink c n before a.n alt.ar of f ('!'ns a nd pad iQlin s. TIH' b rid e wa s ] 0 ,,1.1' in whitl' Muu s,<elillc de " oi c a nd ral'1'i pd u , h;,wer LOllqu et. o f "i nk I' O:C'S an d iJucl R untl dellJh iniulll . ;\fr~. Mn;·tha W k .• !;ist I' of th (, ~I'oom, who wos matron of hon or, w a " gown · wi in blu c III!'e DV (' I' tufr l'ta . lI e r ol': ag e' b ouq u t wa!< l'I wec t peus. MI'. T. R. W eek t t c l1tl cd th h, id ebl'oom a nd Iii ti e "\,onn e , tubb ~ WUR ring bl':I re1', w earin~ n dl'ess u f pink ol'g o ndi e. Mrs. Quick iM p I!'l'ur!uate of Go«hen High 'ch o I in th" lass of 3 2, al 'o a gradu nt e o C the J H m ~R 1\ORI:I\ 'c 01')1 of Beauty ,ulture, of J uyt , Ohit!_ . Ir. Qui ek compI 't e d his Hil/"h Scho ol t1ucntion at cw ul'lisl', lass of 24, latel' a lte nding Bu. inl'ss School a t Sprin g field, hio,
Lal'l ick.
A ccidents f~~~. ~,~~!"R~h!~O s. c". l~,~ }~. ~~,lL , "U". 1.« In crease ---
It' tt farm wn~ RtI'llck by \ightni nv;, Tuesd ay afle l'lloon, a nd bUl'n ' d cOllll' lt,t Iy. :'111'. ~o ll tt had lefL 110m' ab ou t onr o'clock, with ~h s ki l's cl 'n r, llnd no LhonghtR of ruin . Dut \I hil i' hI.> \\' 11 . On his way ,t o D !I ~tun, on(' I) f th o~e quicldy gath e red t u rm ~ broke loose, with lighning d 'Iltl' InS' the uuilding. A loud CL'lLsh of lightning WOI! h ard by t.h e i'llmily, who live on t he pl ul'e, but they nevor I a 'r n d Lhat th e ba ,n w s, afire until u pa R"t'r by on the 1'oud gn.vc lh e m th w" r d. Ne igh bo rs and f"i e nd s g atherf' N qUI(' ~IY , os th al<ll'm wa s giv en, untl It wn.s ~II they ~ o uld do t o ~uv e 01hl' 1' hUlldmgs \I Inch stoot! n eal'by. Hevt: I'al ton." o ( hoy !lnd a complet(' ~c t of (arming impl eme n t. W'I' 10. tin th fhLmc" . It \\as pur. tially. covet d by in ~ul'lllle
101' K C:I1,.it k fanll . " il Houl(' ·Ik. }juring' ;\1. y , J!J :l7. t.h l' re were fe ll <I" WII , fa ir, . SUllll a y inju l" ;l;! 11<'('111(' 11 1- rl! pur t otl 1.0 the Traf Th o Fil'. t A nnllul I,'all F {'~ ti v !L1 i ng hint~"lr ~\I 111~1 Lh(· ~I'c ('I 1I 1' (' rir )) '\' "i,,,, IIr th Ohio lIig hW1ly will bt· hl' I,1 iIi Wa)'1H.' ''v ill,. about am ~lUlurH' " \\a ~ 'allld tn tnk !' hill! U" 1I>1I1,n, 'n a~ ell'(,UI"I ill l!: o n tate Lho.' fit 'l'lt uf Hc pl('l!lhl' l' a~ct)l'di lllt In :'it. El i7.u!.l'lh ll u' lli tal. 1\1,.. J\ing hi~h\\:lY I' Clul ~ id .' n,unicipalities La nIl anllounc e' lll ·nt lll ud · h(, I'(' . ' - - -i'u ffen'ti 11 h rokell I'·g. <Illig 10 , ' t a l i ti~~ r pl'R!led by L11i !! II' :~ k , b~ the Imln ng('IIl ('n t of Fun t'l'al " 1' 1 ie s for Martha d l l!h\'"~' ! lin'cleH' ,l n hn Jn ~t~ l', Jr. rhe flll •l1'1 l GlllwtL('. I •I1II l~ J' I-e I 17.' 0 k- \ VU; rH' L 1.u1 ,"('dlles~ " This "u~ 10 fll""c Ilc" ide nl 1'hl) j'ull ,J'l'slival l\in h ~ 1'; pun- day, lit II o'l·I,wk, with bUI'ial in . han \\ "/l' n ;portl'd d uring May {I~ red by ttlls 11t' \\1~ I1 U p l:l' WIt h ~h.l' 111 i:l 111 i C em et .. y. 'Th e child is Il 11I:lIl, \\ he n 7:!4 WC"'p r 'c orded. ' . III I, ond CO' lll}('l'atl on uf PUI t1CI- , !l' ru ·n d. dau ghll!}' (I f ' harl es Zcll, I't':pit(, I h(· hig Inc" QR(' in ac. whu will Il l' g iv- I I)~,." t on , Oh 1(0, ' 'nIHI g,. a t granu-, . Dut talking abou't !lub ~cribi n g Imillll\' me!'(' lmnts ~i cl ' Ill . ,IN' I hs hl, wevt?r ~ how e d an for this new8paper, did you know ~ n an Ofl l)ClI'tUIlIt~' to " hil I' in th e' d ug hu' I' o f th lat e Thomas Z()U, 1\11". Mu l'Y C. {" 'O: . IIn, 1 :\1 ,s" j ~~"l" k " of fIId~' rou ,'. Fr,1' May of . h f ll l'llJ(' I' l'e~idenl o f Wayn esvill e, that t.he J3el' e~tn 1M: uf ],'eITY ~v el~t' Ht, l... n 11 11 \\ kl' ,'n I l' rlaln,'d 'II tlw I," ' :." '''1' tht>I'C \1 ' 1'1' [iH p ' r .,ons 'a lll1 " r,< i. J'() ug houl the al'l'Il. Oh lo_ . Church arc ouL to paint th e chul'llh L p Mu y h1J 11lC', S:lt UI',IIIY !'vcni n\1, hilt·.! - ,I I nll' n und 15 w omen now I h: t th e hru I' ('~ t !;l'a~O n is ' with tl1is nel~ S IJ a Jl 1'. Y s sir, ( or wil h a mi.· , lIa ll 'ou. ~hl)w I ' r ur "')II II)UI ,t1 til ~ ij IUI' April oC wc:ll ullcl C' t:lvu y, lin" urgl" j t u bl'gi n M''i~s F'Iore nce lruk. l'e:4id nt madnm) some of lho51! Intli ~s al'C' mak ing pr epa rati on lu show lh" il' IIf 'X(' nia, Ohio, tli d a t St. ElizLh e 1"'Cl' nt britl e, Mrs. Mal'Y D. , :I ~ t Yl'tll - 1 llH'n a nd 7 wonten. going lO VO calling on you f ol' f1 r Cltlucl~ - corn , 11 Itl' at, lobacco, lIhd h H o,<IJital, Dayton, hio, JuLe May. Many ust'ru l and 1)I' .. lty InJ ult,tJ ~ hi '\\l·tl an incl' a Re of 'your subs rivLion ".ome da y ROOIl ,'lIl s, f wi ts, etC'. J1ro~('nt ~ w ' I t' 1'(' 'eiv ·,1 hy .\11'". L,. I:lli OY.l·!' j~ l lty, J!J:HI. T I" injured Iy J '"ul·th. Func' l'al I; 'I'vices we I" and every sub gets 'cm SOlnl! pliint ·May . About :10 E' njoYNI t he "ve. 111 Mal uf tt llS YNll n umbe r ed 71t Ilt>u,;cwi vc~ al'e illvll d t o 1)1' _ ~tJ nducte d July 7 'with bl11'i ul in for the chu l'Ch hOUSl' which is blld - Illl!'!! cann II fruit" ullli v l'1-: " ta- J\1i llll1i ('emeteI'Y· M.iss '11[1'k, fol'lling and dai nty l' e C rt!"hm en L~. Jg-alll<t 1ii ij fOI 1I 11lY uf la s t yenr. Iy in nced nf )Jaint. And,' i( yo u 1)1 " f Cl I' 'xhiuiting, ulilo. It is 1l1 C'1' res id e nt o f on",in, Ohi o, wa ~ wh ich wei' S(\I'V d by th hO.- t l' ·S. . fa y':; J !J :n Ile' lll ent I'ceo l'd was Wllllt to hel Jl the ladies out, A~ pd Illannc d t,l have Il M£'cti on of the well known by many around Way:lll lIn rOVU I'll l,1 - how ing in comWAYNESVILLE-Ii" E. CHURCH your subSCI illtion ill at one and >xhihition de vo l 'd to funcy work IlCS ill ·. (1)\' i. un II ilh t h() III'etee ling month let us know that you in tend the :undu : uf Apri l, wh" n liO :! mOl OI' vehicle nc e> d lcc l'Ilft. um miss i n to be nlJpii d on lhe JlHlFurth uhday s, hool at U: 3 . M. e l' announcement cvneel'llMrs. Grace Lincoln ::;;m ith ,.~111 1 h np~ \\ Hc l'l' I)OI L d f or May. Ferry hut'ch P'aint r'und . Now il1g th F ull F slival will be made c(' ived W I'd , Mond ny, t hat h e r MOI'ning \\Ol' ~ hip at 1U ; ~O . Th e 1)( a t hf ubu ~h o\\'(·d an i nc rea ' 11 this is good for ubs to b sent in thruugll I.h'!se column. a s the tillle aunt, Mr . L O lli ~n J ann ey Zell pas8e l'1ll0 n s ubject will b ' ; "Th e Incf· I Ii' IH, lng. 1'C JlOI'l'd /'01' J\lb y agoinst' fl 'om n ow On unW the fir t of apprUadH!!l, 'l'hi~ word L g iven in ~ (·d ll'll'!l y at hpl' home nt Pns nd f cliv l' ne"" of th e Luk 'wal·m ." 25 fIll' A pl'i l - a n incrf'as of 21. Augu st . Ev e- ning c.-vic al 8 :00 0' lock. ord I' thllt PI' 'pal'Ulion ma y be na. Clll ifOl'nill, ,Tuly 7. Mrs. Ze ll mad , by the funn e l'S :In<l h q u ~ewa s the widow of th Inte Wnlt('l' W ec!nesdI\Y : L ots of Wn ynul i1le folk nre II ~ 'h Bibl e houl' lind 1'11'l\ye l' meeti ng' sensa n J.I rog l'c;;sCS. ~cll , nnl' tim l' II bu, il1 c~s mun Ohio folk. who go ulong '" ith wiv n mi ing out on something good un th . lookout fot' W~yn svill ~ , _ .:~ th ~ tn tl' poultry t our, Jllly 27 t o ot 7 :45 P. 1\1. Wayne '1 arK: Swimlning P.ool - tht' Th c l'e f or ', The Ladies' Aid Societ y wjll 30, oti ght to be able lI(jeL' th f our ~l l ecil1l1y /::ood thing>! a s the lim other day I m e t 1\ m Ull who, with tti Ry: Thi ~ Following the ee r ~ m o ny, 11 r e- ,h,ys to tell" hy th e chkk 11 CI' O ~- mee t with M r.. a large family driv e!! about twen · I'ulls around. iH to be nn all da y mee ting , li nd CC lltion was held. Sea th road and which com es first , .. ty miles h Te nnd back just to WAVNESVILLE CHURCH OF Ohio farm I'll wil l have a chance MI'. nnd M rs. Qu;ick will mukE' th . egg or th e hen, IIccording t 4C. cll ver'ed di;' h lun chcun will be servhnve a god Bw im and cool off Lhes CHRIST to ~ ~e on oC·the newer cro)).'!, soye d at nuon. th ir home in ·Miami. bUl'g, hio, . M, Ferguson, specililist in poulhot _umm l' evenings. Looks lik .. bean};, gL'owin~ on farllls where . Tlibel't, l'ORlor re h h~ managnr of an Actl y hu shandry at Ohi 'tute Uniwh . .'mith, MinUel' JUOL'C Wayn sv ille folk would htlv(! tl' s t~ of val'i lies a I' II ing made 'uncltly: sea so n ticket!; too, but 1 guess Th Wayn 'l·ov.n ~ 'hip Farm e~ cessory Stor . vel·,ity. IInc! a t 0 lhe use of soybean proth y jus~ hav'c n't learn d to dive Sunday School Ht !) :.10 a. nl. ' Iub III t 'I'hm'stlay, .Tu ly 8 , at the Mr. Fergu son bU5 ' S hi s claim on duct,; in all exhib it li S well J\S in yet.. But boy, just JUIllP ill, the wa- 'ubjcct of I '!I:eJII , " a d En UI'- hnme of Mr. and ~rl'. Hownrd the fa~t t hat ' the tourist will B e actual )wlletice in a sCl'ies f meetter's fine. \I!'C ~ a ~nd I·... Printe d t x t Grllham, ncar Harvey 'bul'g, hio. Lhe largest poultry plnnt in the ings b('ginnin~ Aug-usl 23 anJ;;x. :J :13- 10; 4 : IO·l(j; 5:1 hris- Ab()ut G5 wer pr . nt to enj oy (,OW~5 statl' with )0,000 young bird on If you would spend a plea ant lian Enelenvor 1 d Ly D(lrothy tl d nounced hy Dr. J. B, Park, l\gron1e ay, I'a ng e, a co mmercial ' gg pl'oduclng day 's vllcnli on, w also re commend 10liham bcginninJ;: at 7 :00 11• m. omy depllrtm nt, Ohi o tat UniTh n~ lub Bllnd plnyed several T wo f'm C', young J 'rs<,y cow s FUI'm wh re 4,600 laying hen.s at' The lI a l've YSlbul'g Community Wednes day: verliity. " The Yellowstone of Ohio", down "I' c('e" and an ncldrnO" ..,ns gl'v~n \I' ll d by Emma J~. :Surfa c , R. R. knpt, thl' a-decker noultry hou~(js, lub met nt th e hillb school gymby Bainbridge, Ohio, wh r :Mr. The pia"es nnd date s where meet Pru"t'I' meetin r sloLe ? (I •• " ,. ~ ~M OJ" ~ ~ I~ by ·Ml'. HlJd ~on, of W ilmin~to n,O . 2, W' I' kill'd hy lightning, Mon- u barn built especially fOI",l oultry, with al'ound tw~nty of its mC1l\han~y has PI' pored utilities for iug ,. \dl l be h('ld al'e August 23, Serm on 7 :4G p. m. uhjcct, ., . P 0 . ,.. I ividin'~ ' the WOI',I oC lJ ~ t pic "Believ it or not" wnll uay ('veiling. 1' 1 eltly was lru;ur- lhe .first gg auction ill Ohio, the ber~ present. folk to enjoy the "7 eav B." Th Te "Ri"h It. m., Ir levlll , p. m., MOI'row, "'..... h . ., Th h'ld • eu \\ ith th Williur N. ears Arren- fl t. ' ,-1 t I k' . Duc t o thc ab sence of thl' pn'sTruth. Pmyer m eeLing at 8:0 0'- muc enJoy ' u. (' I fen s .. 1'8 CO_ 8 orage oc -cr servIce one may wander in Naturc's Wonin WU I " n co ul1ty ; Augu. t 24, a.. ollem PI' ~ ided . "T' a s I given cy. _ _ __.~._ ._-_ off er ed ill the stale, 8,000 h ns id ' nt, Mr. A. derland, ~ here Molhe r of All The c10rk p_ m. ,\ill . tutly the ' eigh- Ptr°thg~am Ill . , Milr"l'(l e nt er, p. m. Piqua. during th e r /!ul I' routine uu n. ,I . meet mg.. wo we come re- U under one roof, and many other Mountains, wh n Ote world wn.~ tecnlh chapt r of Acts. Au g u t 25, It. Ill., Marion, p, m. ine s. i o.,t ill!p(1)tant of which wa ' We had an at.tcncWnce lut Sun- cltntlOn~ weJle g Ive n - one by Su e S V features. young, dropp d n lapful h re in Oppel' andus ky; Augus t 26, a. m. The tOUT tarts at the Athens tbe report of Ihe co mmitte \\hich Dunkirk, p. m. Van Wert. Dr. Park the henrt oC the Ml<ldl e Wellt. A· day morning of 7'1 and an oCfer- • to kt!tln a~d ~f1e by Mary D~IR> n hac! beeil pl'c\,iou Iy l1\lpoin e d to tate Ho!'pita]; July 27, nnd end mong these eaves, cliffs, cascades, ing of ~17.00, with n good siz Hough. R cltatlon~ weI' also glV• ays Itch of the me ti nl."8 will be i' . en by Fl'allce WhItaker, Sue Fur___ ill levclull(l, July 30. T.he first seek g l'o und for a n athl tic fi e ld he ld on /I ' far m ncur the town nam· and canyons, one ean find Peace CI'OW( out Sunday v nln~. nas and Ulla ' Hoak, all of w'I 'ch . MI'. a nd Mr.;;. Walter Ilst were day'll . to) S will be madc in A the ns, Ior thc &t hool. and 'ontelltment deep in th e cool uJ in the announcement. Several good pi ' eR of grouml \VOl'e very much e njoyed. 1I 0st ahd hostess to a group of H ockin g, and Perry countics and ree eo.. of Ule llt;lI o Yellowston e ven vad ties f OybclillS al'e The .~am(' ofIicel's ""'l're electc(I llrien~ at Cha u Luuq ua ~rou;nds , Lhe nig ht will be SlJent at New- (ire UVI1i!ab l,.. f or a IonA' P riod 01 Park, Leing t est l)d a t each of the m eetleaSe and the com;nitt.e, wa l< relor allother yenl'. President, F . U_ Sunday cvening, July 11, Ilt a pi c. ark. Th first s top on W ed n e ~day, ing J1lncc ~. Di1fenmt kintls of soy· L 'Moy, Vice PI' sid nt, Earl nie in honol' of th eir ~ra nd-dau gh- July 28, will b {It the Moha" k tained to net fU I·thc!' in the mntter A fin rain la ~ t Tu sduy did n bans val'y gl.' atly in theil' desirn ock,' lt, Sccretary, Mifls Eth I t r, Mi heap of good dOW II through thi L oui e Zimmel'mon's Dam and the tour then proc ed s wh n th \ 'c1ub hn ~ d t rmin ed it~ ttbility f ur lise f or bay and a L30 A plea nt CVl' nt of J uly !I, Sack tt. A union p icnic of Frank- 1 til birthday, The inviterl gues t!' to th e farl116 of B-ert Whitn ey, nction in I he matter. 8ec~lon of t.he Miami Valley. Th e for t!'rain prOduction . New variThi.~ i!> in lin with the poli y, Lebtlnon, ond the Wayne were !Iii', and h's. Walter Ken- Danville; ,D. Blubaugh, Va ngl~owill.g crops had b e n without ... ns a mi cl!llam'ou~ IIho\\'el' in lin, e lie ore being brought out occasi. e" to mllke impl'ovclll<'nts in c om rainfall :for almo~t a m onth and hooor of Mr. mId Mr!!. Maynard T OWll, hip lubs Wll planned fo r rick, f Ly~le, Ohio, Mr. and lI1r~. viII ; Lifer's Poultry Farm; J. ionally, and to find which ot: the . Raymond OnnE' I', M i" Ru th anti Pinckley; lifrne t Conrad, L oud on - muaity life a s they 31'e prl' S uted were ~hir, ly, but this TRin ~n.~ Runyon (n c EVil \\1. Allen) at tht' A ugu. t. new on ;\ are best a~a pt e d fOl' from time to time. It was ~tat l' u - - - - - i. ___ J' alu h onn e l', Mi ~. Frllnc('s Wnt- vi lle; W ayne Poultry Farms, Woo brought thouslInds of t1\lllals cA- ' oun try hOJll<.' 'of Mrs. F. D. Mulu e in aU Jlarl s uf hio, the field · CLUB MEETS kins, Morjol'i Tinney, L e un- ter; anl! H owar:d Workman_ Aft l' in th e meeting- thot the club ha~ tfa yield to the fi~lds . OC course COl'" in the Nauvo o C omlllu mty. te~ ts al'e most p r ~ctic l. Farm ers the thre hin g crews were sl.oJlped Mrs. Mulford WO!l aldt'd by M~. On lust ThuI'sdllY, July 8, MT S . ncr, and Elm r SUI'facc. Th e e- a. visit to th Experiment tation, b en o)'g1lniz dill' und Lw Iv yt's, t hen ('an s e I lIich ROYS make the hosic~:! to th e Com- ven~ celebruted also tloe birtllllay th . night will be . pent in Woo· and that it hll S funcLi (m ed contino be: t gl'owth ill thoir locality. and what little wheat 'Was left out Flol'ence lIild elJ rt>cht and ML'~' Li dll Duy \\' ually th"ougholl t thi: period and was hlo>wn down in p laces, but no Millard Mos man , with the e nter- munity ClUb. T.wclve ladies were uf al'ah Onnlo' I', who wa~ tw Ive l 1'. . On 0 f the Ielltlll'o. at the meet~eathel'man could ~u it' everyb ody's tu inin g . rink and white were th p resent lIe!lides the ho tess to enL<)c"Ai:s - -The fir t fjtop On Thursday il'l ha ~ a record of \' orthwhile uttain- ing will be an exhibit car built and COlell'.< used in decorating. joy the e)CC' ell nt flinner, Those Ilt the farm of ]'ercy Whi te , Woos- mellt.... whim. At th e prugram hou,', MI'. li ar· equipPl!d by th P,' nnsy lvania .Ra il Those pr en~ weI' : Ml's. haR. pre8cnt were: l\1r.~_ Robert Bake'r, .Tanice and hSI'lotte Burn ett tel'. Vit'\ lt then ar e made to t he Exc !sive heat allli hot t mper old D. Will i.· , editor of The Miam i '·U:ltI . Soybcan products have been RU'nyun, moth I' f l he g l'oom , Mrs Sr., fr~. Robert Bak el', Jr., Mrs. returned home at.lIl'day evenin g 1"1' d Ward Farm, the Wooster egg u~ ('d in makln~r co . tings for' the l' ached tile b]O\\lng fI pillce, it Nola Shepard, of Dayton, Aunt Elizabeth Lew is, Mrs. adie on- aIter a we~k's ' visit with their uucti on, find tho Guest HeCdgera - Gazctl, spoke' upon th ~uhj~' ct CIl I' and to furm fittings a~ dool' is repo l ted, in evcrnl quarter!! "Our Whol fluly" bnl','d hi s I'C' of the bride, Mrs. Ma ud ~UIllP- nor, Mrs. Fmnk Fan, Mr!l. has. Grundpar IIts, MI' . ll11d Mrs. E. L . tO I' L ocker Company. Th tour klHJb!<, se at arm s, and wi ndow ills. t his pnat week. Be. id es t.he rifm'd, Mrs. Mnty DlIlllpCord, Mrs. All n, VI'. Mal'Y L. ook, Mrs. Thomn.~. t he n goes tbl'ough Medina coun- Inurk. upon I h~ mo I'll I anll : piritll - Jj;xhihits of many soybean products OUll injudcs t.hat arc apt to b inl~nd dauglltcl' Dorothy, i r s . Ayl- RU ,oe l Be ntley, Miss Mary Allen, Ronald Ilardi n of incinnati ly and m embe!' !lpend the night al (Ibligati o ll ~ laid dOli n in tht! 0 11 ill b $c t up within the cal' which flicted, we have always held that Mrs. haril's Robinette, Mrs. Virgin ill ' c s , L ouis Jea,n Ba- . pent th weck-end at homlC, I in 'I eveland , Fridal:' will be oc- 'L' e~tal'l1cnt for cornlllunity a tivity . II ill be pin e II on II Ridin g in t ,lle t.here wasn't any fun in figh R('v. WNlV t:' I', IJu;;lOl' of th e Earl Robin ette, MI·~. Lo uis Rob· k 'l', Mi s J oscphin Banta : During The l\1 ~ses Roma Rardin and cll llied 'ith vi gits to the fooO t 'fm · LOWn nCIlI'est the meeting place. cause last time we tri ·d it Seemed inette, MI·s. Earl Robinettc and the dny the lub was re-c hri sten- B el'nice Graham, M essers Stanl y'inal, co ld t()rage plants, 1,' n1'01 (' h ul'ch ut l'/C'W RIIl'lingl on, \\' ho i~ Th l' glO'wing intercst in soya8 though one just had to huny dau gh te r, Dorothy. Mrs. Ayl ~to ck, ed 1' he unshi n e lub, and the la- . Daugherty and B ob SiMY " pent Bure" u Mark eting plarlt, and the "Iso n mCII1bl!I' of th e H :lL'v e y ~ uul' g bean s in Ohio will dJ'llw mallY grow too nluch. Club, was P!'C' 'Cllt and tnld of pa~ 1 all of Ma.son, Ohi o. Misses M. W. tlie; IIdjoul'ned to meet nc: xt the wee k-end at Cle~veland, ailend in th . (~ay's schedul e. ' I'll lo the n<l ti onal soybean meetI jng t he Greut Lakei~ Exposition. stu l kYll ds are already inclUd ed C)(.p I'i n '('S in lub and communi ing ti) b ~ held . u UI'bana, IllinoiS, And now work has be e n started Trillena Ed"\fll'ds of Wayn sville, month. . Mr. Pergus on says if any m e m~ ty wO.l'k. on the sewerage dispOSlll plant, Ohio, Mrs.' Ilerb rt P oorman and Thl' A lIj!us t m ee l ing will b ~ an- Se pt.cmher 14, 15, 16, At this meet - - -- - - - -- bers of a poultryman 's family W aynesville becomes n bus y placo little daughter, Mrs . Ira Cannes, ing-, IJ r. Park state. , re p orts of in deed. A good improvement that of Wilmington, Mrs. John Brown J think the .t our is too highly s p·e . notln ed at a la l'r date and, as it IVI,rk dlHI with t his crop in all is the cu ~ ttJm, th L" . will be a pic· c inJized they should note that a citizens with hometown pride vo- and daughte rs, Pauline, Mary, Mal' ,..,. <lol l:,' will be given , coul mine aIid a pottery will be ,,is nic, to v.hleh, the fam ilies lire in· ted for will eventually b come ~ ga.-et lind Vena Faye, of Martinsvited for fun 'and entcl'tuinrnent. LOCALS reality. One won't have t,o hold his ville. The Misses Maxine Maxfield, vi ited the iil't day, Good pure..... ..... bred he rds of cattle and Perch rn ose because of strong whiffs of Nioma Stratton, Mal'ietta and SusLOCALS Thut's ehiy ve ning, Ml·. and Mrs. no na Mu lford, Mrs. Ernest Menon hOl'ses are Ii t.ed a.s nttraction s sewerage a ny more, Mrs. J . O. R1twright, of ill - RUl!:c r Brown entcl·tained a few cer, Mrs. Lo la Hagarty, Mrs. Shel',"t.e long lookcc!.for sC verageE. H. Bard es Ran~e & Foundl'y Co_ for the seco nd day, and an examof th eir I,.einds. A, sodal evenil1g RAI NSCOVER F IELDS ton Waites, \\frs . Lester Hagurty, system has, at last, gott!)n u nder Arms trong Sewer P ipe Co. ule of landscaping a po ultry plant cinnati, Ohio, ~ l1ellt un tlay and one! ic e·erelllll was e njoyed by Monday wit h h t' muther, ' MI·s. Rains, in almost eioud,burst vol- Mrs. William Wiget, Mrs. Amos way, according to an announce- Chicago Pump Co. will be One of the sight on Thur s\11'1'. Alli e S elTi s nnd . 01'1, Robu me, in and around Lebnnon, Tues Moomaw and little Richard Strat- ment mode c.arly this week by Mr. T tal $11 105 5 day. The Clevelnnd ai r pol't and ' Hannah Rodger!l. ' I't and Mi s Luey J~ml ey . Car 0 '" ~ the Great Lakes Expositio n arc nl· Mrs. Ed Do ·tel·, Hic:kClryvill , day, ~ elped to r educe the tem per- ton, all of Nauvoo.' ~Mrs .J Pearl M S untlay J uly 11 bcing the birth. A . K. Day, mayor of the village. The cound l lin;; leased the gar· was a gu o: t of Mrs. Sadie Connor tiny of Mr ... ndie Connor, s he inane l'S so f eatu r es for that day . atu re, bu~ . put several country na h an nn d d a ug h ",,1' Last week, on Wednesday eve- age building across from the Pow- NOT ICE OF PUBLI - C H E ARING on undoy. roads under water and shocked John Haman .and two ch'ildren: ",il II th~ fo llowing gups to spend M'I~" Ray ! ai nollS J'ctUl D d the tlay with her. Her guesls were: wh eat wes said to have b een' wuh- Mrs. Everl\tt Brown , Mrs. Fred ning, the village board met for the Cl' Plant, belonginl: to Mr. Ora e Statler, a nd two children, Mrs. regular July meeti ng and let th e Sargeant, of Blojr Mills, Kentuck¥, On T he MIJo. •• i Tow nsMp Rural hume ' \.Illday, a [tCI' a week vi.s it 1\11'. and Mrs. Herbert Doster a nd ed! froml fie lds. Water was r eponMaine Shonk lind daughtel', hiI" contract for 'materials a nd con- in whie:h t o store material ,u sed fol' School Di st r ict Bud.et ed three feet deep in fiel ds north with h I' chi ' dl' ~ Il, in Dc I'oit, {nmily, of l1al'veyab urg, Mr. and I ley" Mrs. Mllim H umphrey, Mr, struction of the entire system, the erection of the sewer 8y t.em. Notice is here by given that o n of Leban on. MI'. and MI' . Wm , Lu ke ns and J. E, Fralier and Miss JoseMr. Chas. Joy was auth.orized Hazel Hill and baby, all of Pansy . The contracts were let u pon t he and instructed to erect "No Pal~k- I he 20th "day of July, 1937,. at 8 daughter, who ha v be n tout'ing ' phin\! Banta, Wllynesvill e, and Mr. BLA NCH)::S TE R, OHIO recommendation of the V ill age I ing" s igns in fl~on't of the ClIas . B. o'clock P. M., a l)ul>lic heal'ing on thl'ough t he Eu sl, vis ited Callada, and MrR, Fred Lennord lind daugh the Hudg t prepat'eld by the Mas- Niaglll'<l Fall ~, W II~ hin ltton D. C. tel', or King Mill s. While dr iving on Route 42, Enginee r, Mr. Sheppard, witb t he L ()wis property on Mai n Stl'eet ic Board of EduClition of tilt:' and N c w York, r utl'ned hom, SunTuesday P. M., t he car . of R ev. Mes. Fred Stamm and two k' ' 11 b ep l'OIL h'b'tecI !lcong I' Mr. and Mr . . E. Norrhl, oE ' M'boys . adoption and sanction of the board . P armgWl M&!;s ie Towns hip Rural Schoo l day. D e Vinney, of J ackl\on, Mis.sisBip- of Fl'iendsi)ip, Ohio, M iss 111 me . h' f f B1oominpton, Tllinoi s, l'ame to visit pi, skidded fro m t he highway in. Carnahan, of B lanchester, Mrs. A savi ng of .: omethlllg .hke t IS rontage rom 7 to 10 ~ .. M. Di>lrict of Warren ounly, OhiO, Mr. and Mrs. E. . Wool ard, of with Mt" Norl'is' sl~tN', ~Il'. and to t he ditch. Mrs. De Vinney was Anna Armstrong of Snowhill, Mra. $2000 was made fJ;om the est,"~a- and fl'~m 5 _to 6 p. 10. , t hus g,vIIIg 1'pr the next sucoceding fisenl Dayton, were ih Sunllay dinner MI'!!. J. P. Larl'ick, Ilnd al.'Io to at.. d ~h • t t h t D A F~ad Ru.~~1 Mr W Gre t- ted cost of the proJect. T he eng,"~ t h e prlveledge to the rural nnd yeol' ending Vecember ;3 ht, HI a r. . ' Q,~ s. m. a . ' ta t '1' h' . ~uests 01 Mi ~. Lilla Benham, at t E' nd t he weddillg of their niece, i nJU fe t.o ~ e ex~en E. St out wall called. No bones were hous ' and lon, Mrs. Earl Reeder, eel' had, at first: estimated t he cost s r rou mal car~lers, e,," t 'll I ~ 38_ ~h8. Crone' i\, Mi ss Elizubeth Mullen a nd Mr. b k b t t he sh oek a nd b r uises of Clarksville, Mrs, Geo, Wiget oC to be $13,~(l7. 73, but the total con to b~ th_e n ew loca~lon .o f the Way'u"h hearing will b... held lit MI'. and Mrll. hllrle~ F. Mosher, Ge91'ge Quick, 1'0 ell, u t tb t t t M New Vienna Mr M'a rga t Fara m eted prIce went at $11, 105.(;2. nesvllle Po t O{fICC III th(' nnnr the office of the Board of Educ!LM1'. on d M O E . ~ye!. u_ of Cincinnati, and theh- nephew, were ao trrea a a preHn r. , 8. re T h f II . f' d fut ure rs.. o., tion, High School B uilding. a nd D e Vin ne)' are resting ker, of E dwa rdaville, Mrs. Edwin e 0 oWIng Irm.s were awar Ot h ' Charlt;s Hartsock, of MilCl()rd, ar- C leveland, Mr. Cha . Frazee and ed contfacts: er matters of importance J " W. Da vis, Clerk ived in England on t he S. S. B er· daughter, Nina, of Sartiina, -ohIo, Va n d ervort, 0 f S pr Ing Bill • a t the ~ Little , . t h e a d op t'Ion 0 f '• h e ann • ua I _ _Inn •• _ • ml ton S a n d &. G rave I C 0, Noiic~-eugarilL, July 9th, lor a two month... were guests of Mrs. Mary C. Croaa. BRIDGE CLUB MEETS A n.Jce Su nday dinner wall give.n Crane Comany budget of U~,792 . 60, whie: h is diLI'ip t.hrou/lh England,- France, Mr. aDd Mr&. Rober~ Cln ••r T he ladies of the ArKUDot Club t.he home of H~, and Hrs. May I Rennselaer Valve Co. vided l1li follo\V8. ,6,622.20 The. Gra,!ge wSU meet Satu~. tnd llolland . were week-end guests of Mr. _ were entertained b3 the Hiues nard Runyon by hiS grandp~renta, James B. Clow & Son Co, Gen , T. '100,00 day mght at the hall. Proc ram ! The St. Marys Episcopal Church Mrs. Chao Le Ma" at Trillena and Marcaret Edwards, Mr. and ~r~ Charles Robme~" Ohio Correpted Culvert Co. Auto Tax (St. Main) 1,000.0. in charge of committee, Pubhr licnie: wall held Sunday, July 1 1, qa. at dI. Little 1M, on Taesda" Sa1188on, II ~ lo!: ---:__ B1draulie Developl.. Co, Gu T ax 2 800,00 invited, t Fort Aneient. Ohio, 61i .,. 18. In Bri.... b, ~e . Em .... Fan Dakin, of en- Universal Sewer Pipe Corp. atel' F, 200.00 Bom to II~. and D , e v e - CtadDaaU 1taU a Buppl, Co. n Ind. it.
I -
, c."c
Shower fo ·r
Recent B ride
.. _----
10 MEET AUG. 23HO;
Lightning .K ills 1 wo
i rthda
Shower lor Couple July 9th
rk S ' ta r ted' On' Sewer-System' 1J 0
- - -- --
- -.
._ .. ---
r ..4
iami EDtfred
Po tofficeat W.ynt'~\l11I • Ohi". all • t'tond la 1\ Mail Maltt'r
-rOTARY PUBLIC Natl•••l Baa" Willa Dra _ _ • E.tato. S ... "II . WAYNESVILLE. OHIO
,iIle, Ky. COMMON PLEAS Granted Di .. al'e ......" ea. Di.mi ..e.......: On the charge of will fu lab· ~===================== Thl! action of th Davitt and UED EVERY THURSDAY 'l'nc(', No h &11 has II n grant- Price. Fixed)Jat1 ~t' r ' l\1u~ic o. IlgniMt Stanl y =--.:=~-=~l' d a divorce from 'S tl'lIa Bd!. The Pric('!' of eC l'tain sto ck., Ji~tl!d Watkini' ha, bel'n tli. mi ~' ·d. d~l!l\dltnt, howt!vcr, W[I . award· among the ns..-cl:l of the Elizabct.h Office Phone No. 112 Judllement I. $436-th,I'CC ehildl'en, Whitner· est.u te, have been flxetl Judl:(t! m nl, alllounting 1.0 $-130.- cd C\llllolly of Af'k ( (1 1' !l wilh J't'!lsonnble I!'ight..- of visita.· by th e CO Ul't. -HI ha bl'I!I1 nwul·tl c:d th(' plaintiH tio n . reill'I'Ve(i f ur 1-he plllintiff. Approve. In" .... tor)'_ MIAMI SBURG PERMANENT in the ens' of Rob rt F . . Young , PROBATE COURT Inventor y file,1 by Annie Mool'o CONCRF.T.E .John n. Doan IIncl Lawrcnc L. Account Fileda.s exl' 'utl'ix of the al'l Wilhlllll~ i r Seal Buri.l · Vaul t A' Bavel' lI~ain..,t LambeI' I{h()adc~. . Eulas.~, aSI trustee for tho c:;t.ate, has lJccll UI)IH·oved. Pnr f; 'lle Only By Get Till Sept. 7 Geol·g · E. Ril y estllt ', htl filed To Be ServedTo File An. weuYOUR FUN'ERAL DIRECTOR The ddendant.. in the case of his second account. DI'fl'ndant~ in thl' damagc ac· E.tate Val~ Frank ~Vhitacrc, ntlministrutor of McCLURE FUNERAL HOME. tion again, tt' u~tel!!' or th LebA fatl;ier {th fatherlp!ls, lind II jud,9:e of th Vnlu ' or th I!tate oC the lat.e the Bcll e 'impson e~tnte, a8'lIin~t Wa,noniJle,O. Phone 7 'Widow~, i. God in His holy habitation. PMlm 6 :5. ano n Masu nic 1Mb::- and other, Bel'lha Kn crller, \\ hich has been Ruth Eckhardt, und ' oth llrs, hns slied fur $ 11i.OOO clamn 'R . by declared x mpt from the pay· been ordered ~, .. v .1 by publica· Mr. Farmer - we are Mrl<. arah Fred, Lcball on , have ml'lIt of inh ritancc tux, hu . l.Jeell lion. ~ome of the , mall lown workers who l hink lhey have prepared to give you Imb n Jrrnnt 'd un til pt. 7 to ~(l t at $108 1.54. Adjud,.d Inaan __ 1\ hard job l!hould visit a lew factori and watch the men (ile un an. wt'r 01' demurrer an Inve ntori". Okeh·Roy amp, Lehanon, ha~ been mediate installation or women Ilnd girl" work who havE' to keep up wilh a mn: cntry . ign d by Judge Charle~ Inventol'ies filed . by Norah lidjudged insane and was order· service on your wind.char· ehine or conveyor belt. They would find out that there B. Dcchant ~IlY ~. '1 h deIendant.~ Hough, liS executrix of the Ed. ed !!ommitted to the Duyt.on ger plant and radio. is a vasl differenre between a country town job and a § § § § arc Harry . Schwartz, Fred L. Hough estate, ·hlls been ap- State H o~p itlll. job in indu try. Mr. Motoriat - aati.· Kibb ey, A. P. H a l'mon , jr., A. B . pl'uv'd by Judg.e Ralph arey. Pr~r. Filed10 Year Kaufman Aaron Bl'nfman and Approval also WllS given the inProofs of publication of the- no· fied patrons are boosting The mo. t pitiful thing in this age of tolcranc And Edith Disholl. Mrs. fred aJlegl . vClltOI'y filed by Howard Pal'l'i s, tices of th e appointment.~ of thl' our inatallation and serbroad mint..ledneM is the narrow minded individunl who First Mtg. she was injured wh en .~he fell ex!! utOI' of th~ William Hayden following have bee n fil d: Be sic vice on automobile ra:dios. 6 S no good in the ideas and the visions and dr ams of § § § § down what she ~DYS wa. an un- PlIl'ri~ estate. L. oak, ex cutJ'ix of t he Jonath· o~h e~ , .who is. only intere ted in the petty thin~ to w,hieh Farm Loans If in trouble, CALL I)r t cted !'tail'way n ear the Sf n e To Hear Invento.ryan M. oo.k estute; L. M. Hendel'hi limited mind i open. H is afraid of new id as., and, Hearing on tho inventory filed ' on, ancillary admini tt'ator o[ of l·epuir. at the Mason ic hall because ot Jack ot courage, hides behind narrow mindcdlly Evel'ctt L. SChWIII·tZ, Ii exe· t.he estat e of Mary L. 'Claggett here. De and xt.rem can rvatism . Out of the lives of such Frank LeMay, Solicitor e utor of the e tate of his flither, Rnd Anlla S. Randall, executrix To File Motion~ progress alld development has never s prung. Th ey mel'eThe defendant.~ ndy Kuntz harl s J. Schwartz, who died f the as iu ' G. Randall e tat I~ appropriate 'niggardly what others have visioned, lUld GIR2 Wayncsvill 74R and othcrs, have been gl'anted here I'Ccently, will be conducted NEW CASES FILED ploneered, and proven. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO . Seel.. Divo",_ until ept: to file an an swer to July 23. the suit {il d agnin!<t lhem by the File. Accouabbarging b"1'08S n eglect. and The need 'of the wo dd is 0 great for the right type r' d Cl',,1 Land Bank of Loui s· The executors of the estate of willful ub enee, Parrie Reynold s ?t home life that it occu.rs to us that it would b a lIplendthe lAte S usan J. Brown have has filed uit for divorce against ld thing to direct attention to the families which have filed tlleir first; and tinal .ac- William Reynolds. Th couple Legal Notice distinquis hed themselves for what they ha.ve .be n ' able counts. was mal'ried May 29, 1930, at I to put into the live of the young men and women who ealec! propo."a1. will be r· Care), E.tat.e Franklin. They have no chilgo out tram under these parental Toofs. WE' know of no ('(:ived at the oC'fice of the clerk dl'en. Young and Young are the finer accomplishm nt in thi.s day and ag in thi s counof the Village ot Wayn e!.<ville, h ValuedValue of the e tllt!! of Anna plaintiff' attorn eys. try than for a home with moderate mans to give to the Ohio until 12 o'clock noon of July 30, 1937 for the purchase of cedent's property WIIS made. Art REAL ESTATE TRANSfERS world a half dozen boys and girls, not only trained from !te nds of said Village in the ag- L. arey, late tlw ncr of a Lebarah B. Fred to Peoples Bllil<\the standpoint of high school and college bul trained in gre/!:nte s um of $496.00 dated !Ilion jewell'y store hU I! been set ing Loan and avings Co., jll\l't Ute fine qualitie ot Illanhood and womanhood. courteous, Jilly 1st, 1937. SaId bonds will be at $12,026. P E'rsonal prO)lcrty of lot No. 30 1, city. induBtrious, .thrifty tem~Mlte, sine I'e, considerate and thl ee in numb er from one to thl'e(' was valued at $'7026 and l'eol esElla and Frank CI'OWO to Puu. t houghtful. We have seen it many tim es. It j (rom such l,roth inclusivE'. Each o't said tatq nmQunted to $0000. Debts line Hitt, 10 acres, De rfleld tp. bond.!! wiII be of t he denominatio n homes 08 these that come the men and ttl wom n that Mary L. King to Robert D. of $165.00 alld will draw interest were 66J3 and th co t of adgive to thIs nation its eharaeter and it Iltnmina to en$fi5G. No applica- King, real stat, city. :It the I·at.e of 4 % p et' annum, th e mini stration, dure when .hysteria sweeps th rou gh the land, and a narchy 'first instnl hnent of intel'est to be tion for an appraisal of . t he deVirginia R obi nson to Loui.s~ S. and eommunism beckon the unthinking. We believe that duo and payable MaTch lat, 1938 daughter, Frances Louise ar!!)" Hamilton, lot No. 578, Franklin. some foundation should recognize such parents, though B'nd eaeh six months thereafter on succe ds to her mother's estate. Louise. Hamilton Rnd Myrtle we feel the reward that comes from the knowledge of the fir t day of Sel.tembcr and L. Barnhart to Virgi l Ro binson, March of ach yeat· until the prin· Will Admjttedihaving produced uch a family is greater many times over The will t the lale I N1n e WeI· four acres, TurLlecl'eek tp. cipal sum is paid. . than any gift of any ' found~tion yet created. Bon d No. 1 _hall he nue Sep· ton has been Ildmitted to ]lrOJ. S. Riddeil to Alfred Kindred, tember 1 t, 1. 3 ; Bond No. 2 bate. lot No. 20 and 14 , Franklin. We have heard of the criticism otfered of t h p res. sl;all be due e ptember 1st, 1939 L stet· P. and Mary E. }Iuds n a nd Bond No. 3 eptember 1 t. To Hear Debb-ent reliet program t ha t federal aid demoralizes an ind iHearing on I~h e schedule of to Minnie L. H awthorne, part of 1 !)4fr, Loth principel and interest vidual. As we see it the f 1I0w who demoralizes b~ause being pay ble at the Wayn sville debts flied by Charles William lot No. 806, Franklin. the government steps in and gives him Msistance after h e Nillio nni Bank, Waynesville •. Ohio. Bercaw, ndministratot of the Minnie L. lI awthorn has exhausted nil the meana at his di!!posal to make a Said bonds ar issued for the Jamcs E. Bercaw estate, is to be and Mary Hudson, lots living, has always been d emora lized. purpose of paying the judgement conducted, July 30. and 204, Franklin. li nd costs Tend r ed against the Dave and Lulu Hawthorne to Village in favor of Wil\ O. Gu stin Account. Filecl-The best kind of trade stimulation for a m rcbant l< ~ irst and fiftal accoun t of RobEzra E. C81'penter, lot.!! No. 142 in aU!le No. 15601 Warren Ooun· is, first; to .keep a. good stor , clean ff 8h 8toek attrac'ert M. Ande1'So~l, exeeutor of the and 143, Franklin. , ty om man Pleas Court a nd are tively arranged, fairley priced, and IIIlcon rl; to let people issu ed under aull'horlty of the William G. Andef\Son ' estate and Ezra and Verda Mae know through adfertising' what he hM. It i8 importan t law f Ohi o and of the Uniform first, final and distributive nc- to Estel .T. Wright, that readers will be fill ed with a desire to s e the me rBond A(·t a nd in accordance with Franklin tp. . chandise advertise. a certain ordinance of said VilJohn and Mary T ewart ~o Roslage pa.~ed On the 7tn day of Jun e, 1!)37: CHART211t N •• 2120 COe and Val ora F. H endri ks, perfume A beautilul boufuet of rOses cli. seminat aid bonds will be sold to the Hu er.,e D'I.trlat 1(0 • tracts No.1, 2, a nd 3, Franklin into the room until the perfume fills the room. As far a s highest bidder for not less th an Report of the condition of the tp. I can be observed the fact that a hundred people enjoy thci the face value t hereof nnd accruWaynelvllle ~ ratlonal Bank, of Cal'rie Haskin s to Eva 1\Iary ed interest. The bidder mU!lt at~ WayneavlUe. in th. State of pErfume of a rose doe! n ot perceptibly dimin~ h it frag· lach to hi bid a certified check Ohio, at the dOH of bualn .... Bojar, lot No. 2317, Loveland YOU GET EXTRA ranee. The 'perfume is ju t as sweet to th e hundredth in t'h~ sum of $25.00, that if his Palk I .ROTECTION person as it was to the first one. The same lJhi ng is true bid is accepted, he will r caive on Ju~ e 30, 1937 Wjlli~m Baco n to AGAINST 811d pa),1 for 8aid bonds within PuUlished- in response to caU of a smil e and n pleasant gre ting. 1t takes \no more et· thirty days from the time of ,the made by Comptroller of the Th ompso n, lot No. 185, ILOWOUTS - eight fort to be pI asant to a hundr d folks during the day award. Currency, under Section 6211, ex,,.apounds of TUbber Lincoln H . Gregg than it does to be plea.sant to one, and, hnvillg' been pleas Th e bidder if he is awarded the U.. Revised Statutes. are added to e cry 100 Blackfo l'd, lots No . ant, one's supply . of good will and smiles remain s the bonds must satis fy ,himself of the ASSETS poundll of cord by the Sprillgbo ro. . eame. Like the ,purfume of the rose, smil es arc n ot lost regulal'ity of the pl'ocee(jing5 Cor Loana an4 dlacOllota .... J5 K.3i\ S.~r. Firestone patented GumAlbert Miller and Florence thougb given freely. the iMue thereof and also must Ov.rc1racta .. ...... ... ... 1 3~.r; 4 Dipping process. By this toltz t o Anna Miller, lot No, accept typewr itten bonds instead IIlltl \l l:itll.tea Go've rn/nont . QbllgQtl0 l18. direct aDd . t d b d process every fiber ' in of prm e o.n . . ' (or) tUlly lI'ua r'anteed . . 1~ 2.S86.91) 644, Fran~in. Th e Cou nC11 r eserves the nght Other bonda, .toc.. an4 every cord in every ply is Miami Valley Building and tv roject any and alJ bids. securl l ies ... ..... .... . 1 ~.i. :lr. ll. 07 .tunted with liquid rubber. July 21ld 1937 Ba'.'klnlr "'ouae. ".000. 00. Loan Association to J . S. Riddell, " ' , • • )Jated j, ur nUure and ttx. This counteracts dangerous ,. ~. B. K . Hend~ I'son , Clerk H !!n turea. . ........ U .9U.D7 9. US .n lot No. 81, Franklin. _ _ __ _ _ - -l estat own.,d uther internal friction and heat that Sarrumtha A. Eltzroth to Ches,.TANDA.D LlHUl !Hu,king house . .. 50.00 ordinarily dellroy tire life. July 18, 19 - You pos.,ess a very happy, : cheerful ter C. and V. E. Craig, 54 acres, '01 "nEliEI 0••• NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Il c .. "rv" with ],'"ileral Reserv e Batik . .. ...... . STATE OF OHIO disposition. You are a very kind parent, llome loving and Salem and Hamilton. tps. ".50-%1 ••••• , .. . . oS a"l1. balances .wlth olh pr YOU GET EXTRA PROTECTION DEPARTMENT OF. HIGHWAYS htl nkll. lLlHl cunh llsins domestic. You love dress, gayety and society but will not Harry Snell to Mason Building 4,75-19 • • .•• •• '.IS AGAINST PUNCTURES - because Columb ... , Ohio In process ot !!olle. lIon 1 6~. !I:I4 . ' ;! let these stand in the way of your' development. 5.00;-19 . _ . •••• SO.SO a. 7 Loan and Savings Co., part of lots under the tread are two extra layen June 29, 1937 Other aueta ............ 5.15-18 ••••••. SI.40 of Gum-Dipped cords. . Clerk af Sal•• Lela] Cap)" Total Auots . ........ .... 6 ' S.5~6. 1!3 No. 266 and 267, Mason. . Jllly 20, 21 - You al'e a sound reasoner, a fluent 5.50-17 ..... , .IS.IO No. 37-226 LIkDltLITIB8 talker, altho.ugh you are not always f.air with yourself 6.00-16 ••••••• S~.91 CLASSIFIED ADS YOU GET EXTRA . PROTECTION D mu nd depOSits or In dtl'IJJualH, partner-&hlps UNIT PRICE CONTRACT or others . Being tond 01 fillery and dress you will have AGAINST SKIDDING-becaulle the nnd corporn tl ons .. ..43 2.'1 20. 7& FURNISHED ROOMS for; rent. them il you possibly c;an. You are fond of books and a tread is scientifically designed. Tim e depOSita of Indlvldu· .ENTINEL . Sealed proposals will be receival ~, partn rshlpa. nnd . 'Mrs. Clint Ross, 6-8p. good student. ed at the office of the State Hig'h- . co ~p o rntlon8 ... ... .. . . r.2.i 6. 6i FOR SALE: 600 CHOICE HERE· YOU GET LONGER NON.SkID ".40-%1 ••.. _.. way Director of Ohio, at Colum- Stn t. county. nn,;I munlciJuly 22 - Being full of energy and impulsive, you because of the extra tough, MlLEAGI ford steers, 300 Ibs. and up. 4.~-20._, .•. • . •• OS 'O, untl'l ten Q'clock A . M. l)fd depOSits .. ......... 77.IiOfi.61 bus, Ohl D~r(ositA cot othE·. ha.oks. can fit into almost any place_ You possess mallY true long·wearing tread. T. B. Tested. Truck or CarEastern Standard Time,. Tu,e sday, In ~ tudl" g ('c rtilriorl and frlenda who do not thill k ~he less of you if you a.re someJuly 20, 1937, for imprOVements cushl<' r's <' h ('~ k 8 Qul· loads. Your sort. Buy direct Before leaving on your vacation trip 46.60 CQU.IE. in: Warren County, Ohio, on Sec- ' II lrtndlng .. .. . ........ . t imes fiery and combative. T o t.ll.l of Ilems H to 18 from owners. Also heifers. join the Fire8tone SAVE A LIFE t ion 'B, part of Section Lebanon In clllslve: . 4.40-21 .•.•• , .• 5;0 Write, Wire or Phone. Frank and putt of Section C of the Day(a~ Secured by pledge C~mpaign by' equ~pping your car July 23 - You are always lookin~ for some new 30d~CI ..... 4.87 of loans and (or) · Bruggemeyer, Fairfield, la. H t St R d b t L onanon oa, a e 18'''· In\'es lmtlllts '5 ;;.226.97 Wlth a set of new FIrestOne Standard sensa.tion, and love ease and luxury. Althoug h you d eO"," .. ",~,i._ WANTED: A GIRL about 15 yrs. way No. 64, State Route No. 48, ( b) Not sec'ured by Tires-,oda~·. top tire "alue. mand absolute faithfulness and honesty from others, if a ill the' Village of Lebanon and pledge of lo:a n. .nd old to belp with housewol'k. man, it is n ot certain that you will give it. You al'e apt Turtle Cre~k lind Clear Creek (or) Inve.t· 'd d rnl' nts ..... ' 507,531.59 6-8p Mrs. Fordyce. Ferry. ' to be more reciprocal if a woman. T ownships, by WI ening an . re(e) Total su rfacing with cold-mixed, cold1 rposlt8 .... $l1fi2.768.fi6 FOR SALE I Nancy HaU, Porto • July 24 - You arc a good cook, n eat and pi-ecise to laid tar concrete, except furn OlvldcnilB d.,.,la/·1'(1 but not y('t paY· R4ca, 8lId Yellow Jersey sweet DO YOU KNOW "hI and amounts ~c t. aside tor ing material. a fault. You have an accurate, lasting memory. You will d lvldp nds not declared 1 600 00) potato plante, 40cta. perhunTHAT t .u year hillhway Width: Pavem ent 20 ft. - 22 ft.; Capital .ccount: . . stick by your friends through thick and thin. You are ac:cldenlf COlt the livea oC more Roadway variable. dred, and all kinda of rarden Common. at 0 c k. 1.000 voery extreme in everything, espec.ially your likes Bnd than 1 1 " ... n, ..... n en. Length : 17,047.39 ft., or 3.228 shares.. pa.r '75.00 per planta, 10c per dozen, or S Rhar". tolal .. S75.000.00 cIaiI.,.nt dislikes. miles. Surplus . ...... 18,000.00 dozen 26ctL Estimated cost ... .... . $25,921.05 UndivIded protlt.lITHAT a .ilion mo.. were , 1 1-2 miles north on Wayne~ n et . . ....... 26.268.27 Contract to be comp·l eted· witbin lnJuredl thirty·five (36) working days. , ville and Ferty Road. Total CapItal THAT more than 40,000 .f The minimum wage to be paiO Account .... 1l9.2~8 .27 Strouse Brotbws, R. R. 2 f •••• cI •• th, an. inJuri•• to all labor em.ployed on this conwere cauled dlrectlv bt Total Llabllltl4l11 . . ... ~~ tract shall be in accoTdance with FOR &ALE. - One frame garage; punc'u, ••, Itl••ou" anll July 19 - Til e United States declared waT on Ength'e "Scbedule of Prevailing Hour· ......... _ , l.oan. and .. .. Wlling cI. . to uMo'.Ii,.., 1st class ~ndltion , lIize Jnve.tment& Pled Ired to land, 1812. Dr. C. H. Mayo, b.orn, 1865. Iy Wage Rate~ Ascertai ned and Se<'ure LI.blllt,lee, 1.2 x 15. One new com crib, Determinerl by The D epartment of United Stat~a Ooo"eroment July 20 - Death of Pope Leo XIU, aged' 93, 1903. oblilration.. direct and 81*e 16 x CO. One frame [ndu Rtrial Relatione applicable to (or) rully guo.rantefd 61.1011.76 Santos Dumont, aviator, born 1873. building 10 x 60 x 8, 1st State Highway Department Oth er bonda. .toclr• • and ••.. . ......... .. 6.Hl.CiO securltl clall t()nditicm. prove mellt.., in accordance' with July 21 - Confederates deteated Union forces at cctions 17-3, 17·4, 174a, 17-6 Total Pledged (excludln jf THE . ROXANNA CANNING Bull Run, 186.1. Am rieans captured Chatea u Thie rry, r '11I8CoulltS) . .. . . .. 66 ,Ei66.2 6 and 17 -5a of the General Code of CO:, WaYJH!lwille. Ohio. --' 1918. Plel1j1fed: . . Ohio." Phone 119-R,.21 (b) Allainat ~tate. count,. The bidder mbst submit with and munIcIpal d poelta 5R,ii6f1 . ~R July 22 - Alexander Mackenzie, first white man to FOR SALE: - 5 Buahele of Pohis bid a certilied check in an c.rollS the continent north 01 Mexico. reached the Pacific Total Pledlled •• . .. • &6.506 .26 amount equal to five per cent of tatoe.. suitable for leed. cout, 1793. Pillfrlms I ave for America, 1620. the estimated cost, but in no Stat. or 01110. Count,. Priced reuo... bl.... T --"lev July 23 - U. S. Gant died, 1885. Bunker Hill monevent more than ten I, r•. M. Hen4er.an'~~~~~~~~~j .-., ..-n2tp iI a ban-aam.. bank Broa. R. F. D. No.1. dollars. .11' .... that tb....... UID nt c.ompleted, 1841. trull to til. b••t ~ FOR SALE: YouUl liz. bed PlalUl and Rpeeitications are July 2S - U. S, GI'aII1. died, 1885. Bunker Hill mono List~n to. the Voice of Firestone Monday evonings over all4! b.I~~til. and Spriap, 8 inch aldea. file In till' department of NationWIde N. D, C. RedNet!,ork Jul,. 2 .. - llaratholl rHe- at Olympian ·game-II won wa~. And tile office of the to Mra. A.F. JlaUoh Pbone 62 .., ......leaa aU.lete, RaJell, 1908. Pl't!l ldent Van Buren d nt d trlet .pDq diroetor. FOR SALE: - Ledi.. b.-e,da, aJ. Th diredor rlPt
--==========:::;,.- - ----
Hareld D. Willi., EtIltor
Radio Saiel & Service
Extra Value at No Extra Cost
Your Horoscooe
...- - --
",••,on. M." "",••,on.
"- 1
1 h,s HI eek in Histo.r v .
Pic are s from the Past
Apple Sau
By MARY POWEiR Meelurl' NCIo\'spaptlr Sy dlcllte. WNU ServIce.
HE Inst pelll or thuncler reverT hernted tninlty nnd Ids Sighed '
re lieved ly. During a t wo days' 'Ic~uy downpour she had been ' I cll(,ped up in the big house with ~lh,t! . the maid. for comp::tny. Dndl I th!! IWO yOUl1g collies. Nip and Tuck . She h:ld tnken down and sk'immen through many volumes from the well-stocked shelves In grHndra lhcr Douay's splendi d old libr;nry, Thisl m'brn lng n much· thumbed di<lfY uf he r jalc grandmother's helped while away the dull, dra b hour's. Several pages were devoted to grnnd/a ther Dou!1Y' s t ovorlle re cl· pe~ . Evidently the old fellow had gourmandlslic tend enc ies tor such qUllint things· as "Ta rTa ty Tarts." "Raspberry Ripple." "MJnt Julep. Rnd "Rosemnry Snow. " were reo corded. " Douay's Favor-ite Apple. sauce. flavored with Mint and Cay· • ' enne Pepper." bore this cr'yplic meso sage: "Through Inadvertence the pepper was added. but Douay smacks hIs lips and, lioke Oliver Twist, cries for 'more,' •. Must b. l the cayenne I' • . . So the recipe on I , ' stands. It Is woman's prerogati\'e."
. r
Th{' only neighborhood in the tw('n y-third President. was born \ tio ns of thIS :I'11 (1 '~ " ',. ,I..' . a nea rby in 1833. and hi ' ycncrnble a h,)()s\ r \ "ry I" ' t . Un,ted S lates whert' one m , .y uri ck home still stands, . SPI'C:> I f)' ( r II" '" I a' ',. visit the memor~als of two pr. slThe sUl'rounding c untr.Y o/Tcl'l' ~ he InO) P "'f'!' 1 ~; , . dents of the Umted Slot~s 15 Just I:QU h in 5(' 'nie and histo,"C lO t ,-- I ,I erc. I I n ft 1 1 \"1' Ii \ west of Cincinnati. ovcrlooking -'st A few miles north of ll n~ll- ft:o~\t .. nt;" "I's I to lOt , •• ' . \ the 01\10' River at North 13eno. 10n 15 the Ft Jl amlltnn M ' mol'l;! 1 ~· ' S l t"'. I ~' ~ nll. r .--, .. W ' IJ' m {enry H nrri!,on 'lies f\ short dll;t:mc (':I st m Wultl'lt l ,onrl 1m rl) p.'II .s lI1. d.(' hurl~dl u beneath a t~11 sh:,ft nf I Hill. . inrinnnli. I!' thl' home of ml ti tdp " f','t .1\'. H tl,ll. ; •• )(' l. \ lkcchftr Slowe. tlU hal' o f ('n I',.·,tl,' lilt." ,'X 1, . " . 10r"Ad I I' m (' s I on . SUI'- 'I Il:lrril't rrea m-co ' , I r t , ..., ..... , ' I rt)und ing the rrYl)t in wh l('h th t he mor.t print rl Amel' l. [1'1 1100k '.," . "' fti nth Prl'sid nt. horn In 1773 , Il ('~ Unci I.' Tor,l'!! (' ...., .., \\ (:1r1 - ,·,(l~ 1,\\' l ." " .••• I ,II .~ ,/:I'(\ndson. I3cn j:Jmm linn isoll , chmnnd h[l S l'e< u ltr'd 111 II .' n .101 ' " "
1 . -
I wrote the wily Caroline Doua y, "tft
Iemploy every known artifice to keep
- --
This Movie Trailer Now on Tour in Ohio
ensnared the man she truly loves." ' IrIs giggled.· Eternally :f emJnineher esteemed grandma. She closed the book and, Jumpln!id up, opened wide a window. The toS! was lUling and she noted that the· ~torm had played havoc with neigh. bor Garvey's orchard. DwIght', prec ious apples. great, .1usclout lhJngs. UteraJly earp,eting th' ground. Dwight, she knew. was d. pendln, on the apple trade to helj, l ! Onallr.e an operation on a trouble j .soml hiP. grIm reml nde:r of acllv. Iday. BtrollS the water in 1918. I • It was IrIs' coax Ing ,thllt had Dwight carryIng on at the 01" flrn' Iyben. after his m other' I I dee tho h. lid be.n tempted to leU out. Irl~ , ha" ,unested bulldlol a road.ld,. ( ab!n. and In additi on 1:0 tb. 1.Ic, : ~f frul~•• peela lla!ol in dur.k lind'," wlob ... wllich bid 11n~e mllde hlrrl ("m_ tbout Ute eour.lry.tt!I , I lQItrUnI u.. wobard. _1M raa llP lht' p.t!a 'toward the tittl. ~roWT1 I.il'' '. Owl""t. 'hi IPlI., bad 1 ' ! .nM~ \0 harv •• , hi. t~" WId_:o ' !I ~ Will . , . ndl \'l I on UI. POl't" .moll "" C\IItOnlolat.I:o. b<l1 "'II !ar.. \111>1· \ ~~ UJl II btl ,pproaelL ' ~'m luok. \hat>., .1\," :if! . 1')1 ..It. cool ,l&oua' t!d • " Couldn'l 'au .. 1\ Ihln': a'. 'H ~ :, ~ >: " "rl,"'I,. .
ov, ."
!-ia .hnoll N . h' o.! "\\"n I'r.i l " 'f, t., j:. " i ~ " ( '''~ n....
1". ,-·.:~!' =; · t ; "1')
~ Projection Booth on Wheell. It Provide. PubUc: with Free 2·Hour Movie Program aa Part of Ohio Safety ' CouncU'. Campaign to Make BacJcey. Hlgbwayw Sl\fest In Amenca
means of this un ique auto tniler, eQuipped with loud speaker, movie projection aw nratul and a wide assortment of intereeting sound pictures, Ohio State Safety Council is again bringing bilJhway lafety hint. and free enter· tamment to thousands of Ohioans each week. These safety picture sbows are held outdoors. The trailer is Itheduled to visit tommunities in every count;, in the Itate. It j. uled by day to broadcast and demonstrate highwIY safety JielPI for tbe benefit of motorist. and
~. 1
!.. ~
", 'f
) ",
pede str~ns
attracted en route. A brand new outdoor movie show -featuring films replcte with drama, thrills, comedy, and safety lessons-is presented after sundown. Included ie. the list of films shown are these: "Once Upon a Timc," a fairy story done in technicolor and dealing with safely; "Modern Knight", a fa st-moving crim e·delection picture: "Highway Mania"'; "Hit-and Run Driver" ; and "Safety for Sale", a dramatic portrayal of Ohio State Safety Council's comprehensive balanced program.
The program. launched last yea r, cal\ s for Ihe elimination of all hazards causing preventable hi ghway fatalities, 60'70 of which in 1936 took place at night. Sludies conducled by the Council 's COllllll illce on Seeing indicate that imprq) r lighting conditions are at the root of much of the deal h-arter·dark carnage occurri ng on hio highwnys. "Safety for Sale" sho ws by screen pictures alld recorded wonl what Ihe Council is doing to make hio highways safer not ~n ly at night but by day as well.
P (l lIS.
Kettles of applesalJlce - most temp{ing·Jooking. Fralgrantl Iris sugges le.d giving each customer a ample with his duck sandwich. Art{ul minx ! -so like her grandmother Doua y. For the patrons. like the grizzly old Douay himself. liked lh s ilappiness. ond. smacking tbel r Ups, begged for more. All afternoon th ere w~s a steady str,eam of CUB' t Ofl1 l'rs to. partake of lit. NlghUa II I r.,und he r flushed and radiant.. By Satu rday they lVe!',e on the lUI pr the crop. F ive hundred galloD" orde red by a noted chef in towr.1 ,\nu J ackson. Ihe big apple grower from up·slntc. comingl Iris was Ju bllnnt, If J3ckson wan ted grand · tli llthcr DOllay's recipe he'd paY I - hil lld somely! " We are $2,000 to the good," ht had confided tha t morning. lVas sti ll thrilling lit the "we"l .... ;:' 11 J ilcks on arrived. " I've come iqr the recipe." b,eaminl~. "Hanged II' my cur/osilY aln' t aroused! Ap· pies all down and I'm crazy. Got II sample handy ?" "Certain!y." ind icating a gener· )Us "sample. " "We'v(! sold thou· "ands ot gallons. and still IUUng or"; crs. It Was my gr ndmother Dou· ny's r eCipe." proudly. "Taste." I He tasted. "Wh;Jt' U you sell the
r, .
- -- -------
"But," persIsted Iris, "couldn't we make pi~s or dumplings, or apple buller? Oh, I know." excItedly. "grandma Douay'. applesauce, se rved wlLb yowr duck sandwichesl" "Applesauce?" Dwight laughed. "I'm closing shop Satul:day-" "Y~nd e r come the ll,lekers," in· terrupted Iris, crisply. "Put thllm to work Imm!!dlateiy. Phone Mimi to hustle up here and to bring an armful of mint from my garden. Hurry. Your Ilre Is o. It.-sn'loke's (:urlinj: out of your cht mney and I men roast du ck. U·mm. Got any e nyennc? Good! Fifty mill patrons due pronto." Opening ' the door ot Ihe house. s he smiled gaily lit him. " I'll find you r mother·· s aprons." Followed a bustling among pots and
time ImmemorJaI. from picture, the gbost bein g a persoll. reneratlon to ceneratlon, there dr ossed as such. Tben a second ex' hlTe atwa,. been honest people rp08ure was made tor balt the t1md who claimed to bave leen ghosts. given the /lrs t exposure. In oth e ~ And dur1~ the three generations words, it wa~ simply the old trlc" Itnce pilotolfallhy cama Into exlsl· '!lce people belleTing In ghoste have maintained that, alnee ,hoats have bten leeD, the)' CaD be photo· Icra.»hed. lilveD thougb no ghost believer, ",,,ell contronted b,. one, leemll ever to have had a camera hancly to prove I thla claIm, IPeculation on the Ques· tlon Ilu lone 10 far a8 to suggest that. lute17, photographfc ohemlstry w:U lome da, evolve an emulsion '\.!IaI tl ve to the emanations of the For your IJrut('ll:1 t. fUINh al.lrlt world. If auch there be. The F 0 Ie "0 U H S Ii: L f . Itl ., rHINK. 'Fon Tim OTII EJI d 1,leovery and photographlc use ot t' t:t.LOW-lle DtU be dr('am tJl" Invisible ray• . of the spectrum. in. In~a-red and ultra·vlolet. and of &.Taya, Gren. rays and other kinds of radiation tor which photographic n~ cipe tor?" ('mullions have been deTelopod. Is " A thousand dollars." promptly. !JoInted to as 'glvlng grounds for the "t, tto boy- soldl Scribble It," sue· s f,eculRtlon. Certainly a rasclnat· ·inclly . In~, not , to lay alarming \)0881bll· ' he W • •s sheddi ng Dw ight's moth· LOCALS !~!' to contemplate, but mC(tntim e, 'I",S 1'\Jluminou:: apron wh,en DWight Thursday Mr. and Mrs. <\i'h \l~',er or !lot Ipooks ex Ist, pres ent ··PPI'<ll'cd. he waved aloft Jack· .nn s Ihl)usoml. "ou don 't believe I n IJh05t1 Roger Brown entert8i~cd a ~ew ; t! e.)' photogJ'npby has no ,II'ollllle at Dwh,ht lVa~ nonplus sed . Quoth ., 1' tt, mllldng lIynlhetlc spooks Pr<lY how did ttll. one get th ere\ or their freinds. A.sO(,lal evemng " : "'Your ~ r<lndmother Douay wa. B~ol<i Ihe spook lIlustl·aled. It I!' and ice-crMm was enjoyed by . ''''1 der(u! woman. They say she ~ ~ 'l "~rk ot an amateur photOg· ot (t(l\lhl e eXjlol\\l r e. n ~' wh it'h . ', /II>I~ y our grll ndfathc!r." : • •I!'i r. ' How 1\"U It made? First. .ort of W !I'II llllral'l PB n 1 ) I· ; Mrs. Allie Servis and son, Rob"l'IId')Ubll'clly." Folding Ihe aprOD '.1' '·tl'llll·Rm.raonalrlpod.·lh c. door rnrm ,1 In n'Hltoc: r ,ljlll Y. (1"111.11 ;, ert and Miss Lucy .E~ley. . :. lYO u , Ir iS went behind the dour 10 , I ~ ,,',nll.c rOI·'lel! alld thi' 1::1 m £'1'; I IlPOII II'" hl"'·' "I; ,.\' " ~ . l'lr .,., I', Sunday Joly 11 bemg the bl~h ~ , ' II up_ " You sce. she lov.d I lI ' ~"1' elo ... ~". -MIen \\'II1o o\l t tl;" I \I11l·1'. (" Wgliol tl lil I, ti l'!' lilli ' .:1 day of )il'!!. Sadie Connm:, she In. ' .' ·,I " lhl'r." her voice .II,hl1.1 , 'l1"f;\ ' 11 h" IlI e mal'"" or IM"1II p1 1 Silllplc"t. • II , I "And a womoll. DWIght, .ted the followl~ gues'" to spend " ,I'II!!I I t. ~ 11:11" I _1I1 \t··1t hILt! thl \ ... !I tl" lillich- tor the man ,b. ~e day with ber. Ret guests were : "'JI," 1·' , ,(, t ' , _:s:::z Mr. and Herbert Doster and ,t e , . : . ,tic rOI'\\' /I ro. land'" of HArvey~burll', ~r. and' Min Elizabet.h Mullen and Mr. qa. !! • J. 'E. FraHer alld M!ss Jose· George Quick. !' "I~ ' t' " Ir. of " I' 'I~ . hI' lirA. J. O. Cartwright, of Cin· ' I~ ,,- l~ A ,If·' pbine Banta. Waynesville, aad Mr Mrs. 0 _ E. Hq.I, of I dnnati, Ohio, ~pent Sunda), and ," ,. aad M .... Fred Lennord and "aup r. eha. Fruee and ' Monday with hl'r moth r, Mra. . t.er. of Itlap MiUa. tu, of BmIln.. "CIllo. H · nab Rodgei'll. • E.
the story -hey recall? Write it up!
1. t Ill' II I hI filth I' n( Mn<. ('hil I I". 1.111 .1111' 10.;11" ;\11;11111 (;oI ~d., 11l\ .Il- il2. Wh,·t .Ii.! th,· l.ilhil"·ll: h~ 'Htl J (" u.,· II ~ kl'al'tIlH'l1t I" \i"e lit I,ht' tim(' III t h, hltinlll'lIIl: fHI:. G LD AND SIL 'E R u( thl' Lillclbt'l'fh lon"'y'! . T NDARD I.n "Wll.
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Ju ~ t b,·cuu>1.' FJ'ankli n n. Rn'I ~ ('. ' . l· It ' '',..IH·, I J:ll III C(,I·t1 r·Itll I (''; In xt'~~ of UlL' g'"ld is no pro u! that .\ e;), CI ft' " , I(' ~'J'I I I-t;ltH Inn I. " )I ' Thele Carll at Unheard of ,t'I!,1 C ' 1tl' 1'11'111".- Ill'" 11· ,t nlll'\\' c·.1 ~ • .. ' .PRICES o clIculale bt't'ltIH' they 81' r · S rye d deem ,'lill I' " .,"u ld •'\1111 C(Jllllnollitics Firlt Come-- F Ia;'&t In"II',,<I of th e n(>c('~s:.\riel'l uI lilli, ';~~' I~~~.:,~::~'''r.::.~, ':':~ •. tI....'~~" .. ;~~ .,f .ILhich )!;n ld is nui o ne by any ':1<1 (hr, .... 1.·' ~~ I1" .. r • . .. .. :17A ,\I nl1K. h3\'(' belln 111)((·11 "'nough ':\(1 II .. " ' " ( '"" .", .,.' ....... ~II:I • 1 I'" I' h U mtNI . ';141 '1'lIlIrlllA' 'U mop oy auO I to llg t (' . ... "" •• , ••. , •.••. • •. • ••.• ~1<tI Slut '.' 11 11 up in fOClIi h eHuH to ':1:; n ••d J,;'t' . .... ".... . , •• , •...•..• •wn I .. ':11\ ' , '<'rrllj.llll ... I '...". "<)111' •..• ~~'" lUlU ( nlJu~h 140111 10 bac)) enough ':1\, "",,11 .. ,· .. " ..u ..•.. . . . . • . 4.~ 1 . ·· th f 01' II '0' cxc h!lnge 0 f ':1-1 l 'I~Ulo"'h {, .. " •• r, It. 1' • .•. ,. :':'III IIlRn CI \\1 I' ........ .......... . . ... 'n:l l' nuugh cOllllllotliti(·" to kc(!p n ha.lf .':1;.., l~I""r<l tr.I ~ .. d" n .,.... ...... .. ..'Go , . ·:It I" ""'UU, h ...... . ... :!'I!l 1 t.al \' II mllhnn oI 11 OJ'l l from ';IIl r.h .. , r....· 1 ...·o." .. rlll•••· . ... . ~~!l 1 t ' . I ,. . I ':l:J l;h " ....,I" ( ' ''UI'''. n . !4 • •• ,. '':11 ,' alVlllK all ( . J.l'l·I'Zlng t ca l' to ~~:l .. tr"l t tb. S"dnn In~.'·r. • •. .. .. .. tal'ving pl,oJlle hal l b ~t':t: 1·" J. I) ... uI11 'lund trw.. IItt1 l ::!'. d l'uth , T}ll.' , .:,:.: " .. rol c·.....·I'. II .. . . . ...... . "'6 le i· be d'~~1I1g 11,)tnl o s than g oltl. :~; \.h:':"""{I;;:;~t~ ~ ~':-' ~~ ~~~ 1h not. a t. the 'i,ld nllr "ilvel' 'lI1 " .. oIlIln .. 7-1""... S.. ll"" •... I":'~ a nd Iwithel' on will ' V ~ I' save an ':Il {10.., kr ,,,,,.. b•• er ......... .... . I f ':11 ,,' .. r.1 1I.....'"I"r ............ HII Tl I 0 pnp!.·I· 1l10111' y and mOI' c·:u. Iluh'k ( ·OU''''. •.It.:' ...... rlo~~ lint lll!ctI ~'lVinl< ':. ' '-' ' or.' "ultch . ~ .. ... . , . . ,. .. t46 14A " v I'~ j • , , it ':I'J UI. (''''''' h , .. . . . . . . . ' .. . ..~ Heeds l bt' \!X hanged )' pcnl. ':1" " .. I",r" " .. "".. . ... , . .... ... :I.., ':II l!l>o,....~ (',""'k .... , .... . . . .. o!.o r(l" c, mlllo.1itIC.,. '''I e CJLllnot "pend 'au lillOi'll"" "" u .. n'.,...·r , . . ..... ~.,2 It and ~ave it t oo any more than '~u I .hu.' uln .. ""eo. I,n,.,.. .'211 "I>""'et " ... 1,," . .. .. " .... 4'~~ we elm nt OU I' Ilk , and :;nvc it ':':M P.·.. I""·t\ ~(tt.l" n . . . . . . . . . . . , W It b _ ,,' .. r,1 0 •• 1... ......... · · .·., ,., 00. (' (It no uy 1)IJ:<tug'c .- tamps '~ M 1:.,1111.,' "~.J"" ... . , .... .. • , dl Il)ck thr-Ill lip Har,.ly II) be L'X~u chunged for jtol.l ~(,m· tim ' hut to u. c th(· IlI. lind ,I • Ill' Il'ee to ll!->l" them fOI · what th y wei' • mnde ..."~"ru~ ; 11111(, '01' v.Hhout any n re!;S(lry burllen·
.Closing Out
(·'.n ..
..· .. .
: : ::
.:..•• ro........
Bargain Lot
[l tWNI\
\\' . Th Ird \\'ltkl"o""
NoJ hing ~
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nn ,1
12 Warren St. HI
Reai Bargains H r 1933 WillYIl R dan .. . . $!)9 1929 , h vrol t C 1\ h .. 69 1929 Dodge coup 59 1928 . hrys1 r c up . . 59 1928 Chrysler ach ... 49 1928 Buick coach ....... 69 1927 Buickoupe ... .. , 39 1927 hevrolet oach. . 17 1928 'hevrolet coupe .. 20 1929 Ford oupe ...... 20 1928 Chevrolet oupe .. 25 1928 hrysler cou pe . .. 4.9 1929 Willys·Knight coach ..... . . . .. 49 1928 Oldsmobile couP . 49 1929 Hupmobil oup 69
1928 llud. on
sedan . ,.
• " "und.'r tht' HI ... 11 .1 \\.11:-.. Ild ~~ un.h· J' un lIlilt- t"I' of .IIIf)l'·' n' ud~ "\/,1"\'-. 11"ir \11\\ , I It I And 11\('11 >1_ III 1,'1' Ill' KI ·Ih'r.tI 1111, I'·~l. it makE' (",d b,· t 1111hful ~, nh ' I II" phil"'.! o il Iht'111 in I h ,. ('VI.' I~' mRn I) liar." 1',,1111 , I II ,l{ uld ' Illd ~ilYl r ~tnndl\1'I1 " l f WithOllt 11 douhl t I.•e IImoun a ill ~ l\ ,. nil 111 I hnt '0 ,·nll".1 r '.!,I 01' that hn, lit en d01l1! Ihl'ou ~h ".'·'l VlIlII , . , " tlial lit ~i 11111 tloot IIIlthinj.! I I I ' . II I!'II tI • lid 1'1 ve I' !lUll!' II 1'''l! r~lI\l ,111),'\ h, J'\' III 11ll' w()rld. Henl I'uk y I . I th ,nlu,oI . for pa llt'l' mon '>' I:' no I'S:; lin . il\\l1"'II ·(,. Without" ,lllultt '.IIRI IT h. Ie b '\IIolh,'I' thing. T hink . I , tlltWlllI1 mon y dOL'" not bUH JUt. o f Ihl' Illl"lll·nl ·.' of 1\ Jlrot"cliv' . . . l' I l ' _ " \'I' I' Y httl,· valu\,! In It...~(· 1. t on ~ ('\lIlff \lhll'll tv 1)l'lIll'ct •. must b· 1 ('PI'I'~l'l1 ls valu,' an,1 that alue hll!h ,·nnugh t~' kl'~p forl'lgn good . i. UIllIlHldiliei\ or Jlro"'ud~ nl' bLot' tIl' h" II ('nll~ ( 01' II I1lOn('y tl IU t \\ hieh iR the In ~ t vn luahll' thil1~ . 11 • I ~,a \\.11 1'\011\ 1II1ywltCl'L' in the world in t he wo rld XC(' )ll the t.hinjo(s lht" . tl It' l'X IHII1~" 0 f I"ol'e lgn gonu. 1S In fOI' U". t,l w'lI'k with ~, llmL lh('y "'/lIlL til kl' 'Il nway. P rct- and the \\,ol'k . 1'. A 011(' hunrh' II t Y WI:' . .In th II' ' Ol\n ('once I' t '1( t h toy dollul' bill haf< no marl' paper in it Ihllik \ \ ·n, cl)" I II 'I'P\!I~ I un •If a Cllf I y (inliin i vHluc) Ihml :1 one do Im(ln l nnno1 !'o('t' the plain incon ~ i s- lar hill but ,\ h n 1.)(\",.(/ un th,' lJI'Ol·lnc\.' UI ·~h ·In th c. "I'I' o w n ' f labol' only it i~. wOli) I on · . .r· P I' t'" CJ •• ' . , . ducl: conceit if th y think We ctlnn t hundl'crl til1l . 1\. much i:I.' a one ~'" ll ow rottNI i, \l UI' gold unll dollar hill, but \\h"11 bR~"d on gol d t;i1V(' I' ba.~ i ~ progrum for paper mon " n " si lver nn,1 coowlOdities it beu "y >Inti how wicked it. is fol' th e "COIl1(, wOl'lhl('sfl beca, u se it is ('v€!n :lIonsor~ (iI it to Ii tl1I they do to tua' lly lakell out of c ·lI" ul atloll lind mainlain 8. 8y·tl'm or pl'ogra m IlI er,od ti l) with its )5 0 cu lled wonI " . d w 1'1 IIC 1 )lura yz('~ u nl<\/;tu! tl'll e, m il tiCl'Ful I'cdc mer gol.d Iln t! ~ilv,' !', king ... Iaves of so ll1cmy peop le. mil. 'In thn~ .~. t,.na n. \"it'" SUr "J' to I." U" li on lJi r ~ and even billionaires of n "ss u"ninst the "rich men" in th . II . ~ h !\ ,' mil per cent. idl en e , s tarvll - Ifla ~ t tillY,'" wh ich 81'1' nol lon~ t inn :In' cuuntless train of evil!; hl!nc "" (Jbnl .a '(I'ftl, h« lllcr on to I{sulting th e refron~ w.i~ h the :<kin. ",«ven). Evide ntly {by th e scri~ ny pretense that It IS absolutely lUI (''' . th l' prophetic ~lud ' arc neul'11('('('. Slll'Y to mnke our papel' mon- ,' in" fu ll b loom . \\"h n thc ..ighte . h ." ~ y \\:01 t mOre than. the paper it I ous judge ~h ll\l IIppear. (Mn ~h ew I,S pl'lnle tl on. Jl ow wlcked I T o leg- \ 24 ..•·J2.33,. Janles 5 '.8 .). , ~ Iatc fo r th e fot'eigner at the ex. FERR-Y CHU-RCH-OF CHRIST pc nHe IJ r t h P op l/!,
If t that Tn.State amp "k bl.'- at IlllIt I joinl'd thl.' throng Anrl ...:i11.- Monday. July 111th. ami the came. "lilt·" '''''')11" \lIi~ht I... intt'I'l'~wd On ~und"r IIw.nill/!. th,· lth, W( 10 knuw Ihllt LIIVl'I·n.· Taylur "ill (lilY "'1\ anll 1I ,· ru.Ml',1 Ih,' P"UCl' I.w (It CUIl1Jl lignin thi~ y,'ur lind 'hi ll~'" (,1\111 Ulirlaln, ufl<'r Iwinl! )I \'(' 11 h (' 111'11 I·vt·ni nl( nt 7 ::111 .'. m. Ill >pl'cl ('II. 1[l1l'~1 iUIIIl(',I, \1" \\'l'I'(, The Tri·State Club of Waynes- Ilt'tl1\itt~tI til prj) ct'd nl(lfIQ' 'lhl' ville nnd Ferry hurchcs he ld an 1)I'I\uti ful Ion mil., t1riv(> h<,~ ido the h C dl iCI'-crt' am ~o .. i!\t on the Jtl'Oul\d ~ of Nin~1\1'1\ HiveI', on t c alln un , I th(' I« ' I·.·Y church. hl!lt 'nturt It}' id<" ""!lillI:', \\ Ith a good crowd bClng "1'11l'Il Il~hing' th \\'hit(' cloud P' ('!<(,Il t. i\h. l "!,;lIlk Imtl lhe Way- (If . pl·ny. whi"h ,In.~hctl higol\ be. ' 11 t o. I h . to. fore us lind. after !'I kirt.ing the IW~ \' I " .,,1n( o n I. 0 glU UIIl, . . ., 1 . \\fll('h I'ntutll lll(·tI the CI'O\lu III 1\ l'oAring, tumlllillg tllpids, W' came fin " wuy. uJlon Ul(' 1I01'BN!ho e Jo'alls •• nlagni1.'( It S r P 7 l Na tional fi cl nt. y t sini RLer j'n the clIlm r r(! ~~u r ··:k '1 . "ti line' orthl·\\Inter~Ol1tht'brink 00 ·('.'. I ". b ( th '. E. Ii<'llt'n I' (Ii (1(' p!·e(·lpl C(' . J.u ~t e 01'C cy I\lJ I' 1 lh!.'It· !'I t.n""(·n nn "0 1' • \I L ' Y h ' [ I. ..... ... tOllage over ,' ... ~~ ,,": OUI' c· o,ce 0 WO . t111' sh ee r dl'OI) of som hundred d f I !tOO COWS. o~tJ r ~R I. \"• mile ~o uth 1mill !<ixt y (eet. Alma M. ['(,Ilcwil ' I Gr:ln'l'tily Uw flute d . 1l1l11'ct' ll \I f •IIIJI'II Uk . FOH::3 LE : Salfl' Plan ls, 3c eac h, ('d COIUIlIIH! I)f Wll, t r .(1'11. c h~I·~. r 111 a llu.1 I",n c ' s. in'" C)\\' Hlta nn ITr.al ''. v I'l'. I" the IIllt(' I rI b(' (j'I ' 2t 't·" '(' nt C ou, 0 y lll~ S)1l'lly. . WEEK-ENDING AT NIAGAR: I Moving frum point to Jl6int of vi •\I' • W I' look l'd lIow1I U 11111) the A F IlVor'lte . 0 r F our th 0 f J uIy V a., tUl'dy Litt Ic 1\1oi(1 o C the11'l1' a, l all d cllltioni.ta for Nearly A Hundred 'I IWI' companio n bual. whi ' h for Year. 1Il00'C l hnn fi!'ty Y('nrs hnvl' Ill owcd 1\'LI'" . Jlal'l' .lei WI · WilY up th a es S mal't . 0 r th etr . c gO l·I/:.' 0 th ( I'.1 n Jlal'V('y~Lul"', li n of I en co ntt'ibugt' 1' zone, lhell lurn ed .s nd j·el l'll· n tOI' to the columns of this news- d Iheil' OUI'.' , in Iht' 1II1rrow • I . h I '1' . jllll 1', ha nt us h l' imp l'C~Slon s chllnn 01 t (' )111 I11 go I'IV r. of I\. vi-oit to N iaga. a Fnlls, wh en ' l Th" I1ll' I' icall ]ru ll!l l'unrell ov ,. . hI! accompanied her IIOD, 1017 its hi gh wnll like II b ulltifully l,'o ul'th.
mith, .Minister 'om(1 of the fo r eign e rs would W. lik., to furnj" h us with thin g. w e 'unllay: do not n(' tI Bnd everything we do 'undny 'choo l at !) :30 a. m . ' ne'll if th '.V thou"'ht t hey could get. hold in the transac tion . ommuni n 10 :.JI5 n. tn, Ser('(lUI", c lh(·y wou ld accept our gold mOil at 11 a. m. rmo n s ubject, ct'rlifil"l.tl·S if th y thou g ht th ey "The Wag s of Si n ." , cou ld ~et th III cnshed in gold som e · W e hud nn a t tenda nce· In ·t Sllnday o f 82 and an ofJrcrin g of $37.-
,. .
--..- - - - - --
-Not beI ng a thrill ~ k 1'. [ had wondered if it were worlh Io n..: di stan ce traveling and t.he crowds. Pictures and de 'c l'iptions had co n· vey ed a most l' ealistic vi unli7.ation of its wonders and beauty; but
i i..... ....
The Brown
Auto Sales Co.
12 Warren St.
HIO __ ~~~
(001, dean cooki~:
with PyrofaxG
There's no need to swcl : ~r in the kitchcn this summer. With Pyrofax Gas and a modern insulated Pyrofa:xMagic Chef Range YOll clln keep the heat in the ove n, where it belongs. You flSe the heat . . . the h ca t doeso't "use up" you. Even though you live in thl! country, out beyond the gas mains, you can still have all the ,a~vant:\~::.'s 01 this linest of cooking fuds. Pyrofax equipment is in· . sta,lled for only $9.75, a:: tl the gas itself cOStS a's !iulo as ¥.ic per meal .pcr person. Come in . d1is weck and select your beautiful, modern Magic Chef Rance ... and say goodl.>ye for('v(' r to the drudgery of 014: fashioned fuels.
. I $1 ,34 i,. .
Cookin9 • Water Heating Refrigeration
IIt' W.
'b. bag
GAS ~.:::n~::~"J'
To Choose' From
I!I·hilid ItII·. Ihl' II\I ,tI"I'1\ lIuill I(!!,k· an.1 till' h",I\Y lI'un I'U-Ilinl{ ~ , I could !tN! Lhi" KH'lIl WOI k (If TIl<' Crt'lIlor in it ~ l)rimitivl' ~!('tti nJ( ill t.he lIliost of th!' /'()l' t'~t )lril1l VIII, and could pichil'l' thl' Indinn Bl'uv(l1<, us tht'y ~ t()()t1 in 11 \\('(1 uti. mil'/\tion of HO lll t' lhing OVC\' wllieh they hud no o ntrull - und th!' lOimnlll, or the forest 11 · th y. tOll ~tO()c.l lind li slCl1 d to lh migllty,. h I l u C m; (' . ~ I'OUI' o f falling wutCI'S. Dl'iving' arounll GOlll's i s land . \\Ill looked down UP"11 the ,\hldpool rapids with il,." [UI'OUS b iling 81ld fllth"l • v Il l IlSB Un [I\'.onl·. .n.' h 8. t. f :1 011111 we c lL oU f':clves to be , as we Re n st.'d tl!i ..~ ovel·whe/min'" ... I'O W I' uf th el4e un."ccn f orCeD which senm(>(1 to h driving with th e regularity o ( oil etl "1llchin I'y. '1'h,. I \lint. II hel't' th e Niagara rive l' empties into Lo.'< ntnl'io ,\ liS i1\llll'C~~ive. Th e I' il'cr, tlnel' " h \V o.·](I 0 11 1' oi its great I:'lytnl(' ttl t ·st. tl(wctllculnr wunti (!rR, hnd giv' 11 it ~e ll into th gl'('a t open lake b ' I I tO'1 10 (. CHI'!' P( On . • \'. ca . I Am rilled with thankiulness I hilt. I had OI)POI-tullity to se N iag:u·n . s uhlim. Niagara tht, l ngnifie 'nt, enlul'il's old, alwa"s J IIUt.
up at th is low price
in of llt'l'fI IfI' en and
A rare value. stpck
USED CARS Sia¢e 1917
IIft- ('11 foam . Elilllilt:ltin~ th,· 10Ild .•, 1I!1.·,1 park
.. 00.
] would lik to CElli your attentio n to Chri. tinn Ac,ti o n weck being h Id at Miami VI~lIey Ohautauqua, which b ega n. last Sunday with an addr ,~~ by How~~rd ndle nnd \, rl" ~f) ,,, \ \ OM • tn, ':tn lI.ull'llftn U"I .. &th. . ,UlI;--, •• , ,,. ':I:'t ( ' hflo\' pu( t· . ~." ., • • •.. . 4':'::; aU!l I'uns on up until Stmday even ing ·;UI "'''rrJ... huu~ I1riHlloth • .. :;,~ :ffl".' '!fU 'J'f6r"'II.hu.... ~ "fl, • . • .,:,::-; n11\ .:t.•~ 1·1 ~· uuntl" ', ' ,ul. .. tn:\ ,17:'6 ':1:. ..... r.t • '0. • . . •• , . . . . 4:'::; au:. This progra m i~ d1'l\wing people I ':1" , . .... , r"II" ' ·I,r. . ... :11):1 :1 ,:0; ':1" I·')ln .... ,,, (""' • .•. . ;111:1 :14:1 CI'om nil chul'ches. People from o:ft\ "'·.. rru,,'''I.... Ill'. • ..11':' ".:;. 'a:. "Ud~HU c·...... . . .... !lr:; ra4:t ":IU "·~ rrrH.Ir... " c·,..·. , :-•..u:. :w:.. ':I:t tth .. IUUft. C'0. . , . , . :t4.1 :':U:'i sE!jVc\'a l different denominations ': t I flu ... n ,........• S4'd, •. ' . '!.!:'. :115 ':1:; Pn ut In~ 'rud. ' , " ' " :i:!:i 4:-5 ~\J' c nppear-ing On t he PI·ogl·am. ':r., "·.. rrtU.,n ..... '0. "'" :lU..' al:' 'a I nuh'k :11 ~.·4l ... ... !.!r!i ::'15 -;l~ I"I,.' I"."'U. C' n. . . . ::;.i:"l IU!l ·:t:l C' II .. , rol .. t S it. (', ••'. ., :t~:i _. a Such men a s ,P. H. W ls himan, min ' ':14 ' 1,,'IIi,.II.' SNI . ••.. , • ~Im ~U.:; t:W .....,"' .. " .-d . , . , . .. !l::''' 44:. '~c.., '''unlt».· C'0.,,,-,:. ..•. ' ,1:' :l':":'t 'a:~ 1'.,,,,In. o "'ud• . ... . . :t4l'ii 21':' iste l' aud 8up<!rintenodent of the ':t:! ,tOil. hh" U S.· .. I,. :':'It) ,,~:; ':&4 1" 0 rll "'"1,1" .. ,. . .. ~,:::. :':1"'''' lal'g e Bible S(,hool in Canton, 0., ':tH 1.1...·ul" ~4·"U .. . , . , ::"-;H trr. ':ca \\ tll,' N n (Od, ••..•. :.!t15 lU!"i ta:t ( " ,r,JlCI ... r ~",I . . . ..::1\ :WI't s puak ~ F!'idIlY vening. Harry Earl ' ;ta ', ','rrn,. ln n .. ~"I'. . .. ;'::.:; :.:r:"\ '::JI 'h·Su .... . ~ .. d . . •.•. , .~:; u;; '!!U Hallin ...... I:!:i i:'i ' Woll ever, of Wa hington D. ., ';t. C · h~\. ~~'f" In:. t:.:.:; ';u C ' h~', 1"11"'1'1 .. .... • .••• 11:' 1:C.-; tal U ... tfolun ~ .. d. •• •. •• 'U!"i • :.H"i ':Ct ~ ' o,,'''u''''ul !iii ..,.. . In.... .:::. Edito r of Th Tim s. ecretary of 'a I '·:"'.H-X (...... ... . .. IHr. . 1:':~ ':u •.:...... t ·...,.· .. . . . , ... li5 1:t.."') 'cc l'ctary of G nernl Conference ommis...<>io n on Interre n ominationlUali I·.,(· .... r" '~It ( ' h,b Jti:l(I I·h.·vr....·t Mn,,~f'ilftn, "nfUti, al Relntions, M thodist Epi c,o pal , t~. 'Itud .. r, .... nk. JI-PIller ' ....•. ,I •.••. """.Ii:'i ....... .." ttc-r. • O,Ot)O Church, ~ Jl e ak8 . Saturday vening ·.,IU"" . ..... . ..... , ~tI::r. at eight o'cloek on " Making a New W orld." Chat'leg Rei,g n Scoville or 60--Bar~ains-Prices· Cut to the Bone-60 Etil'ekll Springs , Arkansa , Internationally known eVllngelJ:>.t make!! the closing address. which will be Sunclny evening. The're are conferences going on most of the time from!) :00 a. Ill. until 10 :00 p, m. each day. Let u s go down and enjoy t.hl' spiritual feast and meet . the union. 856 - 859 S. Main St. FU - 9159 \Let our y ou ng people not 101':
., .
"8lnt cI
Special Week End Values from YOUR Kroger Store! Stock up at These Low Prices and Save Money!
1928 Studebak r 6 sedan 49 .1931 Hudson coach., .. 99 1930 hevrolet se dan .. 99 1931 Willys sedan ..... 99 1930 Oakland coupe ... 95 1930 Graham sedan .... 99 1930 FOJ'd coup .. . . .. 95 1932 Essex sedan. . .. . 99 1930 Willys sedan, , .. " 75 1929 Pontiac coupe .... 75 1929 Oldsmobile sed~\n . 89 1929 Chevrolet coach .. 89 1929 Ford Tudor .. .. . .. 89 1929 Ford Sedan ...... 89 1928 Oldsmobile coupe 50 1929 hry ler sedan, radio .. " ....... 75 1929 Reo coupe ...... ·· 75 1929 Plymouth coach . .. 75 1929 Plymouth sedan.. 59 . 1929 Packnt'd sedan. . . . 95 1930 Ford roadster., .. 95 1930 F'OJ'd Tudor ... ,. 69
t imp h)'
Prices Slashed
$99 DAYT N,
bout It?
ou Think
hat Do
Snyder••ave the houaewife 50 per cent of their labor by the uae of Pyrofax Ga. __ Electric Refrir/erators. Wa.h Machine. and many other labor' .avin. article. ii\ this big Hardware Store.
l ll~ ·
ca ll
31b. baa 69c:
Lh .
CREA'M CHEESE 21r MILK 3 1 c • t CA.TSUP • .' 3 ·,,\':1' 25c· LI·.
If: o.
• \
PRODUCE B a n a n a S K r o r e r Ripened 41bl.
Watermelon ~e~0~~!~'e~;:'33c Cobbler
Gro~n, 101bl.
PotatoeSHome ~PPLES New Transparent, 6lba.
2Sc ..;;:i~C~E;;;B;;:E;;;R:;,:G-F-:~[FE;.;;f't~O;.C;;.;;;E~(::-F.;;;,o~r..;S;.;;a;,;,ia;;.d;;.I;.;)~!H.;;;e;.;a;.;d;;..,_~~ .. 5c CELERY, Medium, Each 5;
·MEATS FISH Whiting. lb. 10e FILLET 'O F HADDOCK 2Ib .~ - --' .. 2Sc. ...... ............. 1& BOLOGNA lb. 19c FRANKFURTERS lb, BAtON SQUARES .. ib.~______~ ·22c DRY SALT JOWL. - Ib: .. 2S"; DRY-SALT SIDE .... lb.
20c '
KROGER STORES ~=====================-;;:==;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~B~LA~N~C~H~E;S~T;ER;~~O;;H;IO~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~====~ ----...
, REG~LARFELLE:RS , .------------------~
& S.O N
._____.._ _.
- - - - - - - ---- _._-
Enjoying The IHnen.
1wo Minute Sermon
Frank L. Miller, J eweler
Centerville, Ohio Phone 78J
:. :':'-=-:::-:-==:::::=_=_================:;~
Irlolatrous liCc of the court h ' r~maincd trueEyyptian to the Lc[\chings and tl·aditions of home. We ofte n heRI' it slli!! today th a t much of th Wl'o ng doing of yr ung !!len and yuung wom n is due to lile lack uC the pl'Oper home influCllce, the lack of the right kind nC t 'acbing and thc fact that du e to our pl'csent day 5chl' llle of living, tuo littl e tim!! i~ spent in the family group. I think liS a g neral lhifl~ the young people of a home l·cprcsent fllirly the hom e. I do not believo' t.hat it is l)Ossible to turn' out from a home in which there i s strife; 'and bickering, anll hypocrisy, and dishonesty, and inRinceri ty, and disreglard of law, a high type of hoy or gil'1, with. the right mental background and mOI'al fibl'e, no matter how much time the family spends togcth r. On the other hand I beli ve that tbo hom es that have the prop r conc'ept of honesty, industl'y, 80bl·i >\'y and ril('ht buman relationships will send out young peoplt' with high moral tamina. and fi· bl'C, who, like Joseph, will continue true 1.0' their ideal s even after they I ave the parent.al roof. I bolieve they will do this even though the family ill toget.h r but the brief time that the usual ob el"Vllnce of the general convention!! of the day se ms to require. In other ' words J do not believe that the kind of bOYS and girls a home tUl;ns out depends lID much on how much they are togcthc'r at thome as it does upon the quality and !li ne rity and the type of fellow~
Time & Mo~ey Saver Your stock nep.ds canstant attention durin ~ the hot summer months and that is where our wat~rer& and feeders serve you so as to give valuable returns - . they k~ep water llnd feed before the hungry and t~lraty llntmals. Come in and let us IIhow you our full hne.
S9tubbu jfuneral
To b u!'led in advertising hurch Lodge, socials or . ales with no CORt to organizations: Ju t phone your advertisement to this office and ay "In ert thi ad in" aps" space for .. .. ... . .. . . .... .. organization."
_ ===
. .
• c-.ln-SlI.1Iow Frfllda',. wltll tile ~etw-IAII .., . . . . Ice ch..pe, I~.., It .t r.t.'" 11Ie a.tound'........1tJr It ca. freare In a alnCle day' a.. til. AII·MetaI Q.lclul"'. Tr~ wItII ttIe ....tant Cu,.· R.I..... He. the M.t.....' ••, CtIb CIl.....1It COIIt to tile ..... , OIIly Fri*idaire with the thuI YOU can
M.te .... MI.er I. complete In
ALL !: BASIC StlntlCES Fur H"me
Rio'" ·u ation!
_m~"'~. i • No mallcr how IU8C fOlU I (amily', .hi. unique S.",o,1t I I
Pinder wlll.how you how co mako .muinl{ savini' on yourprHcnr(oocI (:mn• . Call at Itore. writ.:, or ·pbooo and lIel yours (reI:.
Fairley Hardware Company Waynesville, Ohio
Lurer Beeau.e of Better. Quality, S",vice, and Price Eatabli.he() 1849 • 1937
Harveys urgCompany One--Wire Controlled Electric Fence History 1 hink Has LOI1
ship nnd teaching they receive during the time tlu!y are at home.
Kthat ",e
.Thousandll of farmerll in every Itate ule e lectric
An ent 'rprising, thirty-one y ar l The company was organiz('d in fencing b ecause it is the bellt method of fencing old industry at 'Harveysburg is the l!lOI) a nd i'l now und I' t.h moncheaper - quicker - more economical and more ef, IJlll'veysLul'g Fertilizer Com- agement of Mr. H. F. Tuck · r, fective. pany. Thif! loelll Lusinc·S.'! proj 'ct [Ol'm dy cashier of th · 1larv ys· I is , ituated in II little rlook down burg bank. Fol' th past three The One-Wire Fencer is a dependable, scientific b low the village, 0 11 Caesars years, Mr. Tucker has be n push· aUy balanced current~limitingl unit which takes the reek. Turning off hi!,hw.ay No. ing this bUflin!.'ss which has grown current from the 'o rdinary iight plug ( or battery ) 73, just at th" . nd of t he bridge, so that 'it r ache!! out ov~r Corand sends a lIafe, reduced, and uninterrupted current ab the bottom of the big "S" hill, ty miles to gnthcl' up its m terout over ten miles of single wire fencing in any kind money comes more or less easily.. 000 one follows a lazy trail through inls. of weather. One s uch evader cost the gov- th wood'! IIlong lob bank 0,( the Two trucks ar k ept in operation tl'nment mOl'e loss in taxes than dver, until h e reaches the site of - going after dead stock and haul 8 hundretl small tax payers wh~ Lhe rend ering works where. thou- in~ away tankage~ etc., from th Dormers l:ireal[ roof li"es IInCi are struggling for existance, yet sands of hend of. deadl ammal~ large vats and gnndcrs. , the littl e fellows will get pur- have been turlled mto c:oll1m ,·clal On an !lve,r age of ninety head I bring added charm to just sued and hnrassed until they pay products. of larger anunal s are us d nell I ' 'ordinary houaes." Type 110 Volt A. C., $29.50 - Type 32 Volt and the big fish will continue t' . month. Th ey al'e haul ed in, and D. C., $31.50 - Type 6 Volt Battery, $31.50 get away. 0 ANSWERS in the upper ~tory of the building Every purchaser of a ()ne~Wire Fencer receivel 000 1. Dwight Monow. which hou,oes t he works, the skins New donnen plus .huffen a coupon entitling him to a genuine $44.50 Wind· frequently .pell the djffer~ -- - ~omething is wrong. Is it that 2. Hopewell, New J ersey. are taken off and the animals al" Charder Plant for only $15.00 the big ClOy are bigger than the 3. AB the conductor Or stratosquarto]' d and a' feell. between ~n i.,teresting government or j it that th 3 gov- phel·c flig hts. er inlo th e P"cssur whcl· and saleable house lind one ernmellt i n't smart enough to beat 4, It is used to inflate the bal- s ix Inrge cnrcasses ;' which lacb suffic:ient detail them at the game.' loons of dirigibles and other heav- der 80 . 000 ier than a ir craft. to u ch io be noticed. I've noticed that nn employer 5, It is non·explosive. who tries to do the lair thing bY! 6. Cleveland, Ohio. Dormen bring light to attic . Larger Becaule of Better Quality, Service and Price his eml)loy~s is not Ij.lway treat. 7. Casements. Eltablished 1849 1937 rooms and quite aside from ed fairly by them. I have seen 8. Orlllond Beach, Florida. vat and ar(1 a Map factory' I-:=:::~~~=======~==;:~=:::=~:;:====:: I workerR soldier and kill time who 9. The), were three years old. .... dec:orative aspect, they Th CrlIckJings - cooked .meall r I 'Were working for B fair emp.loyer HI .. Mickey Cochrane. and bone - arc then g-round into convert waste spac:e into Iwh en th y houldn't have thought 11. Ru.ssia. Manure Spreader Ad No. 1030 og f~ e d and tankage which is, ac· ",ht, airy bedroom.. of it if they had been wOTking for 12. They were tl1ed for the hat· ording to MI', Tucker' s statement, ! the hard boiled vari ty of employ- chet murder of Gladys Ma sold mostly to local tl'ade. FQfmer who felt he wasn't doing a good Knigbt's mother. ers (Iriv e in from miles IU'ound, 1job unlcEs he g:ave aome one n OI'd ring for hog Ceed. Surplu~ : good bawling out and fired some o/~ ' stoc k is sold to chemieal compa none every week. ' ies for commel'cia l \,urpoRos. 000 l~ere Th e average out J}ut is about . Such improvements aa I \I ed to think all the tyrants 12 tOtlS Jl'{!f month. these will give your houae' we'·e capitalists and employers, I Mr. and Mrs. J ack P.. Carter, of FOUl· mcn are employed h('l'c at an entirely different apI but I hnve lived long enough to dis Clifton, Texas, al'e vis iting . with all tim' . Thus Harv eysburg To' or· .pearance enhance ita coveT that they 81'e about eve'nly friends and schoolmate!! of Harry tili7.cf Company is an important value ao that if you de~ divided. C. Bradstreet, who lived in' Way- cog ill the wheels of industry, s r000 nesviJIe a l)umber of years ago. ving n need thnt is far reaching aire to rent or aell the old house, it will brina more. I have lived long enough to disMr, Bradstreet, now past aeven- in its influence. c.over that the term "home-made" ty years of age, a member of the FRIENDS , HOME NEWS a.s applied to cooking 'and food is well known firm of Dunn and BraCome in and let ua give Mrs. Mede Kerns and daugh not a quaranU!e o.f quality. Some dstreet, left W when he you an eatimate. . ter, Joan, of Cleveland , Oh io, calof the poorest food I ever ate twenon M i~s Anna and Mame Bt·own . was hom e cooked and some of the best food I h ave ever ea,t en wall 'G uests at the Friends Home for home cooked food, but the mere Sunday dinnner were; Mr. and M.rs fa t that it is home cooked is not to carr)' Henry Dickinson, . of Centerville, a quarantee of its quality or a I are left mark of the lack of it. The £" __ .Z:~_ are . taking' an ex~ Mis Gertrude Chandler and thl'ee WAYNESVILLE. OHIO 000 tended vacation in an auto mobile coll ege friends, of Wilmington, The McCormick~Deer.. EAR in and year house trailer .QJld are elocamped at Ohio . . Pho_ 14 ing is an all-steel spread. out Y()U ' will find a In 01l1' Sunday School lesson the the Walter Sheehan plaice. er with a rust~resI8ting, !!!!'!~~'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!"!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'! other 'day we s tudied the famiily. From thence they arc motorIng Callers at the Hpm e in nCtcr- McCormick~De cr ing . non.warping box built of r----------~----...,;,------------ The fact was brought out by the to and among the sce'nes at Mr. n oon, were J , 0, Cart'wri~ht, of Manure Spreader one of teacher that the reason family life Bradstreet's boyhood and n:IIl·.....~u ""'"':UI!~:J . Rev. and Mrs. Shaffer heavy gauge galvanized has faUen into decay, more or le8~, Z Ifart the best investments you ~ great enjoyment in ..nnd Mrs•.A. . steel containing copper. aR make in equipment is because thc family group is father's friend'!. of Oakland: not together so much as it Wled Mr, Carter reported of Pierce, MI'fl. Moocly, fot' yOUr farm. Its capacity is 60 to 10 The to be. found here a cherry ti,ble HighwllY took din more you build. up the bushels. Light draft ill Yeara of tr.iniDa and esperience have equip. 000 marble top, which the ~rad8treet"a ' Wednesday with Ml's. Emmn assured by the use f.rtility of your land the ped our at.ff to render a ienuinely profeuion.1 aero 1 do not agree with this theory. lett behind with friEmds longe Barnet and Mr. Eph Barnhart, eil!ht roller bearing•• more you will get out of I believe that if the family has in yeara aeo when the farDil,. moved JlAt. vice, in all of many detaila which make up a funeral ALem.ite luhrication, aO(', it a background of honesty, from Waynesville. The ~Id table is • ,U S It.. Thil spreader pr~ of the type which leavea an e.erlaatinal~ conaolin. perfect alignment in al~ ality, sincerity, and courteay, now in the home of Mr. W. O. Ra"dee the easiest and best The Just So 4-H Club of w'hich culture, and conception of pier and is prized verl' much bepa.·I~. Mrs, Charles Charlton is arlvillo,· wa, to convert barnyar4 memory. ' For ....ny ~. .n we h~ve rendereel aincere. psychology, it can put into any cause of the fond it re('ome into our "rore met on the 6th of July, 19;37, at lDaIlure Ineo profits that boy or elrl, b.y the time they are calla to .the two fa,Dilii!!L a~pathetic aer:vice to thia colllllianity, .t mod. Lytle Hall, LyUe, Ohio. IntereRt. .0.. will realize on in an,,1 I~t us tell you In ''' 0 fifteen ears old, all of tile knowIJllI: events of the meeting was the coats buecI entirely upon the wish.. aDd m ..... of lettee of right and wronl' and all ahout thi. KlKkleprc""I.:t\ judging of some dreSAes other peo- b.tter and more abun. lile rothhh:mucb ~). '. 7890 • .... th. family. ple had made. ~n~ crops. of the moral fibl"e alld stamilla Tbe next meeting will be the 13 tbe)" will need to· carr,of July, 1987, at ~I. Hall, LJt.hoqll III ... nat me.
Malee Old Houses 'Loolc NEW • - Can B. Added at Sman Co.t
( By Thumu ~ Hast ~ ,,11 ) THb: Q ALITY OFlIOME TEA lIl NG; The ~tor y of J o~(>ph ilIu s· trates the value of a background <If grlOd fllmily training. Wh en th e young man was ~o ld a lavo into Bgypt by hi brothcl·S and blk~1l inll) a stra nge an·u tli ,tant cCluntl'Y far r mOVCd J'l·om home and fricndlS an d ~ul'l'ounded by thC'
(By Frank Dixpn) 1 note by my dllily that a numb I' of the flhould be hellvy income tax payers of thi!! country hav been beating th government out of their tax . by one scheme and anothel'. M.ost of them are men <\vho eal'n big salaries and who,;
-Turns all livestock .... Sold on 30 Days Trial
Fairley Hardware Co Waynesville Ohio
Soil That Is Rich in Fertility Is the.Best Basis for Fann Prosperity
-----=-.. . Daughter
------ --
w. H. Madden ~ Co.
True Profe••io••• Service
4 H ('-'-6- lr.Jee t '
. .... " ~
al ey
Published weekly in the int.e r.e lt of. the social, relilioul, econ ,mic life of Miami V lIey'l foremolt progreaaiy
The entire commu.n ity joins'in extending you a cordial invitation to come to this village
aid ,ronl'~, Rny hmnl~til:', B ob Bulll'n, alld Hi hard Bulle n. Mr. llnd MI'R. 1. ~)I(' nd
till' rl'Kl
I )a~' to n with ~l r~. )Ir~. ELlII,I Honk.
. Brown will the " ummel' at UI'own's sl:;tc r ,
The Junior In , ~, If ~pl'i n l!' Vlllley en joycd 1\ ~ \\immi ng porty Ilt th(' Wayn e JlO I, Thur~dny eve· M I'. 011\1 Mrs. Alhert CI!'llveJ', ning. Th os(" prc,,(' nt wen:! n l·tty 1\11'. alld l\1 1'~. Hobert 'll'l\\'cl' spent Jan e l'ul'n r. J ~yn(' ollinR, Kal h- I, )I.,l1(lny ('venin)!, with fl" . I a isy , yn, nn ' i1~O!l, I\la,l)!,d ll o('kl', Sny rier anll Ml'. D. W . • urface, Ednfl Wa rt!. Thelma .'mith. flel- , " , , . mar J (l h n.OIl, lr 111'0I l I J 0 h n so n , till' cvent b!'lnf 1\'[1' .• urface g bIrth I lIun, l) on ,Iuy. Bobby Blair, Geo. 111
II1HlTiugl' l (, Rny )0'11 ~1. •· llIi~h, Iwur X('niu, nt St.. 1 " . F.. l'hul'ch, ~J11 indield. Hundoy. Rt' \·. U. E. Stl'wns, COl'm!!I' pasto r of th bl'iO l ofIiciat<.!d ul lhe Sl'rvice ilL \1 hl ch 1\1 1. IIlId ~ I l'~. Orris o IHan, of (, ulunlbu ~ , the lalle r a " h.l I' ot' lhl! 1,,1 ilie, and MI'. Il nd MI" lind l\11' ~ , lI u\\'lltJ Vlln dl! Man of Spri ng VlIlIE'Y \HI'C uttl!udants. A we dding bl'l'ak.ta~ t . W l\'I "lu'vl'!1 III Lh ~ Shaw lH'e h()tel. ]\11'. anll J\11'~ . ::;n it h will stab· li.\1 h lhdr h()IlW in Du yton, wh ~ r c MI" Smith i: 'll1ploy d. ::I11·s. 'mith !i. tho uau,hlel' of MI'. nnd Ml·~. Alv a Funl, or ('(Ial'vill!.', and f ol' lh In ~ t ;;l' vell YNlr!; has been t Clicher of gl1~li ~h and Latin in th~ . pring 1I11,'y hi g h sc hool. Mr. 'mith i. til· $on (lr MI'. and M l's. .J oseph ' milh X('nia - N l! w Burlin 'Lun pik '. III
--Caesars (reek
MJ,', and Mr" Donald Dau l.' lind duughlcl', Patty, lormcI'ly of Ilill uoro, w en' \'i ' itors at. our c hurch, ~undIlY.
Mi Anna ·ohn. ·i visiliTll{ friends nn<1 I' lative!! in Dayton . !Ill'. and Mrs. Ra lC! ig h B gan, Mr. IIn<l fr s. Willia m mith and daug bl 1', MarilYn SUIl, W('J' 'unday dinn I' guests of Hev, ond Mrs. W. K Bugan, of neal' Spring Vall ey. I Oth er guest. in the Bogan home "ere M~·. u nd It\. Evan Uogan and fLintily, of Dayton, and Mr. Ilno h ., Weldon Wil on Ilnd on of n Ill' Xe nia; 'om of OUI' you ng friends atYou wiIJ like everything about this new J ahn Deere l 11(1(' d th e Yenrly M tg. Conferen ce mill. 1t is inexpensive, economical, does an excel[It Wllyn Pa r k, Tu sday ev nin g. lent job of preparing all ~rades ofJeed .from y~ur 4 young fri~lId s or England wer home-grown crops.. Its ~lg c:apaclty ,?lth a mUl· to be pre enl. imum of power consumption IS a surpnse to every l\lt-. Hornet' 'lI oi ne hIlS had an user. infl'cted bo il on his arm. The John Deere is a mighty sturdy, well-built The st.o rm, Saturday afternoo n, mill. It.<; all-steel construction and high-grade di,1 quite a bit of damage on t he ' materials are your assurance of long, IOW-C08t Ral 'igh Bogan farm. Wheat h ock" trouble-free service. were blown to the ground nnd part of the roof of( th e ho l" o und cow Come in and inspect it. s t.ab l e~ wn, b lown off. Spring Valle, Hardware 1\1.1'. anrl Mrs, Everett ll ainell ../ and family were among th ose pres· en't at th G Ide n W edd ing AnniJOHN DEERE QUALITY IMPLEMENTS I\ND SERVIC~ _ , verS(lI'Y r Mr. and MI' . Chad 8
~;~~~~~-~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=' I ternoo [[ull ey of ncar Ogden, n.
. ~
,Y es ,It's Hot ,But Next Winter l' ou,ll
Need A Furnace Our new Sunbeam Steel Fum.. of either gravity or forced air types will solve the problem of winter heating for you. Then .if you desire t~eae aame fum· aces can be uaed to cool your home In the aummer. Let ua give you information on our installation aervice. FURNACE REPAIRING - TINWORK PLUMBING
If quality goods, reasonable prices, 'and courteoua lervice are what you want, Try
Barker's Drug Store SP~ING
Phone 4 X
THRESHER SUPPI..IES Belta. pulleys. babbitt metal, .oil cup •• injec~ora, lubricatora, ,aUles, lauae daaa, p~c~ing, suction IIIOM, tallk pumps, pipe. valvea. and flttlnp.
1IOC. . .t.KiDI
MI'. a mi 1\11·S. W";;llll'r \V twds, of
WEDS. I~~~~;:,n~~:n"I:~I~~~r~'l.~I~'~.
l\Ir~. LIIlIM 'li lhtll' rt, t('Heher 11\ ' the ,'pl'inK VlIlIlY lI i~h . ~choo \'
' th
Glellll t tlie
I 1'. >l )'1lI 0 1l 1m !<J.ll· n 11'. II nl! Mrs. D uk man, .of Ath. l\l'ek- ·nt! WiLh ~1i'. n.nd !\II ., . Rayen s, weI'" r rent gue~ts of 1\1 1'8. mond LUCQH, of Wi hni ilf~ton, II'S. Fl'llnk ]Jakin and daugh- JUU t· and daughter, Lulu . lItr. and I\II'!>, Don miCh (Eit ' 1', .Ii tty .1 an, 1I11" ~, Gh,. 1111 Dakin I (' n ,b l'Il) o f X nia, vi 'ited her Mr~, ;\hlhl ' :;Wl.'~, 1\11'!- . i'my GibJlul' ... nt~, MI'. Hnd h R. J am Osrio n and daug hter, .'lellu and PoulH I'n, on W('\lnc1Iv ay , lin , allenci ed t he ML. lI olly 'u nMI'. ,nil I\Irs. 1';11 \\ orih lot{ .1uuy ~c h, )\ " picnic a.l Lh ' 7.0'0, l ll~ leI', and datlg' hte r »pent the past ·ulul'day. wl'!lk lit. A Ll:mtic ity. MI'. J ohn Spilh' r "pcnt SnLurMr ~. ell c P ct e rRon and son , IllY ill Dayton. Dean, . pW"f.!(1 t.lt e lu~t week with Mr. lind Mn . Hi'! y Hilson an d I'l·latives in l\1 idd ll't.own. duuj(htl' l', Pa ulin e, ir. Will P off 11'~ , Guy I' t'I'kin~ a nd Mrs. Jack MI·~. I';m ntn Gib:jl)ll l\pcnt Sunduy Earl e lind daughte r, Ga ii, of Perry wiLh If. Iwd Mr>4. F:vel'ett BunK~ " pru ~e d the week - e nd nel l. with MI'. and M I'~, Th eodore l' 1'lit rs, Nora Houg'h, (If Wlly neskin co II'. G. J'ef'ki / ; Dnd MI'. J ack vill e, call·d on Mrs. I1i ly Gib. on, I~n dl' arrived on atu rday ev ning Mo nday uftet·noon. tl ntl IIccompnni d th eil' wives home MI'. anti MI' . li'Iloltl lill'k, of o n Sun day evening. Dayton, It" Ivem ' a il.Mo n, Mi s: Mis!'! Dorothy Jeun Turn l'\' TeH€' le n Gib~ \)Il, of Bell bl'oo k, called lin MI'. Hlly Gib elll ~U1d faillily, Lut'n d home Sunday from a wllek vi it with her sist " and bl'other' unclay eve ning. in-law, Alb 'I't C. Wi lson, olu mMiss tell Gibson ' pent last W e'd b us. 'I'sclay with Mis Minnie raw!ord Mr. nnd 1\11':;, Virgil lI.n of Mt. Holly. Mr:. Adu Boh lindct·, of N w were undny llinucl' gucsts of Mr. \' OJ'k, i ~ . p('ndi ng four w e ks with ilnd irs. Davi(1 Lesh r a nd Frank Leshel·. It "' I' mother, Mr~. Sbanel'. MI'. lind frs. P . A. Turner and Mrs, Emm a RuUlInid er called pent t,he week- end with ,Ill friends in Dayton, W dnesdny, Camily t heir daugbter and on -in-Iaw, 'MI'. Mrs, F~ mma ReliJ'snider j spend . Wi~on, olum.Ill!' hOI' vtlmtion on the hom e place and Mr ~. A. MI·s. E mmu GibllO n, Mrs. Hily bus. The. V. Gran~ he ld th ir reg" ibson clIlI ed on Miss J o ie and cna mith , Itl~t ·rue.~ da.y aiter- olat m Ctinl!', Tu esday evening and noon . \\'n5 ent('l'taincd by the juvenile de Mrs. E stel" Dakin, Mis Cl eda ·p ll~·tm!'nt. A pleasant. vening wa!! I)llkin wel'e in L ebano n, shoppi ng, enjoyed by all. .. . 10 day l.lIst week. 1\11-. an d MI·s. Wllh s Zllll er. of Mr. and Mrs, ha dey lilt!s, Mr. Dayton, were Saturdny evening George tiles and !~ia Betty Da- ~u ats of Mrs. arah 0 born. idn were in Xen ia, hopping, Sat.Mrs. Melli Bailey and Mr. and urday night. Mrs, lIan), B!til ey, of Lebanon, Mrs. ' l1an or ani) ilaughter, Ed- vi ited Mrs, 1\IMy Middl t on, on
nrfck, lin. EUa
Th e ])orc(l.~ Inb W8 ~ T)leasantly enc(, l'tairl ed in t he country hom e of 1\1 r ~ . hurles. winelll'l', nCllr F lllt Fot'k, on Thul'sdny crr la ~t w ek. MI·s. II. N. lIurl y hn ontered upon It er duties of -1-11 lub Camp oo k, n eal' Yell ow . pr ings. Mrs, Hurley hM be n l'mplnyed thet' for several s ummer!!, MI', a nd Mrs. Jo siah Davis, of Waynesvil le, lire sp ' nding the !lumm e l' in t he home oC the ir claugh tel', MrR. H owal'd JlII1'I ~ y . Mi s Mirialll Va n Del' Vart is lh e ltue.';,L of hor aunt, Mrs. Rupert Ncwhrec ht, of Delruit, The Ladie ~ ' Aid of the Frienel'" hurch m et in th e hom e of MrR. F. H. L undy, on Thursda y of llUlt week. harl es Van Der Vart is a pali nt in a Dl'hlWar , Ohio, hos pila l.
LUNCHEON HONORING NElliE HARPER A group o f f r iends of Mr·s. Nettie H a.l'pel' gav h l' a pi asant s u rpri~e on ThuJ's ,lu~'. A eovcl'l~d dis h III nchl'on wus enjoyed at no on by tit ftlllowing: Mrs. Flora MlI.!o n, Mrs , J ohn Whiteside, Mrs. ora Dnvi R, Mrll. J nnie 'Paterso n, Mr ~, . u: ie 1J0ug l.as, Mrs, P. A. Wcllct·, Mrs. J . •1 nsen Bnd the Mis-ses Ruth Jensen, Bllssi e {"itoh, Minnie Cook. a nd Hannah Har pe l'. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT
N ptice i h reby given that Norah lI ough, wh os Post Office ad, Ire~. is Way nesvillc, Ohio, has h en duly appointed as executrix II I' t.h E ~tnle of Ed. L. Houl/:h, late o f Warren ou nty, hi o, deceasJoe Larkin. Jr. ·o f GI' enfi eld cd. was the guest III. t week of hi ' Dat d thl 18th day of June, 19~lnd-par (l nts, Mt·. and Mrs. T. 37 C, Hay loc k. . Donald Dilalu.~ h, Alty. Ralph Mi!l Georgiana W eav r is suf- H. arey, Judge of Probate Court, fel'ing fr om lin attnck of ton ~i1i- WalTen OUllty, __ Ohio._ __ tis. . ___ .. _ .. _ _ MI's. Grace i\tc Cune, of Li ma, MI'. A rt hur Zell of Eric, Pu ., is v i iling hcr moth er, Mrs. Ev ailed on E. L. Tholllll S, Monc\ny. Mill er,
Hood's ·Auto Wr~ckingCo Model T Ford Coach 4 Cyl. I.,board Motor -
Iota of mile.
Make a powerful pl...t for you
An Antique Walnut Corner Cubbard
t ·%- h. p. Gaaoline Engine
nn, . Jlent the Fourth in New York. aturdllY eV ning. 1\!t.. nnd Mrs. Bert Spittier were Mrs. B eulah Boyd , of ColumbU8' I. ~________""'_ _""__""''''''~_-'~~'''';_''''';~_ _...--' in X enia, uturday alternoon. Wb a guest 01 Marie Kyn e Wihl Ml'. ~\n'd Mr . l.ew is MOrgan, 0: v l' the week-e nd. Mr. and Mrs. E s lie Smith moved Mt. Holly, s pent Thursday with th ir daughtllr and family, Mrs. into their new home on Thursday. Hil ey Gibson . Mr. and 1\1rs. Ernest Reeves movMTS. E sth l' Dakin, Mi d to the Will enb ri prop rty, va- ' Dakin, Walter and Harry Dakin cated by t·he Smiths. called on Mrs. Ma.ble Stiles, one Kathel1ine Hopping in confined evening la- t week. to he r home, s uffe ring an attack Mr. and Mrs . Harold Rogers, of of Scarlet Fever . Bellbro ok, took 'supper with Mr. ' Mrs. Carl Cops y was a guest a nd Mrs. Hile y Gibson and family, of her mother, Mrs. Dee, in Spring-
Sunday af- Thusday evening. Mr. and Mrs, Gl enn Burg tt and Mr. and Mr• . Luther Haines and fam.ily of pt'inJ(iield, Mrs. Chas. daughter PhyllL visitcd relatives raw~rd, of Dayton, called on in Ri c hmond, In'di a na, Tue day. Mr. and Mrs. E ll wot·th Gibson Mr. and Mrs. Ral igh Bogan and da ughtPr, Phillis Ma e, S unwere Dayton Il hoppcl's, Tu e day. day. Litt le J ean Bu rgett remain. 1\1\'. Ilnd Mrs, Mont ompton and l' d fO t, a visit with hi s uncle lind Mrs. Addi e ompton of Middl e· aunt. t()",n w ere ~ lIe ts ThuI'sday of noo n. MI'. ruu l · Ml'S. Frank Compton. Mem be rs of thl! 4-H lub from Mrll. N e lli Bunn ell and Mis.q he re we nt on a tour to Cincinnati Monimin Bunnell wcrc shopping in ane! COlley Island Wednesday. Mrs. H arvey Burnet and Mrs. Xe nUi, Tuesday. Jeann ette Wilsoll sp ent the week Harold Whitaker a.nd children ate nd with Mi !:ls Opal Dell of neal' tended the double burial of the Kingman, Cormer's c{)u si n, l\1jaurice NormMI'. lind Mr . Walter Wit on and ell, a nd wiCe at Springboro Ce m Rhodes Bunn 'II and family attend· e tery, We" n es·day. U cd t he Happy H o ur Club Sijpper Mr. and Mrs, Carl Pickering and this week. daughter, Miss Ina. of Centerville MI" and Mrs. Raymond Wilson and MI', and Mrs. Walter Wilson wel'C Saturday eVEming guests of Ml·. and Mrs .. J. B, Jones. attend ed !I birt hday dinner at the Sunday afternoo.n guests of Mr. bomde Of MSt'· adnd Mrs. Raymond and Mr , J . B. Jones were: Mr. and k Bra d OC, un ay. • Mrs. CharI 0 '1 1 d f '1 f LYTLE NEWS es 1 an amI '1, 0 CI.a yton, Bnd Miss Agnes Huston Several :from here attended the and Mr. Russel Drilrhton, of Brook social and band concert at the Fer ville. ry Church Saturday evening, Mrs. Mary Carma.ny, · in company Mrs. James Johns was brought with he r son and wUe, Mr. and Mrs home from the Miami Valley hoapi E. J. Carmony, of ,S pringfield, .a.ttill Friday and is mending rapidly tended the Carmony reunion, at at this time, Tippecanoe City, S,unday. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burnet Mrs. Chal'1es Mullenin was caland gra ndchildren, . Richard and led to Urbana, Sunday, by the Francis Whitake r spent Sunday death of h b th 'd ' . e r 1'0 ~l' an sIster-ill with Mr. and Mrs. John Hayn er at law, Mr. and Mrs. 'M au r ice HormW s tville, Ohio, ell , who. were both Idlled in an auM 1', IlneI MI' "~.'F ores t D awson 0 f lomobile accident, Jlear Cleveland . f'.Ie Id wel'e wee k -en d guests aturday night. Mr. MulJenin also' S prtng of Mr. and MI's, Ralph Barger and a~tended the :funerlll W d d ' da ughter. at Urbana Ilnd buri~l a: ~~~:~: Mr. .and ~rs. Leon Salisbury, bol'O Cemetery. . son and daughter, of WllShington, ' . _.. C. B., were dinner gues ts Sunday DOI'i s Sali sb ury, w'i th a couple evening of Mr. and Mrs. Allen of ' friends, is spending her vacaEml'ick. . liOn at Cleveland. ' Several from h ere atte nded the Mr. and Mrs. 'W llliam Lukens Eastet'n Star meeting at Waynes- e nt et'tain~d a i'roup of friends at ville Monday even ing. . lJridge, on Tuesday evenini'. Mr. Ilnd MJ's. Frank, ~rown and Don Rye, who had his tonsils reMrs. Mllry Boitnoff ot-trippicanoe moved a. few weeks IIgO, is recoverCity spent Sunday with Mr. and ing nicely. Mrs. Guy ~outzhan and family. 'Mra. Dall r." .........' and Mrs. Carl Mrs. Margal·e!. Johns and Mr. He88, of Dayton, 0, visited their and Mr~. Donald Hadley and little Aunt, Mrs. Fannie Satdaughter Were Sunday euests at urday evening. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Amo. Mrs. Allie Servis l~nl~"r1t.. I •• ~ Cook of near Wayneaville. Sunday, July 11. Mr. and Walter -Kenrick and I Georee Woolard Jamea Haine call d at the homes Mr. and lira. _,nh.__
When You Ask A
Bank For A Loan
field, the 'p ast week. Mr. and Mt·s. Neil Compton and daughters, Mr. and Mrll. D. M. Gorham , 111'. ancl M " Earl ~Ievengel' and ~n attended the F hn er family rcu nion at Wayne Park, in Waynesville, on Sunday. .MI'. and' Mrs. N oble and son, Teddy, of Dayto n, visited her mothil-r, 1\:I1's. Minnie Haines, on SUoday. Mr. and. l\hs, P. A. Turne r and SOil and Mi s.'! Mildred Turner vislted Mr. and Mrs. Bert WilSOn in Columbus, on Sunday. Detty Turner, who spent the past we ek in Columbus, l'etul'ned home with them. Mrs, Roy. Noggle and Mrs. J. F. Walton · were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A . 0 , Griffy, \\hen sh e en tCl'tained .her card club at her hom e' in Waynesville, on Thursday afternoon. M S h W 1 CS. ara a ton had as guest on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Carl Morgan and family, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Mc Coy, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Speer, Mr. and Mrs. Fred St John and children, of Xenia. . Our mayor, Kenneth. Barker, went fishltlg the 1st of the week and caught two fish-the first ,h e has caught this s eason. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shinners and daughters of Toledo are guests of M rs. Tom Kyne and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Alexander. ·Mrs. Susie Saylor, of Lytle, is a guest of. Mrs. Flora . . . .Mason. Mrs. WIlham . Hastmgs motored to St, Louis, ~n Wednesday of last wec-k, returnlllg home on Tuesday with her daug hter, Joan, wlto has been in St. Lo'uis for several weeks.
SMAL~L--A:-N:-':"IM--·A-':--H -'--O· SPITAL W; O. Bowen, D. V. M. SpriDI
Remember thia, the money you borrow may be the aavinga of your next door neia(hbor your uncle's. or your aunt's _, ..... or. maybe. it's the very dollara you've saved yourself from hard work or aacrifice. Many persona have the notion a bank's funds are strictly ita own. If that were true, there'd be no need for government supervision. Aa cuatodians of the communit,'a aavin,a we seek new depoaits so we can arrange new loans .... loans well secured with acceptable collateral.
Sprinl Valley National Bank
57 bu. Wheat. per Acre 57 bu. of Wheat per acre would be a fine yield and the price was $2.00 per bushel. nat would make all of us feel ,0041, you aure know that; But do .you know where to ,et better .... ceries. Meats, Fruita. Etc. at the ri,ht price?
If not, to Copaey·.. Sprin, Valley. Ohio Quality and Senice, our Motto. eannin, Supplies now in de......d.
Copsey'. Grocery
;tlJis anti Ul:lJat I By the Miln on the . tone Step." ft.
Well, folk, all [ know Is jllst what 1 wl'ite in t.his newspaper nnd lh 1 won' t Lell. La t week , a fter this column had come from the pr sa, a fellow took "The Mun
~~~~~~~~~~~;~;-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--------~~~~~~~~~~~"-~~~~~~~---~~~~~------------~--~~~~~ Eighty-Ninth Yenr - - . -----Whole Number 6283 Wayoeaville, Ohio, Tbursday July 22, 1937
On The Stone Ste]}!!" to ~ k rOI',
~~r~!I~~e;te~~~:~i,~~~'hCv~~~~~; Local
Grange BeltsStolen 10ff 4 -CLUB 1 h resh e·r S u~n doy ~O ,G,·ve Play MOI\(b~l,
know all the officers are crooks, a ll th e ric h Ilro lJu sinc o\R me n "re "'1'6fterfl, an (1 the chu l';:h lade;' a;e U hYPocl'ites." Huh I I'd hate to go around with that posion in my mind III I the time. We had n il ought t lo ok for the good that il> being done ev ry day _ tTi !lacl'iricc which folk are putting out in order to
HAYMONO PURKS GUl ~a· ml·l'" fOOl WlIH AXE r R I
·, eu n Ion
Wh.cn lyde Whul·ton and m en The 4-H Goo (1 ut Clothin j:t lui) nt to w I'k, ho di sco- met 'at t he hom !.' of Mildred. 'nli K' Whill' I'lHlJlPi nA' II noc] ;\l on· bury, July 13 . .T en memb I"~ werc cd th t. th J)e Its h a d bcon ve r a I' . ,l ay at the bo nll' (If hi ~ ~rufll1 . SATTERTH ' viAITE RE-UNION ~t I f h· · L h' . P l'IlS nt. 1'10 Hont e E ('onomics ommit. _ ._____ ~ 0 n rom IS ", u rCiI Ing O UtfIt, I a thcl', J ohn Ol'nd\/I't, Ha~lllll\nd 1" I h' h I d b I f It. was dillcu ssed about plannin'" rll' (t'sct!nrlan' !< of John and I It!c of WJly nesvilJ (" W IC III e t at th e Ben a prOll'ralll for t he Grange. W d "· PUlk h".1 the t n eu 1'1 ~ 'IzalJ .. t h 'Lindon' Slltlnrth'val't .. Abo er f arm, on t h(' 1) nyton 3nrl hi s fo ol ]'o,lIy. The> lad 11'11,' I II ~ , ~ G range i., spon~oring a p lay, to b given at tile lligh 1\11'. Dav iJ W . Thoma s, LelJan n Pike. cidc'd to hav a picni' at th e swim . III' . .J. E. Witham fOI' '. rl 'lIIlion Sunday, july Schoo l Gym, Augu sL 5, at 8:30 P. of llge, pa. sed IlWIlY, Thu rsday LO-CA-L S ming pool, and Bay thenTreadwlIY meet at f he ,Ll t l(! P l'a'llnl country home home of Anna or "f MI'. lind MrR. lIalTY Smith. A,., at ih "~ honlh~ of hl's son, make this community n lletter M . !l1 ()I'nl' n"', MI·S. !.aren RyB" a'. :lS . t e(I b Y th e hu'sin es on Wed nesd-llY, July Jilllmi (' 'art 1', 1\o n .. r /\ l"nzn IluU,' 1 (JI) weI ' Ilre;l(!lll to enjoy place in which to live. W e'd get a T his pIny i~ a oll1(:r1y-Dt'IImR in At'lhur Thoma... on slate route No. Mrs. litrol'd Ri.lg:l', :ML·.,. J ohn 21. art~r, rah a pit,' h fork lhr()lI~h th. l' pl'I'(eel Jay. tJhe su mptuous ,, " Dainty refr 'm entl'l we1'e se rv d hi~ foot, on InA Thurslil".,r . (mn shock that would cl'Mk our old Lhl'ee acLs entitl d ' Ey. e~ f Lov ". 7'j. . Preston 0'11's , lU~ I't! n c M [I Im b erg I el' fllld goo d l)1'ogl'um:' ':rw~ 1'. oma at came a ter ~r . l' .c..al'O ;WL cnte rby th e h tstc~s and Annn Gay La h 011 th(, hiRtory of the fUlnegotistical Rhem wide open. And . 'rh e chnl"uclprs are all M Th 'd h f and 1\" s ' l-ln Id I,' h i " I' 11 ness, in w h ir h he t DIn I' 1y wel'c I('iv n by Ml's. Prl sci.lla I . ed th e 1'" l'Iene 1Rh'Ip ." u, b 1ast TI'(' u!lway, Th e next me eting is to nny ho\v, what's the us of bring· known Lo' evcl'yon e in thi' com· II l' Olll' lay ,ough f or t h e pas t Wedllesday ar'"",rnonn. b t th h f B tt B dd k ing a lear to an old mnn' eye and muniLy nnd We hOlle that every· WaS b tII' as t , 'h A ' IIIIIptOl1, of ilayton, atltl M '" thowing n mother inLo sobs and ono wi ll come to seL' how euch one year he had belln in pOOl' heallh . . At the close. of t he per2f1,e M. e y ra 0<', MUl'glll'{' l of " - , th e follo'''ln~ n "program was n- __ a pr mature "'rave J'u st b cause portray... hi,S or her re pective pllr . J7" e ".,'(l S one 0 r Wayne T ow nlod L tt. l'I'~ WCI'e r('lI li II'u m absent reln.llY !lo me S (' uneh'el of a ..orossip monger Th ose bLking pal't aI" : Flor ence S h IP " S 0 I(Ies t CI·t·IZCns, haV1l1g ' I'lved J'oyed : P Ja ' no .~ ~A I 0, GI a dys R ye; ' Cs. One of : p,eciul interest wa . ' Mr . Ral ph [I.us l 'lO gs ; R cwants to parade the Initl-de d.i of Ha ting~, Mrs. Ru ,se ll F ra nk, Mrs. on II I arm 1ft " th'I VICI,l1l " 't Y practl. Reading AI arA'C ' d I' Iega t. Ion ' f rom J''erry 1 rr,m G'eorgc Oail y, of ineinnati, I e. . . . , Yv 0 n n St Uu"b S un( 1 J) ala"e a U<lluqu l I " 'rvi e~ t hc old e"l livillg d '~ cendent. MemBom body'~ loved on eco~ across th e Karl Bodenbendcl', RIlY lllond Dratl- c~.. IJ y 8 11 0 f h 19 ' Iong I'f ci'ntlon .. lJ( It:l I h ' I> g ' s of a ncw. pupel". I dock, Mr . R. D. CCJ II ~tt, MI" . Lou- As a young man he erved his Y Baird. Sut1<iay ev nin2', tnat liny bei ng bel'" \\ere pres 'n t from Kansa s Hut wc do believe that there il'l Fire., MI'. L. A. Ga1'.t, Mr. Wm. community for a numb \' of yearl> MI S. Mable .'tun· of Xenia, \,... the Ia.'<t tillY (If hri~ti[ln clion Cit.y, l't1i:, (JUt'i, lJ envt'I', 'OIOI'udo, Akron, Ohio, 'pl'in~(j ld, Ohio, llre good lhingR al)t! lovely thing Lu kens, MI'. Russell FJ'ank and IL$ an efficilmt and progressive . pent ~o~day \I ith h£'l' moth er" .1 Tho Womlln's Civic Lengu e will We ek. Mrs. J e nnIe Planck. hold their annual picnic on next Amo ng Lho. t' who were I1ru. enl Duyton and many othe r places, At upon which t.o foed the minch. of J ohn Shultz, For furth e r details school trustee. p op c with whom we n rc living \! next w e k's Miami Gazette. He wa. a m mbos of the Fen), Ml' . Erne~t Nixon, Mrs. Ervin Wed n{,.l'duy, July 28, at Armco were: - MI'. and Ml's, erry lat~ hour the company I.ljourned, {rom1 day t day. - CAECARS "CREEK hurch . Funeral sel'vices will be Mullord, M~. • Opa l I:!(,lll und Miss Park, Middlet.own, All memb e rs ThomaRi MI'. and Mrs. Rom o after considering Lh Jay well and La. t week', picLur s, tuken from . 'ollle of our members attend held Saturduy aftern oon, at 2 'Po Ether Daklll enjoyed a visit a t lind t.heir Iamilies a1' ut'A' d to go Hi~~s and dau~tel', 1 aulin e; MI'. pleasanlly . pent. the old cut file here in lhe office the McPherson R uni o n. held at M., at the Art.hur Thomas I'esl- the home of .Mr, ami irs . Frank and enjoy the day. Dinn er will be Hnd Ml'R. Le!;ter Ke ndrickj Mrs. WHETSEL REUNION brought more reD1aJ'k~ and happy Fort. AncieJlt, u nday. lienee. Dakin, Friday. Icc cream "'as s r- S I'ved at noon. Ruth Savage, and .011 , rvill e i The \ h{'tKl" It ·Union was hel(l onv . tion than it hus been Out. Tb . Rachel Smith ~. C. T. FERRYi";M- S- ved i~ the p, M. . Misses Rh ea and Eve lyn tIlc '31" Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wrig-ht.; i\'Ir. unday,. Jul y J • at. (lW Durlingpleasore to enjoy fo r a long t.ime. held Its re~ular m tLlng at the Miss Hllrriett.e E, l~ol'dyce has M~s. Lawton E. n"lencler L~ I'e- I' n, of Walhonding, isited friend~ and M[·s. Howard Woods; l\lt'. 01'- ton, hlo, at th e hume Of Roy An h.lerly man unt! women at p. home of Mra. Mal'gal' tAntrum laken ovel' the correspondence for to New York ity thi$ , an d r latives here, ·Ia.;t w ek and viii and Miss Ida Ber ryh ill ; Mr.l , arr. Ab out 40 W r e pre . nt. The .,ed IlJ on th tr et the other day lind daughte~, 1ary. The linton th Ferry ommunity and we Friday a fter a t-:v 0 wce~s :,w y with , th il' parenL~ ,'am(! down on Fri. nnd Mrs. L ' ster Ge rhard anrl ehil· day wus a p I'fe t dllY for a comand told us abont the "picture tn- ounty PI·es.ld c!Jlt was there, olso ' WOUld appreciate ' it v ery much if .. and frie nds In waynes-I day night lind all attend d th.C elre n; and MI'. and Mr. F r d Hub.I })any t o get log ttt r and talk ovel' ken at t he home-l'oming. Tbe old th President of Wilmington local : yo u would hand all your n ews VIlle ~ nd !?ayton. . wedding of 1I1r. Me orr n's s is. ble. old tim e The clinner was Q l'eal , anti per onaJ. to h I'. Thank You . MIS. R,ce nap an~ ~f~. Wl1l1t.el', Mi RS Helen Mc al·ren •. of Day . Th e f ollo wing gil'ls al'(I onjoy- picnic dinn r. Tholle prese nt from llIan was carryi ng the paper in W . . T. U. his po.cket and pulled It out and . Rev. and Ml's. W. E. Bogan vi _II Mrs.M. . A " l'llnny i['Onl Ish'- iBurden, ton ' 0 n..,o '" t . , h of "Arcola, Vlrlil'lnta, left . Ul' d Ily n Itornoon. M 'I ~ ing a week in amp at hautau- Wllyn eJ;vill IV I' : Mr . .and Mrs. s ho wed us his SOn and dau ghter, I~ II the form . r's 51 ter, ~rll. N 1- p enning, Michi an, is visiting hel' or ~~e, . uesln~, . aft,er a mn.e I Rhea WIlR one of the altendol1t of qua gol'ounds this w ('eli:: DOl'oLhy U. G. Wh etzel and Mr. and Mrl!. of whom h' was proud . 1' hey aTC h e BunneU, Sunday e~ (>nmg. Ipal nts, Mr. ond Mr.. 11 Ill'y Pen- dllYs VI It 'Wlth het , L'Ler', Mrs. NI- t he bride. HUlltel', Helen and Ro al e I-[al'- Howar'd hee ter. grown up now Hnd nre worth ... d. Mr. and 11' . Ral eigh Bogan 1 ninton nR Hartsock. S I I l ~ . . ' M La . ev TIl y ung peop e from herJ i~. DOI'othy Moxham, Vel'dena Fox SAMUEL ST JOHNS VISITS ' tizens in our comm unit.y. But attend d tile X enta. FrIends Meet.- I " Mr and Mrs S• R ~nd i ' t rs.d . urll I fr'O ' a.'t en d . MarjOJ'ie Du all and Wilma A family dinner and l'euniol1 • Bake r _. h f .. Id~s, of . Dayton, an ( m Ad an'U T own s Ilip whut meant. 80 much wa$ t he cn- I~, S unday IllOl'mng. They WC1'e daughter, and MI'. Lizzie Lewls V. 81 e WIt , I'lend s 10 Wayne~- ed a birthday party at the hame • mith. Tbig week i~ Tri·State \las held, Sunduy, at the home of thusinsm with which he spoke of dInner guests of Mr. and Mrs. ! were the unday ufiernoon gues vIII, Tue~t1ay. , !of harle . 1'llylor, on S\.1nday ve- w ek. Robel't ol'win, we.~t of Lebanon that hom. 'oming and what it t,GhI Ovel' Cl'awford. In th afternoon I of ?III'. and Mrs. J . S, Pil r. I b Rev' .of will ning. WAYNESVILLE-M: E .CHURCH in honor of 1\11'. Samue l St. meant in friendship and 'fellowey att~nded the Tent TabernaMiss Verdena Fox al'l'ived bome e at .t h e atel'ntty Bapt,L",t church Mrs. Frank bidoker W'llS home Sunuay: of Konsa. City. MI'. St. Johns was hl p. cle ~eetlng. .. . , last aturday and left Mon day for at Ml(ldlcl'un, aturday a nd Su n· at R lun cheon on Monday. Tw lve unday • ho ol at 9 :'30 A. 'M. fOJ'merly a l'e ident of this vicini· I 'm thinking that that old man Ml. a n d MI S. Emerson Smclalr a week in camp at Chautauqua. d ay, .July 24 and 25 . An all.day la dies were present ond r eported MOT'ning wOI'ship at 10:40: Th e ty, having left Ohio fifty-four YTS. lind maybe ' hbndr ds of others ~nd daughter, ~ u ~o'. ar.'I sp ndRev. hester A. Williamson will me~tll1g 't~ be held Sunday. grand time. !IOrmon ' ubject will be, "Religion: a.go· f or Kansas. H~ i~ an uncle would appreciat an(1ther s uch day daYfl m MIchigan., pI'c.ach next Sunduy at Ferry th . r. d ':'Lukens spe-nt MI'. and' MI's. II . Milligan A P !'ivilege Dnd A of Mr. Wm. t . J ohns of thhl place. in Waynesvillc. It might not be .e oung P C()jJte h Id their Chul'ch of hl'ist. e we~. en In 1 0 edo, t~e guests al' e ntertaining two nieces from ~v ning' se l'Vit'e III 8 :00 o'cl ck, Th trip I I'om KaMas CHy was out of the WilY to s tart wor.k ing m etmg at th hn~e of CharI R Mr. Lester K endrick and 01'- of Lovi Luken s and [arOlly .. ~?n- I levellln!i, a)'ld u n ephew fr In Mas W ednesday : made by auto, rldv n through by o!l a great homecoming and get- Stanley, Sundoy .nlght. viti SlIV, e arc to vi.it the lat- a~d Lukens, who ha belm vlSltmg I s il n. The Fourth Quart rly on rer- MI'. St..J(1hn l<, whu is 88 yeal'S of to.g t h 1'. It's a lot of w'O rk, Ul' , MI'. and MI'. Wlllillm Smith and tel" mother Mrs_ Ruth hlB unc.le for th re Weel{$,return-\ Ml's L ott' th f L b ,( 'nce will bl;' held Ilt :00 o'clo~k age. Jle anived h I' 1a.t Friday d ht . ·.-d .... d ' ' avage, d h 'th b' ts b . 10 ou ,() e nnon, • but ' it pays big dividends in per- au! er VISI"", :nr. an M~s. 1r. Homer Powell, of Peebl ,c ome WI 1 par:e n ,. ut aC l ompanied Mrs. Mary Tucker P. M. DI'. oull r, our Distl.;ct and will make 0 short v~it "..jth !Ional happiness and joy. Such a Hor.lce, ompton, ln N w Burhng- hio, sp nt Mondoy wit.h R!.'v. Carl Mary .a~ol'yn and Esther stayed Miss Lucille !lnd Messrs. John and upel'i~lC!nel cnt, ",ill be with UI! rriend and relative. lo'iCly of community project mllkes for the ton, unday afternoon. Smith and family. {lIr, a VISit 111 'l'o~ do. I Hal'old Tuchr on Friday of last. and will condu't he bu: in e s of t.h~m greeted him at t.he reunion upholding of that. fi ne motto wh.i ch a-nd MI'IL Donald Haines Mrs. Sam Meredith and daugh:nd .Mrs. Wan'en Braddock week, to retul'ning l'tlon- the ConIerenc . undlly. b~ bee n given us in regard to ntcl·tai ncd t he latter's s istcr a nd tel', Betty Lou, visited Mr. Sue an alty Mr. and ' II rs. Fred "day aiternoon. G. . Dibert, Pa tor. - - -Waynes villo, "A mall city with brothcI'3, Louise, Low 11, and La- Evans in Wayn 8y-ill e last Th Braddock and Mr. and Mrs. RayMr Os H I 1 it on un C. n fine tl'actition ." v me Sinclair; un day and Mon- day , u r s - mond Braddock and children were d . : e\ an M B ENTERTAINS FRIENDS J day ' . " dinner guests., Sunday ,of Mr and .ayevenmg 0 s y WI rs: esWednesday, July 14, 'W1l G!'ne And , th eas with wh'i 'h it . Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Thomas and M ' F ' k n ' d d ' . ~Ie Cook, widow of the late J 11- Th ompson's bil'thrlay and i the e,J might go over is shown in the IlCSOn 'Were visiting in Springboro, on Ir.-il'r< G ';h t I Mr. a nd Mrs. T om 'Welch and evening h entertain ed 'a ceptance which ome of t he lead- tives from Galipolis, Ohi o, SunBot Kthl' hhomes of MI'. and aJ da;s in of Ft. Dodge, Towa, are of his ll'iend s. Th e young p ople us in Wayn aville have ex pres- d MI . E' I' F Ie emm and Mr. ,and the guest of her Mrs' vhl Iltng MI'. and Mrs. W. W. \ ho nJoy d th e evening of game,,' Miss J anette Cartwr ight enter- . sed in regards to the Iln nounc _ 8y. rs. ar rye. ' . c . I f wined at her home in Ci ncinnat.i 'aml' Gazette's Fall TnI' men in our neighborhood MM '" lS H un t er ,s SIster . ane reld 0 were Rob I't and 01.'I1'0, FI·'lay, d J u Iy 16, in honor' r. orl Er Allan Ferneau and Mil'S. Robert - - -- - D nlen t of The MI ar quite. busy t h reshing and n11l f '. P I ' . ' - he ter. I BJR"I1;HDAY PARTY , ona . born, Mi s Viil'ginia M' &\tiva . usine sOlon have IUIk ed ' 10m ennsy vania, IS pe nd. Th Fi l. , 'h ' R bt.l 0 I,' of ISS Doris H enderson, 8 brid e F B what t hey might' b combining, th is w ek. about itI IlIld ing this week with . I t ' h e ' ve HundreD Dinner Club On last Wedne doy afternool'l, u sr, 0 er . am ona u 11- to be. Those PI' sen t lit the showexp cted to do to help. That co--"BEECHGROVE Mr. and Mrs. Saml~:::~h ::~ will meet with A. Q, Collett at Ju.ly 14, Mrs. R. D. Collett e ntel" borne, 1I1I'e Dlbc'I't:, harles and er be. ides. Mi s II ndorson were: operntion was beyond our futhcl'. 1\1 Ot' R' h family Mr and M,'s H C HUl'veysbul'g, aturday. tawed for her son, Gene, in h on- H erb I't ollett, Dick umpbell, MI'R. GI n Bland, Springbo l'u, Ohio, cst eXI}ectations but eve ryone will I'. IS IC Wa.5 a Sunday Ilf- ell und l\Ii~s Doroth . H a;? om; Mr. and Mr . Floren(!e H ud dle, or of his 13th birthday. Gam es Mat.hew Turne r, T eil Snyder, Bob- Mrs. Cad nker M So Oh' 0 t of Cincinn llti, Mr. and 'Mrs. Earl were played and refreshme nts by . all1pbell, arl tanl ey, Irvi n Mrs. 1. O. BI'o", n ' Mr: ;;; be given a chance to participate tcrnoon visitor of Mr. Aubrey Va n Bellbrook spent. l!t a s he ecs f it. Suffice it to say, dervoort and family, of neal' Cuin Ml9miS;n ay a I Murray, Mrs. Alice MUI'I'ay, of were served til the following boys, Lewl, [layn e, a nd John W Itz Miss n ext week dotails a.nd IIla n5 will ba. joying a in th en- Dayton, visited MI'. .and MI'. 01- b id Herber·t: Owen Hartsock, St.lln sbeny, JI', ' Alice' Gons MiBs Eun', ,eH ISS Ml',ecil Beason. of Dayton, e evenmg. . 0 ' 1 I '1 I D'b R I - - -, - - - - - , , I (;e ouae, 1 b e given in a: complete setup. WIlJ!. a Tocent guest of Ilis 'm othel' Mr. a nd Mrs. Frank Reese, . of lIver aV I!> a n: ...:.a~lI ~ Sunday. are I ~I't, obert OSboMle'l FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST incinnllti, and the hostess Mias -H-OM-E NEWS Dayton, called on Mr. and Mr.. LYTLE Dona.td Osborne, Math w TUl'ner, W.. Smith, Mini st('l' al't.lYri g1ht. ond sister ~ MI'S. Bemie Dill, of IIll'ton Ch~I Ies IC~ II e ttl ' G ene Th ompson , Sunday: FRIENDS home, here.at th Bca~on-McCan'en J esse n~land, S unday a fternoon. MI Dori H ndcrson, b"ideMrs. Emma Pi erce' !sts, M.r and Mrs. Morris H unter as.a. dinner ~uest, S unda y, of an a~tan_e:: _ unday sehoul at 1)::30 A. 1\1. \!~e t ~f Alb I't Kreili ng, of CIIlunday, wel'c her grandchlldr n. MI'. !lnd Mrs. A. B. Ta lmadge, and :family spe nt Monday ev.e nin g MI'. a nd Mrs. J. B. Jo nes. LOCALS Sel'mon a~ 11.(10 A. M. clOnall, wos honor gu st at 0 linFrances and Willillm Pi erc e, Mr .•Garner J. Lee Talmadge a.nd?tlL were eolling On Mr.J essic and with R e~. an d M rs. C al' I Smith , Mr. and Mr" . Donllld Hadley MI'. and Mrs, R. D. Coll ett en.Sermon W ' . lo b~ deliv , , . I'cd by hes en " showe~' nn eI B rl'd ge, g .Iven b y and Mrs. Forest Mye rs and daughand f amily. atte nded a Hadl ey farnlly picnic t rtained , unday, Mr. find Mrs. te l I)halll!'o~,. "h\) 11; one or t. he Mi ll . J ohn B. Gons, on Tuesday · . MI·s. Almon F1erris, Friday C've.. Gons inv ited a er, oyce, 0 ary, blo 'Mr. Ray Shaw, who I'ccently s upper at Way ne Parl, Sunday. ' Hllrry Nickerso n and 'Mr. and Mrs. 1t . nc her..s a t 1 r I· t II t C a.mp . b~lOg a ft · ernoon. mrS. O f C J t Mi,'s Ru.th Harvey spent Sat.. James Gath has be en visit- ma ng-Iad his leg in a is . Mr'. L. B. Hall, (If Columbu s, i Le. tel' Stal'!field an d daughters, ' h.eld thIS week OVC I' at MIami hau wbo havc b en friends since urday with her sister, Mrs. Erma impl'oving lowly" It has not o~en and MI'S. Alic'e lark were Friday . H elen Loui!W and Marj orie and Llllqua gl oun ds. W e havc lic~en htgh seh.oo.l day and thoughtfuling . at the J orda n home, retu.rn- necessa:ry to am putate his leg, but dinner gue ts of Mrs. 'Walter Kcn- so n, Ral'old, of New Burlington, of o ur young ' pe.op,I It ,a t.t n d IIIg Iy prov,1d ed ' ?n opportunity for a .. . ay on, 1110. ,all' an, .a 0 t h t 0 Sh Ml'S. Wilber Schuey and daugh. cd to Chi~a~o last aturday. he has had two blood transfusions, I'ick. Mrs. Hall also called on sev. a nd MI'. alld Mrs. Everett Nicker- ' cllmp. The publIc. l~ lilY I ,II Lo at· ch~t wlih MI RS Henderson, in ' ad· ter, of Dayton , ~alled on theit- aunt ~rs. F. 1,;. Nas~ spent . veral l the blood donated by hi s. ons, Hal' era l Lytle f l'iends. BO n and cL,a u ghter, 'Dianna, 'of Chau I ~cnd . the eva~g tIC 'crV I e each d Jtwl1 l u the Bridge gam es. Miss Kate Colhns, on Sunday. day~ last wt!ek WIth relatives at 1'y a'nd Harold He is in th M' "j M ' I M Sta I B 'l " tauq ua Ohio even ing , beg m nlng at 7 :30, anti At th e close 01 the afternoon Guests of Mrs. Ant am, Sun- D!l)-'ton. I Valley , e laml . I's. n ey D 'dhll S't t d h Sunday afte rno.on th e gradUating nu·oS Hc nd el'll on wos t)!es.ented' ".. B' P tt d . , a ' r, 10 com pany WI ;t' . ora ~ l'ong te u rne ome . ' day, were Mrs. Graham and daugh- • lufa. Ina a er son an son, i " ~el.vice. \\1th Il va.rlety of lovely and uset e l' and Mrs. Leighbar and dau h. \CI8 yton, and daughter, Fostina, MI'. and Mr~. D. I. Pfoutz and and . Mrs. P erry Welle!, of Cen- a~ter spend Ing the week ,With her Th(> hd tian Actlion onfel'- ful lin eng, g ter, of Dayton. and Mr. Everett Baker were Leb- I daugh.t.e~, MarIan, and Mrs. Anne t erville, a.ttended t~e (~arl-LOngh-1 g1a ndmoth e r, Della Venable. e nee h ld lit. Chautauqua last week WA YN£SVILiF: -CH --U - RCH OF ___ _ _ _ . anon visitors, Saturday evening. Thompson, from Dayton, called . man l'eUIlIOn, lit Ulllon, Sunda~. . Dr. and M'rs. A. E. Stout were prov<,d to be a g l'cat success .·There LOCALS Mr. and Mrs, Rufus Roberts and on Mr. and Harry R. ForMr. Ralph Barger. and bttle , dinne r guests, on of Dr. W Le mol' than a thousand peo- I CHRIST Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Donald- I fall1ily, of Muon, were Sunday dyce and family, SUnday. Barbara, enJ,o yed pic- , and Mrs. Robert BlatI', of Leb- pie attending many of the ses.- I W. C. Smith, Minister son and children, of Columbus .dlrlner guests of Mr nd Mra Mr. and. Mrs. Jess Hess visited mc, Saturday, of the Maintenllllce anon. sion s. Sunday: , Gr?ve, Ohio, called at the Meth-,; p.erry Wells. . a . Mr. ,a.nd Mrs. Charles Thomas and Crew of the Corp., at ' . Dick and Howard Sunday school a t 9 :30 A . M. on P. M.I Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fairchild and famIly in Mia.misburg, Sunda.y af- :Forest Park, Dayton. I DIll, Clnctnnatl, spent the week Boal'd meeting to be held at Subject of lesson -God • Their two children , Mome Lou Mr and W'll F' h'ld ternoon. Mr. and Mn . Emri ck Icnd WIth Dean Hawke. church at 8 '. 00 P. M. pares IL People. T e xt 12:21-28 d W'1' ' ,So I O,nalre 1 were ' h Mr.. J ames Ramage and daugh· ' 10 :4 0 A • M. Chrisillam were bap- ,I visitors at Reading Friday. Mrs. Harry Fordyce, Harrie spent S unday W1t Margaret Tuesday: ommUnIon tized by Rev. DIbert, In the church Mrs. Ella Barlow and Mias Fan- E. Fordyce and Opal Fields took John.s. . . ter, of South Mass. . Bible stu dy to be taken from tian Endellvor, 7 :00 P. M. JGhn at ' 3 :30 P. M. , . I ny Mitchell, of Dayton, Cl1011ed on a t ri p to Xenia, Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Alice Clark Wll5 a dmner al·c.vlsltmg Ramage s mothe.r, the 15th chapter o'f Act.s. Meet- ears will be the leader of the Mrs. Ida H.awks, of HaTVeys. th Jord filM d Mr nd M T D t , guest, Sunday, at the home of Mr, Mrs. Eva Miller, Mr. Ramage Wll1 ing at 8 -00 P M Christia n Endeavor. b . e an am y, on ay. . a rs. om ur on were ' . ... h Th . . . . . P h' urg, spent Sunday WIth Howard Mr. ond Mrs. C. H . Deatber- calling on the George Gilliland and Mrs. Walter Clark. pO lO t em on Ilrsday a . - - -. reac mg at 7 :45 P. M. Drummond and . family. ' age wl. th thel'r guest M BI h home Sunda ft Mrs. Geo I'ge Gray has been Mrs. Grace McCune, of LIma Will ML."S Wanda Illrk, a nurse, who Sermon to bc delivered by Ches. E II S ' , f5. anc , Y a ernoon. . I f l " inue h . . Ih h ' . t W ' JJ ' ' f Ulte II MIS: ste e. haner entertat-ned Baker, 'Of Ciricinnati,. were d:in}/Jr. Edward Gilliland has just oo r y. or sve .. r!II we.ks,. but I a SOh con'M VISit w t , er been ill at l\Iia.mi Vall ey hos· e 1' · I lamSO n 0 cottda1e, Pa., p I • atur. ay, M.rs, Anna Purdum neJl guests on Thursday of Mr. finished Mr. Clarence Ed- s s omewhat Ilt thiS time. , mot er, r. MIller a few days pltal fOI' S vCI'al \\' eek, \vas former ministe r of t his church. "ersalles, Mrs. P ur and Mrs. R. H. Hartsock, of Way. I ward's wheat. Mr. Edwards, who". 'Mr. lind r.,rrs. Wilbert, and longer. , . . broug ht to the home of her pal'We had a n attendance at morn· and of nesvil]'e. The occasion being the I suffers a broken leg, is menditl httle of .Chlcag o, . Mrs. J. W. ' White her M r, Mrs. Wolter lark, ing service of 72, thil! is above, our OhIO, and MISS Ada Bolender, of birthday an!)lvenllry of Mr. Death ' slowly. He now has his Ie in! are spendIng th eIr vacatIOn here Sister, .Mrs. Dakm, at , '1 hur. day, H er condition remains average at.te ndam e, 'but it ,w ould New York . crage. . I cast g at the ' h<;lme of Mr. a.nd Mrs. E. , t. Ehzllbeth Hosplt I, Dayton, about th S lIll1C. J [or fdond!; aI' be ~tter if you who , neglect the II
---EA 1 as D
ll1i~flll' tunt'
'~l bu~,ine~s
~~ lth~ir
~ l~dwal'!ls, Waynesvi~
h arvev S bU rg ' IrlU b t 0 p.ICniC ·
tu~nmg n~othe
1llgT~ fe~
Re~pon!'ihility. "
Detr~it, '
an~~~:~; ;-::~,t!~~~Z~(I!:e:::a.
Chautauq~a pjC~iC
~ ~an, u~g,
Colu!b~S s'~:t ~::~- I~~i.ly, d~u'ghters
I BhoweTFo r
r rae 1 0 Be
I~ Bet..t~ He~k1 Uy~~
odls~ parsonag~, Sunda~ a~ S.tanle~,
, ~rs.
I a~tehY aMn~!
Frigidairl~ Alle,~ Mr!~.
r~' oup
! ~a.n~y,
fo~ Vls~t,
'Mrs. Estelle Shaner, Mr. an d Mr •. Horace Shaner and Mrs. Ada Bolender IIpent Sunday at Coney . Ohio. B n an meha, I laMrB. d Eather d A Dakin epent Sun, day with her .sister, Mrs. Mel. I ourne Smith, of Near Sprinlf' b I Valley. Mrs. Timotb, Wakely, of Xenla, spent the week-end with her parenta, Mr. and Ill'll. Ernelt De.
kiD. lira. Eatell ShaMr and Hn. Jeane, with lira. Bolender ·....nt TIIIIJSda, In DI!rtoIl. ..... Lee n.Idia ia
Mr. Otis Rich, and Thom- Mr.' and Mrs. Sam Meredith took 8S Harvey made a short call at the I a trip, Sunday, to and Thompson TeTT h S d Middl t Y orne, un ay evening. .e_own. _ _ _ _ __ 'Mrs Mar' J be f 0 . Friends o{ Mrs. Nellie Ferris ia cailed onleh ae . ten, 0 rego ?- ' Stt'atton will regret to learn of ,Harvey er ra. WU . Ion and SIS f il1', ....Tue d - her ser~ou~ I'11n ess a t h I!r horne evM\ing. am y, 8 ay near Wl lmmgton. Mill8 Hannah J rd with 11 Mrs. Blanch Baker, who haa litter an<l niece 8JI Di been spending &orne time with her bert and lin th eO parenta, Mr. and Mrs. Carrol DeaChlcaaro, wer~ :"OTJ~na ev:nbt 0 therag~, l'~tu~ed. Friday to her callers at tb T i d ' h ar home In ClnClnnatl. lliu llart .; -:... om~ The Jordan family were Sun. da, over-Il':t day afternoon vJaiton of 111'. and of . . . IiIar7 .:-tile Ilin. WaUer JordaD, of Barvep-
N ~Le~rf
as:. Tuw.:..; :;
Impr~,,:ed Swan~ Jimr~lIe Sw~nk,
En~ma ~arr
B. Longacre. Sunday. . . Ibopi n fl)r a speedy lind complete ILOl'd'S housey wou ld only COme and Mr. and Mrs. Statlley Mr. and Mrs. Guy Dllktn were T do du.t . . . and daughter attended l he t.IIll'J Sunday gU&\ts of Mr. and Mrs . F' I MISS Mal'Y ook, of Wa yn es·1 No hfe IS as hllPPY as It maaht i' we d ngdanmversarry of Mr. anu H . F arr. VI'11 e, spent W edn esday wit.h her be'' " . Mt . Everett Kenrick, at CenterMr. and Mr,. H. M. Lucas a~d xistel", 1\11'5. MargAret J ohns. No lICe IS li S ru;.eful al) it might ville, Sunday aftel·noo'n. son, of Springfield, were Sunday The funeral of Mrs. Eliz'abeLh be; h ' .T e land appraIsers are work- gues l S 0 f M rs. Mary C . Cross. : F oulks. a form er res idl' nt of thi,. .gN 0 'J'f I e .IS as comp Iete as it ing in this neighborhood, this wt!.:k I Herbert Gray of Columbus cal- , community, was held ot Lytl e nll ht , be; Mrs. S. H. Burnett haa been led on his uncle, J. H. Smith, Sat- church, Friday af~crnoon, with If It separate itself f rom the IItaying at the home of her 80n, urday evening. I Rev. C. R. Busch, of Centerville, Church. Russell, and flUllily, near RI<leeMr.s. J. H. Smith spent Sunday I in chat-ge. Burial' at Miami CemWednesday: vUle, as Mrll. Burnett is in Mia- with her sister, Mrs. F. H. Mil- I'tel'Y· Mrs. Foulks was the wi· p~yer meetinll' an~ Bible study mi Valley Hospital. ten berger, near Lytle. dow of Samuel Foulks. She, died . at 8.00 P. M. We Will a.tudy the 'M r. and Ill'll. Stanley Bailey and Mr. and Mrl!. Harry Davis, of Wednesda.y, at the borne of her ' 20th chapter of Acta. 111'. and Ill'll. Retallek are on a va- , Manlfleld, Ohio" were wettk.,e-nd daughter, Mra. David Pope, FIRM CONDUcTiNG' SALE cadloa motor trip to Smoke)' ruHtl of Mr. and Mrs. D. C, Rid • . of C nterviUe, at the age of 87 ' &aI••, this... ' p. Sunda" IIr. and 111'1!. Barl Da- ,ean. of na,t.cm. 0 _ Jol etI til.. pad Davta, of L, 1 '1
l'ostof! ic(,lIt Wnyn(, 5\'ilIc, 0hio. as S~concl ,;~ !\Iuil Matt"r . . -::== ==
Ed,to__r==== ===:: :::;;:= = Ha,-old D. Willi., -~~.-:::---=--. -=~l~SUEn EYERY Till RSOAY •. -7"""""'
Rub~crip ti on
Office I'hlln(>
T'l'ieC' , $1.1)0, Y ear
Ediforidl of th .. pa ~. ngc by ongro.A of th ~ Wagwill not 111'1" 'roo~(, l' Act 1, 20U, UOO mil road employ ees y Act, Securit ocial the of ns provi:;io age olu sha1'1! in the but will have a JI n iOIl plan of their own which will pro. vide paymen ts up to ~ 120 II monU!. I' ~u ll
The !l ntim ent in favor of a st.ate law requmn g a JlhYlIieian. c rtificat. fr om bot.h the man and woman be. fore a llla niag Iicen e i :; i u~1 i growing . Within the uch a ' law. ociety 11(' ·t f()w years every staLe will Itav of RUJlPo,t ing burden the of weal'y is b('ginni ng to gl'ow d fN tiv. ('hildre n born of di eased parent.... Th ese exam. ination s have been compul ory in German y and Turkey be exami ned ; fOI' so me timt', 'ix . tatc 'reQuire In n to Alabamll, Loui iana, Oregon , Texas, Wi. onsin Wyoming.. Only two ~tates, onnecti cut and North Dakota , require both parties to be cxam in d. Nebras ka, New' York I'oli na r equire mere ly an affida vit. Alaand North bama, onn clieut, Louisia na, r gon, T exas Wi. co nsi n und Wyomi ng require a ph icians statem ent. Conn ectl. cut require s u st.ate aifidnvif.. I1J inois, Michigu n, N~w J ersey, New Mexic(l ami Wiscons in have laws pending . The- I g ' lal.ion wiJ I n ot be ompJete ly effe tive until all . tutes have similar IOWA, as those ' afflicte d ",ith venerea l disell<5 , when not permitt l' d to malTY in their own tate, wi ll go Lo anoth ·r. .,
. . .. " .....
Any labor bill t hAt o n gre~ may paAS t hat is not (lqually fair to both sid . will not endure. Some clay we lIre going to lenrn tha~ there cart xi t no such thing us a perman ent wrong. Our daily tel ls of a sevent en year old co lored girl eo anxious \.() lorn t , w that sh e wa willing to walk twplve mile ' daily 1rom h l' hom to Fa nne rsvi 11 e, Vir· g inia to ott n dd a N, Y. A. sewing pr.oject a ne! ih.. n walk bllck hom e in th e afterno on to do h l' chores at t.ame. uch heroi p,m, and it is n othing else, is a 'r e buke to many todny who with inIinite ly greatet· opportu nities are casting them Ilsidll an d dawdlin g their way through Iif be· cause they do not. like to hllv<l anything interru pt with t.heir ~00(1 tim s. Th ey are al doo med to wake up lIome day and realize th iI' mista kes too late, but no one ea.n how them their error now. A few years IlgO we we re told that income taxes would abolish all other taxes. No sooner had the income tax system gotten under way than a sales tax law wa.'! cd by many states. It is i nterellt ing to. note t hat p e h instanc e the sume promise s in r gard to the elimina tio n of all other taxes were made regardi ng the sales t.ax as were m.ad e regardi ng t he income tax. The sale tax and t,he inc ome tax BI'e both with us - and so nrc ~11 t he olhers.
Auc tion eer
,-'·U!." I'r,pn·;\ l \\111 I", I'l" A. k for a {\'Inti ilt t h\.· n1't'kl' nf thl' I h'rk (,f t11<' \' illa.o.:l' of Wa yot'>,nlh· . MIAMI SBURG PERMA NENT Ohi until l:! o\·J,,~k no In flf to , n F'l'ankJi ON RETE A ('(,1ll1ll0n plea ' court jur~ late IKOlllUt' Yt' r, Il1te of .1 uly :\(1, 1 V:n I'(.r Llll' I'Urdlll '(, of . Ill'.· the alllOng '(eel Ii k ,dor ~l'11 Air S..al Burial Vault b(.nds of 'aill \' illo"p in thl' a,lt· Illst w ~l' k I'cturn ,I a verd ict in "U llI of $ lil5 . II dat ed rm or (I f the d t'f('llt1 (,Tit in th ~ ('t~ nf th~ c\ N:e l!ellt's !<lnt c. j!'t'(' 'Ill/' For Sale nly By Jllly t l't. 1!1:J7. ~;}! ( I bonds ,\ill Ill' .;:w .nou dllf)lnge cn. e flied hy 1\11·s. Bond Pr-ic ..s SetFUN~RAL DI RECTO R YOUR thrt:c· to '111(' lllll lhlf" in numlwr f r An Rp plicati un of Willillm ft. of l\I id, lI ehm n. s l."tIinl-lt [,ht h in('llI"i \'c·. Ench o r ... aiel Loi,. G Yer, RE FUNER AL HOME . McCLU {)r" ut :md .Ill m l'~ X . I>nrl'lu:-h, I'x~c hond.• \I ill b" of Lht' dUHltni l1ution "\1 1l1'~' llunger , of IIm·\,l,:v~burq. 7 Phone Vnil, C. Waynen 11le,O Willimn ,'f l'~t.utl· Fil d in 0 '1 obI'!'. 1\) :1, 1), foll()\~- of th e of $ 1{jr..no lind II ill tlra\l 1I11('1'($t CCTof price. Phon e 78J thl! nklin, Jo'I'n the of ,· lut 1il1llUm, nN!l' ('1' ]l h ( 1 ,F (·ra.· of l il ht 1hI! rute in!: un autonw b .I t t inlilallnll·nL of inten'~t t o l)f' h,l'(', the !luit by 1\1 1'. Illl'yel' URk· tai n . tocks nnd hond!', lifltt' d 11___ __arAii ~fr-. an d :'01 ...-. [!" '<~ II nrtM('k nnd tlUl' und payablc !\Ial ch ht, 1(lag injul'i(" sh e III lilt th l' ass t ~ of t.he e. tnt, 11IIv(' 1I___ ___ fol' umounL the <',I nfi cld nnd 91ld ell h Eix n ont hs llwrc,nf t . ~ on M r. IIn,1 .M!'. . Ph ilIP l:: epf wert' children vi ,< it,'d Gr(' buen fix c(l. n. the fil'st day of 'c ptl·mLe r lind cont()IHI ' h(' su ff t·rl'!1 III the crash I' on l:l, the CUV(!S Il t Bninil l'i ug '. ()[\ Su t)a ir lh of t" ~ g-u Sundny ~l ar ch o f 8t h yell)' until th(" pri n. The jury dclih(;I'ulcll un hour Guardi an. Nam..o -day. Smith. ol'win, jr., and Re· Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Georgl' linlon cipal ~u m is pnid. and a half. becca · . Beckett hav b · en nom· Bond No. 1 hnll hE! tlue Sep- In$uran ce Firm -~. -.-.-.-.-.-.'!I.-..- .-.-.-.•- ..:.-.-.-.-.-..- .~.--.'fII.-..-...-_-_ tember 1st, 1 \l3 ; Bond No. 2 ed t eslemen tal'y guardia ns for Jo- ,.o;--.....-.-.-.•- .o.-.-~-.•-••••.-....~.-.-_-.-_-.-_-.-. eptemb er 1st, 1939 It D.feD dant5 ~. al1 be due Jean Naming the Metrop olitan Lile seph E., Ruth A., and Francis and Bond ~ o. 3 Septem ber 1 t minor. , COl'win It r nt, te in and defenda al he t as princip Co. both ce l()'O, Insuran be ing payable at the Wa.ynesvllle Mr. Em.ma J ~hn on; Frankli n. Frana Estate N'a tional Bank, Waynesv ille, Ohio. f iled . uit in c ommon pl as court Valued At ,2433 ' :'. g an d experi enee have e quip, aid bonds are issued tor th e for $160. Y e ars 0 f trainin A gro.'18 value of $2433 hll~ been The p la intiff alleges ment udg j the paying of pu rpose the Inte th e firm fniled on lhl' deat.h of a plncell on t h C' :;tnt(· of ped our staff to rend er a genuin ely professional tier· lind cost!! I'endere d again t th Fram~. E. Cathryn Village in favor 01 Will O. Gustin child. To Distrib ute vice, in all of many detail s which make up a funera l in Cau, e O. 15601 Wan'en oun- Judeem ent. are itiesSec:.ur e ar )mm on P leas ourt and Conr~sedty of the type which leaves an everla stingl y consol ing Geol' 'etta Stubbs, admins t.I'a tor ' h:~ ucd und l' authori ty of the Three judgl'Dl n ts wor e confess nifol'm William I \I S f Ohi o snd of the memo ry. For many years we have rende red sincer e, <'11 in ex l'e l a ction . fil ed here by of t he estnte of the late Bond Act and in accorda nce wi h lion upplicll iled f has tubb" H. G. L. :tl:rainst a certnin ol'dinan ce of . aid Vil- t he siaL of Ohi o, sympa thetic servic e to this community~ at modes t linton fo r an order authori zing her to 7th dny oC Kennet t, Frankli n I nd lage pa; d on th Two of lhe uctions distribu te securiti e.~ belo nging t Jun e ]US7: 1 ewcomb . costs based entire ly upon the wishet l and meantl of SaId bonds will IJ.c sold to th nllm!! d Kenn ett /llo ne, a third in· th stat . highest biduer for not. loss lhnn the family , t.L an,] New· To Tr-an.r.. r Stock~ the fac e value lh r pM and aceru· eluded both Kenne ol tratrlx admlni8 ~, Jam Oliv~ s amount The l'll interest . The bi dder must at- cumb 1\5 defend ants. 36'i a nd $322 , the Elizabe th Wh it.acre estate, hus tach to hi bid a cel'tifie d ch eck W{'I'C for $1 2, in th!' sum (I C $25.00, that if hi s , aid due on cognovi t notus made been grun ted author ity to tran!>. ; bid L~ acce pt ed . he will r ccivc cel·tai n . tock Ii ted among the Way nesv ille within in f uvor of bhe Electric Relrig r· Cel' /'I1.d pay f or said bond Phon e 7 'Iiami Up hoi, as et of the e tute. O. and the thirty day [rom the time of lhe :;;;::;;;; ;;;;;::::;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;; -;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;::;~;;; t ..dI.I ward. _ - _ __ ___ O. In the casco or Morris E" ..cutor I. Appoin ! apbeen haH Pence thl' . d W vitta uWnJ'de L ea Th e bidder if h is o. against W. B. and Be1l 2 bonds mu t ~ uti fy him elf 01 th }1' Oleman , judg menL oC 3GO al 0 pointed xccutor of the state of rt!lj'u)lIrlly or the pl'oc~di n l\'5 for "as confess ed. . Irene M. Welton , late of Deerfie ld ~hc I. ue tnert!ot a nd also must tp. Bond of $40,000 was provide rl aCl'ept ty pl'writt e n bonds instend Gets Divor- c_ eman William son, D . .E: Her' Fr , neglect n gro unds of goro of print. d bond!':. T he (lunci! rese l'V s the right J udge /lurles B. Dechan t hn... \\food and L. Enrl Th omp.son wors apprai al t(; rej ect any and all bids. gran ted a divlll'Ce to leo ArthUl', appoint ed t o cor, .uct an Dutl'd .July 2nd 1937 estate. bhe Iof dethe J\1·thul· Otis d B. K. H enderso n, Clerk who num ( Oon tinued o n last page) - ._fenda nt. The care and custody of - -- -. th arded n" aw "fll .H was I( ' I · n ~ lWo childre NU'I' IC ' I') ' 1' 11 I' ll ~'•• \ 1 ' 1') II t ' 41 tllU plaintif f. " '1 • ... ·' · I)'" IIl1 lll nJ'1 1' \I\·I·,.r.;Ohio, ., .. t,,. J U.. ...:«,. ( -oJunllttlM . PROBA TE COURT f" 1''' rk uf !iu Jp." 1...." .. 1 f 1(),,~, ;\"() :n-:.:..t ' ' · ... 1·. ' .'IIIC ' I-; UII " 'I'" \, ,,. , lvtI(] Will Filed~enlt ll prol'u'ht h, will lal rf'cp. The will of H an·ieU. W'i1$Qn, late III" oHf(o /It Lh e " Lilt .. IIl ghwl\ .\· "'een filed in ... ilL ('(1 1"11)1)",,. Oh io o f Wayne tp. hao J'!r·pct,,,·'n"r o0101 ~ " ' dt)" k A . M .. t':IIMtt'rn unLI t " / urt. co '. ;';1a lid" rll T lm T llel:u lllY. Aug-II. t i' •• lu:n, f",lr lnt To Hear IDve"t ory-. .. JI I UVt·rrh, ulH in : \\'u rn n l'UlIlll\' , 4)1\1(1, (I ll ~N·tilln Hearing on the invento ry filed or tlll' " - 1 a ll ,1 [Inn ..r l'ec\I I, " CIIUICIIII lIQUID ..... talt\ Byram E. Mo ore as admini sUnfL,I, by 1\Oh rIcl., Hayton IIIIPOIII PWlTl'llOlll CIN l1h;-lI Wll}' ~Q . '-II, ~ll1tP l(outP '0. 41 • trator of t h late estate of t he INl-.nA In Ca,."r ('rI' pl, ,{,,"" \.JI 1II 11 . b~' ",lilt·· nln fwd "~"\lr(IH'llllt wllh ,'old-mi x· Catheri ne S. W ood son, is to b e Aft ..... ln~l"MaJ nl.u"pl., d, (·old·lnlf l " (\1' (UfH'rel l' , bber~~.fromtll..., ... of II" ld\h; 1-.,,' " wilt ~Il fl.; lIondwn y conduct.ed July 20. &lIanl.rio.n •• !'.oYlnp n,ade , by coo,roU' n. r.w matevu.rla h ie. atAeeou File.s CA. 1l1t1 l.i(\2. rIaI •• rid by Dl.... ofliclenl Lt'Jl~ lh : 27),11 •• tt., 0'1' ~.QJ 0.1 • • _nu(.c:e urinll _ml dl.. . . . . . ""'~L t accoun l 1':.U mlltNI fina and seventh The tributlon miI"eut, ..,.lUIII ('" nlract lo t.,. 1'1') 111 1' 11' 1h i within r ,laY8. executo le, ~ble .t 1)0 ul'" cOlt. w<,rklng Map (;,6) v~ fll'ly-tfi o[ W. Chester '1'11 1' mjniml" n wn>f" In he paid to ha. , cstat 'Vatts 0, ora the of t a ll lnhu r .. mlJlu~· l'f( ,> n I hilI IlUnlt'u(' with th " h,,11 II.. 10 ncI·" r ,ll\n ~ ed. ··;;,·hl',lul.' "c· I'renlili ng lI ou rl ~' been fil Ilat ~a AS(''''' l'')'' d flnCl o ~ - To Sen Stock \V'\K 'nl or In 1 t"I'III1" 'I by T h .. JslePIli'lllH Auth ori ty hIlS been granted " lllllI"l\h!,' t n -408 Ph '}II /l u'lnl n"(IlLiun . • ""e hn rO"11 t II'Ht"l~n I) _y Broad S. 4 ~tnl 111 g hwHY trator admlOl y-er, J(olJrm.c Al't/lur s n In"ntH In n {·orolnlltl ., wllh .o·,lln OHIO , ON LEQAN Anna F King 0"~. 17·:1 • .'7-4 . 17-111, 17-;; nn'l ,17.; ... or of t he e tate tI'" (,enNui rOIIl· "r Oil 10. • YOU GET EXTR A ;;;:::::~;=;~;:;~ 'h I~ I~;;:;;;;;~~~=;:~;;;:;:;;;;~;;;=;;;::::::::::::=; rtlnOunt ~ ,II)InJt\ fton with USt k cr In ~hf""(' 1.ltI<I I'U /loti Th'::l.. "'(' hid PRO TEC TIO N
A few years back and the T~i1roads were the pOll' ular tal'gl't of ev l'y leg' la tul·c. Each • !\~ion of the leg· islature vied with the prece ding session to see which one, could cnact t he mORt impres ive laws to contol . th e rai l· roaels. Now that the railroads have b een elimina ted from many section s of the countl'Y, or their o p ~rutio J\ greatly curtail ed, attentio n is bcjng dil:ected to the bus and truck . Jinl's. The bus and tl'u r k lines have a. lqng hard road ahead of t hem. J
Cen terv ille, Ohio
Tru e Pro fesl iona l
L et all thtl~C thllt . Mk Ih!!\! r joic() and b glad in love th)' nlvation , lIy continu ally, Thy t.hee : let such Lord b magnifi ed. - {'Nllm 4U:10.
As til('
F. T.
Le,al Notice
J. E. Me Cl ure
--- -_ ..
h m.k er Su A PPI-a n ce. Shop
Milla i to r l vfI r 'r ("' ut o r the ''' fHim n tfl tl f'oft l . l \llt tn n o "'v f-nt 111HI''1I lf lfi l e n th t,lUfo:a n d .) o ll a rs, I ltana n nil ~ l' p('1 rU' I'lio ll ~ arc on rl l" III till' Ih·I)I"'III) ~ IlI· or IIIK'llWnV~
,)(tl 'f- ,Jt
t llu
r~I.<I'''· n t
d .I~·
tl't p t II UYl li ty ,Url'(' tor.
1.'lll" dlh.l ctu r J ~~f· , ·\rl·:"I t ile l'hrht t.) I'r J l a n)' 1111 d a ll hl(]~. _ John .In,,1 er, .1 1', .-Into t I.IjShrwlly lJlr'(! 101
Will. Dr... " . • E.tat.. Settlee! WA.YN ESVILL E. OHIO
jfuneral J}ome
extra pound. . of r.ubber are added to every : ' 100 pound lof cord by the Firestone paten ted
To be u~ed in adv~rtisin.g. C~rch, Lodge , social s ,or . sale with no cost to Orgsll lzabon s. Just phone your advert iseme nt to this office and Ray "Inser t this ad in "Caps " space for ..... ..... . . . . .... organ izatio n."
Gum~bippi.ngprocess. By this proces s every
J.AWN FETE B nefit New BUl'ling ton Young Fl'iends . . School lawn, New Bur· li ng t on, beginni ng G P. M., Frle1ay, July 23. Purpos e-fund s' fOT Camp,
MI'. and Mrs. H erbert S. Edwards, of. penver , Co lo1'ado, iR visThoml'so n, Fred Gullady , all of iting his aunt:>; t he Mi ~SM Tl'il· Wayne sville, OhiO, and Mr. Tracy's lena and Margar et Edward s. sister and famiJy of Dayton , Mr. and Mrs. Har'old Florence ded the fune ral, FTiday, oi tten a Mr. Flor.ence's sister, at Cynthi. ana , Kentuc ky. Mr . end Mrs. Ralph Linn accomp anied t hem. dn Saturda y afterno on, July The Stock Yards Poultry and 17, Miss Ruth Larrick and Mrs. Produc e Compa ny, 2.676·, Spring Ohio, C. E. Norris were hostess es at a Gl'ove Ave. Cincinn ati, miscell aneous bridal shower for through Will Gustin, gave theil' Mrs. GCilrge T. Quick, formall y annual picnic at Wayne Park, Way Elizabe th Mallen, .at t he home of nesville, Ohio, Sunday , July 18, hel' m othe~, Ml'S. J . P.' Larrick . Ab ou t '1 28 were present . A bounte · Ma.n y beautif ul and u sefu, pres- ous di nner and su pper were served ents were ' l'cceive d by t he bride. with soft drinks and milk and cake and an ice drink were served (:I'eam fr om th e Sto kes Dairy Farm by the hostess. Saxaph on e music, with singing Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bailey and games of all kinds were the afterMr. and Mrs, Eldon . Ret8lick are noon en joymen t. taki ng th eir v~ations ' tog.ethe r, HOUSE HOLD HINTS drivi ng through Kentucky to Ma.ma. a Sauce to serve with l'oa.~t Virgini For to on and m otli Cave MI·S. El t.a Robinson, of Dayton , beet; p our a cu p of medium Ohio, spent Saturda y night with cream sauce over 1-4 cup of cre am Mrs. F lo. sic Carey and' family and mixed with 1-4 cup of horsera d · attende d the h ome-com ing at the ish. Wash bright colored cloth es a ~ UtiCl\ 'hurch, Sunday. as possible . Colored cloth quickly Mr. and s Wa,t'kin s Miss France '.' always be . washed should Leo Conner s pent Saturda y even ing ing with Mr. a nd Mrs. Milo Milten- quickly . Human hands .can do only so much work , .. human ·energy is lilfiiroo.. To preven t crackin g up of linberger. i.t should be ~leaned with M T. F. II. Mil ten bcr~e r, M. C. oleum But electrical energy never tires •.. no job is too hard or l~ts too 1088 and oil, equal proport ions. vinegar Miltenb erlter, of r ou t e 2, anti RobFly specks can be remove d from ert Archde acon, of Dayton , Ohio, for electricity. 'Why not release your energy for leisure t.uks ..• lamp shades with a sponge silk Attende d the Auto Races, at Win· dipped in IU.k e wurm vinegar and hl'lIt er, Indian a, unday. sports, hobbies, self-improvement ... and let electricity do the I'()(&lioe water. M~.~ Mabel Hanzel and Mr. Joe SAFET YsiOO ANS D('nnin g, of Cincinn ati, Ohi~, were . work in your home or on your farm. Modern electrical appllauces a:: Summe r time ill Bwimm ing time. dinn('r l1'uellts of Mr. and Mrs. Be sure that lOme one in the parWalte1' Underw ood. on Sunday . available to simplify almost any job .•• and you will find the (108t of aid rules of arflnt the knoW!! ty Mr. Rrabe, M1'. and Mrs. Walter resplra ti8n. It may mean t6at they represent real c:coQ&DJe alld MrtI- Louis Rotl(l and II'Jn, Dick· tificial ting these labor·savers so opera life. a saving y, of Oakh·y, Ohio, were dinne1' It you cannot swim do Dot venp . , Saturda y even in&' of Mr. Into water byond your depth. ture .... J. P. Larri('k. • YOII hav!.' n.o rigIIt to jeopard ll A laG Night 011 lit. 01 t
--- -- --
fiber in every cord ill every ply it saturat od with liquid rubbe r. Thi8 coun terac t8 dange rous inter'n al frictio n and heat that ordin arily caU8 e blowo uts.
.ton . '",e STAND ARD 'OR
,a..u lit oa"
....so·u ....... ...01 4.7S.19 •• , • •• . 9.IS
tread are two el'tra layers of GumDippe d cords.
5.0Q.19 •••••• . IO.~O 5.25-18 • •••• •. 11.40
5.50·11 .... ... 12.50
I 1
'1!I I
6.0Q.16 ••. • , •. I~.I
tread i. scientifically designed.
.ton.' ",." SIENT INIL 4.-4().21 •..•••• M ••5 4.50-10 . . . . . . . . .05
'F.,••fOn. COU' RIIR
4.-4().2J. •••.••. '1.4~
JOKHiCI. . .. . . . .., ....... " .......... ,L411
DO YOUI (NGW THAT l .. t year hleh •• ., acdden h COlt the ltv.. of more thAn ...... ..n, ...... n anttl
.t. ....",.. TH A. T • MIllon .....
MlLEA GEbec au e of the extra touKh, . lonl-w earlng tread. Before leaving on your vacatio n trip, join the Firest one SAVE A LIFE Campa ign by equipp ing your car with a set of new Firesto ne Standa rd Tires -tod" ,', top riTe ""Iue.
io,Juredl THA.T more than
..0,000 ..
the •• ttI••th. anttl inJuri•• wete caule d direct l" b, ~Ullctur ••, WO. . . . . .1141
ildtltIiIIe ...... ...... ....,
MID- UMM My er H ym an
Hy ma n & Bloch Spr ing V ai ley
Way nesv ille
These Price s In Ef fec t Sa _u r day, Ju ly 24tll Sho p at ·the stor e mos t con vien tly loca ted Gr.de Ladi... • v .... in .U .i.e•• 5.1. price
19 . White Outinr. 27.in. wide ill heavy Nap. 10 rd.. to a eultom er 5.1 .. pric_
10 0 M.. n'. Nain.oo.k Ath.• Union Suill. 75c Grad .. • i ... o 36 to 46. Sale price
47 0 r•• t
19c Ladie.' Full F •• hioned Ho.iery in .11 new .hadel . Sizeo 8 ~ to 10 Mi Sale Price
49 0
57 0
M , n'. Overall ., h .vy blue, 'UI' pender back. $1.25 rrade, price
. Boy'. Polo S'h irll in all Rayon or all cotlon. SOc "alue •. Sate price
LADIE S' SLIPS Ladie.' Slipo in .ill<, fle.h a;nd' ..·ftile. 79" r.rad .....Ie pric..
57 0
69 c
FELT BASE RUGS . Recula r $6.00 9.12 Felt Bue R.ugl Good weight AIIG a real ".Iue. WbjIe a. .. y I.. t
90 Boy'. Dr.... SlUrts. 75c
94 0
Men'. fine Broadc loth, Madr•• , Etc., Dr .... Sbirh. $2.00 valu«, S.le price
9 70
HOPE MUSLI N Hope MUllin 36.in. wid .. f;'r g ..... ...a l hou ... hold u... Umit 10 yard • . Sp ..ci.1 .t
12 0 CHILD REN'S SHOES Childre n'l Shoe., white. bl.c k a:nd tan. V.Iu.,. up to $2.00. All size. Sale Pri"e
Guard Body M/ftn'l lirht Suit., Union ~ue•. •• ...ailht, $1.00 Sale p.ice
6g e T.ble Oil Cloth. All n_ su";me .. eolor•• yd.
$2 .88
Up .to $3.50 Worlc Shoe•• Solid Leathe r. Black ...d Brown, •• 141, pric..
Athleti c Shoet for M"n and Boy •. $1.00 ·.,.Iue. Brown ...-nd Bl.cle Sale P";.;e
---------,--------lOc LacG,e..' Hall~'
Boy'. Oxford ., "alUM to $3.00 in ",.hile .nd bl.ck Co in tit;. .ale at
fin.. . Alhleti c ~'. Ollic;n Suit., N.inaoo k and bro.klo th. $1 .00 y.lu.... Sale priee
M.n'. Bel t. up to SOc 'll:alue. in white and tall. S.I.. price
tOe W .... R.ge, C.'n. Don M.ke. While they I...
cJ:.·ief... New P.ttern •• Mid.Su mmer Cleal•• nce oale price
1 lot of Ladie.', Summe r dreuel . Value to $~.OO, Sale price
$1 .19
Only Frigidai re with the Mete....
MlaerGlves You Theae Importa nt Advantages
_ Ice freezes f.ster In meta' trays than In trays
made of any other matellery Friltidai re, is an ,. L1.METAl. QUICKU i''Z TRAY. Yields 20" more ice by ending waSte. a nd Duisance, of melting ice· cubes loose.
ALL 5 BASIC SERVlrES for Home Refrigeration! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Miter· MI.er. im ple&t Refri,l...llo. M~chan ism Ever Built Ne .. All. M.tal Qliic'hub e Trail ..lib Inatant Cub.·R. I •••• 9·Wall Adlu.ta bl. Intarlor! l·~ uy Prozen·Sc or... ComparlmeDt 2· Way CO ld ·S.o ...."e Tray . ~· W.y Sliding Shelf 2,W AY Mulli ·Stdrage Section Outokl. on r Food.$. f.tI/ Indicato of Door Automatic Trall·R. I•••• F·li4: The Safe Low"'ret sure Jhfrilt· crenl Product 01 a.n.r.I Motor.
I..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .J
Fa irley Ha rd wa re Co mp an y W ay nesvill~, Ob io
-- _. ---- ---
Shortt .nd SMrt... 35e "aluea. Cle.raIn Ce Sale p,.i~
WASH DRESS ES Value. to $1.00 cool lumme r ma· teri.l. Go on •• Ie .t
SlANDARD \N to ·P\\\tlD l\\\lS . h enginee rs for gil/nc . 'ce d tire that thanks to Good
?U: our custome rs a ~ey con really depen.
good pattern s. Clear. AII",e S.l e pr,ce
10 0 ,
Value. to $2 in Voile. B.tiate, .nd Summer - Cr .. pe. faat colo..
69c Gr.de Shirt. and Drawer s. Mid-S1Im. mer ••1.. price
89 c
47 0
ThiS Certi~Cd
h a Goodrich u re. Comma nder .is ev~r~ ~:c eJltra.wide, e1<tra' N o scrimping. Every Full dimenSion is made of wear'nder treD heavy deep, Goodrich C omma rubber. . tin" is ..
--------,---------Ankl .. t&, .iz". up to 10
79 C
&OOO\\\t\\ t I,AllS .~ Nl'14
16 e
PIl1Cts 4S lOin ,.. _
Instan t Cube·Release
Prints, .... Iuft t.~ 35c ~ ynrd. Sale price
Ladies ', Children' s.Dresses v.lu .. to $1.00. S.le " · price
• Keeps food S8 fer. : ' sh f. longer- makes more pounds of ice. futer - at amazing say· ing! Slmplc~t refriger ating mechan ism ever built! Has only 3 moving 1,aru. ;11c1uding the motor. Built and backed by General Motors !
10 0
hed 1849 • 1937 Lar, ..r Becau. e of Beller Quality , Service , and Price E.tabli.
69 C
,... ~'~wllM ""
rial. E,'ery tray. b
$1 .69
18x36 Tu.. ki.h Towel •. V.ha ... to lI~c. Sal. pr'c ..
• Come In and aee tbe enormo us quantity of ice a s,cnuine Friglilai re with the Meler·M iser can freele in one day-ch eaper tban you could buy it at r etail! How it keeps food safer-a t mis rly current cost I See Frif(lda ite's revoluti onary new AIl·Met al Quicku be Trayl See all of tbe many inteTese ing eli plays that give you convinc ing PRO F thaI Frigidai re provide s tbe mo t com· plete Icc Service ever knownl
pl.'n Ore.. Soc1< •• Sale price
Up to $5.00 v.lue 'in white, brown .nd blaeli., Go in thi . . .Ie .t
M. n'. Oxford . up to $3.00 v.I" •• In .11 white, oale price
----------,------25c Men'. fllncy Ilnd
Odd lot of Men'. Worle Shoes. V•• IUei to $3.00. S.le Price
Cuts C"r,.nt COl' (0 (h. Bona'
Up to 39c Rayon Pan. ties, lome slightly .oil • ed. Sal e price
Sh oe s for Boys & Me n
Grade, raat colora in rood .electio n. S.le priee
Do..·t mill the ... 81 by 90 Genuin e peppere ll ·She.. t., y.tue. to '1.50 Sale price
Unbl •• ched Mu.li n 39 ea· in. wide. 15c tra fine we."e. 5.1. price. to yd. Umit
H'lIe Work Men'. 12 Y"c: Gr.de, S.I., price
94 c
Brolcen Loll. &1 .. pMc: ..
Quiltin . Colton 8la9. one Iheet, pur.. white. Sp ..cial price fOT th'i. Mid.S umm .. r Sale
Ore.. Shirt.. Value. of $2.00, ....
/!,M tlP; '9·. /FRIGIDAI RE
U! put Comma nders on your car y ou '1\ save money two ways- in their low fint cOlt- and in the extra mileage G oodrich build, into every Comman der. And you C(ln se· lect your Goodrich Certified Com,mandecs now from a brand new shipmen t we've just received. Come in today. Don't mill tni, money.savinl!; . opportu nity.
Remember when you have
ich~ ~odr ER Y INCH A
,....• ~ G" I__...;;;..._;;.iiii i___ ___ ___ ___ __
Cur tain s ~!ie~~~i~......... ....
...... . .
R. H. Smith Garage
:~:5P~::~~:. . . . . . .. ..8.0 S . • ' 1.89 Curt.i. . 5.1. Price ... ............ ..
... .p at .It... ..t ...
Bl ..IMI-....~~...
_i _ _---- _ Mrs. W. N. Sear~, Lola Rearl>, Mr. John Scare and Mr. Dnd Mrs. Albert Carver, of Springf ield, were' in attenda nce at the Christia n Action CQnfer( 'nee. at Chauta uqua, Sunday. raanoek ad Mill. rtI. T. ·B.
'-.1..~ of
.". .nle, Ohio.
~. ,
nr. '"I TIR E" •.~---....
Brook's Garage 'Haneysburg
Mr. and M,'s. Ell. Woolur d ult nd· on Sunday . ,M~. ~nd ~I'S.. Robert Bak~r, 111M crl Confer nt'l' Ilt Chllutn uquu, 0., a 0 Ne~sa, MrR. Ehzabe th Vlrl!'101 • Sunday . - ere su.nda~ pelts of Mr. •. Lewis \ <hcet llicken lIu;rr Mr. and Mr" and famil)', (If llllytulI , Ohio, Mr. and lin. Joe Filer at "em. and fr~ . .lameR J,,('k~()n. of Leh· \ .Little . KiM PbJU. IIartIa .,..._,.....""'!'! . anon, Ohio, \wT dinner gUl· .. t. III the peet week -' • C\I Jr., r. nd .... Robert Baker,
pring PUQlishe~
weekly in the interest of the social, religious, econ4omic life of Miami Valley's foremost progressive community. The entire community joins in extending
a cordial invitation to come to this villale
,--------------------------~--------------------------~----------~ ~h. '11 d 'Ii. ht.l 1I1'l'l"'l'K..l :\11', lin d ;\11 "- Cliff llavi . nn.I' n jlll'. who \\a R fll}pointri.l a cn il\llIi~l'ion t\r I MI'. a l'l U('tl dinl.!(·r anel
fnmily, \William, nelll' l"!'1'1'y-, 10, t Thur ·- L ban on ~ hoJlPcl'.· , ThUl'~dI\Y, of \lllr, I'd. 111'1 1.1111.,1 at <11nlh'I·. C-1<llHkhil dl'ln, \11 '. .lohn Gul- ' ;\1,'. ~l! l1a' t:it. "" n .- pl'nl SIIII' to (! x cult, instl'urn enl~ o f 'o nvcy- (If neal' Leban on , ca ll ed om Mr, ti llY ('v('ning. MI" 1·:t1l1' 1 FUlI'1 gav(' H liicnic , IIIHI,~. :\11 I', ,l it , I. IItirri, II in, ],11', and 1\11'''. I"l'pd Well('r. rby (' ,'r'lI lng in [I : I~' t '\Il, uncI' of proper!:;' in lh l' .I o rion L ew i" ful'l'oy, Hunol ay ()v()ning, MJ·I\. ROf' (! W(' :1V (,I'. Mr. G ' Cll\g' !linn I' aL Calllp Ruth, nNIl' Orl:'~ 1 . l'r;'Jlk I.. ' layl"I, ~1r, 11 111'- Ifl'lI']oI ~II'IlI'I" and fllmily. 11'0 I :\tl'~: ('horli., Slil,'s !<Il,(,llt un- ]~. o no.' )' '~tl1te, hrlR. bl'l'n a JlllI'OV- 1 , l os t I' Rlilph I>ill ~ I)\' nt Friclay IUnvi ~. elf T/ay UlIl. unll MI'. Tim- I go nia, Rllnclay, in Tlnn OI' or her n :\1",.1)(1 ;lI ld :\1' , !Ill '" . Hfll1' 11 11 11 ,n \\ ,'1I,' l' 1111<1 IHllli ly, n OI11- dn y II'lth h"I' rn l k~, ~( r. I' l'llnk Va- (' ci by .J u(\~c Ralph al't'Y. 1"lth h is Aunt, M rs. Haymond, Os- nt.hy Smilh tlnll family ~ \l nt. Sun- twn dun ht." 'K' hi rlhday , bot.h b eold li n ,h.. ('I' Sll"n~, IIllwl't \\'illl'kaff. ~11l kin llllll j'umil~'. Aeeo u nh Filed- · . blll'Il C, of X eniu. l da y with MI'. un I l\11'~. _ Ervin inA' in J"u ly, Sr'\, ('I'n l fl'i l'n cls WC1'\J .. 1' D(l~'tI\Il. ~I',' nt ' ul1 uay with Dr l1\11;;, Eml1lll R. ' ,rlli,I ~ I· ra iler! on Fir: \. /lnd final nccou nw of Frcd M T. L wi.~ M orga n nnd MI" anti Smith anti d ll.lI g'ht r, ,Judith Ann. II1'r sl! nt lin d all £'Iljo y cd a d elightI:t \'1')wllI1'. i\I J'~: lIi ll'Y Gih on, :utul'Clay evl'- !'auly. xel'ulol' nf the Rossctl.a 1\lr~. l'thuI' M T'gan pent unday 1 H (> len F Aul RJlent Saturday with ful dn y. PRING 'BRANCH ntng. ' March r uu ly e~ta.le , anti ElLu Kil" with Mr. and MI'R. H e l1l'Y BurA'l'sl'! hCl' ~ i,<te l', lil(lre d G1'I\'hom, in I M i~~(·!! Miriam uIlII I'ntri ciu 1\11'. Haym nnol .~Illith ;p(' nt adminl'l1'atl'i x Ii bon i ' I1l) n, with !Incl fU Tllily, in Dayton. I Wllyn c~ ville. ~milh, of 'I Jay ton , 1l1'~ R)1 ('n clin g Ii ~ft-, and MI'''. GIl'nn Dakin >;pcnt ' thl' \lc ek-I' nu wilh hi" mnthC' l' and the will annexcd of th(' Thomas MI" unel Ml·H .•Jam ~ Bulle nty n , Mr. nnd l\frR. P . A. Runyon, few dllY'" \\i t'h th l'ir'l!:run ,I-lllothrr. nil' IW( k-l' nd "ith h('I' r() lk ~, M.l" ~ brolher, Mr. Gl' OI'gl' f;mith nn .! .1 0\l(' ~ (!Slnte, have been filud, of T roy, Rpent Sunday wilh Mr. 1 1'~. L otta Kcnfauve l', MI'S, Em- i Ml'!', Matt it' I.e i alld ~o n , W()I1,'. Gray Appointed-and MrR. Ge org ' Mal'l att. e rSO n nm and 1;on, Rnlph , W(,l'O iugolon. 'lIld ]IUs, Wultl'r W ooll ', Of , WII - fnmil,Y. . mln~to". Harr y Z. G I'!lIY, l. ehanon, h as 1'11'':;. F:m e l'son Dil l 8pellt ' i tR. L fll MulfCl Hl, ~[I R , Huz 1 b ' . t d " t d 'th h t O[ n.d - ----1 Mr, a nd MI\. ll ,I'I'Y Ci, b~o n and Ni 'o n, Mr'. , Upnlll Nd, of 'Va y- ('(',n, Il PlIO m 0 aSCOnlll\l SSlO ner 0 ay WI or PBl-e)\ s, 1, \1' ,U I clnuj::ht,T'. II clt.n MUI'I l!, M n;, ' ll" svill<" Mr~. \o];;1.hrl' Dakin .. p nt cX(J (' u Lc inRt;'UtrlCnt of conv ey- Ml'S. Jam es :::ioWUl'd, of nenl' X e n'-ll' ' (~k, or Bellbrnok, callrd on Frirln\' "'it h th ~ i I' h o me f(llk l<. fr. anC(' of property' u longing to the ia . Il-. ~IIHI lr~, Jli1 ('~l Gib~o n, un- (Ind Mrll, Frank !luki n an(1 fnm- ?llnry Wolf talle. 'rh e cou rt aJl~fr. and MI S. Max Barnlll'd, of da~' evening. I pointe d Gray l?!l application of BeavCl'lowr! cul\()d on ]\[1'. find }[r. nnd fr , . B rt :::i pittlel' and i y. p , E, Wolf. [\11'6. H Cl'bel·t Marlatt and fami ly, fami ly. fl'n \. Tu ild ay evening' in A.' P roofs of poublie ;~ tio n of the Friday evenin g. \,.. llf nlltic 01 t h() aJlpnintm('nt~ of the Mr. and Mrs. Erne!!t E arnha rt Bellbl'oo k, ]\[,1'. nnd 11'>;, F.l'Il e~t Hart.so ck, Acco\lnt Fi l dfo llowin g have uec n fil ed : Dol'- e n tel'win d at a birthday dinner of Wayn lIv ill , (,1111l'f1 (, n Mr. nnd Fil'.-t anr! final account of A. llthy F:ul'nhurt, ' atlmi nistl'lltOt" of a.t theil' home, Su nday, in ho no r 10 '?IiI ., 1[ ('l'I n:)1I Su l'fncc, Sunday B, ,I aveT" ~Hlntini stratu r of Lh(l th e fumi !.' I~arnhlllt e~ tatc; Ev- of Mrs . EllrnhUl't's ful h er, Mr. G .. (' \'(' ning. Mary I~ tn Surfacl' stale. hn.' been ('I·('tt L. ('hi\'artz".A!x cutor or the n. K e inge r. Tho c who enj oye d Mr, J uhn ,pilll I ' cnll d on fil ed. Ch i! 1'1 J. Schwat'tz s UIte; Georgc , the day Will' Mr. nnd 1\I1's. Arthur fl'C'illll. III Bellbt'ook, Friday v - B rcA w W ill I. Eo Youngt, ndmini. lmlor of the , Kesinge r 1111d f El mi ly, MI'. u nd WA YNE VI LE, OHIO T ransferred!'.Iute of Herbe rt B, Bnll and C. Mrs . John McFagert, of Dayton, Th will of J mes E lmoI' Bcr- ',B eck -tt , ndministl'l\lol' d e bon- i Mr. and Mrs. NO~'man Ke sJ nger, of ( a\', IlIt(, of 1\I a.-o n, which hu. bcc>n i ~ n Oll with thll will a nn exed o f Cincinnati, Mr. und Mrs. G, H. atlucked in 1\ • u it fil ed lru t wcek , t hc t'~ tate of Su,-an J . Brown. K,e, ing() r , Robe r t and El'n tin e h as be n o rdcl'ed tl'an sfe ncd t o Bro wn es tat e Is Eatnhnrt rind th e host and ho t-W ~ ul d·~. t ) ' 0" think it r a th.,r odd ,f " perIOD the common plea co urt. The will, I Di. t r ibute dess. su fferinl:' from an a ching tooth di d not h ing which rli s po. c. of li n esiu.le val ued The f ollowing persuns sh J 'e on Mr , .Etta Bilker of Dayton cala bout it?" Ju st 'a llowed it t o pa in w k afa\. IlPPl'oximotcly :33,0 00, i ' be- I th Ji.;tribution of the sta t of led n friend b ere, unday dter w k. ing COllt , te rl by a On and daugh- th e lu te u an J, Brown : Clar- te m 0 11 and evening . Tl, a t i . no more ab l urd t h a n the i nd ividua l leI'. e nce Bng fol'd, a n phew. Su ie MI', H aro ld Rutherford s pe n t ",ho c on tin\l ~ to 10 alon g with u n.,or rec t ed Re por t Oke hedlI ain's, Thomasl Bagf ord, a bl'o- Thu rs day wilh relatives in L bandef etivt' vialon wh n it C"n be .1 0 easily R cpol't of hal·tet·s D. Ma na, t.h('I', LaFayette, Brown ' und the on. remedied . ~ t.at e of the 11l1te linto n D. CorMrs. Eth.e lFaul and children See ou .. optom('t ri. t to-day. win . 'I'h e Bl'owln e~ tat has uee n nnd gl'anddaughtel', H mi tta Mol va lu etl at approximately $6.650 , den, called on h r niece, Mr.. Dan all JJc l'~onll l Pl·OJlCl'ty. )p .. n ";n-ry nil)! f)'ol1l A. 1. to G p , ~1. MARRIAG£ LICENSES turd,,), 8 A . M . to 10 P. M . Stanley J . Wlltkinf:l , 42, fal'm1' , and Mrs. Mo rtha Bukel', 28, LEnA -0 ,01lIO t!1 N. two \1 1:\ .\y • r:: both of Morrow. W e an save you m onTh omas J . chwarner, 45, Dayey on yo ur p lum b ing f ixt.on, ~Ille mlln, and Mrs. I re na Ste- t ures, pumps, sep ic t ank , You will like everyt hing about t his new John Deere ph e n ~ , 3U, Lebalnon, factory workmUi. It is inexpensive, econom ical, doe an excetpipe, fitti n g~, and vnl ve .
nsberry R a d
W hy 'N ot ..•.
Dr John Zettle O. D.
Detrick Motor Sales HUDSON· TERRAPLANE
E lwood Ault" 5D. farmel' and Mrs. Juli a 1\1. ' lI'1 olland, 50, sales-
XE NIA, OHIO Demon&trat ing Now the Greatest Driving Sensat ion In Years. A Flick of the Fin ger ... A Touch of a Toe To Shift - To Stop - To Go
Shumaker Appliance Shop 4 S. Broadway
(R gular Shift Available) , ' A cordial invitation is , extended Miami Gazette Reader F a mily to investi gate the extra yaluel offered in Hudson - Tcrraplane.
A ll Make s - AU Models $50 to $700 Ev ry Car A Real Value At Its Price
109 W . Main St.
Cool/c~~an cooking
Style Show featuring
New Fur Coats $68eOO UP
Ya u a re in ... itc d to attend thi. .. arly . llowing o f late t and new· ,·, 1 , Iyt $ jn f ur coate.
F. W. Uhlman Xenia, Ohio
Thcrc's no need to swelter in the kitchen dUs summer.
W ith Pyrofax Gas and modern insulated PyrofaxMagic Chef Range you can keep tbe heat in the oven, where it belongs. You IU' the beat • • • the heat does!'i'c "use up" you. Even though you live in the country, out beyond the gas mains, you still have all the advantages of this finest of cOoking fuels. Pyrofax equipment is insta lled for only .9.7S, and the gas itself c~Sts as little as ¥.ic per meal per person. Come in this week and sclect your beautiful. modern Magic Chef Range ••• and say goodbye forever to the drudgery of oldfashioned fuels,
THRESHER SUPPLIES B Its, pulleys, babbi t metal, oil CUP', injector., lubricator., ga u ges, "auge ".'" packing, • t nk p ump. , pipe. val"ea. and fittin ...
with PyrofClx Gasl a
both of Frllnkli·n. Frank J, Gar:rod,
2065 Catalpa Drive
G1, Mt. H enl-
thy, mnchini st a nd Lovie P arks, G3, Lebanon r. r., iJre smakcr. , Albert Kre il-ing, 32, Newp'O rt, Ky., clerk, nnd. Miss Do ris H en del'S n, 29, Waynesville, d~rk. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Ralph H. Cal'y to E ar l L. and H cst!'r C. Carr, real estate, L eb-
..... Ie. "yaM the ..........
Cookin9 • W.ter HHtI", Refrigeretion
The John Deere is a niighty sturdy, . well-built mill. It.8 all-steel construct ion and high-grade materials are your assurance of long,low-c08t trouble-free service, Come in and inspect ,i t. ....
Spring Valley Hardware Co /
10 Year Firat Mta. Farm Loans
If quality goods, reasonable priGe~, and courteous service are what you ~ant, Try
Frank LeMay, Solicitor
No.8. FI'a nklilll. ' J ohn W. La rnar.to I da B. L a61&2 Waynesville 7 m a r,real e tl\tl~ , !\Iaso n. 1• • • • • • • • • • • • • William Ba co n to Geneva Dy- Im on d, flart oJ loOts No. 54, 65, ami 56, Fl'llnkli n. . Pcrry and Laura B oom er-s hin e to Lewis Boomersh ine and Orpba .'mith, 122 a c ro!s, Franklin tp. Robert an d h 'ene Baker to Hal'I'y and Doroth y F . Dickensheets, f ive acres, Wayne tp. BORl'd of' Edtlcatio n of th e Mo rrow village cb,ao l district to Ali .
R. Elesley, r ea l. e tate, Washingto n tp. J en nie L. Houser t o Edward , ~C I SZ, 128 acre's, Wa rren Co. F red W. and Enna Schunight to Albert an d Ottie B, McGuffey lots No. 4 6 and 47 Snider, '" ' crest diV ISion. Mia mi Va ll e~' Buildi.ng Ilnd Loan association to Lillian B. Stan t on. lots No. 400 and . 401:
,ent job of preparing all ~des of feed from your bome-grown crops. Its bIg capacity with a mirt~ lmum of power consumption is a surprise to every
!II• • • • • • • • • • • •_
Randolph . Plumbing Co
o'on, 2.05 acrc s" T ur tiecre k t p. J . hep McKni g ht a nti Myr·tl e McKnight to J\I,arg.aret Wilf\o n, lot
U s d Cars -
woman, both ol~ Lebanon . Fred Gray, 68, paper maker , and Mrs. AUc~ Hendel'Son, 63,
Bll!hr to Aman da ChaJ'1-
B aure to see us before y ou buy.
Cattle, hop, sheep and calve. Norrie-Brock Cv., live wire and provessive 8l'111 t9r the high ..t market prices and ' good serviee. U.io. Stock Yarde' Cinci._ti, O. Tuna in on Radio Station Welty 12:2i to 12:80 p. m. for I)ur dalh m .. ~l.... t
Barker's Drug Stor,e SPRING VALLEY
p'h one 4 X
Hood's Auto Wrecking Co Model T Ford Coach - lob of mile. 4Cyl. Inboard Motor - Make a powerful plant for you An Antique Walnut Corner Cubbard 1 !-It h. p. Gasoline Enaine SPRING VALLEY
FOR SALE. - One frame: Irarare, 1st class condition, lize 12 x 15_ One new corn crib, size 16 x '40, One frame building 10 x 50 x 8, lst class c.ondition. P eople's Building, Loan and THE ROXANNA CANNING Sa vings Co., to Daisy ChenyholmCO., Wayn~Evil1e, Ohio. e9, pa rt of lot No.2, Souto
Franklin. F ederal Landi Bank of Louisvill e to R ob er t W. and M , Lin. denmuth, 100 l~cres, Turtl ecreek tp.
Phone 119-R-21 ba.non. ' Lillie Urton to Roy ant'f Grace SPECIAL : - Ice Cream salt, $1 Lake, 34 a cres, Hamilton tp. Jl'C r 100 lb. b,a g. P eople's Build[ing, Loan and Sav R. D. Collett Hdwe. ings Co, t o Lebilnon Cemetery asOR SALE: - Conservo Cookers, ociation,' part ot lot No. 301 14 qt. Can Size. 7 qt. Pre'Leba n on . serving Ket t les with Rack. R. D. Collett Hdwe. ----:M:-i L ~L-Y--
Sunday afterno on callers at the SMALL ANIMAL , HOSPITAL hom e of Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Dill wer Mr. Andrew Dill, Mr. Wi! W. O. Bowen, D. V. M. lia m Dodd, of Dayton, Mr. B. A. Spri •• Valle" CWo Dill, of Clayton, Mr. Price, of Brookville, Mr. Max Barnard, of Beav ertown, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Osborn, Mra. Foster and Mrs. Euph emia Toms, of Xenia. Mr. and Mrs. E . J: Burton, of Elyria and Miss Marjorie Evans ot near Xenia, are spendln. &
few dars with Mr, and !In. J OM Rye, Mr. and
57 bu. Wheat per Acre 57 bu. of Wheat per acre would be a fine yield and the p~ice wa. $2.00 per bu.hel. '
That would make all of us feel' aoOd, you sure
kn~w that; But d~ y~ know where to gjet belter aro-
cet:'lea, Meats. Fruita, Etc. at the riaht price? If not, 1010 Copaey's, Sprinl Valley Ohio Quality and Service. our Motto. , " CanniDa Suppliea now in demand.
By the Man On the
t.llne St.~~
The Waynel lville Bunu hll~ beat. en th WeaLh erman to two can· I . Whole Numb er 6284 t.'el ts in as ma ny weeks, At lhe 29, 1937 July day Thura Ohio, , aviJIe Wayne Year ·Ninth Eighty d luok it bl'ginni ng of the season, , as though the conc'I'\.8 were jinxed - downpo urs in tho midtlle of each, It is hopcd by lhe young n ext two weekly al·tists that tl IiPlJC8ranC Cs will hnve II; fair weaDEATH OF ELLA CARM EN thcr a s th e pllSt two have had, Mrs. Ella ,'wc:lnc;. lu'nH'n 70. The Hal'\' y ~ bul'g churche s are at Ih t' h" 'll u Ilf h"l Ilau!!htul', Ji(d 0'· 2 about g : mornin That will wind up the season GU1.ette day Tue. Miumi nthe Editor of ~ Th weddin g of Miss 001' 1. He fnrr a talkic lll'ogram for J1'111~01 ~ been, R· bas TII~ . it. on, ]hytlll1 l in <. ,l'H el' iJa\'\ anel an enjoyab Alb ert KI' ilinlt clock. Ra lph mith's, Gura~e wa~ MI'~, Mr. 1 \\'SA much intel'(·· t·d inue thofe nncl del!\on I11I 1I ~h\' ,\1. . J\ tIll" t ni"n ~ervicr~ in Lh Melh · had been on v nt lIine,th il( ."., pictul'(.'s shOwn in your iss " 1,00. wnll ~o l mni1.cd lit 4:;30 o'c lock. on bt'oken into. The wind!>w ~ , . Church . .'Un,rllY I'vl'ning , .)'(iRt I , and ed .'L1ndu,v n '-0 MI'. 11 11l~llIl"('lflI1 S ~ IO I'C ll'l'n A word of IlIJIJI'ecialion cuts . aturday aIt(>rno on, Julu' 1!4th, in bl·okell. the catch unfaste f or III e use Ill.-t week f ol' th y were fl'om . I 'LOS glVen M L' 1. Th n. will h tw o reel L : rs An1!:u bb 'o 1 e Th o"ened. I ' (If window ll~ th the t hal'll{'nl the t hy h, ure il I'e ' (. ~1'I1 J . L. Death \1'11" l'IJ U .' -l'ld '~ L ,,,on of St. lal' Y' ~ EIJiscop al hU -I ,.0 I UR 1'0 C C peCIII num· - lll11 ),!iCf!. t'llIl1 ~ fl"I01 th e Old Te, t!lment usee tOl'i ~ IIthl'l' so or and n~, has Ilnvid W. Th but in the Ol·t~·ri('~ of. lhe chait·s which he he bel'S or tlle Gazette at the tim of er officiat ing. took two quarts of oil, and Mary Brown Hev, .John' .1, SchueH n d Newma e" Jam pi('tul'(' of th e du ~t tl':lvl'1 1I " anrl 1\1' tion. can. h in one rs. \ their hurry they droppe though tfully provid II fol' folk e Waynesvi li 's great artl only l e <;I'I'('mo ny, ding Pre' 4\J 1 30, Murch horn s wa " ' I oma, t I10 il'\ invited t o Th I . EV"I'Y0 th ar('u. 'h' .1 ~h (' \\3 ' 111)1'0 .IulI(' I ll. 1 H7, how l who, ey mIg I .Is.en mol' • a. Ol'uel' Aultu~ t. 190(). Boyd lIe·nde)'. on , ang ti l Love You I The noi e awak ened Ralph, " Hom e Coming "tLein wn. oC Th farm d the 011 lle hou r all '' t' !JI l U ba n. ~\\' pion mt'. f a co in I1l1n',Ith anti i'.(1. of undel' ll' el'e 'l'hcn th Gall, wh en they fl ed, 191Lowe d Lh m. tluu,rht com Qrlo y a l' (If "Tun " rulll~, David Truly" and "Alway,s." }1r!;. KaLhMc K in ~ ( ' y. ~, of chain! mnnage ment oC B 1'0\1 n a 1111 J\''. c his l1Iaternal ... " oupe with the t hree ey nntl thl' wife nf th l.' llllc' i,'l'ank Ford The are u Ullily n number organ. the at Turner l'yn Crcek on Sugar . . in n. nlilllg c BI·ow I ~ IHIf\ R Willi S ll" ' M I\ynp~vil d ' I th She wal< a tllin. tilt' uth(>1' f th (h many . T 0 t h e s trainS at eae h c Incer ~v~i1abl e ,I', 'ngrtn ml'n rove Ull am treet to o( - anne n . boy wcr~ 0 l j· sues C especiavalue 1l11.1 r e lativ ~l! hp re In.ot ao( Iibtoric Kaymuch II' h!1\1' 11 V: ,)1'1' n fl'·I('ll.J~,' Ar't h I, n b e. idlt!\ T llw nshiJ), al' ene ounty, Ohio. folk LIre just Loo. ba ~ hful 1.0 wa lk of where " ul I ", place, mrlson' 'i , and "el's ,' party a , I bridal .W the March '" Wedelin .. qUl'te 11 ' '1 ... was. oavl'd 8r1ay. \"h,'le Wt'dl1 \\'11('11 u).:o fol'l.y ycm.,. • .. down the J'ow . fal' e nougb.b orf bing finl' Rpecimen~ of the pl'ine bride on they tat'led to remove a tire off killed abllul ylJU ng. the family m(lved to the hntered the cl-.llrch . Th MI'. and ",~. A . S. Collett. Mr. " '0 1' h by n ~Lr ('l car. ~t)'lI('k wa." he to ing some t Ime.~ anum elr 0 (Belong thel'e CoUl'se, rked "!I car ,~ a III t; much more elabol'a te than vicinity of Lytle, Warren ounty. t e orm of j r fat cr." u n lC' 1 and MI'~. W. W. WeI h alld &SI' , ' 1 . 1 . .... tl m b t eisl"Ru:;ually dau h hel' ' [ ·' by l'viv('d office ~lI an i c in Sh ed ,n mpl them, atte hailed 1 " u slight Evel'(·t MiII!'r). Smith C 11 ul ~n .. ave Ih)1 eu 1n._O. 1' 1 j u. hiD. wher(' t he parents sp nt th eir white lac drcs, wiLh ildrcn, and Mr~. TomW pll'h anu family gmn.lch three , vi Da Gnlee ~ ust bully One cUon. a , their ' YliU tll'e u mot cr~ ant e U{h'ld with ~ jmilar equip ment. SOll1 tr ain, a veil d ribbon tudJun. anel n.~ kin~ William ' )Wll t Thursd ay n ai' Chil li cothl', d th c I ren years afto!', I cKay r mlll'ked to III ~ t day~. st'l.'ll1ed pretty rough, 0 Ralph of· I Ella Lou be, Ro bel·t. nnd C ol e On d OWII an es. 1'0. "'hile carried n. Lebano a.t t r~. Ruy mu nd nl'ook ~ cnt"r1872, of March In through , drQve 1 avi~ all of Dayton . Funera l ser · will be g lad to get up nd. givc the w r it ol'. "It. wa~ only Shl.' was all nd cd by !IIi: Eu· t' l' oblllinil lg the numb l' r maniag e to ('11 thE' Women 's r' ltI '$ or the in lail1 united at:! wa ay. he Thul'!\d Ohio. eld h II! W es' vic COUtlE', )'ou the ~euw they wnnt to ge t e, in c iunati. Ohi~, who !I\\ay. Th(' ctlr wa~ a Ford Hou,o nice War of n so Thomp th Elizl:lbe Sarnh tuttemp " r I c.I o Oh 'lo d tid up and l'un around the band whoop blind ig n?rance that \\:e e. eve r· hurc h, on g so extenslV lure's Funcm l PUI'fit M (' ." , ing and Y lIing, playing Indl'an or cd anyt.hln a on aki'ng homem I' com· 0. were 'owboy uny wuy. 80 , just come' th '-1 ... ' the papol's lalk nnc! Mr~. WI)). 1 1'~, F.. sville and Ly- horn hat and carl'led Amrl'lc an '~'heat ~) Ictc .wcccs s an ~ I value my c?~· fl\l'I'n on the Wayne On down anti enjoy the concel' ' . rose Beauty five thcit' of four lllH'r gu~:lS of Mr, ' I lli ,\h wel'(' l road, h ~(,Y I C tie K Ie i"g. y. Nothl~g that thed Cltl~ach Tuesda y evening , b th d K T Ed M Donald and m. b were hildren 1 e~ta. un hud Ille By the Wtly, what hilS b come zcn s of Wayn eSV .. g'ro::, d a fal'm on of pUl'chus he Sl 1 In . C1ommg the ss,etl I' !'U\ , n k; of the . pirt of '7G, ' J 2, '9 , '18? the ushel' \"ere M ..·. Fl'ank ' now S'tate Houle 73, We t "nd Mr~. El"O e. t allier, of NlIsh~ 1Il large The fOl'lII CI'8 of th i. VIC lnt t y \\ h at IR I The ew Burling ton and Z()al' Vudng tho' year, Americ ans former l' f sulentsII cam.!! Hamilt on, Ohio and Mr. iling, 1\1' R hl it e mud and 1'l'nl1 ~~(' ,~ vi. iti ng relsvilJ" ville. Wayne lh~ of enRling onc ha1'V d ~otOts finish a t ju, rom t's hav~ numl)e, Fish a hurche~ arC' l>J)Q n.oring stood in I' v renee. as batld s playon. Hendel' Boyd July ath, tI by and fl'ientl ~ in thi K com· o tl'icken , ativI'!' until home produc. r ev occathe g. large t crop Qf wheal. loti "The Stl\1' I:Ipangl d Banue.r ." t~I'ed 101.0 the spil'lt Of. F il owing the c l' l11 ony/ a. r • Fry, lo be held at New Burlin ovel' 56 of period a , 1!1;37 munity 22, of were s 'ecortls I te the conunlt to local ~h cording a that ·d. Ion 25 at lhe ~ut Wayn "Rville outlie nc s seem ' eeption wall held at The Li~tle ton, W edn esday, Augu. t Mr. antI MIS. Emcl"lll1 Frazcr of pre- years. announ c e· Ev I' tt Eal'ly, at. the Lytle eleva· an to ol'ding r ac rch, to have forgott en what that tune amply paId fOl' the months hu close and amily f the fOI' n In " lh , l'tainerl relalive s on Su nday , . nte Th levator W til' Duvid tit s led. r~ceil)t entai The work tnI'. III nt made early this week. . , dtl·Ing Jour· . is nil nbout. Som f ·w stood up as par 1.ion and hard th' Afte cI f' I seCas oma." . Tht' olTqll reunion wa ' held en' we r il yeurR, lI en s, Ii'. adwnllae.lcl', hbe.loved andfond o f 5 h'ld . t ' J r. the bt~nd struck UI) the stilTin g John The rollowin g co mmitte es hav<: an' far ahead of all p)'eviou 'd Ja ncy Ml'. and Mr~. Kr ilillig will be u l e 81 a rc~ I C the liom, or ,fr~. An na "tin:oon . at . (In 0 . held , '" u." v~ce-c IIlnnan H nh~' ar~d : at home ot :330 Park A lie., N 'W'" been appoint ed by Lh e ommiU ee with quite a bit of wht'ut LI nin. !Jut moslly it wall with t.hll amente d tliS. •<'.,un d ay. I liveI'd' t " k ~ol~el t b . 11 ~ndd/ ' t lm. th L·cAaI·.fZ f tce:. h t com~dl~ on (' k. u WI go 0 mal' at the hurch In '~o t ,"ee e a l·m. ail' of "Well, the concert is e nd· the generul T III 1'01' t . K en t uc k y. 1m e prece mg .av Ie urI is visilin!t in ( M I lorn· M 111 now l'eRI mg 1l1l' . d h ' death later. . tu "0 home." . lot's .fl" "d, 1I . rJnlln. .; ~ ~ Krei ling, the only daugh. · Po,-t 1'1; : Grant Philips, Robert hs. i~sn a tr:~t_ . D . which ' of lub , c t 4-1I 0 an ry, Just, 1'h IClent secle 'Ih work on the new sew ('age 1/1, IC M, Hend "I'son, has 81~lith, Arthur McJnWre. ' always b To DaVltl. anq . Eh:abe th were ter of MI'. L e Ch loll'Ie., h:U' IUI1t ' MI'. and Mt " Tom W Ich and 'L[ ]{ Sm 'lth an l I , [\1 n visor 01(1' Id t o P t W plant ha.3 b n 111'og'l'&ssing with a lat~ J. ~. J~n.ney, w~o was I'~, f \ " d , b . . . J ,. E.: , ~ Frank L.; ern Edwm es sons. I'om 4 Oln ua.lon er. gl'a 'r t treaJ:lul' , nc ~I ')'17 ] affaIrs th Jul IVH! of In K 27th h I the R on n met up oroun"U iI live Arth d thrown t ' being WI alll. levee W B ''h ' J E. 11 A. d hom to Ft. ' " M R b (ol'd Oh'lo MI' y, ,. ,a family hav retul'n(' 1 .. nne; a Coll~ e Cor WOol nt' Ox , 0 P Ul'.j . it witll 11 e, an . t' C ' (J Itzel·. . [n' Dod"c, Iowa, aft r ~ viR C Th th ' "g Ohio. , b Lyll arc 110.11. Whom off Lyllc all th . area where it is to be. No F... V." Barnha om, l', daughte om· Ent I·jtlinm entrt were among the I" en ra .. I·U. e /) M eell WI lJ·... 13 b met· I . the M nts . ' cv · It resting inte I" T mith . C. W. b Mrs. f . Bahy ontc.'s t: Mr. Kreil. 1'. ane Ml'a. W. W . wOI'd of further progres s has been ., par n ~, r h 4 H Iu b Welch t' IVlll~. h:le I II R, a surV IVN y , pany Cincinn ati 'POhio. 0 . g tells. K Tha iI'. r ! M given but in the due course of chou'm en 0 su comnut ' t c· d-. WO 0 at·gran gr 10 \\a: d un 111 UI'CrI I 3U e 'OIl( g" of hlll'e g the lion's Itntc ,.I'edl ttnhge' . : Ern belon they had ln , son ()K rtll. k tune, as such lhing:,., mov~, the the Old fiddler s: Vemon S tll ps, Mr. girls brough t gat'men ts gil'1l; credit for one of the Qut- children . en uc y a (' nue N e'Wpo l' t MI>ls J a ne Ellen FitI' is visitjurtclub th!' and lcci e laund . r. in nplingl Kentuc ky a.Dd is now work will be done. And, sOme will iog in incinna ti. 'Week, t.h~ b~! IIldus tt·y, thrlfL, an ti bUSiness Ul1ivel' si~y of 1I0rse .'hoe ontellt: T. P. Nog- g!!,d them. Th~ next m eeting Wayne sville will live to ee it com sWllldln g fentul'e s of th e entral Tlrust Com. Th with a al ample, an d lat accu~u MI's. Laura hidaket , aceomp nnh ul . Ilty, U Il,37 st, have be th 10t h of Au~u gl • Jim anne l'S , pleted. In the meantim e, it be. pIII'ade of, f loat. It wo.uld h cr grandd aughte.r, pleasvCI'y a Mi ss beSIde,s y. etcn ('om, many lty, it'd WhitcommuD n a of MIl1'ily worthy Anna "lad , pany. _. _ _ -~ _ _ _. _ _ hooves the citiz n'ry to t.ltink Qf be!'n the siz of Wayn e viII ". Th e ant farmste ad, where he was .. Games an(1 Cant !lt~: Arthur th home of dWalhon oC nnen, tim. Me F:valyn ... Mclntit' , Mrs. 1 ab lie Haydoc k, aker. the adv8nta g s and convien ce visit. ighboT n , Rhort . a for relative ing, his e quit", wel~om p been Lo hu. the. of mith one Mrll. Emma Jam s larg g.rou shown is All en Menden hall and which the n w movt!ruent mak Asso- and fnend. . MI' . and Mrs, n. . Milligan en\ ill the pact week. possible fo r our town. Pro erty membe r of th Old School Bcam. Mi'Ji .... un· s sistol' and wife Lhe Light and 1912, er Moy 1 th, Tb Dayton Pow Mus ics hould be· ciaLion con i~ting of the pupils of " ov r the reward. her to 11'''11 rJ:l and hon'em akcrs d c.all wa lll.nd mother leve of Scott, 1 family Samu nd a line WOlth, it' th Butt~l' • ' gin now th make pl'epal'a tio for .Jc'sse R eves, Lawre nce Bam. ompsny arc ext nding had journey · they Frank yea!'s forty FOI' . Thoma and l k Brown, P. ! C I'O' GCO '11 n c I'I,n e P e1. rson. I1f n '0'111F'erry t 0 W ayn e~vI e, and, 110'1..'1' ·en(, '11 "au " this modern UI)·to·d llt in s~ llati o n " years • M I'~ , J (,flse ]1 I, J . M'Ilton E arn h ar ••• 1'1 y I from H cnkle'!\ ro me ' weRt on the Mi ss Marth a Jnn Foley, of whom taught in the cd seren Iy down life' palhwa of all . Coll,tt nt I ' CUI'C a'nd ul h. .he"lthi 'e milh, . . W. : " of mOl father of Stanley Earnha rt, Post- Loud p akerWaynes ville s , hoolR befot'e the in unshine nnd shadow I'ond. Lytle • pl1ngfie ld. u viSiting her fnthR, Co. mm. I Table.>, chairs, "'round 8erv~ce . mallter of L eban on, Ohio, was . ,.., W w hing. have I of shed, ~hllry. li ·a ,tabli < II wa.' ht . Wend school " ' f ' high I Lack· ( the lt~r on d Wn t e etc. w ' day Wh water, '. Th".. other h' . ' . I sruck by an automo bi le a nd suf.,' Ught.'!; er,1\ n on my ay 0 I e, OI"e RIg A . h ton,. H. is vi!liting at the home nd watche d cars, partlcu ar Inter !It to t 1S plc.ur • tep 'ton d a f racture d 1e ft h'IP, M r. I ey, W . C . mIt. f iallin,g, is three 1iRs Margar et nn Gordon , of ere and . unci an , Eml'iek Allen parents my Mrs. a. and MI'. of g.)olidlin (and omm. et Menu t.1 u ck and what have you, PIlSS olul1Ibu!I, is the guest of her Borne on the wind from unsee n Earnha rt was crossin g thetre Dr w MI'R. Alice lark !lpent Frida y ora OeHav~n, Myra Van.1 along the street. It is interes ting au'nt 'Wore in the group. Sher. · Mrs. Fred by driven cal', a when hirll's Gordon ' and blown, spnces her of the A. with MI'. and Mrs. Milton he hun, lIncle, Mt. to nole the diffCl'c nt typ ~ of driv we t, a fOl'll1er pubJi 17, str uck. him. J '. M. . Earn- : deVool't , Mary Adams, Mrll. wood, fill' ' hear I dark, the out From iam.ily. 011in tal Ruth Lewis nnd Mrs,! "t Oen tervilla. el'S that po.'s thro ugh our town. Gazette, wa. in. trunten Th Piol1ee r lass of the Bap. hart is ~ II known in this vidn- E. Beam, voices calling. ' hi L thi .t;()ciety ana was ac· H hUI'ch picnick/>II at Peel e's 't '1 here arc so m thut "just ril you ganizin g the allalV'IIY and littl e tist. own. unkn Robert paths .. to Mr feet My (P hi until ment iter I~ manage ~h U D. in tive. _ _ _ y. I pac, aDd Ruth time , and MI's. For tho' 'f1.om reparin g so n, of Dayt.on \",' nllnl' n tlO Pool ncar WI' lln 'lngton mmg .,oom ' om)m, up"-~ peed de mons, brake slap· untirne ly death. d ervmg "-bl Th avage, 0 f e ntel'vill e, p nt Fri. lost Thursd ay. an es fal', "" me bl'nr may flood e ping idoits and just poor dumb the of s . R eeves andE l'Iza· duy aftl'l'no on in Lytle. Tho , crownl' ng fcature M'L'S J enOle dl'iv rs that don't know anyl hing,· p"O- 1 hope to see my pilot's face, ~st day l\h', and Mr~ . Iyd e Levicy have n,I' ng was the I c no . o Pl'of S501' George Clark. of New hOllle , Mrs. " · e r There are othcl'S tlla al' c a On Thursd ay afterno on, Mrs. beth Reeves, Mrs. E. Bnrn bar. the cI'ossed d frorn a n extensi ve tri,l have I letm'ne Whcn rei. e er iting ~ vi e s been addr ha ncipal ity York ful and courteo u s but the most gram; the pri ined in P. PeterRo n. enterta waite' Satterth I. t hough th We~t. incl' l' urning, erJitt. nn ,. allves here. careful and con idemte that we made by hal'les'E wan M her daughte r, Ann'" Kitc hen CQmm. (Prl'pal 'ing side of honor Mrs. L vi<y is , uffel'in g with sciborn unMI"S. Margal'et Johns spen huv lieen in a long time was a attorne y from New J e~I\CY, ) dish s , tc.) third bil·thdu y. . L. rh e umatism'. atic of llome Henry th at William fonday and and esville, MI's. Anna Heevcs, Mrs. Turner , cloy group of U. S, Army Ttucks --6 in ill Wayn After an hour of. play, little Miss torian, hi aehel', t . poet, I~mrick e,' n nabl Alle Mrs. treet and s 1r. the up number . Tney came ~l h.er Mrs. Boyd. Mrs. G. Philips. s rm OV Th e Automo bile belongi ng to Ann opened and expres' tIL Uidge· 1\11-. and MI'.~. Iyd Whal'lo n, Ie CI' am and pop stand reeelv· moving in line at 22 miles pel' b~Qgrap~er, a nath'e 0:( gtfts lovely the fot' thanks I Ohio, n, gto Wilmin 1.', . E. Witham J Lu 01'. J. c. 1 Monday n R('I~ 'Inti n, rhood. Wha1'to hour, an within thl.' I' gulatio n dU' Ville neIghbo Hugh Lichlite r, Theo. Mc1ntir e, Mi~8 Miriam . Ne el y. of Bellbro ok, Eigel' WQl; stolen, JUly 4, at Wayne e d . . took trip S whi~h husiollS \Vl'itten a e had mad mith Venabl r so man Pl'ofe tance of 25 ft. from each other. The bll,thd ny cake' and lce- David Weav er. recover ed at Boulde r Ohio, to Me Clellan d H ospital fot or the oc· Park w to olum bu ~. Tue, day. As they al>prQaeh d the light, w a comme moratjv e ode f proved Lite highlig ht of the Parking omm,Cl'eom ' o~atlo. l X.Ray , The boy slipped and fell ' an 01'0Ep' hi!; the . of of P0l't Peopl wa which Young The casion Geo. Pbilip , Harry Wh eeler. observe d lh s I)gcant in chorge. lall .Ie parted ich afterwh I:noon, af.t and lCidd Donald boys, at Xenia. OhiO, while Two unduy. me ntion. , wOI-th Leagu e had a wl'incr rO~lst, . He rode th e qrst tl'l.\,k, and a~ ' tion. The feature s I have Ann many ha ppy return.'; Bandwlshmg .:l\'e ati, Cincinn ball. A first it was {If er, ng playi Schneid uri BUl'nli thnt s..~t' Ru mnny at the ' of Monday eveming Weldon J\1cKuy Ch. , the train approac hed the light, h t ed were but few . day.. the of theft. be a sprain, but the X· tlle to t progrnm . being h Id fQl' tV. pit nic gl'ound s, n til' Ridg . though Motio n llictul' estepped out on the mnning , board filled the nti re iour day IIttlc guests wel'e: MIS· e Tho a broken bone in his led tevea L ray day. one ille, n Sunday · evening , a cal' be· ses Winifred Jo tout" Linda ee The pastor. limed the s ignnl light and then is_I Even a very heavy rain, . e boy was tnken Th wrist. hL ria e th I of n, ardor Su the Il<'nt tol· s y dampen was ot n 'armon Mr~, Mary I nging to Roland Carey s u d his ortler~ to the whole fleet, did WAYN ESVIL LE-Pi. -E:- CHURC H Wil· n. Simpso Lee Sandra Ramby, injured membe r cal' the s hi alter parked home had to be one en. Mr. arey day with I'clativc s in Wa ynesvi lk to move on through the light. HL~ partld pants. It proved LEle B~dd~Ck, ~I1Yh J and ~ of. ~:Imen care and, taken ce WIIS residen his of front on in • hi in the NIi'~. Morgar et J uh ns spent Sunday : timing was ucutate fo the , second , ' of the greates t events en ena r y . a.t 'ry-n iss I would so me time in the night, it was takla. t we k with Mr. and MI'. (fay M, A. :30 9 at schoor Sunday Crane . and ju t IlS the la'>t truck crosseo tory of' Lhe commu nity. Nancy cllr was l' covered at Ma- hnll and: l\f., The n. friend, good my to ct' Hu i n c~ and doughte l' and uggest s Well lo like The l' :40. 10 chunge at light Mornin g \yorship the inte c<;tion, t.he Alberta ·Bral1no ck, Carolyn Brad day. Tues on Ohio. n, so a rate 'inaugu he that , Mayor Day, ' On Sdnday-; July 25, Mr. and 'Will be, "Religi on Vivian J o hn". neal' Bell br ook. agnin. - eH OF ley, Mal'Y Ann Burton , Betty Sat- sermon subJ'ect C.HUR L.E.fOI'IlIESVIL and ~ WAYN friend of certain a numbcr A aside set to nt em v mo. NI" ti. J. R. Hitema n and so n. , Joe, Or. And Life." I ., Regulatiol1o~ forbade the' br,eal<len e WlltiSW h l tel'! hwaite. and Mar L b i u the fun · Gene, and Edgar, e ntertain ed with 1938 and B attenl of st mates AUgu 00 d in Be el' Sunday o'clock. :00 8 trucks T at of CHRIS service train g that of Evenin up an· jog th an Jane Ann ee,l, of e , M H't f d' b' thd , of OilY· etal of Mrs. Ella Curmon I eorders to mov each year fol1owin. g to be known or 't r. W ednesda y : Jimmy ( ;ran e, Billy ' F' unel'al H 0 .01 e., H Il.' b ayth Inner y CI Masters f lV' t he fleet is undAr t on. H H t 'r i ur I's , . I eman 0 mon s 1'0 er ... bb s, D an 'lmpson , 0 on W Smith, Mini ter The Wom en's FOt'c,ie"'"" Mission · Oil, a,c , W. e tz, • as a unit - and if that sergeat nt I1s "Home Coming Dny.'i " ",tu Th k t ' K . N on: uftel'no . ay fully, Thul'sd Respec eSVIlle, ~day . and dis· Society will meet with Mrs. Wayn R. • Bl'own of Washi ngose presen uc y. ewpOl·t, Jackie Jan.le and Bobby Gt'egg, aTy had C ompute d his time Mrs. · 00 P M J. O. Cartwr ight h t f F nt were Mrs. J. Edgar Moody 11 B bb E t ' C f . . Topic, M. A. covel'ed that ouly a part of th t" :30 () . School . Bible 2: at May Le . U. - ar, 0 g 'h ,o n NOJ'man, of Mungel i, In"GQd L eads A People. " Printed o. e~ ervi e, 0 y . ver EAS11ERN STAR NOTIC E O. C. D ibert, Pastor t.~~ C. . ~'h IS :;akl: a~M ext~;e(l and train cou ld get through the ,1iJ t, . Garol Bunell. and burg, MIamI tian l'i Ch :21. Wilker . :17.15 13 -Ex. text Ord.er ~::~g:t~ ande~a;~;. tel', '. 1'5, Jlh dia, Mr. and Mrs. W. V.Fred he would have stopped the whole , Miami' Chapte r No. 107, ENJOY S -PiCNic -' SUPPE R s of the younge r mother The Mc Mrs. Mrs. Leader r, 'M. . P daufi1te :00 7 nnd or; son d 'Endeav the J in Alf I I M 1\1 strjng. This ca1\Cfu!n..CIl8. iS a p~~ of En tern Star will enterta not M' rs. M I'et ~n lI~. an "Iani, Clyde Norris, Mr. and Mrs. children helped Mrs, Sattert hwaite . d. Woolar Ernest New of 1 .n t \ membe d s· and Ru Mi ss Irene Peters and Mr. of the army's training . t mig c. officel y Preac hing at 7 :45 1;'. M. Ser- Illake the party a sue~ ceS8. I "('~ hes~e J' Dcathd rag , Mr. lind Mrs. eve. al' , on . IS~ entel'ta ined a group of aug er, Doane 1L s T be ~good thi:ng to send all mO~T- Burling ton Chapte r Fl'iday CHRIS OF CH CHUR FERRY Basis Divine t-"The subjec 0,1 J . R. Richerb et'gel' and little son, n, mOll lghtsm,u ' WIS .AII!tee ' . ~n(HI 0 ~ .. 3 sMa July young people at a pi{' nic suppe,r. ists to an army trainill a camP. be~ ning, v (, .1. R., Mr. 'and Mrs. Wilbur Hite. Unity." n e Christia for :turday rs Traveli ng Gavel night. Membe a~ tlJe Swimm ing P oo l Monda~ eve· ?ut CI n I~, ~ere fore tu.rni~ them out On the hignW. C. Smith. Ministe r .. , . . r. an Mrs. ,LB. ma n unci )jttle daughte r, Lois Jean, ly invited nlOg, July 26. Those wh.o cAJ?yed ~mg gut' ~ 0 ways to kill and· sla-qght er. We of the Ol'der are cordial : , Sunday ~ay Lor~: ~~~t ~~ce .attend Ou:MI'. and Ml'l!. H. T. HHe man and Ithe good time were: Helen HI sey, ones, have not observe d such carefuU · to attend., \\'aill(, of ~ ermg I Bible School, 9 :30 A. M. e an Marjori ,~I and was, g Bobby mornm r eters P M ne W e1' Mal'celi Donne Set'lem ee L Thelma , Madan Swope, all of NewA M Sermon Betty ness among drivers in civilian life. Dayton . al'e staying at the home' gon , of $17.36. w1th a flOe evemng hser- I Preach ing' 11'00 port Kentuc ktr. Mrs. Earl Wary,. . : . ' . . , Peters, Bill d Peters, . b Dell I Bonnie Peter." MlIlme Fromm ' See'y, .· of Cincinn ati, VIce num enng aroun one un· Subjec t-liThe Giv,el: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . His- of their R'l'and· parent ·, Mr, and ford aT)d son, Leshe, TO GIVE PLAY 1 Paul York, Glenn York, Billy day: Tues , goo.d n, of Lex. the Hitcma up 'et keep us Margal Let Ohio, dred. . TO HOLD ~ENEFIT Pe- Mrp. E. B. Longact'c. The Home Econom ics Commi tPrayer m c ling at 8:00 P. M. ey, Be;nny Hisey, and Earl n, ButthiS, out. Hitema more Forest even Ky., have and ington, wOI'k (nee ey WIll Hadl Band Elton s sville .Mr.;; and Wayne. Farmer MI'. The tee of the WayneSVille of t el·s. After a delight ful supper, .the chapter IGtlil e th study Will Edgar should so Mrs, and works, Mr. Lord ky. The , Kentuc ler, cousin , Grange is sponso ring a: play, to ·be have a benefit . carniva l, Tuesda~, Sunday young folks were taken to a show. Lydil~ Mc Co'y ) ond their Ads. J. Mrs. aQd Mr, ia, Ol'egon we. Wells, further Lo.· of for . H MI', !lncl Mrs. Oti s lI adley. given at the Waynes ville High August 10. WATC - -FISH -STOR Y . OUt. attenda nce lallt Sunday WIl S on Mrs, R.. Bake r and LOIS called nia : Caiifor esday Angeles 'Mr. Wedn and Jean, . P 8:80 at 5, ment. August a.n nounce School Gl'm, ' . . I , ', P rayet· meeting 7:45 P. M. y S nil of Way· !l2 With an offerIn g of f30.00. . L-OC-AL. local I Ahe!!s Trt Cdke and Mrs, Me~a. Ro gl- and Mrs. R. f. Baker, M. our of one Biggs, Ralp)l at starts service revival The 1 d '11 'th -, l'f h VI~lt to I routc FT~ldaCYh: en , IIY, atm' Blanton . nllal' ' er. Mr. and Mrs, Marvin . Oh' t fi sh.ermen'' whHe t B . tA t· 7h.is play is a Comed y-Dram a in . Ch urc h a f Ch . fishing. - - - --" , . WI a e ega- lX uglJ,~ urc goes IncaVl - e.--.e , TI S . 10. and Mr~. ema UtOVIU. Vl'SI'ted '''.r. u Ive a • • . ~ I the Telegra ph Mlll, the fIr. t of UJ.l' th. three acts, entitled "Eyes of of Mt. O-b, ' d .u H REUNI ON HELD d A 'th d nrick 2 Ke . Walter Mrs, meetmg and Xenia Mr, the I to , tlon catfish a out pulled d t S week e I the C P J dl' H ovedn Sta°lngb n , h~1 Love." . KLE'-A-KS-A-N~ BR-E . ns eny " • . oy, on 0. ur ay. OW~lr On Sunday , July -25. 'a school preac mg an _ _ __ _ -Uall1e, were week-en d James and but, are fishy, Connor Sounds Ray ~b8. Mrs. g::\1 and weighin Mr. h churr , . Fe)')'y singing th"e LOCAL S leading tee of La Vaughn guest~ of Mr.. anti tl'~. Joseph reunion of former grndua Jean Mc Clure, of Dayton , Ohio, cnterta ining Mrs a delegeltion the first go to Ralph and he will tell you held take was to if! School felll High ia hdeacon Oregon A11 the HOW~l1'd h'ene s . Mr, Mld~ and Ind. fallllly Gra ~I Dod nodgras s, of ~~. Castle, hQw he did it. V M is visiting Miss Jean Hess. l h th t 'ght ut n home, Hetzler nt her at Millice on, and Monday ait('mo Gorge Water .'lade d M M rs. ern Anni__ _ e ome a I . F. B. Hender son and famil" . Piqua, und al .... o coiled on cousins ,a I' rs. r. an Mr. and Mn. Alongo Beckett , breakin g her ankle. OTiC E '. A pic----N membel a being she' tage, Sun house have returne d from their nt Sidney. 'Mr. and Mrs. J. B. G ona an d Corwin , enterta ined at dinner, mem· 30 to served E was NOTIC lunch nic DEATH there, ~ghter, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. day. Mr~ and MJ'l!. W. C. Turner wu had The August meeting of the vacatio n in Canada . While tim. social good A bers. and Jones ric 'fh Raland Mrs. ODd Turner Mr. Gu)' will belit i reporte d. George caught a ~ane and children and Mrs. D. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edward , 2 month old Waynes ville Garde I Chi of Mrs. J. B. Jones by everyo ne. This was the 23 George fi~h weighin g more than 25 Ibs . son, Milton and L. Crane were guests ' of Mr. and elgh Munge r and family. ... MI d home the at t,held EveN!t Mn. and Mr. of lion baby MIM Little Mrs. Bernie Dill meeting of this Clus bunch. and aud Ohio Mr. is having t.hi.... specime n ' ailed on Ill'll. Dna Walter , of Lebano n, at Jameetc rwn PAuoN e July 28. Funera l ser- IPeters on, Tuesda y ~enine. Aug. Geol1te died , Gordon mlle. afterno on; and MARRI ED AT Wayne , Surtday , Co':nor Clay~on at Judith story Cold the Bumme r eottace, their ... ........ mountt' d so when he tells at. 8 :30. . 3rd, uat July a" Tbul'lld held be AQ£ will and vices Mr. of , were dinner guests Carl Connor , of Darton Sprinll , ThurM a, nlpt of lut the membe rs' he will hav. this to verify it, Hlckor y-, The hUllbands mother , Mn. Richard Moore and Milia Doroth y Boume ..... Tuesda y with hla eter,' MI'II. Ru .. 29, at the home near . ele. lted i . the ~pent Lac:y Martha lin. ville Ohio• W oo.rd, DaJtoa, OllIe. . evt'nIDg . the in nv , lare Dayton In 01 d" "6 h • ' I . L • .. --harBentley. ....... . A Illmpal OU ellieken cUDller ,eel t • JrUeat. M.-enu Wit ..... an t .... an 'e ill at hI. £,1 ThmnpllDll and taml.,.. at On' EIH\'801l
D'E Al hS ha rve ysb urg
Webbing JjtJI~ : fILLlNG STATION Ca rtw rig ht Ur ge s ROBBED TUESDAY l\in g Bo me Co mi1-ng Pl an s Db'1.tua r},
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Bl.rthclav Pla-r-tl'
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Cbt :J1ltami c-
Enwr .. d
POlltoftlceat Wayncsyill.', Ohin, Iusi\ Mail Matter
Your Horoscooe
Fln& Pia
July 25 You 111'(, kind, 1.lvi ng n:1,1 ~Jlllt,ath.~tic, bu' also qui k t(,IlII'II(',1 nnd YPI y H'll i ~\ ". Y III II1l' c1o:<l' in mont'y maltt?l'!!. If a wom an you ,I: ( \'1'1 • Il l' t. und arlistic. July 2G - You have 110m musical tult:II L 11' a womlln y u al'e a splendid flok. but n('vc'!' :killlp nil blltler and l'ggs. you lire .' ot11l'lI'hat impractical, an.1 (1,1 nllL kllOw how to do IInything in a ch<wp wuy. J uly 27 - You art? ver'y fiery and I'xcilHblt::JL timc ~\ . fr('qu('nt1~· lo <illg your head, lit which tim!!s fl'ier.t1" :llltl roeR IIrc the SUIlIC to you. You are !I most cnj(lyL\hl~ CU!ll' fl/lnion in your ctll ll1er m oods. July 28, 2!l You are very nffeclinnnte to lhoHe you lov!! nnd gencrnlly eo ut1.cou s to very on('. Y'ltl nt'(· an ind epcnu ent thinker, impatient under opl>osilion. Lut accompli sh much good. Yuur in tentiona arc genel"ll!! \, in ~hl' l'ig-ht llil'cction. so wh('n YOll' in sist On your pllln 'l I.t e·· Ing followed. out, you erncs.t.ly ,believe th·y arc bellt. July 30 - Yuu I\I'e full of curiosity and are inclin rI to b ~ om e what f a s uspicious natul'e. You (lr' t' 'fined. domestic, aDd your love for YOU1' family knows no bounds. July 3) ndcl' this date you are apt ttl find n. very strongly develop d religious natul'e. Y(lU UI' ca pnbl (l c.I adapting your elf to fit ar;ty condition tltat al'isefl.
1'''1' ,:.lOO lIal11age" III their Inventory Olreh-
or Tr
Tht' first fa I'm plnws were made of cr'lllkcd tn'l' branches and wllrk('d by mall !lower,
F. T. Martin
1'11(' inventory r' i1 ed hy Gl'nce fil·ci in common V itlt. OR admini stl'utrix of the A I· ple<l ~ COlll't In t!' In 't "el'k by -~~====~======== ElllI11 V)·. J :\lun Kl'\'; lIal"\·e y:burg. lJ('rl I. V(' idt ('!<tu e has bt.'('n lip. IS ul.!IIin,t I':n;('t ~I}n G('~'e r. of Mit!- proved, 1.60, Year t11l'l o\\ n. Th l.' C',lI'~ \\;1., driven by Gu.ti n Rt'>alty Office Phone , , No. 112 Mt •. MalY :\-lun!t'I'. lh plaintiff's To Be Sold- : \\' if(' ,\ hl'n it wu o; hl\'lllvcu in an uth"l ity hu" bee n granted lhe Ilccitll'nt \\ith " he machine driven t'iduci:\I'it'K of the E,-"tate of ]\f. E. by G.'~ 1'1'. acc" I·t!ing t o the plain· Gu :. lin, lull' of L('b all'on to sell tiff'l" Jl ,(ilion, I"cul t·~tutl', tlJlprni.s cd ut ~400. Lu ~l wl' C'k a jury returned 0 in C'l'dt' l' to !'tt1l: th stute. The vel't1i ,t 'in favor o f }\!t'. 1unger, ~1J11' ill to he CO lltiJucl l'd nt lhe Phone 78J who was suet! for . 2U,OUO by Mrs. c urlhulI, . A UJ(. 23. Gt·y.'r IL'" a 1'('~\l ll of thl' a.c cident. Approve Inventorie,aCOMMON PLEAS Jnv entories filed by G or,l\'e E. PROCEEDINGS Y un!!. administrator to the Her· R pg3 r l !ll' ''~ of how '\\<' IU(l k at H1l' fju f'l"t ion of eqllalDefendant To Payb rt ,Ball ('sLate hB !; been okeh· ity Of nl~n, t h<' flll·t I ~· ",ainl\ thllt the mass or· pc'o pl!:' Tn thl' ('11>1' of MYI1.le W ('st I'd by lhl' court. 'Inventory filed art' rI~IH'lldant I pnll nfl' " inclh'iciuul,. f I' the creation ~ k fol' a ag nil1 ~t :'Il ilc~ \or ~t, the' dl'fe'ntlant lIy EVl'I'ett L. ~' hwartz, executor of th o..;£> t hin!!~ which JlI'II\,itl.· c1l1thin~. Cood, an.l th(' has bee n lI nJl.'rl' d to cont.ribute tlf th hades J , Schwartz e~tate MIAMISBURG PERMANEN ImlU ril'~'nf life, Th., nlll~ .· of p(01)lo is also (I('pe ndant on to th e l\Iaintl'nnnce uf the plaintiff 'also hns been approv d, th ~('ni ll " of lh ,' ("\1, "hieh cr.c'a t" em ployment in th(' CONCRE'fE and rhiltp.en. . Miller Estatepl'o.lu etlOn of th ,'~,· 1I til itie.:' , Witlltiut thl.! cl'eative f ew A'ir Seal Burial Vault Andenon Buy. Sa rah E. MiIl(')' " a$ be en named W(> woult! ~ tlll bl' I.,1JO"olJ~ly JlII),win~ the> ~oi l with a crook· For Sale Only By Propt'rtyadministratrIx of tl~e estMe 0:1 th~ Jenny LInd's Grave ed ~tic-k, tl'all ~p\lrtatill n lIunlt! be (' /ll'l'ied on th backs of QUEST10NS AND ANSWERS J enny Lind. Ih e Sw dish nlghtln, PI'OPl'1 ty u(lln nging to the lot (' V i1l1ulI\ F.. Millel', learcre k YOUR FUNERAL DIRECTOR nnill1al ~, Life \\ ('lIIJ UI'IIP bark to its ~i mpl('" t /£' me nts 1. For what l.s Robert IrwIn gale. is burled In Mfl lvcrn , England, Chul h "f GIll!. at ~outh Lebanon, lp , BlI nd of 300 was filed. John and dl'u,lg.ny. ,' umm,)11 lllar(' drudge ry, woult! come McCLURE FUNERAL HOME. known In the newlI' has been "squircd by F l'll nk f.·ish !!l'. P eny Droke and Augu st gain. Th r:lc e 0 11 ' " mll('h to tho man wll o. c genius can Walches Once Small Clocks 2 . Of what state is , ~al't1n L. Wayne-viJIe.O Phone 7 A nd lll'. ull , Leblln n nttornl'Y, lhu'b ugh are th(~ appl'Ill ' ers. Watches orlglnnlly were sma )) snll.t h fl'om "('hind fhl: .·ul,tHin, f nly ~ t(' l'y the secr t Davey governor? To File AppealFiles Ac;counto JllCJ l!l'I"'- and 1n11I1'llvt!ll1!'n t a nd tran slat(,' it int.o tnn3. What wa the dllte of the wed cl ocks and were worn hung ftom The Jlluindlf hus b ee n granted Hazel Burcalow, "dmi nistratrlx th e girdle beca use they \Vere Ipo gibl .. forms thnt all mllY enj oy, ding of Franklin D. Roo eveit, JI·. la rge for the pocket. 20 dO)'$ to fill' nn lIpp al i n the of th J ohn E. Bunnell estate, nIlS to MiS8 Eth I du Pont? =r;-- - " - - ca~e of nit'~. Monfort against file I he l' tir t, fillElI, and dlstrlbu· 4. In what city was the weddlng One oC th,e ]lroblcm s thut m u~t b solv d by the agAlbert Ullulll. t iv e account. of Franklin P. Roosevelt and Mi. ricu ltural sections of ~h(' country i' th problem of Pl"O' Case. Di.mi.. edfa Sub.titutt'd' ducl ng incom.' ufn i(,llt to stand up again st the n ormEthel du Pont held? ' The CIl,1' of Mellie Chl'iI tm as A. PI.,.intir 5. What attorney has boen 1'eOUI> financial drain brought nbout th ~o ugh th geneTal a gtl in ~ t J nk hl'is tma has Ha1'l'Y HU1'st hilS been named talned by Robe rt Irwin who is pur 'hase of automobilE's , trnc(01'~, trucks, J'adio lind m ebeen dL mis ed, Judge harles plaintiff in the case of Thomas chal'ged with "the slaying of Verchanica l ic e boxes " nd t.hoge things which l'emove the B. 0 'chI nt also di.smi. I'd the Hur t, xecutor OJ' the estate of onica Ged on and two others? m oney from l h community. In '!llany !«!ction the cnsh CMe of J o.e ph E. Ll oyd against ancy M. Hur t, tlgltinst William O. On what Island did the Presoutgo for th ese thing: and for oil and gn~olinc is gr a tAnna [ary Lloyd . llurst and others. Thomlls Hurst ident and other memben of the I' than the combin(ld incomt! of t he (ll't'a. The natural Made Defenuntresig ned. administration take what has been result hus been that the e communities ha ve be n, and Elpi Adol11s Ke ij)er, executl'ix County Treasury To reteHed to as a pal'ty "harmony" ore being- gradually dra in ed of their I' ('~o urce a nd th eir of the estate of lhe lat e Ed. Y. Get $34.67ca h backlog to th e xtent that hard tim e, whi , h might outing? Adams, bll~ been made ~ deTh e Warr!' n co. treasury is to 7. Where is J eU erson isla.lId on hav'c been weath el'ed by the same community thirty rl' ndont in \lIe case of W. W. be nrich d by $34.67 that w'h ich the President and veral nd forty a nd fifty yeal" ago now ~I'eate in u b~r ti m e Whitekcr, admini; tratol' d bonis amount, Jjsteq am ong the asse~ lJlember of the administratio)'l A REAL PRI~E - A REAL PRODUCT an acute condi t.ion . The ca: h t'eserve is ROon exhausted . non wil h' t he will annexed of the ullcl!1imed for more than a year, tool! whllt has \:leen I' ferr d to a: Forty and fifty yeHrs ngo mu ch of the money I' mained ~stu tc uf El~a Adams agoin t Ell- Is Co",mi.. loller~ II "harm ony" outing, located? in th,e community and it wa nC} uncomm on thing for wal'd E. ond Ida L. Knocken· harle C, Boger fo t r bat! 8. Wlto I)Iays opposite !Job bank to have IUI'ge deposit from individual depos itors, hauer. been appointed commi sioner to }3urns In the picture "Mountain both farm er and wage earners and small bugine!:lS men. Motion Overruledexecute instru n\;ents of convey· )1uslcT" Such a thing is the exc ption today. The question naturalHARVEYSBURG, OHIO Motion for a n ew trilll by the anee in the c. tnte of Myrtle J. BoI), For \\"hat Is Delight Jew ett ly suggests itself: What is to be t Po olution 01' the outplaintiff in th divorce action gel'. known In the new 1 come? ']'wo courses of action suggest themselv s: The filed by Mal'tila Hahn against E.tate .. $195610. What organization h It! n _ agl'icultural communiti must increa e their income or Charles Hahn and olh l" h<ls been The e tate of Eli p, Stark y, nine uay jamboree In Washlngum IT-------.;..-.............;;.;;;;;...;;;.;.~;;;..---;;..;...:..~....;...;;;;;,;,; curtail their buying to a point where a Rafe cash re· overru led. va lued at $1956. 01, has been ex- D. C. the latte r part ot June1 serve is maintain d. Unless this is done th sc sectio ns PROBATE COURT mpted from the payment of In11. In round n\1'mhers what Is ar going to eontinu to operate with a low cash reserve Accollnll Okehh eritance tax. the National public debt? and )jve in con \.ant peril of hnrdship with nch reCUI'The following acco unts have Windell Estate 12. Jlow larlfe an appropriation Ting depres ion or c rop' shortage. b e~ n approved by Judge Ralph V.lued at $12,6S()Years of training and experience have equi'p fl)l' relief did the bill recently pa~ Five heir hare in the distriarey: fit t and final, Russell The country is bing swept by a movement thnt has s 'd by the Senate carry? ped our Itaff to render a. genuinely profe..ional lerW. Urton, xecutor of the Me- bution of the I' tate of Emma Wlnfor its purpos the organization of all labor under one --, ... tell , valued at ~i12,650. Personli sa Anderson estate; first, ChesUsed Cave tor Glass V;orlr vice, in all of many details which make up a funeral head. Since the platIorm consis~ mainly of shorter The first glass mnker In Scotland ter A. Harp 1', guardian for Louise al property amount d to $7000; hours and more pay theTe is little oppo::\ition On the pa.l't of the type which leaves an everlaatingly conlOl,i ng Harper, a minor; tenth, Luella M. real estate, $5650. Debts were was George Hay (1566·1625) , He of the. workers. Th difficulty will come later wh en lhe took advantage of a peculiarly $1011. ' You ng, guard ia.n for Thomas A. baltle for lead ership amonlr the workers shapes up. It memory. For many yearl we have rendered sincere, formed cave nt Wemyss. on the File Wilham, in ompet nt; fir t, Hal'- S.,iker Eatate h , will receive itself into a contest to s e which side can 1 coast. ant! set up his furnace there· D' i atributedry L. Dal'm ody, admini.:;trator of sympathetic service to ·thi. community, at modeat In. promis the most. Lnbor will 110t be the first grou(l to > the Mary A . . H olloway estate; Two daughters, Clara S. Brown \ ,'be deceived by a self seeki ng leadership. COlta based entirely upon the wi.he. and means of first anu fi nul, Lizzie L. Hop· a nd Frieda B. BiI)reau shar e cqual- I kins , a<1mini stt'atl'ix of the Mal'Y Iy in the estate of their mother,l l . M . the family. One of the most startlingappeal ~ ior safe driving E. Hopkin s estate' and first and Can'ie W. Seiker, late of Lebanon. nppeared rece'ntly In the fath finder. The article said: -'OT ARY PUBLIC final, Pearl arey, administratrix The estate was vSllued at $22,384, Tomorrow 72 Americans will hop into automobiles, }lress of th Jesse Wayne Carey es tate. of which $14,OO() . ~as personal Na.lo••' 8_a. the tarteT, s hift the gears, twirl the steeri ng wheel and Estate Exemptpl'operty and cash. Real estate hold Toll down the road on an e<rrand, a vacation trip or a Pboae , Wayne.vlDe No inheritance tax w.ill be levied ings were listed at $8,375. The WUIe Dr.,.,. . • E.ta••• S.ttl... cooling pin through the park. They will not come back. a\gainst the estate of the I te Ella $10,480 C Snook, MARRIAGE LICENSES Belore their r ides are over they will be dead. Tomorrow Account Filed.-Earl Woolard , :~3, Dayton, Gro54 Amel'ieans will step from curbs, from behind stre~t The fit··t and final. accouJ1t of cery clerk, and Miss DOl'othy cars or onto the edge of highways to die instantly, with f.. nWl· 'nee Lyons, adminis trator of Bourne, 20, Wayne ville. the s hrieking of brakes in th.ei r ears, or slowly in I)ain t he Orrin M. Lyons estate has 'been on hospiu-t beds. The same day - and every day this REAL ESTATE, TRANSFERS filed. year - more than 300 men, women and children will be J. S. Riddell to William Hurley, Inventory Hearin8lifted trom twisted wreckage, their bodies so crushed lot ,No, 81, Frank"~., : 1. 'Postponedand broken that they will neve~ mend. Such is the avChat'les H. nnd Marie' S. Gray With Litle to a '!lumber of aderage daily life-price America Will pay for its ~stimated to Lester H. Lu,c as, real estate, justed service bonds in question Harveysburg. 29,000,000 autos in 1937. hearing on the inventol'y in ~ Lester H. Lll(".1j,S to Mary S. Waltel' Scott Fl'ensdorf e:tate has Haine , snme. been postponed to Oct. 15. The adMollie Moore to John Moore, 14 ll'Iinistratol' of the estate recen~ly e ntered suit in COmmon pleas acres, Clea rcl'e'e k tp. Mnl'Y B. Donso n to f)avld P. and , against the Lebanon Citi'COUTt C. 1. O. w ere under discussion; ( By Frank Dixon) Angeline Patrick, part of lot No. zens National Bank, >fmd others, John son sa id : "Down that road About the poorest way to precontending the defendan ts were the Interurban R.ailway and 1'erpare a child for ' life is to give to lies , dictator. hip." wrongfully detaining bonds reg- 75, Franklin. 000 him everything he wants.. -.-- - istered in the name of t he deI note in my daily , that a num000 The thing that will pr,e pare a ber of our ,leading and well to do cedent. younll' person best in preparing citizens of this country have been File A ccount The first and ffnal account of him f{)T life is a few leSions in cited for resorting to schemes to evade their income taxes. When Franklin and Raymond L. Conover thrift through self denial. one' of these big fish g.et away the executor of the estate of the late 000 There is no develOplMnt or government loses more than when U. G. Conover, has been filed. training to be found in the 'srati- a hundred little fellows escape. Is Appointed ' Let a little fellow try to ,escape a Achn.inietratorfic ation of ,e very wish. few dollars income tax and the 000 Gordon J. Lowe has been apThe ~eason today we have ao w'hole army and navy is called out pointed administrator of the esmany people who are unable ,to to round him up. tate of Ethel B. Lowe, late of 000 get a dollar ah.ead and who are on Salem tp. Bond of $4000 was These big opera torr. got around filed. John Dare, William Kelly relief three days after they get ' ou t of steady employment is that the law by form ing holding com- and Lennie Whitacre have been ns children they were never taught panies through which they escape named to conduct the appraisal. t he value oC thrift and self dellial, taxes legally. The small fellow is Guardian Named npt alone because it assists one to not permitted to resort to h olding Fi'ances C. H erDcrt ,has be~n , • prepare for a rainy day, so much companies. to evade taxes. To do appointed gUardian for Harry I as it instills in them the Cardinal so would be illegal. Wager, 65, Salem tp., alleged in_ j 4 S. Br_dwa,. Phcme.408 000 principles of self denial which are competent. LEBANON, OHIO You can write YOUl' own wheezeI' w essential 'to success in any line. about that one. 000 000 There is more need for self de1 have nev.er been sold on the nial today than there ever was be· THIS SPACE CONTRIBUTED BY for~ in all of history because there idea of a woman member of the art' more thiJli'l that appeal to the cabinet. Unless a woman is dis· Th. soft. w~ beauty of wood pcmened waIls is not by enses and desires than ever be- tinctively superior to a man I do any means coafiDed to new homft-pcmeWng can easily be not think she should hold any poforoe in history. added to moM cmy exiaag room. sition on the Cabinet. 000 To be ,!sed in advertising Church, Lodge, socials or It takes a truly strollS man to . = . and another thing • • • MlDe of the most beautiful Driving a ca-; i:' ; kull time job sales WIth no cost to organizations. l~ . J "" well within hi. budret these It c&nnot be lafely combined with panelling pattema are expeui.. • • • oUen cost ' much 1_ them you would imagine. i,.~""-·r da,.. and maintain a &avinp ae- sociability, Bigbt-8eelni', window JUllt phone your adverti8ement to this office and C:C.~1It. say "Insert this ad in "Caps" space for ........... . Ihoppin" or day dreaming; Jut A few doUara In J)CIDeIJing wUlmalce you think you hav. ...... organization." 000 remember if you are traveling SO a new home ' ••• why DOt try iL We'D help you with aD the fac:bI ••• came In caad talk It over. I LhiDk Hira:m Johnson made 11 mlles an hour - you'll go 44 feet , , prophltic uUel'lUl~ in ConKftss in a single second. If anotber car ,,..: UJ'. To . , war of thlnldas I i approaching you at the aamt' ' propMt1e lIt\el'ane.. em t JH!ed it meanl that ,8 INt will bat thJ e1l. red Hond whll
Harold D. Willi., Editor
111\1\1 111'
\\I\ ~
Edifori ••
Centerville, Ohio
Mr. Farmer
60 % Tankage
$51. per ton
.Chas . Doster
True ,Profes.ional Service '
.. ------
J. E. )feClure
~~. ~~~W~A~Y~N~E~S=V~I~U~E;.~O~H;rn~~~~~~~~~~~=~~====~====~~~=~~
What We '1hink
., Can B. Inexpensively Add'e d To Any Existing Livi Room • •
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Shumaker ApphaltlceShop
&tubbs jf'unera(
Cor I I Prtled It I. red coral that il lind alwhY h a31 be!!n prized. not sdl'ly tor jew, elry and buttons. but n.; B chilrm to brine sutety. health and scc:rcts n(lt revealed to the ordinary person, A. ancient Gouls rushed he:ldlnng in · to battle, they trusled Ih ir snfety to their swords. strength nnd the "magic" coral Imbedded tn the ir ahields or helmets, Many lIalinns and Indians regard coral as protee. tlon ngainst the "evil eye," The world's red cornl comes trom the r ds oCT the Mediterranean coas t of Africa. saYI the Washington Post. and is obl:lined chlclly by ltalians,
Boys and Girls '{ ou've always wanted to take a
SNAPSHOT Bowser ",ooser
MI'. ancl M;s:-D7, ~JT;'\~kC' vis· 'ited re latives at, Ki ngmlln, uay evening.
MADAM how little you need pay for all this ..• Tbe coovtoieoce or cookiog with real gas out in the couotry - Pyrofax Cas! A modern, beautiful Magic Cher.Pyrofax Gas Range with lIulo",lIt;c oven and a swing. out-eype. smokeless broner!
DON'T MISS OUR AMAZiNG FRIGIDAIRE ICE · ABILITY DEMONSTRATION! • Come in today and see the many exhibits of Frigid.,ire's Greater lee·Ability. See how frigidaire with the M etcr·Miser l\ut..cs ice clleaper than you can buy it at retail I S"e its revulution~ry n"w AlJ.Metal Quickuhc Tray! S~e an actual exhibit of the tremendous quantity of ice frigidaire can fre elc in a single d ay ! ADd many other fascinating exbibits. Meter·Miscr frcetes icc faster and ch aper. protects fooel h('ltt'r as it slashes current cost because it's the simplest r efrt~c rating mechanism ever built I Has only 3 mo\'ing P :lrtS, illrilldiJlg thl! motor. Runs quiet. uouble·free y,,'a r a:(ICC year! l'rOICCtl: t! fur S years against servke expense. And it's built and backed hy Only Frigidaire with the General Motl"s. Meter-Miser Is Complete In
a m
And One Roll film ABSOLU1ELY fREE scrip tion and bring same to this of. fice, and you will receive an (i,rder which will e ntitle you to the CaJnera an d film free at Waynesville Jl)rug Store, which furnishes this sple,n did prize.
-lr. and MrS.
• •
I •
Best of the News Direct
From the Ohio State Capitol
s. ow. you haw to "'11.11 1I....zln••awl. . . on pr .. se nt food cost . • ·0 m:tlu't !' ow hrMe ynur (amily. thill unique S•• ia .. r tUtJl'r Will !!lhuwl'Otl how (0 l1111kc Ilrnaz.in a Nvinal oct ~f'lu" ~'ltl '" n l I lUll cn""" "t Ytluri rolla)'t 'Wh i1e UmitN
J oe WoU, of Send the coupon for th. IIlI' k. vill e, Ohio, R\lent Sunelny correct answer with it'!;. Wolf ~ _~o n, Mr, I'ville (Distributor's Name) Gl'BY and family. (Addres ) Mr. and 1\11'8, H oward Arch· The most detailed papers filed g('s Ilf . addl hor. es nnd roa d· AU ril\ht Htde? My deacon, Irs, Muria F,lbon, MI'. anel in the pre5mr tulge l$ • • . . . . . . . hi. tory ofJ,he corporation sters. Harness 1I0rS ', ponies, hack· (type) MI', . Mathew Me Kin y and Mr. divi. ion of the Department of !ley." and hunters wm b judged and is ....•..• yean old. and M r5. Elpin Pir s. State w r'e recorded la t week, it by William Pinch, of Bristol R. 1. Name · ......... ; .• • •• • •• •••• waR ann ounced by eCl'etllTY of An important aC(luisition n Address .•••••.••••••••••• State William J. Kennedy. They Bible pubJi ' hed 248 years ago _ ANSWERS 1. As the man char'ged with th were for the volu ntary reorgani- has been added to tl~e collcction~ zsti" ., of th(' Tu , carawas Saving. ' at Ohio tate Archa,eological and slayi ng of V ronicQ. Gedeon. and Loan o. of New Philadelphia, ' H istorical ocicty Mu ~e llm , c2. Ohio. and When compl eted ('onsi ~ted f l'etal'Y Harlow Lindlcy rl'l)Orted. 3. Jun e 28. fifty.two typewdtten page.<; of Ie· The second di trict court 0 f ap4, Wilmington , Delaware. TRADIE · NAftK t!'ul s ize. Th fc c, e, tablished by pals upheld the constitutionality 6. Samuel Leibowits. law for ,uch organizations, was of the tate liquor control act in 6. J ' fier On Island. $25 in cont ract to the largest fec II d cision hanued down in ohlll\.. 7. he~apeake Bay. $150,000 lOr the 'r organization bu s las t we ek. , Con,~tiilutional ity of Martha Raye. 9. Bo<'au e of h r Il R~O iation' 01 the Flei~chlllanl\ COloporation the act has been questioncd Revincinnati, now of D ela ware, cra l times in r :'cnt months. Jud . wit'h John. Hunt, wealthy white fol· of II dQcadc the TUl'carawlis Savings ' , g o e F ran kG e 'lgl'l', .tn Lrla n(I tng (I own lower' of Fath~r Divine. ago, Secretary Kennedy said, The th d . , f th t t10. The Boy Scou ta. pj f th . t' ~ I' ecrslon o. e 1~ l)UI', a ~ser . an or. c Tc~rgaOlUl ron o. cd: "With lit going in to .. peeif. 11. Thirty~six billion dollars. and . d1'",,1 .'~·l a t 0 th e eomp Ialn ' i· 0 f d' Loan 0" whrch , , , was approv· . IC 12. $1,500,000,000. BLANCHESTER, OHIO e by th ,stat~ dIVISIOn of bankf< the plaintiff of thi aet as viola . r tn ' j • f anrl banklnl!', Includ ed a reduc· t' " 't r . lve 0 eel' In prov s lon . 0 ~~~ tlon tn capl 8 IzatlOn from $2,000.· Can -titution of Ohio' 01' the on . Semi-Deep Furro\ ' Drill Ad No. 983 000 of $100 pal' value common stitutio n of the United States, we stock to $l,nOO,OOO of $50 pat· bl t d t d f t \7alue (' mlllon stock. a 1'(>. lIna c a e ect Jlny .c. c • I' f h I d ' h whIch would rl'nue!' the acl lOval· ow hor · id under t he provisions of oithel' orne 0 ' t I' en mg e of the nation will be en tered cv n,> tilutio n ." in the variou s classes of the Ohio ~tate night horse ,.Ilow which ' will Warning t hat Ohi,o may be stag d in conjumtion with the i ' nr c a s rious epidemic of rabie, Ohio tute Fair, according to Dir. ~as made by D~'. F. E. Mah la, n ~· ector Earl H. Hanefl!ld of th ~lstal1t state dll·ect()!· of health, tate Depar ment of Agriculture, l in anl1 ou~cin~ that the quarantin~ spon,~or of the events. The 1937 on dogs, III nllle central lind sou· dition \I ill be bctter t han last thern Ohio counties would be con· year's show which wns the best up I tinued ind efi~ite~y. "Unless the to th at time and which attracted spI'ead of rables rs (:hecked, oth(>\' record.breakin g crow ds, Director : un.d \'}he qu~~anti l'1l~ ban," h e' Hanef Id as. ed . ,Each progran:t said. The cl'Itl,cal tlll~e for th e t will open with hunter classes, 8prend or t he dlseas,e I:' h~rc, and , which will climax the last night q,f ' have to be taken . Ra bIes IS today I t he show \'o1th a $1,0 00 open.hun ' mo~'e, pr~val~nt tha n at any time in tel' stake. Oth er classes include f OhI O s hl stOIY, The de~ar~ent has roa(J ~tei's, thl'ee- and five-gaited I co~duete~ 4 26 ex~mlOat\On.s of sadd le hoI', es, harness ho rses, pon. an l111sls smce t he fIr st of th ~ year iea a nd hackneys. George Lee of , and found that 160 \'o ere Infect· Me xico, Mo., and Harry McNai r, cd with rabies, an exceptionally of hicago will officiate as jud. , high number."
10 GetA fine
Secure just 2 subscriptions to this newspaper at $1.50 per year. Yes Sir; that's all there is to it. Get your father or mother to s ubscribe - your uncle, grandpa, or a neigh. bor. Collect t he $1.50 for each sub-
Here is your chance
A rDol kitchen - eveo with pies in the oven I
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Fairley Hardware Company Waynesville,Obio
Larger B ec.vae of B etter QualOty. Service, an d Priee Eat.bliahe<! 1849 •
• ·.iii.iiiiii.·........• ... PYROFAX P. E. Sh'fDER & SON
................ . ..-----,I McCORMICK-DEERING
McCormIJc.Deer.I", 11 " IO.lnch dou6k-run /«1, #lnll/N lisfc _I-deep furr- tI,IH. rqulpfHtI with a lar88 <:opaci/y al/.~tlld. ru.t-rui.Un, m"I-I,larpin, #toPfH,' ; "ted wltcct.; ond "''"tor hitch.
THE McCormick. Deering 1 eemi-deep furrow grain drill
is an outstanding achievement , in drill design and construe,tion. It alUlwera the need of wheat , .~wefl for a drill that plants , winter wheat at the proper I depth where the ee:ed haa more I than an even ehance for quick lermination and rapid .arowth . , The feed ia the double run type. The aU..teel , ru: t-re_... bopper combines with
the ateel bridge-type mllin frame ' to hold the feeding mechanism in proper alignment for lonl drill life. Axle boxel; gear yoke bearings. and di.k bearinp are equipPed with Al~mite hydraulic lubrication fittinga. Two sizes available- 12 and 16 disks with IO.inc:h apacinp. See ua about thia new McCormick-Deeri"1 drill be· fore you do your aeedin ••
1h,S Week in
July 26 - Disastrous cyclone at Lawrence', l\fa'RSlI' chusetts, 1890. U. S. PosW System establis hed, 1775: July 27 - Fii'st successful AtlfJntic cable complet. cd and messages exchang\d , 1866. First direct wireless communication established between Japan and tho United Stat es, 1915. July 28 Fir t issue of the Pittsburgh G(lzl?tte. · fi rst ne wspaper west of the Allegheny mountalns, 178U. Fir t official mail car, 1862. July 29 - Cape Cod eanal opened, 19U. Fourteenth Amendment proclaimed, 1868. July 30 - Henry Ford. manufacturer, born, 1868. First United StatN patent bsued, 1790. JulV 31 - Jean Jaures, falJl'01l8 leader of the Soci.aliat party in the French Chamber of Deputies, ~S8inll ted in PaN, 1914. LaFayette commiuioDed Major Gen· eral Concnu, 1'177.
Semi-Deep Furrow Drill for Planting ~ 'linter Whea~
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onto SIltS II . rIIOI"CIIInOIl
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"lEST 11'11 "
Brook's ~e Ha"eys~arl
• Mrs. Ada Ml' Ewen, of Spring., MI'. and MI'>'. Otis lIadley, ft!r' Mr. l boro Ohio and Mr. and )In. Jo. and M1'S. ~Idnn lladllY. of VIC- and .... • I t C..T tervllle, Cnlttomia, wl're IIInK _ of DIIp., b KentJ. 0 _ttanlulCa, eIItV ral f In n JUe '
pring Vall y Published weekly in the. interest of the social, religious; economi~c life of Miarni V alley's foremost progre •• ive community. The entire community joins in ex·tending you a cerdial invitation to come to this villa.e
Ifln.1 "thc'r 1't'illt. in th(' E;\~ l.
A ~'n,n.l lll :ttl'l". ('omplI~ l'd or M~·~.. MI'. :In" MfR, En'l'(·t T ho llUll', of (lakll ~ I llj!I('H lll'C. :\Jt s. Bla n-tt tl· I~rl'nc[' R.yc, wa s Mr. lInrl MI·~. W ill Scanl~1 1 Roc·hp, tll·. N,'\\' York . CIHlll' to al' l tl'r ~n<l AI 1'.-. ~on, F<'re<> , orE' spentlilll!' I heir "n- I tl' I1.1 tlie fqn('l'ul o f Mr'. Thomu ' aPJl o lnl~d to nOJllInat offlce !'s for· . . /!'l'ullclfalh pl' 1l1l\'ld ThomB , who th .., l'(I!I1mg )'I)IU'. cailon tourrng N['~\' York ::;tllt". \\0 : bUl'ic,.1 ,'alurdoy. ' , , . I' ;\1 1'. and :\11 •. ;';l!l ~"n Kill/.\', of · -------------H,' llnl,1 lI al·di n. of 'im'I Il Il:lti, 1lIoIi"'101I1 ,1i-, ,Tn dian:t -p~nl. · 'IHnt In~t \\('c,k in Oraylinl!.l\!ic h· a f 'lI day ~ \l ith :'III :'. Ki n~'s hro,· kiln. !tiling 011 t l" Slllllt ~aint" thl'l" . •11t.. 1.lnd ;\I r~. W" ll"1" ";lzl'Y.· I\IIlIl' \\ hill' thC:I"t' . 11 (, i, \'I :;i in,:r · ~II'~. j) ('Il U ~I II'';, ;\I .. ~ . 'ura l ich. W een n Ml v(' ~'ou !11 01l(hi ... th[' ;<ccolld \\ l·l· k rof hi ~ va, FIII~~i(' F il ". Hilt! ' Hdlil l:l nlCld ock • 011 your pl\lmbin~ fixtu}' $, pumpH. Poeptil' tankll, (':Ili un" nt th hlHlll' " f hi . pHr- all' l'n j'Jri ng- a \\, ~l' k Ilt P I' o$ky, l\lichil!llfl. • pip e, fitting:-{. :Ind \ ' :ll\' ('-\, c' nll' h('r(' .
• .. • • • + lh.· hom or Rov. nud :'ill'R. a 1'1 with their nunt; Mrll. IYli e Klie- Bruce W('nn ~hUI)Pt'd in Xenia on BEG HIS PAIRDON • ~mith. hcmm, in Let»mon. Tu()~day.· ' Ln ~t. IV <'k t.his 1l(~ \\ .' plI-" l" orly·nine young P Ol)le d dMI'. and Mrs, Harry ornell calMI'. and MI·s. J ells II M called P{' I' mi ~.~pe ll cd t he nSI!l1c of • icat d t h£'it' lives lu l h[' cau, e of I d (m the am M l'e.lith'lI, SUII- on Mr. and Mrs. Walt(' \, Hess, 0 '( !\II'. Bloch, in the M>'u Ily- • Ch1'4st nt the Tr'i- . tnte amp Meet- , day evening. Xenia, on Sunclny. " I a ft ernoon., a t M 'IBlll .IS· mall llnd Bloch uc!v ('rli... e- •j.lng, "umay Mr. Prank P ennington has rel'th. and Mrs. Sam Ml'redith, Ill r nt, \\hich allpe:ll'ed on • bUI)! C' huu\.auqua. turned CI'om a vi ~it to hi s purents BCI'yl nnd Hetty Lou t k dinner pag'!' regl't't thi l>vt'I'Y · Sil' boy" wpre baptir.cd ut the in Ke ntucky and is working f or with lIal'lY 'omell'" on W dne~. Illudl and beg h i~ [lllnioll -,sume . .. yice. Good wor k I I K nnc\'h Fox oKain. clay. fOI' II'. 010 h ha a worthy : IJ· . ~~'Iph ~ope, · or ~nY LO n, hn~ MI'. lind MJ·". Will FI'IIY, of DayMi~s .Julia Gl'lIshon, of W .t Ilncl II' ' II e~Ulb l i~hl'd' firm of • ul,.cn 1 ~l llng In the nCIi!h b I'hood ton, spent. unday oriel'noon with C:tnoll ton, SP£'Ilt Wed ll Rday at l high l'!' putE' an d j", e ntitled thl: last we ek. Mr. . • J. MIlrquul'ot, on R oute th II. R. I"o l'(lyt'e hOIllC'. to COl'I'tI('\. p l'C <'Ilwtio n of MI'. o ry Fle ener i. y('t'y sick 73. * h' . l\fIos. Milne Rp cld il'\( viKiled Mr>l. B Poll 1" to ~ e \11'1 before l\{r. and ~lTs. lra R \)(\~'inj{, of ;\11'. ll unal!.l Ha n lin r<'lurnecl. IS numt'. P llb l i~h r • with Typh oid fever. . ., i Mr. and Mrs. HOWfil'd wank Hnn'y ornell, Tu ....stiny nflCI'lIOon . you buy. \\' illllin!!ton, Ohio, s pent Saturciay Sat.ul'lIuy from u yuculi oll trip i n • • • '1'I~e • • • Mr. and MI·s. Jo e Fll e ~' vls lted and daughtel', Vergene were After a til'ing day, W(' decided wilh l\h.' and Mr,"'. Whynw r Dmke. NIIllIll'l' n \I ichi,' ull and Can n~ I 1\1,'. and ]rs. IIu rold F il eI' lind I/.l'u e...t~ of Mr. and Mr!l. Le~ter' Ken to l'eRt and rcft'esh (lU I' millrls ~,' ith LADIES AID SOCIET r :EE:~ ]\11',..Julin IlL' lld ~r~CJ n ~ pc nt 1~I..~t children at A Iphll, Sunuuy. . l'i cl.<, 0 11 Monday. a tl'ip to t he, Movie theatel' in Way. ~ I \\'l' l,k in l1:1yt~ln, Kllt'"t 1)[ h'l' son 1 BEECH GROVI~ Mr. anu lVII's. J oe M~ Cray ca l· Mrs. Sa.m Meredith, Beryl, and ne~v~lI e, In.- t W edll 8cluy. Sevc l'ul T.hc m mber ' (It ~hc . led 1.lt the Al Cornell hOm. un - Bet\'y Lou sp ent lust Thur'sday with of the ncighbol's hud thl' !Uime I S\'l'lt-ly 0( . ih M. F. . hul'l 'h 11 IcI ' lllln:ll cl a nd fnJllil~'. 2065 Cat81pa Drive an 1111 day Illeding Itl1't W l'dn('~dIlY ]\[1'. and Ml's. -c.J]. Dcathemgo<' clny aft.el·noon. th"" formel" s Inother, Mrs, lie l houg ht nlllI W onjoyeu Ih e infol'1\11' K lllllth Krl l.lu l'Il of W· ' h ' DA YTO N, 1[10 at t h home of l\h ~ . hlr'e nrc Hyc. . . I)" '. ... 'h' . . \\'l'1'I' ll nryeysbur/.\' visilors 011 Mon· 11'. and Mr. William Monee, EV'l ns 'In Wayn 8V1'!le :=============~I _ _ _ _ _ _.-;'_ _· ~~__ lng-t Oil . ' .. I" Vl sltm l!' IS COU.l n, day. h h < • mal visiting fully II !! mu ch as the (rom OilY ton, call ed ai t e orne Mt·. uud .Mrs. Ru ssell ' Murray 11 . G('(ll gl' II t'ncirl'<:on a nel family, (If MI'. .and l'Ifr ... How a rd P nnlng<' xce ent pletu!' w watched later thb \\ ,t'k. . ~!J'. RaIl h Stibbs, of LebliJlOn , and childl'en made a long il'ip, SUll- on. . \\a., II di n ne!" guest of t:hp A. B. tonMr. a ndand daught<'l', Su nday. j to h'Ill'ICO t he an d reum t db Y '" Mrs. . Stob er, ot J)BY ' (ay, '>Jr. and Mr . • . Will GI'aY, of Day· SPRING VALLEY Tulnl(HIg- e fnmily. . way of the Seven Cav s. tun ~pe nt un4Jay aftcmoon with ]\1 1'. nnll ~Ir~. Ru fu D,rlhlrd lind t Oil, ure the hou~e g ll est.'1 of Mr. Mrs. George Gilliland ~\nd Mr. M C J •.\ W ould ".,t you thin!. it rather odd If " P r3c>n ~Ii ;;~ Annett(' Huycl', of Dayton, .,,, and 1\11'.'" Loui~e Burton: r~. . ." -arqunl'dt or Route 73. fnmlly, of Dayton, \\'Ne gUl'sts of suffering from 8'1\ 8ching tooth did nothing I \'i~i' ~'d hI'!' gllllltlpuH'n~. II'. /llld and Mrs,d Edward Gillil lindG'II'1 h lpedd ,~~:::::::::-==;::;::=====~ Henry Bul'(.:o1's, P etTy Thomll8, 1\1 ' M ' W 'lb MI'. anti 1\11·~. hnJ'lc!' "'inliler, at. , dL' T n \ 1. an IS. lUI' Ilan .. bout it? Ju.t a llow-..d it to pain we k nf. \Ir ~. G. Val .1 1ll ~ , In~t we k. Wilm a 1 homns, an 11U1 ...... n8 ng th hI t Sat I Th ter week. 1\1 1 ~. Mul'Y op . ('.\' , who is SC I'· Hunny- ' id F a I'm . , lUlHl c a trip to Pik e ounty, Sun- I a61'e~ , ~ ~ ur( ay. ere were That i. no more .b"'rd than the individual lou-I)' III at Ill' I' home , t' cJllflin~ a· !\II'. and Mrs. rthur mithcrs , day to vi sit Miss Lan ing's folk.s. MPreseHn'R F d d H . who continuei' to 10 along with uncorrected of' Irwin !!. Ken tucky, were vi itors Ed G h d rs. . . . 01' yee an 1Irt'1l)(lut the , allll. Mr. and Mrs. g al' or al' . ,of ett e.a n d 0 p.."I F Ie!! ' ld we'r e D ay t on d..rective ""ion wh.,-n it ca n be 10 enli ly :I!J'~. ('o m Cllm ptnn retu rned la-t \\'('l'k or MI'. and Mrs. J. D. D~ yton, pent Monday evenmg shoppers on ·Monday. remedied. hlll1l , ,'lIncIIlY. (m ill a visit with Smilh. RONALD O . T U RN E R WIth l't~r .. and Mrs. Lestci' .Gerhard ·MI·. Bany White of Alpha l~nd See your optometrist to·d ay. h('I' "Cln~ and filJllilit' s of 'p , ing: Mc:::sl's J. Lee Talmage and M . and famll)", Monday evelllng. Miss Bel'yl Meredit h e nj y d "The . WAT HMAKER . fi L' ld, hio. .\1. Te rry wel'e in W~lmin gton, FriMr. and Mr. harl Fl'ye und I Emperor's Candle ticks" a t Lowe's ;\11'. alld l\lI s. \\' 111 . TI'ou t, of day aft moon. with Ada Belle and. Mr, and Mrs. Arch-. D W d d . . . ' . III aytoo, I.' ne ay evening. Open Every Day from A. M. to 6 P. )1. ~rl'jnJo;fil· ld. Ohio. Wl! re SUll day 1\11'. ~nd Mrs. Orlando Brann~n, I I ~ Klonlz lind. Conllle Lou spent , Mr.~. imon Ga ssert and child- Fra n k L. Miller, J e w eler Sa turday 8 A . M . to 10 P. M. s.'.lIt··t~ uf M·I'l'C . Nellie Pl' terson a nd of Xema, spent the week-end With unday at Indian Lake. . r en : Virginia, IMabcl, Evelyn, Sara family. WILMINC TON, OHIO home folk s hel·e. MI'. and Mrs. .Mar~~all Flier a nd Rnd .John. attended, the F' rigidaire ,":l= = N. :B: R: O =A:V:'= A:':' ==================::; :\11'. an d 1\11''', Selh Thoma:! lint! I'rfJ-. and Mrs, C, L. Allen, of daughlel', .P~ylhs, vl~ lted Mr.. and pi.cnic at FOl'l'st Park, last Sat• S Oil , Lt e, of IC\'l' lu ncl, Ohio, aL~aytou, 'were calliJlg in this vicin- 1 11'1<' J: . FIl er,. u:da y ~vellJng. unlay. tl'nucd t he fun e rnl of Mr. ThomThel e w~ s a fin e gath Cll ng, unMiss Opal Fi Id , wh o is stay. us' g'l'Ilnliflllhc l', MI'. David Thom- It.y, IInday afternoon, Mr. and Ml' . U. G. Whe t.~ol,ot day, at Fen- y. hur~h t o hear Rev. ing at the Harry Fordyce-'R; sp n~ :1<0.\ , wh o Jived 1l('UI' WuyneRviUe. atur(!u¥ afternoon and evenill~ Th eil' son, Teddy, who wns ~'sit Waynesville, were Sunday after- h stel' WllltaJl1. on. noon visitors of Mrs. Al ice Teny'l Mr . Hora .. ~ . hlln I' calle" on with her pat'c n ~, Mr. alld 1,frs. ing I'c la li v '~ in pring-field, Way1936 Chevrolet, Standard Coupe, like new and ons. Iher mothel', ,tAI S. am Mel'edith , Melvin fleht , ne~v ill ,n ml Dllyton returned .' la st Tu e day. )\tl~s Julia Qru shon and Mr. 1934 Chevrolet, Master, Town Sedan. New Dayton hOIll<' "ith th m . MI. Milton Harvey, of near , Miss Be t ty Rrddick will return , . . , . T 'lh omas FOidyce spent Sunday atTires, Radio, Heater. 1\1 j:;8 E th I' Wilk rs n visited In Wellman made a short call here I . ' home to Tom BUI Lon . , nex.. ues- te-rnoo n with Mr and Mrs Harold ,pl'i ngfie ld, Ohio, last week. un d ay morn i ng. Id R edd'Ie k I' ece ntly un - Gru. hon, of Miamisburg. " 1934 Ch'evrolet , Master Sedan, Whipcord upholster. ll Y· M'I All at, Mi 's Vin ette Boyce, of Dayto n , Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Replogle derwent an opert\tion, but Is in t d' th th t. i D . n inrJ, New Tires. ,-;pcnt the past week with h!lr grand und on, Jimmie and Mrs. Elillu- O'ood health again th Illg . e ea or n ayton, In " . . e evening. parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. ,Val beth Ballard, all of Da~' ton, were ton Truck, Used Very Little. MI's. Ervin Thomas and son, M R Sh h h 1936 Chevrolet I' . ay aW. w 0 nil b en In im .. S un day afte~noon callers of the Jimmie, s pent Saturday ufternoon Miami Va lle lIos I ~I d Terms or Trade. Rev. and 1\1rs. Walter Mc lure Talmage fam Ily. y p , rcturne _ _ _ hom on Wednesday. ' Hi s I g Is in a nd MI'R. iurse r, of Detroit, Mich'Miss Nola Berlin, 0'£ Spring·I!!I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. .1a cast now a nd h I getting on igan, s pent Monday night with field with her ie'ter ~md ni ece, very ni cely. Mr . and Mrs. Arch Cop ey, On Harriette F.ordyce and Opal Mrs. J esse Wright and Miss Inez their way to F lorida. Rev. Me. Ell n Wright, of Wilminl~ton, were Fields cal!cd on Mi~ Frenn Stal'k , lure was formery pastor of the visitors, Friday evening', of Mrs. of ~idge:vlll e, unday a1'lernoon. F.riend'R Church here. Mabel T erry and moth er' . ~ •••. '.~ . • .t_...~ 10 Y e ar Mr. and Mr. J ess Rol:lIld and Phone 24 CENTERVILLE, OHIO MI'. and Mrs. J. T. Walton vis'MI'. and. Mr$. Evby Powell and ited their daughter, Faith, in Day· F irat Mt •• family wer e callers in th iis vicinity, ton~ last Tliurs day. On Tue sday evening. Farm Loan. FRIENDS-HOME NEWS NEW BU R LINGTON~HIO_ Mr. William T1tomas, of Mason , MI'. and MI' . E. L. Bea. on en· Ohio, Dnd Mr. a nd MI' . Ra.ymond If qua lity gooda, r e a s ona ble p~ice! a nd c ourtertained, unday., MI'. and Ml·S. Frank Le~ay, Solicitor Mont~o m el' y, MI's. Rilla Brown, t e ous service a r e what you w a nt, Try , w . D. Larkin and family, of Green 61R2 WayneSVille 74R Mrs. Luella Brown, of entel'vill e, call d on relatives at the home, field, MI'. and Mrs. T. C. Hay- . . . . . . . . . . . . .. dock ond daughters and Kelly I' Saturd ay u:ftr l'lloon. FOR EVERY CANNING METHOD Mend en hall. The dinner was in !!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!~!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!~!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!! was re ceived hCl'e of the News AND A LL KINDS OF FOOD very serious iIIMss of Mrs. Allie c eleb ratlion 0/0, J~h. Mendenhall's Fife (n ee Daniel ), Dayton, Ohio. hl~d~ For Convenience, Economy, and' Handsome ApTh e Young P eo ple's Group and The Misses Frallc es and AdaJine pearance Use Your Odd Jars Too Alden spent Tu esday with Mrs. Lad ies Aid of the Friends Church SPRING. VALLEY T hese caps fit man y of the co mmercial j a rs in Phone 4 X Emm l~ Me lure, at the Little cleare d over fifty dollars at their which you buy po pular brandPo of pean ut butter, salad f estival on the school grounds, Inn. dl'eflsing, mayonai. e, tc. You are missing h a lf the Miss Clllire Hoover, 01 Clarks. Fl iday evening. fun in cann ing if you do not flave fl uch jars and u se Ben and Bill Buckley are pend ville, Ohio, sp®t Tuesday with th e m. ing their vllcation with their uncl ~ Freda a nd Ruth Hal·vey. Mr. and Mr-s. Will Pierce, of and aunt, Mr. a nd . Mr:!. E. L. ROPT FOR AND CONSICN . CR WN MASO CAPS GIVE PERFECT RESULTS . Carey, Ohio, were Sun nay guests W1!el', of Schenectady, New York. ,our Cattle, hora, sheep a nd calve • Ev erett Mc Clure su:ffered an to Norri.. Br oek Ct.., live wire and of 'M1'8. Emma Pierce. Theil' daugh. Model T Ford Coach - lata of miles progressive ftl'1ll f ? r the high.,. ter_ Frances. accmnpanied them acute attack of appendicitis, on market prices an d 'good aervice. 4CyJ. Inboard Motor Make a powerful plant for W ed nesday of last weel,. home. Union Stock Vard.'· ·Ciacia_ti, O. Lid a nd Caps, r eg ulal' 25c sell er ........ 15c you Mi 'ses Mildred Cal'l~, Jimmie In. on Radio Station WCIC'Y TulWl Mr. and Mrs , Robert. Crew ca.l· R efill:'1, regular] 0 cent se ll er .... : . . ... .. 05 12 :21S to 12 :80 p. m. for our daU~ led on fri ends here, Sunday eve- Reeves and Marj orie Haydock, Il:'A An Antique Walnut Corner Cubbard ~1t ..t renom. were hostesses in the Carl' home, ning. 1 % h . p. Gasoline 'Enlfine Mrs. Ethel W all and daughter, at a " show er" for Mi ss Ruth ReevWe Buy Old Metal CLASSI F IED ADS and Sarah Cathel'ine Hartsock cal- es, on Thursday of last week. Fifty-two guests were prl~se nt. The led on Mrs . Harriet Peel, SaturSPRING V ALLEY SPRING VALLEY FOR SALE. - One frame garage, gifts were varied and usllful. PHONE 37 day. 1st class condition, size Members of t he Miller family MT: HOLLY held t heir annual re-union at the 12 x 16 15. One cornframe crib, I size x 40.newOne - - - - - ---MI·s. E'm erson Dill called on her home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Milbuilding 10 x 50 x 8, 1st Aunt, Mrs. R . S. Zefgler, who i ~ ler, on the Xenia-Wilmilllgton pike cla ss conditio,n. · very .seriou sly ill lilt her h.ome· in on Sunday. THE ROXANNA CANNING The outstanding safety feature of the' motor ,Mr. and Mrs. Charles: Maddux, Dayton. CO., Waynehville-, Ohio. world is of Kirkersville, are guests of MIs. Mr. and Mr. Clarence Phone 11 9-R-21 fo rd an d children, Lewis and Min- Da isy Hain'es and daughters. Miss Ruby Smith; left last w~ek LOST: Gold rimmed eye glasses, nie, anti Mr. and Mrs. Elvis Michael and daugh ter, Dorothy, spent for a vacation in Ca nad~,. in. case. Finder please return Miss Hel en Slater is the guest the week-end with relatives and to this newspaper office. And t h ey are yours without a penny of extra c o a t of her aun t, Mrs. Kenneth Scam· fl'iend s in Cinc·innati. Ladies' white linen. s uits, 70c when you buy a . MT, a nd Mrs. Hlenry Burgess ma ha r n. M·en's linen or palm beach suits, Quart Jar Chlorox . .. . .. . .......................... : .. .. 2SC and children, Johnie and Nancy, - -FERRYi"Si.tS-65c. of Dayton, s pent Sunday with Mr. Quart Maaon Jars, doz . .................. : ............ , ...• 6$c: Miss Willa. Marie Gral1t ,of Cen- Ladies' plai n dresses, 60c. and Mrs. Arthur Morgan, Mrs. Kath ryn Mendenhall Mr. and Mrs. William Ttate, of tel'ville, is spending this week Jar ,r ubber., .. 4doz. ......... ......................... ' , • • • ISc Quick Cleaners Bellbrook, called on MI'. and Mrs . with her aunt and UnClE!, Mr. and Jar Cap., .. doz ,· ........... ..... .. ........................ 23c P. A. Runyon, Tu esday evening. Mrs. Lest er Gerhard. Mr. Em erso n Dill and son, 3 Lb.. Criac:o ........... .. ... .............. . ............. 57c MI" lind Mrs. Harold Hutchin · SMALL ANIMAL HOSPIT Ralph, .!!pent Sunday afternoon in son and family, of Dayton, call2 Lbs. Premier Cocoa .. ..... .. ................. .... . .. , , .. tic e d at Mr. F rank M. Fox's home, W. O. Bowen, D. V ~ M. Xenia. SPRING VALLEY Mr. and ' Mrs. Ehnest Earnhart Sunday. 1 Lb. C.n Pink Salmon ... ........................ . ...... . . 14c Sprin. Va l1.~, Ohio Little Jimmie Thoma,s, so n of nnd chi1dt'cn, Robe rt and Ernes· tine, 'Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Kesi nger Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Thomas, ha.s Certo, . .. Bottle .... . . . . ... . .. . ... .............. : .... ...... 19c attended Chautauqua, in Frank· bee n very ill with F ruitl acid poiU SED C ARS Premier Pectin, Bottle .............. .......... ...... ... . .. . lie so ning, but is better lin, Sunday. 1934 Town Sed a n , Maater Mrs. J ennie Mullen The Lndies Aid will have an all 3 T.II C .... Carnation Milk .. ................ . ~ ........ .. .. 23c day sewinR, Friday, July 30, at daughter,_Naom i J aDe, 1934 Coach , M aater THE GOOD MA.TCHES, 8 Box.. Diamoad Brand .. 2Sc rs. Harry Kimble the honle of MrR. F.rncst Earnhart. 1936 Town Sedan De- Luxe A covered di.<h dinner will be serv- Monday, " 'hile Mr. and .FLY SPRAY, .. P iat · .. ,......................... ~............. 23c all Burton went IIhoppi ed at noon. Model A. F ord Coup e Mi.. Ella Kenriek i, Mr. Ilnd MfR. P. A. Rutlyon and ·1In. Lester itenriC!k Leba1l01l, OIIlo~ tended a ehurch picnic at t I " Pa 1_ Ford Coupe Delent, SUDday. tended time, II1Id they I~ialited ......... . . . . lied .... LOCALS
RandoJph Plumbing Co
a. \"
Why Not ....
Dr. John Zettle O. D.
Watch Repairing
A:-,_-_-:-. .-_---------..!
Used Cars
Its Easy To Can With CROWN Two Piece MASON Caps
Barker's Drug Store
Hood's Auto Wr'e ckingCo
Spring Valley Hardware
CODsidel'in, Qu~lit,. Our Price. . Meet Any Competition
Perfected Hydraulic Brakes
(hE \lROLE1 H. "' . Badgley
...... U
Copsey'. Grocery
U d C ars 'se I
son accompanied them home for a vi sil Mrs. J. P. Lal'rick and daugh· M r s. V'lrgi,ma ' Stueve, of Day· , tel', J ean, attended the bridal ton, Ohio, SI)ent last Thu rsday with s hower, Wednesday evening, in her aunt, Mrs. Clare!lce Menden-II Miamisburg, in hOl1or of Mrs. Lar. hall. . k' S CI augh tel', EI Izabeth, ' ric who Mrs. Lee Hawke and son , Dean , . WM a llece nt bride. J enn will sp end and granda ughter, A.nn Weltz, wa~ a few dnys with Mr. and MI's. in Daylon, Monday and saw Sal" Geo , Quick. at..oga. Dr. and . ,Mrs. L. B. Hall and 11k and Mrs. Fred H oy le o,r sons, n o \\'ar~ and J~hn have reo I Miamisburg, Ohio, ~lI" ited with turllPd to th.elr home III Columbu s, I MI's. Hoyle's pare nts, MI'. and Ilft~1' !;pe ndll~g a three weeks va. Mrs , Raymond W ade, aturday. 'utlon at thel, I' fann .we t of tO~~'1 MI'. a nd MI'R,'. L . . . St. Joh n Mr. 1I111n ' Vatkllls, of Loc k' were Su nda y VISitors at. the hom e l la,nel, Ohio,. is spending t.~is week of MI·s. St. J ohn'" pm'ents, Mr, With her In~n d, Mrs . Luclll e-Arm. lllnd MI S. B. V , Smith. llage. Mrs. Goldie Surface spent, Sun~ Un Tuc,..dllY aftel'noon, Jul y 27, day with h el' b"other T om Ric h 'J'OJ'rl' nce and Georgc Kit'k l~atrick and fn mily of WpJlm~n . (l1I.tel w in cd so me ,of their boy E mil B r~wn and family, ha s. fncnds. 10 y~u ng' men spent the Ames Ilnd family , picni ( cd nt I'ort uflel'nco n WIth. TOI'l'ence a nd Anc ie nt, Sundny . I111 .. A llit> Allen IlIHl 1.£1'!l. AIG()Ol'!{e and ('nJoyed l'efrcshm ent.1I f popcor n and lemolUlde. b£>l't ~pent Saturday e"ening with Mal'Y CI'onQ relurned to in· 1\1:1','. D ~ll a Venable. cinllilti aIl~ r f'pl'n ding h I' va ea· 1\11'. and Mrs. hUI'I!:'" Hensler, tion with h I' moth er lind . i:ter, of Sid ney, Ohio . p ent Sunday al the home of MI'. !lnd Mrs, Frank hl' le. " hylis l\f~l'tin attended a pal" Fox. Runday. Julr 18th, Mr. and 1111'S, ly, On W dn sday :lfl cl noon, at. t\1(' h rlm of H('vel'ly J C:ftn Lotz. Will'\' n Lucy. of Dayt.on, Ohio. ' at 1\Iorrow, Oh io. Mrs. 1m tha Lucy :md ?II.1'. and TQ!1 ~!l ce Ki lkputl'i<,k clug U Mrs., }<'rank Cook. of Way n('~vilJe, lr uk Jlotato film the C, P. J oy vioii d Chl,u 'lcs Lacy, at ' Ie T. B. ga l'den. 7 p tnl es were' fOI'llH' d H ospiwl, in Cinci nn ati. inl(] o n e \\ eigh ing 2 lb~. PJo f. G... or~ Illrk, (lC New Mr. Liley ha~ l1een in th (' T. B. YOl k City. j '{ vi ~it i llll: .fl'. a nd Ml'~. llCl ~pital RiPC'!' FehlualY. H e wa" Wil L r ('lalk MI'. G(>ol'ge lurk opernted 0!1 two we k~ ago, leavinj!; tcnch e!'\ I w at New York uive!" hi m with one lun~. Hi ;: condition ~ ity •. ill New YOlk ity, :\1,.. li1l'K was somewhat improved. . glad uuted fHlm W U ~'ne ':ville High , Mr. J acob col t nf th e Middle. , ' :C I10(\ I in 92, , run n ighbol hood i: vi~iting hi8 S Mr. and l\h,~, Willlel' Cl:nk h.ad son and family f Ol ' n few daYR. it the ir dinner ~ U~ i:!t, SU ll day eve. ning, Mr. and .1I-ln;. T ..J. F IOlY, of Mr. Re·ed P attrl'son, of ew Jl;u t n, Ohio, and }hl'. l\lnl'y ar. York City, ""'''as a week · end visitor ll111 ny, of LyUe, Ohi o. a t lh F oxeE;. 11-8. E , . . ('OI !'11',1n , who hu Mu'l. All ie S~,.vi~ Rn d 1\11':'. hcell vl~itin l\fj 0t; Suc nine and C. C, Conk . and Mr, 311(.\ MI'~. othl'I' rd:lti \'e!~ here, Htlll'l1 ed to F l nnk Conk were in X eni a. "l pn · her home in Ci ncinnati, ,,·cdn ep.\ dRY nfteruoon. llllY. ' C'. Betty YO\ll1ce, ten yenl' ol d ~!J'S. Eth~. o~cmanC of memo t l if- . of Do,.ton Ohi hu ' been ' P }l I, ami 18;. uc I'p nt> wI're ' !'pen(l •Jll'l' theJ pa<t week WI: th h er 1\1 °dnda f y ' ~1 u e sts of. liff Bu T rnett d glllllclparents, 1\11'. ilnd Mr~ . WiJ. an ' amI y. Th ey \\'e 1'~ ue!' a;v bill' Cl llI I,. I ;ue~ ts of ,Forrest Gnlh nm and fam 1\\18. W . II. Madden and Mr. 11 y. F led Graumon ~pent th e w£lek-end I laton C x, Cli nto n County wi t h l ' Intive,"" at NOllh Lewis. !f m m e', ho," the IJ11I'g, hio. whea t yi eld of linton Cou nty, IIlr. llnd Mrs. Alb l't lcave )' tlavin " threshed 694 bu shels of spent th e wcel<.end at Catl etts- g l'ain from a fifteen a cre field, lin bUl'\l', Ken tuc,ky, the gue t of Mr. I average ,o f 46 bu shels to the acre. t1nd Mr . Chas. Da y. Th e United Rtatcs builds more lit.-. and Mrs. Robert Cle,avel' llighwllYS. t han any other country \' lsit d . with~ ·Mr· . Cl ell.~e\"s par- Since 1931 more than 2 billion ent., At Mt. Sterling', Kentucky, d()J1ars has been allocated for F ed· over the we,ek.end. :Miss J ean Wi 1- eral Highway Conlltruction.
CHAUTAUQUA ASSEMBLY Open. July 29th and Cloles ' Augu st 15
1931 Chevrolet roach
Vi sit.ors at the Miami Vall ey Chauta uqua GTound ' t h is summ er 1937 Chrysler Coupe . are Impresse d \\ 'it h the beauty of 1930 Ford Tudor t he pa rk and t he .' I)lendi dl condition 1932 Willys Overland Sed of all Lhe prop erty. Great crowds 1930 Ford Coupe , an lI ~i n g thl' public in tititution, tu 1934 Olds. "6" Coupe attend conventions, hold reunion. 1931 Chevro'l et Coach or for a s imple littl e picnic. Mol'c ihan vel' the p~ople have come lo 1931 Che:v. Spt. Coupe ~Iprr date thi~ fine in s:iLutio n, 10. 1933 Chev. Town Sedan cat. ,t! on the Grciit. Miami Riv er 1930 Nash Sedan between Franklin and :\tiamisbul"!; 1931 Chevrolet Coupe on Route 25. The ]~I;37 Annual A s~ (>mbl ~' 1936 Chevrolet 4 Dr. Sed. open s Thll1'~da~', July 2f1lh, an r! 1934 Chev. Sport Sedan continues until Sunday ev\,ninl'( , 1933 Chevrolet Sedan I A tigust ] !)th. Th~ pl:(Jg' ram til is 1934 Chevrole~ Coach Yl'ar is one of t1w bc,< t in all the 1927 Chevrolet. Ccach lon g history of Chuutauqua whirh ~tBl t tI in th,. h Cl/'RO (l[lU hug.::~· 1935 Chevrolet Coach d;,oys and has c'onlinucd to hl'ill\( 1930 Chrysler Coupe cu ltule fwd l'l'Cl'(>utlon to th e peo· 1937 B uick Sedan \,-1(,' f or forty yeal'.' . 1936 Ch e vrolet T. Sedan Three uig SUlltl:lY$ arc fc llur{'c\ 1927 Chevro let Coupe on the 1\137 A~~cmbly prog ram, ~u'nday, AUjZ'uA 1, KB1i~hl Mac· 1933 C hev. High Rack Gr egor, fU11\0US bariton e, appe:ll" Truck, 157" W. B . afte l'noon <1nd evenin.e: and K inc: 1931 Ch evro let Coa c h hapman. nut.ed lnn'ell e1', will de· 1930 Bu ick Sedan iiv('1' hi ~ beuu tif ull y iIlus traled lee· 1935 Plymouth Sedan lu!'e, "Trul' Tule~ of. the Rulli 1934 Chev. Truck 131" Sea. ," (ull o\dng MacGrc~ur's (,V (,o ni "" ~nn g 1'I.'cita1. W B . • Sunday, Augllst 8, Gen eral 1935 Ch ev. Spt. Coupe SIll t' Ull'Y U . Butler, furlTlcr h ead of 1936 Chevrolet T. S ed an the .... Marines and.one of ArneI' 1934 Chevrolet Coach ica' , ut ~tan di nl!: chnr:JIcters, will 1934 F?rd Coupe ~ p('ak at 3 p, 111. llcrbel·t C. White' 1931 Chevrolet Sedan will giv~ hi, ii 'j lst.ra ted lecture, "A Pilgl'i11lug'e to hina's Wonder1927 Hupp. S edan I Jand, at 8 :15 p. m. 1928 Ford Truck SU I1 ~lny, Augu~t H, Hob ert. A. 1935 Chevrolet Coach T;1ft, one of Ohi o's fa vorite gOIlS 1930 Ford C oupe and plOn1il1E;'ntly m(,l1flomd a ~ u ~nn.,]idnln fOI' t h{' n itcd St~lt('~ 1933 Ol ds 4 Dr. S edan .. Scnatl', will occu py the! platfo)'1ll a l 1 S30 P l ymouth S e dan 3 p. Ill. Mr. Taft ,,-ill be ["Uow e.,] 1 28 Olds. Roadster b~' U. S, Senalor Gcmld P. Ny c cd 1.32 Plymouth Coach North Dakola. Sen'lto)' Ny!' i, an 1933 Ford Coach cut~tand irtg Alllcricnn , u feu.rlos~ 1933 Chevrolet Cab I (ritic, a 1J1'illiant stnte~l11all und (In eloq uent speaker, 1931 Studebaker Sedan I Th e Assembly t his ." par ff' ul Ul'es 9 V. l! h ev. 111 1 T . m Ol ning', aft ern oon .•and even in~ 1; Ll St D e. ~edan ,·es~ i(ln s ea.ch 1ay. omp\ct e pro· 1929 Studebake r S e da" grR l1l S may ue 8eouI'('(1 by atlclre. ,. 1931 Auburn Brou gha7.: in g Manager Wade E. MiJlll', Fordson Tractor, 4 plows ChauLuuqua, Ohio. ' J ohn H. Str ingfellow, H ouston, Two 193 1 Chev. Chas":s . c Texas, 60, y ears l'ai\road man, with School Buses, ~0- .. 5 ' hi neek b roken in till' e placc" . Passenger wailed four days befolre he d e~ id· ed he ought to g o to a h os pital. Four minute4 after physician s l'eceived the 'X.Ray photo., they sh ook j their h ends . fitl'ing fell<fW still live~ LEBANON FR'ANKLIN He had sUl .Jived 7 I'!Iilroad ncci· !.-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....:. denu and was not worri ed. "r'
Fred Ka h n M ( tor Co.
~bi. By the Man
anb lEbat
. '/11111''' ('(lP)' Bi'J( II "lIh'I' Wu~ nt·. ville
the :o;tune gt«.>p.'I
... -
It iK pl'etty eu.. y for anyone to fsrm 4!or how tv run hi!! farm, esp cially if the f!'lIow giving th advice doesn't hnve to foot. the bills nnt! pny for the mist.akes if th e idNls happ!)n not to wurk. ~11 Il
As a claSll, farmer s 'I't more ~d vice than lillY iJt h(rl' Ly!>e of bU IIin eSll man.
SCHOOL HOARD PR~ Benefit Carnival GARDEN CLU8 MEl FALL FES i I\,- A L PARES fOR OPENING Atrm~~~' ~ h" ~, ~ ~E,,, P LAlv S PROGRESS To Buy Uniforms = .__'" __ JlI·~tty ~cs.·if)n, la~t A ' °d 0 \ uY IH'"villl' Gurdt'n 'l ull w:,,, he'l d
MISSIONARY SOCIETY ~,nue~day rl Gl'or~e
ye~l!'I wl)u '~h
Mis~ional'Y ~8,
Illu~ic neruu~ly
.d MO ' 0 th , lhi:! ... 'h" " e talk1J "I ita w"';"'o tho hon'" of .11 bosses I tJ.av
':o~~i'.!' .:".:;~,:
,h.l, '.m,;;y:',' a" .' what tlwy h". •• d got "",d 'P,
g~,," ~II ~~Io,.
iJ ea~tiful
lollo~lo l\fOI'~C and~'dknn,"dnll !1rs
The l ongl.'st s rial slory J know is about. my n igttbo r 's rheumatism and oLIt r nilm IltS. II hM b en tellillg it, to my knowle dge, for twenty yeart!.
munlty IS nt en nl( With zc t u pon th is curniv{ll PI'oj ct. M lrll.leRpcopl, !Incl proft's. ionll l lire givi ng li b ' I'u l prizes a: donalio ns ill th u rliforl1ling enlleavor. In of rui n , the Curnipal will b e. held i n the H igh SChOlll gyll1.nl.Ullum.
pland~ d(l~crilltlons
, ew Ur'l·ngton tl B_ _ __ h
A hicngo man has b ee n arl'e~td for having l'idMn II bicycl MI', find 1\11';.. A . W. Tume l' and while drunk. A man who could ridet\,au l'{thlel', MI'. and Mrs. a bi"ycle while drunk , h oole! Roy Ilrr and daught.Cl', lildred charge admission or take up a colSIl nt the w e k- nd with Mr. and lection. He ba s so mething. A ,oong wom.. I. m, 0" N, T •• ,,,d .,no lit bought 11 fur coat In January. New Philad elphia, Ohio. I' d to pay twenty dollars a " J C5se nill an d M iss Marmonth on it for ten month! . Sh Jorl Haydock w e r e hostes es in
A~we. ;
"'"~ M~, h~
ho~, of th~ f"'m,, a' a lin..
lng the winter moaths , bu t it show T __ .•t for. MI s Ruth R. eves on lire com el> lutrd to dig up twenty UL-"uay dtc l'noon of last week. H' . to pay on a fur coat in ' ' R v lUI(1 M n eav(> r and their d July li nd Augu st, in Lead of p ad- aughter nnd 1n. W. ,Smit.!t ating it fol' coke ' unci mill Led- milks . ' \.e nd d aPish FI'y at B ou rnovill e n ' h UI "., Mlay, O 'I e '" m. U • h M'ISS ..... ., met Th Antl'am W 1\\aI'Y and moth 'I', on Wed I've often 'Wond red h ()w so me n esday afternoon . of my h me town m e rchants fe el l\[ani d at th M. E. pal'Sonage wh«.>n our local <litor runs II long aturdoy m Ol'nlng, Albert . Hayarticle t elling f() lks they sh<lllid dock and Opal Bell of Ule Kingtl adc Ilt home. Every time I go ' t o th big nt'ighbol'j ng town I s e man n jghborhood. J ocye Arleen, two months old one or tw o 0 r our homo \.own mCfhants there buying things. He daughtel' of Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Me, el'hel' di ed from whooping should buy fl'OIn his fell ow O1el'co ug h, Thul' day aft l'no·on. Prichant. vat servic(!s weI' heJd on SaturdllY at the home . MI'. an (1 1,1'. John Williams and Bob Strouse recenLly sold hi !! are sp ending two we eks pi". to M" 0 ' " Moo< of Day. ,,1.tI • ., In Albam. an d A,k. t on, but will not move until Nov- nnsn.s.
Strouse Brothers
Sell Home Place Here
childr~n "it"
yy a rren oun ty t (, IYlen amp , Aog ' ''' 21 " to 22nd i th, d." Sl t 101' joint Mcn'~ amp of War ~1l
th~ purpo~e occa~ion
eo. ' " om, ,
"" Id",' or Woyn'"
\ (l1'lll
E'g""" ~d lIi~tfll'y in t he Hig h chool.
I,I '''''t "", '"d
~'h""1 iIlt n
bU lo\ irH l'o'! with hi. ftlther. His .:III .. ,·S wi ll b· L'lk n by Mr. Car) fo' geograp hy and hi"tory t('acher, Th e drivel'S ,vere y,u,, !'. Tht, y Ill' : . B. lea ver, H. I·, Burton, n. Hild brec' ht, George Halllh lind L ol'-
rgu~on, pl'e~l'nt pl'e~ent bll~
Ilend el' ~on,
po~sl,bl(' .
~ ~llca"ing
W~haken f M--~ - M
p '":" th', ' n.w. "", ol1k.
K e; le I' Grah am a nd daugh-
to,', MI. _
B" ,"',
Hom e· oming and basket d inne r
farmer's Grange ot the . B. Chul'ch at pr ing b oro, ISu nday, Ml's . largnr t J ohns nco 1 0 Meet , "m,. .I, d ,h, m "'•••-itod h"
W ayn ellvl' 11 e F armer ' Gran - cou II1S, MI'. and Mr." Abe Cook. "'Ill n' ...... t f th' I g Q I MI'. an(1 Mrs . Th ed e J ones and or It· regu a r meet- Ro n were uinner ,n S"i" t d ' Sunday mg a UI' uy evening Augu t 7 " at ' '3 0 P M A d' d' , at the home of the hi t t e r' s parid " s r I' d' th yoo atten ,ance en t s, 1\11'. Ilnd MI'-!', utt ann t' e n tc rv ill S o I el dan t th e program Will be near ' e, and in the after-' unce a e m«.> mg. noo n, th y a ll took .1\ mot or tr ip ,to incinnati. lyd e Wharton and daugllMr. H oward W ood, of Bell- tel' , Mi 5 s EVil; and Miriam, wert! brook, .and Mr, Ed. of Dayton villi tor, TU el,day . afterDayton call ed on Mamf! und Anna noon. 1. B rown, on, aturday, I Mr . and .. tanlt!y Bllil y and 'rhe Fl'lend s Home board m et daughtel', MI'. and MrR. a·l v;n on Tu esriay, Ida K vel', oc C en Longacre and childl'e'n s pe nt Satott TUi'sday, Ida K e ever, of Ce n- ul'day and Su nday fi shing at Intel'ville the only' one n ot answc.ring I d ian Lake, to 1'0!1 call. . ,Mr', and . It- . Milton She ehan, . MI. Ke r, ey Botton, of Cahfor. of c.nterv ille and th e ir guests lit, who has be en visiting hi brothJ MI'. nnd MI'S. Lawre ll1 ce P terson' at elma f or the s ummer, took l of Lebanon, In djana, called at
guest~ EtI~vin
f rienJ;; -home
I ](ich~~I'd
Shower £o-r Recent Brlode
. reque~t
L Y1l E
an.d lots of fun i t hiS camp. R es l'Vntions sho uld b made by day. Augus t 1 th if po sible, at the
d ,nn" hOI. '" T,,"'.y,
IB •ea k s A rm.ln the l ll'og'l'am for l dau~ht atte~ded t he Friends C.ail rc. rom Load ' Quartl'Tly M ellllg at Selma, • un~ r
" "".1
J , 0, M.... tt, n it M<>, F, U, T' vill e. Mr. L. Rh odes having a... ThIS publiC is L May and M i" . II. R Hat.hawa y taught in !.he Waynel ville (' hoo l mude, 1',)r II!! a in the I uNsi. tant. hoslef\!lcs, a number of yes L's ag:o. comm ulllty, .w .nll.g ht n ot kn ow or Th ,'ubject of th ' ll cv otlons'l!15n l\1rs. Dalli s Bogcr and duagh- - . - - - - , -- your organrzalwn and ils tun('- du , ted by:\1r J W W h' t tel', Kath crin C1, gave a linen s howtioning. __ • "ViCtOl'y," ;'Ali t'h er, aturd ay aftc rnoon in ''honor ' J' " of Ruth La 1'l'i ck, who . . . ' su: Ilme WIlS th en sung, an .. MI', Don a ld H arl le'y and lit tle Mrs. A , K. Day led in pray r. n al' futuro will beco m e the bl'ide
___ • _
It is und int ntion W, oj' X" nia . Ohio. of The Gazette to Il)nke this Fall \\ ork,'I' on the HailFe Oval an wh l' rein thl.' mad, caught hi : ha ll d. MOlttl ,IY, wOl'thwhil(l and constl'ucLivc fol'- on n nu il, teal'i nA' LIt(' ho ck {I f ces in th e l'o mmun ity clln and will halld hadly that Dr . .J, K Wthllln PI' sent, in a tangible way, evi_ l \HI, fOI'ced to take )'1\1 . titdence of their a ctivity. chest lu bs a nd in:titution ' ar invit- . WI' igoht, .wl).!) on
len a.ntl Prehle counties. This camp i, op n to me n in Warren count y who desire to attend" Dinner 'aturday ve ning y,ill be lhe first I m eu The ('amp will close o n • unday aft rnoun. Good eat"!
~I I',
, cd to p repare booths and di. plays II ?ut(c 1.1, wa s hUI·t In nn llutO ac- en that are typ ioa l and show cillent nn Monday. Wright had . The high Rchol11 building is taklure ' oC th eir work. In this way th e I H vel'8 1 I ihR injul'cd and wal' bU!I' 11Il1l' ()n app :arnnce with enlire community mllly sc>e \I h at ly ulJ· Uti' addition or new paint to the pal't is being played in our ocinl ! window'f;. Numcrous I' J1,<\irs lIIfIij and economic d ev 10pll1cnt by II,I'e Mrs . L. . Rh od e8, of NOI' woo d, Uhnngl.'s ' Id ' M bein ' g mad e at the d 'Ie d at a. H o pita l in Cincinnati, each given orga ni zatio n or insti• • • • UI mg. 1'. E. W. H op kins will I) , Ohl'O, ]\A d tution egln work nt the gra de buildi ng, ,o n ay. Fun era l Rites were . . ' A held W e dnes day P. M, at the ·,l ub.1 adr;l's an d offic er. · of orIIgust 9, to get in I' adiness for h ome of her mot her, Mrll. Bl' own. Inter ested in a PUbliC: 1 h Woman's F ureign lI1i.: sio n the open ing of schoo_I_._ _ Bur ial at L e banon. ·MI·..... Rh odes 'Pl'e se nt.at.lon are r eq u es l ed io con- I (tl'Y . oei ty m(>t. ut t hl! l)(j m or
"."t, pj'~:~u:
w". ,~" d.,.
OUl' lI{'xt meeting \\ ill be with S id e " hows, an auclio n of "white el phan t ," nunH'I'IlUS and 1:\1rH. Frunk F ox (,n Augullt 25. At amu.Re ml.'nts of all al'(I I that till1!) \\'e will have g-uesses n being url'angcd f r lh e cven in t(,,,l money we havti in a cocoan ut the Mf. ,an!! 1\11'.'\, Leslie Wolf. A cntcl't.a imn ent. for MI'. R u;;.<;e ll Frank, \I h o lin ' do nt' full alt ntJunce is d l'I'e"u . muc h to .\ \unl th d('Ycl ollment, or - R e!Jo r\.er: MI.•.., . J, S. FI'lb¥ .. I lh l.' mU" lcul ahility of liln you II" I _ _ _ ___ ,_ ., 1.1. r 'I.l ntlOtln ccti Lntl ny I ha t thC! \J {mill 'Ol1rC'l t II (t uld be given on JI ", that night, 'I'hur, (Iny c\'(' n lng-, 0
bllu 'atlOn, in its monthly meting, MundllY l've ning', Ru sse ll H () lida y, of West nion, OhiO, to teach in the e l menlary grade.!. H oliday is a gradu ate of the two y ar tl'aining chool, Miami and holds a fOUl' year III'L)visionnl el ' nlcntal"Y certifi cate. li e i:n ll'u in d in plnY/{I'ou nu su pervi :in and naH had experience in Bo y ,'c(iut \\ Ol'k . MI'. Wa'lle Turner I aves the . graill.' huilding to t nch In the 7th
Oth« ",'g .. i",li"" a"d dob, ,I"",' " ,h"h' no to "''' hil., ,,' "lOg D.. "II F,' '''h, who taogot Ch.m, 0<" 'h' ' ho'" h '" il "I m" " , rr .,,1 I, " y ,,,d rhy, i" I' "" high ",,,hi,," i, b,,,II,, I", Y"" h" ".Ig"d '" ...
I''', b I,. ,""II,d '" ' P"'" ,r "",m ~,',,"' I, th, "hibit. ,
While I am opposed to war. and . do n ot f I that Ilny good evel' cam of it' I can't s tir Ull mu h xcitem nt ove r th po. ibiJily o[ "th, Tl"" will b, ",,,". the Ru!:t illns and Jap, g(' tting in- A volv d in a big row. 'J1h J ap~ ccrt .011 Tuesday, a ll ha . been the cu. . have been wallting to fi g ht for a . Hryo ne Invll d to com lind long time, and Ru ia ;:;hould bf' nJ uy lhcm. elv's at the Carnival. uble to lIati. fy th m.
~a~h hi~ ~ntil'c
r" woll, '''''''", wil l help i, I h' n,i ' . 'P Ol,i" w"' h,,' " ,," "" y "n" ,,,no,,, Il ~edb",hc~ in Eng land. \ Ilntl judging of th e fal'l11 exhibits, wh l'n hel' hand IIU' ('aught in Ih e
out quiLe intet'esLing rtfi-. Duke, aft!'I' the gen eral program, . poke of thl.' im porta nce f Cl'ti lizati o n of tree,.. Duri ng the ociu l hour, d ·Iici ous were , c l'ved by the hostess, aided by hel' o ld , t on ancl daughter an cl Mrs. . L. Duke. •
Tow'n ~hip l~utuI'e
An accirl ' nt occllietl undllY (· vening ne UI' un Huule 7:1. wlw n Lel'oy SI he l' Who liv es ea"t of Bl'llbl'ook , "u iT(','c /l U IJail in (·hL'ek und ha,l le ft :i d hadly t.l rl whe n his l11o tnl'Cy u cullidl'u with an Ilul u1110 IJI!c' . ' Littl c JI'nnit' Wi lkL>l'",llll. ('nl'win,
f '",' ' ,,,"' '"" ancl f(lIlC{, ,<, Ill;
J< C!ntu"ky. Th PIUj(I'(Ini cQmm itLee off red t Iw fl,lIuwing- progl'am : harp and g uitar dU'l lI y Gl'llc e Fu'rnas ' Guit a r duel by Paulille Riggs and hc l' fril'nll i very good ta lk loy Mrs . F UI :\1:lI'tin i and tlu t by li t lle Betty and Bobby Campbell.
m '~
Th. M ,d h.. b. ' , a willi"" boy,", "" or I",d \,",' th, m" " "" Do'" " ad on .. t;d. on "OOKh P '0 p""-,",, mo,,, " n P"" mo "', I r 0<' J, IV, L",hy, who '", b ',"" hy, A Ii" Ky I" 0 r D.y,"", , " , 'ttY ,.d th <om. ".lIy p••" d '''''' '" G,',y,"" , All of th ",,,,,,, ""d b,',"g"
Most o f thl)!;e 1 have talked to who brag ab out. th e goo d old days, would, ie th ey wen t back to thelll, wa nt to take the modem improvcm nts and conv ni ences with th m.
"y "', paym.n"
n.lc~, ' J~ rn(>.-l inl(,l'e~tinA'
W0 " ,<cd "
to Mr.
)iv ' in lhis territo l' Y,
1\11 0
Pl'ofe~() I'
Th c Ladi '5 Society of F er ry 'hUI'ch met at the home of MI'.' . P a lmer, J uly with 35 111'CSe nt. D evotionals wel'C leLl b y Pl'cl>i. dent 1\Irs. J Cll n l" 'I' h ol11"" "ilh a prayer by Brot h'r 'mith,
lUI' Mo nday ('v(Ining, <lPPluveil, loy fIJI' U. (' of ilU'(J t" and for the Fall Fes tival, which was announc <.' ti two weeks ago by Th e ,\ liumi Guzett. . P lans for the Festival whiLit is to he the fil's!. w ck in Oct()1H'r ure b. ing rapicily wunrl ctl into s hape . 1'1'0feKS Ol' ['abb e, Agricultural Tn.structol"of the Wayne JlJ gh a.long wiLli lhe
The WaYlic 'f ow nship B oa rd oC
- =:>
~rt'anting 1)(OI'mi~!\illn eCI ents ~id('walk~ .ll'nlJoU re Seve· raccu I r
country h'lml" of ':l-Ir. I' ,·t( r.on. on ('v('ning', A i'1'1l1ll Hl"" IIn s l'i'U(! hy th S(.c. I'clary, telling \lhe re to ,el'Ur " inf ormation a,; to the can; of , hrub. Iwry. · , t'h L' IcaclL'I': hip of' Mrs. H utl t) I·\\'o l't h. T he fllll ow in" )11'Ogl';t1ll give n: .. MI'. . (" Duk (l J'NHI an aJ'ticle o.n II humble home, Mrs, G{'(l I' j!i' ,m,lth I'!'ad an alticle on
Th e \, illit/('e Tru" l('e:;, in I' gu-
at, th'
!II, >.
bi~ uttJ'IIC~
_ 2S
W hole Number 6285
W a yne.ville, O hio, Tb ur·. da; August 5, 1937
Eighty-Ninth Year
0111 ' tim (ls We fBl'me l's would Iik to l II the gfQCl!I'S und lho The Street!! "r Wa y n elivil l wiJ\ hllrdwll re fC!lluw'S how to ru~ lh ~ir wke on hil:\I'iulIS !Cuicty Thursday bu ' in s. 11, wo uld Le just us sen- ni g hl, A 12 , a R th u,,"ivul sible as ha ving eitlH!I' 011 of them get. und er w.ay. t II a farm er how to rlln hi s furm. Th e pare n ts who hav e b oys and gil'ls in th e ban d u r lip n ol'ing Wh n it cOlne: t o the matter o f the Rhow which' is deHign ed to giving ad vi co, L've notlced I..'hat one o r t he lllrge!\t cl'ow.d s most ally cmpl(lyee can t ell you of the s umm r here, a I t o f thing!! that 'the b O~:I ill not I'm'po. e of th efTort of e nte rdoing l'ighl, and wh ll- h, i[ he was tninmcnt o n thi.'\ OCCO , io n is to I'unning lhC' bu ~ ine~R , hlCl wd,uld buy uniforms an d fnr the chungc. ."'t of ba nd which has . o tt tootbe glu.l I
I""''' of M", All" CI,,'k,
i~ th~
M1's. K, .N. Hou g h p rcsen t,ed th[ of Loren It II; on . About tw • .ty St wa l'dshlp progl'am. guests clljoyed the aftel'noon. DeOn III t Friday, while wOI'king ))ul'in g the lJu.·inesR me t ing lightful I' Ll'eshments were served on the al'l Duke farm, Ern est Mrs. n. II, gav the by Mrs . and Boger. Many h' p",'d r. 1I o' a l..d of PM' of th, oomlMti,. " .. mit" b... ",.1 pi,... or lI",n w". ". breaking his arm. III.' was taken and the followinjr offi ce r IV I'e c· ceiv l by Mi Lar.l·ick. tu th Blair Ho. pitnl a nd an X-I'ay I cted fol' the coming year: ,. taken. The arm was set, Dr. Stout P rE's. , Mrs. R. oll eil; Vict' i, '" ,dan .., p " , id.. M,", K, N, 1I""h; R., COrdmg ecraLar" Mrs R A Con · _ . n el'; S ecI'eta r'" Mrlarrdo J ohnston, more famil. Dny;- T r a surer MI'":r, Kal'l, ar ly kn own a s A. K. Johnaton" M. . . , ". , r. and Mrs. Clal'en ( e CI's\\'ford Bodenb e ncl el'. was in j lll'ed unday night some a nd children, L ewis and Minnie, Th fll 'ogl'um comm itt pl'esl.'nt· l ime while wa lking on highway 73 n un d ay \\,1'th M 1'. and M r. . ·d th L' followin g int r rsting pro· neal' t h l'oad which lead s past Mr apent H om er I'UW . f or d , n eal' L ync hb Ul'g. gram: J h n Idllwk' . s re!;id nce. Mr. John-• Mr, and Mrs. Logan GI'cen and Headi ng, ' The !;lon w alk rd off lhe culvert into on, Wayne, w e re Su nday dinn e r You by t hc di tch which was at least 6 feet guests of MJ"S. Ethel Fnul and fam- del'. ti e .I). Bing injur d to the extent Re nding, "Th Rl'g ulal' Meetinr: that he could n ot help himsel(. he MI'. and ..,,·s. · Hownrd Thirk- f th e Mis... ional'y S uci ty" by M r:, lay th'r!! until morning, when ho fit!ld, of Dayton, are sp!!nding a Ridgl'. ' as found Il nd laken home. few d a ys with MrR. Le wi Mor, Thc of II p!:lyJet by - - - -g an. L e May, Mrs. E tta Baker, of Dayton, " rh e l11 ('o t ing t h('11 adjoul'nMrs. Bina Patt c l'so n; so n, Clay. Sunday eve ning with Mr. ed . ton, a nd daughter, and and Mrs. Jlerbert Marlatt and fam Mr. Even·tt Bakel' w er e- Saturday ily. I.'vt' ni ng visilo l's in Lt'banon, H nri ethi M Id e n, of W>IIy ne1111-. J oe Lobo, Mili' P earl Tid d Ml's . nna and daugbsville s pent S uturday and and Cha rll!!< I'a \\ foro , Mi R;! tel', Miss lI rle n, called on Mr. and
d- -A --,U
.lnJu re s ue fill t D·t .h e nor c
~ ., ()l'I'e~ponding
M t ' h- 0 IIV
.. . . -
~o I'l'Y,"
\\'l\~ S - - ,- -'-pring B ranch New s
~ight ·
,da with h" .".dmoth.., M"' , ' D."th" Ti,ld, "r I" r'on, Ohio, M""
, II, Doath".g. on. "".
.Q-ulte a lIumber oi thc local day eveni ng. 'Mrs. Clark a eom- Eth el J·'aul. Mr. J ohn ,'pittll' r, Mr. Ibert Il ngu ning vr e k. M" ond M,", J. L, Co",.d had r"on'" ""nd,d q..... . .. I, d th m to C.nte<vill, to ". M,', and M,", Ern ,,' ""'h,,, M.", L",on Thi,'kfl , "I, or M,', ",d AI ,", Cion, Da";.
,mh" .,w",g " th, i,",ma' II n gl ..... Bob ond hi. b",tb", ., .''','' I"t woo,, Ch." "'.
No!· ",d- hlld" n, Rob". ",d E",,,·' M,'" e, ,'.tt Bon ",11 .. d . ... , VI,· Ii , " ,,', M.dod" ",d Rob,,' hnl'les and Ed have been in thill othy J nn onl'lld of Wayn esville. · f rom the HOIlt e! w ere Emma Pi rce MI\ a nd Ml" AIIEm Emrick, in tine , and MI'. and G. H. Kes- gil a nd hal·ll.'s Alvin, Mr:. and I) av is weI' I' c nt dinner guests of f'" many and M" ",d Ho"" " ain.. , . L '" 1I..""k, ond F"d. Mo<. <o",p", with M" on' M,", Lm i"o< ,..,n' S",d'Y with AI ,", EII, w."th I, ,,.h· M,', ond M,. Konn"h Lmy, of
0". ,,,,,,
.t S,'m., an Son d., .Th", mai, ov , Sonday,
have establish d for themelves a. turned Saturday from a week's fine r cputation among their fel- fishing trip in MIchigan. ICl'W s. One of the brothers recently • local chapter of O. E. S., passed a way. leavIng only two bro- ,,?s.lted the Waynesville chapter On thers. The ,Stl'ouse brothers, OF nday evening. they are known, have raised plants MI'. and M rs. Wm. W are of Fair fol' sale for many year. and will mount, Ind iana; Mr, and Mrs. Har
,ib'~ .,,1 Mr~.
Sali sbul'y , son and daughtl.'r, oC in Kings Mill s. l e i', cull e!,l, Monday "ve· neal'. Maso n. Washington . H., vi sited the Zoo M1'5, Emerso n Dill WII\.S call ed niug. On MI' . anll lii ll' y Gib· I\h . Jl HI'o id Bea son, \If Day tOil . in incinnati, Sunda.y. to Dayto n, S unday , by the death and fU lllil r, II Slltu l'rlay evening g uest of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick of h er Aunt, Mr . n. S. Zeigler. MI'. Will P o fT is . r e nding :1 few hi s mo thel' and 5i, te.r, at the Beaand M r, James Haines " 'ere entcrWilma Faul is syendi ng this with I' PInt.iVI.'f; in Dayton. un' en h vmc. tained to dinner, S u nday, at the with . he r COil in, ne nl' 01' 0- X 1\1." . anld MI'S. Bert 'pit Iei' W ['L' Miss Garner pe nt ThUl'Shom of M,.• and Mrs. H . D. K cll- ' uma. , . en.ru S lopper., Soalul'da y ' .ft c r· tluy nfternoon with h 1" cousins b. nlt",d I. thl' ..IOhb,,"ood, old N"" ond d •• gM,,, of Chloa. 'oo t" two w"k, " '" ..d on I,on I, V.. d.II., '!'" F,', d K'" . , ",",' N.w B,,· ,,,on, Mi" eli"bolh and M" J oh • • Wi!: They tnlk some of going to Flo- go' are the g uests of Mr, and Ml's. Sunday. Mr .and Mt's. Th ric Jones and s p,e nt Sunday with .:'ll's. Frunk Dakin ca lle d 0 11 on and MI'". Mary Wilson, in Lebrida where they have propcl'ty in J esse Hill and fumily. Mr. Antram I'etumed to Day· and Mr. and Donald Htld - Emel'so n DIll an .d son , raul Armstrong, of Lebunon, an o n. · the northwestern part, but they , MI'. and Mrs. Cba!!. SwinMer, ton :1l'St of the week. ley e njoy ed S t d . MI':l. Bl'uce Hltel1'l.m a nd daugh- on(' ( uy lust week. I '" un"'"d,d ., to wh"a thoy daugh"" Lol" Mi" .... M. M. . Roth Chnod''', who h.. th , kall,. ,,:;" too ."d ...... d'h,ild.. ' of Doy"," M,", MhO.' " ",gao ' P"" Mon· "'<011 D......g.'
vcy. arah Hartsock, of Oakland , p ·nt h ere. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Martin, 0 Dayt(ln , Sundayed with theil' mlOther herc. Mrs . Lu,sk, who has been in Day-
wil! " " ,lIygo, Th." "",.y !ri.ndo K., . " , .",d>ng th'h' ;01, In wl.hln. "'m . . od luok In N,w 0""",,
I, 1~ngton, '
. of
Missl.~: ". . I ~Ice
.... u>, Miami G."t" standing; oW<e. h orse-drawn . ve hic Ies
R"".,' W"d B b '" b a :on, e
iness stat' t'.
~ 0'
pl'lngfi.el~, ~unday
r en called on fri ends neal' F erry, Ill! t W ednesday evelling . Mrs. Ell swo rth ,'mUh ancl daug'hle r, Mi flam of Dayto n s p nt th e wee k·end wiLh Mr s, Smilh's
bwou ldl show. that morc, money has een ost i n farm ing, hotel-keep-
Minn ie Fromm, Sec'y.
H. w .. , Iik..bl•• hap, H. won' log .nd I. ."tln. 'hon ;, aoy o. ther way. MI'. "Ba.bson I' comm ends a small faml of round 20 t
t o school b e r e a nd latel' on waR employed al teacher in our publie achool. 1 h ave a ... .... eat amou n t of rea-
ev. an !'S. eaSUl'e entertatnthose who are a y d a~rcs ~ led .a party of yo un g women at ....'> o'r onempl W s ummer Co ll'me J.o .... · '"" ... 0 eel'g hat hPoaurr I it heIr cam p, Cold S pting" # ~.. .. a one Tho earren. . u nty. th hlast. w.eek. pect tor Utis vouo, m an t hat work uhe"ule. He re C'ommends th t , n ed up from lUI errand boJ tcr the should firl!t ' I t th tate' s enjoyIn g e oSPltaltty position he held. I k new him t o . e S In were: . \\hlch he deslrc to Itve and then Mal'jorie and M be honest, IIOber and hard.worit- lIel«.>ct farm near a good college Manr t, R h I inc. He Nt a ,.,00 example tor town benulte its cultural ad- I Ham:r : F e tty arlotte otIaet' to-rollow. vantages. Mr. Babson I and l'e c a : Klnn Olle who lone the "Old Uta youne people cquhinc a farm lend Ruth MilU"l, lid J'd C eea
.~.ec. or
C:r~l7D la.
IJIlI' ''Cy~blll'g, Mr~. v('y,~Lurg,
, r~.
I t I·noo n. I Lucille B eckett, 9f Har-. and Mrs. Almon Ferris hcal'd f a and Mil. McConniek, at th e MUI'phy theatre, Wilmington,
, (,,'. W, d...."
MI', and MI'I3. A. B.
MI'. and Mrs . Geol.·gc Gilliland 1 Ada Dakin attonded the "J Lee Talmadge, and Mis/! J "6 esse• . .1I, d on M,'" Foul ",d "mlly, dub, Ydd.y, with • COl .... ' " " vi, It"" "Cbllll"th. M",d,,. rt moon. " d ... h d", '''', " M.., <,no" I and L",b..1t, wbil. " .Eal'nha lt's. L!'c$b urg, thcy called at t h e home M,', "d Gt ... B". • . ",1 or M" ',"wd" A, Ran"n, , 0 of s pent tho' I fO)M ' nH' 1' resident and teacher here. . ' . wee,,-enl1 With MI'. Rlld M I'<. ElIst·. DW1ght Bt.'ason, of S rin· • CI W",'<on and P"bI, n'y '.K , L,,!,., Eh'Ab.,h J.., FI.I,t, w'" wo,'" Gib '"", H,ld, M'", Eth,1 B..."" on: ub boys will caml) together, Aug the of a mosquito recently. MI', Fl'llnk Dakin and fllmily alld I\1r. Wilbur Me Cal"N!n ust 18th to 21sl, according to Les-' It b it her above the eye and, th s pent llndllY with MI'. !lntl Mrs. t.ended the Funeral .of MI'8. Mary ter J. Miller, county agrkultural wound became infected, it was 1~l'vin Mulfol'd and fllillily of Way fuJbinson in Dayton, Sunday. dinner ~le!\ts of the O. aient• Seventy five to one hund necessary for Dr. Mary Cook to I nesvi lle. Sunday . . BEE CH GROy"E. ])J\vi.. family w ..'1'0 ).'ed boys are expected at Camp lance it. T he little gil'l i& rccover- - R - Mr. and Mrs. Hook, near Middletown on the rng nicely now. G'I above' dates. . - - MI'!. Gl'actl Rich and son, I bert Mays and daurhter, Joan, .. Mrll. K. Fenton, of T rraCe rlU"k were g\lests, of ht'r oC New Cutle, Indiana. A tntel'e!:tmg' priJln'Bm has Ciri · innati, Mrs. Charlotte Kendall Mrs. L«'>!ltl.'f Shultz in LebMl". Emelt Linder and Mr. Barbeen arrantred which will eon...illt of Georgetown, Ohio, were Il'uests anon. ry Myer., of Marshall, india... of Cl'Bfts, nature st.udy, of Mra. Mary C. on Wed· Mr. Oti" Iron.'I Mr. and Mra. Joe Da • . . . campfire and progTam. I neldaJ, with them after Riehard and • to.1a ... All boJl to attend Mn. Orville Gl'8,.. Mrl. Emeet tinl with relative d8ushter, ot lib lei lUke at the da.. and ehlldl'l!D and Dd cl Mr. aDd
4 -if C[ub-
1 Camp
" W"',
. B-;- -C-
nsectGi.te au.... \Little rl Trouble
~.~""' pl'lI\!r(;uld
"",.! I
I " ~
yr: ~YdOCk I
f ord and family. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Rogers, Mrs. Emma Gib. on, of Bellbrook called on MI'. Hi ley C7GibM n anJ fumily, Fdtlay cvenin •
M,', J ohn Spie"" .._,ont Longa "", M S , n, n B u",,,,, nnd moth " M,,, Matti, L"I and ."', Mrs Emma Lady att.ended the Wo- Wellington. . day in Dayton.
t h., d,lIm.d ",o"rio> in th I. t". bu<do" "",mman""", 7 ''0, ' tow n . 1 us!! to him, busy about IIIg liS a , busmess. "We believe," Vi siting members welcome. t h, '''''' wb.. b. w. . . j,d in AAY' M" Bab"" ,taU,tt.. Th.lm. " •• m"., iv. M, knee b reech es.
.~ i",~ ; m.d I M""onn" ' " " • m" "ng 'f th' B.pll,' SOl "'y of J".,h', R,,>
O ne appears a 11'0cery de- vises IClan an S·hProlPhet, hapter, No. 107session, O. E. fore men'spart Camp at Camp livery W1igon. to As be I look at t h e pie"ood tl Iat" II efveryon ou ,d ow nada .S'. Miami will meet in regular ·of this we'e k. Hook the c ttiM, my momo,>, " .. a boy., .",. ...m .t><>n wh"h '0,"' " " ' , . , . . . i,., A""t • at
e · cM !r I'a BdmMancl MI'. and MI·s. Ge ol'ge Ma r latt. . Mrs . harl uH Liles spe nt SU It - Chu rch al the Randall hom e III me t r. an I'S. Mrs, l"aul ancl c hild· d ay with Mr. and M 1'5 . Irvin M ullast Wednesday af-
t us~ Ir.0 M . ee
\I'U~ ~on·Mc
' " and M", • nd '" "' , Um.. B,II ..• ,I,y wi! h M"', Iii I , G ""' , or T<oy, ' ",d" .i!h r,mlly,
WRITES OF THE PICTURES next unday evening at the M, E. Hampton, Vil-glinia, came- satur-I A. E .. White . nnd s on f ro m ColumChurch. There will be good music ' 4 y for a bort vacation before In eveS HOWN IN THE GAZETTE a 3 W E EKS AGO and two p1a.ylets. . • school starts. mng and h ad a plcmc supper a t T h e one of Main St. , shows two _ __ . _ _ _ . Snyder Park. OWN A F ARM MI'. J. B. Jone,. , Mrs. E. n.
IEastern Stars .--
~"t\.. b~F,r""''',mg w<t"'" OO.,"n, Am, Ch"ta, " • d ' ",m. on D.,to, . . . . h". ov.. M ' ~ ~ g'~n ... G h
wher ver they mny see fit'to go.' The Epwol.th League is prepar- Monday, _ _ .. _ _ - - iog an il)tcres ting program for Mi s
~(tn day~
W~nesdny, R~lph,
m:f fl I, tnl
L' nt • d
." d
J"': .
'V.lli , Editor
'fJ l
.,,'1Meetino~8 0('....... b
and Lodge
OlflN' PhlJTtl'
110nalrl Gt.rharl i. \ i.itin~ But.l~ ~It" lind :'11 . (,Jaytlln .lol'rill of \'II un.1 I~i 'nl'pl'I\r1 d, r1y Fil.,1' lit Alpha thi. \ll'I'k. \y" I (';III"III\n (,,,111,.1 ull :\Ir.' alIt! ,lr, und ;\l1'~, !\f!'\vin Fkld~ and ~ ... un,1 l\Ir~, Wlllh'" TIIIlIll. - 'I,', I';" in TiI.,ltlll Hlld ·rn 011 Sun dllLlC'ltil'l Pllily 1I0t! Opal lIIa,le a llnd l·hd<!lt.>n· ~t>t'l\ t Sunllor afll'r- IlilY I'V,I1II1J,:'. in .. tll \1Iddl"ln\\·u. SUlldny uftl'rrllll1ll'lIlth MI', nnd ~fr.. , LAWI'l' 1I I' .'\11', nnd MI". I·" 11t'_ t l\ ohlitl 1\\1(1 11, ThnnHls nnd C8milr. • an,1 family "alll,tI al tht! G"111'J,:'I' R~v. Sn' ith lind fnl1lilY,ll1otol'ptl Mi~~ Durothy ;\1 ()xhllll1 rl'lulned (;i11i1llltt! hOIll\! l\1"lIt1:t~' 1'\,l'lI ill~, to I{l'nlll cky l\11l1l,luy tl' flick bl'!" 10 ()Iulllhu~ Friday nfterno(.tn. Anti IIlI'n t hl' l" \> :1$ thl' mnll in l' I\' ~, Whel'l' ,. hl' is unn l.'l' ob;;c l'vulion of lIur ndg-hiJllrhulld "hu ,I,' pped I' n AI " [h h R v. ',Hid J\1I'~, Smith anti famil.v I tOI'S, l> kS (O(' ux 11m 1\;' been n ('nt: allt! on e ,'o l11dn't 1(' 11 wh ll ti ClIrgll() \\tl, Tndinnll, Dlld th . nf- VCIY ill at th e home uf Rev, '~mith, g .. t thl' \\111', 1 IJ f it, hl'(' uu ~l' thl' l'nl1 (' d 1111 1\11'. and 1\11',<, \fuhhl \! un WAYNESVILLE CHURCH tl'llI lIon ~ p ell kc!I' \\ill be BI'o . W. R, R v. .111'1, mith 0t(.' ompan:i U mUll n{,lIr1y fell nll d the ('ut s hl'l'ik ~lIlldllr li ft 1'I1I1(1 n. OF CHRIST Walker, of olumbu,.. Ohio. om W . C, :-:lIl ith. 'l illi ~ tl' r his sIln, 111'1 Jr., verctl8nd = ======== "n joy thc s pil'itunl f cn: t ' a well hy l), I'othy lIunter, Vel'l.J~na Fo)(, ,:===================_ I. I\ ~ the hasket dinnC'r, ~lIl1t1uy: He len Ilarris nnd 1\11', D. R, Hanis Bilt' " Seh""l :1 ::1l1 \ , 1\1 . Sub , FERRYCHURCH- OF CHRIST \\' lit to Xenia aturdu), mornillg j(,I't ,,r I( ~R(l n : "lind ~'~ l't1~ n P eo· to distl'ibu te advertUng for the 1'('. , W. C, Smith, Mini.t,er pit,. P l'1I1lt'd Tl'xl - I'; x, 113: 11.20 ; vival , rvicc.s being- hcld the!' , undny: There was a delegation of thi I'ty. I i ::1·0. Years of training and experience have equip- , s ix attend d th e service on Ilion. Bibl Heheo l, !J:30 _A, M. Ch li ti 'lI\ En.J('l1 \'''I'. i:flO p , 1\L ped our staff to render a genuinely professional serI'1'l'a hing 11 :00 A, M ,. Sermon day eve ning fl'ol11 Fert'y, r~l';ldt' I' 1' 1)1' 1':11 01 ',Inll' will h ' n ero Sulij ct: " Tho hmqh :lind The Mrs. Lydia Colemnn and Mrs. vice, in all of many details which make up a funeral l'n ':ichinl!', 7: Iii r, M. Sel'mon Changi ng Ord l'r." Day called at tlte Ferry pal' onage of the type whic h leaves an everlastingly consoling ·u bjl'cl : "rhrL-t anl l ,hI" Lo. t." Tuc ~day: on Thursday nftel'noon to lIee Dol' W (' dn l·« II)y: Pi'll)," \' m cling, 8 :00 p, 1, Will othy Moxham who hnd been n memory. For many years we have rendered sincere, P I aYI' " I1Icetil)lt, 7: 15 P . M , .~tu lly th 17 th chapler of Act s. wllrd of Mr., Coll' man's. \\'f' hnd an ; tt ntlun<'C', S\l n<Ta ~' Thur day: MI.". and Mrs. MOl'1'i s IUld fnmily sympathetic service to ' this community, at modest m(lrnin~, of fiG nnd llI'o untl til(' DOl1't forge t t.h .111 <lalY m ect- weI' Lh dinner gues ts of ~h. aJlu I coats baaed e ntire ly upon the wish'e s and m eans. of ,' lJln(J 'nUI111/I'I' fOl' th<' vcn in A' 8er· ' ing to be h'ld nt hllWlll~ e Park, Mrs, Forest Martin at Centerville y icl!. Th(, (,fl' c'l'inl?" fOI: lhe day n· Xe nia , oo d f) 1'ogrnm, go Id ClltS. on Wednesday, I the family. ml1tl1lt ~d tll ,, 20. n IlccounL of many of our MI'. Fr d Hubblo went to Pike Thlll'I'duy: m embel'~' g-oin g to Milford, Ky., ounty Sunday to attend his :Cam T he A II nunl M ee t in l(' of the Xen. last undn y, our attendance wa s ily I·eunion. HI ...u~u hUlch(,l> of Chl'i ~t will be d uwn to 63, with Ull offNing of Mr, Ilnd Mr~ , arl H e s p nt h ... ld at :haw1t(l , I'al'k, X nia, Ollio $26.41. oll1 e l et us make a bet- llturday with Mr. and Irs. Jess Waynesville )thODe 7 ,\ \1g'U;t 12th, It will be an all dny ter howi ng next Sunday, Hes , tH ee ti ng -tn l'lillg' Ht 10:00 A. M . T ht! hUJ'ch is !I great ins titu11-8, Rose Ha rtzell of Tulsa, T hc' puk eI' of th morning \\;11 be tion; u nique in its Cound{!r, toun· Oklah omn i the hou se gue t of MI' tnMb ny, of dation and purpose. und Ml's. Jcsse Roland. BI'othe l' H oward --== It h lion a gt'cnl wo rk.. rvll's. Joe File t' made a busin It is v!'ry much alh·e. ttip.to incinnati on Thur~ duy. _ Th ga t of Hades s:hnll not Mrs. Ru ",,- II Mea sles o{Faidi ----. -"'---- - - - - pl'l.'ynil against it. dau,IChtc r of MI'. lind Mrs. fl, , O.,ar Rudul of the GazI!tte: It no ds you you need th e P nnington ha. re turncd home af· The e nt.el pri tling editor of our church, t !' and nj oyabl e vi si t with h I' Ifleal pa pol' hali- f\uJ:tg , t d that all ST. AUGU-STINE CH\JRCH folks, fOI m I' citi7.en f W aynesvill c - - - -11', lIarry Whi te and Mi s Bel" I,'ath!'!' Ne wton, Pa t or 1"1 \\ ho are 110\ livi A' in di;,tant 10' y e L' er dith attend ed the band MII.s at t, AlIg u ~tine Church concert kln(I carnival at Cent~rville cn1ilie,~, decide on a date and com tl oop ing home once mot' to n. ev I'y unday m orning, aturdllY vening. joy a union, T hat was a hapI1Y F RIEN.YS-MEET ING MI', and !\frs. Raymond Dnvi of t houg ht. of fr. Willi!', lind w e tru st Dayton cal1 d on the Harry Cor· it w ill FIt·c th\' helll'ts of many hun . F it'st, Da y ~choo l nt. 9 :310 nel!'l< Monday ('vening. tll·.ed!l to meet II.nd min!!1 with f or. !\lectlllg {Ot' worshIp lilt MI', and MI' . R'\ ssell T errill of III r fri e nd" and n soc illles o n t he A , :\1, Xenia call~d on her ililrents, Mr, PA'RTyP UPilS and MI' . L quis Burton, Sunday a! olu familiar grollnd', J . O. nrtwrlght en thll~ed by . ' t.N'noon a nd lef-t!itt! Betty Jan e E. FOl'dyc (', a.."S1 ted T rrill to sp nd the week with her t ll 'l '"~ s ug'". . .-I'IO n , I" PI'ICcI by as k'lng TIll lTlctt , . I I' UI' 'I , K f) , t d ,. t ' by l'vl!:ses Freda Starke nnd Julta g l'andfather, , It a~ or, . . a~ , Ii e~ l gn:l - C h . fIt ' I Su n,lay I!ac h yen I' as lloill('.ComrUll on, ~ave an .10 01'11111. par y Mr~. W, J. King spent a few in /{ Day, and Yo' hop e thi \I ill m t f OI' her pumo pupIls , WI~ dn,esday days of Illi we k with hel' daugh· wit h insta nt I'el'pon l', ev n though af~ c moon: Gam e \ ere. enjoyed, ter, 1\11'5. Howard Pennington and ,.".... . . . . ntfS 011 flaBTOIII . n Ifol·t I,~ · not maclet-0d up I'lea t e pl'IZes, beIng won l"y Nma Scott, family ' • . PlANtATIONS 1M UIIRlA the: one in 10 G, MI'. Willis has l ]o~ve lyn G I't and Opal FIelds, MI'. Etta ooper of In di'a na· Prom tbcte " I.a marlon. comr. an ev«· Inc.-Ina ."pply of ".e olrl' l'ed his c olumns to IIbRent ones Ice·cream, _eakc nnd o.I,'angeade po li ~ with her daughter nnd family wood·. 6ne.«: l'uL iJc,r-. Eccmomi~ In produdna raw Il'\:'teri .. I,. pu,n... in which to ( xpre~s th ei r wi h s, weI'. erved to the follOWing: Mrs. of Gennantown caUed at the Geo, ufaclurlna ...d dl. tribufion R' .... e an d we hope to ,eo their letters LottIe tarke, Mr~ , H. R. Fordyce, Gilliland's Su nday evening. it pOa.ible fOt' Firestone 10 w'Ve ,ou k) mu.ch m(H'e (N' vou.rmuney. ~O (ln, Fl'cda tarke, Julia GI'ushlDm, Opal N!rs. Laverna Faul spent last Fiel , V~rgjnill Cassert, Evelyn weekcnd in Indianapolis. Thil ty·o ne ye ars ago, beginning C a s ert, N'lila S cot.t, B etty MereMr. and Ml's. Pe.te Wieal attendu~u t 6, t h t'C wn' , laged in dith, Dorolhy· Gerhart. Willa Marie ed n birthday dinner in MiamisWllyn "villr a Home·Coming that G Ph II ' F'l B lab ~'xcellC!d any effort Of the kind that rant, '! IS I er, eu Smith, burg last Sunday at t hc h ome of Carl Smith, Jr" Bruee Wean, and Mr, and Mr. Loui Wi'cal and fam. hilt! been at!tempt d by so small Uarri tt Fordyce, Due to ickness, ilY. YOU GET EXTRA a v illllge, and it is doubtful if it vacationing and so ' fOl'th, some of I The Sa.m Meredith':; had dinner PROTECTION AGAINST h;:tg h ee n xcellcu si nce by- IIny t he class \vas not able to be pres- with the HnTrY Con1ell's last un. BLOWOUTS - eigl.r extra town of several tim e its siz , A pounds oj rubbe1' are added genel'ati on has be n born and ent. , • .' day and in t he aftrnoon all took to every 1 0 pounds of cord g'l'own to adulth ood ~i nce that F.ERRyiSMS a trip through Fort Ancient. . by the Firestone paten led ' Irs. Tl"U1l13n Wardlow and chilo Mrs. Douis Burton and Charles im e. The youn::r people of that Gum.DirpinJ: pr c ss. This date al' the old 'I' citiz ns of to- dren, Mrs, Lillie Benham, Mrs. were hop ping in Dayton on Mon· counteract internal fri eriolt day. Th o (' \\ ho e ouid then look 'Belle Dinwiudle ..and Mrs. Sherwood day morning. and hea t that oroinarily ' !Jac k on many years of life are were the dinner guests (If Mr. and, George StaMs, who is ex hi biting cause bl wouts. with us no Itl ng'r, exccpt in tender 1\ILS, Thomas Burton and daughter a pig and Nllf: R oy Hes , who is memory. ' and ML'8. Jcnnic Mullen on Friday. exhibiting potatoes are pcnding YOU GET EXTRA 1ame T, Browne Mr. and Mrs. Allen We1rdner and this \\' c k at Ute Greene County PROTECTION AGAINST family vi iteu the Jim Wical's on Fair. PUNCTURES - because !...'!!-~'-~~~'!!.~-~~~~~'~~~~!!w!'n~_~.1 Thursdlty evening. Mr, and Mrs, Jos .. Roland, Mr. \ under the tread are two extra 1\11'. and Mts, Jesse Mi,rbael ar- Jerry Rolan d and Bruce W ean call 1layersofGum.DiPl1cJ co rds. rived home Monday from a t wo ed on Mi!!.$ Jane Roland at James,YOU GET EXTR A week's tour of I owa, ' J~ tow'n _Su nday aftcrnoon. Miss Ro· f PROTECTION AGAIN T Mr. and M)'s, J, S. Filer attend· land, the a ged si tel' of Mr . J erry SKIDDING - hcc:m e Ihe ; cd the A<lam's R eunion Suriday Roland is very ill. :' tr ea d is scie,ntifically and reporl 128 present. Ml', . HaTrY Fordyce and daughdesigned. l\1i~ s Virginia - Wi13on, .g rand. er calle d on the Stark~'s and YOU GET LO ~ , GrR daughter of M1·. and Mrs. Al Cor. Shinn'~ in the 73 neighborhood on 'ON -S KID Ml l~ "'. r:.'· E nell, is vacationing in Calliada, S unday afternoon. becau se of the cxtrd ' t~Uil.I\, Mr. and Mrs, L ester Kendrick, Mt', Oarlton Hastings and Mr, long·wcari ng tread. Mi s Ell/! Kendrick, their house- Cba!lfes Bright of W est Virginia gues t, Orville Savage, W€'I'e sight. a nd ~~" and Mrs, Bert Robinso n Before l eavin~ C)n y<l1H ~eeing at FaIt Ancient Sum day .a.f- nnd 1Miif!1y of Hamilton were the ' va.:ation t ri,. j t' i n th e tornoo n, ~y guests of Mr. and -Mrs. H, Firestone SAVE A Lll- t; "/ I Marvin Fox was borne over the C. Penniut on and family. Campaign by cC]uit pi n :! -S ~ - weekend froll1 Ci ncinnati. Mr. a.n~ Mrs, L ouis Burton vis· your car with a set o f n ew Firestone Standard TiccsMI'. ' Perl'y Fa ul and son , Elvin ited Mr. an.Q Mrs. Charles LeMay today's top t il'C 4.Jaluc. Leonard are-vi.siti ng relatives t Chateuqua Sunday aftel'l1'oon, Kc ntuc ky this week , Mr.. and Mrs, George GiIlilan,1 Mr, a n d Mrs, Albert H awes were visiting friends at Lynchburg 'F,re$,one HEAVY DUN 4.50·21 ... : .. $6.3; 4 S. Bl'oadway Phone-40B ~TANDARD ..,50.2[ .. , . 811.40 4.75· 19 ., •••• 6.70 ' Dayton ' called on Mr, Emd Mrs, and, Blanche,steT Sunday aftCl'n oon , , LEBANON, OHIO fOR PASS£NGER CARS 4.75·19.... 11.7S 5 .00-19 ...... 7.~. Je s1;\c Roland on S unday €lVening. i,l\1rs. Nora Houg h was th week· 5.00·19.... 1&." 5,25· 18 • ••••• ' 8.00 ,. e r. 1 Mrs, Mary Routzong, lttlrs. Fan- e nd g ue t of Mr, and Mrs, Russell ."",2 , .... , • 9.es - nie T hompson, Mrs, .Mattie Murray and family. ...75·19 , . .... 9.51 · '~"'t$fOn" T'CrOeU$Rfl~nRe !I,l5.18 .• _ ... 11.40 ,. Lee Hess. a nd Charles Hless sp ent Mr. and Mrs, Howard Penning· .~ .50, 17 " •••• , Ia.~. SEIII TIlliE!'; 4 ,40.21" ••.•• S.4~ un day evening wih the Jress He.ss ton were shaping in Dayton Thurs 1\,00-16 ..... ,1:1.91 4.40-21 .... ,; 1I.6S 4.50·2t ...... Ask for a iainily, day afternoon. OT~ER SIZES PRICED PROPORTIONATELY Lo.W MIAMISBURG PERMANEN Mr. Joe Wade was thl! Sunday George and Edward Gilliland CONCRETE ~ uest of Mr, and Mrs, Ju.mes Wi· ,w ith Harry Fordyce for a ssistallt cal and family. vaecinatea 89 shoats Saturday Air Seal Burial Vault Orville $avage called on his sis- m orning. Mr, Gilliland is one of For Sale Only By ' tOT, Mrs , Mary Calloway in Dayton the leading ,b og men and ' it the • DO YOU KNOW YOUR FUNERAL DIRECTOR '(HAT last year hiJ::hwa., Thurs day. cholel1a. appears in the ll accidents coat the Ii " .,s of more McCLURE FUNERAL HOME Bu e-Ia h a lld Carl Jr .• Smith are ho od it won't catch him unaware3, than JI,OOOmen, women and Ph.one 7 Wa,Deni1le,O. stuying t.his wee k with thl!il' grand. children} • Mr. and Mrs. Edward GUliland parents, Mr, and Mrs, An(~rew called on Mr, and Mrs. Clarence TH AT. million more were
T,r ue Profeslional Service
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till'l't! by the dr'i' ut l'I'n 1':\C'ifje bent .. I II I ' f 1" ,\1 ,,' llti <ir'n, croll('.1 out the' re\, "\\11 n II t I I: II' t mlln I un t of all I . , , t • f I h'lf.l 1I11'!' n dnllan a day, Dnd k ~ J1t 11 ~' I " tIll nl n hning I",flll't! heir rn. " I" l{ lit I "''.!Il'.' If th ' . ~ tll rh fOI' I I b I '·!,It. Th(' inl'iu"tll had it,< dm. Ill, , 111,· llln,· ltnd liUJing the t n duy III" '"1",, ,.., :11 eh wa : p r OFeclIt ed, 2500 It, I tI. 'I Ii\(' I lINlth Ih e whir1itl~ whe t'lA of (1IIn', ,JUIOl1h t"l. I 11tl no i l1e f.!tlV' it n tho ught. ('Xl"'l t th l t 'lll'lln< 1 'at h on th(> hi g h\1ay~ ha~ I If) , III 1111. ti l! miliCI-of- filet, to C\' 'n E\~'akcn \'''Ill' ' 11, I I I
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in lhiF l'''\JI1II'y t orlllY th('l'c i to be II II ,1 til, nUll I III I' ,Ihl th e- rumhlin\\' o C stri ke..' anti un. 11 t. It i:< unf t I null lI.at thi· l' huUld com" n t 1\ time. wh c 1ll,11l' ~l'y i~ ", I'ld; up fn m 11 irk bt .t nncl i, ,till gol'Op· ing ,""ut t" llndjll ( I~ dE "the new condition. Wllile tbt'll' [\1'(' un {' incl)ualilit' nnt!' in :on.1.' in4 Il<:e& \Va (' ~ un: )0\\. and hUUI :\1'(' Irn~, (Il'd r('adjll <lments :;hllu ld 1,1' III Ilk. \\ (' 110 ll ()( f('l'J thl th\' co ml; l.. tl' up: l'ttiIlK (I f tl I' l!J lltl trl: I unl I' n',1 till' n oatill n of lIl)Jl'. t anti ell'l. t.. i~ nC'cr'" y or ~ i~ (. W \! h ·li l'''~ thnl if Lhc!I(' thing~ c: n it(' "'\IIk",1 out lifter 1\ peI'iod !If Imll' ;o,' /1 ('S und I lllhl {'~' Il( " U1('Y ran i>l' \\ '>J k d (fut b ~ r o l'c. I ndu ~ tl'Y -h"lll,1 be fail', and tt' t Ihl' ituliliu n with int ('lI l)!l' n ',-' "II<I fll it·n('~.4. A lhe. i1 e time lalwr ~ houll lie Jnil', anti tn:at I l' _I until n whh fllit"n"" anu inLt,lh<;:. ceo II i ' Oll( Ihin~ to a rltitHllil y d l' mand n \\a~ a.nd aLtl'mpL to .r eure I hy forcl.', nnd quite a nnlll ' I' Ibtn~ to ' j!() out in th l:' (lltOI markd ul1(1 (',lrn t hc m otley, in th(' flJ(' p nf CO Ill· p( Util'll nI-CC <1I1')I t o pay 11 nOl!-l'onlIlctith'c \\'llge, It i WI.'I! in thL" ll R in (Itlil.'l Ih i /llt~. to \'C'r)ll!lI1bl'l' that in lh e ICIng mn lIot hinl!; i: C'ltll;d until It I" ~ d tld J ,.j U; ht, n nd exncl ju,t' c i~ .J01Jl to h{)th~ i rln,. Ahr ~o lutiLJI1 involvi n!l n her cO)'l ditlo n. will II',L 'n.illt'! , \'hl hl r it i made in th e f avor of labor or • r l",lu t,y, Inci,klltly, it mi~h t b poinhd out, 11 al it i. lint' 1111111( fOl' a labol' I 'ad 'r, with no re ~po n sibi1:ty to : I'IJitnll'ily I: y 1I0\\'n rul('~ anti l' gu'atiolb a ~ to ho\\ ,I 1 U ill, ~ ~h()uld up ruled, and qllite :lIlolhe r thir~: t o ~I,CC' 'fully ol'l'r*te the Ilusin '!<!'-, (Illtl kC(:j) it, "01 'cnt , until I' 1ho c }::tIilC 1 u l ~;s. -000ome r f l h ~ old l'in ul.:'I'I'; "oulun't kllo\". .. fmnily buc1r et if IhQY wOlild m(', it in, t.h midd le! of til I' ad, bul th'c)' kn ' w h w II Ih'c wi_hin the il' incom ancl have >"!tltlclh in;r l eft. .It the <nd vi lhe yc a~'. n o malter how hanl linw;; w ~ rC'. 1'1',
-000· 'Th(· young- f ol k COlllII th" dllY~ \ hen s nool will Ol'rm. :m,j rathel' J cou t.;T1!1' the da y until tax pa ying t im' I fI' l ~ ~l'oU l'1d u\!'1lil, Both look f orwa.rd t o Ih e c· C'I~i .. n "ill. the ~ me dt'grec of Il.nLicipa tion.' -(J Oo· reqllil'<!!\ a Io)t u f pnt.J'i()Li;:nt t o walk U ) nn,1 pay on~'s la -.:cs 111 full I1n,1 nnt to ke u.lvlIntage o f C\i C I'Y p "~ ,i ill,' n'C lin .. ()f ~t·cu l'i tl. c 'cmption when OliO C()IiRidoCl',< the J,rr.rJil!lI C' n'n r1Jl CI' ill whic h t.he gtrv cl'nm cnt ))1'0('(' tis to> ' rlf I II fllud (>[11' 11('01 m o nto y. ", '
1 hiS Week in Historv AUKll t !i - Fi, ,,l :tean, tmin in T.:nited Stn tc!s opel" otql, 1 :31, A lI!!'U, t J 0 PInt.' (j II;', ~!linal P J'<!si dgnt of Mex, ic' " ('ntled l, y aITl"l., 1 !J:>u, ,\ Ul!u<t I J - 1,:Il,t 'plic(' cotn plc led on ·!.'w YOt'k' ( hi a;:11 I IlIl~ di, lurlcc t e l ~ phon(l cabl , l r125 , Au"u,\ 1:! n iled Slates fOl'malJy annexes Ha. waii, j lo.(JR. A,u u,l ) :] L ue ' B. SLOne, ",'oman u fl'ragi st bom, 1 1 . ,\ U 'II'! t ,1 Amcr i an fl(' et undc!' J ohn raul J'onel ili".1 It'' 'll l'l'!lnc< . 17i!!. .\ 1l~\J..I 1;; - Pl1num a Canl\l o p e n~d, 1014.
You r Ho roscooe ,~,'I, Y',u lo\'(: ml1~ ic and t.I'nvel li nd spc'l1 d f t (,I:; ·,·, hdh,· : "11111' 'I wn OJ' so m el; od;' else's. Y I.J G (1", ' old ,,1-.. )'" ,I nr!'1 r, "I"~' Ill' .. ~ i ~t!'nt I1nll dct c l'min~d to 1'11\' ., II , \II \\:ly . II (").; il1dll~ lti o u~ly to gain your • n 1 to l, n hL: "n;, IlJ.Il'thc if th E't:c i ~ 11 0 ::.choming on "I'
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1 he Letter Box
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warus, wbo rec-ently broke Mr. h is ~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~n~O~j~n;K~e~n~tll~c~k~y~'=;;;;:=:;==d Edwards, Sunday evening, is mending very nicely • _ _ _ _ _ _?
~tubb5 - jfunera(
To be ,:! sed in advertising Church, Lodge, socials or sales WIth no cost to organizations, Just phone your advertisement to this , office and say "Insert this ad in "Caps" space for . , .. , , , . , , . , ... organization." The Fl'iencL!hi)l Club and Cam· i1ie!; \I ill have a picnic: at Wayne Swimming' PQol on Saturday, Aug. H, IlI3T,
A R)'g ne having ball bats, hol'l!e ..hoell and eroqaet, pleaae brlnR
Mrs, Harris and daughter, alee called on Rev. and Mra. Smi and family Tuesday night.
inj uredl
1HAT more tban -40,000 of tI.eJI! death. and iniuri.1 wer., caU8e d dirt!,· tlv bv ·punctur ••, blowovh .ncl
,.idrJing due
U'It. . . .
F. T~ Martin Auctlon••r
Cinl'innati the (l'Ue t of Lilia: hntzman. ,\11', (,hlllll'< lit It and !,j~t.'r. 'l1'" Allnn St~wmt. nf 11IIIiallup"li, Ilhli!\n~l, In' hl'l!' to vi~ it IhC'ir ullcl : Chal'lt's Bnl\' n, who il< very ill at h i.. hhm(' UI1 Thinl Sln'ct. ;\11'. IIl1d :'III· ... LOl' l'n J UllH'," On and baby I! lI ughtc I', of liami ~l.lUrg, were ~u,nllllY gu('~ l s of their mothCarey , h ste r 1l'lIy M l'l'ling-;-- ~u'l~d;;y, A u " u6L e r, Mrs. Maud e rane. 11' .and Mr, : Joe BI'O" l1 nnll CIII" y a nd 1'111'8. EtTie S mith visi- I, :It Gr 'e n P luins. l ed I"elativ H in DayLon, Sunday, MI'. M, l\1l' ign'l, II f 'indnnuli, child r en, of iJayton, W 1'1' guests MrR. Geon:e Dakin will attend Ohio, is the gu('"l .. t" l\lj ~; 'onni Sun clay of 1\11', and ?i t"'. Alu el't, Cl cav<, r lind MI'. and Mrs. Ro b ert th · X ' nitl Fuir thiR week. Z(,L ~r f o l' II fe w cl ay". Luis J ean Lal'l'i ck l' tu rned home MI', ~lnl! :\1 1':;. B()nj am ill J Ol1()R Cleaver. M i~s Lu ella Jann y hus retul'nII ftc I' s pel1 d illg se veral days with arC. spe ndinl;:' [\ f IV tlays in Cinl'd home IIf~ ~ r G week s in school, MI'. anJ MI·~. GcorglJ Quick, at cinnllti . Minm i.· hul'g, Ohi u. I MI'. anci Mr s. Ja ck K ul', y!;pent at. ' OXfOI'd, Ohio. Bert 0.' N al of Pitl. bUrgh, Pa" Mrs. Karl BocltCnbc nd l'r is enle l'- Sunday wiLh MI". and MI·~. William sj)<! nl th WI! ·k-end witli 1'1!lativ ei'\ t.u ining h l' mothe l', MI·~ . D. :. ' . K I',"cy, aL Ol'c,::'o ni n, D o nald 801l. of o n Lin c lllnl. Ohio. MI'. and Mrs, ll al'uld O!\born hel'e. Mr, and 'irs. L o r n H adley and MI'. and MrR. V il'!d I S h e mak el' h ave had as their huu !;e gu !lts. family, of C lumbus, Ohi o. spent and Mr. u nd MfR. Harold Gl'allnn1. I\1l's. O~lJol'n'!\ btoLhcl', Edw.ord visited. I')lent Mound, 'u nday. I Gulla(ly and family, of Winchest c l', the w'('ek-end with Mt$. Ru th J anney and Mi s~ Lu ella. Mr. a.ne! Mr ~. Monie; RapC'I' !l n d Ke ntu cky. l\'li ss Eva Mc Milla n, of n('al' Mr. S mi t h of Dayton, Ohio werel Mr, nnd MI:', L<>o n Flol'enc a m i Wayn ·sv ill , wa~ opcratN I on at cullCl's nt th e ho me of Mr. and Mrs chi ldren , uf Pari~, KentiJcky havc th(' B lail' hospital, L ebanon, Ohio , W, O. Rapel', o n Su nda y. been vi~iti n l! r.11'. FIIlI'cnc(,'g pal'la ~ t W dn esday fo r ap pendic·it is. On l~riday, Jul y 30th, Mrs. J en- ~nl~, Mr. anti M1'8. 1I 0\Hlnl F lor1Lo.s Ruth A rmsl rong and !If]'. ni ~ Mull n, of Ferry, c nwl·tnined nce. , Ru ~~u ll K ntz of Dayton, i'\ p n t at dinner th e f o l1 o\' ing gu('sLs: Mr. and MI' .. Emil Brow n en. Ml's. He lle Dinwi.jclie, 1\ln:' 'I'm- tcrlai nc,l theil' parent~ , Mr. Iln d ,'unday with l\ll'~ . Evelyn Wutkin: and 1\1 r. and Mrs, M, D. 13 ai rd, man Wardlow and, thrc chi ldl' n , l\11·~. W illiam A . Brown, r enGloria Mac Allaman, o f DllytUll. MrS. ad Sherwood, an(l Mi:;s Lel- tel'vill , on Sunday, l a Be nham . M isH Marjorie Dnkin i,< h om,\! Ohio. is lIi ~ iling her aunt, Mn. A. MI'. a nd Mrs. Gl en BOl'dan, of IIfl(,I' ~ p ~ nlling n co upl e f w.... eks H, tllbb ~. M I' .uncl M 1'" RUl<)'cll Root ancl FI'ankHn, Ohio, W 1'0 Su nd ay evc- with Day to n frienns. nin g guest s of 1'111-. and Mrs. )[arl'Y Mr. li nd MI'S. Homer ,'chm idL, family, of New Lcjuanon, Ohi o. Smith. of Duyton, vi~ i tcd Mt·. o n,1 MI S. w ere Sund a y ('VI !lIng callcl'S 0 1' MI'. a nd Mr~. A. 11 .S lubbs. Mr. and Mrs. Ro bert E. r ' W Homer Ramhy, S unday . Mrs. [{lIlh Janm 'y is home oft I' alHl Ph i nl'a~ ook al~en dcd (~uDrMr~. W. O. Rapel' ~ pCrtL la,t R p('ndi~J{ lhre e wcek s in olumbus . the !!ue~t ~ of h ' l' daug hter. WI'( k
II, r
" , . . . - - -.. - -
Tri ple · Coa led. heavy. two lone enamelware consicting of 7 Yz qt. tea kettle. No, 14 dish pan, 8 qt. onyc;,: kettle WIth cover. 3 qt. double boiler with inset and l id . 12 cup pc:rc olator. 4 qt. s aucc pan. 3 qt. sauce p~n, 2Ya qt. ~:lUCC pan. Each piece extra heavy :lnd highest quahty. The complete set will be given
Dnring a 1 of next week. in co-operation with the manu facturers, we will hold a Copper-Clad Range
at our store. The factory specialist will be here to tell you all about the Copper-Clad Range. He will show you how the Copper-Clad ' is made - ,how the pUt:e sheet-copper lining protects the r ange from mSlde rust, how thermos construction of the range body and flues conserves heat, saves fuel and insures ~etter baking. He will also explain why the sparklI ng beauty of the smooth porcelain enamel finish will endure throughout the entire lifetime of the range.
By special arrangeme nt with the manufac tllrcr of Copper-Clad Ran ges, we offer the sple ndid a-piece E na melware Set pict ured above, FREE to ~veryone pu rchasing a Copper-Clad Ran ge durt,n g our Demonstrat ion W eek . Eve~ if no premium we r offered, you 'd be 7 getting a wonderful value In the Copper-Clad, for the Copper-Clad is America 's finest and most beau tiful range. With the addition of this usefu l and valuable premium, a remarkable opportun ity awaits you. Don' t mi ss it. Select your lIlew Copper-Clad next week - and get this beautiful Enamelware set FREE.
Supreme in beauty, the Copper-Clad also excels in efHc iency, convenience and durability. And yet, it costs no more than ordinary range'). Y Oil can have a Copper-Clad Range to suit your particular needs, at . a pnce you can afford to pay. ~ome in next week_ See the intere3ting demonstratIOn. Learn. about t he many exclusive and practical featu.res whIch ':lake th e Copper-Clad supreme i c ~?kmg and bakmg, as well as in beauty anil durabllIty. , Truly the Copper-Clad will be the Pr ~(I. of our Ki tchen, You'l1 use it with pI a3ure and shuw it to your frien ds with priJe.
M 1I0h.
Modern Pyrolax !'Ila,ic OcJ "-ange, and doon, instant· h cndn~ Pyrofmr Ca. r~.aJ ly make cookif'll • pleasure. Yo u have a smokclcu. dra we r,,)'pc broiler. an alllo.",.';'; oven amI d<-no. clog· proof (01' burners, J')'r f.lX G ,Service can be )'Ours, no mall ~ where ),ou live, for so linle mpney. Equipment is insr"Ued (or only $9. S, Dnd Ihe ~n.s it ' If co t :1 liftt" as ~ ~ per meal per person. Como io tbi week and select bC':lUli(ul.
modero raoge. 4 cblp. bun.,r 4 cbsI'. fluur
Hff#',,, dish aJ mcba/J1i1l8 '1S if. 'u,,"~"CROCK O' GOLD" rew gr.lnJ r<'ppl!r 1 up rna..
4 c yolks 1 ~U (l o rn
I saic 1 CU(lB,aled d.ccse 4 C811 whh e. A COrn .nd cheese lOum. d " " ,he whole Cantily wHl 'aV• •hout! H .... c buu er, add It"u~ •• nh Dod pcpper .... <1<1 mitk grullually. Sli,ri"!! co,,>mOlly. uOlii chic". Add sr.,ed <h~-elie. ami ulltil I" Icw. Pour "vC' ch e be., en "All )lolks. Add corn and mix w e l1. Fold llJiJ mixture ,Jo,..-Iy into the s h fllt' b oten ~1C8 w hil ~. I'our in.o gre. ,,'" ins c101 •• _ ('f )lnu r Pyrofo. ·l\fllJlic (0( oven , HS" "oU b ...... fur 4S miouII:', Serv., immoolarely. Si'rvn 6.
P. E. ShYDER & SON Blanchester, Ohio ,
Frank Sta nsbor r y, Miss i\lary Slansb ny. MI' . Alvin Simp.,on, 1\11-. Geo rg Edgrunton and Donnie vi "it<'tl incinnati and Lho ZO(', ' .~u nday. MI'. and !\1rs, J ack Holla nder and !Io n and MI' . Holland r' m oth er, M IS. J osephin e Wayne . of Cin · c innat i, Ohio, were Sunday p:ucst of MI'. and MI·R. Lee Terrell and M r. and lIhR. harl('s Terrell. Att.Ol·ney ami Mrs. Dale F olkI'eth ami da.ught~rs, of Daytun~ 1' nnd 111.1'. and Mr!<. William B rose an d daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Young of L yn chburg, ' Ohio, were unc.lay evening ~ue ts of the Tel't'ell's. Mr!.'. Edith Ranis, Mrs. F ra nk L. Ta ylor, MI'. Han'is Mosher, and Mr. Will Corp nt('I', of yraeu se, ew Y ork , were Sunda y dinn er guests of MI'. and Mrs. Ronald Hawk e and son, Frank.
whm JOII cod with
LUE $10.00
Mi ,,~. Ari('nc Stallfi~lcl, of ,~W Vienna , ilL ited wilh her aunt. and family, Mrs. R. D. 'oll ett, la , t w\'t'k. j\f h s Glenna 1ars h i3 spe nding her vac:ltio n at the home of hel' parellt ~ , 1\11'. unci Mrs. Frank 1\1 a ,'sh. M ,'. a nd JlII·s. Bill Terry and ~o n. of Htll'l'i.'on, Ohio . were. lIlldtly dinne l' gUl' : l ' of Mr. and Mrs,
Fairley Ha dware Co Larger Becau se of Be lter Quality , Sprvic e, .. nd Price E.tabli~hcd 1849 -
Phone 32
Mrs. Elhe l Hn\\ ka, of. i'l nyton . Ray William. on, Har old Williamso n. MI', n n d Mrs. Ira Brown, of W llyn e"\Ti ll~, Ohio, an" on a pi asm'() tl'ip in anada and plae " of inl er st. Mt·s. .f ~ :l'l1ie Planclo lunch eo with f l'. a nd Mr '. R us el Martin, • und llY. !III'. anrl l\h~, D on II ~nclcr.~o n, of Daytoll, vLited II', and Mrs. , G olga lle n.j('rson and family, Sunday.
l\1I . Mcde
B owl!t'~,
Mrs. Mary
Pc rso n and dnughl r J lt ni c~ of Springfield , a nd Mrs . Ma.ble tllrl', of X e ni;, calil d on their' mother, MI's. Jen ni Plan ck, Sun- ' da y eve n i ng. l\ll·. and Mt',-<. lio wllrd D1'u111 1 monel and chilcil'en !<p en t uml ay I with Mr. and Ml's. ,Miley Drummond o f n eal' Ol"ierl't, Ohio. M rs. L \.. i ~ PI nk :and daulrht I', Hotty fl111i 1 i ~s Ad;~ Plan ck of Yoll ow prings visited Mr- , J en n ie I Pllln ck. Monday. R obel t and Roy Pl ll nck sp en t the I week-end with their bl'o~hel", Wa yn e in D ay t.on. ~~I 'J' IC ·. :-;.,/7 (=i)X'l ;'j'i\.-; ·j'ms !tiI ' I' I\ 'I ' I '~ nt,· Ull 1(' I
~nd' Girls You've always wanted to take a SNAPSHOT Bowser Wooser
I i
C a m e
e r
( ' ullllUh .. ,..,
I ~I ' "
a. l ed
Here is your chance
1111:11\\','", S ""IC)
I 'II~ ' I'II ,\C '''' '
.wll l 1'0 "\.",,{ .,,,. cl
.l. lh, ' "ff,c~ tit the' HUll!' 11I ~1t"""Y tHI'«'tO I' flt Oh ln, a t l~(,hllnhu~ ()hhl IIntil !f' 1\ o· l oclt . \ . i\1 .. I·:·:t~ ~ ",; 'i 1"",1" I'd 1' 1II1e, 'l'\I ~~dn,\' , . \ llgu ~ l z4, 1 (1 ::1. fllt' Im-
A ctua l ('()ns t ructi()rl I ' not tl, only way in whid1 Icctricity builds. E :(". ctl iei y build, communities, too. I t build., IJr;rl r;~s of communicatic n 1?{ twLcn 'com mum l ;(s , and ~u1ds Iip"ht inlo d:llk p!R ~ , .. It b uflds busin(s, (~. t (l0 . fumi shing tilt 111 '~i lh pow,' : nli l':f:t t ,) C~\Ty n their vel iu;: I: ' ~a\i(m~~. And it l)uil'.; m en ilnd WCY ',~O, I /y jll·0\. ;di,1::: them w;th \.110 ;, -wo rk in W!l lCtl ~h c b::lsi c h :t :,\ is !):~\/:..:t> ,0 ulll \. . ~ ,
PT\lVt' ll1 f'nls in: \\' :il l'-rtOn CC}untr. Obiu. o n PU.l't nf ~f·t' tion 1._· ) H n n n . :-\~ctilln Ii onl1 l'iU t .) ( ~(l(' U n n C (I( th t,~ Va ."lt'Hl-l,I'IHlIl H l l iuall. S. fi No . ,. .'. :-:t.nlt\ I tuulL' ~o
'l" \1t'tl(·c'l'p tl k
'" l "Hr
't own. h irHI. h~ KTHOlllp;. }Ifill 1'~811 rf,~cf n g' willi lolll' m h~t1. I lll d till' ('unCI' .. t ~, '\\Tldth : l'uvP ln('nt 20 (l. ; I :on.tlw:l~· vnr I1L1'\ e, l.onJ{lh )7,047 :i!1 (t . or ~l,::!! 11l11~ ~
".,'" $7',n,, :.,:,9 C'()IIlVh : tt\d \\' ilhln , wurk In g (ill) s. i Tho nlln lm ll Ol w:tg-,· to I ~ paid cu n il l:tllOt' pnl rl o~' r.ct l\tl t hiS ('I)l\u'n ...' t
l ,:S tlmflt e,1 cost C'ontrn('t
~}ll\ lt
a~rl,rct l \ tl ( 'f ' with tllt ' of Pr "\a llh)~ T! ourll' Ih Ll"S ASN.~ t s, l n c 'l onll fl ,;1, 'rml n .,,1 hy T hl! 1J"I",rrnlc" t 1) ( I n IllIS i,' lnt 1 {~ l ations 1I1!1I"nhl (' to
1\0 In
" ';l'h{'()ule
' \'AJ(l'
10, Get A fine
the trip re)lort a fin<- 9l'IVicc <!nIl
BIRTHDAY PARTY 'Mi R H elen Hawke is Sp.<'nding said they cn jo:;ed the trip imm('n, ' ~cSl[" Il lghway Il 1''1'' 111,,'11\ JlIlllI'O I'C- seb,. The (lcl('~allon inclu ci"d :Mr, On " e.oIn e~(hIY afLel'n o(ln , fr om the w.' tlk!l t ·h!lut!luquu.. 1l1 ~nt. III Ill'('(lr'h, n,'~ w ll lJ ><<le \ lo(\~ , ., l I 1(1 k!lil AI ~r II 11 'M." und Mr!.'. Emmut Beltz "n17 -~. 17-~, 17.HI, L7- '. 17.5,\ lOr an.1 MI S. F OITe~t :Murtin; JIll'. and ~ I) ' : ' (' c ' , . 1'~. i am C!, 0 ~ tli,' Ill' n t' , 'n. 1 (,(,d,' t 01110 " 0< ('llt~l'l'll n e d !l numh \' of httlr t{! l'tain~d, Sunday, at dinner, Mr. 1'h t' Iol ,ltl ,'" mllKl s \ .lJmil' w llh his M rs. 1'.<1. ·Mul'phy; :\[1'. linn 1111"., , , • ItI,l (. , '''I'lI CI ' ' (j",,'l l''''k til ~ ., .ll1l1 . "nl II ,. tit I . d ~ R I "t. 1,.Ik" III hon(ll' of Mary AI\n s (, th an d 1\1 .. :\. Ed, . (·aJlk('. Ma...te·l" AI• II II fli [(, rlv(' \,er ",.m ot 111e "stlnwr-' enl ~ UI P ly .t ll ,nn, (l H.I • 1,'ITthel 'l ric f D' Oh' d . ,1 "(I!'t. hut n "',, p\fenl mor ' Ih"l1 Mr. and Mr~, rerry TIl(lmn~; 1\[r. , < y, '. 1'('( I'N1g01'. (I ny.on. 10. nn \('11 t hI)1I8:1 "" dollnl's, " :j'hC' ufl l'l 'n onn W R~ >prn t pl:t~'- MI', llnd Ml·;;. J . H. Smith, WElynes' . 1'l tl n~ '''''I Hl"c' il' \('a tlon ur" (III IInl! J\.h" HOlllo I JI!~' ~lncl duught· l . ~II" \" tI'" 't~J1" rlll1 el!1t r ;h lgh."·,, V , tel', I'uuli~ e; ;\{r~. Bob FUl'n:l~ nnd lng g'a me$ nntl cnJ()~'ln ~ n fl' c,-h - ville. ,\Ii,) Ill. ' orr" "C ( h" ,'c!;l d,' rot dis· I1ltnt~ "0 ~ r'n ccrully ';" I'ved uy lhe - - - ...- - - lI' h 'l iI ~ I""Y .lIrertol', childnn. J elln , ll cnint" and Bolt: FOR SALE:- ix dining room Til l' t1"'~('l o.' re ...... '·O .. t '" rl gll to :\11' n 1 '~1 'L' L ."t " Cerh '\ an t ho.'tl"b. ChAI'I'o,. Jul.n Fronlm . .... j .. Ct ally 1\11 11 oJ l 1.t,IR , ' • . II ( l ' I.,. t. CI lit , 0 " ,',)I\n ."\" ll' r . "I',. 1 chilc,lt' en, Paul, Donald and D urll' LOCALS WANT ED:- A copy of th Miami _, StILt" ._ _I U",hwu _ 'v l'II','ct",' thy. , , Dul l": Haw ke, ('oll,'>ul(l und Cal'Gazette for June 17 , Mi:ttni MEETIN~ IN KENTUCKY \ . - R-EUNION-HELD OUlza w: l'e Su.nda.~' \"i~ito L's GflZettc., A delegation from the Ferry 'Tbe Adum s and Li 7.~r r c.o un il) n of Mr. and MI S. Ma)llIlld Weltz. WANTED TO BUY : - Hay. taw Church ot Chri"t traveled ,a m '\\t\:, held, Suncluy, Augu~ t 1, Boytl lIend{'non, Rldph Smith. 1 kind !lad price. ' two hundred and ten mil<' thero \lnrrll\\, Ohid al Ih .. hO IH I' ,,·f Mr, nlHl Vein Armitage are ,o n a. fi ~h· Harry Fordyl e, Route 1 and back, Sunday, to hear Russell, lind I'll "'. Clint Clu i" , I ~R \\\..rc\ in" trip in Mlchi)ttln. I Mr, and Mr;, D_ Marlatt -.VII Martin, ~n of Mr. an~ Mr_. For-I \In ;,cnt. 'fhl;"" flolll Wap",,-"illl' .lr, and MI'!!. J., F.. Me Clul'll al'1l l'I'Cl'ivC'r1 8 card Crom EUl'Clle rest Martin of Centerville preuch. ",He: Mr. and I\In,. IlIlI'old 0:;- ' IJltck ufl... r "p~ndlllg a cIJuple of Ron, announcing the birtb
Secure jUlt 2 , lublcriptions to thil newlp.pel' .t $1.50 per ye.r. Yel Sir, th.t'l .11 there i. to it. Cet your f.ther or mother to lubac:ribe _ your uncle, ......dp•• or • nei.h. bur. Collect the $1.10 for each lub·
"1I1~ ' '':
'rH " ~i)o~al~
t,.lr' l ~'-rlv~
And One Roll of film ABSOLU1ELf fREE '\
111, 1' \II ''''"~:''I' OF
' IC"'rk of !itnlt~M l *e"",1 ( 'Ul.)' ~ ... !l:,-!::a
scription .nd, bring ..me to' tbia of. fice, .nd you will rec:ei•••n oreler which will entitle you to tbe C.ni• • .nd -film free at ille Dru. St~,. which fumilhe. this aplendid pnze.
_ _
Bu ell haa been Ciucillut.l Bibl
at the ~ hurn
!Wn~, Mr, and Mr •. JnM t()r the • fan hl'r and family, Mr. anel 11Ilr!
• aD
or _
k- at Luke Kubl'logllm8. Min- ~on to Mr. and MnI. IIII:U:O~==:' I that elty. TIl bib 1:
pring ·Val
Publi hed weekly in the interest of the social, religious, econ Imic life of Miami Valley's foremost progrelsive community,. The entire community joins in extending you a cerdi.l invitation to come to this village
..... N
----------------------------------------------------------.------~---,J. \\" . Whil e- ' and !\II'S, .l cgs .J nl'Ol1 , I "I \--~ A .-.----~ • f tll'1 ;\lId ON E B SY PLACE IN LITTLE Jil1" k!~, ,,,HI ~! r" \1 , I ~ On M IAMI VAL LE Y ,id<.', . I MI'. li nd Mr" ,l'~, Petf.'I'.<'fl n nntl , "« -.., ~ ,.d.". III' ,', fl I ' iI\
1\ ,
• -,
'0 ' ~
TO STUDY SOILS W (>lhH'.<day a nd 'I' hu l"Sday , I lI/.ru>< L 25th nnd ~lit h , a ~ () i1 R t r uck lubol'lltol'Y wi ll b in Warr en oun ty , The :lt oll'l wi ll be a nn ou nced
?III' , IIIH I ~rr' , ,J. " , HaI'JIl' I' ILnd "lIJ\S. 0 ( olu mb us P ik e n ' !II,' (' _ ~\,'!;.~r TliI' :-'Pl'illl! " nlh y ll unlwur(' dHUl:htl'l' nn " ,JjllyiJl:!: a " i ~ i l wilh (1)II'v ill e, wet'e ('ve ning call cn o[ ,__ I I I \\. "" . ." , 11 :1 , l,('(' n :1 hu~,,' 1.1:11'(' 'dlll'- IIH'II' ' ''' n ~ nn,I rnllll' 1'Il" I' " On! ( ' a I 1' MI'. a nd Mrs. J . ,1. "Val til 11. • '"' •• •Il c: llle' fl'\\' ~' l" ks. 1\l r. II n r- f Ol'lllH. ' ,MI" '1111 I ,~I I >t, \\"11' I I ~ 11 a (11I\Ii S!\ B ~~ i (' j\J le n, o( lumhu., . ~~ ~ ,'d \ "'. P"It, lh(, llIo nag' I' IIiL 1'1' 1 (~ If'" III .Lu I\ n~cl.l·f\ 0,11 (.1 ~1 r. \I' OS w',·k . nd gu('!:i of Mr. an(l , ~ ~ L': C b("·,, ~llf\rln1< n,l ('lrnl'! in ()nJ~I' til and :\11-,. II'YII1 1I 111llf'1' U1 \\ h ,U. 1'. Mrs, V illiam H olli n~~~h ca d . I ..-4 • " • • ,,·t Ill- ' Xh'''lt" I'.t '"dy fOI'. t.ht' )11'. (I n,1 ~11',· , ]0;\ (' 1' ,tt SI'U I'R HI" I . 1\11', Pau l Gdlfy (lnd family o{ ." ~!2 U01 AR V PUBLIC l,II 'l'nl' ('o llntv Da y t on V1SI . ' t e d Roy N I ~_ J. - r ... . ' htlr, whll h I~, In I . ann"UII C IIl~ l hl' birt h o f an ci"ht ., ogg i e l I 11( ~ .... Nation. 1 a ... " "."~r(';:· thl: \ 1 (,l'k. MI:- li n l et pound ~on, 11 1\ Jul y 3 1. fa mily, S und ay ev n i n~. · ~, if ....., , <h"w Hlg a c"Il1!11 I't~ hnr .of farm MI'. a nd l\1 ~~. G, Va l .Im s hod Mrs. The o. P cd;in,s an d son, '.(t' . ....~ Will. Drawn . • £.h le. S .. III"d Illltl'h ll1t'.I'~" I~ fl' a~\I~1I1 g. .th <' a~ visitors thi~ wf'('k I' nd th eir \ Ol"'ille, :Ire vi~itinll: in K ~l1 t\lcky. ~~ '\~ WA YNI-: VILLE, OHIO .fnhn n t'I"'I' Imt' fi r t lndm" anhd rilll1l!htel " 1\11'" of ., an d MI'l<. J . [ nw oo"..J an d at."\ " Katl' L Do"ce J ' .,.1'< p~ ill'l\I~ nlf' J\I "', I ho~f' who altl' nd .t l' llnylnn anrl ~I,;. ami 1\1Jo1'. hadeR SOilS ,; ( Middletown l\fr. lmd Mrs. - - - - - - - - -- - - - - I·'a l" 111 11\' \\ l'1I ° pl' nt! H(II n ll l11 e t ' l\r!en\oo.1 ()f 11 ('a I' W a" n c~v i1l c A ]) h {" B I' . ' . • . . ." • 1l'\ (1~ liv e n, 0 n ' n!' ur 1I1g'at ~1'" hooth In the l~d l1.~t~· ,al ex· 1\11', unri ?l1 1'~ . For('~t GI'a ndin' t on , MI'.. Nelli Pet(, l':lon a nd chil hJlIII, In fll< t 1I1r . \ un l elt ex· a n ,1 T'Jfldy W'dlon T d V er a , 'V~ I'·e g u cS"'''t ., .. 0 ; , of I a yto n I (l t'e n , • £'8n nn 'fl' ('! 11 ,.;;,\,I' \,1111 1ll() 11 ~ 1 , 'n rl~:, clIr.iial invitat ifln to c()m e III'I' enjoying a \~c k·end vi~ it with, undny, of L!lwr e n (~co Alexa ndcl' ('~ n'l you r ,.111 n; l,j n go fix- :)~lrI IO('K ~,v"'l' t h.,' machin t' I'y wh~ch with th 'il' par cnts, MI'. a n(1 M r~ . 'Il nd frun ily . 4 S. Broadway Phone-408 lul'l',' )111111)1.:, <;C'JlliL' tHl1k :'l, hb ' 1 I1 rl" ~ Olr,l ' nn~ ~U l' progre..'." lv{' J . T. Wa llon: . !fI'S. 1I0wfll'd Babl! anti so n, Mrs. LEBANON, OHIO ]l i ll(, !'iltin,r", an d , ·alvP)'!. Inl'n"'I'~!lf thiS ~ectllln. [\f1'S . ,1oKl!ph Walton ()f O('nve l', Bog-a n and da ugh te l' of Wilming- ~::;::;:;;::=~==:::~::::::~ fl.· :'Hl'(' ttl :·W H:4 hl'Co rc Th e fnllo\\i ng 1I1l'11I1> 'I'~ or th e 01 l'nU l). an d ')h~. Ln'in 'n()()k, t on, Ohio, w('t'c gl1 ('~ ts of :Ma ry .. Yl1U l'IlY. :\cw l3urli ng!o n Chu llt ef, 0 . K S., of T opek.l, K ll nS:ls, ll l'l' vi "iti n~ Midlil ct n, T h ul'~ da y. W . E , FROST w.hfl ;'ltl\ n(l~' d ti:<, T ravelin}!, Gavel 1l,IHliv j; l( ncl 'f ri ' "(I ~ hOI't) ill South c,a l'1 S mith fi g u re l] in nil au to l\.\.'h~ m(>o(llln j! Jll Wa yn "Ill o n L(> /)a l1 on, ()11i~ion Il t White'R Ol'n 'r, Bot h Fr;III~Y ·~ e~ ing, .J ul y . :lO. w 1'C MI'. Hnd !\I t,~,. 1~ r1 S i.ms a nd !'IO n, ' ca" R W(, I'f! bndl y dUl11agf'fl. DI' iver.'1 G(,lrlm KI' f'llzcr , Lydl 'Po well , Car l ,) 1'., or mC lIllulll. W(,I'(1 cui· W(,I'l' nul hu H v " 'y m Ll ch. 21165 .~ t"l p. Drive . Nel liI' l~ulk ('rl\1\n , Gr~c(J llu;to n, ' It' ,,< at .t h' ,'illlR a nd Ful1<cl'son l\h~ . Bert Goo(lwin.> died at DAY'TO\!. OH10 HUlh ,' l inlll cy, Kat· ~.al:l (' . I,lol'n htJme, 1'Ilturday afl ' I'noon bd'ore l heir home caRt of t Qw n :f rom a ~--~--- II(,Il\'in)! ril l' Il twu week. vacation stroke ~he had thr('e wec ks ago, Be in !\t il hi),(an . , ide;; h ' t" hu, band, .a da u j!'hter. o{ '1\11', und Mr~. Will iam· Pelc l' o n, Dayto n, Ohio, tw o "ons of Spring of J)(' , I'y, Pl' l lII~yhani a ~pl'n t t h e Vtlll ey, we ek·tlnd ith hi R J>orCllts. Th (' y, S he was a membe r Q1 the Daugh Hnu .lIl r, and 1\1 1';< . I. O. l 'ett'l'lion , Yo u r eyE's will b e just 1)5 valuable an a'sset to you Idl un a / i.,hing- tl'ip in North l'n Le I'S o f AllI erica Lodge h re , Jo' u n(' ral se rv ices at F l'i il d' throu ghout th e y ars t o come a s the y are to-day . ....... .. M ichi~nn . Al(y and Mi'l'. Halph G, evel' 'h uf('h , T hursuay, :~ o'clock Rev. 1:"___;;"'_________ T h e w ise man w ill prote ct those eyes for future u s . M inor unc orrect e d d e f e ctive vision, which can be and tI:tUJ.!h tl'l·~ uf Eato n a ll(1 MI's. Ed ward Boglln h as c harge. Bu ria l ~======:::=====:; ~ . asily c o rrec t e d now, w ill b e an appreciated foreBight Allell , Ie Ill in , \l ( Xcn in. were in S pri ng Valley em teJ'Y. in th future . Mi'~, Rob rt 51 nard Zeigler Sunrin,v (,:1I If." '1:\ 01 Mr, Cal'! mith lind family. tli ed at t heil' home )n Dayto n. Bul' S e y o u r op tome t r is t to-day. :\11'. Ull ll I r~. Erne. t Kn ee a n ll in] in Spl'i ng Valle y Cem et c ry, ('hi lo n'n. ,)f Wnukc e~a l1 , lIIinois, Wctln esday a ft m oon. :II'(' \' i~i til1g th(' il' P ll rcn t~, Mr, ami MI'. J oh n H ood, of CI vcland , RONALD O. TURNER 0" '11 1-:vl'ry Ilay frol1l f! A . M, 10 G p , 'M ; Oh io, has r etur ned h ome aIter 111'. GI'O I'J,! Kn ee. SAt urday 8 A. M. io 10 P . M. WATCHMAKER 1\1 r. (l)1<1 1\[1"..">. I . U. Peter son . pendi ng I;o mc time wit h l'ellitivc1' 1n , , BPt)A JlWA Y LE BA kll'!! ~n l d th ejr re;;id e nce to Mr . anll fJ.'iends. with d:r,
1'. ( ,·d,).
"lI '"
z !i ?
t'O ......... $10F
Sh urna k er I Sh A pp·lanCe op
Rando Jph
P l umblOng. Co I
Borrow At Home Loans Procured Elsewhere than at the bank in munity J)osits
Ch vrole t, Stand a rd Coupe, l ike new
193 5
Luxe C oach
1934 ' C h evro l t , Mast e r Sedan, Whipcord upholstering , N e w t ires.
S dl,l n
In Farm Bureau Mutual You Get Driving Protection ECONOMI CALL Y FMm Bu reau Mulu 3)' s 185,000 policy}..,lde ..s co.op"rate (or ~"f .. ,Invin.r.: " " d . ha re t he benefi h by qualifying as select .. i.Je •. · C~cl, .. njoys lower r a te. as " r" , ult o f saving s made pou,ble in ,,,v,· ..,, 1 wilY' t h. u th F arm Bureau plan of cooperative In. lI1'o Ilnc". Fi nd ou t .. boul the advanta ge . of in surance in your own company NOW. COOPER ATIV E FIR E PROTECTION- Let U I explain th~ covl'r fie d ... ill'ned fo r you r r e quir~ "nh in the Farm Burearu Mut ual rire Ins ur a nce Company . COOPE RA T I vE LIFE IN SURANC E- You will wa nt to know Ih var'o us ty prs of poli ciu a vailable i" tbe, rapidly ,rowin·g Conp'('r1l:ti'V e Li fe In$urance Company of America,
Farm Bureau Mutual Automobile Insurance Co.
War n s ville Week August 9 - 14 -
H igh
C lau
I'rl'senli llg -
Si n ' in
Dancing ,
Juggling, Tabloid-playa
J c kie the Movie Chimpanzee ..
Magic ~
"The Farm Bllr U Co-operatiye" With Offi"",, located ~n Lebanon .t SOllth SycamoTe Str.. " t hoa. heen lucceaaflilly and •• t i.faetorily aervin, farmer .. allel re.iefe... of Warren COllnty for many yean. Every need for the E....mer "a. been provided in stock inclllding "Farm Bllreau" leed and lup plie• of .11 kf; nd •. Abo operate • direc t to the farm tank servic'e for " F.l'm·. Bureall gasoline, oil and kero,ene. For complete .ervice can Leb.non
the bank unleu they can b~ made to provide an income that will meet the ,operating expenBes of the bank and a lIufficient r eserves
provid e
against IOBses' and for
payment of dividends on the eapital of .the bank.
Spring Valley National Bank SPRING VALLEY, OHIO
Member Fed ral D posit Immrnnc
If quality goods, reasonable rl,.ice~, and courteous service are what you w>\lnt, Try
10 Year
Barker's .D rug Store .
First Mtg.
N o r(' vie w of t hc b u ~ i n e~s 0 1' agri ns. i ~ta n t s at t he Farm Bureau are Farm Loans cul tu ra l intcl't!o ts of t h i.~ section in a p osition t o erve you i n a most would be ('o mlil 'le witho ut extend. 'co mpet ent ma n ner and will be cod menti on of th 1!' 31 m Blll'ca.u plea s d t o g ive y ou co mplete ino-Operative in L eba no n whi rh fo!'ma ti o n in l'egal~d t h e proper Frank LeMay, Solicito'r aid!; in no lit tle meas ure t h e pr o- f e ding of yo ur ch ickens or liv e 61R2 Waynesville 7 gl'C~. 0(' the tal'm I'S in thi. com- stock. Ta ke your f e eding llro blems • •_ • • • • •_ • • • • • munity. ~o The Farm Bu r eau Co-Oper a.tiv e Opel'lIting I (I n a co-operativc in L bano n. bas i!; with th fa me r y ou a r Il ~' The .F ar m Bu reau Co-Open:ttive ul'c d I)f th e hi g h e~t quality in in Le ba non is al way,; On the lookf ecd.". !Io u I' mHl other s up pli es a t o ut f or nlew fea t uL'es to make thci r lIll tim . 1f y ou atc:- 1I0t a m embe r 8C1'v i.res more complet e and now of thi" assoc inti on, slop l hc n ext f yo u can have " Farm. BU I'eau" glLstime YOU 01' i n Leban on a nd I 1\.1'11 olin, oil, Ot· k ero en c delivered th e man y ad va n ta~e fi offeTcd thr u dircct to you r h ome at n o tlhc co st. Wa tch f or the Farm BUl'ea,u t he F aml BUl'ell u, InCIte PI'O'lllS uf YOU I' farm t hl' U thi ~ ~ el'- oil man or call you r 01'd (,1' into the v i c~ "FII I'm BlI l·~ a.U " f eells a r c offi ce. . ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN known to hundrctl,., of f ar m I'S w h() Tn thi r eview w e Ni sh to com- 10ur Cattle, hogB, Bheep and ealve. wa n t t he rnO·t p rofl t~ from the plim ent th e ma nager of thi s local to NorriB-Brock 01,.., live ~ire and t im o nd money oxp ~ ndcd F!ln n concern U])on- valuable l"ervi ce .af- progre8Biv~ finn fd?r thd8 ~heS1 . . market prices an goo Be"-Ylce. B Ul'eau f 'c ds 11\'11 man u fac tAl l' 'd fOl'd ed th e fal'm E, rs of 'Vanc n Union Sto"k Yard.' CinciDnatl, 0 aeco l'di ng to y our o wn sj>€cial count y an(L s uggesl; in r egal'd s th e Tune in on Radio Station WOK,\, f Ol'rn ula5 a nd madc f or every high est qUlllity f ee ds 01' oth el' farm 12:211 to 12:30 p. m. for our daR, , k .f or. "Farm B' ,' 1celI'll1g l)u l'jl()se. Th e ma nage l' and suppl I' s--as ul eau. " market reports. Adv. --_-_-_-_ -_ ------------~~~~~ .==~==~~~==~~~~~~~~ .CLASSIFIED ADS
but provide
Frank L. Miller, Jeweler WILMINGTON, OHIO
FarDt BOreall1
Used Cars
in your bank,
in a bank are useless and an exp ense to
For Years To Come ....
Dr. John Zettle 0.0.
t emporary
may provide
as a whole.
Watch Repairing
your own
fu el and do not help your community
y oul' la U.. r on. Gath er Rlllll)l es !;oilli ' ln d hn vL' the m l'eO-fly La bring ill UII O lll" (l r thes e tillY,'" Co nlpl et c r(' c o mOl (; IIt1 t1 ti(>n ~ will bl' g iv C' 1I you at t haL tl mc.
Children's Coats and Dresses ." .................... .. .......... ......... .. 400 "Se rving Warren County For Over Seventy Yellr." Boy's Short Pant Suits .. .. 40c .. La di es' Plain Dresses .. ... .__ 50c Located Conveniently a t · the Corner of Mulb~r ..)' ancl Broad,w ay inl Quick Cleaners . Lb " . 'I Kathryn Mendenhall, Mgr, e anon- Is One of the ~ar,ed and Molt ComlP let e Hard·w .... • . FOR SALE .OR TRADE : - . 40 Storu in This Section ·of Ohio Wh'ich Durine Almo.t Three;. acres of land in San ta Rosa counquarlers of a Century Ha. Become Headqu. ,rler. Annually t y, Flo-rid.a. Strouse Brothers, Way • for Hundred s of Residents From Throughout 'IVanl'n Counly n esvi lie, R. R. 2. apt Who Depend Upon Qu ality Merchandise. You can SaYe Time and WANTED: - A person interested Money by Trading at T,bi. Loeal Coneern. Te~ephone 46. in opel'a.ti~ a. cream station a s 11 $id e line with other work or bu sI t i ~ wi thout douut riecessaTY ' F ot' lIlany yelll's' farm ers in , '. . in c s. A good, proposition is offer· that fl n i.1111n n ~c Rt ock be cal" Wanen and the MJomtng ' coun- d W .· t M J M St hAnft 94" . I I t h h d t th t t" h d h' h' e . St II e !'IC" Y e al' wa re S or c a les ave rna e t 1$ st ol'e t elr C t rC, mClll'na " , . t ' ep "''', 1 v . lilT roe 1 -p wi;.h cs . to be s uccess ful and keep hea dquarters In the purchase ot ' raet' with thc de mands of its cu s- fa rm implements and supplies, FOR SALE: - Miami t o m c l'~. F ot' ove r seventy years, Lingo's al'e now showing t he n ew-' lot b eautifull)1 locate d, . tion M. K. . F. Engl~rth, 1449 Ling-u's hilS cont rI buted greatly to c,·t dev elopments in the ' famous L b anon ns a trudinA' center f or Intcrn ational Harvester and \MeThird National Bldg" Duyton, I' cs id ~ n ts in this section of Q.hio Co ml ick-Deel"ing Une. The e faOhio .' nnd to day offers on e of the largest mou s impl cments have stood t h e !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!>.I a nd finest st ockl'd hardwar e stores s vel' test of time and are so in Mulh ern Ohio . It has \llade designed to give you the SMALL ANIMAL HOSPITAL hUlld rcdR of friend s and patron s yi eld from t h e acreage and time: W . 0 , Bowor., D. V. M. thl'fl ugoh iL~ estaul Lh ed policy of expe nded. Spri •• ValleF, Ohio qu ality 11I('rcha nfli se and an' ever I Li ngo's have attained the dis. l·Il UI·teo us ·c l.'vice at all times, tinctio n of being the l arge~t =:.::...;;;::;;:::;;::::::::;;:::;;:::;;:::;;:::;;:::;;:::;;:;;; 'rh e> slock at Lingo's is com- dealers in farm implements and p1)s('(1 of OIany vari ou.s depal'tme nts machinery in this section and wiJ1 and inc.1t.ldcs everything i n the be pleased to demonstrate at you ~l'n(' I'nl h~rdw~e lin!;, shelf hard- convenience. \\'!II ' (', lr ~I1I(I, ' ,"., hIli <\\\ar<', paints, W e wish to direct your at. and ~ UJlI)lh'~ , Illumhing, h eating tention to the J. W. Lingo Co., a llli (' Il'ctl'ical ~ uJlplif's and Bppli- which ill unde r the personal direeI ann's of all kind~ . The many de- tlon of Mr. Sellens as one of our p:ll'lllll'ntR have bel'n arranged to old st and bu ine.. Leha1lon, Ohio give )'OU not only nationally ad. and in to urdllla11'11l1 ........... t rt' ! ht
4 X
Hood's Auto Wrecking Co I
Model T Ford Coach - lots of milea 4Cyl. Inboard Motor - ' Make a powerful plant for you An Antique Walnut Corner Cubbard 1 'It h. p. Gaaoline Engine ~.
We Buy Old Metal ~PRING V~LLEY
LIZER GRAI.-e DRILLS In one trip over the field the John DeereVan Brunt FertilizerGrain Drill pulverizes the soil, drills in the seed, drills in the fertilizer, and covers both seed and fertilizer. You save fertiliierall is placed within reach of the growing plan ts. You save time and SE.'('d. Come in and inspect
* atar 'force ree". h&Ddlll ItU klndo ot oornmflmt,,1 fer Uti ••, and lime lJl de-.
Ii...." "\laDtl~ per
* ..... up
to IT II Y.
* Bone or vaotor bitch. * Qllallt, eOD.truollOD U.......·lIout f ... 1_,
this better drill.
SpriDI Valley Hardware
aub tltbat
By lho Mlln nn the Stune
" ".
... .... ..... . . ....W'
We ll , folk, all J know ifi just what I write for t he Iloper and Ro me things I wlln't tell. You know , it's funny how folk ditrl'l' on 1;0 mllny things, For I know
:~ -~-~-~~-~:;:~::::~~~~-~~!!!!!'!""""!'~~~!!'-~~-!!'-! !-'!~~~!- ~Wayne.ville ~~~~~~~~~::~!"!!!~~~-:--------~~!"!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"!!!~~~~--~~--Eighty-Ninth Year , Ohio, Thulraday A uguat 12, 1937 - - - ~~!!!''!!!!!!!!!! e
-r.-cu·ltural Exh.-b.-ts Seventy-fIrst Annual 1t'~ Announced, Fest.-vai Colle,t -M'cKal' Reunion
J'igbt now, that theL'c lire some folk ill WlIynei'lv ille who hav the biggy idea Lhllt lheir way of looking' III
Numbe r 6286
7 rucks
thing~ is th e only right WilY, lik e t.hc old . aying nbout th . kunk thaL ~al On the stump - lhe s kunk -~ Fllllm(' rs th(HI"hout this al'en Thu~ 71 ,..' anllLl H I C o11e t>.. - "'1 t' , \ IIi j l h eul l ('tts, hrav!' IluJ,:'t!UIlI :;, Thl' t:';~7 canning, elY'on got t un k llC -r': I ~ LUmp IStun k and t h e ' " h stu mp thunk the skunk stunk , ",ill hl' intt'l' ~ted in ' thl' agl'iculJE~S Kay i'l.lmily reu nion II ill 11 <:' hcld III htaid English I' 'fugccs , ' undl'l'\\'(l" ll (li Cl',l llv', 'I' tl"~/Iny, a!' , Last Monday even ing, about 6 • ~ of ~ the" RoxHoweve r, tlilfcren e8 , of opinion ttli'll! ",xhihit.~ which III" ~o hp mad!! tII E' U SUU I 11 Ia ct' on Salurday, Aug. Fl'al'cd n(,t for , ak(, "I principlc' , ,boul 1 Oil mpl o)iN's o' cl oc k, at. Wh.ite's Corner, two ,l ij W Ila. " gives 1'I / ' , t' d aL The Full F'f'lIt iVfll , udy in Octu ~L Hlh. t h e ItR vane I'S an obet.. II CI'O"S l ~ IlIHI'nw ~e a:. :J 11 nil C'Ul1nll1t{ C'11I11j1l1ny hCl{un large LI'uck !< cume tog-ethel' with a in this duy nntl a"e w s ('m to Thi~ is onC' of the (llll<,~t family For, sl'lll II o nCl' in En"'land. III ' d- WoIl'l; ill" \/11 lh · n l' w "1'0 11, (,a ~ h that oro u ~ ed th e immediate " So thal furl1lcrs will kn ow \1 hnt .... . n cd a l ot of vnl'icti s. Its thl' ga 1IWl'I' nl!', in thi ,' p ('ctiOll of the J,('pd to th(' ilion Jack, Th" Ii rsl 11 111 "a 'i tn I \'('d, Tu{'~- n ' i,~h lwrhIJo ti. I" red lIess had the spice of life, Du t Yl' t, it i~n't ~o o rl ttl I/ l' IIlunll in~ on theil' vuri o u ~ ~ t II t t' , 'J'I11.' 01 i,:('illul sl''tUl'r!< werc TIIl'Y fo ug ht Lh e, PIII) i~t fll l'mun and ,hI" 1Il'lrllin" n ~ tilt' ('al'ly fi e ld , r iKh t of way and t~e Dayton junk ,., n'adv. for canning, for a fellow to go uround lllJicc (.,.hiJ.it..'<, LhL' J'nllowing partial lis t alllong t h"firs of thl' whit es l o d rove th l) Fl'en ch men ba.ek. \\l'•I'I' d (!clal' NI d eule l' , who struck the milk truck i ~ J,:'ive n, l~voryLhin!l' It'om the riup all the time, c( ,nl(' into the -wild q nf a n ew cc) un · III 111:1I1Y ~ blood v eonHict they AlaI''''· 1-, ... t.' of ll'llC" o hltul h s quarely ~n the middle, gave an diclll oull to ' tht! ,; ulJlimo will ,be M • • ... - , "', If this colUmn CVl'!' hurts nny- fealur ed it see ms . mbe,', o f the Am rican L e- tl' y, lOll /! Y ar~ ago. fought fOl' what "as right cC'Il\ fl'nm th f:trlll l O th ~ pla nt, ('j{cu ~ e t hat he did not ,<;ee the 0one, you d n't wnnt to hollel' be Corn gion of thill cou nty who plan to at-' Tho fo ll"\1 inl! vc>I's(', writt{'n by And drov(' Cl'om out ' of rrt' lnnd th at COI'win, whcr!) PI'UCI il-ally a ncw tbe r t ru ck b ' Cl1use of rain tha.t cau~ 1'111 ~oing Lo ~I)u t you in n Dum II1 cRt peck or nubbin. , lenu tho I (tth Annual 'onv cntion one wh om \1 e would like 10 nam e papish .J lu,ob ile. " Innt "ith th n IIIL('~' ' 111(1 l'l n<t up · WII:< falling. Neithcr drivers were r h A me n' cnn Leg l() n '~ Depart- bUl who d,'~ il'c:\ to renmin , un-" How , ,... • , l acl< and tie you L1Jl r!,' ht now, ~ t e boldly lhe u fo ughL t.hl' m I'n to-dnt(' mllc'hiu~I'," 'I", u ,~ c1 'In h'ln- ill j'tll cd beyond , cral.c hes &TId .. Sn unni l'st Stlllk with nn 'ar, • Oh J < " ' When I was a lad, "oin" lo counmen. of if) lit ulumbu ~ 8undllY, ment io ned, hns given Ull th rolwate!' to l he lo in, tllin .... the cOl'n . 11I'u.i: !\ lJu L th e engine of the Day'I' ulh'st " t.Hlk of cm'n, K .... ting Lhl' pa st fe w 1ll 0nth ll, try school down in,., the,., hil ls or , on, I ay, lind Tu '~ day are no IOWillg',' c1('.licflt~d to thi s fllll'l ily A g'ain ~t theil' Il c l'~ ('cul ol'g at he Dll (li n tl lle k wa, hndly damaged, and ' tlilk with I)l'ing- galhNin'" . ull I. tll t! 0 f th coy B ne. Mis OUI;, eVE'I'y boy in : choo l had TI1\'n in theth("T(>Illust I~ Yenral'~, r ample s lranger!' to 1;:li J e n s~n , '" ,wo rkm e n ha vl' rCC(HI ~trllctco thc' ;\Ii", )[ e~,, ' truck wru banged up nt leust two 0 1' thre e dog~ , all fi el rl, BlI ~in ... , l\hill ager or Wilten"Collett and Me Ka'Y" Il o\\' bravl,lv th ey fou·rht lhl' nl hl'~, · tlu 'II "i n" an l\ I'n', l~ ll II n-'''' ma- c" n ~ ide,.ably . Thl' top wa~ RO near ., lut~ o f Whitc , Y l' lIn\ , lin (I Mixe d, J.,. u .~H which went to sl'tlool r~gLllar as a pt'ict! will be ~ivcn, t~ o f Of t cnbc rg l'l' oU"{!'c of rh Ht city and Y"u lIw et (Ilruin t o t el l th m o'e r, ~ tOl'iu,ns p r o~lain~ I chin'cry, a nd U ri o nl' I'nt<'r" thl' Iy ,I ff lh ' l' h ll;>~ i i'l that it took sev the boys did, W e ll, those t10gR U14 ~t'alll! challlpion cur. ca ndidale fol' t he high offi ce of yo u Coll etts and Me Kny8, ,I' 0 1' With t heIr fl crl'cl'!l t enemie8 n ew J1ltlnt, 11(' i. impl'l'~~ 'd with itll I.'l'al men t o nplace it. to gct into a fi ght bctw N' n rec ~s.Wheat De pul'tm nt. ommandCl-' Hi. bu s- Th e ·t Cl ri es of OUI' birth and blood , they gained a or('lJ ded namc. cleanlin c,!'\ and IWHtm'~~ , s and lh' uoys would be !le nt oul. Fal mc rs will he I' quullc d to i,ll'S!'; ability hl'ought t.hat Ohio and lai c!! of long, PIl,:t duy~. As pion('crs ca mc th('y to' ,Iona- I 1'h(, \\ ''II'k of cannin!! i ~ high· to ' top tho lig ht. One day wh(.'J) sht,W II r eck of whea t in ach (!,.. C nfc l't?nc(' Coli 'If' through the A Ii ~l of nohl e fO I' ~h l'ars stnnd s thau'H w 'Icoming F.hore : Iy IJ I'l{al1i?l'd f Ol' nHI "~ pl"ClIlu ·tiol1 lh leacher hud fnvored m by hibi t, f Ol' lir~ t, >\ (>('1)11.1, Imtl thil'!l d(' llI'l's:iol1. J 'llsI'n ~ai) com c lIJl out al ong the lin e To Will' 'gain ~ t Britain's tyranny and J'(·qllin.' much ('o m plicatecl granting II tu n at topping the I throuAh t.he rank. ' of thl:' Le~ ion F,'om Bonny, I'u$.!gcd SC'utland and and tcll thei)' s tory 0 ',,1'. machill ery, Th a Roxll nn a omplln ,I' dog tight, r pick d up n rock and J1 aces, Oab as l' (lst, 'ollllllanllcr, Di~ trict ' Fl'IIllc e'~ wnrm r (" 1iI1ll ; And wh en the war clOUd ' gather· ha ~ .< pared n ~olhinj! in onlel' t il thr w it lis hard us I c uld into 11('1'c a g-aill n IH!ck ( show for (Third) 'omm anoel', D I>a rtme nt F Ol' loo k in En l! lis h hi , tory for An' ll bcbv('c n the everal , ta l ,s g iveWll yn t'syilll' an it! ul plant, that bl'Towling, barki..ng, s narling like pliz s, ";xc(' ut ivl' Committceman, and dl'ew Mc Kay, A ol oll d McKay was really our Th<! madlinery is of th e late-t Ge l'llld Hel'b~t, son or Mr. and ma~ of fighting dogism. ne dog Tobacco mc mb C' I' lie th, D 'p'l l'lm ent 1"i- Th e ge n(,l'al of Will iam or Ora ng histo l'Y I'clat s. I typ e ond d ig n. :\ll $ . B marc! JI rbst, of Dayton, yelp d and (,l I\I't d u nf th bU'Ilch Tuba .co ha, becn c1iviti NI into nance 'om lllitt~ ' . J nse n 1'Ilnk.~ on many vict.oriou s day. A n car-by, haIt bea l'~ wiLli e, ~ to The cannin~ illclu : tl'Y was first waR . t.ruc k hy a uc)jvel'y truck on running with 1111 hi s mig ht., two c1u!'ses _ Rud.,y and Fill er high a: 1\ ivic I ·nder in hi own '-I TI~S loyalt.y, courage too: sta/'ted in Wayn e.,vill e in 1!l04, and ' :'v[onday, tying "bloody murder" in II strict. with thr{'p : talks til :; how ill l'l.lch hOI11 ... city of :prindl Id , In the ~ Th,e s~~m e tcll ~ h n\.f tht! slo l'y, ~inc' that tinle has J;(r wn to he The child Iivcd until midnight, doggy way. Well sir, h was t h(' cla.s und grade, high o ltl ee of o l11l11under of the .\1rs, W. 1". lark of Wayn sville Iflsplrlll.g y t to you. far n>aching in its inrtu(' ne in a ft 1' 1' ceiving a blood tran fusion "hit d ". Polatoea I) Jla1' tll1en~ of Ohio in a. mann I' v i~ ited hpr m othel', M't. Mary Anel yet. in )loring ovel' th "tliles ~ rl'ell ding lhe gnod nlllllt' o f Woy - from his fnth r, Services were he ld ll ulC peck '" ill b required in to r eflect c redit all t,he Am el'ican ' al'mony, Thursday. o f 011 tl and Mc Kay ne:v ille , fo r thc Cllll ~ bearing the at t. Mary's church and burlal PI'ope,' autllOrilie s mu t have I lIt'ned that th writer was b e- ('uch 'cxhihit. L egion of thi s 'tate, The '1',hiJ'd g roup 0(' th,. Ludi st W ' lind 11 0 much that's l>eaceCIII, Waynesville l a bel j!'C1 far into the was made in alvury C metery, on om ing a n rVOU B wr ck fl' m beSweet Potato. Aid h Id a meeting at lhe home fl f , all war thoughts PJlss away; wl/llc1 of commerce. ~ndillg gt'o· Thul'sday. He left n" brothers or iog kel>t awake long hourg of the Hhow oo('.flalf peek in the t.wo ~ \., Mr~, Donald Had lcy, Friday cve- rh~I'c 11I'e homely, eh erful fil'e- CP1' Y cli (ltdhulor$ hUIlIII(, the h igh si.<le r , 111111l~S n illg. , Ilull's whe re love and peace a- quulity COI'11 thot iR canll d loeal MI',', Herbst s pent bis bouhood l1ight by big h'uck~ boun ing over d nsses _ Yum. and Jcr. ('ys. n the vi ioity of rout~ 73, J th hump On Main St.rc t. Th mClI C arden Exhibit \., " 1 r, an d 1\(' T!;. ] Tnr Id Wh itakel" bound Iy. who have uch mattc.I'lI in hanel. g nend W1rdcn exhibit will be SlyT--rcvi e lls, Judging conte, t.~, attended Gl'ange at Ma~on, Fri- Wh e re welcoming h ospitality wa. - - - - - .. - - - W A YNESvi LL E- CHURH OF appl'ar d one day thL pa:t week nf intl' le l to hum ' nl'd ncr s as nnd tram (l('monRtratlon ~ given by Uayevening. ev r to be found, CHRI ST 1\1I-s, Helen Willi an;!!, of Leba!.- No vain or fal!<e ambition strllin, 0 lind wit.h pi ' k and !$h v I, bt'ok ' nil tin aI'd will Il mad to the J:'urll 4 H lub girl .; IliIl b the outs tand into mith, Mini ter i t dhown" or dwh tevcr e ll l'r who exhilJi Ull' most var. ing-hf aht.u re. of Lhe 4- H Club Day on, iI helping in tlIe at Lyocld the mk rh '1 ' tl'ife w. [) la ump an now W il'licR an.) of bt!st Ijuulily, , to e e l d al J Ilrmon Hall, in Leb ti e EI va~ol', in the ab~nce ()f hel' ' 'WI'~C '(...' t e II i ent flowing slce l) bcller. Tha.nk you, I!" ntl /!Apple. allon, Augu . t 17th, ."tatting at 10: father, 'E;verctt EaTly, who is on a o~ , the~r peace ful, quiet lire. Th l' Eo L rn ,tnr, of lfarvcys· Su nday : men. Those who ho l' o['chants will 00 Pl. M, Vacation tl ip to Pctos.kcy, Mich. Thcll' cliurche)! were the c nte'~ burg'. will hav Il i;ucinl ' Il t the Hi ble chool.!l :30 A, M. SubBut, say, noy!!, we never havo nn, l the ex hibit divided into two Winn I'S in th('se Ollti!St. will Mr1(, Iyd e Wharto- n, Mi s Vel. of the I ll mily life as well, High '('hool Gymnas ium, Friday Je-ct of l ell.'1oll, "God gives laws to fully apppciated hav'ing beiluti:Cul j.\ "lions or rlns, es of 1"all nnd Win be scnt to I'epresent Warren Coun IIlIl Smith, and Jl er man mith And many a strange attendant did ev()ning, Augu .t 1~. The re will b(' II N:;ttion." scen I'y, es pecia lly sc n 1'y \ hen 1)(>1' vlll'il.ticl', F...u~,h ~x hibitor to y nt the Ohio tilt Fair in olum flpent Thul'l'day in Dayton. of th ei r pi ety tell; special mUlI;c, Ev eryone i.- urgNI Pl'intell Text - Ex, 20:1-17 it is on , uch grand u Ie liS this ~ho\\' three val'il' tie of threc Illl- bu , AlIgu!<t 2 th Sept mber Mr. Elizab eth B ough, of Har- I And jOllly social galht'ri ngs, Uk to attend. hri fltian Endeavor, 7 :00 P . hio te1'l"itory nb\lund , with, being Illes caeh. 31'l1. Th fl tyle I'evi ew which ill v cys bul'g i at the homc one Jig family lIl J:!t, MI'. and Mrs, Ralph Lynn, of L ad r will be Harvey Hole. M. hidd n back 01 tall we ds. I all\ uml>};in " c~qun~h etc., w'ill be !:taged at 2 :UO P. M. on Tu esday of Mr, .and ~{rs. All en Emrick. IB ecah me at time h ' tOJ'ie, today \ uyn w ill, MI'. and fl'. Fl'nnk Prcachin g, 7 :45 p, M, Sermen " ., ~~" told that one ....()f the boys in the all Iike\\ isc lind th eir ways to lhe will be of greatest interest to the Mrs ••J. E, ,nlith i s very ill at t ey al'e so, yet. Me Vey, of New Vi enna, Dr, and Sub '(!ct "Th F' P " II 101'111 Agricultural clas, at the exhibit labl , mothet's and Cricnd of these 4.:..-H t.hc home of her daught.er, Mrs. WIth all then' pa toral living let Mrs, W', E, FnJ!l and Mr. and J, e It'St etltlon. high ..chool on xtra credit by Th I IIf GMln)! hn promi d lull girl but all events of the day Louella Raim rt, in Dnyto • me to stale, Harold Me Vey a l'(' s pending this ' La:t Sunday there were 76 that lI'ath ring 150 vuieties of weeds to make an exhibit lind will soon ore op en to the public. )11 6. Ailee lo rk mad a bus i- They ent to ,bonor til w k in Michiga n. the morning semen, Wh 'n one look,s !II'ound now, hc mnk(' flllnlJUneement of their pl'OOutstunding exhibits in clothing trip to Dayton, ):,'riday. I upre me court of the State, M;, and Mrs, Witbln Wilso n ,:hlch was comp d, of 8 i.bl. isimpr d with th idea that on this ocon ion a s on fl S projects ('ompl ted by the 4- H Mrs. JMephin(' Whitaker of I Anti bis dcsee ndant'.'< name anli daughte r, Betty, f) f Ronn ok I and the servIce. veryone is wlInting to grow \\' ed!'! th committees can fun tion, g il'ls will al so be ,sc nt to' the State IIpent la . t w with I appeal's, with hon I' to be sUI,e,/Virg inia , , pen t th week- nd with In s pite of the weatber, tllis year, Why not cut thc we ds. Oth r ol'g\lnizl1't ions likewi ' in- Fail' for display. her SOn lind wife, 1'111', and Mrs. , A!' a utho ,' oI "H ighl'ontl to Eng. ' Mr. amI MI'S, FI'R. nk Wils on' nno we a fi.ne a udIence for t he I've eyer been very good with a dlcotillg' IIt' h dny that they will Th e r Wei' twelVe girls who en- Harold Whit..akel· and cbildrcn, ! IiRh Lit I'atur e," 'family, eve ning , sel·Vlce. scythe, m elf. But onc'(: dad sent have a part in thi first fall Fe, _ j o yed camp 11[1' at :Imp Ilook, Mr, and Mrs. 'hal'les D oster I So, w ort hy thi s occa. ion t o teU' Mr. Hnd Mrs. Elton Rntll t'y and Y me to cut a pJttch thal had tival. it'om AUI!'Ullt 4th to 8th, Th(' fol- nncl liLtlc daught r, of HarVeYII.l them o.'er and o'er i MI'S, Oti!'; Had ley of CalBIble stud :}':5_ P. M. Bu~ in (! g hOU, ('R in Wayn ville lowing giriR Hllendl'd: burg were cntertajned to unday / Th e tones of OUI' father!! ho I'fo rtllH , hav been R'U st , o f sov- FE RRY CHURCH OF CHRIST ,liP in II VllcD.nt lot, 1 could'nt seem to find a plae to b gin, Th n, dncl will oA!;ist in !ltag-iug thi : commu'll.fan e ' ook, Roxie ackett. MiI- ,Iinn e l' at h home of Mr. and came from foreign hore, eral <:If th iI' fri ends in and neal' W, C.• mith, Min ister came along, sympfithetiCi lite, a .. k- it.y enterpt'h- and will bo decor- dl' d ali ~buJ,Ji Mildre d Cook, 1\11''', Donald Hadley, T o reminisce of time. long past, lI a l'vP)!, hnr/!' this last week. cd my troubl ~. Arter prop r ex- ~Itcd, giving space und a,;~i~lance d ary l\1o~s, MO;lYimia Hoak, Dettie M I'. lind Mr" Allen Emrick and of ha~t1y )lione r Mr. and jVTr~. Willinm Hoover Sunday: plallation, he pickell me Ull by thl in the exhibits. Davis, DOI'is Fire. , ~velyn Hoblit, Au('~ t, MI S. Rough, Mr. and MI's. To tracc th e good examplc of njoy d a vi ."it in hi a go, la~t Bible School, 9:30 A, M. s at of th trous rs an,l thl'e mc 'I~ J ean Bnk r, Betty Braddock, and LellJi (;l'8y lind chiltlJ-cn, MI' .and ~ul!e~ Hud of · se<'r. week. Sel'lllOl1, 1 1 :00 A. M, Sennon over into the mjddle or t.ho patch "" H eba Surface. , Mrs. Will Graham ~Lnd Ml'. and - --- - • MI'>';, Annn Stinson I' ce ivNI word ~uhj ect, "The Two Builders." and l'Il id, "Begin '"'ll re you :1.1' '." The4-H Good ut lothing lub Mrs. Dearth 'hcC'han and chtJdren 1'1' nLly of h er ~on, M,'. orroll Tu 'liday : Homes, farm !', and what woulll met at the hon1(' o[ Jane and Mild- attt'ntl d the o'!'liol'l )'eunion at Stin o n, h {' il'H! in an automobile Bible stully and choir practice , you, wou ld all look n. little b tler Many groups , hoth I~j'al and led Cook, A ugu ;.- t 10, Nine m l' m- Wllyn e Park" Sunday. I J wreck whic h C{)~t the life of 1I 8 :00 I~ M, if \\IC would all "be~in where wo from a distIlI1C~ , have enjoyed th!' bel'S and tw o vi. iiol' were presMI'. and Mr~, J , B. J,ones and La hi n d, who \III~ wilh him and , 1'Thul'ild ny : hO 'l)iLaiity olfel'c d by h. . 1.:I.' ,vas dccided that we wnuld Mr~. MargaI' t John were Sun- I Thc henvoo-d Reuni on WtHI he ld ious ly injuring nnol!. Hi many Bcr lin cia , me ling at 7 :46 p , , ai' " cuUing weds. BEECH-CROV'ERobitz I' in hi pl'esentation of th(' have a hay I'id e in the near future, day dinn er gues t " of Mr. and Mrs. unday, Au~u gt 8, at the home Ihi nd fi h OJle Ihnt he will recovel' M. Of much inter t . ,0 memb r facili t.ies of Wnyne Park. W , IlI' C to have a, boolh at th e T he rl!' Jon s a nd son. Aii-. and Mrs. Raymond Onn01'. !lOOll. You are invited t attend t hose Every w ek "l' h 'ar p!'opJo band cal'nivul nnd displa u our Mr, anll MI'. , Cllvde Wharton Ove!' J OU membNs of this well 1>11-. al111 II'," . Precl S hel'wood oI Mc tvi c Os whe l'e you wl'll fi nd no of her group is the a ll dny meet.- 1!I'IuRing . ., I h ters, MI". L , Greathouse kn own f uml'1 y were pre:<cnt. On(' olumbus 5 1) nl :lIlurday ni ght creed but hri t, no book but the thi fiue local ntel'vr ' <', work. an(I (aug ing pla nned by Mrs, YI elen Robert. Muny of t.hem always en d up by ~ Irs, Emma Lf~ Y Ilt[.(otnded ' 10m ) ' t 0f'm t ercs t wit th e fuct that Ilnd Sundny ,,\th M)'. Sherwoo d's Bible, lind no nam€ but t he Divine Duinty I'efl'cs hments were )lerv- an d .. so n, on Wed nesday, at t h F lat saying, "Wisb we hud .0methil1l! ed by th e ho tesses. the Lnc:y reuni o n at R'os r Park , Lhis, the oJOth unnivt'l'RHI'Y of this mot.her here, name. Fork Church. I nstr ns in will t he like thi & in QUl' commu nity," . ~ I within a "hort making of candle ,., uctio ick spread Th e Twin Thent.re ha s made neal' Ridg ville; Sunday, reunIOn., wa, h ell I,ittl e' Mi i'M N !lncy CailH's, or -- be the main featu re oC the mcetL ast W ednesday ovening the quitc un improvement in its show MI'S, Mu'r y Mr. anO lli stance of wh ere the first was hehl Tlflrtwell, is vi!'.il.ingh e l' Krand- HAN E FELD TO-TELLA BOUT ' Lion's Jub of 'ab ina, Ohio, held h()u ~e for the to mfo(t of its Pll- Mr~, Walter Ke miclK and James I on the sam~ tl'eet, at tho home oJ: moth e r, M.rs . Litla Jlatt on, STATE FAIR • jng, t heir I1;nnual picnic all t.he park, tron s. Th e lIoor has be ' n raili.cd Hain e: wlJ'e I!nteTtained to dinner I Henry 'hCI'wood, the gl'eat grand· On F ar m Ni .. bt Radio ' Pro ....11 unday dinner gue t s lit the having Mr, Rollitr.er furn'is h tht' several inch s in the rear so t hat unday, at the home of Mr. and fath ' r of Mrs . Con no l'. A \\',cnderM I', A. S. ollett is fe'covering O f WOSU. Monday, Au • • 18 Thom~on T erry home were Mr. 'picnk ~UI)P r Hnd serVe tllC saml' one can see over the heads of tho, e Mr~, Thoma Collin ,. in Dayton, ful dinner wa s partaken off a VCl'y , v I'C ilLtack of pto· Di _1570 K e, l " and, , Irom ll1iari ~ r oi 'oning, a n d Ml'S, H enry Carpen t cr, 0 f D ay Lo then1, lheil' wives a nd families. silting ,in front without having Mi s Vivian Johns of near Bell- g' u<.! s. IV ' I'e pl'ese nt from Englan(j , , 8:0 Mu pic ton, MI'. and M r~. O rla ndo B ran-I About, fifteen families \\.erc prc!' t o stretch and eran his neck. The br ok is vi siting at the 'home of her New Y?rk, Columbll." incinnati" , Mastcr Maym~rd r:rost IS ~t>t'ntl8 :05 Log nn County -l·H Club na n , and Mis Edn a. Dodge, of Xen - ent. Mr. Willi , of Thc Miami Ga.• management is to be congratulated Igrand-mother, Mrs, Mllrgaret l • Jlflngfield, and Dayton , Ohio, as 1I1g the week WILh hI S gntndmoth. - M(' mbcl's directed by ROM M, ia . zette Wa s guest of the Cl ub o n thLo UPO n thi. work, John s. wel l as local point~, A general Ct' Frost, east of town, W01'k, County Agricu ltural Age nt, Mrs. Oliver und da ug h- pcclIsion. Re)Jort of t he organizn- - - LYTLE- - MI's, Arthur Greathouse and son, good lime was had by all MI'. and M.,s. H C, Milli gun ana tel~, Donna, li r e. spendi ng seveMl I\ t ion and its work in SaBi na wer(' The Ladies ' Aid WIiS ' entc I'tni n- Hugh, of Duy~on, wl~ re over-n ight YOUriiGPEOPLE TO CAMP mother have retu,1'Iled fr um a vi, it :25 Music da ys vacationing in Michiga n. heard . cd ut t heir August m eling at the gue ls, Tuesday, of Mr, an d Mrs. A bout 25 membel's of th c 2 with fl'i e,nd,., and l'e1atives i n an cl 8 :36 Some of Our Poisonous Mr. F . T. Nash of lndiannpoliR, E ach m em ber of t he ol'ganiza- horne oC Mrs, E arl You n g in Day- Clyde W harton and fam~ly. Epworth Lcagucs, of New BUI'ling- 11('al' Cleve land . I'lant.~ - H, E, Eswine Natu:ralIndiana, sp ent the weekend at his ti,on presented in a 'I 'riendly, off- ton last Wed n esday , with a eove.r- I )M,r. and MI'. . G u y Routzahn ancl ton , ar at.tending the Miami Val· Me dame,s Rose and ,Lillinn Cnrl' ' home h ere. Dolores Nasb a nd h ll~d manner ,th e many advantage, ed dish dinner. Th e day was much I fan:lIl y , pent SlInday w,ith the lat- I y Epll'ol'th Leagu e In, t itute, bl!- ntertained Lh e mcmb ers of the 8 :45 Truv(·l Through B ook&-da ug hter, Jun t , o f Dayton , were w.hJ(' h the Llon~s, lub offers tb e enjoyed by 011 p resen t, T he a nn ual ter s ~loth 'I', Mrs" Mary . Boitnott, gi n ning Sunday, Augu-"t 16, Th Eas tern Star of thi. Chapter, al Mi. E~thel' Str'Oedter, Asst. L i, guests also. sm~ll commurutlOs throlugih tbe election of officors re u lted in t he at Tlppe('a~oel C,ty, MISS Bl!tty 'haron Leag ue will ue chaperoll·d Lheh' beautiful country home, on brarian, O. S , U. , following: 1 •. E m ma Levy, Pres., ~'etur~ed 'home with the~ after by Prof. Lester Hugh e a nd wife III t Friday afterno on, Th rOOmS 8 :56 Music Mr. and ' Mrs. Kenneth Laney n atIOnal work" and Mnn ~on Laney, of Mason, wel'Q ~~h~r orgamiilntlOns to USe tho Mrs. J essio L ongacre, Vict) P res., s!)cndJng seveml duys WIth rela- nnd that of N. B, by ReV'. S. Ii, were beautifu ll y decorated in 9 :05 interview ot L ickln .. Sunday di nner guests of Mr, a nd fac lhtl s of t he Park In t h e neal' 1\1I-s. Amy Bailey, Sec'y., Mrs. lives t here. Weaver and wife, Registration bow,l;; of lovely 1'08 0 , anJ other cut County Farmers - I n c harge or M rs, Glen n Davis and family. futul'c nre: t he Goshen .Cha,pt~r Virgin ia Groves, AsSt. Sec'y,; Mrs, M,l' . . a nd Ml~, Joh n Co'n in s and tak l's pluce, Sunday afternoon on fl owel's. T h(> aftel'noon was spen t C, B. Alspach, Cou nty AgTicultu'l'in convel', ntion and n eed le 'l\'ork. al Agent,' Newal'k. ' IMl' a nd Ml's, Ot is Hafll ey a nd No. 382 O. E . S" t ho Fn,endsh lp MII,l~gnr t John, T reas., and MI's. fan1J ly of Xema, we're Su nday nl- the J,!'l'ountill. Mr. nd MIS. E lton H aelle all of lu b of t he loc.o.l co mmu m t.y, nnfl Letlya 1Vharto n , Sunsh ine Lead. ter noon g uests of Mr, a nd Mrs, DEATH NOTIC E Delightful rcfreshments were SCl'V ,"" ,y, . the Ear ly, t he Gl'ay a nd the Babb l er, Hal'Vey B urnet. , ed. Tho, I' w ho attended were Mes· 1:1 :16 :Music Ca li fornia, were ca lhng on Cn ends f amil y re unio ns w ill b h 1. 1 I ' harl ~ M, Brown, I' tit:!ld car- I W ' II' L k L 9 :25 An In v ita tion to Thi' ' ves \' n 'bl's VI'''J e e u le l C - HAVE-H-OU-SE - CUE'-STS Mr. a II n dd MI'S, DE . B. Longacre pen t er. d'Ie d at h'18 IlOme, August tlllneH I lam Clul'k u . ('nAdah s, ena ,Yea l"s tatc Fair - EIlTJ H , Han· , '" ' nl' ty, Hal't~ ock, Lena Taland relat l riday. _ Mt·. and Mrs. Lest er Go rd on '- -d were ca e to By to n, W ednes- LO at 3 A M Mr Brown wa.s M" efe lll, DI'recto r , Ohl'o Dept.. 0'4 Acr_ last F MISS iRE -N E PET-E-R"S- IS ,.... da . ht CI t k ho t ' ". 111 l111'C , m'y uckel'. Mary Syfo rd, ' ~ • _ HON. as t heir ho use gu ests dUl'ing' t he y Illg 0 act wee ,-. ' he scI'· born in Wnyn sville, May 17, 1855. I'iculture a nd oC t he S ' -te "'A I'r, OR ED AT SH " 11 h ' Anna Randa ll . Edwin Shidaker, WI r .. M r. H • F • Mc Kay wa s a T u OWER past week , M rs. Howard Mc Cun e 10US I ness of t ell' d a ug hter, M r~, l~ullcl'al, Wednesday, at 1 :3 0 0'- Will iam Shiclakel', Robel't Lew is, !l :35 t 0 10 M usic an'd Farm day eal Ior at t h e P a t t er son h orne. A _ _ ....~_ a nd dau ghtcl', Mal'ylin, of P a ines. gncs Swank , who underwen t an clock at the Me Clufe fune r al N"'ws Re por·t s. Miss Iren c Peters sp ent t he t' f .LIIUI'D Co lletl, B~xtha Bailey~ Flora ... Mrs., Adah. Talmadge was a ville, Obio, and Mrs, M. E . Mou- op ta Ion or appe ndici tis. The home, Burial in Miumi Cemc,Lcry, wee k a s t he g uest of 'her a unt, It' ~hldaker, Lida Hatton, EVIL Mac guest a t a very plea sant affair at Il8«t Mrs. H e rm an Moore, 2 07 Gordan ser, ot Youngstown, Ohio. In theil' ~s I Tepo,rtM~ S that sh e is doi ng DEATH NOTICE Donald a nd the Mis,~es H elen Ranthe bom e of Mrs. R OoSe Carr and A Y' e iner Roast is to be held 'IIton, Ohio. Mrs. honor Mrs, G ord on cn t ertained at llIec> y a~ lami Va lley Hosp itvenue, a m I Mary Ama Davis c1i~d at t he dall, E lizabeth , Ial'k OIl d Nancy H Mrs, Herbert Can , near Harveys· A at Way nesvi lle Grade 5<:h ool Build !Moore e nt rtn ine d fo r her n ie<',e , dinn er, on Thursday a t the "Litt) e ~ . homc of her da ugh ter, Mrs. Mark Gaines. burg whe n they e ntertained the a b r ide-elect of early Septe~ ber, Inn," Mrs, Earl Short of Xe nia, O. ing, ThuI's<lay, August 12. All Mr. An d Mrs, Alva Scott of Day. Murphy, 5 1;) Sou t h Ga rl 11,1 A vc., M 0 Mrs. ,faf k K ersey , Mrs.' Emma ton a nd Mr. Hugh Scott of New I'S, see Harlan utt{'n tlt'd t h r you ng fo lks in the Recreation C ..... ladies ' of their O. E. S. Chapter, at a. mjsce lla neous shower, on M CI Y k C' unday, August 8, at 7 p. m. She fun eral of a relat ive in Indiana , on Friday afternoon. a re in vited, Thol!le who w i.h to Thursday e ve ning, Augu st 5. The C u\'e and Miss Elizabeth H enor It y wne Tu e.sda y guest~ ~as t he widow of J ohn Dav is who kle. I at the h ome of Mr. and Mrs. Wal. on Monda y of t his wel!k. come, see Ma ry Allen, Than da,. Mr. and M1'8. CaToll D eaLher- b ride-el~t w as the recipi ent t K pr('ced ed her In death a f e wyears Mi",,> ,Jea n Cos . urn o f Columb us aftern oon. are and their lrUel u, Mr. and IIIrs. many useful and lovely mltll. A Hartaoek agO. Mrs, Duv is was the: darrbtp r is visiting b er uncle, Mr, William s._.l1 e rU 81lrick. d M A ... dMr.daa ndh teMMJ. R. H. DaVil , of Carrollton, K entuck1, delicious luncheon wa s served to an ug II r B weore ..-y a - te ... r. an n . De n'--Emrick en - 01 Mr. a nd M rs. Jam es Be r otlln 8ll'I Duster, and f amil v. • -J.-B. - I'!-a -_.. t M ~ bel Col taO d k Mr. and were last Sunday dinner lrUeet l of t w('n 1 gueBta. t ern oon c:a erlt 0 rs. _a r IRe to 6 ..o' c..... dinne r, t he IllSt of the fa mil! t o 11'1 " away. # . . .. ......a t _ _ _ _ lette and daal hter, R uth, of O},- Thu rsday evenlnl, Mr. and M I'l!. ___ - - Mr1l. Ma ry Tuc ker, Mi~s E liza- \ daughter, anel IIr. acl lin. Jlr. •nd JI(Ts. Bo.. Bartaoek, of Mr. an d-lin. R. H. JIartfoek ford, Ohio. 'Chal'l.. Anelel'l!on t be latterB Mr. Robert Davis ,.,a l • Leb- bl'lh Clark, ot O regonia, a nd Mr. rence PuI'llU . . . . . .,tia.... W.7II...... a nd f 1110, entertained on r. alUllln. lIilto. 01 mother, lira. Jlr. 1, Harold Tucker vilit «PMr. md Mrs MtchtraL . DoIo&h7 CclldIII..Ui lid III roUB Harty Tae er of Frue
L 1L-E -AE' l'
4 H 'L - -U-B
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haTVe"sbuTCI happenings
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at.t~nded Scho~1 I ~J1d We~ne'!'day:
~omm~n lOn JIlcle~ent
Sherwood Reunion he'
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B ~lI efontain e,
tltbt ;ft1iamt
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Diapen len l»r COllven i.. ntly Located on M.in SI ...,t In L.b ...o" ate "Sp cial .GuerM e y M'ilk and Cream" • _ Courte ou. and Tlreir for d. .. Hund to Known and lily HO'pita Real .. d to~ tz Public :O Very Step From th~ Dairy Farm to the Co •• llmer '" Guard Efficien t SeMI ice. Recoa" izrd a ... Home for the Traveli nr n.,.. of Their Deli"io lll Milk and Clea"li and .. , Fl'uiln. Po~tof!icrat '\Tayne~vill(>, Ohio, R. ,eron d the Inlure H a. B ro urht Muclo. Ent,r d at the . S f Y M Th' ' (Hr nj(lll\n~ Jln sl\I('ll) O d t'!'rYIc.ealld n 0 ear. .an,. ear urln. an Ins!' Mail MaUer Cream Which i. in Great De",and by Re,iden t. of Lebano .• t 0 D,'ne - - I Commun It y. Yau W I' II L·t ..... . . 111-:,<\('0;-': J.I(;T1T : TO ~1Jo;N: In T ra d C! A etavlt, ur 'I..0Il:_ to O f in Their Determ ination to -,, ====-== _ Nothinl ked Overloo Have . Vicinity -=======:="~=-,-=-..c::=:=---=--,. (If a p to (,n b L l'hirllgo Id G of h city th Harold D. Willi., Editor Proouc e the Bellt. R ...ldenh of Lebano n arc A .... red of Prompt lit t e o .... am . )' ('--~~~============= high tl1w<'r i.- moun rod a ~I'l'lIl at All Time.. Call 1.9. S"rv;ce . billion tw" tlf lSSlF.D F.VERY TH R:DAY , ht l: >l'an·hlr In bnrtlne days th Wn ysi rle Inn till hotel I'omfo li to it~ A'(I,'~t." vu ll ill~ 'I'. '1'111' milk i. cl'okd IInll botun IIct·· tran ! at th ~ I'vic\, lJu~line!\ IW dc IIIOIll sJlIl'ndi n~ l The ,Iill ~' a 'rh rand l,' 1"'\1'('1', rL I'ght, II hjeh lit wn~ a I" btinlt placC' fot' th> WNIl'Y lJiri('~. tied UIHII'I' th e mo:t stlnit..u·y con· VIIII~y 'v'il'w ('d. I{t' ~ . l\ the hy unt')(~l' ill el] liT Y LlImb ll,'nty t n " $1.f,O, i~ Ciohl .t,d, Price, on night thr<:e a lti or fur e" ~ub~cl'iJ dUnn No. 112 tnll'cll' l' wlHl stoHPcd OftiH' Phone __ !22 __ _ it.q pro· I di~i(lnf\ which i~ your gUIII'u nte hom thl'UIlA'hollt thi~ :,-,cthllu~'lIId t .m,'., !)1'ightt' r thnn th e In c" :lncl th dt' mIl11,,1 [UI' 0 1' IWl'h :')1; n fl!w t!ays' lodging. \ i(1 ntll yC'a1'!l thirty than r nr l\J . rity pu I"f Arto tribut t Rtlnc lli U 1:< ,luct~ it fint! IhL' 1\ d"'i ghlfu\ nlr I will nil-thl n Lio All nnOn "n~' Rlln. TIlt' inn "'II." n A'f'lwrnl mel'til~ llPrnt :I thiR in UH' duil Y Lu " inc,..~ places the , Th,' ,,<' ..vice Cl)ve1' rlillP to place ll.ilitm'J1 in up high n 11:l:'h ~ o ut into thl' darknl':>''! it ')! thUI' •. Fl' n (' h \\ h" " 111 rOl' Da;"i, , lnc., in l\ plnc Vif'w Y Valll' , . coneI'm "ivl' pl'ogr('" " lCuid(,· a pI' nN)'utin j! \" '!lm o f hl:ht lIntl nffail'~ of the :t ll 1'. club breakrll L~, 1.111,11' '" ho le lun· bll(' pOl\ilion t,) f'(' ,'Vl! you in a mO'lt alrnir!' om fr 'd l oL' pt'()du L milk All pHil o "h ()ul~ . pid Ihl' fi.·~ cheon s ",io dilI1lH!< , atld 11 la ca· illtn to th"~" '. Tn y have con· Gat here d niA'htly tll'(Hlntl tht' great t Llb<Jr~li n tcs \A'd IH!TII ~ and Ior cflici llJlt IIl1lnn('I 0-[ the ll' e K.·rvicc . Up l"'ating- Lht'ir uW Il s n ail' pla nl .... at n ight. f'Jul':tio lIs pnLO 1ll0m th!> tinu ed in the' dCl' e lo)J111ent and I for milk ieleal th., is reason that I g ~tnllin th l' c hnic " ot n.C'a1.5 anu n p(' s It Li"d" '!'Jih hl'ncun. \I· ".·p <ii <c ll ,;.~e " with the' ~ lrun- fu.m s. fnet thl' product ion of " ' cl'tifi!'ll" and in· <in,. !'l 1II'l! Illwuy,; 8 rvclI pl'IlIlul'l dlliry his in !wam pi(""' ('S th" dllrk nl!~s lIS far hahl(,,;, chil.lre n ~nrl in IHlU,'C to "u hOllPcn havo ' ~ fll\c LI'd milk until today !'I ll ckd !WI' wh" La mh. Goldl'n II. fnr I e"t Nlli!'\! fnmily . 'l ony 11Iot hers e th HIlII at llnd :1d· vd C1~ l'Upid ' 11' of e ~ <'"I't u " . tlli ,'(\n!l;re. In l . :. rf' s;: joul'n,'y the in e~. ~ll hun· ' "I have Pl' a h d l"i g-ht('(I11 .< 0 pJlins- 1GUI' .' ns(·y Milk i... in us ' by rn conc olhel' 'no found \\' uf OUI' Ill'om inent ",hI"" ('vi!' . R lin",,,. lhi In Man~' l .... o th Ltlui ~, idl'nl Suint lI111U Uo< L(lI·t1, . ~ecLion. vnncl' in l'!c i nt'C' lIno gation: 10, 1 have not l'<, rr. intll my 11(1' , lnkinv: in their t'f1·cII"\. tl) produco I ,ll'l'd R of fllrni li l's in thi all ut (l " We 'Ii,,11 til Rll y blot one,','" c kll(':;!' .tUI inl'!', K bU nnd thl'l f"le with pncy keepti inn P aIm (I :!I . kn o~ t. " ]n mak ing lhis I'('(ioll' 0 Cthe \\,lly:< id l) Ur e~ t ini lk unl! fJUf.Jity rine1't e th s('rv i which Ic,,nre (, llieil'nt " , tt.(' ["i"ndly mnrk~. th nt hl'l' Illnd 1II11<11!l'n \\ odd. '000: it whole . ol1l <l' und ' rl'lllllin nL hu. in l's;; cone rn«. uf rind will You c n Lamb Is hl~ GIlld ~ Ii l' th n nt ~.c" 1H' 1l 'c"iv l" 1·1' J.!: you this :fnr of ' nm lH' though "gill'll 1 Lamb, 1'h<, C olcl en What vcr ' moy he our 1'l'f'lin~ and a pI/lion in lhl~ s i'ction we tak.e th is opporof t amoun rd "Ianda the n" it i!'l murk· "ontai hi"h in II hy trul' l ~ I hco way I)".! hold" lho pil"t~ of the inn of t.he 111,,1; tht' " i ~".p() t o ihe . ituati II , th t' fAct l'l'lllllin s that th<, mlln who added tUllity Qf cnmplim l' nting t.h Val· in ILd l'nne(' b1'in~ \,h;ch llt bull'l'f th e' travl'l f " high I< ou.·c', hi.:hwllY e Iighth th A . along l'd e COUI'~I· hom h(·ir t l nc.. anll s lIg- cl' ntury, ~1iI 1 r 'tnins thnt wlIrk. pay;; fOl' the Coud Ilnd clothing llnd ~ h"'t"r of the or mlLny I m health and vitality . ' Nothin~ is ' It'Y Vi c v Dail'iel! , hM ben s it alld nd" se puhlic. .,.hure ing to rocky l'y It on nece:\slI is.o hilt Jlh('re o~ man who d6 not work. g-e:t to our l'cade rs f,' r th e bl'.· \' ut lll fOl'the milk f (I gla~. cl)ld 1\ a.., nn anu g'l)od expnn!li ~uidin~ th' t., in wille Hi,led ll1lY ~to aeros!' th e 's that quiet Y"nl'~ ·0 o· milk :llld (,l"l'llm and prnmpt de- t hei.!' cli nLell'. HotTel 01' J!'il'l , boy \' nity A'rowin! commu lO ' loral I' <lU · bearing of s giving J'"'()l:r(':< 11111 : til hips " of l~" s(,I'Vice r h Allv. diA'nifil' d, fl'iendly Man seldom compln in. about lli~ \\'if~ '.' ~o Ir or Back of every boUll' iR 11 guar· Iiv~I'Y Be t'vi ce call II n. in a lowly g uddC'd 1\111(le Ll ·tivity to lig-Ilt, A brinJ,(in by pilots. me ; th [(nxiout at while a.~o, long bak<!r. of pic (\ inn liS bl'at bridge it she ha . the world Adv. " huck b .<it! n , tl'ung-c road giv~s tim' e-stablis hing a II w s tund'a rd I Lc bnnon. -0 o· un, th to nc(' r nfid co alld I' hI" c sil1r the than Nothing looks more fooli s h in oth r~ cCltain tlllvele r. ThpR al'p friendthings of wh ic h We our. elves have be n guilty . Veterin anian ly lightR. A: th e.' Lindh ~ rll:h bNlcon '000pilot~. and h\' t t" nc(' eonfi(\(' ~iv('A 225 for wning y n The G o'rgia man who has be'c Day or at 15 Author ized Ford Sale. and Service Located in Lebano n till' liJ.rhlh01I ·C rt'n ws t.h cOU1'1I IotO hours probabl y got to thinkin g of all the reports he For,' to Senic of rd of the bcwiltlc['(>d marin r, :ll)U Ealt Main Street Furni.h e. a Hich Standa would have to t.um in to the Cederal g v rnm (> nt about Section Thi. in n Concer Otlrer Any by the ed of ........ ow Su wind Not Ownen That il the li~ht in the his busine s. Di.play on nOW are humbl . ~ ~ ha (' k eh ('1 th. lost Ma.ny New and Beautif ul Mode" of the Fowd V ·8 -000hl'i~ lilln 80ul truly h(' t ~o nd They Invite you to ride in the N",w 1937 Ford V. Eight. ll'r, rave t that ~8y Ther 'is a local man of whom hi friends friendlY a out, "hinl's in thi8 ""dd lC e when he was being married he got in a huny and be. .F or many YOllrs l"ord h . luk'il give. you t op notch p ' rf(ll'mlil beacon to m ell b'1'oping anu con· )crmotor in ultimul the i and nne! dure m:wufa the came confu8e~ and instead oC an swet'ing hi qu ~ tion tho lend in fu ~ ecl. anti unclorll1in, and inspil'C'lI V.S "I do" answer d the obey .questio n H ( will." H e he. been ~nle or lIutomoiJiI('" showing th I fect.ion . The' smaller Pord t.ru ·t. This is anti faith anti hop enginl' wcr hOrl'epo GO a with limes (' trclnd and obeying implicit ly ever ~ince. l{l'lat public dl'mund the kind I)f hds tian (JoII wan ts-y, Th~ lat.-000[Ol' Ford produc t;;. ~lany good fOI' rock bottolll econom soul of e rlldillll Il ith \ ; hl'isliam nre nelY body y Th five . in ne le intellig availAb ill our l' on tl' Strikes nre a l' flection lind .·u bsMn til\ l rell~ on." m' supallil I'< pil'it, hl'i.stilln s who ur in low st Ihe the at or ers off'rell employ nnd the of types 1 ence conte-ll' intellig in L~ the fa on on Llctunl a reflecti porteil by to men. light beacon truth · th~ The at and them. tQI'Y ",";ns hi~ Fort! Nobody strikers . trikes nre like wars. plating the ul1u8ua l value o.frerl'd pri c; jn gns· t ell!. greail!s ing the rs connlct ofT two timl' the l<Um of gy<!lltvictim S Th helplell V-S. public is the in the N ew }I'ord PLAN SECON D ANNUA L in Ford'S lin e mill'llg of II ny Ford cal' yet ductioll pr oC ments. If the striker walk out on his job and i brough t rate st CONSE RVATI ON CAMP plac(>d On the market. The mUIlY to the point of n e d, the public, the govern ment, must history ha ~ ju. t been l' ach ed up made I ment gov(>rn this eet n('IV mud.-l" being Rhown by the To publi('. first this lhe tion in and Genera 'hlm cars t r motol' IlUppor YounKe On milliOn mflny and,in g workin Wha.·to n lotOl' Sal ' ill 1. ,bllnu n In.truc iion In Waya To Save often of men and women Who are eight. monthl4 of 1037. the which wages the will bring \Vor"lel' lind admirat io n ea than Vless Ruourc tho ng Natural instanc es. receivi The FOI'd V-8 employ RONA LD O. TURN ER to uv<,ryoll l" \\ Iro visits thcil' ""lOWby Uil in is .triker !lcorns. About 175 older l11e/1'lbt'll's ot which n~lne tYlle in pride of AKER 'I'CHM amp A W at. t e .000. Ohio 4-][ clubs will me Cap t. Walter n. Wflodson of munufa ctul' rs of the high st pt·i. l'OOIll~ nlld th, Utlllost buy one. things of who o!;1! chIef drift th to thtl fl'~eive hiJ1 recently to til 19. un analyze ol~nel'S ., to to Va ](1 urg. brings tend ug'll!,t pr V·S A , Lynchb who hin Ford Those Cell ('al' . This new with n cour~e o C in:trud i on on the' con· of staff or the Un ted States Asiatio to you t.h most e('onom icnl and )loint out that. properl y u ed"th machin e will brin!\, about whom the Navy departm ent Frank L. Miller , ' Jewel er mo-st b uuliful cor vet pl'oducll<i Tltl' Whnl'Lon MoLor &rlcs rill·' ~(! rvut io n of natul'lll l' so urces, ac· fleet, a shorter work day and a short r work week and allow naval become will ed announc bas is it mpany. You will izcd when tht' y "tu l'l(·" in bu in S>l cording to H. W. Hllrshfi eld. aS3is· by the Ford WILM INGT ON, OHIO man more leisure. We are 'not sure whethe r or not to 'P residen t Rooseve lL aide bl'illg pa· ss worthl most the of r. ome huv t,o SIHl and rid in the '1'01'<1 tha t ISttisru<'lion wuuld lant stat club lcadt' more leisure man neede. Ilnd a j!aill and aguin , back leisu'r of tron~ replenty such had many > second have it.' the .ate be known will ever appreci to 'l'his have V. we fellows CONST ITUTIO NAL AMEN D. , inte the lal'1;olS\. ~"lul>lIs h d in their. l'vlce d IlIlrtcamp held in the gtnte and, IlS at in fact litt.le elee but leisure. Our obsl'l'va tion is it takes ~• • • • • • • •IiI• • • • • finem~nts, to apprec MENTS APPItO VED BY some· boy make a and and gi1'l isur n le car II trer~ d at 1m nt a polit·y II.~ I 'liabl lind ex· t cnmp. under U)l safe last year'S ro omie t and a better man to sta nd BU~tEAU FARM l!xp<'l'ie nce the from ea ~ h coun ty will be invited . • uch a low price that more people: J}('l·t as many y('ur~ of thing of himself than when he i.> kept on the go all first duty eir' th That it. to make c.1n leadmenfs by Ford amcnd the given {] to be Two propose In. ruction s will eV(,I'Y day arc tUI'ning time. is to SCI'V(' yuu pro mptly lind efonstitut ion w ~re given '000· Y·R. CI'S in th<l various fields of con· the Ohio ts 10 Year approva l of the, 'Ohio Farm ·Bur· The new Ford V~ 8 is oITered fici ently i~ known to all ll1otorl servatio n. Some folks who pretend to be . hocked ·at the prac· m. th with ulings d to had ' the tearing huv at who against Colums adopted g, perforons scruple lhe Hurdin . no T resoluti meet in have u to ca Dr. GeOt:ge in two s izes tice of canniba lism First Mtg. Leban on ing, forbus. has the hardes t topic. human recent meeting of its bom'd of manc dem llnd, hy th buy ing pub. POI' sClvicl' alwuys call piece~ a good reputat i on. A llr!:lt rate. ult';tand Adv. n~ hyperson. a acoordi 48. uch s li'>, mental ide t.rustee s in Columb consorv lltion t.hrough lic . Th MW 85 hOI~ power engine ward looking canniba l is a pal bes Farm Loan. -000giene; Arthur Harp'er , Ii. E. Es- to announe l.'me·nt tQday by John wine. and E. S. Thomas , allthre e M. Hodso n, lel:islat ive re)lrese ntlt often happen s that civic organiz ation s in attemp . very the by away it drive town a alum bu s naturali sts, tiave charge alive of the organiz ation. ting to dTaw trade to e palpabl so is Frank LeMa y, Solici tor scheme The On e o[ the propo ed amend· efforts. that fi eld; and 1'. fl. Langl ois, their of of ness obvious il) n some way adoptio Lab the better for . SLone A I' ments provide u s~ i 8lant tlirectoa: oi the that the trade become s di&t.rull tful. 61R2 WayneSVille 7 mtory, Put.In -Bay, will teach Ohio of the Massac husetts ballot times lor a Chamb er of Comme rce or a Merc hants All· . . . .. . water conserv ation and fi Ii cuI. Thi s , ystem o'f c.onduc ting elec· fII. . . . . . . . . sodatio n is to devote more effort to buildin g up the feel· "Moder nize Your Home With Electri city" of tere trade practic g the outlyin te,s wiih elimina will tions ture. Applian ce ing of friends hip and good Warr"n Co... nty'~ LarRe,t and Moot Comple te Electric al Th e 'oil cons rVlllion 'el'viee will "straig ht tiekdt" voting whereb y ritorY rather than emphaS izing the mercha nt's des ire to ay in LebeDa . F •• tuTt!' a Comple te Broadw S. 4 at LOj:ated Store fUI'ni sh Charles Walke .. and Chas. a l'itizen ca. t~ II vote for 811 canor .. Bell someth ing. If this is done and a feeling of friendli Line of Eledric al Merch.a ndi.e Includi nl Kelvi .... tor R.. frirerat cm'e take will trade getting up, D!lmba ch, bot,h from Zane. viife. didat~ s in on~·· party by placing built Is ny Ma and ne 8 and good will a.her. W Ea.,. Rad,.,.. Carl.on err Stromb Phileo and' Rnd Eug ne Cood, Columb us. a1\ one mark at the head of the parof itselt. E lectric. 1 Appli... .,"". Under Directi on Known lIy Natio_ Other teachel' ~ : and the experim ent sta- ty column . Stl'ai~ht tick et voting, -000' Fo.... of Mr. Shurn....e ... Well Known Lebano " Bu.i ne.. Man. from lection tt'ied are s scneme ion at Wooste r s upplies Elizab th it is claimed , allCYws th promot lion trade ml\ny good A 408. ll Lebano Call Se,."ice ".) E)ectri te Comple BUI·l'age. geolo£(y, lind F. W. DC'Iln, of too many unknow n and un· time to time by one locality after another . A f w ot the m homes has the nothing under nnati, run ers Cinci long .-hold c the offie. in Bibbee, d R. but e. . qualifie results. c forestry Ell"et"; city is no longer ju t u' n built· ill gas oline molor for produc e sporadi wired. county agricul tmal agent. will be leaders hip of one or more popuever been revised that will produ~e busines s on a s~und· c()nven ienr'e but has become a ne- that Ilre not eleetl'ic nlly inv\t-ed are n adver· sectio per this or s newspa tes. Lad; than expert. , cnndida basis sehold. lar the fil'carm er end more econom ical cessily in the modern hou ed to The second amendm ent a'ppJ'OV' The li st from the Univers ity ROOT FOR AND CONSI GN tising - well written . careful ly though t out n ewspap er The Shunw. kcr Applian ce Shop has to have- an "Ea~y" deliver demhorne calve. bes agri. Free and . ':lnd a -prescri ed for sheep Bardon D. display BUI'IlIlU tiogs, .hom(' R. well s their lour Cattle. cd by the Farm " taff include provide d a larlte stock of I ctrical adverti sing, coupled with good stocKs C .... Jive wire and Brock Norris· rather W. km· to G. but tment e Dr. n. appoin r; produc rati s for nst enginee scheme l "outine mak.c U to. Other cultura sed. which ndi ndise from properl y mercha progres sive finn f?r the higheat mercha Th e Shumak er Appli[ln ce S hop Blade~ . botany depa l'tmcnt; Thel· than ele<:tion of seven supre me porary re8ul~. They are like a shot in the arm. When prices and rood service . your choice, a.ndinc 1udes modern market for C. judges R. ing 27 c~. anll someth , ceonomi 0 feature s' one of the large t uniil judges atl. olf 111110 home court lIlf falls Cincilln Bcull, rna UDio. Stoclo Yard.' applian ces of aU kind s which their effect dies down. trade WCKY meStation or new Radio the Profess on By gy; in l. s of rodio.~ in, this \s,cl'tion sociolo appea TUM 'of I'ul displuy I'U COUI'ts lm"k, eC1ling ek ~ hou lighten to else is tried. dalb dellign.ed our for m. p. 0 :3 12 to :2i'l 12 ich nationa l· wh de il, lry Counc hu!\bonr l thod, the JUdicia Eo L. Dakan , poultry ·000and turn housew ork from an un- of Ohio. This incll1d es the Market reporb . " lind Conmy;. the "Philco imin of agrono been es for d .Iin have Dodd. R. nity prnvide known D. ly nt; now commu ve i!< the partme in attracti lin A number of homes pleasan t job Into Stromb erg·Oar lson in mJ'l,ny · new Dr. Lawre nc e Hick ~ . directo r, bi· stitutio n, would nominll te candi· proved with a new coat of paint. As ide from it~ pr 'se rvatask. the nelY ologica l -re!<carc h; Virgil Ov el'ho lt, rl ates for the jUIlg/,Rhip~, and from In the I1p~li.a.nce departm ent will mod Is for YOUl' home. See live v,alue there is nothing that call be done with a pro. or the ul. Covern Parks, 'you of H, the T. brings coat ; 's h eel: in new whic a eng " nominl!!C as tural "Philco much these so n agricul -Ji quite it knllwn." es lly improv perty that be found nationa Stop numd ance. fi', . 'require Picl"stor perform parous, the L, pro radio A. a would appoint II{Itomology. and paint. Newly painted houses give a town of electric al applian c es, includin g timate in and, n of . ation Lebano in confirm urc ogy. the you to pnthol when plant subject in ber. ator" look. well groome d. well kept the beautif ul n ew "Kelvin .....--- Autom at.ie "Philco what th e Senate, T'he tenure of judge· learn the you brilfg5 which rator. refng.e N\dio pub. QUEST IONS AND ANSW ERS RhipR is six years. gt'<l'!ltest develop ments in electri· Tuning " means to the s· Judicia. l Council is compo The lie, models new Many cal refriger ation. 1. Wh o was choFen as the Oem. ed of the chi (!f justices of {be suMr. Shumak er has b en. closely are beIng shown and if you <are take no to er been lead has l' oo fl ' there (lcl'ulic world the of Since the creation pr emo court, one appell;i te courj; with the electric al busines s. allied contem plating a new . refrige ra· Illace of the late Joe Robinso n? tyrant like Intemp erance. and no slav so cruelly treatju~ge, one commo n pleBS judge, years and will be pleassevernl .fOt· ator." "Kelvin tor. see the 2. Of whut ~tale is Barkely a one probate judge, omi municip al ed as hi.s. - William Lloyd Ga1:riso n. tes cd to give you comple te service on elimina washer "Easy" The . senator '! re".. judg.e, and three rl1'artic ing 'a ttor. the old fashion ed drudge ry of applian ces, radios. or electric 3. Wbo wa Barkely 's oppone nt lleys. Th e 1010\1er COUl·t judges on By a bill recentl y pass.ed by Congre ss the Civilian service For kinds. all of iors lrigeral largest your do will and day wa h, In the ·l'a.ce IOI' P!H't.y leaci c l : hip? the Council litre 8ch elecled by a Conser vation Corps has been extende d for thre e years. Adv. Phon e 78J washing iIi an hour. It wmes with Call Lebano n 408, 4. From what s tLlte is Pat Hal" state conven tion of their fellow -0 00I'i$(ln a s nator! The. dairy industr y of New York state is rated as a judges in the. same class. 5, FOI' what is Jimmie Mattern y. $2,000, 000 industr known in the news? The better grade of Panam a hat ~ are worth IT)ore INTER f;STIN G FACTS all are They , G. What pecial import ant flight market th all gold than their weight in . "COAL _ FEEDS _ SUPPL IES" ioIOTARl': PUBLI C Washin gtoD, D. C. hag 4,750 is he plllnnin g: . in Dealinl r hand ,,"Oven. " Leadin . Firm Located in Lytle, Ohio, Ma.k.-· a Speclial ty Nationa l Ba.k 7. Under who~e administration taxicab s more than Chicago , Phil· -000' .... V-Cj Fellc; Tile. Salt. Straw. in Hiah Grade Coal Gwain Seul." li S pI' s i<1 ent WtlS Newto nD. Bakel' phia Ilnd Pitt. burgh combin ed. Will. Ora... • • E.tat.. II is sa id the Panama hats worn by J. P. Morg:an, Load Will and l Farmer to Sllr.nc:e Quick a nlr Fertiliz er •. Featuri WAYN ESVIL LE, OHIO Secrtlt.ru·y of War? 000 Herber t )-Iuov!!r and the Duke of Windso r cost $500 in a Short Ti..... eo .. rteo•• aad Reliabl• Waron ow ck .. Tr r .. Yo Preside nt Roo ~evelt receive s a th. eacb. 8. For what was Gugielm o MarManale ment of Wide Experie ,*,e. "Th.. Moat of tho B .... for his' from gifts of stl'e'am t • 000· constan 85.F2. ille coni noted? Leaat," Phooe W a ynelv ille 76Rl2. or Centerv and admire rs consisti ng of THOUG HTS FOR SERIO US The finest palm beach hats are woven by a girl in O. For wha.t is J nn Pic card friends . is one of the lading f irmSj' with them and learn not only how i. This h OO,,;!I, plctuTe s. ennes,w ood carfuel but Monte Christi, a town in E cuador. She is r puted to b$ J.-noll'n in the n ews? of this section of Warren county to saVe money on your MOME NTS s, glov<!s, tonecktie cloth. vinp.'S, best rethe the finest hat ",eaver in the world. obtain to 10. What unu suul t.ype of bal· that II'> renderi ng the public the also how ·000. s . All gifts arc ae· . iA'lu' c bacco, U8e. ita from ults B f ef. every URe Piccard and Jean service by best of loon is being u cd by letter. inec it is ' As long as war is regarde d as dged knowle most is ent Panama ha are woven from fibres from the leaves departm in his stl'llto....phel·l' flight ('x peri. fas. fort to maintni n a comple te sup., The supply imposs'lbl e to usc them all, wicked it will always have it'! quite anarters of the Jippijo ppa palm. 1'hi~ is pronou nced hippiho ppa. headqu is and te comple at ments ? it is looked, upon ply of cool for the people the surplus is given to charita ble cination s. When Native!> of Ecuado r and Groot Britain call the hats Jippi· . In. pop· btl farmers to the of ceaS<! will many it for nually 11. What well known motion institut ions, museum , librarie s, as vulgar prtces that are rcasonabl<!. joppas. Wilde. Oscar mis. ular. nlly c(' l' WII.'> eOllnty. picture aC'trc>ls ctc. -000\. There is more to the mode17l thlll IICction of Warren When the f irst just and frienda comple te 000 Lakcn for an a.uto~a)Jh hunter by coal bu sim'sg than merely quotlnl r Here will be found The better Panama hats sPI\ from $50 to $600 each. the nationa lly known the earth, prices to cllsto~crs. This estab- B~k of th& police at a pl'('vicw of a pic· of -the finest harps pro· Iy man appea.re d on Some n r~)uir.ee from eight to ten months to ",eave 11 better turc in which she played t.he lead' duced are m de by Charlet! A. Lin- from that day a fatal Waterlo o li~hment is in charge of people "Tuxed o" feeds for both live IT8de hat. Th.l' cost of the fibl'e u:;ed is ~b~ut a dollar. an does ' W:l!l visible for all the men of pridt' ] 2. What town in Ala , ka was deman of·d,ic ago. Lindem ·000· thoroug hly familia r with atock and ehlc:kens. They .also cara small and fraud and blood, _ Charlell who are in himself ric w FertUis el'l, grain and the of all earth· an by the uf of thia import ant rytb V-Cf ().llch vi.-ited to feature ('cently • charged every wa: . .Iollar a of on II n admltnli Dole. r sapp 81 of all kinds. Fle~he liuake? arm er four 0 aa i. ings much coal which know mop. t!pend Dir 88 They st'J'Viec. . ·300 )WftOnll who .ttende d the auction of the furnish I sinlfle harp, Be months on We bow of no firm with a more --'-- - - - - .,spat boue of Samut'l Jnllull of Chicago . f Nn ODI' can be perf6C't ly free till be t for partleu lar h_tine of Pt~; OD6 eY...,. ,. ma 80na11y (nee Yat.e!< W. P. i.bl. reputat ion for fair aad en M1'!1. to and Mr. wUUlle -000all are fr~e; no one can be per. tem . The1 are alW'., Ifiore tbaD ~ parU. C19, DOd Red of deali... an4 in this, · di. Mae,), Mioll iDf01'lll 4!1S11l'8d r te haa hHJ:l ,'ectl, moral till.u are moral; no give ,ou
-== == == =
W ha rto n Mo tor Sa les
--- ---
Wat ch Repa iring
Sh um ak er Ap pli an ce 'Sh op
r. Ma rtin F. o
Ne ws Items
Auc tion eer
Cen terv ille, Ohio
Ev ere tt Ea rly Ha,..
SPECIALS Copper Clad
CARS 1937 Chryaler Coupe 1937 Chevrolet T. , Sedan (Lota of extras) 1937 Mat. T. Sed. (Radio) 1937 Chev. DeLuxe Sed. 1937 Chev. Spt. Sedan 1937 Old. T. Coupe 1937 Olds 118" T. Sedan (Automatic Gear Shift Dem. ) 1936 Chev. Town Sedan 1936 Chrysler ' Sed. (Tr.) 1936 Che v. Spt. Sedan 1936 Chevrolet Coupe 1936F ord Sedan 1936 Plymouth Sedan 1936 Chevrolet Spt. Sed. 1935 Ford Sedan 1935 Ford Coupe 1935 Chevrolet Sedan 1935 Chevrolet , Coupe 1935 Chevrolet T. Sedan 1935 Chevrolet Spt. Sed. 1934 Chevrolet Sedan 1934 Chevrolet Coupe 1934 Ford Coupe I 1934 Ford Sedan 1934 Chevrolet T. Sedan 1933 Chevrolet Coach 1933 Chevrolet Coupe 1933 Chevrolet Sedan 1932 Chevrolet Coupe 1932 Chevrolet Sedan 1931 Chevrolet Coach 1931 Chevrolet Coupe ,1931 Studebaker Sedan 1931 Buick Sedan 1932 School Bua 1930 Chevrolet Coupe 1930 Chevrolet Coach 1933 Chevrolet TrUck Cattle Racka 1931 Chev. Chaas. &: Cab 1935 Pick Up Truck AND OTHERS
Our Big Three ... Americft's
Most Beautifui Range
Suprem e in b eauty, exc la in efficiency, convenience and dura. bility - Costs no mOre th an ordinary ranges. OUR SPECIAL OFFER ENDS THIS WEEK Beautiful 8.P iece Enamelware Set given this week with each stove purchased. Come in and see this wonderful atove. A No. 1 DELCO LIGHT PLANT - batteries. and full equipm e nt for your farm needs. Come in and see this plant a! our special barga in price. CONTROLLED ELECTRIC FENCE - Prepare to pasture harvested fie ld s by usingl the one-w ire Electric controlled fence -' - ,economy, efficiency, and satisfaction, with grea t er ease in fencing than you've ever e njoye d before. COME IN and investigate th f e nce that is winning farm . ' er's approva l everywh ere.
I 12 ' "00 000 McG u ffey ,auG 1 ,Oi .. . I owners d '{('<Jders r eache on gma • o da y compl ete sets are so r oro 'Jlot th ey Dre found onl'y in mu,. ums or a fe w prlvll te collections t · h ' j ' " tremendo us prices for
IerAmerican life as much as Ilny oth' Ie c d u ca t 'lana I ! or mg
Fairley Hard'Yare Company Waynesville, Ohio
beouty. its" nerable buildings im' . h t h e ( ;'Ie t press II1e"ISltOl' Will U S hi ~ ory . that this is the oldest land gr:lIl t Larg~r Becau.e of BeHer Quality. Est ablt.hed 1849 - 1937 SerV ice, and Price Tile rl sk on' whic h the> fa molJs college west of the Al leg henies. Its books were Wl'l l\en IS " IUl,!hly newe r str uctu res am models 01 pr ized item, In "1 (' COllt'CI,oll . moue m educaliona i and I' crca Th 10 IUIlI I c~sons of MC'GufT 'y t iona l tncillties (01' th e youth of IV lie (). I" n nu r is m ,,'rwo v n With les- OhIO, them. . SOilS In SIl!)rl'Iy, han s ty . klllrlAdJoi ntnll'. is the ~racious One of these re w eom !)l e~e sets n ('s~ , Indu',tl)" whl t' h evcn today C;dmpus o f Wcs tC'rn College f o r Salul'dllY evening. 'f seven McGuff!'), Readers IS o'l , LlfTeet the lhour h t of nil II Ions. d('- Women. a sc ne th ;) t we ll l't'PI ,YS MI', l~li ll arvey anti , o n. li ar· IIghlight or the famed McGuIT y sCl'ndL'(! (rom t h/)"c wh o WC I" un- the vis itor. x ford IS asily nc- old, and ;\1r~. Ma(' P ile, of IUl'k:;,' oll cction a t Mtn ml Uni verSity, d('r IIII' ,fllI\t(', cc of l\TcGllrr~y's tl'ssiblo (!'Om D ayto n, 01' fro m 0xford hio. While 11 prott-ssor I te:1 chlO ,s eluTIng s('h"o l d UYS' j C,n cinno'lti by way o r Midrll" ' own . ville , ca ll d on MI', fl 81'VC'y')i. daugh t I', Fl'e la, on unday eve nm g, " I Ml d ml , McGuff y sturted his , The l\1,nTT11 (':Impu s il 1:(']( I ~ w 11 the grCo'lt "iron city " of southwest.~Ilmous reodc l's w hic h inll uc ilced , WOJ'lh \' iSitlllg. be greLi I n .. tu ral e rn Oh io, Im'!:11 e B \'t'yhill and daughLeI', lut'D. called 011 the Mi ~s/?~ --.-~ ...,... . Anna nntl ~lnrnC! Hl'own, unday. W (' I'(' olin n ' i' ~uest., W l'dnel;(\ay. a t Sh ul tz spe nt W ed nesday viRiting \ Mrs. Edith H:lI'1'is and duu,l.\'h lit thl' hHIll t' ' If till". lInd I\h, . Gl'o. tne zoo at incinnnti , ter MI' . J.'l'Onk 'rayl o l', of all 1'. Q uick, Mr. Russel Bentley and Mr, il- 'Fr~ncb' o, alifornia, W Til di n.\11', ,Jim, milh : Mr. Ilnd M rs. bert Frye aU n.dl'd th ann~al n('1' guests o( Mi ss Emma lIig hSllliLh a nd ~ on; and J oh n G ('eene o unty FI ~h anti Game pIC· \Hly at iht: hom e on u nday, *- ' nic a t X enia. W ed n c.l<day, 1111'. and Mr, . J oseph Mun g~'r, or MI'. and M r8. E rnest Woolul'rl Lel1ano n ami Mt'8. Goldi Burd n, Who is the b oss in YC'.Jr ove r t on. or Fa 11 011 , YOIlU* and daughter, • yl"ia Jon.n ne. Of: I,r Fl'Ilnklin. were gues . or Miss basement-yC\u or iho Ne vada. iR vi, iti n g at the hom' o f Dayton. sp e nt last we k With Mrs. Ll'lla Benham. on F riciny, coal ~nd ash 's? her daug hter, IIhR. J . n. rnbbe. 1', B, Bl'a.nnock. . M r. and Mrs, l\fnrl'is Sherwood, • Mr. a nd ,lIfl's, Otis Hadley, of ~r C~al housed in one of MI'. lind Mrs. George Ja rlatt of 'o l umbu's, Ohi o. w I'e hel'e. ictot"Villl', aHfol'Oia, wel' those frequent ancient, mot ol' ' <1 to Rich mo~t1. Ind iana, ISunday. to viRit tr, and Mrs . llrl gU(l t. n f w days last w ek of Mr. malte-shift crates ccJlled I with Mr. Ilnd Mrs. LlOl ey Mal'lait, II Sht!.l'w(lml. Mrs, h rwootl i, still and 11'. Madiso n Me Kin sey. coal bin might just IS well be dumped on the floor- it unday. quiLl' ill. M1'" A. H. Stubbs entertllined could be of little more annoyance anu produce littlu Mr, and Mrs. H iley ib. on and Mrs. Elizabeth L e wL spent Sun h e r molh rand s isl 1', MI , Emmll more dirt. daught.el'I\, Pnuline and Stella, day with MI'. und M rR. ,John Jarne. G Ill'hart and 1\1 i ~ Ru t h Gearhart. \I ('1' 1) dmn e r gU I)~u (If MI'. and MI·s. of n ar 'ente rvillc , Ohi o. of DllytOIl . severa l (lay I t week, But coal 'need not ruin the entire b~s'mont--c(., ,~::; L ewis Morgan. un'<iB:Y' Mrs, 1\l~ Mill i' and children MI', Ilntl Mr, . R ob I't Bake r ~nd 't with., new. modern, dustless bin. Keep your fu el i:'l ib 1\11" Raymon d <;;,l1l1th and MI'. a ntl M I'l'. Eli?...ab ut'h Lewis w ere Mlsl' Virgi ni ll 0' (IS a were unplace and usc the rod of tl, :) b!ss ment for ci ... i! iLUd Iyd ~ Smith we re dinner gue. ts of F l'iday guesl~ of M.r. and Ml'L day gu sl<; of M r. a nd 11' -. Wil l purpO$~S. 1>11-, and Mrs. H el'b(!l't Marlatt Ilntl B e rt. Sh ph rd. Tunney, at Milso n. Ohi o, A 900d ti c;ht coal hin-one wl,ich canf.oos til ltl! f ~on, Edmon. I 'Mr, und Ml';\. E. L. Thomas w e r B Mrs , Walker J ameson, ot B ell.t.ty Mr. and M r~. ' George Mal'lntt Sunday guellts r 1111', and Mr.;;. ~,d dirt to a Ii it"d un.1, is not c.pe :,:i~ .l , ..and it ( .. \ ilIe, K entucky, vi ited relatives ' are expecting th e ir gra ndaughter, William Thomll~ , proprietors of be inst.,lIed in half a day or 1('$$. he re last we k. l\1 i.5 Katn e rin J ean Mal'latt to- the Tower I n n at MIl ' o n , Ohio , MI'; and Mrs. Willie Flanery. of Isn't it beiter to buy a f w b"aro.. "" i let u~ ;1'! -;f ' ~1 day. Mt., and 1\1 t s. H u m er C, Couch. Middletown we I" dinner gue ts of th" m than to ke ofl m:xlIl:J co')l d u~t wtlh t C C ": III; ... j r'L t PRIM E STEE R BEEF Mr, and Mr . E 'vcl' tt Bunn el of L s Angele:;, alifol'nia, cll l d MI'. and 1I's. Ray Main ous, Sunc:lnJ t t.,:} Illundry7 Ilnd ehildren, hades and Virgil. o n Dr, Ma ry L. ook last Friday. day. LEBANON FRANKLIN Short Rib•• Ib . .. lSe I sp nt Sunday in Daylon. .\JI S, Couch was Olive Roberts, Mr. and Mrs, Ralph L inn a nd Chuck Rout, Ib .... . . ... 1ge Mi s Kathern Pr nd rgast is daughtar of J ohn R oberts an d dn u,ghter, Ollie, left, Sunday, fol' Swi .. Sl ak. Should .. Cut. spe nding this week in inc,i nnati, uiece of Coat('s 'Kinn ey, author of a week facnlion in M ichigan. visiling h I' bt' ther, Bl'yon Pl'e n- " Ral'n on th e Roof," 23 Mi Mary Virgin ia and Mr, .......... dergas t, and family in Winton , Mi. II Mable L . Cook, of Dayton, Fre shIb Ground Beef. 21bl., 33ee PI J ames E rwin Left'e l'son of CovWAYNESV ILLE, OHIO ace . Ohio, WIl f.' the gu e t of Dr. Ma ry ington. Kentu cJ<y. or spending l;I ~eF Liver, 2Ib.. .. .. 3Se Phone 14 FRIENDS HOME NE-WS ook th firs t of lhe week . their vacation. with their u nc1 ei Y oun l!' and tender George J. Wilt rhou c, - - -MT ~ HOi.LY~ SI ak, Ib, 23c Mrs, L e na Hartsock. in comMI'. nobt_ Allen left la. t T ue~ • I Ju icy. tender .... ,.. ...... . .. pa ny wi~h M ff', Alnos C oo k, and 1, i' I ',~ .i I'; i :Z(~ dny l ot:' hi 3rd y at' of t.raining Mrs. MaWe Levi i ' . pending Cube St ak. Ib, 38c son, Em('. t oo k, a tte nded y earU 'our nt the Citizen MilitaTY Training ly meLting a P neleton Ohio, last two week, in Dayton. No bone. tender, juicy amp, at FOl:t Benjllnlin n arl'i ~on , M r. a n d !\II .. Ern ~t Earn hart S un day. 1lI.lS(· ri'l ( ' ;1 l Indiana. H e has b n made a PlaCHOICE VEAL Elizabeth hllnd lel' visited her tl nd childr n. Erne . tine und Itobtoon Sargent. aunt. M!!';. Ra cl1el lPetli t and took crt. Mr ,and MI'!'l , GrnfL(,n KesVeal Ch op •• lb. 23e din net' at the h{)mol! o n Mond ay. Mr. and Mr•. J . P,Lal'l'ick and jng nd I '. II and lara hautuuq Daughteua, r.. ~ daughter..Loi , M,', and 1\1r , Frank Veal 'P ocket, lb. 18e ~(, l'vic es in he retur ned to Dayton where he !,ait H offman picnicked at Indian Lake, unday-. Val Roa.t, lb. , tUld hel' siRtt: (·. Ruth, are lookin g 20c Sunday. Miss Minnie I'Uwfo l' d i. spe ndVea.! Ground, lb. 20e afl ' l' the 81'0 of Mrs. Fife (n ee 1M]'. J, p, Lanick and daughing this W('l k with l'elatives in Alli e Danie ls ) , wh o is vcry HI. Veal Round Steak., lb. 33e ter, Lois, Mrs. Frank H offma n, . fl' , Emm.a Pierce ent rta in ed Cincinnati. 1937 DODGE 2 DOOR TR. SEDAN. Demonstrator. ~==~====~-==-=--~===-,h el' neph.ew, Willia m B-row n, of , C\ ' ell a1 fJ'i(!'nds Ih fe att!'nlled CURED MEATS At a discount outh hurlesto n, W e't Va.. a t h e funeral service of lillie An 4 S. Broad_y Phoa....08 WILLIAMS' PREXY Salt Cured Smoked Bacon couple of day. na Klllh(' i'in l' I ill, or Lebn non, SatLEBANON, OHIO 1937 PLYMOUTH 2 DOOR TR. SEDAN ~ 2600 mile. P iece, lb. 25c Mis Olara Lil e, of Washing- ul'du y afte rn oon . See it ' Sugar Cured Extr. High =:B ::::= or=n= t:":o""',-:M ;'rr=. =a=n=d'J'-c-;. M Oheste~ , to n H , visited th e home" FriMi-s Euph cmio Toms !lnd Mr. 1936 CHEVROLET .MASTER TOWN SEDAN Quarily Baeon. lb . .. . 2ge day. nn(1 J\[r:, RlIymonti 9 8UOf'n \\ere Me George, a daughter, August A Bargain ...... .. ........................ . . , , ... $545 Ham... SUlrar ou red guaranteed Ml' . Hattie Smart, of Hal'veys- aflern oon call rs on M I'. a nd Mrs. ~tb. not ~alty . Fine flavor, bUl'g call e.d at the Fl'ien ds H Olne, Em I'S n Dill anu . (tn. Ra lpb. 1934 PLYMOUTH DE LUXE COUPE, Heater and Whole or Half, lb. .., 28e Radio '- Se lling At .. .... .................. ,.. ..... $375 'Salt or Pickel Pork. Ib, .. .. 24<: , t~" ,', t .~ 1 " ~ r ~ . ( 1 ("I \I \ r r1 \ ' r Jowl Raeo n . lb. , , 230
-----------!-SPECIAL Prices for
Does £oailiula All Ov tlae
• •
Fri & Sat.
Fred Kahn
Quality Meat Market
Motor Company
w. H. Madden & Co.
Better Used Autos
'S humaker
ApplianceShop rs.-
Sugar Cured Calli~ . Whole Whole. lb . ... 23e
It Runs On The' Highway '-; And It Runs On The
Phone 2007
Selloo' I. out. K"p tORltanU, OR the •.Ierl fur. children at · play. HELP KEEP THEM SAPir.
Dr, James Phinney Baxte r Ill. professor of history and master at . Adams house at Harvard university. who was unanimously named to 'suc, ceed Dr, Tyler Dennett as president of William. eoUe,e. at a recent meeting at the executive committee of the Williams board of trustees. Forty·four years old. he takes otnce September 1 as one ot the youngest of the ten mcn who have held the presidency In the collele's hlstol'7,
Low Test Wheat FOR FEEDING
$30 per Ton ChAS. DOS 7ER
Pork Steak., lb. . .... . Pure Pork Saldaee, lb. Fresh Side, lb. . Pork C,h op.l. lb. .. .. .. Rib or Loin Fre.h Callie. Fine Roa.t. lb. Frelh Haml, lb. .. .... .. .. Whole or Half F.. nh Ham Sliced Center Cutl, lb. ...... ...... ...
27e 2Se 28e 38e 22c 24c
Boloana, 2Ib•• , .. , ..,...... Franlu, 2Ib •. W.iner., lb. Boiled , Ham, lb ... " ......
33e 31Se 25c S8c
Fruit Be.ked H ...... lb. Liv.r Ch.-e, lb., .. Minced Ham, lb. .. Cooked Pork. Ib
80e 21e ZlSc 80c
Lol. RoU lei•• Loaf. lit. ,.. " ........ " ". a.. Plcld. Pi. . .to Loaf. lit. .... ... N.t LHI. lit. .... " ...... . lie S_, lit. ....... .... ......... lie DWWa..I, 104 lit Celie '
. . . . 1.1 • • • • • • • • • • •
HIS Ia the T wrinkle ill don. It II callecl
Dtwelt tran~rta·
After Harvest FEED BARGAINS the
Auto-Railer. ,I t I, 'e qaaU,. at home .. an Inclepndently operated veblcJe on the h1.hW&7s or' .. a train speedlnl alO"l the nilL It II equipped with four rabber·tiftd wheeJ. and with four fian&ecI atee1 wheels. It is e&pectecl the an-
..... .....
Cracked Corn (Steel Cut and Graded) per 100 I b.. .. ...... $2.35 .. Less Quantities per Ib ... 2 ~' cta. El'l' price .. are hillhestin the Fall season. Feed your pulleta for early production WayneaviUe , Laying Ma.h per l~ $2.50 Growing Mash per tOO, $2.50
tt . ,
Pig feed price bas been $2.50 -
Now priced at $2.10
DAIRY FEED ..... '.. per 100 _ $1.65
Economy 16 per cent
WayaeaYiU. Dairy no filler
per 100 _ $1.90
(State Anal,ai. Show. 17. 18 per cat prot~iIl)
FI, Spra, (Brl... ,our caa). Gall.. .... ' .............
Jlut1n .11, .n,t
L I'
" ' lH I ~ n thll1
111I\! \1 1 . :\l'!1I1' \oi q ' \ " III 'II "Ill lol' I'g, • II ,' 'I n, "
T IIl!'1 'I Ill' \II I'" a ll tl lhhl' "hald ll' lI o f I) I,,,i l ;\I h hi '.!:In , 1,'ttll'l , .1 hllltlc . i'a t u n hy , "I'll' " a ,\, t'k \1 It \\ Ilh 1 l1 1 allv t ' ~ h('r c..'. ( · [~' d .. FI"II II11 :.nt\ E m il 11 1'(1\\1\ ttl ' llIl. d 1111 Ball ( ;anH, at
f' otll <h 1\t'lI,
,'d l'd t o IIlll k "
rOll l
S encs and Per on
.!t'II IH·I I' , "I' \\, ililli lI J,: t 11 11, (; ('nl'ge I hltl1l:l ll , I I,l y l nll , Ct'(' r! Ill\rt Illa ll . .. I' \\, illll i"J,:\ ,," , lIan oi d und Il ll" lI l'd ;'I\c I\ H~' , .. t' Fln l FIIl k. ;\1<" 111"'1',, ,I' lh ,' \\' :llt ll ll fllmily a til'lIded l h(;il tl ll lI ll;1 1 1,' lIni .. tl al ~ h:t\\, ll. l' lI l'k , X ellla , Ohi O, HUII da r ,
,. 1'
' ~II" .
,Tohn Ihllldlll'llnt mul two
Current News
!If 1' , li nd Mrs. E n' l'd l BogulI, of wel'(' Su nd;a y I! lle g l ~ nf M I , lind I l'~ , Hoy l) 'Aut l'l' lI\() nt \\' a y n( '~ \' il h ' ,
a nd rall1 ily, 1\\1'. li n d MI' ~ . G, W , DllI'ill wa ~ a 1'1111 .'1' li t lhl' A. n, TlIlmn/.:'(' h Olll e
~m W ('( llI es tlll~' nft"l'n lHl n.
Beech Grove
l>ay t ll ll \'i~itlll', la, l Wednt' , day.
datlKhl l' l' ~ al'(' ,'nj u ~' 11I1! " two :\1 1,., 1 ; l lIdy~ II :tH ,ll:!n tl nd c1lilll- Il' t',' k, vi ~ it. II ith t111' il' ~J'UIHllllO~h - 1. 11; ( '''";ll d H.,h,'I! , F ltlllCt'~ untl t' l ' , in C incin nati.
,\I r. and ;\11 JI ll I t~ F ul". I'Slln , :\ I i ,..~ ' il g illltl '\ 1111 W al l hal ot' , (1'1' "f IHl t l' X II la , ,' it", ,\ II'('l in 11 '~" , F r ull k l m, O hi lll" I' i--i tin l! h <.' I' aunt , arl' \ i ~ ilill l! I.,b lil. \1' :tlld II.· . '1'. III ,1,ln ,r H l,ll\ .. "n k, Hll d ~I 1-:< ;\111 1'1' Gill , M I ~. ,1 1l 1111'~ ;\1dnlit·,. a nti MI'.-. " Ill". (hl'l'lls h ul'j.!, I II"ia''''1 "Ii, \', ,III' I' ~II(' ,I' II' anti lon .. r II" ~ I "II, (l hill ('a ll ,:" o n F lll nk l{ · I' V('~. I\nll t h I' pl:l" " In In.lann, .\1, I!.I .. ,. 11.111"11 ~'lllrdll~llh(1I IIUIl I , ) 11 . Ju l i:l J I ~ rR ll n , un 1\\ . " a nd M r~ . , 'I{. N')\l~ II' l eft , \., '" t ' n ill. (II .... , ~Ul\rllty. MI 's. n, C. I) ,1",", .,j' ~I'l'ill'~-' .' u ndl\Y f ol' I he il' :tll!l l1a l 1':II:I.I!.io n ',' II j 1, I" 'l ll '~, 'I' / '0'1, ' :1[ 1" l; lltludlJ 1l ""lI n, 0[' nlI Ylid!!, tl lt in, ~I"'llt III 1 ''I In II' Ihl ., '. ,I • . ... in !\tit higl\1l, " h ]\' ' . I ' 1' J 11 S . I I,. 1.1, .'IlII4I,l~ .. ,f I ,f ;\ 11 I t,'I1, Ita 1.. "11 I hl' h"u~e I!'uc~t of "I~ ," . ,In. "I~. , . ,,1111110 ~I M ", and M l'~. J . K l' idd n alld . ltd \1 , \\ ~d I I l lid, 1 \ \ " Id. r'o :UI( / "i\ I·~. ( ,'t,nSli'I t '", 'I' l 'l- I'll II . Pro f , I .. \ . nill I " (I'II,,! hi' ~ MI' '\11,1 :' I II ' () '("l l' ' m' t h '()' . Il ll tlf 1I 1l~' t O ll :n-" " Ilt'll liing n part '" , .till \/1 H, :111<1 (',, 1' .... mill •. , 's, ~. , I \\ 'It' ' :11 ( , ("1,1 M I L-I,'l' o ( \ ,t, ,I"ll"" ' . Itl l 't l t W II ' . I ' nf th l' lI' v/leu l io n wil h l' l' llItiv ('~ • n .tl'" 11 IH.JI 1~ lhl~ \\l" " k ' I Idtn" ~ l Ull II. . . Oh io, 10 ...1 I. idny. :\1 1', (;nl' 1\:1 .;\\ L I) hl'l l'. ,,' ' , ' '" 'III Ih ("'II,I'~' "ilh \lalla Huc I' • ,~. illY 1Il('~, of l1 unlll on , 1 l\i r~, K l' nn, t. h Sc:a lllm:ahol'lI ~ uf . til oll l ~ 1I111dltillti til III (IH Ih, \\'1_ llil' l!'ltl'~1 of h" I' - 'I"t' r M '. d . ,III< r . tll l II', ' ,~ ~ , l. . ("I'ed 1I ~1' V C l'e nttnck lI f g<lll ~to n l' rgl l'P. , T . ./.Ir Smith, la- r w ('e k . I I'. nurl ) I r~. \'.In' I' i'1t\.th, lie ~ll- 1',11 111:1 L"u I •• \\ 1- htl" 1'1']\I i,,; I I"r.. t h ~· l~b h l' l·. of L unThlll'" d y ev ' ning. , e,·tl'l'\'ill,', ' n hi", WI I'" \\(',,1'-"1\01 tnnll ,li 11"111., I'n II' hl 'l \,1I1'a i.1I lit d" n, Ohi(l , cnllt tl on 1\Iiss 13 'll c l\ l i8!< rh y lli ~ J ClI n Rmith II r ColIIU , Is (If 1111', .I1U , h<, F. t ', 1" , ~.I . 11"".1, " :'Itn ",1 1'1.11' I I . • -\'ul, " n T Uf',-<! n v aftern oo ll. UnliJu2 is the A'U(,Kt o f hl'!' ~ I'nw l Ma y. O n Su n day Al l , anrl ?I ll s, ~I i' L, II ';"I L"\\i, Il'f't lilt. \\('ek ,\I i",; Jl t' Ill'(,lln Mc ' K in<~y wn ~ p Ul'c n w M r. a nti ;VII'" " , ~l1Ii( h , F'1't'.1 ',,1(' 1111\' ( "11 Ohi .. \If'II' l'll- t .. \i il h,l' i,t,'I' at :l. 'harll' " ~I dinlll'l' I{u ,.:t o f :\olt', anu Mi'R . M I', a nti M 1'.-. G" OI'gC Ll' fl'eI , ti l' W, W , ELI.ENWOOD tll! t ainl' d "~I itl; Ihe' . '11111 h"~ al lhc 1\linl1' tlLa, ;\Jatt :\ Ic Ki n,,' y, FI id!lY ('\'~ nifl!-:. T o lc do, Oh io , HI'!: ,l{ ur, I ~ o f [ 1'>" Sta te p" ir M. n a g~ r , ' L ~l'I' !3' " i ~ t (, I' , l\l, ::- , [h,m cI' -'Il lL f ay hlillW. In Ih,· afl('l'n'HlIl, I Till (111~' "I' 1!110, Hf 111<11 "'11(',Sa l'I('(' un t a li i il' 1'1I . J l'S,(' 1\1 ('[" Will n r(1 W , EII £"l1wOlJd, mnn;a~c r of ch ,'n!' l'. th e party, illrludin~ 1\11" . lIlal) . 1 t",. (Jh, ,,, lIil!h ~·it·h",,1 hl, lt! tlwil' 'J.!'l"·, or \l8yt(1I1. II I!r!' l h l' dinlH' 1' E. . L "nltll' i,., rt'l'O\'I'I'ing n i. c('10">, W Il I I,n·d tn Franklin Chllu- l annual I'Iliniun lit \V 1) Ill' I'Ill'k, Iorll', t" o f M r , a n ti :\ I I ·~ . L r T e l' ~e ll' th c 8 7th fo' n il' to be he ld in ('ul tllllbu s, Augu st 2 t h-Scptemhcr 3. I I ~' fro m a h l'I' llia o pl'rulio n, P r"The Ohi o Rllltt~ F ai r, ref! tin~ furm l' d nt M iami \'1.111 ,'y II MJ1 itas It do 5, the p'l'og r es rllllde III I ev e ry line o f lIgri cult ul'lll nd ivity, II . M 1"1 I) I I 11 ' n is of grcnt interest t o eve ryo ne, l, I'. nn l " I·~. "n:~". ll lll~ not only t hos c cngu J:l' 'rl in I n nning , ~ 1H'nl. la,~l IH' ek .In n t~bhlllll' ln ll bu t t h l? public I1t , largc ," ~ays' to I\\t (' hlg'u n , Ell e nwood, " The ilnpor tnll ce f £is~ ~s J I' nlli e a ll ,l E liz a bet h Ilgri ('u lt ul'e lin n it:q d eve l, pmen t is R el' V('~, in c Olli p a n y wi th their IHOmnnifcst t o a ll of us . It i: with p rid(' :lnd fll t!It~ U l' l~ lhn t wc anlici· pal our Ohi o : lUte t" lIi r (,f 1tl37. , " The Ohio ~ILlte F a ir o lre r~
'I' ,
,J. A , II natlil u n altl t'm1l1 ly II e n' :
hew Burlington
' ·IUII' lI i. ~lIl1 d ', ~·,
1111'_ J. Lcc
1\\11011 , of
:-:lIltda ~ ~1I~ 1- o f ~\ r. lind JIl ri;,
W11)' 11 l'
IIflt' IIIU'11I l~D'kl'~ (lr Mr, IIlld )11'" (ill nil 1hI\' I" lint! fum· I",I, II C Ily . ,'111
h 111 .. 11" d. ,. 1' , lit ~ ,. lId 1'111\" 1 - T. , lit ' u Th., ,z., it and luI... il til ~ " UI l" tll d~I' \ :, \\ ' II H.'ll.' an a l! nL II" l'J !! t l· 11 \ '''tI Ilw tllII UUI1I , h." ",t. " :\\1" , U. l ' '1\, " I' '11Il1t', Illt l"J.!'(, II,- l'h,,~ p htll,' and :\\ tl1:m llll " , tlil IOI,
01, 1
l ilt
a nd .,"11, EIt'l'l'l t ,11'., IIf WC'l'
Fl' ltl:i y
"rtl' nl l/O n
h t: I' (! ,
Mr. all J } I I'..
\' 1' 11), \\' 1,11. . and vi", i! .. !''; ot Ih l' Uu f uH It(jlll'll~ 11O I1l1' 11 1'111' .1 !1~II Il , on T h Ul'" t1:a.I'. ~1 r. lind I. ". 11 0 1111'1' P I'ut her:i"" li nd d au)!,hl l' !', nf C IIIl' innnti , f ll ll lJl)' WI '\,('
g Ul'~t s lI r :'Iii', a nd M 1',- . '. 11 . j),',lI lll' I'a !l:(', la ·t ~1I 1 u l'( l l1Y. !\1 iKS ,' lI ie' M n l'Y HIIl IO "Illt'nl 8 I'l' '' rl ay" la , t \I '"~ k wi l h M I', and ~ [ I''' , I{ l'n n l'l h Lall. ? , of \\I n."o n , 1-' I ' ~1 !'. all d ;\'lrs. I h 'u l') >(tll l Urtlth, "1'1'('
o f Poqua, \\'N ' ~ u lld llY )!"u('s Ls lit (It " ho nlt' of his bl'M h l'l' , Mr. Joh n
M\'~,. '('l1 il: BlI lln" II, ~1 i,s
m an y Uppul'tu niti •.'s. The uppor. t u n i ty fur eo III 11Ill' i.lm is or ~ rea t mill in I'll l:i n)!, th ~t andard s o f (ar m lTI'odu t li on and il1lpro vinL! fnr m pr u (lu ('t.~ , F ar m exh ibit ai(1 In rorl1lulll t inll' pu bl ic opinion in t il l' di l' ction of we ll- ha llln('ec\ ' 'I'llling, II nri C\coi l"nhle Ilntl p rac ti 'tl'In and ho mo Ilcti vilics.
-... .- - --=
S u n day ('ve hing, M I', o n(1 l\{Io,. had '!< T l' rrdl nt('ltllinl' lrl ' w it h n Fll'i d lt'e .lin ne l', Sunda y l' v'n inSt in ho n o l' of Mr, ll nrl j\ll's. A . B. lI () u ~ to n , a nd M r, GCCllJ.!:e Bo rdell , of In dia n Hill ancl P a l m B e lich, Fl ol'ie:lu. t h c!' g u s ts IV I' : Mr. a nd 1\11'$ , A , J . (lye l, o f '.
" "'Lown, hio, M r, an d Mrs. AIIJ ti c ld r Addy!<to n, Ohi o.
b(' I·t
alld MI'i!, !tll'k alis b tll' y I'Clll i nl'll, ' un d ay, to t h eir ho me Ilt ]\f ,',
harl csl o n , W es t ir!!i nia, a f Lc r s [K'lllling !< vel'a l IlnY\1 wi t h hi ~
rdat ive
h l'e.
"World'. Grea test Agricultural Exposition"
, :"'" '.,;;,
~o see old fl'ie ndfl NOTICE , lowly dyi ng f Ol' la c k of m edicin whi ch i~ ple nLi I ul and ch ell p. Th e Lad ies Aid of th e M, 'E. ,' ho ul d f a l'm () rs care jf t h it, b st Chul~h ",ii I mee t with Mrs, Com f r ic nd " c lo v 1', alfa lfa and ~"l'ain Iii. h A ugtl" t 18, c rop..., live nnd pl'otlucl' a. g oo d crop I' \l ri ~ h a nd p I ' du e' not.hing?
R. D. Collett Wayneaville, Ohio ... - -.. _-- -- . _ -
"World On Parade" Will Thrill Ohio State Fair Visitors I
~ORHOno Your Cancel of W6m
MlIlltGlUIill Extr.-V••ue F..tures: *COGWHHL TI£AD
•• i this famous traction principle gives you extra . s;'id prote~Ii.rm.
,*SAf£TY-BOND£D CORD BODY '..• exclusive with "U,S,", makes every ply a safety ply • • • gi\'es you ,xtra blowolil pro"~lio",
*T£IIIU£D RUBBOI ... this patented "U. S."
"36 '5
D.,1y .er.. IC8 •• o....y al9 P.II/I. E ......,,, Sill........ TI...
Steamer, CJTY OF BUFFALO arid CITY OF ER[E, Fare. one ,way • • • Spi'cial) - T itl!ad " " il1 rld on .Pll l'utle ," tha g randstn nd spectadc lit thl' Oh io 'late I" ai r , Au gu. t 2!\th !:l('p tl!mbcr 3rd, ln 1I1 um hus, is I' ~ I)Ccted t u pe one of th \! mo>t th l'i ll i ng hip(I :.dl'()ll1c hows eve l' ( ,lre r~tI vis itors to the Fuir. It , .11 he helll nig htly from Monda y t o P l'i(\ I'Y, whil~ t he Rodeo anti ' tllmpedc will also be held Saturday Aft ernoon an (l fl i ~ht, , Augu ~ L 2 tb, li nulltl nl( t e spec, tacle I iJroath, t nk illg outdoor nrt ~ will lie .. diluting cxhihit irtn of , fireworks. The c .mplcll' Jlr ,, ~rnlll , ... anJlounced hy r: arl H, Ilandeld, director (It 8criculturl!, ro ll'l\v~ : IVE FL.\SHES - Troupe of tional roller skaters Ir lID triumph..
Sensa,. tio na1 ily ing r et u rn al'li sts, 11 U81'HEI T ROU P E - ' SCllsa tiuna l high wi Fe act, P opular re' tum enga gem en t. TAHOK IE S _ J upanese wondel l>:lrrcl
j u~ gl el's.
THREE MILO S ~ Sc nsaLional slunts ato p 115 f out high steel tower. 1\10 nets- no s aCcty devices. SIX RAJ All ARABS-Hurtling troupe of A rn lls £TI,I m the' "Sand (If the DcsC! l'l". PETR01'FS COl\a:UY DEARS - World's great(!s t tl'lI/ned bea rs in ' the lJuFi nc~ s. I ARKAN~AS SOl) UUSTERS• ~lixl·d quartdte harmony singln!: and mu ieal arli t , l' H NKLl.· POST
tread compound wears longer--- gives you extra miles.
Wateh out for worn, heatweakened tires on sunbaked roads. They're apt to blowout any time-perhaps miles away from here where you can't get our popular prices on safer. longer-wearing U. S. ROYALS. Avoid ibis trouble and save money I See us today!
Uollollted round trip. ,'.25. Berth, $1.21. a,!d up . Special ... uk·end round tripo lea~lol 8011.~ av niahl. h ome
dined, tuijo'niftK ClLwla"d Torm'",,' of C
Mo nd.v, 1,JO A, M., $3,95. , Week-elld round trip, Cle.allllld to .pra Falll . __ $tolG VillI II.. Ore... L"kco E~/IO'icio ... '''''0"" I1i. year, Q,..".Nb {II
B Unc.
STEAMER GOODTIM E;"'Dallv Ml'Vlce JllIle 11 to Sept ..... b.r 6, I ... ~in. Cleveland u 9. 15 A. M . _ W .... dav r O\lnd .ripl to Cew PoiDt _ _ , , • Sund." Dnd " olld.v round triPl. Il.al. To Put.ln-8." 25 een.. . dditio nal, Connectlonl at Put-in-Bay for DETROIT cI.Ily cuepl Mondayo Dqd Tunda,...
6_00 x 16
5.50 x 17
5.25 x 17
(Peerless Type)
6.00 x 16 5.50 x 17
$13.95 $12.50
5.25 • 17
80111".. Frlda"l, flu ndav. a"d Hollda... to . . , . . Seplembe, 6. Fare 00& ...", Ooe day ellC1lra_. A--
on ...._II.s..SBEANDOEEd........ 'uty ..... AupotC...... o,Macktnuhl...d,lIaul.s.. ........ a....Iaad and BtdIaIo. Witte for ........ folder, R_.Iow.
T._ ......... .- ......................... .,...... .a
" - I . " . , . .............. ....
,EARL H. HANEFELD, Di rector W. W. ELLENWOOD. Manager
J\ l1u ml t· fl 'q m the local Ol),io :lb''!' i, u lturl3 c an t n ot b e hUI 'e h o f h1'i$t att ended 1\(' 1'- mai n t ni llcd wi lh ll~lt sturdy cr ops . v ic S lit X (· n in Chll rc h of C hri..:.t of ICgll l1H'S an el a.p plicntions of un la st Pl'i tlay eve nin g , Those wh o lime, fe l'ti li z ' I' a nd m a nure. S ick W() I'C.' fnv l1 l'cd to a tt c nd w 1'1': M1'5 , m en .cnIl IHl ~ n joy bo n~uot; no r ~alll h E IlIey, 1\11-. a nd Mrs. Will~ r ca n SICk sU IIs_ nlak e mUJClmum 1'e· Sll!U '" and MI'. John Sea r~, M r . tU rn s 011 mon ey u n t h e in. Many a nd 1\1 1':;. Will iam Bradle y, Mr". ;fll rnlS Ion W lll'ri~ n .C() u,n~y Iuwe soil ~ A Ii, ' rt'vi~ , Mr,,,, Fra nc es Bran. ' tha t al'e vcry , ICk. 'lh ey cannot n ile k, M r s. EI illll \J e lh L ewi " M l.s. 1ob tn i n 1l1(4 1~cl'r$ { or the mselves. r,ydia I a y, Mi!;R Doro thy na y, Mi ns. , T ht, fn r nl(,~"~ :" h o, d ep nd ' upon Mal th o 'ook, MI'. and M rs. Alli e . t lll'lll IO l' h ~ s II V<'li hood. ~lU S t furn11 ()I" , M". n nd MI'~ . , R('ger Brown , I, h thc m 1\ l l h t.he I11 C,/tCIlll'. and dang-ht. r, M r$. liifo l'd BUI'll-1 Th c o nl y \la y to te ll wha t m e d e tt, Ml'~. MIl~rci d Ca mpbell alld il'i nc anu th e am o un t nc(!'ded f o r ch ildl' l' n a n u Mr, IIan'ey H o.l c uII.1 ~ i c k ~ oi l s i ~ t o h a v,~ a sample annJ\l iss Lu cy }: ml y . . I jYlll!d. T his se rv ice i; ofl'e.'ct! ireo
r.Jr. ~
ENJOY the /lne agricultural, horlieultural and livodod d isplay.. Sea the bi9 J unior Fa irl Take in the Grand C ircuit H.rM" Rae••, the Night Ho ... Show and the thrilling Hippodrome Spect.cle and Rodeo nightly in front of the G'~nd.tand,
them tod.y.
~ 7 Joyous ;, , Days Fol' All
t l'_ and MI'$. n u s ell Root, uf l-CuJminntioll o f th o E uc h rlslic con tress o t Lisicux, E' I.lIlCe, liS CtlI'd inn l P acelli pronounced the bless. Ntw Leba n o n, O h io, , pen t Th ut'.'Yio ~ on the th r ong ottending the i n a u~ r :n ion of Iht:' n ew c ath d r ul. 2-M c mbers of th e sena te judicI ary com' ' day with MI', n nd MI'II, A, H, mlttee who drafted c? urt bIll toll WlOg the defea t or P res ill(m t R oose ve lt' s pi n, L eft to right, S ~n ator King Stubbs. of Utah , SeM lor AlI stlO ot Vermon t Dnd Sl'na l )1' Bur ke of Neb rnsk a, 3- G en. F rll ncisco F ro nco, who d irected STUDY SOIL the most concentrated drive ye t a ttcmpted by lhe r(' be l forccs ' on Madr id.
No un '
TOIl.y'lI Blpe t WallIer Vatuf'. Gteaminlll whll c and U IlY to de.... Outlltandllllll In 1I'.[len,an Cel, conAtrllction antl ,lerfo t l lance. P,oy c d wort h '" h i l o featul'ClL a nd 1II,... wll ~ "in 'l c8pad t y at an II lu> o t un!> lit· .abl y low prl e, De ijurc to ,
for thl' plalnbf r.
Wife Forced To NE WS FRO 1 TH i~ W ARR .~ On Charit ynlhe r ,·01 to Ii,,!, <:Ol JR'r FOR PAS 'T WEEK l h:l l h,· h ' I' ThL' land wn~ "hll l'i t y I II Il ,.-lnl f or h IH .It; .ldlOlI Iii, ," III t·<l ~ U l t rur til hll.' lklll'li .' litil-(:tnt. ,l! tl 1[111 '.' tl!'q ll ll·.. d I,>" " us t or "r 1\('111'11. (JI'O~~ n'·!!· \,nl·d I·~d :t~uin"t wh" , a l' Sh icc' \I SAV E MO NEY 1III,"1,,".h.""', 111',.11andIH·....:Yl ll ry 1'\I'"'' ill " thl' dl.r lln ! I , I'IllI ~' :1J.::till I ~ t' l is th ,' Sp'e . ilie ehur ge·. TIll' .
olumFern", or hu ~ , hilS 1I1"1'n vi. iling h .. r 1."·1I11f1· pur"nh , MI'. and !\In.; . U. G. WIll'I Mi~~
,\ nf'\\' OU), ill da" ning for II ,. d 'ml'ntla \\h n "uft',·,· from P \"I I N'fl X n ~ n I ' '''; lill o f thc' n('wly d i.'N)\' l'rt'tI in ~ u!'in trcatme nt, ac· ('(I .-dinK t n IJr. J . »'. Batl'mn n, !lU1" ' l'i nt l'n41 ')nt of th(' Co~umbl4} State' hC)ll pituJ. HE' onn ounct'(1 that 1'(l llo", inl-( ,. uc<:o ~ s in a t e, t COS", t wcnt y·two u, ldit in na l patient s c on tin r d t o the in!l titution arl" bei n&, 1:'1I' (' n t h e ins u li n in.nn elfort to cure t hl'm of t he ois ea." • Three wl'c k" ago n yo ung woman wa dis~ ha l· ).!' ,·d fr um th l" ho, pit I, cured; n" 11 l'e sull o f t h e new t,·ealOie nt. ~ hl' w !\'~ Ohio 's fi l'st officio l case. Ill'. Ba te man ~ aid that t h e In sulin, (h,. sam p Il~ t hnt u8ed to treat dia. b(' t ps. muy c u re two· lh ird ~ of all ci (' m entiu p raef OX ca.'<e s if the tt'calme n t is sta rted ea rly enough .
flo I' ,'
II n ~
(I f
, ',, [,s .
" ""11l111
)V OI C"
H .I>
n '(Illllty \\ 1 ~l lnlH, .1111", !' '1I' c! Il l hL' r~ , Ih ' l dlNI l\ IIIY I ~ . in Cl into euu lIl l' W ll ~ ml1l'1'i('11 Jun. I R, I!J:Hi. 1''''1l1,."t Ih u l int(' I'l'- l i ll C . e Is Settled pl:lIl1 ll11 NC· WIIIII't. K ,· n lul' k~'. RlI h l' l'l '\V. lit tureH. 111111111 :-;, l'oC }lti . tank H, ~I a ', i, II' . Il'a l l' - Intt f'l' " .1 ofr t; ,1 Oul of Cou.twn i" th e I'llLi n li fr '~ utt11 I'TIl' Y. BllI G. olph Ad hy (ikd Tit , lICU,," pip c , i'illiJ1 g'!'i, am) \'ill v!':; . tit , ' h alt d th ,I a ll "t " "IIIII II I ~ ni' PROBA TE COURT Wil ~1I 11 1H!lIil1 ~ L Ca l'l un d. Made lin e File> Ac:c:oun .Bt' HLlI'C to s' u. uefor c 1t' lI b ;ttl d jlllofi t s I" , 11I ;ld l'. tI I . ( c;". l I'('n In t u, l t re a ·c I you buy. " "('III'dlll ).!' II) Iltl ' Jldi t io n ',f till' ,1;', . t ll Mida :til l'''', !l ~ A' u'll'IliulI dl·I'·1min ' "' ~nl title, f or pil li lt l ill ". I'ad, ,.I'l i "' ... ,, 'Ie"a! "I-( h:' l a l l't .' l tll • Rut A "I1l,< tl'l1 11 I!. lin inco nl lll'! '· I1 I. I l' . . ' . .· n u cclJ a unc I IIHI , inJ un'I IIOnI hn ~ fi l ·" h('1' li f lh a('C Il II II , f I,II .1 1",1 t III " " I' fl nJll t'ly : II· '·l' U·Utt. .1' :11 I I ~ . HI " , ('l'1I ~ ,. L C{ uu t 0 COll r t . tllia l "I' l 7 ,11' 1', IId anl ~ li r e nnm- II\ Wilmihoff Es tAte F a.11.IId To Suppo. t Va lued At $1 5 7 5.. th h \lit .l1IlIn II "III Charce III tl1 Hr., Wife ,·tI ; ~ , 1" l1l1 2065 Catalpa D.iv e l'::<lnl e of Ilw lute· l~ 'a ll k \\' tl lIIth r o f l' hl! UPPOI't f\ o t Fnilul'(' in d un l' l a I ~ (' 1 1 1 '1' 1 hl DA Y'T'ON , 01110 11 1a il1 t ilf ill t ha: lH','n vn It .. II a\ . 1.; 7;, an d Il' h" •. e il n hl" t n~ " m I! is tHl.. t l" n ~" ars 11I1 ),I1H'lIt ,' f W,li lll l." contn ill(' d in th t, pelition h('ld CXl' !\lllt fl:nTl1 th,. t illl' Rp II I'i. , Ch 1!1J1. I' itaIIC l' l' inh ' l'c vo di lil l'" IIY B lie S n ell in a l ix, llt ' t. i, in :IlJllI Ih" i" n~ i l(' u l'o ruml nl,II, S ' ltull '/v n ll cli II ' \1 "'1 n 11(·1 Nlvill l' h :l ~ hl I'll na illi'd l' ll l . Hlan c hl,: tC'l'. ~ ll e ll Il.n h i ~ '1 . ,[ h I' (' I. Il' (,I' r o tl'ix m ui!<t 01i ad . ~ :I:I I 14, un(' J u>l'. co o la te w i r ~ " ith out Har old Ga lty: fam ous ae l'ia l nav lga lor and compnnion of th Bl,nd J'(1. Ha).!fIl ~ nlfl l, h T · lat lhl' A dyed-i n·tl1c,'WooI tire ea.ter, l he II '(i li o n aS~ (' 1 t. . The . c!) uple d ai rplll8 0 tli flbt. shown wilh h is e·wod quip· e rOlilld-th S have r,m1(rll Ihc1r rience on e S,t O P ex.p Wiley and g trainin of , Years rry ,a lla n, f orm el' chief at the a H ow· ll Fo . and lIa s 1 1 1 :trri~d Apri l 1, J[) O :~ , a l Fny - ,If ~ r, tl o wa f 1ilNI ~rld!.' . the form e r Miss Fc nna n oldcrhl'Y of Ams tercl am . Holl gs t own fi re de partme nt has I if , l:hargesL[ ro~s Hou gb Est'a te Is Youn TIll' sere l'. l ll a voyage, vi U ion l s ymoon profes han II el~ tor Iclt genuin they a r e Yorlt w Ne rend ped our staff to m il thei r recent morna gc in Il~g l cc t. Cn l'le Ab:Hc l"" 'i, L eb. Val ued At $6873h C l' 1I ap pointC'd a ssista nt .state fire J Ut! \! l' Rtl lp h II. C ar,'y hn s p la c. vicc, in all of many d e t n ils wh ich m a k e up a fun e r a l l11ar~ h a l by -Di r <'c t or Alfred A. a no n. i.< tHl' pl ai nl itf'" Il lt or n('Y. MOUN D MARVEL I·d a VI1 II1 <; of ,' 11 7:l 1) [1 t. he (','ce-r to.t e D epartm ent Divo .. ll A nd a b lU g Ii Bl' nl'<'c h 0 ·ft h ~n consol ly g in t rlas eve an of the typ e which le aves r which the dl· nde u • c er /.!TII"" nr /.!I l'c l, li tT" "d l:t t e of th" l:t ,. Ed. L . n ougoh . O f lllm ('o f o JI'r.;(J nal m a r s hall operfire stat f o i'1n vb on ed E. O, bn t' n, FJ'u ll klin, had fil l' d ~ uit Ilw Ulllount , $2 :1 7:\ \\':1' ll m e mory. For many y e ars w e have r e nd e r e d s ince r e , ca lg WIIf" m :'>1 1'. Will'la ul'N . l' l a ~-I l n l' I' () f,() l $ y; I'IIJli'l'l j1 Thoma s 1'1\(,', 0 " 0 ie succeed <, B" llan 1 :, Ca ul-(ain f ut i11\(,I ' . Mr. :10,1 ~1 r.". Gl en n Da kin lu"L al(';" MI'. (o, t hl' wi d o\\ , 1 sympa lbctic servic e to this comm unity, at modes t , who rug~i8t d s olUmbu ' :'17 , R SC ('r) n d RI., f' hi ll ic lI lh,;. Till a h II (, tH,: h, Wn ~' nl'will Hyan, .J. l"1' idnr, I'(o ('(' i" .u t h e aeccom e b to r ile r (), in l'd ~ig'n I'e ('(Ju l'll', /lI lI l·l·i,.d :'IInrd1 ': H. 1 \1~ 1. i, Ih,' : "Il' h (·il'. Sh l' d an OII GibR v l' il lI r~. M cOlh based entire ly upon ,th e w ish es a nd m eans of M I'. unrl :l :j. .t $!i i"t<·. ~ e, t.he of iduc pharo I'('~ ot t'~ J.: boarll all 1.' 11 1)1 l!tDte \' O. the . ll oI ldr~ ry i h tu havl' tw o l' "ll llght('l'~ , Sle ll lIlld ·Pau li nl.;Mr . I'e the family . hi" \Ii 1'(" le .ft him in J lIn~ , 1!I:J2 . Fil.,. A cc ount• mncy lit. (l n d ·I\I I·~ . Im ~ wo rl h Gihson and , YlJ lIl1 ~ tlod You ng II le att u l'llcy , (' ora 1\'1. Ha m ill o n, (' x('cu l rix of , ti e daul!htt ' I'R. Ph ylli : Mu ~ a ttl' ntlhm; l', t a l'Rt . th l' l~ d \\ a l',1 e. lI a m iltu lI An i n crea~e of 108 m.ot or ve<' t\ a bil'l hdL1Y RUl'p l'iHe p arty in ' Ii ll' d hig fi r , 1 a nd final nce ' IO IIL. le neeid e nt s o n Fto.te h.· ghwaY3 hie' ~ I oC lviI" .' 811lma Gibson '.. 1,1 11 .. 1' ed Admini. tratrixm Na \I TIIU S '1'11 \ 0 ' / 0 ' " , I 1t "'1' \ , on o utr ide o r m u nicipa lilil"S durinr ille I'y ' l'<." nesv nnl·vn , Way ay~ d III ' ,lIltll h ': '1'1 hirt \ h "1' it·t , nl ,· ev R Phon e 7 . .. « \,; Ed lin'. St ill' : hl1: bC(' n ap[loin t. the s ame " "'1' \11'1" 11': " " fl' " 1I1f ; 1I\\ ,\\ ~ Sa t urday (' v(' nin l(' Il.t Mr. an d Mr. . " n y In comJlar is on with ' .ste r till' (,,- t all' o f th e , I t C' u ltlwhul'l, Hh l .. ini adm u I P l w us r epo"rted by '-:!:i ook. month! l year 0."'0 r ... " 11',, I,"IW I ' '' I'' ;10". :I J'n I'h nlllJ,' 1.,,111(' · . I·'" OlrC' R (II,I " ~ II ~ .She n" " II lai C' \ o drow Ar m -lro " 11 11 '1': f flV1 ' 1I " ". ' '" .' ', 11'1' ,.., . I h traIn divi -ion of the State . . PJ(Ij ' U ..l .. I1"\\ ll l h t.. /, ••• " j \ , • . d _'lI t .1 rai. t pp a l! U Th II d n tJO. :~ $ atte f o nd he)'c \lo ll'd ti :nound ~l' V(, I'ltI II II " 111(" ... ( 'Il(' !o; ' "l1 ' I'''''''I'll)' pILI ment of hi g hwa ys t o HighG ' til l:' Xl'ni fa ir la, t w e(' k. " " ." (", ' .. 1 "hI li, ilL t· .. I 'ltllhu ~ UI1I .. I " f)I'~(' J u nc~, way Directo 1' J ohn Jas te r Jr. De.sII I'It I .. II ,,',I .. d < . \ . ~I . 1':':1 Ml"" n', rs al'l.~ M.~ lI .er.Lo n~, and I~ d . K ' I L u ' a s {ID CI (Ia UI! ht C' f, pite t h e b ig increa ~e in acciden ts 1\'£ n ;. 1) a VI( -:1 ".'"1,,, 01 T ill,,' " • v t Eolate' II ~, II ~ l :.! l l ltl ;; ';, 'fu r i m ~ Klpha. ....~ ,\In . If dll1I1 t I I H. .")1 I' ncr ea se d I'It.' ng 1'1'11\ 01111'. i1l' nu, all~d on Mr~, . H ile J Gib - j'"to on y ~ ': ! " . " . ~ , ' " ,.,~':'~ " . <> I A f I t LI f I I t <0_ '-' " , nf I'lll't n li ,111" ( nine tlfty· _ r we U \ \ ,,, ,' ,' n I ' " I II , l \ ere :II' h t 'R e I May t 0 ' La~ u va e " ,,!lrt week. d n n loA Il . .,,:'. "'. ~(J n (lnl' day ';" 'I,,,n 1." ' i't1 " n : ~,' o """, U "n ~ ('t hy k ill,ed- f orty. four men ,r :<, \ II" " : ,,( Ih .. I II,y ' ''n~ ',,' h !l'' - ber t J . K i l>hal.t l1a. , 1\1I'S. 1\[' n bl (! St I' l " . )' I '.. ".., was i n Leb· Ile " ~ ons . le il tll I KIp. •. l L. Iil '; ul 1. a 1; I ;0< ..C. ((>" k II 1:,.,, ,'" wom en- cnmpar ed to n (' I" nr t h ' l' I) Ul't al $4 37 l. fiftee 1111 " nd li I.'. 01,InR. TI I.U I' lI" .- ', anl)l1, alunln y. al't i . the executo r igllt men and orty-e f e('" ,. k '1'11 \\ " " .lI p M. lo y ~ In \l l ll g. 1i:(ty-fiv the.· Es .. Mr Dakin, k Fran . \ MrJ' ~ l"on Ok eh- . (O,I J - Inl "' <.a l. ('" Id - Dillribu 'th \\· I " ti l r:p lu ~ .,,. ,, ing May, 1936. ,.,,,,,, I' tau l III I lak i n call ed on Mrs. I'au l Arm· ~ nve n w om e n---dur 9 d t Di"t l ibu l in n of prfl p,'r ly in Ih \l 83 wel i lll .h : J'a \t ll1lllt 20 rt ; Hoailwa y hf('C T " \';lr\\l,d" b f.. ( (' nnon, 'l lu l'(lay . i - ac' .*d en s recor 'e .< l onJr, " nes In ~ :! . :t or rt. !} een ~ b n year. u ll~ 1," 01..1. 111 1i, MyrUe J . B"~l. r h l'tfl'" . Hil e y Gibso n nttc nde d t h ~ d f OI' t he nlOnth thi s 1':!< lI " ", t" <i I"M . . . . . ,. $i7,UO:, .;,,1 ca~f.' Allen Ric ha rd Don~ld, y outhfUl ' 1\1 h e ",, "' pl" t II \\ It h ln u PPI'oved. 1' ,, " \1'11 ' tion of the Newa rk sa sen ing pitch who flln l'r~]1 or littl~ An na Kath crin gue " lle lonl1 1Ii1~tr - (I\' c ( :1:" \lu ,k l tl j( 01 1\ )'8, Inlcrn~t of·the e bea uty hop 'd s i n a I&r&'G club JeTh FiledII ,:, "" ' 1 h ' 11I 1>11ITIIIIII \\ '''~t' to h ,' I'" ltl IIIL Proof af!te,' noo n li t UI',loy f;llt 1(I~t. I>i fng .' shatter . ts r untra (' ta s s hi t 13 t n o Ors '0 H,), 'his p m ! won flr " o1.1 VII Proof 01 pulJli cati on (I f th l' n m ea s ure in th rehabil itation at , 1,,, 11 h I n a' ~"" d" nN' wit h ( hI. ' -' 0\'. FI ll prcvi ous min or leo"ue records , L(' ha non. . U t J·c. o' th" o.Pll01· nL'I'''ll t ' "f U\ h ·.... ,·". ,,1"1.. IIr l·ro·, ,, lll n ,-\, li n",." 1(' IIlmates at the Ohio Reform ad 'U S ~ MI' J h '" 1, see him un,d 11 •.~ 1: :ll t l H I\ M , (.. '.. t a l n. 'd ell ory for Women ." This was the a s· l ay \\ 'U;..tl' Iltur , X(J 'u l or of th e T he fu ture will probablystarr nt p ,as . r e c en P pI ~ n W.· til ittl' ' [) 1n . ot t nce Si lll I'ILrl l'l' 11(' ' 1 ' pitching (, 1'1.,,1 "" <1 ,,~ on the Yankee . to 11 )1 111'111 ,11, H, 1.11 " "' ~ on. · ,11,. ( I' lit! .' ('nlo n made by tl1 e genia l reform . . wl ~ h as be on the Newo rk elub Is part of the In lly ,,, ' mpro \' ,'. Ir e ne 1\1. W elt on ' 1<11 1 11 ,,; 11 \\ ,, )· 1" ' lml' lIn\\,.HII y supe l'int nelent, Mr·s. '''Gr· ator am f h mll ~~S c ,l MI',. n.d a . 'l" 'I1 " " ~ f'I I 1\11-. has Atlca . tcm sys I'~" 'H" In "" "d ...l." ,,'" m Rupper t far 411_ 1, ;1. Ii- I. 1~ . 1a, I ~-r. n nfl 1, . 5:1 ' f I t . d ~n " Oh 111 . t oo k suppe r Saturda y ~ueri te R e ill y, in comme nting on 30 of hi s In I 32 star ts. RR I A GE LI CE NSES won M l (l ," W'lh h iS (Ih r ... · h A 'ltl t. I ·rn ;.·n, I i h I rnll h NlI t ~ . '1' h •. 1'; .111, r tn ,, n'l' wi lh M r.. !IIl(1 ~[ '·S. 11 I'1ey r,n e of the mnny innovat ionr nl (IV. .. that h ., I D . I I r i'\ ll h ) u ul I '" ,.l d H ' 1 k fn ... ~., ,.~ Idd .JU!\t U II . L \' I), <'! , aylun l' Y- A n nn Abb ('y, lot No. 155, Frallk- G. 1). b en introdu ced under h er admin. l lnl"~ I. " . " , ,. ",.ll l or I h " Kill I y. ne "' 111 ,,I t1 tilf'rtf hl '(il u 11 /J M arglll'l' t Alit"c Blair, I' e· • d ",," I. IIU I 111 no "\" ' lIl ,,' r I h ll n f ic iu n and 1\1.1'. and M\·s. EII~wo rth G ihs on ist l'o.t ion. Th e beauty shop dwas F' d 1)'11 I 't t L I InL 8. l 'o nR ar<- 'III 27, L hall on. :.u l<-n ll, . 'lI o d d 1 h ",Hl4Hn h .' u1'1 :"1> by lunds obtaine f' rom uipped q with a nday Su '" 'Il ~ 1 " ~pcnt l('I' u:lll~h nd n l'l, n I <' n.8 _ W: I'.lh:- to 't" Ro b ~ l't K au f mn n 20 , li"cb ll n on , "07 UCI(" h I d M' M (II " III t h . d"I.:lrllll " '" II I hI Hll l"Il Y" mg on p , n. ', ar ey ra wtord or play s pres nted by the inmate s . It n ;. r. un d R t II G L 11 111111 till "( r ,, .. "r 11... I r~ ' d 'nl Lli • cl~ l'k, n n rl K alheli ne C. p c, ck . aym on I D L 0 ow . lit. I ,I<·"IIIY dlll' d (, I'. Oft) ( 1.'1 op erated by the In~atea themn , purt of lot. No. 51 an d ay .1)11 . , '1'1" . <1l1''''' IIl '' ••., •.1'\ " . I ' , . ri gh t to Leb anon. Weisma lv es and all are reqUIre d to take , . ..) •.•.1 II l1 y n llti ,,11 loll II'. Mt"s B tty OilY of Dayt on i 8(II I,~';\'tr~ hJ\~~~. 'i' I~~~ lO r R EAL ESTAT E TRANS FERS \)4 Ma son. . a nd 11 I n M. Por- ~~e nd ing l hi ' w ek with Mrs. Lai ~<I~~nt~e of its opportu nities. Vn.lneti n e J rles ra e III p er sonal appeaMnee 1, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~____ 1l'ell P L. ch a.e tTer to hn to An to n n nd K a l'olina Piltl, 4 0 Glb on. r e l p. t l'eck C < ' ut'iI<. T Luc' n ~, 1. 07 a res, o~ .t he . firs t stl!PS tak~n toward ne n 'and on ih. G Mr . nnli 1\fI's. Hiley l all lt,y W ing'elwi h t o nil cy a nd a ('l' C'~ , T Ul'tIec reck tp J bliltatto n.' Mrs. Re Illey nid. ::I'ha and MI'. h wit y unda nt. pe . ly mi .J oe T or! o l' t o I ra Ti nch, l ot No. fo the g'lrls leaye here we exWhen ~ j'dt. f o rgan Mo wi!l I a nd Mrs. Le 8 7, l" r:lnklin . W e had a hunch. We rush__ ' ~ ped , .them 10 fac e tl1e world deed an order to Akron for C e !'ge and Hatti e Mc ngle t o H olly , ~.~ ~,~rm;~ d to make a neW' start in call. on ny u R om T ]\f.'s. and r. M ' csn ob I't li nd R oxie Le \'i5, r eal an extra larg e supply of ~ J, ' <', I~e a new. life and be a credit 1ay Thul'sc. n ki a D c d o n Mr;' . Frank l ll l e , f;a l(' tn tp. .....~ ~~ these new Comm anders . o ~oel~,ty lind the Marysv ille instit Eud Gray. t o Ad ulph Wil~on. \)8 a fternoo n. A sk for a ' d ,;. Becau s e w e figured th a t ut. on, s h s tate d. Re sults have t aCI(,~ . Ma ,;:ie t p. MIAMI S BURG PERMA NENT W" een , cry e ncourag ing, Mrs. R ei!b ERS the momen t our cust o m ra . ANSW IOl'j!;llt' t;'t K C'(Jfe to J oh n K ee f e, hP Icy added. heA.d aiYlut ~ooclrich e n \to n l' ~, Mn....~ ie t p. Quit claim . ' CONCI \ETE y. c kl Dnr ben Al 1. o t n aMa t ' ian Lill nd a tering the low -priced fi ld I't g Il> A ir Seal Burial Vault A.. Ree e, Ohio State univer· AND HIRE'S MY FAVORITE I 2. K en t u ck y.' A Ih( rt unci nncy J . Aube l'l e, l ut or Sa le Only By F w i h a h igh·qu a lity. 10n ~ tbat announ ced npia rist, ity bolc· s .dd nce, o son. Aour ri Si r. ·z cups !l. Scn a Lo r Put Har No. 7 2 , Fl'lInkl in . ing powc.le r nod sn1!a and si fr (0Ohi o Ca ceK t he te mjJorar y loss of YOUR FUNER AL DIR1EC TOR m ile nr,e tire they'd take issippi.. ~. i M 4. A t ' I burtrr C ht \..ream . .. , timC$. three ,A ge(her lead •·....hip in h o nl'Y product ion aa ar SOn 0 Ill' n Ihorou~hl y . odd >ugllt s,adunlly j!;O('S " "Ig 5. As a n a vio.tor. I o. e lo ok a n d buy. Yes sir! well. Add McCLU RE FUNER AL HOME . "n(' cream ••together . lin k ran F 42. /). D ty, lot v ery thoroullh ly. L'1I11 anti b e , G. A fli gh t ov er the N orth P ole the r~s u l t o f heavy r ainfall which Plenty of m otorists arc: in A nni l' M. Ru' nnd olh ers Wayn",ni\le.O AJ ..1 f1()ur. Rh c rna(ely ""jrh milk. 7 Phone hilS wa h '<1 a gre at amount of p ol. i ro m ,'an Diego, Cal ifo rnia. t1 smull IImounf at a time.. beal[line to cut th ir motori ng Q UC! lIt in V . and Ltu th A. I,' n fl' om f1 owcrs. Ohio led all . on's ' ing ofter each add ilion until Wil oodro\~ W 7. ' ~ mtlOth . Add I tsp . va nilla. Bake cost s wi th this sensatit l' I' .- lu te s in ho ney product ion in II s wireles kl of tor n Ill. inv(' run F he. t 78, As o. 8, in s rell <'<l (>:IJI. H "II x 2 I n chc~, u 5 ) F. O· (,H oven e ",,>tIcrm in l' of the )last s ix y ears, inchidfou l .•. i :\1 tire. 1(' ~r:tJ1h. Ollut eve n fl1i nll u.~ . St'lrc,wJ 1 fJ 36. Th state's av t'age pro· ing ne o or ~t 1'i Minl1 (t f rusti ng on lOP and ,ides !J. A s :t !l.tJ':l l oB Jllte = -of ,·,"e. Come in - examin e y ean Of \\ ho II1ll kc ~ ha l\()un fI il( hts into l h e 11uction du ring t he peak wu 1936 and 1934 !12, full . dimen s i o n ComIO I, !la l .. t .:tt o ~ Il hc l'l'. l1,nnks to my Pyrofax .MagicC bef ~. Income from pound 00 ,0 1,000 2 d an ny llIa recipe of mande r for yoursel f. It's up any ' take l1Hld an n I oo ll e. hu ~lIlg A R 1.0. honey to Ohi o p'roduee rs has been s et e.-';<lclly ~he cooking tempera · every inch a G oodrich tire. s mull rubh 'r bull oonH. baked and kes Ca (or. ('Illls it llIee ma t e ly $1 ,4 70,000 annual· approxi 11. lJ:.,,·bm·u ~(anwick. Long 011 ' wea r dcsserts arc actually simp le. And cookmy all is so er, Iy. for that miln 12. Yai!' banks. lo n g on milcage . ' inc;. The smokeless broiler drain ight' r pool A nd every s in r,le little inlOa all th e juke Co lonel Lynn Black, a uperin front whcre it's so hand y. And t ire in o ur ent i: e ent of the tate highwa y intend the new non-clog tOP burners ! so.id the patrol will U~ a patrol, l"ve stock is fa ctory Bny ftom They 're differen t hem t adjust ever seen .. . you can ne w t icker tape system in connec · 'fresh! , .\·n r tl)' fo r aoy kind of cooking . I t ion with its se arch f or law viola· no\' r l.hought I'd admit such a t hi ng, hut cookin/t is actuall y lUll tors. A f eder al comm unicatio ns 11UW \h'lt we have Pyrofax. commis sio n ruling will prohibi t the In this Good,ri ch Facre lay of p olic e alarm messr, :f!s by toty Fresh Comm and· rad io betwee n three or more Bta{' f w e have a grcat buy lio n after Ja nuary I, and, the new for your tire dollar. But tic ke r : yst e m will solve the probt you must ACT I At this spectac ular low price our presen le m of fa "!t c ommun ication s, Co!time. See u s today. supply will be snappe d up in on el B1uck a sserted ,
ran Rave you mon-
yOHI' p l umbin l-t fix -
Ran doJ ph Plum bing Co
Tru e Prof essi ona l Serv ice
'hal'l!in ~
J. E. ,M cC lur e
Sp ring Bra nch
"'r'" ..
' I
_ __
Do n't Lo se Time with a W orn -O ut Co rn Binder
., OY NO •
Invest in a N~w Wby dOl1't YOII ~ljOy C01mtry
$6~* 4.50.2 1
0 *
C()0ki11g. , , City Style?
4.50 .20 '
5.00 119
X 19
If , 'fJU live beyond the gas mains d o p't go IInolhe r day withou t Py," fn G s Ser vice. Pyrofax Gas re:w lnting equipm ent is furnishe d (0 )·0 ... 3t no charge. You pay only rh e s mnll in_taili ng charge of , 9. 7 ~ a nd the 1t3S itself eosu as lit· tle as 3 or 4 Clnts a meal. 'you can ~C( a hrand new 1937 P)' rof.lx·Magic Chef Rang e for a • sma ll down paymei: u IJnd easy tcr'il>. Come in and sel~'t yuu,s,
-l'r,a . 1•• ',;0"( ' I' th'l1JO( U.lt#w"t notU,'(I..
Good.riell??t.::,~ Commanders I· "" ~
Brook's Garage
.McCormick - Deering
G _5 SER VIC E nuH "UII ... . UU tn :j1i;t.U llE'tOMD "II lAS .AIIS
'JC';(\. II
a com PEED is essenti al at silo.fill ing time-i t pays to ho.ve ance. perform binder you can depend on fo r sure. steady i.nvcstan Don't try to get alOl~g' with an old, worn·o ut bindc w hile. m'cnt in a new McCc) rmick · D ecring is more than worth h o rl10 nand l The McCor mick-D ee ring is availab le in vcrtica co rn where use tal types, and there is a s pecial vertica l binder (or of sorts all is ahort. Both haVE: a reputat io n fo r good w o rk under evenly in conditi ons. They ,~ct all the corr. and bind it tightly order, butted bundle s. A. bundle loader, availab le on spccial • a wagon driven alongsi dc. carries the bundle s :;ocl'ing Put in your or er tlOW tor the type of tv!c~ormick . D Corn Binder you ~refcr. We alsQ hav " a <compl c:te lme ot
cCorlni (:k. LJeeriti ll Ensi)ag e C utter!!.
Wore PrlDee "Ibefi. In the "nItty nlnette. ." mo •• United States senator a wore Prlnee Alber ts. The frock coat was a 'ym· bol of sta tesmans hip and a bearll Phone·4 08 wa s the mark of B man of maturit y Broadw a, end substan ce. OHIO ON, LEBAN
Shu mak er App lian ceS hop .. s.
_ ___ _ ._ _ ._
__ _'7
~Omt lLodire era jfun . ising advcrt
social s or Churc h. To be ':IRed in ~n l es WIth no cost to organ ization s. and Jm~t phone your advert iseme nt to this office . ..••. ...... for space " "Caps in ad t~is t sny "Inser . , . . organ lzatio n." The- Fricnd.",hip Club and famili es " 'ill have a picnic at Wayne SWimm ing Pool on Saturd aJ. AIIC. 14, 1937. . Anyone havinc ban bata, bone shoes and croquet , pie... briIIa them.
pring Val ey
Published weekly in the inter£st of the social, re!iliou., econerrlic life of Miarni Valley'. f.remo.t progrel.iye community. The entire communi y joins in extending you a cordial invitation to come to this village
SPR ING VALLEY HARVEYSBURG Spril1A' Vnllt'Y GrntlJ!(, "'on 1st I,'. lin " 11'1<. Adum I1m,,\)('II, :\lal1~' f, Ik~ fmlll I hi - ""l11l11unily priZl' ful' lhl' 11l'r ltiPl'l ltullth at thp I MI'. lind :'Ill'>I. Lyon!'l Cumpbl' lI , atll' ,"'" 11ll' Al'nill Fnir In ~l \I''','k. Greenl' 'uunll' Fail' OVCI' X ; nia. 1 Wl' I'l' Culumbus vi "it(lr~ JlIKt Sun\' en~(lll 1·'unIY I·i'. 111 ~h:1nil"~ h' lp .J ILlll c"tI1Wn, ' hul'ity, BOllvI'r, and d.iY. I '" at \\'l ll-(lIl 1"i "I", w a~ hit in the But h. I'I'izl' IVII" $(i I.,OI(), 1.1'. IIlld '\lr ~. Tthodes Bunnell WE WILL ACCEPT YOU R SU B SCR IPT ION ON CRED'IT "Yl by :I r1~ inc ~I()nel Im;l Thur,,~11'. and )11'''' H:llpn Ft' 'em an und duug'htl' I'S ~rl'l1t 'uturdny with d<l~. 11 (' ~ 1"'111 th"l.If1lrlllll)l1 in Ihl' and dllu~ht('I·. I.f llayton. spent I '\11' ~. l-illdil' H ('u~on . . .. Fi,·ld fI ('~I))lnl taking tn·ntmi'llt. thl' \\,I't'k -c nd wilh hIS pnt'enL.~, )11'.1 11'• • Virv;inia Snell, Mrll. Merle lind i , l!lltil1~ :"un,g- all right. :lnd MI ;, ,'<'th Fl'l' ·llIan. ,'nell lind nlO thl'I', and a fri/!nd Thl' (; .'cll'~l' !-\lI1 ith f 1l11ily hllll 1\11'.- . Frank ~Ic ~ l 'llu n fell at I frllrn IIl'al' i\1ontcl'PY , a~' ~ visiting • • • • \\1(1 lI' unlon" III nttl' l1d la<l Hunhl'l' hnnw. hn·ukin.; Il l'!' arm. she the ·CIl'vcla11l1 ExpOSItIon lhi. day, ,-I) ;II .. :lIIlth lin d thl' ch ildr ' 11. i ~ nt Me Clt-llan lIu~ pitlil. \1' (' k. Your eyes will be just as valuable an allset to you W ilm :i :11111 . lllt iol1. IIttenll'd th (l 1\Ir. lllld ;\[" ", l. 0 . I' 't~I·_O Il. son Mr. alld Mrs, ' Willillm Bt.'ll ond throug~out the years to come a. they are to-day_ ........ .' lllith l'l'uni ll l1 at. t~lI ~ l\l'o"d Park. and wi fl'. "J",o ~h·~ . "'rank B am , MI'. and ]\frs . Darton n 'II, r SomThe wise man will protect those eyes for future In llayt.Hl, and 11'1<. !-\l11ith atll·nd- II hp ~ pl'nt hl.,t II (' c k in Michig-nn, e l'vill e, Wl'I'C undllY guests of use. Minor uncorrec ted defective vision, which can be " I thl' Kni ((h I t'llllilJn !II Spring, I ~J1(lrt a vCI'y /ll c n ~nnl time anti MI'. alld M I'R. 11. S. Tuckl'!.' unci easily corrected now, will he an appreciated foresight 1i l'l d. daughtcrs. tri p. in the future. Hl'\'. Smith "."It,d lin Mr.' and II'. and fl·~ .•Tohn Urr, d/lugh\\' 01111' 11'" (,hl'i~lian T emperance See your optometrist to-day. .\1 , •. 1I 0":1I,j I'l'nllilll-.tlon, 011 l"ri- Uni n ll ml'l'linl! \\a ~ h()ld Thur!\tlay t I' and ~1'llnd Fo n II' r r ' dinncr clay. ICU<,,,,ts 0; !\II'. fmd MI' ~. ha rI s GOI' 'afLl'I'n'"lIl lit 1\1. E. ·hurch. h ' I'I'Y fulK., ~('l'lll tu "a\'(' uceD Mrs. Mury ('n(l~('~', who ha s bcen Jon. on Tue~ day. 7.""-l1lindl'lI t IIi- "L·t .'llntlay :.1" th' VI' I'Y ill, i ~ mll l'h improved Ilnd I I'~. 1u'ry '1'u,·ker and .IoughOpen Every DIlY from . R A. M . Lo r. P. M. f"IlIl\\illl-r 1'l'""ll' IlI:id,,' thl' lIip t ! al,I,· to ~It up VlIl'l of Lh day. tel', Mi R~ l.11cill • ~pI'nt Monday Saturday 8 A . M , to 10 P . M. ('lIlelnnnt 1:- l\1 r. lin d ~II ' . 1 ~ lvi n Mr atHI ~I r", F. D. Ogbol'n, MI'. with ]\11'". Lottie' So uth. of Leb-, Ill l.DHOA I)\VAY L/':HA ON,OHrp fla in,·s. fir j r(, w BlIrljn~tlln. \I ith anti 1r~. DwignL Oguorn, of Dayl lr. 1\1\(1 J\lr",. Anhie Kl unlz IInrl tun, II I' ~ culll'r~ at tht! Sims home, nnVIl. 'rhe Lalli II of th Eastern. l,a r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~---_--_--_-: tin nie L ou; ,\II'. an(1 S unday e vening. duug- htN, LodJrc will .ho ld ~I F(,!'It ival at lht' 1\1". Ell in TIIII1llI!." unu .\II'. Jo e Helv. /Jnd ]\frs. Williams uncl S ' ho I Gym, ' on l" l'idny evening" 1,·il .,I', .\11 . F"l'I'~ d;llll~htl'I' , 1\-1r.'<. l'hd.lren, of H amersvill , b ginning at 5:30. 11 0m -mad e .Jam 'M II a 1'1. lick lind family gllv w"r!? visit r~, Wedne.' day ieeel' am, cake, pic. hot chickcn : :1 bi Ithday pres- Thur"t1I1Y. here. H v. W illiam,' WIIS : anuwiches and coffee will be 6Crv1'01 111<.' " Pasto,' I.r '1. b. hurch. d. 1936 Chevrolet, Standard Coupe. like new Mr. !lnd "II·~. I.n lll'lIlt'/! Bl'iny, AII R, The. Perkin and ~o n, who Th., W oma n's 'ivic League met .,e ]Jn ylun, l·tdkJ on Air, and l\1l-~. WCH' \'i ~ iting in Kentucky the pa·t with Ro~e lind Lill ia n orr on last 1935 De Luxe Coach .'tll1H:S Wical tind fmilily, ~aLurday I two II cl'k", I'durn d Sunday eveSaturday afternoon. I'ot-Iuck su p el'clll ng. !ling. Iwr WIIS enjoye d oIt l' t h e eJose 1934 Chevrolet, Maste~' Sedan, Whipcord upholsterlI('nl'Y I\'nnin).!:lon is buil(jing' l\li :,~ JU lle Wl' t. oj[ Cedarville, of Lh meeting. ing, New tires. a KlIltuekr whilt' board fen e in who llru' a l eachl'r in IIigh chool, lI1axine ol'l'eit formt'l'ly of thi s f ,:oll uf hi" hOlll l'. and it i~ very has r . ign d her po"i t.l'ii and ..Mr. C:u)::'c nc Mal';;hall of nl'lIr ' incin- vicinity, but now ' living in New I"clllrcsquc. 1933 Olds Sedan GI'orgC " ieu". hu . bl'e n .")le nd - naLi. ha. Ill' n e l1~pl oyed to fill th Or! anF, L oui 'ianu, was a recent visitor or Mr. a nd Mrf'. FI'crl E'v ering till' \\ ('l.'k with hi s 'uunt, MrR. vacn ncy. He will b llart. Charles Dakel·. . tenl'ileL'. AII'. and 1\11':, lIa t·tlld !>'tIel' and !\Ill'. and ;\11'8. Ho mer Walton, Mr NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS famiJy wen: elltcrta in~d to dinner und h ·s . H enry WIiHon and ~o n STATE OF OHIO . >it the Le~ ' I' !.' rh:Ll'd', unday, Jack , I i, s Lucille 'Walton, Mr. CEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS and in the aftcr noon. both fall1ilie~ LOll Alexander. ~I J'~ ~ ett i e Ful- Columbul; Ohio, Augult 10, 1937 Phone 24 CENTERVILLE, OHIO Clerk of Sales Leral Copy vicw'd tho ail' nIce; 'at Vandalia. k"'lIOn, Mrs. Ruth Stingley, Mr. The Lud icI' Aid of the niver- and Mrs: ampton mit)! and two UNIT PRICE CONTRACT ' b e 37-281 l'eceivS al d pro'p osals willNo. !<uJi.,t churl' h f . pringbol'O will daughters, Ml·. and MI'~. Clll'l Mol'ml'et at th home of Mrs. Pete gan lind childt'en attcnded th W nl. cd at t h e offig e of th State Hi ~n way Dil'l'ctor! of Ohio. ut olumWical, thi s Wedn e day. ton R e uni on, unday , at. Bryan I:: u s. Oh io, until t n o'clock A . 1\'1 ... Vi f<illll' at the hOl11c of fl', an d Park, Y,('I W ·Pl'ings. Ohio. If quality goods, reasonable prices, and 'c our· ., Eastern tandal'd Time. Mrs, Etz, Sunday. were Mi~s AmI llc Boyee . who spent Tuesday. September 7 , 1937, for teou. service are what you want, TRY hurles Tate and part of last wl'ck with h er grand. impI' ov inCnts in: WalTe n ou nty, hio • .on part .-o n ; Mr. and Mrs. hal'le Burke pal'cnts, r turned to hel' home in of S ction C li nd Seclion Col of and (Iaught I'; and l\lr~. Etz's mo- Duyton, Sat. night. th Dayton-Lebanon R oad. th 1', Irs, lI e. tN' OrLh, all of DuySunday School Picnic of the State Highway No, 64. State o. 48, in lear reek ton. M. E. Church was held at the Chau Rou.te TO'Ivnllhip, by grading, wid<en'ing MI'. lind 1l'. At'nold Barton ttluqua grounds at Fr'anklin. nnd ·re. urfaci ng with cold-m ixed , I and :\11'. ann Mrs. Ru~s!' ll Murray Mrll . Ralph lI artt>oc k and two coill-Ioid tal' concrete . I attended th midnight show at th e childl'en of !:it. L ou iR,. Mo., 1'etUl'n Wid l.h : Pavement 20 ft. Phone 4. X SPRING V ALLEr let I'y lIwatol' in J)ayton, Friduy cd home Saturday afte.r s pending L ength: 25,140 ft., 01' 4.762 night; ~cv~TIl 1 "ecks with t heir parents Wt'c k-e nrl )rlll"t, of Mr. and Mr.~ und grandparents. E stimat(>d cost $ 126,7 6.5 . ~ 1,0 b co mpl eted withil1/ C(jlgl' Gillilnnd \1 1.' 1'1.' MI'. and 1\11'1'\ 1\11', and 1\1rs, Ralph Eag-Ie a nd fifty-ontract fl y (55) working days. Gil li lanrl and 1!1'Il1lrJd·duughter, 7.("'1 toIo n. of 'inci nnati, ~ pe n t l he weekTh e minimum wage to be paid 1;1 of John~lf)\\ n. cnu "ith MI'. and MI'. • Ray Eaglc. to all labor em pl oyed on this con. 1... .rae h !:icott a nd daughters, 1'1]'. and Mrs: . Val • ims, of tract sh all be in accordanc with 11:l?!;·1 nnd lid n, I'I llcnl Sunday ~pring VaH y 'elebl'lJItetl their gQI- the" chcdul of Prevailing H ournftl' l'nn(1/1 "ith the J >~s lIess fam- den wl.'dding anniversa ry, Aug ust ly W a$!,'e Hates Asc rta in ed ant' Determinc(\ by Th e D ~p al'tm nt Model T Ford Coach -Iota of mile. , ily. 7th, with memhers of their immed- of Indu. trial Relations applicable 4Cyl. Inboard Motor - Make a powerful plant for The 'llI'nd l l'(:union was held iute family. Mo. t of th eir married to State Hig hway Dcpal·tment 1myou with at Waync I'ar k. unday, with 7& life has heen 'pen t in Spring Val- plovemcntl; in aceo!'dance pll'-enL at d i nne.1' L1 nd Over a hun· ley. MI'. and MI' . Sims have tAl'ce Section 17.3. 17-4. 17 4a. 17 5 An Antique Walnut Corner Cubbard llnd 1.7-5a of the General COde of IIINI pl'('~l.'lIt a ll day. MI'. alld Mrs. children and thr ee great grand- Ohio." 1 'l , h. p. Gasoline Engine J\ ( I'I'y CrJrn('11 and MI'. and Mra children; Mrs , Kate B oyco, and • Th bidd er mu st submit with, his We Buy Old Metal Al ril'l1ell ottended from OU I' ,Iaughtcr.', Villette and Annette , of bid .a certified check jn an amount nl'iRhhol hI) d. J)ay lon; M I'. and MI'. al'l Sims equaJ to fivt! per cont of the estiSPRING VALLE_Y lI al'l'll'ttf' K Fordyce had 5UP I' € 1 and 5 011, arl, Jr. , oC Cinci nnati; ma ted co~t, but in n o ve nt mo~ c tt:al1 ten t h ou~ and dollars. \lilh MI'. anrl ~1r H. Eug-cnt chuma . and 1\11'. al!'d 111'~. Willt'od G. Sims kl' l'. in Dayton. Thul'sd uy evening. also of Dayton. and department specificatio nsof are on !;;;===:;===;;==;;;:::;;=====:;=;:;:====~ fil ePlan in s the high~_ _ _ _ _ _ __ Sunday aftcrnoon gue~ts or MI'. way... and the office Of the }'esidcnt distl'ict d eputy director. and 11' .• Loui ~ Burton WCI'C:Tn o director reserves t he l'ight Mr.· nnll MI·s. R u¥el1 T errcll, of to r eject a ny a nd an bids. fiOTARY PUBLIC J ohn J 'a st el', Jr., Xenia. MI" nnd Mrs . James Durton _ _ _ State Highway D~re~~, of DaytOtl, ]\fr. Ed, W oola rd and N.tlo ••1 B_II Mr~ . R o~;p P ore, of pri ngboro. CLASSIFIED ADS And who was the young lady Will. Draw. • • E.latel Settled WAYNESVILLE. OHIO who lo~ t a wheel a nd thought :he FOR SALE: - A pair of nice SOl'had a fiat tit·c? re i colts, n early two years old. Mr. - R omo RiggSl\lld -daughte r, MI'. an(1 MI·s. Edward Gilliland W. A. Surface, R. R. 2, 1 mile Pau line; MI'. and Mrs. Peny Thomand lheir hou se ~uc . t , M i.s.~ Zelia we t of Ly tle. 2-19 p a s; a nd Mr. Lest er Gerhard lef t Oillilanu attendc.<i Ln'keside iF) Tu esday morning for a trip FOR SALE:Miami Cemetery Dayto n, on aturday night. throug h Vi rgin ia to S'oio ky mounlo t,. beautifully located in Mr. :lnd ,Mrs. Marion Newhllrd t tain. . Sectio n "M". 'Ind MI·s. Floren~e N (,w h ardt, of Mrs. Harry F ordyce and Mrs. K. F.. Englerth, 1449 T,hird Dayton, vis ited at the Harry F ord, 0ia1 Fields were Dayton shoppers No t ional Bank Bldg., Dayton, Yce h ome. Sunday ~v('ni ng', on Tuesday afternoon. Ohio. Mr. P ~rry 1'h o ma ~ and M i!\.. Two w(!eks ago on Monday eveCurtains 40c; Lace Table Clotli s Wilma Tll omaR att!!'n(lcd th!' Pot- ning, H any FordYC.(l was coming t png r reunion at Tippi r anOe City. home fr om work and hung his coat 75c. 9 x 12 Rugs, $2.50; Drapes, ~un!lny. on t he door handle of his car while Flincy Pillows and Lamp Shades. Ruth Wical Rpent l a..~t week with he mad e som e ad justments under Quick Cleanel's hC'!' gt·flndpal'ents. Mr. a nd Mr~. the' seat. Forgetting it, he d rove JOHN DEEREKathryn Mend e nhall, Mgr. r('l(> Wica l. home. to d iscovet' it was gone. So
The Place To Buy A $5 coin for $1.98 is unknown . Rut w ca n me >t til ir comp tition with quality m r hl\nclisc. A trial from you will prov this true , , .. YOUR HOME STORE n
have h
what you an while ca nnin g is good. cans.
CQPsey's Grocery
For Years To Come
Dr. John Zettle O. D.
================::;:===::;====:;;;; Used Cars
, I
Barker's Drug Store
mE Fire: tone Standard Tire. you get .xtra >vaiJle in the form of .. rt,." safety. It costs more mo ney to build a safer tire. Out Firestone can build a f;T'$I-qIMlily tire made of top grade materials and sell it lot . less money, because Firestone . controls rubber aod cotton supplies at tbeir sources, manufactures 'with greater dIiciencyand distributes at lower .:ost. YOU GET EXTRA. PROTECTION AGAIINST BLOWOUTS - eight extra poundil of rubber are added to every 100 pounds ". (ord by the Firestone patented Gum. Dipping process.
YOU GET · EXTRA PROTECTION AGAINST PUNCTURES-because under the tread are IWO extra layers of Gum-Dipped cords.
tOU GET EXTRA "PROTECTION AGAINST SKIDDING - because the tread is l(!~enti6cally
tOU OET LONGER NON·SKID ~'cause of the
extra tougb.long-wearing
",ead. Join the Firestone SA VB A UFE C"..ampaigo tod ay by equipping YOUf: car with asetofnew Firestone Standard Tires.
4.SO'Zl ..... . .... , •• 05 4.75-19 ...... _... 9.55 5.25-18., •••••••• 11,"0 5.50-17 ...... . .. . 12.50 6.00-16 • •• ••••••• 13.95
T'r~$ton~ SEN TINIEL
4.40-21. .• ••••. •• IS .65 4.50-21 .......... 6 .)5 4.75-19 . ...... . .. 6.70 .9.00-19 ••• . • ••• .•• 7.20 5.25-18 .... . .. . . . . . 00
'Fire$,one · COURIER 4.40.21. •••.• _. _.•s .• ~ 4.50-21. ........... CIi~ 0."" SiU, Prld(!
P fo~rtlon.t .. y L_
DON'T RISK YOUR LIFE ON SMOOTH WORN TIRES! DO YOU KNOW THAT lau year hlgh",a,. "ccident$ <-"05t the live. of more than JI,ooo ... n, women and I daildrenl
TH AT . million more were tiljurrdl
THAT more than 40,000 of thele death. and inr' uriel we'l: call,ed direct" by
pund""el, blDwDuh and .ki dding due to smooth, worn, "naafa tire" .
I E~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::~~~~~::~~§;~~~
Hood's Auto Wrecking Co
F ltiliz
you. drill "i.1 tJl
Wh ('ut h arvest iii over and it will soon h corn clltting time, ana &chool will RtA.t't; befol'e we rea.1 ize the pnppr!'l will stflte that it is only ·<0 mllny doys un t il Chl'i. tmas. My how time does fl y! And th!'re is the little boy Wll O nral'1y drowned nimRP1f sprinkling " 'li ter ()Vl'I' hi ll heal to tllke out th C' cu 11 !l fter- hi R cOll~in h ad sct wavinl! c1lltnps in hi s hai r. M!'. nnd Ml's .•J e !</! Holand and flruc e W ean atte nd !'u the Pottenl(e r reunio n nt Tippicanoe, Sunrlay. Miss Julia Grush on $pent SUt\dar (,venin/r with the Fordyre'!I Rev. and }lr~. Carl Smitb are "wndinll Tu p. day at bpr m ()thr·r's in Kentucky_
• MrR. R
HartseU anti
he made u. retul'n t r ip, but to no LOST,L adies' ring, onyx s et, avail. . T he coat · was, of no value with small , diamond and ' baL ' it con t ained mfll1y important Eastern Star Emblem. pll pers, hiR coat being lik'e a wornMT~, Will St. John an'~ pu l'se, a catch .. all for -eve17 thillg h(' wanted to ke ep. Sever.a.l days pn.;;se d · and he had given ap SMALL HOSPITAL ANIMAL hope, when he received a card telling him to c~e to ~he Slagle W_ O. Bowers. D. 'V_ M. Manufacturing Company in Beaver Spri •• V.lle,.. Ob.Io t uwn a nd describ.e anything he may ha\(e lost. Mr. Fordyce wasted no time and recovered the coat, and is he a happy man?' Which goes ~o show that we may still have faith in human nature. Mrs. Lawrence Thomas is on the . ick lis t again. We understand that lleveral minor operations are bee. el!lllary before ahe ean hope fot recovery. The ftnt of the •• wu
II at •
In one trip over the fleld the John Dccrc, Van Brunt FcrLiIizcrGrain Drill pulverizes the soil, drills in the seed, drills in 'the fertilizer, and covers both seed and fertilizer. Yousavefertilizer~ aU is placed within rp~('h of the growing pIa 1 !.:-;. You save time and St:t .• 1. Come in and inSJlL'CL this better drill.
* :ltar forte roeds hnndl. all lrtJldl or comr'lercial fer-
and lime In 4...
tl1l t~r
olred 'luOIntlty per aCro.
* 11_ up
17 a 7.
*Q1Ialltr eonltruat!Oll Uuou~bou'
r .... 10.... ' 4el*l4-
able l.mae,
"-------' ~
Sprin. Valley Hardware
- ..
......" ..,.....~ "" ......" ....."".....
anb Utbat
BV the Ml.\n lin thl' Htu ll .
.... "'-""
W!'II , folk, a ll I krlllw b j URt whuL I wr~. fur the pap~r and sume thin~~ 1 won't tell. But laMt Eighty-Ninth Year week I nme very n ell!' .~fiying somelhing. My neighbor y('lIl·d in ut tho back door find houted that my l::icotlie clog wa dlusing u fox down the alley. I had hcurd thll commotion and run to join ill tho Chlll:!' , but , ull r cou ld 1\1!l! wns our pos t mus ter hus tling ill hi::! back do or ilL the nell' ~ sta nd on Milin l::itl'l;ct. ' Did you kno"," lha.t on o[ our \oclLl bu si ness men W !L~ highly com mended thi ~ PU SL week - a .;trllllge ludy in town Rtol)Jl d him ut his dO(Jrway anci sai d, " \ l'al ~ The hnlld [I 'nl' fit, just tell you al'e n lI r o!llssionll11 \\ hit'h WAS ('olltiucted here last man." Thul'~dflY evening nttmctNI a Some impl'uvcnh' nls at a iLlcnl large 1'0 \\' rl ()f bantl 'nlhu s in~t.-; busine!:!s h ouse- new conntc \'" anti who contribu Led J!encl'ull~ ly ill di:lpluy I·u,c k",. Whil . these wen> order that fund !; might h· rllis!'d b C? lng" loutled in\.o the LI' uck in Duy., to pUl'challc uniforms for the t Oil, " lady a ok('ti, "Oh, i,; lhis dc. ~<.' h oo l band . On (' hundr~d thirty do llnrs WA" ' /Hutment :;tllre m oving'!" Th e lS tllt ~'s 1\ ('\'\ \ hitt' lim.g clown r~ ali r.etl in th· ·f1'ort. No, 73 hod uught t o be ~ix foo~ A commiLt 0 of mothl',.... who bOlud [ enCt's. W 1I0ticc dl·ivc r~. h nvl' chilch'en in tht' l.11md with the C I'O"'~ the"c two lin (,11 in th SlImC Illd of II rl'W of thl' fathl'l'!1 ~laJ! c1 Id reck les manner. thll ev ·nl. It is imp os~ib lc Lu ~ eSixl on n w nam e were adde d ( urc l~c nam '. or 011 uf th05<' io OU1' mailing li Rt Lhi l< Pllst 11" k. \\}I(I gave uf theil' tim', ·ff ul't IInrl 'ev~l'al I'(>n wlll.~ a lso. Oul' lllm- tulent t o Illlt ,OI1 thL IH oje cl. Hnwily of re ul rs i growi ng ano r '?V l' much cr"\lit IS du·th ' n\ f ' r ll)aing IOYIl\' Two, howcv'Cf'lo drop- th .<,u~cc.'~S of th e und · rtakin~ . p~d off. Sony to I !Ie thcm, bu' Dooth s - .. 11 t e WilY [I'OIn lb{' we will b glad to have the m buck F ortU lIt· Tell ' r' s l" a l3inj:((J Game later on. - \\ t rc aU rnc tiN'ly d 'cOI'at 'd. 1'1'0 It was LOO hot la .t Tu sday fat' fc ~ i(Jnlll bark en c uld !lot huve soml' r:A Wayn el'villt\bu. in .s men 'reul d l\ny more Jlui"c and flln ' n 'Ital,' o n f lhe Sa- Lhan did he :unal('ul' !<hc,\\ m(!n, I accepl to bina ). ion'sth lub. Th boys misse(l ,Merchalll!< lind lllld (!~ p "flr) le COIn ,a !loud f cd und loLl of fun 'which triulited ~(!nCI'ou.ly in <uPJJ(lrt uf u ,~ th b~lnd's (·Ilrnivnl. 'ons hov I'n til I'r nlcetl·n ....... the L) A good sampl of whnt n cluu Th t• following "f pric " \\"a< n\ an to a town would hav be n g-iven : Jim MeCiun.. .,I.UU; A. K, had tou. Mnybe at 1I later dale, 1)ay, Pol () Shi,·t; Fairley 11 II I'dth invitation will be lIcce ptcd, wnr\), larm .Iock; lIymHll'H, · h? 'fi ,; "IIY'l! BUl'lll'l' :hOII, B oltk What's the " old" mu IClans go. Hah' Te nic ; Krug<, )., 25 lllll .• 'uing to do n ow that th e band con 1,'1.\1'; ollc~ lInrlll' III'C , Po~ k'cl Kitch e rts ar over? Throw t.heir borns Knill'; ' Q n, . kQt.' I Ic c II I h lit in II corn r? I'll \\ag r that th y I'l.!um; ,' fn, (. "n utI "PIC U R' ] I Ilanwould appreciat.e nn opportu nily 0 C!l S, D(lX U nil Y; H ge n urpiny mor ofte n. Why not n com- nnce, Box andy; H gel's and .... n f I F Ik munity ol'ch tra? Who . hos tho .,1111 Pt'O 11 , ux U Itnt y; 'U ' ar man y, time, and tal nt., onrl ;;on'~ .. 'ohi ", FiVe QLII. H; Th e nn" lot of tcmpermontal mu sI', Littl c fnll , kc I'Cllm Holl: 'on " LO . . . ' W'lan to bllndlc? n CI' Cns tation, Five Cal. Ga: .;
Benefit Carnival Success
Wayneaville, Ohio, Thuraday
August 19, 1937
.. I
Whole Number 6287
Marin s Provide Haven for Alnerican. in China
Change PostORice Locatron Aug. 22 O J) A ,Ul-:lI~ 1
1' )il1 ipill " I)I 'ak"I~ rl)l' th., Ohio ('unl"c)'t'l1l'c' IIf Huml Y OUI1j.!" Pt" )1>1 1.' wUI be ]1) •. O. I':, B:l k.' I' , BII),'ilU of A ~I ielll lIr.tll I';c(ln"mi('~, W'l , hi n~ltln; Ill'. \.' ) ank :-illlt7.. IIULhol' an.1 Ilclu)cr, PHy tllO; l~ (>\', f' BUlkh'1I1. pU~I,q ' 01" lh" F" ·, l C Io InlIlun il), Chul dl ,.,1' (.;. II nlh' i,. \\. e ll Itlmhll~. Ilnd .J . P... 'hllliclL, or lh. , .\ g-licultul'lil Ext, 11 iun .It' PIHt)\I . nt Ohio St a tl.) t 'l iVI"'itr. il WIl' :ill. nouncNI toda~' hy (':111 f{ , ilut('h in ~o n, of th e. (.du('1! IOn1l1 cl"pnl'l)l\l'nt ., f th t:' Ohi" Farm HUrl'u u, Clllum-
2:!nd , anot her lundIII th hilllOl'Y of Wuyne!! IJI,. "ill I'hnngl' it. location. For h" )lll , I I" I'll I Y Y nrR, the Wayl l , vill,' Po" t OlfiCl' ha." been locat , d In th.· Han iM pl'o perty. During J)
nl k
Ih"", tW"nl~'
Yl'at'R, the Harris es1111 in iu power to hf'1l thl' pust ofll ce building one of which lh,. pl'opll' of Wayne ville could w(·11 1)(, proud. Now, owing til lh.· ('Xllan ?ion in th e mail sl!rV)l\' "I' th t · cllmmunity , it has beCliO", IIl'Ct" "II')' tu $eek larger CJU:U h'I'~, till' '. n. Ll'wi ~ propt:rLY· Nul unly IIOl'" this post office take tll,c' Ilr tht' Wnyne ville ommunty, !Jut thi ~ yl'lll' the Rarveyshurg- mail '(!I'vice h:\ been added Thi . n ill only ~ Jli'llk~ well for the bu~. hU " lI1 l!~~ unit,l on in out" town, TIll' YlJuLh '(, nfc'r 'II('l' "hid. will hut it : Jleak ~ \\' ' II fOt, lhe abil ity b h eld at :-lei! lIall, Ohi o :O;lal(' lIf th 1'0~tll\a llcr, Fran k M. Fox, tlnd hi ... a s,btant: . niver'~ily. ·() lul1lhu ~ . fl 'O Ill Rl'P'cmber 7 to 1II, i ~ ~Jll)n~n )t' <l .iui nt ~ I I'. Fox. a!\ you probably know,
Iy by t~1: hill Stut(· Glang- p, lht· niteC\ Sttlt s mflrincs shown 9pening the pondt!rous g"lc of he U. S. tegallon in Peiping, China. Under Ohio Farm BUl'llIu \>'1';lcl'a\1('II . th ,. I' Ule Il r'o\ ellon of the murincs, American citiz ns find n stlfc haven as war rages betwcen th Chinese troops 'oullly . ·ul>C'li nlt.II.l c llt.- 1,1' .. 'h OII!.' :lIld the invadiog forces of J opon. In set shows Col. J ohn M rs ton , commander of !.he U: S. nJ:.rine ba r· \ Inc ulinnai roc,,"s ot ' Pciping. ~:dU~lIli(ln in i\gri· • cu ltu!'!' ane! l1 onll' I;; ()n\ll\1ic~. 1111(1 the Chril'lian Youlh ('Ilundl cd'
mazing oa A Pen and Pencil PrE~mium SEC. WALLACE TIer ' nnoanced By 1 he (;azette AT THE OHIO
has tI.lnc
,~ Il mun wh o <,"er kel' ". the 1nlel'l'-t llr th l" community in mind. li e' \\"•. 1 ' l)o r'l I"n ~ d I'alse . d near "1' 1'llIg~ ()) ( Fo lh t'\ · 'l.' r e ~ n t y- th I'ee y.enr:< pl'iUl' lo aSl\UllIing the post LIII)l !L ' Jt , U I' I )...' ~ t mas t, t!r, he t aug ' ht thi, ,Althoug.h I h~ b.L mun f i e\\ WOlds, he 18 ev('1' leatly t .(' l·Ve the people of "'''" YIll·,vi ll ... in every way possiblc. His n,im i~ lo . el·v the public so well that lhe P') st trice will natur II . " y mel a~c it s voluTlle of service ' I' . lIntlL OffiC It l!oll'~.· on(! 1'1), I'n ".·of ou 'hlh l' n best Ohl·o.small
Ist.ht~~I .in
and l: Ulol Th l' (' unl I'l'n l"(' I,. "" . I~nt·d tll' lliulrily f,)l' young PllIl'll' frum I to 21) e c k . '1 yuu n full compr{'h,en~ion of th ' y al"li' of ug , flut of . (' hllnl nll(i UlJFort unate Arrangement Permit. I l\IRITietl, 1\11'. JllIt';hill~on , \\ho i. the Givinll Away of Beautiful \\clIld~rful ,valu nf thi.. \\'ri~inJl' a nwmh'1" of the ~1t()lI~lJrin"" \:01)1-E' f mutl'l'Ill\. \ uu'li to' 'Ill( iJ~ >lut pl'l ~e a ... _, ' W .... llng qUll>ment . . . milte ~lIicl. · and dehghted Wi th ttl· very at' Sh ort T lm e l I'UC t 1\' ' • (I~P I' Iay at ·U t· olliee. , . ---- - - -National Directo r of Farm Po I',ele Durin" Tbi, Offer R adle r, May Ideal For S,ehool Will Be at 80wlinll Green Meet. I l " 'oul(1 n ol I)" J'u t I'n .·pe ak'ng • " , u, Obtain Without Cost One or Th l't 'ar'e ~o 1111)1 roprillt.e fur lng, Auru.t ~O ,If the chunge in th e locution of More of The. e H and ,ome Wrl' ll' n" se ho I u t>e, will give lOll!; (lnd - -- f the PO". t ffi' c \"I' thout me«tl'o n.. stui'dy S I'v ice, thut, the Gal£!tte ll ·n l·y A. Walla re, se l:e lulY 0 ., ' II Sets hl1~ eho."!.'n this l)al'l ic ular tim!! to .1'~I·icullu1"e, will :\I'dl'(>~. Ohi.) farlll J, Willl nm , rij!ht. ul!'d 70 ing' the lllllll, • B. Lew;!;, who na 'I'h h ---e l·. at th pI' cn'1 ra il', t be h 1(1 ." enn;, di(·rl al hi. h lllil" 11 11 £l1I ,'' IICI- h i)lpd in a vel''' lal'ge degre e \n rouA an xc ptirlllally [01"- jtivc away lh e < lt ~. Thus giving . ., ' ~ t , B I' GI '~ n "'1,'l day u'''u t e l' 'Av!.'nu", I uyl"II, I."~t 'r hur·~.-(I'IY · making uur Po t Office on e of the tunut~ :11 ran gemenls lh Gazetle cvely chool child in lhi tel"l'itory a ow lI1K .~~, r <> , . . ~"" ., . C ciW ,F r Hie past two weeks, no one [) . R. 'R1ith 1.00; mne i ab le LO give nbsoluply t o the ' Pllol'tunily lo absolut- 20, according- to H . . Ral1ls el', Funcral 'l\lit($ W('II ' hdd a LIl·· mo;;t up-t tlntc one, in thi part ''l' 'Ilt n the dl'tOI' Ill, ut Gurage, 6 QL~. 011; Lt May and ' t r d th h tI . l I director of xl e li sio n W I k, hio day aft rnoon at Ih(' Me lure of thl' cuu ntl·y . FOl' 65 years, Mr. .. Jlawkn Box of nnd,, ' Peck" R s- I ~ ' I11 1:1' , an :oll'le, t, m(Js e y I n-c the need t'oi wl'iting quip- ta l' 'I'ty Funut'al H Oln(' ill,' \VI'I'tyh fo t Ll'\vi" ha . b<'cn a re!;ident of Wa"" " has • ome-coming ur .vayn e-vill e, " ~': usefu and dlll' hi t' pre mium evel' m nl f Ol' th ' huol t rm. Thi. C Il vel." . ~ . . ,.., 1'11· J ' r h That f llow, llI"Lwl'ight, bettel' 6UC(!l1ts )' chnnd!'lc; L. o ff red br n "eekly n WSJluper. III n to every family CI'()\t change , in 8g'1'idultural ('l'Iy liv d in \ hH' ))l,.C\·illc and ha h Ip d the com get out <ll petition to our Ma,yor ordun Curoge, 01\ han!{; Th i!'; arnn7.ing prer ium is a b ' au tblt will b lruly IIpprrciuted. ' p!'ac ic . in Ohio and oth 'I' he had a - hop f or s v- Illu nily in lIlany way .. Bnd ou n eil b efore cl cUOtl la c 1, G. '" 2<1 Ibs. Flour; 81 h- Uful fuuntain and pencil set Adapt ed to U.e in tb past few make cril years. VOn a Quiring tho lea e lor the rolls around. op's B 'uuty PSl'l()1", Shampoo and porked in an att.J'active box. Tht' EVl l'YOIl has alnno~t daily need me l,ting at BowlinI!' Gr 'en an imHe iR :-urvivcd by hi. "idow, IHlW Po~t Office, he immediately . Someon e mi s: ed n good cnnncc Finger Wllv e; E ll il'l Filling Station, illustr'ation uP)H.'l.I.l"ing .I!;e whel'c of good fountain ItHlIl and mech- p,;rt nl one to farm 'cratory ' llrah K Wright., find on· dnugh-" bl'gan tb r m odel building and fit wat rm ejo ns the other day. A II 110 n of Oil; John' .. Grocery, 25 in this will giv you some chan!, a l Ilencil. Yc's, everyone , Wulla e \\ ill PI' se nt the piclun t",r, M ' h c:ville . \ right i" has =- pal" d no t'xllense in e quippfng . ccrtain gro erym an had a lurge Ib~. Sugar; 1iami az it , Year'. icl('a of these sets, but it will l'e- I Crom the child in schoo l o n up to of Ugl icultul'al )Joliey thul Is le- <l relative of th (' lat Ed, Muc y an ti it. The Post. Office fixtures were pile ut 011 th s idewalk, and gome. : ubsCl"i ptiOIl, lJoz tl hl'iAmu o quire a vi it til th e tiami Gazette I the m ' n and in , terllling- farm legiRlation in Wn h- Mrs. Winifl·"t! ]\tucy hi'ought f )'o m FI':\nklin. The he.atfhing w nL " haywire". The who le (;aI'J. . tltHet' to tht: many bl'ight and l a1ld lifc. io",.1.on. i.-, one or the best to b·e ell"II!',; lind Smith's ~1c.'ut 1a1'- 1a kl ' I I lh' h' I ' T h ' Elnlel' }". Kr·us. 0IUll11)u, "'a'" Tht' I'cmains of Mrs. J al11 " l\oI l! r- had - sll'alll ,dth Willi fixtures of pi le b<'gan s lipp illJ!;. falling nnd l' I I J ' >1 I' mg Co III an, CU' Igl I c: need I;; cvt'r in evirlt·nce but " t " ing like a pocket full of mal'b les hi!; fUl'ni. hud ' the hamburger; Cluality gcn I'al app~& C IllCc tn giv a ~rea manyal de nied thl' us o f chairman of nlC agriculturul 011- g'tIn WI\.! brOlI~ht to Miflllli 1'111' copp ,,'. The l" if; only o ne other which . mall boys pill in t.im e of ~Jll'ing Val1(;~ Baki,7I'Y gav(' the 1 - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- lh(! ('quipml'nt due to the co:t gen- . rvalion cummittee, . ny." Ii , _' po. te lY 011 W c'dn~ "dIlY or la~t Wl··k hl"utinl! unit o f thi.< kind in the !!Chool. Wl1term!'lon, uternlelon bun. lully ~!I ociatcd w ith first cia cial invitation to be at. B wling fC)l' burial. . tr". !\Jurglln was lh,' cummunily. The new lighUng everyw here, but our groeerYl\l8l~ 'l'h(! CihblJn ~nd W. H. :M~\dMIl iting equlipment. Not a l l ell Gr en is ext"nd ~d to all farmtll·. \.\idow of .111m '" Mow(a n. Sh 'di~d ~y~ten) i4 Ullt' of tht' best and ha fI:iend didn't invite u s in to have L un,b I' COlllplIni 's furnL~cd and afford to pay the pl"iCI'~ u ually wh o have c op~nltC!d in lhe AA a th e home ()[ h 'l' dalightel'-lIl lllur(· iI~hl unit. by fllr than is reo n e. built th e booth", whi'h we l'C n _ 1:\. k d, espec ially wh n there urc prog ram s, but h adds that. every- law. 1rs. 1\,I anil' MUI'p; urI , nf All'x, 'Iuil eel b.Y gp"el'llmc:nt in s pection. , . " d . . I '1 antler. vill<" hio. . I 'h fl You know thAt's reminded me, trnclively dccOI'ated, th muteJ"~L numbcr ab ut the h ome in n ecel one Intel'( , ..! III ~rl u tUI'(I WI I n l ' 001' , ~pace, Mr, Lewis. Olle hu~ l' nvl" cd w", to h~v lal,- fOI' ~hi. pUI'p9~e bein~ fUl"lliff sct~. Through the Miami Gaz- ,fl;nd sU,m thing of value at thE> Th E' M,()l'gnll. ot on(' lim liver! n ot only gave to the go vernmel1t Mal'kin)! oftatc highway' with ett c otTe1', however ' 01lin. ' ' :\. tl·S. MOl'gHn thr !'Ull ~tlll/It'e f t or fl oor spMe JlO "Ins o f butt~rlni.lk for ab out ~a ished by HymlLIl'S Dry ollds ~i.or " the way i:s me e ting. A spoJ't~ )lrog-ram ha' a i orW111. ..mon .. , h now. W ~ till like o ur but- anrl WaYlle~villl.) D rug Stor . Mr. douulc \\ hite cen ter lines is the open to obtain a !' many sets a~ de- b~en arranged (0 1' the 1'01' n oo n Ie ""1:,' t \\" f) ufJug .1 II t l·I'S. 1\[ I"."'( at' I I·l·quir~d. hut h" added 120 sq uare Robitz r furnish d the ice' for th" lat . t ~ tep taken by the Traffi in' (\ and tberefore quite p • ibl and 'eCl"l!tary Walla'(' will s peak J o hn l'ton; of Cintinllflt.i, ancl l\1r~. /'('(·t III addition. Engineering J ivi sion of th' hi o to pro ldl' for each memb l" of the aftt'1' dinner. W'I II I".It I I T(lWU. I The Illvut.)\'y' i!; equ ipped with ' I, f 0 ' ('(Iat' I''UJlI. I~: tel" milk, too. Wilmington nl rchants arc il'-c cream. MI'. Seurs nnd MI'. ,,1- De)>1l1'lmt' nt of Hi ghwRY" to pro- family . 1.. I The Ill' lIke r com~. from a fam- 1'111' . (' !' g,,"~( IsCil \ S, [ ,l'UI:- I' 1~11, 0 f tht! bl' t plumbing fixturl.'S to be staging a Doil ol' Vay. Th ei r act- l{'tL gavo thllir t1rofc~~ illnu) serv- mote gl't'aL I' tl'utti ' ~lrely 0 1\ stat' I'dal' y The,' t' ;cLs are ~ta ndnnl lIizc, ily tho ! ha~ ueen nationally prum· " . Rapld . ~. . I'({)gl' l' ,~I 0.' g-an n r hnd.]n all labor I' qllil'ed, Mr. Lew verti ' ng minded fll ows got to ict's in thc Auctioll .41Ie. I·Ollte s. Rout(' 4l!. })3. .• ing through w II III de, wl'itc a.s go d as any inent .in agricultui'e for thrc(' ,'ue (lIll'lIlll'lli h , U l (\)it·t ) hi' , ' .\.\ ' \I'll: ill, so fur a.~ po>;sib le, ha s em!Jloved 1' he committee, in II stnt.ement. Wa ynesvi lle, hns bt!cll so mark rl fOll1Jtain pen a nd pe ncil you hav e c('div i{CIII' I·otiol1s. Th I . ,g ether un .ad f l' the Gs. ctte. We ecrc- a t c I "A't UJl1 " 1H' t )'1l ClI' ' aL orWln, Wayn ~vill people, and Jhas during the po 't ten days. Sh~1 nH'Il 1\1 ~))'KII~), 0 r It'Xlln- buught, wher pos ibl ,his s upplies :a pprc( inte the fuct that tori'S v- sllid: <'lntl '. ov er 'tried lind th ey arc fully guar- tll! y's filth rand grundfath I' rywhcl'e al'e ;recognizing tho ad "We inc vt'rY A"1'ut ful "to the company fUl'lli Rhin,; rJl l'c .eI cI him u~ l'riit01S o f Wnl - d~I".Vlllt', "hI) \\ IIh ln~ molhcr enr it'om WaYI1p,svi lle bu iness m en, The clnubl\) while cen ter linf.!S, lint ed. Th verti., lng m erits of thi s li tLie I!': ou n· en tire community lor t h ei r m ~t. d' . will I'c pail' Or re)Jl,w~ lac '" Fat'me\,. ('( lut' hcl' III h e r la, t Illn ~.. t hus giving employm ent and - mon tl Y n cw. pap er. Wh e n you go lnto splendid <;o-op~rnUoll :lno gc:>ner aCCOl' lng to ' lhghwa~ Dire tor, . I 01' p l]I CI' l !oun(I t 110 The g-mndfathl'r, J It: llry Wal ey Ato W uynesville. . n a tore whose .ad appears in these o.· ity. Wi thout thlLt hclp, it could J .hn Jaste r, Jr. uI'e bemg appli ed ' . :\III'. lmd .\1r~. l{ u ,'~ ('1 Wii ~ ()11 anS the paper I'cpl'esenting t h is • II t·h h t h t h b I' · tr· ' ~ n all puvt'ments 1 ie ... t 01' more Iml) 1. f c l On th C MIm I' SCI'V ) lIlg Itlce, wa~ a nll' m!Jc\, of thl' rOll!co I umns.e e m CI'c an w erc n o uve een SUC I II mce a all'. in widlh wh I'e tbere plan lI~C cJ h. ,\]] ]l,en I1IHnu'fucLur- miUe ).' a plll,inled hy l'I'e.l dc nl noun('\' th " hir),.h clf 1I ~lI n , D ona lo! communi y, wc fe I that we should , Itussel , bor n A u~u ~t t) , you aw his messAge. It will hel p We wis h to take this opportunity I t d' t is limited : Jill' i includea 1Th 'olioI' . Hoo,;cve lt _wely rural giv Mr. Fox and Mr. Lewis our .us giVe you a bet , :r paper each to again t hank the Merchants for 'Ig) IS ance on curve, turn s, J'.s. A Iluul'ant CCinoitio n ' a nd to mak,' ~ugg(', tion. l\h. ,nnd Mr~. l{"dcri ('('k IBarden thanks for giving us a Post Offic e ·" , a nd at (,I'csts of grade. ; on ccnter With cach . t. J ) ( I th e 1f - d a na t Ions. ''\'\'eek. r T'h. S... A" . Fref!1 fOI' their betl rment. 1'1'!.':<itlent nul.) '!'1m .~. anm y 0 l\llllJu~. The other day a tourist stop This was the last concert of the III S Of loul'-lane ~al vements, at Th e et ar !lh, lutely free. Wurr!'n Hal'dln~ uppoint ft d the Ohio, a duughLer, h')i n AlI~Il'; of which Waynesville can be justh lled u s and asked where the fish sea so n. The band ha s served pure- appr?n~ es d tOt ral r oahd gl'~de antwell W:lllacc. 14. Iy pl'o ud. . b dh cro mbs an a approac es to 111- Ju t pay $1.60, thtl r gul I' yearly foth!'r, He"r'y lng wou ld be the eat n.roun ere ly for the fUn of pla.ying, without t t' s ubscripti on plie('" nd you clin .ce l· tm'y o ( agrictlll~l ·e. T.h f M' h ' n F er C Io ns. ey were "fom IC llkgah • unny <1Qm pensay.on, during th~ entire These double white ce nter iines pick out. your chol 'e of th b aulI e l1lT A. ' Walla ·... wal< born (111 how so many of our f 0 aVe gone sea son g lVmg concerts e ac!l"'\\"ek 't f t II 1 . . ' h t fish d \ ' C(lnSIS 0 wo pura e whIte hn es tiful ets On di splllY ut thi office. an lo\\'a-f~lI' lll and ht:cam gl'eatly up Into t at . state 0 - an os a community project. ('nch thl' . h . 'd h . ' t, us intcr(l, ted in til . impr()vpment of t h e n , th ey turn around and c~tne • __ 0 ee me .es In WI t WIth a If you wa n t more than one .down here to land , our fish . Guess . ~at!c of four Inch es between the mllny reader will, all that is ncc- ClOP!! th)'ou .'h plan t b,.e ding , e.<:.: ary i to pay :$1.5 0 <ll.dditional S'III1 ' o [ the re ,PIl )'eh wOI'k [lcr, .it isn't so much t,he fISh liS it is lines. " just to get away." · Th ey are appli d with pecial on subscl"iption for each xtrs set form ed by him hl.!! been u;,e cJ in d.esired. This payment 011 ub~crip- the d cv~ iopmcnt o f better C(J r n tlon cun bc .for you!' elf f or a !; va ri e l! !'. The meeting at Bowling" Mrs. ;o:n and baby Inan y y ears a you d esire to, pay, GI' n i ~ on of , J(l held in thl 60n were returned from St. Ann's - - - 'WilY 'D partment. Hos pital to h er home, T~sda.y . Mj s H elen King and Lawrence The Highway Director ,is confi or for relutive~ and friends for Ilorth central states to bt'ing to_ ___ I. Davi s werc married Satu'r dny, dent that t h e do ubl e center lines one 01' Illore yeaI' . gt'thcr farm e rs_an d ~he men who Au g ust 14. N ew Port, K entu cky. will tend to prevent collisions all Beat Time h Right Now 1\1 e dire ting nalionul ll~l'icu lturJOFFRE . IN BRO~ZE The young people will resi d e in well ns resu lt in ' a mOI'e orderly 'fhe be. t time to take advantage a l polici!'~. Waynesville. flow of truffic in general. of this remarkable offer is - -- - - - - - • MI'. and Mrs. Mack Davis en A study of r eports of accidents now. You al'C ' II ured of a widcr I\nd colo l's and t'rtllj n edat a family dinner, Sun- on . tat h ig hwa ys outside mun- selection or ~ay in honol' of the brid e and icipal itics by the Truffic Divi~io n certain of g ttinll: that purticular groom, ' MI'. and Mrs. LaW'crllce oC tho tate Highway Department stor tsthatappeallOYOurfan- ,A t M r s . M a Davis ._ _ _ _ ...____ sholVed thut for the first half of cy. Every advantage is yours in Thul'hduy of lu." t w(' f'k, the Su nHJ37 accid nt frequency wa es- carly 'election incl uding thut of inc Club met \\ ilh Mr. . Lina M lvl makinK cel'tain t hat ~ro u do obtain peciully high on c urv es and tUl'n .~ cle n. Th t' luncheon was in the fUl"m at in tersection and on hills. Ap- th PI' mium while the offer is In Funeral Services we re h eld Mon proxi l1latcly 45 per cent of the e /fc:>ct. It is on for a short time n · of a COVl I' d di·h lunch, and a n ex.· cellent meal wa ~ . e l'v d at nuo n, day, 1:00 P. M., at t.he McClure 3,U4 accidents reported for the Iy. and enju yed by a ll pl"esl'nt. See the Di.play Funeral Heme, fOI" Martin Burns, til'$t six: months of this year ocTho e who \\ ere . () favo l'ed to age 70, of New Lebanon, Ohio, curred either on .curves and turns Wh e ther or not you are ready to who was formerly a f'oundt')' fore- or on hills. " make B. selecLion We will certain. e njoy the day .,., ere: Mr. alld Mr~ . RobeTt 'Baker, . r.,. M r. ana Trs. man at Cincinnati, Ohio, and al MotoristB ar warned never to ly b~ pleased to have you como in Robert Baker, Jr., Jean Baker, one time lived in or near Centerand see the hand~ome display of cro~s over the double center linn., ville, Ohio. He leaves a widow, as t.bey mark atret.<' bel of road at th Gazett oftil e. We Virginia O'Netta, Mrs. Elizabeth Cora E. Burna. Burial wu made know ' you will be pleased and wUl L wis, Mrs. Della Venabllt) MI'3. F. wbere it i8 ellpecia1l7 bazardous to hi Miami Cemetery. tell your neighbora and frienda of H. Farr, Mrs. Goldie Bentle)" Mrs. attempt to overtalte and pan the ~ ---. Arlie Allen, Miu Mary Allen .. Mrs. this apl.ndid
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1\, I(lffl I'll \\'o ~-flI'~\'ilh>, Uhi", 1'1,1 " .\In it :\J.d 1,'1'
COl J R~r
:\h. "'111 !\Ir , 1,:1\\ rl'lIL'" anti rlllll lit' \"11101 , 'I" nl i\ f,1I dny, Ih , p;,,1 II,..!" IIllh tlt.il 1'" 1'1' Ill". II'. IIlid :\11 '. 1l"I't . ' tll l'al II IIl1d !\I r. anti .1 1t '. ('11111 H,, ~ ,
l~I{OM 'THl~: r
.1111011'<' 11 l; II,.,lnll ,1 , \vo, nu l, ~7, A hlnl'ClllIlIlllrl pll'a", IIu!!" (' hll ,,1 .!t·nrhrl·, an.1 (j1" 1! 'I'll I' HArold D . W,lli., Editor I (' I', ~';'. Ldlannn. ~rh'Il, 1 I II\\'h1~ t'I''''11 J.:\, I·ln TJlI · n :-:II.\ Y I' ill hi, " , illl)lI. ( ' 1'. -:: fil"11 h,\ hl~ :trllll' n !.·y. Junl l'. I':. ( ·hl· . . tt 'l" ('()frl' )~ . :!~. FIl\l1kll1l. In· ffi~e Phon<',) 112 ~lIh" ' lIl't i"l\ I rit'!', , 1.nO, '\'('nr H II "I . !'I 'loa n"I ' , ,H'I'IIsI'1I :\II ~. Eli· hlll'l I' :lnd H.:u·hl,1 BUI' I'IItHI""'I', z:d ... th Fr;lI1('I·. t.1~ "if.·, III' ~1'<'~ ~ IK [',' ha llll n . ",',:1< I·t nlld , ' \ 1 11 ' 111" , ' 1'I1( Ity. F. M,· Xa~ , ~(i. "harmal'I " 1 ,'I:tintin' ,.h" l..rl hllli ill ;\111>' . :lnd ,\t :l I'Y 1';/l b ·1 W l'rtz, :!:!, IHI IIi 1:1 ::7, 1,'111", illl(' 1I11 '~ t (1 1' Ih, ' ful'- ".f /.('hll ll (\lI. nil 1111' ill thl'lt' 11"11'" at WaY fI(,,REAL EST AT E TRANSFERS ElI1\ F in"l'an In ~(>lIi,' (,urli~, 1'1111' til n hl'" '1' ill L{·balloll 1\ ithItlls NIl ~ , 1:1 7 I anti l!1,ii, L OI'I~IHn" <llll hi , kllll\l II ' d~I '. "I hi' ,1.-1"·II.hIlL - \rlt·" ha" I't · fll." ~ r'II1'I,. lI ul'nl',' G. Couk til ('m' l HII'I~('ft III !i", 1.\ Ilh Fl'l1m -", Ih,· ""tili'J\1 , . ' I ~ 1I1It. . 1" lill,!! that · ~ht, 101.1 .I ·~a l l" tatl', Sn l<'111 I p. Ill" In1- .. ' I' Ill· ,'1,,,, '\lld 1',,11" 1\ n1l' "' or II'h"'(ll' '''1' II ill hilll ~ h, ' i~ III 1111'(' with lIIl I>! h(,1 Will iam L '"I\!I'n,JtolphH. lIarley I I l' h '- II f" , hnll I.. ", II ; 1,lI t \\ h"'''''I'''I' ,,1 1:111 h" l' hi ' 1I1l1r1 nnd /'\'l'l1 ~ "" tIl ~iv(' him UI' I'og'u., 011,1 k . 1.. LUl lllnllln to '['ho m Itf,· 1' ''1' n'y ,,.1.,, '!tltd th' ~'''JI ' I'" lit" '" 1\11 ,' hull ,'1 1\' ,' il. fo r I' itl",.. 111'1 hu ~ bllntl (he ll ' I ~ lI nl1l li n, r(lul l.~ t;'~(', Morro w. - ilt.llk . : I :lii, Th"
tllth .. l·
~ 1",I,illLl' ;1
.1" """ ",,1111 h, " . (,lal ll1 ... 1-'1.lIlt
'1 ~
Will. Draw n . ' _ Eot.te. Seul"c/ WAYN ES VILLE, OHIO .
A ~k
MIAMI SBURG PI:'R MANENT .( NCHETJo; Air S".. l Burial VauJt For ~ a le nly By YOUR FUNERAL DIRECTOR MeCLURE FUNERAL HOME. W ayneaville,O Phone 7
11'11' "I' II,. Ijlll' ~,·~t II:I}, - I" ~ i l" "I' lilt' IiI" , tint! (')\t"I'III·I<, . 1~1It1 ' I"PIII,'\' III' 11 1\11111 IS «, , Iurt Ollt t,) ~d It ,.... J \\LlJl l l f \\Ul "ht ...... II pnt a ll t,!T1tl' )'pri " "\PI' , thl\\' nt'l' l'~l ' ) ' (\ I(.'t, IIrtd ),Il,h i ll and 1I',>I'k Ilwi!' IWllIl s Illf \lntil th t' .flO !. ' PUI " ", I. 1\ i~ II liv!' 11\\1 II . 11' t h. ·y arp hnrd i ll ~I'I, al lli pl'l"I' "ul "l'fnl'(' till Jllb i" huH rlOII!' rh l' [(>wn is
d. !lCl.
-.. 0 0Th, ('hil,f I'('a "II rill t h .. lai111r(' of 1ll!111}' ' l1wlI tOWII 1I1dusttil's li,'- 111 th. IIlUnllg'!'nWnl. Th(' lIil ctlll'ntc i~ of t !.'u I I lin'" mocll' up " r Illt'll u nIaltliliol' lIith lhe hU i< ill(, ~, Ihl'Y Ill " II1 ,"u lll i,w to di1 !'l' . 'I' Ill'~' J\l'l' ull 1Illgugp,1 in uth l' 1 husi/"'.'s(·, :l nd do l'llt hllv(, Lht' tilllt! l. lIl:1II'r th l' d('tn ib ot' Ihe },lI -itl1',l', thl'Y al'l ' Illll' lIlptill J,l' to dil','rt. They nit' (.flL'n Il (, ( 11 hit, t" l· m"llIY u mllnll.t::'·1' h('raUSI' IIf th .. il' tn"UJhly til di , ,'lIl "1' I' hpl hpl' or not ~I IIlPIWgl' I' i ~ r('u ll y T1l!ln:1!ring' 111(, hll~itW.~, I n thi unfllrtunat .. truth lil's th .. 1'(,:I <(ln f r Ihe failure o f mu4 -mall lOIn l'url'lIlation s, The "XI"'pli,,"!; II f ttli~ , an', :110; a lull', lhos indu;-;ll'i to'!I \I hieh hUI' " Ill'(' n hui lt 1I(l I,y individual. thill' ujrhly familiar \Iith "1" ' 1), <lllIlil or th(' , ~, hl1~in," el' 11.hil·h have lat!:'r c'xpal1r!I'J int" mlll1 ('orpIJrati n~, Their s ucce."~· i ' dul' in rnl'll il1 ~ t:\n('1' 10 th ' indivi,lunl.
les~ t legmphy. 11 .. will go down in his tory as a benefactor of mankind II long a. the ra~e , hall continue to exist.
-0 0 0-
An int.oxicil t Nf ca l' dl'ivel', who run ~ ,}llluck and is 1uke n up, IIi< a ule ill ~ i !\ts Lhat. hc bnll but gln~s ' of b 1'.. om(' !lne II]U ~ t be 111i ~.Lak('n, dth el' h is mis tllkon ub out th e nUmbl'l' of J: hll' ~e. , 01' th e nllll1l1rOlcLUrCr of the bePl' i~ mi. lak(' n about ils alcoholic contl'nt.
it~ coming 31'(, lInllJi ~ lakn.bl('. Willi e th{l l'e is ~o much talk ahou n I'cHluctio n in taxt'~ eve ry t.hinA' poinl : in lhe oppo:;i l<; dil·('l'tion. '1'11(', t ' nd ncy and ih demand 'is con!ltantly 1'01' th ' thing:; t~hal I'<-<\uil'e more and more money. and 0,£ C urs l" 111 M£' 111111 m ore tall ('s. Befo l'e th~ peopl e of th i. eou nll'Y tlan hop!' rol' lowel' taxes th y niu Ht. ' mak e up th ei r minds t(l cea ~~, dt"manding th e things thut "('(lui!:!' nlOt ' III (,:, Tn the mat.ter of taxes, a s with o(h er t', inJ:,"s in thi life, we a nn ot hllth have our cuke and eat it,
Ralph and Relme lIeitl, of GermlntoWlI, are \II itin, theIr aunt, Kn. Clannet' Rye thi~ week. Mr, and Mr. Bil1i~ Pendleton, aDd r. and _ M. M Kinnr, of Dua1'd. "we itt'd here - nd.
ov r
Tu.'key ,< igns peace
August ]8- Vi" g inia Dnre, fl.'st white child born in the Uniterl tate, 1687. , Augu st ](1- Fre nch an d American al'mies h e~ an th e i,' march into Virginia, 1781.
August 20- P OPe Pill S X di ed at Rome, HJ14 , Al1gu ' l21 - Fil' I telcphone exchange in Texas opencrl at GalVC! ton, 1879, '
22 - New Mt'xic oanxed, 1848.
~ot'a H nugh, as executrix or t.h e Ed. L. Hough estat.!!, has fil ed he!' fil' s t, finnl, and distriiJutive ac- I (' IHlnt., The first, final , and dis- I ROOT FOR AIND CO'N SIGN t.l'lhut lVC a ccount of Puu) L. R ip- )'our Cattle, hogs, sheep and cal vet hal't CXI~cutor Ilf the Albe rt .T. to Norris-Brock C"" live' wire and K iphal't eHtilt(~. hn al 0 b een filed, p~ilgre8ft ive fir1ll Jr'lr the highes1 MARRIAGE LICENSES market prices a~d gopd. service. ~_ _,_'----.: UnIon Stc>ck Vard.' CinCInnati, 0 TUM in on Radio Station WCK'i Q UEST , IONS AND ANSWERS 12 ;215 to 12 :30 p. m, for " ur daih market reports. 1. Fol' what is the Davis up, r ~,c(' ntly won lJy United States nth letes, given? 2. Whirc WII!; the world t e ll11l ~ _ • c'hampions hip gllm , in whieh the Am c l'ica n L<>311l won, playe d?
Day ~
F. ank nl x(," )
T lI , k(',1 wh"t h I' \\'Illlll'd a Ilim I'l' lll1\\' II IHl ('an ll'lI hi.'i ll'lJllh\('~ in rnl' nnd hi ~I\itl t.htll hl' \1 (111 1('. 1 t(l H 'ny that th lOY II ill hI! i nt(, l'e~l(:'0 to th r piellll'I' i"how, Ill!; . ,~ iI. S.' ~ ,~ ",' ~nm ('
\l .
:; \<
., li "
hnw r (I!ln't (l'e1 th!' Il~ .
It is lnl l' Ill y to 1"11 , an.1 I ;;UI)- I' nOl lll lSl' il. i ill you 1'1\, Ihat Ihe f.,flonE! ns ttl,'rc i,o ~v(' n one boy I(' ft lOllS wh o knock t.he Church 01' th C in t ht' c ount ry with an atlilll " !' of 1l1l11111lnily ' Iub arc til(' on , who th llt kind tlllV tll'(l ~1\(' llI lin j.!' m on rv do ')\IIt. con tl'illu l e til it s tiU)}POI'L. . , h(' do r~n't haY\, fnl' thing< hC' !I oc~§ § § l1't nc ('d. Iy . lull' hn. l'C'ct'ntly voled in PI·l'!\ ~.i()1l
tml~ ht
ll~ lllu'h
tnl(. Th (' \II OI'C \\lI tillli ~ lic \I , ' • l' I I th" h titizl'l1:; 411'(' hUlling thut. it \I ill 0 0 III'!!:<- (rg I'C\' l ~ 15 W nt f 1 Ih I • 1 'I lai;;!! ('Ilo ugh 1II011I'y io pny t he 11ml U - !" (' I ('I)['('~~"lO n 11n1 unll ' 1 ~ al:rl'i es (I f lht! ill~ II{" tOI'S lhat will th 1"- Wf'll k n t'f',< I. S pUr!!N fr om h(' be put on t o.look nHcl' it. "lICe. our 1'('('ov('r y if, nnd wh(,lI . ~ K ~ • i: i ~ doo me d t o be shOTt '}'II " . \l :; S , nV(,I'al\'l' womun will npt mind bl'ing Inl til 1ll11:t IIny lIP§ ~S § §. p(Jinbllcnl, l'XC~ I)t h('l' uppui ntmC'ut That boy wh('n hC' ,lrI'O\\'S up'will wilh the beau ty (lal'lol'. S
§ § §
10 Year
the sal"
Firat Mtg, Farm Loans
olicito r
Frank LeMay, (j 11{ ~
Wayn s
continue t o be i"'Tl1'Ovident a~ hel ;=::;:====::=::::::;::;::;::~==============; now· and will ahvny be livin~ ;----nn the verA'<- of T('li r f. § § § § • Tb p fE'\ rcpl·(,RentaHv(>.« of InhoI' "h o 1'!"Ol't to vio1pnce more Years of training and experience have equipthnn ofT, e t in th tnind o f the publie the m('rit i n laboTs l ~gitimntl!' ped our staff to render a genuinely professional aer' ('on tent ions. § . § § vice, in all of ~any detaila which make up a funer I r rl th IO. , a ll III • m o, t in ttlnc('~. I of the type which leaves an everlastingly consoling th e mllny wh o 'ar p l'ilrht Me enndemncrl beCfltlSe of the mLo deerl s memory. For many years we have r~ndered sincer , of a few l'udicols to whom the pitsympathetic aervice this community, at modest uation off(,I'~ an opraortllnity f(lr the xpI'e~~ion 01' th",i,' lowl l!~. coata baled entirely upon the wishes and mans of n es!;. the family. § § § § The (l1del' I be -orne the osier I flncJ it is 1() ~ J'>end n Rone and se ns ibl e FOUlth ,
True Professional Service
J. E. MeClare
Phone 7
T o my way o f thinking no col, .
.., .
-~r-\DVANTAGES JAU~~ u" t/u".
a, Wh t' ll ll!lphy
I t'~~~f
wa s Ih e las t. tilll e thi s by !In AlneriCUI\
IVa ' ' WOI1
what. was "Ma" Fergll SO n 0 11 (' tim ' a governor? F..Of whnt 'pl'e,,: id('nt wn~ Col, I!:, ;\1. J] ou~c a close advisor? 6. Wllllt proll\inent altorn~y S('cured the releHsc of fOUl' c.olot·ed lIny ~ inVolved in the ::lcot.l"bOl·o· Phone 78J clIse 01' A IHbllma? 7.Whut j~ Tamman), Hall ? 8,What wdl known man wa re-l r=-",:,-:"':':=~~~:",:,,~~~'lI ( ently selected by Tammany Han of New York City to be a cnndiWe can save you mono date for Ma.yor of New York City? ey on your plumbing fixO. For wha.t was Jamell J, Dool- tures, pumps, septic tanks, lng', who di d recently, known in pipe, fittingR, and valves. the n('\\'81 Be sure 'to see us before 10, ~or what I~ J ohn Hamilton you buy. kll(l\~n In the news? 11. For what did Frank Parker
Or No Charge
and in i.pcinnnti. B orn to Mr. lind Ml'lI. R oger Brown, a son , a t Sl. Ann' H ospital, Dayton, Mond ay, August 16. Mr. and Mrs , Frank Wilson . daughter' and niece, of Kings Mills. Mrs, Whitenack of Texas, werl' guests, Salurday evening, of Dr. and Mrs. ' J . E. Witham, Mn. Cleo Arthur Wa ! operalecl On at Miami Valley Ho~pjtal. Monday mornirlll'. M I'!!. Arthur's condition ill favorable. Mrll, Gilh"rt Bial wal taken to the' M('ClellaJId H pital at Xen n CtmtJ, beeom
1a t
thl~ ln.
M o. t of u s have to ncq\lirc e xp~I ' icnc(' through ex p'l'i en c nnd knowl('d~e t.hro ugll st.u dy. -0 oTher i ~. in n cu rly e\'e ,'y ch urch nnd Rund:lY chool of thl' land. better te Ach r: and letltlel'. than now occupy the teachin~ po ~ ili Il ~. Th e ditTicu lLY i~ that th !'y arc unwilling to makP the a r r ifi ce nl' ' CS~<l1'Y t o r"" 'pul'e n l e~ ,on. Thl' y chclO~(' to bury th ~i r talenl!'; rJ,t hc i than put them to work.
l:ould u nci would clIrry ou t hi. plan Ianti mi c to '''' hat 111nny
[l er" O I1 ~ n eed t oday is the same faith , uu d the s<'lnle tl·USt., that (; 0", in \\,h , hands are not only the plans an d future of the unl. VI' I':e, uu t the individual l ife ' .as 11'('11, ca n and will cany put that thut pilln to the ultimate good of ea ch one . With ~ llch a faith an(i b e li ' f one nn fal:e the problems ~lfId difficulties. and disappointIl\lon~ of life with , calmness: and fortItude, and 'j)attence. Without it, he. like the Jew under Mos s, Eotate Exemptwill continu e to nive in constant '1'1(' eslnto or the late Willilllll f l' UI' of the pllr uinA' Egyptian s, II. Stubb., vullI<'d ut $43!J, ha!'\ Mr. and Mrs. R i~ l p h Gregor nnd lil'rn ext'mpt J fl ~()m inhedbance Mrs .•J. W . HI~yni,e , of Columbus, lllx paym() lIl. Cieol'l:('ct'ti Stubbs, \I nday guest , of MI'. nnd the executrix, h!\~ fil ed her Jil'l'lt were Ml's, J . H. Smith, and final acc o unt. Mi ss Mary Wel:'h, with a comI. Admini.tr a trixnrlista p~necl' hO R bt'l.'n nom - pany of fl'iend s, 5ipent Sunday a t ('11 tHlmini ~tl'atl'ix of the estllte of the ZOr). the IntI' EV PI·ett Spenc()r, South Ray Mc 1<'ans and family al'e Lt' bunon. 1)1'. H. M. William s moving to LebanoJl this week. " Collin,." Hnl! William ShLirts ul'e Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Stout and the IlPPl'aisl'l': , bahy, and l\>ltos. Karl Bodenoe nd el' Proof Filed8pl! nt Sunduy lit F,ort Anci e nt, f' 1'oof of publication of thl' noli ' C of Ih nrjpointm nt of Sa l'ah l\dmi Tl j ~t \'(\tl" ,' of thl' l',; tILtl' Vf W ill ill III M, MilicI' ha s I"'n tiled, Account' F;lecI-
O ne of lhe diffi cul t probl e ms of life is f or the individual to unrlC'l'strllld anll 1.0 reco~nlze any virtue in adve r.ity a nd ;;;tl'uggll', y l anyone who has nchi ved ucc l' s in any lint', will, if he checks bu'e k ove .. his life, di cov r that in mos t in , lances th qU1\liti !!i t hut .hav • lnad ,. uec s po ~~ ibl c nrc I he v e ry qualiti s thnt have be n put into that' life by hal'd ~ hip anel str,ugglc nnd the Qve "comillll' of difficultic, . Thel:e i ~ nly now and then a nat ural genitl s
to (o ndu ct U ll apJl,,"i~nl 0 fthe elltntc. . Hearing Is Set ~ T h<, inv 1110 ",' flip" by nl'n h B. MiIlt'l', acllnini, trllt l ix. oC the Wi1liam l\f. Mill er !'ltal is (I t f or hrnrinl!', • (, PIl'lIliJe r 3. S lera Eat Ie Valued At $1191 vlIlll of lUll 111l; ' bll {,11 p lll cI'd th t, £'state of (he latrt~ 1,:ll'l K ,' elll' '';: . J oo<ephine D. Sell e l's, admini::lmlrix (If the estat. has lih' d hl'l' fll·~t, final lind di st ribulive ac cnounL
th!.'i,' faith in hi,,< CUll' and \lVl'I' si(!' ht wu ~lllllil. Ali: {oat'h HPPI'lI.ICh o r n ncw dang .. l' tit y b('came p:wie stl'ie kc n a nd I'alll ctlll1p ln inin g ly 10 MORe_ s Ion" a s thin'~ lI l' n1 .., '" al nng s moolh ly they foll owl!d l\1o!;I (0" , uut n ~ SIiO Il !l~ advcl'~ily carn<-, t.h y Legun Ilo COml)luin n n.l the ucco unt of the dC'!ivel'y from l~gYJl t and t.he 'joul'nt'y th ro ugh h(' "ilrl c rn e"!I. We wonder thnt till' .T ws ~nlllu hov(' 150 lit.tle fll it h, But how much ditl'el'l' nt lit' many totll\~' ? As long Hi'< lhings lire "0., inJ.!: nLonJ.!:' s moothlr they Rnd no diOi culty in CXpl'l'!,,,ing faith, bul U ~ .~oo n II ad r:it:y, nnd "lu}l'dshl p. and "CI'fH'ses, and tli sapl)Oi ntm nt con1l', th ey begin til cOlllpl!1in. Wh at th e Jews nc€'(Il'U 11' 11. II faith tha t Gil d " itl hi s li nfinitl' wi sdom,
-0 00ial'l o i, IIho di('d l'cc~ nUy, gavl' to th e 1Yo1'Id wfre-
---Mo. {os-lJega ll tht
millton lh'I'!' Ilf ml'n. 1I'0n1l'n nnd children and has rC8ultd i n t he> .,h'!<l1'uctioll uf m:ln y citi s and buildings of pricel .. ",. II l'chite I u;'e, lind, incid ntly, hI ace mplished nOlhin~ bl'yond Illt)ving 6g'ai n that war i~ not.hing more 01' I :>8 thlln c!'i minal f ully.
Augu st 17trea ty, 1920.
What We 1 hink
PROBATE COURT To H ar In"ento~ll cal'i n\r n Lhe inv('nt()I'Y Ille r! hy J(J11.ruU~ A. B ueh C' r, as ado. mini~ lrlltl'ilt o f t.h(, ('state th!' Illt e ' 101'& A. Kjruy, \\111 oe eon' elU ! ted AU&"l1 . t 27 . Hus band Beneficiary Under Wif e's W illlI e r husband, Alfred H. J3urn~, . ., 1 IS nam u HO C l)1'n ' fi (' ill1-Y o f t.1I 'stute of ElizulJl' th A. Burns, lat.t' of fJt'!tnklin, according to till' . term of th tl ,1° II nL'~ II ill, adntiUl'd to l" 'll liutt' h e l'e Ihi .. I\·t, <,k. The hu" bond nb" is named ~X l'('UtOl' of ~ e will, ;\lul will se)'v~ without bl>ing rcqllil'l'd (0 furni~h bond liS l' in l he in.".tl'ulllcnt. Robert Ea t.'lTl , ' 11l'!:(C! Ihlll , lUI (1 ;- • AIt'xtl ndel' hllV(' lit'c n named
-0 00'1'hp 1\'01' in :pain 11 M la~t ed one y('al·. I t has cost a
A Ilgu ~ t 16- First m c~ a g Atlantic able. 1'8 58.
W , E , FROST V e terin.nian
Augu !!t 17 , 18, ] !J Youar very iptense in y our Uk sand di likes. The ea.e w'i tb which you leam oIten lend s y ou 10 undel'take too many things at once, You are brilliant, impulsive, generally fi ery, impatient of control or dictati on but loving, sympat.h etic and true, You Ul'e extreme in almost very ....·ay. August 20, 2 1, 22- Y ou will giVe and d emand love wilhout limit. As you WIll n ol ~ tuy in the back~roun- d 0 1' n11ol1' any one else 1.0, you (Ire a docid It Jo\ucc('ss a an nl ertllint'r. You like to haVe ('verytbing'u~ ni cc as po.."Jlibie but nre willing to !thol'(, YOUT" pltJa~ul'(! wilh o th er~. Yo u ]ll'efer to read ~cienti fie books. You posse mu ch shrewd n s thut i not aiwlI,Y. mnnife. led HI Ihe mOllt d~-it'(\bl' way. You lirt' impu\Si\'~. J'('ckl '~~ to a certain extenl and hoy(! a I ndency tO\\ urd l'ule and ulhorily.
Happy :IS they sing "11 till , Ha il, the Gang's All He re" 011 their hands, pictured at tJ:!e r eccn t nati onal Assnci ation llt Ille Den( convention in Chicago. Le ft to r igh t: 1I1arth:l Bnuerio, Kutll r ine Kcllf, Mary Sare, Evelyn Yolles a nd Holon Wilson_
these gil'ls or
TWO MINUTE: SERMON (By Th omns JI asL well)
('n1che;:. i1
Rl' own to 1-:1111
umni~t hll" showl1 liP whll haM tl\(' IUII'b lt'sS hunltll' ~, r W ill Hot:I"'s, 'O Il1IllClII l'lllil;; J lIl Ig hm'lc ~ n. When lM;k YOlln!! mhl! wlln is hilt ('>lRU III I) l'l'I1 II Ill. whu. with MI' ~. I h l I I' I . t f • :Ina! nOll' hll!! ~h nwn Ull 1I!t .. 1I:l~ un. '11.4 Il1g th J \V ii out o r Jo: ~yp l t o ~' :lcq llf\1 T/ PI WIth n1(' I'topPl'I1 m<' 1111' (' 1\'1\1' ('ul 1 !' 1" ' n c~s nnt! timliis vi "itil1~ i n llll' New Eng land , th(' l'I'o mi ,;c d Lltnl\. hI' roun d II I.eo on IlI c' " h 'rN Ihl' olh !' I' I'v('nin~ lind n" h' "t' Il d , hll'Il'. ,' t(ll,·~. i. C'x p ('cl('ti t o r tu r n to II I of litLll' fait.h. 'f'hllug ll t hl'Y had I\okcd Ill ' 10 I(lnn him 1\ !liml'. t h(, b'lIc h hel'(' in Septembe1'. b cen Will'!; h lp ' I'S o f ( inti for YI'UI'!;. S ~ It ~ § nl'l'.b is a • • tI ~ Wh:rL NIt:' ~t'ounll'Y
("'II II'P , I'cal I'f<ll\te, D Cl'fl 1<1 lp, ,I. ,J. Thompsllll, JI' ., t o l\fUI' ~\I i nk , I'('al <'~la l t', F'ntnldin , J I'~S H. ~rntlMildCl'rl Me ng lto' to E lizlIlJcth J·: rhurdt. J1nd AI11Iu J 1't! nll'uP.I'(,1l1 C!~tatc , ~u l 111 tl>. Home Federal :al'ings lind Loan A SRoci ation to J ohn H, B oyl l!, 105 nCI'C' . , '\lIfurrcn ' o.
:111" 1' lI t' Y, JudR e To R eturn In September-
Thc' ~mall tOwn uunk (' r cO'lllin and going, If h I' I' fu st,~ to l(\u l1 IlIOt\('y to rV(' I'Y individual who think.'! h(' ~hou lJ hun' it, he' is churgo d 8. being not 8 good banker fo r th ('0111 TIl Ul1ity. If hc' do loan it, nnd the bank g l s intI) diffi, lilly, h,' i~ chllrgNl with bing a poor bunk-
A Fed(,I'al M l ('~ tax i. on Lh (' WilY. The evidl'ncc
:-\u ~ an
fllllllly, Th., CI ' ''I'I I' Wlh lIIal·I· ... 1I May Itl. 1!l1I . III IIL'"r-hy Mnl1l'''''.' Th l' " 111,, ,,1 ',f t it" I hillll'l'l1 is :ll. TIi(' pllllnilif ;1.· kH I' LI ~t 'Hly o f " ,' vNnl IIli",,1' clllldr'·IJ. 0" I hi ' t!;'I""1011 (If ~r u~s 1l ('~ 1 ct, :l1:11~' E. St, ·i 'l'I'IIlII() hilS Rll'd a d il'() rt,,, 11 1'11011 11!{llimt J uh n t'l! i),( I' nl ald . 'I'hl')' 1I'('l'e mnl'l'ieli :11 Lt,ltaulI lI , }o\('pl. 2, I!J:JI. J . T. Hilt,y. f.'1'lInld ln. 1)< Ih l! plaintiff'!'
_n O n . .
f ol' a
Centerville, Ohio
kaown ill \h
-....................... C_la . . . . . ... ~
W -dinll Bell. Rinll Th" III II ''l'iaf,!'l' til ~i ~" Huth L .... J'kk, "Id ..-I t1~,!!htel ',f l\tr. ,T, ' p, LlIl'riek, to M,', LllI'l)n RenRon, Ilnly S Oli (lr M,', amI MI'~ , I', L , Rt' a so n, took plu"i! nl 10 ::10 A , M., W"illll' HtlUY, AlIJ!'u.~ 1 18, nL tI", Lurrick h o m ., on Ma in "tll·,·t. Tit", douhle I i lt~ " l' rl' ll1 on ~' \lU < H'lld uy I h ~ H ev , : , C, ll ilH' l' l. M i "~ L, ) u i ~ l' Fil Z!!' I'lIld,
(.t' Kin)! '
M i ll ~ " II ~ muiol n f h.l\ o l' ,Th,' (11'0 011'1 wa !\ a rco ll1punil,d t o fl u w l' l'- b d (' ltr d nltUl' b y hi s 111 lin , M 1' , H a lph Wal l' oll s , (lr
t on,
T h" hi id e ' n ll."r c d t l l(' " U(1 11I u pu n th e n rln o f he l' f a lh c ,', w h ll gav(' , Il l' r ill J11l1lT ia!!!', S lt l' \\':\.. II l ov ely bride in a ~ uil o f )!'rlly , l rim nwd in co rn e lian a nd /1l1vy a t C,·!; Il "; I"~ , w~u";n g 11 eo l' ~ "A" nf I' 'el I u:<es lin d ba Ly breath , Foll owin/! t h CCi' m o n y, wh i~ h w a s att('nd e d o lll y lo y I'e lati l'e!', 1\ w e dding b l'!'a k ru t w a ~ ~ Cl I 'v e d a (; j I :30 u' 'luc k , nt tit "LiLLI e I nn ,"M r. R c a ~ o n IInfl hi ,' b rid e Ill' l lO W ertj oy in g' a m o to l' tr ip in Mi c hi g a n, Th l' UI i Ie '" O1'e II pri nt e d sil k .!S uil of bl ue a n d act ~, o l' i , .. t o nl at~' h,
4-H Club Winrers WintH?t't; j;th -:t=ll 'iub Gid.: ' c on te s t s h Id T uel-ld ay nt !TUl'mll n H ull , i n L t' uannn , will t· ' prl' RN il 'V nn e n ou nly in t h · S t at e -1,. JI c on t e s h e ld nt th l' hi o St u!.f' l'a i l'-Au g u ~t 28t h t o S Plemh " :H'd , Ma rjoric Ki ll d /' \, o f F l'On klin \\ a , (' h os e n M th m ~ t (J u t _tan din)!; m od I ill t h · I'Cvelt' of " I)mpl t'tl' Outfit,," a nd Ruth la l'k o f G 'n ll town w o n fil's\' in th ' r e v u e o r d resse.. l\1iri ll lll Whippl e, L ab ano n, wa ~ s e le c t d t o p ll rLi c ipll t ' i n l h ~ l n l(' cl o thin g j udgi ng onLI', l a nd n e t ty u llnnin , , ' Mnso n , in th fno,l judg in g , aryl WI" ,pl(> , L b:tI)() Il , wa ~ the winn e r in th e girl's h ('nlth ('ont es t and will rCllr !\('nL th l' ou nl y ' at th Stale Fair,
Death-Free Record of Model
Highw~y Strips
I ~ I ~,
r .. ' Ir ll' Il ~·
Personalogteaphs T hl' M ilk 1' 1'(l,l u ~ I','" ARs uciat io n 1,,1.1 lhei i' p il'ni,', Th u l.oI<lY, III ,\ 1'111 111' " " !!I'k in ,\1 illtll l't oll II, T ho, ,' II hv II ll(' lI dl' c\ II "11 lIl i, 1I I' ll!lt ho .. h CHl ,[ '" " 1' 1' M \" an e! ~I I s, ,1>111 1<'" W i l'a l \I nd f: llnd y; 'I" 111"'1 h F ox , 1"I II nk F"i., \' 1'IIit'1I1 F(lx u ne! L ylt,
\I, II : ,\1 1
I tlli
.1 ,
\1 1
n" I
'<l ' I ,' " , 'II tI , II 1"' " "III1-" IIII,d - p" 111n l! to la!k :.1","1 Ih" ""11111, I , 11111 "n l' 1Il"~ I", I '" IlIltt.,,·1 I" l"lnal l, Iha l II" I" "1","', III " "~' II I'·IiII .. I- 11 11 " ",'II~ <I, I,,'''' Ih' ," dllY" :\11', (; "tI illl, ,\ 1., IIlId ~I r Th"ill'I , ~ \ " I :I~I! and I'illllln r \\ Ill' 1\,. 1,01" Y"lJ >lL' 1I 1 un ,:I ri l' III \, ,, IJ,lu I; I ~I "" ~ I" Inll,,1 10"'11 " 'II 1"1 111., ,\ TlII'~ 11'1" ' 1'1 I hili th e ( "" IIII,~' lIb 'I! IL,y 1':I"",j tlnoueh \\'u IInll" llltlll' diY, ill I'll' Ihl CI,I ,. ;Inrl (,(1111 111 ~ 11'11""1,,1< rr r ug-,"in ";J< 1111 dl i,," 11)1, 11111 lilli' :t h";I\~' , Oli n !" II II hil" h, y \\ ,'I' Ih('ll', ("I"~,, III (' hml. Inll, :l !ill!!' \ruul" , ,. 1'I.t1.,d ",''''' till' 111111I(1t<lll. <ltI" :lh('ut t(' 11 1'1.'1 In f'1'1I1I1 ,,r' \11\'11' "ai, '111.\1 llii, n 11)1111. II", tll)\'l\k,'II" Il I,;\ulll'lIl -.'I'IWI)', ~110 , r"\ld ~r'\"\-I''' II ilh 11'11" . IIuIIII'I II hl,-pilll lity, 1111" nil n1 1 ~h nll W1 th., rl'ldt 1,1' t lll' il t ill',
oot Furrow
Hug e ,plo w cons lruc te d a cos t of, 53. 4oo which Is designed to ellt [urro Ifl Ihe Slln t~ An n r iver plni ns of C rr ws ' SI X fe et de cp, 11 Wi ll be uscd , , ' a ) o ril la t o rec ovcr rich lon m SOIl bU ri ed u nder s n nd de posils by th e 1916 flood , The mnchlne will be p ull ed by 111'0 95-h or se,powe r Diesel, driven c all' r pil ln r tractors , The s ha re w llJ be no cd inlo an d p ull e d fr om the earth by 11 powc I'ful h>Ul'llUH c hois t mOlln ted 011 lop ol the frame,
fl U.
,\II' , \h ll d , ( 10111 It a
fil l'
II ' t" q u it.,
'< fliTlI ' t inl" ,
:\1... :\ l l1l t h:l ( ' IIIlV"I' \Va , \' I,il/II In" 1 w' " k ,
Le h-
," I', 1111 01 ,\1 t' , \\, t!), 11 \' MC \ ~ lH' I' l'n
(In.l 1'1\" , I-:lh"l 1l (' !1 ~ I lI l Ht 11'1111" " lh C' ~ h (\ \\ at Wuyn" ,' Vi ll C!, S llI ld uy ('vl'ni n ~,
:\[ 1', :11111 l\1r ~, .rill' n " dJ,: <' 0 IHI fa nlily n f X l' n iu ~\t'rl' r!\ II (' I'~ in Ihi~ vici llil y, Sundo y , ;\11', E VPl,tt R (' ' tl l' l' o f S ilve r " n,vc' \\ II'; U call ('r a t th/.' 'lark hom l' , Su nrl ay Il /lir n inj{, !'\u n(lay (lin O<'I' gtl(!~ t.s (I f Mr. and l 'el'l'Y , 1, 11,- W 1'(' MI', o n d J\ l rF, I ra P owI, 1I n n d s o n I) r OI'C)!fl n ill a n d ) 11', nn d M \'~ , F.l'uy P ow('II lIlld fam tl y fJf Ol iv e B ranch , ~ I r',
- - - ---
\II ', , ' im" 11 Ga ~('r( W:J~ h o~ c,-s
u t\,'nllll1"tt'(llllln IIf Miru 1(: ,\ l lIi') ,.!tlmillUI11 "al'· a t her h o m " 1\ Thill day t'\'( nin/.!, ),-1 1' , nnll ;\11'", II l1lkl" nnol uall~h l ("', G1 a cly~ , ',f ";a((ln I' ikl ' , ~ a y\ ' t.he ,I" m o n,
l l'ali(ln, i\ m,)JIj;( lhlls,' \\ h ll c njc.y J'
Ih,' , lin" ,u PI"'I' \\'(' 1'1' M I":, M e tz-
1 ,1' a n d duu){h ( cl' ~' al'lJ l y n, nt ll"llH'1'10\\ 11; 1\r. ~, II c· n l' )I F ose u l , III' W c'. t ('.11 1"I(on, i\1 r, and Mr~, F n ,I II lll)I)I(, an ll 1I,"ll " i1t'" r 1\1'1'-.'"' , • -
Marjlllll' ]) I'nkt', of I ntl janapo li ~; ,'I', un,l }I .. , P aul Gla~~; and Mr. and I I'". Gil ,' II U Il t! ch ild('(' n , NAM E D WRO~G
W 'I'k~ II).!;') li n E' o f o u r wm' ~iv, · n u e hUl'e h nn · nOli n 'C' \1 I('h t L"ll ing a , p c in l ,-( I'\' ie t' t hil l \111 " t o) 1,.. h pl ol i ll a
:-;t'I'('l'a l
II' p olll'l';<
I'h\lI' ch fi r l hi>l' I ()l'U li t ~', T he n a m !!;il('11 l h(' 1I' llnl\ ,' " \I a~ t1 c li nild y ", I" t l 1'1lity" \\ hi " h WI' Pl'c,o um e d nwa nt' th "i\I Ulh cI C hiure h" IlS I hat ho dy h a ~ 1-1 II iff l'l'(' nt b odi es Ullll e l' il s /!(' TI H IlI h e od, nl' cordin g I II the' lal l'st fi 'll l" ~ ~ i\,l!n ·by Lh e "'(' dl ' l'.a I 'I) u nc il (If Iturch!!!; ot ,'\ II I(' II ('a ,
~" ~ '
M o l' th an 200 Ohio h I11l' llln l;l' r~ in c luding 5 ve rnl f rom o unty Will muk c all all xp!'ns c, lo w o ~ t t o ur t o igara Falls and N (! w Y ork 'Ity . O ct ob c l' 2 n ll til 0,
dn y l \'l'n ing- at lhl' J p. 5 Il e~" I Mi. , FI' t'itia Min, t. \\'a~ II c lIllc l' Ri Ch Ul'cl P r n n o a t! M u rKHI' in thi ~ I' ici ni t~' 10- 1 F ri day af~ I' ';l11e, ' I' l'n n,), bl' o t h r r and Ill'ict' o f ).tr ~ , Ml', an d :\II'S, Il a v P o p r all e t! n ore n, ' e nd ' m i t h, or vi ~ ilinli at lh e La\I'l'I:l1e~ 1' hll ll1a;; fum ilY' 1 M I', li nd MI',., 1.01"('11 E nd Y ll nd ' n ' ll1I l ho m e, fam ily o f N I' \\ ~HI " ~I (' W'I',' Su n Mon d ay veili ng , Thl' l,'c1'l'Y h u I ('h o f CllI'i- L l\1 is, 'll Ma nt i alld L ou i ~~ H e,I. , da ~' (' 1' (' 11 In/! t ;dl,Pr, al Ihl' rl' ~' 1'\'y bei ng p ninted a ll whitf' , o f n ay o n ,' 1\ ' n l Thul'Hdoy U,' IHl m:, , rt hll,' d <' I' (' lo p ed th at an· t' II " ' 111 , 1 J\h,' ('~ ) 1\ 11 ]\ItH' , L (' uh ,f UM', 1,1 0" ( IlP I! u (.· l ~ 0 \l' ll ~ n \l , m, I , n l1 l , "til r f !'(tlll t ha t ~ al11e loc al co n R v, Hl'ha &t inl) (,ll ll ed Ml'" lI a rrv lo'ol' d y(' an d f amil v I II L ou, :HlIl A nl a, 'I h ll I1' 11-011 \\'t'l'(' , , ho m of 1\11', :ln t! 11 1 r~, T u m " . " , u n ,la y nf . 1·n IH'n Jl U"'-t.' o f i\1:<1'\" I!I' t:ga tl o n ohJ c ll''' t o the na me , a nd M r~ , J enni ~ Mull e l1, \) ol'ot h v an d 11\11 l\l ny ' c,II", 1" ~1:lfl"l1 iI Y'" a nd ha ta k en u. T he ,' CR~ Ito la nd ',. a n d l\I l'~, nftN noo n , Ro ,' H Ul'tz 11 cali I'd o n har\t'" ,',' \" !'l,lv t o la k , d e man din g th at a ~ e ,\\ UO) AUn JI) lI ~ n ,ID AI !' I SS!J..r CII\' I I'Ct'i/' ll b mad ~tali n g t ha t !I vhitol' in t hi" ell 1 111 11 u n il , .'u n ' 01 \' ill Snv lIg' <' i, "p nding th h I fl i tilt> pro p "\' na nl/' ~ h o ulcl h ave been \\,(,t·k with h i;: bl 11th r,~ in M iddleMr" .J t' nni e M u ll(' n h a . b ' ' n I ay a e l' noon, "!' ri m it ive," Mr, an d 1\11 ", A : B. Ta lnlll-l!r. ,J. tOI\ n, her !' I~tcr , M r~ , J{ ulh L e Tn l nul ~(' nn t! l\U ", ,J, ',~ i l' G ;uIf ,;0 \II' I'l'):"!'! lhat it ha be n who hu s b e n ve l'Y , 11 , E l'vi n Th ll1aB o n d ~ in, j i m ne l' IIl otor rd I n in l' in nll I ~ It ,Il " ay i Il1 Jlo«ib lc- fo \' lI' t u h o ve kcp L a111i "pent Salu t'cl ll Y w i th M r s, an d ~ pf' nt th (' a fll'I' l1 flnn!l l lh l' hl'( al't / ) r the man y choll !!'(·,· !l nd dl ::-1i na K li l' n ho n m in L b:lnon, vi< III n , in tlH' ,. Iigi ull S wO l'ld, 111 r , ,l a k e ,' coll a nll r1a ugbtN , J ohn T h o m p, n n h'II1' , h , ,I'cil B II , on If 1 n yt on ('all :'.l ,', , Ro he l'l W l' r n t7., M il',' L allo Hal'. ,I n n d MI', ,fohn S(,ott a n cl \"f C "1l l 7. amI ~..'1 'I ~S M a l'J):l' t? T '\fin e' S' d au g h t c l', ina , <'n joyed t h l' ar- I'd n it hom e ro l k~ 0 11 ' Wili n g- In~ t ",' . ' t e l nli u n I\ith MI', Il nd 1\11'" ,J ('% WI' k. Mr. an d .M r~, G I'o rg fIend !'!' on a ll I.' ,1\ mg , U)!;lI l 2~. , f or Dul i H,~ Il an na h J Ol 'dan an d .Mr' , I'1l1 r1.ai n ,t1 Sat urd ay nt d inn r lh e J\l II !'~ , , um Ia y , la, I t','a,-, whcI'e th }' 1\111 nLLrnd F.dit h 1\1 'K ay I1larl a !'h l1 l'l M11 a t f,lI l1 owin f! !!U f'~ t~ : M r, a nd I ~e, Wil hI.' l' utl -A ll1('riran E)« (lo~ i io n , l\I i. , (> ~ F I' tl a S 'Ir k Illl d B u r ri I th E' T h o mr>~() n - T (' rIY hllll"l' n n We d l'IH IlI l' t' n (II"tlln , M r, und M rs, eoch F or dyce , M ,'f< I'~ A lbe rt , tnrk e, neF d a y (>\' ni ng . 1,1 McKinn ey li nd ~fl\~tel' B o bb ie V , n n n F ordyce :m d V u n on StarMr, 11 01'1\' ~ , ) )!;I I'~ U(,(' \\'.'lS <1 , (,()\ II'r fl 'o m l1 a 7.nl'd K y,
Ohio Home Makers On Tour
Hug Plow \Vill Cut
hll I turn . , .1 ,It II vllh
1', n Il
a ll d ;\11", 1, ," 11 1 K, 11 11('\< , ' ,, ' glll I· , I' 'I I. lI lid ;\ 11 , 1I """ r d Fun h" r i"di" " li ,," i1 ,al nlnd er l1 child n ll d sch ool a fl'lY) J 1. M , 'a lcty II ll'il M Hl,.':'t, If Itlt r(l !]uu ' d at an 11m ,I ~ ~ i ~ t a tll ~\I \l cri llt c n de nl o f 1,'11 ;till" l' l-i l ,'11 t h" Z.. II ' 11 ( IIll' ln111 a ii , h ig "" " ) :1 " ld,1I1 7 '1I 11" , " " ul~ 1 sc holll, I I'c la ll o; ( lire l) rCvC n l i n) lIal l, I'l lndn y , g n 'a ll y rc.1I1\ ,. I Ill' , IIIIl' kin " 1<)11 " f J, C. II ic ~ t alHl , Ohio F a r m r s 111 IIrI ; l)"d ~ Vi l,' r rd' \ IJl hn i-.: til' « calli an d "e" tr ll, l i" lI r r, ul l lll l,\ fr lllli ante C(l lll pa.n.y , Le I~QY,'; ( h l'.:t lth~ Dr, a 1l to nccicl II t ~ in r ll r :d arc:. ., \\ ;1., rt.:-. ' Drl o J' , (" ' 1(:", 11'11 " 1(11 1'· 1 "t' Il lilialtl t: .. t'i1l1l' ,1. IIK lOn at l MI11111 g vea led d llrin g' ()lIi" ~ I~I C ~"fo: l y ~ I ~c hi n ~' w llpa n ; ( tralric a nd h ill h '[hi" 11\' 1 k, o Ull e il 's a nllu:lI 1 1ll'lll l'I' r ~ IlI ll c h ~ ()\1 \\ ay s af(' ly ) )oh ll J, j ;hl c r , Jr., D i11 11111. Eo Ffll'd y,'" ,-alll'oI lit ~1. J'\IX~ IIleeliug hl'l d Jill , 17, fit - kI'C I(IIHI rec to r of I J ig h way s, Cnl"l1lbus; (in ,· \ 1111 ' , hl), \, itul, 'l' hU I "hl) ,\ " " i l l~ :'I1t ~, G,,", (; i1It1" n ll "i ll J.(l) tIl N eilh cr 11 sin g le fa tali ly Iro lll a \1\' d"qr ial safcl Y) Tho, p, Kea rn s, " ,~ , ;\11"' 1':, II. !:'~h\llll k 'I p I al)' cali S , it w. ~ rl'Jlllrlcd, lIo r 3 n a ul " 'llperinll'ndc n l Dil' , Saf Iy and J Iy- Ih, ' 1\ ,,1 11'1'" 1\ l'" pilnl , III C't 1l,'IIInl\( mi s ha ll tllIl' I ,; 1I11\ll'lipe r lill" l ; li fo; " il' n' o f l llrlu , lr b l o l1lllli,,;io n o f 11l' ~ l :-;lI n d l1 ~' " I" 1I \l (' t:IlI'r1 11 11 , \ 1111 Jl I' lh' l ) a n ti Ih,' IlltI .. I1I W occ ll r r ed 0 11 an y 01 t he 11\' ~ t ril;q of Ohi o; ( rail road ufcI) \" 1Il N , 1111 II hI, UITt\' (' \I~ \1-[ l'I, Th, h ll lt~' sal t y d UI' nl iOlw l h i g h\\' ~y ill ~ lall l'1 1 "llI g , /.i c lw ral attorlle y fu r N e w , (,,"l1ay, ,'hI' \1 lit 11;11'" :I ntllju l' "r la, I"'(' n llulln ll E lIgl'I.I' 1l .' l1 ry , as part "f tile o ll ilc il' 5 ,' Iatc, wid ' Vork ' I1tr~ 1 R~i1r l a d , Ie" bnd; ,l'Ulill l1 o f I h,' I') ~', Ill', \' illl j... s af el y p r og ram Inlllldl cd (\ ycar a go (I, iJ':h w;lY lrall , porlal in n) la rk T , hf'" "U "J,!'I " 11. ,II. I ns pired by t ile ~I nl h- Irt'c re co rd ~ .. ( ' " nil II, , att o rl1l'Y, !lk '(' "11 II , :'.1r, alld ;\1.... , \ I\,'n 1.\1 a fllIll ( ; I I.' ~ I ~ fl f ;\1 1', ;'Ild ~l l" Il nlT~' ' o f th e se n U II ' i l ,~p O I1 ~M d lI il,\ l1\l'a) Jl la ck", o rc- C"r y, ()11I.'le rl F alls; '1.1 ,,, 11 , l"ou ll day 11'1',' :'I I I', a nti ~I l'. fa ll1 i1y a llli Mi "'~ Jo:I.·il' W il'l\ l lllo l " .. s ire idl('s - 11 ar rultl1n , D ylo l1 , ( h olllr sal r l .v ) Or J o~ep h inc P <:i r c, l\I i~ , hi o (·d Ii' L I'xi nl l1I'/1. I ,'n l ll d .. ~I,· S lI !1- \.... ill :0: 1111' " f () \01, ,' 11 li n " Sl\n, lu ~ ky, Y 1IIn~~ I II w n !In,l Ak r on dlairm ;lll plllil ic safclv of , f W onl~II 'S Club_ dny, - III ClIIUl' rS ap p rol' ~" ""cn n' llI cl1dn - F r cl 'ra l i II tl l' 11Y l{('ddkk , I io n call ill g fo r (' a r ly i ll~ l ; dla l iOIl ('If l ,il\1:1 ; (publi!" fl'I:11i ()Il ~) WlI1, G: .\01.. , alld Y1 r", ( 'hu'rl,s I. c May 'I'I IOon!1.' a il e! Il n l l il' 1 "lIr " ~"' l' forty , l hrce ~1 1 ,l i li'1Il ;11 d C Ill " J1 ~ tra , I'i r krel , all ll r l1l' , V a Ion ; (,a lcly SIIC' lI l S a l ul"!;' Y artll'llllO " and (,\11'- W"I"l' th l' ~ und ay d innt'l ' g"lIl'~I~ 01 l io ll b lr i,, ~ a t o t h r r 11Ig ht <I:tngc r , 1.'11 ' illce ri II g) II <'Iller), \\'t'e k~, 11 0:\ 11;lgl'r sa fe ly - welL" '· ~, al1ila[io n lo r ' n illJ.f \l ilh he r I'nlk., ;\11', :1lI t\ Mr ·, :\-Ii." ,J u l, t:'II "h ll lll II I' \\' ... ~t L't1fl' sit es in ()hio , 11\ " 7-11/ ill l hn l nll (" ~ " hi g ln;oy :\ lI l1"r ici\ 1I S teel " \\'IH' com pa ny ' 1."lIi' Burton, " llOI1, $n fc l y prOl;: r n III :"I"(lle d h y I he \\'illo \l gh by; (llIotllr Ic hicle "fe ty ) ~ I I. 1111 11 J\rl'~, 1l ('l llI an :-;h'l't~, hr ('l1 ll l1 in'..' .·(1l " "11 j- ill fllll ,\l im Jt~v, alld II's" ',,11II 1IIil\n, mi nOlIl1('i l arc th e 1"II <I", in R' in' tn ll a- Frnllk We,\. I<cgi' lrar I, f M o lM it H""I' th;d t'\""slilinp I i,ll'l' III' lhl' (" ('nl-I'a) (, hurc h o f E llcl ( nn "d lC'.1 Oil ~ I r. a llol :111'-, und ,\ 'dlid~s: n lllll11ous, "n,1. (p u blic I io n 0 1 !livid d r ~ .Iw:t 1' . :t ll ll Ctlrl'C"-, II I\(I fam ily, ('4 llUl .... at ti l l ' {I _ _ COl 11. 1IIIIH\tl ll''''' ( '1111'in na ti, r ')I' II1('r lllil1 i ~ t (' r uf LaW'l'I1C(' Tlm lln l' Il1f"r l1la t lon) II. fo'rN' I'Hln Il:l r nro . p ro pe r li/-.: hl ill g of liig l!1 acri d "1l 1 cia F d ' i y t:i1u r eh \ i~il ,' at F ' ITY ,'ul1d:1Y <1 ('('1' 11 11,' 11 , ;<0Il C6 ; c" n ~ I I' II (' l i' TI1 .f lll'l' r a ll l l (;l'JI('rn l Ekc l ric C'I1l(l:l n)" lIl'lIdll' , "ltllli Ll II.1 h~ nl", 'al1,1 I' " I 'a r k, CI I'clan ol, \Jllli r - p ~ !i~CS; i\lncn~ ~" ll 'l: "f h iAh itl'IIl', J ",ie :1 n d )I :II-jllril' Sm ith illn ' lit 111'1 l'I'uit , ;llId \('eC'l,lhlt' In,,[ , u ndll Y !1n d h ad d in n('\' wilh vi;.ibi lil y s ig ll s :lllll sign:1I ; 1111 I' d · J~ c · a l )llllin l l.\<1 as c11ai n nc ll o f var\\'('1'\' tlw ~u nd!l Y di l1 ll l'1' j.\ u v,- I" oi' lli l 1!l' lIwnd II) Ill' IlIk'lI ':lI'l' "r ~I 1' , li nd l\1I'f;, l ,l'~ I (oJ' G ,' l'hmll a ncl f('e th,c (la l rol 01 hi g h w:oys ' ant! ('n ",'1 1'; Ilig h wa y !"l1l1l1ll1lll'cs arc: (o f Hut '''l,' 11 h" J.:'I'Ht..rul Ihi \(illt"1 lh' ,J l'~" Il r·s" f Ulll il y, fo rc(' ll1ell t " I t r a lTic 1;lw,; ,'lI mi ll" ( ..",,, I <lla ol ~) J lI<ige LfC E, Sk eel, fa luil y, t ion f mr cha ll ira ll y d d,',' l i"" a"d (",Ill 1111 ' II 1'1 'as Cn u rt , Clevela n,I' 1.y l\' 1"(Jx, R icha rd I' c n n u, an rl Vll l'no n li nd II nrr il' F c/ I'd ycp Ill- \\' 1)1' 11 Ih ,' , nl,l "inti, ""I1II' " un ~af ' ca r s; ,,,; ,1 , hr;md c~tl' n .io" pi «(;",," 'aI's) Fran k J an lry , pr 5i~ i\l nl:';II "ll MIl ' Y I' "nnfl w !' \'( , bnp -l l I"l .h'd th e W lij.(ht Fi.·ld pi ' n ie, at A bi rth d a ~' oI il1n.I' \\a ,~ hdd ir. a planned saf Iy ,'dll (":l I;"I1<1 1 I fI), d"1l1 1\'a,h inci ll ll:l li 111 0 rs : liz<, d by He v , , ' mi lll a t PI' lry, , ' un T Ji:Ull:d c )J l'k, \ I' dn(':<(\ ny a ft er- h(lnnr 1'1' :'Il il," :'II lin a)' nnd A 'II' ll g ra Ill , (';""" S(' 1I1j:!) (' ro f. F, C , a ldwdl . I n O/III and in th " I'v 'ni ng hll \l ol d B a rton u l t hl' ;\ l hnllY h',I11(" e un c il lfi er b rl'lkelt',1 Ie (Illill :t;(\~ l IIi" r ~ i t y, ol umbu s : ,j IlY, (' rvc fo ,. Ihe cn , lI il1 g \'c'ar ~rc' (» 10 ;111<1 (C~rl'f lll Dr i\'i ng) jllcl1: J~ o be rt Th e lall' IW (' E tz 's nl'e l' e' l'liof "w "" W illi" Wink i.," lit th \! '" Io n :' 1 tnday "'t' n in j.C, j\l "mbl'l'~ or h"lh S u rr ell I -o lin J ullJ':" H r.,' J I \\ '11, " ,n r l1l~n, COI11I11 n J 'leas Co urt 'I n j(' h 1\' ' n nln n" "(\ I II I n I er , fami li.,. \\ (' I'!' u ll pll'M'n t III "!ljo)' ' lia l1l <; , 'OIU' lI hl h, ",,/·.rlC],-I;'; L t'L' 11 Cinrinll:ll i. Mu,.; o n ' :;mi l h i, ~ p ondi n l? t hi. I p \" ~mith t:IJll rd o n M \'~. A 1'- thl' finl' III [II \I Itich II ;1,_ pn' p :lrP a ll1l r, Oh io, lat.· Il Il:J rrl "f ,'\gTil a;n add re~s at t h e a nnual mee t- \I e k v.ith hi!> cI,u~i n , Bi lly n rn - hilI' at the l\(ial11i VIIII('y h ll~ Jl it eel, ( II It urt', (, .. 1111 11 1"", {i'.JI ; lit' ",., I- illg :lIId lun hco n, a l whi ch mor e il l'll i n W a YIll',.villl' , .tl, T hu l'~t1 IlY, t l'~, AI 'lhur under-I d~lIl ; l bro l'I II , ""flllan "I Knlc""' r~ tloan nIH' h lln dr~d m e mbers and Gorr ll::ln J)a \ i •. n ",d:",,1, ,/,",.",1 gill' h we re rres nl , w ns delil'c rcd ]{l'n n t h flnei Lnui.{' P"nn ~ 1I ill 1I('nt un o p e r ali " n un i\l lHld a y , BEECH GROVE N E W S r OIl Il .rr /; a nd , 'n rl L , ~l1l1lh, '0,"(,- hy I h ~' o lln r il's r e-f'le ctc<l p re s id e n l :\1 a1Y 'L o i.' M un uy un o! L a ll,' I',' nc l' ' ha rl !' Burt n ~ JI ' nt th .. wel'l<la. nd. srr r rtor)'· fYt'/I,f1l1 ttr. ~ 1\I1A'c W i llia ll1 ~ Fnllm in g t he IlI cc t2 111,', a nd MI' l', C' l y, I ' S a Il!" I~', II F.:k" I('tl 1('1 'c r H '" ,1/,'wl'lI"/ ,'I, r Il1 g I11n~ t o f Ihl' ~a f ~ t y I ;lIler s I'is itc' ' BUlll:1 I'(1 cal le d i\l nnda y vl" lIin ~ o n ,' n<l fh,hi nA' <It S t, Ma l'Y',' 1 ~l k (' , S unday d in n'r J,: lI c',t:-; Iwl' P III';r-csid" II ls <Ire Ill(' 1(111 1111'1110;: (011 I hI.' ,reat Lak s E pos it io n. Mi.', B e tty Lou :\1 , ( 'lt nnll j.Ch "y , in T hl Pet!' Wi e:d' " unci 11('11 W d I.lt,lIbl'o ok, In ci 's v i ~i t(' el I'<! l uti \, l'~ ill ' Iint un ents , )( " , fi nd MI", Ep h ~mith of Ol ivl' li , um ' h . ').1r, a nci 1rs,.1. \ , HIIluncl, ('IIU I1 y , Suneio y , ]\I I '~, I ()~e ' H a l'ltA,1I and M r, !ln ei 1 n~ , E nd Il l'''''' :'It'I', ~1r, rind ]\[ ,. , 1I11 1'1,J.I Ut'IL·un of W an vi.q ed hl'lu luu 'l ll l1, fInll 1\1n- , Fra nk l k ,. anel 1\Ir, and Il:l~ltol1 " 11>'111 S und ay \\ it h th l' D"II Il a y cv llil1g-, i\l r" , ('ad li e:!' ('1111(' ,1, W (' tinc _ Fil II and ;\I e :I1T,'n fa mi ly h" r t',
In lh st~te tume, t. lhl'~t' gir l ~ will comll t \1'11 h r C I)),I' ~ C' nt nliv!' ~ :fr om all the olh e r co nn ti l"" r I' fr e trips t o th e n Uoll !l l" -11 III h o ng r s, h Id in Chi cilgo I:tt P he Fil iI.
Th L.. ]I I', o nally !\u p <' l'vi K d tri l) provid ing go od m e al ~ , hot(, 1 ~ e rv icc, ig h tsee ing- trip s and a co m 1/1 LE' curefr e e vile ali o n ha ~ bl'e n c. r l' fully pl u n nc d and pro mi Rl' s t o Ii on outstnnllin~ activity of th e h o m d e m o ns trati on prog rllm for th arly fall ,
V ll i
lit I,
'I I' ." ,,1 \1 . \\ ," ,lI lall , til' I ln l I' , ,I I I\ II ~ ,In il ,\I I , I " I' a Th",,,!, 1,11,.1 .. !' \ "'"11, ' I... , lid 'I , , ,\ 1' In, "f 'lIl1lnll;III, l'all ,', 1 rtl Ihl' ",,1 .1 ,I' I ) ' ~I'"I . 1,',,11,," ilIa!;. , \ , 11 '1'," " 11101 1-: ' 111, 1111 '. !\I Jl IIIIII Y Ilr, ,,' ,):'111 ' 1" \\1 "~ I,d \ ,,01:1 B' ''IIII '
;11 11
1 '.' .
nt I f ill
Revealed As State Safety Council Convenes Members Atte\1ding Annual Meting in Clev land Hear Progress Report Featuring H adway Made Toward Safer Highways; Approve Balanced 7 -Point Program; and Elect Officers.
II I Ilf
1.1 ,1 II IllI ...
~i nl'L'
Aerial Nui's s 'Fly on Their Errand of Mercy
All Wancn ounty h omemaku ar invite d t o mak e I' E rvali o ns fol' thi s tOUt' with F.lir. nLe th Grllrl d y , hom e demons trati tl n og nl, at II r office in th e o urt, 1IlIu ~ e in L banon,
l\larriage May Reunite the House of Bourbon
Warren c.ounty Council
To Give Exhibit The Warrpn C ounly h o m exten s i o n 'o un c il has b,' 'n invit N I l o moke an edu c nti o nal e x hibit n dated ,t 0 on of lhpir In s t winte l" ~ proj e ct a ctivitl S 1\ th e Ohio tate Fai r, A ugu s t 2 8th to Sept .3ld , The th 111(' of t.h ~ xhibit i', "lhkin g A Plea. ing Appearance" I:d will sh o w I'cc om c l1ded pmciici n foot health , po t.ure, cos met· ics lind cleAnliness,
Ml'f;_ V, H, Whippl e o,r L ebanon; MiJli gnn, I1arvey,~· \burg; MI S, Agn es Whitael'C, BuU e l' ville; Mrs, Pau l ShllJIcr, Cal'li s l and Mrs, J, L, Me ndenhall 01 Wa.y 'f1e~vi ll e met Monday wi~h Eliza,b til Gladdy, hom e d 1l10n stJ'atiuIl agent and I' o mpletcd pl!1ns for ~ I ecting the di<;play, One or mor e m em b ers of the hom e co un cil will be station d with the exhibit eacb ;_ ir to Rn8well t h c day during the .... "'''estions relatin g to tho project, , _, .
1M .. lJOu'clla
Prince AII/a ro of BourbQn, Orl e ans, and h is bl'ide , Ca rla De lfino Parodi , JUSI a ftc r th c ir mnulage in t~e In chic blue unjfo rms and ovcrSC(lS C:lPS, the ne wly tormed orgoniz a ti on ot flyi ng tr<li lleG1 ' nur sf'~ <ll'r see n ' R omc , Th e we dd 111~ ' b r oug I1 I a)I o,u t tho Church of San Robe rto S e l1a rmino 111 ~ "f1 J'st fo rmal •npp ea r a nce in SIX holding insP<:l etlon at Burbn nk, Ca lif, With s pecinlly equipped ambul nnce ships , members of lhe Aerial" V' ' rS i t lat ng r o po l'l S Ihat the y are con N C ( years of fo rmer K in g Alfon s o and form er Queen Iclllna 0 po. n, ~ InlU I • . . A.m . . e. .r l.'c.a. . w. i.U. . . .e.v.e.r.y. . .. e.r .r a. n. . d. .. .......... .. .. . r .\,.ln. c-.e. .
o~f~m e.rc.y-.'~~,~~~~ '!"~.
~S~i~d!e~ri~n~g~a~re:c~0~n:c~i:li~o~t~iO~h~, 1:'~h~Cy~s:e~r~v~c~d~a~s.:p:D:lr~o~n~s~ro~r~t~h~(,~lr~c~o~u.5~ln~
Bad News
pring Val ey
Published week Iy in 'the interest of. the social, religious, econol[llic life of Miarni ValleY'1 foremost progressive community. The entire community joins in extending you a cordial invitation to come to this village INTERESTING FACT S 1I"ld- 1\ 11l"1l"1'"I~' ,11 tlh , anIul" Th t!'rm "Son!,>! i7",1" o~ lIfl - IIIIW pr,,, " , '. ,,,11.·.·1 Ing n r"yalty "I' , 111'-( " 11 1111 rn (lnl' Cl,nt :l ymtl pli!.',1 to ~ hil Is lilltl trnll "I" 1ll:l1 "r\111 d"lll pr" I1fIl"d 1>1 1 ih II. San· 1111 i ~ n Pl'(' 'I.'~ '; Jlut l'n It',1 by S:,nr"rl;' iJl!! IIloc·lnTl.,,; 1I[ll'ratl· t1 by ~ fu ....1 L. C'l ulltl. (l nl'~,h.\1 o r til t !Il'l ·n~ '·I'>I . Th(' 1'lly:1l1il'S l<l:>t ~· I·ar lllr" .lu,' lt 101,,1111 ... , lhl' "lIlhlf 1"llIk,! ,~ I IV.lIUI), alii I "hirt m:mufnl' IIIIt' I"'. "~:ln tor ~tl'. }~"i1h - ri; ..7-i-. .\1" . . Frank i7.lnp ' · CCll1pn" 'I'~ th, j ' II'I- " f thl dot h oft«!' th. m, r('( ri zllI," pm· L , Tnylill', MI'. li ard" '\I \I~ h,'r, MI'. r, 'I rE' ~ t .. nnlt th, ·m ttl 1111' I ' ngth :tn d :\1 r·~. H."IIL I .! 11 11\\ k\· and fUIll. the~' hnd hd.,r" llH' r(,lll7.illL" 11Ilr" II I' I1nd ~11' . and MI'''. Fr l!~ 1 Illl r-Ill'\!u{'illg tn n mini 1111111 till' Iikli- "I;ck and family, \lr ;\1ilrOI'(], enIwod of II Jr;1rJlH'nt ')11 inl..inl! \I h.· .. jo,'NI :l family picnic ut F II l' t AIIwo~hf'lJ. TIll' (,hu' tt 1"'Ilhody I), l'i('nl , ')n Frid a y ('v!'l)ing.
Shower Given for Bride
... l:....
Billi l' K. n« of Dayt on \'h;ill'd ,1 i,. ~l'andp.lI l·cntR. MI'. and Mr ~. Fra nk K ' Ih ', lu",t '\' rek .
Fair Inspiring Spectacle, ~ . Says Director Hanefeld
Mt. holty
1\11'. and lI1 r" H tl~,.. 'tlll' HilI! 1'>11'. and 1\11')\. Ervin ,' m ith ;11111 ~w" Sllll.... of Os b o r n, Ohlll, WPI" t.!.a u jCh l l.'l'•. rudith nn en tur uin ell "Th e boys lind girls of Ohlo COL l\l B , ( S III'ci nl) aU. ';unclllY g uos t!l o f M I'~. 'ol'a '() I11 P -ltlt a hil·th'-d!lY dinocl', ,' unday , ill have fri en dly Hllq cons tructive in g the hio .-tllte F ai l' the "dist n. hOllo l' of MI'. ::l mith's mnth"l" s rlay window" of the t at, ~ar l competition in the many Illarvcloua Mr. a nd 1r•. J. L. Scan. of Dny hill h-Ilay. Those wh o enj y " t h ' H. Hallcf'ld, li irect or of IIgl'l ul· t nll, \\(.'1 HUPlicr gUt'~b lIf 1\11'. dny \\' l'e \',J I·. John SC hUltll, M r. lure allnOUIlC d today t ha t pl!l n ~ Inti 1\(1'.... . VaL :il11 ~ . elOrA'€' lIH\'ls, Loui,,' Smith, Ruth wcr~ rapidly being c mplcLcd ' t o 'l\[ r. und MI'~. J . P. Kl'eitzl'r, NIl' . .lJuyl , ane! Claren ce ' mith, Mr. m nke thi s year' ~ Fuil' Ilt Golumbu s, ,"I :\1r ~. Luwrenc'~ Al 'xunuel', h·f l und Mr ~. 11\1'cn (:(' , Illi h, 11-. A U,"I'U st 2 th- 'cptembe r 3, outstand ing in it s I'al'i,'ty 'of f atures Monday ni"ht fol' a. two week'" J aml.'R • mil h. to intel'ost (!1·NY<lnc. fi , hing tl ip in TI' ntol1, O.ntul'io. ~JI'~. l:dilh Fllul and dlilth'()n II tHall cfcl d. wh o is persona lly 2\11'. J.nd Mrs. ho ri l.'S !l uines, of L.'nded th e Faul rl.'u nitm at Geol'ge- superv itiing the flnnl 8rl'II ngel1 la ' t SUllday . to\I' n Obi ./ul'k,o nvill e, Fl ol'illn, are vi. ill n~ mon ts, ~ ny i\ : Ma ~ te r RobNt Ral'llhnr ~ p('nt , heil m!)lhcJ', Mr~ . Minnie ll aine~ "The Ohl ' lat F nir was • • • la.t w!'ek in Cincinnllti wiLh lIi H orga nized for the IlU I' POS of deand fUlIl ily. unt, Mr. anti 1\'I1's. veloping agl'ieultu t'e II nd ind us try Your ~lY.,.j ght i. too preC10U' to take ne"d.l e .. c hanc" •. MI'!\. Huth Sting ley, Mrs. eltic Un I" and NUl mun KE'S ing 1'. in our stllte. Th e I!xhibits portra y The mos t dangerous thing ab ut eye''''ai n i. that the dama ge [··ulk ' I'. o n atL-ended t.h e Stat OU n Mr. an d Mr·s. Glenn Dl'uhot lind the skill Ilf mas te r Cl'aftsmen. They may be done be(oye you r ealize it . ~i l ,,(>.,:;i0 n of the Da ughter o( m rica, at Toll'd, tbis ,ve k. ~o n, O(lnn1<', :Mr. Charl es Craw· paint a golden pic ture of prospcrHave an e ye ""Bm'ination to.d.. y. It i. Rb~olut e ly frlk. You ity and the Il.l'Oll'l'eRS of a na tion. I uth i~ A ~~o. 'tat e Vice o uncilor f ur'V : pent Su nu;\y with Mr. unll Owe it to youro If to give thi s much tim 10 your ij!hl . While this gren t eXI) sitioll was 'Ia),(,llce CI'awfol'd and child Tlw AI~'X tllllh, (amlly hl'l!l th(' !\It's. Fulk!!l'~o n Hept·c.' ntative fourdcd ol' igi ually on the Jlrod u c t~ reno (Il1nUIl1 Il'unitm /11 I I,.. hOllle of ,V. frum (lU I' II, of A. Lodge her Cla•• e. will be pre&cribed only 'When nceded. of the fOl'III, it haij Rcquired • E. Al uxnnd, .. , lu·t SUlldu ~' . MI'. lI nd M,·s. H nry BUl'ges and nationnl r c pul!lti n ns II nllunmoth 1\11'. nnd Mrs, Walt l ' S quire .ch ild r(·n. J()hnj ~ und Nancy pen t Eightr-tivl' d ' ''('(' n dullts Hnd I'el "d is plny winllow" Ilf t h products alld two d a ught.· l"s 01' Yellow .rl h',·,; r.·I,·ltlllt!'d. Ly l(, Il.'xllnut'r, t he week-~ nd with MI' . and Mrs . of Ohio agl'k u ltul'c, indu!\try !lnd :-iI" ings. hiu, .pent ulH.lay II'fte r- L wis MOI·gan. . . the (lltil·,,1 living lIH'tlIb,'1' of tht.' art. It shows the s tatc's high Open Every DIIY f" om 8 , M, to 13 1'. ~1. Iloun wilh ~ll'~ . arah Wlltson . falll,l\', i, bv \ irtu(! (If his .·c ni orWilma E'aul spellt Lh Plll!t we k s tand ing in the fi Id of agriculBARL H . HANEFELD Saturday 8 A . M . to to P . M. I • • [\[1 ". W. II. Whitnere, of Morrow llit h hel' A unt in MilCJi on ville, O. t ure and live tock production. Director of Agriculture ity "f ug!' thl' hO'HIi a'~' ple, ident. 1!J N. BR ADWAY L8/J,\;IW '.0 1110 , ' Illuinl'cl a few d ay . vi 'iling r e l"The FiliI', each yellr, presen ts :\Ii,. K:lth l'I'inc Mal' latt, of inative und frie n d s here anu in ch Ililt' is s p ending a f ew wee ks the lat('st Ilchievements in the exhibits which life Oil dis play eac h it X.e nill, nft I' utte n di ng th Al ex- with h(' r gra nti-iJarents, Mr. and I sciences, inventions, arts, educa· year in the Junior Fair build ings. A lIumh l' of members of the tion, indus try and transportatio n. The exhibits elllbl'IlCe all f orms ot :\\r'S. \ ;(,01'1:' 1\1:t 1'1<1 tt. -----..;..-------~l.llln illr () rdl:'l' and th t!i l' famili . an de l' r e union. Out of it all comes the composite youthful cne! nvor. Th is yen r, prepl\Ii ~ LOl'l'aine Illt)to n i_ vi;>ilIi.' Mi nni e rll.wfol'd hns r - product of .the geniuB ILnd enter, (l tt(!nliNI the lli:, ll·i. t Picnic Ilt th e arations have been mllcie for II Plli r Gl ound a, at Dayton, Sun day.' ing this week in Wilm ington, g't1 :t t lll'll ed I1mn(' dte r ~ pencling thc prisll ot our people. W Ith it~ wide- more cx tcn ' jv() progrn m of .Iunior in- ly diversified points of interest, Fair acti v'ilie , :'111', 'ha l lec< Kerm an, 'up rintend- uf 'Ruth An na Kin g:, at t he Hnr- pu, t \\'~~k llith I'ehitives in c um h m e. cinrlllii. the Ohi o StlLte Fair hil S always "Tho hio Stn t Fai r is greAt 'n of tht' .Iuniol' O l'p han's Home , Mt·s . Ray Eagl spent atunlay M I'. a nd rot 1'~. El vis Mi chllel lind ,be n an in spiring spectac le for b'e eause of the coopcrnti un wh ieh it lit Tiffin, hill. IIntl t he adet Band "au~hte\'" IIp<' nt ' ulldllY with MI'. every man, woman, nncl child in has r ceived from those who an,' of t b • H ume IUl'IIis hed the Illu,. lc . and 'u nday in ,M i d(l1e~()w n , a . our state. I nter e~ted in it. Our oxhibito r~ guest uf he,' s ister :and bl'other-in nllt! :\[I· ~. 1<'01'l' ·st Ho blit and famA go d tim "!I S l'c po l'te d by ali , "Each yea r, Ii million-dollar lil'e- ha ve played an imp ')rtant pu rt in luI" , MI'. and Mrs. Dewitt l'h omp- lIy . stock s how atil'nct nation-wide its de velopment. It Is my hOll<! on. Mr. Thompsol1, who hns b()Cn Et he l Faul 'pe nt Mvel'al day. attention. The shecp show is the that the y ar, 10:17, will Tl'lurn t co InKt 1\ ek with her ni ct:', n eal' Fer- largest in the world. The cattle us man y of our frl nds who have Mi s' Phllllllll FI'eemun, Mrs. ve ry ill, is much improved. Mr . Em'l opSC'y r'<'tlIl'1led ho me. I y, \\ h u hn ' 1>1:'('11 ,el'iou sly il l, but and dra ft horlS ex hibits are amonG' exhibited in former ycars. Every rthu r FI'«('man, Ml' ~. E. M. Vil the larg t of their kind in Am ri- effort is bei ng made to provide It I!.'I':; gave l\ llli ~cclJ an (!ou Rhowcr Mli nday, aIter attellding . ch ool at i~ now much bett ~ \'. I ' clllware, hi. Thi. ~u mmer wan Mr. and Mt·s. Willi um Tat , allll ca. 1'he SWill s how will be second program that will be of , interest A trial from you will prove this true. for Mn,. EI'(l e·t Free man, a rece nt to everyone." . to none in the country. briUl', Wed n . day afte rnoon , fit l1<: nt at Pillin ity, Ohio, serving son, RoL!'I't, of B ellbrook, p nt YOUR HOME STORE a chur ch there. .'unday with ~11'. lind 1r. P. A , LhC' hu m. of thu fo 1' J)1 (' I' ori InMr. and Mr .. Ge<) rge HendH Ort fu lly cho n ~I! h! (~ ti o n of th ese picMI'. and MI'~. R. E. Luc and Runy on. c .r1\ IIll ii l 'I' k!l1 '«.. r s. '" l' re('mall )'cce .lv. Can what you can while canning is good. - We entertained IItul'day at dinner th fami ly of Xenia , M I'S. R. R. B e nM r.. E. J. Rutherfo rd sp nt tUI'e so that you may ee the pla('e d lI1a ny u ~ ful ~ ift !'. The h om e ~ n, of leveland, Ohio , Mr. and TUl'! da~' in Leban on vi iting rel- the per so n , th e incident tha t ha fo llowing g u' ts: l\h'. and Mrs, Wil have the cans. w,]',; b autifully uQcolatc d in pink MI'. W. P. alis bu ry'w ,. dinner at.ive!'!. li:lln r ndl ton, Mr. a nd Mrs. Goch and white. Th ~e attending were lig-ured in an ev nt o f national 1'1 McKinn ey und Master Bobbi e .IIlcinnnti, Idto ll'n, Xenia gue 15 of Mr . and Mr~ . lJ. L. Rye. Mi~s E\'('lyn H obl it is spe nding Out of thou r Ol' ter from H ozard Ky. Miss Eliza beth Luce renlained for a few day!> with Mis Dorothy Mi- o r world·wide Inter ' piing all~y . The co lor s, pink 5ands of picture that are s napped ,(' haet. a visit and whit, \\ e l'!' ('u rried nut in re ~ ANIMAL HOSPITAL . Mr a,nd Ml" W . B. Squire ' were Hel en Faul ' p ent atul'tillY evety day nil ov r th e world we SMALL fl' e8 hm l! nt ~ of icc cl'eam a nd cake. _ .'unday dlnne-r gue ,ts of Mr. and night with h~ r ister, Mrs. Mildl'ed bring you tho. e that are de emed of W . O. Bowen, D . V. M . Graham, of W ay n es ville. greatest impOI·tance and inter('st, Entertained Jolly ""ives~ Mrs. Frank quires. SPRING VALLEY Mrs. Flora W ooley ' Hartsock. Mr. und Mr. Ernest Eal'Dbart those that will prov ide ~ clearer inSprinll' Valley, Ohio M r,~. , A. R, Barton en te rtained ll f pring/leld, Ohio" wcre call ing and daughte ,', El'n e~t ine a nd Mr. sight into jgnificllnt happenin~)\ 1' h e Jf>lI y Wi ves lit h I ' home on fi n 1'1'i nds in Wayn l;ville , un - a nd M,·!? G. H, K e Inger were 'SunThe repOI1.er-pholagTaph er g lire Walnut .'tl'(.'et Fr iday afternoo n. day, clay dinn er' .Il:uest s of Mr. Ilnd Mrs. everywhere. I t is th eil' j ob to he Tho.<e tlr c~e nt weI' :M e 'dames PeM r~ . C. E. Gilp :in, of Spring. on th e spot whee important event orman K~sing r, at in,e innati. t 'r~on , Badg ley. Gll d(Ii;;, Jlarts ock bOl'o, and MLs Lena Min e t·, of l\l l·!<. Geol'gO Mllrlatt and grand . al'« trllnspil'ing, to find Inte rc. ting Kr ulr. F'ixx, W ood, gagle HMt ock Sprinldield, Ohio, were callers of d aught er, K~ ther ine Marlatt are people, to search out th e unu ~ uai, and \," ou ly. A ~o ·illl tim wa MI'.~. ilia Harts.ulk, Monday cve- ~ p e ndil1g this' wee k with Mr. lllld to sen se the event.'l a'nd scen e that ~ Il C J1t. Rcf r!!:< hllH'llts of ice '(' r am ning, ~, g, James Balle ntyn , of Troy. will be of interel t to n ew"papel' and cake \\t' r' ~l' l'vcll by the hOS- , MI'. and Mrs. Ed. Cook, MI' . .ancl M,'. Roland Weav e" nnd parents, reader!! everywhere. te. ~. Ml's. Huruld Os born and sons weI' MI'. lin d 1\-11'8. Weav r, of Dayton, W atch th c COlumn of lhi ~ n ws L('b~non, Ohio. • Purchas~ in L ebollon. Ttl esday evening, t o call d On Mr. and 1\11' • L. M. Hen- pape1' fol' thi s I'll ol'd of history' tephen", 'unday afte t'noon. ~ t'c) Ma and Pa Me ormic k: -The Pre.entinr tile Beat ....d Lated makin g even~s and inte t· s t ing v el' ]1.11 :01. J CIll~e u ha~ bQug ht the well kn own Brown County R v elMr. and Mr:<. Earl Mal'laU wer e s(l nalitics - in picture&- carrying In .)(' nnil' P ct"I:i;on pro p 'I'ty on Wlll- ers -who giv e t h e Top Top of th e OilY to n sho pper·~ . a turd ay. you, £,01' an in stant, t o a fron~ MOTION PICTURE nu t Rtrpl't . und \ 1 ill occu py ~ al11c 1\1orn ing p rogram over W L W l\Ilt·. and Mr ~ . David Lucus Dnd rank view at th v 'ry pot, ENTERT AINMENT Mr~, L ot'cn Jami on Ilnd baby family spen t a bout S e pt e mber 1. a(;ul'day eve ning Th P t't t'~ n,; move into their daughte l ', o f Miami burg, Ohio \., ith l'e lative~ ill Duyton .. fll' I'PN ty ne xt ~I oo l' B 'nde ll's, who ~ p e nt MondllY with h r mother, ' (CUllY th e> Int.L(·r, will move to Mrll. Maude rane. W ay n c~v ill . M,·s. Ed. oo k fi -ited MrA. Earl - - -- - Mal'latt at Mount Holly, Wednes.SPRING VALLEY ll ul'llInn William~ on nnd family dllY. In an old-world capital a new 1936 Chevrolet, Standard Coupe, like n ew W . O. Rap r, Clyde Egbert, ruler a sce nd s to power, border SI),'nl n j)1u·t of hi~ vllcRtion vi ~it~ G R b t d A H . ing the Oreat La k(lR Expo~ ition, at CO teOl'gc bl. . 0t er M SOil d anft 't• fig hting breuks out on som e far1935 De Luxe Coach " u "s. p en on a)r a Ol'Ooon a flUng fronti ct', a scientist ,in. SingCI ve lal1 d. Columbus, Ohio. ' S William l! o lJjll~sh ca d is at tlle apOre or a n Franci'$Co announces I' 1934 Chevrol~t, Mast,e r Sedan, Whipcord uph Qlale.Mr. and Mrs. C. L. MalmQ erg an epochal discoveru, at Wasbin"". 1 ~lI n l1 Hos llilal, Xenia, for d tt d d . . t E ~ .. I Mc ing, New tir~s. '" . an :<on a en e a pl(~nIC a • n· lon or at Berlin 11 new figur e , tap:!! ES, it's here again - this famous, generous annual ofTer of ob,;erwl.tion. ) I' k D t S t I g OR aI', ay on , a ure ny, into th e spotlight _ wherever it Free Coal (500 to 2000 pounds)· with the genuine Estate 1933 Ol,ta Sedan )1i~s Vir!o(in iu Alexa nd el' had:lS 1\11'. and ~ ~s. Howard chrack i ~, a reporter-photographer step. Hl?atrola. Here's all you do: h ' I' /.': ue~t, Mi f. MIl "y Anne Bu'\ 'n' of P o rt WIlham, were Sunday forward- ' Select your HeatroJa now, make (' tt e. of Circlev ill e, Ohi o, gU CMts of Mr. Ilnd Mrs, C. L. MaIm "Hold it!" The click of a 'c am. lust a sm all'deposit, pay nothing Mt·. IInu M 1'5. [Ra d ol' ·B loch reo , berg. ' era, Rnd ne wspaper readers can aeturn ed home, Friday, aiter a M tL d M Ch 1 T 1 1Uore until the Heatrola is installed I'. n r5. !llJ' es e rra t u a lly el!, in a picture, what oc, .- hOlt LI'i,). (YOU say when). Tllen start paying sp en t th e week en d WI'th r e l"t' " Ives cuned. f l'. and MI' . A. '. WilSOn spent· C· . t' Jrt. convenient monthly inatallments. 1n Incmna I. 'l'h e Miami Gazette prints Ii care the P ll~t wCt" k with the latter's Pill'M ,'. arid Mrs. Willia m Brose CENTERVILLE, OHIO Remember, there's no other ofTer to Phone 24 e nts, 1\11'. a nd lIIrs . P. A . Turn er. a nd Mr. and , Mrs. 1Wilmer Br ose .·ompare with 'this, because no other Mrs. Ervin R eeves, Dayton, and da ug btel', of Lynchburg, were MASTER OF TEMPLARS '/'Ieater can compare with the .g enuine . ~I) ent Thul'.' dIlY with he r mot.her, undny dinner guest.s of Mr. and It'ltate Heatrola - tl;1e original cabinet ~ I·.·. E,l. H al't!;Q(· k. Mrs. Lee T e rral. Water. Beautiful, modern, all-porcelIli Ks Mildred TurM l' is s pendM I·S. ITa Rich and daughter, ·.in cabinets - eight models to c hoose ing the wec k with her s ister, Mr ~. Mrs. Reba Braddoc k , entertained If quality goods, reasonable prices, and cour- .. !tom. Jointless ash box. EstaJloy Albcl'l C. Wi l!'o ll, Columbo s, Obio. at dinn r, Sunda y Mr. and Mrs . teous service .are what you want, TRY •tollble-life fire pot. Ped·a-Lever Feed .MI'. a nd , M,·~. RHyrllOnd Wilson Hartley Moss and (~hildren and : >OOr , And the wonderful Inte nsi-Fire a nd duughtCI' l'eturr1l'd home, Fri- 1\-11'. and Ml's. Gilbert. Fry. ;w Duct - Heatrola's famous, excluday aft(!r a week's .visit in Chica,.IV" feature th~t turns waste into ·Oependlnll ~...,n the m od .. y . . IT'S TRUE I T~G.;lette i. livinr go, choo &t; one-heir t h ese UnlOu,tI " "'flrmth, cuts fuel bills 2S to 40%. 11 hard coal il f\.lrn l.bed. .way a ve~y . Uraeli". I'uaranteed l\1J-s. Elizab oth Bims, Mr, and fountain pen and p'~ciI •• t w~ th Mt'8 . Hobert Sirn~ and so n and eaela new Or rene'Wal .ub.cription DOUBLE LIFE.' Now, extr•• ~ l8Jl(ldaug h tc l', of Cinci nnati , we're heavy. ribb.d lir~ pot, mad. at the rerular price,. For a ahort t:UIlCI'R at the ' ims hom e, Saturof E.taJloy (nick •• chromiu. time only. Come ill and ••• th.m SPRING VALLEY duy night . Phone 4lC • lloy). M or. than double the at thi. office. J\Ii s~ Calheri ne Alexander, who life of b ••• o..t-iron tire pot&. ~ .--"Pl'!lt . (!vl.'l·al clays as gue't of M,·s. Radio Feature At Fair :->O WI."·Y , of ]Jayton, returned home. Tho,;!! who attcnded ihe 8arnes COLUMBUS (Spedal)-A spec. • ('union at ~~a . tEnd Purk, Day- ial entertainment f~!ture for the l lill \11'1": M~, And MI'• . F. M. Un- opening night only haa been ar'UIltNI .AITS INTO WARMTH I Jl'!'\\" JOU and dllU&hter and grand- ranged for the 87th Ohio State t\,oi,,,.ry h •• "" (Ielt) allow ....rmth duug-hter, Mrs. Sydia Powell. Fair at Columbus, August 28th· I" ••••• p. liP Ow. lin H;'" Int"osi . September 3rd, aceo ding to Earl : . . .- , ('\-~ ' .... ".~." r . . ,.r.li c-. t· Model T Forcl Coach -Iota of mil. IIh'. C. O. Ulld~rwood, of near H. Hanefeld, diree . of agrieul..... .... . ,.."..... ...... .... . .. I •• lAb , 100. . . . 4C)'I. laboarcl Motor - Make ~ powerful plaat for WlIynesvilll' cnll~d. on relatives, ture. you Mark Norris, of Orand Rapids, Mouda,. The Pine Ridge Mich .• who waa elected arand mal' MI': and M,·H. Cllrl 'ims and lion lIel, with the All AIltique Walaut Corner Cu...... ter ot the KnightJ Templar .t the ('llI'I, Jr., of Cineinnati stopped cill!lton, will be 1% h. p. Ga..11ae EIl.order'. trleDJIlal conclave at MJamL and Kai,1 hi·lIo ancl good·bye to nllrbt, AU/rU1t 28th, Fl••• recesst.,. Be aueceedi Andre.. pa ~ turday night; Tbia leatare .JaeboD Gt IllIwatlllee, "'" ...,_..home aft.Pr p IIdiq .~:Jl~~~;~ol~lh,; .eI:~'''1~''
Don't Take a Chance
;lft ' rrllwh. M r~. \\Il~ H )!ru('inul' hrl \( ,,~ III tI j!I'I,Up til' Jl'icnd~ at hi'"~ h UIll I' 111 I "'ylllll. ill th., forlll Il l' H .h'HI·I·" hlllllJl'lng 1I f('c pn l hrid", ~h·". )';all \\" Jo la rd , fll l'lll ',._ Iy 1)"'''li1y Ullul·n('. GIft- w,·, ,. pia l'd on a b 'outi-fuly In' · '(lV'r(' " tlthlc , adome ll \Iilh a "!'id,· lind 11 iak ', Jl girt 1', (.111 a fl'icnd. Vo llo\\ ing' tht, l'ntl' I'lninlll nt. ,"I I ~ . Woullal'd II P (' n d the gi i't.s. R e 1', ('- hml'nt< \\ ('rr .'1·l'V~" :lIld the &:Ull"t, ticplll'\I'd, I ,winl{ lhl' b!'i,le \l'ltn Ilill ny g"od wi",hl'>', l.u ,,1
EII( ':- I
~fltUl'thlY \\'" .. llnnl
Alexander Reunion Draws Eighty-Five
Dr. John Zettle O. D.
"'==:;;:;:;:;;;;:;:;:;:;;:;=::;;::;;:::::;;;;;::;;;;;::;_;__;;:; _ A end J"u~i~~ Pi en ie
===----..:...;;.....;.-----.. . .
The Place to Buy a $5.00 Coin for 1.98 is Unknown But we can meet fair competition with Quality Merchandise
Shower Gi len Bride
Copsey's Grocery
",ill Use Manv Pictures ~eeklv
Used Cars
Barker's Drug Store
Hood's Auto Wrecking Co . .
preng Valley Hardware
em ,
BarveysbargChurche Picture Program
DAY LA Friday, Saturday, August 20-~= I
WILMINGTON, OHIO Patrons throughout this area are invited to attend Wilmington's Dollar Day Sales -iVhich conducted by leading business firms at Wi'mington. .comeo, Buy and Save.
H. H. Thorne' Company
Plymouth Cars
WILMINGTON "Th e S to re of
r; ndly Service"
Just mere merchandise at $1.00 is not remarka ble • but the fact. that h 'll't! (and here alone) may be had merchandise from so many of the Nation's greatest linea especially pr:ced for Dollar Day at a $1 ill truly remarkable.
Osborn G loves Nelly Don Dresses Tuvader Prints $1.35 Gorcion Hose Belding CorticelH Silkll Ringo Be lt Corsets Carter Underwear Marie Dreul er Dresses Zion Lace Curtainll Dorothy Perkins COllm tics Gag~ Hata Gotham Hose
Immediate Delivery
n il
_ ..., . '
. . .·... H . . . ' . . . .. 4 J ......- .. ,
Ro ul e
No, 4 , in CI III' r ee k hy j,:'mlii ng, "io eni n\\' :l no I'CR urfn ing with cold-mi xe d, co id-Illid till' co nctete, , idth : Pnv('mC'nt 20 ft, L ength: 25,146 ft., o r 4.76 2 Town~hill,
ALL WASH PANTS Original Prices up to, $3,50 .. .. ,.. .
$1 • 00
ALL POLO SH IRTS Original Pricea up to $1.50 Sizel and Colora Complete ... ...... ... ,.. ALL STRAW HATS Original Price up to $3.50 _.... .. ... .. ........
We are taking this opportunity for our final clean up on all lIummer merchandise_.
DOLLAR DAYS Offer Unusual Values THROUGHOU'r THE ENTIRE STORE ON Women's. Children's and Infants Ladies' and Children's
Piec:e Goods -
Hosiery -
Undergarments and Acc:esaories. "Drastic Reductions" on all Summe, Mer.chandisc means money sayings to you.
.~=::::=:::==::::~::::~:::=:=:~ ~
'To Hear' M ethodists l i Noted " J.• • ss oRary The Rev. Thoburn Brumbaug h, on. of the out~tandin\f mi,ssionarics of th e Methotlist Epi.!co))al Church, a leadcr in the "Wesley Foundation" religious activity amo .... .... coli ge J'ltudents in Tokyo, Japan, will L._ ..., th. fueAt. speaker at the llelsion of the Ohio Annual onference of the Methodi: t Epill,copal Chureh, to be b .. ld in the Weatminilter Pr by~rlan Church, BI'IURbaUCh II
D]akinlt upon thO!!e who arc to be the I 'arler: of the next gl.'ncration. Mr. Brumbaugh ha .. Stained international note a~ 'IIn intef(lI'eter of Japan to, America and to E, rope, and as an interpreter of t;" Jlftlple and Chl'istian civilization of ,th .. ~(>!lt to the younger people of Japan, He hal al 0 been active in the promotion of friendship betwe.n ihl! .;,aanelle and the Chineee, hla home ud"W ey Foun Idt,th'D" beiDe t. e e r of aft tJt-
rlans and s pecification arc on IiIl' in the department of high- f wa ys and the o ffi ce of t h e res iden t tli tl'ict de puty director, 'l'h, dir!'cto l' r esc l've!' the right to rej ect a ny lind all bids. John .Ta: tel', Jr., Stllte H ighw.ay Director F,RIENDS-HOME NEWS MI·8 . "ad Hiza~ and s on, Wil · I:am, and Ml'fI. Frank Millikan , of l1amiltCln, w('rc S unday dinn el' g ue ~ ts at th ' home, . MI'_ a nd Mrs. Dick W! SI" ' UI) anll It. Ul! htCI', Itllth, o f P ('cbles, Ohi o, 1'11 11 'd on Mr,"', Lena Ha~[sock, Monday evening, .i\1 rs. Emma Pi e r 'e, Frances and Adaline Ald en , MiRs Anna B ro wn , tl nd C ' cil Davi s w e r e in Xenia, Satul'day aft (·l'noon. MI'!>. Hllnnll h Rod gers a nd Mrs. J , 0, !lrtwl'ight calle d here'~on rlay eve ning, ( Lena Hartsock and Ft'eda Hal'vcy tlccompaii'ied Edit.h Luke n t o IJayton, S a turday aftel'n oon. May P IE', o f Dayton, Ohio, and ;\[r,,<. B. Hi att called on t h eir Aunt I ratlle P eele, Satul'day aftern oo n. Vaugh P ecl e, of Columbu , 0. , IIlled on hi gmndmother, Satur.Jay ev ening.
1930 F'ORD (:OUPE $125 BARGAI N
MI'~ .. Gl l' nn
'urti ', MI'. ant! Mr.- . had . Bt\s horE', Mr, and Mr,,: IT er ma n G o rg ,Hom I' Bas hor , M.rs P el'ry I\I cDonu ld . a nd ~rand~o n , 1\1,'. a n d l\'Ir ~, E dwal'rI Ba ~ho l'(' and ,'o n, 1'11', a nd l\l r ~ , Fred Ba ~ hol'(', 'l'h{'se were d e~ce n dllnl ~ of Mrs. Annll Sa hore, wh o ha~ eig-ht ,' hilr! t;en, , ixleen g'rundchilrlrc' n , and thi}·tl't' n g reat ~ ralltJehi l!lI ' ' no
---------MRS. DOSTER
ENTERTAINS Mr~ , Chad'~ lJ o~l l" l' and Mis,· ,' 1ary Edilh Du,- lrl' e nt ertai ne d on T Uf'I' <lHY n ft~ l'l1oon the h"llle o f th e forlller ," ('veral gid 1:rie nd. Kat lll ' ell Gnlhnm, wilt) is l eovin ~ en W<'llnesday 1l10l'llillg wil h h '1 au'IlI , :\I I ~. Lau I a S hitiuk l' I' Hnd MI'. l{ cJgd' wl'ay, Mi ~~ KIli.hll' l'n is goo in~ t .. California to vi , il h ' l- ,: 1.4. Ill', I\1 I'S. George Wu ll alld family. M I ~ , :-;hidak cl' <Inri H o ~ ~ r II ill g " 10 A Ibn'Clu J'1l11 ' , N('\\ i\1exi ",,
- - -- -.--
HARVEYSBURG S(' v(> l'u l tlf OUI' Pi" 1.l1 11' plo),,,ri :; t
th ~
01' ('
W ~Iyrll'~v illt'
Ing Japan to America. The "We,- Iey Foundation" in Tokyo, of which he is lhe head, i a center of EvangeJi m, r eligiouR eduention, in~t,ruction in ,the Bibl e and in E,nl\'lillh, an d 0 f Tecrca t ion and ~ocia l life for many of the thou!\8nds ot Japanese student~ , who crowd into the nation !I capttal. Th I' Foundation, patterned along ttf' line of "imllar inlltitutions in t'onaectioD Itb lltate un!ver iti in Am rica, la uDd r the
\."IW- of
Th " 'l(' a\' (> I', an , and Hich I'euni o n \lU ~ h. l<1 }) u nrl ay a t Ih e home of M r, um l ~ r rri. Clinl C lellver , 1:1 'eh GI'OVP. Tho:!' PI (',. I' nl. W I'e: 1\11', alld l\11' ~ , Clal'cnc e 'Il' uve l', 0 [ , :\11'. and 1\1,,.. ,J. B. Hich, MI'. G eO. D;tvi" !'III'. and 1\1 I'. , T o m lticlt, Mr, !llId l'tl l,\. Ch n 1'1 '5 (III i, 'I', Mt. and MI~ , Walter ,Jo rdan, ?vir. nnd Mr ~ . Rul)('1 Wallac:c, Mis.. Ethel Mannon, ~1 rs . N e\.ti(· Spl'ay, William :;>PlIlY, Hubl.'l·t and Davi s L wi , Mr , a nd M I'~. John Ha y, MI'. and ~It ~ . 1~ lb e lt Ri,1t and famil}" Mr. ~ l1d MI'f, G ilbCl"i R i, h, Mr. and Ml's, Eltlll'1' S(' hnl t'dcl'" A. T. Moi"1', M l. Hnll MI'f;,J (lc O~iQ' Mr, and Mrs, fl o n Il al't.'ock anti fam ily. MI'. lin d Mr ~. Er.l lesi Mann oll, MI'. H allY Ja{'k ~ o n, Mr. a nd Mrs, W ancn Van Tl' ~ ~ and MI' . C ora ,h >a\'('I' . Nt' xt y. ar the reunion will h(' Iwld at th l' home of Mr, and MI S. Tom Weh, J1CH I' W ell-
nillg' fndory. li LLie ,\11'~ , Lill a Ha t t on ~! ild ~ I allrl-dllUI! h t l' l' , Nancy Untoe, IV'! I g:lIl' !:\ t.~ of Dr. and Mrs , Wil: !ial1l E, Ogl ef b ee, Tu (! ~ dl)y, 5 TO CHOOSE FROM I !Ill'. and 1\1t- ~ . H arry U<born and fal11ily en terta i n d t~ dilln r, Sunflay, the foll owing- I!ue ~t.~ i'1'()m wii minglon: :\1 1'. and Mrs. llowll l'd 4 TO CHOOSE F)~OM Bahb , a nd Mr, alld Mrs.D, H. Babb. B ll l'n til 1\11' , and 'Mr~ , [lvhCI'1 McK ny of , amlin , last Saturday, 10 TRUCKS TO CHOOSE FROM 11 so n, Robert 'Val e. Ml'~ . Lou ise FFilc and daught er, 4 FORDS - 2 DODGES - 4 CHEV'ROLETS :) a ll c Elle n, II tertllined th e f ollowin g f or dinn e r SundllY: M ~ . 1936 to 192!J MODELS ALL PRICED TO SELL .J nl' Mere 1', Mi~ ~ Ann M reer, of L l'c~bu rg, Em erso n ~ rvinf! ann QUICK Mi"R Blanch e Hnll1 l', (If olumbl1s. An auto!l lbil c, \.> elolHting tl'l Ca l' EASY TERMS LOW DOWN PAYMENT 1'01 Sma rt was slolen ncar hi ~ /tar01'l'fOI' .!' pond entyears of bc the Ihas so me - n "Ch the rifltian Japan ag , v n la ~ t Tu c!l d ~y. It WII,' fonn d ICentury," Chi <'lilg R Jig-ious weekIWtll' Wtlync ~v iJl ~ , th ~ hl m e night. Iy, and has through it don€' much Mi:\~ 'Calmc n Kil k bel:> l'l'tul' IICd to explain Japan se 'p~ych()logy ho}) s, at the end of h is pl ea sa nt ~ ionRty work in the larger city, and point o( view to W estern Yellr of fUI'! ough in th l' U nited lIe is native of Agosta, O~io, hnm(' from 1\ d' li.:htful viHit wi h mind s. He has a l 0 written a num- I Stl1,~e" lO . be abl e to l'etUl'n to Ja - lind I' ccived hi~ education at Oh1 0 rri end!' and nlativl's f or tcon bel' of books and bookJets present- pan and or ct a permanent home W('~leyan U~iversity and at Bo s- day.
wh o attl' nd(' 11 \1 el' e: :'111'. and 1 rs, Fnll1k 8n.-hlll'l.', MI'. anll l\!1' ~ . Hm' l old I:la- h ll l'(' anti dllughl('I', Mr, and l\h'~ , Thul'llw n Millt'I', ,JI'., of En. t.on , 1\11', und 1\h:, il enl'Y Ila shllrc, I MI'. lind MI'~, Pnlll BlI<hol'l' , ,Mrs. Nt!!lh' ,lll'lis, · 11', Hnc! ~l r " . W . Bal'l'(.t1 nnd children , ~1t-. lind m a n, _
(' o~ t, \.hou ~ and
Shoes -
Thc Ba " ~lo re I't'uni on WII~ l\ c'1d ilL thl' lovcly home lIf MI', 1I11d MI·~. IllIl'I'y)\le ('y , lil: t , unday, Th o~e
~=;555~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ _ , ('qual ma d to li vebut per incent n o of cvethe nt mor e~ti-e l' It'', an tcn do llAr"
Apparel -
Bashore Reun:on
c! COl!t $L2G,7 6.58 ,0nLrocL to b e completed within fifty -fi ve (55) wOI' king days. The minimum WllgC t o be pllid o all labor e mpl oy ed on this contlart s hall b in accord-anc with l he " , , h e dul c or pJ'evailing H ourly W a~c Rates A sc rtained and ! l )(' t e l'min ed by Th e V~part.m~nt of , Industr ial H ~18t i on s applicable ) to State Hi$r hway D partment ImP! o\'el\1 nl s in accol',)ance with Sections 17-a, '17-4, 17-4a, 17-5 , nnll 17 -5n of the G on r a l ode of Ohio!' I Th e bidd~r mu t su bmit with his hid I~ cCl'tified ch<!ck in un amount '
th i , I(' ll at ' (' .kliv(' I'l' d by H o n or d,I(, ') ', Ill " G. 1I1 t 1 on uld and OoeI I) " Ibn y EI1II' I'~ ()n Fo,,, dick. T h,,{, S u nd /lY eVl' n ll~ (,( wor, hip ~1 1'\"iCt~ al't· " Ilo n:<ore rl by the "'HI I d,('~ (I f l\Ia ~~ i TUII'n!hip, Bll l' tl l . :lh'lh ndi. l, Fri!'ndg, H. A. II n l·tnll' n, Pre~ byterian llIini ,t l'r of I.lt,!IIJ1'(1 o k i ~ co-o perat in/{ by nlw ral ing' hi t; ~()ll n d on film II nJj t'rlM i n Ihl'~(' , (\I'vic 's, ' .The f lJ lI ,, \\in~ jl l' r,,;n g an! on Ill " Illcal cO l11 m ill ('~ ; Ha rv e y . :'II ill i >(ll II , Lill itl l1 ~, Carl' . Minnie OJ!' k,lJl' l', "I<,,'c a rl't 'I' lick I', .' C I"e t Ill y, i\la .·y B/Ot.('an, Mllry JJuvi Ha l' Th <>l lI hu l Y, J , W. Slll'II, has. ('o>ll')' '"1d II II lI'aro lI l r Kay, cha il' 1111\11 , nn,. St i n~IJlI , 'arl S n ell. and J. 1', T hol'n bul'Y,
Watl l' hnd b" l' ll
The Simp ~l1n fnlllily I'(' ut.i nn \I';L~ h eld II i the hom e Mr. and l\1r~. l) ultIlH'Y art r. IH' a l' here, Aug u ~ t 7. Abe ut tw o hundred lifty fl'ic' nils and relativ e!! ,"joyt>d a bountiful d'i llllcr untl pll' ll"unt aftel n uon.
t ha n
~ ll l. lll'day.
",' l utC'
'ti l'
~~;~I~~ ~~~I\~I:~::; ~II;,l" ~,\:~I':~~~ ~~~
tlht (I,"
• It , · 41 Mt. IJl Il n nn " \' l ' ul t I' ll I h tHI S: " .. 1 fl l ,II ' 1I f4 .
,\ hlc h
Ti lt- hi d ll"I' H11I ~ t I"u lnn i t \\ hll h i .. hi t! ;\ ( l'J'l lfl , 'r! P ill" k In .. I) JUllull1l "!l lIa l ~,} rl\ \ .I ' t~ " ('I ' tl t vi lh t> I. t i llloJt ..
11on -·\I'Y"" I'l' (ugl!(' ~ in Th" ~ I)" ('(:h ~!' of
(;('1'111 <1 11 )1,
::,::~ (,(':; : ('~~'u-~edI~i~~" ~~'~lI' ::)Yho~~~1 :~~;: IIIJnLEAV[lR -rA-RR HI CH , U
~ Ial'" .II IK h\\ HY l 'ul': U'tll'H' nt 1111111'1)\'(' Itlt' lit ~ in a el'HI 'iI ;\ll t't' \\ ttll {--:('('li tHl 17-:t, 1 ~ .. 1. 17- In , 1 7·~, (lIll1 1'j .. 5n. II I;I ' fH
\\ ~ U':' '' Un t( ' M .\ "f'\- lillti t'(l n nd 1)( II'rul l nt!11 h) 'I'll.., 1., Imr to't' ,lt I')f I tl l1:-. ll"itll l~tqu'I ( Jn" n .. lI(nh lt ~ l
l il t ,
'I'h l , 7 bt 1t11llu a l ' .,lI e l \r- ,\lcKay pklll lI a ~ h(' It! at th eil' pien;" I ': I'llund , O il I H~ t :-;nl ul'<l ay. Th !, j rit , t pi 'nie \\ a ~ held ill 18 116, 'L'V' l'lll ml· ndw l'. wh o !trill 1I 0 t altC'lld I,d III r ill(' \\,' 1' IHe~ nt, !';atunlny. 1'1hI ' t ' ill Iu d., ,, Mr, lIllll l\!1'~, Mel'J til Isle y :I n I tkll't' I' (' hil. ln 'n , \\ htl 1 \\' 1' 1' (' Jln~~I IlJ.." thr ough \-\' il l11 inj!' t flll 1 0 11 t hl' l • r etul'n tu 'I'ul'k (' v wl1('l'(' till' )' lIl " !l-l i-~ion:\ l·j "". ~ I ;":' " mnl' t'~ \\' (' II " KIl n~ " ~ . WI) ' th l' l'l' fo r l ht' lil,~ t lim t· in f orty -clll' Y l';" ~. 1\1 >l Il Y ill tl l('~tin)l k e(' Jl~:t ke,- a ll d <II U~ .. n ll ~, U ~ I\eli a ~ piI'\ UI'l'> t uk~ n at tht, l'e uniOn , incll t 8;', I\l' n ' un dis p !;I)·. Family lr l'C~ o f b lll h
\''' i tltl l: I fO~t ll lt ' nt !!U rl.; I{on.ilw : vlllln ld t'. 1.1 -1I~ ( h 17,HI 7 '!~t ' ft . c,r ~ .!!:! n,U 1-!!-I lul1 a l l II c 'n~ t ..•.... S 7 7tUO f.,.~ ~ 'pU I r ;le °t tt) ll c (' hlll p1 f' l ft wilh Ihh l)- I' I,,, 1;1:, ) I",.k l n~ do y s, ·rh t· wtUltll t/ l l l \\ a~ , · t t .(, ),aict t 1111 La 1",r It!n p!t., r t'(1 lin lhls ("o ntra_t hu ll I", in a ('\'tlrfla n j ·.· '\ Ith 1h "" ,'1" tI.11<' of I'r'" ailing H 0\" 1
~D;;0;L;;L;A5Ri;~;A;u;:;uS;:;t F ; ; ~ 5 d a ; a ; : ; d ; ~ ; n l ; d ; s ; a ; t 5 u ; r ; d ; a ; y ~ 1 t; ~ ~, ~ !f:' ~ ;'~;~' ~ 1 i WILMINGTON , OHIO
V arelmann's Inc.
Motor Sales
OntheseRe(~onditioned Used
Blue Seal Triple Checked Used Cars and Trucks_
l U I' ( " " \{' I l" t. '
Save Dollars $$$
111 West Sug,a rtree St. Phone 2352 WILl\r1INGTON. OHIO
{)Il .\II :!lIsl l<!:!, H ". III:, II,dl "Cril l Ihr ,"''''Id Tnll..ir' pl"~lflm Il lh., lI al\(',I' 11111'" i\1. E. <:IHII h 1'h(' I' ubllc i Im'iled. '1'11'11' Bible ~ Illlllri-ftllll ii u·il l IJI! !'I .. 1III'm l"' I:' " f t b .. ( ' nll l llllllliv ~ hll\\ 11, ~uhj l' ('t_.. ( 111 1, :0 11 .1 Ih., i, ( II I)li l II ' .," ,j.. YI' d;, 1." I'l'ali o ll," p i~ I1Il ' alll ll )! I h" l i l" I, III !:l Ot. ) " '1' IIe IJ£·lug'l'" :... , IlIn l Jl '~ "~ I~ ~I II:, Y I'V 'n llll' :\ thll'd fihll, ";\01 ud l' l' n 'hti~ ~ial\ I (;I'II11<1n "1tlll y l' ~ ", t('lIs uf lh c-
(OMMU/\,11 Y
_ _ _ _ _- - -
festl·vai Proves S ' uccess - -l\'Tlt l' V( ~ ti vul iV n by thc la! i c~ .. r th ~ Ea ~l ' I'n ~lar of thi 'hllpll'I' \\IH lal g e ly iltte nel N!. They 'le'at' NI over tWI' nt y- flvt' do ll a rs, Th., LlIdi(' ~' Aid TIl ·t at tit ir
.. om nn la ~ t 'l'hut'"duy aftern oon. ~I~.
)Jora II llwk t , and 1\1 1., Mar y )lu n)!I!I' or Will1lin~ll)1l altc nd,d Ih, !lIN,t inA'. MJ' ~, Sn eli(. Rea >,o n i" ~J)l'n din l(' l( ""tal d llY S "ilh hc'!' childt'e n Ilear WH ,\' II. '~\' i ll (' . ' Mr, !Inri ~Il'.<, harles Ea. t el' en' ltaIlH '.1 wil It II fami ly d.in n cl', on Sunday, MI'. and l\Il' ~. ,1 nc J Ilck~o n and h il t/ I'I' 1l ~ 1H' nt ,' atut'day evenin g I\nd ~und a y wilh Mr, and Mrs. ,1"t' )hlvi ~ anrl ~(ln, Sevt'rHJ (ro il! hHe alt!'lIlJ'd the Willl1inltton Fait' , Im t week, Mr. !l nd Mt" , Iyde Lev icy are at Mal timwi il(', In diana, where ~fl. L(,v"icy i ~ un I 'I'~o i ng 'tr'eatIllcnl for Scillt ie Rh eumatism_ MI' ~, Laur,1 Shi rlak ~ I' entertained lluil C a n UI1l 1)(' 1' o r ladies tit canis one nighl lali t week. 1\11'. and 'M rl'. Guy an, of New Yu) k, al 't' vi~iti"g MI' . lII'r'S moth " I', 1\11 ~ , RfI ~ (, Cal'l', !\n d othcr reJativl ~ .
~II ' , Rohe rt io'rall k!' n, of Cinci nTlll t i. SI)('nt the weekend with rei ative~ here. ' Mj ~ s laulliu. Gl'ay has returned t o h ('1' home in W ellman , aCte,r ~evernl w!'l'k~ nbs L'nc,e. ' . M.I'. IIIllI !\fl s, Luwr n ('~ Jaco b "p t:' nt. ~ ullday u ith Mr . .Jaco b's par e n t~, Ml'. a nd 'Mrs. Jal11 es Jacob ~, Mrs. E, B, Dak in a nd Mrs . A nna Sti n><()11 att nd'!(1 Miami Qua rt~r Iy meeting at Caesar'. Cree k, last Saturday, MI' _ Laum Shidaker and Mr. R ogel' GI'uy were din ne t' guests- of Mr, and Ms. Charles Collju, M<i'nday eve nillg. MI'. and Mr ~ , W , P. McCarren, of Walh ond iAA, _pent the week@J]([ with MI ·~ . McCarron's mo t her Mrs. J.,au l'a hidaker, ' Mi ~ Anna Mac Von lad returned to ,pringfil'ld after eVt'I'a\ day .. NOTICE la.-I. w(' L· k with h er par nls, Mr, and Mr~ . Eldon HlUlley !,nd Mr. W , C. ~t ,J oh n ann{lUl1eCf his {unditlacy for Ttlwn ~ hip T rus- Mr. and !\fI'S, Oti s £ladley, all Califlll'nill, left, Monday, after tee for foul' yenrs tl'l'I11_ YO lll' UPPOl't ~i ll b ' apPI'ccint- :;pt. nding se vl'l'ul w~eb with rela lives and friend, ed_
and church in Tol<yo (or thl.' Foun ton Univet's ity School of Th Elo!latio .. . Anlerican frje-nd~ of J8: lo~ y, H e Wa a pa!'tc))' in Dayton, pan Url' assi ~ting in t hi s enter- Ohio. at the time of his app o inlprise. m ent as a missionary. Mr. Brum. baugh first. went ' - !- T--:--- ,.I I t h e . \.to A m&alftC ru -IY -a"'.·"'1 Javan ',n 1024, os a teachel' In tue " • . , efre prem".m 0 ff er the r_ _se t te II nott>d AOYllma GakulD, Methorll "t I m. ...an. f or. •• • rle f ti me. A L__ .....ull- -- - - - - - I BIRTH I'ifO-TICEboys' ("ollege in T okyo_ He was lafuJ d f 1 f t ' , l' . .11.0 ule a oua fill pea aD d Mr~. Vil'j!'inia RtUl'V I' and chi ldter apPOinted to commence re IgI-cl'l ..... ~ f r_ .....:.... . ....... 8114 h a. • .crlp. P e.. 1'(>11 "bit!'tl Clart'n e Menden Mr. Bnd Robert F. Me Kay OUII work among the students lD , , hall /lnr! family, ~l.dne.~dall' Tht>y fut'nH:r1y of Warrt'n County, Sapporo, one of the leading edu- tl_ at .........I.r pt'IC •• R .... til. ahm caUNI lin frlondt' 111 Morrow, nounce th birth of a .... caUonal center of the nation_ So he aD.ODac• •_t i. thia ia_. Mr. and Mr.... ~, L, Malmbt'rg Roht>rt f)aJo., 011 lucee u1 lri8 and Bobb~, l.ft. Tku y for . , live ill tJtI.IIU":"'~.!C!~ in i
t p Currpnl
Green Fire
By MYRA A. WINGATE Me lur~ N/'\\"pAp"r S),ndkat •.
TI!I' Iii t ll-;;-kl;-;:;"Unl1lll'wtl_ h('I" SUl1l la y, ,\ UI:I"t I:;. :It thl' Jlh'n~ tint ('(llIlltIY hUllI!' flf .\11'. :J1l(1 1\1 ['". _a.!;;I>' AU'OC".".. ,\I ". Dahill. \\ ILh 1i,j'ty.f"lIl' nll' lIl WAYNESVILLE CHURCH ""I's PII 'P ill. A "Ollllll(lU~ tlinl1l'\' WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH \l1I~ > (' 1 Vt'" "t til,' 11(11111 it Ultl', which OF CHRIST SlIIHIIIY: I\' a~ ('"jn~· l·d lty all. 'l'h L, ufll'l'nllCln W. '. SmiLh, Milmtel' :';ulluny ~(' h"(11 at II :;1 1l . M. \\n , ~ 1'''l1t in ~:ln1\' ., \1 ith "('fI·t·,11· Sunday: ~ l ol 'nitl~ wlJrs hi p nt 10: ,10. The IlH,' ld ... It(dll~ ~P "Vl d. Bibl" Sehno l , !I :;l O . I. 1' 111' 1'"11,, \ i!l~ \'olllllliu , ~ \\'('I'l' si rmon s Uhjll~1 will be: " ll r>Cil ncy C01l1lllunion, 10 :·\ G . M . Ill'l'.>i lltl'd rtll' ,\\I ~' lI ~ t I r" lH:IR : I, Not I·;nough." ('hi i ~ linn gntlN1I'01'. 7 :()(J P. M Ev ' n il1j!' ,,,, nit·,, ~ll :()ll o'clock. il' J'1l11l 1', ,\ l l' ~. Frunk Vnkin, 1'I'('~idrllt; Ll'" dl'r I'll' l~ndl~ nvIJl' . Wl'cln 'stillY: 1'11'1'. AIr(> Ilakill, 'l' n'l1SUI'('I' ; l\1J-s. Bnwl'll!'. Bilrlio hour lind 1)I'lIYI' I' nl(,,,1 in~ I""" ,\1111 f()l'd, SCCI'l'lu I'y. l'I' NI(' hing, 7 :,11) J'. M. 1':lItl' l ta in nll' lll '()l1llllitlc' l' : Ml'''. III 7:tii 1'. M. W ('tlrl e<!lIIY: G. . llibcl't, I' I1~ t M [['im \V akl · II· ~·, 1\li ~~ .Iida Dukin , Bib l., . tully. 'I :·15 l'. 1\1. !l1t ~. ,\,1 ilu Ikal, -'1!'s . (; l'o rg(' DnFERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST Will ,q utly lire 2,lt h chaptel I r kin, ~1 1'~. l ~rnC' ~ t ix()n. A(' ~. W. . ~ll1illl, MlnislC'I' The fnllowillj.( \\ ere pl'el'('nt: TO REPORT CONSER SUl\llny: 1\11': Ilnd Mrs. Alw Dakin; Mr. Hlhl . Scl1ll0l, !) ::lO A. !'It. VATION CAMP tIIld 1\11',. t; t'll!').!'\' W. Ull kin; M I·F. S I mOil, 11:00 A. M. " nd ;II I'.. I~, 111',.1 Dakin; Ll'roy , . h . I til" , . ' Sl' lmnll Hl bJ cl. "l' II ~ l nllt , On Farm N ight Rad io "~Olr.n. L hu lil'R, )( "1,, I't, lind ,h-un I h,k,n; I t" of WOSU , Monday, AUju.t 23 'I I . .' }', I al nl.1 lind Ru ~· t·1I J)ukln , lind 'I' I Dial 570 Kc . ue ~ , ay: La'" ('ne"; 1\1 I ~' 1\1 11 1'),( 111" ,t Me I'C'RJI 'I) II e ~ t 1I1 IY nnt I CIlOIl' " Ill'"ell' ce, .00 1\1l1~ic by ruwf rrl oun· 1')'; .\1,'. Wlll lt' l Ih,kln, I~rla and H :Ut) P. 11'\' ty OIdel' Youth :1'0\1)1 - 11\ l'hllrg'J
WNU s"r.lce.
sto r ~.
lis \\'orn, sun· browned stoop, whereon 'be scorrC'd benches Invited re· po e and confidence, was .descrted HIV for thl' propri~tor, Wiswell \VhiltaKer..ln \'i1l:lge ollmenclalurc, Wlll~.
Fur up th <- Itlkc rO(1d n solitary app eal'f'd, strolling loward the Itore. "Sho, now l " mllrmured Whiz with I, (Isfllelion, "h'llevc It's the doctor. Bo hr's here!" They greeted e a th other witi, ~U Jc t pl c~su r(' and s« t together n D b nrh, two ta ll. iron·groy mC'n. ron UI'III'IIlI't' the stamp of the Ci ty, Ihe "Ulcr JlI t as plainly a country· '\)dn. Dl)lh fa ces were kc('n lind whimsica l, will! on under lyi ng ns· f I r an<'c of slrf'llgth and ch~r ac ter. The doc tor leaned back, hands I'lasped about on(> knee. " How' s trade, Whiz?" he asked ~lnn
r·omfortllbly. " Growin' considerable, doc. Bc· 'w een the summer sporls and the ,i nler sports, I've had to branch vut n bit. Needed help, so 1 took in a pal'tn r-y"ung Ned Haskell. Hnd u litlle money to invest and had La stay here 'count ot his dad's health. Uk' Iy lad and a big help. [ was nopln' he'd marry and settle ,Iown here, but th ings may not go Ilccordln' to my ruthers." "Fly In Ule ointment?" asked the dootor. " H ·m-m I" Ddmitted Whiz. "My ('hoice would've been Molly Brown. Know this millionaire tooth -paste man, Holt 'l Gol a fine c'o tlage lin the econd Joke. His daughter's kind 0' j:lcmoc rll tic." "MI s 1-10 It the' fly?" ask ed the doctor, picking up the, plump sl <1l'Ctilt lind cradJing her in boih 0 rms. "Yl1u're a g Illline Yankee. doc," drawlod Whiz with a dI sarming gl·m. "You 're idea 0' conv r s alioll is ask· _J1' questiorls." , "Go on with your glnry, " roturn l' d the doclor. C(lmposcdly. "'fhnt snme : Ifss Molly Drown [s drawing ncar I her tLllher's lIncil'nl flivver. You'll ;, I\' C Just about time to finish before ~ Ie wllnts her mail." "Ned ' s e::lsy to loolc nt ." snicl Wh i? ... r1ecllvl'lv. "Th ey m a k~ a haml· ,'''I nc c,nlple. [ don'l deny . Dut, cal's ' OOl! N~rl' a wMk ln' m'ln ." "The Leo1' Vel'e de V'I' e wQ lflr:\ 'hr.-.ll ~ C""1lll',v heart, for pasti",l'. .. . . • "~ • " s 1>1 tOIl n'," eOUlItl nted lh ,
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~own the 'r~~d lake. ' ;~s-i~k1n' the lady \0 some sort 0', functlon tonight." •'Speaking ot the ea t' s foot," aald the doctor, irrelevantly. "did you ever noHee the cat's eyes? Get the right a ngJe on them and they are full of green tire." The two cars reaohed the store, and WIl lz, u nfolding h is lean, POWN'ful body, went in to give Molly her mall. The d octor rose to meet Molly. who stopped with the ready courtesy 'So pleasing In the young. Neq hurried out, followed by the .senior partner, ruffling his thick. grayi.ng hnlr, as was his habit when perplexed. "Ned, could you take th is order 01 groceries down along to Camp Wetuck it? [t' s on your road, and I've had to send Hank in the flivver up to tlie lake." The atmosphere about the couPe became electrical. Miss Holt looked dstinctly haughty and forbidding. Whiz. looked as bland as a spring lamb. Ned, troubled and reluctant, but unwilling to refuse, took the basket. "Heally; Ned," said the lady with a Iigb t laugh, " I cannot be carried about wilh th e groceries. " Molly Brown, coming out 01 th~ 5to~e with her packages, saw the Ii t tle comedy, " Let me ta ke thot for you. Ned," she offered quickly. "I have to go io to the camps anyway, on .ome business for fathe r." Whiz Qnd the doctor, left alone on' the steps, sat for B time without spenking. The di alogue in the car, it they could have listened in, would ba ve sounded something like this: "You were just pretending to be a iri ' nd. Y ou knew what my business y.ra s. " "Don 't be ridiculous, Ned, I iliought you wl're a partner. " "A partne r in a country store does everything," said Ned stiffly. "I'm not :.lshamed ot it." "Save the heroiCS for M I II II Brown," answered the girl mocking. ly. "I saw she was anxious to make an lmpression." ' 'She WIlS not," furiously. "Molly Is alwoys like that-just kind ond friendly. She doesn't have to make an impreSSion on me. I've always known her." A long r:llomcn l or 's ilence In the c ar. " You are r::lther a dea r, Ncd." he s~i d at las t, compelled reluctantly to recognize the essential worth uf the hId. "Perbaps you ore rlJ;bt. I'm surry." , The d odor ' I)oke d up at the sky Alld whlst:cd softly. Preser,tJy he s.dci: " To .borrow an expression of your own, Whiz, why in tu.nket did you do it?" ,,' II)" dnr." prot.-stl'd Whi2. "You \\'[\$ th l' one thnt JlO\IIted out to me 1.,1 \10 Ull're Will 81 ay. gret'n Ore in I he c: t'. eye. AI 70U aut the right •• .".. GO 1IaetA."
Meetinos b
and Lodge
vrnlng upon the tiny EARl.y \'illnge. The grocery with
-- -
'ON 4.H
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I ~Hcnry Ford who coll' bralcl'I h i
Sl'\'lIlIY·('llirth ulllhd ...v l.1y l>n' ;rking groLlI1~ (nr lhe Ill'\\' DcorbornVot./ Jlul'I'Y; .\11'. "ntl Ir .. 11'1'111 M~I -I A" il \\ ;I~ J .. ,us ClI sll1 tll lu ~n in. ,,( Mi ss L u('i1 s mi t h, Home Demerlln~ ho pila l at Delr oit {,lr \\'hkh he d(,nollcd 11 au '1('1'(, $1,1. :(" "'.al' mem~rJ;)o/ des lgnl'cI by Ju~n. Rus ,ell P ope I (Oltl 111101 H II> "~lIIry all~l Ju 'bl!; tn thl' :<Ylluj('ugU(' Ul1l111 the SllU- nn ~ tl'l)tinn Ag,'n t , Bu cyrus. and buJ1t by the Un i t(>d Stott'S t!.ovl'rnmC'n l In mC'lTI"rl' ,·f 1\1111'1'1('" s dC'ncl III lhe WOI'Ie! wa r \""ch \\as d edi., alld MI·~ . l'.I·n ,- t Ixon . Mr. I I)) 1"[ tor to n 8:20 This '1'1':11" Junior ::;tal ~ coted r eC Cl;Uy by G.' n . J~hn j . PL'r<hiJ'f' at l\Tnnlf,111 CI -", Fr.me". 3 Kwg CM'ol ot Rumanr n, "ho wns a I'e· and irs. 111 0 Ul'll l anti J (lyee E. )Ilt 1 ay, lW l~t' I· IM 11 nUl ,1I l' U S I . ' n ,t . Lo Il'O u r t) 10 AII·t ~ lOll l' on Fuir W. H. Palmcl', cent visitor in Londoll, sho\\n walk1llH alJlllg 11:"l1l :tICL . IlIlnl': M,' . ,Ind MI. '. Puul A rm· h l I D ., n t E' .01" ~ uy. !::i llite ,I. H luI.! I<llide r. stl"ll llg and I.>ev l'ly nn; 1,'. and ___ _
CL~S,SH'lkFI 1I1l( EDI'
8:;)0 Mu sil' :!3 r, Lnpl W ee k's 4-U <..'l F'nther N('wton, PIl OItOI' v!lUu n '1I1I1JJ n l!JJort by Camp Mn.."-~ at Rt. Augu~tin e Chu r ch U()l ~!ltCii and If . W. Ha I's hlie l ei, v(,ry Sunday lllornillll'. R:t. Hlnt '1-1\ lllb Le nd .. I·. --- - :50 Id and selu l Fri nds FRIENDS MEETING Among the Pines - 11. E. Eo wine, Fir"t )Iny <'11001 at 0:30 . M. i l,pling' for wOI'~hi l) al 10:;10 Naturalist. tl :00 1u ic A. M, !l-: lO Wh n You ome t o 5 t·", U _ " ~_-'I'........-lit...._a. ... - - - ...... " ,.' LOCAL Fail' - M iSl! Th Ima Beall, Exten) Management p cialj\[r~, My l ' Hyman and Ron , Rob- ~ion H om e1.'t, l\lr~, Ballard Wallllce and isl , . U :20 Mu sic moth!!!', Mrs. Buchana n, of Morrow 9 :3 0 P oultry P ointers - C: M. Ohio, and M t·,. AI P o li ~ ky, of inPRICES FOR QUICK CLEANER and Mrs. Elvi Mkl:lael and beel cinnuti hio hl\vt' relurlIt'u alt r Fergu son, Extension Poul b. .' PMl'n'l\ Whit(, Plnnn,'j. 5 (1, el'S spe nt, unday 't. ,,,jth MI'. e"ei ' a wonderful vllcntlon. While nw uy cia li.."t. !)~40 t o 10 Music and Farm M .. n'~ Siock rs. Forrest H oblit and fs.m- our they visited Nin~nrn Falls, Toronto, llnadn, and uillo vi ~it d th e News Rl' ports. LHdie~' Plain DI'1!81 l'il LatliL'. Hn( ~ 1'1 Fa 1.11 llP nt sevcral day. stoc (j1'~ lIt ),ak c!l EXIJO sition, nt leveFreel y -;;' -ab.olutely fr_1 A gift that will live • .,rYieel evepY' Kntll1'yn l\'l(mdcnlullI, ll!!k with hCI' niece, n at' Fel·. land, Ohio. o has been seriously ill, but BnCl. MI !!.~ 1\fiIdreu Hartl o('k, or Mil- day io the year. YOIl'/l be d.,liptF OR SALE ! - Bnllllt't t p('nl'~ fo \' mueh b tter, the ford, who ha. be n t achi~ in - eel. R".d the laqre annollneem&n Canning. In quir£' of li nn . and Mrs, Willia m Tale, and ~umlllCI' Achool at 'Lynchb ul'g 01 i" u e of fountain pen _ .. ,'attcl'th~\ait l!, Route 7:J, th'R Robel't, of B ellbrook, spent , to r le~e, Lyn chbul'g, Virginia, . r ent In I. hOUR£, beyond Millll1 i Clll .. n y WI-th. M 1', an d M rs.. P A:.'. - I Ihe W I'k-entl wi th 1\11'8. Edith lIal'- p t.llc;) sct the M.ami Gazette is te l'y, 2.26 full, !'is and family. S he ,. turn to lI ivi n r away for a abort time• -- T U:tl"h~l'{n 'V ..I . .... __ t" ..... Lyn 'hLurg in Sl'ptcmber urm will Miss n-;th Onp.,';;; h-as b- n vi FOR SALE : - ::;Ix good dining, 1\1,.$_ llow n7u-,va il 'lI of Lnv'- Ir e 11 ml'mbel' uf t he CIICUlty lit room chllil'. , Irll. J. B. hop l"n at the John P. Fromm horne :An excluslVe pose of J ohn Jacob Astor and his two·yea r ·old son, lanu vi ~ it('t l on \luy last w(>ck Lyn ehbu\'g College t his coming I 1 m:;!l1. 1 ic William Henry Astor. as they Ilppl'11red In com·m une. o n the steps of year. during til \\ ith M r~. J , P. Lal'l'ick, . " Chetwode," their s\tmmer home al New port. R 1. Willi am Hen ry re· cently celebrated his sec ond birthday with hi s dad an d mother, the fo r· mer Ellen Tuck FrenCh.
Famou Falh r anel Two- Y I'-Old Son
ATDS II .1 Ml',... Glenn Dnkin !l1l11 J ichul'tl LOST : - l ) an Cl unu, ' Iintun 'Oull t)1 tag, O. A ,I \\'n l lC' I'; ~II" anti 1\1 1·~ . har) e. 1 !'til ll'; ~11-. lind Ml'x. Ji'rnnk Dakin ()llill. ~lrnwn, ' llyn ~v ill (' , Hf'\\'unl. J lp. 111\(1 BellY ,l ea n, Gt'l'aJdinf', Dol'ot by, Billy, :Inti H('I'\)eJ!.t; l\fl'~ , III'! FO R S ALE OR l'RADE : - 40 Drrk in nnd , Ed ",IIe1 a nd Dill e ; Mr. !lr l'{<~ o f lan.1 in :antn RO,;!1 ,,"d MI',"" 1I11l'ul" LuUrell nnd Jun . ('o unty, l"lodlln . ~t l'()\lSI' Rl' o, l't I~r\' . He X('nia; 1I1t·~. Tim Wnkct h('l'~, \\' uYI1('",villl' , R . It. ::! Ir a l\(I HichUl d Jlnti Rob I't, or Olpt . ~ nifl; lIrl"<. Hwlh lI onk!l Hnu Mi l!~ 1':II " 1l Int'Y; MI', nml Mrs. Mel. I FOR ~ALE:- A pa ir o f ni 'e Ror- lr 'nil' Ill' • mith nnt! Mclbn. I' e) colt.... n rly lwo year_ ol cl . r..;~~~~~~~~7="-:L:'T-om\' aft r ~ pcnding the prt W . A .• urfncC', R. H. 2, ] mil" 'eek \\ 'Ith I'll Intivcs in i n- ly w .!<t o( Lytl~. 2-10 I' the
7;r ca.
Knute Ro kn , Jr., to Enler
. .1.
Now We have added ~ our name to the 4.6,~OO dealers in the"United States, Canada and Foreig• .Countries.
rr.hi:s 'is the 'first time Texaco Fire Chief Gas~line
has·been sold in this community.
TEXACO Fire Chief Gasoline TEXA'C O Ethyl Gasoline New Texaco Motor Oil - Ravollne .
NEVER before such splendid agriculture, horticulture and livestock exhi bits, such thrilling entertainment. See tho big Junior Feirl Enjoy the Grend Circuit Harness Races, Night , Horse Show and Grandstllnd Hippodrome Show lind Rodeo. Milke Fair time vacation time l
Motor 011,
.Lightnlng Action at
Jerry's TexacoStation EARL Ii. HANEFELD. Director
W. W. ELLENWOOD, Man_vel
Earl Conner, Manager It ayne8ville, Ohio
Read Our New Subscrip ·on ·O ffer
- -----------------------------------r, •
'iltl Lif(· lIunt
I • II nd ~1111 ~.. "
Th" \ 111t1:"1l' ,. rlllll'l~ h:1\(' moY'. .1 f"1111 tl1l' .1. fl. t '11.1 \I 11g-llt hOI1(1t! LI Itl llu_ h I f. ' ; I~ in I t 11-1,,:•• " \ 111111 ~"" ,II I •. 1 It .I h' 1.• 11 atld MI' alld h.1I I Jlilll 1111 ,I 111 I; 1111 ,fllllll'! .\. Ivill 1:lIl lIhul'l all'· Jlik·" t he III I /'11' I· "., I ,II ,. :I1ld \I I, III ~liLl 1i,,11 11 :1 ... ' ,Ifld " 11 • • \ Jolln \ 10 '(,<lJl It·) I'f IItlll'll, h.·ld at :-i IHin~ \, ,"1. r. 1:1,,' :-; 1111 .I n), . \ . 'I' • l "r Ila ~·I .. n. .\ [ .. . i·:II,,·[ Il awk, Mr allli fr~ . \01 .1111 ;\1 11,01 all" r!l,,"ly ~"JI' " IlfI",lei WtlliuJ1l'i1l1 lind ('hi l,]r ' n I; I:, 1\,' .1 11"1'1'1 " •• Ind iana. 'It .t' [lnyt "II, Ohl", ]\Jr. :'llIct J\11'~. n. [\I'o"n Idlll hav" n'tul'ln,t! frolll :\11. :11101 \l J • '/' 11 H. il I1l1erld h"il' ('"n;lt/itlll t lip, ~ JlI ' nt Sun<lllY I Ii th" r: I,'11 1(, It, I II. Slllldny It th" h"l1l1 .1' ~tt'. (Inri .MI·~, H . . \lI,, !, I 1:.1,1.1 It Iii, i"'IIII'"'' 1'1,"1 ( 'I.;i\ .•. !.I"" \\'11111111"'\011 II. WilJialll~.,n. :viI'. and Mr. . J. O. ""UII n will I'I'l \11'1) to J lny lClo t o , (II If'. '/ lilli ~ 11 ltJl'i,· "UI'fII ilill hrfftrt' M ... Il.'! WI! Ii :ll l'IllIh J \ I It dig ,.. ·111- BrQII n luke.' up h il'! >lc h l'l.,f wOI'k 'tl l '\',' ,It Ilnl11 ih"II. Ilhi" here. , \ I.·t ', 1 f. "til ~1 1 1·:\ (I 1.(11)( ft·. and 'M I·~. A \lId l('uvc l' / 11.1111111101 101 (f/llli n :ddHnd ( '" Iil'nrn clt'{J I'(' Ml',~. 11i1l'1.,~ Il eLl find !itt! I ia to h," ,i. 1'1', ~IJ · It II. \\'il- " ; \lI~htl'J' tu 111'1' 11IIrt1(, in Tndian1illln'·"II. 'a~" -'"I, IIlId 'II . lIam . pon" Fri(iay, and I' 'mai n d ovel' ml'n,1 fll\, \\\·11 "nd I fl,ll.yill)," th' until Runtia,'. J','''' in h\, ,Ili lln ll (;a~,"'II·. ;\J J"~I'5 Huth a'nd Elizab'th BIITll It
Drive Safely-Get COOPERATIVE PROTECTION Automol, i l nreiuenl R nI cOIlUY. _ No dri ver ('a n n fford 10 11' witho u t in urnn cc-Illld the lIC'f04 t )Jlne'c' In .. htain it iB f rom yo u r own compan . I n sllrl' Cunperat iv('ly- at the conom· it'u I l ea rill Bul'l'u 11 r:l t I'~. LI' l u s {'a ll unci exp ai n tltl' fIItl lt y nl l vnn l ngml.
Ravmond Braddock "lavnesville Ohio ~
J3ronz~d George Va nderbilt, twcnt y-th rcc-ycnr·old socialite, pi 'lured "boDrd his ynclll, )'(!S!:idll, on his returo fr om a 20.000 - mil~, Slx' I1)Onlh crUJse ill the Sou th Seas during which he gathered !1bou( 20,000 wltel · lite specimens tor the Phila delphifl Academy ot Natural Sci('ricC'. enl'j.~e Is show n with Tag.Alon g, the tortuise.mascot he picked UD on the G "I,,· pagus isla nds.
Governor pavey , Extends P,erson,al Invitation To Ohio State Fair
,U 'l l U ' I': 11' 0 ( '0, ', ' 1( \.4 "J ' OI( .. . ,' \ "' 1,: • II-' III':!' \1 1"" " ': \,1' ' 11" 1111,11\\ \ , Ii! •• ~h'lIIhu,.;. Clli lc.
Irr J.. I"~ ,;!II :"~t : ;.:~II: ' : ;~':"~IC ~t::'I:~ 1_:':~ ' :-:. alt 01 -p r""o rll:-o \\ III t'L' 1"'" ht,tl It
Ii-II.' III', 'IfJIll ..... l il' ,1;111'
• •
OLD HOUSES, as well as NEW may have recreation room:;;. Iu~t because most of the b asement recreation and game rooms w h ich you have soon have he en in NEW HOUSES _ . . it does not follow tha i they cannol as easily be installed in, the hasement of 'Your present home. By finishing the basement a new room is a dded to your house at no great cost ••• an intereating room in w hich to entertain • • • work ... or for the childron to play. INVESTIGATE.. w e 'l h elp you detennin8 the possibilities fo r m ra pleasant living in · your home. \Vc'1I ridly make es timates for you WITHOUT CO:5T on OBLIGATION CALL TODAY.
To b e Ui'!ed in ndv r t i!1i nll' hur 'h, L odge. AO ia ls or sa les with 110 co t t o o l'ga n izati ()lJ I'>. Just phon e yo ur a Iver t isl' Jnont to t hi , office a nd say "Insert this arl in " ap .. Spa f or ., . . ....... . ... organi z ati ~ll."
After Harvest FEED ,BARGAINS Cracked Corn (Steel Cut and Graded) per )00 tbs. ........ $2.35 .. Leas Quantities per Ib ... 2 ~~ cta. E,c prices are hi.hest in the Fall !leason. Feed your p~lleta for early production Waynesville' Laying Mash per 100, $2.50 Growinc Mash per 100, $2.50 PiC feed price has been $2.50 -
Now priced at $2.10
Econa.ny 18 per cent
$1.65 W.yae.wme D.iry no filler per 100 -:- $1.90 (Stale Anal~.i. Show. 17 - 18 per ceftt protein) FI~ Spra~
per 100 -
(Bria. your can). Gallon....
.\ t
..II' "
'lIl' n.Jin~
w('l'k in DRY-
ONCE AGAINYour Ann~Ql Opportunity 10 Get .I
tor hll·
Phone 14
w. H. Madden & Co. WAYNESVILLE,
(. pl'cial ) - F.xhib- come to Clllumlms ror tho S7th en· ;\10 ils at th(' Ohio Stall' Fnir in>pil e p o~ ition. AU,,(I~t 28th_S~pt:em ~ 3 prfl\ \'111' Ill :- Ill. "Each y~ar. the OhIo Slut . Pai' the citibens o( Ohio to I(l'later " ' I l l / t t l ("lInll.\ ,.1111), fill I I:lI'l uf ':.'1 t lU ll 1,1 I It 11111), ~,,'Ilun It aull parl a chicl'e ll1('nt•• says C O\ rnor ~la r· hri ngs tu the Jl "ple of t11i ~ . Ita t ,I" ;-';'·L' tl lI lI " III Ih,· 11 ; 1)lnn - t ,phl\n~ a d I'lIlllnlic prcscntntit'lD uf PP()HI l:U:I,I, S . II ~II . 1,1. Still., 1:IIIIItt ~I'C:S ant! llchicv(,n1cnl," So.'I YI the \Ii 1>', III TIII·tlt·(,I , ~,, ' k I-Inrl (, 1('fl l' (J o\'(' l'I1<.r. " It has Iltlrncd the Inc· ....:,.·\{: 'J'11 \\ n ~hl pP4 , "v ~I': .dlll g. I\.l1cl I', RIU'f:H'l llg; willi ,' old .. ,ni x(·d. C'lJlfl"iabl!! rCllutatioll 'it b('ir..t ooe of lu l d tar f':nn('lt\tl' t h· fin e·t agricultural "1<1 indui \\ j,lth: I':u' , Il"'Ill !!\ I Ct ; Hou llw f\.r \. ~ II 1:1 1. 1... t rilll cXJl o~ iti n~ in th e .\'f4l I'ill. 1,.·"~lh J'7,1I1'j :! ~l ft . t';l l' :l.~:?S luilf'J; "Th \luRnlld~ of Ohi oll ils I\lIl1ua lly J:~LlII'\:H,',l f 'uNt •...•.• $77,9(,:; ,h!1 ,'unlr[\('l t l. t iC ('o ulpl f' tt ,I wilhin \'isit th e Stnto Fail'. TIII: Y meet lliII'O-fl\'t' t:~:'i) \\( t,kbIK r1nrs. in a gr('at !\ocinl It llth el'ill~ t o vio w 'rJw IHlnUll tl ll1 wn~l I n l ' (l pu.la tit 1111 L111I,,' dnl'ln~(d lin Ihl!:J ('o rHrH f':t the. lale's 1I1te ~t. dcvelOPll1cllt~ ill -hull II .. , In nl.'('llrdn fl4" · With th41 o).tl'i l·ultul'c, inrlu;;tI'Y. CHIIII1I. I ',II, " ~I·htltllllt.' Of I 'r'~\tai lln~ IJ fltlrl\' \\ HI.:..' I:Hb · ~ .\, (· t~·' lahH · ., 1 Ilnll fl. ·c<lUI':· 1ion a nd art. ft is [nlln tkb I , r' ndni,d b) TIlL' J)t"';Artn,,: ul f) e 1 " t::l" : i~Jllay tha t ou r itizcn~ l ""~II'I/Il 11,·l alloll" npllt-lIll l " to ";1 n I (' I "~h way H l' I&."lllh- lll J tnpro\'(' d'NI t o grcn tel' a ccolll (ILl. b Uh\llt, In IH'{'OffIU IH '" \\ fth ~,-,("t fll1R f ,.I' nt. 1';-3, 17-1, Ij ... 111, 1':'-:; an() l i-3a it t til'· 1':. ·tll ' I':I1 ('",II' ()f 1))110 ." "It is fitting that we cOflllllf'oll '1'1.,· hl<lll.·,· m ll~ 1 ""l1 l11 lt with 1118 th e mnny persons, who hav e hid n I f"rUfh·d c' lwl Ie in ~~ (\tlH)l1 lll work d hal'd to ma kt' the 11131 " ' l u,L! to rh'l 1,(' 1' ""lit o f the I'R lln1 ,.. t ", 1 t'(It4l, hut til II () f"'(" tlt nlU1~U t hnn Slate F air th e grent~st in his tory . \('1' I t\lnl~ltlHl (loll u.~, Th ey hal" pH/armed tin ,oul. tund· plnH .... an d H}l . 'dfi('Hllons art.> Oil r, I, ' in th, ' f)t·partu\t ·,il fir hhoiln\';I~"3 ing public service to the peoplo of lind thi' orrke tlf th, ~ l' 18ldf..' tlt l1isth is state. t "i,l .-1 1'1' II t v fill' (' lUI'. Ttl" dlt· ..·l·'{)f· n~,", t r \ { ' s l'" ri ght to " As Governor of Oh io, it is n '·j'J,· .. l an)' oui.J a ll l, hls pleasure to e.xlend a co rdial 1\'1'eot· .Jnli n I n. h~ 1" , Jr, . Rtll j (' IIi "h II al' I it'.'NOJ ing and hearty welcome t u those IIttending, th e Stnte Fair thi s' yoa r . G ' ERNOR MART I L. D AVE Y Ms'y this h i~t\)ric exposition cuntinu e t o play its !lJ'ominent pllrt tit ,. D:lI'cy in ext cHI li ng lin invi- in the d evel("' lIIent of a great.er I to the people of Ohio t.'> Oh jo .'~ ta '('lllll
!If Ihl' :--\lhl l Jfi",dIW}I)" III ",1111 1))1,11"-. Ola lll, \# .\1., J';lIt'1lt'l n
p',lttl ".
Tilt ,II .. ,. ,\1(1:11
n. ( ' aJt\\'l'I ~hl
, -----
;\li <" L('adn W ('rnlr..inlJaylo",
;\1 .. - .. J.
Harold Dahl, t\~~'llty·eight·ycnr·o ld American flier now in a Spani~h In surgent , jail. whose wiCr. trom Ch ampaign. Ill.. ha cnlist(1d the help of lhe Uni tC'd S\:ltC'S eml)assy in P aris to sC'cul'e his f l' ('drlm. Dahl, flying a pur suit pintle 1M !.he Spanish govC'rnmcnt. w~s fore d to bllil out wh n hi s ship \\'a5 [.ltocked by insurg nl aircr:lf!.
1937 ChrY$ler Coupe 1937 Chevrolet T. Sedan (Lots of extras) 1937 Mst. T. Sed. (Radio) 1937 Chev. DeLuxe ·Sed. 1937 Chev. Spt. Sedan 1937 Olds T. Coupe 1937 Old. "8" T . Sedan (Automatic Gear Shift Dem.) 1936 Chev. Town Sedan 1936 Chrysler Sed. (Tr.) 1936 Chev. Spt. Sedan 1936 Chevrolet Coupe 1936 Ford Sedan 193.6 Plymouth Sedan 1936 Chevrolet Spt. Sed. 1935 Ford Sedan 1935 Ford Coupe 1935 Chevrolet Sedan 1935 Chevrolet Coupe 1935 Chevrolet T. Sedan 1935 Chevrolet Spt. Sed. 1934 Chevrolet Sedan 1934 Chevrolet Coupe 1934 Ford Coupe 1934 Ford Sedan 1934 Chevrolet T. Sedan 1933 Chevrolet Coach 1933 Chevrolet Coupe 1933 Chevrolet Sedan 1932 Chevrolet Coupe 1932 Chevrolet Sedan 1931 Chevrolet Coach 1931 Chevrolet Coupe 1931 Studebaker Sedan 1931 Buick Sedan 1932 School Bua 1930 Chevrolet Coupe 1930 Chevrolet Coach 1933 Chevrolet Truck Cattl. Rack. 1931 Chew. C...... a C.b 1935 Pick Up Truck
Freel Kahn
Y ES, Fr
this fa mous, gen rous nnnUIIJ cITeI' (>f Coal (500 to 2000 pounJs)" wid, th\! g nu;nc ~~ \;. 1 0: \I "ut rola. H ere's all you do: it·s h ere again -
Select you r Helltrola now, make t a s ma ll depo s it, pay no t/ling m o r e until the H eB troJIJ j- insttr lled 'yO U say -when ). Th en ta rt plly ing J f convenient monthly installm ents. III
..... l'member. the re's no other ofl'~ r to .·ompa re w ith this, b~cause no o l \c r "tIlit r ca n compare w ilh the gt>n\1inc ~'lt a t e H eatrolll - the ori p-inal cal,j n t ·~ate r.
B autiful, mod rn.
QIl-l~ O('ce
eight m odels to hoose . ' ('1m. J ointl ess ash box. Es wlloy " "ll!1le-li fe fire pot. ed-a- e ver fo'~e d : l..,or And the woNlcrfullnten 1-1, ;re '1111 cabin ts -
H outrola's famous, cr.·: 1u-
fea ture t ha t t urns .."oslo inlo .:'1f1nth, cuts fuel bills ~.:i to ~(j ~c.
"Ol"oendlnl: '-' ... t.JI1 t h ~ I · c! (HL.t :, .I I t U 1,," d I.u(li _.... UII;1 1",I"',
Mr. Dnel Mrs. J oe Tinney, Mr. und /li n;. Leon ar.d Tin ney. and Mr. l\ful'I'l'1 Tinne y . pent last Fl'itluy in incinnati, with MI' . F:\sw orl h Tinn y, wh o b ('onfiner! t o Sl. Rli7.l\he th JToRp ital.
Now, ..." t .... ·
h ":avy. ribb d fir e 1' 0\, liD": . of r: .I.>.l1oy (nl cko l oh,o\l\: '11\ aU",.. M o re tI ' an d cd t i t... Ufo oi Les't cas t .. Jto n 111111: 1, ... t .....
l \..s,.;~:_-_\..::.J_. . . Osborn, of L 'ban on, ., l: RN S WASTE INTO WAR rICTH ! ' I ]'fA h . i. vi s ili~ hn $istel'. Ml'f1. Maggi!' -;I f" ,n,,'",' n pit' '' r ( lpft} altnws w4nr~ t h . I 1\1 ". ~nl " a .s .. ' ('rm a n :r'mn e,Y I Wh etzel. t " ~" .. Y a~~ ~p fl ,·ft 0.,, "1'1" h i' ,;'l' l . a~d ch~ ~I'()n ,'" It ~ ~~~;~I·I, .Ttnn Y!il with h er nu nts. : ': i\ .1\ ., f' . --. " " I ... t ~·n f .. • .10 "t~ ~ I St.CI·, I I!'> Kath e l'ln " I lams anc ' M A h h .. . " ". , 1" H ... U_h.': falhcl'ili L<'bunol1, on Sunday. I'.. nna ee an 1. hom!, af- l ... l " ~ I I ...,. .. "._ .... , . I t t · ~ p e nding a cou pl e of w cck~ MI', ond MI·8. Emi l B ..ow n ane ... , ~pent Sunday with Mr., vl~ l ttng at Yell oll·. Spl'ins,"S. hto, D I'II'" II'S pllI'enls, Mr. an d Mr". , and Pendleton, Tn i h:l lW. W illiam Bl'o\ n, or Ce nt el'\'ilIe, MI'~. Ruth Jann ey anti l\fis~ L uOhio. e lla ,}l(' nl Tu C' . . .day . a n d W (' tln ~'. L a r ll'e ~ Beca u.e e f Bett.. r Qua l ity .S rvice, and P ri ce Es t a bl is h e d 1849 . 1937 Ph o n e 32 . Mrs. A . E. ~tout, MI·S. C. I. clay in Cnlumbus. .atl('nh\\'aiL, w e I' ~ DQ~n'I ~_~_~ ~~~~ MI'!'.
j ) ....
.... i .. "
1,! 1/
Fairley Hardware Co
~==~: ~~
Fl'itlay. . 1, - - " = = = = = - ' - - -- -- - - - -------'=====-:..:-='''-::..--=-::..._y.-.:c....:;.~=:_:~~ Mr . J ohn Sellrs, a /' · A rca num , Ohio, ha~ uoe n ,vhdti ng hi s · sorr, W . \ • :::leuts and fam ily. O n S /l tu J'cll~y InA they vil:lit 'cl with MI' . .a n d Ml·S.! Ev el'<!tt Seal''' a nd their ~,ittl(\ son' l " b . :::.prmg 'v I" . 4' VII tnll\ " j~it, t h e S 81'S -family I'()p rcs" :-:_ go nerati o n . M, eur~, the great-gilandfathN', W . N. ears. the gra ndfat he l', Evere tt Seal's a nd hi yo ung SOil, RO!l a ld, mllking t he fou l' generat ion" . M r. Em crsOll ]<~il l'll h llrt and so n, C harIeR BUI'I'II1 , s pent t he week- . nd fi sh ing in Michi g an. ' M r . :lil t! Mrs. Sh ('ma n Tinney a n d, ch ild r en . Jacki e and A n nette. WHe Sl1turd.ay· evening ~u('sts Of' I ' MI'. n n d M l 'S. Slnnlpy Tayl or, or Da yton .
0 1'. Gal e E. Ru ' ~u m a n d family oC D ay tun wc re umlay g uclIts of Mi ~!o\ T l'il 1(' 11 II. Iln tl MIl.l'garet J.;; dW111't!S. Mi !<R Alic.c: .r ~, n e Russ um staye d ov' ,· for a fe w cl llYS vis it
-...- -
AN WE RS. J . Pa r lh e i nternational t<'n ni~ chn m pion s hip among Ill nle playI.' I·S,
2,. W imbl e n don , E1Igland. :l. tn 1937 .
4. Tcxa.s. 6. Woodl'ow Wil on, 6. Samuel L eibowitz. It i.s the desill'nation applied to the Democrat ic oraanizatlon of N ew Yo r k City. 8. Senator Royal S. Cop eland. 9. A. the leader of Tamma ny
Hall. 10. He i ehairman at publican COllllmi'~.IO.
those Heavy Summer Washes The size of tlie family washing always increases
hot summer months.
But that is no serious problem in homes which have an electric washer. Electricity
taken the drudgery out of washday, so tha t the heaviest
washes are done quickly and easily. As_ for the cost of washing electrically
a penny's worth of clec·
tricity will wash two tubfuls of clothes at present low rates.
Lf7LEhE~S l------------~------------~~----------F E M
Mr, IIIIlI 1\11-" Wal li:UlI HI'tI"k, arl' ann()unl'ing Ihl' hir(h Il f II ~l>tI III th('it' hUlilc III Lytl., Oil Thu!~-
1'h(> ULao! B ill IIlId fri"llIl~Bu <'IlJoy('d wl'inCI' l'ou~ L lit I h 1'lll'lt l,icni ground IIl'IH Hidgc,:i il(,
.Frttl a~'.
Ir •. lIn roJd Whit.akti l· an<l )II ~. Harvey BUl'nett \\ t' rr in Dnylu" , ~h"PJling nn Fridny. A largo lIUmUl'r n( IillkJ' from h re allen.!, d thl' Ralld ' nl'nivlli t Wn)-Ill' vilh' .chuul g"roun" last ThursdllY ('\'en Ill~. lItr~, Alke l'lal'k and 1\1 r,-.. Em, i1y Tbachr:! \\ ll'l l' ntll'laindl>J Lo 1l1nYlt.'r ::;ullda~' III the home luI tr. nd 1\11 Earl Burn n. Mrs. ]:;nlli1a 'mith \' ho IS ill at th home of hI l' dsughtN' in Dayton is ~light.\y improv d at this t illll'.
MI'. Dnd ~I n. Les1i(' G ray and childl'en and Mr. anc! Mr~, Ceorge Gl ay ut\('IHkd the GI'IIY I'l' union II ' \ tl}!IlC Pm'k Sunday. lJl. and Mr~, ll . E, il nthawllJ oC I Wn yncsvill e wer caller" on 'un- ! day ,>v(' ning at the horne uf Mr, and )11' .. liar ey l.Iurn l'tt. I 1\1 r. and 1\1 1'.'. Lq~ ~il Th oma ' Ilnd daughter, Betty, leH Thur~ day morning {Ol' a motor tTip to ! D tl'oit and other places of inl'r - I st. Mr.. He len Williams of L ba non i in the uffice of Lytle elev - \ tor in their ab8 n(' . Mi .8 Bet'nice Graham pent Fri day night ~jt..h her friend, MI s Ivan W ertz at Enon, Ohio. Mrs. Emma Lacy was ,a Sunday gue 't of her son, H oward and ram i1y On Route 73. fiss Mary Ev Iy n Isaacs of neal' W ay nesville spe nt tne weekend with Miss Gen eva Mae Routzahn M' l ona Titcomb and .rathe~' of Northt'idge WE're 'unday guesls DC Mi s Bernice and parents. Mr. and Mrs. Therle J ones tlnd on; Milton, in compllny \\ilh Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Nult and Mi Alma ' Nutt of enterville, visited the Zoo in Cincinn~tl on unday. Misses J eannette and Nova Jean Smith of Dayton are spendi ng this week with their grand-parents Mr. and Mrs. C. S, Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pritchard, Mr. and Mr . Riehal'd Mo ore and gand -daughters of DaytOn enjoyed a ,p icnic upper on the III n at th home 01 Mr Ilnd Mrs. J. B. Jones Sundny. Mrs. Donald Hadley and Mrs. Therle Jo~es atwnded a. handker~ chief shower for Mi s Kathleen Cl'ah am, Tuesduy a:Cternoon at the home of Mrs. Charles Doster near Harve ysbu rg. Mrs. . R. Burnett and Mrs. MtldTcd Surface and daug hter, W it rna, visited Miss Emma Cartwriiht a'n d Wessley Be nham at the (loun ty Home at Lebanon Thurs day. Mr, and Mrs. E. B. Longacre had for their guests last week, the for mer's uncle a.nd aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Charles WolfoJ.'d and cousin!), Mr. and Mrs. E. J. W olford of Va, A number o.f relatives from he ro attended the Foulks Reunion at Burnett, grove neal' Itidg'c vill e on Sunday. Mr. and Mt'R. Allen Emrick and Mr. and Mrs. Walter K enrick hea rd 'P a and MI\ McCormick ami the B r own County R evelers .at the Town Hall in Lebanon on Tu esday eve ning . Mr. and Mr. . S. H. Burn eLt a tt neda d Chautauqua S unday after noon and h o.rd S"enator Gerald P. Nye of No"th Dakota speak on "Preparedn ess of Peace," 11 r. anel l\il'.s. J. B, J 0[1 ell ef! ter taincd th e latter's s ister, Mrs. John Zimmerman of Dayton over the weeke nd. Mrs. Jones accompani ed her home and sp ent Monday. , Mrs . Margar \!t Johns entertain· ed to dinner, Sunday, Mr . Elizabeth Smith of Dayton; Paul and Vivian Johns and Linda Lou Ha.ines of near Bellbrook and Mr. and 'Mril. Alle n E,mrick. Mrs. Walter Kenrick attended th e N. N. Reunion at Lebanon Friday a nd she and Mr. Kenrick both attended the " banquet in the "ve ning at Me'm orial Hall there. Mr. I'nd Mrs. Walter Clark and Junior, in company with Mr. and ' Mrs. Ralph Lewis of near Miam is burg, were e ntertained to dinner Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Ben Sch o ulth~is (nee Lucille Lark ) ot. Dayton, K entucky. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burnet left by motor Mon(lay mOl'lling for un xte nded tou r of the West, 'l"h"y will vi~it Y ·liowsto ne Park lind a lso spend II cou ple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs, Asu Whitaker at V reda\c, Wash. Will also visit the f Orll}er's brother, Whitlet Bu r net and wile aL f:)eymouI' , Missouri on . their return tl'ip home somet,illltl in October. 4.H cLUB-METThe Just So 4-H CLub of which 1\1 n. CharIta Charltun is advisor met on AUIrUBt 16, 1!137 at the home of ba Surface. lntere"tinc
• ata of the meetilll 'A ere the ,irl Ju .. til it' artiel they had " • "b Mel their pic-
1 h ese sets are fully guaranteed. Will be replaced by the manufacturer for any defect in material or workmanship under same plan in vogue by all pen manufacturers. A guarantee slip, is included with every set.
Gazette is pleased to be ab le to offer at the beginning
of the school year thi s fine writin g e qu ip ment that will fill a daily need of every school child in this county.
For Every Writing Purpose
It's Easy
Beautiful Fountain Pen and Pencil Set
Beautiful Fountain Pen and Pencil Set
For Every GAZETTE Reader
to OBTAIN A SET ~ ub:;Cl"il
J u: t sec ure a new or ren('wn l
tio n
Thes Ret will give :atiMactory serv ic aJ'ound the hom " in th e office and for ('VC1'y writing n > d. While eape inlly timely for school rC<luil' meniR, these sets ar just as essential for ev 'l'y 1" ud e l', fol' ;\ 11 hrw gaily ll:5e forgood writing equipment.
Gaz tt at th ,regular ' uus 'l"iption price of. 1.50 per year. You will find it l'
H ' Ill'
Ha m ·
.from your parents, a
friend, Ev rybo ly, a lmost, in thi::; secti on r eads the
Gu ..:ett and will be g lad to ri ' you th eir s ub cription.,
Bring the mon y t
25th and have th e privil c~e of
Many hou 'cholds find need for a number of , sets, particularly wh n th l' a l' . v I'nl children in sc hool. Each Gazett r ead el' i given the })J"ivil g to obtain frec as many sets a d es ired, one ~ t fr with eRch $ 1.5 paid on Auuscription. You en n pay for your own RubH ription more than 011 year or pay fo,l' r Intives or fl'iend8, any'" way th~lt may appeal to you. The big pojnt is that t h~(s nrc fre e, and a8 many a s you desire can b . ecul'cd . This is most cCI'tainly an
office b for September ,Iecting yo ur choice from our
Get as Many Sets as , Desired
lllrge a ssortment of beautiful fountain pen a nd pencil sets in altl"Clctive boxes. You wil l t hen h ave fil'l';t clas::; writing equipment for you r ' chool wo rk.
Don't l\1iss This!
Opportunity of a Lifetime
THE MIAMI GAZETTE At Regular Subscription Price of $1.50 Per Year -
8 __
--===--=.-:::.=- =-- -=:--=-
Our Reasons lor Making This Big Oller Our reasons nre logical and simpl e. "Ve find at lhi s time of the year that our And so to accomplish this dual objecth'e we have decided for a short time to sub~c.ription list nee ds attentioh , W e, hn,ve discovor·o a 1m'gol: numl?er than w.e had m~\ke t,his . sensatio~a l offer a nd giye everyone in this section the opportunity to ob-
' antJ (! lpated of reade rs whoHe li ubl:!c npllOlls a l'e now pnstdue or WIll be due In t he tam thIS fme l)remlUm absolutely free. very n eal' future. I · , We a ls,o d C'i:\ir e to i!lc rease OUI" subscrip Lio n list and exlend th.~ t~rrito~y :vhich A~I? FRE~ IT I~. Th~re are . n.o strings a~iache(~. Everyone paying the regu]at we arc HerV'ltlg. W e realIze that such a l' em;lI'kable offcl' liS we are makmg WIll Insure SUbSCl"IptlOll prIce whlle thiS offer lS m effect wIlll'eceIve one of these handsome sets. ' I The opportunity ~s yours-cash in on , it. a large Humber of new subscriptions as well all r enewals.
- ------=---,::--- -----::-- -,--
This Oller Expires Saturday, Sept. zs ACT QUICK••THE TIME IS SHqRT
SEE 'T HESE BEA1[JTIFUL SETS AT ,OUR OFFICE Come In and Pick Out Your Set N(~w or Order by l\1ail, Adding Sc 'Poatage, and Set Wili Be I~ailed to Any Address . .
By the Man
anti 1Itbllt On .,
t.he 8tone Hlep:;
. . . . . . . . Wi . . . . .
Well, folk, all 1 know is what 1 write for the papcl' and 801lll' thing~ 1 won't t.ell }'IIU kllow somc of th e things wh en f llitwR break loose in un ullguard~d momCllt and cuss t oo loud on t.h e :;tl'ect, b 'meal'ing ou I~ fait· city '~ name with too much rowdyis m ::10m times th lll'C'S too much .· uc.h s lu sh and far too orlull J ad M to trouble tha£ ' els~where might be new ~ jUllt iSll't propel' to be I·C· c rd ed in the archives 'of "A Small ily With A Fin 'rl'lldition." Howev r, w 've bce n tak n La tas k on our we d epis i.l e uf two woek~ ago, You sell, Lhe cupy boy got. that slory off t.h e hook befol' th wi!'y got all Lh e weed s c ut in th , bllckyard . 'Dut then, we ' re like a lIumbel' of othel' hll<lbunds in Wayn sville - a WOllll.ln 'S lti g'ht~ Man- menJli ng, o( ('o Ul's e, that 11 woman hilS the right to ut the w eds in Lhe s umme r time, s hov I
Eighty-Ninth .Year
Waynesville. Ohio, Thursday August 26, 1937
r 6288
More Moving Locally
MI·il. Delilah Eve l'hnrt, a~c 87, pas. ~ d IlW8~' at 11~'1' ho me in 0'1" win, Monday eve nilJ g ut 7 :15. Sh e i ~ s Ul'viv d hy two . o n ~ , Fl' d and 1I 0wal'd and thl" e s isters Olle gl'um!!,;n n II nd two grl!l\t.grand child,' n. FUMrnl .Thur.'day, 2 P . 1. 'rhe mov ment of the P o~ t Of, fit the Stubbs Fun I'ul n om e :lWI fi ce f!'Om th Hard!! Building intI) m et 1'),. buria l in Miami the L ewi Buildin ' 'on Main treel !le t in moti uo a ~c ri of to take ploce in the Il f'>,:t
. Lfln' 1I Ih. '(.' flH n t
tl'ltl 1""" lIt " lind I)UllI!. may II atIl!' )II ''' P('I' 11ITnnj!. J\wnt" nl'( ' I I~ ,I , IH ·I. itillln ~ III' . l~1U tl l \ ,·ar. Uu,- dll\'l'r~ \\ ill make theil' k.'3. I., \1;\1 1" (lll·. thlll 1l1 " ll1ln)( wiLh nO building f (l1'ln ~r1y Clcc upie<1 (hull!!1 ill th r· ir time "e ll lillIe. by th · post olfice is u~ ng I'Clllli ," 1.\1 .. ", tI , tlull'" allnnuncl'mrnl, wi ll 'd and fe-decO I'llt" IH'CI>al'aLory i~ I'n.ln~'i nj!' u 110" I'\'HI<, ill III'xt lI'el'k'~ i , Ue Lhe to rece iving the WIl Y ll e~ v i ll c Puh, tw o, II'l'l · k' ;; Vfle ! lion :1 SY laCUSf', G·IZl'I( ,·. li ~ LibrBry, which r lo become lh(· • ' l' \\ r \l \' (.., n- t hl').."\1 l HI' hi,.. d ~ now in . th ·win leI', carry in M'leS Lo 1I1' ~ ",m] <, 'th , J) ay t,on, f I the] I • th re in the II l' ll I' fut.urc. t c nant water an d , In act do al t to .IS th e' g'U l·.- t 0 f " '" B t ' m;, (,.', ,\ illialll ( ' II P('lIt "1. I{ nth lU, 'S, ",mllltl arn,' 1 L- V B h rt Mr. R. IJ, Collett'" lI ardwart, n cessary th1l1gs around the hl,lllle : yn U IIl! n"' 1\ \lill .. ulnl' Iwi r .-tu,l, I'll '1 th . anI r~ . , urn a . S h' h I ' il" III Ih,' l. ui vI' r" J1Y "I rind . nil i, . T ltt K'''I~1 I' '{JII1(lllllY h ' ld tI1l'il' 'Whl. e e man noozes In t.hc a,rm. The IRte~ t word frum MI','I. J ohn tore, w 1(: a ung ti me Hgo, Ollt, ~hal" aft4r a heavy dny of " v"dlng g r nw 'I nl·h".·" nt quartel·. \\'1'11 "xThousa nds shoutcd a nd wavcd the ir hals as th is s ieck monster slid ill SI Jlt. l1\i, ,_ r :llInl1 ul t )1 nic lit ('Olll'r [;;land, un ~ ~ « St'ttl e m yo<! 1', wh o ill at Miami Val ' I ' ,. I" ~ I I' down the wny s at Tr icste . marking a red·l eltcr day in Itlllian nava l J\.l,,,. r:d ith lI :lIri~ :\11'., l'lnn(; d .~I. ,xlI U Ihl :.12 Lho',,· \\ hu utt 1\ 1all the Lhings a wife lays out for ley Ii !); pitlll i th at s he is impr y_ pall! ~nto Lle ,room.1! vacater JY I hislo ry. Thc baltleehip Is the Vlttorl o.Veneto (35,000 Ion:; , the lUl',IIes l I. . Tllyl ., 1' lIlI,]· i\I ,. lI all'l, .\1 (1··1\(·(' l·rI til,· Ptl lIil' hO Ill ht' l e wet'e II'. him to do. I'm fot· those woman's ing. t he Li bra r y. 1 hu, It \\oult! fll'O I11 I of Ita ly' s sea,wa rl:iors and one or the larg~s t In the wOI'Id. rights. So, th~re, you see it's Mrs. LaWI'en l'e heptJrtj had u that ~!Ich move in tUI'll mil k 1\ f ori W ' 1'1' I:\lt , t~. (III • lind y. "I' , 1 1~'1 «nd .\tl ~. 1';1.1111, J/(>lalkk. MI'. nn d t< lust And its a goud lhing for u gl'(~lltkr effi ciency and accommndn un :1 1\[1" F, ~ tI Ilall , "rk (J f :\1il- Mrs, 1~1l1i 1 111'(11\.11, (,hurlt's B. F:1\1'ntOO of the town thnt to . int th; fOI ·d. harl .'Ild 11: 1', )fi Mnl'jol i , MI', we'l'c not .a. too J)crfect example. 0 1' : I\JI'. and 1r . I3crt 'h epet'd ~I b rar y wl~ 1 have ad dltl o l1~1 rea d- . 1\'11' and ~ I I' . Ch ,f , [l' HlI" !'1 ' 11 , Wilt HI Jl lllt:<Ol:k nnd fril' nll. I\!i , Gu es!! we arc going to have s om d' E I H mg room In th e n ew 10cal1 n thc' lpltain , d . ~1I11d ' ~', :'lit. ,,",1 )h ·. ( IIn I1 H 7.it'lt'r, ~lr. und MI .. 'Slancandy one 0 r \.bese · days. Leastwise :;d, ~"l~~~nd v~~l'\~n~jJ'i~~el~\el~~';'~ ' public will be bet te r • el'ved , ' and I [ A I1'. ~\.'lI11r~ lin I \\" .11111 1\11'.'. Ll'.' h y Dail"r. someone who received a pl'i:.:e at and moth r unci ~i l r an d 1 2 1 11~1" 'oll e,tl' busin S8 will appl e· Ii : e llal, "f ~.l d I ,.11 WAYNESVILLE E. CHURCH thc Band Carnival has nev r call- chil.!r,' n, M ... and M r~. Emery W. natc havm g flool' ~ pace, Mr . and Mr. Halmon Wil~o n. An opportunit y f OI' d ('~e l'ving 1\1 1.'. L' l"li l· :\1t 1'(" \ (11 and :\Ii, SUliday: ed for their prize Ilnd the don or Ro ..- s o n(l d aucrh ' r ~ , E Ih e l' and --(l f Ma.s.on, entert,ain",rI nln (lin,n 1',· Wn rnl'!<yille.Yo unJ( Jll'opl" to l' a l'lI , BlIttV. Althur '\ ' I·~.' ''' ."in l.( on Mr.-. " t".~, SUJt,la~' ,;chll"I:l !I :.~ O A. ;\1. said w might open it pr tty soo n 0 l'i, MI'. and MI'~, Wa lter J ohnhono lllg MI'. WI I:,oll, 4th blt'lh·1parl of their XI> n:c. at. Ohl o It'" Al'lh lll !It !I1, ,, 1I11 \'ulhy 11 11:' Morninjl' 1100·~hi(1 . lIt IU : IO. The - just to sec whether the hot wea- so n ,'In(1 Chl'l d l' ~hn, Junl'or, D all, day, Augu st 22. ,\,a t l niv e l.·il y thi ~ y~ ur.' i~ prl,· 1pital, Su nd ay. !o.l'rl1lIJn >,Ubj (·l· t II ill hi', "10' nt,ther hlld spoiled it or n ot. You Mirillm Ann, anti MIIl.(>tia, oml Ir. .The , followin,g'. chi.I(~'C' u. an~ ~id~d i~ Lh e I' ue\~.a,l . (l.t' ~Ilc Nt~t.. .. 11. nlld MI'. \vill i.11\ l.ipP'Ill, ,,t l prilitS (111 Th,· Snnrl~ of Time ." )know, folk, when business men Mani I .rohn, bl'othc l'-i n .. law. Af g lUndchlldren \II Ie. p i e. cnl . 11. lO n,ll Y(10 th Adlllllll . tJ Ill! n pIO· Will r·1 III n h l1 l1l <' , S.U II (!;,Y. n ft (., E Yl'nill~ "C I Vil'l' at 'i: '\ 5, Th e giv~ I>l'izes that lVay t.hey like fo)' t el' dinnel', M r. Lawre nc\! :hep I'd, and MI'. L . B ~ hlm I' and on, )CHin!. a J1h'II~lInl vi i I' Sunlk ltl. l\Iirh · lhll1l l! fIJr thi s " 'nicC' \I ill bc. l'I'gh' up and SdY Mr. 1111(1 Mrs. H enr,.' Mu ssbaum A: i. ta nl·c. in th form (I f "ar folk to o'-p ~ ..., ~ ., • rll no , H("'be l1:, and Lawrence JUI1T h IIi ) tt f~ " 1 ' annual r~ r ,. igan , "I.'aihll'(' Thal r~ :uc (.'~". " 1I 1 B t f ! I (' Ilr 11 . uml y S " ond family, all of , h."nn. i\,) 1'. and lime ,m ploy ment wil l be g- ivl'n !J!)~ r am, a oos or l.fJ.r you e· lor wishill'" he l' many m ore ha pl»), unl'on "\' 8 held un '~ay Augu . t M I'. ;lnd .\lI ~. Ll".\·d A I'IIl ~tlflm: Tit l'~ will bl' n . hm t III di n g lows that make tbe to~; you bu . " • , Ui, . Ml'~ . Rnym n nd K en l'i k, of Wa~'- h io. tate -tu t! nt~ sc lect(>d 011 birthdays . 22 at the pl ea ant contlY hom an d baby ,o n of n .. I Mlln ew \1·(.. ·.' IJr til,· . 'Ul\dH~· .'c1wol Bourd illlmcn back up ev"ry wor<h ' . i r, a nd ~Ir !'. L ~ li l' thl' ba.b of t h" De II Mul !'i l'hulm'l'n"s8 ~ ~,. MI'. and Mr.~. Lee l' nal 5J1 nt of Mt and M l'S IIa'l'ry S1111·th (In . SUlldll" l1(tNnO()11 "lIl'sl~ of l\1I' !I, 11I(1(lIa(t'I~.· follol\illg lIw SUI day 'l tJ' d h ' h k . . ' " n y d r of nelll' ]\,10"111\\" Mr. and I" hi\l, nll(>I' fedtAl ul r""ulnliOIl >', ~ .. w h Ie Ilng an re s 1\ t an y ou, Uw werk. 11<1 with re lative, at h II b P 'k Ab t 60 '"" J 1'1 B 1'" I S he II I h I III' give me my prize." No sil'ee, nevc\, lI! h' t e al'Veys ul'g I e, ou Ii nry MaUnU lin d lItr. and this ;lid I limit II t.o individuul. U Il C ~l 11. • I l . . USC()W, Ill, weI' pres nt. Mr.. Am nn da Eru' nW'IIII' anl F~l'h" •• f incinnnti \\\ hll II\'!.!!I s uch a~~ iBt a n cn In ol'der ~II· .. Ull~Y n l' llj!l'l and dllu'htll' W,'dnl'sdIlY: be timid about accepting a prize Jan and Mildl' d e ()k Ill' " t- h h h ~ ~ B II h i t ' · H Ilk art wa c airman of t e pl'ogram 6; ,. 1(la Mae Wil.,on, Mis. AI. to e nter 01' to .rem a.in i n srhool. of ]'1:01 \\ ",)d. Ohi I, ~l l1d RIII,,·t't Y('; , I) nUl' alit pray!'!' IllN! mg f r m n b USIO sman. e ' to lending a Y o un~ Frl en(l 's onfcr- c(llllm,ltce , ' n , tI thll \ h 1' 1 0 11, IJll ytlln Ken tll ky an ,l ' an d b y .h er d 'Irec t lo. AIl'carly 700 r 1u st,~ fOr NYA g(.I, (,I' Ll'h llllOIl ( ., ,<1\.1 :\11':. Tan, tiL 7'.' 15 P • M . I 1Il ve em. ence at 4-1[ Club amp ncar iiI t Th W 'f" Tl 1\1' . What's been botherln.... us all ton, Ohl'O, good mu . ' ~8 1 p rogl'am was g"lvcn Mi', W oodrow Wi1 ~ (ln of Shlll'o n- wOI'k, .. O l11 e o f th C' 11'I frutrl '''' u rren cy B"l1 ~ o f H,·t1 Li nn wd'(' )!u('sls. om~n s 'melg l;;S IOIl.. among " 'hlch <I'a s 8 ong G od S I f ' I I ' \ t:' t ury Soci~ty IV ill 111 t. '" ith II'". .. . " ' . ville. All n J'oyed n IJlcus>wt day. cou nty have ueen I·ccei\·.r! at Oh in um II;,' Il ,,' r, nlll " I' . • ",mme ' h d k 'IN IS w at a vantag Is It ~11'. Dnd Mrll, n. [i'. Durton anll L ft 1M" by Alvi Earnhart B I GepI'" Mill. Ilt 2 :OU p , 1\1. I e( e n -~ Stllte, and th. IlI'O'IWI' a pllJication (. l1.. " G. to have the post · office just a few Ma ry Ann !Ipent the wee k-end d d ~f EI ' B bb Dibe t Pa.. t ot· an sons an , •• 1'S . mol' 11 • blanlt, have bec n tnllil(d to 'hu"e MI'~ . Fl'Illlk ~1. Fn .'. K(' mH~ th, .. ' 1" • lltep away when w walk cl<'a l; "ith Mr, nd MI' . Arthur Atkinh "Th B if I G an t cr was e ' aut u an· , YOll n" ])eopl e. Additiol1l1l applica. MnrVlll. Lylr ll nl\ V '1·,It' II'1 vl ~ l tl'(1 \ FRIENDS HOME I d aCI'oss the troct an I'ntt e tb son nt Spring Hill. Jo P II b I .. I.. - f .. t " th t en o~ l'oyer, sung y ara tion arc bei ng rec il'cd al th" o f- " ilh th Bod('Jl IH'lId(' I,,'in O.~~"od. 1\11-. nnd l\h .. Uick Wi" cup and oId d 001' ut: ore We. come 0 a Mrs. V rn u Britton and fa . mil. " D ht f "it [1 l I M N ' ' c .T aug< r:' 0 " . 0 y. I'S. Ina fiee of t h e niv .J' ity EknmUlel', I ndiana, RlIl1duy. lIaughLl", Suth. \If P'·l'hl p",. ca lled it · hns been moved into our own ' I".!nt one day this we.ek with Mr. bl'latt 0f In d 'IIlJlOPO I'1.5, 1n d'\Bnn, Admin istration Buildi n"'. Mr. !lilt! Mr.'. Ilall lJ ll Badgley. n L(' nll lI ;l1't ~ue k Wedu(!!"liar mot·n ighborhood. On day eal'ly in and Mrs . Willinl11 J n !I at L ove- d h' . I f M d M ... .. I aug .er-m- sw 0 I'. an 1'5. In l'etUnl for theil' work in t hel Mr. and 1r~. Ha" Kr ul!' 81)t:nt ning. the week an I'rOneOU8 repol·t Will! IlInd. . h L t k h f . par • O. B. Marlatt, be. ide bell1g t e a~ wee a e ange o· 1m - vari us unive l' ~ity. de partrllt'''' s, • unday in Ch illicnthe. MI'. and M\'~ . Em c. ~ Mal·t i n, of started, .. omcbody stole th post M-•. Vel'n"~ Brl' ttoll Ilnd chi'! ..·,· accompanJ. s •~ t 0 th ese ongs gav t once to ' th e motl)rl'ng public t.ook t d ...- f ,., ' II b ' d 1)IIY n •'111(1 ll' ~s LI··.··.I e pill an fl v craare T he G n'~llI' ounl,,' J) 1'moC'I'nt ~ ,. .. · e 1Iu''',.,' " (,f 10 ffl ce I' t 'Ian 't he re"Th . ptl rt Y ren, of Miil hawnka, In tlhtn ar~ l ' I Th t M 1 - Waynesville The s me" 1\ U entll WI ., 0 lub . everll plano so Oi!. e nex ar· p Ilc:e In R t 42' t d b 15 dollars per mon th. h I J I th -il' IlIt·ni·. W('" lle~"ay Cincinnati, louk dinn ~ I' h ' I'C on flwid ntly didn't read th ·ir Gllzette slaying in the home of Mrs. An na Illtt !' union will be held at t't1 statIOn on au e , opera e y ..• . . 'r I llast week, eh, A good safe crack- Sheeha n during their ~tllY h e lre. h fOB M I M H 11 M E l t k I!' the No appl lcalIOn WIll be oll !<ider. nlght llt Kllkill'l! Park, 1lea r Xcn1I1'H ny. om 0 • • ar att, t" 0 y . r. ar olmer 00 ov r I 't . d ' I II th . In. H:lInd, with hCI' gl,l s t, «Ir wo\f\d have had all ,h e could They vi sited nt \.be nrlDa.bb hom 1\1 1'. Iln d ,Mr . R'I har d F' _ bIT exaco J'me 0f tno. t or f uels. " .. J 1. 1\ ,ann ounce ~lllP c I " , un tl II . l' I IU. L lllli~" :llIil h, of ))nyl\lll \\ere tE<nd to this past wetlk Ilt thc new in Xenio a nd spent on e day with nnd fon , 1\6 ... and Mrs. Raymond Tox8co is onn of the (Jut~tan dinjl; unlv.cr'; lty s a l ll1l RS IOn I' QUI!'eMrs. GI''' . W ill.e llhu l'f.\' IIn,1 ha•• ~ 'J ~.. t h L f Ifi ll I . SlInday (!inner )£11(> 01 1-,>. oftlc - opening the boxes for folk MI'. and MI·~ . Ernest Earnhart /It MOI'7Iln motel'ed to Bilna Vis' n lcad I'S in this field and Mr. on- men ave en II 1 Ct. by (laughtl'!' J)f llny City Mich . ""1 -- - - - - --. .fl.A' t h II' JlI.tI'l· nt ~ , M. 1'. an tI "" .. UIII J'lin:.,-,-jtr . new com b'11:. arli~ le. Sabi..na, a nd iVashington : II., ner, a youn .. indtl~ tl'ious bu . in s. I a t'e vi.· ltl . . and MI' . wh 0 cou Id n't get th II' t k W II ., I k . .. I 1\' ,'1"' . 1 I f 1 M UntUt'lI.' Irn<ll'nhull, with '~h c.'r · a t 10ns 0 wor . 1', Ie 00 S Olce Mr. and [1', . E. L. Thomas Sunday , rna feels that t his lin(:> of pro. n , I·>. U"UI'Y IIn( all'll y. l 1'. . . specially now that a. bl'llnd new r etuTn{.d from 11 vi . it t o their son, Mr. anrl Mrs, 'lilo Miltenl.lcl'g 1 dU:t:.s will enable hjm to render W ill HlblH'g will join hi~ (, mily, ttlh(' I' gut'~ , LIZZI!' J[ u~!!. WCI'(' <1111 tlWdern ~.. has been painted on .. E. Thol118, nn,1 ranlily, of leve Ic ftun! S Iay, on t h elr . . . t 0 h'IS pa t rons. , S A colhslUn d hc)'c l<lt(>1' nl.!l' gu~~t,I uf Mr~. Ru t h .TjuUlcy , vBcatlon, gr atel' ervlce d ' of two cars occu[l' , il1e window by a killed, sign paint- Inn(1 and ni ce, 1\1 r . E. A. Part.· k' . N'lagara. F a II , N ew Y01' k D Ilrlng ' th e pas I; f e~ n10n th S th alul' rI·. n 11 11 1\11'.~. LI "." \' I <\)111 ,·troll'" a nd LIHI ' }:1, on ;\I,tIlday. .. ""'" til, 109 In h aY' I. IlIll' ht "abo u 11 n '1 . 0. k, eor. ~ o( Young town, Ohio. II ity, WaJlhingto n D. ., nnd along Teyaco Pl'oduc have b een tllken at t c ~I'~et LI~ht lIlt<'l·,'''CLlOll. a nd hahy 1)£ nt IH' MolTOw IV 'I'eI MI'. lind I lr .. , \\':lI ll't' Uilman, We're rejoicing wIth th folk ENTERTAINS " ky Lim e" of the Blue Ridge ovt!r by MI'. R. E. L~Roy of Frank A car ~rlv:n b~ II man. f ro m Ak· 1r' nll l'l'~ 11 t hl' h il ln l' ll f Mr>l, J ul- , :!nd (\\'11 daui!hLI.'I·~, o f T ulNlo , at New Burlington on tho success M.o untain, r h ' d' t 'b to f ' W . r 11, hl O, 1!!1l01'1ng th t! .Ignul, pall· is ll l'l'g'H n Runtlny. I callell un J',mlna ,'Li l'ce, On SatH C . . . . In, W 0 IS IS n u r 01 ar~ n • d on the red lig ht olliding with . ' I d' of th ir F' h Fry and orne om· Mrs. Ira Rich, Mrs. Reba Braid· MI s VlvlUn . Mulhnger of I Count;y and has mad-e somethm~ d" b N b' D k ' . ) 1\111 s. Onf'Y Y ' uz I and (laUght "" , ll iny, on Wednesday. On e Of the dOl' k entt'l·tained a few fl'i IIds.on . I ' d' , d ' . r one tlven y e a In a 0v · - hll'k~vil e 1. spen Jn~ n , ew ay ~ of a rec ord 111 the promotIOn 0 1 ' (, C 1}I'wood, Ohio, lind Itollcrr n ' ll 4.H CLUB MEETINC largest crowds it hilS been our priv Tuesday evening, The guests pn' -' I\it.h h er fri end, Betty DaviS\. \ the ' use of his compllni e's line. ellT"hHlfld' . "" . I ~el oj' L eh1111ll11, and J\ f r', Nunc.I· Th ••lu st·,·u 1-11 Club of wbi h'1 t t nC68. A n, d b oy, ....ttI.S it e nt were Mrs. Jennie Brlldley, ' lege 0 'WI Fore. t H ough and family W I'C The station operated by Mr. l@ e l ' lv e l'~. w retL Ul1ln)urCI b II / but , Bl'ltz, of l{('(l 1.1<>11 \\('1'1' SIIIIUUY MI". (,Iwrl ts Chlll'\tO Il i ~ nd l/ i.lur g tump, Mi !\ lI1aTth~ visi tors of Mr. and Mt'. Vel'll , o~nel' has been and 1~ still under- ed u~~I'S w ~rc. Jll'e ' y a, y lIBn - . guest of M]·. nnd Ml'oI. E11l lllc t DIJI- In(·t "II tht· 201lh .oj' Au gu ~t, 1!l37, a dinner, A quart r of a ton of Miss l~va ti ~h found its way to the tummies Cook, Miss Lucy Emley, Mrs. Lil, Hough, Friday evening. gOing seve l'lIl changes 111 lhat mor e tz. a thl' hOIl1" (Jf Anna Mac W utk ins. r t.h ~-ager diners. E)nough chick- lian Egbert and fr,s, Goldie Bent. Mrs. M. McKinscy i. in pring- ~e givE-n the public. New .eomput. t ~EEDS HIS TEETH TO }'oIl'S. Th,.ntlnt·u Tlc"r Ill' C:,gnci. Init·I·,'. ttnlZ ~v(! nts of the mt'eten' feathc.r.s to make dusters for ley, Mrs. Sarah Elzey. As th dllY fldcl vi - iting h [. cousi n, who is 109 pumps have be<) n m tailed EAT MICHICAN FISH d il l , \\ if of I'll L l a . tt·['. '11~nr, 1IIJj' 111"1 u~H'11 iii ~r(! IIbll Ut ha". u4 d h tIlir·.... generutions were pluc"\" BI'll dl ey ' s il! . . IY jllg'.r1 w{·i!t. r rtJ -t, \\ h(O n an d 'I appene d to b e i.rS. u nd everywh cre la b ou t t h e s tat.'Ion Mr. and MI'.. Arch op;; y, Mi ~i' (lr that p l!II '~ h(·(·IIIII.· "1.!t·I)! by Ute housewiv in preparation birthday. the aifnir to k the form FAMILY HAS-PICNIC WITH one is impressed 'With the fact that Elean r psey and MI'. Le Roy ill w hil" (tilt 'lOhn).!·, :-;u ndtlY n~ 1\ 11l'1'''. It ,n dccidl'd to hav' it for the e<Yent. Anyon that missed of a birthday party. FRIENDS Conner's station i going to b of Ellis al'e s pentlin .. a i)ne ..... ec k VI' - tllPY \\'~rl' nl'HI' WII~'nl' ~vill," S ile in It., wood, . of o ur k il tle r, on Pil won't knoW' what's to be had at a . l h " ., ~ • f 1) I 0 Mr. and Mr. Gilb rt FI'Yc hud Mr, ancl Mrs. Ross Harts ock greater Impol' anoo to t e ca.r u s- ca t.io n at Grand Lak ~ AI ' wn ~ tnk(' n ttl lIll' hiOllll' I - ". ane dH~ '\'('1:111).( , A ugus t. l!7 th at 7:0 coml11unity g'et-tog ther. WOTds liS .their guests, on Monday 'eye- with theil' guests, Mr. lind Mr, cr. , j l l l l a, 'L' \\I'tl I) \V ' II I k 'I h " h ' I Michi"'nn. MI'. o .... «.y f or"oL h i. , M r~ . •1. ...... I lllln, r . . J JHIII lJ ~ Ill' ' . (' plll',' ht ~ (" t e g il':; lIIre stupendous enough to describe · , "" ~ . ... . . ,. I < t I . I ']'L' I t ~ h e ev 'Ilt. ning at dinner, Mr. and Mr h. Vic· W. O. Miles and daughter, KathMr. nnd MI·s. U. G , Wh elz ·1 vis- tCdh , so hi son had to ~ nd th C'nl gnv· 11t>1' Ill1lll(o( 1;1 .• a len lUll. Hit w,·.. · 1I1\' ltU. III" WIIS (' U)' tor Carpenter of Middletown, 0. , erine, of ol untbus,. Ohio" Mr. ite d with relatives on the Xeni a by air mai l so th a t MI'. (),,~ . . MI·s. Ti ghl' \la : ~ nalal!.' til I,lul'n 1111 ' Iii.!. ,t', Ih y«IlL Only eleven people spoke about and Miss Katherine Tom€-r of MIll" and Mrs R. A. Mil e' and children,,' Pike. unday. could cat the fi sh .he caUDhl. . . It. n h\·l' h 1111' tllltil ;\1.onda y m or n!lila Mtll'ilYl1 'V h it.ak er, a Waynesville home-coming to tbe .... N l' ,ietta. Ohio, Miss Bobb and Mis of Sehen ctady N. Y .• Mr. and mg, ws "epol'",,!' )fan on the Stone Steps this week. Shumaker, former teachers in .M I'. A, Z, Hartsock aJ1d children, i\fr, and ,\11 ". L :\I\I ' lIll'C nl'OWJl - - -niRiH--:-' Haven't heard of .a.nybody doln' I Waynesville Schools, <>f Wilmington, OhiO, Mrs. Lena a dnugh~ t l', FI iola ~ IIl1Hllin!!, Aug . .anything though, yet. Have you? . A Bo rn to i\h. lind 1\(1'$ . Mauric e • _ • On last Wednesday evening, Hal't.o "k and Mary CarolYn Lu:W. ratl i.·in no . , 1\11'. an, 1 MI·$. 11'<1 Dal'i :;, Sl\t- lI opkin . . 11 SOli , \1 1-4 Ibs., Sunday. Miss Kathyn and Mr. James Gib- kens Waynesyille, picnicked ~t LOCALS bons entertained at 6 o'clock din- Wayne Park, Sunday, and the c h l l ' U\'nd y, A ull'U~t :11, a , on. Aug ust 22. . ::Mrs. .M. C. Milte nberger, R, R. "ner the following' gu~ts: M' E- dl'en enjoyed the s wimming' pOd!.1 The large number of subscri- m ov ing . (lut. Parents can ma ke a ~ iCntt>:rtained at dinner, Friday lizabeth Graddy, Lebanon, Mrs. Robert, Mary Jan e, and C'arolyn l)ers coming to 1the Gllzette office ub.-tantia l Sllv ing by g t' (Li lll{ these M..is9 Pamella Lenard lind Lillian .rosie Whitaker, Miss Margaret Ro- Mile. tay d for !l- short visit, .the pa t few dalls to take ad van- ~et, f or their children. MOI'e th :m berts, and Miss Ada Miller, Leb· RETURNSHOMi:-AFfER~ge of th e s ubscription offel' b e- on e se t easily oblainllbl<!j eimply :Zu!lpuk both of Dayton. Mrs, Ella Stansberry and Miss anon. VISIT HERE WITH FRIENDS ing made 101' a short time have by paying {o)' additio nal ~ ub ~ crip1fl'sry spent. "Sunday in Dayton Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Chapma.n been delighted and som(!what a-- t i ~ n fo!' you l's~ lf, rclntives <Ohio. visited their $on, Charles Chap_I ]\[1'. alid MI·s. Jam0C8 Roskel1y, . of mazed at the be'auty, durability, friC'nd. , Mrs. V£irn e Britton and iour man, at Louisville, Kentucky on hioago, have, ~e,turned to their j and s plendid wr·it.ing of the ,Pen Can Recei.v e Set by ~ail ,C:hilw'en or Mishawllka, Indiana, Saturday. home Il.fter V1S1tl n....tJ' several days and pen"il I' n('C ... sets th ey have l'ecelV d ub ~cn'b CI'!' I""'lOll Ht a (lsl!l ;and Mrs. Britton's mother, Mrs. - --\Iith Mrs. Lal'l'lck and daughter, as a free gift. D elighted with the alid lhose linding it inco n ven ient .Eva Jon~ are spendin'" J ean. Sunday they attended the gift and amazed t hat this news.- to call at thi ~ offiec and ~ee tbe .. several HYMAN'S STORE MIAKING lIlays in Wayne/Sville visiting 1'01- IMPROVEMENTS Hawk Reunion Ilt Ft. Ancient. Mrs pnp r is abl to award uch a di~play h.ave o bla ined II . ' to . ati..e.s and friends. Knthryn Hammel, of the Mollie wortbwhil e pl'es(~nt with thc pay· Seta Ideal For School Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fit'eB and It is hard for one to keep tract Hal lnru' hOl11>('o, of Leba non, accom- ment of onl y u one.year .sub crip. of the many il11provements ,w hich hildl'cn And ,pHr nts Ilrc finding , .childllc·n, .Miss Flossie Fires and pllnied frs. Lanick home fOr a tion at the l'IJgu.lar price. .Mr. and Mrs. James Fires and son are constantly going on in ol~r short visit. The explanation is simpl . The these. t id~1I1 fOI' . cho'o ) r equit·e. j Sunday guest midst but one which is l'llaking a . d M'lanu. Ga7.e t t .' t 0 e ICAn l11 ~ nts al1d that is on . rea ;:o n why tO J.~ M'larru'sburg "'ere. .. Mr. J. P. Larrick a ccompame e ·I:, anxIous M many of t hc e pl'cm ium's are I ~f Mr. and "·rs. ""van FI·res. noticeable mrprovement on Main . h t tl '" .an 0:.' Mr. George Quick of Miamisburg up 10 a very or m,! a llUm b cr to cllll at the Gazette Mfice , may __ oJ Mrs. Neil Com-pton and Street is the repairing and re- On a fishing trip in MidJigan for 0 f s u b SCt'lptlOns . . Mr. ...... now d ue or pas l moil th eir su bscription ~ to u whil e .aaugbten, .Mrs, Cora Compton, decoration ot the Hyman building a w(!ek, due and to add several hundr d - - -- - - - - new subs('1·iptions. In order to ae· lhis offl'r i" ~trective and the ~ot 'w1!e ibave .~ some time at ftJe where the out..standing dry goodR 1C01Jntt7 home ~ Mr. and Mn. and ready-to-wear !!tore of tbis Sunday W8S too birthday of Mrl<. compli. h this quickly we hay!' will be mailed to them ~". to any-, one designate(!. Ju st odd flv e eent..~ iGorm, eat of town, returned home lection is located - operated by Lawrence Shepherd. A dinner was gone to a gl'ell t deal of expen~e Mr•• Jeule Hyman for the 1)8St . extra to your )'emittanc to take .lrIondaJ "enm.. .avera! yean. given honoring the occasion, at to provide a premiUm that IS ell I'e of the po~tag . Mi. Mnd~" Turaer r.wmed . _ _ _ ___ Xenia. Those enjoying the day needed daily by: everyone, a prelwIDe .saturda7 alt.r r.pendinc MRS; HAWKE ENTERTAINS were: mium that can be ulled by any and IIODle tlme ........ta of her liater ARGUNOT CLUB Mr. and Mn, Bert Shepherd and every member of the family, es-~ f.. Mr, and lin. A. C. Mn. ROMld Hawke entertalned Eva and Robert Shepherd, Mr. and pccially valullble to children In 'Wibon and .ba1.r, who accomptUl- the Arrrunot Bridlfe Club, on TIlles- Mrs. Wilson Shepherd and mother school. mium ied ber home and .pent the week· day afternoon. The invited peats and sister and children, ')Ir. and erad with lin. Wilaon'l parenti, were lin. Frank L, Taylor, lin. Mrs. Emery Vi, Ko.. and daupten IIr. ..d lira. Pearl Turner. IIr. Ethan CTane, lin. Bert Hartsock, Either and Dori IIr_ UIOB . . . been 10-. to Ohio &lid lin. Emma c C1ure. Walter Johnlon alld childf1l11l, 1I'D'I• •le:r. Tn ire"", The Ba - -ior Deu. ·Iria. I
Uol'.J ReUnl.On a
~o'Od m~n
~~I~i~~~~, a~r;:'~i:.11 Teh~n~lai~' h~~~ t.i~ n
b~sin ~
'l'~~t.; . A~
---- -1
Ie anne,-
a kes . 1exaco L lne
., ----
I' I
.1 ., .
-= Much Interest In Gazette's Free G,-ft
King in Shorts Forget State .Cares
==Entered at
o:: :. .=::.:>::== __
PORtoUic~ at Wa~'nl'svllI(', Ohill, Clas!I Mail Mlllt.r
'Ill fi S
====~~~~I~S~S~F.~D~~~I= lY==T~~=~~!=. DAY No, 112
SuoscripLio n Pric , $ L.GO, Yea'
SW EET CORN 11 r " to th growt' r oC sweet co rn And tQ t.h\l cann rs 8S well Thllt fill t o the full fflir er s horn That Win t r dinner tell.
Out uf the
thl' ralll'
nl! -ontn the ,nil! kl't til.,)' j!0 ' FUI'lli$hing J'hLHI r.ll' hungr)' hll IHI, Hath t .. ,Ju' ich(l,
F r om start to finish uncertain thl' job We II hifT~.llhl' Cllrll lit Ill!' l'anne J'~' With drOUj:l'ht !l nll t'Ili n in ~ighl, lOUn)' With racconns and grountlhog., A, hour \II' .1\ \\1' \\Itiletl, ready to rob, And \\ c thutlght or Ih!' frilters and An d all the W011ns to l)light, enkl'.' \U, ~ny} But down the row tht' Cormer got's '~xt "1111"1' and \I (' ,'" beguiled , W ith tt'ilm to cultlvatt', And the nlins mar omc ami ' 1.111' W h( 11 till' culd '" ind "I.m!' and W l wind it blow,~ ...hull luwe ~ 1I 0W. While he mllY alcul It', Wh at "ill thr (u nb do then'! Thl'y' lJ (JllL'n 11 call, a s anyonl' How mnny Lon hi .. fi.,ltl will klww, make, Of tOrll ;;u 10\'l'<I of m n. H rnv soon he may deliver, . J t when hi proR t .. h may ~lkl' (II'n fritl r~ nnd Illllple ~y rup will And irom his d('bL may , l'vcr, yield Mid-" intl'I".< !uxur'y But here they omc wit h wagons And laing huck th l' tang of the lind Lruck rip !ling fi ld Down 0 the clllln ing plant, Anu lh e sce nes of lhe cannery , The se n was good, a nd bless t he luck, Th re' the schec n of the ~ un in The lo s and damage, scant. good III' et corn , Th n onto the scalu nnd du"mping The coo l of . howers. the breath shute of dew, A nd onto t he ndl e~s belt The ollor of clove r in m edow s born And onto blade 0 sharp And With blo om the h o n ey-bee mute, knew,
LYTLE The Youn g P ople's Bible Clasa of Lytle M, E , Cburch will pre. .ent "The Horti e Folk's Frolic", Friday evenjng, August 27th, at Lytle Hall, Admission 15 and 10c. Mr , C, A, Thomp son a nd granddaug'hter, Nan cy Williams, roe,. turn(>d from an ~ xte n ded vi it with re latives in ])enn sylvon ia, Miss Miriam Wharton spent last w ek with Miss Pbyllis Clark, in
Mr, a nd MI'S. Lowel l Tliomas .an d daugh ter , returned from a va catio n trip, Sunday evenipg, Miss Meta Rogers was /I w ookelld guest of Mr, and Mrs. Carl Pick~ring and Mrs, Ada Chen<l· weth , i n Centerville, Mn. Margaret Johns and grand· daughter, Vivian John s we re en-
l ..
Ih~' ,111
Park, \"<11
Iduy III~ht (rum a dlluu.:h tho :-luulh. and lel"tivl'~, 1[ , " l\JillilA'Lln UI'I' '1\I pltJtinin", his ~ t ~ tl'r, untl so n CI'om Mu ~ ilon. W llru hus it>t'cn I " 'ei ved IIf th(' II l1nOlIn IXIlIt' nt o f th e mtH'ril\~r (If " i~, C Ul'rir Jo: llell II IIU "OIl , uRug-hIl'I' (If ~r r, <lOci M r~, lI o \\nrd lI uII" ) 11 lind Ir, Wa ltar<' 011 tt, Rnn erf 1\1 1'. HOII'nrd oil tt o n April :.I, 1'lll'Y W l' l ' malTi£'c\ in ovington II'hilo h · WIlS here 0 11 hi ~ spl'inf! I' n nlion, Mr, Colle t It'ft JlIl y 2 on II ~/) ul' of Europe Ilnd in Ddo· he l' will A'O to llnm A hhah , Pal l! s, inf' "hel' he will t nclt in a Boy's
~I ' \" '11 BUl' lId l"ft \\'('C! . Ii ~ IIlll rnllljo\ f()1' n 1111110 1' I I'il' "I th .\11'- . 1\1 111",1 n imuddil' and c1 ullf.!ht 1''' Ill' J)aylll l1 t'l vi,it t1H~ i r II,"lill'I' ant! II il., !'tit', and ' Mr ~, W hittil'l' Bun'd, lit S"YI1H1I'l', ;\In. ~II'''. ,/o'<'l'h (; 'II,~i and Htn, EI· ,\CI"d \I "I'l' Sat .1I d.1Y nig-ht Jrul',l. It th., I,"nll If )11', ull,1 )II'~. W ill, .'f' K "n , i .. k. ~II', II tHf :'111'. :-;lunl. y Built'y -}li' nl "'lIltl,,)' ret (''''H'~' l ~ll\l1 d, ~J I'>, Chall,'" ~ l qlll'lIin I ltl'llIl~tl 111l' -nl, or th,. PIOfll'l'ty and efTc t" '"I' hl'l' h,.Cltht·I' unci \life, ~[r . nnl! .\11,' . '\['"1 i~ 1I 1I 1'1l1l,It, at dlllna, \\,,,,111(, clay. 1'I1I'Y \I t>\c: both k!llt'd :,;. ·110111 1'01' a y ill' . In nil auto lIt'cidcl1t rt'(I(' lltly. WAY NESV ILLE CHU RC H 1II,", Alicl' (,I:lrk, M,-,; , B('1I1 O f' CHRI ST Scull. EveI'd! Early und little B olt I.y :\1 tlrA'ull \\ <'I.' ('nll'\ tnincd lo W, C. Smith. 1\1 inistcr O:-l'I'N1111 II I lhe hOllle of Mr. and • unday: ,\1r~, W;t1tl'l' ,llIrk, (In Jo' l"iduy eve Prenching, {} :30 A, M, MI',
/1' •
H ...o ld D. W illi •• Ed ito..
Ortice Phone
FERRY CfiU RC H O F CHRI ST W. C, Smith, MiOl~ter
I I ., I;U'l'tl lto ItllIlIVIl, :-;ul.du ~ . fll
(HI III ' "~.
tertaincd to dinner at th.eo home of Mr, and Mrs , Paul Duke , of th e Dayton Pike , on W ednesday, of Inst w ek. And th y 51? nt Fridny with Mr, and Ml' Amos Cook, near Wayn sviIJe, Mrs. Agn !j wonk ill (onvale . cing at the home 'oI h{'T parents, MI'. nnd 1\11'S, E , B. Longacre, sinc ~ a recent operation fo r ap pendic tis Mr, and Mr" P a ul Williams, of Lt'banon, sJ1 nt Sunday with Mr. Everett Early and fami ly . Mr, and MI' , Chal s Early, of Germantown, w I'e Tu esday evening j!'U' t s of Mr, and :\i'rs , W altel' Kenrick. Miss Vivian J oh ns returned to the hom e of Mr. Bnd Mrs, Well er Haines, n Ill' B ellbrOOk, Monday ev ning, after: a two weeks visit
Jerry's Service Station Is Your Lbcal Member Of
45,000 TEXACO Dealers Sta.ding By To Serve Your Car E.ch one of u. offer you. g.lOline th.t h.s been chosen to build our business upon ........ Tex.co Fir~ Chief. not just regul.r g.s. Yet it costa no more than the g.soline you .re now using. We 'h.ve put our jUdgment behind this g~soline we kn9w th.t it has been developed .s an eme,r gency-duty fuel to lIIive our customers quick re.ponie ........ th.• t .n slow-burning elements are removed th.t it delivers full power on the road in leas th.n one one·hundredth of • second.
We know that it is m.de to compen.ate for ch.nges of se.son and of clim.te in various p.rts of the country. Quick st~rting .nd quick firing-anywhere. Furthermore we know this. When we clean off your windshield or me.sure , your tire pressure we do not feel we lU'e doiny you. f.vor. We know we .re . doing 'ourselves. f.vor by br~ngina\ you b.ck .gain to do business with us. ,TRY A TEXACO DEALER NEXT TIME!
Christia n Endcavor, 7 :00 p , M, L eudl'l' for Endeav or will be Paul· in W olal'd. Preaching, 'i :45 p, M , W e had a n atteJldance of 67 last 'unday but we nl'e workinll f or LOO t bi unday. W on't you co me nnd h elp Noch the goal. W ed n selay: Bible study at 7 :45 p, M. "'!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~
:;:; '
HARVE YSBU-R-C- N-E-vrS Mr, an d M t'S. Joe Davis and Mr, and Ml'f, 11'8 Harl,/lock of Dayton. ~ pe nt th e week en d twith 1\1\', and Mrs , Iyd e Levicy ~vho al'!! in M Ctl'tin~vi ll , India na, vera] il'om here atte nd ed th e Yearly M eetin g at Wilmington last w ck. ',
equ ip -
memory. For mllny years w e have rendered s incere. aympathe tic service to this community, at mode st costa based e ntirely upon the. wiah es and means of the fa m ily.
E. McClure Waynesville
Phone 7
In The New 1938
I. VALUE More built-in worth p e r model per doll.r through out this rem.rk.b,l y fine, n ew 1938 Z e nith line. Finer c.binet work, finer perform.nce, finer tone. 2. LOW PRICE A new stand.rd of qua lity in wha t you get eve n in the lowest priced sets - now starting .t only $199S. 3. YEAR-AHEAD FEATURES Found nowhere else - fully p.tented - such as: Robot Dial ; Improved Personalized Acour.tic Adapter; Electric Automatic Tuning ; Local St.tion Indicators ; Viauali:r.ed Station Call.Letter; Voice-Music.. Hi-Fidelity Control; Split Second Foreign St.tion Re· loc.ter; Privacy Plug-in; Secret Volume Cover.n or; Met.gl.s Tubes; Guar.nteed Foreign Reception_ 4. BUDGET PURCHASE Enjoy now , , , , pay I.ter. Our e.sy p.yment pl.n fib .ny 'tiuilget. Let us appra ise your old r.dios for a down p.yment. COME IN TODAY AND SEE OUR BIG ZENITH STOCK
A sk for a
CONCRETE Air 51>111 Buri." V ••lt For Sale Only By
and Mrs , Adam Campbell and ~on , L ewi'l, s pent Sunday af· ter n oo n ~ ith l' elativt's in Franklin, M r. and Mrs, W, C. Kersey o f Ol'c~() nia $pcnt Su nday e vening Ivit h Mr. anu Mrs, G. M. Mac Donald Ilnd f am ily, M,', and Mrs, Robe rt Smart and family of ha .. onviJIo sp ent Satur· lay ,i:f'te rnoo n with Mr Mary Ro·
Stansberry's R'a dio Shoo
IJ~ Johnson Trea urer W 81'ren County
.t'h"n .. 7
2065 Cn t. lpa Drl.,e
LOOK What You Get ,A t
RandoJph , Plumbing Co
a vl" it t oda y .
TAXPAYERS Fri day, Septe mber 10th will be thee last day to pay re.1 estate taxe s and .saessments without pen.lty. Remittances received by m.il pos~ marked after mid-night September 10th will be reb..ned.
of the t y pe which leaves . n e ve rl.stingly consoling
ter p.y
vice. in a ll of many d et a ils which make up a funer.l
been a.lred u. freque nt ly by part i... ~ haye yiqwed the ve ry uiefu l and b elflu ti fu l pen a nd p en -, eil let. at th.e C.zette offic e wh. ich . r e living . w .y . b.olu tely fr ee. T he o We:r ex pire. .con, B. t -
can !lave • O U mon-
ey on your 111umbin g f ixt u re. , p umps, Reptic ta nks, p ipe, f i tti n ~!'I, and valves, B Rure to 'sec us b fore
p ed our st a ff to render a genuinely profe.. ion.l ser -
1.'Illl'l1di< hl'l'l' n'cl'ivcd cards fl'oll1 ~fl' . lind Mr~, IllLl'Ycy Burri t, II hich : a~' lhey Ill'e havin~ a fin e ' lip "nd \\,oul<1 ~pe nu over " nday 'It 'rhr Yl'lIo \\' 'lonc Nationnl Purk. i'lL" Alie , Int'k , in 'omp nny with Mr, and MI '. Rnm o Riggs and ,tllughtcf' of oda l R ow, he llrd un , ~Ie Davc < ntt com p an y, of radio fame at thc 'fown H a ll, a t L ebanun, Monday (lvl!nin g , 1'11', and I\1I'S, Lestet' Hiatt, son nnd daughter, attended lhe Green viii Fair, Wed n.oesday, Mr, and 1\11'8, X esl r Graham and uau hter e ntertai ned to dinn er, unday, l r . and Airs. A. E. Whit and !Ions, and Paul Hunt r of Columbus. Pau l White remained h ere for a week's vis it. Mis Vivinn J oh ns was 8 <linn r g ue, t of Detty Routzahn , S lKlday eve n ing, II'. and M,·s. 1)o.ald Hadley nUl', and Mr" 'cth Furnas and child tel'tained to dinn er on Sunuuy , " J'Qn, 1\11 S Ill'B h and eth, Jr" a nd M~', and Mrs. Walter K enrick,' Mr, alld Mr,· , Lesbcr Hiatt and ('hildl'e n entertained to a family dinn er, Sunduy, the fo llowing gu sts : Mrs. Mary Lindenmuth , t he latt 1" moth er M iases Dor a and H eJen Lindenm uth, Ir, and fl 'S, horles Lindellmuth and fam i1y. Mr, and Mr . V.c.rnc Lind e nmuth and family , Mr, and Mrs, Th,'uman Lindenmuth and family , Mr.~, B e sic Lin denm uth and fam· ily, M I', and MI'~. H erman Was h· ington and family, a ll of Gr een· vill e, Rev, and Mrll, Walter Lin. denmuth iind f amily, of Ben, Va,. Mr, and MI' , L co Sc.hafel' and fam ily of Anco nia !lnd .Mr. and Ml's, Byford Slutz a nd family, of Lewisburg. -
\ \' >
Years of training .nd expe r ience h a ve
T rue Prof es.ional Service
Only scvenll~el\ yea rs of age. with . curly blonde hai r and a nai ve smile, Lily Lamb, who has boen deslg· nated "Miss P aris , 1937, " shows 8 divergent trend fr om the frail bea uty oI former winners, Miss Lamb was elected as beauty queen Sllrmo n b)cct, The I'~ it'!' t P eti· at the Casino oC Troubllle from 8 multitude 01 candidates at the Paris tio n. International exposition. ' BiLl e School, 10:3 A, M. Subject of Ie, so n" "God con(\l' mns In" HOW CAN YOU DO IT?" h as temperance.
WayD ••• me,O
M \',
' ''-
I •
i n c~,
Mrs, Sadi e R eason is o n a m ot. tl'ip t hl'o~ gh th e E ast ,V1th Mr, a nd Mrs, Earl Hockett and do ugh. 0 1'
A WRINGER tbat baa two ..r.'y lea•• bar. tb.t Pili" or pull to ...1..... will .top botb ..oU., ...1 _ tha t ...loa, ell•• n.... tbe pow.r, .wiq aII4I lock i. • PO,itiOD_
A TUB th.t Ie bowl· ....peel to Ipcr_ w.ter actioaA TUB that .... • cent... aedl_at
~ A TUB that h•• DOUBLE WALLS • to keepw.t.r bot-
~ A DRAI~ SPOUT tbat attacha. ,. ~the c ........DeI Dot the t,,~
A FRAME th.t i. _ .0Ud 'c.....1e witb ri ..id up . .e1 do_ the full I.....t .. of the _au-
Phone 24
- - - --
Jerry's Service Station
l4unday: Bible School. !I ::.10 A, 1\1. ~kr man, 11 :00 A . M, : .. rll1on s ubjl'ct, " High t!y Divid ing The Word of Tr ut.h", W e had u n atto(' ndnnce la., t SunOil)' of 112, 111111 t.h e o fT('~ ing amoullt l'd to $IW, I 0 , Th e !,lti nting of th e ehul'ch which WfI " !lone by the men of l he church dona ting th ii' Lim wa~ cOmlJIt'ted , W ~ d nesnuy. Tu.,.day : Sibil' s tud~' IIn'o ch oir practice, 8:00P.M ,
A MECHANISM ...... throqlaoat-
wi... . ..au.....,
Any Size .-.- Any
Romine f. Shu
P. E. SltfDER "SON
. I
FOR SCHOOL I The "", ....t MT. HOlt y wrlU., eqllipm_t. No coat to you. :\ 1 1111<1 1\11 . •1"f,1I B\'( hn\'(' I C' The Mi.ml Ga •• tt. i • • i.i" • • _Y I tt.. Il.t I "1111 afl I J'l n ,l ulIO{ thl' beautiful pan .... d pencil.ell for p t·' I '." \"h~ In :,I)('h ij!:l Jr Ult rl a rimited time. R.,ad .bout the bi, l': nud offer in thit il,ue and come in nnd l MI', alld \II '". L.'.·, I I'd,-r 'HI, .ee the di.pMy at ~I' office. M ... <> 1,1 l\h ,. 1" A. Hun ~u J1 m ,' "fll ndln' II fl '" duy - ill i\1 ichig;ln. ~ll '~ . i'.:1l1l·1"-UIl IhB n ll d ~u n . I{nlllit, utll'lI dl'll the )\(' rh e l'~o n .·dllH>i picnic, SlItlll'llay. ~l'vNal fl'\'1n IU.' I·e art' now work th\! !tUXIIIlI1U "llllling fac·
Wic'IlI'" nit C Ill' '. Mr. allcl . 11'" 1I""al cI I'cllin/!· I lin UIIl! .IUllltitt<'r \'I"il"1i hpl' ,is 1"1' III I/nylcIIl , \11- . \\' illulIl1 MUI1\' 11101 fillll ily , SUllday an .. r"o"" . • h .. 1'.'a d K i Itg' I'llll 111 - ( I'ri da y J\II ~. 1'l' lI nl ll l,; t nn. T hl' f " I'I11' 'I' i , MI S. 1'('n nl n J,( t llll '.< au nt. ~IJ~ . <11:<l ll1 l' Snll Ii 1<:1'1 II nill. in lhe hOl{ fnl' m~, a~ 1 Ilflue~hd Ii 1' 1' tu dll, and .. hl' infol Ill ' II n1<' lhat ~ hl! Hnd )1 1'. Snlith nnd th, hi lll l l ' lI, Wil mn 'alld Marion, ill ~o l1ll lfiny with M,'. and l\1 1'~. !fnn\ II l',S ll f Pu~a d ,'nll, ~fr. and :ITt-.' Lrllllli !"tl'I)hl'Il" ant! MalY Ag-Ill" lI ()cJ~un, of B~ llIlI'"ok, ~Jl(>nt IU~1 .. unclay :It th., Zoo in C'in·inati. 1'h ,rt, arc so mnny fulk~ frlll1l lhi::, nC'ill.hLorhoo d Jruil1g- tl) the Zun lhal I 11111 ~ltL!l1g th" J'evl'l' my.
and M rs, Ert ... ~l Efll'nhart and children, Itobert .lnd E rn st· jn~, M l. and 'I1'b, 1I 1.'I'blJ1l MlUfutt, Mr. Hl,d MI'~. r;CVlIl !:)l1lith nnd ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN dau!!htL'/', Judi h nll, 1iss ' Iara fou r cattle, hogs, sheep and calvef l) au!,ht"I'~. MI" alld '1 1'3. Elvis Mi. to N orris-Brock CA." live wire Illld progrcs8ive firlll t'lr th highe ~ chal'1 L nd dIWl(ht~r, ' Dorothy Mr, lytle market prices alld g ood service. I~cl n)(ln lurlatl alHi I\lr. Union Stocl" Y.rd.' Cincinnati, 0 ~mi1.h, MI" , Jt\IIl(, ~ Hallan ync, of Tune In on Radio Stntlon WCKl Ti llY, <lnd Mis K /ltherine Mill'latl 12 :211 to 12 :80 p . m. for allr daU' Ilj' incinu<lli ntlend'd th Mtlrln U. market. reports. I uni on \\ h it' lt WlIR held last Su n day lit th e hOllle or Mt·, und Mrs, Il fll ry SllIi th, n al' W ay n esville. 'It', Em "'~Oll nllJ i1l ~ p cn din g 0 f e W days with lr, B. 1).. Dill on ,1 family. of luyton, [\f r " Hiley Gill~oll a nd 1r1l, Lizzic L!! Valley call d o n Mr~. H erhert ;\l (1rluLl, Thursoay a ft ll rnoon. 1\11' • Evc l'cl Bunll 11 a nd 11'';. II m'bert Ma1'latt were Daylon sh o p 1" ' 1'. , laRt SIlt.ul'day, Mr. a nd 11', I nYIY1CJnu 0.'hom e , 1\11's. Fo~ t c r and M n. Ell' phl'mia 'f OlnS of l'lda sp nt un· (l ay afil'moon \Iith 1\1,., lind 111\-". Eme!' on DUI a nd ;.on, Ralph.
F. T. Martin Auctioneer
Centerville, Ohio Phone 78J
.",11'. Tr<lvelinK on , IlIIII
r l ~ul'n!'d
• BOW'S THIS FOR LUCK? , / j ,," I
A world 's rccord tor scythe culting W:JS set recently by three Au s rHml' :'pl'i n gticl,1. 011 ni Lou p lay trlan fa rm ers who mowed all arclI of 14 squ:lrc yards in nne minute In '~ I PI' IH\'~Ci() with' ,~e from be. a conlest' be l ween l(1n d workers of ZwcttJ nnd EtJ Ihol Agricultural col hln,1 hel' moihK.·I " ~ ~lm't,~. Dabi,,~ lege in Lower A ustrill. Left to ri ght !Ire saen Tgnaz Hcr:sch , Rupert Hahn eit her lOVe 111(> 0 1' 'IY Uil On ,<ight and Karl P emmer ot Rudmann, Austri u, . o f mt', but onn ie has done ncith. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'!!!~~~~~~!!'!'!-'~ _ ~~~'!...!!-~.!!!!..~ 1' 1', alld ( c'an't find out what 8he thinks of me, l\ll s. Reef Snyd I' t idied, ltt n. tiny afte.'n,i o n , on MI'H . J ~~ H es5, My apol ogiHl to the Ru sse ll Mu rray's. They did NO'!' aLte nd a midnight show n~ I r ep I'ta d u Jew wc ~ ks, l ack, bllt a lJl'ev{'iw, whieh al' Editor: lIe~s fa mily. Jl1y cal bei ng bltlken (low n, as pon ailing at th e Tom B ll r. i~ quile diife l·enL. ( al1l vory so rry. IlY t ime that [ muke u n elTone. it hnbit unlly i~, I !ton w d my fa· lon' , I learn-E:'I1 i hnt th y do not I hN's truck t hi~ mOI'J1i ng a nl1 st ar t know much n ews, btl L th y were ous 't atRment, l> l ea~ COI're '1 m e. M,', Ilnd Mr, . Hen r y ha]lli n HI "ut. J call1'd fir~t at lIul'ry or· cer tainly a bURy hOll :~h old . Mt"l', I ell'. hom I'. M.l ·, orn II ww s u~ Burton II' a Dayto n . hopp r , a n d scm, Guy , of HilM)OI'O, father mothe1', a nd brother of Mrs, M UI" ferin/!, from a hA-.u,d ac1Ie caus d' b y l\\onday. I'UY, and MI', utld MI·s. L e~ l ie Grif. high 'blood lwessu rc, she told me. I !::itopping at the pIlr 'onage, a I ulllul t hai thoy, in company wi t h lurge washing flapped a gree ting fith, t he latter hel' si, tel' ~ p.e n t at1\1 .. , n nd it'F. am Meredith Ilnd to m e . E nte r ing, J fou nd Mrs. ul'da~-, at. the Murl'aY hom. MI':<. ch ildr e n, B tty, and B eryl, and mit'h in the mid~1L of PI' p a1'aUon Seaman and her husband passed unday w it h the Miss DOl'Othy Huffma n, had g(ln fO l' dinn r. Sht: , aid that they had • atu l'day and . .• to L So urcl viii Lake las t Sun- had a I t of com pany, S undll Y. Mr . Munay's. I "'"liS qui su\'p1' i cd to hear day, find had a Il1 0st enjoyable and Mrs. Geol'ge : 'ummerfield and time. Mr. le m P nno ca m · to l11k, that Euni , daug ht r of MI', a nd N xt r went t o Gillilan '. Mrl!. ho me with t hem Hichnl'd a nd Mal'. l\[I '~. RU !"t\el Mu rray. who is thirGCOIge Gilliland, as you know, ha d J,{arllt P e nno, who have been vi.-it, I en y,'al' ~ of a~e, had thirleen an eye o pera tion y esterdny{M.on. inC\' th~ mith';;, In t he aft . ·n O()ll , teeth )lulled on the thil'tt'enth tl ay day, and 511 nt a vel'Y un comrort.- MI'. and Mr,;. had ·.,. Rh od es and (and FI iday t o uooL o f Augu, t. able nig ht rl'om effects of the an- childl'en, Law" encl" • nd LU l' iIl11. PllJ!;e B ob Ri pley! 1r. Bruc W ean 01 Dllyton and aC!lth tic. She i in the Holm h. and MI's. ' h r\\l~' od Daulton H o~pit,aJ, in incinnali, and - do :5' a nd ,on, Richa rd, fru m Sellman :\11 ·~. Ro,,' Hal'l zcll, of 'l'ul sa, Ok· lah oma, u mm I' h ous gu e ts of n ' t expect tu ret.urn home belo n! 111l1Ied. Satuld ay, 1iss Opal Fi("d~ v i, ited 11.....1· t he Je ~ Rolands', h ave I·'turn d Driving il'\to L t r Garhanl'.' ho me folks Oll F'riday fi nd attend· h me af I ' a m OB t cn joyabL v i.-I dis ove re d' that they w ren't at ed th birthday ,Iinnf'l' of her lit· It, I 0 III so rry to rCl,ol't that- !'Jr. h me a nd rcm mb erd that they lie is t e t', Mal'y E.-Ul!!I·, h d gQ n(! to th e leveland Expo· Mr. P el'JY T ho mas and MI ~s Li· Ray haw had a J'elapR and it s iti ol1 th is week. n:l Lan ingo, wh o ~. ,-t.aying with was n ce~saly to l 'eturn him to Th e Frank F ox family motor ed the Lawre nce Tho ma ", , pent Sun· t he hospitnl. A p~ , cc o f bone had ~o Indiana, Sunday, to visit Mr. day ~I ith Miss L:lnsing's folks in wOl'k d thl'oUll'h t he fl es h of his leg, so that the cast hud to be reand ?>frl;. Tb eodore Bodtetnburger, Pik ounty, m oved. H e j; . doing nicely n ow ut at Napo](' n. r.tl:~. imon Light rand daughwill remain in th ho ~pi t a1 fol' a MrF. Fo rre~t Murtin took hel' te l', Ru t..b , call,eO at th Hany F ord I ~mday-sC'hool c lass to Chll.utnu. y e . hom e, la t W ednesday, after- while 10ng-e1'. M I'S. Nancy P ope is s till ut the ha w home a RRisting noon qua j!'found, Tuesday for Picnic. l , ~ r kno \\' that they had a tine tim e [ fo und M1·, . J'oe Fil l' r piing h !-'t'Mr.da.ughter, Rilx Williamso n, of K e n", ~, time. , aJ.ll"le~, lJ re parulory t o canning tucky, spe nt lalll w (Ok-end at t he Mr. and 1>lrs. Charles Stl'ain cal. th em, he told m El that sh hud an Lawre nc Th umus hom e. le d, .F1·iday eve ning, on the Je'ls appl . l!'ce f l'dom Wtll~iCh sh~ hlad be n MI', and Mr" F()l'l'e~t Tl'os t, of I anlllllg un ea II1g app ~s ever ~~~~~~~~~~=-::....=-~ ~-=-=~ -' sinc e th fil'st of July, and it till Dayton, called on the J s Rolond s' , I . NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS I has a f ,"w apple o n It. Her daugh. Sunday afternoon, and Dr. alld STATE OF OHIO te· .. , MI s. Mury orncll, of Day. Ml'!'. Weav er. of X enia, \\Up. thcil' .0 11 Illade a 'Visit in th, evening , calle: on h r atld MI'.Filer, t Mrll, Low e, from CI veland, wall Clerk of Sale. ""'al Copy u ay a crnoon. No. 37·281 Opal Field WM tl Sunday af- the Thurscl ay g uest of MI'. and UNIT PRICE CO~TRACT . ternooll g u est of Wilma Thom ns Mr .. Je '!> 1.1ess and family. S al ed Pl'oposals WIll be reCI'Hv· . ' Mr, Pc1'I'y Fa'ul and son, Ervin, ud a t the officc of the State High- ann had th e pl ea ure of mnkltlg
wily DirecLor of Ohio, at Colum- the a cquaintance of Wilma'
Width: Pavement 20 ft.
L('ngth : 25,146 ft., or 4.762 • mil E &timatcd cost .. $126,786.58 ontrac.t to be completed within ifOTAR'r PUBLIC li!ty.tlve (56) working day s, The minimum wage to be paid NaUoDal Balik to all labor employed on this con- Will. Draw. • • £atat.a Seul.eI tl"Bct shall be In accordance with WAYN£SV.1l1E. OHIO the "Schedule of Prevailing Hou r.
quality, long-mileaae. full dimension tire that has motori.tt all over town tallrinl and buying. Commanders are made by the same engineers who build Goodricll Safety Silvertowns. Our shipment of Commander. has arrived fresh from the factory and at these I'OI:k· bottom prices we're expecting a landslide business. If you',.. looking for a low-priced tire that you can depend on let 118 equip your car with Goodrich COMMANDERS belott prices go higher.
a llo}.-). M , .... t.... ~n
lile of
.... ,., "",
\ll ."
I. f
r ....
TURNS WASTE INTO WARMTH I OulU\a17 Mater (left) . 110 ... warmth .......... 'IlP Ou., Unique ln tens.· ~. Al. 09 ... (rI\Jllt) In utAte fl eat· -a. ~ ~ -.....d." la_ room..
Fairley Hardware Co Larller Because of Better Qualit.,.. Service, .... d Price E.tabli.. bed 1849 • 1937 Phone 32
vis itt'lll I'elati:{ s in D ayton, Sun·
day, The crick 't arc see king ~Olh tu· ary. in the h'o ll.~. ~ I) i ler:c; arl" we:lV· in /!' web;; in evcl'Y avai!a bl .' pilic , and atl IC I~ t nl' n ighbc)I' in 1"('1" ry
hrys anthmull1 S
I think Gnd mu.'t love Autumn , hc::t; hi, hnnd is so muc h m o r e 11\)parent lhell, it :lc'ems to me. We hav a Illluntif ll l h !l l've~ t, th earth ' is pn, pnri'ng' t" rest nnd cv I'ythingi ~ :el'I'\1,(', A utl1Jlln i,,> God's promi~i' full1lled. - Il nrrie-
scatte red lJlnol1l. ,' Ul1Ime l' is "a y inl!: " 'fwd·by ' ·' nnll Autumn will _~o nn
b e> Ilrl n ~ hin!! flumillJl' COlO N
oVlC'r the landl'lcal>e.
- - - - _--
;\li ,,, Ann F:lzey, o f Or gonia, i.8 vi<iling h r ~l'Ul1 dll1olher, Mrs, 1,'rl\tll'i'" Hrn nn o(' k.
DeS r. • . State'" . c ·V eteri.1arian
. Watermelons
The Safest Place On Earth ' To Own Livestock
Muskmelons Romine f. Shumaker
IS The Desire And Purpose of your
Way resville, O.
Phone 13 R 51
J)rovements in accordance 'With Sections 17-8, 17-4, 17-4a., 17-5 and 17 ·5,a, of the General Code
10 Year The bidder mu st submit with his bid a certified check in an amount qual to five p ,e r cent of t he estiFirat Mtc. mated cost, but in no ,e vent more than ten thousand dollars, Farm Loana Plnns and Il}>ecitieations are on file in the department of h ighways and the office of the resid>ent district 'deputy direct-or. Frank LeMIlY, Solicitor The director ' r~serv~ .t he rigoht ~o reject any and bids, 61R2 Waynesville ' 7 John Jas ter, Jr., State .Highw.a.y Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
0&10 STA "World's Greateit Aqricultural Exposition"
AUG. 28th -. SEPT. 3rd Nt eItend • most cordial invltatloQ
to everyone 10 vi 'h the 87, .. Ohio St31e Fair. I am quite certain tha t Iluch • visit w(J\ provide you
with a8 unlor-
• Grand Circuit H.rn ~ .. Ra~e.
• Conlorvation
• Night
a Farm Machinery Exhibit
H OllO
the 1I.lr
II ~i
• World '. Groat- • Fine Am e.t Shoep Show Di.plav
picture of
the Vln resource. 01 our Ifteat .tat•. I he.rtlly ,,<om·
• Poultry Show
• J unior Fair
• Pet Show
• Horlicultu.e Dj'play
Ideal ••catlon p • Cattl. Show apot for til. "hole aD
eftID . . . . . . . . . . .IITI_
L. '.
h eavy. "b), nd !lao r r, l , "' .. ,: . 01 E - talh" (",,:-], .. ! " : '... '\
Determined by The Dtt>al'tm~nt of I nduet.·jal Relations applicable to State Highway D ep artment 1m-
.1 "' 0\0
'DOUBLE LIFE. New, ""lra-
ly Wage Rates Ascertained and
·O~t""ndlnlZ U(\O fl 'he I t (:hl}o'~I": on .. "'I'\U h .. .. '" I" ('0"".1 f ftl.t.'.·~
if h",,,
pup- ~~====:
\:u., Ohio, until ten \I'doCk A. M .. , py. who UJ1 ' W~l'S to the dignified _ Ea tern tandard Time, In am e of "Ernie" . Tu esday, eptember 7, 1937, for , impl'ovements i n: tl'S, P ete "\ Ical pent. last weckWanen o unty, Ohio, on pa rt. end with M'r on, Louis Wical ancl of 'ection lind ection C·l · of family, of Miam i burg. Her ",'Tand. the Daylo~-Lebanon Road, I. on, Glen n, had JJi tonsi ls t'cmovState Highway No. 64, tate ROllt No, 48, in Clear C.'eek d, l'U'wnship,' by grading, wid'(.'ning Mi ss Edi th Lucns liP nt the week and r~ llrl'nl'ing with cold~ll1ixed, end with Elsie M I'I~ Wical durin~
cold-hnd tar concrete.
T entry into the 10"· Goodrich haa made a priced field with the Goodrlch COMMANDER, ahiab.
Remember, there's no other offer to compare with this, because no other bee.tllC" can compare with ,t he genulOe 'Ketate lieatrola - the original cabll1et beat.r. Beautiful, modern, all.porcelain .::ablnets - eight models to ch se 'com. Jointless ash box. EstaJloy double-life fire pot. fled-a-Lever F e d Door. And the wonderful Intensi-Fire .A.b' Duct - Heatrola's famous, exC:u. .tv. feature that turns waste into , .. rmth. cuts fuel bills 2S to 40%.
HE WAR again lit "gyp" low-priced tires is on wit~18 banc·
Select your Heatrola now, m I.e p ay , n othing mon until the H eatro/a is im:ta/led (you .ay when) . Then s tart p aying in convenient CTJonthly installments,
iu.t Ii small deposit,
I\ n~d
000 LUCK" is one way of looking at it, but b\.J} II ' \.' " Heatrola in this campaign is really only am tt t' f ell c ' ... ~ .. nse. You're going to need a n ew ooattlr this F a ll. Of 1,· 'Il•• ' '' , you want the genuine Estate H eal rola. Then wily not pl. Cc .' .•, • ordec now and get your share of Free Coal (500 to 2,OOU Jl '. , ' Here's all you do;
Bv A ferry-ite
~~~!~~~~~~, ~~.~.~G~O;'~9~~
f erry,sms As Seen·
thAt :\11"
!\1r ~, Atchi· Klontz and
'llie Lou had i<llcnt IM,t Sunday .,ith his folks, tht! ad K I,ln tz' uf
To be uBed in advertising Church, LodglB,BociaJB or salea with no coat to organizations. . JUlt phone your advertiaement to th I office and Bay "Insert this ad in "Caps" space for " .......... . . . . . . . organization," _ _
'_... 11,.rtla...-I.. De.."
00¥1tIIIIr 01 01110.
• Swine Show
• Grand... nd HI po pedtOMl Show • 300.plue I.,.d and Rod ••
"Hothln/IC will be I.Ct u,tdone 10 ~Iye vis itors to the! Ohio Slate: F.I, Ihe 6ne"!t p 0 S II i b 1 e ea· h'i bits and a com plcle pro~ram of hillh . erade' enler
t:unment to meet t.he taste. of e very member of the lamily. With thl. year', Fair ata r t~ ing on Saturda" J u p ed411r. I ny i te
you to
a~ ~ct
uh/bite over w •• k .. Ind. U _
Ih, til.
Ear. H, ' HaM'.Id,
Dlnc_ .. wh...
Published w~ekly in the intere,t'of the social, religious, econ,omic life of Miami Valley's foremost progreslive community. The entire community joins in extending YOll a cordial invitation to come to this village
Spring \I alley firm SoLd ),'u lIliul a11110UI1 l'Ll1l'ul \\(1.< mud., wevk of the hunlte ill .nVll· ll ..hlp of Sprill~ Vllll l'Y £0' 1'(1~. ~! r 'l'llln . annnuncl'li to (1 n·pr"~l'ltl· aOve of Uli, ne\\ . llupl'l that h " hnrl I<old hi , btl,inl· ...' (t )1r. W. ,\ H(', tty, of W II.shill~t. O Il , II ., \\ h, will lnkl' l'Il'lr)t(' nf tlw hu-i nl''''. September 1st MI'. 'o1li n ~ ('lilli ' ttl . 'prillt: \ ':11 I Y thl 'l' t' y(>tll'" ngn rn)11l HIH lIl'hl',o 1.' 1' 1I- ll1;ll1:I'I l' " f IIH' 11"',11 hu<i lit'" f ,. Ih" ~1I11 . hinl' F l'l'd Sl nl'.., In(', hut in n ~ ht1l'l tim. l , plll'chnl' ,!1 I hl' bu ~ ill rs~ \\ h 1(' b ' h" ha.: IJlwrhl~
The Grcene ounty A nnu I "ilh oul~'ltantlinl{ ;U"C(l0F Ihi ... w-;".k, .lllJ\ItIV ~l'l'l1 1I.".~~'inl(".1 Iloint ~ of inte re~t. They XIX! t Grange Picnic wus he ld in S hu\\,· .J1l1I 1l ,:! th e (1a st ),l'IlI'i<. with tl1l' !·lly<'ll .. t (lul1l~. I IIH jue 1 to b e g'one two weeks. n!'. l':ll'k, W cd ne,~ day. lJnrinl\' bi~ :lay Iwn·. l\It. Culhn- ,'n- flll' the 1'1l-.t ~i )(I('(I.1 ylllr:! IrB. William Trout nnd .is ite!', - --hri, h. ' II lIf l1Iu~h :ts,;j~bln('l' tl) th, 1\\l'!I'l' ~'l'lIr~ IIf \\ltlch tillH' . ht: hu. _ _ __ Mi ss Mul'Y Alexllndel', cnlled on CLASSIFIED ADS f:tnnl'''~ Ilnrt <tl1t'k IlH n of thi~ vi 1 l1\'l' l\ thl: 1U1l1111l!cr nr, t'll:!t c.):I1' . Th e rt.~id v~~ and ho u:l'h old Mr" GQorg mith a ,i. ted by th eir ~iste l·. MI's. N ellie P 'tel' on. ('lllit~' LhltOugh hi~ ,.tTurt. in II" pallY. 11,· I.r lll JJ' a ran"ly lIr, thl~(' ~Ill)d" of John Th o iluig w \' (> ~o ld Alice il'lc:;bce and Lucil Arman. and childnm, D ~'\I1 and V e ra, FOR SA LE OR TRADE: 40 .p anh Illont!" fl ' dilll: lilw.'. ~hlJ\ )'!I)lJys. )11. Cutlill' . \')_l,\\hlll. III till ' \\, (' (ln t:~dIlY H ernoon, Augu s t 1 trout e ntertained unday chool Dl!lI n i. ill a nd not oble to leave acn'li 0 r III nd in Santa R O:1I1 ,,1' th.' 1,'nll fnrnH'r~ tlW,' ll1l/l'h (II' nt·\\'~pllpn. VI' 'lit" lJ i ' fl h' nd" u ml th. Ilyl'llil K~'n e bo ugh t th P 1'0(1 .. I'· IllS No.2 of M. E, hUl' ch, at t he hOlllc. county, l~lorida. Strouse Bro· d1l'ir ~llCf'l . in fll'llinlZ tl) i'lr. th"nk~ tlll'nI fll" th .. ir ~ \lJlI1(lI't Lv fllt , 75U. ' tho homo of r l'~ . mith. D vo· Mr, Ihl~ h Ha rper o f · ulvct. th er. , Wayn ville, R. R. 2 l '" lIil1'~ , tudy ;1I1rl \\ 01 ), Illon)t t h dl/rill/!' 11l.~ "tay in lhl' bU,jlll'S! ' -: - - - , - tiOIlK, busin ess, e nt rtninment and Inoiana, alTivl'rl, Monday eve ning", 2p l · '1 ,"' . hl ' ll". S"I' th o I1t· \\ I1liHlft\.Cl· l11l' nt Ill' I,)wl'd 11 V('ry II1tE'rl'shng program. g 0 I ' I" . d f . a 0 l .oelll ,nn e \\' as nJoye. 01' a f e w days vis it wit h hi s molh· 11 Th. fUl1Ii l\' ~11I1<1'(" nf ' lhr('1' :1 ' k. thnl Ih" t l' II , th" , ~t1 nH' c'.IIl' l'hl'r(' \\ I'C el!;~:h tcen m cmbcrsl k efl' ' hmen !:.! w'n SC I'V d- con s ist· c r. Mr.. N<.'tie lT nrp rr and his s i:;· FOR SALE:- Bartlett pears fU I' \\ hlrn pn'~c nt, Mt'H, Clayt on Soil l' as· in " of ic~- crellnl nd k H h . tlJlOane r' or r"lnl(Un,hl)l Can ning. l nCJ,uirll of H ilTl Y hllY .- \\ hll al'e 1'<>1 10\\ inll' ill thl' r<ll1t· n",\ l'xi ~t., ~i~t .. d with t he entl't.tainmcllt ami 1 ..... _~_ - _ _ ~ _ ~ e, t('r~, an na and M n I'y Ag nu s. • atterthwlLite, Route 73. fil'Kt sl~l'~ (If th il' falht, .. in f,'edill l! rdl'eshm nl. WCI'C sC\'ved eon, ist . was n pati(lnt at the Mc lellan Mi. s Evly n, who has ,"pent the sum h()use beyond Miami enl(!I1v,, ' "I," k. ll!' il1~ II ctin ill hl' 4· SPRING VALLEY in~ of icc t('a and cake, hospital \ ll$ removed home and is mct· hCl'e, ,viii return with h er fa· tery. 2·20 p ' n ('lui> \\urk nlill in rull.m in~ I . , I I th e r t o t h eir hom e thi s week. ~I i!<"i (lll<ll ,v SOBi 1\,' of 1\r , 1\11' , A, R. B ortoh and ·on. H ow. Il11 rn'OV Ill~ s o w y. . , Tn b·,'nd ." in thl' ('IIlIlllll ' ''l'iU I f ,','eI .. I I ft d 'r p 1r. aud MI" r.c~tcr Pctcl'~on Mr~, EmmR. Slml ~on nnd son, FOR SALE:- Maiden B lu hap· lin" ~, K hUl'l:h nw t at t he 1lomc (II J , ti l" , e . un ay mO l'nll1g ~Ol' e· ... , 'E ' 1'1 S. J. L. Me nd e nhall. Phon ~ ~ I t k M ' h" t b th neal' toW!) and Mr Ilnd Mrs Pet· arl, who \lvt', n orth of t own, hael )1.1'. lit'u lty ('''lilt'S lu hI.' bu:-i ' l W, Whitl' >iici,', The nlCvlinl\" wa . as kY' '1\(IC. Btgant 0, e gonffe l'~f' I ' nuni on'of Mt. H'olly L~ 'lI.!·ndi no> Il S gU('~ls, Sundny, Mr. and Mr!<. 45R12 . 1tp w ·c ". ' r. or on IS a su ereT 0 t " , ne s \\ell t',!uillll('d tIl UITY "11 I'Pl' lll'tI \"th tll'\'lItillnal-, lhen fol. I f d h 'Y h h th 'i l' vacation in Michi glln .TanH's ul'! tt unu chlldr n of FOR SALE : - J ersey ('ow and IllY - vver nn ast mao e ope (\ . 'X . will receive ,'eli!!! by his s tay M r, " odd?" of ,Dl1 ylon, ~pen t f he ema. . calf. Inude troud, Waync!llh t' , wee k·end WIth hIS par('!IU, MI'. un d :\1r~ . J . T , Wal ton cal· vill . M' d 1\1' J L Wal t l . MI'A. W, W. Whi tner, of M ol" le d (I n Mr. and Mr. , L('o Peterso n Two l:uge trucks I. ~n [ S. , . . . on v SIt row, who has bee n visiti ng !'cla. and ~o n s. SunrillY aft I'noo n, nl'1l1' FOR HIR E:1 f Ot, s wee t curn hauling. Pu ul eo th .Ir tlnught el', Mrs. Forest tives h 1'e and X t'n ill, \\'n called (Jdul'vill~, MI', P eterso n is MI'!\. Str o ud. Xenia, Ohio. P hone GI'an 1111, or Duyton, Thursday, h me las.t Fl'iday on account of Walton's brother, 1058 W M r. WaltOn C' nl ll~d on 'his • ister" th e iIlncss o f t heir SlIll , Elgin, Mrs. W alter '1 " V II I 'IIll h9(I M I ', and 1\11',8. Am o~ Mcmlcnhall. 2tp·2tl , Whltac e r ., wh o has ,. I'. an d 'I " 1 ~. • \ I be£>n very I II at '8 hospIta l ,b ut ha ll, 101' theil' gue t ut ~ix o'cloc k din~ MI' , Ilnd MI'R, Ra lph W a tkins, Mr~ FOR SAL E:- Good s eed rye, $1.. I b n moved to h r ho III 1.', IS much undav Mr nnd Mrs Cnrl Kat e Engle, ~ p nt unday in Mid· 00 per bush I, T. S, Hardin, ill1Tll'Oved but stiill con fin ed to her ' im ' and, ;~n, ~rl , Jr., of Cin. dletown, g uests of Mr. and Mrs. 1 mile uth of W ayn e ville. !Je d, cincinnati, Mrs. Kate Boyce and D witt Thomp, on. ltp. 23 Mr~. Hnrvey Ryc of Wayncs v il1(> dau g htel', Annette, [r. und Mrs. and 1\11..•• R. 0 , BCll on of lev e· W: G. im, of Dayton. lu nd cu11('d on r;~ l atives, Frida y af 1\1, E1'11a Babb, who pent a t tcrn oo n. v ry pi llSan\. time as guest of J\h, WiIIillll1 H oJlingsh ael, wh o M,·s. E ss I Hu tchinso n and f amily • • _____ -l)f n eal' Xenia returned home, Your .. \y ... ight i. too p re";o... to t.k.. n ..edI • •• chance•. Th .. IIlO.t d •.Ol e rou. thin I . bout e y e. trai n i. th.t the d.aJlllaI. SMA LL ' ANIMAL HOSPITAL S unday, The pring Valley Canning Co. m.y b e do ne before. you re. li" .. it. :tarted wurk Thurs day, Rox· W. O. B o w,e ra , D. V . M. H.ve .n .. ye e x.mr,nation to. day. It i • • b.olvtely frele. You Iln na anning ompany. Monday, o w e It to your.elf 10 r ive thi. much t im .. to your . i.lat. report corn they are canning i S p riDI V a He y, Oh io best in ytial's. GI ... ... will be pre criLccI only wile n n eeded. 1\11', and 1\I1'S. Howard Dyke and ~O n of Wilk 'burg, Pennsy lvania, a1'l'ivt'd. Mo nday vening to pend ~ me time with their mother, 1\11' • Ope n Every Day from 8 A . M. to . G P. M. Plot'a Buckler. Saturd.y 8 A . M. to 10 P . M. A reunion of all the pupils who 19 N, BROA DW A Y LEBANON, O llIO utten d th e McPh r80n school wae
Sundav School
---- ...
Easil y the outstanding announcement in ,the way of interest to r ead ers of the Miami Gazette is our offer f a
Don't T "ke a Chance.
w Subscribers
Dr. John Zettle
D. D.
:~~~~~~~~~~~§~~~~~~~§=~~~~~ - - -- - - - - -- -
, aturdllY t. On th chatool g\ter oldund , There 21was a good L ebaln on, Ohio t e n dance and all had a g ood time ' P re. e ntinl tile B elt an d L.te.t I e n e min ~ old tie H a nd limes, In Mr. George TUrner and Mr. MOTION PICTURE M. Rart 'ock left" Wednes- ' ENl'ER.T AINME NT day. for D land, Florid a a n d other
We Thank Our Customers, The Friends We Have Made While Managing
Spring Valley Feeds
It has been a plealure to serve you durin, the yean
now that we've lold our intea:e.ta here. we be-
apeak for the new maj acement a .incere wi.h that the lame happy association will be
continued to the mutual benefit of all.
c. Collins
Guaranteed Sets in Handsome Boxes is
The above illustration from actual p hotograph f!howing these vel'y attractiv<! sels' in· handsome boxe , Th ey are w ell and c~u'efully mad of high grade m~tcria18 a nd will give t h e same hig h class writi ng service a the most expen. sive et. .Furthermore they are f ull y g uar a n teed , Should any of om' l'eatl en; receiVe ~.. set th at becomes defective from any' cause he has th e privilege of having it repaired under the same p lan used tty a ll pen and pencil manufactur ers . · A guarantee slip is ~ncluded with every set .
We Are Giving the Sets .Away These sets are ideal for school p urposes and f ill a long fe lt want for good writing equipment, And th e beauty -of it is t h at the sets do n<1l: COB.t sever'a l d?llal'/:I but arc gi en absolutely fr ee. No wo nder l?arent are stOC~lJ1g up Wit h th e:;>e s t for their children. As ma ny sets as deSired, on e free ~lth eac h $1.50 paid on .s ubscription, For a sh ort ti me, until September 25th , we will g'ive on of t hese sets ABSOLUTELY F REE W ITH EACH RENEWA L OR Ng W SUBSCRIPT ION AT '}'HE) .REGt!LAR I RICE OF $1.50 PER YEAR. No oth er conditions 01' stipula· tions. You merely pay t h e r egul a r sub scription pric ' and pick out from our large a :;ortment t h e set tha t a ppeals mostto your e:.'c, YOll can obtain more t han one set if you so de!'li rc. You can pay your subsc riJ?tion 1'01' tW? or more Y,ear s or y.ou can subscribe 1'01' a relative o~' a frie.nd or several relatIves a nd fn en ds, Wit h each payme nt of $1.50 you WIll receIve a ha ndsome set free.
See the Display at Our Office .
Th ot11y way you can r ealize t~e attractive ness ~lnd w.o rt h o~ thpse sets is to visit our office and see th e la r ge dlsplar· Sets co!»e In a ~lde val'lety of sparkling colol's and combi?~tions a~~ you Will be deh ghtod With t heir bea uty .and their ir e and en. Y wrIt m g qua lities.
If quality coocll. rea.onable prices, and cour. · .. teoul service are what you want. TRY ,
Select yOUJ~ IUtt .. smalJ'
:LUCK" is one way of looking al it, but buylr1, ... Heattola in this campaign is really only a matter of <~ \ ~nse. You'zoe going to need a new heater this Fall. or ('(1I.1:-W . .vou want tbet genuine Estate HeatroJa. Then why not place I'''1\);' order now and get your share of Free Coal (SOO to 2,000 li:-e.~' Here's all 'yo1ll do:
HeatroJa now, make deposit, pay nothing D'lore until tJhe Heatrola is installed (rou say willen), Then stut paying in conveniellt monthly installments,
Remember, Ithere'8 no other offer to 'c ompare with this, because no other h.atec- can cc)mpare with the genuine Estate Heatftola-the original cabinet Beautiful, modern, all"porcelaiD ~binets·-eight models to choose Irom. Jointle8s aah box. Eatalloy double-life fifte pot. Ped-a-Lever Feed Door. And the wonderiullntenai-Fire Air Duct - Heatrola's famous, exclu.tv, feature that turns waste into l'Vumth, cuta fuel billa 25 to 40%.
·Dependlna upon ,he mo", ,..1 onp ... hIJf · tie.e " 11,(" ",,1",
chO<".~ :
lfhn,<I coell. fu,nt.h.4,
DOUBLE LlFL N.w ••• baheavy. libbad fir. pftt, Ift.d. 01 E.tallo, (l11elr.1 ,,".!omi"'" ~l1oy). N ... ,tJ.... douk>l. In. lU. 01 b.at ... 1· 11........ p .....
, uu crill r8 uml.ble to call a t th e M ~<t !11 i Ga7;ett office may h ave t heir sets mail d to t hem o r t.o a ny oth er party sP ~c lfl c d . Just ad d 5c extra to your s ubcri ption rem itta nce .
.Phone 4 X
Copsey's Grocery
We Will Mall Sets Anywhere
MASON .J ARS " ' ., , , QtA. Doz. 61k; Pta. Doz. S9c t TIN CANS . . . , . , , . Qt.. Do..z. SOc; Pts. Doz. 45c t FRUIT PECTIN .Sweet Briar . . , . .. Packalle IOc t FRUIT PECTIN. , Premier Liquid .. Pack• .., I~
t JAR RUBBERS Be•• Quality " .. . , , , "
Doz. Sc
Giant Packel_. SIe; Lara_ Pk •• lie; 5 ..... Pk •• Ie TURNS WAd'1 INTO WARMTH I
The Miami Gazelle
. Barker's Drug Store
O.cl.aAq hea ••• (left) .Uo •• WArmthto ........ <tip Ru., U .... q". In'.n.l'be ,. II 0.. .. (."h., £ata.. H•• ,.... "I~ , ' ..!-_d.H ............
RINSO .... , ....
, . .. , . . Lar•• 23c; ' .. Sman Ie
t Starred Items Are Our Regular Prices Thi. ia just a f"w of OUR PRICES. COME IN .... WE wOI ..... YOU ..... O~R
anb UCbat
By the Miln on the S tone S t.e pa
. To m the cl'ime of the uge. i~ t h.n t society a ' 4 whole is un llble t o Ilrotect it, If against the gre d and avarice of it membel's, I prefe r spedfica\ly to the iluation b etween hinll and Jupan.
Wayneaville. Ohio, Thursday
gNat est t'n cnuce to the prcsN'vation of OUI' civjlizaliun is war. I t not. (lnly d e il'UYR in a . inJ'ul IIlId wliolesall' mann er' O Ul' mate rial substllllce, buL it destroys ju ~ l us conlllleWly our moral value. [n all other r spect" society pre-
pu nil's the right to protert itse lf again st the individual or ..Jr.I'OUP "hich thl't'lIwns its p eace nnd sllfe· ty. if u mild dog i ~ lit lorge, !'ociety a sSIJm sibo l'ight t o di spo~ e ii. in th inter t (If the PI'otcctioll of
';tlj ni e- mhe t's. If a mllninc breaks loose in a community and thl" atons th lives of individu a ls, he is aJl' l'rehend ad and put wher h e can do no harm. 1f a mUl'd 1'1.'1' or a pervert J'un s wild in the commun ity, he is appr(·hende,1 and put wh e re h can do no morc hllrm. No dna .al·g~"s, or dl' bllte.s, or (IUes tions, but that it i s tho wise thin~ lo do, th ollly thing to do. W h en it. comes to the sum e thing in a world , itu a tion, wh er e PURtl ibllitics of do ng I' IlI1d d estr\lction are infi nitely gr liter, . wh I'C it threatens , no t only to j eopal'dlzc, but Illso to demol'alizc civili:l.Ilt.ion its If, we or helpl esli a nd can do Jlot.hi ng to sLOp it.
Cel brutes 27th Birthday in h·on Lung
Whole Numbe r 6289
September 2, 1937
New Theater Opening C 0 A Ch At Xenia Soon RESIGNS
I Opening only . day on Tuc sd a:v. It ii! ur ~l' <1 Iy fl Twp. bctw re n th e aA'CS of ,< ix. and that as f r a s pOMible all l)u]'lils b l , 18 will bq~in tht' ~choo l year of pre!! nt On op ning day ~') lhal en· l' 11m nt a nd lI F~ il1:lIm('nts may 111' 1\1 37- I O:J8 . made complete on that day. B'J\ h gn,dl' tlnlt hi ~h ~chool build F;Tilt bu s pupil~ \\ ill beg-in d· , in~g hll v", b 'l' Jl ptd. in r n(lin cR~ at :05 il1 th ' mOI'ning Rnd will b' duri ng t hl' ~ UJllln er month : f l' dL mis8(,d at 3 :05 in the Afte I'll 0 on . t h(' incomi ng students. ['al'cnt!! hould nOle thut this "chI'. • .v 1'111 chan ges hllv ' he en mad l, dule calls f or no eh ng e in th e at th ' biAh .,;ch,, "1 hlJiidinl' which lime ~ he ilul e in thc nt Pl'nillg' but wil l b e to th e l111pils' welfan·. Th e will allow mo ~t puiJlls to g('t hom ~ nHwNl i I1to a lar· a litlh! ellrli e1' in the ~Lftl!l'noon. 11'll l','II y 11l1S I)onn ,~ g(' t room wlw l'e ll Pprox';mate]y 40 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ 1 ~tllclcntf< mny bl! ca .'cd for , I t will open l!:1ch period dur in !:' thc dllY. 1'h i.~ com l inntion of li b,-ary JIIld s tudy hall Rho uld greatly aid th () F tudc nL~ in their I' fer nee work. Thc room which (oI'Ole l'ly h o u. od Ih library has b een F . B en j. 11 II l'I'i l<o n , 1n,i :changed int o the Dooksi.o J'c a nd HolJ\!rt C. Allt' n , onh Main 1.., \ ill al 0 s~l'VC It~ a workroom fnl' Wllyn : \' il le, Ohio, of ompany I "cporlel's on Th e Waycl' hn n \Iho is attending th(' ' itilwns'MiI( ~Ch00 l paper). itllly Trailling ump at Fe B enj . Through th is a1'l'all$:(l"mcnt it h a.~· 1131'1 i Oil, Indiana, hal' been ~ e l ctb ' n pO"'l\iblc to provide l'xira I ed to rHliv, th e Milil~I'Y Train· IlIc k ' r room on the !'cond fl our ing 'amp Alisoc iation Award for which will ('1111 the ("nn~e~tin[l c nJ b ' ing' the ou t .. tanding Wh ite ancount I' d III ~ t yellr. didate in hi" company. Alle n 1'Th e lutlch 1'0 III lit the hi~h ceived II m dal, in orrl r rs publi ~hed !W ho uL bllillin g '" ill nul he opel\ toduy by amp ommander, Brig. tho first w k of . thoo l, hut it i ~ GlJrleral William K. Naylor. 'I'h" Ilwarrl \HI: made fu ll ow! n ex ct~d to b · ill Jlr ration by t.lw ~c cond wc() k. II finlll r 'vi w of th e MTC candi-
F or th, ' f]r~ t lilllf' il) til,· hi .. tnl· ~· of (hCIIII' ('pun ~', it.· t'iti7.( ·n." ar' lei • njllY ih , "'lll1ftll t !Inti tJl'lleIH :< " f II Cll lllpld(' ly m " d"I'11 and ,I\'h lx" t11l'8tl'l' , '"IH' n' 'hllk("cTh l an C'" In l'., "I ,,' n th(·jr 11(,\1 Xl' llia lh'::llll, "n Xl·nia. 11t'xl Thu, ,/lII Y l'V ninl{, ,'I'ptl' mlwr !)th. Th(' n 'w Chllk ~ r('~- Xl'nin thclltn' "hi('h I. b(' in l! ~ n'c tcd Ilt lin tiTlprnxi m~\l e co~t (,f . 50,noo, \Ice upi e.:; lh., ., it ~ o f th ... [,1 1I1WI' Bijelu th " nt I' " (Ill lh,· CI)UI·t hnU l'oe ~ q \lare. Wh l n (",,,npl , t ,· o1 n('xl W', l·k, till' new X eni a th ~ atl " "Ill 1,1' th l' rno ~t II cntlful Irn d Clrll1f()I' ahl .. "n1a \I city,· i Ill' IlIn placc", in till' ~ tat c! (d Ohi ", ueco'i1ill).( (j I"l CII ,lIiZt·i1 al'('hill'cb a lii I thlall iral tll'Rif,!'n el' .
'r h e llll ntr ~ will
0 [11'11
K. ft. Bod nh(' nU (l r, for I h • past Waynl'l<vil le hig'h .'chool "as appoinlt'd h ad coa h at n1anchl'."le-r, it Wil l< li n , n ounced to(lay. Mt'. Bodenb(>nrl r will couch boy ~ ' athleti.!I a nd teach phy.<i,·u l t'ducation an o! his t,. ory. H e had a vel'Y envi abl~ recCl rd While at Wllyn :;villp., ha vi n g produced champions hip teams ea ch y('al'. Whil ' r e luctant to s e him leave, hi ~ Jl)Il11Y -£l'iClno.ls in Wayn ' . vill L' wi ~ h hi me the b e!ll of ~ uc(' (>~ in his (Il' W po ~ ition. No on e htl >; IH'I'n ~ clectc d t o fill h is vacan· oy. t nrce yellr~ coath n
d til
Ih .. fluldi 0,11 Thul' ~ day 1Ii).cht • .'l'PFrederiCk O. Snitt', Jr .• of Ch icago who reccntly celebrated hi s tw nly· ten d l!r Uth with u complete ~.c l· c(·n seventh birthday lyi ng in an iro n lung-the machine that does hi s breath· bill and II filting ril'llicatory proiog for him. It is hIS second year in the macbine since he wa 8 strlcken ~I'UI11 011 the ~l ng( . Th g ' J1 l'1'1l1 with infanti le 11Ll rn.lysis In China and he ex pects t o spend severn I more publ" i ~ illvitt'll. The new Xe nia in it before he is ab le to do his own breathing and walking. His girl trlend llH" ll h'l' will UIH!latl' Idth emitin, Rosemary O·F a rrell. lert. and his sister Mar y. r igh t, vi sil him. ' IOU ,. progl ll 1l18 {'ve l'y (rl.l~', up e n· in" at 1 ::i O P. M . and clu"iJlg III mi d ni/!ht. T h lhellt.· WIll PI' '~(' n t ~h fiu l!; t and n C l\ e~t in 'CI' ('11 clll(' l'tainmcnt and will olfel' s pecial , tB~~ uttruclil1 n ~ 1\ hen worth"hi! , aetH !lnd L1J1its HI e llVllilubll'
- - --
~ - ....
COYLE INJURED INAUlD UPSET WED. Eall Coyl , ow n ~ I' und op ' o r thl! oyl ·'s Mcat MUl'k• t f lhi ~ plilcl' e ~ C (led sCl'inus injury in a n autol1lobil accitl n t \\ hich 0 'ul'cd Wc(lne"lay ni~hl of lA.~t . w ek. 1\11'. oyle "as riding witb MI'. McGyle of WashingtOn C. II., a nd lh' two had bel' n t II , all' in the \ :l." i nj.!ton '. fl . \'i t'ini ty. As they were r eturning to town, th-eir aulom u hil o tlll'n,' d IlVCl' , t1ll'owing Mr. oy le out of tht, :w in dow of the cal'. Il l' \1 1\" kn o<:k rl unc ' nscious alld b .. ui ~c d up lladly. Pags'rsby tuok him to the ho. pitnl in Wn, hill)(,lllll C.- H., ",here h e remain~ uncon.,do u. lIntil late t.he next moming. 1\11'. McGyl , the driv'r t ho car was unhul'l in the mis-hilp, ;\1 I '.
l' 1 alor
Th mild wolves of war can run HUlIldt-eds Ha ve A lread Been I inttel' your !;ub ~('l'iption will II thi H t rl'itoJ'Y. "n H f h' ys . b , extcnded a fil II yeal' from tl1(' 'fh . Ill'W th eatJ·(, i .. ll1 o(iemistk loose at will and glut th III elve~ Placed lome. 0 t la echon . . I In order th~lt J.<l pNiod hl~Sl'~ da tes. a nd C 1 D d J cxplratlOn dllte. I 11 Clu~hou t ~I n d u ~ iil flOIll it!! b ' au .until th~y ure )lurfeilcd up on blood a nd la ~ period cln s, e!; mnr be 'fh er arc 1670 young m en aOLI rea t 0 eman uat l\.! or than o ne ~ .t CAll be ohtuin. I.y \l'ill a ff ord thultl' iCo r~ In t.hi s o f innocent peop le • 80m whAt un irol'm in ~ I~, it \lill boys from the , tates of l n dinnn , A rrivin'lI . d by any t'cader a VI' are g iVing ,~ cti()n every known IId vuntllge be nee ~sllry ror ~o me low n pUI iI~ hio, ~ t t Virginia, Ilnd Kentuck y II _-et with (mch $ 1.50 paid. You a n d comfOl"t... The fl'ont 1\ ill he E VE RYONE D ELIGHTED II tll'llilinJ.\' t.h ca mp, Way nesville Farmers's Grll~g(' to come llt and othcl"!I to arrive can pay you I' own ~ub . CI iption fOI' Ihlu1.c With liKht. Th c lobby lind w ill m et for t heir r gular meet.. at :4.5. A~ f81' 1\ po~si bl e w will E ve ry Rec ipie nt H u Been Hi1hl tw~ morc yt:lU'R, y Ul' own ~l.1b- luxu.ious rO~'N' UI' to til' h\'aviTy Y lng, Satu rday ve nin g, S prember lry to nccnmodote th e pupil a~_to Pleued W itl) t h e Bea ut y a nd v(' I" llllOn an d that of n. m n y rel- cUl"pe l l'd mHI flJrni, hNI in l1iC\\', 4. It i hop d that ench regular ' thc time- th y prefer to come. j at.iv. anI fri ends as you d_·~ in·. nwr!clnistlc f"umbhingtl. Th e auU ti lity 01 Thea.,. Fine Seu att nda nt fo Gr a n ge will bring Final details in tlK ~l'3d· ~ch cll '. or s hould YOU I' 0\1 n .' ub. cripti o n be rlilol'iul11 o f the Th ~8trc ha , heen n l"nng fam ily that have not bee n ul nnnot be mode l1.!lnounced u nAII'eady the Gazettt· hl1: placed a paill tal' in advanc , you ca n pa " gt.E'!I.t.)y enlarged 1111,1 II 11 W allattending . We hope thllt each IiI t.h e deAnit siz(' of each Chl$~ good mony m ore elf th l' 11' n lind your uwn a nd PIlY fOl' Ul'. 1l1 1111y 0- dillon h ou~('s 1l1 0dl'I'n l ou n~ '~ and I elilo h Everha rt, d'a ug ht r Gran ge member readi ng this notice is known . Ii ~!< EVil Read I' will pencil set than WI' hnd anticipat- ~h 'ra Ill'. you elll'c Lo: W e'll Il'i\'l' I'e~t roum (m !toth ladi l.!~ >lnfl ge n,i ll fee l the nced for b ltcl' again servc til principal of the n •mun and Nanl Y Yeigh. wa ,,; ed at th openin!! Ir thl) campaign. you a ha nd~om 81' with nch t Iemen. range aitemlance IRnd ·cooper. ~I'adl) b\lilding with the following born in Oaklan d Mill , ra ., April W e kn ell' that "' e had a Rplendid .UiO Ilaid u~ for sub~cripti on and The theIlLI'(! is b('ing ·quipp I) a l io n with the Gr:ange fficel"s. staff CJf t achers: Mrs. Jack K~r· I fa, 1850 •. 11I1d derPart. ' d thOh lil-e, PI'(,ll'liUlll and ha d obtllined SAm let yoU ' !lay as to wh o~e ('redit '" ith the nC~Il'.-t We!!leJ-n EINtrlc I e t erms that we " A short pl'og ram has b n. ar- sey, Mr. J a mes Jack son, :Mi s Al · IlI te l" an I11 nes." 0 . 16 mont , ' at 0 11 ;;uc h favol'lIb ' Ub8Cl'lptlon s al' to be e nter· Mi I'ophoni' !-Iou n.! a ncl high-ten- L"ctu ru On Obat etr'ich F or Ph.yTlI n ged for th lectur.e hour uft rice ampbell, Mi. Lu ul'a McKin- I I' hom. in orWln, Augu~t 23" could off I' it absolutely fl'c e. W • ily PI'ojcction Iightij. Th e FLage aician. To Be Given At The Town hleh memb 1'8 will be a ssigned s y, 1\Ii Dorothy Day , Mi~ Vh'- 1937, b mg 87 yeal' ,4 111 nths did not. know, how vel', how easy O ffer N earing End wil! have a ~iant screen, afford in!{ H all, Lebano n. Ohi o O~ Seplember 14, 1937 i l' t ""' ould b to co nvl' nce our I'end- Whilc there is ti ll a~nple tim to d iffer nt grou ptl to plan and ar~ I l!"irlin Ha rd in and Mr. Russel H oI· and 1 0 da ys of age . Il l'ctUI 'c tl1a t WI'11 I' ,. .Ieve a II . _~"~ r ange f or "G ra nge improvements" liday, 'he ca.m from Penn ylvania to Cl" that w & are ofl'e!'ing them 80m .... to ulk e advantag of hIS re mark- tJ 11111 and be compl t } y vl~lb l e Durin g th/) afternoon a nd evein the v ry n ear fu tul'e, Let each. At til. high school l1uilding-, Mr. Wartt?n ?nunty. Ohio, while ~et a thing really wOl'th while. abl-l.' off I', the fact l'omain~ lhat it to patron in evc l' y sc M. niltg of £ eptembel' 14Lh., DI'. A. Il'I mber p lease ta~e t his eriously harl es Jam $I will t nch al"ithmc- young gIrl wh cl'e the remamll(lr .J. SkQ!'I, le'llllrind, will deliv er a H o\\ cl1 1', a EIO01~ a~ calls wer is drawing toward !l clo. c. Final - - - - - "'" un d feel t hat t h ey arc n part of Lic and hiLto ry in the 7th and 8th of h e r life WII spent. (~el'i e.$ of lectu r e!> on certain 1n th yCIII' 1873 sh wa, unite d mad e a t this office ito view the elis- dllt or offer i 'sturday , SeJlte m~c Gra n ge a n ~ have a r etl pon,' ible grlld '_, Mr. WlIde TurnC'r wil l phil.. e~ of obstetrics in the Tow'n in murriuge to J ohn Everhart. T o play an d t he se ts tnl"tet'\ going out bel' 25. a matte I' of only the r e main [~ plnc' to fi ll. P I a e come aturday too(' h g oiun phy in th 7th and Hall Auditol'i\lm at Lehanon , Ohio. ing dllY$' of· this week and two Jli~hL an d oft' r your help tlnd s e 8th grades and hi~tory and Eng- this union Ioul' children wor b Ol n. into the hand of - ub c rib-or, th Thi ~ m eeting h be n ut" I'linged what the Grange means to your Ii h in the hi~h schoel. 1i5i< Gret- Thrce bOY>l Ilnd on gil'!, Alonzo d mane! too k o n a \'eI'Y he'althy colthrouglt Dr, W. H . Hartung, Dirand Ona Mae having preceded or ind cod. N eigbbor, tu ld n eighub , ribeT;; living at II di8tancc co m mun ity a nd hus in tOI'C for chcn Geh ring will be in chal'g of Th e: ladi~,; of the W mnn'~ iv- cctlll" or lIealth, anI! Or. P . [;. H arth ir m other in d~ath. Tho~e 1'1." hOI'" of finc 1)1' mium that could ot' find ing it inconvenl 'nt to c'a ll you. t h e !lch ool lunch and will t (,ach maining to 'mou l'n th e ir moth er arc b> obtai n d fro m t.he Miami Guz- a this o f'lk I', . h llu ld mail thei l' loe- ic Lca lrll(! are having a " chicken d", BUI en nf hild lI ygien , of the Mrs. Louis F ires Home Economics an'tl 7th English: Fredrick lind Howard Everha rt, (' e II' e and llli with OUl' OWll 111 itlllllce wi th in the' n xt f ew , UPI)!! I'" in eal'oll mal't'fI GUrllge , Stll (} D('partltwTlt' ()f lIeulLh, CoLectul'cr Mi s..~ Vil'gene R oe " ill be in charge effort!; to adv rtise the off I' have ha y" R m mber, we \l'il! mail the n ' a tllrda y ev n ing, ('(It ' mb'el' l umbu~. - - - REU"NiON"- of the library and \vilt teach Eng- of Wayn e. ville . b j!;innin g ut 5 :;1 0 o'clock . 1'hi ~ cnUI·.'l' of lec tl1rc!' is open It W<l in the year 11)13 that. the Hsu lled in 0 spl e ndid -howing to ,'l lo your addl'e,'~ 01' to any ad- 4 t h. ___ _ I i. h. Ml'. al'l Bod nben d er I!ontin· to Lh(' Jlhy~! hlll ~ tlr HA milton, lin ho me WIlS made sad by the goi ng dille. A nu, of coul'!'e" the p>l: uk of d,'cs you d(l l'tnate , pl'I)vid d yo u EVl'l'ything is five r~ nt~ l'a<;h. Th t hirty-eigh th annua l 1'11'- u e~ a s )'IhYSir al duca ion directnr Thel' will bl' fried r hi " ken ;<an (\- ton , Il utl (' 1', IInci Wa.t'J'c n ounof . the h \l~lmnd . Mr. Ev erhart. the lfelllanil i~ just n ow nnivi ng. l add fi ve c(' nt!l f01" po!;tage. u n ion of the Compton~M iI1s fam- fOl ' boys alld will teach mllt h ematWhilo hundl'~ds ha.ve already be n Better make IlI'l'!Ing('ml' ll't R n ow wiches. l'oll iall s, hak e,1 corn. pi c tie!'. Along with t he tw o ~O I1 ~ _h ' ilies will be h Id, Saturday, Sept.- ic~ " Mis. E sth('r Smith hilS gil'!· 1'11 , RlIbjl' Ct.~ d i~cu~. ('d by Dr. IU(IVI'!< thl'c '& i!lt r~ 1\11'. An no. in to ~ccu re t h eil' prcmium., hun-I to get you I' S t 0 1' set5. Th e off e r clike Il.nd hom c-mad\! icc-cl·l'am . 4t.h, at the Caesal" Cr~k church phys i III education, f'. ci e11· , und La 1\11'. lind Mr~ , hnl'l ~~ DM t"1'::lk ,·1 II ill 1)(' , fil·~t. " n nlOrrhOlCes dl·ed.s m Ol' a l'c du~' to tuke advall- will soo n be ove r. olllmbus, Ohio, MI'>; . I grou nds, n eat' N ew Burlingtdn. tin: Mr. Carl F I'g"uso n hisch sc hool Dell el', of have J'eurned fr o m n .Icliwhtflul · of' p ,.",~nancy li nd Labor" - .<ecBig.f.!:!; () f FI'Ullklil1, tage o~ the off ,1' bdol' e nd of the All mem bers of the families on d I.\c le nce; M I'. I. O. Brown , commer - Ali l' rip to Ddl'oit und Ning,[I1'u F'all s. ond, In fc lioll- It'. preve ntion MA·· friends are inv ited. cial; Mr. J. B. rnbb e, V(I , atioJlul amI Miss Mal:y Veigh , or Dllyto n. Ca mIJ31j.{n. No t S urr.ri.in.. 1\11-. an(1 M.•·~, A. S . ()lIdl and !I Tld TI'('lltment", thinl, "Late ToJCJy"SSIOna V r .. ag.'icultu re; Mr. Raymond Brad- Ohio. Al 0 a h o~t.. of oth el' l·ela.Liv.e.~ LOCALS Mr . an d loll·s. !lowanl Grah llll1 at- (Il\liu :-; ". Th~ .fin J' suIts an 1'. ally not. doc k, high school principal, Eng- lind Il"iclld~. Resel'VllLiol1l'; fat' 6 o'("lock Dintt'nded the Fi ve Hu n dred Card sUt'p rl. mg when omoC con slde1'5 t hat I Mr. lind Mrs. S eth T homas s pent Ii, h, and biological scienc ; ·upt. Moth r'~ ha nd !'. are weary, Itlh 1ft. the home or M r. ancl Mr,.. n e l' 1lI1l y' be mad e at.. the Go lden FolLl th m on her brca t; the Gar-otte i off l'in~ a pre mium Tlw Mi81<ion ll ry Soci ty o f ·the L alll b H ot 1. Lt'bano n, Ohio. S unda y n t Ric hmond, ~ll di an a, an d L . A . Gurst, social s iene C'. 'I'h y hav b ee n so bu sy, \I it h u llivcri<al appeal, on e adapt- F elTY hUl'ch mel. at tho home of J . 13. 'h.n.u:nll\ll , Ilt Wayn ·.' vill e. WHe ac companied h ome . in the Mr. nnd M .. ~. Ralph Francis c.ll, ' L e , 0 let. them rest. cO to lhe use of ev·e ryone and n ed lVII'''. Flltllk ]"ox on W eclncsdllY, e d by v....,·y ilion, woman and child Au g-lI.-t . 25, wilh an a~~lI)1bly ot' led on fde n (Is, S nlllnla y uft el'l1 no n veili ng by Mi ss Slu 'n,h Corrine an d St t.h, J r ., w'ho had been vi sitin g . . ami were di nnN" 1l'1Iep,ts of Mr, o r s hool a ge. Th(lr e is $C urce ly n thil·ty a n d ~c v(' r ll ) vi, it()l'~. W Il I'n an d thin and wr inkl ed, ,1' lat ive . there Inst week. and Mr ~. Er~ kin H urst find duug h road r f thi papel' who d o s n ot 1 Th ' I1we t inJ;: WU R open ed by . carcd with toil and cll.rc, M r s, Ella B r a ddock, of Da yton, hav\! daily u sc of w l'iting equipPresident Mr~. Jenny ThonlM. D c- t 'l' ~ in til. eVl'ni ng . Y ·t to all they aided ~lde d with her niece , Mrs. Goldie . . 1\11'. and M r.~ . lInol S mm !Inri lIlent and rnr Iy i th r a. hom" \'C) li o nnh~ wure led h y Mrs. Carl Beauty, full and fair, B en tley, T uesday. Miss Emma. al't\\'ri ~ht passe d RO w 11 s uppli-ed t hat very m em- I m ith. Pl'3Y I' by Brolhel' Sm ith . Mr~ , Mary Hu in' ~ w('r e in PittsTh ~ .C ovel·n ol's of Ohio and I oMrs. J. C. Hartsock and daughc away, Tuesday evening, 7 :80 P. b el' of th e family' has own individ u-I The co, oanut \l'n open d and burgh over Lh t" we ek-mId ; 'InIes t • wa have b en havin.g quit{!' a conJu st to think h o \v they hav€o te r , Mildred,. of Milford , were dinM., at Lebano n, Ohio. She. was the al p n and p e ncil sets. H e nce, the I I(1I e~~e:" were taken as to' thc of Mr~ . S marl';; tlall 'th e r amI fam- t r ove)', y over which , tate g row Guid er! ; ti n y, pat ering Jw r g u ests of Mrs, E dit h H arris daughtel' of Mr. and Mrs. S eptipre mium we oner is on e th" can amount in it, Mrs. Murris won hy ily. .the t'llIest Cill n, T o prov{; that Smoothed away all .0lTOW Ill n d f amily, on Monda y. MI'. a nti M\'s. Ch al'leR Gorcinn 1\(' - Ohio pl'o duces th e tallest corn the mus L. 1l1·twright. b e utiliz ed to an advantage ill ev· h~r g u e~ of $5:25. Th c r enl W ith t h il' t.ouch b swett. Y vo nne S tubbs s pent several co mpani ed Mr . lind MI's. W. P . Me TI' eu ~ u l 'c I' of thl' Sta t , Clare n ce Miss CB I'twright was born and cry borne. I amou nt was $5.40 . du ys t his w e'e k visiting with her Ca rren !lnd (Iaup:hter, Mi ....~ Rh ell H. K n i ~ l cy ill oll'c1'illg prizes fO I' Jived m ost. of h ~r l ife in W nyensThis un iv{)l' a 1 n Qed and arlapta-I Th e prog r aJll con ist e d o f :Ban ishctl pain and sorrow, grand mot her a t Germantown, on n motb l' trip t hl'ough Mic hiKan t he tu llest stalk C)f corn grown t his vi\l<.l, an d was v er y weJl k n own: tion a long with the fact t.hat th :: Dutlt l1y M r. . Julia Sm ith Itn(l Close d a t iast the . eyes Mr. a nd Mrs. M, D. Ba ird , Mr. ;lnd in analia, 1'(wrninl(' hl)l11c la ~ l y til'. Th c,'~ pl' iv.o~ are !IS fo llows: by all t h e older l' ident s of W ayGazette i giv ing the Eets away ab- Ml's. Eva Martin. Of her I ved who g l'eat her O . R. U ng lesbee a ttende d the Friday. n()sville. $50.00 to the owner o f t h e lan rl olutely f l' e xpbti ns v ery clearly . Map study of . P oland by M.I'~. In mansio n s in the ski es'. taw F'a ir, W edn esdllY· M.·. a nd M1'8. W. W. W elch l1 ncl $50.00 to the memb er of t he F uneral se rvices \V ere h eld , why the offer is ,1 roving so hig h' Brannock. Mr. and M rs, W alte r S heeha.n MI'. llnrl Mrs. E. B. Daki n Ilt 'nd ed 4 -H Club r('~ponsible for brin g. T h urwny ·at 2 :30 1'. M. at t ho Mot her's h a nds nre weary, Iy successful. Reatling~ of clippings on Poland <spent Sat urd ay in Columbus visit.. the H a le ft cuni on \a.<t undllY a t Stub bs F uneral Home, with bur· Ano t her fa ctor is the high qUR l- by Mrs. J oe Filer, MI'!<. AI Corn ell lhe home of Mr. and M rR. Alvin inA' in th e tallest stalk F old t h em on her breast ; j ng r e lativ es and a tte nding the $150.00 to the . 4-H . Club to ial in Miam i Cemete r y .. Deal' ol d b ands 50 feeb le; it y of these sets and the fact tll1lt a nel M!·~. Eva Bur·nrtL. Stat Fair. Coate, neal' tfic S pri ngfie ld m et- which the individual belongs. t he y are fully guaranteed. Elich LOCAL NEWS - --Rea di n g by M1'5. Helen Murphy They h ave earned t h eir rest. ing hOll ~e, EPISCOPAL CHURCH The stal k must have at least set carries a gual'l~lltee s lip. "That Old Sweeth enrl o r Mine", MI'. and MI'A. G. M. Muc I)onald orl mature 1I1' on it a nd m ust b e Servic~ at St, Mary'.s EpiscoMr . a nd Mrs . DO lllllll H ad ley Go d was waiting f or her, Seta Ideal For School Piano Solo s l'e ndCl'c\1 by Paul- a nd f a mi ly W{' I'C ,lillnet· ~ 1I ('sls o f measu1'ed from t he ground. ,pal ' hu rch will b e r esumed next had f or t heir di nn er g u ests, TuesAnd he und er-tands Child re n a nd lla ren t 5 are finding in ' Riggs. W. , K e rsey alld famil y, lu, l Su nLO Rte l' J. Mille)', co u nty ag ric ul:Sunday, September 6. S el'mon and day, M rs. E I·izlIbeth Smith, of Da y- All the work fOt" . others these sets ideal fol' sch.ool l'cquil'~ Th{' n ext meenting will be- h eld tU1'1I 1 agent, l\.5k s that t h e talle t Holf Communion at 10 :30 A. M., t on , Mrs. Am os Cook of W ayncsD one by moth r's ha nds. me nts an d that is one rea.son "h y at the hOIl1 l! of Mrs. MOITis Hun· day. Th(' M i.'~'el:\ EI't Iy n Virg illia lind talk reported. to him a nd h e • Rev. John J. Scllaetfe r officia ting. ville and Mrs. Margaret Joh ns. Mi<sGlen na H";.;'ke, of S pt'i ng- flO many of these pl'emiu(l1 ~ 11.1' tel', on ~ epte111bN' 29. . t P k - - Vivian Tuckel', (.\lId l\1r!:. LOlli5 will sec ' t hat th pl'opel' e ntry is, WOMAN;S:'AUXILIARY Mrs . S. H . Bu r n ett enterta in<;d fi l d, Ohio, was a Monday visitor movIng ou . !W'cnts .can mll C) II FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST b ta . I . b . Snell were Llinn("I' gLll'~t~ of Mr;<. Illn(l ~ to t he state. S....... r 10 to di n ner, Fi da y, M r s. Ca s ie H al" at t he hom e of Joh n Fromm and u s ntlll savll1g y gH II1g the.<\' W. mith, Minis ter J "rack~.") n and family on lust -~ ARRE ST E D FOR DRUNKEN set s f or their chil d ren . More t han The woman'I IAuxiliary of the ·dy an d Miss Mary COOk, of Way- ·f amily. DRIVING Sun day: Priday. EpiscoPal churct{. will m eet, IFri- n esville. Mrs. Ecld Lon g a cr e, Mrs. M 1'8. E va J ones and daughter . on e se t easi ly obt a i nab le, !limpl y pa yiTl g f or ad dit i() nal !\ ub~cl'i ptlon." B ible Schnol, !J :45 A. M. Mr, nncl M r . Guy CaIT. of New day afternoon, September a t Mal'gare t J ohns: Mrs. Oalvin L ong- Mrs. V I'n e BI'itton and childr en P reach in~, 11 :00 A. M, YOI'k, have retlll'ned to their home hu rt es P off, W ay n esv ille, Ohio, the home of M .... E. L. ~homB8, acre and childre n , Mrs. Agnes we r e gu e. t.;, Sat~l'day of MI·8. f or yOU\', el (, rc lative~ or f l' ien rls. E •• ,. to Obl.i. Tucsday: after II p lea , s lI ' two·\I"(· ... k· · "i ~it W1) :' :l l'rc?ted, Mond ay, Augu st 30, Mr. and Mn;' 1.:. C, Crane and S wank Bnd children , Mrs. Mildred R osa Berryhill a n d daugh te r, MillS The Miami Gazette has m a de' it B ible stu dy a nd choiJ' practice. l Wit h l'(,l utivl!.o hel·e. by State Hig hwa y Patrolman Parebndl'en visited the Cincinnati Zoo S udaceand dnu ghte r. Flora Be rl'yhill. ?If - d- M ~ L .... -;.(1 -chwitz()I' 1\11'. an ti MI·~. J[ OWIlI d G I'aha ll1 km' P owtll at W ilmington, Ohio, Sunda,.. , The L a di es Aid was entertained J. C. Hawk..c ;tpen t unday at ve ry ea sy t o obt ain one or more an.\ L. · eon 1) y ' t0 ':n() I lIud ~ I'. a nd M r::;. ' . S. Colll· t t are f or dl'un ken d ri vi ng. The fine was JI4n. lCathryn Turner, Mra. D. Wednesday aftern oon at the home Wilming ton. Oh io , the g u est o'r of th~e remarkable flne writing an d rf· am I y, 0 e rwa I' 1 8 n, Ii " 200 a nd costs, P o« was . ent to sete, The o nly r e-quirem e1l t il< t o H e rma n [)rex.!e r w ere 'unoa y vis- a mO ll 1t' t~Qf:e who UI'C' cnJoYlng t e 'I' L Cra.e and F. B, ' H enderson of Mrs. Margaret J j)hM, with Mrs.. Dr. Bnd Mrs, Vanee. pay U.60 Cor a 1(';u's subscript.i on it ors of Mr. and Mrs. Emm t Be lt z. : ta t \' F all', t he County J ail in default of bond. .fte cn.ts of Ilf8. A, H. Schoel- Nettie Emrick, Miss Mary Prethe r Mrs. Edith -KaM'i~ , Mr .. F rank t o this p ap e r, the regular e. tablillhl\It~, [AlRu l' a l'r , ()f K an~aR, Ma nnon-.- - - - - er ia Ba.-ilton, Friday. Mra. Tor- and Ml'R. Let itia Kenrick assistan t Taylor, a nd Mr. H arris Mosher d rt f d Mr : and Mr!l. ~ Ha wke, MI'. Mr. a n d Mr~, E verett WIIIII' ~d over ad waa aecom- holte_s. MIn. Ethel Dbke had were Sunday g uests of Ml'. and e p ct' or many yeaf!l, an a lIet J. C. Hawke a nd Mi~!I Anna Wdtz a nd Mrs. Rose Ca lt Wl'I'(' Mond a~' . . . . . boIM. s.tlD'da,. bJ' Mr. C!harge of the devotional. The new Mn. CharI I T, Mosh er, of Cincir.- is JOW1I fre e. The payment can b e wer e dinner ltue!'tJI of Mi 8 J)o ri. cv eninlt di nner Itu.,:t >l ot Mrs. Anription or a 118 S t in on. t or a ... n('wu Q r. and Ma S choeNr, who Yis- 08l_n ~d charge of tbe bustness uti. H awk e. Mo nday ('veninl, at u-baew one. The i made 011 the M Marjorie atlJld.,.IOD h over part. A pronam of " School Dall" Richard
I .. '
---- - r-
Societv Meets
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-it~It . ·lIon.
M •
1tbt .-iami
Enh'J 1',1
Pll!ltofficli' lit WaYllt',w tl1t' . Ohio , n, l-le('ond (')nss Mnil MIlHl'r HaTold D. Willi"
- ---- -- -
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tnm EYT':RY
EditoT -TIHm , nAY
~uuscrillti u rri(",
No . 1 12
1.50, Ye,
diforidl Glory hl' II , , nol in Ih \ hi h,'q, on d ,m ' ,'m lh. I'l·. er tow:'ml 11Il'1l. - L \I \;,' ~:1 1.
Durin I!' tilt'
~()nll will
I'" I'~"U'
-00 .
lil liI'll :Ivnitf
" mlll u illty '"I' ,,',,'ra l imJldoilltll~ "ho nl'\'('r I.IX' any l'tlJ't III nl"~' pl'nj, tl fl r a Ct'llIl\ll1lli,y rllh' rllri ~(>. Thl y nl ,',,1' till lillY ,. f the'" .)rk In , HI('nt t o )(l'ttin~ up a t \'Ulth "I .Ju ly I't'ilbralllln. th,' 0 111 . l,ttl "l o ])icnic 01' t ht> C"unty 1:;oi .. Tlw y hiI\''' :I , !I )' IIf .. Ylldilig and :~void I l l ' all h·'llon·iltill) alld 11'11 ing thlir nCi!:hor dtl it. It mll~- hI! t h( til ~ l plan Ie)!, !llle t u pu"s up nil the.'e things :lull II,t i h • !Ihr fl'UI'w jofh'p tll ~ t ime nnd moncy to pro· mol. thllli hilt \\ nt 1..i lJd (.f D mmullily \\OU]d W' hllve 11' t' ',' ly on,. \1:1; ju~t like thllt1 -000.
- 000~o me·
ta rves to d ath wOl'lllng for himselI. -000-
It is the truth IIn,1 not the mi takes i n tho newspaper th nt go t h ditor inlo the most trouble. -00 •
The truth, i the o nc matter in life abo ut which there can be no argument, no cont.roversy, no s ubstitutes. -000-
Th ra is mor than the moral Aspect in the mat~r of rig'h thinking nncl right action. There i@an economic aspect. The indivirlu I who hus hi$ mind cl a~ter d up with wrong thughts "nd hiS life filled with wrong actions robs himself of hi best cillci ncy. He cuts the ke en dg olf hi ability lind lIccompli. hI'S lellS than he might with his mind and ('o n ~ e'it'J1Ce c1enr. W e do our b s t whe n we ke,e p our~ lvc!l in ' th b e;<t of c onclition not only mentally and phys il'!llIy, b ut sJlidtually ai; ' w II. ·0 00'I'h r nos never b en l.L time in th hi ·tory of this nati n when it ha ~ not been paying f or on e and. ometimes two or three war. ~ -000Pen sioll.$ fo P vet cl'ans of wat·s, in which the Unrtcd Stales WII S invf1hetl, o nd th ir d~lle ndallts are still tltking <10,0 )0,000 out of lhl' f ederal t'r(1llS11ry annually. There is nO liklihoot! t.hat the time ,wi ll eve)' come when this Iiution LV ill n ol be puyi Ilg {OJ' one or mol" wa "5'. Every ollie'!' IIl('llns hnving failed to convince tne nation. of the world ('I( th e us(>}(>.., Ri nful, folly of war pcrhaps the ' trutn will b br t1~ht .home by n stagge ring weight of debt. If I'rl)51'nt ll't'nd!< are lind inrliCAtion t he wcight of IlJ' debt ;Jnu doht ineu 1'1' d in preparation for war mal asily h com ' 11 jnggel'n:Lut tha will CI'ush th e life out of civilizatiun. tra nge that civiUzatio n should be crush· d by a thing of it own malting Ilnd so heathonish as
-000A .lu n/." thrC'lu·h th e note' caFe of a closed bank often !!xphli lll' hy th fello,';\;! who made a practice of paying his bills had ~ o much difficulty keeping up with t he JoneoS'. -000The poor manage!' n ever receiv'e s enough wages. ~
- -=--=----=-.-
=. __
-= ___''=
---= __ -:-:=
Augu t 3'0 - Second defeat of thl! F6uersl Army by the Con fed· n 'ate at Bull Run, 1862. August 31 - D elaware granted to William Penn by the Duke of York, 11382. September 1 - First tel phone exchange in Ohio opened at Cincin nati 1878. . , September 2 - (;reat "Fire of Londbn" began, 1666. . pt nlb I' 3 .- Treaty of Paris nus ar 01 Revolut ion. 1788. S pternber 4 Hudson RiveI' ui'iCo'{crl.'d, 1600. Septemb! r 5 -- Connecticut a· d pted State C'l ll stituti on, ' 1818. HOUSEHOLD HINTS.
Sunday: - "d~ ' Sunday school at 9 :30 A. M. Morning Worship at 10:40. The sermon subject will be; "All Life for Chl'ist; and Christ for all of Life" ,' Ev~ning service nt 7 :45 o'clock. The theme of this meeting will be: "By What Will Be Remember. ed 1" This will be the last serVice for this conference y~ar and a g ood atte ndance is de iI·ed. Our Annual Conference will be· gin on Weun esdny of next week, and continues until Monday, Sept. 13th. The COl)ie l'ence ses ion will
medilllll ~iz d 'PtJtutl} ~ . Put througn a rice.' ('" course i v . Put. 'h cup b\lilin~ ,at~1 01111 1-4 puund butte I' (,\ I' fire alld bring t u boiling )oint atl(j " cup fl ou r lIliU cook, tirring (', n~tDntly unli l Ule mixture leav·· I:' the iu!!!:! (I fthe pan. Cool. Add :! NUts "'Il at time, beating well after each l'lUt i added. Add po· btoes to this mixture with one t a poon alt, 1·8 tea,poon, pepf~w lCTai", nutm~g. ])I'~p • th de or .the! pan. COol: Add bl 11ft III hot ahortenllll' tU bro D•.!-~ 1* ~ujf . n. I n Bland nei
Ma got s in II wound adu l\1lller· ially in healing s ~ubbol'l1 wound. that. fail to " ;;po nd to oth t' tl·Cut· lIlents. ; • :j: An ave\'Ug' Of t 'n indexes sh W $ QusinclSl\ t ondit.ioll, the cou ntry Charles Jaynes. Jr " seven years OVCl', 18 J1er Cl!nt aboy~ In"l yea! Id, of Peori;;!, 111.. who was or accol'ding to 01. L~olUlrd P. Ay· Ilained recently In Peoria Trinity ers , econoll1i t of the CI~velund tabern acle bE,fore 1.500 men and women . l'he young m Inister Is aD Tru t Company. luur or thl! cou.ntry conducting :/: • t Pinn o snles incl 'ea~cd one hun · church mcethngs and Is occornpa ur d per ce nt in 1!l36 uver the Ilied by a nunc and tutor. The boy Is the son of reviva lis ts. Jlreceding yeal'.
:/: • t
According to the Nati onal As· ociation of heet Music Deal t·s sales of Flh ct mil ic incl' a d 20 per cent over tb p rcvioll yeal nnd rcoc hed a total of $36,000 ,· 000.
t • :t:
A sso ciation of American A. Z. Hartfloc k and family w l'e l~ailJ'o ads repolts that ordet·s fol' o'c lock dinm~r gue..ots of hi bro· now equipment al'e the largest til her, R. H. ,Hartsock· ' and Jean Je vcrul years. Included in tbe or· a nd Jan accu mpanied them hom e der was: il ight car, 45,176, th e to go to the :State Fail,. la"g st order for any y an sine Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Crew and 1026 ~ steam locomotives, 32~, tho Chal'les Iltt~l'thwaite attE.' nq d the largest 01'1101' for thi s type of c· tatc Fair, Tu~daYI quipmcnt sine 1930, Mr. and 1\111'" Robert Icaver :t: • ~ M.I·s. Albert Cleave r, Me. D. W. Japan I ad.s th world in ul'face mot (l red to Indianapolis, p"oduction of myon with 26 [l ' •. Sunday land Mrs. Albert Cleaver c(!nt of the world's ou put, 'I'h r emained for a week's vi~it with Uniteu tates comes seco nd with. hel' sioSter, Mrs. Ilett: ~~ 1)01' ~e nt. Italy and Germany M 1'5. CI(\ow Arthur, who was opfollow wt:h .15 pe ~ cen~ ·cac.h, and erated on a~ M iami Valley nos. Great Bnllllo traIls w.th 11 PCl"pital is home, very much improve d. cent. V rn e Hough is not 0 well at 1'he Uindenburg dirigible which this writing. burned recently at Lakeh urs t, New Miss Loui s() Reno sp ent Sunday J 'r sey was Germany's 129th Oil" igobl('. Tho Unite d States ha s built with 'h er friel,d, Mary Welsh. Mr. and MIfS. C. D. Osbol'ne, of threc. pring fi eld were gu sts' ThursSPRING BRANCH day evening, of Mr. and Mrs. J . Mr. and Mrs. Robel"; Stiles havo H. Smith. returned home after !ij)ending a Mr. and Mrs. George H ender· few da.ys in. St. Lou is. "on and sons" Mrs. Julia HenderMrs. Jake L e Valley, of Xenia, so n, Miss Mae and Russel Tread. retul'ned to h er home, W ednes. ; way spent the week end at Hazday, after spending a week with a1'd, Kentucky. ' Mrs. Hiley Gibson and family. Miss Leah Edwards, of SpringMr. and Mrs. Hiley Gibson, Mr. , field, Ohio, was calling on friends nd Mrs. Harold Rogers, Mrs. Em· in Waynesville, Monday. rna Gibson, of Bellbrook, were Mis8 MarJitaret , Edwards' and ..-hopping in Dayton, last Friday. Mr. and Mrs.. J. ' Wils on Edwards, Mrs. Ada Dakin called on Mr. of Spl'ingfteld, Ohio, arrived homc Lee Coyle, Miss Ethel Spitler, of after a plE!asant motor trip 'pring Valley, last. Friday eve. through Canada. ni ng. Miss Alice .Jane Russum return· Mr. and Mrs. Bert Spitler wcr~ cd to her home at Dayton, Ohio, .1nopping in Xenia, Saturday. after a W~k'8 'visit with h er Aunts, Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Gibs.on Mi s Tl'iI1ena and MagaNlt 'Ed· ;md little daughter, Phyllis called wards. <) n Mr. and M rs. Charles Crawford Mrs. F. . ' Le May spcnt the f Dayton, Sunday. . week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Vance Mr. J ohn SpitLet· spe nt Sunday Smith at WElsterville, Obio. The
of the type which leaves an everlastingly consoJi.ng memory. For many years
have rendered aincere,
sympa hetic service to this community, at modest costa base<l entirely upQn the wishe. and mean. of the family.
J. E. McClure Phone'
"King Freckles" \\IU the tiUo confef\"ed on J ockic Martin 11 of Philode'/phia, wtnner of a Creckle contest In Ph lind Iphio, Jackie was ch sen {rom among hundreds of runners-up as the kid most IIbun· dantly freckled olld therefore most deserving of tho crown Ilnd ~gly cup.
TAPPING IUIIEIt TREn 011 FIREStONE F ': J\TIOIIS IN UIERIA From the PJrettonc rlAnDl ,Ie"'. In Lihtda comet an e .. t~ ln .. ('rea.inl'uPf'. of.he"nrltt'" tin.:.' nJbbcr. MOlley -':,"'0.. l.eN' And'" manufi '~turfn"an~l ditr-rlbudnn en ' lle Fit'(· (('Ino 10 K ti • tarer, 6nt.qu lilY tUe ' .t Jcrwe.r ",ieee.
Friday, September JOth will be the last d~y to pay real estate taxes and assessments without penalty. Remittances received by. mail post marked after mid-night September 10th will be l'eturned.
DON'T take chances on your Labor Day trip. Protect yourself and family by equipping your car with a set of n ew firstquality Fil' tone Standard Tires. Fire tone build extra quality and e_tra safety into thCllC tires and sells them at lower prices because Firestone controls rubber and cotton supplies attheirsources, manufacture with. greater efficiency and disl ributc at lower cost.
8 Johnson
Treasurer Warrcn County
PROTECTION AGAINST BLOWOUTS - 8 extra pounds of rubber areadJed to every 100 poun,11I of cord by the patented Gum·Dipping proce s.
Ask for a
under the ' tread are tw .extra layers of Gum. Dipped cords. '<:
PROTECTION AGAINST SKIDDING - becnuse "thetread is scientific.- Il designed.
LONGER NON-SKID MILEAGE -because of the eJCt1"a tough, long.wearing tre."\d. Join the Firestone SAVE A LIFE
Campaign toJ~y by cqllil'ping
Tirestone STANDARD 01'
Ni,hl Sen-ice
vice, in all of many detail. which make up a funeral
be held in the Westminis ter P'res· ill Dayton. byterian Churdl, ill ' Dayton. W e MI'. and MI' . Hiley Gibson at· .= arc fortunate to haVe} this great t~nd 'd the funel'al of his cousin, onfercnce brought so close to us. Mr. Grovel' Lonman, at the Brad· Ou.r people shoulu attend as much fOI'd Bnd Routsong funeral parlor a llossible, in Dayton, ,last wednesday after· G. C. DIIJert, Pastor noo n. FRIENDS HOME CARDEN ~E Dinner gU(!st of the Home ENTERTAINED TUESDAY were: Mr. lind 1\11'8. Ernest Mar. --tin, of DHytOn,' Miss Lizzie Hugg. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Butl 1'and si ter Blidah Hugg and Louel. worth will opefj their lovely coun· In Rupp, of Cincinnati. try home for the Garden Club pic· Lene C. Ilarl~ock spent a couple nie, next Tuesday even ing, Sept. of day with her .'on, Alan, at Oak· 7. Supp-e-r will be served at 6 :30. land la8t ",~k. The ho tes e8 will furnish desilert Mary Carol)'n Lukens wall here &n.d co,!co: Members are uked to I lor hl'r grandnlOtber while she l lonng PH'IlIC baskets, table lIervice "n: Kone. - and their huabandll. I Mrs. LIJ~k i. pendinr a weekith nl.'t .Iaughter in Dayton.
ped our staff to render a genuinely professional 'lIer-
l: • t
Y ars of training and experience have 'equip-
nccilh~ nt..·.
t • l:
A !Jar fly may be clas ed a a n insect.
~ .
True Professional SE'rvice
Tn e brain and spina l cord s uf rabbits IIdlith h:,We been inC(>cLNI with 1'Ilbies 01' used in 11 pl'ellllrnLicon to inoculate dog.bit victims I\gllin ~ t the development f fobieh
Tho ~ e C!'et\l!£" in the fender of the family c ar were put ther by , om f lIow who had a n id a that he could [lui'k two c· I' whci' c but. one was park d before.
;), ,(iOO !I(·C'ith' nt.•.
A P )','Hln \ ho lnl.!k the quality of congu la ti ng nOl'm!llly is culled · 1'1 hemophiliac.
-0 0 0 -
RandoJph Plumbing Co
in h.)111 e
It j < PI'l'l ty h:ll'(l fu)' th e preach I' t o Pity mallY h/lrsh thin e, about the IIch wh It tht'r.' i ~ II well-to·do member 011 tIlt" (' hu,'Ch boanl. \\ ho. after the co ng'l'egution fai ls to l'ai ~(. ' lIIJlt-i ~ n t" t~lk(' CIll'e of th" bill , comes to the uoard's . ~ cu \\ it h a cheek f o t' the balanc . ·oOuIt i. uiffirult rC!lliz when one h ears an old timer t<,lIin' the )"ll unI:Cr l1£>ncration of the hard tim es and lal'k of c(lllvl' ni (! nc~ ' llnd co mfort.. fi.fty 1\ nd ixty years ago, that fifty yenr. hence the young p ople of t oday will b tellin\:' the: you Ii p<'ople of Lhat day the sam kind of tale: ubout tire hnrd~hl ps , :lllll inconveniences, and ob· l;ta 11', \\ i1h "o'hieh they co ot en I u wh en th'oy were young.
,I . II
R C Uti
2065 Catalpa D"ive
their liv S III 1I~1'i11 'nt ~ In the l nite!! $1.n11':I in J :I;H. 1!l :lfi , lind 10 :H; iban '~cr(' Idllul in I he H uYollltionol'Y \Val', Ihl' wlli'of I 12 , tho >A'al' with Mex· ico, the i"il' llI', the wLlr with t'flllin ontl thc\ orlu War tO ll)' Gener alissllmo Ch long K>li·shek. under whose persolJa l conlrol the bincd. A~(lUil'c the ~arl' ty hab it. Four t.inw, tiS I11l1ny p 'I'S n ~ tlnnnclal nnd economIc resoUrces of all China were placed in Lhe strugg le against J npnn .. sc aggressions in the north. Chiang. who h<>:\ds Chin. 's wt.'rc killer! in llutomobile accident1l ,uprcme war council. is shown as he left a conference ot Nrm\<i\lg. in the n ited 'tales in 1U3 6 a s Ihel'e 1,cre merican :;()ldiors who Io:<t th ir Ji~es in he Revolutionary YOUNGE 1r Wnr. the Will' of 1 t 2, the war with Spain. cquil'c tho ~afety habit.
Ev I r
"i 1',1
Be.> sure to you buy.
to·this village
~1 1 11'1' ll"I' <l1 n ~ lo~t
f r \111' l,dUlI !"" fir Ih,' " (11 t Iill('. Sh, '"y ~ ·h l' ",' t.. nHI "£, Ihlln t hl' i 1"IUlIl·.l IIllllllllt o f t JloIHli1 • l'\<'r 'i~l''''' pick. 'illl!' "l' l, flt.' th,· l'Ilildnn and (]iI'll' (:llh. l·
A tim killer und fou t' flu sher has to wOI·k for
'W c can ~:r\" you monyour plumbing fixtures, JHllllJlR. Rcptic tanks, pipe, fiUillg~, and "nlveR. l'}, OJ)
I' nll' I, IIl"1' l ',.'I\l'Y in Ih~ home ,I~ "I · ('\\herl! if une i
l\. 10(' I \\\ 1l\~11 I~ fhll'r .. I thi, Pll!lI' 1'. "h,' WII in thl' ofiit",. ~'<', tl' I·.JIIY, -:lid th'.! r,,' \\1\ (" 11l' l',1 to 1,'O •• lt In th e h l'!ldi n ~ (1\', I I x,' r,'I.- l" pn <cril"'r1 (,)J' th~ tn, \ h' -tllr
1·lf 10, t.IlU·; :1111 II 11111 I 1,,11, \\ 11' tI'l lllg't.t thc dHr 1111' \1 1'011. t II' t llidl l ... ' .. I , t .. ily 11'1111. "hllkl"!'1 ar£'. T JI"I l'IlI'h II "hat \\, an'; 'I"'r dio· "I' Ih" , .. II , lid I, I U" .,,, "hilI WI' I I, Il1 .Illt· p I, lill'Y Ju:t tlll'n "I' 'Oil\!' lIC till", ill'wc' l ,I. nil til<' 'u rl :H"', ~ litH J,!1I111. TIH tl;l""l<-oI 11 111111 i. lh., (.. ttwlr ,' I\lInd. r"II('lItl'd r' "1II "xl·Iu " ivl'nt'.' '1 1lt! "l!oli'!lI. Ak,.tt. 1'h<lll/1'hl ,1I1 C,' nWnkllll'.! d ocs IIl1 t IH'-IIi" ~lllll1ll\'r. - I' [lrlyl£'. - SAFET-Y-SLOGANS C/\\'II
".so.ll ., .. , . .$9.05
... 75.19 •.•. .• . 9.5; S.00.~9 . . .• .•. 10.:10 5.25-18 • .•• . • . 11.40
1 S.SO'17 •.•..•. 1&.50
. 6.00.16 . . ...• . 1:J.95
'Fir.stone IENTINEL
JOU r car with uel of new Fir staGe Slllnda rd Tire••
DOl1 I'll yoal LIFE 011 SMOOTH 'WO.. TIRES!
T \~T last Y AI" high",uy nccldents cos the lives of moue thUD lI,oog men, w OJII>Jn and
chid,.", . THAT. minion mON were lnjunodl ' THAT more than 40,000 .f .he, e deaths: and in;ur'e. were CIIllRC.1 directlv b" puncture., blowout. and aki dJins o4le to smooth, worn. unsa fe fire.'
4.40:21 •••.••. $5•• 5 ",S0-20 . " , ...
'Firestone COURIER ".40·21 ....•.. $5.4:1 CI. .... 408,
Listen to the Vaice of Firestone Monday evenings. ewer Nationwide . B, C. Red Network
Patr.... th. A,......i ..... -
JOur papel" pouilal.
D~ath Follows Colli ion on
Dr. C. S. States .Veterinarian
Highway . '
TO MAKE THIS COMMUNITY The Safest Place On Earth To Own Livestock IS The Desire And Purpose of your VETERINARIAN Phone 13 R 51
M iss AlIhe:l Mnr tin s hown with the ne w type of s urf 's led pa tented by a ,L s Ange les n wspn p "r m a n. wh ich will I ssen lh e da oge r of the rider g. t Un g hurl In the surf. The strenmlined pont ollo below Its nose ROPT FOR AND CONSIGN four Cattle, hogtl, sheep lind ealvet allows it to floa t the l'idc l' in pedect to Norris-Brock CI,., live win and safety. While the stnb illzer s hield progressive 61'111 for the highea1 alon g th e t nll holds It to n s tr n ight maxket prices and good lIervlce. course. Uaioa Stock Varda' Cinel ..... ti. O. TuN' in on Radio Station WCK"i 12 :215 to 12 :3 0 p. m. for o ur daib
market reports.
This ha ppened ,whe n a t ruc k ca rrying four ne w autnrnobiles nnd ano th e r mac hine co llided 0 1] a highwa y wes l of Akl'on. Oh. o. The fOllr cars and tr uck were COin umed in the Bre. At the r igh t m ay be seen the a uto. a lso burning. T he drive r o f the truc k eScaped in jury whcn he jum ped from U)e ca b, but t he d r iver of, the e a" wa s burn<:d t o death .
Ral g r Sets Record in Retaining ~merica's Cup
• chvendln a; ul'on t h e mod. l yo u le Je(lt
F. T. Martin
Slrcn k ing nc ross the II n lsh line a hea d of it s British r ival ilt"a series of four ,'accs of! Ncwport,R. I" the Ran ge r, piloted by Har old S. Vll nd .. bill, r elu'i nCl.l possession of (he America ' il eu,.,. The de! n<.\er broke t wo racin g records i n its v ic· tor it·s over Ihe Endeavo r H , piloted by '1', 0, 1\1, Supwith. The r a ces " er h Id Ol'e r a 30·milc tr ia n gular course un th e Atlantic ocea n.
10 Year JM~~ First Mtg.
Farm Loans
Or No Charge Frank LeMIlY,
Centerville, Ohio
Fairley Hardware Co Larger
Because of Belter Quality , S rvi"", and Pr ice Phone 32
E,tabli.h"d 1849 • 1937
ol ic itur
61R2 Wayne. vill e 74
Phone 78J
When school clothes are bought or made it should be with this discernin(li question always in mind; how long will it wear-Never, how cheap by the pair-'or piece-or item.
OU 'VE made up your mind - now make haste. You'll hav~ to if you want Free Coal w ith your Estat e Heatrola. For Saturday's the very last day of this generous offer. Hurry in. Malle a small deposit now. Nothing more until F all- whe n you start th season with 500 to 2000 pound s · of Free Coal in your bin- and a grand new H eatrol a in your living-r.oom. Stop in, o r phone •
jfltlleraI Jt)ome
No 1y p c of \\' '!ll' call s for u g'l'cat
in qual it y than lhnt (lhe daily ~c h ()( t1 (rind "; trul y, it is here th fill Ut' ~ /' n tl eR of m · r chanrli R' beuom I "f'lH XI' n H i\, t~ by th ' month, ev "n, t.hou g h it c o ~ts mon:! by- th pi ceo
t C:-IL
To be used in advertising Church, Lodgo, so ials or SIll s with no OHt to organizations: Just phone your ad rtisement to this offi and ay "Insert tbi ad in" llP " space lor ... , .... , , , .
There is genuine ple~sure and profit in Thorne's merchandi se;- Thorne'. gp.1arantee. You will receive a maximum lIervice in the purpose for ' which Thorne's merchandise is aeaigned. ' Special showing now of School Merchandise in New Vienna and Wilmington stores,
...... organization."
' Requelta $3720 "u i ~
f orecl osu r e of m o rtbeen fil ed in commonpi IlS co urt by the w Yor k Lif e I M U1'u n Cl' o. ac:n in t Kati e Fritz, lind 0 1hel'!!. 'I'he am o unt claimcd is 3720. ~a g('
You Get Driving Protection
h a~
PROBATE COURT Eotat e Exempt-
rnrm 1)l1renn M'Jttl.l's ~"""""""'M".""'''''A.~~V 185,000 Ilolicyholliers C'oopcrllte for SIll driving lind shore the benefit8 b y quaJifyi ng 8 6dcCl risk R. Each enjoy lower rates OB ~ rc lilt of Bu vings made po • Coo,."''''. Fira 'rotutlo_ lible in 'se eral ways Ihn! Ih e Farm wt u. esplaJ" the til)v .... "e de-
tJenei 1M ,eur requrtlm.m.. III Lh F..... 11..... Mulool FIIoo
nllreau pIlln oj Cooperative Jruur· I1h e. Find OUI oboul Ihc IldVnnlases
h1l...... Cam
of ill .. rllllee in your own CUlnp:IllY NOW.
CoopcNt"'. LIt. ."OW , ........, . I,p. .,
You will W.l'IIt Ie th ••• rioae "alltlet .... II ... lfI ih .11. rapldl, Afowln. C60p:&rat l.,. 'W'..... Cemrany ., A .. ~rka.
w • ......
r-arm Bureau Mu.tual Automobile Insurance Co.
RaJD',oad Braddock Telephone 56R3
WayneSVille Ohio
Th ~ c.,tab!. of the lato Clara Kirby I ex e mpt fro m inh<.'l'itonce bix. The es ta~ is valued at 1275. l!J ra A. Butchcl', the admi nistratl'i:x, fi('ld her in venlory, II hich wa s :t)lprov ed by t h e COUl't, R ~pnr t Oke'hJudg~ n rey hos IIpp,'oved the r 'port fil d by Arthur Rollm "yeI'. 8tlmini-tratOJ' of the estate of hb wife, the late Anna King Kollmey ". Files Inve nlorylor · L . M . S eo fiHI Id , guard ,an..
File, Ac:counh-
Firs t and final Il ccount 01 Milli e J. tottler, executrix of William L. Young estate, been filed . Margaret Lee guardian for :Betty Lee, ' a
when YOII cool: with
"The Stores of Friendly Serv"ice"
Wilbur N. Sears
tJl. '
E. Witt to L ota E. Bi'unn el', I t :; N o. 2G a nd 27 , Ll'b- .
Real Estate· Insurance· Auctioneer
C l Ol' I{ c
lin 0 11 . Hu ;-.t\ T'cnf'\uit ll to usannnh C. JIcnd l ick ~o n , 23 8icre ~, Salem tp.
Se lls Farms and City Property
DELIGHTED hu been the many recipient. of a h ee fountain pen and pe.ncil lei f~olm the Miami Ga. zette. We have Il set for you, too, an'" would like to have. yo.u c:al~ thO. week, _ __ •
Writes fir e, Tornado and Automobil'e Insurance Se nntor Hugo La F:tyetlc Dl:tck ot Al nbnmil, whosl' nom in:ltlon to 611 the Supreme court v acan ty crea ted by the r e tirement' of Associate Jus· li ce Wi Ilis Van Devn lite r, wa s pre· sented to the s n nte by Pres ident Roosevc lt. Black. a vigorous Ncw Dea l Dem oc rat. Is {lIly-one. Patronize the Adyertise ra -
Conducts "II kinds of clean auction sales P 'J'Romd Rel'vic " IHlck d by 25 yea"K
the y
Call or writ '.
xperie nce.
lnform n ti n glad ly give n.
Waynesville, Ohio
make your paper pouibl_o __
Scenes and Persons in the Current News
li e n a uthOl'ized,
. orge W. rooks, a lleged incum pe tcnt has tiled hi s inventory. To Hear lnve.. t~ryHearing on the inventory til d b y OIiv Hines, executrix of the Oline Hine estate, is et for ept, 10. D'i.tribution II OrderedDi ' ~l'ibution of the proceeds, amounting to $1700, arising from the sale of l'eal estate belonging to the M. E. Gustin estaw,
B. H. Thorne Co.
Lc lia no n. E u rl nu iK, 4 0, ,V , B'To lto n, fact Ory wu rk c ,' and Ml i'. ara h N. Long . !!!l, Fl'llnklil~ , h u u wurk('r , REAL ES'T ATE TRANSFERS Ha~ I· 1 ioln lIa Uig 10 Ti me Rob<' I't.~, lilt N o. I Q.) , F,·nnklin . W"' ton L. and Emma R. Hizu,· t. tl· A u~ lin a nd Jaunita orn er,on(' lIcr r , TU1·tlt' cI'cek Itp. Iilio'I'd lind {su b II IIiIl t o Etl\1IU'd II l'bcl'l'Y, four acn:!A, Frank-
he fIIcd her fifth"account. Modern PyMfas Mallie Chef RanSt'l' ,And clean, instant.heating Pyrofnx Gas really iDake cooking a plea5uJ;'t'.' YOI> htlve tl ,smokeLe,.., dr8we r·rYll~ broiler. ao "1II~k oveo and clean,. c1C\8.proof lOP burnen, pyroCn:X Gas Service can be yours, no matter ""here you live. for 10 little moncy, Equipmear b lnltlllled (or onl" $9.7'. aod tile gas itself COIlS 11$ Ijrd ~ a. ~, pel'mea1 per penon. Corne in this ",,~k and select yOMf' beautiful. •naodem l'QP. H,"". tlUb., ~b_i~1 .., ill . - - ··CROCK O' QOLD" f~ .. Ini ... pepper
" eu yolks 1 cup milk I cup rorn 1 cup &liMCI.\ h,'CK 4 CIIl ",bites A corti ..... chene IOUM" char ~"" ... h~ f..mil, .,ilI ftI9t! .boutt Hcut buttc<. atld ftour, salt aJId pepper. Adll milk ,.:.dually. ,urrjlll! co=".dr, uotil thitk. Add " ..cd cbcae, ...... IIi. lAali f _lied . Pou,r oyer .he .... ,,"'.. ru yolk . Add rom.ad mia ..."'1. 1'<>1d Ibn mil<l>ltO .lowl1 ,nto ",,'aclfll, bearea ..II .~it... . Pout' ilKD • ""~ <:aHeroJr. S", .ynlA. PYfoCu,M.,.i< CIIrf "vea • 525 ...11 II_ EOM 45 S-e '"""",,i.IelJ, Senft 6.
" ,bsp. bullU
4 .hip. tour
1 up. WI
PYRGF X .... O~...... IC
Dual ....,.I . . . . . . Ie ... 'OND GI'l MAIN' COOIUN • • W ..UI N ...TlND . . . . . IGI ... ftON
Named Ad",inldratorJam es E. Me Clure has been poin d !ldlninistrat~r of the estate of Charles N. Brown, Waynesv111e, Charles Satt rthwaite, ChrlstQpher D. Sullivan. new Robert Cl-e.W Ilnd Oakley Ungil!sby leader 01 Tammany Hall in New ,~i1I appraise the ' property. Mc- York who succeeded the late James Clure filed hond of $1300. J , Dooling as hend of the famous Democratic org:tnizatlon. Following Proof. FiledProofs of publication of the his e1ecti,on, Gr,over Wl1alcn with· notice_ of the appointments of the drew as a candidate for m~yor of l!)lIowing have been fiJed: Mabel New YOl'k In lavor of Sena tor Royal S. Cope lnnd. Neville admini tratrix of the Thom IL . Bagford estate and Edna E. DISPLAY at the Ga~eU. ofStUes, admlnisLI'atrix of the utate &_ aN tbo. __ attracti.a and .ery uf the late Woodrow Armstrona, lila f __ lain .... aDei p_il .... Acc_t I. S.t AaW.with .Yery .ula A 8upplemental and final a.,. paw-••t. You _ ..... count, heretofore enteed ba t1aI • eel . . . . will c _ in haady f_ rue of Eli p, Starke,. baa bee. . .erp4a, orde1'ed icle.
w. _ -,.-. ._,. "'ti_
pao:, ao:ctar;".;" ..
I-A Japanese outpost 10 the front line al the Nipponele elllue ttl. 0IaeH 10 ChIna. ~Vlew of man meeUn. at .,.000 people whlcb followed UUI aDIlual in "tit '-:-:~= AIberlCaD Leape ApIDlt War end l'a1C1sm. I-AhbbilboP ZclwIIN IIooDe1 • ft!HD •
,C d"- ...... 01
..... WltII
OWl. . .
n Published wt:'ekly in the interelt of the social, religious, econemic life of Mi~unj V alley'. f.remo~t prog.r es.ive . community. The entire community joins in extending you a cordial Lo ,y w~'nt lo Buch:llll111, LYTLE 1il'i1ij(lln, MOI\.la., to 'Iwnd 11 l'ouple of Wt' k~ "Hh hi~ ,1.1:4'1'" Mr, and Ml~, nunilld Iladl.,y a.nd M Loren PC'rrv anel 1\It,~ , Claude' Ihe Inlt r'>! mnlhQI> Mr~, Th mll ur~• Cuuk \\'ll'l' I nylo n vl,llor<. )( UlnL I I ' II l nn' t '1 C K In ' 'r y anI I \' ny. ""I l!\ t I ,. " Mi. Kath I'in~ ])nvi~ r A ~I;tllbuln ,\11', nnd .\11'5. hIm('\' (.r"~'cs I ' ft h 11\otOI', Snt.urcby mIll Illng fM 'h I ,,-p n t W d n(·~j I \lY anlI 'l ur,~ l ny " " , '\' h ' u tl'll' tIl V II'Kllli n atld on lo , II!' • ·· h re. , I) lIlet nn ' Mr,' Ral ph Bnl'l!cl' rl'tlll'lIt·(\ l tl \\(II'k at Ihl' FI· i~idl1in.' Ph,nl, Tu t's clay, aft 1 0 11 uh~enc£' of ~c ,' rnl WOTARY PUBLIC clays on :Iccount of ilhw 5S, N.tlonal BUlk Muin !ltl'cel ill J.yll and th(o _m. E.~te. Settleci In i' k RURd frtlOl hel" tu lh~' Day. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO «111 Pikl' had n fL'(>~h .'Ollt of lUl'va Ihi" wCl!k. CLASSIFIED ADS :Mrl<. S, J I. Burne ll, }lr~, alvin FOR HIRE: - Two 1:11 I' rllcks LOIIJ;!:llel't' a nd children f1H'Ili Tut',," 'fOI' Rwe t corn haulitl~. P llul • troud, X<1nill, Ohio. Phone dllY in X"ni., . Mr. Ilnd Mr~. Robel't "i(lIlt nbor 106 W .. 2tll-2,3 ugh un(1 ~n n, of F ranklin, \\'('re .' unrl o ~.' aCll'l·noon gu("t of Mr, ______ _______ and Mr.:', K l·~lt' t· Gruham n!l !laugh SMALL ANIMAL HOSPI1' AL l !' t', •
M,., 1111.1 )1", .\11<'11 Emrick en· j(')'(',1 a hln)ily J!. lhl'l'inl.r and bn~·
kd dinrwr, Sundar, at tht· 11.,11](, of M,,, , 1I1arthu lIuu"h, nt'fll' Wilrn(' ~n ll(! ,
1I1r~ ,
There lIeE'rn t bp" g'ood bit ),:oinj! on l)f ,unci here ~hi~ w ek. Gl,orjtt· Gilliland ' hOYt! start d t.o l'Ut COI'Il, ill filet, tH'!.' 1I11t1 0llt t h\lu~ h h ~ atting 'out. Ervin Tho.mIlS hall up n~, d a garoge in B 11brook fllld w(' c rtainly \\'i ~ h him nliteh Bucce. . I learned this mornIn~ lhat th ladies of Lh Wayne!!· ville II lld F err'y hur('h, 01 hrist art' ' 'oing to meet fit the Ferry cburch thL l'hurt<dny to can food fOI: lhl.' ' incinnati Biblc ~l1linnry. harl , Bu!rt n, with IlIrk He"s /tnd ,hurie!l mith, have gone on a lour of th er south, with Florida :.IS th ir Jestinll.tion. Th Lester Gel'hurcl-' hav r tUl'lIecl h 'olll tht'il' trip to levelant!' They visitell Illany !)oints ,of inter . t along the way, \h moat impre_ in' , to them, being Niagara Palls. They brought back sand and shells from the s hor So of Lvlkc Erie. MI'S. Gerlund .took s('veral roll of :films 011 th' trip, I'm eel·tainly going to ·c th em ",heln ~he get th m ,back, Mr. and Mr. H ward ['enninglon and ua'ught.er call d on tho G.·ov r Dadi ,;man family in Dayton, unday. Mrs: Ruth Savage and daughter, Jr., Bob alloway and bllby cali I'd at Le. ler Kel1lrick's, 1"d uIIY, W ~('o rviJIe avage. LlI.wrt'nt' e Thom a.~' daughter, MI . Otto Gitntcr ,nd :family and ~"II; El'vin anll Cnmily called at hi II 0 IlH' , Sunda~' veiling to r emind him o f hi fifti eth bil'thduy, Aug-
Alil'l' lark ~ p ent Tu es(i:ly af tC'1 nlllln II it h lIl iss Wundu Clurk. ;\11'".. Emmn L !Il'Y T\' ceiv ,d woru ]\[on, luy ,t hu( hcr , on, £In('' 1 LalY, fl.'l1 ut hb work ill Huy un and wa ~ ~~ I'i f1 u : ly injul eel. MI'. and .r.,,'~, rU1U, WlJit" on .! ~(ln" or '\llmbus spent unday aft'I'noon (IUU \'lining with. Lr. nnd :\lr~ . K e ~ lcl' Graham. Puul White l'(· tumc(\ hunw \1 ttn lh ~ m aiter 11 vi ~ ll h re, Mi·s. Alic la rk, Mrs. Allen Em rick, nlHl )11', and Mr , Walt;(!\· Ken dck \\ !' r c Unytoll vi ·il r~, liTiday. 1'hl' Indics ntt('nd d the theatre !lnu !II r. Kenrick culled on fr , Il. K ollin~ lit the Aljlonquin Howl. The mu . icul cnlertainmeni, "Th H ome Folk.< Frolic" at Lytle • unu y ftl' rn oon J!:uc,t" of Mr, lIall, Fr iday cvcning, was a suec S>l W. Q . Bowers, D. V. M. nj oyed by 1In(1 ML·~ . Elb\lrt Wallnc' w 1'0 the in very way and wa all pre ent. latwr' ~ cou in~, Mr. and Mr~. Fred Sprina ValJ~y, Ohio LitU Donna Hlldl ~ y was tho hlqui; t and ~O n of ay ton anti Mr, • nd ~JN. Balla rd W Bac l' of honor guest, unday, nt u family dinnet' e 01 brating her 1st bil'th· Wayn . viII . mtloy, al th home or hel' grand-pur~tr, Lor n Rou tzahn has plo~'m ' nt lit a fal III impl!!ment erit!!, Mr, and Mr~. Amos ook, IUDI' Wayn esville. store in Uddl et l,lwn. MI'. an d MI',. \ alL!! I' ,lurk and Mi ~ Bernice Graham nnd Mr ~, Ruth ;\Jo~l\n ~pent 10nday ev _ ~\l n, MI'" Loi ' Michel wel'e Daynirt \\it.h Mi s Ruth Hockct neal' ton visitors, Tue:dllY, Wayn vill a she will . uon'leave ! Lytl undllY chool will Lebanon, Ohio fol' col\eg .' n picnic and ffil'ewell for Pre.eatiDC tl.e Beet and Late.' Phyll' Bailey lltertllin ~d !\ vcr- ~ Paul Anltul, nftci' Pl' aching nexl u t 30. In al littl girl friend :, Tu esday Hun(hlY , Ilt R,u ( II B,U I"I1~tt' . /troV om Smith and hel' moMOTlON PICTURE ternQon celebrating her 7th birth- neul' Rtd g 'vJlle. ThiS ~111 be the thl!l' from Doylon oSp n1. F tidily ENTEJtTAINMENT day. ' p!l~lOL" s la.t 'ulldllY bdol'l" with Mr. . Harry Fordyce, Mi,. Smith and Mrs. Fordycc wel'e gil'!' j- -FERRYiSMS hood frienili\. True friendship
Dr.w. '. .
sf- !
~=~=;::====:;====::===:;:========: 'onI~rencc, -,
Mi ~s Opal Field
Your Bank •••• Likes to keep )'our friendship But if it makes a loan to you, hastily, without due inv~stigation as to the soundnelll of the businelll for which it is borrowed , and the money is lost, the bank not only lose. the money but it 10les your friendship. YOUR BANK PROVIDES you periodicaUy with a statement of ita condition and i. always ,r eady to discuss with you the soundneis of the b.nk in order that you may feel safe in leaving! money 'With it. YOU CAN HELP in keeping your bank safe by being frank with the officers about your busineaa when you desire to borrow money which you and others have left it.
A .ou~d bank ill an allset to the community '
Spring Valley National, Bank SPRING VALLEY, OHIO 1\1 ember F d ral D posit Insurance Corporation
IX"nt uturday with Mi. s Vitginia QMSel't inti irglnia, in turri, came home with Opal and spent undDY with her. Rev, mith, J r, Snllth, Buelnh, Gnl\ Imog nc mith att ndcd the weiner roast qive n by Rogel' Brown fo'r his Sunrlay School clas, Tuesday evcning. Mi sel> Robertu and Cath rin GcphaJ't o{ Middletown spent last week a the:> housc g ua t..Q.f the Frank Fox family. , h ', and MI'''. Earl F'l:ye and Mr. mld MI's. Ervin Thoma and son, Jimmy, motol'ed to Iiffton Gorge, Sunday, and look their dinner. Sugar Ct· ek Christian Church will hold its Ho me oming, September; l Dth, ,with all day serli e S and basket \inner, Evel'yone is invited. To the casual ye a seed is an insignificant t hing'; but Mrs. J ess Rolan<l J)luntcd Il few at th west ~ id e of h r hom, and now each mlil'ninJ(', th pas~el' -by Ii" cheered by the lapi"h hloom s of Heavenly Blue lllol'llinlZ glori whose pUl'e beauty onuS()\! OTIC to wonder why there arc till people who scoff at miracl es. Mr, and [1'5. lytle Le:>vicy have I' turn d hOllle from Martinsville, Indiana, whore Mrs, Leviey was takin~ t'catnH'nt.q. We are glad 't o rrp 1'1- hcr bl!ing much improv, ed.
Mrs. arl ;Smith's sL t r, Mr. Sideholtz andl daughtt'r, Audrey Le • from College Hill, in Cincin. Il!Iti, are visiting h ~ this w!!ck. The Louis Burtons and Jim Burtons of DaytlDn called at Chau. tauQua, Sunday, on Mr. Rnd frs. hal'les Lel'tlalf, Mrs. Geor!re Gilliland came home from the ho 'pital IRst SaturdllY. he,$llYs she feels P1't~tty good, but s he hasn't much "/lm-biah" 1\11': J f! s ,R(]o~'nd and LawTe:>nce Kemp, Ilnd Mrs. J ess He and on, 1''1'00 ancl Roy attended the State Fair, yesterday. I h<1ard that thc H!lny Cornell's and am Meredith' were g ling earlier in th<.'> week. No one was home to veriIy this report; but I imagin0 that they did. I guess there nre seve:>rul more going, also, from this ndghborhood. MI'. and ~•. Pete WicuJ vi. ited t;lte ;Ervin Watkins' in Middletown, unday. MI'. Lucas is mowing the I'oads in ou.· vicinity, That sUl'e ly ought to cut down on the weed crop for next year. The Ge:>o rgc Smith family lit. t nded t~e show nt Bellbl'oo k, MO n tlay venmg. Rev. and Mr,;' Smith a'nd family spent Monday in Cincinati visiting her relatives, ' Mrs. Orth fl'om Dayton is visit-
invit~tion to
come to this village
SPRING VALLEY FAMILY HOLDS REUNION Th llIt'mbel's of the 1)a id UnI'wood family nnd th{'ir fnmilies met ut th home of M r and Mrs, hn nJel'\voocl rot their annual I' 'union on 'undIlY, AUlrust 29th. Tho c \\ ho enjoyed the <lay wel'e: ii', and Mr.. Walt~r Underwood uC Wayncsville; Mr. and 11'8. V. Sim~ , Mr, and M)'~. Toner nderwo d and daughter, Mrs, Ever t Hurley and baby of .I)ring Vulley; MI'. anti Mrs. Jn~l s Seal', Mrs, Kate Boyee and uaughtt:'r, Annette; Mr. anti Mr. F. U. Ogbol'n anti. chlldr n; MI'. and J\'lrs, Dwl~ht gborn anti 1\11'. and Mrs, ham, Schu.lel' of llnyton, LEAVE FOR-FTsHI~TRIP M.,. and Mr,. Rulph I xIlTlder left 'lInday morning for a two \, ek); t'"hilllq trip i", 0 lviHo, Onturio, anlldu. MRS. FREEMAN ILL
Dayton, 0. , FOUR , BIC DAYS
Sept. 6 - LabQr Day - 7, 8,9 . A Bigger and Better Fair
Prizes ",i# Be Given Awav
.. SHOWS .. -
BIG PET PARADE, TUESDAY, SEPT. 7th - Liberal Prizes. Free entrance. Enter your Pet. CHILDREN'S DAY. SEPT. 7th SOLDIERS' DAY, SEPT. 8th All ·hildL'en under 12 yoar of nge admto grounds until 5:00 P. M. on day deai""a ted.
25 C 'E NT S
II hildr n under 12 yean! of aeg admitted free and clay or night.
A K E W$y for it I A thumping load of good coal (500 to 2,000 p ,)lmds)* is ready 10 rattle into your bin. It's FREE. as a spt!Cial reward lor your foresi~ht in providing now for winter comfort. H ere's all yo'u do:
ML'!I, . R. FI' '<'l11l1n i5 seriously Se/eot your HeatroJa no"" mnke ill at. her hom, , uifcring from lust a small deposit, pay nothinlf )11U1'a1 pn\'!umunin and has \leen con more until the Heatrola is Instal/ed linec.l to her b d for the:> pa t two (yo u say when) Then s tart paying "' kil. in convenient monthly installmf!nt .' MR. ETHAN WALTONiii Remember. there's no other offer to ~lr.Elh:tn Wultoll i. vel'Y ill at compare with this, b cause no olh I' (he honll' of his broth('l' Ilomc'r heater can compare with the genuin Walton. Ml's. I ai:.y Uartsock iR Estate Heatrola - the original cabinet heater. Beautiful, mode rn, ali-porce~aring rOt' him. lain cabinets- eight models to choosp from. jointle9s ash pox. Esta!1oy double-life fire pot. Ped-a-Lever Feed Mr. layton oilers. Deputy and Door. And the wonderful Intensi·Fire del gut Q'f the:> JUniaI' Order lodge Air Duct - H e:>atrols's famous, excluh 'r~ lind (I'. George mith of sive feature that turns w aste into .Df'pendlna upon th e mo,tel you e.hDO.f'~ onc"hnU thele {unountl X lIla, a delegale from the Xenia w"rmth, euis fuel bill!! 25 to 40% . Ir hnt<,! cqnll. r",nt. hed lodge al'e atUmdin~ talc Council a.t Toledo whi h i in l<cssioll DOUBLE LIFE. N ..... eJ[m._ thlll w k, hoavy. rib .... d I,.e pot, mad. MR . COPS-EY -REPORiT'ON 01 Estalloy (nie lr:el ohromlum ..lloy). Mor.. than double th e HIS FISHING TRIP 11(0 01 b est cast·iron lir. pot.. Mr. ' Arch Cop~ey and family r turned h01)1 Monday evening from Gl'and Lake, Alpena, Michigan whore Mr. opsey turned fi h<1rman and has mode the (01\0\\ ing TURNS WASTE INTO WARMTH I Ordinary heater (left) al1o"". warmth news releas exclu ively to th1s to e.cape up nUG. Unique Intonai· new paper-Mr_ opsey snys this Fire Air Duct (right) in E.tat. H oat· is an accurate- record: S un day, Not rola block. heat-.Gnu illnto room .. very many; Monday, More than On Sunday; Tuesday, More than on Monday; Wedne.oday, NQt as many a s Monday Of Tuesday; Thursday, SPRING VALLEY Not as many a s W dnesday; FriPHONE 37 day, Not n<1ar as many as Tuesday: ,..-_ _.;;....._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....._ _0: Saturday, Not a s many as Friday; Then, I came 'home." • • • PERSONALGRAPHS- - Your qe.i ..ht i. too preclou. to t.ke aeeclle.. chanee •. The mo.t cIa.aerou. thin, .b01lt eye.trai~ i. that the d._C. Mr, and Mrs. Irvin Masnn of Dayton, visited their mother, Mrs. may be don. b.fore ,ou reaU •• it. lora Mason, Sunday. Ha". an e,. . . . ."inatlon to-da,.. It i • •boolutely frele. You Mr. and Mrs. MarnAl:d ong and ow. it to ,._raell to ,i"e (hi. much time to your .iCht. children of Dayton werc Sunday GI..... will be pre.cribecl oDl,. when Deeded. vi itors of th ir par nt Mr. and' Mrs. Homer Wnlt!>n. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Burden and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ddscall of Open Every Day from 8 A. M. to 6 1>, M. Xenia; Mrs. W. T. Rittenhouse of Saturda, 8 A. M. to 10 P. M. Sabina, SI)ent Su nday with Mr. und Mr:t. Harold Ri ttenhouse. 19 N. DROADWAY LEBANON, OHIO Gladys Osbot'n of Dayton visited her gl'and·moth cr, Mrs. Sarah , - '-----'- --- Osborn on Sunday. Mr. and Ms. Don P eterson of
Spring Valley Hardware Don't TAke a Chance
Dr. John Zettle o~ D.
~~~~====~=~~~~=~~~--~==~==~,~--~~----~~~~~i~her ~u~~~ M~ C~Nnn Wddl~~ ri~ted ~eirm~~r
,The Great MORtgomery County Fair
Elz and family. ' sister, brother, last Sunday ev~ Eunice MunDY was . the g uest ning. • of Gl enna Cook over Sunday and Mr. T oddy Walton Mr. and Mrs. _' , Forent Grandin, 01 Dayton, spent Monday. P el'l'Y Thomas, a ssisted by his the week end with th~ir parents, sister, Wilma, fini s hed thre:>shing .Mr. ?nd Mrs " J. T. Walton. at R,-d Lion, Mondnq. Wilmill MISS Maggie Collett of Xenia is turned thl'esherman this summer at the home of the St, Johns, carbut now that the season is over' ing for Mrs. St. John who has been shl.' is rendy for .school to start ill but is improving .so that slle, now aga in. sits up. Suga,r Mr.' and Mrs. Vergil, of Xenia , The annual IPicnic of Creek Church wa s held, at Waldo were Sunday guests of Mr. and Elliott's borne blst Thursday eve- Mrs. David Seshcf. ning, Harrie :Fordyce, Vernon Mr. and Ml·s. Theo Perkins and Fordyc(] and Opal Fields; Mary son visited in Dayton th e weftkLoi s, Eunice, E st;her, J r. and Miles end., Murray attendedl from this neighMiss Alice Ogl esbee trom here borhood. We h ad a gran d tim e I and Mr. Robert Gons n~r WayMrs, L e tel' Kenrick will take nesville spent a week sight s.eeing h 'T ou nday schl)ol class to the ' in several states. They saw the So ldi ers' Home, in Dayton, for a Smo~y Mountain s of Tenn .• then picnic, WednesdslY. into North Carolina, to Atlat'\tic Mr, and Mrs. Simon Gassert en- City, New York, crossed the Hudtertuined their family and a few so n River into Brooklyn; and reguests to an ond-fashioned corn POt·t having had a wonderful trip. roast, aturday evenlng. Corn burMr. Herman Blair and family ied in the coals C)f a WOOd fire out are spending the week in Chicago in the- open woods and \'Oasted has as the guests , of his aunt. un {'Specially fine flavor, Besides Mr. Charles Kelch is a guest of the host and ho sil:es.'I, Mr. and Mrs. his aunt and family Mrs. Helen HaI'V<1Y Grushotl and son, Dale; Wilson. MI'. and Mrs. Charles Osborn; WAYNESVILLE CHURCH Thoma FordYCe iIlnd Julia Grush , " OF CHRIST on i Han'i, e an-d Vernon Fordyce , . W. C. Smith, Minister and Opal Fields were present. Sunday: MI'. and Mrs. Airnold Barton and Bible School, 9 :30 A. M. chi ldren were the Sunday evening Christian Endeavor, 7 :00 P. M. ~up per guests f Mr, and Mrs, Preaching, 7 :46 P. M. RU . !le1 Murray nd family. Wednesday: GUt'~ts at the ell Etz home Bible study. 7 :46 P. M. Tue,· day were: and Mrs. V. W. Orth and sons Mrs, W. Click. Mr, and - lij:;. -W~terK-;nrick, from Marion. Mn. Gertrude In companJ with IIr. aDd lin. Wal MeCJu~ from tAl' Cut of
If quality goods, reasonable prices, and cour- .. teous service are what you want. TRY
Barker's Drug Store ' Phone 4 X
Copsey's Grocery SPRING VALLEY
Jersey Wheat Flakes Jersey Bran Flakes Jersey Corn Flakes Jersey Wheat Puff.
CRISCO, 3 lb. can
POT ATOES, Cood Cookers,
10 lb•.
Headquarters For School Supplies We
Shop At A H..... Owaed 1
t' '
~bil My ~ ht!
anll Gtl)at
Milli on
t.hl! :3Lul)4I Stepa
... ..,...
W II, folk, all 1 know i~ just what I W I j'~ . fol' the papt-I' and some 1ningll 1 hav n't time 1.0 tell. But it seems to 111 thaI. an ('x· :ample of conceit and oj>tisiKm ru n· ning \\ i1d i!; to be found in the 'T e nnessee man who disappear d mnll !le-nL an !-lxLorUOIl Ilo~e to hi,,, \w if dClnlmding that. 8he rais twu :grand f OI' ,tlis I'a 11 80 111 . When an oillimi~ t i:< crowded in \,0 a coi lI . t· he fan ", hack on th(! tuu.ilunlcnt.ul, that LhiJlg might have been worse, 1'h be. t wuy to build up the tr!ldo of n community and cxtend its I'eputllti on and trad t.el'1'i to I' y ,I,. to do the t.hlngs that mak the •lo 1) 13. desirable plae in which to tl'ad~ F'ir,<;t ~mong the"C ar ~ood stOI">CI!, w'lI nt-ranged, with t&' oel ~toe ki j)I'op rly merchl,ndi~ ec\ ~nd aUvcl'tise-d. The next m st important thing is tho dissemination of a. feeling over th trade , territory that the Jl~l! in t'Sl! rnen of tile community arc :Ii much intercsted In thl! cUlltol'l'ler from a sta.nelpoint ()of service as 1hey are f ,.ol'l'l a proli ata ndpoint. When th is f f,!Jjng prevails in a t.rBde a rca it i6 00(. lIecessa.·y to r .ort \.0 high prCSSur ch.emes to get b u mess, either gum(ijJ of chance , drawings for prizes 01' nllher supposed trad~ t.imuJator, These are like a shot of a drug in :the Ill'm, they !\oon p lay out, and \bigger an d bigger clos~ ~rc requil'· 4\!d.
____________________ ... Eighty-Ninth Year
Whole Number 6290 Wayneaville, Ohio, Tbunda)' September 9, 1937 ~~~~--~--------~~--------------------------H~--*----------~--.---------------
Th " i\eve nty •., (venth annual ~cunion of I. c dl'~cendllnts of .T e-remiah ElkaQah and Benallllh Gul;· tin was h Id in ih' pavilion at WaYl1e P lIl'k in Wayn .sv ill!!, 0., epl. 5, lllil7 . Nearly 00 de~cen dant..; of those who founded the Warl'l!11 ouniy branch 01 th e- family ncar Rctl Li n, Ohio in 1798, enjoyed the bc~ t of all.unnut\-I reunions. Arter a bounteous picnic di nn 1', a w'kom' aellil' Ss by the Prefl i· dent, Will _ Gu sLin. A ~holt bus·' iness ses io n W(lll held. Explanation was exclaimed by tho PI'esld nt why'Lh r wru no J' union in 1936 and why it was held here in Wayn e Wayn e Park. A motion was made to hold the next uniot) here in 1!J3 _ On e motion made and carded for th P.'es id ent to tCflCI'V e the ~arne room at Wayne Park in Wayn es. ville, Ohio fol' th l'euni()n, the fir t Sunday in 'eptemoel', l!J.3 R-
On Tue.day eveni ng, s..ptember 7th, a number /::'llthClr ed at th e countJ'y home of MI'. anlf MI'.. EI'n. t Buttl!rworth. A picnic !'"u p. pel' was njoyed in the spa('iou~ barn. Ol'artge ice ct\coIlm and delic ious ~ak was !l(.rved at ih close or the meal by Mrs, Butterworth, a s.".i!;ted by Mrs. Presion . No : pecial program being pl'e' pal't·/I, (·ach member Il f the Gll'r· den club was t' IJuested, at 1'011 call, 1.0 giv· the ,namc and t('11 of the flo we1' that inte l'esLed .her most this Ila!'t SUlllm el'. T hb led to quil", a dill u>;;ion of flund care. Th fail' display to be put On by the Garri ell lub was db;cus' ~d. A lettel' on Bolbs was I'cad by the Pl'e'lidl!l1t, fl'C)m Pl'I l(, Ree.~e who also l' p(lkc f so me tou!" to be held during th{'> month of ' cfltembel', Thl! Lw o Ml! thooght, some might att~ l1d we re the ones til b he ld in hill cot he, S 'pumbel' 11, al e one in pring-field 15,'
Three Royal Ex's A11 on One Spot
New rr~ eachers, Turner New Coach WaYI1\' 'I'flwflshill S hllul lK'SI'::In Tu{:<<iuy fIIllI'Illllg \1 ith u laj')(e en-' Illllml'nl. I,'iliiures were noL at!.!linallic a~ t.hi gOt' s t o IJI'C!;S llut. tht! (,Kac numb ')' 01' pUllilJo. ~ TII ollcd \I Ill , hl I)TllpetAd by n 'xl \1 (!'('I<.
Al1hough royalty hi ever c\onnlsh, whether they r tain their crowns not, it Is unusual to photograph three royal "ex's" In a group. They (\ at Lausonne. Swltzerlmnd. Left to rlght: ex-Queen AJnerle of Portugal, • King Ferdinand of Ou'igaria (lnd ex·King Al.tonsn of Spai n. The occa!' was lhe marriage of Pr ine 5S Marie-Dolores, niecl! of ~x-Klng Altol, to P rince August Cz arlo ry ·Ski., descen t!ani ,of all old Polish {a lnil),.
Montluy aftcrno on, II I 4 o'clock, \luitl.! a. num!Jl'r galh",r~d at th e ~k 'Iu l'i! FUN)l'al '110m' 1' 0 1' ti ll' (u 11c ral nf MI'~. Emma P. IJakin , of Xenia . ltev. G, . Dillel't spllke w()I'c1~ t of COll1fOl't nnd chl.'c ·, r..,,,d the ubiLual y, twu favorite hyr.lln ", "J C. u ~ Lover oj' My 'ou l" 111)(1 "Abide Wit h }\te." ' he \\ a~ laiel t u l'cl;lt lJ.e. sides h I' l>al'l!l1tl; in the )l i1Lllli ' > I1l~tcl'y, .
:'lI , ~ LoL< Ladel Milch!.'!1 f Ada, Ohi o has heen 'ng-agcd tu Ll'ach Sci ·nc·e in I,h High, ' chool. Mis!; Mitch II took h ' r A. B., degre e fJom Ohi n Nort.hl'rn lJ(niven;it\v , het' A. M. fl'0{11 hio tute- Ilnll .. present i ll w<.Il'king on ht\r do tot:ate. DUTing the pu"t y~al' she has ; l I l' lI "n a · ~bt!lnt in the Biology l' I'al 111 II I o f Ohill Stat~. She has bl'ell n I('ad I' in Girl Scout wo·rk f (I1' til(> p a ~ t ~ IX year!'. Mr. Wnf1{' T 1l1'lHl I', II mem\! r HI' lh t, WaYIlt> 1 ' \1w n.·hi p SchoolR racull~' for thol.' pa~t lhl'e!! year!! \\dl "' :< 11111' Lhe ll!ac hing of phy~ ku l (lfiucatiCiIl and coaching activilic.<.. M I'. Turnel' hus been play ground ' UII Cl'vi so r at Lhe gl'ade lllliiding ~nd is wol\ quali{i ed to coach athletics. The softball sea· . on II ill be sl artl!d Houn. Ptar tic.e hegin,~ thi" wlwk. , At. the J.:radc building a ' \Lime to ~1 ;1 ' l ~ chlJl)l " bl'll will be so unded I\t 7: l!i n. 1'11., Pilc h "'e ho 1 mprning. '00 11 \1 ill bt, ·fl ·om 1 j :45 tu 12 :46 ~ X(;ept on incl ement \leather when th noon houl' will be shortened.
March 28, I 5[1. Il h lh e Day bcfor Labor Day . A mot.-ion mau nnd cal'1'icd that v ligh t. of day 'al Fit~bul'g, 1\1a.,,~. and &ld J ones of Ll.'ban II, Ohio, be , sl'nt:t,Ary read a )etter fl'om on "'eptemlJer :1 J vJ7 at hel horn' made Vice 'PI'csld nt Cor thl! lIHt 1\11". SHes D. Gate. which told of in Xenia, sh dl't W h I' last bl't'aLIt r union. thc 7 III,nnual convention of the and "as tak ' n 1.0 hct' Ete rnal rcA III morial tl'ibutc to d <:eas d Garu en lub A ssoda lioll to be Wal'd . WIlS given by the pl'c$ielent to the held at the roof garden of Hotel 'h~ w married in I 7\1 t Ml·. We haVe worked all the cross following: M, E. G\I tin, John Glb n at inrinntlti. Fi' I ', lone Io;et easily obta inabl ' , simply JolIn W. Vakin \\ ho u pOl'Led tltis w ' Td 'Puz7.le '\\ ever tackled. and Gustin, and Om Gu stin. 1 wiLh Mra. Geol'g Smith and MI's. tI nL Dar . ~f Ca~elt,e. Sub. crip. by paying' fOI' adrlitionnl stlb~crip- tife <tober 18115, leavin r hel' with e have put tog-ethel' the m t intri· I d o~ C.mpale" FInd Gr •.nd Rush tion," fo "• youl'selr', 1"'~ la'l'Ve you in ext ndi.ng our ~yml)athy to J 0111 "0 or' fl··\. :1 sma 11 :;Iln; ~ f',el' SIIe Ilat I t IIded ,'I'h ...93, rd Gibbs Reunion wen I L reston we re appointe On to. Obtain the Be~.uli(uL Set. ond." nte jig I\AW puz7.les, but we give all kin m n silent pruye,' for on e delegates. to cV'(:l'ything, sh Yo' nt to live Il <nld unday at the home of Mr. orr E . up when it comes to getting the minute in tribute to all kin, man MI'. Willi, edilor of the local r xplre. Satll'l'day Sept. 25 with h!!1' pal'ent.s, Mr. alltl MI'K, A, With Sat u r d Ii y S~'l\t('mbel' LI ke ~II 0 d tl ff f L I,' I' 1 h a n d MI's. harlr'~ ctl:1rlton andl pin!! back in a new s hirt ju t a!'! who have pa !«!d Away Mince la. t paper spo e 0 toe coming Fall " g 0 ling. , an 0 r 0 ,1' an ane III at.el' yeal' I' e cal'"f ' k f ' t' I h l' ' 0 25th, set tIS t he final llt.y uf' Lhe Ga I hi., kind must co rnc' to .' 1 , 1 1 end. d f th t'l ih' {II I 8n" anllly ncal' Lytle, Tho!! who they were wh n it came from th rcu nion, followed by LOl'd's Pray. }b• C· IVoIl,1 t" Ir5t week an cto- zette's ~rellt sub; I:ipt,iou prcmium This one xpire', 'atul'dny, . cpt, 'Il death. OJ' m un I cy c as cep cnJoye . d t.h occa~ion were: MI'. I h fWre. e r. er an( lllvlte( t e Waynesville if th . . anfl MI's. JI)h'l GI·b"· aliI1 dllughter 0 er, el'e IS qUIto :J( I' u ~ h o'n t.h~ 25th tt f I !SI 1 ' ..., Music nn d axaphone . 010 by G at'(1en lub to hav a d i s p l a y . ' a ma or 0 on f a f w days Ie \las a nat.ul'lI mU bid:m. was 0 ' l\Iorrow', 11'. "nIl ~'{I·., Ch"rle~ On reason, P l'hap.s. wby many part. of CI tize-n.s from nll pa rts of b t th . t 't ' f th I d' . h ' ...,.. Mi~s Mary Gibhon ~, I)f Fountaine a so to appoint some onc to write 11 er' I!I ye Iml' or every • en. rng Mlll'anO In t. c M. Eo G'b b d B b I pppe>:Lr to b e losing interest in lhe n ' If'" this sectl n to take ;'\t\\'antage of 'cadel' lo obtain o n nl'mor se ts. chlJir of \\hich hureh s he was a I san l>on, oil $I of LelY..mon; City, [ndialla. an a IC e or ""e paper, llinl: thff d bt. ... Mr '. .' IlJ'ah McLau"hl' n of Lapel, chu rch is that the New ~nl prom· ' hi t ' 11 t t h e m 1flV"1' ,.. ; ~ hc ~a ng 110' many 'f un 'l·· Indiana; Mr. and "Mr .. Raymond MI'8_ Gu till GHllaher, Trotwood, l h C pprpo...~ an d accomplishment A I 0 er an n aln the fl' e g ift. Thos'0 "h ' 0 ar una e , 0 Cll ie, in its more abundant. life, n grCl,lt many ' II new mcll'fb '1' 0f our l' un. Qf th local club ' j\6"a. dalne I ~''l' about all th ven eHsts promi ed OIl 10, ,~. db ' havc al ady c Ome office or hav(' 'omeone call , can alij and entel'tl'inlllcn' , . ,s ', was a Dingle of Indianapolis, lnd ) Mrs. , t I" h ~ enJoy . d our reo Mul! I'd , B n "'I'th ,nnd MI 1:Inl 111 an 0 tamed "ets,. Tndication... mail their order in and if 5c addi. [)iano instructor, "nd many can rclon, 0 u U6 , .. , .. '" th t .. . ~ M''IIrgnl'llt Ri.,m\ in the here.aCter. . . ted are a mallY mOI'e \~ ill ~l'a , Jl the tional i·. ad"ed .f or pnu. "rru th" ~"t 111enlbr. h lh' ,,' t ' t ~,~ ~ ..... of FOI·t W ayne, union' and will b at our coming In a A• L WIS wet'e appoJn opportunity durlnM the final days ~ 'l ,~-,.,~ ~,,~ <1' t':I ell' .. ll'!' lru I'UC- .Indiana; ML·s onl Gihb!'; Mr. Hnd Over in Japan tb yare drilling JeUnlOll8 he1'<!'8f r. to make t.b report. f the week. will bemailed . tothn101.toany tuI· inpianomu $ic·Ml.8.Walt~I·Gihb~.Mr. and Mr~. II.'ho"u.~ girls Cor war. Sb ,nan, it J . W. Moo)' , of Richmond, Ind. , 'the Invit d gue ts weYe' MI', addre s specified. While matt'on uf th girls at Jack l.:fa II , MI·s. Laura Schooley, Everybocl,. Plleued - CLUB - Jt\CClll , lived 70 year!! too oon. who e Illothn was oil Gu stin, is his- , and. ,Mr . M orr Is orn.e II an d, M r. tHE ,FRIENDSHLP the Masonic l:Lome, S\lri.n~ield, Mr. and and 1\11' , P~ul Schooley ',; well pleased have been. the MET WEDNESDAY P . M. !;he had II fall ft'om the <:$fect of of Madi onvil!, hia. (:RANGEMEM-BERSNOT [CE- tOI'ian ancl geneologi st in the pil- WIIlts, former members, Madames grimll.ge o[ our family hi tOI'y etc, Hal'ry tokes and Mary Cross al- many who have view,ed and exam· \"hhh ah Mvel' fully r covered. Mrs. Rardin D cring of am· Th Fril'ndship Club met at the h leave s a . n, Guy Li'. Dakin. ' bridg ity, In<l; Mr. an.~l M . 1'here will be an all (lay clean- He 'is getting pirtUI'e.'S from grave so 5Cvel'al .of th~ husban~. The ined the handsome SElts at the Gahoster Me rty and family of ing and painting at the Grange tones from Red Li on, Kirby, Tod ll m.xt meet.lIlg wlll be wlth Mr. zet.t'e office that scver.el have sc- church Wednesday afternoon, Sop· of Xenia, II- g.·anddaughte~, Mrs. hio; Mrs. Lucy Me· Hall on W (\neMay, S4!pi. 15, All and L banon ccmetcl'y for future R. D. Collett on the, afternoon of cur(l(\ more than Olle set. Thi~ can tem~r 8th. D~1'int~ the bUSll·ne . Get·tt·ude 'l nk, of California a I Hamilton, October , . ta 5th, with Miss Lew.is as be th eaFily done by paying more S<'Sl!lOn ' U a nomma f N tt- Ing Rcomm 0tte<e, I sl~bl:-r, Ml's. J. W. WhIte, u brothel' • . rty of outh Lebanon; Mr. lind Orang Ladies arc invited to come record. O A coil ction taken to pay fol' as IS nt to Mrs. Collett. .nil one yeal"s ub cripti on. A CMQnsls n g M M Ie bye, cnnFl'ank H. Furl', both of Wayn es· Mt. J[ () wQI'd Fairchild and ~on, and h elp. d .~p n. es d " I' t d $4 BtlR set i~ given with each "'1.50 pal·d. oss an rg wasd ap· . L 11', ' Bmuo I ' h a,r I no f . X em. B, all .,upp les ne t e . . ..... NET REUNION " ' . t ,. Itrs. · aem I d'd t VIJ. IU an d a number of Inelllls wno Please- bril\&' a cOv red dish and _ _ Tbe b I b t "625 R. eadcr~. b.8ve the pn'viJege oi pay. pom cu. was a. a eCI e 0 WI'I) mlSl! . 01 . M. I'. an(I "n l'S. h al'I S ITa.ra a nc 'we rI 'V • It t U li: tf' Id' I 't t' hel'. 110; sandwiches Jl n d your paint bru sh. 65 was paid by J. W. Moore. The de cendant of Stephen and tng tell' 0\\ l' ~ ubscn ption for two ncc p .,. I'S. a Ie s nv~ II- Ion • ""y lind chilLlren or larksville, Wi A YNESViLiF: Ml. E. CHURCH Will O. Gustin, Pre ident, William Burn t. and Anabel Bur- I years 01' paying for their h:ld WAYNESVitLECHURCH Ohio; Mr. EIllCI'y harlcton and ~unday: ncaville, Ohio, PI' id nt I n et""Mill s, m t \\ith Ernest Butter. 1'0 a IV~g and 1l'i nd..., In this way ' el' 001.10 anon, WI !In ~ OF CHRIST children. undoy I«:h ool at 9 :30 A, M. Mrs. J e, so W. r.1:oorc, Richmond worth .an(\ wife on unday, About as many se tg may be obtai n ed as day m etmg a nd a covered cl l h W . C. Smith, Mi n l.ter - - -- - • - - There will I' no morning nor Indiana, Ilct ing eCI' wry. 60 e nj oyed the day and fin e din. the need may be. dinner. S unday FRIENDS HOME ' . t - - nero Gazetle Force EI-ted Too After Lhe business ~e!\sion, sever M I "l- - J L M I h II venlng preaching sel'Vlce nex LOCAL PERSONAL ITEMS, Bible Schoo} 9 :30 a. 111. I'. 'an ( ,,1'. . ' , enc en a ", '11 t t 'th T't., 1\" 11.1 intel'e ~ ting conte ts were givI T 'I'~y WI mee- ,nex year WI day, b ecause of th A)'lUua 1 M d M R II B I M .,.e 'Iami G,azett~>_ fOI'I'e I'S well ol1lmunion LO :30 a. I'll. lInt. I'U' incJ f or ~ UI)lJ('r on J';Jonday r. an 1'8. 0 a 0 ton, r. en Collowe 1 b ef IeSh m t S ' un on! re nee being held in Dayton and M". Wolt t. lark v' . l't"d l'n \\h. and irs. A, Z. Hat ock at 1)leascd, al so, \\;th this splendid ' ( y l' I n s elChd", Uan Endeavo r 7:UO p. \n. ' ev ' ning .l\lr~, H~It.h and bliss Lu· ~"O kl d . \'t! d by th following ladi - : Mr:;.. ,thi s week. Pilte County, Ll!.bor Day. Th e a an . prCmlUI)I we have found it po.••·ihle Pl'e~c.hing 7 :4.5 PI m. ,1111. ,Jalln y, 1\11'8. Emma Pi rce -~ to award to our su bs cribel'S. Plea".• Elne t Hal'Lso c~. Ml'S. Joel Stokes 'CI'mon 8ubJ' ct "Why the J ews find Ml'. ~l l'ndenhllll': bl'other from Woedn esday: Wh iLe Lake below V avel'ly was to TO HAVE CLASS d ., M\'S. Lloyd Davis and Mrs. Alvin 1'he Ladie-s' Aid Society will be de-diea ted, September 6th anti IN 'HOME.CRAFT WORK~ not onJy h('{'llul.'!e it is bringi ng Earnhart, R.ejected ,1 esiUS.' M UI'~t1n ounLy, Ohio, meet with Mrs. Martha Hough. al~o a reunion of Pike Countians Ther will be a meeting' Mon. III many n('ed ,I s ub, criptions, but , __ .,.. _ _ ____ W 'dne~day Mi ';""-e!l FI'an N'S Ald ~n and }1i!!I This will b e. an a\l day meeting, from otht'l' cC)unties a nd state. It clay p. m. eptember 13 at 2 p, m. •alf«) because it is pls~eing in to the EASTERN STAR NOTICEBibl.,. Study 7 :45 p. m. Winifred NIIWIlIt wo!'e in Dayton, with ' cove r ed dish lune.heon at ra itl ed until 5 P . M. anci the ded- ill the H om Economics room in hancls. of h 'II hil'ru humdreds a g'ift - - - - OF CHRIST on,.'I'll I,;day_I ' Mtiarni hapter No 107 0 'Il: FERRY-CHURCH ts G ication was postponE-d. Mr. Bolton the HigIh chool building, opeu to t hJl t 18 so 1ft 'I usefu l, attraotive ' . ,.. ,..,un! ay (mn ll!' gu s ' were cr. and du rabl d '11 ' S. will moet in l'egulal' essioh, W . C. S~it,h, Mini •• er ' t I ' h 'I j h t n oon , G. C. Dibert, P-.asto r v.islted old fri nd lII:rd ~Iative.~, e.ll interested in a cia in Horn .. e an WI gIve daily Usc rut (' /lnu I' anr er gues, he home wh"re hc wa bOI' n, tllA Craft. about the home, in the school, a. Monday • vening, Sept_ 13th at 'unday Lu is ElfieI' of Wilmington . . t BIRTH oFSON-=-· ",<, W 0 ' \\ 1'1'l' K III' I l 0 Iwve tl Ie R ev. li ttle r ed bl'ick on the hill wh 1'6 This i adult education work round 'It " e 0 ff'ICe (1 1' store, cverf. 7 :30. Vi siting memf> l' welcome. ' Bibl School at 0 ::l0I R. m. -....- _ whel' 't" Th lOla Settlemyrc W. M . d .. h ff f D t b k e wn mg eqUipment is needMinnie FI'o mm, See'y. erlllon at 11,00 a. m. an ''l'·S . c n e,', 0 ay on ac BOl'n to Mr, and MrR. Virgil he went to SChool lind later taught. undel' the l('.!ldel'ship of Mrs. GeT· The Ladie. Aid of the M. E. aJdine Eichel' of Lebanon. There ed. Nevel' b efol'e bve we been . ermon ~ubj ect will b , "Th e wiLIt 11Mon ullday after a su mmer Rhodetl,_ SatlH'daYi - - -LYTLE - - - __ _ _ _Aug 2~, a son . Church will have a covered dish will be projects such as TUgs, knit- abl e to 0 ff er such a, fine premium ' hUl'ch of the T wenLieth en. vuca t'Ion. , Mrs. Joseph Githenll, Mrs, hinch at the home of Martha ting, c!lndlewick spl'M.ds, etc., abs olutely fJ'ee and one toot was tury." Gretchen Georing of Tol edo is WYll Stubbs and Bon, Richard, Mr. Hough, W edne day, eptem~er 15. available at no cost e-xcept that so adapted to tiiversal u sc. ,'u l', anlative Saylor s rH' n I;l~t Tue-'ay wiLht i ustuntil s h finds , a pel'ma· welMI'~. k with - in Da;yton. '''u ' Everett Githen s, Mr. and 1\lrs. W. Th ose who e birthdays are' in Sept. of ilia rials. Set. rdul Fo,r School BI"l u . t.udy nen !Jca Ion. II d 1\1 a d Mrs. h' " MI'S. . W, Albright an(1 Jackie U ~' and dloit· practice Ruth hand It'\' returncd to Ce· . 8 Cl'i d a an rd' d n H -' l or October, bring o nly table leTNOTICE MASONSl[dre.n and pal' uts are iind· at 8 :00 p. m. FI'ank Robinson e.tten e .th eo In. vice, all other members bl'i ng table ing these sets itle al for sc hool 1>(;- Hugh. of P ellin were ,Friday guests lI'rid a", dal'Vll e t() b ,g in h t· school t hi s · N C I' I S I Re,g uIal' ,tatoi<l co mmunl 'ation . of MI', and ~fl's. K e~lcl' GI'aham. .. J ell mbel' 10th. week. e eumon at ew aT IS 6, un· sevice, a cov~I'ed dish, and .. nd· ~r qUlremen ts and that ,is one rcason kl R of Wayn sville Lodge No. 163 A, h ~ ·r D Id 1-1 dl t d d Lh The Tri· 'tate club composed or Ml'. and Mrs. li'rl..,<1 Brow n, of wichi!s. W .Y1so lW I '. ey a~, Thur ell da y, _ _ _ _ - - _ __ • _ _ T. and A. M., September 14th, at a ' . many ofP these premiUms ' tate Paiona r lit oalumbu dllY. the yOUJlg peopl e of the W tlynul'.- Oregon ~pcnt a. couple of days last . The French liner Normandie re- , MI·. and Mr!!. E. 8. Longac re, 7:30. Vi siting and sojourning mem e mO~lDg out. arents ran mak e ville lU1d ' Perry hUI'~'h('s will week with theil' cousin s: Misse.s a ub tantial a' b tt' h ]\{I·. L \'i Greathouse.' is slH!ndi cel1Uy made the fastest transatlan. Mrs. J . n, J on and Mr • Margat'ct bel'S IIlI'o invi~ed 8 vtng y ge Ing t e have a. ,SOcilll on groulld::! or the Annll a,nd Mame Brown . . sets f OT the' h'ld u thIS' \veek in Dayton 'lltlJ(nding the lr tic l\.-ftmship trip on record _ 3 Johns attEnded the theatre in Day. E. F . E arn.hart, W. M. Ir c I fle n. ~•• oro than Montgomel'y County Fair. Ferl' y church b""innin E ml'l'l13. p IC1'ce, . A nn a B l·OWn. a n d ~, , ~'" , ,a'' 7 :00 ~aYB 23 hOUTS and 2 minutes. ton, Sunday ev~ning. , V M Armitage, SEC'y. DE~TH NOTICE p. m . Rob et'" l~yman we\'Q in XE-nia, on 1\11', Ev're tt Githens ap.en t - --Friday. • w~ k's vacation fishing in MidI MOTHERS' CLUB TO MEET 'l'h ~ annual board meeting was Emma F. Sntith,-;"ue of Joel b h · FR'l DAv~ SEPT. lOl d h held hel'll 0 11 Tu sday . Smith, died at the hom e of h el' an d Wl\,<; accompnn e , Qme y 1 sister, Ml'~. EJ'II'yn 'tubbs and so n , Mnl'tha fI end r.s.on, Em ma daughter, in Da)'to rr, Thursday af' h d \\ h 0 WI'11 VISI " t a couple of The first. Mothers' lub Ime ting P>eil'ce, Fl'.:J11 CCS Aldc n, Georgia ternoon at ~be age of. 77. Funeral R IC al' , ' th h. I!T paren ts . 01' the year will be he,ld at the i\1endcnhnll ,ond W ilton Rnrtsoek Services ~' ere he ld at the r~side n ce wee k s WI · .... ld H dl d !\fl'• .and 1\1 1'S. u ona , n. ey an Grado Building thi F.riday after· w<"rc in incinllnLi, Thul'sday of in LytIc, Monday aftenlOon, 2 MI'. b;rn st oo k, in COll1pany with noon, Sap. ember 10th at 2 p. m, lasL \\ eek. o'clock. Buria l was in Miami Cem. Ail mothel's aTe urged to aEtcnel. Lena. lIal't.;<oc k atten ded the eOOry. Her husbellld and four Mr, and MI·s. Chu ne e, Hal"Vey 0 f A ' social h our has b en 1), lanned . Clarksville attended the ball game BUl'net t· union at El'n est , Bu tter· daughters survive her., in Ci ncinnati, F'rirlay night. ' CAESARS CREEK worth', on last Sunday . ~ GO ON TRIP' Eva: McMillan spent Sund ay Mrs. Paul Williams, Mr!l. C, W il. Mr. and Mrs. , l{arry Kock and li al)'lS and dia,ughtel' of Le The Compton and Mill ~ 'Fllmilie s he!.'c, Mr. R 'x WilliamsOln of Covington, w I'e dinner guest .. of Mrs, .Bene h.eld thoClr annua l r eunion on th(' Callers on Mame and Anna Kentucky stopped in Fel':ry Satur- Scott and family, Thur day. Church Grounds, SaLurrlay. Brow n on Sunday w~re Russell day on their way 'tQ Cumbel'lancl, Mr. and Mrs. Therle Jones and Mi. s Jeanette Wihon ha; heen and Jul'i a Brown of Cente1'ville, Maryland and invit.~d Wilma Th ol'll ~ n nnr! Ml'l'. J . B. J onos attended confined to her h om e b. illne.. Mar y L pn Edwards, of Springfield, as to accompany them. Th y visit,.. th . Montgomery County Fair Mr. and Mrs. William 'lIlith and Mary Joe mith and Kenneth ed Wlbeeling, West Vit'g inia, Pi tts· Dayton, Monday aftcl'I) oon a nd (l V(' MI'. , l11ith'~ Il1.I)Lhel' or !Jayton I-e· Ridge and daughter of lndia napol· burg and many other points eao;t , ning. lUJ'llecl, Augu ·t 30, fl'om a. de· is. spending Sunday with Rev. arid Ruth Ha.rvey spent Labor Day On account Of rain t he Su nds)' lightful ,tt'ip thtt-u P~nn!,y lva nnia Mrs. Ch ester Williamso n in. Scotts ::; .. hool couldn't have t.heir picnic, nd Ne w York. They visilA:'(l Mr, ill Cincinnati. burg, Penn sylvannia. At one place Mr. and Mrs, A'ndrcw Shawhan which interested Wilma very much Su nday, 0 8 planned but in tcad had ' miLh 's iRt ' r in J ohnstown, Penn ., Y. I called on Saturday afternoon. th ey Wtmt 2808 up the m ountain a h~ke t dinner and social time at and hil'< aunt in Blas tlell, Th e.y vi,,;ited in Nillgal'a J.'all ~ and\ -- - -- - --• d' T Some of our mj!mbers attended church. side above the clouds. She said the mo.orc III alUH Il, • Mr. and Mrs. Donald H a dl eyan d the funeral of Homer SmIth, bro· the lICen.er, W88 wonderful. The}, Iitll c daughter attended the Bur. Some of our nlcmber ll are work· ther of Mr. William Smith at tbe visited tbe S. S. Grandview lIotel, Dar· n tt ,""union a t th e home of Mr. ing at the Rox.anna Canning Plant Rininger Funeral Home from wblob oDe can !lee three statet! aDd Mr~. Ernest Butterwonh near Mr. and MI' . Charle~ Laird of ton, Monday afternoon,
t~e ~~tober m~t~ttng ~I
Mussolini's Young Fascisti Pass itll ,Review
Wa),neaville, Sunda)". Camden spent on\' day last wt'ek\ Mr. &lid Mn. lhftl.ll I'll. Mary Carmon)" in ..n'IIII1,...'V'I,wlth lbol· ir dau~ter, Mrl. Luther and family of KokolllO" th .... and Ill'll. E. J. Bainee and f,aDd~. , I hav r umed to ~ f.
-b About 12,000,000 per~onl In ~ (. , United tutes are afflicted Wltb S"pttlnbl'l' 6 - PilgnnlA sllllet.l hT i t I . O111l uge J'I'I'JI\ J>I\'llInuth, EII~lnlld, 1620. HtYdP tlll' t n "'I e :. Sth . It I" ,t', llma• {' 1a l10 o. C>o(,' IlIVIl IlC'Iuir Septemiler 7 ~ OUl'!:n I!:llza' ' h,· th, born, 1533. Sf' rt mlx:r ~ - IhRlIU tion of '(;"I\", ~ tfJn. T e x6R, hy tidal W/lve; ,00(1 drowned and 5,000 families Ask for a llIa,lt· homel c!<~ , I !.I 00. , Scpu'mber !.I alitornia adMIAMI SBURG PERMANEN mitted to the nio n, 1 ,50. CONCRETE Septembe r 10- P'rry's victoTY A ir Seal B urial Vault on Ll1k<, Eri e, IS l 3. For Sale 'O nly By &'plC'lIlb" r 11 - J enny Lind'l\ YOUR FUNE RAL DIR ECTOR fi '~ l eoncCI't a t BstJ e Carden, 18-
1tbr _iatni 8a;tttt F.ntt'rl'd
I'ostoffice at Wa} n('$)' i11 I', OhIO, CIa!'! Mail Matter
""====;=; OWc
1'0, 112
Ru bl'(' rlpt io n Pric , $1. 60, _ _ _ 3 __
Cbakeres New Xenia Theatre To Open Thursday Night, Sept. 9 f
Sl'})tembl'r 12 - Columbu !l discov,t' r ' d t he New World 14 2.
the hifis rate for negroes I about I
'h' P f IIUlt for w ItN~. ~r ons 8 fectl'd hUVl' an dff:'ctlve working } lift' uf about t'll yelll'!" Ic:<.~ t lun those not aff cted. ,
SAVE MONE We can save you money on your plumbing fix· tUfC ,
pumps, septic tanks.
pipe, fittings, and valves. Be sure to see us before you buy.
Randolph Plumbing Co
McCLUR E F UNERAL HOMEW a1n e.... iIIo.0 . PhoBO 7
2065 Cata lpa Drive
T he Auxilia ry o f Ihe Episc opal h Url'h me ts Fl'iday with Mrs, E.
L. Thomas.
New Xenia Theatre Completed At Cost Of 52,000 -Is Said To Be One. Of
Finest Show Palaces In Ohio e very til I\t r~ r In tht8 An ev('nt that WI!~ tM W:;a~lt~rul. ~ew. d lux hak eres-X niB IHloCtion. the (1) nlng I ed l~ tor Thursday night. September 9. Theat('r In X nla. Is Be 1 u 0 .. and wtu bo attended by m::;' tr~:! ~~::'formerlY a cupl ed by the Th n w t il lIte r , r ~ on $62 00 .\nd a ordlng BHou t heal or, repr, :enta ~lt:;Jt~~e~~s~!ct It, Is Bald LO be t he t lhose who hav n Ptl nJld mod rnlsUc Inemn pulnce In m Ollt ('am tort abl(l, "tlraC 'fO hlo, , f Ohlo'8 larg 'st circuit opTil Cha keres Thoatr s, Inc., ono 0 tho now (heat r 's orl\tI"'~ cOllllltinl08, wUl have complote Ich:~~:d~;cd for 7 : 30 p , M,
T rue Prof eSlional S e~vice King George VI and Que n ElIzabcth, with thelr' two daugh ters, Prln, cess Eliznbcth I)t)d Princess 'Ma rgar et Rose, a re shown In a carrIage drown by thc famous Windsor grnys on thei r wa y to aUend serv ices In the Crathie church in Aberdcenshlre, Scotland.
BOYS WANTED Steady Weetly Income
cd b
;~~~8t~~~. uv~~~n;~~~:gs~:~~r:~!~~~~~:~~ft~e o~:~c:r c~n~~~~~;
modated. Th theAtOr'11l r gut 1~3: P 'M and runlling conti nuous ly shows ov ry day, open ng a . ", until mldnllrh , On Sunday, Soptoml>er 13,_ the now XenIa th ater ~1tI oll e~1 ~~ , tlv -day e ugagom e nt of th )' f ' S outstflndlng pi tut, Snra\n.,a, cO'starring J an Harlow and Clark Gable, wIth Lie n I n Rrryn l f)\'o, Ra lph Morgan and Una M rkel featured In the l<up[lorlin g call t. On FrtdllY and Saturday, Sept mb r 17-18, th theM I' will In augurat tho tJrst ot Its twin-day "Bank Night" f IIW' s, Patron!! will be able to attend the theater ilt anyUm on olth I' F r hla)' or Saturday, anti participate In tbls added attraction. The new X nla theater 1& typical ot what modern Qrehll<'ctnr and dO(:eratlog makes 1>08 Ible In theatrical boauty. 'rile theftt I' h .... a huge vertical tl~D tlve feet ,?y 3ft feet boa ring Its 110m , e ll which there 111 780 feet of flashing nOOn tubing, lis IMTIIU Is a soltd blaze or 11ght W1tb a total of .oJ electric lights Qf all 'j)lnrs and clrcult-stylet. The new theater's tront 18 of modernistic doslgn, with fU slllny casea. cash b~ and lIghtln, fIltturee In verfec.t harmony. Ellt o l~lng the theater through a let or modernistic doors one mUll t stl>I' and manel-at the beauty of Ita lobby, touod 10 111\8(1 9 ot rNI and blue, wltb Indtrectly "ghted 4l8play cases and a tloor coverIng of hellvfeet theeter carvet In a beautiful modernistic tI~gn , The fOY8r of"tlle tbeater Ie excoedlngly large, holng turnl s h(,fl with two complete .ultell or mod roletle furniture, ThIs main tOYl'r ~ lead. into the andltorlum foy r off to tbe rear ot wbl cb 1'0 I B t ed large .mokln. lounges and rest ' rooms for b th Indl s and geots. witb a powder bar In conjunction with tbe ladles' lounge, f The auditorium Is almoet twice the size of the torlll r DlJolI theater aod blls almost doublo tho old theater's 8 aUng c pacity. The audltorlup1 Is unusual In Its docoruUve trMtment, whi ch combines stteamlLnlnlJ wIth oclagon recel!Se8 In which are e ight be-autlhl hand carved mura.ls depIcting Bcones frOm olght fam olla t h alrlcal prodUctions, ranging from Romeo and. Juli e t to ncle 1'orn's cabin. ' The audItorium Is carpeted and turolehod with over 700 new 10ner'1lprlng cushioned 8lnk-away thelter soats- th moet comfortable theator chairs that have BYe!' boon develol) d. !be stage baa two alltom!tlcan~ oporated and contl'olled trav eUng curtaIns and a giant screen, 8trordlng the thoater a pletllr of suell ,Ise anti quality 811 to relieve all eye straIn fl' om all), 8t'ut In the auditorium, The new ano, 8mazlng1y porfect West rn Eloctrlc "MJrrophonlc" sound b88 b~n Inllt"lIed, along with hlglHni'en!llty projection lampe, , T~ theater Is also equIpped wIth Aeou8t1con sOllnd, a ap cia I and bJghly perfected equipment whIch feooft Indlvl(l\lal O.lItl t a l the arms of tha,..theater _ts Into whloh , spedal head - phon e~ are plugged to aJd tbe hearing of patrone who are dent, The few ctth:ens f('om hore who havo b n prlvllegt'd to soe Ihe' n6W Xenia tbeater state It 18 worth on,ono'S lime 10 vis it i t. II pleaalq lIurprlllG 18 088uroo them. Tb thoot r wIll show on ly tlIe tlnelt of 8(lroon (100 stage progl'all1ll nnd wtll Ull l'I "~li,)nnh l )' IIOOIl beeome ODe or the favorito pia U I< for entertalnmC'lIt with l1l'''1 . .ndll ot ellilonll In th!8 terrlto ry. '
W ilbur Hawke the Ill'l'ival of a new dau ht:.er DOl" Jan. The W, . 1', U., and fiu nili en joyed a picnic at th ~chool yard on last Th Ul'~day t've ning. 1rs. odie l!~li!aso n {lot lend d 1\ family di nner o.t i ll hon;c vf Mr, a nd Mr.. Rh ode B unn '11 0 11 la H Sunday. Mi ss Sally mith or W,ayn sville ha n th gu .,t of MI'. li nd l\! r,; A. S. ollett \lIltl fa mily. [ "R. Mal y Syf rd and J ohn Sy· fe l'd spe nt \.h w ek nd lin d Labor Day with M 1''1. yfcr~'s sister and f ami ly, in D('tl'oit, M r. a nd 1\11'" Wilbu r W ilson an d da ughtel' pf Roan ok e, VlI. , spent (\, f e'\'.' days with Mr. a nd Mrs, F rnnk Wil 'on a. nd fa.mily . .Miss Ella ~ hamb ug h oC Clevenday wit h h Cl ' f a t h r land 'p nt MI'. JQe Sharnba ug h. Mr '. Iyde Lcvicy ill slowl y im· IJrovi~g to the de li,fllht of h r ma ny ,fl·ien ds. Mr, nu t! MI'. Louis Snell and J oa n spen t Sun day in M n terey, Th e Women' s Civic L ea.gu sup pel' wa s well lJatl'o ni:wd 0 11 last Saturda y night. Mrg, Lottie South of Lebanon r turn d home Monday vening a ft er spend ing a f w days wit h her da ughter h 's. Mro-y Tuc ker and fam il y. Mr, a nd lI1 r~, Wm, ost er and sia ns. 'Mrs. O. B_ nd I'w ood a.nd Mrs. Mary D o~ te l: h ave I ' turned from a deligh t.f ul t ri p to Yellow. st one Nationa l Park. Mr, and Mrs, Dar'rell Bogan of Spl'ing bol'o spent Tu esday wilh Mr. and Mrs. Charl e~ Bogan and family. Miss Harl'i t Cos.~ um of Columbus und l' We nt n operati on for
Mr, and
a r~ r joici ng ov
11ppen di (' i t i 8 r e.en tly .
.- ...----
FREE PRIZ S " easartt, Easy Work w..... 10011111, fGr brlllht, omhl 10'"
bel,. ullonal
tG .. It RADIO GUIOl'.. t he
Mr. Robe rt Franklin of Cincinnati sp(ln~ the w e kend wi t h his aunt, M1's, M:al'Y Raines. Mr~, Catherine H t'st on was ho. THOUGHTS FOR SERIOUS . BEECH GROVE te s at a reunio h Id at h rhom e , MOMENTS Mr. Otto Rich left last Monday on last Satlwday f ol' the f Orm el' He who knows most grieves for his new home in N orthern Mon pupils of P ro f. U . L, Monce now for wasted tim~. - Dante. tana. We were sorry to have him riding at Ay M Plll'k , incinnati. Those who think must govern go but wish him succe$S in h' He was s up l'i ntcnde nt her.e sevthose that toil. - Goldsmith, work theN. eral year s ago, A picnic di nnel' LOVe is God's essence : poweT but Mrs. BiM Patterson suffered an and r"emin isc nee of school d~ ys his attribute : th erefore his love eYe injury, last Thursday, that is were enjoy ed. Those p)'{"Sent inis , greater , than his power. - Gar- quite painful. We hope she will 're- cl uded th e h()stes, and her daunett. I;0ver quickly. ghter , Ma r y, nll d P rof e.-soi· anel War its thousands slays, peace Ml'II. Edith Davis, daughters Nel- Mrs. Monee weTe : Mr. Howa rd its ten thousands. - PorUns. lie, 14ary, and MarjO~'ie, a.nd son, Collett a nd Mr, and Mrg. R. B, Be alw'ays displeased at wltat Robert we~ Lebanon visitors. Monf rt of W.ilmin ,;!'ton j MiRS Net thou art, if thou desirest to attain Thursday. tie Ogl esb~e nn d b}'otber, George to' that which thou art not: fol' Mr. and, Mrs. Robert McKay and of Way nesville and MI' and M'rs. wh ere thou haat pleased thyself, 'son, Bobby D.ale, of Seaman, were D. B, Und el'w oocl. tber e th ou abide t. - Quarles. Sunday ,gu ests of tile McKay fsmMr. nnd Mrs. Ch arl ~~ Bogan, SAFETY SLOGANS ilie.s here. . ' '. ,.. Jr., and famity and Mrs. Bogan' s Mr, Howard McKay is in attend- parents, Mr. alld Mrs. W . Turner MaN! than 17,000 peTSons have anCe at Friends Conf!!rence in Phil of New Burlington sp ent several been kille d in motor vehicle ac- adelphia. Pennsylvania. days ef last weE.>k with Mr and cidents ,since the first of the year. Miss Frances Chenoeth was Mrs. Nolan Turner 'and family of a Wednesday evening caller at the New Philadelphia. Dri ve care fully. Habitually careless persons Thompso'n Tel"ry home. The many fri ends of Mrs. Emsh ould be permanently depriv.oo of Miss Jesse Ga?!ier. Mr. and Mrs. mitt M,'Carren of Fay ettevill e will a dri vers license. Drive carefully. A. B, Talmadge and J. Lee Tal- be s orry to . heat· of her Your margin against a h lt".".mr.l mage ,were visitors in Lebanon, illness at II hospital in Cincinnati. i t.hat represented by yeur we:ek- Thursday afterllOoo. , t tire. A set of tires is no strong Mr. M. M. Terry attended the r than t he weakest tire. stock sale at Wilmington, Friday. A TOR KIN BANKRUPT I t is always dangerous ~o driv-e Miss Hazel Richardson of Hamat night at a speed at which it is ilton is smalUng an extended visit ~P Ol< ible to stop in the the dis- with p, G. Wells and family. t llncc t he dl'iver can clearly see. ,Mr. Clarence Tuck er, of Og'D on't drive into an intersection den wa s II caller in this vicinity, xp ecting the dri ver to take all Friday evening, Mr. and Mrs. John Smil.oh w e l' ~ t he precautions, JIe may be fooli~ h a,l 0 an(l f ail to !.lIko theJ)'l, wook-end guests vI relatives in Driv sensibly, Lexingtort, Kentucky. , ' HOU SEHOLD HINTS , Mr. and Mrs. CharlM Swindler entertained several friends over Try thi. orange , marshmalloW' the week-end at their country pudding instesd of a gelatin the home, "Sunnysid Farm". Mr. and Mrs, Hallie Hathaway n ('xt time you wllnt pudding for d<' s rt. Cut lIb. marshmalloW'S in qf neat' Hageman, wel'e Monday quarten, with scissors. H*:t marsb callel'l! bere, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nash spent mall wand throo cups , juke in double boiler until marsb- the week·end', with relatives near m&llo"' ~ are melted. Cool sli~htly: Wheeling. We~t Virginia. Mrs. Bina Pat t ....rso n Was fl Dayt'hUl in individual serving dishu. R tn \\'Itb .."hipped cream. Senes ton vi,itor, Tuesday, Francis Orrnond French, tather Mrs. COl'a Thompson was a MonI-law of John, Jacob Aster III, who 8. Plaf'a'Pple juic.e ma,. be uaed inday ov<!r-night guest at the Tal- ,ilecl a bill of bankruptcy. One of of oranee juice. !ho liabilities was a bill to a Chine •• mage home. l.48. Mr. Mr. J. Lt'e Talmage spent Labor laundryman totaling French refused an otter of hi, Day in Cineinnati. daughter, Ellen Tuck French, to get him out of 8n1UK!1a1 cWBeultlee,
wMltly o' p r n l ' n, and perllOaa1Itle. In tbalr De l,l> ' o,' hoo d •.
, \\.,
;' ~
Send for froe , IIlttJIt . -
ted o"t. ln ~ ~nd lu ll detail. on bow t o- r.c t atllrted. WI.e n y ou writ e. IIlk for th o novelty k I n,.",
i :
Years of training and exper ien ce have equip" ped our atllff to render a genuinely professional ser' vice, in all of many del ails 'w hich make up a funeral of t he type, which leaves an everlastingly consoling memor y. For many years we have rendered since re, sympathetic service to this community, at modest costs based entirely upon the wiahea a nd meana of the family.
J. E. McClure
"RQ-LO" •• nl FREE.
Writ. to Al Jone., RADIO Ctll nr-:, 731 Plymouth Court,
and a.e.
hH:n 0 , 111., ' full name. full .. drlr... SOlid II pott • r<1 tGd ll Y I
NaUonnl honors wer e accorded the memory of Andrew W. Mellon. secretary Qf the trE'nsury In the cab· inets ot Presidents Harding, Coo' lldge and Hoover and one ot th1! nation's lending Indystrlalists who died at Southampton, N . y " at the age at eighty-two. He was one ot the nation'. tour wealthiest men, T h e.federal gov &'nme nt entered in a big way last week in the fight agains t cancer by appropriating $ 700 ,000 fOl' a buiilding and equipment for a l'esellrch center and 700,000 a year for upkeep and r esearch. The nE,W program will place the United States <at the bend of the list of the nations in th e ma ~e r of exp.enditures for this purpos e.
RICHARD'S XENIA OHIO W. E. FROST Vo t eri naaiaa D a)' o r N illbt
It is human nat1lre te want to get in on any first ev(mt. Ohioan s with their stand'o rd of sportsma nshi p socond to none, will bo the hosts of the first excluslv'e Nationa l Percheron Draft Horlle Show to bo held in connection with the National Dairy Show. Oct. 9-16 a.t Columbus, Ohio. Four hundred h ead of p urebred Perchcrons will compete for the prcmium purse of $6,5()0. For tho fi rst timo a school of instruction will be held, where, figuratively speaking, a draft h orll9 will be taken apart to see what makes it win, Tho school will be conducted by intornationailly k nown horse judges and will bo held t he first four days of the "'leek from 4 :3Q to 6 :00. nfter the r,~g u18r judging ia eomilleted. The plilrebred Percheron mar 9 shown in t he picture will be at the National Show. They are owned in Delaware County. Ohio, and nre daughtcrl~ of Gene Tunnt' y, p lI l'cbred Percheron herd sire at the Ohio State 1: nivcl'sit y . They are "aluod at $2,000 .each.
,our Cattle, bop, ahee'p and calva
to Noma-Brodt C.... , li•• wtn and procresllive firm for the hlPut market prices and !rood servtce.
Unlo. Stock Yards' Cia.l __ tl, O. TUn.Q) n on Radio Su.tlan WOKY 12 :25 to 12 :80 p. m' far our daDJ market reportl.
F. T. Martin Auctioneer
Centerville, Ohio Phone 78J
L_ tec--.e
- -
'\ '
... ••• ~j
Go~~~drich ~1!\a..".ES'I"'HE TIRE S - - - LOMC' lUI"
POItma ter Frank Fox and family entertained to l.Iinn~l' Sunday the following gUl.'1lts. MI'. unci Mrs. J.K olh(>, Mi."S Mary June Kothf' , Kenn h Kothe MI'!;. L.'1.ura Binn<>y 1.1 I'!!. ilIiam Wiat'llcl' M i!<s, Betty Ki. tner, MI'. RI g~r P'lIells, Mr. and Mrs. harlC's VUli ridh~' FI~1I" cnce Hel n Purtridg(' nil of incinnat i; MI'. a nd MI·s. Eve)'ton Itoy nor oC Springbor.o, lind M·I'. and
Dr. C. S. St~t.8 Veterinarian TO MAKE THIS COMMUNITY The Safest Place On Earth To Own Livestock IS The Desire ' And Purpole of your VETERI N ARIAN Phone 13 R 51 HARVEYSBURG § • • • •- • • • • • • •-
~.--- .-~~.--
Firlt Mtg.
Frank LeMay, Solicitor Waynesvill~
Estate Oil Heatrolas
- - .. _.eo
BEECH CROVE :\II'R, Elln 1\ui111'5 and Mr. and Mrll. Luthl'l' Hninl'. and daul!'h~er 8p611t II delighU'ul w ekend with relatives ill ~hvill', North lina, Mr. Leonarrl l.:lli~ of ncar Kin,,man atoolltlM out· chUI'eh f' t'vices unday lIud frum Lltcrc IlCCOmplIlliell Raymond Wil!iOIl and family to the Hurley Reunion held at the hom", of EIl]'1 Mills near Kingm n. Mr~. Effie 01'1' of Xenia and Mr. Willialli 110118nd of pl'ing Valley wCI'e dinner guc t s on Sunday at th Thoml)son-Terry home. A family gathering in honor of ]\·r... . usan Th ompson was hcld at the home of her 80n, Mr. and Mrs. '. H. 'l'hompson, on Sunday, August 29. Dinner gueSts were Mrs, nose MeCt'BY a nd son, Orval, and Mr. Fl'ed 'l'homp.o n and family of CIB1'ksville, MI"S. Guy Chenocth , of Waynesvill , Ml'. ' Jason Biddlecum of Ol·egonia. Afternoon · call· ers wer~ Frank Thompson of Xen~ ia, Mi ' Edith T,hompso n of Daylon, Mr. lind Mrs. Harley Clev nge l' and grandson, Mr. Choas. JohnI!on, Mrs. C11(U'les Crawford and Mr. hris Chenoeth of Wilnling-
With the famous, fuel-saving Intensi-Fire Air Duct l' builder -founded in 1842was one of the first of the ':tab li ~ he(( manufacturers of healinJ.,( equipment to I' 'cognize the pOHsibiliti ~ in t'\t).l FUl'nae - Oil It,; an cffedi\"e and economical 1'1l '1 for the he aling of home. Htores, offices and Ilh ' r small bllildings. Ttl ,cir:t Oil-Burning Heatro lal'i Wl're placed 011 the market in 1931, and. tod ay many thousHnd ~ rtf th H' heaters are in uccei:lsful operation in VtU'iOUR H ctiomol of the country.
' E>ll:itl'-pio!1 ('l'j' sl()\
The HI'Htrola hH s mllny f -atilt' l'i whi ' h make it the careful buy I'S choil'.e-itll con. truction is Ruch that it OJ) rat's with grc'ltest dcg-re 'of 'leanline 's-ask us aiJoul the doubl -chamber conRl l'U Lion . Th If atrola, with iL:I fleco ndary ail'po li:R and air- distributing ,late produces n lazy, \ i~ng iire that almost fill s th com . ,tio·n chamber. giving a mple time to be utilized before passing up th stack.-therefore is greater economy in the Hentrola. That's why it is being offered byMore lhan 100 persons were injured and onc mOil was killed In r ioting which flared up at a Cleveland plant or UJe Republic Steel company. F ive hundred strikers and non'8 trikers are estimated to have taken part In the melee. Plcture shows strikers breeklng the glas s of an automobile carrying non-strikers out gf the plant. _ _ _ _ 232_ _
n~ J ohn Re~der' home at Cente1"ville Station, Sunday, September,
Baby Faces Camera
Farm Loan.
Mi~ Illl'Z andii;t,;; Jamp, ~~"'llt 'uuduy at Mi"lmi"bul'lC.
To be used in advertising Chur h, Lodge, socials or sales with no co t to organizatioQs. Ju t phone your advertisement to this office and say "Insert this ad in "Caps" space for ......... , , . . . . . . . organization."
Jacquelyn Clement, New Orleans "eye·dropper" baby wh() was born at six and a half months, weight a scant two pounds, Is shown a:9 she was ex· posed to the pubUc eye recently for the first time. Dr. Roger Knapp, Bap· tist hQspital interne, is holding her for her first view of the cameraman . .
FolJts tell me, .. [ do~'t kllow o.ny I the n Igbbo rs. had begun to haul n ews", but just listen to what I water. The raIn we had help d the have heard lately. /SituatiOn a good bit. . It has been so dry tha~ orne of ' Th . Re d I' l'cuninn wm be held
Real Estate - Insurance - Auctioneer
Sells Farml and City Property Writes Fire, Tornado and Automobile Insulrance Conducts 1\11 kinds of clean auction 8al.~11 Pel' onal. rvic back d by 25 years experi nce, Ca ll or write . Information gladly given.
Friday & Saturday Contlnuou. Show. from 1: 30 Tfll Midn i ght
Kiddies tOe • AduJts 15c 'til 2 - 20c • Evenings,35c
] 2t,h. All relatives and friends are ~:;=====;; . ==============;;;;==;;' bring th eir bMkets and F rl"y Church, la.~t Thursday, pm I" t\\cnty inches long, and about up 150 quarts of vegetables. Thi. 1 two y fll'S old. They oblained the Ru ~~ell Murray hn~ !\Old his lImouni will b ;;\\'elled by contribu 'gotlJl"S in Sb. Petel':burg, and re~c h oo l bus to arl Mc Kinn y. ThiR lions of hom<'-canneu food from POl't II wondllrful and intereeting is th l' third time that Mr. McKIn- th m embel'S of th' church. ~l of trip. neyown d thi ~ !<!Ime bu.. Mr. Mul'- it will bc s;:nt to the Cincinnati On, aturday, MrR. Nancy Pope, ray has r Cllted a 320 a!!re fa r m aBible Seminary. l\h~. Otto Ginte1', Betty Lou Ginbout Il mile onl! a half this ~ ide of It v. Smith :lI~d his wi £e lind ~eT alld Mr.. Lavernn Fau]' ;:lIlIed X nia , and is p)alming to movo chi ld!' n all went \\im~ning in a Ci on Mr . . Lawrcnc Thom.as, who in th e ~pl'in~. We ar ROny to sar's CI ek, Friday vening. ' \I M V 'I'y siok that day. l o~.(' the:e g ood noighbo1"s. Mr, Louia Burton c,aned on hi s E si Mn Wieal 'p nt. Sunday ThH'c \I a gil'l in our neigh- uncle-, Mr. George Bra (' kney, in wit h Haze) Watkins in Middletown hOI hood who ~pCl1t the night with nterville, unday aftemoon. Mr. and on Monday they attended the 1\ girl friend. She sat on the bed BIllIckn ey t V(.'l·y ill. Dayton fair . and waited until that little boy Who we the . three g ntlemen The Tom BUTton s entertai n ed eft th room, only to discofer that who CIlme hom e tbe other day from the fo liowing guests Friday ervethE> "little boy" wns her girl a stroll in the wood,;, stripped in ning:' Mr. and MI·S. Ed. Burton, friend" kid sisu;r dl' ssed up in the bal'n, bath d twice in succes- Mr . .anel Mr. . Lowell Thomaa, Mr. overalls dnd bOYish bob. sian and then explored each other and Mrs. Howrurd Burton, and Mr. Thursday. vcning the. Art~~r (!xci~edIY? Th y WOI'(, ft·csh gal'- and Mrs. Harold Whitac.r e. Greenc family from It d LIon ,?Slt- mcnts when enterin g the hous, Mrs. George Gj1Jilllnd, Mr. and La\~'l'CllCe Thomas fnmlly. 'but .even so the family rcgar<l MTS. Ed. Gilliland an.d Mrs. WiIladles who canned at tho th 'm with su 'picion whenevcor any- bur Gilliland motored to Cincinnati one III ntions fleas. aturday to the- ofgces of .Dr• Mr. and l\h . Pete Wkal and Vail, where Mrs. Gilliland underCHECKER CHAMP OF U. S. son, Louis Wical (lnd family, lost w nt brootm TIt for her eyett. I Thursday, vi itcd relatives in Wash found h I' preparmg supper lnst ins;,on, . H., lind th n motored evening, s o, judging from that, she on to !! 'e Rockhou se , Old Man' is feeling more h'o1' old self again, av , Ash Can Clive, and lhe e vMr. and Mt'll. Seidholz from Cin en caves. cinnati ca lled at the Ferry parson~ 1\1 r. and Mrs. Jam - Hal·tsock, age Sunday afternoon. 1\1 iss Betty Rudduck, :lnci Ml"S. J enTbe Car) He-sses, the Dan CeTnie Mullen wenl to the State Fair retas of Dayton anw tho Drew last Wednes day. K sslel'es of Pickway call d on the Mr. anll MI' . Thomas Burton George mith and Jeas Hess hllland daughter, Naomi, spe nt Wed- ilie!; Monday avenine. nesday with the Morris SheTwood's MI:". a nd Mrs. WaIte!' Caylor and in Waynesville. family of Union called on the Pete The; George Smtt.h family call- Wi eal Tuesday afternoon. ed on th Earl Hess famiw in BellMl's. Cia) nee EdwiIlrds and dau brook, Sunday afternoon. guht 1', R()ba called at George GilMI"S. Nancy P ope is the house lllands hom Friday afternoon. guest of her daul;l'hter, Mrs. J ess Mr. and Ml·S. L. A. Matson and , Roand , son, Rob&rt of Richmond, Indiana The Harry Corn 11'., am Met·\'!- and MI" and Mr.. Stewart of Flint dith's, Mrs, Al Shaner, the HOI'ace Michigan vi ited with th Pete Wi Shaner'!\ a nd Dorothy Huffman ools on Sunday evening. all visited Coney Islllnd, Sunday. And they told me there W(IS "no NaUJaa icl Rubin, twenty,five. of Sunday g-u ts of M·r. and Mr. news." Detroit who was crowned flew na· J oe Fil l' we.re: Mr. William Fil r ' I nqpic' fl'om my widow by the tional checker champion ot the United States at the annual tourna- and daughter, Misses Lejna and typewrite.r that t,hc leavC$ are be-ment sponsored by the National Lydia, and granddaughter, Doro- ginning to tllTTI, little white ('Iouds Checker association at Providence, thy Smith; Mr. nnd M I'~. SidIH'Y fon t tip high and the corn is stand.R. I. He der~ted William Ryan of Fil I' nnel MI' . James Hal' (lck nn(l ing wait.ing fOI' the knife. I can New York. winning two out of six children. heHr I'Ilostel's cr.owing, some far, gamcs. The othcr four wer.e draw!. The fO Rte l' lion of Mr. and Mr".!!01ll nllnr; my molher if> poking Rubin was graduated last June from lhll"ry Cornell, R ev. J,e.:- Kline nn wood in t he rnng.e-, a cow grazes in DetToH College of Law. wif of Michigan, spent In!\t ..' 'Cik tbll po. tUl'e , iru!.ects hum" a sligh.t at t.he Corn II home. bl eze stirs the leaves on the lrees f' ul Gel'banl sp ent It few day lind ev 'rywher~ nre little signs to last w eek wHh Marlun Smith. I'(-mind . " that .regardless of what Charles BUI·ton, lark Hess, and the world of m n may see fit to Charl es Smith returned home from do 01' not to do, Nature goes quiettheil' Florida trip, Tue~ day eVe-IIY about her wwk and Life goes ning', bl'inging b8l'k with the m 1\ on. pair of a.llig·a tors about eighteen Harrie-
MI'. C. A. Thompson, Lloyd Thomp on, Rev. J uson. Biddler um, Mi s Fra.nc Il Ch noeth and Jacob Chenoeth w'e r In attendanc e at th ilgl-hn of 1I0lin e s tent me ting at Ulanchester 0 11 Su nday.
He Was A Great Doctor ••• She Was A Rich Patient! He,.
wh." JOII cod with
II u D h t hi. hend In matrl·
Fairley Hardware Co. Larlc .. Bec:au.e of BetteI' Quality,Se..vice, and Price Estahlished 1849 • 1937 Phone 32
II'" ""
hea" 'till .,..
'Ionged t. • . PNtty nurl.'
PJrofu Magic Chefpleaaute. Rao(ltS and deall, installt·headlll PyroCu You bnve a smokeleu, drawer.type
au teall, malte cookJol a
broiler, an _-.tic oyen lind dean, dog. proof tOP bwoett. Pyrof'u ScrvAce cao be ,ours, no matter wbere ,.ou live. (or Ie little mooe,. Equipmeat it Installed for only S9.7', And ,he gu ltalf COItI a. Htde .. ~, pel' ~ per persoo. Come in ,blJ week and MIect ~ bceuuful, moderoraop. H"';,. dish III _blltUi_, '".i l . _ "CROCK 0' GOLD" -4 ebap. bultCl fe.... aralas pepper 4 ... yalD
t l"P mllle I cup I UtI'. NIl 1 C\Ip ,rated cheac 4 .......hle. A cora &ad dI~ IOUme thar the ... hole famllr "ill raq obouct u- buu_, IIdcI tour, ""C and pep~. Add milk I.adually, " lrfl", CODIIIlAtI" uar.il dakk. Add ch~, ....d IIir. unril melted . POllr o~er rhe be.cen eu ,all••• Add COI'D and mho ,..11. Pold rbis 'mixture Ilowly iOfO ,he adm; barea eu whl_ ,Pour intO a .re~ c.... role. Se, your Pyr(lfaa-Moaic a.er 0 ..... 3Z" .... bake for~' mlAIlICI. Serre ~,. Senct 6. ' 04 ebop. 40111
With Cartoon
• Comedy • New.
• Even such a simple task as making the morning coffee can be done bener and quicker electrically. Let electricity ork for you in your home. You will find it an economical servant wbich wiu make yOUl life more pleasant•
It has maoy uses.
PYftOFAX a.. GAS . TIIAD.· ..
OUA."NUID II,"ICI InOHD 'HI 0101 MAIH. ' COOK IN • • WA.... HI""t! • • • • • • I ••• "TlOH
P. E. Slfl'DER" SON
al e
Published w~e,kly in the interelt of the social, reH.ioul, econlDmic life of Miami Valley· s foremost progressive communi ty The entire com~unity joins in ~xtending you a cordial invitation to come to this ,village
MlIsl('!' F,'e(l and Bob Snyder, SPRING VALLEY NEWSIon. who l\pent the, Unlm r with their 1'.11', GeoTg .Miller of G11\.~COW, Mr, lind Mrs. Ray Ellgle had a )(I'andmothel', l\11'~ . Dai.'\y SnydeT, ts Lnb J)a n' I 1. In what counLry ip i he 1;~lv(' ret.urn ed to their' home in Missouri, s~t'lt II f w days the I18S~1 g. es on or y IS rat lei', W t Ill!1'O l'i 'er lO(, llt t d? week with his tlld friend, Todd Mr. Engl!!o and aunt. Mrs. Laul'~ ew York City. M c La ug hI 'In of Dayton. 2, n \I hat l'I\'l'I'- ill ('hinD i" Walton . Th e Ladies belonging to the Mr. 8nl1 Mrs. J. W. Hopkins or ~'I1l\ np:llni loca l II '! ommunity lub were entel'laronce Mangan of Ci ncinnati C olumbus we-re w ekcnd g'Uests or :I, F 9r "hat diu .J. Prank Rn\\ tained. Thul'l:'day Ilt the pleasant pas! I'd the we k-e nd with his si tar Mr. 'and Mrs. J W Fulkerson. III 1'1 1'l'C'I'ntl), "l' om · knl)\'.11 in country home oj Mrs. Fl'ank: 1\11'1'. F. Kyn e and family, M.,s. Phlin St. John. Mrs. F , t.h(' 1'1 W!l? 4. What \Il\u~111l1 ('\l'nt hnppenT h oma MI'. and .Mrs. G. V ims have Kyne. Ethan Wallon and Mr!\. :llr, and MI'!', ] 1.11 old Myel'S of Ml's. E. L, '¥honla~~pent W ed· MI'. and Mrl!. Ralph Hasting'S r turned home from Dayton wherl~ Null ane a ll on the sich list, {,d t'l'c\'n lly in the vidnity or Buhl, NEVER- SUCH ANOPPORTUN. III tl'() it, i\1i h i)(,[.lI1 , vi~itc( 1 fl'om nos lay with her tlaughtct, M~, and son. B obby have l'etul'11ed af- they spent ~c veral days wit.h their Idaho? ' tel' a pleasont 8utomobil trip daughter, MI'!!. Kate Boyc e and 1. China. 5. J 11 Wh llL Jll'i~() n i Al .!'I pone ITY aa thi.., A guaranteed foun. FridllY UII Lil • [l>nllay \\ ith M r, Il nll'y BU1'n tt. tai n pen and pon.,\! .ct given ab- a n.1 M r~. Ihlrnld D. W illi.. Mr. an tl Mr" F. , L Mny and through Michigan, Qth r relatives. 2. Whangpoo. ~ol\fllll'd . aolut.ly free. by the Miami Gazette. Mr, lind 1''11',". ll om~ \' :chmiclt family and Mr. lind M" 6. has, MI'. lind Ir• . Russel Fl'Ilnk bove 3. HI.! was II prominent misBionG. For \Vha,t ou~tanlli nlt work as But the ti me ia .hort. You mu,at of llayt(lJI Oh io WI,'I~' ~tlc~ts, un- Le l\lIllY !Ill nt th e we ek"'lllld und mov d into the J, O. al'lwrig ht Hele'n Smith of DaytOn viRited ary who was killed during II bomJlI (l~ ("uto )' is Thollla~ 10:: J)l'wey hurry! Saturday, September 25th, c1uy. of B omer HumiJy ,m c! f a m- Labor nay in Kentu cky. property recently occupied by the Mrs.. Kal e Engl on Fridny. 'b nrdment of Shanghai by th~ Jap of New York known. i. the lut day. ily, 11'1'. L . A. Wa hbul'n pent he Wagner family. Mr. BUl'n I <a.nd 4. A tract o{ 20 acres sunk a Mr. and 1rs, John O'Donnell of 7. , ,,' hnt Wl'Il 'knuo\\'n movi(' stal' Mi s Opal and 'amn i Rumby we'I'k-e lld with Misl Hel en Hawke. family wil l III V\! Into th, p,:OPC!·ty CI velllnd spent the w k(!ond with distance of 200 feet, opening a ' plays opposite Shirley T empI in HEAD li e! Il ollna Mal' , inql!'on "p~nt the MI·s. Rut h Jllnn ey and Mis Lu- loft vllcant by MI'. Frank. and MJ'S. Frank fissure and threatening the Solohel' pal'e,n~ , W c Willie Winkl e? WCeK-l'n(\ 1\ Da yton, Ohi o, ella Jnn ey IE'fi for land FloJ'idll. J ohn Sears. who has been em- Kyne. mon ravel'. 8. T tl what po, ition wos Mr . M]', and . i rs, Ev ret Tholl\l\s on J\londay ~ p l oyed at the Smith Grocery, quit 5. Alclltrnz. Bi b rav s of Alabama l' ee n tl~1 oUee n Kyne of Dayton who t'Q t"rnl'lI to th eir h ome at Roch es· 1\1i Loull\' tn ith of Dayton. t o e ntE>1' school at incillonti. II. For his Jl" oflecotion of rackefl11 pointed? l\Il ~s Ro~emary Titu s has gon e spent th e lust. month with th e 0'tlil'. N. 11. nit '1' seve ral day!'- vis it 'hio, hM been I''P nding severnl teers. 9, Who lllays oPPo!lite Paul Muni wilh MI'. anll )11·s. Fl'ank ThomoR, daYII wi th h _, EmTlll\ Ba.rnet. to Detroit, Michigan, to Iiv~ with Donnell. re tul'ned h om e wit.h th m 7. Victor Mr Laglcn. MI·s. Lizzi We t iIlnd 80n. Leo Harold Oilhofll and How ard Mi Mr, anll MI", Ben Jones lind he r mot.he-I' >II nc.! nltend ~chool of Springfield sp nt a few lIays 8. To the United States Senate ~ Idin e spen t. Lallo,' Day ul. K en- (inughtlll', Mi ss Connie Ze' t~ r anO the]' . to fill t h e vaoa.ncy ctlu8ud by t he l n Ohio unll atttnded the ann,,;!1 MI"~, J OII R' moth 'e r, MI'" Daun MI'. and Ml's. J , P. Lal'rick nnd with frlen ds here. coon cha"l~ that' wei visitors at tlhe ayto n Fair. tlm.lghter. Leis J an. wer dinner i(OT ARY PUBLIC M,·. and l\f~, Paul WyBong and appointment of Hugo Black to t he Mr. an d MI's. T O Ill an. of Cill- nn Monduy. gu eot,l', Labol' Day, ot th eir ohild- sons, of OilYton, were ~unday Upteme our\.. Natlon.1 B..k O. LouiSe Rain r. MI. PanoDs Ims be en visit.ine: ren, r.tl·. and Mrs. Gorge Quick. g uest of Mrs. Sal'ah Osborn . ('innoti Wel' RI'eeti ng old fd ncl ,. Will. Dra1ll'1l • • E.tat•• S.ttl. her rJauj('h tel' IInc.! son-In-la\. Mr, at Miam isburg. In the evening they here ov l' Fl'lday . 10. B cau, of the announce_Mr. ,a nd Mrs. Alvah Os born and WAYNESVILLE, OHIO 1\11'. and ~l r,'. ~ Guy of Lllura. anrl MI'S, Rmso l frank. attended the Dayton Fair, s on moved to Dayton on Monday, ment of her coming marriage t o hio we i' c;tll 'I'; of Mr. on I 11'" Mr.", H, E. Hatlh.8 way return('ci, 1\11'. J oh n Jon, i c nfiin ed to Gorl'ell ("Andy")' CLASSIFIED ADS Mr. and MI'8, Theodore P rkins hal'les Jam ,J, II . • milh on unduy. ~fonduy to lile Hospital. at olum- his bed in hi room ov r th e Collett ootertalned M'rs. Perkin' si ter, of th radio am of Amos and FOR HIRE: - Two larg e trucks l\Ir, ll11ll .'la ,. Bug-ol' Bergan a nd bu" OhiO, where flll(, will tlnd el'~o h'lr dwarn store. MI s Morris of Dayton over th~ Andy. for weet COl'n hauling. Paul little son pent the \\'.eek eud and anotht'l' operation on her eyes. Mr.$-, G, D, Mills wa talie n to week-end. 11 , He is a n ews commentator .. troud, Xenia, Ohio. Phone La bol' Day with 1111', Bergenn' mQRev, G. C. Dibert went to Dayth Ml' leIJand Hospital. Tuesday 1058 W M, . Lida ViIla1'!l had lIS guo ts 12. H e wits ilie unsueces f ul chaJI thor, M r~. Juli a Bergan. ton on W edn eRdllY to ~ltle nd Gen- nnd wa QPel'lI:e~o~ _~ dnesday. on M-onday her daughter and on- lenger fo r Am ricn's cup in thl.'l Mr_, LcsU!I' Sudaoc, :\Irs, Nettie ernl ouf l 'E IlCt', which will e FOR SALE:10 gauge, J . N, in-law. Ml'. and Mrs. null of Dny- recl! nt yncht rae 8. Spmy and WiIlilllll prny Ilre vi - held ther • colt shot gun. Al 0 QWlckcnSMALL ANIMAL HOSPITAL iting rdativ(l.i a nd ntte~ding the I Mr. and Mrs. St.an! y Bniley Ilntl bush rifle. -----=--~ Chaplaln Wllliam R , Arnold of thl R~ch. I:c u uio n lit " he hng, w cs~ duughter, Mr and Mrs . Emil Mrs. C, G. Randall, HarveysW. O. Bowera. D. V. M_ l1n1ted States army. who has been BI'own, MI', .and M1'£\. Eldon B etalburg. )l'glma. appolnted chief of chaplains of the Sprin. Valley, Ohio , M r,n,nd l\I.. '~, .BI·yon· ~r~nd.e l·gll t . ick, Mi ~s Jane WllJ on. of Kings army by President Roosevelt, Chap lain Arnold. a Rom an Catholic. will of CIIll'lIlnlltl Jom ed theu' children, Mills and lr. Chns . Earnhart at. SALESMAN WANTED: - A Re· Yoar eyeai.hl i. 100 preclo.. ,to take ae..... claaaa • • succeed Chaplain Alva J . Brastnd. Alma and J imm ie, tQ s p~ nd t,he t ~ nd II the Fair at Dayton, on Man Iinble Delller for HEBERTh. moat dan.eroa. tlo••••bout .~.atrala I. that til. cIa_p the present chief of chaplnlns, The week-end ilnd Lab I' Dny w1th MISS I LING ROUTE of 1600 to ( n~' , nuoy be do_ ""o.re you reali •• it. !lut of his denomin ation to be des· ath~rine and Mr, J e~so P I'( n der2000 families. W rite quickly, , H S bb d t Mr, ond Mrs. A. . tu s an Ignated as chief of chaplains. FR ' Ha.e aa e,e ell~aatio.n to..,.. It i. alnolatel,. fr •• Y_ C, . HEBERLING CO, ther ~nold joined the IIrmy In 1913, ga FioYd Da\lghter~ of Toledo hM ram ily attended tn.e Compton Mill s o.we it to. 70.",..11 to. .i•• this much time to. yo.ur .i.hl. Dept. 1990, Bloomington He waS orda ined a priest of the been vi iti ng relatives here for reunion at n esal~ s Creek, Saturlillnois. Cl••••• wiD b. pre.c:rihed o.nl, whea needed. RomaD Catholic church in 19O5, _ vera I dllY , day. FOR ,SALE: 16 auge Wlnthe/ltel' FOR SCHOOi,Tthe 'WeJ')' heat J an and Robtrt Dyke of GerMl'.!,{)u Titus: with a couple Pump Shot Gun. S ix shot. Is manto,",'lI 8\' visiting at th~ home Qf fri end visited the Zoo, Sunwritin.c equ;pmelllt, No. eo.at to you in A No. 1 condition. Gqod Lebanon. Ohio Tile Gazette i•• i"inl away beauti- of liff Burnett and Forrest Gra- day. lealher ClBse. Ed. St~ndiford. O~n Every Day from 8 A. M. to 6 P . M. Pre.ential the Beat .nd Lat.at Mr. and Mrs. A, H. Stubbs and ful p.n and pendl .eta for . lim- ham this week. Satanla~ 8 A. M. to 10 P. M. In Mr, and MI·s. FI'ed Brown, of , childl'cn spent. MondllY at German- REMARKABLE! Y .... remarkable ited time. RNd a'boll' 111 .. biS off.. r 10 N. BROADWAY LEBANON. oBlo MOTION PICTURE in thi. i .. ue _d come in and a_ Adams Ol'ep:on , were week-end tow n with Mr. Stubb ' m ther. iA many w.,a. It'a • Ireat ruab
In i ll" moti on I':nrth ?" 1 1. lkcllu. l· of Whllt did 1\1' rs. Aly cl" Mu-cl'd,'!! :lfeLoughlin, clancllr, r('1 ~ntly hc('ome kn o\'-n in the 11 t"", ? , 11. For \\hllt i ~ , nIt 'I' Lippmann kll('\\ II in thl' news ? 12. FOI' whal. \\ a s T. O. 1\1. op· with I' cl! ntly kn Wn ill th n ews?
5 -_ _ _ _
Don't Tftke a Chance ...
Dr. John Zettle' O. D.
ENTERTAINMENT the d ••pl., .t our offi.,e.
gu s t s of MiE",(';; Mam e P. ,and Anna Bro\ln . ............................. Mr. and 1\'11'.. Han'Y Bur nett • ,and dougrhters s pent the week no Enjoy a day's Picnic at one of America's Greatest with J'elatives in idney. Ohio.
Mr. and Mrs. CharI Ames and the Gazette ia havinl for their free ;§§§~~~§§§~§§~§~~~~§~§~=~~~~~ daughter; Mr. lind Mrs. Emil ' ptm .n.d pencil premium. a nd' .ery ---Brown and son i and MI'S. Mary : fine indeed are the.e beautiful .et •. Osborn of Lebwnon vi sited l'elllV- ,'Better c:.om .. in tocl&,. aM .ecure tives at Milford, Ohio. your.,
If quality good., reasonable price., and cou ..- ._ teoul lervice are what you want. TRY ~
Agricultural Fairs THE 82nd ANNUAL HAMILTON COUNTY
Giant Transatlantic Planes Near Completion
Barker's Drug Store
4 DAYS SEPT. IS, 16, 17, 18 4 NIGHTS Offering nearly $20,000 in Premiums Harness Races Eve ry ,D ay - Unexcelled Horse Show. Band Concerti - -' Free Attractions - Entertainment Wonderful Live Stock, P~~I~ry, P!geon, RabbifShows Gorgeous Flowe~ and ,Fruit Show Prize Grain and Vegetables Beautiful Art ~s,pl.; Admission, 35 ~ta.
Phone 4 X
·The Fair
We will be there
Karl D. Dakin
Larger than the ships .in ~hlch Columbus first crossed the Atlantig are \he six giant flying boats now approacblng completion on order of the Pan American. .').irways system fbr trans-Atlantic service. Cutaway dlllgram or one of the liners is shown above .. The threE!-cteck ships are deslined to carry !iO passengers on Ubour 'schedules between America and Europe. The,' wlll have a top s~ of 200 miles per hour.
• ln
the, Current News
We could easily say, 4'Bigger and Better", but it would puzzle us to make it 'Bigger', so we promise a nice show, as usual. This time we propose to give our Farmer Friends a chance to help - and help themselves as well. We have always believed that the Miami Valley grows as tall corn as any plac~ in the world. Here is a chance to prove it, so--..:.. ' BRING IN YOUR TALL CORN
Lebanon, p.
Phone 153 - --,- ----
Used Implements
Cut the stalk at the ground - Bring in not Je/3s than three stalks, with the ears on, not later than lOa. m., Wednesday. For the three tallest stalks by one exhibitor, $5.00 in cash. FO,r the next - $2.60; for the third, $1.25; and, for the one tallest stalk, $1.00. We have taken up most of our space with the proposed Corn Show, -You know we will have a complete exhibit of the latest in Farm Machinery. You know our Stove Show, including the Philgas Show is always worthwhile. In this department we will show the
One Far-mall and Cultivators COMBUSTIONEER
which we believe to be the best mechanical stoker. It will be new to many of you. BeUer see it, for it is the real finishing touch to your heating plant.
Two 10-20 McCorm ick and DeerinR\ Tractors One No. 40 John Deere, Tractor Plow Two seta of shares
H.". Washer, la. oline engine mounted, enline' ,mounted on wheel.
$30.00 .. $25.00
1he Lingo Hardware CQ•
anb Utbat
By the 1\11111 un th C' ~ I. ..... - ......
W(,II, fulk, 1111 I knu \\ 1- jus t what I wl'il fur lh t' 'pa pI' r und KUm l' things 1' llI t oo froze up lo tell. Th e r e cen t dro p in tun pe rt ure ~I.' t e ve ry o n e's to n g u e to wa ggi n' . - "It. Irosted"-"lt cl id n ' t"-could b h >Iud every \\ h re. Uut, I gu !I~ it d id. Ma ylot', it did n 't. L dO ll ' t know, 0 Ici': all t h l' 1\ h oi.. thing off. An d yet, WI' hnv t' t he eternnl i ( ln 'll l) before ' U il ",' '('1, 1 mean, 'n\le~t I
"" he'll will the 5 we Ill'!!: ~ Y Rt 'm bt' fin i"h d - Cll(' USe III I' , wi ll be I.J • g un . T h matt I" s ee m. to IJI' bu r ied ff " . I a all'~ u nd I' .t)l('o in lel'natlon!l I h d t hut. h.uve c uttered . A I llP t. h' Ni k;; a W as h~n gto ll, Ill, so \\ It the Na· · b' [ tiuna Is d IRt,I'U IIlg, th 'llaee 1)( t he W Cl rld , th e in ,cl'lIati lIwl bunk· I I ' h el'~ ma n IlU lItlllg t e bnlancc or t rud • nnd tht~ xch llng' of lI\oney, sei(' n ti fi c me n crashing out wi l,h
Waynesville Grange Club To Sponsor To Have Class - -l'-ul'm
Wa~' I1t' s vill.
1'' '
\\i11 Illl,, 't fill ' lheil' I' ~ulal' meet'In" \ ' C III' II "", S e pt mber ... .·llllll""IY ' ,.. 18. A' lhi ~.· timt' n c l !l~s of t.en hUIIIII·d'.I'(>~ will lJn "iv n lhe Ii n,t '" '- " all il s.'nconll d e''1·co.''. The de"'ree '-.. , ... l"UI'1 \" 1'11 I)' C()I~IIOScd of th ' '- • , .VO\ln':!' ., - nl l ' lnb" , r'~~ 1>1' th e GI'twge. All Illnlllbl'I '~ Ill'C ul''''<,d to attend , . . Lhi s meetin"'. _ '" __ _ _ _ ____
n ew devil ,!; thll t u p"c t the hlbo rcl' a n d his wo rk , t h fnl'm e r with hi;:;
c r op ro tali o n lind co ntro l we aI" just about to the pluel' wh e re Wl' . u n t '1 \\Ult. l t hi"ng s w ork out in t,he "d u e co u rse of tl·lll e." _ M I', Ethan W n1ton, young c ~ I. 0 f Yo u k now, th' duc COUIS of \ a fam ily of ten children of th t 'Iln e UCCO IllP I'ISh es mU l h il~ t h is 01 <1 1late M Oil . Wllllon, dit' ci at the \\ orld of o UI'~. - it pe l'Outted th e hOllle of his 11l'oth C! I', 11'. I1 onHlI' old T e lcg l'u ph Mill I.u paM n early W nllll n at 3::10 W etln l'sd:lY A . M. o ut of xi!<tenci! b ut n ow it hilS I! , \ \ ' 11. S~ vllllty tWtl y 'ars old, ' Aul.\' bl'o ug ht thl · his toric ul la nd nlU rk U:'It a I. Funel'lll ~(' I'vk('~ ut th e ba ( k into th e m in ds of a new gen- Ji'ti : nd' ~ hlll'ch, ~' ridIlY IIftcrnoon el'a Uo n with a p ro and co n- By at 2 o'clock n (, v. Edw a rd BOg'a n ell l' ing on with t im e o ne of our citi having chal'j!'e o f th E' Rt' rvi l s. ;\l r. 'I. m y ,tcped to th e f Or f,'on t la st Wilit on WillS bur n in S pri nll: Vnll(' y ull day an d n t only placed Way· and _pe nt 1ll0~t of hi . life her" . I1 Ur.; ilc in n pl'o m inie n t p luce in exc pt f or a f c\\' Y'IlI'; thll h I: the 7th 'o n g l , ional Dist rict but worked in Dayton . 1\11'. 1I0111C'1" Wa l bro ug ht ho me a va luable priz - a ton is th e IMt s urvivor' of the tt n dullar f or bein /:, t he oltk-st m an in ehi ldren. atte ndance at t h D emocra.tic Ral Iy at o mpto n PUl'k, And , w . her ~- FERRYISMS at h ome d o n' t call him old -he's Ther 8 'lI)'I.'I ~!!. bt' n tru ~h l' d "ail.. P re tty s p ry arou nd on th e st~ ", ing ill our neighbol'ho II. ~Vl:ryTim e h as cl,... . ~ n"... d thl'flgS l' nLth~ whel'c I go. And wh ut arK' folk sf liv es of o ur 11'1 rr'lllal'(1 at '" •• y n e dl' ading'l W hy that old h Ing . 0
Exhibit o f th e' nih Il''' WU!; l h ' d t opic o f a V!.'ly intel't's ling an nG li~htellin~ talk mud e hy 1111'>'. o. Smith nl n 1111' .linj! o f the p 1'0greHI ~ iv.· 'Vome n' : 'Iub Tul'~ ( oy evenimt'. T.h , 'Iub had II (linn or met't · i Jl~ thl' fil', t. "r t he club ),e:lr - fLI th ' Little Inn . Mi" . Eva R c~ t1 ('r, Ihc Pl'e~i d cnt, "Bird ~
npp oi ntcd tlnllTlil 'e~ to S I'V{' for ht' y a 1'. Thi ~ g'I'IIUp i ncl lld~11 th l'
progl'alll cornmitl ,!? ' h ," d~d hy l\li, ~ lI e lt'n lI il\\ke \\ith Kathryn rihbon s alld l\1i ,,~ " uura Mc Kinsey a~~il<tillg' I h~ n)l'mh e r~hip commitI l C wllh ill'. , lnlY I'(,ok II ~ ch ai l'IIlll11 ant! • Ii ,,!, Vil J,(enc Roe nne.!
111 1" . l\la.ldl.'n; IIn,1 lhl' ~unshine ('fPl11.mitl N' 1' (jlll llU?Cc! .ll[ Mr~. P irc(J Chall'llWII, and l\11~~ !lay and .)'1I>H ('um[l~)clI. , i,lt,II". 1Il1 ~s Ih · hllt'l! I. ~u Dl a nd , "r ~JlllnIl:IJIII'o, ~'nt{l"~:l,~ed th e ehlb lII~ntbd,r. w1th .Ing rn g' and IlLfI-d:ln~lllg. Barbara .Lou wo..'1 nc· cnlnpll lmd on th(, (llano by he l' Ill! lh ' I', l\11 ~ , Bln.n :l. Af~el'. I\IJ', , Wllh s g'ave brief d.t" c i l(i LI ~n O.f th ~ cOlm.nullll y f es1I.val, \\hleh IF t o h Id In W ay.nes. Ville, club I' n, th e dub deCId ed to ~pon"ol' an h istorica l ex h ibit for Ih (1cca. io n, - - -- - - - --
"ilh un ,' nl'<llml'nt of ;,::!I) p upil> . T hl' III \\ .. dwdu ll' elf ~I a s" e.' I,' Th (, old T«lel{'l'IIph :\Hll he lo\\ "<Irking nil'lly a s , trllll'llt s '1ul!'idy 1'1 " f. ~ 1 1I 1 ' l'l t;:lllll'r "I' 1';,\1'1to wn C[lnll' to Ill' ll' Iif~' anc! inl 1' (,!l1 adJ II- It'd thl' IlI' ,In " to the setl(lI!1 hl\llI (,,,lll'g, · \\ III sp ':Ik lit lhl' I~ I'I ill thl' cOlllll1u n ity t hi, PII .' t wt'l' k . 1"·(i,!.lllll1. T h. , actlvilic.- aL Iht, l'lld '~ ;\1. I' llIlj.: \I "lU;!, : UII Il:W . ,'I' fli illr II L. \'Hll Tn'. s, fOlllwrl)' a h l ~ " <cil(l 01 i" unc! l' I').(oin).( [,,'j!<ln - I\'lh HI ~ 1'. m. II., \\111 11I',',( nt Il·.· jd l'n uf Ihi~' _CiClIOn lI'IUl'lle d izaliIJn . Cla sses \\ ill C)l'gani1,A' fot I ht' .' (·il'lllifir findill~ . (' 1111 ( ruin !! nFiC'1' Yell!'s "r CXII Cl'il'Il Ct' ill the t hI' y'ar on I"I'i([ay. It is hopei] I hI' (fr,,(' L o f A I 'I, hu l ' III th (' /I uworld (\ 1' C,,111 (\1 , I fl' "ith th,' tha the· filA CO llY of Th l , Wn yc ('- man ~y ,'ll· m. th ought of dl'vC! lopillg the pI'O pel'LY hnn (lht' , choul pUllel will Lc h u \\ ns IH' I',' , I !'arly 1'01' c!i "lribu t ion hy lH'n W d MI'. \ ' un Tn s!' I'ro p o; (' f; 10 es· ,1I<!'riny. Th~ mu ~ k ol'l(aniwtioll . t!lbli - h· II j!\c)V(' fa WI y h( 1\ , in a lIndl'l' Mr. Fran k n'port u lurg-c en p o rtio n Ill' the o ld mill lind to turn I' Ihlll nt. A ~cht' dul of ~ Clflhfll1 the' bn la ncc' of it inlo a Rest a ul'a nl g';II11(' " ..... 111 be' anl1 flll nC ' d ll ~ ~ 'J\ln - ,- anll '1':1\'1.' 1'11 in dC!cl 'rntiv{· . tyle o f u" th l' "c he cl u,ll' i~ l' omplcLed . Onl ~' Old i\1 xicn whe l'(' Mexica n Ar·t l\ f('\\ v('leran.'" I'f.'main on lh i~ Tu l. t1H~ \\11. ' th , fiUtil W .. cldillj:!' anll I! llndicl'aft obj e ct;; \lill b e: o f· y(,ul' ~ t eam but ouch TUI'nl' l' (' x Annivt' I"'lry of MI'. and l\1r>. Am • fel'ed f or ~a l e . pecl " 10 have n ,piril" ,J lind a~ " S ;\Ienrl , ni1ulJ. I t is ; ta t<:d thaI, JT I'. V II n TI·(os.' gl'(', ,: iv· leam I 'ady \\ h II Ihl' l' a· Th .· t:oup le \\1' 1 ' m ~.r l ll:d :It 1.,'1 , ha. ha d cOI1~idel'ablt, cxpl' l'icl1<c in ~lI n 1)1' n ~ , anOll, Oh io, St'pt"lllh, ·1' 1 I, 1>1 7 Ih I'. tIl b li.-h menl unci I' un ~ pla n t· A llH'ctin)!: " I' th · III l'l1 teachel'~ un ci haY,. thli >' P li,-~I"I ll\' ' I' 511 Yl'lll" ing inclulltric8. 01' Wa l'l'l' n 'o un ly \ :t.' h ,ld 10 : 1 u f lIlal l'il·tl life . )11'. :1 )111 :WI'l;. l\[" nA me ~ tin~ wh ich WII.- a ltl' nded ('Ycning' a t Fl. Anci ' nt ful' tht' llllr· dlnhn ll W('I ,' PIII'l' lIts ,,[, t ,," child· by ab o ut n doz en citizen$ wns held ' )10, (, o f o l'ga nizin ;,{ the Schuolmas· , n, lJa'l.(,I, "h" :It th ' aj.(<' ()f eig>h t W ednc . day (;V nin !~ in the T ow/1· tl'l'~ lub f o l' th y a 1". £le.. id('. 0 1'· dif cl in I!H,(j; (,Ia,n 'nc e , \\ith hb :h ip ho u s wh ere :\l r. Van TI C." gunii\uli n u fi Rh fry wa ' tht, prin, lamily, \\'a s " ilh Ili ~ molha and oullined his pJ'oj ed. cillll i attraction of th e cn nillg ['nthe l" lind in lhl' c!\'elllllg' h( \\ ill Wn y n e T uwn~hip llI en tt'udl I'll ut- hi" wifc, "ath ery n 1)lanned and l~ nd·tI in u botly . eal'ri ~ d ut a l'l'ccpliClIl for tht· School \\ ill not be in Rc~si[)11 0 11 f o r l h honored cOllple. 1 h ursday and Friday of II xt week ! Ab oul ~u \\l'!',' , II' 's 'lit lo (' njo;, in onl<:r' that PUI)ils may be giv{'n I Lhl' l \'e II il1 J,!' and c"n~r"tulate M~' Th e f i r. t m e t inl~ or th e WnYIl{' f ull opp urt unity tll a tte nd th WUI" <In" 1\11''' , M 'lId t'lIh:l1l (In tlll'ir ' Gol cl en W 'cldi n~ Duy . 'l'wp . Mo Lh I'S' lub f or th e ~ cho II I·t n County Fuil'. - - - -Mr, nnd Mr; , Mend ' nhull \\'" nl year heldGrad Friday, " l' ptcm ber (0 thank th(.-'i r lIt'ig'hbhr~ an.1 10th, "as at t he e! Bu il(li n ~. Th(' fl'i nd ', f or thl' pr('~ l'n l ~ anti th l n w ,P re id nt, MI" ;, FIcH('r.ce I hlli. t irigs call-ed the m elin),{ t o ordcl' chu l'ch fol' t he iJl'lluliful 1'l1lWel':I. a nd pened it with th~ club'!' s;lnging .. c hool D ays". MI·~ . Sybil Le
D1BER1 S LEA "E ,\1 I t l' ~"lIf _ I'I'n(·t! held ut Day"I, III \ 1\ l er.. . Itl'\'. G. C. DibC'l't " I' Lhl' :' ll'thodi sL ( 'hu l'ch was ~i\llk n n Cit.ll'g l' at Elm"I", Ohio an ll [{, \' . .1 V . Loll('Y , l)lI,.lul· a t Elmorl' .. " ;t - I ~ 11I' t! llJ Wllync~vill" 1:.·\·. I Iii" II has Iw . n ~1{'I'(> abllut 'Ip hl Y"Uh ;lnd has macl e many II IId ~ \I h ll \\111 llIisl; him and h f.. ,UIIIII) . 1 ~11Il"l'l' i" Il to\\'1I (,I' about • 0 0 " d Hl' \ . L IlI' Y \\ hI' h il~ had chal'g' "' 1'1' "nll'.· " I II 1'('l'Cl mlne nd d. It, \'. lIil'l'l l II til fill the pulpit hl'l' , :-; un rl a~ . .\ I l'n ptloll nn !! dinnel' in hq,10r , f I ii, llil"'11 fami ly will h e h e ld • 1'1I'\, dlu'l '1\ el'vic ,'" m'xt Sunday. A II II . II till' I ~ IIntl fl'il'nd~ ar'e cor li ally 111 \'1 1,,01 I " attl'lHI. The tO I\1 '1l 111 11' I II ehaf){I' ,,( lhj ~ , as k ~ folk III III inl.! lb , II ' ha~ k('L di nnN,<- and Iii,' M I vic e 1'.; 1' thi .' tlcc a~ i"n.
Foul' out.' tan,lilll! ~ . Jl luh me rn 1,t'I,.. fl'lJ l\l Wa ;I'('n CO ltn ty were c hm·('n to :.lUend th t' Ilnnual 4-H ' Iu b CCln/{I' ""~ Ilt Ohio 'tute UniVL' I'~ ity lhis I' et,k.
,Julla KiLuey, L 'banDn; E,;l hcr' ,\fulllll, l~ hcl' h li l t; hart e, Goo cey, .\1111 I {I\\' ; and Ric hard Volkl'l'ding, Mol'I'u\\' , UCl'I' lI1pani('d by Elizabcth r:I'!Hlrly, H Vlne l !C!m Cl n~trlldon ;1· ~ I tit al '" nnw In ( 'ol u muu ~ 1'01' thl ~ pnf,'I'pnce 0 11 "'[il P l'oblems a n d I ntl' I"t! ~ L~ Cit' Yuut h" \\'hich will d,, ~ T"I idllY. ()n Th ul'!ld:IY 'v n ing th ho n or hnn'llil't will be hl.'l(1 f Ol' t h e me n Th {' firth a nnu al n li We l' s hu\\ of u nci woml'll i n th c state who hav,J t he ol11ltlllni l y Garden club will 'c rvlC l as many a ,; len yelll's us 4he helt! at. lh e \\' ash inl!;lo ll T OW1.· II lub a.c!Vi"OI·F, . ill Hull, -(' lit l'Villt', $ '11 ' mbcl M..,;, 1':.1 lJavidso n of Gen ntow n 17 ancl 1 , All Ixhibit: mu:t I e in i~ l'ligiblc for lhis honor thi year Illace by a p. III. , ~ (Itl'l11lt c- r 17 , ac· lInd hJl ~ bl'en invit,cd to b a g uest cOl'ding to ~I' ~ . E. W. K 1.'1' , gen· a t Lhc ban'lu t to ree 2ive t h e te ne l'H I ch ait m a n. Jlud '~ng \\ ill be- yenl' ccrlifitllt awal'd d by th e gi n at thllt hOllr, and e nlJ'ie < arc Univcrsity [oe t h is serv ice. ope n l o all who wish t o l'xhib:t . i\1I'R, H a I I')' G clJhlllt, (On " niU e, i, c hai nnan of th e entr y ('o m mit· t ' . ThlR Y III' th('r i ~ ul ~ o u Clrl .....~ fol' (,('Inlncr. iul and (lr ofl'~ :io nu l xhibitors ,
Park Swimming P ool - th y a rG utum n, Frost! They .nrc uI'bryml[ not t her no \\- _ n ot bn~kl' ng I'n to It 't. t.h it' I'cor n cut a nd to IIC ' 0 ~ If ' "'lo l'iou8 ~unuiler sun. And I't seeln". in th e shed, gnt ht' ring as t rUlts _ ... " ~ . h th a t th e- onward marc h of: t ime ha of t he glll'd ' II , and lito r ing t em {Ol' winter, lind vl'ry night I~ d icll . (!(1I'){~ B ra. ~ ne y lJa~. e ~ nwa~ at May r rod tn e d v o i01l5. i\hs. J am es W i ai, on of F e rry ' ~ h u ng o ut th e " n o t ,'pas ing s ig ns' co r up th e ir m OI\~ cheri. hed Ihl ' r ~HI n ce In entel"vllle F ri da y Th ec r ela ry rc nd th e Minut " pClp ulnr y oung m ull on:, wo . uncx· o n th (, orchard f nc as the delic· fI _ :It, 2 :3 0 p. m . at the Ilg of of th meeti ng last May , The pec t util y a ho. t esR t o a Inrgc gfLt hO;~~'~till folk . ~e m to bl' havin z yeal'F. H e is . urv iv d by nie ces Tr a UI e l' rep orted a b alanc of c ri n!; of fri nd ~ and I ' ' Ialiv :, on ios Irui ts of th e( J\\;smi V~Jl(cy ha ve 'rip n ed, t e mpti ng 'tIlt' b oys II "ood ti me, Se cl'nl nttend d th Imd. Funeral was h eld Mond~y $128.77 f!'om last year. The nam Sunday, who ha,1 plann ed lh e .·UI·to inllulg , Wh y, bl . yo uI' oul, Onyton .. I t f 01' t h com ml' tt C",!' l' 1" th comll1~ . f air lust wc k. M I'. P erry ?- :""0 p. Ill.. II t '"h e 1\''Ie t h 0(1: priFe <lin n I' i n ce lelJral iUIl o( h I' pati ' n t r eade r T im hM b ro ugtht . hurch in £ntervi ll , Burial was ycar w(,p read by the P r s ide nt birth day ,' me to th 'nd of my al ot te d t' o lum F a ul a n d so n , · Ervin and W " Ild' al'e a s f olio' \"• .'._ L ' t ' ilma ~ d IIIll rl e in t.he .c n l r' \~ lI e Ce met rl'. ~ T,ho!' (Jl'c'ent wel'(>:- M.r. anti \\ ill its wo n lers e ver cease. T homa s an<I Lma an&omg a ,,~n • cd on Tu esday; 11k and M IS. Al LYTLE- - Fi na r:ce Com, Mi;,.;, L ucill Fir s, 1\[1':\, F I'e.d o nk lin untl daughter, WA Y NESV-.Lii CHURCH Corn ell a nd the toce y Burn" t~, . 11'. and MI'S. E. B. L on g aae at, ~h'~ , Li llian r ane, Mr. ' Cath eri ne {{o: Ila; Mr . a nd Mr~, La\\l'('ncc W, ll1ith, Mini ,ter onfer e nce at W hitaker, MI'S. Mnt'y ollett a nd Briny; MI' . a nd Mrs. Bob H uey; on Thu rsday. W dne~d8Y the 11 81" U'nd (\ lh M. E. undny: ry o r ncl1s t\tt lid t! and \\hile Dayt on 1\ couple of da ys I' t wee k, Mr 5. A~ n a J ohn . L unch o m., 1\1 1' , Minnie Bak 1', all of Daylon; Bible sohool D:3 0 A . M. t hey werc gone th ' ir fa . tel' s on, Mrs. M !.lr~al'et J ohn was a p ay. 'Mr , Ed~th Lu ken::, M rs MelLoh a nd M r. a nd M rs ,Ernes t Mnr.:h of Le bS ubje ct of I son," ho ices an d R ev, J e~s K line and his wif sto V- t n vi. ito r', Thu rs d ay, ' Mrs. Mlld re.d, . ~heeha n . P rogl'~m u non; Mr. and Mr~. L o ui~ Wi cal the ir co nse qu e nt' s in a NIl- ped t h om on th eil' way back M'r T l'Ie Jo n c~ , MI'S, Haro ld om " Mrs, M I1'I8m atte l'th walte a nd fam ily; M,', and Mrs. G col'g e lion's life. f rom co ~fcl'enc i n ' Ten nessee. Wh ita k r an d Mrs. L o we ll T hom- ~I' • D or oth y to ut, and Mrs, E I· Gephart; Mr . alll i MI'R, ~lIcn W eid· PI in t d te xt- De ut. 11 :8-12, 26· F i ndi ng no o n e h ome they stay d ' M ot he r 's lu b, a t Slid W eltz. Re fr Efshm nt · 0111., ne l' and fnm ily; Ml'. ancl M I's, hal' 32 n n ywa y Illld gave Mr. a n d Mr. . Way n ~v i lle, Friday aftern oo n , Mrs. L o uise T ~nc l', MI'':. Opa.l I Bilk I' all of Mialll is bul'g'; Mr. (,bdetian Ende av,?r a t 7 :00 P . orn 11 a p\c{lsant SUI'p!iS wh en J\I I·. lind M:r5, W alt l' Ken ric k tubb g, a nd Mrl;. ell'o G I·ny . lot h - and Mr. P(' r'l'Y W ad a nd S I>I1, J oe, M. Lhey I'Ctlll'IW.I, I ol' th y had n't e x- and Ju mei! H a i nes ca lle d at the inj!' o m., 1\I r: . A my Bail y, Mrs. MI'. li nd M ...;:. Myron Sheets, M ... BEECH GROV E Preach ing 7:30 P. M, p te t! th Klin es u nli! 'thurs daY, h o mes o( Mr, a nd Mr . R obert an B radtlo (' k, and M rl'. J essie B y un ci 1\11'5. A I('n Luca: a nd Iurnily; 1'h(, l ladl ' y- Bwan r u nio n will Serm o n • ub j c t, "GU1lrd That A nd t ha t. re l\1i nd~ me of t h pic. H ai ne.; a nd Miss Cla r a Sha d a nd mU ll . Rcc Plio n O lll. , MI'!i. Georgi u Robert. a nd Raymo nd B il lel; Oale MI'~. R oy Drllll1mond and c hild· bl.' hrld ~lInclay. St'ptemb I' l Oth, Which I!'l () mlllittt'd nto t ure MrH. Le t r G l'h a l'd sho wed brothel' in Dayto n , ,u nd ay a Cter - M en den ha ll nnd Mr.il, Mary ha p- Rand II i lind Mr, a n d MrR. 1'I'te re no Lucille, lind [ \\ ighl hOve been at thc' home Il l' 11". Will M:.uJd en The ". me ()f t he largest c hu rc h in th n(IOn, man. F luwe l' Box' o m., Id a mi th , W ical and da ughte r , EI~ie Mae, , pl'ndinj!' a f uw day g ' 'fii th 1'l) l lItive ~ ut Wa yn '~\' i1I(,' . , W dn esda y, n it d tate.!, whic h is in nto n , l MI'. nml ' ]\.] 1'8. L~on alisb ury , and i\1 emb{'r hip Co m ., Mrs. Ed a a nd MI'. an d MI'R, Jam s W ic~ 1 and il ~ "hilli '0 h nnd LOI UlonrLeTrY. At Ih i ~ lill1~, th. · fift h rear oC the Bi ble Study 7 :30 P . M. Ohio. 1t has 1\ I'ooms , a n d, it . on a nd d a ughter, o f Was hington l1n rl ~() k anti 1'>1 I'S , Gl ady Li nll. c hild r en . i\1Jo. anti MI' ~. A. D. '1'a lmag'l', Oll.!'lIni1.atilln, will b(' cc leb1'll.lcd by Will s tudy the 20t.h chap te r ulk ~l' u hnlf an hour t o go t hro ugh C. H . wc r' n te l·ta in e d to dinn e r Th e chail'llmn o f th Fina nc E.' Mi ;: J s~ it, ,ulller' and J . L 'e Tal· lh(l tnking' of n pictu re o f the en,Acts, it. Th(l rre a r n inty-ni ne on t h Sun da y at the ,ho m of Mr, a ud Qm m itt.ee an n o unc e d that ther e IlUlj!'(' eallc(1 on I'I 'ie ncl : ol J um es- til' gl'UlI(l hy MI'. e litl' ~ladley, o f You arc invite d to atte nd on e offici al bOll t:d, li nd th chu rc h own s M I S. All en Emrick, wou ld b a n all clay canning afte r La "n and W ilminJ.\'tnn, ~unday !If - 1Il'1I f' utltll in(', Oh.io, nnd all of th ese services. Don't igh t pian os and a pip orga n, This MI'. a nd ~h-s. E. B. Lo ngone t he L eb a non Foa il', th e d efinite date Th (' ntlicel'~ a i' : Mrs. W . B , lei no o n. think y ou can miss t'he worship cori \\'1UR o nly on e oC m a n y pict ures t hat left , Mo ndo:.' mo rning fo l' a t h l'e(' to be 1I1l11 0 un('ed la te r , Th e Grlld MI'. und M r~. r.V l.'l'l'tt 11 0).(11 11 , or lI ndh,y , ,\i'm'wlo d, PI'l'si d ~ nt : MI', II y all d . h t h e y t oo' k o n I w ek, ' m otol' tl' itf t hl' l ug h t he Vi r- l,unc h ',hliir lllan anno'unn~d t.'h e ' t \nuu I'11 b e ra t e d -a s a:n s hc showe d m el ""hIC ~ W Hy n l'~ vil1e \\ c re ,'untlny ninn'l' Willi ll nt /Ia dJ 'y, Blanc h ester, Vi ce IIctiv member of the Church. P eo- th ir t ri p, a ll of th~ m prov ing m ost gi n ias a nd will \' i~it l'e la'l,ives o f mp loying f M rs. Armilag t o . R Ul , gt ~ o f ~r. and J\I\'~ . II. Aull'e~' . 1'1 es icl,'ut; J\h~. /[ow,a rd Graham, !ti c 1'. f OI' lhe co mi ng year , I f '1 pi have to act in ord r to be act inte l'e <t in g. 1\11'. Longacre. cook fo r t hil' year. Mrs. M a r y Rye II 11 I \'l y .• I)lI I'g, Scc I'ctal'y-Tre . ; 11111n" a n al11l y . tiv . Su nday afte l'll ()o n t.he Lawre nce M I'>'. Stanley Ba il y a n d M l', I' po r te d t h ere wa,s a ba la n ce of ap w I" el'ctcd 'at the regular fali )Ir~. Bina Pultl'l~on \l1I ~ II lou - :\ II ~ . Vi vi ' l\ Mc l ntirc, Nor'wood , LOCAL-N-EWS Th olnases and Pe l't'y ~" a ul a nd sQn, J . B. J ones atte nded th e Honl e. p r oxinllttely ' 105. in th G. S. Il1 eUng of th e ounly 11 0m!.' Ex- inl",. vi , itol' III ' 1'1I':-l' I'\'llll' one' da~' I'ubl icity. Lc n ~i (l 11 ouncil h Id at Lhe otli c c liI~t w{"l k. IIIf d<:-m onstl'ati on a t th e tli~ h IJu nc h Fund. Prof, and Mrs. J, W , rabbe Er vi n, m oto r e d ' t o E ngl wOo d t o FE RRY CHURCH OF CHRIST of th e home cl e l11un ~ tl'flti o ll agent. II'~. GI nn J)tlvi,< tlnd d nughtel' ~, S h e ma de a 1lI 0 ti on t hot $50.00 had nij thei r g u est , Mrs . Crabbe's call on M r', a n d Mr .. Dan Reese. Sch~o l b uildin g at Wayn e'ville, \.... . '. Smith, M in i tel' Th e childr T\ .of Mr, and Mrs. Mo nd ay a fte rn oo n. of t h is ;:; um be g i'v en t o MI'. F rank T!:t ur'sday a etl'I' noo n, 'N'"lIielm\l 'Y, li nd l\l al'ju rie ~p c nt Il1 o th 1', M 1'8. Cove r , ton, Sunday : M r, and Mrs. Willia m Cole man f o r th e pUI'chase t)f Ba n d uit ancl Mrs. P Ull !. !:)haff 'I', Corli"ll' , WM .M(1I1day 11 ft c:> I noo ll with M I'S. t'l l i ~ Mr, JUlian Crabb e will atte nd J oe Fil e r gl a J on-ed \,h e ir pal'e rnts' I illlt' Schoo l !! :;1 A . M, the Ohio Sta.i:.eo Un,i ve rs ity at Col- hearts und llY, fo l' neoal'i y all w er e have pl'cha ~ d t he St, 'J Qhn prOpel'- th' I' nlaind er t,o be leit f or t h cho$en as pre.<id cnl ; 1\1 rs. H est I' BUl1 l1el lllnd ,Mi ~ 8 l\1 oni mitl BUl1n t'1I ('omm uni on U)45 A. M. (ll hom o ' Olne t im e during th e day . ty an d wil l soo n m ove fr om Way- pUI'chase of an y thing n e edc d f or ~oy('J·~, Ma~o n, s~Cl'clu r y; a nd n eal' W aYll l's vil lc. umbus this y ear. Se l'ln n ll , I J :00 A. 1\1. l he H . S. Lun ch . The inotion was 1\11' .. L oue lla Milliga.n, Harvc ys1\11'. 111111 i\11'~. Ro", J[ arto ~ flck Mr, J, C, Hawke ,and son in law MI'. a nd M I-~. J amI.'. J-La rt.soc k an d n ~v illo(.' to t he ir new ,home he r'e. .'C1'111011 " Th e N e \v Mr, :l no Mrs, Th rl e J on es had cani cd, The band su its are t o b e hU l'g , t "ca s ur r . M l'lI. Shaffer s uc- !Incl f:llllily, o f W llyn ~ \'i l1 e w 1'<.' nr. Ralph Vance of Wilmington th eir chil dren W I'e a t h om f or Hil·l.h Men,hmhllll of l'eccllt gu ests of her (lUI' ' nt., MI'. s pl'nt a few days last week at In· dinl1 e r : Ma r shall nnd Ha ro ld FilN fo r t b ir dinn e r guests, Sunday , t he prop erty of t.h e ~ch ool a nd a rc c .. e dti Mr~, J . L. L ust Su ndllY W I) had a n atte nd a nd their families and Mrs, Mary Miss A IlIla NU l t, a nUI'se of Miam i t o Ix' u sed fo r any child wislli ng Waync ~v ill e wh o 5<! I'V d as IHes· anc! !\I r~ . ' . II. U{'nthc l'agc. dian Lak€-. lInCl' o f !J2 wi t h an offering of $ 3 6id e nl of l he county )unc il f o r two Miss Edna Shaner and Mr, Hom Go r n e ll and so n, Jack, ca][ cd in Va ll ey H os pi ta l, Mr, and Mrs, Ed - t o play in t.he band. :Vi 1'.. R oy Drul11m ond a nd ciaugh- (i 7, UI' annual h a me:c-o m ing i win Nutt a n d. Mr. H e rman Nutt of Ne x t was the fl owe r box co unt yeM's and a pr csiqen t of th tel', Luci ll e :t rW 1\1 i: A Helen Pol" icn er Wood of Wilmington will be th e afternoon, IllnHlst hl' I'(' agai,n , w.hi(·h al way s r eo ulting· in Mi.s. R eed l"S ro'Om !ltate ext en ion cou n cil during were Sund a y 'gu '" l ~ of MI's. Ethel MI', and Mrs, Cad Fri (-moo d, of near' enlerville. marl ied Saturday evening at the draw>; 1 lurge c rowd to t h€- F e n 'l'Y Dayton, visited Mr. and Mrs, EdMt'. and Mrs. Stanley Bailey, r ecei.v ing th e fl ow er b ox and M rs. H)36 ·3 7. h ome of Miss Shaner's mother, Va n /l ol'n und ch ild l",n of Clarks· ('hul'(.: h. Thi" chul'ch has se rved Mrs, Margaret Johns and Mrs, J . Kersey's r o.om rec iving t he pic· Pla ns f or the pl' 9ject in " L iving vi ll e. Mrs. Al Shaner of north of town, ward Gilliland, Sund~ llli" c., mmunity {or a lm ost a cenB. J o n ca attended Conference at turs. Mr, Garst I!~ave a v ry in te r- Roo m D ecora tion" wero made fo r M r. Ral ph St il> l.>s and M I'. W m. illl y. No 011(' hut. God kno wn s the Rap er M. E. Church, Dayton, Sun· esting lalk and R.aylyn Cmbb pla y· each t ow nsh i p slartin g in OCto ber T utte n', Of LebanLn , cull ed on M I'. amount of g ood it has accomp\i s hday. e d a piano solo. This conclu de d th e an d Icad<:rs fo r th e local COlli m it· J , L . TlJl m a~c, tiunday , ~d. Hueh m en a ~ J. H . O. S mIth day's bu sin ess a,nd th e club ad- t.il's will be ch ose n by t h e ounei\· " pnl out fl'o l1l the ch urch t o M I'. and Mrs. H ome r Dl'al het'll)!;e journe d t o me et again th e firs t lo l's du'r ing t he nex t few wee k s. jll'euch tho W (lr d a n d wo n tho usMI', E d mo n Marlatt spent the and a du ~ hlel', Miss F I' n, of Cin" Friday in Oc tob .~r, ij y actio n of th e gro up th ed u- ci n nat i -were 'atunluyl g' U .>ts or anus 10 ' h l' i~l. Anot h er on e who w I1I!ke nd in Chillicothe. Refres hm e ntR we I'e serv d by catio nal exh ibit, callod " ~I~ki n g A ju,l l'l'cI' II11y dedicate d hi life to MI'. and Mlr s. Emerson Dill and Mr. a nd MI', . n, Deu lh eragc. the foll owin g- la di es:....:- M es d :.tme~ Pl easi ng A p[l'l.ar a nce" pr pa r d tlt l llIin i~ L I'Y i.. Ilu ,,~ II Ma r t in, who Aon, R al ph, w~re Xenia s hoppel'8, 1\1 1'. lk n Im,t r' n , Ilf It. H ea)t.hY Eth e l S a(' k tt. D ena M o.!'! , 'Mil d r ed by t he- cou ncil fo r th e Oh io S ta t e Thu rsday. wa ' a I'c :' ~ n l ca\l ['l' at th l' Talmng(' i ~ [) Ii wilh us a nd de li ve r the Sheeban, L ois Mulford . Lil y E !tF air wi ll be d isplaye fl a t t h e w.ar· hnm.'-t'om in g atldrcils, Se ptembt' I' MI'. und l\h's . El'nest Earnhart h om e, 2,5 th o You cO llle bl'illg your dinnel' and e,h il d l'en, Rob ert and Ernes- bert, Florence Hastin lls, Ethan re n Co unt.y F ni l', Sept ember 22nd :MI'. an d Mrs. Alhl'lt M ountjoy ran€- and Catherine Th oma. t o 2 4t h. a nd ca t with ' u ~, an d e n joy the f el. tin e and MI', aft'd Mrs. G, H , Kes · ( ne Allnn B I> ndul'a nt) w h os e mal'- Inw ~h ip o f L!1 c day . - ~ ... inger s pc nt Monday in Cincinnati.. ATTENDED THE OHIO l'iuge t ook place la ~t \\'Cl'k, I ~fl Tuesda y, MI's. Flo;;- H::~de l'son' and famil y YOUTH CONFERENCE-Mr. and Mrs , Henry EUl'gess , u nd ll Y to Cl't a Lli.-h lheir' hllmc on of Corwin. Hihl .. ,:t udy a nd ch oil' p MCtic c, and c hihJI'e n, Johnnie and Nancy n f urm 111\.'<\1' CO IUlll hu s. ,IN l' \\ bh MI', an (i Mr" E. J. Burton of :u n 1'. 1\1. Rober t Duke, ~o n of M r. an d of Dayton spent' Sunday with Mr, for lhf.'nl nluch h ap pill l" S anti pr o Elyria sp cn t t h e p ast w ek wi t h Ml's. . L. Duke, return e d Ilrly and Mrs. Lewis Morgan, EPISCOPAL CHURCH MI'. and Mr.. J ohn Rye. ' this \\ ek ( I'o m th Oh io Rural pl'rily . l'iunclay •• epte m b('l' ]0, service Mrs. Ernest Earnhart, M'rs, G, Mr, and MI*'. Raym o nd Osbo rn . - BIRTHOF Y ou~h onfe l'cnre \\ hi ch wa c h e ld and "(' I'mU Il, 7::.1 0 p , 1\1. A , K e, inger, Mrs Matti(!o Levi Miss Mrs. Euph e mia Toms, of Xcnia , :It Coluil1hus u nd e r th e d,il' ccli on An eig ht p oun d b oy Dn ivl'tl Wt,d lara Daughters and Mr, Edmon a n d MIf', and Mrs. Em e l'so n Dill :\11'.';. F. 11.- lilt -nb erger, Mr, oJ th e Exten,..ioll De partm ent o( !1 ('Rdll Y (, \' f.'n ing nl 1< p. 111 . at th e l"rallk Gl'uy u r Marla t t were Xenia s hoppers, Wed- and son, Ralph, pent, unday at ' w Vie nna and till' !:I tate ni \'~ rl"ity . Ev e ry coun· h om {' of MI'. U llot MI'~ . ' \l Y Gilha m "() n ~, H e l bert GI'ay of Columbu., n(>sduy. th e C incinnati Zoo. ty in th e st ut e wa!l repre.' ente d in Bellbrook nn cl Mr. llnd Mr!'. ~ am Gray and Mrs. S. P . Michael, who m",kes " Mrs. Frank Dakip SIlent Wed- the conference which hrought t . wh o' liv e o ut nn th e her home with Mr. lind Mrs. P. A. nesdo.y wilh Mrs. Herbert Marlatt. gdh r replwentative youth and Pik ~' . fr iv nc!, M t'!l. Egbert of Cincin nati, Runyon is confined at home with Mr. al'ld Mr'EI. Emer$on Dill h ave outstanding lead l'rs of th(' ell uca· '111 \ H' I'(' I1:U(' ~t ~ of Mr. and Mr.. a broken hip. purchased s nt"w , I"ord V·S, J . I r. Smith, on Sunday. tional and rc1igiou~ world. MI >i. MI'. and Mrs. Earl Mlllrlatt spent Mr, and Mrs, EII"worth Smit.h Le"tN' Ivins of Defianee Robert is pre 'idenl of th ~ War1'1[ct,·d president ot the Ohio Sunday with Mr. Joe Marlatt and and dauj!hters, Miriam and Patriren Cnunty you~~ Poople'~ or~ani f!.' rl' ne" BrothM'hood of Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Earnhart eia, or Dayton, s~nt th~ week-end 7..ation and wa." one of five dele.1Ii ~ t I!:pl ~copal Chureh. and ehlldren Robert and Ernestine I with Mn. MI!t,tle LeVI anll son, gawl! of t.hl! count.y t.o attend, 1<> br lther of l'II. and Mr. G. H. Kesinger Wellington. Th ~ young follt will haVe and If duate th& BarnhMt niem Mr. Rel~~lal7e11'8
--- -
Devout Itnmersed in Mass Baptism
bt _iamt
City 1",':lt",J" :!.
Wayn ,.vi!1 , Ohi", C1uss !\Jail Matt r
a ~,
h, ' l' ('PIIls!. h~ :l .r,," hU,'i ll p- ,; n nn and h" will ;<1 ,(It I t ' ,I .1\..1 ' .: h - II'.. 111' " II,' ha mnlle!\ lilt of ltnrl ell . "'. - 'I \ ,-1\. - ,(0 . I. a nd b,"1 -h hi ~ ,< hare f g old brl,'!-" fo
\ \', ju-I ~ It 'h.1 h" ,', t t il1l<.' th t we ; t down ,i,,1 ,I ""11 di l l1l'l Ih lt 110 li n,' will he " 0 forgetrId. - 1 hrl' ',I t.h' ~"bj,·" " f a YO UI1g- ('hickell'~ ap'
.nO(\· \Y, nulL hy ,'I,r dMI~' th at King G(' Ol'g-l' h s uff(>rin~ {r, n' ,. ! t't ! 11 ,f lin It!, pl't "h diflkulty, In olh r word s t be lonj.: , t~tll'r-, \\ hI', l il"re rl' [i nH":" when ' llch a dl" f ,~~ tb h.,1 might r l ' '" I mb a!' ' a ~' ing'. it might [)('. a bad Ihil' g' If ~hl qut. Ion. f "" " lll l'i ng "In .. hould arise. httl .. i11l[w!h m 'nt In "I',u: h wou ld g-ivt' both sidc~ tim(l In '10k il (\ \, ,'1'. It 1'1'11li ll d~ u: uC tin old f Ilow ""e n ' k ne w, Tl had a I t,' llu tJlI {' n fo r thrift , lind had th ('yidrncl' 1" .ho w (UI it. " 'ur; il' d hi ~ m nr.>y in a big wnllet tied ith u "to l ' "tr ing-. H t, always titid th~' s hnl' • tring in a burd kilOt. Noti in/< thi ~ on e day, a frirnd ,· .aid: .. Why don't y ou t i that in a bo w kn ot? It, would b<.> much C'8siC'T u nl i d." The lI ld f Hu\\' • mill' d and s-'\id, "Well, I 'll tell you , I li it. in a ha rd knot because a good many times it hus tak(' n me long nough to untie the knot to nil w m(' another minut to think, In the extra minut , Il good many LinH'. , I huy changed my mind about makinA' an i~"(', tmont I had d eitied to make, That "hllU • tdrlg," he said, .. hAS ~ av (> d me a lot of mon y,"
.000Thl" drir~ ha s ~ tnrt d agnin t J ohn Lcwi~, It ae('ms that th f cling ag'8 in : t be ing regiment d is 1I common a mong workers of the land as it i, among the farmers, Liberty to most folks con, ists of doing what they plea5c within the la\\' and wh n ,o me one proceeds to. t up a lot of rul s a nd regulations rcquiring one to do this and that lind th other thing at this lind that time, it. just natuut'ally ~ti up 01 positio n, whatev I' the plun is.
In,, nUlIll "f P,,' 1':1,.,..1 I Il I' .. \ nll'I··
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.,1() ' .
11101 II.
4. W hat till' !If tho En)(II,<h radlt in Ih" r".' , 'nl I':I{',' for AI11<' I'i(,1I'0; "np? !i, l,','r \I hnl 111<1 H aruld "I,' rliJl~ \'an (\cruilt 1'1 C II Iy I}, ', 'mt' knl,\\11 in the ne we ? 6. How long ugo did an AmerIcan SpoTt$mOn \\'In the yacht from th o Eng'11 h bont? 7. Tn \\ hilt coun [I Y I ~ th, ' • ity of T I{ !lsi n 10(':, I l'<I'!
orid.1 h
Z"'11 City ':
:1. \\ hat lll .. l"n yn
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Harold D , Willi,. Editor 1i'.TETl E\,EI~Y TlIt'H"Il,\Y
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hy fl J'l'~' !I , ,,'h ul • t ht' BI:w k· t' tl nn r ry luh n!' -I u nda rit ... hil i II hn'h \I 3 8 I cI ('(' nlly Iw run (" ' Il j!\'. ,,'! 10. Wlut l hll ',hd }\~' d id ' II l' nry : F ', l'd \'I' "I .tl ~' !'l, I.h rnt{"! J 11. Fol' 1\ hl l1 did ])" n '<ld l'j o r Rt. I'l ",, "t l ~ ' h" l'n llll' k nown il1 lhf'
Illl \\':-t '!
Ivip1 ~. "wh'hatk h \II
i, I h,' nnllw (\f lhe mo.I .':11l 11 :, 11 ,, 11 \\ a ~
SAVE 1\110 NEY
Randolph Plumbing Co I
Alllicti lln likl' th iI'on-smith, -hnp 0,~ II" it ~ mit H, BO\' II(,. As I nppr ll \',' IIf the y outh lhat h 3~ ,,(I \l1L' t h i n ~ l. f thl' o!d man in h im, <0 r ', m n il 1<'. ~ ple3Red wi~h d ll old mll n thn I~ ;, ~ ~ omC'lhial1 of I h L' y o uth . iL"C' I O. \V dn not e,) unt a 111 n'" y "ar until h has n othing lse t. co unl. - F:mc r ;;o n, Fol' the fin (';' H pirit~ of the world there lire tWtJ dwelli n g places.: OUI' earth ly [a hel'lllnd and thnt oth l' city of G d, Of the one we m '\' I h I" gu s l ~ , o f th e othe r, t he builde r s, - Roman Rolland.
;=================_ :_:::=======~_~
~' wittdl'r
True Professional Service
1I " ,l.l/lI!' II I Ih . lilll(' " f he r ,I " ath?
~1J. Ind . In<. EdwU1l1 lIurltln A J:Uflt\ dllv,'r III'Vf.'l' pa"-l·q n· Tb b ' b . uth~Or , t . \'111 'I tlll't"l . , ~ noll1\'I ,'UI l.n u hill or .111 U CUI'\' , any IU Ic r. ~r or to an, • 1I~' and ali W I. .. . h.I\·,' II'!Ul'JlI',j til EI~'''II, Ohio. A d"(\'el' "hll IH'\'si-b in dllill!! t his pa.ly aublcriber may d«oai.nat~. I, . WIIl'1( .11'1'1" \\h"I'" h.' ,11,111 l'c"\lII\,' ~l'h,t,,1 .111' it< not II I{lIlId driv\!l', "l'l(ardlt-~s of prov; d--' eu 5c ex tra . .Inc Iu dcd In . I ~, III' I't 1'1' 0111 tIl., III". IIft,·r , llI'ndi l1l:: hl'l IIl' L,k I,f whnt hl' P('I·,onnlly think " uf ll~ r .. mltt .... ee . to covf'r po.talr e . I ''' 'atl''l1 \\ 111l his IOwthi'r, :'1110;<. l" 'MI, j.lI)' i... ahility, This gll'lIt {.tT"I- (', IlIl'S tu , all :'lImy ,I. Bill 1"11 ulI,1 n,lath'", . t \Vh 'n dl'ivinJ! k"(')1 YOUI' ye~ end, Saturday, HI'ph'llIbl'I' 2511, ;\1 iss .\Ii • (' (1"11 " hu. bu n ,emt I ' 11 I ' It i, lIl'll.,l tUlIl I, 1I~i' euar , t.ot. nn th e f(,ad y,'UI' hands On th", II!! that i. I II' ( lIY ,t'b WI >t, glVl'1l t"lIchl' " at GIIII· ' . I. hi, -.. It in 1l1l1 ~"n~ I'irll" ., TIll' ph ,\. d a~ I '.nldl'Ill~h N II C II I !I\('rl in~ \1 he,'I, and your mInd on u\\ay. filiI' tllhl., nil ~I\tl'" illl!" L' .. nlaill ~ f'I'tI I'oll e I!' ,or I aro .nn I '(l u,' lid ill'" - - - - - - - . -- - - -- till- y J! ~~~:_:~~~...."='~~~~': in~r ,'(1ip "t" t o k'I"1l It rll11l1 ,' akin/(, :\li ,~ Gun~ \la< IOII1l!'rly ul If Y u ulten1p 10 rl'~cue n , \\ hI h niiJ{llI. lIe ut. ulizL' [hI' acid m:I" lhu, Ohio, lind lutrr tllU -hL III W il m ingt on '0 II ...'!:!. , tiroll ning p e rson IlpprMlch th~m uf the brine. VVe can save you monMi ss Marjorie Tinney I ft la t from behind, Do not permit tl}em I week for Cincinnllti wher she ,will to clutch you. You' may both ey . on your plumbing fixl:f you want to take a hot dl'h to t ures, pumps, septic tanks , a "pot luck" Upper, place your enter Th Littleford ond NeJt.on drown. pipe, fitting ,and valve, Bu sl ne s School th r. Ii s Tinney If a drowning peT on 6elzes you c8~~e r ole in 8 c:!lrdbollrd Iwx lind B sure to see us before i~ n Ill'a(lu!lte of Wayne ville Iti(f h catch your bre~th lind ubmerg~ I pac with hot SAl which lll' lll~ hold you buy. schoo l in lu!J 7 with him. pllle(' youI' foot ngain:t I Ihl' hUlL, I'luce ~lIlt in th .- 11\'I' n .Tohn J()ne~, \\ ho i" • l'i()lI~ly ill, hi" bony ami Ktrail-(ht n th IeI!' untl during Ihl' tim(1 ,':1 - . ,' I OiL' d i~ h iWll ulken M(lntlay t o th e ho m !! of forc him frl.'e. Y ou mu ~t broak hnl.i ng lind it w'i ll lw hot, \' ' ady to puur b('l\\(ol'n ell .," '11(' a mi un,. . hi~ " ist("t·, M rH. Lu 1111 n , ker, at hi s hol<L It i~ impo:siblc to 1'<', clle L~Lanon, Ohio. him unlil you d~ a --R-E-UN-IO-N- S - R{. llE~ I·~ Jum !'o is aU ' l1tiing' Col- ' 2065 C"talpa Drive ' se H tubl ' p [o on of $!l it in ~' our DAYTON, OHIO lell'e tit Wilminp;to n, Ohio. ,tun'h alld it "ill nt>t ~ til' k 10 you r il'on, It \1 ill also Jl \'I'''' r\'(' col( 1' & in uncith e honH freM unI ion'fht' \I 1I.~McKay hel d at r,la cloth es. H e lman Blail' a n ti f a mily, Sunday, Se pt(' mbcl' .1 2 th . The attendance II a' twenty. Th ()s ~. attA;-nding W01'C from , w Burlinlrton, Xe nia and Years of training and experience have equipDayt o n . ped our ataff to render a genuinely professional aer:-
Th e Boga n reuninn WII!< h eld , SundllY at the c ountl'y home of R v. and MI'~, Bogan, so uth of town, A bout f orty people we re pres ent.
vice, in all of many details which make up a funeral of the type which leaves an everlastingly consoling memory. For many years we have rendered sincere, sympathetic service to this community, at modest coate based entirely upon the wishes and means of
the family. 1,)&y
.I. E. McClure
Phone 7
• 000A neighboring ,ditor points out that the peace of the world i~ tshrell nt'd by Germany, Italy, JalXl.n , Russia. and John L. Lewis. .000On of the lar~ • t wheat fanns in Kl1n..~as contain s 1700 acres. This year the crop brought $54,000, The farm i handled by p ower equipm(;nt a nd the wheat was harv sted. by thr~c tW l' nt.y-foot combines drawn by caterpilla[ tl'8ctors,
, I
Each gold brick t.bat i presented to us lookll different from tne others. I t is on.l. . after we buy it that we dis,over. that in spite of different wrappings, it is the same old gold brick, pr nteu in a different fonn, to separate th e s ucker from his hard arned money, -000IL is the extras, the side issu es that wreck the avcrllge family budget. T.he averag:e family do s not spend el6C .siv lyon groceries and the home, but on th trimmings lhat eern to be a necessary part of the pl'esnt 'Sc hem es of living, The wi. est expenditures from th e family purse ar tho e toot have to do with acquiring a hom e and making it a bettel' and a mo\'e attractive place in whic.h to jive. In n very regu lated family budget there should also be a place for <Il. s mall savings ~lc.cou nt anti some good life insurance.
-000W,hencv~r it is said of a town that it is cheaper to
rent than it is t o own a home, it is eviden ce that rents Ilrc two low in that t.own, Every landlord is e ntitle d t o I eceive itl his r ent c heck, fair interest on hi investment, the CMt nf upkl'cp of the prope rty, taxes 4lnd ins urance. ' Jf t.h r ' nt check doe. not take care of these, it is too low. The landlord had be tter ~cll the house, put his money into bo nds and get his interes t ,ami eS c a~ taxcs, up· .keep. and ft'pair costs. -000lt is alway", amu ~ing, or we s hould sa.y path etic, to sec a man or woman t.hirty or forty pounds ovcrweijfht, order for desclt afte r a big meal, 0 big portion of pie topp!)d with a dipper 0'£ ice cream. .000A f ew yea r s ago the slogan among {armcl's was, make two blad s of grll..<;g grow wh en on~ grew be1 ol'~ , At. fir st thou~ht this IIPTIeaJ's to clash with the progTllm of product i1111 curtailment, It does not neeesSllrily do 50. It would still be a- desirable goal to make two blades of grass grow where on<l' grows now, By so d oi n g: ono(' might .produc just as much on half the land. 1£ t ins were posslbl ~, it wou l d mean half lhe Investment, half t h e taxes, h a lf the work. comprisl1 100,000,0 00 aCTes.
In si x 'Years Brazil has burned About lhirty per cent of th e 45,000,000 b ags of coffl' to k~ep d w n th surplus. AJ;llerican cotton Cl'Op la~t year wo,' exporte-d. The cotton fi ld
of the
Protects Your Buildings Depend",,," •• at " In Farm Bureau Mutual your prcmi um does not ba've to I~elp cove r BelJltolU.b'e costly risks. Every property insured C08t
is carefully selected by a thorough inspcction. You will find cooperative protection is de8igne~1 pedfical1y fo r your lleed 8. Find OUlt .about it toda y.
ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN your Cattle, ho gs, s heep and calve! to Norris-Brock ~" live wire and p r v ~re58ive fir... f'l r the h ighest market prices and good service . Union Sto~1t "ar-cl,' Cincinnati, 0 Tune in on Radi(} Station WCK'l' 12 :26 to 12 :3 0 p. m. for o') ur daih marlcpt rep nrt.
.s _
F. T. Martin Auctioneer
Form Bureau ~Intuftl "'Ire IDs"r: .. II~e Co. c:I
Insurance PhfJne 153
IN 1I1111A ... THa','S WHY ~;;:?;.iI~ II.
FIRESTONE builds a firstquality tire made of top grade materials and sells it for Jess money I because Fire.s tone passes savings along Centerville, Ohio to you in tbe form of extra values. Firestone controls rubber and cotton A FARM BUREAU Phone 78J supplies at their sources, manufaCtures :--~~~~::::::-::::::::--=-:t'---:::======:~=:::::::::=:::=!:-::~~==~=----:==~:= with greater efficienq and distributes at lower cost. Because o£ these economie~ you get -
RaYIDond Braddock COOPERATIVE"6i~I'_ _ _ _ _ _ _' ~ERVICE __ '
Or No Cha,r ge
PROTECTIO. AGAIIIT ILOWOUTS -8 extra pounds of rubber are add ed to every 100 pounds of cord by the patented Gum.Dipping process,
PROTECTIO. AGAINIT PUNCTURES because under 'the tread are two extra Jayers of Gum-Dipped cords.
PROTECTION AGAINST SKIDDINGbecause the tread is .Cientificall y designed.
LONGER lOlli-SKID MILEAlE- because . of the extra tough, long.wearing tread.
Visit the Live Stock Exhibits 1 alkto Breede'Ts ana GTowers ' Watch the} rize Stock Sell And, You ·WillNotice
Better Fed~itock Wins Every Time
Karl D. Dakin
Leb.Doa, 0.
Ihat 's
l Make your car tire-safe now for fall and .t winter driving. Join the Firestone SAVE , A LIFE Campaign today by equipping ' your car with a aet of new Firestone ! Standard Tires toda,.. top tire value.
'Firestone STANDARD FOR PAllEN III CAIS 4.50-21 •...• .. ".OS . 4.75-19 ....... 9.SS 5.00-19 ••• •.•• 10.30 5.25·18 .•. .• , .11.40 5.50-17 ..... .. IZ.SO 6.0o.t6 . . . . . ' .13.9S
'Firestone SENTINEL 4.40·21 •• .• .. ,$S ••S 4.50-20,., •. , . 6.0S
Ti,e.tone COURIER 4.4()..21 .. ..•. . $S.4S 30d 3-i CI•. , , _ 4-87 0tIlII1I ... " ...11_111, L...
•• , IISI 10.1 LIFE O. SMOOTI WOI. TIIESI DO YOU "NOW THAT I .. t year bllbw.,. ."'dent. COlt Ihe Uva of more tban 11 ..000 m.n, women
a .." chl.ro..! THAT a milli...... r. were
THA T more than 40.000 .f ................... in;urie.were call1ed dlrect.ly by. punduNl,
................W.... due
When yo~ purchase our feeds, you are securing the Belt ,that money can buy for it.il made from Itandard ingredients, in right proportions to produce belt results for you in the feed lots.
Listen to the Voice of Firestone Monday evenings over Nationwide N. B. C. RedNetwork
AIltlnunaly, Will Ill' in th l' Iwxt
duy~ tn
jl"1I' 'I.
( ', nit
II IIlIth'"
a "L'h·~lIt •• to t l", \\ "aI,I'
ill I'hillill 11'11(11,
I' IH"
o ltl llin lhl' l!' fn.'l' ~ilt. t;, tt"'· \Jl' III • Fin ,. (11 111 1'11 " " ~ :11It.1~ ~U "t thut you d Oll 't 0\"'1111111\ d (l ill l: n f i l'l I,ll 11 . likewise'. H.'nw m hl' l' Ihi~ ;un a zin~ II I' i.. 11 1l':I('lh'l III thl' 1:Ir~l' ~" "ff . r "" pi ll'S ~atu"" 1IY, S . pLc m hl' r ~'rit lid'... St'hu!)1 ill rill' WUlld, In-
I,·:ltt Ii
2Iilh .
at Tananal'i\·u.
ArnNi . HII :- dl'illk ahullt ha lf tht' Ih· dl'l)1 or;stla tl'oI ,I,nali\'" ~ t rilJ\!co lft' t' ,0 1l.- ln1l'd ill t ht, Wt,lld . (" mu s ical Ill. LL unl nt IIIUolt, 01" 1
h(lillhoo nnd cucumber. It:
llln ';{
\\' 11 ' C very r: \\'ctt
. Or. c.. ~ , ~tat.& Veteri narian TO MAKE
THIS COMMUNI TY The Safeat Place On Earth To Own Liveatock IS The Deaire And Purpose of your VETERINARIAN Phone 13 R 51 HA R VEYSBURG
Mt·. and Mr t. Roy Updyke called on the latl 1"S mother, Mr Lusk, T uesd ay evenin g. Mi a Gretch n Ge hr ing and Mrs. Mary hapll1nn tlttend~ 8 MI le ,,"l' t of t \\'11 on atu .. day, M t'. L!ilyd H ack wcll lind Mi". Ma rgnt'oll c ; al'tuthcrB, of incinnaLi, called On Misses Mum· and Annll Brow n, on Su nday, and at· t 'nt! M'l'vic !'I (\ t. Mnl'Y's in thl' ('v ning. Mi s.~ Frnnc'el,'< Alde n accompanied ;\1i ~: s WiniC .. '<I Nu ttinj:t and Jane Cook to Richmond on Tue~day. Mi ~~ .Tun c is ente'l'ing het· ~econ.d year at Elldham.
FAIRLEY HARD A Of Waynesvi:l.Ie, Ohio offers the
Sensational Proposition Eve a de In 89 yrs.,·of Warren County Fair History!
Sunday dinner g U!,,'<ts were Dr. and Mrs. 'Ke ' ver of cnt ,-ville, Rufus Kin)!; of Oregonia. Mi)<s ElizalK:th Chandl er !'cturncd, Sunday, to Hampton, Virginia and he r sch ool duties.
10 Year Firat Mtg. Farm Loana Frank LeMay, Solicitor 61R2 W ay ri esvill e 7
--- --- '-
You've Never Had Such An Opportunity And Perhap~, You Never Shall Again!
'i . a. ked for th
fin e fountain p e n
a nd pe n c il .et. .. t the Ga ze tte of. fi ce. W e are giving the m away with .ubacription. to th is pa p er .t the r eg ul a r price. S ee the b eauti. ful d isplay at this office and ma ke y our .el ection.
"-'e have thrown aU discretion to the ",inds and stand readv to take the consequence~. You must see this ba,refisted bombinCI that we are taking at
Us,e d Cars
the ' Utarren (,ount'V f air . - Greater than the LE"" IS-f ARR fri sko; and AS MER(ILESS a s the Jap-c'hinese SL A UGh7 ER!
Come to the l ;AIRLEY hARDWARE DISPLA Y at the
Warren Goun~~y Fai for YO UR 7 ick et to 1his unusual F racCJrs
GRAh1 C,hEVROLE7 & SALES Phone 24
September 21, ·22, 23, 24
Fairley· Har
when ]011 coo" with
fow lI , ai n PCPllC!t
.( esg'yolks
L ( UP milk I cup grort'll dtces.
I (U P <ern 4 eSB wbiles
Leban on's high s.chool footl>8l1 J~lpa n, which i" a lready 'crowded iC OMon opens on Friday evenin\( with II population of 75,000,000, lisp. salt of th is week when ' Fra nklin \ligh has a bi!'thrate t>f 1,000'000 II A rom a nd ch cc:.e souffie Ch M the " 'h ole f~milr .. 111 ' ave nhoul ! J-/eo, b utler. oome!! ohe,re for t h e first of two Yl a r. nlllt flour, salt and pt'p,lCr. AtJd m ilk gradually. stirring tUIDliUlU Y~ umil ch kk. ~n m o s scheduled for this fal l. Th e Add gro rud chc\.'$c, nod sri r u nril melu...., . Pour over fhe Ih..'a le n t'S!C '(Ilk.!. Ad(] cor n and m ix welL Fold lids mixture lowly i m o (he sl iffly Ileat('n tlUI 'Whit~. .imc o f th ~ j!'ame is ight o'clock. Two third. of tte m ush r oo m~ Puur inco a .Ircll.,\eJ C8 a:. ... rol<."'. C!t )'.Jur Pyrofnx·M ugic Chef ()vt:~ Bt 32 S· Ilnd Built d ur ing the past su mmer, /lake for ~S miDu •.,.: Sene iDWle.Jlatel~ . Sen .,. 6. grown in this cou n t.ry nre ]ITOtheathl t ic field il11]1rov eme n t~ induced in an aTca neal' Ph iladelphia. cludes ' compl ete lighting ()quipTh ey . ell from thirty cents to $1 ment with forty flood lights 'pron p ound, depending upon the wea:iding a 60,000 watt i\l uminatio ll GUAaAN'ElO S U 'y' CI tlE YONO 'HI GAS ",AI N S ther and the- season. Th i.. area pro1f t he gridiro n .. COOKING. w.H R H £AflNQ • REfIlIGf It AII ':> N duces annually from t 6,000,000 to On the west si de of t he field, pel'manent stan ds ,have been erect- 20,000,000 p o und~i . ed with a seating capacity in e:xcess of 1,000. Add itional sea ts will 8 in(',e too winniing of t he yacht be provid ed on t he opp osite ide. racing cup by the schoonel' Arner::S:C: _ _ , F oll owi ng t h Franklin gam e, iea in the race abo ut the i Ie or Seiitembe:r 17, Leban On will play Wight in 1851, Elritish spol't!<mcn Monroe her e F rida y nigh t, October h av e- made f ifteen unsuccessful atl ; Oa kw ood here October 8; Sha 1'- ,1 t e mpts t o r egain it and have spe nt THIS SPACE CONTRIBUTED BY onville het'e Octob er 15; and Frank over $10,0 00 ,000 in th0 effort. Ji n her e f or t he . econcL time, obel' 29. The new telescope being erect£'d Mr. and M7~:-p~ L . Reason and at Mount Pal onull-, Calif ornia, wIll Mr. a nd Mrs.. Henry Hurw er, of be able to penftrate space to a ITo b~ used in advertising Church, Lodie, socials or Dayton , motored t o T enn essee 'and distance of 1,200,0 00,000 light sal es with no cost to organizations. A..hvill e N. C. , crossing the b eau- years i~ t he dis tance. A light year Just phone your advertisement to this office and tif ul and scen ic S m ok ey Mts. oV'er is the distanc(J I il~ ht will travel in say "Insert ,this ad in "Caps" s pace for . , . , . _ . , ... , the Skyline Drive. • one y'ear moving at a rate ' Of l B6. . .. ' . . organiza tion." Mr. J ohn Reaso n a nd mother, of T oledo, and Ecoise, Mi chigan, vis- 000 miles in (\ SE~col1d , ited the past week with Mr. and A n ew idea in mirrors i ~ to make Mrs. P. L. Reason and family. th em ~r o m pink t inted glass. Mlr. , --A-N~·swiR9 1. In Illinois on Lake Mie>h igan rors of th is kin d., are a.id t o give between Chicago and Milwaukee. flattering l' ef l~ t iio ns. , 2, A Ince making pla.nt. -r;3. Endeavor II and Ranger . ) 4 . Endeavor II. 5. He is the owner of the AmericAn yacht Itanger in the recent Ask l or a yacht race for Am erica's cup. 6. £ighty- ix years ago. AMISBURG PERMANEN 7. Chin.a, · CONCRETE I 8. City of Baltimore. Sell. Farm. and City Property Air S ..1 laurial Vault B. It is a bill to pel1llit the fedWrite. Fire, Tomado and Automobile In.urance For Sal OnlJ BJ eral government to OI1t1'ol through Conducta all kind. of clean auction ..Ie. inundate commerce walr\lS and YOUR FUN DIRECTOR Personal service backed by 25 years experience. hours of labor ill industry. Information gladly given. Call or write. ~ 10. HIs I.IP.... 7
P. E.
Mod ern Pyro{a" Mallie Che . .;ffges and e1enn, innanl-heating p yror"" Gas really make cookinll a pleasure. You have a smokeless, dr" w~ r · typtl broJler, an ,,1111),.,,1.& oven and clean, d og· proof top burners. }>r rorax , Gas Service can be fo,n • 00 mailer where you live. fn r JI) l ittle money. Equipnlene is ;n5fallL'd fo r only 9,75. and the lias itsel f COSIS 85 little 0' -l4~ ~r meal per person, C ... me in th is week and select , '0111' beautiru l, modern noge. • 8 .... ',11 dilh .. ""chaMling, 4f ;11 ...,,,..of tb. p . bulter 4 Ib'iI( Bour
o's t OU'c standin'
& SON Blanchester, Chio
F ~ur Big Days .. Four ,Big Nights Seotember 21-24 .
Wilbur N. Sears
Real Eatate • Insurance· Auctioneer
11. He wae kidnapped {rom the of' t. 1IlOther ia Chi ago.
Horse Show
Fast [' ace Program
Vaudeville AttractioDS
$2,000 in Pu~se~ Fair in 88 years of Warren WONDERFUL EXHIBITS County Fair History HUNDREDS OF ATTRA,CTIONS
each .night of the first Night
Sam Ething
of int :!rest to
ali, }- o ung a nd Old EVERY DEP'T., INTERESTiNG
SEPTEMBER 21,22,23,24 , Alwavs B,gger and Belter
Warren County Fair. D. W. BISHOP, Pres. ELMER S DJ
g Published we~kly in the interest of the social, religious, eCo.lomic lif~ of Miaroi Valley's foremost progressive c()mmunity The entire community joills in extending you a cordial invitation to come to this village Ke n tucky, ~ birt hdnr ~\Irpn"'l' III th I(1)' m ' of SHOWER .MI'. aillt ~II'~. Lou i,. nU rlon, ~(ln of a ha.ktt 11111111'1' ill hlllHlI' of JlII:s. - -1{ut h 1','rrningt'"1 h!! , 11l"'11 ~llI'nti 'h:nl"l< :11111 )Ii:.· L(\i~ Smith of Fryt"" IIl<>tll,·I . .\11'<. Jant :\1I~11 . 8l Jll l'~ . Ray ::;lIliLh (n e Vibt'I't), ill/!' t, few Ct.I)," wi1h h"1" I'tlH'l1t~. \\ hn wa s I\. tt'l1cht'r in the Spri nll lltt' lIenry PPllinl!'lOlI!<, 1>. fl'1't' ,11<' .'\'l'inK Ya ll t'Y nlt ' nti('d the l\1icnl Fllydll" 'Vll1t,. t'1111t1!l~". and Yost f:lI11ily ['('uniun in R lch' Iltm'l f"I),n'( Ihl' lJonH.-Ctiminlt Vall('), H igh Seh, 01 f or E\cvell ye urs K"'·. I,ad, 111 C" IIl'lfl' III Bt'l' t'{\, nwnll, I n,li:llltl, lit GI(' nn :'Ilil1'I' of S u ,nt' ('n,,'k ('hun:h lhil' ;-;u n- 1Ia." KiI'e n a mi>;ce IlIlJll'ous ~ howel' l'ul'k. 1'11,'1" \It n' '" lH·e ~ ('nt. 1(1;1)" l'l'P <milt' .. I!I, H:I"k t dilln('I' hy h~'I' f OI'I)Il'r )lIJpiI El, Tll('~(hlY evc. Th" 1'ri·Statl' rlub of tht' Ft'rry :llId nil ila~' "'I·\· I\"'~. All at,' ill-- S"plcIIII.H.' r 14th at the hOI11\' o f ('hI' Ch lHc h had tl social at the church yilt'd, !!rOOI1l pur nt s, MI'. lind Mr~. J ll(, ~OTARY PUBLIC F'i,II1Y ,·\'('I:ing, with 27 . pn'$('nt. Thl Ila,,, I<I Fil pl" ('"IIt'd at th(' Smith,'east of town on tho New :'11. .r .... c'l'h ::;mith ~tll ll\led with I." . tpr (;"1 ''''',.1 hUIll , .. n ."flturtinv Burling-ton P ik , N.tlon.1 Dault I' c \'. :lIld )1r~ . [-;mith a lew dllY~ "vl'l1in!!. . Th,'y recl'ivl'<L many u~ Cui !"ifts. "'lUI Dr.. .. n • • E ,I.I ... Settlec! III~L w "k. li e \la~ n his way MI', :111.1 ~1r ". Wilbllr Gilliland R('fl't. hl1lent~ in the ftlJ'm or 11 eov WAYNESVILLE, OHIO ., All PI'C!\(JI1 t Ihe W i~"ull~in Oniv(!rsity fl'o m hi "pent SundBY \\ith l\lr~. Ce,rn n'(I t I'r~ h W 3$ serve.... h Ill (> in AlleghC'ny, Vil·gini u. UU!'!..t' 111 \\·tllllinglon. wbherl l h em many happy Yl'ars t oS MALL ANIMAL HOSPITAL Th 'f Il m Rurtons nnd t ltl u~h~cr, ! T hl' I'(' W!l,~ /I SOI'l tll' impl'o 'm ptu A'ether. '_11-. and 11'1'8. llIiLh rc~id e Naomi. and Mrs. J nni e M ullel , fnntily n'uni(lll at tht' Smith ho me in Bl' ll1I o nt, ___ dn"'~ t,) Il nmi ltclll, Sunday, to cull 'n Fl' I'I~" Ft' iJIIY ,'veninI('. Two oI BLINID TOM W. O. Bowers, D. on MI'. and Mr . . R IlY Hart~oc k. :'l I t' .. Smith', bruthers and Lwo of Man y peo pl e a.roun d Wa yn l'!willc Sprin, ValIey, Ohi o Thl' L,:t('r G rhal'd:; mad ~('\'- hi~ ~ i s t l' rs W"I 'e then.' . They were: will l"cmemb I' Ste ph en Phillips l'I'ul .< "cial cull", Su ndny , cnllini!' ;\11'. and Ml'~. F, II . Smi h. and a nd his pacing ho\,,;('. Blind T om , (In th" r.r\'in P yper family, ~lr~. H'Il", OW(' n lind Cahin, Mi", Fran- 1n a n article i n The Enquire, SunF:nfil'ld Rlchlllnn a nd th' Ed~al' ('e: :-;mith, ~Ii. anti 1\1",,-. n ilWUI'd (\IIY. jL gave the story of an old Gt!1 hard,.. ;\1 , Rin : y of !'.l anins\'ill(', and Mr, h or!'l('~hoe WOI'l1 by this one tim(' lIlrR. IUI'I'IlCt! F.tz, h(' !' mothl' )', .)o"l' ph :-;1l1i~h, pacer, which i" treasured by on(' 1\11'''. OrLh and ,0 11, Donal d, 'spent 1\-1 r~, Tom B tl ' tllll and :'1ft". LiI- lI ur ry lark in his coll ection o f Lahor Day in Ol'lIe, W st Virginia li(' D (' nhnm \\ (:> 1' (, J layton " hoppcrR oddities, \\ ith Rnlph Orth arid family, !\lo l1day, Wayn esvill e can claim a b it of M I'. and Mrs. Ru , sci MUrl'ay and Th(, UCl'('HI1 la~s o f the F ' IT Y ftl nt e in conn c 'tilln with thi horSe L eb anon, Ohio f. mily aU'IHJ ed 11 birthday din n e.r C'hlll ch h(' leI thl.'ir elMS IlI l'o lin!!,1 and his ow ner'. S tep h!.'n Ph illip, Pr ~,entinrr the Belt 'and Lat •• t in ho nOl' of M I" 1!:lnrer haplin al Thlll -<lay, Icc CI'('1l11l and cake \\as I 'Wa l' a Wayncsville boy, one of ,I In h. hom(' in Dayton Sunday. ,"(!I' V{ d 10 Incll1?('r: ,/Ial'ge fnntily, and a very familial' Ml' Archie Kl ontz and dau!"hTh H O Ol l'· Ontlllg of the F CITY fiI!UI't" On OU I' stl' el~ until a fc" MOTION PICTURE I tl'I', ·~nni e; 1'11-, and Mrs, harles hUldr of hri~t will be held " " Iycal's a!"o. H e wu!' n lovel' alld ENTERTAINMENT F r)1(lllnd Ada B lie Frye attended ,'untlay, "t:'JJt~ll1b"l' :lG. Rus,.,cll'tl·ainl.'r of horse . :lnd c ul d pick Martin II ill bl' lhl' after ll on spl' uk lh('tn eve ry tim'~ .
Ferryisma .•.
til l
Y: M.
We Will Be At The Wa,r ren County Fair
W eeders, C ulti-Mulchers and Disk H arrows.
R. D. Collett , Spring Valley Grain & Feeds F or th e prepara tion of a high production E g.g
Don't T'l\ke a Chance
Dr John Zettle O. D.
we Lad k i!\" Mis io t1al'y met at the ~ 'I'll(' M. E. .hul'ch, Thursday aftenloon , , . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : Illlll i(' Bro wn, l-;Jl oke t·. Mr ~, 'y lvl's1A:I' FI' e man is vcry If qual ity goods, reasonable prices, and cour- .. ill at thei r homc on Cincinnati pike t e oua aervice are what you want, TRY north o f t own. A numbe r oI }leo pl e of the 111. E. l' r·. III the 70" tlhi$ hoI'. e \l'a own· hurc hes attended o nf e r e nce (It The f1ie~ are v ery bothersome a t d by a Xen ia l:'ivel'Y Barn , which thi, lilli e of year. LiLtie p ests! Bul hi re<l him out. Am ong those who Dayton, In"t w eek. MI'.i . Elltl Turner' vis ited her r ;';UPJlO~ Lh(y lire good fot' so m - dl'OY(> T o m was a nl'w.•,pape l· agoent rlnu~ht('f, MI·5. George P eterson, thing. \\ Ir o carried pa pc l'~ fr III Dayto n Sun da y. who lives n ell r WaynesIfel'c .cume.,; ."Bllg'$'·, my hn.lf to X e nitl. n undays it {'cms a vile. goro \\ ~1 InitC>1l With n. Rne I'ing ex- race w.as o n to • (. which a~en t MI'. and l\11'~, T o m Walto n of , . SPRING VALLEY Phone 4 X pr{'!<~lon , cuus.' d by hI ' hav in g l o~t could mllk e th e t ow n first, but a fang when a hon1<'I (,81< E\tray \ ith , the pap rs w elr ~ brought in by Pi'ovide nc e, R. I., !l nd M I' . and Mrs . ('Iso n W e av e)' of Kan ~as City, all the. wo l'ld hi" ene my. But hi.' Blind T om first e~ry t ime. Steph-,eXpII.'SSI(l~ bllli S his true ~elf, be- on l'hillip$ bou~ht thi~ fast s tep- l o .. who hay!' been vio<iting' their uncl e . J90 mit.h anti fllmily ca~t 'auS\: he IS rally affcctionate . per ;1'01' a s mall sum and being a of to\\-'"1l nnd othe-r l'(,lolati in " , A nd, nO\\' I had bHtor stoP . but t ra ine r, he dl"ove th'e hOI'*" which I 11 bl'lng you ~ome more g OS>'ip he. aft.el· name d .. Ie py Tom" X nia and Dayton r etul'll .d to t h eir ho mt' las t 'rhul'sday. n ext \I c k, And, aft r, a fE~W races, Phillips ' l\h. and M I"S. H a rl an Hadg1ey, MI'. ' ;l1d 1\'[1'; L il7iey M~~att, of friends who had laughed .at him be-' Mr, and Mrs. W. E. Ale xanel' and Dayton. and M r. alHI ~h·s .. GCorge gtln to reali ze that he was out fol' Marla tt enjoyed a trip through big tllOn ey, On,e race wa s s aid to daught ~, Betty, attended a DemKe ntucky, last unllay. ha ve ,had a $15,000 purse. H is re- ocrat picnit', at M e dway, Ohio .. un d ay. Mf'. and l\fr~, J ohn Ry e s pent eO.l'd was 2.12 * , "All th e race The Mi.· ' S Emma and Osie unday with Mr. and 1\11' , Elto n tracks were familiar with Stephen ali:;bury ntertaineu, unday, Eva n~ a n d daughter, Marjorie, of Phillips, hi s high wheeled su lkYH, SPECIAL CASH PRICES n ar X nia. and his h OTl*, 1 epy To",. The M r". A lice Mc In tire of N ew Bur· Miss lara Daug hte rs i spend- stol'Y ill Sleepy T om perished in ling ton and Mable M oon, Spring School Cookiea Box ............................................. :.15c i ng a fow dnYB with relative in a Stable fire after he was too 010 Valley. 2 lbs Premier Cocoa ....... , ~ , ... . . , , .. ' , ......... 19c T,ho AnnUJ11 \lo me- o ming will Dayton. til race. 38 oz. Jar Libby'a Apple Butter ......................... .. ... 15c be held tit the Perl'Y Church of Mason Jar Caps ....... ........ ..... .. .... doz. .. 23c hl'iRl, Sept mber 26th. Giant Size Oxydol ................ " ............. .. ............. , 59c Mr'. A . R. :aarton and 'on Howard hay b e n at P etosky, MichFresh Corn Meal, pound ...................................... .... 05c igan for thl weeks. Mr. A. R. 24 Iba. O'Brien Flour . .. . , ... .. ...... , ' ' .' ..... 79c Barton is much impl'ov d :from As2 lb. Jar Pefknut Butter ..... ..... ... ................... ........... 27c thlima and hay feve r, They had 8 NOW Read y for sale 25c and up 1 lb. Our ' Special Coffee ...... , . , , .. ... , , . . .... 19c nice f i.; hing trip. A spec ial whil e t hey Inst Ilk and "Irs. Ralph Eagle and 6 Rolls Toilet Tis ,ue .....................'...... .............. . 25c Tw ? ~jnk , on white, and one I'ed fol' ,. $1.00 SOn of Cincinnati al'e vi s iting their 6 Boxea Diamond Matchea , :... .................. 25c - \ ISltOl' W e lcome, WritE! for price listpal' ent~ , Mr. and Mrs. Ray Eagle, 5 oz. Jar Dried Beef ................ ....... , .................. , . 19c 1\11'. Pau I Franks a nd ~ i stel', PhiOur Meata are of the beat selection. When you pass Ii!~ , M l.;s Ann ette Boyc of DayWAYNESVILLE, OHJO Phone 16R4 us by, you loose money, ttln w N C callel's at thc Sim s home
Ma sh, the re ia no supe rior t o MASTER MIX 34 per cent Mash Conce ntrate.
'Peony Clumps
No F eeding Program is sound unless use of home grown grain s is include d .
TRY p URMASTER 32 per cent ,
Laflerty PeODY Ga:rdens
1 1i~~~~~:!~~~~~;;~;;;;~~~~~ii~~;;~;;~ s~u.n.d~~.y. .e.ve.n.iNn~g~.~~--~-----
with your own Grains and you w'ill be delighted with
the resulb.
We Are .O ut For Customers Thi's Means You
H ARDWA R E &; IMP L E M E NTS E 9!lR3 Wayncsville, 0.
S ",E
Copsey's Grocery SPRING VALLEY
DanCing Classes'
Now,Beirg Formed Tap -
Chevrolet Sales & Service
Toe -
Ballet _. - Acrobatic
Don't Miss Our Big
Ballroom Dancing\ and Depolrtment
Under Personal Inatruction Of
I f' fl Jl\ f, ,,; h . ... ct
Reaaonable Tuition
Even ing
Conv.!nient Paym'b
P hone 132R2 fol' further details
1 1. S.
1\. )""
Dayton and Springfield
It Is Time For Winter Accessories To Make Motoring More Comfortable
Barker's Drug Store
W ith a complete line of Dunh a m Cuitipackers, Culti-
MASTER 40 per ce nt Hog . -
Mr. \ Villiam Hollin"'sheard, who Miami Valley Llo ~ (lital recov erin~ " Ita:; bet'n very ill h ll." r ecover'd flom II vNy llel"ioul:l op nltion Mr. Lawl'l'nt'l' na vis anel fam- nk"'ly th/lt h e Clln be ~e(, 11 on the wh ich she ul1el.'rwe l1t last 'I'Plu .,il y an d muth ' I:, l\1.r~ , Dl'1lu IJ.uvi ~ ~ lt'ec t8 occa sionally . day, nf SprinA'fil, ld Wl' re .'undtly gu osts MI" and Mr~. He rbelt Holund N' ... ~. [{ uy Kl'ug' who baR bern (I f Mrs. Fl(lt'u Buckle.'. of j)ayto ll , Mr. and MI'.". I.;nwl·cnce co nfin e d tu h er home is IIble Lu Il ,' MI'>'. 'Martha Smith r ctul'ned I Ba r1 e~ .a nd !Ions were Su nday vis- out. helllW, TU ls!lI1Y eV{' n inA' aItel' a t- iton; of 1111', tlnc! MI'''. T'{'l'ry W ~Uer Fnl;:;-k ]A'M-;yJ;:-, l.)I'riv('d homo 1>< fl(l ing C(l nf~ I'(' nr l' at Dayto n, ton thi El week-cnd. Frieluy Il f\.,('l· s lH'nding I,he pas t Lhl'l'l' ~h (' \la~ II \L"i tol' oj: Mi ss Lul\Ir~. L l1wl'e n l'e Si mm (nee Edna three OI (l n th ~ with un Ol'elil'stra in lu ' cll(>r~, Suttel'lh\\'uilc ) o( Da yt on is in l\Iichi g nn . The SprinA' ulley linn ry quits .$ \\ ot'k t he mi ddl e of t hi ~ wee k. · l\1 i,,~ Mary KY III' of Hamilt.o n is R)1l'l1llil1g- h ' I' vacatio n a t t he hom e • • • IIf her p!lrC'n t,". MI'. Illitl l\1I'A. ByYour ..,.elight il t oo p rec iou . 10 take n e e<lleu ch a n ce•. ron Kyn;:. The m o,1 da ngerou. th ing a bout eye.t rai n Ie th a t the d• .ma.e M1·. and Mr~ . J . T . Walton enm~y be done b efore you realize it _ . l c rlainl'd t heil' chi ldren of DayH ave an eye exam'inat i'o n to.d .y. It is a blotul ely free . Y ou Mr'~, Sara h Wa t~on visitt"d h e r .:dRLer and 'a mil y, Mrs. l3{.'n R l'ed, owe it to your,e l f to !liVe thil m u c h ti m e to you r .irrht. of Norwood , hio, $ II llliay. Gla .. ". will be p rescrib ed o nly when need ed . M r, and Mrs. Hobel't {}UNlfY are >r n n~uncillg thl' bil·th of a dllUghle I', btlln W ('(l n~'s dny, ~cpt mba/' tlth. )pc n Every Day from 8 A . M. to 6 P. M . Mr. "nol M r~. R()y It'O n R of Iyde Sa turday 8 A . M . t o 10 P. M . Ohitl , 'isiee<i with' Mr. arid Mrs. S. 19 N. DROADWAY LEBANON,OHI J . Will('nbul'l" a nd r cturn 'lI home SPRiNC VALLEY N E W S
Sta rt Sept , 22
- Fertilize"·-~ •
as 'YOtl d.rilf in'
FRIDAY & SATURDAY Attend InY hour--either Fri · day or Saturday-fi ll out " Eligi '
blllty Card"-be . eligible to w in
Comple t e ly Inatalled To Give Maximium S ATISFACTION Hot Water H e atera which will make yo ur Ruto~ mobil comfortable as home on cold. winter days. Defrosters whi 'h will giv you maximium safety \\'hl'n snow and sleet block vision. '- Avoid (.o~tly areide nt!> with this moder ate priced devic ' . Radio6--- \-VI' offer you a selection of two leadi ng tn , k : for ~'our automobil 0 .1' ho me-.-brin g in you!' favorit • stationR and programs in clear hrilliant ton); 1 hat. a);sure yo u of max im ium I'l1joymt'l1t whC' l·cver you are. Automobiles- Nt'w, mod~'rn, the Chevr olet is t he only {'omplctc :-;m~llIl'a r-a~k fQ r a dem onstra tion today. Lihera l trade-i n allowa nce and terml! to nt'\\' (,lIr huycrlI. And , d on' t f org et our t' ('r C re offer d, in good condition,
arg ilu.
Distilled Oil f 'or ,Modern .Motors Xo~r modern mot? r iS,b uil t with J!rr eat precision
- It
close ly m achIn ed a nd t ig h t ly f it t ed . il m li st keep it moving safely at hi g h sp eed. It must be k ept clean or it w ill w ea r. . IS
lIavo li n , beca use it is distilled, f orms no injurious . carbo n- distill ing leaves impurities out of lIavo lin e a nd kee ps y our motor clea n.
Tfa\'o lin e is offer ed you by your local T exa co Dea le r a nd , by patroni zing Texaco stations you ca n , t our t hrough out th e entire county with the 1lRiWra nce of a cl ean motol' at all times. '
Jerry's .Service Station
"They "Gave . Him A 'Gun" FIVE
JOHN DEEREV AN BRUNT FERTILIZER GRAIN DRILLS In one trip over the field the John DeereVan Brunt FertilizerGrain Drill pulverizes the . soil, drills in the ' seed, drills in the fertilizer, and covers both seed and fertilizer. You save fertilizer-all is placed within reach of , the growing plant". You save time and seed. Come in and inspect this better drill.
.. aLar fore.. r....de handle aU kln4. of oomm ....dal r...-
and Um. III de.trod quantlq. per . . .. tUt..r
.... al .... up to If a Y. .. R _ or _
htt.cll .
.. Qu.llt, Clolutruo,toD throll4fbout for ...... , d....... -
able ••nt...
Spring Valley Hardware
anb t!tb t
By the Men' un the ~ t,'n l Stepa
1'11'11 'Ill . :rllil ,d, l'})" I diu!' u ntilt' ii i. adv:tlllul{c "I' IHlVllIg ~ll l"aY lIwi.· [111'<'(' ,'uch II t'. k \\ lifo! h!'1 1I,.,y f l" I like it (II' 11l1l. ~I (~ I tln~ Oil.: pl.' " it' Iht,y hil U "1 " 11" IVl'.l< cUll ~o {lIT in 1\ ('0 1'11. I' UI d k." ,p " Ill I unlil lh "11' " "' lIml ~ l'lrit!< lind I"''' I'('luln" , hill 11ll' Jll'l',,('h er und t ltt ,'ditlll' hnl., t(l 1"'II<iu cc cach ".'d, lI n ~dwdul . \\ h (,t h." lIH,y' r cl , hi ) h" " r "1,)\\,". tl l' l'
t-.:ilthty-J i n lh Year
Wayne.ville, Ohio, Thu.r.dlllY September 23, 1937
n ms
Whole Number 6292
PlanG~. l MARRIAG f IS
nl1 ~w l
, l'o l l. allel '" . EI111'1~ )',1 r III' t~lIit(, a li llll' eXl' it mNtl wa., \\ a~'I1("\'illo, Oh, .. , :11111""",'( d lilt' I <lU .1 NlI'I' '''' ''\\lndny mlll'lling by mil II iu~\' of 111t'lr d,tlcr' I', II' HI', III It'(llnl LIlIL II mi1n IIU: lyiJ\~ to I:u, ,) I> "'II lt' IIf F, It'l ' . Oh i .. , I.~' ,Itt II Ill d ., i.ll' uhoul u milt> ~()ut.h T i,. II ,ddlll~ lin , .. II)II1i7.,·" al r ,"\\1" lplIlI invc.-lig·atilJn, the :l :11 1) ,,'e1l1l'k, 10'1 itillY :IiL III II,,, ,lIan 1\ :,. f"und III he (Icad , H e -'(·plt'11Ih •. ,. I n. a II,.. hOIlI.' III H,·\,. .1 h,·"IIl!.h t til ;\1 C1l1l'c'~ but la 1.l'I'I' ) ' Wilkin " ;\h1111 lilt, (111 1), I I n, 1"' ln~ i<i"lltifil'd liS Arthur ,.Y 11-, r,~, a waL' vc l(,lan of Kings Th L' l',luldl' IH'I'v al(l'lI,kll h,I' ,11 "1-. Th' h u ,I~' \\'".~ ,'emov('r1 to ~Ii c.,\lul'I.!::.ll·l'l PI ' 1'1 "nd MI'. I. hUlIl) l1 and IHlI'i[lI Wll ~ mad e I\'l< I ~ ' clJli- in a "d III (Jlhl"
FJ'Ilnk madt, quit"" tl'ikinl:
npPLlIlIlIH" at Lhl' W'1I ' 1 n C(lllnly I"lli l' tlli,- " 'l k aK IhLY ~ tep"cd (ol'lh il l I,I ight. 1"'11, IIl1if"I'I11', 'fh , , uil~
l\ll" -(',' ur " I thb I'lI , L \\(lc k
:tnd l,llY I' add"d "wt ,d' d l y tu h'lntl' ~l
1I 1'1"':\I'Ul1 l·('.
\'1111 i,1s Ill' whil tl nll '(- I '~ , wIth a "1:\1'11 nnd ',J'I\n ~~ ('OPI', 1"1'1> " I \\ilh II 1.0 PJly nil', C.!I'I :,iug' II", high ,,·hnIJ1'~ i;"ij."lIi/l. lL hu' lIel'n ~aioi t.~' ,I n (,ll~' ]1,','1 that " Ilid ividually nd I'o ll( 'll\ ('I~', thl'Y hwk, Iikl' a l1t1lli"11 d"llal' . ."
MIl), PI' A, K , I)I\Y v. n ~ i Cl Ci ,whflLlti . l'luly ll -ill \\ ('k cllnfl'l;ng .with lIw 1<'101cltll Aulh ll l·it.l·, havin)! thAI' t' of (hi' JOl'1l1 't'\\{'l a '.' P I (lj ct. II hwh hat! 1.1' 11] . LIII'LI'd "1' ve I'll I nH>lllh ~ a!!11 hili 1(lh'ly h, ltl lip "ilh I;U infol'mat""1 )!,ill'n Ih(' citr BUlhlll tLi ,·~, 11 ,,\\,.,\,,[ , :\11', Pay l,tul'Il 'd h'n · 1I11h n.urtl'C~ fr oJll th(, ('lJ}eilll 'u li Jlt ~ll'I~t Ollie thllt "he WnY lli' l'iIl(' 1" <"; l't \I{,lIld lip l'Ilal'l l'd, l'!O!J('i' l <\. Thc'. l'lt ~' lIulhm'iti\'" han. 1\'l, .. ked Innl{ :tnd hal'tl \111 th (· ma( H' .. und a l C ~ Ll'il'in~ to pu.' h the -'-Wl' I'aKC )lroj. ct A l'E."all I' r Lhi, fll,PCI', who WI\ R to ,U('~l". fill CUllci u:o:ioll a ,' 50011 as in th tl nl cc ye tenla-y, said that pOSi iblc.
m()mh e r~
of n rumily lhat qual'. I'd IIb(lut whl!th l' th Y II ill lake
light or clu.I'k mcat IItC too w~ll fell. In lIw oj)inion of th i. render if IInr
11 rl" ~ llnothcr WilY I look nt il: While it is tnlC I hat Lhi ~ ('lI untry has n sil.cnb l(, nution.ul ,Icbt, \I I' 11:1 ~till n grclI't dt',ll tt \' IT lhon m d, t o[ th oth r nati ons of lh e II orld todllY. 1'h ' cl(J; o r Ol1e I k s nt 0 na.tuTal,' ' Lb Ulor b uUfully it i Ilnd the rrl(:rre cl o~ ly one looks into nn II.l'tificill l ro"-C tIl(' mOl' ('vi .l enL iLll ort iticiolllty b r' omts, T ho !lame lhing may he :'<lid o[ (al s
i,.'r r'cn ll y hunll'lY ' Cola n \Jock g t or 0 !'nJoytnl at, o ut.h of n c k. .
'far~~~ilfor tf RS. flURfNGt Rev. Dibert L MAR fUN ERAL W[O.
1\ l'kOfl'a s l eg i~ llllut'C bccome~ a IlIw llie rcjuvcnlltiOIl of l11ull's loy Lrode,,, will be f orbltld n. All lhe (Jl.1 tl'ickl< ,- uch ~l' filling old t ~ cl h , dyeing' gl'ny huil'!l, a nd covl'l'ing lip hl l'lI1 i ~ h c::<-, t o mnk~ Ihe mul e look YUlIllgel' will b (> out, The purpose i ~ t(l I'l'o t ect t h e umluspeclillg mull;' buy('r. It i .~ , tilll )1;ru in A rknn "a~ 1'0 " n women 1.0 Wl'lIr f n l:>.c t lth, dy ' he)' hair nnd COVl' r up llny lind jill hl c llli:-;hcs ner.C81<IlI·y to nab! hl'l' t o foul ~ me I\'ui l c l ()~s llnd u n~ U . I> eli ng man,
lJl hi",
SE"-,ERAGE,' PLAftl1 DC 1. 1
a. hill n OI\ bl' fUl' l' lh
I t1
Mil\; Mrll y A 11"11 htl~ tlJ'Jruniz 'Il c1o~: oI ""out l5 liLlie r()lk~ of
I"'c+ehc.ol ng~.
lI t: ad l(UUI te ..·· l\ill in th<' BenI~y Flat , A nil' "( illJ!' I a hd.! I, , L Fridny of the m o t.hel' ~, L'v, !II . R J1h orJiv('I , Su el "i" m' o f H creal-iOn
o \V
ti l!. , wa." prc!len t. A.n d· .n Illllll1it, t " Qf .1 ..>" r:th~n rone , MJ'~ ,
\ le w or Ihc 11I: l'I'Jl II I:011:1 1 sel'tJon of I:;ha ll;:hn \ after a ibombing from t he s ky by Chinese p\t1I1CS, Ruins 01 lhe Ca.th:t } Il1lcl all.' ~(,:'n, tiS n . l ' S\."~'!1 ol'er t he bomb d arl''' , With bomh :lrdnwnt from Japan C War' ships in the \ ',han~po o rivcr. u ll lo id .. ma t;c Wil c used in Ih naUve scctlons or Ihc dty.
• •
• !
OIfD fRIDAY PL'n,lll'toll IJIJun', age 70, III cd
GV llc l'.. 1 1I t1~pltal, 'inciJllllli.i , Ohio, Frida~' 1 i. :h"rt , (' I'vi
hdd at Miami
, ~h,nd uy,
Duce Launches Another. War hip
day • .'vJllc'llIb
r a,l
V,I>l!1I (,(
--- ------
Mot.h.:l',,' ' Jul> rill' thi · ill 11(' held !'lob"I' I , a t
HULD REUNION • un' iay, " ' )lll'lllhCI 1~l1h , nll', u .10 ml'lIll) I '. lIf the G IL!lll)n, ram"} l!l·t il l thl' h , n,t of ,John and WII , I L' d G IlJblJn ~, -1 milt'N n<" thea l 01
a ')
!-ucial Lirn~
l1Ien")cl' ~
-- ...
MI" . ,J e.!;' H .I'll1all ('!lINt;lInl'(1 ,t dlllll l!l', Snnday, :III. nil" ,\III!< , 1.
cptcm bN' 2!J, A nyn ne having- vegf Ilny kinLi t,hat they can iVL', p!eo,'c .. ' ntl th e· in in, We lilM "lilt \\ nlllt' n lo h ~ lp, and iI you ,W Ve a COU" 1'VO cook r thal ' w e ""y ·u ,~ plc'I"(' hlin" or. nd it in. II d on utillllR li nd h('lp ·will be ~l)
LI lJ;l ~ k, t (lcri(Jt.tI t o 11Il!. I next Y'llr with M,', alld ~I l's, Bl' I't Jl ll l t· .. k, lh l , l-t' ~"1111 'umlllY n •'()1' mb r, Aftl'"
dim,( 1'.
rc ,1 to atLen d . BOll>L Lhe 1\1 thvr.-' lull. ' Lhll'e II ill bl' a n all day c nnning L thl' II. H, Bu ild ing, Wetincs(lay. tuL lel'i
l:l~llhl ook,
The tlllJnth
~I nd
da uj!hl"r>l an ,l
-~ -
1\:1'. nr.d 'M n., I ~,n ls t Jhll,t.s IJck nit I' ""H'd, Sun!lny, in hl, nor of 11" , 11 ,)1 I IIe k '" t1l tl lhl'1' , Mrs , II. E. ["k l' ~ h il'thd'l)l. 'l'hOllC [l)'e;\cnt
•\ 11', untl MI". ,\1 I' jl lill ~ ky. of Cin- '\ ('11' ~II· . anrl ],1 '" , II. E, :lukes • ,II'; fIlld ~It,,,. ,f o hn I, Iron and fam ~Inn!l ti, MI'. and M r.'. I 1'111 I "VI, of y, 0 lh,yfull, l\!t.. alld MI's. lIll Jay111n all d l\In'. ,J 'an tt;, !:ll o eh, lu nh am and fAmily of Lelianon, Til" 11('\\ h( l!Ie .. I' Al,'. :lnd Mrs nd !\ 1', :Hld ' I~·.' . lIcllnnn !'ul'il1Cc
R ~_O
. Ionlll d H a<l"y j- fa , ! h.c·')ll1il1l! U ' lId (·"lily alld 11111 hL' quill' all n<l-
IItlOIl L,) lnat pa:t of LI)\ln.
' '''1. BIRTHS
Mr, alld
l\lr<, C l yde Flank I I ill\ kl', ',f' Ci n ci nnnli t n- ihll l ',. Thtlr dny, ~"I'll' mb e r 10. II "Il r acy .- eliI': II " on fl 'l" IV ' 1'.lly ~ 11t'l\t lilt! W('C k-l' l1 (t iLt ~0J1. j!la\'l'l. hilUml' a ll'\" IIhieh kept.: Young ~fal'till i,; a g'l'llciua l(l o f hOlll e, M,'. 'If'll .\11 8, Win >ton lin e lhL' CIII' Crull! going IOVC)' II (J font I llllCl\'j lle ll iQh l'kh r ol Ilnd i' F,'iday , 8:(10 J', :\1 ., n nin!' pound ,.mhu nknwnl. Tlt e car wo.'- J11'~tl~' :rlCOW alt" nding lh ., rlt1(' inllltli B ible .T . /l a \\k c :~nd , 1.. J1a \\' I-<' boy. IUI!ly d:lll1aj!ld buL the' C upollts','t?min:lI'Y, li t' \\ U~ ('l\g'I){(·t! '(lIflll!; "t.' I'C \'i · il "l'~ ()j' D ... II lI d )\11'.. uf Ih L• Cll l'; 1\11 " 'f Illey (JIlti h l! I h' pa t :,umlll. 'I' ill cll ntluc(i llg I:ul l' h Valltl' ull Ia ~l Sunday, , E A STE RN STA R NOTICE · ~I(lthe ... in-Iu\\', L a wl'l'nct' Trncy, nH'!'lin)! lit J.\ l ninth)" Old<) m ,d MI'. ulld 111 .. ", ft lllll'" I1l1mh) an" Th e I'a ~l 1\11 LLtrollS I\nd Past P ow ~ .. c un h urt. 'fh ... ucc id ~ nt hUPr " n- lnd i.. na llnd i> !failillg' pl'omin- funtily, i'11. and ;\1, >. l~ tI HI\llIhy tl'lIn',,; :il' ,It, of t.h" Tw Illy-Jt'IL'st ctl nL'ar the tlam, ell('c ft ~ U !'pl'llk ,· t'. Mnny 11t'1l)'1l! tlnll L inda L/(' qlll'ni ,' 1I11 11ay a( fl'um thi " ·,m~n u!llty aI" Jlltlnninl! Lebanoll, Ih., ,l!lll'.,b " f ~ I I' , und D istrict \\il1 holrl the Third Annual I (I att l nd th,' l'''L'JH to I ,'a I' lhc 1\1 1'" .In n 11('(' SIII11' "I1 I1 , Aft"1 nfilln nl!w ling at Subin a, l~riday, Od<;tl tn' l , J U37, in t,hl' J\1{l ~() nic Templ e. vutlng ll1ini ~ t('C. (' u ll c l'S \\0) 1 Q MI ~, 110m I' St;hmidt A CO"~ I' etl d is h dinn er at 12 0', tllld QIr:. 'lan le )' Cllll'k of Dayton clul' k. IUI'f'ullY _. ..
nJortllllt( .
"he 1I11 ~ lit l\"Ing 10 wOl'k, i l'> . . lI pl'r" k' Id II h
01'1' 1'
i'lI I', and :\'1 n. Wall e l
, ~~L wen'
Olli ... l\I[ll, on, PI'C ~ . Ora. Wic:al, Secr e tal'Y
-1 M- - hi
"io;il.U I" aL li ill, I)O lO aml L ynCh- I 1\1 Jl ' kJ d q eOJ gc W:--;:O;;-~ died of pn eu IHII'K, O\l!1' ~untlay. . I', ane . r~ . or ('!'; . In e o~ monill ilt th e ag of 76, at hi , hnnw j)ullald WII ~ hl of Hllm)lto n, OhIO in L chall ul1 laH Fdday, He \l'a ~ a.t Ml's. J" I'l,J o llin of :;; IJlllgncld fwor e dinne l' gue:t~, S1I1nday, or A );'1<01 i"l):; ti llY anti !l pl'l'fl' ,' l h o. nn e tim ~ a pl'o minent buyl'1', IftIY· l'~!l l1wd ... the Il'lolcy,Bcl'un re, Wl\ ~ a ~aturtlay a nd 'U/l(\IlY _, uc st,MI', lind MI S, Allam M 1I0h and ing driven many c 'l ttlc 10 incill' uniun tl "I'r), lIU(;('(" 'I'ul (Jn~.· A- 01' Mr" AI11 ()s MCl1(knhal1. family,
noli lI'olkill!\" both
rOllk ~
I","t !I I att entll'd the ):atherinA'. .II'U>, also 1\ familill l' fi):;ure aroLl nd Ilh ich II1lS h~J" III th " ho m of t.h e Fail' Gl'o ul1d ~ at Leh.wo n nnLl 1\],," . Will ia l1l }I IHllil''n.
1 Ilmc Brown,
M I', a n d M n rvi ll o GI '~IY ·"I'nl M r. lin d ' M r sM Y l'on 0 . Th 01\1· , . , unday WIth Mr. ant.I Mrs, Rlv"el a !\};lllnt unday WIth Mr. and Mr'& N I d d ht Sh 'rl K t Eo L Th eo an aug CI', I ey ., 0 • omos, Cincinnati. .
1!1l:\)I'alitlll I'lunnl'd
It lh.· F l'Il')' Churc h Ijf Chl'I Rl. 3 rnil,. ntllth Ilf 'W llyn<:.\,ille nn 'un-
Mr. and l\1r~. A. ]f , Stubhs and ).[!,,< , Willia m 'Oll' l11;ll1 \1 '<'1' 1.' ()llll llUU fl, T u ~d ay ,
d .. "at(,
lilOlHfHS CLUB 10 Mf.tT OGT.l
c I'ening.
1\11, ~cs Annie a nd
11 !!1 (-
Mr. and MIt·s, CeolTeta, of Day, 't d M I' S ,F' annte • Cano· th F en), we1 , W cdn c"dllY call 1',< of VI) e , .
Hu ·,,('1 I.. ~i arli n, 'O il (, I' MI'. and • :\ I I~. F. T. :\fm in, 't-nL nil\,', \I ill • Ilt, \ " Jll'illl'iplIl " lwukl' l' a thc
Mr, a nd Mrs, N, A. King of I n. di u nal)oli ~ .spent t h e w e k nd with ~rb, udlL'll Elliott and ;\11'" Mr, Ilnd M rs. Wal ter Elzey. May \Vi1l >1 m ~o n. o f cntcrvillc, 01~o Mi!l!;l. Kntl' and m ill Elliotl 'Of
g iven u
iI." g-iv
"' lllll'lal -(,I'~kl'~ \\ ' I'e h('ld, \V ed '''',day, Ill . ~1('f ' lurl"" FUIlHOI 1I <l1ll(', 1',", :'11 r~. I+'l lJ l'(' nce I.e lUI', \I hu dH·d al I)Uylo!l. lH o llday, ::il'pt. ;,!l), aL I ItL' :lg(' of Ii I Yl" I'S, She WIlS lhc \lllhlll 'It' L(l \I I'\'n e L 1al',
l'1I1lmlil'HIICI' 1)('~JI('nk in' t,hl ' ap, the I'ude Buildin~. Th e hu , inl';.· ~ \'l<' inn is 'n:ted ,I't'cial i',n 01' the 'HII' k \I hirh th('y IIl't' dun ' during- the Jln, t ,·("ht al 2 :00, Mi,<s 'alllpbell'H !u.~~ " i I I!I\'C a , hul PI'(\~IIl Il\. All 1.11' u r ,'em, in Lh e ll1illi ~ LI')' hel'("
Balla l-d W a ll ilec and CCOIj~C II n family nnd WOn Hartsoc k Yi~itf'll kl c arc vis itin g in New York City. LIt, El'lan gN', 1\ li t 11 ky, nlul'day
U ~ L~ . t\ ~ h," "ltlj1:11l111 II II thl' Ut'tL'I'IH),lll und li1 l •
Ill! fnnlll~' \\ a ~
Hcv, Ull" 1\I1' ~, J ohn Lacy and A/lr' T a lwo n,(m t h' , v,lcation t'UIY' I ' Y of r ur childt'L'n m oved i n- ' lIetil'ilil', of th c ' Vumnn' I< AuxiJi~ to till' i'llethod.i :<t P ar,o nog',c la I. II al ), o( t~, e .EpiECO ll ill Chul'th \\,~I'C T u~,dll )-, t(ll1l m~ f"om Elmol'c rc'unlC'd lh,s ml)nth, Lh(' fi)'~t I11 tclOhiO, Whl'r t lwy IILd J<,u in chu ! ch ing hdllg beld at .... <.' hum' of MI ~, and eDll)munity Jif(, 101' • el'el'.lIt E. L. T homa., \I iLh j'ift~en'II1 \'l1l b I'~ Yl at·" P l'l\'iuu~ to the Elmore pa ~ - rn ~ t111. tnt at ~ , Hl'v, L"cy "<'II'I'd on (' o f (h(' Th t, hll~lIIe~ ~C" i (II) ' ' '1 f ' Ilol\'D It~l l(ln chuT'rh(' :; fnl' II perioJ o f I [0111' ycn r~, H " (\1~(l Ht!Tved in the III I,y a" ('XC ' lI l' nl p r o, Ttlm , nflc'l') "hith thl' ho.-l","s ,.", \'t'll I " nl'n nl. IIIL ;.ionlll'Y fledd fo r L\\ ell'C rl'ar:.
to n
h Eli/ PAS10R ARR/\,ED
K:~tl;- :l" ~C~~I~'~l~\:~~~~I~ \;'~~III ~'I\I,~i~:~),~~ ~~
M yer' H yman IIttendod a f ll n < raJ of a friend at ; incinuti, Ohio, on W edn esday.
· At Ferry
:IWill Speak
FALL FE STIVAL Next w~ k'. i£ u 01 Th .. M iami Cazette 'Will cllrry complete PI' ~ram 01 the Fall Fe,ti val, which this newsp a per, with the 8 'd and a s,i.I .. nee of l o,eal bu , ineas m nand orgatl i%:iltio n s, i, opon l Or;lIf1' ,
D ibLl1: was in clJarJ'c, Mr, Doane l ived hel'c Sf'V,:,1a l 'ylI~ri ago, H e wa.- a brothel' If )tl'~. Bullinger r n('llf OreJ'oniu UNd. abu or the lut!: Lalrl1yt ttl' HCI'.
_. - - -- - --
MI' ~.
Ilihl'lt I'I'l lI ehl't1 hi, farc. \ III Ke 1I11 () II ill I Ii" Itil'al ~1. E. (' hlll'th I:l"t :-;unduy lIHiI Jlin ~, Th It'1I1 b"1 ~ "I' Lltt ellu t I h ailt! I" I '''lt a l t't'i"IHI., }Ill ,I.. " lhl' i1udilUl iunl I e. l"m ~lly to III t LLl'i1' faithi'ul mi "LL' I a- It" -1',11\(, Ij , "lc t'wly, ll"t, Iyln~ IhuL It,\j!II,".pay. III '\'1') life. _, El Th . dnllch 11I'1 d II 1\11,l\\>· h · p lilllll'l II ilh Ihl ' lJ JIi'Il> II, Iwnul'l:t! RL I',
Woltu' Rh,·(,hun, 1\11'''' Hal' Id EMn " I. • lItIL'I'U" nitc te ~ th. II I'" :lPPlIillll'd ttl 1l1'1':tJ'I!'C ' th l' ph ~ LO lit, 'III'ail'l] out hy Mi Hc\'. L a l y Ita.- nil A I' catl er of this I)aplr pl'l'tlicts All e n, ,,'hl) a t i l ' ' clI l'd floll! the I .. d in g --- LOCAL \'JEWS th(l~ lhc ,nmHlian ~OVl'rn m nt II ill I Jll'olo 'ie:lI ~" ho"1." <H Id ~o fOllle ~ I. "ilUng t o l'('lU l'l1 lil l' Dionn,' Cjuilllup i l!'l lo th ir Pftl' li t , withMr. F, B. 11 , n lll'J' un !\l IS. 1.. thl! n('xt y~a r DJ' ~o , 0 1' n ' ""o n I'yn TUI'II I' a nd ~() JI , :\l lltll'\\' , "I.. t "11,1 11111)'.' !lU I I l' l' t.o \c(td in the I'el i ~iou, fiR t h y hpgin a , king qu es tion .. an ".! II'I I's,' , ,J hi) GIl n -.' '" ,. f . ,.t."11( 1 '<,C'i " I' 'l"tl'''ILi ,cIat1~ h hq· " ' l l l 'l' (UU1 , ,u. ~ y "'-4 o f th".. "on)... I · L l' J.!'lIe." t ~ ( ) LOCAL NEWS i· I ll1t1nl!~·. ,\1,':,. Liley i~ an lie ompli h ~tl. ,·I n(1 1J'., I\ . II . •C h t)l (' I , 1I (.d :!.-:li.t allt Lo I,CI' hUtiband. H er Ml'~ . Aman(Ju Ma{\ut \V1l," tllk()l1 Hnmllton, ("lhcl' \ln ~ one o f the fil',t I i~si ont o Dayton one dny la!\t wcck to a Mis< Tt'illQnu ull.1 l\l nrg-alct 8 .1uli,' III l' Olc'U, n:ll'-y y an; II 0, hUllIe given especially tl1 CD I'C " 'anll< ~pl nt Run(i>lr in na~-I on, ---- - - of agl't1 perso ns, the ~Ul'.~ts of n,'. 1\11 <1 :\11.<. Gal E' TRAICHT SH OTER i\1I' and Mrs. Hilberl Mungcr will 1;;, Ru!<-um. 1t1 l1Vl' intI) th Manit home, , MI~, H. 11. William ,NI and :l\1 i ."~ M, s. Ethel Bakcl' D nvel', G,'nce , J1llnt. th o w ee k-c nd nt thf' ol oraLio is t hr guest of h r, isler, 1,01\1e of MI" , l~tlH I Ilo\\'k. M, ·~ . W. E , troud.
Th Il l>. h , '<' h",') BlIlld, undH It ;O I1;('[ im ~ hOTlIll' l" Lbal un it<' 11I . ,'I.I In hy 1\ fllt' ,1(1 "I' til' pa- th,· t1il,, '~i'.11I /llld II ': IIJt.l'~ hl(l of Ml', )If'I~ d" I' j; nol IIppL'III'. Th" !'l'1I- 011 for II ~ l't1ilul'p I) Ul prnr. i~ n ut t hnl th l' ((Iitol h'l~ anythil1J; ul!:lIill,' l tlt(' III u l or lh l , pl'l'. n ll 1l :t IlWti in i" 1"(,\\ Nli l<"'/; )ll'l mit thLoit' j" 'lin ~" ab o ut lhil1 ~~ "J.. ~ Ihl ~ 10 inllw'IIe!' t.b i I' c hoic<. of -11 ('ws. 'I h l , n'ns" n IU OI' ol't"n i , Lhllt \l lh. n It l'( ,nlt '~ . 10 lIutting' t h lYII <' in tli c n. t 1.1l -" hen' is a caluntn of l'''lply ~ JI. Cl' 'u nd twu l'oluntn ll oe 11 \ W" . .'incp typ l' l'annot bl' .'(Ill, l'Z,'t! up III' I \III. d ' n s ed I hl!I'e i:l ol ily "11(' I hing to ,II), I.llldlhaL i~ lla\" :' nwlh ' n,: tllIl' N o tiil()1' lik l's to do lhi ,., 1111 II in.dl aicil IIIJ1Il'e, fl' IV editor. t'lin II N'< nlpl is h the impo,. ibl l' , h nc ·,mlt'lhill): mll ~ t 1)(' lrfL out.
: ,fOu~D
First girl comp litor c~'er to n Ule junior m!ltl'hes of the Na,io Ril l Uille matches at Camp P erry , Ohio. pr etty Beien Jenl ins of .'olumbus, OM • Rl'ored J ,035 POitlt out of a PCl S Ih le 1.100 to fin! h third III thc junior sma.lI-bore rillf m atc hcs ,
LOCAL NEWS L O\lis ,Zimm 'nnlLll I ft, la -t WI' k f Ol' Athen>l, where .he will ullend Ohio Unil' cl'~ ity, he \Va - n l. rad.ulltl' of lhe Ia: '- of ' 37,
1111'. , Dt'1 1:l V nabl was weekpnu Ltuc~L MI', and MI·s. W eller, ill I hlylon, llnd on Sunday visited Ih .. Cadl l' Tllb(;rI1 acle at. I ndian lV )" li~, lnd iana.
II[t' ~,
II know Mound W :lyn '~ viJIe,
Lest y o u all fOl'get. I want.. to I' -
MI'~, L<'ui~ rton Wll~ ' Iccled JlI'L'",iclcli l fm' the l'(t1nin>: y ell l' n~d lhl' rl!union will b., n e xt year at till; illllllC of 1\11'. :lnt.! ~lr s . Emmett
mi d you again Ihat t hi s Si.lndny is hOI1H' -co ming tltl~" OUl' us ual w, C. Snlith. ;\Iini slt:' r . progra m "ill b ~ folhJ\\ l'lI Sund llY II1Qrni ng, IJIl ~ k e t d,illnel' al n l)()n Rllnllay: hOUl', ,dth ~l1('el~ d PI:"gl'atn Iwg in , Riull' Seh'llll !l ::1I1 A. M , nin~ at two O'tlock in the nft !!I'~ .." nO ll l!. Rus,,(,1 ,Ma rtin, n ; tutl nt. tlf 'ommuni(l n, 10: Hi A. 1\1, Cincinnati Dibl e • minaI',:! i ~ III deli" I' t.h t, nddr l's~, W l' il'l'l'ile you Lo con le and enj"y the doy \l'lt ~ L"il ilcr r O I' ( I\d~'l 1'01' \\'ill be :\{r,., U~. Bible chouJ will b"j.(i n nt !l :all Edna ~mith A. M, lind th~ ~()r'rl1on \\ill b e tiC'Iin'l'ed alL :00 A , M, I'n :H'h i,,1.! lit 7 ::10 \" M. , ,. hud an aUCr~fltlIlC' lu ~ t :-;Iln- w t1nt'.'Liay: ' duy (If ] ,.10, with lin On'criIH! of ~!l.P,lIY ( I' m l,!t' u,~ n l( aL I :"" l 1 l' . 'r •• ,
Will ~llltly th.' ::!'ith ('hap I
"u c:>:- day: llibll' Study a n
y.\ t:,ln~"t1ay: :-;untlay: Sunday SchOnl, H:30 A. ·M. !\I .. rnin~ WOI' hip, 10 :40. Subj 'ct, "S(1lil'g the lnvi",iblc," EVt'nilllf Worship, 7 :46
Infa ltile Paralysis Wave
Ut'\':t n , IH'ar Wililt in",ton.
Vidor BUr1'i ~ , Ml'fo, E m mn ul,u , ullll M .... , Ella Bradd()ck , of Ilarl(ln ' ,:tlld !\11·~. Li 1.zi L ewis:, h 's, K R. Bentl y W.CI'!) dinner ~1I (, .. tB .. L ~fI'", FJ'ank Thomu>;' 97. (,I
'O\lr atll·n.lunn la~l LUl'd' . n ay \\a.' 711, IIlIh nlltlul II ...
1lllll l' lIi r//, \I
C...... ........ ..
• Prclli;u !Springs. Out.-One 0' the mo, t criolUt laraat... ,.,..,. epldemlca la y('ar. bas Iruc'k the Vllited !;tatt'S aad teaUac tile cmcleney of alac sulphate nCY.e apra,. .. a pre we _ _ Itlth ,,1,,11\ 1111' work- -5._ l'h1ldI'CD In th is Calladlan towa. wilt-f. tIIere wu • ~::::~ break. Dr. John Huell ., aile . . . . . . .1' rllnk! II helt I' "han II hundred .u.trh!t claIIt1rea.
1I:tIt' 11\1111ht I' rill' thl' ('\'I'njn~ !'opr\'i l'_ W" . 11' 1' pl:lnnanl: ltlllly DlIY
\I II VI a)'
POl.lto{fieeat Wa)'I1~ _ \"lIl(>, Ohio, las~ Mail Matter
Harold D. Willi., Editor
.... c ""'-==z===-c====-=-===- ~
from hal< rctu i'llI'd. Littlt· MiN>l "l'lItt y" IJnlll'. d8u'~ h I! r uf Mr. amI Mrtl. l>tlnu ld ()atlt'. ' Tlt'nt !-;ntunlll), night with hl't jtlanoi l1l otlH'l', 1\"'5. Dah l:' in Wi l· mington.
_ == _ ~ "...,....____,--.~~~=~==========~I~SS ED EVER~Y==T=I~IU ~R _I_ )A:
Otf1ee Phone
. No. 112
Rllb.criptinn Priet',
-- - LYTLE- - 1111'. [lncl M~. Rull)h nQr~ r ar' announcing th hirth of a s on, 'Robl'rt Rendall, At their hom", here . IIturday, '~/lt mhet' 18.
1.60. Year
R u.tohll
Hawke .. nt. tunlay nilrht and .'untlDY fl. hln~ at Ind ian L kP. MI ,'. t:lizah<,th Hmith, of lIaylo n , \\ u" l\ wl'l·k-I nd I<lJ('ft her l'is lt'I', Mr!'. Mal'gllrN J ohn,..
M r~. Mal')' ·urnlaI1Y. in fOlllJlllny
with Mr. and !If r . W . I". Clark, of Wayne.wille. ra iled on hcr grnn;(\daughter. 1\11'1' . It,ulle Ril."!t~. whn hn ~ been v~ry ill , at her he,me in Oayt (In. tr. llnd M ... Fr ,\ Rush lind {llmily of nay ton nrt' movin ~ lhi:s w\'ek, to their hom e her which lhey rec nUy purchn..~('d of WalLeI'
A numb er of folk: from hc~ nt· tended Grang al; W"yn esvillc, SaturdJ1Y evc nirl,l!;. K e nrick.
True Professional Service
H e OInk th \ al~ to cea~" unto tlw ~n<1 .,f the ('arth; he hl'('aketh th 111111.1111(1 ('utl!'th Ih "P"or in ~url"(>r ; ht' bUl'nClh thl' chariot 111 ih!' fil'£'.-1'511II11" ./(1 :!l .
Yeara of training and exper:ence have equ:p-
You nrc nn "i.1 l illlcr If Yl1U elln l'em~'rnbcr \\h ('~ i* wa the pradic tQ l>in~ iIIU "lIa1I'd . ngs i \\h ic h coior. eel tereo pticon Flid s i/lu . tmted the ditr('l"('nt in 'ic.I~nt,; I,f t h(' . o~g. ThE' l'in~,'r. if he l'ould !'i n~ at /til, wn~ u. ua\ly 11 Inatlll Ido l of all the girl,... Ro mc of the sanA'" thHt \\ent over big "'1' ."(' " [n the B8gga~e .oneh Ah('ad", JUllt Bn'ak the l' WS to Mothel''', " WAit till the ':un hine:>. Nellie". etc Pl'I'ha ps you cnn acid several ftlvorit Ilf that day to thl! list. -000. Our h eart goe~ out to th e twelve year old ooy wtjom the con!<Ciencel(\l's movie r zar naVe forc(>d to work iOl't J nou a week for a pHtauc(' of $41\,000 n yea.r. Efe il'i fortunatt' in the po. '*'~. iO n of an Allnt \ ho indicated t.hat ,..he will !Ie ""hat cnn be done about f Ol'ci n$!" tnl! inovie magnates to reco/!n izl' what a living wag r alJ~. L ~pl'e sion note: Nearly 6,000,000 people in thi~ counrty are now enroll d in tall c\lIncniA' n an annual tuiti o n cost of $100,000,000.
ped our lItaff to render a genuinely profelllional serSIr GeM !:!' Br<l:ldbrltlgc, the lord moyor of London. inspccts the Ancient ana HOllo r ablE' Artillery Company 01 America durlnll gorden party in bonor of the anli.sb Honourable ArtlUery Company 011 the four hundredth onniv r sn ry fi ts ( und ing recently. The British COnllpany Is one at the m osl exc lusive rE'l{ i·Yll.!nts ill E".:IIll1d The Americ:1O comp;l!l,)' dotes Crom 1638 when D sroup of pla nters in AmerIca wh t: had beerl m Cl11bcrs or lhe Britis h c oml';111)1 forme d a simil r regtmenL - -
- - - : -- - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - I
In ian ·Pilg im
H~ il
.Jugg rnaut Festival
of the type which leaves an everla.tingly consolin, memory. For many years we have rendered sincere, sympathetic service to thie community, at modeat based entirely upon the wishe. and means of the family.
J. E. MeClure
vice, in all of many details which make up a funeral
Phone .7
W e note the th(' G-M n havin~ dispo-ed for the tim being, of tli or~anized bonk Tobbe " and moj or gangster! Sl'e turning thl!ir attention to olh r fonns of crime and \YTong doing. W e bel ieve the plan a g Ol)d one. Th e only way tnat II certain ty~ of la.w b l'Cakers ciln be brought to time ill to CIIUse th m to know by experience t hat erim . do('s not pay. As long a~ this type of law breaker can g l.'t aWily With it he will c ontinu & to brellk the law. H will o nly I'~ t he folly of hi s own way When he is made to se.e it. • -000The onnouncemEnt by Henry Ford tlult h, will n ot yi ld to the demands oC John Lewi and hi organiZation. Brd the boast oC Ll!wi that Ford will be made to yi ld seh'!. the industrial stage in the country for an interesting of stre ngth. Both ides have d liver.cd ultimatu ms. So far. Henry Fond has woOn' eve-ry t t {If strength with which h e haa been faced in his remarkAble industrial eaT~ eer. ~ven to defying Wall Stre.et and th~ NRA. Th e Ford plan t is owned wholly by Henry F Ol'd and his son. Ed. 1. They Ilre the only stockholders. In the event Le'wis wins and Ford ISO choose, he CBn lock t h e door of hi plant and forget. The next f.ew mont.h will tell. ' ·000Th e court issue is too new to provide a sour~ of argument in the av.crage group. Too many persons hav.c no definite conviction. upon it either wny, The tarifl', which was a bone of contentiofll for years. wss on tap so long that everyone, not only had opinions about it, butwas iPrepared to defend them in any presence. The court i ~ sue will not hang on a.~ did the tarifl' i ·ue. It Wiill be settlecJ. one way OT anoth er long before the mass of people acquire a conviction either way 01lJ it. . .000. When we note the p er eution of H enry F ord and certain other lal'ge employe-rs, w no trea t tIl eir employees welt. we .w onder what encouragement the I'e i {or a man to enter large businesJI in this country, t ake on multiplie d r csJH)ns ibilities, and deliberately mek e him If th targ<,t for designi ng politicians and rabbI rous rs. He nry Ford ha more than h,e can ever spend . He could lock hi ~ plant door and let it rot, and s pend t he I'erst of his IInya in ~aee unhal'lls!jed by the foroos that s k to d s tl·oy him. -000· A sensation wa. created< in 'Il lo r al h ousehold recently when the four year old from the neighbors announced with a how of pride, tlmt her mother smoked daddy's cigarettes. M{)ther, it happens had only a sho rt tinl !! before publicly r gistered h erself quite de~nitely 8.!! opposed to women's smoking.
Karl D.·Dakin Insurance Phone 153
Lebanon,O. View ot the scene in PurL indio. os the car of lhe J agg a~lath (J uggernauU was haulea by lhl,lu~andS 01 pilgrims in Ihe rocC.,[lLtosllval of "The Lord of Lhe World." In oldon dl1Ys, those hllgo veh le! s in which devQut Hindus take their gods for a ride once a yeGr oflen bcc:lm . uncontrollable and pilgrims w re crushed beneath the wheels. ln fecent years polic e rel!ul Hons have been so strlngont thDt accidents rarely hoppen.
- ---- .
IWilliam Smith on.d dau~hl
Rev. lory AnLI'qm \\as contin d'iJyn Sue WETe among th o who at- =======~_:~~~::_;:;;;=~~~ to h er hOnl f' two lh y ' last w ek, t{onded the Bogan ('cunion held at :' ' due to illness I the hom~ of Rev . and WI'': W . E . W. E. FROST Mr. a nd 1\1 rf'. Donald Haines had Bo~an of near Spring Vall ey, cpa thei r gue S" unuay. Mi " J ea n- tember 12. ' 1>ay or , cUe Wil F.Qn and lIh. Leonard Ellis, I Mr. and frs. nlll igh B ogan l'\li Rl of Mal' Kingman.' I t nde d th e HOI1l ~- Coming at uba, Service l\iJ!oR. IIiI.' Bunnell RhooJes Ohi o, unday.. Bunne ll and f~l\nily, Mr. Ilnd J\Jl'S. Homer Hnin es. and fllmily and Ral eigh Bogan &nel Mr. and Mm. I ~. Ella Haine s clill d on Mi 5
.at- I
Phone 24
.. ,
ROOT FOR A.ND CONSIGN ),our Cattle, bogs. sbeep and calvel to Norris-Brock CI.., live wire and
progressive finn "'r the hia'hM1 market pricel! and good ••rne•.
whm 10- cooA with
Unioa Stock Y,rd.· Ciocl••• ti. 0
in on Radio Station wQln 12 :211 to 12 :30 p. m. for our dalh mar ket TeDllrtA.
You Can Avoid Thif> You can ea.ily avoid all), cold wea tllier trouble if your car i. e qu ip ped with a GOODRICH BATl'lI:RY W e carry 8 compl ete li n.e >u as to give the proIK'l' ize for y ou r particular car. The p r ictl.. are right ,too. Winter driving i. lafe r with .. fo tire., 1M) let,.. in.tall a let of Goocl'r'ich tire. to , .. ve you from a, .malh ..up thl, winter
Jerrv's Station 7EXAGO
F. T. Martin Auctlone.e r
SATISFACTION Or No Charge Centerville, Ohio Plione .78J
Modero PyroCu Mq'c Chef Ranges Rod detltl. ID~t.heatin.P,.ro(u G.. reall)' make COOkinlJ a pleasure. You have a amokeleu, d .....er-rype broiler. ao 4lllMlWli& oven aDd clean, c1og·psoof cop burDe.... Pyrofalt Ga. Service can be yours, DO matter .. bete you live. (or .. little m~. EqttipmeDr i, fnnalled for oolF $9.75. and the PI /rwlf COIU •• little .. ~, per meal per. penon. Come in thi...eek and lCIect ~ beaudfuJ, moduorup.
H";, • tUJb '" ..u:b-,i., M ; ' 1 _ "CROCK O' GOLD"
.. cbop. bUlter rew aCalDJ pepper ..... JOIlIa . .. ,bop. dour 1 tup milk I cup com 1 cap. ..II 1 tup 'tilted chees. .4 ... .,blle. A . com lad cheese IOIlftle that the . ..bol .. fcuqllJ' wm ,~ I . t f H!!tIt bueter, add llour. nit and pepper: Add mill' ,rDduall,., Ill.daa walil dIId!. Add graled cbeeSe, IU>d ,. tit until melted. Pout 0 ...... rhe' beooreB .... yolks. Add cora and mi. we'll . Fold this mi.!urc oIowl, lato 1M Itfm, bHi*a eat ,w hl'ft. Pour lato a ....ued c_tole. Set your Prrofu·MBIlc CIIef _ .. ':U' .... bake for .. , miauteS. Senl Ill!llllediatel7. 6.
.UA.ANTIED ".",el IIYOND 'HI .A. MAIN. COOKIN • • WAUl HIATING . . . . . I ••• "TlON.
KEEP HEAT INSIDE, DAMP COLD OUT Don't try to "get through'" thia winter with a worn, leaky roof. It will actually pay you to replace that roof now, before winter aeta in. Not only will a new roof protect your home from the extra chill . of dampneaa, but a new roof will provide . .tra inaulation a.lainat exceuive . winter cold. c..plate Roofin. for E.very Requirement Aep....t Rolla Aaphalt Shinglea · Aabe.tot Shinglea/' . GalYaDi_ Steal Cedar ShiDalea
Nice .A ssortments Of fall Millinery Smart Toques with Veils Brimmed
Hat. in Navy, Brown. Black, Wine and Cray SPECIALLY
Grace Lincoln
P.E.ShYDER&SON Blanchester, Chio
r=~~~;;;:;~=~=~~~==~=;;;;: ------~-THIS SPACE CONTRIBUTED BY
To be used in advertising Church Lodae, ,ocial, or sales with no cost to organization,.' Just phone your advertisement to tbia office and Bay "Insert this ad in "Caps" space for ..........•• ...... organization."
A series of short sketches of progressive concerns of that thriving city. ,
erchants, professi9nal, and indrustrial
l "WHOLESALE CAND IES" "ENTIRE STORE AIR.CONDITIONED'· A Well Organized and Pre..nl Day E.labli.hment I!..ocated in Conv("";rn~ly Localed at lhe Corner of Cantral and Verity Parkway i. One of lhe Prominent Middletow" at J 5 Wall Street and Whoae Admirable Servo Me. cantil .. Hou l", of Thi, S.etion of Ohio Compriled of Many Spedal'ized De"",.. Unent •. KnOlWn vi e. AI a Progr.... ive Whot_le Supply Hou.e HAl Been "" a Ce"ter of Fullion Nol Only ill the Immediat e Vicinity, But Throughout Thi, 'Section for EI.enlial in Cont,inued Development of Thil. Put of Man,y Mil(!a. Truly One of the Feature. of tlt@ Comm roial Org'anization of ,Mid.dLelown. Pre. Th e State. Hundr d. of Retail Merchanta Depend On th~ p"r~d t" Meet th,e D~m .. nd of All Patrons. Ev.,ry Conven',enc h.. been provide.. for Out "f Excellent Sen-ice Afforded by Thi. Middletow~. Concern. Town Shopp rs. May we suggcst ,That You Vi.it . 'I'hi. Pr.omonent -Store on Your Viait. to Mid. Prcmpt Del', very Suvice. Telephone Middletow'n 125. dletown. There i. no qucs tion but that o. amply fulfill s the de]JaInti " Thill on of the laq{~,.t tradin g oth (>I' apparel f or fall an(1 wintel' your vi ~ iL. ttl lhi ~ s t're. rt is th " thi!! populal' e..tablis hmenl i an made tlPOn him in thi· capadtl' cenWI'f( of thi ~ s ction anft durillg weal'.. ' hoc for th e entire family only !<tOll1 in Middl etown complet e A line of excellent rugs i car· important fa tor in the commercial lind t hrough thi. cxcellent ~!.'rvic~ its timL' in Lusin e~s h u: hl' comc ca n be harl at Th C ntral torc' ly ail··conditi()ned a.nd adds mu ch Individuality, 'b oth in slock and serv ice, is the ktcynote of the subs- ried. Th-ey ar " IIrtistic and the and bUl'lin ~ lif of the merc,haots c ntinu ed to gain a large foll ow. h (a llqUlllter. fOi' hunch ed .. f ro m and hf re will be found nRtionally to th c' Ru ti .. f" 'linn of being ab~ e tantial progress of this 'w ell known coloring and ef!ects chsl'm and d ~· in our community a. it is one of ing nmong the merchants in thi s this co mmu nity . B cause of lh ~ lim ady rtis d s il oclI at the mo. t rC8F· to lE' iHurl'ly shop ~hruout the "'11' IiI'm which has been serving the light the eye. The people in charge the fOl'emo. t \\ hole .. ol ' supply section of the tate. Regm'ules, of itation of spac ' W I' \\ ill not at- on al.>l e prices. All the variou;; ric· li l'l' stOl'C in com fort. The mall r of rrice at Th~ Cenpeople of this vioinity so efficient of this department are familiur hou es in thi ' ~c t ion, furni sh ing' wlH.'the l' yom' ord r i, ju t a small te mpt ve n a hl'i('f r vic\\" of the : partment', including dl'ygoous, no· with the btl in ss and l'on tell you the ~ctuil busin s~ houscs with an nn c or that of one which repre. lal'J('c st ock now bcinj! l\i"pltly ed Lion, <imp ric s and curtains huve iral S loll' ha~ lll~o I ceiv d IlttcnIy .q nts ~c Yel'al hundl"E!ds of dallal'S for your Pall and winler sc i ctiem. IJ en 31'1alll{ctl to gi ve yo u the lar- tifln as eV(, I'Yl'nc kn ows the priC(!s Cappel's in Middletown is well exactly what you n d to match unexcelled s('I'Vic () lat all timB.. Th c Miami 'a l(' o. !Ire whole· you are as: ured of the be t in qual The Cenl n\l Store has "'o n an en· A'e~t and mOl\t campI te . tack in al" ~. Iowa, is consi ,tent 'with known to the people ot this sec· up with the surroundings and db-trlbut!J I's o( nalionally ity !Inri plo mpt delivery service. viable reputation f o\' go ods of Mid dleto wn. Eve1'ything to be had ~0 0(1 hu.~ine",,, m lihods. They tion of Ohio and has providoo one 'When your hou e Is fitted 'out !Ull of the larg-etlt stocked furniture everythillg will move with p ac known products, ca/'l'ying in sto('k Men'hunts in the ~.mall{'r town l'l quality, extent of siock lind 1' 0 ,'0 11- at the most metl'opoliLa n depart- 'I?lil no CI n e to olTel' 1..'1.·e ater value, II complHe lin of call d i..... , Ctll'· in this. ('cti on who do n ot at the ableness of pdces that draw trade men t sto r e has bee n provided a t Ju ~t a~ they P '.I'lIlit no on e to ofe.stablishments in this ectio n of and harmony. T.h~re is no more popular bus· bonic gas , pnl ' 1' anrl ba ~~ of all [1l'e. cnt time buy f rom this ~on. not only fl'om Mid!1I t own but thi. 10<::11 store. fer hil!:heJ' qua lity, and this happy the l!ltate. Thousands of residents In ktccpin~ step with modem co nlhinuton has result d in an have purchase d "Cappel-Built" liv ine s house in this s etion than kind ~, and aho a co mp l«,te line of cel'n can ave time ~ln d mon y by from the surroundi.nJ!: country f l' progress, The entml to re ha cv r in e l ea.~inA' bu s ln~s: . ing room suites which give you the this well known a nd , progres.- lvtl soda fountai n s upplil's, includinJ,{ calling Middletown 125. A cour. many mile s. The entral StOl'e is most ever been al rt to th e newer meth· I n making this "('vi w of the fin at C'onstl'uction and indivi.ual establishment: Tho~ughly conver ~ Yl' Up.". 11 und le,l. of "t. lre de· toous . alesman will bc pleased to g aant with every f ature of the bus.pend on t he quality nnu SO l vic o f call and . how the (:omp\Hc lines complete depal'lm nt tore , .havin ods of mod ern nlt'rchandising and cOl1lllllJniLy w al' pi n. d to CODlpatterns to select from. Cappel's which they r ep resent. many d cpa.l'tm ent.<! all of whIch are at tho pre~errt. time' are co n ~tl'uct· plim t' nt. thi~ populul" 5tol'e as 'oneo determination 'to furnish your ine s in which they are engaged. thi ~ <lId swl.llis hed bu ~ine5s. T h rl! ~ II gl'C1Lt dMI 11l01'~ to In making this I'cvi ew o( the I, really i\1(1ividll~1 tor(!~ in ttl m· 1 ing a l\ e w addition to it J)I'c,,;ent that il:! co nductOll ul()ng the most home with the best did, not permit it follows that they wou ld enjoy a merchandi ing them to confine their service to large part patronage and that this the bu ,.l n cs~ III con d u! ting a wh ole lead ing busine S oncel'ns in Mid. se lv 5. lI ere Will be found .a. c~m· ~te (01' the ole purpose of being modern idea of "stock" lines but in their own fac· establishment wourd b e the reno su l(' s UIJPly h<ll)~e than ih ave.r- dJ town we wish to complim ent th l' ~l I.e 1.ln o( g.en;l'Bl m erc~andls ,' used a ' a receiving !:J nd marketing and thus I r no >1 ing a . ervice to tory employ ma.ster cmftmen who devous for all persons interested ag person u nd rstnnci s: Thi s I.- Miami Sales o. UPOn its complcL Incll!(hng ladl . ~nd chl1c1~e n s I'oom thus nabling its plILronll the public thai is highly b neficial. an eFse ntial bu in ~s hat l'equir!!S and Eatisfactory sel'vic to me r. cuts, d,'es~. mliltnelY, ho lel'~' to be pl'omptly °e r\, d at all tim s As It ronsequ em' , The. Central have spent the better part of their in rea l and true values. Confidential credit is urrang ed as it h ad It man who j familiar chants in this s~ cli on and predict anel acce,-sone~ of dres .. The men s without the intl'Usion 011 a bu. y Store is d se rvin!!' of the large lives building better furniture at II price that appeals to tho e who for all customers that d . ire it and with buying and that of adequ ate for thi. concern add e~ bu sin s and boys' department is most com· cl~rk. An ~ther f ature t~at ~as patronage whi h it r eceives fl'OI)1 want the best. Cappel-Built fl*n· terms can ~ arm a ged so that you distribution , A man "ho has f OJ'e· and friendship in the futur e. For pl cw anLl aT now !lho\~' mg the gamed prai se and pop~h\l'lty WIth throughout this s clion , of the tyles of clothmg and the summer. 'hopper IS th cool \ ~late. ;tur& includes living room suites, pay what is 'convenient. This ser· . ight i. buyi ng in quanities so that qunlity and service _ Buy YOUI' n ewe st comfort that \ elcomcs you on - Adv. tudio couches and also the fam- vice is strictly confidential and con the r taii I' is a~l!ul'ed of frel;h su p supplies from the Miam i Sules duetI'd in a dignified way. plill!! at all Limes. Mr. Bo_well who o. ous ,~:Cappel's" mattress. Cappel's in Middletown special· is a.t the htnd of the Miami Sal s Rural shope!"s ",\I . find the - Adv. store storked with one of the lar- Izes in real servicl'. They make th gest lines of stoves in this part of word "service" really mean what the state - gall and electric ran· it says. You are invited to visii ges, wood burning stoves, oil burn- this store. and inspect th large "JEWELERS" ing, and also the nationally known stock of fin e furnitur e. We are Located in MiddletoWn ~t 9 lalehart Stree t i. Prepare-d for "COMPLETE SERVICE" Located in Middletown at 1318.2Q C .. ntral A"etlue-Operates "Agricola" heating stoves. If you certain you will be pleased an be· All CI.llu "f Welding Work for Thi. i. One of the Be.t OperLocated at Corner CrOYe and J • .One of T,h e Olde.t and Laraeat Jewelry StOI'" in Thi, Sec: are buying a new stove thh tall sides ,gain ill great many vlllual>\( ated \¥eldi"g Plant s in thi. P ...t of the State-Manallement Concoby Street. in Micfc!JelowllI tio n of Oh'io Handle. "Only W....t·. Good in Jewelry"SC& the complete display at Cap- Ideas. sidered an AulhorJity Upon All Cia lie. of Welding and i. in a Known Far and Wiele for t~e Also Haa a Complete Cift and Art D .... rtme .. t and Ha. - Adv. pel's. Po , ilion to be of Ma.l Valued A .. i.tanC:il to M.n ..f.ctur .... .. Ellcellent Se.-vice ')'!hey R~ded M.intained the Highe.t Standarcla in a Modern Diamond W .. I AI to th e Automobile Owner., Garage Men. Farm....... and in Repairina Wrecked 'a nd Dam_ Jewelry and Cift Stock- Ma'intaina One of the lL..raell andl the General Public. To!l phlone Middletown 1442. ..... .. ..... ' .. aged Cars-Have Exten.ive E;q., Most Complcte Electrkal Departmenta and Na,w Showinit This is one ot the most. mod rn throwaway iIInything that is bl'o, uipment and Entire Sa,""ice ie; the Newell "C. E." Refriaeraton, R. C. A. RadiOi and \~ lding concerns in thi s part of ken until y ou ltave first a ked thIS I Under the. Direction of Meal_•• o ),er Appliat..:e. to Moderniae Y ollr Home. the ta and lias a reputation for fit'm if it can be UCCCSl fully weld· Walt.,- B. JoLnaon an.d Charle. Wh n a busine. s establishment tUI nio g out work of cla. s, for the ed.]f the y tell you they can make SPfarqe. Tlt.ey .100 Do a Lar._ Since the founding of this busi one in whic.h all the people have of its charges and it as good a ncw by welding it "QUALITY FOR [8 YEARS" ; Bu.ine.. 'in Refinisb.inl-M.k_ the gl'eate~ t conl)dence, and whose in~ in Middletown, Thl'u. het' I'ea onablen for go tUng it done when promi d you c'a n r est a ssured that they can, Middlet __ '. Only Exclu.i_ Mua'c Store Located on Central ever been alet·t to the want inll a Speciality of "Duco'"hav rnerchandi. stands the hard test A,, _ _ ia 11Mir ~utHul N_ Showroom. (n_r Clinton Pllone 2293. of time and weal' with complet and need of the public and .have Upon these lines t:h y have built because th yare expnienced m n Street) H __ For tho Paat Eipteen Yean BeeD One of the up t.hG bu ine5 to its p se n\. high and you cal'\ depend upon the adNot only in the city but In all .~ti facti n, thcn it ha. reached one of the large t ele trical ap· v.ice. Many mowri3t s , gll.-ngl> men, of the s urounding tl!:rrit.ory this ·tandard. F_l..... of the Comlll_c~al Life of tM Community, pliance depa rtm nUl in the city. a place in the {ommel' ial activitic Thoey haye portable we lding c· manufacturer and peOI)le in all well known firm is faJnous for t he OffePi., the Hi ..... t Quality Obtainable i.. Piaaoa, Musical of the community that ill enviable Here, will be found I I complete line quipmene nnd ar C! prepared to go othe!', lines of bu 'ioe s have found c.xpert work they ex ecute in reo and &ad Inatrume"'. of All J('incla. - "CODtl" Band Inf the famo us "G. E. " elech'ical and dignified . • t~t. - Th. Ar.itta' Cltoice are St.aadarcla of Quality appliances manufac'tured by tlic out on thc j()b. You don't have t.o by expcrience that it pays t,o ' enn- lJullding wreeked cars aud in reN eve r ~f(j\'e has it been stock· General Electric Co., t.he oldest bring t il brok en part to them. suIt with tn_m about \ elding pairing damaged cars. · Even tho n."-lIlhout . - World'. (ld with . uch a tin line of jewelry During all seasons of the year section interested in organizing a and la"g~t m8illufact urers of El ec- They bring their service ri g-h t into work. Don 't 118 ume fol' yourself many, individulI1~ and organizations ilvel'ware, diamond , watches, ·cu t th people of this section of Ohio band ~r chool ol'chest.r.a can call trica.l equ ipm ent in the world. In your place and do the widing that a ny broken parts of machine- are cal'J'ying on ,campaigns [01' gla ss, p e nd).., n ovelties" clock' and ry or household, articlC.! cannot more car tul driving, the stea,d y have learned to turn to the. Fin· Mr. Davidson who will be more the t'adio depaltment is featured there with portable e quipment. oth r merchandi~ e, id al for gifts The Middletown Welding Shop be welded. Ask them first b cause and ral>id incrclU'c in the number ley Davidson Music Store in the than pIe 00 to aasi t. Dr. David· the newest models jn the R. C. A. and i \.' the adornment of on's matter ot pianos and other mas.- son also .stat d that becau e elf Victor radios which- will bring YOll LO\'prepared for the wIding of alum the ebance Ilre they can fix it fOl' of vehiclt'S On th trects and OWn homc. Thi s tore is a, jewel ry i.c,al instruments. That's b cause the demand for musical in ·tru· \ the grentest developm~ nts in radio inum. cas iron and stG('l, by the you at mall cost . highwnYl! makes tho \ to~1 eliminac once~n in ev ry sense 01: the word The propr,i elor and hi. a ist-ants tion of I< mash~ps irrlpoMibile. For this old e ta~ hed M~dd]eto\Vn ments that he ,has confined hl ~ today. Wh n you mod :.> rl)ize your e lectric or acetylene method of Ilnd carri tho other lines m.en\\ elding. All work is gual'lln cd. arc pr.ominent citizens who ' are m.any miles ai' und experienced concern offers an unexcelled ser- store to the exclu ~ ive sale of only h om~ elect the best by seeiT)g tion,ed to m tbe demands of Efficient welding ervic(' is s· progressive and ffici ent, among' motOl'ist,,; and gal'~o m.en hay vice in all that pertains to musical mu.~ical merchandis2 thus assuring and buying at Tht·u s her~ . theil' customers who want depe.d· sent,iul to every community. O-fitcn· the promin nt bu iness ril'ms or leal'ned to call uPon this concern merchandise. In this eclion the resjd~nts of the highest qUAlity able articles of the most modern Thrus her in Middletow'n has an h Vlng . b name, 'Davidson" i ynonomous and servioe at all times. enviable reputation 'o f $(:lrviee to times you can ."nv~ many dollars 'he community, een ever lOt' ~eJ' Ylce on wrecked cars. In as well a~ sub t-.a.ntial type. . . by having omcthing w ld ad in· ready to lend impet.u s to move- many Ca.ses th y have completely with best in pianos and musical inFrom a modest beginning eigh· No matter what it may b~ in the peQple of ~hl~ sectl.on for many Rtead of ha ving to mnk a pur.- ments fot· public impl·ovenHmt. I' ,tOI'C t! wrecked cllrs which own. trumenta aod the s.t ore is a hap- tee; years ago this popular star,· - A<lv. OI'S hud Ulought were beyond thf!'> py meetin, ·pl. e," pot where you has progressed until today it b the jewelry ll.ne you . will find it. years. They invite the people to chaISe of 11 11>2W on . Don't e.ver are always welcome and a plaee recognized by music lovers 'as one hue as th ' tock is large and eom· "Just Walk Through" their stor ...._~-_--_--_-_-~__- - - - - - - - - - -- - - aid of Xpcrt service. piete. In regard to price yo. will and note the lovely gifts which will which provides for your every, de· of the moat progressiVe and large t The l'efinishing department is readily Eoe in 1001dng. over th d light and charm the most dismand. . , stores established for the. exclusive under the directiOn of MI'. Walslock that the prices are very rea., c!·iminating. At this partiC1Jlar season of the sale of musical merchandise. When ter B. Johnson \\ho has had many QUALITY - SERVICE • - Adv. year with the starting of sehool you are in Middletown shopping, sonable. C"nvenie ..tly Loc.t.ed in Middletown, .t 1234 Central AveY:!Ilt:S <If xpcrienee in l1efinishing hundreds of children are ente'ring you are always welcome to visi : , n'\le (Ne"t to Electric Sbop) Offe... the' Fme.t Quality in Men'. a.utomobilcs . 0 that they look jU&t school bandit and organizing eom- Davidson!. a"d Youn.. Men'. Apparel in the Lat... t St,l ... and, Beat Mater. II~e new wh n ,th ey are turne~ munity bands. Mr. David&on dur In making this review of Middl. ial. at the Moot Attractl"ePr'ice.-,-Tru,ly a P,r o,re•• i"e and Up. o~t. His early eXPerience taught Lcc:.ted Con"e"ien~ly at J 330 Central Avenue la Mild clletowninr .his eighteen yean in bu.sinesl town's · prominent business conto.pate Houte, P'repared t9 Meet the Demand. of All Cla •• e. of him ~hat a good job could only be F,.tUil'ea .. CODJplete Line of Electrical Su~plie •• .A~plianc: ... has been very instrumental in the cerns we take pleasure in comJlli. Buyers-Now u..,wing tho! Newe.t Styl" For Fan and Willter obtained with the usC' of the best. Radio. ; W ..hln. M.chi ...... Electric: Refrl, ......te'r., 'Sweep. organizing of bands among school menting MiI'. ,F inley Davidson upon matel'ials and as' a consequence Weer. th ~ era and Many Other Jl(atione.Uy Known Appli_oe. to Mod childl'en in this section of the bis standing in the business o~ Ther& are alwa ys some finn s in with even greater care than he ex. u~e s I' am-ous "Duco" which el'Di.:e Your Home. Rendler a ~plete Senie•• lll' Every state and as be states one of the this section and to the store which every, community which tund out erci.ses in his selection of suit!! and giVes you a factory job. Have your Ptta.e of ~& Electric" B.aiD_T.lephone Micldletowll elllJelltial qualification. of a good he so ably directs as one at the prominently becaul!e of ~heir BU- topcoats. This populal' establish. car refinished before winter. ,167. musician la the atarting with a leading businesa ,e stablishment perior service and in the clothing m~tit ba provided a most attractAssociated with them yoU will , Electricity is no longer a con· ireatest development in moderlll line in this part of the state par. ive selection in hats, shirts, neck. find only competent people for it. trOod instrument. For that reason which. thrO'll(llh quality and friend· the Finley Davidson Meele Store Iy service bas gained, hundreds of venience but has become a. neces.- cooking. Many new Bnd beautifUl ticular mention must be given to wea.r, unqerw.ear, collars, ho se and is the policy of this establishment featuns a compiet& line of the f·riends and patrons. For Quality sity in tbe moil:el'n bo-usehold. Linla models have been ,&1\own a.nd It this store. other apparel ~sen,tials. No matter not only t ,h at each mem~r {Jof the: famoua "Conn" band mU81ea1 in. ' MJuslcal Merchandille - Visit Fin. Appliances in Middletown has ,pro. you are (:ontemplating- the pur· Cloths sold 'at this popular IItore what pJ;'ice you. wish to pay they management. be expert but eacb vided a store featuring a large ch.8e of a new ranlie - see the are known for their' exclusive style have. provided a stock ,li-hich sf. employee as well. . IItrument. known throUC'hout ley Davidson, world and h.. beeom.. the "Choice -Adv. stock of gen~ral electrical ' mer- Chllmbers which is , reguiated and jlith grade materi als. MeJ). and fords 'wlde ~ariety from which In making- this 'revie~ ' we. ue' of Artiate". Rurlll achoo!. in the chandise fr,om which to make your through ·modern IIci«~nce to cook young men will fin.d they carry a to choose. And that is why the best glBd to compliment. the ParlcYiew choice. Tlhis stock includes all mo- with the leut amoul~t of gas con- cotnplete line acording a wide var. dressed men reiN\l' •.I1ess of financial Duco Shop UPon the va.lued pOIIIdern electrical applianc~s which sumption. Only a viJlit to Lin's to i~ty of styles and mawrials from resources find just what they wish tion occupied in the husine.B8 are designed to lighten ho me WOl'k see the new Chambers can actual- which to choose as well as prices in this store. .world and call .t he exceU&nt serYand turn housekeeping from an, un Iy convey the utmost in cooking to meet all demaitds. The United Clothi~rs have built Ice as well as reasonable prices to ple-asant job into an attractive effiCiency. th tte t' f There are nundreds of men and up a prosperous businC$S during e a n Ion a the public. -Adly. task. A "isit here will prove a revThe radio department oUers oun'" men in this section who buy' th e past s ..... ye.. l·s an d t"fie annuaI- 0' ---:-----_.....:.... t k "'''U the "G runow " , one a f th e f"In· Y l"U elation in the low expense of a ,,~ .. ne mUl> now how to fl·t shoe-'~ , 'ted" C'I 0 th es. They b uy )Y large trade on y nJ ' . I!njoy~" "'" l'S the reo an d it is this feature that baSI home completely electrified. est radios manufactiJ:re~ today and them b ecaus,e th~y know they fit ult of the fall' treatment accord· this store so popular S . I 't Only nationally known merehan for the finest rece\Jti,on and bett.e,., well and wear well and toat the ed the public. Fairness and straight 1 tion is give t " pechla 8i tell> forw rd deal! t..~ I be n 0 seeing t at your (li se' will b~ found at Lin's appli- radio performance al!k to have the materials 81;e of the best quafity a ng " .. s a ways en foot is prope"ly f'tt d It . . own de, necessary to , 'TI e . \SI noe anc in M"ddletown, thus assuri'ng "Grunow" ' demon$ttated In YO'llr' cOlllhi_,e d with lhe highest stand.' tb €I wa t Ch word , w h'1l e th ell' " I all purchasers of the very ,best. home. . 'M any new ,ilnd beautiful ard of workmanship. termination was to serve the pub- ance. and sty~~ 1 Ice n7t a,~pear , Here is featured ill co plete line models are being s.hown in the lic with good at the lowest posst- consult \"l'th teh~ or CyOI1l ort it YOIn The w~lI dressed man ot today ble prices. ' ~m. ou can enJow of Grunow refrigeratol,'S an~ Gru- new linea. chao es hjs apparel furnisltings footease to t'h<y greatest de--I now radios, Chambers Ranges PriMr. Mendenhall hilS made quite Ad <t •• ~.~ . _ _:-:-_-:-:-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _'"'"":'_ _ _ _ v. an at the !l8me time be stYlish.1IIJd, ma washer, arul Philgas. which a .atudy of the eledtleal appliance brings to the suburban home all business and' has ha.d many year~ correctly s hod if you trade ~t't!. the advantages of city ' gas. Res- experience in the contract field, When you are shopping 10 Jliddletown may \Me suggest that you , idents of Woaynesville, Sprinrboro He i. thoroughly c:olllpetent to "SHOES FOR THE FAMILY" $ee tbe new f.all·ud wlntu IItyiell , I and other IImall townll in this lIee· solve your Electrica.ll Problems to l.oA.tedI ia Middl_towa at l7se C_.... A.... _ i. 08. now beln.. displaved at D--n•. tion who do not have gas service th e best advantage and wlll be h 01-'-. • • , -.w of t _ t Ul Lar,•• t S~ t:o..e.m. in "'1. Secl'ioa Spedal. baobs; Mothers will find thl& .to~ • should investigate the many ad- p~eased to give you an e8timate on any modemllinr '1011 are contem. " iaiq" Ftlmi.tUac Q.alit,. F_tw__ for th_ Ea.lre F..,U,., well .tockecl with chUd'r en'••ho_ 1 vantageI'> of cooking ,wlth "Phll«U" platln" Now elaowi. . tit-. N _ t Fall aad WI.teaI StyI.., FeatUria, die whether for school or dresa . .ar , - the mos~ economical and mo~m Natioaall, FalDou. "Star Brand" aacI "Packard" S...... "s. tar Brand" sho. :101' bo- A_~ In makinr thill renelll' ". _n Micldletowa Depoail Blda. Cor. Ceatral aDd Main. of all cooking fuels for the 1'1}ral thla opportunity of It has long ceued to be a ecret As i, ~nerally known they ban- gIrls has been the standard 01 .... home. Vi It Lin's and see Philp' Lin', Appliances among the well dTUled people of dIe many of the leading and well ity for many yean ...... "l'rvice demonstrated. to thla eOlllmlun.it)' the community that the .ery lat-, known brand.. illeluding "Star tra valu in lollCH' u_ B.'--' » __ : Thi! ill the headquart:n for our aun"1t to est stylea ean be bad at T. Da- Brand" d aI tb f up L tit'S and eo::P:Ie:tt:J~:~::: v 1I!1.(~'tri",. red 0 or eenbaeh ia lIiddtetoWD and UIO all ao e amous ae,,· Theil' sal ~. . .~ • .. lela SpItde1' bill taken liP eaU Xldile that til , II*i.aQ of fit.. J::";110. tbat an atadardI. of fHt; Ia~ for a ahopplu In X..... Iatudar at. f&mow "Chamhen" JUte nDPIl n~ "DEPENDABLE FURNITURE" } It the "Hoft¥' of Cood Furniture" Affordina Better Valu ... at Lower Price. and Handlina Nationall, Advertiled Merchen. '\diM in Thil Line baa Merited the POlltion the Store hal Attained a. One of tilte Leadiq Home OuHiuina Finn. , of Thi. Seoction.- L,,~ted on Main Street Aboye Central in Micldl ..town.- GiYel Free Delh'ory SerYic.e An,~ere' in Thi. Section of Ohio - Famou. for "Cappel.Bullt" Furni. ture I
The Central Store
Miami Sales Company I". .
l Middletown
Parkview' Duco Shop
Welding Shop
Finley Davidson Mosie Store
United Clothers
Appli.nc~~s .
J. Thomas, Sebald
r. ...
C. T.' Dagenbac'h'
City and Country Property
Mr. and _.......n Bpi . ".
....a ..
1''' rII lind ·hat :dflll' \('1)'
T list Com any
Ial I \,
IN' ,
hI, 1"'\" It· , 1 111.<1 ti l" inh
.. j
01 I • t. , .. ode, nd Br " '." C ntral an.. Lo ".t"d in Mid dl .. lown at (;Ol'nN of Mllin and Ih .. A rlllc:n Gat ... i. nn In stit uti on \, ~h .I, We Wl ,h to Point Oul to All Reoadeu II ' Th Ret;"hl Finanei,,1 D .. po~itory Which Hn . ""'n " Fa, tor in the Prolfre .. lind D .. veiopm ent of the Communit y fl'l" Y.,ar a - An Evid n .. of Ih' Finatlci,,1 Siability of Thi. Sectio n- Ol"aannt. r.. can omc:t W'ill be Pl.,a ... d to GiVe! Your ia d to Orri";ale in ny Tru.t Capacity-Fi r n Requirem e nts Carl'fu l It nlion, '1 ' ,cI in M icltll £"lO\\ n in th l' "(' li T I K· ,~ , c hl\nt ~ 11 I11I)Y t 1'111y hI' 1;11 111 t hnt a l\!- y, 'U l 1111'~ .. l1a1 111>1 , "mllll' rClIl ,,(- 'f,u, Th 11 In l~ ,:l Ihl' .;\(l'l vit'\V of Mldtll e l uwn \'\'Ulild not lJ fnilH, 'I ,ntlllnn 1111111., 1\1\ , m'gunl7.cd t o 'I hi> in \itl lInll I III'J.:unIZ,'\ tl' ol11pl 't1' wiLhnut l (lf,' rd,,"> to 1111 ., , 11"H'd 1hI' ~l'd'l 10);( tlll manll . ( ,)1' [1 11<'t ("II'IWlly lin, • " III tiltlliol1 \Ihich },I\,' h(l('n tl po- "IIlWI" ' '[lIUll' hankn\J! 11l'('I' 1l11l0 1l1lt lO ll,~ 111 \ .\ I III ,WI' h1111 11' t III It\C!tor in till' t'inllncial, altli- I,'!< '''H'~'' " :'111 IIlIl mony l'!'.- Illl' fML j!'l'olling dt\' nI' Middl e. ' cullulal and ' ind u-lrin l I'l,'\,!dop- L11,,~ 111 (hi s, cil 1/1, A ha nkin ~ in· lll\\ 11, H('\'l' ral Y"UI'S III(H (h (';;." l\V 1I 1111' 111, o( Lh e wh ol' I'oll nl y, II \IS!'. ,1i\ldIOIl Il~I' II, ,:< ill hdtl' l ]1'1-- har1k. \\t'n' Jlw llt<',1 Intll 0 111' of 1\ 1('l: itimut.Cl outgt'IIl1'lh Ill' 11l1' ,ill'11 Ie I nel , I ' Impal'l llli u nll ,r·- tltt' hlll!\·~t bankin g huu ,-'~ in Lhi~ "<'I' d, of the p<'(I(lll> I'll\' IIJ"lI ualc fll'it'nl "-"1\ Ie,' In nIl till , t IlHlltt'l'~ l'dinll \,r Uhil' !ll1d ~i m'\! that time I hl111 ll~ i nd iv it! 11111.· I l i,. IIlwII\''h:lnld1\ rarilit ie~. , 11l~'" lon'" hUll, d in tlw b.' auliflll A hll nking iU!1tituti n (IS \11('1\ wi"", I II n, n", 11, ll'll t I' a CIlIPOI" lind inll' ... '.'~iI'e' hanking ,' lI'liclurl' lUI an indil'idu:l1 hll~ eh;\1'ne ,'I' huilt a llii n l ' lh'l 1hllll all incli\'idtlu1 in t til\' C\lrnl' .. of IItain anti t'nl r:l l thl' ugh il y ors of xi,lenn' by 1111 tllI,,1 tlIlIll"I~ 1'('j:HI 'dl';l;.' of \ht" difli lillie it (IV l'C(J1I11', IIIH1 ' I ~'I" nnlurc, ,\ """11 in ii cld lctu\ln. Ev ry Mit~ , tTul!'g le toward th(' ut.tainment I Thl III' ~l'111 1I11J1kin~ hll ~im'~' you 1'/.I n~l'"11'1It ha~ be n mad .. Lo ,';('I'\,( in II 1l1,,:L elTiciunt lllanncr (If illl i(kal., !I cl'e you I\ill riflll .. 1' the' Fi r.-t· ..\ 11\ ' !'iI'IIi! Bnnk & \\ it h cnud~('U~ l,rnC (, I '~ l' ally and ~ II " IIj( th, u(' cur3ey in hl1llllling (1<,- Tnl"t ""'pall)" clal l'H hack IlHJ1'l' t it " a n(1 bnarllh of vi. ion- nil t o 11\1111 "j,'hly-[h'(' y'all' "h'l1 'l'hl willing to g:iVl' ~'\)lll' hanking reqtlill'lI'I, IlL~ ClIl't'ful, p r~nna] at~ b(' 311plicd to th .. ll1anagl'llw nt Ilf Flr,;\ Nati oll:! l Bonk 1111;\ e~tahli"h- tt nU"n, Crl m~
(lfTln'l ancl Ihil\ '(1111 I' I'l h,'" ,II I (1lIllanl plo~r,' . \'l' l'lliinol fail I,) ~OlllpJilll '111. thun \.1 plln tllI' ir I< uccl'"sful cffil1 t , in /.:'I\'in " t he cOlll l11unity n fin;i,' cial ill .' titu· lilll1 or lll' character Hlu l s UilJility (I ( 'rill! Pil's t meriean Bonk & TI'U, ( 'o mpu I1Y, in l\lhldlulown, lit
1 11
C. T , DAG E NBAClti . , , , ,
Co n inu e ll 1"1'0111 fo'vl'mer I' Rg" ho .. to rit ~ h ().'s ~Il thaL you f\IIlY l'n'joy COlllJllctt! com filii, and rc,u llin~ in better g"t'm'rlll hc ulth, ' £n milking t,hi: l'l'vil'l\ or UllI' progr ,~'< W'l' Cllnnnt Cllil to cumpl inwnt thi ~ t il r(' a s an in>.liLuijon lhat i ~ un I mcnlal faclor in I Air R cia l, l'c;,no .n ic IIno bU:line& li fe (If Ih~ (lcoplc "I' lhl' ('(Immunity,
- .... - -
i>li"s Rllchel P eltill. Mi."," fo'l'Ull( ;< Mr:<, Emmn P eil'c~, alld Wil , '; m:111 IlI lHlUllt :'~tV l tl ton UUl't~oc k wel'l' in L l'llanon, in th, ii' IOtt'I'<'~t ,1 C!pu l'tl11ent hiL' «'doay aft r no on, It 'lpl'd I1lOny "11 lilt' I'oad t o sueli t<s GI't't h en Gl' hring ueCOIlI\' ~.~, Thl' ~'il'1't Anll'neU n Bank pan i<!d M I'~, R, 11, 1I 1l1t;lll"k , Jl'un , ROY SC HMIDT, OWNER 1-Ins urgent t roops, I d by a sin,le brass h »r , triumpllllllily take 0\ r .. n!andl.'r, I :;t 100portanl Spanish Tl,,~t \ompany ill MitldletowTI i" ~ JHfl l' and 01\ I' ll to [Jayto n , on S ,llHome of "Genl!r~ l " Tire. and Tube .. , Bntleries, Rndio. and govcrn~cnt 1)0 t on nor !~lern coast. 2-Maybe Max S('hmclln~ Is whl 'per luG' to MUte jaoobs, IIromoter, \" ,11 kIHlI\ n Ihl'lI (,ul th i ~ Sl'etion ul'dny, ,What h e II . do (0 J OIl "II . In the bout nCN't June ror IVhlc h 1\1 il;C Siglll':i (1m, 3-0ut or breath , but n ot runAuto S,-ppliel in Middlelown at 1 371 Central Avenue Have ;111,) I' 'll'ol11\'," th ' P\ ol'lunity t o 1 1.<, Win Bali"lIul'y c:I1I ' d on IIlng trom the C !•• nc;cc Is little PrInces l'ori ·~o-UlYI1, r ul'th daughter of lile empcror anll mprc of Japan res and Tub"s fer Every Make and Mode1- R nder Itn E p rt I,l' "I' -'''I'\'ic\ t o tile I'l' ndel'~ of LhiS ~lnm e and ,<\111111 HI'Olln 011 Friday seen In sporl at a Tokyo school. • VuJoanizi~ and Tir R.,pair 5 rvice -One of Ihe Fore moot i ~.<llI' , rnll'J'e~t Js C(J J11Poullrled :\ ((ern oo n, Concern& of ill K:nd in Tthi.. S ".ct';on- Retlre now with Gener"I., \ _I 'I"!ll'll l'1~' 0111 ~:Ivinv!' :1('COlHlt· a l l\1 i,,~ BIUZl1l' Il'nu MI'~, lanh' y Throughout this ,· ti n t'h,; Gcn \\ ~ ('kly ,'r monthl;; payment-, Thi~ /I no 1111 11 U I IlItl', :-:; ta l't u. stl vings IIC- .',,1101'/\ of L ballon call d I)n the J Mi. RC'; Brow n one daY l a:;t week. ernl Tire ~ak Co, in Midd ll' own l'l' I'\"; 111 t !ils Y,lll I' con,iclcl'fltion c(,"n t lu"a~', one cstal.>lL~hm~nt II h 11 p\ll'\'hn~ln~ n,'w til'\)S I1nd is known a wh a complete nutn H'J-vic,' can 11'11 '" tht, 1I1l1l' I" l'l' li)'l II ith Gl'n' be had at NCCC dimrly low 1" ic~:; II ai, f col' ".:dc' 1'1111 111111 \I intl'r d';,·· and hUJldreds of m(ltorisl. hl1v il1J!', The'y nls'l del II. 1,11'ge bu. illt'.:' " TRY CARTER'S BEVERAGES'" mllrve lle-d at the wOllll(>r flll and d- In rf'L1'I·"ding lei tiJl'~ tlnd cal'ry Boltle .. of a Complete L ine of Oelicioul "Carter'." Car' fici n t S' rvice olrel'cd , ill !\1."l'k 1\ CnlJlpLIC line o( 1'('bonated Bev rage.. WhiM are on Sale Everywt"",<! - ' Pla nt Mo jod, Is will find "C' nrl'Rl" tl'('a cilu till) II I all lime~, F'anll(' r~ Cleao and Modern Throughout and Under a Prollreuive a nd t,ir~s make tnotof'in )r ,~nfc 811(\ COIll- I nnd I'csiJ l'nt will find lhey can Popular Management Office and Plant Located en German fortnble on all ranllll- in ally k ind ~a\'c mon oy on l'f'll'endcd lire, thu' town Roa d in Middletown - The Qual,ty of "Carh,r'. Prnd.ucts f weather, Yo u'll f in d th ey ('11- I cUltin~ d"'I~'n th l I' O" t oC l'urB I hau1 and Thole Which They Di,ll-;bule is Re=ognized 11lr,oughout Thi. nhie YOll to s top your car quickly in!! to a l11inimum , Terrrtory by the Trade. and nfely a nd t he dan ~er Qf /'I kidWhen yo ll )lut "G n eral" on ding is pract'ically C'liminated by your en!' wh eolh r 1\ balloon or a The old Bnd true saying that tll ' thl'O~ hly enjoyable and m~ny thl'ir use; wide fl x ible tr ads reg-ul~l', y ou may relit. IIs~ureJ that b: ,-l j'!'. always the rheape t is cs~ fomili e throughoi.lt thi section, .:rill firmly th slippery . trc t 01' you have a tire r tl,lbc of nil lWei 11y Ilpplicable to the ptodue~~ Cl<~dal1y In the C() Un1,. l'Y and sub" muddy r ad, holding thl' car to a l'.tronA" I'U hbl'1' llnd that with Nl\!h o f th ' nrter's B V'(l l'ag s, (nc" in urbl\n sc tion.s pUl'~lu~1! "C rter's" SPTIl, unlnlteri ng nurse, In loo.~, and ev ry tir under like conti i.- Middl to ~' n pt'o ducel's and distri- products in ca '0 l ov, Th ir d Ii· !loft dirt or . ~n~ they 'keep the ion ~ you "ill enj oy Ihe ,n.mc uni- butol'S or carbo nated be-verages. eiOtl t8 ~tlnes mnk o th~m a pI'e",~ eeLs from slnklllg and 011 te-~ ll form long s{!rvic, p-to-lhe-min The p]lIn\, of this conce~'n h f I rcd bev erage in very horite 'liS lJ1lls they afford remarkable trae- ute- !;e\'v ice with J;Ual anteed sa tis- I<ll'icUy moueln and lh equipmen t. \' ,11 as at the soda fountain, !\./ld Li n, They arc a di.'> tincL tltcp for- .{nct.ion i ' what you r ceive ill of th manufacture and bottlin ;!' they constitute a l'efl c, J ing dri11k wa)'d in making Illotoring safo. and "General" tires her •. of their ]l)'odu ( t. , l ogether with a to off r II guest 01' to h n.ve on nan. This ~ l8b1 i1;hm cnt I: u nd l' elt- s(\nitary plant, 8RUU /' s th ulti - whe n on has gUlC!\tfl f r ~'evel'al uffol'd unusual protection to thc e{1' an 1m glnary ('nl'my durIng recent IDa.Nothe Fort. Ell!;l:tnd ,-A fUn cre w goes iato ac tion;) It w r ar mechnoism, clelivoring mile- pert managem ent of MI', . Ro ~' lIlute Clilollsumel' that J)1'oducts fron day!', Purchasing soft drink s by from the Oor ct Heavy Brlpde, Royal neuvers at tbls po t wltie)1 guard Port!~na h~ rbor , T he flo,dlcl' ~ge quat to no other tire with no ' ( hmidt, who kll W~ th e tire l)u s- th is ~ tal.lli hm ilL Ine first cli, , the cas!! is the economical way. AlArtlller},. 1'crritorlal Army. . , innea , in fuel con UlYlption. in .s i lom A to Z anti \\ ill b n Illcr ~ in thi locality who hllll ' ways rea.dy, The General Tire Sale 0, of- pI 'a~ed t o give intormlttl.on r e- (lie" artel" s" prod ucts find a c:on• In this Tevr~w"/oi' the onward pro II fer s an exceptional plan "",ilt' r by gordiog t in's or tir ,c l' vie', we wish to ompliment The Rta ntly inc l'l;a sing d emand iO I I,tl"e you can equip your car with new - Ad y, lht 1l1. Tb l! pU I'e.'>t of fllworings anll Cart 1"S B v rages, Inc" in ~nd· j Generals and pay for them in eas;r l h e bc,t ing l'ccli ll nts enter into th dl town a nd s ugg t st to the d ea l- , Il1nn u ractur of their beverages, Cl'1S ,tt: r oughout thiis soction the t '1 Th ey know ·how to combine ingred - good way to pl'oiilote and in erc".M i n t.~, to oblai n th:! t ustiest r e!' ults busine, s is t han dlfo their IJro-1 and l he tll'ink that a ctually quench Ph Clmlycfu'r rdel' to Mid· duct.' . " DRY CLEANlNG - LAUNORY ell thin' l Bnd l'c frll s h c one, d town 254, Make .. Sp·e ci.. hy of Tbre-=> Kour Service 00 Either Men' or W o- Ad v, Prod lIcL Fl'OIll this pran me n '. Suits and Coats wilh Office and PlaRt at 5 North ,Bro..d Street 'OR Midclletown , People Living in th Country Will Be Provided With &S G ood Service a. Their CUlt01J1ers in . 1 getting the b 13t.--that they IITt' Middlelown. MlLny Satilfi.,d Patrono in All Sett'i on. ju t what they told you they 'NC'I'(! ~.e ..d in Thei .; Work by Mail. Phone Middletown 2 7 9 · and Lhnt all lo ng as you wis ll 0 IIr~n,
General :rire Sales Co.
Roars Lon e
Carter's Beverage, Inc
to t
Western Farm
'C leall·AII
11'8n-AIl hus 1>' n in I Th nj oyed an v-er - idly equippNI
MeDo weII
~!l1(11 I~
i.< IV 'or the coa t you have t h it con· j'OT all cln of ti nuH I intel'!!st ill, you t ho h,el ('a~ing palronage because of dl y cleaninl!' and nIl work is t oo , "FURS" bOst Fe rvic c. Th cir tl'us lworthy and h n o\'h e reaso nabl enes of ehargel\, Ul e difficult to hamilc lri the 1l10s1, !<a- SneciaJizing in Man.ufacturing, R e . ' ~ener!l I' cxcellem~ of work ,u nd t'C- ti:;rllClOl'Y mllnnn. modelin.g, Repa';ring and StorobiI' mfl'thod !\ hav ' bl'ought \ h Em Jiability, The dry cl anin~ "y~te m 11,cd "ge with H.e.. d~artero at much tra.de not o nly fro m Mirldlll , The parcel pORt erviec IH a v 1'y not only cl a n~ y til' (:loth ~: hut 1406 Central Avenue in Mid. to\\ n but from through out l.hF II l;ilnhlc fl-lllur (O', All you hav to Ih l:ouJ:rh ly rcnovuLas th(m in th e d lctown- P a trcn. of Thi. Fur commu nity, . fcO owell Fu r 'Shop tlo i /leml in your \\ol'k by porcel 1l10, t sanitary nHlli n!')r, It .also turns E"tabli.hment Know They i: witlUy knowll a nd women who P' t, llddl'es.~('d to lhi!! fh·m and lhem out in Lht' 1I10!\t aPlll'ov (1 Will Rece ive the 8e-.. t Ser,r.ceIlre looking for q uality, good st,~ I" tdl thelYi what you want done, "tyl eR ",ilhoul the di.'a~r('cabl 0From Their Garm~ nt.-Con. and ~e n .. ibl pric~!s fOlm theil' tt \ ' l' ~I'h, will give , you ll1ctropolit.nn tI I' that l1(,cOl\lplln i~' : Lhe work of centra li". Their Skill on Fun incl'C'afling pa t l'011age. ::W l'viee a nd return the '\\ork to you :::0 many c1E:Llnin~ lind T'('novatim; Alon " They are in a P""ltion I MY-ntIENO- 11 Il mptly by pa, rc ,1 POgt. Hundred ' nln nincry in h 'il' 111tln\, tlHlk ()~ to GiVe( Far Better and More A R (ll!!tverlf! ' . • • 1. find hi!; n t'llost convenient sy,~tem it VOl; ibl e f ot, lh em to hlltHlle llll' R~hab"lle F~ ervlC:e Than' is 01.'· , I have a frien~l, onc with ",110m (lr havi ng cleaning dOll e. , most d elica t e JLlbries find tUl'n tama e rom a Store Where fOl' m ore t han fQrty y C!ll',~, I hav e Among the , muny th11ll!'s Fur. enre only Featured a Few h SCI I'ttl , _ they ' ' I them o'u t so tha t thE'y look like M th 0 I e con ta c t t y e t h ave I e h erel a n ure lache, gown~" , v I11nlr , n ew, ,, ' on. ut of the Yea... ished n feeling oJ hiendshlp l\ n-::' Mr, E, Tyl c'l Shough IS one or I The purcha si ng of furs is a admiration for b(~l', . J H, A, Robertson Is s hown vlew.lng the dcstru cUon Wrought on the land he Is farming near Buhl, Idaho, by drc;<ses, jackets, skit ,Wlllst, lon~ oa ~, furl!, kid glove , uits, lace the promin nt husiness men of I \\ eighty matter a nd somethjng n ot W r I ' h the sinking of thousands of square feet of rich soil into th e bowels 0: Ule eorth, M;ore thon live acres has o('urtai ns men's clothes, overeoats, lUddl town who has at aU times, tiC omp lis hed in day's shopp \ l~ I } e have Itt I~ 10 hcom~o.ni Ld,C already sunk 125 to/2QO (oe t below its nor mn l ljvcl, (orm:nn 0 cfln),on, This phenomenon of nnturc, cxperts bat.h robes, n eekties, fancy vestil, I worked in the interest of the com- but in stead rcquires con!liderabl:! pallway of our s Wid .: y 1_1 say, is due to n grea t b enea th much of SO" hern Iduho and oy doom a considerable area. . , ... y 'II ------1verged, 1I0~O seat covers and mllny other I mumty whlc .. he serves, ou WI thought, H owever, Il n exelusiv :l F 'Il f he Itl1 h h ' ' , We were Il\.q;d an.d chasLe1lc tl T · I fihd complete saH faction when f UrI'je r esta blishm ent d ra 0 1 a II , ,et h , aSthlemam- with the stupcndo" s n.nd n'al'e t'" t alt ' , . , ' I t k • , t t th ' , c ra t be r ose y WI In e con, " , ~ T ins tabh,shment IS popu ar I yo>u a e ~OUI , gm men s 0 e 111 fut's eve ry day In th e yea'f, \'C- ti f h • Ie t h h ' l of Goll',;; h and iwork , wil.h all who have tried it and that Clea,.-All In :M.ldal~town re· mode li ng relining re\'l'IUfmg I n es 0 , er p ~~n o~c, W I e . , I , f "Th F ' ,t S " ' .' . ' , hav e liv ed nly hie afar In stl'en· Ih y put '(ol·th their best eff ort 18 , atols 0 e Ineb ervlce .' ellla lllng, brush ing , a nd combing ti ' . ' f t' , hi Ad ' I h I uous ac vltles . . howllin the sat! ac Ion tn eac _ . v, ~o ves t e prcib em when furs aloe ~.:.....:...:...-=-.-::...:... I to be p urehase d. What IS It a bou't thIS i i'len d that " " I has bl'ought hel: back to me in Devo~tng all then' .slun and COll- thQUght when so me o at tandi ng , ' , centratmg con ·t antly on model'n I th d d th ttl perso n, pla re, or 1I1cld ent surPTlsed me 0 S an ~ n ewes S y er., me with a flood of memories ? m orn rise above th e broad Attan"FAMOUS ~OR FOOO" t h y broaden the Ir excellent rep uT ' Loc:at" d in M'iddletow.. at 203 Southl Broad Str~ I is Pop. ta li on ' every year a nd th e patron-I ~IC~, ,per h api~ th r ee t 'Im es d own , I h ave ,se n th e un, ,on E'a' t er th e. t rul l of t h e y ean, 1 h ave met tiC, qetald ed by the clanon call of ' ular Wilh Many People of Thl . Seclion of Obio as Th ey Feature Iarger alfe gl'ows a 11 th' e t Ime, ' • , , . I l) er~on~, a man, ' two women With b ug l ,and SI' X~ t h ousand vOices D~1ic:iO'tlI Food.-Well Chosen Menus, Oe'li ghtfu lly Served- Reo ,W Ith, the h igh st tandnrds m~in tall slen del' bodies" small shapely burst fOl,th into a g lo rio us hymn • valion. For Parr'e. & Ba.nqeh Or Aflernoen Tea Can Be Had tam ed lJ1 ,all t h e, wQrk turn ell h ea ds crowned 1with the sam e tine , of P raise. ' By Phoning Middletown 3560. And I thrilled with an inward fe, for dinocr, or a bani!U et, Y.'hl ~ ut ,by lhl ~, estabh hment, expc'rt gold hai.r, nBtl'{)W faee- , r egular . 'Th 1) ''' pI fr~m throu,t:ho ut this, will ,find the~'e, I ~ , none 11\ ~hlch I utrl~r·" prUlle yelt::! and the be,,: feature, pale blue eyes, neat'- sho uting of ' joy , M, mo~el'n, e qulpm nt , patr? n s of Sighted, and th e n the whole perMy Fl'i en d '/ I kn'ow t.hat h e' l H','1I, m -of , th e !'late, all \1 ith ac- s en'ICe 01' CU ISin e I~ more saLlsfac lh l!l establr. hm n~ al'e re~dlly ,as- l;o nality illumin ed by the mo st too, wo u ld h a.ve looked upc>n these , 1l1 im }IIlVC III crlluunc rl th Klyd e tory. , ' ,. 1110 :IS one of \h~ fin :>.t rc;;taurIf you, too, would lik e your din- ~~ " ('d ,o f genUi ne s,atls.factlOn, channing, flashing s mile that ever inspiling glories li nd ".e p ond ed ev(lit,,, ill \tw. H i ~ II cI'llleT nf many nel' pa'rty or aft I'n uo n tea a r eal I hPl'C! IS m uch to be gamed by lhe warmed a soul a.nd , p read s unshine en M 1. One ca nnot be alone wh n o~inl )t3lherinf,ti', llartics and tea , UCCl'SS th n make your r • ~rva f~I' coat ow n ~r wh en they d e-al lik e unto t hat of whieh the poet th e g reat emotiona.l moments <U h> thO~t, I h .. \1 i. h to make th eir tions at on e e, Th c~ havc CXCCIl ' ll \llih an sta bl1 s~ e d c o~cel'n which "rote in th e lilting song "The Sun- life are present, ami so the min d I' aches out for those whom mem-- , I' ,IlV \IT h nqui.'l 1\ fllt'CeSS . facilities fflr parties or bsn()ul' ts kn ow.- furs. ,<pec mhz S 1n th em and !Shine Of YoQur Smil e" , lhru long experience ~now s the nd· For u bllef t ime in the early lo ry ra lls fr m out of the distance, , of all ' izc5. fur yean!\ w e wel'e clo e fl'iends; ahe an d brings them to our side. Til " lo> l~'llt, 111n i.; cUr'lve niently I n lllBkhlJl: IIhls levi ew of the vantage of one vanety of I "ted un .'()\llh H1'ul1d St!, et in period we <U,l'e gla'd to complim erlt ove r anot~er, ,~ nd ,w hO e guatall- " ,oto c,d" with me ~ 1 took my ,m ar· I I feel that she has toad in ai- ' Mhl,III'lo'\ \n away il'rln (.h(, city Mr, Clyde H ac krl ey upon the sue· tee of s atIsfactiOn IS a s good :IS a riage vows ; and, a y ear later she Il enc upon 30me gr at m Q'Utain p eak was uni ted with th:! man of h et' or ,ga zed upon the thundering wa. 1111 .and traffic, ,~'h~re peac c 85 of t he Klyde I nn and the P.:l- bond. ier~ 01 N i~ar i or walked d.ow n the lJ1\d conlt!ntJl1~Il't nlllllllc with the ,i li on it occupi~s in the tiu sines>, dim isle or some bcautiful Cath. City Clerk Mich3.cl Cruise of New Yor. IIbOWD paUID. up Ute d'li il)lI. ,;uti.. fyiol!' d1!111'1 ~ 'eIV~U, "I'd ~o c i RI world of this se CtiOIl erlral and h~r reactions were a s aouelDl tbat In the fuLure marriage licenses are ao\, valid 'or 11 ....... . I to refer thei r f'erv ice to all read' , ' , after t.e1r lGsuaace, rro'511ectlve brlJes &nil poe...11 ,.1Ie 110. .11& .. IIeat I 1'a.~ t 1\' \ Y , Tll<t·l' III l1 u t 'n\\lt '1\ mme "Quid be. the I.,. ~'e sbewn In line lUI thl'Y .walt _belr eerUlcaloell r - ' , • • h h l d" I Cl', \1 hI) want til dIne well and In p Iaiel 111 \\ I\' 0 III ' rlinn, hL.-eI KI There is Mmething in the Al- . eeremonlcs, . d Itt th. rnu I. pll'llsant or ~urr6undtn~", (' nil ani nu · one. Ali ' h n.~ t eht!D1Y of human friend hip which pi d a h \'!illl p'1I'ulRri'~', \ ~. holds for aye, though time and r '" ~ .. - - Iii tnoee in all theil' variatio In. )Ira. Blna Patterson enlertained Mr, 011 lin. IIUe7 Gt. . . ..,.... hHllvia..a cUait\Jr hay btl n .1 t • ince' th
p lolion it h:ll
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1/, '-ill1dl'~ I1l<'d or ( ' 111" • (It , C dltlnll d fu n I \\ I I I IHld,I:. L ulli, lI lil [1, 1, "ll' !lil t-ii t h . II ...':,· ,' d lid ill .• ~. \" :"I-:. d" i,t I",!llwlhu , Frid~l Y . (' In"ny tfl ~(jlb i. 1/"111('-(''' "'\\'1I1d" 1.11 1' I . I . ,f, ~ d'IY', Ih' l'j'IIY 'h Ul l· h. Hr' I' lid ;11111 ' ,( \.1 " : '" 1'., [,(· "I : lIl1lh 1\111 jJ"lIk jll lit,' m ornIII ' l l ' I I I ' , I I , l !l , oj \11",\ I, i I:" ,I . Lu ti n ill Ihe flf· ~. I' " 1'( , I" II ~ 11 ,\ 11.11 cllltlially i nvilA.' iI .\. : . I; ' 'I ~ (0 ( " 1 l if ) t\ 1 ."11 . t-:d I'l"!' (n . 1\:11"11 {;It ll h n I \1" 1( \ w l " . In I)", , I. ' :-" 1'1,' ,1 W ,,·It'I· i< van · t ' , 11"" '"'11'1 I", III oil. . ' 11 dar ILf l ' l. t" I " , II I h" "111 and (, hirf , " " • ~11t1l1ll I I \J";:ln n illg' h i~ t h.,, 1 • L I \: )1 ,I I, . :,"d ,\1 , \ . II I (11 ' 1\ d, !~"d 10 l·njny .p. nt I h, ' 11"1 \ I ,11 ,1 , 1 II." It .. , " l ' III al .I! ' , II, \ , I ,"' I d, n . It is :n id h'l ratL , l , ~ It . !,,, lI i J: l lIIOIll. I at • 1;1 • III ' b l' li~ht(' n Il~ th l'Y Tf.. (,( ' t · \\'i,:tI I II, ,I II I [)" II uii .· 11 , 11 III , h," and u rt el" thl' I 011 . .\1,. Li ll i, \\"1 . 1 ,,, "1 I :II\IlIV \ , "I," ,f hlllll\1 \\-' in t C'I' th ,It ~htlil'; Ij ul·~ . : 1i ,1 y . . • . , III ', Itll L: II"" , . hll\'" ~tn nrM ed (illl Sit , tI, • .f l . h ,1 I.. II \ ' (1'1'1.1 1 I , II t , I' 1I ,,,d lit '"\I("h lOr fl·of;t tilll- II , \I I t " ..\{. Iii 1,'1,,, 1 11,· II"l li \\ It h g:IlY l'res ld eut and 1I1.·s. Franklin O. Itoose\'ch III : .... • a ' Uw y s tuppcd on thoir drh·e througb the grounds or lo ul I, ", u,·1t in'jlJ< lv(,,J nt I",i il1l'. · . II I J I",,, 'I " 11I · ,.I~ on c tind ~ the ann ua l It hi n II t!k-Dm· hc. s County fair a' R :,' II C:'l' " .>. ., "admire a pr i1 c·winn in g ,md Iter :'II". j ,',ltl c- ~ t,, " I . ;'1'1 '. l't ,1; 1 I' ll'" .. '. \I !,I ' I' ; \\hu;; (' c IIIcalr en (' red In Ihe s(!w k show . SLnrk, IIll" Mr \l1 "d , :11"1 " 'Ili,, ~' 1,1" I ' ni(,,.ly \\ 1 h t he • SPR ING BRANCH " hi p lu b Bt t h eir "~l'll'n , hf'I' nWet- t iall (II' th · TlllI"~ ""~' 1'\' II I 11 V' ;: ' 1(' " .... ~ld . ,11 1,1, III .. I' th wilt! ~lInhUI eh in Duylllll ~l1V(' 11 [ I'. Hnd l\l l:'. 1I 11.~· J ih~(Jn li nd i ng, Im; l W cdn e:dllY, Ilith 1\11' . • ~JlI(' n<li.J talk On hI' Itrtillt' :lnd lift' ,F th ,' Il (HI~·I-',,"I~' ... )' 1• •\\1 : " , I" ,/ ,." nlllh(· ('0 / 0 1' .'~IlJ~,hlt 1 0 , f'Huli"l' 1.lId !-;~(· l l ll, 111 1'. E j!c n c J e ff er y. .\ll'. ;.11 d 'II ,. .11 I I, "'l ll, " 11.,] \" ' ) h" I" 1'1 11'1 f " unl l n l! BI'· III lit I' h 0 111 . !-)\'vNal m II in th !\1\>lII ~ ]' (' \1 i s of L I'l/ UIl OI1, M ... a nd lIll·. n nd MI'!', , . H. J),'nt h ' , a'l :c (" . IJ ~ I '·J.!ati () 1I ~nv,· inL-:-:-I'I ,t i ng !ull{s IIIl ~11'. "1(\ MI- (II 11'1 1' It,' :ll " OIl" 1111 " ll llllf l~ \I h. II.' I he eo l~l "' . EI1>I\ "r lh G ill'un n nd l itll ~ 10\('1'0 'Ilnrv ~ y.• bul·.I!' ,'"lilJ ' ~ lus l S"l"i ll l!" Vall. y. SIJIlt/ay " I ~ .1 hI , . \\' ," I, t h nl hUl1ln n Iwo n [ I l' rla~' " in lhe pa · t. dauJ.'h ll". I'h.\'1Ii - ),l;,l' ; ;\1 r. l yd t' T n ur ~ dn y ertern n . T h!' .1L'". n " lall'] ' Ita\" ,· " Ill '" i ll '.' j . ufd II I\), .. Ii,·"·. A h'H kL'l dinll ,q' 11:1 llljll,l' d a l Ill' (11 \\,1
O,roucl\o, Cblco and Hn.rpo Mnrx , tb o famou s Marx Il ro!'!. of stllge·screeu ·and·radlo rame, sood audl nc s Into sldo'lIpllttl n ll laughter In tbelr new ll-G-M plcturo, "A Day at the Rne 8, ' wh l'l1 will opon a tlve-day engagement at the Dew Xonla. a luxu tlloat I' . Sunday, September 26. "A DBY nt th Racca" 18 just about the {lwnleRt bll of !Iert:t'n (tnt talmnent over produced, according to r cogulze d Cl'lti R. It 18 the fun ·packed, Inug hccrommed s tory of three nully brnll,,'rll wbo weI' d termilled their horse would win a rac !it an y ('o~ l! Allan J ones, PDPul!lr tenor, and pretty MlIlIrOt'n O'!:lll il iva n hnve tho co-starring rODlantie hal a In "A Day lit th R u (·cR ." Olll! J on 8 sings thr new song hlta. Performunc II oru ro n linlloll A ('vc ry day from 1 : 30 until midnight Ilt the ·n w X nla Ul eatt'r Th Xl'nla lheat 1" 8 outstandlnlt S l) clo l feuLure, T , In IllY "nonk Ight," wtll be orfe r d ngalu Friday and I!.funla y. 1',Jl I UU" I' lln IlU"ml any hour, e l~h r d y a'ld ho fJ \l g lhl unri l'r Ih "EI '; 1 IJlllty Card" $yslClU. Th ' "[lnnk m p:ht" stngo cor Illn l1 ~' I ~ 11/, ' , 1 1 1(1 P. M . on Rahil'(l y f'vl\nl l1~ 1'11 ~ X ( fi la tIi Nl ' "''' ' I' ~t'ntn.
Fr1rlny nU fl
!- ., tq ·· ,'P\
orv, (' ., " A II La t; lurnll" 101e s.
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~lllilh ntll'ndi!,T a bil"lhday ~ Ul'pt"i:;e
aUlI ..; llUl lllll
111 13 'lIbl ook, Sil l urtillY eveni ng on
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ _~----:----------_ _-
.eRA HE AT 200 M. P.11.
!\f,'. a ll ,l 1\1 1'". H arol d Hogen; n
lhdl I,il·th<lay" hu pp tn e tl o n lh t MIl(' rlall', Sl'llt" ll1 bt! I' i h~ event h. ]J on'! f()l'g- ,( t h · Hom - om'in:r· HI \lI d Mt. !l oll y hUI·ch. Octo be r IlI"In~ YOUI' !,n< k cl' full of fri ed cllICh' lI hl'c uu . c you kno w that all mjni~ t ,· I' ~ HI-e fl'i d c hic·k e n afi I
11ft.. an<i
Mr ~.
A. 13.
'f!ll nla~l· .
J c~.(!
Gm'I1IH', J. L. Talma>:,· w ere in atcn dancc at a vel '\' in· tlll'stin g prog l a m Bl . 'hilnh h Ul'ch o n S u nday af l (1'11'"111. 1\11';:. Pati Lnc ThulIllp,rm i. a'!ain c onlin d t o h er Iwd. s l. l'i r,u?ly il J. . ;\l i
.. .
nOlin, II j!.uod ly- I1 U ll1~el' of Ill·tlpl , IUI ,wd ou l rOI' thl' lit ',I,illl1 and lh,· da. II n ,I joyou • .'UC~("~ .. ~!J . !l1l. 1 1\1r . L "stl· .. KIllel, id.. \It'l'l' I Ii(' Sund:t~' dinn\'I' t:Ul·~I ~ I,r MI'. and :\'11", (,hl.lrll'~ WIllkifl,- .
H,'tty R I III'[u~k Tilm Burt . n
Duo t id e al w eat h.r cn dillo n ' 4 ~1' ll'l tllJ(Hl. f a l mel'S havt! gott" ll Ih l "l1~ pl l! Il ;I. un,le l·., t.a n<l l h'ere will be s vera.l Mr. ;orlll 1\l rs. 1' 1 ' :r~' F aul :l nd iuly \\ith t ht'i t" c I' ll ha,rvl .. till~ flnrl son, E I ViII, " 'ilm!!. Thom a" :InrI 1hNt:. :\Ii ~ Milln i,,' l'n wf Ol 11 oi 1\1 • m art y are pre paring I1l ' l til'lds h' L i 11:\ Lan, 11\)1; " I)~ III '-\ln ulty ul l alh( I' I,', I! ! n Il'nl. H ully, 1111'. Albert Spitl cl', MI'. and SO W th e s mall er Kltl.iu . ' !lr. H aIry Giblln n a nd so n, l rvin b l Ulntif u l y idd of cun1 i, antl'11'3Tht .·upper g-u('~ 1s I,r l ev . I\nll \If De ll h l oo k. ~lr. and Mt ' . Jall'lc>I tll d by m UIlY a t hu.-kinl;': time. 1\11>. '-milh. '-u ll lllly l H·llin\.( \\'(')"(' : ;)1I11I'r a nd I hi ldl'l' n, H 1'I'y J aIYl«:~s FERRYISMS i'11', lllH I :\1 1'0;. R i~ha .. d R UI"I1';, :'lit . and M e rlin ot Dnyloll, Mr. Will t'tII l J II'''. 'a rtt' I', l<.: thcl Burn' , Mis" Julia, Glu,ho n ' ,<PE'l1t 1hl! ,luunilu I IIU;<l' nl' d 1\11-. Ml!l " in l'(l ff, lJayllln, W ' 1' (' afte rnoon cnl !"" or 1111'. lJiky GibSo n tuu'! fam· w l'.e k ~ nt.! a til. !tU ;;1, of lh ' 1131'- B ro ul!1 h, lY F rdye es. ily. 1'h(, E l"vi n Tho lJl ~~ ('~ w '11' a IJ U l'i)' BEECH CROVE 'llOriny wa ' n ' b NIUlifuul dar, I .• mil~r, Hu n day ; V l'n"1) II ill (If i\l1 ~. alT oll Dea lh rIl l!;(! VC1' V on e in \ hi ch to r new ol d f lie nt!- R1di(,· vil1 (l \HI.' t hei r d inne r I{u(!!;l; pI N\ ~u ntl y t' nt ertu inc'd O)('lllbl' l'l' (;I. ~ hip !! <l"YJ d make n w LlOl1!'o. Aud tha t in [he aft 'rnllo n th"y call t'<l QI1 t ill' B l)li ~t.o·' 1i ~, i \l l1al' y (> i t y j,,< j ust what hnpl1t;'n(!,1 I· "t ,' un- 1\£1\ J o hn 1':: ltcl w h o i~ himl ' Ij n a (I f th e J O ll ah' ~ Run hurch of H a l" j dn :\ wh e n S uga!" ' I'c"k hd till n "i'- It J'I III T cxa,<; and in l h .. ('ve· IIp.1Jurg-, al he l' home Ian W ~d hu:ch hl'ld ib II om~, ·Colllill~(. :'I1f·. lIin~, lhl'~' ctlllc d on 1>1 1'. a nI! • Il"~. rl'"da y u fternoon. Ab t1 ut tw enty H Ollut ci W oods I· d Lbt' mo rni ng had 's Th oma:! and family al M j· hldi '::; W 'I"l' p)"e~t' nt t o en joy th e ·~ I I'll . and 1\1 1'. W II IO(' h:lliutt I tI a lll i. bu I'g. 'll('et in)C. th aft.e l'noo n s t"vi !I. Rev·1 M I'. Ill ry n neho,"t amI li...GU l'6t~ a t t he J o rdan h ome th e Wri ght of ~h e Waln l1 t H ills 11I' i, - Mll rg'all,t An d l ". " i ~iL~l l with rhl' flU. l wee k w ' I'e l\1I' ~. Lucy Fi ~ h b a ug-h and dll uj!h.te r , Mi ..;s Ell e n 'of ~\'li d d1L, tn\\"1l a n d MI'~ . Ella Bal'low Qf Dayto n.
~\V " . !I_;!, \<9
Cleveland, Ohio. - Lucky dog ! Count Otto von Ilag nburg or r· man,. I pictu red h ro eme rg in ;.l from the ruins of hi pl3n Ivhl('» r hcd wh ile tr vI! jOg 2 mile!. p , ~ hour, T he Inl('rnntloQI\Uy tamed stunt R1~r pro\lld d an u nex., oled ' hr ill for 60,000 IIJr I:ln atte nd ing , he National 1\11' f! nces when he '1lmbed out of the wre ck g(', so· luted them am1 I'c" !1psed os he al· tempted to g t in! au ambulance.
Goodrich Invades the Low-Priced Field!
Br.lg:ullcr Gcn Till Joho C. Beaumont, commau, cr of the s econd brlgAd ~ 1I(~c' ma ine rOl' r(', who em· Ila rk cd fr om Sa n [)I ('go, Cnllt .. for lhe Sl no-J pantsc war area 10 lla.ng u\1 to ta ke command of I\JJ UnIted lalcs m er in l'S III hilla. J{ will be reSjlon 'ib lc ror dl!1p l) In lIIs ~!~ ... lw d l'lI IS. \Vuyl aJld J oruon Iroops r.IO',t ('f!('('U\,c ly 10 pro tect and famil~' of ifH;innnti \I H (' America's national" In the war zone. \\ cek-cn d vi it or . . !lfal'j oria F::unhn rl pf [lu y ton , A VN y pl.asun t aftu " (}on \ ' a ~ ;,pe n th e w l'ek·e nd at hom e. !<. njoy<o by m rnbers of The F,.i en d
We Jcan save you money on your plumbing fixt ures, pumps; ~eptic tanks, pill, fitting fl, and ,·alves. B ' sure to see us l.J forc you buy.
Randolph Plumbing Co
1'0 Year F irat Mtg. Farm Loans
Frank LeMay, Solicitor
61R2 Way nes ille 7
Can Fix Anything But A Broken Heart
2065 Cata lpa D rive
That's rightl Now you can get a tire with the Goodrich name tbat's priced rock bottom. We d on't besitate a minute ~o recom· mend these sturdy Commendere -they're fu l l dim ension and built of ."wear.resisting" rubber throughout. _
0, d on 't lhrow n \ ay anything thai is broken until you aRk us if it can b e successful l y welded. Oft tim .' W can save you many dollar' by widing broken parts.
farmer:!, we .can m inlain sharp plow $hares for you by our new haFd·facing process. A sk us a bout this method which saves y ou money and assur es yo u of a g(ood sharp share at all times.
Melloh 's Garage .. ~---------- - -.-- ...
Built With 6 HighPriced Tire Featuresl Mother Goodrich value that d efies com· parison at this price, Every Cavalier I, "double-cured " to make It tough aU the way t hrough; and other features you expect to find only in tires costina more nre standard construetiol'> in the low.priced Cavalier.
Days CIre getting shorter
--how's the l1il@OO~
S6~oS.:~ $8~!:~
in your bouse
? •
When you tCllce your ayea Indoo" Clnd aalth. d own for Cln • .,anl no'. ultl d lnq, bo l ure tb. Ught hi rig h t for tham, Che ck up 1' OUl pom. now for the longe:r eva\inga ClbeQd. Ther. Qlr e I. E , S . Better Sight lClmJl'& that you noe d. Clod thClt fit perfectly into your d ecorative .cheme, With elc~clric fatel 1 0 low it I, .real economy to \I8 • .JIll the ligbt you need.
S9~~: 21 '
The Only Tire With Golden Ply Blow-out Protect ion! Ima{linel The famoulJ Goodric h S fety Silvcrtown -the only tire tillit gives you the real blow-out protection of the Life· Saver G olden Ply -costa less than other supcr'<luality tires. Come in flOW and select the tires you ne..:det the price you want to pay.
'F ancy Aooles
BUY. NOW! . ..• .
S1 O?~:21 S1 O~.~5*a1~ s 1~~: S11 ~?o: $ 2??5~ S9~~*.
fresh A.pple : (ider
Ma d e Under San it ary Con d itions from
Sprayed, Clean, Sou nd Appl es, Properly Blended Ask fol' a
CONCRETE AlP S..I Burial V ••le
For Sale Only Br YOUR FUNERAL DIRECTOR IhCLURE FUNERAL nu .. c.·.. • • ~.. ., W.,..dle,O.
"nEST IN THf ,
Wavnesville Ice Plant NOTICE- No A'p ples or C id e r Will Be Sold a t the
Orch. rd.
I R.H. Smith Garage
-::;;;;;a;w_ _.........
Brook's Garqe
Published weekly in the interest of the social, re!igious, eCl:ln.mic life of Miarni Valley's foremost progrelsive community The entire communi y joins in E:xtending you a cordial invitation to come to this village
Free! Take Your Pick
Pen and Pencil Set With Each Subscription
t the M. E. ' hul'eh I'fll':\o nage by Rev(,l'lmd G. \V . Thllm!1~lIn, Satu ('{luy uf ('moon :.It ·1 :30. l\Ii ",~ Ma l' ian Duvid so n . dnHghtt,l' of 1\11'. und 1Jo8. F. A. Ulwid.OIl to Wilhur S. Polomhaugh of N!'w L lJaI1011; 0 .. .'l'l·~ . James Duvidso n of J uy(on , Ohio. A. .... ix o'cl nck dinner fol' the inl111I' diulc fumill{ \IU , ~ rved. Thc n II Iy weds II i\l. live IH ' lIl' N('w . (' hnilon.
The new fUl'nace in t he sehool j ville, 'unday. building i" nll\\ in U~ • . 1\11'. Ilnd. ill"" Milton l:i h 'h~n'; 1\11'. IIno I I' ~ . T . oll klin aro of elltl.l l·\' llle. weI" 'rUl'StlllY (\1n"11 tiding a f ,w wel-ks \\ ith th('i1' 111111' j!Ul!>it:l or M Is. lice Clnr)" ,;un. HH Y. anti fum ily. , R v. and M 11<. G. C. 1)ib rt anll 1,'s. J. E. lIi1l unci dl\ughLH li t.- l' hildl'en ~pellt Tuc ~ duy nig ht \\ illt lCllded (.hc Mari ()n CoulILy Fuil' 0 11 ;\11'. und MI·s . W u lt '1', vyhi tnkel' IInl\ la, t Thul'Sd.'\y. . 1daughL I', before Ih 'lI' del)arlufu ltcv. ti n 1 MI'f.. W eaver had M (or l.heil' li e'" h 0 111C lit I~ l morc, 0_ gu l;t!\ lust wt!€k, their lIauJ;hter, Mrs. MUJ'garei J ohns entertained MI\ . Kcn Robcl·l s, of 'olumbu s, to dinnel', Otl W cdne~day of last alld th iI' ni (>C4I, M)·s. McM:J.hon un ll wCl·k, MI·8. as!!ie Unt,.ly, of Waydaoghtcr. n(>;will(, MI';'. ' . It. Burnett, , '11'~ .
The~e set. aTe:' gUQ,ranl<'<'(1 to giv fil'~ l:'t'nrl ' \\ Iiti nA' "l' I'\' i, 0 u nd r all o ntiitio n 8, day in and day out. ,\ j!lI ll rantl'(' s lip i .~ i ncluded with <'nch Rl' t· :lnd e n title ' owner t , Sl'(' urr' n 'pnil' or !'C'-' placement rvice und r Ram(, p) n u s~ d hy all 1ll' 11 lind jll'ndl manufa turer!;. You arc as urcd Salillfa(:tion. I
Offer Expires Saturday, Sept. 25
of BlnncheslA'l' a
T hC' jllu~tratlO n Jriv ;:. Y(lU ",lme idl' l\ o f the aplll' aranc (' I) f the.e h 8utiful .. t,•. H , W,'\· \'I'. no hlu ek a nd whit!' 1l1u ~t rat io n nn, of (" o ur ' ('. giv j u:liee to t he ~pnl: klil1 j!; colols a nd ,'(ll1lbinati o n ~ in IIh ich thc $e. ('Is :I11 pe:\r. B l'. UI·P 10 H'C th' di s pl ny al o ur o lliec. You II ill h ~harmed and find I~ ~ )(citin,C!' to I)ick your
One of tht'l e st urdy, dUl'u ],h' ~ t~ I\ill :lll S\\CI' v ry writing I'equil'cmrnt of nny ~ chl1nl {'hilt!. The c sets ar II.' II mad e. IHit" frt'lly nnd will h(, · i"olutely give snti~fl1 (' toI'Y S(' I' I ic.1' in ~dlU\l1 II I·k.
),11'<. N('llie n, ~I) n and (1)l'ml'l' pa."<tor, wus r~\lling on Ivu g- ht .. r, we're ,~ue~·ts of 1\11'. and fl'i\~ nd " h'l' In t we l' k. Wvy n ' l'etel'I' Ol) (O f B,'Hol'ou k. l\ft·. and l\h !l. B . H . Miller Jlnt.\ duu~htel' we rc wee k-cud gue. \..!i of illr·. a nd MI.". {fadpy 1)Ul1l1i.1I1:\' 1'('lutivPR In .incinnnli. IIllll buby of Dayt.o n w~' rc Su nrl ay 1\[\1' .and 1\1)'s . K . S. Ban-c en' vi:itOl'll (, f Mr. ,and Mr~. P et·kins Leol ta incd on Montla~' cvcni nJr: lind ~on . Mi;;: (!~ l\'Iab<!1 Dane, Edith 1\l cMr. llily Kl'u g, ~\ho hA S been ill, r cight, Ali ce Wli/tht. L uise '11 hi s h Ol11e With appcn(jicitj,;;, i ~ Da lton , Wilmington Tc)"phol1c Op llbJe to walk out a while NlC h duy. ,'I'al o rs ; Mi ~s ~ith BanI', MI'. and !'If I. 1~1Ir1 ofl!'.Qy, who hus spent .11·s. Paul Bingamon !lnd daugh his vac iltio n with his pl\l·cnt.~ 1\11'. t!'l' of Port William Ulld the locn l 11l~1 .MI' ~. Vern· Cop. 'ey, ha s I'C - tel phon opemtol'l'o, l\Jisses MarlUI'ned I,() his sc h ool u~ 1)CIUW'III'C., j ode Hll ydock uno ~m'j () l'ic Hill
~h·~. Th('dc JOI\(,.~ lInd .Mlilon, I'isi.!'. d, :u lld llY uf· tNnmnl lind vellmg, \\ Ilh Mr. :lnti MI':. 1·:11\\ III utt, lieu!' Ccnt~ .. vi li l'. A 1I0llt tOl'ty lLlnllloyces. of lIw t! Vc\ I! (. L' LUll IIdJ'y ul11Pu'n y of [layto n, l('ath' l'er at t h e hOIll(' n f II'. und 1\1 1'1l. L 'gtCl' lIia~~ fOI' II wcinl ' l· IUII.:'t.., M ondllY eve ning. 1\ vl'ry tin v lillie I'M t' nj uycli L,y all. Mr. Ilntl
:0 11 ,
M[·. und M)·::;. ,I. O .
Uflll UUtlCp Lhe 11J?:lIl!;l'lllCnt of Lhl'il' dHllghtl.' I', OIH!I, (. Illlvid Vvylhll Mildred, Sul'1:nc c M)'& Ivin L OriI:' . . lIe!'!) cl nll l\11'~ . , tOlll e}' Ball y. While, (If Hichlllond, Vrl.and NI' ~'I' Mr. and Mr~. Earl Cl!p'k of Day York :ity, to n weI' unduy aftenoon g u ests The! w ·(ltLlinjr wi ll Lake pluc(' t~t of 1\11'8. , Ali .(\ Clark um l !\I I'. 1\11 (\ j lh u III»n!' of lfl!' bl'i ll u'~ Jli.ll' clI l R. iWrs . W altct' Cla rk and family. Ol! NOVUI11b l' I' 2 . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~----------
Widow" Seeks Lift
tHlio. ELECT SUNDAY SCHOOL 1 IT!". Luura Randolph, of At- OFFICERS MO·NDAYlanlu, Georgia, Mill h e l' . ist e l', M'r
Gl'lln(. Bohn
, of Dayton, Oh.io At a Sunday SchQol W( n! F "iduy callel'_' 01 re latives ) III cling h eld at the )I~ E. Parsonll llt! fd nd s. age MontJay cv ning, the following o ffi ce rs w r el ected: upt. p ~d al meeting of th ew Mrs. W . . 'mith; A f:listant Supt. . Uurlin~ton, Ohio O. E. S. was held a t t he lodge r O<lm, Thul'Sday 16th. 1'1'<'0. McIntil'e; S cy" L ona Miller; Tl'efLSUrer , Artlhtur McIntil'e; 'rhe New Vi (o nna ~die s put on the hoJ'i stel', . McKay; Pianist, took with t!h.em t,he traveling Mrs. J Cl'" 'H ill , PI' (>gTll m Chajrman gav I N~w Bul'lington Ch!lpter s en. Ml'~ . T. C. Haydock ; T cmp(m :lI1ce tertain ed th visitors. Those nthairman, Aurol:a Pet.el'so n j Mi. Lending- from II.' l'e M~d ames Chail'mull, Mrs. 11. H. };:agle, V!lnderva n, P(lwell, Borton, ,mi th; rud le Roll Supt. Mlrs. tingley and illl. Revere, M3 S. - Irs. adic Ibhn, fir~ y-s l", bellevc s he Is the ol1&1oo's J\. E. McK ay; H om e Dept., ' MI first "traller wlduw." he married Pl1ul H. lin, firty-live', last yel1r III • MI'. W. W. Whitaker and r. N. Peteh()n. Dalworth, Tex. s , tr ailer ca.mp, and s pent tll Ir hOfl('ym llon In a trailer. family of Monmv W.el·e unday Recently he df'ser t('d her herc, taking the a r, but leaving ber the guests &f 11'. i md MI" . Halph Alextrailer In order, pel'haps, Ibid slle m ight p ick UP '11 "11ft" home. an der. ~-----------------------------..w. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Emrick a nd Mrs. J . B. Jon I' ! attended the basMr. Ilnd Ml'S. Phillip Ops.ly and ba.by <l aughter stpent the weck, nd ket dinncr and far well f or Rev. • • • with Mr. C{lps y's parents, Ml'. and a nd Mrs. ·G. C. Dibert und fatnily . at the M. E. Chu rch, at WaynesM . Arch Copsty. Your e,.e.ight i. too predou. to tak e n eedle .. ehanC.II. vill , Sunday. . The moat dlLng erou . tbina about eyeatrai n i. Ih"l the dama._ NEW BURL !ii;iGTON~OHIO Mr. and Mr ~. D on uld Hadly may be d.o ne before you realite it. thou!'unrl of lliptured M ~ n an!1 ] T·he local haptcr O. E . . wal; lllld Iittl(' da lighter attended the will give yon va!\mhle infol'mation Ha"e an eye e"am'i nal ion to-day. It i ••J,aolutely Fr .... You v.ilhout chanco P os itiY Iy no SUI!'- ho s tes.< to the N ~w Vi e nna Chapter Hadley-Beva n reunion ut t h e hom e Owe it to yourself to Itive lhi. mueb lime to your .iaht. Il. ry, l1H',licu l tl' r atmcnts or in, on Thur 'day eVE' ning. of Mn;. Will Mlldden at W bynesject.ions u. ed . (Only men lit" in. Gla .. e. will be prucrihe d only when n eeded . vlted.) Thh; vj ~ it is for while peo-
The Miami Gazette
--~~=::;:=-=--:-! • .•
SHIELD EXPERT HERE ple only. E. J . MlEINHARD1, WELL " ;\ {y Shi ·]d ]J'loduccs immediale " (,!lulls on lh ' H\·c .. a~lI, l ·cg.l.lrdle ~s KNOWN EXPERT OF Hl CAGO, of th size .11' locatio n o f youI' rupIS COMING HERE AGA I N ...... , .. tur L'- no nHlttcr huw much yol,l exHe will p r so naJly be in Dayton, el'cipo 01' :;t.rnin ." (No leg ·trup.., I 1 Ohio, at the Miam i H otel, on Sat- ~tld eumbi' l',o llle aJ'l'angeurday only, 0 lober 2nd, :from nH-nt .. no ) I 1 :00 P. M. to 5 ;00 P. M. arid 7 :OU l\'ly shield I:; lI11tC I'P'I'O(){ n nd fuay P . M. to 9 :()O P . M . br' \\ I' n \I h.il,!' \lathillg. It may be Mr. M ein ha rd i say. : " 1 have h ad r(, ll1oYc d a t til 'h t O r worn conilntwenty y ear' experience with uOll.<]y until I1 Q IOIlJt(!1' de ~ il ed . nutio n : I ha\Tf.) no l"\'}H'e · I1ta-
Dodge Sedan
Chev. Mst. T. Sedan
Ford Del. T. Sedan
Terraplane Coach
Olcl.fl. Coupe
Ford Coupe
ti"e ~ . r~Vt'f'YOlll.' ITIU "t Ilol'e me pel'sOlllllly. 1 h~\l'e bCt n c\'Jming herc f()q ' fij· t ~e n Y\' llr, . There is n o c hal'A7e f Or d (· 01nJl~tl' atiOll. R memo bur Lhu name lIU:INflA HDI. B x 111 '(' Ill' inlitu to rs \\' ho copy this notice.
Ford Coupe
Chev, Coach
Dodge Sedan
Chrysler Sedan
Chev. Std. T. Sedan
Ohev, Sedan
Chev. Mst. T . Sedan
Chev. Spt. Sedan
Chrysler Sedan
Olds. Sedan
1933- Plymouth Sedan 1932
Plymouth Coach
Std. Chev. T. Sedan
Old/3. Coupe
Terraplane 4. Dr. Sedan
Chev. Mat Del Coach
Ford Coach
Che'V. Coach
Ford Roadster
Plymouth Sedan
Stud ebaker Sedan
Old. Sedan
h ev. M. t. T. Sedan
Chev. Mst. T . Sedan
Dodge Coupe
U)29 ;Es.'1ex Coach 1929 Chev. Coach 1935
Ford Coach
Kahn Motor Sales
- - - --- -
STOLEN : A gray, metal
B uat, on acslI r's Cr(,ek, n Ill' B]aine Bridge. R e ward for itlformaLio n le ading to re overy. J ill!. Herre '. W yncsville R. 1 Piulleel'
'I:.I ~ [
TR~~NKS For ~~our Response To Our Advertlsemeats
Dr. John Zettle O. D. p en Every nay (l'Om 8 A. M . to .(i. P. Saturday 8 A . M. to 10 P . M.
AGAIN WE OFFER YOUSchoo l Cookies, box . . : ...... .... . . ...... 15c 2 ¥" lb. Can Pumpkin . . ... . . .......... . . , 10c
If quality goods, reasonable prices, and cour- .. teoull service are what you want, TRY
5 lb. Navy Beans .. " ........ .' ... . . ... ... 25c
5 lb. Big 4 Soap Chi pH ... . .. . .. .. ..... . . .. SOc 3 lb . Can Crisc o . .. .... . . . .. ............. 53c 1 lb . Maxwell Coffee .. . .. . . . . ....... . .... 25c
New Corn Meal lb ...................... 5c 6 Rolls Toil et Tissue ..... ... . . .. ......... 25c Fan cy Broom ... .. ... , .. ..... , ... . .. , .48c
Barker's Drug Store / ..
Phone 4 X
BeRt Grade Shortning lb ... . ..... . ... . ... 15c Apples 6l bs. . .. .. .... .. . . . . . ..... . . . ,. 25c New Goods
Mobile, Ala. - t\ddley Baker. twcnly-f1ve·year-old seama.n pictured here, swam a raging sea for more than 25 hours to secu re r escuc for tbe crew of the' sinking frelgbter Tarpon, 011 Panama City, Fla. 1118 .1 heroic work made It possible for a I coast guard cutler to save cleven men and r ecover the body of Capt. W. G. Barrow, whl! went down with tbe ship. The cr ew hlld life preserver~ and clung to wrcckage. awailing Baker'. 'r eturn. ("" '7'" r-
r- -
Raisin s, Date!:;, Pan Ca ke Flour, Graham Flour, Fresh Oy ters in s eason
"BANK 01
Spring Valley, Ohio
THEATER Lebanon, Ohio Pre.entin. ,be S .. t and Lat•• t In MOTION PICTURE
A. I ·
Copsey's "Grocery SPRING VAllEY
NOW! At Attractive Prices
George Brent Anita Louise ehas. Wininger
STARTS · SUNDA Y Five Hllarlou8 Days
" the mINI Marx.. clo,," ""., you the
W. O. Bower., D. V. M.
WOTARY PUBLIC Will • . DrawD . • E.tale. Settle'!
Don't Tftke a Chance
mus'ca' a60. O.
" ,
McMiUen Feed Mills , .Inc., has developed n. grou III of specialty concentrates whicr, enabI'e f eders to utilize their home grains in the prepa l'ution of scientifically balanced rations that iJl~ s ure the utmost in ';'utrition, rapid growth and p,rodUlction nt the least possible cost. COIlsistent use of MA8.TER MIX 40 per cent Hog '~ oncentrate i8 an investme nt insuring big dividE~nd8.
Valley Grain & Feeds
• O. Beatty Prop.
In one trip over t he. field the John D ereVan Brunt Fertili ze r-, Grain Drill pul veriz ' the soil, drills in the seed, drills in the fertilizer . and covers both seed and fertilizer. You save fertilizer all is placed within rc>[tch. of the growing pi, r 1. • You save time and i"" . Gome in and inspect this better drill.
* IIt ar fOI<,'"
re",," b ..n<ll" ..II ktrulJ!. C'\f colnlnardal fu-
t lll •• r a.nd lime tn de.Ir.](\ q UlUltlt)' per ........
up to 1Y t T.
'" u .,......
or tractor hl"'1h.
'" Q un. llty cons\rucUon throughout for 10~,4epead ...1)).4) lI.royle..
Spring Valley Hardware
'1'/)ll'l'\ i. buffiothlllg In~ll1r1l1g a· bout LIlA! feUo\\ whuill I1UVIJISlty can't, WhiP, Bvery 0110 I.I~ til.ll\!~ f · 'Ii; ('he Pl'Cl>' UI'\: of udvl)rsit,y und t he conl.llct w'ith a.n indi vitlual "hu hils ui scovered the Yo fly tu whip it, g lvt!s olle a l'e n$e 01' COnt' IY nCt!,
·. .
Une of Lbe fin ' ,t 'uchivement.> in t.he matter, 01 living, is fo r " IJW.n to brin~ hims 11 to a POlnL whel'l) p t'80na 1 mi fortllne and re· v lb Ii (to n ot whll) him, tu be aI.Jle ahC.. ","e has (.Iunl. h~ ' bost, t ' 10 lh~ shop 01 oul c door at. nii;ht UI1\\oOll'i 'u fOT tt morrow, lL IS ulle of Ule fllle al.ls of liviug,
Tit· Jails homucu t,he u Du tiful hut! of "CIOllce given III nu by t{ock,I olI ' t'. TM b~llI cw.t ,~u(JO " llllU, Thjs It! <I LYI>icaL ' xunll'\.! 01 ~hc " .aI/I.Il and tolly u1 WU I',
W -YD••ville, Ohio, Thur.cllay
Eighty·Ninth Year
eptember 30, 1937
.Vhole Num ber 6293
WCl[ynesville SchooL Band
F a I F estival ,Will Bring Interesting
lVew Law Remits enalty
Ex Ibits Prizes Given By Mereha'D t Opportunity lor Loeal Orga n i z ation '
MI', 'cul'ge ll, J olln l'lo n. Cou n TI('illlJ"'I. in an intrrvicwuarl:l' r w."k , \!~I\'" the folhrwi nl! i; ,.111'\ IIItI I'" !'tll'rll "~ llll' cI,Jll'ctitln f t ,x(. in W:,ll'ltn uunty, H e Lit (1' , ,lS fuIl IH\.: "Th 11 ':::1 lalull' h:1R (,la!!-'II'd 1 1\1( t;, W 1.1\\, J:"v('I'lling: the col
The 'M iami Gn~ ttl!'S Fitst Fall • • • I'·e., tivnl"will l)c Iwlcl on ,t.he , r ch 'olltiidoJ'llble mUl'mul'ing may ... [ Wayn('~ villc. SatUl day, October " 1 '\11l ,, !, tllxc~, be .heard I ogal dill\{ th e c:x\.ru t.a~ 9lh, ''It' ;1 ta,pay tl' ha not aid th ~ uro,clI I01p08!ld b ec iiu ,~ of olt! age !lu sin:;~ iirn (a cl)mpJet lin 1:')7 In·tallll' l'nt of tux ' . IJCIl IU ~ und Id ag ' U:iSI3LnIlC U, will app~ar in n xl ,,'ek';" is u e) , n ly I;tv, ,Ii', uf the pe nalty 'j he county muy ~s well ("condlt: h Vi' 'co operated with th~ publish· milt , Ii If JllIid hy OClober 20, ilh>I I1' to Lbe ncw lJul'd{'1l sin, oIl t h er PI ctiCtl l1y 100 per c~ nt and ,'37, !ill" .' 1'(' llt I' 'milled ir p a id n IV extra taxes ale h I'U to Lay, Ill'e off ling prizci'! for \ inn I" ,)1 '''I'I' l1lh ,'r;! O to:l7 Hnd 25 1)(' 1' Not uuly lhat, th l!Y will ijecoll:JC nmnng th exhibitor" l' lI L if p 'lid lIy D"'r rnhcr 20 i 9:n hl!<J.vicr U\l til d IIlllnd for lurgc., "AllOthp, 111\1' JlI'I)vid (':'I lhat bot.ll V'j' fifty d ollar;; worth of mill'· J,>ellSions ul),ve lops, as it in iL.allly Ill' Iht "r "IHi)'ieu Delinqucnt chandi!'c will b IIwnrtiood to tho e will. I\do:i' OUI' fU11ll of gIlVCI'U ' 11111 I1l1d th . ,N'lifled li st f D (1' who are among the t o)>-notc hel', nHlIIL the matter of P !! II ions and CUI'H,,,t Po"t. "nal l'ro(lert y to)(e~ in t heh' r (!s [Jl.'ctjve cia, c, , old • ILl Histanc is ill du ng r of u l i.(! pu bh,.h, II. hecu,lYIlI\g .u. 1'oot.ba.1l of IlOlitics All exhibit!' are 0 be' l)I'o u "ThoI' hll ~" hecn- appoi;.t-tC'a wid II opposing facti ons will use to ' Lo The , Miami Gazt tle orri Il Hml ';tat~ l lIl111 i tl l"r, I n the oJl rcl i In 11I'umuw their pOlillcul fortunes. there the ,l'cr t:lry (If til e hill· ,f ill linqucnt Ta)( s, The AlnI' tican inoLa» fnnllly al· ition will catalo:,tuc numbl!r "Any tax[l,ly~r ~ho may he Me mber. of the ti fi lrh Sehool B I\d are: Frances J olo n_. M i .. iam WI.a. lon, R ba Surfa~ • Doris Fil'ea. \\ ny took C8l"e of its old people, a~ign >qlnce for the In'oper , It un U: paYlllcnt ~ of t.nxc . , ,c.. II Monima Hoak, Cb rllolte Rye, El' u b eth Burnett, Bud Lc Mny, Vi-ian Conner, Wylodine Kurfiu. Mar'J'h Indian had no poor h ou S 0 1" play, Entl'i "ill be Inat.! fl'O Ill ::.011 al lh _ TH'tl.'urt'r ';o office. or MR, AND MRS , AMOS • tha. Mart':.n, Ma.ry M s. I rma Fi res Rul h Conner. D nton Hoak, L ,,"ing IiArdin. Lyle Fox. Ow n pen siuns. Each family took CUre 01 8 a . m, to 12 :00 noun on h day I rill' a n li I'l'c e lve infllrmlit,i(ln :I I'! MENDENtfALL H"rhocle. Alton E ll r'nhBrt, Joe H"rbock, Charlea Fire. , Do nal d ColI£'lt, ROX ie S lkett; W arren Le M"y; U.: ow,o. The ooly ditrol'ence today of th F e-stival. ( hi II Ili~ unpnid tn)(~ a .'U nd:' 1& that. ali I\'(' w'ces IU I~ou led fOl' Th.e followin g cia ': uf cxhil)I('< R centl y Oburvcd Their G o ld. Treu lor Ha.rdin; Jinlmy Hartsock; M rion Smith ; R u th H , LeM' y ; JLckle P r ... to n ; Selh HOllk; Har. r old And non; Paul Hou gh; Clyd Smith ; Robe rt Pre.lon; B cul.. B I nard Drum Maju r . Mr. Ru "" II the upport 01 the old, 'I' he fami ly al' open to 1I11 wh liv in Way ne, n Wtdcfing Anniveraa )' Frank, Dip tor. r 'ponaibility in many Lnstune ll/S ville and vicinity, l' MPKINS is pa~ cd 00 Lo the public. ORN' A prize i' offeTed fol' the finest CHARL ES TAFT Spe ker Bu mmest. P('l k of Nubbin I and best pumpkin. Scnl(l.niesi Stalk with an Ear M 1 One of the most apt expr ~' ions r, Ta)b, Ag-l'icultu rLl In , Lrue 'ralle., t 'talk or Corn tor in t.he local h igh !!choo1 has &.I. . \\eo bay heard for s ome time 'wa LUf() III! " fl'(lm j, V. llartsock Stalk with the 10st Eal'S ~u rangecl so that. Ju d l('ing t<l!ltn.'> vuiced In our presence y.eswrday f , an Atl tllllia, Texas, Is to IIbc Ten ElIl' SU,m . 10, lot,S f White, from varjou~ high ~ohoo1. made " ileu u rruuler .of this paper, who Th hi~h 'chool :o ft bllll Wm /1' cl t halon lli s l'I~t ul n I.\'ip fro m Y How !l nd MIX },' n~'tng the ?e t . up f the {o'ulur Farmers organ!. wll:l in t.h office gald: '11 re oj my l1',lv.: ll'u In MOITO'W Tu 'dllY :Ut~l 'et< '1\(')', Michig;lIl, \,, }tel'e he had Mr, Charle pel/mint'nt ndvic , it, \\o n 't c at you aflything you have, A pm, "ill be given ~utions will aet as judg 'on all ,WOll hupin, to ge~ lh ir 'fil ' L wir on <\.journinll' for Hny F ever, ((II' , the Grand Champion Ear, the IIgricu lturnl exl ibi , layman of th Ep' copt~1 hurch, unt' you use' it. .. If everyone "f the ~,c a al)ll uuL ilktl'lHI t'~ iv ll/I anll a fl iend he II11.d picked up WHEAT F (.h will be lhe sp k y , t ihe J3rothU'- , wh give advice so tr Iy ~d to cU th~ il' ."cond tlef(,'lt, The Wa fllnl1. bio, met with an ac· FIlr'lne'l'3 are l'equ e t d to ~how . xhibit will be numbered ,hood f t. Andrew brcnkf t. in I) y the o.:' t if it dIdn't ()l'k out, II 1'1 ok of wlhll.ll.t in nch exhibit. by he ercuny nnd rtamo wi1l no t Lhe 1'I1n onic Tcml)Le, Cill innati, cl:,h' , ' I)rl'd t\\'ic ~ in lh.., 10\1 Ilf t ht hlellL lh tl l' OY rt.u!'Iling. killing I t would reduce the llroduttio n of ATS b 'placed u pon the ex hibi t until L d fir .t inning hUL l\1 " n ()w ,"em'N\ .i~ cllmpluliofl, Ml" Gl'ac Mar· th . u"'c h ed th' ~' 1 Octo"" r 31' , It noticeably. tht time, in Ih('ir hull uf l lh · " II.'y "r Akroll, a fri nd of the H ef a gain a lleek to how JU ., 11" p ' (!U' .. ma ' d 01 upinion, , T his brcakfn t, tl) b" ultl' n inning to go (111(' ahead, '1ltl Jly nnd he him .elf suffered Let ael(ishtic g t into a man's TOBACCO 0f of m~n nnci boy from ia1 inLere:t to bhe ledi .. !! by"u 1~"a~A' "'" """ ~« h~ ht injuric:<. Th accident hap· It nIt and 'iL 010 h ' ears and OUI' lod,' ~clll'ed twi C 1\l{ain in Toba 0 hn b n divided int.o the Ill'i.he and Illj Ili n of out h. y s to everything cl e that is t wo cia s.-Burlcy and Fi11er- \\iII bQ th o quilt exhibit, ~and]e· nrn ObI' ..... i, a pa~t ' If the co, nvcn. tht' third to tak' the !l'a.! but Mol' ,11'111',1 al PI J'cutt, AI'ka n, ,about , h \\i k k ittinjl" and fancy work IB'- ~ " • ~ rig ht and (air and ju t and hon t W'ith three ",talk. to ,1I0\\' m ) 0 1t4a.in .we). , ill ,lbn lA.:.t. 7 (l'cJAcl< Su uJ:dll Y )'l!ol'n lpg. Mr.!, ('at ~ t.,·on f th Bro ~ J~d of " nhibit \\jhieb the M . E. Lauie!! Aid " 'v Th TItll't,"oek' return(.'d with and U U , SelIi.ihnes kTloWS no cIao.. and ,gr.ade. of th e third n vel' to he lJ,..hilld drc'~, wh)'ch is m oeting in Cinein. ' I )'n al' , pon.oting. Women wbo qQ,ilt' und an d. reco~nb:e no right:> k " ,'11 b c r qUI~el (lg'uin, 'l'he nl!:<~ game \ ill h . hel"e Iu I CIll,ai n, to Akron for Lu r ial. llnll p c ,. (lot, OctoL"r 2h.1 te, 6th. iOlmed, In any . !llld ull c lalis are invited u" <J of lhe other felloW,' In t,he end it caeh xbibit F'1'idIlY nill'ht, WaYI c"vi1l1) V8, Iy preA"'-II'ng ~ "' , TOES to exhibit lheir w rk in thl,<; sec. I'nt u "" v en eral COn eru, h san d ccnsum B t1,l tl, individ· Kings Milll<, P WEET OTA . v ntion of the Epj,;copal Church. J\o'w' one·half peck in the two li()n of thc xhibition , _ n_ _ ,_ __ ual w ho permits it to have. the The Lin cu\),~,: Th e GraDge "1,' 11 g'jve a ,p cial 1 ding. place in his Ufe, S lfish, R. 11 . ~~ Cln ~.es.-Yam Ilnd J e u ys nrus. ill a rulhless In 'ter., I t tol r· GARDEN EUIBIT program .jjt night, to which vel'Y ayn~ > vill U .12 ~ aLes no .halfway cou c. It cannot J A ge neral garden xhibit will be on is invit ' <I , This program will MallOW 17 19 1 divide a In n '.\ith hon ty, g ner- of inter t to home gaTdeners H q m(l RU ll!\; WUYll f.!lo'ville, nagel' NOli" frnnt: nrC' th ord r for be announced in n ext \ eek" i u ~ o:lily, conaidetation or eLhienl prau an l\wurd will b' Inade to Uhe oJ: T he fiami Gaze to "evr lal hll ,d ne ~" hou,, (ts in Wayne '0 11 tt, r'lIl/l);. l\Iol'tOW,Co"~lIilll tiees, MOl ro\ • vilt'; at thi> time , Lat e l:l'ot weeg, Ill'd n I' wn() xhibit h/! '110st recently 1'~ High choo)Ii Band su . - -bl o'som out inwhich njity ,Mrs, L , M, B end ,Mon entcrtain· ' t l' T\\ in 'M'(!llwl' LOI ' out t.he Qld • • • voricti g a nd of the b e->\. quality, u niform attiactl'nrP mut h tte "d t h N '\' en Ul' y lub at h!!!' ' Th ItevoJuUonary War APPLE ' ..... a n- " • box nfriel' and ,"et abl)ut rem odel. fo u ht 011 the prihciple that orchard will , tion at. the county fair will play ho l'l1 l' FtiJuy afternoon, ptem· ing it~ (·"Lrafl (', Rlo" l11 ,I'OOI'S anlt at.ion with()ut rC'pr E!entation I tyr- fil'\d th (!xhibit divided into Lwo tl con~ I·t ,on the tl'eet Mr, ~ank, be l' .2411h, Ill'\\" hox \)i'ficl' \Ii h a pane led , or clll~se of Fall and Win Lhe director announced , h s, B,o"d H('nder>on san g' two urlny, If 'this ist1:ue what it call· 1\ etiof4'! . ,na.s :" . , J F flOl1t 11/IW pl'C'l'nt u n a Uwa ppeal' RyLee Tu1'1l I', a~e 25 yell I',", cd wlhen a group of those wno , do tel' van ti Ea\ 11 xbibitor to Of partIcUlar lIl ~l'e but no t v ry enjoYl;lbI i!olos; "Tl'ees", and u'nt'e lInti I(iv~ 1111/1,,11 pI'otection a, , ....... vote n bo nd iss\le .h~' thrM vati tics of t hree a p. -entered as 11 contest, i tbe h~ tod .. any Me Back to' Old Virginia," pa"srd aw,ay Thul " S pt, 23 Ilt, 2 >!(l ilh t nppl'oa hh l~ ,yjotel' winds. own prope. ~., ,, ~ I h 'bl l ' h' b ' ' u pon t hose who do? I t JII)ght be pl each, ~ll ex I 1. \I lie, ~~ emg ~ pon or~ Mr, os in a. de lightfully in· He- i sUI'vived hy his wif t! and Anoth r r iJl'\fll'Ovcment ill undel' 11 d tation .without taxCod by th Bu 10 and Prof s;. fO l'll)al way. to ld of ncr (lxpHien. dnu~htel', hi:! pilI' ·nt;:. and sb'tl"l' \\ ay "" Main Sll'~et. Mr, Aman n C N!presen sional Woman's Pt-ogrel ive .lub, c:e in Fludd , iIlos ll'ating her talk a nd brother, The rell1ui nl'l W'el" a· ~Iorurll Ll<' ho" ~ d Il /JouL f\t· o,odeling th() fl'ont k n to Berea Ky" Salul'~lay, os, Tbi g.IOUp is actively en IIgea " ' illl I 11111,j 'o u s pict,uy w ' Am(u1g W~:ln e.v ille 1111 hi s building wh 'ru ~he Fairl ey ... -TO DISCUSS EXPLOSIVES, i n athenng objects oi histotical olhel' l hln~I', he told of her trips Il RlJdI\ UI'(! Store a ndi roomS adI'il ". F Denbow LF jUl'ellt n.re locatcd, Mod'c l' n in thB FOR USE ON THE FARM intel'c: t to Wayn 'viII .s nd vici· to th e l('wi tOll SU , r Mills, ilJ1ity. Any one having Qbj ets 0;1: vC>l' prillg', and the Rin gling Art n ~ I'SB I~.s t dE'Lfll l III .hi ~ ot·r.Icr nnd ",""0 will On Farm Hi,llt Radio Pro.ram of t his type are ea.rn~stly regu\! ted Mu eum, no t he TI '1111ittel.l to ga 7;e .u pon its Ruth 'I'.ford C . WOSU. 'Me~da1, Oetobep 4 . MI', 'Carl Shid nk.el' di d Moy{. yet in touch wIth Mrs, J ohn Mr;:. Elbon th n discu !'.~d in a Iwau,ty untH fini.~h tl d· and t h.e high olletL S DI.l "S70 ICc. dllY, 2 :30 ,o'clock at. St, 'Elizabeth KI!l"3eY , ~s _ oo n Il.jI po' i~l & and v.<ll'y ioterCl!ting · nUllnn r tlh 'MiH f',';' F I'fClarti Illmk ill re moved by the Mu ical fpvo:ri~ Bl'C mingled HQspital in Dayton. Ohio, age ' 42, arrange to ha"e them shown at grntion of Bi rd~, A1('ong oth er in. calpcn tcr,: , Donalll nilalL1 ~ h 1ll1 nolJn, c < CI'I\wford·Fo I"M$ rtF with t he f<lUowll\g presen tutions F uneral seL'viee weh held thj time, These ,will be taken ter~tlng facts djvu'J~e.d wcre the the l' Illovul /If the olli C' of Pl'n~ Payne In rrom 8 to 10 p. m , Th ursday -aiterno:n at 2:00 0'· direttly ' to Ule GI"8nge Hall wh~re altil-ud at whtl h bi'rds fly during (1c ~ ting Atto. ney I)f Wall' ' n 'oun· i :05 F.mnklih oun ty 4-}1 ' Clu b d ock at lM h me of hor parents, t h y "ill be unlrer the direction of th, e ttips averages 3000 feet and t.y. Ohi o. lind hi>: 11m,,!,,; fOl th ' Proglam-Mem~rs d ire<:\,¢<i by Mr. a n d Mr$, Emer son Fr8z ier t he <lommitt()e headed by Mr, Ker they make n. sp eed of from 15 to praci i e of Law fl' III lhl~ .'Wllley ' - AIr:Oiz, M.,iss Jane GTierso n , Club Mem· In Ha rvey:-burg, T he husband· and aey. 240 miles pe-r h Qu r, Duildlnt to'Su itt!<' <1 unci 5 On thl.! oor a nd Aasistan t Advis()r, Rey. fivo h ildren: thr dllugbt.e.rs an.d During the after nooJl there will Gu est s of Ml'~ Hender son W 'l'e So cond fl oor th ~ Dilalu sb Buillnqldsbu rg, two sons with h . par nt..'1 who sur be II number of games. and on t , MI'S, S , D, Henkle nnd M " lloyd in~, Nos, :20-2'4 N, Broadway. l ..eb· 'MI'$, Jdu Gorlllu n cllcd 1'ues. und r the dir.c~ tion 'o f Miss 'Mary H~de rson . ~ ho tOil; th OT with 22 anol1. Ohio, off dive on Octobel' 8 :30 Some Grain Drill History- ,,'lve her. day eV(!lIing 'at the hom(} of her H , E , E~wi ne , Historian, ' Allen, community recl'cati(}nal di· mWl~b el's enjoy' d tlw de liccious ro- 1, Ul37, _ , dao gh te.' lJ(!ar New Burlington. O. The BeUbl'ook T own ~ 'nd luL Funel' ul will bc held Friday alter: havi ng fe;;fuments sel'vcu, w'ill meet in t.h e TU\\tlshl p nail no on lit ,Wilmington Ohio, Mrs, ' Mr,' , Ed~"tIr • milh entl'rtained at, BdlbrQuk, 1'h1,lI lay eVl;nill, Oct- G01'mnn \\-es t he moth!!}' of Mrs, Home maker, and Miss Mabel ' l>onoS(!Ted the anan gements for a Lonch 011, Thur.<u llY MI·.... T , ,J. ou r 7th !l~ 7 ::10 o'cJucJ;, Mr, R oc, Wul ~cr Underwuod of Ilhis place. . - --- - - <::lllith, !\II'S, El11ma BarnLt, Mrs. pl'i" of Jklmont ..... il l he the speAk. EP ISCOP AL C HURCH Eva Millel' , MI':;:', Groce Me une of CI' of tht' evening. A 1,'0 , ood mus9 :00 Training FutUl)6 F a rmers t o M r , a n d M! ' SJ , "P, La rnc k en t,e, r many goo.d thi n,"'" w hich abou nd Save th-e Soil- R. 0, S amp Ies, t l th h da ."Q SUl1liay. October 3, SCTmon a nd Limll Ohio. Mi~;; Emma Il l- i hway ic , Tbe pub lic i~ C() I'dia l1~' illvitl:d Soil Conservation Service, Dayto n, a n ed' at elr om~, un Y In in our co mmunity lire, This gatber _ --:--_ to attend, 1I (lly ('0. munion, at l O:30. ilnll Ml'S, Rnl h Mill r, !honor of :Mrs, Lal'l'ICk smother. ing is a.n oc'c oslon wherei n clu bs \M<ln,d ay an aCCldellt 0 'uJ'ecl on f) :15 T"'e National Dairy ~nd' P er· M ' Hawk' f m11'l " , rs. Ft'8,n k H ogmll.n,'''7>h s , ~ b'rth t • organiza.tions nnd instiutions are R oute 42 neal' Hel 11t
J. V.hartsock
11 AI- 1 1 0
Sp'r AK A 7 Ch UR (,
In ACCIdent
New Centuru Club Met Fneday Afternoon _____--'-"._.,.-___ HOY L'EE TUR ER DIED lH"DSOAY un
-- - ----
BIRTHDAY SURPRISE ./re~~:i~o\:aY~:,,:!~~r V
:o~t~~~ ~~~:iel~~~nstra. ON, 77TH ANNI ER.SARY If~:~:~~:ei:~il~~~~~~~ ~:~:
dillY anniverl!lll'Y a doliciou. ,din Mr invt~d to p1'epa~ a n 'exhlbit di. ;w hen a CI v-eland car l.'lln off the d t t h f I' M h i d;' t was aerve 0 e . 0, ~owmg: t, pic lting theil' pUl'po$e and wo~h ltigh,w.a.y, T re~ ,8, .Jell, occupan -l ne ?rl.gdt Mr~II?' ~, ~orrls : f : l() OC' Lo community ll:t~ of the car \V I'e ItlJur c ct 0h ~lJf~ Dear Friends : 3, If you will e nnl1lrnge your (!1' of Lhe I'.olllpanion s of you r chil kn. ;n,. m~ ~n l~:n P ttTS, Ol'ganizat\on !l which have ,s ig '1i. ferc? a. br~ken ~r,nt, ,the;~ e~ l~vo, You at\' all anxiol;ls Lo ha.v~ ch,ildTell to ,< lr'cnsrt hcrI theh' weak tlrc n amI a~ccrUlil\ thc nature of , 0 1'l'IS an o.wllg T n y aJ;l fied thelr ' inLenton of makng ex rec61ved m m OI' inJUries, e aues h'ld IlCCe "d ' n ..chool point !; a~ r v(tal~d by their l'~J)OT ' til I'ntu tnin ment. which YO Ur chiL son C •. E . Norris of Chi C'a go, IlL., hl'bl' t . of thl'S ""ltu'"e a r e beSl'd ":'l w el'e taken to the :Blalr Ho, pita] Y uh r Ie I .rke!~_ l' h • • I, )' 0 t"nt' I M L H Cl t.tr. r d M E W I Jug . C 00 WOI 1.... C mO"t\"" unt r u calluS. d\l t'tl attemd b.-."Col'Cl permiltting c t . " M ' I~ d : -an r . the on~ already nuenti on~d, Toll at Le banon, bu sino ' of 1116 dl ildl' c n in YOUI' 4. If you will insi~t that the t hem to att nd, lut t er of, I r , Fal'ft\cl'.$ G ~ange , The Gar~e n G1ub - - - -ca~, 'I<ll'cful home training, good oidtlr chilclnm ,who h!1 ve ru;;ign· 1 9, [f you will s C to it t na t t he Mr, and , Mrtf. Ray D unlop a nd Blld the HIgh Sch ooL It IS hoped h ' ILh. 1e11 , iou iust.l'uciion nnd n I n,e nts of 'h' llIowork set n~ld<> II dc PI'OAT~>!.'! of yOU l' children in school d~ughte~ Kathry~, Mrs, Laura Dow t hat others will ~e.pon d by pre· ' I.horo ug h ed'U<:.atinn at' bhe best finit!: pCI'iod for tutly ench day. i.'! not hindeI'd by the fa t.igue r _ mng; MJ S Fan n~e lIolmes of New- pari~g ~uitable d i<! play for th e i imul anc{' f rH' futuN.' ,.,ulce~s and ,5, If you ;'dll lend our c(lope r· sulling (rOm insoffi cie nt rest 0 1' po~ Ky., Mr, Jacob Holm~8 of ocaSlon, and happine, l' f yo r c.h.ld l'l n. ntlon in the car of ~ChClOI books Intc eve ning parties. F O$ter's Ky" ,M r, Alber t QUltk of Ml'(t, Njna iia;ts;ek entertained De ~ uJ'(~ that lh ,y hav e hc,"e at ~mcl otlll\)' rell,o(ll IwOn'r,ty c .. r-usL 10, II you arr.a ngc ~u1ar Ne~ Ca.rl~le: Mr:, and 1I&r: , Ge o, a few of iher f riends l(l$ Thursday A new ncwsptlp.e I ma de it!! ap· \\ hale" l' ncrifi cc .. It h'l.~ b(:~n od ~o )t uu r chll ,r E'n, , , bome duties, Or 'choresl ' f()r your Qu~ckan4.:MlSS I1een Larrtck, Vi' lat a IUJlcheon , Those who enjoyed COllllty t bi prov en that Y(l\1 can ~Il' atly t.\lli h, If you, \\ 111 \\- Ithhold JUIlgc.' chilurc.n so that t hey may acquire amiabu~r , lib. and Mrs. Loren the day wit h )frs. HartsOck ~ ytur I'hildren, , ~11 (:11 : regard ing I'epol'tl'l of hap)len habits of work ideala of 8ervice Rea8~, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Hoff· I MI't', Gil pin o r S pring boro, New:! ig 1, If YI'U will in itt I, P .n puneL- 1Ilj(:' a~, chuM uutil you, ha 'C .h~ ,I'd f~l' other.!l and a Bense of ASPOns.i. ,man, lin, Hotrmaa W II6 greatly , Fox, Mora ine City, Mrs. D, Willi~ oatity MUri I'egularity at :'I'hou l aocl hoth s ldu-; allli th~n n Lv,r Cfltl I Z~ billty, lIurprised. S he, re~lved ~a~y love--, Areh clea on a nd Mn . , CbarJ6 A The mech.iltiV!: no) (),CUM! ~xcept 1M the mn.: t the teacht:r ill t he pr(c"l'nrc of Lhl' YOUI' co~peration in the allllII. . H-. " Iy aifta and 8U left willu ne M r , der80n of Wa),lleavllJe dOD. in th. ' urlltnt. rl.!ai\ont<. \ cl.ilclrl.n. t ions !liven willl lllll_... .... Mr. aM Jl'rankUJI Paeker man7 .~bapp, b irthdays. I • _ .. ~ 2, If you \\J!1 r ad l'ar",rully a ll 7, If yn u will ill"i~t uj'oll...obt'di- children and the lalrfe ..ilia ~. f BIRTHS • ax r,n Ie srd n-PUI f ,r om Rehool. ence at 110,,'41 a nd r p ct lU' 1'h1- better work ~ - ::_ _l ., • -..,._~ ~!fe-' 1.. ' Uk' priDClpal and the' I an aU f ' of. •do.
Ii r on Sh,o_ Lloyd Burling· ham, Ma.naging l)ir-ectO'r 9:30 l." xptosives for Farm VS&Virgil Overb.olt, Agl , Eng, Dept, 9 :40 Farm ,Night Reporter ' And ~Iect~" poems 9 ', ..'6 0 11"'an ... - on<""" • • FRIENDS HOME NEWS MiM Frances Al\len , who spent the Bummer at t he Home, Tetum· , d to Columbus on We4neaday, e Dr. F, L. Keiser, Supenntendt f the Slate Inatitution for the ~:e:Jed Minded in Colu!llbu8 and Mrs. Keiler called On 'Mi~ Alden and III... Browne r ecently, Dorothea Zukiel'eUi Gf and CincblDiaU aDd Rufus Kers ey, of OretrOnla, attende4 Frienu. Meeting Suada, and dined at the
:. ......
l' ,,1'11,1 ..
ir ct . 1 tate , C ,'lplto .
- -"fUp - - -rai c, d in thil\ 1. In what '"n ",i, tl' ttl11( h 00 . L' " ullntly arl' l'a\'y III" t. l'a\l ~l' d h y r CII' ....·hllt Ill'" , F~(I'.a -.. l· Bnl''''''11 , . ", j !Z2 1l111lir \ III!I Ile I . \, II HI', I I filII d I ~ li nd Chlll' it t· McCart hy knuwn in 1 Enter ed at th... P o t off lccnt Wa yn esyillc. Olnu. liS Sl'cand ll'l l.ti •. Iln f., ,,,01 Lt lkl.l'. YOtl ' \ Illarkpci t' t 1I,- I\J!l t hl' 1'"1' I,ul of • I til<' I' ·0 I'll.!' a, th l' Un it.- TU • C l a!'~ M'lil Matter 1:l k., ll1 urh pri I III YOIlI III '111 l' and ' 1.l t(' /lut ILion ,l'I\'I(',' a l !H \' . "Ii ,'lOlli' , i ""Ul'l"II"d," 'l' hi. \\1\ >1 2. F il l' what 1I111 J uc 'I ut!Ii n e COl'k· U ll! n(>\\'81 ' I " "I lim'", \\ith l'UII l<U tn' II th,' '11,111111 ' 1"1' (.rl'ell"ll·On nlllJ c by , I'Un(' h" CO IIH! kn own in th l' nl'ws? !1 . F t,l' wb at d ld .Jll dy CU/l uvn h, " IItl\l' m an~ 111(11(" '-'IIlI1dinw Y"l! ~ H arold D. Willi. , Editor ull P'"P"I' IlutnliOIl fur Il hl' pre- ~.'t.'I" (' ,1 11\,' ,!-i ll II , ~1'111'11(II' 11 1 ".;anluAI • :!. F or what d id F l'lInk F ulie !' \)('. Clllll t· know il in th !' nl' Ws r('(' l,nU,, '/ ~=:~~~~~----=-===~~==~ t an 10 ... f,HiIi I III.! Ill! Illd tllth"rn ., , , , ." J 'OU 'u •• '(I'Y ,1l'l,"olltlP.1 und 1''' _ .· dw,,1 boy and ~II' I, \l:l,,:\llIWunct, j II. .'QU1\' l in :, tl nddl'l"' · til 25 0 oml' kn owt1 in Ihl' n ~" ? 10. \\'ho play" o pp ()~ll(' S onjtl I SSUlU> E VERY Til R DAY =-===,====~ 'II' tlmr, \.I~ I",i l. '. hul ,h'm:lIl1ln IHle' by HI'. Wult~r 11. Hill lUllg'. 1lI1'1l bu t; IIf ~;ro \lll ". Oh iO Ha nk4. Whoal \\' 11 known aclol' re· I h' ni~ ill 11(' 1' rt ('W pi(' i lll'C, "Thill dl.~'ll·L"r uf lh~ 8Wt l' ~)('Pllfl lll l'nt "., a ',(I('llllion, in UI ' rty-fit'st 0 01 c('nUy went in to bankruptey a nd lee"? ubscri pti')n prier, ,1,00, Year "1111 111\',I-UII' "f 1.'1'1.' In Htlll·n. Phon ... No. 112 ~' I' !1'1II1' \'r ~!l,:W Yl'tl 1If!' "I H,·alth. A • !.a I., nutl'lI.iulII : l \l1\!! lI unl ,ony(lltillll. II " nrtnoullccd ,ld hiR ya t ht lnfunw? ] 1. Whllt cl)m modity WOR itl('r(l!\''' !d. '!~I(.rnll ih d 1,,,\ fp( II .... , llnlt! ,- ddl,t! t(, th _SL:lIT 01' t he hc)alth dO_ Lhnt lhe ,Ilir; hllnj, ~ lInc!(' r jUI'L"tlle0. " Thut I'oll'il iC)n in thc mlminis. I'd in pl'i I' by Iht' 1'( crllt f i~n 'l tlll'~ , "fllIl'OWn ab- 1"lltl1l~nt Il y 'ur U ~· o lin,! 'b I· ..• f I' ll t.y P It>st II(, ll i Itn"';l' I't'It. Ian. pI 'I'I,"'[ buth III I . 0 ~ • ti,n nf t he . tnt(, divi);iun t b m k, tl'atio n i... h Cnlll 11Y OI'(ln!1 ~ 11 1·1)' I , 0 It JI . so t'll coul''' (; T o ....·hllt U" 0 • thc l (·tlll 40 an..' I l'vymg ' . t ax up on it, of :.Ioi .l!\,. ('(Jrlf,IIf('rlOi{ y()u\'~('lf <,qual to u I ~ \letl' . . " ging that '0 h n~ nllli unnkin~ n ' port cl 1\1\ increas' 11Il CXCI: . to ullllrrln k 1'. t'J-~l'lI.~lOn \\~S decldeu ul~o n ' Dr. of more thllt d 63 lIn(I on e l h iru, I cents n l nv" th1['~ ,',11I d(,~II'e I ' 5,0 00,000 in sav· f in? A me rica n Legio n mecLin'''S '" re· I'oun. Y~lI h\V~ 'your h01ll1' All d 'think I !l I'Lullg IU. . nu m b r of n "w ing-s clepo.it d Uring the Inst year. er hun dred pounds? \\1\)
, ..
nl. 01"
--= .
ow . .
"Every good gift and very pe rfect gi ft is fr om abovB, coming do"l\"Jl from the Father," - James 1 :1 7. -000.
The foct thot th e oviet govern ment will not pc rmit A true expres!.1on 01 opinion by any cil izen reglll'c!illg' th e Rovi t government i ~ evill nc lhat the g v rnm tIt is -not t\ SUCCI'. fill form , Th er e is somt>thing w..ong' with nnr m'opa ition onbo ut wbich the full tl'uth cnnnot be tol d. -000·
OUf guess is thnL RU l'o"i a j not going to ~ it idly by and see Japan lin k ovcr hin a. Rus ia ha: th1! m'anpow'r and r ourres to pui Japan in 1ll' 1' pia . 11 neighbor Ru ~ ia has n ver luld any di fficulty with ChifUl. but J apan's l' tI s . pirit makc ~ of her 1\ ' tl'oubll!Some neighbor. Two very W('althy citiz ns of this countl'Y who bl\V~ died recently, John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Mellon, gave vast s ums La charity <llJring t heir Jive. The same thing was tru e of And rew lTIegi. another WEal thy Am· ' rican business man. W ith ench 'Of th e men it is evi. dent that mon ey and riche'S \.\ as not th e end in itself. It WlIS Lbe chaJleng(' of 'the game of bU1'ine s th.a~ led them on and on to fin:lll y t h uceess they did, rc t hey had been mi l'l'\ and man y hoarde r they would have retai ned pOS! "ion of their III' alth to the \'od. -00 0-
Som e da y when the ~ax burden bec ome 0 beavy that it becon; 5 actually 9Ppre ive, we as a n ation a.re going to givc some thought to t he stupidity of a n in telli· gent pe() ple permitting condit ion s to exist that make for larg r penctentlaries and larger' as ylums all of w bich eost va. t urns of mo ney to main ta in and much of whic h shou ld be saved the already ov r bu r(le ned tax payer If a l ittle common sense weTe u ed. Som e da y we are go ing to wake up to the nameless fo lly of permi tti ng the u nfit to m any and brin forth th 1r kind .as public charges. We aTe go· ing to ' make impo ible the reproduction of the kno'wn criminally minded. to become a bu.rl!en opon ociety. W e bave not r e aehe d that point yet because we ehoo.se to vi the subj ect \\ ~ th weak .sentime ntality ra th er tha n th r ough the clear vision of commOn sen se. W Ctl n dodge a nd vade the i ue all we cl)oose, bu.t t hat will not settle it. The nation that adopts thll obvi ously s n ibM course in the matter will eme rg fro m, t h e heap the uparior nat ion.
rhlrt' i" no Illlt' likl' youI' OWJl pl"O- I>lln~phlcts on family fo~d I~roblem dp (,:"tll'cinlly your P ,rellts. Any und 011 mIant and child Ieeding, hc~ry fi r idea n1'U~t be based on pl:epal'~ by t he out.ritionist, met act~ to hll\'e your approyal. ":lth a largll demand. In con j unc· Oc ober 1 2 - You have a sun- 1.10n \\ith th e enlarged program 'Y, happy :1I<po ition, .&ometimes lor fall an d winter, meetings will ":ltnf'r demon, tmtivc in your af- be conducted in a n u mbl~l' of se:,' lillll and "hIll)'" \Iant loy in l'e· lecled eo untic and co-ope ra tion of III rl. Y flllr hOOle i: your king dom (;~u nlY h ~Ith unit:., local physi. In,l yllll al' Vl'ry affectio lla!.c, but cmll!' , dentIst", s~hool upe.rintenll1"lthl'1" ~('mllil'l', You al'C hon e"t, ~ntil, bon economics t ea chllrs, civ. i nll'l1i~t'l\t ,lnll I' liabh.·, niJKl VEYry Ie anJ welfare gt'OUps, and pal'ant<hI 'I\~J ill you r lJudne s dea lings" leat her o rganizations will !Jc - -: ,'ought. In th t ~b ' th SPR ING BRA NC H e Pa:' 10 gave e _ __ nutl'ltlOnl ·t but .htUe l'CC'ogllition, !\It's. Rm:. I'll ~Ill rray and lit Ie Dr. Hart un g sllul, !Jut results in dn uKht I', Nan, call"d on MI'p. Hi- o th I ' sta t.e over a pe1'i od of ycars !(y Gihso n, In. ~ T uesd y aftel'- ha ve indicat d clearly the impol'tance of lhis type f ndeavor in noon. improving gcncl'lll health condi. Mr, and Mrs. BI'l' pittler wer·e tions. in XE'nia • hoppinJ;', S alurda~. Mr. and Mr . Ell woTth Gib. ott -000lrlL little daughte r , Phyllis Mae, ugg- ~tio n that Obioillns who ,till <1 on MI'!;. N ora H ough of Way own good hUn ling dos.'S huve ' them '1 <vill e, Monday evening. photographed from both ide fOl' evol al fl'Om al"o'und tbis neigh. id ntificlltion llU I'PO!; 8 in c e of hOl'hoOd a t tend ed the Lebanon th Ct wa~ voiced by Comma <ioner [<'air last week. La \-rence Wo ddell of the state M i. Dor oth a Michilll called on divisicJll of con selvation, ommisMi ~s P au lin e Glb.!> n, lmday af· sio ne l' Woodd II pointed out tbBt Le rnoon. 0,,' the hunting e a. on ap'prOllche Don't forget the borne coming th ' o\l n Isufhuntingdolr'willbe 1 H. Holly. S ur\d ay, Octob r B. f a ced with the incr ea :ed IUlZal'd of Fill up yo ur bl\..,kel, and come havi ng them take n by p Ii ns who "pend the day v.;tb us. will n ot keep a dog for the entire MI'. und MI·~. Hil ey and daugh- yenr, but will ~tea l t hem for bunt.ter.• , St(llla IlTld PI\ ulin, 1r, Ra y- ing, for the expected l't'wll.rd ot' f or l!lond Smibh were in Da~'ton Sat-,j the ~!e in othel' pal1.'> of the counurday h opping. I try. Mr. and Mrs. Gl enn r a wfor d ' "Alt.hough \\IlIl' clou.,d are rISI ng and ramily of Mt. Omb . pent Sun- and thc -tock mark t hilS been wob \lay with I\fr. nnd 1'11.1': . ElIswl)rLh bly. there secms t o be nothing com
I ''' '
I'Broadway Melody' at Xenia Theater I
tud en r t Urning to Ohlo State university fot' the f all quarters found that Ure "cost 01 a n education", like man y other t hi ngs has gone upward, a ccording to a .surve y made by Dean of Worn n, E sthc I' Allan Gaw and D ean of Men, J .ph . Baak R oom rent hlUl U 11 11 18L.ec1 fl'()01 $2 t o (j dlllla-I'll lIlo nU\, und the IlV C l'a~"C meul bas i l\cl'(' ul"~d Iiv c('n~ in price. The uni\tcl'~it v. itself, as a J'e, u lt of tho boo L ill \\'holt:', al ~ food I}l'ic 's, has b(,l'n (ol'Ccd t o jump th e )ll'iee of dOl'mit ry faeiliti\!. in th e '1'0 lnd BUckr),,' club!' fl'om ~:J ' ,10 n qual' cr. Both cl uus lit' provid ed by the univel'~ it y for -tu dcTlt.s o! good churncl rand scholar hip \\ 11.0 would, Oil Lhe U, unl cost basis, be unable t o atl.cnd the ill l<titution. A." a result of the employment of t: i!1htee n more I)erso ns o n 01'del of Martin L. Davey the 'state rlivision of aid for the aged wil , ,}Tobably 00 able to h ave a ll delayed old age p ension checks fOl ept mbe)' in th e ittails by Oetobel 10, a.l cording to G'e orge H arri s ~hi f oxo miner. T he de lay rellul ~ d fl'om chang 's that were requir ' d in, order that Ohio'l\ PI' :y , te m would conf(>l'm ......ith fedel" II I , ocial s curity laws. The f ed al yovcl'nment (lay hAlf of pen. ions and conformity to it ~ I u lution is Ulundatory . " We tc ize that the d IllY . h as work~d a hard hlp all many hiQ aged m en ilnd women and We aT doing e v· erythi ng pORSible t o g,e t the chee ks (. ut tit the e-arlie. t po ible dat e," [I'. Ha rrLo; RSl\er ted.
B rt
is that if the old wa y of te~bi n g arith metic a nd r \1g ion we r e so good, how it h p pens tha t the ()ff pring of uch a Tace handle the job so poorly.
True Profes.ional Service Year. of training and experience have equipped our staff to render a genuinely profeSllional .er. vice, in all of many details which make u p a funeral of the type w hich lea ves an ever,lastingly consoling memory. For many years we have rend er ed sincere, sympathe-tic ser vice to this community, at modest costs baaed entirely upon the wishes and means of the family.
E. MeClure
W ~ynesville
Karl 'D. Dakin Insurance Phone 153
Lebanon, 0 .
M . Hymn; -; - in Cincinnati on Wt-..dn day.
MI'. John Spittle calle II on Mr . pitt\C'1' and fam ily, Sund y.
. The thlng we have never been ,a bl" to understand
~00 0 ·
An ot her thi ng that in ou r opi nion is al WllYs greatly overestimated i t he num 1>er of votes t h e loca l p arty leader a ct ually controls.
D yor
, ."'a: nt
-00 0·
!lcr vlc e
In t he good old days whe n t he m en' were the bread winne ~s
f or th e family and went out and bottled t he world to bring bome t he f amily baco n, t.he women had t o come to the' m n fo r t he spend ing money_ Today in many families th e situation is rever se d a nd it is the wome n willa out and battle the w~ r1d an d bring h ome tbe much prize d ilamily bacon , and it is t he men who have t o ask their wives for sma ll c hange , fo r spending m on ey . The diffe rence ~eem to be that w\h ile it worried and emba r8$Sen the w omen to ask their huSbands for money, th e m en , n ow tha t t be /lituation is r ever se'li, e xp eri enced '110 s uch e.m'lJ.n.rassm e nt. The f ed eral legislation that has b een passed the last
Phone 24
few yea rs has the double bur den of managem ent of all sma ll busin ess. 1t tak more tilJ)e fo'r the small b usi-· ness man to k eep a set of books that will sup ply all the variou s and sundry informati on t hat f,eder a l age-nci e~ r equire t han it .does t o keep track of the firm's business. -0 0 0·
Civilizat ion has not changed war except to make it possi ble on .a bi g~e r scale. I n · other days war was more or less a h and t o hand conflict in \\Vtich tL sol dier fo ugbt his a nta gonist witll a sword -or a spear; Nowad.aya soldiers are mowe d down in Wholesale fash,on by machine guns . a nd poison gas. Even the savag'Cs wCIl'e le.ss cruel to t heir oene.mies than is ga s, ciVilization'S' most potent ally_ • 0 00-
The Chinese ill,vented gunpowder. 11 t he Chinese had been smart th ey would have k ept the sec~et to themselves and collected a big r oyalty from a war bent world. -000-
W e ha ve hearod for a long time about t h e straw t ha t brok e the cam el's back. We don't know that any·one ever tried to find out wiJIich 5tra 'W'Ou-ld acco mplish the res ult of breaking the camel's back, b ut we h ave a. feeling that one. of t hese da ys we ar going to see the tax th at broke t he taxpayer's back . ·00 0-
The boy longs for the tim e w~n he will b e a man. H e t hinks that wh en h~ arrives at manhood 's estate be will re ally enj oy life . When he , becoJll-M a man and looks b ack on his childhood days he wonders why :he ever wi shed fo r anything othe<r than the carefree da y.s of l! hildhood.
Robert Taylor and , Eleanor Po well are co' starred 10 M-G-M's sensationa l n W llIuslcom (l y bit, " Broadway Melody ot 193 ,'. t he fil m that's holng herald ed us a ruU-year a h ad of Its time. Buddy E bsen, Ju dy Ga rland. George MUf\)by, Sophi e Tuc l! r. Rob rt Benchloy and other popula r ellt rtaln era ar In t ho !blg RUnporting cast ot star s, which Incl ud ol.> Holl ywood 's most oute,tandl ng c)101'1\!; at a l ) thno~-] 20 ' yo·cat chlng b a utles. "nroadway M lody of , 1938" . la a (as t-moving m Ul\lca\ all OW. w ith II strong r0 Il1I111tlc thcme and a definite touch of com (ly wlllch I1tts it tar oll t of the aveJ'ag c ltl !l~ of cinema musicalil. Wit ll a toe-ta pping semmLion Il k EI anor Powell loc1<i ng hcll' arms around n handsomo boy Ill{e Rob'3 r t '1'l\y lor. tiler 's be ar t- throbs a long with loo·laps . "Broadway Melody of 1!J3S" Will open a flv ' dllY flln a.t the IH' W XenI a t heat r, in Xenia, Sund ay. O('loller 3, Countless a~lOl' e of movi go I'll t rom th is l ~ rl'ltory wi ll aya!! thCIl1fH'l vcl! oC t his tim Iy opportuni t y. to nJo)' It. On Fridny and !'1atn ro1ay. lh'q '1'<'(01(. til!' X"niu P'"otf'r wll' ... . ~. sout o ~ Its Twill O'l,V " ;11111 ' ! . " "' (' 1'0 n fC",\t'lI'C", H 8ma l! h l n~ comooy I'om llil/? , "J! I~ I m'/':'IHl',; g "<'I·ot~IY." 8111rdng Wm'i'(~n Hilil anfl .108n l\\.lIir, Pa tron s (A\ll all .'".:! 1'11;.' hour on 1t1· n l' r"d doy 1'\' $nlllnloy a nd 1)13 Hgi hlc fo r the bie; fl'(, (! hlln l, n,ecollllt.
I But
It's 'True _______d
THE HARD RECIPES ARE EASY ONESROOT FOR AND CONSIGN yo ur Ca t tle, hog!!., sbeep and calvet to NorriB~Brock C",.; live 'Wire and progresllive finn f 'lr tbe highest market p rices and good service. Union Stock Yard.' Cincinnati. 0 Tu~ in on Radio Station WCKl 12 :211 to 12 :30 p. m. for o ur dan, marke t reports,
F. T. ' Martin Auctioneer
SATISFACTION Or No Charge Centerville, Ohio , Phone 78J
' }AOl
Modern Pyrofu Magic Chef RanllQ and d eaR, Instant-beating Pyrofu Gu. naIly make cooking II pleasure. You have a smokeless, dra...er-lJpe broder. ~ . UI_Iie oven a Dd dean, clog"proof l OP burDe .... Pyrofu Gu .Servlce .caa be yours, no matter where you live. for "'llnle mones>. Eq.lpmcnl. ' . Instalted fo r only $9.75, a nd tile PI Itself rotta a. Il«le as ¥.&; ~r meal per person. Come in this ... a.k lind aelea , . . beaudf'" mederD ranse. • H""s. diJh .as encbanl;,.,.., "C ROC1C 0' GOLD" .
.. tbsp : but,er (ew . ral ns pepper ~ eo poIb .. lbsp. lIollr I cup milk I cUI' cora I ..p. Sail 1 cup s tated cheese ." eaa wbila A corn and dt_ soo lll e Ib at tbe whole lamil, w ilt _ . bout! HHI butm add flou" Salt and pep per. Atld milk .radu*lIy. ,d" l... roost. nlly uncll tblell' Add .raled ell_c. God stir u ntil mel led. 1'0l1r o~ .. the bu..,n yolk., Add ,corn ond mix .....ell . Fold Ib is mix,ure Ilow\, Into .h.... llBy bO!...,,'. ";hltes. Pou r lnlo ••..,...,.t ( erole. Set YPU' Py.of..·M..ic Chef on n u 325' add b oke for . ' mioutcs. SeMI" IInmeciillCeq. Sc" ClcI.
eu "./1
T .. AO . ... AItIt
P. E. ShYDER & SON Blanchester, 'Chio :::zs
INTERESTING FACTS 10f can cer declare t h at it is he-TediThe E Mt Indi es colonial p Os.! es- tary and that if buman beings ~sions of th e Noth ~rlands a re six- ed the same degree 'o f sel ective t1 t.imea larll'Cr than tne mother breeding t hat is ~se d with 11.0 country a.rwl have eight times the and <hop, ca llcer. woul d be stam populatjon. Thill hM been a Dutch ed out f rom the r ace in two or po ion for mor e tban 800 three g enerations. y ean. Dealers in wild a ni mals pric e thc Dorothy Db:, "- col1lmnist, I ndian rbinoee1'Q8 at f,l O,OOO. column appeara in many pa68 . . old. h ... ha. et<tI· . anoaal ineom of 182,A new!! print pap~ mill reqll 1 IIIIl !ell Ii said an Inve.ttMnt of betwMD ai:l ".U IIIU I
"'.000 "
OUAaANTIID "YOND 'NI OAS .AINI COOKINO • WA,~a NIAtlN,O . . . . . ' . . . A"ON
~0 0 0-
A 1arge per cent of the lawS a.re necessary becau se so m~ny people can't cont ro l themselves or ma nage their own b llSiness. ' -000· Don 't wo-rr y, and be patient are t he two e81liest piec s oI advi ce t o give and the two most difficult to fo.l~ ,
when ]011 coo! with
eJ'7 toD fJf
~tubbs j='untta( _om~ To be I;1sed in advertising Church. Lodp, sociall or
sales With no cost to organizations.
J'!.st phone. your advertisemeDt to this office and say Insert thiS ~d i~ "Caps" space tor _•.•..•....• . . ... . organizatIon. •
sr...... It, ........... tI, 5ahl", ......... ......... en...., ....1. , BAKE SALE I '
CIlIa., .._................
wi~1 IllHn ill Ih l'OIIII,IHI~ uf tho'I' ,,1111 u.e i~IIII1.lI1t lut, lJN·n ... ,mIHI.I·(\ hy Li.l' "n~I'~ til a I)cuulirul It'III ill ttl\' company of lilill.1 1111 ' 11. .. 'Uld i. VitI UI' oft<' 11 lrip.· Il\lI ~ OH I hi ' . hnfll \ IJ ' ·tI l·(,ek • ,I' pun t·ly. l~lP~ l~ ne Sue. Why i ~ th "' lt· 1111 IHUII II hI) 1' 01'\I'~~"l'__ hi" vir" II ? It i" Ill~CIl U .·~ h ~ 11.,1.; nul Yl't luid UI('I» ll" ld ~ . It b 1\ wilkin!!: IlIlln only II hll I a n ldl h I' dll.'Um . - Selleca V ll nily Is ill III u. und'r imlifT,1I,nc e Il~ t ndel'n ," i~ li ne.! l' th 1u\,(' "hich it can nut I' ·tll rn, (j,w~~c l!:liol., He who strikes terror into the hear of others is himself contiuual Cell}'. landra1'\us.
SAVE iVlONEY We can Sltve you money on your plumbing fixtures, pumps, septic tanks, pipe, fittings, and valves. Be sure to see us before you buy.
Plumbing Co 2065 Catalpa Dr ive
:Ll :1\'1II~" "'111 L"ttl , I.i s l", !, t .. \ III. O . ('all" '11 1.1) '.11 til \',lIlt B. ickll>, It. :!I and '\I'lIl"· ( 'ILII " I I 4 lot , ltU~IIl' d I'lainvil'\\ MOttlul' -ulltJi\'b·ioll in In ' illnge (o j I, IUllklill. l'·r ~l nkli ll . 11 0 I Z, .\II' ~t.< 1 to l'Il :tri a K MARRIAGE LICENSES ., lu " kw e ll 0 I. lut , ItHute.lll1 r'ranl( NI' I.-u ll Brayton, 21, Kill!!', Mill" >I ll, ( " trut k tI ri v(' r anti Ethel' r. ,.l lt el ltU' :\1. 1.(1111; t o l) tll Il IIlY Wdithl, 2 1, King~ Mill~. Loun J( f.l loi.,; In '1 v.jl: uf II erfll'lu, PROBATE COURT Kut h ~ I'i li' 1. Lu ng t o S Will I!' )' Account. of L, W, C o ly er, guard....() 11 ~ ~ 10 (.- Lf) v C!lu n d Plu'k, ian of Clark Jean Coly c l' min ot', t;Ul. nle y Lot t o Alma E . Long a llPl'v cd lot,; L u\ eland l 'u t-k. Flor e nce Du r ham and G . I )lj!,t' Ly n ch t o JOe .a.ntl Ed· J)u~hu m appo inte d uJU'e.!i a ns uf na UI t cal ~ laLe South L eban- e.'tate of Edgar Kirkpal.t:i k crea t. on. ed by will of B. F. Kjrk]>atrick. John T erwilleger to Ch.a . E . tells Bames Tru tee of will Terw!J] eger real estate in H mil· of J o ephine Barne , deceased, til· ~o n and Harlun to wnship, 1 a.08 a, ed in th e Probat e ou r he r f in;t Hny mo nu u nd In ez lianisoll to curre nt a cco unt '>Iitli vllu r her fOI' I I L-tu ph'l 'r , Mul'p hy re al c~\.IlW ' t le mcnt wh ich is 01'\1 red fll1SIn v llJ a)r" of Leban on , ltlt 5. 'on Un ucd on last page ,
'. R . B l' ul! n LO .l!: lw QUU Bord · en 1'('al "s (.ato \lU l'l. of lot lHI in Le bunon.
II I · 1 I,
I tllJ''' _
tl ol ..
Ij ••
II'UI~ l.~
C:.1.l d
Veterinarian TO MAKE THIS COMMUNITY The Safest P lace On Earth To Own Livestock IS The Desir e A n d Purpose of your VETERINARIAN Phone 13 R 51 HA RVEYSBURG
t or
"JEWELERS" Located in Middl town at 1318.20 Central AVenue--Opera t el One of The Old.,st and Larges t Jewelry Stores in T bi_ Sec. I tion of Oh io - Handles "Only WhAt'. Good i n J welry"Auo Has a Complete Gift and Art D epartment and H al M inlai cd th Hie"e.t Standards 10 a Modern Diamond J wehy and Girt St .,k- Maintain. One of tlie LA-rge.t alld Moat Compl te Eiedrieal D epartment. and Now Showin g the Newe'l ·'G. E." Refrigerator.. R. C. A, Radi... and Olber Appliance_ to Modernize Your Home. Wh n a lJuJ;!nc$s to tabl i8hmen t inco the f ounding of thi s i,' <I n c in \ hic.h all th p opl e hav e ill,,:s in Middl to wn, Thru , h 1'.5 Lhe gl'cut at. confiden ~. a nd" h ose mcrC}Ul.ndi ~ . tn l1d the ha rd I.e 't hnve ever b cn a iel' to th e "ants of I ime a n d wear w ith c ompl t an d n ee d ~ of t h p ub lic and h a ve . a ti ' facti on, l.hc nit ' hn.. rc ched on of th e IOl'g ,t cIe tl'icaJ 811a plac in the (' oll1m I'cial l1ct i.... ili e~ phtlnce d qlarlm ents in th e cily, o f th e comm unity th a t i cnviablc H l'" will b f oun d a complete li ne of t h e fnm ous ,"G, E, " el ctTi ca l and di" nified. app lia.n c s mallufaclu red by the Nc e r b<:f ure has iL IJ ·en toc k· 0., the olde t nc ral El ctric cd, ith s uch a Cine lin e of j ewe lrl/ nnd lal'g~ t manufltClIlrcr! at ElecNilverwllr e, d iam nds, walche.', eut t! ical !) q l1ipm nt In he:! world. In g la : , }l(' ncill: I1Ov('lties. locks and ' the radi o e.!epal·tmel'lt is f elltul>cc} nth r III t c handi ~ c, ide I fo r 'g ift.'\ lhe newest mO(\ l'ls in the R. C. A, a nd for 'the udofnm ent af ono'!! Vi d ol' radios which will bring you , OW" hom(', This star is 1\ j II' It y t he A'r ea~ s t dcvelopm nlts in radio· oncern in ve ry n e of the wo rd and carri es the oth(> r lin(' men- l allY. W h n you moa cl'Tlize your' ho'me - select. tho best by _e in g tioned to m t the de ma nd s of and buying at Thl'u. It 1', -, th iI' ' cu ·t oln OI' wh o want dep endabl articles tho mo~t m od e rn Thr ul'h('r, in Midtll t own has an DIS w II!L.'\ ub~t.a ntinl type. t nvia bl e r e putatiOn of &el'vice to No mati r what it may be in lh e p e opl~ pC ihi s eti on for many the jewelry line you will find it YCl\rs . They invite the people to h . r c as th c . tock is large and com· "Just Walk Through" ih ir store plet e, In regard, to pl-icc yOq \, ill an d ate the lov oly gifts whlch will, r eRdily see jn 10 k.i ng ove r th e deli ht and cha rm the mo!!t dissto~k thai the prices arc v l'y rca· cr iminating, - Adv. senable.
--- .:me
, Starts SUNDAY • 5Days. .
A Ii'lilllument 10 RO<lltd Amundsen. the Gl'cn l t\ r ctlc and Ant tl r t; lIc explor r \\,'10 w;'& the first to reach the South pole. as II appea r d fol· lowing Its rece nt Itnl'('illng at Tromsoe, Nqrwtly. The mCnl tl rin l. costl'1g ~~ ,250, was r.llS d by populnr subscr iption. Its sculptor wall Cnr l E , P aulson Line'o lll f' llsw urth, Amundsen's companion fln 3 Nmlh pnlc el( pedition l'unlrtllll'd $1.000 10 the fund [or it~ ('nn ~trll(' tlon .
GtoaGE ."ap"y .• ,,,,,,1
1'."1,• • • UDDY E • • E~ • PIIII TUCKER' IUD, 1 aARLAND · CIIA.LEalaO"
"Qank Night"
Every 'F RIDAV and SATU fl,OAY Att~nd 'Any , HOI,lr-Elth~ r Dayl
wa y t u I('an thu Il1l\chilll' i, t o u ~ e th> blowa tta chlll l'nt of ti l[> V"('UllIl1 clean
We ,' ll ggCfll t hat you to n ~ i d c r t he \Vi R ' purchaRe of nn E"l ate H aLl ol a. 'rhi . .~ one hat ing uni t which yo u d o n o l pay fo r - i t J ays fo r its If. Records pl'o \' e th ai t.h · ~"La c II l'atl'ola c ll L.., coa l JJillH 25 to 40 11 ' 1' ce nt. .
Dairy Show
m en t s.
vit e
y ~ Ul'
il B UI n I'" UI' Ilui le ro pul a r a n I we inim;pcct i n H il t! i riV !'Itigation,
'I'h· Est a t e R a nge! h u. l'o\'c n it!:! If in an cv r increa s in g nu mb " o f A Ill f rica n Hom C!-I wh I' the bo. t t hai m on y Ca n \)uy in uemandeu,
GOOD USED R·ANGES. Fi\, ' Gno cl U~e tl Han geR whi c h W' hav tal<en in on tl'UU · ill al" now off Ted foJ' sal e at attt'uctiv\) pri ·R. Jf in n 'c d of 11 l](ltt er l'ang , come in and :ee t he, e g ood ranges tod a y.
Fairley Hardwae Co. Larg"r Becau_" of Bel t er Q u,,1it y , Service. and p ..ice E.tablished 1849 - 1937 Phone 3 2
~~~~~------------~--------------------------... -~
F or the 1irst siincc ' 1!11 , Ohioa ns will 'Ja ve t he opportuni ty October 9·lG to see t he Na t iona l Dn iry S how_ in th ir O~vn state. A millbn dolla r worth of prize li \'cst()c'C I rom t1.e U nit<:d Stall'S a m) II n!lda-1000 ht.'nd of dn iry e We nn d ·100 P o!tehe ron ...-w iH be a ssem'd- d on th e ta t fairgrounds in olu1'\) us. iX' full day s of coru· pet it ion and ('nterLninmen t ha ve been arra nged ror the 100,000 Ohi oans who will a t tend. Lives t.ock exhi bi tions and jud g· ing every day will hold the center of intel'cst. The nat io nal h lvse pulling con st. int ercolleg ia te livestock judg ing , c ompetition of 4· tl club t eams (rom 35 states, and night sho ws in the coliseum a re o th~r ac tivities which will hel p to provjd e entertainment £01' all. Each nig ht eight hO I'se sho /iJ cln!;ses will be presented, the fam ed . f. S. Army Olympic jumIl ers will demol)st:rate their ability, six·horse
tt:!am y' iJl go through intricat(' maneuver, prize-winning Iivestoek wil l para de the arena, and an hour's polo t ou r namCllt will provide a t.1u:i lling climax for the three· hour ptogram, Brampto n Bas ilua, world record Jer sey shown at top, will head the deleg a ti on of 2G anadial1 prize. winn ers sent to Columbus by th provinces of Ontario and Quebec . enter, l'iA'ht, is Mrs. Will iam B. MurJ'u}' , Wellington, Ohio, Bnd Cnrlae t, re5 Cl' v~ grand champion a tl\lli ~ n at lhi s year'!! Ohio SLllte Fuil'. a l'la t will IJe compet ing [01' aclded honors at th e National P er eheron Show. har les P. Mic hael, Bucyrus, cenler, left, is chuil'mnn ,0£ the show committee, BI'ceder of prizc .f ()r s~y s , ,he is al!So president of the Ohio Ma nufa ctureI'll' A ssociation. , Be l w is the fnm ous Whitc-ORancho, ill-hor se t cam coming I \I the wa y fr om H ealdsburg, Calif.• to take part in the ni ght show.
ORDER Coal at pr'e sent
ANSWERS In [t r cc en t ca nvas o r t hlrty·Iour lUi go ci t i e~ by t he Uni ted State Burca u of L!Lb~)J' StatU ies is W8.! \i.-clo d that 68 per cent of t he fa mil ies ill Detr oit own automo bil ~, \1 hil e in Bost on the perc ent. flge is 14 and in New York 15, Th same 1\l'VIV showed thnt w'h~le BoSton famili es 'aved On al'l averUll. ·of $2 a YOO.l ', Detro it .famili s ran a d eficit of $)3.
find ventriloquist, anti Charlie
l h' I\'''Il ~h
2, he w the only woman entrant in the air rac e; lor the Bendix prize. 3, He was th wilmel' of the . Ben di.x; air I;'ace. 4, John Barrymore. O. Secl'etmy of Stah. 6, I t refers to the bo~ cars used ' in 'l~anCe during the war which bore the announcement that 11I(/y ,:wollld cany' 40 m en or 8 ho~'sc . o~ beau e h e paid to o mueh atten· , 7. As the winner of the Thomp- Uon ttl hi woode n dl1mmy, th fig· on Trophy AJr race at Cl v e land. ul'e used by him in hi s comedy act. 10 . Tyrone P,ow er. 8 . Edgar Bergan is a ~omedian
Th. Big Show wltb BoAtryllilllg .ono bll., 10.W•• 1, 000.. .~lIcl.. romance and GIRLS · GIRLS · G~
" l..'.... ing
Th e l%t at e manuf a cturer" h ave g i (> )1 a wid !le i ct.io n of typ s and mod >Is lo fi t nil h 'nling r quir _
1. Wh
TRIUMPHI ~~'C:-Ycr.\~
Cfl )n ..
How are Y u Going to keep warm
tht \
It i, J' pOI t ed thnt N IV Y I' k J'!'\ The r ub be r I'ing e N! on washin;< on [tn n\' 'rMe ~)lend $11 0 U YCIIT I In ,dlin"" can be' kt!jJt d ean by th an they 111'11 . IHI'I ing "ilh kerose ne,
Firat Mtg.
Dr" C. S. States
~ cf.ht' r·.
'~ rv e
Frank LeMay, Solicitor 61R2 Waynesville 74R
"'11111:111<0 11 fl '"
tll i l Ut.\ ~
hin\, hut tit' nt·\ (l li"t.'~ to l'UJf Y it. cr . • '"thln~ in t hl world i l\tllth "t, lI. ·o .. :, llIg It Ul'oo m in boling salf inc <I l'l'jllitatil lll. !lf Lhlll kind for. .\at'1' e\,(' I'Y t wo wec ks will pre·
Minni S, Dethel t.u Martha L, Al fn· d : Ioan J 1'., f tat<.'u at an Puos pfi rt of l! lots in Y·'rnnklin. illl~umc tax h aring I' cent ly t hu. J uhn . W inte lb t o LI'I\l1l W . 1(, nnd hi , wife rtceiv(!d nn in . come of $2, 70,3 10 ill H)36, paid intel:> lot in Ctll ll,..k ~1a l y SchHhng to Rul.)\)I'L A. fademl lind. t.lIte iIiC OIlH' \.a..'Ce ' t.o Bord Il lot 708 in Jo' r a llk li ll, the amount o( l ,725,7!lO alld gU \'e I). A, li uJ'I'isoll line.! J e, l\(: Mentz h If of the rel1laining !ji 1, 150, 520 l(l 1 Ll ~l a l F ·dclIll l')ll viII g.' 'tnd Lo chul'ity. LO:III A '~oc i l1t i o ll of Mi 1t1l~bul'~ 'The fee.!era l akohe l atiminL ll'n. 1,.1. I OU P UI k P lace, 1·'ral1klin. lin n "ill Tlflt pl.·I'mil t h u.-t; of the f"rank Spenc(' l' <.> 1. !t1 to J llllll''; l,ic l ul'l'!; of a h<,ll't~R in lifJunr lui1;-. a nti Zelma Fvx, IUl ] (j.! in Mus- ,IvClti. in\!:,
Farm Loan.
'illi kll;' p"('r Bro·d drt!
inl!' Cur 11'11 it ' B (It lit I'UI) uf C'I'(,llm until ttf unci aelt! l·a cup . alael oil, 1 tllhl,·. pnon lime or h~m (In juie,', 1-4. tl'!I~ror'n ,".I , Ilu. h of th .. ill rlivid. prilll ikn nntl IIIt ' nd lhl,"(lll~hly tn·
Illltnlt.y 1ft I{l'l. ltl_ d h N n clllnp(' t . l'lle,· by "ki nni nl(' Ih o,c' \~ h n t I' ll, t
,)n, , Ua rney Oldfield one lim~ auto J ohn Tel'\villcgel' to (; ('0 . Tel" mc (> l'. i~ nOIA- engaged by t he Am r 1\ III lfl.'r U.62 ill 1'<'. ItI Ilultl ilion I ienl1 Leg-on to give a , l'ic, of lee. Iln t! lIa l'lan T W1J. lllrl'~ OD ..-a fe d ri ving.
10 Year
I,d In , k •
~ .'
11. Sug ar.
earthy is a wooden imag e of a 12, It. i in thl! nat ure of a prolUa.n IJ d by Be'I'g on in !his act. , ceSliing ta.xtbe income of which ' 9. POl,' a.nnounei ng tha.t her n· 1will bo 1.\ d t aid beet ug.a.I' pro: gagcment wii.h Edgar ~!!,gen ~ uuc er 'in this coun'try,
Gct in your wint I" H supply now, Hn d tal<e adva ntage of ,])r e8 [It Ravings. Waynesville 'Far mer's Exchange gi eH you mor valu per do lla r every tim e , oals in }Ill gradeR tll'C ch ::len for their heat value, low ash c ntent, and dustless qualities. Waynesville Fal'mer~' Bx.c hange ha ' ou l for every need. WayneHvilie Farmers Exchang~'s large stock ma kes it possible to fill your n cds without de lay .. . r egard less of fue l requir erneT,ts, A phone ca ll brings our truck to your door. You w ill f in d th is name means honcs,t weight. careful grading, :Lnd prompt , clean service .
Waynesville farmers Ex. Co. Phone 25 WayneSVille l
Trouble Ahead'
life of Miarni Valley's foremost progresliv~ community The entire communit.y joi IS in Elxtending you a 4:ordial invitation to come to thi& viUage
Published weekly in the inter£lt of the social, religious, FERRYISMS
unday evening for incinnati to be he ld here lit lhe M. E. Church The Woman' Auxililll'Y of the spend a few days \\ ith Mr. and this eVl'lling 'Sundny, Beginning :I't he bu ~. da~'!; lirE' ~t III with u; I ..'untlay, Od oller 3, 1():l7 I~pi ~co pal h,u 'ch will meet at the Mrs. Carl Sim and oth r relatives. 9 :ao A. 1\1. Bring yOUl' blii'ketl! alld nil\\" ar benning 0 tfel work .3 : home of Mrs, Clifford H. Brace, C. M. Holton and family and como and spend th.e day with us. d out but re l! rt'('ompen in 'u ndll3' chool. Rally Day. FJ'iday afternoQn. October 8. oat Mrs. Mellflj Benson attA!nded tho Mr. and Mr , Emerson Dill nn (l " 1l filled eell.rs lind hrn&, There 10:S0; 2 o'clock Home Comini' at Ferry Church ' on 80nl Ralph. w~re Sunday <linner ~ \linin WOTl\hlp. Subject, "Th guests of Mr. 'arid Mr. Clarenc WI! lam H Timel !\! in the Mid. t of Time," FERRY CHURCH"OF CHRIST Sunday. Mt. H91ly home-coming will be M iford of Day (,on. ; :301 W. C. Smith, Minl~ter held on SUDday,October 3. , Mr. and Mrs. Kyle 8im... nnd E\.' ni n~ , (,I'yi E', (ml'<eeration unday: Mr. and Mrs. James Sl:'nl'8 of daughter of Cincinnati spe nt SlIn<I r Offi"t'I'" of thl:' W unuln" For. 'Dayton \\ 'e Sunday call rs of day aiterno nand ev ning with b.,ut "jyn Mi""ional'Y and 1)ti1cC1' /llld I nible chool 9 ;30 A, M, Mr. and Mrs. G. V. ims, F rr)' t ch rs of the SunulIY chooL ~lr. and 1I11'!1. P. L, R sson enter- W I tis and on, George and HerMil'. and M Erne ' t Earnhart ond 'j .30: tnin ll. 'lIml y aft rnoun and' ev • It It Ed\\lIIrds of 0 nvcr . JOI'ado. Communion 10 :45 A, M, Mr, and Ml'i!. Maynard Long of fa 01 iJy. Dayton and Mr. and M . Fred l'l'.. Ra~"'(\11 i n rt. )londay I'V nang, HCiriul DOII.1'll nin . Jr, and lI1J-s. hat! , Fe t~r \I (Or jtue_ts of Mlss Trill na and Mes. 'am MicllO el, \\ h it'll a"d Sermon 11 :00 A. M. The cr. Zimmerman and "hildrcn of Leb11 y _n ~ : Th \I • j :30: W dne~day. Ilnd 1\I[r... Williom Wlll'ou , of Day. M-arga.ret Ed/ward! on Thur. dlay brok her hill a fcw weekR ,ago, is mon . ubject, "Helping Each 0- BnOn visited fr. and Mr.. Homer slowly iml>l'Oving at th home oC ~ trt> ~ l:lnd . r (ternoon Prnycl' meeting, tOil. l' ning. th r". V t\ltun 0;; Sunday. ~ues S (If , 0(' TI'n1 Burton.l ' llod i:.J5: 1\1r. (LIlli l\h;;. J. P. Larnick inMr. nnd Mrs. J ohn WN'ner and Mr. and Mrs. p, A. RlllJ~' on. 1111". JiHI i ~ lien, Friduy. hoir . l"ra.ctice. vited a few iticnd~ to their hom e daul'ht T, 14I I'thu, of D.ayton Ohio ur Home-Coming la'st unday M.·s. Ann Dokin of Wayn' ville Mil', anrl Mrs. Cad Sims of Cin· Th Edj."Ilrd G rhard of DayJohn V. Lacy, Pas tor. ~Un(hiY (!V 'llinlC In nonol' oT Mr.:;. were ullday aftel'noon \Jcsts of "RS very well attended- 134 :! r t'iunati . Mts, Netti' FulkoJ'ilv f\ a ri d p nt lrlllt Thur.sdny with 'her sislon firHI ~rrs. fY£,f call d on till! MARRIED THURsDAY= Robel L row' birlhda'y , Mr. UIl,Q 1\11'1'" J. Will WhiLe. the mm'ning w'O.rshil) Ilnll Ul'ound Mr. Alld }!ri', Ru se ll tingl ey of ~el·. Mrs. G urge Mllrllltt. L~, t r G l'l1ard family unuay af· _ __ . 01'. and .1r, . J, K Wi hanl attiss Fl'Ilnc S Knox 0'( It. Ster. 400 in I.h aft('rIloon. Th " ofi'l'ring Sprir Valley attend a family tlin. M is.~ Stella GibBon and Mr.· M()rternoon. Pen}, Jam s Th ll rna~ and 1101'- ll'llded 1\1 fun '1'01, 'ru e.,tlay, of ling, Klntucky i.' \'i:;itlnlf Ml:, and for tho£' day amounted t $!lS:!l(J, ne r .at th hom e of f 1'S. EIl!l EI- r~ Lewis spent Saturday ,ev ning M s. Wal ter Crawford of Mid . J"i I'Ue Edith F'ol'tlyee rell . u thei r LMil' cousin, .John cull of Mason M r~. RQb.ert leaveI'. a let us not for'ct the chuI', h- am an n family near X<>nia, TI Sun with MI\ and M!'jj, Everett Bunnml i, ~l1 l children. dJetown is vUting the Frank Fox marriage VO\\ bl'fol'e Rev. \Arrl h i o . . Ml • G. D. Mills has I' turne\1 bell rings for you each Sll nttuy th y. M rs. Jan~ Ballant.yne 01 Troy, ruiLh Thul' day morning at 1 ::~O MT. amI M,' Frl) k L. Tayl r home niter treatment at Mc lel- morning. family. Heilltive. here t-eceived word of 1\II" nnd Mr1'. Dun M U j· Linda~ and Th " F £'rry hU'rcn of 'hrist i. a. Ill. J\fis'l Julia Grul"hon Ilnrl of an Francino, lell tor uheir lund Ho!'pitul at Xenia. the death of ~lo8by Si mmond ~, of r roofing the pan;onag garage. TholMs R. Fot'dye w'&fl) th allen home on Wed" tillY mOl ning after 11'. IImi irs. . 1. att,erthwnitc T~N"lIY: Kall.'R8 City Ills t wok. Mrs. im- JJ ..:J. BI' UI e Il oltm(lll of Dayton Mrs. Jfl Filer's isteTl\ Mrs. dnnts. The couple will live neal' ~ pending the ,ummel' with Ml'l!. nu dau h'tcr and Mr. Ric~hord •at.. ' Blbl . tudy nnd hoi!' pTa tic monds. wa~ Eva Van Winkl , a s pli nt Monday with Mr. and Mrs. George Marlaet. parks of ovi ngton, K ntuc.ky Feny. '1'IlY)OI'" moth 1', ~r.r~. Eoith Hm'- tel'thwnite sUll'ted eorly Mlonday 7 :4 6 P. M. former ' Spring V all ey girl. Sev 1'[\)'1 fro m hen' a tte nd d the and Mn;. Craig of MOI'row, and ,h(ll' WAYN ESVlLi..i CH URCH ri. for WlI.>hinglon O. . to 'vi§it th ch SAFETY· SLOCANS Mr. fari e W ihl entertain ed a Lebanon Puir last 'II ('k. !IOice, Mrs. Frank Richie and dau.MI'. lind MI'>. R o~ PLunck CII- sit-tel'. --Iumbu , OF CHRIST .,~ The accidenta l death t,oH in 19- number of friends from Mr: and Mrs. E. J. Burton ot ghter, Dorotby of Winchester, Ky tCltain d, Sunda.y, WAyne Planck 1')li, sHeba Ed wal'"" flpe n.• th e and [\1'1'. and Mr.. Roy Smith, of ~Jlent Tue day ni ght and Wednesunday: lind £nnaily of l>uylon Ohio, wl)ek ' nd with .h t' friend, Anna 35 was netwly 100,000. Practi e Elyria spent the w k.·end with Xenia, on unuay at ,ix o'clo k Mr. and Mr. . J ohn Ry • day at the Fil r bome. Bible hool [) :3 0 A . M. 11 . . Julin. D r~ n is vi ~ iting Mr. Gay TI'(\lIdway. habits ot CAution nnd af ty. dinner. , 11t& o!;L th nation in H)Accid b', Gl nn Druhot and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cornell CommUnion 10 :45 A. M. l\I1d . f r~. Mark Murphy of DayMr and M Emmet B<I! ItZ':pent MIlS.. Laura Randolph of Atlan. of Cincinnati . pent Sunday with call d on the Alvy Ludington'" Sun Christian End IIvor 7 :00 n. I. l()J) Ohio. Imday with relatives al: D!lyton l :36 over 120 II second. II:. pay to be cat·eful. ta, Gil., Mrs. Lena Kelch and, Mil'. Mr. larence' Cr3","1'01'd and fam . . day afternoon. Leader for End eavor \I •ill be On '}'llE:sday DI', ant) MJ'!\. J, E. Ohio. Th James Burton's ana th~ Pauline Woolard ,,\' jthnm vLi ed Mr. Will Witham, Mr. an(1 Mrs. Wade Turnel' and T,h~ National a{ety ouncil reo and lIIrs. Clandy. of Chicago, vis.. iJy. RUSl 11 Terrill' visited at Louis Preac:lting 7 P. M, a Mph w of DI'. Witham, ?th. Will Mi Ma TTeadlVlI.Y. after a visit ports that about 2000 traffic QC- ited Mr. and Mr . Raymond Wil. Mrs. H I'hert Mati tt, Mrs. "AI" ··.... I·IVes ~t thold Withatn Wll , h Mr. an d Mrs. J 0 h n 'r llrneT a t citlenL" enl h yoar are CAll. d. by' son on Friday. D urton h ome unday. thur Morglln anti Mr. Elman Mal'. Sermon Sllbj ct, " rn the Begin. W l!.llam 11 ome tell tI n.eal' Ma< on Ohio, s t,. Wh ehng, . W e, t V'" - esti mated that there W.el'e Ding God', Dorothy Weller of Cincinnati lutt spe nt M nday with Mrs. Elvis I t 18 Irgl III a , went n , lcL!py ol'iv(',r , (f you drive, don't doze . v:i ited her parents On Sunday. ' Michael. over 400 people at. the' FelTY Wedn ~y: 1I (I by Dr. WiLham's grendfathel" to Wa hington D. ,bdore their The car driv-er who goes over hurc h of 0 hmt Home·Coming On Prayer meeting 7 :30 P. M. w'lll .11'\ l h e y oar 1 7"", 0 1'. and Mr . Wi- t tUt'n h om, S un d ay. Mr. and Mrl'. WilIitllll Alexander ?tlr. and Mrs. Linley M.urlatt, of )o Id }[en d r n the hill on the wrong Soide ,o f the Mr. and Mr~, ~am Knell nnd Mrs. Dllylon, Mr. and Mr~ . Ray Davl~ D Sunday. There 'Were 134 .at study 27th Chapter oI Act. t ham flam thcr dl'ove to Kings Mr. an d M rona . of Dayton spent Sun· road Or a tride the line and be- Fannie Mc Kee pent Sunday in S un!Iay S chool and ther was a Don't forg t Rally Day, October MI')I s to attend Ll church dinner, ant1 famIly and !Ion, of Jom towll, !Ipent un"t:[ d co m 11 involved in an accident ha tota l collection of $95.. 96 for the 10. pecial Services fOI' the m"I'Il . Mr.. •Te>.sie Hyman w a un- cJ.ay "~th "'11'. G corge L en er~on ircl viii , gue t.s of 1111'. and Mrs. d.llY \lith Mr. and Mrs. Geal'jIc Mnl' no deien c. Au tin DOWden. lntt. elltire day. ' ing Wor-hin, an add cs. by a '"ent. day dinn l' guc. t Of MI'. and Mr". and family. ,.. Al ... Ii k C'" M . d M S S f t Tho~e Who handle hi ... ... h xpl'OsA "'reat many folks from this ina.ry Student of CI'nc'lnnall' Bl'bll . L ns y Ilt. InclOltall. r. UII 1'8. am Ilr ac e 0 1\fr ... l M V' ' I M . G. II. ' Kesinger , pent a few ellIlr!! .. ' ives hllbitually are Idom inJ'u:r d . ...11.., r . Irgl neighborhood went to t anOn Seminary. Mr . J , B. rabbe and moth l' Mal'ion Obio hllve been Ule gue~ ts p t S t -" • h by them, They loarn to be careful. . nn a ulluay mg t and unruly day, th e pUll we k, with r lalives Fait'. Mr G. W. Cover ton of Fellon, of Mr, lind Mrs. FI:ank Thoma . I 11\ ayton, gu ~ 01 Mr. and Mrs in Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. Aile Weidner Rex and Bobby Burll oit at Etna N v!W.a, spent .s.everal day~ last and Mr. arid Mr . Lester, Suriace, Th dl'lver who pI\.!' ('8 1\ car on Forre t Grandin. ' Mr. lind l\frs. Raym(ln(~ Lucal', gavf:l a birthday dinner for their Green, Indiana. wet'k (It Fort, Wayne and other They retllrned home, Mond.llY eve- a hill, qt' on a-eul'Ve, and becomes ~ of Wilm ington, _pent Sundny ith n Everett, Sunday. Fifty.five Mr. nnel Mr-. Seth Furnas and poin of Northern Indiana. ning. involved in an accident hil S no IL _ MT.-H-O~YMI·. and Mr. David Luea and were present to enjoy the meal. son., Seth Jr. r eturned- home WedMl'S. J. p, Larl ick and Mrs. C. Irs. Ma Miller and rhildr411l fen . The Annual Home Gaming will family. Rev. and Mrs. Car) Smith and nMclay vening of last week after E. Norri vi itOO. \\leone day with and Mis Eva Lippincott pent· • - ...- - twin daughters, EdIth and ,E~hel, accompanying their da~ghter Mr, and Mrs, George Quick. Mi- eral days I t week vi~iting at In SPRINC VALLEY we're Xenia. shoppers Tnesday. Sarah Corine to George chooJ. anl" bUl'g. dianapoli and Hagerstown, Indi.. M -- -, .. p nih it' • J. T. Waltqn and son, Todd enn" near ~, iI lphin I whe%1~ Mr. /lnd Mr$, nallfh Miller and D1I8, Mr. an(t Mrs. Dadisman of Da,y , h '11 Jr., "pe nt the week·end with Mr. ton. Mrs. and Mrs. S'mlth {If Wit-- !; e ", attend this winter. En· family drov to Louisville, KenLa. t Sund y a company of nnd Mrs. th 'l1tomO<! and chil.d. • • mington were Sunday visitors of route, they were over night gu st ucky, 'unday, for dny's out-- iri nd. njoy~ a picnic: at Pat- ren Cleveland, Your ." •• l,l.t i, too prec1ou. to t.lo:e n ..edle.. chaace •. the Howard Pennington·s. of relatives at Bedford and also ing t ' d N rth t f t at F' h -P . . era n s woo , o w e . 0 own. Mr. Iva Walket' (nee Jon~') Th. mo.t daD.eroul thia, .. b_t .Feet..ai" i, that tb. Mi Polly Fields is staying with I e, .own enn. They visited Mj,<;scs Trillqn ,a nd falg.n.t' t ... ma, b. done .... fore FOu r...li •• it. Mrs. Harry Ford$ce. a. numbel' of plac s of interest a . EdWard spent Monday at Dayton Those Wlho e.njoyed the day WC'l'-e visited ilrie.nds here. Wedn(lSdny Mr, 81ld MI'II. Ray MaiMu&, Mr. nig-ht and Thumlay. Mrs.. Ray EaMrs. Marri Hunter and daugh. long the way. Among Lhem were Ohio. ~••• aft ..,.....• •mIi•• tioa to-day. It i• • blolutel, Irc;.. y_ GettysbuIg B ttl f' Id 'd h M and Mr .'. J. E.' Frazi r, :Dr. Mary , gle e ntertained Mrs. Walk~I', Mrs. ow. It to ,0u ...eJI to .hr. thi, mucb timo to YOU... i,bt. ter.• Vema May and Dorvhy call a e . an ' t e 1'. and 111 " WlIgnor and child· k M MI C k M d 0 , I S I dTed 00 , r. an Nelle Peter on, Vera and Dean Ped Tues.day. evening On Mrs. darl 'h omes of Barbara Fritehie and Wil r en oI lar'ksville called on Mr. Cl ..... wiD b. prlllcribedl oal, who.. needed. Smith . :M'rs. Smith, has been W~ry liam H. McGuffey. and 11'11' . J . W. White, Monoay at. Mrs. Ralph Linn and cJaughl~1\ ter on on Thu day. ill th~ pest week but s.he say.s that Mol's. Frank Miltenburg r !Spent ternoon. . Oal:: sadie[.Co~ne~ lI~iss J~ T~ Daughters of America gave she is feeling herself again. a couple of daY3 las t week w.th Mr. O. J. Ed\\ard s, J. Wilson Ed sep me anta, ISS at eMne. an a party on Friday evening at the Mr. Janie Gibbons, and Miss Win- Jr. lod<re Mr and M1'0• CI'ff Mrs. Wilbur Gilliland and Mrs.' I A rc hd eacOn and '" Hall I'n hnvn or 0 f Mrs Open Every Day !r~m 8 A. M. to 6 P. .M. Ed,--.rd Gilliland pent Friday by chilcheri in Dayton COURT NEWS ifred Nutting: The oeca 'on ~-el. Ruth. tingley, 'who i3 State Coun: S.a turtla, 8 A. M. to 10 P. M. ,-.hoftpl·ng at CI·ncI·natl · . I Mrs John Zimmerman of Oay(C t· d I' ebmted th.a blrthda. y s of Mr. and citor and also a mC'lnber of the I' ott lIlue ,rom pi ceeding page) ' l\1 s F D C k M d 19 N, BROADWAY LEBAlfON. omo Thomas Fordyce, welded at th.e ton is spending a couple of \\o'Cok r. l'aZI ~'. r. 00,. r. an State Board of the D. of A. A. Delco Products caml& horne' Tues.- wmth 'her Mother. in · law and ist I' Application of Ex eutor fol' 01'- ~r.. R~ M~I.no~J and MISS. Da~e very pleasant c-vening was spent. day with badly burned ey-es. He Mr. nnd Mrs. 'J. B. Jones dol' to sell per ona] property of nn, w o~ e lI't ays occur 10 t e with a prog:~am of reading and mu is 'a little easier at this writing. . Mrs. S. H, BUl'lJett and MI'S. Dllvid W. Thomas deceased, grant;.. month of eptem b~l'. ie. Rcfr~hment of icre.crea~ Mrs. Joo Filer spent Wednes ' E#.r1 Burnett "\\.'lere caUeri to the ed. Mrs, Ad'am Melloh won first cake .and coffeewcre served after day night and Thursday ,with hill' horn~ of Mr. MI'8 . Harold Thac.het· Hearing upon ' application of p'riz'e on he l' Angel .Food Cake at \\'~. hing Sister Stingley ~ 'happy If ~u~lity .oocI., rea.onable price., and COUI'- .. daughter Miss Bertha Filer)la- on. Yankee St. W ednesday where Wm. Howe administmtor of the t.he Warren County Fair. and s uccessful year in her new oileou. service are what you want, TRY tron of Cincinnati Bible Seminary. th-elr ~tb~L·. ~rs. Emily Thacher c"late of Frank M. Howe, aeceas·1 Mr. and M~·s. Walter Under· ,flee, all ~part1!d ~t a late hour There doesn't seem to be much was qUIte 111 WIth lL h eart altack. ed, for authority to settle claims wood, ·Mr. and Mr Robert Han· for their hom es. to report this week. Ev,e rybody She is somewhat improved ot this againJlt Thomns, Conway, Jr and sell. of Xen ia, visited r latives at Mr. arid Mrs. G. V. Sims left on has ooen so busy that they hann't time. J., ~.rY ~ McClure, rec.eivers of Connersville, Indiana, Sunday. FOR SALE''':''Chlld'7" b; d with bad time to go much, they say. .A la~ge number of people from, CmC!n~ll~l and. Lake ErIes R. R. Mr. and Mrs. MaynarEI Weltz drop side in good co_ditioll. Mr. and -Mrs. Perry Faul and thlS Ccommunit y. attended the War · ford InJurlC, PbllJn, sutTering, ~eath Phone 24 R 11. Mrs. Irvin so E ' d W'I Th ren ounty Fall' at Lebanon last an ~xpens.e y reaso n of aCCIdent and children Silent Sunday .at Wil. M It d ' rYlIl . an .• I dmMa.. 0Lamastng ,and w~k. OCClll ing Apl'il10, 1937, in Frank. l1'Iington, Ohio. u or . 1tp ' .n L L Ina alJSlng \'l0lte ISS n8 • FOR SAJ..t:- Timothy seed and SPRING VALLEY ;'.0 lk'In P'k C' , S"~ s Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hadle" lin" Payment of $260. to settle M d L I e ounty un .....y. d '.. I' 1\ an Mrs. Herj>ert ,ucas a.nd 22 . ewes. E. Evans Lehanon, Phone 4 X T . . . ' an daugllter Wlere dinner guest!! c aI m..!!, son of Springfield , w'ere Sunday Phone. 470 R. Oct7 tp here IS a. f,ee,hn g of happlIless Sunday, of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Approv'cd and confirm.:!d sule guests of Mlrs. Marv C. Cros.!!. - . .7"'~~-:-~""!"~~"j--~::"-~~----"';'~~-....-.-~.... in the air 'ever"""h '# HYDRAULIC CID-E-R MIL ' L •. made, under order 1)1 court, by " .. er e. I am bappy, Had.rey and family Ilt Selma ~y;?lfd' fI: is V&ry soul satisfying Mr. and Mirs. Kiesler G~am Harry Hurst, Administrator of the Mrs. W~ner Undrew'llod wuGEPHART'S CIDER MILL is .0 ID Me~ds and cheerful greet alld daughter, Miss Bernice attend )!;'ate of Nancy M. HUI'st. called Monday to the bedside or' fTun nfng Mlonday, WednesdlBy IllS'S at every door at which I ed a fa:mily dinner Su d _ _ her mothaI', Mr.s. Go'rmarl, wP.o i and Friday of each Wleek. Other kn.ock. ' nay,par. at NO"'JCE O·F ELECTION . sl y 'II d ' t ment only. Lo- ' the home of Mrs. Graham's I serlou I at t h 0. h o,me C) f anot hays b y appom It makes me a little a shamed ents, Mr. and Mrrs. C. W. Albright Ndic 8 is hereby given that a e t' daughter, near New Burling-' cated 0", milo southeast 'of ?;fil ometim,C6 when I gI'owl and fuss at Pekin. proposition to levy a tax for the ton OhiO., , ' amisburg. on Gephart Chul\'ch Mrs. Meta Roge rs and Miss Ber. ')urp o e of providing additional Mr. and, Mrs. ' Adam MI!lloh and ROad. 200, feet east 01 Spring- Select your Heatrola now, make because things don't go a& I want th m to. We shou.ld realize mo~ tha Brown attended the Ho·m e--. tunds for cU'I'rent ' "xn.6nses for f '1 i't d 1 t' t M boro Road. Geo. ' W. Gephart. ,u. t a ama!l deposit, pay nothing lind mOl'e th~ v.a1u,e of friends and Comin d b k t d' ~ •. '" amI Y v SI e re a IVes a arrow, :R. R. 1 Phon:e-, SOSR", Miamis. more until ~e Heatrola it! infJtalled g '8n ' as e inner at Fer. fl~d dul'ing the .pe.r iod of five yeaxs, Ohio, on Sunday. (YOU aay When). Then alert paying happines.s rather than mat~""'' ..., Churcb Su d . Iu d'Ing'the eUl'rent year ot J[,l'ate ' bwrg, Ohio. Qt ...... . " , n ay. Inc in eonvenie.nt monthly inst«llments. Oct. 21 tp Bernie Cohen was in tOWl) last Mrs.. ·Idoa Day of Carlisle and ,he I no t to exceed 2 ¥.I mills in addiCion , 1hinlrl, , Life offers us more happi ll~ ~han ......e an hold it we 'will grand-daughter and husband from ' 0 the taxes lev:ied within the 10 we-ek-a little thinner, a little old· FOR SALE7ChoTctKeifer Peers. Retnemb8.r. there'a no other offer to bllt take it. It's the little thi...... J. C. Hawke: ._- . Dayton ~~ ""r Th urs d8y evening '1l ilJ limitation authorized by law, er, but the sam.e infectious good hu compere with thie. becauae no o'fber that rount an d they acid up more guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Burn 'ill be submitted to the electors mar thaI; his parents werEI 80 well heater can compare with the genuine t un the big noaterial thin~ can ett , and' family. If the VillaO'e ' of Waynesville, known for. Eatate Heatrola - the original cabinet v r equal . S .1- d' .. healerl ~utiful, modem,. ali-porceuntulY lnJner gUE'sts of MI'. hi/), at an 'e lection to be held on Miss Marie Berryhill of Bell· L~M. lain cabinets- eight models to choose and ~s. J. B. Jones were: M ~s. Tuesday, the 2nd da.y of Novem~ brook, Mr. Elvin Bernard and Mr. '\lOT ARY PUBLIC from. Jointleae _aah box. ' Eatalloy John Zimmerman of Dayton, Mr. ber, 1!)31, at the usual voting pla~ and Mrs. Loren Reason w,ere Sun. double.life fire pot., Ped-a-Lever Feed The Ladi , s' Aid wHl meet next and Mrs. Therle ,J ones a.nd SOD , ces in said district betwe6!li the 4ay dinner guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. ~. And the wonderfUl Intensi .Fire \V dnesday, October 6, at the Milton. ' hOU1'S as provide d by la-w , Everett Marlatt. of NeW' Burling. Will. Ora.. • • E.tat.. S.etW Air Duct- Heatr0a4's famous, exch. h lI1e of Mrs. Amy Bail~y, with Mrs • . Mildred Surface, in aom- I B. R. HendeTson , C~rk ton, Ohi\1. WAYNESVI1.LE, 0"10 . IlIYe feature that tum. waste it.w MlI.da~ I da L('I~gacre, :Vaden WI- pany WIth Mr. and Mrs. Baker, at- of the Village of W.aynesville. Ohio warmth. cut. fuel billa 2S to 40%. (1\1 and Id~ Wleal assl Lant hOB- tended the Hamilton Fair Tues. ---'- - - - - - Mr, and Mrs. R. M. Hu'd dle of tes'es. A. h IIl'Ves ' t H orne program day. ' " '1" . ·1ll 0'" Fl I .IiX ·,rHlN ON TAX t.l1! \ · V I N ElJU.'F. 1'1 fill' 'I"n) 'I'EN Cincinnati visited the hom,e of Mr. SMALL ANIMAL, HOSPITAL an d t ach membE'r to bring a. can Mrs. AliCe Clark was a dinner N 1I "prl,r, 1.1 ~JlTI 'rro,~ - DOVIILE LIFE. New• ..u... of f 't 'Th ' '1 " ce s I r loy g ven tlhat In 1'111'- and MI'lI,.. Olive Davis and fa.mily, . . . .yY, riWNtI Brit pot, ..... rUI , I WI I be an all day g"ue t, Sund.ay of Mr and Mrs ;.IJ/lnc'p o f a n"8Dhlt loll of till' Colon. Sunday. W. O. B......... D. V. II. 01 Ltal,l oy (mcltel e~1III'. T1le('\.ing wit! , - " I' h . H R' ' . , 1 .-11 "r ( he VIlIIl"''' o f \\'''' ~' n e8v IlH' I a covel'",. r I dm· oma Iggs on Social RoW' and Warren Cnlln(}'. nll)n. IH188~d on the Friends SU;d;Y - school enjoyed .110)'). 110ft th_ d_ble the Sprla. OIti. n(l r for the ml!m~ ""ho c bil'th- with tltem attended the Ho C "1111 rln.\' of '\I1"".t. 10:l7 Ihcr~ W , III life of ..... -'-boa fu. pot8. d . m.E- am lip .uhhllllf,d \11 " vOl" of Lt) o PPO I)lo a weiner roast and camp fh'e in the "Y8 ocelli' III ptc!muer anel ct.. , Ing Service at Ferry Churl'h. "f .nll} Vlll n"" of Wf" tI ".,, 1I 10. WII'" d M F oiler. 1 M. '! 1\ rOllnl~·. Ohio. lit Ih,> N Y1'1l1{R,F.n mec.ting house yard, ~unday evera. orest Dawson, of 1'. t.I·,("J'I P:-.I I.. he "pill In II", Vlll :l/CO . W'th th C' t 'Id t , I . an. MI'$. MIII-garet Johns ent.ettain- Spl'ingfte]d s pent Sunday with Ml' or Wll Y'''' ,1\ II"'. Oh Io. III I he r PKu l a r 'TIIng. I e en ury 0 ' moe· 11 tu iJinn(\lunday Mr. and Mr~. I and MI . Ralph' Barget and child~ l',\~c2~,~r/l~;~1I~r ~~":;,~1i ~~ ~1~~~dMe ing house 8S a back graul1d, the larenco Dunniboo and I\Irs Ellza. ten 'I u.· .. tlon of I.>,· ~· j " " n, lL'" In e"c.,.~ BreDe was beautiful, inileed. f D ' , . or th e I "" 1111 11 Illl'1lJ tltlun ror' t~' , E - - - - _. b( th ' ml·.L .." a ayton and Hr. and Mr, and Mr.s. Stanley Bailey " 'Inroflt gr VIJlnj!I' or W3"fl~"wllJp, verett Early had a display all'! barles 1'\ __ <_ d d ..&. "" h \\'ll'''''' ""lInl", 1.111'1 fOr Ih p PUI·. f b au.... 'Ia" c argl.' of the Fairley Hard. I".... of T'm\' ldln~ n,l!1Tllnnll l "'lind!! rOm L'1tlfl Eleva t or a t tl~"8 L 8. uue<,er an tn. J ht't, of narveyaburv. "al'(' di;;l\lilY ut the W C r",· " ," r"'"1 1'; ,p .. I\R(.jl "I' ~nlrl \'t.llaK'· 1 anon Fair last week.MiM Mary IIiI --"" W'll Be ' arren oun· 111 \\ II' 'Ill .. , (11110. II t a I·'ll,· nf)t . h. I rarden, III.". ty i"UII. Ml'~. FI'azee \\'e t of here /' "· ... ·'"n'" 2'!o mill. r,ur " n ,nMl./ Brown, of RODte 3. was tHe lucky and lin.. Frank Bo...·--- __ .a _..a . th I . ' , 1'13'i'·1"J"·1'1~~.1~'I".1911 wi f th ..... lied .........Q \\on "amp i!: lvt'n by th<'m. Thp Politi for nld 1';I,,~(\on will nner 0 e ._e guess. Lebaoll, 0Id0 Belwd.a1 or I~" motO!.<1 10, Mr, ntd MI', W G Hainee and I", •• p.·n III C;::III n'''11I k .\. M. and rl'- She received a ton of coal "'t., • Indiana S:l d ... " r " ' " • m.ltln or"'n untl) 41:30 o'rlock P. II. ' l ay "" VI!'-It aQlIlY IIrl() It. J.u:ub Gabelman of '". h'," "'talldllr.1 'rIm.', '''''. "'\ld C atio 'n be III • Berrdall and DII,Jton "ttrl' di nncr I'U ' OIlSel'V D 'WI IUIcIa,. ••. urdl'r r" ,tI I':} U, n.. fiDe. Nor 1D87 all1011. • a t hom of Mr. and.. r ~~~~r:~~~~I~=
Don't TAke a Chance •
Dr_John Zettle O. D.
Barker,'s Drug Store
Estate fleatrola
, j..,
The hll!h ,· (' hoo) llrnHlcl':\l'Y clw nlllk,n.c an .'llhillil fur lho J.'t: (i-
vai that ;;h llll id I' c'd ve \\ Ide IIlten· tion, 1'11.., I:xhibit will nelt bQ sh()wy ,lll:ctuculul' hut iii plnnncli to ahow the local pntrona just what the modern edueation program ill-
trying to do, Student. wlll shvw Lhl'ough sta..
' ti tics, ill8ph t3,nd pi tures l \lst what the. PU'tpo.se.'!. ()f th.e vllrious lM8e1 and Ilctivitles in . chool ar~, The tu,<ientll hop that a larjfe numher ot plltrons will vi3lt the l'xllihil f'lJ r th
rJucati ollul
Eighty-Ninth Year
Approval Given New ~chool Building
W.Jnea.iUe, Ohio, n,uraday
October 7, 1937
Whole Number 6294
l 'cJl!,l! Lh.:!t will!) r~inutl, Anot.h 1', f alure of the exhibit will lW t h e ,' howin~ of IIi 'hu' ' S of 01110 uf the grcuiWlt.i' r cla~S('5 of " dlepr ol.l days." A TlU mi>cr of pi 1.UI'\'!! found In lhe' Attic of the f.(ll1do lJuiluin~ Illlve b ell rec laim· [In l.wilt b on di splay, Omclu11 II of th '!la' " h 11111 plea '0
take nolk , Wayn o T. own!jhi ,~ pupll~ who t ook pal't In th m ll p d HIVing a n d ]ll!nmttnfthi,p conWMb; in the ~. I ' II Counly r~air l' c ived tJh ir a· WIIHill this w k, Our ~ tut1-ent.'! mad a fine howing with -th fol. lo wing pupils AVlilliJlg pizes: N(U'-
m Lo ngncl''', Yvonne Stubbs, lIclen His y,
Orvi\J (!o
Bh:-J.,'\I!, Franc J"lhn!l, . Roon Sur· fa I? , Hel n tlrtis li Ley , Qnd Ann Marilyn Whitak(>r, 'I'ho ~oC tball gnmeo seh dul d for Tu Iftl' <wening with pl'i ngb ol'o was p t1>onoo boo u. c of l'ain, Mason plays at W.ayncsvi11 Fri· day I.l ftel'noon. Th boys expect Lo b"Ci in th '""in column at lhe c·x· p ' n BC of MIlSOn,
Th o
~ ville
Here ~ nin n peck to show, TOBA CO T obacco hilS b()en divided into two c lasses--Burl~y and }<'illerwith thrt' stnlk.~ to I!how in ear h clll.sss and, grade, POTATOES Half peck will be r equired in CJlch exhibit. WEET POTATOES Show one-hlllf peck. in the two
Yams and Je rseys
G RDEN EXHIBIT A gen eal garden exhibit will be. ( i lit I' t to mil g~rd'eneJ.s. as an nwul'fr will , be m:a.c:fe t9 the garde ner who exhibits the moet v~lt'i eticii and of the b.est qua litY'. PEARS Three of ca ~ b vn.riety.
ctiolls of ex hibits. Winter lind Fall vari eti~. E~ l\ exhibit or t() show three varieties ot three apples Meh.
PUMPKINS SQUASHES A prize is ottered tor the fineat and best. QUILTS . Lallies are asked to brine their w'Ork in thi$ lin." FANCY WORK
Prius offered In
of taDcy wwk. If J4lU IIiaYe . . __
tractiVe p*e (If will take • prise.
AU eQlbi thi
t Ent red
l'ostof{lc<at W ~)I\~~ ~RII
,,!'\Iilt·, ,'hill.
~l'C 'I
F,\ 'RY Till 'SI' \ 'to.:
1 _
and bOt'O and B
prirwrJt.IliIlllllll_._____. "
L,ulI rh:IlIr". preaeh-
1111, -'flit....• P!I t 'undny with the I"l at Lytl", ,'hurch unday at !) ':10 1.111.'1 '. 1'1\" nt , MI'. on.! i\!l'., Ed.! a, m, MN. nil> i" I1ccnlllpR'llC.1 '\ 11\ ~(jtt nc It' Li! h ! .. ill. , I hiTT'. HI.' will JlU thl' pulpit h..rt' , .In t·)\0 'He' k~.• 0 C,I '. )hcl' 17 . ,fr r , .r (.:nmlllY of ~J1l'ing- I ;l~ln I'll 1,1 _Ind ~II· . •IlId ,\lr~. w. F. Clark i M,'. lind :\>1'1'';, Hllrulol Whit.nkt\r of WnYIH <vdl' ~J1I'nt. Thul'lluy t, ' \! motortJd t o Cincinnati Satu l (hIY, nit' ,,1110 the'h' lIIuthl'I', .11- , l\t4'ry \\hert' Mr. Whit.Hk~I' had lin Xray C llll llUllY. rUllI niJlnj(' hu' hel' 7 tnk n which Ili. 'Io~ccl u mi"p lllc(!ll hlllhdn~' 1111llivcr. Ily. :'I1r~. r- vl.'f>trae. II . hu b., n uffering IlllHI}' 01$0 atlcn,i('d n dinll~r SU.fI- with 'hi.' hack for II 'me limC'. Th y Frank LeMay, Solicitor lay. gi v c n in he l h nilI'. at the HI:o vL..ited t/l ir unt, MislI JA1U1'a 61R2 Waynesville 7 h (1 ll1 ~ nf Mr. a nd 1111'S. Clu\'k in Ro;' nngl , n t .ache!" Ilt. Lh indn\,\,_,ynl·:v ill~ . • . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ki nnti ho ~p ita[ . h n f1 H' in WAshin!! t n ,It, -~.- - - , ~--~-.-~ . ~h~. 131'0 \1 II I'du r n!' I t (l II r hllm ' ill Wa~hillg n . II " Sntur.tny aft('!' pedll.1g!l couple of mon .. th~ wil h hc;r rlau~h t\!r . Mrs. Ralph nUl" I' nnd faillily. ' I l' V. II uJ{h D o \'i~ of L s bul'R,' Years of training and experience have equip-
Ha rold D Willi., Edit".. -===~=-=== ~
.r onl'
Mr.>. Th de
th L
1I n I'TlC
;;(1, Ye,!
I"l"li t utlnll o f
~ .,tt'~ 7
----------- -
, True Profeslional Service
,L 'IJ I t ~ ,\l,t
·fn(:\ti., .. I; ar.'
.it"Mul .d(. on(r"I, (inn of p\1 J)' ,w,·l1 b t', ned,
:'orr.. nd )'1r,. Clu!". Joy mad/' fl b\ISlll(\';" \.til' t tl X(;I.iu T u~ d a y,
Do .. g'h nuh. C~ .. and Popc:orn :lnd " :I hI rm, m(lus 11 ure. will be sold. at The Grange H .. II OC'lcb r 13, 1 - P 'pIe hlty, du rl ,.. the Fall Fl!sti ai, Order. conlidl1'ncll in YOUT It n _ ty anJ in- Ac:c:«,pot<>el. c..U S6R3 , t grill', bing n turnl dj "tH uf incNnplete or im rf ct w r '. WAYNES ILiE M. E, CHURCH Ilbda , 0 towr 10. 1937 o lober 1 , 16, t';' - If a WGIllan you (I re (l d hou~ k ~r.
fr e nd gencrou_. but 110 1 nics. Y t)l\ aT not :UpE:. titio 50 n or cre-dulou~, but your fin I ~ tuiti II and • tron )llrit I It-ad~ ing-s draw you powerfully to rd the my ~riQ}L, p s of jurtice you mcnt wh never po lble.
Frienck hi p
AC'ade.my Awa.rd willn I'S Luis UalnBr {llld P:ml ~ll1 o l h , ~'(! 1'01 of tb a humble farrner nnd hI. faithfu l wife, wh'l \\' ("I.l,.1 ide lJy side In lhe day Rnd dreollled t(/!l()th l'r th e ir {UIIlI',) h.1Ilplc's which would hI a~ prospt'l'll y to t h~m ~nd tltelr r:llldrt'n, lu fnl' S()"CtIlC liar f !lln "'1' 1) Good E:lnh wh 'rll I'll lit the be.1ull!ul n IV Xf.>n! thl'ntl' r In Xl'nJn, fOl', Cl I'1' cloy •
memory. For many years we have rendered sincere, sympathetic aervice to thi. community, at moclelt
d. E. McClure
who Il!lS Ihe rolq of un ex!) Ie dane
Pboae 7
IIIUL HoasnHIDB". WOIl& noa_
' L vtle
.. rvic , 1\ . (li n tlf Dayt<ln " 1e I" , F Ull . t. at a six ne w..- k fr \1\ 'unJay tll I o'clock cl inll{'l' I'ricl:lY and also ovin i~ to the Benjamin FrallkHn ne\'er a kl."d young pE'Opk ,~ill e r night g,u ts of Mi Bernice :ll l"~. J (lh n Zimm l"l,ao .retu rn d r received. 8 patent for any oJ hi. h<lh.. h Ill. 6 :00 p. m. t o organize to h 'r Iwmt· i Dayton Friday eve n Epw I'tb L: u, inv ntions _ _ _ _ _ __________ \ nim!. ailci vi,iting a couple of we~k' \\hh her iter, Mrs. J. B. TheT are almo_ as many Nor. HITLER Jo n 's :111l1 hu lollll I. w~ans in the nit:.ed tates G3 til re are in Norway. Mr, a nd :\It,, . 'F;lb'rt Wallac mov d t llarvcy,.burg la' t week, Crim is e timnted to co t this wh rc th ' Y hav 1\ large gl'UC l'y. country about 15 billioil doll 1'8 a year. A. numb r of m mbets of the )1lu th ' l'l' ' Iub attclldoed the me tQUESTIONS AND ANSWERS l'n g ut th e Qymnusium at Waynes' ville Ft'iday afternoon. 1. From what state i David I. Wal. h senator? lr. tnnl yBlIlley, Mrs. al. 2. What is the w st rn end of vin Longs I" ll.nd Mrs, Marga'!' ,t President Roo evelt' we teln trip? Johns Wel'e Dayton Y'is itors. ThursB. 'Wh.ere is Pre [dent. Roote· day. velt's home residence I cated? l\-i'rs. J. B, Jon s nnd' guest, Mrs, 4. Wllat ~ ell kn own comedian John Zimm erman _pent Friday afventriloqui t has achi ved nation· t. rnQon with Mr ', Howard Archwide di tinction as a r ult of his deacon in Waynesville. ___ olll~e.:: dy pl'oouced with the llid ot au. 111lU lI'l • :l1.aTllcy LSnlley uno . 5. W';...., 'y"ung woman plays th e daulfhter, Phylli attended the bait l ead jn th mOvie, "100 M en and game at t he Mi!llni ~b urg chool 00 Il Girl?" ' Frida.y yening, 6. In , 'hat state is the Shivs In Every O-:: portment Templ,e located? Miss 'ig-na AndC'r:SQI1 of Cl~ve· Dressed in a faultlC!J;!I uniform, land. 'Mis!! Helen Mangu.· of Uni on 7, W hat is the Shivs. Temple? ity, I ndiana. lind .1 isS' Roma Har- \..,;,.....----.-~"'!'"''''!'"'-------.3S . 37 N . 8. Of what 'state iiS Bibb Grav , ChanceDor Adolpb Hitler I greeted on hi arrival at Nuremberg, Gergovl!I nor? + man" to attend the National So9. Mat I4Iy marke t'h 160th clall t co~ess .
of the type which leaves an everlastingly con.oUng
costa based entirely ,upon the withes and means of the family.
Th~ Ullforg t obII' sl<lry or " 1'hl' Good l'~"rth" ,.. COI1~"'lh I wIth til ppople wh~!I uri t I.., II' Ih'c lUling the Boll alHl wbos de till' I" ('ontr lI.. d b)' !lulm'l'.. Th cltl11:t,l; u t I'h) film Is r eacllt'<l wh cm ~1l111 nnd hill Wi fe ~l i s rtul m'I' flnnll,· • " me w altl\y t rofU 1 11~ r(\p~ or t11l!lr bflrvo ·t~,. Will MII'1I :\t\ldt;> lila fal1 h111 1 an:! clevlI!'pcl wit \\'11 ' ·"I'k.1 III 1 ' '. h shl.' him. and ",'\0 U 1\10' m tlwr Of hi; ~'1l1~? 'I' ll \ 'II IIrl'''' wll"n he lIH'et~ nn(1 l)I'l'(lnw,\ ( n {'rlll III -<1 " '11
J in Let. ,
vice, in all of many detail. which mak.e up a funeral
ped our staff to render a genuinely professional .er·
Karl D. Dakin
__ .__ !!C!!2!!
October 7 to 16. inc us· r·e SHARE THE SAVINGS
p -~., !,=l_
30 FORD COACH New Tires RIIlr.K 4 Panen ...... r.OUPE
31 . FORD COUPE in f,ne condition
Used Cars
"Dickie" Brings Help in Nick of Time I
Phone 153
Lebanon, 0.
Phone 24
PYROFAX GAS Modern P,ro(u Magic CheF nanges and d~aQ. Inlt8ftt.headna PyroEas Gas, really make cook1 DB • plea.ure. You hOI ye 0 IIDOkelnt,' dra....er. type brOIler. ~. • "'DWIIIH: oven and dean, dog· proof' top bume...• Pyrofu Ga, .Servlce .catl be l'ours~ (10 marte, wb~re you Uve. fot .. little mooqo. EquIpment IS IDltolJed for 1)01, $9.15, and the lit. j, If' COIllulitde u ~- :»e' meal per person. Come in this .... eek aad aelect , _ beautiful modena taa8C.
"c aoc IC
Refined by tre Furfural pl'oce 8, New Texaco Motor Oil is freed of impurities present in all crudes. Furfural is a new scientific discovery. It is a clean er whi b comes from FARM CROPS such as oats, com, wheat. cottonseed, etc.
Because it is freed of impurities, you do not have to buy an extra quart so often.
Texaco Station
wi" ,..,.. lb.
,lUted (. .
" IbJp. buner few .rslllf pep.,., " ea,.oib " m.p. flout I cup milk 1 cup <ora 1 up, . . I cul\1atatcd ch...... " ... whitea A CO'D aM ch_ ..... 1'11. thai die .. hole famll, tIbopd H_ 1!unet Idd 80\1,., .111., aDd """pcr: Adel, milk a.aJualJy ••tlrd", cOlUCutl,. 1U!I1I Add .rated tII_, fWd II" u ..,,1 mel.ed. Pour o•• t be.reo eu ,oIb Add corn and mb weU. Pold tbi. IJlilltUte 610"', 1010 the flUB, bHt,CtI ".. ":bitel POUI IDm a serole. S« YO\I. Pyro(u.Maalc a..t OYC". 'U O " . . foc '" miDUcel. Sene iruledjarelr. Sen", 6,
'M n. Obrl.tinc ToUl, leventy, Luc&ltclD', N. J., fondlln. ber pe: poo4le, DleklJ!, alter Ule do, bc1 been In,trumental In savlD. It. mla· 'feu' lite recenUy. III 'rom, toad,tool pollon.lng, Mu. 'roth wrote a note. "Belp, I'm d1lna": Mr•. 'raUl," tlecl U to the dog'l collar and lent him 01 her hoaae. 'l'he do,'. IbrIU barking awakened Rev. Harr., R , 8toekUln, putor the looal Metbod.. t Episcopal church, early In the mOl'Dla,. Nottclna" Ule note, be telephoned for a doctor who ,pe4 to lin. Toth'. .lde, reachID. her Ju" lD time to save her lite.
8n-",. ,Usb I#J nu:b.",i",., iI, _ _
have been made safer; C thousands are or injured ARS
highway. improve'd - .tiU killed every year in blow -out acci. • den\8J Realizing that the terrific heat generated insic/e all tires at high .peeds was the gre~t un~e; cause of blow-outs, Good· rich engin'eel'8 eet to work to develop a aaf~tire - a tire that would give real blow-out pro· tection. • Their answer was. the Goodrich Silvertown wit.h the Life~ver Golden Ply, The. Golden .
Ply i, a layer ()f ,pedal rubber and fu1l.ftoatinl cotd•• 8cientifi· cally treated to r~ist thii terrific mowout.cauninll heat. And think of i~1 The Goodrich Safety Silvertown is the only tire in the wotld with this Life·Saver Golden Ply. P\llY safe . .Come in and let one of o,ur experts show you how this' amazing device ' protect. you all:amat dangerous high-speed blow·outa. And remember, Silvertowns cost even less than other super.quality tires. •
Goodrich ~£~rnITl1 . ilvertown Prot~ction
( ..,. With LUe,:,Saver Golden E'ly Blow-Out
R.H. Smith Garage .
Brook's Garage
chi': .ad
~UA.ANTIID .nOND THI 0". M"'NI ' COOKINO 0 WAn. Hi""NO . . . . . IO . . "'ION
P. E. SftiYDER &
Blanche8t~r, Chio
To be used in advertising Church. Lodge, IOcia" or ,sales with ,no eost to organlr;ationl. Juat phone YOUl' advertisement· to thil officLAlld say "wert ~~18 tiad "Cape" apace for . . . . •. orgalUza OD.
\\7 l ' 1' 11~p(O st thal )I,ll! tonsoIl l'r tlw wiRe purchaRe of a n l~s t <1te JlI' atlnl.\. Thil' i; /l ile h 'alil1~ ullit wh ich you do not P,ty lor-It Pit \, fill ' its ' If. R c(:oJ'd' prove t hat th' b s1:ttl' Il e:drolll ~ l'''; l'(la l bill:! 25 to 40 por (; en t, Th' E!': tai ' nlllnufad u n r,< I. \ ' L' g i\ n a wid se lection of tn H'S 'lIH l model..: In I'll ; :1 I.'ca ting rcquin.i mcnts. The ltC'\\" Oil Hurn ' I'S .In' q III,' popu lar and we invit YUU I' ius pection ;t nd im'\""' 1 ~·l lion . The E ~ lal!' Ran )!' 11:1, pr, ,\' \'ll it~cl r in an ve r in(' l'e a~ il\ g num]) 'I' of Am '1'·I.:IUl HomcK wher' the best that mOIH!J' can Iwy i1-l dCTl1all(\ed.
, ·-Comp'ete, lIepe,,,'""'e, ECOIIOnlil!n' Irom fire is oClen the mo deL'oplorable Itnd ' cdl,'8s 01 11. non', I
1100000on onrlook tbe ai_pat· Innh, lor full CO,"I!t"D" e at • • e~ led ,hk ,., ~ In II." FarJlI Bu" IFINIU Mulual AuhHno bU. IlUur.II"" t
eolll •••n,..
Coop.rotlve LN. Ifbe
....ofl'Ip.n' end
rOt' •
rLk It It single dllY wit .. yo u fan It ' I ('om"l'tll prul "lioll in y<!ur own cq m· Jl ll lIY {It 0 ~.'ry reo Cllluhln 1'0 l. A phone co li ",HI .brill IlrOlllpt ecrv icc.
Uta In lIrlJ",f!
rou...... dedJll nfd to fit .nd ,~ W rellul, ...
• •nU.
re You
Pan-Aml"rl ca's Hcrm uda. clipprr Is shown c ir('ling o,'('r Che Seven e:1l1, 'one of tbe few remaining rull· ri" lIcd hips , as s he Jockcycd for llosiLlon III the s tart of the race from Bermuda to Newport, n , I, 'l'he Josepb Conrad wns her npponl'lIt in the race. '
Raymond Braddock
Dr. C. S.' States
Waynesv ille, Ohio A FARM B JRE"U ( ?OP2 R.\TIVE SE'RV IC F--IJ
Veterinarian TO MAKE THIS COMMUNITY The Safest Place On Earth To Own Livestock
(S The Desire And Purpose of your
IIII'. UI1<.L ~Ih. h u rles lo(.'Mu y of i\l iold lH O\\ n Rptn L Su nday with 1\1]". and, MI;;. F . U, Le May and family. Irs. EV(Jr t,t Wil. on ,\lid duugh~ ter, J ean and on ~, Ua, llf() I'~1 and Ke nn ' th r ,!Ill unl ,' t " t'lill!!" Ky., wei " guests Sntu'rd ay anrl . ullda y ,I' het' f!u ughtl'r anti hl.i',hu~ d 1\11'. Ilnd M17 S. Robe rt ICIlV ~ I.
""'ever-Before t-Jave l i rei Been Put to Such Gruelling lorture
Fin' Good l!l' ' d R n n gc~ \ h ic h \Y' ha"c taken in on tr a dc-in H ar' now off ' I' ' <I r l' ~a l ' at atlL'lldive prices. If in n ee d of a helte!" l'all~l.', l'OnlC ill a nd see these rood rall ge!'l tOtlH~' .
Fairley Hardware COe ¥I' ~'
F l aneis Brann ock spent wit h MI'~ , H..~, Mal n() u ~1
Ih (!'~
Tu <~ day.
Larger Becau le 01 Belter Quality, Service, B."d Price E.tahli . hed \849 - 1937 Phone 32
Ir s. Rog r Brown al'll ~~!!!~~~~~~~. !"_ ~~!".!_!" " _~~"!, _ """'_~~~~~~!-",!!",,,,!~~_ !!!,! ~~(I n1 (J\ in~ w Lyllc next w~ek. Mrs. N , L. HlI n n t'l L , bllll ')!l , tr" A n Il l! Siw,'hlln i~ v~ry ill ~1r- , C I 0\'(' 1' Blitain " p nt !\to(lnM , I~, Ack e rman nntl rhil<ll' '11 of I.e at t h i: wl'i tl ng, .Ia y in Dayton. G I tinge, Ili noi;;, \ 11'. 1)01 thy il 1111', Mel,,;n ' tan ~ berry f P nl Mi " hllY Brilain left Monday Y!!rs of Win O il Pl ace, It1ci nll li lIIl'11~ d~y in. O .. ylo n. tuh!'r -I t h to ta k(' lip h r,> 1' n e W' \\'('r(' call(! l's o n Mr.', Mary Sil\"~r ~j'r: Rntl Mr!;. Hal'old 0 , Will is r o~ iUoli i ll () IUlllb u ~ , 1 nu Mllr y LOITain!.' visi1A>d with las t week. reluliv C'.', Mr. nnd MI·~. WliH am 13Lthe l o f Jum estown ,Ul1(l.a y . In th art. m oon they attli nilctl t.h(' . hu m · cil\ll i nl!' se r "ice,~ III Lh p Bo w. l' l . \'iIl . hUl ch of hri.t. Mr. Ilnu Mirl\. Jalll l'l' Krni ' k Ll oy<l n avi s a nd Donald K.en-ick VI il ,\ d Nfl. KCI'J' ick's l'dativ~a in l{ (, lIlucky las, und'!lY. Ml'. and Mrs. J, B, M n reI' of , Lcbnn('n and M rs. Gl en n BOI'den ,l[ Ft':J nk li ll \\ I'e th' T h ur~ l\a)' <linn r "IU bt< of Mi.,3 Lill a Be1'lha m, MI'~, ul'l :herwo od Is s(, d ou I~'I ill at h eT home On Third· Stl"e ' t , l\fl'!; , Grae Mc un e, who ,has II (11 lh(' gu Ilt of her moth ' r,Mn. \ Eva Milh r, has I'ctwr ned' to h er h ome in Lima. l\1 i ~. Lilla Bcnhl' ..... ."a the gu ~t "r MI'~ . J , T. D aruoff in L cblln on ' o n Saturday. :III', and
Tennis Queen on 'Comeback Trail
Centerville, Ohio
Driver Estoblhhel ;" ~ M ileage 87 I'M~ R.-;ord, tor Sa ety, .. Mllel . He Drove ~, f and EndvlOllc:e ••;...,. "'-nlte-lille SurfCKe 0 .." HOI/rt on the ;)nO'" "'''' ....._...4 of I "~ ."11 Salt Beds at Averoa e ........the Bonney, • 151.11 MIIeIGfl Hour
Ab Jenldnl/ World I
as high as 18(' miles
an hol1l' - with the hot, coarse, ahrasive sale grinding, tearing, scorching his t,res - Ab Jenkins ~ special ncer. weighing nearl)" three tool, pounaed over tbe Bonoeville Sale Beds at sucb terrific 'speed that it caused the surface to break upl Before 't he end of the'tuo the track was so pitted and rough that it was almost impossible to hold the car 00 its course. Yet Jenkins set 87 new World, lnternational and American s~d records on Firestone Tires. . Building tires capable of eSlab1ishiogsuchrecords is made possible ooly because of pateoted Firestone manufacturing processes, These exclusive features enable Firestooe 10 provide car owoers with tires that are tlxlra saJe, For the ftreate~t protection. of fOutself and your faouly e9ulp your car with Flfcstone TRIPLE-SAFB Tues. By TRIPLE·SAFE we
Phone, 78J
"".tlon. IflaH '''IED TIlE
your Cnttle, hogs, sheep and calve ~ to Norris·Brock C ..... live wire and progre~8ive filT! I ' l l the hi~hesf market prices and good service. Union Stock Yard,' Cincinnati, 0 'rUM in on Radi o Station WCKl 12 :26 to 12 :80 p .' m , for 'Jur dail ' market reports.
3.75-1S ,$ '7.85 4.50-21. 10.OS 4.75-19. 10."
,.00·19 , 11.40 '.25·17. ' .25-1S, ',~0-16 .
' ,50-17 ,
12.2S 12.'70 13.'7S 13.95
1 tread design $ives longer nOD-skid mileage and
your cal
la ndJs h .'pl t.aJ for obse rvatio n . M r. Snul ey (OI IOI's of L banoOn Bnu Mrs. Mary Hopkin of Dayton p e nt a day with Anna Brown,
I ________ .. - - - - - - - - - - _
HEAVY D UTY '4.50-21 ,$IZ•• S 4.75- 19, 13.05 5.25-1S, 15.85 '.50-16, 16.ZS or.(1 s.us PWI CE O ,
FRIENDS HOME NEWSMi s~ ]\\'J m e Brown is in Mc lel-
MI·~ .
.!. ..
'l d o n
up to 25 % qUicker.
• PROTECnON AGAINST BLOWOUTS-Firestone Tires Co ruD up to 28 d«:Erees cooler because every fiber of every cord in every ply is satuiated with IiCJuid rubber by the Firestone patented
Gum· Dipping process. ThiS counteracts the interoal and heat ordinarily cause blowouts.
fckt~oo ,
AGAINST PUNCTURES-Two extra layers 3' PROTECTION of Gum.Die.ped cords under the tread add strength to the tire and give extra protectioD Igainst pllnctures.
Your Home
Now is the time to make your Cat tire· safe for fall and winter driving. Join the Firestone SAVE It.. LIFE Campaign today by equipping your cat with a set of Dew FIRESTONE 'rRIPLE-SAFE dae .afelt tire. that money can buyl . /.. ' ._
1u" -
lAIC year htahwav aeclden~ eM the UVN of more than 31,000 men, ....... anti ChiW,.n and . ....... were injured! ' Wore chaD 40,000 . , .........th. an" inlun.. were caulICd dlrecdv bv • undu,.., WOwou.... ncl ••HI.. ln8 clue to .",~h, worn, un.a" tire.1
1 here Is 1'.0 Place Like hotne ·
~nd Now ,You Can ,
ave money.
build during ~he winter months New · methods of construction
make' winter building possible. allowing you the same rugged ('on truction you'd get in any other eason.
So why not take advantage of these mod-
ern methods a nd build the home you've always wanted.
W inter is the slack seasqn of the build-
ing trades,
" hu" bund from 0 t rait oa:lld son tlnd wife (If Dayton. Mt'. a nd Mr . A r thul' lJugg Det oit, t he latter a niece o():f Mal'-I llll l'ct Ma rtin '\\ I'C h r ond with the TMJe nd IIhalls f01 ~ th week-end'l ltev. and Mro-. ,chaff I' weI'
rSll;arl) M a ),tin entertoin u nd'.ly h I" dau;"hlel' and
Hele n WIlls l'tloody, once the " Bill Tilden" of women's tennis. Who hus sla rtC'd a comeback campa'gn ill California. Rere she is, jllJit' as pry It e,' er, during a matt"h In p, l'acll10 Ollst tourDa· m e nt. This WIlS ber Orst tourney sinl'c obtaining Il R('no divorce. Tho famous "llOker-faccd" aco of '.he court!; was ,t riumphant In Ibe matcll. 'Jle a nd h r ' partner, "'ran r is X. ' Idelcl , defeated tbelr
You can be assured that
will be spent on your job by unhurried wor~kmen, The result will be an all around better
will mean savings for you in the years to come.
doubles opponent • h ere fo r theil' monthly a pp oinl- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~_ _!"!"....~~~_ _ _ _ __ m on t. -- - - . MI' ~ . Anna Moody , MI',.. El11ma and Robert Hy man we I' in Dayton on Saturday. Mi s. GtICtchen Ge ~ r ing, 11!-, Mal'y hapman, MI':!!. Lena Hurtoelt find Miss Al1na Dt·o,\ n callell on Mame Brown at X niH h()sp ilal o n Saturday, Mrs.. Emma P ei rc l'! An ~ Bno~' n an d Wilton Hlll't !'lock call e d at M' CI ' lIand h o«pilal . on TU l'sday. The h oi )' of t he M, E . Church ,, '11 hold a w(J in cl' l'oa:;t Friday !lIght. '
1\1 1'. Maynard Weltz hut'eturne.d h om£' afte r sev.eral days vi it with relatives at Wilmington. M'l'. ~nd Mrs. Raymond Mlllfol'd will m ove intp the hou's e vaoo.ted by Robert Muongcr, Mr. Yern H ough is quite sick a t this writing. Mrs. Madiso n McKinsey ~wn8 caIJ e<!. to Springfi eld Su,noay on account of the death of her eou in . " fors. Maggie Burnett has return d home alter spending , several weuks with th e Dibe rt famil y lit th ir nl! V:' h 0111e ~t Elmot'e. Mt·. Geot'ge Robin!!Aln is spe nding this \VlCek in Co lumbus. vi siting r lativ~
ANSWERS 1. Ma sacoh usetts, 2. S attie, Wu shin ~t(lI1. 3 . IIyd Park , New York. 4. Edgar B EfT gen.
6. Deanna DUl'bin, 6. Arizona. 7. It is a high plateau, on which, bcca.~e 01 its predipi taus sides, I a nimal life has been iSoOlated £01" !$Everal thousandl years, 8 Alabama. 9. September 17, 10. He VI'IUI dh ..~ed with the murdv of his fiancee, MnI, Verna Gatr Taylor, and wes ~lIot down by her brothel',
&be.a ew
ORDER Coal at present
LOW PRICES Get in your winter>, supply now, and take advantage of pl'~sent SaVlTlgl;. WaYliesvilJe Farmer's Exc~ange glve~ you mol'C ntluc per dollar every t1m e . Coals m Hil !frad s arc chose n fot, their heat value , ]~w ush cont nt. and dustle;;a qualities, Waynesville Farmel's ,Ext:hange ha' coal for every need, ~nyn~f.; ille F~~rmcI'S Excha nge's large stock makes It pos.' lble to fIll your needs without delay. , . re!'ardle s of fuel requiremerlts. A p hon e call brings our truck to yo~r door. You will find this name meanei hon.el'\t WeIght, careful grading, and prompt
clean serVice ,
.Waynesville farmers' fx. p
Published weekly in the inter£lt of the social, refilious, econmlrnic life of Miam~ Valley's foremosf progressive community The entire community joius in E.xtending you a cordial invitation to come to this village --~------~~----------~------~~~-~~==~~~~~==~==========~======~ r. • ~J( " Pet Wical family Sunday. I The J. He s familyomirlg atten~d Mr. an(l. Mrs. Sam MeI'edith and family Sunday dinner' rerrVISmS Mr. and ~lr. J anl~~ lIart,ork , lh Mt. Holly 110m la:t ntertalned at dinner last Sun· guests at t~ Oliver Jacob honl~. \\l(!l'(!
and family and ~lr, and MI' • Tho·
H anyone a "olution for geot;.. 018 Burton ani! dau hter attend· M! Julin Gru shon and Thomas tinr Ie py boya up in the morn· ed a hlrthday urprls on Ray· "nq Vernon Fordyce were the If ee, pi II • lend It to m nd Hnrtaock ' at Hamilton un ~1 onclay evening super au Ita of l na'T }o'prry. The place alive with day. .1'1'. !lnt! M t~. P. J. Thom tJte.m.
fr • .n nd Mrs. ndt·.ew Pceno ~r. nd M '. rthur Wright and and >:on, Earl nnt!' ;\1lJ:. and , re dinMI' gUIl ~t of 1I~1'l;. Lefller ideholz and daughter : pent Gl> rhard on Tu '. day. • UndtlY with Rev. find MrF. :a,.I·l Th Ervin Thomn.s' 1'I»l'nt atllr c mith and family. day vening with the Fl'ank Hil l Rex Williamson nel rn ez and f. mily in Ridgeville. Dan Wil1h.mUl were the , unday I ll1ust apologize again. I t WtU Hernoon gue t.s of MI'. and, Mrs . MJ'\<. WnltA:'r FORt r (not Mrs. Wnl Pen'y Falll and son, )t)rvin. t (, I ' rnw'fol'd) that" visiting . Th~ ' harl" LeM ayg of Frankti I~m/lk Fox family Ia.~t IV k. lin and th RU,sclt T Irills o· On Tu e;'dl3 Y of thill week, Mrs. X nia aile d at the Loui. Burton Fox al'cl 11'. Kenneth Fox m'Ot- !,om unday. Mr. and Mrs. Alvy LuClingt.or urod to Middletown with MI'1!. Foster when sh e returned home. were the dinn I' gue ts of Mr. an d The Allen Weidnel"S visited the Mrs. Harry orn 11 Sunday. _~~~~'!'!!!!""''!!''-~'!'!!!!'!~~~~!''!''''!''''''~_ _......_ _ _.....
r·-----.. .
Don't T "ke a Chance. • • Your _:re.i.", i. too preclou. tal.. n .. ~....
eltanc.... ne moat d~l'.r.u. thiDI' about eyelh'ai n i. that tho damaaem",. be cI.one before you realize it. 10
Ha•••• eye ellam'inalion to-d.y. Ii i • • b.olul"ly free. You ow. il to Jouroelf to rive thi. mueh time to Jour .i.ht.
Gi...... will be prelcribed ~n11 when· needed.
Dr. John Zettle O. D. ·Open Every Day from 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. Saturda, 8 A . M . tQ 10 P. M . 19 N. BROADWAY LEBA NON, OHIO
~;isit Our Enlarged Store . . During 1 he fall festival
th followilrlg rue ts: Mr. and MiM CUt.udia and J01!ephine l\!r.s. Raymond Pennewit u.nd BiI· Gr.y were Dayton vlaitors on Frily and Bruce, Mml Glenna Hutt- day, man, Mn, E tella Shal1~r and Mfr. fr. and ·Mre. Henry MU'rphy
Ilnd M . Horace Shaner. lir in. attendanc thts \\'eek at Wh o . at in Daytnn I. st 'atur. and son. Jimmy Georgetown Foir. rillY night with A broken axel until ML Bt'ryl Meredith Mel Mrs. Mrs. A. B. 'l'alrnngeo and S01\, th", \\ j'mall hout'll of the mom- Rob rt B.a~lelf of Spring Vallcy J. Lee, aLlooidecl the Hamilton ing tr ing to It t ocr'nth r" lQ );pent Is t Sunday at Wa.s hington Fair on Ill.! t Thursday. COtll£, and pull him home? C. It. 1\1rs. Louilioe Jl1.cob s an.d tlllughMr. Dnd Mrs. LaW!' DCI' Thoma fr. 'and Mrs. Nic k Schlillg (B teT, Donna, • pent Friday after· attend d the Bull er nunty J.'a il' bette mp~l1) ,nnd M~'S. Jack no n with Mrs. Harold Shutts. ot 11\ U MI'. Thonws ',O n n blO<IuLiful 'Impbell of Il luJllingt1on" l..Iong neat· Wilyncsvill . muntel clock. Lucky mun. bl und., w York \\' r e Thur day 1\11'. llltld Mr;l. . L . Allen, of Rev. uno Mr.'. ctf, W iI' on a dinner gu ts 01 Mr. and Mrs. 'i- Belmont , ro eallin,lt in ~h ' viI Ih E< hurch of Ol'l.Iorn wei,€, vIsIt- mOn Lighter lit their home near cini y 111 t atU'l'day. 1111\ ilL the.> F el'rY I) l~ona\'(e Mora- Five Points. Mrs. Be-llvie Villn Mctet·, 01 ja r cve'ning. 1 \land r how mllny pooplo have. Wayn sville, vi itcd her mother, Mrs. arl milh ~nll d on Mrs. noticed the numbElr of hop-toa.tl.s MI'S .• llrJ,h nell, on unclay. . Gcorgl' mi Lh a nt! M rs . Robert thi filII? Don't kill them. GOd / l'rh·s. Freod Kuhn of Spdngfleld !·'U l ·IlIH Tu", d y afteJnool1 . Mi · se nds what we n d and ai'tcr .th I was n guest at th.e Jame~ J aco b.J ('all FUl'nlls retul'll ed home with number of insects we have had h')nI unday. h l' t o spend TU('Hlay n :/tht and this ummel' we need evel'Y one I Sund"a y afternoon, vislto of Wednesda:r. - " f.' of lh '" lowly fri ·ndly Cl' atures.' Mrll. Pati nce Thompson , daughMJ·. and Mrs. Fmnk lIes were Liltl{O N I Ann .turr'ay ha.d IA r wel'e: Mr. lind Mrs. Dan Lon!!: guests of l h J e' H ess . undll-Y. m o~ quito bit.. andJ her mother and Mrs. Mary Long of Dayton. M rs. Bina Putterscl'n and Mrs. Thll G M I e Gilliland s weI' W.I rubbed them with rubing alcoho l. mington vi~ilors Sat.urday. Now Noel has 8 nl w word whIch Adl3 h Tall1b1lge were fonday cal!~!lI'. nnd M ,. Archi Klontz and is "al co hole" amI. she says it rll at GUrll Grove. uba. and il:aught 1', a nnie Lou visited the ev ry time h thilrlks about it. Clarksville. At larksvm they f orm ·r's po nm t,<, ' th al'l Klontz Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Thomas anti cull d on Mr.. lela Boulware. at ~prillg1'i eld unday. Mr Rarry Fordyce mad·e a trip MI' I ar\d MI . Lawrence. JacobI! 11'. and M rs; J ohn Li l:er of to Lebanon Sa1~urd.~y. P :rt Iun(I, T c a nnd M . Craig At a b'il'thday surprise party on a tld daughter, .lol'i9. n11l, Ml"S. Oliver Jaco and tlnllllhter, Don,. of Morrow ~ (J nt l\I(:rn<!uy at the Morri Hunte-~ Monday evening J oe f'i1' r h ome. Mr. Lizcr \\ re the followinll~ guests : Mr. nil Rlw, and Mrs. JameJl J.ncobs a brot.her and M. ra,ig is a and MI'I'. Hardin and family; 'Mtr. visited relatives in pringfield. unday. ~ i s r to Mrs. Filer. and Mrs. Leonard Tinney u.nd MI'!!. Thai'll Rich was pleasnmt. M1·. laudc LeVeck family; Mm. Mcrl l Tinney and vi itoo at Rev. arl ramily; Mr. ad 111~. Robert FUT- Iy urpri d at a :fnmily dinn r in alulduy and \\1/1 th dinner gue t nas and family lind Mary and honol' of hill' birthday, last unday. Morris Brown. If :\1'1'. ;\lld M .. Frank Fox. Mr. and Mrs . \Vilbur McOarren Th... Carl Hess :family oC Day. Th e u ar . l'e k Chri tian t On called n Mr. nnd Mrs. J eS! hUI'ch will hold bh1!ir Rally Day and Mrs. Eth I Bea$On were shop.He Snturday evening. 8c[vices ·unduy. letober 17: Ev· pine in Dayton. Monday. utu, f~l'Vin Faul' uncle gave ' l-yon i.s Invited. . 1\11', and Mrs. Clnu([ Gray, l'tfr. . him u. pair of pllpS. So, when JJ:rI am king fQlks altain, plea..'1e nnd MI. tnnley Gray and daugh vin lost one of his pu ,he went hund you.r n O W'S ilcemll to me. If tel'S. ClaUdia and Josephine and to hi unci and said, "uncle Art, )IOU MVe little sodAI itens or an j. E. Gray were Tuesday guo t ~ Ip me find my 'notheT dog." unu uul happeninl!~ on the farm, at the Charlo Voier. hom e nellr and th Be thing3 do ,happen, please lJal'veyslrurg. Mr. I\JI'ld Mrs. Ira hinabacker 'g ive them to me. It helps to mak , a mo r-e inter. ting and . fri endly of Valpariso, Ind iana, are gue~ paper. An d! the> paper is printed of Mr, and Mrs. R o-y D' Autre (or your benefit 00 make the com mont. Mrs. hinabacke-r 'WM fMmunity more clo eay knit. Sec you m iTJy Miss Edna Polson. again next week. - Harri e. Mr. and' Mrs. Ohtll". Wade a 're MI'. and M". Et'vin Th omas and cent bride and groom Wt\J'e ill turday night. On Vi re Leba,~on S'hoppers Satur- town Lebanon, Ohio day. CLASSIFIED ADS. ~ Pre.entina tbe Beat and Lat •• t
Profitable Dairy feeding
At LOlM Cost Profits in the tlail'Y bu~ine. S M' a dir ct result of product.ion which ill turn is !lep lid nt upon qualit.y of , tock and quality of fe~d. 1\1' A TER MIX 32 p . r c 'nt Dairy Concentrate pro ijies a choie variety of digestible nutrients, which wh n mix (~ with 1\ ailablc local grains comprises n valuable dairy ration of 10 pel' cent to 20 per ent us dosil'ed 'by the fe del'.
It i. al 0 ~upp l ment,erl with the ll'eeflsary min 1'nls giving the f eder all the laments need d for making his own eomplet ration. -
W. O. Beatty Prop. -
better serve. the publjc
BUCKEYE Cabinet H~t.r. cI: R~Jll'e.
kt Us Tah Care Of
Hooter Needs Repairs OrdeI'&Cl for of Stoves and
Mr. and MI . Glen'l'll Davis and fami1:y wel'e SundllY u ts of MI'. and Ml's. Kennetb Laney, of MaSOft.
1'1 '- .
R. D. Collett HARDWARE cI: IMPLEMENTS PHONE 99R3 . Waynesville, Q
3-4 Ibs ack 0 Brien Pan nke Flour , ....... 25c 3-4 ack O'Brien Buckwheat P~m uke Flour .. 30 Ib . Corn Meal, Whit Flour ............... 25 lbs: Corn Meal Yellow Flour .... . . , . , ..... 25c lb : Navy Bean ....... ... , .. . ............ 2'5c lb Rack O'Brien Graham Flour ............ . . 15c
Cranberrie , Quart ................. .. ......... ... 15c '--- . Home Grown Sweet Potatoes, 3lb .... , . ...... .. 1 Oc Seed Ie s Rai ins, 15 01'. package ............ : .. 10e Seeded Raisins, 15 oz. package ... ..... ....... 12c Giant Size Oxydol ................ ... .. 59c 24 Ibs. O'Brien Flour .... ......... ..... .. 85c 12 Ibs. O'Bri~n Flour ...... :.... ..... .... 45e 21·2 lb . Can Premier Pumpkin ................ 10e 1 Pt. Premier Mince Meat ..... .......... , .... 10e 2 lb. Jar J..ibby's Apple Butter ................ 19c
FOR SALE:- Timothy seed and 22 ewe. E. Evans Lebanon. Phone 470 R. Oct7tp HYDRAULIC CIDER MILL: GEPHART'S IDER MlLL Is Il'unning M()nday, Wednesday and Friday of ear h ~eek. Other days by appointment only. Locat«! on mil e so utheas t of Miamisburg, on Gephart Church Road, 200 feet east of Springboro Road. Geo. W . Gephart, R. R. 1 Phone 803R4, Miami!>burg, Ohio.
Mrs. James Ja.c()bs ,a nd Mr . Oliver Jacobs were Monday call(!ol'!l Natlo .. al 8aek ~t t.h~ ThompsolJ>.Terry home. Will. Drawe . _ Eat.t.. S.td.d Mrs. Myrtle Lcibcap of FrankWAYNESVillE, OHIO lin pent the week-end With her mother, Mrs. :Alice Gray. '- :rd Mrs. V.ena. Regar and daug"htcr, SMALL ANIMAL HOSPITAL Dorothy J ean,. WOlfe Friday nlterOct. 21 tp noon callc1"$ lI,t the Drake home, W. O. Bower_. D. V. M. LOST: One large. brown tlarpeunorth of W ellman .. lin on route 73 in vi.c inity of Sprina Val/e,.. Ohio Mr. and Mrs. Prod Fairchild Harveysburg' or Waynesville. 1tlOTARY PUBLIC
PhOne " .X
FRESH .NEW GOODS 3 3 6 6 () 3
Beech Grove
Drug Store
See the New
If quality &,Oodll, reaaonable prices, and cour- .. teous ~ervice are what you want, TRY
floor space in order to
$1.00 per
Spring Valley Grain & Feeds
We bav doubled O'ur
.Copsey's Grocery SPRING VALLEY
Welcome To The Fall Festival And Our
Prepare For Winter . With These Specials 79c Chevron Hot W ater Bottl('ls .... . . 5ge 79c hevron Fountain . Syringe ...... 69c $1.19 Ch evron Combination Syringe . 99c Others From 69c up • •. $1.00 McKesson Halibut Liver Oil Capsules 25's Fortified ......... 89c $1.00 White Cod Liver Oil Concentrate CapsuleR 25's .... .. ........ ".... B9c $1.00 Me K Halibut Liver Oil Capsules Plain 50's ... ... . ...... . ...... 89c 1.00 Squibbs Cod Li ver Oil 12 oz .... 79c $1.00 Wampoles Preparation ........ 89c 75c McK. C, L. Oil (pts.) Plain OJ: mint , 6ge ELE TRIC HEATING PADS .. .. $2.lJ8 up 50 ngu ntine .................. 43c 50c Ungu nt - Aluminum ...... , ... ... 33e 39c M~Ke~ on Rubbing Alcohol ....... 33c 6 e R m Cough Syrup ....... , .... , .·53c 65e Pinex .... : . . ........ , ...... ......... 69c $1.00 r osot EmuIRion.: ..... , ..... 7ge 36c Corn Huskers Lotion ... .... . ... . 27c oOe Hind'~ HOll y and Almond Lotion .. 17c SOc Jergens' Lotion .. .............. 47c
aynesville Drug Store Wayne.viI
Don't Forget COYLES for quality 'at the Wright .F·ric~. . Liv~ stock is lower 80 il OU1r prices but quality the best. BEEF
Boilin 8' Beef ........ .. .......... 12 Y.: c Chuck Rout. II, ... ... :.... .... 19c Swiu Steak. shoulder eut, Ib .......... .. . 22c Round Clr ·Loin Stuk. Ib .. :. 28c Frelh GrO'l1llld Beef. 2 Ib .,.. 35<: Short Rib_, Ib .. ...... .. .. 15c Fr.,.b B~f Tonaue., Ib .... 15 ~ Fre.h Beef Liver, Ib .. . .. 15c Sweet Bread., Ib .... .. ......... 23c
Pork Steaks, Ib .... .. ' ............ 25c fork Chops, Rib or loin Ib, 2ge Fre. h Callie., lb. .. .......... ... 22c
S.,..r. Rib. . lb. .. .............. ... 18c Pure Pork Salln.,e, Ib ........ 25c Frea.h Side. lb. ... ..... . .... 27c Fresh H",ma, whol. or ·han Ib ..... : ... .. ..... . .... 25c Frech P ig F ....t ..... ... ....... ..05c Pork ~in Ron.t, lb ............24c
Boloana. lb. .... . ... . .... 17e Frank •• Z lb. .. ......... .... ... 35e Livu Pudd\RI'. rin. .... ........ . • or paD, lb. . .... 15e Souse. lb . .... . .... 18c Weinera, Ib ....... .. ............. ·25c Millc:ed Ham, lb.
Meat Loaf, Ib ... ,
.. .. Z5c .... .. .... 30c0
Pimento L_f, lb.
.. .. 30c0
Pres.ed H.m, lb. . ... ......... .35c Dried B.ef, !41b Boiled Ham , lb " .. LiYer Cheese. lb. ........
.... Z5e •.......1I5e
. ... 30c0
Smolced Callielll. 1111. . 23c Supr Cu'reeI Hams, whole Or half. Ib .... 28c S.1t Smoke B.ton, fine for _oaiD., Jb .... 26c B_n Bacon, Ib , .. ...... ". 2Ic Cotta.. H&m. boJltel.... Ib 33c SVpr Cbred IlacOD ID m piece. Ib .. ...... .. ......3Oe V,E AI. V. .I V.... Veal V_I
R_.t. Ib ..... ... .. ....... 2Oc a..P.. II, .Z5 .... 2SC B......I, lb• .. .... 15e C.tleto, lb. ...............10<:
Waynesville. Rlewmrd'. 1.. V. Bt'i8JlSttator, ; FOR SALE: Choice Keifer P ears. . J. C. H8wke.
FOR SALE Delco Light Plant, and Real Gas Range and equipment, -one floor and (lne ta. ble Aladdin Lamp, one upright piano. Mrs. Geo. Libb6l!' Lytle Road\. NO'l'I Of)
T I N filXCJj:8!1 Oil' 'NUl Mrt-), JJtM1'l'AT ION Notlc 18 hor flh ), gIven tlhat tlrll.uanC Q o f a nl'Bo lu tlon of th cll o( tho .Y·llJlj.R'O ot WaYI'IC8Y Warren Cou nty. ~IO. Pll8sed on 2nd (Iny of AnguM. 1937. th er e be l!Ullmltt~a to a o r the
un' y
or en Id YllJll. l(c
r en
ot w~.~~,,~~;',!~!:,,:~
ountY.OIII ,; E:1~E TJ N to or Wayne8vllle. IIlac<'8 ot votIng the 2nd 'lay ott "'A''' ~ _'~
'1upstlon of I vy
oe 111 0 ten n'lIJ 'b~ n .fl~ ot Village 0 aynCIiIVI (' Wllrr n Oll n ty, OhIo fo r Ltle lJurPOf!() of Providing alldTtlo·nnl PUnd . Cor Current l':xpenecs 0 r ad I d VUlag, at ·Wayn esv lli e. Ohio. at a rate noL l' xceedlng 2% mills tor I> yca rs 1~~7-]~98-l~39-1040-1941.
Th" POl\2 tor 8n l<1 .Fl l ecUon will h "\pcn Ilt &:30 o'~lock A . M , and reo mnln oppn until G:30 O' C l~k P M rRfl8lem Standflrll Tim) cit '8ald
,BY nrtlor or \h~ Bon
rlt or
County. OhIo. . ChUB. ,T. "'M\·gOner. Ch al rmnn V. Ft. nuuell. Cl"rk
Oat';.d ..!c~ o m \)er ] S. 1937 NOTICE OF ELECTION
Nt..tice is Mreby given thllt 8 Jl'I'oposition to levy a tax for the PU'TPOSe of providing additional fund for current eXpe!ltJes for and during the period of five yeaTS including the current year at a ra~ not to exceed 2 % mms in addition to t h.e taxes leVi ed within the 10 mill limitation authOrized- by law will be submitted to the electo~ of the Village of WaynavOle Oh.io. at an election to be Mid o~ Tueaday, the 2nd day of Novem-
ber, 1937. at the 1IIIuai voU. pla-
ces in salel dUtrIcl MlIh .. Drovw....
w.... ...
For ACarefree Wintel Put' your car in condition for Winter drivinlf ... and you'll avoid delay. and unneceuary expense. 'Our station is now iltocked with a freih supply of Winter drivinlf need.. Our prices, as always, are RIGHT.
Important Pre-Winter Tune Ups GREASE CHANGE Includa proper 1fI'ade of peate for tra..-mission and all movin. parl••
MOTOR CHECK.UP . Valvee T.ted, Car-' , bon removed, spark. plu.. taken out and cleaned. BATTERIES -
DefrOeten aad H..... ~f All Kiad.
Chevrolet Sales It Semce
DEA1h OF WEEK MR S. LEWIS NOBLE DIED SUNDAY Mrs. Lew'ia Noble, a aiste,!, of Strouse b rothe~, near WaynelvllIe died Sunday, Octobor
- =
3 in a Dayton Hospital. ROBE RT DALE -ALDERMA N DIE D
Hol> I't
n ll ie AId Imun Lorn F<'I\lr\lfi I'Y 13, H)36 di d a t Mi11ll1i Valley lIu"lli t.u l '1' ucsday nig'ht at I),au o'dol'k. 11 <> was th c SOn or n.o b rt and Lou i. Alderman. l~un eral S e rvic ~ will '''e h eld Thul'Aday nete-rn O'n at 2 :llO 0', cluck at Me lures FlIncml H ume. burial in Mitimi e mc ta ry.
Eight y-Ninth Year
____ d
- --""
turday IIhle \\c !llht'" ~rl!et<! PHil ~\~:<t Iv1il la l ~iat II 1',111 Y lind 'Itlh ·uch II (·,,111 di I I'l e· ah lo· ' llill th rl'(' I'll" rll'!H'llcal y 1\" .h"lll' rn r a ~u c ~,fu l LV n t. [f O\\ \' \ '(' r, 11 tot',1 of Rr; exhihit1'. ('1',' l'ut .'eel in lh., l 111 il'l '\IOW Ilit.h th(· q uilt nnd f' lIt·y ""l\( ele" !llllm .\l~ ('Iuin"!)'" :. 1.',(·:.1('1' IlIU,iorily (If enll i(' ~. In lh " <lltI'iculllll.d rllion IIlIlI y ,1;11'~l'" \1 ('I' IIlfl I'n tp n'd fil 1\11 Mld in 1111111 ' (If til III I\( I " til re' .. n! uv-,h ntt'iI~" to 1Wlkl' 1111 illlt',,,,li ll~ cull t , t. III ract lllan y 1,1-1:/: "S eilT-c rt' iI WHIl re tail , ,Ii hv thl'
Tlw ~<, h oll l · hud Utl ed u tiC)nal , h,hl t \\(,11 II, 1)1'1,11 lu (ly h M3YOI' A. T . Day Ilndhis as· Iii '\J'~htr\11 l'ili7.t'n s , sn jIlLl'~ ill Lhc ciLy gov ernment .' 1 " "mle'" Clllh'~ xhibit hay ' aln)o,- ~ 10.'1t their pow l: r of a devH d ·coralive projec t i . \Iocch KillCC lust TUC8Uay. I I eh Ih ' h nuti ful color of Fall Th fficia ls hav~ hlld a s t ock \' Il1Il -. (',I in' :l bac kln'ollnd o f anSI\ l'r t o nn ( V r occ uJ'ing ljU CS' (ol ill.ll \\,;t h rhoi I) fl ow r,' in hi" h tion for the past \'\\'0 YOM'.. V:J ,,, Jllu('('el 0 h\'~t a dvn nlages, ". don'\' kno\\" has !Jccn a habixciI {·tI m ll hy to CUlIlnt nt, "flow lu~1i un~ WCI' t o an n'1 ui ri n,g cili z10,'1 lif ~ I", l. Ih.,y e n "c('d. tho C'llry which from InOl'ni ng unti l (; 1,(llIn' lIu ll. ''I'h c com mJtteo did night hl1 ve til'cel a t th city offic it; \Volk Wl' 1l nnd it may truly he [tain, Ilnd driftin* w.hite mi ~ t ia ls "When's t he 8e We l' ,;yst m to '"] thaI 1" ,( 11)' l' vi ,l 'net''' of be-IIu· und II cold wind thllt. ehilll\' nl'. to start 1" tif\ll ,l(,(lctrntive' work about Tu esday ,YOI I( WU:; \:!€j.{un in I.h uonc,-I.hat'~ th c WClIthc-r in Warn ,' \ ill is til(' dil'«:l l'l'1'lllt o f arnC!s~ Ilnd Muyor Day rep rt ~ F ny. . d0 1l1 r~. tI , GallII'll Cl\JI"~ infhll'n (> in th' Mr. Ray S haw and hi ld l'cn, that. th r e WIIHn't uu t five nsked Thl) f ll1lnwing bu in' ''~ fil'n'~ elf II\'( uf il\; Ilwmb ' r~. • abo ut t.h matt"r. 1l ~ repl> l tell Har old, Hllzcl, Dorothy und Rus· W :ly nc~"i ll~ nffl'rlll a hu'~e ' f h p IU,te,ri cal ExhilJit prE'i,c nts 11 cnlle(\ o n the Ln\\"\'cn cE1 lhnt III.h.er counc:i1m n !'cpol'ted I ay o f PI i)lc,- \In t hi::; oc('n,' io ll:rl L by th, P" llgle <:iv(' Womon's '1'hnmas family one ev [l ing last lock of inqui l~i s aLo , He says it's '.VRYfl P~YiJl ( Dlul!' SI 1'(' , Smith' ('Ill\) \\a ' an Ilrll1Y of v iri(:nre like dcpl'ivillj! the f am ily r'at nr w ok. Th o childre n wel'c tnkin f,r GI'C)C(l"Y , Hyman' Dry t:ood:<. Le-\ \ hIlL WnYIII' "Ill.. lllld v icinily fr, Shaw his first outing since hi s it,.. position by the ( ire Illate-Y llu J\1uy. n uwlc, Fuil'l<lY, I. G, A., A. mig ht \\, II 1 eh\i n hel' plD e wilh miss it. accitlent SOIllO till10 but k. :, Day, KI'Ogl' I', 1t" ~ " I·-:';illl p . 1\, th e mottll , .. A 11111 111 d ly With finl) Anyway lh(l city Qffi.,ia1!\ nl'!' Mrs. Coy Gilliam calle d On [\11'$. I1biiVe- PloWB like tllig raf}idly and effcctitlel." clear the snow ,J. J.~, Me "Iu 1'<' , 'l' .du '}' hcnl, t :\., i I iOIl :;". r"cor ~ I\. ~VI'I'Y band h}(; kin~ forward ( 0 the £inl~lillI~ from.Ohio', ,OaiIS Curl Smith Friday afternoon . , 1:: w"\(1' Hnl'hlt' Shop, V. D. Col . th ~ le \\Cl 'l' i' m.' o f local inlc re<!t Mr. and Mrs. BlLly Gutheri of 01: tit. math!' unci ae 'pctantc of Idl, Gr y' : Bill bel .'111 \>. End I wbl()h r> II 'h l d huck inlo tbl) di sBe/01c--LooditlO tmck with calcium chloride treated abrlUill()s Dayton , Mr. and Mrrs. Eel. Hal·t- or t he COJllpkt (! wOl·k. I nno r , Full cl'hon '· :-;H[O S nic tnnl l)fl,~t. A~ anothe' !' timlC this . at one 01 tJUl :;ttUe Hig/iwall Departmt1lt'8 roc.daide storage bil18 Tho5{:, ~h(') huve the m3t WI' in s o k of Spring ViI\lI y Ilnd Mr. :~luLin n, 0:,.1,,, ,\lInlt. I;u'k, t, n.,\\ ~ IIlPl'l' plt'n a ~e l ics uf al'tiharlie Rye of WaYll esv il\ t!, ~ ere hanel sa y I,h[ll ~ nrk will b' P lI Shl'(L Grac e L. 'ml~b. A. II . StlllJb el!" 011 lh l!<lO oIJj~ct. \~ h ich atpldly 118 , 11U ilJl (,II ry dllY thuL th Sonday dinner llu eHLs of M r . ~mit h's Ie,)t JI., rk..t, I-' arm t" t ill l. () "0 mnny. T he cummitt w at hel' P rmit". nnd Mn!. Lester Kendrick, ' l':XChllllj;'C, Elli " :-i 'Iv i, ., Statinll Jl I,nrge lllf1l ,d th Jluli~c' givMrs, Leet&r Gerhard WQS moved Cmtl 's Garllj!'c, iilJb ons L lIlIlh~1' en th~m by {'v('r 'on ~ \\ ho e nte[' d to Miami Valley Ho pital Tu sdtly )'I,,.eI mham',· Su\c,. an(1 H I-Vll e, . h r , m. for an operllt ion, which <'. 1\1. RtlhilZ!! I', Mo elo! n Lllm! ,cr 'I' ot! eluilt l·xhibi lIndt't· the eliwns perfol"ll'll&d' on W c~'lnl'<!!day Co" Le~\ I' Conlllll GIIIUZ". I' ~ k N ne t lc n of' Iht· I ,filli es Air! of the til' ta lll 'lIIt , Wnyn c~vIlJC' N .. L,OJ.;l1 .ul<>thodh (,hun'h Wll~ wdl worth ' Jl1arnins-. According to report jUl>t AN~' lv r ft,· I'cceiv.eli via telephon l,l h l! eo n · 11 'J~ Unnk, Rid j(l! ' llldio and 'teno h' tllt' linl(' Ih ich intere.,teil tll){'..I 1 dillon is "good". ---Garage. I WOlkeI' ~ pcnt hC l'c fllr th many toLaoin shrdJQ emfwyp vbg kQ j cmf M,', Wym r L. DI'ak(' i~ 01>: rvI t rn.,; ['~.I It(> it' n~ wl"re su g· Rev. and Mrs. Carl Snl,i th nn ll inll' his six h IlniVe l'I'IHy Us Ilwncr ~~~t iV E of WOI k t hat intere~ts daughters, Edith 8J,d Elh ~ I, /111 - of lr Vnyn , viii, Ill'ug .'to!· ,11 1\ o 111<' n , d on Mrs. LeBte-r Gerhard Tu'l", Silt Y('I\I ' !"O 11'. fjllll; c ,nme A bOI1£ - M Cc111111i CQ I . t t.he I VI lI i h/.(' \-l ou I . thp Way ", . day ttfternool1', and than mot()red I fr('nll ~;·.' !;(l n l WhN' I . hnd IcIll'Jl(>\l 8preader ol' rJtIJ",r I " vill tt FIIJllI l' r'. r: ,':1 nl"(, IlTl'se ni.('d 'r~Qled g,q., .,Ii- ""II' 'I! ) ,.. 0 lift to Xenia where ?~ .. mit-h htl!! t i le! e I' U bll , il1<'II', ;llId ,~uJ' hn 'ed it III1r1urt l RI'ol-ltr'I' iotht p o ~rllm H mo dental WOrk don. th l , lC)(;lll IltOl"<.'. f)l1l'in~ lhb time I (\ 'I hll 'U'(' c' \'owt\ Wllich p;Jelle d th eMrs. P erry 'F aul b 6 b en ill th I h e hru bu H up I niet' bU!4in as and Th(' l ft~l! i e· ;I.ln~', Illl'vt:'y· eindel' stockpiles and creates a are dispntcbed In all d ir('r. ti'ln~ to OR several weeks now, the state ball to cnl'u<"ity. melting action which eanublea th e k p rO:lds clear. II . ' Y . v ~ r, wh('n highway departmenj; and the T LSt few da ys but is inlprovcd t u- h' !; prl'Y II him If a V J I l1l)ul~ itt· l,urI:, r ""l v,,1 ~JClltlhy Ili ~· h t. hi~ll grits to embed them.sell/es securely snow fall!! heavily and b' ;\ ~:uds J:ounty road organizations have Th .. 1111-(11 .' hnol b Irlfl in llnifol'm J y. \G n in OUI' 'om \lui y. (~ t KCOt' of allY Gmn s:;e i n W,ll when spread on icy pavements. In ' develop, the heavy duty trniJ r or been busily preparing for the winter ! fll'fH1NI the . t"('ct and pln.yetl at. I'ell ' ()Ullty :ll' the !ll'rlily many of ita diVlSions" the state rotary plow units are sent into 1II0880n justJ&round the comer. The Mr . and Mrs. D Ib2rt P!ou 7v[lriOllS ,taUe\T\; ahout town. highway department has erected action. To give warnin g to motor" lnvllSion ol / anow, ice and sleet. hi~ Ilnllual In :'ll('~~i\ln. 'f11(' ~C O I Jlnd daughter, MaTion a nd l\f l':". large capacity storage bins, holdillg Ists and fa cilitatell[Je()dy operation which annually threatens to cripple \,as H2. Til!' 1'I1'1 n'lg'I'IT' 1 nt jlf 111 ~ F~stiv D I An oo Thom pson of Dayton wc.re 120 'tons of treated Mnd or cinders. the trucks used in snow r moval motor traffic, must be met and Fit. and '~'I nil ell'Vl'l'. wi~h , s to ]I\ll llicHlly «" fl" >;;!' i s TruckBcan load rapidly and easily and ice ontrol are elDborately overcome. Like an army preparing visitors at t he Harry F ordyre lrom these bins and be quickly on )jgh ted on all sides. '01 war, the highway departments ~ en' ~iv('n In :l c1/l. u f t", Iv \! th llllk" tn thn. (> wh/) wOlkf, d on h me undoy afternoon. their way to the icy roads. Latest m ust have their weapons rClldy, Ohio's state and county h ighway candidatcs. lhip, Iwoj ec\,. W - I'e 'ct t hat it hQS type I!llread.ers, attached to each ' heir plan of attack outlined, and Mes era Geor~e Ulld Edward departments are virtually "winwr truck. distribute the sllnd or e!nders A \Il"og'ram wt\!\ gi v'n in which h(!(,11 prn i.cO lly imJlo;:~ihle to their men trained to cope witn any 1iIG-9l1.vers," for thowsands r \lVI'S Gilliland nttcndt'd t.h hor~ pull· Two l; et baJl l(am :'I \I '1" tlle dun iformly on the ice 'where they lIituation that may arise. 'h f u l',,)1\ "n 'l'I 'p'l I ', [I'" I'l')mrlle n l l~t. t!I' f na mM aro Baved each year through their " ·. fr pal I ,I U ~" l ' on the ing contest h Id at 1"'oy, unday. ·uIPQ tOl' thj,. w<.'ek. (01' the W a yc ~ h lodge firmly to provide III protective Snow plows, trucks and sprenders efficient ice control and "now re. R. E, ll u l·. L, in. tl'lIf1'1colul Trlusic; I1IlJlO U " 'omll'tlt 1<'8 an< we know sandpaper-like surface. ]n ompa ny with M,r. nod Mr. Fli y fterll oon hey p)il YN I host must be overhlluled and repaired, mova) systems. Agni n tl1is wintet Severlll types and siJ~es of snQw H:uo ld' B cck, I t, "H~IIOl't .m '1't ill Lhnt 'll() u)l~ :;11('h , ~n nttcmopt .b e . now fences erected at needed ' o~ Fred Conklin and daughter of to MllRo n and <h d h011 d to win tion~, and stockpiles of h:e contl'Ol Ohio motorists wfll tint! their h ilth· plows nre used by the dj!partments, TIu'O'Ut;h O\IU "'('!II:" l\1ihll'('(i .mlld!;) H lh •.' lim It would b{' 10wayorganizalions "onthe 'ob" 'I' lth Dayton, Mr. LInd Mrl's. P te Wicnl ihe ir ·fi .... t gam e a tho ' expense lTlaterials, treated with calcium dependirig on the amllunt of snow IIuJ:>'t, Refldin!! ; l\L-s. lln rnlll (ha_ l -n fl IPtC( (l and worthy .ones I~ft ev ry known m thod an.' ~ ,. , ' 0 11 to be removed. Immediately wben and duughter, Elsl, Ma visiUid OJ' thG visitor bu1 illstcarl had to chloride, provid d at strategic (or keeping ~hc rOllri~ --. j'l <I 1 snow "tarts falli ng, day or night, bam !l nd Mrs. Wilbul' ll:lwk, " l,It, Ihcre f.o l'~ we ln cnbon chalrpoints. The ahemical treatment i\ cou in at N w Vienn and dt:ove nce pt a 7-1 Itd<;Ilt.. the Iib'h tcf high :1peed plow units t •• l:' .~·. ' ' • 1l1an only \ It.h h(1)('S that n ono trevents freezing oC the sand and . on to Forestville, near incinnati Tue lay arlisl poyed u. Il vis. , J'c.> rtY1 ix member!, an u S IX will \(Ik pri eml at ommission , -c;..".. _ to ('all on a great-uneic, l.h. Frnnk it. Th game wa t;oing fin e (Ol' ltol'S ~PI(,::-,! !. ~~ MI'... K ,r,('y, Pl'Ol:{l' s ive WOo Ellis, who i,,, , in . ,his ighty·fifth our lads but in the a ..1y inning! • m"J! ' ,I III , in chnl'~e of t h Hi sy a r. it l'ained nd tb g!l.01 wali call. tmit'nl Ex:hibit; Mi,~" Emma Lou II Th l&r ne Etz family motor- cd off. 'L wi >, Ih(' Gill'll n Club; 11'1<. Ch n" nd el'l on nn,! :\Oll·s. Ungles· d til Mario" 0, Sunday, whi h W surely hope thllt the fl'11ow8 Th e Progressive W Onl en 's Clul.o ill the hom of Mrs. 01'1.b, Mrll. will k p playin~ as t.h ey wcre IW, 1. E. L:.H1i~ ill, Quilt Ex· h(·ld it.' 0 ·tobc l' 1'1\ et.in~ 'I'U ri llY hi b it; 1\11'. 'l·IIIIIH'. Ag'l'icultural Et1.'S mother, Mr,. Orth hos bpn t.h e n in the I'em indol' 01 our in cinll ati- Th e InO t imp" ~!li ve A\, t he Su rlll"if;e P~~lY ~iv t'n vc:nin at the hom of MI~s. J ohn T he Han' >·sbu .. ~~ ommlnnity lJ(',I<lt'/,I1JI'nt J!;l'hibit. villiting t h e ' Etz family. gnrr. -. The lineup for Lh'l Masol) Us t (j f solo L',ts to be offer ,d ill a. single ~e o"on i~ 311n () uncl'd {or the M . T homa: R ich orl Sumay, S )1 K r iley. DUling the bu s ine.-!\ lIl e l- lub met . \aHt W dll~(lay night MI', r ff 1\ ho has eha e of tho Litle Bet.ty '\I i~~ndi n g a game, me-mbers d~ c idcd tc) do for it); re~ular monthl. me , t inJ('. fQ ~ y-third ~easn n o:f i he CiJ1Cin. tcmbel' H at her home neal' Hl1.r- ing th few da ys w ith: ~ r aunt, Mrs. Ma lon W a ynelvill. Agri(·ull.u !1l1 c1 el' F1 I'l m;z nt at Xenia na ti Symphon y Or h t ra , undel' vcysbul'g th e foJ\o wi'ng gucst» en- f\O ITl !; ,ew in g f OI' Bocinl liervice 'fhe cool, snapy W(lllh I' ~\a , r ight newd a .TurlS'!! of the FIll'mer's harles Baker. Burk, RF. Fil' , aB. All to ~ h et lhl' aP IJcLitefl of Lh(' lI1~fI he I Il.d'H "hip of Eugf' n e Go()S- joy . d the uay with It r. Ml" llnd wOlk at trhe next In e ting. Ex h ibit s. T he Louis Burton's ea.\led on GOl'Suctt, l B. Payne, lB. M r~. M. D. air4 and da u liteI', members arc Ill;ked to b r ing nc d · (or th e big hot lto\11H of oys et' Jlduct I '. t he J a m "Bu'rton family in Dag- ,,'mningbam, 3'8 Pe ter, CF. MASONic NOTICE Ie" thl' nd, )) nd thimhl(!s to M1'';. n~l e, bel, stew- many callrd f O'I " c!lnd;;" T he ,· ca on will open on Friday Mr. and i\{t's. ak1C!y ton Sunday. T oshie, CF. Ruth rfoTd, C. ~ P\' I'ill \ C IlI111U11icali n 0 f Jl.[a e!<h' n '· homl' I OI' tho N() volnMr:;. Goltli o Surfa (~ o t Wayne· It is '· ~ J1 c\ .. le d. M' W 'l Th d L' Aylestock, C. D, Collett, SS. u fL ~ 1 noo n and Salurday vening, W :l~in!'ville L(lti l!;l" I 11 I". :l.nd A. be)' m l\ctin !!', A p ot ·)uck d1inner viii , .~'t'. a lld Mrs. Paul Ri hand Rev. La 'i, I»vtol" hE Ul e WaynI ' l~ses 1 rna . o~la~ anp p ma Fox, LF. Hough RF. br'!' 22 a1l1123, with 1\ p l 0. M, F ridl.1Y OcLob r 15 at 7 p. m. . . olc ma n w ill be se rve d, C);V illo f l' tbodi ~ l (,hurl'h : !,\lke on ~ra m h at '\\ ill incl ude Be eth o- family, MI'. and Mrs. A nsl mig ajl.ccomPLanblC< t C t e drry Gl"isha rn, SS. Spitler, S. CF. F'au . am y t o e anOn a ur ay Calvert S., CF. Planck , P . After t ho businc mectinA' th J nck ' on and fam il)·, MI'. and Mr~. th e inll' J'llali()n ul tl uub ll!s Of the M. M. ri (' JITCC, Vi s itin~ nnd a o· vc n's .' eeond Symphony in I) m~ .i Ol'ni\1i1; i;let h, ' n SIre (:ol'ditl llY'inm mbcr . plnycd bingo, M,';;, Pi e tc.!' F al' EtI!jt and cOn,lu clod e/if< Ut'eveOlng. . . MaTtin, 2B. },lu.l'bIlD, LF. jOl' ; Sib elius' Secon d Symph ony Ef1l(! I'Y RO!\l\ and r\ ll ghters, Mr . vited. won the prizc .. nnd Mr . Wih{)t' 1 llal'vc!y am) fam !lion o n the m l. tt e r, 1'he mCll, nil Mr. and Mrs: ~aITY Co rn~l Bardes, P. , ollett, 2B. i n D \ll~ljor; Berlioz' s "Roman !\h·~·. 1 1'!~ O. Browl' and Miss enjoye d the 1:'I lll)j\ct hecamH: (If th o E . F . E:lr'llhart , , were t he Sunday dm nel' guests of Umpit' --Jam s-Walker. ClU' niva l" Overture'; and Two ily, n Illp b II 1.1 "< iRll' d· th e h os.- 'valullble inrvrmation whic h Mr. . "he Allen E m erick' in I..ytle. In _ _ ~... _ _ _ _ Mr. K nn eth EB lt in ~, Mr, and Alice J. M. Armitage, Se~'y. hO I ~"\l.c_ by Ell cll, ana. !cd by Ml'$. L wls J n~1'\ of M'i ddletc.>w n. tess. Lucy wu: able t il ~iVl' from hjs BJRTH-- --Lh a fteTnoan they all called 'on Mr. and Mr. J ohn ttlemy I' Vittorio Gui. Mr. and Mrs, lood'e 'GrJJ Y a."Id Mr. a nd M~ ~. PeaTI ornell n ea r ot near Or gonia were L. U;(~~ , (l(!l'~onal )(P~~'i '. n ce/! a~(el lib' '1'. , B OT ll t() MI'. and Mil!! Marion 1I1ary Mcl{;e-;:r alifol' nia Mrs. ' c~gei Rllclun ninofT, fOT.eDl~st daughters, Mr, J. T : GrDY, MI'. Spl"ingboro, . guest: of MI'. and Mrs. \' ivitecl hcl' Idem.!!!, Dr. llnd Mrs, vatlo n.s liS 1\ 1I11$l;lonary In the Far Whilllk 1', It \lon, Tu ~day, Oct.ob. Itu, 10n compo sel' and ))Jam.·t. an d Mrs. Elbel-t Rich and [umi ly, Wit.ham, T esday. (Cont inued on iast page) ' J ohn. r·~ a st. ' er 12, 1937. will be heard as soloist with the M r. Ralph Rich, Mrs,' N ettie Spray Ciljcillnati Orchestra at its Second and son William of Dayton n.n d po i, a o{ co ncert~, October 29 a.ndi daughtcl', Elsa, A1J1'8 ffi, son of In 30. cinnati and the Bo.:.1; and' Hoste s, Otht'l',s on tlhe li- t of sol9 ists Mr. a.nd Mrs. Th~mas . ~ich, for the s<wson include: Richard Crook!:, Tenor; Ethel Bartlett and HERMAN - DO-CTOR. 'OlE 5-' Ra~ Robertson, fIImuus pian o duo Her man flOCOOI', 81ge 2·2 died in Ro " Ba,mpton, soprano; Walter Charles. H. ,Fox, ch.alrman of chines and can only slow dow)\ Gi !<eking,. pianist; Georges Ene8- 'th-e. Ho!\pital at G lllipoli~ O. Wed nesday evening. Fu n c~al Service the Safety Committee of the when the d river slows tberq :Incinnatl Automobl' Club, de- down," he said. "A foo l b ehin~ co. fatnou Pi Jumanian :violinist, were held Bturda~ at the tuhbs com,p os'r, and • conducto.r; Ru.th Funeral Hom e, Burinl at New nOU ncing recklelll> t. l ing, aska the wheel of an automobile III au tomobile owner. to obey norp.s war ning signs, he fails tr~ Slellczynski, the sen at-ional ch ild Town, Ohio. H e rman is tn'viy I !he road signa erected by the give hand s ignals. Sometime s he pl'odigy of the piano; Josef Hof· by his father a.nd a 5i, wr and 11 t~ates. "AutomobUea are rna- wakes up in a hospital but m orel mann, pian' t; felix ~~lmond, brother, oftep his victim Is the one who 'oollist~ Oharles Na~ gle, pian is t ; ---~ ,- ._--'--suffers mosl" : Lclu'Titz MelC:hoir, t nor; . and For more than 35 yea rs tbtl Chari Coul'b in , organist, Cincinnati Aut 0 mob i I e Club,· Among the peeisl events of which Is two years older than the: American Automobile Assocla-, Lhe sea on wm be one pail' of conunday, October 24, t . re will tlon, has pioneered the work oil certs wi t h the Inmou Cincinnati building goo d r 0 ads, w ider! May l"estival Chorus; and per foT- be Ii spe('ial PI' g l'8nt at t.h Lyt1 ' bridges, safety activitiE's, tu1 man s in 3!'1sociation with t h e M , E. Church. A Sunday School M b "cJI fights, sehool l itfety pa\rols In the; Monte Carlo Ballet Russe. A e-- hOJl'l<e-comJng service plann d, A bu;' kc.t dinne!' will be Ohio Valley, In Northern Ken · ' tucky, Eastern Indiana andl ries of five Young Peoplc's Con- serveJ at n oon. certs also Is included in t be OrSouthern Ohlo. Sp cial (ClltU! os on th' prOFrank Switalski, executive vice ch e tra's 'chedule for the ta90 n. gram ""'iII be Donald Foulk., a.l1ll president of the Cincinnati Autoclass mates of Cedarville o\le/l.'l' mobile Club celebratea his twen- FRIENDSHIP CLASS MEETSWlho will conduct servic s at 10:30, tieth anniversary umana" .. T he Friendsh ip claf.S of the M. Sunday School at !):30- everyon :: this Tea~. H, ...umed charge 06 E. Qhu rch held all all day lneetil)Jt wdeome. the club when mud roadl leac$ from the aubUrbl 01 CincinnatJ. Wednesday Octob er 18 at the Tod.,. Ite lAid, the Importance homc-' of Mr;;. Mayme Hat field in of .ood rOada baa rirtuau, be- Leban on. A good at tendal.ce at I-Important mailer. 01 .Ia&. Gee ed ADlboa, Edell. Br l&lsb lorelp aeeret&r1, .. lie come RCODdarJ III &be au\omo- t he elan were t here to enjo), th e Prime 1\11111 \er'. door at 10 DoWIIIn.r ee~. ndoa. reel nUr. z..-s'reol.m!l swoAea ." bile club drive tor aalet, OA tbe d~r advalloc of .rapaneH treopala DGr&ilcra Chilla. S-Aa tho.. nd. of dt'~J" .. tile a....... da, with Mrs. Hatfield. blP••,.. Mot.oriIY me, jom eon GIlt! n III ·e~., York cl~, were crJ1e4 to n er. Oev. Ber~t n. IUD.. ., !MIl . --~ .-. CiQcianatt AutoQlob8e Club ....... La' uard", ... . erseu ea)e, I4aInI at at_tl... n. ..,all oltolld of Mr. ud ( "nf4\Vilt
t 11('
'Ferryisms- '
r, ll
oseE ., Vt"'S SIXI,ti· U
R,C RY .Hr- 'E
'.'6-15 GIS"
• the Current News Scenes and' Persons In
:Cincinnati Auto ~ Club Urges' : Motorists Obe.y Warni~g Sign~
' .,.
~~ , Em, ~~
--- ...
....-.. ~ ..--
A pair (.If die~, it i~ Id, lIIi!! >top mos t oft~n Ol~ the higher numb<'I·/I. This i, .<a ld to be dIJ to the fact that the "ides containin~ ~he high~r n\lll\b~r. al' U1~ Iightcst due to the f~t tlltlt nH)re of !.he mateTial o r which the dire are mad~ is ~cooped out on thi side.
Enlt red
I' of'tofflce lit WnyrH:s\lIll', Ohl,'. :\" ~l'COlld Cln.. :lrni! Mutt"r
Harold D. Willi., Editor
lSst'E O EV 'RY TH ---
No. 112
(lrfi (' Ph ne
R , l1A Y
- -\ -
S uhscliption I'ric • , 1. fiO, Year
it h in th Rritche Ju
••• Genera l Moto rs rell(\lt~ thllt ear ~n l s dUl'i ng A ugu . .t tota I d l8 ,010 Ol' 1,3l»7 mollO than th t Ol'd of August of 1928.
in Time
10 Year Firat
Farm Loan.
Frank LeMay, Solicitor
61R2 Waynesville 74R
True Professional Service Years of training ~nd experience have equipped our staff to render a genuinely profeaaional .a ervice, in all of many details which make up a funeral of the type which leaves an everlastingly consoling memory. . For · many years we have rendered sincere, sympathetic service to thia community, at modest coah based entirely upon the wishes .and means of the family.
Despite Winding Hilly Road, SaIety Lighting Permits !40t0rlats to Se Well Both Near and Far Ahead
O NTINUING its s ustained drive C to make Iiio the safest state for m otorist and pedestrian, Ohio alNy
ounell put inlo opera-
tion, :llong Route 40 just west of Springfield, on Oct Qi.>er 7, its sbcth IItrlp of safety highway. Co-sPQn sors in the project were Springfield's Chal1lbC'r of ommerce, 3UtOll1Obilc club, and h i Edispn COfllpnny which purcha cd and Intailed the quipmcllt for the new S3! ty lighting syst m employed . Forty-nine hij::h-visibility JumiDain~s, each furnisheu with a special
incandes(~cnt lamp. are used to make for safe!r seeing along this 1}4 mile ~one of heavily travelled Z-Iane highway-winding. rolling and othtnvise hazard:ou8. Until illlvroved. the new strip was typical Qf most highw~yl on which more than sir/y per cent of auto fatalities occur o f lite lolal traffic i.s then on the after dark although only one-fourtll road. ·P roper lighting of night accident zones is. however, only one of S(!VCn major objectives in the Cou ncil's balanced pr gram launched a year
ago. Other points include: installation 01 divided roadways. elevared curves over- and unde t-p:l ssel\, effective highway patrol; elimination of un are cars; and extension of planned sttfcty education. Chief s peaker at tl dinner attended by severnl score safety lenders. on I he night o f dedication, was \Iprel11e Court Judge Roy 11. Williams,
!:;eTl1IIOn 11 :()O
and Lodge WAYNESV ILLE CHURCH OF CHRIST SundAY, October to, 1937 Bibl
Sch onl at \) ;3 0 n. m.
Suujecl of 1 ,son- hl' ·I ,.••~ to~n " . t '-' text·. . peech and eun d u t. I' rlO.u Jall1c.', h.pter 3. ommuni on 10 :45 ::i. m. hri. tilln Elluenvor 7 :o() p. m. The Lend for the End~avoT will. b IIp\' .... ~·y H o ll'. Pl'cnching nt 7 :30 p. m. Sermou ubJ eetMy Tongu W ednelc/Ja-y .. ....
F. Raven Clark of Bo ton. Tbe(r engagement wall recently 1IIDD0Utt!!ed. No date has beeJI .et for the wedellIII' a. yel.
.. ... ..-
Praytll' mC.'I.' tinJ;(' at 7 ::30 p. m. Del cgatiol'1l ~oc to Bowersville church to attend aTea meeting., Satturday, Oeto~r 16-- . 'The )'oung p"' nple are invited
to r'~I'tY to stend .Tri-State lu b o ial. La;;ot SuntlllY udng Hall Dny OUr goal wa.' . ('L ut ()Jle.h undl'ed for I.ltl >ndance, our goa was reached l we had 105. W ~ had S(!vel'al SPOCild numb rs in mmic a:nd i he ' m OTrling ·' :;el vica WtlS brought to n clo "" by a ~et' mOn froOl Richard Burton f Cine~nna'tl DiMe Semi nary,
. m.
' ulbj ct-E;hlers and Deacons. III11.()n
Bible atudy and choir (n-actise 7 :45 Jl. m. • Thuuda,.
Sunday, OetQ,ber 17. 0:30- Sunday Sehool. , • Rer on class mHting in church, 10 ::10- Morain Worshi p. Sub· 7 :30 p . m. 'Oct. ,1 4. j ct, "The hurch Mine i1nd ' ctober 21deleglltion goes Ours." to Bowel' ville church to 6 :0 ~ EpwOI"th L!,ag u e me·dinK, _ _ _ _ _ _ _~i 7 :00- EveniJlg ~ervicl'. Plea eTh r!ldio networks charg the note" change in timE!, ~ pon,·01· w »1'Oadcasts t he 2 :00- Wednesday. Ladies Aid. World's Seri~lI ball games $400,7 :00- Wednesday. Midwl(l k 00 for the us of the national . rvice. , PI 8S not ehange In hook.up during the ',,"odd's &rtime. iell broadcast. This was th~ prie& 7 :30- Fdclay. Ch.tla Pl'uetice. paid by Henry Ford last year.
I But
It's True ·_-.:... __ ':: ___ !]
fJ. .
Phone 153
Phone 24
'T hree:
.WIfU _
Tue day
of his wrath. When hrist came MrS. d. :1, Sutte l'thwaitE and to th earth 1w brought with him Mr. nnd Mh. Clyde Bunnel and dau/!:hter Hazel and Mr. and Mn. Mra. Mable Stoup were in Dayton a ncw idea of the relationship benveen God nnti man. Instead of nen' G,'uoor attended the Funeral 01'1' W <lnesclay. The Auxilhn'Y of St. Mary'S the old J ewi ;;h J eh ovah h e preachof Mr. J ames Bunnel at Lov.eland \ Episcopal hUl'ch met last Fl;day ed the SQm.hjp o! God and man. tlll Monday. '" .; ... ".\ 1 ~ [nstood of a wrathful, avenghl-g t ,.\1'::'-O:" 1-4 I M1'~. Emmerson Lindamood is with Mrs. CliffO'rd Brac:e, C l. .V-I,I:lItlD Mrs-. NOTa Hough has returned God, alert to destl'o'y Il\an, He told at Miami Vall y ~,o spital, pending ~'Pi;:J~ft;1I home after .pendlng last week in of a God who was aiather to hlanan operation'. t"u . """'" Dayton ~ the guest of relatililes. 'kind, a God whom. man might ~,~~ ~'1~:!~J."". ' - - - - -...~/·: ir. and Mr$. Vh'gil 'King and _Mr. and. Mrs. G. T. Quick , 1\1i go u.s he would go to an ea~ly <la.ughter of Alexandra O. wilre // rI een Larick, and Mr. Tommy FQX fatht'r, and take into confidence, unday vening gu~t of Mr, and of 'Miamisuurg were guests Sun- and to whom he might pOUT out obis Because IIhe hu rained 130 pounds s!nce 18!)!). ~Ti"'l .- ' "t --;-~.," ~~- -:. :s frs. Ben Gruber. abe probably couJdn'i duplicat the rc::t t ~ --.'. c) \ ... ', \., ' l ' ~ day of J. P. Larrick and f a mily. se craft soul. I have often thought, bicycle cbamploD oI~ Cornwa ll at every distance h 'om hi) Y:l:~a t o;,c Miss Mame BJ'own' Ims returned Miss Helen Clark of Wilming. as I have talked with men, IDUe for SCVeD ,eanl. She retired In 1902. fro m. the Hospital at Xenia. ton College lIP,ent the \\>eek-end I many of them ~oda.y have as Mr. Gale Murphe.y of Bunoe with her rpom-mate, Mise Bal'bara concept of God. the old JehovlI.h Ayers. S. A. and h is :Sister ' Mias Grat. , God, the far MVlay, aloof. wrdbClara of Dayton o. and Mr. and , . - - - -fu l di ety Of old. They hav.e mver 1\11' . Kenneth 'Pboma.s were recent THIS WEEK IN HISTORY como into the relationship with callers of Miss Anna. U. Brown. OCTOBER ~ Fir t direct New I their God that Ghrist would heive . :Mr. Fred Hawke of 'Tampa Fla. York- Chicago lepbone . line I them come. They have u eveT 1carn ITAI'lTI "pent a f ew days last week with placed in semre, 1892. cd to look upon God as a father hi si tel' IMlrs . Emma Me Clure, OCTOBER 19 _ Surr~nder 'of w~, just, mercifu l. Th~Y ,have Mrs. Mc ClUTe returned borne Cornwallis at YOl'klown, Virgi,n ia, m l~sed the most heartcDlng. co~"ilh him for a short ~i it. 1781 ~ ohng and he-lpful part of thew ·' . wh ole religion. R'v. Richard Burto f ClOCln- OCTOBER. 20 _ Fir t p rinting nati was the glle-llt · • N. Scars preSs in Rhode Island estblish~d QUE~TiCiNS'ANDANSWERS tl nd family ' Sunday: Rev.Burton G(j dat Provi d'ence "u)l W'll J iam 1. What well known Chicnlro fill ed the pulpit a the Church of d d 762 ... af ,1 . man was recently k4dnapped? Chrtsl; Sunday morning. . OCTOBER 22 - Lake Superio r 2. What bUSIness ,h ad ,Charles Mr. nnd 1\'","8. T. G. Som~tmeier section of Canadian Pacific rail- S. Ros.s been enpged ' jn? nnll Mr. IU\d MI·s. DaVIS audm of way opened, 1885. 3. Wha~ well kn.own European Jj \·crl~. Jiills. Calif. wel'e gu~ts · TOBER 23 M I 25 000 . ... r Ml', SQmel'm'ei~r sister Mr~. 0 -ore t Ian , , leader "'lsi ted recently with Ad olf \\ omen paraded in New York City Hitler in Gennany? Mro'Y CrO S!! Monday after- as It su fferage demon stralion be· 4. What well known yacht was TI lton. fMC el€'ction. 1015. I p Olte d lost wh n Lhe tow cable Mr, Ru sf,cll Wi1~o n who hns 0 TOBER 24 - BI; c a.nal Ol)eh- 'by wru. h it was b eing t.owed lll'( t'l very III is Irnj)l'I)ving. ed from Utica to R ome, 1 19. broke? Mr• . Lydia SllYln of Trotwood, TWO MINUT,E-siRMON 6. For what wa the Endcav'or Ohio Is a guest at the h me of 1 known? It~. Anna he han. KNOWING GOD AS FATHER: 6. What well kn,(YWn ca..biMt ttl!. J ~ic n/)hi\7. ~r and Mis.. In thE days w1;ten 'Mb!\cs set up mem er's early resignation TUm~)r?vInllc\ II I n of DlIl'lQn, Ohio the Tauet'nac;ol in tho WiJclel'ne;;s ed? ·lrt. \I:;L of Mr. ,.111 Mr .. T. J. und ,I!a\·e to th~ children of I s7. What ~tre s Of th~ silElnt ·"Ilott nl> • ul1dllY. rael the religion of J l'hovah, the movies known fOI" her dating r. lind ~I . UUI'Ohl Wllhum· cer('nl('nh.· unll the rituul all re- ·tu nt.~ di~d recently? mil) or [)nyt,(,O W(.tfc vcoll'd Gild u. a far away diety. R. What well known fellera) p'ris r. Mvl • Ira. II. H' unRpprOH( hnl,1t', pxc~pt thro. on is lucated on 1111 island in San y a!wmt>on. I 'DCI ific. lind pumf' u, ritual and 10', nn~i.c<, Bay? &0 obeisance. Il (tn'" who mu t con-I u. The on of what ,,·(·n !tn, )y b ~ pt' eel IIl1d bribed 11 uropeatl ru,al' j I at
...,- -
Karl D. Dakin
Sunday Dible !\ch 01 9 :30 R. m. Lo .. d'~ u pper 10:46 a . tn.
\ Tdi""'ltJ "-ID
John Roo evelt and Future Bride
John A. Roosevelt, sOD President and Mrs. Franklin O. Roose-veIl. 11 pictured willi his fiaooee. Miss &Dlle Llndsay Olark, daughter of' MrJl.
Phone 7
Council Pres ident. Formal opening of tho new highway clim:u(ed numerous special events held during "Gr atef Spring· field Saf ly Week."
FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST W. C. nlith , Minister
But what It Ule n~dle Ihoul4 .Up' Thl ••n,,~bot was t kiln at a hollda1 camp 011 'be Kent Iloast in Ellflan4. where the fair ncedl womaD obliged btir unlucky companIon. .
J. E. MeClure
PYROFAX GAS Modern PJIOf'u: Magic Chef Rao~ .....d clean, frmant,heatln's Pyro(u Gu r!!ally make cooIdQa • pleasure. You ba.e • wokelcst, dJ'awer.rype broUer. a.a lUll-*: oyen aad clean, dog·proof lOP burners. Pyroilu: Gu Service call be your.. no uuuter where you !iye, for Ie little money. EquJpmeot i. InstaUed (or ooly $9.". aod . the sat lQelf C'OIU aI' lillle .. ~, per meal ~r peNOn. Come in thl. wedt.ad RlKt ~ beautlruJ. modem l'IUIp. Hw#', • /Usb '" tflC6_ife, '" lis _ "ClOCK O' ClGLD'; . , cbsp. b.lIt~ few .rains ~JIPW 4 ... 10/'" , chap. 60... , I cup milk I up. uk I CUD Stilted e A corn lUI<! <h_ IIO\Iftle thllt the .. hole
1 cup com
, eu whiles
rami!, ...-u '-"
abOut! HNt buner. add fIour.loIc IUId pepper. Add m ilk , ..<I II ally, Itlrtiq cobltaody. wull chide, Add .rate.! ch_, IUId .dr uotil melccd. POllt over the beaceo eu yolks. Add cora IUId mix _ II. Fold this mixture ,Iowl, 11110 .he IllMy bar,e n qS whI.e. . POIlr loco. are-d Cll55etole. Sec Jour l'yrofas.Maa!c Cbef 0.410 . , ~l'· bu. ~ " m.iutel. Saw ""-liud,. ~.
~ P. E. S~YDER'
& SON Blanchester, Chio.
jfuntral Jlomt
To be used in advertising. Church. Lod,e, social. or sales with no coRt to orgaruzatioDa. /' JURt phone your advertisement to this office and say "Insert this ad in "Caps-' spaee for ..••.• ....•• ...... organization."
t. Ir (1 '( ~ III ...... B lanch' Bak r (If ('in(·ir'.nn'i I P' II~' i I h,
Ii ~ 1Io1.~ • !>t·,· '1'< I \ ~ !tlld Oil' • \\,118 (' 1I ~,i here SUIU,,!;lY h~cuu {'I \ " '" \ttl I .. U,,· ,,·1.1t . . ~II', ani I,. A. !. 'f {l hJ\:'~~ " u r ttH.' 1'(" iou~ illnr . 'f IWI" rulher I .... "!.Ii,. t; , I .,., k, It . Mr. n . n . n,·ath l'l'R~c. I"n,j . . I IJ II ty~h' • \\L·,t· 'l Ul'~ l\i1~, Jl' ~' • ''''r nnd ,I. Lro 1'11· Mr • . Allna War\\i('k ."P tilt'n.l .d,' d:l.' " inn, I J."l'l' t , (. 1.11'. n nd Mr~. ,"aCI' \\l'" \8~· nl ,villt· vj~ilorF, Californiu hus urr iVl'.1 he, ' t.o I Imoll i"el)' i.'. I :;Jt ul'day a,cternoon. $p~nt1<.()me time with f)'idHI~ lind I Mi,.,... lJa nnnh Jlllllul1 cull d un ~fl'I Ilnd Mrs. M arle TeL'ry we~e rt laliv",. Mrs. Wan\ick wa, f orlll. : ~ir". . U. TulllluS't' nnd M~·9. J' • L ebanon, hoppcl@, Saturday. I'1'ly a re J dent o r thi'< rO!l1nlUn- ,i Garn 'r, Thur" dn~' nfternoon. Mr. Ilnd Mt'lI. Glenn Davis and ily, 1\[1', w,t.! 1\11.. Bllrry CHn t w erc family and Mr. Georgo Davis nt· 1
\111111 I'Ij!h
I ...
Mrs, ~It' lln DIl Vi~, Nel1ic-l\'Iltly 1"' ual1(on vi It Ill" , ~utur.I(l~'. tt'nticd n fflmily dinner .a l t.he and Rtl lJ rt ·))avi.•. n~ld Mt's. hllrl. l MI.·.. K lIil' BllIlncll a-nd Mis.~ " . M nnnon hOllle nl'al' W:lrning(I. ollieI' motor d lo Dnylon, M ('lIl111i(l Bunnell II I' Wayncsville ton, Su n day. W -tin stlay t o 'IlIN ~ the ir un c!Q w , ri' Tu . ,In) /!, u e "L~ of the! G. C. I MI'. Ilnd M ~~. Wilbur McCurre n
Hn J cuusin, MI'. War r e n _ '._
lenver j),\\' is fUllIny,
.....;;;;------iO.!--.. . . . ------------
and .1\'l'·S, F;thel BI'(l !';oll hIlY(~ mov-
I" filii , II ,." I. ' ('.,liHIlt.U"The flU' , nllull:.:, ,,' 11 It vi. I 'I'ccilllally (n1' t, rl' l ll \ o n I" 11 j,,11 111 .\ ,II (' IIf- c oJr r . , ret (If the Sino"l ll 11 11 · th,' ,uPI''''! of t~ " . tnl(' fifl'll1Ul'- I ": 11<' ,J ~lH1:lI~' I. . Olhtl 'f. lilt f,l' th' ael,vil), of ,jcclarNlwarw a . {l'llh. IllU h ll' tHlI, hllllh IPI~T'llltul'(' IIPP""I'I'1\\ t'I.Jl)./t\" . \\11 '1 n « (111111 U \\[1,\ \lllI'k.'r:i "1'11 hy \\' anell SUtl.e tJniver~ity \,he ll I (·,1 !lilly 70,000 u y(;'al' for th e I (il-Ilt" \lho ar.· a t,1I 11 1I1: Ot ., ( limily - tu j n t III Ohil) ~~alp incO\lcL'ed by Dcan vf III \1, J MCll h I. h· " iun lIilh the uul !!nc{' l l) g i ", ,'tate 'niv. r Ily l . 1.1 a rl H II ,_ 'f • Arlll c n Oal'II?C, r va mp A. Park that t n Chin . tud el\t~, I to the ge.n er~ l fund. ,tntc Fi re mOllg the 12,000 \\It.. un.! III :I cfi t - ng- ot ell-t'Lrio. ~nd VIator lint!'l', tire virtually s trand ed a s a I , suit Mar" hnl [)I.\\·id Ladrl Rockwell dis. ing from th . 2 .5 (1 0 ,OIl() '· ... 1t.o thH' . f1o or~ ,, <.Id e.! to the pow l' o f Lh cOline\. i n thl! rieHl. Th 'y I ('} ')' L'ti thaL lht, approprlution i ' 11ll()1 0 \'t nl (' n t, 111 II'!!' 1 ' 1 by WI' A hf'U l·. rl'l :Ilt Il! , id ,!wslks, utility are all UIlt'1 I ~bm t;n and gra!lut f (' l' .... d ~ :tll~ l'xhu US{1 IJn,1 tIlul \lUlkl'l' : . lilt 11 I, I kll\> III lIn,l p:\Vin~, ~ tu<ll!n t , KOns uf \ callh~' hinc Ill "'" f u nll.~ wou lll h:..\' !' t o b,· obOu 4,lu r.dil1 J""~" II I nuli,,:', t, oIi"ll n nd r"I'liliz ing famili ,Who ar()unabl to ~t t in taill.d 1. 1' 1\ "Vl'r )' ~l'rio u < cUlhll - T '\\'l'l' C IIl" nlt'Iifl"l 111,',11), 1I,. 1;'\\ 11 , let: II tnll'linll; an,l ' 1 nnng onLacC wiLh theil' PilI' ' lit); n 'lIl nll' pt (, f acli viLi ,'!''' lI'u uld lIa\' ,· lo 0 1 io S\.. tlin lll 11 1"'1 L 1;:0 II,tln! [I\'('!'. II~' l'111'1\1 ."tLht'~ . pointil • have an average of Ics" I! h 'm $ 100 h, IIlttrit. llil l' d t)r Benl' h, u1Hlc l' t ~, d ' n l~ (If 1.11I ,( • .t lit 'n" \I,ll ill' 1.11\'10. .,fl' : 1' lliP r'lI Vllri"ull builll\.. cac.h. n(' oj' them ,'('ceil·cd. II let. \I h ll,. l· fl t' I)IIrlm t;' nt th e tli vi,ioll enub/ cd l u a ll t' l1 d . ,·It( ,,) HI I,,, . lli~ ..u ltl,LiilTi l to ,I th r huildings . tor f"om hina t'u\'l y in t hl' ,< 11111- f ult tltl ll , u ~ k · tl thl: :lllf,rIHy L" "U · m l' telling him th 'tt \I'~l r I\'W ill eml i f th n' we I' 110 ~O I11 ' m an.' I ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- ' _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _- - :
t!d MI'. to'tht' nnd Mf!!. j u\\·Prank wis 5;al11 fal'm ~ now an d occuIlY t.he B lI.'On h om, imm~t1i !\'\o(' ]>I O~IX'C't 1\ 1l (~ - :!,OOO, by \I hic h the I? nlil'~ re\,(' Uell from FRIENDS HOME NE W S wa. bl'illJ{ ~c nt lo hi 111 , I) :1 11 Park hl' l,uc niig-ht b ' ObLa inl'd f o), u S('Mr. and :\1'J' .. U. . T1tll'vC'y nnd l<8irl. n iv(,l'~ity Pl't'"id""l Geur.(c In' t h(' divi ,io n, tht In tt lOS !Ii. tel' L e nn lIn rt.- uck , E, Ri '> htmil'(I J,!rn n ted it.) tl.n! ' SUIV PY. by g';11ll(' Pw t('c lo r"1 e-nw l t.ain cl Ilt the forme,' ~ home hin e"e a I\ix' \\ ek " I'Xlt'lI t~(1n on ' thrnu~ h o ut the ~l al e indicatc(1 in L baoon on Sunday f Ot' dinn er . t he puy m('nt o f th tlr .·n .... llm< nt' t haI a gc)OO s upply of fUI'· h ead n g T h o:.e pl'C' ~ n t were M r. li nd Mn;. r l'~ . 1' h(> )' ,xpn,H!d L, Iit·r thu t 1 a nirnn l:< wlluld bl:' a vuilallt:', f v l' tncy Burn t, M r. and M I·s. nnl'- they ma r Le null.' t o " (, (,UI'e fund s! th c I O;17·:3 trappin g ('a50n, tiC· 'fey DU11lc t, Mr. and Mr ~. Harvel' f t-u m home uy that 1inw. cur< in!! t o Conser-valio n Ommi Rro \\ n, l\ITl-. lind 11: . O':;"a1' Wad , ]) il' ec lol' Alfred A . n e n c~h o f 3io ll l' I' Lnwl'f'nce Wo uu ell. Last I M I'. Ilnri Mrs, Ern e~t Bll tlc l'I, o rth. th e , l.:l l I' n p n i' Ull n t of om . l\e!\!;Oll lin all time I'ccol'd. (' <It c h M i.. l\J~lm e Brown 1111S l'eturnl'd m t:"'c c i. ,,'i l hout l'("'l,lu r :c t o oh. Illlllle fin d if pe ll pric ' are com· f, am the £Lo'<p it ul. win "II revenu es f l'(,111 t h e ont!o lu mblc I. ~7·3 -may e~ labli : h 1\11-. G al !\Iu l'ph y of B u<' n o n half p UN' n\. tux on j.(r.o.-g Ohlo '{( !loth f' l' !'rcord', j udging fr om th ' Ai r g, Sou t h A mo l'i r o a nd his Ri.,bu ian es;; or fiJ.'~' in Ul'nnCI! COlll - I\u pp ly n ow aVililll hle-, 0111m\810 n. t '=, 1\1 1. s . IlI rn . rt f Jluy t.o n Ohi o. Ila n ic;; fo" UF O by l he ,tnLI' fi re {'t' Wou dd (,l1 as~e lt (' d. Th ~ j!!1Tn(' wer e rece nt rail er of ML's Ann /\. mar" hal's ofl'tce. acc oJ(l nv. t,) a luI . Pl ot CUll'S al 0 rep o rl d l' X e ll nl Dl'uw n und i\li ,~ Ma l'Y T. ing by Att ol'n Y (i r n t'ra l lI clbc l·t fa ll lhh ing in mo~ t. ,- l(~ li nil a Ilr \\ ' 1. '. !.lutTy. T h(? tax, which :Jnlo\lI'l l~ 1\ ull a s Ull i ncI (,LQ(, imubLi t and 1111'. E mmll I' "i l'(~e nnd Mi l;_ . to apl )I'ox i mlltcly $ J20.rl()U pl\C'U."lI ll l ll. ommi rsiollel' W ucd · Grel<-ht'n • hi in:! w ert' in Toled Q _____ , de ll 1Hlll0 UIIC lld t.hat u'nd ol' a n w f101ll Fli day to S un tJa.v . . AN WER S 'y-tc m of &toc kng Ohi stream s, Mr. and Mr,. E dwin firi ckl?lt ()C 1. Chari 8 S. Ross. li~h '\\ ill be placed this fall oocordT O)I·.l>o !'.IH?nt F ri day nig hl with 2. a., was a. reli re d hl'ism;..s inll.' t o .h'a inag e are a and n ot nco lIS . . card m,anufactul' r. ~o l'din v. t o counli es. ' 3. Mu "'1 ' 1 I\C!" i on , 'liHS RuHI ha ndl er of Ima A E dsBolini. 1 l \{! pJ'o pOO'e d a pl?Cl3 'I'll,' .1 0 n f o r th e weokend a nd ... n envor . f (h 0'" d G went I n t o Dny t on to se her cou6, It wns the un~ ucccl<~ful chal' l 0 .~ ... n . e~el'nl n~e m~IY, the I • f A " . If):! " prnclpnl obJ cct lve of wblch \\ill .. in, Alli c F if e ~ho I' trlains very en6!rerJ Or Fme~I('nl> cup III , • . h e the c, nsid el'stion QC I)oo r re li ef - am ps aT ey. I . J '11 b II d . ,II. 7. Ruth RQland. (lgL' a on, \\1 not ()' 1.'11 (: unL.1 • ~. G rj?ia Mendenhnll, Mas. ;-J IlV tn h~ I' and 11ft r th e munici8, Alca.tl1l2. J.ena I I a rt o ck and Mr. and M,·s. Il lli t'lcclio n , G o vel' nor M'arlin L . !l, p" emiar MUllsollili . A rn o~ ook call 'd on Mrs. Lauro na v('~' slJ1 t e d. A j oi nt I A' il! hLtiv e 10. h died in hiea!!' .. r(:ce nt \ ' . n... t' d an d dau.ghter at Wcllman ·')m mil. t ec is co nducti ng he flr ings Iy nding 8. fiv e Y -aI .lup, tn(> II ]\[ 0 on d nay. a nd \vi pn' par l? p OO l' r elief m (, I\ ~ ·
Ieertal'·n 1y
·GOODRICH· ENTERS THE LOW-PRICEO TIRE MARKET FRESH SHIPMENT ' OF GOODRICH LONG MJL.EAGE COMMANDERS H AS JUST " ARRIVED. A GREAT TIRE BARGAIN. w. with we could crash the front page headlines with this bis. I6naatioilal t ire .news, Because it's about the dramatic entry of Qoodrlch into the low-priC;ed tire field. It's about the Commander. a Goodrich tire in every sense of the word -a full dimension, extra w1de, deep·treaded tire that's made 'WNI.~stinA rubber by the same engineers that de-' veloped the Golden Ply Silvertownl Here. at last. is a low· priced tire that you can buy wi h absolute confidence be· cause the name Goodrich on any t ire stands for QUALITY and
lon~c s t On
Dr. C. S. States Veterinarian TO MAKE THIS COMMUNITY The Safest P lace On Earth
LONQ MILEAGE. Don't delay. Buy your Factory Fr sh Commandcn tocloy before pr!ccejump.
II, hene Cajitle, 12. Luise Rni nel.
Steam hovels or/' u eLl in coal milling that \\ ill mov n-ft s tons of soil at one dip ,of tlte s h o-vel. Fifty ton woul d t.nx l he cn· pacity of the larg e.:t railroad c a rs.
•• •
IS The Desire And Purpoae of your VETERINARIAN
Phone 13 R 51 HARVEYSBURG - -(
Th Fed eral 'I'flltl e c.;oll1mi"tUon is cn nductmg an investibation of soap a nd cosmeti said t hav impOlian t curative prop rties.
on't Like
To hovel Coal AND YOU DON'T NEED TO Then why do ·it w h en yc; work or worry" hau ling, wood
ch oppil" , , ::nit~
have regular h eat a t a ll times even n eed to
"make a fire"- sim p le - . e:'l y -
New O.
Sa l'sflNI
') r;nI
1f'J 1' p o~sibl e npjJl' va l. W0 1'\1 n Jam s ,Woodnrd of h io P e ntentimy wa; leet d a II , mlwr' of tht late e mploy os' r lh'~ Il\ent !!y ~tem board, it ,>" ~nn CJ llnc d by James A, Walk 'I', "I (' clio n inv tigalor in the ofilc of . cr l.'ta ry of tat.c Wl11inm J . Kennedy . Mr. W elket officiated a ~ preSiding jud'g el of -the el cti on. H \Va.'!> tho s!,!cond timo that War. ,\ 1'1 \ oo da rd had been I ct.t-d :I n(\ be \\on Ly a wid marg in ov I' :lou r oll h r cl.1lldhlal.es. The fund approximately 1 ,-
Used Heat rs .&
Bigger. looking- Richer. looking - Smarter. look. ing-ancl in all ways the smart est low -priced car to buy
~OOT FOR AND CONSIGN Cattle, bogs, shee p and cal vet Norris-a rock C(." Jive wire and
$63 '5* 4.50.21
4.50 x 20
20* -
progt'essive fin! f .,r the bighlUl1 marllet pricel! and go od seryiee. Union Sto ck Y.rd.' Cincinnati, 0 -rUN! in on Radio ' Sta t Ion WCKl t2:2~ to -12:S0 p. m. tor t) u.r daU,
market reports,
IGoodrieh:~Commanders hi "'IRY
R.H. Snith Garage WaYDesville
. Haneysburg
1 _..............- _ . _ _ __
For Sale Only By r
Brook's Garage . -
. I
5.00 .1.9
~----~-.---~---&~-------. , ·""'co....bj<c11o cllQttg. wilAowhIM..... -
It Clicked ' Thllt Time , ;,V
Larger Bec:llus of Bel ter Quality ," r vice, and Price E.tabli,bed 1849 • 1937 P hone 32
_ )' OUI'
Ref t!r c n c es m
Fairley Hardware Co.
and economical.
See the
why you don't
Phone 78J
just come in and R.sh n:l . OOU, OUr
Centerville, Ohio
0 *
sh aldn g -
ge t' Ig up 'n t e mornings to
Or No Charge
h ;I t ,'without.. ..
of coal s h v elinl{j. ash .. ..
$ 6 *
--- --- -~--
To O w n Livestock
Published weekly in the interest- of the social, religioul, eco life of Miarni Valley' 8 foremost progressive community The entire community joins in E:xtending you a cordia l invitation to come to this villale -
Lvtle hews
M~ Blanch Bale r of C!nolnnal\ WII col1e~ hero IIturdny beCllu
Fl'lInklln A nlltnb
Mt Holliy New.
P let · I I Ica
with Mrs. Frank Dakin. Mrl.'l. Jame Ballantyne of T'roy 0 lit nele II lh F'nU Ji'('sth'l\l at nnd a b~!iutif ul lunch WI\8 8 l'ved. l r, and firll. l'~I'ne , t Earnhil.l't nnd !If'!'!. Bruco ileltman of Dayof th eriOll. Illness of It r f th(,T ~I'n<, A he" Mill I' who hos be n Wnyncllvlllli Snturdtl" art I n on ,. I . • and c hildren ItobNt nnel El'ne&t'ine ton .spent lll!lt W dn Ellday with . Mr. . H. Death en\ '. quilt' ill wIth t.onsl It j; l,~ ~ome · and l' vt'lling and 111-0 the 1l1 t'.'\,ing t lh (' week-end in WC!lt Vir· their plll·enu. Mr. and !\trl!. Gcor~e s pe n 1'rs.. L. H . Gonion nll.d M ,.~ . ,'hill il1l}ll'OVe l i • _ • III Grange UIIII. . . . ---E mma Me ,lure ,p('nt In ' t we k 1". nnd l\I,'.. E. J . N, kcrson Th~ Lnel,'(,s Ai<! m(:mbl'l';; Ilr' g'lIlta. Marlatt. E, L. Thomas Holi cits your S" I)· ~'" 1.". E . tr,· Dakin a·IIC11 on Mr.'. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Druhot of M,'. and 'Mrs. Ev I·et.l Bunn 11 t h lI Ilulkill" 8 n ~1 (111 rt(L'cl t.h(' Epi ~ropnl CClIl - 1111(1 family mov (I ~Jon d Ity t I~ l:<llll'l'lwl1 of elln fnlil, I ]) I f ' . JIOft for TownJ'hip Tl'u !;l l'{) for t\\'.l II ~ ""!! augIt.el': 0 M't. II Illly . mcmnall a nd Mr'. I1nd .1\11'8. CiaI'· uud ohi ldl'en. Vi'rgil IInt l' hurl{!S ntic,". W lIaee IlI'(l perty, f rom a c ngc \ ..-.-.,.., tab 11';'. ('tt· , to ~('nd 'to thoe 1. "l'·~. '" ' R k f 0 I f d year ter m 10 . 2".,,,. t a ' r: 0 nyLon '1111- nt'c rllw 0 1' und childre n Lewis enjoyed a trip to ovin ... ton, Ken' lit linmi nll~y hllutllnq\1a, mltlr J' Ilildl'en'l\ lIoml1 l W o r t h - . . I ... , I' d on "11''::. H iler Gib~; o n la<t Tue I and Minnie W(,l'C Sundny dinner Lucky, Ilnday. guo , !.! of MI', anci Mrg. H c nry Bur· Mrs. am Michl! I is slowly im- J es!\(l - r;'cncl{,~-;t: cllntJidal fc>r ington, . Any dunation .. will b(' day !,fv.'l'noon. FERRYISMS Trust co, r ~\I('drull y npl'ecintl'd. LCIIVl' at Mr : . Amy Mr s. Adl\ Dakin. Mifi.' < Slella I ge.s alld chiJdn'n Johnnie and pI'oving at the ho m f 1\11'. and Town shiJI on~ ) Bailey". Gibson atte nd d the swi ng lub Nal:l y in Dayton. Mrs. P. A, Runyon. solicit.; YO\ll' SUP» rt fll lh~ let· The R v. mith fsmily was the Mr: and i\lT~. 1£. D. Longacre lit ni.t. Holly hurch, FlicJny after TO, v. O . TE O. N LE.VY _ I . Mr. Etla Bak et' ha.. relurned till n, Nov. 2, 1937. 'u nday dinn r ~ll~ it. of iI', and ret urn d last w(ck from Ii month's no V I to her hom o in Dayton arte!' spendMrs. ideholz of College UiII, Cin.I ll'ip in the Eu!)t Mel \ ith J'cluliv~s f l' W ill PotT of Dayton called Itlzens In • pri ng a · (>':1 Will ing the past week ."," 11 Mr. anll vot upon a lhl'ee mill levy at th •• • clnnati. in \' il'ginia. bn Mr. Hil ey GIbson ann 1umilv. 1 t' "1\1 B k Ml\ . Herb ert Marlatt ~I nd family 'I) ' d l\K u ·' i\l,· Guy R mt1.alin and " • . C· • coming ' e (Oc lOn, nyol' 111' e r M Mr. and Mrs . O an W I lams an •• 1'. nu -. . l. on AI'. and Hiley , b ~() n nnd fa.m. 'd' '.' th O k .r . and Mr.'L E11l!Worth m ith r ' l y ~pc n t ' ·) c d ' In all lO .ervlc w '" wee. MI'. and Mrs. Peny Faul und son, Laml • un, I y wr'th th eIt l l ' I r , ",un a ~' morning. . of Dayton lIJl n t un clay wil;h FOR SALE , Choice K ei fer p ar. I~rvin viRiled thc Lawrenc lllbbs ler's mother, MI'!!. Mnl' y fioitn ofC, SUlId"y ~lIers at the h ome of "The levy i~ l1 ?,t 0. n w tax," Mrs. 'M~ttlc L evi and SOn W elling. IliLy (' nt.~ pn bu hel .' Local~1 fnl1li1y in Middleto~n, un'Clay. in TiPJlcctln oC) ·it~·. Ir. a ncl Mrs. Fnmk Dakin wel'c 11' . .Barker ~-!\ld, It l.'; mel"el~ a ton. Callers at. the Lawrence Thomas Mr. anu 1\1l's. Hog I' Brown and 11'. F onc,t GatC$ MI. Wnyn~ 0 11. 1conttnll.once of 1l1'C :,e rlt I.lLx.le-vte.d "\(\" 'd M M I one mile. oulh-\\a, t Qf Lytle on F ha Bogan " ~ , .u~·. an rs. ea r e T rry we re. [ II r. ermsn arm, . home last S unday were, MI'. and childl'eJl uf W[l~ n e~villu moved ki n, MI'. and frs, hnrl y t il s, 80m time a~o, w Iuc h c p,res 1fl Lebllllon • hop pe r. , Saturday. 10·28p irs. Otto Ginter nnd doughter, TU E3dny to th t, pr()pelty of Mr. Mot. Milo Bical and da hl the 1\ :II' future and mu l be con-:-:-~'"!:: - - - - - - . . ug R r" J'f"h V' II . FOR SALE , 2 Big Type Poland BeLty Lou , Mr. and h-q. Elyin : and oM 1'". W ilJi:1I11 Coleman, TC· JoyCl', Mr. and rrIt-s . Ern , t Nix- l~nu h I u .c ,age IS t;Q con· 'hintl mall' Hogs, about eigh~ Tho ma3 and son, Jimmy and Mr. nlly pUl'l' hae d of Mr. t. John o n, Mr~. Eas ter Dailin a nd sonl', l,nuC! .opel'at,~g.. upon n sound c·· m nth." old, vaccinated. Lyman Henry Bu rgess. Mr. Burge has of l\tidlJ\()to\\ n. Eduie Le and Dal . onollllcal baSIS. Dny. lO·21pd nccepted a pos ition with Mr. 1 1i..",; Ella K 'mll'ick re U\1'ncd 0 'MI!". harl '5 rnw fol'd Day_ I It will be r em mb "l'cd that If q ua lity goods, reasonable prices. and cour. FOR S"Ai:E.7~ -Sln ckI;'oland Thomas in the sawmill. l iter hom' in Da y t? 1l Tu esd ay cv~ n- t 11 rctul'l1ed to he r Inomc, unday 15eV 1'01 )lenrs ago the people miste ous ser vice are what you want, T RY , hinn Male Pigs, about 7 mo. IMrs. Pete Wical and Mrs. mg, afi~I' ~pe ndll\g a week W1th with h('r daughter and fllJll ily, M r un dcr!!tood slich a proposal 'a ?d old. CharI s Hll&fmeyer. lO.21p J ames Wieal attend d an all day hl!r I?~ lOa, 11'. ancI IIh·1l. Walter Lois ib.."<QII, MI'. J o hn S1)itllerll' !t it I~'as ~cce ~1'':I to g t ~ spee~ - - - - - - -meetl'ng of tht' Ladies Aid of th e KeMnnc . S k .1 h'ld I I is Gibson. ru 11l g I~nh or. er IrlO Vc'lolntlOlle Y.· OR SALE-English Whitc Leea - Universalir.t Church at ' t SIn. t e 1 I' S • I I'. . gnes wan UII u c I . , Mr, J o hn Spilt! r spen i the st rcet lJ! 'nge. horn Pullets-Blood·te ted. 750 Charles Baker's hom near Mi. ren of jJllyton, \I ro unuay I w eek-end \\'iLh Mr. lin I Mrs. D t ench. Mr "ou est.<E (If h ~ l' par Ilt" , 11'. and pittler and fnmily _ , J. _R. • Wade. am Isb urg. The Govern o r 's F R SALE-9x12 Linole um Rugs Sat. MI S • . , D. l.OIl){8Cl'£'. • Mr. and MI' Glenn Daki n nnd MI·s. Nan r y P ope arrived ~ , J B J t'" .1 S.f<ty (C ' O,dlluting Bu ... u 6.50. Electric Watter Heatlr r I••ll ~. . . ones FJlen u. onuay 'son, Richard cnt Su nda" \I ith urday to spend a few days with It ' 11-1 J h Z' 1 " • SPRI NG VA LLEY Martin L. Davey Governor $1.95. Collett's Hardware o'her daughter, Mr. Jess Roland . \\ ilh I' t::<t(!ol, rs. 0 n 1m· relativ in Wilmington. Ph. .e 4 X FOR SALE: Two hundred hed~e I l1l(:l'man !1~d !Iau~hte rs jn Day ton, Mr. H erbert Mnl'la,tt, l\li ss la ra post and also .nie keifer p ears. Mrs. Carl E?mith ailed on Mrs. Ra y MIll er 1:; abs n t from Daug hter iM'1'S. Etta Baker' cull. d 1 ell Brannocl<i Thur day nCtern<X)n . , chool thi s week II t\(' c()unt oC on Mrs. Ada Dakin W cd n suny of . D, H. Hockett Th~ .Jam s Wical family w r I having both .ankl S spl'8ined, t ernoon. FOR SALE: Ch~c; -KeiJer Pears. t h e S f lr If d I \\ h'IC h ot'c ure d ! ' I . un d ny g'UC t O . an \\ It'll h C Jumpe( Mr. and Mrs. Uil .v Gib« ln an I J, C. Hawke. MrS. Charles Bakel" I ;)vel' a log und iell. daughter Paulin called) on ?tll-. FOR SALE D-:]~ Lightpj;nt, nnd W e have been lu cky in th mat· I Mr. lind Mrs. UUI'l Y omell of and Mrs. Elbworth Gib~on, un. Real Gas Range and equip. te l' ~f fro st thi fall. oin foills F ny wcre li nt rlaiu d to dinn er day afternoon, mant, one floC)!" atid one ta,. clnim it is \>ecaulI!' it was the light Sunday at th h m of Mr. and M,'8. Glenna Da kin, ~on, XU hble Aladdin Lamp, one ·up· of t.he mlOon W:hen it fr08 d and 1\11's. Allen Emrick amI in the af.- ard, Mrs. Milo B Bn] and daugh. right p,iano. Mrs. Geo. Libbe(lc for that reason , the ir'ost didn' ' tt.'J'tloon th ey nIl visite(! Mr. nnd el', J oyc., Betty D~lkin, 1\11-". Er. But we do offer you $1.00 for $1.nO when trading Lytle Road>. hurt anfthing, M . Pearl o r'nell near Spring· f) l'~t Nixo n pe nt Thur day with w ith u •• HYDRAt.iLiC-CIDERM"iLL:bOt'o.. MI'. and l\~. harle y til cs. NOTICE O F ELECTION M,'. and Mrs. Mn<. .Lawrence !\fr. and! Mrs. EVE!rett B un nell NOTE PRICES A ND QUA LITY GEP~RT'S CIDER MILL is Hcldbrcct and fant ily mov ed to tnd sons, J ames, Virgil, harles, 3 Canl Fancy Corn . . . ... .... , . . . . . . . . ........ 25c: rrunntn~ Monday, Wednesday Nc.tice i hneby gtv.en that a Harv ysburg Saturday. Alvin, Mr. M.orri LE'wis. Mil S 1 3 No. 2 ~ Can. Hominy ...... , . . ... . . ..... , . 25c and FndAy.of . each we ek. Othe~ propos.ition to levy . a tax f?r t he Mr. and ~~I~' William BergdaLl, la Gib n took a.bout one hundrod 3 No. 2 Can• . Tomatoe . .... . . ... ... , ...... .. 25c days by ap~omtme nt only. L~ . purpOSe of pro~dtng addItional I In company with 1\1 '. and Mrs. S. miles on a trip, Sunday. 3 No. 2 1-2 Can . Kraut ........... . , .... .. , 25c ca~ on mtle outh a t of Mt. : furids for CUfTent expen e for D, H nkle and son, George, reo When Ilcce ity demands • amlsburg, on Gephart. Ch~rch ' and during the period of five yea ' , I turned hom " Tuesday, after an IMn-. - Etta- Bak;:--;;r- Dayton, 3 No.2 1·2 Can. Pum p kin .. ... ...... .. .. . . . 25c sudden stop - KEEP YOU R Road, 20.0 feet east of Spnn g . , including the current year at a rate I auto trip visiting relatives at Lu- Miss I : lara DaughtE!I'S, Mr~. Her3 lb. Can Crisco . . , . ... ·... . " . .. .. . . 1 . . . . . . SIc CAn IN GEAR. This \lro. boro R oad. Geo, W . G e~b.a.rt' l not to exce.ed2~ mills in addition \l'a y , Va. b l't Mal'latt a nd Mil", Elvia Mic h· 3 lb. High G rade S h ortening . , ...... .. .. .... 45c cedure often prevent. s aet'IOua skid. • 5 lb. New Navy Beana . ...... . ...... ,..... 25c R. R. 1 .P hone 803R4, MIamis· to. th~ ~e~ levied w!thin t he 10 Mr. and Mr , Pl'ed R.u b .. and a I pent last. W dne day an r·
Wayn tevlll iavc them a belling. A ood time wa~ en.lo).ed by all
of folk. from
S prrng · B ran c h N ew s
nnouncemen t s
. ..
I . 1·R!
Barker's Drug Store
$500.00· free to Each Customer Imoossible
bUTg, Ohto.
mIll hmltatlon authorized by law, Oct. 21 tp wm be submitted ' to tbe electors :;;;;;";;''':;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;F;::=:::;:;;::::::::::; of the . Village of Waynesville, Ohio, at an election to be held on Tuesday, the 2nd day of November, 1937. at the -usual voting pIa· ces in said ~istri't between the bOIlTS as prOVIded by law. ~. K. R end Tson, ~Ierk . of the VIllage o! !a!.n esvlll~, Oblo
Lebanon , Ohio Pree_tia . the B • • t aad Lat•• t
L.M. HENDERSON WOTARY PUBLIC N.iSo••l B . . . "III. Draw. • • E.tat•• S.ttled WAYNESVILLE, OHIO S M ~LL
W. O. Bower., D. V. M. Sp ria, V . n e y. Ohio
childyen had for then dmnel' Mr, and M ., Em el'Son Dill an d gue ts Su nday, the latter' par- son 1UI1ph pent Sunday with r ~l DRIVE CAREFULLY :' SAVE LIVES cuts, Mr. and Mr~. L .. A. Barge r atives in Xenia, nnd on of Washington C. H.; Mr. ~!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!~!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!'!!!~~!! and Mrs. Ralph Barger and children w cr afternoon g u ests. Mrs. Mary arm ny. in com. pany with -r.J'r. and Mrs. Wilbur ' lark of Wtlynesvillc-. attenaed '8 .. dinner Sunday at 'the home or' O'l'lO'El (IF E ' .ECTION ON TAX MI'. and Mrs. J . C. Janson and' LEV¥ I N t;lX Ii: S OF 'mlE TEN . • . _ . M Il.t. l J]"M .1·AT.ON f amily at Spr,ng-f le ld. NoU ce Is her eh y given t.hat 111 p u rMf f\.Marll'arct .Johns , in coms uanc e o f a R p8ol utlon o f the Coun· c il of the VlIIuge of Wayneavlll , pany with Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hawk· Warren County. 01'\10. pns8 pd on the 2nd day of August. 19 37, th ere wlll ins of Wi'llmington , and Mr. Rod· . b 8U bmltt d to a vole O t l he poopl haw of Zanesville, were en· \If s at.a VIllage of \Vay nc8vllle, War· ney r fl D County, Ohio, at th ~ NOVEMB,E R ttel'tain'ed to dinn e r Sunday at ELECTION ' to bl! lJeld In th e VllIaj!" o r Way neSville. OhIo. at the r .. g ul ar t he SeviJIe Tavel'n, Sunday guests pla.ces ot voti ng th r e in. o n T ~,,'" day. the 2nd day \lit Nove m\)H, 1937. the of Mrs. E lizaooth SntitJt. q u estion Of levying a lax In Axc eS9 Mt,. and Ml·S. Lester Hiatt, of of the t n mIU limitation for th o . 'be n e fit ot Village Qt Way nesvill e. Lytle, celebrated tbeir 26th wedWarren Cou nt y, Ohio. tor th e pu r· pose of ProvIding adlrrU Ol1al Fu nd ~ ding anniversary W ed nesday, Oct(or urrent 1·;xp e n 8~S of Sil id VllIage of Waynesvlll , OhiO, at 11 rate not tob'er 6th. Th ey were given a sur('xcieedlng 2'h ml11s tor 6 yea rs, p.ri e ut th e home of Mrs. Bertlta J937 -1DaS- 1939 · l 940-1Q41. Th e Polls f o r eald Electi on .".111 Drake, Dayton, Ohio in tilie even· be oJ) ,n a t 6:30 Q'clo(Jk A. M. and . reo ing by about 30. mployees 'o f the Illaln open until G:30 o'clock P. M, (E;nalorn S ta ndnrd Tim e) QIf. $ald Advance Laundry nnd were pre13y ord r ot the Boar" ,oi E l ectlons .' ented ",4th. om e beautiful pres· of W'nN'en CO\lnl y. Ohio. ents. · On Saturday n ight some ebBS. J. Wnjtgo n r . Chairman I V. H . nUB8 11, Cl a rk neighbors and friends of near .J"
..... -
Copsey's Grocery SPRING VALLEY
p"fib. It wi j brlDg
!IOU bugen
Dllted S()p t e m b or 18, 1937
Starlin Famous Sea Story
Don't Take a Chance ... .~e.iaht
i . too preclo... to take lIeedle.. chane.. , The m oat d.a , .rou. thia . a bOlit eye.tr.i. i. th.t the cl.am:a, 6 may be clone b.f or. JOU ·r.alia. it . . .
. Ha.....11 e,.e es .mljDatioD to.day. It i. aluollatel,. fr,;e. You to e thi. much time t~ ,.our .i,M.
ow. it to ,"our •• 1f
1jOUr&1elo thiaNnvs-
- - - _'!'
y o ur
6 lb. New Corn Meal, Y ellow or White . , ... .. 25c 5 lb. Brown Sugar .. . .. . ........ , .. , . . . . . . 25c 6 Boxes Di am~nd Matche. . . . . ...... ... : .. . 25c Cranberrries, Qt. - . , . . . . . , . . .... . . . , , . . . . . . .. 15c Dat e. , Figs, Wa ln ut., Rai. in. New Prunes. lOc lb. Extra Large 2 Iba. ... . . . 25c New .t~k of W indow Glus to k eep out the cold
' - -- - : o . . . -_ _~_------.. , ~l .... (. l" ." : , ; ",~" ', .. ._
./ f
Clu.e. will b. preac ..ibed oaly wbeD needed.
Dr. John ZettleO. D.
For .real winter comfort you wa.nt a luel that give• • teady heat all day long • • • that hold. heat all night long • a solid luel. With coal heat there's no cooling oEE 01 your heat· ing sy.tem with c~~aequent waste in reheating Mill· er'. Creek Coal ha. double economy; low fint cost with money-.avinl: efficie~cy in burinng. You will get every la.t cent'. '!Vorth of heat from ' Miller'. Creek Coal beeauee it i. carefully picked and graded. Both relUlar ~nd .toker varietie. ' burn with a ateady high heat. There i. ~ Ie•• ·d u.t, .moke, , and a.h to require attention. A ..ure youraelf win. ter long econol1l'y ••• order Ybur 'coal .upply. from . Spring Valley Hardware Co. today.
M:ller'. Cr,ek Coal I. Cleaner! Careful __ •• wi... ..1.
Open Every Day fl'O-m 8 A. M. to 6 ' P. M. Sa turday 8 A. M . to 10 P . M. . 19 N. BROADWAY, L E.B ANON, OHIO
come the &lTi ....1 of 0 .... truck.. Our driyen are courteau. aad coaaid.r. at.. All eoaI i. wuhed kfo... _li ...ery, a ad effort i. _ _ to
Wilbur N., Sears
Real Estate - Insurance· Auctioneer ,
SeU. Farm. and City Property
it iD tbe bia
qalekly, qQietl, . , . .f-' · fici-.tly a. po•• ible, Y ... ....11 app,*lat. thi. ..w. eel I.t.... 01 S..la. V.I• ..., Hardw...... r ... i e. wlaic:la ..........1. . wewri. . . . . . . . . .~I
,7.00 Ton
W rites Fire, Tornado, and Automobile Inlurance Concluc\. all kind. of clean auction ..I•• Pt·r.onat. service backed by 25 year Call or write.
Information glad ly given.
yn sville, Ohio
Three of Hollywood'lI tlne8t playen . . the vete rAJ) r .Ion! I n ",'ymnrl' Ill" !'VIlT popa lar Bp81lGer Trn . y anl1 tho lovable bOY 'IIlar Freddie llal'th'l'ornc-w h /\\'o th, .1 "'d n' l'n:'R In the acreen ver810n of Rudyard Klpllng'1 Immorl!ll lea atory. "Calltalns C n llm" t:OIl~ :' TIl<! pldure-reco. . . .d .. the tJuI.tandlng prodoctlou of the CUTntnt h added further IRurab to Melro-OO"'.,.-..,.,.. production record •.
'~;::!~':~Oo;1Irapon" wm
Spring Valley Hardware
..... "
.. By tM Man ~.
Thl' Stu!,.., Stt'V:
. ...•.
Well, folk, all' 1 kllow is ju,l what J writA· IIII' th pUl'cr lIud ~O ll1t thillg. whih itl! aauiu.,t, goO<! po lie y Lo tel I. Eighty-Ninth Year Somebody crowded u. ou~ of thifl J111f1itiun during the Pft t icl'\' weeks but now th writl']' hall os~"I't(! d hill'll! elf for thi s pGTsonal w(ll!kly column. ... ... YOUI' CrlitOl' r eeUv d quite a t.hl'i11 hll1t Sunday as h HtO d in Cincinlwti, Ohi d. cL 20- Sl!rth old .( 011001 hllUse al Georgegei Hal'hlll .l nil1t1!C rcgard d by tt.1\\ II, Ohio wher GNlcl'nl Gt'ont m any · " tbo g('oltt fit l o nl empornl'Y stut.!i d during his boyhood days. RU Bb inn piAnist nnd conW0801', will In ono com er of the boo]Jx, th fil' t ,o loist or the new I:\cah"u sc lh 'toe is an old mel'ican ~Oll of 'th ' incillllllii, Symphony Fta,g \\ hich w.aved OV'I' lhe ' G 11Orcho;,t.I'O, in Mus ic H ull. H e will l'nl's Ji ndqual'tus at !ll issiollal'Y be heard with th , oruhestra on Fri Rid ~(!. As a s mRlll boy, the stO}'y f1 ny uittrnooll at 2 :30, a nd • ntof that old flag wa! h 'l1 \'d ovd' unlllY nl g hi at B :3 0, Oclob ,I' 2 9 anll OY r 1L~.a in from myoId 'I'ant.! /,In d 30, .. fathe r w,h o was wiLh 't he GenOonl Rachman in off's se l ccli()n~ with throughout th Ivil War. th0 illci nMli 0 1' 'h(!I!(;ra 'Iill inon~ho~ it mad "the chms dud B C!cthovf n's on('erto No.1 run up ~lnt.! dowll my back ho ne" t o i stund b ' Co;ro that olrl batll esco l't'ed in 'Illl!lj 1', and a coml1os lion of hill OWO, Rapl:lodi fo!' 1"iano and mbl em. • • • Qrchostra , If yod wnnt to l'cnlly apPI'<'ciat Oiht'1' ~ection8 On th' progl'Utn will includ e Handel'!', OVIH·tuI·e · to youI' eOU I1Lt·y ju. go stand in soml:' , the II cca u~ 'onn1 rutori,)"', Prosh~irte. Our state a bounds in them. How a citize n, with r 'Sp ct for ko fiorf's "Clo ssicn1 ~ymph()ny i" tlill anc stOI'S allu tb<l bloo l that lind Ric~a rrl S ll'uuss' T Oil :! P()L'm flo,,,,, through. ha 'own v ino1l ca'n "Don Ju un." tol erate or eV'Cn consider harborl~uC:l!n GOO&~l!ti , conducL I' of ing some of tho 8eat~r brnin id OOl> thc incinn llti Orchest1'U, will conf fOlleign propagandi. t s l hat ar duct. u nd rmining AmeriCM pl'inciple. R <-e rvlIli O!'I ffl l' l ht' (!onCl!rt." ;s beyond me. may be mnd by comnlunicating • • • with Ralph Kunkle tlckd mnll ngrr it is true that the v r'1 I', ymph ony tick (! t IIffi ':, 12 1 sll' cts of Mave n arc paved with E. I"oul tb Strcl?t, incinnat.i. gold the fe llows wlto . p nd 1I11 th~'ir livea boarding u p a feW' hlln- I
Pia ist Program
GRADES, 8ASKETBAll Baske tball P1'3ctiM was started this week. Coach Tu rner has a lal'goe an d enthusill tic group' of b ys out trying fOl' places on the squad. At a Supt'/:I me'eting W dnes(lay venin!: i ",ons tl eidl' t1 lo tak th e J asket ball t ournament to Kin gs Mills ag a in. Th Mot h ~r, lub b gan Eerving lunches at lhe ~l·adp. lJUilding this wcek. Over 100 pupil~ OJ' Iwing served daily III th!! pl'e. nt t'Ime. Th e rooml p ro. en Ls II much mo re p1ensi ng appea ranclI ' with IlJ w puint all d oth r improvem ents mau e.
:~drt~~rir!, O~iv:~~~~,t~l~; ~~~~ pavmg ma~rlal.
He~~r:il~:~ME~~:~et~~:!~~it, ~~::
W c ~ ish tAl ext ntl our thanks to all Ihos who he)petl u, at thu tim of out' br~ a m<lnt aod 101'8 of hUlI ha nd lind fot,he .., MI'. V':I'n Hough : anl\ son, Dal e Aldo('rlllah. Si$tned: Ml s, Berni Hough and family, WI', und 1'1 '; . Hobel A Idermfltl.
!If". Linc oln King II'as p'leaso.niIy ~lll'pl'ised Sundny aftel'noori when lL cat' bearing" two of hi. c hild hoO'd fr ie nd$ 1\11-. Warren lev'e r, Detr oit, Michigoan, and 1I1rs. Anna Wat'ril'k, Lo:. Angeles, tOI'JXd li t his hoOJl11(' , T h annu II Southem Western. ixty y n81' had nlal}O , u,d s l'nce 'he T J A " ">" • on e.a lCIS S:lOC BM ••1t Gro va~ , i,a ti . mee ting will trl'( 'had a'~ nd.ld ~ ~< be hd.! ill IIlCllln~tt Oc~b . ~ 29, >I 'hoo! tlJgeth l!T. "Yo ole 'chool30. L~ 'clI l sc hool. w} 1I be £II nHs~ed I days" weI' Iiv~d nver ill:llitl all 011 Fl'l(luy ctol)Cl' 2\1 so th~t tea ch the fJ'i end!\ recalled t he exped nr. ~" may &I.o?nd th(l ('o nventlo~, Na- Cs of t he,r cMluhood. It took th 111 tl()Jlally known edu cato!'s Will ad- some time to relat,~ thl' ta l 01 dl'/!, t he teachel's. ?ther choohnate' liv~3 for buck First term grades' were given In t h o~e y eal', B ('e ( ~1 Grovl' lL () U t' out at the Fchool buildings W ed - ' room sch ool e m'ollcfl on e huntll·(·Lt n 'suay . • tud l! nls that made a l pUPils, it d velopcd th>1t man y 01 trai~ht "A" a'Verap 8 for the f irst the g-I'OUp have "m~lde ~omt:lhing six week!; period arc a s folio of th.emselves," Mr. King ,tlltl:'<I. Seniors--V l' na Moe Hunte r , ,Jane Furnas, R ba Edwal'ds, Vivi - WAYNESVILLE METHODIST
~~I'n :l~~ '\!'~:8b Anod:~.~:~.BeuJah
~:~/~ll;~ ~~~~ko~~~~ ~~u; :~~ , ATTEND SERVICE I
,.? . --
EPISCOPAL CHURCH Sunday, October 24, J !l37
Death Claims everal Here In Past Week
MiR!\ Loi. Kill r i k and' Curl C. ·(mn ot' both of Dayton wel'e m nrd tI ,'u ntlny C'v c nin~. Oct. 17 at 7 :.t5 o'('l o~ k. Th only gUl:'s ls prl"sent \~e re M r.~. Lena B\lCr is II! Da \' ton (111([ Ml's. nll "sel B llt lcy ~f W yn ~vllle, sisters of lh grllQm , Th e bridt' before h e l' mlll'l iag!' WOs II train d nUI'sc a Mill",i all ,v . Hosp ilal Th e groom a Wa ync!iville blJY i mployed a th<' ni on Del' t at Da.yt<tIl. Mr , and 1\11'1'. C(H'lnOI' w I'e mal'l' ied in t h"it' own home l' Wyoming ~·t. Dayto n,
Ali na F., l:i lw chatll rlierl :-iUI1,lny 11I1lJ'nin ~ at 2 o'clllck at h el'(~ h me h I'C, ],.I r·~. 'hee h'HI was the widow of Lhe IlIh' ,1asIII1 She" han, h I:> hnd lIV (l,j i 11 till S CQn1 l11uni ty \JV'I GO y(.lr ~ . lI el' {1)J'1l)l' l' h()m... \\ 'US in J ~ fr c l"<ll\ coun t y, iI1r~, • 'hceh>& n leave: a '1I0\IJ!h lel' nil son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Alvin I';al nha l' ~, thl' grant.! s ons, Lht, l' ~ I ii<LCI'S and t\\ 0 bl'olh r;:, ,(- \I t·u I (oi a tive. and many fril'nil t-l, FunlJ'Il1 services \1 e l' helll W ('dnl!: 'ay ufL e rn (jo~1 at 2 o'clock tiL th homll, Rt'v. nib I't ill ~hal'gc, 1\11'5 ,
Oeol'll' T. R der 7G years died at I' llll h om un SLate Rout 73, l 'I,ur, tla y evening, Fun 'tal servie& h e' 11 1\1 o n d uy a f lcrno on aL W (> I'l ' aecle h l'Ndtl ' ncc.1\(,·. 'R/ t1 !/eavell hi<\ w ife, Ka Li e and fiyc daught. 1'" ~h t C l' a hOnlc a nd two mal'l'ied . Durial itt "Iltervillc, Ohio. FR ANK LaVERNE HOUCH DIED SATURDAY-
Frank LIiVe rn c Houah, 54 years, tIi ed 'Ilturuay eveni ng a bout 6 :30 ,,'dock at hi home hcr aCte r sev <.1'81 yenf'. illne ll. lruncI'al rvices II ell! held TU lsday afte rnOon at The !\Ic .lu1'o Fu ncrul Hom He h.'llV e, hi ~ wit: a " ll/ie a.nd ('no ul1Ilghtll t', Mt'S. Rob ·~· t AMe rman, t wu son >, 1''cH'o. t and Paul, :five, '<I'8U h ildl rt , 0 Ri leT, Mfll. Guy Kibl er, of Middlcto\\n, 0, R v. Lacy in ch arge .. The \ me n's 'utH.hine lu b rot' t fivd .. ;.H . h rd shrdlu . h...Ru\I. A dirta t· was give n a t th{' hom with !\fro', Hu s~e l BC'nll :.' on I~. t of }I'r, anft Mrs, Ross Planck un- Thllr!;dny t.hl! mt'mbet's ,pI'escnl MISS MARY WRIGHT tIuy in hemo l:. of Mrs. P lallcli's wei, MI's. Lina Madllt)n, Mrs, I nl! DIED TUESDAYbirthday \\hic h W !3 lh e nin ete nth. Bak ~ r, l\1rs. 11''' 1l1:! Bu ker, J ellJlJl Thos pre.~ellt wel'e 11', and rR, Bakel', Mr,. 1'1 y A lien. 1\1 i-' Miss Mal'y WI:ight pas. ed away all 1" totllO'n and daughter Junie MalY AlIlll, Mrs. I£lizab Ilh L "is, at hel' home ill SJ,ll'ingburo, Ohjo of l)ringrield, 1\11-. lark . "ta n' Mrs. Dt-lla Vetlnb le, J\lrs. 'alii<' 'T u esday, 4 :15 a, rn. age 1 . and family of Xc nin, MI'. and (' nn OI', l\h'/I,' J<: litldlu Ilay, 11::.-. Sh had be n ill for some time. Mrl'. Ru t.>I l Martin and daughtc)',. h ene Th Oin ~ ,nlld t he ho. te,,~ 1\1i:, Wt'iJ.:'ht i, HUl'Vi vcd by three of WaYJlesville, and ElmQr Planck 1\11' . &nlley, 8 I' NI invited 11;\1 ts &i, tel's, Lydia Wright and Dr. Emiof in i nnllti. Ait.el'noon call J'S ,~erc, ,111 i.' ~ Lucy I,; ntl ' y~ [\1I's, ly Wrig ht of pring-boro and Mrs. Long. 11'. Fi n! n Ct' \\ine, Le wis Planck and, family Ka thcl'ltl Ot·. " • K ~ v er of ente rville, O . and M lls Ada Planck O'f Y lIow l Hopkins, Mrs, Frank FIII'I', Mrs. _Funeral wus held this afternoon Spt'ing8 lind MI'. and MI's, Rt)b rt I l,;ua Bl'ad\lock, Mt's . Emma GI'uLJb~ (Thurallay ) at 2 P_ M. BU1'ial in OW01'~ of pl'illgrield. 'mll Mrs. L na Burrls. !'lprin~bo t·o. he had lived a ll ' her life in the <'am 11ou5eo W!h~re she Mrs. Ross P1an~ and Rob rt and Wa s l.Jo I'll t yeal'!\ a.go. Roy and Mr, and M!r . nuS.~ L Mal' 8 li e M IS a sist er to t he late Dr. lln and dau ghter Phylli were nAlfl t! Wright of Waynesville. tCI-tnin ed at seven o'clo k dinn el'
9:30 - Sunday ch oo!. ____ Iyn JO'hns,. 10:3 0 - Mornmg Wor~hi Jl, "Giy• • • l\fis~ Kal.be l·inc P)'cndergast WIl ophomor _ haA tte Hartman il'lg God Thanks." There is nothing that lite world , in Cincinnati Sunday afternoon Mary Eva L ma:,', Cal'01 Luding- 6 :00 - Epworth Letlgu e. _ 7 :00 Eveni SI!rvice. Forum cun give t ....... t afto-rds Il pal' nt Q I an rl attended the f\l'l'vicc "The ton, much gcnlline pleaau re a~ a son II LiI of the Chllr h" [l1'(Yl'!hte(1 Freehman- Freida ElliS, Alton HOUl'. or daughtu who g:l.'ows up to be thrOll h the medium of tal?l all Earnhart, Opal Rob0rb. 7 :30 '-'- Monday, RI~gulur Official Ull obedient. ernest, worlhwhil l ·Vith c hoir O'f threE' hundred child- I Eighth Grade- Gene Colltee, Boa.rd Me ting. All m mb LS 'Y ung person, and thllTc is hoth. I' n, 'This dramatic llt l ice of W 0 1- FI'ancis J ohns. . and t h o, ~ elcct~ d f or Every ing that can bring a pare nt Cjuite 1( h; [1 wa. a pal't of th PI'ogl'nm of YEn th GI'ad>e-He]en Hisey, M III b r CanVI\S (ixpect.ed to be o much genuine g:l.'ieC and d1sap- i.1I 52nd en enll ,onvention of Ruth BlIlckford. the-reo Il()i ntment as to liav II son or t bl: Prot ::tanl. Episcopal church. Third rad Mildred B ourn ' , 2:00 W ed nesday, P ostponed dllughter IP'OW up to fail to blLY Mil'S Alma Prend ('Ita, t ~n d MI'. Marj o t"ie onnel', Naomi Enrnhal'rt me eting of the Ladie • A id with at t he home of Lewi ~ Plunck and th. wortb.w.hile qualities. J Il me8 Prend >I')!ast n\emb I'S of St. Ann W Itz, Mr" Baird. f:lmily of Y ellllw • pr'in!,,"!; • • • teph n' Junior choll' ~, artH pll tecond G l'ade--Pat y 7:00 - Prayer M cling. day eveni ng. "I had a neighbor," a reader of cd in the f.crviee. orma Longacre, y.,onn e 7:3 - Friday. Ch oir Practice. 1'1'8 , H, E. tok('s en I'iainecl Mr. n. d MI'. Robe rt thc L ittle I nn, Wednesday I'n th is paper said in the office ye terW day, "whom I gnve credit for be. ' ayn Yllle attend d th Fift.i th honor of Mrs. Annll Wtlf\vick of illg unusually industJ·joWi betnus IAnnivefSllI' Y of Mr, and Mrs, lenda le,alifol'nia. Th invi! d Ralph Howell O'f n ear Y 1I0W' guest w I' MI's. Elmet· Schn\del h e ge-l up v ry moming, 8umm~ r lid wint;er. at five O'clQck . 'J dis.- AT c:' 1~.1 Remembel' the lIallowe' n Car- SPI ings, hio. The ob l'Vanc of Lebano n: Ml'~. Stellu Wh ·, t.zel D I ,.,. niyal at Lytle H4II, 1rhursday evc- '\1118 larg('\y attended by many Md M r~. OUi M(l I\dn'~11al1 of 6v red Ute otb I' day that h does 1 YL II not get up beca.u e h.& ,",'I8nts ro, I ning, Octolx r 28_ fl'i ~ nds, was beld at th e ,h onie of Wtly ne. Ville, nil Id schuo l mate, j,ut h -can't sl eep after five 0'B l'n to MI'. and Mrs. ll'a hina- of Dayton, and Mrs. ROo'.'! JInt.tSeveral Ly tle memb I'S Qf thell' on, \llfl·. Folger Bl'anon of Mr . War wick. A ft e-I noon clLl '. ~Io Ie, arid. become-s nervous and bocker (nee Edna Pin) on sock of Waynesville. Granp-t' Pll t on a pt"1Og'l 'a m ot the How~11. All the d corlltions and (>1'5 of .!\frl!. ,'tokes AMI her ~u e · t h ilS to ge~ up. lIe spends hia time t Til . . ay of last \Ie k , a dau~hb.: r, Mr, Deathel'age" who hos been regular meeting Satllrday evening. a pPolDtJ~ llts W~1'C oJ gold in ho n- w~l'e Mr. and MI'S. Ross Har·tsock .... ~ d M R 1 h B d OJ' of thIS oc 'a si an. land MI' Lena Hart ock 1d from th n on wi h ing h e COU 'al I L ('riou ly i ll, is omcw'lUlt improvgU', an r -. a IJ argel' a n " ,. . J\lis. c !l ie, _ Ilry and 1\1 l'j or d at thi tim e. daughttl', Barbara, , lent Frida.y s leeJl Hkc hi neighbors tlo." nt the fOl'mer' pat't'nt.'!I at Wa h, • • • ie Da'" and M ia Lucille DrumIn her column " My Day" , M ~s. mond o; p nt undllY with Miss M i,"s J es is Garner MI'. and ing1.on . H. Ro , evcnlt rec:ently cofidcd in iler Lo uella Meloy of Bdlbl·ook. )\fri, Albert Talmage ant.! J . L ee M . , Evel'ett Kent'ick and so n, r nders, " I am alway!! nervou8 Ml _, Allah l.'aJrnagc ttended Talmage u tlend ~ d the onoert pre Bobhy , of nterville, were FriGray.ski s a re uepressi ng youCl,lTI Rm it h, J r " wa, t h atu rA nil aJ } I)n eal' h seems I o.<t~ dqy vi. ito}· of hi!' lin Ie , F'. N. ,the Cil' ~ O'f the month un t il my Grftl'lg" In p \'ion a( Ha'rveysburg Il'cnted by th . MJothersingers of day g uests 0$ her sister, Mrs. 'Lills a'l e I)aid. " It is perhaps a last Monday evening, Cincinn ati at hiloh Ch urc~ ncar Stanley Bailey and daught t'. W 11, heel' up , fri{' nd, there', Smith of Nt! Vienna. """'od ' thing that Mrs. ROos ¥cIt ML. Bintl P~tter!;o l\ was a call- Morl'Ow' on unday nfternoon, s unshine n cal'. MI'. and MI's . Io'OJ·~" t. !l II I'Un an rl ..Littlt» Donnn 'Hadley has b,een "'h ' . H h ' I Hi isn't In charge of t he f~eral gov. ci' ot. Vill:1I'!j ha pel on Satl.m.l!l Y. They r epore II moo't enjoyable pro~ 0 • lmetun es (' I( ,'I s th e il' J.\'ue , Ls, 1r. and Mrs, P rry quite ill thi) Jjast week with a eO,ld. fnce Th t d ' (' [nm ent just now! She wou ld be in Mr. !M'el'le 'r eFry wa n nia ", ra m. omas 1/10 0 1' to W oshin/tton ,11 con!<lant state 01 jitters. visitor, atmdav aIt~rnooll. A lal'ge numbe r of iJ;iend from To leave us groping blindly U. C., and fr om there t o Atlantic " Mr, and Mrs. J. R. Hit,eman and h erQ att ded the funeral of Geo. . th e d aI', k ~_ _ _ _______::-::____~. Mr. J, I.e' Talmag acco mj)an111 itYi . driving Lh l'oll lilh ~ ven statE'l' "'AYNE5VILLE CHURCH OF icd M Bel'S R alph SLibb. nnd Wil- sons, J O(1, Gene and Edgar enter- Re ed 0 1' M d at b IS ' Ia G 0d ~ t'll on ny r eslI l'cml'lll h "rs a l1d I' h £'I' e, on t I1 tl'ip. Th ey d~scribeJ the ,.... CHRIST . 1 lia11l1Totter 01. Lebonon to' the Na- t ained at dinn et· on S, unda.y, Mr. d ence on R O'Ut e 73" a.n d th e b tlrlO !'I cE'nel'Y nlQ.-t , b eautiful a nd said !LO d Mr,-. Hal'(lld Bakel' and son, '11 Ce Thet· .<e Ill$ to be a big 10 of h \Jonal Dairy how in . olumbu Harold Edgal', Mrs. he, ~l' Burns a t entervI e meter¥. n \\IS Ollt heT e this week. Th ey tell t hud Il \, onel ' I'{ul trip. W . c. Smith, Minister and <i ns, Paul, Ervin and Morris IMr. a.nd Mrs. Walter Guy and that. CharI y Cornell a nd J\ I' • Grace Furnll and dall~hlflSt W ~dn sday and Thul"sd y. , Sun el"y, Octobcr 24, 1987. MI'. H omce Ogle by s pent · V,- Lee of Gran t Lick, Kcntu ky, c hildren of n ar FI:' [ 1'Y WlI:'l'c FTi- In,ud L ewis of So lial R ow nr c tel', Jell n . were ~h friday a(l-er, . Blble Sch091 9:30 A. M• . el'al day s last w.eek visiting re l-- MI'. a lld Mrs. W. V. Wilkerson ' nd day e.v ning guests ,of MI', and tly illg ou~ a nc,y ('01'1'1 pi ker a ri d n oo n gru s is of M'I's. Lena Ri f(~l\. f,o-mmunion 10 :46 a. m. tiv at Dayton and Xenia . 'M J B J I b 'l\l't lj. , LesLI''' 'G . thard. In t he m:' duu g htcr, Mrs. Fred M~Man iul of I'S. . . on es. h,u/!kel'. Out of seven ea ves orn M ' ' V II I "~ l ' Gh.l'iS'tUlll Endeay:o., 7 :00 p. MI'. George Davi& has I'eturned Ne,vlJol.t Ki: nt ucky and Mr. and n bis f/ll' m rece ntly, J c, Roland IUtl11 a ey 10~PI "" , II> l' ' p Ol'tMI'. nnd Mrs. ;Hatvoy 13Ul' O t a tf h h 'f h I!d getting along v t l'y ni ' oely. She ~adel'fol" Endeavor wtl! be hvm aft I' IJending sev eral days Mrs . James Ca.rr and daug h r , te d d h W T ' I'Cp o,·ts rive 0 t ;>m el CI', . T lit Clinton Pu.Vall. at the home f his daughter, Mr. . net e Byne own hIp Fal'm lIad eV ~ l'al vi sitorfl Sundny and ]<~ Ii)labeth, of Fronklin, Ohio. " CI h _ .1 is an unu ual avel'Oge. PreachinJ 7:30 p. m. er s ub T u."",ay at the home of ince; am ong the m being Mr.'. Carl I and J\fl's. E. C. Mannon of nelll' ermon 8ul>Jec~A. New Song. Wiim ingto tl • Mr. and M,'s. ' Geo rge lreckett Mr and Mrs. Morris Cornell m~ar Mi s, Puulin( R ig~ plays vel'y • mith and da ughter. Bu clah: the Wednesday, October 27. Mr. Davj,~ wit h Mr. and Mrs, Man- and son, Chat'} s William, of IJa.l'- Woaynesv ille. Monday eveni ng with the Wurlit- Roma Rig\Cf:lCs : and other's who: t' 'prayer meeting 7;.30 p. m. nQn, '~l'ts. Anll a War\ ick of GI n- vey"bul'j( wer Monday dinner Mr. and Mrs . Thi1"ke J ones e n- ~ , r d ru m eor ps in Dayt on, nam es we (lid not ){'arll. Rt' v. Misionary m etitli'''t Mrs. Bra.n- I dale California and Mr, WlIl't'en g u c,ts of Mr. and Mrs. S. D, F er. tCltained to dinn er Sunday, Mr. MI'5, Ed. Mill er was II- Day ton Smith cali I'd o n t h s ick lad y Mon nocka 2 :00 p. ni. ' l eavG1' of D tt' it, Micb~gl.\.n, '" ere ris. a nd MfS. Edwin Nut{ of n ear Cen,lay evenil\g. ... . S" d th vi ~i ~o r, Thun;day, 'I'h Til' S·n t C' • I ' I;, f I"mn I' gu esLs on a.ur ay at <! M tervl·lle and Mr, anld "''''.s. J. B. . . - .... I! •.,ocla In .urm 0 . r. Wayland Jot'da n of Cindn· lUI • h 1 .F,ERR'V .eH U , RCH OF CHRIST llome' of Mr, and ' M1S. K nneth J ones. l\~ r. and Mr s~ l1.i'arion F . F ox of \ve ln e l' ro ast W'1lS d a t thc Fra nk . . '~ (." I ' Probl:\sco '( Ilee Glenna Mannon) , Ilaiif wo.l< a SII tul'day visitor at the I P kin, llI inoi,'!. arc the }louse guests .... ,. ox I1'ome, .~atut'('IlY evening. W. C. Smith; Minister Jordan home h~rc. Mr. a n d MAIl . k Mn: . of the former's , pa r ents, Mr. a n d Th'Irty-. lX . f ro'm '" in Columbus. r8 e n E rn il'tC, l' I'l'y and Way-Sunday aftc.rn ool1 ca llt at the Mr . . and Mr . Carl Hough and Margaret John and 1Ml'$. J , B, J 'n 'Mr/,. F1'8nk Fox and family. n s vill e hlJl'ch of hi i t att:on(\• 'unlt~Bib le :3, tl,ool I) :30 a . m. ClUToi D eatherage hO'me were baby of Park r<l bul'g We st Vi'r gin- os att{' nded the funeral of Mrs. Jimm y wall the StlnclllY IIflern(lon ed. ' SubjeU /.(I, dlscussion- Christ- R vem,n d a.nd Mrs. T hol'nhur~', of ill, and Mrs. Susio Sch midt of WiI- EmTick's nephew, Mr. Vern Houglt u c!>tJ of the lI al'uld ROgel' family Lawl'ence Tho m~ , who PUIUarvey~burg, and Mr. and M,I·S. mington, IMIr. and MI'8, Dave Wen- at W aynesville, Tu'e sday alter- in Bellbrook. c hase d the Me orm.ick-Dcoel'inj! :ian Renewal. Printed IText--Tit. 3:11-1. A. B, Talmage, J. Lee Talmage nev and Mr. and Mrs. Orange W en noon. Mr. and Mrs. J oe Fil'e r were the sh],(, (j'(/ \' which was f1 e moll!;traLu l , om mlU nion-10:46 a. m. and MISS Jeg; 'e Gamer. l1er a ll of Dayton w ore Sund ay atMr. and Mrs . tan l y B ail y unday dinn er g uests of their dau ' at the L banon ,fair received his Preaching 11 :00 ' a. m. Mr. and . Mrs. Wilbu r McCarr~n ternoo n callers at the Almon Fer- and Mr. an d Ml'S. Ilrvin lM'ulfol'd ghtm', M I:S, J umc ' llartsock, hus- : purcho, e Wednesday , Sermoll .mbjeet Thre~ An- e ntertaLned at dinnCl' Sunday in ris, home. ot WayneSVille ntteTtd od a dinner band and f~ IY' Rev, Smltn wa in P< IJlel! Salf;wers to'the ep.mc qucst,i on, honor of the bi~thday amiiversal'Y dance at the Sinton Ho in J'nMr!". Ma r McKirby a nd dau - urd ay wher, e he pl'ru~hod a f U/l(' I';r B d '- ti t .... . MI', Robt. ~llDl'd and famil~ Monday-oar u.d le n,g a w"'; of l l.e.)' n\oth e'J', iM'J·s. Ethel Beason, • cinnati I"riday ', even'!n'" .,.ivon by ,,'h ter, M y and MI'. Urdo'n:t a\. " of Mi3mi br-g were caHer' in t.hIs '" ., .. .cllurcb 7 :30 p. )ll. Th<>/IC. pl'eSlC nt Wlere M iss Ma ri the Fair ley Hardwar,e. CO'mpany' to ,Tohnson of Daylon. call td on Mil, Mr. anel MI S.. Loui s· BUrton , MI', , . U' 1 . t d d h' vicinity, Sunday IIIternocn. , ru~da:v- Ib e s U l' e olr Smith and ~r. Dwjght. ,Boa on of t h eir employoo's. ' MarI'a at the Lo ui~ Durton and M...~. harl c!> L May of Blu c.... " p. m. The A, B. Talmage :family w ere ti -J.. 7 '''V 1>Ta4:..., Svnn'rield, Mr. 6lld. Ml'S. Harold , home Sunday. . ball and' Charlc"l Durloll anr! Mi.'" · ~"t. ' Beason, MI'. Cedi BeasO'n , and Mr. Monday ev enin vi.~tors of ,,> 'IIIr. Mr...nnd M.... A)le E mn .t, ' -.. 8 d ay~M·}8SIOnary lJI.,., . ",. , n Th<l Ge9rge Sn11ith family spe nt Loi s milh spent Su nday with 1\11'. W"",n To k 8 2 :00 p. m. and 'M rs. Raymonrl Dea/1 e, 01 Day- a nd 1r~ . Alm on Ferris. M1 E V II u n.. d M r. an d I un day aftcrnon with th(! Ha rold L. Burton's 5i. te l', Mrs. jng at Mrs. .Draall.OC .... ar.on an hades t$}lI ENTERTAINS M~ Albert, Corneli were ent(lr- F il l" S at Alpha. Hall in Spl'ingfilld . Dr. Mabel Gardner and lira. Eo ' " tamed to dlnn er. Sunday ~t the Little EthlCl Smjlh was. ijick a I T. Arm itaA'~ t. l'~ne~ ing t.n(' lizabeUt Schenk of Middletown i Sunday af~rnoo n call rs at the \ . MIS. A. E. Stout en,t ertained ~om c of My, and ~&rl:i. H erbelt few day!'! las t wee k. The child's wind ow ellsh at th(' G eor~c lnilh Dr. Mal'Jl L. Cook and 1I11dred Thompson-Terry honue w re Mr" W ednes day at 6 o'clock; dinner th e Pbeitr~r and lion, near Mlddle- fever fO e to 103 degree,.. , bu t she hom.e. Cook were Sunday guelts of , Mr, and Mrs. Ci()vis Lelwlg and sontl , followlng bldil!lJ: Mrs. Garst, Mra. town, is around ogain, altho q. little Rev. W. R. L:Jy m.m of the Bds and Mn. B. F. Y.twr near Cen- of Franklin, Mr. anji Mrs. RaY t Fulk~rson, ' Mn. Turn&r, Mrs. Membem a.nd fri~~nd8 ,of Lytic> pale. tol, V a.., Church of Chl'ist spent .tervil~ 'nile ft. the tetlth oc:- Harriaon,~. and Mrs. Baya Kee- f'rank and Mrs. Brown. b "'t. and Mrs. Coy Gilliam anu Wedn e£day at the Ferry parsonMra. Wa..1.. tertaln-..a are, fie,.;' In\\ited ) . reception ~u _..... ,of the kind and the trienda ver, lin. Maxine Hall and ' baby ..... Turner e. . . . . . clorurch their pad4r, RleveJla,nd children and Rttv. and ,M'.rs. a~ and was the speaker at tlte us d a
L)l7 LE
HARRY JOHNS DIED WEDNESDAY)] I'y J ohn dl!!d ud enly at his li l,ml' at DaytOn Wcdnc:sday even. ;ng. 11'. J oh n.• i \V II known here and tiL Lyll l', OhiQ. lIe is 8uI'Vived hy hi!\ wifl), Lulu, and two sons, ~eRoy an ~1 K enneth. Mil! Lila Bcntram spent , vel a l days this w(' ~ k with Mr. and !\lIt·" Glen .Dorden at Franklin, Ohio.
Ferr·v Farmer ~tart$ Corn Picker
eo honored ' " deepl, appnclao LebarinoDn ~crfN~~l!~ pl~ary and at diner Thul'lday eWIDift&', Dr. Bawb Davia and !l mily at the Smith. an'd family were the guests tlYa. aarJ0 e ay .. 0 ....... Bee. and 1rfn. A. E. Stout, Pro, and Church Frida . ev min o[ Mr. a~d Mrs. Fed Hubble at a aoD&l4 Bardin of CiftcllUlat.t Vlattora d»Ji1\l' the put week Mrs L A. a.nt, II... and I. O. __ :V If of this weiner rout, Friday evening. .... 1JanIlD of Da,.tcm apeot .t the Carrol Deatllenp borne Brown. • Mrs. Nona Tumq of Dayton,' .
. . . . . . . . at 110.....
wer. 111'. Ud lin.
P8I'I'J' Davia allli wife of Carrolton, entuc:l!:7,
• ucI
and cousin of Jim Wical, waa a week-
Wiea1' • Geo.... .rolma of ta.e
811b- end gut'st of the
Mi ss Tinney L hom.e (rt>m LitHe-
t ord a nd NeIlSon O'lIl'g in incin nati. Lester Gel' han! , li nd children w'ere the Sund41Y dinner and Satunla y SlIPJXI' guests of Re.v. and MrR. Ca)'1 Smuth Bncl family. . Mi..., Wilma Smjth is vi. iting' her aun t Mrs. alii Humble in Bellbrook. Mr, . EI'vin Th omas was in Day On s hO'PPlng, Monday. 'MI. and Ml's. Fran k Fox, Mr. Ulld MI'II. MIII'ion ,J. Fox, Mr. Ken neth F ox, VcrdClllL Fox, Lyle an cB .1Mvin Fox attl.1 nd ed t h'\! Fox reunion h (~ ld : Sunrlay at the Everet, tOn Bayno!' f.10 1J1,C n eal' Springboro. Pau l Thomas, son of t he Harry Thomas" who has b en in the h<ls pilai fot Lhe past fiv& w.eekB is home now a nd is trfi ng to gaj~ ~tr~ n gth 10r' an operatio n he mllllt hay ~ . Mr., nnd MI'S. ' ;Lester 'Kell'd: rick can ed on him, S unday &1'~r nOO n. Several f l'OIll tid. n eighb<>rhood ' Il ~te nded' th funeral of George R edel' a ~ h if! late home. on No. 73, Mo nd/lY afternoon. ' The communi ty r Is the loss grently of this man Who heM the big heat respect of his ne ig hbors and friends. MI'''. J e nnie Mullen, Mr. ~d ]lfr ', Thomas BUl't nand daughlet' W('I'O the dinne l' guests of th$ j{ober\. Shaw famil y in Xeni •••· MI', and r.vlhl. Dan ~opp of Gin , cinl1ati were the Sunday caUl11'$ ot the George Gilliland !,II~ly. ' Mr . and M,' At'ch'ie Klontz vis i d his pal'cn ts near Spl'ingfJeld, Su nday. Mrl:!, Hun'y R oland ~all~d 011 1111'1; . Joe Roland, ThuI"Stlay .Iternoon.
Th e P. J. Thoniast'II, Tho. . . , FordYce and the Charles Otbol'llu were the guests of Kias Jalia Gr\lshM a.t ber birthcla1 diDMI' Sunday., in W8IIt Carroltoa. The Pete Wical family n __ WayneSVille chuI'eh prayer meetSunday dinner of .... .I ing, Wedne.dIay evening. Mrs. Lawrence Thorn .., Mrs. Wieal family, Pert, Faul and Mrs. P . J. Thom811 The Georce shopped In Dayton Wednesday and F1idtCr able veiw.ed the Kntaht l' mplar para~ . . . . 1UI11q. ¥r. while
r. and Mra. F.I "orlh Glb- \ th hum!! of r. 11 1'bl!rt .rlatt !. rd. )fl'. lion. lind family. flrlt. Mr. VI.!. t Freeman called on Mr. an.1 I\Ir~. \'111(' /11 of • l'nh Ru n.lllY Ort"bcr 2-'th \EV~" PI " ~ t 1'.lIlh',i Clt), dl111l1 til I'hd~d 1' ,!\JHI\'i "":"l ·. , c.ull ,.I ,Ill [r. lIill.!y Gib~on SUIIUIlY nftl'l'"pcnt SUI1.lay With ,ir. und MI'I', R. m. Public W,lr: hil', If ::10 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~-----------_:_ ,hll'. I j()1. I ~11 . hntl" . . l IHlon. 1'. A. Runt'on. ~" I'mOn "The Lo r(\·SheI1anl". P ostofiiceat Wa), llcs"'iIIe, Ohlu. as Second lkl nh.' I· :!H - AI11 Ill'IHI 'I·Ol1P~ }Ir". E .. tl·l· !lakIn ."u at th Enteor!'d Mr. , :.. 1 !ltr. IJal'lIltJ ItolC<'rs of Mr. RU'llll'1I 'Rohinllon and ~on~ HI ::10 a. m. Sunday Schoul, C. . 10 battll' Iillt'!' . l H17. ~I\'. Haymond Rmit 1l1'11I'1'lIltk, ~h~. r'; 11\1\1 1\ GibMIl Paul nnd Herman of N,'w Burlini:- II. MllIigan, ::lupt. -===0 clu)cr I "-1'hl'('IIIJ"" 1:00·\" ,lay with home ." foil,;; - las~ Mail Matter ~_4 • • 'alll'd 0 11 MI'. Ilil y Cih:;on and ton CHU.,d on MI'. and Mrs. Em,)·· ,It I.t.·sid 'nl 11"111, l";'~. 1>11' , IInu 1\11". Clur~' \, mlth an d H.rold D. Willi •• Editor ve It • ~.,., P], M K t (amily atul'Uay urternoo n. l'rllOn Dill and on Nulph 1\10m.lny lclobe,' 2 l 'nv\' hilI!' 111' Sta- (h.l\~~hl I' au IDIl. rs. a e ~~~~~~==~~= ~ ISSUED EVERY TH R DAY · even ing. tue of Lib"rtv N \I YOI·k harbor, ~mlth. .. 8 (; ., M1'. and Mrs. Kil ey Gibson and MT: HOLLY P 'nn daught rs 'lella Pauline Mr. . No. 112 Subscription Price. $1.6(), Year I O't Office Phone Mr. and Mt'lI. Normnn Ke in p c II b cr 2')• _ W;Uitlnl ,and . incinnati tip nt Sunday 1 ·1 ,1 ( )l I';.. ~c'Ill .I·l,\.: l'f ('hsLc r, and Mr.. f.llsw o l·lh . ,1\)ilon alit I I' o[ I.1 ntCU I ' "'I J h"~' doughtl'I' cali~ on MI'. unci }lr '. "It h II'. (lI"l :\tr ~. Ern()Sl Born· , ". • • I U1tl ~~' \',1\ 1< , ..Lub.'!' ,I\.) .'nhn da",~ , 2n d l\Il'l'. EdJ I' P rr or n HJ' enter· IInl t nnll chihll'cn . ·l' n .' lIltlll, IJ I'll, l7~:; , villc, Monday evening:. . iT. and Mrs. Henry Burgese · TO MAKE o lO\)l'[' ~l \lullilween, eva Mr. and frs. Gl nil Daklll Mr. and children Johnni \,! and Nancy THIS COMMUNITY . d" [\ltnlltted to t.h l 'l1ioll . 181\11. and 'irs. Raymond Luca~ ~I'c nt of Dllyton Silen t unday with M'I'. The Safest Place On Earth Satul'u y vcning in ill intlaii. ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN Clnrence Crawford and family. To Own Livestock A new al'l'ivul at th" hoOll' of Jour Cattle. bore, .heep and calves MI'. and Mrs. Emerson Dill and IS Norris·Broek Ct-., live wire and SP RING BRANCH NEWS fl's. Ester akin lb, ~iI'l 'un· 'o n Ralph spe nt undllY nftl-rnoon The tact that one mnrrigt' out of six 1'('Sul a in a The De.ire And Purpo.e to progre sive finn for the htghe~t At th 5ll l'pris~ party biv e n for tiny Uet. 17 . divorce indi"lI tes that thOO'e i ~ u ned for Lmining ior Ilith Mr. B. A. Dill anll falnlly of your market price, and good service. 1>11'. I!tn,;l1Cl' 'mith 011 OClobH M... MOITls Lewis, ~IiSg gt.~\lu of IllY ton. mart'ing~' and hom llinking, Thi. · the mo t important Uoloa StDell Yard.' CineinDAti. O. VETERINARIAN 13 to l'cmlud him he hud [lllQLhl'r with Mr. nnll Mrs, 18v., ell Un\,Tune In on Radio Statton WOKY venture in our whole sch('Ol of liv ing, is gone into with· rrs. HeTbert Mal'llltt lind son Phone 13 R 51 12 :2~ to 12 :80 p . m. for O\JJ' daih blllhdny, th Ioliowioll' gu€-. t. cn· Git.~on 5P n L Satl1l'd/lY l'V ning J<;dmon a nd Mrs. Arthur Morgan out any jlTe~-ious knowl. d~(' Ot· training_ The wondel' is HARVEYSBURG market reports. . joyed th > ('vellinl!' were 2111'. 111.1 n~Ji and family. tlu\ t (he ratio of failures is not higher_ tn conjun ti()n , p nt Mond tly in Xellia. Ml's. M lburn Smith, daughter Ir. Raym nd Smith Iltt.lllticd with thi th re should oe ' a cou rse on child psychology Mr~. William Needl • r. Mr. Me Ibn Arll nc. Mr. Ro)' 'mith and t he (ull('l'al of his un , 1l' , Tom nnd Irs. William Necdlea Jr, and and thl.' I'(,pri ng and training of childl·en. Many p8l'en t.s , fam ill' " M' '. 1)\'lItlll(j lleSt:, 1i GI'Uhlllll at lhe Nee l fune!'ul hOl11(, so ~ Billy o{ ·Cincinnati, Mrs. Her· undeJ'tn.kc th l'!!. pOllsibility 01' rearing a family of boYll ituth Jl oylc, Ir. Jjn\ SmiLh, Ir, in :x n ia Tuesday' at:t~1'1I0(111. and ~irls to tak th h' place ill a most com pi x civilization bert H od on and Marjorie Ditto. \ .John Shultz, III I'. and Irs. S any 11'. and Ml·S. Chal'ks l'uwIor!! \\jthout any knowl d~ of holV to g<> about it. It is an in· ayt·on and Mr. Frll nk Dakin I mit.h, Glcnn milh, Mr. and M.·s. of Dayton spenl the '\\ I;.'(; k end \\' ra un clay aftel'D oo n nallel'S, at Justice to the child. With ven elementary tra~ning in Willis l1untel' lind (limily, tlfr. and child· p ychololl'Y and child r firing many mi s~ak e s t,hat aTO ' ,h . Ervin Smith and liLtlt) dllugh most cosUy to ti'w; child always pays n ot only for its own Sell. Farms a ·n d City Property nn, Mr. and 1\1 • ' tel' J ud~th mistakes lhat it makE!ll lUI it grows up, but for the mistakell Writel Fire, Tornado, and Automobile Insurance 1Howard Dl'ummond and talOll)", to the parent 81 o. . Conducts all kinds of dean auction aales STARTS SUNDAY. . Mr. and 1';It·s. Tim Smith Mi~ --()Oo-l'sonal ' ,rvi back d by 25 y ars experience . Oct. 24 -l'hree Days Call or writ . l nformation glad ly given: ! L(lui~e Smi h. The r eason why a dent cra cy is not better goverMd, or Miss Stella Cib!.' 1\ lilt mled the more elficiently governed, is many times due to the type .. wing Club Friday nClel'noOn at of pcrSOllll who ar given places 01 responsibility. In the A majority of in tance they are selected b ecause of their Mt. Ilolly church. Mr. and 1rs. Paul Armstrong political activity and without any relation to tMi]' ability Finest - Moslt Modern IN THE and daughter Boa erly Ann of to i ntelli~ [\t1y handle the affairs of the oWe. All oi u In All Southern Ohio WILDEST Lebanon, Ir. Wilbul' Ell~wol'th know of imP<lrtan~ po itions filled by men and women ROMANCE can~' on Mt>!. Eater D \lin unday. who kn ow nothing of th~ duties of the offiCe and who Doors Open Bvery Da) MI'. ~lnd 101rll. hal'l C,awfol'd ll'Iel'!!ly sign their names to reports prepared by the. office EVER SEEN 1:80 P. M. of Day~C)n, Mr. lydie Smith Mr. help. Another danger lies in the f act that tho e who are ON ' THE nnd MJ·. Ell worth Glb o n and best at pu h ing th.emllclv fC)fward arc often th least Performance conltinuoul every Yeara of traininl and experience have equipSCREEN! Iitle daughter Phyill Mile were clay _ Come In .nytlme you qualified to ha ndle the office they seek, and those who wl,hl Sunday diner gU(!l; t S oi Mr. and w(luld be a credit to the office, lack the itont to push ped our Itaff to t'ender a genuinely profe.sional ser· irs. Hil e y Gibson and family . . themselves in, lind ballyhoo theil' virtures. ONLY 1St 'Til 2 P ..M. vice, in all of .many detaila which make up a funeral , --()Oo-Aftol'noon callers were MI'. and 11'~: 11 e lt ry B r~es and family of If a big bully should jump upon a little man And beat of the type which leavel an everlaltinlly conloling Dayton, MJ's. larence rawford him into t he dust and, stam p UpOn his face he wou.ld be memory. For many years we have rendered .incere, a nd Mr. and Mrs. EveI' tt Bun· stopped in any cro\\''(\ by men \~O have B s porting in, s tinct, and are inter ted in fair play. Wh en II big bully sYJI)patbetic service to this community, at modest of a nation jU'm p upon a small nation and mUl'deTS its OCTOBER 22·23 costa baaed entirely ·upon the wishes and means of citizens, alld bombs its cities, because it call. and b~e ause the small nation has IIQmethi·ng the larg r nation wants. the f~ily. th other nations stand around and eel sorry for the little nation but do nothing to stop the inj ustice.
Aal.e t te
.41,' nmt r
THI W EK IN HISTORY c I, t,, \' .. ~~, t' " illl. III 1"IIn
-- --
Dr. C. S. States Veterinarian
Wilbur N. Sears
Real Estate - Insurance - Auctioneer
Waynesville, Ohio
True Prof eSlional Service
Friday and Saturday
10 Year
First Mt,_ Farm Loanl
Hallow' en Carnival
Sto ~ y the young sc" o~ , teAcher who killed ner " Pa." I
d. E. McClure
Pboae 7
Frank LeMay, Solicitor 61R2 Waynesville 74R6
Used Cars
Nia t"
Attend any hour eltl1er FrldllY or Saturda y - Be EI :g ibtel
FRI. EVE., OCT. 29 .
CENTERVILLE. OHIO Donated By LitHe Bo Peep-50c cash ... .. ... Hawke's Barber Shop Cinderella. $1 Mdse ...... .... ...... . Graham's Groc. Little Boy Blue-$l Mdse . . . . . . ........... A. K. Day Red Riding Hood-50c cash .. . . ..... ... .... A. K. Day xold Dust Twins--$1 cash .. .......... Quick Cleaners Cowboy-$1.25 Camera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Drug ~ tore Indian-Pocket Knife or Scis ors ... . , . . . Col1etta Hdwe. Sailor-$l · in tradE! ....... . ........ , ... D. ·R. Smith lown-Hose . .... , ............ . ..... Wear-U-Well Hobo-$l cash ..... . ..... ......... Thelmas Kftchen Japanese-$l Mdse .. . .. ....... . . . ... . John's I. G. A . Gypsy-$1.25 in trade ... . , . . ' ...... Fairleys Hdwre. Ghost' 50c in trade ......... .... . ... ... : .. .. Peck's Bride and Groom--Sohio Oil Change . , . . . . . . . . .. Sohio Bride and Groog-Sohio Oil Change. , ..... . , . .. Sohio Maggie and Jigg~2.60 cash . '. .......... T. J. Smith Aunt Jemima 24 lb. Peerlesg Flour ........ Jon.es Groc. Moon Mullins and Kayo-Oil Change. Rogers & Simpson -foon Mullins and Kayo-Tie. , .... , ......... Hymans Happy Hooligan-5 tickets . .......... , Twin Theater Organ Grinder-5ga,1. gag ....... '. Campbell's Garage Irish Wash Woman-24 lb. C. C. flour ·........ Kroger's Old Fashioned Girl-$! cash .. ..... , .. Lemay-Hawke Skeleton-$l gas . . .................. , •. Gulf Station Witch-$! mdse ......... .......\ .... , .. J. R. Gibbons Tallest Person-. 60c Rair Tonic .. , . Gray's Barber Shop ..argest ldasked Family 24 lb. I.G.A. flour, Walace, I.G.A. Fat Lady-Hair cut, shampoo, fil!ger wave ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bishop's Beauty Salon Youngest Masked-50c cash ........ .. Dr. Mary Cook Oldest- Masked-$l Mdse. .. _.... : Madden Lumber Co. 2nd. Latgest Masked Family-1 bu. Sweet Potatoes .. , . Preston's Dairy Dude and Flapper-$1.50 Mdse ..... Coyles Meat Mkt. DOOR PRIZES No. 1-24 lb. Gloria Flour . .... . .... Farmers Exchange No: 2-0il change . ... ... . .... ... ... . . L. H. Gordon N . 3-$1. Mdse. .................... Everett Early No. 4-1 gal. Anti Freeze ...... .. . . . . Sinclair Station No. 5-1 gal. Oil . . . . . . .. ..... . . ,. Routzahn Garage No . .6-1 gal oil ., . .. ..... .. ... .... ,... ... Texaco No, 7-1 Box Xmas Cards ...... , . , , .. .Miami Gazette MONEY DONATIONS ' J. E. McClure, ,2.50-Stokes and Hartsock Dairy. $2.00A. H. Stubbs. Ridge Studio. Arthur's Creamery, Chas. And r80D, Larrick's Tourist HQme, J. B. Chapman, '1.00. B. ulna and Son, Dr. Stout, 50c-Frazier and CampII, 25e.
Phone 24
1st GRAND PRIZE .$12,000 N.14I A",,,it,,,, Hom.
i4 UwUed " /:11Vl~aU ~
till t1.0,000 PitIZE COlffEST' ON"" fkIuea/~~-4~ ,
0 YOU, some day, hope to own a New American
Home-Electrically eqUipped ~d plaaa.ed to yow personal needs? Then enter this contest. YOll may win that very borne! There is no investment required to enter dais conte.sL All you do is write 100 words or less on why tbe Electrical Stand~d of Living appeals to you. Alld what i. the Eleeuical Standard of UvinS? It's the funl of letting electricity step in and do your work-the washing. ironing. cooking, cleaning. It'. the comfO" of automatic heat and the convenience of electric refrigeration. It'. the knowledge your Lights are right: they protect and save your sight. It's the 1UDll')' of coundess convenient electrical servants that work for you for a few _nb a day. This contest is underway right DOW; All you need to enter is a copy of the FREE folder, "Invitation to Partidpate." It gives the faca. It contains the oftidal entry blank. This S40,OOO PRIZE CONTEST Is
.tarted toda,. 011 your eDtry.
opea to all. Get
2nd GRAND PRIZE 18,000 N.w A"{itu",, Ho""
Modem p,row Magic Chef Ranges I1nd dean, loltllnt·headoll "'rofu Gu reali, make toakina a jll_te. You have. IlQOkclcu. dn ... u . rype broiJ.... an _-.Iii: OYeD aod dean, dOIl'proof top bume.... Prrofax , Gu Set'Ylce QUI be ),OU", no 1n&ltet where )'ou Ii.e, Cor.D lintl! mOOl!)'. lIqu/pmer" I. IImalled /'or only 19.". andlhe ... ItteI( _ u lime •• '4_ IDNI per pUaon. Come 10 this ....eek a.od Rlea: ~ beaudCul.
. HIrW', ,. tIbIJ ,., _lNmIm, ,., iI. _ "C·IOCK 0' QOLD~·
JI.,h worth '200, EACH WEEK for teD weeka, A total of 102 prbe •••• ,40.000. contest closel Oaobec 23 .•. weekly thereafter undl
4 lIN...... trO!f few .. .al.. ~pper 4 ... ',.,u.. • lIN", IIour I cup milk 1 cup rotD l'tsp. . . • I cup I,late.t dl_ .... whites A a)tIl aad ~ dlae tbe ... tiule (amll, ..UI ,...••bootl H_ bu~. I14d flour, ,alc aad pepper. Add milk .roduaU,• .urrl .. co_udy. ,uHiI wid. ,\dd .. ..ced IUId .tlt unell m~"ed . I'our OVft' Ibe bate .. ell '01.... Add cora and mix ....u. Fold lbl, IIlJS.llU''' alOw\y lnto the .. 1I1b be.lea ~ whu.. POtU 1Il10 • tteaed ~Ie. Sa your Pyrolu.Nqic O>ef' )U' .....
N:x. ...
December .c. First and Second Gr.nd Prlz .. wnl be .elected from
_a. ch_.
bake , . . , aUalllS. 5erYe lmilled.ilfely.
s... 6.
_ea. .
eUAIANT ,l ID 1I1"'ClanOND THI OAi MAtNs COOKING • WAn. HI"TING . . . . . . . IItATION
~, ~
You Need
P. E. S~fDER & SON Blanchester, Chio
For valuable rips ir con· taiQa ;. the Electrical SWld·
ard of Livi.og ..• for the eouy blank on which you · write your letter ... fo( the romplete the tootesl. Thit .rules folder hal been mlli,ed to .11 our cultomftl. Additional copies CID be h.d by caUina .t our office. The IOOIIU you ~ it - Ilftd .... rite vour leuer - tbe SOODer four chanft of w_jall • prift.
6tul1bs jfunrra(
To be used in advertisilll' Church Lodee aoeiala or sales with no cOlt to organizations: ' Just phone your advertisement to this oUice and aay "Insert this ad in "Cape" ..,ace for ..••••.•••.• . . . . .. organization."'
(.f G (' ''I'g't' ('1 11 , 1\ :',
M i "iam
!\IUI'U!V I '.
\\'011111 1 lot,
aunt ;\11.'. )[ ••II'I.t 1'. t,It" WI.II I cun\,llll' lIcIIIg a pI'otrut ll'd IlInl! .~.
(',llI1e tu,
!\fl'. !lOll Mr:;. Edllal' d last \\I,(,k tb, ~lIl.. t f tlll,i!' Ruth Morgan , and and Iittl" son, Dntl 11.'s. H enken ,L I.. r Mrs. T. ll. Branllo ck. Rock weI' dinner g ue ,t s of Mr. Dayton were eallel's ' SunllJlY arof Dan Mrs. II, BrOIl M 1'8. C, !\f. aerntlrd Melloh, T hursdny Vl'n· I BrowlI and childn n IVl'I'l' 'unclay 1l 1'n oOll On th ir aunt, Mis Katie ing. oHins. I'nl(!' l', tlf Mr. nnd 1111. . J n 'l1,iht. H.~c" nt cull r~ On Mi:s Brtlwn-o of anL Etlw ' Mi'-I> ilia ry L('nl Mr. lind MI'~. lI(lward ,\ I'chd" I" 1cv t'· I 1 hl' I' aunt s, Lb 1'.1 i i " fidd "pl'in~ ll'l u ' 1'. 1 ~' fe IIlr>. Seth 'htl mas I) 1111 II Wl' · e(1Il spen t Su.ulll.'" , 1Y I!I, &'d h L week. 111.;1 rd< WlIl'( ", en lunll, Mi ~. Mt I'Y MI s. L. L. TIII) II a. ,'I t " '("' 'n I'll .., , [ I!"l·~ Ed w,. Mrs. unci ;\11'. nn <l ~l r~ , 1~('nnc1h F.Vllll~ o r S l'lJ'ingfi e ld, Mr. O hio. ' 1'rs, A,lu McI';\I Cn nccomp all BOITYJou~ h!~r I (tty J all. Mr. nnd ' . }Jcn'yh ille anJ Mi. ' HI'" ied Lh,n m. an d Mr. lind ok', Ilbr B of' ill, " , ll'hll.r l\l.r~, .K l' III1t' Lh E lr.ey ,UI.'t"rlrlaj\ul tl " EvrrctL l~n l l) .. .. Mr, Donald Anelcl' on eh w of "l>1:ly onl' \lr II " yLnn VI ' I C r , an ' :\II'S, 11 . I:J. BeoVo'ne f Dayton . ))oor l'd z' -$ l.OO l\1d ~l' , ......... ... It I S EI Kl u~l.·r I " ' M t' n uu in l ' 1, Rocsk(. ~al.'k vi~itfll' lb. ~~ ,I iH' MOI'ri;! ~i , bu 11 MI'. anlj "1' X ( nia ' was II L1\1 h "' ~ illil:;kl'd P e l" 0 l" 1'8. • a tel' . Z Y . U1l! uy a . ' t'eal :;h,,1' lII e" C(lyl 'Il'u L It.. S W nyncAvillc, Tuesda y. n-.o ('el cd I' M;J< l&l rull Maltin, [( nny F• rcemun .llI d M r. and Mrs. Erncl:It noon. MI';;. J , W . lillYI)li , ·n·t r. an" Wayll ,~v lll l' ()I U l;' ~:llllil' " ! \ I I '. Dnd [I1 rs, n, mnde II hrJ I cal i on lub\)'- G"I11. Haz ul ~ u ~ l s u f Dayto I 0 Sundoy "1 I wcrl' O. ion, G h .J)uy ur I'~l c, . " I·S. QlIi k DI'Y It'ancl's .. . nn( . . • regOI' 1I1dM' (J p I.IJ >u $ . ml·~. M 1;\. Mal'l:'in Martin. SUlld ay UflH- Wn.'h VUIlIUn '''''r~, "f i\1I'" PUI V en. u1.1 e. olumbu , la G 'gor of .. 0 qt. UII 5 lh!' rFII '" Gllfltle ' . ~Ull I nn on. T , n. HI'annOl'k .Jr.. pen thl' • ... . Ill! th 1'ay l ut' G roc. uodJlY of Mr. nnd M..... I'(,OJll Atlults -;1i I. t!U .\fd e. gUI!St.R 1'.11'1'1. Ida Lu , k retlll'!Jcci to th(' JJJ Ill\,! [ud' C Ky. s, wcek nd at Pari <.:i).,v unll LUllIlJ"I' '0. c. J . II. Smlih. .'it! H um On Fl'iday after a t\\'o week u Il V~ I - -,~ L il t! I'oil Grall~1 11 1 ~S Glocc r.' I Mr. and MI'II. Cannan E\' 'J'y hom c: II !lOll a', I i'.! }J(' ~ Ie; Illil1 " ~;'. (01\\' nMd$<.>. L.UU $ ily .lJn Jo' kl'd , ~Iil t a1'j~(" L lling a vi ~ it with h cr uaught u and fr i { nd ~ I , llwt lI ltl Ctllle . .:.. FRIEN DS HOME will soon mov, into' th" iMl·~. J allICR iun('l~ and \ omi'or t .,f oi l ill'. I II' inlj. h in!-ltu fL KllI limo being IIjoy U l'o wl.t(l)-' t) cI.,soJ'.< or the o[ a t' I'L I'II u alCt'A Il ' 1'Ialll1 llll ~~ . 1111V '.!! Il Mrs. He y lgl b~1l p l-'t.l i1.l l· & Cam Vand I'vQort 1)l'Opel't Sun Flame 0,1 Burni! Smolde ~ lIUl1g e .. l ~ ll. ,kl d- ~5' .. il\ cltplolin g the Gl'l'.at W<\Atf o l'n<l im:t ·, !tl l'<1l1 PIlI' " 10 h,·" tlll! t,1' tleli\' 1!:lley',; voort will !;pend the winter !lofi l) ~ (!11 G Illtch en Gehrin/-{ a nd to lIilt ~) Jd( .it ;\I1.:. kl (I -, iJo)" lI Rndkel' ('h i~ l er intel·c. ting points in th ordun' l\ Gurllg.! Ji'1' cdia Ha.rvcy nnd Mrs. n. H. and oth with her sister nt L bunon , O. ing il up !lIe l hlllll ll'Y . [ J,:'.' l l ll l !l 10\ ' ]Inc d f lei oil <it. Oil cal--5 Oil ost l . R 0untllin 1ll l'n ~o uth castll !Jay on in a; PIlI.I.t!I'~ l'1'y ,11Oppin a ll oro '\\ Mrs. k J d n Hal't:;oc MI'. a lIy mun'" u nd : rc r am OI H i't>1' l hl ' ll' "011\111 1,' flf Cll'I.'fu l.iOJl. We Fan lle l' i;oy - N, cl-tie 1111 &. J e~siE' Roh ison and M i~" I n ::lmlj.sIo & anti dau g h ~ r BC)tty Ja ne of Blan- ton Monday ofterno fln. i.'I" " H,OI, \'ill }!1;I ·l ly pro ' C It to you. C om e ill and g' ,t compl te 1()\\ n·-$ 1.UU J d~tl . ati; Cincinn of , Rol)h.on of 'Rn"tL~ guests J • che tor were unday d ·la il:s . ........ .": I uU,Lznhn Mrll H o"ell P lercl·. with Mis" ~hxicllll - Ua1. Anti F rec:t (! .M r. a nd M rs. Ral ph Linn and Dale. Emm a Lou Lewi:, attcnde rl th e ond Miss Ruth ha nd ler of tidar· K \\ pi ~ !Jon-5 0" .Kotl:l k l,'i nisnil g .... .... Rldg'c 8 tl1ll10 Mr, artcl MI" . Ed Hamby and funeral oI Mr. Gcol'g e Re d I', v ille, d in d at h Home o n Sun. . Gruy» Ul\l'bl'r h" p I lJulk - Sh avin ~ LoLion dllY aflc-~. whic h Lil ey und lIfN'. .Jonc 's GIUl , daua;ht r Rp c nt Sunday with h . Mond•.'lY /If rnoon, ·(; 'off 2 lli. j , in <,d II- hll'~e Gy p, yI'CC Pi l Hto\ld IIII' nce SilnJlso n lit J ohn. U l ue. Rull)h and 1ttrs. I .U O Md.- c. Mrs. Fannie Florenc e of Colum· G fOO I I ( h ilt! I·t n) friends fit the [om ily ~ 1'Ide and of P81't.y c Wha rLu lI' Iyd ~ Lcblltlo n. tile L' r ger Becau of B t e t \lal'ty . Sor :cc and Price at k .; we u, l bus, is spenuin g the /-=licht I. a sked- p Lck 1', Lu Ralph .. J\1r and Mr, of atur_lead nt ,,)o hom I Welch . y Gro\! Mal Mi ljB Ralp h Smith Ido . Phone 32 ';Llll Keg1'o Chlll'ac t.tr- .. 1,00 ~I ome. Establ ished 1849 - 19 7 H ow tI. ncar Y 110\1 ,' pl'in (!:~, t o I.hlY nigtit and Sund<lY with hel' u/ll p b~ ll' s G eery Gal Oil -K.'lYo and llins fu ll uo 11 1 MrH. InaJoy, oJ Optro it, 8 1. d ,II. brate Lh<' ir flfti~t il w ddin g Dil-hup:; Bcauty Salon Jupml ~' G irl- Unir·(·ut . 'humpo o, fi nger wal'e. Mrs. Louella Hun t, of p l'ingfiel d an n /versLI ry. ION ELECT OF E Carl Dude & Son.NOTIC FI'il', l', e ri ll e i1H "hite l' ~ it~ ea1\ed On Mr . HO\l MI'. Rufu >; Ke l'"ey, of Ol'!!gon ia CASH DONAT IONS Nt.tice ill hereby glven that. a clny afterno on. wa~ II inner gu ~st at the Home 011 $3.00 propOsi t ion to levy a tax for the Mr. W . lIf . leavC'!'. of U ~ tl' oiL 'lIl1day, Stubb., Sl.OO -Jeff Smith. $l.OO- Fairl y', $1 ·00-McClu~e purpose of providi ng additio nal anu 1\1;. Anna W OI'II i k of Cali fSPONS ORED BY L tU: LADIE S AID SOCIET Y funds f()~ eurrent expen!;es for al'nia. cull ,(] h'l ,'unduy aftel'FREE LUNCH I ums encomi ('st fin "One of t h Admi" ion IOc and dn.rinar the period of five yean. Il(ion t o ~c Mr . Len lI :lI'll'llocK . r a includJnar the cUl1Un t Y ar at 8 rute Mrs. Lena 11 ll1 ' ~oek, ;\Ii"s S \,V ' I' hc'ard )J\'onouncc<i ove Fri 'tl.L lind good l11un who ha d gon to hh ronot to exceed 2 ~ mill in add ition (; 1'c tehc l1 Gehring t.o tb.e taxes levied '?;Uhin tbe 10 Ruth lJarvi.y . cnll d ut lh ... hllnle ward ," a reader of this paper said m ill limitati on authori zed by law. "1 ill be 8ubmit ted to the electorR of the Villace ~f Wayn ville. hio, at an elactlon to be held on Tu esday. the 2nd day of Novemb c'r. 1987, at the u8ual voting p lat !l in 8&id distriet bet.wee n th~ 'holll'S as provide d by law, B. K. Uen ikmon, Clerk i,,·
Halloween CarniLLval
But Als o
·L T1L Th ursday ~~ight, Oc tob er 28 / I
e ter
Oil Bu r
-'air ley Ha dw are CO.
fit the Village ot Wqne svill ,
OTfma OIl'
1, IolVY I ~ IDXOIllI I O F' '11"1~ '1't: ~
mLL 1JIIIITA 'f IO NoUco Ie hereby elv n lint ,,"allce of a Re80lut lon of tit"
(' iI
ot WnY O(8V
V~ l1 o.l{lI
Wt\tre" CoUnty. 0'1\.10, /lOU \I (In l!ntl aay at A UIrWlt. 1937. Ih r'r of I ... lJubmltt 04 to 0. .. r 81\112 Vlllal{o of WfLVh ~.W
"",,""'," I:ounty. hlo. :1'1 N t o he t Q 1\10. 0 , (l r \ylly nesvllll> lilt> ' NI ot yo Ung til r In. o n ~,"'C-- 'O '
.'~ n
I~ U;:
I Pur cha se!
S -e from $3.95 to $12.00 .on a Brand - New Winte r Coat
R G. $19.,95 to Fur-Tr -mm ed Mnt eialSe s Cr.e pe Roma in. Aceta te Crepe .
,h (> ~nd 'lay- d1 Novemh ~,
tlon (I f I"' r t il 1 11
l eVylnK a tax
li m itAt Ion
o ,I,e"" t lt ot Vlllagp or WaYn av 1l\1II
Ohio. ( r the ,pur· P08.' ,.pr P ro"" Idfn IvlllfUo nnl FlInd _ or ~a III V I )11'"8('" ~x t ellrr"'l rur h In. nl II. rnta not IIf W n~' n "v ill e, lar G y e llr mllll\ cceiling 2'~ ('. IU I\l Y.
\V:\I'r ~"
~7 - 1U3
2 . )Jc • .
- I 3.-1940 - 1041 .
--------- --- --- 1
dtfln wlll 'fhe l'olls for liP ,'ll n nt 0;30 o ' clo<'k ,\ . M. nnd :r • .l,,,in op ~ n unlll 0 :3 0 o" ' lock P . :M I IC 81 rn S\llfIdn r ll, Tltnu) (llf snl d ~altl
By ,,,',ler of Ih e n f' nru or f '''nrren ('lounl;v. (') 110.
' eh.
ft . J , 'V I\~IJ(>n
jl;l e~ tl o n8
r , rhnlrml\ l1
V . H. H I\81S1'11. C\t' tk Dat 12 Septe ml ,)I' I , 1937
r t1",
ua.on a grand fur.trim mecJ 28.00 to 19.95 ar relDl .ale of coab. The .t)'1 It nd valuel are len.atio ....l . D o n' t delay , buy your coat tomorr ow a n d
Right at th ... tart
N.tto.a l Beak
$2 .99 and ' $31.99
Bow.... D. V. M. • ~lo
DiaCt) nal., Fleece ., Twee d.,
Wooly ~ub' j Sizes 12~2 0 , 36·50 ALTE RAnO N FREE Brown , Black , Green , Oxfor d. Toa.t. Oatme al, L~lltlfa'lJe
Ask for a
Othe re at
....111. Draw. • • E.tat.. S.nt..! WAYN ESVIL LE. OHIO
Imagin ed S"autif u l hand.pi cked fa shion . at only $3.9S. Any .tyle and color you could pOllibly want. Many with smart lingerie t rim •.
$2. 45
sprt.1' V.II.y,
OL.. L . . U' . . ..,
Lovely I Ued •• , gabar. dine. and . mooth lea,th. en ill blac k, bro W1l. blue, tyeel\, and bur. &,u;"dy. Str a p .. pump •• oxford . aad l ies. Size. 3~ to 9,
w. o.
Uresae s BUlliness FrOck s Schoo l' and
D r'e18Y ,
Sweaters 1.00 to 298 Tuck Stitch Pajamas Sale! '98c
Lebanol1', Ohio P ..... . nUn a t he Be. t and J
1.00 to 2.98
Sizes 11 t o 17 12 to 20 38 to 50
Sw ....er alld fitted' at, I. trimm.ed with, M.edw,r la Wolf, Fl'e llc:.h B. ,y er·, Car. .cull. &.act Se. liIlN· . "Dye<! Coney ,
, .. '~ T
, " '"
"... be
d" agams t gyp ow.pn .ce bees s.o? WI a nco Goodri ch has m~dc a sensatlO nal entry Into the low.
priced field with the Goodri ch COMM ANDE R, a high. qusJity , long·mileage full dimc;nsion tire that has motori ltl all over t own ta1king and buyi ng. Comm anders are made by thll same enginee rs who build Goodri ch Safety Silvel't owtls. Our shi'pment of Comm ander. hu ani ved fresh . from the factory and at t hese rock· bottom prices we're expectin~ a landslid e busine... If you're I?,)Kin, for a low· priced tire that you can d ope11 r! on Jet \.Ia l '1Ui p your car with Goodrich COMM ANDE RS be(llft J ll'ces go higher.
Women's Famous Brand Shoes RLY , SHOES THA.T 'R EGULA SELL FROM $5.75 to $7.85 AAAA to EEEIN MOST
.~l:r.e'~, 3 t o 10
SP OR T CO AT S 'Actual $14 .95 values TOMOR RCtWSIZE S, 12 TO 2~38 TO 5~ALL COLO RS-SE E ,THEM
.{1 .~ . . '"
$9 .9 5
F. T. Mae.rrti" Sa d. 1 Sil k Dr ess es ! rry Bu .98 $2 Auc tlon • • • i {) N $ATISFACTIO ES 1RS PU IPS SL .. Or No C..... 1111. Smith ~ge $ .00 1.0 0 •
t. ft ~ · 20~ -r
JJ,-" - "".
.. .. 0. l\
4.. " tJl} ,.~
• ..,
,a., .•,"'"1,.() ••• ,.... .. .
(,. .,.t .•,~
I, ,.
.10 • • •
.~ .
~ ..'10 II "
Published weekly in the interelt of .the. s?ci~l, r~ !ig i0':l'J .......nlnomic life of Miatn i Valley's foremost prog,"essive community The entire'communlty J O H IS 10 E.:Ktendlng a cordial invitation to come to this vilJage I'lt Hui n s a nd f umily. Onl,I"y, 0.' -Tht' Latiit', , Ai(1 (If till' Fl'i('ndg l\Jr ,Joh n W ilson nnrl !'Ull R(,[), Mi" HUlh 1'llIlI /p- p( • 'l'lIi 1 O. ChilI' h W't fll(, I('ll(, t lI£ R('v. ulld 1"ll'1I1 thl WI "k ('nd with h('I' fOlthel' \ rt en ti ce! on MI'. find MI\. ll Mli' (. MI' ~. L"'lt<o n (If :nbinn, on ThurflW , C, I'hll il,..,. elln' pl n in New Burlington, Sun- (lay. 1111'. and ;\11'<. ~I:lnlt, Bniley dllY v{ ning. Hrv. .htl~, V'inc(·~t n nntiv of IIrl(l )11 , und • h -. In' il\ ~lulrord ~I'·g. , R.nJ{>i~Jh Bog-nn al'nd'r! .J<llllui cu d eliver-,·d un il1U:<U'lltC'u alt.'n,1 d a dinn,·)' ,lnll <lanel' 11\. t a oml'n ittce 1\01 -('titl/{ in WihuingItcture aL the Fri(,l\d~ Chul' h , Jo'ri>1y nil:'ht at til, ~i llI O'Il lIoltll ton, ,sunday nf'l c l'n (lon. ~unclllY veiling. Bo!'n to ~fI'~, Curl Dakin ('in"I11l1oll Thr dilll' " Will< JlClnl7 , 10: 7, v tiUU"htCl·. b t, - k~'L II inn{ I' WIlS' SOl'Vl'd in ~\ln d I,y th" H. '. B. glcc~ric Co', ~ E W BURLINGTON OLD FIDDLER" CON·n~S'J' . AIMr. nncl I'll's. Emil Ol'o~n I nd M. F.. hlll'e h at Ow til;>' (jf ~o Ril ey Freeze family and >\() n al1d l\Ii,'-ll Wundu Am('s Ill), nl Ii"lh M .. ~. dulfllltl nnd Mr ~. BailDavid Well"':f played the I'nd- thl' Sunday Seho, 1 Sl'l'vi e, Ut! 1\ 'Y wou door prize,. o lher~, Ilt Springboro H~h Suntluy at Jack son, O. illg 1'0le in the 'pl'ing \ 'n llt:y Il. K 1.,ll'llt·;lth1l1 f"I' tbl' l'l'lurn of the };nH' I', <'II Earnh It L in Clevc, cho~ Gym, Friday 0 t. 22. l\1l'. AI!1nzo Titu hn~ !,ptumed Ollel'('ttn, Fl'id n~' ~ypnin~. TIll.' p/J lit.) \', R('v. W ~a (I' and fmnily. la lld r'lI It f(' \ \ duy __ Admis ion 10 an I 25c. Hp. hOlll!! aft r "rou rl r week,,, vi~Oil 1'('1 IA W1l ('ntitlld "C ~' Ill\y 1'11(' 1I0l'{'fi:'j Hod :r IWl<1 iLq ']'roubndour" FOR SALE=-.I, ;t"t;d- Polllnd hina 'f. lit Dr.tl'nil Michig an . monthly 1\1 pI in"' in th' 1)(> 1[flV II CAESAR CREEK . N MI'~, Ethel Hawk of Dayton v il<flOd Mr~'. :";nm Shank.., ;\11 home Ln Thur~"ay, male pigs, 6 mo. old, \"nccinated \ Re\' , l\Ial'Y ""ltnm, ~lr~. Mal'g-,Il 01 Ml'!l. Raymond 'al'r nnd Oil, Pl'('-h,"cd. , , nd(1r~od, itcd ever th e- wel,k ell d with h('r '1'11(' yoL!lI\,vr II 11111l' or c'ilesr,r' , pSl'ents 'lr. and ?IiI' .. HUlTY W ill- ant I ntr: m' (lnd RlIlph Antram mado a tl'lp ttl L -uinl:'toll 1' Cllfu- ('I'N ' 1\ (' hllich h(·I,j n h(lx .odal in Waynesv ill , R. F. 0, No, 2 2 lO-21p. iamson. 'l'fl flunday nft,'rnuon fOl' n VL~I\ I I{r, flll Ulril1Y. ~Jll' I Il I'gl! _unrn IJ IOIlg'ing to C, n. Mi~s AdJi Mudden o f Not·th it in N,"", York. AOCr.lloiclaoin shrlllll l'mfwYI1 vhA' :\1 iur. on Sut 11/'1I1l' venill~. ies F O R SALE-=-Al,pl;;'-lo w-def . Le'Wio.. bul'g is vi itinl!; frs . Linn Mr. Johll COl11ptun " I' Ilhv ill ', ~~~~~~~!!'!!!!~!!'!!!!!!'!!!!~~~'!!!'~__!!",",-'~~""'__-.!!"'"'~~_ 50c I.Q $1.00 bu.' -Extra nie Madden. N. C. hll. bell \'i~lllI\ll' 1't'laLiv('s in \ - -crop. D. D. Underwood, Harveys I 1" , Jeseph Davis who ha~ b en this community. ~ , .' burg. 1l6-3-tp ,]1 is l'e'lovering. Ml'!I. Lulh t J' llUi11«s ill 'n th e , ~ ~A" _ , HYDRAi::JLIC· CIDER' MILL: Mr. J. E . Fruzer-;- Mrs lIi e 5ick list. ' 1 :7f;n GEPHART' JDER MILL is Mi ssc>ldinc, Mrll. J OBephin Bllnt.u, Th Yllllng f>co [lle held thoil' running M.onduy, W (ln e~day , Mrs, Mnry 1'OS1I Hnd M~ uk- rcgula]' 111 ('('1 lOR' III th' hom of nnd Friday of es('h week. Other Iy y Ri~o(! .!'p nt Friday afternOOn Phylli,' ll ain(' I "c k ago . unday ' days by appoin tme nt only. Lo- with Mrs Victor Carp ntel' In h err nig hL. cuted mil~ south east of M i- new hom at Midletown , _ MI'. Itnd . It"s. Bt'ytln Ma nning amisbur g, on Ge phart ChUTCh Mrs, Ju lia Hend , t'son i/l mnk- nnd fllmily of :l\1iddl town call rl Road, 200 f et ea t of Sp ring- lng an exte n d,ed vi it wi th heT son on Mr. and )1'1',<. V illiull1 Smith boro Road, G eo. W. -Gephart, D onald Hen del' on and fumily at, and duu~htel' , und«y n ftel'noon . R, R. 1 Pb efl e 803 R4 , Miamis- Dayton, . MI'. Il ()m ~ I' H aill lI, Ralph B()~ burg, Oruo. Mr., a nd M1'8. Tom Hal'l;lin and nn 1 ol1a hl Hlllne." " illard Hines Oct, 21 t p fam ily spent un duy with R ev. MaJ'vin I1ain ~~ and Donolll J on ( FOR 5~Cb oTc e-X;U;;:- p ears. a nd :Wrs . G. . Dib ert at E lm.ore, at nded The National Dait·y Show ~EN - planninr; im urnnrc protcrt iOD for your family, your furm, an d your in olumbus, W E'dl1e~day. tlfty conti! pe r b us hel. Located Ohio Drl . .. , ......t.cold llgC. tfte rill lu J>1 ~tc til go i to you.r ~I r. and - .lIh _ Setba Thomas of Mi. s J t a11Il('Ltc Wil~on ha s bc('n ell m.' 1e . OU '.JI-we~. 0f Lytl e on t _ - Ewe" aU41 1M drh. , _ own "(1 I)crativc Cl)lIlpn llY. All polic:le. e .... m.araoc:e IPreledl t a - th. Dr, H ('l'mnn Farm-Chas. Bogan . Dayton wei e Su n.dn y gU, 8ta off tay ing \\ ilh her I:' L ter lind brotbhave "~C II de~\ nl'd "lw"l/irolly for your "..,ead.. bt. "'ol.e.... .". p,.. .... 1 0-28p Mt's. T. B. llrannoc k. ,; r-in-III'w, ':\Ir. anrl Mrs. Thcodo l'C nc ds nn.l prt'J1Ij ""'S Cnll b llrrOnll('d 10 II... 01 the Fu m BIlJ'"u Mu .. u.it your i nf(1I1lC. Now l. tl lc ti ntc to I""ro MI'. a nd Ml·8. has. A mes nnd Mclntil''', UUlt , f New Burlington. .....1 A.ato.m.hU. 1D.t'O,.nce c... tho IIIIl n y " (' n"fils you can oblllin, Lel ua F OR SALE: -m;ckPolarld Mrs_ Whek e l W I' u nday guests Mr$. Ella JJllinl'S W!I!l the Sun1'&111· gl v you full d ' iaile. hina Male Pigs, about 7 mO. of Mr , and Mrs, J W Coleman at day dinner guc"ts of her en Ev old. Chari 8 H ~em eye r, 10-21p ··Th. esM:l ".pt ----.~C oop~rat ive LIfe t. ..... ftCeDI.I ....,t I. thfl r.,. ,
yon an place you)' c n ti )' ('o nfill 'nc' in the uiaJ.tno~iR and tr al monl IlR
llhY!'Ii'ian, you ca n 1'l'ly on you,- dl'tlg'gist for accumte fi lling of ]>J't'RtI'i]l ti ol1l-1. 10'01' many Y '1\J'H t h e Bark er's Drug, lor ' has 1 (' 'n known in pring V'u lI Y foJ' its reliability. Trust lin; been p Ine d in all Ollt' })I'of 8,'i nn 1 ncLivitics ... ' in t h e prompl, a('cllmle filling or PI' flcript ion8 Ilnd ill lIl' sloC'k 01' medical and d ru g nl'C'I-IHiU H. Hl'J,V IJn Barker's 1'01' all dr ug no d.:'!_ l'c{'lIlllnl(')HI ·d llY ,YOllI'
-A ,-
Political Announcements E . L, T,homas solicits yOUT sup-
port for
T own~hlll
year t.e-nn.
twu 10-28p.
J esse Prend ~g;t:" e~ndjdnte for T ownsbip Trus tee, TespectfulLy solicit s y our $uppor t at the elee-
1 ...... 0
Don't Take' a Chance •
W. -:C,....-;S:::-t-.J-=-o~il~s~our sup-
port fOT township trustee for . a. be
re.eribed only when need ed .
Eve ry D a y fl' Om 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. Sa turcla , 8 A . M. to 10 P _ M .
appr eciated
' nsut4"lr\ce Compa ny o 1':', rica
Barker's Drug Store
Raymond Braddock T eleph on e 56R3
W Ayne . ville, Oh io
Phone 4 X
Dr. John Zettle O. D.
t,on , Nov. 2, 1937,
four y~a r term. Y ou r support wtll
ftre Ia....._
• •
Your ,q e.i • .ht i. too pred ou. to talce n eedle.. chaDce., Th. mo.t daDle rou l IhiD. about eye. train i. that the dama.e m.,., 1,0 clone before you r ealize it ,
Ha"e ' an e y. ellam'in a tion to.day. It i. ab. olute ly fr eie. You - e it t your..1f to ' ve' thi. much t ime to your .i.ht.
OCTOBER 18 to 23
«.tlr". ,+..
styiing o~ d1fF_t 01 I, Is b .. aullful, for this blgg.flook ing. b ette r-look I.. , Iow-pt'k ed car.
AVE on tool. and implements you'll need for
faU and winter repair., Every tool in our complete stock is now .elling at a bargain price,
WRENCHES for All Purposes £ • • "y wa nted kiad for IiIIe hom~ "hop, or fa: m. h u. ky wrenc'h~. of a ll type •. Sturdy .eon . trucli,o a.
Here ar e
Look Over Thi. List of Tools Pipe Wrenc:he. Plier. Wrenches Axes , Hatchet. Auger. Rulen Saw. File.
Vice. Bit'. Square. Hammers Pliers Compasl Saw Coping Saw Cro.. Cut Saw Wrecking Bar
Crols Cut Saw Special!
Chevrole t cQrdially invi t c~ yo~ t Q visit your n earest C..Ltvrolet d eale r und inspect the fInest ,m otor car Chevrolet has ever produced- the n ew Chevrole t for 1938-,-the car that i$ complete. To sce and drive ihis smart, dashing car is t o know you'll be ahead with a Chevrolet • •' • to' own it is to sa ve money all ways • , • because r again in 1938 as for 27 years, the Chevrolet trade-mark is the symbol oj savings. C U EV U OLET MOTO R D I V I S I O N GtnC!rol Af (1tor. Sole. Corporation D ETII OIT, MI C U lC AN ~ Mo",rs 1...,011",..., Plo"-mo"'hl~ PfIY< _ " f . -. ui' your pur.., A c....,.aI Mo!Ot'. Val.,.
glv"'g mallimum motoring protadion.
So .af.- IO COIIIfortable
(WIT" SAPITY 01......
larger Interlors- 1I0ht.r, bright., coIor.- ond Unl.t••1 con.lructloo, ma~"'g each body a 'Oftr... of saf.ty.
Giving .... /IlOIt effldllllt combination of pow.,. econOMY alld d.p.nd-. ability. --
d,jlfts, MIOIr., windshield clouding, ancl alluring .adt po-o.r Indlvt" aly contde4 ¥eItIIatIoft. -OH MAS1D M LUXE MOGfU CHir
Finest valu es in general pUl'p O e saws yet offered. Three gauge tape r f rom teeth to sk ew. fla rdwood handle.
WOOD AXES Accurately ' baa-aced witl. t empered for.4Id .teeel h_d. Hickory 'l taadl. wed.. locked .
For.ed vanadium • t • e I "1..1'" hatcM t head. Wedg ., I_ked ' while hickory ba ndl f'. 3~ inch cut.
Carpenters' Supplies
For the prof... lo'" hom. carpeDter alu..1 Here are r..al .a"in,1 ',D top.quality lool. you cae . . . .'Per,. "1~ Look 0.- T ...... aDd Oth.r Valu.. ill Fiae Tool.
SPRING VALLfY HARDWARf "-dw.re Eq..i ......t lor Hollie, Shop. F ......
,Iv• •• , the laf. brake.
W ' modem -trovel . • ,
Badgley Chevrolet Sales aDd Service Valley,O 0
&ox HOLD
1101' ton, Acbt tor bitter hlp.,." 1t,cllq into town IDd then oomplain "hen the clUlenl of the town UM tbe h1rhwI Y t o 10 out of t own to tradte-,
About the only thing t hat the
Eigbty-Ninth Year
federalrovernment~ notworked ~~--------------~~~~~~~~~~~~_~_~_~~----------------------~----~__~. .------------------------------~~~--~--------------------------------------------
out in its f a rm program iii the litUe matter of furnishing the right amo unt of rain at t he right time.
• ••
Pacifits and nonpl'eparednesll advocates have how examplell before thlmll of unprepared countries tllat or difficult to explain away Ethiopia. and China.
The most tragic thing is 1Imall town life is the effort of the Jones' to keep up with the Smith , ~nd too effort of the Smit h to keep up with t he J ohnsolls. The happiest pe-rson II t he one wlho isn't interested in kooping up with anyone, but is co ntent to manage his own bu ineRs, earn (\.11 h can, buy what h ca n pay for, and sallo a part of his earn ings for his odl age, an d to aend his cru ldr n to college. The fonnu la is simple. The wonder is more do not solve it.
There are t im s in th is oountry when Wll' feel that the missionar ie5 could find more ,t o db in t h.i s country t116n tMY could possibly fi nd a ny place else in the world.
•• •
Some .wise cracker the other da y said: " If Adam should come back he could hear a lot of j oJaes • ov r the radio." If Adllm sho-uld come back, a bout the first t hing he would r un into WQuid be a woman who would tell .him what she thoug ht of him f()r passing th.e buck, in the garde.n incident, to Eve.
Teacher Married Recently Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Sutton of WlCSt U nion, Ohio announce the marriage of their daughter, Miss Clarys Helen Sutton to Mr. Russell Holliday, Bon of Mr. and Mrs. W. G, Hollidoay, also of West Union. Mrs. Holliday' is a graduate of West Union High School and at present " enijiloye-cl in the office of ~e P~obate Judge of Adams County• . Mi'. Holl iday is also a graduate of West Un ion High School and of Miami University and is a teacher in the Wayne Township School. . The couple were married in Bethel, Ohio last April 4th. The announcement comes as a surprise to their many ('r iend .
Cincinnati, Ohio, October 27" The fh'st two or t hree da ys aft eor- school tarts," a wornell reader Richard Crook , leading tenor of of t his paper said in 'this office yes.terday. " it sounds like the mill bas st opped a t our house. It is so quiet with the ,child ren' all gone.
OplimillJJlt still lives in slIite of t his may be loubd in the fact that ther e is still a oonsiderable nURloor of pe-rson s who e nter con tests, r a,. dio and otherwise, t ram t he winning of which, they -will enjoy f ut u re.4lnancial indepen dence.
You can alwa,ys discover it a blusterer is bluffill&' by c.alllng lil8 bluft'. U he is bluffing be will back do wn, if" 00 isn't bluffing you will have to back down .
t he Metropolitan Opera, will b t he. soloist with the Cincinnati S ymphony Orchestra at its third pair of concerts in Music Hall; at 2 :46 o'clock F riday after nOon , November 5, li nd 8 :30 o'clock Saturday evening, November 6. Eugene Goosen win condu ct. Crooks, wltose triumphs include ope1'll, stage and radio, will be heard in selectioriSby Ba.cb, BeethQven and Mas&enet, with t he Symphony .Orche~tra providing t he ' accompanim ent. The Orchestra also will play the Overture to t he "Marriage of Figaro," by IMJozart; Bocherini's Sym ph ony in A, and TurilWl's Sint on ia. . Re etvations for either ~rfo rm a.nc:.e may be made by communicating with R. H. Kunkle-, t ielret manager, 121 E. Fourth St.; Ci ncinnati. '
CARDEN CLUB TO MEET TUESDAY. NOV. 9.l ' he Wayne!,vi ll e CO"!ll'n lu b will ml'et n~ the hom of Mr. and MIt·s. J. L. l end nh 11, Tue ~ day ollember n, at ,2 p. m. Importnnt Ilusine.' will be di Cll~~ ed at the We have I ~s than a wee.k in Wfl:yn svillc to get through our minds meeting nnd all m mbel's are Tuesday, November 2 will be rae importance of the 2 1- 2 mill tax I,evy which the voter are a ked urged to attend. eledi6n day. At that time folk In to indor. e at the coniing lection. the local communlty will go to ~he polla to , eject officers who .This Levy Is Not An Increase, It Is Merely A Continuation Of A control the commllnity affairs. Levy Now In Affect. nndidat s in lhe field at Waynesville art:: For Mayor- A. K. Day. This levy is small but its effect is great. For this reason we' would For lel·k- B. K. Henderson~ .'J)Il1'e no emphase. in pre e nting the mattel" to the 1)eople of this village. Fifty year. ago, in ctob r, the For Tl'eaSlll'C t' -Wnlter T. Elzey most beautiful month f AuLumn, F or Mtlrshnl l.arenceo H. You are not asked to vote on an extra. I vy with this issue but are Mi. s Claudia Hamilton and MI'. Cuin, . P. Joy. F'. orn)] W 1"(1 united in mnn'iage FOl' ouncil (six to elect)-H. ollly reque ted to indo!' the reinforcemen of a I vy which ha been in Ilt th brjde's horne in Lylle. 1\1. Clll'ey, R. A. onner ,Tames E. ·fiect hen~ tofore. This highly eRte~med couple Me lUre, 11. M. Sherwood, ~. V. spent 010 t ot theil' married life Smith, J. E. Witham. If this levy carries it means a ontlinuation ofin thi.s vicinity. On Sunday they 1"01' TrusLe of Public Affairs Adequate fire protection .......... , ... no extra rate entertained w'ith a. dinner 'in lionor (tht e to elect) - A. O. Griffy, O. of th eir Gold It W dding Ann'iver- M. Ridge . R. Ungl shy. Adequate police protection ., ....... .... no extra rate al y. The g'IlC. b were : th h' two ,andidates fOl' Tru stees i n Necessary legal adverli ing ... ......... no extra rate daughters, !MIj'S. Lola Peewit, and Wayne Township ar : Necessary fu I for Village Con IUmption .. no extra rate Mrs. Erma Wilson .und their farn Long Tel'1ll (two 1:0 elect)Street Lights to the extent of ilies. J e sc Prendergast, W. C. St. John, available funds ......•......... no extra rate Dut'ing the afternoon t hey wel·e Leonard Turn y. sho'wJ(!red with goo d wishes and Short Term (elect one) Ed. Officers Salarie and incidental ........ no extra tate many lovely gift! by th hundred Th omas, W. . Graham. 01' mor f!'iends wbo calle<! on lcol'-TI·eflsurer--L. C. Gordon. If this levy do not catry you may imagine--Con ~ table- . P. Joy, ClaTence them. Gwinn, To the Voter. of th Village of Waynesville, we appeal not (or Ju sti e of Pace- Walter Kenk rogres., but for Waynesville holding its own. ick. nndillat s at Harveysburg a re: Fa I' M41·Yol' - Harold Frazer Fl'Ilnk Wilson . :r~or lCI'k;- Cnrl Pottorf. For Tl' asur r- T ar! Snell. FOl' Marshall- A. B. Campbell. Fol' ounci! (six to elect) Warren ,ounly girls will have harles W. Bogan, Sr., W. ~. a part in the Nalion.al 4-H lub Frost, William Hoover, W. T . J orI radio bl'oadcast lo b iven from Mr . Claude Adkjn:;~ 50 year Mrs. Mary E. Lewis, wife of dUJl, J. W. nell, John W. Tucker, , Mr. Daniel Lewis, who rocently 12.30 to 1 :30 P. M. on Saturday, di d at Miami Valey Hospital Man . - - - ,d H Novemb rOth, ac' rding" to EIi7.- Rob rt Ward, Wilbur Williams. day n ight. He had been at the Hos.Farmer and stollkmen 1r m ma- move to arveysburg, died last t· pital about six weks. Heo made his ny states, several Canadian prov- Wedn scLay of a heart atack whi h ~:~.G.radd;Y, home cl mons!.ra Ion ho-rne with Fred K. FrurchiJdB. U ht inces, IlS well !is ~rom Auatralia, ?rO : death SUddenly. Th e follmThis progrnm, to be IlroadNlst F uneTal will be held at the Mc- South. Afriea and • uth Amer ica I y a lived in this vicinity for from the W. L. W. studiOI'<, will Clul'e Funtral Rome Thursday an ternoon at 2 o'clock with bU1"io.\ :::cek 15 in Miami cemetery. tcrnational Live ~ock Exposition., Howard Harne B.owe.sville, ~I II Betty Conway, nccompanied by
A Challenge To Waynesville
HIGH SCHOOL t:~~ f::o~ ~~:r ~~r:e~90:/i;:: io:-:s~hildren surviv~: M~s. ra;~ v~:adl:~e~b;::;~v~~~~, ~~ JOINS STATE GROUP
The exposition will be held in Lota, lit home; Mrs. Milton Erkcn Vi1"ginm Williams ' from Leba non The Bo ters lub- the organiz the new Internati~'nal Amphithea- I and a son Rob r.t, 01 J,Ial'veY$bur g , and a t,a lk on "Special Activities ation which issu s the High School Someone asks the question : tl'e at the hicago Stock Yllt'ds, eleven g~ndcbildren, t'N.'O gr(' in 4-11 Food lub Work by Betty p~pcr, "The Waycehan" has joinWhen a woman says t hat her hufloo gl'nn,tJchrldl' n two bro Lhers and u{TInling1!l, of Mason . ed the- JOlll'nali. m A so<:iation of 'November 27 to,D. rober 4. band is the only man w.h o ev~r Predict Reec,rd Entr y fO~u!~~:tS~ervices were held Sat- "A ttl'active rooms will be the Ohio Schools. This organization ki d her, is she braggi ng or comAccol'ding to Se('l'etary-Manager subject of discussion in a s€'I'ies of is ponsored by the Ohio State plaining' We ca n't a ns_r that B. H. Heide, the emly e ntry is the urday at the M. E. ehul·ch. project meetings sceduled by School o'f JorunaJism. 000 until We see the man - - and Th e New Century, Club met Fri- heavi st in the history of the show, home d ' mQn. tration grolLps of A number of th members of OHIO STATE OFFERS 13 the womin. daw afternoon, P etober 22, at the whIch leads Ihim to predic;t that Warren ounty women during tho the members of the Booster's CllLb SHORT COURSES home of Mrs. W. F . Clark. After this year's event will be n record next few weeks. The serie opens to utttlnd the convention of the We were told that Wilaon kept Residents of Warren Cou nty are the bu iness mC(!ting, M7S. Wh ite, one in a number of exhibits. Tber with two demon trations given by Ohio School papel' organizations. ~ 8 out of war t hat prosperi t y wjls invited to participate in 13 shor t Mrs. Mendenhall , 4lnd Mrs. Peirce wer-e Oll ' f 14 ,000 luead of lil/e t ock Mrs. Dorothy B. Silcott, home The me tings will be held the fifth Just around the oo rner and that CO UI'8e1J a nnounced by Oh io State PT~sented a very interee't\ng pro- shown at the 1036 expo~ition. £" furnishings specialist, of Ohio and sixth of Nov mber in Columthe 88loons would not eo~ brack., University's college of agriculture gram, w hich consisted of the fo lIt will be the :l8th ann ual reA ~e Hng of Superind nts, Voc ,t nte University 0'1\ Thursday 8JId bus. As a specia l treat t o >tq/l asIt appea'ra that we the people can f or t he aut umn and 'Winte4" mo nths. l~wing numbers. newalo! this lli.rg,EI t ex.position of aliona l Agriculture teachers and Friday, Octobet· 28th and 29th., ' 1-iring you ng journalisits seats' have be told almost anything. The coul'lles, de cribed·as " t horP ian o ' Solo, "Waltz of t he farm animals and I~rops on the C'On IIome Economics teachers for this Each home-maker in the county is b en tese l'ved fOI' ~he m a t the • olLghly praf:tical and not big'hly F lowers;', Rut h Conner. tinent. Prizes will total over $100- aeetion ~f the stat was held at urged to attend the demonstration Oh io Stale-Indiana football game. A n~ighbaring e ditor tells that teclu\ical," a.rK! intended to " bring Address, "P-ersonali ty" Dr. H. 000, distributed over contests 'M~amisburg Tuesday evening. The in her community and the followThm'c w!ll be no school Friday. in the lob~y of a local bank one down to date t he par~rship be- M. William s. which will feature all breeds of meeting wa.'!. h Id to plan for con- ing meetings are announced: The t nchers of the South-west ern morning last week there we~ ten tween science and p ractice in the Piano Solo, " Ring Out Wild beef cattle, draft and lig ht horscs dueting ~eni n g classes .at h igh Sal m TQWl1ship, ThuI'sday, 01:'" Di tl'ict of the Ohio Teachers A speople. Four of them were on the several lilH!S of production and Be11I\," Ruth Conner. anJ ponies, heep, and swine. sc::h ools ",-hel'e vOCJItional ngricu l- ober 28th- at the home of MI'l;. sociation will attend a co nvention public payroll, federal and local, Paper , " American Life", Mrs. Spectacular hors& shows will t UI'e and home economl'cs aope in incinnati all dl\Y Friday and marketing." Most of th4 courses , Eldon Whitacre ilt Morrow. iBnd two others were waiting to are f ree, while f or !!Ome a small White. take plaCe e very eve ning fr() m the taught. T his phases of adult edu T urtlecfeek Township, Friday, Saturday morni ng. cash f.ral Clhecks. The writer charge is made t o cover labor a tory Pian o Solo, " Patr iotic Melodies" opening to the closin g days. Th e .c,ati{)n is proving quite pop ular October 29tb- lIt the home of The pl"incipal 9p~ kers at the presumes that the other four tWere costs. by Ruth C onr~ er. finest riding and dd ving horse!! an d ' wlier ever, it is attempted, and it is home of Mrs" h este l' Hamilton. genel'al Fessions will be J eSSe E. there to borrow money with which 'l1he sehedull!: During t he social hOUT which ponies in' this cou.llt ry a nd Canada h oped t hat a iarge nu mb er will aHad an Town sbip, Wednesday, Adamll, PI'ofl;!s:;or of Ed ucation at to pai their taxes. October 27, Nov. 3 and Nov 10, foUow~d, t he hQSteSs sel'ved most will be seen in contest for prize va il t hemselves of t he opportunJty November ard. University of Ke ntucky; Hamilton • Meats short cours fo1' 'hou5wives. appetizing refresh,m ents. Guests ribbons in these ·eve nts. a.t Waynesvill e f Or coo r es in Farm Ridgeville, Thursday, November Fi. h, ongressman fro m New York "No matter hoW' Wte&k our own _ Nov. 3-6, Rural .e1ectr ific.ation of Mt:!I. Clark weN Mrs. Cannony, BI, Crap. ExIoibit and H om e management. Mr . Crab 4th tate; Dr. Preston Bradley, noted enthUII~ might be for the old 8hor~ course. Mrs, Laey, Mrs. O'Neall and Rut h True world's l.ar&est cr ops exhib- be and Miss Gehring are workingHarveysbul'g', Monday, Nov. 8th author and lecturer i and Counte811 home town and its institutions we Nov. SO-De . S, Fruit ~o-wers" Conner. it, the Intem ati()nnl Crajn and H_y out plans for the organiza tion bf Washington TOWllS'hip, Tuesday, Irina Skal'iatina, fo r merly Maid of never Iilce to Mar anYoDe elac run achool. Sn ow, will be h eld f or t he 19th classes fo l. both m~n a nd wome n. November 9th Hon ol' and Empress of Russia. it down." a reader of this lIlaper Jan. 3-Man:h 6, Dairy hw>bandry 500-VOICE CHORUS TO SING time in connection with t he ex- Definite a nnou ncements will be Genntown, Wednesday, NovemHel'bel't Petrie a nd his White ·said in this office yesterday. '''It short nourse. AT FARM BUREAU CONVEN- position. Growers fro m 37 st nte6, made next WEek conc ernin g the or ber lOth. Hussar will give a cOllcert Friday always makes us feel li'loe. rallyblg Jan. 8-14, Milk testing short TION Canada , and Australia took part ga nizatiOJl of the classes. 'Mason, Thursday, November Evening at the Han of ' Mirton of . to ita def_ee. It in t his oontest la.st year. The ma.n11th. the Nethel'1and P laza, The West, ~ CO%:: 6-7, Corn hybrid school. A eh011ls nf GOO v~ices, eo~pos- agem'lln t expect~ a:n even wl<ler and TELEPH(JNE COMPANY Waynesville, Friday, Nov 12th. ern Coll ege Choir of 60 voices u.~ MARRIED 1N ed of the best avaIlable flmgers , "'01'e oe-xtensive diJilplay of exhibits BRINGS NEW NUMBERSCarlisle, Mond,ay, Nov. 16th der the direction of Enid McCIU1'8 Jan. 10-11, Commercial florists' II 1 it" Ohi ' , ICENTUCKYfrom a rura commun las In 0 tlds yea r because 'o f the good cr~ Franklin, Wed nesday, Novem- Wo od ward will sing' at the meet.ahort course. _ will be f911.tured5etaoinshrdlu cm yie lds in m Ol>t sections of t he con : The Ohio T~lephone Company. ber 17th. ing S!lturdllY morning. , Mrs. Marjorie Lawson and Mr, Jan. 18-19, Nureerymen's ' and be a feature of the program tinent. begins a new policy in t his week's Paul Kunta obtained license in lanci8cape pJ'deners' short course. the Nineteenth Annual ConSpecial low r1)und tri p f a res iSSUe of your local paper. New ENTERTAINS AT CARD OF THANKS · Oovinaton. Ky., and were married Jan. 24-F~b. 4, Poultry kee.pers' of too Ohio Farm Bureau have alrea dy been scheduled for phonel! a nd change s in service al'e ANNIVERSARY DINNERWe wish to express our Saturday, Oct. 28. short coune. Federation, to be held at the Co- th e week of t he el(position ])ly rna- listed in an advertiseme nt on page F~b. 7-12, Stockman's short lumbu.!l Public Auditorium, Nov- ny of t h e railroads e ntering Chica- two ~f this issue. Heretofore t he Mrs. F annie Satterth waite en- and appreciation t o our relat!y. WAYNESVILLE METHODIST eoUTM ' ber 18 and 19, it was anlhOunced go to accomodate the t ho u!'and s of company has advertised these chan tertai ned ~ her bir t hday dinner, and friend fo r their assistance t.the illness a.nd dea th .of our l1»vi. EPISCOPAL CHURCH Feb. 7-10, Dairy technology con today by L' F , Warbington , of the peopIe W1h 0 W1'll' VI!;l " t thOIS premier . ges in t he county seat papers __ fellenee. \ on- Wedllesday, at . 12 h 'o'dclock.·. 1.Those M 16-17, Canners' short farm bureau: . annual showing 0:1: the nations' live Iy. It is felt that by bringing this present to enJoy t e a y WitH rs. ""othe r an d grandmother, .Sunday Oct. 81Mr. ~n. d Mrs. A. H. Earnhart 9:80 Sunday ~hool. Feb. CommitteEe In aU county UIlOoi- stock and f arrnzinl!: industries. valuable inf ormat io-n th ro ugh the Sa.tterthwaite were : MI' . Mary C. and sons. eou~. ations are now busy enrolling per~ l~'al publication peater benefilt C~oss, the honor guest, w:ho will 10:80 KomiI1&' W01'llhl~Sub- tors' short oourse. 1 . h I d Y d I f FI 'd M ""-' nk J.it.tlc Ruth. Eva Earnh~rt spent ject "A Wr6rilf Faith." . sons with cho'ra experIence w 0 STORES HOLDI~G ANNUAL wi I b e r end ere. au are urge Boon eave o r on Ri I"S. r: L'a 6:00 p. m. Epworth League. will participate in the event. The SALE ' mak e t hese notations in your LeMaY i Miss Helen Hawke, Mrs. Saturdny with her unt-Ie, A. H~ "'- in rvi DR. STOUT TO KANSASnumber Is to be liml~ to a small _ _ __ direct ory so as to aid operators in Earl Hock ett, Mrs. Kelle r Hoak i F..a.r nhart and f amily . . 7:00 ""en If pe Women" ca. -...--S d W a dnes.- balanced choral group, and each N{), f 0 Iks, th OSa 15 h oppers you, maintallling the Obio Centra l' Mrs. Qumcy ' Gons, M rs. M 2 :00 p._ m •• Wednesday ur. tout was calle, , atgare t Foreip Mluionary Bodety will day afternoon, to matr.e a trip to group will h{)ld several reMarws see with bundles in their arm s are l.bigs standard of efficiency. IJohn s, .of Lytle, Ohio; Mrs. Mable CARD OF THANKS meet !With Ill'll. RUllel Frank. KanSas, the oecaaion beiilg of the songs to be used at Colum- not doing their Ctlristmas ShopStoup an d daughter, Ednn. Mae, W e wit<h to expreas our sincere 7:00-'1'hunda.y, IIldweek aer- death of bis uncie-. He was 8eC!:om-lbus, Mr. Warbington Baid'. Tber~ ping at this early date they PLYMOUTH-CHRYSLER DEAL- Mrs. Ar thur Sum mer of Lebanon, thanks and appreciation to our vice. pa.niecl on the trip by his l:a~nel:'lwill then be one final "dre811 r e- are merely taking advantage Of', ER, CUFF BUNPIELL. MASON Ohio and Miss Miuy Sat terthwaite. fri e nds and ne ighbors wIIo ...iated 8 :OO-Cholr practl~. The, will return to Ohio. SlrnllOa.VI heanal" in Columbus of the vrst annual Clearance Sale whlch us in the passing of our beloved niaht. convention day, with the entiN Hyman's drf goods store of WayMr. Cliff Bunnell, of Mason S,I- MRS. WILLIS' FATHER DIES- husband and fatbM'. W. also thank chorus undel' the direction of Al- nesville and Bloch'lI pi Spring Val- per Service, Muon, OhIG, wu in pri f BIRTHDAY CELEBRATED WAYNESVILLE CHURCH bert H ReinE well-knowil Colum- ley ar & staginr at this time. These Waynesville on businell6, WedMs,Mr. M. L. Clark, Ed<lyville, 10., :ewr'R nd Fox Of.J.S the :~ u OF CHIlIST bal cb~l'1Is ~der .. • two local ltores have established afternoon.... Bunnell la the War father of Mrs. HlarIold D· Wildli.s., fil S clonsffo__,! \W~~ IIr J ... u_ ~ blrthcla7 of II.... Prank Fox . • ', . ,,__ tatl f died at hi. home no".. T uel ay ora 0 ..m.p , --. --.... 0IIeb!at.ed. ""dq• ." a dm. W. C. SIIlIth, IIJnlater The entln, CNlQDd 800r .of the IIOnaethlll&' of a reputataon as a rE!!l "",.. lIty ' repnaen ve or mom ln . at 2 'SO o'clock Mrs. Wll- Clure, t.M llDdertabr. for ~ .... ner ..... ba her _01' at the ThIll Saad.., beInc ~ tlfth 81m Columbn Auditorium will preeent bara'aln ceater. and folb aN find- Pl~uth • CIIryaler automobiles, 1 WI~. lister. lI·ra. Harold and ellklent ..me.. ....... WIN ... MCI . , WI wU1 ba_ t'fO tit the thouands attendlnc tlae eon- iIIC it an e&83' matter to IUPpl, baVine a ane apllC7 Uld ..m~ : f Detroit, lit hIpn has 1Irs. .Kate . . .a ........~ ~ yntloD b J'Kr the Jartreet arr&7 needa at ecollOlD)' prle.. at station at Muon. Be wu accOlftoo "1'8~t °thelr fathel" a ~ for . . . . lit, OW WOftIaI, will ., . .aatI6ul biD . . . ella- tIUa _ .. puled by Ids broth.... Ern..t, who bMn___ ...._ ... IIr ..... ~ BIR I -
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• _ - .......C!'
r. aU
Ir. F.dward Burhlll (It Ely-l in th lIu reical I,·y hv~pil.ill. r
at Miami Val- ' Mr. and Mr . Kyle Sill' of Cin-: Il.'y Ann or Dayton. caUed 011 lao. iry by telepbone clnnati pent unday afternoon Ilnd MI'!'. Ill'rbl'rt larlatl and tam ~h , ChI i~ .K "'[lIh,·ill Ilf Sl'l iJlg. II f( \\" 1Il0Jllol'nts • brove-ht tbf' with Mr. and M!n!. Ernclit Earn· ily. 81andllY afternoon. hili II. \\ hll 1< \ ''1'Y . irk, \\11>' \ j,.it· !"l'POI t that:lf GerharJt is gl'tMr. and Mre.. Clarencl' CmwtorJ hali and ramily. Mr. and Mr~. Ervin Smith luus ('d uy his gornncl 1!1Iu)!"hlt' l' IIlId hu~- ·thl~ Illong We 'a re g-Iad to ntertained, S unday, tl,) dinner:1 Mr. and Mrg, hade.! Blair and \lun' has,'d a nl'W I"ord V-B. hund, tht, ~n'ill Th " ma', ~'unda~' h{'ul' lhiR and h that atl may MI'~ and ~h. Hom r rawford, of his mothcr, Mrs. Etta Blair of Xen Mrs. Le~ Duncan ot Rochester (·V('I1Ing". ~oon b h me agolj in. . Lynchburg, and Mr. and Mr ' l ia spent Sun day afternoon with i'\ " pending' Il rc~. daya with her Litlle ,l inllllil ThonluS ~pcnt till' 1\[1'. and MI' • . Hunter spent the III 'k "cro uge of ardlna and MI" Mr. Lew' Murray. . mothe1' UIlt! fiister Mr. and M):s. iJV nlllg' ,,"lIh IllS Trnn(lpar, n(II, Mr. ('venin£:' vi ~11 in!" ::.t t he. parwnagc, harlc" rawrord of Norwood, 01\11-. and Mrs. t:merson Dill en- P. A. Runyon. and ~II·:!. 1.:" I'l Iwe; ,)'homll". 1" c ntll'. hio. Art r noon callers W re Mr. tertained, Sunday afternoon, Mr. Mr. and M . ROW>lll'd Beam and Ii ',' UIUh-c rtl t'"it WIl S thc Mr. ar.d 1\11'11. James Wi ca l Dnd a nd M1'8. Earl raw(ord and daugb Rus ell and Junior Robln so n, of SOO, Richal'Cl, !Ipent Sunday with Sunday aftem"'IJl guest of (j os GeOT',' l ' lint.! Ru ~h, RP nt unday tt~ I" Margaret anu Audrey. New Burlington. Mr. and Mrs. J.ohn Rye. !\fury Luit; -,l'u rnlY . \\i' h the Lawrenc'e BJ'in ys of Day Mr. and lIfr!\.. George Marlatt Mrs. Ge1>1'ge Bratton, MI'. and Aft er a \\eC!k end \"i.~it nt· Fe!'1 Y. ton. TIl two b()y ~ were the gIIe t entertained to unday dinner, Mt·. MTS. Kenneth and daughter. Shir- Sub.crlb .. Tor The Miami Gasette Irs. Jl.'lI n i · (ullin re t ul'nl'd to 'lr lheil' gnlndpi,r ent, Mr. and and Ml·S. Jam Balertinc, of Troy -:=: Waynl',-<vllJ wh e r .. 8he is Ilul' i l ~ ~I"R. Pe l'I'Y Wade. Mr. SlId Mrs. Sam Knee of near her sister, Mrs. rI SherWOod. MI' . lind ~I!r.: L.ester Kenrick a t- SpTing Valley and Mr. GJld Mrs. who is erious ly ill. tend J the funer~11 of Harry Johns Lyn Marlatt ,of Dayton, and Mr. :\h:. and 1\Il. F. W. onkli n I'!' at .f}ayton last L,at.urday. On the and Mr. and J\frll. harles Lavlns Dayton 'H're the r ~t' nt gu~sts ,j \\lly hom(' they ~:topped at fiam i of Piqua. , MI'. and Mr..:.. l~\'ttl Wicn.1. Vull!')' h pital to ((111 on Mrs. Gel' Miss Minnie rawford, spent The Jc:;s ll o1ll Jld 's had as th ir I hll . l'dt H' R C unday f devening with Mis Audry we k- ntl ~ u(?~t . )11'. Bruc!! ' enn . mrs. uth a vage and sons. ~I'=a"='-:o=r::=::'::=::=::''::===::'=it:=::== New Phones Installed Since October ISt !~ l lIncth and Ev l'ett. wi!l'e the - - I B I I 74 r4 Frye Gilbet't Waynesvill , Ohi , R. R. o e mon . • • .. un(!uy dinn r gues ts of Mr. and • 17 r2 Randall . G. Waynesville, hio l\h·s. U(1 J"1l Ie my and Cann Y 1\" LA" " K .' k.. . ~1' i I. •• d .h .J S ...,"" r . nllc r ,,1U1li ' 1281'3 W, P. A, (Corp. of Wayn.) Wayne3ville, Ohio (I ' uu r'g Vl. lte WIt M! r. I " l t t1..-t M . .. 0 m'e >(01'1 Y Il repor lU10 l'S a nd ,\1 1'1" Hl\ r l'y ornell, Sunda l1a ' t>A 'rh . serIous . 1y •'11 Waynesville Chan,e Made Since' October 15~ l'le "" omas IS Ask fOT a aIll!I'1l 0l1n alii I al. u called to -ex- t tb: h f I" .- M 128 r2 Power Plant, Waynesville,. Ohio ome 0 Iler paren.... r. MIAMI5BURC PE MA CON . a e teJld g'(lod \\ ",he. to Ml·. and 1\11' • d .... _ H R F'.I S1.. [11 R NI"...r,.. , . oruYce. Ile w F:. .ol·n II ,W I10 were c Iebrat,. an A. b f d t .' . b d f CONCRETE " ' . e orcc 0 rem8ln 111 e or In.'!' th Ir t:o Jden \\ ddlJlg nnlllV 1'... 'ome t'lme, b u t '\\ ~ f. e I th a t un d r A'ir 5_1 Buriat" V.alt Y -sar ' lin I \II of hor"es. the pro- the care of Dr. Hlllrtin~er, she will For Sale Only By soon be improving. Hell' mother YOUR FUNERAL OlRECTOR perty of Mr. L. J. Bu rton, werc will try to s ub tiItute for her on McCLURE FUNERAL HOME. ~ hiVped to .olumbus last week, this column and asks that C'Very. where they so ld at a good price. one will be Jenii!ltlt and ovcI'-look PIa_ 7 . Mr. anti Mrs. Ervin Thoma s and mjstakes It will be agrent help if sQn, Jimmie , were erftertained to items of interest will be &ent to Spon80J'(~d by dinner on unday at the bpme 01 Mrs: Fordyce or licIt at th!! Fer)'y Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Thoma. church. Among the DayWn 'visitors from this vicinity On Saturday was Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Planck and Henry Pennington. daugbf;er, J anet, of Dayton, and The Jam es Burton family w~re AT THE GYM the aturday guests of Mr. and Mr. Roy Bowers, ,of 0 born, dined with Jen· n ie PJanlck Sund.ay eveMrs. L. J . Burton. ning. FRIDAY EVENING, OCT. 29. i\!r. Lawrence Thomas, Mrs. Roy and Robert Planck spellt Perry Faul and "On and Mis Lina , Corrections for La t Week Ad vertisement Lancing w re shopping in X nis Sunday with. Wa~rne Clary. last we.ek. fi Red' Riding Hood-50 cents ... . ..... , .. Dr. Hathaway When J calle.d fit the Harry Cor Bridt) -Cake .... I .... ..,..... • •• • • • • • ' . Little Inn neil borne, I found Mrs. Cornell and Groom-Sohio on hange .... : . . . . . . . .. Sobio 'l'et temperi'd at uual, although Moon Mullin -Oil Change ........ Rogers and Simpson ahe was uifering ~tb a bsd hearlPhone 78J and Kayo-Tie .. , ......... , , .......... ,. HymaJl8 aelle. Sbe w.as well pleased with her young chicken having .old $ 2 worth of fries be~ides having 71 pullet for th e laying hou . Lebanon, Ollio . Reverand arl Smith -of Ferry P .......ntin ..... B.. t a . . wt••t ompanied by his bl'Other of In Ne . Vienna attend d the convenMOTION PIC1rURE tion, at Columbus, Ohio. He will re ENTERTAINMENT turn hom on Wedne '(lay, this _ _ _ _ .____ week. On Thur day of last week, _
1"IIl, Ohi,..
Po!)lo(ficeat Way ne ville, Ohio, as Class Mall MaUer
Ha"old O . Willi., Editor
= Wce Phon\) ...... ...... .. , .. No. ll2
Price, $1.50, Yell]"
New Jurors Drawn; Other Court News Orue,. to Draw Additional Petit on condition he sc rv ('~ 0 month in Ju ors. Tbe fGllowin were drawn, the Will'!' n au nty J il. The tate of Oh io VCl'. US rl Ed. 'J tfr y, Oregonia; HOWo8J:d Graham. llarvey burg; Lola Bun. Sklidmote. D fend nt ordered to day, Maso n; Fred Robinson, Frank pay $0.00 8 we k fOl' tho support lin; Paulin cott, FORte r; alld of his childr(!n, ~c nte n cl'd to b released on his r cognizance and harlcs Bak el', Franklin. the su m of $500. New York Lif-e Inli. v .-sus \Val· Hal' ld Shoots, ad admini strator ll!r Dameron. Judgm ent to plain'De BoMs Non with Ihe Will un· lie in tb am unt of $2.] 6.04 nexed of the e tate of Eli P. 3 rwith Int rest. key, dec a cd " rsu. Fl'~nk tMW. Chester Maple, executor oC key, ~t all, . . DclllurJ'er o verrul~d . th e tate ~f W. F. Eltzl'oth, de defendants gTBnted t hirty d a~s to Ireased versU$ The Vall y Packing file ans".er. ompany. a corporation of LebElla Ma Wharton versu Moranoll Ohio, et at Lebanon Citiris G. " harloll . Divorce to p lai nzens Bank made party defendant. titl' and h l' m.aiden na.mc !'estOI'C<1. Tbe Sl.ate of Ohio v r 8 U8 J ohn State of Wlio versus William 0 : J ones. Plea of guilty, and senGo kler. NoUe ·prosequi entered. tenced to thl' eo years In the Ohio Sta~ of OhIO ver_us Frank Me State Reformatory, and 8U8 1' nded Kenzie, noole pr equi entel'cd.
Political Announcements
NEW SUITS Margaret Coyle V8. Cecil Swallow, charged "lith ba tardy. Hazel Ridinger ver us Herbert E. L. Thomas 0licit8 your 8Up- Ridinger, for dIvorce. ' ChaIYe is port for TO~llship Tru te for two gross neglect of duty. year term. . 10-28p. MARRIAGE LISCENSES Jesse Prendergast, candidate for Edward Barr. Merchant of Ma_ Township Trusue, respectf'uUy son , and Miss Gi!>raldine Morton , olicits your ,support nt th6 elec- of IMklson. Marion Stevens., Laborer of Mor tio n, Nov. 2, 1937. row. and Mi Mary Dri cold of W. O. St. JJliTs~our 8U.p- MorroW", port for township trustee fo? II, Hayner Sargant, Factory Wotkfour year term. Your support will e r, of South Lebanon, I1nd Mis be appreciated J ean Rockhold of Soutb Lebanon. (Continued on La t Page) NOTICE OPELECTION
---_._ ..---
Nt.tice hereby g1ven that a ptoposition to levy a tax for the . purPOSe of providing additional funds for current expense. for and during the period of five y eaTS, including the cu rrent year at .. rate not to exceed 2 ~ mills in addition to the tuea levied within the 10 mill limItation' authorized by law. wj)J be submitted to tbe electors of too Villare of Wayne.wille, ~o, at an election to be ,beld on Tuellday, the 2nd day of NovembeT, 1937. at the usual voting pla.ces in said district between tb4 hours al provided by la.w. B. K. Henderson , Clerk of the Village of Waynesville, Ohio 'NOTICS OF ELECTION ON TAX I. Evr I1'f mxOB • OF 'IIIIS TEN 1111.1. LI.,TATION Notice I. bereb), RIve n tihll.t In tlllr!luanee of a Ite_olutlon of th e Coun('I l of the Village ot Waynesvil le. warren Counly, Oll.lo. I)nSijllcS oli the 2nd day of August, 1987. th e re will 1.1 8uhmltted to a vote of th e J) onle or R Id V()lage ot Wayn nlUe. War- I
Ferryisms After the torm there's a rainbow, And winter is followed by spring. The darkest ni~ht yield to tho morning, And the dullest hued bird can sing.
And those suffering greatest chutisement Arc the best b loved of God. H ebl'ews 12 - 6. Mr. and Mrs, Tbomas Burton and daughter, ' Naomi Jan e, spent the ~ek-end at the home of Mr.
n ounty. OhIo. at tbe NOVIilMBElI ELECTION to be held In the Vll1n~ c
ot \'Iayn .vllle, Ohio. a.t the r eg ul ll r
ot voting therein. o n Tue8Lla y. the 2ncS day oot Novemb c l·. 1937. lh e
Mother's Club
F. T. Martin Auctioneer
Centerville, Ohio
;e e~;::c~h.io~ Mr.
funerals rmon at Gillium and Mrs.
Fl' d Hubbl~ spent Wedne~day af-
'I'ime TOIChange • • • . Ju t. "putting it off" cause many of us to (\elay .
III h~vmg OUt'. eyes re-exa mined. Consequently we contInue wearIng lens prescribed too long ago. Eye ch nnge ... your g la sea should change with thelTI· Why not take a few minute today for that . . • eye examination? ~
market reports.
c. S~ States
Veterinarian TO MAKE THIS ' COMMONITY The Safest Place On Earth To Own Livestock IS The Desire And Purpose of your VETERINARIAN Phone 13 R 51 HARVEYSBURG
Greatest of all ' theareat ~Plymouth. • • • the. bla, beautiful Jubilee PlJmouth for 1938! It'. here at our salesroom for ' you to . see an4 drive.
S.tardlY 8 A. M. to 10 P. M.
fraak LeMa,.• . Solicitor 61R2 Waynesville 74R6
HaUowe' en Carnival.
Open Every Day from 8 A. M. to 6 p~ M. -
By order of th e Doaro or E lections progressive firm t4>r the highe.st of W J'r n Cou nt y , OhIo. market price, and &,ood eemce. Chal. J . W-ag&,oner, ChaI rman UDioD Stoclt: Yare!.' ClnCln_ti, O. V. H. RU8sell, l erk Dat cl S~Ptember 18, 1937 Tune 111 011' Radio Station WCK,\, 12 :211 to 12 :80 p. m. tor our dan~
Farm Loans
The Ohio Cenlral relephone Co.
Dr. 'John Zettle O~ D.
1937 - 1938-J939-1940-19 4J. 'rhe Polls for ..aId E lection wilt ROOT FOR AND CONSICN Le <)I>on at 6 :3Q o'clock A. lIof, and .r emai n . ope" unU! 6:30 o'c lock P. lIof. four Cattle, bogs, sbeep and ealvel (Eastern Standard TIm e) 011 Il1ld to Horrill-Brock C....,. live wire and
. Firat Mta.
question of levyI ng 0. tll.X In excess ot tlie t" n mill llmltalio n ror th e Ibeneflt Of IIInge ot Wayne8\·lII e. 'Varren Cou nty. Ohio. for the lJlI rpose of Provldl/lg additional Fllnds tor ur r ent Exp~n8es of IIlI.l d Village of W'aynesvl ll e, Oh Io. at a rate n ot (oxceecS lng 2'A1 mIlia for 6 years.
10 Year
te.t'noon visiting with Mrs. Cad mith. if Willa Dr.... • • Eltat•• l.t.W Reverand and Mrs. Cllrl Smith WAYNESVI.LLE. OHIO and family and Mr. and Mr , Mol'- !!!"!!'!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!'!! .-!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!"!!!-~!!!!!!!!~~'!!-~J r ' Hunter were the Sunday dinner SMALL ANIMAL HOSPITAL guests of MI'. mid Mrs. Fred Mm'. Vhy ofCcnt 1'ville. The head that bows in orrow W. O. Bowelf·., D. V. M~ R v l'al)d W. -C. mith call d Lear ns tbe path that the Mason Mrs. Le Ler Gerhardt, who is Sprinl Vall.,., OJUo ter trod.
New Telepbones and Changes
~---------------. __ ._ •••~'~.H'____ • __~"-_.~._._.~.__~~______~__
Levy Building, Ditching Excavating Now workinl, on Wayensville Sewll,e Di.p~al Plant
Come In today. Be~lDOna ~e very ;' first to dlecover wluft ten years of bundlng &reat can .brinllll you,ln the 1938 Plymouth. /
, I
lumry of unequalled quJetDe88 the ·'Hushed Ride'" Di~~ for yourself how Plymouth'. better 'en· aineerinll has reached a new climax In ~ glvlnll you laster steerini, easier hand~1' llng, greater sa/ety. lonller -life. And you'll be sure to want the elltra size and room. the. surpaMlni luxury • and the record economy of this power. fu11938 Plymouth • > • the co, tltD' .~: 6tandJ up but.
One look at lt~kunatnew style; ud the fact ~..t Plymouth build. eretlt CD" '"more·ftldeatto you .than ever before") t" ' , . , . There's B bla, beaudful Plymouth Take th~ mOetteeneatiOllal,rlde YOu ~' : ' rtiady here to! you to drive. Be !"I" ever had ~ a lowtprlce c=ar. j Enjoy the _. tOtdrop In • • • lOOn.
I,.eave name with Miami Gazette for- • .timate. - ..
Phone 3708
~Iiff Hu~nell, Mer. ~:...~
; ;- (
Pbone SO /
\ - _._- ._ .
- ,- -- "
MaloD, _Obi9 ..- _... .. . . ,,'" -
-. - ~
W . p , Watson, Mgr.
;;;..' -;;.;;;;;;.;:_:.;.;_;.;:.~~;;;;.;.;.:.;_;.;.;;.~:_;.: ......... ~~ .. III~~~==;:::::::::::~::::::~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:~~:;;;;;~~ -- . _ L _ _ _ .._ -_ _ _ _ ~'"--- _ REG'LAR FELLERS
- -C:::::S
Th. Gr••t ,HBCer
CoUegiate Romance
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,..-_ _ _ _ _ _ __
WARREN CO YREAL ESTAlE Tft SfERHEO 'HE PAf'l WEEKI ~\~:::'.~'~ ~:()~~~lt~h~~~~~ fOR T
B, NANCY RHODES iM.cClure New.papeT Syndicate WNU Service An advertising wornoan, apt phrases came easily to the tip of Hannall Hewitt's lacile Pll'II. Evryexperience brougbt to ber mind a .slo&,an, a quotation or a platltu"e. So, as ape aat in the shlninr mab.ogany and plate glass office providled by Limberger a.nd Sons, " the most compolete department store in MaJl8l,Clhu~tta," 101' their advertising manager, ber firm white band acribbled a phrase on the clean blotter before Mr. "Vengeance is mine," she wrobe, Stran(!'t6 that ahe should ((leI SO fr ee from all emotion, when , just beyond the polisbed mahogany door wsited the mall who had ruined- wteU perhaps not ruined, but centainly thwarted her life. She .had no doubt that the man bad come to look f~r ~ job B6 copy writer. W ell, let him wa it~. The shock of seeingl her bebind this de k would tie tile keener lor his having stared ten8ely for five minutes at the closed door. !Jet, them! wait 88 she had waited that morning 10 01' was it 16 yeaTS ago? Time ,bad. a way of lldmmlng by as one grew older. It eee.moed but a I!hort time since she and John Schumaker had bee<n l'OUJ'lg'; in love and enraged. John had wanted to marry bel' before me had knOWll him a month. ImpetuoulI, hot-headed John. ContlEmt to live wday and let the luture worry along by it$lIt.
S. J, It Se and Lilllie E, Ro, e to
linni!! llavyt hol'rle. tWI! lots in Frail klin, Elva Mac Runya n to G rgo Krabbe, 00. 18 acre !! in D orfidd T wnshilJ. 0 , 1. Adam s 811 d Alma K, Adnrn' to E. P. Ke1'by alld Mat'gal' t Kel by, fIvc aet'~" in W:l!shingtoll E.
Ilul'Vl'Y L, Ry' t(l> William W, lin l' alld ]If Iy L. (,Iill , ' 5,&7 I arr<'s ill WU~'nc To" n... hip, A 111 Oil 'n k and J::lJu ook tIl J1:u'V y J.,. nyc, 0,.0,:1 acre .. in Wllynl! Tvwn.-hip. Glenll II. Biddle tu Grll CI.! Veid t, ,10.5 in WIlI' I' Jl Qunty. Ohi . , Albel't t, J ohn to Licldie Coleman. 2. l2 D.c,'es in Wayn e '1'ownship. Emmet.t Pat·lIe .. of Californ ia, an d J oseph l';\rk~r of Kittanning, Pa .• t oellic M. Wein",artn 1', two I l s in l"l'cfil'icksuul'g. , Anna I , \Jnl cy to John n. Conley, 1!J,!J8 aCI'c in Frllnklin T ow n· hip. Walter R. Filts to rr ~nry Dalton, 10 1 and til!: in Franklin, Ohi o, Sam Mcredith, decea . ed, to al. lie M t~djth, 4 .7 1 aCl' in Warren County, t a J.
1\osemary Lane Is the moat popu lar co·ed and Dick Powell r.ml Fred Waring are the college nom eos who Wltnt to trade thel!' rl'cternlty pln 8 for romance. under the carupus oaks, tn th 1\'11)' all I UYely muslca:! "Var8lty Show" whi ch opells at til l' bp.llulilul new deluxe Xenia theater In Xenia, Sunday, Oct ober 31. ' The spar kling cast 0.180 Inelud s Prl s lila Lnne. who Is olle of I~e most orIgInal and adept dnncer3 to be B ,en upon th o screen In x.cent years. Hlla r¥>u 8 Ted Henly ca rries tbe com cll), lcud f()r a e..'llly touchdown, while Walter Catl It has an xccll ent rol thl a fusy professor. NIne musical lIul1llwl'S are Intl'odue d In thlH gay ~h O'il'. " You've Got SomethIng Tllen· ... "MoulIlight on th e cl\ll1))1I8," lind I~LI~t1e Fra ternIty Pin" are somo of tbe outslonl",,'{ !<fI!'/l: h"L' pigeonhole an d wrote ra.pidly I!\cross the back. "Take this over t o Watkins of Blaek and Black's. Th~y need a copy man. You'll g-Et the job." After be had gone she sat staring unseeingly before her while t he. yellow pencil traveled ov r Friday'll f!IIll dummy. "Time heals everything. Every. thing •• , " she wrote. Tbe great eft'acer. The g reat effacer." And she felt suddenly very old and tired.
,B lIbl'oo k. ,
That'. riaht! Now
y;~ CaD
........... 10• •_
. . ..
" , Y..
Dinner gue_ts on last Friday at the A. B. Tnlma.gc h ome were: M ., Anna "1111'\\ kl<, of Glendale, California, 'M)-, 'WalTen leave!' of Dt:tlOit, M,ichigan, and Mr. G '0. av!. of thL 'Place. The member, of thc Fti~l1dshjJ'l .Iub wcre delightfully nterw in d on las W e cl ne.dny Mternoon aL the .McKay home. 1\11". and r.trs. Robert Lamb of WeY!) oil ers at hOlll , Monduy aftet'-
say w h en). Then start payinil
itt convenient montlrly installments.
Remember. there's no other offe r to with th is, because no othe r heater can com pare with the genuine E state Heatrola - th e o riginal cabin t h eater. B eautiful, m ode rn, all-porcelain cabinet s - eigh t models to choose from. JOintl ess ash box. Estalloy doubl~life fire pot. Ped-a-Lever Feed Door. And the w onderful Intensi-Fire Air Duct - H eat roJa's fam ou s, exclusive feature that t urns waste into warmth. cuts fuel bills 2S to 40% . ~ompare
h eavy. ri bbe cl fire pot. of E.talloy (rucit.e l ,chl'OlIllu. alloy). More than double the life 01 b e.t ceat ·iron fire pot.• .
He aters of all t yp ea--Rang\es-Lauttdry Stove. Oil Bur nen and Used Stoves
Fairley Hardware Co. Esta blish ed 1849 - 1937
Real Es~ate - Insurance· Auctioneer
... ~
E, A. P arks, Young'$town, Ohio; ~'. and Mrs, K. 'J. Vale, Sm.ithfield, Oh io; Mr . Elisha. Vale. Dillio n Val , Ohio, Mr , Roland V.n le, Ma rtin Fel'l'Y. Ohio; Mr. an d Mrs. M. M. DUlllope, Mrs. Wilson Vale and son, Rob ert born A kron; Revernnd Dib rt, Elmo ·e.
Phone 32
Wilbur N. Sears
buUt of "wear-iealltin&" rubb«
Ordinary heate r (leb) allow. wa rmth 10 e.cape up flue. U nique Intens;. F ire Air Duct ( ri'lh l) i n Eatato H.attola blocks h eat -sendl it into room••
La rge r Beca u se of B ette r Quality, Service and Price
let a
tire with the OooeJfdoh It«tna that'. priced rock loottom. W. doo't hesitate a'mintllte to recom· mend these tturdy Commaoden -they ' re full dimen.ioD ant!
Sells Farmll and City Property Writes Fire. Torna do, and Automobile Insurance Conduct!! aU kinds of clean auction salel Per~on al H rvicc back d by 25 year R experience. Call or writ . Information g la dly given. .
$555* $56!;- $605· $635* $670 * $720*
Waynesville, Ohio
..... it
Built With 8 ' Hlsh-
Priced Tire Feature.1
Another Goodrich va!ue: that defiee-compan.on at this price. Every Cavalier la "double-cured" to make It tough all the way thrOU&h; and otber featuree you
apeet to 6hd only In tirea COItinc
more are at«ndard corlatruotlon in the 10w-pric:ec1 Cavalier.
$695• S81S* , JOal~
4.41. a
2L!2 _ _ _
True Professional Service Year. of training and experience have equipped our .taff to render a genuinely profe •• ional aer, vice, in all of many details which make up a funeral , of the type which leaves an everlastingly conaolina memory. For many years w e have rendered .incere, sympathetic service to this community, at modat costs 'baaed entirely upon the wishes and means of the family.
lli .
E. Mc:Clure WayaesvlUe
Phone 7
Th. Only n~. With Golden , Ply "OW.oUlt Protection I
Imaainel The famoua Goodrleh Safety SI1vertown -the onlJr tire that alvea you the real blow-out prOtect1oD 01 the Life. Saver Golden Ply-COIta leu thaD other luper-quiility ticea. Come In DOW and teleet the itirea JOU Deedat tha price you want to pa,y.
$'. 1005• $1060* $11"'·
To be ~ed in advertiaing Church, Lodge. locials or ..lea wttll no coat to orgaDisatioD8. , . last phone 10ur advertfaement to thia oflice and ..,. .'IDIert ~ !d i~. "Caps" apace for •....•.•.•••
ALSO Tr.avel Talk and Lateat
$ft6S* "'7""a.
L • • lt
W2 70 *
w1ae~ L• • • · •
. ~.
• ••••• -..atUwOD.
Low-Priced fieldl
Mr, a nd llfrs. Richa rd P eelle, a nd .M.iss HSl'l'iet Virgin ia Mal'lin of Co"1umb qs, Mrs, CharloLte M.cFadden, Mrs. B, M. Riatt of WiI'mi ngton, all d on MI' __ l:Iat'riet J\! He on unday afternoon.
........ , ...... tied ... . . .
Select your l'featrol a n ow. make J u st Ii 8m,all depos it, pay nothinil m ore untIl the Heatro/a is installed
Goodrich Invlldes the
pocket.I;I~'1~.:;;:;;:;;;;;;;;=:;;:;;=::::~~~~~~~~~~~~ h
If ,.. cot ...m.cL I . ." .....
MI'. G urge D~lVi~ ntt('n(\ 'd t,he [uncl'a l uf Mrs. Anna ::lhcchan at Waynesvilll! hlst \\' edne~(II1Y, MI', 11.)'1"0\1 D ~alho rage who has b~n 130 sctio usly ill i much het-
snapshot be c:arried In Ida And Carrie, wife. Sbe wu a ~derfal
You Will Want
lIfr, unll MI'~, l':dl!'tlr BUll' of F.dr·nton W 1'0 Sunday nfternoo n visitor- o f the 'l'ahnuKc f amily.
her, 8M coul(ianch aveD Ida UMftI ploJDllllt 01'. "It wa" a rotten trick," Ba nitcited auddaDly ..nd HaD.... !mew that, be nterNCl to tala deHrtlOIl 01 her OIl ~ .., 10 10111' -.0. "But 7OU'd IlftU beell happy wl6 ... rct ....... 7ft .....,. lonJcl ... IL ,....., IIDw " - woaW ..
3 Days Starting Sunday
For Winter Comfort
DOUBLE LIFE. New, eztra. '
Miss Emma Ht'ighway, tog ther wjth. her house guest Mr C. S. Ridg e, of hicngo dined at the Home Monday. Mr. and M,'s. Edwin Hiatt, of Wilmington, called upon M." S. I\!ary Leah Adams • nndoy aftcrnoo". Mrs. Marga. Marti n, and Mr, Ilnrl IM;rs. J. L, Mendenhall, v isited relatives in Oxford, T u:esdny. D r. Stout and Mrs. Stout of Dayton , called on i n;. Mal' 8 Martin undny afternoon . Mrs. H owell Pierce and Mrs. Nan ni F loI' n viEited l'I-1r. Tom ulvert and Camily at Selma on un day. R cent callers on Miss, Annie and Mi s Mamie Bl'OWl'I e from out of town Wtll'e Mr, and Mrs. William Thorn and little Bonnre-, from 'M!as n, Mr. 4\Dd Mrs. ,Tame o vis a nd Mi' !J R uth Davis, from olum l)'u~, and Mr . C. W. Berry. hlll llnd Mr. Harold Berry hill from
Town ~hill.
But Hannah had shown him that it W'Ould be f~Uy to get moan-ied be lore he had another ra.i!!e in wary and 'had salted a thousand dollars away in the bank. John had protested ~asionately at first but had iinally ~ed. . U John bad been steadier things \¥ouldn',t have been' so bad. But ther was no pinning John down to routine. On.e miaflt at Well ask ~e west wind to punch a time clock. He threw u,p his job one day in a Mrs. F rank Dakin p nt Fri day fit of pique and Will forced to ac- with Mra. Charles Stiles. cept an other 'at a elightly lower Mr. and Mrs. Clarence 1'3wford salary after a month or two of idle an~ c'hildren, Lewis <li nd Minnie ne/liS. That next spring, he had anil spcmt Friday -evening with Mr. Hiled fOr Haw.ii, leaving a note for ey Gibson tIIJId family. Hannah explaining that he had Mr . Raymond Simth spent F rigone stale .nd that the mon.ey day evening with his bl·ot.ru:r and epent on change of acenery and climate was well invested, for h& family Mr. Georgoe Smith, his 1110would eo me. , back primed :tor the ther Mrs. Kate Smith of Dayton. Callel'1I at the home of M!rs. Esbi~8t year of hia career .. star ter Dakin Sat urday wer e Miss Ancopy writer of hlsofflce. na Hoyle, Ed.ith Hoyle, MIt' • J ess John cam~baek changed. Hannah. Will frightened. There was Michla.l and Mrs. Fred Fur nace. Mrs: Ervin Mulford called on nothing she could put a finger on and> say: "It is bere. Here is the Mrs. Frank Dakin one day last dift'erence. He no longer dOlla or' week. Mr. Jehn Spittler of Dayl;('ln aa..YII this or that." called on Mr_ Bert Spittler, SunHann.a h awakened on I¥!r wed- day. ding morning with a sharp f~r in Afternoon callers at . tbe bome her heart. Small unpleasant inci- of Mr. and Mrs. Hiley Gibson Sundents cl'OWided .her mind •. tim& d~y ef~rno on. were: Mr. and 'MIrs. when John bad tried to ' tell ,bel' J Im Miller and children, Harry IOllllething and she had MId him oft' J 'ame,s, Merline of Dayton, Mrs. In penlcky knowoledge that what he C~rley Crawford ot Cincinnat i, was about to say would hurt her. MISS Marget Crawford, Mr. Lewis Even before the cloc" tieked relent Crawford, Mr. all,d... Mr s. Evel.'ett leMly past the hour when he was Bunnell and ebildren; Virgil, Cha.rsupposed to call for her she knew ~e6 and Atvin. and Mr. Nords Lewhe would not come. III. "Se'nd Mr. Schumaker in now" 1MIr. Walter Woods nnd Mrs. Rily abe said to the gir l wbo &nswer;d mond Lucas of Wilmington C1\l1ed the bUlzer. on !ira.. Glenn Dakin Friday afterH6 came in almoat tmildly. A noon. tall blonde whOlle shoulden Mr. , and ' Mrs. 'Charles 8im on dropped in a beaten way. His blUe and children, Dickey And Mai.'g'lIl'et, ~r4ighted eyes blinked in lIur- of Wilmihfrton called on Mrs. Esprise . . he J.8C()gniled Hannah, A ter Dakin and family one day Ill.St ,dull red crept under h.la wlow 'W~ek. " skirr. . Mr. and Mrs. Bert Spittler and , To her am..eme~·t Hannah felt family 'wer~ Sunday dinner guests herselft Ir8ttinc to her feet, bel' of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Spittler of band &'ripp~ hfa eordially., "I'm near Bellbrook. not ITln &II1rf1," .be thouaht won. Mr. BI1IIe Spittler baa been ill derlNly." for a few da,. ~th Grip. . "Th~ i. m1ahty llecent (If 7011. ~her. will be ,an all day eewing Hannall, iaftel' ;efirrthllll," -.fd at .,Bolly C~urch, Thursday, Jolm ~C'h:u~r. wi~ a covwed d~ dinner at noon "L,t'e lay tbat' Chait, John,'" ThIN wd11 be a birthday party Hmnah Mud henelt -Jlnc ldnd. lit. Bolly ~ church room, SatUTclay nteht.. October 8(J ' for tho. ' H, abrufted Slid mad, a eeature that 'ha.1 .. birthday in September with upturned palma. and October. So all th.ose in the 'firm looldnC for .. Job. Got to lIetehboThood come join UII and . . . . OIle. A JllA.D with fOQr kicll have a ,oad tim•• can't afrord to be to .,. too ftnlek7. Ml'. and Mn. Willie Hunter and "How old ..e YOllr ehUdren'" family, Mr. ~d Mrs. Ervin Smith IIhe allD&d in an awkward da~ apent Sunday night R. ofr. It wu .. tbouch with fria~dl at Fra.nJclin. . 10lMOna had Ue~ted • lamp beldnd Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rogers of bis ulldfltinguiahecl , ...tUI""~' BeUbl'Ook spent Monday evening ...... snapahot of them, a lolled ~th Mr. Hiley Gibson and farn-
nrta Ellie M I',dllh ct III. to Th(l ~aviH family, Mrli. Anna II<' It lIuuhll'. Wal- "" 11I'wick ~n" 1\11'. W an<:11 C1 cuvl!' ,pellt Tt.u l': dny t' venln/.! \\;th }ir, il l'Nilll''; Iwr hWl barld ehe Is 1"\.11 County, Ohio. lI.nd :\1Jo. , ~: Ivin Fir s ot W nyncII- .lIl vived J,y (UUI ~'h i"lre ll, Mnr. ~lit~ll~tlo .~~':1i~1'~1~~,l~i~~~' 11;:~7 ~~~II:~ viliL', ' Hownrd [J !lrnI1B~, vr Bower ill, Th;,; omlllullily \\llS grieve d ,n t :\1L~ Lutu lit horne, Mra. Milton I II 'd, t o till' death of )'la/'y ,,;. Le" i.., wif Eaken. of JT91'veYfb ul'g and RobGrill'" \ ell!t, ct a I, ·1U,!J nct' s, ur Daniel ~~l'wi-;. Ivhi <h OCcurred at l't of thi. place. E leven In'&ndLl.!on Hjt ~lllun tu An n~ ~ixon, ht r home In lIat v 'ysburg la st ~1ioJj 'children two great grandchildren e t al .. lot no 2,0 in I~l'Tlkll n , hl(" duy e.v<.'n~n~. , The fAmily had lived 'two brothers nnd fo u r si8ters. • Hucha I Cath 'ri ll(' I'l\l'kt'I', !leIn thIS Vicinity for 15 yel\)'~ and Fune ral e1'Vic s w re conductCl'a, ed, Lo ~l.!lIj t' M, \\, ... ing :\I nur, moved to lInl v ey"hurg only Lwo ed al 1\1. E , hurch, Silturda y at. two ,lot , in Fl'I'drickf'I,UI'/.:. \\r ' k ~ n!!o, H n J~a,th "til' very , tern'oon with burial in BoweT6vllle EI. ill \\, i~e. tt aI, to Nellie Ill. 'urlrl('n, Rhe- havin~ ,uif(,l'ed fr om Cemetery. " 'cin!!u t t ncr, two lots in Fredrich but'g.
S.I\I, :II ('("(\llh, lo7i "'/"
OTHa sma IN ••000IlTlott
,Goodrich T ES 1 I
"'EST II lIE Lilt III"
Pyrofnx Magic Chef RRoges aod d ean. Inlrant.h~dns Pyrolas Gas teally make cooking a pleasure. You have a smoke1eu, dHwer.rrpe broHc.r. '"" 4Mlotrl<Ulc oven ruJd clean, c1P/J· proof lOP burnet$. Pyrol'aa Gas Service cao be your". no Illn [(CT whe re you live. for MI little moaer. Ilqulpmeot is instillied. for only $9, 75. ilnd the gas itself COld !III little .. ~~ ~r meal per person , Come in this week aDd select 1M' beaulitul, modero ran... ' H.,.6'." llish ... ...u:h,,8Ii .., ttl ilJ _ _ "CROCK O· GOLD" 4 !bop, bGttft few ..alns pcppu 4 . . ,.... • ,bop. IIow I cup m il k ' , - 1 CI&P ..... IIII'. aaIt 1 cup srated cheese 4 ... will. . A corn aad dI_ taUtII. that the wbole ramlt, win I'fte .......d R_ ....... 'lIdd Bour, tall aad pepper. A.dd milk ,rlJdllally. uri.,. <lO_aatIJ.1&8li1 dUdt. Add ..aled dleae. uad Mir UDall _Ired. Pour _ tlit " " - ... ,..... AdtI cora aad mill wrll, Pold ,bi, .Jowl, 1010 rIt. ~ Pooar 1_ _ ...-ed .-role. Sel Jour P)'rof'u.M.pc ClMf • W· . . . billie I'or ., ~. 1m-lid I_&,...... 6. '
py TII_D.·_ OFI!.~ G .... -
eUa.ANU....."aci ••.,....
COOIUN. • WAIO H."..... • .11t
of Miami Valley'. f.remo.t pro,re••ive community
ubl.h.d week!J in the interest of the social, religioul,
The entire community joins in E)xtending you a c~ordi.l invitation to come to thil village' -
le t ••• our "ISI
___ ______ _ .
lE . '
CHEVROLET DAY A SUCCESS I8S Sunday dinneT guest., Mi'. and Mr. and Mrs. Rogel1l Brown ba.. ~ th.~m, it was said today by Robert Sl\turda~', 0 tlllH!!' 2:l, was a Ml's. F. C. Hartsock and son moved into the property of Mr. anll H. Minnich, Manag r of the OldAg Insurance BUlleau' Office in g't' at day. in hcvr It't hi lory Charles of Milford, Mrs. Edith Mrs. WiLliamlil, in Lytle. the SOOond National Bank BuildReal estate ord red sold ill pub Throug'h<lllt the (Intire county tb ~ Harris and Harris Mo~er. Mr. and Ml'. rthur Wilson 80nd ing, Ha.milton, Ohio. ~~n:al:c~::~e/ ta.te of Ith", Wat new h vl'ole l autol1lobile wt s di .1 Mrs. Edith Harris ente~lned Mr. and Mrs. John Kenndy of D~Y· ,. Early this year the Field ReTh l' ceptlon for Reverand a n d ' . play d to mill\()l\!\ <)f people. Bad. I I nt dinner Ort last Friday in honor ton spent Sunday evening with Mrs. llugh Davis nt the hUrCh,] Th.e follOWing acounts .were a:. gley's h evrolet ~nle of prill , of Ml'S. F. C. Hartsock of Milford. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wilson and search ,Section ot t he Social SocCUl·it.y Board e timated that during Fr'" e . . d by pl'oved, nil owed und, COnflTmCd Y VaUcY.l'cport d a v l'Y s ucce fu ll Irs, Ho ~s Planck RllElnt . T"- "'"ests were Mrs. Hartsock, children. I"ay oveJllllg, was ellJoye the court. dA h fl u"" .,(.'<~I (!ndnr year thero would. be ~ho present. A progr:un of mus· The first nnd finnl account of . Y Wl~ SC01' S 0 pcop c coml» . :- (· v r. ing and aturdoy vi:aiting with 1\I,·s. Edith Hawke, iM!ss Emma Mr. and Mrs. Carl ConneT, Mr. the about 460 claims for lump-sum 1 nd sp ch was rend'tred nnd W'lb J 11 d ' d" ! 1D to Vlew lh new car. 1-fr. Bad- bel' dnughtus Mrs. Robel·t Bow~ Ilei!i'hwayand Mrs. Bert Hartsock. and Mr!!. Hany Conner and Ml·S. payments filed in the district servlune'll was served. I ur. n .nx, ~llar Ia n 0 gley stat s that th etf clive advel' 1', and Mr. 'Cad Pet.ers'on in Mrs. F~ C. Hamoek of Milford, Victor Burris all of Dayton, were lIarv y Burnet madf 0 business James 1,t HendrIX,. mmor. tis.ing through this n w paper hel ,. 1l--pringfielll. ' w a s the guest last NI'cek of Mrs. dinner gouesta of Mr. and Mrs. Rus- d by the Hamilton office." Mr. t.rlp 1.0 Clev land on ' Wednesday, IdTh eMflrst Cand fmal acod~nt Off ed ake It,he d~y a l>uecess at I Mr. and Mrs. Howard Drum. Edith Harris an" MrB. Ronald sel ,B entley on Monday evening. Minnich said . "So f.ar orily 49 claims have .. t week. reamh r Cguar IanHit0 pring v a ey. "everal cal'S weI e' n\o n d an d' ayne an d "'1 -' Da k Hawke. She is just'" recovering from R a h a.11y d.J ' Co eva /M!r. and Mrs. Albert Cornell ccl 0 ... Rem(lmb r the id Hallowe'en . ut 1 an 0 n hester I, delivered On th occasion to pu r- . t M d ' l~ , b 'd - a bad fall and broken wrist. ebrated their Golden Wedding An- b~n filed indicating that some 011 ay at am rl ge, 411 other perlona who were expec. h lllcompetenta. chasers and ,o rders WCl'e taker , O,~... :-,pen QQrDlval at Lytll' Hall, T ursday mh.... t d f' I ~ C ". h ,..10. 'U A· R'd ( A niv~rsary, Sunday, October 24, at ted to seek these lump-sum pay. ' .......", of t.hl· n'ck. J. .e ~JTS an . tn , a aco\lnt OJ. .' W.,le ar to b fillc(l as ,r apid'" ",.l(r$. nna J ge, flee nna '11 " • u ~1 B 11 M .... S . ) f Oh' III ,,-- b their home north ' of We.ynesvl e. evenJ 1.6"". AII'ce lark spen t Fn'day C. Beckett, admm18tmtor de boms '1\ the n ew nl del c!Jme off the " "I' S I ' Omml!l unne, rs . .I."'IIel weet 0 ........ eend Their two daughters, Mrs. lrma ments be-f~ rc ,th end of 1937 till . .,. < 9 II B II l\~ d 'OK Rb d . 't' Miss Eleago, H Igh in Da....nn. non of the estate of Su" n J, aSllc mbly line. Ie unne , ... r. an ml·S. 0 es VISI Jng roma e wayan must do so although the year is Z"" 8 d d ' Bunnell of Way esvill' .1 'Mitotb~ fl'iend '. Wilson, of Centerville, and Mrs. nearing its e nd. Any person who ....... tt Early returned from rown, ecease. h. Badgley hn H fine show , . n ,~ , an~ . " d M G B 11 f ' Ce Lola Penewit of Spring Valley and Ev"." Mraml Valley Hospital, Friday, The first and final account of room at Spring all y giving hlk an . ri>. eo~'ge unn'2 0 nMr. and Mrs. HaNld Osborn, seven gi-andchildren were present has been employed in an OCCUplV tion included in the Social Security wh re he had been a patient f'O't Cali ta Spencer, adminisraidx of of th.ill area an opjlortunit~T to pur- tel'vlI~ we~e I,n attendance at the Miss Jean Furnas ondl\lr. Howard with other g'UeBts. several days the result of having the estate of Everet Spenc~l' de· chase the e fine automobi les and weddmg of MISS Margaret Larone d!isaeldine were pl'eBent at the MI1I. Nina Hartsock is in th co"e ragte is «ttitl d to a lumphi tonsils ~emoved. ceased. se ure servic right h I'e at home. Bunnell of 448 W. Hud.<;on 'Avenue Clay Bird Shoot Suntlay at Day- General HospitllJ, at Middletown, sum payment if he has Teached the The first and final account of Dayton and Mr. Eugtene L. Mar- ton and lunched with fTiends in age of 65 this year." Mr. Minnich fOr treatment. Mrs. ' Amy Bailey and Mrs. Ar. ' f ndt'!oed. lene Jones attended the Homa Frank Wilson, executor of the es- defendant and admini. lrat.. ir of tin 0 Greenville on Satul'dBY, the evening. Demotll h'ation meeting In Leban- tate of Elias Huffntan, deceased. the e tate of Tnl'l E. Ertel, dec.eas- 0 . tober, 23rd at a:330, at the hom,.. Mrs. C. M. B;z-own and son For- FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST "Empoy-ers ,m ay flUe elaima in on, Thursday. The inventory in the estate 01 ed. ' of the bri~'s .mother. et\t Brown a.n<\ family of Dayton b hnlf of these workers tor whom W. C. Smith, Mlni$ter no further ~o ntributions are to be Mrs. Martha Hough. .of Wayn*" Annie Hamilton, deceased was apTh e schedule of d ebks w 5 ap11k a nd Ml·S. W. E. St'. John called on Alpert Cleaver and fam~ Sunday: made under the Federal Old-Age ville spent the week.end end eev- proved. ' proved in the e. tate of JOlleph Ver SPl.'ot unuay with llr. and Mrs. By Sunday afternoon. Bible Scliool 9 :30 A. M. in urance Plan, once such employeral days this week with Mr. and Arthur D. Kollmeyer, guardian bl'yke deceased. I Dan Adams of ·Dayton.. Mr and Mri. Raym~nd BradSermOn 11 :00 A. M. of the estate of Kay Carmen Koll· III the ntat~el' of t.hl' estate of Relative and friends called here dock and family, 14'r. and Mrs. reaoh. the ,a ge of 65 years. Mrs. Allen Emrick. Sermon Subject, "Temperanc.e" foe Mrs. Walter Kenrick bas been meyer, a mnnor filed his inventory Fmnk B. P ost, de us d, funeral for tbe fun ral of Anna E. Shee- Kenneth llough and daUllhter and Tuesday : Th workers a.re entitled to a very ill the past week. of the estate. bill oreier d paid. , han : Mr. and M'rs. William Stroud Bible Study and <:boir practice, lump-sum pa,yment equal to S ~ Mn. Harvey Burnet spl.'nt SatIn the matter of the est ate of George E. Young administl'a.tor MI'. Ad elbert 'MlcMiIlan· of EI· weTe guests at the Masonio Home perce nt of the wages they have re7:80 'P. M. urday with her sister, Mrs. H. E. Eva Hornell, deceased, uthority de bonis non of the 'estate of C. kin st. Virginia spent 1 t at Springfield, 0., Sunday. received whl16 w.orking this ~ Hathaway in Waynesvile: was granted Anna D. Hornell ad- ()onover iii d his aifiuavit in lieu I week With hlS father, :Mr. Joe McMrs. Glen Bland of Springboro, SOCIAL SECURITY BOARD in occupations covered by the So· z.n:s. MaTY Ca~O[ly was a guest ministratrix, to ithdraw $~OO.OO of ac.count. Millan. Mr. Adelbert McMjllan and Mrs. JO'h n Settlemeyer of 404 Secoad Nati_al Baak Blda:. cial Secority Act. of the NeW' Century Club, which from the Mutual Home and Sav- 'i' he wilJ of Anne E, heehan was sp~nt the week before in vurious Oregonia are attending The EastHamiltoa, Ohio In the Clevel"nd region, which met at the home of her daughter, ings Association of Dayton. filed in probate. pom .in Oalifornia. Jl[e travelled ern Star Convention ~t Cleveland Many persons in Butl r, Warren, includes th bltes of Ohdo, llicbMI1I. W. F. Clark, in Waynesville, Distribution in kind ordered in l'be scbed ule of d bts was ap· by plane. , this week. Clinton. and Fayette Oountiew who igan and. Kentucky, upwardB of Friday. the estate of Belle Lewts, dei:eas- proved in the e ta,tc of Clara B. Ml'S. T. S. Hal'diu wbo has b een The Ladies Aid Society met are entitled to lump-sum payments 14000 claims have been flIed ·so fat: . Little Bobby Morgan spent the ed. ' . . Pier on, deceased. visiting with relatives and friends Wednesday afternoon, October 27 un.d er the Boc~l security act have 1in contratlt with a total of more week-end with his uncle and aunt, The ~Jll o~. SylVc8t~r TJl~on, deIn the matt l' of lh ettlement at FnlnlQuth, Ky., Teturned home with Mrs. IMklrt aBird. failed to claim the nlone.y due than 35.00$ expeeted this year. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Williams, in. cea ed was filed and admItted to oJ the estat of Beason Perry T.ucsday. She l'eports her 'homeBat'bara Lou Bland of Spring-Lebanon. . pTobate. Ethel Blair was appoint. Blail:, d ceased, it is orilered that folks well and therefore an enjoY- boro is spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. HarveY' BU11let at- ed executr* of the estate-. Fred O. .a. certifi y copy of the entry de- a~le trip thl'oughout the entire h~r grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. ... tended the dinner club Saturdav James, Charles JOMaon and termining the inheritauce tax b e tIme. C. St. John. I~ evening, at the home ;f Dr. and Charl~8 Williams were appointed paid , be certiried to, the county , Clint Clark ,iIld family are movMr and Mrs. Benjamin Jon~s, Mrs. H. E. Hathaway in Wayne.. appraI,ers of the estate. Quditor. 109 from the Ross fLartsock p-ro- IlP nt Monday in Cincinnati. STOP, READ. THEN MEDITATE ON THE: Charles poppe, testamentaTY Elva May Runyan admin istra- perty to the Oakley UngLe6bee Miss Alice Campbell ~me of the ville. FOLLOWING PRICES Mrs. Allen Emrick and :Mra. 3. trustee of the estate of Gustave ti:'ix of D Vou Runyan, deceased, property on Mlain ' l!tre,et. teachers .at tbe Krad~ building i8 New Corn Meal lb. 4c B. Jones were Dayton visitor., Poppe, dNeased" filed his supple· filed her first and final ~Count. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Collett at- teaclring again /lfter her rec.ent Prun' e s, 3 ibs. 26c 60-60 Thul1lday. ment to tenth. acount. W. W. W.hiteker, administrator tended the ~dding of Miss Jean illness'. 25c 3-40 Prunes, 2 lbs. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Binegar, ~he inventory in the estate oC of the state 0:£ John Mahon, de- B nhaln and Mr. Dalrrell French Miss Lucy Emley was the din· Cranberries, qt. 15c of Sprincfield, were Sunday after. Jenle G. Kratzer, deeea ed, was cea~ed, filed his inventory. Saturday at the :Presbyterian ner guest ,of Miss Martha Cook on noon guest. of Mr. and. MIra. Wel- a.pproved. Grace V idt, administratrix of church at Wilmington. Monday. • Navy Beans, lb. 5c tel' Kenrick. Helen S. Ro-binson Harvey, ilI ar the e tate of Albert G. Veidt, deGene Collett entertained· sever· Mr. W. E . O'Neell and son Hugh 250 6 Boxes Diamond Matches Mrs. Agnes Swank and two chil- dian of Charles Alfred Robinson, ceased filed his application fol' a aJ of his friends with n Hallowe'en of Jacksonville, Florida have been 25c 10 lb. Bag Onions dren have lI'iOved from Da~on, minor filed her fiTSt /1~CO~~ _ certificate f transfer of real es- ~artYGon Tuesday eyen.mg, ~ctobE)r the pests of iMA'. and Mrs., L. M. New Florida Oranges, doz. SOc with her parent., Mr. and MH . E. Claude Heath filed hls applica· tate. 6. ames were pIayed and re- Henderson. Bert O'NeBll joined Oysters, pt. 25c tion for a:ppo~ntm;ent of a guardHenry;t. Berrodin is dl-missed fre hments W 1'e ser'ved. to the them over the week end. B. Loneacre, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burnet ian in the e8tate of Grace K. from the case <of Fred Sturges, ex. folks. , Mrs. Mary C. Croll9 entertained Small Oyster . ,Qr~ckers, lb. 15c weN entertained to Sunday din- lieath and Mary L. Heath minorS'. ecutor of the estate of Anna J. , Mrs.. Emma Ba:rnett~ entertained lit dinner on Monday ilvening the O'Brien Flour, 24 lb. Sack . SSc ner at t he home of Mr. and Mra. Emma Steward, administr'a'trlr Sturges, decea ed vs. ' Elizabeth at dinner Monday, Mrs. C. S. following ladiCfi, Mrs. F. U. LeEnglish Walnuts, ~ew Crop, lb. 20c Dewey Roberts, at Lewisburg. of the estate of Lewis S. Steward Shepard, ~t 81. Ridge of Chicago and lMliss 'Emma May, Mrs. L. M. H~rioerson and 33-4 lb. P. K. Pan Cake Flour 2Sc Mrs. Ada Chenoweth of Center- filed her inventory. The inventory in he estate of lleighwa,y. Mrs. W. E. O'Neall of Jacksonville Famo Pan Cake Flour, 5 lb. 29c The will of Alice Welch de- Frank B. Post, deee ed was apE. V. ~8rnhart was called to Florida ville was en over-night guest, Sunday, of Mrs. Alice CIuk, and is ceased was admitted to prob~te. proved. incinnati Monday . Ol~ account of Mr. and MI1I. Carmon Crane Economy Coffee, lb. . 16c C. Donald DBatush, admini tra. The inventory in the estate Q.f the death, of a frie nd. have moved into the Vandervoort spending this week with MI1I. Meta 5c Knox Jell ~r8. to!' of the estate of Louis M, Er- Teutqnia Opes, deceased W4)S p Mrs. C-. S. Ridge iOj' Chicago en- prope-rty on North St. Th~\ best money can buy, High Grade Coffee lb. 29c 'Mfr. and MI'IL E. B. Longacre tel, deceased, VII. ;Earl E. Ertle, proved. ' . I tertain~d, Tuesda,. _It th& Little Mr. and Mrs. L. C. St. John WINDOW GLASS i TRY US spent Saturday afternoon and eve. et at, Mable B. Ertel is made a The state 0:£ Jl,[a'ml Earnhart, Inn, MISS Emma Rellghway, Mrs. expect to m~ve into too borne of PRICES GOOD UNTIL NOVEMBER 4 ning in Dayton. deceased is , exempt fl'om inheri- Emma Barnett, 'M!rs, Sadie Oole-- the late Richard Cross. Mt'. a.nd Mrs. Allen Emrick and J~hl)s; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Johns tanee tax. , Illan and sevenl ~'riendll from Mrs. Carl Parks, of Younl8toW1l Out' line for Thanksgiving will be full witli gU(!6t,~Mr,s, Martha. Hough, attend- .and family; Mr. and Mrs. Allen Th e eljtate ot Ora Gustin, deo- CincinnatI. I \ Ohio, came to attend the funeNl real values. th~ Golden, Wedding anniver- Emrick; Mrs. MArgaret ..tOhM; ceased , is C!J(em pn from inhel'itance Mr. and Mrs. Roniu.d Hawke Jtad of her aunt, Mrs. Anna Sheehan. aary ' of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Corn- Mr. and Mr!!. Earl Thoma and Mr. ' tax. !!!!'!!!!!'!~!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!! illl, near Ferry, Sunday a1ter- and Mrs. E. B. Longacre. In the estate of Frank A, Pense, SPRING VALLEY, O. noon. Mr. and 1Mlrs Fred Rush enter- deceRsed, the executors aTe to sell • •••••••••••••• ••• ••••••••• HI •••••••••••• Mr. and 'Mrs. Donald H.a41ey tained to a house .and Hallowe'en certain Pl'Op rty at private sale. If quality aooct., realonable pricea, and coa.... and little daughter spent Sunda.y party over the W'eek-end. Those Hearing set for schedule of debt teov I lervice are what you want, TRY ,wtb relatives at Wilmington. w'bo enjoyed the occasion were: in the estate of Dena T, FOllter Mr. and MH . Jamel Johns uad Mr. and Mr!!. L. A. Barger, Miss deceased, Ralph Johns were called to Day- ROIIelyn Barger and Mr. Dickie ,The ,,·ill of Martha J. ~1ilten tOn, Thursday ev.enfng by the aer~ Barge-r cf Washington C. H.; Mr. berger, deceased, was filed in proio08 illneas and death of the. form- and Mrs. Glenn Boots ani! two bate. , er'. brother, 'Harry ;John II. Mr. children, of Akron; Mrs. Gladys • I. Joh~8 was a fOrnle-r resident of Williams, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Ru h DINNER AT GRANGT HALL SPRING VAU.EY this community end: the. family Mr. a~d MI1I. J. W. Rush, of DayThe Ladi~ Aid will aerYe di_ bal the sympathy of many friend8 ton; and ~. and Mrs. Ra lph BarElectioll ' at Cran,. HeIt, bere. ThOBe wbo attended the fun- g~r and two ~hildr~n of Lytle. eral at Dayton and burial at Gen- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!.:~~!!!!'!~~!!!!!!!!!!!'!~!'!!!!!I!!!!!'!!!!!'!~~~~!!!!!!!!!t terville. were:, Mr. and 1rt'ra. Jame8 ~!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
, ..........•.•. .... ...••...•....•..•..........
Pays To Invest.aate
,Barker's Drug :Stor:e
YOU'VE HEARD ABOUT THE., .I· • OLD FIDDLER'S OONTEST. AIRiley Freeze family and .then, a.t Springboro High 8ehool Gym, Friday Oct. 22. Admiaion 10c and 26c. Up.
WANTED-Mid~~aged ladY for
~paDi1m . GOod home, one in famU,. Miss FBe Kelley, Box 24 Harveysburg, Ohio. 2tp
WANTED-A girl for housework. lin. Fordyce, Ferry. SALE I Choice Keifer pean. cents per buabeL Locat6d • Jaile lOUth-west of L,u. on Dr• .H I'IDMl Farm-Chas. Bopll. • . 10.28p'
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1ft ......
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P. D. No.
beard ' abou'
Motorola car rad10 - em ' , experts will teU you 1" Amerlc«. Fln..L Now y c. . cab baM that ICIIILe auperi , .
Busilless of Banksin general, and your bank is ~o exception, to JDd:e loanl. Banks desire to make loans. This bank desires to make loans ' to resPlorisible peliSons and b\isinesses of ,t his cornm~[lity, but , \
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Banks, Like IndividuaIa ~D R :~Qfe'.
IIodel 5-Y_ de han com·
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" '1seek to be considered ~trong and healthy. ( , Your bank can be cooaidered to be of this ~'" J type only 80 long as . . loans and investments are of the kind that will produce a reasonable 1ncome and will be paid 4n a reasonable length of ti:me. (
Spring Valley Natioul Baak .-..,... ~ VALLEY, OHIO
BEAT INSIDt DAMP COLD OUT Don't try to "get through" this winter with a worn, leaky roof. It will actu.lly pay yoq to replace that roof now. before witBer sets in. Not only will a new roof protect your home from the ext~ chili of damplless, but a new roof will provide extra ln~ 8ulation against excessive winter cold •
·Complete Roo,..... for !-verl . RequiremeDt ASPHALT ROUS AlBUTOS
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